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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Corriente, F. (Federico), 1940-. A dictionary of Andalusi Arabic I by F. Corriente. p. cm. - (Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung, Der Nahe und Mitdere Osten, ISSN 0169-9423 ; 29. Bd. = Handbook of oriental studies. The Near and Middle East) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 9004098461 (alk. paper) 1. Arabic language-Dialects-Spain-Andalusia-Dictionaries. 2. Arabic language-Dictionaries-English I. Title. II. Series: Handbuch der Orientalistik. Erste Abteilung, Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten 29. Bd., PJ6756.C67 1997 492.7'0946'8-dc21 96-52434 CIP Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-EinheitsaufuahIIle Handbuch der Orientalistik / hrsg. von B. Spuler unter Mitarb. von C. van Dijk... - Leiden ; New York ; Kaln : Brill. Teilw. hrsg. von H. Altenmiiller. - Literaturangaben. - Teilw. hrsg. von B. Spuler. - Teilw. mit Parallelt.: Handbook of oriental studies
Abt. I, Der Nahe und Mitdere Osten - The Near and Middle East / hrsg. von H Altenmiiller ... NE: Spuler, Berthold [Hrsg.]; Altenmiiller, Hartwig [Hrsg.]; Handbook of oriental studies
Bd. 29. Corriente, Federico: A dictionary of Andalusi Arabic. - 1997 Corriente, Federico: A dictionary of Andalusi Arabic / by F. Corriente. - Leiden ; New York Kaln : Brill, 1997 (Handbuch der Orientalistik : Abt. I, Der Nahe und Mittlere Osten ; Bd. 29 ISBN 90-04-09846-1
ISSN 0169-9423 ISBN 90 04 09846 1 © Copyright 1997 by Koninklijke Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands
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CONTENTS Contents ........................................................................................................................... vii Foreword .... ......... ......... ....... .......... ..... .... ..... .... ........ ....... .... ......... ......... ............... ..... ....... ix List of main sources and their abbreviations .......................................................................... xiii Basic bibliographical sources ............................................................................................. xviii Language siglle and other abbreviations ..............................................................................
Dictionary /'/ - /y/ ........................................................................................................... . Indices ............................................................................................................................. 581
A DICTIONARY OF ANDALUSI ARABIC FOREWORD Until comparatively recent years very little was known about Andalusi Arabic, which is rather surprising, consid~ing that a host of people claimed to be experts at it. In fact, it was usually misnamed Spanish-Arabic, Hispano-Arabic and the like, due to a widespread though mistaken opinion upheld by some very tradition-bound and nationalistic Spanish Arabic scholars and accepted by some of their Western colleagues, according to which Alandalus would have been just a mere chapter of the history of Spain and the Andalusis (rather than Andalusians, a term which should be used only to refer to the contemporary natives of Andalusia in southern Spain) were reduced to the status of mere Spaniards who had been superficially islamicized and arabicized. Needless to say, such an anachronic view not only ignores the geographical and historical fact of the emergence of Portugal in a sizeable area of what was once Alandalus, but is equally unfair to the Andalusis who, in spite of their mixed although overwhelmingly Hispanic ancestry, had acquired an altogether different cultural, ideological, historical and, to a certain extent, ethnical identity, for whatever this latter might be worth. The Andalusis would never have accepted the label of 'Spanish' or 'Hispanic' since they considered themselves primarily as Muslims vis-a-vis any other religious community and, secondly, had a clear awareness of their separate national identity as sons of their country, Alandalus, and as such felt different in some ways from North African or Eastern Muslims. It goes without saying that this does not apply to the Christian and Jewish minorities, being separate entities, different in principle and simultaneously from their fellow-countrymen in Alandalus as well as from their correligionaries in the Northern Christian states. Of course, this is hardly the place to discuss such an issue, if indeed it should be discussed at all in any scholarly forum. The only reason we have raised this question here and now is that, in our view, such a biased concept of Alandalus has led, among other undesirable consequences, to a serious neglect of the study of several aspects of a brilliant and variegated culture that spans a relatively long period and, more specifically, of its language. It is true that the achievements of the Andalusis in the fields of Classical language and literature have long since attracted the attention of scholars, both Arabs and Westerners; however, it is no less obvious that the vernacular speech of those people, the Andalusi dialect bundle, did not meet with the same luck because Arab scholars, with a few notable exceptions, regarded it as just another dialect, while their Western colleagues concerned themselves with tracing the interferences between Romance and Andalusi and with identifying its most salient divergent traits from North African Arabic, never thinking it worthwhile to undertake a separate and rigorous synchronical description of this language. The proof of this assertion is that, until 1977 when our Sketch was issued, anybody interested in learning Andalusi Arabic could find information only about its phonetics in A. Steiger's bookl or, if he wanted a comprehensive and necessarily briefer look into the matter, he could read the few pages devoted to this topic by the late and most knowlegeable G. S. Colin 2. The situation, however, has improved considerably since then, as is reflected in the current bibliographies, and we feel that, after
Contribucion a la fone/ica del hispanoarab~ y de los arabismos del iberorromanico y eI siciliano, Madrid 1932. Symptomatically enough. this book has been recently reprinted, over half a century later, without any updating notes.
2 In the few pages devoted
to "L' arabe hispanique'· in the entry "AI-Andalus·· of Encyclopaedia of Islam 2 , I, 516-9. This entry constitutes a good piece of scholarship, but did not and could not lay any claim to comprehensi veness or permanent validity.
x the editing and re-editing of so many texts and the clarification of most grammatical points, the time has come to produce a dictionary of both usage and etyma of this dialect bundle. The sources of this dictionary, as reflected by the list attached, are manifold and belong to kindred types, namely: a) Manuscript or edited sources in Arabic script, such as azjal and other kinds of dialectal poetry, proverb collections, personal and business letters, legal deeds and contracts drawn up in mixed register, low register literary works, xarajat, lexica into or from Latin, data provided by the authors of so-called treatises on la1!n al'amma (lit., the popular infracorrect speech, in fact everybody's middle or low registers), dialectal words contained in scientific treatises in the realms of botanical and agricultural sciences, pharmacy, medicine, etc., and even Western dictionaries such as Dozy's Supplement aux dictionnaires arabes. We have attempted to be exhaustive in our critical perusal and exploitation of all these materials, although, of course, not all of them, in spite of our efforts, can be guaranteed as having been properly edited or as being without risk of error. We must suggest caution, most particularly, in accepting the spellings and identifications given for plant names, very often insecure, as the scientific Latin names occasionally attributed to them by some scholars and normally constituting the only basis for their rendering into modern languages, merely rest on these scholars' interpretations of the descriptions offered by Medieval botanists, which are not always absolutely clear or reliable, as they themselves often avowed. b) Manuscript or edited sources in Latin script, such as Arabic quotes from Medieval Christian literature, Arabic loanwords into Romance, place and personal names of Arabic origin such those found in the Repartimientos, i.e., land distribution deeds by the conquerors of former Muslim territories. These sources only play a minor role in the present work, since they are generally speaking quite insufficiently developed and very seldom really trustworthy. Andalusi ludreo-Arabic sources in Hebrew script have not generally been included, as they are peculiar in several ways and may reflect a separate social idiolect, for which the comprehensive ludreoArabic dictionary being composed by 1. Blau and near completion will offer a more appropriate setting. We have, however, not excluded entries of that kind reflected by Dozy's Supplement and have exceptionally included some interesting additions from the late Granadian author S'adylih ben Danlin. The layout of the entries in this dictionary is as follows: 1) Root morphemes (in bold capitals between braces and preceded by an asterisk) are arranged after the Arabic alphabetical order, i.e., in our transliteration system, " B, T, 1>, J, ." X, D, D, R, Z, S, S, ~, Q, T,t?, " G, F, Q, K, L, M, N, H, W, Y, with the addition in items of Romance stock of P, C, G, l.and tl which, however, are listed in the positions of B, J, Q, Land N respectivelyl. Only consonants are taken into account, except in the case of morphemically unassimilated words of non-Arabic stock with less than three consonants and of Arabic items of difficult attribution to a root morpheme, such as some pronouns and adverbs, where graphically long vowels arc reckoned as " W or Y. As far as possible, we have tried to enter every word under the Classical Arabic root from which it derives but, when this would have been synchronically misleading, we have listed the items according to their dialectal root and provided the necessary cross-references. "Deaf" or geminated roots are entered as triconsonatical and so are most triconsonatical roots extended by inclusion of /w/ or /y/. 2) The Andalusi Arabic lexemes come next, after a colon, preceded by the source-identifying initials, without indication of page, line or item in the case of properly indexed sources, such as previously published dictionaries, but otherwise provided with one, including those cases where an edited source is to be emended or completed. In the case of sources including more or less complete paradigms of, e.g., nouns and verbs, we have listed them all after the original arrangement, it being easy for any person conversant with Arabic grammar to recognize perfective, imperfective, ma~dar, participles, nouns of intensity and adjectives, as well as governed prepositions or suffixes. However, in
II is well-known that such marginal phonemes were not always and everywhere a part of all Andalusis' idiolectal phonemic bases, but were subject to replacement by /b/, /j/, /q/, /Iy - yl/ and /ny - yn/ respectively.
the case of feminines, duals and plurals we introduce them with the abbreviations t, 11 and + respectively. Allomorphs within one and the same paradigm are separated by a slant, optional paradigms by &, optional spellings by = , and members of one and the same paradigm by - , although this sign is also used in order to introduce slightly different idioms. As usual in linguistic works, round brackets contain optional segments, but we have preferred square brackets for this purpose in the case of text already bracketed after the conventional usage. Only exceptionally, and in cases of doubt have we provided phonemic transcriptions between slants and phonetic transcription between square brackets, both in normal type, according to standard linguistic convention. English is printed in normal type, Andalusi Arabic and cross-references to other root morphemes in lower case bold type, Standard Arabic and other languages in italics, transcribed into the Latin alphabet when they have another script, with the exception of Greek, which is kept in its own script. Etyma are also enclosed between round brackets. 3) We have preferred a standardized Latin transliteration system not only for typographical reasons, since mixing alphabets running in opposite directions is not even now entirely devoid of technical difficulties, particularly when diacritical marks must be added to both of them, but also in order to make our work readily available to non-Arabists, most particularly Romance scholars and general dialectologists. Of all the possible solutions, we have chosen a standardized graphemic transliteration of the original Arabic spelling only slightly modified by dropping initial hamza, phonemically representing the assimilation of lam in the definite article and the loss of its alit, preservation or addition of an entirely idle grapheme >h< in words abutting on unvocalized ta' marbiU.ah, general preservation or restoration of long vowel graphemes where this had no phonemic relevance, and other minor and obviously motivated deviations from that principle. As for a phonemic interpretation of such transliterations, we consider that the data provided in the representation of root morphemes, where consonants are matched with their phonemic values, and the rules set out in our previous descriptions of Andalusi Arabic for the position of stress in the diverse types of words should suffice to produce a phonemic equivalent of each word. Attention should be paid to the fact that, in order to increase the readability of materials, we have provided vowels which were absent in the sources when their restitution was absolutely safe: otherwise lind when necessary, we have used dots in their place. Of course, Arabic materials already originally in Latin script have been reproduced as faithfully as possible, as in the case of Alcala's work'. Verbs and verbal phrases are rendered by infinitives whenever possible, and idioms are generally rendered as they should be when extracted from their narrow context. In the rare cases where unassimilaled Romance words are quoted, their presence is highlighted by the use of upper case. 4) This dictionary aims at offering only those items that constituted the lexicon of Andalusi Arabic, i.e., the middle and low registers of the Arabic language as used in Alandalus. It is obvious that some high register items are highly suspected of having occasionally crept into lower registers without really acquiring that full-fledged status, but we have nOl deemed it advisable to exclude them from our corpus, and the same applies to many, although not all, plant names found in the works of Andalusi authors, who often identify them as belonging to Hispanic Romance dialects (Southern, commonly misnamed Mozarabic, or other), or even to Berber, Persian, Aramaic, Latin, Greek or Eastern Arabic, as we can never be absolutely sure that those words did not become a marginal part of the lexicon of some Andalusis' idiolects. 4) Further necessary or interesting information is found in footnotes.
Notice. however. that the 'ayn grapheme written above vowels in this author and in the Valencian Doctrina Christiana has been converted into a circumflex. Likewise. the trebly dotted >f.< used by Alcahi for our" has been represented by >e: VA nat'abbat at'abbat ta'abbut k to carry under one's arm II IQ ibt V A ibt & yabt + abat / aybiit AL ibt + aibat GL ibtun tI ibtani (hr.) armpit, underarm I AL iiaraq al i. smell of the armpit. ·{'BT(S)}: MT abbat abbot II abatisah + at . abbess « L ab'bat[ em] < G &1313ii < Ar abba "father"). ·{'BTNN}: OS 'bwtiiniin bitumen (perhaps corrupted from L bitumen). ·{'PGLSN}: BM 'bwglwssun double or horse
'briqanuh as equivalent of ,a'tar in GB 2 seems lo be a mislake or ulLracorreclion for iiriganh, q.v.
2 With a var. 'bzym prob. incorrect.
However, in {brnj) DS favours its identification with the black myrobalan (Terminalia chebula), while Bedevian identifies baranq or biring as embelia (Embelia ribes).
'PFNY-'BYO tongue (Ruscus hypoglossum, bot.; < G \lIto'Yi..ooaaov). *{'PFNY}: SG 'bfanyh Epiphany (reI.; < L epiphiinia < G eltUpaV&la). *{'BFYS}: BM ibbiifayis hippophaiston (Euphorbia spinosa, bot.; < G lltltoq>a&~). *{'BQ}: V A yabaq abaq ibaq(ah) abiq + in to flee 0 GL abiqun (hr.) runaway, fugitive. *{,PQLPSN}: SG abuqlbsyn Apocalypse (reI.; < L iipociily psis < G altOlcai..Oljll~). *{'BL} I: VA ibil camels (same meaning most likely for AL ibil. and not "two-humped camel") DOS tayr ababil hoopoe 1. S. {r'y}. *{'BL} II: OS ubullah pressed dried figs. *CB(l-)}: OS uballah / ubiyallah SG ubyallah kaninah fox grape, hound's berry (Solanum nigrum, bot.) 1GB 328 iibiyallah atyatuh O. tlyatu = R *te{tlto "roof"), 326 iibah qaninah & uballah rustiqah GM 19 'bylh rstqh varieties of biting stonecrop (Sed urn acre, bot.; < L uva "grape" most often with the R dim. suffix and followed by the adjectives *kanino "canine" and *fustiko "rural"). *{'BLS}: s. {bls}. *{'PLT}: CP 125,4 'bwlyt Hippolyte (pn.). *CPLNTYN}: VA ablantayin plantain « L plantiigin[em}). *{'BLY}: OS 'blayah open beach « R *playa < LI plagia < G lti..a'Y1a "sides"). *{'BN}: VA ni'abban abbant ta'bin k to make a eulogy (for the dead) II nimayban k to sodomize II yatmayban atmayban to be sodomized II IQ, MT & AC ibban season, time II maybanah passive sodomy II maybiin + in passive sodomite. *{'PtJ}: GB 17 abannah bulbas / bubbas some kind of euphorbia, being a variety of kabwah (q.v.; < R *apa'la bulbas "it mends female pudenda,,)2. *{'BNDS}: CP 179,7 'bwnds Abundius (pn.). *{'BNZ/S}: V A abuniis/z IH yabaniizun GL abaniizun & sajaru 'l'abniiz (hr.) JM 26
ybnwz/s ebony (bot.; < G &f3&vo~). *{'BH}: VA ab(b)uhah glamour. *{'BW}: VA ab 11 abawayn + aba AL eb ebe IH abb GL abun (hr.) father 3 1 IQ abbi my father (gemination required by metre) 1 abak (hr.) your father 1 abii 'Il}alawah father of sweetness (i.e., sweetest person) 1 ZJ 2030 abii futuwwah courageous man 1 AC 317 abiik your father 1970 abiina our father 1584 min abih from his father (hr.) 1 11 abii lfa"ayil} scorned person 1 GL rayisu 'I'aba'i patriarch (hr.) 1 MT al'aba almuqaddasiin the holy fathers 1abhariin, abzakariyya & abzayd, ZJ 135, 1517, 1205, 742, 10 & 503 ab zaytiinah, absulayman, abii abrahim, abiisarayil} & aba sarahil, LO Bohamit. Bolcasin. Bo(h)ay,~r. Bol(h)ay. Borrachet. BlVorreta. (= labul}amid/, labulqasim/, labu aysar/, labul~ayy/, labu raSid/, labul'alM & labu ri4a/), Bodol {prob. */baddul/, a hypocoristic derivation of A abu 'abdaliiih), BIV olala. Paliu(ix)x = Palux (= Iballus/, a hypocoristic derivation of A abu l'ays) pns. II IQ & V A ubuwwah fatherhood UIQ abn I ban ubay pn. S. Can}, Csl}q}, {brqs}, {bkr}, {tis}, {jbh}, {jl}r} III, {jdd}, {j'r}, {j'fr}, {l}bs}, {l}sn}, {l}f~}, {l}km}, {l}lq}, {l}md}, {l}nf}, {xrm}, {xzz}, {x~n, {xtr}, {xlf}, {xyr}, {djn}, {drhm}, {dns}, {r's}, {rb'} {rl}m}, {rkrk}, {rys}, hr'}, {zkr} II, {zyd}, {stt}, {srr} I, {s'd}, {sbh}, {sdd}, {srl}}, {Srsn}, {sqsq}, {slwb}, {~bg}, {"fr}, {tlb}, {tyb}, {'bd}, {'sr}, {'~y}, {'mr}, {'ys}, {'yn}, {glb}, {ftl}}, {fss}, {f"n, {qbs}, {qtn, {qrn}, {qsm}, {qls(n)}, {kwr}, {mrr}, {mll}}, {mlk} I, {ns'}, {n~r}, {nwr}, {hrn}, {hlf}, {wr"}, {wid} & {ysn}, *{'BY}: V A Aba abayt ibayah abi + in 'an ZJ 1861 & 1493 abat yabah to refuse 1 GL abi I refuse (hr.) 1abayatun refusal (ic.). *{'BYD}: AL Oviedo Oviedo (geo.).
Such meaning for the unid. birds mentioned in Koran 105. 3 can only be explained on Hispanic soil by contamination with R, viz. Cs abubilla (s. {bbp)).
2 The varianl bubbai is nOl, as Asin thought, a would-be euphemistic ·pupal ·sores·,
< L ·puppa, but is simply an allernalive pronuncialion of lhe same word, from L vulva (s. {bIb} for the Aa use of this word), with of len allesled loss of III, exaclly as in ·bo(l)pellna < ·vulpecula (s. {bbcn)).
3 Hr. only: lhe slandard Aa word was wild: s. AL 1.
·{'BYL}: AL avili + in from Aviles (geo.). ·{'PYN}: os abiyiin anise (very doubtful identification, as its supposed G etymon «mov only means "pear" or "a kind of euphorbia"). ·{'TRJ}: GM utrujj GL atruj(j)un citrons 1 (Citrus medica var. cedrata, bot.; hr. for standard hrnj}, q.v.) II BM (baqlah) utrujjiyyah lemon-balm (Melissa officina lis, bot.). ·{'TRNT}: AL Otrcmto Otranto (geo.). ·{'TM}: AA 1, 8 & 9 'tam furthermore « Litem widely used in Rand prob. unassimilated). ·{'TN}: VA & GL atiin she-ass. ·{'T/I>N} II: BM 'wtnnii & 'wIJwnii juice of some plants like the red horned poppy, celandine, pimpernel, etc. « G o90vva). ·{'TNSJ: OS a!iiniisiyii a certain panacea « G a9avaata). ·{'TY}: VA niiti atayt ityiin iiti miiti k to come; to copulate with I AL nt€ti eteit eti to come I AC 804g ate he came I 62 yiiti lalgiriin it comes to the caves I 1289 yiitih it comes to him I 401 & GL iitin coming (hr.) I ati min ba'du I shall come afterwards (sr.) I atiilayhi (sic) he came to him I IQ 126/4/4 atiik bi he brought to you I ZJ 353 yiiti balarziiq He brings sustenance I utiya 'alayya (hr.) I am ruined I IA yiitii 'alik (hr.) you are ruined II VA niwatti & niwiiti muwiitiih k to agree II niiti iitayt itii miiti k to give II yat'atta at'atta ta'alti muta'alti Ii to be possible II yatwatta atwatta tawatti mutawatti + in rna' to be in agreement with II yatwiitaw atwiitaw to come to an agreement II AL ytien coming, arrival II + in future II GL muwiit suitable (I. muwiitin ic.). S. {twy}. .{'I>I>}: VA aIJiiIJ GL aIJiiIJun (hr.) JM 31 iiIJiiIJ furniture. ·{'I>R}: VA ni'aIJIJar k to print in colour I n. tiiIJir k I fi to leave a trace or imprint II niiIJir iiIJart iIJiir miiIJir miiIJar k 'ala to prefer I GL aIJiru I favour (ic.) II VA yat'aIJIJar to be printed in colour I nat'aIJIJar attiiIJIJart ta'aIJIJur muta'aIJIJir bi I min Iii to be affected by II IQ aIJar +
iiIJiir VA aIJar + liIJlir I u)lur AL aear oeor GL '(i»)lrun (hr.) trace, vestige I a. aljur\.l scar, mark of a wound I IQ bala)lar ID wtm 'la 'l')lr at once I XA ar6 nameJi 'ala la)lar I follow the steps I GL a)lruhu his trace I AC 899g aiaru the effect of I 1146 fi aIJru after him I 1077 & 110 r(I) aIJrak after you I IZ 1/2/4 \.llizat al'u)lrah she achieved excellence II IQ a)lir GL a)lirun favourite (hr.) II IQ ma'liIJir glorious deeds. S. {q~~} I, {qtb}, {qr}, {qfw} & {ndb}. ·{'I>L}: TO 135 a)lal tamarisk (Tamarix articulata, bot.) UVA a)liJ + in noble. ·{'I>M}: VA ni'a)lIJam tii)lim k to make s.o. sin; to incriminate II nattii)lIJam ta'aIJIJum to incriminate oneself II IQ iIJam = i)lmi VA iIJm + iiIJiim & ma'IJam + ma'ii)lim GL '(i)IJmun (hr.) + ma'.)lim sin Uli)lim + in & aIJim + in gUilty. .{'I> N}: s. {'TN} II. ·{'I>W}: OS ii)lii diver (zoo.). ·{'I>YB/FS}: BM 'yIJywb/rys prob. a var. of cat thyme (bot.; G ai9lO1tl}: s. {wr!l}. +{,RC/~}: TO 282 arjah SG 'rj/~h common bramble (Rubus fruticosus, bot.; < R *arca, cf. Ct art;a and Cs zarza). +{'RCPRSBTR} & {'RCPRST}: SG 'rj brsbtr MT arjibdt archpriest « L archipresbyter < G aQ'X.tJtQw/3ln&Q)3. S. {'rcqs}. +{'RJBST}: OS 'rju bust unid. plant (explained as yrbh nykh equally unknown, perhaps bnkh). +{'RCBLT}: TO 298 OS arjuballituh (I. *urajja
Prob. to read ·uClnah, cf. Ea widnah. But there are problems of identification as Bedevian and Gilib do not agree with each other.
2 But all these spellings and some others like 'r!yn and 'wtkn may be mistakes for {'znkn}, q.v.
3 There are instances of arsibraSt and arsibrast as well, due of half-translation to A, namely, arjiqiss.
to scribal errors or to interference by Cs, and one case
ballita mandrake (Mandragora officinarum, bot.; < R *oreca bellita "large ear"I). ·{'RC/SDYQN}: MT arjidiyaqun SG 'rsdyaqn archdeacon « L archidiaconus < G aQ/C.l8l arl;)stil", transmilled through R, and has
5 This identification is based upon UT 801 where, among other listed synonyms, we find G O&Qupov. As for the
etymon of this word from L arce(t) mentes = A mliqil" l'arwiii! "mind boggIer", given by Andalusi botanists, it is obviously forged by some people with a smauering of L, most likely Mozarab priests.
yaraq(anJ < P reflected by F yare). *{'RQ} III: UT 162 'riiqah roquette (Eruca sativa, bot.; < L erika). *{'RQ} IV: MT al'.rqi pn. (from Arcos?). *{'RQS}: BM iiriiqiis a kind of vetch (Latyrus amphicarpus, bot.; < G aQa 'Yo~). *{,SBT}: IH & FJ isblitah tiller « L spatha, which in LJ, among other things, meant an oar used as a rudder). *{,SPQTKLS}: SG 'spqtlikliis entertainments «
R *espektakulos). *{'SBL}: AL Ysabel Elizabeth (late borrowing from Cs). *{'SPLT} I: AL espelta spelt (late borrowing from Cs). *{SPLT} II: AL Es po!eto Spoletto (geo.) I es politi + in from Spoletto (late borrowings from Cs). *{'SPM}: TO 321 'swmh (I. 'sbiimah as suggested by its equivalent ragwat all.tajjlimin, q.v.) sponge « L spuma "foam"). *{'SPN}: AL Espan Espan (mythic ancestor of all Spaniards) II Espana Spain I t;o/tan Espana king of Spain II espanoli + in Spanish (late borrowings from Cs). *{'SPNX}: ZJ 584 asbinlix IH isbinlix AL izpinag spinach (ultimately < P espenax, but the transmission through A of /p/ is unlikely: there is prob. contamination with R, viz. Cs espina "thorn". S. {'sfnx}. *{'ST}: VA ast + astlih IA ast/t anus I ZJ 87, 499, 309, 580, etc. ast/t + astin & isd buttocks, arse I 939 a.stinli our arses I 1133 alastayn arse and genitals. S. {'st} & {Sdd}. *{'STP}: FX 'stbb AL iztipa + iztip rock-rose (Cistus polymorphus, bot.) I TD 139 astab gum-cistus (Cistus ladaniferus, bot.) II MT ma~tabbah place where rock-rose grows « LI stipE pIa). S. {'st/tb(I)}. *{'STBN}: CP 183,7 'stlibn Stephan (pn.). *{'STJ}: GL astijah Ecija. S. {'sj}. *{'STBRQ}: VA istabraq gauze « P stabrag). *{'STXDS}: S. {'stxds}. *{'STD}: IH ustlid IQ ustliil + aslitiil V A ustliil + in / aslitiil / aslitiaah professor I AL uztid + acitid scholar, minstrel II uztida + acitid female minstrel « P awestad or F ostad). *{'STRXY}: UT 353 'strxiyah GB 56 usturxiyli birthwort « L aristOiochia). S. {'rstlxy}. *{'STRLMQ}: SG 'strIiimiqli/a astronomy « L astronomica < G aot(>oVO!1\K~). *{'STRNGL}: AL Estrongel (I. -(1) Stromboli (geo.; late borrowing from Cs). *{'STRY}: AL Azturia Asturias (geo.) II Azturi + in from Asturias (late borrowings from Cs). *{'STFTN}: S. {'fsntn}.
BM 11 63 prefers a pronunciation aziird and reproduces Ibn Albay\iir's assertion that this word belonged to the B dialect of Ifriqiyyah.
-{'STNBD/T}: FA 'stnbii3 IL 69 'stnbiiti and other misspellings such as FA 'stbwn IW I 314,11 'lIsmw some unid. citrus (the same as zanbii,l, q.v.). -{'STY}: DC 12 teFi6d al hbstia you receive communion « L hostla "offering"). -{'STYB}: BM 'styiib preferred over 'stbwn but both are mistaken for {'stnha/t}, q.v. -{'SJ}: IH 248 assijah ZJ 963 issijah AL Ecija Ecija (geo.) II ecigi + in from E. S. {'stj}. -{'SI;IQ}: IQ & VA isJ.1aq MT (abi) isJ.1aq ET Ezhac Isaac, I shaq & Abuzhac & Abnazaq pns. H yi~"aq). -{'SI;IQN}: DS 'sJ.1qan unid. plant2. -{'SD}: IQ asad VA asad + us(ii)d / asad AL aced + veud ZJ 1566 & AC 237 asad GL asad(un) lion I GM 27 asad al'ar4 dwarf laurel (Daphne mezereum, bot., a mistranslation of G X.allalA.&OOV) I AL far~ ! jar6 al a. lion cub I a. muteyeg + veud in crowned lion II aceda + veud lioness. S. {'st}, {J.1ss} I & {kff}. -{'SR} I: VA ni'asar (sic) asart asr masiir k IQ usir (1) to take captive II AL nata ear ataeart to be taken captive II IQ astasar to give o.s. up as prisoner II AL azr ! eerz (I. ezer) AC as/~ar IQ al'asar captivity I asri my captivity II IH bi'isrihi JM 5 b'isrh MT & V A bi'asruh wholly II IQ asir + alusarah V A asir + usara / asra ZJ 174 & 1807 asir + asra AL acir + veara t acira + vearii AC 15 asir captive. S. {dU}o -{'SR} II: SG asaruh = asaruh, q.v. under {'sr} I. S. {'srn}. -{'SR'L}: VA isra'iJ MT '.srayiJ Israeli AC 419 bani israyiJ the Israelites II AL I zraili + in t Izrailia + in Jewish « H yiSra'el). S. {~ndq}. .
-{'SRB}: BM 'srub lead (min.). S. {'srf}. -{'SRBQR}: AL asarrabacar ! assarabacar wild ginger or nard 3. -{'SRS}: BM 'wsirs a kind of goose-foot (Chenopodium scoparia, bot; < G oa\Ql~). -{'SRF}: DS usrul lead (min.; < F osrob < P srub). -{'SRN}: TD 114 asariin asarabacca (Asarum europa:um, bot.; < G aaapov). S. {'sr} II & {'sr} I. -{'SRNJ}: GM 7 usrunj BM 'srinj IW II 346,29 'srnj (prob. 1. isrinj) red lead4. -{'SS}: VA ni'assas tasis k 'ala AL nileJcee eceet ecee to found or lay the foundation II V A yat'assas at'assas to be founded I IQ al'us the basis U IH isas VA a/isas + usus AL aeie + veue GL asasun foundation of a building I lQ al'usiis AC 1635 usiis (the) foundations 5 II talieue being settled II muecie + in founder (prob. < Eg, cC. C eset). -CST}: lQ ast AC 1133 & 445 ast + astIn buttocks, arse « A ist). S. {'st}, {Ird} & {kSf}. -{'STB}: TD 273 ustub = astab, q.v. under {'stb}. -CSTXDS}: DS 'stiixiidu/iis IH '.stiixudus 'stiixiidiis BM 'stiixii3iis (according to him, the only correct form) AL eztuqd6e French lavender (Lavandula strechas, bot.; < G atOlx.a.50~, genitive case of atOlx.a.~). -{'STRS}: DS 'strasah gum of the storax-tree « L st'j!orax < G atupa~, apparently through Ar). -{'STRTQS}: DS 'str atiqiis BM 'stir 'tiqiis sea start-wort (Aster tripoli urn, bot.; < G
aat~p attl1(o~).
-{'STRGLS}: DS 'stragals BM 'stragalu/iis UT
All these forms appear to derive from F das/ anbuy(~) "a species of small melon or apple which is carried in the hand on account of its delightful perfume" (cf. A sammam "melon", liL "flavoured'), or from parallel reflexes extant in IW I 318,14 bstnbwa 323,2 & 508,20 bstnbwn « F bos/an buy "scent of the garden", easily turned into asi/an buy "scent of the palace" or, by substituting bud for the last word, "let it be a garden or a palace").
2 Perhaps a mistake for 'usl)ufiin quoted by the Lisan al'arab from Addinawari. 3 DS says, quoting Ibn Buklaris's Almus/a'ini, that this plant was known in Alandalus as 'srh « L asarum < G aOUl.lOv)
or G /laKKuQl L baccaris). Since, however, its denomination compounded by both words appears to be characteristically Hispanic, one would surmise that this word in AL is a recent borrowing from Cs,
4 Such appears to be the meaning of this word « F seren), although in IW it is given as a synonym of murdasanj, usually rendered as "litharge" and of P stock also.
The form sas in JM 34 appears to be Tunisian and not Aa.
'STRLB-'SQLFNORYN 84 'stragalis1 milk-vetch (Astragalus, bot.;
< L astriigiilus < G o.(JtQa:yaA.O~). +{'STRLB}: V A usturlab + at AL aluzturltib +
. elit astrolabe' « G o.(JtQoA.aJ3o~). +{'STRLXY}: GB astariiliixiya birthwort. S. {'rstlxy}. +{'STFN}: AL /ztifan Stephen « L Stephiinus). +{'STQS}: VA ustuqus(s) + at AL uztucuc + vztucucat element I rih aloztococat the air as one of the four elements I V A murakkab min alustuqussat compounded by elements II ustuqussi AL uztucuci + vztucuciin elemental « S estuksii < G . (Jtoi x.o~). +{'STL}: V A ustiil fleet « G (JtOA.O~). +{'STWN}: IQ ustuwan V A ustuwan + at ZJ 523 istiwan AL iztiguan + it portico or porch (but also meaning "column" and prob. resulting from a contamination of P ostigiin "firm" > F ostoviin with reflexes of S es~wii < G (Jtoa, and of S es~unii "column", due to the common expression es~une d-es~wa "porch columns") S. {fIs} I. +{'SF}: VA yasaf asaf asaf min to be sad about I nasaf asaft 'ala to despair from II nat'assaf ta'assuf Ii 'ala to feel sorry for II IQ ya asan good grief! +{,SFTN}: HC 245 sarab al'sftan syrup from mustard-seeds (?; < F es pandan). +{'SFDBJ}: HC 85 'sfidbajah + IW 11 94,24 at a white plain type of tafaya (q.v.; < P spedbiig "curd soup"). +{,SFD/DJ}: BM 'sfid/3aj ceruse « P spedag). S. {j~~}.
+{'SFRK}: OS 'sfrk a kind of camphor. +{'SFRM}: BM 'sfarm. S. {mrdsfrn}. +{'SFRN}: AL icfernia + izferniit AC 1037 isfarniya carrot (a metathesis of {'sfnr}, q.v.). +{'S/~FRN}: B~ i~/~iifiiriin isopyron (Isopyrum, bot.; < G l(JOJtuQOV). +{'SFR(N)J}: TO 185 'sfraj UT 814 'sfarj SG 'sfarnj PC 49,5 'I'sfiirnj 'lfaJ.l~i IB 187 'sfrj common asparagus. S. {'sbrj/g} &
{'sp/frnj}. +{,SFRY}: HC 22 'sfirya 23 'sfrya 120 sfyryh TH 45,4 'sfryh IH isfiryah (suggested correction isfiriya') FX isfiriyyah a kind of omelette cut into strips and used for decorating certain dishes. +{'SFST}: BM isfist alfalfa (Medicago sativa, bot.; < F as pest). S. {f~f~}' +{'SFNJ}: VA isfanjah + isfanj GL asfanjatun min 'ajin IA isfanj n. un. ah dim. pI. sufaynajit AL iZfanja + yZfang AC 720 isfanja a kind of fritter I OS isfunj (albaJ.lr) n. un. 'sfnjah = s.fa/inj TO 321 isfinjah baJ.lriyyah GL 'I'asfunjatu 'HaH yumsaJ.l (I. yamsaJ.l) biha 'lJ.lajjamiin VC 50/14 isfanjat albiJ.lar sponge I OS J.lajar al'sfnj sponge stone « L spongia < G (JJ(o"Y'Yla). S. {J.ljr} & {sfj}. +{'SFNX}: OS 'sfanlix SG 'sfinaj (I. 'sfinax) spinach. S. {'sbnd. +{'SFNR}: VA isfannariyah + at GL '.sfannariyat(un) carrot « G (JtacpuA. i Vll ClrQla). S. {'sfrn} & {sfnr}2. +{'SFYWS/S}: TO 295 asfiyiis OS isfiyiis fleawort (Plantago psyllium, bot.; supposedly < F asp gus "horse's ear", but this is phonetically irregular and unsupported by F dictionaries which, instead, have diverse forms such as espagulln & espexun pointing to a foreign origin). +{'SQTYR}: MT sayir '.squtayrihi the rest of his squires. S. {'sqtyr}. +{'SQF}: s. {sqf} III. +{'SQFN}: AL escofina + it wood-rasp (Iate borrowing from Cs). +{'SQL}: SG 'sqalah harbour « L scala). +{,SQLBN}: AL Eslauonia Slavonia (geo.) II esclavoni + in Slave (late borrowings from Cs). +{'SQLP/FYS}: BM asqlibyas = 'sqlyfyas tamepoison (Asclepias vincetoxicum, bot.; < G o.(JKA.llJ(la~). S. {fnqs}. +{'SQLFNDRYN}: OS (s.v. J.laSihh) 'sqwlwfndrywn hart's tongue fern « G
According to UT 84 it was believed that this word meant "pig's heel", which is wrong, since it only means "heel" in G, but the proof of the currency of that belief is that the same plant was also called brkyrh or brkynh. S. (prkyr).
2 S. VA 29; the use of the G word is reported by IH in Syria as is(ullin n. un. ah. As for the 'snoiir "white mustard" reported by DS from Ibn Aljazzir, the chances are that it is a mistake for asndiir, widely known as having this meaning and prob. < F ,slid dar "while plant", instead of osland. slid.
OKOA.OlttV15(llOV). ·{'SQLFYS}: s. {'sqlbys}. ·{,SQLN}: AL Escalona Escalona (geo.) II escaloni + in f escalOnia + it from E. (prob. late borrowings from Cs) S. {b~I}. ·{'SQLYR}: AL escalayra + escalayrit ladder « R *eSkalayra < L scalae with the instrumental suffix (-ayr)). ·{,SQNf..}: MT asqiinlil(l)as (I. s) javelins (prob. unassimilated R with its own pI. morpheme). S. {I~qn}. ·{'SKBL}: SG 'skbylh toothpick (Ammi visnaga, bot.; < R eScope[a "little broom"). S. {'skpI}. *{'SKRSL}: UT 360 'skarsiil a kind of service tree also called ruby iiI, q.v. *{'SKR/LFC}: VA iskirflij + lit AL izquirfig/ch + azcarifich / it AC 1464 iskirfaj rake I SG 'skr/lflij scraper I FX iskirflij grater (for cheese or bread; perhaps a derivate from L scarificare with the R pejorative suffix (-eel, if not just a metaphorical use of L sciJiopax < G OKOA.Olta.~ "woodcock"). S. {'sklfc}. *{'SKSY}: AL Escocia Scotland (late borrowing from Cs). ·{'SKL/NFC}: HC 171 & 187 'skl.flic (cheese) grater. S. {'skr/lfc}. ·{,SKNDR}: V A iskandar = alaskandar AL Alezcandar Alexander II GL madynt 'I'askandariyati AL Yzcandaria Alexandria II ZJ 357 askandarlini AL lzcandari + in Alexandrian « G 'AA.t~a.v15(lOe; & 'AA.&~o.v15(l&ta.). S. {CUn}. ·{'SKWTI: AL Escoto Scotus II escotista Scotist (late borrowings from Cs). ·{'SKWRY}: AL escavria dross, slag. S. {'skwry}. *{'SL}: AL ycel below, under IlictU & ligihat icel down I min icel AC 1190 min issal from underneath « asfal, s. {sft}). S. {drj}, {s'r}, {kwn} & {wjh}. ·{'SMS}: VA asamas banquet « B sm;ms "to offer dinner", s. BA 28). ·{'SM'L}: VA ismli'n GL '.sma'n MT '.sma/li'n AL lzmaiiil ET Yzmeil = Yzmael LO /lYsmael = Yzmael = Yt;mel = Yzmay = Cimaellsma'i1, Ismael « H yisma'el). ·{'SMNJN}: GL '.smlinjiin sapphire (?) II OS 'smlinjiini sky-blue « P asman gon "sky colour", s. GL 32). S. {swsn}. ·{'SN}: VA usiin (water) brackishness. ·{'SW}: VA niwassi wassayt tawsiyah muwassi
muwassa k bi & niwlisi muwlislih k bi GL uwlisi muwlislitun ZJ 1942 wlisi (iv.) to give alms or share one's possessions II VA nat'assli at'assayt ta'assi muta'assi to imitate II IQ & VA iswah GL '.swatun example, model II OS asiyyah + asliyli column II VA lisi physician. ·{'SY} I: VA ylisli asli asa(n) / isli'ah lisi + in to be sad I IQ asa (?) sorrow. ·{'SY} II: AL Asia Asia (prob. a late borrowing from Cs). ·{'SY} III: IH 'irq al'asa sciatica. S. {nsy}, ·{'SYS}: BM (I]ajar) assiyiis = zahr all]ajar almajliib min assiyiis a kind of talc powder (called in Egypt Ilalj anin "Chinese snow" and bliriid in the West; < G nOOlOe; related to the place name " AoooC;>. ·{'S} I: 1) VA, ZJ 71, 85, etc. & IA as AL ax = ax(h)u IQ (w)as AC 98, 178, etc. as(su) f 509 assi what I IQ (interrogative, exclamative & relative): as xabarak what is the matter with you? I min as from what I as 'alayh min jawri why should he care about my tyranny? I was naqdar what can I do? I was 'ala man qlil all]aq what can be held against him who has told the truth? I was fi 3li law what would the matter be if ... ? I assu 3li lmisk what kind of musk is this? I assu al'inslin billi karam? what is man without generosity? I assanhu 3li Ikallim what discourse is this? I as yitib Ii I]adillak how much your words please me! I as yaklibad how much he suffers! I as alaxblir tajarrab alinslin how events put people through ordeals! I as 'ind alinslin man qlilli how many people have told me ... ! I was klin yura min 'iwaj how much crookedness one would see! I yli wassu na'mal biriil]i what would I do unto myself! I assanhu narlik bu'ubaysa how frowning I see you! I was ... asbar how sagacious! I AS 83/0/2 as 'aJiyya min annlis wlis 'ala nnlisi minni what do I care about people and what do people care about me? I 83/4/2 lis narlik taUaba'na why do I see you follow us? I 96/6/4 lis kiyyafral] how glad he will be! I XA iis2 as kunta murri how bitter you were! I XA asl as tal]yini ... I]ulwa milll as how enlivening you are to me ... sweet as you are without paragon! I BO 3r ashu
'S II-'STBN na~riini ashi ta'nii hiiilii Ikalmiita what is a Christian? what does this word mean? I LP 23,1 wiis ilii rrijiil what kind of men! I IZ 9/1/4 & 9/2/1 (i)liis IQ las = ZJ 62-4, ZJ 1655 & IQ 'alas why? I lassu gal;lab why did he get angry? I lassanhum anibyiin maxiiilil why are boys unreliable? I AL ytex why I BO 10v iIas anta ta'milahum why do you do them? I iIas yu'mala hi why is it done? I 8v,2 iIas mitii why did he die? I surriifah 'alas ta'tali a merIon from which you would fling yourself down I f as for what reason? I qa~riyyah fas yukiin ilii ssa!.Jam a platter where this fat could be put I AL bex in order to Ibex ix in order not to I ZJ 422 bas with what? I BD 3v biyas na'rafii so that we know I MV 270, 4 fiyas yan'atani ~iIa!.J so that weapons are given to me I EV 2 lex que aztarahu hua yanxato where they rested and enjoyed themselves I NQ mg 9/2/2 'ataytuhii ... qalbi fas taskun I gave her my heart so she could dwell in it I ZJ 1659 'alas on which I IA assu sayyan Iii yudrii what is a thing which is not known? I AL aya ax well then, what? 2) IA & ZJ 103, 112-3 is AL ix AC 28, 34, etc. is not IIQ is wazir there is no vizier I is yiqa' wa~fi bi my description does not tally with ... I is nirid na!.Jlaf I do not want to swear I is ilanb al!.Jadid it is not the fault of the iron II VA, MT, AC & ZJ 155 asmii IQ as(sum)mii whatever I MT wasmii tirid tiimur amuruh order whatever you want « A ayyu say'in). S. {'s!.Jt}, {!lmm}, {jry}, {jyr}, {!.JU}, {!.Jwt}, {~dq}, {fnn}, {qdr}, {k}, {kU} I, {kwn}, {wdy} & {ydw}. ·CS} II: AL ix check! (in chess; prob. a contamination of the original F technicism keJ with Aa /iSsah/ "the king [in chess]" or with the int. uc, q.v. under
·{'SBR}: AL a(a)xbora + a(a)xbOr red bream (prob. < R *eSpaura "spur" < Gt *spaura, on account of the protrudent teeth of some subspecies, like the one called in Cs denton, cf. E dentex). ·{'SPRT/TL}: UT 290 & 671 'sbr(y)tal 732 'sbrtiilh a kind of wild millet « R *esparito < L sparsus "scattered" according to the botanists' interpretation,
with a dim. suffix). S. {dxn}. ·{'SPRT}: CP 115,4 'sbriit Speratus (pn.). ·{'SPRGN}: UT 814 'sbrgnh wild asparagus. ·{'SPRN}: TO 196 & UT 211 'sbiriin field cress (Lepidium campestre, bot.; < R, cf. Cs asperon < L asperus "rough" with an aug. suffix). ·CSPT}: GB 112 'sbiitah (Florentine) iris (Iris f1orentina, bot.; < R *eSpata "sword" < L s piitha < G 0;(0.911). ·{'SPTL}: MT usbitiil hospital « L cubiculum hos pitiile "guest room"). ·CSPT!-}: GB 113 'sbatiillah a kind of barley also called tirmis, q.v., but also a name of the yellow iris (Iris pseudo-acorus, bot.; < R *eSpate[a, a dim. of *eSpata "sword"). ·CSPTL/N}: OS & UT 313 'sbtiinah sweet-flag SG 'sbt(y)lh & 'sbtylh (Acorus aromaticus, bot.; < R, cf. Cs espadaiia). ·CSPTLYN}: GB 113 'sbtlyiin sweet-flag (Acorus aromaticus, bot.). S. {'sptt}. ·CSPTYR}: MT '.sbitayr innkeeper « LI *hos pitarius). ·CSPQL}: UT 802 'sbqlh true lavender (Lavandula vera, bot.; < L spiculum "spearhead"). ·CSPQNRD}: SG 'sbyqwniird(h) = 'sbk nrt spikenard (Andropogum nard us, bot.; < LI spica nardi). ·CSBLT}: OS 'sblt asphalt « G a.oq>a1..10t;). ·{'SBLY}: IH 286 isbilyah IQ & ZJ 1050 isbilyii AL IIY xbilia Seville UIQ isbili AL ixbili I ixbili + yxbiliin from Seville « L Hispiiifis/). S. {xzn}. ·CSPN(Z)}: UT 664 'sbniizah = iSbinah albah welted thistle (Picnomon acarna, bot.; < R *eSpinoza < L spinosa "thorny", and R *eSpina alba < L spina alba "while thorn"). ·CSPNJ/Y}: SG 'sbnj/yah sponge. S. {'sfnj}. ·CST}: ZJ 516 usti interjection for driving away donkeys. S. Cc}. ·CST/TP(L)}: IH ustub (suggested correction u~tubb) n. un. ah VA ustubb GB 117 'st/tubbah tow, oakum I UT 75 'stbbh corallina of the shops (Corallina officinalis, bot.) II MT '.stub.l somebody's nickname (a R dim. of the former < L stuppa). S. {'~tb}. ·{'STPR}: IQ istibiir place where rock-roses grow « LI stippa). S. {'stp}. ·CSTBN}: s. {'stbn} & {snt}.
*{,STR}: ZJ 1729 mwlt.ra boisterous woman (1; perhaps < L excitare). *{'STRX}: SG 'striixiyah a kind of aristoloch. S. {'rstlxyl *{,STRG}: AL Axturga Astorga (geo.) I Axtorgui + in from A. *{,STRGZ}: BM 'strgaz camel thorn (Alhagi maurorum I mannifera, bot.; < F ostor gaz of the same meaning and often arabicized as sawku ljimiil 1). *{'STRGNY}: SG 'strgnyh meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale, bot.; < G otQo:y-ya).ul "noose"). *(,STRN(Y): UT 211 'strnyh myats field cress (Lepidium campestris, bot.; < R *eStri'1e meatos "it holds urine"). *{,STNBR}: s. {stnbr}. *{,STNK}: UT 271 istnkh lizard orchis (Orchis hircina, bot.; < LI stingus). *{,STY}: AL oxtia Ostia (geo.) II oxti + in from Ostia (late borrowings from Cs). *{'Sf:lL}: V A, IA & ZJ 43 as~al AL axhill how much - many; IQ how(ever) I VA a. ma as much as I ZJ 157 as~alak how are you? I 235 as~al ma huwwa al'ayn no matter how the eye is « lasl + IJ:!aI!). S. {'J.tsO. *{,SR} I: GB 76 & UT 80 asruh asarabacca « L asarum < G acraQov). S. {'sr} 11 & {'srn}. *{,SR} II: IQ isir (?) young man (unassimilated B mir). *{,SRS/Z}: BM isras OS asras UT 42 asras/z = 'srys ='srasn white asphodel (Asphodel us ramosus, bot.; < F seris). *{'STP} : s. {'stp}. *{,SFQLTR}: SG 'srrqlatiir onlooker « L specUlator). *{,SQ}: BM ussaq gum ammoniac (Oorema ammoniacum, bot.; < P reflected by F ose). *{'SQBYR}: AC 1616 isqubayr broom (used by
ironsmiths for putting out fire and also calIed maknasat haddad in ZJ 679). . *{,SQRN}: s. {'skryl *{,SQ/KTL/N}: UT 65 asqyt1h TO 141 askitlah barberry (Berberis vulgaris, bot.) II V A asqitan collyrium, eye-wash « G o~u{l.1cavaa)2. *{'SQTYR}: V A & IA usqutayr squire, shieldbearer « L scutarius). S. {'sqtyr}. *{'SQQR/L}: IB 147 'sqaqiir IW I 25,7 'sqaqiil V A isqaqiirah + isqaqiir secacul 3 I FX 'lqaqiil a kind of caramel. S. {sqq\}. *(,SQ/KL(t-)}: OS isqil n. un. IW II 386,5 'sklh UT 113 & 114 'sq(y)lal squill (Urginea maritima, bot.; < L scilla < G Olci).).a, occasionally provided with the R dim. suffix). *{'SQLNS}: OS 'sqalan.s galbanum 4. *{'SQ/KLY}: OS 'sq/kly(h) FR 58,6 'sqalyh GL '.sqaliyatun spelt-wheat (Triticum speita, bot.; < L scandUla, s. GL 32). *{,SQN}: MT 'lqannu couch. S. {'skn}. *{,SKPt-}: UT 844 iSkubalah a kind of euphorbia « R *eSkope{a "smaII broom"). *('SK(R)}: IQ iska tinder I UT 80 iskuh unid. bush used as tinder and also called xiim (possibly corrupted from A xubb "bark") II UT 803 'skyrh perhaps silvery wormwood (Artemisia argentea, bot., used as touch wood) I AL exquero + axiquir tinderbox 5 « L esca eventually with the R instrumental suffix (-ayr[o-alJ). *{,SKR}: IZ 11/0/1 uskar Huescar (geo.). *{'SKRBN}: MT '.sk.rban scrivener « L1 scribanlem]). *{'SKRCN/R}: VA uskurjiin + at hedgehog « LI *excurtionl em] of, however, doubtful meaning, cf. Ct escur~o "viper" and Cs escuerzo "toad", s. RV 200) II MT
Steingass, however, translates this botanic term, often distorted as usturgor, as "root of assafretida".
2 .usiqantun became 'sqytn through bookish transmission. and then acquired other even more aberrant shapes such as TO 141 'skytn, 'Skytnh, GB 366 'sa!inkuh, UT 65 's!nkh. etc.
3 Our previous interpretation of this word and its suggested etymon, influenced by its rendering in V R as "stomachatio", are to be forsaken. Such L translation is either a mistake of a kind not uncommon in that work, or a reference to one of the effects of the consumption of this plant, the etymon of which remains uncertain.
4 However, this word appears to reflect G OKaAT(VOC; "lame". 5 This item appears to be just a late borrowing from Cs yesquuD, in spite of the broken pl.: otherwise, one would expect Southern R to have preserved the diphthong.
asqurjayr a nickname (= "hunter of hedgehogs or vipers"). ·{'SKRDY}: UT 484 'skrdyh common white horehound (Marrubium vulgare, bot.; < L scordium < G oKoQ510V, which, however, is Teucrium scordium, another labiata). ·CSKRLT}: MT 'lkarlatah AL yxquirltit scarlet « L sigillatus, contaminated with the A reflexes of its Low G descendant Ol'Y1A.A.atOC;). ·CSKRN}: ET banii iskurnah pn. ·{'SKRY}: VA iskariyah a kind of luxurious material 1 (prob. < F Iakari "yellowish red", cf. Cs escarin, whence prob. MT '.sqrny, s. RV 208). ·C~KTL/N}: s. {'sqtl/n}. ·{'SKL} I: IQ iskala VA iskalah ... at / asakil GL askalatun goblet « L1 scala of Germanic origin). S. {'sql(l)}. ·CSKL} II: MT '.skiilah school « L schOla < G OXOA.Tt). ·CSKL/N}: UT 562 'skyn (I. 'skyn), 'skynuh & 'skyl core of the fruit of the common juniper tree (resembling wool, prob. < R *eskilo "fleece"). ·CSKLN}: IL 143 biskaliina bah tsma this one is called scallion 2. ·{'SKLY}: v. {'sqly}. ·{'SKM}: V A iskamah ... at AL axcama ... axaquim fish-scale I meli min a xaquin ... meliin mina xaquiin O. axaquim in both) I excama min noha~ copper plate « L squama). ·{'SKMNY}: AL ixcamonia scammony « L scammonea, prob. contaminated with an Aa reflex of G OKaI-lI-lCl)Vta). S. {sqmny}. ·{'SKN}: V A iskan ... asakin bench « L scamnum). ·{'SKWRY}: VA iskawriyah dross, slag « L scoria). S. {'skwry}. ·{'SMS}: s. {ISmS}. ·CSN} I: TD 116 usnah DS usnah bustaniyyah flowering moss (Usnea barbata, bot.; < F oIne). ·{'SN} II: AL Oxuna Ossuna (geo.).
·{,SN~Y}: GM 4 'syny~h (I. ·asin~iyuh, cf. Cs. asensio & younger ajenjo) absinth « L absinthium < G awtV91Ov).
·{'SNN}: 8M usnan UT 227 u. alqa~~arin saltwort (Salsolli kali, bot.) I UT 227 u. flirisi a variety thereof I FX u. soap powder (in two kinds: ran' "fine" and muliiki "royal") I DS uhan dawud common hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis, bot; < F oInan "saltwort", the A denomination of the common hyssop being an adaptation of F oInan daru). ·C~BHN}: IQ a/i~bahani a kind of material (an Andalusi imitation of Ispahani production) I HC 78 i~bahani a kind of bread. • {'~~}: DS '~a~ spurge flax (Daphne gnidium, bot.). S. {'zz}. ·C~TB}: DS '~tubb oakum. S. {'stp). ·C~TBL}: VA i~tabl ... at MT '.~tabl IH i~taball stable « L stiibUlum). S. {~bl}. ·{'~TRK}: UT 125 a~turak 8M i~turak AL (e)storaq storax (Styrax officinale, bot.; < L storax < G otuQa~, contaminated by {str}). ·{'~TMXQN}: DS a~tumlixiqiin ... at purge I al'a~tumlixiqiin alkabir - al'usari varieties thereof « G otOl-laX1Kov). ·{'~F}: 8M a~ar capers « la~ar, q.v.). ·C~FRN}: s. {'s/~rrn}. ·C~L}: VA ni'a~~al k aJ!J!amarah to plant a tree (for s.o.) I n. ta~i1 ... it to acknowledge a debt by a deed, to sign an IOU I yat'as~~al at'a~~al ta'a~~ul to be acknowledged (said of a debt) I tat'a~sal at'a~~alat to root II nasta~al asta~alt isti~al musta~i1 mustasal k GL '.sta~al asta~i1u yasta~alu to uproot o IQ a~(a)1 ... u~ii1 VA a~1 ... u~iil AL a~al ... v~ul AC 422g & 891 a~1 ... u~iil GL a~l(un) ... u~iilun root, original, model I DS & MT a~1 ... u~iil (trunk of a) tree; stalk I a~1 aljabal foot of the mountain I AC azl a din foundation of the religion I HC 235/6 sarab al'u~ii1 root syrup I IQ 'ala a~al VA min ala~al AL min al a~al radically I NQ
With a pl. 'skrUt O. iskariyit) in Azzuhri's Kiltib alja'rafiyyah. ed. M. H. Sadok. in Bullelin d' Eludes Orienlales 21 (1968) 252.
It appears that neither Simonet nor Dozy suspected that the first consonant of this sequence is merely the
preposition governed by the verb.
20 au /0/2 ma niti'uh a~lii I do not obey him at all U AL acili + in GL a~liyun native II VA a~alah nobility n a~i1 + in noble II a~i1 + a~al / a~a'i1 late afternoon. S. {'njr}, {twt} I, (jrm(yr)}, {jwr}, {drzn}, {rmn} I, {fstq} {ksb}, {mys} I & {wqfJ. ·{'I.>S/L}: VA acJass & acJalah even; throughout « L ad ista or ipsa and ad ilia respectively, s. SM and cf. ('aI} & {'aqI}. The latter form seems to be the origin of Mr yadalli "certainly"). *{'TBT}: s. {'tmt}.
·{"rCiu: s. (lw~(r/l)}.
·{'TR}: s. {trr} (II) & {twr}. ·{'TRBSN}: IQ 20/3/2 atrabassan VA LI i tra basay n c ross-bea m « *transversaneulm/). ·{'TRBSYR}: VA a/itrabasayrah + at cloak L transversliria). ·{'TRCL}: FR 43,S 'trjal spring wheat R, cf. C s trechel). ·{'TRSN}: GB 374 'tYrSnh unid. plant, the same as murnagar, q.v. ·{'TRT}: VA atrita + at soup « L adlrita, as it was made out of pieces of crushed stale bread). ·{'TRFL}: IH itrifal (suggested correction itriful, disavowed by its etymon) an Indian drug containing three kinds of myrobalan « F i(rifal of Indian origin, cf. Hindi lriphalli). ·{'TRLN/L}: UT 'trylal/n 329 BM atiriliil OS atrilal cerfolium (Carum ammioides, bot.; < B a4ar aylal "bird foot"). ·{'TRM}: AL ytrllma + alarim tumour or pustule « G tQClU(.ICl). ·{'TRML}: GB 24 atramallah a variety of the tooth-ache tree (Xanthoxylon Avicennre; prob. a R dim. of L trlima "warp, spider web", because it is sticky). ·{'TRN}: UT 400 'trynh = 'tyrnh & Itrnh SG ltyrnb prob. barren privet (Rhamnus alaternus, bot. ; < L iiliitemus). ·('TRNK): V A itrankah transverse bar or wooden beam (from a R word of
uncertain origin, s. GV 146). ·{'TRY}: IH atriyah (suggested correction itriyah in agreement with BM) FX atriyyah ZJ 1213 alatriyyab a kind of vermicelli (from the same origen as atritab, but through Ar, cf. Rb iWiltlil, cf. Cs aletria). S. {rSt} I. *{'TTlI: VA ya'itt att to bellow. *{'TTl II: OS 'tyt betel-nut palm (Areca catechu, bot.; < F a(mlilu( = a(bu( which might allow an A *a(bu( to be posited, but the F allomorphs point to a loanword, prob. from My a(ekka). S. {'tmt}. ·{'TQ}: ZJ 332 aHaq AC 21 aHiqu tie it, 1369 aHiqiih tie him « (wllq}). *{'TLS}: AL allal; satin. *{'TLQ}: AL ltalica Italica (geo.). ·{'TLY}: AL ltalia Italy II italij + italiin f italia + il Italian. *{'TM}: XA iiml attiim turtle UIQ 51/4/2 alatim (?) impregnable. ·{'TMTl: BM atmii!iit & 'tbiit betel-nut palm. S. {'ttl II. *{,GC}: AL Agoch August. S. {'be} & {'gst}. *{'GRTS}: OS "arats (I. '.grat.s) a certain stone used by shoemakers (prob. < L crlitis "rake"). *{'GRTN}: BM agiratun sweet maudlin (Achillea ageratum, bot.; < G «yl}QCltOV). ·{'GRQ}: VA igriqi + in Greek II igriqiyab the Greek tongue « L Graecus). *{'GRQ(N)}: BM agiiriqiin OS agiiriquh agaric (Agaricus campestris, bot.; < L iigiiricum < G «YClQ1KOV). *{'GRQNT}: UT 250 'grqntyh vulgar for turquntiyah, q.v. S. also {grgnt} II. *{,GR~}: VA agri/i1 + agrilyiit AL ygril cricket « L grillus)l. *{'GRNTN}: UT 172 'grnFn pomegranate blossom (from the etymon of {grnt}, q.v.). *{,GRNN}: IQ igranniin boiled semolina « LI granionlem/). ·{'GST}: VA, AC 892 & 893 agust MT agust(ub) August II SG 'gst f 'gsth august, majestic « L augustus). S. {'gel.
Every author after Dozy has carried over the mistaken rendering of VA as glis. ·iris, i.e., "dormouse", simply due to the way in which dictionaries were composed (by first listing all the words of the source language in columns and then filling in their meanings in the target language) and due to the ignorance of Dozy himself of the meaning of L glis, which in the Iberian peninsula is extant only without traces of the initial /g/. That this is the case is borne out by Alcala's Cs unequivocal rendering, grillo.
'GT-'QRI;>/t;> ·{'~Tt CP 41,6 'gta Agatha (pn.). ·{'GLCN}: TO 117 & OS agaliijun aloe plant « a ayaA.).o1(ov. The ms. spellings with I jl must not be corrected to match the a pronunciation, as such words were transmitted through L with ch and subsequently mispronounced with Ie/). ·{'GLR}: AC 1548 agylra unid. place name _ (prob. R "'ali/ayra). ·{'GLL}: FX & ZJ 626 aglal snails « B aglal of the same meaning). ·{'GNS}: BO 33r alagniis Agnus Dei (prayer). ·{'FB/FQTS}: BM afifiiqFs = afibaqFs epipactis, helleborine (Epipactis grandiflora, bot.; < G imn:ClKtlc;). ·{'FI>MN}: OS afij)imiin GB 267 afayj)umiin clover dodder (Cuscuta epithymum, bot.; < a in:l9U11ov). S. {fyj)mn}. ·{'FRBYN}: aM 6 'frbywn s. frbywn. ·{'FRT}: s. {frt} II. ·{'FRJ} I: AL lfrigia Frigia (geo.). ·{'FRJ} II: sa 'fryjh frieze (a kind of material, late borrowing from a European language, cf. Cs fricha "from Friesland"). ·{'FRZ}: LH ·ifriz frieze (in architecture; < S prazilma < G n:&Ql~W~Cl "girdle", cf. Cs alefriz). "'{'FRQ}: VA ifriqi AL Afriqui + in f Afriquia + in African I xei Afriqui + axiit in thing from Africa U GL baladu afriqiyata (sr.) Africa « a 'AcpQtKl) < L AfrIca). S. {~jr}. ·{'FRQDLF}: UT 80 afraqah dulf asarabacca (Asarum europreum; < R "'fraga d blf "it smells like frankincense"). ·{'FRG}: OS afaraj/q/k king's tent or camp « B afrag "fence"). ·{'FRNTL}: s. {frntl}. ·{'FRNJ}: AL Y franja France II Y f rangi + in French I VA & MT ifranji Frank; French or Catalan II aB 7 ifranjiyyyah a kind of ivy « LI Francia). S. {drdr/l}, {znjbl} & {qws}. ·{'FRNJMSK}: FA ~bq 'frnjmsk (I. ~abaq afranjimusk) soft haired basil (Ocimum pilosum, bot.). S. {b/frnjmsk} & (~bq(!)}. ·{'FRND}: MT '.fr.ndah offering « L offerenda). ·{'FRNS}: AL Yfrancia France II yfranci French (late borrowings from Cs). ·{'FRtlWSS}: GB 127 afran(y)h wasus water mint (Mentha aquatica, bot.; < R "'frafle wesos "bone breaker").
·{'FRYQN}: AL yfaraycbna + yfaraycbn St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum, bot.; < a Un:&QtKOV). ·{'FSNTN}: VA ifsintin & istiftin absinthe I TO 218 'fsntyn sahili I riimi I bahri sea wormwood (A~temisia maritim~) I HB 93,12 s.rab 'I'stftn absinthe juice « Ar apsent'in < a a'l'lv9tov). ·{'FTH(J)}: OS 'fthii(j) absinth (7). ·{'FFQTS}: s. {'fb/fqts}. ·{'FQ} I: VA ufuq + afaq horizon I IQ araq distant regions. afraq vagabond. ·{'FQ} II: OS (under {'mnq/k}) afaqi cow vetch (Vicia cracca, bot.; < G acpaKT\). ·{'FQ'/WN}: BM afiqii'/wiin TO afiquyiin horned cumin (Hypecoum procumbens, bot.; < G Un:l)KOOV). ·{'FK}: VA yafak afik irk afik mafiik to lie II GL ifkun lie II MT ziir afikab blatant falsehood. ·{'FLNJ}: OS iflunjab a fragrant seed resembling the mustard plant « F eflonje which can perhaps be connected with (frnjmsk}). S. {fInj}. ·{'FMD/DYN}: BM 'fimidyiin TD 'fimiityiin barren·wort (Epimedium alpinum, bot.; < G in:t~ l)&tov). ·{'FN}: ZJ 1048b afan weakness of mind. "'{'FNT}: MT '.fant king's son « Cs infante). ·{'FYS}: BM afyiis pear-rooted spurge (Euphorbia apios, bot.; < G an:toC;). ·{'FYN}: GM 7 ufyiin opium « a on:tov). ·{'QPL}: TH 36,14 'qlylat & iqamlat I. iqablat (pl.) extremity of a horse-shoe « Ll cap pula < L capula pI. of capulumls "handle, hilt", cf. Cs callo "extremity of a horse-shoe" and cacha "leaf of a knife handle"; however, the prosthetic vowel is unaccounted for). ·{'QTBR}: s. {'ktbr}. ·{'QCL}: TO 190 'qjalh hedge parsley (Caucalis maritima, bot.) UaB 6 aqujjiIJab a kind of anise « R "'akuce{a "little needle" < L acucula with a second R dim. suffix). S. {'qlylS}. ·{'QRDWL}: BO 34r iqraduwal gradual (reI.; late borrowing from Cs gradual < Ll graduale). ·{'QRST}: VA iqristab + at & qiristab + at comb, crest « L crIsta). *('QRI)/I)}: BO 12v iqri"/~u creed (reI.; < L credo "I believe").
·{'QRF}. VA uqriif T aqiirif cap (with a var. uxriif in OS but prob. misspeJt in this work as 'xriiq, and identifiable with Mr '~bruq, perhaps < G ch:QoCjluf}aKoc;/v). S. {'Usfqn}. *{'LSN}: TO 242 alii5un golden tuft (Alyssum saxatile, bot.; < G a1uooov). *{'LT}: OS 'liilY a kind of pine-tree « G &lcltTJ). *{'LTN}: TO 283 aliitini cancerwort (Linaria . elatine, bot.; < G&latlvTJ). *{'LF}: V A alif yiilaf ulfah & ni'iilaf k & yat'allaf at'allaft mao to get along well with Uniwallaf tawlif I tiilif + tawiilif k GL allafa allifu (I. u'allifu) yuwal.fu tiilifun + tiilifiitun m.wallafun ZJ 488 yiwallaf AL niguel(l)ef gualelteft taulif AC 1372 kinniwallaf to gather or compile I VA n. bayna to reconcile" GL
'LFN-'LNC ta'allafo '.ta'allafu muta'allifun t muta'allifatun IA tatallaf VA yatwallaf atwallaft tawallul ma' to be gathered or compiled I y. / yat'allaf at'allaft ma' to become reconciled II AC 448 tatilil they meet each other I OM lR,4 yatilafu they meet II IQ all VA alf + allif / ulol GL alfun AL elf + uluf AC 168 alf thousand I AL elf marra a thousand times I elfeYli two thousand(th) I elfei cUlli guahid two thousand each I caMc elef three tho I arbaa elef four tho I k;amce elef five tho I cete elef six tho I cabaa elef seven tho I caminia elef eight tho I ticaa elef nine tho I aaxara elef ten tho I ayxerin elf twenty tho I calicin elf thirty tho I arbatiin elf forty tho I k;amcin elf fifty tho I citin elf sixty tho I cabaa miat (I. cabaain) elf seventy tho I caminin elf eighty tho I ticain elf ninety tho I miat elf one hundred tho I mitei elf two hundred tho I caMc miat elf three hundred tho I arbaa miat elf four hundred tho I k;amcu miat elf five hundred tho I cetu miat elf six hundred tho I cabaa miat elf seven hundred tho I cemen miat elf eight hundred tho I ticaa miat elf nine hundred tho I elf al vluf one million I eltei al vlUf two m. I calac elfe (I. elef) al vluf three m. I arba elef al vluf four m. I k;amce elef al vluf five m. I cete elef al vlUf six m. I cabaa elef al vluf seven m. I caminia elef al vlUf eight m. I ticaa elf (I. elef) al vluf nine m. I aixerin elf al vluf twenty m. I calicin elf al vluf thirty m. I arbaain elf al vluf forty m. I k;amcin elef (I. elf) al vluf fifty m. I cetin elf al vluf sixty m. I cabaain elf al vluf seventy m. I caminin elf al vlUf eighty m. I ticaain elf al vluf ninety m. I miat elf al vluf one hundred m. I elfei eMf (I. elf) al vluf two thousand m. I elfei elf al vluf marra two thousand m. times I GL a~l]abu 'I'a1l chiliarchs I UT 63 a1l waraqah water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum, bot.) I UT 62 alf dinar AL alfi dinar salad burnet (Poterium sanguisorba, bot.) I GB 92 all ra's field eryngo (Eryngium campestre, bot.) I GB 129 alf wami'ah
(also spelled alfumiyyah) sea wormwood (Artemisia maritima, bot.) II V A iIf partner II ulfah GL '.Ifatun social intercourse I AL ulfati my affection II alif + et ZJ 512 alif the letter alif II IQ alifa LO A/if(f)a pn. 0 GL 'ytilafun coalition II MT istillif reconcilement II AL taulif + tavilif treatise IIQ mu'allal compounded I AL muelef + in wood-rasp; dish of pickled meat II muelif = mualllif t mua/ifa + in GL m.wal.fun VA muwallil + in author; compiler. S. {'I]d}, {is'}, {IJIIJ}, {lJmn}, {lJny}, {I]bb}, {xms}, {dnr}, {rb'}, {rtO, {zwj}, {sb'}, {stt}, {'sr}, {'qd}, {qnt} IV, {m'y}, {mrr}, {n~~} II, {wrq} & {wit}. ·{'LFN}: S. {'Ibn}. ·{'LFNSY}: AL elefancia elephantiasis (late borrowing from Cs). ·{'LFNS}: IH 322 'lfuns 1 MT allons Alfonso (pn.). S. {fnS}. ·{'LQ}: VA ta'alluq glow, shine. ·{'LKT}: MT alaktuh chosen (superior: unassimilated < L electus, also reflected as alaytub, more in agreement with Southern R).
·{'LLSFQN}: BM alalisfaqun = alalisafaqon common sage (Salvia officinalis, bot.; < G h,&A.lmp(t1cov). S. {'Isfqs/n}. ·{'LM}: GL alamu I suffer II VA ni'allam k to hurt II nat'allam at'allamt ta'allum bi / min AL teeleme (hr.) to feel pain or sorrow I VA nat'allam Ii / 'ala to feel sorry for nalam + alam GL alamun pain I IQ alam bik you have a pain II IQ alim VA alim + in painful. ·{'LMD}: AL Olmedo Olmedo (geo.) II olmedi from O. (late borrowings from Cs). ·{'LMS}: s. {mas}. ·{'LMNY}: AL Aleman [sic] Germany II Alemani + in German (late borrowings from Cs). ·{'LN}: AL Alani + in Alan (hist; late borrowings from Cs). ·{'LNI>}: TO 252 allanlJi (better than allann and allini, even more corrupted) common drop-wort (Spinea filipendula,bot.; < G oivav911). ·{'LNC}: AL alancha mat sedge (Cyperus
That aUlhor. however. considers lhat lhis form should be correcled as ullrilnsu. This claim is based only on A morphophonemic preferences. not on an aClual R pronuncialion.
'LNYN-'MO alopecuroides, bot.; < L juncea through Southern R with the A article). *{'LNYN}: BM alaniyiin common inula (Inula helenium, bot.; < G iA.&VlOV). *{'LH}: VA ni'allah allaht talih muwallih muwallah k to deify II yat'allah at'allah ta'alluh muta'allih 'ala to deify o.s. II ilah + at I alihah AL iLeh + elit god I IQ al'i1ah God I i1ahi my God II AL elihale + et =alere goddess I elihet 1 al bakt Goddess Fortune II iUhi + in divine II IQ, VA & AC 243 allah GL 'lI.hu AL allOh God I IQ allah (allah) & wallah(i) & ballah 'alayk by God I allah ma'ak may God be with you I ya lIah & allahumma 0 God! I AC 544 lallah by God I 838 ma hii min allah what has been decreed by God (d. Cs esta de Dios) I 760 allah allah fall,tasab what a nice thing is a good extraction! I 856 allah allah falxayr how excellent is goodness! I BO 9v allahina our God II VA ilahiyah & lahiit GL ilahiyatun AL aluluhia = Lehut divinity I BO 14r bi'allahutihi with its divinity. S. {'mn}, {'y} I, {blw}, {I,tbb}, {I,tzb}, {I,tsb}, {I,tsw}, {xs'}, {xI~}, {xIq} I, {xyr}, {d'w}, {rj'}, {rx~}, {rzq}, {sbl,t}, {sbl}, {str}, {sit}, {smy}, {sny}, {stw}, {sjr}, {srk} I, {shd}, {sy'}, {~Iw}, {'bd}, {'jb}, {'dw}, {'zz}, {'sy}, {'Iw}, {'mr}, {'nw/y}, {'wil}, {'wn}, {gc:Jb}, {gw\>}, {ftl,t}, {f'l}, {qds} I, {qrb} I, {qsm} I, {kbr} I, {ksr} I, {Iqy}, {nilr}, {nsd}, {n~f}, {n~r} I, {nwb}, {hdy}, {hmm}, {wjh}, {wd'}, {wfy} & {wqy}. *{'LW} I: VA niili alayt i1a miili + in bi to swear by. *{'LW} II: IH al'amru yalii ila kaila the matter leads to this « {'wI}). *{'LWML}: BM alawmali sweet sap from the Palmyra-palm (Borassus f1abellifer, bot.) also called 'asal dawiid, q.v. « G &A.aulf.l&A.I). *{'LY} I: IQ, GL, ZJ 310 & VA ila to(ward); up to, until I IQ ilayk qalil it is little in comparison with you I ZJ 241 & 761 iliyya - ilik towards me - him I AL yli/eina i/eiq to us - you I AC 548 ilayya to me I VC 3/6 ila \>ala\>ina sahran after 30 days
I AL ille gehin (I. ile gehim) to hell I VA ilahna up to here I ilayna whither. S. {'wn}, {'ya}, {'s}, {'wn}, ('yen)}, {b}, {sW'}, {~yr}, {'wm} & {hna}. *{'LY} II: IH 248 iliya « iliya'u < L Ilia, name of the city erected on the former site of Jerusalem after its destruction by the Romans). *{'LYL}: GB 200 ulyiilah fruit of the wild olive (R dim. of L olea). *{'L YL/N}: UT 177 alyalh = alyiin cat thyme (Teucrium marum, bot.; < R *alye(o and alyon, dim. of L alium "garlic"). *{'L YN}: IH 249 wadi 'Iyan place name near Ceuta « yulyan, according to that author's hypothesis). *{'LYNTRN}: TO 290 alyantarnah perhaps golden rod (Bongardia chrysogonum, bot., but both name and meaning are doubtful). *{'M}: VA am & imma AC 80g & ZJ 296 imma or I IQ imma ~. (wa')imma I aw either ... or I bayn imma ... wa'imma between both alternatives I GL am (la) or (not) I AL emi di = emidi = amdi amidi (prob. lam[ma] ai am[ma] ail) one or another DVA im lim or else (s. VA 31 about this hapax) I GL fa'imma otherwise II IQ amma ... fa GL amma AL amme as for I IZ 12/2/4 wammi hililu as for the crescent I MV 270,2 imma qawluk as for your saying I 270,8 imma min al\>aman as for the price. S. {b'd} & {ya} I. *{'MBRBRS}: BM ambirbaris barberry (Berberis vulgaris, bot. According to the botanist Aigafiqi, this would be the only correct form of this word generally corrupted into amirbaris, q.v.). *{'M(B)RSY}: TO 250 & BM am(ba)riisiya sea ambrosia (Ambrosia maritima, bot.; < G a.f.lJ3goaia). *{'MBR}: UT 893 'mbrnh (I. umbriyyah) wild basil (Clinopodium vulgare, bot.; < R, d. Cs umbria "shadowy", as explained by the author). *{'MT}: VA amt uneven ground. *{'MD}: VA ni'ammad ammadt tamid k to grant a delay Uamad + amad MT amad + umiid AL emed delay, time granted I AC
It is doubtful that ilihe or eUhe be a feminine of iltih: prob., the author misunderstood the plural tilihah.
1288 amadit (pl.?) I AL amed calil short term I amed Ii calaca ayim a three day term. S. {jwz}, {~rm} & {njz}. ·{'MDRYN}: OS & BM amadriyan Job's tears (Coix lachryma Jobi, bot.). ·{'MR} I: IQ yamur amar yamurni GL amur(u) VA namur amart amr amir + in mamiir + in k bi & namur lak bikaaa IH miir (iv.) BO 6v yamirna 19r 13 yamuruka AL namir amart I amirt (0, to command or order I yamiru alfocaha the priests command I MT amarat lahuma an she ordered them to U AC 1471 amira he was in command (hr.) II VA na'tamar i'timar to obey Uamr + umiir LZ amar IQ amr + umiir matter I amruh his commandment I fi amri because of I ana _. (hu) min amri (wamin sani) I am a highly regarded person I at min amrak wamin sanak you are a highly regarded person I (hu) min amru min sanu he is a highly regarded person IIW II 19,16 rna hy mn 'mrh the best of it I GL amrun AL amr + olvmor order, commandment; imperative (gr.) I AC 197 amar command, 5 umiir matters I GL amrun rna a certain matter I MT fi amr al'arad concerning the lands I CC 5 fy 'I'mr 'Im'tab' in the following way I AL amr a ceid the lord's commandment I bile amr without permission I naati amr to give orders I aguamir commandments II GL imratun VA imrah + at & imarah command I IQ imarah rank of an emir; principality II IQ '.marah + at G L '.maratun VA imarah + at AL ymara + amayr LZ & AC 129 & 1355 imarah signal I IH 203 bi'imarat as a token of II GL amirun IQ & VA amir + umara IQ umarah AL amir + vmara AC 1300 amir commander II VA amirah AL amirai (I. amira) + vmara queen I MT amirah pn. GL mamiirun f mamiiratun AL mamur + in licensed; instructed I LU mamiirkm your magistrate. MV 206,27 mamuryh commission. S. {'xr}, {'Iw}, {big} I, {rf'}, {zhd}, {s'y}, {sll} II, {Shr}, {~Ib}, {~wb}, {drb}, {'sr}, {r'I}, {fwO, {ry'}, {q~r} I, {klw}, {mllI}, {nfa}, {nhy} & {w~y}. ·{'MR} II: UT 63 amaruh kermes oak (Quercus coccifera, bot. < L amiirus "bitter", because of the taste of its fruit). ·{'MRBRS}: OS & TO 140 amirbaris barberry
(Berberis vulgaris, bot.; a corruption of ambirbaris, q.v.). ·{'MRQN}: OS amaryqwn white chamomile « G cllJaQaKov). ·{'MRN}: OS amiriin & amayriin GB amayriin TO 188 amiriin GL 'usbatu 'I'amayriin dandelion (Taraxacum officinale, bot.; < L amiirus with R aug. suffix and diphthongization, allophonicaUy reduced, of (CiiCiiC) into (CayCiiC) after SK 1.1.1 0; cf. Cs amargon & almiron Pt almeiriio). S. {mrn} V. ·{'MRNTN}: TO 291 amarantun GB 5 am§rantiin cassidony (Helichrysum strechas, bot.; < G cllJcl.QaVlOV). ·{'MS}: JM 28 amas IQ & VA ams yesterday I awwa/il (min) ams IQ awwal ams AL avil (min) em~ VA ams waUaay yalih the day before yesterday I awwil (min) amsayn AL avil min emcei three days ago I LZ mua awwala amsi IH munau awwali amsi (sr.) since the day before yesterday. ·{'MSYN}: SG iimiisyiin liI'ab consubstantial with the Father (reI.; < Low G OIJOUOlO9. ·{'ML} I: IQ ni'ammal ta'ammal ummil yu'ammal mu'ammal to hope I ammilu place your hopes in him I nu'ammal say I am promised s.th. I IZ 8/9/4 ammaluh he expected it I MT muwammil I.nnuhii(l expecting to attend II GL ta'ammala ata'ammalu muta'ammiliina VA nat'ammal at'ammalt 1 ta'ammalt ta'ammul muta'ammil + in muta'ammal k AL neteammel teammelt ateammel (I. teamme/) to consider or ponder I VA amal + amal IQ amal (n) + amal GL amalun hope I BH 22,4 'mly fern. pn. ("my hope") I IH amalih his hopes I GL mamiilun hoped for. S. {dnw}. ·{'ML} II: AL imola Imola (geo.). ·{'ML} III: GM 7 iimali s. 'asal dawiid « G &>'.a\ol-1&),.\, with loss of a metanalyzed A article). S. {'IwmI}. ·{'ML} IV: VC 22/13 amil starch « L amylum < G alJu),.ov). ·{'MLQ}: VA imliq + at navel « L umbilicus). ·{'MLLS}: OS amililis (var. amililiis in BM) barren privet (Rhamnus alaternus, bot.; < B im/il/as). ·{'MM}: VA nu'umm amamt amm 1 imamah bannas to lead the people in prayer I IQ 'ala nawalu ammam (?) procure his gifts II
'MN I-'N I VA ya'tamm bi to imitate I y.a'tamm balimam to follow the imam in prayer II IQ umm GL ummun VA umm + ummahat AL om + vmehet dim. omayma + it AC 7, 83, etc. um(m) mother, original (of a book) I MT al'umm the original I AL vm rauhania godmother I GL zawju 'l'um AL zeuch om stepfather I GL ummu 'll]asan VA & ZJ 1847 umm all]asan AL vmalhacen + it nightingale I V A umm a~~ibyan owl I TO 142 umm gaylan wild Egyptian acacia (Acacia arabica, bot., but in OS = Morocco gum tree) I GB 171 umm annisa' water germander (Teucrium scordium, bot.) I GM 31 umm assa'ra' honeysuckle (Leonicera peric1ymenum, bot.) I UT 148 umm 'umar s. tyn I IQ ya mmah XA cma2 ya umma mum, mother (voc.) I ZJ 731 umm zaynab & 1653 umm alxayr ET Omalhair (= /umm alxayr/), Amaiub (= /umm ayyub/) & MojQ{ar (= /umm ja'far/) pns. II GL ummatun IQ & VA ummah + umam AL umme + lImem nation UGL ummiyun V A ummi + in AL umi + vmiin lay, iIIiterate nGL amama IQ & VA ama/am before IIQ min amamu on the front I lamam L 340,3 & CC6 mn hna ila 'mam from now on I EV 16 mexayt amim I walked ahead II GL '.mam VA imam + ayimmah imam, prayer leader; plummet I AL ymem + aime priest II IQ imamah prayer leadership I AL ymema priesthood; papacy. S. {jdd}, {jqjq}, {l]bs}, {l]rr} II, {l]sn}, {(lab}, {rby}, {zw\}, {s'd}, {gy\}, {frj}, {frd}, {qb\} 1 & {hdy} . ·{'MN} I: VA naman amant min to be safe from II ni'amman tamin k to (re)assure I n. ammant k 'ala kaita AL niemen ement & VA na'taman a'tamant i'timan mu'tamin mu'taman k 'ala & nastaman astamant istiman mustamin mustaman k 'ala kaita to entrust I AC 1077g allah yamanna (7) summu may God protect us from his venom II VA ni'amman ammant tamin 'ala ddu'a to say amen II niimin amant iman miimin bi AL numin ament umen (I. amen) & niem(m)en lUmen emment DC 6 niemin bi to believe in I AC 324 aymanak he trusted you I 336 la tayman do not trust II VA yat'amman at'amman ta'ammun muta'ammin to reassure o.s. II GL aytumintu I was believed II V A
nastaman k n to put in a safe place II amn & IQ aman security I AL umn = yum (I. [y]umn) loyalty II LZ aman safeconduct IIQ aman min AL emen AC 244 ZJ 292 aman safety (from), safe-conduct; pregustation I AL bi emen securely I nafced al e. to betray the trust II GL amanatun VA amanah + at AL almene + et deposit, trust; loyalty I bi emene loyally I VA amin + umana AL amin + vmene IQ & AC amin loyal; superintendent I GL amin & mamiinun faithful I SH amin assiiq market inspector I MT amin alfaxxarin supervisor of the potters II V A amin + in safe, secure II LO iiminah pn. II GL imanun VA iman DC imene AL imen faith I biimen faithfully I VA (allahumma) amin AL Amin IQ amin amen I AS 96/4/2 ~afwatu amini the purity of my amen U AL temen (\. teimen) dedication of a church I taimin safe-conduct, security I bi teymin with security II UT 471 ma'miin black bryony (Tamus communis, bot.) I ET Almemon (= /alma'munf) pn. II AL muyemen + in having security II mumin + in believer II muemen gua bi taimin absolutely secure. S. {xss} I & {'bdl. ·{'MN} II: SG 'mnii hymn « L hymnus < G Uj.lVOC;).
·('MNQ/K(N)}: GL aminqun VA aminq 1\ FJ
aminqan clog; coarse skin footwear (used by shepherds or peasants) II OS ama/ankah & amykwn (\. ·ama/inkiin) cow vetch (Vicia cracca, bot., so called on account of its shape, < R *amenko, eventually with an aug. suffix, < L1 *ami[n]cum back formed from L iimiciilum, s. LHI, 149). S. {'Itmq}. ·{'MH}: JM 28 '.mmah stop that! ·{'MW}: GL amatun VA amah + ima female slave 0 umuwwah slavery a ET Humeya (= /umayyah/) pn. I IQ bani umayya the Umayyads. ·{'MYR}: GB 14 amayrh UT 458 amyrh water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes, bot.). ·{'MYNTS}: TO 258 imyiini!is mule wort (Hemionitis, bot.; < G tlj.llOVltlC;). ·{'N} I: 1 ) /an(na)/: IQ & VA & ZJ 4 an(na) AL en = elinne that I IQ iita tibia yal]sun an yasakalak attih if you show off, only do so if it becomes you I jani an yartaqad l]ali he came to find out my news I yuqiil
anni gulamu he says I am his slave I J.!alaf anna lam yuqulli he swore he did not tell me I EV 3 arath ... en quitaha~ar he wanted you to lose I CC 8 'n yn~f n~f 'Imgrm he must pay half the tribute I 12 kl mslm ... 'n ygrm every Muslim must pay I GA 5 'dxl 4amna 'ndh _ 'n rna qam qaym y'tr4h fyh f'ldrk 'Iyh he presented a guarantor of his pledge to redress losses, should somebody sue him and contest his rights I XA cdi6 wannabi annak maliJ.! by the Prophet, you are beautiful! I GL '.nna & fa'inna(ma) & fa'.nna & bi'anna & Ii'anna(hu) IQ fanna because I Ii'anna VA a/inna & Ii'an(na) AL enne AC 115, 170, etc. anna & AL lien(n)e because I yne nirid because (I wish it so) I NQ mg 23/2/3 Ii'anna naxsa because I fear I EV 5 yna cad ha~ar because he lost I 16 anny liz tegdar because you cannot I AC 252 anna ani since I I 481 Ii'annahu because he I 507 & IQ alia that not I GL 'ala 'n provided that I ZJ 1260 ka('a)nnuh XA iinl kannaka GL ka'an(nahu) VA ka'anna - ka'annak ka'anni, etc. as if (you, I, etc.) I IQ Ii'alla in order not to. 2) lint: GL in kana IQ & VA in (kan) AL yquin AC 5 in 280 ikkin if I 203 ikkin ... aw if ... or I AS 45/4/3 winkanis ta'rafiini and if you do not know me IIA ikkinis tarbaJ.! if you do not win I ikkinis tatkallam if she does not speak I AL yquin ahtld if anybody I IQ in muUu arJ.!am if I die, have pity I in jit xullit mufJ.!am if I come, shall I be left in silence'! I in 'ara4 lak satadrih if you come across him, you will know him I in najarri ... qamu ma'i if I run ... they vie with me I J.!araman 'alayya in dara ... J.!ad shame on me, if anybody knows I in kan titi' minni if you obey me I in kan jit if you have come I in kan watar4a if you please I GL wa'in (kana) VA wa'in kan although, even if (it is) II IQ & V A & ZJ 73 ilia AL AC 32 ilia if not, but I 76 & 413 ilia wa when suddenly there was I IQ ilia wana~far without my suddenly turning pale I IQ ilia anni but I I V A wa'illa otherwise I ilia an yakiin unless. 3) /inna(ma)/: IQ inna ayyami titam my days will end I innak mutayyah you are conceited IIIQ, GL, ZJ 1351 & VA innama
IZ 4/5/2 & 13/5/4 (w)innami AL inneme I yneme only, but I IQ innama hu rna raytu as soon as I saw II VA inniyah T at essence. S. {'s}, {b'd}, {dnw}, {shd}, {4mJ.!l}, {~nn}, {'ab}, {'mI}, {gyr}, {qbI}, {qtI}, {qsm}, {qwy}, {k}, Ow}, {nsd} & {ydw}. ·{'N} II: IQ & GL ana V A ana/i T naJ.!nu & niJ.!in(at) & nuJ.!un IQ naJ.!an & nuJ.!un ZJ 1551 nal.lOu AC nuJ.!un IA niJ.!na AL ani T (a)htln & ihna & henat & nahnu BO 12v ahin MV 212,4 hinat AC 130, 210, etc. a~i T 1475 nuJ.!u~ I II IQ anta & at(ta) T antum GL 'nta ZJ 45 & V A ant(a) NQ br 2/2/3 aUa AL ente T entum I entum AC 185 anta thou, you (sg.). S. {J.!bs}, {d'w}, {all}, {gil}, {fmm}, {qr4} I, {nrs} & {nwy}. ·{'NB}: GL muwannibun blamer. ·{'NBR}: SG 'nbr juniper « L juniperus, cf. Cs. enebro). ·{'NBRXS}: TO 265 iiniibrixis BM iinwbrwxys sainfoin (Onobrychis vicirefolia, bot.; < G Qvo(3Q Uxl o:;). ·{'NBRSRY}: s. {'nf(r)sry}. ·{'NPR/L TR}: MT '.nbiratl~iir emperor SG 'nbltiir L imperiitor). ·{'NPR~B·~S}: UT 436 'nbrnyh balys corn crow foot (Ranunculus arvensis, bot.; < R *emprefJ.a beias "it makes old women conceive"). ·{'NPRY}: AL Enpuries Ampurias (geo.). ·{'NBTRN}: BM 'nbtru/iin a kind of saxifrage (bot.; < G &j.lJt&1Qov). ·{'NBQ}: OS 'nbyq still (subs.). S. {dbb}. ·{'NBLS} I: BM anbalus agrya = anbls malayna black briony (Tamus communis, bot.) I anbalus 'wnwfrs grape vine (Vitis vinifera, bot.) I anbls Iwqy white bryony (Bryonia alba, bot.; < G o.j.lJt&)..oo:; o.'YQlU /
j.l&)..UlVU - OlVOCPOQOO:; - )..&uJ(~~ ·{'NBLS} II: OS 'nbwlis wild parsley (perhaps to read as ·abyiilus corrupted from L *iiplulus "little celery"). ·{'NT}: s. {'nt}. ·{'NTBY}: s. {'ntby}, ·{'NTR}: SG untiirah butter « R, cf. Cs untura < L unctura "embalming"). ·{'NTL}: OS antulah wholesome aconite (Aconitum anthora, bot.) I BM antulah (sawda') zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria, bot.; < LI anltilthora < G cl.vtlcp90Qa., according to SG).
'NTL YS-'NORSYN ·{'NTLYS}: UT 68 antilyd lentils « L lenticUla). ·{'NTNT}: MT '.nt.nat VA anti nat + in stepson « Ll antenatus; s. VA 32). ·{'NI>}: VA niwannaJ! k to make feminine or effeminate II yatwannaJ! atwannaJ! tawannuJ! to become feminine or effeminate I GL & ZJ 332 unJ!a VA unJ!a / unJ!ah + inaJ! AL unee + yniC dim. vneyea + it AC unJ!a & unJ!atun female I unee Ii dacar + inie gua docor hook and eye I unee gua dacar + iniC gua docor female and male I VA unJ!ayayn testicles II AC 1640g tawniJ! femininity I AL bi teniC femininely II GL muwannaJ!un VA muwannaJ! + in AL muen(n)ee + in effeminate; feminine. S. {rmn} I, {q~m} & {klw}. ·{'NI>LS}: BM 'nJ!ullis & 'nJ!iilis Cretan silver bush (Ebenus cretica, bot.; < G av9uU.. i~). ·{'NI>M}: SG anaJ!mh anathema « L anathema < G ava9&j.la). ·{'NJBR}: OS injibar potter's clay I AL ingibar green clay U TO 287 anjibar snake-weed (Polygonum bistorta, bot.; < F rangibar many-coloured 1). ·{'NJDN}: TO 239 anju3an assa-fretida plant (Ferula assafretida, bot.)2 I UT 395 a. ~ini a kind of lovage (Levisticum, bot.) I BM 136 a. riimi French hart wort (Sese Ii tortuosum, bot.) II HC 133 'njdan(iyyah) meat served with edible assa-fretida. ·{'NJR}: TO 303 unjurah nettle I OS anjurah I}arsa' a variety of nettle (bot.; < F anjare). ·{'NJRK}: OS anjarak marjoram « F anjerak). ·{,NJ~}: IQ alinja~ VA inja~ah + inja~ IH & IA inja~ AL injar;a + injar; pear I MT a~l inja~ + u~iil inja~ pear-tree « Rb aggas < Ak angasu). ·{'NJL}: VA injil + anajil AL ingil gospel II VA injili + in evangelist « G &Uan&A.10V). ·{'NJNY}: AL ingenie consecration of a church « L encaenia). ·{'NJHR/L}: IQ injihal (1) AL ingiMra + ingiMr a
kind of castanets made out of clay (prob. from P, as most Arabic musical terminology, perhaps a corruption of F angost hiir "set for the fingers"). S. {c;lrbl ·{'NXS}: OT 278 anxussa alkanet (Anchusa tinctoria, bot.; < G ayxouoa). ·{'NDJR}: MT andiijar geo. a aI'anduja/ari from Andujar (pn.). ·{'NDRS}: CP 171,9 'ndrys Andrews (pn.). ·{'ND/DRSY /MN}: BM andrasyiin DT 239 an3arasyiin hog's fennel (Peucedaneum officinale, bot., apparently corrupted from G av5Qooalj.lOv. However, TO 266 has andariisamun park-leaves, Hypericum androsremum, bot). ·{,NDRS}: AC 1204 andaras Andarax (geo.) I CP 53, 8 'ndras a deformation of the pn. Emeterius. ·{'NDR~QS}: TO 257 andariitaqas (I. andarii~aqas) androsace (Androsaces lac tea, bot.; < G av5QooaJc&~). ·{'NDRN}: IW II 572,8-9 mil} 'ndrani rock-salt (prob. < A mil1!un 8ar[ arani "intensely white salt", with metanalysis of tanwin). S. {l}y3r} & {'n3r}. ·{'NDRNY}: OS 'ndrwnya a variety of St. John's wort (perhaps relating to Androna, a place name in Syria). ·{'NDSY}: SG 'ndysywhl' indiction (hist.; < L indictio). ·{'NDLS}: IQ alandaliis AI-Andalus (geo.); the Andalusis I AC 731 alandalus the Andalusi people nAL Andalusi + in Andalusi(an) I Andalucia Andalucia (reintroduced from Cs, instead of the native word, which appears to reflect G [1] vTioo~ tTi~] 'AtA.avti50~ "the Island of Atlantis" in Pliny and Plato's legend; s. LQ 23). s. {~I}, {bndq} I, {I}sw} II, {snw}, {tyn}, {q~b}, {krJ!} II & {krnb}. ·{'NDLYNSYS}: SG 'ndlyansys indulgences (reI.; < L indulgentiae). ·{'NDML/NY}: UT 176 'ndmwlya GB 98 'ndmnya perhaps a kind of galingale. ·{'NDRSYN}: s. {'nd/3rsy/mn}.
However, according to Maimonides, il was very red: s. J. Blau, Jewish Quarterly Review 73 (\982) 114, this being prob. the reason why that plant took also this name. Consequently, F anga/obiir would already be an early return from A. Arab botanists occasionally say that it was so called on account of ils bone setling powers, but this would be just a folk etymology based upon A injibiir.
2 BM 135 distinguishes two kinds, the while one. edible. and the stinking black one.
·{'NRK}: AL Enrique (I. Enrique) Henry (pn.). S. {ryk}. ·{'NZRT}: BM & IW I 631,4 'anzariit sarcocolla (Astragalus sarcocolla, bot.; < F anzarut). S. {'nzrt}.
·{'NS} I: VA ni'annas tanis k to make human or tame I n. k & niwanas muwanasah k & niinis Anast inas IQ anas (jv.) to entertain or console I AL niguene~ guenezt mueni~ + (c)in to console II VA yiinis anas inas to see II yat'annas at'annas ta'annus muta'annis & nastanas astanast istinas mustanis bi to become human or tame II AL teenece (hr.) became incarnate II natguene~ atguenezt to console o.s. I VA nat'annas rna' & natwanas atwanast tawanus rna' / bi & nastanas ma' / bi to enjoy oneself with II ins & IQ insi human being 0 IQ, VA & AC 1427 uns AL un~/z enjoyment; consolation; affability II vnci + in homely II IQ anis VA anis t anisah / anisah + awanis affable, friendly II insan + (u)nas / anasi IQ insan + annas ZJ 69 nas (pI.) AC 21, 92 & 397 insan + nis / nas dim. IH unayyasun (sr.) AL incen + ni~ = vne~ person I (xei) mita ni~ belonging to (all) the people, communal I IQ insan 'ayni my pupil I ay kan alinsan when one was I insan yuqiil Ii it wiII be said to me I GL ba'4u unas some people II VA insani AL inceni + in human II VA insaniyah humanity II GL nasiit(iya)tun VA nasiit AL ne~ut humanity I BO 8r,3 Iabasahu ba nasutna he assumed our humanity II UT 499 mu'nis almiiJ:tas perfoliate St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum, bot., also called munsiyyah, q.v.) II IQ mu'anis AC 582 muwiinis affable I AL mueni~ consoling. S. {'d}, {'mm}, {jm'}, {J:trr} I, {J:tlq}, {xlt}, {xyr}, {dx\}, {drn}, {zr'}, {tbq}, {'rqb}, {grw}, {(w4}, {qb\}, {qdr}, {kl>r} & {kll} I. ·{'NS} II: IQ annassi - annassak - annassu myself - yourself - himself I VA anassi AL eneci myself I ene~u himself I AC 1627 fa~~a'a annasah at the same time I CA 6 IiruJ:tii walinisii for himself only « blilnafsuh > *abnafsuh > *amnafsuh, etc., cf. Ma innafsu). ·{'NSN}: VA anaysiin aniseed I GB 305 anyswn ~axri hedge parsley (Caucalis maritima, bot.; < G aVloov).
·{'NS}: TO 248 aniisah lamb's ear (Stachys germanica, bot. Perhaps < L innoxia "harmless", matching its A name qarrah, given to it because it relieves heart palpitation). ·{'NST}: GB 105 anUtah Spanish broom (Spartium juncea, bot.; < L genista). ·{'NSNS/Sy}: SG 'nsansyh, 'nsansh, Isnsh, (and stiII other vars.) absinth. S. {'fsntn} & {'snsy}. ·{'N~L}:
·{'NT/T>: TO 232 anitu SG anyt/th, anytw & anUh (I. 'nath) dill (Anethum graveolens, bot.; < L iinethum < G aV1190v). ·{'NTBY}: SG 'nt/tiibya endive (with some corrupted spellings such as OS antiiniya, etc., < S an(ubiyii < G &Vlu!31a < \ vw!3ov). ·{'NTD/T>: GB 380 'ntndh UT 396 'ntb3h 649 'ntbth (1. 'nti3/tah) small hart-wort (Tordilium officinale, bot.; < R *enteda "it sets ablaze" < L taeda "firebrand", because it was used as touchwood). ·{'NTRNN}: UT 643 'ntrniin (also called fusal, q.v.) spindle-wort (cf. Cs entramado "wooden frame"). ·{'NTFN}: SG antifunah antiphon « L antiphOna < G aVtlCj>wvll). ·{,NTKY}: VA antakiyah Antioch II antakI Antiochian. ·{'NTYN}: UT 299 'ntayin s. duqturanl>as under {dfl>rnl>s}. ·{'NGRS}: BM anagiirus TO aniigirun, anagiiriin & anagiris bean clover (Anagyris fretida, bot.; < G ava.'YuQor;~ ·{'NGRY}: AL Ungria Hungary II ungari t ungaria + in Hungarian (late borrowings from Cs). ·('NGL(TR»: AL Ingalaterra England II ingli + in English (late borrowings from Cs). ·{'NGLS}: OS anagalis BM aniigalis & aniig.lIIs red or blue pimpernel (Anagalis arvensis or crerulea, bot.; < G ava'Ya)..)..lr;). ·{'NF}: VA yanaf anif anaf anif maniif k / min to hate II anf + uniif AL enf AC 1525 anfuka (hr.) nose I TO 310 anf al'ijl great snapdragon (Antirrhinum maius, bot.) II AC anafah hatred II JT 36 'Imst'nf the future. S. {dmw} & {smx}. ·{'NFD/D/LYT>: SG 'nflyat t ah MT anfid/3/liyatuh godson I anfiliyatathii her goddaughter « LI *affiliiitus). ·{'NF(R)SRY}: MT '.n.firsariyuh = '.nifSiiriyuh
an.bsariyuh = anib.rSiiriyuh = n.b/rsariyuh = n.btrSiiriyat yearly requiem « L anniversiirius). *{'NFST}: SG 'nfsth unlucky « L infaustus). *{'NFQ}: OS zayt 'nfaq VC 65/10 zayt infaq oil from unripe olives « G OI1CPa.lnov). *{'NFLBY}: GB 139 'nflh bwy & 160 'nflh buyyuh prob. some kind of catch-weed which makes cattle swell and die « R *infla bwey I bOyo "it makes oxen swell"). *{'NFLYT}: S. {'nfd/My!}. *{'NQ}: V A nat'annaq at'annaqt ta'annuq muta'anniq + in fi to apply oneself eagerly to. *{'NQL}: FX anqilah eel « L anguilla). *{'NK}: OS anuk tin (from a word of nonSemitic stock which is extant in most Semitic areas but having perhaps entered them at different times and through diverse ways, cf. Gz na'k closer to Sa niiga vs. Ak aniiku[mJ, closer to An anag). *{'NKS}: OS ankusa bugloss (Anchusa officinalis, bot.; < G a'YJ(,ouoa). *{'NKLY}: VA inkilyah + at IH inkiliyyatun ZJ 199 inkilyah bilge (of a ship; < G o.'YKUAJ). *{'NKN}: AC 1077 unkun AL uuquon + avaquin (I. unquon + anaquin) haunch « Fk *hanka with the R aug. suffix). *{'NLY}: GB 201 unulyuh kambiyanuh common inula (Inula helenium, bot.; < R *ino[o kampyeno "field fennel" < LI *genuculum campaneum). *{'NM} I: IQ & VA anam humankind. *{'NM} 11: TO 257 unuma hairy onosma (Onosma echioides; corrupted from G Qvool1a). *{'NML}: BM unumali mixture of wine and honey « G OlVOI1EAl). *{'NN}: VA ni'ann anant anin ann + in min IQ ni'anni NQmg 2/3/1 yi'an AL niennen ennent AC 632 & 1460 n/tiyyan to moan II VA niwannan a~~abi to lose one's child (s. VA 33) II GL aninun AL alenin moaning nmuenin + in DC mueninin (pI.) moaner. *{'NY} I: NQ mg 9/4/3 hawani yiwani my humiliation acquiesces (with substitution of the III for the II verbal stem) II V A nat'anna at'annayt ta'anni muta'anni + in to tarry II GL ina'un (I. anatun) VA anah delay II GL ina'un & anyatun +
awani I awanin IH aniyatun + awani V A aniyah & ina + awanY IQ awanY ZJ 1761 ani yah (sg.) LZ aniyah (sg.) AL inia + avini dim. vaynin (I. vaynia) + vaynit AC 1103 & 157 ina + awani (table) vessel I GL awani 'lfaxxar & anyatu raxxar & ana 'tturabi earthen vessels I awani fi!J!Jatin - ilahabin silver - golden vessels II MT xiibiyah awaniyyah IaIxamr jugs used as wine containers. IQ ta'anni delay a GL mustani tardy. S. {'yn}, {xII}, {tn, {rxr}, {kC'} & {n~s}. *{'NY} II: GB 324 unyah iii qaballuh a kind of plantain « R ·u1.!a de kabQ[o "horse's hoof") I u. da / iii gatuh (R. ·u. de gato "cat's claw") identified with common honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenon, bot.), lung-wort (Pulmonaria officinalis) and even with u. iii qaballuh. *{'NYS}: AL Eneas Eneas (pn., late borrowing from Cs). *{'HB}: GL ta'.hhaba ata'ahhabu VA yat'ahhab ta'ahhab ta'ahhub Ii AL netheb etgueht (I. netgueheb etguehebt) to prepare 0.5. (for war) I VA ihab leather. *{'HL}: V A ni'ahhal tahil k to enable II yat'ahhal at'ahhal ta'ahhuI to enable oneself I nat'ahhaI bi to get married II GL yastahalu istihalun V A nastiihal I nastahall astahalt istihlal mustahil / mustahill + in k AL neztehel eztehelt to deserve II GL ahlun natives I IQ ah(a)l people (of) I V A ahl wife I AL ah[(i) family I AC 22, 225, 485 & 1204 ahl + ahlin (specific) people I AL min ahl familiar I MT ahl albaqi the living I ahl assutrah the ascetics I GL ahlu bay tin home people I CD M 1/9 ahUn addunya ajma' everybody in the world I V A a. Iikaila & mustahil + in bi deserving s.th., suited for I ahlan wasahlan welcome! II AL qillat al iztihil unworthiness II V A mu'ahhal qualified; suited II IH musta'hilun Ukaila GL mustahalun (sr.) deserving I gayru mustahal undeserving. S. {'xii}, {bdw}, {bId}, {~dd} I, {djO, {str}, {sy~}, {s!d, {~wf}, {tb'}, {'rf}, {gfr}, {rtn}, {mdn} & {msk} I. *{'HN}: s. {hna}. *{'W}: IQ, GL, VA & AC 32 aw AL av or I IQ aw na'annaq unless I embrace I XA vli4 fajur aw fa'dan be unfair or fair. S.
{f.1yn}, {nf.1w}, {wf.1d} & {wdd}. ·{'WB}: vA nu'iib ubt awb to come back II ma'ab return II AS 29/5/3 in kan (Iub) lal'awdab iyab if he ever returns. ·{'WP}: AL aguapi small wine (obtained from steeping grape dregs; < R, cf. Cs aguapie, early translated as nabia alar jul, after OS, and still current in some Moroccan ludreo-Arabic dialects as ma wape, contaminated by ma "water", according to Simon Levy, "Palabras aventureras. Hispanismos olvidados, escondidos en hablas arabes de Marruecos" in Huellas comunes y miradas enconlradas: mundos arabe, iberico e iberoamericano, Rabat 1995, pp. 187-95, esp. 192). ·{'WJ}: VA awj apogee. ·{'WD}: VA awad small of the back. ·('W(D)}: SH fulanah awa qad jit So-and-so, here you are at last! I lQ awwaaa here he - it is I a. bih nu'man here he is turned cruel like Annu'mlin (the famous king of Alhirah) I aw(wa)3lini here I am I aw~aaak here you are I awaabu qad xaraj out it went I ID hn 10 'waa ykwn he shall be here right away « A hli huwa lJli through dialects prone to Ihl > 0). S. {hal. ·{'WDM} I: VH 'waima soft tumour « G OlOl1lla ). ·{'WDM} II: GL 'waim cornelian (mere transcription of H odem). ·{'WRSLNN}: OS 'wrsals (1. 'wrusalinun) moun tain parsle y, (Pe}roselin urn oreoselinum, bot.; < G o(l&Oa&A.1Vov). ·{'WRSY}: OS awrasya white lily (prob. < G l(lU;)I. S. {'rs}. ·{'WRM}: OS 'urmy (sic) wild rue « B, cf. K aWiJrmi). S. {'rs}. ·{'WRY}: LO (H)auria fern. pn. « L Aurea). ·{'WZ}: GL iwazzatun goose. S. {qrt} I & {wzz}. ·{'WS}: GL 'I'asu' IQ & VA lis myrtle I BM as barri butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus, bot.) I GM 29 a. riimi Alypo globe daisy (Globularia alypum, bot.). ·{'WSB/NN}: OS 'wsnwn (and var. 'wsbwn) lapis lazuli (perhaps corrupted from ·'w syanus < G 0 Kuavoc;, through Ll bookish
transmission and pronunciation: in such case, both recorded vars. would be corrupted). ·{'WS'TS}: OS awsa'atis serpentine (min., perhaps a corruption of G OqlltllC;~ ·{'WTR}: MT xaraj lub awtiir be went surety . for him « L auclor, cf. Cs Ie sali6 fiador). ·{'WF}: GL afatun VA afab + at AC 384 afelu (br.), 1395 & 514 afat + afat plague, epidemic; blemish I MT afat azzaman + afat azzaman wear and tear II VA ma'iif + in plagued, stricken by an epidemic. ·{'WFMY}: PC 141,2 'wfymya Euphemia (pn.). ·{'WQ}: GL 'wqiyatun VA iiqiyyab I waqiyyah + awwaq (sic) AL guaquia + avaqui dim. vquaya + il ounce I g. gua no!; one ounce and a half I guaquialei & zeuch avaqui two ounces I GL ImlJl 'wqyat thir,d of an ounce I VA rub' ii. a quarter of an ounce « Ar u[ nJqiya < G oU)'Kla < Lunda). S. {JllJl}. ·{'WQRSTY}: SG 'wqrlitya eucharist « L euchiiristia < G &Uxa(ltatla). ·{'WQNI>S}: TO 292 & BM uwaqinJliis oriental hyacinth (Hyacintbus orientalis, bot.; < G UclK1V90C;). ·{'WQNY}: CP 185,4 'wqanyh Eugenia (pn.). ·{'WL} I: IQ hawlli/a GL ba'ula'i these II VA iila'ik tbose Uiilii t iilat tbose who have. ·{'WL} II: VA nu'iil ult awl I ma'al to return II ni'awwal k to interpret II nat'awwal ta'awwalt I at'awwalt ta'awwul muta'awwil muta'awwal to be interpreted UGL alatun VA alah + at AL ele + el instrument I elel a zamr musical instrument I MT alat alma'~arah tbe works of an oil-mill I GL ala tun liI'aaabi goad I 'It 'din instrument of faith II IQ awwal MT awwil & aw.1i + aw.liyyat IH t awwalab GL awwalun + awayilu VA awwa/il + in I awa'jJ AC 415, 416, etc. awwa/il t awwiliyya OM 1V alawili'a AL avil + aviliin = aguil + in first I avilen I agueten IH awwalan firstly I AL aguil alhadiC beginning of speech I bile aguil gual a~ir without beginning or end I avil nahQr AA 1 '1 wi nbar first day of the
The case, however, is ralher complicaled: it appears lhal lhe inlermediale S i,isa has general~d a .mela~h~lical 'is,iya (in DS 'sryi togelher with a prob. miSlaken 'srya), which nexl has been half ,correcled 1010 ayr"ya and dissimilaled into awrasya.
'WL II1-'YRJ month I ZJ 135 & 678 awil first; beginning I MV 92 awl ykiin 'Imnb 'Iybm lest they have to pay tbe expenses II IQ awwali GL awwaliyun AL avili + in first born; principal; matins II ule beginning II VA awwaliyab + at principle II GL tawilun interpretation S. {'3n}, {'Iw} II, {'ms}, {br~}, {twO I, {dmg}, {dbr}, {smr}, {sm(n)}, {smw}, {sw'}, {shd}, Ubr}, {sy'}, {~wr}, {'wm}, nyo, {mn}, {mnqn}, {nrs}, {nbr}, {wid} & {wbO. ·{'WL} 1II: VA tawil instrument. S. {tbO l. ·{'WLY}: SG 'wlyat thanksgivings « L eulogia < G &11),,011«). ·{'WLLY}: CP 179,3 & 43,2 'wlalyb Eulalia (pn.). S. {snt}. ·{'WN} I: V A ana some time, once I GL Tana VA alan(a) AC 396 al'ana now I MT al'an now; then I GL mina 'I'ana from now on I AL carea el ene (= /sari' al'ana/) right away nMT awan time, epoch I AS 44/5/2 fi kulli awan at any time I XA cri4 ~umtu 'annub awan I deprived myself of him for a time I AL Ii aguen (I. aguen) once II VA biyawan timely II IW II 595,13 Iijam iwan (?) makeshift halter (for a wounded animal) . ·{'WN} II: GL wadi anah Guadiana (geo.). ·{'WNPC}: TO 273 iinah bajah (and vars. such as iny / yun bys, etc. going back to R ·yul1e) chickweed (Holosteum umbellatum, bot.; < R *une peca "it links parts"). ·{'WH}: IQ aha V A aha & ah AL aha yes, indeed II 1H ah IQ ah (aha} ouch (int.) II aha min 4ana jasdi woe unto my emaciated body! I al'ah the interjection of pain nAL agueh agueh oh (int. of fright) I IA awwah 'ala I'azbah poor woman without a husband! ·{'WY}: VA nawi awayt 'inda to seek shelter I IA & AC 1212 yawi he dwells I GL awi I shelter II V A nu'wi awayt iwa mu'wi mu'wa k AL Nevi to shelter nIQ ayah GL ayyatun VA ayah + at AL aya + et sign, miracle I rae al eya beginning of a chapter
of the Koran) II GL mawa'un V A ma'wa AC 1251 mawi shelter. S. {jnn}. .{'y} I: VA & AC 422g ay LZ ay that is, namely II AL ygualay I Y guallah yes, indeed. S. {'yh}. .{'y} II: IQ ay ouch (int. of pain; < Ray). ·{'YA} I: IQ ayyak beware!1 I ayyak tasal beware of asking I ayyak an ta~addaq beware of believing I ayyak la tamsii beware of walking I AS 34/5/2 ayyak la tubali biqawl alla3i qad ansad ignore the words said by the one who recited I 1H iyyaka I'asada (sr.) beware of the lion! I VA ayyak ta'mal 3a beware of doing this I AC 639 ayyak wa~u~ba beware of associating I 422 iyyakum waxa4ra'a (hr.) beware of verdancy I GL iyyahu the same one « A iyyii). S. {fz'}, {mtO & {nsy}. .{'y Xl II: VA, LZ & 1H ayya IQ ayya well then; come on I NQ db 3/6/2 aya ~izbi come on, my people I AL aya aya baad well then I aya ylUi well then, where to? I aya ay well then, where? I aya men well then, who? I aya min ey well then, where from? I LZ ayya rulan come on, you « L iiii). ·{'YB}: IQ, VA & MT ayyiib ET Ai/yub LO Ayup Job, Ayyiib (pn. < H iyyob). S. {ql'}. ·{'YD}: VA ni'ayyad k to back or support I IQ ayyad allah bisa'dak al'islam may God assist Islam through your fortune II V A yat'ayyad at'ayyad ta'ayyud bi to get support from II ayd strength; giant II ET Abuied (= /abii iyiid/) pn. II MT adam allah tayidhum may God extend His support to them II mu'ayyad assisted (by God). ·{'YR} I: IQ ayr VA ayr + uyiir ZJ 1426 ayr & 880 ir penis. ·{'YR} II: GL ay(y)arun air, breeze « G a~(>. but s. GL 35 about the unlikelihood of this word having ever become integrated into Aa). ·{'YRBTN}: TO 292 iyara biitany a kind of vervain (Verbena sapina, bot.; < G 1&(>0: 130tavT\).
·{'YRJ}: GL '.yarij antidote « F eyiirej < G
The change of the first vowel, well in agreement with a South Arabian based trend characteristic of Aa is auested to by R transcriptions like those signalled by A. Steiger in his paper" Aragones antiguo 'ayech, ayech' "cuidado", judeo-espai\ol "hec": 'eya velar'" in Revisla de/ilologia espanola 35 (l95\) 341-44.
'YS-'YY II i&(>clKlOV I ).
·{'YS}: AL ayi, hopelessness, despair I naqtaa al ai, quataat to despair I EV 14 catao alayz min maradach they declared you past recovery I IQ aqta' minnu laylis lose any hope you placed in him « {y's}). ·{'YI)}: IQ, GL & AC 1486 aycJli AL ay4an = aidam also, too. S. {qwI} & {Ikn} I. ·{'YL}: GL iyyalun IH ayyilun LZ ayyal V A ayyil + uyiil AL ayl + vyul deer. S. {xU}, {r'y}, {syr} & {qrn}. ·{'YLL}: IQ ayliil September (Eastern month name required by rhyme). ·{'YM}: IH ayyim widower I V A ayyim + ayylima widow. ·{'Y(N): AS 26/3/2 al'ayn(u) the where (mys. and phi.) UIQ ayn(a) VA ayna IA & ZJ 84 & 73 ay(n) AL ay where IIQ aynu where is it? I aynakum where are you? I ay bil]lili where could one like me be found? I ay Un when he was I AC 205 aynu I]abibak wherever is your friend? I 240 aynu xayru where is his welfare? I EV 8 yamxi ay liz quen lu yemxi it goes where it should not go I VA lay(na) / ilayn(a) AC 701 ilay AL ilei & ligihat ey whither I IQ & VA min ayn AC 25 min ay AL min eyli & min eilei whence I min ei meicun from wherever I miney because I IQ min
Bul s. GL 35 and M. Ullmann, die Medizin in Islam, p. 296.
ay 'lidah since when is it a habit? I V A I]atta ilay how far I ay(na)mli AC 341 & IQ ay ma ZJ 1266 aymi AL ayme & ayneme wherever I VA min aymli from wherever I AC 1463 laymi & VA (i)lay nal]yah & AL Mime quin whithersoever I ay min whenever. S. {'yli} II & {fmm}. ·{'YN}: IH 350 amrun lam ya'in (sr.) LZ 'mr 1m ya'in a thing whose time has not come. ·{'YH}: IQ ayyih yes, indeed II IZ 10/5/4 ih ih yes, of course. S. {'y) I. ·{'YY} I: GL '.y s.y what Ili'ayyi say'in (hr.) why I bi'ay mi 'ahdin (sr.) with whichever pact I fi '.ymi mawcJi' wherever I V A (i)lay nal]yah / I]awmah / jihah whithersoever I IQ ay I]abs what a jail! I bay itanb for what fault? I kunt qultu ay I have already said which one I AC 553 ay nawir ... ay Iiqlil] what a flower ... what a shoot! I CD M 3/14 ay zamlin what a time! I IQ ayhum which one of them I VA ayyuhum & min ayyim AL aymin whoever I ay guaqt = ayguat me whenever. S. {jz'}, {qdd} & {w~f}.
{'YY} II: ZJ 9 ayyuha vocative marker before
the definite article II AL ayuhani, populace « A ayyuhii nniis, a term used by rulers to address the masses). S. {n~r}.
IBI & IPI ·{B}: VA, IQ, ZJ & GL bi AL bi - baW with I bia - bina - biq - bicum - bih - bihum ZJ 753, 140, 7 & 156 biyya - bik - bih -
bihi IQ bik - bikum - bini - bi/ih biha with me - us - you (sg.) - you (pI.) him - her I 182/0/1 as bik what is the matter with you? I XA vli3 mi bi iIIi 'ali my only disease is Ali I IZ 8/4/1 bihi i1ay give them to me I AC bili = ZJ 137, AL bile without I b. tucun durura without need II V A & IQ bih there I labiih thither. S. {'xr}, {'db}, {'in, {'mr}, {'mn}, {'n}, {'nIJ}, {'ns} II, {'wI} II, {'yy} I, {b~IJ}, {bxt}, {br~}, {brd}, {btl}, {b'd}, {bg4}, {bqy}, {bky}, {big}, {pwl}, {by4}, {byn}, {tb'}, {t'b}, {IJbt}, {IJql}, {IJmr}, {IJny}, {j~d}, {jdd}, {jrr}, {jry}, {jsd}, {jmd}, {jm'}, Oml} I, {jhd}, {jhl}, {jwd}, {jwh}, {~bb}, {~aq}, {~rj}, {~rr}, {~rr}, {~rq}, {~rm}, {~~w}, {~qq}, {~km}, {~Iq}, {~Im}, {~Iw}, {~md},
I, {~nn} I, {~wl}, {xbl}, {xdd}, {xd'}, {x~r}, {x~~}, {x4'}, {xt'}, {xtr}, }: GL abi!alJU - an yabi!al>a bai!l>un VA nabi!al> bai!al>t bai!1> bai!il> + in bai!i!al> + in 'ala & nibai!al> mubai!al>ah 'ala AL nabhae abhaet (I. bahael) = nabhad bahadl to search or examine I n. bahaet bahae (I. abhae) to discuss II bake; (I. baht) inquire, research I bi baht carefully II bahie; + in inquirer, researcher. +{BI:IJ}: s. {bji!} I. +{BI:II:I} I: VA nibai!i! abai!t 1 & yatbai!i!ai! atbai!i!ai! to become hoarse or raucous II nibai!i!ai! k to make hoarse or raucous II GL bui!iii!atun V A bai!ai! & bui!iii!ah hoarseness II GL abai!i!un f 'b.i!i!atun VA abai!i! + in hoarse, raucous. S. {bi!bi!}. +(BI:I(I:I)} II IQ bai!i!a bai! onomatopeia of noise in carousal.
1 Either a mistake or a case of rool melanalysis.
+(BI:IR(Q)}: AC yabi!ar he navigates II V A nibai!i!ar AL nibahhar bahhart to cause to enter deep waters II V A yatbai!i!ar atbai!i!ar tabai!i!ur AL natbahar atbahart to sail II GL bai!run IQ bai!(a)r + bui!iir VA bai!(a)r + bui!iir / bii!ar / abi!ur AC bai!ar + bui!iir AL bahar abhor / bohbr / bihar sea I min baharay from two seas I af bahar af maiicul the Arctic Ocean I af b. af muhit the ocean I ET Abufbahar pn. II VA bai!ri + in sailor AC bai!ri I AL bahari + in marine; sailor; boatman; galley-slave; a kind of falcon I DS bai!ri turtle I MT ali!iit albai!ri sea fish II GL tayrun bai!riyatu (sr.) fulica I VA bui!ayrah + at lake II T A Buheiroga « */bui!ayruqah/ "lagoon", with a R pejorative suffix) II GL ayamu 'Ibui!ran crisis (of an illness) II IA bai!ir indiscreet. S. {'rob}, {'sfnj}, {'fsntn}, {jrd}, {jry}, {i!jr}, {i!sw}, {i!~r} III, {i!tb}, {i!kk} I, {xtm}, {x~w}, {x If}, {xnzr}, {dbb}, {djj}, {dys}, {rtj}, {rgw}, {rkb}, {ryf}, {zbd}, {zft}, {zhr}, {sb'}, {sf!}, {Sjr}, {Sfn}, {Sqw~}, {Syx}, {~xr}, {~wf}, {(Iyq), {ti!lb}, {'sj}, {grb}, {gry}, {frj}, {frs}, {qst} II, {qt'}, {qtf}, {qqs}, {qwqn}, {klb} & {mn +{PI:ISS}: V A bai!sahh cajolery (7) II AL lapahxux luxury I lapiixur (I. lapaiixux) tidbit, delicacy II mupahxax + in gourmet (perhaps a contamination of A {bi!bi!} with R *piSa, s. RA 16). S. {pss}. +{BI:IN}: AL adhQn (I. abhan) earlier, sooner « A bi~in "timely"). S. {i!yn}. +{BXT}: VA yubxat buxit bi to be lucky II nibaxxat tabxit k & nubxit abxat ibxat mubxit mubxat to make happy II AL nanbakal anbakatt to take a risk II IQ baxt VA, ZJ 1040, 1203 & AC baxt + buxiit AL bakl + bukut luck I bi b. luckily I quillal b. misfortune I bi quilial b. unfortunately I VA qalil albaxt AL calil af b & bile b. unfortunate II mabkala + mabQkil BD 18r mabaxitin beatitude (reI.) II AL mabku/ol f mabkota + in VA mabxiit + in AC mabxiit blessed; lucky II AL mubakil + in making lucky « P baxl "fortune"). S. {'rr} I, {'Ih} & {rzq}. +{BXTR}: VA nibaxtar baxtarah k to cause to
BXTRN-BDD strut II yatbaxtar atbaxtar tabaxtur mutabaxtir + in IQ natbaxtar tatbaxtar Iii tatbaxtar to strut. ·{BXTRN}: UT 61 buxturnah a kind of mullein (bot., perhaps < L vult uri nus "related to vultures"). ·{BXTN~R}: IH buxtu na~arin (suggested correction buxtu na~~ara) Nebuchadnezzar « Ak nabu kudduri u~ur "Nebo, protect the boundary!", through Ar nbukadna~~ar).
·{BXR} I: V A yabxar baxar & yatbaxxar atbaxxar to evaporate II GL ubaxxiru yubaxxiru VA nibaxxar k AL nibak,ar bak,art tabk,ir + tabak,ir mubQ.k,ir + in AC nibaxxariiha mubaxxar to perfume with incense II V A yatbaxxar atbaxxar to be perfumed with incense II buxiir + abxirah AL buk,ar abk,ira vapour; fume; breath II IQ 167/1/3 baxiir VA & ZJ 1695 buxiir incense I AL boluk,br + abk,ira (aromatics burnt as) perfumes I SH & UT 96 b.xiir assiidiin elemi I UT 67 b. albarbar / 'ii'isah SG b. mwrskh orpine (Telephium imperati, bot.; < R *mawresko "Moorish") I TD 199 b. maryam bleeding-nun (Cyclamen europreum, bot.) I UT 95 b. aljinn Indian bdellium tree (Commiphora mukul, bot.) I b. annabi frankincense II AC bawiixirah its fumes II VA la~yat an baxrah wabuxar (the last item prob. pI.) unkempt beard II AC & ZJ 269 tabiixir fumigation vapours II V A mabxarah + mabiixir AL mabk,ara + mabak,ir censer, thurible II lQ mabxiir foul-breathed. S. {syx} & {tlq}. ·{BXR} II: IQ albuxiiri pn. ·{BXS}: VA abxas baxast baxs biixis mabxiis k to defraud or cheat I AL nabk,at; abk,at;t to despise II VA yanbaxas anbaxas to be cheated II AL baqt; (I. bagt; for bak,t;) faulty. ·{BXS}: IQ albaxsayn (7) unid. place name. ·{BX'}: VA yabxa' baxa' bax' biixi' mabxii' k to be ruined or spoiled. ·{BXL}: IQ Iii tabxal AC yabxal bi VA nabxal baxalt 'ala bi to be stingy, to withhold s.th. from s.o. II nibaxxal tabxil k to cause to be stingy II GL buxlun VA buxl AL bok,l avarice, niggardliness I bi bok,l avariciously II GL baxilun IQ baxil f baxilah VA badl + bidl / buxalii AC
badl AL bak,il bulok,a[Q. I in avaricious, miserly. ·{BXYN}: BM bixyiin TD 250 fixyun (I. b) colt's foot (Tussilago farfara, bot.; < G /311)(.10Y). ·{BD'}: GL badii abda'u yabdii badyun / badwun & '.btadi tabtadi ibtidii'un VA nabda' / nabdii bada't / badayt bad' / bidiiyah biidi mubdi k & nabtadi abtadayt ibtidii mubtadi mubtadii k AC badii tabdii yabdih nabdik AL nebdi bedeit & nebtedi ebtedeit abtedi ilybtide to begin or start I ZJ 578 badaytani you provoked me I XA iini4 la'allahu bassaliimi yabdiini in case he greets me first I IQ badiit an ta~arrak she began shaking I badayt an nuqiil I began saying I yabdiini ... balminan he favoured me beforehand I abtadiini ya"~ak minni he started laughing at me I abtadayt Iimad~ I started praising I nabtadik na'mal nikiiyah I start hurting you I nabtadi namla~ I begin my toilet I nabtadi ral'iwaj I begin acting crookedly I tabtadi tarafraf you start flapping the wings I MT abtadii ... bigiriisat he began planting II IQ badw AL budi beginning I min al budi GL min 'Ibadi since the beginning I badyu 'Idunyii the beginning of the world I AL til bedi DC 21 tal bode in the beginning I AC fj badyihii at its beginning II V A bad'ah & bidiiyah + iit & mabdii / mabda' + mabiidi GL mabdii AS 1/0/1 & IZ 4/5/4 bidiyya beginning, start UBD 31 v badyiitu i1~aliitu the beginning of the Mass nZJ 1107 & IQ mubtadii beginning I AL mubtede nominative; subject (gr.) II mubtedi + in beginner I ZJ 81 mubtadi sarr provoker of fights. S. {~r~}, {sl~} & {'qd}. ·{BDJS}: AL Badajbt; Badajoz (geo., late borrowing from Cs instead of older batalyaws). ·{BDI;J}: MT aban ba/uddii~ pn. ·{BDD}: IQ baddad Iii tabaddad baddadiih fj GL ubaddidu tabdidun mubaddadun VA nibaddad tabdid AL nibedded bededt tebdid mubbedid + in to scatter or dissipate II V A yatbaddad atbaddad tabaddud to be scattered or dissipated II nastabadd astabadt istibiid mustabidd bi to hoard I IQ astabaddii balinfiiq only they applied themselves to spending II GL
'Ibaddu FJ badd + budud AL bedd budud oil-mill II VA & AC Iii budd a min it is unavoidable I XA iili9 Iii budda min I}abibi yi'iid my beloved must come back IIQ Iii budda yurra' it must be suppressed I Iii budda min kabs a ram is a must I Iii budd an taxalli you must leave I Iii bud luh an yusamma he must be named I las bud Ii I must I 158/3/5 las budda Ii an natba'u I must follow him I XA ati2 lis bud an tariini you must see me I ar6 las budda ... mannuh he is necessary I cra3 la bud Ii min najjam I must smell I IQ budd an yukiin it must be I NQ br 2/1/4 buddi lalgulam yax~a' the slave must humble himself I ZJ 1267 lis budduh yiqiil he has to say II AL bedid « /baddadf) + in oilmiller II GL mustabiddun birayihi stubborn. ·{BDR}: GL abduru I come forward II '.biidiru VA nibadar biidir (iv.) mubiidarah k & yatbiidar atbiidar to hurry or rush II badr + budiir IQ bad(a)r + budiir AL bedr + budur full moon I MT aban badr ZJ 561 badr & IQ aban badar pns. II badari my insistence II badiiri new (clothes) I IW I 590,26 b.diiri alqa~ab early reed II AC albidiir i1ayh rushing to him I IQ bidiir (mental) sharpness II VA badarah + bidar purse II GL biidirun anterior. S. {tmm} & {I}dr}. ·{PDR}: AL Pedro Peter (late borrowing from Cs). ·{PDRN}: AL Padron Padron (geo.). ·{BD/DZHR}: BM blidzahr bezoar stone II HB 96,4 biiit.z.haryah (antidote containing) bezoar « P piidzahr "protecting from poison"; however, the Aa pronunciation appears to have been [bezuharl). S. {bzhr}. ·{BDS}: ET Bediz & RC benbidis pns. (of B stock, usually spelled as biidis). ·{BDSTR}: AL beduslar beaver « F bidaslar). S. {jnd}. ·{BDSQ/KN}: os bdsq/kiin & bdiisq/kiin rush broom (Spartium junceum, bot.; < F badisgiin). ·{BD'}: GL '.bda'u I innovate I abda'tu ... bida' IQ I made marvels II VA nibadda' tabdi' k 'ala to call (bad names) loudly II nubdi' abda't ibdii' mubdi' mubda' k & nabtada' abtada't k to invent II VA nastabada' k to amaze II GL bid'atun IQ bid'a marvel;
prodigious novelty I VA bid'ah uproar II GL badi'un marvellous I IQ badi' V A badi' amazing AL badeali I badie + bidaa elegant; excellent; beautiful I xei badea + bidaa splendid thing I IQ badi' azzamiin pn. nAL badia (= /badi'a/) kindness II FX badi'i a kind of stew II AL labado shouting insults II IQ abda' more marvellous I mii abda' how marvellous! I AC amibdii' mii hii how marvellous he is! UGL ibtidii'un heretical innovation. ·{BDL} I: VA nabdal badalt biidil mabdiil / badil & nibaddal tabdil k & nubdil abdalt ibdiil k ZJ 441, 443 abdal to change I IQ kin nabdalhii I would change it I a'mal an tabdalhii try to change it I abdalhum bi'anras exchange them for something more valuable I abdalli I}iilah change my (wretched) condition I jitu nabdal I tried to change my position II baddal he changed his mind I nabaddal makiin I budge I 182/2/5 yabaddal kallimu he changes his words I ramaq baddaItu xaddak I have made (kissing) your cheek my only sustainance I tabdili to trade me I AC baddal bi he traded for I baddal janb change your position I AL nibeddel beddeit lalebdil mubeddel + in to change, alter or transform; to sodomize I nibeddel alUun to change colour I GT 165,19 baddaItu qadami I took a step I 100,10 law baddaItu qadaman if I took a step I GL ubaddilu yubad.l to change I baddalahum ~iiratahu he transfigured himself in front of them I VA nibaddal hay'atu aw ~iiratu aw saklu AL nibedel acora ,ebdil a. to transfigure or transform I VC 3/7 tibaddal zawj a~iiris it sheds two teeth II GL tabaddulun IQ yatbaddal tatbaddal V A yatbaddal atbaddal tabaddul bi & yanbadal anbadal bi to be exchanged I AC tatbaddal aHabiiyi' the character changes II IQ anbadal I}iilu his condition changed I kin yanbadal al'ah bi'ay the exclamation of surprise would turn into one of pain II AL nelbedel alelbedell to grow pale with fear; to be sodomized (also nelbidel albedell maa akar) II VA badal substitute I MT 'aw~an wabadalan 'an AL fedle (I. bedle) instead of II IA badlat lawn change of food n IQ & ZJ 571 badil substitute, alternate I IA lis
SOL I1-SDL I albaail & AC la yiqii' badil it is not a good deal II GL tabdilun change; sodomy II AL mutebedil + in mutable I GL gayru mutabaddil unchangeable. S. {bdw}, {rys}, {'well, {wjb} & {wq'}. ·{BDL} II: LZ badlab a suit of clothes « (baI}). ·{BDL} III: AL Vidal pn. (Iate borrowing from Cs). ·{BDLYN}: 8M bdalyiin s. {balyn}. ·{BDMNY}: TO 157 bdmiiniyab sea-horse. ·{BDN}: VA nibaddan tabdin k to make corpulent II yatbaddan atbaddan to become corpulent II badan + abdiin = IQ, AC abdin (pI.) body I GL badanun qa~irun small (Le., stunted) body I AS albadan body (of a shin) II V A badanab + budun (slain) heavy she-camel II mubaddan corpulent. S. {~f~}, {rtb}, {sqq}, {qs'r} & {n'm}. ·{BDNJ}: GM 10 badanj embelia (Embelia ribes; < Sa viqanga). S. {bmj/q/k}. ·{BDH}: AC baaiba clearsightedness I V A 'ala 1 balbadibab suddenly II lZ 12/2/3 'ala Ibadih at once. ·{BDW}: IQ badii yabdii V A nabdii badayt badw ba/udii 1 bidiiyab biidi Ii to appear I yabdii badii Ii & badiil Ii AL menu bedilaq lQ qad badii Ii to change one's mind I Ii'allii yabdii Ii in order not to change my mind I mii badii lak what pleases you I yabdii balfar~a he seems glad I nabdii bal'ulJiir I am seen stammering II V A nubdi abdayt ibdii mubdi mubdii k to show I IQ sanubdi ilayk I will show you II GL badawiyun + 'Ibadawiyyiina & abl 'Ibiidiyati V A badawi + in 1 biidiyab Ibadii lQ bad wi ZJ 676 badawi AL bedagui f bedaguia + bidia AC bada/iiwi f badiiwiyii peasant I FX badawiyyab a dish of chicken halfcooked, fried and cooked again, dressed with spices and eggs II IQ & MT biidiyab VA biidiyab + bawiidi dim. IQ budayya country. S. {~rlJ}, {~kr} & {'lJr}. ·{PDW}: AL Padua Padova (geo.) II padutmi + in from P. (late borrowings from Cs). ·{BDWRD}: CP 133,3 biidaward TO 214 & 216
biid/aiiward welted thistle (Picnomon acarna, bot.; < F bad avarde "brought by the wind"I). ·{BDX}: V A nibaahx tabaix k to treat II natbaaaax atbaaaaxt bi to revel II baaax luxury. S. {bel x}. ·{BDD}: VA baaa rhyming slang of faaa, q.v. ·{BDR}: GL '.Mr biiairun IQ yabaar VA nabaar baitart biiitir mabaiir k AL nabder bedert to sow II nibaititar tabitir k & nubitir abhrt ihaiir muhair mubitar k AL nibed( d)er bed( d)ert talebdir mubtlledir + in to scatter, to squander II V A yatbaaitar atbaaitar tabaa~ur mutabaititir to be scattered II nibawitar k to heap abuse on s.o. II yatbawaar atbawitar to hear a lot of abuse II baitr + buitiir seed. *{BDRJ}: TO 191 biiitariij IW I 67,25 & 111,24 & 133,26 biiariij IQ 7/5/3 budmurx (1. baitriij) sweet basil (Ocimum basiIicum, bot.; < F badruj, not to be confused with {barnj}). ·{BDRQ}: s. {b~rq}. ·{BDRNB/J(WY}: TO 191 biiaaranj/bwyh OS biiitrnbwyh = biiar.njah lemon-balm (Melissa officina lis, bot.; < P wadrang bOy, cf. F badrangbuye). ·{BDRNJ} II: OS biihranj opium poppy (perhaps < F buye dirang "smell of eternity" but it migbt be a folk-etymology; besides, its being found in one source only makes it all the more probable that it is a mistake for (td/itrj), q.v.). ·{PDRNYL}: MV 270, 5 biarinyal blunderbuss « Cs pedreiial). ·{BDZHR}: s. {bdzbr}. ·{BDQ}: IH salaxa Ijiiziru IkabSa baitqan (sr.) the butcher flayed the ram from one leg « A ba/Jq "skilled guide", cf. S bedqa and Rb bidqa "breach" with the semantic juncture of "skill" needed in order to find the right spot where the skin is to be punctured in this operation). ·{BDL} I: GL abailu MT baaal yaMal iMiil V A naMa I baitalt baitl biiitil mabaiil k to give freely or away; to spend I GL 'Iity baaal ayiimahu fi 'ssarri he who spent his life
But lhis idenlification is dispuled and it appears lhal the same name was also given lo olher carduacea: and composita. tn recenl Limes, Bedevian idenLifies it with Onopordon macracanthum, long spined collon lhisLie.
in evil ways nVA yanbaital anbaital to be given freely II GL baitlatun gift I IH baitlah suit of clothes II IQ baitlah secondhand clothes I VA baitlah + it earrings II GL baltitilun prodigal II mutabaititalatun prostitute. S. {bdO II. .*{BDL} II: AL ne/abdul be/adult badul (1. abdul) to wither I xei yebdul apt to wither I ma/ebdul + in withered « (itbO). *{PDL}: AC albaitiil Padul (geo.). *{PDLYR}: UT 177 bitlyrh lousewort (Pedicularis silvatica; < R *pedo[ayra < L pedicillaria). S. {yrb}. *{BDLYN}: TO 125 biitliyiin bdellium tree (Commiphora mukul, bot; < G /35tA.A,lOV). *{BDNJL/N}: IB 39 biit.njlil GL baa.njin IH baitinjlinun VA & ZJ 855 bliitinjin AC biitinjina AL biding ina + bidingin aubergine I GB 167 baitinjin qurtubi small round variety thereof also called mansanil (q.v.) I BM 684 b. barr(an)i lesser burdock (Xanthium strumarium, bot.; < F batingan < Sa bha(l4aki). S. {sqq} & {'fr}. *{BDWRD}: .s. {bdwrd}. *{BR'}: VA bara' to create I GL abri I condone II abri yabri bar'un VA bari yabri bur' IQ yabri to heal II VA nabri bara't / barayt bari'ah to be innocent I IQ barayt minnu wahu minni bari I shall forsake him and he will forsake me I barli'i min my immunity from II VA nibarri to exculpate Unabri abrayt ibrli k AL nubri abreit abri to cure I AC almasir abrit you saved the trip II IH tabarri (m.) V A yatbarri atbarri tabarri mutabarri + in min to declare o.s. innocent I natbarri atbarrayt tabarri mutabarrl mutabarri min to give up I HC 104 ytbr' min to get out of (cooking vessels) II LZ '.stabraytu l'amata (hr.) to abstain from intercourse with a newly acquired female slave during the legal period II V A barli + barliwlit & barli'ah + it patent I ZJ 1060 bari written repudiation I SH bari'ah label (on goods) I
AL bara + baraguat receipt, contract I b. mital gofran (papal) bull I cahib al bara + achclb albaraguat bull distributor 1 II boraya + it small bill or scrip I IZ 4/5/4 burayyah bill (to collect, dim.) I 14/2/3 (written) amulet I GL bariyun VA bari + In 1 abriyi innocent I AC 'annu bari (= Ibari/) innocent from it I IQ bariyya min aIIiim (fern.) free from avarice I albariyya GL 'lbirriyatu (prob. to be read as bariyyatun) VA barrah + it / bariyi creature II biri = IQ & AC creator II VA mubirih + it IQ mubirih divorce by mutual consent I AL mubara + at money order. S. {ithr}, {Own} & {fwz}. *{BRBD}: UT' 314 burbiiityuh 2 common polypody (Polypodium vulgare, bot.). *{BRBD/I>}: GB 31 barbiiit/Jli moss « R *barbuda "bearded"). *{BRBR/L}: V A yatbarbar/l atbarbar/l barbarah to speak Berber II GL barbariyyun VA birbir/Ii + in 1 baribir / barbar/l IH birbiriyyun IQ birbiriyya (fem.) baribir (pI.) ZJ 175 & 1764 birbir n. un. I AC birbirl Berber I ar4 albarbar Barbary II IQ albirbiliyya the Berber tongue 0 AL boraybaria + in (1. it) sling ("the little Berber thing"). S. {bxr}, {lob} & {iwz}.
*{BRBS}: OS barblsit mountain plots where undergrowth has been burnt and that are ready to be sown « R, cf. Cs barbecho "fallow land"). *{PRBST}: MT b.r.biiSt = baribust provost « L praepositus). *{BRBSK}: OS barbiiSku/iih AL berbclxqua + berbaxq great mullein (Verbascum thapsus, bot.; < L verbascum). *{BRBT}: OS b.rbitah name of a plant identified by Ibn JaniiJ.! with saltwort, which is denied by others (prob. < L barbata "bearded, i.e., hairy")3. *{BRBTL}: V A burbitl whirlpool « Ll *volutabulum, < L volutare "to spin" with the locative suffix).
But Alcala's rendering "pertiguero" reflects an obvious confusion between ba,d and bd,a, q.v. under {bir}.
With the vars. brbdyh. brbwtlyi & blwtlyh.
UT 761 has barbituh as a synonym of iajarat aljamrah, q.v. Confusion with {yrbt} is also possible.
BRB(!,.)-PRCN I aB 29 barbah iii qunilyuh & barbah iii labr s. jirmamah « R *barba de konelyo - Ubre "rabbit - hare's beard") I 30 barbah nanjah (I. lanjah 1) & barbillah some kind of indigo (according to UT 833, although in aM 6 is another name of asariin, q.v., and in UT 432 brblh is equal to kundus, q.v.). ·{BRBL}: sa burbulah impetigo « Ll derbita < CI *derveta "herpes", cf. Ct berbol). ·{BRBN}: OS b.rba/inah AL uerbena vervain (Verbena officinalis, bot.; < Ll verbena). However, in UT 606 is given as a synonym of galybss, q.v. ·{BRBNQ}: UT 219 brbnnaqah caltrops (Tribulus terrestris, bot.). ·{BRBYRY}: MT b.r.biyariyuh breviary (reI.; < L brevliirium). *{BRTCL}: aB 239 brtjallh snake-weed (Polygonum bistorta, bot.; prob. < L vertlcellus "whorl of a spindle"). ·{PRTGLS}: MT burtu/iig.liiS Portuguese (unassimilated Old Cs portugaUs). *{PRTGYR}: AL pertiguero + s church verger (late borrowing from Cs). *{PRTQR}: MT b.rt.qaruh porter « LI *porticarius). *{PRTQ(S)}: aB 224 brtiqas s. astab under {'stp} « R *pertikas2 "rods" < L pertlca). *{PRTQL}: AL portolucali + in Portuguese; Alan (the later meaning being an unlikely invention of Alcala's). *{PRT(L)} I: MT burt + at & burtal VA burtal + at / baratil mountain-pass « LI portelluml). *{PRTL} II: MT burtal + baratil portico. S. {prtl} II. *{BRT/TNQ}: UT 97 brtnqh TO 269 & sa brtiinqh murrah betony (Stachys betonica, bot.; < L bitonlca). S. {blt/rnq}. *{PRTYR}: MT burtayr porter « L portiirlus). *{BRI>N}: VA burilun claw. *{BRJ} I: VA nibarraj k AL nibarrach barraxt mubarrach + mubarragin to fortify with
towers II VA yatbarraj atbarraj tabarruj to be fortified with towers II aL burjun AC burj VA burj + abrij / buriij AL borch + abrax dim. borayach + borayagit tower I borx + abrax IQ 173/4/4 buriij (pl.) sign of the zodiac I AC & ZJ 341 alburj prob. a place name I 618 burji ~amam AC burji ~amim AL borch hamim + abrach (h.) pigeon-house I borg barrani + abrach barraniin (isolated) watch-tower U MT burji & barrij towerguard I AL hamimela borgia + hamim baragi I borgiin domestic pigeon « S bargii < a JtuQ'YOC;). s. {jdy}, {~mJ}, {~mm}, {dns} & {~dm}. *{BRJ} II: IH burjah false or true window I VA burjah + buraj vaulted niche « A furjah). *{BRJ} 1II: ZJ 511 barjah Berja (geo.) I RC bergi from B. I IW I 254,12 brji a kind of chestnut (but it could also be a nisbah of one of the many places having names that begin with burj). S. {tyn}. *{BRJS}: IH barjis LP 15,4 alb.rjis Jupiter. *{PRCS}: sa brajs prayers « L preces). *{BRJL}: s. {jwz}. *{BRCL}: VA barjaJ(I)ah + at MV 43 brjlh modius R *barcina). *{BRCT}: AL barchat + barachit dim. buraychat + it bundle, bunch « R *bracat, cf. Cs brazadalo). *{B/PRCL}: AL berchele + barachil & parchelle + parichil garret « R *barcena "hedge"). *{BRCLN}: IH 303 burjuliinah AL Barcholona Barcelona (geo.) II Barchiloni + in MT albar jiliini3 from B. *{BRCN}: VA barjin sack « R *barcin(a) prob. a dim., cf. Cs barcina < barceo). *{PRCN} I: V A bur jin a mean kind of pomegranate (according to aB 236 extensive to walnuts, figs, apricots and carobs) I MT ilimar alburjin pomegranate-trees of that kind I IW I 292,23 & 349,22 tr~/jyn (I. brjyn) a kind
I.e., "spear", as made explicit by its synonym raSsiiqah, q.v.
2 Arabicized as baritiq, according to the same text. lis synonym brtlaqus appears to be a contamination from a very frequent R word, reflected by Cs verdo/aga, s. {brdlqs}.
3 The parallel form albarsiliini reflects the impact of Cs pronunciation, if it is not merely a case of omission of the dolS of >li< by a careless scribe. IH, however, prefers a form with >lk.
of walnut and hazelnut « L porcinus "related to pigs"). S. {rmn} I, {'nb} & {km!>r}. ·{PRCN} II: TO 150 burrujiin IW 429,5 brjiin wild pear-tree « R *peruCim). ·{BRJNS}: MT albar jansi pn. ·{B/PRJY}: SG brwjyh & ffrwjyb s. {brq/ky}. ·{BRI;O: VA nabra~ bara~t barii~ biiri~ + in to stop or cease I IQ Iii tabra~ min do not cease I NQ db 2/1/1 ~alaf ... alia yabra~ min juwiir dukkanub be bas sworn not to leave the neighbourhood of his shop II IQ barra~ (iv.) GL yubarri~u VA nibarra~ tabri~ 'ala ID 'br mbrr~yn AL nibarrah barraht to cry publicly I MT burri~at addiir the house was announced by the town crier as being for sale II AL barah uninhabited place I GL fi 'Ibarii~ in the open air I IQ lam yukun lu 'annu barii~ he had no escape from him II AL boreh GL buri~un lA, ZJ 1521 & V A buri~ publication by crier I AL bal bureh publicly II barrah + in GL barrii~un IQ. MT & AC barrii~ VA barrii~ + in (town) crier II albiiri~ah IH albiiri~a yesterday AL albireh last night I avil albireh the night before last UGL & VA yabrii~ OS + yabiiri~ mandrake (Mandragora officinarum, bot.) I y. ~anami / waqqiid lampflower (Lychnis, bot.). S. {tlq} & {ywm}. ·{BRD} I: IQ barad he became motionless I Iii tabrad do not stay frozen I AC abrud do not move I GL abrudu I feel cold I VA yabrud barn/ad buriidab biirid + bawiirid AL nebred beredt to be or become cold I VA y. barud 'ala to remain or be left UIQ nabrud GL mabriidun VA nabrud baradt bard mabriid k AL nabrud baradt to file (metal) II IQ barrad tab rid V A nibarrad tabrid k AL niberredlt berrett tebrid to refrigerate II ybarrat barrat to hail II VA yatbarrad atbarrad tabarrud to become cold I y. atbarrad tabarrud buriidab 'ala to be unpleasant II yanbarad anbarad inbirad to
be filed II GL bardun IQ & AC bard VA bard + abriid AL bard cold (subs.) I albard hu - quin it is - was cold I IQ 190/1/1 bardub its brazenness I TO 185 bard wasaliim greater plantain (Plantago major, bot.) II IZ 10/5/4 burd cloak II AL barad GL baradun IQ & VA barad bail I AL albarad hu - quin it hails - bailed II VA baradab indigestion II buriidab AL borada + at I borad filings II IH barid bread soup (for gaining weight) II V A bariid collyrium II GL biiridun IQ biirid cold I VA biirid + burriid ZJ 371 biirid f ab AL birid + burrad AC barid (= /b8rid/) unpleasant I birid + burrid I in cold I MT albayt albiirid frigidarium (in public baths) UVA biiridab + bawiirid AL birida unpleasantness I IW bawiirid cold dishes (eaten with sauces) II VA buriidab AL buruda coldness, unpleasantness I bi b. coldly II barud = barud gunpowder, saltpetre I BM biiriid powder of the stone called assiyiis (q.v.) II AL barrada + bararid pitcher, jug II RC albarrada cold land II LH4 ·bardiin brazen-faced (posited by Cs albardan) II ZJ 499 abrad colder II IH & GL mabradun IQ mabrad V A mabrad + mabiirid file UOS mabriid coldtempered II HC 56 farriij mubarrad spiced chicken stew l . S. {xdr}, {srd} III, {sjr}, {frn}, {qr~}, {qfqf}, {ktb} & {ml~}, ·{BRD} II: VA barid + buriid postman (probl. < S brydii < L veredus, whence G /3&(>&1)0: GB 232 bistuh & bist canary-seed (Phalaris canariensis, bot.; < L pistum). ·{BSTR} I: AL baxatir hoe or shovel with teeth I buxaytara field scabious (Sca biosa arvensis, bot.; < L versatile). ·{BSTR} II: MT bisiitiirah woman selling imitation jewellery « Cs bisutera < Fr bijoutiere). ·{PSTR}: CP 125,1 bstr Pastor (pn.). ·{BSTLQ}: SG albstiilqiit name of a Christian nation that invaded Spain before the Visigoths (prob. the Apostolici mentioned by Isidorus). ·{BS(T)NJ/Q}: GB 36 bistiniiqah (malsii') & bis(ti)niij wild carrot (Oaucus carota Boissieri, bot.) I UT 164 bstniiqah toothpick (Ammi visnaga, bot.; but the confusions are frequent). S. {bsnj} & (bs(t)nj). ·{BSTYRY}: MT b.stiyiiriuh vestiary « L
BSO-BSLSK vestiarlum). ·{BSD}: os biisad common turnip (Brassica rapa, bot.; < F buSiid). ·{BSR}: ZJ 8 absar announce I IA absar bannuq~an announce a decrease (iv.) II IQ absir rejoice II GL absuru yabSuru VA nabsur basart basr basir + in bassar mabsiir k AL nabxolur baxart to scrape off I AC yabsarii bikarm they glean grapes in a vineyard II AL nibaxxar baxxart GL ubassiru yubassiru V A nibassar tahSir bi k to announce (glad tidings) or preach I AC bashriih bi'izaratih (sr.) they announced to him his appointment as vizier II AL nibex(x)er bex(x)ert tabxir to brandish II VA nibasar mubasarah k to be in direct contact with o yatbassar atbassar to be evangelized II yanbasar anbasar to be scraped off II GL astabSiru istibsarun V A nastabsar astabsart istibsar mustahSir + in balxayr to rejoice (at good news) II yastabSar astabsar istibsar mustabsir to ask a reward for good news B RC abenbexer pn. (= laban bisrj) II VA & IQ basar human kind II AL baxari + in human (being) II baxaria humanity II GL basaratun VA basarah + at / basar outer skin II AL buxara + baxair VA buSlirah + at / basa'ir & busra IQ b.sara & busra glad tidings (or reward for giving them) I GL busra'un I}asanun good news I XA iira2 na'lih albisarah I shall reward him for the· good news I AS 34/5/5 na'ti falb. I shall give as tidings II V A buSlirah scraping II GL baSi run VA & IQ baSir herald; bringer of glad tidings; evangelist I AL baxiren as a herald I ET Bexir pn. ·{PSR}: AC albusiirrah Alpujarra (geo.) II RC alpuxarri from A. ·{BSS}: VA nibass basast basasah i1ayh to meet in a friendly disposition II ID yf' 2 thSst br'yhm she received their opinion gladly 0 baSiisah friendly disposition I IQ basasat ADAMATUR a lover's kindness (the
second word being unassimilated R) II VA basiis + in well-disposed I GM 19 zarri'at alb.siis wild rue (Peganum harmala, bot). ·{PSS}: AL nipax(x)ex pax(x)ext to pamper or flatter II pix( a) + it AC bis(s) ZJ 688 bussahl dim. busaysa IQ pusaysah penis II MT aban b.sat pn. Perhaps an obscene nickname from R *piSa, an onomatopoeic derivate from the sound of miction; for the verb, however, there might be contamination of A {bl}bl}} with a reflex of L pascere "to appease". S. {I}rr} II & {phss}. ·{PST} I:· AL poxota hake {< R *pese "fish" with the aug. suffix (-otl, cf. Cs pescadilla). ·{PST} II: SG bswt black gram (Phaseolus mungo, bot.; < L plsum with the R aug. suffix {-at}}. *{BSTN}: IQ bastiin bough, stick « L bastu[m] with the R aug. suffix (-onl, s. LQ 28). *{BS'}: VA nibassa' bassa't tabsi' mubaSSi' k 'ala to disparage, to depict with ugly traits Byatbassa' atbassa' 'ala to become hateful II nastabsa' astabsa't istibsii' k to consider hateful BGL basa'atun bad taste nZJ 1537 ma absa' how hateful! ·{BSGT}: s. {bcgt}. ·{BSQ}: HC 123 bas.q a kind of wild duck. ·{BSKRYN}: TO 213 biskarayin n. un. bskaranyh (I. biskaraynah) white chameleon (Atractylis gummifera, bot.) I biskariiyin aswad black chameleon (Cardopatium corymbosum, bot.; < L viscaragln[ em]). ·{BSL}:V A nibassal k & yatbassal atbashl tabassul 'ala to pry into other's affairs II natbassal atbassal tabassul to flatter II basalah inquisitiveness II bassal + in inquisitive (perhaps from South Arabian stock, cf. Mh bi/sol "to distract or keep from work"). ·{PSLDRY}: GB 237 busiilah iii ray Maltese mushroom (Cynomorium coccineum, bot.; < R *piSola de rey "king's penis"). ·{BSLSK}: OS bSlskah TO 210 basalsakah2
This item is not certain, although a labialized allomorph would not be surprising. If such were the case, the proverb 11688, Ipuiiiiah xu;' alxara warusiiahl "penis, get some excrement and water it", would reproduce a very widespread story, namely, the curse laid by a man on his penis for its failure to perform sexually.
2 Other vars. in GB 34
& 91 and in SG, the likeliest original reading being ·baSliikah. The yellow flowered variety
gentian « L basilica "royal", contaminated by basiliscus "poisonous snake" because of its use in the treatment of bites). ·{BSLQ(RY)}: SG bslqh privileged church « L basilica < G paal).lKTt "royal") II bSlqaryuh priest of a privileged church. ·{BSM} I: IH basama mabsiimun (sr.) IQ nabsam VA yabsam basam biiSim mabsiim AL nebxem bexemt mabxum + in & V A yatbassam atbassam to loathe or have a surfeit D nibassam tabsim AL mubexim+ in to give a surfeit II OS basmah s. tasmizaj D VA basamah + at I baSam AL bexem GL basmatun surfeit, indigestion. • S. {~bb}. ·{BSM} II: JM 27 basSimah placenta « maSimah, but it could be only Tu). ·{PSMT}: VA nibasmat to bake like a biscuit II yatbasmat atbasmat to become like a biscuit II bisma/at + basamit HC 103 b.smat AL pixmat biscuit « G Jta~a!la810V, prob. through direct R transmission, which accounts for the pronunciation with Ip/). S. {pemt}. ·{PSMN}: AL paxaman + it IV 60 basamanu passementerie, ornamental trimming « Cs pasamano). ·{BSN}: OS bisnah African millet (Eleusine coracana, bot. Western A only, but apparently not B; perhaps a metathesis of L panicium. whence Aa Ipanic/). S. {pne(yn)} & {pnS}. ·{BSNN}: TO 308 biSnin blue water-lily (Nymphrea coorulea, bot.; < F boinin). ·{PSNY}: SG bsanyah prob. wild thyme (Thymus glaber, bot.; perhaps < R peSta'1a "eyelash", reflected also by {pen), because of the shape of its leaves). ·{BSW}: IW II 395,10 bswyh + I 454,12 = 471,
18 = 495,25 = 640,18 bSawi waste matter produced in processing flax 1. ·{BSYLR}: MV 237,4 ibasaylar he becomes a vassal « Ct vassall < Ll vassallus). ·{B~B~}: s. {bsbs}. ·{B~R}: IQ nab~ar ab~ur(ni) yub~ar GL ba~artu VA nab~ur ba~art ba~ir mab~iir k & nub~ir ab~art ib~ar mub~ir mub~ar k AL nabl;or bal;art & nubl;ir bal;urt abcir to look I IQ ab~urka qad jit 10, I have come I AS 48/3/3 ba~~ariinI GL u~aniru muba~~irun to make aware U AS 34/3/3 atba~~ar ponder II VA yanba~ar anba~ar to be seen II ba~ar IQ ba~ar + ab~ar GL ba~arun + ab~arun (I. ab~arun) AL bal;ar sight II JM 7 albi~rah Basra (geo.) II GL ba~irun V A ba~ir + in clear-sighted; blind I IQ b. bi expert at II GL ba~iratun VA ba~irah + ba~a'ir insight II TO 307 bii~ir mullein II ZJ 265 ab~ar having better eyesight. S. {bsr} II, {~dd} I, {rqq}, {sxn}, {4w'}, {M4}, {rqd}, {Jm~}, {mdd} II & {nwr}. ·{B~~}: IQ yuba~~a~ bikiswah one boasts of clothing I AL nibazzal; bazzazt to stare II VA ba~i~ glow, glimpse. ·{P~~}: SG b.~~ah piece of material (late < Cs pieza < CI pettia). ·{B~Q}: GL ab~uqu bu~aqun VA nab~uq ba~aqt ba~q I bu~aq IQ bu~aq AC ba~aq to spit II GL ba~qu 'Idami hemoptysis II AC basqa spit. S. {bzq}. ·{B~L}: GL ba~alatun V A ba~alah + ba~al IQ ras min ba~al AL bal;ala + bal;al dim. bUl;ayla + it onion I bal;ala escalonia + bal;al escaloniit scallion 2 I bal;alat al ~anzir + bal;al a. ~ TO 201 b. alxanzir I alfiir squill I AL zarreat al bal;al onion seed I z. bal;al al~anzir leek seed I FX ba~al n4ar tender onion I TO 201 b.
(Gentiana lutea) was called riimi, the black one, jrmqini. The etymon of this otherwise unauested word is extremely doubtful. It is certainly not A and one might think that, like so many terms relating to the crafts, it could be of R slOck, but there is no solution in sight here either. A third possibility is a Coptic word, in view of the importance of the Egyptian weaving industry at the time and, in fact, C saw ·piece" (with the article p-Jaw) could have been an appropriate name for this kind of refuse, but the mauer is far from clear and so is the relation between such word and Me basawra Tk pa~avra "rag, wad". 2
cr. mentions the following kinds of onions: baylji, zubdi = majiisi, xurisini - firisi, al)mar ("red" with the subtypes saw!i _ mqslin and srgli = salawbinl - riim;), bustini (which comprises kurri" simi - muliiki - andalusr _ qallilt), rin _ jilliqi and muwallad as well as some related species like ba,al aniqit and b. alhiim.
It is obvious that ther\: was a confusion between Escalona in Spain and Ashkelon in Palestine. UT III
azziiz GM 10 b. azziz fair-haired hyacinth (Muscari comosum, bot.) II ZJ 1669 & IA ba~siilin onion-sellers (prob. < Eg, cf. C meO/). S. {x~w}, {zr'} & {swt} II. *{B~LQ}: s. {bslq}. *{BQX}: IH mutabachlixun fi nni'mah living luxuriously « (bib}). *{BQQ}: V A ba44 recent, fresh II ba4ii4ah freshness. *{BQ'}: VA bi4'a sinin some years 0 ba4(a/ii)'ah + ba4a'iit bi4ii' (min laf.1m) IQ ba4'a + bi4a' GL bi4a'un (pl.) JM 6 ba4'ah AL badaa + baday( e)e I badaaye ZJ 555 ba4ii' n. un. ah dim. 1246 bu4ay'ah scrap or piece of (boneless) flesh n 172 ba4ii'ah vulva II VA bi4ii'ah + iit / ba4ii'i' merchandise; trade; scrap of flesh I IQ bi4ii'ah merchandise II GL mab4a'un scalpel II AC mustab4i' importer. S. {swq}, {sf.1m} & {Cts}. *{BT'}: GL abti yabti batwun / ibtii'un & VA nibaHi baHayt k & nubti abtayt ibtii k to retard or slow down II IH attabiiti (m.) to be slow II V A nastabti k to find slow II bur & batii slowness, tardiness II GL batiyun VA bati + in ZJ 229 bati slow, tardy. *{BTBT} I: AC batbiitah AL butbuta + but but snail. *{BTBT> II: TO 270 batbiit knot-grass (Polygonum aviculare, bot.; < S sba(bii(ii "small staff"). *{PTJ}: MT albatiijin pI. nickname (prob. "the ones who waddle like ducks", cf. Cs patojlso < pato "duck"). *{BTJ:I}: ZJ 407 abtaf.1 (Iv.) to fell UGL '.nbatif.1u I throw myself down or prostrate myself II batf.1atun + bitiif.1un VA batf.1ah + bitiif.1 IQ & ZJ 1692 bitiif.1 (pI.) AL batha + bitah plain, flatland I xei min al batha & bathi + in belonging to the plains. *{BTX}: GL baHixat VA baHixah + baHix /
batiitix IH & IQ baHix (pI.) AC baHixah ZJ 85, 483 baHix n. un. ah AL bati~a + bati~ (bad) melon I baHixat alhind pumpkin 1. S. {snd} II. *{BTXt-}: UT 837 btxyiillh (I. baHixyiillah) a kind of mandrake (a R dim. of baHixah, q.v.). *{PTD} I: GB 241 butiJah: 1) bitumen trefoil (Psora lea bituminosa, bot.), 2) an evilsmelling kind of wild carrot, 3) red deadnettle (Lamium purpureum, bot.; < L putida "stinking"). *{PTD} II: GL bitiJii topaz or chrysolite (mere transcription of H pi(diih). *{BTR} I: VA nabtur batart bat(a)r baHiir + in to treat contemptuously. *{BTR} II: V A yatbaytar fi to practise veterinary science II bayta/iir MT & ZJ 614 baytiir AL beitar + bayatir veterinarian II bi(ara veterinary science
G iltltlMN-BYN I tabyit;l k to whiten; to whitewash; to make a fair copy I NQ mg 21/0/2 bayyat;l arriim he has given luck to the Christians I VA yatbayyat;l atbayyat;l tabayyut;l to be whitened; to be drafted as a fair copy II nabyat;l abyat;lt ibyit;lat;l IQ yabyat;l (metaphor of joy) AL nabiad abiadt to become white II bayda + bayd VA bayt;lah + bayt;l AC bayt;la + bayt;l egg; testicle I VA raqiq albayt;l & ~iraq alb. wagayryh - gayrihi shell membrane of eggs and the like I natbux albayt;l to cook eggs I IQ bayt;lak your eggs I AL bile baid without eggs I TO 242 bayt;l al'ankabiit catchweed (Gallium aparine, bot.) II MT bayt;lah GL bayt;latu 'll.tadid & bayt;la'u 'll.tarbi V A bayt;lah + at helmet I VH bayt;lah headache affecting the whole head II FJ bayt;la' untilled land II GL bayat;lun VA bayat;l whiteness; coal; pitch I b. albayt;lah white of egg I AL bayad whiteness; whitelead I bayad mucarib + baayadin mucaribin (sic, but this pI. is not credible) false whiteness I GL sadidu 'Ibayat;li snow white I 'Ibayat;lu lita'tir 'nnisa'i whitelead, ceruse I IQ bayat;lan a'ali give us luck, 0 Ali! I (ya) bayat;li how lucky I am! I ya bayat;l baxti man how lucky is he who ... I ya bayat;l bayt how lucky is the house! I XA cdi5 ya bayat;l sa'di how lucky I am! I bayat;l k"m 'asiq how lucky is every lover! I bayat;l ~abiihi how lucky my morning is! II VA bayiit;l egg-laying II AC aban bayyiit;lah pn. IIQ abyat;l f bayt;lii + bit;l white; joyful I abyat;l + bit;l f bayt;lii + at IH f bayt;latun dim. buyayt;latun GL abyat;lu AC abyat;l AL abiad + bid white I aqcar abiad whiter I IQ rna abyat;l how white! II AL tabiitja + tabiitjlt whitening; whitewashing II AC mubayyat;l whitewashed I AL mubayad + in f mubeyeda + in painted with white-lead I mubayad + at masked, false II mubiada + at VA mubayyat;lah + at fair copy. S. {b~O, {l.trk}, {l.trr), {l.tlb}, {xmr}, {djj}, {rjn}, {swsn}, {~mt}, {~ndO, {t;lrb}, {'ss}, {grs}, {grgO II, {nsm}, {nrs} & {nwr}. ·{BYQMN}: TO 294 bayt;lamiin henbane or its root (Hyoscyamus niger, bot). ·{BYTQ}: SG byiitquh & byatqii viaticum « L viaticum). ·{BYTYR}: MV 113 bytyr tax collector « R
·peytayr or Old Ct piter, < L pactum "agreement" with the R agentive suffix). ·{BY'} I: IQ bii' bi'tu mink nibi' tuba' GL abi'u VA nibi' bi't bay' ba'i' + in bayya' + in mabyii' k min MT bayi' bayyii' mahi' & mabyii' ZJ 491, 83 & 1743 bii' yibi' ubi'at AC bii'at la tibi' bi' bi'u bay' AL nibii biet to sell I LZ ubi'a it was sold II V A nibayya' bayya't tabyi' lak & nibaya' k to acknowledge as a sovereign I AL nibayaa bayaat to canonize D MT tabiiya'a tabiiyu' mutabayi'ayn to make a contract of sale II AL nan baa anbaat IA anbii' yanba' V A yanba' anbii' AC yanba' to be sold II nabtii' abta't ibtiya' mubta' k min LZ mibta' IH mibtii'un (ag. part.) GL abta'u to buy I PZ 'btii'h mnh 'bta'atan ~al.til.tah he bought it from him legaly UMT bay' n. un. ah 11 bay'atayn + buyii'(iit) AL bayaa (I. bayaa) + bayaaat sale I bayaa V A bay'ah + at & mubaya'ah + at pledge of allegiance UAL bayaa + in seller I t;aut al bayaa seller's call. S. {'xw}, {btt), {btl}, {brnmj}, {srb}, {~rl.t}, {~wt}, {'mO, {q!'}, {mry} II, {ns'}, {n~n, {nra} & {wznl ·{BY'} II: VA bay'ah + biya' AL bayaa + bayaat I biaa synagogue or church I b. + at warp I SH bay'ah piece of cloth « S bi'ta "higher side"). ·{BYQ} I: MT bayqah SG baqah = bayq/gah meadow « R, cf. Cs vega). ·{BYQ} II: UT 133 & 558 byqyah tufted vetch (Vicia cracca, bot; < L vida). ·{BYK}: AL beca wide band worn by students (late borrowing from Cs). ·{BYKND}: IH 345 albaykandiyyu nisbah (suggested correction bikandiyyun). ·{BYL}: ID 'sr 4 bywlh a kind of early guitar (cf. Cs vihuela from apparently onomatopoeic origin). ·{PYL}: MT bilah drinking trough I AL pilla + it holy water stoup (prob. a late borrowing from Cs pila < L pila). ·{BYN} I: IQ ban disappeared GL ahinu I cut off I VA yabin ban bayn ba'in min / 'an to get away from I yibin ban bay an bayyin to be obvious I IQ bintu min 'azbi I gave up celibacy II IQ bayyan(tu) nabayyan ('aUk) tabyin GL 'b.y.nu yubay(y)inu tabyinun V A nibayyan tabyin k Ii to explain I n. k Ii / 'ala & nubin abant ibanah mubin muban k Ii /
'ala - min I 'an AL nibey(y)en bey(y)ent tebiin mUbeyen + in mubeyin + in to explain or prove; to separate I GL ma '.bayinu bilkalami 'lxan what I explain through riddles I bayyin bilqawli explain yourself II AL netbeyen etbeyent V A yatbayyan atbayyan tabayyun mutabayyin to be explained or proved II natbayan atbayan tabiiyun mutabayin min to fall apart DID byn 4 'stbynth I saw it I VA bayna IQ bayn AC bayn ... wa & ma bayn (•.. wa) AL bein between I IQ baynahum among them I bayni wabaynak between you and me I bayna bayn of mediocre quality I bayn surratayya between my lips I ma bayn al'abid amidst the slaves I ma bayn 'aynayk between your eyes I ma bayn ...wa between ... and I BO 3 alwa~ita ma bayna allahu wama bayna 'abdihi the mediator between God and his servant I IQ min bayn addarari among the stars I 182/1/4 na~arni ma bayn jiddu ila Imuziil] he gave me a half serious half joking look I bayn assarab famal]biibi between the wine and my beloved lIZ 1519/4 ma bay walduh wama bay rabibuh the difference between his son and his stepson I AL b. ajeld gual laham between skin and flesh I beinne camar gua camar & bein hiLeI gua h. between two moons I beini duniya gua d. between two worlds I bein a colt an gua e. between two kings I b. ealtana gua e. between two kingdoms I b. al papa gual p. between two popes I b. a teqdema gua teqdema between two pontificates I b. nefee gua n. between two breaths I V A baynuhum Jibayn Iii I mao & baynuhum balbayn mutually II baynamii GL fima
bayna & baynama while n AL beindem while (corrupted from Ibaydam/, s. {bydm}) II beyen evidence, proof I GL bayanun clearness I 'ala bayanin & bibayan wa'ic.Jal]in & baynan clearly II MT bayanatuh his declaration I IQ bayyin GL bayyinun clear I bayyinatun clear (matter) I AL beyna + et V A bayyinah + at I buyiin proof, evidence I AL bi biyna proven I VA mutabayinah distant, diverse I AL mubin obvious. S. {xn}, {ry~}, {swr}, {swq} I, {Srk}, {~II]}, {c.Jyq}, {grb}, {qrb}, {ktf} & {ydw}. ·{BYN} II: IQ BiNU wine (seemingly unassimilated R loanword < L vinum). ·{BYN} III: ZJ 1710 bayanah Baena IIQ bayyani from B. (geo.). ·{BYN} IV: AL bayoni + in a kind of galleon (so named after the town of Bayonne). ·{BYN} V: AL Uiana Viana (geo.) II uiani + vianiin from V. (late borrowings from Cs). ·{PYN} I: AL pina penalty (late borrowing from Cs). ·{PYN} II: AC binu pine I GM 19 bynh rStqh terebinth tree (Pistachia terebinthus, bot.; < L pinus through unassimilated R). ·{BYNB}: OS bayunb Spanish broom (Spartium junceum, bot., perhaps < CI). ·{BYWLNT}: AL Uiolante (pn., late borrowing from Cs). ·{PYY}: IA piw (I. prob. piyyu) fart I piyyu labwah AC biyyu lubbi puff-ball (Lycoperdon tuber, bot.; < R, cf. Cs pedo de lobo "wolf's fart", exactly matching the G name; < L pUitum). ·{PYY} II: AC buyya + TH 43,18 buyyiit AL poya + it (uncooked) loaf given as fee for the baking « L podIa, s. RA 16).
ITI *{TA'}: AL Te the letter tii'. *{TAJ}: s. {wdy). *{T'R}: AC tiylirah sauciness I AL tiara + it elegance, comeliness I bi t. elegantly II tiir
(better than tiir) + tuyar elegant, comely.
*{T'M}: GL tawwamun VA taw'am 11 taw'amlin AL terguen (I. teguem) twin(s). S. {nrs}. *{TBT}: AL niteibet teibet to open up II GL tlibiitun ark; coffin I VA tlibiit & taybiit + tawiibit coffin I MT tiibiit ark; chest I AL taleibut & taybut & tebut + talevibit
coffin; ark; chest; cage; stern; ciborium; shrine I ZJ 1989 tiibiit chest, case I IW 1 145,5 tlibiit (albir) casing (of a wel1) I GL tlibiitu '~~adaqati poor-box II dim. tuwaybatun coffin « Ar tebutii < H tibiih < Eg ab't). S. {krb} II. *{TBR} I: VA yatbar tabar tabiir tiibir matbiir to go to ruin II tibr AL tibar pure gold. *{TBR} 11: AL Tibre the Tiber river (geo.). *{TB'}: IQ atba' (iv.) GL atba'u taba'atun tlibi'un 1 tiibi'atun & attabi'u tattabi'u attaba'a IQ yatba' & yattaba'ni V A natba' taba't taba' tiibi' matbii' k & nattaba' attaba't ittibii' muttabi' muttaba' k I AC attaba' he followed I attaba'u fol1ow him I IA yattaba' AL nat(t)abaa at(t)abaat to follow; to persecute II tiMa fol1owing; persecuting I bi t. therefore II BO Iv attlib'atan watartiban the sequence and order I 11 v mannihi biitab'atu as a consequence thereof n MT tibii'ah + iit sequel; (legal) issue II IQ tabii'u its consequence II V A tiibi' squire; servant II ZJ 1253b tiibi'ah female demon II AC tatiibu' annnaras panting II AL mutabie + in follower; persecuter I mutable mutabeiiin & mi4bi (I. mutabi) consequent; next II GL mutliba'atun persecution II mutbii'atun pregnant. S. {ahb}. *{TBL} I: GL tiibilun VA tiibi/il & tiiwil + tawiibil IH atiibilu OS atiibil seasoning I attiibil arriimi wild carrot seeds II IQ mutawbal (7) adorned « Ar tablii < H
tebel "medley"). S. {twl} II.
*{TBL} II: BM tiiblil chunks of pure copper I t.
annuJ.tlis al'abya" copper dross « F tupiil). *{TBN} I: LZ tabnun IH attabanu ZJ 1630 tibni n. un. tabnah GL tabnatun + tibnun VA ta/ibnah + taban JM 12 tabn AC taba/lin AL tebna + teben straw I OS tibn makkah - J.tarami camel's hay (Andropogon schrenanthus, bot.) II AC tubaynli ZJ 676 tubaynah (dim.) a smal1 blade of straw II tabbiinin 2134 (pI.) straw-dealers II MT matban VA matban(ah) straw-rick. *{TBN} II: VA tubblin + tabiibin AL tubben breeches « F tobbiin < tan biin "body guard"). S. {J.t~I}. *{TPN}: VA nitabban tatbin k to cover, plug or stop up nyattabban attabban tatabbun to be covered, plugged or stopped up II tabbiin + tabiibin cork or plug (especial1y in water-clocks; < R, cf. Cs tapon < Gt *tappa with the R aug. suffix). *{TJR}: GL atjur tijiiratun IQ & IA tijlirah ZJ 1282, 710 & 1264 yajjur tajr / tijlirah VA najjur (= /y-nacur/J tajart tajr matjiir fi rna' & nitiijar mutlijarah fi & nattiijar attiijart rna' fi MT kiyyatiijar bihli AL nitajar tajart tajar mutajara to deal in; to do business with I AC nitiijarii fi we deal in U tijiira AL tijara + at VA tijiirah + lit / tajii'ir & mat jar + matiijir GL matlijiru merchandise I IZ 5/4/4 mli luh tijlirah he has no craft II GL tlijirun VA & IQ tiijir + tijiir ZJ 1198 & AC tlijir AL tigir + tilujar merchant I UT 41 attiijir an epithet of pot marigold (because it opens during the day and closes at night) D IA mat jar business « Ar taggiirii < Ak tamkiiru[m] < Sm dam-gar). S. {xsr}, {rbJ.t}, {rdd} 1 & {fjr}. *{TI;IT}: GL & IQ taJ.tta VA taJ.tt{a) ZJ 189 & 1199 taJ.tt(i) IA & AC taJ.tt AL ta1!te under, below I lQ taJ.ttu under him I taJ.tt behind, buttocks I riisi taJ.tti with my head lowered I taJ.tti ali kullu anta qalbi J.timlir
the heart of the matter is that you have an asinine mind I AC min taJ.1t AL min taht from below. S. {'jr} II, {J.1km}, {sqy}, {tb'}, {qrtl/n} & {lsn}. .{TI:r~I:r~}: HC 87 taJ.1~J.1st (prob. I. taJ.1a~J.1a~t) a kind of fried talaya used in Marraquech. ·{TI:rF}: GL y.tJ.1.fu V A natJ.1if atJ.1art itJ.1af mutJ.1if + in matJ.1iif + in k to present or make a precious gift II tuJ.1fah + tuJ.1af IH tuJ.1fatun precious gift. ·(TXT(J/L)}: VA nitaxxat tatxit k (pro b.) to bind a book with wooden covers; to wrap a cloth around a board II yattaxxat attaxxat to be bound or wrapped in the said manner II taxt + tuxiit board for wrapping cloth; book cover I AC taxt frame (for straightening bent things) I AL takt( e) + tokat I tuVtt wine-press I IQ tadak your couch II OS taxtaj + taxatij board, plank II FJ taxatil planks of a ship (through suffix substitution from the preceding item) II VA matxiit + in sad « P taxtag "board, plank"). S. {txt}. ·{TXM}: GL utaxximu AL nitakanlm takanlmt mutahim + in to set landmarks II takamln + tokam I tuk'tmln VA & MT tax(a)m + tuxiim landmark, boundary GL taxmun + tuxiimun limit, abyss (at the end of the earth in Medieval cosmogony) II IQ tuxmah + tuxam IA tuxmah AC tuxma surfeit; bother. S. {lmJ.1} & {wxm}. ·{TDD}: VA tadd + tudiid teat, female breast I IH taddu Imar'ah woman's breast « A
·{TDRJ}: BM tadruj pheasant « P reflected by F tadru). S. {iatdrj} & {r'y}, ·{TDS}: AL Tltuduxi + in German « Gt thiudisko "gentile", prob. through R). ·{TDL}: AL Tudel/a Tudela (geo.; late borrowing from Cs, since, otherwise, one would expect (itO). ·(TD/DR(J)}: OS twdri(j) TO 196 tiiitari(j) common hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officina Ie, bot., although this identification is disputable, according to GM 192; < P matched by F tudari). ·{TRB}: VA natrab tarab(t) tarb 1 matrabah to sink into destitution II nitarrab tatrib k AL nitarrab tarrabt mutarrab + in IQ mutarrab to soil with dirt; to pour sand on fresh writing II yattarrab attarrab to be soiled with dirt II IQ turbi na'iu the
dust of his shoes II GL tarbun V A tirb + atrab coetaneous, contemporary 0 turab & turbah IQ, MT & ZJ 1963 turab GL turabun AL torab & turba earth, dirt I JT 37 trbh plot of land I BM 325 turbat al'asal a kind of manna lichen (Lecanora esculenta, bot.) I BM 697 turab alqay' gum from bear's breech (Acanthus mollis, bot.) II V A turabi earthy II AL matrab + matarib piece of ground II matraba + matrab heap of earth. S. {'ny}, {brq}, {irf}, {jzr} I, {J.1rr} I, {dn}, {rm!}, {sy!}, {srd}, {slq} II, {~yd}, {tb'}, {kds}, {kls}, {msJ.1} I & {wq'}. ·{TRBD/D}: BM turbad & turbuil turpeth (Ipomrea turpethum, bot.; < F terbed = torbelod < Sa trivr;ita). ·{TRTR}: Tartaria Tatary II Tltartari I tartari + in Tatar. ·{TRTQ}: s. {trtq}. ·{TRTLYR}: GB 309 turtulayrah turnsole (Chrozophora tinctoria, bot.; < L turtur "turtle-dove", which gave its name to this plant because these birds feed on it, cf. G It&Q\(Jl&QlOV under (frstryn}). ·{TRJL}: CP 149,5 trjylh AL Torgillo Trujillo (geo.) II turgili + in from T. ·{TRJM}: GL tar jamatun mutar jimun V A nitar jam tar jamah k AL nitar jam tar jamt mutargim + in to translate I IQ tatar jam lak 'amma f ac,lc,lamir she expresses to you what is in her mind I V A n. alkitab to index a book II yattarjam attarjam to be translated II tarjamah + tarajim index AL tar jam a + taragim translation; index; title II tur jumin + in IQ tur juman VA tur juman + tarajimah 1 tarajim interpreter « Ar targem < Ak talurgamanu[mJ from Ht origin). ·{TRXT}: SG tr jth (I. trxth) trout « L trueta). ·{TRX~}: ZJ 1211 tarax~ah a dish of cooked beans also known as baysarah, q.v. « B, matched today by t/;Jx~a, according to Bencherifa in ZJ, but this word appears to be a Zenatian derivate of A (rx~}). ·{TRD}: VC 53/3 safrat almatriid blade of a slaughtering instrument « (I>rd}). ·{TRD}: SG 'Uryilh & tryily caper-spurge (Euphorbia lathyris, bot.; < L lathyrlde[ mJ with article metanalysis). ·{TRR}: UT 40 tarrah another name for smooth thapsia (Thapsia garganica, bot.) I GB 298
TRS-TRNJN/L tiirrah qabriinah assafretida plant (Ferula assafretida; < F tar(r)e applied to kindred herbs, with the R adjective *kapruno - a "related to goats" in the second case). *{TRS}: VA nitarras tatris k 'ala to shield II yattarras attarras to shield oneself II OS tars bar (across a door) UVA turs + atriis / tiriis ZJ 1971 atriis IQ 178/5/3 tiriis (pI.) IA turs AL turz + tirix (I. tiri,) GL tursun shield I tursun !iagirun small shield I tursun min habl shield made out of straps or rope I As"47/1O/2 narmi tursi to make a stop in the journey I 79/9/3 ac;lrab bitursak walqi 'a!iiitak put down your load and halt I MT tarriis shield-maker. *{TRSTJ}: s. {trstj}. *{TRS}: SG t;s + turiis reef (because it rends ship bottoms?) II LHI *tarriiSah screwplate (posited by Cs terraja; < F tariiIidan "to cut"). *{TRSS}: GL tarSis yellow jasper (?) (mere transcription of H as in all cases of gem names in that work). *{TRTL}: CA 4 tatratal fi you confer about « Cs tratar). *{TR'}: VA natri' atra't itrii' mutri' mutra' / matrii' to fill. *{TRF}: VA natraf atraft itriif mutrif to become rich (s. V A 56 about our emendation of the ms. in cases where this root appears as (trb}) II MT t.riifah comfort II GL mutrifun (I. so ms. >mutwifunRW
/1»/ .{I>A'} : AL ee the letter pij'. ·{I>'B}: VA natalla'ab talla'abt tallawub IH
·{I>BR}: V A nillabbar 'ala to impute falsely II nillabar mullabarah k to fight I n. 'ala GL
I mullabiran persistently UV A lIubiir ruin II tallabbur falsehood II lD bn' 16 mllbr
tallawaba to yawn nlIuwaba languor.
·{I>'R}: IH II/tar GL lIa'r VA liar + AC allar
A ap'ar) revenge I VA niixua billaru I avenge him I IQ xunnari yuxxaa billari I revenge for me shall be taken from my beloved one I XA iiri2 xuiJii ummi billari take revenge on my mother for me. ·{I>'L}: VA nillawlal lIawlalah k to make warty U Yllllllawial allllawial to become warty II lIayliilah + at / lIawalil LZ lIalii! n. un. ah IH lIayliilatun GL lIawalilun (pl.) wart I UT 149 lIa'alil aljannat eggplants II V A mullawlal + in warty. ·{I>BT}: GL lIabata allbatu - yallbutu lIabatun / lIubutun lIabit(un) IQ lIabat tallbut allbut V A yallbut lIabat lIabat lIabit + in AL neebet eeMtt eeMt to be firm or constant I IQ 180/4/3 lIabat 'indak 'iwaji my crookedness is a fact known to you I GL biaa yallbutu therefore it is certain II lIabbata ullabbitu lIabbit tallbitun & allbitu yallbatu AL niCeb(b)et eeb(b)ett teCbit V A nillabbat tallbIt k & nullbit / nallbat allbat illbat mullbit mullbat / mallbiit k to fasten; to confirm I IQ allbat la tallbat record, do not record I fi illbat with certainty II V A yallllabbat / yatallabbat allllabbat tallabbut mutallabbit + in & yanllabat anllabat to be fastened or confirmed I qalil attallabbut / allllabat unsteady II AL gairi eebet inconstancy I e. taxarr persistency in evil I bU. = bUabit firmly I bile e. unsteadily U eelibit + in constant I gairi e. inconstant I ET rehire = ~ibit pn. I XA iim3 bani lIabit name of a clan II DC 14 tethbit confirmation (reI.) II MT mallbiit 'alayh confirmed II AL mueebet ba zeit al mubaraq confirmed (ecl.).
ullabiru lIabir mullabirun to be assiduous
seat for child delivery S. {tlb}.
·{I>BT}: AL maebutt + maebutin fed up II VA
tallbit hindering.
·{I>XN}: VA nillaxxan tallxin / illxan to thicken UGL taxinun (I. /II!) fleshy. ·{I>DM}: MT alldam cretin. ·{I>DY}: V A lIady + lIudi / DS alida' / lIadaya 11 GL lIadyan(un) (sic) breast, teat I atraru 'Illadyayn nipples. S. {tdd} & {~jr}. ·{I>RB}: IQ lIarbi rebuke (1). ·{I>RI>R}: V A lIarllar + in prater I 'ayn an
lIarllarah rippling spring.
·{I>RD} I: IQ allrud ZJ 392 allrad (jv.) FX liard
(m.) VA nallrad lIaradt / allradt illrad lIarid + in lIarrad + in mallrud k & nillarrad tall rid to crumble (bread for soup) II yallllarrad allllarrad & yanllarad anllarad to be crumbled II ZJ 559 lIurdah & 108 lIarid VA lIurdah + lIurad & lIaridah + lIara'id IQ lIarid AL eolurda + eolurad dim. cora ida + eoraydit ZJ 685 lIuraydah AC lIurad (pl.) soup « Rb i((r'i(ta) "vermicelli" < L adtrita perhaps contaminated by G 'i tlllOV - 'i tllla spicebread; s. V A 59) I AC lIurda AL corda + eorad buskin 1 I HC 99 lI.rdat al'amir fried wafers crumbled and mixed with nuts and used as filling of the mujabbanat (q.v.) nmallrad IH mallradun porringer. S. {'trt}, {'try} & {zbrbd}. ·{I>RD} II: ZJ 986 liard dregs « A (lIrt}). S. {trd}. ·{I>RR}: OS & UT 46 illrar barberry (Berberis vulgaris, bot.; < B atrar). ·{I>RQ}: s. {~jr}. ·{I>RW}: GL allri illra'un V A nullri allrayt illra
Apparenlly so called on account of its being extremely sofL As for the hapax var. in AL lo,ba + {o,ab, our present conclusion is that it is just another misprint of the kind so common in that work.
to become rich 0 lIarwah wealth. *{I>RY}: VA yallra lIara to be moist II nillarri tallriyah k to moisten nnullri allrayt illra mullri k to water. yanllara anllara to be watered DlIara/a IQ allilara earth, ground I BO 6v,4 ta!]ta 'Illari under the ground II IQ allilurayya VA lIurayya 1 lIurayyah + at lustre I TO 305 lIurayya common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris, bot.); 276 a variety of hare's foot clover (Trifolium arvense, bot.) I ET Coraya pn. I GL alliluraya AL eoluraya the Pleiades I IH allilurayyatu lustre; the Pleiades; a pn. *{I>'B}: VA lIu'ban + lIa'abin IQ allllu'ban AC lIu'bin f lIu'bina + lIa'abin dim. lIu'ayban AL eu"bin + eaabin ZJ 39 & 123 lIu'ban + lIa'abin GL lIu'ban snake I jinsun mina '1II1a'abin boa (gloss, not translation) I rayisu 'llla'abin basilisk. S. {jbn} & {dmw}. *{I>'LB}: GL lIa'labun IQ, ZJ 1964 & lA lIa'lab VA lIa'lab + lIa'alib AL eaalab + eaalib dim. eoaylab + it fox II eaalebi foxy. S. {trms}, {twO I, {lIwb}, {x~w}, {dw'}, {rw!]}, {'nb} & {kzbr}. *{I>GR}: IH allgara Igulamu VA nullgir allgar illgar mullgir a~~abi & yallilagir allilagar mullilagir to shed the milk-teeth (said of a baby) II JM 6 lIigr front teeth II IQ 191/2/1 lIagr mouth VA lIag(a)r + lIugur mouth; border nlIagari + in frontier II GL lIugratun opening. *{I>GW}: VA tallgii lIagat lIuga lIagiyah assah to bleat. *{I>FR}: VA lIafar + lIufiir ZJ 521 lIafar crupper. *{I>FSY}: OS lIafsiya thapsia (Thapsia garganica, bot.; < G 9a'llia). *{I>FL} I: IH lIafala VA nallful lIafalt lIafl lIafil to spit 0 lIufal spit « A (tf!}) I GL lIuflun dregs I lI.flu 'zzayt oil dregs I JT 37 allfiil dregs. *{I>FL} II: VA allafil trivet « A apali < {11m, contaminated by {tbn I, q.v.). *{I>QB}: GL lIaqaba allqubu mallqiibun V A nallqub lIaqabt lIaqb lIaqib + in lIaqqab + in mallqiib k & nillaqqab k IQ 179/1/2 mullaqqab IA lIaqab lIaqb AL naecub eacabt aecbb maecblub + maecobin to bore or pierce I xei la eacab thing to be bored I IQ lIaqab falqutiin ni~f alqalam he stuck half the pen in the cotton (put in the
inkwell in order to protect the sharpened tip of the reed-pen) II V A yallllaqqab allllaqqab & yanllaqab anllaqab AC tanllaqab to be bored or pierced II lIaqb u3nayha piercing her ears (for earrings) II VA lIuqbah + lIuqab ZJ 895 lIuqbah AL euqba eucab hole a IQ lIaqib clear-sighted o IH mallqabun AL maecab I maequab + maeaquib dim. mueaycab + it VA mallqab + mallaqib drill. AL maecbb Ii mavdaay bored in two sides I m. Ii maguadie quieira bored in many sides. S. {sfy}, {shd} & {k's}. *{I>QF}: VA nillaqqaf tallqif k to straighten I IQ lIaqqaf discipline (Iv.) I GL lIuqqifa mullaqqafun AL nieacal eacalt mueacal f a + in MT tallqif to put in chains I MT lIuqqif(at) to be seized or sequestrated I GT lIaqqafa albab they both barred the door DVA yallllaqqaf allllaqqaf tallaqquf to be straightened DIQ lIaqfi fencing with me I AL eical fetter; sequestration I MT qabcJ 1 tallqif fi lIiqaf prison, arrest II VC 25/11 alxall allllaqif strong vinegar II MT mullaqqaf 'ala ineluctable I VA mullaqqaf f ah straightened (lance). *{I>QL}: VA yallqul lIaqul lIiql 1 lIuqiilah 1 lIaqalah AL naecbl eacalblt to be heavy II nieacal eacalt VA nillaqqal tallqil 'ala to bore or be unpleasant I GL ullaqqilu mullaqqalun & mullq.lun to burden II VA nastallqal astallqalt istillqal mustallqil mustallqal k to consider unpleasant or boring II lIiq(a)1 IQ lIiqal GL lIiqlun + allqalun AC lIiqal AL eical I eiqual weight, burden; gravity; (dim.) euquayal little weight I GL allqalun sadidatun heavy burdens 0 AS 42/9/2 lIaqlah burden (met.) I IQ lIaqlat al'id the burden of the Feast II AL eiela burden II AC lIiqal AL eical counterpoise II eaquil + Cical dim. eucaical + eucaycalit ZJ 760 & AC lIaqil f lIaqilah GL lIaqilun IQ & V A lIaqil + lIiqal ('ala) heavy, burdensome I lIaqil arrii!] + lIiqal alarwa!] AL eaquil a rbh + Ciqual tedious, unpleasant I xtii eaquil + axiit eiqual heavy thing I GL jullilatun lIaqilatun heavy body I AL eaquil + it shoemaker's box-wood tool I e. acamaaa hard of hearing a bi eucula heavily II IQ & IA & AC allqal heavier II millqal AL miCcal + maeaquil IH & GL millqalun VA,
pLB-pMR MT & IQ mi~qiil + ma~iiqil golden dinar. S. {skk} I, LB}: VA ya~lab ~alab k to blame or rebuke nma~labah blame, rebuke. ·{I>LI>}: AL niCalLee ealWeet taelie to fallow I nieeLee eeLeet MT ta~li~ to hoe and weed vines for the third time I V A ni~alla~ ta~li~ k to triplicate nya~~alla~ a~~alla~ to be triplicated II IQ ~ul~i + a~lii~ ZJ 744, 1664 & 1587 ~ul~ 11 ~ul~ay & ~ulu~ayn AL eulue one third I GL ~ul~u dirhamin a third of one dirhem I OM R1 fa~ulu~ay alaxiri'a in the last two thirds of the night II AL eulei + ealiCi galliot II VA & AC ~alii~ah IQ ~alii~a AL ealliea three I IQ a~~alii~ii the three I ~alii~ ayyiim three days I ~alii~ a~miin three eighths I ~alii~at asyii AC ~alii~(at) asyii three things I AL min eallie xohOr threemonth old I xei min eaMe ayim three-day old I xei min ealae cenin three-year old I ealae aguaq three ounces I mud (I. muddale) min ealae cenin a three-year period I m. min eaMe ayim three days' period I eaMe mirar dilqued threefold I IQ ~ala~ miyyat AL ealae mia three hundred(th) I ealae elf (I. elef) three thousand I e. e. marra dilqued three thousand times this much I ealae miat elf three hundred thousand I ealliea elf (I. eleO al vuluf three million I eaMe miat elf [elf/ al vluf three hundred thousand million I IQ ~alaHa'sar AL ealataaxar thirteen I e. marra dilqued thirteen times this much I ealataaxar elf thirteen thousand I VA maqsiim 'ala ~alii~ah divided into three I IH ~alii~ah ~alii~ah three and three I GL ~ala~atu '.yiim three days I ~ala~atu dariihim gayr ~.I~ d.rh.m one sol II ZJ 1571 ~ala~in AL ealiein thirty I e. marra dilqued thirty times this much I min e. guahid one thirtieth I ealiCin elf three hundred thousand I ealiCin elfe al vIUf thirty million I VA muwarn ~alii~in thirtieth I IQ iH ~~alii~in yawm these thirty days nAL ealieini + in thirty year old II aeelue BO lOr al~ali~u almuqaddasu VA ~ulii~iyah the (Holy) Trinity n~iili~ = IQ, AL ealie (1. ealie) AC ~i1i~ t ~i1i~ii (= /~ilil>(a)/) altelitu (sr.) OC 9 thalithi third I AL cif r ealie third volume I V A assii'at a~~iili~ah three
(hours) I IQ ~iili~ al'id the third day of the Feast I AL ealie aaxar thirteenth II aealiea IQ a~~ala~ii MT yawm a)l)lala)lah V A a)l)lalii)lii Tuesday II mu)laIla)l triangle; ticking I IQ mu)lalla)l ticking; vegetable soup from three ingredientes; OS wild salsify (Tragopon crocifolius, bot.); GM 12 grape juice boiled down to its third; HC 220 a dish containing meat, saffron, vinegar and vegetables such as turnips, egg-plant, pumpkin, carrots or lettuce (perhaps the same as K U mutheleth) I AL muealWee + in having three parts or elements, trebled I muealee + in (1. it) triangle I himiale mueelieale tertian (fever) I SH qiliil almu)lalla)l jars of a certain capacity I IH I}ablun mu)lalla)lun rope of three strands II OS mu)lalla~ah a perfume composed of three ingredients I HC 201 mujabbanah mu)lallal>ah FX mu)lalla)lah a variety of mujabbanah (q.v.) made out of dough, milk and cheese II MT bilmu)liila)lah by dividing into three parts. S. {'If}, {'wqy}, {'md}, {I}bb}, {jdd}, {drhm}, {rlO, {rhl}, {zwj}, {snh}, {~ff}, {trd}, {lwy}, {'rf}, {'sr}, {fIq}, {kll}, {kyO, {IyO, {mrr}, {m(n)iH, {wr)l}, {yltr} & {ywm}. ·{I>LJ}: V A yal>laj )lalaj I>alj )liilij mal>liij ~adru bi to rejoice I AC a)llajat AL neeLeg aeLext aeLex (unlikely iv.) to snow II eelg + eulug GL ~aljun IQ )lalj V A )lalj + )luliij snow I yanzal a)l)lalj to snow II AC sana ma)lliija a year of (abundant) snow II IQ mu~allaj frozen. S. {'sys}. ·{I>LX}: OS ma)llax dunging place (corruption of masla"). ·{I>LTRN}: TO 305 )liilitrun common meadow rue (Thalictrum fla vum, bot.; < G ea>"lTjKtQov). ·{I>LM}: VA )lalam crevice II GL )lulmatun breach nMV 102 'l)lliim (= /alal>lam/) the one wanting teeth UIH abii Imu)lallam pn. ·{I>MD}: IH a)lmadun antimony « Eg smty "make-up". The A word is at the origin of the Western term through mis,reading of >'I>md< as >'ntmnMR}: MT )lammarahii lIah may God make it fructify UGL a)lmiru V A yu)lmir aJlmar iJlmiir AC ta)lmar AL naemar aemart muemir + in to fructify II GL )lamaratun VA )lamarah + )lamar IQ a)lmiir (pI.) AL
camra I camara fruit I GL gayru iii lIamaratin fruitless I AL cimara + Cimar dim. cumayara AC lIimarah V A lIamarah + at / lIimar / lIamar IQ, ZJ 745 & IA IIi mar LZ lIimar (pI.) fruit-tree I GB 226 lIamarat addubb mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia, bot.) I GL maw«.!a'un jami'un IiIllimari orchard I MT IIi mar mullmirah fruit-trees I AL bile Cimar clear (field) II V A jana illmar an muJ.tabbas harvest by the poor of a field bequeathed for this purpose II gayri mullmir GL mullmirun leafy II AC mullmirah orchard I AL mucldmira + it thicket D OS mllmr (I. prob. *mullammar) black olives seasoned in a certain way. S. {'j~}, {'~J}, {bren}, {twt} I, {jwz}, {Sjr}, {glq}, {qds}, {nhr} & {wrql ·{I>MS}: OS lliimus thyme « G 9u!10(;). S. {twml/n}. ·{I>ML}: IQ & AC lIamal mallmiil IH mallmiiI(an) GL mallmiilun VA nallmal lIamalt mallmiil + in & yallilammal allilammal to get drunk II nillammal k to inebriate II lIamal & lIamlah GL lIamlatun drunkenness II ZJ 1457 lIamiil drunk II TO 220 lIumaylah sea wormwood (Artemisia maritima, bot.). S. {grql ·{I>MM}: 1) IQ & ZJ 33 & 438 lIam(ma) V A lIamma there I min lIamma from there I IQ lIamm allah God exists I lIamma rna hii a'azzi Ii there is something dearer to me I la lIamma there is not I as at lIamma what are you doing there? I XA cdi5 min lIam nirid since I wish 2) lIumma & GL & IQ then I IQ wallumma and then I BD 9v lIumma walitaJ.trimu alkalamu and also in order to forbid talking I 5v lIumma waba~ala'atihi and also with his Ascension I 6v 5 lIumma wana'arafii and we also know I lOr lIumma wafi jami'i 'amalihi and also in all his deeds. S. {fmm} & {la}. ·{I>MN}: AL nicemen cement V A nillamman tallmin k to appreciate II yallilamman allilamman to be appreciated II AC lIumn MT lIumun + allman AL cum en + acmin an eighth; drachm I SH lIumn arrub' a measure (= 2 to 2,75 rall) I GL lIumnu dirham an eighth of a dirhem IQ allman eighths (of dinar) II AL cumnia + camini small pitcher II cemen IQ, ZJ 1193 & AC lIaman VAllaman + allman price I bila
lIaman free of charge 0 IH lIama/inyatun IQ lIamanya AL caminia eight I c. mirar eight times I c. elef eight thousand I c. e. marra eight thousand times I c. elf (I. ele!> al vluf eight million I camin I camen mia eight hundred I c. mia(t) elf eight hundred thousand I caminin (1. camin) miat marra eight hundred times I AA 1 lIamanya ta'asar eighteen II AL caminin eighty I c. qued eighty times this much I c. marra eighty times I c. elf eighty thousand I c. elfe marra eighty thousand times I c. elf al vluf eighty million I c. elf( e) [elf} al vluf eighty thousand million II camini + in octogenary II IQ lI.mani coin of eight fractions (not very valuable, cf. Cs ochavo) II AL mucmen + in & cemin + in GL lIaminun V A lIamin precious II lIamin OC 11 themin! AL cemin eighth II mucemen + in octangular. S. {'If}, {J.tjr}, {rb'}, {rqy} 11, {rh~}, {~wy}, {'sr}, {qb«.!}, {kH} & {my\} 11. ·{I>MNS}: BM lIumnus shrub « G 9o.!1vo~). ·{I>NY}: IQ lIana stepped aside II AL nicen(n)i cen(n)eit to hoe and weed for the second time I to give a good reputation I IA lIanni (iv.) do it again I V A nillanni tallniyah k to double; to fold; to make strut I n. alisma (sr.) to use in dual I IQ lIanni 'alayh give him a double dose I IZ 2/2/1 annufiis na'~ii 'aliha wanillannii balarwaJ.t we would give our lives for their sake and then our souls II IQ allna allnayt yallni (xayr) 'alayya allni lIana GL allni lIana'un V A nullni allnayt lIana / illna mullni mullna 'ala to praise II yallilanna allilanna tallanni mutallanni + in to be doubled; to strut; to be used in dual II yanllani anllana inllina munllani IQ anllana yanllani inllina to strut I haCia IIlIani llaM yanllani his way of strutting II VA nastallni astallnayt istillna mustallni mustallna k min to except II IA illnay AL icnei I ycney GL illnani IQ illnayn V A illnayn f illnatayn / lIintayn two I i. fi i. IH illnayn illnayn two and two I V A naj'al illnayn illnayn to double; to set in couples I alillnayn = ZJ 2151, IQ yawm alillnayn AL al ycney Monday I alicnei both II ilycnaaxar OM R I it naJ.tsar GL '.lIna 'asar VA & ZJ 1127 illna'sar twelve I AL min icnaaxar having twelve I i. marra
dilqued twelve times this much I i. I icnaxar elf(e) twelve thousand I icnaaxar elfe marra twelve thousand times I i. elf al uluf twelve million I i. elf [elf} al vluf twelve thousand million II V A lIanii + allniyab AC lliini (= /I>ani/) AL ceni praise; reputation I narbah cani O. cen!) to acquire a reputation I bi cani well-reputed I ceni mucarib + c. mucaribin (erroneous pI.) ill reputation I ceni jaid mav - mav c. mucarib he has good - bad reputation I (dim.) IQ I>unay little praise II MT I>anii second hoeing and weeding of vineyards II VA I>ani f lIaniyyah having teethed II IZ 2/4/5 I>aniyyah hill I JM 391>aniyyah path I VA I>aniyyah + iit incisor II I>iini = IQ, AL ceni AC alieni f I>aniyyii (= /I>an[iy]yaf) second I AL ceni aaxar twelfth I XA csil I>iiniyii GL I>iiniyatan again I unawwiru lliiniyatan to bloom again II VA fi allnii'i Ikaliim in the meantime II NQ db 1/2/1 mal>iini second strings (of lutes) II AL mucni + in famous II GL mul>niyun O. mullannan) double II IH l:tablun mullni rope of two strands. S. {'xiO, {l:tfr}, {xd'}, {drhm}, {zwj}, {shm}, {4y'}, {W}, {'rf}, {'sr}, {'tf}, {f41}, {qr'}, {q'd}, {qwl}, {mrr}, {wrl>} & {wid}. ·{I>WB}: VA nul>ib al>abt il>iibah / I>awiib k to reward II lIawb + al>wiib / I>iyiib GL I>awbun + lIiyiibun IQ & AC lIawb + I>iyiib IA 11 I>awbay AC allwiibun (hr.) AL ceub + cUb I acueb dim. NQ mg 3/5/2 twybiit (I. I>uwaybiit pI.) IQ I>uwayyab garment, cloth I ceub + acuib monk's frock I nave min cUb + anuaa garb, dress style I MT I>iyiib vestments (reI.) I OS I>awb alllla'iab pimpernel (Pimpinella saxifraga, bot.) II IQ I>awiib GL I>awiibun & malliibatun reward nET Thoaba pn. II V A bimalliibah like. S. {btn}, {bnq}, {jrd}, {l:tzn}, {l:tsm}, {l:tlwuwwiir 'ala to revolt II nul>ir allart il>iirah k GL '.I>ru to agitate II I>awrun '1l>awr IQ I>awr V A I>awr + al>wiir / lIiriin AL caur + acuar bull; ox I caur gebeli + acuar gebeliin wild bull II GL I>awratun ZJ 759 I>awra(t) uprising. S. {'Iln}, {zbb}, {'yn}, {ftl}, {qIm}, {lsn} & {l'bl ·{I>WTQS}: SG I>iiwtiis O. I>iiwtuqiis) Mother of God (reI.). S. {twtqn}. ·{I>WM}: GL lIawmun IH I>awmun n. un. + atun VA I>awm + al>wiim ZJ 2144 I>awm AL eeume + ceum garlic I dan; min ceum + adari~ I adra~ clove of garlic I OS I>wm bustiini / rifi (var. rb'y) / kurriilli garlic (Allium sativum, bot.) I II. barri & I>iimiyyah water germander (Teucrium scordium, bot.) II>. l:tulii sand leek (Allium scorodoprasum, bot.) I II. ~qiini - sbiini mqstnwli O. qastaniili = Cs castanuelo) UT 152/2 bustiini (qstnywly - 'uqiibi sniini - ~qIy) and barri (or jabali) kinds of garlic I TO 195 & 249 II. all:tayyah a variety of wild garlic II FX & HC 46 I>awmiyyah a chicken stew seasoned with garlic I UT 153 all:taSiSah al>lIwmiyyah & I>wm a44afiidi' water germander II V A mallwamah + mal>iiwim garlic field II AL mueeguem + in garlic-seasoned II mueegueme + it OS mullawwamiit (pI.) garlic sauce (for egg-plants) I FX mul>awwamah garlic soup. S. {l:tbb}, {l:tbl}, {l:tss} I, {l:tyw}, {x~w}, {r's}, {snn} I, {'slj} & {qstnl}. ·{I>WY}: VA yal>wa I>awii I>awi + in fi to dwell II mal>wa + mal>iiwi dwelling. ·{I>YB}: IH I>ayyibun V A I>ayyib + I>uyyab woman who is not a virgin. ·{I>YL}: TO 279 I>i! dog's tooth grass (Cynodon dactylon, bot.).
IJI & leI ·{JAJ}: UT 228 jiij camel thorn (Alhagi maurorum, bot., a vulgar corruption of f.tiij). S. {f.tw j}. ·{JAD/D}: OS jiid/ai saffron « F). ·{J'F}: OS muj'af stupid. ·{JAQ}: AL Jaca Jaca (geo.) U jaqui + in from J. S. {jkj/z}. ·{JAL}: SG jiilah cypress gall « L galla, prob. through bookish transmission, cf., however, TO 145 jiilah given in the same meaning as L). ·{CAN}: IH jiinii mud, slime « L caenum). ·{JBB}: V A jubb + ajbiib IH jubbun GL jub(b)un ZJ 956 jub cistern AL jubb + axbQb cistern; dungeon U jubba + gibeb IQ & ZJ 189 jubbah IH jubbatun + jibabun VA jubbah + iit I jibab dim. NQ mg 3/5/3 jubaybah jubbah (a Moorish garment) I AL jubbe + gibeb cowl II LH • jabbiib seller of cowls (posited by Pt aljabebe & algibebe) II GL majbiibun castrated. S. {xlq} I. ·{CBB}: V A jubiibah dunce (prob. < R ·cupabQba "drivel sucker"). ·{CPP}: AL chipp stocks, pillory II man~ar muchfJpap + mana~ir muchapapin flat nose « L cippus). ·{JBI:f}: VA jUbf.t + ajbiif.t I jibiif.t & majbaf.tah + majiibif.t GL majbaf.tatun AL jubh + gibah & maxbaha + majabih I magibieh beehive UID 'Ih 14 jbf.t bowl of a mortar II AL jabbah + in VA, MT & ZJ 173 jabbiif.t + in bee-keeper. ·{CPX}: VA nijabbax alxaddayn tajbix to slap on the face II yajjabbax ajjabbax to be slapped on the face II jubbiixah + iit I jabiibi/ix chubby-cheek; soap bubble I AL chupa~a sound produced from puffed out cheeks (from a blend of R ·soplar and its A synonym nafaxa "to blow", semantically connected in many languages to the meaning of hitting and slapping; cf. Mr mlabbax "fat" and labbaxa "bubble", undoubtedly borrowings from Aa. which developed Ipl and le/ from /bb/ & /jj/ in some cases).
·{JBD}: IH jabada ZJ 356 & 357 ajbad (iv.) yajbaa GL jabadtu ajbidu yajbidu majbiidun & mujabbadun V A najbad jabadt jabd jiibid + in jabbiid + in majbiid k to draw I yajbad rasan to pander I IQ jabad yajbad yujbad ajbadii (iv.) majbiid to draw, to pull; to unsheathe I AC tajbad they pull I ajbadu labantak min unkiinu pull him towards your daughter by his haunches I AL xey yuxbed + axiit yuxbedu thing to be drawn I nexbed gebett to mention constantly (cf. Mr tbad); to stretch a bow I xebett to layer (agr.) II VA yanjabad anjabad to be drawn I NQ am 1/2/1 assuyiif i1ih tanjabad swords are drawn against him I~ AL hein lal gebt + heinin I. g. easy to draw I VA jabdi rasan pandering II AL jlgebde + it shoot, scion (agr.) U jabbid + jabibid dim. jubeybed + it girth, girdle I japit + japipit truss, brace II GL jabbiidatun (s. GL 48) VA jabbiid + jabiibid gaffJe of a cross-bow I j. rasan ZJ 812 jabbiid atta'iiliq pander (cf. Cs llevar la cesta) nIB 177 majiibid ropes attaching a beast to a water-wheel « {jab}). S. {jibt}. ·{JBR} I: GL ajbiru VA najbur jabart jabr jiibir majbiir k AL nexbir alexbirt axbir to recover; to set (a broken bone) I MT ujbir ijbiir I jabr IQ y/nujbar jabri to repair I jubir aljaddi balf.tafid the grandson makes up for the loss of the grandfather I MT alayyiim allaH ya'talii ... faly.jbiriiha they shall make up for the days when they were idle II VA najbur 'ala to show haughtiness II nujbir ajbart ijbiir majbiir k 'ala IQ 150/3/2 ajbarat to force II yajjabbar to show o.s. as being haughty II VA yanjabar anjabar Ii to be recovered; to be set (of broken bones) I ZJ 117 yanjabar it heals IIA anjabarat AL yengeber to be found IIQ anjabar Ii ~ibii'i my youth has been restored I anjabar Jiyya sa'di my good luck has been retrieved II GL jabratun setting (of a bone) I TO 273 jabrah chickweed
(Holosteum umbellatum, bot.) I AL algebra algebra (returned from Cs) II gibir + in bone-setter I MT jiibir ET Gebir & Abengibir RC gibe pns. II IH jabra'utun GL jubruwatun (I. jabariitun) & tajabburun V A jabariit & tajabbur haughtiness II jabbiir + in I jabiibirah giant I ZJ 415 aljabbiir Almighty God II RC muxber dim. mujaybar pns. II V A mutajabbir + in GL mutajabbirun haughty. S. {s'r}. *{JBR} II: AL jabayra + it mail-bag or purse « A jayb plus the R agentive and instrumental suffix (-ayr[a)) with dissimilation of the first Iy/; cf. Pt algibeira and Old Cs linjavera). *{CPR}: AL Chipr Cyprus (late borrowing from Cs Chipre). *{CPRS}: UT 535 jbrs cypress « LI cypress us < L cupressus). *{JBRT}: IZ 5/2/1 yijabrat 'alihii he abuses her (seemingly a derivate from jabariit, perhaps contaminated by the R aug. suffix {-ot}}. *{JBRL}: VA jibril AL Gibril Gabriel « H gabri'et). *{CPRYL}: TO 137 juburruyiil hawthorn (Cratregus oxyacantha, bot.; prob. < L cippus with the R suffixes (-oro - a) and {-ol}}. *{CPRYN}: CP 139,7 jfryiin (I. jbryiin) Ciprianus (pn.). *{JBS/~}: V A nijabbas tajbis k AL nigebber; gebber;t geMr; to plaster II VA yajjabbas ajjabbas to be plastered II jabs + jubiis GL jabsun - 'Ijabsu IH jabsun AL gebr; SH j.b~ plaster I I}ajar aljabs & j. alfarriinin gypsum II SH jabbii~iin plasterers « G 'YUIjIOt;). S. {j~~}. *{JBSN}: GM 11 jibsin gypsum. S. {jbs}. *{JBSYQ}: CP 27,3 jbsyiiqii ilI-omened day (after the Egyptian calendar, < L JEgyptiacus). *{JBL} I: VA yujbal jubil majbiil 'ala to be naturally disposed to II nijabbal to drive wild II yajjabbal ajjabbal tajabbul to become wild njabal + jibiil GL jablun ZJ 981 & 1311 jab(a)1 AC jabal dim. pI. RC jubayalid (= Ijubayyalit/) AL geb(b)el (= I j8/ibl/) + gibil mountain I gebel guati + gibil guatiin hill(ock) I harir; a jebel + hurrar; game-keeper I gebel aqhtll + gibil
cohal (prob. false pI.) Sierra Morena (geo.) I Geblalfath Gibraltar I IQ ~al}b aljabal the Lord of the Mountain (a nickname given to the Almohad ruler 'Abdalmu'min in the early days of his fight against the Almoravids) I jabal fiirii Gibralfaro (geo.) a AL gebeli + in VA jabali + in belonging to the mountains, wild I AL gebeli + in & ~anzir jauali + ~anizir { -in wild boar I FR 49,4 tin jbly mountain fig I 50,2 azzabib in kan jbly' raisins if they are from the mountains I GL 'Ikarafsu 'ljabaliyyu wild celery B V A jibillah + iit natural disposition II NQ mg 8/x/2 aljubaylah 'aU the quirk of II V A mujabbal (turned) wild. S. {'sp}, {'~J}, {'sprnj}, {tyn}, {\>wr}, {j'd}, {I}wr}, {xu}, {r's}, {rq'}, {rmn} I, {rwnd}, {zbb}, {sIt}, {syl}}, {tbq}, {trf}, {twr} II, {'bqr}, {'sj}, {'nb}, {fdnj}, {qstI/n}, {ktJ}, {kr\>} II, {krfs}, {krwy}, {klI} II, {Il}m}, {Iqs}, {mry} IV & {nf'}. *{JBL} II: AC jiibil (I. jabil) Elizabeth I BD 28r jiibila al~iilil}iiti St. Elizabeth (late borrowing from Cs Isabel). *{CPL(!-IN)}: UT 112 jibullah onion I GB 102 j. iU biirkuh squill II jubuIIiiIIah white variety of corn camomile (Anthem is arvensis, bot.) 0 103 jubuilin Welsh onion « R ·cepo[a [de porko}. cepolela & cepoL/n(v) simply or doubly marked dim. derivates from L caepa "onion"). *{JBLHNK}: BM jablahank wild sesame « F jeblahank). *{JBN}: VA najbun jabant min to be frightened Dnijabban tajbin k to daunt IIA nijabban to make cheese I ZJ 1800 nijabballak I shall make cheese cakes for you II V A yajjabban ajjabban to turn into cheese (itr.). Ujubnah + juban I ajbiin GL j.bn IH aljubanu IQ juban AL jubna + juben AC jiibiin cheese I UT 160 & 463 jbn alquriid / a\>\>u'biin / alguriib common dragon (Dracunculus vulgaris, bot.) II AC jabiin + in GL jabiinun coward II jabin = IQ forehead II V A mujabbanah + iit AL mujebbene + it AC mujabbanah + mujiibbanit a kind of cheese cake (whence Cs almojabana). S. {tit)}. *{CPN}: AL chipin + it clog with cork sole I muteber; (a) chipin using this footwear « Cs chapin. s. RA 10 for further
etymological data). ·{JBH}: VA jabhah T jibab GL jabhatun ZJ 638 jabhah JM 5 jibhah AL gebhe T gibeh forehead, front I abu gebeh (I. gebhe) T abu gibeh having a large forehead I min jebehtei (I. jebhetei) V A 3ii jabhatayn double-fronted I IQ jabhat ala~la' the bald one's forehead. ·{JBW}: VA najbi jabayt 1 ajbayt ijba jabi mujbi k to collect (taxes) II yanjabi anjaba to be collected Unajtabi ajtabayt ijtiba mujtabi mujtaba k GL '.jtiba'un to choose or elect njibayah T at & majba T majabi tax, levy. ·{C/SBYR}: UT 233 j/sibayrah wheat « L eibiiria, cf. Cs cibera). .{JI>I>} I: VA juJlJlah T at 1 juJlaJl GL juJlJlatun bila riif.1 AL juea T jueee (dead) body. S. {JlqI}. .{JI>I>} II: VA jaJlJl genuflexion « A (jJlw}). • {JI>JI>}: GB 240 jaJljaJl flea-wort (Plantago psyllium, bot.). ·{JI>LQ}: SG jaJlliq riimah the primate of Rome « G lCaeOl..1KOo; through S qiituliqii, a clear proof of Eastern Christian inn uence on the Codex Canonicus Escurialensis). ·{JI>M}: OS juJlmanat corpses. ·{JI>W}: VA najJlii jaJlaw/yt jaJlw jaJli 'ala rukabi to kneel. ·{CCR} I: UT 168 jajr GB 21 jajrh peas « L cieer{aJ). ·{CCR} II: ET Bujejar & Bejijar pns. « R ·cezar, i.e., Cresar). ·{JJRM}: IV 63 jijram = jaseran = gisaram = jaeerino a trinket shaped like a net « Ct jaseran < Fr jasera/on < A jazii'iri "Algerian" because of its likeness to the famous Algerian coats of mail). ·{CC'N}: VA nijaj'an jaj'anah k to make foolish II yajjaj'an ajjaj'an to grow foolish 0 juj'iin foolish I LO Xa/exon pn. or nickname (apparently derived from Usn}, the initial consonants and the /'I prob. due to contamination by A ja'jii' "bellowing", cf. Ma cucun "big fool" which, however, might derive from Sicilian and ultimately Cs). ·{CCN}: AL nieheehen eheehent to parboil « L subeoetionleml cf. Cs saneoeho; s. RA 10). ·{JI;IJI:U: XA lif.15 jaf.1jaf.1lord. ·{JI;ID}: GL ajf.1adun jaf.1dun VA najf.1ad jaf.1adt jaf.1d jaf.1id T in jaf.1f.1ad T in majf.1iid k IQ
jaf.1ad 173/3/2 jUf.1iid AL na/exhOd = nathOd (I. naehOd) jahOd/tt axhOd aehOd jahid + in maxhod + in to deny; to dissemble I IQ ma najf.1ad I do not deny I las yajf.1adu jaf.1id no one denies it II IQ yanjaf.1ad VA yanjaf.1ad anjaf.1ad 'an 1 min 1 fi to be denied DAL johd = juhe (I. juhd or juhde) n. un. juhda + it denial I ba johda & gehyden underhand I GL jaf.1idun heretic a MT majf.1iid renegade (semantic calque from R). S. {dxO, {'dw}, {'mO & {n'm}. ·{JI;IDB}: OS jaf.1dab an unid. plant. ·{JI;IR} I: VA najf.1ir ajf.1art ijf.1ar mujf.1ir majf.1iir k AL maxhor + in to force into its burrow or den nVA yanjaf.1ar anjaf.1ar injif.1ar to hide in its burrow or den I GL '.njaf.1ar fi 'Imadinati he shut himself up in the city UVA juf.1r T ajf.1ar 1 jaf.1irah (I. jif.1arah) 1 jUf.1ran AL j/iohar + ax/ghOr burrow, den. S. {nml}. ·{JI;IR} II: AL abogeharan (= labujif.1ranl) a kind of beetle « {j'r}, q.v.). ·{JI;IS}: VA jaf.1s T ajf.1as 1 IQ 191/4/3 jUf.1iis (rh.) young donkey. ·{JI;IF}: ET Abingilahaf pn. ·{JI;IFL}: VA jaf.1falah + jaI,lafil large army. ·{JI;ILQ}: OS jf.1lq (vars. jI,llyq & I,Ijlq) crane's bill (Geranium, bot.). ·{JI;IM}: VA & IQ jaI,lim GL jaI,limun 'ljaI,limu AL gehim/n hell. S. {'Iy} & {q'r}. ·{JI;IW}: AC & ZJ 94 jUf.1a pn. ·{JX/GJ/GX}: V A jugjiigah + jaxajix lock of hair « {xjxj}?; cf. (gnjf}). ·{CXD/QN}: V A nijaxilan to fill with frogs II yajjax3an ajjax3an to be full of frogs II juxil/rliin + jaxa3in IA juxd/3iin AC suxdiin + jaxUin frog I DL 52 Ayneaehahaden (= /'ayn accaxadinl "fountain of the frogs"; prob. from {jxt/rlb}, q.v.). S. {crdn}. ·{JXT/QB}: LZ juxtub IH jux~ub frog (Although Azzubaydi and Ibn HISlim, when dealing with words of non-Arabic stock, often resorted to distorting their semantics and even phonetics, in order to force an A etymon upon them, there can be little doubt in this case that this word, explained as "little beast living in the waters", is the same as juxlt/rliin "frog" (q.v.), and no longer retained the meaning of its A etymon juxdub "a kind of green
grasshopper". The reason for this semantic shift, however, may have been euphemistic, since amphibia and reptiles were ominous and often received new or altered neutralizing names). S. {ex314n}. ·{JDB}: GL jadibun dry, barren I 'l'r4u 'lja3ibbatu barren land. S. {j3b} II. ·{JDD}: VA nujudd jadadt jidd mujidd + in to be diligent I AC la tajid rna' alla'im ... Ii'anna jiddahu hazlun (sr.) do not be earnest with a rogue ." for his earnestness is only a joke 0 VA nijaddad tajdid k GL ujaddidu jaddid IQ yujaddad tajdid AL nigeded geddedt gedded talegdid n. un. tagdida to renew I IQ 174/0/2 tajaddad 'alayya rna qad nasit you renew for me what I had forgotten II V A yajjaddad ajjaddad to renew itself II jadd + judiid 1 ajdad IQ jad(di) + ajdad IA jadd f ah AL jedd = jed(d) = gedd + judud I axded JM 8 jid AC jad(d) f jadda(t) GL jaddun wahuwa abii 'Iwalidayn grandfather; ancestor I abii 'Ijaddi & jaddu 'I'abi wahwa bijaddu (I. abii jaddi) 'I'bni great grandfather I wiilidu jad 'Ijad & wiilidu bijada (1. abii jaddi) 'I'abi greatgrandfather I jaddu jaddi jadd 'Ijaddi great-great-grandfather I IQ jaddayh his two grandfathers I VA jaddi my grandfather I jadd albir slug I jadd alab great-grandfather I AL jedd calic - rabie + judud grandfather of a third - fourth generation I j. a judud great-grandfather II VA jadd fortune II jaddah + at GL jaddatun AL jlgedda + jedelit I judud grandmother I jedda rabia (= Irabi'a/) grandmother of the fourth generation I VA umm aljaddah & jaddat alumm great-grandmother UIQ jid(di) eagerness I VA jiddan GL jidda & j.d very I baljidd truly I VC 65/10 tiixu3 zayt infiiq jiddan kai>iran take plenty of oil from unripe olives I BO 31r qaddi juddika as eagerly as you can I AL bi gidd earnestly II gidda AC jiddii novelty, newness I AL bigidda in a new way II gidid + judud dim. judeyed + it IQ jadid f jadida VA jadid + judud IQ jadid GL jadidun f jadidatun ZJ 1220 jidid new I AL xei gidid + axiit judud new thing I gidid IQ min jadid again UVA jaddah + at avenue o OS jadii'id furrows. S. {l]bb}, {xtr}, {'~m},
{qCl} & {n~r} II. ·{JDR} I: GL judratun & VA jadr beam, rafter I
AL judra + judar MT judar ala'nab (pI.) vine-stock I jidri IH jidriyyun small-pox II VA jidar + judur I judran wall I FJ jidar l]ajiz partition-wall II VA jadir + in bi deserving 0 IH mujaddarun pock-marked. S. {j'd}. ·{JDR} II: BM jidar kermes oak (Quercus coccifera, bot.; prob. < F lidar "shoe"). ·{JD'}: VA jad' cutting BZJ 377 jadda' one who injures often I AC ajda' cut off (nose). S. {j3'}. ·{JDL}: GL uja3ilu muja3alatun V A nijadal mujadalah 1 jidal k AL nigedel gedelt = nigeddel geddeit (a case of substitution of the II for the III verbal stem or just a misprint?) mujedela = mugedele + it = mugedalle I gidel mugedel = mujlgedil + in = VA y/najjadal ajjiidal(t) tajiidul mao to dispute I IQ najjaddal I fight I najjaddalak (?) I fight against you II AL gidel calillittle dispute. ·{JDWR}: GM 12 j/zidwar zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria, bot.; < F zadwiir). S. {stwO. ·{JDWL}: VA nijadwal k to make columns (in a book) II yajjadwal ajjadwal to be made into columns II jadwal + jadawil GL ja3walun column (of a book). ·{JDW}: VA nastajdi k IQ yastajdi to beg or ask for gifts njadwiih his generosity. ·{JDY}: GL jadyun = jadi + jadyanun IQ jadi VA jady I jidi + jidyan IH jidyanun ZJ 591 jidi AL gidi + gidien kid I xei mita g. axiit mita gidien appertaining to kids I naguila la gidien + naguil enclosure for kids I VA burj aljady 1 aljidi GL 'Ijadi = 'Ijadyu Capricorn (ast.). S. {'3n}, {~rm}, {kbr}, {lsn} & {w'O. ·{JDB} I: VA naj3ab ja3abt ja3b bi to draw I IQ taj3ab alburnus you pull his burnous I FX yaj3ab it acquires a certain taste or odour (cf. Cs tirar a). S. {jbd}. ·{JDB} II: VA yajilab ja3ab jii3ib to be stricken with drought nja3b IH ja3bun drought « {jdb}, q.v.). ·{JDD}: VA ja33 cutting. ·{JDR}: IH kam ji3ru ha3ii I'adad what is the root of this number? (suggested correction ja3ru) I OS jaw3ar IW I 324,24 ~wdr (l. jaw3ar) hawthorn-like sumac I OS ~abb aljaw3ar: s. gubayra' II XA ajl ja'a3ir
wild calves. +{JD'} I: VA ji3' + ju3ii' palm-tree stock II jab' + ju3'in yearling. +{JD'} II: IH ja3a'tu anrabu (br.) I cut off bis nose. +{JDF}: VA mij3if + maji3ir oar. +{JDL}: GL '.j3ilu ja3alun VA yaj3al ja3al ja31 ji3il & maj3iil to be glad. +{JDM}: V A yija33am taj3im to afflict witb leprosy II yajja33am ajjaa3am to be afflicted witb leprosy II AL gedem V A ja3am & ju3iim IH judamun leprosy II aj3am f ja3mi & muj3am + in 1 maji3im IQ ju3am (pI.) ju3aymab (dim. fem.) IH 187 mij3im IA muj3a/im + maji3im AL muxdim f a magidim leper, leprous I xei muxdim + axiit muxdimin thing related to leprosy. S. {krr}. +{JR'}: V A yajrii jara' jur'ab 1 jari'ab & najjarri ajjarrayt tajarri IQ n/y/tajjarra AL najaml(u) ajarrailyt ajarra & V A nanjarri anjarrayt & najtari ajtarayt ijtiri mujtari Ii 1 'ala IH istara'a 'ala to dare II NQ mg 21/1/3-4 ajra yuqdim almawt 'ala 3ik al'iqdim deatb dared advance so boldly II GL jur'atun boldness I jur'atan audaciously II VA jari + in daring, bold. +{JRB}: IQ jarrab jarrabtu najarrab jarrabub (Iv.) mujarrab GL ujarribu tajribatun mujarrabun VA nijarrab k AL nijarrab jarrabt to try or attempt IIQ jurrib 'alayb he has been proved to be so II V A yajjarrab ajjarrab to be tried or attempted; to catcb scab II jarabab + jarab ZJ 751 jarib AL jaraba + jarab scab I jarab al cubtil (= Iqubtilf) scabbiness on the elbow II V A jirib + ajribab bag I LH *jiriib a kind of fishing net (posited by Pt algirao) IIIW I 247,17 j.rban carob bean l II VA tajribab + tajiirib AL taxrib n. un. tajari/iba = tagiriba = tageriba = taxriba + tajarib trial, experience II V A majriib + in 1 majirib scabby II AL mujarrab + in experienced, scabby I atilim mujarrab a man of wisdom and experience II mujarrib + in examiner. S. {syr}.
+{CRB}: AL chirbal + chirab (I. chirba + chirab) hind, female deer « L cerva). +{JRBZ}: BM jarbiiz s. yarbiiz. +{JRBN}: GB 382 jirbinah UT 307 jarbnb a variety of camel's hay (Andropogum scbrenantus, bot.). +{JRI>M}: VA jurl»iimab nobility. +{JRJ}: AL Jorge George (here prob. a late borrowing from Cs, although Southern R knew jurj, e.g.. in IQ & ZJ aban jurjUD. +{CRC} I: IH aljarju IQ jirji AL chirch cold northerly wind « L cercius). +{CRC} II: AL chiricha + chirich = chrich + chirch (I. like the former paradigm) hollyoak (Quercus ilex, bot.) I gayda min chi rich forest of holly-oaks « LI *cerricius). Cf. {crk}. +{JRJR}: IH jar jirun VA jir jir rocket (Eruca sativa, bot.) I IW I 560,16 jarajir beans I TO 186 jirjir alma' water cress (Nasturtium officinale, bot.) I UT 163 j. alkilib wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum, bot.) II OS mujar jar seasoned with rocket « S gargirii < Ak gergiru). +{JRJRT}: GM 9 jrjritiyyah bleeding-nun (Cyclamen europlCum, bot.). +{JRJM}: GB 379 jarjamab briar-root (Erica arborea, bot.). +{JRI;i}: GL ajri~u jari~un majrii~un f majrii~atun V A najra~ jara~t 1 ajra~t jar~ jiri~ + in jarrii~ + in majrii~ + majiri~ & jari~ + jar~a k AL najarah jaraht I ajaraht majoroh + in to wound II nijarrrah jarraht taagiri (I. tagirih) V A nijarra~ tajri~ k to appeal; to challenge (a testimony) II yajjarra~ assabid to be challenged (said of a witness) nyanjara~ anjara~ = IQ to be wounded II GL jar~atun + jiri~un VA jar~ab + jiri~ & jur~ + jurii~ IQ jur~ + jar~it 1 jira~ AL jarha + girah & jorh dim. jurayha + it wound, sore I jarha taria + girah tariin fresh wound I melli min girah full of wounds I IQ ya'mal jira~ makes wounds II VA jur~ah challenge (of testimony) II jiri~ab + jawiiri~ AL jariha + jaguareti member, limb I min jerihatey having two
1 Prob. to be read as .jurbiin and perhaps to be connected with julbin, q.v.
JRO I-eRR members II IQ jaril] & majriil] IA jaril] wounded I VA jara'il]i + in MT jarayi~i & jarral] surgeon I MT aban jarral] pn. S. {'IJr}, {jny} I, {xdd}, {'mI}, {glq}, {mdd} I, {nsr} II & {wid}. ·{JRD} I: VA najrud jaradt jard jarid jarrad + in majriid k AL naxrud najurud jaradt =xaratt jard n. un. jarda + at majurud t a + it to scrape, to rake; to gnaw 1 II nig/ jerred g/ jerredt gerred mujerred + in GL ujarridu mujarradun IA jarradii yijarrad mujarrad VA nijarrad tajrid k to spoil or strip I jarradni IQ take off my clothes I jarradt alaqraq I took off my shoes I 151/2/4 !iil]l]ati jarradni he ruined . my health I tajrid IJiyab taking off clothing I AL nijarrat alhijar to hew stones I nijerred acilah jerrett tagirida + tagirid mugerred (a cilah) + in to disarm I n. a capat jerredt to pull off one's shoes II nag erred agerrett = natgerred atgerrett etgerred GL tajarradii (iv.) VA yajjarrad ajjarrad to strip O.S., to undress or take off one's clothes II yanjarad anjarad to be scraped II AL hein la jard(a) + in lajard easy to scrape II jaradah + jarad IQ & IA jarad GL jaradun AC jaradu (hr.) AL jarada + jarad locust I jaradat al bahilr + jarad a. b. lobster or crayfish I GL jaradun bila janal] young grasshoppers II XA id aljarid place name in Tunisia II HC 231 jrydat (I. jurayyadat?) balls of dried crushed bread crumbs with honey2 II VA juradah AL jurada + it scrapings II GL ajradu hairless I V A ajrad + jurd fine horse nmajradah + majarid AL majarad (I. majarada) + it scraper, rake II OS mijrad rake I TH 38,l3 majarid rakes used by coal-men (instead of shovels in order to prevent them from picking up too much dirt and powder) IIIQ mujarrad worn out I AC mujarrad naked. S. {xwx}, {sjI}, {sOd} & {fisC}. ·{JRD} II: LZ & IH jaradun tumour on the hock UVA jurd + jurdan rat « {jr3}, q.v.). ·{JRDQ}: V A jardaqah + jaradiq round loaf
(cf. F girde of the same meaning, < P girdag "round"). ·{JRD}: GL jurdun mole II jur3anatun rat II OS jura3ah female rat S. {jrd} II. ·{CRD/I;>N}: AL chord on + charadin (I. charadin) frog. S. {ex3/4n}. ·{JRR(N)}: VA nujurr jarart jarr jarrar + in majriir k & nijarrar tajrir k to drag I AL nulijurr jarart jurr to drag; to tow I yjurr bi caq(u) t tijurr bi Caqu (I. caqa) + yjurru bi cacaihum to limp (lit. "to drag one's feet") I XA ari3 ayylik tujurrak al'adah do not let the habit drag you I ati2 nijurri qanliti I drag my lance (met. for carrying weapons and for sexual intercourse) I IQ nujurr a3yal I trail the tails of my garments I 18912/2 jarr aHuriiz trailing embroideries I AS 9515/3 jarrar dylilak trail the tails of your garments (iv.) I VA yajjarrar ajjarrar to be dragged II yanjarr anjarr injirlir IQ nanjar injirlir to drag oneself; to crawl I AC yanjarr AL na(n)jarr anjarart to trail (a garment) Unachilrr acharart muxtaar + in (= /naearr - aearart/ < Inajtarr ajtarartf) IQ & JM 25 yastar LZ & lH 'starrat to ruminate I SO 2r ujlirruhu (I. /aearruhu/) chew it over (met.) 0 AL charr rumination a GL I]arfu jarr preposition II jarratun + jarratun V A jarrah + lit 1 jirlir jar I GS 42 jirliri a var. of pumpkin (so called on account of its likeness to a kind of jar) II IQ jurriin (with R aug. suffix) big jar UAL jarra + alit dragging II IQ jarir pn. II VA jarirah + jarli'ir sin II jarrlir = IQ sweeping I V A jays an j. numerous army fully equipped II AL jarrara dragnet II bal ingirar successively II IQ almajarra the Milky Way I OS majarrah beam of a noria to which the beast is attached II majarr army II lD ~nr majarr mli 'fq 4 mjr't 'Isyl water courses I AL majarr + it underground water flow or conduction I mijar adem + majar blood-vessel. S. {hmr}, {srr} II & {him}. ·{CRR}: VA jarrah + ·at 1 jarr ZJ 195 jarrah
This meaning has developed as a consequence of the absorption of A {jrll} by {jrd}.
Prob. lhe same reading is lO be adopled in with honey.
He 107 for prinled I]dydit, defined as a spiced pasle of roasled wheal
AL jarra + jarr 1 cleaned flax I chirr + churur mital behime fetlock I chirr min xatir + chirri(t) lock of hair « L cirrus). ·{JRZ}: VA nijarraz tajriz k to make swallow II najjarraz ajjarrazt to swallow II jariizah & lA, GL jariizatun gluttony 0 jariizun ZJ 1724 jariiz glutton; LH roof gutter (posited by Pt algeroz). ·{JRS}: VA jaras (small) bell II jarriis maker or user of bells. S. {jrs}. ·{CRSY}: OS jariisiyii ch~rry « L ceriis/um < G K&QaolOv). S. {qrs/syl. ·{JRS} I: V A nijarras· tajriS k to crush II yajjarras ajjarras tajarrus to be crushed. ·{JRS} II: IH jawiirisuo + iituo SH j.wiiris digestive stomachic « F guwiiriS). ·{JR~}: V A jara~ bell. S. {jrs}. ·{CRT}: V A juruttu MT jur(r)iit ZJ 554 jurriit AL churrut cosmetic wax I LO Chorrut po. I + IQ bijarayi{ (the one) with cosmetic wax « L cerotum < G KT\QOO10V). ·{JR'}: GL ajra'u V A oajra' jara't jar' jiiri' majrii' k to swallow I IQ 158/1/4 ajra' ... ~ibar swallow bitterness (iv.) I jurri'tu ... assumiim I was made to swallow poison I AS 34/4/4 jarra'hii Imariirah he made her taste bitterness UVA yaojara' aojara' to be swallowed II AS 28/1/1 jur'ati my draught. ·{JR'D}: ZJ 2128 jur'iid IA jar'iid AC j.rrii'iidah beetle « {j'r}, q.v.). ·{JRF}; V A jurf + ajriif / juriif MT jurf ZJ 1113 & 640 jurf(i) + ajriif IQ ajriif (pl.) undercut bank I AL jorf + ajaraf cliff I OS jurf dam (on the river banks) I ZJ 542 aljurf unid. place name II 18 55 jiiriif ground leveller pulled by oxeo 2 II FX jarriifah an unid. fish (perhaps a gilt-head bream) I VA jarriifah + jariirif GL jarriifatuo dragnet II IH almajrafatu V A majrafah fire-shovel. ·{JRFN}: AL jarafan a kind of falcon (late borrowing from Cs gerifalte < Of girfalt < Os geirfalki). ·{CRK}: GB 95 jiirkuh SG jrkh/ii AL chirque + chirq gall oak (Quercus lusitanica, bot.) I gaida = guayda min chirq + at forest of
gall oaks « L quercus). ·{JRKM}: FX j.rk.m a small fish which appears in September. ·{JRKN}: OS jiirkiin mace, dried arillode of nutmeg « F jargun). ·{JRM(YR)}: VA najrum jarumt 'ala to dare II nujrim ajramt jurm / ijriim mujrim + in GL mujrimuo + mujrimiioa & ijtiriimun mujtarimun to commit a crime II jirm + ajriim body II jurm & jariimah + iit audacity II IQ 176/1/4 jurm GL jurmuo crime 0 ID 'qr 1 '~I jrmy true origin II V A jurmayr (with R suffix (-ayr)) + in & jarim + in audacious 0 jarimah + jarii'im crime. S. {rkb}. ·{JRMQN}: s. {bslsk}. ·{JRMM}: GB 29 jirmiim n. un. ah an unid. kind of wild carrot. ·{JRMN}: CP 155,4 jrmiin Germanus (po.). ·{CRM~S}: UT 429 jrmos a kind of pear « R, cf. Cs cermeiias). ·{JRN} I: IW I 355, 10 etc. & 356, 5 etc. J.twoiih + jw(b)y = jr/wy (I. juroii + juroi) furrow for planting vioes « Ar, cf. Rb gurnii & S gurnii + gurne < Low G youQva < L urna). ·{JRN} 11: VA juriioah swing or sieve (doubtful rendering: s. V A 65-6 concerning its probable derivation through Old Ct azaren(a) from {srod}, q.v.; < F sarand). ·{JRN} Ill: AL jor(r)on + jararin (piece torn from clothing R, cf. Cs jiron < Of giron < Fk *gairo). S. {jrr}. ·{JRN} IV: AL Girona Gerona (geo.) II gironi + in fom G. ·{CRN}: AL chorro (I. chorron) + chararin jet, spurt (from onomatopoeic origin, cf. Cs chorro). ·{JRNS}: NQ db 3/0/2 aljuroisi po. ·{JRNL}: MV 227,24 jaraoil daily wages « Ct or Cs jornal). ·{CRNY}: AL chirnia wreckfish, stone bass (ich.; < L1 acernia). ·{JRW} I: GL jaruwuo VA jarii + ajrii IA jarii AL jaru + ajara cub. S. {'sd}. ·{JRW} 11: AL girivia + it parsnip (perhaps from the same origin as isfanniiriya, q.v.).
This spelling po.nLS LO an aCLual pronunciaLion with Ij/, due Lo aLLraCLion by {jrr}.
The same reading recommends itself insLead of SG *jiiriit ox-drawn herse.
JRWS-JZR II ·{JRWS}: CP 99,7 jrwiis Gervasius (pn.). ·{JRY}: IQ jara - jarat n-y-tajri ajri GL Jara - jaraytu '.jrI - yajri jaryun VA najri jarayt jary / jari jiiri T in ZJ 1859, 1266 & 223 jarii yajri juri AL najelari jlgereit ajlgeri to run I IQ al'urfi jara bi it is customary to I ajri 'ala Iixtiyiir follow his will (iv.) I 'an cJal]iyya las tajri it will not do as a victim I V A n. majra gayri to follow the same way I n. wariih to pursue I AS in jariit 'alayya xud'ah if I am duped I NQ db 3/1/4 raziyyah jarat 'ala ssuUiir a misfortune that overtook the rogues I IZ 1/1/4 jari iJikruh he was mentioned I AC jiiri he ran I yajri warii he runs after I juri wariih & yujra fi al!ru he was pursued I jirI (I. jiri) running (m.) I MT allii yajriihii they must not go through them (for hunting) UVA yajri jarii jarayiin Ii IQ jarayiin AL najara jarat jari (I. jari?) to happen I fax yajara so, what? (cf. Cs y ique [pasa!?) I SH jarat axyat.hii to ravel I IQ jarii - yajri Ii it happened - will happen to me I jara say riyya something happened to me (Le., I died) II jarriini AL nijarri jarreit V A nijarri tajriyah to make run I n. alarcJ to raid (a country) I AL nijarri I;aqf taxriat a l;oc6f T tagiri a I;aqf (I. taxriat a I;aqf T l;oc6f) to untHe the roof I IQ najarri I vie nVA nijiiri mujiiriih k & yajjiira ajjiirayt tajiiri rna' to vie I IQ lam tujiira she had no match I 152/4/2 nujiiri naww al'iiJiir I try to get ahead of the growth of the down (preceding the beard) I VA najri ajrayt ijrii mujri k to make run or happen I IZ 1/7/2 alfulki qad ajra lahii bimii taxtiir the stars have granted her wishes I MT mal!iiqil ~uriiran kallaiJi tujri al'iin assakkah dinars of those currently issued by the mint and being legal tender II V A yajjarrii ajjarrii = tajarrii - ajjarrat to be raided II AC juri run; diarrhrea (1) I AL juri run(ning); fluxion; diarrhrea I j. bi cai diarrhrea and vomit I ba j. = bi jari (I. juri?) IQ baljari right away I jary almii running of water I VA jari alba tan diarrhrea I MT 'ala jari 'awiiyid alqastilliinin after the Castilians' usage II AL jerie T it run I j. I;aguera T jeriit cigar short run n geri = giri (I. giri) T in running (part.) I MT 'ala jiiri ssunnah after the custom I jiiriyan lanidq in
agreement with the truth I IQ i1a Il]aqqi jiiri eager to do right I jiirya ralkiis I]uriib wars occur because of the drinking issue II AL giria T jaguar GL jiiriyatun T jawiiri IQ jawiir JM 6 jiwiir (pI.) V A jiiriyah +jawiir maid I AL giriat al Mhar T giriet a. b. mermaid II jarri T in runner I jarri polisher (?) a mijara = mijara (I. mijra) T majari sewer; underground flow of water I AC majirI (I. majiri) IA mijri VA majra T majiiri sewer I majrii almii / assay I = majra alwiid river-bed I MT majrii mii water course I ZJ 975 mijriih its bed I GL majrii 'Imariikibu (sic) harbour I FJ almajiiri Ima'liimah the usual seaports I MT majiir water-mains I GL majiirin channels I majiiri 'Imii'i water courses II majriyatun polluted (but prob. just misspelt for maxziyatun) II AL macarii muxarriin espalier. S. {xU}, {dmw}, {'rq}, {'wd} & {qnw}. ·{CRY}: s. {sry}. ·{JRYL}: IQ jiryiil (hr.) wine. ·{JZ'}: VA nijazzi k to divide I yajjazzii ajjazzii = yatajazzii tajazzii tajazzI mutajazzi to be divided njuz' T ajzii GL juz'un AL juz T aglxze part I juzh T agze matins (such is the meaning of his Cs rendering, but this word prob. meant any of the canonical hours, ecl.) I juzi I;aguer small part I gezu min ganam herd I MT juz dim. IQ juzay GL juz'un min ayyi say'in Una a piece or part I VA j. (I. juz'iyyah?) T lit detail II AL juzi T in I juzyet detail, particular I AS 15/1/7 juzziyiiti my particular features (mys.); small part II MT miijiiz min (?) separated from II GL gayru mut(a)j.z(z)i indivisible. S. {'I]d} & {jzy}. ·{JZR} I: GL jaziratun VA jazirah T juzur / jazi'ir AL gelizira T gezair I jazair island I IQ aljazirah Alandalus II OS atturbah aljaziriyyah alluvial soil I IH jaziriyyun from Algeciras (geo.) BVA jaziir T juziir slaughtered head of cattle II ja/izzlir T In IQ & MT jazziir AL gizzar T giz(z)irin AC jizzir butcher II SH r.t1 jazziirI butcher's pound II AL magzara GL majzaratun VA majzarah T majiizir butchery. S. {btx}, {xmn}, {trf} & {qt'}. ·{JZR} II: V A jazar AL jezem (I. jezer) wild carrot I jazara T jazar ground pine (although this author identifies ·pinillo·
with Meum athamanticum, there is no doubt that this Cs word, translated by Nebrija in his Vocabulario espanol-latino, after which Alcala patterned his book, as chamepytis, is indeed Ajuga chamrepytis, the latter word being correctly understood by several Arab botanists as being the G xallalJtltut,; "ground pine". But it is very hard to see how this plant came to be named jazar) I GB 36 jazar barri wild carrot I GM 39 s. saqaqul I OS jazar assay tan chervil (Chrerophyllum cerefolium, bot.; < F gazar). ·{JZZ}: GL ajuzzu Y A nujuzz jazazt jazz jazzaz + in majzii k IA yi/ujuzzii AL nijur;r; jezezt jur;r; to shear II YA yanjazz anjazz to be shorn II jazzah + at I jizz LZ & IH jazzatu ~iirin GL jazzatun AL jeza + gizet fleece D jezziz + in sheep-shearer II megezz + mejezit place for shearing. ·{JZ'}: GL ajza'u - yajza'u jaz'un jiizi'un AL naxzaa jazaat to fear I XA a'3 AS 92/0/1 (ayyak) la tajza' do not fear II Y A nijazza' tajzi' mujazza' to vein or dapple D yajjazza' ajjazza' to become veined or dappled II jaza' AL jazaa fear II IH jaza'un glass-beads I GL 'Ijaz'u & yaqiitatun mujazza'atun onyx II gayru jazi'in I j.zii' unterrified, dauntless II mujazza' dapple (horse). S. (xyr} III. ·{JZF}: AL nachari gizef achareit to buy wholesale « A jiziifan, cf. Mr bazzaf "much"). ·{JZL}: GL '.jzilu Y A yajzal jazal to be generous I IQ tajzalli you give me generously. YA nijazzal tajzil k to make generous II yajjazzal ajjazzal to become generous II jazal + juzzal generous I IQ jazal abundant II jazala abundance I YA jazalah generosity II jazilun plentiful I jazilan plentifully II OS jawzal chick (of any bird) DIQ ajzal more abundant. ·{JZM}: Y A najzam jazamt jazm jiizim majziim k to cut off 0 yanjazam anjazam to be cut off II jazmah + at stump I AL jezme & mazjun (I. majzum) consonant 1 II IQ attabi'ah turuddi lubbu jazam nature
rejects his pretence to wit irrevocably. ·{JZY}: YA yajzi ajza k to suffice I IQ lam yajzi it was not enough I ZJ 225 yazzi allal]m it makes up for meat I GL ujazi yujaza jaza'un YA najzi jazayt I ajzayt jaza jazi mujzI + in k & nijazi mujazah to reward I AL nijazi / nigezi / nigezzi gez( z)eit / jezeit gezzi mugezi + in to reward I IQ jazak allah xayr 'an annas may God reward your services to the people II YA nijazzi tajziyah k to pay tribute or taxes I n. qa'at addar to pay a real estate tax I BO 8v 3 bas ..• 'ijazi hu bamawtihi so that he would pay with his death I YA yajjazza ajjazza to be paid I najjazza ajjazzayt tajazzi bi & najtazi ajtazayt bi to content o.s. II IQ & ZJ 768 jaza YA jaza & jizyah + at GL jizyatun IA jizyah AL gizia tribute I g/ jeze = gezi retribution II ET Abenxucey (= laban juzayy/) pn. « P gazit & gazidag "bite", perhaps through S gzitii). S. {jz'}. ·{JS'}: YH jasa' scIerophtalmia (med.). ·{JSP}: AL jaspe jasper (late return from Cs). ·{JSD}: AL nigeced gecedt mujeced + in to make corporeal II netgeced etgecedt tegecede (hr.) to become corporeal or inacarnate II geced + agced dim. jur;eyed + it GL jasad(un) Y A & IQ jasad + ajsad AC jasad body I MT innahu jasadan 'a~iman it has its full weight (a coin) I AL jeced bite rar; body without head I min jecedei & min zeuch a gicid bicorporal. S. {I]r~}, {I]II} & {qar}. ·{JSR}: IQ jasar jasar (m.) ZJ 1736 jasar Y A najsur jasa/urt 'ala & najjassar ajjassart 'ala to dare II nijassar tajsir k to embolden D GL jasratun audacity 0 jasran audaciously B jisrun ford (in a river, s. GL 51) I MT jisr YA jisr & jasar + jusiir dam II jasar & jasarah daring, boldness II jasiir + in AC jasiir bold II YA jassar + In I ah bold; dam builder. ·{JSS}: GL ajussu to feel or examine by touch II YA nijassas k to feel or touch I OS ajassa to make s.o. touch s.th. II YA yajjassas to be felt or touched I natjassas tajassas &
Thus rendered. but it is obvious that Alcala misunderstood his sources once again. as the lauer word must mean "implosive consonant" and the former, "implosiveness".
lSM-)'FR najjassas ajjassas tajassus mutajassis + in 'ala to spy DGL jas(s)un pulse-beat II jassiisun & jiisiisun VA jiisiis I jaysiis + in I jawiisis IQ jawiisis (pl.) spy II OS tajsis spying II GL majsiisun tangible. S. {dss}. ·{JSM}: VA nijassam tajsim k to invest with a body; to make corpulent II yajjassam ajjassam to receive a body; to become corpulent njism + ajsiim I jusiim IQ jism + ajsiim AL gizm + ageem body I g. + axcem animal carcase cleaned and gutted I gieam hacen good condition II MT jasim huge I GL jasimun VA jasim + in I jisiim & mujassam + in corpulent II jasiimah corpulence II jusmiini AL juemeni + juzmeniin corporeal II GL mujassamun gigantic. S. {xlb}, {xnzr}, {abl} & {fxm}. ·{JSNT}: AL jacint hyacinth (min.) I nagu/Ir a jacint hyacinth (bot., both late borrowings from Cs). ·{JS'}: VA nijassi tajsiyah k to make burp II yajjassii ajjassii jusii I jaswah GL atajassa'u to burp. S. {dsy}. ·{JSR}: IH jasrun & majsarun GL jas(a)run & majsarun + majiisirun VA jisiir + jusur & majsar + majiisir RC almachar I majar + magiger I mixicer I almegiger MT majiisir (pl.) GL dim. mujaysarun farmhouse. S. {dsr} I. ·{JSS}: s. {dssl ·{JST(S)}: SG jslh/w & jwslh + jsliis exact (late borrowing from Cs justo < L justus). ·{JSM}: VA najsam jasamt jasm I jasiimah jiisim majsiim k to assume or take upon o.s. D nujsim ajsamt ijsiim to make suffer, to impose. ·{JSMK}: OS jasmak the plant also called tasmhaj, q.v. « F casmak "little eye"). ·{JSN}: GL 'ani 'ljawsan instead of a suit of armour. ·{JSW}: s. {jS'}. .{J~~}: VA nija~~a~ k to plaster II yajja~~a~ ajja~~a~ to be plastered II ji~~ GL ja~~un IH alja~~u plaster I GM 11 asfiaiij aIj. gypsum « P gac, unlike the case of jibs). S. {jbsl
V A nija~tan ja~tanah k fi to knock (down), to fell II yajja~tan ajja~tan taja~tun to fall, to throw o.s. « L jactationl em/, through a Revolution "jalk/tacon > "jatcon > "jaston > {cstn}). ·{CTR}: OS jtryh UT 45 jtryii citro~' « L cltrea). ·{CrR(L)}: VA tuffiil] an jitiir sour apples « R "acetalfr) II UT 225 jtyrah & ajtiillah a kind of salt-wort « R, cf. Cs acedera, all ultimately < L iicidus "sour", with adj. or dim. suffixes). ·{J'B}: GL ja'batun V A ja'bah + iit I ji'iib quiver . • {J'J'}: VA nija'ja' ja'ja'ah to vociferate. ·{J'D(!-)}: VA nija"ad taj'id k to curl Uyajja"ad ajja"ad to be curled II OS ja'dah cat thyme 1 (Teucrium polium, bot.) I ja'dat alqny maiden hair (Adiantum capillus Veneris, bot.) I UT 654 ja'dah 178 ju'aydah lousewort (Pedicularis silvatica, bOlo) I 178 ja'dat aljudriin endive (Cichorium endivia, bot.) I alja'dii' water parsnip (Sium latifolium, bot.) II ju'aydii' unid. var. of ja'dah nUT 179 ju'aydillah a kind of lavender II MT & LZ aj'ad GL aj'adu ('sSa'ri) dim. AC ujay'ad V A ja'(a)d & ja'd assa'ar & aj'ad + ju'ad having curled hair D ju'iidah being curled (the hair). ·{J'R}: GL, VA, ZJ 1430 & AC abii ju'riin IA abii ji'riin beetle. S. {jl]r} II & {jr'd}. ·{J'RF}: VA ja'rariyyah + iit map of the world I AL jaara/ia cosmography II jaara/i + in cosmographer « G 'Y&Ul'YQacpta; s. V A 68 about Igl > /'I in the vicinity of Ir/). ·{J'FR}: ET JIXa/ar LO Ja/aler = IIYa/ar = laffer IQ ja'rar & ab(ii) ja'rar pns. II ja'rari golden powder used for cosmetic purposes II AL Jaa/aria Saragossa (sic, but apparently it only referred to the Aljaferia palace in this city) II GB 270 ja'rariyyah a kind of lavender II FR 92,6 & 140,3 (al'uyiin) aaaahab alja'rariyyah golden coins of the kind coined by la'far b. 'Ullman Almu~t,afi in the days of Alt,akam II II FX ja'rariyyah a dish of
With three varieties: j. jabaliyyah (also called ju'aydah and perhaps the same as 'usbat annam!), j. I}arriniyyah and musk aljinn.
chicken that has been stewed and baked; HC 40 chicken stew seasoned with a lot of saffron. S. {tyn} & {skk} II. ·{J'FL}: OS ja'fn clove-scented broom rape (Orobanche caryophyllacea, bot.). ·{J'L}: IQ ja'aIt taj'al aj'al GL ja'al aj'alu yaj'alu VA naj'al ja'aIt ja'i 1 ju'iil ja'i1 maj'iil k to put I IA (y/t)aj'al naj'alii AL najaal jaalt to put, to make (do) I IQ ja'alhum salatin he made them sultans I ja'al mink waminni I]uzaymah may He turn us into a bundle I ja'alk allah tarani God let you see me I la ja'alk allah 'asiq may God not make you a lover I ay tagazzul ja'aItu fik what love poetry have I composed for you! I ja'altak almu'assal I portrayed you as the desert called mu'assal (q.v.) I ju'i1 falmakan gayrak somebody else was placed there I naj'al all]asid an yal]sad I make the envious one envy I naj'al larrajul quriin let us cuckold the man I AS 43/4/2 ja'aItu qalbi i1ayk sukna faj'al Ii'aynayya an narak as I gave you my heart for your abode, let my eyes see you I GA maj'iil 'an almalik appointed by the king I AC taj'al aban suja' yiqa' she knocks down A.S. I la taj'al do not put I ij'al (hr.) put (iv.) I allah yaj'al may God put - make II AL nijaiil jaalt to impose a penalty II MT ij'al kulli fariq minhuma naq4uh (m.) to make both parties invalidate it (IV instead of I verbal stem) II AL najaal ajaa/t ajaa/ (= lajja"al/) to go bail II V A yanja'al anja'al to be put I nanja'al inji'al 'ala to fall out with (cf. Cs ponerse c-ontra) II AL ju'(a)/ + aj'a/ wages I juaal = jo( a)al = joo( a)/ = joal/ + ajaal = ajaa/ = ajaa/ / ajaalit penalty; bounty; task-work I xei min juaal + axilt min ajaa/ related to penalties UGL & VA ju'al beetle. S. {'xr}, {!Jny}, {I]II}, {qyI} I & {ydw}. ·{J'M}: IQ ja'am itch II VA maj'iim + maja'im lean, emaciated I AL majoama (fern.) + majoomin mangy.
·{JGJG}: s. {jxjd. ·{JGRF}: s. {j'rf}. ·{JFT}: OS jaft hedging-bill I BM jUt afarid « F jaft afride "created double") an unid. plant often confused with the lizard orchis and used instead of it I OS jrt alballiit ZJ 2130 jaft acorn-cupsl « F jaft "crooked", applied to yokes and then, metonymically, to instruments with matching pieces whence, e.g., Tk cift "pincers", subsequently borrowed by Ea). ·{JFF}: IQ jaffa GL ajiffu jufiifun majfiifun VA yijaff jaff jaff & yajjarraf ajjaffaf to dry (out) AL nijeftef jeffeft taxfif n. un. taxfifa mugeffef + in to sponge I GL ujarrifu V A nijaffaf tajfif k to (make) dry II jaffafah + at IH jaffafah sponge, mop I AL jaffifa + jafteif dim. jUfayafa + it sponge. S. {I]jr}, {stl]} & {'wd}. ·{CFLT>: AL chiflclta + chif/at splash on water « Bq zaplada "slap", or both from the same R onomatopoeic origin as Cs chapotear "to paddle"; however, suffix metanalysis and substitution in {SrIq}, q.v., is not altogether to be excluded). ·{JFN}: AL nigeften geffent to blink II gefn + axfetin IQ jafan + jufiin 1 ajfiin VA jaf(a)n + ajfan 1 jufiin eyelid Uj. + ajfiin AC jafiin AL g/ jefen + axfin dim. jUfeyen + it ship I jefen arraic + axfin arrayaci (1. royad) flagship II jefni + in naval II jefna + gifen tub I VA jafnah + jifan bowl I IQ jifan vine-stocks II AL jUfeyen + it thurible (prob. a calque of R, cf. Cs naveta). S. {b'r}, {jwf}, {I]wr}, {db}, {rmI}, {srt} I & {'dd}. ·{JFW}: IQ jafani yufi yajfii jafii (m.) GL ajfi jafwatun VA najfii jafaw/yt jafii jan majfii k IA jafii/ii AC jafa jafa (m.) to treat roughly; to shun I AC la tajfi 'ala do not treat roughly I ZJ 778 jafiih his harm I XA vfal assu haita Ijafa what impudence! UVA jafi + jufa rough. .{JQJQ}: IQ jaqjaqtu umm allaiti I disgrace myself on the mother of those who... (foul
This meaning fits well in the context of Azzajjili's proverb #2130, yilayyar azurl min aljafl, "he manages to distil pitch even from acorn-cups"; however. in the verses quoted by the editor in order to illustrate this word, the second meaning appears to be more appropriate. as the poet describes an ant as "a Negress carrying her food on something similar to the points of a jarl", which can hardly be understood except as referring to the slender limbs of an ant carrying its load.
CQCQ-JLJL II language exactly matched by contemporary coarse Cs). *{CQCQ}: AL tachaqchuq crash II choqchOqca + choqchOq blackbird (from onomatopoeic R origin, d. Cs chocar "to crash into or collide"). *{CQRM}: V A nijaqram jaqramab to adorn II yajjaqram ajjaqram to adorn o.s. II MT aljuqurmlin pn. *{JQS}: s. {jkj/z}. *{CQT}: TO 298 jaqiitab hemlock (Conium maculatum, bot.) I GB 96 j. sawdli' prob. water hemlock (Cicuta virosa, bot.; < L clcata). *{CQQ}: AL chuq + uit dim. chucayaq (1. chucayaq) tree-stump « R ·c6ka of Ge or Clorigin). *{CQQL}: AL chicaquil rough parsnip, secacul « F saqaqol, lei instead of lSi being prob. due to contamination with other words). S. {'sqqr}. *{CQL}: VA nijaqqal jaqqalt tajqil to chirp or stridulate I AL nichacal chacalt to tear off flesh with tongs (because of the resemblance between the sounds of this instrument and the cicada) II chicala + chical = chiquala + chiqual IQ & OS jiqlilab VA jiqlilab + lit AC jiqlilab + jiqlil cicada I LO C hicaU a) pn. « L clcadlla). *{CQLL}: UT 449 jqllil a kind of bindweed (perhaps < R ·cinguUL, a dim. of L cingUlus "belt"). *{JQM}: CP 81,1 jliqmy James (pn.). *{CQN}: AL chican bee-balm (Melissa officina lis, bot.1). *{JKJ/Z}: HB 9,30 & 19,12 alCuriid I alasllid aljaklijiyyah, 23,19 alasllid aljakliziyyah PZ 189 jaklijiyyah BH 46,10 jaqlisiyyab a type of coin minted in Jaca and sometimes identified with qanlisir (q.v.). S. {jliq}.
*{JLB} I: GL ajlibu - yajlibu - yujIabu majIiibun t majliibatun & ajtalibu tajtalibu - yajtalibu - yujtalabu IA tajlab VA najlab jaIabt I ajlabt jalab I ijllib jlilib majliib k & najtalab ijtillib k & nastajlab assay to import or bring from afar I yanjalab to be imported or brought I GL jilblibun VA jilblib + jallibib gown II julblinab + lit / julblin IH 104 & F J julblin AL gilbin n. un. a kidney beans 2 I VA julblin all}abas UT 168 j. all}abasab a North African variety thereof I AC jaUib ZJ 286 jalllib importer I jalllib mill-race II jalllibiyyab V A jalllibiyah + lit AL gelibia + it a kind of gown. *{JLB} II: V A sarlib julllib rose-water syrup II HC 41 julllibiyyah chicken stew seasoned with julep « P gul ab). S. {rbb}. *{JLBHNK}: OS jalbahnak wild sesame (but also identified diversely; < F jabrahang). S. {jblhnk}. *{JL T}: ET Abenjeylut pn. « A jalat, i.e., Goliath). *{JLJ}: FX jaljah sauce « L salsa). S. {sls(I)}. *{JLJBN}: GM 12 juljabin (instead of F gol angobin "rose honey") a preparation of roses and honey. *{JLJL} I: ZJ 2074 yijaljal to crackle I V A nijaljal jaljal to make jingle II yajjaljal ajjaljal tajaljul to jingle II julja/ul + jallijil IH juljalun IQ juljal GL juljalun AL jUl~el + geligil sleigh bell I julgel a certain flower I jalgel + geligil dirt hanging from the skin or the clothes (met. of the former and therefore prob. pronounced in the same manner) U juliulin IH juljallin FX juljullio sesame I OS juljullio all}abasah black poppy (bot.) II FX juljulliniyyah bay~li' a kind of nougat made out of sesame. S. {jnjO & Oqy}. *{JLJL} 11: GL jiljlil Galilee (geo., < H gilgal,
Thus rendered by Alcala but never listed by Andalusi botanists among the many names given to this plant. II is not unlikely that this word is the resull of article metanalysis (through common Irl > III, cf. {'rbn} and {mlrn}) in arjiqun, q.v. If such were the case, it should be corrected as ·chicoll.
2 This identification, however, is not necessarily accurate, since UT 167 states that this name is given to many kinds, some of them cullivated, like bsyl, bzij and sntrn, and some wild.
Cf. Cs. campallilla "bellflower, campanula", but the problem is complicated by the fact that A j"lj"l is the hemp mallow (Hibiscus cannabin us, bot.), while Alcala's gloss lIaza,en suggests A lIis,in, i.e., the dog-rose (Rosa canina, bot.). S. {jln,rn}.
but the rendering is mistaken, as only some of the places so named in the Bible were in fact in that region). ·{JLD}: AL nagtet getett maxlud + in to drive back I VA najlad jaladt jald jiilid jalliid majliid k to flog II nijallad tajlid k to bind (a book); to give heart I AL nigel/it geltett to cover with leather or the like II IQ ajjallad to show endurance I V A yajjallad ajjallad tajallud to be bound II yanjalad anjalad injiliid to be flogged II IQ jalad endurance II VA ja/ild + juliid IH jaIdun GL jildun ZJ 790 & AC jald AL geld + julud dim. juteyed + it IQ julayyad skin, hide; leather I AL geld raquiq + julud riquaq soft leather I IQ jaldi my skin II AL jf gelid VA jalid GL jalidun ice I zamiinu 'Ijalid icy season II HC 45 (also 152 jldyh1) & FX jalidiyyah a chicken stew seasoned with nuts II IH 346 aljuliidi pn. (suggested correction aljaliidi) II VA jalliid + in AL gellid + in dealer in hides II V A jalliidah + iit scourge. S. {byn}, {siis}, {stw}, {qlms} & {kmd}. ·{JLDS}: s. {tyn}. ·{CLDNY(S)}: GB 90 jldiiniyyah swallow wort (Chelidonium maius, bot.; < L ehelidonia < G X&A.\OOVlOV) II CP 53,8 jldwnys Celidonius (pn.). ·{JLS}: IQ jalas(tu) najlas ajlas juliis jiilis V A najlas 1 nallas jalast juliis jiilis n AL natez = nal/e~ tallez ge/(/)e~t = jeltezt ate~ ZJ 472 alias (iv.) AC jalas yallas alias juliis jalis (I. jiilis) f jilisah to sit down I jalasat almajilis the councils held sessions I Iii tallasii juliis do not stay seated I SH jalas to work as a dealer I IH jls '13 biibh he sat at his door I NQ mg 19/1/3 yajlas luh he sits at his side II AL nijelte~ jellezt mugete~ + in IQ jallas VA nijallas tajlis k & nujlis ajlast ijliis k to seat or set I AL nigelte~ gel/e~1 lagli~ + lege/i~ to make run aground I nigete~ gete~1 to turn (a vessel) upside down 1 II VA nijiilas mujiilasah k to sit often with S.o. I yajjallas ajjallas to be seated or set I IW II 332,13 ~att3 ytjls until it sticks to
the ground II IA jalsah AL Nlee + gelcit session I AC jalsah way of sitting I IQ jalsat xaFb a preacher's sitting (i.e., a very short one) II GL juliisun sitting I taqaddamu (ic.) fi juliisihi presidency I AC nahiir aljuliis day off II ZJ 1488 as jiliisuh ma'nii why should he sit together with us1 UIQ jalis + julliis companion I AS 84/1/2 julliis fellow Sufis 0 AS jalliis lamp (1) I SH jalliis + iin dealer I AL geli~ + in silk-mercer I g. + geli/i~ inn keeper II megte~ = megfxle~ + megefi/i~ VA & IQ majlis + majiilis dim. ZJ 1312 mujaylas assembly room or hall (in a palace) I GL majlisun + majiilisun court of justice I AL megle~ aa/i + megi/i~ aaa/iin high council II VA mujiilis + in AC mujiilis companion. S. {~km}, {"yr>, {'kr}, {ftI} & {krb} II. ·{JLT}: VA nijallat tajlit k to scrape Dyajjallat ajjallat to be scraped. ·{JLF}: VA jilf + ajliif IZ 15/3/4 xalf (I. jalf) rude, uncivil. ·{JLFT}: DS juluft sour apple (1). ·{JLFT}: RM 260,1 alj.lfiit pn. S. {qlft} & {klft}. ·{JLQ}: MT jal.yiiqiyyah Galician (fern., corrupted from A ji/liqiyyah by contamination with Cs gal/ega). S. {b~I}, {tyn} & {drdrfl}. ·{JLL}: IQ jalla V A yijall jail jaliil to be sublime IIQ jalla 'an attasbih he is above comparison I AL azeguejel (God who) is great and mighty II VA nujill ajlalt ijliil 'an to deem too exalted for II jull = IQ 152/4/1 = IA majority, bulk I ZJ 1448 bijulluh totally II julli horse-trappings II AL gil/a hugeness II IQ jaliil(ah) GL jaliilun AL getell majesty, sublimity 0 gelil + gi/el FX & IW I 265,18 jam huge, big I IH jim IQ jam GL jamun V A jaJil + ajillii sublime, majestic II IH 375 juliili (suggested correction jaliili, as nisbah from jaliilii'u) II IQ ajal(li) more sublime I AC amijallak bi'aynin how huge your eyes are! UIQ mujallal ba~~abiiyii packed with girls I ET Mugel/el pn. ·{JLM}: VA jalam + ajliim shears. ·{JLMD}: VA jalmad & julmiid + jaliimid rock,
It is not obvious, however, what kind of correction is needed by gala "enbrocadura de vaso", i.e.• the m. of this verb.
JLNJBN-JMR(T) bolder. ·{JLNJBN}: BM julunjubin rose jam « F gol angobin). S. {jljbn}. ·{JLNR}: OS & IQ jullaniir flower of wild pomegranate I AL julinar turnsole (Hellotropum europa:um, bot., unsupported elsewhere; < F gol [e aJniir "pomegranate flower"). S. {rmn} I. ·{JLNS}: VA jiilayniis Galen « G raA.llvoc;). ·{JLNSRN}: BM julnisrin IW I 313,4 jiis.ryn (I. juln.srin) a larger kind of jasmine and thorny nisrin (q.v., < F golnasrin "camomile"). ·{JLW}: VA najJi jalaw/yt 1 ajlayt jalw 1 jalii/i ijlii jiili mujli 1 majlii k to polish; to show I AS 47/13/2 najJi bihii karbi I dispel my sorrow with it I IQ tajli arriil}a min itii ttuxam you will restore our peace by dispelling these nuisances I ajlayt iimiili I unveiled the face of my hopes (as a bride) I VA nijalli k to polish 0 yajjalla ajjalla = yatajalla tajalla tajalli mutajalli to appear, to reveal O.S. I yajjalla ajjalla tajalli & yanjali anjala injilii munjali to show O.s.; to be polished I IQ anjalii tanjali to vanish I AL nangeli ange/eit to be polite Ugelu (I. gelu?) + it & ingiM appearance II IQ jalwa(t) unveiling of a bride, best moment of something I IH yawm aljalwah the day when the bride is unveiled, i. e., the wedding II VA jilwi + jaliiwi bride's veil II jiiJi GL jiiliyun emigre I AS 2/114 xamrah ... jaliyyah clear wine 0 ajla brighter II TO 320 jallii' a~~iigah polishing preparation used by goldsmiths and based on egg yolks II AL tegeM Transfiguration Oay (eel.) II V A ma/ijla + majiili bride's chair (during the wedding) II IH mujli polished I AL muxli + in polite D mutegelle + et goddess. ·{JLWZ}: IQ & ZJ 1963 jillawz IH & GL jallawzun VA jillawzah + jillawz AL gilMuze + gilMuc hazelnut I gaida min gil/euC a plantation of hazelnut trees (perhaps < P cehel goz "forty walnuts"; cf. G! xilmendreiro, half-translated from Aa). ·{JLY}: AL Julio July « L Jalius). ·{JLYN} I: V A turriil}at an jilyiiniyyah + tufUI} an jilyiini apples from Graena, near Guadix in Granada (prob. < Galiana, pronounced with occlusive jim). ·{JLYN} II: AL Julian pn. (late borrowing from
Cs). ·{CMC}: AL chimichat a ram at blow on the forehead with a rag full of ashes as a practical joke (perhaps < LI *cymatia < cyma "swelling", but most likely just a misprint for Aa */cinicat/ < R *cenicat "ash stained" < L cinis). ·{CMCR}: GB 96 jimjarah bukiinah UT 606 junjurah a variety of hemp nettle (Galeopsis, bot.; prob. a metathesis of {emle}, q.v.). ·{JMJM}: VA jamjamah + jamiijim ZJ 1289 jamjamah AL jamjama + jamigin skull II OS jumjum certain Chinese roots similar to ginger II jumjumah pine-cone I FX jumjumah + jamiijim ball (of dough); loaf (of sugar). ·{JMI;O: VA yajmal} jamal} jaml} 1 jumiil} to be restive I nijammal} tajmil} k to make restive II yajjammal} ajjammal} to become restive II jamiil} + ah 1 jimiil} restive. ·{JMD}: GL yajmudu VA yajmad jamad jamd jiimid majmiid AL negmed gemedt axmed jamd n. un. gemde + it maxmud + in = nexmet gemett gemet (I. egmet) to freeze II nigem(m)et gem(m)ett = nigemed gemedt VA nijammad k to freeze s.th. II AL g/ jemd ice I xei la gemd + axiit congeal able thing I GL jamdu 'ddam apoplexy II VA jamiid + iit inanimate being; soot II jumiida name of the fifth and sixth months of the Islamic calendar I LZ jumiidi I'iila BH 35,22 & 38,20 jumiida 'I'wl the fifth month of the Islamic calendar I 47,7 j. Th.r the sixth month of the Islamic calendar II AL jumuda + it coldness I bi j. coldly II gimid + jummid dim. jumeymed + in frozen, cold I maudaii gimid + maguadii jumid cold place I MT jiimid wamutal}arrik real estate and personal property I AC jamida (I. jiimida) frozen (fem.). S {my'}. ·(JMR(T)}: AL nijammar jammart to burn I FX jammar AC jammiirii to set the pot on the embers to simmer II AL natjammar atjammart adjammar to be butnt I FX tajammar to be set on the embers for simmering II V A yastajmar astajmar istijmiir to use pebbles instead of toilet paper II jamrah + jamariit 1 jimiir IQ jamrah + jamar GL jamratun AL jamra
+ gimar live coal I GM 11 jamr al'ar4 manna lichen (Lecanora esculenta, bot.) II AL jamor + javamir capital of a column I ZJ 199 jiimiir IH aljiimiiru VA jamiir + iit top (of a mast, etc.) II jummiirah + jummiir MT & IQ jummiir (met. of youth) IA jummiir n. un. ah AL jumara + jumar = GM 11 jummiir palm cabbage I GM 11 jummiir dwarf palm II RC aljumari pn. II LO jmryth & jumarit pns. (nicknames alluding to youth or beauty of hair) II AL mixmar + magimir AC mijmar IH almijmiiru GL mujmiirun VA majmar + majiimir brazier. S. {sjr}. ·{JMZ}: VA yanjamaz anjamaz injimiiz to finish (perhaps metathesis of anjazam or dissimilation of ·annajaz) II GL jummayzun sycamore (Ficus sycomorus, bot.; s. GL 52 for its probable derivation from G 'YaJ.1i~Cil). ·{JMS}: VA jiimiis + jawiimis water buffalo « P giiw mes "bovine ram" on account of the shape of its horns). ·{JMSB/FRM}: BM jamsib/Cram DS jumusfaram soft haired basil (Ocimum pilosum basilicum, bot.; < F jam es param "emperor's basil"). S. {siihsfrm}. ·{CMTR}: SG jmytiiryh graveyard « L cremeterium). ·{JMTRQ}: SG jwmtryqii/a geometry « L geometrica < G 'Y&CilJ.1&lQlKiI). ·{JM'}: IQ jama' - jama'ta / ajma'ta jama'tum / ajma'tum najma' GL ajmi'u - yami'u jam'un majmii'un VA najma' jama't jam' jiimi' + in majmii' & nijamma' tajmi' k to gather or unite I najma' jama't jiimi' k to make plural I AL naxmii = nexmee axma( a)t axmee muxmie + in maxmoo + in to gather or put together I IQ ajma'ni bih / mii'u make me join or reach him I 163/2/1 jama' 'ala xulqak kulli Sayyan I}asan he has attached every good thing to your nature I AC tajma'hum they gather them I LU 340, 18 tjm'ii you harvest II IQ tujamma' they are gathered II AL nijamaa jamaat V A nijiima' mujiima'ah / jimii' k to copulate Unujmi' ajma't ijmii' mujmi' mujma' 'ala to agree or decide unanimously II AC atjamma'at they convened II yanjama'ii they were gathered I V A yanjama' anjama' AL nanjamaa anjamaat to be
gathered; to be made plural II VA yajtama' ajtama' ijtimli' mujtami' IQ ajtama'na tajtama' ijtima' mujtama' GL ijtima'un + atun mujtami'un to meet or assemble I IH ijtama'a fulanun ma' fulanin So-and-so met So-and-so I IQ najtama' bik I meet you I 'ala _ ajtama'ii agreed on I IZ 15/7/2 ma jtama' simal insan ma' yaminu nobody could join his hands (met. of fear) II VA jam' + jumii' plural I AS 92/1/4 jam'ak 'alay your reunion with me I GL jumii'un groups II VA jumu'ah + juma' IQ jum'ah 11 jum'atayn AC jum'a AL jumaa + jumaa week I jumaa (I. jumaa) + jumaa VA aljumu'ah IQ (nahar) aljum'ah ZJ 1498 aljum'ah GL yawm 'Ijum'at MT yawm aljumu'ah DM lR ajjum'a Friday I AL ~adim ajumaa f ~adima (sic) a. servant engaged by the week II jumaay f jumaya (1. jumaia) + in weekly II V A juma' + ajma' GL jum'un AL jumaaa + axmaa fist I IQ jum'ak your fist I AC jiima' punches I bijuma' by punches II jama'a IQ jama'ah AL jamaa V A jama'ah + at GL jama'atun group of people; company; community I MT jama'at kanisyah parish I DC 8 jemaa a ,alehin & 6 al mo,tamaaa calehin the Communion of the Holy I 6 LU aljimah Muslim community I AL jamaa + jamaat Muslim or Jewish community I jamaa (I. jamaat) ni, crowd I guahid min ajamaa one among many I GL jama'atun kabiratun many II jama'iyun Catholic II CD M 5/2 hawl aljumay'ah (dim.) these despicable people I AL jamaa (I. jimaa) AC jima' copulation UAL jamia GL jami'(un) - ('I)jami'u V A jami' & ajma' + in alii IQ jami' albilad the whole country I 173/2/2 aymiini aljami' all my oaths I alhammi ajma' every worry I almakiirim ajma' every good quality I min adab 'indak ajma' you command all the humanities I IH bi'ajma'ihim (hr.) all together I AL jamiat al cadayer every filth I GL bijami' '1I}aliit in any case I jami'a = IQ all together II jami' great mosque = ZJ 865, AL gilimie + javimie VA jami' + jawiimi' mosque; church I DC 6 al gimee almuquedde, BD 12v etc. aljami' = 13 jami'i + 15r jawami' the (Holy) Church II AL juayma + it little
JML-CMNS church I GL jumay'atun small gathering place (dim.) BUT 157 & 340 jiimi' allal]m / albu4' a variety of wild petty spurge (Euphorbia pityusa, bot.) II GL jiimi'atun comprehensive (fern.) II LH *jiimi'ah handcuffs (posited by Pt algemas) II AL yxmaa gathering I ixmaa alacimi lexicon II iXlimaa gathering; synagogue I yxlima senate I ixlimaa al axiit gathering of things I bi ixlima together I GL ijtimii'u 'Imiyiiti (I. miyiihi) gathering of waters II majma'(un) assemby AL magimiele + el VA majma' + majiimi' fetters, shackles; council I MT majmii' almuslimin the Muslim community I AL maxmaa + majamie V A m. aHuruq cross-road II majma'(ah) + majiimi' summoning bell I MT ~iini' almajiimi' bell-founder II majmii' harvest I VA majmii' collection; total II AL muxmi€ + in gatherer II muxlamaa gathering, council I m. (;aguer small gathering I xei milal muxlamaa communal I muxlamaain all together. S. {tyn}, {\>mrl, {jwz}, {l]rm}, {dwr}, {rjO, {smI}, {4rb}, {'nb}, {fqh}, {qbO, {q4y}, {qlb} I, {kU} I, {kim}, {wdy}, {wsx} & {wfr}. *{JML} I: GL yajm(u)lu IQ yajmul it befits UGL y.j.m.lu to embellish I V A nijammal tajmil k to embellish; to total I AL nijlgemmel = nigemel j/gemmelt = gemelt gemmel mugemel + in to total I IQ najammal zimiim I keep the accounts I BD 12v ay du'ii yujammala hu which prayer encompasses it 0 VA nujmil ajmalt ijmiil & na'mal jamil to favour IIQ ajmal ijmiil to do a good thing I yujmil fattawdi' he bids farewell most nicely II VA yajjammal ajjammal tajammul IQ tajammul to embellish O.S.; to be totalled I GL atajammalu to embellish o.s. II V A jamlah + iit she-camel II jumlah + jumal GL jumlatun AL jumla + it Ijumel total I CD M 8/1 ni~af minha jumlah I shall describe some of them I MT bijumlathum aw f.riid jOintly or singly I IQ jumla min jumali one of my phrases I jumlat alqi~~a the whole story I min jumlat mii yartakab among the sins he commits I jumlah & baljumlah GL biljumlati AS 94/3/5 faljumlah VA 'ala / balj. on the whole I jumlat a~~iilil]in GL jumlatu '~~iilil]ina
Communion of the Holy (ecl.) II GL jamalun VA & ZJ 763, 311 jamal + jimiil AC jamal AL j1gemel =gimel + gimil dim. ZJ 738 jumayyal camel I AL gimel oxori dromedary I NQ xallx/3 ajmiilak your camels II FX jamali a spicy beef stew seasoned with eggs (also made with fish) II AL gemelil = jemil GL jamiilun V A, IQ & AC jamiil beauty I AL big. beautifully I XA ad2 yii jamiil assu3iiniq what a beautiful falcon! IIQ jamil AL gemil + in GL jamilun f jamilatun VA jamil f ah + in beautiful I AL xei gemil + axiit gemilin beautiful thing I GL jamilun fiiyiqun very beautiful I jamilan beautifully I MT jamilah ET Tamil & Gemila RC jamila pns. II ZJ 1753 jammiil AL gem mil + in camel driver I xogal al gemmil camel driving II IQ ajmal more beautiful I mii ajmalu how beautiful he is! I GL mii ajmala how beautiful! II MT tajammul gathering; whole. S. {brk} I, {l]dw} I, {zmm}, {Sry}, {~rf}, {fqh}. {ksr} I & {nkr}. *{JML} II: AL gemal waste products remaining after the production of flax (prob. = /jimmal/) II IQ jummaliyya cable « G ~'YOUil&VTt, "leading [ropel", s. LH1 136). S. {jmn}. *{JML} III: MT \>ala\>at ajmul aljiniin three fourths of the whole orchard I majmiilah n iam.l zaytiin included in the total number of olive-trees « {smI}, q.v.). *{CMLJ}: DS jamlaj GB 96 jimlijuh bukiin / muntin hemp nettle (Galeopsis, bot.; < Ll chamrelygos < G XUI1U1A.UKOC;, and R *bokon "stinking" being a adj. derivate from L bucca "mouth", with the meaning of "having bad breath"). S. {cmcr}. *{CMLN}: DS jiimiliin camomile (from a Ll pronunciation of G XUl1ui!1TtA.ov). *{JMM): IQ jumma GL jummatun VA jummah + iit / jimam hair AL jum(m)a + gim(m)am dim. jumayma + it ZJ 422 jumaymah forelock, tuft I AC bijummah (one) having hair I AL ajanin + janniil (I. ajam + jam mil) hornless I V A kabS an ajamm + kibiii an jumm hornless buck. *{JMN}: AC jumminiyii cable « jummaliyya, q.v.). *{CMNS}: MT j.miinsas & i.mansiit stony grounds (only good for rabbit rearing, prob. < Ll *caementia).
*{JMHR}: VA jumhiir + jamahir crowd I AL jumhur al vleme + jamahir senate UGM 12 jmhiiri grape juice boiled down to half its volume. *{JNB}: IQ yajannabiih jannab (iv.) GL ujannibu & ujanibu - yujannabiina & ajtani/ibu - yajtanibu ',jtinabun AL nigenneb = nijeneb gen(n)ebt mugenib VA nijannab tajnib k & nijanab mujanabah k & najtanab ajtanabt ijtinab mujtanib & yajjannab ajjannab min AC jannab (iv.) AL nagen(n)eb agen(n)ebt tegenub to avoid I SO 8r 8 rii~ihi atjanaba waxaraja hu min jismihi his soul departed and went out of his body I IQ najannab min ma'rirat sirri al'adii I prevent my enemy from knowing my secret II VA nujnib ajnabt ijnab to ejaculate II janb + ajnab I juniib GL janbun tI jan ban AC janb AL janlmb + axnib dim. junayeb + it side I iamb V A bijanbi IQ fi I bi I lijanb AC janb beside, next to I fi ajnibu next to him I AC janbiya sideways II AL janbia + janibi slope II LH *jinab rein (posited by Pt algenibe) UVA janiib + junub polluted by ejaculation II janabah + at polluting semen II janiib GL 'Ijuniibu south II V A janiibi southern I alqutb aljaniibi the South Pole I GL ri~u 'Ijuniibi southern . wind II IZ 14/4/4 aljanayib South winds II VA janib + jawanib IQ jawanib (pI.) side I IQ aljamil fi janibi ~ana'u he did me favours II. LH *ajnab knock-kneed (posited by Cs zambo. apparently backformed from its fern. janba) II AL axnabi + in GL ajnabiyun VA ajnabi + in foreigner II mujannabah tI MT mujannabatlin tapestry II GL mujtana/ibun hateful. S. {~dd} I, {syr>, {'d\}, {n~r} & {wj'}.
*{JNBD}: OS junbu3 bud of a flower « F gombad). *{CNTBDS}: SG jntwbads s. jinjibasah. *{CNTDTS}: GS 94 jintu ditus maidenhair (Adiantum capillus Veneris, bot.; < R *cento detos "one hundred fingers"). *{CNTRY}: TO 212 jantiiryah GS 329 jintawryah OS jntu awriyh centaury (Erythraea centaurium, bot.; < L centaurea). *{CNTFL YS}: GS 94 jintu fiilyas a variety of
knot-grass (Polygonum aviculare, bot.; < R *cento loLas "one hundred leaves"). *{CNTQPT}: GS 67 jintu qabtah field eryngo (Eryngium campestre, bot., with blue and white varieties, according to TO 217; < Ll *centu[mJ capita "one hundred heads"). *{CNTN}: SG jntnw' UT 721 jntyh (1. jntynh) rye « L centenum). *{CNTND}: GS 94 jintu nii3h a variety of knotgrass (Polygon urn aviculare, bot.; < L *centenodia "having one hundred knots"). *{CNTLY}: SG 'Ijntwlyh a book of apocryphal poetry on Christ « L cento with a R suffix). *{CNCP(D/N)S}: VA jinjibasah OS jnsbasah GS 9 jnjba3sh centipede I 98 jinjibansah = UT 176 hart's tongue fern (Scolopendrium vulgare, bot.); a kind of galingale « Ll *centipedes with addition of the A singulative morpheme {-ah} and probable contamination with R *cince < L cimice[ mJ). S. {sbspe}. *{JNJBR}: GS 97 jinjibaruh aconite (Aconitum napellus, bot.; < unid. R). *{JNJDYN}: SM & TO 189 janjidyiin a kind of wild carrot (Oaucus gingigium, bot.; < G 'Yl'Y'Yilhov). *{JNJR}: OS junjur fuller's teasel (Oipsacus fullonum, bot.; < F jonjar). S. {emer}. *{CNCQ(S)}: VA nijanjaq janjaqt k to cut into strips 0 yajjanjaq ajjanjaq to be cut into strips I AC janijiq (= Icaniciq/) rags II GS 379 jinjiqus a kind of pellitory (Parietaria diffusa or cretica, bot., lit. "tatters") II AL munchencheq (I. muchencheq) + in ragged, tattered « Ll *siccinicare "to prepare dried meat in strips"). *{JNJL} I: OS junjul hop (Humulus lupulus, bot.). *{JNJL} II: AL junjulin = jonjoli(l) sesame « {jlj\}, q.v.). *{JNJ:I}: IQ najna~ VA najna~ jana~t jan~ I junii~ jani~ & yajjanna~ ajjanna~ to incline or lean I IZ 5/3/1 rna kinnajna~ latta~abi I would not be prone to dallying II VA nijanna~ tajni~ k to incline or bend; to provide with wings I AL nijannah jannaht texnih + tegenih to separate (cattle) B VA yajjanna~ ajjanna~ to get wings I jin~ IQ jun~ (allayl) darkness (of night) II jana~ + jina~ V A jana~ +
ajnil}ab 1 ajnal} GL janal}un T ajnil}atun AC ajii/anil} (pI.) wing; AL janah T axnah wing; flank of an army; portion; extremity of horse-shoe; harp I janah min a. autar harp of ten strings I j. min mahale T axnah flank I j. min ~ail T axnah m. ~. squadron I j. min ganam T axnah flock of sheep or goats I j. fi j. herd after herd I j. min 4ain - bacar flock of sheep - herd of cows I j. al heiquel axnah veil of the temple I AL janah & OS janal} (sami) common inula I aljanal} al'al}mar strawberry tree I janal} annasr artichoke (bot.) I GB 8 j. aUays artichoke; Solomon's seal; 298 black assafretida I 214 j. anna'am dwarf palm leaf I TO 297 j. arru'ab a species of strychnos (Solanum sodomum, bot.) I IQ 4arab baljanal} he flapped his wings I lD snfr 'jnl}t 'll}wt fish fins UAL (dim.) junayh (I. junayah) T it little wing I IQ junayyal} flap of a garment II junal} crime II jawanil}i my sides II mijnal} & AL mujenah T in winged. S. {jrd}, {awl {rbw}, {swy}, {qb4}, {ksb} & {wfr}. ·{JND} I: V A nijannad k to mobilize II yajjannad ajjannad tajannud to become an army II IQ jund T GL juniidun 1 ajnadun army I rabbu 'ljuniid Lord of the hosts II jundi = IQ, VA jundi T jund 1 ajnad soldier I VA jundi(y)yab military I AL jundia T it horse tackle II MT junayd pn. « Ar gilnda < P gund). S. {frs}. ·{JND} II: OS janad saffron. ·{JNDB}: VA jundub locust I GL 'Ijundubu small grasshopper. S. {jxtb}. ·{JNDBD/DSTR}: TO 162 jundabad/aastar V A jundubadustar AL jund beductar castoreum « F gond e bidastar "testicle of beaver"). S. {bdstr}. ·{JNDL}: GL jandalun IQ jandal V A & AC jandal T janadil AL gendel T genidil stone U VA mujandalab stony ground. S. {4rb}. ·{JNDM}: s. {jwz}. ·{JNR}: BM junnar Oriental plane tree (Platanus orienta lis, bot.; < F canar).
·{JNZ}: AL geniza T geneic AC janizab = janizab (= 1janizaf) ZJ 671 & 279 janazab T GL janayizun bier, funeral procession. ·{JNS} I: VA nijanas mujanasab k to be akin or similar II jins T ajnas GL jinsun T ajnasun AL ginc T axnec kind, nation I izmu g. T acimi g. (better alaxnec) common noun I VA min aa ljins like this I IQ 'ala ajnas kindred I way ji,nsi I}inaak and what kind, then! I way jinsi qat min widad and what kind of love, by the way! « Ar gensa < G 'Y&VOo;). S. {II'b}, {I}jr}, {smy}, {trd}, {'ny}, {klw} & {kyO. ·{JNS} II: AL junca gentian I. ·{JNSBS}: s. {jnjbs}. ·{JNSYN}: SG jnsyana array gentian (from broken R with A syntax" jenCiana arey "King's gentian"). S. {jntyn}. ·{CNSL}: GM 38 jnsylb GB 100 jns(y)allb fumitory (Fumaria officinalis, bot.; < R *ceniseLa "little ash"). ·{JNTYN}: GB 91 jantiyana AL gentiana gentian 2 « L gentiana < G 'Y&vtlavTt). ·{CNK}: AL nichannaq channaqt to go shuffling in slippers II chanca = chan qua T chinaq dim. chonayca T quit VA jankab T jinak worn out slipper « R *canka, cf. Cs chancla < Bq txangi "lame", s. VA 71). ·{JNN}: VA yijann jann to cover I y. jann jann allayl 'ala to overtake (said of the night) I nijann janant k to possess (said of a spirit) I IA yujannii they become mad I IQ nujanni I go crazy II VA nijannan k to drive mad; to demonize II yajjannan ajjannan tajannun to become mad or possessed 0 jan nab T at 1jinan 1 ajannab LZ ajannab (pI.) GL jannatun & jiniinun IA dim. junaynab garden I IZ 9/3/1 jannat al'arif Generalife gardens (instead of jinan metri causa) I IQ (al)jannab VA jannab T at & jan nat alma'wa AL genne T et I gin en AC jannah/t Paradise I IH aljinanu AC jinii/in ZJ jinan AL ginin T agenne vegetable garden I canam al agene T aznam Priapus (lit. "deity of gardens") II
Thus rendered by mere phonelic similarity with Cs g.nciana bUI. in facl. Ihis word can only mean a species of cyperus « L juncia).
2 In Alandalus Ihis usually meanl yellow flowered genlian. G. lulea.
FR 73, 6 karman ... jinliniyyan orchardlike vineyard I FX jinliniyyah pottage of aubergine and pumpkin II jinn + juniin AC jin(n) ZJ 686 jinni AL ginn + jun( n)un genius, jinn(i) I ginni + in devilish I BO llr aljinn + 6r aljunnun devil II IQ jinniyya fairy II juniin = AC madness II VA junnah & mijann + at IZ 9/4/4 junan (pl.) GL mijannun shield I AL junna mudaguara + at in round shield I j. mufaddad (I. mufaddada) + in silverplated shield I IZ 10/1/2 janlini my heart I JM 34 jani VA janin + ajinnah fretus II jannan + in IQ & ZJ 2138 jannlin GL jannlinun f XA ana3 jannlina AC jannin AL genin + in gardener I xugal a gennin + axgal gardening II max nun + in V A majniin + majanin mad (man), possessed II GL mujan(n)un epileptic. S. {tfl~}, {bxr}, {hn'}, {J:!ns}, {xld}, {rwJ:!}, {sqm}, {Sjr}, {s'r}, {~wt}, {~fr}, {'brq} & {nsw}. ·{JNW} I: VA jinawi + in Guinean; Negro (prob. pronounced with occlusive jim, s. VA 72 and {qnw} 11). ·{JNW} II: AL J enua Genova (geo.) II genui + genu yin AC jinwi Genovese. ·{JNY} I: IQ y-najni janli (m.) & yajtani yujtanli VA najni janayt lajnayt jana 1 ijnli jlini mujni k to harvest or gather (fruits) I n. janayt jinliyah + lit / janiyyah + lit jlini mujni 'ala AL jalenia + et muxni + in to commit a crime I XA a~ 11 yajni ali IjirliJ:! it causes these wounds II VA yanjani anjanli to be harvested or gathered II TO 153 aljana al'aJ:!mar strawbery tree (Arbutus enedus, bot., which will be the correct reading also of IW I 253,2 & 252,2 (sjr) 'lJ:!ny/h 'I'~mr) + CC 11 kl fiikhh w'ajnyh jna fihli any fruit or crop harvested there II IQ jinliylit crimes Utajanni disdain. S. {lImr} & {jnn}. ·{JNY} II: AL Junio June « L Junius). ·{JHD}: IQ jahad jihlid mujahid GL ujlihidu mujlihadatun mujlihidun VA nijlihad jihlid / mujlihadah + lit k AL nigeded gededt mugedid + in (I. nigehed gehedt mugehid) to wage (holy) war II nechehet echehett (= Inacahad acahadt/) - yextehed ixtihed muxtehid + in IQ ylnajtahad ajtahad (iv.) IH muStahidun GL ajtaha/idu '.jtihlidun VA najtahad ajtahadt ijtihlid mujtahid + in to
endeavour II juhd AL juhd endeavour I bij. & bi ixtihed IQ 182/2/1 bijtihlid GL '.jtihlidan diligently I NQ au 6/011 juhdi na~bar I suffer as much as I can I SN in kan lak juhd an ta'maluh aib faxayr if you are capable of doing it now, that is fine II ZJ 329 majhiid effort II AL avil mugihid + mugehidin protomartyr (in a holy cause) I ET Mugihid pn. S. {rfq}. ·{JHR}: VA najhar jahart jahrah / jihlir jlihir + in fi / bi to declare publicly II IQ 189/2/3 mujjahhar wielding (a weapon) II (baI)jahr GL jihliran IQ jahra AS 28/2/5 jahar (rh.) publicly I 16/1/3 naj'al jahri fi nutqi sirri I made myself notorious by uttering my secret II OS & VA juhiirah day-blindness najhar + juhar GL '.jharu day-blind II ET Jahuar pn. S. {ml'}. ·{JHZ}: V A nijahhaz tajhiz bi AL nigehez gehhll;t to equip fully nVA najjahhaz bi to be fully equipped I jihliz + ajhizah AL gihil; + gihizit chamber-pot I HB 1,14 Iijihiizati ImunkaJ:!ah in order to equip the bride fully. ·{JHL}: IQ yajhal jah(a)I jlihil + juhhlil MT lam yajhilli GL ajhilu - yajhalu jahlun 1 jahalatun jlihilun f jlihilatun majhiilun f majhiilatun VA najhal jahalt jahl jahil + in majhiil k AC jahal yajhal jahl AL neglxhel eglxheit exhel jlgehel to ignore; to be clumsy IIQ najhalu I ignore it II VA nijahhal tajhil k to cause to ignore II najjahhal ajjahhalt tajahhul AL negehel ageheit to become clumsy or ignorant II bigl jehel GL jablan ignorantly II V A jahlilah + at ignorance II AL gihil + in I juhil I gehela ignorant; clumsy I jehil + jehilia I gehelale gentile II AS 58/1/4 jahiil extremely ignorant II IQ mli ajhalu what an ignorant person he is! I mli ajhalha what a silly thing! nAL xei maghUl + axiit maghulin unknown thing. S. {bny}, {ftl} & {kU} I. ·{JHM}: VA jahm stern. ·{JHNM}: GL jahann.mun V A, ZJ 787 & IQ jahannam AL gehen(n)m hell II gehenemi + in infernal « H ge hinnom). S. {J:!rj} & {sjr} II. ·(JWB(YR)}: V A nijliwab mujawabah k & n-yujib ajabt ijabah mujib mujlib k AC agebehu = ajlibahu (hr.) yijawwwab AL nigegueb geguebt I geguebt to answer I
JWBK-JWR agib daaguatene (hr.) answer to our prayers I GL ajibu ijiibatun mujibun to answer or accede DVA yajjiiwab ajjiiwab to reply to o.a.; to be (mutually) corresponding II n/yastajib astajabt astajiib istijiib(ah) mustajib ... in mustajiib (addu'ii I arragbah) Ii to hear (a prayer); to grant or comply with a request I IQ yastajiilib - yastajiibii Ii to answer I Iii tastajib do not answer D jawiib VA jawiib ... iit I ajwibah AC jawib AL jlgevib = jeguib GL jawiibun & mujiiwabatun answer II jawabayr (with the R suffix (-ayr)) saucy, given to answering back I jawiib (1. jawwiib) ... in roamer II AL mugeguib + mugeguybin relator (jur.) II IH 346 attujibiyyu nisbah of the tribe of Tujib l II IQ almujib the propitious One (an attribute of God) II mustajiib granted. S. {rOd}. *{JWBK}: FX jawbak rolling pin « F cubak). *{CWC}: AL nichUch chUxt to suck I NQ bz 1/2/2 jiij alkiis IQ 101/0/2 jujj alkiis suck from the cup « L sugere). S. {sws}. *{CWCL}: VA najjawjal ajjawjalt jawjalah rna' to whisper I IQ yajaw jalii ballayl they gossip about the night II DS & ID l~s 5 jawjalah ear-ring I ZJ 2088 jawjalah + IA jawiijil dim. juwayjal whispers « R onomatopoeic origin, cf. Cs chuchear). S. {i:wi:w} & {skk} II. *{CWCW}: AL nichauchtlu chauchtlut to pule or chirp (from the same origin as {i:wi:l}, q.v.). *{JWJ;I}: GL jiiyi~atun VA jii'i~ah + jawii'i~ ZJ 114 jawiiyi~ epidemic I MT jiiyil,tah + jawiiyi~ AL jayha + at plant epidemic I IQ jawiiyi~ disasters I MT aljawiiyi~ a nickname. *{JWD} I: VA yujiid jiid jawdah to be excellent I GL ajiidu - yajiidu jiidun V A nujiid jiid 'ala to give generously I AC jiid bimii 'indah (sr.) he gave generously what he had II VA nijawwad tajwid k to make excellent; to recite the Koran after the established rules II nujid ajadt ijiidah mUJld mujiid k to do well a y/najjawwad
ajjawwad tajawwud to become excellent; to be recited after the rules II jawdah & jiid(ah) excellence II jiid = IQ & AC generosity AL jud goodness I bi jud in a good manner I VA jawiid + jiyiid courser, excellent horse II V A jawwiid ... in IQ jawiid GL jawiidun generous a jay(y)idun IH jidun IQ jayyid = jid V A jayyid + jiyiid AC jiiyid f jiiyidah AL jaid + gied dim. ZJ 1924 & AC juwayyad good, excellent I IQ jayyid aljiidii most excellent I jaydii VA jayyid well (adv.) I EV 8 gid magdum well-served II ET Judi & Alget pn. II ZJ 533 ajwad better I VA, AC & IQ ajwad min better than I mii jwadu how excellent he is! S. {!lny}, bit}, {~wt}, {tb'}, {fiim}, {r~n, {f'n, {kll} I & {mzj}. *{JWD} II: CP 157,1 jiidii Judas (pn.). *{JWDB}: FX & IQ jii3abiih a dish consisting of several layers of waffles separated by spices and almonds and often stuffed with chicken I HC 131 jwdiibh biqatiiyif waffles stuffed with eggs, sugar or honey, milk, chicken or fat meat, and then baked « F gawziib "walnut water", s. LQ 40). *{JWR}: IQ jiir yujiir 'alayya jur jawr V A nujiir jurt jii'ir + in 'ala GL jiiyirun to wrong I AC jiir 'alayk he wronged you II VA nijiiwar mujiiwarah k to be adjacent or neighbouring I AC jawiiru (= Ijawaruf) be his neighbour (iv.) II VA nujir ajart ijiirah mujir mujiir + in k to protect I ZJ 826 ajiirak may he protect you II V A najjiiwarii ajjiiwarna to be neighbours II nastajir istijiirah bi to seek protection II jiir + jiriin IQ jiir f jiirah + jiriin AC jiir f jiira(h) - jarii(t) (= Ijara[tl/) + jirin AL jar(r) + girin neighbour I GL jiirun a~liyun citizen I DS jiir annahr pond weed (Potamogeton natans. bot.) II GL jawrun VA jawr + ajwiir injustice I GL jawran unjustly II VA jiirah AL jura & mUJaguara + at IQ ja/uwar neighbourhood I MT bijiirat next to I V A juwiir GL juwiira AC bijiwiir next to I GL 'an juwiirin from nearby I juwiiru
To be emended as Tajib according to that author. although even the prestigious Jamharal ansiib al'arab by Ibn ijazm has the former vocalisation only.
'Hariq next to the road I juwiirun immediately I IQ sakan juwiiri he lived next door to me II V A mujiiwir T in GL mujiiwirun neighbour(ing). S. {qhr}. ·{JWRB}: IQ, MT & AC jawrab man's socks V A jawrab T jawiirib stockings I AL javrab T javarib dim. IQ juwayrab woman's stockings « F guralab). S. {nsf}. ·{JWRS/S}: DS jiiwars/s mill~t (Panicum miliaceum, bot.) I UT 310 jiiwars hindi perhaps fox-tail millet (Andropogon sorghum, bot.; < P gawars). ·{JWZ}: IQ yujiiz GL jiiza ajiizu - yajiizu VA nujiiz juzt jawiiz 1 majiiz jii'iz T in k 1 'ala & najtiiz ajtazt ijtiyiiz 'ala AC jiz jawiz IA jiiz tijiiz AL niju~ gi~ - juz/~t ju~ to pass by or cross I AC yijiizu he turns over its pages I Iii tijiizu do not cross it I jiiz ila go over to (iv.) I IQ jiiz yujiiz li (an) GL yajiizu wiin (I. an) jiiyizun V A yujiiz jiiz jii'iz Ii AC jiz 'indu to be allowed or lawful for s.o. I MT kulli yawm yajiiz 1 yajtiiz every passing day II IA jawwaz VA nijawwaz tajwiz k Ii to give way; to permit I AL nigegue~ gegue~t geguec giguiz mugegue~ T in 1 zin to cross, to run through; to license (after an examination); to canonize to ordain (eel.) I AC jawwaz alwid he crossed the river I yijawwazak alwid he takes you across the river I IQ tujawwaz 'alayh maxiiriq he is gullible II jiiwazta you surpassed II GL '.jizu I cause or allow s.o. to pass I V A nujiz ajazt ijiizah mujiz mujiiz k Ii to license II yajjawwaz ajjawwaz to be allowed II natajiiwaz tajiiwuz k 'an to disregard or forgive II jawzab T jawz walnut; notch of a cross-bow I AC jawza(t) walnut tree I IQ & AC jawz GL jawzun walnuts AL gl jeuze T gl jeu~ walnut (tree)l; Adam's apple; tassel I jeuz
atib nutmeg I maajun a geu~ T maagin walnut electuary (not nutmeg as rendered) I MT lIimiir jawz walnut-tree I GL jam'u sajar jawzin plantation of walnut-trees I FX & DS jawz bawwii BM j. buwii nutmeg (Myristica fragans, bot.) I GM 11 j. jundam 1 kndm UT 184 j. annu'iis manna lichen (Lecanora esculenta, bot.)2 I BM j. aIxms unid. variety of Indian nut I DS ; j. f.1innii camel's hay I j. rb 1 azznm 1 miillii 1 miillil 1 miillm UT 182 j. rwt metel (Datura metel, bot.) I UT 181 j. adda" BM j. alqay' nux vomica (Strychnos nuxvomica, bot., while GM 44 identifies this name and j. arraq' with the roka tree, Tricilia emetica, bot.) I DS j. 'Iryf.11 'Imry j (prob. I. azzinj as in BM 327) kola-nuts ('1) I j. 'abhar some seeds resembling those of the emblic-myrobalan I j. alkawllal arecapalm date (Areca catechu, bot.) I j. (al)hind cocoa-nut I j. arqam arnut (= iikulliir) I j. armiiniyiis 1 alf.1abasah UT 181 j. 'Isarak fuinea pepper (Xylopia a:thiopica, bot.) I 181 j. alf.1ajar common gromwell (Lithospermum officinale, bot.) I j. arruqa' sycamore (Ficus sycomorus, bot.) I 184 j. hrj oleander I GB 34 jawz arrii'i toothwort (Plumbago europa:a, bot.) I 43 j. arrif.1 bladder herb (Physallis alkekengi, bot.) I UT 88 jawzat alquriid flowering moss (Usnea barbata, bot.) I 180 & TD 264 j. aIqatii(h) 1 al'anbiir 1 aI'ar!J orpine (Sedum cepa:a, bot.) I BM & GM 24 j. almarj (grains of) bladder herb I NQ yb 1/1/4 biib aljawz the Gate of the Nut-tree in Cordova (according to Torres BalMs, Ciudades hispanomusulmanas, p. 650) II AL javzi tawny U jevzia T in (I. it) walnut sauce II VA jawzii GL 'Ijawzii Gemini (ast.) II jawiiz = GL passage AL giguiz passage between buildings II jei~ lawful,
1 UT 180 lists the vaIS. imlisi, mu4arras, brjil, qndiri & ,anawbari.
2 DS, who adds j. 'andam, gives the doubtul identification of Garcinia mangostana. BM clearly describes j6zjundum as
a kind of yellowish granulous dirt from Barqa and Khurasan used as a ferment for honey and also called turbat al'asal, zahr al.,ajar and ia.,m al'ar4 (q.v.), to which GM 11 adds dial. However, Steingass renders its F etymon, gowz gandom, as the name of a planL
3 However, Bedevian and Cilib render j. assarak as black amomum, Amomum granum paradisi. This is not supported
by BM, where this word is synonymous with j. al.,abaiah. The identification in DS with toad-flax (Linaria vulgaris) is very doubtful.
JWZNQ-JWH allowed I (xei) gairi j. + g. jeizin GL gayru jiiyiz unlawful; unjust II LZ jii'izah IH jayzatu Ibayt + jawayz MT jayzah + jawiiyiz AL gl jeyza + gl jegueir; V A jayzah + iit I jawiiz = jii'izah + jawii'iz GL jawayzun (pI.) beam, rafter II AL ylijeze examination or licence for a trade II MT ijtiyiiz amad expiration of a deadline II GL '.stijiizatun social conventions II AL tejuit; canonization; ordination (ecl.) II mejet; + zit pass(age) II mugeguir; + zin public, communal; examiner II ZJ 497 mujtiiz stranger. S. -1:1 OR
aJ.ldab humpbacked I HC 53 add.jiijah alJ.ladbii' a baked chicken stew II OS muJ.laddab an ointment against leprosy. ·{.,DI>}: VA yaJ.ldu., J.ladu., J.ludii" 1 J.lada., to happen IIQ yaJ.ldu., lu la'am it acquires a taste II J.ladda., ala~J.liib he talked to the friends I yaJ.ladda., bi he talks about s.th. I naJ.ladda., 'an I talk about s.th. I yuJ.ladda., it is said or told I AL nihad(d)ee hadedUct muhad(d)ie + in & nathad(d)ee athad(d)eet AC muJ.laddi., yatJ.ladda.,ii GL ataJ.ladda.,u V A niJ.ladda., k & niJ.liida., muJ.liida.,ah k & yatJ.ladda., atJ.ladda., & yatJ.liida., atJ.liida., mutaJ.liidi., maO to tell; to talk or converse IIQ ma'i atJ.ladda., he talked to me 1173/1/1 mii taJ.ladda.,tu bih I did not say it I AC Iii tatJ.ladda., bih do not talk about him II VA y/nuJ.ldi., aJ.lda.,(t) iJ.ldii" muJ.ldi., muJ.lda., k to bring forth or produce; to excrete I AC aJ.lda., he caused II GL J.lada"u(n) young man I VA J.lada., + aJ.ldii" young man; excrement nJ.ladii.,ah youth(fulness) II IQ & ZJ 876 & 804 J.ladi" talk; story; Prophetic tradition; new, recent I GL J.ladi.,un talk I AC J.ladi" AL hadiC + aha die I ahdiC = haqqiq + ahljdiq story; tale; reasoning I hadee (I. hadee) VA J.liidi., + J.lawiidi., & muJ.lda., IQ J.lawiidi., (pl.) new event II AL dim. hudeyee + it little tale II (gu)alhadiea etcetera II VA J.lada.,iin prediction II GL '.J.ldii.,atun rumour II muJ.lda.,atun min '.nsin waJ.layawiinin young female (woman or beast) II AL muhad(d)iC + in teller; historian. S. {'it}, {'wI}, {snn} I, {'hd}, {grs} I, (fYI~n & {wry}. ·{.,DJ}: VA J.ladj & taJ.ldij setting a litter on a camel's back II OS abii J.ludayj stork. ·{.,DD} I: GL aJ.luddu J.laddada V A nuJ.ludd J.ladadt J.ladd 1 J.liddah maJ.ldiid k & niJ.laddad k AL nihud(d) hadett = haddett hud(d) to sharpen I IQ J.ladda uanayh he pricked up his ears I naJ.laddad ba~ari I glance sharply I AL nalihudd had/qedt hudd VA nuJ.ludd J.ladadt J.ladd J.liidd maJ.ldiid k & niJ.laddad k to delimit or determine; to punish according to the Koran I IQ 176/1/1 J.luddu punish him (according to the Koran) I GL yaJ.luddu maJ.ldiidun to decree I VA nuJ.ludd 'alii to displease I n. ilii to head for II yatJ.laddad atJ.laddad & yanJ.ladd anJ.ladd to be
sharpened or delimited; to be punished according to the Koran I yanJ.ladd anJ.ladd to be delimited or determined I IQ yanJ.lad it is sharpened I ID tJ.lrh tnJ.ld you get angry II GL J.laddun limit; penalty set by the Koran I AL hadd = hud( d)ud limit, extent; district; penalty for adultery; bed of a river I V A J.ladd + J.ludiid limit; definition I J.I. assayf wagayru edge of a sword, etc. I fi J.I. arrijiil 1 attaklif MT fi J.ladd arrusd adult I V A nablug J.ladd attaklif to come of age I MT aii J.laddayn two-edged I J.ludiid environs I IQ IiJ.ladd up to the point I EV 8 cad harach min hadu it overflowed I NQ mg 13/0/2 dafa'tu jildi lalJ.lad I have submitted my skin to the Koranic punishment (of flogging for wine drinking) I GL J.laddu 'I'aynayn temple I J.laddun mudawwarun cone II J.liddatun sharpness; efficacy I IQ J.liddatu its harshness (of wine) I V A J.liddat aCJaihn smartness II GL J.liiddun sharp I J.laddun min jiinibayn & 'lJ.laddu min jihatayn double-edged I V A J.la/iidd & muJ.laddad sharp(ened) I J.la/iidd + in & ~iiJ.lib J.liddah + ahli J.I. hot-tempered I V A J.I. aaaihn smart I IQ J.laddi mi.,1 arrimiiJ.l sharp like spears II V A J.lidiidah smithery II IQ & ZJ 1941 J.ladid AC J.ladid AL hadid + hadaid piece of iron; arrow or dart of a crossbow I GL J.ladidun V A J.ladid n. un. J.ladidah + J.ladii'id (object of) iron II MT aban J.ladidah ET Abenhadida pn. II OS J.ladidi upright hedge nettle (Stachys recta, bot.) I AL ahmar haddidi + hbmar in sorrel-coloured II haddid + in ZJ 679 J.laddiid + in AC J.laddii/id GL J.laddiidun smith I AL haddidin & hanut mital haddid smith's shop II tahdidd sharpening I GL taJ.ldidun definition, determination II ZJ 1095 maJ.ldiid punished according to the Koran I AL mahUd (prob. I. mahdud) + in sharpened I mak,dud (I. mahdud) distinctly. S. {byc;l}, {tfl}, {J.ljr}, {J.lrq~} {J.lmy}, {Xb.,}, {rb'}, {zbr}, {sbk}, {sfl}, {SiiS}, {Srr}, {~dd}, {'tl}, {grf}, {frS}, (frn(yr)}, {q~w}, (qls(tyr)}, {kif}, {wrq} & {wk'}. ·{J:lDD} II: VA J.liddah kite « {J.ld'}, q.v.). S. {J.lay}. ·{J:lDD} III: ID J.lrf 3 'nJ.ldiid challenge « (J.ldy}). ·{J:lDR}: V A niJ.laddar taJ.ldir k to roll s.th. downhill II y-nanJ.ladar anJ.ladar inJ.lidiir
GL '.nl]adiru = anl]adiru to roll downhill; to go down II VA I]udur budur hastily II LO H aytar (= I~aydar /) pn. II IQ mul]addar worn down (coin) II GL munl]adar chasm. +{I.IDS}: VA nal]das I]adast I]ads I]iidis + in mal]diis k to ponder I yal]das I]adas I]ads to be good at guessing II IQ I]adsi my intuition. +{I.IDQ}: GL al]da/iqu yal]diqu al]diqii (iv.) '.I]diiqun 1 tal]diqun mal]diiqun 1 mul]daq(un) VA nul]diq al]daqt il]diiq mul]diq mul]daq bi to surround or encircle I tal]diq fixing one's glance I GL al]daqtu I drew a flourish around the signature UI]adaqatun VA I]adaqah + iit 1 I]adaq MT I]idiiq (pI.) AL hidaq al aain pupil of the eye I IQ I]adqat albaqrah the wild cow's (i.e., the beauty's) pupil II OS I]dqi common hyacinth (Hyacinth us, bot.) g VA I]adiqah + I]adii'iq garden. +{I.IDL}: IW II 681,7 Iii tatal]addal do not raise one shoulder above the other. +{J.IDW} I: VA nal]dii I]adaw/yt I]iidi + I]udiih I]adw aljimiil to drive camels I ZJ 717 I]iidi camel driver. S. {I]jb}. +{J.IDW} II: VA I]adwa around « {I]aw}). +{I.IDY}: VA yatl]adda atl]addii tal]addi mutal]addi + in bi to prophesy. +{I.IDR} I: GL al]airu I]aitiirun AC al]airiihum (sr.) VA nal]aar I]aaart I]aaar 1 hiar I]iiair I]aau/iir min / 'an & natl]aaaar atl]aaaar tal]aaaur mutal]aaair min / 'an IQ al]aar (iv.) to beware I 172/1/4 al]aar tatba'ni beware of following me II tal]aaaar VA nil]aaaar tal]air k GL ul]aaairu to warn II IQ axaatu I]iari mink I took precautions against you II ZJ 136 & AC l]a3iir cautious. +{I.IDR} II: V A mall] I]ayhriini AL malh hederani mineral salt. S. {'ndrn}, {'nar} & {mll]}. +{I.IDF}: VA nal]aaC l]aaaCt I]aaf hiiaiC mal]iJiiC k to suppress or omit U yanl]aaaC anl]aaaC to be suppressed or omitted II AL hadf al hicib deduction D VA l]aaaCah + iit shuttle II ET Hodeilyfa pn. +{I.IDQ}: VA nil]aaaaq tal]aiq k AL nihaddaq haddaqt to make smart II nathaddaq athadaqt VA yatl]a3aaq atl]a3hq to become smart UIH all]aaqatu (sr.) learning of the whole Koran (by a schoolboy) I FM
199 haqh money paid to teachers on such an occasion I AL hQdca + at penmanship II hadalcqua AC I]aaiiqah & V A I]iaq smartness I AL bi hadaclqua smartly II hQd(dJiq + hod(d)aq AC I]aaiq (I. I]iiaiq) + I]uaaiiq IQ I]iiaiq V A I]iiaiq + I]uaaiiq smart I AL dim. huaidaq + it know-all, smart alec UIH 361 yazidu bnu I]aaaiiqin pn. (suggested correction xaaaiiqin) II IZ 14/6/1 I]iaiiq feast given when a boy has completed the learning of the Koran II AL ahtaq (I. ahdaq) IQ al]aaq smarter I mii al]aaqu how smart! S. {xl\} & {qw\} I. +{I.IDW}: VA yal]aii I]aaw(ah) / I]iaii & yal]taai il]tiaii 'ala miIJiiluh to imitate II I]iaii beside I bil]iaii'i & I]aawi next to me II AC I]aaaii shoemaker (hr.). +{J.IDY}: GL I]iaiitun V A I]iaii & I]iaii'ah + al]aiyah AC I]iai + al]aiyii kite « {I]d'}. S. {hdd} II. +{I.IRB(S)}: GL ul]iiribu = '.I]iiribu yul]iiribu mul]iirabatun mul]iiribun AL niharab harabt moluharib + in VA nil]iirab mul]iirabah k & yatl]iirab atl]iirab tal]iirub mao to wage war II GL I]arbun VA & IQ I]arb + I]uriib AC I]arb AL harb{ e) holurub war I xei lal hQrb & VA I]arbi related to war II I]arbiyyah + iit loophole II I]arbah + at 1 I]iriib IQ I]arba(t) LZ I]arabah IH I]arabatun GL I]arbatun spear I a~qilii '1l]iriiba burnish the spears (Iv.) nGB 146 I]irbah safflower (also called Injrwylh, q.v.) UMT I]uraybas S.o.'s nickname (= "little spears" with R pI. suffix) II VA I]irbii + I]irbiiwiit chameleon Umil]riib + mal]iirib prayer niche, mihrab I GL mil]riibun inscription I AL miharab = meherab + maharib I miharabib (prob. I. miharabit) altar; temple 0 dim. mohayarab + it little temple II GL gayru mul]iirab unassailable. S. {by~}, {dl]s}, {r'y}, {~ff}, {qdm} & {qws}. +{I.IRBI>}: OS l]urbuIJ wild aniseed (identification upheld by UT 404 and disavowed in 207, while Giilib identifies it with a variety of astragal). +{I.IRBQ}: OS all]irbiq al'amlas annual mercury (Mercurialis annua, bot.). +{I.IRBL}: HB 93,4 yl]rbl (I. yul]arbal) it is stirred (said of a concoction) I AL niharbel harbelt to hem II natharbel atharbelt to wallow II harabul + it hem I
I;IRl>-I;IRR 1
AC J:l.rb.l pn. (prob. a nickname) II AL laharbula + it wallowing II muhabel (I. muharbel) + in turned upside down (perhaps a dissimilation of I~awwal/, cf. Mr 1!arbal "to hem", 1!arbul "rolled dough", s. LHI 135). ·U;lRI>}: GL aJ:lrilJU VA naJ:lraJl J:laraJlt J:larJl J:liiriJl + in 1 J:lurriiJl J:larriiJl + in 1 + ah maJ:lriiJl IQ yuJ:lraJl AL naharae harael hare MT & AC J:larJl to plough or till II VA taJ:lriJl taking (a beast) for ploughing I AL yanJ:laraJl anJ:laraJl to be ploughed II hare bidia land ploughing I htlre zeuche = htlrC(e) nah/~ar 11 h. yaumei + h. ayim dim. horayae + it one day's ploughing II MT baqar J:liriiJlah ploughing oxen nET Haril pn. II GL J:larriiJlun + J:larriiJliina AL harrae + in ploughman II mahraea + mahtlrie MT maJ:lraJl land ploughed in a day II miJ:lriiJl + maJ:liiriJl AL mihirie + mahirie plough. S. {skk} I. ·{~RJ}: V A naJ:lraj J:larajt J:laraj J:larij + in 1 J:lurriij 'ala AC J:laraj AL nahrax haraxl harax (I. ahrax) = nalharach atharraxl & nalharach alharachl = naharrach harraxt harrax (I) to get angry I AC Iii yaJ:lraj let him not be angry II AL niharrax/ch harraxl VA niJ:larraj taJ:lrij k to anger II IQ & ZJ 153 J:laraj AL harach = farach (!) & ~arax (I) n. un. htlr ja + al dim. huray ja + huraygil anger, rage I harach geMnem hellish fury I har ja bi meIeI + har jal b. m. anger and loathing I bi harach with anger I AC sari' all]araj quick-tempered I IQ Iii 'alayk J:laraj do not have any qualms II AL htlrix/g/ch = htlriq & ~arich (I. both htlrig) + harig/chin / harja / hur(r}tlch & harrax/ch + harrag/chin & ID 'nf 4 J:lrjiin angry, enraged I BO 20v J:larjii the angry. S. {wid}. ·{~RJL}: OS J:lrj(w)1 a kind of grasshopper I TO 168 J:lar jul a worm that infests greens. ·{~R~}: GL J:lariiJ:latun lechery II J:lariJ:lun lecher. S. {J:lrr} II. ·{~RD}: GL '.J:lr.du J:laradun J:liiridun 1 muJ:lridun V A yaJ:lrad J:larad J:larad to get angry nGL taJ:lridun annoying U bil~aradi angrily I '.J:lradu worse UOS J:liiriid beaver. ·{~RDMYN}: OS J:lard.miyiin ambergris. ·{~RDN(YR)}: OS J:lurayaan small lizard II GB 138 J:laraunayrah bastard balm (Melittis melissophyllum, bot.; in the second item
with the attributive R suffix). S. {J:lr4n} & {anb}. ·{~RR} I: GL uJ:larriru VA nil]arrar taJ:lrir k to free I AL niharrar harrart muhtlrrir + in muhtlrrar + in to free; to privilege I NQ aa 3/2 J:larrar darham drop one dirhem (jv.) n AL nalharrar al/dharrart V A yatJ:larrar atJ:larrar taJ:larrur to become free II nastaJ:larr astaJ:lart istiJ:lriir mustaJ:lirr & alinsiin yastaJ:lirr astaJ:larr istiJ:liirr bi GL astaJ:larra to warm 0.8. I V A J:larr & J:luriir & J:lariirah + iit IQ J:larri & J:lariirah GL J:lariiratun AC J:lariira(t) AL har(r) & harara heat; warmth I bal harr hotly I al harr hu - quin it is - was hot I fazl al harr hu it is summer a horr + ahrar GL hurrun IQ J:lurr(i) f J:lurrah + aJ:lriir AC' J:lur f J:lurrah free-born, noble I VA J:lurr + aJ:lriir free (masc.) I OS all]urr skin eruption (e.g., on the horse's genitals; cf. Cs alhorre "skin eruption in babies", prob. abbreviation of ·sakiit al1!urr "disease of the white", because Negroes do not contract it usually) I OS alqalib alJ:lurr deep ploughing (three times or more) I ET Alhor pn. II V A I]urrah + aJ:lriir 1 J:larii'ir MT J:lariiyir free (fern.); lady I alabatiSah alJ:lurrah her ladyship the abbess I IA J:lurrah AL h6rra + ahr(r)ar / harar (I. ahrar) free or virtuous (woman); princess; queen I V A iriidat an J:lurrah & ixtiyiir an J:lurr free-will II J:lurriyah GL J:lurriyatun freedom I IQ J:lurriya(t) being free-born I AC J:lurriyah freedom; nobility I AL hu/orria freedom; privilege; virtue II harir AC & V A J:larir silk I diidat alJ:l. + diid alJ:l. = GL, IQ diidat alJ:larir silkworm II VA J:lariri silken, silky II I]arirah broth I OS piece of silken cloth I IW I 94,12-13 'Urbh 'lJ:lryrh & (better reading) 95,3 J:lryryh fine sand containing much soil II XA vqu2 I]urayri my little falcon (or free man, both renderings fitting into this hithertofore misunderstood passage) II V A J:liirr f ah + J:lawiirr & mal]riir IQ J:liir hot I AS 19/5/2 J:larriin hot, burning II GL J:larriin Harran (geo.) II GB 14 J:larriiniyyah cat thyme (Teucrium marum, bot.) II AL harriir + in silk-mercer II aain (I. dam) alaharir jubilee year I IW II 112,10 'ala ttaJ:lrir approximately (opposite to 'ala ttaqrir) II AL muhtlrrar + il silk-like. S.
I:IRR II-I:IRS I {j'd}, {I]ry}, {sjr}, {srb} II, {gz\}, {nrs} & {nwb}. *{l:fRR} II: IH all]irru V A I]irr of- iit / arl]iil] ZJ 1732 al]riil] (pl.) IQ I]irri AC I]ir(r) AL hirr of- it vulva I li~in of- al~un al hirr clitoris I 1899 I]irr ummah up the cunt of her mother (coa.) I IQ I]irr umm alIacH up the cunt of the mother of those who ... (coa.) I AC I]irrum azziij what a terrific couple! Il]irrum alii jinii what a pest we got! II ZJ 857 hirri bissi hermaphrodite (term of abuser; < {I]rl]}, q.v.). *U:lRRBYL}: VA I]urrubiyal falcon (perhaps from A ((t'i'ir) ~urr "falcon", etymon of Old Cs altorre, appended with a R translation of the first lost element */abyal/, s. VA 79). *{I:fRZ} I: ZJ 835 & 1322 I]araz yal]raz = IA IH mal]riizun GL al]rizu I]iiriz(un) to keep or guard I VA nal]raz I]arazt / al]razt I]irz / il]riiz I]iiriz mal]riiz k to safeguard I IQ I]araz allah 'alaynii haaa Iisam may God preserve this name for us I nal]razii I watch it I I]arazt I measured (the cloth) I I]uriz wiiri wamuqdam it was measured from end to end I XA liri4 al]raz jummliri possess me I lini9 )Jawbak al]raz min all]ibar preserve your clothes from the ink I iili2 allah yal]raziili may God preserve him for me I NQ mg 18/0/2 alIa yal]razuh 'alihii may God keep him ruling it I AS 35/3/1 al]raz an tatlub say barrii beware of seeking anything outside I lZ 3/4/3 al]razat suhrah she has preserved a reputation I AC yal]raz a)J)Jani he preserves the reputation I bay4 wildu yal]raz he keeps off his father's testicles (Le., takes care not to annoy him) I al]raz watch (iv.) I al]raz riil]ak min beware I CC 18 an tal]raziih watal]basiih 'an mawl you must revere him and consider him as your lord I OC 9 tehere~al ayem al hudud you shall observe the Sundays II V A yatl]arraz atl]arraz tal]arruz & nal]taraz
s. our paper "Expresiones bajo (1993) 282-91, esp. 288.
al]tarazt il]tiriiz mul]tariz min to be wary I lQ nal]taraz mink I am on my guard against you a VA yanl]araz anl]araz to be safeguarded II AL hir~ custody I h. ofhur(r )u~ ZJ 843 & 844 I]irz of- I]uriiz V A I]irz of- I]uriiz / al]riiz amulet II HB 9,21 I].rraziyyah a purse for an amulet (7) II VA I]iriizah custody UI]arriiz of- in amulet maker I lA I]arriiz guard, keeper II V A mul]tariz wary II lQ aban mul]riz ET Benimoheretz = Benimoherezs = Benimotrez pns. S. {I]rs}, from which it does not appear to have been thoroughly differentiated in practice. *{l:fRZ} II: IQ I]arizi my wish « {I]r~}). *{I:fRZN}: V A I]araziinah of- I]araziin snail « {l]lzn}, q.v.). *{I:fRS}: VA nal]rus I]arast I]iriisah of- iit I]iiris ofI]urrlis mal]riis k GL I]iriisatun mal]riisun AL nahare~ harezt - ahare~tu ahre~ hiraza maharu~ of- clzin to watch or protect II htlri~ of- hurra~ I harizin ZJ 411 & 305 I]iiris of- I]aras AC I]iiris G L I]iirisun ofI]urriisun & VA I]arasi of- in / I]aras guard, watchman, escort II GL '.I]tiriisun caution. S. {'}, {jb\}, {I]rz}, {rl]~}, {krm}, {msy} & {wzz}. *{I:fRS} 1: V A yal]rus I]arus I]uriisah GL I]uriisatun AL huruxa of- it to be rough or harsh II VA nil]arras tal]riS k AL niharrax harraxt muharrax of- in to make rough or harsh II VA yatl]arras atl]arras tal]arrus to become rough or harsh II OS I]iiris tongue pimples II FX, HC 22 & SH al]ras IA al]riis a kind of meatpie 2 II GL l]ariSun rhinoceros II al]rasu = '.I]rasu t I]arsatun VA al]ras of- I]urs ZJ 228, 177 al]ras t I]arsii AL aharax of- horx rough; harsh; tart I GB 276 all]arsii,3 UT 216 l]uraySah hare's lettuce (Sonchus oleraceus, bot.) II 47 ul]ayrd a certain kind of moss common in Cordova and used as a cosmetic II OS mul]iiraSah harassment. S. {'njr}, {I]jr} & {Jblb}.
tabu social en irabe andalusi y sus relaciones con el romance" en Vox Romaniea S2
2 Its standard type being defined as hashed spiced meat mixed with flour into cakes. then made into balls. fried and served with a sauce of vinegar. oil. garlic and murl (q.v.). But there is another kind idemified with astiriyi (q.v.).
3 However. according to UT 212. this name was also applied to "ardal albarr. eJibilah and raeJiyir. q.v.
+{I:IRS} II: GL mutal]arrasun angry « {I]rj}, q.v.). +{I:IRSF}: IW II 303 I]rsr HC 1441]ursur TO 216 1]. bustani artichoke (Cynara scolymus, bot.) 1215 I]arsar barri a Spanish variety of spotted golden thistle (also called la~ar, q.v.). S. brSf}. +{I:IR~}: VA nal]ru~ I]ara~t I]ir~ n / 'ala to seek eagerly 1 IQ tal]ra~ 'alayya she solicits me 1 AC al]rus al]aris (I. I]aris'l) covet, you the greedy one U VA nil]arra~ k n / 'ala AL niharrae harraet to urge Uhare urging II hire IQ & ZJ 802 I]ir~ GL I]ir~un eagerness 1 bil]ir~(in) eagerly II I]ari~un AL harir; + in VA I]ari~ + in / I]ira~ / I]ar~a n IQ I]ari~ 'ala eager 1 I]ari~ wish, goal II al]ra~ eager 1 ma al]ra~ni 'alayh how eager I am to get him! II AC mal]riis 'alayh coveted S. {I]rz} II. +{I:IRI;>}: VA nil]arra4 tal]ri4 k 'ala to urge or incite Dyatl]arra4 atl]arra4 tal]arru4 'ala to be urged or incited +{I:IRI;>N}: IH I]arlliin V A l]ar4iin + l]ara4in lizard I AL hardon + hartJdin lizard; chameleon (Cs alfardon suggests that this word was also metaphorically applied to iron rings which may look like coiled lizards, as in the case of 4abbah "door latch or knocker" and "female lizard"; < {I]rlln}). S. {bOO II. +{I:IRF}: IQ nal]rur 'ala I steal I GL ul]arriru mul]arririina to distort I V A nil]arrar tal]rif k to make unfit; to teach a craft 1 n. k 'an to deviate or turn away I n. almizaj to cause a health disorder I AL niharref harreft taharif to steal II V A natl]arrar atl]arrart tal]arrur mutal]arrir 'an & nanl]arar anl]arart inl]irar munl]arif 'an to swerve or deviate I n. atl]arraft bi & nal]tarar al]taraft il]tiraf mul]tarif + in bi to practise a craft I yatl]arraf almizaj to suffer from a health disorder II yanl]araf anl]araf inl]iriif munl]arir 'ala to become unfit I NQ hm 6/1/2 anl]arar mizajuh he had a distemper II IZ 15/2/3 I]arf IQ I]arr + I]uriir VA I]arr + I]uriir / al]rur dim. AL horayaf + it letter I GL I]arrun edge 1
I]uriirun edges; letters I V A I]arr all]ayt socle of a wall I ZJ 1242 I]arfi AL harf + horof letter; syllable; preposition; adverb I harfe bi harfe literally I horol writing I IQ wala I]arri min I]aq not an iota of truth I MV 61 I]amil all]arri courier I AC I]arr law the conjunction "if" II V A I]irrah + I]irar craft IIl]irfi + in & mul]tarir + in artisan UI]urr = ZJ 1113, AL hbrfa + horf common cress I GB 46 I]urr babili field cress (Lepidium campestre, bot., with some disagreement in TO 196) I 222 1]. assutiil] 1 / alquriid shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa pastoris, bot.) I 211 1]. alkilab hedge mustard (Sisymbrium officinale, bot.) 1 TO 196 1]. masriqi UT 210 1]. ma'i / barri / qabalinuh « R *kabaLino "related to horses") hoary cress (Lepidium draba, bot.) I TO 186 1]. alma' watercress (Nasturtium officina lis, bot.) II IQ & ZJ 1942 I]arif fellow-worker II VA I]arrar thief 1 AL harrif al ganam cattle thief II taharif al ganam cattle theft II XA lifl il]rar mistreatment. S. {jrr}, {dgm} I, {Shd} & {'jm}. +{I:IRFS}: AL harfux + harafix hustler « {l]rS}). +{I:IRQ}: IH mal]riiqun GL al]raqa al]riqu yal]riqu al]riq (Iv.) il]raqun mul]r.qun mal]riiqun = m.l]rwq f mal]riiqatun VA nal]raq al]raqt il]raq / I]arq mul]riq mul]raq / mal]riiq k AC al]raq yal]raq mal]riiqah AL naharaq aharaqt to burn s.th. I AC al]raqah burn her I IQ al]raqtu zayt I burnt oil (i.e., spent nights) I nal]raqak I set you afire (with passion) I yal]raq Jiyya nafas I am out of breath I naran yal]raqu may it be destroyed by fire I Un nul]raq I would be burnt I a4rasu tal]raq he gnashes his teeth II GL al]taraqa al]tariqu il]tiraqun mul]tariqina VA yal]taraq al]taraq il]tiraq mul]tariq AC al]taraq y/tal]taraq AL nahtaraq ahtaraqt to burn or take fire I n. a. ba xemr; to be sun-tanned I IQ tara s nal]taraq look at me set ablaze nAL harq n. un. har(q)ea + hare/quat burn(lng) II GL I]urqatun IQ I]urqah burning 1 I]urqat I]asa inner pain I VA I]urqah contrition II
1 Allhough this name together with .,. Simi is given in UT 210 to field cress (Lepidium campestre, bot.).
I]uraqah fire-brand IIW II 402,1 dross of distilled roses II IQ I]ariq fire, conflagration II IH I]arraqah + I]arariq fire-ship I AC I]arraqah (woman) wont to burn what she cooks II VA I]urrayqah + I]urrayq ZJ 1530 I]urrayq AL hUrrilyca + hurraiq (I. hurraiq) (Roman) nettle (Urtica pillulifera, bot.) I GB 11 I]urrayq aswad black var. of small nettle (Urtica urens, bot.) I 208 1]. amlas small nettle I UT 215 1]. ~i11i unid. var. of nettle II VA mal]riiq crackling (pro b., but s. VA 80) II I]umma mul]riqah AL himie (I. hUmme) muharrica burning fever. S. {rmy}, {zyt}, {Iqy} & {nwr}. *{J:IRQ~}: GM 38 I]adid all].rqii~ burnt copper. S. {l]IIrqsM. *{I;IRK}: GL ul]arriku = '.I]arriku VA nil]arrak tal]rik k to move s.th. I AL nilaharraq harraqt moMrriq + in to move; to shake I niharreq harreq to corrupt (blood) I FX I]arrak tal]rik to beat or shake (for cooking) II AL mutaharriq + in GL atal]arraku VA yatl]arrak atl]arrak tal]arruk mutal]arrik + in to move o.s. I IQ natl]arrak lu I am aroused by it I katl]arrak it would have moved II VA harakah + at GL harakatun + harakatun ~ovement I Afi 4/4/5 I]a~kiiti my movements I AL haraqua + etit movement; vowel sign syllable (gr.) I haraquetak your business II harayqui in businessman II haraqui + in & horaqui (I) + in trickster I VA I]araki + in trouble-maker, turbulent UVA I]arrak + at / I]ararik carrack II AL tahariq n. un. tahrariclqua moving; wagging (tail) I GL tal]rikun (homo)sexual provocation II AL dem muMrre, (I. c) corrupted blood I FX bani mul]arrak beaten eggs (s. GL 58). S. {jmd}. *{I;IRL}: s. {I]wr} 11. *{I;IRM}: VA yal]rum I]arum I]aram to be unlawful or forbidden I AS 97/1/4 qad I]arum 'aliyya an nara it is forbidden for me to see I VC 67/9-10 tal]rum al'akl it cannot eat (said of beasts) II VA nal]ram haramt / ahram hirman mahriim k & AL ~iharram harrami taharilam· muMrram + in to excommunicate or anathematize I naharam haramt VA niharram tahrim k 'ala AL tahrim to forbid; to depri~e I IQ
123 la tal]ramiini kiisi do not take away my cup I I]urim nadahu he was deprived of his largesse I GL '.I]r(i)mu yal]rimu mahriimun to deprive I VA nil]arram k to dress in an if!riim II nul]rim al]ramt il]ram mul]rim fa~~alah to utter the starting formula of prayer II yatl]arram atl]arram to be forbidden; to wear an if!riim II yanl]aram anl]aram to be excommunicated or anathematized II nal]taram al]taramt il]tiram mul]tarim k AL nahtaram ahtaramt ihtiram muhtaram + in to respect II hOrma IQ , VA & AC I]urmah honour, respect I I]urma fi - an VA 1]. fi / Ii because of, on account of I I]urmah fas why I ZJ 35, 490, 800 & IQ I]urmah fi because of, for the sake of I I]urma ballah mu'aysaqayn what a pity, by God, do two lovers inspire! I XA atul bil]urmat all]ubbi for the sake of love I In2 bil]urmat arral]man for God's sake I al]l & adil ball]urmah for the sake of the most sacred things I Inal ball]urma lamir for God's sake, 0 prince I AL hi hOrma respectfully I natimel hOrma to show regard I hOrmat a jamati popularity I CA 2 ni'allam I]urmatkum I shall inform your Excellency I 7 I]urmatak a'mal alla3i ya3har Ikm your Excellency may do what he pleases I GL I]urmatun sacredness I bila I]urmat mean, vile I AC I]urmit the women of a house II MT I]ara/am precincts IIQ I]aram sacred precinct II GL I]aramun (I. I]aramun) AL haram unlawful or forbidden I IA I]aram injustice I IQ I]aram unlawful thing, anathema I 'ayni ana min 'aynu 1]. I cannot bear seeing him I I]araman 'alayya shame on me! I GL yastakmilu (I. yasta'milu) '1l]arama he violates a prohibition II OS I]arami wild jasmine II VA I]arim + I]ara'im the women in the family DIQ & AC I]irman deprivation I IH hi fi I]irmaniha she is menstruating II. AL aha ram worse II yhirim + aharim (1. aMrim) VA il]ram + al]arim / FJ I]ur.m OS I]a/iram long shawl (whence Cs alfareme) II MT yawm il]tiram allal]am carnival I GL gayr '.I]tiram disrespect II AL maharom + in excommunicated I lA, ZJ 597 & IQ mal]riim wretched; AC idiot; beggar (cf. Andalusian Cs majaron &
majareta) II IQ maJ.!iirim sacred things II GL muJ.!arramun forbidden I V A muJ.!arram the first month of the Islamic calendar D AL mohtarim & mok,artarim (I. like the following) = mohtarim + in honoured, revered I xei mohtarim + in respectable thing. S. {J.!sS} I, {drk}, {drhm}, {snw}, {qll}, {kbr}, {IJ.!m}, {mr'} & {nkJ.!}. ·{~RML}: UT 207 J.!armal wild rue (Peganum harmaIa, bot., with two varieties: abya4 or 'arabi and aJ.!mar or siimI) II 214 J.!uraymalah bastard balm (Melittis melissophyllum, bot.) I GT 75,3 & HB 8,8 alJ.!uraymal a nickname ("little rue"). ·{~RN}: VA J.!ariin AL f harona + in restive (beast). ·{~RW}: OS J.!ariiwiyyah capsule containing the seeds of the wallflower ('1; explained as glfh allan fihii nwrh). ·{~RY) I: V A natJ.!arrii atJ.!arrii to seek nJ.!ari + in bi worthy II aJ.!ra worthier I balJ.!ara = IQ, GL bilJ.!ara scarcely. S. {wly}. ·WRY} II: V A natJ.!arrii atJ.!arrayt taJ.!arri mutaJ.!arri min / 'an to abstain II IQ mutaJ.!arri temperate « {J.!rr}). ·{~ZB}: VA niJ.!azzab J.!azzabt taJ.!zib muJ.!iizabah 'ala to form a party II J.!izb + aJ.!ziib party, group I AL hizb + ahzib lesson I alahzeb the nations; Sebaoth (bib.) I GL J.!azbun heretical sect I ET (H )izballa LO Hizballa = Eslzblvala, EIYzballa pn. « A ~izbu lliih). S. {~IJ.!}. ·{~ZR}: IQ J.!azziir + J.!aziizir amulet, charm « {J.!rz}). S. {rmy} & {gm4}. ·{~ZZ} I: GL J.!azziizatun V A J.!azziizah + J.!azii'iz ZJ 1052 J.!azzizah AC J.!azzizii AL hazize + hazeic tetter I h. fal lahya + hazeic fal lihO t. in the beard I meLi min hazeic + in & muhOzzec + zin affected by tetter I TO 289 J.!aziiz a~~axr flowering moss (Usnea barbata, bot.) II ID qm~ 1 tJ.!zyz wrinkles II IQ xubzan muJ.!azzaz a type of loaf adorned with notches II FM 165, 12 qa~riyyah / xiibiyah muJ.!azzazah aw malsii notched or smooth pottery. ·{~ZZ} II: IQ was yaJ.!azzazii how tightly they press! I ZJ 867 J.!uzni J.!azzazni my sadness oppresses me heavily II IH J.!uzzatu ssariiwil VA J.!uzzah + iit IA J.!uzzah AL hu(c)za = fuza (0 + huz(z)ec tuck, hem « {J.!jz}).
V A J.!uziiq farts; hiccups I ZJ 429 J.!uziiq farting II LHI ·J.!azziiq a kind of beetle (posited by Cs alfazaque). ·{~ZM}: VA naJ.!zam J.!azamt J.!azm J.!iizim + in fi to be prudent or provident I n. J.!azamt J.!azm J.!iizim maJ.!ziim k & niJ.!azzam tahzim k GL ahzimu AL nihaz(z)em ha~(z)emt = niha~zen hazzent tahzim = tahzim (!) n. un talehzima + tahOlizim to belt or girth II nathazzen nethezem athazzent V A atJ.!azzam taJ.!azzum bi & naJ.!tazam aJ.!tazamt iJ.!tiziim muJ.!tazim k / bi GL aJ.!tazamu to put on a belt; to be girthed I IQ aJ.!tazamta lalqitiil you have decided to fight II V A J.!azm AC J.!azm & iJ.!tiziim prudence, foresight I IQ aban J.!azm pn. U VA J.!uzmah + J.!uzam ZJ 1410 & AC J.!uzmah AL huzma + huzem dim. huzeyma + it IQ J.!uzaymah bundle II IQ J.!iziim waist I GL J.!iziimun belt, girth I ZJ 595 J.!izim girth, cinch I AL hizim ahziim ahziim dim. huzeyem + it V A J.!iziim + aJ.!zum / aJ.!zimah / J.!uzum belt I AL hall I ziguil alhizim fastening the belt II ET Hazemln pn. I IH bisr bn abi J.!iizim pn. (suggested correction xiizim) I G L J.!iizimun V A J.!iizim + in AC J.!iizim prudent; provident II maJ.!zam + maJ.!iizim AL mahzem = mahzen + mahizin & tahzima girth I IQ maJ.!zam belt I CO M 7/6 mahzam waist. S. {hll} & {dmr}. ·{~ZN}: IQ J.!~zan taJ.!zan J.!u~n I J.!a~an 'ala GL aJ.!z(a)nu yaJ.!zanu J.!uznun V A naJ.!zan J.!azant J.!uzn / J.!azan + aJ.!ziin J.!iizin 'ala AL nah(a)zen hazent ahzen huzn + ahzen to grieve or be sad II IQ J.!azanhii it saddened her I yaJ.!zunni it saddens me II nahzen (I. nihazzen) hazent hazen V A niJ.!azzan k 'ala to sadden; to cause to mourn II GL aJ.!zinu yaJ.!zinu to sadden BZJ 738, 467 & AC J.!uzn + J.!uziin / aJ.!ziin sadness I JM 40 J.!uzn mourning I EV 4 an yamelu huzn in order to mourn I AL eeub + Cieb al huzn mourning clothes I XA vqu2 mii J.!uzni illii my only sorrow is I IQ fawaJ.!uzni what a sorrow! II J.!azinu (returned from R, e.g., Old Cs hazino, as reflected by the ending) f ZJ 121 J.!azinah AC J.!azinii & maJ.!ziin 'ala AL hazin + in & mahzun + in GL J.!azinun & maJ.!ziinun IQ 169/1/5 maJ.!ziin sad; mourning I TH 27,8 annisii' almaJ.!ziiniit mourning women ·{~ZQ}:
\:IZNBL-\:ISS B IQ mii \lzan how sad! S. {twy}, {kbd} & Ow'}. ·{I;IZNBL}: OS \luzanbal ochna (Ochna inermis, bot.). ·{I;IZW}: OS \lazan n. un. haziih / \lizii'ah name given to several unid. plants. ·{l;fSB(S)}: GL a\ls(a)bu VA na\lsab \lasabt \lasb / \lisiib / \lusbiin \liisib ... in ma\lsiib ... in to count or calculate I n. \lasabt \lasb / ma\lsabah \liisib ... in ma\lsiib GL a\lsibu = '.\lsibu ya\lsibu ma\lsiibun AC \lasib a\lsib (Iv.) AL nahcib hacibt to consider or deem I me nahcib me hacibt not to consider I nahcib firohi ahcibt (I. hacibt1) me ahcib (erroneous iv.) to be conceited I hacibt r6haq you considered yourself I AC ya\lsib rii\lu he considers himself I IQ \lasabni he considered me I ya\lsabiih they consider him lID ~sb 6 Iii y\lsbiih 'n sy they do not attach any importance to him I NQ mg 3/5/1 yu\lsab ralamwiit he is counted among the dead I VA n. \lasabt to ponder II AC \lassabatuh a'miiluh his deeds made him noble II V A ni\liisab mU\liisabah mao & nat\liisab at\liisab ta\liisub mao GL mu\liisabatun to settle an account I ZJ 1586 \liisabni AC \lasabni call me to account II VA yan\lasab an\lasab to be counted or calculated I IQ tan\lasab they are counted II allah \lasbi IQ \lasbi allah God suffices me I NQ mg 5/x law kiin Ii nara' n \lasbi if there was any use in saying "God suffices me" I IQ \lasbak mii tarii what you see is enough I \lasbak an ta\lc.Jur you just have to come I \lasbak yannayr the January Feast suffices you II AL hi,be market inspectorship II haceb VA \lasab ... a\lsiib ZJ 751 \lasab AC \las(a)b nobility I diina \lasabin mean, vile I AL quillat haceb lack of nobility II GL bi\las(a)bi VA \lasb & 'ala / bi\lasab & \lasabamii according to I MT \las.b na~~uh in compliance with its contents II AL helicib ... hecibit IQ \lisiib VA \lisiib & mu\liisabah ... iit & \lusbiin dim. ZJ 283 \lusayyab AL hicib calil reckoning, calculation, account I VA '11m al\lisiib arithmetic I IZ 5/3/2 my kyn si n \lisiibi 1 did not reckon with it I NQ mg 3/1/4 \lisiiban lam ni~unnu a reckoning 1 did not make I AL naq, al hicib faulty account I MT \lisiib.s a nickname (=
"accounts" with R pI. suffix) II AL hacib ... hucebi I hu,abi AC \liisib (\. \lasib) GL \lasibun IQ & ZJ 409 \lasib VA \lasib ... \lusabii noble I IQ kun \lasibu call him to account (Iv.) I allah \lasibu God will ask him for an accounting II \liisib ... \lussiib AL hQ.cib ... hucib cabbalist II VA \laysiibi arithmetician II AL mohacib ... in accountant II muhteceb ... in IH mu\ltasabun ZJ 668 & IQ 176/0/1 mu\ltasab magistrate in charge of markets, public morals and general welfare of the community « Eg "sb). S. {\lU}, {x~r}, {~nn}, {gbr}, {Crs}, {qU} I, {ksr} & {nqs}. ·{I;ISD}: GL a\ls.du \lasdun VA na\lsud \lasadt \lasad \liisid ... in / \lussiid k IQ \lasad ya\lsad \liisid ... \lussiid to envy I ya\lsadni fih he envies me it I fi aiik alujj .•• ta\lsadk alamriyya mirrors envy you that face of yours I IZ 14/4/1 aSSumiis ta\lsuduh \lusnuh the suns envy him because of his beauty II V A yan\lasad an\lasad to be envied II \lasad AL haced envy II hQ.cid ... in VA \lasiid ... in GL \lasiidun IQ \lasiid envious II AC \Ibid Iini'mah envious of a benefit a IQ ma\lsiid _ nk min kull a\lad envied by everyone on your account. S. {gy~} & {qwO I. ·{I;ISR}: VA ni\lassar k 'ala IQ yi\lassar to inspire contrition I AC yi\lassar it moves to pity I yu\lassar fih he is bemoaned II V A nat\lassar at\lassart ta\lassur muta\lassir 'ala / Ii to be contrite I OS 'n\lsr to fall (the level of flood waters) II VA \lasrah ... iit & isti\lsiir GL \lasratun IQ \lasrah sorrow, contrition; how sorry 1 am for it I AL k,a,ra (1. h) what a pity! I XA xra2 tariih assumiis bi'ayn \lasrah the suns give him envious glances II GL \lasirun tired U\liisirun disarmed. S. {\I~r} III.
·{l;fSRJ}: IH \lasraja rrajulu (lc.) the man gave a death-rattle « {\lsrj}, q.v.). ·{I;ISRN}: OS \liisrin is only a ghost-word to be corrected to julnasrin, q.v. ·{I;ISS}: VA nU\luss \lass \lass to kill off I AL noM, ha,azt ho, to curry I nih", hacezt mohi, ... cin VA nu\luss \lasast \liss \lasslis ... in ma\lsiis k & nu\liss a\lsas i\lsiis k to feel I IQ 142/4/3 tU\lussi you feel I nU\luss I feel I \lass almaniyyah minni he felt
that I was dying I ZI 957 ti~ussiini you perceive me II AL nihaze~ hacezt = nihace~ hacezt to spy; to sound or make noise UVC 33/6 ahtassa (?) to be curried II AL naztahtjz/~ aztahtzzt iztiha~ muztahi~ = mu~tahi~ (?) f muztahiza + in muztaha~ (1. muztahtz~) + in to spy, to sound II hi~/z sound, noise, rumour I hi~ axcaf sound of smashing pottery I IQ ~iss (good) sense II VA ~issi sensory nZI 695 bal~assi massi groping in the dark nIQ ~asis noise II VA ~iissah + ~awiiss GL ~iissatun AL hy~ (I. hicce) + hague~ sense 0 VA ~assiis + iit IQ ~assiis & ma~siis sensitive I VA ma~siis perceptible I gayri ma~siis 1 ~assiis insensitive I ZI 951 ma~siis sick (said of animals) II IH ma~assatun AC ma~iissah IA mu~assah AL malohtl~a + mahtlcit (1. mahacit) curry-comb II BO 12r 'alamiita muqadasata mu~isata a sacred perceptible sign. S. {smm} II, {mss} I & {wid}. ·{I:ISK}: TO 275 ~asak caltrops (Tribulus terrestris, bot.) I VA ~asakah + ~asak AL ha~eque + ha~eq large metal candelabrum (met. in account of some likeness in its shape) I haceq mital quelb + haceiq m. quilib mastiff's spiked collar I OS ~asak allijiim copper points in a horse's bit. ·{I:ISL}: OS ~isl long-leaved thyme; flour from the fruits of the doom palm. ·{I:ISM} I: VA na~sam ~asamt ~asm ma~siim k to cut II yan~asam an~asam to be cut II ~usiim =IQ sabre I ET Alhoozam pn. II MT ~asim definitive. ·{I:ISM} II: VA ya~sam ~asam ~asm 1 ~usiimah ma~siim & ni~assam ta~sim k to roast, to scorch II yat~assam at~assam to be roasted or scorched II IQ husiimah (skin) dryness II OS & GL ·ma~siimun f ma~siimatun very dry I IB 115 (ar4) ma~siimah very dry (soil, < (~m~}). ·{I:ISN}: VA ya~sun ~asun IQ ya~sun to be good or beautiful I AL nah~um ha~umt (1. n) to improve I GL hal ya~sunu is it proper? II VA ni~assan ta~sin k to embellish I AS ~assantu fika ~anni I thought well of you I GL ~assana 'Iwafiita he died a believer II a~sinu i~siinan mu~sinun VA na~san 1 nu~sin a~sant i~siin mu~sin Ii IQ i~siin mu~sin AC i~siin AL nahcin ahcent mohcin + in to do
good I CO Ll/14 yu~sin ~isabuh ... lam yaqdar yu~sin alfii~uh he reckons it well _ he could not speak well I AC ta~sanlu you do him good I VA nu~sin a~sant mu~sin + in fi to be proficient I a~sant = IQ you are right I a~san allah jaziik may God give you a good reward I a~~iyiim ta~san a good faster you are! I a~san iJayh do him good (Iv.) I anii Iali~siin doing good is my business I AL ahcem hudia indi - u (= laJ.isan J.iugiya 'indi-uf) to be appreciated (sr., lit. "he did well, so he enjoyed my - his favour") II VA yatJ.iassan at~assan ta~assun to embellish o.s. 0 nasta~san isti~siin k IQ isti~siin to consider s.th. to be good or beautiful II VA & IQ J.iusn GL I]usnun beauty I IQ I]usni man~ar good looks I I]usn alaxlaq CO M 8/2 ~usn alxuliiq good character I ZI 256 & AC I]usn a~~an good opinion I UT 242 I]usn yawm ba'd yawm a cosmetic from wax and ceruse used to give the face a glow; hare's lettuce nIQ I]asan + I]islin AL I]asanun AC I]asanah = I]asana IH ~asnatun dim. I]usaynatun (fern) AL hacen VA I]asan + I]isiin good, beautiful; 1]. GL I]asanan well (ad v.) I IQ al~asan, abii Il]asan & abii Il]usayn MT I]asa/iin, I]assiin, I]usayn, abi Il]asan & abi Il]usayn LO Ha~alen. Alhacen. A~alenetm. Abulhacen. Hocen. Ho~ayn. Hocey(n). Hu~ey~a(n). ~ey~an (= Isaysan/, short for IJ.iusaysan/), Uceyca. Hasona (= IJ.iassuna/), ET Hazan. Alhacen. Abolfazan. Benihac~an. Ho~en & Hucey pns. II IA ~asanah AL hacenale + it VA I]asanah + iit good deed I AL ha~eni + haceniin gold coin attributed to Sultan AIJ.iasan II dim. hu~alein = hucein + elit treble chord of stringed instruments Uahcen IQ al]san VA & AC a~san min better than I al]san yanbal] it is better that it barks I a~san taq taq walii saliim 'alaykum it is better knocking at the door than breaking in with a greeting I GL ma al]sana how good! I IQ nal~aq a~san mii yul~aq I stick to him as close as possible II all]usna the virtue II ZI 1118 tal]sin shaving II IH atta~iisunu VA tal]iisun penmanship exercise II gayru musta~s.n unseemly II IQ ma~iisin charms or merits. S. {'mm}, (jsm), {xlq} I, {d'b}, {dwr}, {rbw}, {sm~},
!:ISW-!:ISS I {~nn}, {'br}, {'1m}, {'yS} & {wid}. ·{I;ISW}: VA naJ.lsii J.lasaw/yt J.lasw k & yatJ.lassa atJ.lassayt k & yaJ.ltasi aJ.ltasa iJ.ltisa k to sip I IQ naJ.lsiiha I sip it II V A J.laswah + at ZJ 2114 J.laswah sip II IH J.lasii V A J.lasii + aJ.lsa AC & ZJ 1118 J.lasii porridge. S. {qtt}. ·{I;ISD}: VA naJ.lsud J.lasadt J.lasd J.lasid maJ.lsiid k to gather or congregate I AL nahxed ahxelt to garrison I IQ J.lusid iJayh it was gathered for that II V A yatJ.lassad atJ.lassad & yaJ.ltasad aJ.ltasad to rally or assemble g GL J.lasdun + J.lusiidun troops I AL htixed + huxud garrison I FR 167,8 & FJ J.lasd tax paid as compensation for exemption from levies. S. {fwI}. ·{I;ISR}: VA naJ.lsur J.lasar(t) J.lasr J.lasir maJ.lsiir k lQ y/nuJ.lsar to congregate (on the Oay of Resurrection) II V A yanJ.lasar anJ.lasar to be congregated on that day II AL yavm al htixr VA yawm alJ.lasr & maJ.lsar the Oay of Judgement D J.lasarah + at reptile II GB 115 J.lassar shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa pastoris, bot.). ·{I;ISRJ}: V A niJ.laSraj J.lasraj J.laSrajah muJ.lasrij + in to have the death-rattle. ·{I;ISS} I: V A niJ.lassas k to cut hay or grass II yatJ.lassas to be mowed II J.laSis n. un J.lasisah + J.lasa'is GL J.lasiSun hay; grass I AC J.laSis n. un J.laSiSah grass I TO 291 alJ.lasiS al'a'~am vervain I UT 242 J.l. babili I maJtki camel's hay (Andropogum schrenanthus, bolo) I J.l. J.larami true senna (Cassia acutifolia, bot.) I AL haxixa + haxaix (teacher's) pointer I OS J.lasiSah Indian hemp; dyer's weed I J.lasisat al'asad clove-scented broom rape I TO 208 J.l. albaras wax flower (Cerinthe minor, bOl.)1 I' TO 354 J.l. albaragill flea-wort I GB 171 J.laSiSah Iliimiyyah water germander (Teucrium scordium, bOlo) I 56 J.lamat alJ.liit a kind of millet I UT 244 J.l. alJ.la~a dog's tooth grass (but also common gromwelI, caltrops, maiden hair & cinquefoil) I OS J.lasiSah xurasaniyyah absinthe from Khurasan I UT 244 J.lasisat alxatatif swallow-wort (Chelidonium
maius, bolo) I OS J.l. addaJ.lis thyme-leaved nail wort (Paronychia serpyllifolia, but also, according to UT 244, flowering moss, Usnea barbata, bot.) I UT 244 J.l. add am gnaphalium; honeysuckle; plantain; hairy onosma; a kind of knot-grass I OS J.lasiSah diidiyyah hart's tongue fern (or J.l. riimiyyah, according to UT 246, Scolopendrium vulgare, but also according to UT 244 mint, wild millet, dog's tooth grass, rose, asarabacca, common polypody, sweet basil and turnsole) I UT 245 J.lasiSat aaaubab s. qatil aaa. I J.l. arri'ah lung-wort (Pulmonia officinalis, bot.) I J.l. arrutayla' spider-wort (Anthericum ramosum, but also a kind of St. John's wort) I J.l. arrumaniyyin common rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis, bot.) I OS J.l. azzujaj & UT 243 J.l. albartal pellitory of the wall (Parietaria cretica, bot.) I OS J.l. assu'al cough-wort (Tussilago farfara, bOlo) I J.l. assulaJ.lfah golden tuft (Alyssum saxatile, bOlo) I TO 316 J.l. assawaqi turnsole (Chrozophora tinctoria, bOlo) I UT 248 J.l. assawahin turnsole I OS J.l. attiJ.lal scaly spleenwort (Ceterach officinarum, bot')i epipactis (Epipactis grandiflora, bOlo) I UT 247 J.l. aHalq two unid. plants used in child delivery I TO 315 J.l. al'aqrab heliotrope (Heliotroplum europreum, bot.) I 205 J.l. al'alaq blue pimpernel (Anagallis cerulea, bot.) I UT 248 J.l. 'a'isah chaste tree I OS J.l. al'af'a viper's bugloss (Echium vulgare, bot.) I UT 248 J.l. aifaraj, J.l. alqiiba' & J.l. alkabid unid. plants I J.l. alqaml lousewort I TO 349 J.l. alkam'ah unid. plant found growing close to the milk mushroom I OS .... allajah hoary mad wort (Alyssum incanum, bOlo) I TO 292 J.laSisah mukarramah Imuqaddasah a kind of vervain I UT 244 ... asiSat annaJ.ll French lavender (but also corn crowfoot and hairy onosma) II HC 104 J.lasiSiyyah baked stew of fat chicken II V A J.lassas + in latrine cleaner II GT 151,8 al"'assasiyyah the Ismaelites II XA as2 mu ... assas brutish (1). S. {ptr(q)yr}, {Ilwm},
OS. however. identifies this plant with chervil or tree orpine.
2 However. identified in UT 272 with Greek valerian (Polemonium creruleum).
!:ISS II-!:I~R I
{hts} & {srb}. ·{.,SS} il: OS l]aSiS a plant identified by some as the euphorb or as a kind of nut of even stronger effects and attributed to Persia or Armenia. ·{HSF}: OS lam yatal]assar it did not dry up II I]asar fruits of the doom palm II V A I]asarah glans (ana.). ·{.,SL}: AC al]ilal how much « las~al/, q.v.). ·{.,SM}: GL u~assimu VA ni~assam tal]Sim k to shame II yatl]assam at~asSam & na~tasam al]tasamt i~tisam min GL al]tasa/imu mUl]tasimun AL na~texem a~texemt (1. h) muhtaxim + in to be ashamed II GL I]asamun VA I]ailam domestics IIQ I]asami domestic, servant II IQ I]ismah shame; respect I JM 37 I]smh VA I]ismah AL hixma AC hixmetin (hr.) GL I]ismatun shame I Jlawbu 'I~ismati wa'ldamaJlati alb of priests. S. {~cn} & {~qn}.
·{.,SW} I: GL al]sii yul]sa mal]suwatun 1 mul]siyatun IH mal]siyyatun V A nal]Si I]ailayt 1 al]sayt I]asw 1 I]asayah 1 il]sa l]aSi 1 mul]Si mal]sii 1 mul]sii IQ mul]Si AL nahxi ahxeit mohxi (I. mohxO + in to fill or stuff I mahxu riduanen (sr.) full of . grace II V A nil]asSi k to supply with marginal notes II n. & nil]asi mul]asah k min to except I ID p~r 1 1m yl]as he did not grant leave II natl]assa atl]asSayt tal]asSi mutal]asSi min 1 'an to abstain I yatl]assa atl]assa to be supplied with marginal notes II yanl]aSi anl]asa & yal]taSi al]tasa il]tisa to be filled or stuffed nI]asawi prolix II I]asa + a~sa IQ I]asa GL al]sa'un bowels, entrails I I]as'un IH & ZJ 842 I]asii filling; stuffing I AL haxu & mohxi cake filled with nuts and honey UIH I]aswatu Ibatni intestines 11TH 58,9 ,ina'at alh.sayah quilting II 10 I]assa'in quilters II IA baydaq ~aSi pawn on either side of the chessboard 1 II AL htlxia + havixi = haguixi hem; water's edge; border I IQ I]asiyah + l]awaSi GL I]asiyatun edge I VA I]asiyah + l]awaSi marginal note or gloss I AC I]asyatu its
edge I AL htlxiat al btlhar sea-shore I h. al melt = havixi a. m. selvedge II MT & VA I]asa except Il]asa IiUah God forbid! I AL haxicum far be it from you! II GL mal]suwwun IQ mal]sii FJ mal]suwwah + TH 12 mal]aSI quilted cloak II JT 37 'Imhasat legal exemptions. S. {btn}, {I]rq}, {qnt} II & {nqs}. ·{.,SW} II: AL htlxe headed thyme (Thymus capitatus, bot. ; < S ~iisii < Ak 1!asU[mI). ·{"~B}: VA I]a,ba pebble I I]a,ab pebbles; measles I IH I]a,abah AC I]asabah AL ala (I. dim hacebe measles II FJ mul]anabab pebbly ground. • {.,~.,~}: OS & VA mul]a,l]a, pebbly (earth) « (I],w}). ·{"~D}: GL al],adu yal],adu I]i,adun V A nal],ad I]a,adt I]a,d 1 I]i,ad I]a,id mal],iid k IQ tal],adii AL nahced hacedt hicad to reap or harvest I n. hacedltt ahced htlzde + it mahcud + in to strain the loins or break the back (cf. Mr ~~ild "to kill brutally") I AC I]a,adu he strained his loins I IS 45,1 trsd 'In bat wtl],db n ',Ib it ruins the plants and destroys them radically II VA yanl]a,ad anl]a,ad to be reaped or harvested II ZJ 996 I]isad harvest I GL zamanu '1I]i,adi AL guaqt al hicad harvest-time I heni (1. hein) lal h. + heynin I. h. easy to harvest II hacid + hacaid hay I AC I]a,iiyid (pI.) VA I]a,id + I]a,ii'id harvest II I]a"ad + in 1 ab GL I]a"adun AL hacad + in reaper. S. {I],O & {sqq}. ·W~R} I: VA na~,a/ur ~a,art ~a,r ~ii,ir + in ma~,iir k to encompass; to besiege I AL huzra (m.) htlcir + in (ag. part.) to pitch one's tent II nihtlcar (I. nihacar) hacart hacar to attach a socket or a hoop Dnahcir ahcart to ram I VA nul],ir al],art il],ar k GL ul]ii,iru mul]ii,aratun mul]a,.r to besiege U IQ 189/1/1 kull al]ad yatl]a"ar everybody squeezes up II V A yanl]a,ar anl]a,ar inl]i,iir to be encompassed, to be besieged Uyal]ta,ar a~ta,ar il]ti,iir to be besieged II I]a,r & I]i,iir & I]u,riin siege I IQ ball]a,ar totally II V A I]i,arab mat-
See R. Wieber, Das Schachspiel in der a,abischen Lileralu, von den Anlangen bis zu, zweilen HallIe des 16. Jah,hunde,IS, p. 283; however, the sources reflected by his vocabulary only have baydaqu Il!dsiyah II",dli, and even a mere I!dSiyah + l!awdIin, but not baydaq "'dU.
making DI]a!jir + I]u!jur IQ, ZJ 1959 & AC I]a!jir GL I]a!jirun AL hacir + hal;ur (1. hOl;ur) mat I hacira + hacir ray (ich.) II VA I]a!jiir + in sexually inactive II AL hazl;ar + in VA & MT I]a!j!jiir + in mat-maker II ehl;ar = ael;ar (!) + it wainscoting of tiles II ZJ 1102 mahsiir countable. S. {'bd} & {qn!} II. .. ·{I:I~R} II: AL ihtil;ar inquiry « {'!jr}, q.v.). ·{J:I~R} III: CO M7/9 yal]!jar IH I]a!jara lbal]ru to go down (said of the tide) nTH 32 almala' wall]a!jr ebb and flow II GT 84,8 nzl bhm I]!jir 'Imrkb wgrqii they lost their ship stranded by the low tide (1; < {I]sr}). ·{I:I~RM}: V A yatl]a!jram atl]a!jram AC an tatal]a!jrama (hr.) to be unripe and sour II I]a!jram VA I]a!jramah + I]a!jram & I]i!jrim + I]a!jiirim IH I]a!jramun ZJ 131, 151 I]a!jram + I]a!jiirim LZ & IQ I]a!jram IA I]a!jiirim (pI.) AL hal;aram verjuice I h. a zeituni (1. zeitun) unripe olives II FX I].!jr.miyyab a chicken stew seasoned with verjuice. • {I:I~~}: V A I]i!j!jah + I]i!ja!j share, portion I AL hil;l;a + hizl;it garrison. muhtil;a + at share « A mu"iJ~~ah). ·{J:I~L}: VA y-nal]!jal I]a!jal(t) I]u!jiil I]ii!jil Ii min - n AC yal]!jal (Ci) I]ii!jil to result in or become; to happen I NQ br 2/4/1 I]a!jalluh fiiyid he got some profit I MT I]a!jalii laddayr they became the possession of the convent I IQ tal]!jul you fall (prey to others) I I]a!jal n ru!iibah he fell on his feet (lit., on a cushion) I I]a!jal fazzam he got into trouble I bilii Si I]ii!jil empty handed UI]a!j!jalni he got me I VA nil]a!j!jal I]a!j!jalt tal]!jil k Ii min to get or attain s.th. for s.o. I AL nihazl;al hazl;alt to get or obtain I GL yul]anilu riiyahu wayudabbiruhu to mature one's thoughts II AS yatl]a!j!jal 'ala he gets s.th. II GL gubiir 'ltibn ma'a '1I]u!jiilati winnowings and siftings I ZJ 24 I]u!jiil IA I]u!jiilah AL hUl;ala + hUl;ailyl (I. hUl;ai) residue; siftings, chaff I V A I]u!jiilah + l]a~ii'iI residue II GL I]aw!jalatun VA I]aw!jalah fattayr + iit Il]awii~il ZJ 1589 I]aw~alah AC I]aw~alatu + l]awii~iI craw of a bird I AL ~aul;ala + ~aguacil (I. h) dewlap; double chin I OS I]aw~al(ah) pelican or cormorant I l]awii~iI skins from the crop of such birds used as coats II AL mohtiul;al
+ muhaul;alin double-chinned I AC mul]aw~al swallowed D AL mengel hacil + menigil hacilin (I. prob. hacid with no pI. or hticid + hacidin) bill-hook II muhal;al + in full of chaff. S. {zmm}.
tal]~un I]a!junat & tul]~in al]~anat to be chaste I nil]a~~an tal]~in k AL nihacan hal;ant tahcin (I. tahcin) to fortify II nathal;an athal;ant V A n. 'ala riil]i & yatl]a~!jan atl]a~!jan tal]a!j~un & al]ta!jan yal]ta~an il]ti~iin mul]ta~in to seek security in a castle II yatl]a!j~an atl]a~~an tal]a~~un to be fortified Il]i~(a)n + I]u~iin ZJ 841 I]i!jn IH all]i!janu GL I]i!jnun AL hil;an + hUl;un = hOl;an = hUl;an (I. hOl;an) dim. hUl;ayan + it castle I NQ bn 4/2/1 I]i!jnan I]a~in a strong fortress I GL a!jl]iibu '1I]u~iin castellans II AL ~ol;an (I. hOl;an) horse II IH I]i~iinun V A I]a~iin & mul]!janah + iit chaste (woman) II GL I]a~iinatun citizen's privilege I AL hacene indulgence (reI., perhaps analyzed as if from {I]sn}) II GL I]a~inun privileged (citizen) II ID sl' 3 ml]!jn fortress (cf. the place name Almazan). S. {mn'). ·{J:I~W}: GL al]!ji I reckon V A nul]!ji al]!jayt il]!jii mul]~i mul]~ii k IQ yul]!ja AL nahci ahceit to reckon; to comprehend I xei Ie yaal;a (I. yohl;a) U hal;a = haca (!) IQ & ZJ 987 I]a!jii VA I]a!jii n. un. I]a~iih + I]a!jayiit pebble(s) I NQ mg 3/3/2 I]a~ii jawhar one pearl I GL dii'un milll '1I]a!jiiti AL (a)dilhal;a = dil hal;a cystolithiasis, bladder stones (med.). S. {I]s$} I, {dw'}, {'dO & {mr4>' ·{I:IQR}: GL l]a4ar(ii) ah4(u)ru yal]4.r l]a4ratun l]ii4ir V A yal]4ur l]a4ur (sic) l]u4iir l]ii4ir + in II]u44iir II]u4iir IQ l]a4ar(ta) y/tal]4ur l]u4iir l]ii4ir AC l]a4ar nal]4ar l]u4iir I]a~ir (I. l]ii4ir) AL htidir + in I hodar ZJ 265, 2046 yal]4ar l]ii4ir to be present I 1049 l]a4ar it is ready I IQ 150/3/4 l]a4arat fi l]u4iir she was present -with others I azzamiin yam4i bil]u4iiru fortune comes together with him II VA nil]a44ar tal]4ir k & nul]4ir al]4art il]4iir mul]4ir + in mul]4ar 1 mal]4iir k ZJ 574 yul]4ar IQ tul]4ar to bring or lay before 0 yatl]a44ar atl]a44ar to show up, to appear U ~a4rah & mal]4ar + ma~ii4ir AL hadra (1. hadra) + at IQ mahdar presence I AS 3/4/4 ~a4rat ~ara'i the
130 delight of beholding the divine presence in my state of purity (mys.) I MT bi~a(lrah min & bima~(lar in the presence of I (al)~a(lrah tulaytulah & ~ii(lirat t. the city of Toledo liZ 2/5/5 al~a(lra I'aliyyah the Na~rid capital of Granada I IQ ~a(lrat ras the (capital) city of Fes I tayyib alma~(lar pleasant company I sarH alma~ii(lir assiduous visitor of distinguished milieus II AL hadari + in I hadar GL ~a(lariyun IQ ~a(lar VA ~a(lari + In / ~a(lar town dweller II IQ ~ii(lir present, ready I GL fi 'I~ii(liri at present II VA ~ii(lirah city D ~i(liir & ma~(lar(ah) + ma~ii(lir ZJ 2000 ~i(liir AL mahdara + mahadir school. .{I:II}I}}: GL a~u(l(lu = '.~u(l(lu ta~(lI(lun ma~(lii(lun VA nu~u(l(l ~a(la(lt ~a(l(l ~ii(l(l + In ma~(lii(l k 'ala to incite or prod 0 yan~a(l(l an~a(l(l to be incited or prodded II ~a(li(l foot of a mountain II TO 140 ~u(la(l African tea tree (Lycium afrum, bot.). ·{I:II}N}: GL a~(la/inu ya~(I.n V A na~(lun ~a(lant ~i(liinah ~ii(linah ma~(liin k AL hidana + at bringing up (a child) II ni~a(l(lan ta~(lin k 'ala to entrust with nursing or raising (a child) I GL yu~a(l(linu ~ii(lin mu~a(l(lanun to shelter or protect I AL nihaddan had ant to hatch n VA yat~a(l(lan at~a(l(lan ta~a(l(lun to be entrusted (to a nurse, etc.) II nan~a(lan an~a(lant to be raised or brought up II MT ~i(liinah protection, care II AL muhaddana + in hatched (egg). ·{I:ITB}: VA na~tab ~atabt ~iitib + In ~aHiib + In ZJ 1280 ya~tab AL nahtab ahtabt & AS 90/5/1 a~tatab IH mu~tatibun to gather firewood II VA ni~aHab ta~Fb k to have s.o. gather firewood II yat~aHab at~aHab ta~aHub to work as a lumberjack II ~atab n. un. ~atabah + ~utbiin IQ & AC ~atab GL ~atabatun AL hataba + hatab firewood I hatab al torn firewood for the hearth I hatab yabif; dried firewood I GL kudsu ~at.bin pile of firewood I TO 139 ~atab alrat~ gumcistus (Cistus ladaniferus, bot.) I UT 217 ~. arrii'i hemlock (Conium macula tum, bot.) I ~. alba~r prob. a cistus I 83 ~atabah a kind of cistus II 619 ~utaybah a kind of gum-cistus I 217 = Iigah (q.v.) I ~utaybat
aljaddah s. qabsatiillah I IQ ~utaybah a small piece of firewood II ~aHiib AL hattab + hatabin VA ~aHiib + In AC ~aniibii (pI.) lumberjack. S. {'b'}, {fIq} & {kskS} II. ·{I:ITRC/L/N/Q(YR)}: VA ~atraj + ~atiirij & ~atral dunce n~atraj/sah foolishness II BB 8 ·~atriiq jug (posited by Ct baldraca) II LH2 ·~atriiq anchovy (posited by Cs aladroque) II ·~atriiqah drug (posited by Cs droga and perhaps also by aducar) II RI 85 ·~atriin braggart (posited by Cs baladron & Pt aldrabiio) II LH2 ·~atrin prob. silly boy (posited by Ct tadri) II RI 86 ·~atr6llah humbug (posited by Cs hadrolla) D ·~atrik3yrah pocket (posited by Cs taltriquera; < {ht/ad with uItracorrect pharyngealization and velarization and the addition of the R suffixes (-eHIl), {-lie}, {-lik}, {-6k}, {-6n}, {-in}, {-6!} & {-ik+liyr}; s. RI). ·{HTT}: VA nuhutt hatatt hatt / hittah k to .. 'take or p~t do~~
Humey(t) & Handin, Benamud (= laban hammud/), Mahmud = Mazmut & Fando (= /hamdunf); LO Mahaloma(t), Mohamedlt, Mahomayma, Hamet, Homadlt, Azlsmet = Azmed = Ahmedlt dim. Humey(t), Hamet(a), Boamedlt, Homaymadlt, Maymadlt = Maymed (= /(~u)maymad/), Mahamud = Mamut, MT a~mad, ~amdiij & mu~ammad pns. I IH mahammadun AL Muhamed Muhammad 0 muhamedi + in Mohammedan. S. {'bw} & {swr} I.
·{J.IMR}: VA ni~ammar ta~mir k AL nihammar hammart to redden I OS ~ammar alkuriim to hill up earth round the vine-stocks II VA yat~ammar & ya~marr a~marr i~miriir IQ ta~mar i~miriir AL nahmar ahmart AC ta~mar ('ala) to turn red (because of) nIQ ~umrah AC ~umrii V A hum(ii)rah AL humura + it redness I GL dii'u 'I~umrat erysipelas (med.) I AL homora rouge I OS ~umrah red blight II ~umar oleander (Nerium oleander, bot.) II GL ~imiirun VA ~imiir + "'amir / ... umur AC ",imiir + "'amir dim. IH ... umayyarun ZJ 325 & IA ... umayyar AL himar + hamir ass I V A ",imiir alwa ... s GL ",imiiru 'Iwa ... si AC ",imiir alwa ... s onager, wild ass I AL himar aiguahx + hamir a. zebra I h. deq hamir daquin Sardinian ass (a smaller kind) I OS ",imiir vine-shoot cut long upon pruning I TO 165 ",imiir albayt / qabbiin woodlouse (Oniscus asellus, bot.) I IQ ya ",imiir you, jackass (addressed, however, to a female slave) I qalbi ",imiir ass-minded I "'amir aHalam = ZJ 429 stallion jackasses (met. of indolence) I GL 'I"'umuru '.Uati tajarru (I. tujarru) bihii 'Imariikibu ila 'Imarsa rollers used for stranding ships (s. GL 63) U",imiiratun AC ",imiirah(t) AL himara + hamir V A ",imiirah + iit she-ass II IQ 'isqan ",imiiri brutish lust II AL humuria + it asininity II GL a ... maru t IH ... amratun dim. ... umayratun AC a ... mar AL ahmar + holumar dim. uhaymar + vhaimarait VA a ... mar + ... umar red I a. (unsifted?) flour I
NQ mg 3/5/4 almawt ala ... mar violent death I IZ 1/4/4 al"'amri the Alhambra I FX sarii'i", ... umr steaks of lean meat I AL aqcar ahmar redder I GL 'I'a... maru Mars II IW I 248,14 \.lmyr a kind of myrtle I 302,18 a kind of fig I OS .... mmyrii bugloss (Anchusa officina lis, bot.) I TO 278 al"'umayri' dyer's bugloss (Anchusa tinctoria, bot. 1) II V A \.lumrini & mu\.lmarr + in reddish I MT \.lammiir AL hammar + in ass driver II IQ mu\.lammar roasted. S. {'In}, {b~I}, {tmr} I, {tyn}, {jn\.l}, {jny}, {",dd}, {"'nn} II, {xss} I, {Ibb}, {Ikr}, {r'y}, {Srb}, {Srn, {Sqq}, {~Ib}, {~ndl}, {tlq}, {'1m}, {fqs}, {qIJ'}, {qwl} I, {kbrt}, O"'m}, O"'w}, {n"'s}, {w",Sl, {wrd} II & {yqt}. ·{I:IMRJ}: NQ db 2/2/1 dinu I"'amriij his lack of principles (prob. < A altmar "red", which has several negative connotations already in Old A, with a R pejorative suffix (-6e)). ·{I:IMZ}: AC ... amzii ET Ibenhanza pn. ·{J.IMS}: GL u"'iimisu I fight aVA \.lamiisah fire, enthusiasm II rajulun a ... mas (hr.) fiery man. ·{I:IMS} II: VA ni\.lammas ta"'mis k IH mu\.lamma~un to roast I IQ kinna"'amma~ I would roast I VA nat...ammas at ...ammas to be roasted II ZJ 827 \.lamiis aHabbiix home-made roast « {"'m~}). S. {"'sm} II. ·{I:IM~}: GL "'im(mi)~un FJ "'imma~ IH \.lim~un IQ \.lim~i VA "'im~ah + "'im~ LZ, MT, ZJ 2074 & AC \.lims AL himt;a + himt; chickpea I GB 381 "'im~ al'amir / barri caltrops I LO Hent;a a nickname II AS 42*/3/4 \.lim~u Horns I AL Himt;a Seville (so called because it became the abode of the people of Horns or Emesa) II muk,ammet;a + it (I. h) coarse couscous (= like chickpeas). ·{I:IMI}}: VA ya ... mueJ ... amueJ ... umiieJah to be sour I ni ... ammaeJ ... ammaeJt ta ... mieJ k to make sour II yat ... ammaeJ at ... ammaeJ ta ...ammueJ to become sour II OS \.lameJah desire II ...amiieJ desired II VA ... amiieJah impudence II GL ... umiieJatun AL humuda
With some uncertainty, since Ibn Albay!lr's identification points to hairy onosma too, and UT 328 suggests buck's horn plantain.
J:lMT-J:lML sourness, acidity I bi h. sourly II hflmid + humad = k,amid + k,umid (!) IQ l]ami4 VA l]ami4 f ah sour I (rumman) 1]. sour pomegranate I tuffal] an 1]. sour apple II GB 199 l]am4 & l]umma4 garden sorrel (Rumex acetosa, bot.) I OS l]umma4 albaqar elephant's ear (Begonia, bot.) I 1]. al'arnab clover dodder (Cuscuta epithymum, bot.) I 1]. assawaqi / alma' grainless dock (Rumex aquaticus, bot.) I UT 46 1]. jabali barberry (Berberis vulgaris, bot.) I 224 1]. sami / sabxi prob. salt wort (Caroxilon articulatum, bot.) II IH l]ummay4un AL homaida + homaid sorrel (Rumex vesicarius, bot.) II OS l].m4i4 yellow wood-sorrel (Oxalis corniculata, bot.) n AL muhflmid + in sour. S. {Srb} & {krnb}. *{I;IMT}: OS I]amat a kind of sycamore (bot.). *{I;IMQ}: GL yal]muqu I]umqun IQ kittal]maqii (rh.) AL nahmuq hamaluqt to go mad I IQ 173/3/5 xallihum yal]maqii let them be mad I AC al]miiq pretend to be silly II AL niham{ m)aq ham{ m)aqt VA nil]ammaq tal]miq k to stultify II yatl]ammaq atl]ammaq tal]ammuq mutal]ammiq AL mutaMmiq + in to become mad or stupid II VA nastal]maq k to consider stupid II I]um(u)q & I]amaqah & I]umqiyyah IQ I]amaqah AC I]umq & I]umiiq AL holumq stupidity I bi humq madly II ahmaq = hamaq =homaq (7) + homaclqua I humq ZJ 1177 & 1369 al]maq f I]amqa & 1085 I]amaq AC al]maq + I]umaqa AL al]maq(u[n)) f I]amqa'un V A al]maq + I]umaqa / I]amqa IQ al]maq stupid I rna I]maqu how silly! I ZJ 1870 al]maqhum the silliest one among them I NQ mg 9/5/4 al]maq min more stupid than I AC ni~f al]maq half-wit nOS ul]miiqa nonsense. S. {'iO, {bqI}, Uyn}, {zgO & {n~f}. *U;lML}: IQ n-tal]mal tul]mal al]maIiih l]umIan I]amil GL I]amala al]milu = '.I]milu yal]milu = y.l]m.lu nil]m.lu (I. nal]m.lu) yal]miliina I]amil V A nal]mal I]amalt I]aml I]amil I]ammal mal]miil k to carry or bear I 1]. 'ala VA al]milu = '.I]milu to attack I IQ nal]mal lak al'asa I shall take dinner to you I 158/1/5 al]mal lidalwuh carry his bucket I VA n. I]amalt I]aml min to become pregnant I AC I]amalat yal]mal(ak) al]mal (iv.) to carry away; to
take; to bear I AL nahmel hamelt to carry or bear; to be pregnant; to assume I CA 8 wal]malni fi faiUakum yila 's kn ma'i man yaktubli yla knikun katabtiIakm 'k!Jar please, forgive me: were it not that I had nobody to write for me, I would have written to you more oft.en I MT yal]milii Iqariyyah almaitkiirah mal]mal gayrah they consider that the said farm belongs to a different chapter I V A n. I]amalt I]amalah I]amil / I]amil + I]umala k 'an to go bail Unil]ammal tal]mil k 'ala to cause or lead to do I IQ I]ummil it was imposed on him I AC I]ammal arrabta make s.o. carry the parcel (7) I XA ar8 la til]amal 'ala n tibiis fummi do not strive to kiss my mouth II V A yatl]ammal atl]ammal tal]ammul to be led or compelled to I IQ 163/5/1 natl]ammal GL atal]ammalu yatal]ammalu to bear or endure II VA yanl]amal anl]amal to be carried or borne II nal]tamal k IQ n/tal]tamal Un yul]tamal il]timal GL al]tamala al]tamilu y/tal]tamilu yul]tamal il]timalun = '.I]timalun mul]tamilun AL nahtemel ahtemelt ehtimell to bear or suffer I NQ mg 16/x/4 yal]tamal Iil]uzni ya'qiib he endures the same sadness as Jacob I GL '.lIaiti Ii yul]tamalu & mi Ii yal]tamil (sic) unbearable II GL I]amlun + IQ al]mil load I AL Mmbl pregnancy I IQ I]amlan !Jaqil a heavy burden I I]amlayn faliq two loads of firewood II GL I]a/imlatun attack II VA qa4iyyat an I]amliyyah categorical question (phil.) II l]im(a)1 + al]mil & I]umiilah AL himal + ahmil & humula + it ZJ 246 I]imal dim. 738 I]umayyal load, burden nVA I]amal + I]umlin lamb I GL '1l]amalu mina 'Iburiij Aries (a st.) I HB 97,2 lisinu II].mali AL licin al hamil (I. hamal) lamb's tongue, hoary plantain (Plantago media, bot.) II MT ilit ma~liil]ah Iil]amalithi portable tools II IQ I]amiil AL hamul + in forbearing II IQ I]imil muruwwah a gentleman I GL I]imilu risilatin courier I 1]. kitabin teacher I VA 1]. assilil] squire, shield-bearer II AL Mmila + havimil GL I]amilatun VA I]imil + I]awimil pregnant II OS I]imiil alkattan a kind of broomrape plaguing flax (bot.) II AL hamil « /~ammal/) + in IQ I]ammal + 186/1/2 in
porter, carrier 1OS "'ammiil fruit-bearing 1 VA "'ammiil GL "'iimilun sweeping away (stream) RGL gayru mu ... tam.lin VA qalil ali",timiil & gayri mu ... tamil impatient II IQ rawq ali",timiil unbearable II MT ta"'iimul 'ala entreaty I GL ta"'iimulun attack II ma ... malun basket or tray (7) II VA ma ... mal + ma"'iimil desk (7, s. OS) I ma ... mallH ma ... malun litter I AL mahmul + in borne I IQ ma ... miil 'ala tta~diq prone to believing. S. {"'rf}, n'nb}, {zrq} I, {sl",}, {tw'}, {~hr}, {'nq}, {gbn}, {Isn}, {nrs} & {wst}. *{I:IMLQ}: IH "'amiiliq pupils (of the eye) I ZJ 812 "'amiiliq pn. (prob. a nickname). *{I:IMM} I: V A nu ... umm ... amm ",iimm ma",miim k bi to give fever \I ni"'ammam ta",mim k to bathe II nat ... ammam at ... ammamt to go to the public baths \I yan",amm an ... amm bi Imin to be seized with fever U OS i",tamma to be hot II VA nasta",amm asta ... amt isti",iimm n IH ista ... ama to take a bath II ",iimmatun VA ... ammah + iit hot spring I AC al"'ammii ZJ 192 al"'iimah Alhama (geo.) II V A "'ammiim + at IQ "'ammiim GL ... ammiimun dim. IH "'umayyamun LZ "'umay.m AC "'umayyam (but AL humayem + it portable bath) IA hammii/im AL hammim + it I hammemet (public) bath I hQjar al hamim sponge I hammim al quibrit sulphurous bath I GL 'i\iiju 'I"'ammiim enema II MT & VA "'ammiimi keeper of a bath II VA ... umma + ... ummayiit GL ... ummayiitun AL hUmme fever I hUme yavm one-day fever 0 hamima + hamim male pigeon I IH ... amiimatun female pigeon I GL "'amiimatun V A "'amiim n. un. "'amiimah + iit dim. IQ "'umayyam dove, pigeon I V A aakar al",amiim male pigeon I burj al"'amiim IA burji "'amiim + MT abriij al"'amiim dovecotes I AC "'amim pigeons I AL fark; hamim + firak; h. young pigeon I hamimale beitia + ham(m)im beitiin domestic pigeon I GL '.bnu '.I"'amiimah Bar Yona (pn.) I ET Hamama pn. II TH "'amii'imin dovehunters (on the roofs of houses) II TO 115 ",amiimii clustered cardamoms (Amomum racemosum, bot.) II AL mahmum + it & V A ",amim hot I mii an .... boiling water. S. {brj}, {"'rq}, {"'my}, {xr'}, , {m4g} & {hab}. ·{XBZ} I: VA naxbaz alxubz to bake bread II nixabbaz k to cause to bake (1) II xubz n. un. xubzah + axbaz IQ xub(a)z ZJ 919, 1127, 904 & 919 xubz n. un. ah 11 xubzatayn dim. xubayyaz AC xubz n. un. xubza - xubza(t) AL /e.bbza + /e.obz dim. /e.obtliza + it IA xubayzah loaf I HC 78 xubz alma' a kind of bread I OS xubz riimi biscuit I x. almasayix 1 alquriid sow-bread (Cyclamen europreum, bot.) I x. algurab oxeye (but in UT 258, common dragon) I x. alqrabyh 1 alqriinnh (I. alfara'inah) toothpick (Ammi visnaga, bot.) I UT 257 x. aljaddah = fsyl aswad (q.v.) I 258 x. aIma'idah leek I FX xubz mal}suww pie I IQ xubzi dar home-made bread I AL /e.. min camh wheat bread I /e.. min xaaer barley bread I /e.. min cemit fine bran bread I /e.. mU/e.aiai + in bread turned sour I /e.. fatir + fatayer unleavened bread I /e.ubza ratab (I. ratba) + /e.obl; ralab (I. rUlab) soft bread II /e.abiza bread baking II /e.abbil; f a + in GL xabbazun VA xabbaz + in baker II xubbayza + xubbayz IH xubbayzun LZ & ZJ 888 xubbayz AL /e.ubeiza + /e.ubeil; mallow 1 I UT 256 xubbaza riimi white mallow (Althea officinalis, bot.) I x. sabxi 1 xatmi rosemallow (Althrea rosa, of which x. qurtubi is a variety) I GB 165 x. barriyah black hellebore I AL march min /e.ubeil; place where mallows grow II ma/e.bel; bakery II KU muhabbaza HC 61 muxabbazah a kind of pie (cf. Cs empanada). S. {I}zz} I, {I}wj}, {I}wr} I, {xb~}, {xmr}, {dhn}, {rm}, {'rk}, {'qd}, {'wd}, {qsr} I, {ksr}, {nx\}, {n~~} II
& {w~n.
·{XBZ} II: IH & HC 209 xabizun xby~ s. xabi~. ·{XB~}: OS xabi~ a kind of fig I FX (awraq
wafers Il}alwa' alx. fried broken wafers mixed with honey DHC 92 xabi~ah sweetmeat of bread or starch and sugar. ·{XBT}: GL axbitu = '.xb.t IQ xubit taxbat naxbatiih axbatiih xabt V A naxbat xabatt xabt xabit xabbat + in maxbiit AC xabt maxbiit AL na/e.btlt /e.abtllt to hit or beat 1 VA n. xabatt xabt to stray II nixabbat to shake s.th. or s.o.; OS to be mistaken II V A yatxabbat atxabbat taxabbut to palpitate I yanxabat anxabat IQ yanxabat to be hit or beaten I naxtabat to be in a state of agitation II suqti xabtah I received a blow 1 GL xabtatun fainting-fit. S. {r'y} & {'swl ·{XBL}: GL uxabbilu = '.xab.lu yuxabbilu taxbilun muxabbilun muxabbalun V A naxbal xabalt xabl xabil maxbiil k & nixabbal taxbil k ZJ 729 tixabbaluh AL ni/e.abbei /e.abbe/t la/e.bil mU/e.abil + in mu/e.ab(b)ei + in to confound or mess up; to entangle or disarrange 1IQ la yuxabbal 'alayk do not get confused II 173/5/4 yatxabbal VA yatxabbal atxabbal to be confounded or messed up II xabal & xabalan GL xabalun IQ xabal AL /e.abei(l)e + et confusion, disorder 1 bi /e.abeie confusedly II ta/e.bil a xaar dishevelling nmu/e.abei a xaar + in a xbor dishevelled. ·{XTT}: AL /e.itt interjection to drive dogs away. ·{XTR/L}: MT xatal V A naxtar/l xatar/lt xatr/l xattar to deceive. S. {txt\} & {xyrl ·{XTRQ}: OS xIJrf/q (I. xutraq) absinthe (bot., most likely from F origin, although the dictionaries of this language identify it as "wormwood from the Pontus"). ·{XTM}: IQ xatam it was over I GL xatama '.xt.m to conclude I VA naxtim xatamt xatm xatim maxtiim k 1 'ala to conclude; to seal I AL na/e.tum /e.ata/emt = na/e.lim a/e.lamt mO/e.tim + in to seal I VA nixattam xattamt taxUm k to seal; OS to heal II V A n/yatxattam atxattam(t) taxattum mutaxattim to wear a (seal) ring; to be sealed I NQ hm 10/1/4 yatxattamuh he wears it as a ring II V A yanxatam aI)xabi~
UT 255 & 256 lists the following kinds of mallow: xuhbiza ,qly / mi,ri - iiaqi'iqi / .,i.,i / ,inr - lirisi, jabali aswad - hindi.
anxatam to be concluded, to finish II xatim + xawatim = ZJ 91, 128, lQ xiitim GL xiitamun + xawatimun AL katim + ~aguatim (seal) ring l I zein al ~ag~atim = it;btia al ~atim (1. ~atim) ring finger I TO 321 xawatim lamniyyab / albu~ayrab Lemnian bole / earth II GL xiitimatun VA xatimab + xawatim end, conclusion « Eg htm "to close"). S. {tb'} & {tyn}. ·{XTN}: GL axtunu xitanun maxtiinun VA naxtun xatant xatn xatin maxtiin k ZJ 563 xutin AL na~tin a~tent ~iten to circumcise I VA nixiitan muxiitanab k & yatxatan atxatan taxatun ma' to become related by marriage Dyaxtatan axtatan to be circumcised II xatan + axtlin = MT, AC xiitan (= /xatanf) + lA axtin ZJ 1446 axtan (pI.) AL ~aten f a + a~teJin GL xatanu + 'l'axtan son-in-law;.relative by marriage I GL 'ixatanu lizawjati Taxi brother-in-law II VA xatanah + at AC xatana I MT & ZJ 1464 xatanah daughterin-law I 563 alaxtin the women in a household II VA tarr aixitlin prepuce, foreskin a xitanah + at circumcision I IH ra'ayt xitanata rulanin I saw So-and-so's circumcised penis UVA xutiinab = lA, AL ~utuna relationship by marriage II ma~tun + in circumcised, Jew. ·{XI>R}: VA yax.,ur xa.,ur xa.,arab / xu.,iirab xii.,ir GL xii.,irun to clot or curdle; to be altered n xu.,arun clots, curds II FX xli.,ir curds. ·{XI>Y}: IH xi.,an cattle dung. ·{XJL} I: IQ axjal xajaI 185/2/5 xajlab VA naxjaI xajalt xajaI xajil + in to become embarrassed; to be ashamed II nixajjaI k & IQ axjal NQ rna 1/1/5 yaxjil AC almohjilu to embarrass or shame II IZ 9/4/3 xajal min tal'atub out of embarrassment in front of him. ·{XJL} II: VA yaxjal xajal ZJ 11 taxjal AL na~gel ~agelt to quiver; to be rocked I ya~gel allaham to shudder I IH xajalati I'aynu to blink (said of the eye) II V A nixajjal k to rock or make quiver « {xlj}). ·{XDJ} I: VA taxdaj xadajt xadj / xidaj xiidij
& tanxadaj anxadajat addabbab to bring forth a fretus incompletly formed (said of a female beast) I IH xadijjab ET Cadiga pn. ·{XDJ} II: VA yaxdaj xadaj to quiver II nuxdij axdajt ixdaj muxdij maxdiij k to disable (a beast by wounds) II yanxadaj anxadaj to be disabled « {xlj}, q.v.). ·{XDD}: VA yuxudd xadd to furrow the ground I xadd + xudiid IQ xad(d) 11 xadday(n) ZJ 2005 xad(d) 11 xaddayn IA & AC xadd 11 1649 xadday AL ~ad( d) = hadd 0) + ~udud cheek I ragil bi hadei quibtir broadfaced I naqteb - yeqteb aqlebt am ~att to wound in the cheeks I jarha tal ~att wound in the cheek I GL xaddan = x.itan cheeks I AC xaddayya my cheeks I IQ xaddayk your cheeks I 190/2/2 xudayyad + xudaydat little cheeks I OS xudiid albab + ID 'yl 13 xudiid al'abwab door-posts or frame I 'mm 7 xudiid al'utiib threshold or lintel posts II V A xaddiyyah + at & muxayyadah + at pilIow II uxdiid + axiidid furrow or trench (for Irrigation purposes) II muxaddah + at / maxad/,id large pilIow I LZ maxaddab IH maxaddab + maxiididu MT m.xaddab + maxayid IQ maxiid/yid (pl.) GL miixada ZJ 27 & AC muxaddah AL ma~ada = mo~adda + ma~aid pillow, cushion I MT maxiidid arris feather cushions. S. exit}, {cpx}, {swd}, {nqw} & {wrd}. ·{XDR}: VA nixaddar k to dope or benumb; OS to wither (a tree) II VA nuxdir axdart ixdar k to paralyse or benumb I IZ 4/3/1 albardi yaxdir the cold benumbs II VA yatxaddar atxaddar to be numbed or doped II nanxadar anxadar to become paralysed Dxadr IH xadarun paralysation II VA xidr women's quarters or bedroom II maxdiir + in paralysed. S. {xdJ} & {gdr} II.
·{XDS}: VA nixaddas xaddast taxdis muxaddis k to steal I AC yixaddas AL ni~adex ~adext to scratch or claw I GL xadasatun scratches 0 VA xaddas + in thief. ·{XD'}: GL xada'a axda/i' xudi'tu & uxiidi' xida'un IQ xada'nI yaxda' V A nuda'
1 Alcali's rendering of Ibis word as "sealing" appears 10 be a faully perception of /xium/.
XDL-XRB I xada't xad' 1 xida' xadi' maxdii' k & nixada' k to cheat or deceive I IQ naxada' I try to deceive II VA nixadda' taxdi' & nixada' muxada'ah a~~abi to dupe a child I AL ni~adda ~addait ~ida(ii) = ~iddaii (it being possible that, at least, some instances of this verb exhibited {xd'} > {xdy}, s. AN to deceive II AS 14/4/3 tatxadda' you delude yourself II IQ yanxada' VA nanxada' anxada' inxida' to let o.s. be deceived II AS 26/3b/3 ayyak yastaxda'ka beware of being duped by him II AL nima~daii ma~daiit to take a short cut II VA xud'ah + at 1 xuda' & xadi'ah + at 1 xada'i' MT & AC xud'ah ZJ 1044 xadi'ah & xida' GL xadi'atun deception, swindle I xud'atu 'll>.na' cajoling I bilxida' deceitfully I AL hi ~ida( ii) deceitfully; by a short cut II VA xadda' + in GL xadda'iina (pI.) AL ~ad(d)aii + in swindler, cheat I ~ad array + ~adaaiiin a rroiia (= Ixadda' arra'i + xadda'in arru'af) barn-owl II V A axda' jugular vein II muda' + maxadi' MT muda' AC maxadi' (pI.) ma~dtl( ii) + ma~adiele dim. GL muxayda'un short cut IllH maxda'un room (in a house). *{XDL}: AL nan~edel an~ade/t to be astounded or amazed n~adle astonishment II magdul + in astonished, amazed « {xdr}). S. {gdr}. *{XDM}: GL axdu/imu yuxdamu xidmatun to serve I V A naxdum xadamt xidmah maxdiim k fi AC xadam yaxdam axdam(ii) ZJ 1498, 1142, 1657, 2148 & 1734 xadam(at) y-taxdam xidmah AL na~dem ~ademt ~idma to serve or minister; to work; to stand up I n. tal btltil to work in vain I AC yaxdamah he serves her I la taxdam do not work I MT ma y.kiin lahuma fihi maxdiiman the work done by them there II VA nixaddam k to take into service U yatxaddam atxaddam to be taken into service II yanxadam anxadam to be served D AL ~idmat nahtlr one day's work (in agricultural labour) I LHI *xidmah allotted turn for irrigation (posited by Cs alhema) II V A xidmi + xadami AL ~idmi + ~adimi dim. ~udeimi + it knife II GL 'lxidmiyiina stewards II AL ~adim = ~ad(d)im (/. ~adim?) + ~ud(d)im I ~ademe I ~udemi dim. ~udeydem f a + it VA xadim + xudama
AC xadim f xadima(t) servant II V A xadimah + at & xiidim + xadam AL ~adima = ~adima+ ~udim IH alxadimu IQ xadim + xadam dim. xudaymah female slave I ZJ 907 & 1420 xadim + xadam IA xadim male servant I GL xiidimun slave of either sex I rasu 'lxuddam chief of servants I AL ~adim gadar + ~udim in dishonest servant I ~udeyem + ~odeymit choir-boy II xadiim hard-working II xaddam + in 1 ah worker II gayri maxdiim untilled. S. {jm'}, {rdm}, {sw'} & {qss}. *{XDN}: VA xidn + axdan companion. *{XDRF}: MT alxuilr.fi pn. (prob. a nickname derived from A xuarutun ·swift; whirling plaything"). *{XDQ}: s. {~ilq}. *{XDL}: CD M2/6 axilalni GL '.xililu xaillatun maxiliilun V A naxilul xailalt xaillah 1 xiillan xiiilil muiliil k n IQ taxilul xaillah to fail or leave in the lurch II tatxaililal you will be disappointed II VA yanxailal anxailal fi to be left in the lurch II IQ axilal more frustrating a maxiliil + maxailil untrustworthy, rascal. S. {trf}. *{XDM}: IQ mixilam knife. *{XR'}: VA yaxra xara xarw 1 xaryah + at xari 1 xarrar muxri k IQ kayyaxra ZJ 447, 927, 501, 1601 & 753 xara xarayna yaxra yuxra xari AC xari xarayt yaxrBla naxra axra AL na~ara ~arait to defecate UZJ 1954 tixarri VA nixarri taxriyah k to disgrace o.s. on I AC xarri ba'4 liba'4 they defecated on each other II ZJ 1501 yatxarra V A yatxarra atxarra to defecate on one's clothes (a semantic calque of R, cf. Cs cagarse) II xara = IH, IQ & AC, AL ~ara excrement, shit (co a.) I ZJ 733 walad xara bastard I LH *xara kiln good-for-nothing (posited by Cs haragan) II UT 326/7 xur' annawatiyah French hartwort (Sese Ii tortuosum, bot.) I DS xur' al~amam mangos teen tree (Rhizophora mangle, bot.) I x. al'a~arir a kind of alkali II AL ~aria + it = ~acia + ~aci (!) AC xarya - xarya(t) dim. pI. xuraywit bowel movement, turd I muxarri/aya dirtied with excrement II AL mu~arri + in shitter. S. {xrr} II, {xrn}, {trtr/l} & {wid}. *{XRB} I: VA naxrab xarabt xarab xarib k &
nixarrab taxrib k & nuxrib axrabt ixrab muxrib maxriib k GL axraba '(a)xribu yaxribu xarabun maxriibun AL nak,reb ak,areb (I. ak,arebt) ak,areb ZJ 361 & 1120 y/tixarrab to destroy or demolish 1 IQ 160/2/2 yaxrabuh he spoils it \I V A yatxarrab atxarrab taxarrub & yanxarab anxarab inxirab GL anxaribu to be ruined \I xirbah + xirab IH xirbah AC xirba + xirab ZJ 751 xirab & OS xarabat (pl.) dung-yard; pen 1 MT xirbah + xirab courtyard I AL k,irba + k,irab pen, hencoop; site of ruins I hirba dim. hurayba O. both with k,) stable \I MT xarib f ah ruined I xarayib FJ xara'ib ground-plots \I AL mak,urub + in stock-yard I IH darun maxriibatun a ruined house. ·{XRB} II: VA yaxrab xarab xurbah fi 'ala AL nak,rub k,arubl = nok,orob k,arobl to deceive II k,orbah + k,orab (also misspelt with h) IA & VA xurbah deception, cheat I AC xurba knavery \I AL k,orbi + in trickster; dishonest servant \I VA xurbayr + in (with the R agentive suffix (-ayr)) cheater, swindler « {xlb}). ·{XRB} Ill: AL k,arroba + k,arrob GL xarriibun IQ xarriib AC xarriibah (n. un.) VA & ZJ 908 & 1656 xarriibah + xarriib carob I IH xarriibatun an eighth of a carat I TO 141 xarriib assant gum-arabic tree (Acacia arabica, bot.) I UT 263/4 x. sami - ~ini ~andali kinds of carob I OS xarriib alxan(a)zir bean-clover (Anagyris fcetida, bot., also called x. nabaF in GB 255 and GM) I alx. alhindi golden shower (Cassia fistula, bot.) II xarriibi dark as carobs I RC arrubi pn. « {xrnb}, q.v.). S. {rbb}. ·{XRBS}: VA nixarbas xarbasah k to scratch I AL nik,arbex k,arbexl yak,arbuxa + lak,arbux mOluk,arbix + in AC taxarbus to scrape or scratch (the earth); to search or pry into \I VA yatxarbas atxarbas to be scratched. ·{XRBQ}: VA xirbaq hellebore I UT 259 xarbaq abya4 - aswad white - black hellebore (Helleborus albus - niger, bot.; < F xar buk "donkey's face"). ·{XRT}: IH 27 xrt LZ xartun eye of a needle. ·{XRJ(YR)}: IQ xaraj naxruj xuriij V A naxruj xarajt xuriij xarij xarraj + in GL xarajtu axruj(u) taxruju ayxruju xuriijun AC xaraj(at) yaxrujii axruj
xuriij 'an 1 min AL nak,urux k,araxl ak,orux to go out I nak,urux bi k,atle (I. k,alte) to go out hastily I nak,urux min a r;at to get out of the row I n. min alabaa ak,rux to be out of tune I IH x.r.j 'Iyh jiral} (I. xuraj) he suffered from an abscess I IQ xaraj harib he fled I yaxruj ilayya xaraj Ii he comes - came out to meet me I as ma xaraj Ii whatever I get from it I xaraj al'am the year finished I yaxruj 'ala fummi it is uttered by me I yaxruj samin it will turn out to be a fat one I zaw ji xarij my husband usually goes out I XA cwal innl xarij min gudwah I shall go away tomorrow morning I acirl xarajta ... fall}arbi ~afir you came out a victor in the war I NQ mg 3/1/2 xarajt anii lalafkar waxaraj hu lalwasawis worries fell to my lot and apprehension to his I MT xaraj fi na~ib to fall to one's lot I all}i~~ah allati xaraj bihii martin the lot which fell to M.'s share I AC yadxul 'ala Ikum yaxruj 'ala Ifum it goes in through the sleeve and comes out through the mouth I xariij fassis he turned out to be a farter I xiiriju the one who comes out of it I liman yaxruj who will he look like? I VA n. liwildi I am the spitting image of my father UZJ 639, 1345 & 1311 yixarraj t/yixarrajuh VA taxrij & naxrij axrajt ixriij muxrij muxraj 1 maxriij k IQ axraj yaxrij GL './axriju yaxriju AC axrajuh yaxrij to take or get out I AL nak,arich ak,araxl ak,arich to take out; to draw out; to expel I nak,rix min almi ak,raxl ak,arix to strand (ships) I IQ tuxarraj they are solved I axraj aira'u to raise one's arm, to let go with one hand (a rider) I NQ hm 7/1/3 axraj airii' he raised one arm I IQ naxrijha lu I shall pull them (i.e., my eyes) out for him II VA yatxarraj atxarraj taxarruj to be taken out \I GL '.staxriju '.stuxrija VA nastaxrij min kaaii to draw or extract I n. astaxrajt istixriij mustaxrij alma'na to deduce (a concept) \I xar j & xaraj GL xarjun & xariijun tribute, rent I a~l}abu 'lxar j tax collectors I MT diin xarj 'alayh cost free to him I AL k,arje (= Ixarjf) outlay in workers' wages II k,ar ja + at IA xarjah exit, going out I IQ xarjah + xarjiit last refrain of a stanzaic poem \I AC xurj AL horch (\. k,) + ak,arach VA OM
xurj + axraj saddlebag II MT x.rajah prostitution (7) UAL ~uruch dismissal of a servant I ~uruj disinterment I ~urux + ~urujat (also misspelt with h) wen, excrescence; abscess I horox (I. ~) al ayn loss of the eye UIA xarajayrah TH 50,19 nisa' diir alxariij (pI.) prostitute I IH xarajayriitun women living in inns and practising prostitution II IQ & VA xuriij abscess U xarij GL xarijun outside I min xiirij from outside I IH qa'attu xarija ddar I sat oudoors I IQ xiiriji my expenses I AL ~arix except I ~arich + gin GL xarijiyun + xawiiriju(n) VA xariji + in I xawarij heretic UGL 'Ixiirijiyyati heresy II IQ xurriij protruding (pI.) II MT max raj + maxiirij GL maxrajun exit II muxiirijun wicked II mustaxrijun tax collector. S. {'wtr}, {J.ldd} I, {rwJ.l}, {srj} III, {sl'}, {~dd}, {~hr}, {'qt}, {gmd}, {qbr}, {qlb}, {qys}, {kgd}, {mxx} & {wly}. *{XRXL}: VA xirxiil anklet I AL mu~arhel + mur~arhelin (I. mu~ar~el + in) loose, not tight « {xlxl}). *{XRD}: VA xaridah + xarii'id I xurud maid, virgin. *{XRDL}: IW I 609,28 & 30 IB 79 xrdl yxrdl mxrdl to be small or scarce (the grapes) I VA nixardal k bi to pick grapes from a bunch II yatxardal atxardal taxardul to be picked II xardal n. un. xardalah mustard (Sinapis alba, bot.) I OS xardal barri wild mustard (S. arvensis, bot.) I x. riimi unid. variety of mustard I x. fiirisi wild cress (Thlaspi arvense, bot.; < F xar dil "donkey's heart"). S. {'qq}. *{XRR} I: VA nixarr xarart xarr I xuriir li to prostrate o.s. I IQ xarrat liturbi na'iu it fell as low as his shoes II GL yanxarru to fall. *{XRR} II: IA & AC xarrir AL ~arrir f a + in shitter (prob. met. for a coward; < {xr'}, q. v.). S. {xrn}. *{XRZ} I: VA naxruz xarazt xarz xarriiz + in maxriiz k to sew (leather) I AL na~ro~ ~ara~t to cobble or mend (shoes) II V A yanxaraz anxaraz to be sewed II xarzah +
xaraz bead I x. + at pressing-bag (in oilmills) I UT 261 xaraz almuliik jujube (Zizyphus sativa, bot.) I ID prq 4 xrziit vertebra: 0 IB 80 & 83 xara/azah lump of earth round the root of a plant I AL ~iraza cobbler's stall II ~arra~ + zin MT, ZJ 895 & AC xarraz GL xarriizun V A xarriiz + in TH 60,9 mxtrzin (pI.) cobbler. S. {grz} & {mrd} III. *{XRZ} II: VA xarzah scion, shoot « F xarze). *{XRZ} III: LZ & IH xarzun a kind of stirrup « (grz}). *{XRZL}: OS xrd (vars. xr/d/r/wzly = xzz) wild rape (7). *{XRZHRJ}: TO 300 xarzahraj oleander (Nerium oleander, bot.; < P xar zahrag "donkey's bile"). *{XRS}: IQ yaxras he becomes dumb II V A nixarras k & nuxris axrast to silence I IQ axras lisani he silenced my tongue II VA yatxarras atxarras & yanxaras anxaras to become dumb; to be reduced to silence II xaras dumbness II axras + xurs & maxriis allisiin dumb, mute. S. {xr~}. *{XRSGNN}: TO 290 xriisiigiinun a var. of golden rod (Bongardia Rauwolfi, bot.; < G XQuoo'Yovov, although some mss. call this plant xriisiimiigiili, due to the fact that it was used against the biting of l1u'YaA. Ti, i.e., the fetid shrew-mouse). *{XRSQL}: TO 320 xriisiiqullii chrysocolla (sometimes mistakingly identified with borax; < G XQUoOKOA.A.a). *{XRSQM}: TO 289 xriisiiqiimi BM xuriisuqiimi goldilocks (Chrysocoma Iinosyris, bot.; < G XQuOOK0I111). *{XRSN}: s. {b~n, {J.lss} I, {drnj}, {rwnd} & {krnb}. *{XRS}: GL xa/urasatun amber 1. *{XRSF}: LZ xursuf IH xursufun VA xursiif n. un xursiifah + xarasif IZ xursiif AL kurxufa + ~urxUf artichoke I ~orxofa FX xarsiif (= J.larsaf) garden artichoke (prob. < P xar cob "thorny stick"). *{XR~}: VA naxru~ xara~t xar~ xiiri~ + in I xurra~ xarrii~ maxrii~ k to appraise a harvest H nixarra~ taxri~ k to appoint as
Thus for L ilulrumls. bUI Ihis rendering is very doublful and mighl be jusl one of so many misconceplions in Ihis work. A likelier translalion would be "filings" « F xariiiidan "10 scratch").
an appraiser II yatxarra, atxarra, to be appointed as an appraiser II yanxara, anxara, algilal to be appraised (the harvests) II SH x.r,ah appraising II IH xursun VA xur, + axrii, ID 'gl 4 xrsh + 'xriis ZJ 2091 & IA axrii, earring. ·{XRT}: VA naxrut xaratt xart xarrat + in AL 'na~rut = n~~or6i a~a~att ta'~arita + ta~arit ma~r6t = ma~hor6t (!) + in to plane or turn in a lathe I VA yanxarat anxarat to be shaped with a lathe II SH xart insertion of a piece of cloth in a garment UIH xartatun patch in a leather-bottle I AL ~arta + at patch or plug to stop up a hole I ~arita + ~arait dim. ~orayata + it VA xarit(ah) + xarii'it IQ & ZJ 1286 xaritah GL xaritatun purse, bag I xariiyitu 'ddariihim money bags II AL ~arrat + in MT & ZJ 641 xarriit turner, lathe-operator I VA qaws alxarrat bow for operating an old-fashioned lathe II maxratah + maxiirit AL ma~arata + ma~arit lathe II IQ maxriit alakmiim sleeveless. ·{XRTB}: VA xartab ink (prob. < {x4b}). ·{XRTL}: VA xurtiilah = xurtallah + xurtall AL kortala + kortal oats (Avena sativa, bot.; ~ G XOQtcl(l10V). ·{XRTN}: TO 170 xariitin earth worms « F xariitin). ·{XRTM}: VA xurtiim + xariitim snout; trunk I x. + xariitim a55agii uneven tooth; tusk I AL ~ort6n + ~aratin (I. m if it is not another case of /m#/ > /n#/ or of metanalysis of the R aug. suffix) wild boar's tusk I LZ xurtiimun IH xurtiimiyyun big-nosed UVA muxartam + in tusky. ·{XR'}: GL axtara'a muxtara' IQ ixtirii' muxtara' to invent II V A xar' rent, laceration UOS xari' a kind of artichoke II xarwii' castor oil plant (Ricinus communis, bot.) I alxirwa' a"ini crotonoil plant (Croton tiglium, bot.). ·{XRF(N)}: ZJ 2072 yaxraf VA naxruf xaruft xarfanah muxarfin + in & yatxarfan atxarfan taxarfun to dote II nixarraf taxrif k to tell tales I ZJ 866 yixarraf to
1 But only in one ms., while others have I)diq.
sprout again DVA nixarran k to cause to dote II xuriifah + iit old wives' tale; a small amount I GL xuriifat(un) IQ xuriifah + xuriifiit IH & AC xuriifah AL ~orafa + ~araif dim. ~orayafa (also with mistaken h) + it humbug, old wives' tale II ~arif autumn; summer; unleavened bread I GL zamiinu 'Ixarif VA xarif autumn II xarifi IH xarifiyyun autumnal II V A xariif f xariifah + xirfiin IQ xariir AL ~ar6f f a + ~irfin dim. IH & IQ xurayyar AL ~orayaf f a + it lamb I ~. moa~ar + ~irfin in late lamb II;0f al ~ar6f + al;uaf al ~irfin lamb's wool II AL mu~arrif + in prattler Dmo~arfen + in doting. S. {3nb}, {srq} I, {,wf} & {Isn}. ·{XRF'}: OS xurfu' wild cotton. ·{XRQ}: ZJ 353 xaraq he tore open II GL uxarriqu = '.xar.qu IQ xarraqu taxarraq VA nixarraq taxriq k AL ni~arraleq ~arraleqt ta~aliriq = niharreq harreqt (!) to tear or rend I GT 169, 9 xarraq al~ijiib come on, have a drink (lit. "tear the veil") UVA yatxarraq atxarraq taxarruq to be torn or rent II xarq + xuriiq tearing, rending; breakthrough (e.g., in a furrow in order to let the irrigation water out) I AL ~arq + ~uruq anus nhirqua hor6q = ~urruq (= /xirqa + xuruqf) ZJ 909 & IA xuriiq (pl.) GL xuriiq 'Hifli napkin, diaper I VA xirqah = xiraq / xuruq rag, tatter I TH 60,8 xuriiq rolled leggings (worn by Andalusi women) II VA xuruq AC xuriiq stupidity; awkwardness II OS xrqy (var. hrqy) silver dross 0 XA vqu2 xariq park II FJ xarriiq carrack (a kind of ship)1 II VA axraq + xurq GL axraqu(n) stupid; awkward II AL ta~irica + ta~iriq (I. ta~iriq) lightly woven stripe in fabrics II IQ maxraqah + maxiiriq nonsense, humbug I VA maxraqah + maxiiriq dissipation Dnimaxraq k to dissipate I IQ yamaxraq to talk nonsense; to brag II VA yatmaxraq atmaxraq tamaxruq bi / fi to indulge in dissipation II AL mun~ariq + uin torn, rent. S. {jwz}, {'wd}, {Izq} & {nsw}. ·{XRQB}: IA jarqabah (I. xarqabah) wind let out of the vulva during copulation «
XRQTN-XZM {xbq} with metathesis and dissimilation). *{XRQTN}: OS xarqatiin ivy (Hedera helix, bot.; < F). *{XRQ/KS/~}:
OS xarqiis BM xarkiis plantain
« F xar gus "donkey's ear").
*{XRM}: VA naxram xaramt xarm k & nixarram taxrim k & nuxrim axramt ixriim k to pierce; to chip off I nixarram k AL ni~amlm ~arramt ta~rima n. un. ta~arim + ta~arim mo~arrim = mu~arim + in mu~arram = mu~arrom (!) + in to hew or chisel; to make lace work II V A yatxarram atxarram to be pierced; to be chipped off; to be hewn or chiselled II OS xurram sea-starwort (Aster tripolium, bot.)l II ZJ 530 abii xarrim pn. II GL maxriimun pierced (as in open-work). *{XRN}: VA xariin moving bowels too often; coward (prob. 1. *xarriin < {xr'} q.v., with the R aug. suffix, cf. Cs cagan). *{XRNB}: VA xarniibah + xarniib carob I TO 148 xarniib siimi carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua, bot) I x. alkalb fruits of the beanclover (Anagyris fretida, bot.) I OS x. assawk 1 alma'az 1 nabati bean-clover I x. qibti 1 mi~ri Egyptian acacia (Acacia arabica, bot.; < F xar lup "donkey's jawbone"). S. {xrb} 111. *{XRNBS}: OS xaranbiiS amaracus BM xurunbiis2 (Origanum amaracus, bot.; < F xar anbas, prob. meaning "donkey's surfeit"). *{XRNJ}: AL ~arinja + ~aring tree heath (Erica arborea, bot; < {xlnj}, q.v.). *{XRNQ}: LZ xarnaq VA xarnaq + xariiniq GL xarnaqun AL ~arnaq + ~araniq leveret (prob. from Iranian origin; cf. Ag & Ct farnaca). *{XZBZ}: AL ~ayzebuza + ~ayzelabut; moss I
bal~ayzabut; mossy (cf. Mr X, {IJ:!m}, {mrks}, {nwl} II & {wen *{XNS} I: VA yatxannas atxannas taxnis to fall back nyanxanas anxanas inxiniis ZJ 1870 yanxanas to get in II IQ xanas being f1atnosed I xunnas the five classical planets. *{XNS} II: AL li;an6!ur; f li;an6r;a + li;ananir; VA xanniis + xaniinis & xunaynas + iit suckling-pig « {xn~}). *{XN~R}: VA xin~ir + xanii~ir AL alli;anr;ar GL 'Ixinsaru wahuwa 'I'asba'u 'Ixiimisu '~~agir little finger 1 UIH ~un~iirun bunch
of grapes. *{XN'}: GL axna'u xiini'un V A naxna' xana't xan' 1 xunii' xiini' ila & yanxana' anxana' inxinii' ila to humble O.S. (before God) II nixanna' k to humble. *{XNF}: ZJ 899 xaniifuh Jewish pn. *{XNFS}: ZJ 106 xaniifis beetles. *{XNQ}: GL axnuqu = '.xn.qu xanaq AC xiiniq AL nali;n6q li;anaqt li;anq V A naxnuq xanaqt xanq xiiniq + in maxniiq k to choke to death I n. al'abrah to hold back one's tears I IQ kinnaxnaqu 1 would choke him to death U VA yanxanaq anxanaq & yaxtanaq axtanaq ixtiniiq muxtaniq + in AC yaxtanaq bi AL ili;tinaq to choke, to become suffocated II GL xanaqu 'Ibawli strangury U AC xiniiq fight, quarrel II VA xiniiqah AL li;inaqua + it fish-market II IL 126 & IH alxunaqiyyatu AL li;onaquia + it glanders (vet.) I hi li;. + h. it (false pI.) glandered II UT 253 xiiniq alkiliib wild lupine (Lupinus angustifolius, bot.) II MT xanniiq + IA xanniiqin VA xanniiq + in fishmonger I maxnaq + maxiiniq gallows I IQ maxnaq an overwhelming thing I IH almaxnaqatu collar (whence Cs almanaca) II GL 'Imaxniiqin walmalhw bhm (I. malhii bihim) hostile spirits of the killed left unburied (s. GL 71). S. {sbk}. *{XNKR}: VA nixankar xankarah k to cause to revel or carouse II yatxankar atxankar bi 1 Ii IQ atxankar xankarah (iv.) to revel or carouse (prob. < F xan kar "work of tavern", i.e.. gluttony and drunkenness). *{XNN}: IH alxinnu (pro b.) hold of a ship II ZJ 36 xanniinah mucus, running from the nose. *{XNW}: VA xanii obscenity. *{XWX} I: IQ xawx IH alxiixu n. un. xiixatun GL xawxun n. un. xawxatun V A xawx n. un. xawxah + xawxiit peach AL li;auli;a + li;auli; peach (tree) dim. pI. IQ xuwayxiit little peaches2 I GB 41 xawx ~agir apricot I TO 270 x. almii' & xuwayxah common yellow loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris, bot.; s. V A 104 about its Semitic
This is the standard translation; however, Alcala renders it as "middle finger".
2 UT 279 lists the varieties: bows _ miflaq • aziab (fuzzy), aqra' ajrad .. amlas (smooth). muwarrad. brqilq (apricot) - tunil} 'irisi; GM 34 has xwx zhr • 'rn O. 'rsk), a red variety. K
XWX I1-XYBR background and semantic shifts). ·{XWX} II: VA xawxah + at AL ~au~ (I. ~au~a) + ~auk (I. ~au~at) wicket gate II mu~ava~ + in crazy I OS almawacJi' almuxawwaxah min aljibal ravines (prob. < Es xx). ·{XWR}: VA nuxiir xurt xawr xawwar + in min & yatxawwar atxawwar to lose one's spirits I GL axiiru to bellow I V A yuxiir xar xuwar / xawir alma to murmur (the water) II yixawwar taxwir k to cause to murmur I nixawwar taxwir k to frighten I AL bacara fal ~aura cow in heat. ·{XWZ}: s. {~'tr} & {krnb}. ·{XWSJN}: FX xawsajan unid. plant. ·{XW~}: IH xii~atun ring without a stone. S. {fIf!}.
·{XWJ.>}: IQ 173/1/2 xucJtu fihi I embarked into it I V A nuxiicJ xucJt xawcJ xa'icJ + in to wade II nixawwacJ taxwicJ AC yixawwacJ GL yuxawwicJu to alarm or upset I IW 49,18 xawwacJ to stir; to move about I AL ni~aguatld ~aguadltt i~guad (erroneous iv.) mo~aguad to upset or fidget; to render foul or turbid; to undertake fraudulent dealings; to change the hue II nat~aguad at~aguatt to be fouled or upset I V A yatxawwacJ atxawwacJ to be alarmed or disturbed II xawcJah + at IQ xawcJah alarm, trouble I AL ~auda + it fraudulent deal II ~audi + in swindler II mo~ada + ma~aid MT maxacJah GL maxailatun & maxailati '1 wadi VA maxacJah + maxa'icJ ID 'br 7 mxacJat ford I AL bi quicir min ma~aid with many fords II ma~ort (I. ma~vadlt) + ma~aguid scimitar (jok.) I OS mxw(a)cJ IH almaxwacJu agitator (for liquids). S. {mxcJ}. ·{XWF}: IQ xifta nidf yuxaf xawf & tatxawwaf GL axafu xawfun xayifun / maxiifun + ID 'ym 2 maxiifin AC xiif tixaf xayif xiif (iv.) xawf min AL ni~at ~ift ~avf = hauf (!) ~aYf + in VA naxaf xift xawf xa'if + in maxiif k min / 'ala & yatxawwaf atxawwaf to fear, to be frightened I LZ uxif it was feared I XA ar5 lam taxaf yaddak yi~ir I]ajar are you not afraid that your hand be turned into stone (as divine retribution)? II GL '.xawwifu AL ni~avaf ~avaft mu~aguif + in VA nixawwaf taxwif k to frighten II GL bilxawfi fearfully II IQ (?) xawwaf AL ~avat + in = ~aguafin coward II IZ 4/3/4
maxiif VA maxiifah + at / maxawif & maxwaf + maxawif fear I MT maxiifatan minnuh almawt in fear of death I AC maxiifatan alIa for fear lest ... II V A maxiif terrible. ·{XWL}: VA xiii + axwal / xu'iilah IQ axwal (pI.) GL xalun AL ~al + a~ual maternal uncle I gueled ~al + avlid ~ cousin on the father's side I XA ali ya xali my darling II IQ xalah GL xiilatun VA xiilah + at AL ~ala + it I a~ual maternal aunt I uent ~al + venit ~. female cousin on the mother's side I GL '.bnu dlatin nephew (on the maternal aunt's side) I IQ xaltak your aunt a VA xawal catamite, nance n OS xawalah gardeners nxawlan box thorn juice. ·{XWN}: GL axiinu xawnun xiyanatun xayinun AC xiin(ak) xuntu xayin AL no~on ~ont ~iana + it ~ayn + in V A nuxiin xunt xiyanah xa'in maxiin k to betray or cheat I AC la tixiinu do not betray him I IQ 191/4/1 xanni he betrayed me II V A nixawwan taxwin k to cause to deceive II yatxawwan taxawwun to be betrayed II xii'in + in thief I AL ~ain al aahd + ~uyan al vuhud unfaithful to his promise II GL 'izzatun xayinatun vainglory. ·{XWY}: VA yaxwa xawa xawa xiiwi to be empty II naxwi axwayt ixwa k & nixawwi k to empty II GL xawa'un IA xawa cavity, empty space I AL ~agua = ~ava emptiness; vanity I ~agua arroqba + ~. arrocab back of the knee I ~. al carmed eave I bi ~. to no avail II GL xawiyun t xawiyatun AC xiiwi AL ~agui = ~avy + in empty I xei ~avi + axiit ~aviin empty thing II mo~ni (I. mo~ui) emptied I bile mo~oi + yin full, solid. ·{XYB}: VA nixib xab xaybah xa'ib + in / xuyyab min & yatxayyab atxayyab taxayyub min AC ya/ixib to be disappointed or frustrated I 1056 tixib it does not bear fruit I IQ xiib ~anni my hope was frustrated I ma a~unn an yixib fIk attaqdir I do not believe that you will fail my expectations I VA nixayyab k GL muxayyabun to disappoint or frustrate II IQ xaybah frustration II xiiyib min ihtibalak unsuccessful in his request from you. ·{XYBR}: ZJ 343 xaybar Khaibar (geo.) II AL ~aibari + in Jew (prob. a euphemistic
designation related to Khaibar, an Arabian oasis occupied by Jews until Muhammad expelled them). *{XYR} I: VA allah yaxir I yaxtiir ixtiyiir lak may God choose what is best for you II nixayyar taxyir k IQ xayyarni muxayyar to give a choice 1 xayyarii nniis fi qii4i the people were given the chance to elect their judge 1AC xayyarak he gave you a choice 1 xayyaru fi give him a choice between .M 1 MT xayyarah allah may God grant her every good II GL ataxayyaru VA natxayyar atxayyart taxayyur mutaxayyir mutaxayyar k & naxtiir axtart ixtiyiir muxtiir GL ixtiyiirun I xiyiirun muxtiirun IQ ixtiyiir muxtiir t muxtiirah AC axtar taxtar AL naJc.tar Jc.atart I aJc.tart iJc.tiyar I Jc.itra = Jc.ira (!) maJc.tur + in I muJc.tar + in to choose 1IQ naxtiir falmaniiJ.tis I choose between the poor things 1 axtiir faliliahab choose some of the gold (pieces) II V A yanxatar anxatar to be chosen II ZJ 34 astaxyar allah AC astaxar allah put yourself in God's hands II IQ xayr = xir good thing, well 1 157/3/1 abii Jxayr MT aban abi Jxayr ET Hayr, Benihayren (= laban xayran/), Benilairo (= laban xayrunf), Benihyar & Mohtar pns. 1 VA xayr + iit GL xayriitun (pI.) AC xayr AL Jc.air good thing or deed; blessing; property 1 EV 2 arad hu en yamei hayr he wanted to do good 1 AL bi Jc.. wealthily 1 me Ii Jc.air badly 1ragii bi Jc. + nic b. Jc.. & bi Jc.air ragii 0) wealthy man 1 AC bixayr well 1 V A bixayr wealthy 1 iriidat aJxayr good will 1 xayr min = IQ better than 1 ZJ 80 & AC xayr I axyar (min) better than 1 TO 281 xayr min alf salad burnet (Poterium sanguisorba, bot.) 1 IQ xayr qabilah the best tribe I xayrah + iit good thing II MT xirah & xiyiir & ixyiir choice 1 VA xirah = xiyiir the best 1 IQ xiyiir anniis the best people 1 GL xiratun VA xirah favour, benefit 1 IH xirah pn. II LO Fayro(n) = Fairon pn. (= Ixayrun/) II VA xayriyyah benevolence; charity II GL xayyirun VA
xayyir + axyiir good; benevolent 1 AC al'axyiir the good (people) II AS 34/3/4 tikiin bik xiyiirah you will have the choice (1) II ZJ 29 IQ axyar better II jiit 'ala lixtiyiir it turned as desired I bixtiyiir almamdiil} as requested by the eulogized person II MT ajwad muxtayar the best choice. S. {Mr}, {J.trr} I, {rj'}, {rjw}, {rdd}, {rsx}, {rwd}, {sny}, {'mO, {gyr}, {qwn, {nkr}, {nhr}, {w~b}, {w'd} & {wqf}. *{XYR} II: VA, IQ & ZJ xiyiir AL Jc.iyara + Jc.iyar cucumber « P xiyiir). S. {Snbr}. *{XYR} III: JM 11 & IQ xayri = VA, LZ xayriyy IH xayriyyun wall-flower, gillyflower (Cheiranthus cheiri, bot.)1 II UT 283 xyru albarr s. xuziima I x. almii' unid. variety thereof « F xiri). *{XYRBW}: GM 11 jrbwa (I. xayr bawwii, cf. BM xirbuwii) maleguetta-pepper (Amomum melegueta, bot.). *{XYS}: VA natxayyas atxayyast taxayyus to be altered II xays reed-mace (Typha angustata, bot.) I xisah + xiyas den. *{XYSFJ}: OS xaysafiij cotton grain « F). *{XYT}: AL niJc.it Jc.ilt Jc.it IQ xiituh xiyiitah + iit GL axitu maxitun I maxyiitun VA nixit xitt xiyiitah xayyiit + in maxyiit to sew II nixayyat taxyit k bi to thread (a needle) II yatxayyat atxayyat to be threaded II yanxiit anxiit to be sewn I AL xei yanJc.at axiit yanJc.atu a sewable thing II Jc.ait + Jc.oyot IQ & AC xayt GL xaytun VA xayt + xuyiit thread I x. albannii IQ x. 'ankabiit cobweb I GL xaytu wazni 'Ibannii'i plummet I x. qutiin cotton thread used as an amulet I AL Jc.ait + aJc.(i)yat string (for pearls, et.c) I Jc.. min javhar + aJc.iyat string of gems I Jc.. min mi slender thread of water (cf. Cs hilo de agua) I OS xuyiit tendrils, flounces II AL Jc.iyata + it seam II Jc.ayat t a + in IQ xayyiit GL xayyiitun MT xayyiit + in tailor I AC xayyat almi water skipper (zoo.) II XA a~ul ama xyatu how good he is at sewing! DGL gayru maxit seamless a AL ceub bile maJc.yot + cUb bile in seamless garment. S. {J.tlq}, {lIyO, {4rb}, {nsO & {n~w}.
UT 282 lislS 81'8,r8r _ sirij 8Iqu!rub. mlwl. mujazza', murayyai and abyaIJ, among the cultivated varieties, in addition to the wild one.
·{XYL} I: V A nixil 1 naxiil xilt maxilah + maxa'il xa'il + in maxil k to think or deem nnixayyaI taxyiI to suggest or make s.o. believe s.th. 1 AL ni~ayel ~ayelt to imagine " V A yatxayyaI atxayyal taxayyuI + lit mutaxayyil mutaxayyal k IQ yaxtayal to imagine 1 BO 17r tataxayyalii waturakirii n you imagine and think about I AL na~teyel a~teyelt to fancy 1 ya~teyeleq enne you fancy that" V A yaxtal axtal ixtiyal muxtal + in to swagger or strut about" xiiI + xilan = IQ mole I AC xayl VA, IQ & ZJ 1359 & 965 xayl + xuyiil horses 1 MT dallal alxayl dealer in horses " SH xayli relating to horses I GL xayalun imagination; ghost 1 VA xayal + at & xayalan imagination 1 xa/iyal + BO 28v xiyalit AL ~iyel + ~i(y)elit vision, ghost 1 litlb al~W shadow
play 1 ZJ 603 & 1947 xiyal scarecrow; puppet (in the shadow play) IIQ xayalahli her phantom 0 AS 1/3/1 xayali + TH ahl attaxyil puppeteer " V A yamSi kallir aJxuyala arrogant " AL te~ayul imagination, fancy " GL muxayyaluo visionary 1 AL mo~ayel = mu~iel (!) + in imaginary, fanciful. mute~ail imaginative, fancier. S. {byt>, {dU}, {aob}, {trr}, {thm}, {grr}, {grw}, {rrs} I, {qro} & {qml]}. ·{XYL} II: JM 11 xayli yellow gillyflower « {xyr}, q.v). ·{XYM}: VA oixayyam taxyim to pitch a tent" yatxayyam atxayyam to camp" xaymah + at 1 xawa'im & xiyamah + lit IH xiyamatuo + TH 26,13 xiyamlit AL ~ayma + at tent. ·{XYY}: BM 758 (tin) xya bole from Chi os « G Xia). S. {kyy}.
IDI ·{D'B}: V A nad'ab da'abt da'b / du'iib 'ala to persevere in II da'b habit I IQ dabi - uh my - his habit I da'b al'iJ.tsan the habit of well-doing I GL da'ban = daban continuously II IQ du'iibah perseverance. ·{DAD} I: V A dad ZJ 697 did AL did + it = di44 = didd = dede tutor II dadah + at IH dadatun & IZ 12/3/1 didah nurse, governess (prob. < F dada "nurse", with backformation of the masc.). S. {ddd}. ·{DAD} II: TO 213 dad abyall white chameleon (Atractylis gummifera, bot.) I dad aswad / waJ.tid black chameleon (Cardopatium corymbosum, bot. Sometimes spelt dail; < B addad). S. {'dd}. ·{DAD} Ill: BM dadi a kind of barley (d. F dad i); BM 540 (confirmed by Bedevian and synonymous with tifi) cat's-tail (Typha latifolia, bot.). ·{D'D}: V A da'ud 1 JM 34 dawd AL Deud = 4ud David I IH 345 dawudu MT da/awud ET Deud LO Daud = Diguit = Dihuit = Divyt, IQ dawiid aban yittummar pns. ·{DAD}: OS & BM daili (riimI) n. un. AC 553 didah perfoliate St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum, bot., but GM 46 daili is manna lichen (Lecanora esculenta, bot.2 ). ·(DAD/D(N): BM dadi(n) IW I 326, 5 dad i 3 UT
daili Judas tree (Cercis siliquastrum, bot.) II ZJ 1979 & IA didi EB didi AL didi purple, violet. *{DAS}: AL Dacia Dacia (geo.) II Dacii + Daciin Dacian II Dacii Dacio (pn.4). S. {d~yn}. ·{DAL}: IQ dalat (pI.) AL Dil the letter dal. ·{DAN}: AL Denia Denia (geo.) II MT addani from 0. 5 ·{DBB}: ZJ 26 dabbat VA yidabb dabb dabb / dabib to crawl 1\ dubb + dababah f dubbah + at AC dub ZJ 173 & IA dubb AL dubb f dubba + dulebebe (first pI. prob. erroneous) bear I LO Aldub, Dolubet pns. II AL dibba + davib IA dibbah + dawib IH dabbatun GL dabbatun IQ dawab (pI.) AC dawib (pI.) V A dabbah + dawabb ZJ 1581 & 755 dabbah + dawab(b) dim. 1849 duwaybbah beast I V A dabbat albahar whale I GL dabbatun fi nahri 'ddijl~h crocodile 6 I TO 165 duwaybbat albayt / aljirar woodlouse II IQ dub dub onomatopeia of swallowing II OS dabbabat al'inbiq distilling worm. S. {bjj}, {tfr} 111, {tyn}, {xdj} I, {drdb}, {dll}, {rwl>}, {zjr} II, {sb'}, {smr} I, {sws} I, {swq} 111, {syr}, {Sjr}, {~Ib}, {Ill'} II, {twq} I, {'I>r}, {'ry}, {'~r}, {'tb}, {frs}, {q~b}, {kry}, UJ.tq}, Urns}, {ntj}, {hnd} I, {wq'} & {wdj}.
There are hints al a realization Idawdl of Ihis word in Aa, as in Ihe place name Gerjndole < Ijinan dawd/, studied by E. Teres in Al-Andalus 35 (1970) 203-9.
2 TD 265 says Ihal Ihis word is commonly spell didi or diai, and exceplionally aUi. 3 ThaI aUlhor points clearly
10 Ihe derivation of Ihe colour adjeclive from Ihis noun when he says lahu nuwwa,un ai!mll,u kabi,un yukanni /lawn ··it has large red flowers which give name 10 Ihe colour". G lly;lllOv "lillie lorch" or lly;lllVo~ "relalive to resinous pine-Irees" mighl provide an elymon for Ihe name of Ihis Iree, since 8M is acquainled with Ihe use of dadi in Ihe meaning of lorches oblained from Ihal kind of pine-Iree.
4 Alcala's explanalion "Ihe one who submiUed it", i.e., DaCia, makes it clear Ihal he meant Trajan, who was called Dacicus for Ihal reason, according to Ihe Roman use. The whole enlry is, Iherefore, a fabricalion of his, based upon poor dala, as in olher inslances, and must be disregarded as far as Aa is concerned.
5 In ZJ 447 and NQ mg 9/5/4 Ihis is Ihe name given
a proverbially silly person.
Obvious confusion bel ween Ihe rivers Tigris and Nile.
DBJ-DI>R ·{DBJ}: v A nidabbaj k to embellish or decorate II dibiij n. un. ah + iit IQ di/ibiij GL dibiijun brocade II V A dibiijah brocade industry ndabbiij + in brocade maker or seller II IQ mudabbaj GL miidabajah (fern.) brocaded material « P debiig). ·{DBDR}: GM 14 dabidiir Indian cedar (Cedrus deodara, bot.; < Sa devadiiru "God's tree"). ·{DBDRY}: DS & BM dabidiiryii unid. Indian herb. ·{DBR} I: VA nidabbar k IA mudabbar AL nidabbQr dabbart to cause sores II AC yudbir to take a turn for the worse I ZJ 53, 2123 & 1292 adbarat yudbir mudbirah GL '.db.ru idbiirun V A nudbir ad bart idbiir mudbir 'an to fall back, to turn one's back II yaddabbar addabbar madbiir AC madbiir to be covered with sores II V A dubur + adbiir AL dubur + adbQr anus II dabQra + at V A dabarah + iit I dabar ZJ 808 dabrah sore, gall II dubir pn. II GL 'ddabiir west wind II LZ dabiriin 0. daybariin) IH daybariinun V A daybariina + iit wasp AL dle/abara + dle/abar 1 wasp, hornet II GL dabbiir 'nnaJ.t1 hornet II AC dabbiiri IA iJabbiiri related to wasps. ·{DBR} II: VA nidabbar tadbir k - fi GL dabbara udabbiru = '.dabbiru yudabbiru tadbirun IQ dabbar yadabbar tadbir ZJ 1787 dabbarii AC dabbaruh (iv.) yidabbarah tadbir IA nidabbar AL tadbir mudebir f a + in to devise or arrange; to manage I SH dubbir mudabbar to fix or alter (a product for a fraudulent sale) I IQ nadabbar 'iliiji I seek my remedy II VA yaddabbar addabbar to be arranged or managed n IZ i5!2/3 d.biirah letter (1) I AS 34/4/5 biqadr add.biirah only as far as the rope allows (1) II IQ dabir ominous DDC 15 tadbir temperance I AL tadbir regulation; moderation I NQ au 3/0/1 sayyi' attadbir mismanager I IQ tadbir sii mischievous scheme I AL bi t.
orderly I bile t. disorderly I quillat t. disorder; mismanagement II tadbira rule, regulation II IH bn almudabbar pn. (suggested correction almudabbir; < P dipir "secretary"). S. {brm} & {J.t~l}. ·{DBZ}: AL nidebzee debzeet to push or shove away II GT 116,16 & l32,6 d.bbiiz + dabiibiz mace « {dbs} II, q.v.; cf. Mr diJbbilZ "to box" and diJbbuz + dbabilZ "mace"). ·{DBS} I: IH idbiisa yadbiisu (sr.) to be reddish brown II AC yaddabbas to become dull II VA yanda bas andabas indibiis to be bent or curved II dub(ii)sah blackness II AL debea + debe spurge-flax (Daphne gnidium, bot.) D V A adbas + dubs black. ·{DBS} II: V A dabbiis + dabiibis mace I ZJ 1005 dabbiis praying mantis 2 (prob. < P da biizii "two arms" because that weapon was wielded in such a manner, cf. Cs. mandoble, s. VA 106). S. {dbz}. ·{DBS}: V A dabas + adbiis household goods II AL dubux trinkets. ·{DBG}: FX dabag dabg to soften I AL nadbag dabQgt dibQg V A nadbug dabagt dabg I dibiig madbiig k bi to tan II yanda bag andabag to be tanned II IQ dibiigu its tanning I IA & AC dibiig soaking liquid for shaving II dabbiig = lA, MT & V A dabbiig + in AL dabbaglk, + guin tanner I dar a dabQg & dabbaguin tannery I AC addabbiig pn. ·{DBQ}: DS dibq sebesten's plum; TD 242 & GM 47 gum from common mistletoe I s. addibq sebesten (Cordia myxa, bot.) II IQ dabiq Dabiq (geo., in Egypt) II UT 56 mudabbaqah a variety of the tooth-ache tree (Xanthoxylum A vicenna::, bot.). ·{DBL}: V A dublah + dubal bottle Udubaylah + iit bubo; sorrow (met.) I IQ, ZJ 958 & AC dubaylah GL dubaylatun bubo. S. {dxn}. ·{DBY}: IW I 632,4-5 'Iayii (I. addibii) AC dibii small locusts. ·{DI>R}: MT yudl>ar V A yadl>ar dal>ar dal>r
There are hints at an actual pronunciation /ilabbur/, which is prob. meant by OS >zbiir< from IL.
2 This rendering and its being entered under this root rest on two hypothetical assumptions: first, that the
interpretation of the obscure proverb ZJ 1005 (rakab 'abbas dabbas) as ·'Abbas rode a praying mantis" is correct, and secondly, that this insect was metaphorically and on account of its shape also called dabbis "mace-bearer", in addition to A I!i~dn 'abbas MAbbis's horse",
daJlir k to destroy II nidaJlJlar tadJlir k AL nadacar (I. nidacar) dacart mudacar + in to wrap or warm nna(t)dacar a(t)dacart te4acur VA yaddaJlJlar addaJlJlar tadaJlJlur mutadaJlJlir to wrap o.s. II diJlar warm garment UGL mudaJlJlarun hidden. • {DJJ}: IQ, IH & IA dijajah V A, JM 8, ZJ 41, 919 & AC dijajah + dijaj AC dijija AL digija + digij dim. AC dujayyajah IA dujayjah AL dugeyja + it hen I digija tibid + digij ybidu egg-laying hen I d. amxa + d. vumx blind hen l l pall a digij + aplt11 perch for hens I digijat al mi + digij a. m. dun-diver (zoo.) I CP 91,5 add.jaj albal]riyyah coots (zoo.) II AL degiglch + gin ZJ 647 dajjaj poulterer. S. {'brhm}, {rjO, {zkr}, {zwj}, {sl]m} & {'bs}. ·{DJL}: IH dajlah GL nahru 'ddijlati the river Tigris II LP 7/2 baddijal anta~arii take refuge in the statute of mudajjal/n (q.v.) I 35/1 ahl addijal Mudejars II GL dajjalun VA (almasil]) addajjal AC addajjal Antichrist I IQ dajjal quack II AC mudajjal tarred camel; Mudejar, i.e., Muslim living under Christian rule « mudajjan, q.v.). S. {dbb} & {djn}. ·{DJN}: VA nidajjan tadjin k to impose tribute II yaddajjan addajjan tadajjun to pay tribute II GT 76,11 bilad add.jn former Muslim lands submitted to Christian rule II VA dawajin poultry II ZJ 844 abii dujanah pn. II VA mudajjan + in tributary (i.e., Mudejar). S. {djO. ·{DJNBR}: DS dujunbu/ir & aujanbir MT d/aujanbar AL Dujanbir December « L December). ·{DJW}: AS 4/4/3 duja darkness II VA laylun dajin (hr.) dark night ·{DI;IR}: VA nadl]ar dal]art dal]r / dul]iir 'an to
drive away. ·{DI;IRJ}: VA nidal]raj dal]rajah k to (make) roll down ayaddal]raj addal]raj tadal]ruj to roll along. S. {zrwnd} & {s'd}. ·{DI;IS}: ZJ 1970 yudl]as V A nadl]as dal]ast dal]s dal]is + in madl]iis k & nidal]l]as tadl]is k to push or shove off a yaddal]l]as addal]l]as & yandal]as andal]as to be pushed or shoved off II dul]si + at / dal]asi push, shove II GL dal]isun thick II AC dal]is (but the rhyme requires dal]is) & IA dal]i~ critical situation I IQ & NQ mg 3/1/3 fi l]arbi dal]is in a critical situation or bitter fight (a reference to the war caused by the famous horse of that name in pre-Islamic Arabia) II IH dahisun whitlow 2). ·{DHD}: MT dahid f ah void. ·{D~MRT}: DS 'm"a'jiin 'ldl]mrta 3 an electuary against certain gynrecological troubles. ·{DI;IW}: ZJ 1274 dal]ani he pushed me I adl]ih bal'iid beat him off with a stick (Iv.) I GL adl]ii ='.dl]ii (hr.) I throw. ·{DXR}: s. {br}. ·{DXS}: VA nidaxxas tadxis mudaxxasah to set a trivet unsteadily II VC 2/6-7 daxas exostosis (vet.) II DS dxsisa nascaptha, balsam oil4. ·{DXL}: VA nadxul daxalt duxiil diixil + in mad xiii k / bi IQ daxal(ta) adxul duxiil 178/4/4 daxil GL adxulu ='.dx.I duxiilun diixilun AC daxal(uh) tadxuJ(uh) diixil AL nad~61 da~alt do~61 to go in or enter I n. fi gaida to enter a thicket I n. ba j6hda to enter stealthily I IQ daxaltu I entered it I yadxulu ray he gets some good sense I tadxul bayn surratayya it goes in between my lips I daxal fi 'unq assaqa he overcame misery I MT almadxal allaai
Thus rendered, which is undoubtedly correct; however, the reason for this entry in Alcahi's dictionary is ilS being In Cs (gallina ciega) the name of the game called in English "blind-man's-buff" or "hoodman's blind", which appeared to have been known in Alandalus, if our iDlerpretation of IQ 48/6/4 is correct. We cannot conclude, nevertheless, tho~gh it is probable, that this game was also known as Idijija 'amia/.
2 Contamination of {dl)s} with {d's} "to trample", through devoicing of 1'1 in contact with lsI in some malI ices, is obvious in some cases, CC. Mr
'to push", dltas "crowded place" and dltaysi "one who fishes in troubled waters".
3 This word, in spite of the A allicle, prob. reflects Ar d-itmaT/d "of the she-ass" or d-Itammartd "of the female tavern keeper", etc.
4 Thus also 8M, after Ibn Albay\iir, while TO 117 mentions its identification with the bark of the Morocco gum lIee (Acacia gummiCera). II appears from the texts that this word may be just a corruption of G vclOlcacp90v.
OXN-ORB II yudxal 'alayh Ii the entrance through which one goes into (a place) I AC yadxul 'ala he enters through I adxul rna bayn alma~riibin join the beaten (iv.) I V A n. biha to consummate marriage II nidaxxal tadxil k & nadxil adxalt idxiil mudxil mudxal k GL adxilu = '.dx.lu AC daxxal n & tadxil adxil (iv.) AL nida~al da~alt = nad~il a#alilt to cause to enter; to bring or put in I nad~il til ayn al ibra da~alt (I. ad~alt) to thread I tot~ilna (sr.) you make us enter I AC daxxalatni arayt she made me enter in order to see I daxxalhum 'ala Ijummaniyyah he had them tied with a thick rope I IA as danal : VA nidaylaJ.t daylaJ.tah k to leave idle II yaddaylaJ.t addaylaJ.t to be left idle. ·{DLDG}: OS duldug meadow parsnip (Heracleum sphondyllium, bot.). ·{DLDL}: 1H tadaldala Iqami~u (ic.) to dangle (the lower part of a shirt). ·{DLS}: IQ yadallas GL udallisu mudallisun mudallasun VA nidallas tadlis k to counterfeit or forge I AL nidel(l)et; del(l)et;t mudel(l)it; + cin mudel(l)et; + in to falsify or adulterate II V A yaddallas addallas to be counterfeited or forged II VA dalas = dulsah + dulas AL deLet;
forgery, fraud I mudelet; + cin (play) chip.
S. {zyt}.
·{DL'}: IH addulla'u (without precise rendering) VA dulla' n. un ah GM 52 OS dullii' n. un. ah AL dillaii water-melon (Citrullus vulgaris, bot.; cf. Mr diJlla1!). ·{DLF}: VA adlaf f dalfii + dulf IH addalfii'u (fern.) small-nosed « {alf}). ·{DLFN} I: IZ 5/4/2 mudalran walking with a heavy gait (probable meaning of an adj. applied to the body of a plump woman quaking while walking as if it were fresh cheese; < {dlf}). ·(DLFN(D)} 11: GL d.lfinun AL delfin + delifin dolphin « L delphin < G /)&A.!PlV) II delfinado Dauphine (geo., late borrowing from Cs). S. {dnfl}). ·{DLQ}: BM dalaq ermine fur 1 V A dalaq + adliiq GT 101,7 & 14 dlq + dlwq a Sufi's habit 1 AS 99/0/2 dalqi my habit « F dalaq & dale). S. {drnq} & {drs}. ·{DLK}: VA nadluk dalakt dalk diilik + in dalliik + in madliik k & nidallak k to polish nnaddallak addallak & yandalak andalak to be polished II ~L duluqua spanking (cf. Mr dluka "beating") D medleq polisher U UT 476 madliikah corn crowfoot (Ranunculus arvensis, bot.). ·{DLL}: GL adullu = '.dullu yadullu dali1iilatun V A nudull dalalt dall / diliilah diill madliil dalil k 'ala AC yidul tadullu (hr.) addiillu 'ala IA y-tidull AL nidull deWt dul(l) to point out or indicate I VA yudull dall / diliilah diill 'ala to mean I IQ yudullak bi'anna he lets you know that I tudullani she guides me I 'ala Ikaram dulliini lead me to generosity (iv.) I AC Iii tidulli Iii addiir do not show him (the way to) your home I tadullak 'alih a'miiluh his behaviour will tell you about him I V A nudull dalalt diillah / idliil mudill + in 'ala & nidallal tadlil k / bidiillah 'alik & naddallal addallalt tadallul mutadallil 'ala & nastadlal astadlalt mustadil 'ala to behave coquettishly; to take liberties in an excess of confidence II AL nidel(l)el delmelt tedelul to hawk; to put up for auction I VA nidallal tadlil k to put up for auction; to sell or carry I IQ nadallalu I flatter him II yaddallal addallal to become coquettish I V A yaddallal addallal to be put up for auction or
DLM-DMG carried nnastadall istidliil 'ala Uah to be guided by tokens to the divine essence (myst.) a AC idliil IQ daU & idliil & daliil coquetry I daliil = V A, GL daliiluD luxuriant hair I ZJ 321 diliilah brokerage II GL dalilun ZJ 1430, MT & AC dalil guide I IQ dalil VA dalil -to dalii'i1 / adaUah guide, token I AL deW -to adille I deWI guide; chief privateer I d. -to adille probe, sound I IQ bidalil anna as shown by the fact that II daUiil = ZJ 932, GL dalliiluD AC dallil AL dellil f a + in town crier; broker I d. + in basket made of haifa I GL daUiiIuD IiIkutub agent for purchasing books I MT dalliil al'asra slave trader I daUiil addawiibb / alxayl horse dealer I d. alma~fal community spokesman II VA diiUah ZJ 938 dallah coquetry, coddling II mudallalah (fern.) coddled I IQ mudallal 'alayya behaving coquettishly with me II ID yrh 4 mdlh 'Iy 'Hrq 'Imstqymh showing the right ways. S. {xyI} & {frd}. ·{DLM}: AC dalamii AL deleme + delem wood pigeon. ·{DLNS}: BM dallinis tellin, sunset shell (Tellinus, zoo.; < G l&A.A.lV'l). ·{DLHM}: VA laylun mudlahimm (hr.) dark night. ·{DLW}: VA nidalli tadliyah k to let down with a rope I AL nidelli al aynin delWt tedli yat al aynin to lower one's eyes II V A nudli adlayt idlii mudli bal~ujjah ma'ak 'inda / quddiim alqii4i to adduce an argument before the judge I yudli adlii idlii Ii bi to draw water II naddaUa addaUayt tadalli mutadalli -to in min to slide down by a rope I IQ tadri ... 'ala s tadaUa you know the risk you are taking II IH addalii VA dalw = dalii + ad Iii IQ addalwii - dalwuh AL delu + adlia bucket I GL dalwun 'ddalwu Aquarius (ast.) II IH addiiliyatu AL dilia + daguili dim. duaylia + it VA & MT diiliyah + dawiili grape-vine I IQ damm addiiliyah & mii addawiili IZ 10/0/1 bint addawiili wine I GL diiliyatun sawdii biting clematis (Vitis nigra, bot.) I atriifu 'ddiiliyati + 'ddawiili vine shoots I waraqu 'ddiiliyati (pI.) AL guaraca (I. guaracat) adavyli + guaraq adavili vine leaf I ninaqqui a davili naqueit to clean grape-vines I rahat + arhUd a dilia type
of grape-vine nhiret; mudelli with bowed head I mude;[ (I. mudelli) (al) vdnei - al aynin + mudeilin (1. mudelliin) IQ mudallin al'uitnayn crestfallen; with lowered ears. S. {r's}, {sny} & {gzI}. ·{DMI>}: GL damiillatun meekness II damilluD meek II DS diimillii a Persian variety of the gum tree. S. {~sm}. ·{DMJ}: IQ nandamaj I look like an idiot II VA idmiij writing in a very cramped hand II mudmaj cramped (handwriting) I IQ crammed, pressed together II mundamaj idiot(ic). S. {xH}. ·{DMDM}: GL '.damdimu VA nidamdam damdamah k to destroy II yaddamdam addamdam to be destroyed « (hdm}). ·{DMR}: GL dam mara to destroy I MT dammarahum aUah may God destroy them I AL nidammar dam mart tadmir mudan(m)ir = muljamir + in mudammar VA nidammar tadmir k to squander II yaddammar addammar tadammur IQ yaddammar to be squandered II V A damar ZJ 201 damiir GL damiirun ruin II AC dammarii (= /dammara/) squanderer (fern.). ·{DMS}: VA diimis -to dawiimis dark, black I laylun diimis (hr.) dark night II IQ & AC daymiis cellar, vault I LZ daymiis IH daymiisun old tall building. « G 5'l110UlOV "state prison", prob. through Ar, cf. Rb dimosin). ·{DMSQ}: IH damasq GL & VA dimasq JM 7 dimisq AL Dimaxq Damascus II dimaxqui + in Damascene. S. {btx} & {sOd}. ·{DM'}: IQ tadma' V A nadma' dama't dam' diimi' f ah -to dawiimi' al'ayn & yaddamma' addamma' tadammu' to weep D nidamma' k to cause to weep II DS dam' blood transudation (vet.) II VA dam'ah + iit / dam' / dumii' IQ dumii' & admu' (pI.) AC dumii' (pI.) GL dumii'un (pI.) AL damaa + dumua dim. dumayaa + dumayayt ZJ 1246 & IA dumay'ah tear I UT 344 dumii' alkalb a kind of wild turnip (also called rsydh) UVA mad rna' + madiimi' lachrymal canal II AL mudamaa + in lachrymose. S. {rsI} & {tlq}. ·{DMG}: VA nidammag tadmig k & na4rab addimiig to damage the brain II yaddammag addammag to get a broken skull II dimiig -to admigah & daymiig GL
dimiigl'un IQ damga(h) & dimiig ZJ 112 damgah AL dimag/~ + admiga = admiga brain I d. + admag nape of the neck I FX dimiig almutawakkil a dessert of honey and almond paste II DS iilah diimigah a kind of harrow-plough II AL damaga (= Idammaga/) + damamig portcullis. S. {fhm}. +{DML} I: VA nidammal tadmil k to ulcerate II yaddammal addammal & yandamal andamal to be covered with ulcers I IH 'ndamal to be ulcered II VA dummal + damiimil ulcer I ZJ 2086 dummal GL dummalun furuncle, boil. +{DML} II: VA damlah + iit a carpenter's job « L dO/iimen 'planing"?). +{DMLJ}: VA dumluj + damiilij JM 14 damlaj bracelet. +{DMN} I: VA nudmin admant idmiin mud min 'ala to apply o.s. to II damnah + diman LZ damnah IH damnatun AC diman (pl.) dung-heap. S. {swk}. +{DMN} II: MV 151 dwmnh (f & {wlwl}. ·{DWRD}: AL dorada gilt-head bream (Sparus / chrysophrys aurata, ich.; prob. late borrowing from Cs). ·{DWS}: JM 26 dii~uh he stepped on it « {dws}). ·{DWS}: IQ diis 'amalayn = ZJ 953 having a double function 1. ·{DW~}: OS daw~ water in which red-hot iron has been cooled. According to BM 388 it could also mean iron dross. ·{DWG}: OS diig whey « F). ·{DWF}: s. {awn.
This expression is prob. a lermi1l'" lech1licIlS designaling the cases when the zar jah of a mllwaJlaJt is also used as its ma(la'. S. O. Zwartjes, "Algunas observaciones sobre la funci6n de la zarja: aI·zarja dol 'amalaY1l (Ibn Quzmlin zajal No. 59)" in Poesfa eSlro/ica, Madrid 1991,367·376.
·{DWQ(S)}: AL duq DS diiqii BM diiqus wild carrot I UT 165 diiqii quradi - riimi GB 36 d. amlas kinds of wild carrot I GB 157 d. taysi & 355 d. amlas fever-few chrysanthemum (Crysanthemum parthenium, bot.; < L daucum or daucos < G /)auKoc;/v). ·{DWK} I: ZJ 946 dawkah VA dawkah + at disturbance. ·(DWQ{D)} II: AL duq duke I ard a duq duchy I amrilt a duq duchess II ducat ducat + MV 149,16 dawaqid (late borrowing from Cs). ·{DWL}: VA nidawal dawalt mudawalah k & naddawal addawalt tadawul mutadawil k 'ilia / rna' / fi AL mudeguil + in to take turns II IQ 165/5/1 alkas yudal the cup goes around II dal attire II dawlah + duwal AC dawlat turn of (good) fortune; power II IQ diilah I IA diilah & dawlah GL diilatun VA dawlah + at & diilah + at / diwal turn (in a succession) I baddiilah & battadawul by turns I FJ dawlah = diilah watering turn (whence Cs adula) I AL deule + it lesson II IQ duwaylah short good time UAC mudi! transferor of property or usufruct. S. {hn'}. ·{DWLB/M}: MT dawlab water-wheel I AL devlem + devilim mill wheel « {dwlb} < F dUliib). ·{DWM}: IQ dam yudiim dayim GL adiimu yadiimu dum dayimun f dayimatun 'ddayimatu AC y/idiim (lak) AL nidum dumt deguem deim + deymin VA nudiim dumt dawam da'im f ah + in fi / 'ala to last or continue I rna dam = GL rna dama as long as I MT rna dam yuridiin as long as they wish I IQ rna damat addunya as long as the world lasts I rna dumtu ~ay as long as I live I dumta masriir may you continue to be happy I dumta fi i~san may you continue your well-doing I na'ma milJli rna kittudiim happiness of the lasting kind I dum 'ala rna anta stay as you are I yudiim 'ala Iwi~al let him maintain his affection II VA nidawwam tadwim k & nudim adamt idamah mudim mudam & nastadim astadamt istidamah mustadim mustadam k to make lasting or permanent I IQ adam allah aa layyam may God make these days last I yudim allah suriirak may God lengthen your happiness I nidawwam k to
spin a top (tr.) Uyaddawwam addawwam to spin I IQ naddawwam to be lackadaisical II dawm IH addiimu ZJ 866 addiim VA dawm + dawm AL deume + deum GB 214 dawm al~abasah doom palm (Hyphrene thebaica, bot.) I gaida min deum doom palm-grove II davmi + in related to doom palms I VA dawmi + in one who grows doom palms II dimah + diyam cloud; rain a GL dawamun eternity I AS 43/1/4 'ala 'ddawam, DC 20 liculli dehuem, BD 17r n tiili dawami adawamin, CC 16 'an dayim addahr for ever I AL bi deguem continuously, endlessly I davime + daguiguim & davimia + davimit dim. duguayguemale + it IH dawwamatun + TH 83,9 duwwamat VA dawamah + at (spinning-)top II GL dayiman always I AS 42/7/4 dayim addaymiim (rh.) eternal II AL mudem small wine I mudam IQ mudam{ah) wine. S. {~yw}, {c.Jrb}, {'mr}, {qhr} & {mrc.J}. ·{DWN} I: VA diin without; bad I GL diina IQ diin AC diin & min diini IA diin AL dun without I min duniha (hr.) without her I IQ diinu below him; on this side of him I 'utnu diinak do not be bored by this (1) I 152/3/2 diin 'an nifari stop contradicting me I GL diinaka without you I HC 168 yqr an~iifan diin muqassar it is halved without peeling I DC 5 negine min culli dun save us from all evil I DC 8 tel ticrr eddun ... tel quetem addun ... tel tliimel eddun in bad thoughts ... words .. deeds I AS aw~af diin bad features UMV 150,17-8 hw mn mrc.Jh adwan his illness is worse. s. {~sb}, {~qq}, {~my}, {sbb}, {lsn} & {nfr}. ·{DWN} II: VA nidawwan tad win k mudawwin + in to collect II yaddawwan addawwan tadawwun to be collected II diwan + dawawin collection; ledger I IQ 184/1/2 diwan book I AL diguen custom-house II mUdeguena body of laws I IQ almudawwana Miilik's treatise of this name « P d€wiin "archives"). S. {xtt}. ·{DWN} Ill: MT diin Mr. a diinah = duw"~n{n)ah Mrs. I addiinat the ladies (< L domInus and its fern. domina. Also spelled with >}: VA dayyii\l + in pander, pimp. S. {sxt}. ·{DYXLN}: VA dayiixiliin unguent « G oU1 X,UA.wv).
·{DYD}: s. {diid}. ·{DYZJ}: OS dayzaj ash-coloured (a kind of arsenic, cf. F dize). ·{DYS}: IH addisu V A disah + dis GL disun 'ddisu ZJ 765 dis AL di,a + di, sharp rush (Juncus acutus, bot.) I di,a baharia + diz bahariin prob. sea rush (Juncus arabicus, bot.) I CD L 1/29 yanqasa' fi tarfi disah it disappears like magic I AL mavdaa a di, + maguadii adi, V A madyasah ground covered with sharp rush. S. {zyt}. ·{DYSRN}: GM 14 dyiisariin walnut electuary (prob. bad transmission of G oU1 Ko.(lUWV).
·{DYSS}: OS dyiisiis unripe fruits of the boxthorn (1). ·{DYQD}: OS dyiiqiidii BM diyiiqiid & diyiiqiiitii opiate « G oUl KWO&lWV). ·(DYQN(D)}: SG dyiiqn MT diyiiqun = diyaqiiniis AL diacono + diaconiin deacon o diaconado deaconship « L diaconus < G OUlKOVOC;, but the last word, at least, is a late borrowings from Cs). ·{DYK} I: GL dikun IQ dik LZ dikah (pI.) V A dik + diyakah 1 duyiik ZJ 487 & 1429 dik + duyiik AL diq + adieq rooster I GB 134 dik a'ma - a'war varieties of caltrops (Tribulus terrestris, bot.). S. {I]jr}, {x~w}, {itkr}, {itnb}, {~rx}, {'yn} & {qls(n)}. ·{DYK} II: BM. dik bar dik corrosive sublimate « F dig bar dig "pot upon pot"). ·{DYM}: AL diama diamond (late borrowing). ·{DYMRN}: GM 14 dyiimrwn mulberry electuary « G OUlI10(lwv). ·{DYN} I: VA nidin dint dayyiin + in to judge I AL yudinu al haye (1. ahye) gua alemuet (sr.) he will judge the living and the dead Hnideyen deyent to owe Bnedayen adeyent adeyen IQ naddayyan to become indebted II dein + duyun ZJ 1186 & AC dayn GL daynun IQ, MT & V A dayn + duyiin debt I ~iil]ib d. + a~l]iib duyiin MT mUdiiyin creditor II mutadiiyin V A midyiin GL midyiinun AL midien f a + in debtor II mudiim (1. n) indebted. S. {dr'}, {rtb}, {'lw}, {'yn}, {q4y}, {kmJ} & {myz}. ·{DYN} II: IQ yidin VA nidin dint diyiinah & yaddayyan addayyan tadayyun mutadayyin to profess a religion II nidayyan tadyin k to make s.o. profess a religion Ddin + adyiin IQ & ZJ 1184 din AC din + adyin AL din + adiin religion I ZJ 529 din daqqi lack of principles « P den). S. {'~J}, {'wI} 11, {xIr}, {rbb}, {'lw}, {'md} & {hjn}. ·{DYN} III: MT d.y(y)iin dean « Of deiien < L decanus). ·{DYWDR}: BM diwdiir Indian pine « F div daru "devil's drug').
IDI .{DA} : VA ila this (thing) 1haila t ha/iill + hawl ZJ 1930 hiila AC haila = iii ZJ 80 & IA ila AL hedlrje hQulin I heuley GL haila t hail.h this (masc.) 1 VA 'an / li('ajli) ila & liilalik & min ajli ila because of this 1 kaila (wakaila) ZJ 1112, 1133, 589 kaila/i & kailak, NQ bn 4/0/2 & br 2/0/2 kailak GL kailalika XA ari 2 hakaila thus IIQ kailak in such (and such) a way 1 BD 2r 11 alta'limu almuqadasu kaila maqbulan iii riihan hu yanra'a 'a~iman the sacred doctrine is as acceptable to the soul as it is greatly useful 1 IQ maila sallat allah 'alayna what (a curse) has God sent upon us! 1 AS 90/4/2 ila I'abid these slaves 1 lZ 12/1/3 ila ~~alil.'in these holy people 1 NQ mg 3/0/2 ila Imila~ these beautiful people 1 NQ mg 4/3/1 ya ila hey you! 1 10/5/1 ila kulluh lis taSfaq moreover you do not pity 1 XA ar2 n ila kulluh meanwhile 1 AL di/ berr the land on this side; on this shore 1 guai/Uhede = guali helede and besides I DC 16 hide al quellemet these words I lQ hUii/a this I haila kuIluh all this I hiila Ibiriin this cloak I wabiilii kullu nonetheless I ila Imiski this musk I iii nnawadir these marvels Ilassu ila 'ar this is not a shame Ilassi iii mu~ibah this is not a disgrace I annahar haila here is the dawn! I hailihi a'malak these are your deeds II ilak that I hailak that one I ilik aljama'a that kind of people I las haila min ilak this one is not like that one I LV 343 haila I'amirin these colonists I EV 5 hole alarbaa hijar these four stones I LP 5/5 haila Imudajjanin these Mudejars I MV 121 hiiilly annas these people I BD 12r bawlan allalalliitu these three I 8r 9 bawlan alzawjan asya'i these two things II GL ilalika ZJ 570 & IA ilalik & ilik AL rjiq & herjldeq & detiq htiuleq & htiulin(q) & auteiq VA (ba)ilak t ilik + hawlak / iila'ik / ba'ula'ik that I AC haila biilak this for that I ilik alia he who I EV 3 huleynch amlach those properties I lQ bailik addar that house I ilak allaili & ilak ailili that
which; he who I ilak allaili XA ibl that which I IQ ilik wa~idan minhum that one among them I bailak alia iii birummak that thing in your mouth I AC ilik albarr TQ 37r ilalik albarr AL diq al berr Ii diq a giha the land beyond the sea 1 quedi & quedetique like this, also I dint que(a)di so 1 am I rjiq ene~u t ene~a & hedeq ene~u & herjeq rjiq that very one I hedeq axei + haulinq axilt that thing I dediq (I. hediq) Ii diq one thing for another I GL min ilalika from that one I hanaila = ba'anaila here 1 am S. {'jO, {'xr}, {'I(iln, {'m}, {'mr}, {'mn}, {'ya}, {bzz}, {bsr} II, {b'd}, {ts'}, {Ilbt}, {Ill II}, {Ilny}, {jns}, {jy'}, {~yn}, {xrj}, {xU}, {xms}, {d'w}, {r'y}, {rb'}, {rj~}, {rdr>, {rsU, {rht}, {zmn}, {s'r}, {sb'}, {stt}, {Srr} I, {sis} I, {sw'}, {swY}, {sy'}, {Odd}, {'dO, {'rll}, {'Sr}, {'sw}, {On}, {'wll}, {'wm}, {'yn}, {gyr}, {rrz} I, {qbO, {qtO, {qdd}, {qdr}, {q~d}, {qwm}, {qys}, {k}, {kllr}, {kwn}, {I}, {lyU, {rna}, {m'y}, {milO, {mil}, {mrr}, {m'}, {myz}, {n~w}, {nz'}, {nsb}, {nhr}, {nwb}, {hal, {wjh}, {w~d}, {w~r>, {wll'}, {wqt}, {wq'}, {ydw}, {yqn} & {ywm}. ·{DAB}: ZJ 960 iliba AL dibe DC 17 deua IA ilib(a) IZ 2/5/1 iliba IQ ilaba IH & VA ilaba now I ~atta Iiilaba until now I min ilaba (liquddam) / lamam / Iiba'di ila henceforth I lQ min ilab (Iamam) from now on I ilab ilab just now I AL min dibe from now on I min d. dtixara ayim within ten days I min d. xahartiy within two months I min d. xutiy shortly « dialectal Old A iaii bah "and then" or Aa /awwaCla bah/ "here it is"). ·{D'B}: GL ilyb ZJ 196, IA & AC ilib AL dib + dUb VA ilib + ili'ab t ilibab wolf II V A ilawaba + at IQ iluwabat al'imamah extremity of a turban I IH ilawwabatun (hanging) forelock. S. {x~w}, {rw~}, {'nb}, {kff} & {lsn}. ·{DAL}: AL pil the letter aiil. ·{DBB}: GL ailubbu 3abbun to defend II VA ni3abbab tail bib k to drive away flies II yaililabbab aililabbab to be driven away II
aublib + lit tip of a sword I AL dulebeb (the second one prob. erroneous) edge of a knife 0 dubbina + dubbin JM 13 aubblin IH aibblin n. un. atun LZ aibblinah ZJ 776 aubblin AC aibbin n. un. li V A aubblin n. un. ah + aublib fly I aubblinat all]imlir ZJ 690 aubblin atraras horse-fly I AL dubbina mitalquelb + dubbin GL aublibun wahuwa aubblinu 'Ikillib dog fly I aublibun yaina resin « G Q1\tlV1\, prob. through P, at least some allomorphs). +{RTWL}: GL ratawalun hair-net (cf. Cs arrehuelo in IV 50). S. {rtfl}. +{RI>I>} I: VA ral>l>(ah} worn out, threadbare. S. {rl>y} & {raa}. +{RI>I>} II: AL yrecec recUt to drizzle II IH arral>al>u LP 47, 3 r.l>il> drizzle « {raa}, q.v.). +{RI>I>} III: LZ & IH ral>l>atun VA ral>l>ah + at stammering « (rU}). +{RI>Y}: AL narci arceit irce V A narl>i ral>ayt ril>a I raI>l> murl>i k 'ala to bewail or mourn IIQ ral>aw Ii they pitied me I yarl>i yarl>ii (Ii~al) to pity I tarl>i 'ala ddalal she grieves over her (ruined) hairdo II V A yartal>i artal>a irtil>a murtal>Y to be bewailed or mourned for II IQ ril>ah his lamentation II V A marl>iyyah + at GL marl>iyatun elegy, dirge. +{RJ'}: VA nurji arjayt irja murji murja k to postpone or put off. +{RJB}: VA rajab seventh month of the Islamic calendar DOS rujbah + rijab lowest part
Perhaps a contraction of Ihe a\lomorph u"ulija, also found in A for Ihe same idiom.
2 cr. Mr "ai and Rb ,ilqli "fence": Ihe a\lernancy bel ween {rtj} and {rtq} poinls 10 a loanword, perhaps P ,adag "row".
This very poor Iranslation (and synlax) is shown up by Ihe need fell by Ihe Iranslalor himself 10 explain iI: walismu almailkuru 'alayhimu anna bi 'amalihim huwa 'am ala aldunyi'i aljayidu aljami'u wayadurii bihum kami til artiijan aldiraran "Ihe aforementioned name is such because by practising Ihem a\llhe good deeds of Ihis world are done and hinge on Ihem like door leaves on Iheir pivols".
of a valley. ·{RJI;I}: VA yarjaJ.a rajaJ.a rajJ.a 1 rujJ.aan rajiJ.a marjiiJ.a k 1 'ala to surpass in weight or merit IIQ as naqdaran narjaJ.a min qubal what can I prefer to kisses I yurajjaJ.a it is preferred I VA nirajjaJ.a tar jiJ.a k ('ala) & nurjiJ.a arjaJ.at irjaJ.a murjiJ.a murjaJ.a 1 marjiiJ.a k 'ala to tip the scale of a balance; to prefer I AC yurjiJ.aub it tips it I VA yatrajjaJ.a atrajjaJ.a tarajjuJ.a (aa 'ala aa) to be preferred; to be inclined or tipped I IQ la rujJ.aan min there is no use in _. a rajiJ.a poised I arjaJ.a preferable I DS wa'arjaJ.a qalilan and a bit more II VA ur jiiJ.aab balance. ·{RJRJ}: DS rna' rajraj foul water. ·{RJZ} I: VA nirajjaz tarjiz k to compose in the metre called rajaz II yatrajjaz atrajjaz to be composed in such metre II rajaz a metre II urjiizab + arajiz poem in that metre. ·{RJZ} II: AL niraj/ge, = niraja, raj/gezt = raja,t rage, targi, to ponder or consider; to aim well I BD 25v tirajaza baJ.aa4rat man takuna consider in whose presence you are « {rjs}) a AL bi targi, tactfully I bile t. tactlessly I quillat t. lack of tact. ·{RJS}: VA rijs filth. ·{RJ'}: AL narjaa rajaat rujua/a = rojoo/a to come back; to recover his good sense; to go back on one's word I GL raja'a arja'u = '.r ja'u yar ja'u rujii'un VA Dar ja' raja't rujii' raji' + in AC raja'at yarja' arja' rujii' Ii IQ raja'ta tar ja' rujii' to come back or return I n. 'ala rukabi to throw o.s. on one's knees « {rk'}?) I n. fallaai quit to go back on one's word I AL n. Ii guara to fall back; to deteriorate I n. gaida to become a forest I n. min al ~air to grow worse I IQ raja' faras he became a horse I raja'ta lalJ.aaqiqa you returned to reality I yar ja' he repents I Dar ja' lu muxiilit I become his partner I 151/1/4 law raja' yabwani if he loves me again I NQ am 1/4/5 raja'at 'alib juniidub wabal his soldiers became a pest for him I XA a~1 narja' min aa Igalat I repent of this error I CD M 1/5 lay J.ailab narja' to what trick can I resort? I AC raja'at walad she turned into a boy I raja'na narii we saw again I yarja'iak mu'amil he becomes your partner II V A nirajja' tar jrk to
cause s.o. or s.th. to return; to shout I IQ rajja' allab man jabad alkuffar I wish God would bring the fighter of the unfaithful back to life II V A niraja' muraja'ab k GL '.raji'u to revise, to go over I VA allab yiriija' bi to make (said of God) 8.0. repent II yatrajja' atrajja' & nartaja' artaja't irtija' to return II nastarja' k IQ irtija'ub to reclaim II GL raj'atun AL rajaa + rajaat return I rujoa liguara falling back I rojoo bi ~airi improvement I r. bi xarr deterioration II rauja + raguagie (= Iraw ja'/) broken bread I SH rawaji' upturned ends of the handles of a frail II IQ raji' linaslak due to your ancestry I GL raji'iina penitents II MT irtija' & rujii' retraction (jur.) II AL marjaa + maragii VA marja' + maraji' a measure of land (whence Cs mar jal) I AL miat marja min ard one hundred such measures I VA marji' return I GL 'adimu 'Imarja' 1 'rrujii' without return I MT marja' addarak + maraji' adrak eviction (jur.) II marjii' loss by eviction I ZJ 241, 1146 & IQ almarjii' (ila) the recourse to. S. {tr'} & {tyr}o ·{RJF}: VA narjif arjaft rajf 1 irjaf marjiif k GL rajfun to make tremble or shudder II nartajaf artajaft irtijaf tremor, shudder II rajfab fear nXA afl irjaf tremor. ·{RJL} I: VA narjal arjalt irjal murjil murjall mar jiil k min GL ir jalun IQ mar jiil to dismount 0 IQ nartajal irtijal to improvise or extemporize I VA n/yartajal artajal(t) irtijal AL natra/ejel atra/ejelt atrejel tarajul to alight II rajel = regel = raj/gel (erroneous?) + arjul dim. AL rujayel + it pillar I MT rajl + arjiil pillar; prop I AL rajel mudaguar (round) column IIA rajl1l rijlay ZJ 981, 982 & AC raj I GL rijlun 11 rijliini foot I ZJ 146, 1640 & 1358 rajlayya - rajlik - rajlayha my - your her legs I VA rij(a)1 + ar jul foot; rudder I aii rijlayn biped I GL aii arba'ati ar jul quadruped I IQ rajlu his foot I birajli by my foot I r.jlayb his feet I r.jlayya = 168/1/4 arjuli my feet I rijlina our feet I DS r. al'arnab field clover I UT 396 r. albbi a kind of lovage I 326 r. albaHab a kind of potent ilia I UT 326 r. alJ.aid'ab yellow bedstraw (Gallium verum, bot.) I TD 257 r. alJ.aamamab hairy onosma
(Onosma echioides, bot., but in UT 358 a kind of coral) I OS rijl addajiijah a kind of camomile with white flowers I r. azzurziir I azziig I al'uqiib I al'aqa'aq swine cress (but TO 186 r. alguriib I azziig buck's horn plantain, Plantago coronopus, bot., and UT 328 r. azzurziir biting stonecrop, Sedum acre, bot.) I r. al'u~fiir bird's foot (Ornithopus perpusilius, bot.) I r. alfulliis I alfarriij a variety of saltwort I arjul aljariid a fragrant seed resembling the mustard (= iflunjah, q.v.) II TO 185 rijlah & AL rujayla + it purslane (Portulaca sativa, bot.) I UT 331 rijlat assitii' wa~~ayf mandrake II FX rijliyyah a kind of stew seasoned with purslane II GL rajuliyatun VA rujl(iyy)ah manhood I AL bi ruxla manly (ad v.) II AL rajul n r(r)ajulai = rajuten (hr.) = zeuch min arigil + rigitel man; husband I MV 150,14 riijil AC rajul & riijil = rajil (!) GL rajulun + rijiilun IQ, ZJ 747 & 186 & VA rajul + rijiil dim. AL rujayjal + it ZJ 747 rujayyal man I VA r. an mii some man I GL jami' 'rrijiil wannisii every man and woman II AL rigili +in manly (adj.) II CC 7 r.jiilah mn krmiit labourer's day's work on vineyards 1 II AL ragil + rigil man; pedestrian I IQ riijil on foot I MT riijil + rajjiilah servant, aid I riijil alqii4i bailiff I JT 37 riijil albikiiryii the vicar's servant I VA riijil + rajjiilah pedestrian; servant II marjal + mariijil cauldron. S. {'kl}, {b's}, {btl}, {l]dd} I, {xdd}, {xyr}, {dqq}, {rb4}, {rwl]}, {zwj}, {srs}, {stl]}, {sll]}, {snn} II, {sbk}, {sgw}, {SU} I, {4mm}, {'sr}, {'~w}, {fIt}, {qmj}, {qw'}, {kIJr}, {kff}, {Iii}, {Idd} II, {lwz}, {mdd} I, {mst}, {mwh}, {n'm}, {nqrs}, {nhk} I & {nhy}. *{RJL} II: GB rusal n. un. russallah rock-rose 2 « R *rozeLa dim. of L rosa "rose", cf. Gl roselha-grande).
*{RJM}: AL narjum rajamt VA narjum rajamt rajm riijim + in mar jiim I rajim k & nirajjam tar jim k to stone II yatrajjam atrajjam tarajjum & yartajam artajam irtijiim to be stoned II yatriijam to throw stones at one another I IQ rajim accursed I AS malak aw rajim angel or demon II IQ rujiim shooting stars (I.e., in Islamic tradition, missiles thrown by the angels at the devils who get near the heavens). *{RCM}: VA rajjim + rajiijim bunch (of grapes, < L racemus). S. {rjml}, {rqml} & {rmCl}. *{RJML}: AL rixmil + ragimil bunch (of grapes). S. {rem} & (rqmI}). *{RJN} I: OS rajinah V A ra/ijinah AL raleligina (pine) resin I IB 133 r.jinah a disease affecting pumpkins when their stalk is not protected by raising soil around it I AL regina baida Burgundy pitch I r. a ,argula I alar, cedar resin « L resina). S. (rtn(j)} & {rsn}. *{RJN} II: OS r.jiin argan tree. S. {'rgn}. *{RJW}: IQ y-tarjii yurjii GL arjii & '.rtaji rajii('un) riijin MT tar jii/i V A nar jii rajaw/yt rajii riiji + in murji I marjii k & natrajjii atrajjayt tarajji & nartaji artajayt irtijii murtaji k min AL nartegi artageit artagi to expect or hope I nartagi to trust in God I IZ 8/9/4 raji xayruh he hopes for his benefits I IQ rajiik he begged you I rajawnii bik we placed our hopes in you II rajjii lu he begged him I XA cdi7 biwa~lak tirajjini you give me hopes of union I IQ yartajik he begs you I kif yurtaja lu wi~iil how can one expect to reach him? II rajii AL rage V A rajii hope, expectation I naqta' arr. to give up all hope I IQ aqta' rajiik give up your hope I AL rajauna (hr.) our hope I quillat raje despair I calil a r. hopeless I MT rajii IJawiibuh in the hope of his reward II IQ aban murajjii pn. S. {rj'} & {wly}.
This passage may explain Dozy's quote from IW in OS I SIS. alyadu huwa Iqat;'u lIa11; yuqta' mina alkarmi Iirrajjilah as "slip cut off the vinestock in order to plant new stems". be deviatio~s from ·{riJ}. The data of GB, which have been decisive in identifying this plant and its R etymon. appear to suggest a pronunciation with IiI, which is possible. but other vaTS. suggest >j Izl > IiI) in Hispanic Latin. with some exceptions. It is noteworthy that GB spells russilluh whenever it is vocalized. but the masc. gender is here unlikely.
2 Accordingly, the readings wasal. rl)bl and rujal in OS I 863 will
·{RJWN}: s. {'rjwn}. ·{RJY}: AL Regio Reggio (geo.) II regiani + in from Reggio (late borrowings from Cs). ·{RI;IB}: VA niral,tl,tab ral,tl,tabt tarl,tib k bi to make room; to welcome II yatral,tl,tab atral,tl,tab to be disencumbered I IQ yatral,tl,tab bi4ayr it welcomes a guest II AS 6/4/5 ral,tib VA ral,tb spacious, roomy II ral,tbah + ril,tiib = MT, GL ral,tbatun (wiisi'atun) AC ral,tba(t) public square I AL rahba + rihiJb public square; bull ring I TH 30,13 maks arril,tiib duty on goods sold in the market I 41/8 mut.qabbil arril,tiib collector of this duty II OS tarl,tib spacing vinestocks II V A marl,taban welcome! I IQ marl,taban bassultiin welcome to the king! I marl,tabii welcome (int. or subs.) nMT mur.l,tab wide, vast. ·{RI;IT}: VA rul,tiitah excrement « (rI,t4}). ·{RI;IQ}: OS irtal,ta4a to wash oneself II V A rul,tii4ah excrement II mirl,tii4 + mariil,ti4 GL mirl,tii4un AL mirhad + marahid water-closet. S. {rl,tO & {mI,t4} II. ·{RI;IQ}: IQ ral,tiq excellent wine. ·{RI;IL}: IQ ral,tal arl,tal (iv.) ral,til riil,til 'an GL yarl,tilu AC ral,til VA narl,tal ral,taIt ral,til riil,til + in min Ii to set out or depart II niral,tl,tal k GL ural,tl,tilu mural,tl,talun to make s.o. leave or emigrate I AL nirahiJl rahiJlt = nirajal rajalt (!) to move (to another house); to empty one's house II V A niriil,tal muriil,talah k & natriil,tal atriil,taIt tariil,tuk rna' to share camp; to have social intercourse B VA ral,tli preferred prey of carnivora I AL rihla + it & rahil & irtihiJl departure II rahal + arhal herd, flock, drove; clothes; household effects I AC ral,tl GL ral,tlun + arl,tiilun herd, flock I VA ral,tal + arl,tiil camp; ranch; village I AL rahal min bacar drove of cows I r. min maa(; flock of goats I r. min 4ain flock of sheep I r. min ramq herd of mares I r. min ~anizir herd of swine I IQ ral,tli my valise II IQ ral,tiilah household goods II V A marl,talah + mariil,til a day's journey; stopover I ZJ 995 & AC mariil,til (pI.) stage IIA mariil,til sheep-folds. ·{RI;IM}: IQ yarl,tamiik arl,tam(ii) (iv.) GL ral,timta arl,tamu '.rl,tam (iv.) ral,tmatun AL narham rahamt AC ral,tam yarl,tam arl,tam(uh) rul,timt yurl,tam VA narl,tam ral,tamt ral,tmah riil,tim + in marl,tiim to
have compassion I IQ Iii qawm yarl,tamii Iiqawm nobody pities anybody I AC allah yarl,tam may God pity I ral,timahu lIah (hr.) may God have mercy upon him I NQ hm 9/0/2 Iii ral,tim um man liimani may God not have mercy on the mother of those who blamed me I GL yii rabbi irl,tam 0, my Lord, have mercy II natriil,tam atriil,tamt / tariil,tamt tariil,tum mutariil,tim + in 'ala Imayyit to offer condolences to one another II yartal,tam artal,tam irtil,tiim to obtain mercy II ral,tmah & rul,tma AL rahma + rahamet mercy, compassion I bi r. mercifully I IQ ral,tmat allah 'ala may God have mercy upon him - the soul of II AL rahim + arham = rahun + arMn (!) VA ral,tim + arl,tiim womb, uterus II ral,tim + in / ruhamii & rahmiin IQ rahim GL ra~imun AL rahi'm f a + rohame'merciful, compassionate II IQ arral,tmiin the Merciful II taral,tl,tum condolences (offered) UMT almarl,tum late, deceased. S. ('bdl. ·{RI;IW}: V A ral,ta(n) + arl,tiyah millstone; molar tooth I ril,tii + arl,tiyah / arl,tii IH ril,tan + arl,tiyatun MT ril,ta = ril,tiih 11 ril,tatayn + arl,tiyii / arl,tiyah / arl,tii mill I GL ral,tan AC ri/il,tii JM 7, ZJ 832 & IA ril,tii AL riM + arhia water-mill I h. arriM + hijar a. millstone; lower stone of an oilmill I FJ arril,ta ssiiniyah water-mill I arl,tii' satawiyyah water-mills operating in winter only I arl,tii' ~ayfiyyah water-mills operating in the summer I ZJ 295 'ayn arril,tii middle of the millstone II MT r.l,ta/iiwi AL rihagui + in f a + it AC ril,tiiwi VA ral,tawi + in miller; grinder. S. {rtcn}, {qnw} & {mqs/~}. ·{RXX}: GL ruxxun (war) chariot I ~iini'u 'rruxxi coachman I IH riixun VA rux(x) = riix + rixax / arxiix IQ ruxxi rook, castle I azzawj rixiix both castles (in chess; < P rah). ·{RX~}: AL nar~u(; ra~uzt V A yarxu~ raxu, ruxii~ah GL ruxii~atun to be or become tender or supple I IQ yarxu, V A y. raxu~ rux~ to be inexpensive or cheap II niraxxa~ tarxi~ k to make tender; to reduce the price I AL nira~a(; ra~a(;t to make cheaper I IQ yuraxxa, it is deemed of little value II VA yurxi~ arxa~ irxii,
RXM-RDD I Ii fi llahi wannabi & yiraxxa~ Ii fi to grant dispensation from a religious duty II yatraxxa~ atraxxa~ to become tender or inexpensive II rux~ah + ruxa~ IQ rux~ah dispensation II VA rax~ GL r(a)x~un AL rak,r; + ru/ok,r; dim. rok,ayk,ar; + it supple; tender I V A '. an rax~ AL adam rak,r; + idam (I. idam) rok,r; cartilage II rak,r;a yearling; veal II rok,r; tenderness; inexpensiveness I AC rux~u its inexpensiveness Uraxi~ f li AL rak,ir; + in I rik,ar; dim. rok,ayyar; + rok,ayacit GL raxi~un IQ raxi~ V A raxi~ + rixa~ inexpensive, cheap I AC itahab larraxi~ he went for bargains I AL xei rak,ir; + axilt rik,az inexpensive thing II MT arxa~ cheaper. +{RXM}: VA niraxxam tarxim k to apocopate (gr.) II yatraxxam atraxxam to be apocopated II IA raxlim AL rak,am + in osprey (zoo.) UIQ & GL ruxlim (but s. GL 82, fn. 2) AL rok,ama + rok,am marble; jasper VA ruxamah + ruxlim marble slab II HC 227 & FX ruxlimiyyah a kind of sugar and almond paste (cf. Ag adoquin). S. {tf~} & {l~m}. +{RXW}: VA yarxli raxli to live in opulence II niraxxi tarxiyah k to provide with opulence II narxi arxayt irxli murxi IH murxiyyatun (fern.) to drop or lower; to let down I AL nark,i ark,ait murk,i = m6rk,i + in (!) to loosen or let loose I IQ arxayt al'imamah you loosened your turban I arxi surrah relax your lower lip (i.e., open your mouth to drink wine) I NQ yb 1/1/1 nasrub wanarxi suffah I drink with an open mouth I 3/3 nard ssarliwil I lower my pants D VA yatraxxa atraxxli to be provided with opulence II bila taraxi incessantly II yartaxi artaxli irtixli murtaxi & yastarxi AL irtik,a to get loose I GL istarxi to slacken UVA rixw tender; supple nraxli = IA abundance, opulence I IQ farraxli in good times II VA raxawah looseness; laxity nGL 'ttarlixi neglect UDS istirxa' vinestock disease resembling oidium II IH 'a~an mustarxiyyah a sparingly used rod. S. ritn}. +{RD'}: V A yarda radiya to be bad II niraddi tardiyah k & nurdi ardayt irda murdi murdli k to make bad II yatraddli atraddli murxi~
raxxa~ tarxi~ muraxxi~
taraddi to become bad II radli'ah + lit badness; maliciousness II radi + in / radayli ZJ 744 & IA radi GL radiyun IQ radiyyah (fern.) bad; malicious I tuqiil radi you say something bad II GL '.rdli worse. S. {rdd} II, {4mr), {mwh} & {'wd}. +{RDB!-}: AL rodauallo (I. rodaballo) turbot (ich., late borrowing from Cs). +{RDJ}: IQ yuraddaj AL niraddex raddext to card or comb flax I VA niraddaj tardij k to card or comb; to rake II yatraddaj atraddaj to be carded or raked Uraydiij + rawadij DS raydiij card; rake I AL raydux + ravidix dim. ruaydex + git rake « P, reflected by F rande). +{RDD} I: GL radadnli aruddu & '.rdudu yaruddu yuraddu mardiidun IQ mardiid to return or give back I V A nurudd radadt radd rlidd + in raddlid + in mardiid k to send, put or lay back; to reject or drive back; to throw up; to repeat I AL nirud(d) radadt = radatt = rutt rud( d) to return or give back; to turn into I DC 7 rod iline aiineiq turn your eyes towards us I V A n. k 'an (al~aqq) to deviate from (the truth) I IQ rudd assalam return the greeting I radadt a~san ta~iyya I returned the best greeting I radadta Ii ris you made me wealthy again I liyya yurad it is returned to me I nurud I answer back I yuruddani it will make me return I yurudduh batil it invalidates it I radda jismi fi lawn it made my body take the colour of _. I radda jismi kaxayt it made my body like a thread I mi.,luh radd allah fi 4iya ba~ari may I see God do the same while I can I 18/2/3 radda garnlitah makkah he turned Granada into another Mecca I kulli xayrah turud Ii you reject any good trait in me I radda lak yaddu 'ala he laid hold of I XA a~i 1 lli budd arud yaddi 'ala rlisi I must take care of my hair I ZJ 1519 yirudd bli b addar he closes the door of the house I yiruddi ~ulbuh ilih he turns his back on him I IZ 25/9/3 radduh ya~'ub he made it difficult I NQ br l/x/2 raddani itli Ii'sqi lamran ~a'ab this love has given me trouble I AC radd aititahab rub he turned gold into syrup I raddanl 'umayri he made me an onanist II GL uraddidu = '.raddidu to turn over; to waver I V A
ROO ll-RZ'
niraddad tardid k IQ muraddad to repeat II V A n. k = yatraddad atraddad taraddud mutaraddid Ii to frequent I y-natraddad atraddadt taraddud mutaraddid + in to be repeated I yatraddad atraddad n to hesitate or waver I nartadd artadt irtidlid / tardid IQ nartad to apostatize I AL nartedd artedett to abandon one's good ways I nerted lal ~air - xarr artededt arted to change for the better - worse I fa yrtadu (sr.) and they fell back II radd return; restitution I VA jli bimi'at radd he gave a thousand answers I IQ ~li~ib arrad official in charge of prosecuting injustices (s. OS I 520) II AL radda + at return I TH 114,7 r.ddah piece of cloth of a certain width II AL irtad conversion (m. of Vlll verbal stem, after SK 6.6.2) II GL tarad(d)udun hesitation; frequentation II AC mardiidah 'ala ~li~ibab (goods) returned to their seller 0 LZ tlijirun muridd merchant wbo returns tbe goods II VA maradd return II murtadd + in GL murtaddun = murtadun ('ani Timlin) AL murtad(d) + in apostate. S. {r33}, {fkr}, {gbr}, {qbI} & {nfs}. ·{RDD} II: LZ riddu I'askar + rudiid IH raddu I'askari + rudiidu I'askari CO L 1/44 rudiid army auxiliaries « {rd'}). ·{RD'}: GL '.rdi'u VA nurdi' arda't irdli' mardii' k to restrain; OS to prune vines in a certain fashion II VA yartada' artada't irtidli' to restrain 0.8. ·{RDF}: GL yardafu to add I VA nardaf ardaft irdlif kallim bika3li to add some words I IH & LZ ardaftu rrajula & VA niraddaf tardiC k to mount s.o. behind o.s. on a beast IIH & LZ lli turdifu she cannot bear a second rider II VA nartadaf artadaft to ride behind s.o. II ridf + ardlif croup, haunch I radif riding behind II TH 90,4 & HC 78 mardiif a kind of bread (adulterated by mixing different kinds of dough) II VA murlidif & mutarlidif f ab synonymous. ·{RDM}: VA nardum radamt radm rlidim raddlim mardiim k ZJ 360 ardum (jv.) to
wall up; to fill up I AL nardum radamt to ram 0 VA yartadam artadam irtidlim to be walled or filled up I SH raddlimi (kind of frail) used for carrying building debris, pI. qiflif raddlimiyyab & qiflif alxidmab). ·{RDN}: VA niraddan tardIn k to spin II rudn + ardlin sleeve II IQ rudayn a measure for wine (= half a rub'); bottle of this capacity II VA rudaynI + rudayniyab lance a raddlinab + radlidin AL raddina + it distaff. ·{RDY}: IQ naraddi VA niraddi tardiyab k to drop or let hang down a yatraddli atraddli & yartadi artadli irtidli to wear I yatraddli atraddli taraddi mutaraddi n / min to fall II rada(n) death II ridli + ardiyab IQ ridli!i ZJ 494 ridli cloak I GL ridli'un veil I ridli'u 'I'asrlif gown worn by the noblemen I AL ridi + ardia = ardia (I) curtain I FX ridli' fat of the intestines S. {rd'}. ·{RD/DYRZ}: 8M riidyliri3li TO 287 rii3yliri3li (I. riidylirizli) rose root (Sedum roseum, bot.; < G Q05ia Qi~a). ·{RDD}: GL ra3li3un V A ra3li3 = raillill AL rrada min xiti drizzle. S. {dqq} & {rllll}. ·{RDRG(s)}: AL Rodrigo pn. I Rodriguez pn. (late borrowings from Cs, probably not through old ru3riq, q.v.). ·{RDRQ}: IH 277 ru3riq Rodrigo (last king of the Goths, which that author suggests correcting as lu3riq, according to a mistaken conception of his; < LI Rodericus < Ge). ·{RDL}: VA yar3al ra3ul to be vile or base II nira33al tar3n k & nur3i1 ar3alt ir3lil mur3i1 mur3al / mar3iil k to debase II yatraa3al atra3aal tara33ul to become vile or base II nastar3al istir3lil k to consider vile or base I ra31 + ar3lil / ri3lil / arli3i1 IQ ra31lit (fern. pI.) ZJ 2157 ar3lil (masc. pI.) vile, base II VA ra3lilab + lit vileness, baseness. S. {gyw}. ·{RDMR/L}: IH 278 'bnu ru3mn 1 IQ aban ru3mir pn. (generally applied to Aragonese kings). ·{RRR}: AC rurru baby (7; cf. Cs rorro). ·{RZ'}: VA nirazzi razzayt tarziyab murazzI k
That author, however, prefers a pronunciation with final/r/.
RZB-RSL I to bring about s.o.'s ruin or bankruptcy I IQ nurazzli I suffer D VA yatrazzli atrazzli tarazzi to become ruined or bankrupt II NQ mg 21/1/1 ali rruz'i this disgrace II IQ raziyyah VA raziyyah + lit / razliyli ruin, calamity 0 murazzi/li + in hapless. *{RZB}: IH & GL marzabbatun V A marzabbah + lit / marlizib lA, ZJ 1617 & AC marzabbah mace I LO Marzeba pn. or nickname I AL merzebe + merzeb beetle (for beating linen) I marzebe + marizib dim. mureyzebe + it mallet (from South Arabian stock, cf. Gz razabij "to hit"). *{RZDQ}: MT arrazdaqi pn. (prob. < A ruzdiiq "village" < P roztiig "district"). *{RZZ} I: VA razzah + lit screw-eye IIH rizzatu Iblibi AL raza + rizaz hinge I IQ fi ali rruzayzah qad antasab i~bli'i I caught my finger in this little hinge (met.) II V A murazzaz violent. S. {gzz}. *{RZZ} II: IH ruzzun rice. S. ('rd. *{RZQ} I: VA yarzuq razaq rizq + arzliq rliziq razzliq marziiq k AC ruziq(ta) to provide (God) I IQ 22/6/2 allah yarziq God provides I AC lam ruziq baxtan (sr.) he had no luck UVA nastarzaq allah to ask for one's livelihood from God UGL rizqun stipend I MT & IA rizq ZJ 1919, 123 & AC rizq + arzliq AL rizq + arzaq livelihood I bi rizq profitably I ba rriCq by the lump (cf. Ct barriscar "to buy or sell in bulk") I FR 93,5-6 yabtagi rizq allah fIh he will try to make a profit with it I ET Aborrezc pn. II dim. RC arruzayac nickname (= "little fortune") II ZJ 1198 marziiq fortunate I LO Marzoque pn. I ET Benimarsoc & Benimorzoch place names « P roz'ig "daily ration"). S. fty}, {~I]w}, {'bd} & {QU}o *{RZQ} II: TO 246 rlizaqi white lily (Lilium candid urn, bot.); GM 38 jasmine oil (but also quicksilver and another unid. plant in UT 318; < F riizaqi)l. *{RZM}: I V A narzum razamt razm rlizim marziim k to pack or bundle II yartazam artazam irtizlim to be packed or bundled II rizmah + rizam AL rizma + rizam package, bundle I raxma (misspell or
1 Sleingass, however, has
return from Cs resma1) min cagad ream of paper II GT 105,17 Sayrlit ••. murazzamah heaped up frails. *{RZM} II: IQ y-narzam to bite « {Izm}, q.v.). *{RZN}: VA yarzun razun to be sedate or staid II nirazzan tanin k to make sedate or staid I razlinah GL razlinatun AL razana sedateness, staidness I bi r. I razama (!) sedately II VA razin + in / rizlin sedate, staid I ET Aberrazin place name. *{RZYNJ}: VA rliziylinaj I r. barri rosemary frankincense (Hippomarathrum libanotis, bot.) I TO 236 r. bustlini common fennel (Freniculum vulgare, bot.) I UT 318 r. I]abasi hedge parsley (Caucalis maritima, bot.) I OS & GM 6 rliziylinaj riimi / slimi anise (but in 319 r. riimi is hog's fennel, Peucedaneum officina Ie, bot.) I UT 318 r. flirisi = r. bustlini I r. qibti = r. barri I 319 r. alquriid a kind of wild carrot I r. majiisi aneth « F riizeyiina j). *{RSTM}: s. {sjr}. *{RSX}: AL narcak, arcak,t to persist I VA yarsax rasax rasx / rusiix rlisix to be firm or solid II nirassax tarsix k to fix; to make solid II yatrassax atrassax tarassux & yartasax artasax to become firm or solid • rlisix + in / rawlisix AL racih (I. k,) + in firm, solid Dmuracak, faxarr - fal k,air + in steadfast in evil - good ways. *{RS'}: VA nirassa' tarsi' k to inlay « {r~'}). *{RSXT(J)}: GM 38 rawsaxtah OS rlisuxt & riisaxt.j BM riisaxtaj burnt copper « F riisoxt(e) "antimony" < P roy soxtag "burnt copper"). *{RSTBL}: AL ractabala (I. ractabtlla) + ractabal hornet (perhps a hybrid from B, cf. K ar:a~ "wasp", and A (abbiil "drummer"). *{RSL} I: V A nirassal tarsi! & nirlisal murlisalah k & yatrassal atrassal & yatrlisal atrlisal tarlisul to exchange letters, to correspond a narsal arsalt irslil mursil + in mursal + in / marsiil + in k warli'a - ila to send for - to I GL arsilu mursalun / marsiilun f marsiilatun ZJ 381 tarsal arsal (jv.) AL narcel arcelt ircel marcul a + in to send or dispatch I n. Ii diq al berr to send overseas I IH arsaltu
rQziqi, as if Ihis word were of Arabic slock.
i1ayhi 'abdan I sent a slave to him I IQ narsal(lak) arsal (jv.) irsiil to send I mii'u narsalu I send it by him I narsal dumii'i I shed my tears I AS 79/6/4 yarsal fi siini he sends for me II VA nastarsal istirsiil 'ala / n to persist I IQ na~amtu istirsiil I made verse fluently II V A raslah = IQ slowly I barraslah dim. NQ ab 1/1/1 & XA dahl barrusaylah in a whisper II IQ rasiil VA rusul + arsiil & rasiil + rusul GL rasiilun ZJ 1392 rasiil AC alraculu (hr.) AL ruc/zl + arcel = arcil & racul + ruzl messenger, envoy I IQ arrasiil the Prophet I risiilah = ZJ 145, AL ricel(l)a + raleceil I ralecayl VA risiilah + rasii'i1 letter, missive I GL risiilatun + rasiiyilun remittance; mission I BO 34r arisiilatu Epistle at Mass n AL raculialin (hr. fern.) apostolic II CP 103,4 'id almarsiilayn feast of the two Apostles. S. {~mJ}, {~Iw} & {fw,,}. *{RSL} 11: AL ruca (1. rucal) + racicil sty (med., < L hordeolus). *{RSl,.N): AL Rosellon Rousillon (geo., late borrowing from Cs). *{RSM}: V A narsum rasamt rasm riisim marsiim k AL narcum racaml & niracam racaml to draw or trace; to mark I MT yarsum ismlth he signs II VA yartasam artasam irtisiim murtasim fi to be traced or marked II rasm + rusiim drawing; trace; mark I MT rasm writ; OS entry; GL rasmun mark I AL racam + rucum I rocom drawing; trace; signature II MT marsiim set up, established I GL marsiimun public, official. S. {~wr} I. *{RSML}: V A nirasmal rasmalah k to capitalize g yatrasmal atrasmal tarasmul to be capitalized II rismiil + rasiimil ZJ 48 rismil IA rasmil AC rismil capital I AL naamel rrizmil to make money I dim. AS 91/1/4 rusaymalak your little capital II AC murasmal wealthy. *{RSN} I: GL rasanun AL racan VA rasan + arsiin halter « P rasan "rope"). S. {jbd} & {xl'}.
*{RSN} II: FA riis.n common inula (Inula helenium, bot.). *{RSN} 111: MT ru/iisin AL rocin + racicin hack, jade (late borrowing from Cs rocin, prob. < West Ge *rollja "carcass"). *{RSW}: VA narsi arsayt irsii mursi mursii lH
arsati ssafinatu to (cast) anchor I AL narci arceil to put into harbour; to strand I VA rawiisi firm mountains II mars8lii + mariisi IH almarsa anchor I GL marsan AL marca + maraci AC mariisi (pI.) anchorage, port II qiiribun mursin & safinatun mursiyatun anchored boat. S. {~mr}.
*{RSYNR}: MT rasyunayruh = rasyiiniiruh + rasyiinayrin prebendary « LI riitioniirius). *{RS'}: IQ & VA rasii fawn. *{RST} I: OS ristah a kind of macaroni (identified by BM 89 with ilriyah ; < F resle "thread"). *{RST} II: SG rusiilah pink spot on the body (a R dim. of L rosa "rose"). *{RSTN}: VA ristiin aphthae (pro b., cf. F riS e ltin "mouth sore"). *{RS~}: ZJ 50 & AC yarsa~ AL narxah raxahl VA yarsa~ rasa~ ras~ riiSi~ rassii~ to ooze I AS 19/2/3 yarsa~ Ii riqi my mouth is making water n VA nirassa~ tarSi~ k Ii to prepare or capacitate II yatrasSa~ atrasSa~ taraSsu~ to prepare or capacitate O.s. II MT arrassii~ a nickname (prob. = "sweaty") II VA murassa~ + in capable. *{RSD}: VA narsud rasadt rusd to come of age Unursid arsadt irsiid mursid + in marsiid k GL '.rsudu '.rsiidun AL narxud raxadl I arxell ruxd raxid + in to guide well or counsel 0 VA nastarsid istirsiid k to ask advice II rusd & rasiid AC rasad IQ rasiid good sense I TO 195 ~abb arrasiid UT 209 almursid garden cress (Lepidium sativum, bot.) I IQ aban rusd pn. II rasid f ah VA raSid + in / rusadii / risiid sensible I UT 344 rasidah a kind of wild turnip I IQ arraSid ET Arraxil pn. II HC 59 raSidiyyah a stew of fried meat spiced and garnished n VA riisid + in / rusadii of age I MT algayr riiSid AL gair raxid minor I IQ aban riisid pn. II arsad = ZJ 1912 more correct. S. {'bw} & {hdd} I. *{RSS} I: ZJ 98 & 688 nirussah russ~h (jv.) AL nulirux raxexl rux raxx marxux + in VA nuruss rasast rass / rusiis rassiis marsiis k to sprinkle a yartass artass irtisiis to be sprinkled UFJ iUrii' arrassiis / rassiisiyyah standard cubit set up by Mu~ammad b. Faraj ArrassasI n IH rusasun drizzle II V A
RSS II-RI;>I;> mar ass + iit sprinkling bottle. S. {mrs}. ·{RSS} II: ZJ 606 rassas bucket-rope « (rsw}). ·{RSF}: IQ 160/0/1 'rsq (I. arsuf) sip (the lip of the beloved) I XA a'l arsuf ru4iibi sip my saliva I AS 99/0/1 nartasaf kiis I sip a cup oIQ 161/1/1 mariisif lips. ·{RSFNSRY}: SG rsffnswryh refrain « L res ponsorlum). ·{RSQ}: AL narx6q raxaqt IQ = ID dIg yarSuq to bolt or leap I VA narsuq rasaqt rasq rasiq marSiiq k to throw or shoot II nirassaq tarSiq k to cause to shoot I AC rassaq to make elegant II VA yatrasSsaq atrassaq to vibrate II IQ rasq assihiim arrow throwing II rasiiqah elegance II raSiq f ah + risiiq elegant II V A rasiq + risiiq pleasant UOS rSiiqh (I. rassiiqah) AL arrexaqua + arrexaq = arexaqua + it trident, fish-spear 1 I UT 833 rassiiqah s. barbiillah II IQ arsaq more elegant I mii arsaqu how elegant! S. {grq}. ·{RSQ/K}: SG rwskh & riisqh clover dodder (Cuscuta epithymum, bot). ·{RSL}: GB 252 rusiil(Iuh) a kind of cistus. S. {rj\} II. ·{RSM}: GL arSumti rasmun AL narxum raxamt VA narsum rasamt ras(a)m rUim marsiim k to brand or mark I SH rasm to mark (the price); to label I IQ yursam assiir the city wall is marked with paint (and divided into stalls for the sale of the rams before the Great Feast) II V A yartasam artasam to be branded Urasm + rusiim IA rasm mark I IH arrasmu mark on the loaves taken to bake in the public oven I DC 4 Bi raxim mata almuqueddez a~aleb by the sign of the Holy Cross I IQ rasam pattern or design on cloth I AL raxam + ruxum 10 mrr 6 rSwm mark; impress(ion), imprint I r. al CaQ + arxam al quian footprint I rax(x)am + in sealer; printer II marxam + maraxim brandiron I SH marsam rod or standard for measuring cloth II AL marxam (I. marxum) dim. murayxam marked « Ar dam "to engrave"). S. {fdd}. ·{RSN}: OS rasinah ·r·esin I GB 258 r. yiibisah
colophony « L rUina). S. {rjn} I. ·{RSW}: IH yarsihi raswatun AL narxi arxeit IQ narSi V A narSi arsayt irsii mursi mursii k to bribe II yartasi artasii irtiSii murtaSi + in to accept a bribe I raswah + iit AL raxne (I. raxue) bribe. S. {rss} II. ·{R~D}: GL ra~ada ar~udu = '.r~udu yar~udu rii~idun IQ nar~ud(uh) VA nar~ud ra~adt ra~d rii~id mar~iid k & narta~ad arta~adt irti~iid murta~id murta~ad k to observe; to lie in wait 0 nira~~ad tar~id k to have s.o. watched I GL mar~adun + marii~idun ambush I IQ balmar~ad in wait I V A bimar~ad minni in front of me. ·{R~~}: VA nira~~a~ tar~i~ k to bar or bolt; to coat or cover with lead I n. fi / 'ala to persist II yatra~~a~ atra~~a~ (bi) to be coated or covered with lead; to be barred or bolted I IQ tara~~a~ to be bolted or barred II VA mar~ii~ f ah firm, strong II ra~ii~ = lA, GL ra~ii~un JM 4 ru~ii~ AL ra~a~ lead; (a r)r. & r. al benni = AC ra~ii~ ID 'nk 2 r~~ plummet UAL ra~aci leaden II AC arra~ii~iyat the leaden one (an unid. calamity, like famine or plague) II AL mura~a~ + in plumbed « P arc'iC). S. {'sbdj}, {I}jr}, {rgw}, {ql'}, {qnw} & {msq}. ·{R~'}: AL mura~~a'atun set, studded (fern.). ·{R~F} I: VA nira~~af k to pave or lay with stone II yatra~~af ara~~af tara~~uf to be paved II ra~if + ru~uf GL ra~ifun MT ra~if AL racif causeway I aracife reef (late return from Cs) II ZJ 552 ru~iifah name of several parks in Andalusi cities, in memory of a famous one in Damascus. S. {rmn} I. ·{R~F} II: GL yar~af(u) it shines « {I~b}). ·{RQB}: VA ru4iib saliva. S. {rsf}. ·{RQX}: VA nur4ix ar4axt ir4iix mur4ix Ii fi / 'ala / min to add. ·{RQQ}: GL ura44i4u mura44a4un VA nuru44 ra4a4t ra44 & nira44a4 ra44a4t tar4i4 mura44i4 mura44a4 k bi to smite I AL nirad( d)ad rad( d)att tardid to crack, to bruise II VA yatra44a4 atra44a4 tara44u4 bi to be smitten I OS irta44a to be broken.
The inclusion of the article in this word might reveal a returned loanword from Cs. It is also possible that Cs arruaque means here "martin" (zoo.): s. (wsq) I.
·{RI;>RQ}: FX samak ra4rli4i rockfish (likely rendering also in Freytag and some medical treatises, at any rate edible and, therefore, by no means a fossile). ·{RI;>'}: GL yar4a'u AC ra4a' AL nardaa radaat ridaa lQ nar4a' VA nar4a' ra4a't ra4' / ra4li'(ah) rli4i' + in & ra4i' + in to suck (at his mother's breast) II nira44a' tar4I' AL niradaa radaat ardaa (1. radaa) tardiaa to suckle II a~6 min arridaa t o~t m. a. VA axii min ra4li'ah 11 axawayn + ixwah foster brother I naqta' alwalad min arra4a'ah to wean I IQ axiik min ra4li'ah your foster brother I AL radii + in baby II raddaa sucking (animal) D VA mur4i'ah + lit wet nurse I GL mur4i'iina feeding on milk (pl.). ·{RI;>F}: LZ & IH ra4afun red hot stones (used to keep food warm) I HC 23 r4f embers for the same purpose II UT 337 ra4liyif annual mercury (Mercurialis annua, bot.). ·{RI;>W}: GL ar48!li = ar4a'u yur4a'u ri4li'un rli4in mar4iyun t mar4iyatun / murta4an ZJ 631 & 2615 yar4li yar4aw IA ra4li yar4li AL narda radayt V A nar4a ra4ayt ri4li rli4i + in k / bi & narta4i arta4ayt irti4li murta4i murta4li k / bi to be satisfied; to agree or accept I IZ 1/3/1 kif tar4li as you like I XA mg 7/1/1 tar4a an taqtulni 'aynik your eyes want to kill me I hm 2/0/2 tar4a hijrlini you want to forsake me I CO M 2/12 la yar4a )J1)Urayyli 'an na'al he is not content with having the Pleiades as shoes I MV 112 hii rli4i yu'mal luh l]aqq he wants justice done unto him I IQ mli ra4a yasma' he would not listen I mli ra4ayt makklir tanza' SUDADARi I would not even want her to take off my shroud I 185/2/1 tar4a 'aillibi you like to torture me I yar4lih he is content with him I nar4a biri4lik my pleasure is yours I tar4lini liqliri you will be pleased to be my reader I ar4a ba'di liman 4ayya' after my death, rejoice with those who are wasteful I ar4a wasa11am deign to greet (Iv.) I ar4a qat waxtar just deign to choose I 'anni rli4i content with me I narta4i linafsi I accept s.th. for myself II AL nardi ardait ardi IQ nar4i VA nar4i ar4ayt ir4li mur4i + in mur4li k to satisfy or appease I AL me nardi me
radair (I. ardait) me ardi (false iv.) to displease I AL tardaa lal Mtan to indulge in gluttony II MT yurli4ih murli4lih to please II GL astar4i VA nastar4li bi to seek to satisfy nri4li & ri4wlin & mar4at IQ ri4li/a AL rida satisfaction; favour I quillat r. displeasure I gairi r. I iztirda unpleasant(ness) I BO 13v ri4litihi his satisfaction I IQ ri4wlin God's favour; the gate-keeper of heaven in Islamic eschatology I LO Reduan =Redoulvan ET Reduan = Rodoan & (Al)mortada pns. I AL riduanen (hr.) with pleasure II mordi t a + in VA ra4i + in & mar4i + in & murta4li enjoying favour I IQ axlliqi arra4iyya my pleasant temper I AS 96/1/4 ala'mlil arra4iyyah deeds agreeable to God II IZ 1/3/3 maqlimak alar4a your standing most pleasing to God I MT tarli4i mutual acquiescence or consent II GL mar4iyan agreeably nAL mordi ligualideiq obedient to your parents. S. {'bw} & {'zz}. ·{RTB}: VA yartub ratub rutiibah + lit AL nartub ratubt to be supple or tender I IQ ratubat anfus annlis the people's spirits have subsided II AL nirat(t)ab rat(t)abt tartib GL urattibu yurat.bu VA niraHab tartib k to make supple or tender II yatrattab atrattab taraHub AL natrattab atrat(r)abt to become supple or tender II ratab = rattab & ratba (both erroneous) + rutab = rutab & ruttab (both erroneous) dim. rutailytab + it GL ratbun IQ ratab t ratbah VA rat(a)b + rutab supple; tender; fresh I TO 193 ratbah UT 123 (baqlah) r. red clover (Trifolium pratense, bot.); dim. 332 rutaybah water germander (Teucrium scordium, bot.) D XA ibi2 balgu~n arratibi (rh.) in the tender branch I NQ mg 2/0/2 sayyan ratib AL xei ratab + axiit rutab (!) soft thing Urutab JM 2 rutub fresh dates II AL rutuba = rot(t)6ba + it tenderness; softess; humidity I bi r. softly I rot6bat a ~arg saddle-pad I IQ, IA & AC rutiibah softness I GL rutiibatun humidity I rutiibatu 'rrlis cold (med.) II IQ artab softer; more tender II IW II 380,10 martiibiina people of humid temperament (according to medieval conceptions) I HC 87 almartiibi al'abdlin having tender meat II RC almurataba (= /muranaba/) humid land. S. {l]~n, {xbd, {zwf} 11, {ql]f}
RTBL-R'Y & {'wd}. ·{RTBL}: FX riit.bal VA rutabal + at rake « Ll *rutabellulmJ). ·{RTCN}: FJ arri~a arrutjin water-mill with a cogwheel mounted on a vertical axis (the likeliest rendering in view of the meaning of its Cs cognate rodezno, of a type still used in North Africa. Other types of wa ter-mills men tioned in legal formularies are the arri~a assaniyah, using a wheel with a horizontal axis, and the arri~a al~ajarayn of FM 137, opposed to al'a~jar arrutijnat in a somewhat obscure passage; < Ll roticinuslm). ·{RTRQ}: AL retorica rhetoric (late borrowing from Cs). ·{RTL}: VA niraHal k to measure by the pound UyatraHal atraHal atraHal taraUul to be measured by the pound II ra/it(a)1 IQ ratI 11 ratIayn IH ratalun GL ratIun 11 ratlan + artalun AC ratal 11 ratlay AL ratal + artal dim. rutayal + it pound I noce ratal min lida mark (eco.) I r. (I. r. gua) no, one pound and a half I ealQe artal three pounds I aaxara a. ten pounds I aixerin r. twenty pounds I mia r. 100 pounds I elle r. 1000 pounds II DS ratliyyah bottle containing one ratl II tartil a tax on silk « G A.ltea). S. {frro. ·(RTLQ): MT arrutilqi pn. ·{RTM} I: LH ·ratiimah narrow-necked bottle « A ra(um "narrow in the vulva", posited by Cs redoma). ·{RTM} II: AL nirattam rattamt to even (a lump of dough or a cake of bread before baking; < {Itm} < (tim}). ·{R'B}: GL ar'ibu = '.r'ibu ru'bun I mar'abat ma'iibun + mar'iibiina VA nar'ab ra'abt I ar'abt ru'b I ir'ab mar'iib k to frighten II narta'ab arta'abt irti'ab AL nartaab artaabt to become frightened I GL bil'irti'ab with fright a VA ru'ba fright. ·{R'D}: VA nar'ad ra'adt ri'dah & narta'ad arta'adt irti'ad GL ri'datun & yarta'idu arta'idu murta'idun IQ arta'ad AL nart(a)aid artaadt artaaid to shiver or tremble I IQ arta'ad Ii he shivered in front of me II AL niraadlt raatt raat to thunder I GL '.ra"idu to threaten I ZJ 852 tira"ad to make shiver I VA n-yira"ad tar'id k to make shiver; to thunder II
yur'id wayubriq ar'ad wa('a)braq kiIJjr alir'ad walibraq to raise hell I GL ar'idu to thunder or frighten II IQ ra'(a)d ZJ 1172 ra'd AL raat VA ra'(a)d + ru'iid GL ru'iidun (pl.) thunder I VA arra'(a)d yastajib to resound (of thunder) I TO 192 banat arra'd truffles II dim. ru'ayda' darnel U IQ ra'dat alfarriij the shivering of a chicken I TD ra"adah electric catfish I VA ra"adah + at I ra'a'id catapult « ('rep, q.v.) II ~umma mur'idah quivering fever. ·{R'R'}: V A nira'ra' ra'ra'ah k to rear II yatra'ra' atra'ra' tara'ru' mutara'ri' to be reared. ·{R'S}: VA nira"as tar'iS k to make tremble II yarta'as arta'as irti'as I ri'sah to tremble. ·{R'~}: VA tarta'a~ arta'a~at irti'a~ assajarah warri~ ar'a~atha to shake and to be shaken by the wind (of a tree). ·{R'F}: VA nar'af ra'aft ru'U ra'if + in & narta'af arta'aft to have a nosebleed II nur'if ar'aft ir'af mur'if mur'af I mar'iif k to cause a nosebleed II ru'U ay dam' alanf nosebleed. ·{R'N}: GL ar'anu brute. ·{R'W}: GL yar'awi to desist. ·{R'Y}: AC yar'a AL niraa (I. naraa) raait ruaya (= Iru'ayal or mistake for Iri'aya!?) to graze I GL ar'a ri'ayatan (I. ri'ayatun) ra'i + ru'atun VA nar'a ra'i ra'j + ru'a mar'j to tend (flocks) I n. ra'ayt ri'ayah + at mar'j k & nira'j mura'ah k to show regard or respect I XA ana4 ~afa" allah xillan ... wara'ahu may God keep a friend and protect him I IQ ra'aytak ••• ar'ani I have respected you: do likewise with me I tar'a aimamj they are loyal to me I tara'j widadu you have consideration for his love I yura'a aa lmiqdar he is considered this much I VA mura'a Ii out of regard for n nira"j k to cause to tend (flocks) I AL niraai ratiit tariia to tend flocks II GL yastar'j to trust I AC astar'a to have s.o. tend one's flock II TD ri'y al'ayyil globe thistle (Echinops spha:rocephalus, bot. Dozy's spelling as r. aI'ibii reflects a widespread mistake, e.g., in. Bedevian ri'y al'ibil and sawk aljimal, made obvious by its rendering by G sA.acpo~o(JKOV and S re'ya d-ayla) I 291 r. al~amlim vervain (Verbena officinalis, bot.) I 214 r. al~amjr
slender thistle (Carduus pycnocephalus, bot.) I UT 307 r. albatt reed-mace (Typha angustata, bot.) I 338 r. al'ibil caltrops I r. attadruj black hellebore I r. a~~ibli' pellitory of Spain I r. alganam knot-grass I r. alfiyalah banana tree UVA ri'liyah + lit regard D ra'iyyah = IQ, AC arrli'iyyah (I. arra'iyyah) subjects II rli'i = lA, AL raay + roaa shepherd I AC rli'ib his shepherd I AL xei mita raai thing related to shepherds I huqm a rroa shepherds' ordinances II MT istir'li secret denunciation of a legal transaction II AL maraa = maraa + maraayli GL mar'an VA mar'li + marli'i grazing land I maraa (I. muraaa) care; consideration nmuraay + muraaiin careful; considerate II MT kitlib mustar'li deed of istir'ji'. S. {'br}, {jnl]}, {jwz}, {I]tb}, {I]n'}, {xd'}, bmr}, {swk}, {~fw}, {df,,'}, {'zz}, {'~w}, {ftI} & {mst}. ·{RGB}: GL argab yargabu nargabii ragbatun + ragablitun rligibun AC argab ragbli rligibli AL nargab ragabt = argabt to beg; to pray I VA nargab ragabt ragbab rligib + in margiib fi - k / min IQ rligib margiib to wish; to ask I VA n. ragabt rag bah rligib 'an to loathe I IQ ragabt i1a qalbi an I begged my heart to I IZ 12/3/2 yargab hii mannak yukiin murabbib he begs you to be his tutor I OC 7 Argab aanena pray for us I 14 tar gab lallah ate al ahye hua ale al meute pray to God for the living and the dead I 8 nargab Ii ,aleha azva Meriem hua Ie jamaa a ,alehin hua i/iq ~. anna yargabo hua targab Ie rabun a aani I beg the Holy Virgin Mary, all the Saints and you to pray to our Lord for me D VA niraggab targib k to interest s.o. in II yatraggab atraggab taraggub fi to become interested II AC yartagabii VA nartagab artagabt irtiglib murtagib Ii to heed II ragbab + lit wish, entreaty I HB 59,13 ragliyib wishes I IQ 'ala rragba in accordance with my wish I ID n' 2 brgbb please I ZJ 232 ragbab covetousness I AL ragba + at supplication; litany I r. + ragayb procession (reI.) I rogba + at prayer U raguib + in one who prays II GL ragibun V A ragib + in IQ & ZJ 324 ragib desirous I XA ili1 ali kulluh anta ragib do you covet all this1 I IZ 15/1/1 ni'ma fib rligibah very desirous (fern.) of
him I IQ ragba minnatu wishing (fem.) his favour. S. {jwb}, {abb}, {~I]bz}, {q"y} & {mdl]}. ·{RGD}: VA niraggad k to provide opulence II yatraggad atraggad n / bi to enjoy opulence II GL ragdun easy life II VA ragad easy, luxuriant II dim. TO 177 rugaydli' darnel (also ru'aydli', q.v.) II GL rligidun well-to-do. ·{RGS}: s. {rq~}. ·{RGF}: IH rigifun GL ragifatun VA ragifab + ragli'if / ruguf / arguf / argifah / rugflin IQ ragliyif loaf I AL raguila + ragaitYI = raguail cake; wafer I huq a rragaib (I. f) + ahquiq wafer-box I alcurben (mita) raguila eucharist (rel.). ·{RGL} I: UT 339 rugl a variety of wild lemonbalm, but also a kind of saltwort. ·{RGL} II: SG ragulah = rigulab rule, law « L regUla). ·{RGM}: GL argimu margiimun V A nurgim argamt irglim / ragm murgim + in margiim k to force or compel II GL ragman forcibly II VA raglim earth, dust II OS margiim tight; compressed I IB 97 yudxal margiiman it is forced in I V A lal]am margiim meat of an animal that has been or choked to death (1). ·{RGN} I: IQ rugiin AL Ragon Aragon (geo.) II ragoni + in Aragonese. S. {mdn}. ·{RGN} II: MT raglini (land) belonging to the king or subject to royal rights (1; < L regjilis). ·{RGW}: V A targii ragat rugli rligiyab annliqah to bray (said of a she-camel) II ra/ugwab + lit ZJ 62 ragwah AC ragliwi (pI.) foam; froth I AL ragua(h) = raggua + at bubble; foam I r. saltpetre; sea-froth (1) I r. min deheb litharge of gold I r. min lidda + at litharge of silver I r. min ra,a, litharge of lead I UT 339 ragwat albal]r TO 321 r. all]ajjlimin sponge I OS r. alqamar selenite (min.). S. {rwg}. ·{RF'}: AL narli arlait VA narfii rafw/yt rafw / rifliyah + lit rlin + in raffli + in murfi / marfii k to darn or mend II yartafi artafli irtifli to be mended or darned. ·{RFT}: AS 16/4/5 ruflit mortal remains. ·{RFT/TR}: MT r.nt/tiir = r.fitawr refectory « L relectorius). ·{RFI>}: VA rafa~ obscenity; fornication. ·{RFD}: GL arfa/idu = '.rfadu rafdun AC
RFRF-RFQ yarCad tarCaduh ZJ 1507 & 262 yarCad yurCad AL narfed rafett V A narCad raCdt raCd rafid raffad marCiid k to sustain or help IIQ yadadu he suffers it I 158/0/1 arCad lalhajar suffer forsaking (iv.) Dy-tartaCad VA nartaCad artaCadt irtiCad 'ala / bi to be sustained or helped II rifiidah + at / raCa'id prop I ZJ 1526 rifiidah help II GL randun auxiliary II muraCadatun help. ·{RFRF}: IQ raCraC taraCraC AC tiraCraC AL nirafraf rafraft to flutter or fly around. ·{RFS}: HC 195 & 81 rans + rafiiyis fried dough kneaded with butter and sprinkled with sugar (cf. Mr. rfisa with a fern. marker which is undoubtedly old, since HC 207 gives the synonym tarC.st for Fes, a Berberized variant). ·{RFQ}: GL '.rCa~u IQ arCu~ii (iv.) to reject II LH1 ·marCii~ renegade (posited by Cs marfuz, although the A word is only a calque from Cs renegado). ·{RF'}: IQ raCa'tu narCa' arCa' (laCawq) marCii' to raise; to pick up; to preserve I AL narfali rafalit to raise or lift; to hoist to exalt I ZJ 1377, 1410 & 39 raCa' yarCa'ha yurCa' to put away; to hoist; to suppress I AC raCa'ak yarCa' arCa' marCii' GL arCa'u = '.rCa'u raC'un marCii'un VA narCa' raCa't raC' rari' raCCa' marCii' & nirarca' k to raise or lift; to pick up I narCa' amri / qa~iyyati / niizilati lalmalik to appeal to the king I IQ raCa'tu liwa'i I hoisted my banner I raCa' sanak he exalted your condition I lalqatal raCa'ni he accused me of a capital offence I ruri'at 'ank alasbab you lost the means I narCa' a~~a I raise the vertical stroke of the qa' I IZ 15/1/4 raCa'ti min sawqi ... na~ibuh I have had my share of longing I CP 127, 3 maryam ruri'at fih the Virgin Mary was raised on that day (i.e., her assumption took place)l I MT arCa' rasuh pn. (i.e. "he raised his head", sometimes corrected into rafi'u ra'sihi) II GL uraffi'u to exalt I MT y.raCCa' al~ayit he has the wall raised I
n.raCC:ha 'an aalik I shall make her desist from that II taraffa' tararru' 'an to give up I VA yatraCCa' atraCCa' taraCCu' to be above UyartaCa' artaCa't irtiCa' murtafi' ZJ 25 artaCa' yartaCa' AC artaCa'(at) tartaCa' murtaCi'ah to be removed; to rise I GL artaCa'a =',rtaCa'a artafi'u irtiCa'un = '.rtiCa'un murtafi/run AL nartafali artafalit ilertifali to rise; to be picked up I MT yartafa' ~amanuh his bail is cancelled I yartaC: milkuhum 'anhu their right of property over it ceases II OS raC' harvest I VA raC' + ruCu' / at AL rof(o)o + it letter of appeal I IQ raC' a~~uxiir carrying heavy rocks I raC' alhimam highmindedness II GL riC'atun V A riC'ah & irtiCa' + at height I rafi' f ah IQ raCr GL rafi'un f rafi'atun ZJ 1365 riCa' (pI.) AC rari'ah (I. ran'ah, fern.) AL rafelii + rufali precious I (xei) rafU (erroneous stress) sublime thing I GL ya ran'u 0, excellent one I LO Rafte ET Rafe & MT riCa'ah pns. I BO 32v ruCii' alqurban ... r. alkas elevation of the host / cup DGB 308 arrafi'ah black hellebore II IQ riifi' alabyat the carrier of the verses II arCa' higher I GL '.da'u better II IQ irtiCa' AL irtifali + yrtifalit height I irtifa exaltation I CC 18 irtifa' appeal (jur.) I MT irtiCa' liCwr appeal to statute-law I AL marfali + marafieli GL marCa'un V A marCa' + marari' cupboard, dresser I IQ marCa' saddle-bag; repository II marCii' raised I bila marCii' not raised 2 I NQ au2/0/1 marC ii' arras lofty DIQ muraCCa' exalted; suppressed I VA murtari' high, elevated. S. {'rCy}, {'snn}, {~jr}, {~ll}, {swq} I, {Stt}, {~Im}, {fwq}, {nxr} & {nCs}. ·{RFF}: IQ raC shelf I MT & AC rarr eaves I VA rarr + ruCiiC ZJ 577 & IA raCC AL raft min toyor + rofof m. t. flight (of birds) I raft + ruf(f)uf I rofof hurdle, wattle I (dim.) rUfayaf + it little hurdle. ·{RFQ}: GL '.rCuqu riCqun & atrarraqu IQ raCaqta bih tarCaquh to treat gently I XA ani 8 arCuq 'alayya qalil bi~alli himyani
The same translation, however, does not appear to be correct in 183,9 'id ruri' rih yal}ya aJl}awwiri aJ'injili since, to the best of our knowledge, no Christian denomination has ever believed in an assumption for St. John.
2 Technical characterization of the leller 4tid, opposed to the ~ti' which is called marfu'ah: s. OS I 543.
do me a small favour: unfasten my belt I VA narfuq rafaqt rifq rafiq + in bi / 'ala to rest s.th .. on s.th. II niriifaq muriiraqah k GL muriiraqatun & VA yatriiraq atriiraqt tariiruq rna' to be a companion or comrade II FR 117,1-2 arfaqa irfiiq murfiq bi to grant an easement (jur.) II ZJ 721 tararraqa taraffaq bi (jv., hr.) to treat kindly II VA nartafaq artafaqt bi to lean on I FR 117,6 & 118,3 irtifiiq murtafiq to obtain an easement II IQ rifqan 'alayya treat me nicely II VA rafiq + rufaqii AS 84/1/3 rifiiq GL rafiqun + rufqatun AC riifiq (1. rafiq) AL rafiq f ua + arfaq companion, comrade I GL rafiqun fi 'Imujiihadati fellow-soldier I ET Rafeq pn. II IH 104 rifqah IQ rufqa(h) AC rufqa(t) ZJ 1061 rafiiqah company; companions II MT bi'arfaq mii yumkin in the most luxurious way nIH jii' fliin blii tarfuqin (suggested correction taraffuqin) So-and-so came without tarrying II AL marfaq + marafiq IZ 4/1/1 & MT mariifiq (pI.) & murtaf.q belonging, appurtenance II V A marfiq + mariifiq elbow I IQ marfaqi my elbow II GL marfaqatun MT marfaqah + mariifiq AL marfaclqua = marfiqua + marafiq bed pillow I LU 341,7 mariifiq nosebags II GL muriifiqun napkin. S. {rbq}, {ryS}, {~n'} & {'mm}. ·{RFN}: CP 137,10 riifinah Rufina (pn.). ·{RFH}: VA niraffah tarfih k to give wellbeing I AL nireffeh reffeht to provide with riches or welfare II netrefeh aletrafeht to become wealthy I AC atraffah (iv.) V A yatrarrah atraffah taraffuh bi to enjoy luxury II rafah & rafiihiyah comfort; luxury I AL ralefeh wealth; abundance I bi refeh I rafee 0) wealthily; luxuriously II muref(f)eh + in VA muraffah + in rich. ·{RFY}: IQ arfayt I spent money lavishly II rafi min confident, secure « (rfh}). ·{RQ'}: NQ au5/2 t.rqii to stop (of tears). ·{RQB}: AL narcub racabt to watch; to spy; to accuse or slander I IQ narqub marqiib VA narqub raqabt raqb riiqib marqiib k & niriiqab muriiqabah k GL uriiqibu muriiqabatun muriiqibun to watch II niraqqab k to have s. o. watched I MT muraqq.b muttaf.q 'ala Imaysiin just in
front of the inn II VA yatraqqab atraqqab taraqqub to be under surveillance II natriiqab atriiqabna tariiqub to watch one another nnartaqab artaqabt irtiqiib murtaqib murtaqab AL ilyrticab to (a)wait II riqbah fear II AC riiqabah (I. raqiibah) AL racaba + racaib GL raqabatun IQ raqbah + riqiib IA raqabah + arqiib VA raqabah + riqiib / arqiib neck I qa~ir arr. ungrateful I GL mu'akkasu 'rraqabati stiff-necked I OS (baryah) biraqabah cut in a certain fashion for grafting I AL nit;bq acHe racabati to carryon one's back I raq(q)uib f raq(q)uiba + ru(c)lquab MT & ZJ 1674 raqib IQ & VA raqib + ruqabii watcher; spy I UT 344 raqib assams sun spurge (Euphorbia helioscopia, bot.) I r. almii' Malabar cinnamon (Cinnamomum citriodorum, bot.) II BO 28v ruqiibu asaytiinu the devil's snares II OS tarqib a certain fashion of grafting II VA marqab + mariiqib lookout II murtaqab future. S. {l.Jtt}, {eJrb} & {fkk}. ·{RQD}: IQ raqad yarqud arqudii (iv.) ruqiid riiqid GL arqudu ='.rqu/idu riiqidun AC raqad yarqud arqud ruqiid / raqdii AL narcud racadt rucad I rucud raqquad + in VA narqud raqadt ruqiid / raqdah riiqid + in / ruqiid / ruqqiid raqqiid + in & raqadiin (with R aug. suffix) = IQ raqqiidah (pI.) to sleep or lie down I raqad lak he lay in front of you I AC yurqad 'alih he is possessed sexually I arqud lu sleep on it (jv.) I BO 4v raqiida hu it ceased (said of the wind) II ZJ 2157 yiraqqadiinii AL niraqcad raqcatt V A niraqqad tarqid k & nurqid arqadt irqiid murqid murqad k to make s.o. sleep; to lay s.o. down II niriiqad muriiqadah k & yarqud ma'hii to have intercourse II yatraqqad atraqqad taraqqud to be put to bed II nastarqad astarqadt istirqiid mustarqid + in to fall asleep; to pass out I IQ astarqad lie down (iv.) I AL nezterqued ezterquetldt iztirquedlt muzterqued + in to fall asleep; to grow stiff or benumbed nragda (I. q) + it back-water I VA & IQ raqdah sleep I waqti raqdah sleeping time I dim. ZJ 762 ruqaydah nap II AL rucad bile mara - nici sleeping without a woman II MT
RQR-RQQ raq(q)adlit aahab golden earrings (cf. Cs arracadas) I AL raquiden (hr.) asleep IIQ 142/4/1 rliqid min hawlihli untouched by her love I AC almi arrliqid stagnant water II AL marcad + maraquid V A marqad + marliqid sleeping-place I m. al ~anzir + maraqid a. ~. pigsty I OS murqid opium, datura (bot) I GM 7 mrqd opium I GL 'Imurqid IH almarqad AL marcad sleep inducing substance. S. {sjr} & {I~f}. ·{RQR}: MT aban raqriin pn. ·{RQS}: AL raqxa + at basilisk (zoo.). ·{RQ~}: ZI 1385, 1796 & 1810 y-tarqu~ raq~ AC yarqus AL narcut; racazt raqt; VA narqu~ raqa~t raq~ rliqi~ to dance I IQ yarqu~ bih he dances to its tune I nuqiim narqu~ I start dancing II y-nuraqqa~ IA yiraqqa~ VA niraqqa~ tarqi~ k to make s.o. dance II yatraqqa~ atraqqa~ to be made to dance II rliqi~ah + rawliqi~ (female) dancer I AS 28/3/4 tarlihum alkulli ruqii~ you see them all dancing II GL rliqi~un AL racaz = t;in dancer II ra(q)cat; = raqquat; + racaquit; = racaquit; (!) AC raqqlis = raqqa~ VA raqqli~ + in courier I MT arraq/gsiin pn. ·{RQT}: OS ruqtah + ruqat spot, speckle I ri~ raqtli a kind of wind (7) II muraqqat spotted, speckled. S. {~yw}. ·{RQ'}: ZI 483 & 266 y-tiraqqa' AL niracail racailt AC muraqqa' MT urqi' to patch or mend I IQ yuraqqa' muraqqa' V A niraqqa' tarqi' k to patch; to adorn; to make impudent II yatraqqa' atraqqa' taraqqu' to be patched or adorned; to become impudent II ZI 1440 yartaqa' to be mended II IQ raq'ah dim. IZ 8/7/2 ruqay'ah note, short letter I AL racail (= /raq'a/) OS raq'ah (rlirisiy~ah) fern, mistletoe (Viscum album, bot.)1 II TO 262 ruq'ah (I. raq'ah < raq'li') ~axriyyah shield fern (Aspidium lonchitis, bot.) I UT 340 raq'ah barriyyah a variety of wild petty spurge I 341 r. jabaliyyah fern I r. xa4ariyyah / xi41lifiyyah / ~anawbariyyah a kind of mistletoe I r. riimiyyah a variety of knot-weed I 342 r.
nahriyyah snake-weed (Polygonum bistorta, bot.) I 343 r. sahliyyah woolly safflower (Carthamus lanatus, bot.) I r. sa'riyyah dog's bane (Apocynum erect urn, bot.) UOS ruqa'ah unid. large tree II raq'li' fern I r.q'li/a dwarf elder I dim. ruqay'li'a a variety of potentilla (bot.) II IQ & VA raqli'ah impudence; beauty I r. + riqli' / ruqqli' impudent II ruqli'ah + raqli'i' IH raqli'i' (pl.) ZJ 1002 ruqli'ah & riqli' GL ruq'atun & marqa'un dim. pI. AS 57/3/4 ruqay'lit patch I OS ruq'ah + ruqa' shieldgraft; vulnerary herb Briqli' trichilia (bot.) I GL ruq'at 'Im.nk.bayn cape of a cloak I AL rocail + rac( a)aye rag; patch; handkerchief I VA raqi' + riqli' beautiful I IH raqi'un IQ raqi' t ah impudent I GL raqi'un beautiful; impudent II NQ mg 4/6/1 mli rqa'uh how impudent! II CP 61,8 tarqi' shield-grafting I AC tarqi' almlil management of properties II AL moraquial€ + (il)in cobbler. S. {jwz}, {I~~} & {ns'}. ·{RQQ}: IQ raqqa VA niraqq raqaqt riqqah raqiq to be or become thin I AS 4/3/1 raqqa ali Ixamri this wine is delicate I ZJ 651 yiriq it becomes scarce I AC raqqat they were subtle I VA yiraqq raqq qalbi lak / 'ala to have pity II niraqqaq tarqiq muraqqaq k to make thin; to cause to doubt I IQ naraqqaquh tarqiq to make thinner or subtler I AL niraq( q)uaq raq(q )uaqt = niraqcaq raqcaqt = racaqqt tarquiq to make thinner or sharper; to smooth; to make subtle II natraqcaq atraquaqt taracuq mutaraquiq + uin to become finer I V A n/yatraqqaq atraqqaq(t) taraqquq - n to be made thin; to doubt II AS 63/2/3 yarqaq he becomes subtle (IX-XI verbal stem) II ZJ 303 raqqi AL raq GL raqqun + ruqiiqun VA raqq + ruqiiq parchment II OS ~libiin raqqi a kind of dry soap (from Raqqa in Syria) I VA riqq = MT, GL riqqun slavery II IQ riqqah AL riqqua = rica thinness; subtlety I bi r. subtly I ricat albat;ar GL riqqatu 'Iba~ar sharpness of sight I IQ
One wonders whether the same rendering is correct, perhaps as a collective, for rq' in FA which the editor translates with no apparent reason as "nut vomica tree". As for rq'h tlyh and varieties in OS the rendering "common heath" in FA is equally unfounded.
165/1/1 riqqat naras gentleness I VA riqqah thinness I riqqat alqalb compassion II IQ & VA ruqliq thin rolled wafer II ZJ 236 raqiq dim. AS 96/5/2 ruqayyaq AL raq( q)uiq + riclquaq GL raqiqun IQ raqiq t ah + riqliq V A raqiq + riqliq thin, subtle I r. + ariqqli slave I r. alrarS delicate I r. alqalb compassionate I VA ma'nan raqiq subtle concept I AC raqiq fine clothes I CO L 1/11 raqiq aHibli' subtle-featured I IA raqiqah female slave I IQ arraqiq alJ.tawlijib having thin eyebrows II V A raqqliq + in seller of parchment UIA araqq IQ araqqi thinner; subtler I AS 83/5/1 mli araqquh bima'na how subtle in concepts! S. {bycJ}, {jld}, {J.tbJ}, {xmr}, {srq}, {~n'}, {'rq}, {'wd}, {gzl}, {kllr}, {Jqy} & {wrq}. *{RQQS}: OS ruqliqis a var. of orchis (Orchis undulatifolia, bot.; < G 001(.\1;, but this reflex is very irregular). *{RQM}: IQ raqam marqiim AC marqiim AL nareum raeamt marqum + in GL marqiimatun VA narqum raqamt raqm raqqlim marqiim k to embroider I OS raqama binnlir to treat with a cautery I IQ raqamtu raqam I did it perfectly II yartaqam artaqam irtiqlim to be embroidered II GL raqqlimun t FR 56,20 & MT raqqlimah AL raeam + in embroiderer II mareum bideheb + in embroidered with gold II OS mirqam cautery. S. {jwz} & {ilhb}. *{RQML}: VA riqmlil + lit / raqlimil bunch of grapes « L *riieemellus prob. through B, as pointed by Balearic Ct argamussa of the same meaning, < L riieemus). S. {rem} & {rjmO. *{RQY} I: IQ narqih VA narqi raqayt / arqayt rliqi + in raqqli murqi + in to charm, to cure with spells II narqli raqayt raqi rliqin n / 'ala / Ii & natraqqqa atraqqayt taraqqi mutaraqqi ita / Ii & nartaqi artaqayt irtiqli murtaqi bi 'ala to ascend or rise I IZ 9/3/3 raqli jablu Imunif he climbed his lofty mountain II V A niraqqi k to raise or cause to ascend II ruqyah + ruqli LZ & IH raqwah GL ruqli'un + ruqaylitun spell, incantation II raqqli'un VA raqqli + yin charmer, sorcerer II marqli + marliqi ladder; stair. *{RQY} II: VA narqi arqayt irqli / raqi murqi
k to throw I AC arqah y/tarqI arqi urqI IA arqli yarqI AL narqi areaylit to put; to throw I n. aura to button I n. magra to colour with red ochre I n. ~itar to bet I arqui laxemita (1. irea, m.) to pillory I yrqua acemen bid (eco.) I AC arqihli n put it in I arqaynli bannu~~ we halved II AL murqui la xamita + in exposed to public dishonour « {Iqy}). S. {bwl} II, {J.tkm}, {xl~}, {slk(n)}, {smt}, {snt(r)}, {'It}, {'1m} & {Jzm}. *{RQY} III: VA raqqay + it a kind of stick for making furrows « CI riea with the R instrumental suffix (-ayr), with loss of final /r/, according to Ct phonetic evolution). *{RKB}: AC yarkabah rukiib rikib = rikib AL narqueb relaquebt to ride; to copulate I IQ rakab yarkab rukiib rlikib VA narkab rakabt rukiib / rakbah + it rlikib rakklib markiib k / 'ala & nartakab artakab irtiklib to ride; to mount I narkab rakabt albaJ.tar to navigate or sail I IQ rakab lak rarasu he rode his horse (in front of you) I rakabtu dahri I mastered my fortune II V A nirakkab tarkib k to make s.o. ride; to mount, put or set on; to compose; to graft I GL urakkibu tarkibun to graft I OS to show a horse I AL nireqqueb reqquebt req(q)ueb murequeb t e + in murequib + in to graft; to mount a spear-head IIQ rakkab double the castles (iv., in chess) I AS 91/4/1 rakkab synthetize (mys.) II V A yatrakkab atrakkab tarakkub mutarakkib to be composed; to be put or set on; to be grafted II yartakab artakab irtiklib murtakib 3anb IQ nartakab - yartakab (minni) GL yartakibu to commit a fault I artakibu 'Ijarliyima I commit crimes I yartakibu 'sSarra I commit evil II rukbatun IQ 178/1/2 rukab (pI.) AC rukba(t) + ruklib VA rukbah + rukab knee I r. boring person (met.) I AL ruqba + rueab knee; corner I UT 332 rukbah horse sorrel (Rumex hydrolapathon, bot.) I AL ayn arroqba + aayun arroeab knee-pan I AC yatwi rukbatuh he bends his knee I GL atwi rukbati I bend my knee I BO 32r 'alli rukblitayka on your knees I OS r.kbh some kind of shell II riklib jut made in the wood of a branch being grafted I AL
RKRK-RKN riquib + arcub IQ riUb v A rikiib + arkub stirrup I r. alqaws crossbow stirrup ('1) UUT 358 arrikiibi wild olive oil II VA rakiib + MT raUyib AL rucub riding animal II riquib t a + ruqbin VA riikib + in I rukkiib I rukbiin I rukiib I rakkiibah rider I AL raqquib = raquib (I) + raquibin copula tor II VA tarkib composition I IQ tarkib (physical) constitution I SH tarkib heaping up above a full measure II FA 152 tarkib + MT & OS tariikib & AL tarquiba + tarquib f tariquib grafting; grafted plant I OS tarkib riimi crown graft I t. a'ma blind graft I t. fiirisi I alqanniit I al'unbiib = t. bil'unbiib graft by flute I t. qiiti graft by drilling I t. nabati cleft-graft (most of them mentioned by FA too) I t. yiiniini shield-graft II AL tarquiba + tarquib (shield-)graft I tarquiba setting of gems II merqueb + maraquib f meriquib V A markab + mariikib ZJ 1316 mariikib (pI.) GL markabun + mariikibun ship I MT markab boat; carriage I GL ~iini'u 'Imarkabi ship-builder II AL marcabi + in naval 0 VA gayri murakkab simple II FX & HC 203 murakkabah a cake of several layers (according to the latter, a kind of raris, q.v., also called kutiimiyyah) I SH murakkabiit compounded drug. S. {'stqs}, {jlJw}, {jry}, {J.1mr}, {xwy}, {r's}, {rj'}, {rsw}, {zyO, {sbr} II, {'jz}, {'jn}, {'mr}, {Ilk}, {qstl/n}, {ql'}, {qws}, {klJr}, {nzI} & {hnd} I. ·{RKRK}: AL niraqcreq racreqt to chirp (crickets) I nirecreq recreqt to chirp; to enter a coma 0 abu ricriq cricket. ·{RKZ} I: IQ yurkaz arkazuh (iv.) AL narquec raquect reqze + it VA narkaz rakazt rakz riikiz markiiz k to stick or prick I n. rakazt 'inda ssultiin wasibhu to enjoy the favour of the king, etc. II AL nireqec requezt to bar a door II V A yartakaz artakaz irtikiiz to be stuck or fixed MT tartak.z Ii to be located II VA rikz noise I AC rakzii stab ('1) I AL reqze + rucuc rapier 1 II IQ rakizah door bar I AL
raquiza + racaifyc (vine-)prop; door bar I IH rakizah vine-prop I V A rakizah + rakii'iz prop, stay II markaz + mariikiz centre I IQ markaz last refrain of a stanzaic poem, khar jah I AL merquez + meriquicfz iron-foot of a spear; butt-end I FJ markaz either of both supports of a water-mill. ·{RKZ} II: ZJ 306 yurkaz he is pushed aside « {Ikz}, q.v.). ·{RKSB}: HC 91 r.kSiib wooden ladle for stirring broth, etc. « '1). ·{RKI}}: GL arkuc.Ju rakc.Jatun IQ ruUc.J ZJ 992 rakac.Juh AL narcud racadt raqdfrja + ricadfrj raqcad t a + in V A narkuc.J rakac.Jt rakcJ(ah) I ri/ukiicJ (riikic.J) warakkiic.J markiic.J k & nal'ab arrakc.Jah to kick Dnartakac.J artakac.Jt irtikiic.J to be kicked II ZJ 1209 & AC rikiicJ kicks II barrakc.Jah by kicks II GL 'rrakkiic.Jiina the runners. S. {rkI}. ·{RKT}: AL rucata + racaquit wool or cotton wound on the distaff. S. {rkk} III. ·{RK'}: IQ yarka' rukii' GL arka'u riiki'un AL narcaa arcaat VA narka' raka't rukii' riiki' + in to bow down in prayer II nirakka' k AL racaaat to make bend. ·{RKF}: OS rukf sow-bread (bot.). ·{RKK} I: VA nirakkak tarkik k to enfeeble II yatrakkak atrakkak to become feeble II rakiikah feebleness II rakik + in I rikiik feeble. ·{RKK} III: V A rukkah + rikak AL ruca + riqueq distaff ( < Gt *rukka). ·{RKL}: VA narkal rakaIt raklah + iit riikil rakkiil fi I 'ala to kick Dnartakal artakal Ii to be kicked 0 ZJ 372 raklah kick II AL mirquil + mariquil brake for dressing flax. ·{RKM}: VA tatriikam atriikamt tariikum alamwiij to swell (the waves) II LH ·tarkim slime (in the bottom of water reservoirs and channels; posited by Cs tarquin). ·{RKN}: VA narkun rakant rukiin ila & nartakan artakan irtikiin murtakin i1a to take refuge with II nirakkan tar kin k to corner II atrakkan tarakkun Ii I ila to
Cs tragacete is not, as we supposed formerly, a Berberized variant, ·tarBkzet, but a reflex of B ·tagza/t, a dim. of agzal, q.v. under {gzl}.
withdraw to a corner II AL rucan + arcim + arquam (I) GL ruknun ZJ 1921 & AC arkan (pI.) VA ruk(a)n + arkan IQ dim. rukaykan corner 1 V A alarkan alarba'ah the four elements I IQ rukn alfa~ayil foundation of all virtues II VA rukni GL rukniyun angular. *{RKW}: GL rakwatun MT rakwah VA rakwah + at water trough I ID sf! rkwh leather bottle. *{RMCL}: dim. AL rumeychel + it little bunch of grapes (metathetical of {rjmI}, q.v.). S. {rqmI}. *{RMJ:I}: VA nirammal] to spear II yatrammal] atrammal] tarammul] to be speared II ruml] + rima I] 1 armal] GL ruml]un ZJ 717 & AC ruml] IQ ruml] + rimal] spear, lance I ruml] a~~ayr a kind of pastry, prob. a thin rolled wafer looking like a spear (s. 'u~ayyat al'id) I arruml]a Iiqalbi may my heart be pierced by spears « Eg mr~). S. {snn} I, {trf}, {'~w} & {n~b}. *{RMD}: VA yarmad ramad ramd to suffer from ophthalmia II nirammad tar mid k to cover with ashes Uyatrammad atrammad to be covered with ashes II ramd LZ & IH ramdun ophthalmia II AL radma (I. ramda) leached ashes II ram ad AC ramad IH arrumadu JM 1 rimad GL ramadun VA ramad + rumdan 1 armidah ashes 1 IW I 630,4 arramad al'aswad wa33ahabi al'a~rar two plagues of plants I r. all]ayyah s. tabasir I IQ ramad disgrace II ramadi & mirmad + ramada = ZJ 289 IA mirmad miserable 1 GL ramadi ashcoloured UZJ 977 ramidah female slave (1) UVA ram mad + in maker of ashes (for lye) II marmiid & AC mirmad afflicted with ophthalmia II AL murammad + in ash-coloured II morameda + it bread cooked in ashes. S. {erne}. *{RMRM}: os ramram woolly safflower, purslane (bot). *{RMZ}: V A narmuz ramazt ramz to wink or make a sign I n. ramazt ramz ramiz marmiiz k 1 Ii (t)alkalam to speak through allegories or symbols II ramz + rumiiz AL ramr; + rumur; allegory; symbol I IQ 189/1/3 ya'mal arrumiiz he makes signs I FX marmaz unripe barley (and a dish made of it). S. {gmd. *{RMS} I: VA rams tomb.
= ruquam
*{RMS} II: IH ramasat tarmasu 'aynuhu his eye became bleary II VA rumiisah bleariness of the eyes « {r/gm~}). *{RMSKL}: VA rumiskal + at ZJ 15 rumiskal rorqual « R *10 musklo < L musculus with an agglutinated article, s. VABO). +{RMI)}: VA rama~an + at MT & ZJ 973 rama~an Ramadan, 9th month of the Islamic calendar I BH 47,5 rm~an 'In~ara 'Ikbyr Easter I ET Ramadan pn. S. {dnw}. *{RMQ}: IQ tarmaquh V A narmuq ramaqt ramaq ramiq marmiiq k to look or glance II nirammaq tarmiq k bi to provide with a bare existence II natrammaq atrammaq tarammuq to eke out a living I nartamaq artamaqt irtima murtamiq murtamaq to be looked or glanced at II ramaq = IQ spark of life, bare sustenance I V A 'ala axir ramaq at the point of death. *{RMK}: VA ramakah + rimak 1 ramk LZ & IQ ramk IH arramku (pl.) AC ramakah + ramk AL ramaca + ramq mare II rammaq + uin MT & ZJ 1642 rammiik V A rammak + in keeper of mares « P ramke). S. {rl]I} & (qt'>. *{RML}: VA nirammal tarmil murammil k to sprinkle or cover with sand II nurmil armalt k to make a widow II yatrammal atrammal tarammul to be sprinkled or covered with sand I AL natramal atramalt taramul to become a widow(er) II ramal + rimil ZJ 528 rami V A ramal n. un. ramlah + rimal sand I GL ramlun daqqun fine sand I AL ramal ajlgefen careenage I ramlah + at VA, MT & ZJ 659 ramlah sandy ground II AL torab ramli sandy earth Uarmul t a + aramil widow(er) II IH armalatun + IQ aramil ZJ 1962 armalah IA armulah AC armiilah = armullah + aramil VA arma/ul + aramil widow II armuliyah widowhood D GL murammalun AL moluramal + in sandy. S. {l]jr}. *{RMM}: V A riimah + rimam piece of rope II JM 5 birummath wholly I 12 3ii rrimmah pn. II V A 'a~m an ramim wanaxir decayed crumbling bone II marammah + at loom 0 mirammah lip (of an animal). *{RMN} I: IQ & AC rumman AL rom man n. un. rommana GL rummanun VA rumman n. un. ah + ramamin pomegranate I sarab arrumman oxymel I M u~iil arrumman
RMN II-RND II pomegranate trees I HC 161 rummanayn sour and sweet pomegranates I 244 sarab arrummanayn syrup from both kinds I DS 863 rna' arrumanayn almuzz walJ.tulw) & CP 131,9 'a~ir arrummlinayn juice from both kinds IIH rummanun safariyyun IQ & V A safari DS arrummlin assafari = rrru~lin - almuqaddasi - almursi arriimi diverse kinds of pomegranate 1 I arrummlin aaaakar wild pomegranateblossom I UT 333 r. jabali / hindi nutmeg tree I 334 r. assu'al white poppy (Papaver somniferum album, bot.) II IQ rummlini pomegranate-like. S. {Str}, {srb}, {mls} & {yqt}. *{RMN} II: V A rummlinah + ramlimim rumen (zoo.; < L rumen contaminated with rummanah, possibly as metanalysis of an instrumental (la22a3ah) with ulterior labialization). *{RMN} III: CP 167,8 rumlin Roman (pn.) II ID pis 1 & qnh 9 rmlinh steelyard (cf. Cs romana). *{RMND}: TD 284 ramandah = rimindah liverwort « L *re-emendo "to heal again"). *{RMY}: AL narmi armaleit rami(i) = rami molurmi + in to throw or shoot; to cast; to throw out; to miscarry; to rob; to put forth shoots I ZJ 761, 640, 432 & 250 ramli yarmi rami n. un. ramyah IQ ramat = armlit narmi armi urmi rami GL armi ramyun IH murmi VA narmi ramayt / armayt ramy / rami irmli rlimi + rumli murmi k AC arma tarmi yurma rlimi « /ramy/) rami murmi to throw or shoot I IH ramaytu bilqawsi I shot with the bow I V A n. armayt alag~lin to put forth branches I XA liri3 tarmi ~axrah bidari you throw a stone at my house I vzil armi mlini' place an obstacle I IQ ramlini biJ.tazzliru he shot me with his charm I yarmiini bigunj they shoot me with flirtation I armatni n she threw me in I narmihli 'inda yadayh I shall toss it into his hands I narmi riiJ.ti I throw myself I armi let go I narmi n 'unqu lutaymah I
shall slap his neck swiftly I armi yaddak fi ai ssaqrli put your hand in this blonde (beard of mine) I rama qati'ayn he drank up two flasks I CD M 3/13 yarmiint falhawa bimalal _ balkaaib yarmiik they accuse me of fickleness in love ... they accuse you of lying I MV 157, 4 alJ.tarq aUaai rumi n dlir the fire started in the house of ... I ZJ 211 & IA armaynli 'alihum we clothed them I AC armilu 'a~mi throw him a bone I ramik n xaryah he threw you into a turd I arma 'ala IbaJ.tri he shot towards the sea I yurma bassihlim he is shot at with arrows I lli tarmi 'ala do not shoot at I kittarmih they would throw it out I AL narmi latariq to rob on the highway I n. min lauq - icel to toss from above - below I n. menu to throwaway II nartama artamait GL atarammli VA yatramma atramma min & yartami artamli to throw o.s. I IQ natramma falbir I shall throw myself into the well I atrammat 'alayya she threw herself over me I GT 60,14 trmmynli mnh we flung ourselves from it I 118,4 trma 'Iyhm he begged for their help nGL ramyatun AL ramiale + at cast; throw; shot I ramialdle (erroneous /'f) + ramitt throw; cast; run I ramia bi hQjar a stone's throw II rami + roma MT & AC rlimi VA rlimi + rumli GL rlimi archer, arbalister I qaws 'rrami crossbow II V A & ZJ 1931 marma target. S. {bqI}, {bwb} I, {bwI} II, Urs}, {shm}, {SJwb/w}, {'1m}, {'wr} I & {gzz}. *{RNJS}: FA & JM 27 rnjs narcissus « {nrjs}). *{RNI:O: DS ranJ.tah dizziness. *{RND} 1: GL sajaru 'rrand VA randah + rand AL rand laurel (Laurus nobilis, bot.) I hab arrand laurel bays I gaida min r. plantation of laurel trees I UT 335 rand hindi Malabar cinnamon I r. iskandarlini dwarf laurel (Daphne mezereum, bot.; < F rand). S. {kU} II. *{RND} II: AL rand Ii hiaca net-work (late borrowing from Cs, Ct or Pt).
To these we can add burjTn (OS trln'n duly corrected in I 863), i.e., ·suilable only for pigs· (s. (prcn», while other varieties quoted by Dozy, especially from IW, do not offer spelling security. UT 332 classifies pomegranates Into wild (barri, lIakar or julJunir) and culLivated (bustinT or unlu\) which may be sweet (varieties: r!ysy, muqaddasi, sarari and qaml}n, biuer (large or rOmi and small) and tart (r!ys; or dwiry, brjyn and baladi).
·{RND} III: AL Ronda Ronda (geo.) 0 rondi from R. ·{RND/T}: SG rnd/tah income (late borrowing from Cs renta). ·{RNDJ}: OS randaj (joiner's) plane « P reflected by F rande). ·{RNSD}: MT arransadatayn the two aranzadas (Cs "measure of land of variable extension and so called because its price used to be one silver coin" < L argenteus). ·{RNF}: OS ran(a)r wild jasmine 1. ·{RNQ}: IQ rawnaq splendour nVA rawnaq(ah) splendor of nature « P roy nek "beautiful outlook"). ·{RNQ/K}: MT xandaq I raba4 arraniiq/k place name in Toledo (= "ravine or suburb of the tadpoles"). S. {ran} & {nrq}. ·{RNM}: IQ yarannam he hums. ·{RNN}: VA nirannan tarnin k to hum a tune to s.o. II yatrannan atrannan tarannun to hum II rannah + at hummed tune II GL !iawt waranin 'lqarn trumpet sound II ET Burel/en « laMn rannan/) pn. ·{RNYQ} = {RYNQ}: VA niranyaq ranyaqah k & niraynaq raynaqah & natranyaq atranyaqt murayniq + in & natraynaq atraynaqt taraynuq to moan or groan « R, cf. Cs renegar, s. RV 204). ·{RHB}: GL '.rhabu ruhbatun VA narhab rahabt rahbah min to fear or dread II nirahhab tarhib to cause s.o. to become a monk II tarahhab atrahhab tarahhub to become a monk II rahib + ruhban AL rahib + rohben monk; hermit I r. ,aguer + ruhben cigar f rahiba ,aguera + rahibin cigar little brother (reI., prob. a calque from L referred to the Friars Minor, i.e., Franciscans) II rahiba + in I ruhben V A rahibah + rawahib I ruhbaniit nun II rahbaniyah = MT monasticism II FX rahibi AC rahibi stew of beef and onions 2 II mutarahibat women who become nuns S. {'br}, {drj}, {dwr} & {Sjr}. ·{RHJ}: VA nirahhaj tarhij to terrorize II rahj algar = OS, AL rahach realgar II V A rahjah + at perturbation.
·{RHD}: s. {rhd/t/d}. ·{RHS}: V A ~i~ahhas k to make shudder II yartahas artahas irtihas to shudder. ·{RH~}: CV 2/4 dah!iah & 14/5 rahsah (I. rah!iah in both cases) leg cramp (and not "abrasion of the hoofs"). ·{RHD/T/D}: AL nirahhtld rahhtldt murahad + ·in· to shape or fashion II VA ra/ih4 way, manner I raht + ruhiit I arhat I arahit GL rahtun group of people I lD 'yf 4 rhd + SfJ:! 5 rhwd AL rahad + arhud shape, fashion, way, manner I (min) rahday in two ways I min callJca - arbila - k,amce cete - ,abaa - caminia arhud of three four - five - six - seven - eight manners I Ii rahad min al arhUd in some way I Ii di rraad & aledi raad (I. rahad = /'ala ili ffahQ/) in this way I Ii rahad anak,ar otherwise I BO 1v kutuban kiJliran rahdihi there are many books of its kind « S reh(a). S. {dlw}. ·{RHF}: IQ 189/2/4 murhar V A murhar + marahir sharpened sword. ·{RHQ}: V A nirahhaq tarhiq k & narhiq arhaqt irhaq / rah(a)q murhiq murhaq / marhiiq k to put to flight I IQ tarhaqu they harass him I 158/1/2 ayyak biwajhak tarhaqu beware of frowning at him II VA nirahaq alJ:!ul(u)m to reach puberty II yatrahhaq atrahhaq tarahhuq & yartahaq artahaq irtihaq to flee II murahiq + in adolescent II OS rayhaqan saffron. ·{RHM}: IQ & GL marham ointment « S miilagma < G j.1cl.)..o:Yj.1a). S. {brhm}, {rb'}, {Iyn} & {nxI}. ·{RHN}: AL narhin arhtlnt marhun + it AL tarhinuh MT rahan rahn I irhan rahin VA narhin arhant I rahant rahn I irhan rahin + in marhiin k 'inda - Ii to pawn II yartahan artahan irtihan murtahin fi AL narlahtln arlahtlnl irlihtln to be pawned or given as a hostage I VA nartahan Ii to be at somebody's mercy II nastarhan k AL naztarhtlm aZlarhtlmt (I. n in both cases) iZlirhtln to demand a security or hostage II
In F, however, such is the name of a kind of forest-willow. UT 336-7 offers a detailed account of the much disputed identification of this plant, while Bedevian renders this name by poinciana (Poinciana elata).
2 According to FX, which has the right spelling,
it can also be made from pigeons, fish or dried tuna fish.
RHW-RWI:I rahan + arhun ZJ 208 rahni AC rahan VA rah(a)n + ruhiin 1 rihan GL rahnun & rahinatun IQ rahan pawn; security; hostage I rahan alii nansa as a pledge that I shall not forget I AL r;ahba (I. r;ahb) arrahan + azhtlb al arhun MT mustarhi/in mortgagee II mustarhan mortgaged, pawned D mutarahinayn two parties in a mortgage contract II 'aqd alistirhan mortgage contract. S. {'qr}. ·{RHW}: CP 95,6 arruha' Edessa, Urfa (geo.). ·{RW(PNS)}: AL ray min Ponto & ruypbnce pieplant (half-translated from L rheuponticum and late borrowing from Cs respectively). ·{RWAN}: AL Roan Rouen (geo.) II roani + in from R. (late borrowing from Cs). ·{RWB}: VA yuriib rab & yatrayyab atrayyab tarayyub to curdle II nirayyab alia ban to make milk curdle II IZ 15/9/4 yirib ... alibuh he curdles his milk II V A rayyib ZJ 410 rayib curds. ·{RWT}: s. {jwzl. ·{RWI>}: VA nuriiJ> raJ>at addabbah to drop dung (of beasts) II DS tarawwaJ> to be manured II VA rawJ> + arwaJ> dung II AL rauea + raue lump of dung. ·{RWJ}: IQ rawwaj (iv.) VA nirawwaj tarwij k to put into circulation II yatrawwaj atrawwaj tarawwuj fi to circulate, to run around II HC 176 al",iit almurawwaj a kind of fried fish « P rawiic). ·{RWf.I}: VA nurii'" ru ... t rawa ... to go I IQ nurii", I go in the morning I AC ra ... it stank a AL niraguah raguaht moragueh + in to fan; to drive flies away; to burp I ZJ 980 rawwa ... yirawwa ... VA nirawwa ... rawwa ... t tarwi", k - 'ala to ventilate (wine in order to make it into vinegar) to fan; to give rest I n. rawwa ... t k 1 'an & n.ri", ara ... t ira ... ah muri'" + in k & niraw",an k GL urawwi",u & arwa ... u to give rest I AC rawwa ... he burped II VA yari'" ra ... ra'i", = nuri'" ara ... k to stink I NQ db 2/1/3 yiri"'ub rii"'ub he lets him live a AL narguah arguaht to get wind II natraguah atraguaht = nartah to take a rest I VA yatrawwa ... atrawwa ... tarawwu", bi 1 min - ('an 1 'ala) to fan o.s. - to take a rest II narta ... arta ... t irtiya'" fi & nastara ... astara ... t istira"'ah mustari'" + in = natraw ... an atraw ... ant
taraw",un GL arta ... u irtiya",un = astari"'u lQ astara ... astara ... tu yastara ... (kin)nastari", 182/515 nastara ... to have a rest I AL naztarah aztaraht to convalesce; to breathe II VA nastarwa ... astarwa ... t k to inhale or smell II lQ, V A & ZJ 1984 ra ... wine nlQ, VA, ZJ 127 & lA ra ...ab AC ra/a ...... ab rest I VA r. + at palm of the hand I GL ra ...atun rest; palm of the hand I AL rah(h)a + at rest; convalescence; breath I bi raha at ease I bi reha conveniently I CD M 3/31 barra ... atayn with both hands I UT 317 ra ... at ailiU'b alkalb varieties of water parsley (Sium latifolium, bot.) I GL ra ...atu 'lqadami sole of the foot D ri"'un AC ri", & rawa ... VA ri'" + riya ... 1 arya'" ZJ 1521 & 114 ri", + arya ... LZ & IH 28 arya'" (pl.) lA & lQ ri'" wind I alarba' riya'" the four winds I ri'" assarab turo ... the smell of wine exhales I ZJ 1076 yukiin ri", it will become nothing I 2098 fi 'ayn arri'" against the wind (1) I AL farreh vainly I rihia + it = ri~ia + it (1. h, cf. Mr ri~iJyya + rwa~i "woman's slipper") SN ri"'yab sock; slipper D MT rii", = raw... + arwa ... spirit, soul I lQ & VA rii'" + arwa ... AC rii'" AL roh + arguah spirit; life I quillat arroh cowardice I faain arroh against the wind (= /fi 'ayn arrlI.I/?) I GL bila rii",in lifeless IIQ rii"'an xafif a pleasant disposition I rayt rii",i I saw myself I min rii",i na'mal I shall turn myself into I xaraj rii",i I ejaculated I xaraj rii",i waqir I died violently I AC sab'at arwa ... seven lives I atlar rii",u he lost himself I batik rii",u his own destruction I tidub lirii"'ak you want it for yourself II AL rauhtlni + in DC 13 rauhanin VA rii"'ani & raw"'ani + at spiritual I AL ravhtlni = ba rravhtlnia spiritually Drohenia + rohheniet religion I GL rii",aniyati spiritual things II rawwa ... un V A rawa ... AL raguah + arguah wind; breeze I r. cagui strong wind I r. ~afif light wind I r. bixiti wind and rain I IQ rawa ... air a ray"'a AL rayha VA ra'i"'ab = ray"'ab + rawa'i", (bad) odour I CD M 3/1 rawayi", scents I GL 'rrayi"'atu 'Ikaribatu stench II AL rayaha + it window sash Urayahi + it slap II raihtln + rayahin GL ray"'anun IQ ray"'an n. un. ray"'anah VA ray"'an n. un. ab + raya",in
myrtle I OS arrayl}an al'abyaeJ absinth I rayl}an sulayman holy basil (Ocimum filamentosum, bot.) I r. assuyiix amaracus (Origanum amaracus, bot.) I r. alkiiriir stinking groundpine (Camphorosma glabrum, bot.) I r. almalik sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum, bOlo) I TO 247 r. turunjan i lemon-balm (Melissa officinalis, bot.) I UT 347 r. a»»a'lab / aljinn a var. of wild myrtle I r. assawaqi water mint (Mentha aquatica, bOlo) I rayl}anat albustan cat thyme (Teucrium polium bOlo) I r. aUata / almurd sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana, bot.) I r. almalik soft haired basil (Ocimum pilosum, bot.) I AL gaida min raihan + at plantation of myrtles I habet araihan + it myrtle bays U VA rayl}ani related to the myrtle DAL bi targuiha suffering from a cold II SH marwal}ah fly-whisk I IH marwal}atun VA marwal}(ah) + marawil} GL mirwal}un AL marguah + maragueh / maraguieh (!) fan I FX mirwal}at annar blowing-fan II AL miriah + in IQ miryal} VA & ZJ 1205 miryal} f ah windy 1 I IH miryal}un windy (day); flatulent (food or person) I LZ rajulun miryal}un man affected by the wind I AL moraguah f a + in resting I RC almoraguaha windy land II GL murawwil}iina fanners II V A mustaral} + at water closet. S. {'stqs}, {'mm}, {bny}, {byt}, Wc}, {»qn, O»»}, {jnb}, Own, Owz}, {l}bb}, {l}bq}, {l}rz}, {l}sb}, {l}my}, {xrj}, {xsr}, {xtr}, {xer>, {dr'}, {r'~}, {rqt}, {rmy}, {zmm}, {zhq}, {sbb}, {sl}r}, {sdd}, {sgn, {Sqq}, {~bw}, {trl}}, {'dw}, {'itb}, {'rq}, {'zz}, {'~f} I, {'mI}, {'wd}, {grb}, {grr} I, {rdy}, {qbeJ}, {qbn, {qds}, {q~n, {qhr}, {kIm}, {kwr}, {Iqy}, {msy}, {mIk} I, {myZ>, {nsm}, {nqy}, {nwr}, {wjd}, {wqf} & {wid}. ·{RWX}: s. {rxx}. ·{RWD}: VA nirawad murawadah k to propose sex II nirid aradt iradah murid + in murad k GL aridu taridu yuridu iradatun murid IQ (a)rad nirid 2 rid
turad ZJ 14, 1221, 1283 & 1329 arad aradt yirid(uh) AC aradta yu/irid = yid tilid turidu (hr.) rid (iv.) yuriid(u) IZ 14/5/3 tid IA tid(ak) nid(ak) AL nirid n-tid id arad/tt murid + in to want I me nirid me radt me rid (false Iv.) not to want I aQle (=/all[aali/) rad as he wishes; whichever I NQ mg 16/x/3 yirid ma[n] la yiriduh he loves one who does not love him I lQ arad qitali he wanted to fight me I arad aw lam yirid whether he wants or not I aradt an tarartal you wanted to run away I nirid minka an 1 want you to ... I tirid masjid alaxeJar you are headed for the Green Mosque I kin nirid tarja' 1 would like you to return I kin yirid yarzam he wanted to bite I turad you are wanted (by a visitor) I niridak 1 love you I yiridiik they love you I is kinniridak l}ay I do not want you alive I FX yurid allal}m an yabyaeJ the meat is about to whiten I AC 'uyiin an tiridak eyes which love you I tidni ... niridak you love me _ 1 love you I tid taqta' you want to cut II IA rayidin al'a~ir visitors in the season of vintage II VA ruwayda slowly II murad & iradah + at IQ iradah will; desire I AL i/yrada + alit will; love I GL baradat (I. bi'iradatin) willingly I IQ muriid AL morad wish; intention I BO 9v kulli miiraddan latifan every bad wish I VA bimuradi (wixtiyiiri) according to my will (and by my choice) II marwad + mariiwid IH marwadun AC marwad stick or needle for collyrium; OS earpick II AS 46/4/1 muridini my disciples. S. {'n}, {l}rr} I, {xyr}, {rwl}}, {q~d}, {qy'}, {k»r}, {lys} & {wq'}. ·{RWDS}: AL Rbdac Rhodes (late borrowing from Cs). ·{RWDQ}: AL raudaca + raguadiq perch for a falcon; pole « F rodak dim. of rod a "branch"). ·{RWZ}: VA rawz + arwiiz rice. S. {'rz} II & {rzz} 11. ·{RWZN}: VA rawzanah + rawiizin window « P rozan).
The rendering of this same word in SH 32,12 is uncertain: the editors suggested "consumptive", which is possible, but it could also mean "having fits": cf. {iwl'},
2 But see IQ 70 about the necessity of restoring the shortened forms /y/tid/ for metrical requirements in some cases.
RWS-RWY I ·{RWS}: AL Rot; the Rhone river (late borrowing from Old Cs). ·{RWSN}: OS rawliSin balconies « F rowsan "window" < P rasn "light"). ·{RWJ?}: GL arii4u yarii4u riya4atun to train II AL nirayadlt! rayadlt!t tariid n. un. tarida morayid + in morayad + in VA nirayya4 taryi4 k to tame; to train II yatrayya4 atrayya4 tarayyu4 to be tamed I y. atrayya4 tarayyu4 & narta4 arta4t irtiya4 murta4 fi / bi to practise; to train o.s. I raw4(ah) + at IQ raw4(ah) & riya4 = AC garden I IQ raw4ah VA raw4ah + at AL rauda + at mausoleum I riQd + it I ariida I aruda (erroneous) garden; orchard; edge of a garden I OS riya4at garden beds U V A riya4ah + at exercise, sport I AL riada taming I hi riada with restraint I felcefet a rriada ethics II xei riadi ethical I feilet;uf riadi + feUcife riadiin ethicist II IH rayyi4un tame, tractable (beast) II GL gayru marii4in untamed. ·{RWT} I: AL ruta V A riitah rue (Ruta graveolens, bot.; < L rilta). ·{RWT} II: SG rwtah a certain stringed musical instrument « R, of Cl origin, cf. Cs rota and E crowd). ·{RW'}: IQ ra' & rawwa' yarawwa'ni V A nirawwa' tarwi' k & nuri' ara't ira'ah k to frighten II natrawwa' atrawwa't tarawwu' min & narta' arta't min to be frightened U raw' GL raw'un fright II XA a'l tayran murawwa' scared bird II iin1 murawwi' frightening. ·{RWG}: VA nurug rugt rawg / rawagan ra'ig + in 'JlR to joke; to duck I IQ yuriig lak he eludes you I V A nirawwag tarwig k to deviate BVC 16/6 arwag (IX-XI stem) to foam II V A ra'ig + in & rawwag + in joker, mocker I OS rawwag (horse) given to swerving. ·{RWG} II: VA nirawwag tarwig k AL niraguag raguagt to foam or froth II moraguag + uin frothy, foamy « {rgw}, q.v.). ·{RWQ}: VA yuriiq raq to please II nirawwaq tarwiq k to clarify or filter; to attach a porch II IQ la44aw yiriq it becomes transparent II VA yatrawwaq atrawwaq to be filtered; to be provided with a porch II rawq + arwaq / arwiqah horn II
riwaq = IQ 192/1/1 porch I rafa' ayri riwaq my penis raised a kind of a tent I AL riguaq + uit I arguiclqua (bed) curtain II IQ kaliiman rayiq clear words II murawwaq decanted. ·{RWL} I: LO Alarguel = Aruel a nickname ("slaverer"). ·{RWL} II: IQ arwal flee (iv., unassimilated B). ·{RWM} I: IQ kiyyuriim turam maram MT yuriim GL ariimu yariim(u) tariimiina maramun to wish I IZ 5/4/3 rumti narja' ". saffij I would like to become a seller of fritters I VA nuriim rumt rawm ra'im mariim to attempt I rawm & maram goal I ,a'b almaram hard to get. ·{RWM} II: VA riimah AL Rama Rome I rami + in Roman language (1) II romani + in Roman UlQ riim Christians II GL riimiyah Christian woman I VA riimiy(y)ah Christian female slave. S. {'fsntn}, {bsbs}, {bslsk}, {b~l}, {bql}, {bid}, {tbl} I, {jlllq}, {hss} I, {hnt}, {hwr} I, ; LZ & IH mazdagah pillow « (~dg}). ·{ZDQ}: V A yazduq zaduq zudiiqah / izdiiq /
zadiiqah to be heavy II nizaddaq k to make heavy D mazdiiq heavy « A ~adaqa "to fulfil [a promise]", applied in Aa to weights and measures of the right gauge, S. (~dq}).
·{ZDW}: IH zadwah a child's game consisting of throwing nuts into a hole II mazdii hole for such game. ·{ZDWR}: BM zadwiir S. jadwiir. ·{ZRB} I: V A nazrab zarabt / azrabt izriib / zarbah mazriib k 'ala / warii & nizarrab tazrib k to put to flight I nizarrab tazrib k ZJ 767 zarrab (iv.) to pen or corral II VA yazzarrab to be penned or corralled II AL zerb n. un. zerba tautness of a breast full of milk D IH zarbun & ZJ 616 zaribah V A zaribah + zarii'ib & zarbah + iit IQ zariiyib (pI.) dim. IA zurayyab GL zurayyabatun pen, corral I muJ.1al(la)qatun bizzarbi fenced II IH zarbiyyatun SN zrbyh carpet II AC azzuriibi pn. II IQ mazriib hurried II GL muzarrabun min kulli niiJ.1iyatin fenced on every side (cf. Mr zarb of the same meaning). ·{ZRB} II: IH azzarabiyyatu (a sweet; < zaliibiyyah q.v.). ·{ZRBTN}: AL zarbatana + it popgun I V A zarbatiinah + iit latrine outlet Uzarbatiini outlaw (s. VA 136 1). ·{ZRT}: MT azzariiti pn. ·{ZRT/DK}: OS zart/adak juice of safflower « F). S. {zrdq}. ·{ZRJN}: GL zarajiin IH zarjiinun IQ & MT zarjiin VA zarjiin n. un. ah + zariijin AL zar jon n. un a vine-shoot, runner II muzarjan + in abounding in foliage « Ar zargunii < P zargon "green, fresh"). S. {q4b}· ·{ZRXT}: S. {'zdrxt}. ·{ZRD} I: VA nazrad zaradt / azradt zard ziirid zarriid + in mazriid k & yazzarrad azzarrad & nazdarad azdaradt izdiriid GL azdarada '.zdaridu to swallow II V A nizarrad tazrid k to make S.O. swallow II VA yanzarad anzarad to be swallowed II zard gluttony II AS 47/5/3 mazriid thin
Cf. also Judaeo-CaSlilian SIZ.b,alan in J.A. Cid's paper "Lamenlaciones del alma anle la muerle: un nuevo poema medieval judeo-espanol", in Poe.fa e.trolica, Madrid 1991,43-70, esp. 48.
soup (given to beggars and dervishes) II GL muzdaridun & ID zll 1 zriid (= /zarradf) glutton. ·{ZRD} II: AL nizarrad zarradt muzarrad + in to arm with a coat of mail II IQ zarad GL zaradun AL zaradlt + zurud link of chainmail. zarrad + in maker of coats of mail I OS mzrdh (prob. = ·muzarradah) another name of the plant called 'udaysah « Ar zardii of Iranian origin reflected by F zere). S. {dr'}, {qwt} II, {nqcl} & {nqf}. ·{ZRDB}: IH zirdiibun cellar « {srdb}, q.v.). ·{ZRDXN}: ID I,Isb 10 z.rd.xiinah AL zardahtln (I. k) silk gauze (prob. < F zar doxiin "golden smoke", s. LHI 155). ·{ZRDQ}: IQ nazardaq I dye with safflower II zardaq juice of safflower « P zardak). S. {zrt/dk}. ·{ZRDK}: s. {zrtk}. ·{ZRR} I: VA nizarr zarart zirr mazriir k to button nyanzarr anzarr to be buttoned II zirr + azriir / azi/arrah LZ azriir + azirrah button I IQ J:!alla ... azzuriir he unbuttoned. ·{ZRR} II: VA nizarrar zarrar tazrir / tazarrur muzarrir AL nizarrar zarrart to squeak or creak « (~rr}). ·{ZRR} III: AL zerr + zirer jar « {zyr}, q.v.). ·{ZRR} IV: OS zaririi Swiss-chard beet, purslane « F prob. through S). ·{ZRZR/L}: LZ zurzul IH zurzulun IQ zurzar VA zurzar/I + zariizir/l GL zariizirun (pl.) ZJ 577 zarziir AL zorzal + zarazil starling UET Azzorzeri (= azzurziiri) pn. S. {r's} & {rjO. ·{ZRZRNJ}: OS zarziirwnj fox grape (misspelt for F zar darunaj "golden doronic"?). ·{ZRZL}: BO 5v tazarzal alarcli the earth trembles nAL zerzel + zerizil earthquake
·{ZRSK}: OS zrsk 1 TO 141 zirisk barberry (Berberis vulgaris, bot.; < F zereIk). ·{ZR'}: IQ zara'tum lam nazra'uh yuzra' azra'ii (jv.) AC zara' yazra' azra' (iv.) zuri' AL nazraa zaraat GL azra'u = '.zra'u azra'ii (jv.) zar'un ziiri'un zarra'un VA nazra' zara't zar' ziiri' + in mazrii' k to sow I n. zara't zar' assarr bayn anniis to sow
1 DS diirsk appears to be a scribal error.
dissent among the people 0 nizarra' tazri' k to scatter II yazzarra' azzarra' to be scattered Uyanzara' anzara' IQ anzara' to be sown II GL zar'un - 'zzar'u IQ zurii' (pl.) crop I V A zar' + zurii' AL zaraa wheat I ZJ 1791, 1745 zar' + azrii' sown field I ET Abuzara (= abii zar'ah) pn. a VA (axclar) zara'i / masanni dark green II AL guaqt aziraa sowing season II MT zarrii' sower D AL zorraa + zorra VA zurra'ah lark I zarri'ah + zariiri' AC & ZJ 875, LZ & IA zarri'ah IH zarri'atun + zariiri'u AL zarre(a)a + zariri I zariria seed I zarrea a Mft turnip seed I z. al htlur elmtree seed I TO 216 zarri'at iblis tall restharrow (Ononis antiquorum, bot.) II AL mazraa + mazarU MT mazra'ah V A mazra'ah + maziiri' sown ground II IQ muzarra' growing well. S. {bss}, {b~J}, {3kr}, {zbrj}, {~rr} I, {trf}, {fSqr}, {qIJ'}, {q~O, {qnm}, {kbs}, {ktn} & {krnbl ·{ZRF}: AL nezerref zerreft to separate I OS zarrafa 'ala Ixamsin to be over fifty II LZ & ZJ 1164 ziriirah giraffe nGL zuriifatun liar. ·(ZRF(N)}: IQ las nazarfan milliqiir I do not crook my little finger (i.e., "I do not do anything") II OS zrryn + zariinn column capital (with volutes?) II VA zurriif + zariirif ZJ 1171 zurriif AC zariirif (pl.) curl (hypocoristic (1 u22ii3) from the former < P zorfin & zolf "curling lock"). ·{ZRQ} I: GL yazruqu zarqatun mazriiqun to hit or pierce with a javelin I AC zarq (m.) AL nazroq zaraqt zarca + at VA nazruq zaraqt zarq mazriiq k to shoot with a javelin I yazruq zaraq to defecate I AL nazruq to throw an iron bar (old Spanish sport) nnizarraq zarraqt muzarraq + in to bar (a door) I VA nizarraq k to make blue II V A yanzaraq anzaraq to be shot II yazraq azraq to become blue I AL lamaa tacraq + limaa yacracu lividity II UT 343 zarq / zuriiq aHayr mistletoe (Viscum album, bot.) II VA zur(ii)qah blueness II zuriiqah + zuriiq bird droppings I azraq + zurq IQ & ZJ 538 azraq GL azraq f zarqa + zurq blue I AL azraq f zarca + zorq
ZRQ Il-ZZZ blue; having blue eyes I iiynin zorq blue eyes I azraq aliiynin IQ azraq al'aynayn blue-eyed I UT 353 zarqli' eryngo (Eryngium campestre, bot.) II dim. 174 zurayqli' a lesser kind thereof I IQ zarqat alyamlimah, LO Alauae, al'iizayraq, Zarea, Zolurayca ZJ 806 abii zurayq pns. n 1061 zurqliqah weal, lividity II AC mazraq = ZJ 1066, AL mazraq + mazariq VA mazraq + mazliriq 10 'f 3 mzrqh javelin 0 AL hcJmil al mal;raq + in lancer. S. {kJlrl.
·{ZRQ} II: VA zawraq + zawliriq skiff (from North Iranian origin 1). ·{ZRQTN}: AL zareaton n. un. a flea-wort « Ar zra' qa((una "kitty's seed"). ·{ZRQN}: IQ zarqiin AL zarcon minium, red lead « F zargun "golden colour") I ET Abenzarcon pn. ·{ZRKN}: VA nizarkan zarkanah k to deceive (dissimilation from A zakkana "to dissemble", unless it is a derivate from {zrqn}). ·{ZRM}: OS azram spurge flax. ·{ZRNB}: UT 355, OS & IW I 248,82 zarnab prob. mountain spignel (Libanotis 2; < F zar e nab "pure gold"). ·{ZRNBD}: 8M zarunblid wild ginger (Zingiber zerumbet, bot.; < F zoronbiid). ·{ZRNBR}: OS zaranbiiri Swiss-chard beet, buck's horn plantain (Plantago coronopus, bot.; prob. < F zar anbur "golden pincers"). ·{ZRNBLJ}: OS zaranbulj 8M zaranbilaj gooseberry currant « P reflected by F zar anbolj "golden myrobalan" from Sa amalaka). ·{ZRNX}: VA nizarnax k to mix with arsenic II yazzarnax azzarnax to be mixed with arsenic II zarnix + zarlinix IQ zarnix IH zarnixun arsenic; orpiment I AL zernik, + zaranik, arsenic; orpiment; hair-removing plaster (containing arsenic; < P zarr nek "beautiful gold").
·{ZRNF}: AL nizernef zerneft to prostitute II nezernef azerneft to prostitute 0.8. I zurnif + zerinif low-class whore (cf. Mr. zilrnifa, perhaps < F zar nifa "golden girdle" in a clear allusion to the venality of their favours). ·{ZRHN}: lQ azzarhiini pn. ·{ZRWL}: MT zirwlil pn. I IQ bani zirwlil a Berber clan. ·{ZRWND}: 8M zarliwand AL zaraiiunda worm-killer; birthwort (Aristolochia bracteata - longa) I UT 353 zarliwund tawil birthwort (Aristolochia longa, bot.) I 354 z. mudal.uaj round aristoloch (A. rotunda, bot.; < F zaravand "golden vessel"). ·{ZRY}: GL azri ziryatun / z(a)rliyatun muzriyun & '.zdarli (y)azdari & '.zdari muzdariyun AL nazri azreit to look down I VA nazri azrayt izrli / zary muzri + in bi / fi & nazdari azdarayt izdirli bi to mock or deride I XA vli5 azrat bik all]uli jewelry cannot enhance your beauty II VA yazzarrli azzarrli min to be on one's guard. ·{ZRYB}: VA nizaryab k & na'mal zirylib to toast or roast a yazzaryab azzaryab to be toasted or torrefied II CO 13 zirylibi IH azzirylibu a dish of fried salted beans « P zar e ab "water gold", either as a metaphor, or as an attribution of this culinary process to the famous musician Ziryab, whose sobriquet was that same expression applied in A to the gold used for gilding). ·{ZRYT>: VA nizaryat zaryatah k to knock down Uyazzaryat azzaryat to be knocked down II zirylit + lit mace « surriyliqah, q.v. 3; cf. Mr zilrwiI( and zilrwa(a of the same meanings). S. {sryq}. ·{ZZZ}: IQ zuzzuh (iv.) zaz (m.) ZJ 867 & 1038 zazni zaz(zi} IA yuzazzii zazz (m.) VA nuzuzz zazazt zazz n. un. ah + lit zazzliz +
According 10 W. Eilers, "Iranisches Sprachgul im Arabischen" in Actas do IV Congresso de Estudos drabes e
is/amicos, Coimbra-Lisboa 1968, pp. 581-660.
2 Bul its idenlificalion is diverse in Ihe aUlhors and declared by some an impossible lask.
Through voicing of initial lsI, as in zabaj and olher cases, and suffix melanalysis and subslitution, or jusl Iql > Ill, a pronunciation vice menlioned by IQ 140/2/4 and of which Ihere are olher inSlances. We give up our previous hYPolhesis for Ihe origin of Ihis root as a dissimilalion of Soulh Arabian based */zabbala/.
In to slap on the neck II yanzazz anzazz AC tanzaz to be slapped on the neck Uzliz n. un. ah / zazzli AL zezz n. un. zeze + it slap on the neck (a particularly humiliating gesture, even softly) I ZJ 1887 bazzazzi VA bazzazz by force I mazazzah + lit nape (from onomatopoeic R origin). ·{ZTT}: VA yamsl zattlit battlit to loiter (lit. "to go buzzing like a drone", the second word merely being rhythmic slang). ·{ZTM}: IB 180, 26 z.tiimah damage in fruit stored too tightly (perhaps < {~dm}, cf. Mr z~;}m "to trample"). ·{Z'BJ}: OS za'baj wild olives. S. {zbj}. ·{Z'BL}: AL nezaiibel azaiibelt azaiibel tezaiibula + it ID ff 2 mz'bllit to strut II ET Abozaabel & Aben~ebel pns. II ZJ 1045 za'bali walking with a stately gait (cf. Mr z;}'bul "fat"). ·{Z'J}: VA na/uz'ij az'ajt iz'lij muz'ij muz'aj / maz'iij k to stir up or drive out 1 I nuz'ij az'ajt maz'iij almusmlir fi AL mazaug + in to drive a nail II VA yanza'aj anza'aj inzi'lij munza'ij (min) to be driven; to be stirred up. ·{Z'R} I: VA za'lirah being red-haired; rascality; OS stypticity II V A az'ar + zu'ar redhaired, rascal. ·{Z'R} II: VA za'riir n. un. ah IQ za'riir GL za'riirun hawthorn I AL zaiiror n. un. a mountain ash; rowan; wild service tree; dog-rose I zaror mita polot n. un. a hawthorn (but s. GL 88 about the difficult identification of this tree in the diverse authors) I OS za'riir alkalb dog-rose I TO 136 za'riir al'awdiyah hawthorn (Cratregus oxyacantha, bot.) I 151 sajarat azza'riir azarole tree (C. azarolus, bot.; < Eg origin, cf. C arouue. aroou & srarooue, possibly contaminated by Semitic {zr'} "to plant"; cf. also S za'rora). ·{Z'Z'}: VA za'za' + za'lizi' storm. ·{Z'ZF}: AL zuilzU/ n. un. a jujube bay or tree (a dissimilation of {zfzf}, cf. Mr. z;}'fuf, s. AL 87). ·(Z'FR{N!-)}: VA niza'rar za'fart AL nileguen bazafran to season or dye with saffron II
zaiifaran GL za'farlinun - 'zza'rarlinu ZJ 1016 & VA za'farlin saffron I UT z. hindi curcuma I 362 z. f.!abasi FA z'frlin ~f.!rwy wild saffron II V A za'rarlini related to saffron I RC a~af{a)rani = zafrani pn. (prob. "saffron seller") II GB 364 zu'ayr.rli' = za'faranlilluh ground pine (Ajuga chamrepitys, bot., with the R dim. suffix). ·{Z'Q}: VA yaz'uq za'uq zu'iiqah zli'iq + zu"liq to be ugly I niza"aq taz'lq k AL niz(z)aiiq zaiiqt to make ugly II V A yazza"aq azza"aq to become ugly II ZJ 1537 & AC zu'iiqah AL zooca = zuilca = zaoca (I) ugliness I bi zuilca in an ugly manner I IQ na'mal lak zu'iiqah I shall make a funny grimace for you 0 AL ziiiiq 1 zeiq + zuaq 1 zoiiq 1 zooaq f zeica + ziq (I. zuaq) dim. zooayaq + uin AC za'lq (= /za'iq/) ZJ 1145 & IQ zli'iq ugly II az'aq min zawlil anni'am uglier than losing the favour I ma z'aq how ugly II VA mli 'an zu'liq briny water (in Hell). ·{Z'M}: IQ za'am V A naz'um za'amt za'm / za'limah zli'im + in za'im k IH azza'mu (m.) AL nazuiln = nazavun = nazaiivm zaiint = zailunt (I. m always) = zaiivmt zavun (I.) azavun zoom = zooni (!) zaiiim + ziiymin to claim or allege (vainly) I NQ am 1/1/3 kiyyaz'um bi'an yarlik ma'siir he claims to have seen you in trouble II AL bi zoam 1 zaiima presumptuously II MT za'im noble IIQ za'im VA za'im + zu'amli leader Bza'limah & za'am leadership. ·{Z'N}: VA zu'linah stupid a AC za'niin pn. ·{ZGB}: VA nizaggab tazglb k GL muzaggabun AL muzag(g)ab + in to make downy II yazzaggab azzaggab to become downy II zagabah + lit ZJ 1034 zagab GL zagbun AL zagb n. un. a + zogob down, fuzz. S. {tyn}, {xtm}, {xwx} & {qwm} I. ·{ZGBR}: BM zagbar cat thyme (Teucrium marum, bot.; < F). S. {zbgr}. ·{ZGR}: ZJ 1103 azglir place name in Morocco, identified by Bencherifa with today's Algarb « B azagar "plain"). ·{ZGZG}: GL zagzagatun gossiping.
Mr. z·~k "10 drive OUI" suggesls a Soulh Arabian based occlusive pronunciation of jim in Ihis rool, as often In Ihe vicinily of Iz/.
ZGZL-ZKW ·{ZGZL}: VA nizagzal k to stick with a halfpike I yazzagzal azzagzal tazagzul to be stuck with a half-pike II zugzal + iit halfpike (characteristic weapon of Berbers) I FJ zugzal boat-hook « B s ugzal "with the agzar, q.v. under (gzl}). ·{ZGL}: VA nizaglal k to embolden or hearten II yazzaglal azzaglal to take heart or pluck up courage II AC zuglab = zuglii IA zuglab AL zogla bravery, courage I bi z. bravely I zag(u)all + zag(u)tllla VA zagal + zagallab NQ yb 1/1/3 & II zagalla(t) brave, courageous I IQ zagal brave youth I AL zagtll bi hunq madly courageous I z. xuay scarcely brave (either from B, cf. K izaggal "to get angry" or, more likely, a semantic shift of A zugliU "boy", s. VA 138). ·{ZGN}: IH zugunun 1 beam or cross-timber (in a ship, < G !;u'Yov). ·{ZGNZ}: VA zagnaz + zagiiniz clasp of a necklace « B sagnas "needle, brooch", Ba tisagnit "needle", Mr sagnas "to deflower [with a needle], s. RA 29). ·{ZGW}: VA yazgii zagii Ii to please « (~gw}). ·{ZGY}: V A zagiiyab + iit AL zagaya + it javelin (apparently a noun of instrument from B ag "to throw", s. LHI 128). ·{ZFT}: AL nizelet zeletldt tazlit = tazeit (!) muzeffet + in VA nizaffat tax fit k to tar I yazzaffat azzaffat to tar o.s. II zaft + zufut GL azzaftu & zaftu ' Iba~ri LZ, MT, lA, ZJ 1032 & AC zaft AL zeIt tar « Ar ziptii < Ak zibtu[m}). ·{ZFR} I: V A nazfar zafart zafir to sigh I zafrab GL zafirun sigh 2 " UT 744 zufayrii' gladiolus. ·{ZFR} II: TO 229 zufarii sea parsnip (Echiniphora tenuifolia, bot.; < F zulrii). ·{ZFRT}: ZJ 202 zafrit kind of demon (prob. a blend of zafrat with 'ifrit). ·{ZFZF}: IH azzufa'yza/ifu OS zufayzaf V A zufayzaf n. un. ab jujube berry or tree « Ar zuzlii < G !;i!;upov). ·{ZFT}: VA nazzarrat azzaffat tazaffut I tazfit bi 'ala to boast or brag " zaft boast "
zaffiit + in boastful (prob. < {zft}, cf. A zalata "to get angry", if not a semantic shift of (zbt}). ·{ZFN}: GL zafna zafiinatun zaffiinun to dance II IH azzafanu VA zarn dance II ZJ 11 zarran dancer t IH zarriinatun + zarraniitun (prob. from South Arabian stock). ·{ZQST}: OS zuqustab unid. plant in Kairouan. ·{ZQQ}: VA nuzuqq zuqt ZJ 361 yizuqqi to feed with the blll I AL nizeqeq zequeqt to drink up I zaleq + zucuq I zoquoq ZJ 50 & IA zaqq AC zuquq (pI.) V A za/iqq + ziqiiq I azqiiq skin (as a container) II OS istisqii' ziqqi ascites (med.) I CP 110,10 annafx azz.qqi flatulence II V A zuqiiq + azaqqab GL zuqiiqun IQ, MT & ZJ 29 zuqiiq AL zocaq lane, alley II JS zaqqiiq seller of skins. ·{ZQL}: IA zuqJi craw, crop. ·{ZQM}: OS zaqqum zakkoum-oil plant II VC 30/5 jur~ mazqum festering wound. ·{ZQNQ}: AL zoqnoq + zaquaniq naked (met.), pauper (apparently, a hypocoristic (1 v23ii2) derivation of {znq}, whence A zanaqa "to shackle; to ill-feed"). ·{ZQNL}: MV 148 zqnl pn. ·{ZKR} I: VA zukrab + zukar skin (as a container) II HC 72 add.jiijab azzakirab stuffed cooked chicken then broiled II AC muzakkar pn. ·{ZKR} II: IH zikri IQ 133/3/6 & ZJ 1039 zakri MT zakari & ab(i) zakariyyii ET Zacaria & Zikiri pns. (B shape of A zakariyyii < H zkaryiih). S. {'bw}. ·{ZKM}: VA nizakkam to give a cold " yanzakam anzakam to catch a cold II za/ukmab + zukam & zuklim GL zukmatun & 'zzukiim cold I VA mazkum + in suffering from a cold. ·{ZKW}: GL azku zakii'un ziiki to prosper or thrive nuzakki muzakka'un to commend I VA nizakki k IQ yazakki to pay the poor-rates I zakki na~rab min itii ssibiib give me just one look free from this abuse I AL nizaq(q)ui zaq(q)ueit tazquia to bear
Mss. zuiurrun and zui!uzun, which should be corrected as proposed.
2 os zalar "stench" and zalir 'slinking", exhibiling a characterislic trail of Eastern urban dialects « {aIr}), are not likely to have ever been Aa.
witness to s.o.'s integrity II VA yazzakka azzakka to be levied (the poor-rates on income) II zakah + zakawat poor-rates, alms tax II IQ zaki pure II LO C;uqyey( a) pn. (= dim. IzuUyy/'!) II GL muzakki vouched « Ar zkU[tal < H zakah "purity"). ·{ZLB}: os zalabiyyah FX & HC 216 zulabiyab a kind of doughnut eaten with honey. ·{ZLJ} I: OS tazallaja to be sticky. ·{ZLJ} II: VA zullayj n. un. ah AL zuteija + zuteich glazed tile 1 II muzeleg/ch + gin tiled. S. {st~}. ·{ZLX}: HC 238 zlyxh s. salixab. ·{ZLZL}: VA yizalzaI k GL uzalzilu = '.zalzilu to quake or cause to tremble II atazalzalu tazalzulun VA yazzalzal azzalzal AL nazelzel zelzelt zelzel (I. azelzelt azelzel ) to quake or tremble Dzalzalah & zilzal + zaliizil ZJ 2065 zalzalah GL zalzalatu 'l'ar" earthquake I IH riya~un zaliizilu violent winds, gales. S. {zrzI}. ·{ZL T>: VA nanzalat anzalatt to fall into destitution Uzalt AC zalt = IA destitution II azlat poorer UAC mazliit AL mazlot + in destitute « A zala(a "to go without any luggage", s. AL 88). ·{ZL'}: AC tizalla' to skin I VA nizalla' tazli' to make rancid Uyazzalla' azzalla' tazallu' to grow rancid I AC nazellaii azellaiit tezelluu to sponge, to act the parasite II zulla(ii) + zeliliii/i sponger, parasite « A tazalla'a "to crack", s. AL 88). ·{ZLF}: VA zalaf favour enjoyed by S.o. II tazlif & izlaf favour granted to S.o. II zulfah + at & zulfa flattery; favour currying II IH azzulafatu bowl (7) II TO 303 zala'if almuliik kidney-wort (Cotyledon lusitanica, bot.). ·{ZLQ}: GL azl(a)qu yazliqu zalaqun & izdilaq VA nazlaq zalaq zalaq to slip II nizallaq tazliq k to cause to slip II zalaqab slip I GL z.l.q 'I'am'a'i diarrhrea II mazlaqatun VA mazlaq(ah) + mazaliq & zallaqab + zalaliq slippery spot. ·{ZLL(YR)}: IA zallat GL aza/illu to slip; to
An apocopated dim.
commit a fault I VA nizall zall zall bi Ima' to fornicate I nizall zalalt zalal zall + In falma'na wagayruh mazalla + at falma'na to misapprehend a concept II GL zillatun & zalalun ZJ 918 zallah fault; slip I AS 4/0/2 zallati my faults II ZJ 1707 zallal & 1676 zallayr V A zallayr + In fornicator; whoremonger II zulal = IQ 180/2/3 pure (water). ·{ZLM} I: AL habbe zuJem + habit z. earth almond, edible cyperus (Cyperus esculentus, bot.) II zul(l)uma + zelilim / zallilim (I. zalilim) dim. zuJeylema + it snout, trunk (a hypocoristic (1 v22ii3) derivation from < A zalama "to cut off the nose") ·{ZLM} II: IH zulamiyyun IQ & ZJ 78 zulami VA zulami + zulamiyat flageolet (named, according to Ibn Xaldiin, after its inventor, a certain Zunam in the days of the Caliph Almu'ta~im; s. LQ 72). ·{ZMP}: AL zimpi small wine « IZiiml "juice", e.g., in Ea, < G ~WI.U)C; and R plyJe "foot", sometimes translated as A nablt!Ju rrijl, as in OS2). ·{ZMJ}: ZJ 1769 zummaj sea-gull; OS sea falcon UMT azzamiiji pn. ·{ZMR}: IQ zamar yazmur zamir zamir GL azmuru zamirun f zamiratun ZJ 1043, 1281, 307, 1590 & 386 zamar yazmur zamri & zamir zamir AC zamarna yazmurii zamr & zamir V A yazmur zamart zamr zamir + in I zamarah zammar + in fi to play the flute I AL nazm6r z!l;amart zamr zimir f a + zamara IA zamir & zammar + zammarab AC zamarab/t to play the flute; to whistle II VA yanzamar anzamar to be played (the flute) B AL zamr arbtlii autar four-stringed instrument (sic, but most likely "melody for four-stringed instruments, i.e., a string quartet") II GL gina'u 'zzamarati & gina 'zzamarab musical soiree II VA zumrab + zumar group of people II zummarab + at GL zammaratun AL zummara + zummor
allarx,m) < *muzaddaj < muzajjaj. q.v. under {zjj}.
This item has been reshaped as ma wap~ in modern luda:o·Arabic of Fes and Meknes, according to S. Levy, ·Palabras aventureras. Hispanismos olvidados, escondidos en hablas arabes de Marruecos· in Hu~llas comUMS y miradas CTuzadas: Mundos tirab~, iberico ~ ib~roamericano, Rabat 1955, pp. 187·95, esp. 192.
ZMRD/O-ZMN flute, pan-pipe I zumaral al eyne (I. yeneq) abomasum, fourth stomach of a ruminant I ZJ 1671 lalla zammarah derogatory nickname of a woman (lit., Mrs. Fluteplayer, as flute players were considered dissolute) II LO Zamlnbaroc(h) pn. « /zammar/ "flute player" with the R pejorative suffix (-ok)) II IQ tazmiriit second-rate stuff ('1) II mizmar = lZ 7/1/3 flute I AL mil;mar = mazmar + mazamir GL mizmar VA mizmar + mazamir BO 35v mazmaran psalm (backformed on Ar mazmurii < H mizmor) I TD 265 mizmar arra'i water plantain (Alisma plantago, bot.). S. {'wI} II, {zbr} II, {~n'} & {~wI} . *{ZMRD/D}: GL zamurradun & zumurruiJun VA zamurrad n. un. ah IQ zamurradah AL zambrral n. un. a emerald I GL l.tajaru 'zzumurrudi & 'zzumurruiJu 'Ifayriiziyu sapphire ('1) II FX zumurrudi ('1) a heavily spiced sweet « Ar zmargdii < G al1aQa"y~o,,;). S. {zbrjd}. *{ZMZM}: BQ aa 3/1 zamzam pn. II GL zamzamatun whisper II VA zimzamah + at / zamazim fowl cackling. *{ZMZ}: VA zummati + in expeditious, unencumbered « {zmt}, found in the dialects as "to flee"). *{ZM'}: V A izma' to resolve II OS zama'atu I'aryal.t whirlwinds. *{ZMQ}: AL I;umaquil (a pI. of */zumaqa/'l) foot leash of a falcon (s. AL 88-9 for its likely derivation from B magus "shackle"). *{ZML}: DS zamala to bleat II V A nizammal tazmil k to cover a yazzammal azzammal tazammul mutazammil + in bi to cover 0.8. II TH 48,15 yastazm.l luh he asks him to ride behind him D AC zamil companion UIH zamilun VA zami! + zawamil IQ & ZJ 490 zamil AL zimil + zalevimil hack, jade I xei mila zimil belonging to hacks II MT zamilah beast of burden Dzammal AL zemil + in « /zammalj) muleteer II muzeumel + il hack-like. *{ZMM}: GL azummu mazmiimun to tie I VA nuzumm zamamt zamm zammam + in k to sustain or support; to bind or tie up; to
233 halter I AC zum (iv.) AL nizum = nizumen
(!) zememlnl zum zemm to suffer, endure or stand I xei yuzem + axill yuzemin (I.
yuzemmu) sufferable thing II nizemmen zem( m)enl zem( mUm muzemmem + in to register or record nIQ anzammat a~rasak your teeth were set on edge II BD 22r l.tilmu wazammu fil ixtilafu forbearance and endurance in adversity I IZ 7/3/4 sawwi fih zamm azzam tune it (a lute) by controlling its buzzing ('1)1 I IQ l.ta~al fazzam he got into trouble II zammat alxutiib the pressure of difficulties II zimam = MT, AL zliymim + azemme VA zimam + azammah register, record, ledger I z. aljamal + azammah camel halter or nose ropeJ AL zimin al acria + azemme letting or renting register I IQ naktub zimam I hold books II zammam strict I AL zemim + in « /zammamj) enduring, long-suffering I V A ril.t an zammam sweeping wind II mazamm + at necklace string II AL mal;mum + mazmumet treble chord (mus.). *{ZMN}: VA nuzmin azmant izman muzmin 'an / min to go a long time (without a woman) II zamin + in chronically ill II zaman + azminah / azman IQ zama/an GL zamanun + azmanun ZJ 427 & IA zaman AC zama/i/in AL zemen + alezmen time, epoch I Ii zemin in the days of I culi zemen always I GL fi haiJii 'zzaman in this time I xamsatu azminati lustrum, five years I IQ zaman Ii lam natbux I have not cooked for some time I alyawm zaman Ii iJab nanqud l.tafiruh I have been probing his hoof (I.e., scrutinizing him) for some time until today I zaman Ii l.tadsi nl.tal my clearsightedness abandoned me long ago I CD M 10/4 muniJu alyawm zaman long ago I M 10/4 astagal qalbi biiJa I'isqi zaman my heart was occupied by this love for a long time I V A fi z. an har in other times I z. an yasir aw qalil a short time II zamanah chronic illness II zamani AL zemeni + in temporal II GL zaminun
The first editor of these materials, the Tunisian scholar Tawfiq Annayfar, suggested that zamm could be the treble cord or even a type of melody but, not having found sufficient grounds for such assumptions we must slick to the usage for which we have solid evidence.
stricken in years « Ar zmana). S. {'wr}, {jld}, {J.1~d}, {xrr}, {x~w}, {dnw}, {rb'}, {Stw}, {skw}, {~rr}, {twO, {qt'}, {mdy} I, {mtr}, {m(n)iO & {nsx}. *{ZMHR}: VA zamharir + at bitter cold I IQ zamharir chilling wind. *{ZNBJ}: IQ zanbiij V A zanbiij n. un. ah + zanabij AL zanbuch n. un zanbuja oleaster, wild-olive tree I geHda min zanbuch thicket of wild-olive trees I zambuja bi m{ln~ac + zambuc b. m. goadstick (hypocoristic (la22ii3) derivation of A za'/gbaj "wild-olive"I). S {zbj} & {z'bj}. *{ZNBR}: VA zanbiir + zanabir wasp (prob. < Ar *zibbura in a dialect with rat > /zl). *{ZNB'}: AL zonbOli + zonbOe / zonboat an unid. citrus2. S. {'stnba/t}. *{ZNBQ}: ZJ 1506 zanbaqiyyah container of quicksilver « {z'bq} q.v.). *{ZNBQ(YRS)}: UT 117 zanbaq GB 122 zanbaqayras white corn camomile (Anthem is arvensis, bot.) II UT 357 jasmine; BM oil of jasmine, sesame oil mixed with jasmine « P reflected by F zanbe) II UT 359 zanbiiqah GB 366 z. muntiizah = 'awsaj abya4 or jabali, q.v. (prob. a hypocoristic derivate from zanbaq on account of its white flowers). *{ZNBL}: AS 83/4/3 zanbil IH azzanbilu basket or frail made of palm leaves. *{ZNT}: ZJ 1985 zanaH Zenatian. *{ZNJ} I: VA zinj + zuniij cymbal « F zang, zinj or sa/inj, also reflected in A ~anj and ~annajah and related to P cang
"harp", whence A junk "cymbal"). S. {~nj} I. *{ZNJ} II: VA zinji + in ZJ 16 zanj Negro; Ethiopian « P zangfg). S. {jwz}. *{ZNJBL}: AL zengebil beledi common inula, (Inula helenlum, also called according to OS zanjabil assam / bustani) I z. maqui IA zanjabil common ginger (Zlnglber officinale, bot.) I UT 359 z. ifranji a var. of ginger; common Inula II OS zanjabiliyyah unid. plant described by Al'an~iiki and also called falii'il arruhbiin « F zanjabil < Sa sritigavera). *{ZNJR}: VA nizanjar k to cover with verdigris II AL nazanjar azanjarl to be covered with verdigris II zinjar V A zinjiir verdigris I zinjari Paris or imperial green « F zangar). *{ZNJFR}: BM zanjafur & zanjufiir IH azzanjafiiru IQ 167/1/4 & VA zanjafiir AL zanjaf6r minium, red lead « F zinjafr and other by-forms, all prob. from the same unclear Eastern origin as G Je\ VVo.POoQ\ Issl in saraqustah, posited as the correct form by that author) GL saraqustah AL C;aracozta Saragossa II caracozti + in MT saraqusti from S. II UT 717 saraqustiyyah common germander (Teucrium chamredrys, bot.; < L Coesiirea Augusta) II OS srqsanh (rather than
+srfsiinh) UT 7171 surqasiinah (I. saraqussiinah, i.e., "from Saragossa") unid. plant of the thyme type. S. {msy}. +{SRQQLS}: OS srqqls sarcocolla « G uaQKoKoAA,a). +{SRK}: SG srkah hedged pen « Cs cerca). +{SRK'}: AL niCarcaa Carcaat to waddle, to trot « A tasakka'a "to wander"). +{SRM}: IH ~urmun AL curm anus. +{SRM(I>)}: OS sirmi\>ii BM sarmii myrrh (Myrrhis odorata, bot.)I. +{SRMJ/Q}: OS sarmaj/q orache (Atriplex hortensis, bot.; < F). +{SRMD}: GL & MT sarmad VA sarmad(i) eternal I MT liI'abad assarmad GL sarmadan for ever, eternally II GL 'ssarmadatu eternal things II V A sarmadiyyah + iit eternity. +{SRNJ}: TO 300 siiranjiin OS sawranjiin = siirinjiin meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale, bot.; < F surengiin). +{SRND}: FA & IB 168 srnd VA sarand + iit IA sa rand (I. sarand) AL t;arand + it sieve « F sarand, s. VA 147). S. {srdn} & {jrn} II. +{SRW}: GL sa/irwun = ~irwun cypress (but s. GL 93) IIIQ sari noble. S. {swrI} II. +{SRWL} I: IH sariiwal VA sirwiil(ah) + iit 1 sariiwil GL, MT, ZJ 1843, IA & AC sariiwil IQ sariiwil & zawj sariiwil AL t;araguil + it trousers I OS & TO 283 sariiwil aHakkiik cancerwort (Linaria elatine, bot.) II AL mut;argual + in - it with feathers on the legs and feet IIIW 1 289,1 musarwalah (trees) with their lower branches cut off for resthetical purpose « Ar sarbiil(ii) or sarb(a)/ii, ultimately from very old Persian origin, already reflected by G uaQaj3aQa, s. VA 148). S. {~zz} II, {rxw} & {nfq}. +{SRWL} II: JM 30 srwl VA sarwal n. un. ah AL t;argual n. un. a cypress I gaida min t;argual + at plantation of cypresses II
t;arguali + in V A sarwali related to cypress (suffixation of R (-all, characteristic of tree nouns, to A sarw, traceable prob. to Ak surmenum < Sm surmim: s. VA 148). S. {r jn} I, {r~f} & {srw}. +{SRY}: IQ sarat tasri sarayiin VA nasri sarayt 1 asrayt sary 1 sari 1 isrii 1 sarayiin siiri + in suriih ballayl to travel by night II sariyyah raiding party 0 siiriyah + sawiiri GL siiriyatun AL ciria + caviri I caguari dim. cuayria = caviria 0) + it column I raz aciria + rue acaviri capital I caida mit a ciria + caguaid pedestal or base of a column I xei mita ciria related to columns I IQ siiriyah mast I GL qii'idatun wasiiriyatun (I. qii'idatu siiriyatin) + qawii'idu 'ssawiiri column base I ru'iisu 'ssawiiri capitals II AS 97/514 suriyya night-journey nVA musri late, deceased. S. {r's} & {~ry}. +{SRYQ}: GL surriyaqatu 'ttiidibi IH a~~urriyiiqatu V A surriyiiq(ah) + iit thong (prob. < R, cf. Cs zurriaga, perhaps < Bq zurra "beating" and aga "stick,,)2. S. {zryt}· +{SRYN}: AL chx< especiaUy at the beginning of words and, secondly, because the remaining instances of {sqsq}. including one in Ibn Janal) reflected by OS. inequivocaUy point to storks.
SQF II-SQY assaqqaf to be roofed II saqf + suqiif = IQ, GL saqfun ZJ 944 & AC suqiif (pI.) AL I;aqf + l;oc6f roof I I;aqf fi I;emi + l;oc6f fi I;ami = I;aqfl;ami + I;ucufcemin frail roof Il;aquifa + I;acaif VA saqiCah + saqa'if porch; roofed gallery II IB 143 'ala hay'ati ttasqifi hadaCan i1a janbi hadaf like roofing work: one ridge next to another. S. {jry}, {'sqC}, {shm}, {'nb} & {qrbs/~}.
·{SQF} II: AL maciquif = mabiquif (!) earthen castanets « {~fq}, q.v.). ·{SQF} III: VA usqiif = usquff + asaqif(ah) MT & BH 26,5 '.sqiif GL '.squfun AL azcuf + al;aquifa bishop I tariq(uaO al azcuf the archbishop's law I xei mital azcuf belonging to the archbishop a MT siqiiCah & VA usqiifiyah bishopric, episcopate « G <l(JlCOltO~ with haplology, or through C, with metanalysis of the article p-). ·{SQL} I: IQ nasqul masqiil to polish « {~qJ}, q.v.). ·{SQL} II: IH 191 siqilliyah Sicily (suggested correction ~aqalliyah) AL Ciquilia Sicily II ciquili + in Sicilian « {~qJ} < L SIcilia < G I,lK&A.la). S. {ssly}, {frs} & {krnb}. ·{SQLB}: VA nisaqlab saqlabah k to castrate II yassaqlab assaqalb tasaqlub to be castrated B siqlab + saqalibah eunuch (an early borrowing, already extant in the Lisan, from LI sclavus). S. {~qlb}. ·{SQLTN}: VA & MT siqlatiin brocade « L slgillatus through Low G). ·{SQLFNDR(YN)}: TO 160 sqiiliifundra IIalassiya water creature resembling a millipede « G F amrud "pear"). S.
{brd} III, {shbnk}, {shtrj}, {s(h)d/3nj}, {shsb/Crm}, {Shlj/k}, {shmt} & {shnjr}. *{S'W}: VA sa'w utmost point *{SAY}: VA sayah + at MT sayah AL xaya + at dress skirt « Hispanic L sagia). *{SBB}: IQ sabba V A yisabb sabb to become a youth, to attain puberty II nisabbab sabbabt tasbib musabbib + in to play the reed flute I n. aIJIJawb to steep in alum I n. alCaras walbagal to make the horse or mule rise on its hind legs II yassabbab assabbab tasabbub - bi to rise on the hind legs - to be steeped in alum II sabb GL sabbun AL xebb GM 39 sabb ratb yamani = s. mi~r alum I DS Sabb al'asakiCah 1 al'u~ru/iir glasswort (Salicornia herbacea, bot.) II AL xebeb = xebebb + xubeb young man I V A, ZJ 1914 & IQ sabab youth(fulness) II GL sab(b)un VA sabb + subban youth, young man II sabbah + at 1 sawabb young woman I ET Xab(e), Xaba & Xabeb pns. I MT sabib pn. o 1H 365 sabib bn sabbata pn. (suggested correction bn saybah) II VA sabbabah + at AL xebbibe + it reed flute I xabib f a + in « IsabbabJ) reed flute player. *{SPP}: AL xappapa + xapapit wafer II ZJ 1845b sabbat bisal]m a dish I HC 198 s. bisal]m a var. thereof with honey I 193 barid assabbat the same with broth and chicken (instrumental (1a22ii3a) derivation from R *sopa < Ge suppa "sop"). *{SBBQRY}: MT subbiqariyu assistant vicar. *{SBBK}: LZ sababak an unid. plant l . *{SBI>/T}: VA nisabbaIJ tasbiIJ k to make s.o. cling or clamber II nassabbaIJ assabbaIJ
DS has Siibiinak. < F lii/iinaj = Conyza odora, while Steingass has F Siibiibak. and Siibiinak., both meaning a certain Egyptian tree, although the lauer is also rendered as dog-violet. Vul1ers has siibiinak. (= A liibiinaj = viola can ina = A bana/saj alk.i1iib) and Siibiibak. (= A barnii/ = Inula conyzoides = A siihbiinaj, i.e .. flea-wort, flea-bane or ladies' gloves). The identification of this item remains uncertain; however, although both words must have existed and appear to have the P etyma: lab aniig "night evil" and sab abiig "night company", as Azzubaydi speaks of a plant and not a tree, one is inclined to believe that this word should be corrected to liibiinak..
tasabbu., mutasabbi., to cling, to clamber I saba., AL xebec TO 232 & 236 sibt dill II MT sabbii" pn. S. {sbp. *{SBJ:I}: VA sab~ + asbii~ bulk; blurred shape. *{S(B)DYQN}: GL sUbdiyiiqun MT sub/ddiyiiqun subdeacon « L subdiiiconus, whence Eastern Christian A sidyiiq). *{SBR} I: VA si/ab(a)r + asbiir IQ sabar + asbiir ZJ 1644 & IA sibr AC sabar AL xeber + axbtir span of the hand D muxeber + in one span long. S. bms}. *{SBR} 11: V A subrah AL xubere cork oak (Quercus ilex suber, bot.; < L suber). *{SBR} III: OS sii/abir spur « Gt *spaura). *{SPR}: AL xipar + xav/guapir dry-stone wall, pale-fence « L sepiir "separate", contaminated by Ge sparra "bar"). *{SBRQ}: GM 39 sibriq centaury (Erythrrea centaurium, bot~ but it is also identified with tall-rest harrow, Ononis antiquorum). S. {Sbrk}. *{SBRQN} I: OS siiburqiin steel « F siiburgiin and varieties perhaps reflecting P *sah buriig iihan "the king's sharp iron"). *{SBRQN} II: IW I 331,1 sbrqiin a variety of apple-tree (perhaps from subruqiin, a place name near Balkh). *{SBRK}: IQ sibarki ('1) related to tall-rest harrow (Ononis antiquorum, bot.; cf. A sibriq & sabiiriq). *{SBRM}: OS & GL subrum wild petty spurge (Euphorbia pithyusa, bot.; cf. A sub rum, prob. from the same P origin as F sebram). *{SBRQRQ}: AL xobrecarca overload (late borrowing from Cs sobrecarga, although influenced by {qrq} II, q.v.). *{SBRN}: ZJ 1122 subrin MT subrin + sabiirin f subrinah nephew « L sobr'inus "cousin" with semantic shift). *{SBZJ/K}: OS siibizaj = s/Siibizaj/k mandrake (Mandragora officinarum, bot.; < F s/sabizaj/k). *{SBS}: ZJ 1060 sibs unid. place name. *{SBSTYN}: CP 33,4 sbstyiin AL Xibast;en pn. S. {snt}. *{SBT} I: VA nisabbat tasbit k to cause to cling or clamber II n-yassabbat assabbat tasabbut mutdabbit AL nachapat achapatt « (cpt}'1) to cling, to clamber I IQ assabbatuh he clung to it « {Sb.,},
q.v.). *{SBT}: 11 OS sibitu TO 272 sabituh common comfrey (Symphytum officina Ie, bot.; corrupted through sinbituh, still extant in Ibn Juljul, from G OUj.1UlOV). S. {rys}. *{SBT} III: MT siibit pn. or nickname (prob. of R stock). *{SBTBT>: OS sabatbiit knot-grass (Polygonum aviculare, bot.; < S sbatbiitii). S. {btbt}. *{SBQ}: VA yasbu~ sabu~ sabii~ah to b~ ~bsurd or unbearable I nisabba~ sabba~t tasbi~ k to make absurd or unbearable I yassabba~ assabba~ tasabbu~ 'ala to become absurd or unbearable II sabi~ + sibii~ absurd, unbearable (perhaps < A say'un biihiq). *{SB'}: IH saba'un (m.) siibi'un f sab'iinatun GL asba/i'u 1 '.sba'u yasba'u sab'atun ZJ 1453, 1208, 1445, 1253b & 1917 saba' yasba' sab'ah siibi'ah (fern.) sab'iin AC saba'(t) yasba' saba' (m.) IQ Saba'tu nasba' tasba'u (hr.) saba' (m.) min V A nasba' saba't siba' 1 sabi' 1 sab'ah siibi' + in 1 sibii' & yassabba' assabba' ZJ 929 assabba' LZ Saba' (m.) to be(come) satisfied or satiated I VA n. saba't sab' siibi' 'ala to be fed up; to loathe Unisabba' tasbi' k & nasbi' asba't isbii' musbi' masbii' k GL asba'a ZJ 1351 tusbi' to satiate; to feed up I AL naxbie = naxbtia axbtiat to satiate; to bait II GL sab'un satiating food II AL xabaa + xabaat satiation II xabie bait; lure II xibie + xabiain / xubaa (I. xubbtia) sated I maxbtia + maxabi€ place where the bait is laid II OS musba' allawn saturated with dye. *{SBQ} I: BM sabiiqah elder tree (Sambucus nigra, bot.) II LO Xebuch a nickname « R *sabuko < L siibucus "elder tree"). *{SBQ} 11: SG sbwq shad « R, cf. Cs saboga < CI *sabauca). S. {hbb}. *{SBK}: AL nexbeq xebeqt to be stuck (said of the water-mill because of an excessive flow) I VA nasbak Sabakt sabkah siibik masbiik fi & niSabbak tasbik k to entangle or net; to interweave or intertwine; to baste or stitch loosely I AS *42/1/5 sabak n xiniiqi ... sabkah he had me well and truly by the neck I FJ tasbik (m.) caulking with oakum I GL usabbiku to entangle I AL nixebbeq xebbeqt muxebbeq + uin to cover or protect with a grid I ZJ 86 nisabbak ibrati I thread my
SBKR-SBW I needle II IQ dbakat rijlayh its feet became entangled II AL nexebeq xebeqt xebeq (1. axebeqt axebeq) to clamber I VA yassabbak dsabbak tasabbuk to be entangled; to be basted; to clamber II sabakah + sibak IQ sibiik (pI.) GL sabkatun dim. AL xubey (1. xubeyca) + xubeiquit IQ subaykah + NQ mi l/x/4 subaykatuh net I MT sabakatayn two ploughshares « Cs reja) I AC sabakah AL xebeque + xebeq I xibiq dragnet; mosquito net I VC 4/6 & 14 sabtah (1. sabkah as in 62/0 reticulation in horse hoofs (vet.) II VA sabbak + at 1 sababik xebec, a kind of boat I subbak + sababik AL xubbiq + xebibiq grid, grate II taxbiq + taxibiq partition-wall 'I SH tasbik sewing leather without using an awl I OS surfeit of barley (in horses) II AL muxebeq + in (1. it) GL musabbakun VA musabbak + at AC musabakit (pI. = Imusabbakit/) wicker basket I AS 31/1/5 axaiUuni ._ wal]di ana falmustabak I entangled myself I GL muSt(a)b(i)kun entangled. S. {twq} & {'yn}. *{SBKR}: OS sabkarah night blindness II sabkiir night blind « P sab kor). *{SBL} I: VA si/ab(a)l + asbal GL s.blun KU scebal AL xibl + axbellion cub I MT aban sabal ET Abenxebel pn. *{SBL} II: OS Siiba/il CP 63, 1 sab.l IH, ZJ 621 & FX sabal shad (ich., < CI ·saMlos 'relating to summer"?). *{SPL TYRS}: UT 380 sbltyrs cotton thistle (Onopordon acanthium, bot.; < R *sopladeras "blowing-fans"). *{SPN}: OS sajarat assabbin fir-tree (Abies nigra or nobilis, bot.; < L sap pinus). *{SBN}: CP 155,10 sbynh Sabina (pn.) I SG sbynh savin (Juniperus sabina, bot.; < L sabina). *{SPNR/l,.}: TO 274 sabunayrah soapwort (Saponaria officinalis, bot.) II UT 656 sbnalh saltwort (Salsola kali, bot.; < L siipon[emJ with R instrumental and dim. suffixes) *{SBNK}: S. {s(h)bnk}. *{SBH} I: IQ yasbah tasbahuh to look like I sa bah wilduh he was like his father (Le.,
Cf. A lamtipaia ilti Uitti', s. VA 161.
strong and manly) I la yusbah It cannot be compared I AC sabih Ii'abih he resembled his father (hr.) I yasbih Ii It looks like II VA nasbah asbaht isbah 1 sabah musbih Ii & natasabbah = nassabbah tasabbaht = assabbaht tasabbuh mutasabbih Ii & nisabah musabahah k & natasabah 1 nassabahu asSiibahna / taSiibahna tasabuh mutasabih + in AL naxbih axbiht = xebiht (prob. erroneous) = axbehlit muxbih + in to bear a resemblance; to look (a)like I limen yexbih looking like s.o. I nixabih xabiht texbih GL usabbihu = ',sabbihu tasbihun musabbahun IQ nasabbah tasbih bi ZJ 1882 sabbaht to compare I AL nixebbe xebber texbie (I. h) to dissemble or feign I nixebbeh - yxebeh xebbeht & nexebeh & nexxabbeh axeb(b)eht axeb(b)eh texebuh VA nisabbah sabbaht tasbih musabbih + in & asbah & nassabbah min 1 to convalesce I IQ lalmiski sabbahtu majdak I have compared your glory with musk I Un sabbahtuh lalqamar I would compare him to the moon I GL atasabbahu to resemble I AL netxebeh axebbeht axebbeh to be compared II xibh resemblance I xibh AC sibh resembling I GL sibhun similar form D VA sabah resemblance a sib(a)h & sabah + asbah & sabih + in 1 subaha & musbih GL sabihun IQ sabih bi similar, resembling I Sabihat qamar looking like the moon I asbahak the likes of you I AL bile xibihe « /sabiha/) without match II V A subhah + at / subah doubt II asbah min better I IQ asbah annas balkiitib the most similar man to a secretary II 'ala ttasbih upon comparison I OS min gayri tasbih unequivocally II AL gilir muxbih + giliri in dissimilar, unlike II i~tilef muxebbe + i. in contrast. S. {rkz}. *{SBH} II: 8M sabah(an) TO 136 sbh(an) & Siibahi hawthorn (Crata::gus oxyacantha, bot.; supposedly from S, but unsupported by the dictionaries of this language). *{SBW} I: MT s.baws (R pI.) leather thongs for tying the yoke to the pole (unassimilated Cs solubeo < LI *subigium < L subiugia).
·{SBW} II: GL s.bii agate (mere transcription of H).
·{S/SBY}: OS s/sibiya BM sibya AL xibia + SH sawabi cuttlefish; its internal shell used by silversmiths I x. ,aguera small cuttlefish « L sepia < G aTptl(l). ·{SPY}: AL nixappi xappeit to crucify II (lXpa + axapi cross (formed by beams in the shape of an X; < Gt haspa). ·{SBYT}: ZJ 483 sabyiit Sabiote (geo.). ·{STT}: VA nisattat ta5m k / bayn to scatter or disperse II ya5sattat assattat tasattut / satat mutasattit + in to be scattered or dispersed II satat GL tastitun schism II satatun separation I AL xetet dissent; disagreement I bixetet diversely I MT rar' assatat settling the disagreement II AL a~6 f 6~t min xatti MT uxtuh assatta (fern.) ZJ 330 axan satta lA axii min satH VA axii min satta + ixwah min satta brother by the same father I IQ 'uliiman satta kindred sciences II V A sattan rna what a difference there is between ... ! II IQ tasm dispersion II AL muxet(t)et + in diverse; discordant II muxetit sower of dissent. ·{STR}: VA nisattar tastir to cleave or cut open Uyassattar assattar tasatur arrumman to open up (said of pomegranates) II astar having the eyelids slit; OS mountain spignel (bot.). ·{STRDC}: UT 479 sati rdjjh unid. plant « R ·sete radiCe "seven roots"). ·{STSN}: UT 753 satl shah salad burnet (Poterium sanguisorba, bot.; < R ·sete sana "it heals seven, i.e., many"). ·{STM} I: IQ nastum sutim nustam satam (m.) GL astumu Satmun & satimatun V A nastum Satamt sat(a)m / tastim satim mastiim k ZJ 1881 & 751 satamt satm AL nachum xetemt = achemt = achumt (I) achum xljetem n. un. xetmale + it xatim + in machum + in to insult or abuse I achemuq they insulted you I IQ astum liwildi insult my father II assatamii V A nassatam assatamt rna' to abuse o.a. II yansatam ansatam to be insulted II IQ na'tih satam I insult him II GL sattamun foul·mouthed. S. {smt} II & {'yw}. ·{STM} II: VA mastam + masatim resting·place of a dog « (jl>m}). ·{STN}: UT 757 styn a lesser kind of darnel.
·{STNBR}: V A sutanbar MT su/iitanbar = suttanbar = stnbr FA 96 'stnbr AL Xitimbar September « L September, s. VA 161). ·{STW}: GL astii VA yisatti tastiyah n AL nixetti xetteit to winter II xiti + axtia V A sita + astiya rain I ZJ 1175 & IQ sita winter; rain I VA yanzaI ass. AL yanzel a xiti nezel to rain I IH nazala sita'un k.l>ir it rained a lot I V A allah yinazzal ninazzal nazzalt ass. to make rain (said of God) I ra~1 ass. & satwah + at & masta JM 8 sitwah GL sita'un & zamanu 'ssita waljalid & zamanu 'ssita'i winter I IQ ass ita 'ala nnuziil rain is about to fall I AC sitihum their rain nsatwatna ... satiya our winter ... rainy nIH yawmun satin (ic.) rainy day II satawiyyun VA satawi wintery I GL wadin satawi stream flowing only in winter II LZ fakihah satawiyya winter fruit II IQ masta winter season II AL muxeti + in winter-quarters. S. {'j~}, {btx}, {rJ.tw}, {rwJ.t}, {smm} {srq} I, {krnb} {tyO & {wbO. ·{STWBL}: AL Xetubal Setubal (geo.). ·{SJB}: ET Exlscib pn. ·{SJJ}: GL asujju VA nusujj sajajt sajj masjiij k to fracture the skull B yansajj ansajj to get a broken skull II sajjah + at skull fracture I IH sajjatun n yadihi (hr.) a wound in his hand. S. {sjj}. ·{SJR}: OS sajjara to develop into a tree I VA nisajjar tasjir k to forest II yassajjar assajjar tasajjur to be covered with trees g GL atasiijaru tasiijurun & musajaratun VA musiijarah & tasajur to quarrel or dispute nZJ 1560b, 1305 sajar n. un. ah + MT asjiir / sijarat tree I IQ sajar V A sajar n. un. ah tree; fig-tree I OS sajarat Ibrahim cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans, bot., but s. below) I s. abi miilik unid. tree I s. allah savin (Juniperus sabina, bot.) I TO 264 Sajarat umm kalb bean-clover (Anagyris fretida, bot.) I 322 sajar baJ.tri coral I OS Sajarah baridah lesser bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis, bot., but also wild purslane, Euphorbia poplus, in UT 447) I TO 253 sajarat albaragil> fleawort (Inula conyzoides, bot.) I OS s. albahaq lead wort (Plumbago europrea, bot.) I s. attinnin large cuckoo-pint (Arum italicum,bot.) I s. attays goat-scented St.
SJ'-SJ:lD John's wort (Hypericum hircinum, bot.) I sajarab Ilamra' wild petty spurge I UT 761 sajarat aljamrab bugloss (Anchusa officinalis, bot.) I DS sajarat aljinn mountain ash (Pyrus aucuparia, bot.) I Sajar al"'abb melilot (Melilotus officina lis, bot.) I sajarat al"'abbati Jxac.!ra' terebinth tree (Pistacia terebinthus, bot.) I sajar al"'ajj bush clover (Hedysarum alhagi, bot.); briar-root (Erica arborea, bot.) I Sajarab ",urrah bead tree (Melia azadirachta, bot.) I sajarat al"'ayyat cypress (Cupressus sempervirens, bot.) I TD 312 sajar alxiibiir elder tree (Sambucus nigra, bot.) I DS s. addubb tree of disputed identification (prob. wild service tree, as in UT 79) I s. aaaahab / alyusr unid. tree I s. rust.m birth wort (Aristolochia longa, bot.) I s. a~~anam s. siriij alqutrub I s. ac.!c.!afiidi' Asiatic crowfoot (Ranunculus asiatic us, bot.) I s. ani",iil a variety of caprifoly (but honeysuckle in GM 31) I s. analq a tree identified by some as the chaste tree I TD 213 sajar al'i1k white chameleon (Atractylis gummifera, bot.) I DS S. alfurs liquorice; a variety of astragal I sajarab riirisiyyab lebbek tree (Albizzia lebbek, but Persian lilac, Melia azadirachta in UT 55) I TD 238 sajarat alqanii giant fennel (Ferula communis, bot.) I DS sajarat alkarf = TD 143 s. ibriihim & sajarah mutahbirab chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus, bot., also s. muqaddasab & sajarat anahiirab / al'afaf / alfaqd / arruhbiin in UT 55 & 638) I DS S. alkiiriir camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora, bot.) I TD 304 s. alkalb red dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum, bot.) I GM 185 S. alkalab alyssum (Alyssum saxatile, bot.) I UT 247 sajarat alkiliib common white horehound (Marrubium vulgare, bot.) I DS sajarah mubarakab oleander (Nerium oleander, bot.) I sajarat almurqid downy thornapple (Datura metel, bot.) I UT 49 S. alma~taka camel's hay (Andropogon schrenantus, bot.) I DS s. almanlliir a tree resembling the camphor I s. maryam fever-few chrysanthemum; spignel; European cyclamen I s. miisa dog-rose (Rosa canina, bot.) I UT 45 sajarab bindiyyab cedrat (Citrus medica, bot.) I
DS sajarat 'Iyamam heliotrope (bot.) II sajjar botanist II TD 243 sujayrab field basil (Zizyphora capitata, bot.) II MT arc.! masjarab (1. musajjarab1) wooded land. S. {'bnz}, {bIt} II, {bwn}, {tyn}. {jwz}, {",bb}, {... jj}, {... jr}, {",Ib}, {"'ns}, {"'wr} I, {",yw}, {xlt}, {dmw}, {r'~}, {rnd} I, {z'r}, {sjr}, {smr} I, {swq} I, {sbn}, {swp II, {~br}, {~fq}, {'tm}, {'dw}, {'rq}, {gbr}, {'r~}, {'nq}, {fnn}, {qrmz}, {Ibn} I, {mrn} I, {mlk} I, {mwz} & {wqr}. *{SJ'}: V A nasja' saja't saj' to be brave or courageous II nisajja' sajja't tasji' k ZJ 1608 yisajja' GL (y)usajji'u to embolden or encourage II y-'atasajja'u tasajju'un mutasajj.'un VA nassajja' assajja't to take heart nsaja'ab GL saja'atun bravery, courage II sujii'un & saji'un IQ suja' & saji' (albas) VA sujii' + suj'an & saji' + in IH saji'un brave, courageous I AC aban suja' pn. UIQ asja' more courageous II GL tasajju'an bravely. S. {sy'} & {kllr}. *{SJLT}: GB 279 sijillat kuriis white-flowered jasmine (Jasminum offinale, bot.; < L sigillatum crucis "sealed with a cross·, cf. Bedevian sijillaO. S. {sj/xlt}. *{SJML}: UT 330 sjj miiJ(y) hairy onosma (Onosma echioides, bot.); 481 corn crowfoot (Ranunculus arvensis, bot.; < R ·suje mele "lick honey·, always corrupted in GB 291 and often confused with • sa"'mii/illah, q.v.). *{SJN}: VA nisajjan tasjin 1 isjan k to sadden or grieve II yassajjan assajjan to be saddened or grieved II Sajan + sujiin IQ sujiin (pI.) grief, worry. *{SJW}: IQ 162/1/1 saji grieved, anxious II asja more heart-rending II rna asjani how grieved 1 am! S. {sq/k/jw}. *{SI;IB}: VA yas"'ub sa",ub su",bab / su"'iib to be(come) pale II nisa ...... ab tas"'ib k to make pale Usa",ib allawn pale. *{SI;II>}: IH rjl sa......iillun a beggar I MT ass .... iill pn. « (Sha}). *{SI;IJ:I}: VA n~su"'''' sa... a ... t 'ala bi to be stingy or niggardly of s.th. II nisa ...... a ... tas",i", k to make stingy II nassa ...... a ... assa ...... a ... t tasa ...... u ... to become stingy II su ...... GL su...... un stinginess, avarice IIIQ & ZJ 290 sa",i", VA sa",i", + si",ii", 1 asi ...... ii stingy, avaricious. *{SI;IO}: VA sa ... a whetting, sharpening Umas ... aa
T masiihia whetstone. S. {shd}. *{SI:IR} I: VA nisaJ.tJ.tar tasJ.tir· 1 SaJ.tlrah AL nixahQr xahQrt to refine (metals) II yassaJ.tJ.tar assaJ.tJ.tar aaaahab to be refined (said of gold) I GM 26 saJ.tirah a mixture of salt and certain powder used for refining metals D OS isJ.tiirrah s. isJ.tiirrah II AS 35/3/5 aahab musaJ.tJ.tar refined gold « Ar sa~~el "to purify or filter", s. V A • 162). S. {f44}. *{SI:IR} II: VA suJ.tiiri fool II suJ.tiiriyah T at foolishness. *{SHT}: VA yasJ.tat saJ.tat saJ.tt 'an to be distant. *(SI:IM([T]!-)}: V A yasJ.tum saJ.tum saJ.t(a)m saJ.tim min 1 bi to be fat or greasy II nisaJ.tJ.tam musaJ.tJ.tam k ZJ 1891 SaJ.tJ.tam (iv.) AL nixahQm xahQmt to fatten; to grease II V A yassaJ.tJ.tam assaJ.tJ.tam tasaJ.tJ.tum to become fat; to be greased II SaJ.t(a)m T suJ.tiim GL saJ.tmun IQ saJ.tam ZJ 1897 & 754 saJ.tm(ah) AC saJ.tm AL xaham T xuhUm grease, fat I x. al quelguit kidney fat I GL bi4'atu saJ.tmin lump of fat I FX saJ.tm inner inedible part close to the rind of melons, pumpkins, etc. I OS s. (J.tajar) al'ar4 mangosteen tree (Garcinia mangostana, bot., but TO 170 saJ.tmat aI'ar4 earth worm, and UT 583 seal-wort, Polygonatum officinale, bot.) I TO 310 hJ.tm aHa'am great snapdragon (Antirrhinum maius, bot.) I 263 & V A saJ.tm almarj AL xahmia marg (prob. corrupted in the first constituent) rosemallow (Althrea rosa, bot.) II VA saJ.tmat aluaan lobe of the ear I UT 775 saJ.tmat addajajah tripoly (Aster tripolium, bot.) II OS saJ.tmi pulpy I AL xahmi T in turquoise (blue) II ZJ 685 & IA suJ.taymah a small lump of fat; TO 283 cancer-wort (Linaria elatine, bot.. also called saJ.tmatallah in UT 153 & 448, i.e., a dim. of hybrid *saJ.tmATA "greased") UUT 302 saJ.tmyllah rough parsnip (Pastinaca schekakul, bot.) I 787 saJ.tmallah OS sJ.tymiyyah speedwell (Veronica officinalis, bot.) II GL sahimat fatty (fern.) II AL muxaham T in greasy, fatty. S. {trl}, {awb}, {qndl} I & {hrs/z}. *{SI:IN}: LZ & lH asJ.tantu ssafinata I loaded the ship I VA nisaJ.tan musaJ.tanah k to hate II yassaJ.tan assaJ.tan mao to hate o.a. saJ.tna = IQ hatred a VA mashiin full, loaded. *{SI:IW}: VA yasJ.ti saJ.ta iaJ.ty fah to open one's
mouth. *{SXR}: OS saxirah copperass « F). *{SXS}: AL xa~x n. un. a stock-dove « L saxea "rocky"). *{SXST}: CP 125,4 sjst (I. bst) Sixtus pn. *{SXSFRC;}: SG s.xS.fragah (and other generally incorrect spellings in TO 261 & GS 261) common gromwell (Lithospermum officinale, bot.; < L saxifraga). *{SXSL}: FJ s.xsiil a tool usually carried on ships (vars. sJ.tns & sgnys; prob. a scoop or baler, cf. Ct sassola). *{SX~}: VA nasxa~ saxa~t suxii~ i1a to head for; to look I n. saxa~t sax~ 1 suxii~ saxi~ fi to stare or gaze I GL '.ba~u yaSxa~u & usaxxi~u to disturb or impose a task II VA nisaxxa~ taSxI~ k to cause to stare II yassaxxa~ assaxxa~ tasaxxu~ to be left gazing II sax~ T aba~ IQ & ZJ 1908 sax~ person I GL sax~un disturbance; person I MT bisuxii~h.ma by themselves II ET Xoayaz pn. (prob. a nickname, Isuxayya~1 "small figure"). *{SDX}: GL '(u)saddixu VA nisaddax tasdix k to smash or crush II yassaddax assaddax tasaddux to be smashed or crushed II HC 224 'Itmr 'Isaddiix a kind of date used in cooked sweetmeals. S. {sax} & {Sndx}. *{SDD}: GL '-yasuddu masdiidun to tie I AL nixudd xed( d)ett xudd xed( d) T xudud n. un. xede = xedda T it maxdud = machud to tie or bind; to fasten or button I IQ sadduh fi ~arI he tied him to a column I sadadtu bifardi bayaaq I supported him with a pawn I yusudduh he supports him I suddi yaddak give me a hand I VA nisadd 1 nusudd sadadt sadd saddad T in masdiid k 'ala to press; to pull; to shut IIQ suddanI hug me I ZJ 580 sadd alisd tightening one's arse (after breaking wind, a metaphor of belated useless action) I 102 yisuddi astuh he tightens his arse (metaphor of stinginess) II VA yansadd ansadd to be pressed or pulled 0 yastadd astadd istidad 1 istadd to become hard or (in)tense; to shut (itr.) I ZJ 1342 astadd to be tautened I IQ yastad it becomes stronger I astad(di) be strong (Iv.) I astad(da) J.tabli my captivity was harsh 0 AL xedd T xudud tie; cord; bundle I AC sad pressing I sad(dat) consonantal gemination I SO 8v 5 II 'awnnan wa'iga!Jatan fi saddi yidna as
SDRWN-SRB I help and succour in order to strengthen us I ZJ 696 bassaddah walmaddah in every detail II AC sidda(t) GL siddatun IQ siddab + sadiiyid VA sid dab + sadii'id hardship; strength; intensity I AL xid( d)a + xedeid strength; hardship I bi xidda strongly I GL bisiddatin & sadidan harshly II sadidun AL xedid + xided dim. xudayad + it IQ sadid VA sa did + sidiid / asiddii strong; intense; hard I AL xei xedid something strong or hard II xeddida + it bandage (= /saddadaf) II ET Xadit & Aboxadet (= /saddadf) pn. II TH 114,9 'Isdiidb alisti'miiI ... alS. gayr alisti'miil standard and non-standard cloth widths II GL asaddu AC asad harder I IQ asad 'alayya harder on me I asad wa'aSad harder and harder I NQ bn 4/1/5 bi'asadd albayiio most clearly II G L tasdidun hardening; aggravating I AL texdid binding or pressing strongly I bi taxdid intensely II AC maj/sud a~~iiq lean-legged chicken (= /macudf) II IQ yaddi masdiidab I am penniless. S. {'ke}, {!lq\}, {~br}, {'wd}, {gdb}, {qwy}, {Iqy} & {mr'}. +{SDRWN}: s. {Sitrwan}. +{SDQ}: s. {sit/dq}. +{SD/DK(N)}: MT siidik/qab & sadkiin GL siidikatun V A Siidik IH suilkiinun + saitiikinu mattress. S. {sdk}. +{SDN}: s. {sit/dn(j)}. +{SDNQ}: s. {sdnq}. +{SDH}: VA yusdab sudih masdiih to be perplexed. +{SDW}: VA yasdii sadii Sadw siidi to chirp or sing I IQ sadat tuqiil she sang and said I lam azal asdii (hr.) I keep singing. +{SDYQN}: s. {sbdyqn}. +{SDX}: IH assuititiixu a kind of date {sdx}). +{SDD}: VA nisaitit Saitit 5uitiiil to be rare or abnormal Usiiitit + sawiiiti) rare, abnormal II IA tasailituit rarity. S. {S~~}. +{SDR}: VA rarraqtubu sailra mailar & r. ay(ii)di sabii I scattered it. +{SDRWN} I: IQ 179/2/2 sailrawiin fountain at the entrance of a palace P cadur ban "guardian of the veil" because it stood at the entrance of the king's palace"). S.
{strwn}. +{SDRWN} II: DS Siiilrwiin & siiitiirin (s. v. siida/irwiin; I. siiiluriin) hematite (min., prob. reflecting F sadoran "iron which absorbs water"). +{SD/DQ}: VA yisaititaq tasitiq to be loquacious II sa/iitq + a/isd/itiiq / isdaqayn IH siitqun AL xadq + axdaq dim. xodayaq + uit IQ & ZJ 353 asdiiq (pl.) corner of the mouth I nacJrab asdiiqi I blow I ZJ 459 asdiq arri~ii sides of a mill-stone I IA sadq frame of a sieve II V A Sailq + suitiiq loquacious. +{SDK}: s. {sdk}. +{SDN}: JM 25 siiilin fawn « {sdn}). +{SD/DN(J)}: DS saitanj & siiitiinab 8M siidanab & siiitanj hematite (min., < P & F). S. {~jr} & {sbd/itnj}. +{SDNQ}: LZ siiitiiniq IH suitiiniqun MT siidiinik V A siiitiini~ + it / sawiiiliq CP Uin.qiit = siiit.n.qiit IQ siidanaq falcon BM sawitiiniq (prob. < P sog danag "acquainted with the paths"). S. {Ibl}. +{SRB} I: IQ sarab(nii) Sarabtu naSrub(ii) y/tasrub asrub surb JM 10 sarabta GL saraba asrabu V A nasrub sarabt surb siirib sarriib masriib k AC sarab y/nasrub (min) surb (fi) AL naxarUb xarabt axarab (I. ax rob) xurb n. un. a xarib 1 a + in to drink I xei yuxarab something drinkable I faxorb upon drinking I IQ nasrubab lub I shall drink them for his sake II VA nisarrab tasrib k to make or let drink; to drench or soak II yassarrab assarrab tasarrub to be drenched or soaked II yansarab ansarab to be drunk II sa/urbab ZJ 1066 sarbab AC surbab/t AL xalolurba + at dim. IQ suraybab AC suraybii draught, sip I xorba axiriba & xurba + it ZJ 663 sarbab purge, emetic I AL xorba ~amida arroman & xarab ~amid (I. h) beverage from pomegranate vinegar and honey I IQ sarbab GL sarbatun goblet II ZJ 132 sariib dim. IQ surayyab drink; wine I GL sariibun drink I IQ & AC sariib AL xarab VA sariib + asribab wine I s. al~akim syrup I AL xarab + axilariba = axiriba syrup; electuary I x. matbb~ boiled
1 Of which this work mentions varieties from Valencia (balansiyyah) and Niebla (Jabliyyah).
wine I x. manzug wine with water I x. muzenem adulterated wine I x. ahmar red wine I x. /r,ali~ & x. bile manzug pure wine I x. /r,amid bi leben vinegar with milk I x. almi weak wine (obtained by merely soaking in water the refuse of grapes after pressing) I nibii x. to sell wine I darifax. in a. x. wine connoisseur I OS sarab al~asiSah wine spiced with some herbs II VA Sara'ibi + in druggist, apothecary II sarib + sawarib = IQ, ZJ 1381 & IA sarib AC sirib AL xirib (I. xirib) + xavirib moustache I IZ 8/3/2 suwayrab ax4ar raqiq a small dark moustache II IQ sarrab GL Sarrabun I.Ixamri drunkard II AL xarraba + xarrarib VA Sarrabah + sararib tassel, tuft II masrab + masarib GL masrabun drinking trough I MT masrab anna'iirah channel where a water-wheel works II LZ ax4ar masrab IH ax4aru masrabun (nag. part.) intense green II IQ masriib drink UAL muxaurab + in having a large moustache. S. {'iO, {'srtn}, {'~I}, {'rsntn}, {bzr}, {blw}, {jIb} II, {jwhr}, {xzn}, {ilwf}, {rmn} I, {srr}, {sqy}, {'~r}, {qwm} I, {kdr} II, {mzj}, {mwh}, {myb}, {nqI}, {hn'} & {wdd}. ·{SRB} II: V A sarb + sarabi brocade (for headgear) IIV 59 srb aI~arir unid. tissue II LH ·sarabiyyah (posited by Pt enxaravia "female headgear"; perhaps from {srbS} I). ·{SRBT}: OS srbt a variety of horehound (bot.). ·{SRBXSR}: OS SiranjaSir (I. sirabxaSir, cf. F sirbaxsir) a yellowish medicinal root from India). S. {srnjsrl ·{SRBS}: MT yisarbis sarbasah musarbis to serve « L servitlum). ·{SRBS} I: AC surbiis royal diadem « F sar pus "head cover"; s. VA 163 & OV 219 ff.). ·{SRBS} II: GM 289 surbaS wild service tree (Sorbus torminalis, bot.) I OL 56 Mar ja Sorbas place name (= "meadow of the wild service trees"; < R *sorbas < L sorbus)l. ·{SRBL} I: IA sarbilah a kind of footwear used by female slaves « L serva "female slave"
with the R dim. suffix). ·{SRBL} II: IH assarballatu VA sarbalah + at 1 sarabil a drinking vessel « A sarbah with the R dim. suffix (-eI)). ·{SRPL}: UT 480 sbrblh (l~ syrblh) wild thyme (Thymus serpillum, bot.; < L serpyllum). S. {shtr}. ·{SRBN}: OS & BM sarbin cedar, pistachio-tree; AL xerbin n. un. e pistachio-tree « S surbinii < Ak surmelinu[mJ "cypress"). ·{SRBND}: CP 155,4 srbnd Servandus (pn.). ·{SRTL/N}: AL nixartel xartelt to string or link together II UT 776 srtyn clover dodder (Cuscuta epithymum, bot.; < Ll sarta < L serta "wreath", with dim. or adjectival R suffixes). ·{SRJ} I: VA nisarraj tasrij k to trip S.O. up II yassarraj assarraj to be tripped up. ·{SRJ} II: OS Siraj sesame oil « P reflected by F sire). ·{SRJB}: V A nisar jab al1ii~ aw al~a'it to set windows in a panel or wall II yassarjab assarjab to be set (the window) II sarjab + sarajib IQ hrjab (1) window II VA musarjab + at having windows I ZJ 1010 musarjab balcony « F ClahJiir cupe "window-blind, frame" < P cahiir cob "four sticks"). S. {srjb}. ·{SRCN}: GB 290 surjiiluh UT 203 srxwh (I. both as *surjinuh) sweet marjoram « L soricinus "related to mice", S. {mrznjs}, and cf. *sorce "mouse" in SG, as a R word, < L sorex). ·{SRI;I}: AL nax(i)rih = naxareh axaraht xarh xareh = xarih (!) + xurrah & xariee (!) + xarihin V A nasra~ sara~t sar~ sari~ masrii~ IQ sara~ masrii~ to explain or comment I asra~ ~adri give me a joy (iv.) II VA nisarra~ tasri~ k to cut open (figs in order to dry them) I IQ musarra~ cut into slices I NQ br 2/5/1 sarra~ wamalla~ to slice and salt (meat) II VA yassarra~ assarra~ to be cut open II yansara~ ansara~ to be explained I IQ nansara~ VA yansara~ ~adru & nansara~ ansara~t
In spite of several R transcriptions with >SbO, {xsy}, {rj'}, {rdd}, {rsd, {rkb}, {zr'}, lq}.
·{SRG}: AL xargo two-banded bream (ich., cf. Cs sargo). ·{SRGL}: s. {bsJ}. ·{SRF}: VA y~sruf saruf to be noble I y. saruf surriif / suriifah sarif + surriif to grow old II nisarraf tasrir k IQ sarrartu yasarraf GL usarrifu musarrafun & mutasarrifun ZJ 869 musarraf AL nixar(r)at xar(r)aft to make noble; to honour nGL '.sr.f VA nisaraf musarafah k & nasraf I nusrif asraft israf musrif 'ala to overlook; to rise above I yusrif asraf israf musrif + in 'ala Imawt to be at the point of death II yassarraf assarraf tasarruf AL na(te)xarrafaxarratt = lexarrafl to be ennobled or honoured nVA nimasraf masrafah to appoint as musrif II yatmasraf atmasraf to be appointed as musrif Usaraf = IQ, AL xarfJf GL sarafun nobility; honour I gliyatu 'ssarafi & muntaha 'Igayah fi 'ssaraf highest honour I ET Abenaxaraf pn. I ZJ 224 saraf old age; 1036 hrar = IQ ashraf, MT hraf isbilyah Aljarafe (near Seville) II MT assarafi pn. I IQ azzurzar assarafi starling from Aljarafe I AL xarafi + in starling (nisbah of Aljarafe) Uxarif IQ sarU t ah + asraf GL brUun t sarUatun + asriifun VA & ZJ 1810 & 531 sarU + asraf ID 'ys 4 'Isryf 'Iqwm noble I MT sarif = ZJ 1810, AC sirir (= Isirif f) old I (dim.) ET Xorayraf pn. or nickname I IH sarifatun old female animal II surrafatun + atun VA surrafah + at I sararif GL sa/urafatun (pI.) AL xurrafa + xararif IQ surriifah merion II asraf nobler II AL taxarifa + taxarif trimming of a garment II mexerefe = mexerefe = maxartlfa high office; office of musrif DIQ masrafi sword Umusrif VA musrif + masarif AL muxrif quibir + maxirif quibar overseer of tax-gathering I AC muxrif foreman I AL muxrif + maxirif I in accountant nmuxarrat + in trimmed I ET Moxarraf pn. S. {bny}, {rdy}, {J.l4r}, {gft/!>} & {qlhr}. ·{SRFN}: AL xarafin + xarafiin I xarafiun SO 35v sarafiyun (sr.) seraph (late borrrowing from Cs). ·{SRQ} I: GL asraq asra/iqu iSraqun
SRQ II-SRML II musriqatun (fern.) AC yaxracu (hr.) EV 7 quitaxarac to shine 1 AL nax( a)raq ax(a)raqt muxir(r)iq =muxiriq to rise (said of the sun); to shine 1 VA tasraq saraqat to rise (the sun) 1yasraq asraq israq to shine 1 n-yasraq asraq IQ sarraq to go to the East 1IZ 6/5/3 jaysuh yisarraq he gets his army out 1 IQ asraqat aIf.Jarah the neighbourhood shone II AL nixarraq axarraqt axarraq to shine (said of the sun) n xarq & maxiriq IA sarq AC assarq GL 'ImaSriqu V A masriq ... masariq IQ masariq (pI.) East U xarqui ... in Eastern & VA masraqi ... in IQ 165/4/3 masraqi AL maxaraca maxaraquin (I. maxraqui ... in) Eastern II IH assarqiyyatu IQ sarqi AL xarqui East wind 1 xarqui xelue East wind in winter 1 x. al I\arif East wind in the autumn 1 OS sarqi a kind of myrtle 1 MT sarqi tulaytulah to the East of Toledo 1CP 69,7 sarqi attuffaf.J a hot wind blowing from l3th to 16th April usually damaging fruit trees 1 IQ assarqiyyah the Eastern Region (Eastern Spain, Balearic Islands or Ajarquia near Granada?) II EV 7 cad hacarat xaracaha they have lost their brightness II AL xaraq (I) = ilyxaraq brightness, gloss (of painting) II xariq IQ sariq f ah bright, shining, glossy II asraq brighter 1rna sraq how bright Umaxaraqua = maxaraca (!) sunny place (outdoors or indoors) n AL muxiriqui (I. muxiriq) xuay ... muxeriquin scarely shining. S. (f.Jbq(!)}, {hrf}, {sbw}, {krnb} & {hnd}. ·{SRQ} II: AL xelirica ... xaviriq coarse frieze 1 mulebez ba xerica & mugatti min xi rica wearing coarse frieze « LI *sarica of disputable origin). ·{SRQRQ}: VA saraqraq ... at AL xaraxraq ... il bee-ea ter (zoo.). ·{SRK}: VA yasrak / yusrik asrak israk / sarkah ... at masriik ... in k fi & nibrrak tasrik k to associate 1 yasrak / yusrik asrak israk / sirk musrik ... in ballah to be a polytheist II IA sarak AL nixaraq xaraqt xaraq muxaraca = muxaraque (I.
muxaraque) muxariq ... uin & naxtaraq axtaraqt GL usariku muSiirakatun musarikina (pI.) & tasarakii VA nisarak musarakah k & yassarak assarak mao & yassarrak fi mao & nastarak astarakt istirak mustarik ... in fi mao to share; to associate o.s. with 1AC saraku (= /saraku/) he became his partner 1 musarak mao associated with II VA niixuit baliStirak to mistake 1balistirak by mistake II ZJ 1675, MT & AC sarkah AL xarqua company, association a xurca ... xaraq (I. xuraq) VA surka ... surak GL surkatun leather strap or thong IIQ surkah anklet II GL sarakun (sg.) VA sarakah ... sarak leash; slip-knot II sirak anna'lah sandal strap II sarik ... asrak / suraka ZJ 1833 & AC sarik AL xariq f ua ... axaraq GL sarikun / musarikun fi xayrin aw sarrin ... asrak partner 1 min bayna asrakika amidst your partners II VA masriik / mustarak bayn GL mustarikun common II SH musarrak alwasat narrow in the middle II VA mustarak ambiguous 1AL muxtaraq ... uin median vein (s. OS). S. {jwz} & {smy}. ·{SRKYR}: V A sirkayr ... at pigsty « LI *circlirrus l ). ·{SRL}: AL xuril n. un. a AC alf.Jiit assuril scad, horse mackerel (ich., a R dim. of L saurus < G O(luQo~).
·{SRI:}: GB 276 sarralyah = sarrallah TO 188 sarraliyah endive (Cichorium endivia, bot.) 1 sarraliyat alf.Jimar UT 277 sarra I alf.J. sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus < bot.; < LI sarralla). ·{SRLY}: VA sarralyah ... at lock of a door; « L serrliciUum). S. {slryr}. ·{SRMZ}: VA surmiizah footwear « F sormuze "boot"). ·{SRML} I: TH 97,13 s.rmiilah brine « R *salmuyra, a hybrid of R *sal "salt" and L murra, about which s. (mry}). ·{SRML} II: UT 426 srmul false tinder-fungus (Phellinus igniarius, bot.; prob. < R, cf. Cs sombrero "hat", since it reportedly looks like an umbrella).
The phonetic difficullies of trying to derive that Aa word from this L etymon may be resolved by assuming an intentional corruption of the original word in the Andalusi Muslims' usage in order to make it sound like "the place of the unfaithful, i.e., the Christians", since these, in their turn, had apparently distorted A masjid(ah) Into *mu/asqi(ah "tbe one leading into error", which is prob. the origin of Cs mezquila. Fr mosqu'e. elc.
*{SRN}: OS sarrin AL xarrin sweet marjoram « R *sareLo, a dim. of an unexplained *saro, parallel to L arum < G aQov, cf. Cs sarrilla). *{SRNJSR}: BM SiranjaSir an Indian drug (corrupted from F sirbaxsir "yellow root from Hindustan and Kashmir"). S. {srbxsr}. *{SRH}: VA sarahiyyah vigour, strength. *{SRY}: VA yasri sari siri to sell II nastari astarayt istiri mustari mustara k min GL '.Stara aStari mustara'un IQ aStara astarini nastari lak mustariyyah (fern.) ZJ 1451, 1744 & 1224 astari yastari tasrih (= /tacrih/ 'you buy it") MT astara Ii IA astarayt yastari AC astari = ajjari (= /acari/) astarit AL nachari = necheri achareit muchari + in to buy I nachari ba jumbla to buy wholesale II xirali & xiri (I) IA & AC siri VA & ZJ 1376 & 746 siri + asriyah IQ siri purchase I kam siri ai how much is this? II IH assuriyinitu (pI.) VA surriyin + it artery II almustari GL 'Imustari (prob. a folk-etymology of P ohrmazd, s. V A 166). S. {jzr>. *{SRYQ}: CP 99,4 sryiq Quiriacus (pn.)I. *{SRYL}: AL xarrayl n. un. a common sowthistle « R *seraLa < L serratula). *{SSB}: VC 19/9 sisbiyah unid. ingredient ground together with lizard dung and used as a remedy for horse eye diseases. *{SSTR} I: AS 7/3/3 sustari from Sustar (geo.) or relating to the famous Andalusi Sufi of this name. *{SSTR} II: OS sstrah GM 33 Sastarah Cretan spikenard (Valeriana phu, bot.) II HC 246,8 all,tall,til musastar = 247,2 musastar French lavender (cf. Cs sistra). S. {hlhl}. *{SSR}: AL xuxar box-tree « Western A' s~msiir < F semsiid). S. {smsd/r}. *{SSRNB}: OS susrunb an unid. plant. *{SSN}: ZJ 1593 sussiin vulva « L salsus "salty", which apparently became the antonomastic name of lupins, with the aug. R suffix {-6n}. Cf. Cs chocho, a vulgar metonymy in Spain for "vulva", reflected also by obsolete Ma cuCluJ, from Sicilian and prob. Cs origin).
*{ST'}: VA siti + sawiti sea-shore. *{STB} I: OS 'saHaba to scarify I VA nisaHab tastib k to sweep; to open (veins) II yassaHab assaHab tasaHub to be swept; to be opened (veins) II satibah AC satab n. un. satibi IH satabah AL xataba + xatab broom (from palm leaves) II OS sutaybah bald-money (Meum athamanticum, bot.) II HC 78 musattab a kind of bread I OS all,tajar almusaHab Jew's-stone (min.). S. {qfd.
*{STB} II: AL Xatiba (I. Xatiba) Jativa (geo.) II xatibi + in from J. I aamruna a xatibia a kind of toque. *{STl:O: AC satil,t yustal,t satl,t AL naxtah xataht xath to dance II xatha + xatih dance II xat(t)ah f a + in (= /saHal}/) dim. fern. xuteitaha + it dancer. S. {qwm} I. *{STR} I: AC nixatar xauJrt to slice (a melon) I VA nisaHar tastir k to halve; to cut through 8 yassaHar assaHar to be halved or cut through nsatr + astir IQ satar half I AL xatar + axtar slice, sliver I MT satr & satriyyah side, half I VA satra towards II satirah meanness I IQ satirah knavery I NQ aw /0/1 ahl assatirah rogues II sitir + suHir bandit; knave I sitir + in I suHir mean I NQ db 3/1/2 & 4 sitir + suHir rogue I XA acirl AC sitir AL xatir + in skilled, smart II 'ala Imusitarah evenly divided I MT I,tawz almusatir unid. place name. *{STR} II: TO 225 satriyah AL xetria summer savory (Satureia hortensis, bot.; < L saturela). *{STR} III: MT satari rugged and / or wooded land (prob. < L saltus "wilderness' with an adjectival R suffix). *{STRJ}: OS Sitaraj dittender (Lepidium latifolium, bot. From unattested P < Sa citraka with a semantic shift, since Sa dictionaries render this word as Plumbago ceylanica and Ricinus communis). *{STRNJ}: GL satranjun IH, IQ, ZJ 1008 & VA satranj chess II satranji = ZJ 76 chessplayer I HC 153 tuqaHa' taqti'an strnjyan they must be cut into squares « P catrang
As reported by the editor, lhere are some unsolved problems concerning the identificalion and correCl L spelling of lhis name which, however, Mozarabs obviously pronounced as a derivale from L Syriacus "Syrian".
283 < Sa caturanga "having four kinds"). S. {strnj} & {sfr}. • {STRWN}: VA satrawin decorative fountain 1. . S. {si'lrwn}. . ·{STT} I: VA yisatt satt sayit + sawayit 'ala to exceed or surpass I MT Sat! yisat! sayit(ah) Ii to be left with s.th. (after giving away) I IQ SaH annahar the day was long nsattatat VA nisattat ta~it k AL nixattat xat(t)att = xattadt taxtit to lengthen nVA yassattat assattat & yastaH astatt to become long II saH shore, bank II satat = IQ, lA, MT & AC, AL xatat length I bi x. at length I xat + in GL saHatun (fern.) ZJ 1045 & AC sat IQ & MT sa In f ah IA saH VA saH + in long I s. mu'annan + sattin mu'annin tall I AL xei xat + axiit xatin a long thing I xat guicie long and broad I AL aqcar xatt IQ asat ZJ 510 & IA asatt(i) longer II AL xatit + in prolix II ba taxtit prolixly. S. {stt} I, {slm} I, {zyf>, {twO, {qwm} I & {mdd} I. ·{STT} ll: VA sittah + sitat MT s.H hackle for dressing flax « L saeta "bristle"). S. {syt} II.
·{STFNS}: s. {'nb}. ·{STL}: BM satal an Indian drug resembling dry mushrooms « F satal). ·{STN}: FX satton AL xoton n. un. a anchovy « L siilata "salty", as they were most often so eaten, with the R dim. suffix (-onl, cf. Mr s(un).
·{STW}: GL satawiyun high quality linen cloth (from Sata or Satah in Egypt). ·{SI)I)}: LZ & IH sai'li'la Ifaras(u) to look a freak (said of a horse, < {si'li'l}). ·{SDY}: IW I 148,25, 149,14 & 150,3-4 sa~iyyah each one of the two small plates with sights near the ends of the alidade of an astrolabe. ·{S'B}: VA nisa"ab tas'ib k to branch out or
ramify (tr.) II yassa"ab assa"ab to branch out or ramify (itr.) II ZJ 1808 sa'bi a kind of grape I VA su'bah + su'ab branch I IQ su'bah branch, derivation II IQ, ZJ 522 & VA sa'ban the eighth month of the Islamic calendar Usa'baniyah folk feast in the last days of this month (s. VA 166) I MT su'ayb ET Xoayb LO Joayb(et) pn. II OS tas'ib broken off chip. S. {tf~}. ·{S'I>}: SH sa'at» cuticles, skin overgrowth on the fingernails I VA as'at» + su't» obscene. ·{S'R}: IQ as'ur (iv.) VA nas'ur sa'art si'r sa'ir + su'ara to compose poetry I n. sa'art su'ur sa'ir + in mas'or k I bi & yassa"ar assa"ar & nastas'ar k GL as'uru as'ur (iv.) ZJ 1284 & AC yas'ur AL naxaor = naxaoor xaiir{t) to perceive; to forebode I IQ sa'ar ba~~aw he perceived the light I lam nas'uruh I did not feel it II V A nissa"ar k & nus'ir as'art is'ar mus'ir mus'ar k bi to cause s.o. to perceive I XA id3 yusa"ar Ii I imagine I IQ sa'(a)r n. un. sa'rah + su'or GL sa'(a)run hair I VA sa'r n. un. ah + at I su'or hair; hog's bristle I AL xaar + xuurl xoor hair; horse-hair I x. licei straight hair I x. Ii fauq hair standing on end I VA sa'rat alxanzir AL xaar n. un. a hog's bristle I FX girbal min sa'r sieve of horse-hair I UT 784 sa'r al'ijl a kind of knot-weed I GM 20 s. algazal water lentil (Lemna minor, bot.) I OS sa'r algiill al'ar~ I aljinn I alxinzir I aljabbar maidenhair (Adiantum capillus Veneris, bot.); bristlefern (Asplenium trichomanes, bot.) nsa'ri a kind of peach, fig or myrtle I VA sa'ri AL xaiiri + in wild; related to cistus II VA sa'riyyah + at hair of the head D AL xaara + at cistus; bush, brushwood II GL sa/i'ran & sa'ara'u place full of cistus I LZ & IH sa'ra MT sa'ra I sa'rah + sa'ara VA sa'rah I sa'ra + Ss'ari (place full of) cistus II OS
This is our hypothesis for the meaning of this word left without translation in its source, in view of the fact that lQ's saarawan seems to indicate that this kind of decoration was well known to Andalusis: if this were right, iiatrawln would exhibit imiilah and would reflect ·iia~rawin, with velarizalion of 1M in contact with Ir/. Dozy, however, suggested that such word might be a var. of sa(rawiin "zigzag", which appears to have been in use in Na after Beaussier, Dictionnaire d· arabe dialectal maghribin, and thence in K, after Dallet's Dictionnaire Kabyle·Fran~ais (s.v. saterwa/). This lauer hypothesis is phonetically less complicated but, on the other hand, there is a considerable chronological gap between the Aa data and its suggested Na cognate. As for the origin of Ja(rawiin "zigzag", the chances are that it is a metaphorical derivation of saarawan "fountain before a palace", as these decorative devices were contrived so as to emil succesive jets of water from different SpoulS. The idea that this involved considerable "ski1\" might have caused phonetic contamination through the root {str}.
284 Sa'rawi wild, found in the woods II AL xiar = xier + axaar poetry; song; hymn I ZJ 532 si'ri IQ si'r(i) + as'ar VA si'r + as'ar GL si'ruo poetry I baytu si'rio = byt s'r line of poetry I VA si'ar + su'ur I as'irah distinctive clothes I sa'ir n. un. ah + su'rao IQ & ZJ 67 sa'ir IH assi'iru GL sa'iruo AC sa'ir AL xaaair barley I xei min xaiiir related to barley I TO 176 sa'ir anoabi OS sa'ir riimi spelt wheat I s. alkalb wild barley ('1) Dsa'irah GL da'u 'ssa'irah sty II sa'iruo IQ 20/2/4 & 188/2/3 sa'ir + su'ara poet I AL xaaer = xaer = xaer = xaayr + xuara = xoara = xooara = xaara (I) poet; actor; minstrel, troubadour II xaera + at poetess II AS 31/4/4 rna as'arak what an excellent poet you are! II MT sa"ar + io AL xaaar + in seller of barley I xaarin street in the bazaar where barley is sold II V A sa'rani + io & mus'an + io AL muxaar + in & r;ahib xaar + azhcib x. hairy, hirsute DVA mas'ar + masa'ir cullic shrine (especially the hadj station of Almuzdalifah) D FJ mus'irah (land) where cistus grows spontaneously. S. {'mm}, {tyn}, {err}, {j'dsBB}: VA nieJabbab taeJbib k to fill with fog;
to sprinkle or spurt with water held in one's mouth I( yaeJeJabbab aeJeJabbab taeJabbub to be or become foggy neJabb + aeJbab lizard II AC eJabba(t) IA eJabbah she-lizard I GL eJabbatun ZJ 1696 eJabbah lock I AL daba + at door knocker (and handle, cf. Cs aldaba) U OS eJabab painful numbing of extremities caused by cold I GL eJababun ZJ 56 eJabab LP 31,3 eJabbah VA eJabbah + at & eJabab + aeJibbah fog I AL a dabba hi - quinel it is - was foggy. ·{J;>BI;i}: ZJ 1130 eJubal] yelp of a fox. ·{J;>BD}: s. {eJbO. ·{J?BR} I: V A nieJabbar taeJbir k to repair or mend I( yaeJeJabbar aeJeJabbar to be repaired or mended neJubarah + at paper bundle. ·{J;>BR} II: ZJ 1016 eJaybaran wasp « {dbd, q.v.). ·{J;>BT I DBD}: VA naeJbat eJabatt eJabt eJabit + in maeJbiit to vowel(ize) or dot (a text); to seize or hold I GL aeJbitu = '.eJbitu aeJbitii (iv.) eJabtun to hold I IQ yaeJbat 'ada wah he holds a grudge U V A niilabbad tail bid k AL nadbil adMit to measure or draw with a compass I( VA yaililabbad aililabbad to be measured or drawn with a compass I( yaneJabat aneJabat ineJibat muneJabit (min I 'an) to be vowelled or held - to refrain or forbear II AL dabla + al cattle-path II UT 544 eJabitah hare's lettuce (Sonchus oleraceus, bot.); shield fern (Aspidium lonchitis, bot., but s. {bntrqyr}); s. Iigah I( VA eJ/ilabid/t + eJawabit I ilawabid compass. S. {ilbt}. ·{J;>B'}: IH aeJeJaba'u hyena. S. {fsw} & {kff}. .{J;>JJ}: VA eJajij tumult, hubbub. ·{J;>JR}: VA naeJjar eJajart eJajr eJajir eJajir + in
I eJajiir + in to be annoyed
I( nieJajjar taeJjir k & nueJjir aeJjart ieJjar k to annoy nGL eJajiirun ireful. .{J;>J'}: V A naeJtaja' aeJtaja't ieJtija' mueJtaji' 'ala to lie down; to go to bed II GL eJaja'a mueJaja'atun to have sexual intercourse with UIW 11,32, 23 & 33,4 'eJU' YeJU' to be lodged by rain or wind (plants) I( GL maeJja'un + maeJaji'un bed I VA maeJja/i' + maeJaji' & mueJtaja' + at bedroom; sleeping place. ·{J;>I;IK}: GL eJal]ika eJal].k AC eJal]ak eJil]k eJal]ikin I ZJ 1015 eJul]l]ak (pI.) AL na4htiq 4ahtiql dehq n. un. dehqua dahtiq + uin V A naeJl]ak eJal]akt eJal]ik I eJil]k eJal]ik + in eJal]l]ak + in to laugh I AC aeJl]ak lalal]maq laugh at the jokes of a fool I taeJl]aklak they smile at you I IQ yaeJl]ak minni he laughs at me I yaeJl]ak lak he laughs in front of you I IH eJal]ika eJil]katan (sr.) he gave a laugh II ZJ 268 eJal]l]akna AC yieJal]l]ak V A nieJal]l]ak taeJl]ik k & nueJl]ik aeJl]akt ieJl]ak mueJl]ik to cause to laugh II LZ 'stadl]aka to be moved to laughter II GL 'eJeJil]ku mina 'Hil]al I aHayl]ali laughter comes from the spleen II maeJl]akatun VA eJul]kah & maeJl]akah + maeJal]ik laughing-stock II eJal]ikah + eJawal]ik IQ eJal]kah tooth II eJal]iik frequently laughing UAL m64hiq + in funny. ·{J;>I;IW}: IQ naeJal]l]i V A nieJal]l]i eJal]l]ayt to slaughter a victim (in the Greater Bairam) II eJul]an AC eJul]a IQ eJul]a forenoon II eJal]iyyah IH eJal]iyyatun VA eJal]iyyah + at I eJal]aya & ueJl]iyah + aeJal]i victim (in the Greater Bairam) II UT 73 ieJl]iyan large kind of camomile; 647 dittamy of Crete (Origanum dictamus, bot.). ·{J;>XM}: VA n/yaeJxum eJaxum(t) to be big or bulky II nieJaxxam taeJxim k to make big or bulky I( yaeJeJaxxam aeJeJaxxam taeJaxxum to become big or bulky II eJaxm + eJixam I eJaxma IH eJaximun 1 atun big; bulky U VA eJaxamah bigness; bulk.
J?DJ-J?RB ·{QDJ}: DS cJdj (var. cJdl,t) Swiss chard-beet (hapax). ·{QDD} = {QYD}: V A nicJadd cJadadt cJidd mucJidd 1 macJdiid + in k & yicJiidd cJiidd mucJiiddah 1 mucJiiyadah & nicJiiyad cJiiyadt mucJiiyadah & yatacJiidd tacJiidd tacJiid(d) & nacJcJiiyad acJcJiiyadt acJiiyud & nandadd andadt ma' AL nidayed dayedt ;"udayad~ & na4iad = nad(d)iad
a4iadt = adiatt = ad(d)iadt = adayatt mudid(d) = muded + in (I) to be contrary or opposed II did(d) = 4idd + a4#d GL
cJid(d)un opposition; contrariness I 'ala 'cJcJiddi TQ 22v, 23r & 26v b'cJcJ.d contrarily I NQ br 2/2/1 lis lak Ii cJiddi you have no case against me I AL bi did & modayden in opposition I V A cJidd + acJdiid contrary, opposite I IQ cJiddi itii opposite to this I assay wacJidduh V A mutacJiiddayn f mutacJiiddatayn two opposite things I qacJiiyii mutacJiiddah contradictory propositions II ID ~wr 5 cJdthii her competitress II IA acJadd more peevish. S. {qwl}. ·{QRB}: IQ cJarab yacJrab yucJrab macJriib AC cJarabti tacJrab acJrab (iv.) cJarb ma~riibin fj GL daraba adribu darbatun madriibun VA na4rab cJar'abt cJ~rb cJiirib + in f ah macJriib k to hit, strike or beat I n. raqabatuh to behead I n. 'alih to strike out I NQ mg 3/1/4 nacJrabii axmiis n asdiis we rack our brains I MT yacJrib I,tiiyitan he builds a wall I FX cJarab & cJarrab tacJrib to beat (for cooking) I AL nadrab darabt darb to hit, strike or beat; to play or sound I n. (b)ajumaa to strike with the fist I n. darba I bal batax to stab I n. ~ibi VA nacJrab alaxbiyah to pitch the tents I AL n. al guech IQ cJarab wajhi to throw in one's face I cJarabni cJarbah he dealt me a blow I yacJrab wariikum alasyiif he strikes your back with swords (i.e., he makes you flee) I tabli ... yacJrab a drum beats I yacJrabii Ii binjihiil they play castanets for me I CO M 1/4 fassu itii n ~adri yacJrab what then is this thing throbbing in my chest? I ZJ 1471 yacJrab tabal he beats a drum I 111 adrab luh ~atad fix a stake for him (i~.) I MV 147,18 cJrb fj diir to knock at the door of a house I AC yucJrabu lalfaqir (this proverb) is applied to a poor man (sr.) II
AL nidarrab darrabt to shake (a liquor) I VA nicJarrab tacJrib k to baste or quilt; to cause to throb I SH cJarrab alxiyiitah to baste or quilt I IQ cJarrab baycJak beat eggs (iv.) I cJarrab wakaf he quilted and hemmed (met. for doing something difficult well and fast) II V A yacJcJarrab acJcJarrab to be basted or quilted; to throb I AL nadarrab to swing II ZJ 258, 137, 1367 & 898 acJcJiirabii y/tacJcJiirab wacJcJiirabii (iv.) IA y/natcJiirabii to fight or quarrel I VA yancJarab ancJarab to be hit, struck or beaten I AL nandarab (an)darabt mundariba = mundariba (m.) + it mulondarib = in to fight or fence; to joust or tilt I IZ 12/1/2 aHubiil ... tancJarab the drums are beaten I AC yancJarabu 'ala they fight over I V A tancJarab (the tents) are pitched II OS icJtaraba to camp I GL y-'acJtaribu mucJtaribun V A yacJtarab acJtarab icJtiriib mucJtarib (n) to be or become agitated or troubled - to be unsteady or fickle II cJarb + cJuriib kind, class; way I 'ala cJ. an mii in some way I cJ. alamir royal coinage I MT cJarb coinage; blow I KU darbi bok sounding a horn I darb deuuema spinning a top I IQ cJuriib kinds I 'ala duriib kindred II darbah ZJ 1619 & 1623 'cJarbah 11 cJarbat~yn I AL darba + at dim. duraiba IA cJuraybah blow; knock; thrust; stroke; bang I AL darbti (I. darba) bi gendel a stone's throw I adarbtit (prob. with the Cs preposition) by stabbing I AS 51/1/3 nara cJarbata liizim (sc.) I see as an inescapable conclusion II AL dirib + davirib bull II V A cJarriib butting with horns I SH cJarriibiin blacksmiths II IQ cJarabiin heartbeat II CD L 1/34 mA adrabuh how skilled at hitting he is! II OS m'acJiiribu I'uriiq (hr.) places where roots pierce the ground II MT macJriib ('alayh) crossed out U macJrabat alqarmiidin tileworks I AL madraba + madarib I it brickyard; tile-works; flask; tunny fishery II madrabi + in tile-maker II mudarraba + it MT mucJarrabah + iit mattress I V A mucJarrabat ris feather mattress II AL xei lal mondariba something relating to war. S. {bwq}, {jnl,t}, MR-t;>NN
poulticed; to be yoked I c.lamd + ac.lmlid / ac.lmidah & mac.lmad + mac.llimid GL mic.lmadun yoke I AL 4amdlt + admad = a4mat yoke; yoke strap II dimat + it GL c.limlidun VA c.limlid + ac.lmidah poultice. ·{I)MR}: VA nac.lmur c.lamart c.lumiirah c.llimir bi to be thin or lean II nic.lammar tac.lmir k to emaciate II nuc.lmir ac.lmart ic.lmlir k GL '.c.lmiru yac.lmiru nac.lmirii ZJ 71 yuc.lmar to conceive; to conceal or hide (feelings or thoughts) I IQ ~atfi ac.lmar his secret purpose is to kill me II c.lamir + c.lamliyir GL c.I/~amirun VA c.lamir + c.lamli'ir conscience, secret thoughts I AL damir + damair pronoun I GL radiyu 'c.lc.lamir having a bad conscience I IQ 'ala c.lc.Iamir offhand, impromptu II DS c.lmlir unid. plant II CD M 7/6 ma~zaman c.llimir a slender waist II IQ mic.lmlir arena I AL midmar order, sequence; tune I AS 15/2/6 adxul almic.lmlir get the tune (mystical metaphor) I VA 'ala mic.lmlir in an order II mic.lmliri a~~awt singer II AL nimadmar madmart to tune or intone II DS c.lwmr basil 0 AL davmaran swallow-wort (prob. a mistake for maymaran, q.v.) I DS c.law/ymarlin IH c.lwmrlin FX & V A c.lawmarlin water mint (Mentha aquatica,
bot). S. {Un.
·{I)MM}: GL ac.lummu ya~ummu ma~miimun VA nuc.lumm c.lammat c.lamm mac.lmiim k ali liali ZJ 1625, 355 & 1628 c.lamamnlih yuc.lumm c.lumm (iv.) IA yuc.lumm AL nu4umm 4amamt 4umm dama + at to join, gather or draw together; to hold I IQ nuc.lummuh ita ~adri I embrace it I lac.lc.lammi hu xilqah he deserves to be embraced I tu~ummii Iwaraq you will gather leaves I c.lummi rijlak 'ala rriklib keep your foot within the stirrup I liman tuc.lamm to whom are you married I man c.lammak an takallam who forced you to speak I tuc.lummuh ac.lc.lariirah an yusuqq assa'ra necessity forces him to split a hair I c.lamamt addawli I got some ink I NQ bi 1/0/2 c.lammuh lisahmlituh he forced his checkmate upon him I am 1/1/2 c.lamma
i'jlibuh lalwuqiir he put a stop to his conceitedness II ZJ 376 yanc.lam to contract or curl up (like some animals) I AL nadamm damamt damam (t. nandamm andamamt andamm) to shrink; to close or draw together I yandamu lal curben they receive communion I V A nanc.lamm anc.lam(am)t inc.limlim i1ayh to be joined or united I VC 45/14 & 48/8-9 tan~am(mu) it heals I IQ anc.lamm i1ayh he joined him I bassli nanc.lam I stick to my king (in chess, perhaps "to castle") I CD M 5/7 lis yadri yanc.lam he does not know how to be stingy II AC c.lamm grapheme for /u/ I VC 48/4 & 50/6 lic.lammi for healing I IQ turrat ac.lc.lam lower square-line of the chess-board (where castling takes place). S. {xU}, {sli(h)} & {shw}. ·{I)MN}: IQ c.lamanta c.lamlin c.llimin mac.lmiin GL c.lliminun AC c.lamlin c.llimin = c.lamin (I) mac.lmiinah (fern.) ZJ 1040 ac.lman Ii (jv.) AL na4man 4amant I admant 4aman I diman 4amin + 4um( m)an V A nac.lman c.lamant c.lamlin c.llimin + c.lummlin mac.lmiin k li / 'an to guarantee or vouch I nic.lamman k n to insert or enclose II yac.lc.lamman = yatac.lamman ac.lc.lamman = tac.lamman tac.lammun mutac.lammin mutac.lamman k to comprise or contain I nac.lc.lamman ac.lc.lamman tac.lammmun mutac.lammin mutac.lamman k to require I MT tac.lammanat wajh zawjah she put up bail for her husband nVA yanc.lamm to be guaranteed UIQ n gayr c.lamlini kulli man sakar I do not answer for anything happening to those who get drunk I bac.lc.lamlin & n c.lamlini AL fidamani I bet or swearl I CD M 3/11 fi c.lamlini ... ~addaqiik I swear they will believe you II AL mudaman (axeyli) = mu4amma (I. mu4amman) summary, recapitulation. S. {dx\} & {rr'}. ·{I)NT}: V A c.linli! beardless. ·{I)NK}: V A rollin n 'ays an c.lank So-and-so leads a miserable life. ·{I)NN}: VA nic.lann c.lannat c.lanin + in 'ala / bi
Sucb expressions, mucb used in Islamic COUllS. wbere guarantees are often requested. and accompanied by confirming gestures, are tbe origin of Cs ad.man "altitude or gesture", as is proven by tbe fact tbat Ii damani appears twice, never beretofore understood, in Dellcado's La lozana andaluza, s. LHI, 121.
I?NW-I?YQ to be stingy I IQ eJanna bik assaraf iJananta anta bih nobility is not prodigal of the likes of you, so treasure it you too II VA eJanin + in stingy II eJaniinah stinginess. ·{I}NW}: VA yaeJnii eJaniya eJanii(n) to become lean or emaciated II nieJanni k & ieJnii to emaciate I IQ 151/2/4 eJanii emaciation II 'ala iJaniiwah sayr destined for misery. ·{I}HW}: VA nieJiihi mueJiihiih k to compete. ·{I}W'}: IQ yieJi mueJi GL aeJi = aeJiyyu yaeJi mueJiy(y)atun IA mueJi = mueJiyun y/tieJi AL niday = nidayi dayeit = adayt (!) day to illuminate I nadl4i adl#it = adl4ait mulodi + in to shine I V A nieJi aeJayt ieJii'ah mueJi mueJii k to illuminate I yueJi aeJii ieJii'ah mueJi bi to shine I AC aClUak it gave you light I yaeJi li it gives light to D GL astaeJi = astaeJiyu to obtain light I IQ yastaeJi biniirak he obtains light from yours neJaw & eJiyii V A eJaw + aeJwii & eJiyii AC eJaw AL 4au = day & dia GL eJiyii'un light; brightness I eJiyii'u 'UaeJiiyil the light of virtues I MT J>alaJ>at asbiir fi eJeJaw clearance of three spans I ZJ 820 axrij laeJeJaw bring to daylight, expose (iv.) IIQ yamsi lieJawwuh he walks in its light I eJiyii ba~ari the light of my eyes II GL mieJwii'un AL madua + madavi JT meJwy + meJiiwy skylight UBO 12v biirii~u alqudiisu muiJiyina (ic.) enlightened by the Holy Spirit. S. {Clbb}, {rwq}, {syI} & {qmr}. ·{I}W'}: V A yataeJawwa' taeJawwa' taeJawu' to exhale fragrance. ·{I}WI}}: GL eJaweJii'un noise. ·{I}WY}: VA naneJawi aneJawii ineJiwii ila to join. ·{I}YD}: s. {eJdd}. ·{I}Y'}: IQ eJii'at n/yieJi' eJayii'ah iJiiyi' V A n/yieJi' eJii' eJayii' eJiiyi' + in li GL eJiiyi'un to be or get lost or wasted I Xa iili5 lam yieJi' bal'uqar it was not squandered by buying wine I IQ las yieJi' lak min lisani (your favours) will not be forgotten by my tongue I yieJi' ihtibali my solicitude will be useless II eJayya'(uh) yueJayya' mueJayya' AC eJayya'(at) GL ueJayyi'u = '.eJayyi'u taeJyi'un mueJayyi'un ZJ 313 mueJayyi' VA nieJayya' eJayya't taeJyi' k to lose or forfeit; to waste; to neglect I naeJayya'uh he will depart from my sight I
AL nidayah dayaht to destroy (perhaps {eJy~}) 0 yaeJeJayya' aeJeJayya' fi to be lost or wasted II eJay'ah + at 1 eJiya' LZ eJiya' GL eJiyii'un IQ eJiya' dim. IH 22 & LZ eJuway'ah country estate I RC adu(hJayar a place-name D IQ taeJyi' aJ>J>ana waste of praise 0 AC malik eJayi' deposed king I ZJ 1945 muliiki an eJayi' a ruined prince a IA aeJya' more useless. ·{I}YF}: AL nidayaf dayaft mudaif + in I mudayfin mUdayaf t a + in V A nieJayyaf taeJyU k & nueJU aeJaft eJiyafah + iit mueJif k to take in or entertain as a guest U nieJif aeJaft ieJafah mueJif mueJiif k li to add I OS aeJiifa ila to graft II AL nadayaf dayaft (1. adayaft) to take lodgings II V A yaneJiif aneJaf to be added II GL astaeJifu to ask for hospitality II V A eJayf + aeJyiif AC eJayf AL dayf + adiaf lord I d. = daif t dayfa + aditlf IQ eJayf + eJiyiif GL eJayfun VA eJ. + aeJyaf 1 eJiyaf guest II eJayfah + at AL dailyfa + ad(dJiaf dim. duayfa lady D AC eJayfiin great lord (jok.) I LO aiJiJayfiin pn. II AC eJiyafah hospitality I AL diafa + it dim. duayafa GL eJiyafatun V A eJiyafah + at invitation; treat I IQ 'ala eJeJiyafah jalis living at others' expense I MV ISO,S eJiyafatak your lordship I AL hi ditlfa hospitably II IQ eJayyaf hospitable II V A ieJafah genitive construction (gr.) I balieJafah in relation to D GL mueJifun hospitable II AL mudaf genitive (gr.) I izm mudaf possessive (gr.). S. {rm~}. ·{I}YQ}: VA yieJiq eJiiq eJiq(ah) to be narrow, to be uncomfortable U ZJ 667 mii kabur eJiiq astuh the older he grows the narrower his arse becomes (prob. met. of restlessness) I IQ yieJiq Ii aHariq the way becomes narrow for me I tieJiq 'alayk alasyii the situation becomes difficult for you II V A nieJayyaq eJayyaqt taeJyiq k 'ala GL y-'ueJayyiqu yueJa.y.qu AL nidayaq dayaqt taduq (I. tadiiq) to make narrow; to tighten; to oppress II nieJiiyaq 'ala to bother or harass II yaeJeJayyaq aeJeJayyaq taeJayyuq & yaeJeJayaq aeJeJayaq GL ataeJayaqu to feel uneasy with each other II diqun IQ & ZJ 2009 eJiq AL diq narrowness; tightness; anguish I hi d. narrowly, tightly I ZJ 704 eJiq a~~adr impatience; peevishness I GL eJiqu 'nnafsi
QYQ-QYQ asthma I c;liqatun AL qica = diqua + qiq straitness; anguish I IQ ji fi c;liqah he was in distress IlIA c;layyiq MT & AC c;liyiq AL dailyq + in narrow; tight I GL c;lay.q asthmatic I tariqun c;layyiqun AL tariq daiq + torq daiquin narrow path I ba~run
c;layyiqun AL bahar qaiq + buh"r daiquin sea strait; channel lard daiq bein baharai isthmus I V A c;layyiq a~~adr / al'atan impatient II AL aqcar adiaq narrower; tighter II VA mac;liq + mac;li'iq strait. s. {xlq} I & {znq}.
ITI ·{TA'}: AL Ta the letter (a' IIQ yimil bihi laHi he pronounces it close to /~/ 1. ·{T'T'}: IH tata'ti (m.) to lower one's head. S.
·{TBB}: ZJ 425 & 422 nitibbak tibbuh (iv.) AL nitib tababt tibb VA nitibb tababt tibb matbiib k & nitabbab k to treat medically I IQ yitibbuh tabib a physician can cure it II VA yaHabbab aHabbabt tatabbub mutatabbib + in & yantabb antabb IA yantabb to be treated medically I AL xei yantabb + axilt yantabbu curable (disease) DVA tabb smart II tibb = IQ, AC fib AL tibb medicine ntabib + atibbe ZJ 514 & IA tabib GL tabibun VA tabib + atibbi physician, doctor. S. {sjj}. ·{'fBX}: GL atbuxu VA natbux tabaxt tabx tibix matbiix k bi ZJ 1609 & 701 tabax yutbax AL natbOk, tabak,t tabk, n. un. tabk,a + at IQ tabax tatbux to cook I natbux qadar I cook in a pot (i.e., a real meal) I AS 59/5/4 qad tabaxtu lak buqiil I have cooked greens for you (roughly, I have told you what I ought to) II IQ nantabax AL nantabak, antabak,t V A yantabax antabax to be cooked UGL tabxu 'lxamri wine decoction I IB 110 buyiit aHabx hothouses II IQ & VA tabix cooked food, fare II tabbix + in ZJ 514, MT & AC tabbix' AL tabbak, f a + in cook I JS tabbix cook of meat dishes II AL matbak,a + matabik, GL matbaxatun + matibixun VA matbaxah + matibix kitchen I AL caid al matbak,a + cuyid chef II madb6k, chafed I OS matbiix concoction I AS 90/0/2 aIfaxxir matbiix the cooked earthenware. S. {by4}, {zyt}, {srb} & {mys}
II. ·{TBR} I: VA tabayrah + lit AL tabayra + tabairit dim. tubayrara (I. tubayvara) + it glazed piece of earthenware (prob. < /piyyib/ with the R instrumental suffix (ayr[o]-a), "dressing [vessell", cf., for the diphthong dissimilation, the case of jabayrah). ·{TBR} II: XA lim3 & ZJ 1807 tabirah Tavera (1) I AC tiibirah La Tabola (1, geo.). ·{'fBR} III: UT 367 tubbiir a kind of red fig (also called muwarrad and Uk). S. {tyn} ~ {tyrl ·{TBRC}: SG tbryjh tamarisk « L tamarice). S. {tmrc}. ·{TBRZ}: LZ tabarzun loaf sugar « P tabarzad "manna" which, however, must have the same derivation, namely, F tabar zade "stricken with an axe"). S. {trbznl ·{'fBRZO}: OS almH", aHabarzad mineral salt I GM 31 sukkar t. sugar loaf « F tabar zade "stricken with an axe"). ·{'fPRS}: SG tiibaras capers « R, cf. Ct tapera). ·{'fBRKN}: OS tabarkiin (horse) having a long and protruding rump « F tabar gun "hollow-backed", lit. "axe-like"). ·(TBRN(R)}: AL taberna + it tavern II tabernero . + in f tabernera + it MT tab.rniiruh tavern-keeper (late borrowings from Cs). ·{'fBRYRL}: UT 807 tbryrwlh GB 296 tubrayriilah unid. plant called qa~i~ in A and used for treating rupture in children « R *tubrayr6la < L tubera "truffles" with a dim. suffix, so called because mushrooms grow near it). ·{'fBSR}: IH tabiisir substance formed on the sugar cane used as a medicine « Sa
This pronunciation vice, affecting Iql, is mentioned for the East by IH while explaining the origin of the nickname of the literate Ibn A!\ablilabi. and by Aljahii) in his Alboyan wOllobyin (ed. Cairo 1985. I, 34), in a general way, as a case of lupgoh. It appears that Andalusis too would commit the same mistake, to judge by this passage and some other clues, such as hesitation between ItI and Ikl in certain R loanwords (cf. Cs lobo < ko'b, and perhaps corcoj < lorka1, etc.).
tavakshirii < tvak-kshirii "bamboo manna", lit. "bark-milk"). ·{TBTB}: IH 'bn tabiitiba (suggested correction tabiitabii) pn. ·{TB'}: AL natbiila albaliat atbie mutbia + in to seal; to hallmark (precious metals); to adapt or fit; to reconcile I V A natba' taba't I atba't tab' I itbii' tiibi' I mutbi' matbii' k to seal or impress; to print with colour I yutba' tubi' matbii' 'ala & yaHabba' aHabba' tatabbu' to have (a quality) inherently or naturally I SH yatba'iina bilbinii' they cover with mortar I VA nitabba' tatbi' k to stain; to impart a disposition I AL nitabaa tabaat to fit or suit II VA yaHabba' aHabba' tatabbu' to be or become stained II yantaba' antaba' to be sealed or printed I IQ antaba' intibii' to become inspired I (y/n)antaba' muntabi' intibii' AL nanlabaa antabaat to agree or accept I me nantabaa me antabaat to disagree I SR allan antaba'tum bihi ... antaba'tum tisiiqii assiliil.t that which you had agreed upon ... you had agreed to bring in the weapons I ZJ 492 bas yantaba' luh atta~fir so he could whistle better I IQ yantaba' Ii 'amal I feel like doing II tab(a)' + atbii' character, natural disposition; (poetic) inspiration I AL tabaa + toboo I tubua nature; agreement; extension of delay; grace or beauty; tone; quality I AC tab' character I bilii taba' without eagerness I IQ taba' & baHaba' naturally I tibii' (pl.) & tabi'ah VA tab' + tibii' & tabi'ah + tabii'i' AC tabi'a(t) + tabiiyi' GL tabi'atun AL tabia(a) = labiaa = labia + tabaye(e) = tabayaa nature; natural aptitude or disposition; inherent character I bi tabiaa naturally I min tabia jayda good-natured I FX yulayyin aHabi'ah it relieves constipation I GL fi kiltay 'Uabi'atayn (sr.) in both natures I 'Habiiyi'u 'I'arba' wahiya 'nniiru wall.tarrii'u walmii'u watturiibu the four elements: fire, warmth, water and earth I ahlu 'ilmi 'Uabiiyi' physicists I AL ailm a toboa (I.
lobOa) music as a science I nuce tabaa tal mucica semi tone in music I quillat atabaa dissonance I bi quillal a tabaa & qualil a tabaa out of tune I tabaa muceni consonance (mus.) I tabaa k,amica perfect fifth (mus.) I tabaa bi xart agreement on condition I aaie labaa by agreement II tabiai + tabiayiin VA tabi'i f ah GL tabi'i I tabi'iyun natural, inborn II tiibi'un MT tiibi' VA tiibi' + tawiibi' IH 26 tiiba' seal I AL labiiile = tabie (I) + taleguabii seal (ring), signet; coining die and its impression I cahb a labee + azhQb a tabU chancellor I GL tal.tta tiibi' sealed I tiiba'u 'lxiitami IQ tiibi' seal mark II VA tatbi'ah + iit stain II ZJ 535 & IQ atba' more inspired I mii atba'ni how inspired I am! II matbii' inspired I AL matboluo + matMin = malboOin graceful; harmonic (mus.; prob. < Eg ab', cf. C toobe). S. {l.tbs}, {l.tU}, {xrj}, {rqq}, {zwI}, {gny}, {rsx} I & {qU}o ·{TBQ}: AL nitabbaq tabbaqt to quarter or cut in pieces I VA nitabbaq to displease II nitiibaq mutiibaqah k & yaHiibaq aHiibaq tatiibuq to agree or conform II nutbiq atbaqt itbiiq mutbiq mutbaq I matbiiq k to cover I GL atbiqu yatb.qu itbiiqun matbiiqun to close I IQ atbaq 'ala rummi he shut my mouth U VA nantabaq antabaqt intibaq (min algay~) to get angry I yantabaq antabaq intibiiq 'ala to fit in; to shut perfectly I IQ yantabaq he becomes annoyed II VA tabaq + atbiiq cover, dish I ZJ 2069 tabaq GL tabaqun dish; tray I AL naqIQa a tabaq to pare off (a horse's hoof) II SH tiib.q IQ aHiibaq mata Hustiin frying-pan 1 UVA tabaqah + lit I tibiiq ceiling and floor between storeys I anniis fi ddunyii 'ala tabaqiit people in this world belong to diverse classes I IH min tabaqati fuliinin (hr.) from So-and-so's class I JlaliiJl tabaqiitin three shelves (in a closet) II AL tabiq one dance Utabiq + tabQiq quarter (of meat) II DS tubbiiq(ah) flea-wort (Inula conyzoides, bot., but UT 785 = siiniz alqaml.t, q.v.) I UT 54 tubbiiqah
1 From P Idbag, which also provides the etymon of many of the words under SH !ib.q xazar implies that it could be made of clay.
{!bq}, though not necessarily everyone.
TBL I-TI:IN jabaliyyah bean-clover (Anagyris fretida, bot.) II V A matbiiq + in IQ matbiiq annoyed, displeased nUT 57 mutabbaqah s. atramallah. S. {tnbq}, {'Iq}, {glw} & {qrn}. *{TBL} I: 1H tabalun V A tab(a)l + tUbiil IQ tab(a)1 + tubiil ZJ 1471 tab(a)1 AL tllbal + albill dim. labilyel + labayalit (I. lobilyal + it) drum II tabbfJl t a + in drummer. S. {rstbI}, {4rb} & {ers}. *{TBL} II: AL nittabbel tabbalt tatbit FJ mutabbal VA nitabbal tatbil k to subject to a poll-tax II yaHabbal aHabbal to be subjected to a poll-tax I AL nilalebtel talebelt to seize or sequester II FR 169,1 tabl tax paid by some land properties I SG attabl wassitranj backgammon and chess (cf. Cs tablas reales) II VA tabal + atbal poll-tax II tablah + at table II IW I 144,22 mtbal layer of hard whitish or yellowish earth in the bottom of a weill « L labella or tabUla, through Ar, cf. Rb (ablah "account-book"). *{TBLT}: AL tabltil shelf (prob. late borrowing from Cs tablado). *{TBLDS}: MT manadil tabladiis striped tablecloths (late borrowing from Cs tablados). *{TBLi}: ZJ 486 tablas Tablas (unid. place name). *{TBN} I: HC 78 tabiini a kind of bread (cf. os & Me (abunah 'bakery"). *{TBN} II: FA 82 taban AL taban n. un. a gadfly « L tabanus). *{TBHJ}: FX & HC 133 tabahij(iyy)ah a dish of fried meat I 150 tabahijiyyah magmiimah fried lamb with a crust of dough I 149 tabahijiyyah alburaniyyah lamb stew with eggplant. *{TBW}: VA naHabi aHabayt iHiba muHabi muHaba k to incite. *{TPY}: AL tapia + lavapi VA & MT tabiyah + tawabi adobe wall « R *tapya, origin of Mr (abby a & (appya. Me (iibya "tower" and even further reflexes like Tk tabya "redoubt" and Am yiibaburu (abiJya "railroad station"). *{TBYT}: IQ kinnatabyat I would dress up « R
*atabyat, cf. Cs alaviado < Gt laujan). *{TI>R}: 1H 'bn aHalJariyyah (suggested
correction aHaIJriyyah) pn.
*{TJDR}: AL tajad6r + it dish (late borrowing
from Cs).
*{T IN}: IH attajinu V A tajan & tay jan + tawajin IA tajin JM 31 tajin AC
tawaji/in (pI.) shallow earthen stewingpan UHC 132 & FX mutajjan cooked in this vessel « Ar, cf. S (ig£ iilnii and Rb (iggiinii, < G ta:y&vov - tl)'YClvov, prob. from Eg origin; s. VA 188). *{TCN} I: AL nitachan lachant mutachan + in to toast UIA tujiin toast « {tstn}, q.v.). *{TCN} II: AL tichain + it helmet « {tstny}, q.v.). *{TI;IL}: VA yitay~al tay~al mutay~al + in k to wound in the spleen II yaHay~al aHay~al to be wounded in the spleen II ti~al & tay~al + tawa~i1 IH tay~alun LZ ti~al GL t.~alun AL ,aihal + layahil spleen I tlylat alayhal + GL amra4u 'ttay~al spleen disease II UT 801 ti~alah a kind of lavender. S. {~ss} I, {zyt}, {sjr}, {4~k} & {mr4}· *{TI;ILB}: V A nita~lab to make green moss grow 0 yaHa~lab aHa~lab to be covered with green moss II tu~lub + ta~alib green moss I UT 369-70 alga: I TO 301 t. alma' water lentils (Lemna minor, bot.) I 305 t. ba~ri coralline of the shops (Corallina officina lis, bot.). *{TI;IN}: GL mat~iinun ZJ 1421 & AC yat~an IA y-tat~an AL nathan tahant to grind or mill I VA nat~an ta~ant ta~n / ta~in ta~in + in ta~~an + in mat~iin to grind or mill; to whet or sharpen II yanta~an anta~an to be ground or sharpened II ta~iinah + at & ta~inah + tawa~in MT aHa~inah 11 arri~atayn ... atta~inatayn 1H aHa~iinatu AL ,ahOna + taguahin (animal powered) mill I Mjar a tahin whetstone II SH ta~~an VA ta~iini + in miller I ta~~an + in procurer, pimp II AL malhan circle of people II mathana + matahin AC mat~anah/t V A mat~anah + mata~in mill-stone; molar tooth I AL malhanal al tlacal the wisdom tooth I bite matahin
Which is usually accompanied by scarce flow of water. Another ms. has mtiilb; the original word might be ·mulabbal "like a plate" or .milbiil "resounding like a drum".
326 toothless I GL mat~anatun + MT mata~in mill-stone. *{nIW}: OS istat~a to prostrate o.s. *{TXT}: LZ taxt 1H tax tun wardrobe « {txt} q.v.). *{TXS}: AL ta~x n. un. a VA & OS tad yew-tree (Taxus baccata, bot.; < L taxus). *{TXSQYN}: OS tx!lyqyiin BM tuxSiqiin & tqsyqwn poison for arrowheads « G tO~lKov)l. *{TXW}: AL ta~a VA taxa + atxiyah oil dregs « A (axa' "cloud"). *{TR'}: VA yatra tara turii 1 tarayan tari to befall or happen unexpectedly II natri atrayt itra mutri mutra k lQ atrayt natrik to praise or extol II ZJ 755 tari + IZ 2/3/2 tura musician I VA tari + tura (gipsy) performer (cf. sindi) I TH 83,5 tari'ayn two strangers. *(TRB(!-)}: IQ tarab yatrab tarab & antarab AC tarab (m.) VA natrab tarabt tarab tariib + in bi & yaHarrab aHarrab tatarrub & yantarab antarab IA antarab to exult (in an !esthetic pleasure like music) or be overjoyed II VA nitarrab tatrib k & nut rib atrabt itrab mutrib + in k to cause to exult II IZ 10/2/2 yuqiil 'ala Huraybah he recites in time to the little tune II BH 46,6 trbyalh a nickname (prob. the same as Cs tarabilla "miIlclapper" which, according to LH1, is Aa tarab with the R dim. suffix). *{TRBb: VA nitarbaj/s tarba/sah fi to appoint s.o. to a high office (prob. < F tar pus "head-gear", worn in Alandalus only by the holders of such positions, as most men reportedly preferred to go bareheaded; however, the final portion of that word appears to have been metanalyzed as the R pejorative suffix (-uc); s. VA 189). *{TRPC}: V A tirba/ij + tarabij wooden candelabrum « Ll *tripediu; s. VA 189). S. {s'd}. *{TRBZ}: ZJ 1960 tarbiiz AL tarbu!; balustrade . « A darab~z'ilun < G tQalt&~lOV, with metanalysis and elimination of the supposed pI. morpheme, as in A ifriz
"frieze" < G It&Qi~ool1a). S. (drbz(n)}. *{TRBZN}: V A tarbazin + at AL trebezin . halberd F tabarzin "battle-axe"). S. {tbrzl *{TRBSYR}: MT t.rabsayr + at full-size piIlow. S. {'trbsyr}. *{TRBQ}: FJ 11 tarbiiqiin leggings « Ll trabucus). *{TRBL} I: AL tarabil + it drill, auger, gimlet II MT aHarab.Ii a nickname « L terebra). *{TRBL} II: GL turbilun whirlwind I OL 49 tach al torbil place name (rendered by Cs puerto del polvo, to be understood as "mountain pass of the whirlwind" « R *torbeL < L turbine{ ml contaminated by the dim. suffix (-ell, cf. Cs torbellino). *{TRBL} III: GB 313 tiribuluh wild trefoil (Trigonella corniculata, bot.; < L trifolium). *{TRBLB}: GB 312 turbah Iubbah a variety of germander « R *turba lopa "it scares the she-wolf", as reported by the author). *{TRBLS}: GL tarabulusu Tripoli. *{TRBN}: GL turbiinatun pulpit « Ll tribuna). *{TRPN}: AL Trapana Trapani (geo.) II trapani + in from T. (late borrowings from Cs). *{TRJ}: ZJ 1498 min tarij limatriij from the highest to the lowest (1; cf. the equtr.ralent passage in IA 592, min daraj almadraj "from the steps of the staircase"). *: UT 381 tiirnah marituh hedge parsley (Caucalis maritima, bot.); field cress (Lepidium campestris, bot.; < R *torna maritos "It makes husbands come back", being used as a mouth wash). *{TRNMTR(S)}: GB 172 & 308 tiirnah mlitri(s) water germander (Teucrlum scordlum, bot.; < R *torna matreS "It sets the uterus"). *{TRNN}: VA nitarnan tarnanah k to cause to exult II nattarnan attarnant batrarat, to exult I IQ mutarnan AL mutalernen mad, crazy « A ~annana "to buzz", cf. Cs ehitlado "cracked", lit. "one who hears whistles or noises inside his own head"). *{TRYTR}: TO 212 taraytur centaury (Erythra:a centaurium, bot.; < L triihitorius, because it was used as a broom). *{TRW}: ZJ 1954 titarri to refresh (like a bath) I VA nitarri k to soften I yattarrli attarrli tatarri to become soft II ZJ 1081 tara freshness II VA tarli(wab) softness I AC tarawat (= /tarawa/) freshness (of a bath) D VA tari f °tariyyab soft I AL tari + in fresh; recent(Iy) I IQ tari soft; tender; fresh; OS a kind of plum I XA vril xabran tarl recent news I IQ 23/3/2 millqalan tari of- XA iyya2 suqran tariyyab "fresh minted" gold coins originally from Southern Italy (> Old Cs tarin)1 II IQ atra more fashionable I ZJ 925, 1307 atra fresher; more pleasant II IQ mutarra shabby. S. {jrt,}, {'bqr} & {'wd}. *{TRWY}: AL Troya Troy II troi + in Trojan (late borrowings from Cs). *{TRWZ}: VA nitarwaz tarwazah k to cause to beg II yattarwaz attarwaz tatarwuz to beg « F darviiz "mendicancy"). *{TRYN}: ZJ 1050 tiryana Triana (geo.). *{TZ'}: VA nitazza' tatzI' k to make whimsical II yattazza' attazza' to become whimsical II taz'ah of- tuza' = IQ whim; change of
humour I IH tuz'iyyun devoid of jealous~ good-for-nothing II XA cda1 mutazza' VA mutazza' + in whimsical (a semantic shift from A ~azi'a "to be a good-fornothing"). *{TSS/T(!-)}: IH & GL tistun IQ tist of- tusiis VA tist & tass of- tusiis ZJ 518 tass MT ta/lis AC tlis AL tac + ticac wash-bowl; basin I taca + ticac cup I IA tass dim. NQ db 2/4/2 tusays chamber-pot, spittoon II AC tassi cup-like I VA tassallah of- at bowl n MT attassali pn. « P tast, borrowed early by A, as witnessed by the Lisiin. The latter form exhibits the R dim. suffix). *{TSQN}: AL Tozeana Toscana (geo.) I toseani + in from T. (late borrowings from Cs). *{TSM/N}: AS 51/5/4 anawasim IH 255 attawlisin the suras of the Koran beginning with the undeclphered abbreviation >~s "alborok introduced by the Mozarabs in Cs as alboroque > E broker, etc.).
'RJN-'RJ? for I Xa am4 'arraj 'ala I~abayib make a detour in order to visit the beloved II DS in'araja to be lame U IQ 'ur ji (pI.) a'raj + 'urj ZJ 215, 637 & 568 a'raj f 'arja dim. 'urayjah GL a'rajun AL aarach = aarach + oorch = ooroch lame I DS a'raj a kind of vetch II IH al'arajiyyu (suggested correction al'ar jiyyu) pn. II VA mi'raj + ma'arij ladder. ·{'RJN}: IH 'arjiinun IQ 'arjiin stalk of a bunch of grapes I VA 'arjiin n. un. ah + 'arajio AL aargina (I. aarjuna) + aaragin stalk of a fig I DS 'arajin peduncles (of roses). ·{'RD}: GL 'arradatun crossbow. ·{'RR}: UT 40 'arar pot marigold (Calendula officinalis. bot.) II AC a'ar AL aarr = alaarr worse I IQ ma a'arruh how bad he is! II ma'arrah wickedness (cf. Ma agliar). ·{'RS(t-)}: IH 'arrasa b'mr'th (sr.) to pimp for one's own wife I VA ni'arras 'arrast ta'ris k to heap up; to wed; to make wait II yat'arras at'arras ta'arrus (fi) to be heaped up; to be wedded; to be kept waiting II 'irs wife II 'irsah + at / 'iras heap U'urs + a'ras IH al'ursu IQ & AC 'urs AL uur~ + aara~ wedding I yaadat al oor~ (= /i'adat al'ursf) first day of the honeymoon I GL wakilu 'I'ursi AL ray~ aloor~ + rayaci (I. royaci) al aaarra~ host of a wedding party I AL aaro~ + aara~ (I. aartiy~) IQ & MT 'ariis VA 'ariis + ara'is dim. AS 52/3/3 'urayyas ZJ 753 'aris bridegroom II V A 'ariisah + 'ara'is IH 'ariisatun LZ, IQ, MT & IA 'ariisah AC 'ariis AL aaro~a + aaro~ (false pI.) bride I aaro~at al firin V A 'ariisat alfiran GL '.bou 'arsin wahuwa 'I'ariisallah weasel I TD 257 'ariis alma' white water lily and Egyptian lotus (Nymph rea alba & N. lotus, bot.) I 298 'ariisah UT 453 'arusallah mandrake root (so called on account of its likeness to a puppet) I ET Abenharoz & Abenaro~a pns. II dim. AL vuraygua~ + it puppet I vuraygua~a (I. vuraygua~a) + It doll II MT i'rasha min 'ariisha her wedding to her fiance S. {~bb}, {r's}, {r'y}, {Shd}, {~b'} & {kbb} I. ·{'RS}: VA oi'arras ta'riS k to erect a trellis II yat'arras at'arras to be trellised or espaliered II 'ars + 'uriis GL 'arsun AL alaarx throne nIW I 374,19 '.rasat al'inab trellis-making II AL aarlxa + aaraix &
moluarrax + in!t dim. vurayaxa + it IQ 'ariS VA 'aris + 'ara'is & mu'arras + at trellis (of vines) U GB 261 'arrasiio trellismakers D AL moarrax min macarii + in & m. min cadlb + in bi quidben espalier. ·{'R~}: IH 'ar~atun pillar I AC 'a/ir~ah & al'ir~a orchard II V A 'ir~ah + at / 'ira~ orchard with a hut. ·{'R~M}: DS 'ir~im wild egg-plant. ·{'RI?}: AL naarad aaradt to recite a lesson (before the teacher) I GL 'ara~a ya'ra~u VA na'ra~ 'ara~ 'urii~ 'ari~ Ii to happen (to be) I IQ 'ara~ lak he came across you I lak 'ari~ coming across you I 'alayya ta'ra~ you hit upon me I yu'ra~ 'ala nnar it is placed on the fire I 'uri~ Ii darak your house has been shown to me I 'ara~ 'alayya nnujiim he made me see stars (met.) I alkawakib 'ara~ lahum bannahar he made them see stars by day I 'ara~atni tariq they showed me the way I V A o. 'ara~t 'ar~ 'ari~ + in ma'rii~ k to show or display n ni'arra~ ta'ri~ k Ii to expound I SR ni'ara~ikum bh I warn you of it II VA ni'ara~ 'ara~t mu'ara~ah k - fi / 'ala GL '.'ari~u u'ara~u to stand in s.o.'s way - to oppose I IQ na'ara~ha I approach her I 'ara~ attawsi~ it is patterned after the muwassal! (q.v.) II VA a'ri~u ya'ri~u 'ani 'ssay to turn away or desist I VA nu'ri~ / na'ra~ a'ra~t i'ra~ mu'ri~ + io 'an to overlook or forgive I XA ani5 mu'ri~a (hr.) feigning not to see II GL ata'arra~u muta'arri~un IQ nat'arra~ Ii to get in the way, to approach I VA yat'arra~ at'arra~ ta'arru~ muta'arri~ + in Ii to expose or subject o.s. II na'tara~ a'tara~t i'tira~ mu'tari~ + in k fi / 'ala IQ i'tira~ to object I AS 12/3/1 a'tara~ he showed up I LZ "tara~tu 'Iyh 'I'mr I expounded the matter to him I ZJ 1251 'ala qa~abah ya'tara~ he defends a castle UIQ 'ar~i V A 'ar~ + 'urii~ breadth, width I '. alwad river bed I ZJ 338 alqar~i mio aI'ar~i the resemblance is accidental I DM lR yawmal'ariSa Doomsday II LH2 'ar~iio palisade (posited by Ct alardo) II IQ 'ir~ honour I V A nakkul 'irduh AL nacul al aird aql al a. to defame· I DC 11 Ie tecul eerdo do not defame him UVA 'ur~ah that which is exposed or subject(ed to) II IH al'ara~u AC 'ara~ goods, merchandise I
GL 'arac;Jun width I AL aaradl4 + aara4 VA 'arac;J + a'riic;J accident (phil.); attack of epilepsy or the like I bal'arac;J by accident I ~ii~ib 'arac;J + a~~iib a'riic;J having attacks of epilepsy or the like II 'arac;Ji f ah accidental II 'ariic;J + in similar II GL 'ariic;Jun metre (of verse) I IQ fi 'ariic;J in the metre of ... I AL aaroc music I LH ·'ariic;J tent pole (posited by Cs alaroz) I VA min ilii l'uriic;J (I. 'ariic;J pro b.) of this kind II AL aarodi + in musician II ZJ 638 'aric;J wide II VA 'iiric;J + 'awiiric;J shower, squall I GL 'iiric;Jun accident, case II AL aarida + aaguarid wood-rasp II aatirad accidental (happening) II V A 'arriic;J defamer II 'arriic;Jah + iit / 'ariiric;J catapult II rna'rac;J + rna'iiric;J IH rna'rac;Jun slavemarket. S. {blw}, {~bq IV, {kll}, {kIm}, {mrr} & {wst}. ·{'SRQ}:· DS 'isriq enchanter's nightshade (Circrea lutetiana, bot.). ·{'SS}: IQ 'assas GL u'assisu VA oi'assas fi IA yi'assas AL niaaxex aaxext to nest; IZ 14/6/1 'ad oi'is wa'ad oi'assas may I live and thrive n AL o%x = ovx + aaxix dim. vugueyex + it IQ 'uss = 'iis AC 'ii/us VA 'uss + a'sas LZ 'iis IH 'iisu Ha'ir nest I AL Mydat al ovx + Mid al a. egg in the nest. ·{'SQ}: IQ 'asaq(tu) oa'saq(ak) oa'saqkum ta'saq ya'saqhum a'saq (jv.) 'isq 173/0/1 'asiq (fik) + io / 'ussaq ma'siiq + ma'asiq f ah VA oa'saq 'asaqt 'isq 'asiq + io / 'ussaq ma'siiq + ma'asiq AC y-ta'saq 'isq bi 'asiq AL naaxaq aaxaqt aaix (I. aaixq) n. un eixqua aaxiq + vuxaq = aoxaq f aaxica + aoxeiq (1) maaxo/uq f a + maoxiq / in to love passionately I AS 2/0/1 oa'saq iliyya I love myself II AL niaaxaq aaxaqt aaxaq to inspire passionate love I AC 'assaq bi (jv.) to make s.o. love; to join I VA oi'assaq ta'Siq ita biiti to dovetail II yat'assaq at'assaq ita biita to be dovetailed I AL nataaxaq ataxaqt to woo II V A oat'asaqu at'asaqoa ta'asuq to love o.a. II yao'asaq ao'asaq to be loved II GL 'isquo
355 passionate love II IQ 'aSiq f ah beloved II VA 'iisiq + in I 'ussiiq ZJ 1674 11 'iisiqayn lover I IQ 'iisqi my lover II AL oox( x)Qq n. un ooxaca = ooxaqua black nightshade (Solanum nigrum, 1) UAC ma'siiq living in concubinage II V A ma'siiqah + ma'iiSiq beloved, sweetheart II IQ rna 'saqni fih how deeply in love I am with him! II dim. mu'aysaq 11 mu'aysaqayn little sweetheart. S. {hmr}, {htk} & {wsI}. ·{'SW}: VA ya'sii 'asiya 'a~ii!a 'asin I a'sa to be night-blind II ni'asSi k to give dinner II nat'assii at'assayt ta'asSi muta'assi + in bi ZJ 436 & 599 at'assii yat'assii AC at'asSi y-tat'asSi AL (n)ataaxi ataaxeit to dine or sup II aaxi IQ 'asii IA 'asii!i AC 'a/iisi 'asi/it VA 'asii + 'asawiit ZJ 1258, 754 & 299 'asii(t) dim. 'usayyah AL uuxaya dinner I AL aaxi quibira big dinner II (af) ayxi VA & IQ 'isii nightfall, dusk I i3ii kiin qarib al'isii close to dusk II 'asiyyah = ZJ 1733, VA 'asiyyah + iit I 'asi I'asiiyii AC 'iisiyah AL aaxie/a + it evening I IQ aii I'asiyyah this evening I min 'asiyyah IZ 3/2/1 'asiyyah in the evening II VA a'sa night-blind II naxbat xabatt xabt 'aswii to act thoughtlessly. S. {tyr}, .{'~B}: VA ni'a~~ab k to bandage II n-yat'a~~ab at'a~~ab(t) ta'a~~ub (muta'a~~ib + in Ii) to be bandaged - to side with II 'u~bah group, faction II FX '.~bah + '.~ab some kind of large sausage II V A 'a~ab + a'~iib GL 'a~abun AL aa~aba + aa~ab nerve II aacaba (I. aa~aba) VA 'a~abah kinship II 'i~iibah relationship I '. + 'a~ii'ib GL 'i~iibatun bandage I 'a~iibatu aaahabi halo (reI.) I 'i~iibatun samawiyatun heavenly halo nAS 615/4 yawmi I'a~ib my burning day (met. for death or Doomsday) II DS 'u~iib = 'a~~iib dittander (Lepidium latifolium, bot.) II GL ta'a~~ubun tribal solidarity II AL taacib strength II moa~ab + in VA mu~a"ab + in vigorous, strong. S. {wtr}. ·{'~D}: V A ni'anad k to prepare gruel II yat'a~~ad to be turned into gruel II 'a~idah + 'a~ii'id IQ 'a~idah + 'a~iiyid gruel. ·{'~R}: AC 'u~ir IQ 'a~artu VA na'~ar 'a~art 'a~r 'ii~ir 'a~~iir ma'~iir & ni'a~~ar ta'~ir k GL
'a~~ara y-'u'assiru 'u~~ira AL niaa~ar aa~art aa~ar = niazcar aaz~art aaz~ar to
press or squeeze out a ni'ii~ar mu'ii~ir + in k to be a contemporary Uyat'a~~ar at'a~~ar & yan'a~ar an'a~ar in'i~iir to be pressed or squeezed out II 'a~r + 'u~iir la'~iir epoch I IQ 'a~ar IA 'a~r AC 'a~iir AL (af) aa~ar afternoon (prayer) I ZJ 1481 fal'a~ar in the evening U VA 'u~iirah + iit juice II 'a~ir + 'u~riin IQ, ZJ 2018, AC & IA 'a~ir AL aacir (season and feast of) vintage I IH 'a~irun fresh figs I ZJ 219 & DS 'a~ir addub strawberry tree and its fruit I 'a~iri autumnal UAL aacar (I. ~) + in oil-miller II GL '.'~iirun whirlwind II 'a~~iiratu 'zzayt wassariib & ma'~aratun IH alma'~aratu AL maa~ara + maaaacir = maacir (!) dim. moay~ara + it oil or wine press I ZJ 1687 ma'~arah wine-press I V A ma'~arah + ma'ii~ir oil press. S. {'wI} II, {~~r} II, {xsb}, {rmn} I, {zyt} & {rwd}. .{'~'~}: VA 'u~'u~ coccyx. ·{'~F} I: VA ta'~af 'a~afat 'a~f GL 'a~fun to storm or rage (said of the wind) II V A 'a~fiyah + 'a~iifi jar II ri~ an 'ii~if AL rih aacil (I. aacit) stormy wind, gale. ·{'~F} II: V A 'a~f n. un. ah AL azl n. un. a gallnuts I aazla a ~arguala + aazl a ~argual cypress gall « {'f~}, q.v.). ·{'~FR}: IH al'u~faru TH 105,9 '~fiir bastard safflower II GL 'u~fiirun IQ & AC 'a~fiir VA 'a/usfur + 'asiifir bird I DS 'usfiir aSSikiil peg on ~ fetter 1 I '. ass~wk accentor (zoo.) I HC 33 'a~iifir ma~nii'ah min la~m alganam a way of preparing meat cut in small pieces of the size suitable for skewers and shaped like small birds (mutton in this case; the same could be done with spiced hashed meat) II AL azl6ra + aCOfir wagtail (zoo.) I XA ali 9 'a~fiirat addawiili the female bird on the grape-vines II DS 'u~fiiri of the colour of safflower (1). S. {xr'}, {dxn}, {r jl}, {Sbb}, {qm~} & {lsn}. ·{'~L}: MT aban 'a~liin pn. ·{'~M}: AL naacim aacemt to confirm (reI., 1) I VA na'~am 'a~amt 'i~mah 'ii~im ma'~iim k GL 'ii~imun ma'~iimun to preserve or
1 Which can damage the beast, cf. Me 'a~tiiTa "peg on the yoke of plough".
356 protect II a'ta~imu & V A nan'a~am min to be preserved or protected I na'ta~am a'ta~amt i'ti~am mu'ta~im + in to protect or preserve o.s. 0 'i~mah + 'i~am preservation, protection II OM lR 'usma immunity from sin II AL aacimi n. un. a prune, dried plum II TH 35,2-3 qaramid 'a~imiyyah IiIminqalat a kind of tile or brick (exact meaning depending on the rendering of the last word) II XA ii~i1 almu'ta~am (rh.), ET Abenar;im & Abenayr;am pns. II VA mi'~am + ma'a~im wrist I HC 220 ma'a~im (al'awlad) a sweetmeat of almonds and fanid offered to children. ·{'~W}: GL 'a~an = 'a~a'un IQ 'a~a VA 'a~ii(h) + 'u~i ZJ 1581 & 608 'a~ii(t) + IH a'~iyatun (walking) stick I AL aar;a/a + vuci (walking) stick; spear, pike I ragil bi aar;a lancer I IH 'a~ati - 'a~atuka (sr.) my - your stick I TO 270 'a~a rra'i knot-grass (Polygonum aviculare, bot.) I 315 '. hrms annual mercury (Mercurialis annua, bot.) I OS 'a~a rrum~ GL 'a~iitu rum~in pikestaff IQ al'a~a min al'u~ayya the large staff derives from the small one (roughly: a chip off the old block) I dim. AL iiur;aya + it small spear I GL 'u~ayyatun splinter I ZJ 922 'u~ayyat al'id thin rolled wafers (perhaps the same as IQ rum~ a.,.,ayf, q.v.) II AL aar;a + in (= /'a~~af) maker of lances or pikes. S. {rxw}, {swy} & {Iqy}. ·{'~Y}: GL a'~i 'i~yanun & ma'~iyatun 'ii~in = 'a~i = 'ii~iyun AC 'a~i (= /'a~if) AL naaci aaceit = aar;ait aician maacia + maaci = maaci (!) aaci + in / oor;a mooci + in to disobey; to sin; to injure or offend; to falsify I VA na'~i 'a~ayt 'i~yiin /ma'~iyah 'a~i + in / 'u~a IQ a'~i (iv.) 'a~i 'i~yan to disobey or sin I 'a~aytuh fi I disobeyed him with respect to ... II VA ni'a~~i k to cause to disobey or sin II AL bi aycien disobediently II MT abi I'a~ ET Alaz & Abolhaz pns. S. {~f /r~f}. ·{'QD}: VA na'.,ud 'a"adt 'a.,d 'ii.,id + in ma,.,iid k to protect II na'ta.,ad a'ta"adt i'ti"ad mu'ta.,id + in bi to protect o.s. II 'a.,ud upper arm + GL a'.,iidun biceps an'a~amt
In Galib, however, it is lion's tooth, Leonlodon, bot.
muscles UAL aydada + aadaid door-jamb II OS ya,.,id gum succory 1. ·{'QRT}: V A ni'a.,rat k to make roguish II yat'a"rat at'a.,rat 'a.,ratah to become a rogue 0 'a.,riiti + in rogue, scoundrel II IH 'a.,riitun hired servant. .{'QQ} & {'t;>t;>}: AL niid iidt iid to hasten (tr.) I niei4 aa4adt iei4 (I. ii4) = niaaidd aadatt aidd = niaid aadatt aid = niciidd aadadt = neiid acidatt aiid = niid aadadi iid =' niaid aadatt to press or cram I JM 4 y.'u.,., VA yu'u.,., 'a.,., 'a.,., ma'.,ii., k I 'ala to bite I ni'a/i"" 'a.,a.,t ma'.,ii., k 'ala to press or tighten II yan'a"" an'a.,., to be bitten, pressed or tightened U ZJ 101 'a.,.,ah bite I 1663 'a.,., biter II IH kalbun 'a.,.,a.,un kalbatun 'a.,.,a.,atun biting dog - bitch. ·{'QL}: VA 'a.,1 to be painful II 'a.,alah + at muscle II 'u.,iil incurable II mu'.,i1ah + at misfortune. ·{'QW}: GL 'a"'un + ':"a'un AL iiudi + aada VA 'u.,w + a'.,a limb, member I fi '. & 'u.,wi relating to members II IH 'i"atun portions. ·{'TB}: ZJ 1316 & 274 ta'~ab 'atab (m.) VA ya'tab 'atab 'a~b 'iitib & yat'aHab to be shipwrecked I ta'tab 'atabat ma'tiib + ma'iitib addabbah ZJ 48 & IA 'atab to die (of e~haustion, said of a beast) I AL naatab aatabt to become stale II niattab aattabt aatlab = niaatab aatabt aatab = aatab taatib to damage or ruin; to dull or blunt; to confound I VA ni'attab k to sink (tr.) II nalaalab alaalabl alaaiab to be damaged or blunted II aalab exhaustion I GL 'at(a)bun = ':tiibun ruin, loss II AL maalub + in exhausted. ·{'TR}: VA ya'tar 'atir 'atarah I 'itr 'a/iitir & yat'attar at'attar to smell good, to exhale fragrances II ni'attar ta'tir k to perfume or scent II 'itr IQ 'atar perfume, scent II OS 'itriyyah fragrance II AC 'itarah AL ailara =ilylara sale of perfumes and spices II IQ 'iitir perfumed II 'attar = lA, MT & AC, AL aalar + in GL 'aHar(un) seller of perfumes and spices I XA iira2 diir al'attar tavern (euph.) I IQ abn al'attar pn. S. {by.,}. ·{'TRD}: VA ni'atrad 'atradt 'atradah mu'atrid
'TS 1-'t;>M to be ingenious II 'utiirid = IQ Mercury; OS Celtic valerian II VA 'utiiridi ingenious I AL uataridi + vataridiin businessman. ·{'TS} I: GL a'tusu 'utiisun AC ya'tiis AL naator; aatozt iiutar; n. un. aadr;a + at VA na'tus 'atast 'utiis 'iitis + in 'aHiis + in & yat'aHas at'aHas to sneeze II ni'aHas ta'tis k to cause to sneeze II ET Benietos (= /bani 'anus/) geo. II OS mu'aHis & 'iid al'utiis sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica, bot.). ·{'TS} II: AL nadart tal aotar; you practised divination by immersion (of slips with written options to see which is the last one to remain afloat; < {gts}). ·{'TS}: GL a'tasu IA 'ats IH 'atsun 'itsiinu AL . naatax ~ataxt aach = aata"x - Oliach aatix + in = aatix (I) VA na'tas 'atast 'at(a)S 'iitis + in 'aUiis + in 'atsiin & yat'aHas at'aHas & al'ast biya to be thirsty II ni'auas k to make thirsty I AS 43/2/5 IimilJli haaii ssariib yu'attas one becomes thirsty for such wine II BO 6v 9 'atjan thirst II OS 'atiS thirsty II 'atsiin draper's teasel (Oipsacus fullonum, bol.). S. {'st} & {mwt}. ·{'TF}: GL '.'ta/ifu = a'tifu IJiiniyatan to return I VA na'taf 'ataft 'atf 'iitif + in ma'tiif 'ala to stop over; to pity I n. k 'ala to connect with a conjunction I XA cqi 1 a'tar biha please, give it II NQ au 5/11 ti'attar be sympathetic II VA yan'atar an'atar 'alii to be connected with a conjunction II nasta'taf isti'tiif k to ask for compassion II 'atf conjunction (gr.) I '. + a'tar & ma'tir + ma'iitif side of the body II IZ 12/5/4 'itfahii her hip I IQ 'itfayk your hips II aban 'ataf ET Ata! pn. II IQ in'itar bending II layyin alma'iitif pleasantly shaped I 161/1/2 gu~aniyy alma'atir shaped like a bough (Le., constantly swaying) II VA 'atiir + in compassionate. ·{'TL}: VA na'tal 'atall 'utiilah 'a til + in to be idle or without work II AL niaatal aatall taatil muam f muaatila + in to hinder or hamper; to seize or sequester I GL yu'atJu u'aHil(u) ta'tilun mu'attilun mU'attalun VA ni'aHal 'attall ta'til k 'an to to leave idle; to disable; to profess the la'UI (s. below) IIQ na'aHal alkiis I quit drinking II VA yat'aHal at'attal to become idle; to be denied (said of the divine attributes) II AC aawiit al'atal the spinsters II 'utalah VA
'utlah + 'utal idleness I IQ 182/4/4 laylat al:utlah a ~ight without carousal I AL iiutla recess of judiciary II PZ 193 almaniiyib wannaraqiit walxasariit wal'atiiliit legal and other expenses, losses and hindrances II IQ 'a til AC 'atil V A 'aHiil + in idle; workless II mu'attil + in adept of ta'(il, Le., denier of the divine attributes II AL moaatal idly. S. {aw(t)}. ·{'TN}: VA 'atan + a'tiin / 'utiin chest II IQ 'utnuh diinak (7) may such a bore remain far from you! S. {dwn} I & {"yq}. ·{'TW}: IQ 'atak 'atiini 'atiihii Ii 'atayt / a'tayt na'ti ya'tikum ya'tih tu'ta a'tini (iv.) 'atii / 'atiyyah mU'tiyyah (fern.) AC 'atii ya'ti(k) na'tik a'tih - a'tii (iv.) 'utl(h-k) GL a'ti = '.'ti t-ya'ti 'llaai ya'ti na'tii i'ti = '.'ti (jv.) i'Wun mu'ti mu'tii = mu'tan f mu'tiitun V A na't1 'atayt / a'tayt 'ata / i'ta / 'atiyyah mU'ti / 'ati mU'ta k to give I AL naali aatait = aaatait aati = aati to give; to grant her favours (said of a woman) I n. banur; to give one half I n. xogal to give work I IQ las na'ti an yartafad I do not allow him to stop I a'ti ya'tik allah give, so that God will give to you I IZ 2/2/1 annufiis na'tii 'alihii we would give our lives for her I CD M 4/5 tis'a a'sar almalii~a 'utihii she has been given nine tenths of all the beauty I EV 10 laali nahuar it blooms II V A nat'iita ta'atayt / at'atayt ta'iitl muta'iitl fi GL ta'iitl muta'iiti to boast II V A yan'atii an'ata to be given I AL nanaata anaatait to give oneself II VA nasta'ti isti'tii k to beg II AL aati generosity II aata & aatia + CD M 2/14 'atayii GL 'atiy(y)atun gift I 'atiyyat 'Ifa"iiyil concession of special gifts I 'azizu 'I'atiyati munificent I LO Atelia ET Ata & Atea pns. II AL aati = aati (I) + aatiin & mooti + in AC 'iitiyah (fern.) & mu't1 giver; generous I GL mu'ti 'Ikitiib legislator. S. {'mr} I, {x~m}, {r'y}, {rbw}, {stm}, {'sr}, {qdm}, {Iwz}, {Iwq} I & (ydw}. .{'I)'}: SH '."iiyah a kind of lizard. ·{'DD}: s. {'",,}. ·{'I)M}: GL ya'~.mu 'a~a/iimatun IA ya'~am VA
ya'~um 'a~um 'u~m / 'a~amah to be big I y. 'ala to be arrogant I IQ 'a~um 'alayya it was painful for me II ta'a~~am ta'~im to hold in great esteem I VA ni'a~~am ta'~im k & nu'~im a'~amt i'~iim mu'~im k GL
u'a~~imu mu'aiHlamun AL niaiidam aiidamt (a)tadim to make big II nataiidam ataiidamt to become noble I VA yat'a~~am at'a~~am ta'a~~um to become big II nasta'~am k to consider big II 'a~m + 'i~am I a'~um GL 'a~mun + 'i~amun IQ 'a~am + 'i~am AC 'a~(a)m + 'i~an AL aiidam + iidam dim. IQ 'u~aymat (pl.) AL vudayem + it bone I bile iiadam = bile iiydam boneless I nizeguel al aiidam to (de)bone I iiadam bi aiidam bone by bone I DS 'a~m tree wood (opposed to bark) I GL ru'iisu 'I'i~ami apophyses II VA 'a~mi f a~miyyah bony, osseous II GL 'u/i~mihi his greatness II AL aiidama greatness I bi a. I (ii)adama I iiadama 0) greatly II aiidim GL 'a~imun AC 'a~imatu (hr. fern.) IQ & VA 'a~im + 'i~am great, big I 'u~ama I 'i~am important people I GL 'a~imun jidda very great I IQ as fi aa min 'a~im why is there so much fuss about this? I min almawaddah 'a~im a great love II 'a~ayim great disasters II a'~am GL '.'~amu greater I AL adam menni greater than I II maiidama + maiidim (erroneous stress) ossuary II VA mu'~am majority. S. {jwh}, {~bb}, {~ss} I, {xtr}, {rx~}, {rmm}, {srsI} II, (Sy'), {'bd}, {fyI}, {ktf}, {ksr} I, {I~m}, {mrtn} {nbt}, {nhr}, {hmm} & {wen. ·{'FR}: GL 'afrun earth, dust I ZJ 1713 'afrah pn. U IQ 189/3/1 ya'fiir gazelle II HC 169 albaainjan almu'aUar basted eggplant II IH mu'afiriyyun (suggested correction ma'afiriyyun) pn. *{'FRT}: AL aiifreta deed of a giant II eefrit = iiyfrit = afrit + aiifirit giant; griffin; tiger I VA 'ifrit + 'afarit ZJ 202 'afrif malignant genius « P iif rit "creature"). ·{'F~n: FX 'af~ (m.) to press II VA 'af~ n. un. ah gallnuts I GL sajaru 'l'af~ gall oak (Quercus lusitanica, bot.) II V A 'ufii~ah bitterness II MT 'af~iin pn. or nickname II DS 'ifa~ sower's purse I AL iyfar; + cit faucet, spigot. S. ('~n. ·{'FF}: VA ni'aff 'aff - 'afart 'iUah I 'afaf & yat'affaf at'affaf ta'affuf muta'affif min to be chaste or modest I IQ at'aUaf to be honest II V A ni'affaf ta'fif k to make chaste or modest II 'aff alizar & 'afif + 'ifaf I a'iffa GL 'afifun chaste, modest I ET Affif pn. I IQ 'afif & ma'fiif honest II 'afaf honesty I GL 'afafun VA 'iffah &
'afaf chastity, modesty. S. (Sjr} & {sqq}. ·{'FN}: GL ya'fanu 'a/ifnun to rot or putrefy II mina 'I'ifni NQ db 2/5/4 bal'afan because of putrefaction II ZJ 1797 ma'fiin AC ma'fiin f ma'fiina rotten. S. {~fn}. ·{'FW} I: IQ ya'fii a'fu (jv.) GL ya'fii 'afwun VA na'fii 'afaw/yt 'afw 'af + in ma'fii 'an to forgive I IQ 'afana Uah God forbid! I IZ 2/2/4 sufi wa'ufi mawlak may your lord get we\l soon I AC qad 'ufi 'annuh he has been forgiven II V A ni'affi ta'fiyah k & ni'afi mu'afah k to guard or protect II nu'n a'fayt i'fa mu'fi mu'fa k GL mu'afa(n) to exempt or relieve II nasta'fi isti'fa min I 'an to request exemption I AL naztaiifi aztaiifeil to resign from office II AS 89/4/3 'a fa perdition II AL aiifia GL 'afiyatun we\lbeing, health I VA 'afiyah concord I ZJ 1744 & IA 'afiyah good manners I IQ atlubii lal'afiyah seek mercy I AC al'afiyah al'afiyah mercy, please I VA talib '. peaceful I NQ bz 1/0/1 abni abil'afiyah ET Alafia & Amnabilafia pns. II AL moiiafi + in healthy. S. {~fw} II. ·{'FW} \I: IH 'ufwanu I'amr (sr.) most of the thing « ('nf}). ·{'QB}: AL niiicabb aiicabbt acabb muaquib + in & taiicob V A ni'aqqab ta'qib k & yat'aqqab at'aqqab ta'aqqub muta'aqqib muta'aqqab k to revise I n. liwildi to resemble one's father II ni'aqab mu'aqabah I 'iqab k 'ala GL '.'aqibu 'iqabun I 'uqiibatun to punish II '.'qibu to give back I VA nu'qib a'qabt i'qab mu'qib mu'qab k & ni'aqqab k to follow; to leave offspring II MT 'aqab after, as a result of I fi 'aqab fibrayr at the end of February II GL 'aqbun offspring II 'aqabatun VA 'aqabah + at I 'iqab ZJ 524 'aqabah AC 'aqaba AL aiicaba + aiicaib = aacaba + aacaib slope II V A 'aqib + a'qab heel; successor II 'iqab & 'uqiibah + at ZJ 1435, AC & IQ 'uqiibah punishment I mustawjib al'uqiibah deserving punishment II GL 'aqibun + 'I'a'qab successor II 'uqabun V A 'uqab + 'jqban eagle I ZJ 1199 & AC 'uqab AL uucab + eiqben I eyl qlbin (I. eyqbin) = vucab (fishing) eagle; large kind of eagle I uucab aqMl + eiqben coMl black eagle I fark: al uucab + firak: eaglet I IQ 'uqab watchdog; mounting for well accessories II AL uucabi + in aquiline I IB
'QO-'QR I 83 & 122 almaniiqis al'uqiibiyyah weedhooks (sickle-shaped) IIIZ 15/5/4 n 'aqib 'aqibu for ever II AL aquiba (erroneous stress) + aguaquib GL 'iiqibatun V A 'iiqibah + 'awiiqib IQ & AC 'awiiqib (pI.) consequence, outcome I 'iiqibah endeavour II AS 31/2/5 'uqba ddarak liability for claims against the purchaser of a property IIIQ & VA ya'qiib LO JlYacob = Jacop. Jacobet AL Yaacob ET Abinjachop pns. S. {btx}, {J!wm}, {~jr}, bIb}, {rjl}, {Sgw} & {wtr}. ·{'QD}: VA na'qad 'aqad(t) 'aqd 'iiqid + in ma'qiid k to tie; to coagulate or curdle; to become formed (fruit) I GL a'qidu = '.'qidu IQ 'aqad a'qad (iv.) to tie or knot I AL naaquedlt aaquett = aaquetldt aaquet to tie or knot; to provide a loom with leashes; to stick or adhere; to weld with lead I nebdi naaqued to hatch (egg) I VA n. rna' 'ala to agree or covenant IIQ 'aqada Uahu riiyata nna~ri (hr.) may God attach (to the flagstaff) the banner of victory I 'aqadtu ~ul~i ma' I made peace with I ya'qad & yan'aqad it bears fruit I SH 'aqad & in'aqad to dry and harden (said of plaster) I IQ tu'qad it is drawn up II IZ 11/6/4 yu'qiduh sukkar he covers it with solid sugar II ZJ 2043 yi'aqqad to kern or seed I VA ni'aqqad k to knot II yat'aqqad at'aqqad ta'aqqud to be knotted I AL nataaqued ataaquadt to coagulate or curdle I ataaquett to knot (said of plants) I SH ta'aqqad to dry up (said of cheese) II MT an'aqad mun'aqad to be agreed upon I VA yan'aqad an'aqad to be curdled or tied II na'taqad a'taqadt i'tiqiid mu'taqid mu'taqad k IQ ya'taqad i'tiqiid to believe I naataquid aataqu{m = aatacatt aataquid to believe; to contemplate I AC Iii ta'taqida do not believe it I IQ na'taqad lak min almawadda 'a~im I harbour a great love for you II AL alaaqd = aaqlcd + iiucud = vacud agreement; deed or written record I VA 'aqd + 'uqiid covenant; agreement I FJ 'aqd first row of bricks (in a wall) I XA il3
'aqd aIm protecting the queen with a bishop (in chess) I IQ 'aqd allijiim a knot tied in the reins (apparently used as as whip) I 152/2/1 'iqad V A 'iqd + 'uqiid necklace II AC 'uqda VA 'uqdah + 'uqad + IQ 'uqa/iid knot I 'uqad knuckles I OS 'uqdah + 'uqad fruit when first formed I AS 6/3/2 ~iirat al'uqiid gesture during prayer consisting in placing the hand on the thighs and forming with the fingers the number 58 1 1 GL 'uqdatun knot; group I AL iiuqde = uade (I. uaqde) + aiiqued + iiuquedlt = auduet (I) knot I knuckle; node (bot.); sprout or bud I bile iiuqde without knots I iiuqde mita cacaba + iiuqued node of a reed I AC 'uqdeti alinticebi ties of kinship (hr.) I IQ 138/5/2 raddani n 'uqdat attis'in he put me in a fix2 I GL 'uqdatu sittati '.Jiir legion I 'uqdatu 'zzaytiin VA '. min zaytiin olive-grove II 'aqid = IA curd of milk I AL aaquid coagulation; thickness II yeticad & V A 'aqidah + 'aqii'id belief; faith II 'aqqiid + in notary II SH i'tiqiid consideration, esteem II AL maacud + in frozen nmuaqued + in IA mu'aqqad having knots I FX & HC 97 mu'(aq)qad asukkar - al'asal two kinds of caramel I TH 90,4 xubzatun mudallasatu Imu'aqqad a loaf of adulterated dough II GL mun'aqidun coagulated. S. {b~r}, {bnd} I, {~bs}, {rhn}, {'b'}, {'rq}, {~hr}, {rrz} II, {kJ!r}, {nk~} & {wrq}. ·{'QR} I: IQ 'uqir 'aqr AC 'aqar(ak) 'aqarat ya'qaruh AL naacar aacart maacor V A na'qar 'aqart 'aqr 'iiqir + in 'aqqiir + in ma'qiir k to kill I IW I 588,7-8 yu'qar ... 'uqiir kaJ!irah it is slashed many times I 589,1 'aqr slashing II VA yan'aqar an'aqar AC yan'aqar to be killed II AL eicar barrenness I rahan al aycar + arhun a. a. mortgage on landed property I VA 'aqiir real estate II 'uqiir = IQ (fern.) wine II VA 'iiqir + 'awiiqir AL aaquir f a = aaquira (!) + (a)aguaquir barren, sterile I OS 'iiqir sam'ii bugloss (Anchusa officina lis, bot.) II
On this. see Ch. Pellat. TUles arabes ,.Ialils d la daelylonomie ehez los arab .., Paris 1977, p. 46.
2 A metaphor based upon /fisab al'aqd, i.e .• traditional finger-reckoning, in which that figure is represented by closing the index as much as possible (s. Ch. Pellat, op. Cil., p. 60).
AL aacar killer II OS a'qar more destructive. S. {'sw} & {qws}. ·{'QR} II: VA 'iqqir + 'aqliqir spice « Ar 'iqqar[a] 'root") I AL aquir carha TO 237 'liqarqarl]li pellitory of Spain (Anacyclus pyrethrum, bot., apparently understood often as "sore-killer" by folk-etymology, from S 'eqqar qar1!a "pea root"). ·{'QRB}: GL 'aqrabun ZJ 213 & AC 'aqrab VA 'aqrab + 'aqlirib IQ 'aqlirib (pl.) scorpion I AL acrab =aacrab scorpion; Scorpio (ast.) I GL 'l'aqrabu Scorpio I GM 38 'aqrab almli' Nile silure (Malapterurus electricus, bot.) I OS 'aqlirib coldest days of the winter coinciding with every new moon II 'uqayribah leopard's bane (Ooronicum scorpioides, bot.) II 'uqrublin AL oocorbin n. un. e hart's tongue fern (Scolopendrium vulgare, bot.) II OS mu'aqrab melilot (Melilotus officinalis, bot.). S. {l]sS} I, {anb} & {swk}. ·{'QRYN}: s. {'qrynl .{'Q~}: VA 'iq~ah + 'iqa~ lock or plait of hair. S. {'ks} II. .{'Q'Q}: GL 'aq'aqatun V A 'iq'liq n. un. ah + 'aqli'iq AL ycaaq n. un. ycaac/qua magpie. S. {rjO. ·{'QF}: VA ni'aqqaf ta'qU k to bend or crook II yat'aqqaf at'aqqaf ta'aqquf & yan'aqat an'aqaf in'iqlif mun'aqif to be bent or crooked . • {'QQ}: VA nu'uqq 'aqaqt 'aqq / 'uqiiq 'liqq + in ma'qiiq alwlilidayn to be disobedient or disrespectful towards one's parents II GL 'aqiqun '.~faru yellow agate I 'aqiqun '.I]maru IQ 'aqiq carnelian II HC 82 alxardal ... al'aqiqi a kind of mustard II IQ 'aqiqah feast on the occasion of the shaving of the child's first hair on the seventh day after his birth II 'uqiiq disobedience. S. {xlq} I. ·{'QL}: IA ya'qal to be reasonable I VA na'qal 'aqaJt 'aq(a)1 'liqil + in / 'uqalli / 'uqqlil / 'aqlli ma'qiil k & yat'aqqal at'aqqal ta'aqqul muta'aqqil muta'aqqal k to understand I na'qal 'aqaJt 'aql 'liqil + in ma'qiil k to hobble or shackle I AS 85/4/5
lam na'qalni I have not understood myself IIQ a'qal (pf.) to tie or bind a VA ni'aqqal ta'qil k to cause to understand II nu'qil a'qalt k to delay or hold back II yan'aqal an'aqal in'iqlil to be understood U na'taqal i'tiqlil to be delayed or held back II 'aql + 'uqiiJ = AC, IQ 'aqal + 'uqiiJ GL 'aqlun AL aql = aaqual = aacal (!) + ocM = vucul reason; mind; intelligence I bi aaquel wisely I quillat aaqual senselessness I bi q. aacal foolishly I IQ 'an 'aqluh qad xaraj he is out of his mind I GL 4a'Uu 'I'aql fool D'aqliyun AL aaeli + in VA 'aqli mental II IQ 'uqlah GL 'uqlatun hindrance, obstacle I VA 'uqlah delay; hindrance II 'iqlil + lit shackle, tether II VC 3/11 'iqlil 0. 'uqqlil) contortion or writhe in the legs of a beast causing limping I AL oocal cramp; numbness II aaquil = aaquil + V(u)qual / liuqaLQ AC 'a/liqil + 'uqalli GL 'liqilatun (fern.) IQ 'liqil sensible, intelligent, judicious Uma'qal fortress UAS 6/5/2 lahu ma'qiil he has intelligence. S. {l]qI} II, {xff}, {ahO, {znx}, {tl]n} & {wq'}. ·{'QM}: V A 'uqm & 'uqiimah barrenness, sterility U'uqlim incurable II 'aqim + in ZJ 384 'aqim GL 'aqimun AL t aaquima = aaquima + aaquimit / aaquim (!) barren, sterile. ·{'KB}: OS 'akkiib St. Mary's thistle 1 (Silybum marian urn, bot.). ·{'KR}: AL niaacar aacart to mix colours I V A ni'akkar ta'kir k to render foul or turbid; to trouble Uyat'akkar at'akkar to become turbid Uni'akrak 'akrakah k to make lazy U y-nat'akrak at'akrak(t) to become lazy or tardy U'ukklir + 'aklikir LZ 'uklirun ZJ 272 & OS 'ukklir AL liuquar dregs, lees I IH 'ukkliru zzayti oil dregs I GL '.kruhu its dregs I IQ jalas minnuh 'ukkliruh its lees have settled down II 'akkar GL 'akar kermes dye II 'akkariyun crimson II ZJ 1650 & IA 'akrak lazy II V A mu'akkar al'ayn having unclear eyes. ·{'KRS}: V A ni'akras k to rush off (tr.) II yat'akras at'akras to rush off (itr.) II 'ikris + 'akliris speedy2 I TO 279 'ikris couch
In Cllib. however. it is Gundelia tourneforlii. bot.
2 This root may be of South Arabian stock, as Mh has 'dko, "to run as fast as possible",
'KRM-'LQ grass (Agropyrum repens, bot.) II UT 369 'ikrisah fresh water algre. *{'KRM}: LZ 'akaramah IH 'akramatun (suggested correction 'ikrimatun) pn. *{'KZ/S}: VA 'ukkaz/s + 'akakis & 'akkasah + at IQ 'ukkas GL 'ukkasun ZJ 997 'ukkaz AL iiuquiC + aaquiquiC = ulauquiquic (!) walking-stick; staff II dim. vuqueiquec + it small staff. *{'KS} I: VA na'kus 'akast oaks 'akis ma'kiis k to reflect; to reverse II GL u'akkisu V A ni'akkas ta'kis k to reflect; to reverse; to delay I n. alqa4iyyah wahi tan'akas to convert a proposition (phil.) II yat'akkas at'akkas to be delayed, reversed or reflected " yan'akas an'akas to be reversed or reflected " AL aaqz revers(ion) I aqc against I aqca Nacara against the Christians I aqc a zibiba against the natural direction of the hair, against the grain I bal aaquec on the contrary I VA wabal'aks and vice versa II AL muaquic + in contradictor. S. {rqb}. *{'KS} II: IH 'uksah plait of a woman's hair « {'q~}, q.v.). *{'KF}: VA na'kuf 'akaft 'ukiif 'akif ma'kiif 'ala & nan'akaf an'akaft in'ikaf mun'akif 'ala & na'takaf a'takaft i'tikaf mu'takif 'ala to devote or apply o.s. assiduously II AS 99/2/2 mu'takaf fi jami' azhar a frequenter of the Mosque of Al'azhar. *{'KK}: AS 42*/3/4 'akkah Acre (geo.). *{'KM}: GL 'ikmun sack. *{'KN}: OS 'uknah meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale, bot.) " IQ 'ukkan + CO L 1/26 'akakin bosom, breast I VA 'ukkan + at 1 'akakin fold of fat" mu'akkan having folds of fat. *{'KY}: V A ni'akki 'akkayt ta'kiyah mu'akki in fi to scoff or mock « A 'akka "to hold back payment"). *{'LB}: OS 'ulb n. un. ah Christ's thorn (Zizyphus spina Christi, bot.). *{'LI>}: OS 'all> gum succory (Chondrilla juncea, bot.). *{'LJ}: GL '.'aliju yu'aliju 'i1ajun AL nia( a)lach =nialOch adiaxt = aalOxlcht aalOch aylleg to cure I IQ ta'alaj you try I VA ni'alaj mu'alajah k to treat or take care of; to be dying" yat'alaj at'alaj to be treated or taken care of " 'iIj + 'uliij f 'iIjah + at captive I AL ailch + iiuluch renegade I IQ
'ilj + 'uliij Christian; Christian slave " 'ilaj
= AC, V A 'ilaj + at treatment; care " ZJ 1653 'alliijah pn. UV A & TH 43,1 mu'alij
greengrocer I GL mu'alijun trying hard. S. {dbr} II. *{'LJM}: GL 'uljumun kingfisher (but s. GL 123 concerning the dubious accuracy of this rendering). *{'LJN}: OS 'uljiin male frog. S. {glen}. *{'LS}: FJ 'alas spelt-wheat. *{'LF}: AL naalet aalett maalut f a + in IQ & ZJ 1171 ma'liif to fatten (animals) I VA na'iaf 'alaft 1 a'iaft 'alif ma'liif to fodder " yan'alaf an'alaf & ya'talaf a'talar i'tilaf mu'talif to eat fodder" ZJ 2006 'ulfah rations of food and fodder allocated to certain high officials" VA 'alaf & 'uliifah + at GL 'alafun IQ 'alar AL aalet fodder I narqui al a. to give fodder I dudalet al vlut(e) + dud AC diidat al'uliifah a worm plaguing fodder I 'uliifah ration II VA 'allafah + 'alalif sickle" AL maaleta + maalit (erroneous stress) nose-bag. *{'LQ}: GL a'luqu to conceive" u'alliqu mu'allaqun AC mu'allaq f mu'allaqah to hang I AL niadilOleq = niaallaq aallOleqt = aallaqt taaliq mualaq + uin to hang (on gallows or otherwise); to stick or adhere I MT tabi' alqabilduh mu'allaq the seal of the cathedral chapter is attached I IQ 160/2/4 'allaq(uh) to hang (grapes) for preservation I yu'allaq mu'allaq f ah VA ni'allaq k to hang or suspend II nat'allaq at'alIaqt ta'alluq muta'alliq bi 1 min IQ at'alIaqat bi GL ta'alIuqun muta'alliqun AC tat'allaq AL motaalaq + uin to hang or be suspended, to dangle I yataaleq tulin Soand-so gets stuck " VA 'i1q + a'iaq precious thing" 'alaq n. un. ah embryo" MT 'ulqah & 'ulqat yamin + 'ulaq previous oath invalidating a deal " V A 'ala/aq n. un. ah + at GL 'alaqatun AC 'alaqa(t) AL adiaq n. un. aalOca leech" AS 34/4/2 'alaqah + 2/2 'alayiq man's earthly attachments (mys.) I AL aylaqua + aalOyque a hanging bunch of grapes; any hanging or dangling thing" iiullayq n. un. ua GL 'ullayqun IQ 'ullayq VA 'ullayq n. un. ah blackberry (Rubus fruticosus, bot.) I AL tut al avlayq n. un. tuta (I. tutat) al ii/Oiq blackberry I TO 137 'ullayq alkalb dog rose (Rosa canina, bot.) " VA ta'liqah +
ta'aliq bag, sack U ma'laqah + ma'aliq AL gayda min vullaq place full of brambles II OS ma'aliq tendrils II AL mutaiiliq + uin sticky. S. {jbd}, {~ss} I, {xn} & {ha'}. ·{'LQM}: VA ni'alqam 'alqamt 'alqamah k to embitter Uyat'alqam at'alqam ta'alqum to become embittered II 'alqam n. un. ah + 'alaqim OS 'alqam squirting cucumber 1 (Ecballium elaterium, bot.) II ET Alkama & MT 'alqamiin pns. ·{'LK}: V A 'ilk AL aiiilq bird-lime I OS 'ilk riimi / arriim mastic I '. nabati / anbat' / al'anbat resin from the pistachio-tree I UT 570 '. al'ajam spindle-wort (Atractylis gummifera, bot.) I '. albarbar resin II ID 'bh 4 & kbl 2 'Iyk sticky DFX mu'allak a dish of lamb seasoned with cheese; another name for bizin, q.v.; HC 188 spiced stew of lamb. S. {sjr} & {swk}. ·{'LL}: IQ ta'allal you justify I V A ni'allal ta'm k to explain II nu'i11 a'ialt i'lal mu'i11 mu'all k to make ill II yat'allal at'allal muta'allil to be explained II LZ & IH yata'alalu to feign sickness II V A yan'all an'all & na'tall a'talalt to get ill II AS 44/1/1 as qalli wa~id 'allahu what did someone tell me by chance? II V A 'illah + at / 'i1al cause; illness I AC 'illah/t GL 'iIlat(un) disease; contagion I IQ 'illah + 'i1al illness; fauIt; cause; excuse I 'illat qata' lack of money I AC 'illat an lawila long illness UV A 'illiyyah + 'alali upperroom II 'iIIiyyin the seventh and highest heaven (according to Islamic eschatology) II 'alii + in IA & IQ 'alii ill II 'ulalah little comfort or pleasure; OS a kind of polypody (bot.) I V A 'ulalah + at small amount II 'allalah + lit IH al'allalah IQ 'allal large flask (for wine) II V A mi'lal + in sickly. S. {xnzr}, {sll} II, {syJ}, {t~J} & {mr'.J}. ·{'LM}: IQ t-ya'iam yu'lam ma'liim GL 'alima 'alimtuhu a'ia/imu ya'limu 'llaili ya'iamu ma'liimun f ma'liimatun AC ya'iam me'lumun (hr.) AL naiitem aiitemt maiilum I maiilim (I) + in to know II ni( a)iitem = ni(a)iiltem aiil(l)emt aiiltem aiitemt aiitem =
iiatem taiilim mua(ii)lem = muaiitem + in to teach; to inform; to mark; to sign I IQ 'allamak GL 'allama '(u)'allimu = u'al.m yu'allimu ta'limun mu'allimun mu'allamun AC 'allamak 'allamnih yi'allam(ak) ta'lim n. un. ta'lima to teach I la ti'allam bita'limak do not give (your sons) the same education you got I XA lill 'ullimtu rami I was taught shooting I VA ni'allam k - 'ala to teach - to mark II nu'lim a'iamt i'lam mu'lim mu'lam k GL ','limu ya'l.mu mu'limun to inform or apprise II y-'ata'aHam ta'allumun IQ at'allamat tat'allam at'allam (iv.) min AC yat'allam AL nataiitem ataiitemt to learn I V A n-yat'allam at'aHam(t) ta'aHum muta'allim (k) to be marked - to learn II 'i1m + 'uliim & ma'iam GL 'i1mun + 'I'uliim IQ 'i1mO) + 'uliim AC 'i1m AL iiylm = i(i)lm = aiilm + vulum science I bi iiylm I iilm with knowledge or prudence I quillat ailm ignorance I gairi iiilm unawareness I bite iiilm & bigairi iiilm inadvertently IIQ rna fi 'ilmi what I know I (kama) fi/bi'ilmak & 'ala 'ilmak as you know I bi'ilm ahl al'uqiil as intelligent people know II V A 'alam + a'iam mountain; pn. I AS 15/3/6 a'iam marks; IQ stars by which travellers know their way II 'ala/am IH 'alamun frog and braid trimming (> Cs alamar) I IQ 'alam + at / a'iam V A 'alam + at AL aiilim + it banner II aiitema + et mark; sign; signature; coat of arms I V A 'alamah + at GL 'alamatun mark; sign I 'alamatu 'Imawt deadly symptoms I BO 9v 'alamatu wwssila~u alna~rani sign and weapon of the Christian I IQ fassafar 'alamah signs of having travelled I AL bi iiaUma conspicuously I narqui aiitema to sign II aiitem (erroneous stress) + avelim V A 'alam + in / 'awalim world I ZJ 1432 al'alamin the universe I IQ 'alam people I GT 47,13 h'la' 'I'al.m these people I GL 'alamun world; eternity Imina 'I'alam since the beginning of ages II 'alimun & 'alimun + 'ulama'un IQ 'alim VA 'alim +
Dozy's data allow the inexact rendering "cucumber" in VA to be understood as pan of an originally longer expression such as "wild cucumber" or "donkey's cucumber". which are frequently used in several languages.
'LN-'LW 'ulamii & 'alliimah AL aaUm = aalim (!) + aleme = vuleme wise man, scholar I gair aalim + gair vuleme ignorant I aalim gairi fehim + v. g. in bad lawyer I OS al'iilim wal!}imiir orpiment (min.) I GL 'iilimun bilkitiibi cognizant of the law II bitta'allumi by learning I !}asanu 'Ua'allum well learned II XA am2 mu'allam owner; master I AC mu'allam teacher, master I AL maalem + in teacher; rabbi; master I muallem + in rabbi II maalema + in woman mastering a trade II maalalemia + it mastership; something belonging to the masters II VA mu'allim + in IQ mu'allam teacher II mu'lam attarafayn minted on both sides II IA niut/t'allam + muta'allimln apprentice; disciple I V A muta'aIIim + in AL mutaalem mutaalem + in disciple I motatllem + in table-companion I xei mital mutaalem = axilt m. mutaalemin something belonging to table-companions. S. {'br} I, {btt} II, {jrb}, {jmhr}, {!}sM, {!}yw}, {xbll}, {sbq}, {smy}, {stt}, {syg(!H, {~bw}, {~nm}, {W}, {t w'}, {'dd} I, {gjO, Wk}, }: VA ni'awwaeJ ta'wieJ k 'awwiieJ + in k bi & ni'iiwaeJ mU'iiwaeJah k to substitute or compensate I MT 'iiwaeJ mU'iiwaeJah + iit mu'iiwieJayn & ta'iiwaeJ muta'iiwieJayn
1 ApparenLly a nisbah of Champa, in Kashmir, of which ,arr is corrupted here.
ma' to exchange I VA nat'iiwa4u at'iiwa4na ta'awwu4 mutii'iiwi4 bi to take as compensation a 'iwa4 compensation I IQ 'iwa4 & 'aw4 substitute I 'iwa4 (min) & Ii 'aw4 NQ mg 7/2/2 Ii 'iwa4 MT 'aw4an wabadalan 'an instead of I 'iwii4ub instead of it I AL aiiud by comparison I audidi = auddidi & guada (I. iiguada) 6k,ora one thing for another; we are now even (s. AL 143) I LO Ayedlt = Ayad ET Ay/id, Ayet & Abenayet pns. II MT '.yii4iyyah a kind of gold coin. ·{'WF}: OS 'wryii pellitory II V A 'iyiifah ornithomancy. S. bjd I & {'yf}. ·{'WQ}: VA nu'iiq 'uqt 'awq 'ii'iq + in ma'iiq k min / 'an to prevent or hinder I AC yi'iq Iil}asbuh he does credit to his ancestry I ti'iq litabi'at she does credit to the nature of I la yi'iq ... walii yu'aq mannu it does not protect nor is anybody kept off it. ·{'WL}: GL a'iilu 'awilun to moan I VA nu'iil 'ult 'awl 'ii'i1 + in ma'iil 'ala to sustain or provide II ni'awwal ta'wil 'ala IQ 'awwal(tu) ta'awwal ta'wil 'ala to rely; to intend I 'al(a) as ta'awwal what is your choice? I ZJ 906 'awwal Ii 'ala to use as the main ingredient of a product II IA & VA 'awwal perhaps II ni'ayyal ta'yil k to marry II nu'wll a'walt i'wiil mu'wll to moan I yat'ayyal at'ayyal to get married II 'aylah + iit / 'iyiil / a'ii'i1 family I AC 'iyiil offspring I AL iiavle victuals, food II iyel + it harnessed beast Rmaiiguel + maaiguil GL ma'walun VA ma'wal + ma'iiwll stonecutter's hammer. ·{'WM}: IQ n-tu'iim GL a'iimu VA nu'iim 'umt 'awm 'ii'im + in 'awwiim + in AC ya'um 'iim (iv.) AL nium = nuuum V(u)mt vm = uum aavm to swim II niaguam aguamt = niaaguan aaguant (!) to launch (ships) I VA ni'awwam ta'wim k to cause to swim; to float I yat'awwam at'awwam to float II GL 'awm raft, float II AC 'iim AL aam 11 aamay + aaguem IQ & VA 'lim + a'wlim year I min " AL min aam yearling I GL min 'iim lIa 'iimin from one year to another I xamsatu a'wlimin five years I AS 56/6/3 Ii siin 'iimaqlibil leave it for next year (upon refusing a demand) I VA kulli " every year I muddah min 'iimayn biennium I min 'iimayn AL min aamai twoyear old I xei min aam + axiit m. a. one-
year old I dil aam ZJ 203 & IQ aii I'iim this year II 'amawwal = ZJ 203, AL aameguil last year I IQ min 'amawwal since last year I AL aguil a. two years ago II aaguam + in VA & IA & AC 'awwlim swimmer II AS 92/3/4 'iiyim Ii bal}r algay plunged into the sea of perdition II AL mavdaa al aavm swimming place. S. {brh}, {I}rr}, {xnzr}, {rb'}, {q4y}, {kbs}, {kU} I, {mtr}, {mhr} & {n~~} II. ·{'WN} I: AL niaaguan = naaguan aaguant = aaguant moaaguan + in muaaguin + muaiiguenin VA ni'iiwan mu'liwanah k nu/i'in a'ant / 'int i'linah mu'in mu'iin k IQ yi'inak 'inuh (iv.) mu'in GL a'inu yu'inbu 'in (Iv.) 'awnun / ma'iinatun mu'iiwinin & mu'inun AC yi'awwanuh to help I ti'awwanuh fihii you help him with it I a'iinani albiiri (hr.) God help me I IZ 15/7/1 aliliih yi'inub God help him II VA yat'iiwan at'iiwan ta'iiwun ma' bi to help o.a. 0 nasta'in asta'ant isti'iinah musta'in + in bi AL muztaiiin + in to seek help; to resort I BU 32,3 bib alisti'iin help can be hoped for from him Baaun = aun VA 'awn & ma'iinah help I 'awn + a'wlin AL aaun + aaguin (armed) attendant, bailiff I IQ kun n 'awni help me I tukiin n 'awnuh you help him I a'wiin hawiih the abetters of his love II aana + it ZJ 1175 'iinah AL 'anii = 'iioah GL 'iioatuo VA 'iinah + lit pubes II 'awiio endless (war) II AL Muaguetna (I. Muaguenatna) our help II IZ 9/4/1 almusta'in ET Almuzaen pn. ·{'WN} II: JM 27 m.'wan stone-cutter's hammer « ma'wal, q.v.). ·{'WH}: GL 'iibatuo blemish, fault I VA 'lihah + iit blight I ID tnn 2 'iihiit sea-monsters. ·{'WY}: IQ ya'wi AL naavi = naagui aaveit = aagueit aagui aavi (m.) VA na'wi 'awli 'awi / 'awiyy 'iiwi f 'iiwiyah & yat'awwii at'awwii to howl II oi'awwi k to cause to howl II LO Maahuya = Meahuyalo ET Moabia =Maauia pn. ·{'YB}: GL '(u)'ayyibu yu'ay(yi)bu mu'ayyibuo VA oi'ayyab ta'yib k AL niaayeb aayebt = aayebt to find fault II IQ 187/1/1 ta'iiyub mutual blame DVA 'ayb + 'uyiib 11 ZJ 1665 'aybayn GL 'aybuo IQ & IA 'ayb AC 'uyiib (pI.) AL aaib = aaib + vuyub = vuyub fault; blemish I aib outrageous nickname I bi aib faulty I naamel ayb I aaib AC ya'mal
al'ayb to do wrong I GL bila 'aybin (wala sakiyatin) without fault (and excuse) I 'uyiibun min jami' 'I'asya faults common to everything I 'aybatun + 'iyabun quiver; saddlebag II IA ma'yiib & IH mu'abun faulty D AL maayub + in cripple. S. {qwl}. ·{'YBQR}: OS 'aybaqar = 'ayn albaqar, q.v. ·{'YR} I: ZJ 782, 2020 & 186 y-ti'ayyar & mu'ayarah AC 'ayyarat ti'ayyar fi GL '.'ayyiru mu'ayyirun to insult I VA ni'ayyar ta'ylr k to insult or upbraid; to gauge I AC 'ayyar gauge (iv.) I IQ 'ayyariinl balxuR}: ID pwl,l 3 & sl,lr 2 g.llarah AL gua~ara soot I bi guacara (I. gucara in both cases) sooty. *{GI>W}: OS aglla to cause nausea II gaily & gallayan nausea 0 GL gilla'un alluvion. *{GJF}: EG 8 'Igjar a nickname (cf. {gnjr}). *{GDD}: VA yatgaddad atgaddad tagaddud 'ala to behave impudently II gadlidah impudence B mugaddad ... in impudent. *{GDJ}: AL guedeja long lock of hair (late borrowing from Cs). *{GDR} I: VA nagdur gadart gadr gadir ... in gaddar ... in magdiir k to betray II nigaddar tagdir k to flood; to stain with ink I IQ yugaddar he is betrayed II VA mugadarah (m.) leaving 0 yatgaddar to be flooded II yangadar angadar to be betrayed II AL gadar = gadar treason II gadir ... agd61ur pond, lagoon; backwater I GL gadirun IQ, ZJ 619 & IA gadir AC gad/Ilir VA gadir ... gudur / gudran pond, lagoon II gaddarah ... at / gadadir ink stain II gaddar ... in IQ gad dar AL gad( d)Qr ... in traitor II IA gudrlin deception 0 FX mugaddarah small buns. S. {xdm}. *{GDR} II: V A nugdir agdart igdar k AL nagdir agdart maqdur (I. g) to stun; to palsy U nangadar an gad art VA yangadar angadar to be palsied II gudran palsy II magdiir ... in / magadir palsied « {xdr}). S. {xdl). *{GDW}: IQ nagdii V A yagdii gada gadi ... in yagtadi agtada igtida mugtadi ... in to get up early in the morning I AS 26/2/1 gada lIyya ma'na I acquired a concept (mys.) II,VA nigaddi mugaddi k to give lunch n natgadda atgaddayt = tagaddayt mutagaddi ... in ZJ 599 yatgadda AC yatgaddi AL nadgadi adgadeit to have lunch II gadi ZJ 1018, 715 & 1492 agda & gadli/i IA gadi AC ga/adi VA gadan IQ gada tomorrow I nawaxxar IIgada I put off until tomorrow I AC xalla sugl alyam IIgadi he put off today's work until tomorrow I ZJ 1492 min ahna ligadi between today and tomorrow I GL ba'da gadin AL baada I bade gadi the day after tomorrow II gadi IA & AC gadi IQ gada VA gada(h) ... gadawat lunch I ZJ 1377 gadah his lunch II VA gudwah ... at AC gudwa morning I IZ 3/1/1 gudwah in the
morning I NQ mg 11/4/3 min gudwah lallayl from the morning to the night I IQ laa kan gudwah when morning comes I min gudwat al'id the morning after the feast I (baI)gudwah & balgudii ZJ 61 balgudii in the morning I IQ ~abal,l algudii dawn UVA mugaddi he who has lunched. *{GDR}: VA giaar ... agairah porringer. S. {gllr}. *{GDQ}: AC guaqu Gozco (geo.). *{GDL}: IA gudillah small gland or glandular tumour « A guddah ... the R dim. suffix). *{GDN}: VA nigawaan gawaanah k to filch or steal Uyatgawaan atgawaan to be filched or stolen « R, cf. Cs guadaiia "scythe" < Gt *waithanjan "to scythe" < *waitho "meadow"). *{GDW}: VA nigaaai k to nourish II yatgaaaa atgaaaa tagaaai mutagaaai bi to be nourished 0 AL guidi AC gaai GL giaa'un IQ giaa VA giaa ... agaiyah & mugaah ... at food Il,labs /I,lir~ algida diet. *{GDYL}: TO 271 giiayalah Solomon's seal (Polygonatum officina Ie, bot., not to confused with unid. gwaywlh in UT 106). *{GRB}: GL agrubu guriibun / magribun VA yagrub garub guriib garib to set (star) II nigarrab tag rib k AL nigarrab garrabt to exile; to cause to set out I IQ garrab to go West U VA nugrib agrabt igrab mugrib n / bi to do s.th. strange or extraordinary II yatgarrab atgarrab tagarrub GL tagarraba (y)atagarrabu AL natgarrab atgarrabt to emigrate or become an exile II V A nastagrab k / min to consider strange U IA & AC garb West I AL garb(e) West; Algarve (geo.) II garbi ... in Western I g . ... garabi IQ ril,lan garbi IH algarbiyyatu GL 'rril,l(u) 'Igarbiyyat(u) West wind I SH allisan algarbi the Berber language II GL igtirabun & gurbatun IQ gurbah AC gurbah = gurba AL g6rba being a stranger or an exile II VH garab abscess in the lachrymal caruncle IliA & AC gurab GL gurabun raven I AL gorab ... guirbin IQ & VA gurab ... girban raven, crow; galley I g. albayn ... girban alb. grey or hooded crow I ET Aben Gorab pn. I AC gorab al bahar ... guirbin a. b. cormorant II garib ... in GL garibun IQ garib f ah IA & VA garib ... guraba strange(r) I AL dar al gorabQ poor-house 0 IQ garayib wonders II VA garib ... gawarib withers I MT garib
upper part of a walI; garret ('}) II IQ agrab w.a'agrab more and more wonderful I 150/2/1 mli agrabuh how strange! II UT 612 g.rbib a kind of black grape also called lannlit II VA magrabi Western. S. {jbn}, {xbz}, {rjO, {syf}, {syb}, {~f/r~f}, {~y~}, {frs}, {q~w} & {hnd}. ·{GRBL} I: GL ugarbilu IQ & ZJ 1063 mugarbal AL niguarbel guarbelt (I. nigarbel garbelt) tagarbul n. un. a V A nigarbal garbalah k to sift II yatgarbal atgarbal tagarbul to be sifted II girblil + garlibil GL girblilun IQ & ZJ 1295 girblil AC girbil AL guirbil + garibil sieve I g. min deil + garibil m. d. hair-sieve II TH 152,5 & LZ garbiil VA garblil + in / ah sifter I JS garblil maker of sieves. S. {S'd, {sqq}, {tqtq} & {'yn}. ·{GRBL} II: VA garblil goshawk (prob. suffix metana lysis and substitution by the R dim. suffix in A girblb "jet black", since this bird was also known as ~anaki, q.v.). ·{GRD}: IQ tagarrad tagrid V A yigarrad garrad tagrid mugarrid AL nigarrad = nigarret garrett taguarid (I. tag rid) mugarrid + in to warble or twitter I nigarrat garratt to croak (said of frogs). ·{GRDMZ}: ZJ 1724 gardumiiz pn. (cf. SG gurdumlin). ·{GRR} I: AC garrak yigurrak yigurriik GL agurru guriirun IQ y-tugurrak V A nugurr garart guriir / garar glirr magriir k bi to deceive or delude I AC garratu alamlini his own wishes deluded him II AL nigarrar garrart mugarrar VA nigarrar tagrir k to endanger I n. birii~i to risk one's life II yangarr angarr & nagtarr agtart igtirlir mugtarr to be deluded or seduced II MT garr swindle II V A girr & garir + in young; inexperienced II IZ 3/4/2 & IQ gurrah new moon I gurrat assams rising sun I gurrat alfal,!liyil excelIence of merits I algurrah algarrli gleaming forehead I VA gurrah + gurar blaze upon the forehead of a horse II guriir & garar ZJ 1840 garar AL garar danger I bi garar dangerously II IQ guriir conceitedness II GL (sayfun) aii 'Igirlirayn(i) two-edged sword II VA girlirah youth; inexperience I g. + garli'ir saddle-bag II garirah + garli'ir girl II AL goraira + it squirrel I GL g.w.yrah (I. gurayrah) badger II OS
gurayrli & garrli spear grass (Gillenia gingidium, bot.) II AS 63/1/2 garrlirah deceiving (fern.) II VA faras an ligarr + xayl an gurr having a blaze on the forehead I t IZ 3/4/2 garrli beautiful (fern.). S. {wq'}. ·{GRR} II: VA girrah war « West Ge werra). ·{GRZ}: VA nagruz garazt garz gliriz magriiz alibrah & nigarraz tagriz k to stick; prick or (trans)fix; to stab I AC yagruz 'unqi he stabs my cervix I AL nigarrae garraz/et to stitch II yatgarraz atgarraz tagarruz & tangaraz angarazt ingirliz to be stuck or fixed II gurzah + guraz AC guraz (pI.) AL gbrza + gorae stitch I IH gurzatu Ixarrlizi a cobbler's stitch II OS & UT 613 garaz a kind of knot-grass (bot.) II VA garizah + garli'iz instinct II garizi t gariziyah instinctive. ·{GRS} I: VA nagrus garast gars gliris magriis & nigarras k to stick, prick or (trans)fix I n. garast girlis(ah) / gars + guriis gliris + in / gurrlis magriis k & nigarras k ZJ 1556 gars (m.) AC y-tagrus agrus (iv.) guris & MT agtaras igtirlis mugtaris to plant I AL nagru/be garae/zt GL agrusu IQ magriis to plant; to stick or fix on the ground I garas tugras to plant; to graft II yagarras to plant II V A yatgarras atgarras tagarrus to be stuck or planted II yangaras angaras to be planted II gars + guriis stalk of a fig I MT gars 11 garsayn + garslit GL garsatun (mu~dal>atun) (new) plantation I IQ garsat ~abaq a plant or bed of sweet basil I alguriis an unid. picnic spot on the banks of the river Guadalquivir I IA guriis (pI.) AL gare + gorbe newly planted vine I garea + at scion II igrae plant nursery II ZJ 19 gurays smalI scion ('}) II 1145 magris HC 156 mgrs rump (of a lamb) II MT muglirisin tenant-farmers. ·{GRS} II: AL garea + at heron I g. bayda white heron I Garcia pn. (late borrowings from Cs). ·{GRS}: IA agras shrewder (perhaps from B, cf. K ga/uriJs "beware!"). ·{GRI;>}: AL nigarrad/t = niguarrad garrad/tt garrad tagrid mugarrad + in to aim at or hit a target I VA nigarral,! 'ala / faliSlirah to shoot at a target II AL garda marksmanship II garad fist (in printing) I
GRJ?F-GRMJ V A gara4 + agrii4 AC & IQ 171/1/1 gara4 target; aim, purpose I tumiit agrii4i my purpose falters I balg. straight (adv.) II dim. IQ gurayya4 small purpose. ·{GRDF}: VA gur4iif + garii4if cartilage « {gIJrf}). ·{GRT}: VA yigarrat garrat tagrit mugarrit to shout or yell. S. {grd}. ·{GRTYR}: UT 463 grytyrh common dragon '(Dracunculus vulgaris, bot.; < R *gritayra "screamer", reportedly because of the sound made by its bark when the stalk pops out). ·{GRGR/L}: VA nigargar gargar gargar/lah + gariigir mugargir & yatgargar atgargar tiigargur bi to gargle II DS gariigir gargling. *{GRGR}: AL gorgayra + garaguir I gorgairit collar « Cs gorguera < Ll gurga "throat" with the R instrumental suffix). ·{GRGRY}: AL Gregorio pn. (late borrowing from Cs). *{GRGL}: AL bayda gargal + baid garaguil addled egg « A garqala "to be addled"). *{GRGML}: IQ 82/6/4 gargamill throat (cf. Cs gar-gamello also in Aljamiado texts, dialectal Pt gragamilho and Ct gargamella, Mr giJrzuma and qiJrZu(a, all of them relating to a Ll onomatopoeic root *(garg), extended with an unclear element and appended with a dim. suffix). *{GRGNT} I: MT gargantah gorge, ravine (from a Ll onomatopoeic root *(garg) with a disputable suffix). *{GRGNT} II: DS garguntiyah AL gargontia common dragon (Dracunculus vulgaris, bot.; < L dracontea). S. {trqnt}. *{GRF}: IQ agraf (iv.) yugraf to grab I GL agra/ifu to take by handfuls I AL nag reI garalt to snatch away II garla + at I guiral ZJ 107 & VA garfah handful II gurfah + guraf = MT garret, loft I GL gurfatun room I IA gurfah AL gorla + goral dim. goraylila + it bedroom or garret II magrilfa + magaril dim. IA mugayrafah spoon; fork; ladle I IH magrafatun ZJ 678 & MT magrafah VA magrafah + magiirif ladle I magrafat anniir AL magrilfat a nar + magaril fireshovel I magralat al hadid + magaril iron ladle I magrala quibira min hadid big iron ladle II MT miigarifi V A magiirifi + in
maker of ladles. S. {r'sl ·{GRFYN}: IW I 628,26 'riiqywn (I. g.riifiyiin) stylet (agr., < G 'YQ(UP&lOV). ·{GRQ}: V A nagraq garaqt garaq magriiq gariq + garqii & yatgarraq atgarraq tagarruq GL '.tagarraqu AC yagraq ZJ 1559 garaq (m.) AL nagraq garaqt = agraqt to be drowned; to sink (itr.) I AC garaqat fi to be forced in (a knife or a thorn, etc.) I AC tugarraq mugarraq fi AL nigarraq garraqt mugarraq + uin GL y-'ugarriqu yugarraqu VA nigarraq tagrik k to drown; to sink (tr.) I IQ yagarraq rasq assihiim he darts like an arrow nastagraq mimmii nanfaq he gave me plentifully so I can spend I V A nastagraq istigraq k to encompass or comprehend II mugriq falmajd of a reputed lineage II AL garaq = garaq sinking; drowning I xei lal garaq sinkable I AC garqiit shipwrecks II IQ sikriin gariq & g. maJlmiil drunk as a lord UAL magraq + magariq quagmire nmagroluq + in sunk; flooded II GL mustagraqun absorbed. *{GRQN}: BM giiriqiin s. agiiriqiin. *{GRL} I: VA gurlah + at foreskin. *{GRLS} II: UT 612 griilh an unid. creeping plant whose stalks are edible (prob. the same word as in SG 558 'zyls, I. grylS, rendered by A talamiz, I. talamia "pupils"; cf. GI grelo). *{GRM} I: IA & AC yagram V Anagram garamt gurm garim + in magriim k to pay (a debt or tribute) II nigarram tagrim k to cause to pay I IA tigarram AL nigarram garramt to contribute to a common expense; to pay (a tax or fine); to tax II V A yatgarram atgarram & yangaram angaram to be paid II MT gurm fine; tax I AL gorm tax payment; contribution to a common expenses II IQ gariim love, passion IlIA garim creditor I VA garim + guramii creditor; debtor II ZJ 1726 giirim AL garim + in & garram + in tax payer; contributor II mag ram + magarim VA mag ram + magarim tribute; contribution II GL magramiyun subjected to tribute II IQ mugram enamoured. *{GRM} II: UT 137 griimh dog's tooth grass (Cynodon dactylon, bot.; < R, cf. Cs grama). ·{GRMJ}: AL niguarmaj guarmagt taguarmug
(I. without u) to squeeze or paw (cf. Mr
giJrbiJz "to rumple" related to A qammasa "to gather" and to takammasa "to become wrinkled"; s. RA 25). *{GRML}: VA gurmiil (big and uncircumcised) penis (metathesis of *gurlum of nonSemitic stock, prob. Eg ~rnt "foreskin"; s. VA 219). *{GRN}: AL Garruna the river Garonne (late borrowing from Cs). *{GRNC}: SG garniijah a kind of gown « R, cf. Cs garnaeha). *{GRNT>: IQ & IH garniitah 1 AL Garn{lta Granada U garntlti & garnatilaxi + in MT garniit(is)i from G. « L griiniitus "seedy", met. for "excellent"). S. {fqs}. *{GRNQ}: LZ garniiq IH 24 gurniiq IQ gurniiq + GL 'Igariiniqu crane I VA gurniiq + gariiniq crane; a dish of roasted lungs I IQ qaliiyii gurniiq AC gurniiq AL gornoq + garaniq a dish of roasted lungs" JS garniiq seller of that dish" UT 290 IW II 76,25 gurniiqi a kind of millet 2. S. {dxn}. *{GRNYN}: TO 251 giiriinyun BM giiriinyiin round-leaved crane's-bill (Geranium rotundifolium, bot.; < G 'Y&PclVlOV). *{GRW}: VA nigarri k to glue" nugri agrayt igrii mugri mugrii k bi I 'ala - bayn anniis to incite; to sow dissent" nugrii ugrit igrii bi to fall in love" yatgarrii atgarrii tagarri to be glued " girii + agriyah IQ girii GL girii'un AL guiri glue I guiri alquelb albahar TO 162 girii assamak isinglass" IQ balqabiiti mugra fond of sleeveless suits" V A migriiwi womanizer 3 I ZJ 660 xayt mugra fishingline. *{GRYQWN}: AL gariaeon agaric « L agarieum < G a'YaplKoV). *{GRYNN}: VA garayniin + iit boiled grain of wheat « L1 graneon[em]). S. {'grnn}. *WZR}: VA yagzur gazur gazir & yatgazzar atgazzar tagazzur to be verbose "
n-yigazzar gazzar tagzir k to make long discourses I AL nigaz( z)ar gaz( z)art to prattle, to gossip I nigazar min euli giha to gossip UIA & AC guzr excess, overdoing U gaziirab AL gazara + gazair I it IQ gaziirab V A gaziirah + it verbosity " gazir + in & mugazzar + in verbose I AL gazir + in I guzara I gazara (!) prattler I alguezir the majority I GL gazirun abundant I gaziru 'nnab'i abundant in sources I maweJa'un gaziru 'Imi'i place with abundant water " IA agzar more talkative. *{GZZ}: I: VA mugazzaz violent (s. {rzz}). *{GZZ} II: ZJ 1631 alguzz the Turkish tribe of the Ghuzz I AL eauz go~ + aeua~ go~ bow I rami bal gor; bowman, archer (s. OS II, 210 & AL 146). *{GZL}: GL ya'zaliina (1. g) VA nagzaI gazaIt gazI + guziil giizil gazziil + in magziiI k AC tagzaI AL nagzel gazelt to spin I IQ nagzal - tugzal raqiq to weave with fine strands; to split hairs, to be exceedingly subtle" AL nigazzel gazzelt to cluster (hair) UNQ mg Slxll yatgazzal he dallies I IZ 8/2/5 mii yiziilu yatgazzalii they keep dallying " VA yangazal angazal to be spun UZJ 564 & 1515 gazl + guziillA gazl AS 59/0/1 guziil (pI.) yarn I AL gazel + guzul snare I gazl a daguili + guzul a. d. vine tendril UIQ gazal love poetry " gaziil + gizliin dim. guzayyal GL gaziilun IA & AC gazal VA gaziil(ab) + gizIin gazelle I AL gazel swordfish Iraq g. parchment I IQ gizIiin marzipan shaped like animal figures" algazziili & MT algazziil pns. I TH 60,10 gazziil maker of spindles" ET Abengazlo po. (= laban gazlun/) " FR 53,4 I}arir istigziil silk to be spun UIQ tagazzuI composition of love poetry" magzal = ZJ 628, VA gaziilab + iit I gaziizil & magzaI + magiiziI AL gazila + gazizil spindle I g. + gazaill gazizil whirl ndim. guzaizalah +
1 IH, however, gives ijrinitah as the correct form of this word.
2 Also in 18,5, where 'rb.. kind of mallow.
r, is to be corrected accordingly, but the same word and adqilm aljarliniq is in UT 257 a
3 We now prefer this interpretation of that unclear item listed under "muliebris", and give up our previous B hypothesis. A semantic connection with the Berber tribal confederation of Majiriwah, although phonetically and historically possible, on account of its steady relationship with Alandalus, is not documented.
it small bunch (of grapes, etc.) II magzel + magazil I maguizi/ shaft, axis; spindle I RC magacil(i) from Magacela (geo., = lumm[a] gazalah/). S. {'}, {'an}, {swq} III, {ftl} & {k'b}. ·{GZMN}: AL Guzman pn. (late borrowing from Cs). ·{GZW}: IA tagzi VA nagzii gazaw/yt gazw n. un. ah + iit giizi + in 1 guzii magzii k to raid D nigazzi k to send off on a raid I AL nigazzi gazzeit to fight II VA yatgazzii atgazzii tagazzi to be sent off on a raid II ZJ 314 gaziiti my raid II IQ gazii raid II giizi + guzii (North African) soldier I IA giizi Berber I VA giid + guzii pirate, corsair I MT algiizi ET el Gazi LO Algazi dim. alguwayzi RC el guayzi pns. II AL gazia + it reddish wheat II VA sayan gizwiini anything relating to piracy. ·{GSQ}: AL gaciq comet 1 lID 'ys 9 gsyq 'Ilyl the middle of the night. ·{(;SKN}: AL Gaseuna Gascogne (geo.) II Gasconi = gascimi + in from G. ·{GSL}: IQ yugsal gasl magsiil GL agsil(u) magsiilun MT gusl (m.) AC yagsal magsiiI f a AL nageel gaeelt 1 agcelt ~acel mag cui VA nagsal gasaJt gasl giisil magsiil k to wash I IQ agsal ussak wash your face II VA yangasal angasal ingisiil bi to be washed II yagtasal agtasal igtisiil bi AL nagteeel agtecelt to wash O.S. II OS gislah globe daisy (Globularia alypum, bot.) II VA gaslah monthly period I fuliinah n gaslathii 1 qami~hii So-and-so is having her monthly period I gasiil IH algiisiilu GL giisiilun potash, glasswort I OS giisiil riimi hippophaiston (Euphorbia spinosa, bot.) I GB 259 giisiil nabati soapwort (Saponaria officinalis,bot.) II AL gucila + it slops II gacil + in « A gassiU) washer, cleaner II IH almagsalu GL magsalun AL mag/~cel + ma~acil washing-place; laundry II cut bile maguil (I. magcul) unwashed wool. ·{GSN} I: IH gu~nah lock of hair ULO Gaeen pn. (= Igassanf) II HC 214 gassiini a kind of qatiiyif or tafiiyii (q.v.); FX a way of cooking couscous 0 gassiiniyyah a dish of
meat. ·{GSPR}: AL Gaxpar pn. (late borrowing from Cs). ·{GSS}: lQ yuguss VA nuguss gasast gi/uss gassiis + in magsiis k IH gussun (m.) to cheat or dupe I yangass to be cheated or duped DZJ 1869 quliiban gassa deceitful hearts. ·{GSQ}: AL guaxaq n. un. uah swift (zoo., < {rsq}, q.v.). ·{GSKN}: VA gaskiin + gasiikin a kind of shirt « L vascon[em} "Basque"). ·{GSM}: VA gasiim sullen, gloomy. ·{GSW}: VA yagsii gusiya 'ala mugU 'ala & a~iibath gasyah to faint or swoon II nigassi tagsiyah k to cause to faint I n. gassayt gisii to bind (a book with hard covers) I GL ugassi mugassii to cover or veil I AL nigax(x)i gax(x)eit to develop a crust; to case DID 'wf 9 tgsyt I fainted I IQ gisii scabbard I GL gisii'un cover; wrap; veil I AL guixi + agxia crust; case; hood (of a hawk); film on a liquid; a kind of cloth from Granada I dim. goxai + it little crust 0 SH agsiyah (pI.) wicker containers for bottles, baskets, etc. I VA gasyah + iit & giisiyah + gawiisi swoon, faint; ecstasy I OS g.siiwah spot on the eye. ·{G~B}: GL '.g~abu yag~ibu IQ ga~ab (m.) to usurp I AL nag( a)cab gacabt = agcabt gac1zb g(u)acib + in mag cub VA nag~ab ga~abt ga~b gii~ib + in ganiib + in mag~iib to snatch forcibly or rob; to tyrannize II yanga~ab anga~ab to be snatched or robbed II GL ga~iibun & ga~~iibun rapacious. ·{G~~}: VA nugu~~ ga~a~t ga~~ 1 gu~~ah gii" + in min to be distressed or grieved II gu~~ah + gu~a~ ZJ 803 gu~~ah anguish, distress. ·{G~N}: AL nigazcan gazcant VA niga~~an tag~in k to put forth branches I yatga~~an to branch out II gu~(a)n + ag~iin 1 gu~iin IQ gu~n = 163/2/2 gu~an + ag~iin AC gu~n AL gocan + agcan dim. gocayen + gocaynit branch, bough I SH gu~n strand (of a rope) 0 AL gocanit (I. gocani + it) IQ
Prob. to be corrected to Igasiq/: this word found in the text of Koran 113, 3, often unered by Muslims as a shOll prayer, originally meant the onset of darkness, but apparently was understood as the appearance of an ominous star (s. AI. 146).
1161/1/2 gu~ani branchy DAL mog(u)aean + in branched off. S. {'xr}, {rmy} & {'tf}. *{GI;>B}: IQ garJab giirJib min GL agrJ(a)bu yagrJibu garJabun giirJibun & mutagiirJibun AL nagdab gadabt V A nagrJab garJabt garJab giirJib + in / gurJrJiib & garJbiin + in & garJrJiib + in 'ala & yatgarJrJab atgarJrJab to get angry II nigarJrJab tagrJib k & nugrJib aMabt igrJiib mugrJib mugrJab k GL agrJibu to anger I AL yigadabaq allah may God be displeased with you II ZJ garJbat ~asan H.'s anger II GL garJabun sadidun intense anger I AL gadab anger I bi g. angrily II gadib + in & gaddab + in angry. S. (S'l). *{GI;>R}: IH algirJiiru ZJ 1258 girJiir AC giaiir AL guidar + agdira FX girJiirah + agrJirah porringer (s. {gar}) I OS alg.rJiir a~~ini Chinaware II VA garJiirah GL garJiiratun freshness; luxuriance. *{GI;>RF}: s. {grrJr}. *{GI;>I;>}: VA nugurJrJ garJarJt garJrJ giirJrJ magrJiirJ alba~ar 'an / min to turn one's eyes away II IL 121 yugarJrJarJ tagrJirJ to moisten dried fruits II VA yangarJrJ angarJrJ alb. to be turned away (said of the eyes) II IQ garJrJi fresh; luxurious I V A nawiir an garJrJ fresh flower I GL 'ssinnu 'lgarJrJu the tender age II OS gurJrJ alfalfa (Medicago sativa, bot.) II V A garJiirJah freshness. *{GI;>N}: GL gurJiinun wrinkles. *{GI;>NFR}: VA garJanfar lion. *{GI;>Y}: VA nugrJi agrJayt igrJii mugrJi 'an to overlook or disregard II lQ 163/1/4 garJa VA garJii n. un. garJah VC 51/8 girJii AL gada embers. *{GTS}: IQ gat as tagtus V A nagtus gatast gats gaHiis + in ZJ 1735 gatis (ag. part.) AL nagtoz1e gatazlet agtoe gatea + at to dive or plunge II nigattae gattazt tagtie V A nigaHas tagtis k to immerse; to baptize I ZJ 95 yigaHasni he drowns me II GL atagaHasu to dive I VA yatgaHas atgaHas tagaHus AL natgatae atgatazt to be baptized II ZJ 588 balgats diving II AL gatae + cin (= /ganasJ) diver II CP 29,2 'id alg.tiis feast of Christ's baptism II V A tagtis OC 14 taghtee baptism I OS tagtis placing in a seedbed. S. {xts}, {'ts} II & {nhr}. *{GTT}: V A yigiH gatt gatit giit k to snore.
*{GTW}: IQ gaHiit kinnugaHa GL '(u)gattl yugatti mugaHan AC yigaHik bi mugaHayii & MT mugaHiyyah (fern. nag. part.) AL nigat(t)i gattateit gatti mogati + in VA nigaHi tagtiyah k bi to cover (head or face) I lQ yagatti Iiman sakar he covers those who are drunk I kisii rna nagatti a bedspread with which I can cover myself I gaHi iijak cover your face II V A natgaHii atgaHayt to cover O.S. II gitii + agtiyah GL gitii'un AC gitii & mugaHah IH mugaHatun AL guita + agtia dim. AS 93/4/4 gutay cover, lid I 94/0/1 kasf algutay lifting the lid I ZJ 1944 gitiih its cover I IQ gitii'i my bedspread nAL tagtia + tagati bedspread, qUilt U xei mogati covered thing I mogati alguech + mogatiin al v juh masked I GL tabaqun mugaHa'un covered dish. S. {Srq} II. *{GGTS}: s. {~jr}. *{GFT/I>}: BM giifall TO 283-4 giifat siihadiinaji / musarraf / qustantini liverwort (Agrimonia eupatoria, bot.; < F). *{GFR}: GL agriru = '.griru yagriru magriratun giifirun AL nag/ir gafart go/ran = gor/an & grofran (both erroneous) I mag/ira maq/ur (I. g) VA nagfir gafart magfirah / gufriin giifir garriir gafiir magfiir k & yagtafar agtafar IQ yugfar 163/4/1 magfiir & yugtafar to forgive I OM lR yatlubu lallah ina yaxrir maxfira they ask God to grant forgiveness I 1V ytlub inna yaxrir aunubu he asks him to forgive his sins II IQ nugarrar I wear a gifiirah I V A nigaffar tagfir k to put under guard or escort II yatgarrar atgaffar tagaffur to be put under guard or escort II natgiifar atgiifart tagiifur rna' to forgive o.a. II yangafar angafar to be forgiven II nastagfir k AL izti~/ar to ask forgiveness II IH gifiiratun IQ giriirah + gafiiyir V A gifiirah + gafii'ir ZJ 756 & AC gifiirah (red) cloak (with a hood) I IH fi giriirati fuliin escorting So-and-so II gafiru lqawmi guardian of the people II SO 24v ahlal gufriini AL ehl al go/ran venial; forgivable I nahQr al goff ran indulgence (reI.) U lQ gafiir pardoner II GL gayr magfiirin unforgivable II 'lm.gr.r helmet I VA magfar + magiirir helmet or mail head-cover under it II SH m.gf.r fraud
by flour-dealers who hide an inferior product under a layer of better quality and serve the customers from the bottom I FX mugaffar HC 40 m'frh (I. mgfrh) a very sophisticated way of cooking chicken which is submitted to many operations but finally looks as if untouched. S. {br'}, {zwI} I & {tsr}. *{GF~}: GL ugiifi~u VA nigiifa~ mugiifa~ah k to take by surprise II yatgiifa~ atgiifa~ tagiifu~ to be taken by surprise. *{GFQ}: AC giifiq Belalcazar (geo.) II MT algiifiqi pn. *{GFL}: IQ gafal agfal (jv.) giifil 'an GL agfulu = '.gfalu VA nagfal gafalt gaflah giifil gaffiil + in magfiil 'an & yatgaffal atgaffal tagafful to neglect or omit II nigarfal k to make negligent or heedless II natglifal atglifalt tagiirul mutagiifil 'an to feign negligence II MT 'umil gafl 'an 3ikruh its mention was omitted II AS 14/3/4 gafliit (pl.) AL galla negligence I bi g. negligently I dale g. V A 'ala gaflah suddenly; untimely I IQ 'ala gaflah (min) unnoticed (by) I Iii gaflah 'annuh he cannot go unnoticed I IZ 5/3/2 axa3nii gaflah he took us by surprise I 3/3/1 kunnii gaflah falxubayyah we were unaware in the little hut II AC gafiilah neglectful (fern.) II ZJ 168 gaffiil unpredictable II 1750 gafliin pn. or nickname. *{GFN}: HB 98,4 gafiniit knife. S. {gnf}. *{GFW}: V A nugn agfayt igfii mugU to slumber or doze II gafwah + iit slumber, doze. *{GLB}: IQ galab yaglab giilib maglub (Ii) AC galabak yaglab(ak) yaglabuh AL nagIab gaIabt galb galib f a + in V A nag lab galabt galb I gala bah giilib + in magliib k GL galaba agla/ibu = '.gl.bu yagl.bu klina yaglabu galabatun glilibun magliibun f magliibatun to defeat or vanquish I AC yaglabak bib he defeats you at it I IQ las yaglabuh glilib nobody can defeat him II GL ugiilibu to try to dominate II atagallabu to dominate II VA yangalab angalab to be defeated II nastaglab 'ala to subdue nZJ 1729 galbah victory II 1808 gulbi (7) a kind of grape II 190 giilib MT (abi) giilib LO Gali(b) = G(u)alip ET Galib & Abingalbon pns. II VA
giilibah ivy; TD 296 bladder herb (Physalis alkekenge, bot.). II IQ fi giliib ma' vying with II CD L 1/43 galliib often victorious II MT aglab qura madinat tulaytulah most villages in the district of Toledo. S. {'sr}. *{GLBSS}: BM giilibsis red dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum, bot.; < G 'YaA.iO"'l~). *{GLPL}: AL Galipol GaUipoli (geo.). *{GLT}: VA galat mistake. *{GLCQ}: TD 275 galluh jiiquh caltrops (Tribulus terrestris, bot.; < R *gaio ceko "blind rooster"). *{GLCN}: DS 'iilijn (I. galijun as in TD 221) pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium, bot.; < G 'YA.~X(i)V, transcribed through L). *{GLZ}: AL Galizia Galicia II galizi + in from G. II Galazia Galatia (geo.) II Galazi + in Galatian (late borrowings from the Cs, the latter influenced by the local traditional pronunciation of Church Latin). *{GLS}: VA galas IQ waqt algalas dusk, twilight UIQ 191/2/1 galis reddish. *{{;LT}: GL y-'aglitu galatun AL nagIat gaIatt IQ yaglat n V A naglat galatt giilit + in & yatgallat atgallat tagallut to make a mistake, to be mistaken D nigallat taglit k AL nigallat galIatt to cause S.O. to commit a mistake; to mislead Unigiilat mugiilatah k n to seek to induce into error II galtah + iit & galat AL galta + at mistake, error II VA magliit + in mistaken I muglilatah + iit deceitfulness n mugiilit + in deceitful. *{GLI?}: GL galu~a IH algul~u (m.) V A yaglu~ galu~ gil(a)~ I gulii~ah I galii~ah to be thick or coarse II nigalla~ tagli~ k to make thick or coarse I IQ yagalla~ bimii 'uti he exaggerates the amount given to him U VA yatgalla~ atgalla~ tagallu~ to become thick or coarse II GL gil~atun coarseness; arrogance nIQ gul~ AL guilda & guilad thickness II VA gila~ coarseness II gali~ + gilii~ AC gali~ almiziij AL galid + guilad thick; coarse I galid (I. gaUd) arracaba stubborn I KU zalag an galet strong slaps I VA g. alqalb cruel, callous. S. {krnb}. *{GLGN}: AL galgana chick peas (late borrowing from Cs galglbana which, in turn derives from a Yemenite pronunciation of julbiin, q.v.). *{GLF}: VA nigallaf taglif to anoint II yatgallaf
atgallaf to be anointed I IQ yatgallaf bi'anbar he perfumes himself with ambergris II OS galf pod (bot.) I AL galf stupidity II GL gulfatun VA gulfah & gilar T guluf foreskin Ugilar T at / guluf bark, rind I IQ gilaf case II VA guliifah uncouthness II AL galf + golofet & galf + guilif I gUIUf stupid II VA aglaf + gulf IQ aglaf & mugallaf uncouth, curt I GL aglaf uncircumcised II AL naamel al magitJb (I. f) to pod. S. {3w(t)}. ·WLQ}: GL agla/iqu yaglaqu magliiqun f magliiqatun IQ magliiq V A naglaq galaqt galq galiq magliiq k & nugliq aglaqt iglaq MT y.gliq magliiq AL nagliq gaitJqt I aglaqt iglaq to close I NQ mg 23/2/1 lis naglaq 'ayn I do not shut my eyes II IQ gulliq 'alayya my pledge has been claimed (by the receiver) I gallaq 'ala nna~ara He has foreclosed the Christians' mortgage (met. for withdrawing His favour) UIQ atgallaq iiji I have got a gloomy mien II yangalaq 'ayni my eyes are heavy I AL nangalaq angalaqt VA yangalaq angalaq to be closed; to heal I GL ingilaqun to be closed Ugalqun VA galq + aglaq & maglaqah + magaliq closing device, clasp I FJ & IQ galq shutter (of a shop, made out of boards) I 'ala ussuh galq alhawan his countenance frowning from humiliation I AL galq + agitJq lock; closing I g. a jarha + g. a jirah healing I GL galqun IijJjJimiiri VA galqah T at / gilaq fenced orchard I UT 616 galqah thicket of olive trees or oaks UMT ingilaq jJalajJin sanah lapse of 30 years U VA magliiq + in ignorant I SH i~ba' magliiq a bent finger lID yrq 4 'x(lr mglwq dark-green. S. Om'}, {~Iq} & {krnb}. ·{GLQRC} & {GLQRST}: TO 280 galluh qrstah AL galli cricha upright hedge nettle (Stachys recta, bot.; < L galli crista "cock's comb"). ·{GLL}: VA nugull galaIt gall gall + in gallal magliil k & nigallal taglil k GL mugallalun to put an iron collar, to fetter
DVA nigi/all galaIt gill mugill mugall k AL niguil gaUlI - enle guill guill to envy II VA nigallal gallaIt taglil mugallil to put on an undershirt II yatgallal atgallal tagallul to wear an undershirt II yangall angall to be fettered or envied I nastagall astagaIt istiglal mustagill mustagall k AL nazlaguil aZlagualt muzlaguil + in to enjoy the usufruct; to exploit UAC gil envy I AL guilla + guil([)e[1 guiitJlI gallall (I. gallal) GL gillat + gallatun V A gillah + at / gilal crops; fruits I AC na'mal gillatah wagillati I shall produce its crop and mine I BH 32,4 gal.ti fern. pn. (lit. "my crop", CC. samsi "my sun", nuzhati "my enjoyment", etc. 1) II AL guilli + in envious II IQ gilalah tunic I VA gilalah T gala'il undershirt II gull + aglal IQ gull GL gullun iron collar I AC gullah hoop, staple II VA galil thirst for revenge II mustagill T at income. S. {xr~}, {sfy} & {Ibs} I. ·{GLLT}: OS galaliila Egyptian bean (Nymphrea nelumbo, bot., however, it is quite probable that a confusion has arisen with N. lotus, Egyptian lotus, which could provide an etymon through G *",(n')..n ')..0),(0;) "milk-like lotus", through Ar). ·{GLM}: IQ, ZJ 1714 & AC gulam slave I GL gulamun V A gulam T gilman youth; (black) slave II gaylam T gayalim turtle II GL mugtal(i)mun lecherous. +{GLW}: AC galat gala gan VA yagla gala gala to be expensive I NQ au 4/x/2 'alayk rna tagla it is not going to be expensive for you II nagn galaw/yt guluww gan fi to insist; to exaggerate II nigalli tagliyah k 'ala AL nigalli gallail to make expensive II nalgalla algallail to become expensive II AL gaitJ IQ gala expensiveness ligan AL gali + in VA & GL gali expensive II IQ agla more expensive. +WLY}: GL agli galayanun VA yagli gala ga/Hayan galyah IQ 190/1/1 yagli AL nagli gaitJil gala yen I guilien I galia + guila (1) gali + in to boH (itr.) I agtail to swarm II nigallal galall galal (I. nigalli
This interesting pauern for feminine pns. has not been previously detected, not even by LO and in spite of the fact of its being represented among its materials. Sams; is also extant in MT and this fashion might have been introduced in Christian lands by the Mozarabs, as reflected by the name of one of El Cid's daughters, Doiia Sol.
GLYN-GNO gallait) taglia mugali + in V A nigiilli tagliyah k to boil (tr.) II AL natgalla at galla it to be boiled II V A giiliyah + gawiili IQ gawiili (pI.) perfume made of musk and ambergris I GL naw'un min 'Uibi millI 'Igawiili wamii siikalahii a kind of perfume like those made of musk and ambergris and the like II VC 57/3 galyiin boiling (adj.). ·{GLYN}: TO 304 giilyiin yellow bedstraw (Galium verum, bot.; < G yo.A.lOV). ·{GMD}: VA nugmid agmadt igmiid gammiid + in magmiid to sheathe II yangamad angamad to be sheathed ngamd + agmiid sheath, scabbard I LZ gamd IH gamdu ssayC + agmidatun GL gimdun IQ gimd sheath I AL gamd + agmad sheath; case; pod I nizeguel al g. to unsheathe I I I: VA yugiit gat gawt ga'it to relieve the bowels nnigawwat tagwit k to cause to relieve the bowels II gitan bottom of a valley nga'it AC gayit AL gait excrement, fa:ces. ·{GWT} II: SG giitah gout « LI gut a).
·{GWG}: VA gawgah + at uproar, tumult I XA xga1 nuqim gawgah 'ala I will raise a din. ·{GWQ}: IQ & AC gaq onomatopeia of cawing. ·{GWL}: IQ gaylah disaster II V A igtiyal murder. S. {~bb}, {~n'}, {S'd, {I~w} & {mst}. ·{GWN}: AL gau/vn + ag(g)uan mood, humour I bi gaun in a favourable mood « P gon, prob. through Ar; /g/ is likeliest in view of Mr giwan of the same origin and meaning). ·{GWY}: VA nagwi gawayt gawayah / gawi / igwa gawi mugwi to seduce or lead astray U gayy seduction; allurement II CD M 6/6 lis natla' ... fi gawin I shall not appear among the seduced (reminiscent of Koran 26,90-1). S. {wgy}. ·(GYB(YR)} I: GL yagibu to hide (itr.) I gab t-yigib gaybah / magib gayib + guyiib 'an to leave; to disappear from sight I VA nigib gibt gayb n. un. ah + at I magib ga'ib + in & yatgayyab atgayyab tagayyub 'an / min AC gayib AL niguib guibt gaiba + at gaib + in to be absent; to leave I yguib a xemc guab a. x. yguib ya xemc (erroneous iv.) VA yigib gab gayb ga'ib to set (sun or star) II GL gayyaba '.gay.bu to hide (tr.) I IQ guyyibta 'an 'ayni you were taken out of my sight I VA nigayyab gayyabt tagyib k to remove; to cause to disappear nnagtab agtabt igtiyab mugtab + in AL nagteb agtebt to slander I IQ & AC gabah woods, jungle I VA gabah + at den ngayb + guyiib hidden, future or invisible things (known only to God) I ~a~ib gaybuh his secretary ngiba + at AL guiba slander II LH2 *gaybayr absent or runaway owner of a property (posited by Old Ct algueber) II AC magib sunset I IQ 'ind almagib & 150/5/2 magib upon sunset II IZ 1/1/2 mugibah set (star). S. {Shd} & {ktb}. ·{GYB} II: VA yawm an ga'ib clouded day « (gym}). ·{GYT}: AL Gayta Gaeta (geo.) II gayeti + in from G. (late borrowings from Cs). ·{GYD}: IQ agyad young and tender I GL agyad youth. ·{GYR}: VA nigir girt 'ala IZ 3/2/1 tigir IQ gar yigir Ii AL niguir guirt to be jealous (of) II nigayar gayart mugayar + in = mvgayarin
GYI;>-GY(N) to sadden or worry I VA nigayyar tagyir k GL ugayyiru = '.g.y.ru tagyirun mugayyirun IQ gayyar yagayyar gayyar (jv.) to change (colour or something of the sort) I IZ 11/8/4 yigayyar kuIli munkar he redresses every wrong I IQ atgayyar to be altered I atagayyaru mutagayyirun AL nalgayar algayarl to become sad or worried I ZJ 858 yatgayyar to rot I V A yatgayyar atgayyar tagayyur (lawn aIJIJawb) to change or be altered - to fade (said of colour of cloth) II yatgayar atgayar tagayur to be jealous of o.a. II gayr + agyar ZJ 1485 & AC gayr other than, a different one I maxIiiq Iigayr zaminak born to live in a time which is not your time I algayr yasqik somebody else will give you the potion I XA akl af'al falgayr ma tahwa do as you please with the others I awm2 ar ja' Jigayr alyawm come back some other day I SD 24v xayran aw gayran good or bad I VA gayra except I IQ gayri - ak - uh other than I - you - he I gayr assatam except insulting I algayr the others I wala gayr and nobody else I law anna gayrak if it was someone other than you I GL gayruhum other people I wagayru and others I gayr '.nna although I gayru lIalika besides I wa'in kana gayr ilalika otherwise I gayr ma wa~id more than one I gayr(u) mutagayyir(un) invariable I AL gair other than; without; only I gair lucun min hOc unduly I ZJ 1813 qunilyah gayr faxll a whole rabbit but for a leg I bigayr without I MT azzuqaq algayr narill the dead end I IH fi zzuqaqi Igayri niifillin (sr.) in the dead end I AS 15/2/4 al'agyar alterities, othernesses (i.e., seemingly diverse beings before the stage of universal reunion in the unique being, mys.) D IH algiratu LZ & IQ girah bi GL gayratun VA gayrah & girah JM 9 girah jealousy I DC 13 guera envy I AC gay rat a44ars hunger (lit. "jealousy of the tooth") a AL gayar sadness n gayor + in IQ gayiir GL gayyiirun AC gayyiir VA gayiir + in t IH gayiiratun jealous II GL gayriiratun change, alteration II gayiratun hollow II mina 'ttagyiri because of the alteration II mutagayir Ii different from, unlike. S. {'hI}, {bdl}, {brhn}, {b'IJr}, {big}, {tIf},
{IJbt>, {IJIIJ}, {IJmr}, {jz'}, {jwz},
{~rb}, {~rm}, {~ss}, {~sn}, {~qq} I, {~II}, {~md}, {~ml}, {xbr}, {xdm}, {xyt}, {dns},
{IIU}, {r'y}, {rtb}, {rsd}, {r4w}, {rkb}, {rw4}, {zll}, {zwj}, {zwl}, {zyn}, {skn}, {sl~}, {sIk}, II, {tf~}, {Crc} II, {crq}, {jIwz}, {~wr} I, {dxl}, {drdr/l}, {dwm}, {rb'}, {rj'}, {rnd}, {rw~}, {znbj}, {zyll, {sjr} II, {srwt} II, {~r/f~f}, {ftr}, {~nbr}, {'sj}, {'Iq}, {qrc} I, {qstl} II, {Iwz}, {nrnj} & {wrdl ·{GYT}: AL gayla + al bagpipe II gayal + in piper « R, cf. Cs gaila, Gt gails "goat", as this instrument was made out of goat skins). ·(GYI)}: VA nigi~ gi~t ga'i~ + in migya~ + in magi~ & natgayya~ atgayya~t tagayyu~ & nagta~ agta~t igtiya~ mugta~ 'ala to
get angry • nigayya~ tagyi~ k AL nigayad gayadl to anger a IQ fik nigi~ aI~ussad I anger those who envy me because of you I ZJ 185 mugaya~ah (m.) GL '.gayi4u to quarrel Ugay~un ZJ 1730 gay~ AL g(u)aid = gail/Ie = gaidd IQ gay~ + magayi~ anger I 'ala gay~ = AC in spite of I IZ 11/2/4 'ala gay~ umm alii ya~kar to the great discomfiture of all hoarders. S. {Syt} I, {tbq} & {myz}. ·{GYM}: V A nigayyam k to cloud over II yatgayyam atgayyam tagayyum to be or become clouded II gaym + guyiim cloud I DS ~ajar algaym sponge II VA magyiim clouded. ·{GYL}: IQ gaylan pn. S. {'mm}. ·(GY(N)}: AL Gay name of the letter gayn.
·{GYW}: IQ giiyah VA giiyah + iit extreme limit. end I giiyat rna 'aliyya ka3ii this is the most I can do I fuliin n j!iiyat
arra3iilah So-and-so is utterly bad. S. {Srf} & {ltf}.
IFI *{F}: AL fa for, because I IQ faqalli so he told me I allaai qiil fawiijib whatever he says becomes reality I ammii 'aaiibi fa!iiyiJ as for my torture, it is long I NQ mg 2/1/2 walii mawt fanastaril] nor is there death in which to rest I VA fa(iaii) therefore. S. {'kd}, {'m}, {'n}, {byn}, Ory}, {rdd}, {qt}: lH alfarl)U IQ farIJi contents of the entrails. ·{FRI>L}: HC 119, 211 & 213 frIJlat cakes of hashed meat (cf. OS fralat). ·(FRJ(L)}: GL yafraju to soothe II ufarriju to console I V A nifarraj tafrij k AL nifarrax/g/ch farrax/gt to amuse I IQ 170/1/3 farraj kurbab dispel a grief (iv.) II AL natfarrax/g/ch atfarrag/xt VA natfarraj atfarrajt to amuse o.s. I IQ tafarruj consolation I AL natfarrach fal Mhar atfarraxt atfarrax to sail for fun II farg(e) = farx + fur/ug = furuch pudenda; vulva I GL 'lfuriiju 'llati tansalu genitals I ZJ 168 far j VA far j + furiij vulva I TO 300 farj al'ar" meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale, bot.) II VA furjab + furaj amusement; spectacle; promenade; opening, gap I lQ furaj (pI.) escape, way out I AL fbr(r)ja + at / git amusement; spectacle lliiib al fbrja game I XA acihZl axii lfurjab a man who enjoys life II GL farajun VA & ZJ 1500 faraj IQ faraj
The anonymous author of this book distinguishes three kinds thereof: mustalil, in the shape of a grain of wheat; mustadir, like a grain of coriander and known in Bougie and its outskirts as I]ami~. and a third kind, like ruqaq (q.v.), as thin as paper and, in fact, a variety of qa!;;'ir (q.v.). The word itself appears to be related to I tellucia, reflected also by Syrian A talliii, a salad prepared with long strips of stale bread.
1L is most likely, however, that the second stem of this root means "to say: iu'i/,u tidiik "may I be made your ransom", i.e., "please".
FRJY-FROS (min) relief (from), comfort I LO Faraig = Farach(e) = Fara(y)x, ET Faraz & Abolfaraig IQ aban f. MT (abi I)faraj, farjal (with R dim. suffix) pns. I AC qarib alfaraj easy to console I HC 195 umm alfaraj a kind of jiiaabah (q.v.) II V A farij pleasant, delightful II furriij + fararij = ZJ 2059, 998, IA & IQ farriij chicken I AL furruch + fararich AC farriij dim. furayraj rooster I LO Farroch, Forroig, Furrur;, Alforroig, dim. Forayrig nicknames 0 ZJ 542 afraj more pleasant II FX mufarrij a stew of beef or chicken seasoned with onions I ET Moharrich LO Moferrig/x & MT (aban al)mufarraj pns. S. {1]55} I, {rjO, {r'd}, {mrq} I, {ml'}, {nqw}, {hmm} & {wsx}, *{FRJY}: s. {prjy}. *{FRm: GL afral]u = '.fral](u) far(a)l]un faril]un V A nafral] faral]t farl] Uril] + in AC faral]at afral] (iv.) farl] n. un. farl]a(t) + afral] firil] AL nafrah faraht firih + in I farehin IQ n/t/yafral] yafral]ii bik far(a)1] n. un. farl]ah faril] bi mafriil] to be glad I 190/1/3 afral] luh bimil>li be happy for his sake with one like me II yufarral] AL nifarrah farniht GL yufarril]u VA nifarral] tafril] k to gladden II yatfarral] atfarral] tafarrul] to become glad II farl]ah + at AL farha = farM = faraha (both erroneous) + at / in (!) joy, gladness I bi farha joyfully II VA faral] banquet; wedding II ET Farh & Farfon pns. IIIZ 2/4/2 faril]ah glad (fern.) II AC farral] fond of celebrations II OS mufarril] common borage (Borrago officinalis, bot.) I m. qalb almal]ziin lemon-balm (Melissa officinalis, bot) II ZJ 1835 mufril]ah celebration. S. {!rnn} & {qwm} I. *{FRX}: VA yifarrax k AL nifarra~ farra~t IQ tafrix to brood; to have young ones II far~ + fira~ chick; duckling I IA & AC farx GL farxun young one I VA farx + firax ZJ 838, 1763 & 584 farx + firax / afrax young one; chick; young camel I lQ farx chicken; penis II farxat sikkin jack-knife I VA farxah + at little door; jack-knife IIV 62 farxa head-dress I AL far~a + fara~ nun's wimple II OS f.raxah a kind of vetch II IH 'bn furriix (suggested correction farriix) pn. S. {'sd}, {brk} 1, {bIj} II, {I]II},
{I]mm}, {x!f}, {r'm}, bny}, {sb'}, {!yr}, {'qb}, {f'w}, {nl]I} & {wzz}, *{FRD}: AL nafred efrtitt mufraltid = mufrer + tit = mufredtit O. mufred) + mufradtit to separate or single out I nafrid afradt to select (as a soldier) II V A nanfarad anfaradt infirad GL '.nfiradun munfaradun AL infirad to be or stand alone; to be singular I IQ anfarad baljamal beauty became his alone I anfaradta balfac;layil virtues are yours alone I anfarad balma5i ilayk he alone went to you II fard unique (of a kind) + afrad isolated persons I AL fard + afrad basket for fruit; odd, uneven I GL fardun wal]idun one individual I V A fard odd, uneven; one dinar I fardi marrah one time I bifardi yad one-handed I IA fard uani one ear I fard asti one arse I fard ummi = IZ 15/3/2 & AS 42*/1/5 at once I ID ~md 4 frd bqr one cow I AC fard c;layna one ewe I fard qadra one pot I fard dallil one broker I fard 'adii one enemy I fard al]wal ZJ 1591 ~al]ib fardi 'ayn a oneeyed man I BO 12r farc;li marrati once I l3v waladihi alfardi his only son I 14v fardi jawharan wafardi qiwatu bal abun one essence and one potency equal to the Father's I AL aiille fard in agreement I ziguaq min fardi leun painting with one colour I fardi gue/tid only son II MV 30 & SH fardah one of a pair I AL farda min cagad + at / afrad (whole) sheet of paper I ID bdl frdt 'an end of the ear (of a ewe) II IQ & MT furiid dinars 0 SH fardi of one single strand II MT furada GL furadan & 'ala 'nfiradin & bil'infiradi separately II IQ farid AL far it single, alone II farrad chosen horseman II bi ifrad singularly UAS 85/3/2 tafrid acknowledgment of the existence of individuals (mys.) II AL mufrit + in IQ mufrad V A mufrad + in & munfarid + in singular, unique. S. {byaq}, {jkj/z}, {smy} & {n~n. *{FRDX}: AL nifarda~ farda~t mufarda~ + in to knock or break down II natfarda~ atfarda~t tafardu~ n. un. a to be knocked or flung down « {fdx}). *{FRDS}: GL firdawsun IQ alfirdaws V A firdaws alxuld the Eternal Paradise « G ltaQaO&lOOC; < Op pairi daeza, but the transmission is far from clear and an Ar
route cannot be excluded, cf. S pardasa and Rb pardesa). ·{FRDL}: OS faraalat liver pie (cf. Ag fardel). ·{FRDMHN}: OS & BM furiidumahan a certain Iranian drug. ·{FRR}: AL niferr ferert ferr AC fir (Iv.) IQ yafarr farar min VA nifarr farart firar farr + in min / 'an GL farriina to flee. ·{FRZ} I: GL afrizu tafriziini farzun AC yafraz min AL nefret; alefrezt alefret; ifrat; IQ nafrazuh kinnafrazuh VA nafraz farazt farz fiiriz mafriiz aa min aa - bayn & nufriz afrazt ifriiz bayn aa waaa - min aa to separate or set apart - to distinguish or differentiate II yanfaraz anfaraz infiriiz aa min aa to be separated or distinguished II GL yaftarizu (1) to be distinguished. ·{FRZ} II: VA yafraz afrazt albayaaq to crown a pawn (in chess) II yanfaraz anfaraz to be crowned II farzah + furiiz IH farzun AL terze + it queen I IQ alfarz a'qad protect the queen with a pawn (in chess < P frazen "guardian" = F farzin, soon shortened into ferz). ·{FRZ} III: AL friz marten « 1). ·{FRZJ}: OS farzajah pessary « G nEQi~u'Ya). ·{FRZDQ}: IQ alfarazdaq a type of jinn(i) « P reflected by F farzade "dough"; apparently, he was supposed to cause fermentation of dough, before acquiring a more prominent role: s. IQ 114, fn. 1). S. {f\zdq}. ·{FRS}: V A natfarras atfarrast tafarrus mutafarris + in n to detect (physical conditions or moral traits) through physiognomy II naftaras artarast iftiras muftaris muftaras k IQ yaftaras to stalk or throw o.s. (on a prey) I NQ mg 2/1/1 aftaras biyya zzaman fortune has been harsh on me II VA arl,l alfurs GL baladu 'Ifursi Persia nfarasun IH alfarasu IQ & IA faras VA faras + afras / xayl AC faras AL farat; + A;ail dim. forayat; + it horse (also in chess) I f. garbi + in I garabi Moroccan horse I f. A;affif + A;. A;ifef light horse I f. ciquilli + A;. ciquiliin Sicilian horse I f. mudarraa + A;. mudarraain armoured horse I f. bi jundia horse caparisoned with trappings I f. moA;ci + in castrated horse I f. al baMr + A;. a. b. hippopotamus I f. aqhfJl + A;. coMI reddish-
black horse I nuce f. gua ab nueden (I. abnu edem) centaur I ZJ 1170 & AC faras tabbal hornet (1) DAL faraei + in equine II IQ firasah penetration of mind II ZJ 1251, MT & AC faris = faris AL firit; + furein GL farisun fursanun VA faris + fawaris / fursan knight, horseman I AL firit; haeib + furein hucebi distinguished knight I ET Fariz & Aboferiz pns. S. {'snn}, {b'r}, {b~I}, {~jI}, {~Iw I: VAfima fa~at wagabar in past days II nifarrat tafrit fi to neglect I IQ la yafarrat fib J.tad let nobody neglect it I ZJ 202 ma4a alJ.tirri fattafrit the vulva (i.e., the girl's maidenhood) was lost through neglect II VA nufrit afratt ifrat mufrit fi AL ilyfrat mofrit = mufrit + in & natfarrat atfarratt to overdo; to exceed the bounds II IZ 9/1/1 farti J.tusnuh his extreme beauty II BH 42,1 shr ynyr alfarit 'anna last January I MT faritan 'ala in
addition to II IQ raxi~ hu haaa ssarab ifrat this wine is too inexpensive I GL bi'aysar ifratin with utmost ease. ·{FRT} II: VA furat anus « L foratus "hole"). ·{FRT} III: GL fa/irratun dye (from rust of iron) I XA a~ul firrat dyeing stuff I AL firrat shoemaker's dye, grit (from grinding; < L ferra/us) II FR 73, 8 attin •.. alf.rat a kind of fig (of that colour?). ·{FRTJ:I}: OS tarartaJ.t to flatten (itr.); mufartaJ.t flat. ·{FRTRYS}: SG fratryas illegal priest syndicates « L fratria). ·{FRTS} I: V A firtas + faratis faucet of a clepsydra « A fi(fisah "snout"). ·{FRTS} II: V A firtas mangy II OS fartasah mange (allusive to the hairless patches caused by this disease, since this word in A meant "wide"). ·{FRTN}: HC 27 frton a conical cooking vessel and a dish cooked in it similar to ra's maymon (q.v.; < R, cf. Cs farte & fartal, name given to various dishes; < L fartus "fed up", with the R aug. suffix). ·{FR'}: AL nifarrati farratit V A n-yifarra' farra' tafri' mufarri' k to branch out; to derive (tr.) II yatfarra' atfarra' tafarru' min to become ramified; to derive (itr.) II yaftara' aftara' iftira' muftari' + in muftara'ah + at k to deflower II far' + furo' IQ furo' (pI.) branch; derivation I GL far'un AC far' AL faratile + afrati branch, bough. ·{FR'N}: VA yatfar'an atfar'an tafar'un 'ala to tyrannize n fir'awn + fara'in Pharaoh « Eg pr .. "big house", through H par'oh and Ar, cf. S per'un). S. {xbz}. ·{FRG}: GL '.fru/igu mafrogun f mafrogatun & mufarragun to empty V A nafrag faragt farag farig + in min & yatrarrag atfarrag min to finish or bring to an end I IZ 10/311 yafrag fi Jliyabuh he disgraces himself on his garments I IQ farag minni he has finished me off I farag manni naf' aJlJliyab I have no use for clothes any longer II nafarrag farrago (Iv.) V A nifarrag tafrig k AC tifarrag AL nifarrag/~ farrag/~t to empty; to pour I FX farrag tafrig to serve food I IQ kiUafarrag aa ddubayIah you would put an end to this torture I VA nifarrag k 'ala to put (garments on s.o.) II nufrig afragt
ifrlig I farg farrlig + in mafriig to cast in a mould; to melt into ingots II yatfarrag atfarrag AL taffarrbg & tafarbg to be poured or emptied I GL atafarragu 'Uafarrugu mutafarragun to become empty or free (in order to pursue a goal) II VA yanfarag anfarag to be cast or molten II nastafrag astafragt istifrlig mustafrig AL naztafrtig aztafragt iztifrag muztafra(g) + in to faint or swoon I VA farg mortar; cement nLH 5 *fargah grain measure made out of diss (posited by Pt alferga) I VA flirig + furriig = lA, IQ, ZJ 672 & AC flirig AL fari(e)!r, + forrblu!r, GL flirigun f flirigatun empty I 'Ikallimu 'Imulhiyu 'Iflirigu vain words, prattle I XA cgal walad alfargah the son of the lazy woman (euphemistic for flijirah?)1 I AL gairi farig + g. foroh busy, occupied I fal fa rag (I. fa rag or fareg) vainly II forrbga + forrbg spigot I VA furriigat alqazzliz glass-blower's pipe I OS tafrig fall (of leaves) II VA mafrag + maflirig funnel. S. {slq} I. *{FRFX}: UT 447 farfax wild purslane (Euphorbia peplus, bot.). *{FRFDLYN}: TO 213 friifiidilliwun BM friifiidilyiin slender thistle (Carduus pycnocephalus; corrupted from G KQoKooelA.&Ov). *{FRFR} I: 158 sadaf alfirfir murex shell II OS firfiriyyah purple colour « G 1toQq>uQa). S. {x~w}. *{FRFR} II: TO 185 furfir purslain (Portulaca oleracea, bot., prob. < LI pullipedel ml "rooster's foot", cf. Fr pour pier). *{FRFL}: IQ ratlan furfali a smaller pound used for weighing pepper and spices « {flfI}, s. LQ 114 and Encyclopedia of Islam s.v. makayil). *{FRFR/L}: AL nifarfal farfalt to rub with the hands I VA nifarfar/l k to crumble or fritter I yatfarfar/l atfarfar/l tafarfur/l to crumble (itr.) II ZJ 244 mufarfar scattered. S. {frfl(y)}. *{FRFS}: VA nifarfas farfasah k to turn over;
to shuffle II yatfarfas to be turned over or shuffled. *{FRFL(Y)}: VA furfulyah AL furfulla + it dandruff nmufarfal + in full of dandruff « L furfures). S. {frfr/\} & {frn} I. *{FRQ}: VA yafraq faraq farq fliriq to fear I AL nefreq afreqt afreq to scatter II niferreq ferreqt IQ farraqat VA nifarraq tafriq k 'ala I bayna GL ufar(r)iqu = '.far.qu yufar.qu mufarraqun to distribute; to scatter I IQ farraqta bayni wamli bayn almaniyyah you kept death off me I yafarraq mli bayn I}abib wal}abib he separates lovers I lam yafarraq bayn aI'aqal walhiis he could not tell reason and folly apart II GL '(u)fliriqu AC firliq to leave or abandon I AL nifaraq faraqt firaq mufariq to leave or abandon; to leave this world I nifaraq faraqt to be different I IQ fliraq limawllih he has left his master I fliraq alxilllin he has left the beloved II V A yatfarraq atfarraq tafarruq IQ yatfarraqii to be distributed or scattered I AL natfarraq atfarraqt to separate (from o.a.) II ZJ 564 & IA yaftaraq to be scattered II AL farq leaving, departure; difference I IH alfarqu a vessel containing 3 ~a' I firqun LZ, GL farqun difference; distance I VA farq + furiiq difference I IQ lli farqi baynuh wabayn there is no difference between him and ... D IQ furqah & firliq separation of lovers n MT fariq group II OS fariqah decoction of fenugreek II VA furqlin the Koran II GL '.ftirliqun separation I AL yftiraq separation of husband and wife I bi iftiraq diversely R IQ tafriq separation; parting in hair II OS mufarraq a kind of cabbage II GL muft.raqun cross-roads. S. {tyn}, {I}bb}, {sllc} & {~wm}. *{FRQD}: V A farqad 11 farqadlin IQ alfarqadayn the stars 'Y and f3 of Ursa Minor (but s. VA 229). *{FRQ'}: ZJ 266 yifarqa' AL nifarcaa = nifarcah farcaalht tafarcba + it I tafarcoit mUfarquie + mUfarquiain to sound or
1 There appears to be a similar substitution of R */falaqayra/ for this same apparently very coarse word in xar jah
1112 of the Hebrew series, according to our paper (wrillen in collaboration with A. Saenz-Badillos) "Nueva propuesta de lectura de las xarajdl con texto romance de la serie hebrea", in R~visla d~ Filologia Espailola 74 (I 994) 283-89, esp. 286.
clink; to crackle; to creak or squeak I VA nifarqa' Carqa't farqa'ah mufarqi' mufarqa' to make pop or crack II yatfarqa' atfarqa' tafarqu' to pop or crack « (fq'}). ·{FRK} I: V A yafruk farak furiik(ah) fariik mafriik to grow or develop II nafrak farakt fark flirik almarlih zawjahli to hate (the wife her husband) II nifarkak farkakt farkakah / tafarkuk to enjoy pleasures D OS lawz firk a kind of almond easy to husk U VA farik = ZJ 1597, IA & AC, GL farikun - 'lfariku AL fariq n. un. farica roasted green wheat I FX farik green, unripe (barley or garlic) II JM 36 farrlikah thievish woman. ·{FRK} 11: AL nafruq afraqt mafruloq + in to hang I forca + foraq AC furkah gallows, gibbet I V A furkah + furak gallows; pitch-fork « L furca). S. {frkn}. ·{FRKN}: AL nifarcan farcant tafarcun V A nifarkan farkanah to hang (on the gallows) II yatfarkan atfarkan to be hanged. S. {frk} ll. ·{FRLBY}: AL Forilibio Forli (geo.). ·{FRM} I: AL afram + foram without front teeth. ·{FRM} 11: AL forma + foram a kind of scythe I OS furmah grapes ready to be pressed II dim. MV 270v5 furaymli min sukkar small loaf of sugar « L forma). ·{FRMT} I: SG frmlit + iin high official « L primate[ mJ).
·{FRMT} 11: SG furmlitah + frmlits a priest's travel permit « Ll format a). ·{FRMQ}: VA nifarmaq farmaqt farmaqah to smile (perhaps < Ar parneq "to pamper or coddle"). ·{FRMKLRY}: SG ffrmklliryw archpriest « Ll primTcierus, contaminated by {prmcry}, q.v.). ·{FRN} I: GL 'ICurrin dandruff « L porrigTne[ mJ, prob. contaminated by furfulyah, q.v., in its first consonant). S. (frn(yr»). ·{FRN} 11: HB 59,20 f.rinlit florins « {fIrn}, q.v.). ·{FRNTL}: MT f.r.ntlil frontal of an altar I AL
frontal + at I it = (u)frontal + (v)frontalit covering on foreheads of oxen « L front alTa).
·{FRNC}: V A Curnajj + lit MT Curnlijah furnace I SG furnlij + farlini/ij oven in the silk industry « L fornac[emJ). ·{FRNJL}: MT aban f.ranjil pn. « {'frnj}, with a R dim. suffix, but faranqlil also existed). ·{FRNJMSK}: OS faranjamusk (var. baranjmsk)1 soft haired basil (Ocimum pilosum, bot.; < P brinz muSk "brazen musk", on account of its colour). S. ffrnjmsk} & {brnjmsk}. ·{FRNXY}: TO 289 fliruniixyli thyme-leaved nailwort (Paronychia serpyllifolia, bot.; < G ltaQwvu')(,la).
·{FRND}: LZ frnd 1H firandun streaks on a sword II LZ ifrind a kind of silk « F parand "glittering surface of a polished sword, plain or painted silk"). ·{FRNS}: V A nifarnas Carnast Carnasah to smile (perhaps < G &UCPQOO1)VT\, cr. also Gz tiifiirniisii "to be pampered", Mr tfilrnisa "silly smile" and filrnils "to smile in a silly way" and Rf B asfirnilsln "smile", without a B root). ·{FRNSSK}: AL Francisco pn. (late borrowing from Cs). ·{FRNQ}: GL 'lfurliniqiin couriers « P parwanag "guide" prob. through G ltQOUVlKOt;, cr. also S porunqa and Rb parwanqa, s. GL 134 & OS 11246). ·{FRNKLN}: AL francolin francolin (zoo., late borrowing from Cs). ·(FRN(YR)}: IA faran AL nafrin afrant IQ yufran VA nafrin afrant ifrlin mafriin k to bake in the oven D yanfaran anfaran to be baked II furn + afrlin IQ, ZJ 655, lA, MT & AC furn GL Curnun + IH afrinatun AL forn + afran dim. farayen (I. forayen) + il oven I SH furn attabrid cooling oven used by glaziers D TH 105,11 fal,lm furni oven coal (as opposed to l,Iaddlidi, i. e., the kind used by smiths) II AL farran f a + in ZJ 1661, MT & AC farrlin V A farrlin + in & furnayr + in baker I AL xogal al farran + axgal al farranin baking « L furnus, through G
1 Read so IW II 291, 17 qryl]msk. Other vars. in 8M flnjmSk & 'Ilnjmsk.
and Ar, cf. Rb purnah and purn'i). S. {'}, {jbs/~}, {jyr}, {I]tb}, {qbb} I, {qbw}, {qhr} & {kns} I. ·{FRH}: VA farahiyyah + iit vigour, strength. ·{FRW}: IH farii + afriyatun LZ afriyah IQ farwah + farii V A farwah + farii / afriyah fur; pelt, fur cloak I ZJ 1276 fariik your fur cloak II MT farra VA farra + yin furrier I LO Alfarra pn. {gnbz}. ·{FRY} I: VA nafri afrayt ifrii mufri min / 'an Ii to flee nnaftari artarayt iftirii / firyah / fariyyah muftari 'ala & nastafri astafrayt istifra mustafri 'ala IQ yuftara GL y-'aftari fariyatun muftari XA ina2 yartarii ... 'alinii AC faryah (m.) to slander I AL naftari aftareit to tell lies consciously II IQ Uri VA Uri + fawari shrewd, slyl II MT fiiriyah a fine for slandering s.o. (a calque of Old Cs calona). ·{FRY} II: AL feria market-place I BO 34r ~allatu mmin almawtii saw faryyiiti a Mass for the dead or in commemoration of the Saints « L fer'iae). ·{FRYR/L}: MT f.rayr = fariiyir(i) = afriiyir = f.riiyili = afriiyili + fariiyirin / afriiyir/lin monk II arrutbah al'afriiyiriyyah the monk hood. ·{FRYLS}: AL alfrailes al morabidin the friars (late borrowing from Cs). ·{FZ(R)L}: MT fazayriiliit & faz.liiS small cushions « R *faz[ayra/ < L facies "look", and then "face", with diverse dim. suffixes). ·{FZZ}: VA yastafazz astafazz istifziiz mustafizz mustafazz k to startle or incite. ·{FZ'}: GL afza'u = '.ha'u fazi'un VA n-yafza' faza'(t) faza' fiizi' + in fazzii' + in min 'ala & yaftazza' atfazza' IQ faza'ta n/yaha' faza' (m.) Ii AC faza' AL nafzaa fazaat falazaa = fazzaa fazzaa = fazaa (I) + in = fazaain & natfazzaa atfazzaat to be scared or frightened I xey yufzaa + axiit yUfzaain O. tUfzaa) s.th. frightening I q>oiiQvo~
IQ 151/4/3 faza' min jismi he was frightened by (seeing) my body I 190/0/1 aha' 'annuh flee from him I la taha' do not worry I ayyiik taha' do not be scared II AL nifaz(z)aa faz(z)aat mUfazaa = mofacaa + in V A nifazza' tafzi' k & yufzi' aha't ifzii' muhi' k to scare or frighten IIQ fazza'ni it scared me lliqalbi yafazza' it scares my heart 0 axaltni faza' I had a scare I 'ala faza'uh in his fright II 158/0/2 rna aha'uh how frightening! 0 AC fazzii' coward II V A maha' refuge, sanctuary. ·{FZL}: s. {h(r)\}. ·{FSTQ}: FX fustuq pistachio I MT a~1 alfustaq pistachio-tree I UT 642 r. al'ar" meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale, bot.) II FX rustuqiyyah a stew of lamb with beans; a dish of beans and onions; HC 157 a dish of green beans with meat; 253 a sweet confection of sugar and nuts II IQ fustaqiyyah (fern.) VA fustuqi bixu"rah pistachio-coloured « P pistag). ·{FSI;U: AL nifazca adfaca faca 2 to clear (said of weather) II VA nifassal] tafsil] k to make wide II yatfassal] atfassal] tafassul] mutfassil] to become wide II AL fazha + at interval of time II AC fu~l]a = fu~l]ah serenity of the weather I VA fusl]ah + at / fusal] open space II fasil] + fisiil] & mufassal] wide, roomy I maw"a' an fasil] open space. S. {xn}. ·{FSX} I: IQ fasax he was ruined I AL nafck, afcak,t mufcik, + in to abrogate; to falsify I nafcek, al intiMa to mismatch I VA nafsax fasaxt fasx fiisix + in / fussiix mafsiix k & nafsix afsaxt ifsax k to abolish or abrogate II yanfasax anfasax to be abolished or abrogated I AL bi inficak, falsely. ·{FSX} II: HB f.siix galbanum (cf. Mr fasux, perhaps distorted from fu~ii~, q.v.). ·{FSD}: VA nufsid afsadt ifsad mufsid mafsiid k to corrupt or spoil I GL afsada afsidu =
Cf. also Pt al/ario "pawing (horse)", a//.iria "barren mare" and a//.iro "callIe not giving milk".
2 Supposing that an >h< was omitted through the entire paradigm and that ip.
& iv. were forged by the author, as is often the case in similar instances, this verb would appear to exhibit coalescence of the 11 and V stems, not uncommon in Alcala's materials, and a semantic calque of R, cr. Cs d.sp.jars. = ac/arar .., since this A root is not used with those connotations. But mere matathesis of lat~afral < (,tw) cannot be excluded.
FSR-FSQL '.fasidu yafsidu LZ & IH mafsiidun to ruin I IQ afsad tufsid fasad ufsid to ruin; to make void I AL nefced fecett to ruin; to rout I nelifced efcedltt = afcetldt alefced mafeud + in to fell (trees); to destroy or ruin; to fade (colour); to rout; to harm I XA ibil afsad Ii tawdibi he ruined my good manners II GL fasad(un) fiisid & mafsiidun AC fasad Casad (m.) & anfasad VA yafsud fasa/ud fasad fasid + in bi & yanfasad anfasad to be or become corrupted or decayed I AL nenfeced alenfecedt to be upset (said of the stomach); to be on the turn (said of wine); to be or become corrupted II OC 15 dun eetifecedu without bothering him II AL fezd breach of promise II fezde + it destruction; massacre; rout II fec1eed = fecedd = fecet destruction, ruin; harm; deflowering I fecid felling of trees I xey lallecet corruptible thing II facid = faecid + fazcidin & mufad (I. mufcid) + in misdoer, harmful. S. ('mn}, {dmw} & {mOd}.
*{FSR}: GL ufassir(u) yufassiru fassir (Iv.) tafsirun mufassirun AL nifecer = nifezeer = nifeccert (1. nifeccer) fe(zlc)cert feccer tafcir + tafacir mufecir = mufecir + in IQ tafsir V A nifassar tafsir k to explain or comment II yatfassar atfassar to be explained or commented upon II MT fasruh 'alayhim his explanation to them II AL mufacir al manein + in (I. maneim) interpreter of dreams « Ar pareS). *{FSS}: AC fassis noiseless farter I abii fassis scarabreus, glass bead I VA abii fassas IA abii fassis & fassisah AL abu facie + cit black beetle I abufade + it green beatle I abufacie n. un. a pollack (lch.; < {fsw}, q.v.) {C~~} II.
*{FSSR}: s. {sfsr}, *{FST>: VA fustat + fasaFt GL fustatun AL (f}fuztat + faeatit tent, pavilion I XA iibi2 fi qubbat alfustat under the tent « Byzantian G qlocrcratov < L fossatum, cf. A fussa(). *{FSFS}: IW 1 604,8 fsafs vine-grub. *{FSQ} I: AC fasaq to act immorally II VA fisq & fusiiq IQ fusiiq depravity II AL faceq meanness n ficiq + ffueaq I foeaq lecher; sodomite I ficiqa (I. 'ficiqa) + fueaq concubine I GL fasiqun fornicator I AC
fu~~aq (pI.) VA fasiq + in I fussaq dissolute, wanton II mafsaqah + mafasiq brothel. S. {C~q}. *{FSQ} II: MT fasqiyyah fountain « A fisqiyyah < L pisc'ina "fish-pond", through Ar, cf. Sr pesq'in and Rb pisqinot & pseqah "pool", the latter pointing to folk etymology based upon {psq), which also underlies the A word). *{FSNMY}: V A fisonomia physiognomy II fis6nomi + in physiognomist (late borrowing from Cs). *{FSW}: IA fasat yafsii afsi (Iv.) faswah dim. fusaywah AC fusayya + fusaywit fasi fasit (= fasH) nafsi IQ fasa luh VA yafsii fasa fusa I faswah I tafassi fasi + in fassas + in to break wind without noise II nifassi k to break wind noiselessly as a sign of scorn to S.o. II UT 140 faswat a~~ab' a kind of wild lupin; 425 winter truffle (Tuber brumale, bot.) II AC fusih his noiseless farts. *{FST}: BO 17r fiStatin AL fexta + it Christian or pagan festival (cf. Mr f. ·{F~Q}: VA ra~qiyyah + at / fa~aqi girdle; slap; beating I TH 35,9 fasaqi laths « L fascia through Eastern transmission channels, cf. S pesqila "band, rag" and Rb pisqeya = psiqya < Low G }: VA nifawwa4 tafwi4 k Ii to commit II yatfawwa4 atfawwa4 to put o.s. in God's hands II annas faw4a these people have no ruler II AL ruzl mUfaguad + rucui in delegate. *{FWT}: VA fiitah + fuwat apron « Sa pu(a "wrap, cover", it being noticeable that P reflexes of this word derive from A and cannot have been the links between this language and Sa). *{FWFL}: OS & IW I 349,20 fawfal = fiifal areca-palm (Areca catechu, bot.; < F pupal). *{FWQ}: GL afiiqu VA nufiiq fuqt fa'iq mafiiq k I 'ala n IQ fliq 'ala to excel or be superior I fliqat awja'uh the pains he caused were extreme II V A nufiiq & nu/ifiq fiqt / afaqt ifaqah mufiq + in min ZJ 1573 & IA faq AL nifiq fiql fiq faiq + uin JM 34 faq min IQ nifiq min to
FWL-FYO recover or awake I kittifiq humiimi my worries would be soothed I AC tifiq min nu'iisak you wake up from your sleep II AL nifayaq fayaqt mUfayaq + in to awaken II GL riiqatun VA fiiqah + iit hunger, destitution II rawqa GL fawqa/ii IQ, ZJ, IA & AC rawq JM 5 fiiq AL fauq over, above I Ii f. IQ li/afawq upwards I fawquh on him I fawq almii over the water I fawq fawq very high I min fawqi xaddi on my cheek I IH riiqaka on you I AC min fawq from above I MT maakiir fawquh aforementioned II AL fauqui + in f MT rawqiyyah higher, upper II IQ fiiyiq excellent I GL fiiyiqun n '1'lImi outstanding man of science I raU'un riiyitun (I. fiiyiqun) highly illustrious. S. {I]wn, {rmy}, {s'r}, {qdr}, {key}, {kwn} & {n~r}.
·{FWL}: AL ful n. un. fula AC fiil n. un. fiilii = fiilah GL fiilun IQ & MT fiil VA fiil n. un. ah + arwiil beans I OS fiil I]assiidi riimi abya4 - siimi - mi~ri kinds of beans I UT 380 fiil assu'iil small hartwort (Tordylium officinale, bot.) II VA fawwiil + in = ZJ 2069 seller of beans II 1848 marwalah AL mafuela + mafuil (I. mafa/iui/) bean-field « Eg pr, cf. C pouro). S. {dSS}, {dqq} & {q~b}. ·{FWLS}: CP 103,4 rwlws Paul (pn.). S. {pwls}. ·{FWN}: OS fiiwinii/a AL favina = faguina + faguain peony (Preonia officina lis, bot.; < L paeonia through bookish transmission, s. RA 11). ·{FWH}: VA yufiih fah fawh fii'ih mafiih bi to utter or say II nifawwah tafwih k & yatfawwah atfawwah tafawwuh GL yurawwihu ZJ 2104 yifawwah AC fawwahat AL nifegueh fegueht tefegueh / ffegueh to yawn or gape I FX rawwah to season or condiment I HC 64 ruwwihat bil'afiiwih it was seasoned with spices II VA tarwih + tafiiwih 1 afiiwih condiment, seasoning. S. {«mw)}. ·{FWW}: LZ fawwah IH fawwatun V A fawwah madder (Rubia tinctorum, bot.) I OS alf.wwah albarriiniyyah catch-weed (Gallium aparine, bot.; < Ar pUla). ·{FY}: IQ, ZJ 9, AC & GL n AL fi in (with the allomorphs faW = fil. before the article, fia - fina - fiq - fieum - fih - fihum AC fih - fihii - fihum - finii IQ fiyya
fik fih(i) nkum, before the pronominal suffixes) I 173/4/2 fi jamiilak for the sake of your beauty I 174/0/1 nmii yasurrani jit you have come for that which pleases me I NQ mg 23/2/2 iJ>nayn n J>nayn by twosomes I AC fazziwiij in marriage. S. {'nJ>}, {bd'}, {btl}, {pqt}, {byn}, {J>bt}, {J>qb}, {I]zz}, {I]sb}, {I]qq}, {I]kk} I, {I]II}, {I]yn}, {xdd}, {xdm}, {xlt}, {xwr}, {dxn, {aii}, {rbw}, {rsd, {rht}, {rwl]}, {zmn}, {stt} I, {sll]}, {sw'}, {sOn, {snt(r)}, {~bl]}, {~xr}, {~rf}, {4mn}, {tb'}, {tl'}, {'rb}, {'md}, {'wr}, {fl]~}, {frj}, {frg}, {qb4}, {qbn, {qdm}, {qrb}, {qtr}, {qlb}, {qwy}, {ktb}, {krr}, {kll}, {kim}, {Iii}, {Iwy}, {rna}, {m4y}, {m'd}, {nzl}, {nfs}, {nw'}, {nwm}, {hbt}, {wjh}, {wl]d}, {wzn}, {ws'}, {w4'}, {w~b} & {wqt}. ·{FY'}: AL nifa/eyi = nifai fa/eyeit tey/i mufei + mUfeyyin to distrain; to prevaricate; to plunder I VA nifayyi fayyayt fayy 1 fay' mufayyi mufayyii k to plunder a yatfayyii atfayyii tafayyi to be plundered II AS 89/1/4 fay shade I lQ fay booty I AL amr bal tei decree of distraint I cahib al fey & mufei + in officer of justice who makes distraints. ·{FYI>MN}: IH fayJ>amiin (suggested correction afayJ>amiin) clover dodder (Cuscuta epithymum, bot.; < G tJtl9ul1ov). S. {'rJ>mn}. ·{FY J}: AL nifayaeh fayaxt to girdle II IH fayjah baby's swaddling clothes I IW I 464,25 fjh (I. fyjh) protecting band for a graft I AL fayja + al dim. fuayja + git girdle. S. {fiis} & } I: GL qabac.I aqbic.Iu qabc.Iun qiibic.Iun maqbiic.Iun & ataqabbac.Iu to take or hold I VA naqbic.I qabac.It qabc.I qiibic.I + in / qubbiic.I maqbiic.I k to take or seize; to take hold; to arrest I SH qabac.I to close (a finger) I AL naqbid cabalt = quabadt cabd n. un. e to hold; to receive; to collect I IQ yaqbac.I alarwii~ it takes away lives I yaqbac.I junayya~ 'ala junayya~ the flaps (of a garment) pull each other I IZ 14/3/2 qabac.I 'alih yaminuh his right hand held it I AS 8/1/3 taqbic.Ini haybati my awe abashes me II AL nicabbad cabbadt tacabud to payor deliver II MT attaqabbuc.I 'ala jismuh to lay hands on him B VA yanqabac.I anqabac.I(t) inqibiic.I munqabic.I (min I 'an) to be taken, seized or held - to loathe or abhor I IQ anqabac.I he became sulky II qabc.I death I biqabc.Ii niiri when my fire catches (cf. Cs prender el fuego) I MT ~iir biqabc.I to come into the hands of I qabc.I(at) al>l>aman collection of the price II GL qabc.Iatun handful I V A qabc.Iah + qibiic.I AL cabda + quibtid handful, bunch; bundle; handle, hilt I c. fi c. handful by handful II dim. cubaida + it small handful II cabid + cubbad / in IZ 4/5/4 qiibic.I tax collector I AC qiibic.I aloof I ZJ 779 qiibic.I alarwii~ the Angel of Death II OS quwwatun qabbiic.Iah astringency II AC & IQ inqibiic.I aloofness II maqiibic.I (pI.) AL miqbad + mactibid GL miqbac.Iun V A maqbac.I alqullah + maqiibic.I ear of a jar, handle I IH
maqbac.Iun ZJ 1815 maqbac.I + maqiibic.I handle I IH maqbic.Iu satlin end of the turban folded under the chin (lit., "bucket handle") II V A maqbiic.I 'ala angry at. S. {I>qf}, {~ty} & {nzI}. ·{QBJ;>} II: IH qubbayc.Iun sweetmeat « A qubbay!(a) & qubba{ & qubay{li' "sweet preserve"< Rb qiibu!lt "vessel containing pressed or pickled substances"). S. {qbCO & {qbt} II. ·{QBT} I: VA qibt n. un. qibti Copt Uqabtiyah + qabiiF IQ qabiiF (pI.) IH qabtiyyatun ZJ 839 & MT qabtiyyah a kind of sleeveless garment « C gyptios < G (ll'Y\llttlOl>li' V A qil>l>li cucumber I SH & DS q.l>l>li' alJ.timlir wild cucumber I alq.l>l>li' albarri wild cucumber I q. alJ.tayyah snake weed (Polygonum bistorta, bOlo); capers I alq. asslimi gherkins I q. anna'lim colocynth I q. hindi golden shower (Cassia fistula, bot.) I AL zarreal al quite cucumber seed II miqci + maquici cucumber- or melon-patch I maql>lih + maqlil>i IH miql>li cucumberpatch l . S. {J.tbb} & {kl>'}. ·{GJT}: AL gugila lace, string I maaiem algugilil + in maker or seller of laces I ZJ 484 qujita Ii~abblit shoe lace (cf. Cs agujela < LI *acuciUa with a dim. suffix (-et[a)) uncharacteristic of Western and Central Hispanic Romance). ·{QCP}: AL cachup + il chamber-pot « L cacciibus "pot", although the final segment is far from clear). ·{QJ/SDR}: ZJ 1348b qajdarat 1729 muqajdirah V A niqajdar qajdar qaj/sdarah I qujdiir IQ qajdiir to moan or groan « LI *quaesilura, s. VA 239). ·{QCL}: AL Cachilla Castile I C. al cadima Old C. I C. a gidida New C. II cachilli + in Castilian « L caslella). S. {qstJ} & {qwcJ}. ·{QJLL}: s. {tyn}. ·{QCN}: AL cochina + cachichin kitchen « L coquina). ·{QJWL}: AL qajwal pn. ·{QI;lB}: VA taqJ.tub qaJ.tubat quJ.tbiyyah + lit & tatqaJ.tJ.tab atqaJ.tJ.tabat ZJ 724 & 1826 quJ.tb & quJ.tbiyyah (m.) AC taqJ.tub AL naqhu/6b quahul6bl cohbia to be or become a harlot II nicahab cahabt V A niqaJ.tJ.tab taqJ.tib k to prostitute II qaJ.tbah + qiJ.tlib = ZJ 1375, 1824, IQ qiJ.tlib AC qaJ.tbah IA qaJ.tbah + qaJ.tblit AL cahba +
1 According 10 OS, Ihis word is somelimes spelled with
quihtlb dim. cuhtlyba + it IQ quJ.taybas (with R pI. morpheme) harlot, whore I AL rabtld al quihtlb + arbtld red-light district I dar Imavda al q. brothel I AC walad qaJ.tbli + abnliy alqaJ.tblit son of a whore. S. {htk} & {str}. .{QI;lI;l}: V A quJ.tJ.t f ah pure, genuine I IH 'arabiyyun qiiJ.tun pure Arab. ·{QI;lT}: V A yaqJ.tat qaJ.tat qliJ.tit & yatqaJ.tJ.tat atqaJ.tJ.tat to be afflicted with drought II niqaJ.tJ.tat k to smite with drought II qaJ.tt & quJ.tiit drought. ·{QI;lF}: GL qiJ.tfun VA qiJ.tr + aqJ.tar skull I IQ qiJ.tfi AC qiJ.tf + quJ.tiif AL quehf + quoMf dim. quohQyaf + it head I AS 90/2/4 ratub qiJ.tfuh he went mad. S. {dr'}, {~bJ.t} & {hzz}. ·{QI;lQI;U: VA niqaJ.tqaJ.t qaJ.tqaJ.tah AL nicahcah cahcahl lacahcuha + il to guffaw or laugh boisterously II IQ qaJ.tJ.ta qaJ.t qaJ.t qaJ.t onomatopeia of laughter. « {qhqh}, q.v.). ·{QI;lK}: VA qaJ.tkah + lit fish pie « {k'k}, q.v.). ·{QI;lL}: s. {kJ.tJ}. ·{QI;lM}: IQ aqJ.tamii charge! (command for a sabre charge) II V A nuqJ.tim aqJ.tamt iqJ.tlim muqJ.tim muqJ.tam I maqJ.tiim k to introduce, insert or cram into n yanqaJ.tam anqaJ.tam inqiJ.tlim munqaJ.tim to be introduced or inserted I AC nancahtlmln ancahtlmlnt (n being erroneous) inquihtlm muncahim = muncahin + in to urge or insist; to endeavour II GL aqtaJ.tama V A yaqtaJ.tam aqtaJ.tam iqtiJ.tlim muqtaJ.tim 'inda I fi to rush or introduce 0.8. into. ·{QI;lW}: IQ uqJ.tuwlin DS quJ.twlin daisies I 8M uqJ.tuwlin fever-few chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum parthenium, bot.). ·{QD}: GL, ZJ 113 & VA qad already I laqad certainly I IQ qad aswart anli I have consulted I qad tasma' you must hear I yli qad naqta' I am finishing it already I yli qad raja' he has already returned I ya qad su'ir lak you have already noticed Ilaqad ~kittalqi J.ta~ir you would in that case certainly put mats I laqad hu I>awban ran' it is indeed an excellent garment I qad ma'ak man ta'ammat you certainly have somebody you can trust I NQ mg
>t< and used 10 refer 10 a palch of any kind of vegelable.
4/0/1 wii~id n qalbi qad sakan someone has lodged in my heart I IZ 3/0/2 qad badina we have already begun I XA vli6 qad yar~al he is already leaving I LP 3/3 qad tara rna ya'budii you can see clearly what they worship I CD M 3/14 qad kiin yiji he would certainly come I AL qad ~alama (hr.) he has already been unjust I qad 'ufi 'annuh he has been forgiven already I EV 5 cad har;ar athaca it has lost strength I 7 cad har;arat xaracaha it has lost its gloss I 13 huequet yacil yleic adohan and smoke already reaches you. S. {qdd}, {qn} & {J}. ·{QDI:U: VA naqda~ qada~t qad~ qiidi~ + in fi - maqdii~ anniir to ladle out - to strike fire UAL nicaddah caddaht to ladle out or pour by the jar II VA yanqada~ anqada~ anniir to be stricken out (fire with a flint) I qada~ + aqdii~ / aqdi~ah GL qada~un IQ aqdii~ (pI.) ZJ 425 & AC qadii~ AL cada(ti)h + aqdah dim. coda yah + it jar I TH 39,5 qada~ SH qada~ + aqdii~ a dry measure (= 14,124 Iitres) I JM 22 qaws qada~ rainbow « quza1!)l II DS qiidi~ wood worm D AL caddah + in MT qaddii~ jar maker or seller UTH 40,5 mawiizin ... muqadda~ah grain measures with raised sides in order to prevent spilling. S. {rts} & {Itm}. ·{QDD}: IQ naqaddad ZJ 103 yuqaddad to jerk, to cut meat into shreds (to be dried in the sun) II VA qad + qudiid ZJ 912, 993 & 1893 qadd(j) quantity, amount; size I GL qaddun equal in age I ZJ 2005 qad(d) IQ qaddi (beauty of the) waist; dim. IQ qudayd little waist I qadduh - qaddahii his - her (beautiful) waist I 189/5/2 'iniiq qaddah to embrace her I lalqad up to the waist I qad biqad waist to waist I 'ala qaddi jii it fitted me perfectly I 157/4/2 min qad matii' man wali befitting a man who has been appointed governor I qaddi kiin BELARi I have been awake long enough I ZJ 958 yaqad alqalil a little is enough I IQ biqaddi jabal farii as big as Mount G. I ZJ 1110 min qadduh in his way I 966 italqaddi like this I rayt qaddi
balii I have seen my share of disgrace I AC 'ala qad & qad alIi to the extent of I yab~ar qadduh he sails his way I NQ as 1/1/1 lis qaddi 'an ruliin I never have enough of seeing So-and-So I IZ 4/5/3 qaddi man qiil in the same manner as one said I MT min qaddihii of the same kind I AL qued = quedd as much as; as long as I alquedd the same amount or quality I quedden guahid the same age I qued hi qued one thing for another I quedi haulin as many I quedd aquetl as little I dil qued & quedidi as much I dilqued min mirar as many times I qued aqcar tamxi dilqued acal tedri the more you go around the less you know I ayqued(eme) dim. ay cudeide no matter how much II IQ qadid IH alqaddidu dried meat II IQ (aI)miqdiid pn. S. {'~d}, {'yy}, {ts'}, {JlIJl}, {Jlmn}, {Jlny}, {jdd}, {rb'}, {xms}, {sb'}, {stt} I, {swy}, {'sr} & {m'y}. ·{QDR}: IQ qadar naqdar GL '(a)qdiru yaqdiru qudratun qiidirun AL neqder quedert VA naqdar qadart qudrah / qadar qiidir + in maqdiir 'ala to be able, to have power I n. qadar 'ala bi to decree (said of God) I AC Iii taqdar luh you are no match for him I Iii yaqdar lal~imiir he cannot subdue the donkey I mii hu yaqdar yikun it cannot be I IQ law qadar gayri yaxfih if anybody else could hide it I as qadart an narja~ what could I like better? Ilaw kiin qadar if he could I tiil rna taqdar as long as you can I naqdarii an naitar I can skip it I taqdar an tuziir you can visit II naqaddar taqdir to consider or estimate I mii qaddar alia ttaraq that which God had decreed has happened I AL niquedder queddert taqdir mucad( d)ir + in to appraise or estimate; to substitute (gr.) I VA niqaddar taqdir k & nuqdir aqdart iqdiir muqdir muqdar k to enable I niqaddar taqdir k to appraise or estimate D yatqaddar atqaddar to be appraised or estimated II yanqadar anqadar Ii to be possible or feasible B IQ yastaqdar to get the upper hand II qad(a)r V A qadr + aqdiir appraisal, estimate I q. about,
1 Just another instance of the tendency to avoid ullering the name of this pre-Islamic angel or demon.
QDS I-QDM nearly I ZJ 340 & 532 qadr quantity; importance I IQ qadrah 'uddi reckon its amount (iv.) I tara qadar l,Ialiiwat 3ikrak do you see how sweet the mention of you is? I 151/2/3 as qadar ya~lamni how unfair he is to me! I was qadar qalbi yahwiik how much my heart loves you! I NQ mg 9/0/2 Iii yansiihii Qadri mii tansiini may he not forget her as she forgets me I AC 'ala qadr GL 'ala / biqadr according to I fwq 'Iq.dr utterly II qidrun ZJ 1776,987 & 1854 qadrah & qidr + qudiir IA qidrah V A qadrah & qadar & qidr + qudiir IH alqidaru IQ 175/1/3 qidar + qudiir & qadrah NQ db 3/5/2 qidar (rh.) dim. qudayyar dim. AL cu4ayra + it IA & IQ qudayra (cooking) pot I MT aban qudiir pn. I FX q.dr alkuskusii cooker for couscous I AC qadrah = qadrii + qudiir AL queder = quedre + cudur kettle; tub II clqu6dra VA qudrah + qudar & maqdiirah + maqiidir ability; power I BD llr ya'mala hu qiidratihi fi tajanubinii min allahina he does as much as he can in order to divert us from our God I AL gairi cudra impotence I bile c6dra impotent I quillat c. lack of capacity II IQ qadar + aqdiir AC qadiir AL cadar(r) GL qadarun waqa: V A niqassat taqSit k to flay or excoriate; to scrape II yatqassat atqassat taqassut mutaqassit to be flayed or excoriated, to be scraped. ·{Q~TL V}: AC qastilyu pn. ·{QSTNL}: IW II 436,16 '1llwm 'Iqstnwly (erroneous var. in II 200,17 & 201,18 mqstnwly) a kind of garlic (cf. Cs ajo eastaiiuelo. characterized by its red outer skin reminiscent of chestnuts) I IW II 18,15 alfujl alrstmiili (I. qastaniili) a kind of radish. S. {qstnyl}. ·{QS'}: VA niqassa' taqSi' k to clear (clouds) II yatqassa' atqassa' & yanqasa' anqasa' AC yanqasa' GL anqasa' to be cleared. S. {dys}. ·{QS'R}: VA niqas'ar k to make s.o.'s hair stand on end II yaqsa'irr aqsa'arr iqsi'riir / qa/us'arirah muqSa'irr albadan & yaqa'Sar atqa'sar IH qas'arirah to shudder; to get goosepimples (from fright). ·{QS'M}: V A niqaS'am qas'amt qas'amah muqas'am k & natqaS'am atqas'amt taqs'um min to hate, to abhor 0 natqas'am atqas'amt taqas'um min to abstain « A qas'am "war, calamity").
·{QSF}: OS qasif poor (soil). ·{QSQR}: VA niqasqar qasqarah k to crack or crunch II yatqasqar atqasqar to be cracked or crunched « R *kaskar of the same meaning). S. {kskr}. ·{QSQT}: VA qusqiiti + in beardless « {qst} with adoption of (l213)). ·{QSQL YR}: MT q.sq.lyiir thicket of kermes oaks « R, cf. Cs eoseoja "kermes oak"). ·{QSKL}: MT alquskuli pn. ·{QSL} I: CC 6 qasiil plot of land sufficient for one family's livelihood. S. {qsr} V. ·{QSL} II: SG qswlh chasuble « R, cf. Cs easulla). ·{QSMS}: BM qismis a small kind of seedless raisin « F kesmeI). S. {ksms}. ·{Q~B}: OS qa~~aba to thatch II UT 154 qa~bah couch grass (Agroprum repen, bot.s) I SH q.~bah beam of a balance II GL qa~abun bracelet I VA qa~ab fiil necklace of seeds I q. itahab - fi44ah silver - golden bracelet I qa~ab n. un. ah GL qa~abun n. un. qa~abatun n ZJ 647 qa~abatayn cane, reed I OS q~b amber I IQ qa~ab reed (met. for pen) I qa~ban ~ulii OS qa~ab assukkar AC alqa~ab ~ulii & qa~abat assukkar sugar cane I TO 116 qa~ab aCtitarirah sweet-flag (Acorus calamus, bot.) I OS alq. aititahabi common loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris, bot.) I alqa~ab alfiirisi / al'andalusi = prob. alq. alqibti common reed (Phragmites communis, bot.) IlL 163 q~b 'Iqa~~iibin a kind of reed unserviceable for making flutes (used for measuring-rods?) I HC 98 'Iq~b '1~lw paste of milk and sugar rolled in flour I OS & TH 105,10 'asal alqa~ab molasses II V A qa~abah + qi~iib ZJ 1251 qa~abah fortress I TH 27,14 qi~iib (pI.) IQ (dim.) qu~aybah belvedere, flat roof I FX qa~abat arri'ah trachea, windpipe I AL ea~aba + ea~ab fortress; golden anklet; greave; reed I ea~ub (I. ea~ab) + aq~ab rod (measure) I ea~abat a eaq + ea~aib a. ~. shank; tibia I ea~abat a dira + ea~ab a. d. humerus, bone of the arm I liab alea~ab joust with reed spears II dim. eo~ayba + eo~aibit IA qu~aybah little reed I IQ qu~aybiitak alJ:lulwah your little sugar cane (met. for mellifluence) II AL maqeaba + maeacib VA maq~abah + maqii~ib cane-brake II FJ muqa~~abah (rafters) with a round
section. S. {'qd}. AC qa~ad(ak) yaq~ud qu~iid Ii to caIl on; to betake O.S. to I IQ qa~adtani qa~adtuh naq~ud qu~iid qu~id to caIl on I VA naq~ud qa~adt qa~d qa~id + in / qu~~ad maq~iid n / bi AL naqcbd eacadt eazd n. un. eacde to aim; to mean; to strive I naqcud quaeadt VA n. qa~adt qa~id k to beg I naq~id iJa to make a detour I NQ hm 6/1/3 taq~ud ma'i ita Ilajaj you mean to pester me I IQ qa~ad iJayh fi I,tajah he went to see him about a problem I qa~adt an narak I went to see you I qa~adt ana Ii'insan I caIled on somebody II aqta~ad iJayh he betook himself to him I yaqta~ad man he goes to the person who I V A naqta~ad aqta~adt iqti~ad GL muqta~idun to be economical II qa~dun economy I IQ qa~(a)d purpose I tirid alqa~ad do you want me to speak plainly? I 152/1/1 alqa~ad masriiban bali the real purpose is to get some old wine I XA cgal nijiiz qa~da lidar abn abi 'abdah I shall go straight to I.'s house I AS 21/1/4 min qa~ad on purpose I AL al quezd al quelim plainly speaking II eaeida + cacaid GL qa~idun + qa~ayidun IQ qa~id(ah) V A qa~id(ah) + qa~a'id (solemn) poem I GL qa~idun I,tulwun beautiful poem I IQ assuriir qa~id seeking joy I jit ilayk qa~id an tan~ur lil,tali I came to you expecting you to consider my situation I AS 91/3/1 jitu qa~id I came on my way I ET Abeneaced pn. I V A qa~id + qu~~ad beggar II maq~ad + maqa~id aim, goal II maq~iid n kaita aiming or striving at I AL maqcbt conclusion, gist I al maqcbd & almaqcud briefly I niearrab Ii maqcbdi to get to the point I AS 12/0/2 balagtu maq~iidi I attained my wish II V A muqta~id + in economical, frugal. S. {byt} & {swr} I. ·{Q~DR}: VA niqa~dar k to tin II yatqa~dar to be tinned II qa~dir tin « G Knoolt&QO: diclionnaires arabes" (in Berichun ilber die
{dns}. III: niqa~~ar
aJlJlawb to launder II yatqa~~ar atqa~~ar taqa~~ur to be laundered I IQ yatqa~~ar to be fulled (cloth) II AS 34/1/5 & V A qi~iirah laundry Uqa~~iir + in ZJ 208 & 1618 qa~~iir + ah IA qa~~iir + in / ah AC qa~~iir AL cazr;ar + in launderer I IH alqa~~iiru fuller II almiq~arah mallet of the fuller « Ar qa~~iirii < P giizar "laundered, fuller"). S.
AL Car;rer; Caceres (geo.; < qa~r "palace" with the R pI. suffix). .{Q~~} I: VA nuqu~~ qa~a~t qa~a~ qii~~ + qu~~ii~ 'ala to narrate, to relate I n. qa~a~t qa~~ qii~~ maq~ii~ alaJlar to follow his steps I IQ qa~~a bandi he followed my banner (?) II yuqa~~a~ VA niqa~~a~ k ZJ 1502 muqa~~a~ AL nica(z)r;ar; ca(z)r;azt = cacar;t car;ar; taqr;ir; mucar;ar; + in n. un. a to cut, clip or shear the hair II V A yatqa~~a~ atqa~~a~ to be cut, clipped or shorn I natqa~~a~ atqa~~a~ IA atqaHa~ GL ataqa~~a~u to get a haircut II MT taqta~~ fih min she is compensated with it for (the loss of some money) I V A naqta~~ aqta~a~t iqti~ii~ AL naqtur; (I. naqtar;) aqtazt to retaliate II quir;/zr;a + quir;ar; GL qi~~atun VA qi~~ah + qi~a~ & qa~a~ IQ qi~~ah story I 11 qi~~atayn two (possible) denouements II qu~~ah V A qu~~ah + iit forelock I IH qu~~atun a piece of jewellery (worn on the head?) I IQ xuil qu~~ati be my master I TD 212 qu~~at alJ.!ayyah centaury (Erythrrea centaurium, bot.) II MT qi~ii~ + aqii~ah compensation for a loss II OS qa~ii~ moon trefoil (Medicago arborea, bot. 1) II V A qi~ii~ AL quir;ar; talion, requital II car;ir; + cin (= /qa~~a~/) & mucacir; + in narrator, storyteller nAC taqasis & taqa~i~ cli ppings II AL mucar; + amcar; IQ & ZJ 1347 maqa~~ VA muqa/ii~ + amqii~ / amqi~ah scissors I IH bilmiqa~~i with scissors II dim. AL ·{Q~RS}:
431 mucaya/er; = mucar; (!) + mucay( a)cit
tweezers; snuffers; small scissors UXA iiJ.!8 muqa~~a~ aljiniiJ.! having clipped wings I IQ bilii muqa~~a~ unshorn UMT muqii~~iib clearing, compensation. • {Q~~} II: OS qa~~(ab) = qa~~ii~ plaster « {j~~}, q.v.). .{Q~'}: LZ qi~'ah V A qa~'ab + iit porringer. ·{Q~F}: V A naq~ar qa~art qa~r to blow with gale force II IQ 182/2/5 qa~r carousal II qu~ayrah a kind of drum II VA qa~arab fragility Uqa~ir + qi~iir frail, brittle II ril;t an qii~ir stormy wind. ·{Q~L}: V A niqa~sal taq~i1 'ala ddiibbab to feed green barley to beasts II qa~i1 n. un. ab + OS qu~liin AL cacil GL qa~i1u 'zzar'i green barley. ·{Q~M}: VA qa~m to break II TO 218 qay~iim ilakar southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum, bot.) I q. unJla lavender cotton (Achillea fragantissima). ·{Q~W}: V A yaq~ii qa~ii qa~w qii~i + in min to be far away II nuq~i aq~ayt iq~ii muq~i muq~ii k to send or remove far away nGL astaq~i istiq~ii'un = '.stiq~ii'un to inquire, to take pains or extreme care in doing something I ZJ 463 astaq~i (iv.) VA nastaq~i istiq~ii k 'an / fi to ask or inquire I n. fi to do one's best I IQ 173/5/1 'an Sayyi nastaq~ik I shall ask you about something II GL qii~ far, remote D aq~a V A aq~ii + aqii~i extreme, end I GL aq~ii 'Imagribi the extreme West I aq~a I;taddi 'ssamii'i the farthest end of the sky. S. {tyn} & {~qn}. ·{QQB}: AL nicaddab caddabt taqdib bal bard & tacadub mucadab bal bard + in to shiver; to grow stiff with cold I V A niqa""ab taq"ib k to cudgel, to beat down II yatqa""ab to be beaten down II AL cadab lucerne (Medicago sativa, bot.) II cadib + quidbe/an dim. codayab + it rod; (willow) twig; yard I IQ qa"ib branch; stick I GL qa"ibun + qu"biinun rod;
Verhandlungen d., konig. stichs. Gesellschaft de, Wissenschaften, phil.-hisl. CI., 1881, 1-42, reissued within his Klein.,e Sch,iften, 1885-88 and reprinled again in Osnabruck 1968, II 470-81)), Ihal Ihis item mighl derive from G "ya.o~Qa Ihrough Rb gis/~('ti. which is nOI semanlically unlikely, although it emails some obvious phonetic difficullies Ihal cannOI be dismissed easily.
II is a mOOI queslion whelher Ihis word derives from G lI;>-QTR
willow twig I VA qa4ib + qu4ub / qi4biin rod; knife handle I qa41b + qi4biin / qu4iib azzarjiin vine-shoot I AL cadib almulq + quidbtin al muluq sceptre lID 'fq 5 q4biin hnd bamboo II OS qu44iib mi~ri clematis 1. S. {'xr}, {sll} 11 & {'d}. .{QI)Q}: VA nanqa44 anqa4t inqi4ii4 munqa44 'ala to swoop or dive down II iqti4ii4 deflowering (perhaps, but not necessarily, a mistake for iltiqiiq). .{QI)'}: GL qu4ii'iyyiina Chaldeans (through a confusion, due to the author's ignorance, of this nation with the Arabian tribe of that name, about which s. GL 142). ·{QI)M}: OS q4m qurays (also qm[l]) pineseeds a qu4mah ration of barley. ·{QI)Y}: AC qa4aynii aq4ayt 1H muq4i V A naq4i qa4ayt qa4ii qii4i + in muq4i muq4ii k & nuq4i aq4ayt iq4ii k & niqa44i to finish; to carry out or fulfil; to payor settle I IQ qa4ayt rutbati I have finished my watch I yaq4i J.tiijah lalqii4i he does the judge a favour I yaq4ii ma~iiyib they play havoc I VA naq4i qa4ayt / aq4ayt qa4ii 'ala / min GL '.q4i qa4ii'un AL naqdi quadait I aqdait aqdi to judge or decide I VA yaq41 qa4ii 'ala bi to preordain or predestine I IQ qu41 it was decreed (by God) I qu41 luh an yantiq he had a chance to speak 1157/2/4 qu4i an numiit it was decreed that I should die I XA iibi2 naq4i margiibi I fulfil my wish II VA yatqa44ii atqa44ii taqa44i mutaqa44i to be paid or settled II ZJ 1700 'iim wa'iim taqii4ii the years elapse one by one (1) II VA yanqa4i1ii anqa4ii inqi4ii lA, ZJ 1492 & AC yanqa4i AL ynquida to be finished, settled or carried out I IQ anqa4at J.tiijat anniis the people got what they needed I VA yanqa41 anqa4ii daynuh to die II naqta4i aqta4ayt iqti4ii muqta4i muqta4ii k to demand or require II V A qa4ii + aq4iyah sentence; decision; ruling of a court I AC qa4ii provision for a need I IQ qa4a office of judge I IQ & V A alqa4ii walqadar fate and divine decree, predestination I AL cada mayoralty;
permission; divine decree II cadia + et IQ qa4iyyah V A qa4iyah + iit / qa4iiyii question; business II qii4i + in / qu4ii AC & IQ qii4i judge I qii4i Ijamii'ah & qii4i alqu4ii chief justice I AL cadi + cuda judge; magistrate; vicar-general (of a bishop) DMT fi inqi4ii 'iimayn at the end of two years DIQ inqi4ii naJ.tbi the end of my life II SH bittaqii4i (sale) by instalments II IQ alJ.tiijah muq4iyyah the need is provided for I MT tiiqiit m.q4iyyah billahab toques trimmed in gold (cf. Cs acabado) II GL mutaqii4in publican, tax-gatherer. S. {'lin}, {'rb}, {J.tm!}, {d'w}, {dlw}, {dwr}, {rr'}, {s'y}, {Srt} I, {Shd}, {4dd}, {twf}, {'ks}, {qdr}, {qr}, {Jqm}, {ntj}, {nJ.tb}, {nri!}, {nwb} & {wtrl ·{QTB}: VA niqaHab taqtib wajhi to knit the brows UyatqaHab atqanab to be knitted II qutb + aqtiib pole; centre; axis I GL qutbun pivot I 'Iqutbu the Pole I 'ssamii'u 'Iqutbu the axis of the sky I IQ qutb alma'iiIJir zenith of glories II VA qiitibah all together, one and all. S. {jnb} & {sm!}. ·{QTDR}: SG qiit.drah the Feast of St. Peter's chair (on February 22nd; < L cathedra < G ICa9&Sga).
·{QTR}: GL yaqturu V A yaqtur qatar & yatqaHar atqaHar to drip or trickle II niqaHar taqtlr k AL nicattar cattart taqtir mucattar + in to drip (tr.); to distil; OS to tar II IQ qatar n. un. qatrah raindrops I VA qatr + qitiir rain I qatrah + iit / qitiir AL clquatra + quitar piece; bit; portion I quatra min ~anzir piece of bacon I catra Ii c. piece by piece I quatra min caleha + quitar tip of a horse-shoe I carm (I. catr! aJ) VA qatrah + qitiir drop I OS q.tiir drops (med.) II dim. IQ qutayrah = IA small drop; little bit I AL cutaira + it small bit of bread II VA qitr bronze I qutr + aqtiir IQ aqtiir (pI.) region II MT alqismah alqutriyyah zonal division II OS qaniirah AL clquatara + clquatatir still II zeit al quitran GL qitriinun IQ qitriin ZJ 627 qatriin tar (s. GL 142 concerning its uncertain etymon). S. {qds} 11.
Dozy's identification, while Giilib & Bedevian render it as "periwinkle", Vinca minor.
QTRB-QT' *{QTRB}: os & ZJ 1791 qutrub firefly I AC qutrub a type of evil genius. S. {srj} II. *{QTRTNBR}: BO 19r qiitrutinbbiiras ember days (reI., < L quatlilor tempora "the four seasons"). *{QTRF}: MT qatriif pn. or nickname (cf. {xtrf}. *{QTRL}: AL cutrll + cataliril = quatiril quarrel, square-headed arrow « LI *quiidrellus). *{QTRN}: AL catarana + it sheldrake (from R onomatopoeic origin). *{QTT/S)}: ZJ 474, 278 & 1744 qattiis & qitt f qiHah VA quHiis + qatiitis LZ qatiitis (pl.) IQ qit(t) + qatiitis dim. qutaytas GL qit(t)un IA qit + qatiitis AC qit + qatiitis AL quilt + cat at it; cat I quilti birri + catatit; birriin mountain cat I ET Aben Quotoz pn. « L caltus through North Africa, as suggested by its presence in Ma and Aa, or straight from S, where this word exhibits a rich gamut of forms, connectable with Ar qa((e( "to sing at a high pitch", a very reasonable candidate to being the true etymon of this word; s. GL 143). S. {x~w}, {anb}, {~y~} & {~fr}. *{QT(T)}: IH qat VA, MT & GL faqat only I qat & lam qad AL catta ZJ 579 & IQ qaHa never; in no way I lam qaHa yuqiim bibiiluh it never struck his mind I NA ma 1/1/1 qaHa mii na'raf I shall never know D XA a~i2 qatiiti chignons (apparently, a Berber fashion) I GL miqtiit sufficient (following H.L. Fleischer's suggested attribution of this word to this root in his "Studien tiber Dozy's Supplement .. ."). S. {'rr} I, {zwJ} & {wjd}. *{QT'}: IQ qata' yaqta' naqta'(uh) qutu' qiiti' to cut off (particularly, a hand, according to the prescriptions of Koran); to finish; to cross; to stop; to break off, to sever (friendship or love relations) I MT qata'ii .•. jami' adda'iiwa they renounced any legal action I taqta' irJl jami' banihii she disinherits all her sons I AL naqtaa clquataat actaa catie + calatitlin (I. catitlin) to cut or chop I to cut honeycombs from beehives; to interrupt; to restrain; to hold up; to rob on the highway I AC qata'(uh) qata't qata'nii yaqta' yuqta' qat' / Qatii' maqtu' & tiqatta' MT qatta'iihii GL aqta'(u) yaqta'u qarun maqtii'un f maqtii'atun VA naqta' qata't qat' qiiti' + in qaHii' + in maqtii' k & niqaHa' taqti' k
433 to cut or chop (off) I naqta' i1a to go I XA aral qata't azziyiirah you stopped visiting I ZJ 123 lalkifiin taqta' it reaches the caves I 1798 quti'at alqiifilah the caravan was robbed on the highway I AC yaqta'iini they assault me on the highway I IQ qata' Ii qami~ he cut out a shirt for me I qata' albiir aJliiri may God cut my steps short I al'ula qat quti' min kulli mansiib bi~amdin glory has been hewn out of those whose name is 1;1. I lalqiimah yaqta' it reaches a man's stature I naqta' dahri / 174/1/1 zamiini I spend my life I 178/4/2 aqta' 'umrak spend your life (iv.) I naqta' ilayk I betake myself to you I laban ~amdin naqta' I seek A. 1;1. I yaqta' siwiik he seeks s.o. other than you I AS 59/1/2 yaqta' falqati' he drinks up a flask I AL naqtaa a rrat; to behead I AL naqtaa al quelme to cut into s.o.'s conversation II nicattaa cat(t)aat = quattaat aqltaa (iv., I. qattaa) taqtie n. un. taqti(a)a muquattaa + in to cut up or into pieces; to destroy; to fell or cut down; to stop (water) I IQ yaqaHa'(uh) taqti' muqaHa' GL uqani'u yuqaHi'iina muqaHa'un to tear; to cut up II MT qiita' muqiita'ah muqiita'in to free a slave who ransoms himself in instalments I VA niqiita' muqiita'ah k & natqiita' atqiita' taqiitu' ma' to agree on a piecework basis II natqatta' atqatta' & yanqata' anqata' AC yanqata' IQ yatqaHa' atqaHa' (iv.) to be cut or torn I anqata' to be broken I yanqata' inqita' to be elusive, to avoid people I anqata' xabaruh his news stopped I anqata' lassarri nammiim the detractor was shunned I MT yanqat.' 'anhum ..• ~abl arriqq they are freed from the bonds of slavery I yanqat.' irJl.hum they are disinherited I GL '.nq.t.'u inqitii'un munqata'un to separate o.s. I ZJ 1803 munqati' I AL nancataa ancataat to be stopped or held up I n. fa gizira to be isolated I VA yanqata' fal'ibiidah to become a hermit II MT yaqtatI'uh min addayn he deducts it from the debt II qat' manumission in instalments I IQ 179/2/3 anii fi qat'a qalbi my heart is breaking I AL cataa + cataat cut; suppression; small live stock, little herd or flock I c. min ganam + cataat herd, flock I c. min bacar +
QTF-QTMR catadt drove of cows I c. min maa(; herd of goats I c. min qain + catadt flock of sheep I c. min k,anizir + cataat herd of swine I c. min r(r)Qmq drove of mares I c. fi c. by droves I catad al quelim cutting into s.o.'s conversation I zemen al catad (I. catda) season for cutting the honeycombs out of the hives I catad min catad + cataat a little money II AS 5/3/3 qat'ii definitely II IQ qut'ah & qutu' & IA qati'ah breaking off of relations D VA qit'ah + iit LZ qitii' (pl.) piece, part I VA qit'ah + iit & qi!'at an 'ajibah beauty, jewel I qi!'at ar4 + qit'iit ar4 plot, parcel of land I GL qit'atun VA qit'ah + qatii'i' / SH qita' baJ.triyyah galley I MT qita/ii' VA qatii' n. un. ah IQ, ZJ 238, 548, 237 & AC qi/atii' & qatii'ah AL catad =catuad (!) money I IH taqii4aytu Iqitii'a I received the money nZJ 2145 & V A Qati' piecework I q. + qut'iin flock, herd I ID 'dr 2 qtw' flocks I MT Qati' freedman I MV 265,3 rescue I ZJ 632 Qati' IQ Qati' 11 qati'ayn + qut'iin flask I ID '55 6 qt'iin bunches of grapes I IZ 9/0/2 xua qati'ak falqati' drink one cup after another I PZ 174 Qati' faddiin portion of a field II IQ qutii' alakbiid renders of entrails II MT albay' alqiiti' definitive sale I AL catidn cutting (ger.) I catii al hijar + catidin MT qa!tii' (lalJ.tajar) VA qa!tii' stone-cutter II SH qattii' cutter of dough for certain purposes I AL catad + in highway robber I catad (I. cattad) + catatii iron instrument for taking honey from hives II GL qa!tii'atun net used for tuna fishing (s. GL 143, fn. 3) II AC aqta' sharper, cutting better I VA aqta' & maqtii' alyad onehanded II bilii inqitii' constantly I AL inquitad a ltlham Lent II IQ maqta' + maqiiti' piece; (sound) judgment; moral character; OS constituent of a metrical foot; line of a poem other than the prelude I AL maqta + macatii = maquatid piece of linen of a certain quality and width I maqtad al mecenit whetstone quarry I maqtad al hijar + macatie quarry I V A maqta' + maqiiti' quarry; material needed for a garment; syllable II AL maqtoo + in having a rupture I m. fi gizira + in isolated I IH maqtii'un bihi (sr.) cut off I IQ 'ala qalbi maqtii' made after my heart II MT muqatta'an paid by instalments II IQ
almunqati' i1ayk your devotee I V A munqati' fal'ibiidah hermit. S. {'ys}, {pen} I, {J.tjj}, {dhr}, {anb}, {r's}, {rtb}, {rjw}, {r4'}, {rmy}, {srr} I, {slm}, {syr}, {Strnj}, {5gb}, {~J.tb}, {~fr}, {'II}, {'nb}, {qm~}, {ktb}, {Iy\}, {mee}, {nn}, {wr~}, {wrq} & {wq'}. ·{QTF}: V A naqtaf qataft qatf / qutiif qiitif maqtiif k to pick; to pluck off; to harvest I yanqataf anqataf to be picked, plucked or harvested II GL qatfun IQ qataf vintage II AL qa~af n. un. qatiifah wild amaranth I AL cataf n. un. a orache (Atriplex hortensis, bot.) I OS qataf baJ.tri sea-orache (Atriplex halimus) II AL (;atif (I. c) n. un. a velvet I catifa + cataif ZJ 1192 & AC qatifah carpet I VA qatifah + qatii'if a kind of plush cloak or quilt I SH qa tii y i f veg e ta b I e b y-p rod uc ts fraudulently added to plaster; TH 113,5 plaster blocks with fraudulent addition of soil; FX a kind of pancake; HC 91 a paste of flour seasoned with honey and pepper I VA miqtaf + maqiitif scissors I GL maqiitifu J.tadid tridents. ·{QTQT>: s. {ktkt}. ·{QTQ/KMN}: SG qtq/kwmn f qtkwmnh catechumen « L ciitechftmenus < G KatT\XOl)I1&VOut&UJ,la). ·{QTMR}: VA qitmir AL guitimera + gatimir pine-nut I FX qitmir + HC 167/8 qatiimir stalk of aubergines, etc.
·{QTN} I: GL qutnun VA qutiin qut(u)n n. un. qutiinah IA qutnah (n. un.) IQ qutiin n. un. ah ZJ 1355 qutiinah colton II ET Katam pn. IIQ qatnah + iit buttocks II VA qiitin + in / quttiin fi inhabitant, dweller II qaUiin + in colton manufacturer or merchant II UT 457 qutaytan a var. of plantain DOS yaqtin n. un. ah pumpkin. S. {xyt}· ·{QTN} II: VA qatniyah + qatiini GL q.t.n.y.h IH alqatniyyatu + qatiini ZJ 1213 qatniyyah AL catnia Cienfuegos wheat « Ar, cf. Rb qi(nit "small fruit, pulse, beans"). ·{QTN} III: VA niqaHan taqtin k to chain or fetter Dyatqattan atqattan taqattun to be chained II qatinah + qatiiyin dim. IQ qutaytan chain « L catena). ·{QTN} IV: AL cotan n. un. a lanner I RC jorlalcatan place name ("cliff of the lanner"; < A qa(am, cf. Cs alcotan). S. {qtm} I. ·{QTN} V: AL cat in + in cooking pot « L catinum). ·{QTNS}: FJ qtnys & qtyns (pro b.) a linking device on ships (cf. L catenatio "linking element"). ·{QTNN}: OS qwtynwn IW I 161,15 qrtniin (I. qiitiniin) wild olive tree (corrupted from G KOtlVOo;).
·{QTNNQ}: BM qiitiinanqa candy lion's foot (Hymenonema Tournefortii, bot.; < G Ka ta va:YK1'\).
·{QTW}: s. {jwz}, {J.tbb} & {qmJ.t}. ·{Q'BL}: OS qa'bal =qi'bil spider lily (bot.). ·{Q'D}: AL naquud = naqiiud quailt = quailit couud IQ qu'iid (ag. part. pI.) V A naq'ud qa'adt qu'iid qii'id + in / qu'iid & yatqa"ad atqa"ad to sit down I AC qa'ad he remained seated I GL aq'udu iliiniyatan I sit again I IQ qiim waqa'ad he raised a din II VA niqa"ad taq'id k & nuq'id aq'adt maq'iid n to seat I niqa"ad k to provide a basis for s.th. I IQ bannabi allii q'adta yamin by the Prophet, do not violate an oath a yatqa"ad atqa"ad to be set on a basis II niqa'dad qa'dadah k to make mature II yatqa'dad atqa'dad to become mature I IW I 631,18 q'd stunting disease of pumpkins nFA 120 q'dh season for harvesting a particular crop II IH aii Iqi'dah the 11th month of the Islamic
calendar I IQ yamSi qii'id may he become crippled I LP 5/3 annufiis aIIaai hum qii'idin those people who do not fight I IQ qii'idah + qawii'id GL qii'idatun basis I MT qii'idah cathedral I AL cailida + caguaid article of faith I caida + caguaidlt bench in a galley; base of a column II VA qU'diid + in & muqa'dad + in mature II qU'diidatuh his accession to the see nGL Iii say aq'adu minhu nothing is more certain II maq'adun ZJ 1994 maq'ad V A maq'ad + maqii'id seat II maq'adah + maqii'id GL maqii'idu (pI.) ZJ 11843 maq'adah buttocks I 2097 bimaqii'id by butting with his buttocks II LZ maq'ad IH maq'adun crippled. S. {sry} & {~ll}. ·{Q'R}: AC qa"aruh make it (i.e., your voice) sound guttural I VA niqa"ar taq'ir k to hollow out, to excavate II yatqa"ar atqa"ar taqa"ur mutaqa"ir to be hollowed out or excavated II LZ & IH taqa'wara n kliimh to make one's voice sound guttural II VA qa'r + qu'iir / aq'iir bottom I GL qa'ru 'ljaJ.tim the bottom of hell I SH qa'r arrijl sole of the foot II VA muqa"ar hollow, concave. ·{Q'S}: IH alqu'iisu murrain (vet., < {q'~}). .{Q'Q'}: OS ytq'q' lwn to vary (colour). ·{Q'NB}: UT 385 qa'nab s. trynh. ·{Q'WN}: VA niqa'wan qa'wanah to make lazy or tardy U yatqa'wan atqa'wan taqa'wun fi to be slow or tardy (a metaphor of A qa'wani "frame of a pulley", because it does not budge). ·{QFR} I: GL '.qfiru V A nuqfir aqfart iqfiir muqfir k to leave in a state of desolation Byatqaffar atqaffar to become deserted II qafr + qifiir & ar4 an qafirah IQ qafar GL qafrun ZJ 1056 qafri AL quil(i)r + quilar & ard quilr desert (sust.) II GL qafirun desert(ed) Uqafriyun hermit. ·{QFR} II: AL catra pitch I c. yahudi OS qafr alyahiid(iyyah) asphalt I q. biibili pitch « Ar kupra < Ak kupru{ mJ). ·{QFZ} I: IQ nak/qfaz Iii taqfaz yaqfazii GL yaqfaz qafzat ZJ 1718 yaqfazii AL neqler; queler;t quelze + it VA naqfaz qafazt qafz qiifiz + in qarrAz + in to jump or hop I AC kafaz 'aliha he jumped over her I kafaz assatlib he jumped over the broom I IQ qafazni balkiis he skipped me (while passing the cup around) I qafaz
qalbi qafzah my heart jumped in my chest I VA taqfiz (m.) to cause to jump II AL quefze fi q. by hops. *{QFZ} II: IQ qafiz V A & MT qafiz + aqfizah LZ aqrazah IH aqrazatuo AA 6 & 10 aqrazzah cafiz, a dry measure « Ar qpiza < G lCult19'l < P kabiz, although C klcapice could point to an Eg etymon). *{QFZ} III: OS & V A qurriiz + qafiifiz ZJ 629 qurriiz AL cUf(f)ie 11 cUfizen + quefifie glove « P gaw pas "hand protection"). S. {Ibs} I. *{QFZ} IV: V A qaraz + aqriiz cage I AL cafae + aqfiza I it cage; hen-coop « qara~, q.v.). *{QF~} I: V A qara~ + aqrii~ cage II SH qarrii~ cage maker « Rb qap!iah < L capsa "box"). S. {qfz} IV. *{QF~} II: XA id4 qar~ah Gafsa (geo.; < L Capsa). *{QFF}: GL qurratun V A qurrah + qira/iir ZJ 675 & IA qurrah AC quffii = qurrah frail; large basket II TH 41,3 qarfiiriio people who carry wheat in baskets Ar, cf. Rb quppa and S qupay = qupi < Ak klquppu[ mJ "basket" of Sm origin). S. {rdm}. *{QFQF}: IH yaqarqaru mn 'Ibrd to shiver from cold I AL nicafcaf cafcaft taquafc6f to gnash the teeth. *{QFL}: V A quriil (m.) to come back II AL nicaffal cattalt V A taqfil (m.) & naqfil aqralt iqriil maqfiil k to lock II yanqaral anqaral to be locked Uqur(a)l + aqfiil IH alquralu GL quflun ZJ 1793 qufl AL c61ufal + aqfal dim. cufayal + it ZJ 547 qurayyal (pad)lock I AL tezvil al c6fal & calad al cufal to force or wrench away a lock I FJ aqriil an unid. connecting device on ships I ZJ 1798 & VA qiifilah caravan o qarriil + in locksmith II maqriil + in GL maqriiluo ignorant. S. {skI}, {'my} & {fkk}. *{QFLT/T}: SG qafaliit shallot (Allium ascalonicum, bot.; < G ltQuoov lC&CPU)"ootov) I mrw qrlwth headed thyme (Thymus capitatus, bot.). S. {b~J}. *{QFW}: V A oaqrii qarawt alalJar & oaqtafi aqtarayt iqtirii muqtafi k to follow the steps or tracks II oiqaffi taqfiyah k to rhyme (tr.) II yatqarfii atqaffii to be put into rhyme II qafii + aqfiyah GL qara'un ZJ 35 & AC qarii AL cafa nape I IQ
qariih - k - 'i IH qarii'i his - your - my neck I OS qarii back side of a tool I ZJ 572 min alqafii with one's back turned II V A qarwah following; choosing II qiifiyah + qawiifi IQ alqawiifi dim. pI. quwayfiit rhyme I AL cafia + caguafi rhyme; line of poetry I nuce cafia hemistich. S. {l]lw(!)}, {IJrs}, in the latter case). ·{KTL}: LZ & IH 'staktala (fi I'mr) to apply o.s. strenuously to s.th. II DS kutaylah an unid. plant II FR 49,5 mukattal a class of fig (mentioned together with the varieties jabali, qurtubi, maftii~ and rasqal. It might have meant "bunchy"; however, another ms. has mukaJ!J!al).
·{KTM} I: IQ katamtuh aktum (iv.) yuktam kitmiin & yuktatam (1) V A naktum katamt katm / kitmiin kiitim + kuttiim katiim + in maktiim k to conceal or keep a secret II yankatam ankatam to be concealed or kept secret II IQ 'ala katmi sa'di on condition of keeping my happiness a secret II kiitim assirri keeper of secrets. S. {rkb}. ·{KTM} II: UT 400 katam privet (Ligustrum vulgare, but sometimes also a name for the wild olive tree) II IH 185 ya~ya bnu aktam & aktamu bnu ~ayfi pns. « (kJlm}). ·{KTN}: OS & BM ktn & kutaytinah two unid. plants II GL kitiin JM 7 & IQ kittiin V A ki/attiin + katiitin ZJ 706 & 59 kittiilin AC kittin AL quiltin + quititin flax, linen I q. mizri Egyptian flax I zeit alquitin flaxseed oil I zarreat q. flax-seed I UT 399 kattiin almii' alga:: II MT kattiini V A kattiini + in linen merchant. S. {'Ibr}, {~ml}, {xlxl}, {dhn}, {ql'}, {Ibr} III & {mnsj}. ·{KI>} I: OS kaJl'ah rocket seed (bot.). ·{KI>} II: VA mikJlii + makiiJli cucumber-patch « {qJl'}, q.v.). ·{KI>B}: VA kaJlib dune. ·{KI>R}: VA yakJlur kaJlur kuJlr IQ y-takJlur kaJlrah ZJ 661, 1248,217 & 1077 kaJlurii kaJlurat ka/iJlrah AC kaJlur(a) kaJlurat kiJlrii GL akJluru kaJlratun to be much or many II kaJlJlir (iv.) takJlirun V A nikaJlJlar takJlir k & nukJlir akJlart ikJliir mukJlir mukJlar k AL nicacar cacart to multiply I CO M 3/21 sayyad 'uliik wayikaJlJlar min allain ya~sadiik may He raise and increase your glory over those who envy you I NQ db 2/6/1 qad kaJlJlar tabjilak he has honoured you too much I AC kaJlJlar fazziyiirah he visited often I yukaJlJlir awliidahii (sr.) he has many chidren by her I IQ 167/1/2 akJlirii min annu3iir make many vows to God (iv.) I VA yukJlir akJlar ikJliir mukJlir fi kaliimuh to be talkative II yatkaJlJlar atkaJlJlar takaJlJlur mutakaJlJlir to become much or many II yastakJlar k to deem excessive U kaJlir IQ kaJlir + kiJliir GL kaJlirun IH kiJlirun AC kiJlir f ah MV 212,5 kiJlir AL quitir f a much, many I mirar quicira & quicir min mirar many
times I adze al quicir at most I EV 9 quitir quitantala anta biha you profited greatly
from them I TO 243 & OS kaJlir arru'iis field basil (Zizyphora capitata, bOlo); eryngo I k. al'arjul common polypody (Polypodium vulgaris, bot.) I k. al'uqad / 'rrukab seal-wort (Polygonatum officinale, bot.) I k. al'a4Iii' greater plantain (Plantago major, bot.) I k. alwaraq water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum, bot.) I AC ti'iS kiJlir you will live for a long time I MT k.Jliran GL kaJliran (jidii) (very) much I kaJliran kaJliran more and more I IQ kaJlir nirid an nasammi I would like to mention many things I saji' kaJlir very brave I amla~ wamla~ bikaJlir much more beautiful II alkawJlar a river in Paradise II kuJlayyir pn. II IH kiJlrah V A kaJlrah AL quicra = quicira (!) multitude; abundance I quicarat (I. quicarat) ni, crowd of people II IH alkaJliratu AC kiJlirah gumtragacanth (Astragalus tragancantha, bot.) II akJlar (min) ZJ 327 & IA akJlar AL aqcar GL akJlaru/a VA & IQ akJlar more (than) I a. dan warmer I a. raqiq thinner I a. naziiha more pleasant I NQ mg 5/1 akJlar ~iibir more patient I lW II 635,22 akJlar niifi' more useful I AL aqcar azraq bluer I aqcar aqhtll blacker I IQ akJlar alayyiim most days I mayyit niridak a. 1 would rather see you dead I las yukiin a. it will not happen again I las na'saq a. I shall never fall in love again I a. yagawwaJl he shouts more I a. yizid daniiqah he becomes greedier I a. yulii~ it shows even more I was yatlub a. what else could he wish? I mii akJlaruh rna gannayt how often have I sung! I akJlar mii yutma' bih an yuktam akJlar yinam the more one tries to conceal it, the more it spreads I AS 90/5/1 akJlar man yabqa Jlam he who stays there longer I V A a. mii the more I a. mii & 'ala lakJlar at most I a. & wamii a. blik and more so I walii a. only I AC akJlar mawaddii more beloved I mii na~4ar akJlar I shall not attend again I mii talqiih akJlar you will not meet him again I GL akJlaru wa'akJlaru much more I akJlaru 3alika mostly I bi'akJlar min 3alika even more I AL aqcar xuay a little more II muqcir + in abundant II GL
mik~iirun V A mik~iir + in loquacious. S. {by {I}, {~qb}, {J.lmrl, {J.lyd}, b{lr(l/n)}, bms}, {xyO, {df'}, {r'd}, {Zhy}, {sy'}, {~J.lJ.I}, {~d'}, {~dq}, {~yd}, {~fr}, {{Iyq}, {'dd}, {qdd}, {ktrl, {kJ.lJ}, {kll}, {kIm}, {mrr}, {mr4}, {n'~}, {wtr}, {wJ.ld} & {ws'}. *{KI>F}: VA ka~uf ka~iifah to be thick or dense a nika~~af k to make thick or dense, to inspissate a yatka~~af atka~~af taka~~uf & yatkii~af atkii~af takii~uf to become thick or dense II ka~if + ki~iif GL ka~ifun thick, dense II ka~iifatu 'itituniib multitude of sins. *{KI>L}: BM {jawz al)kaw~al (nuts from the) areca-palm (Areca catechu, bot.). S. {ktl}. *{KI>LQ}: VA ka~iiliqi Catholic I MT assari'ah alka~iiliqiyyah Catholic law « G
*{KI>M}: S. {ktm}. *{KCLY}: CP 169,4 kjylyh Cecily (pn.). *{KCN}: AL cuchen + il thrush (zoo., no etymon available for this hapax, which could be a misprint for *chuchen < {cwcI}). *{Kf.lS}: VA kaJ.lsah + kaJ.ls ankle « Aka's). *{Kf.lK}: ZJ 1393 & 1304 kaJ.lk n. un. ah AL cahca + cahq dim. cohaiqua + uil round loaf of bread « {k'k}, q.v.). *{Kf.lL}: V A yakJ.lal kaJ.lal / akJ.lal kuJ.lI to be(come) black II nikaJ.lJ.lal takJ.lil k to blacken; to apply collyrium to; OS to bleed (a horse) from the eyes I AL nicahhal cahhalt to blacken (tr.) II V A yatkaJ.lJ.lal atkaJ.lJ.lalt takaJ.lJ.lul mutakaJ.lJ.lil to become black; to apply collyrium to one's eyes I nalcahal atcahall & naqhal aqhalt (IX-XI stem) to become black I n. min barra to become black on the outside" NQ aw 1/1/4 bimiqdiir mii taktaJ.lal the amount of collyrium needed to apply to one's eyes II GL kuJ.llun antimony powder I OS kuJ.lI assiidiin fennel-flower (Nigella sativa, bot.) DkuJ.lIi MT kuJ.lIi 1 kuJ.lliyyah NQ mg 9/1/4 kuJ.lliyyat allawn dark blue II IQ kaJ.lal blackness of the eye" AL cohOl IQ & ZJ 1722 kuJ.liil VA kuJ.l(a)1 / kuJ.liil + akJ.liil
TH 112,18 collyrium I AC quJ.liil blackness; antimony powder " V A kuJ.liilah AL cohola blackness II VA kaJ.lJ.liil + in maker, seller or skilled in the use of collyrium" AL aqhal + cohal ZJ 809 akJ.lal AC akJ.lal 1 qaJ.llah dim. quJ.laylah V A akJ.lal + kuJ.lal black I IQ akJ.lal 1 kaJ.llii black-eyed I AL xei aqhal + axilt cohal s.th. black I FX zaytiin akJ.lal black olives I kaJ.llii' & kuJ.laylah an unid. fish (perhaps the black conger eel, cf. Cs negrilla) I OS kaJ.llii bugloss; viper's bugloss; dyer's bugloss I k. = kJ.llwiin globe daisy" kuJ.laylii' endive 1 (Cichorium endivia, bot.) " MT kaJ.lJ.liilah female seller of antimony powder" ZJ 837 makJ.liil treated with collyrium" V A makJ.liilah + iit / makiiJ.lil MT maqJ.liilah collyriumcase. S. ObI}, {J.lwr} I, {~fr}, {~nbr}, {trfl, {'qb}, {'yn}, {rrs}, {k~r}, Owl}, {yitrl & {yqt}. *{KDB}: S. {kitb}. *{KDD}: VA nikadd kadadt kadd makdiid / kadiid / mukidd fi / 'ala to hasten or hurry (tr.; semantically contaminated by {'kd}) I IQ kuddi (kud) hurry up! I kud falbagal hurry on a mule (jv.) I balkaddi balkad & kaddi kad hastily2 I AL quidda + it hurry, haste II muquid(d) + in AC mukid hurried; urgent I GL mukaddun passing quickly. S. {'kd} & {skd}. *{KDR} I: IQ kaddar (jv.) takdir AL nicaddar ticaddarni caddart mucadir + in to displease; to tarnish or disparage I V A nikaddar takdir k to trouble or spoil; to make turbid or muddy II yatkaddar atkaddar bi to be troubled or made turbid II kadar + akdiir IQ kadar GL kadarun trouble; worry I AL cadar unpleasantness; quarrel" ZJ 1132 mukaddar al'ays miserable " EV 9 mongadara turbid (fern.). *{KDR} II: OS sariib alkadar decoction from kiiiti (q.v., < F kadar an alternative name of this tree). *{KDS}: GL ukaddisu AL niqueddec queddezI
This rendering is supported by Cs alcohela; bowever, in IW I 432,5 & 488,10 Banqueri translates "borraja", i.e.• borage.
2 Another example of this type of expressive repetition is VA baliubbugub "covenly".
KOS-KRR teqdil; VA nikaddas takdis k to pile or heap up I yatkaddas atkaddas takaddus to be piled or heaped up I IQ natkaddas I shrink (met.) II akdiis (pI.) V A kuds T akdiis LZ, IH & GL kudsun IA kuds T akdis dim. kudayyas AL cudel; T aqdil; heap, pile I cuddel; min Tabee haystack I cudel; min mauti T a. heap of corpses I c. min torab heap of dirt I bi aqdil; by heaps I torab muquedel; heaped up dirt. S. {J.ttb} & {kst}. ·{KDS}: ZJ 1132 kudays hack. ·{KDG}: AL codigo code (late borrowing from Cs). ·{KDY} I: VA kudyah T kudan IQ & ZJ 871 kudyah GL kudyatun AC kudyii T kudi AL cudia T cudi dim. cud eye T it hill I ID tIm kdy ridges. ·{KDY} 11: AS 47/2/1 nikaddi I beg II LZ & IH mukaddi beggar. S. {qdy}. ·{KDB} I: GL aUibu an yaUiba kait(i)bun kiiitibun VA naUab kaitabt kaitib kiiitib T in makitiib fi 'ala IQ kaitab(ii 'alayya) Iii taUab ZJ 1325, 750 & 1245 yuUab kiiitibah kiiitibin AC Iii takitab AL neqdeb quedebt to lie or deceive II niqueddeb queddebt teqdib GL '.kaititibu to give the lie or disprove I ZJ 1144 kaititab(at) VA nikaititab taUib k to call or consider a liar I AC kaititab ra~ii~uh to be at variance with the plummet II V A nuUib aUabt ikitiib mukitib muUab k fi to cause s.o. to lie n kaitba T iit & kaiti/ab & uUiibah T akiiitib AC kaitab AL que4eb n. un. quedbe T it lie I IQ bilii kaitab without lying I AL bal quedeb falsely II qued( d)ib T in AC kaititib & kaititiibu (hr.) T kiiitibin V A kaitiib T in & kait3iib T in GL kaitiibun t kaitubatun & kaititiibun liar II CO L 1/26 mii aUabuh what a liar! I IQ akitab min asir telling more lies than a prisoner II GL almukaititibiina lilqiyiimati non-believers in resurrection. S. {nb'}. ·{KDB} 11: IH kaitbatun white spot on the nails of young people « {kdb}, cf. Cs mentira). ·{KDN}: OS kaddiin, kudiinah & mukaddan (I. it) tufa (min.) II kudiinah (I. 3) quality of soil containing tufa 0 mukaititan containing tufa. ·{KDL}: JM 24 ka33iil pumice « (kitn}). ·{KRB} I: AL macrub T in IQ 162/1/1 & MT makriib GL makriibiina (pI.) V A nakrub
karubt karb / kurbah makriib to suffer; to be grieved II nikarrab takrib k to grieve or distress II karb T kuriib & kurbah T kurab GL karbun IQ karb & kurbah AL carb T carob & curba T alet I curab grief, worry II curb one hundred lashes I VC 12/10 sab'a kurubiitin min albilii'i seven plagues (of Egypt) II LO Corayba(s) a nickname ("little worry") II AL querb ravine. S. {hmm} & {frj}. ·{KRB} 11: BO 35v alqurubiyun AL curubiun (sr.) cherubs I GL majlisu 'Ikariibina 'Imu~awwarina mina ititahabi 'ala tiibiiti 'I'ahdi the seat of the golden cherubs represented on top of the Ark of the Covenant (from Eastern Christian A < H krub, of disputed origin). ·{KRB} Ill: OS kiirubii amber « {khrb}, q.v.). ·{KRBS}: VA karabs celery « karafs, q.v.). ·{KRT}: AL curat = corrat n. un. a leek « (krll}, q.v.). ·{KRI>} I: VA yaktarill aktarall iktiriill Ii to worry or be sad. ·{KRI>} 11: AC kurriill VA kurriill n. un. ah leek I OS k. riimi inula I k. bustiini / andalusi / siimi shallot (Allium ascalonicum, bot.) I k. aljabal /nabatt / barri crow garlic I k. albaql / almii'idah rosy-flowered garlic I k. alkarm TO 194 k. karmi wild leek (Allium ampeloprassum, bot.; < Ar karriitii, a cognate but not a derivate of Ak karlalSufml). S. {b~J}, {Ilwm}, {x~w} & {krtl. ·{KRJ} I: VA kurrij T kariirij hobby horse, wooden horse « P kurrag "colt"). ·{KRJ} 11: OS kryj musical instrument «?). ·{KRD}: OC 16 credo Creed. S. {'qrc.l/~}. ·{KRDLN}: BM kurdilun corrupt version of turitnun, q.v. ·{KRR}: VA nukurr karart karr to come back I ZJ 1154 karri wadaJ.t he rolled up filth (from his skin, cf. Me karT?) IIQ yukurrii farrijiil they attack the men nkarrar(tuh) sanakarrar VA nikarrar takrir k GL y-'ukarriru takrirun mukarrarun AL nicarrar carrart ticrar to repeat IIA & AC karrar (iv.) to refine I IQ Iii nikarrar I shall not repeat I Iii takarrar 'alayya haiti IJ.tadill do not repeat this story to me II VA yatkarrar atkarrar to be repeated II IH karrun a kind of sabaniyyah (material or garment?) II GL fi 'ttakriri & IQ
balmukarrar repeatedly Ukarriir stubborn I FX mukarrarah a kind of bread soup. S. {~wt} & {krnb}. ·{KRZ}: GL zwj karazi (pl.) VA karziyyah ~ kariizi a kind of headgear I AL querzia ~ querzizi (I. querizi) serge (perhaps a nisbah of Kurub/wlln near Merv, which was an important textile centre, cf. F karzane "embroidered garland"; s. OV). ·{KRZD}: MT k.ruziidah crusade « L cruciata with a semantic shift). ·{KRZZ}: EG 2 krzwz a nickname. ·{KRS} I: VA nikarras takris k to bind together into brochures I yatkarras atkarras to be bound into brochures II kurriisah ~ iit I kariiris IQ kariiris (pl.) AL curraea ~ cararie brochure, booklet « Ar kurras[t/a). S. {krns}, ·{KRS} II: GL kursi = kursiyun IH, IQ & ZJ 210 kursi VA kursi ~ kariisi AL curci ~ querici = coraci (I. caraci) dim. curailyci ~ curaic(i)it chair, seat I SH kursi marketstand U MT kurs addayr position of prior in a monastery « S kursya < Ak kussUl m/ < Sm gu.za). ·{KRS} III: VA kurs ~ akriis GL akriisun (pl.) AL cure ~ acrae roe-deer « Ll curtiu). ·{KRS} IV: ZJ 1823 alkaras Alcaraz (geo.'1) ·{KRS} V: OS krysy (var. kwysy) smallest kind of chick-peas. ·{KRS'}: VA kursu' ~ kariisi' wrist bone. carpal bone. ·{KRSF}: BM kursuf cotton « F karsaf). ·{KRSN}: IH karsa('a)nnah GL karsannatun MT qarsiinnah V A karsannah ~ lit ZJ 1251 karsa'anna (1. karsannah) AL quercene bitter vetch II MT alk.rs.ni seller of these seeds ('1; < S karsanna "bigbellied", as its excessive ingestion causes swelling of the belly). ·{KRS} I: AL niquerrex querrext taqrix n. un. a I a (!) ~ taquirix muquerrex ~ in ZJ 856 mukarrasah VA nikarras k to wrinkle II yatkarras atkarras to be wrinkled II kars = ZJ 417, IH karsun AL quelerx ~ curux paunch, belly I lA, ZJ 1218 & AC kars ~ IQ 191/3/3 kuriis tripe nID qm~ 1 kriiS AL curix n. un. a wrinkle I ziguil al curix removing the wrinkles UJS karriis seller of tripe. S. {krsn}. ·{KRS} II: AL Carixa Carisa (geo., in Betica). ·{KRSTB/FL}: s. {qrstb/fJ}.
·{KRSN}: VA nikarsan karsanah k to make one's hair stand on end II yatkarhn atkarllan to be horripilated (prob. < kad "tripe" on account of its downiness). ·{KR'}: IQ 158/1/5 akra'uh gulp it down (Iv.). II kurii' VA kura' ~ aUri' ZJ 1016 aUri' (pl.) IH kur'un ~ kawiiri'u shin-bone; foot of a beast I LZ kur'u ssiih the ewe's leg. ·{KRFS}: GL karafsun IH alkaraf~u VA karafs celery n. un. AC karafsii I TO 233 karafs iijiimi I mii'i water parsnip (Sium latifolium, bot., but OS k. almii' water parsley) I 235 k. barri alexanders (Smyrnium olusatrum, bot.) I 233 k. bustiini celery (Apium graveolens, bot.) I 234 k. jabali mountain parsley (Peucedaneum oroselinum, bot.) I OS k. riimi parsley I k. ~axri I qbrsi prob. parsley (Carum petroselinum, as k. a~~axr in TO 234; < G KaQJtaoov, prob. through P karats or Ar, cf. Rb kar pas = kar pSii, s. V A 262). S. {krbs}, ·{KRFSQFS}: SG kiiriiffsqiiffs chorepiscopus « L chOre pisco pus < G x.wQ&JtloKoJtOC;). ·{KRK}: BM kurki ~ GL 'Ikariiki crane « Ar, cf. Rb kurkya and S kurkiiya < Ak kurkUl m/ of Sm origin). ·{KRKBS}: OS krkbiis (vars. krkiis/s and krkyiis) a kind of hackberry (bot.). ·{KRKD}: ZJ 1131 karkadiin rhinoceros « F kargadan based upon Sa khaqgadhenu "knife" through a folk etymology of P *karg diin "holding a sword", where the first element reflects Sa khaqga "sword; rhinoceros"). ·{KRKR}: JM 10 karkarat alba'ir the camel's chest II ZJ 218 & 1773 kurkiir IA karkiir hoarding money (7). ·{KRKRHN}: OS karkarhin pellitory. ·{KRKS} I: OS krkiis camomile (Chamomilla officinalis, bot.). ·{KRKS} 11: UT 337 krkysh annual mercury (Mercurialis annua, bot.). S. {p!r(q)yr}. ·{KRKL}: VA nikarkal karkalah k to step or tread II yatkarkal atkarkal takarkul to be stepped or trodden on « L calcare). ·{KRKM}: BM kurkum curcuma (Curcuma longa, bot.; < P kurkum "saffron") I UT 407 k. kabir greater celandine (Chelidonium maius) I k. ~agir lesser c. (C. minus). ·{KRKND}: BM karkand chalcedony « G x.a)"KT\1)wv).
KRM-KRH ·{KRM}: IQ karum n/takrum akrum V A yakrum karum 'ala & yatkarram
atkarram 'ala to be generous; to be of noble birth or distinguished I yakrum karum 'inda & yankaram ankaram to be appreciated II nakrim akramt ikriim mukrim mukram I makriim k IQ yakrimuh nukram ikriim makriim GL akrimu akrim (jv.) '.kriimun makriimun to treat politely or hospitably; to show regard I AL na(q)crim acram(t) = a(q)crimt mucrim to honour, to bestow honours II IQ yatkarram he becomes generous II AC tankaramii to be honoured II karm + kurmit IQ karmah AL carm + curmit VA karm + kuriim I kurmiit IH kurmiitun LZ karmiit (I. kurmiit) ZJ 1288 kurmiit (pI.) MT karm n. un. ah + kuriim I kurmiit GL karmun vineyard I ruknu 'Ikarmi row of vine-stocks in a vineyard II JM 36 karmah fig-tree I DS alkarmah albay4ii' white bryony (Bryonia alba, bot.) I alk. assawdii' black bryony I k. sii'ikah prickly ivy (bot.) I AL htlriz al curmit + hurrac vineyardkeeper ncaram goodness I bi c. excellently I GL karamun noble character lAC, ZJ 233, IQ & VA karam generosity, distinction II kariimah + at honour; banquet I AC kariima(t) working miracles I IQ kariimah GL kariimatun AL carama + at honour; glory; nobility; c. quibira great honour I bi c. honourably I nizeguel al c. to dishonour II querim + quiram ZJ 2054 & AC karim IQ karim + kiriim IH kirim GL karimun generous; noble I V A karim + kiriim I akrimii / kuramii generous I IQ karim son; noble scion I ET Quirim & Almocrem LO Coreyen, Corruma pns. II MT 'krumah excellence II IQ akram more generous or distinguished II makiirim (pI.) AC mukrimat (pI.) GL makramatun honour, distinction I AL macrum + in honourable II
ET Benamocarra geo. S. {jnn}, {l}sS} I, {I}rr}, {x1q} I, {'bd}, {riiS}, {q~r} I, {krj)} II, {Iwz}, {myd} & {wly}. ·{KRMDN}: DS kirm daub = krmdauh BM kirmdiinah fruit of the spurge flax (Daphne gnidium, bot. 1; < F kerm dane ·worm seed"). ·{KRMSS}: DS krmiisis conjunctiva (ana., supposedly from G). ·{KRMT>: IH mukarmafun small cramped handwriting « {qrmd}, q.v.). ·{KRML}: KU darb karamel flageolet playing « L ciiliimellus "little reed", cf. Cs caramillo). ·{KRMN}: IH karamiinu LZ karamiio (suggested correction karmiinu) Kerman (geo.) II karamiini from K. S. {I}bq: TO lIS kust/t: s. qust.
*{KSTBRKST}: OS kst bar kst BM kist barkist screw tree (Helicteres isora, bot.; < F gast bar gast "fold upon fold,,)I. *{KSTJ}: OS kstj an aromatic compound « P reflected by F kaste). *{KSTL}: MT alkastlili pn. *{KSI>}: CP 105,4 k.siillli clover dodder (Cuscuta epithymum, bot.) II TO 218 k.siill riimi absinthe (Artemisia absinthium, bot.; < Ar, cf. S kasuta and Rb kasut[aJ). *{KSJM}: IH kuslijimun (suggested correction kaslijimun) pn. *{KSJ:I}: VA kasl] + kusiil] hip. *{KSD}: TO 210 kiislid yellow-flowered gentian (Gentiana lutea, bot.; < F kusad). *{KSS} I: IQ kassliS fly-whisk « F keS, an interjection used by the king's heralds when clearing the way for him, and in chess, in the meaning of putting into check, the latter even now common in Ea, kiSS malik). *{KSS} II: OS & BM kissah French lavender (Lavanda strechas, bot.; < F kise). *{KST>: TO 115 kust: s. qust. *{KSF}: AL naqxef aqxeft to reveal; to fade I GL '(a)ksifu yaksifu maksiifun AC lli taksaf kaSC megxufin (pI.) V A naksaf kasaft 1 aksaft kasf klisif maksiif & nikassaf taksif k & niklisaf muklisafah k 1 'ala to uncover or bare I IQ kasafat 'an I]usni she showed the beauty of I kusif Ii mal]jiib I was shown that which was veiled I kasaf bil]usnuh c,lamliyir he bedazzled the minds with his beauty I naksaf masirat nahlir my eyesight reaches one journey's distance I taksaf alfal]~ it overlooks the meadows I yukbf 'ala man ba'id it can be seen even fom afar I assayl yaksaf the flood sweeps away I yaksaf alkurbah it clears sorrow I hammuh yuksaf his worries are dispelled UAL niquex(x)ef quex(x)eft taleqxif n. un. a muquexef + in to uncover or bare; to
discover; to unroof I AC yikassaflak he shows you UGL y-'uklisifu to interrogate II V A yatkassaf atkas1iaf takassur mutakassif & yatkliSaf atkli1iaf & yankasaf ankasaf inkislif munkasif GL '.nkislifun AL ynquixef to be uncovered or bared I IQ ankasaf kaSCat alburgiill fi jabhat ala~la' he was as defenceless as a flea on a bald man's forehead II VA natklisaf 'ala to discover or see II MT kasf digging around the vine-stocks I ZJ 1133 kasf alastayn showing one's arse I IQ kasf alqinli' unveiling II ZJ 1130 kasfah dim. 368 kusayfah defeat, rout I AC kasfah unwalled area I IA kaSCah female who abandons her offspring ('1) I IZ 1519/2 fallilis alkasfah bayc,l waladah tallqub the chickens of a hen that has abandoned her offspring in their turn peck their mother's eggs II AL cuxfa (I. cuxfat) al mil announcement of auction II ZJ 512 aksaf more unprotected II maksiif bare; unprotected II AL taqxif al Ulhya shaving the beard ('1). S. {~dr} & {gtw}. *{KSK}: AL quixca + it helmet « LI *capsica "box-like"). *{KSKB}: HC 233 k.sklib water filtered through semolina bread soaked in water and honey « F kaSkab "barley-water"). *{KSKR} I: VA nikaskar kaskarah k to crack or burst (tT.) II yatkaskar atkaskar to crack or burst (itr.). S. {qsqr}. *{KSKR} II: IH xubzun kusklirun brown bread « F xoskar "coarse, unsifted flour", the Aa semantic shift being probably due to folketymology connecting this word with {kskr} I). *{KSKS} I: AL niquexquex quexquext tacaxcux to instigate « {kss} I, q.v.). *{KSKS} II: VA nikaskas kaskaSt kaskasah all]atab to gather firewood II yatkaskas to be gathered (firewood; cf. Mr bsbs "to skim" and hss "to take" < A qassa, better reflected by Me qass "to sweep"2). *{KSKS} 1\1: OS kasklis cherry.
This item is confirmed by Bedevian and Giilib with, however, a pronunciation closer to its F etymon, barkast. 2
Alcala's rendering, however, makes it quite likely that this "gathering of firewood" is merely metaphorical, like Cs echar Ida al fuego "to foment discord". In such case, the etymon could be A kiU "put the king in check (in chess)", as explained under {'s} & {kss}.
KSKL-KFZ ·{KSKL}: AS 47/6/1 kaskiil beggar's cup « F kaSkul of the same meaning, prob. < kask kol "cup for the barley-water"). ·{KSM}: TO 230 kiisam lovage (Levisticum officinale, bot.). ·{KSMS} I: BM kismis: s. qismis. ·{KSMS} II: CP 155,2 ksmas Cosme (pn.). ·{KSM(L)X}: UT 257 kusmalax & kusmaxah sea navel-wort (Androsaces lactea, bot.). ·{KSNJ}: OS kasnaJ.l (I. kasnaj) a kind of beet, a kind of mushroom « P reflected by F kasne). ·{K~NI>YN}: BM ka~an)liyiin lesser burdock (Xanthium strumarium, bot.; < G ~av910v). ·{Kf.)I)}: V A nuku~~ ka~a~t ka~~ AL nicud = niucud(d) cadadt cud(d) cad = cudd (!) to vomit. ·{Kf.)M}: V A nak~um ka~amt ka~m kii~im mak~iim k to suppress (anger) nyanka~am anka~am to be suppressed (said of anger). ·{K'B}: GL ka'bun IH alka'bu V A ka'(a)b + ku'iib / kawii'ib AL caab + coBb ankle(bone) I caaba + coBb + coii.b = coBob ZJ 1606 ka'bah condyle, astragalus (used as a dye) I FX ka'b algaziil a kind of waffle I IQ ka'b alaJ.lbiir pn. I GL ku'iib 'lIi'b dice ndim. AL cuaiba + coaybit small astragalus II IH ki'iibun & kii'ibun VA kii'ib + kawii'ib buxom (cf. Eg I(bt "female's breast"). ·{K'S}: s. {kJ.ls}. ·{K'K}: VA nika"ak tak'ik k AL nicaaq caaqt caaq tacaiiq n. un. taqica (I. taqiica) to coil or twist I IQ ka"ak aanab + ka"akii al'aaniib twist your tail(s) II AL natcaaq atcaaqt VA yatka"ak atka"ak taka"uk to be coiled or twisted II ka'kah + ka'k IQ qa'ka AC ka'/J.lkah IA ka'kah GL ka'katun + ka'kun round cake II IQ ka'ki pastry-cook II AL Mix mucaaq + hilix (I. hinix) + uin coiled snake (prob. from Eg origin, cf. C ca[a]ce and kake, s. GL 151, fn. 3). S. {smn} & {kJ.lk}. ·{KGD/f.)}: GL kiigaaun LZ kiiga~ V A kiigid + kugiid SH kiigid IQ kiigaa & kagad AL cagad + cugud paper I ya~orux al c. to come out or be ready (manufactured paper) I IQ kagdan ~aJ.liJ.l whole folio II VA
kaggiid + in TH 125,9 kaggiidin paper maker or seller « F kaga/ed/a of nonnative outlook). S. {rzm}, {~rn, {frd}, {nfa} & {wrq}. ·{KF'}: VA nakfa' kafa't kaf' kiifi makfii' alinii to empty or pour from a vessel II nikaffi & nikiifi mukiifiih k GL ukiifi = '.kiin yukiifii mukiifiitun mukiifi IQ 181/1/5 mukiifiih to reward or requite II VA kufw equal. match II ZJ 778 & IA kafii compensation; advantage II AC kafiihii her usefulness. ·{KFI;f}: VA nikiifaJ.l mukiifaJ.lah / kifiiJ.l k & natkiifaJ.l ma' to joust. ·{KFR} I: IQ kafar akfurii (iv.) kufr AC kafar(ii) takfur kufr AL naqtur quatart to renege; to blaspheme or swear (in anger) I CD L 1/11 takfurii ballah you blaspheme I V A nakfur karar(t) kufr kiifir + in / kuffiir makfiir to renege II nikaffar takfir k to cause s.o. to renege I n. aaitanb walyamin GL ukaffiru mukaffirun AL nicattar cattart tagtir (I. q) mucatir + in to expiate or atone for a sin; to redeem one's oath II yatkafrar atkaffar to be atoned for or redeemed II kufr AL cutr GL kufrun infidelity. unbelief I kufran godlessly II AL quetir + in = quitir + cuffar GL kiifir(un) V A kiifir + in / kuffiir / kafarah IQ kuffiir (pI.) unbeliever. heretic. renegade I AL muqueddem al cuffar heresiarch II caffarat a denb + at GL kaffiiratun VA kaffiirah + iit expiation. atonement II ZJ 515 akfar more unfaithful II AL mucaffer al yemin + muquaterin released from his oath. S. {qfr} II & {n'm}. ·{KFR} II: IQ kiifiir AL catur camphor I NQ az 2/x/4 kiifiir pn. I DS alkiifiir alyahiidi camphor tree II kiifiiriyyah fever-few chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum parthenium, bot.) I FX & HC 39 kiifiiriyyah chicken. pigeon or lamb stew spiced with camphor 1 « P kapur < Sa karpurii of pre-Aryan origin). S. {'a}. {rwJ.l}. {sjr} & {'rq}. ·{KFZ}: ZJ 1151. 1419. 1148b. 373 & 1806 kafaz(at) karazah y-takfaz kafz V A
1 However. in He 181 Ihis name is applied 10 an onion brolh withoul camphor.
nakfaz kafazt kafz kafiz + in kaffaz + in makfiiz to jump over I nikaffaz takfiz k to cause to jump II yatkarraz atkarraz & yankafaz ankafaz to be jumped over; to be skipped. S. {qfz}. ·{KFF}: GL akuffu kurrii (jv.) to keep off, to stay away I IQ 177/1/3 kuffii 'an 'itabi cease blaming me I V A nukurr kafart kaff kaff makfiif k ('an / min) to hem or edge (a garment); to drive or keep away II nikaffaf takfif AL niquettef quettefl & nadrab al quef to clap hands I LZ & IH kaffafati Imr't sa'araha the woman pushed her hair away from her face II V A yankaff ankaff inkifiif munkarr (min / 'an) to be hemmed or edged; to be kept or driven away II kaff + kuriir IH kufiif (pl.) AL quet(f) + cUfuf GL karru 'Iyadi AC & IQ kaf(r) palm of the hand I karfayk your hands I kaf(fi) hemming, edging I SH karf hem I GL kafun slap I OS karr ten grains I k. adam unid. plant I k. al'asad cyclamen I k. aj3am / ja3ma' chaste tree I k. a33i'b gentian I k. assabu' / ac.Jc.Jabu' crowfoot (Ranunculus asiaticus, bot.) I k. maryam / 'a'isah chaste tree; rose of Jericho; digiti cilrini I k. annasr a kind of spleenwort I k. alhirr corn buttercup (Ranunculus arvensis, bot.) I ZJ 1157 kufiif hands I NQ mg 11/6/2 falakuffi nu~bas I am held by hands I ID 'fs 9 krat 'Ir jlyn soles of the feet I GL kariifun sufficient livelihood II VA karrah 11 karratayn + at TH 107,8 kifrat scale (of a balance) I SH karrat a~~uniij plate for the weights I k. alwazn plate for the goods II VA kanf GL makfiifun blind a VA karfah all of them I IH yarwih 'Ikarfatu 'n 'Ikiiffati everybody says this having heard it from everybody else UID sgr 5 tkfyf hem I AL laqfif + il eaves. S. {x~w}, {sm~}, {Sjr}, {c.Jrb} & {qlb}. ·(KFL): VA nakful karalt karalah + at kafil + kufala makfiil k Ii IQ yatkafral to vouch or guarantee I VA nakful kafalt karalah kafil + in karral makfiil k & naktafal aktafalt iktifal muktafil + in muktafal k to provide for, to take care of I ZJ 68 taktafil you have enough I AL neqlefel aiijele eqtefell to drive a car II VA kifl double II kafal + akfiil IQ kafal GL kafalun rump, croup II AL quefi/ al cui omnipotent II MT kafalah guardianship II
kafiI(ah) female guardian II makfiilah female ward. ·{KFN}: IQ 161/1/5 kafn & ikfan (m.) AL nique{en quefent VA nikaffan takfin k to shroud II yatkaffan atkarran to be shrouded II kaf(a)n + akfan IQ kafan + akfan AL quefen + aqfin shroud II quettin + in (= /kafflmf) mortician. ·{KFY}: IQ kafa yakra AC kafi ZJ 1514,2114, 904 & 2113 kafa yakfi takfini kifayah AL naqfi quefeil V A yakfii kafii ki/afiiyah k min to be enough I nakfl kafayt kifayah kafi mukfl min to defend I GL yakfa ba'du AL yuqfi that is enough I IZ 7/2/4 yukfani c.Jawwah her light suffices me I 10/5/1 yukfak min attih that is enough conceitedness I IQ kafatuh she was enough for him I ma kafa Igirah jealousy was not enough I las akfa it was not enough I yakfiik it suffices you I bay muwassa~ nakfa flk with what muwassa~ can I repay you? I kafiini allah ~uda'uh God spared me such a headache I kuflt al'ana you were spared the trouble I allah yakfih al'ayn assii may God protect him from the evil eye I allah yakflni law baqa dari diinuh God save my house from remaining without it I 176/0/2 allah yakfi law kan 'amaltu ana what a plight I would be in if I had done the same thing! I allah kiyyakfikum / kan yakfikum God help you I kafi fi kulli !ariqah sufficient in every way UVA yaktafi aktafayt iktifii bi GL muktafi to have enough Rk.fayatuo sufficient amount I fawqa 'Ikafayati more than enough. ·{KL'}: VA ikla (m.) to postpone the payment of a part of the bridal money nkal' hey Ukali + kawali part of the bridal money the payment of which is postponed. S. {os'}. ·{KKNJ}: TO 296 kakanj bladder herb (Physalis alkekengi, bot.; < F). ·{KLB}: GL kalbun IQ & V A kalb + kilab AC kalb + kilib f kalbah dim. kulayba ZJ 279, 44 & 495 kalb + kiHib f kalbah AL quelb t a + quilib dim. culeyeb + il t cu/eyba + culeyebil dog I q. albahar quilileb a. b. dogfish I q. albacar + quilib mastiff I q. al ganam + qui/ib a. g. sheepdog I TO 157 & 162 kalb alma' sea otter I AL q. al guard + quileb a. g. a kind of caterpillar I AC kalb walad kalb dog and son of a dog nOS
KLBR-KLL I kIba a kind of barley I ET Quileb & Culeb pns. II FJ aklub iron hooks, pegs II IH kiIbiyyun AL quelbi + in canine, relating to dogs I MT qariyyat alkalbin Calvin (geo., < alkalbiyyin, pI. nisbah of the tribe of Kalb) II AL culubia + it wickedness II culib + quelilib VA kullab + kalalib & kalbab & kalbatayn LZ kalbatan GL kalbatani pincers, tongs (the latter item < Ar, cf. S kalbta & kaliabta, Rb kalbah / kalbus). S. {'lin}, {bj~} II, {bsbs} II , {~jr}, {~jl}, {~rr}, {~sk}, {xrnb}, {x~w}, {xnq}, {dm'}, {lIbb}, {lIkr}, {lIhb}, {rw~}, {z'd, {slq} I, {snbl}, {sjr}, {s'r}, {~rn, {eJrs}, {eJr'}, {tlq}, {'sb}, {'eJeJ}, {'Iq}, {'nb}, {grw}, {ql'}, {lsn} & {hrS}. ·{KLBR}: SG klbrb common dragon (Dracunculus vulgaris, bot.; < L coliibra "snake"). ·{KLT}: VA kallawtah + at ZJ 753 kallawtah a kind of cap (s. VA 265 for cognates in Ar, P and C, all of them prob. < KaA.uJ3T\ G "hut", a joking designation of Semitic headgear by the Greeks who were not so fond of covering their heads). ·{KLI>M}: ET Cultum & Cul~uma pns. ·{KLX} I: GL kalxatun VA kalx n. un. ab + DS kuliix ZJ 486 kalx AL cal~ n. un. a reed, giant fennel I DS alkalx addulbi meadow parsnip (Heracleum spondilium, bot.) I TD 238 k. kabir giant fennel (Ferula communis, bot.; < Ar, cf. Rb qil~a "stalk" and S qla~la~a "common fennel-plant"). S. {~mg}.
cailb~ + caguali~ dim. coayla~ + it
= ~aylb~
+ AC kayliix fox a kayliixiyyah (fern.) AL caylbki + in foxy, relating to foxes (prob. a nickname or euphemistic designation derived from A {kl~} "to grimace; to bare one's teeth"I). ·{KLZ} I: DS klz a type of Indian wood or drug « F kelz). ·{KLZ} II: MT kalz(in) = qiilzin mill-race « L ciillc{em} "water conduction" with R adjectival or dim. suffixation). ·{KLS} I: DS kallasa tturiib to press the ground by trampling « {kds}, q.v.). ~aguali~ (!)
·{KLS} II: GL kalisatun nave of a church « G &KICA.T\R}: GL kummallra pear I OS k. riimi ,ini varieties of pearl « S kUmatra = kummatrii, a cognate of Ak kamilessa/eru[ mJ).
·{KMX}: IH kamixun vinegar sauce. S. {kbx}. ·{KMD}: AL neqmed + quemett to beat or foliate (metals) I V A nakmad kamadt
kam(a)d kammad + in makmiid k to full cloth; to felt II AL niquemet quememt (I. quemett) to burnish or polish II V A yankamad ankamad to be fulled or felted a kimada cloth-fulling; felting II FJ & OS kamid intense (colour) II kum(ii)dab intensity of colour II IH alkammadu launderer I AL quamid + in burnisher, polisher I MT kammad + in fuller; burnisher; leather embosser II m.km.dat jald embossing anvil I VA makmad(ah) + makamid fullery I GL makmadatun anvil I IH almakmadatu wash-board. ·{KMD/DRYS}: OS kamadaryiis = kamaairyiis common germander (Teucrium chamredrys, bot.) I OT 244 k. na'na'i yellow germander (Teucrium flavum, bot.; < G xal!al5Qu,,;). ·{KMR}: VA kamarah glans (ana.); continuous girder. ·{KMS}: OS kimiis + at chyme (med.; < G XUI!O,,;). ·{KMS}: VA nikammas takmiS k AL niquem(m)ex quem(m)ext ta/eqmix n. u. a + taquimix muquemex = muquemex to wrinkle (tr.) II natquemex atquemext VA yatkammas atkammas & yankamas ankamas to wrinkle (itr.) UZJ 1592 kamas wrinkles 0 AL nizeguel a tacmix to remove the wrinkles. ·{KMSR}: OS kamaSir a kind of gum resembling opoponax. S. qamasir. ·{KMSLY}: SG kmiislyh contribution to a banquet, banquet « LI commensalia). ·{KMFTS}: OS kamafi!iis ground pine (A juga chamrepitys, bot.; < G xal!alltlfUt;;). ·{KMKM}: OS kamkan mastic (tree) or its bark. ·{KML}: GL kamal(a) kama/alun kiimilun f kiimilatun IQ kamal kiimil V A yak mal kamal kamal kamil + kummal to be complete 0 nikammal takmil k & nukmil akmalt ikmal mukmil mukmal k GL akmala akmil(u) = '.km.lu '.kmil (Iv.) ikmalun mukmilun makmiilun & astakmilu = '.stakmilu AL na/eqmil teqmel quemelt = aqmelilt iqmel to complete or finish I BO 4r kamilahum .••
yakmilahum to do or execute them I IQ akmalak he perfected you I akmal allah 'uliik may God perfect your excellence I VC 3/7 akmalat )lala)l sinin she has reached the age of three years II V A yatkammal atkammal & yankamal ankamal IQ ankamal ZJ 552 & AC ankamalat AL nanquemel anquemelt to become complete II quemel perfection, completeness I IQ albadri laylat kamiiluh the moon on that night when it is full I AL bi quemel & quimil completely I quimil + in AC kimil (= kiimil) complete I ZJ 2132 & FX kiimil a dish of stuffed lamb 1 I GL kiimilan completely I kiimilu 'ssin & 'Ikiimilu n 'I'ayyiim of advanced age II IQ akmal more perfect I IZ 12/3/2 albadr alakmal the fullest moon II MT ikmiil wa~iyyah execution of a bequest II takmilat addayn payment of the debt IIIZ 1/6/3 badri samii~ makmiil a full moon of generosity I AL maqmul fal quelim + in eloquent I AC megmulin felharii consummate wrong-doers. S. {'rb} & {qmr}. ·{KMLGR}: s. {qmlgr}. ·{KMM}: VA nikammam takmim k AL muquemen (I. m) + in to provide with sleeves II VA yatkammam atkammam to be provided with sleeves II nankam ankamt to shut up, to keep silent II kumm + akmiim = IQ & ZJ 453, 976, AL cum + aqmim AC kum(m) sleeve I V A k. annaxlah palm leaf I GL abwiibu 'Ikummi openings of the sleeves I IQ ~iirat aydiyya akmiim I got utterly mixed up II OS kummah nose band used in breaking in horses a IQ mukammam sleeved. S. {bwb} I, {xrt}, {rtJ} & {«mw)}. ·{KMN} I: GL y-'akmanu VA nakman kamant kamn / kumiin kiimin + in / kummiin makmiin 'ala & nukmin akmant ikmiin 'ala / Ii AL neqmen quement to ambush II quemin + quemein & quem in + quemein (I) GL kamnatun + kamiiyinun & makman +
makiiminun V A kamin + akminah & makman + makiimin ambush; hiding place o makmiin f ah + in lying in ambush. ·{KMN} II: GL kammiinun V A kaymiin = kiimiin IH alkiimiinu AC kaymiin dim. ZJ 297 & IA kumayman AL caymon cumin I queymon at;uet laser wort (Laserpitium, bot., but s. below) I OS kammiin aswad I barri common wild cumin (Lagoecia cuminoides, bOlo) I k. aswad common fennel-flower (Nigella sativa, bot) I k. siimi / al'iidah white cumin I k. fiirisi nabati unid. kinds of cumin I k. kirmiini best kind of cumin I TO 231 k. ~ilw aniseed I 232 k. armani common caraway (Carum carvi, bot.) I k. abya4 I kirmiini I muliiki cumin (Cuminum cyminum, bot.) I 233 k. ~abasi bishop's weed (Carum copticum, bot.) I FX k.miin an unid. fish. II SH kammiiniyyah cumin electuary (bot.; < Ar, cf. S kammanii = kiimanii and Rb kamman < G KUlllVOV). ·{KMN} III: GL kaminun pile of (burning) firewood « L ciiminus < G Ka.ll\VO~, s. GL 153 fn. 3). ·{KMNDTC}: SG kmndtijyh & (kitiib) kmndty j letter of recommendation « L commendiiti clUS). ·{KMNDTR}: s. {qmndtr}. ·{KMNTRY}: SG kmwntwryh warning « L commonitorium). ·{KMH}: VA akmah + kumh blind. ·{KMY}: VA kami = kamiyy + kumiih champion. ·{KN}: IQ kiin kiin kiin onomatopeia of a joyful and boisterous party. ·{KNB}: OS kanib a kind of dent corn. ·{KNBI>}: OS kunbii)l false horse-tail (bot.). ·{KNBS}: IH alkanbiisu ZJ 1974 kanbiis AL canbux + canibix woman's veil « LI caputium with substitution of the R pejorative suffix (-lie)). ·{KNB~}: SG knbii~ pair of compasses « LI compassumls).
UT 428 liSIS Ihe folJowing varieties: sukhri, dlry, dnqiil, qar'i, bkwi, 'ual a_arri} and muitahii.
sirliji, brjyn, brlywn _ ,inT, 'r_i O.
However, Ihis lerm could mean a cerlain way of Sluffing diverse kinds of meal since He 42,6, afler describing Ihe preparation of Sluffed chicken, says Ihal finalJy it should be pUI in a Iray and offered logelher with Ihe kawamil, apparemly a pI. of kimil.
KNBNT-KNN I ·{KNBNT}: s. {qnbnt}. ·{KNBNR}: MT kanbanayrin bell-founders, bell-ringers « L campiina with the R agentive suffix). ·{KNJR}: OS kanjar artichoke (Cynara cardunculus scolymus, bot.; < F kangar). S. {knkr}. ·{KND}: IQ alkindi pn. ·{KNDR} I: BM & FX kundur frankincense II OS kunduri a remedy against diarrhrea « G
·{KNDR} II: AL candara + canadir falcon perch (prob. < F kande riih "way through a falcon's cage"; cf. Cs alcanda/ora & Pt
·{KNDRS}: OS kandariis s. ~andariis. ·{KNDS}: TO 198 kundus Egyptian soapwort (Gypsophila struthium, bot.) S. {qnds}. ·{KNDM}: s. {jwz}. ·{KNR}: SG knnirah a kind of zither « G KlVVOQU).
·{KNZ}: AL naqner; quener;t aqner; to treasure I VA naknaz kanazt kanz kanniiz + in makniiz k to treasure; to borrow II yankanaz ankanaz to be treasured or borrowed II kanz + kuniiz & maknaz + makaniz IQ kanz(i) GL kanzun AC kanz AL que/enr; + cunuz treasure II LH ·kanziyyah money-box (posited by Cs alcancia) D AL quinir; + quinizin treasurer /kanmiz/) a VA muktanaz middle-sized (man; < P ganz "treasure"). S. {wjd}. ·{KNS} I: GL aknusu VA naknus kanast kans Unis + in kannas + in makniis k IQ & AC makniis AL neqnur; quenezt quenr; to sweep a nenquener; VA yankanas ankanas to be swept I kinas & maknis + makanis cave I GL kunasun AC cunir; sweepings II quennir; (I. quennir; = /kannas/) t quenir;a + quenicin sweeper; dustman I quennir; al torn + quenicin cleaner of ovens I quennir; + queniniz oven mop or swab I quannir; + quennicin (prob. I. quennir; + it) broom II meqner;a meqnece + ma/equinir; dim. AL muqueiner;e + it V A & ZJ 1767 & 1579 maknasah + makanis IH almaknasatu AC mikinis broom I OS mknst al'andar
mullein (but in GM 36 poison-hemlock, Conium macula tum, bot.) I almknsh alqurasiyyah TO 212 mukaynasah GM 36 mukaynasat qurays great centaury (Centaurea centaurium, bot.). S. {'sqbyr}. ·{KNS} II: GL kanisatun VA kanisah + kana'is LZ & 1H kanisiyah BH 26,6 & PZ 194,7 knsyh MT kanisah + kanayis = kanis(iy)yah 11 kanis(iy)yatay(n) church I AL canicie small despicable church « Ar (bet) kniSii "meeting place" contaminated by G tKKA.llcriU). S. {kls} II. ·{KNSQR}: s. {qnsqr}. ·{KNF}: AL neqnut quenett to submit o.S. I PZ 194,7 la yknfhm knsyh no church will harbour them I VA naknuf kanaft kanaf / ikniif makniif k & naktanaf aktanaft iktiniif muktanif muktanaf k to take care I yankanaf ankanaf inkiniif munkanif + in to be taken care of II 1H kanfun tool box II FX kunafah a kind of sweet vermicelli II V A kanif + kana'if latrine II kanniif + in AC kannaf latrine cleaner II BO 21 v,l maknufan lilkubara xalayfan allahi an huma n maqamihi obedient to the great vicars of God because they represent him. S. {kyO Ill. ·{KNFRTR}: s. {qnftr}. ·{KNFS}: OS kunayfibh unid. plant used against scorpion's venom. ·{KNKR}: OS kankar artichoke. S. {knjrl ·{KNKRZD}: OS knkrzd BM kankarzad gum from beer's breech « F kangar zad)l. ·{KNKL}: SG kankalah unid. musical instrument (prob. a type of tambourine, cf. Pt
·{KNN} I: V A nukunn kanant kann kann makniin to shelter II nastakan astakant istikann mustakinn n to take shelter II kann + aknan AC kan shelter II JM 10 kinnah VA kannah + at GL kannatun daughter-in-law II VA kinanah + at / kana'in ZJ 1710 kinanah AL quinina + quenein quiver I ET Quinena pn. II VA mawc,li' an kanin hidden shelter II GL kaninatun warmed (fern.) with clothes II AL muquennen + in kept in a quiver.
There seems 10 be widespread confusion concerning Ihis word Ihal goes back a long time: treatises rendered II as artichoke gum, due 10 Ihe facI Ihal II was generally known Ihal tankar meanl artichoke in F.
·{KNN} II: GL kiiniinun Iifa~m VA kiiniin = kayniin + kawiinin IQ kiiniin AC kayniin AL caynun + caguinin stove, range, furnace II dim. cuaynen + cuainenit small oven or stove nquenunia + it bread cooked in embers « Ar, cf. S kanuna and Rb kanona). ·{KNH}: VA kunh essence, core. ·{KNY}: VA nakni kanayt kiniiyah kiini + in 'an to substitute a euphemism for the usual word I n. kanayt kiini mukni + in bikaaii & nikanni takniyah k JM 20 kanniih LZ mukna (nag. part.) IH kanaytu IQ yukanna ZJ 99 tikannih to surname II VA yatkannii atkannii & naktani aktanayt iktinii bi IQ taktani to be surnamed II kunyah VA kunyah + iit 1 kunii ZJ 1710 kunii (pI.) JM 26 kunwah AL cunia + it = cuma (I) surname; by-name UVA kiniiyah + iit AC quineyetu & kiniiyatu-an (Ii bi) (sr.) euphemism. ·{KHB}: VC 12/10 alkuhiibun unid. ailment of horses I 1M durran akhab grey pearls. ·{KHRB}: s. {qhrb}. ·{KHRB/T}: OS khwriit var. kahwiir.b unid. legume. ·{KHRMN}: GL kahramiinun a kind of gem (perhaps a distortion of A kahraba' under the influence of bahramiin, s. GL 153, fn. 4).
·{KHF}: GL kahfun + kuhiifun V A kahf + kuhiif AL quehf + cuhuf cave. S. {kyf} II. ·{KHL}: GL kahlun (musinnun) middle-aged II VA kiihil + kawiihil upper part of the back, withers II AL cuhula & GL 'I'.ktihiil fi 'sin maturity of age. ·{KHN}: IH alkahiinatu GL kahiinatun & takahhunun AL neqhen quehent iqhen = iqhem (I) quehenale VA nakhan kahant ka/ihanah makhiin k & yatkahhan atkahhan takahhun to predict or foretell U nikahhan takhin k to cause to predict II kiihin + in 1 kahanah 1 kuhhiin & kahhiin + kahiinin MT kahhiin GL kiihinun ZJ 1855 & AC kiihin AL quehin = quehin = quihin (!) + in I quehene f quehina + et soothsayer, diviner I q. ba nar practiser of
pyromancy I q. bal curben haruspex II iqhen ba nar pyromancy I i. bal curben haruspicy II GL kawhanun priest (this latter item either from H kohen or from a Western pronunciation of S kahna). S. {tyn}. ·{KHYN}: OS kahyiinii (var. kahniiyii) peony (Preonia officina lis, bot.). ·{KW'}: XA am3 kiih (rh.) shy. ·{KWB} I: VA & FJ kiib + akwiib MT kubb AL cubb + acuab bucket. S. {'an} & {qwb}. ·{KWB} II: GL kiibun boat « LI cupa). ·{KWI>L}: OS kawIJal s. {fwfl} & {jwz}. ·{KWJSM}: OS kiiwjsm ox-eye « F gay casm). ·{KWD}: VA nakiid kidt an to be on the point of I GL (la)kiida almost I IQ kiidat an tukiin they are almost I AC kiida yakiinu (hr.) it is almost. ·{KWR} I: AL nicaguar quaguart quaguar VA nikawwar takwir k to roll up or into a ball II yatkawwar atkawwar takawwur to be rolled up II kurah + ku/iwar IH & GL kiiratun ZJ 842 kiirah ball; sphere I AL cora + quiguar ball; bullet; sphere I c. quorat armillary sphere I cora (I. coral) a raguah + quiguar a. r. & corat arrih (playing) ball II dim. cuayra + cuairit small ball II IH kiiriyyun (sc.) spherical II AL abu caguar + abu caguarin AC abii kawwarii beetle II OS kuwiirah + kawii'ir beehive. S. {krw}. ·{KWR} II: MT kiirah GL kiiratun region I ~ii~ibu 'lkiirah governor « S korla] < G x.wga). ·{KWRN}: OS kiiwrn cow gall-stones (prob. corrupted from F giiY daru "remedy of the cow", more correctly called andarzii). ·{KWZ}: ZJ 1809 yikawwazii they gossip II VA kiiz + akwiiz 1 kiziin oil cruet II GL takwizun gossip II mukawwizun gossiper 1 « Ar kuzii, whence F kuze). ·{KWZWN}: OS kiiwzwiin BM kiiwzuwiin bugloss « F gay zaban). ·{KWSDR}: MT kiis.drah mattress « L culcitra). S. {qnsdr}. ·{KWS}: FX & SH kiisah bakery; GT 113,7 baker's oven « {qwS}, q.v.). ·{KW'}: ZJ 1346 & AC kii' elbow.
LiL, "to pour out of the oil cruet", d. also {fys}, {btlr} and {bqbq} for tbe semantic juncture between the names of vessels and excessive or boastful talk.
KWF-KWY II ·{KWF}: GL 'Ikiifatu Kufa (geo.). ·{KWKB}: VA nikawkab k to cause leucoma II kawkab -to kawikib planet; star; roof terrace; leucoma I AL quev/uqueb -to quev/guequib comet; planet IIQ kawkab -to kawikib GL kawkabun star I kawkabu '~~ubl} / 'Imasi'i Venus I GB 83 kawkab al'arl,l meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale, bot.) II UT 62 kawkabiyyah s. buxturnah II VA mukawkab al'ayn suffering from leucoma. S. {drr}, {smw}, Urns} " & {fls} III. ·{KWKSB}: OS kwksb a kind of camphor. ·{KWL}: BM kiwul s. (k'O. ·{KWLM}: OS kawlam (black) pepper. ·{KWM}: GL '.kawwimu takwimun to heap or pile up II kiimun = kawmun heap, pile. ·{KWN}: IQ kin kunta yukiin GL y-'akiinu kayniinatun Uyinun AC ki/in kinat kunt kunni yakiin (sr.) yiku/iin kiyikiin kun ZJ lOS, 128, 52 & 109 kin kin(at) yukiin AL n-t-yucltn - n-tucunu yocunu quin quinu cunt cuntum cum cunna cun cunu quevm (m., I. queun) to be I nucun min icei to be below I n. fauq to be above I n. cudim to be before I fax yum (I. icun) so what? I iquin if I AS 91/5/4 in kinis tadri if you do not know I IQ kin mi kin whatever happened happened I iai kin allayl & rna kin allayl when the night comes I yukiin maUnuh he will take his place I watukiin qil,li while you are the judge Iii yukiin min 'abiduh he will not be among his slaves I sayukiin tisa' a'wim he is about nine years old I 'ir kiyyukiin it would be a shame I kin tukiin yaaai iIIi bil}iluh you would be like him also I I}atta las kin najad to the point that I could not find I Ii kin damn it! I Ii kin aiful,liil bloody officiousness! Iii kinii min ~ibyin bloody boys! I Ii kuntum damn you! I lam yukun ba'ad wali kin it has not yet come into being and may it never come I )Jawban rafr ... Iiwaziran Un a highquality garment belonging to S.o. who had been a vizier I ni~rini kin wa'aslam a former Christian who has become a Muslim I kunni xilif we were a rebel country I XA lin1 as yukiin so what? llinu' as kinuh what became of him? I cna1 was kin yukiin minna what would be our fate? I NQ mg17/2/1 as yikiin minni bik what
will be my fate with you? I as 1/3/1 Un waUn many things happened I ZJ1076 yukiin ril} it will come to nothing I walaw kunt 'ala Imi even if you are in charge of the water I MT kayin man kan whoever he is I alkliyin fi munta~af sahr agust which is on August 15th I rami kin limawlini a former archer of the king's I IZ 2/1/1 kastaril} he had rested I 8/6/4 kai'aluh it has set ablaze I 11/4/2 almasikin kaftal,lal}at the homes have been dishonoured I 14/8/4 kal}daqat bih annawiyib misfortunes surrounded him I 11/4/1 alquliib qad kin qasal}at the hearts have hardened I 11/4/1 AC wakin only II VA nikawwan takwin k to create or generate II yatkawwan atkawwan takawwun mutakawwin to be created or generated II kawn being I Iikawn because I AS 26/5/5 alkawnayn the two universes I 15/1/6 al'akwlin the universes (mys.) II GL '.stikanatun humility I ID ilkn 4 'stUn 'Imwt the quietness of death II GL makinun V A makin -to amkinah / ami kin ZJ 900 & AC makin AL mequin -to emquine IQ makin place I makini my position I makin al'ajab cause of astonishment I makin alham when sorrow comes I GL fi haai Imakan in this place I VA fi makin an lixar elsewhere. S. ('xi)}, {'n} I, {'yy}, {brd}, {big} I, Oz'}, {cyq}, {I}bs}, {J.trd, }: GL '.Iballu VA nalball laball labll labill + in & yatlabball atlabball talabbull fi to
stay or remain I yalball laball labill malbiill to be spoiled (meat or fish) II nilabball talbill k to let s.th. or s.o. be spoiled II ID ~md 1 IIbll for ever (contamination of lal'abad, q.v.). ·{LBO: IH labajjun IQ allabaj AL labach southeast wind « L lIbyce "in the Libyan manner") ·{LBD}: IA laba3 VA nalbad labadt labd labid + in to shut up Dnilabbad k to felt (wool); to silence U yatlabbad atlabbad talabbud mutalabbid to become feIted II labd + lubiid IH labdun ZJ 673 libd AL lebt + lubut feIt Ilebd + libed baby nappy II ZJ 1512 labad wool U511libdab felt cap (7) I MT sum.rarus I.bdiyyah feIt hats II AL labbad + in taciturn I IH labbadatun pad, saddle-felt « Ar, cf. Rb lebed & libdjj from the same Iranian origin as {nmt}, though a more recent borrowing). ·{LBR} I: IH labbarun MT labbar VA labbar + in neeedle maker or seller I IQ ban labbar pn. « {'br}, q.v.). ·{LBR} II: AL lobra + lobar pandora (lch.; < L rubra "red", which is its colour). ·{LBR} III: IH kattanun labiriyyun flax fom Elvira i1biri, q.v.). ·{LBRD}: TD 253 labar3ah flea-bane (Inula conyzoides, bot.; < R, cf. Cs olivarda). ·{LBRS}: AL Lebrexa Lebrija (geo.). ·{LBRSK}: GL 'inabu 'llabrusk wild grapevine « L ljjbrusca). ·{LBRK}: VA labarkah + iit boat « LI barca with agglutination of the R article). ·{LBRL}: VA libriil + labiiril AC (I)ibril FJ Iibrilliit (pI.) FM 165 Ibryl AL libril + lebiril dim. lubeyrel + it glazed earthenware tub I UT 447 Ibrlil perhaps
1 The context leaves no doubt as to the correctness of this rendering, but it is not so sure that the text has beeo
accurately transmitted: for ooe thing, the posited connective lanwin characteristic of the older stages of Aa is not found elsewhere in IW and, moreover, the R word providing the semantic interpretation is fern. (cf. Cs loba ·shewolf"), oot the masc. supposed here. So, even if we accept the traditional explanation that ridges were so called because they ate up a lot of ground, there is a good chance that this reading is not the definitive one (d. Cs loma "slope" < L I"mb"s).
LBRN-LBLB white-rot (Hydrocotyle vulgaris, bot.; < Ll *labrellum). *{LBRN}: OS II 569 Ibyrwn (rather than layriin) unid. fish, perhaps akin to sea bass if, as we suspect, Aa *Iubayriin, is a R aug. of *lopayr "wolfish" (d. L lupus, Cs lubina, Ct llop, Fr loup de mer, Oc llobarro, with eventual addition of variable suffixes, and Mr bayra, with metanalysis and deglutination of the article). *(LPR(Y)}: AL laporio unicorn I RC lapury, el lapuri, el anpory pn. (lit., "user or maker of goad-sticks"; s. {'pry}, from which it derives through agglutination of the article). *{LBS} I: lQ labas y/t/nalbas albas (Iv.) malbiis GL albasu AC tulbasu (hr.) albas (Iv.) AL nalbee lebezt VA nalbas labast labs / Iibiis liibis + In labbiis + in malbiis k & yatlabbas atlabbas & yaUabas aUabas to wear; to dress o.s. I nalbas labs k to put on (footwear) I nilabbas talbls k IQ yulabbas to dress or clothe I labbasiinl algiliilah dress me in a robe I CO M 3/8 labbasiini nnuJ.liil they cast emaciation over me I VA nil abbas alJ.layt to whitewash I n. almas'alah 'ala to make a question ambiguous I niliibas muliibasah k to have dealings with S.o. II nulbis albast i1biis mulbis mulbas 'ala to make ambiguous or dubious I IQ arriyiieJ ulbis giliilah the garden has been dressed in a robe II VA yatlabbas atlabbas ('al3) to be whitewashed; to become ambiguous or dubious I IQ aUabasat bassaqlq she dressed herself in cloth II AC labsuh wearing it I VA labs ambiguity; doubt I IQ 'Adah bilabsuh muJ.lawwal the habit of wearing it inside out II AC labsah way of dressing II VA libiis & malbas + maliibis MT malbas IQ Iibs & maliibis GL Iibiisun AL libie clothes, outfit I I. mubatan + in lined garment I mavdaa a I. + maguadii
dressing-room II IQ liibis xuldi clad in taffeta II labbiis fond of clothing II TH 124,10 talbis the addition of wheat flour to the paper paste in order to make it whiter II AS 47/8/2 malbiis clothes II AL mulebee + cin dressed; shod I m. (a) eapat wearing shoes I m. a ciquan wearing boots (or rather, chaps) I m. al caleat wearing breeches I m. al cuffie wearing gloves II TH 43,16 mulabbas bread made of poor quality flour covered with a better kind. S. {'Jtmq}, (prg(tyr)}, {ptn} I, {cpn}, {jyr}, {Srq} II & {tmr}. *{LBS} 11: AL lubeibeC + cit fish 1. *{LBSN}: OS labsiin wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis, bot.; < G A.a'llavll). S. {'xsn}. *{LP~}: TO 182 labbii~ah AL lepee n. un. lepezea horse sorrel (Rumex hydrolapathon, bot.; < L liipiithium < G A.alta90v). *{LBT>: OS talabbata to limp I ID Ibt ytlbt he stutters. *{LPT}: AL lapat + lapapit canon, priest « L abbiit[ em] "abbot" < G a/3/3a < Ar abbii "[my] father", with agglutination of the R article). *(LBT(YR)}: lQ labtah leavened bread II ZJ 1604 labtayriit women who sell yeast « Lllevita < L leviita "raised"). *{LBQ}: VA labaqah adroitness, good manners II labiq + In adroit, of good manners I HC 78 Ibq a kind of bread. *{LBL}: OS assaiJaniqat allabliyyah a kind of falcon, supposedly from lablah, today Niebla (geo.), whence also Cs nebli. S. {siJnq} & {nbl} ll. *{LPL}: GB 148 labballah catch-weed (Gallum aparine, bot.; < R *lape(a, a dim. of L lappa). *{LBLB}: IH 135 & HB 9,13 allabliibu AL lebleb TO 282 lablab lesser bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis, bot.) I OS labliib indigo seed I all. al'aJ.lras / almajiisi wild germander (Veronica chama:drys, bot., but
The etymon of this word poses serious problems. We long ago suspected that Alcahi's vague rendering migbt be inaccurate and tbat this Aa dim. would derive, with a R suffix (-ucol, from L lupus "wolf", which actually provides deSignations of several species of fish in the Mediterranean area. Tbere is, however, a somewhat simpler soluUon, namely, agglutination of the R article I>}: FX la~~a to cover with flour II IH la~~atun + atun VA la~~ah + at JM 19 li~~ah gum {I~y}, q.v.). ·{LI>G}: VA lal>g(ah) lisp I al~ag + lu~ag lisping. ·{LI>M}: VA nal~am la~amt la~m la~im + in mal~iim + in to kiss Unila~~am tal~im k IQ tula~~am la~~am (iv.) tal~im to veil or cover the face II yatla~~am atla~~am to veil one's face II yatla~am atla~am tala~um ma' to kiss o.a. II yalta~am aUa~am to be kissed II la~mah + at kiss II IQ Ii~am veil II mula~~am Almoravid I bila mula~l>am unveiled. ·{LI>Y}: GL la~atu 'Irami gum of the mouth. S.
·{LJ'}: MT luji lujiyat Ii to be in need of II GL alji = aljiyu yalji yulja to force or compel I IQ aljani naskii he made me complain I VA nalji aljayt ilja mulji mulja k to shelter UnaUaji aUajayt iUija muUaji Ii AC yaUaji (Ii) AL naleltegi altageit = eltegeit to take refuge I AC la taUaji Iijarak do not resort to your neighbour II lajiya + lajiya(t) ZJ 1819 lajiyyah affront I AL legia + it need, disgrace I VA lajiyyah + at & malja' GL malja'un shelter, refuge II AL mulgile + in needy I BO 25v almuljiyina bama anta those in need of the same thing as you I 23v almuljiyina ba manfa'atu riil]ihim those in need of spiritual benefit. ·{LJJ}: VA nilajj lajajt laja/aj n & nilajaj lajajt lijaj / mulajajah k n / 'ala & natlajaj atlajajt talajuj rna' to insist; to importune or pester I IQ lajja n hajri he insisted on forsaking me II GL I.jjun middle (of the sea) I IZ 13/2/2 faHujji bal]l]arii they sailed on the high sea II VA Jijjah insistence II lujjah + at / lujaj deep or fathomless sea II lajiij + in IQ lajiij stubborn II AC lajaj stubborness II LZ masjid 'lIajiijah IH masjidu IIijajati name of a mosque (prob. so caHed because of its reputation of being a place where insistent prayers are usually answered by God). S. {q~d}. ·{LCC} I: AL nilachOch lachOxt talachuch to tie or bind, to lasso II lach + luchUch VA lajj + lujiij slip-knot, lasso « LI *laceus < L
LCC Il-Ll;lM
lilqueus). ·{LCC} II: IQ yulujj AL nilachtlch = nilechech lachtlxy = lechext to shine or gleam « L luc[ em] "light"). ·{LJR}: AL nilajar lajart mutagir + in mula jar + in to floor or pave II LZ llijiir IH llijiirun VA lajiir n. un. ah + lawlijir AL lajor n. un. a dim. lujayguara (I. lujayguara) + it brick I lajor mazari I mazariin n. un. lajora mazaria tile-shaped brick I lajora min maadin + lajor metal brick « {'jr}, q.v.). S. {stJ.t}. ·{LCR}: AL lachtlyra + it loophole « L lancea "spear" appended with the R instrumental suffix (-ayr), cf. Mr nrayra). ·{LCRN}: SG I(w)jrnh lamp « L lUcerna). ·{LCLC}: VA niIajlaj lajlaj lajlajah to cause to shine II yatlajlaj atlajlaj to shine « L luc[ em] with adoption of the matrix (la21a2)). ·{LJM}: AL nilegem legemt talgima + talgimat (I. talgimat) & nadrab bal legim to check (a horse) II nelgem elgemt IH maljiimun GL aljimu V A naljam = nuljim aljamt i1jlim muljim muljam / maljiim k to bridle or rein in II yaltajam altajamt iltijlim multajim bi to be bridled or reined in II Iijlim + aljum LZ & IH aljumun MT aljiim (pl.) GL Iijlimun IQ Iijlim AL ligim + aljum bridle, rein I I. cavi + a. quigua strong rein I nizeguel al I. to unbridle I bile ligim GL billi Iijlim unbridled D V A lajjlim + in MT lajjlimin bridle maker or seller « F legiim). S. Im#1 so common in Aa.
LON-LZM I II 672,21 & 673,1 taldig puncture (vet.)I. ·{LDN}: VA ladn tender; soft 1\ AS 75/1/5 min ladunhu (rh.) on his part. S. min}. ·{LDY}: GL & VA lada at (the side of), near I ladayk at your side I GL ladayhi at his side. ·{LDD}: GL aUiau VA nilaaa laat & natlaaaaa atlaaaaat talaaaua mutaldaia bi naltaaa altaa(aa)t iltiUa multaaa + in bi & nastalaaa astal(a)aat istilaaa mustaliaa bi IQ nastalaaa AL netleded at led ell atleded to delight or take pleasure I IQ Id 'alayya an nuqiil I took pleasure in saying 1\ AL ni/eded led edt V A nilaaaaa k to give pleasure I yatlaaaaa atlaaaaa to relish or enjoy 0 laaaah + at = IQ, GL laaaatun AC laaaa(t) AL Ud( d)e + et pleasure; deliciousness llidde bile fayda + Ledet b. f. useless pleasure I bi /ede pleasurably 1\ VA laaUah + at flavour 1\ laMa + liaad IQ laaia AL ledid + /ilyded delicious; tasty; soft II GL multaaina bil'aaan experiencing pleasure through their ears. S. {fwz}. ·{LD'}: VA nilawaa' lawaa'ah k & natlawaa' atlaqaa't rna' to exchange witty repartees II lawaa'i + in quick-witted 1\ GL lawaa'at sneering remark. ·{LD/DN}: VA & TO 139 IUan BM ladan AL leden & lavdanun laudanum k S laaanliil < G ).,clOClVOV which, however, does not have a native look). ·{LDY}: IA all(aa)j IH 162 aaai IQ allaai & aaai & addi he who, that which I ana Ildi qad rayt somebody like myself, who has seen I AA 1 arrijal alldi ~amalii alqam~ the men who carried the wheat I NQ db 2/6/3 addi lak the olle you have I MV 136 ynyr 'Iy mn 'am xmsh wts'h mayh January of the year 905 I OM lR al1ayi~iim ... lalayi~iim he who fasts ... to that person who fasts I GL '.lay bihi with which I '.lIawati who (fern. pl.). S. {bal}, {~ky}, {xtrl, {drk}, {dnw}, {aa}, {snbl}, {~r'}, {'tw}, {'1m}, {'md}, {ftr}, {k} & {wjb}. ·{LRD}: AL Lerida Lerida (geo.) 1\ leridi + in from L. ·{LRNJ}: JM 26 larnj oranges « {nrnj}, q.v.). ·{l-RNT}: AL Llorente Llorente (pn., late
1 NOl "trealing (a horse) by burning" as in OS.
borrowing from Cs). ·{LZJ}: OS lazzaja to make sticky I l. bilma' to dilute (a sticky substance) in water I V A nilazzaj talzij k to stick or paste on 1\ yatlazzaj atlazzaj bi to stick, cling or adhere Blazij f ah sticky, viscous 0 luziijah stickiness, viscosity. S. {I~q} & {slq}. ·{LZZ}: VA nilazzaz talziz k to hold or cram with wedges nyatlazzaz atlazzaz talazzuz to be held or crammed with wedges I OS talazzaza to be dense 1\ VA lizaz + at / laza'iz AC liziz AL /izi~ + lezei~ wooden wedge (cf. Mr lzaz of the same meaning). S. {rzz}. ·{LZQ}: OS lizaq al~ajar lapidary's cement II. / lazzaq aaaahab chrysocolla 1\ laziqa next to 1\ IH xirqatun malziiqatun attached patch (of cloth). S. {I~q}. ·{LZM} I: VA yalzam lazam luziim lazim + in / lawazim (min) to be necessary; to ensue I NQ br 2/0/2 hammi lis yalzam unnecessary trouble I AS 2/2/3 alzam stick to this I 96/3/3 'ala rna yalzam as it should be I IQ kama yalzam as it should be I yalzam an taktani you must be called I alayman talzamni o·aths bind me I yalzamni fawq al1aM na~tamal I am taxed above my means I VA y. lazam lazm lazim lazzam malziim k GL yalzamu AC lazamatuh yalzam alzam (iv.) la talzamuh AL nelzem lezemt malzum = manzum (I) + in to bite I VA nalzam lazamt luziim lazim alfiriiS to stay in bed II nilazzam k & nulzim alzamt ilzam mulzim mulzam k to force or compel I nilezzem = nilazem lezzemt = lazemt to impose (a tribute or fine) II ID nsq 3 ytlazmiin 'mrk they will be bound by your order II neltezemln eltezemlnt (erroneous n) ilyltizem multazim + in IQ multazam GL aItazimu to assume as a duty; to undertake I VA n-yaltazam altazam(t) iltizam (k / Ii - alfiras) to be bitten; to be forced; to stay in bed I AC faltazamhu stick to him I fayaltazimhu (hr.) let him stick to him I IQ adduxan ia altazam ~aytan abya4 when smoke sticks to a white wall II lazim necessary I lazim yadxul he must come in I GL lazimun
steady; permanent II lazmatun bit of a bridle I IA lazmah AC Iizlim (pI.) dim. luzaymli AL tezma + it bite I bel tezem I lizt!m I lezmit by bites II MT luziim obligation Ulawlizim rules DAL lezzim + it (I. in) biter II melzem + melizim poultice I narqui melzem to apply plaster or poultices I IH almalzamu IQ malzam vice, press I VA malzam + mallizim poultice; vice, press U MT mullizimah female taker of a lease, etc. 0 multazim giver of a lease, etc. II multazimat alfiriiS bedridden female. S. {~ff} & {4rb}. ·{LZM} II: XA ali7 yalzam fi suffatayya he bites my lips « {rzm}, q.v.). ·{LZWRD}: VA liizaward GL 'Illizaward lapis lazuli « F lajlzvard < Sa riijiivarta "king's curl"). ·{LS}: s. {Iys}. ·{LS'}: VA yalsa' lasa' las' llisi' lassli' malsii' k to sting 0 yaltasa' altasa' to be stung. ·{LSMXYS}: TO 269 liisimiixyiis common yellow loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris, bot.; < G )..UO"ll-1ax.elO~). ·{LSN}: VA lasan loquacity Dlasi/an & milslin + in loquacious II GL Iislinun IQ Iislin + alsun AC Iisli/in IA & MT lislin VA Iislin + alsinah / alsun tongue II. + alsun tongue of a balance I FX Iislin a dish of mutton I OS purple viper's bugloss (Equium plantagineum, bOlo); treacle mustard (Erysimum barbarea, bot.) I ZJ 164 & 486 lislin tongue; clapper of a bell I AL licin + al(;un tongue (of the balance); clapper of a bell; a kind of flounder or plaice I V A Iisiin a)J)Jawr AL I. a eavr bugloss (Anchusa officinalis, bot.) I GB 247 I. aljady honeysuckle I AL I. al k.oru! greater plantain (Plantago major, bot.) I UT 458 I. aaiU'b water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) I 256 alsinat al'a~iifir fruit of the elm tree I GB 229 Iislin al'a~iifir bush clover (Hedysarum, bot.) I 106 I. alfaras corn crowfoot (Ranunculus arvensis, bot.) I 278 I. alkalb comfrey (Symphytum officinalis, bot., but AL I. al quelb hound's tongue, Cynoglossum officinale) I AL min zeuch al(;un & min licinei VA aii lislinayn GL aii Iislinayn bilingual I AS 12/5/3 lislin al~lil the language of facts I GL diina Iislin tongueless I ta~ta 'llislin under the tongue U ID sIb 1 mlsnh dovetailed. S. {~bs}, {~rr}
11, {~Iq}, {~Iw}. {~yw}, {xyr}, {dwm}, {3a}, {rbb}, {rllw}, {rwd}, {zbrj}, {zwI}, {swy}, {Skr}, {Ilrw}, {W}, {tmn}, {~nn}, {'jb}, {'dd}, {'wd}, {gyr}, {k}, {kl>r}, {kll}, {mty}, {mr'}, {mrr}, {mlly}, {mkn}, {ml~}, {ws'}, {wqt} & {ysr}. ·{MAI>}: s. {jwzl ·{MAI:f}: ZJ 779 ma~ pn. ·{MAD}: GL baladu 'Ima3ina Media « H madiyyim "Medes"). ·{M~R}: ZJ 1706 maru unid. place name. ·{MAS}: BM mas VA ~ajar almas diamond « P almasft} < G aoCt.!1uLlM-MI:I~
MT mal>i1 GL mil>l similar, resembling, like I IQ aml>iili the likes of me I GL mil>luhu & bimil>li ilalika like it - him I mil>l hailii like this I ZJ 124 mil>l IQ mil>l(i) like I mil>lak - mil>luh like you him I mil>li mii quItuh ... mil>luh radd allah as I said ... so may God do it I AC mil>luhu (hr.) like it I NQ br 2/3/3 mil>li mii qata' qalbi as he tore my heart I V A mil>l + mul>iil & mil>iil & mal>al + aml>i1ah example I AC mal>al - almeceli AL mecelel & meCele 0) + amCil example; proverb I VA mal>al + aml>iil GL mal>alun IQ mal>al proverb I iil quoting proverbs I taiil you quote proverbs I mil>iil paragon, likeness I GL mil>iil(un) example I VA mil>iilu ilalik for instance II MT mal>i1 excellent II V A timl>iil + tamiil>i1 GL timl>iilun AL timcel & tamcil n. un. a statue I AX 59,15 'ala timl>iil annani Iwazir as if I were the vizier II AC mumecil actor, pretender. S. {~ilw} & {~rf} I. ·{MI>L/M}: s. {jwz}. ·{MI>MTQ}: SG mal>miitqh mathematics and astrology « L miithemiit'ica < G l1ae1]l1at1K~). ·{MI>N}: VA mal>iinah + iit GL mal>iinatun & matiiniyatun (urinary) bladder II mil>niinun ZJ 623 mil>niin AL micnin n. un. e spurge-flax (Daphne gnidium, bot.). ·{MJJ} I: IQ yamajjaj tamjij V A nimajjaj tamjij k & nimiijaj mumiijajah k to postpone or put off (the fulfilment of a promise) II yatmajjaj atmajjaj tamajjuj fi to tarry I IQ yatmajjaj minnuh wafih the fulfilment of his promises is being put off. ·{MJJ}: BM majj s. miis. ·{MCC}: VA mujjah + iit AL muche + il (female) breast; teat, udder I bi muchit quibflr & cahibat al m. q. large in the breasts I naqtaa almuche calaa a. m. to wean II dim. mucheyche + ZJ 757 mujayjiit small breast; breast of man « L mulct a "milked", s. VA 279-80). ·{MJD} I: VA namjud majud majd miijid + in to be illustrious II nimajjad tamjid k GL tamjidun AL nimeged meggedt tamgid mumeged + in to glorify or extol II natmeged atmegedt V A yatmajjad atmajjad tamajjud to become illustrious II
majd = IQ, AL mexd glory; nobility I hi mexd gloriously I BD 34r almajdu the Gloria (in the Mass, reI.) II GL miijidun VA majid + in glorious I ET Mexlgito = Mexd pn. S. {grq}. ·{MJD} II: MT majiidah sheep-fold « Cs majada < L miicula "net" with a R collective suffix). ·{MJR}: V A majr (numerous) army. ·{MJS}: VA nimajjas tamjis k to consider or make pagan II yatmajjas atmajjas tamajjus to become pagan II majiisi + in / majiis GL majiisiyun AL majuc pagan I IW I 303,11 almajiisi a kind of dog-rose II VA majiisiyyah paganism « S mguS[ii} < G l1«ro leI and entering this word under that root, and R • piS '"penis" (s. {pSi}, with common phenomena of alternation between initial labia Is and labialization of vowels in contact with them. Neither hypothesis, however. provides a semantic sUppOrL for the "wetness" which seems to be the characteristic semanLeme of such a word, unlike the case of our first hypothesis, a derivation of the passive part. mulctus of L mulgeo "to milk".
take a walk, to stroll II AC masyatuh his gait I IV 63 msya + msyat = almeixia sleeved tunic (returned from Cs < A mawsiyyah) II VA masiyah + mawaSi GL masiyatun cattle I MT mawasin kibiir livestock (other than small cattle) II IQ musa marching soldiers II ZJ 520 amsa better walker II GL mamsa VA mamsa + mamasi AL ma/emxi + ma/emixi passage; corridor; hall I OS mamasi saraqustiyyah - fiirisiyyah narrow - wide alleys in a garden (prob. < Eg, cf. C mol aUe). S. {bhm}, {xt£}, {xyJ}, {dwr}, {zH}, {slk} I, {swq} I, {4w'}, {qdm}, {nq4}, {nhr} & {wry} I. ·{M~I:I}: IZ 11/4/3 ma~a~at they carried off (the grain in order to hoard it)l. ·{M~R}: VA mi~r + am~ar city, chief town I m. GL mi~run AL Mizr Egypt II mizri + in VA mi~ri Egyptian I ma~ri (Egyptian) ointment II ma~riyyah + ma~ari = MT, SN & ZJ 2058 ma~riyyah garret, attic II IH mu~ranun n. un. atun LZ mu~ranah (n. un.) VA mi~ran + ma~arin IA ma~arin AL milazran + ma.arin = ma.arin (I) GL ma~irun = ma~arinun intestines I 'Imi~ranu 'Ikabiru the large intestine. S. {btx}, {xrnb}, {xss} I, {sbb}, {swk}, {sy~}, {~wm}, {ft~}, {fwI}, {q4b}, {ktn}, {Ijr}, {mr4} & {wj'}. ·{M~RQ}: IH ma/u~ruqah + FJ masurqat AL ma.arca + ma.ariq spindleful of yarn « R *macurika < A miisurah < F miisure "weaver's reel", with the R adjectival suffix (-ik), cf. Cs mazarca, Pt ma.araca and Ma mserka). ·{M~~}: IQ ma~(~i) (m.) V A numu~~ ma~a~t ma~~ ma~~a~ mam~ii~ k to suck II yamta~~ amta~~ imti~a~ mumta~~ + in to be sucked; to wither II TO 185 ma~~a~ah plantain. S. {m~m~}. ·{M~TK}: V A ma~takah & maHaka G L ma~taka AL mazleque mastic I BM tin jazirat aim. bole from Chios « Ar mas(ikilii < G llaatlXT\). S. {sjr}. ·{M~'}: OS mu~~a' VA mii~a' n. un. ah AL muzaa + I medlar (with semantic evolution from
"blackberry", caused by renewal and development of new species). ·{M~L}: ZJ 2069 yam~ul AL namcol macait (I. .) to overflow VA yam~ul ma~ul ma~1 ma~iI & yatma~~al atma~sal AL nalma.al alma.all to drip (itr.) II nimaccal maccOlI V A nima~~al tam~iI k to drip (tr.) II ma~(a)1 pure honey II mu~alah dripping substance I OS mu~alat al'axlat excretion of humours I ID nwf 4 m~ayt assuhd (I. mu~alat) dripping honey II FX ma~~al draining device (7) II AL lamay.ala + il small drop. ·{M~M~}: AL nimazma. mazmazl lamazmo. n. un. a to suck. S. {m~~}. ·{MQR}: FX ma4irah a dish of meat and yoghourt. ·{MQG}: GL am4ugu yam4ugu & yamgu4 VA nam4ug ma4agt ma4g ma4ig mam4iig k to chew or munch I IQ alxabar yum4ag the news will be everybody's gossip. S. {mdg}. ·{MQU: s. {mdI}. ·{MQMQ}: V A nima4ma4 alfum ma4ma4t ma4ma4ah muma4mi4 muma4ma4 to rinse the mouth II yatma4ma4 atma4ma4 tama4mu4 to be rinsed. ·{MQ/DY}: IQ ma4a tam4/di yam4ii mu4i (m.) GL ma431a ma4aw am4i mu4iyun ma4in IA ma4a ma4at tam4i V A nam4/di ma4ayt ma/u4i ma4i + in & yatma44a atma4da tama44i mutama44i + in to go away I yam4i ma4a ma4i to pass; to go by; to elapse I fima ma4a = GL in the past I NQ mg 1/1 ma4at fiyya she passed by me I ZJ 610 ma4a luh masti he lost a comb I 748 yam4i fassayl the flood carries it away I AS 34/0/2 ma4a xisarah & AC ma4a/a mum4i to be lost I tam4alak they are lost to you I XA ar 7 ma4a lassafar he went on a journey I IQ ma ma4a bygone matters I ma4at a'wam years elapsed I tamdi go (iv.) I lifulan nam4i I go to So-and-So I yam4ii annas ilayk people go to you I lam yamdi Iiyarja' he's gone away never to return I yamdi fannar let him go to hell I nam4i
However. instead of a rare (m~!)}. this term could be construed as a case of the frequently occurring suprasegmental pharyngalization of (ms!)} "to wipe out" equally fitting in the context.
MTBYN-MTN najaddalak I am going to fight you I tamdi 'ad bir you go up to a well I tamdi min suriir Iisuriir may you go from joy to joy I 'an aahab nameJi I go after some gold I kuIli ma maeJa 'isqi yastad my love increases more and more I ma yameJi yazdad f.aalawah he becomes sweeter all the time I NQ mg 9/5/2 ma yameJi yat'attaq it becomes increasingly rooted I IQ maeJa 'anni he left me I qiHi maeJa Ii a cat ran away from my home I maeJa batil it proved useless I nameJi sahid I shall die a martyr I ma!Ja musayya' bisaflaq he was shoved away I lam yam!Ji biha he would not carry it away I 152/1/1 yameJi bibali it deprives me of my senses I maeJa 'alayya sinin wahu samiis he was sullen with me for years I AL namda madait mumlndi to be lost nnimadi madait to lose I madait a nia you became desperate I VA nima!J!Ji k & nam!Ji am!Jayt im!Ja mum!Ji mum!Ja k to cause s.o. to pass or go (by a place) I AC maeJeJa to lose II MT am!Jat t.meJi to sign (a document); to endorse 11Q am!Jayt muradak you got your wish I azzaman yameJi biJ.!ueJiirak fortune is compliant when you are present II maeJi sharp I VA maeJin fi daring I GL IiIma!Ji in the past I MT ~adaqat jayizat maeJiyat lawful and definitive donations I AL madi perfective (gr.) II lQ am!Ja more effective II GL '.m!Ja'un resolution, firm purpose. S. {tIt}, {zyd}, {shd}, {trq}, {frt} & {nwr} I. *{MTBYN}: BM matiibyiin galbanum plant (Ferula galbaniflua, bot., but TO 124 has matwfywn, an Egyptian ointment, most likely galbanum, which is prob. the correct meaning; < G l-l&tc(lltlOV). ·{MTXSL}: UT 447 mtxsiilh s. {btxSI}. ·{MTR}~ AL n-yamior matari I amtart GL yamturu VA yamtar matar matar matir & yumtir amtar imtar mumtir mum tar k & yatmaHar to rain II nimaHar k GL '.mturii (jv.) to send down rain II mat(a)run VA matar + amtar IQ, ZJ 1532 & AC matar AL matar + amtar rain II VA zaman an matir / mumtir rainy weather I 'am an mumtir rainy year II ar!J an mamtiirah & AL ard mat ira land watered by rain II LH ·mamtar raincoat (posited by Pt almandra). S. {sf.aJ.!}. ·{MTRJ}: MT matrij creek, channel « L
miitrielemi "source"). ·{MTRSLB}: OS matr Slbh honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum, bot.; < R *matre selba "mother of the woods", cf. Cs madreselva). ·{MTRTWS}: OS mtrytaws half-tertian fever (med., < G 1\l-lltQlta\O~). ·{MTRQL}: OS mtrqal water germander (Teucrium scordium, bot.; < L miitriciilis). ·{MTRQ/KL}: SG mtrykIh sacristy II mtryqIyat female assistants to the priests « L miitriciUa, with the nisbah suffix in the latter case). ·{MTRN} I: V A & MT matran + matarin archbishop, metropolitan II MT & V A matraniyyah archbishopric « S mi(riin < mi(ropo/l(ii < G I-lTltQOltOA.ltll~). ·{MTRN} 11: MT matrinah godmother « L miiter "mother" with an adjectival R suffix). ·{MTRN(Y)}: OS mtrwnyh AL matron n. un. a strawberry tree or its fruit « R *matronliio < *arbutronl eui < Ll arbutrus < L arbutus, with metana lysis of an A article, addition of the aug. suffix {-anI or adjectival (-o!)ol and /b/ > /m/). S. {qbO. ·{MTL} I: IQ matalta mat(a)l / mutiiI & yamatal mital mumatil AC nimatal matalt matal GL umatilu V A namtul matalt mati / mital matil mamtiil k bi / Ii & nimatal matalt mumatalah k & yatmatal atmatal tamatul to delay or put off (the payment or fulfilment of a promise) I IQ ayyak tamtulni do not put off my payment. ·{MTL} 11: V A matall + at fire-shovel « L biitil/um, arabicized through substitution of the initial labial after the pattern of the nouns of instrument, gemination of the last consonant in order to recover a triconsonantic root and a vowel change due to Philippi's law). +{MTN}: VA matanah + maw/yatin AL mat ana + maguatin (I. maguatin) & matan + it drop-hammer (perhaps < G ltatavTl, which would had evolved semantically from "dish" to "stuff" and "unwieldy or heavy instrument" (s. {ptn} and cf. Cs batan "mallet of a fulling-mill" of the same etymon), with substitution of /m#/ for /p#/ in accordance with the Arabic
pattern for nouns of instrument, although one cannot, at the very least, exclude the interference of A ma(ala "to work iron"). ·{MTW}: VA nimaHi k to stretch II yatmaHa atmatta tamaHi mutamatF ... in to stretch o.s. II yamtati imtita k to ride II matiyyah ... at / mataya she-mule. ·{MTY}: CP 47,3 mtya Matthias (pn). S. {mtws} & {mty} II. ·{M'}: IQ, ZJ 119, lA, AC & VA rna' with I warn. ha3a nevertheless I wam. rna / annahu and though I GL rna' hailii besides I IQ mal;tl;ta with her I GL & V A ma'an together I ma/a'i with me; I have I ma'uh with him I ma'na with us I ZJ 822, 319, 1256, 38, 1488 & AC ma'i ma'ak - ma'uh - mal;tl;ta - ma'na - ma'kum - ma'hum with me - you - him - her - us - you them; I have, etc. I AL maay with me I maac with you I may with him I maana with us I maacum with you I mahum with them I maay maaclq mau/v maana maacum mahum to have (preceded by quin for the past tense) I IQ ma'u ilii Ima'siiq this beloved one has I AS 44/2/3 anna~ara rna' yahiid Christians and Jews. S. {'xr}, {'rr} I, {'Ih}, {lJny}, {'nd}, {fam}, {qbI} & {nwy}. ·{M'D}: GL amta'idu to draw II ma'idatun VA ma'idah / mi'dah ... ma'ii'id / mi'ad IQ mi'dah ZJ 1898 mi'ad (pI.) AL mieda = mieda/e ... miad( d) / miadit stomach I fecU (f}al miede surfeit, indigestion I mafcud al miede ... in surfeited II V A mam'iid ... in suffering from the stomach. S. {dqm} & {mr~l}. ·{M'R}: VA nima"ar tam'ir wajhi to alter one's countenance II yatma"ar atma"ar to be altered (said of s.o.'s countenance) II OS m'ar tiny red insect, perhaps kermes (var. mgar). ·{M'Z}: VA ma'(i)zah = ma'izzah ... ma'(a)z IQ ma'izzah ... PZ 194 ma'a'iz IH & GL ma'zatun ZJ 1883 & 892 ma'az & ma'iz n. un. ma'(iz)zah MT ma'az IA ma'z n. un. ma'zah AC ma'izah dim. mu'ayzah ... mu'ayzit ZJ 1419 mu'ayzah goat II AL maazi ... in caprine, goatish. S. {brr} II, {tfl;t}, {I;tbq, {Il;tm} & {ntn}. ·{M'K}: VA nima"ak tam'ik k to drag on the ground II XA a' 1 ma"ak nahdi fondle my brelsts UVA yatma"ak atma"ak tama"uk
GL atama"aku to drag o.s. on the ground; to wallow II ZJ 711 tam'ik heavy petting. ·{M'N}: V A ma'iin ... mawa'in AL mauun maiian = maav/um ... maguiin = moguaain (!) instrument, tool I mavin (1. maviin, i.e. "tools") kit « Ar, cf. Rb ma'on "prop"). ·{M'Y}: V A mi'a ... am'iyah / am'a GL mi'a'un = am'a'un intestines I 'Ima'a' 'I'a'war crecum. S. {zlq}, {~wm}, {qrl;t} & {qmy}. ·{MG}: VA mugah bigness, size (perhaps < B (mgrl "to be big": this treatment of /r / is not uncommon in Zenatian B). ·{MGI>}: OS mugalJ (var. maga3) root of the wild pomegranate tree or of the wild cassia. ·{MGDLN}: AL MegdeLenia Magdalen (pn., late borrowing from Cs). ·{MGR} I: IH magra GL magaratun AL magra TO 320 magrat annajjarin red ochre I mgrh styl;th artificial ochre I mgrh Imnyh ochre from Lemnos I OS mgrh mdnyh lawal;tiyyah the two kinds of ochre. S. {rqy} II & {grw}. ·{MGI)}: s. {meW. ·{MGL}: VA yamgul magi to press (said of a crowd; prob. from B, cf. TS and K mmiggir & mmiqqir "to gather" from (grl, s. V A 288). S. {swk}. ·{MGNS}: AL Maguncia Mainz (geo., late borrowing from Cs). ·{MGNTS}: IH I;tajaru Imagnatisi magnet II VA magnitas diamond (s. VA 288 concerning the frequent confusion in the Middle Ages between this gem, < G a5allac;, often called in A ~ajar almas and magnetite, < G lla'Yv~ttC;, often called in A ~ajar annahb, but also as in Aa ~ajar almass and Mr ~zar almass). ·{MQT}: GL amq.tu maqtun & '.stamqitu VA namqut maqat 'ala & yatmaqqat atmaqqat tamaqqut 'ala bi to be stingy I namqut maqat maqt maqit ... in mamqiit ... in k to hate II nimaqqat tamqit k to make stingy II maqt & maqatah AL maqt stinginess I bi m. miserably II maquit fa ... maqta IA maqit AC maqit (I. maqit) VA maqit ... muqata / muqqat stingy I IQ 166/1/1 almaqitu hateful. ·{MQDLN}: CP 115,7 mqdalyna Madeleine (pn.). ·{MQDNS}: OS & FX maqdiinis parsley « G llaKe50vlatov). S. {bq/kdns}.
MQRC-MKN +{MQRC}: os mgiirjb (I. maqiirjab as in the var. maqarjab, and in GB maqiirjab & maqiirjiillab) wild camomile (Matricaria chamomilla, bot., cf. Cs magarza < prob. < LI *macarice "bappily", an adaptation of < G ~(lK(lQiwt;, with the L adverbial suffix (-ice), alluding to its obstetric virtues). +{MQS/~}: IH maqsun V A maq~ toll-corn II maqqii~ + in LZ maqqiis IH maqqiisun TH 53,6 maqqii~ al'ar",iyab collector of the toll-corn « Ar maksii "tribute" < Ak miksuf ml, contaminated by A {q~~} "to cut" and Aa Imuqasl "scissors"). +{MQSLN}: s. {b~I}. . +{MQ~R}: OS ~andal (abya«.l 1 a~far) maqii~i/iri AL candal macaziri sandal from Macassar, white sandalwood (from this place name in India; s. OS and the data in UT under {~ndI}). +{MQQN}: V A maqaqiin + iit servant who makes errands (perhaps < A makkiikah "[dishonest) female slave" with the R aug. suffix, s. VA 289). +{MQL}: OS muql UT 495 m. makki bdellium tree (Commiphora africanum, bot.) I TO 125 muql azraq Indian bdellium tree (Commiphora mukul, bot.) II IQ muqlab VA muqlab + muqal eye-ball. +{MQLI>}: OS mqlyii~ii fried watercress (supposedly from S although only Ns has maqliiy ftii "frying"). +{MQL/NN}: IH almiqninu IQ miqnin (?) VA miql/nin + maqiil/nin ZJ 1432 & 508 miqlin + maqiilin AL miqnin + macanin linnet (prob. < R *milkolorin "having a thousand colours", cf. some of its Cs names, like siete colores and colorin). +{MKI>}: AL namcud mequedt man cud + in to persevere, to stay I BO 26r kullimii yamkuta waya",luta fj xiiyrun the longer he perseveres in doing good ... I V A namku~ maka~t muk~ miiki~ + in fj & yatmakka~ atmakka~t tamakkujl to stay or remain II nimakkajl tamkijl k to cause to stay. +{MKX}: IQ aban makkix pn. +{MKR} I: VA namkur makart makr miikir + in 1 makarab mamkiir 'ala to dupe or gull II IQ amkartu 'ala 'uyiin anniis I eluded the people's eyes II makr GL makrun shrewdness, malice I AL bi malaqr shrewdly II maquir + in smart I GL
miikirun malicious. +{MKR} II: IQ & VA makkiir even, at least « G i1 ~(lJ(aQl&, "lucky you", an interjection turned into an adverb or a conjunction in R, cf. Old Cs maguer). +{MKS}: MT y.makk.s to pay tolls or duties II VA nimiikas mumiikasab k to bargain II makkiis tax-gatherer II FJ maks toll-corn (s. its Ak etymon in {mqs/~}). S. {r",b}. +{MKK} I: AS 42*/3/5 makkab Mecca II V A makki Meccan I AL maqui muscatel (a variety of grape; this adjective, however, is applied in V A to a variety of pomegranate, and it was obviously used as a trade mark, with no actual relation whatsoever to Mecca). S. {...ss} I, {znjbJ}, {snw} & {mqI}. +{MKK} II: AC muk alqandiJ AL muqq + amquiq snuff of a candle I nizeguel tezuil al moq to snuff the candle II IH mukkii amulet worn by the newly born on their forelocks (met. < L muccus "[hanging) snivel"). +{MKM}: VC 44/2 almakmab walmasmab unid. ingredient of a remedy for some horse ailments. +{MKN}: AL nemquen emquent VA namkan rna kant maknab mamkiin bi & natmakkan min ZJ 461 tatmakkan to get hold of; to have the power or the chance to attain a goal or to take revenge I XA cra 3 namkan a33afrab I get the scent II IQ tamkin VA nimakkan tam kin k & numkin amkant imkiin mumkin mamkiin k min to put in the position to attain a goal I nimakkan makkant k to establish firmly II yumkin amkan imkiin k & y-natmakkan atmakkan(t) tamakkun mutamakkin Ii to be possible or feasible I AL yumquin maybe, perhaps I IQ yumkin it is possible I amkanni it was possible for me I in amkan if possible II GL tamakkana atamakkanu to make o.s. comfortable I VA natmakkan atmakkant tamakkun mutamakkin + in to be or become firmly established II AL macan + it stallion horse I natliq al m. to make the stallion serve the mares (this word appears to belong to this root ultimately, but not without the mediation of B, where t/amkina in K means "mating" « A tamkin "giving power or chance"). This is not
sup rising considering that horse breeding was a speciality of North Africans during the Middle Ages) II V A maknah + lit power II miknah honour II IQ makin strong, sturdy II GL ma amkanahu wa'.ysarahu how possible and easy! II '.mkanun ZJ 2034 imkiin AL imquen possibility n mumquin + in GL mumkinun VA mumkin + at possible I gayru mumkin AL gairi mumquin + in GL gayru mumkin / mutamakkin impossible. S. {~dq} & {qsm}. ·{MKNS}: AS 83/0/1 miknas Meknes (geo.). ·{MKNTS}: DS mknyts first day of each one of the seven consecutive weeks during which sea-faring was interrupted in ancient Greek culture (= magnetis in the L translation of CP, perhaps < magna aetas. short for magnarum iiquarum aetas "high tide season"). ·{ML'}: V A namla mala' /yt / amlayt mala / imla mali mamlii / mumli k bi / min & nimalli tamliyah k bi / min ZJ 1899 & 1235 tamla kinnamlii AC tamli AL nafemli amUit IH mumli GL yumla'u mamluwatun & mumallatun (fern.) to fill I amli I become rich I IQ namla minha uanayk mala I am going to fill up your ears with them I yamla fummi bisukkar it fills my mouth with sugar I tamla Ii she fills (the cup) for me I amli kasak fi II your cup I yumla it is filled I AS 33/2/3 mala aswaqi he fulfilled my wishes I CD M 7 /9 alba~ar ... yamla the sea flows II XA ani 9 al~ibar ... amlani the ink has stained most of my clothes II VA yatmalla atmalla tamalli mutamalli & yamtala amtala imtila mumtali min / bi ZJ 50 amtala AL nemteli amteUit - emlelu ami eli imlile to become full or be filled I IQ amtala qalbi min suriir my heart was filled with joy II DS mil'a furiijih / ~awafirih at full speed (of a beast) II TH 32 mt' rising tide I IQ mala fullness; abundance, plenty I balmala fully I AL mete & imtile surfeit II mumbli + in & meli + in IQ mala min / bi IH & V A mala IA
mali AC mali min full (of) I 'alik mali = ZJ 1828 fed up with you I LP balqamal riishum mala their heads covered in lice I VA mala' crowd I AC almali the crowd I GL fi 'Imala waljahr publicly II ID mt~ 2 mlw VA malii & imtila fullness I IZ 8/3/4 & CD M 7/9 malii fullness UIH mula'atun silken cloak II GL maliyun IQ & MT mali VA maliyy + amliya rich II mamluwwah full (fern.) I ya mumluatem min a niema (sr.) 0 Lady full of grace! II ZJ 1045 mumtali plump. S. {'skm}, {jr~}, {~~r} II & {qsr} I. ·{MLAN}: AL Milan Milan II milani + in from M. (late borrowings from Cs). S. {mdln}. ·{MLB}: SG malbh frigate mackerel (Auxis thazard, ich.; < R, cf. Cs melva). ·{MLBBSK}: DS malbh bskuh marshmallow (Althrea officinalis, bot., cf. Cs malvavisco < L malva + hibiscum). ·{MLJ}: VA & BM amlaj emblic-myrobalan (Phyllanthus emblica, bot.; < P *amulag, cf. F amole, < Sa amalaka). ·{MLC}: FX mulj + amlaj calf of the leg I AL mulch + amlich arm muscle « L musculus). S. {tyn}. ·{MLI:U: VA yamlu~ malu~ mulii~ah mali~ to be salty II nimalla~ tamli~ k to adorn; to salt I IQ nimalla~ AL nimalah malaht tamlih n. un. a mumallah + in to salt II VA yatmalla~ atmalla~ tamallu~ to become salty; to adorn o.s. II nastamla~ istimla~ k to find beautiful or good II IQ namla~ I dress up OX-XI stem) II mal~ = ZJ 2060, IH malhun AL malh salt I AC ma/ilh V A ma/il~ .+ mulii~ salt; theft 1 I bila ;"al~ insipid I GL mil~un '.na.rani mineral salt I TD 320 ml~ a~~agah borax I AL maraq al malh brine I m. albarud saltpetre II FA tyn ml~y a kind of fig (cf. DS m.la~i) I UT 487 mulla~i name of a var. of fig, grape and sorrel II IQ mula~ (pI.) witty sayings II mala~ah = ZJ 1863, AL malizha V A mala~ah beauty; grace II mali~ + mila~ = IQ, ZJ 1476 & 1976 mali~ f ah, AC & IA mali~ AL mateh + milah f maUha + at dim. mofulizyah + inft f a + it IQ mulayya~
This strange meaning may derive from the Talmud (Ktuvot 66b: me/al! mtimon I!eser "the salt of wealth is its diminution", in principle as a result of giving to charity, but then extended to include mere theft). This meaning of the word malill! must have spread from Arabic-speaking Jewish communities to Muslims and Christians.
MLX I-MLF NQ yb 1/2/1 mal~allah (with R dim. suffix) beautiful; pleasant; graceful I AL xei mateh + axilt milah beautiful thing I IQ almali~ al'aynin the one with the beautiful eyes I mali~at al'alriif of beautiful charms (fem.) I ~irna milii~ we are done for! I MT malihah & ET Malihi pns. II GL miili~un f miiii~atun salty I ZJ & AC miili~ AL mileh + in & mimilleh (I. mimteh) + mimilahin salty lard mileha + mollah salty ground I VA miili~ stupid (a euphemism?) II mallii~ ZJ 820 & 1336 mallii~ + ah thief I VA m. + in sailor I AL mallah + in salt-cellar; salt-maker II mallaha VA & MT mallii~ah + FJ maliili~ salt-works ndim. mulaylah + it small saltmagazine II MT almallii~i pn. II OS & GL mullii~un sea navel wort (Androsaces lactea, bot., but s. OS II 619 & GL 163, fn. 2 about other possibilities) II AL am(b)lah ZJ 40 & IQ amla~ better; more beautiful or pleasant I amla~ wa'amla~ bikaIJir very much more beautiful I mii amla~uh f amla~~a IZ 9/0/1 mii mla~ mii hu AC mimla~ mii hi (fem.) how beautiful! II IZ 4/1/3 & 10/3/2 & NQ mg 7/2/3 tamiili~ ZJ 132 tamiili~ & 2089 mali~ snacks served with drinks II V A mumalla~ah brine. S. {'ndrn}, {tyn}, {~ar} II, {xlq} I, (zhr}, {sbx}, {srf}, {sr~}, {4rs}, , {swsn}, U"}, {s'U, {smm} II, {~Iy}, {(Irm), {(Iw'), {W}, {tl'}, {'bd}, {'tw}, {'yn}, {gre}, {M(I}, {ftJ.1}, {qbs}, {qb4}, {qdJ.1}, {qwy}, {kbrt}, {khn}, {Ib'}, {I~y}, {m4y}, {nbt}, {wdy}, {wqd} & {yqt}. ·{NWR} II: AL taniir outlet for surplus irrigation water II XA ara 2 manarah (prob.)l reservoir I AC almanarah place name « {nhr}). ·{NWR} III: MT nurah daughter-in-law « L nurus). ·{NWRS}: BM nawiiras small goat's thorn (Astragalus arnacantha, bot.; < G VBUQa.iqu VA DiwalJlJaq tawlJiq k & Dii~iq awJ>aqt ilJiiq / walJiiq mii~iq mii~aq k to bind firmly I DiwalJlJaq tawlJiq k & nawJ>iq awlJaqt ilJiiq miilJiq mii~aq k to
draw up a notarial deed I AL niguacaq guacaqt tau/vciq moaCiq + in to notarize I to confirm II VA yatwaIJIJaq atwaIJIJaq tawaIJIJuq & yawtaIJaq awtaIJaq to be bound firmly; to be drawn up (said of a deed) II nasta(w)IJaq asta(w)IJaqt k to trust s.O. I MT yastaIJaqii fih they trust him II VA IJiqah trust I IJ. + aIJiqah / IJaqawiit & mawIJiiq + in MT IJiqah trustworthy person IIQ IJiqati my reliable friend II wiIJiiq VA waIJiiq bond, tie II waIJiiqah AL guacaqa firmness I bi gucaq (I. guacaqa) firmly II guaciq + quicaq IQ waIJiq VA waIJiq + wiIJiiq firm, solid II waIJiqah MT waIJiqah + waIJiiyiq notarial deed II V A waIJIJiiq + in ZJ 234 waIJIJiiq AL muaciq + in & IQ kiitib waIJiqah notary public II aIJaq AC awIJaq more reliable IIIQ & MT mawIJiiq reliable II GL miIJiiqun V A miIJiiq + mawiiIJiq covenant IIQ mawiiIJiq guaranties. S. {'tq}, {'rep, {J:aU} & {'rw}. ·{WI>N}: GL waIJanun + awIJiinun AL guacelen + auce/en VA waIJan + awIJiin idol I 'iibid alawlJiin + 'ubbiid heathen. ·{W JB}: GL yaj(i)bu VA yajib wajab wujiib wiijib 'ala ZJ 1434 wajab AL guijib (I. yegib) guejeb to be due, necessary or incumbent I yegib adlih icrar he must confess I IZ 1/1/3 wiijib an tastiiq she must long I GL 'ddarajtu 'ssiibi'atu 'llali yaj.bu 'anhii min 'I'.bn 'zziwiiju the seventh degree of kinship which is the first one where the son may contract marriage I MT yaj(i)b wiijib Ii to belong, to be s.o.'s property I BO 16r yajiba i1aykum tabgic,lii you must hate I 2r hawlak alkutub aluxar Iii fahum sababan bas yajibukum ... qiidan fil maakur[an] there is no reason why you should (read) those other books unlike the case of the aforesaid book I PZ 196 'qr 'nh wajab Ijiinah 'If wsb' miiyh sId he avowed that he owed 1700 so us to J. (semantic calque of R, cf. Cs deber) I IQ 'ala mii yajab as it should be I kamii yajab 'ala man as befits one who I yajab
lal'iisiq an yaxc,la' a lover must submit I yajab lak an tuqiil you must say I IZ 6/1/2 wajab yuskar & 14/7/3 balwajab tuskar it deserves thanks I V A wajabat tajib wujiib assams to set (said of the sun) I II yajib wajab wajib alqalb to palpitate or throb (said of the heart) II AL niguejeb guejebt to oblige II VA niijib aw jabt ijiib miijib miijab k 'ala to impose or enjoin; to make obligatory I IQ awjab lalmargiib he granted the request II VA nastawjab astawjabt istiwjiib mustawjib k MT astawjab GL y-'astawjibu mustawj(i)bun to deserve I OM IR yastawjab 'ala allah IJalalJ he deserves three things from God II AL (g)uigib necessary; fitting I GL wiijibun V A wiijib + iit duty I fuliin w. alburiir Soand-So is respectable I natruk wiijibi I give up my right I GL huwa mina 'lwiijibi it is necessary I gayru wiijibin unnecessary I IQ wiijib 'alayhum an yijiini they ought to come to me I allaal qiil fawiijib his word must become reality I haaii hu 'indi ba'c,I alwiijib I consider this part of my duties I ZJ 851 J:aakkah biwiijib a massage which is paid for II MT 'alii miijib sunnat anna~iira according to Christian law II VA miijibah affirmative sentence II mustawjib + in Ii entitled, deserving I GL gayr(u) mustaw jibin undeserving. S. {J:aqq}, {'qb} & {IJ:aq}. ·{W JJ}: TO III wajj sweet-flag (Acorus calamus, bot.; < Sa vaca). S. {'wd}. ·{WJD}: IQ wajadniih wajadtu najad kiyyujad GL wajadtu '(a)jidu wiijidun t wiijidatun maw jiidun V A nijad wajadt wajd / wujdiin wiijid + in maw jiid k IA wajad(at) y-tajad ZJ 155, 1878, 19, 1546 & 1098 wajad(at) yajad najadak maw jiid AC wajad 1 y /tajad tajaduh tajadah kinnajad yiijad(u) to find I EV 12 que tegit anta menha carama you acquired prestige because of them I IZ 10/3/3 yajad riiJ:auh mu'aytab he considers that he is somewhat to blame I IQ ma'dan wajad he found a (gold) mine I Iii wajad
However, considering the evidence provided by Alcala to the effect tilat this root had become {'jd} in Granada, it is highly likely that this word contained the copulative conjunction and is to be analyzed as Iwa+'ajild/.
'adiikum faraj may your enemy have no rest I najad lak fi qalbi sayyan I feel something for you in my heart I lam qat yujad lub dawa a cure for it was never found I lam najad lub kurii' I could not find his leg I yajadii DUBS sabil people find a way I yujad assayf I]ii"ir let the sword be ready I VA n. wajadt wajd I jidab fi to have properties II n. wajadt wajd wajid + in to love II niijid awjadt ijad miijid miijad k AL neuged eugedt guexd guegid + in = guagid + guaguidin (I guagidin) to create UIZ 15/2/4 wajdub his longing I IQ wajdi miIJlub finding one like him 0 VA jidab wealth II wujiid + at GL wujiidun being, existence II IQ wajd « Iwlijid/) alxumar feeling intoxicated II KU vgud kenz finding a treasure II AL ijed al mi underground stream of water II IA mawjiid existing I IQ & VA mawjiid being, creature. S. {'jd}. ·{WJR}: VA wijar den, burrow. ·{WJZ}: VA wajiz brief, succinct I GL qawlun wajiz abridged discourse II V A ijiiz abridgement I GL bil'ijiiz in abridged form. ·{WJS}: VA wajs & ijas feeling, foreboding. ·{WJ'} I: IQ awja' VA yawja' waja' waja' wiiji' mawjii' k to ache or hurt; to feel pain I yawja'ni waja'ni qalbi 'ala & natwajja' to feel sorry I nawja' 'ala to hit or beat II niwajja' tawji' k & niiji' awja't ijii' miiji' miija' bi IQ yawja'uh yawja'ni AC y-tawja'ak tawja'ub to cause pain, to hurt I NQ mg 10/3/3 iUra'i yawja'ni fi aii ssiwar my arm hurts from this bracelet II VA n-yatwajja' atwajja't tawajju' bi & nattaja' attaja't ittija' muttaji' bi G L y-'atawajja'u mutawajji'un to feel pain II waja'un VA waja' + awjii' IQ awjii' AC waja' AL guajaa + avjaa pain I g. a rral; + a. headache I g. al macarin bellyache I g. a gembb stitch in the side I GL waja'u 'Ijanb sharp pain in the side I waja'u 'Ima~ir wahuwa 'Imi~riinu tummy ache I ZJ 670 waja' annifas throes of childbirth II VA "arbat an waji'ah painful blow I ID k'h wjy'yn the weak IIIH mawjii'u Iqalbi GL mawjii'u 'Iqalb heart patient I AL maujaa al macarin + maujain (I. maujua or muajaa) having a tummy ache II muajaa + in aching. S. {x~r}, {skw}, {trf}
& {fwq}. ·{WJ'} II: VA mawjii' & muwajja' lame « {wjy}). ·{WJF}: IQ awjar to run over or overflow. ·{WJL}: VA naw jal wajaJt wajal + aw jal wajil + in min to fear. ·{WJM}: LZ may jam IH mayjamun VA mijam + mayiijim IA mijam AC mayja/im mallet. S. {I]ky} & {wjn} II. ·{WJN} I: AC wajna(t) VA wajnah + waj(a)nat IQ 11 wajnatayn cheek I wajnat alqirtis the surface of the sheet. ·{W IN} II: AL meygen + maguigin dim. muguaygen + it mallet « {wjm}, q.v.). S. {ksj}. ·{WJH}: AL niguejeh guejeht to turn one's face I VA niwajjah tawjih k to send; to arrange or direct in a certain way II niwijab muwajahah k & yatwijab atwlijab tawiijuh mutawajih ma' to face II yatwajjah atwajjah tawajjuh mutawajjih + in to head; to adopt a certain manner I GL atawajjahu to head II V A yattajab attajah ittijiih Ii MT aUajahat to be possible II AL guech + vjuh = gUjuh = vujuh face; aspect, look; countenance I Z] 444, 1959,761,836 & 1222 wajh & ujj = wajj 11 wajjayn wujiih face; facade I IA wajh & wajj AC wajh & wajj + wujiih GL wajhun IQ wajh = iij/s = us = wujj + wujiih VA wajh & ujj + wujiih I awjuh face I wajh + wujiih manner, way lID gb~ 2 wjh 'IIJwb outer side of a cloth I V A biw. an iixar otherwise I 'ala w. an mii somehow I biwajhayn with duplicity I MT biwajh (min alwujiih) in some - any way I liwajh allah for the sake of God; gratis I AL mubedi/ al gueche disguised I guech bile iZlihil brazen face I AC fi wajh in front of I IQ las fi wajhak not only in your presence I fujjuh yuqiiJ luh he tells him to his face I as kiyyukiin ujji bayn alixwin what would my predicament be in front of my friends? I 'ala wajh annazlihah as a kind of entertainment I fujiihan ni.,ar amidst beautiful faces liZ 9/3/1 asrub 'ala wujiih tasbi Iqamar drink in the company of faces that hold the moon captive by their beauty I 9/2/4 'ala wajb azzamiin by the fortune I NQ yb 1/3/4 narxi ssariwil 'ala wajh alqurq 1 drop my pants on my shoes Ci.e., on the floor) I AC wajhan
baqqayni we saved face I GL 'an wajhin by the look; outwardly I 'ala wajhi 'l'ar" on the earth 9 jihatun IQ jihah jihatayn ZJ 487, MT & IA jihah V A jihah + it side; direction I min kull j. GL min jami' 'ljihiiti AL min culli giha from all sides I/a giha = Ii giha(t) towards I figihat mavdaa towards a place I ligihat da~i/ inwards I ligihat barra outwards I ligihat icel downwards lligihetey in two directions I fi giha gua fal o~ora on two sides I fi diq a giha there I digiha here I min giha gua min o~ora from one side and another I cahib giha + axhab (I. azhab) a gihit partial, biased I AC Iijiha to one side I fi jiha on one side I Ii jihat an uxrii somewhere else I fi jihat in favour of Ilazziij jihit to both sides II GL wajihun VA wajih + in / wijiih / wujahii lQ wajih distinguished, elegant I namsi wajih I follow fashion II wajiihah elegance nawjah more elegant II tujiihah in front of him II IQ muwajjah placed in front I AL muegl jeh + in masked, disguised. S. ('yen)}, {'sl}, Own, {~dd} I, bms}, {~wl}, {itii}, (itw(t)}, {rhq}, {Smt}, {"rb}, {"mn}, {tlq}, {'bs}, {'yr} 1, {gzr}, {gty}, {qbl}, {qtb}, {qlq}, {kb'}, {Iii}, {m'd, {n~w}, {hll}, {wry} 1, {w,,'}, {wqr} & {ymn}. ·{WJY}: s. {wj'} 11. ·{WI:ID}: VA niwa~~ad taw~id k to unify or unite I IZ 6/1/3 bas ... yuwa~~ad so that His oneness is proclaimed II V A yatwa~~ad atwa~~ad
yatta~id atta~ad
to be unified or united II wa~dahu + wa~dahum AL guahdu + guahduhum he alone, by himself I IH wu~udanii - wu~iidahum by ourselves themselves I IA biwa~duh/ZJ 1437 & IQ wa~duh by himself I wa~di = AC by myself I wa~dak = ZJ 119, lA, IQ (anta) wa~dak by yourself I wa~d alfaras a horse I wa~d annahlir one day I wa~d a~~ubay one little boy I 189/1/3 wa~ad Ibar one another I VA wa~d + wu~iid alone II IQ wa~dah loneliness II V A wa~d(iiniy)ah unity I GL wa~diiniyatun AL guahdenia = guadenia + guadeniet (I. guahdeniet) uniqueness; solitude II V A wa~id GL wa~idun AL guahid unique, only I IQ wa~id almafiixir the only one in glory I OS alwa~id a kind of safflower itti~iid mutta~id
(bot.) II AL guahid IQ wi~id f wa~dah (min) GL wiihidun f wihidatun ZJ 481, 45, 181 & IA ~iihid f wahdah AC wlihid f wa~dii VA wii~id one I' w. r w. one 'by one I Iiwii~id at once I NQ br 2/4/2 yimsii Iiwii~id they go together I SO 35r anta allaai tasaltana ma'a abbika Ii wa~idun Thou who reignest together with Thy Father I VC 54/5 & 60/10 Iiwii~id = 60/3 fi wii~id together I V A kulli wi~id minhum each one of them I AC kulli wii~id GL kullu wi~id(in) each one I IH wii~idan wii~idan IQ wii~id wa~id one and only I itik wii~idan minhum that one among them I anta wanii wii~id just you and I I yalzam alwii~id an yixif one must fear I alwii~id the first one I AL guahid min (a)zeuch one of (the) two I g. min quiCir one among many I g. av a~ar one or another I g. Ii culli g. f guahda I. c. g. one each I fi/bi g. in one I fig. together II IZ 6/1/1 arrabb alaw~ad the only Lord nVA 'ala ~idah separately II AL tevhid theology II tauhidi theological I SO 11 v fa~ayilu tiiw~idiyina theological virtues (rel.}.11 AL mutaguahid + in theological (7). S. {'~d}, {'If}, {Ill!>}, {jm'}, {itii}, {aii}, {rb'}, {zwj}, {sb'}, {skk} I, {'sr}, {gyr}, {frd}, {qdd}, {qlb} I, {qwm}, {kll} I, {Ii}, {mrr}, {m'y}, {ntj}, {nhr} & {wr!>}. "{WI:IS}: V A niwa~~as k & nii~is aw~ast i~iis wii~is + in / mii~is mii~as k to make forlorn or lonesome I AL niguahax guahaxt to brutalize II natguahax atguahaxt to become brutish I nagua~ax guahaxt (I. natguahax atguahaxt) to miss s.o.; to long for II guahx + guhulox IA & V A wa~s + wu~iis wild animal or beast I XA ctu 1 yii wa~si qalbi what loneliness is the loneliness of my heart! I IQ wa~s aHariq the loneliness of the road II wa~sah = AC, VA wa~sah + it loneliness I IA wa~sah sadness I IQ wahsatan biyya the loneliness I suffer from II V A wa~si AL guahxi + in wild I GL wa~si brown (colour of beasts) II ZJ 522 aw~as more disturbing IIQ aw~as lonelier I mi awJ.las how lonely! I aw~as mi 'indi the saddest one in my view II OS 'ala tawa~~us on an empty stomach II GL mustaw~asun lonely. S. {'ns}, {bqr}, {twO I, {tyn}, {J.lmr} & {I~m}.
·{WI.IL}: IH alwaJ.lalu VA waJ.lal + awJ.liil mud \I IQ waJ.llab quagmire. ·{WI.IM}: IH alwaJ.lamu craving of a pregnant woman \I wiiJ.limatun (pregnant woman) with a craving. ·{WI.IWI.I}: IH yawaJ.lwaJ.lu to blow on one's fingers from cold (cf. IQ 93/0/1 nanfux f idayya). ·{WI.IY}: VA yiiJ.li awJ.la iJ.lii miiJ.li miiJ.la k ila AL navhi avhtlit to inspire or reveal (God) I AS 93/5/4 tawaJ.lJ.la to be inspired II AL guahi GL waJ.lyun VA waJ.ly inspiration, revelation II OS waJ.liyyan at once \I BO 223 12 miiwJ.liyina revealed (pl.). ·{WXSRQ/K}: OS waxSiraq/k Judrean wormwood (Artemisia judaica, bot.; < F). ·{WXM}: VA nitaxxam taxxamt tatxim & mutxim mutxam k to cause indigestion II yattaxam attaxam to suffer from indigestion \I tuxmah + tuxam surfeit, indigestion I waxim + wixiim wearisome, boring I matxiim + in weary, bored. ·{WXY}: VA niwaxxi k & natwaxxii tawiixayt tawiixi mao to befriend I tawaxxi (m.) to seek « {'xw}). ·{WDJ}: VA niwaddaj tawdij addiibbah to bleed a beast H tatwaddaj atwaddajat to be bled (said of a beast) 0 wadaj + awdiij GL awdiijun (pl.) jugular vein. ·{WDI.I}: IH wadaJ.lun ZJ 1154 wadaJ.l dry dung sticking to the wool of small cattle « {w3J.l}). S. {w4J.l} II. ·{WDD}: IQ yiwaddani tiwaddak widiid / mawaddah VA niwadd wadadt wudd / widiid / mawaddah wiidd mawdiid to love or like \I niwaddad tawdid k Ii to cause to love, to endear \I yatwaddad atwaddad tawaddud mutawaddid li /ma' to ingratiate o.s. \I biwuddi with my consent I IQ Iiwudduh for his love / sake I law Un biwuddi if I had my way I kiin biwuddi allii ... natlub I would not seek I Un biwuddak tariih you would like to see him I asrub 'ala wudd - fi widiid OS bi / Ii wadd drink to the health of I AC aludi (7) affection I AL gtHr al guedd displeasure I hi guUa av hi gairi gueda with or without her consent I aaud for the sake of; to s.o.'s health « A 'ala wudd, cc. Mr 'la w;Jdd "because, on account of") II GL widiidun friendliness II wadiidun IQ wadiid friendly I VA wadiid + awiddii
friend I OS wadiid catch-weed (Gallum aparine, bot.) \I AL malguede love; friendship I AL ak)Jar mawaddi more beloved. S. {rOy}, {'qd}, {k)Jr}, {nOm} & {Odd} II. ·{WD'}: ZJ 957 da'(ni) GL ada'u VA nida' da'ab k to let (do) I IQ da'iini leave me Ida' 3ii lfaza' stop being frightened like this I da'ni nafraJ.l let me be happy I da'ni mimmii rayt forget anything you saw I 180/4/2 nidii'ak ti~iJ.l I let you yell I lam nida' J.lilah I left no trick Ida' binii ba3i Iran let us forget this kind I da'ni wada'hum leave them to me I risi fi da' ba'ad with my head in miserable condition (lit., "in something you had better not mention", prob. a euphemism for dung or garbage) I AS 84/5/1 da'ni wa'an wahmak spare me your fancies I AC dii'uh yaJ.ltaraq let it burn I da'bi J.lattii takbur let it grow Ida' fi la'natab leave her in her curse I da'ub riJ.l consider it just wind (i.e., a trifle) I yida' alyawm he forsakes the present \I VA niwadda' tawdi' k & niwiida' muwida'ab k IQ wadda' tawdi' / wadi' to see off I yuwadda' fik al'ilmi science is mourned together with you II niidi' awda't ida' miidi' miida' / mawdii' k 'inda IH mawdii'un GL iidi'u AL naulvdii aulvdiult & nidaa guadaat mavdoo + din to deposit or entrust \I GL '.t.wadda'u to rest II VA nattadi' attada' ittidi' to be calm or quiet \I AL naztaudaa aztaudaat iztiudaa to entrust; to say good-bye \I OS wad(a)' n. un. ah cowrie II GL wadi'atun tranquility, calmness \I IH sir fi di'ati lIahi go in God's peace I V A fi da'ab peacefully II wadi' farewell II wadi'ab + wadli'i' AL guadia(a) = guadea = guadaa (0 + guada(a)ye deposit, trust. *{WDQ}: VA wadq rain UGL wadiqun lewd. ·{WDK}: GL uwaddiku muwaddakun VA niwaddak tawdik k to season with fat II yatwaddak to be seasoned with fat \I wadak + awdiik = ZJ 100b, 959, AL guedeq + avdeq fat I AC wadik fat, filth \I VA wadkiyyah fattiness nmuwaddak AL muedeq + uin fatty. ·{WDY}: IQ, ZJ 1782 & IA diyyab VA diyab + iit IH diyylit (pI.) blood money I AL dia + tit sacrilege \I IQ wlid(i/i) ZJ 477, 949,
WD!:I-WRS 1459 & 857 wad(i) & wid + awdiyyah IH & GL wadi / wadin + awdiyatun V A wad(i) + awdiyah AS 44/5/3 & IZ 11/5/3 widan (pI.) river; AC wa/id + awdiya AL guid + avdia river; valley I natLa acile at guid to go upstream I nahbat aiite (I. n. a. at guid) to go downstream I maxmaii at avdia confluence of rivers I g. quibir big river I Guid atquibir IQ wadi the river Guadalquivir I MT alwadi a'ni nahr tajuh = nahr wadi tajuh the river Tagus I AL Guid alhijara Guadalajara (geo.) I guid anar the valley of Josaphath I IH wadiyaru the river Guadiaro I wadilaw Wad Law (geo.) I wadiyasu ZJ 745 wadi as NQ mg 16/0/2 wadyas AL Guidix &
Guidiix Guadix (geo., the latter form being due to the folk-etymology /wad 'is/ "river of life") II guidixi MT alwadiyasi from G. I dim. AL vdeyed + it rivulet. S. {'dy}, {'Iyn}, {'wn} II ,{btn}, {jry}, {I]Iq}, b'r}, {stw}, {swS} III, {'r~1} & {kbd}. ·{WDI;I}: s. {weJ"'}. ·{WDR}: IQ niitar itarub (jv.) VA niitar itart k to let (do). ·{WDM}: GL w.d.mun strap, thong. ·{WRI>}: GL ari.,u wari.,un VA nira., wara.,t war., wiri., mawrii" k IQ lam yira., mawrii., ZJ 1682 yara.,ak MT waralJat tar.., ir., / wira.,ab mawrii" 'an AC araIJ min BD 3r irra.,a (ip.) AL nira/ec guaract / reet rec guarc gua/eric f a + in to inherit Hniguerrec guerrect tagarruc muarriC + in DC 10 huerrethUq AC warraIJ to beget or generate I V A niwarra., tawri., k to bequeath II yatwarra., atwarraIJ to be bequeathed nwar., alab patrimony II irIJ & tura., & mira" + mawari., MT miraIJ GL mira.,un & mawra., AL iraca & mirac heritage, inheritance I IQ mawariIJ inheritance law I V A naqta' almiriiIJ lifulin maqtii' aim. AL naqtaii at guarc cataii / ziguil / tazvil at g. maqtoo / muzeguet + in a. g. to disinherit I guarc a culutey inheritance of 2/3 I I;ahib muiric « mawiirip) + azhab muyricin (erroneous pI. in the second constituent) chancellor of the exchequer II MT wariIJ + awra., / wara.,ah ZJ 661 wara.,ab (pI.) & VA wari., + wurra., / wara.,ah heir I AL guirie a eulueey inheritor of 2/3 I g. min icnaiixar guahid inheritor of 1/12 I g.
zeuch min icnaiixar inheritor of 2/12 II MT tawari., (pI.) bequests II muwarri/i., testator I AL muaric = muherie a + in heir I m. k,amce min icnaiixar inheritor of 5/12. S. {",wz} & {qf>' ·{WRX}: s. {'rd. ·{WRD} I: VA yirad warad wuriid warid mawriid k to enter I narid waradt wuriid warid (mawriid) to come - to water cattle II niirid awradt irad miirid miirad / mawriid k to give II wird short prayer I "'umma w. intermittent fever I AS 58/5/3 "'abl alwarid jugular vein I NQ br 2/5/4 waridu his jugular vein II AS 43/2/3 musta'itab alwuriid sweet to drink II GL kawardan (I. wardan) TD 165 banat wardan cockroaches II IQ mawrid road leading to water; arrival I VA mawrid + mawarid MT mawarid (pl.) wateringtrough. S. {"'H}. ·{WRD} II: IQ tawrid VA niwarrad tawrid k to paint or dye red 0 yatwarrad atwarrad to be paimed or dyed red I ward n. un. ah = IQ. GL wardun AC warda/i AL guard n. un. a + urud rose I gayda min guard thicket of rose-bushes I DS alward aljabali & ward aititakar / assiyij /~ini dog-rose (Rosa canina, bot.) I ward al",ubb Asiatic crowfoot (Ranunculus asiaticus, boLl I w. all]imar / alfaxxar a kind of narcissus or chrysanthemum I w. al"'amir peony (Preonia officina lis, bot.) I w. it.lra anemone I w. azzinab / azzawani Ant werp hollyhock (Althrea ficifolia, bot., but IL 160 ward azzinah rose mallow) I alw. alfal]~i / albarri cistus I w. muntin bastard pellitory (Achillea ptarmica, bot.) I GL 'Iwardu 'I'a"'mar red roses I 'Iwardatan the cheeks I LO GlHuarda pn. I IH. ZJ 98 & VA mi ward rose-water II wardi GL wardiyun AL guardi + in & muguarrad + in rosy, pink II LZ warda IH warda'u (fern.) reddish bay (mare) II AL mavrada + mauarid (I. maguarid) V A mawradah + mawirid rose garden I maurada + maguarid pink coloration of the skin II CD M 7/6 xaddan muwarrad rosy cheek (from Old Iranian stock). S. {xwx}, {dwd}, {itbd}, bny}, byt>, {swsn}, {sqq}, {(I'n, {'51} & {klb}. ·{WRS}: DS wars Ceylon cornel tree, cow gallstone.
·{WRS}: VA niwarras tawris k 'ala I~ikim to cause sedition against the ruler II yatwarras atwarras tawarrus to be excited to rebellion. ·{WRT}: AL naurat auratt to face dangers II VA niwarrat tawrit k to put in a difficult situation I yatwarrat GL yatawarratu to get into a difficult situation II VA wartah + it difficult situation (from Iranian vart "to spin", originally, a whirlpool). ·{WRTR/Y}: 8M warturi = wartuy German stachys (Stachys germanica, bot.; < F). ·{WR'}: VA niwarra' k to frighten I MT ywra' minhu 'an rul} almuwa~~i it will be offered for the testator's soul II V A yatwarra' to fear II wara' fear I AL guaraa chastity I IQ wara' GL war(a)'un piety; fear I wari'un AL guarie f guarea + in chaste nVA wari' + wurri' timid. ·{WRGN}: GL wargan organ (mus.; < L organum < G oQ'Y«vov). ·{WRGNL}: TH 58,8 aJlJlawb alwrngil a kind of fabric that will not sustain fulling. ·{WRQ}: GL ',war.qu muwarraqun to put forth leaves I VA niwarraq tawriq aJlJlamarah to strip of leaves I ZJ 2033 yiwarraq to separate the layers of meat (by cooking) II SH tawarraq to crack (said of poor quality iron) I V A yatwarraq to be stripped of leaves Uwaraq n. un. ah + at / awriq GL waraqun IQ waraq + awraq AL guaraq n. un. guaraca + avraq dim. AL uraica + vraiquit leaf; sheet of paper I AC waraq n. un. ah leaf I AL nizeguel al guaraq to strip leaves I catie al g. stripper of leaves; pruner I elfe guaraq (I. guaraq) milfoil (Achillea millefoliu, bot., but s. ('In); guaraca min rraq + auraq sheet of parchment I guaraca min cagad + avraq paper sheet I guaracat al hadid + guaraq iron blade II V A waraqah + it (twoedged) blade; knife II wariq money II AS 66/4/5 warqi ll}amim dove II AL tavriq guaquet (1. gua vqued) plaster-work ornamented with leaves and laces II muarraq + uin leafed nmuarraqua + il FX & HC 89 muwarraqah puff-pastry. S. {dlw}, nlw(t)}, {sqt}, {'rq}, {qmr} II, {kJlr} & {mwrq}, ·{WRK}: V A niwarrak tawrik 'ala ZJ 76 muwarrak AL niguerreq = niverreq guerreqt guerreq taurica to recline or lean
against (tr.) I IZ 4/1/2 nuwarrak lalxala'ah I abandon myself to profligacy II AL netguerreq atguerreqt VA yatwarrak atwarrakt 'ala to lean (itr.) I GL atawarraku to rest in a squatting pOSition (in prayer) II 'I'awriku (pI.) VA warak + awriik ZJ 2110 warak AL guerreq + auraque hip II VA warrik + it staff, walking- stick. S. {I'b}. ·{WRKT}: s. {zyt}. ·{WRL}: DS alwaral almii'i skink I alwaral aooHi crocodile. ·{WRM}: V A oiwarram tawrim k to cause to swell II yatwarram atwarram tawarrum to swell II waram + awrim IQ waram swelling, tumour I GL 'l'awrimu 'ddamawiyatu bruises. ·{WRWL}: AL niguarguel guarguelt to utter trilling sounds of joy « {wlwl}, q.v.). ·{WRY} I: GL muwiran V A n/yiwiri wira muwarah muwirt k bi to cover or hide II IQ tawira to hide o.s. II wara human kind II VA, ZJ 477 & AC wari AL guara behind I g. al hadiCa the genitals (euph., lit. "beyond discourse") I Ii g. VA Iiwari backwards I yamSi Iiwari to fall back I AC Iiwari backwards; for later 00 I yiji wara zaft he came to get some pitch I DL 61 guaragiha out of the way I IQ jadid wad jadid one new thing after another I wariik - warli'i behind you - me I GL & AC & IQ min wari from behind II wiri back part or side I GL wiri & AL guarrani + in rear, posterior. S. {I}bs}, {I}jb}, {I}rz}, {rj'}, {syb}, {~I'}, {~yl}}, {'wj}, {msy}, {otl}} & {hrb}. ·{WRY} II: VA wiri saddle-pad « F varu "cushion"). ·{WZR} I: VA yazir wuar wizr wizir + in n 'ala to commit a sin II wizr + awzir GL awziirun (pI.) sin. ·{WZR} 11: IQ wazar to be a vizier II (w)izlrah dignity or office of a vizier I yi IIi Iwiziiratayn (hr.) 0 doubly vizier! I AL guizara constable's office II IQ wazir + wazari = wazirah GL wazirun + wuzari'un AC wazir vizier I AL guazir + guazara constable II GL muwazirun counsellor « P wicir). S. ('zl} & {nwb}. ·{WZZ}: VA wazz n. un. ah + it IH wazzah ZJ 558 wazzah AL gue(z), = guez n. un. gueza = guezze goose I fark. I full", gueze
WZ'-WS' + ffirak, I felilie guee gosling I hQrie alguee + hurrae gooseherd I guezizin goose farm « S wazza = waza, cf. U uz, Ak usu[m] < Sm uz, however, the Indo-European names of this animal, vgr., G *x.CtVC;, may be linked with E gs, cf. C cUe: s. VA 324-5). S. {'wz} & {Iwz}. *{WZ'}: IQ awza' almawlii sukr ihtibiilak may God grant us the grace of thanking you for your kindness II ZJ muwazzi' V A niwazza tawzi' k 'ala / bayna to distribute nyatwazza' atwazza' tawazzu' 'ala / bayn to be distributed I MT tawazza'iih nma baynahum they distributed it among themselves. *{WZG}: IQ wazag shudder II LZ wazgah IH & GL wazgatun V A wazgah + wizag ZJ 2035 wizag (pI.) AL guazga + at I uizag gecko (perhaps < P wazag "frog"l). *{WZN} I: IQ wazan n-tizan azan (Iv.) nuzan mawziin fi to weigh; to pay (for) I yizan Ii kirii he pays my rent I an~ur falwazan look for a way to pay I GL yaz.nu wiizinun VA nizan wazant wazn / zinah wazin f ah + wuziin wazziin + in mawziin k AL nizen = niezen (gue)zent zen mauzun + in to weigh I alle4i yucen (7) fi eaii al fulin those born in such and such time II VA yawtazan awtazan to be weighed II GL waznun min 'wqiyatin wariiba' weight of one and a quarter ounces II waznatun AL guezna a silver coin D MT wiizin f IQ wiizinah having the right weight I AL taib guizin (coin) good and of the right weight II gualezin in I guazizin (!) IA wazziinah (pI.) weigher II guazzina + in housekeeper II IQ awzan heavier II VA mizan + mawiizin GL miziinun scales I 'lmiziinu Libra (ast.) I miziinu 'ssams sundial I AC mizin AL mizin + mezizin scales; Libra (ast.) I m. a tarbi€ + mezizin (I. mezizin) quadrant I ZJ 1033 yanbii' bimiziin it is sold by weight. GL mina 'ssi'ri 'lmawziin metrical verse. S. {J.1qq} I, byt}, {zyd}, {sds}, {smr}, {tnn}, {qdJ.1}, {qwm} I & {krr}. *{WZN} II: IH yiizanu bikaita he is under
suspicion of this « {znn}). *{WZY}: VA n-yiwiizi muwiiziih k & yatwiizii atwiizii tawiizi mutawiizi ma' to face the qiblah (q.v.) during prayer. *{WSJ}: DS wasij unid. plant *{WSX}: VA niwassax tawsix k GL '.wassixu muwassaxun to soil or sully II wasxun + awsiixun VA wasax + awsiix dirt, filth I GL ijtima'u 'l'awsiixi gathering of filth II VA muwassax alfarj lewd. S. {sxsx}. *{WSD}: V A niwassad tawsid k to put a pillow under s.o.'s head II natwassad 'ala to rest on a pillow II wisiidah + wasi'id ZJ 1138 & MT wisadah IQ wisid(ah) pillow. S. {J.inbl}' *{WST}: AL niguaeat guaeatt to put in the middle; to cut in the middle IIQ tawassat to appoint as mediator II VA natwassat atwassa~ tawassut mutawassit + in bayna to mediate II wasat + awsit & mawsatah + mawisit GL wasatun IQ was(a)t + awsit AC wasat AL guaeat + aueal middle, centre I g. al himal + aueat al ahmil overload I guaet a dar & guazti dar courtyard I ZJ 447 fi wasituh in the middle of it IIQ wasat J.1iilah intermediate situation I MT fi l'asr alwasat / alawsat / alwusta in the second ten days (of the month) I GL wasta in the middle of I IQ 190/2/1 liwastuh up to his waist I AC bili was~ii without a middle course II V A was~i middle, central Uwusta + wustiyyit AL guzla 1H al'i~ba'u lwastiyyu middle finger I DM VI faI'asra alwasti'a in the ten middle days II VA wa/isi~ah & tawassu~ mediation I wiisitah + wasi'it GL wiisi~atun lQ wisitah AL guacita + guacait go-between, middle-man I guacita + guaciil compromise II GL 'l'awsat mediocre (7) II AL maveata + maguacit middle of the sea B maguacit (I. moguacit) intermediate II mutaguacit + in GL mutawassitun V A mutawassit middle, median « E, cf. C ouostn & ouosthen "to become wide"). S. {srk}, {qwm} I, {nhr} & {wtr}. *{WS'}: IA y/tisa' AC yi~a' IQ yasa' awsa' (Iv.)
Otber cases of eupbemistic alteration or name substitution of ill-omcncd animals are VA uskurjiin, julcJiln and prob. talylln. kaylilx. etc.• q.v.).
to hold or have capacity for I las yasa'kum makan no place can contain you I GL '.sa'u VA nisa' wasa't was(a)' wasi' + in fi AC ti~a' yi~a'ii AL nieaa guaeaat to fit; to be containable I me iea fa dunia culla it cannot be contained by the whole world II niguaeaa guaeaat GL uwassi'u VA niwassa' tawsi' k to widen or enlarge I IQ wassa' may he enlarge (your tomb, i.e., grant you rest in the hereafter) I wassa' alma'riif he extended his favour I ZJ 1528 wassa' 'alih he granted him well-being I AS 19/2/4 wassa' almara~ he stretched his merriment II 16/1/4 lissu .,awbiya awsa' ba'~i kulli jihati my clothes could not contain all my limbs UVA yatwassa' atwassa' tawassu' & yattasa' attasa' it~isa' muttasi' to become wide; to hold II was' & ittisa' & sa'ah IQ was(a)' GL sa'atun AC wa~a' & u~ii'ah AL gu(a}t;aa width, capacity I bi guaeaa widely I IH n ~i1lin wasa'atin entirely free (from a duty, sr.) I GL sa'atu 'I'ixlaq (I. axliiq) forbearance II wasi'un & mt.s.'un ZJ 2085 & MT wasi' AC wi~i' AL guicii + gueaa V A wasi' + wisa' & muttasi' IQ wasi' wide, large; capable I wasi' alaxlaq GL wasi'u 'I'axlaq 1 '~~adr(u) forbearing II ZJ 489 awsa' AL aqear auea wider I IQ ma wsa'uh how wide! II iUisa' benevolence (in the interpretation of laws) I yadri fal~al ittisa' he is well-off II LZ & IH mawsii'un 'alayhi rich. S. {rb'}, {r~b}, {stt}, {sn} I, {~~n} & {k.,r}. ·{WSQ}: AL naueaq = navciq aulveaql guazq IH mawsiiqun VA nawsaq awsaqt wasq mawsiiq assurun to load (ships) II yawtasaq awtasaq to be loaded II wasq + awsiiq ZJ 1941 wasq load, cargo « Es wsq "to fill up"). ·{WSL}: VA natwassal tawassul fi to entreat or plead I wasilah means (of gaining favour) I + IQ wasayil mediations II AL tegueeul (ba ealehin) praying to the saints. ·{WSM}: VA nasim wasamt wasm & niwassam k to mark; to dye or tattoo (for adornment) II yatwassam atwassam tawassum to adorn o.s. with marks, dyeing or tattooing I natwassam atwassamt tawassum mutawassim + in to scrutinize s.o.'s features in order to know
his identity or character II simah + at motto; surname II wasmi spring-rain II wasamah beauty II wasim + in 1 wisam 1 wusama beautiful II mawsim + mawasim IQ mawasim (pI.) festive season I AL meiicene + mavicin (I. mevcem + mavicim unless there was dissimilation) Easter II GL mawsiimun biddanasi sullied. ·{WSN}: VA sinah + at & wasan slumber, doze. ·{WSWS}: AL niguazguaz = niguazguae guaeguaet = guazguazt teguezgue n. un. tegueeguza to creak or squeak I nigueguee
gueguezl (I. nigueeguee gueeguezt) taguazgue n. un. a muguazguie + cin VA
niwaswas waswast to suggest; to make an evil suggestion, to tempt II yatwaswas at was was to receive an evil suggestion II waswasah & waswas + wasawis evil suggestion, temptation II IQ alwaswas the suggester. Satan II IH & GL muwaswasun demented. ·{WSTR}: s. {'str}. ·{WSJ} I: VA wasijah + wasij lance. ·{WSJ/Q} 11: TO 241 wussaj/q s. ussaq under {'sq}. ·{WSJ:I}: IQ wasSa~ (Iv.) tawsi~ VA niwassa~ tawsi~ k to gird with an ornamented belt; to compose stanzaic poetry II yatwassa~ atwassa~ to gird o.s. with such a belt II wisa~ + wusu~ belt ornamented with two bands or colours UIQ wassa~ composer of muwassa~ II muwasSa~ = ZJ 2087, V A muwassah + at stanzaic poem. ·{WS'}: GL wa~i'atun reel, bobbin I + TO 219 wasa'i' asSaYx French lavender (Lavandula strechas, bot.). ·{WSQ} I: AL guaxaqua + guaxaq martin (zoo.). S. {rsq}, ·{WSQ} 11: VA niwassaq tawSiq k to paint II wassaq + in painter II IH wasaqun gum ammoniac plant (Oorema ammoniacum, bot.; < wussiiq from Iranian origin, cf. F wuse). S {wsj/q}. ·{WSQ} III: AL Vesta (I. Vexca) IH 287 & IQ waskah Huesca (geo.) I (al)waski pn. ·{WSQ} IV: AL nilallaa lal guexq(ue) to draw (a bow or crossbow; < R *6ska, of disputable origin, cf. 8q ozka "bite" and Cs muesca "notch"). ·{WSK}: IH yiisak an ykiin it is almost I OS ywsk 'nb 'arad bh sjr 'I'". he might have meant tbe tamarisk by it.
WSWS-W~Y +{WSWS}: AL niguexguex guexguext teguexgux to shoo. S. {'c}. +{WSY} I: VA nasi wasayt wasy / waSi waSi + in bayna to defame or denounce II siyah IA siyyah (characteristic) mark II IH, ZJ 1202 & IQ waSi silk brocade II wan
slanderer, denunciator.
+{WSY} II: IZ 2/3/2 tiwasSi V A niwassi arrabab wagayruhu to tune (rebec, etc.;
. niimasa (S), {nms}. nardinon (Rb) & nrdyn (S), {nrd(n)}. nardiir (Rb), {nrd(sr)}. nii~riiya, {n~r}
na~ara (S), {nsr} II.
nbukadna~~ar, {bxtn~r}.
nemsa (S), {nms} I. nep(ii (S), {nft}. ni r{ a), {nyr} II. n.~ar
(S), {nsr} II.
nuna, {nwn}. pa(ga)niqa (Rb), {bnq}. paUes (Rb) & pa/leS (S), {fls} I. panduqiyun (S), (fndq(yr». paqqus (S), {fqs}. pardasa (S) & pardesa (Rb), {frds}. pares, {fsr}. parneq, {frmq}. parwanqa (Rb), {frnq}. paser eStin (S), {fsrr(sn)}. patna (S), (ftn). pendeqa (S), {bndq}. pesqin (S) & pisqinot & pseqah (Rb), {fsq} II. pesqita (S) & pisqeya & psiqya (Rb), (f~qJ. pes.I!a (S), {f~"'}. pilpal & pilpla (Rb), {CIfI}. pi p(ah) (Rb), {fyf}. piqqusa (Rb), {fqs}. pitna (Rb), {ftn}. plas (Rb) & plas (S), {CIs} I. pla~ya, {bit} I. porunqa (S), {frnq}. prazuma (S), {'frz}. pugla, {f jl}. pUlsa, {fls} III. pum, {fye}. purnah & purni (Rb), (frn(yr)}. pursa (S), {fr~}. putqa, {bwt}. pwdgrra, {dqr}. qabba (S), {qbb} II. qabu(lt (Rb), {qb4} II. qadsa (S) & *qadusa, {qds} II. qalbii (S), {qlb} II. qammista, (qm~). qam(riya (S) & qam(ra(ya) & qum(ra (Rb), (qmtr ). qanbOtrlas (Rb), {qnb}. qanbra (S), {qnbr} I. qandi/a, {qndl} I. qan(ira (S), {qntr} II. qaps.ah (Rb), {qf~} I. qalirmid(a), {qrmd}. qarqa (S) & qalurqa (Rb), {qrq} II.
qars.'ana (S), {qr~·n}. qar(isa, {qrts}. qas(anya, {qstlfn}. qas(lin (Rb), {qstl} IV. qas(ra, {q~r} II. qas.s.ara, {q~r} III.
qaSi'isa (S), {qss). qalUliqa (S), {jlllq}. qaHe(, {qtt!s}. qay(un(ii) (S), {qytn}. qelis(a (S), {qst} I. qelbid (S), {qlb} II. qen(ran (S), {qntr} I. qill!a (Rb) & qlal!lal!a (S), {kid I. qinara (Rb), {qnr} I. qin((i)nar & qin((e)ra (Rb), {qntr} II. qirmid(a), s. qarmid(a). qira(i, {qyrt}. qis(a, s. qelis(a. qilara (S), (kyllr). qnum (S), {'qnm}. qoltis & qUlsita (Rb), (qls(n)}. qornes, {qrns}. q piza, {qfz} II. qubyana (S), {qwb} I. qab'ii, {qb'}. qu/bii (S), {qlb} III. qumqilm(sa) & qunqmusa (Rb), {qmqm}. qum(ra, s. qam(riya. qunbiira & qunabra (S), {qnbr} I. quppa (Rb) & qupay =qupi (S), {qff}. quqnus (S), {qqn~}. qurdq(is)in (Rb), {qrq} II. qurqa, s. qarqa. qus(iira (S) & qwis(or (Rb), {qstr}. qw/yqyla (S), {qwlnj}. reh(ii (S), {rh4't}. re'yii d-ayla, {rOy}. rilqii (Rb), {rtj}. ,sam, {rsm}. rlam, {rtl} II. saddiin( a), (sndls). sa/way, {slw} II. sanis (Rb), {sns}. sarbiil( a) & sarbala, {srwl} I. saypa, {syf}. seggi regia (S), {sqw}. sellii, {sll} III. se/qa, s. silelqa. sigillan, {sjl}. sllelqa, {slq} II. smidii, (smd/iO. sukkana, {skn} IV. sulliim(a), {slm}. summaq, (smq(l)}. supis(a, {sfst}.
suryiinii, {sryn}. -talmii,
-tem~ii, {~mx}. -tetrii (S), {~'tr}. -titreliih (Rb), ~'tr}. -tmar yawmii, {~mr}. -tnm (Nb), ~nm}.
sa'bed, {S'wlt} & (slwb/w). sabbes, {slwb/w} & {swS} I. sa~~el, {SI~r}.
sakrunii (S), {skr} III. sammiisii (S), {sms} II. sapninii (Rb), (srn). sba~ba~ii (S), {btbt} II & (sbtbt). Sli~ii, {SI!}} II.
s~ar, {str}.
(S), {SI!}} I.
sulpii~ii, {sir!}}.
supninii (S), (SCn). suqii, {swq} III. suriinii, (snr}. surbinii (S), {srbn}. sU-tiirii, swii-trii & swaw-tiirii (S) & sWii-tre (Rb), {sw~r}.
swii-trii & swaw-tiirii & swii-tre, s. su-tiirii.
tablii, {tbl} I. tabSilii, {trsl}. tiigii, {twj}. taggiirii, {tjr}. talmidii, {tJmlt}. tannina, {tnn} I. tannurii, (tnr). targem, {trjm}. tiisumii, {twsm}. tebutii, {tbO. t(h)ermusii (S), {trms}. tikkii, {tkk}. tutii, {twO I.
(ablii (Rb), {tbO II. (allismii (S), {tlsm}. (appi~im & ~pysyn (Rb), (tnrs). (ig(ii)nii (S) & (iggiinii (Rb), {Un}. (pysyn, s. (appi(im. (urii, (twr). u(n)qiya, {'wq}. *uskutsii, {Skz}. wazzii & wiizii (S), {wzz}. yanqii, {ynq}. ywns (S), {ywns}. zaggiigii & zgugitii, {zjj} II. zardii, {zrd} II. zargunii, {zrjn}. za'rorii (S), {z'r} II. zawgii (S), {zwj}. zgugitii, s. zaggiigii. *zibburii, {znbr}. zi plii, (zro. ·ziwii ziinyii, {zwl} III. ziwag (S), {z'bq}. zmiinii, {zmn}. zmargdii, {zmrd/a}. zonayyii (Rb), {zwl} III. zqu(lii), (zkw). zra'qaHunii, {bzrqtn}. zuz pii, {zfzf}. zunniirii,{znr). zunim (Rb), {zwl} III. zUpii, {z'b}. 'ar(anitii (S), {'rtn"}. 'eqqar qar~ii (S), {'qr}. 'j qqiir(ii), {'qr}. 'mar 'izzii, {mr'z}. 'ruba, {Orb} II. '~iirlii (S), {'n~r}.
abarka, (prg(tyr)}. aga, {sryq}. aizkon & aitz, {I~qn}. *alueskona, {I~qn}. kapar, {qpr}.
lai, {ylO. lakaiiia, {Iqyn}. laurenza, {gn~}. molurgil, {mrks}. ozka, {wsq} III.
txangi, {cnk}. zaplada, {cfltn}. zamar. {smr} IV.
zapatu, {~pt(n/r)}. zur & zurra, {sryq}.
ab;Jrkan, {brkn} II. ab;Jrqi, {brq} H. addad, {dad} H. ad;JrY;Js (K), {'drys}. adg;Js (K), {dgs}. aqar aylal, {'trlnfI}. af;Jnnis (K), {fnS}. afrag, {'frg}. ag;Jllid, {gld}. ag;Jlmus, {qrms}. ag;Jrgit, {grg}. agnaw, {qnw} H. agzal & s ugzal, {zgzaO. ag, {zgy}. aglal, {'gH}. agrum, {'qrn} H. ah;Jrkus, s. arkas;Jn. am;Jn~as
(K), {Its}.
am;Jqqran, {qrn}. am;Jzwaru, {zwr} H. ammas (i)m;Jqqur;Jn, {msmqr}. *amzad, {mzd}. amzur & tamzurt (Rf & K), {mzr}. aq;Jlmun (K & Ba), {qlmn}. argan (Ba), {'rgn}. argiz, {'rgd. arkas;Jn (K) & arkas & ah;Jrkus (Rf), {hrks}. ar:;J~, {rstbl}.
ar:r:a & ;Jrr, (K), {'rr}. asfirn;Jsln (RO, {frns}. askd, {skd}. asyun (RO, {Snn} m. atrar, {lIrr}. aW;Jrmi (K), {'wrm}. azagar, {zgr}. aZ;Jmmur, {znbj}. aznzu (K), {'zz} H. ;Jrbm (K), {hrkm}. ;Jrr, s. aHa.
galur;Js (K), {grS}. ifbr, {fkr}. imlihls (K), {mls} H. issi (K), {sas} I.
iSSjr, {'sr} H. it;Jrmim;Jn (K), {trm}. iZ;Jgg;JI (K), bgl}.
magus (RO, {zmq}. m;Jmma, s. mummu. mmiggir & mmiqqir (TS & K), {mgl}. mummu & m;Jmmali (K), {mmm}. myini, {mny} H. s;Jgn;Js, {zgnz}, s;Jk$;Jm, {dxl}. sm;Jns, {'sms}. squrr;J8, {sgrd}. sat;Jrwal (K), {strwn}, tagra(0, {tqr}. *tagzalt, {gzl}. tam;Jgra, {tmgr}. tamzida (RO, {mzd}. taq;Jrru~
(K), {tgrt}.
(K), {tg/qnds(t)}.
taS;Jmmumt (K), {tsm}, ta(w )~;Jrgint, {tsrgn}. tfiyi/a, aman - alisswi - (Ba), {tfy}.
timngida (TS), {mzd}, tis;Jgnit (8a), {zgnz}, tissist (K), {sas) I. U;Jbs afuhri, {tksfhr}. u;Jmkina (K), {mkn}. urkim;Jn (8a), {hrkm}. wajdim (K), {twjd},
Celtic *barga, {brg}. combortia, {qmlc}. *derveta, {brbn. *gansk'io, {gnc}. *kolmena, {qlmnr}. odocos, {ydq}.
pett'ia, {p~~}. r'ica, {rqy} III. *sabauca, {sbq} II. *sabOlos, {sbn II. tanna, {tnn} III.
Egyptian l aberec (C), {'brz}. ahor (BC), {hry}. arouue & aroou (C), {z'r} II. auaan (C), Own}. bahmi boti (BC), {bhmO. bOm (C), {bwm}. bOre (C), {bwr} 11. brt, {brr} Ill. ca(a)ce (C), {k'k}. cese (C), {wzz}. cano (Be), {~nc}. cane (e), {~ndq}. dbt, {twb}. db', {tb'}. d't, {lbO. elcob & elcob (B) (p-) (e), {bIsn}. (e)rtob (e), {'rdb}. eset (S & Be), {'ss}. *espesta (e) (p-), {f~f~}. gs, {wzz}. gyptios (e), {qbt} I. hOok (e), {1;Iqq} II. "sb, {1;Isb}.
py, {tnfs}.
htm, {xtm}. iwn, Own}. kake (C), {k'k}. klcapice (C), {qfz} II. keMI (S & BC), {qll} II. kouncou (t-) (C), {dqS>. ~rnt, {grmn.
k(b, {qbw} II & {wqb}. ~'bt, {k'b}.
laclknt (e), Ojn} 1. mase (e), {mss} II & {mws}. mcol (S & Be), {b~n. moch (e), {ms1;l} III mo(o)se (e), {msy}. moucclk (e), {mzj}. mr", {rm1;l}. msah (S & Be), {ms1;l} IV. ms", {ms1;l} IV. ms, {mws}. mstote (e), {mst}. myt, {mwy}. nkw & noeik (S) & nok (Be), {nyk}. njJr, {ntrn}.
In Coptic items. Sa'idic (S) is left unmarked unless common with Bohairic (B). The first and second leiters of the Hieroglyphic alphabet are transcribed as 1'1 and IiI respectively for typographical reasons.
nw, {aw'}. ouostn (S) & ouosthen (BC), {wst}. DurO (p-) (S & BC), {fwl}. pise aro (C), {pysr}. poce (C), {f,,} I. pr .., {Ir'a}. pw Tn, {Ila}. roli (pi-) (C), {brd} IV. rtob, s. (e)rtob. salo (C), {sll} I. sile (C), {syr}. sine (C), {Say}. senn (C), {sac}. sIt, {mss} II & {syf}. Slfttj, {ltmd}. snwpt, {,ab}.
sok (C), {swq} II. sam (S & BC), {saa} II. srarooue (C), {z'r} II. ssn, {swsn}.
sa(a)r (C), {s'r}. sal (C), {swf} II. saw (S & BC), {biw}. slcolft (C), {sljm}. sosen (BC), {swsa}. tok (C), 4adq}. loobe I (C), {twb}. loobe II (C), {tb'}. lore (S & BC): {twr} II. w/!,l, Ow!}} II.
barhan (Gz), {brba}. #!awwari (Gz), {!}wr} III. miil'ak (Gz), {mlk} II. miJnbiir (Gz), {abr} II. miJskot (Gz), {Skw}. miJzamurt (Gz). {zbr} II. niigasi (Gz), {aj}.
na'k (Gz), {'ak}. nolaya (Gz), {awt}. qiisis (Gz). {qss} I. riiziibii (Gz). {rzb}. liiliirniJsiJ (Gz). {fras}. (abaya (yiJbaburu -) (Am). {tpy}. ziiban (Gz) & ziibiiNia (Am). {zba}. Germanic
bihordan (Fk). {bbr}. brado (Fk). {brlayr}.
broker (E). {'rba}. crowd (E), {rwt} II. dentex (E). {'ibr}. lalda (Fk). {bid}. • gairo (Fk). {jra} III. gaits (Gt). {Iyt}. ·ganan (Gt). {iaa}. geirlalki (Os). {jrla}. hack (E). {bkk}. hanka (Fk). {'aka}. haribairgo (Gt). {brlr}. haspa (Gt). {spy}.
kniI (Fk), {Iar}. kOlla (Fk). {qwt} II. kul(f)ja (West Ge). {qwl} II. percale (E). {brka} I.
*roltja (West Ge). {na} ilL *rukka (Gt). {rkk} III. sparTa (Ge). {Spr}. *spaura (Gt), {'sbr} & {sbr}. suppa (Ge). {ipp}. *tappa (Gt). {tpa}. taujan (Gt). {tbyt}. thiudisko (Gt), {tdS}. *wailhanjan & *wailhO (Gt). {ila}. werra (West Ge), {irr} II.
a/3/3a~rotOv (ltQaoov -), {qflt/t}. K~1l0C;, {qmsM· KTlltaia, {qyf}. KTlQOC;, {qyr}. KTlQrotTt, {qyrt}. KTlQrotOV, {crt}. Kl9clQa, {kyl>r}. Klllro~ia, {qmly}. KlvclQa, {qnr} I. Klvvcl~aQ1C;, {znjlr}. KlvvuQa, {knr}. K10TlQ1C;, {qbsr(t)} & {qysr}. K1000C;, {qss} II. KlotoC;, {qsts}. KA.E1C; -150C;, {qld}. KA.l1QOC;, {qlrq}. KA.llla, {'qlm}. KA.lVOlt0510V, {qlob/fd/ityo}. K~UIl&VOV, {qlmoo}.
KOltWV, {qyto}. KOKKla, {qwqy}. KOKKOC; CIv50C; -), {t,ndqq}. KoA.oKaola, {qlqz/s/~}. KoA.ocprovia, {qlfny}. KOllaQov, {qmro} II.
ICOl1aQOo;, {,brqo} II. ICOI1T\. {qwm} II & {qwm(o)}. ICOVla, {msJ.aqoy}. ICOVU~a, {qOZ}. ICOQaA.A.10V, {qrl(yo)}. ICoQ5a~, {qrq} II. ICoQlav5Qov, {qlotrO. ICOQI100;. {qrm} II. ICOTUA.'l500V, {qtldo}. ICOnVOo;, {qtowO & {qtOO}. ICOI}A.10V (L). {qlyo} I. ICOUJta, {qwb(l)}. ICOUQI11, {qrm} III. ICQclI1P'l, {qobt} & {krob}. ICQal1PI51OV & K~P'l, {qobt}. ICQaVla, {qroy}. ICQaTalOyOVOo;. {qrtwgoo}. KQii9110V, {qr.,mo}. KQ'lJtlo;. {qrbs}. KQOK05&1A.&OV, {frfdylo}. KUalUTOQ (L), {qstr}. Kua900;, {cyt}. KUaVOO; (0 - ), {'wsb/oo}. KUKA.cll11VOc;. {fqlmos}. ICUKVOo;. {qqo,}. KUI11VOV. {kmo} II. KUnUOO;. {q,S} I. K\Xpl. {qwf} III. KooA.1KTt & *KooA.OV1KTt. {qwloj}. A.ayOOJtOUo;, {Igbd/o}. A.cl5avov. {lit/do>. A.alKOo;. {Iyq} II. A.clJta90v, {Ip,>' A.clQl~. {'rz} III. A.aljlclV'l, {Ibso}. A.&1I100V10V, {Imoyo}. A.&UKclo;, {Iqs}. A.&UKaKaVea. {Iqqo.,}. A.'lUTTto;, {I,,>. A.lpaVOOTlo;, {Ibots}. A.1TaV&la. {Ito} II. A.hQa. {rtl}.· A.0'YX1no;, {Ioxts}. A.UU1I1clX&100;. {Ismxys}. A.UXVIo;, {Ixos>. A.OOTOo;, {Its}. l1ayviino;. {mgots}. l1ayoo; & Mayoo;, {mjs>' l1a9'lI1«T1KTt, {m"mtq}· l1aKclQl& (6) -). {mkr} II.
l1aICaQIooo;. {mqrc}. l1aICIC&50VIUlOV, {mqdos}. I1clA.aYl1a. {Igmo} & {rhm}. l1aA.A.OOTTt, {mit} I. llav5TtA.'l. {modO. llav5QayoQao;. {modgr}. llaQyaQIT'lO;. {mrjo}. llaQov, {'myr(o)} & {mro} IV. llaoTIX'l. {m,tk }. Ilcl/&Ta~a (L), {mdj}. I1hao;, {mj,}. 11&A.a'YXOA.la, {mlxo} & {mlklloy}. 11&A.1IC'lQIo;. {mlklloy}. 11&A.IA.OOTOo;. {mllts/o}. 11&A.1UUOipUA.A.ov. {mlsflo}. 1l&A.1Th 'l0;, {mitts}. 1l&A.ql5Ia, {mil} III & {mlod>' ll&aaQalKcl, {msrq}. Il&ta~a. s. I1cl/&Ta~a. Il&TOOJtlOV. {mtbyo}. I1Tt51OV. {mdyo}. 11 ~ KOV clipQoo5'l0;, {ppl,>. Ililov. {mw}. I1'lTQOJtOA.IT'lo;, {mtro}. 11'lxa V1ICTt. {mojoq>. M19Q15clT&100;, {m"rdts}. 1l1A.1OV / ILIA.l. {myO II. 1l1QQIT'l0; A.1900;. {mrhts}. 1105100;. {mdy} II. 110)..OX'l. {mix} II. Ilovaxoo;. {mojO)}. lloQoX9oo;, {J.ajr}. 1100XOo;, {msk} II. *lloul1la. {mwm}. 1l0U01ICTt. {mwsyq}. 1l0UUTclQ10V (L), {mstr>. l1uclYQOo;. {mwgro>. lluyaA.ii. {xrsgoo}. lLuQIIC'l. {mrq} II. IlUQ10ipUA.A.OV, {mryflo}. IlUQQlo;, {srm(.,)} & {mrs} III. IlUQTOo;, {mrt(o)}. IlUOTQov. {,to II. Il00Q1OV, {mryo}. vaQ51VOV, {ord(o)}. vaQICluuoo;. {orjs}. vcluKaip90v, {dxs}. VaUT'lO;, {owl}. vawo;, {ow'}. V&KQOOUlo;, {oqrz/s}. V&OipUTOo;. {owft>'
INDICES V&UQC";, {DWrs}. vltQov, {DtrD}. V~OC;, {Dms} II.
~av9lov, {k~D"YD}. ~&ot1\C;, {qst} I. ~1\Qa, {ksr} II. ~\(P10V, {ksfYD}. ~UQ1C;, {SWSD}. O~QU~OV (L), {'brz}. o90vva, {'t/"D}. oll)1\l1a, {'wllm}. oh:ovol1oc;, {'qDm} & {'q/knm}. oivav91'\, {'ID.,}. OiV~&A.l, {'DmO. OiOUlWC;, {zwf} II. OA.oot&OV, {'IStYD}. OA.uQa, {'Ir}. 0110UOlOC;, {'msYD}. OI1CPaKlOV, {'Drq}. ovo~QUX1C;, {'Dbrxs}. OVOOl1a, {'Dm}. o~uaKav9a, {'sq/ktI/D} & {'qsyqn"s}. O~UI1&A.l, {'qzmO. O~UV1\C;, {'dD}. OltlOV, {'rYD}. oQ'Yavov, {'riD}, {'rkO & {wrgnn}. oQ&OO&A.lVOV, {'wrsIDD}. oQ90l>0~0C;, {'rtdd}. oQo~a'YX1\, {'rbDx}. OQXlC;, {'rxs} & {rqss}. OO\QlC;, {'srs}. ooolCPQa'Yov (L), {~rrgD}. oU'YKla, {'wq}. oCPlt1\C;, {'ws'ts}.
ltaVaK&C; TIQaKA.&lOV - aaKA.&Jtl&lOV X&lQcOV&lOV, {rDqS}. ltavl)oK&lOV, (rDdq(yr)}. ltavl)ox&lOV, {rDdkD}. ltavl)ouQa, {pDdr}. lta~al1al)lov, {pemt} & {psmt}. ltaltuQoc;, {rrr}. ltaQal)&lOOC;, {rrds}. ltaQaKA.1\toc;, {brqlt}. ltaQal10vaQloc;, {prmnr}. ltaQaOK&UTt, {prsr}. ltaQolKla, {prq/ky}. ltaQoovuXla, {rrDxy}. Jtatav1\, {ptD} II. JtatQlaQX1\C;, {p/rtryre}.
It&A.aQ'Yoc;, {blj} II. It&vtacpuA.A.ov, {bDtrID}. It&Vt1\KOOtTt, {pDtqStD}. It<A.OC;, {ppl~}. It&Ql~u'Ya, {rrzj}. It&Ql~ool1a, {'frz} & {trbz}. It&QlOt&QlOV, {frstrYD}. It&Q1XQlol-\a, {'prsm}. It&taolt1\C;, {ptsts}. It&tQOO&A.\Vov, {pdl/n} & {btrSIDD}. ltTt'Yavov, {fjl} II. ltlOOV, {psO I. ltIttaKlov, {btq}. ltA.a'Yla, {'bly}. ltA.atavOC;, {(ItDS}. ltA.at&la, {bit} I. ltol)a'YQa, {dqr}. ltOl1\tlKTt, {ptq}. ltOA.&l1cOVlOV, {blmDYD}. ltOA.lOV, {(IYD}. ltOA.u'YaA.OV, {blgID} & {rtqDD}. ltoA.u'Yovatov, {plgDtD}. ltOA.UltOl)lOV, {brbll}. ltOA.IlltOUC;, {pip}. ltOVtlKOV (KaQuov -), {bDdq}. ltoQOC;, {rr~}. ltoQcpuQa, {frrr}. ltOtlQQlov, {ptryn}. ltQalKOKlOV, {brqq}. ltQaoov K&cpaA.OOtov, {qrlt/t}. ltQo.O\ov, {frsyn}. ltQl voc;, {prns}. ltQOUVlKOC;, {rrnq}. ltUKVOK0l10V, {bqnmD}. ltuQ'YOC;, {br j} I. ltuQ&9Qov, {prtr}. ltUQl t1\C;, {prts}. ltU~OC;, {bq/ks}. Qo.cpa voc;, (rbn. . bimarestan (F), {mr/lsto}.
birune (F), {byro} II bostan & b. alruz (F), {bsto}. bostan buy - bud (F), {'stobil/t}. bosbos (F), {bsbs}. bos nin (F), {Mno}. brinz musk (P), {frojmsk}. bu (F), {bww}. bunk (F), {bnk}. bure (F), {bwrq}. bus (F), {bss} II. busad (F), {bsd}. buye dirang (F), {bilroj}. bute (F), {bwt}. buzi (F), {bwsM. cadur biin (P), {silrwo} I. ciih (P), {~brj}. C(ah)ar cupe (F), {Srjb}. caMr cob (P), {Srjb}. candal (P), {~ndn & {~ydn. cang (P), {zoj} I. casmak (F), {jsmk}. casm/zag (P), {tSmzj}. cat rang (P), {strnj}. caw(la)gan (P), {~wljn}. cehel goz (P), {jlwz}. cehel goz biir (P), {~obr}. Cidar (F), {jdr} II. Cinag (P), {~or}. Cini (F), {~yo}. Cirag (P), {srj} II. cubak (F), {jwbk}. dabid (F), {ilbd}. dada (F), {did} I. diidi (F), {did} III. daltar (P), {dftr}. dagr zaman (P), {dbr}. dahigan (P), {dbqn}. dahliz (P), {dblz}. dalaq & dale (F), {dlq}. danaj e abrovaj (F), {doj}. diinaq (P), {dnq} I. dand (F), {dnd}. danqe (F), {dnq} II. dar (P), {drb} II. dar e cini (F), {dr~n}. dar SHegan (F), {drss'/gn}. d(ir kise (F), {drks}. darbiin (P), {drb} II. darband (P), {drb} II. dard ar (F), {drdr/l}.
darmag (P), {drmk}. darpas (P, {trs} I. darunak (F), {drnj}. darvaz (F), {trwzl darvazi (F), {trs} I. darvize (F) & darwazig (P), {drwz}. darz (F), (trzl dast anbuy(e) (F), {dstbwyb} & {'stnba/t}. dastag (P), {dstj}. dastar (F), {dstr} I. dastur (F), {dstr} H. daiti (F), {dst} & {dit}. debilg (P), {dbj}. den (P), {dyn} H. dewan (P), {dwn} H. didan (F), {ddnl didbiln (P), {ddbn}. dig bar dig (F), {dyk} H. dinaruye (F), {dnrwyb}. dip'ir (P), {dbr} H. div daru (F), {dywdrl dize (F), {dyzjl do bilza (P), {dbs} H. do pas (F), {dfs}. do rang (F), {drnq}. do sar (F), {dsr} & {d~l}. dordi (F), {drd}. dowsar (F), {d~l}. dozd & dozdgah (F), {dzdq}. droi (P), {td} I. dud dam (F), {dwdml dulab (F), {dwIb/m} & {lwlb/m}. duiab (F), {dsb}. eflonje (F), {'flnj}. esfid dar & esfand e sfid (F), {'sfor}. espagulln & espexun, {'sryws/S}. es pandan (F), {'sftn}. espenax (P), {'spnx}. espexun, s. espagulln. eyarej (F), {'yrj}. falanje (F), {rJnj}. fargard (P), {fqr}. farzade (F), {rrzdq}. farzin & ferz (F), {rrz} H. felfel muye (F), {rJrIwyh}. f il ,ui (F), {rJjS}. finak (F), {rnj/k}. frasang (P), {rrsx}. frazen (P), {rrz} H.
INDICES gac (P), {j"l gada (P), {qdy}. gah (P), {jwb}. gan/ure (F), {qndr}. ganz (P), {xzn} & {knz}. *garmdan & garmxane (F), {trmdn}. gast bar gait (F), {kstbrkst}. giiv caim (F), {kwjSm}. gav daru (F), {kwrn}. gav zabiln (F), {kwzwn}. gaw pas (P), {qfz} III. gaw mes (P), {jms}. gawars (P), {jwrs/s}. gawS'ir (P), {jwsr}. gazar (F), {jzr} II. gazar (P), {q~r} III. gaze (F), {qwz}. gazit & gaz'idag (P), {jzy}. girdag (P) & girde (F), {jrdq}. gohr (P), {jwhr1 gol (e a)nar (F), {jlnr}. gol angobin (F), {jljbn} & {jlnjbn}. golnasrin (F), {jlnsrn}. *gom bilz (F), {gobz}. gom hilr & gomrah (F), {qbrmn}. gombad (F), {jnbd}. gon (P), {gwo} & Own} I. gond e bidastar (F), {jndbd/astr}. gowzab (F), {jwab}. gl jowill & gowl (F), {jwlq}. gowz gandom (F), {jwz}. gozihr (P), {jwzhr}. gul ab (P), {jIb} H. gumbad (P), {qbb} I. gund (P), {jnd} I. gundar, {godr}. guralab (F), {jwrb}. *guwalak (P), {jwlq}. guwarii (F), {jrs} II. g(iga(i (F), {J.tjr}. (F), {gwso}.
gu.~( a)ne
haft pahlu (F), {bftbbl}. hamag (P), {hHj}. ham(a)yan (F), {bmyo}. handazag (P), {hodsl hiiwan (P), {hwo} H. hazar caian (F), {hzrjsol hindilgan (P), {hod} I. hosk (P), {xSkrS}.
(F), {J.tjr}.
jabrahang (F), {jlbhnk}. jatt & j. atride (F), {jlt}. jam es param (F), {jmsb/lrm}. jargun (F), {jrkn}. jeblahank (F), {jblhnk}. jolaqlx (F), {jwlq}. joval, s. gl joval. jowx (F), {jwq}. jule (F), {jwlq}. junjar (F), {jnjr}. kabiJbe ye lini (F), {kbb} II. kabiJre (F) & kabiJrag (P), {kbr} II. kabiz (P), {qlz} II. kadar (F), {kdr} II. kagaledl8 (F), {kgd/~}. kahrubiJy (P), {qhrb}. kajlz (F), {xzz}. kako/(e) (F), {qql}. kalbod (P), {qlb} II. kamasir, s. qlkamasir. kand (F), {qnd} II. kandag (F), {xndq}. kande rah (F), {kndr} II. kangar (F), {knjr}. kangar zad (F), {knkrzd}. kapar (P), {klr} II. karats (P), {krrs}. *karg dan (P) & kargadan (F), {krkd}. karsat (F), {krsll karvan (F), {krwn}. karzane (F), {krz}. kaSkab (F), {kSkb}. kaSkul & kask kol (F), {kskl}. kasne (F), {ksnj}. kaste (F), {kstj}. kaz (F), {qwz}. kelz (F), {klz}. kerm dane (F), {krmdn}. kerm e azi (F), {qrmz}. kd (F), {kss} I & {'S} II. kdmd (F), {qsmS}. tiSe (F), {ksS} II. kob, {qwb}. korraz (F), {qrnsM. kosa (P), {ksj}. koz barta (Zand & Pazand), {kzbr}. kal (P), {qws}. kurkum (P), {krkm}. kurrag (P), {krj}. kusad (F), {ksd}. kuze (F), {kwz}. lajlzvard (F), {lzwrd}.
lawzenag (P), {lwznq}. legam (F), {ljm}. lubiyale (F), {lby} II. lule (F), {lwlb/m}. mahi zahre (F), {mhzhr}. mahu(b)dane (F), {mh(b)dn}. mdlag (P) & mille (F), {mylq}. mar mahig (P), (mrmh(j)}. margu (Op), {mrj} I. *marnik (Op), {mrx}. marzan gos (F), {mrdds}. masure (F), {m~rq}. mavizak & maviz (F), {mylzj} & {mywzj}. may ba xuse (F), {mybxS}. may beh (F), {myb}. may poxtag (P), {mybxtj}. ma ye, {may}. mazaryun (F), (mzr(yn)}. mehrgan (F), {mhrjn}. mis baMr (F), {msbhr}. mog (P), {mwq}. moranaye (F), {mrny}. morda(r) sang (F), {mrdsnj}. mor/ak (F), {mrtq/k}. morwarid (P), {mrjn}. mosk tarmasir (F), {msktrmsr/g}. moz (P), {mwz} I. mum (F), {mwm}. murd es param (F), {mrdsrrm}. musk (P), {msk} II. na bahre (F), {bhrj}. namad (P), {nmt}. namrag (North Western Iranian), {nmrq}. nan x(w)ah, {nnx}. narang (F), {nrnj}. nard (F), (nrd(sr)}. nargis (P), {nrjs}. nargiv & narkiva (F), {nrkw}. nasrin (F), {nsrn}. nayrang (F), {nrj}. *naxsir (P), (nrd(sr)}. nax (F), {nul. nazok (P), {nzk}. ne.f{is/aj (F), {nsstj}. nezag (P), {nzq}. nile (F), {nrq} II. nil (F), {nyr} I. nila j (F), {nlj}. nilopal (P), {nyrrr/l}. nimberdt, {nmrst}. nime (F), {lmm} III & {nym}. nog & nog-roz (P), {nw'}. nowruz (F), {nrz/s}. nowsador (F), {nst/~/dr}.
osrob (F), {'srb}. ostad (F), {'stit}. ostigan (P) & ostovan (F), {'stwn}. ose (F), {'sq). osnan (daru) (F), {'snn}. osne (F), {'sn} I. ostor gaz (F), {'strizl. pa gili (F), {bil}. padzahr (P), {bd/ilzhr}. pahlavan (F) & pahlav (P), {bhlwn}. pairi daeza (Op), {rrds}. palasgi, {blsk}. patudag (P), {fIilj}. palug (F), {blq} II. panag (P), {rnq}. pane angost (F), {rnjnkst}. panid (F), {rnd} II. parand (P), {(rnd}. parenj e asp (F), {brnjsf}. pargarll (F), {brkn} I. parwanag (P), {rrnq}. parzad (F), {brzil}. pati axs (P), {rts}. payadag (P), {byilq}. pengan (F), {mnqn}. pil (P), {ryl} II. pil zahrag (P), {fIzhrj}. pire (F), {byr} I. piruzag (P), {Iyrz(j)}. pistag (P), {Istq}. pudine (F), {Iilnj}. pupal (F), {rwll}. qlkamasir (F), {q/kmsr}. qondoz (F), {q/knds}. qoronbad (F), {qrnb/rd}. radag (P), {rtj). raek- (Op), {'brq} & {~hrj}. rah (P), {rxx}. ramke (P), {rmk). rand (F), {rnd} I. rande (F), {rdj} & {rndj}. rangibar (F), {'njbr}. rasan (P), {rsn} I. rasoxt( e) (F), {rsxtj). rate (F), {rtt} II. ravand (e ~ini) (F), {rwnd}. rawae (P); {rwj}. razaqi (F), {rzq} II. razeyanaj (F), {rzynj}. relte (F), erSt}. rextan (P), {'brq). ribas (F), {rbs}.
riqu (F), {'brq} & {~hr j). ris e tan (F), {rstn}. roda & rodak (F), {rwdq}. rosn (P) & rowsan (F), {rwsn}. roy nek (P), {rnq}. roy soxtag (P), {rst(j)}. rozan (P), {rwzn}. rozig (P), {rzq} I. roztag (P), {rzdq}. sabizajlk, s. slsabizajlk. sadag (P), {sdk} & {silj}. sa/Jabe barg (F), {silbri}. sag pest an, {sbstn}. sakbine (F), {skbnj}. sanbuse (F), {snbsk}. *sande Ius (F), {sndls}. sangesbuye (F), {snj/ksbwyh}. sanj (F) & sang (P), {snj} II. sar e sad (F), {srsd). sar pus (F), {srbS} I. sar sam (F), {br/lsm} & {srsm). sarand (F), {jrn} II & {srnd}. sard ab (F), {srdb}. *sarg (P), {srj} I. sa/al (F), {stl}. sax/at (F), {sx1t}. sekba (F), {skbj}. sendiyan (F), {sndyn}. seren (F), {'srnj}. seris (F), {'srs/zl. seyahe davaran (F), {sdrwn}. sik anguben (P), {sknjbn/l}. *snah dan (P), {sndls}. sog danag (P), {silnq}. sog kang (P), {skn} IV. sorag (P), {swrj}. spar (P), {~br} II. spar gul (P), {srrjl}. spedag (P), {'srd/ilj} & {~bd}. spedbag (P), {'srdbj}. sradalig (P), {srdq}. srub (P), {'srb}. s/abrag (P), {'stbrq} & {zbrj). sudab (P), {silb}. surengan (F), {srnj}. sab anag & sab abag (P), {sbbk}. sab kor (P), {sbkr}. sababak & sabanak (F), {sbbk). sabag (P), {sbj}. sabig (P), {sbi}. s Isabiza jI k (F), {sbzj/k}. sa burgan (F), {sbrqn}. sadne (F), {~jr}. sadoran (F), {silrwn} II.
INDICES safanaj (F), {sbbk}. sah (P), {sib}. sah alu (F), {sblj/k}. sah anjir (F), {sbnjr}. ·sah burag ahan (P), {sbrqn}. sah danag (P), {s(b)d/3nj/q}. sah e barde (F), {brd} III. sah e mat (F), {sbmt}. sah esparam (F), {sbsb/frm}. sah tarrag (P), {Sbtrj}. sahan (F), {sbn}. sahtaraj (F), {stre}. sak (F), {Skk} III. sakar (P), {skr} II. sakari (F), {'skry}. sa/emsad (F), {smsd/r} & {Swsr}. s anar (F), {snr} I. saqaqol (F), {eqql}. sebram (F), {sbrm}. sekuhanj (F), {skb(n)j}. semsad (F), s. sa/emsad. sengar (F), {snj/kr}. seyan (F), {syn} II. simsar (P), {smsd/r}. sir e xos k (F), {syr} II. siraz (F), {sn}. sirbaxsir (F), {Srnjsr}. sire (F), {Srj} II. sirzajlk & sizrang (F), {srzq}. sirxeSt (P), {Srdt}. somsir (F), {smsr}. sormuze (F), {srmz}. suniz (F), {snz}. sure (F), {swrj}. tabag (P), {tbq}. tabar gun (F), {tbrkn}. tabar zade (F), {tbrzd} & {tbrz}. tabarzad (P), {tbrz}. tabarzin (F), {trbzn}. tadru (F), {tdrj}. tafte (F), {tftr>. taga/ondast (F), (tg/qnds(t)}. talis/san (F), {tlsn}. tambar (P), {tnbr}. tan ban, s. tobban. tanbul, {tnbl}. tangar (F), {tnkr}. tang/kire (P), {tnjr}. tanub, {tnb}. tar anga/obin (F), {trnjbn}. tar pus (F), {trbC}. tarasidan (F): {trs}. tarkehar (F), {tnjbr}. tarom, {trm}. tarrag (P), {trb}.
tar rag I skahan (P), {trxsqq/n}. tar( rJe (F), {trr}. taryan (F), {tryl}. tiisme (F), {twsm}. tast (P), {tss/t/l}. taxtag (P), {txt} & {txtl}. tayhu (F), {tbj}. terbed & torbe/od (F), {trbd/3}. tihjjg (P), {thj}. tobban & tan ban (F), {tbn} II. toranj (F), {trnj}. torongan (F), {trnjn/l}. taz (P), {twz}. tudari (F), (t3/dr(j)}. lupiil (F), (tbl) II. urmad (P), {Sib}. vanjnak (F), {wnjbk}. vart (Iranian), {wrt}. viiru (F), {wry} II. viitrang (P), {trnj}. vu.~e (F), {wsq} I. wcidrang bOy (P), (b3rnb/j(wy)}. wanafsag (P), {bnfsj}. warizag (P), {brzx}. was (P), (bs(s)}. waspadag (P), {bsbyj}. wassad (P), {bsd}. wiitrang (P), {trnj}. wazag (P), {wzg}. wicir (P), {wzr} II. xiim (F), {xmm} II. xan kar (F), {xnkrl xande ye raz (F), {xndrs} I. xiinir (F), {xnr}. xar anbas (F), {xrnbS}. X(lr buk (F), {xrbq}. X(lr cob (P), {xrSf}. xar dil (F), {xrdl}. xar gus (F), {xrq/ks}. xar lup (F), {xrnb}. X(lr zahrag (F), {xnbrj}. x(lrasidan (F), {xrSl xaratin (F), {xrtn}. X(lrze (F), {xrz} II. xayz e ran (F), {xzr}. xiri (F), {xyr} III. xi yar (P), {xyr} II. xiyar e canbar, {snbr} I. xomahan (F), {xmbn}. xosk angobin (F), {xsknjbn}. xosk nan (F), {xskln}. xosk ris (F), {dkrs}.
xoskar (F), {kskr} II. xulangan (F), {xlnjn}. xwan (P), {xnr}. yar puz (F), {yrbz}. yare (F), {'rq} II. yasaman (P), {ysmn}. yasm (F), {ysb/f}. zadwar (F), {jdwr} & {stwl}. zak (P), {zij}. zan (F), {zwn} I. zanbiin (F), {znb}. zanbe (F), (znbq(yrS)}. zandik (P), {zndq}. zang & zinj & salinj (F), {znj} I. zangar (F), {znjr}. zangig (P), {znj} II. zanjabil (F), {znjbl}. zar anbol j (F), {zrn blj}. zar anbur (F), {zrnbr}.
zar darunaj (F), {zrzrnj}. zar doxan (F), {zrdxn}. zar e ab (F), {zryb}. zar e nab (F), {zrnb}. zar nifa (F), {zrnr>. zaravand (F), {zrwnd}. zardak (P), {zrdq}. zargon (P), {zrjn}. zargun (F), {zrqn}. zarr nek (P), {zrnd. ze bad (F), (zbd(t)}. zefan (P), {zyfl. zende dar (F), {zntr}. zenjafr (F), {znjfr}. zere (F), {zrd} II. zerdk (F), {zrsk}. zire bii (F), {zyrbj}. zlwag (P), {z'bq}. zolf & zorfin (P), {zrf} II. zoronbad (F), {zrnbd}. zul ra (F), {zfr} I.
Latin abbiit( em), ('bt(S)} & OPt}. absinthium, {'sn~y}. abrotonum, {'brtn}. acacia, {qqy}. acer, {qrnns}. acernia (L1), {crny}. acetaria, {'ctl/r}. *acetella (L1), {'ctl/r}. achillea & achill€os, {'cl}. acidus, (Ctr(l)} I. acisciUus, {'clc}. acOlythus, {'qlt}. acridium (L1), OqriO. acilcilla, {'qcl} & {gjO. *aculearis (L1), ('qly(I)}. acillius, {'ql(y)ls}. *ad atque ille, {'ilql}. *ad hoe, {yilil}. *ad ista - ipsa - illa, ('"sfl}. *adsedentare (L1), {snd}. adtrita, {'trt} & {IJrd} I. IEgy ptiacus, {jbsyq}. oeron(em), {'rn} I. affiliatus (LI), {'nfd/ii/lyt}. Africa, {'frq}. agaricum, {'grqn}. alabra, (plbr(!)}. alaternus, {'trn}. alba, {'lb}. albaginus (L1), {'Ibyn}.
a/biirius, {byr} II. a/blcil/us, {'Jbc}. a/bilcium, {'bc}. albumen, {bin} II. alburnum, {brn} IV. a[(flh)agara, alfajara & alfagiara (Hispanic), {I}jl}.
alica, {'rk} II. alium, {'Iyl/n}; a. porrum, {swmkrIJ}. amarus, {'mr} II & {'mrn}. amincum (L1) & amicillum, ('mnq/k(n)} & Omq}. amiratus (L1), {mind}. amylum, {'ml} IV. anathema, {'nllm}. anethum, {'nt/t}. anguilla, {'nql}. annlversarius, {'nf(r)sry}. antenatus (L1), {'ntnt}. anliphOna, {'ntfn}. an(ti)thora, {'ntl}. apertilis, {'brtl}. aplcilla, {pqn}. *iiplulus, {'nbIs}. apocalypsis, {'pqlpsn}. apopores (L1), ('bbr!>. *aporrigium (LI), {'pry}. iipotheca, (btq(yr)}. apporrectus, {'pry}. aprll(em), {'brl}. aquaticus, {ppr} I.
aquilegia (Ll), {'xly}. iiquilon(em), {qyhvn}. *arbutrus (Ll) & arbUtus, {mtrn(y)}. arcet mentes, {'rimns}. archidiaconus, {'resdyqn}. archlepiscopus, {'rspspq}. archipresbjter, {'repribtr} & {'reqs}. archOn, {'rkn}. argenteus, {rnsd}. *argilax (Ll), {'rjlq}. aridus, {'rdn} II. arisarum (LI), {~r}. iiristolOchia, {'strxy}. iirithmitica, {'rtmtq}. iiro, {'rdyr}. arrhiibo, {'rbn}. artemisia, {'rim(n)s}. iirum & iiron, {'rn} II & {irn}. iisiirum, {'srbqr} & {'Sr} I. *asciae massa, {limS}. asciare, {'er}. aspiiriigus, {'sp/frnp. asperus, {'iprn}. astriigatus, {'strlls}. astronomica, {'strlmq}. atri plex, {tIi}. aucona (Ll), {I,qn}. auctor, {'wtr}. augustus, {'1St}. aura, {lwtr}. Aurea, {'wry}. auricilla, {'reI}. *aurum caeciUum, {'req/kn}. iivicella, {'el}. avis casta, {bqst}. baccaris, {'srbqr}. ballena, {bin} I. ballistaria, {blstyr}. ballistarius, {blstyr}. balsa (Ll), {bws}. barbata, {brbt}. barca (Ll), {lbrk}. barrica & barriculum (LJ), {brml}. basilica, {bSlSk} & {bSlq(ry)}. basiliscus, {bSISk}. bastu(m), {bStn}. biitillum, {mti> II. bestiUa, {fie} I. betonica, {brt/tnq} & {bltr/nq}. *biberaculum (Ll), {byrl}. bicornis (incus -), {bqrny}. bigiimus, {bgm}. bilix, {blS}. bitumen, {'btnn}. blatta, {bit}:
blltum, ('rjblt), (blt(s)} & (bltl). bOlus, {bwl} III. brachium, {brzn}. brassica, (briq). breviarium, {brbyry}. brillannica, {bltr/nq}. bruchus, {brk} II. bubatus, {'brfl}. bucca, {emle}. bucino, {bne} II. bilda, {bwd/il/4}. bulbus, (bibs). *bullaris, {blyr}. burdon(em), {britwn}. burra (Ll), {brq) IV. burrus, {brne}. bursa, {bri} II. bUllis (Ll), {btt} II. byza (Ll), {mss} III. caballus, {qbl} II & {qblYr}. caco, {qqq} II & {qqyl}. cacciibus, {qep}. caeca, {eyq}. *cclementia (Ll), {emns}. cctenum, {can}. caepa, (cpl(!/n)}. Caesiirea Augusta, {srqs(t/n)}. cclia (Ll), {qyt}. ciilamellus, {krml}. ca/amita (L1), {qrmt} II. calcare, {krkl}. *calcatarius (Ll) & calcator, {qlqyr}. calcea, {qls(tyr)}. ca/ceata, {ql,d}. calceus, {brks}. caldarius, {qldrn}. ciilic(em}, {klz} II. callus, {qll} III & {qly}. catopodia, {qlpj}. cci/umnia, {qlny}. calvaria, {qlbyr}. c{imella, {Iml}. camera, {qmr(r/n)}. ciim/nus, {kmn} III. *camisia (LI), (qmj(n)} & {qm,}. cammiirus, {qmrn}. campana, {knbnr}. campi stella, {qnbstl}. canalis, {qnl}. candela, {qndl} I. *candelabulum (L1) & candelabrum, {qlbndr}. *candelaria (L1), {qndlr}. caninus, {qnn} V. canis, {qnwl}. ciinistra & ciinistella, {qnc}.
canna, (qotl cannabaceus (Ll), {qob~}. cannata (Ll), {qot} III. canon, {qoo} II. canonicus, {qooq}. *cantabrum (Ll) & cantharus, {qotbr}. *capalis (Ll) & caput, {kbl} III. capitiilis, {qbtl}. capitia (Hispanic), {qbsl}. *ca pitiana (Ll), {qp~o}. capiton(em), {qbto}. capitUlum, {qbtl}. *capiturnus (Ll), {qptro}. cii poneem), {kpo}. cappa (Ll), {kpp} & {kps}. capparis, {kprl cappella (Ll), (qpl(r)} & {qp(y)l}. cappelliinus (Ll), {qp!o}. cappula (Ll) & capiila - capiilum, {'qpl} & {qlc}. capsa, {qf~} I. *capsica (Ll), {ksk}. capiit schOlae, {qpsq/kl}. caput ternum (Ll), {qptro}. caputium (Ll), {kobs}. *carabellus (Ll), {qrbl} I. carbiiniirius, {qrboyr}. cardiniilis, {qrdol}. cardinus & cardus, {qraol}. card(ii)us, (qra(c/I)} & {tqroo}. cariceus, {qrc}. *carricare (Ll), {qrq} II. carruca, {qrq} IV. carrus, (qrt(r)}. casa, {qsn I. casiilis, {qsr} V. ciiseiita, {qyjO. castanea (nux -), {qstl/o}. castella, {qcl}. castellum, {qstl} IV. castra, {q~r} II. catechiimenus, {qtq/kmo}. calina, {qto} III. caliniitio, {qtos}. cathedra, {qtdr}. catinum, {qtn} V. cattus, {gtr}. caulis, {qIIy}. cavannus, {qbl} II. caveOla, {qyl} III. centaurea, {cotry}. centeniirium, {qotr} II. *centenodia, {cotod}. centenum, {coto}. centipeda, {sbspc}. *centipedes (Ll), {cocp(a/o)s}. cento, {cotly}.
centrum. {qotr} I. *centu(m) capita (Ll), (cotqptl cerasium, {crsy}. cercius, {crc} I. cerotum, {crt}. cerricius (L1), {crc} II. cerva, {crb}. chamrelygos (L1), {cmlj}. chetldonia, (cldny(S)}. chOre pisco pus, {krfSqfs}. chOrus, {qwr} II. chronica, {qroq}. chrisma, {qrsm}. c'ibaria, {c/sbyr}. c'ibus, {cyb}. cicadlla, {cql}. elcer(a), {ccr}. c'icerciila, {s5rc}. elcuca, {cqt}. elm'ice(m), {cncp(i'IIo)s}. cincca, (snt(r)}. cingiUus, {cqU}. c'inis, {cmc}. ci p pus, {cpp}. *circarius (L1), {srkyr}. cirrus, {crr}. c'ilrea, {ctr} II. claustrum, {qlwstr}. cler'icus, {qlrq}. c[ijcca, {qlq} II. coijgiiliita, {qltyl}. coagiiliitus, (qlyO. codex, {qwd}. cremeterium, {cmtr}. cohorte(m), {qrtS} II & {qrtl/o}. *coit u (Hispanic), (qwtol collis, {qU} IV. co/aphOnia, (qlfo(y)}. co/iibra, {klbr}. co/umbiir(em), {qlnbrs}. C(lmeS, {qwms}. cfimil( em), {qmt} III. commendiiticius, {kmodtc}. commensalia (Ll), {kmsly}. commensalis (L1), {qm~l}. commonitorium, {kmotry}. commiiniciitoriae (- litterae), (qmoqtry(S)}. compassumls, {knb~}. comptus, {qnt} IV. concha, {qwqo}. conchiilis, {qnql}. con cilium, {qnsH. *co( n)germana (L1), {qrmo} II. consollda, {swld}. conventus, {qnbotl. coquina, {qcn}.
cordon(em), {qrdl/n(yr)}. coriandrum, {qlntrl}. cornetum (Ll), {qrn4}. cornus, {qrnj} II. corrigia, {qryl}. corticia, {qrtc}. corticellum, {qril}. cortigium (Ll), {qrtj}. cortina, {qrtn}. corvus, {qrbC}. cotinus, {qtowl}. crmis, {'ArtS}. credo, {'qrcJ/,}. crista, {'qrit}. croccus, {qrq} IV. cruciiita, {krzd}. cUbitus, {qb41} I. culcitra, {kwsdr}. cUlus, {qwl} II. cum, {qrqmO. cumUlus, {qrqmO, {qrms} II & {qlmn}. cUnicUlus, {qoj(yr)} & {qoly(r)}. cuppa & cupa, {qbb} V, {qwb(l)} & {kwb} II. cupressus, {cprs}. cupus, {qwb(l)}. ·currale (LI), {qrl} II. cursiMus, {qsr} I. cursus, {qlll}. curtiu (Lt), {krs} III. curvus, {qrbO. cjihhus, {cy4}. ·cymatia (LI), {cmc}. cypressus (LI), {cprs}. Diicicus, {dis}. daucum & daucos, {dwq(s)}. diciinus, {dyo} III. Dicember, {djobr). difensa, {dfs}. defensor, {dfosr(s)}. delphin, {dlfo}. deniirius, {dor}. dens - dentis, {Ioto}. dentiile, {dotl}. derbita (LI), {brbO. diiiconus, {dyqo(d)}. doliimen, {dml} II. dominus - domina, {dmo} III, {dwn} III & {Inn}. driicontea, {trqot}. dulcis, {llc}. duriicinus, {drjn}, {drzo} & {Irjn}. ibulum, {ydq}. ichinus, {'co} & {'qo}. *educus (LI), {ydq}. iiii, {'yli} II.
electrumls, {xrS}. electus, {'Ikt}. encaenia, {'ojny}. epiphiinia, {'pfoy}. epistolium (LI), rps4Iy}. eruca, {'rq} III & {'rq} II. esca, ('ik(r)}. esciirium, {ikr} II. euchiiristia, {'wqrity}. eulogia, {'wly}. excitiire, rstr}. *excurtion(em) (LI), {'skrco}. exilium, {'dly}. exorcista, rdrjst/t}. filcies, . planta, {plot} II. plantagin( em), {'plotyo}. pliitea, {bIt} I. plecta, {plxt}. podia, {pyy}. podium, {bwj}. poetica, {ptq}. polenta, {plot} I. politus, {pIa>. pollicar(is), {plqr} & {mlqr}. polypodium, {brba}.
polypus, {pIp}. porcarius, {prkyr}. porcinus, {preo} I & {prkyr}. porrigin(em), {fro} I. porrigo, {'pry}. porrum, {prr} & {pro}. portale, {prtU I. portiirius, {prtyr}. portellu(m) (L1), (prt(l)}. porticarius (L1), {prtqr}. portUliica, {brdlqs}. praecocia (per sica -), {brqq}. praecox, {brkks}. praedictus, {prdqt}. praepositus, {prbst}. preces, {pres}. presbiterae (Ll), {przbtrs}. presbyter, {prsbtr}. pressus, {prs}. primiite(m), {rrmt} I. primatus (L1), {prmt>. primicerius, {prmery}. primiclerus (Ll), {frmklry}. primus (consobrinus -), (prm) I. prior, {pryr}. psaimista, {slmst}. psalterium, (SItry(s)}. puber, {pply}. pugnus, (poy). pUiegium, {ply}. puliiatu(slm), {plyt). pUlex, {plqo}. puliciiria, {plqyr}. pullipede(m) (L1), {rrrr} II. pullus, {plq}, (pll} II & (fIs) II. punctum, {pot}. *puppa, {'P!J}. putida, {pta} I. pyrethru(m), {prtr}. *quadrellus (L1), {qtrU. *quaesitura (L1), {qj/Sdr}. quaestor, {qstr}. quart us, {qrtbo}. qualluor temp ora, {qtrtobr}. quercus, {erk}. quicuncialis, {qoeu. quotus, {qwl} III. riicemus, {rem} & {rqmU. *riicemellus, {rqmU. rana, {rio}, {kro} I & {orq}. rii phiinus, (rbo. alcayata (Cs), {qyt}. a/cina (Ct), {'len}. alcohela (Cs), {kl}l}. alcotan (Cs), {qtn} IV. alcorza (Cs), {qr~}. aleribis (Cs), {qrbs}. aldaba (Cs), {dbb}. aldraMo (Pt): {I}trc/lln/q(yr)}. alefriz (Cs), {'rrz}. alelria (Cs), {'try}. alfd(m)bar & alldmbara (Pt), {I}nbl}. all aneque (Cs), {rnk}. allardon (Cs), {l}r4n}. alfareme (Cs), {I}rm}. allar jate (Pt) & allar je (Cs), {frS}. alfario, alleiro & alleiria (Pt), {fry} I. alfazaque (Cs), {I}zq}. alfeiro & alleiria, s. allario. alleizar (Cs), {I}wd. altoli (Cs), {hry}. altombra (Cs & Pt), {I}nbl}. alforre (Old Cs), {I}rrbyl}. algavaro (Cs), {gwr}. algemas (Pt), {jm'}. algeroz (Pt), {jrz}.
algibebe (Pt), Obb}. algibeira (Pt), {jbr} II. algirilo (Pt), Orb}. algueber (Old Ct), {Iyb}. alguergue (Pt), {qrq} III. alhamar (Cs), {",nbl}. alhavara (Cs), {",wr} I. alhorre (Cs), {"'rr} I. alieate (Cs), {lqt}. alimaiia (Cs), {w'w'}. aljabebe (Pt), {jbb}. almaciga (CS), {meq}. almaeraz (pt), {mrd} III. almajar (Cs), {'jr}. almanaea (CS), b:nq}. almandra (Pt), {mtr}. almarada & almaraz (Cs), {mrd} III. "'almarjo (R), {mrj} II. almarraja (CS), {mrS} II. almastren (Andalusian CS), {,tl} II. almatroc (Ct), {trq}. almenara, (Cs, Ct & Ar) {nwr} II. almeria (Ct), {r'y}. almirante (Cs), {mind}. almirilo (Pt) & almiron (Cs), {'mrn). almocatracia (Cs), {xtrf}. almoceda (Cs), {qst}. almodon (Cs), {dbn}. almodrote (Cs), {trq}. almojdbana (Cs), Obn}. almojaya (Cs), {iy'}. almu(b)tat (Ct), {bu}. alquerque (Cs), {qrq} III. "'Olt(o) amenko (R), {'Itmq}. S. "'amenko. "'alyelo & "'alyon (R), {'Iyl/n}. amargon (Cs), {'mrn}. "'amenko (R), {'mnq/k(n)}. S. "'Olt(o) amenko. andorinha (Pt), {"'ndrn}. anequim (Pt) & de I a anequin (Cs), {nqw}. ante (CS), {lmt}. aiiazgar (Cs), {nsq}. apacon (Ag), {pqn}. "'apa1ja bUllbbai (R), {'pg}. apenas (Cs), {t's}. "'aradayra (R), frdyr}. arambel (Cs), {",nbl}. araiion (Cs), {'rnyn}. "'arbonok (R), {'rbo}. "'area (R), {'refs}. ar,a (Ct), {'re/~}. aree (Cs), fcc}: argamussa (Ct), {rqml}. argelaga (Ct), {'rjlq}. armozem (Pt), {bsn}. arras (Cs), {'rS}. arrehuelo (Cs), {rtwl}.
arrexaque (Old Cs), {riq}. arroaz (Cs & Pt), {r's}. arzolla (CS), {'rzl}. asensio (Cs), {'so,y}. asperon (CS), {'sprn}. *assento (R), {sod}. *atabytit (R), {tbyt}. atarjea, (Cs), {Sy'}. ataviado (Cs), {tbyt}. atoque (Ag), {twq}. atuell (Ct), {twl} II. avenca (Pt), {bnk} II & {yrb}. "'awrtita (R), {yrb}. *ay (R), {'y} II. azadeea (Ar), {,dq}. azaren(a) (Old Ct), {jrn} II. azarja (Cs), {,rj}. azeona (Cs), O,qn}. azotea (Cs), {st"'}. aZllmbre (CS), {smr} III. *btiba (R), (bwb(r)}. babero (Cs), {bbtyr}. baboso (Cs), ebbS} I. bajoe (Ct), {bee}. baladron (Cs), ("'tre/l/n/q(yr». baldraca (Ct), ("'tre/I/n/q(yr». baldritxa (Ct), {"'ndrn}. bal/ueea (CS), {blq} III. baillga (Old Pt), {blq} II. baneal (CS), {,tb}. banda (Cs), {bod} II. barata (Pt), {bit}. "'btirba de konelyo - lebre (R), (brb(!)}. barbeeha (Cs), {brbs}. "'barbUda (R), {brill/.,}. bar,a (R), {brsn}. *bl parcela (R), {mrel}. *btircena (R), {b/prel}. barcina & bareeo (Cs), {bren}. *barcin(a) (R), {breI} & {bren}. barda (CS), (britn(s». *btirga (R), {brg}. barragan (Cs), {brqn} & {brkn} I. barriga (Cs & Pt), {btn}. barril (Cs), {brml}. barrisear (Ct), {rzq}. barzon (Cs), {brzo}. *bast (R), {mSq}. bassetja (Ct), {sjj}. batan (Cs), {mto}. bebido (CS), Cosy}. *beUto-a (R), {'sprj/I}. s. *oreca. *bentoso (R), {mry} IV. *bentreqayra (R), {bntrqyr}. berbol (Ct), {brbl}.
*berde (R), {brdlqs}. berrocal (Cs), {brql}. beurall (Ct) & *beyraL (R), {byrl}. *bide - bidas mana (R), {bya(s)mo}. bis(sol) (Ct), {mss} III. bisutera (Cs), {bstr} II. *bitrayra (R), {ptr(q)yr}. biza (Cs), {mss} III. biznaga (Cs), {bsoe}. *bteto (R), {'reblt}. bocamanga (Cs), {bwx} & {f(mw)}. *bokon (R), {emle}. *b6La bento (R), {blboO. *bo(i)pecina (R), {'P!} & {bpeo}. *b6n tronko (R), {botr(o)q}. *bofa & *bofayk (R), {brq} IV. borracha (Cs), {broe}. *bracat (R), {brct}. bralonera (Cs) & brao (Ct), {brfoyr}. brazadalo (Cs), {brep. brebajo (Cs), {byrl}. brutol (Ct), {'brfO. *bulbas, s. *apa1,!a. *bucelo & bucon (R), {peo} III. *burbuteLa (R), {blbrl}. bur jaca (Cs), {bleq(s)}. *bufo (R), {bwr} III. caballeriza (Cs), {qb!rs}. caballero (Cs), {qb!yr}. caballon (Cs), {qblyo}. cabana (Cs), {qbo}. cacha (Cs), {'qpl}. cachiporra (Cs), {qzpr}. cagarse (Cs), br'}. cagalo (dialectal Cs), {tgr}. cagon (Cs), bro}. calona (Old Cs), {fry} I & {qloy}. calla (Cs), {'qpl}. cambron (Cs), {qbro}. campanilla (Cs), {jljl}. canal. carne en - (Cs), {srb}. candeal (Cs), {qodyl}. *canka (R), {eok}. cantueso (Cs), {qotsk}. canuto (Cs), {qot} II. caparazon (Cs), {qbr~o}. capiton (Cs), {qbto}. capuzar (Cs), {kps}. carabo (Cs), {qrb} II. caralho (Pt), {qryl}. caramillo (Cs), {krml}. carcaj (Cs), {ta'}. cardeno (Cs), {qraol}. carranza (Cs), {qros} II. cascajo (Cs), {qsqjs}.
castanuelo (ajo -) (Cs), {lIwm} & {qstol}. casulla (Cs), {qSl}. cazuela (Cs), {qsl}. ceibe (Gl), {syb}. *cenisat (R), {eme}. *ceniseLa (R), {eoSl}. *centipedes (R), {sbspe}. *i5ento detos (R), {eotdts}. *cento loLas (R), {eotnys}. *cepoLa, *cepoLeLa & *cepoUn(o) (R), {epl II. fouveiro (Pt), {I.tbr}. ·fraga d-6lf (R), {'frqdlf}. ·fra1!e wesos (R), {'frgwSS}. fricha (Cs), {'frj}. frola (Pt), {lrt}.
·fuse{ (R), {fS1}. fustany, fustet & ·fus(te)tany (Ct), {fitl/n}. gaita (CS), {gyt}. galb/gana (Cs), {glgn}. gallega (CS), (jlyq). gallina ciega (CS), {djj}. *ga{o ceko (R), {gleq}. gamella (CS), {gm!>. gancho (CS), {gne} & (qnel(t)}. ganivet (Ct), {gnf}. gargamella (Ct) & gargamello (CS), {grgml}. garnacha (CS), {grne}. genciana (Cs), {jns} II. gerifalte (CS), {jrfn}. godos (CS), {qwt} I. golondrina (CS), {I.tndrn}. gorguera (CS), {grgr}. gorguz (C8) & gorguez (Pt), {grg}. gradual (C8), {'qrdwl}. gragamilho (Pt), {grgml}. grama (CS), {grm}. grelo (GO, {grl}. grillo (CS), {'grl}. *gritayra (R), {grtyr}. gruenza & guenza (Cs), {gn,}. guadana (Cs), {gi'ln}. guenza,s.gruenza. h/ jaca (CS), {hkk}. had rolla (CS), (I}!re/l/n/q(yr)}. *~apapaura mawreska (R), {'bbwr}. haragan (CS), {xr'}. hazino (Old CS), {I}zn}. hi/o de agua (CS), {xy!}. hOrreo (CS), {hry}. hovero (CS), {I}br}. infante (CS), {'Int}. *infla bwey / bOyo (R), {'nllby}. *in6{0 kampyeno (R), {'nly}. Isabel (CS), {jbI} II. jaca, s. haca. jaguarzo (CS), {sqw,}. jaseran (Ct), {jjrm}. *jencyana arey (R), {jnsyn}. jirbn (Cs), {jrn} III. joder (CS), {nyk}. *J o/uan (R), {jwn} II. jornal (CS & Ct), {jrnl}. *Juan, s. Jo/uan. juego (CS), {I'b}. justo (C8), (jS!(S)}. *kabfJ{o & kaba{bn (R), {qblyn}.
*kabalino (R), {I.trf}. *kalabacola (R), {qlbel}. *k/zl.o (R), {qly}. *ka1!amo & ka1!ameL(o) (R), {qnml}. *kanasta/o (R), {qne}. *kandelayre/ola (R), {qlndryrl}. *kanino (R), Cb{!>}. *kape lera (R), {qbtyr}. *kapeca tordo / tordeLo (R), (qb5trit(l)}. *kapecal & *kapeceLa (R), {qb5l}. *kapecata (R), (qbst(l)}. *kapecayra (R), {qbsyr}. *kapruno (R), {trr}. *karaL (R), {qrql}. *karkalar (R), {qrql}. *karlo & *karlina (R), {tqrnn}. *karniCa (R), {qrn~yr}. *kartabbn (R), {qrtbn}. *kasal (R), {qsl}. *kaskar (R), {qsqr}. *kasta1!wela (R), {qstnyl}. *kinkekap (R), {qnqw}. *koda lopa (R), {qitlb}. *kbka & kok/tufa (R), {qqf}. *koleLa (R), {qlly}. *koraconayra (R), {yrb}. *korbeL (R), {qrbl} II. *koroniLa & *koronweLa (R), {qrnly}. *korta/ic, kortiS & korteS (R), {qrtS}. *krese kapeLo (R), {qrSqpl}. *kryacon (R), {q/kryzn}. *kulantry/weLo (R), {qlntrl}. *kulebryeLa (R), {qlbrl}. *kuli luce (R), {qrle} & {qUe}. *lampadar (R), (lnbitr(l)}. *Iapela (R), {lpl}. *lawrat (R), {lwtr}. *Iawsa (R), (Iws(r)}. laya (C5), {ylO. lechin (C5), {len}. leido (C5), {nsy}. *Ieprayr (R), {Iby} III. */tyte (R), s. torna. linjavera (Old Cs), {jbr} II. lIeterola (Ct), {lxtyrwl}. lIevar la cesta (C5), {jbd}. lIevar un pleito (Cs), {'b'}. *10 pesce (R), {lbs} II. loma (Cs), (Ipp(s)}. */opayr (R), {lbrn}. laura (Pt), {lwr}. lubina (C8), {lbrn}. lugarteniente (C8), {I.tbs}. *mab/gacen (R), {b5n}.
macaroca (Pt), {m,rq}. *macurika (R), {m,rq}. *madaca (R) & madeja (Cs), {mdj}. madreselva (C8), {mtrSlb}. magacen (Old C5), {bsn}. magarza (Cs), {mqrj}. magatzem (Ct), {bsn}. maguer (Cs), {mkr} II. majada (C8), {mjd} II. majareta & majaron (Andalu8ian Cs), {I.trm}. mala voce (Old Cs), {,wt}. malvavisco (Cs), {mlbbsk}. *mamma (R), {mmm}. *ma1!a de retrayra (R), {mDitritr}. *ma1!era (R), {mDr}. mandoble (C8), {db5} II. mafliego (C8), {myqn}. maflzaflilla (Cs), {mn8nl}. maravedi (C8), {rbt} & {mrbd}. marjal (C8), {rj'}. marrucar (Ct), {p/bwql}. maslelero (Cs), {mstlyr}. *maslikayra (R), {mcqyr}. matahambre (Cs), {mthmr}. *malre selba (R), {mtrSlb}. *malr01!(o) & *malrofl(a) (R), {mtrn{y)}. *mawresko (R), {bxr} I. S. *1!apapawra. mazorca (Cs), {m,rq}. melena (C8), {Iyn}. melgar (dialecta l C8), {mlqr}. melva (Cs), {mlb}. mefltira (Cs), {kitb} II. mequinal (Cs), {menr}. mequelrefe (Cs), {xtrf}. *merkayrofl (R), {mrklyn}. mesa (Cs), {myd}. mezquila (Cs), {srkyr}. *milkolorin (R), {mql/nn}. mirado (Cs), {n~r}. misa (Cs), {mss} IV. *moco, mocol & mocwel (R), {mewl}. mohiflo (Cs), {hwn} I. mojama (C8), {sm'}. moragas (Cs), {mrqyr}. mostajo (Cs), {Shw}. muchacho (Cs), {mewl}. muesca (Cs), {wsq}. muleia (dialecta l Pt), {Iyn}. *mur negr(o) (R), {mrnir} . *mur(o) beter(o) (R), {mnbdr}. *murosa (R), {mrS} III. *musklo (/0 -) (R), {rmskl}. f1arciso lrompon (C8), {nrjs}. f1avela (Cs), {jrn}. f1ebli (Cs), {lbl}.
negrilla (Cs), {k~O. negron (Cs), {ogro}. nina del ojo (CS), {mmm}. *noble (R), {owbO. *oce{a (R), {'CO I. oehavo (CS), {Jlmo}. olivarda (Cs), UbriU. orate (CS), Uwtr}. orehilla (CS), {'rcO. *oreca bel/ta (R), {'rcblt}. orenza (Cs), {go,}. *oska (R), {W5q} III. orza (CS), {'r,O. oxala (Old CS), {5y'}. oxte (CS), {WSWS} & {'c}. *pace (R), {pcc}. paehueho (CS), {bcc}. padrino & padron (CS), {ptro}. paga (Cs), {pig}. *palatar (R), {pltr}. palo (Cs), {pll} I. *palo bOno (R), {plbo}. *paloma (R) & palomita (Cs), {plmtc}. *pan e keyso (R), {poqyS}. pan pintado (Cs), {dho}. panadero (Cs), {potyr}. papa (Cs), {ppp}. *papa (R), {bwb} II. pardillo (Cs), {brdO. parrupar (Ct), {p/bwql}. pasamano (Cs), {pSmo}. *pata (R), {pto}. pato & patojlso (Cs), {Ptil. pavonearse (Cs), {bbo} II. *pepro (R), {ppr} I. *pe prato (R), {pprt}. *pede lopino I de lopo - d-anate - de po{elo - de tordo - gatino - de gaUna - de kolomba lebrino (R), {pAd/in; ·pede de polin (R), {pcpIo}. pedo de lobo (Cs), {pyy}. ·pedo{ayra (R), {palyr}. pedregal (Cs), {ptr(q)yr}. pedrenal (Cs), {,aroyO. pegujal (Cs), {pgjr}. peletero (Cs), {pltyr}. • pelota (R), {pIt} II. pelliza (Cs), {pIs}. • penikeza (R), {poqj}. pereal (Cs), {brko} I. Pero I Alvar Hanez (Cs), {brhos}. • pertikas (R), (prtq(s)}. • perucon (R), {prco} II. peruelo (Cs), {prO I. peseadilla (Cs), {pst}.
*pese (R), {pst}.
*peStalla (R), {pco} II & {psoy}. *pelrayra & petrekayra (R), {ptr(q)yr}. * petroca (R), {ptwc}. peylayr (R), {qbO I. pieota (Cs), {pqt}. pieza (Cs), {",}. * pikera (R), {pkr}. *piko (R), {pqt}. pi/a (Cs), (pyO. pi pirigallo (Cs), {ppgl}. * piS & • piSa (R), {pss} & {msq} II. *piSo{a de rey (R), {pslary}. piler (Old Ct), {qbO I. *playa (R), {'bly}. poder (en - de) (Cs), {twq} I. *poleyo (kapruno - cerbuno) (R), {ply}. *poro (R) & porron (Cs), {prO II. * poron (R), {pro} & {broc}. porlazgo (Cs), {prts/,}. porlugates (Old CS), {prtgls}. prender (el fuego) (Cs), {qbc,n I. privilegiado (Cs), {i)hr}. pubi/la (Ct), {pply}. puerto del polvo (CS), {trbO II. *pulgon (R), {plqo}. * pUllata (R), {poyt}. ·puncayra (R), {poeyr}. *pupas (R), {'pg}. punt ada (CS), {potO. *p(yJe (R), {'pg}. raiz (CS), {rys}. rapaz (CS), {rps} & (mewO. rala & raton (CS), {rto}. real (CS), {ryO II. redoma (Cs), {rtm}. renegado (Cs), {rrcJ}. renegar (Cs), {royq}. renla (Cs), {rod/t>o resma (Cs), {rzm} I. *rela{a (R) & retallar (Cs), {rtly}. *rey mont (R), {rymot}. ri ja (Cs), {rys} II. roassa (Ct), {r's}. robadoquin (Cs), {'brko}. rocin (Cs), {rso} III. rodezno (Cs), {rteo}. romana (Cs), {rmo} II. rorro (Cs), {rrr}. roselha-grande (GI), {rjO II. rota (Cs), {rwt} II. roya (Cs), {rwy} II. royon (Cs), {ryo} I. *roze{a (R), {rjO. *ru.ftiko (R), {'b(!».
saboga (Cs), {sbq} II. sabuko (R), {sbq} I. ·saka benlO (R), {skbnt}. ·sal & ·salmuyra (R), {srml} I. ·salayro (R) & salero (Cs), {SIr} II. salobre (Cs), {slbr}. sanchuelo (Cs), {SnCl}. sancocho (R), {een}. ·sancol (R), {snel}. saracas (Pt), {,r'}. sargo (Cs), {sri}. sarrilla (Cs) & ·sar(yeVo (R), {Srn}. sartal (Cs), {srtl}. sassola (Ct), {SxxSI}. sauce gatillo (Cs), {sic}. ·seka (en) pede (R), {Sq(n)bit}. ·semente mora (R), {smnt}. senal (Cs), {snr} II. ·sera (R), (Syr(n)}. ·serala (R), {sryl}. ·seraltlyra (R), {Slryr}. *serba (R), {Srbs}. servilla (Cs), {sfrql}. ·sete radice (R), {Strde}. ·sete sana (R), {stSn}. siete colores (Cs), {mql/nn}. sillar (Cs), {slyr}. ·simiLeL (R), {SmlJ}. sirga (Cs), {srg}. sistra (Cs), {sstr} II. solubeo (Cs), {sbw}. sobrecarga (Cs), {sbrqrq}. solar (Cs), {sir} III. ·solbes (en -) (R), {sibs}. soldada & sueldo (Cs), (sld(d)}. soliman (Cs), {Slmn} I. sollo (Cs), {swr} III. ·somalca beLas (R) & somallar (Cs), {smle}. sombrero(s) (Cs), {srml} & {smrrs}. ·sopa (R), {spp}. sopladeras (R), {$pltyd}. sopltlr (R), {epx>. *sopocat (R), {sst}. *sorbas (R), {Sa,~}. ·sorce (R), {sren}. sotalo (Old Cs), {swtr}. subeo, S. solubeo. sucar (Ctl, {skk}. ·suje mele (R), {sjml}. sueldo, S. soldada. taba (Cs), {tii'}. tablado (Cs), {tblt}. tablados (Cs), {tblds}. tablas reales (C~), {tbl} II.
talata (Ct) & taltal (Old Cs), {tftf}. lalho (Pt), {tly}. lapado (Pt), {tms}. lapera (Ct), {tprs}. lapon (Cs), {tpn}. ·,apya (R), {tpy}. larabilla (CS), (trb(!)}. ·,arantola (R), {tlntr}. ·,arga (R), {tri}. larin (Old Cs), {trw}. larquin (Cs), {rkm}. larlago (Cs & Pt), {trtq} II. lasco (CS), {tikI}. leja (Cs), {tsS}. *leLalo (R), ('b(!)}. *Iener (R), {I}bs}. lereniabin (Cs), {trnjbn}. lerraja (Cs), {trS}. *Ieymal (R), {tymt/q}. lierra lirme (Cs), {'rep. lizon (Cs), {tsn}. loba (Cs), {twb} III. loea (Cs), {twq} III. *IOea (R), {twc(r/l)}. iloma! (Cs), {'xit}. *lorbeL (R) & lorbellino (Cs), {trbl} II. *lorna marilos - mat res - leyte (R), {trnmrt}, {trnmtrS} & {'br} V. tornasol (Cs), . damgar (Sm), {tjr}. e-gal (Sm), {hykl}. falya (Tk), {fly} II. gu.za (Sm), {krs} II. idigna (Sm), {tgr}.
rby (U), {'rbyn}. jambuwa (MI), {znb'}. kirk YllIlk sirke (Tk), {tryq}. par;avra (Tk), {bsw}. sakirala (Sm), {skr} III. sur-mim (Sm), {srwl} & {srbn}. tabya (Tk), {tpy}. tnn (U), {tnn} I. loghai (T), {tws} lomak (Tk), {Imq}. uz (Sm), {wzz}. zalam (Hr), {~nm}.