Deuteronomy According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation (Surath Kthob) 1611439302, 9781611439304

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The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation


Ṣurath Kthobh

Editors George A. Kiraz Andreas Juckel

The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation


English Translation by

Carmel McCarthy English Translation by

Text Prepared by

Text Prepared by Carmel McCarthy George A. Kiraz George Anton Kiraz Joseph Bali

Joseph Bali


34 2013

Gorgias Press LLC, 954 River Road, Piscataway, NJ, 08854, USA Copyright © 2013 by Gorgias Press LLC Originally published in 2012 All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise without the prior written permission of Gorgias Press LLC.



ISBN 978-1-61143-930-4

Printed in the United States of America


To the memory of two great teachers Dr Dermot Ryan, Archbishop of Dublin (1924–1985), who first introduced me to both Hebrew and Syriac in the early 1960s, and to Professor Dominique Barthélemy, OP, Université de Fribourg (1921–2002), who opened up for me the complex world of biblical textual criticism. I would also like to express sincerest gratitude to my English Translation Editor, Rev Dr Anthony Gelston, whose wise counsel accompanied me on every step of the translation journey.

Carmel McCarthy

TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents .................................................................................... v Foreword to the Edition ....................................................................... vii By George A. Kiraz Making of the Text ................................................................................... vii Orthographic Diversions from Mosul ................................................... ix Text Organization ...................................................................................... xi Acknowledgements.................................................................................... xi

Abbreviations......................................................................................... xiii Introduction to the Translation ........................................................... xv By Carmel McCarthy The Peshiṭta ............................................................................................... xv The Book of Deuteronomy..................................................................... xv Translation Policy ................................................................................... xvii Notes ......................................................................................................... xvii Translation Technique ........................................................................... xvii Addenda...................................................................................................... xx Addendum 1: Simplification ................................................................... xx Addendum 2: Expansions .................................................................... xxiii Addendum 3: Mistranslation................................................................. xxv Addendum 4: Meaning Obscure .......................................................... xxx Addendum 5: Inner Syriac Corruption .............................................. xxxi Addendum 6: Relationship to Greek and Other Versions ............ xxxii Addendum 7: Interpretations of the Peshiṭta ................................. xxxiv

Appendix 1: Versification ..................................................................... xli Appendix 2: Variant Readings ........................................................... xliii Appendix 3: Names ................................................................................. li Alternative Proper Names ......................................................................... li Common Syriac Proper Names................................................................ li Replacement................................................................................................. li Initial Positions ........................................................................................... lii Medial Positions ......................................................................................... lii Endings ....................................................................................................... liii Translation ................................................................................................. liii



Table of Contents

Bibliography ............................................................................................. lv Lexica and Dictionaries............................................................................. lv Reference Commentaries.......................................................................... lv Reference Commentaries on Deuteronomy ........................................ lvi General Interest......................................................................................... lvi

Text and Translation ............................................................................... 1

FOREWORD TO THE EDITION BY GEORGE A. KIRAZ The primary objective of this edition is twofold: to provide a reliable text for scholars and students who are looking for a fully vocalized Syriac text, and to make available to religious communities, for whom this text is sacred, an English translation that can be used in various religious and cultural settings. As such, one had to navigate carefully between rigid scholarly principles and practical editorial choices.

Making of the Text The current edition provides a West Syriac version of the 1887–91 Peshiṭta Mosul text.1 While the Mosul text was prepared based on second millennium manuscripts, its text is substantially attested by manuscripts belonging to the first millennium. We are able to determine this with the help of the apparatus criticus of the Leiden edition. 2 As ancient MSS are hardly vocalized, our text relies on the vocalization of the Mosul edition. In addition to full vocalization, our text is supplemented with complete Rukkākhā and Quššāyā pointing and other orthographic markings, keeping in mind the general orthographic principles adopted by Pusey and Gwilliam in their 1901 Tetraeuangelium.3 Hence, while the consonantal tier is substantially ancient, the vocalism and orthographic tiers are quite late.

1 Clemis Joseph David (ed.), The Syriac Bible According to the Mosul Edition, 3 volumes, with an introduction by Sebastian P. Brock (Piscataway, NJ, 2010), a reprint of the Mosul 1887–91 edition titled ‫ ܨܘܪܬ ܟܬܒ ܐܝܟ ܡܦܩܬܐ ܕܡܬܩܪܝܐ ܦܫܝܛܬܐ‬. 2 The Peshiṭta Institute, The Old Testament in Syriac According to the Peshiṭta Version, Part I, fascicle 2/Part II, fascicle 1 b, prepared by W. M. van Vliet… J. H. Hospers, H.J.W. Drijvers (Leiden, 1991). 3 P. E. Pusey and G. H. Gwilliam, Tetraeuangelium Sanctum, the Fourfold Holy Gospel in the Peshitta Syriac Version with Critical Apparatus, with an introduction by Andreas Juckel (Piscataway, NJ, 2003), a reprint of the 1901 edition.



Foreword to the Edition

As the Mosul edition did not fully mark Rukkākhā and Quššāyā, these points were added and a regular expression4 was applied to the text to ensure that all bgādkpāt letters are marked. When the consonantal orthography, and in many cases the vocalic orthography, of East and West Syriac diverged, use was made of Lee’s 1823 edition5 as well as linguistic resources including Audo,6 Brockelmann,7 Margoliouth,8 and Smith.9 As for Rukkākhā and Quššāyā pointing, ݁ܳ ܰ ܺ analogies were made internally within other Mosul readings (e.g. ‫ ܐܝܩܪܬܐ‬is unmarked in 2:34, but is marked in 3:19),10 and externally with the Pusey and Gwilliam New Testament text, making use of my Concordance11 as a tool and the guidelines presented in my introduction to spirantization.12 In some cases, Mašlmānūthā MSS13 (hereinafter, Maš.) were consulted to determine P‛al vs. Pa‛‛el fricatization marking. The Mbaṭṭlānā and Marhṭānā were added systematically following current orthographic conventions, but the Mhaggyānā, Nāgudā, and Mṭappyānā, all ubiquitous in the Mosul text, were removed as they are alien to West Syriac orthography. 14 The text was then collated against the Leiden apparatus. It was interesting to note how close the Mosul text was to the readings of the manuscripts of the first millennium, in itself a testimony to the faithfulness of second millennium manuscripts, upon which Mosul was based, to the 4 In computing, a regular expression provides a mechanism with which strings of text can be matched with a search criterion. In most notations, a bracket expression matches a single character inside that bracket (e.g., [ab] matches a single a or b). The exclamation mark denotes negation. Hence, the expression [bgdkpt][!RQ] (where R and Q represent the Rukkākhā and Quššāyā points, respectively) will match a single bgādkpāt letter that is not followed by a Rukkākhā or Quššāyā point. When this search fails, all bgādkpāt letters have been pointed (regardless of accuracy of course). 5 S. Lee, Vetus et Novum Testamentum Syriace (London, 1823). 6 T. Audo, ‫( ܣܝܡܬܐ ܕܠܫܢܐ ܣܘܪܝ ܝܐ‬Mosul, 1897). 7 C. Brockelmann, Lexicon Syriacum (1928). 8 J. P. Smith (Mrs. Margoliouth), A Compendious Syriac Dictionary Founded upon the Thesaurus Syriacus (Oxford, 1903). 9 P. Smith, Thesaurus Syriacus (Oxford, 1818–1895). 10 Internal comparison within Mosul was also helpful in marking P‛al vs. Pa‛‛el forms; ݁ܳ ‫ ܰܦ‬is marked in some places but not others. e.g. ‫ܩܕܟ‬ 11 G. A. Kiraz, A Computer Generated Concordance to the Syriac New Testament, 6 volumes (Leiden, 1993). 12 G. A. Kiraz, Introduction to Syriac Spirantization, Rukkâḵâ and Quššâyâ (Losser, 1995). 13 We used Vat. Syr. 152 and BL Add. 12,178. 14 On these symbols, see C. J. David, Grammaire de la Langue Araméenne, 2 volumes, (Mosul, 2nd ed., 1896) §62, §67; G. Kiraz, Tūrrāṣ Mamllā, A Grammar of the Syriac Language, Volume I Orthography (Gorgias Press, 2012) §§205–208.

Foreword to the Edition


earlier text. Leiden and Mosul differed in ca. 231 readings; i.e., ca. 6.79 variants per chapter. In other words, 98.37% of the Mosul readings are identical with the readings of Leiden. As for the 231 variant readings, in 38% of the time, the Mosul text was supported by a reading from MSS dating from the 5th to the 7th century, and in 67% of the time from MSS dating from the first millennium. It is also worth noting that 28% of the total variants pertain to the addition or omission of bdwl prefixes. Appendix 2 gives the variants of our text against the Leiden edition.

Orthographic Diversions from Mosul In terms of the consonantal tier, the present text differs orthographically from the Mosul text in two ways. Firstly, it intentionally replaces early Syriac orthographic conventions, most of which are also preserved in the East Syriac Mosul text, with West Syriac ones.15 For example, Mosul ‫( ܚܙܝ‬perf. ܰ adding the suffix ‫ܝ‬ 3rd fem. pl.) is replaced in the present edition with ‫ܚܙܝ ܝ‬ ܺ ܺ (3:21); Mosul ‫ ܘܢܚܐ‬is replaced with ‫ ܘܢܐܚܐ‬adding medial ‫( ܐ‬19:5); Mosul ‫ ̈ܪܫܐ‬isܺ ܺ ܰ ‫ܐ‬ replaced with ‫ ̈ܪܝܫܐ‬adding ‫( ܝ‬1:15); Mosul ‫ ܼܝ ܰܩܪܬ ݂ܽܟܘܢ‬is replaced with ‫ܝܩܪܬ ݂ܽܟܘܢ‬ adding an initial ‫( ܐ‬1:12). Secondly, as one of the objectives of the present edition is to provide a functional text for religious communities, it was necessary to be systematic and to provide the reader with a standardized orthography. Hence, many ݁ܳ contractions were systematically separated; e.g., ‫ ܐܠ ܒ ݂ܽܟܠ ܡܕܡ‬:‫ ܰܒܪ ܐ ܳ݁ܢ ܳ݁ܫܐ‬over ݁ܳ ݂ܽ ‫ ܝ ݂ܽܫܘܥ ܰܒ‬over Mosul ‫ܘܥܒ ݂ܽܪܢܘܢ‬ ܰ ‫( ܝ ݂ܽܫ‬1:38). ݁ܳ ‫( ܰܒ‬8:3), ‫ܪܢܘܢ‬ Mosul ‫ ܐܠ ܒ ݂ܽܟܠ ܡܕܡ‬:‫ܪܢ ܳ݁ܫܐ‬ MS evidence and/or Lee’s edition and the Urmia edition give support to most, if not all, of these changes. As for the vocalic tier, the present text differs from the Mosul text in a number of ways. ܰ E. Syr. ܲ was generally converted to the corresponding W. Syr. ܰ except in lexemes where the E. and W. Syriac orthographies vary. ݁ܳ E. Syr. ܵ was generally converted to W. Syr. ܰ except when followed ܰ ܵ ݁ܳ ܰ‫( ܝ‬1:10). by ‫ ܘ‬in which case it became ܰ ; e.g. E. Syr. ‫ ܝܵܘܡ ܵܢܐ‬vs. W. Syr. ‫ܘܡ ܳ݁ܢܐ‬ This also applies to nominal forms when followed by an enclitic demonstrative pronoun. 15 On orthography, see L. Van Rompay, ‘Some Preliminary Remarks on the Origins of Classical Syriac as a Standard Language. The Syriac Version of Eusebius of Caesarea’s Ecclesiastical History’, in G. Goldenberg and S. Raz (eds.), Semitic and Cushitic Studies (Wiesbaden, 2004), 70–89; S. P. Brock, ‘Some Diachronic Features of Classical Syriac’, in M. F. J. Baasten and W. Th. Van Peursen (eds.), Hamlet on the Hill. Semitic and Greek Studies Presented to Professor T. Muraoka on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (Louvain, 2003), 95– 111.

Foreword to the Edition


E. Syr. ܰ was generally converted to W. Syr. ܰ except in lexemesܰ ܵ where the E. and W. orthographies vary; e.g. E. Syr. ‫ ܸܬܕܐܐ‬vs. W. Syr. ‫ܬ ܳ݁ܕܐܐ‬ (32:2). ܺ E. Syr. ܰ was mapped to either ܰ or ܰ depending on the phonoܺ logical, morphological or lexical context; e.g. E. Syr. ‫ ܦܐܪܐ‬vs. W. Syr. ‫ܦܐ̈ܪ ܐ‬ (30:9). ܺ E. Syr. ‫ ܝ‬was converted to W. Syr. ‫ܰܝ‬, while E. Syr. ‫ ܘ‬and ‫ ܼܘ‬were ݂ܽ collapsed into W. Syr. ‫ܰܘ‬. The choice was made to place the vowel on the consonant preceding the matres lectionis. Metathesis was applied to the sequence ‚V resulting in V‚. In C‚Vinitial stems prefixed with bdwl letters, this led to further vocalization ݁ܳ ݁ܳ changes݁ܳ ݁ܳ on the prefixes; e.g. ‫ ܕܫܐܠܬ‬over Mosul ‫( ܰܕܫܐܠܬ‬18:16), ‫ܘܟܐܬܐ‬ over Mosul ‫( ܰܘܟܐܬܐ‬28:20). Similarly, prefix vocalization was changed in cases like ‫ ܰܘܠ ܝ ݂ܽܫܘܥ‬over Mosul ‫( ܘ ܺܠܝ ݂ܽܫܘܥ‬3:21). In a few݁ܳ cases, we departed from the BFBS edition regarding ܰ ܰ ݂ܽ fricatization: ‫( ܛܢܦܘܬܐ‬e.g. 7:26), and ‫( ܪܒ‬e.g. 1:28), all presented here with Quššāyā against the BFBS edition. In such cases, MSS of the Maš. were our guide. The Mbaṭṭlānā was applied in the present text following the Pusey and Gwilliam tradition but with further extensions following contemporary ݂ܽ ‫( ܰܘ‬1:7). A number of verbs derived orthographic conventions; e.g., ‫ܫܩܘܠܘ‬ from the root ‫ ܝܗܒ‬appear in M with a Mbaṭṭlānā which has been removed in this edition: ‫ ܝܗܒܬ‬over M ‫( ܝܗܒܬ‬1:8). With regards to the vocalization of proper nouns, the BFBS was followed whenever possible. For cases not found in the BFBS, the vocalization was based first the Maš. (primarily BL Add 12,178) and then ݂ܽ ܰ and ‫ܘܩܝ‬ ܺ ‫ ܰܩ ܰܦ ݂ܽܕ‬in 2:23, on the Walton polyglot. As such, we have ‫ܘܩܦܘܕ ܳ݁ܩܝܐ‬ ܰ ݁ܳ ݂ܽ ‫ ) ܐ‬in 2:36 and other places. ‫( ܪ ݂ܽܓܘܒ‬against ‫ܪܓܘܒ‬ Only a few readings in Mosul were rejected, some of which are typographical errors: Here M ݂ܽ ݂ܽ ܰ 16‫ܰܘܪܛܢܬܘܢ‬ 1:27 ‫ܰܘܪܛܢܬܘܢ‬ ܰ ‫ܰܕ‬ ܰ ‫ܰܕ‬ 8:1 ‫ܡܦܩܕ ܐ ܳ݁ܢܐ‬ ‫ܡܦܩܕ‬ ܰ ‫ܰܕ‬ 9:7 ‫ܰܕܐܪܓܙܬ‬ ‫ܐܪܓܙܬ‬ ܰ 8:17 ‫ܰܕܒ ܰܚ ܝܠܝ‬ ‫ܰܰܕܒ ܰܚܰ ܝܠܝܢ‬ 18:10 ‫ܐܘ‬ ‫ܐܘ ܐܘ‬ 16

Rboṣo is supported by the Maš. and the lexica.

Foreword to the Edition 22:3 22:29 25:5 25:7 25:9 31:12 33:16 34:2

݁ܳ ܰ ‫ܐܒܕܬܐ‬ ݁ܳ 17‫ܕܟܣܦܐ‬ 18‫ܝܰܒܡܗ‬ ‫ܝܰܒܡܝ‬ ‫ܝܺ ܰܒܡܬܗ‬ ‫ܰܟܢ ܳ݁ܫ ܳ݁ ܳ݁ܝܗܝ‬ ‫ܰܒܡܳܠܗ‬ ݁ܳ ܰ ݁ܳ ݂ܽ ܺ ‫ܘܟܠܗ ܢܦܬܠܝ‬


݁ܳ ‫ܐܒܕܬܐ‬ ܰ + ‫ܠ ݂ܽܒܘܗ‬ ‫ܝܰܒܡܗ‬ ‫ܝܰܒܡܝ‬ ‫ܝܺ ܰܒܡܬܗ‬ ‫ܰܟ ܰܢ ܳ݁ܫ ܳ݁ܝܗܝ‬ ‫ܰܒܡܳܠܗ‬ ݁ܳ ܰ ܺ ݂ܽ ‫ܘܟܠܗ ܢܦܬܠܝ‬

Text Organization The division of the text into chapters and verses is a recent Western phenomenon. Early manuscripts divided the texts into chapters, called in Syriac ‫ܩܦܳܠܘܢ‬, abbreviated ‫ܩܦ‬, or ‫ܨܚ ܚܐ‬, abbreviated ‫ܨܚ‬. Having said that, ancient manuscripts do not always follow a systematic approach in these chapter divisions. The present text follows the recent Western division of chapters, naming each chapter in Syriac ‫ܩܦܳܠܘܢ‬. Ancient Syriac chapter divisions are given in the outer margin preceded by the abbreviation ‫ ܨܚ‬for ݁ܳ (they correspond to Roman numerals in the English translation). ‫ܨܚ ܳ݁ܚܐ‬ These were provided by Adam Kane based on MS Pocock 391 (Oxford). Ancient manuscripts vary in the application of punctuation marks. The punctuation presented here follows the Mosul punctuation faithfully except in a few places: a point was added at the end of 4:28, 12:29, 16:12, 22:27, and 31:14; the first double point : was removed in 4:19 and 27:15.

Acknowledgements Andreas Juckel, my co-editor in the Ṣurath Kthob series, played a major role in setting the textual policies of the edition. I am personally grateful to my wife Christine and three children: Tabetha Gabriella, Sebastian Kenoro, and Lucian Nurono. It is hoped that the current edition will be a motivation for further texts and translations of the Syriac biblical tradition, and will stimulate the use of the Peshiṭta in educational and religious settings. I was privileged to have done the main bulk of the work of this volume while touring the Holy Land during July 2013 with my daughter 17 We follow here Leiden against Mosul; see the Leiden apparatus for support of the Mosul reading (p. 63). 18 In this case, the E. and W. Syriac traditions differ in fricatization; see Brockelmann 294 and Bar ‛Ebroyo’s grammar 1 240 21. Maš. gives a hard /b/ in 25:5,7 but soft in 25:9.


Foreword to the Edition

Tabetha, especially when reading the names of places that I was visiting in the desert between Sinai and Jerusalem. One can only pray that peace and tranquility will one day reign in this land.

ABBREVIATIONS ASV BCE CE com. ed. e.g. fem. i.e. impf ISC lit. M masc. MS MSS MT om. P part. pl. pr. sing. v. vol.

American Standard Version (1901) Before the Common Era Common Era common editor, edition exempli gratia feminine id est imperfect Inner-Syriac Corruption literally Mosul masculine manuscript manuscripts Masoretic Text omit Peshiṭta participle plural prior, before singular verse volume

1st 2nd 3rd

first person second person third person

Root (see the appropriate dictionary listed in the Bibliography for citations such as √II)


INTRODUCTION TO THE TRANSLATION BY CARMEL MCCARTHY The Peshiṭta The Peshiṭta is the name by which the Syriac translation of the Hebrew Bible came to be known. Most probably executed in Edessa in the second century CE, its chief aim was to make it possible for Syriac speakers to read the Hebrew Old Testament in their native tongue. The scholarly community would maintain that it was not translated by one person but by members of a ‘Peshiṭta school’. The task of these translators was similar to that of most translators, namely the production of texts that read well, not as artificial literal renderings of the source document, but as faithful translations of the Hebrew parent text. That their work was successful is demonstrated by the high esteem in which the Peshiṭta is held, particularly in the history of Syriac as a literary and liturgical language in Christianity in the East. The question as to whether these ancient translators were Jews or Christians continues to exercise the scholarly community, with no universally accepted answer yet in sight. Some scholars believe that both Jews and Christians would have been involved at different times in its production, as it eventually reached its final form. According to this view, when the work began, the community in which the ‘Peshiṭta school’ was based would have been Jewish. In the subsequent decades as the translation progressed, and as the young Christian communities in the surrounding area began to expand, increasing numbers of the Jewish community would have converted to Christianity. Thus, the work would have been begun by Jews and finished by Christians. Even if the initial origins of the translation are still open to varying interpretations, one thing is clear: the Peshiṭta has stood the test of time.

The Book of Deuteronomy The Hebrew text of Deuteronomy has been well preserved both in the Masoretic textual tradition and in the Samaritan Pentateuch. It is also partially attested in a considerable number of the Qumran scrolls. However, XV


Introduction to the Translation

unlike the Isaiah scrolls, there is no complete Qumran manuscript of Deuteronomy, and the existing fragments vary considerably in age, size, nature, and contents. The book of Deuteronomy itself is a mixture of narrative and legal material, presented in the form of farewell discourses on the part of Moses, as the Israelites prepare to cross the Jordan under Joshua’s leadership. The opening chapters are mainly narrative. They recall the experiences of the Hebrews under Moses’ guidance as they made their way from Egypt to Mount Nebo, and now stand poised to enter into the Promised Land. These eleven chapters prepare for the introduction of the Deuteronomic law code proper in chapters 12–25. The narrative element becomes predominant again in chapters 26–31. These in turn lead into two poetic units, the Song of Moses (32) and the Blessings of Moses (33), these latter being a set of poetic characterizations of the tribes of Israel. From a textual viewpoint these two chapters in their Hebrew original are difficult, and even corrupt at times. They would have presented a considerable challenge to the translator(s) of the Peshiṭta, who made valiant attempts to smooth over some of the more notorious textual problems. The final chapter is short but very poignant as it describes Moses’ death and his burial in an unmarked grave in the Mount Nebo vicinity. While the book as a whole has a relatively unified coherence and focus, scholars recognize that its contents were developed over time. Instead of its current location in the Hebrew Bible as the final book of the Torah, its traditions would have been originally compiled to form the opening section of what has come to be known as the Deuteronomistic history (Joshua–Kings). Until recently, the scholarly consensus tended to link the almost final form of Deuteronomy to the time of Josiah (640–609). Some scholars now argue in favour of an early post-exilic date. One of the most striking features of Deuteronomy is its exhortatory tone. Throughout, Moses is presented as urging the people to be faithful to their God, and not to engage in the idolatrous practices of the surrounding nations. In particular, they are neither to fashion nor to worship graven images. These exhortations are couched in repetitive formulae, a literary feature which has given rise to assimilation of these formulae, not only in the textual transmission of the Hebrew texts themselves, but also in the different ancient versions, the Peshiṭta included. The sheer volume of these minor assimilation variations makes it impracticable to record them in their totality in this brief introduction, so only an illustrative sample will be indicated further below.

Introduction to the Translation


Translation Policy The task of translating Deuteronomy in this volume is different from that which faced the scholars who produced the Peshiṭta. Our readership has different priorities. We are writing for people who want an English translation of the Syriac text, but who also want to be able to use this translation to help them follow and understand the Syriac, in which they are not all completely fluent. With this readership in mind we had to resist the temptation to try to write elegant and idiomatic English. Instead, this English translation adheres as closely as possible to the Syriac text, facilitating a word-by-word comparison. However, it is not absolutely ‘literal’; for instance, word order cannot always be preserved, for to do so would result in garbled English. But it is well to the ‘literal’ end of the scale of translation technique which ranges from ‘free’ to ‘literal’. Thus, while seeking to provide the contextually appropriate sense of the Peshiṭta in an idiomatic way, the translation strives for dynamic rather than formal equivalence. Hence, it regularly adapts the Syriac form to the norms of English idiom in a dynamic way, so as to provide the English reader with a meaning that is as genuinely equivalent to that of the Syriac as possible.

Notes The notes in the main text have three main purposes: (i) At passages where a rendering close to the Syriac text would have resulted in unacceptable English, we have given a comparatively free rendering in the verse and a literal translation in the notes, e.g.  2:27. ‫‘ ܒܐܘܪܚܐ ܐܘܪܚܐ ܢܐܙܠ‬we will travel only along the highway’: lit. ‘along the highway the highway we will go’.  32:24. ‫‘ ܚ ܝܘܬ ܫܢܐ‬savage beast’: lit. ‘beast of tooth’. (ii) Sometimes, where more than one translation is equally correct in the context, we have given an alternative in the notes, e.g.  7:10. ‫‘ ܒܚ ܝ ܝܗܘܢ‬during their life’ or ‘with their life’ or ‘in their life’.  33:8. ‫‘ ܒܢܣܝܘܢܐ‬at Testings’ or ‘with testings’. (iii) Occasionally reference is made to fuller information on a particular word or phrase in the Addenda which follow below.

Translation Technique 1. Additions. Some words in our translation have no equivalent in the Syriac text. These additions fall into two groups: (i) Words shown between round brackets, added because the sense benefits from them, e.g.  3:16. ‫‘ ܝܗܒܬ ܡܢ ܓܠܥܕ‬I gave (the region) from Gilead’.

Introduction to the Translation


19:15. ‫‘ ܠ ܢܩܘܡ ܣܗܕܐ ܚܕ‬One witness (alone) may not give evidence’. (ii) Words added to make acceptable English or to conform to English idiom. These are not bracketed, e.g.  3:21. ‫ ܥܝܢܝܟ ܚܙܝ‬lit. ‘Your eyes have seen’: ‘own’ added: ‘Your own eyes have seen’.  3:27. ‫ ܒܥܝܢܝܟ‬lit. ‘and gaze upon it with your eyes’: ‘own’ added: ‘gaze upon it with your own eyes’. 2. Consistency. We have given consistent translations where possible, but some exceptions were enforced either by the context or by differences between the range of meanings of some words in the two languages. (i) More than one English word correctly translates one Syriac word, e.g.  1:2. ‫ ܛܘܪܐ‬is usually translated either as ‘Mount …’ (1:2; 3:8) or ‘mountain’ (1:6), but occasionally also as ‘hill country’ (1:7, 19; 3:12), where a wider area is in question.  1:28. ‫ ܥܡܐ‬occurs numerous times in Deuteronomy and is translated as either ‘people’ or ‘nation’, in both singular and plural forms (very often either word may be used): ‘people’: 1:28; 2:4, 10, 32; 26:5; ‘nation’: 4:6–8; ‘peoples’: 2:25; 4:19; ‘nations’: 4:6, 27; 7:1; 9:1, etc.  1:5. ‫( ܢܡܘܣܐ‬a loan word from Greek) is consistently used to translate ‘law’ = ‘Torah’, when in the singular: 1:5; 4:8, 44; 17:11,18 etc., and as ‘statutes’ when in the plural: 4:1, 5–6, 8, 14, 40, 45; 5:1, etc.  26:19. ‫‘ ܒܬܫܒܘܚܬܐ‬for praise’, or as ‫‘ ܬܫܒܘܚܬܐ‬song’ when referring to the Song of Moses (31:19, 21–22, 30; 32:44). (ii) One English word correctly translates more than one Syriac word, e.g.  1:27. √‫‘ ܐܒܕ‬destroy’. This root is very often used in Deuteronomy for ‘destroy’ (1:27; 2:15; 6:15; 7:4,10, 22–23; 9:1 etc.). However other roots can also be used to render ‘destroy’: ‫( ܚܒܠ‬4:31; 9:26; 10:10); ‫( ܚܪܒ‬3:6). 3. Syriac Usages. There are a number of features of Syriac grammar, syntax, or idiom where a literal translation would give unacceptable or inappropriate English. Some of the more important examples are given below: (i) Singular and Plural: (a) A Syriac singular may be better rendered by an English plural, e.g.  6:5. ‫‘ ܩܢܝܢܐ‬possessions’  31:19. ‫‘ ܒܦܘܡܗܘܢ‬in their mouths’.

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(b) A Syriac plural may be better rendered by an English singular, e.g.  32:2. ‫‘ ܐܝܟ ̈ܪܘܚܐ‬like vapour’. (ii) Tense/aspect: A Syriac finite verb with dalath may be better rendered by an English infinitive:  2:15. ‫‘ ܕܬܘܒܕ ܐܢܘܢ‬to destroy them’. (iii) √‫‘ ܝܣܦ‬to add’, e.g.  13:11. ‫‘ ܠ ܢܘܣܦܘܢ ܠܡܥܒܕ‬they shall never again do’.  20:8. ‫ ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ‬... ‫‘ ܘܢܘܣܦܘܢ‬they shall speak further’. (iv) Regular Syriac equivalent, e.g.  32:3. ‫‘ ܬܩܝܦܐ‬the Mighty One’: this is P’s typical rendering of ‘Rock’ as a divine metaphor (see 32:15, 18, etc.). (v) Waw ‫ܘ‬. This conjunction has a wide range of meanings, e.g. (a) It is commonly omitted in translation when used as an introduction to a verse or phrase, where it does not fit well in the context in English:  1:1. ‫‘ ܘܗܠܝܢ ܦܬܓܡܐ‬These are the words’.  2:14. ‫‘ ܘܝܘܡܬܐ ܕܗܠܟܢ‬The length of time we travelled’. (b) ‘yet’  1:32. ‫‘ ܘܒܦܬܓܡܐ ܗܢܐ‬Yet in this matter’.  9:29. ‫‘ ܘܗܢܘܢ ܥܡܟ‬Yet these are your people’. (c) ‘or’  3:14. ‫‘ ܘܟܦ̈ܪܘܢܐ ܕܝܐܝܪ‬or Kaphroneh di-Jair’. (d) ‘so that’  1:22. ‫‘ ܘܢܓܫܘܢ‬that they may explore’. (e) ‘nor’  2:27. ‫‘ ܘܠܣܡܳܠ‬nor to the left’. (f) ‘but’  3:7. ‫‘ ܘܟܠܗ ܒܥܝܪܐ‬but all the livestock’. (g) ‘even’  4:19. ‫‘ ܘܟܠܗܘܢ ܚ ܝܠܘܬܐ ܕܫܡܝܐ‬even all the host of heaven’. (vi) ‫ܕܠܡܐ‬: a composite of ‫ܕ‬, ‫ܠ‬, and ‫ ܡܐ‬to mean ‘lest’, e.g.  15:9. ‫‘ ܕܠܡܐ ܢܗܘܐ‬lest there be’.  20:5. ‫‘ ܕܠܡܐ ܢܬܩܛܠ‬lest he be killed’. (vii) Ethical dative:  2:8. ‫‘ ܘܥܒܪܢ ܠܢ‬we then crossed’: lit. ‘and we crossed for ourselves’. (viii) Attributive genitive:  32:9. ‫‘ ܚܒܳܠ ܕܝܪܬܘܬܗ‬his allotted inheritance’: lit. ‘the allotment of his inheritance’. (ix) Imperfect or imperative:

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1:42. ‫‘ ܠ ܬܣܩܘܢ ܘܠ ܬܬܟܬܫܘܢ‬Do not go up and do not fight’: the imperfect (with a negative) may also function as a negative imperative.

Addenda The Peshiṭta of Deuteronomy is generally a very faithful rendering of the Hebrew text. Apart from differences imposed by the distinctive idioms of the two languages, there are a number of other passages where the meaning of MT is not precisely rendered in P. The purpose of the seven Addenda in the paragraphs that follow is to give typical examples of such differences, grouped under various headings. While the more important of these divergences are cross-referenced in the Translation footnotes, not all instances have been so marked owing to space constraints. There is inevitably a subjective element in this classification. The references to Hebrew roots in the Addenda are all to Koehler Baumgartner (1994), The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament.

Addendum 1: Simplification The tendency of P to simplify its Vorlage occurs in almost every chapter and is expressed through a variety of translation techniques. These include omission, rephrasing, and the use of a simpler syntax. The tendency to simplify is also illustrated by P’s choice of more general terms on the one hand, and through its more restricted selection of verbs to render nuanced Hebrew phrases on the other hand (sometimes described as ‘drudge’ words).1 Since the tendency towards simplification is a recurrent feature of P, the illustrations included in this category are by no means exhaustive. 1:27



‘that he might destroy us’: P simplifies a much richer vocabulary of negative impact verbs in MT by drawing on √‫ܐܒܕ‬. This root is used by P to render all twenty-eight occurrences of √‫שמד‬, ‘to destroy’, as well as fourteen occurrences of √‫‘ אבד‬to destroy’ (hifil), and nine occurrences of √‫ ירש‬in the sense of ‘to dispossess’. P also uses √‫ ܐܒܕ‬for MT √‫‘ חרם‬to put under a ban’ at 2:34 and 13:16, for √‫‘ נשל‬to drive out’ at 7:1 and 7:22a; for √‫‘ כלה‬to put an end to’ at 7:22b and 28:21; for √‫‘ כרת‬to cut down’ at 12:29 and 19:1; for √‫בער‬

See Weitzman, Syriac Version, 41, on ‘drudge’ words, especially that of √‫ܥܫܢ‬, used by P when the situation looked good for an individual.

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1:41 2:7 2:10



6:19 8:19

9:25 10:5 14:12




‘to purge’ at 17:7 and 17:12; for √‫‘ המם‬to confuse’ at 2:15, and for √‫‘ גרש‬to expel’ at 33:27. ‫‘ ܓܢܒ̈ܪܐ‬giants’: P simplifies MT’s reference to the ‘Anakim’ (‫)ענקים‬, using this more readily recognizable blanket term here and at 2:10, 11, 21; 9:2. ‫‘ ܐܝܟ‬as’; P omits the ‫ כל‬of the MT (and LXX). ‫‘ ܡܕܒܪܐ‬wilderness’: P omits the adjective ‘great’ of the MT (and LXX). ‫‘ ܓܢܒ̈ܪܐ‬giants’: MT’s specific reference to the ‘Rephaim’ (‫ )רפאים‬has also been simplified to ‘giants’, a more accessible term for P’s target audience, here and at 2:20; 3:11, 13. ‫‘ ܘܢܒܕܪܟܘܢ‬scatter’: P uses √‫ ܒܕܪ‬twice in this verse, the first time accurately rendering MT’s ‫פוץ‬, ‘to scatter’. In the second occurrence, as a rendering of MT’s √‫נהג‬, ‘to drive’, it is more an approximation. ‫‘ ܘܬܦܢܘܢ ܠܒܟܘܢ‬and turn your heart (to it)’: P’s attempt to simplify an awkward phrase in MT (‫ )והשבת אל לבבך‬is similarly rendered in Onqelos. ‫‘ ܬܒܪ‬defeat’: P’s choice to render MT’s verb ‫הדף‬, ‘drive out’, is less specific. ‫‘ ܘܐܢ ܬܛܥܐ‬But if you forget’: out of a total of thirty-two occurrences of an intensifying infinitive absolute construction in the MT of Deuteronomy, this is the first of sixteen in which P’s translation does not reflect its presence. The other fifteen occasions are 11:13; 12:2; 13:13; 15:5; 15:8 (twice); 15:10; 15:11; 15:14; 21:14; 21:23; 23:22; 24:13; 28:1; 31:18. Conversely P features infinitive absolutes at 13:3 and 23:22, which have no counterparts in the MT. ‘forty days and forty nights’: MT then reads: ‘in which I prostrated myself’. P simplifies by omitting this phrase. ‫‘ ܘܫܒܩܬ ܐܢܝܢ ܒܗ‬and I left them in it’: a clarification by P of a less smooth MT: ‫‘ ויהיו שם‬and they were there’. P simplifies the list of twenty-one unclean birds featured in the MT at 14:12–18 by eliminating five of them. Since the precise identification of many of these birds would have been unknown to the Syriac translators, the renderings in both Syriac and English are approximate. ‫‘ ܟܠ ܕܛܡܐ‬anything that is unclean’; P’s formulation is less specific than MT’s ‫‘ כל נבלה‬any carcase’, and adjusted to make sense to a different audience. ‫‘ ܠܚܘܟ ܡܣܩܢܐ‬to your needy brother’: in reducing the three nouns of MT (brother, needy, poor) to two: ‘your needy brother and your poor’, P has probably assimilated to vv. 7 and 9.

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‘that you must set’: P repeats √‫ ܩܘܡ‬in place of MT’s √‫נתן‬, thereby simplifying MT’s variety of verbs in the verse. 18:1 ‫‘ ܠܟܗܢܐ ܘܠܠܘܝܐ‬the priest and the Levite’: the MT of v. 1 opens with: ‘The levitical priests, the whole tribe of Levi’. P simplifies this to read: ‘the priest and the Levite’ (singular collective nouns), and omits ‘the whole tribe of Levi’. 18:21 ‫‘ ܐܕܥܝܘܗܝ‬I recognize (it)’: P logically simplifies the 1 pl. verb of both Hebrew and Greek (‘we know’) to 1 sg., since the earlier verb of the verse is 1 sg. 20:3 ‫‘ ܫܡܥ ܐܝܣܪܝܠ‬Hear, O Israel!’ Both MT and LXX preface this address with the phrase, ‘And he shall say to them’, which is not present in the Peshiṭta. 21:4, 6 √‫‘ ܢܟܣ‬slaughter’: P uses a more general term for the precise Hebrew verb ‫ערף‬, ‘break the neck’. 21:16 ‫‘ ܒܪ ܣܢܘܐܬܐ‬the disliked one’s son’: P simplifies by omitting the phrase ‘who is the first-born’, which occurs at the end of the verse in MT and LXX. 24:1 ‫‘ ܘܢܫܪܝܗ‬and release her’; P omits ‘from his house’, which follows in MT. 24:5 ‫‘ ܢܗܘܐ ܒܒܝܬܗ‬be at home’: P does not translate MT’s ‫‘ נקי‬free of obligation’, which follows this phrase. 24:19 ‫‘ ܟܦܐ‬a sheaf’: P simplifies by omitting ‘in the field’, which follows ‘a sheaf’ in the MT. 25:7 ‫‘ ܠܡܣܒܢܝ‬to marry me’: P simplifies by replacing the technical term of MT (‫‘ יבם‬to perform the duty of a husband’s brother’) with the usual term ‫‘ ܢܣܒ‬to marry’. 28:66 ‫‘ ܒܐܝܡܡܐ ܘܒܠܠܝܐ‬by day and night’: P reverses the order of MT: ‘by night and day’. 30:1 ‫‘ ܢܒܕܪܟ‬he will scatter you’: in using √‫ ܒܕܪ‬to render √‫‘ נדח‬drive’ in vv. 1 and 4, as well as correctly to render √‫ פוץ‬in v. 3, P both simplifies and softens the MT. Note that P uses the future in v. 1, where MT and LXX have the past. 30:12 ‫‘ ܘܢܫܡܥ‬that we may hear’: in using the peal in place of the afel, P has simplified the Hebrew syntax here and in v. 13 (‘cause us to hear’). 32:14 ‫‘ ܒܢܝ ܕܝܨܐ‬the offspring of rock goats’: P has adjusted the MT’s metaphorical expression ‘sons of Bashan’, which would not have made much sense to the target audience. 32:15 ‫‘ ܝܣܪܝܠ‬Israel’: P has simplified MT’s ‘Jeshurun’, a rare poetic name for Israel, here and also at 33:5, 26. 17:15


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Addendum 2: Expansions Various types of expansions can be found in P, a number of them due to assimilation to certain recurring formulae in Deuteronomy. Perhaps the most frequently recurring instance of assimilation is the addition by P of ‘your God’ to ‘the Lord’, where the MT has just ‘the Lord’. This fuller expression is shared by the LXX at 6:18; 10:13; 12:25; 15:20; 16:2, 16; 18:5, 12; 30:8, while P is alone in having the expansion at 5:5; 6:23; 11:17, 21; 12:21. Other recurrent expansions include featuring ‘all’ (cf. 4:3, 9; 7:18; 11:4; 16:12; 25:17; 28:9, 26; 29:10; 31:17, 32:44; 34:2) and ‘today’ (4:1; 11:22; 12:28), where these are not present in the MT. These types of minor expansions are too numerous to list individually. A selection of other types of expansions, which seek to render the text more coherent for its audience, are given below. 1:10

‫‘ ܣܘܓܐܐ‬a multitude’: an expansion in P which is absent from MT and LXX.

1:22 1:24 1:26



2:5 2:21 3:19 3:20 3:24 3:24


‘Let them show us’ – a typical explanatory addition in P which improves the syntax of the sentence. ‫‘ ܠܪܥܐ‬the land’: P renders the pronoun ‫ אתה‬of MT and LXX explicit. ‫‘ ܡܠܬ ܦܘܡܗ‬the command of’: lit. ‘the word of his mouth’: P’s explanatory insertion of ‘word of’ here and at v. 43 softens MT’s blunt expression in both instances. ‫‘ ܘܥܫܝܢ‬and stronger’: the addition of a third adjective is shared by LXX, even if differing in word order, whereas MT features two adjectives. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 52*. ‫‘ ܐܠ‬But’: P has added ‫ܐܠ‬, where MT, although implying a contrast, lacks a conjunction. The Vulgate’s sed also renders this contrast explicit. ‫ ܝܘܪܬܢܐ‬1º ‘(as) a possession’: this is a typical example of P’s tendency to expand the text for the sake of clarity. ‫‘ ܒܐܪܥܗܘܢ‬in their land’: P has rendered MT’s ‘in their stead’ (‫)תחתם‬ more specifically here, and in the following two verses (vv. 22–23). ‫‘ ܫܒܘܩܘ‬leave behind!’: through the addition of this command P eases the syntax of a more complex Hebrew verse. ‫‘ ܘܗܝ ܕܝܢ‬And then’: P expands what is a simple conjunction in the MT. ‫‘ ܒܒܥܘ‬I pray’: only in P, the addition of this entreaty captures well the sense of urgency in Moses’ pleadings. ‫‘ ܘܐܝܕܟ ܬܩܝܦܬܐ ܘܕܪܥܟ ܪܡܐ‬and your mighty hand and upraised arm’: P has featured this formulaic expression in full (as has LXX), whereas MT attests just the first part here.


4:12 4:25

4:39 5:16 5:21 6:2 6:3

8:15 10:10 11:4 12:18

13:11 15:14 16:20 20:4

22:3 22:10 22:25 22:29 23:12

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‫‘ ܒܛܘܪܐ‬on the mountain’: this addition of P is not present in the MT, or the other versions. ‫‘ ܘܚܒܠܬܘܢ‬and you act corruptly’: not present in the MT (and Leiden), this expansion before ‫ ܘܬܥܒܕܘܢ‬is unique to Mosul and some early Syriac MSS. ‫‘ ܠܒܪ ܡܢܗ‬apart from him’: not present in MT, this completion of the formula is also present in the LXX. ‫‘ ܛܒܬܐ‬good’: not present in MT, only P attests this expansion. ‫‘ ܘܠ ܟܪܡܗ‬nor his vineyard’: not present in MT, only P has this addition. ‫‘ ܦܘܩܕܢܘܗܝ‬his commandments’: P prefaces MT’s two entities with this third one, not present in MT, or the other versions. ‫‘ ܕܢܬܠ ܠܟ‬that he might give to you’: a recurring Deuteronomic expression (cf. 4:38; 6:10; 7:13; 28:11), it is not present in MT here, but is attested by P (and LXX). ‫‘ ܐܬܪ‬place’: P expands the terse style of the Hebrew syntax through the twofold addition of ‘place’ in this verse. ‫‘ ܩܕܡ ܡܪܝܐ‬before the Lord’: only P features this addition, a possible assimilation to 9:18, 25. ‫‘ ܘܠ̈ܪܟܒܝܗܝܢ‬and to their riders’: P alone expands MT to include this third element: ‘their riders’. ‫‘ ܕܫܢܐ ܒܫܢܐ‬year after year’: not present in the MT (and not featured in the Leiden edition), this addition is attested in the Mosul MS, and some early MSS. It reflects an assimilation to the MT at 14:22 and 15:20. ‫‘ ܒܝܬ‬house’: P is alone in prefacing ‘Israel’ with ‘house’. ‫‘ ܘܡܢ ܬܘ̈ܪܝܟ‬and from your herds’: this addition is only found in P. ‫‘ ܘܬܥܘܠ‬and enter’. This fuller text is also present in the LXX and the Temple Scroll. ‫‘ ܐܙܠ ܥܡܟ‬is going with you’: P expands with ‘who brought you up out of the land of Egypt’ after this phrase. A repetition from v. 1, it is not present in MT and the other versions in v. 4. ‫‘ ܠܬܘܪܗ‬his ox’: an addition unique in P. ‫‘ ܦܕܢܐ‬yoke’: a clarifying expansion unique in P. ‫‘ ܒܩܛܝܪܐ‬forcibly’: an expansion unique in P. ‫‘ ܚ ܝܘܗܝ‬his life’: a facilitating expansion unique in P. ‫‘ ܘܐܬܪܐ ܢܗܘܐ ܝܕܝܥ ܠܟ‬and you shall have a specified location’: while all the versions render MT’s ‫ יד‬as ‘place’ — a euphemism for the toilet area outside the camp – P is unique in carrying a clarifying expansion: ‫‘ ܝܕܝܥ‬specified’, lit. ‘known’.

Introduction to the Translation 23:12 24:7 26:14 28:53 29:2 29:3 30:4 31:6

31:8 31:21 32:11

33:4 33:28


‫‘ ܠܡܝ ̈ܪܓܠܝܟ‬for the water of your legs’: this expansion of P renders explicit the implied euphemism of MT: ‘outside’; also in v. 13. ‫‘ ܡܢ ܒܢܝ ܝܣܪܝܠ‬from among the Israelites’; the second occurrence of this phrase in the verse is an expansion unique in P. ‫‘ ܟܕ ܛܡܐ ܐܢܐ‬while I was unclean’: P’s addition of ‫ ܐܢܐ‬clarifies the ambiguous ‫בטמא‬. ‫‘ ܬܐܟܘܐ ܠܢܘܢ‬you will eat them’: P’s expansion repeats this dire prediction, already stated at the beginning of the verse. ‫‘ ܘܠܟܠܗ ܥܡܗ‬and to all his people’: this addition is found in both Mosul and the Leiden edition, apart from 9a1 fam. ‫‘ ܕܚܙܝܬܘܢ‬that you saw’: P’s addition of this phrase is not present in either MT or LXX. ‫(‘ ܝܣܪܝܠ ܪܚ ܝܩܝܢ‬of) Israel, who are far away’: the addition of this phrase is unique to P. ‫‘ ܘܠ ܬܬܪܗܒܘܢ‬and do not be perturbed’: this third exhortation is featured in Mosul, and some early Syriac MSS. It is not present in MT or LXX, or the Leiden edition. See v. 8. ‫‘ ܘܠ ܬܬܪܗܒ‬and do not be perturbed’: P adds a third exhortation here, ‘not to be perturbed’, which is not present in either MT or LXX. ‫‘ ܠܒܗܝܗܘܢ‬to their ancestors’: this phrase is not present in MT, Vulgate and Targums, but is featured in both LXX and P. ‫‘ ܥܠ ܥܘܫܢܐ ܕܐܒ̈ܪܘܗܝ‬on the power of its pinions’: P has inserted ‫ܥܘܫܢܐ‬, perhaps intentionally punning on ‫ אביר‬/‫אברה‬. This expansion is also present in Onqelos. ‫‘ ܘܝܗܒܗ‬and gave it’: P seeks to make sense of an obscure Hebrew text through the insertion of this verb and its suffix. ‫‘ ܘܕܡܫܚܐ‬and oil’: P’s addition here reflects a typical formulaic assimilation.

Addendum 3: Mistranslation The heading ‘Mistranslation’ is used rather freely here to include renderings where the differences between the Hebrew and the Syriac may be the result of errors, misreadings, mistranslations or approximations on the translator’s part. The more important of these are listed below. This category also covers certain passages where P gives a free or non-literal rendering. Some of these latter might also be grouped under the heading ‘Interpretation’ (Addendum 7). 1:3


‘with’: thus has P rendered MT’s ‫אל‬, in presenting Moses as speaking ‘with’ rather than ‘to’ the Israelites.

Introduction to the Translation



‫‘ ܒܐܪܥܐ ܕ‬in the land of’: thus P, whereas MT and LXX have: ‘the way of’.


1:27 1:31


2:23 2:24


2:34 3:11 3:17

3:27 4:2 4:16


‘You rendered bitter’. P’s use of the palpal of ‫‘ ܡܪ‬to render bitter’ instead of √‫‘ ܡܪܕ‬to rebel’ points to a possible confusion on the translator’s part between the verbs ‫‘ מרה‬to rebel’ and ‫‘ מרר‬to be bitter’. ‫‘ ܡܢ ܡܫܟܢܝܟܘܢ‬from your tents’: a possible confusion between ‫ ב‬and ‫ מ‬in the Vorlage (‫?)באליכם‬ ‫ ܡܬܪܣܐ‬... ‫‘ ܬܪܣܝܟܘܢ‬he nourished you … nourishes’. The translator either misread √‫‘ נשא‬to carry’, or consciously interpreted it in a more specific sense using √‫‘ ܬܪܣܝ‬to nourish, support’. ‫‘ ܕܒܘ̈ܪܐ ܡܬܢܢܐ‬smoked-out bees’. Unique to P, this reading has misunderstood the Hebrew imagery, in which √‫( עשה‬3 f. pl. impf.) has ‘bees’ as its subject: ‘as bees do’. P’s rendering (‫ )ܡܬܢܢܐ‬is based on √‫ ܬܢ‬which can be linked to √‫‘ עשן‬to smoke’ instead of √‫עשה‬. ‫ ܒܚܨܪܝܡ‬Hebrew ‫‘( בחצרים‬in villages’): P misreads MT as a place name, Hazerim, as does LXX (‘Haseroth’). ‫‘ ܠܡܘܒܕܘܬܗ‬to destroy it’: the root √‫ ירש‬can mean ‘to possess’ or ‘to dispossess’, depending on the context. In this verse it is usually understood as ‘to possess’, and is so rendered by all the versions, except the Peshiṭta. For P’s tendency to overuse √‫ܐܒܕ‬, see comment at 1:27 in Addendum 1. ‫‘ ܩܪܡܘܬ‬Keremoth’: Hebrew ‫‘( קדמות‬Kedemoth’): this variation reflects a recurring confusion in the tradition between ‫ ܕ‬and ‫ܪ‬, particularly in relation to proper names. ‫‘ ܘܟܒܫܢ‬and we subdued’: thus does P render MT’s verb ‫לכד‬, ‘to capture’ in 2:34–35 and 3:4. ‫ܓܢܒܪܐ‬, ‘giant’: thus the Peshiṭta. The MT, LXX, and V have ‘man’, while Onqelos has ‘king’. ‫‘ ܐܫܕܘܕ‬Ashdod’: Hebrew ‫‘( אשדת‬slopes’): P has misread MT’s common noun as ‘Ashdod’, and adds ‘on the high ground’ (unique to P), which probably reflects the translator’s lack of familiarity with the geographical region. A similar misreading of ‫ אשדת‬as ‫‘ ܐܫܕܘܕ‬Ashdod’ occurs at 4:49. ‫‘ ܠܪܫ ܪܡܬܐ‬to the summit of the high place’: Hebrew has ‘to the summit of Pisgah’. ‫‘ ܦܘܩܕܢܐ‬commandment’: P is alone in its rendering of ‘word’ in the MT. ‫‘ ܕܟܠ ܓܢܣܐ‬of any kind’: P’s rendering of MT’s relatively rare ‫סמל‬ ‘image’ is probably a contextual guess.

Introduction to the Translation 4:31

‫ܢܚܒܠܟܘܢ ܘܠ ܢܫܒܘܩܟܘܢ‬


‘destroy or abandon’: alone among the versions, P has reversed the sequence of MT: ‘abandon or destroy’. 4:34 ‫‘ ܢܣܝܘ ܠܠܗܐ‬have they tried a god’: P’s rendering, which has altered the syntax of MT ‘has (any) god attempted’, may simply be a misreading of the Hebrew ‫‘ הנסה אלהים‬has a god?’. Alternatively, it could reflect a theologically motivated interpretation. 4:34 ‫‘ ܚܙܘܢܐ‬spectacles’: P’s reading, like that of the LXX and Targums, is based on √‫‘ ראה‬to see’, and not on √‫‘ ירא‬to fear’, from which the Hebrew ‫‘( מוראים‬terrors’) is derived. See also 26:8 and 34:12 for similar renderings. 7:10 ‫‘ ܢܛܪ‬preserve’: the choice of √‫ ܢܛܪ‬is probably guesswork on P’s part as to the meaning of ‫‘( יאחר‬delay’). 7:13 ‫ ܓܙ̈ܪܐ‬... ‫‘ ܒܩ̈ܪܐ‬herds … flocks’: these are most likely contextual guesses regarding the meaning of ‫ שגר‬and ‫עשתרת‬, here and at 28:4, 18, 51. 7:25 ‫‘ ܕܠ ܬܬܛܡܐ‬lest you be polluted’: P’s rendering of MT’s √‫יקש‬ ‘ensnared’ is probably guesswork based on the context. 7:25–26 P uses different words to translate ‫ תועבה‬in v. 25 (‫ܡܣܠܝ‬, ‘detestable’) and v. 26 (‫ܛܢܦܘܬܐ‬, ‘abomination’), and then uses these same two roots to render the verbs ‫ שקץ‬and ‫ תעב‬in v. 26b. 8:4 ‫‘ ܠ ܐܢܚܦ‬was not bare’: P’s rendering is also present in Onqelos; Hebrew has ‫‘ לא בצקה‬was not swollen’, while Greek (pl. ‘feet’) has ‘were not calloused’. 8:13 ‫‘ ܘܥܢܟ ܘܬܘ̈ܪܝܟ‬flocks and herds’: P alone has reversed MT’s sequence of ‘herds and flocks’. 11:10 ‫‘ ܦܪܕܝܣܐ ܕܫܩܝܐ‬a watered garden’: MT and LXX have ‘a vegetable garden’. 12:2 ‫‘ ܘܠܠܗܝܗܘܢ‬and their gods’: the Peshiṭta places a cj. before ‫ܠܠܗܝܗܘܢ‬, which seems to be a mistranslation, since ‘their gods’ is required as object to ‘served’ in P, just as in the MT. 12:7 ‫‘ ܕܢܒܪܟܟܘܢ‬so that (the Lord your God) may bless you’: the Mosul MS renders this as a purpose clause, whereas MT, LXX and Leiden (‫ )ܕܒܪܟܟܘܢ‬have: ‘in which (the Lord your God) has blessed you’. 12:13 ‫‘ ܨܒܐ ܐܢܬ‬you please’: P may have misread MT’s ‫‘ תראה‬you see’ as ‫‘ תרצה‬you please’. 12:30 ‫‘ ܕܠ ܬܛܥܐ‬that you do not go astray’ after false gods: P features √‫ܛܥܐ‬ for MT’s ‘be ensnared’ (‫ )נקש‬by them. 13:5 ‫‘ ܥܘܠ‬evil’: thus the Peshiṭta; MT has ‫סרה‬, ‘rebellion’. 14:4 ‫‘ ܬܘܪܐ ܘܐܡܪܐ ܘܢܩܝܐ ܘܥܙܐ‬the ox, the lamb, the sheep, and the goat’: P has expanded the three animals mentioned in MT in this verse to four,


21:4 22:6 23:1

23:7 24:6

25:1 25:18

28:22 28:59


29:19 29:20



Introduction to the Translation

possibly through misunderstanding the Hebrew idiom referring to the ‫( שה‬lamb/kid) of either sheep or goat. ‫‘ ܒܝܪܐ‬barren’: Hebrew ‫‘ איתן‬with running water’; P is most likely guesswork, influenced by the next phrase ‘neither tilled or sown’. ‫‘ ܒܢܬܐ‬chicks’: thus the Peshiṭta (twice in verse), for which MT and LXX have ‘eggs’. ‫‘ ܓܝܪܐ‬adulterer’: most likely a guess on the part of the translator, P has rolled the two categories of victims of mutilation in the Hebrew text (‘one whose testicles are crushed or whose penis is cut off’) into one, ironically that of ‘adulterer’, possibly influenced by the presence of this word in the following verse. ‫‘ ܠ ܬܕܚܩܝܘܗܝ‬You shall not drive (him) away’: P’s rendering of the MT √‫‘ תעב‬abhor’ twice in this verse is rather free. ‫‘ ܡܥܝܩ ܐܢܬ‬you are causing distress’: P’s rendering of the afel participle of √‫‘ ܥܘܩ‬to cause distress’ in place of √‫‘ חבל‬to pledge’ is probably a contextual guess. ‫‘ ܠܘܬ ܕܝܢܐ‬to the judges’: MT and LXX have ‘unto judgment’ (‫אל‬ ‫)המשפט‬. ‫‘ ܒܚܪܒܐ‬with the sword’: unique to P, this variant could be a possible misreading of the Vorlage, ‫‘ בדרך‬on the way’ (influenced by the context). ‫‘ ܬܡܗܐ‬stupor’ and ‫‘ ܪܘܚܐ ܕܫܘܒܐ‬sultry wind’: both appear to be guesses for obscure Hebrew words (‫‘ שחפת‬consumption’ and ‫‘ ירקון‬mildew’). ‫‘ ܢܦܪܘܫ‬he will set apart’: P’s rendering is probably a contextual guess at rendering MT: √‫‘ פלא‬to overwhelm, be beyond comprehension’. See comment at 30:11. ‫‘ ܕܩܪܝܡܝܢ‬with which they were overlaid’: P’s translator has either interpreted or misunderstood MT, which has ‫‘ אשר עמהם‬which were among them’. ‫‘ ܕܢܘܣܦ‬and so add’: MT has ‫‘ ספות‬to sweep away’. P’s translator has possibly confused the roots √‫ ספה‬and √‫יסף‬. ‫‘ ܢܥܫܢ‬will strengthen’: whether a misreading or a misunderstanding, P’s choice of the verb ‫ ܥܫܢ‬conveniently resembles the Hebrew verb featured here: √‫‘ עשן‬to smoke against’. ‫‘ ܟܣܐ‬hidden’: P’s rendering is probably a contextual guess at rendering MT: √‫‘ פלא‬to overwhelm, be beyond comprehension’. See above at 28:59. ‫‘ ܐܩܦܗ ܘܚܒܒܗ‬he drew him near and loved him’: P’s rendering of these two difficult Hebrew verbs (‫ יסבבנהו‬and ‫ )יבוננהו‬is probably based on contextual guesswork (cf. Weitzman, Syriac Version, 154).

Introduction to the Translation 32:13



32:20 32:23


32:33 33:3 33:8


33:22 33:29

‫ܐܘܬܒܗ ܥܠ ܥܘܫܢܐ ܕܐܪܥܐ‬


‘He settled him on the power of the earth’: P’s attempt to render MT’s metaphorical description (‘He made him ride on the high places of the earth’) is also found in Onqelos. ‫‘ ܕܫܒܚܟ‬who praised you’: P may have misread MT’s ‫‘ מחללך‬who bore you’ (from the polel of √‫חיל‬, ‘to bear’) as though based on √‫הלל‬ ‘to praise’. This reading is also found in the Samaritan Pentateuch. Alternatively P’s reading may be an intentional interpretation for theological reasons. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 145*. ‫‘ ܘܪܓܙ‬and was angry’: P’s rendering of the MT (‫‘ וינאץ‬and he spurned’) is also present in Onqelos, and most likely represents a contextual approximation in rendering a difficult Hebrew syntax, in which ‫ וינאץ‬has no direct object. ‫‘ ܐܦܢܐ‬I will turn’: MT has ‫‘ אסתירה‬I will hide’; P may reflect confusion between the roots √‫ סור‬and √‫סתר‬. ‫‘ ܐܟܢܫ‬I will gather’: P reflects the LXX and Vulgate understanding of ‫ אספה‬as based on the Hebrew root √‫‘ אסף‬to gather’, whereas MT here is based on √‫ספה‬, ‘to sweep away’. ‫‘ ܘܓܐ̈ܪܝ ܐܘܟܠ ܒܗܘܢ‬and I will feed my arrows against them’: M has ‘I will use up my arrows on them’. P may reflect a possible confusion between ‫ כלה‬and ‫אכל‬. ‫‘ ܪܫܐ‬head’: P’s translator has understood the Hebrew root as √I ‫ראש‬ ‘head’, instead of √II ‫‘ ראש‬poison’. ‫‘ ܒܪܟ‬he blessed’: this rendering of P possibly derives from a misreading of the consonantal MT: ‘in your hand’ (‫)ברך = בידך‬. ‫‘ ܫܘܡܠܝܟ ܘܢܘܗܪܟ‬Your brightness and your completeness’: the Peshiṭta did not understand the ‘Thummim and Urim’ of ancient Israel, but offers an approximate rendering based on an etymology linked to the Hebrew words. For the corrupt nature of the MT for this verse, see BHQ, Deuteronomy, 158*–159*. ‫‘ ܠܐܦܐ ܕܛܡܝ̈ܪܢ‬ships of hidden things’: in misreading a corrupt Hebrew Vorlage (‫ שפוני‬as ‫)שפיני‬, P features ‫‘ ܠܐܦܐ‬ships’. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 163*–164*, and Weitzman, Syriac Version, 127. ‫‘ ܕܝܢܩ‬that suckles’: the Peshiṭta has misread the Hebrew impf. verb ‫‘ יזנק‬that leaps forth’, through omission of the zayin: ‫ינק‬. ‫‘ ܒܡܪܝܐ ܡܣܝܥ ܥܕܪܟ ܠܐܗܐ‬in the Lord who upholds; your helper is God’: P’s rendering attempts to make sense of a difficult MT. First, it expands through the addition of ‫‘ ܡܣܝܥ‬who upholds’, qualifying ‘Lord’, and then renders the metaphor ‘the shield of your help’ in a more active way: ‘your helper is your God’. The next part of the verse is difficult in Hebrew, which P renders as ‘your glory was not through empty talk’, a form of contextual guesswork.

Introduction to the Translation




‘wrinkled’: thus the Peshiṭta; the Hebrew has √‫‘ נוס‬fled = abated’. The root √‫‘ ܩܡܛ‬to shrivel up’ may have been chosen by P through understanding ‫‘ לח‬vigour’ as ‫‘ לחי‬jaw’. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 168*–169*.

Addendum 4: Meaning Obscure This category concerns cases where the translators of P tried to make sense of an unclear Hebrew word or passage which they tried to render less obscure. 7:10

‫ܒܚ ܝ ܝܗܘܢ‬ ‫‘ ܦܪܥ‬he

1º ‘during their life’: this phrase is ambiguous; P repeats requites’ in v. 10a in an attempt to clarify the obscure Hebrew phrase ‫אל פניו‬. 9:21 ‫‘ ܘܥܓܳܠ ܕܚܛܗܝܟܘܢ‬the calf of your sins’: by bringing ‘calf’ forward to the beginning of the sentence, P’s rendering has helped to clarify to some extent an obscure Hebrew syntax. 11:30 ‫ ܘܠܘܩܒܠ ܒܝܬ ܒܠܘܛܐ‬lit. ‘and opposite the house of the oak’. P’s obscure rendering of ‫‘ אצל‬at/beside’ could be either (a) an expansion on the part of P, in which ‫ ܒܝܬ‬might be taken as ‘location’ or ‘place’ = ‘opposite the location of the oak’, or (b) the repetition of ‫ܠܘܩܒܠ‬ in the verse may be simply a dittograph, with ‫ ܒܝܬ‬being P’s rendering of ‫אצל‬: ‘near the oak’. 20:19a ‫‘ ܘܠܗܘܢ ܦܣܩ ܐܢܐ‬and you may cut them’: this phrase in both MT and LXX is expressed as a prohibition, a reinforcement of an earlier prohibition in the verse, using a different verb (√‫)ܚܒܠ‬. Attempting to understand this obscure verse as a whole, P has changed this second prohibition to a positive statement, thereby appearing to introduce a contradiction between the two parts of the verse. Alternatively, P might be interpreting this second ‘cutting’ as referring to the fruit and not the tree. 20:19b‫‘ ܠ ܗܘܐ ܐܝܟ ܒܪܢܫܐ‬is not like man’: this verse concludes in Hebrew with a latent rhetorical question (vocalizing the initial ‫ ה‬as interrogative): ‘(is) the tree of the field a human being to withdraw from you into siege?’ In support of this is the fact that the LXX’s rendering has taken the initial ‫ ה‬as interrogative — a rhetorical question made explicit through its interrogative μή, expecting a negative answer. The Vulgate, Peshiṭta and Targum express this phrase as a negative statement (to eliminate ambiguity). See further in BHQ, Deuteronomy, 108*–109*. 22:14 √‫ ܓܘܪ‬: ‘committing adultery’: this nuance, peculiar to P here and in v. 17, which presents the man as ‘committing adultery’, seems

Introduction to the Translation








somewhat puzzling in the context of establishing evidence of virginity in his new wife. ‫‘ ܚܒܠܘ ܘܠ ܠܗ ܒܢܝܐ‬they have acted corruptly; and they are not his sons’: like LXX and Smr, P has reversed MT’s sequence of ‫ לו לא‬to ‫)לא לו =( ܘܠ ܠܗ‬, thereby reinterpreting the verse to lessen its negative description of Israel’s behaviour. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 140*, for analysis of this notoriously complex Hebrew text. ‫‘ ܛܝܪܐ‬bird of prey’: thus the Peshiṭta for MT’s ‫‘ רשף‬flash’ or ‘plague’; the MT for this entire verse is obscure, and P’s attempt to make sense of it has resulted in a contextual approximation. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 146*. ‫‘ ܐܝܟܐ ܐܢܘܢ‬Where are they?’: P’s rendering of a complex and corrupt Hebrew verb + suffix (‫ )אפאיהם‬by dividing it into two simple words in the form of a question is most likely guesswork. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 147*–148*, for a textual commentary and attempted explanation of this obscure phrase. ‫‘ ܕܝܠܝ ܗܘ ܦܘܪܥܢܐ ܕܐܦܪܘܥ ܐܢܘܢ‬Retribution is mine, and I will requite them’. P’s rendering is based on a partially corrupt Hebrew text, after which it follows the LXX in assimilating to v. 41. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 150*–151*, for further details. ‫‘ ܘܡܢ ܪܫ ܬܓܐ ܕܒܥܠܕܒܒܐ‬and from the head of the tiara of the enemy’ = ‘and from the regal crown of the enemy’. P has attempted to make sense of the obscure Hebrew phrase ‫‘( מראש פרעות אויב‬from the head of the long-haired ones of [the] enemy’). ‫‘ ܡܒܕܩܢܐ‬scrutineer’: Hebrew: ‫‘ מחקק‬ruler’. For further comment on P’s attempt to make sense of a corrupt Hebrew text, see BHQ, Deuteronomy, 164*.

Addendum 5: Inner Syriac Corruption This category concerns those instances where corruption of the text seems to have occurred during transmission. Only passages where either all Syriac MSS (cited in the Leiden Edition of the Peshiṭta of Deuteronomy) have the possible corruption, or where only Mosul has the variant, have been listed. ‘your furrow’: P is probably a scribal error for ‫ܟܪܡܟ‬, ‘your vineyard’. 24:1,3 ‫‘ ܘܢܫܪܝܗ‬release her’: P’s reading, based on √‫ܫܪܐ‬, may have occurred through confusion between √‫ ܫܪܐ‬and √‫ܫܕܪ‬. The latter verb would be a more accurate rendering of MT’s √‫שלח‬, a reading supported by all the other versions: ‘sends her away’. 22:9




Introduction to the Translation

‫‘ ܕܢܒܕܪܟ‬where he may scatter you’; a possible metathesis from ‫‘ ܕܒܪ‬to lead’ to ‫‘ ܒܕܪ‬to scatter’ in v. 37 might be due to an inner-Syriac

corruption. MT uses √‫‘ הלך‬bring’ (hifil) in v. 36 and √‫‘ נהג‬lead’ in v. 37, whereas P has √‫‘ ܕܒܪ‬lead’ in v. 36 and √‫‘ ܒܕܪ‬scatter’ in v. 37. 30:6 ‫‘ ܕܢܢܝ ܚܟ‬that he may give you rest’; unique to Mosul, this may be a possible inner-Syriac corruption. MT and the other versions (including Leiden ‫ )ܕܢܝ ܚܟ‬have ‘that he may give you life’.

Addendum 6: Relationship to Greek and Other Versions A relatively small number of readings in the Peshiṭta of Deuteronomy reflect the LXX rather than the MT. A representative selection of these follows below. Fuller illustrations and explanations of the textual relationship between P and MT, and the more important early versions, can be found in the textual apparatus and commentaries of BHQ, Deuteronomy. Occasional reference is also made to the relationship of P to some variant readings in the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Vulgate and the Pentateuchal Targums. 1:28 1:45


2:34 4:1 6:3 6:5



‫‘ ܘܥܫܝܢ‬and stronger’ – attested by LXX and P (not present in MT). ‫‘ ܘܝܬܒܬܘܢ‬and you sat down’: as in the LXX, P presupposes

a different vocalization of MT: √‫‘ שוב‬to return’ (i.e., to do something again: ‘to weep yet again’) instead of √‫‘ ישב‬to sit’. ‫ ܩܦܕܘܩܝ‬... ‫‘ ܩܦܘܕܩܝܐ‬Cappadocians … Cappadocia’. P’s reading follows LXX, which misunderstood MT’s ‫כפתרים … כפתר‬ ‘Capthorim … Caphtor’. ‫‘ ܠܓܡܪ‬completely’: P supports the LXX and Samaritan Pentateuch here and at 3:6, whereas the MT is vocalized to read ‘men’. ‫‘ ܝܘܡܢܐ‬today’: a typical recurring addition of a formulaic nature, P’s addition is also present in LXX. ‫‘ ܕܢܬܠ ܠܟ‬that he might give you’: attested also in the Greek, this recurring fuller expression is not present in the MT here. ‫‘ ܩܢܝܢܟ‬your possessions’: although using different words (‘possessions’, ‘wealth’) all the Pentateuchal Targums share P’s interpretation of the Hebrew term ‫מאדך‬, ‘your strength’. ‫‘ ܘܬܡܚܐ‬and you will strike down’: P’s choice of √‫ ܡܚܐ‬as a rendering of MT √‫הום‬: ‘confuse’ is an approximation based on the context, as are also the renderings of LXX (‘destroy’) and the Vulgate (‘kill’). The Peshiṭta has 2 sg. verbs in the second part of the verse, whereas the MT and LXX have 3 sg. verbs with God as subject. ‫‘ ܕܠ ܢܐܡܪܘܢ ܥܡܘ̈ܪܝܗ ܕܐܪܥܐ ܗܝ‬Lest the inhabitants of that land say’: the Hebrew text’s metonymic imagery (‘lest the land … say’) is made

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15:14 15:22


23:12 24:5 24:6


more explicit by P’s addition of ‘the inhabitants’. This addition is also present in the LXX, Vulgate and Targums, while the Samaritan Pentateuch has ‘the people’. ‫‘ ܟܬܘܒ‬Write’: this imperative whereby the Lord commands Moses to write is found in the Mosul and some late Syriac MSS. In the MT and the other versions (including the Leiden edition) the Lord is the one who writes. ‫‘ ܒ̈ܪܓܠܝܟܘܢ‬with your feet’: both P and LXX (and some Qumran texts) have a plural noun, in contrast to MT’s sg. noun. The plural perhaps suggests irrigation by a mud channel made by the feet, while the singular may refer to a crude form of pedal-operated water wheel. ‫‘ ܒܘ̈ܪܟܬܐ ܘܠ ܘܛܬܐ‬blessings and curses’: here, and in the following three verses, P has plurals, in contrast to the sg. of MT, LXX and Vulgate. ‫‘ ܒܪ ܐܡܟ‬the son of your mother’ (i.e., ‘your full brother’). The Mosul MS follows the MT, while there is some doubt regarding the accuracy of the Leiden edition’s reading (‫‘ ܒܪ ܐܒܟ‬the son of your father’). See BHQ Deuteronomy, 91*, for further comment on a possible misprint in the Leiden edition regarding ‫ܐܒܟ‬. The LXX and Samaritan Pentateuch, perhaps not understanding the intimate familial relationships described in this verse, have an expanded reading: ‘the son of your father or your mother’. ‫‘ ܕܝܗܒ ܠܟ‬which he has given you’: P alone features the verb ‘to give’; MT and the other versions have ‘which he has blessed you.’ ‫‘ ܬܐܟܠܝܘܗܝ‬you shall eat (it)’: this second occurrence of ‘to eat’ in the verse is not present in the MT. In the LXX and Vulgate traditions it comes immediately after ‘alike’, whereas in P it is appended at the end of the verse. ‫‘ ܥܒܕܝ ܒܝܫܬܐ‬evildoers’: the Hebrew ‫ הרע‬can refer to ‘evil’ or ‘the evil one’. The renderings of both LXX and P here and in v. 12 show that they understand ‫ הרע‬as ‘the evildoer’. P also uses √‫( ܐܒܕ‬destroy) for √‫( בער‬purge) in these two verses. However, in 13:5; 19:19; 21:21; 22:21, 22, 24; 24:7 the Peshiṭta has: ‫‘ ܒܥܪ ܒܝܫܬܐ‬purge evil’, whereas the LXX has ‘remove the evil one’ (τόν πονηρόν). ‫‘ ܐܬܪܐ‬location’: thus P and the other ancient versions render MT’s euphemism ‫‘ יד‬privy’. ‫‘ ܘܢܚܕܐ ܥܡ‬and rejoice with’: P (and Vulgate) interprets ‫ את‬as ‘with’ rather than as the object particle: ‘gladden her’ (so MT and LXX). ‫‘ ܢܦܫܐ ܗܘ ܓܝܪ ܡܥܝܩ ܐܢܬ‬for it is to life itself that you are causing distress’: the MT has a 3 sg. participial construction (‘for one would be taking a life in pledge’ = LXX). The Peshiṭta has a 2 sg.









Introduction to the Translation

formulation, probably due to misunderstanding the impersonal force of MT’s 3 sg. construction. ‘You shall rule…’: this sentence, present in both the Mosul MS and the Leiden edition, and attested by the LXX, is not present in the MT and the rest of the textual tradition (including some early Peshiṭta MSS: 6b1 and 9a1). It seems to have been imported directly from Deuteronomy 15:6b. ‫‘ ܚܪܒܐ‬sword’: although the MT is vocalized as ‘sword’, the Peshiṭta and Targum readings are ambiguous, since the root √‫ חרב‬can refer to either ‘sword’ or ‘drought’. Only the Vulgate captures the sense of ‘drought’ with its reading: aestu = ‘heat’. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 125*. ‫‘ ܘܥܦܪܐ‬and dust;’: P’s syntax follows that of the LXX and Vulgate, featuring a break after ‫‘ ܐܒܩܐ‬powder’ and making ‫‘ ܘܥܦܪܐ‬and dust’ the subject of the next clause; the syntax of the MT’s vocalized text reads: ‘… powder and dust; from heaven it shall come down…’ ‫‘ ܘܕܒܪܟܘܢ‬and he led you’: the Mosul MS (among others) reflects the LXX’s reading of a 1 sg. verb, which makes God the one who leads. This is perhaps to prevent readers assuming that the speaker of v. 4 is Moses (= MT and the Leiden edition, ‫)ܘܕܒܪܬܟܘܢ‬. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 28*. ‫‘ ܚ ܝܐ ܘܛܒܬܐ ܘܡܘܬܐ ܘܒܝܫܬܐ‬life and prosperity, death and adversity’: the Mosul MS follows the MT, whereas Leiden follows LXX in reading ‘life and death, prosperity and adversity’. ‫‘ ܡܢ ܛܳܠ ܕܫܡܝܐ ܡܢ ܠܥܠ‬from the dew of heaven above’: the Peshiṭta has reversed the difficult Hebrew sequence (‫)שמים מטל‬, and then added ‫ ;ܡܢ ܠܥܠ‬the MT, LXX and Vulgate do not have this adverb. ‫‘ ܡܣܢܟ‬your sandal’: disregarding the initial ‫ מ‬in ‫‘( מנעליך‬your bolts’), the LXX, Vulgate, and Peshiṭta link this hapax legomenon with ‘sandal’. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 165*.

Addendum 7: Interpretations of the Peshiṭta The Peshiṭta of Deuteronomy contains some renderings which differ from MT, but which are not just simplifications or errors, misreadings or mistranslations. Some sense of the scope of such interpretative renderings can be gleaned from the following illustrations. Some of these interpretations also feature in the Targums. Most instances of variation between sg. and pl. nouns have not been included, especially where such variation does not affect the meaning.

Introduction to the Translation 1:15


1:33 3:11 3:27

5:15 5:22 7:5


7:20 9:2



‫ ܣܦܪܐ‬The translator consistently renders ‫‘ שוטר‬office holder’ as ‫ܣܦܪܐ‬, ‘scribe’, possibly because of a perceived link with ‫ܫܛܪܐ‬, ‘document’. See also 16:18; 20:5, 8, 9; 29:10; 31:28. ‫‘ ܬܘܬܒܐ‬settler’: the word ‫ גר‬occurs twenty-two times in the MT of Deuteronomy. Its Syriac cognate ‫ ܓܝܘܪܐ‬is not used in P, perhaps because of possible negative undertones linked to √‫ܓܘܪ‬, ‘to commit adultery’. Two other roots are more typically used to render this substantive in Deuteronomy: ‫‘ ܬܘܬܒܐ‬settler’ (√‫ ܝܬܒ‬2x), and ‫ܐܡܘܪܐ‬ ‘sojourner’ (√‫ ܐܡܪ‬17x). On three occasions it is rendered as ‫ܐܝܢܐ‬ ‫‘ ܕܡܬܦܢܐ ܠܘܬ‬the one who has converted to’ (3x). This latter reflects the consistent Greek rendering of ‫ גר‬by προσήλυτος. No obvious reason suggests itself for this threefold variation in P, since the contexts in which ‫ גר‬occurs are more or less similar. ‫‘ ܠܡܬܩܢܘ‬to establish’: P replaces the Hebrew phrase ‫לתור‬, ‘to spy out’, with a less anthropomorphic idiom. ‫‘ ܘܗܐ‬indeed it is’: P replaces the Hebrew rhetorical question ‫‘ הלה‬is it not?’ with a positive statement. See also 9:2. ‫‘ ܠܡܕܢܚܐ ܘܠܡܥܪܒܐ ܘܠܓܪܒܝܐ ܘܠܬܝܡܢܐ‬east-west-north-south’: alone among the versions, P has ‘tidied up’ the order of the four compass points (M = ‘west-north-south-east’). ‫‘ ܠܡܛܪ‬to keep’: this interpretative rendering of MT’s ‫לעשות‬, which echoes v. 12, is present also in the LXX (φυλάσσεσθαι). ‫‘ ܕܠܝܬ ܠܗ ܣܟܐ‬to which there was no end’: the MT has ‘and he added no more’. P’s formulation is more sophisticated. ‫‘ ܚܫܠܬܗܘܢ‬their graven images’: the Hebrew word is ‘Asherim’ (i.e., cult objects in the form of wooden poles symbolizing the goddess Asherah). P’s term here and at 12:3 is more generic (‫)ܚܫܠܬܐ‬, and perhaps more understandable to P’s target readership. ‫‘ ܚܒܝܒܐ‬beloved’: P has interpreted and simplified MT’s ‫סגלה‬, ‘personal property’, (= ‘a treasured possession’) with a more accessible adjective, which retains the contextual significance of the term; P uses this same adjective for ‫ סגלה‬at 14:2 and 26:18. ‫‘ ܢܓܪܐ‬he will stir up’: in this context of ‘hornets’ both P and Onqelos have used a more graphic verb for √‫‘ שלח‬will send’ of MT and LXX. ‫‘ ܠ ܐܢܫ ܡܫܟܚ‬No one can withstand’: the Peshiṭta has rephrased a rhetorical question of MT with a negative statement to eliminate ambiguity. ‫‘ ܘܨܠܝܬ‬and I prayed’: MT has ‫‘ ואתנפל‬and I fell down’. Both P and the Targums follow an interpretative tendency equating ‘prostration’ with ‘prayer’ here and at v. 25, aided perhaps by the similarity between the MT forms ‫( ואתנפל‬9:18, 25) and ‫( ואתפלל‬9:20, 26).



11:18 12:12










Introduction to the Translation

‫ܩܒ̈ܪܐ ܕ̈ܪܓܝ ܪܓܬܐ‬

‘Graves of Lust’: P’s rendering of ‘Lust’ with a combination of the construct and emphatic states of the same word (‫ )̈ܪܓܝ ܪܓܬܐ‬results in a deliberately strong translation. ‫‘ ܦܘܩܕܢܐ‬commandments’: MT and the other versions have ‘(my) words’ here and at 12:28. ‫‘ ܩܘ̈ܪܝܟܘܢ‬your towns’: Hebrew has ‘your gates’ (‫)שעריך‬, which from this point onward the Peshiṭta consistently renders as ‘towns’ in this context (so too the LXX from v. 15 onward). ‫‘ ܐܝܟ ܕܦܩܕܟ‬as he has commanded you’: the Peshiṭta alone has a 3 sg. verb here, making the Lord the subject, whereas the MT and the other versions have a 1 sg. verb, with Moses as speaker. P’s reading may be based on theological presuppositions. ‫‘ ܡܢ ܒܬܪ ܕܡܘܒܕ ܠܗܘܢ ܡܪܝܐ‬once the Lord destroys them’: here P presents the Lord as agent, whereas the Hebrew construction is passive, with no explicit mention of the Lord: ‫‘ אחרי השמדם‬once they have been destroyed’. ‫‘ ܐܢܬܬ ܩܝܡܟ‬the wife of your covenant’: P rephrases and puns on MT’s ‫‘ חיק‬the wife of your bosom’ (√‫)חקק‬, perhaps to emphasize the legal rather than the physical aspect of marriage. See also 28:54 (‫)ܘܒܐܢܬܬ ܩܝܡܟ‬. ‫‘ ܒܙܕܝܩܘܬܐ ܕܘܢ ܚܒܪܟ‬with justice judge your neighbour’: this phrase comes directly from Lev 19:15b (‫)בצדק תשפט עמיתך‬. P has featured it here in place of the MT of Deut 16:20a, which has ‫צדק צדק תרדף‬ ‘justice, justice shall you pursue’. ‫‘ ܐܝܟ ܕܐܡܪ ܡܪܝܐ‬as the Lord has said’: P’s rendering is unique, the remaining versions reflect the MT: ‫‘ אשר יבחר יהוה‬which the Lord will choose’. ‫‘ ܕܠ ܢܣܛܝܢ ܠܒܗ‬lest they turn his heart away’; both P and V shift responsibility onto the king’s wives for his prospective backsliding, whereas MT and the remaining versions have: ‘lest his heart turn aside’. ‫‘ ܥܩܒ ܕܡܐ ܙܟܝܐ‬You shall investigate innocent blood (so as to remove it)’: P’s unusual choice of √‫ ܥܩܒ‬to render ‫ בער‬necessitates an explanatory expansion in English to aid comprehension. A similar situation obtains at 26:13–14 for √‫ܒܨܐ‬. ‫‘ ܕܡܢ ܥܠܡ‬of earlier times’: P’s rendering of MT’s ‫‘ רעך‬of your neighbour’ is unique among the versions, and may possibly have been influenced by the prohibition of Prov 22:28. ‫‘ ܘܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܡܫܬܚܪܝܢ‬and these shamefaced ones’: P’s rendering is unique. The remaining versions reflect M’s text: ‫‘ והנשארים‬and the

Introduction to the Translation


rest’. P’s text may be either a contextual interpretation of the MT, or some kind of misreading of √‫ שאר‬and √‫ܫܚܪ‬. 20:3 ‫‘ ܠ ܢܬܬܒܪ ܠܒܟܘܢ‬do not let your heart be broken’: P’s rendering of the Hebrew verb ‫‘ רכך‬to be soft’ is a guess as to its meaning in the context. 20:19 ‫‘ ܡܛܠ ܕܐܝܠܢܐ ܕܚܩܳܠ ܠ ܗܘܐ ܐܝܟ ܒܪ ܢܫܐ‬For the tree of the field is not like a human being.’ Both Peshiṭta and Targums remove the rhetorical question of the Hebrew text, making a positive statement instead. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 108*–109*. 21:22 ‫‘ ܘܢܙܕܩܦ ܥܠ ܩܝܣܐ ܘܢܬܩܛܠ‬and is hanged on a tree and is executed’: in placing this phrase at the end of the verse, P has reversed the sequence of MT and LXX: ‘and is executed, and you hang him on a tree’. Perhaps the practice of post-mortem hanging on a tree was unknown to the Syriac translator? 21:23 ‫‘ ܡܛܠ ܕܡܢ ܕܡܨܚܐ ܠܠܗܐ ܢܙܕܩܦ‬for one who reviles God shall be hanged’: P’s interpretation is reflected in Onqelos (‘he was hung because he committed sin before the Lord’). The MT has ‘one that is hanged is a curse of God’. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 111*. 22:4 ‫‘ ܒܥܠܕܒܒܟ‬your enemy’: P is alone in this reading, for which MT and the remaining versions have: ‘your brother’. 24:7 ‫‘ ܓܒܪܐ ܗܘ‬that man’; thus the Peshiṭta; MT (+ LXX): ‫‘ הגנב ההוא‬that thief’. 24:10 ‫‘ ܢܚܘܒ ܠܟ ܚܒܪܟ‬your neighbour is indebted to you’; in P the borrower is the subject, whereas in MT, the lender is subject: ‘you make a loan to your neighbour’ (‫ ;)תשה ברעך משאת‬v. 11 has a similar interpretation. 25:15 ‫‘ ܬܪܝܨܬܐ‬correct’: P varies the description of the weights and measures, whereas in MT, both weights and measures are similarly described. 26:5 ‫‘ ܠܪܡ ܐܬܕܒܪ ܐܒܝ‬My father was taken to Aram’: MT has: ‘A wandering Aramean was my father’. P’s rendering, like that of the LXX, takes ‘Aram’ in a geographical rather than ethnic sense, but then, in contrast to LXX, P has the subject (my father) taken to rather than from Aram. The motivation for P’s interpretation is unclear. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 120*–121*. 26:5 ‫‘ ܙܒܢܐ ܙܥܘܪܐ‬for a short time’: MT and LXX have ‘few in number’, while Onqelos has ‘a small people’. 26:13–14 ‫‘ ܒܨܝܬ‬I have examined (so as to remove)’: P’s unusual choice of √‫ ܒܨܐ‬to render ‫ בער‬here and in v. 14 has necessitated an explanatory expansion in English to aid comprehension; cf. also 19:13 for √‫ܥܩܒ‬. 28:14 ‫‘ ܐܠܗܐ ܕܥܡܡܐ‬the gods of the nations’: thus P has interpreted the MT (+LXX) phrase: ‫‘ אלהים אחרים‬other gods’.






29:9 29:12

29:26 31:7 31:16

31:20 32:3 32:27



Introduction to the Translation

‘be blessed’: the Peshiṭta represents an interpretation, the motivation for which is unclear; the MT has: ‘The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies’. ‫‘ ܬܥܨܘܪ‬you will tread’: both P (‫ )ܥܨܪ‬and LXX (τρυγάω, ‘to gather in the grape harvest’) have contextualized the sense of the Hebrew, ‫‘ חלל‬to profane’ = ‘to put to common use’. ‫‘ ܥܕܡܐ ܕܢܟܒܘܫ ܫܘ̈ܪܝܟ‬until it overcomes … your walls’ – thus P has reinterpreted MT’s syntax: ‫‘ עד רדת … חמתיך‬until your walls … fall down’. ‫‘ ܘܐܝܬܝܬܟܘܢ‬When I brought you’: in having the Lord as subject P places emphasis on the Lord’s leadership, whereas both MT and LXX have ‘When you came’. ‫‘ ܦܘܩܕܢܘܗܝ ܕܢܡܘܣܐ ܗܢܐ‬the commandments of this law’: P has rephrased MT’s ‫‘ את דברי הברית הזאת‬the words of this covenant’. ‫‘ ܕܠ ܬܥܒܪܘܢ ܥܠ ܩܝܡܗ‬That you may not violate the covenant of’: P has reinterpreted, through the introduction of a negative particle, and change of verb, the unusual Hebrew choice of ‫ עבר‬instead of ‫בוא‬: ‘to pass into the covenant’. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 130*. ‫‘ ܐܬܦܠܓܘ‬had not been allotted’: P’s passive form is possibly a deliberate modification of the MT: ‘whom he (God) had not allotted’. ‫‘ ܡܥܐ ܠܢܬ‬you will bring’: MT (and LXX) has: ‘you will come’. ‫‘ ܘܛܥܐ‬and go astray’: P’s choice of verb is less specific and less harsh than that of MT: ‘fornicate’ √‫זנה‬. P’s rendering is also found in the Targums. ‫‘ ܡܪܓܙܝܢ ܠܝ‬provoking me: MT has: ‘despising me’ (‫ ;)נאץ‬P’s interpretation is also reflected in the Targums. ‫‘ ܬܩܝܦܐ‬the Mighty One’: MT’s image of ‘Rock’ (an inanimate object) as applied to God is rejected by P here and at 32:15, 18, 30–31, 37. ‫‘ ܕܥܫܢ‬which would have prevailed’: MT has ‫אגור‬, translated by some as ‘I would have feared’, a theologically difficult phrase on the Lord’s lips. P may have intentionally adjusted this, using ‫ܥܫܢ‬, a very common ‘drudge’ word to describe a positive outcome for the person (cf. Weitzman, Syriac Version, 41). ‫‘ ܪܕܦ ܗܘܐ ܚܕ‬One would have been pursuing’: apart from 9a1, the rest of the Peshiṭta MSS omit the initial ‫ איכה‬of the MT, thereby eliminating the rhetorical nature of the question. This may have been for exegetical reasons linked with the ambiguity of the preceding verse. On this reading, see Weitzman, Syriac Version, 105, who argues that the isolated reading ‫ ܐܝܟܢ‬of 9a1 (= MT) is more likely original.

Introduction to the Translation 32:34

‫ܗܐ ܓܢܝܙ‬


‘See, it is hidden’: P has replaced the negative rhetorical question of the MT (‫‘ הלא הוא כמס‬Is not this stored up?’) with a positive statement. 32:36 ‫‘ ܡܬܒܝܐ‬is consoled’: P’s translator has opted to render ‫ יתנחם‬by ‘is consoled’ rather than ‘plot revenge’ or ‘be grieved by’, either of which might suit the context better. 32:44 ‫‘ ܩܕܡ‬before’: MT has ‫‘ באזני‬in the ears of’. 33:1 ‫‘ ܥܒܕܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ‬servant of God’: MT and LXX: ‘man of God’. 33:2–3‫‘ ܝܗܒ ܠܗܘܢ ܘܐܦ ܐܪܚܡ ܐܢܘܢ ܠܥܡܡܐ‬He gave to them and also loved them – the nations’: the MT of vv. 2–3 is quite corrupt. The obscure words ‫ אשדת למו‬at the end of v. 2 appear to have been transferred by P to the beginning of v. 3 in a creative interpretation. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 155*–156*, for fuller details. 33:4 ‫‘ ܐܫܠܡ‬he delivered’: thus the Peshiṭta interprets the Hebrew ‫צוה‬, ‘he charged / commanded’. 33:6 ‫‘ ܢܗܘܐ ܒܡܢܝܢܐ‬may he be among the number’: the Peshiṭta renders the enigmatic Hebrew (‘though he be few in number’) more positively. See BHQ, Deuteronomy, 158*. 33:15 ‫‘ ܡܕܢܚܐ‬eastern’: the Hebrew ‫ קדם‬is ambiguous: ‘ancient’ or ‘east’. 33:17 ‫‘ ܕܬܘ̈ܪܐ‬of the bulls’: Hebrew has ‫‘( שורו‬his bull’ = God?). By dropping the suffix, and featuring a plural, P reinterprets, perhaps for theological reasons. The Mosul MS features a sg. noun for ‘firstborn’, whereas Leiden has a pl. noun. 33:25 ‫‘ ܥܘܫܢܟ‬your strength’: thus the Peshiṭta renders ‫דבאך‬, a Hebrew word of uncertain meaning, using a ‘drudge’ word; see Weitzman, Syriac Version, 41. 33:27 ‫‘ ܙܪܥ ܥܠܡܐ‬the everlasting arm’: P’s choice of a sg. noun here may be to lessen the anthropomorphic image of the Hebrew, LXX and Vulgate, all of which feature a plural noun here. The Targums interpret the metaphor in different ways. 33:29 ‫‘ ܡܣܝܥ‬who upholds’: the Peshiṭta often renders inanimate metaphors pertaining to God, such as ‘shield’ and ‘sword’ in the Hebrew text of this verse, by more active phrases. See comments above at 32:3. 33:29 ‫‘ ܠ ܗܘܐ ܒܣܦܣܪܐ‬was not in empty talk’: through this paraphrase the Peshiṭta continues to avoid inanimate metaphors referring to God, this time through eliminating the reference to ‘sword’, and using ‫ܣܦܣܝܪܐ‬, ‘dispute, empty talk’ instead (see BHQ, Deuteronomy, 167*.). The insertion of ‘not’ reflects how P sometimes inserts a negative particle where none exists in Hebrew, for perceived logic (cf. Weitzman, Syriac Version, 34, n. 53.

APPENDIX 1: VERSIFICATION Versification, the Mosul text compared with 7a1. Leiden

Begins with Mosul

13:1 13:2–19 14:12–14 14:15 14:16–17 14:18a 14:18b 14:19–20 14:21a 14:21b 23:1 23:2–26 24:3 28:69 29:1–28 33:27

12:32 13:1–18 14:12 14:13 14:14–15 14:16 14:17 14:18–19 14:20 14:21 22:30 23:1–25 Fourth word of 24:3 29:1 29:2–29 Last two words of 33:26 Last word of 34:2



Mosul = MT

Change affects sense







APPENDIX 2: VARIANT READINGS Based on Collations by Carmel McCarthy and Paul Stevenson The following table gives the variants of Mosul against Leiden. The fourth column indicates the support for the Mosul reading as follows: early first millennium up to and including the tenth century. late post tenth century making use of the Leiden apparatus. no support Mosul’s reading appears to be unique. Place 1:1 1:10 1:12 1:17 1:22 1:27 1:30 1:37 2:1 2:1 2:8 2:14 2:23 2:23 2:24 2:37 2:37 2:37 3:10 1º 3:13 3:16 3:20


‫ܘܕܝܙܗܒ‬ ‫ܕܫܡܝܐ‬ ‫ܘܛܥܢܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܕܦܬܓܡܐ‬ ‫ܘܢܓܫܘܢ‬ ‫ܕܢܘܒܕܢ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ‬ ‫ܕܐܦ‬ ‫ܠܘܪܚܐ‬ ‫ܐܝܟܢܐ‬ ‫ܒܡܕܒܪܐ ܠܘܪܚܐ‬ ‫ܕܣܦܘ‬ ‫ܘܩܦܘܕܩܝܐ‬ ‫ܩܦܕܘܩܝ‬ ‫ܩܘܡܘ‬ ‫ܠ‬ ‫ܐܬܩܪܒܢܢ‬ ‫ܕܛܘܪܐ‬ ‫ܟܠܗܝܢ‬ ‫ܘܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܬܚܘܡܐ‬ ‫ܠܗܘܢ‬


‫ܘܪܙܗܒ‬ ‫ܕܒܫܡܝܐ‬ ‫ܘܛܥܢܝܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܦܬܓܡܐ‬ om waw

‫ܕܢܘܒܕܘܢܢ‬ om

‫ܘܐܦ‬ ‫ܒܐܘܪܚܐ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ‬ ‫ܠܘܪܚܐ ܕܡܕܒܪܐ‬ ‫ܕܣܦ‬ om waw

‫ܩܦܘܕܩܝ‬ pr ‫ܡܟܝܠ‬ pr dālath

‫ܐܬܩܪܒܬܘܢ‬ seyāme pr waw om waw pr dālath

‫ܠܟܘܢ‬ XLIII

Support late no support early no support early Lee Lee, Urmia early early early early early Lee early early Lee, Urmia early Lee, Urmia early early early early

‫‪Appendix 2: Variant Readings‬‬ ‫‪Support‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Lee‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Lee, Urmia‬‬ ‫‪late‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Lee‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Lee‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪no support‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Urmia‬‬ ‫‪Lee, Urmia‬‬ ‫‪late‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬


‫ܓܢܒ̈ܪܘܬܟ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ‬ ‫‪om‬‬ ‫‪om‬‬

‫ܘܢܥܬܩܘܢ‬ ‫ܠܐܗܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܐܚ̈ܪܢܐ‬

‫‪om‬‬ ‫‪add‬‬ ‫‪add‬‬

‫‪tr‬‬ ‫‪om‬‬

‫ܘܝܕܥܬܘܢ‬ ‫ܐܫܡܥܟܘܢ‬ ‫‪pr dālath‬‬ ‫ܟܠ ‪pr‬‬

‫ܒܗ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܢ‬

‫‪om beth‬‬ ‫ܗܢܐ ‪add‬‬ ‫‪pr waw‬‬

‫ܦܘܩܕܢܝ ܘܢܡܘܣܝ‬ ‫‪pr waw‬‬

‫ܘܢܡܘܣܐ ܘܕܝܢܐ‬ ‫ܚ ܝܠܗ‬ ‫ܐܦܩܢ‬ ‫ܟܠܗ ܗܢܐ ܦܘܩܕܢܐ‬ ‫‪om waw‬‬

‫ܘܐܦܩܟ‬ ‫ܕܢܡܟܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܐܢ‬ ‫‪pr waw‬‬

‫ܛܪܘ‬ ‫ܒܚܪܬܟ‬ ‫‪pr waw‬‬ ‫‪om waw‬‬ ‫‪om beth‬‬ ‫‪om‬‬



‫ܓܒ̈ܪܘܬܟ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܘ‬ ‫ܕܝܗܒ ܠܟܘܢ ܡܪܝܐ‬ ‫ܠܐܗܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܬܚܒܠܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܬܥܬܩܘܢ‬ ‫ܝܘܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܡܪܝܐ‬ ‫ܠܠ ܗܐ‬ ‫ܦܬܓܡܐ ܗܢܐ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ‬ ‫ܘܝܕܥܝܬܘܢ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܬܘܢ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܘ‬ ‫ܨܠܡ‬ ‫ܒܗ‬ ‫ܬܡܠܠ ܥܡܢ‬ ‫ܒܩܠܗ‬ ‫ܕܥܡܐ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‬ ‫ܢܡܘܣܝ ܘܦܘܩܕܢܝ‬ ‫ܠ‬ ‫ܘܢܡܘܣܐ ܘܕܝܢܐ‬ ‫ܒܝܬܗ‬ ‫ܐܦܩ‬ ‫ܦܘܩܕܢܐ ܗܢܐ ܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܘܐܢ‬ ‫ܕܐܦܩܟ‬ ‫ܕܢܡܟܟܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܐܘ‬ ‫ܡܟܟܟ‬ ‫ܛܪ‬ ‫ܒܚܪܬܐ‬ ‫ܕܢܩܝܡ‬ ‫ܘܠܡܘܒܕܘ‬ ‫ܒܥܓܠ‬ ‫ܐܢܘܢ‬

‫‪Place‬‬ ‫‪3:24‬‬ ‫‪4:1‬‬ ‫‪4:22‬‬ ‫‪4:23‬‬ ‫‪4:25‬‬ ‫‪4:26 2º‬‬ ‫‪4:27‬‬ ‫‪4:28‬‬ ‫‪4:32‬‬ ‫‪4:34‬‬ ‫‪4:35‬‬ ‫‪4:36‬‬ ‫‪4:48‬‬ ‫‪5:8‬‬ ‫‪5:14‬‬ ‫‪5:27‬‬ ‫‪5:28‬‬ ‫‪5:28‬‬ ‫‪5:30‬‬ ‫‪5:31‬‬ ‫‪5:32 1º‬‬ ‫‪6:20‬‬ ‫‪6:22‬‬ ‫‪6:23‬‬ ‫‪6:25‬‬ ‫‪7:12‬‬ ‫‪7:19‬‬ ‫‪8:2‬‬ ‫‪8:2‬‬ ‫‪8:3‬‬ ‫‪8:6‬‬ ‫‪8:16‬‬ ‫‪8:18‬‬ ‫‪9:1‬‬ ‫‪9:12 2º‬‬ ‫‪9:26‬‬

‫‪Appendix 2: Variant Readings‬‬


‫‪Support‬‬ ‫‪no support‬‬ ‫‪late‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬

‫‪om waw‬‬ ‫‪om dālath‬‬




‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬

‫‪pr waw‬‬

‫ܗܕܐ‬ ‫ܐܪܥܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܝܪܬܘܬܐ ܘܦܠܓܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܝܪܬܘܬܐ ܘܦܠܓܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܩܪܒܬ‬ ‫ܕܫܒܘܥܐ ܫܢܬܐ‬ ‫ܕܫܘܒܩܢܐ‬ ‫ܐܘ ܥܒܪܝܬܐ‬ ‫ܡܢ‬ ‫ܠ‬ ‫ܩܘܒ‬ ‫ܕܟܪܐ‬ ‫ܠܐܗܟ‬ ‫ܐܘ ܢܬܚܓܪ‬ ‫ܡܘܡ‬ ‫ܘܙܠ‬

‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪late‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Lee, Urmia‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬


‫ܕܠ‬ ‫ܘܐܟܬܘܒ‬ ‫‪om lāmadh‬‬

‫ܠܝܬ ܗܘܬ‬ ‫‪om‬‬

‫ܘܢܛܐܒ‬ ‫‪om waw‬‬

‫ܕܒܪܟܟܘܢ‬ ‫‪om waw‬‬

‫ܐܙܕܗܪ‬ ‫ܝܩܕܟ ܫܠܡܐ‬ ‫‪om‬‬ ‫‪seyāme‬‬

‫ܐܬܚ ܝܠ‬ ‫ܬܐܟܘܠ‬ ‫ܕܓܒܐ‬ ‫ܕܐܣܠܝ ܘܣܢܐ‬

‫ܚܩܳܠ‬ ‫ܦܠܓܘܬܐ ܘܝܪܬܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܦܠܓܘܬܐ ܘܝܪܬܘܬܐ‬ ‫‪pr dālath‬‬

‫ܕܫܘܒܩܢܐ ܫܢܬܐ‬ ‫ܕܫܒܘܥܐ‬ ‫ܘܥܒܪܝܬܐ‬ ‫‪pr waw‬‬ ‫‪pr dālath‬‬ ‫‪pr waw‬‬ ‫‪seyāme‬‬ ‫‪om‬‬

‫ܘܢܬܚܓܪ‬ ‫ܡܕܡ‬ ‫‪om waw‬‬


‫ܘܠ‬ ‫ܘܟܬܘܒ‬ ‫ܠܠܠܘܚܐ‬ ‫ܠܝܬ‬ ‫ܠܐܗܟ‬ ‫ܕܢܛܐܒ‬ ‫ܘܥܝܢܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܕܢܒܪܟܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܠ‬ ‫ܐܙܕܗܪܘ‬ ‫ܝܩܕܝܟ ܫܠ ܡܐ‬ ‫ܕܫܢܐ ܒܫܢܐ‬ ‫ܠܠܘܝܐ‬ ‫ܐܬܚ ܝܠܘ‬ ‫ܬܐܟܠܘܢ‬ ‫ܕܢܓܒܐ‬ ‫ܕܣܢܐ ܘܐܣܠܝ‬ ‫ܘܐܦ‬ ‫ܕܬܐ‬

‫‪Place‬‬ ‫‪9:28‬‬ ‫‪10:2‬‬ ‫‪10:5‬‬ ‫‪10:9‬‬ ‫‪10:10‬‬ ‫‪10:13‬‬ ‫‪11:12‬‬ ‫‪12:7‬‬ ‫‪12:8‬‬ ‫‪12:13‬‬ ‫‪12:13‬‬ ‫‪12:18‬‬ ‫‪12:19‬‬ ‫‪12:23‬‬ ‫‪12:23‬‬ ‫‪12:26‬‬ ‫‪12:31‬‬ ‫‪12:31‬‬ ‫‪13:2‬‬ ‫)‪(L13:3‬‬ ‫‪13:15‬‬ ‫)‪(L13:16‬‬ ‫‪14:4‬‬ ‫‪14:22‬‬ ‫‪14:27‬‬ ‫‪14:29‬‬ ‫‪15:9‬‬ ‫‪15:9‬‬ ‫‪15:12‬‬ ‫‪15:14 2º‬‬ ‫‪15:16‬‬ ‫‪15:17‬‬ ‫‪15:19‬‬ ‫‪15:20 2º‬‬ ‫‪15:21‬‬ ‫‪15:21‬‬ ‫‪16:7‬‬

Appendix 2: Variant Readings


Place 16:8 16:10 16:14 16:18 16:19 17:5 17:6 17:9 1º 17:12 17:16 2º 18:10 18:15 18:15 18:16 1º 18:20 18:22 1º 19:3 19:10 19:11 2º 19:12 19:14 19:17 19:17 20:8 21:2 21:12 21:20 22:1 22:6 23:12 (L 23:13) 24:5 2º 24:7 2º 24:7 24:8


‫ܟܠ‬ ‫ܐܝܟܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܥܡܘܪܐ ܘܝܬܡܐ‬ ‫ܘܐܪܡܠܬܐ‬ ‫ܩܘ̈ܪܝܐ‬ ‫ܠ‬ ‫ܒܩܘ̈ܪܝܟ‬ ‫ܦܘܡܐ ܕܣܗܕܐ‬ ‫ܐܘ ܠܘܬ‬ ‫ܒܝܢܬܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܠ‬ ‫ܩܨܡ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ‬ ‫ܠܟ‬ ‫ܠ‬ ‫ܠܡܐܡܪ‬ ‫ܗܘ‬ ‫ܬܚܘܡܐ‬ ‫ܙܟܝܐ‬ ‫ܠܗ‬ ‫ܠܬܒܥ‬ ‫ܘܠ‬ ‫ܟܗܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܢܐ‬ ‫ܕܠܒܗ‬

Leiden om

‫ܐܝܟ‬ ‫ܘܝܬܡܐ ܘܐܪܡܠܬܐ‬ ‫ܘܥܡܘܪܐ‬ ‫ܩܘ̈ܪܝܟ‬

Support early early early

‫ܠܩܘ̈ܪܝܐ‬ ‫ܘܬܓܪܘܥ‬ ‫ܐܣܘܛ‬ ‫ܠܗ‬ ‫ܕܨܦܪܐ‬ ‫ܠܬܡܢ‬

om lāmadh om waw pr waw seyāme pr lāmadh

early Lee, Urmia early early early early early no support early late early early early Lee, Urmia early Urmia early Urmia Lee, Urmia early early (‫ ܠܒܗ‬5b1) early Lee Urmia early Lee Lee

‫ܐܢܬܬܐ‬ ‫ܒܢܝ‬ ‫ܘܢܬܬܓܪ‬ ‫ܐܝܟܢܐ‬

‫ܐܢܬܬܗ‬ pr ‫ܡܢ‬ ‫ܕܢܬܬܓܪ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ‬

early late Urmia early

pr waw

‫ܒܩܘ̈ܪܝܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܦܘܡ ܣܗܕܐ‬ ‫ܘܠܘܬ‬ ‫ܐܝܣܪܐܝܠ‬ pr dālath

‫ܘܕܩܨܡ‬ om waw

‫ܠܗ‬ pr dālath

‫ܕܢܐܡܪ‬ om seyāme om om

‫ܒܝܕ ܬܒܥ‬ om waw om seyāme om seyāme



‫‪Appendix 2: Variant Readings‬‬


‫‪Leiden‬‬ ‫‪pr dālath‬‬

‫‪Support‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪late‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪late‬‬ ‫‪late‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Urmia‬‬ ‫‪Late‬‬ ‫‪Urmia‬‬ ‫‪Lee, Urmia‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Urmia‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Urmia‬‬ ‫= ‪(Lee‬‬ ‫)ܘܒܫܠܝܬܗ‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬

‫‪pr waw‬‬ ‫‪om‬‬ ‫‪pr dālath‬‬ ‫‪om‬‬

‫ܢܦܪܘܫ‬ ‫ܛܒ‬ ‫ܕܢܘܒܕܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܠ‬ ‫ܪܘ̈ܪܒܬܐ‬








‫ܐܘ ܡܘܡܬܐ‬





‫ܩܕܡ ܡܪܝܐ‬ ‫ܘܢܢܓܕܘܢܗ‬ ‫‪om‬‬ ‫‪om dālath‬‬

‫ܘܐܘܠܨܢܝܢ‬ ‫ܘܬܗܠܟ‬ ‫‪om‬‬

‫ܘܐܡܪ‬ ‫‪om‬‬

‫ܐܩܝܡ‬ ‫‪om‬‬

‫ܠܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܠܟܠܗ ܥܡܐ‬ ‫ܠܐܗܟ‬ ‫ܘܢܐܬܝܢ‬ ‫‪seyāme‬‬

‫ܕܢܘܒܬܐ‬ ‫ܘܬܦܠܘܚ‬ ‫ܕܢܘܒܬܐ‬ ‫ܒܫܠܝܬܗ‬


‫ܡܕܡ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܐ‬ ‫ܘܢܢܓܕܝܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܝܘܪܬܢܐ‬ ‫ܒܩܠܢ‬ ‫ܘܐܘܠܨܢ ܢ‬ ‫ܕܬܗܠܟ‬ ‫ܘܬܥܒܕ‬ ‫ܘܐܡܪܘ‬ ‫ܝܘܪܕܢܢ‬ ‫ܐܩܝܡܘ‬ ‫ܗܠܝܢ‬ ‫ܠܟܠܗܘܢ ܒܢܝ‬ ‫ܠܥܡܐ ܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܠܐܗܐ‬ ‫ܢܐܬܝܢ‬ ‫ܒܘܪܟܬܐ‬ ‫ܕܘܢܒܬܐ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܬܦܠܘܚ‬ ‫ܕܘܢܒܬܐ‬ ‫ܘܒܫܠܝܬܐ‬

‫‪Place‬‬ ‫‪24:10‬‬ ‫‪24:15‬‬ ‫‪25:2‬‬ ‫‪26:2‬‬ ‫‪26:7‬‬ ‫‪26:7‬‬ ‫‪26:17‬‬ ‫‪26:18‬‬ ‫‪27:1‬‬ ‫‪27:3‬‬ ‫‪27:4‬‬ ‫‪27:8‬‬ ‫‪27:9‬‬ ‫‪27:14‬‬ ‫‪28:1‬‬ ‫‪28:2‬‬ ‫‪28:8‬‬ ‫‪28:13‬‬ ‫‪28:14‬‬ ‫‪28:44‬‬ ‫‪28:57‬‬

‫‪om waw‬‬ ‫ܗ ‪suffix‬‬

‫ܟܕ ܢܘܒܕܟܘܢ‬

‫‪28:59‬‬ ‫‪28:62‬‬ ‫‪28:63‬‬ ‫‪28:68‬‬ ‫‪29:3‬‬ ‫)‪(L 29:2‬‬ ‫‪29:5‬‬ ‫)‪(L 29:4‬‬ ‫‪29:10‬‬ ‫)‪(L 29:9‬‬ ‫‪29:14‬‬ ‫)‪(L 29:13‬‬ ‫‪29:22‬‬ ‫)‪(L 29:21‬‬

‫‪Appendix 2: Variant Readings‬‬


‫‪Support‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬

‫‪Leiden‬‬ ‫‪tr‬‬


‫ܥܠܝܗ ܡܪܝܐ‬





‫ܒܪܘܓܙܐ ܘܒܚܡܬܐ‬




‫ܡܢ ܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܕܢܚ ܝܟ‬

‫ܒܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܘܒܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܕܢܢܝ ܚܟ‬

‫‪Place‬‬ ‫‪29:22‬‬ ‫)‪(L 29:21‬‬ ‫‪29:28‬‬ ‫)‪(L 29:27‬‬ ‫‪29:28‬‬ ‫)‪(L 29:27‬‬ ‫‪29:29‬‬ ‫)‪(L 29:28‬‬ ‫‪30:2‬‬ ‫‪30:2‬‬ ‫‪30:6‬‬

‫‪tr‬‬ ‫‪om waw‬‬

‫ܗܠܝܢ ܟܠܗܝܢ‬ ‫ܘܒܦܐ̈ܪܐ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ‬ ‫ܐܢ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܡܢܘ‬ ‫ܘܛܒܬܐ ܘܡܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܬܓܪܘܢ‬ ‫ܩܕܡܝܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܕܚ ܝܐ‬

‫‪30:7‬‬ ‫‪30:9‬‬ ‫‪30:9‬‬ ‫‪30:10‬‬ ‫‪30:10‬‬ ‫‪30:10‬‬ ‫‪30:13‬‬ ‫‪30:15‬‬ ‫‪30:18‬‬ ‫‪30:19‬‬ ‫‪30:19‬‬


‫ܘܠ ܬܬܪܗܒܘܢ‬ ‫ܩܕܡܝܟ‬ ‫ܘܠ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܡܪܝܐ‬ ‫ܠܐܗܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܠܐܗܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܕܡܫܟܢ ܙܒܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܢܗܘܘܢ‬ ‫ܐܗܦܟ‬ ‫ܟܠܗ ܒܝܫܬܐ‬ ‫ܒܣܦܪܐ‬ ‫ܟܢܫܘ‬ ‫ܟܠܗܘܢ ܣܒܐ‬ ‫ܨܘܬܘ‬ ‫ܘܗܘܝܘ‬

‫‪31:6‬‬ ‫‪31:6‬‬ ‫‪31:8 1º‬‬ ‫‪31:12‬‬ ‫‪31:12‬‬ ‫‪31:13‬‬ ‫‪31:15‬‬ ‫‪31:17‬‬ ‫‪31:18‬‬ ‫‪31:18‬‬ ‫‪31:24‬‬ ‫‪31:28‬‬ ‫‪31:28‬‬ ‫‪21:1‬‬ ‫‪32:6‬‬

‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Urmia‬‬ ‫)ܕܢܢܚ ܝܟ ‪(Lee‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Urmia‬‬ ‫‪Lee‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Lee, Urmia‬‬

‫ܘܚ ܝܐ‬

‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Lee, Urmia‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Urmia‬‬ ‫‪Urmia‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪Urmia‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬ ‫‪early‬‬


‫ܥܠܝܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܟܕ‬ ‫ܒܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܘܒܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܡܢ‬ ‫‪tr‬‬

‫ܬܣܓܘܢ‬ ‫ܩܕܡܝܟ‬ ‫‪om dālath‬‬

‫ܥܡܟ‬ ‫‪om waw‬‬

‫ܠܡܪܝܐ‬ ‫ܠܐܗܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܠܐܗܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܕܡܫܟܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܢܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܡܗܦܟܘ ܐܗܦܟ‬ ‫ܟܘܠܗܝܢ ܒܝܫܬܐ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܣܦܪܐ‬ ‫ܐܬܟܢܫܘ‬ ‫ܟܠܟܘܢ ̈ܪܝܫܐ‬ ‫ܨܘܬ‬ ‫ܘܗܘ‬

Appendix 2: Variant Readings Place 32:8 32:11 32:13 32:21 32:24 32:24 32:25 32:26 32:27 32:35 32:41 32:44 32:45 32:49 32:50 33:14 1º 33:16 33:16 33:17 33:21 34:1 34:1 34:4 34:4


‫ܟܕ‬ ‫ܘܐܝܟ‬ ‫ܐܝܢܩܗ‬ ‫ܥܡ‬ ‫ܢܬܛܪܦܘܢ‬ ‫ܒܟܦܢܐ‬ ‫ܐܦ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬ‬ ‫ܠܐܘܨܝܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܠܝ‬ ‫ܘܐܗܦܟ‬ ‫ܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܦܬܓܡܐ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ‬ ‫ܐܝܟܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ‬ ‫ܒܡܳܠܗ‬ ‫ܘܨܒܝܢܗ‬ ‫ܒܘܟܪܐ‬ ‫ܦܠܓܘܬܗ‬ ‫ܘܕܓܕ‬ ‫ܘܥܕܡܐ‬ ‫ܕܠܙܪܥܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܬܥܘܠ‬

Leiden pr dālath om waw pr waw

‫ܥܡܝ‬ pr waw

‫ܠܟܦܢܐ‬ pr waw pr waw

‫ܒܥܠܕܒܒܝܗܘܢ‬ om waw om waw om pr ‫ܟܠܗܘܢ‬ pr dālath

‫ܐܝܟ‬ om waw


om waw seyāme

‫ܦܠܓܘܬܐ‬ om om waw

‫ܕܠܙܪܥܟ‬ ‫ܬܥܒܪ‬


Support late early early early early early early early early early early early early no support early early Urmia early Urmia early early early early early

The above list does not include the following orthographic variants: M ‫ ̈ܪܓܝܓܬܐ‬vs. L ‫( ܐ̈ܪܓܝܓܬܐ‬12:20), M ‫ ܬܠ‬vs. L ‫( ܬܠ ܳܠ‬13:16 (L 13:17)), M ‫ ܢܬܬܒܪ‬vs. L ‫( ܢܬܒܪ‬20:8), M ‫ ܘܝܩܪܬܐ‬vs. L ‫( ܘܐܝܩܪܬܐ‬20:14, 31:12), M ‫ ܕܪܡܐ‬vs. L ‫( ܕܐܪܡܐ‬21:1), M ‫ ܪܚܘܡܬܐ‬vs. L ‫( ܐܪܚܘܡܬܐ‬21:15 (twice), 16), M ‫ ܝܒܡܬܗ‬vs. L ‫( ܐܝܒܡܬܗ‬25:9), M ‫ ܡܪܬܐ‬vs. L ‫( ܡܐܪܬܐ‬29:18), M ‫ ̈ܪܣܝܣܐ‬vs. L ‫( ܐ̈ܪܣܝܣܐ‬32:2). M tends not to add seyāme in plural passive participles: M ‫ ܬܒܝܪܝܢ‬vs. L ‫ܬܒܝ̈ܪܝܢ‬ (28:7)), M ‫ ܠܝܛܝܢ‬vs. L ‫( ܠ ܝܛܝܢ‬28:18). In addition, the following types of orthographic variants were ignored: space between lexemes (e.g. M ‫ ܐܦܳܠ‬vs. L ‫ܐܦ ܠ‬, 23:2), contractions (e.g. M ‫ ܩܪܒܝܬܘܢ‬vs. L ‫ ܩܪܒܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ‬20:3), seyāme on numbers, usually absent in M (e.g. M ‫ ܐܪܒܥ‬vs. L ‫ܐ̈ܪܒܥ‬, 22:12), seyāme on collective nouns, usually present in M (e.g. M ‫ ܥܢܐ‬vs. L ‫ ܥܢܐ‬12:6), and waw in ‫ ܟܠ‬and ‫( ܡܛܠ‬M always without waw).


Appendix 2: Variant Readings

The following are possible typographical errors in the Leiden edition: ‫ ܘܚܣܝܟ‬for ‫( ܘܢܢܣܝܟ‬8:16), ‫ ܐܒܟ‬for ‫( ܐܡܟ‬13:6 (L 13:7)), ‫ ܪܚܒܐ‬for ‫( ܕܓܒܐ‬16:2), ‫ ܓܒܪܐ‬for ‫( ܓܒ̈ܪܐ‬19:17).

APPENDIX 3: NAMES The spelling of proper names in this translation normally follows that of the American Standard Version (ASV) of 1901. In this section names are considered (i) where P regularly features an alternative name, and (ii) where P and MT differ consonantly. The citations are usually of the first occurrence of the name in Deuteronomy.

Alternative Proper Names P regularly uses: ‫ ܡܬܢܝܢ‬for Hebrew ‫בשן‬, e.g. 1:4. ‫ ܪܩܒܝܠ‬for Hebrew ‫ ראובן‬/ ‫ראובני‬, e.g. 3:12. ‫ ܪܩܡ ܕܓܝܐ‬for Hebrew ‫קדש ברנע‬, e.g. 1:2.

Common Syriac Proper Names P regularly uses: ‫ ܝܣܪܝܠ‬for Hebrew ‫ישראל‬, e.g. 1:1 (= Mosul MS). ‫ ܝܘܪܕܢܢ‬for Hebrew ‫ירדן‬, e.g. 1:1. ‫ ܡܘܫܐ‬for Hebrew ‫משה‬, e.g. 1:1. ‫ ܐܝܣܚܩ‬for Hebrew ‫יצחק‬, e.g. 1:8. ‫ ܡܨܪܝܢ‬for Hebrew ‫מצרים‬, e.g. 1:27. ‫ ܝܫܘܥ‬for Hebrew ‫ יהושע‬/ ‫יהושוע‬, e.g. 1:38. ‫ ܥܣܘ‬for Hebrew ‫עשו‬, e.g. 2:4. ‫ ܦܪܥܘܢ‬for Hebrew ‫פרעה‬, e.g. 6:22. ‫ ܐܗܪܘܢ‬for Hebrew ‫אהרן‬, e.g. 9:20. ‫ ܓܒܠ‬for Hebrew ‫עיבל‬, e.g. 11:29; 27:4. ‫ ܐܝܪܝ ܚܘ‬for Hebrew ‫ירחו‬, e.g. 32:49.

Replacement In 1:1 P reads ‫ ܠܒܢܢ‬for Hebrew ‫( לבן‬Lebanon instead of Laban). In 2:23 P features ‫ ܩܦܘܕܩܝܐ … ܩܦܕܘܩܝ‬for Hebrew ‫כפתרים … כפתר‬, a reading probably dependent on the LXX (οί Καππάδοκες … Καππαδοκίας). In 3:14 P has ‫‘ ܟܦ̈ܪܘܢܐ ܕܝܐܝܪ‬Kaphroneh di-Jair’ for Hebrew ‫חות יאיר‬ ‘Havvoth-jair’ (both translate as ‘the villages of Jair’). LI


Appendix 3: Names

In 6:16 P has ‫‘ ܒܢܣܝܘܢܐ‬at Testings’ or ‘with testings’: the Hebrew has ‫( במסה‬at Massah). In 9:22 P features ‫ܘܒܝܩܕܢܐ ܘܒܢܣܝܘܢܐ ܘܒܩܒ̈ܪܐ ܕ̈ܪܓܝ ܪܓܬܐ‬, ‘and at Burning, and at Testings, and at Graves of Lust’ (or ‘with burning, testings and graves of lust’): the Hebrew has ‫‘( ובתבערה ובמסה ובקברת התאוה‬and at Taberah, and at Massah, and at Kibroth-hattaavah’). In 11:30 P gives ‫ ܡܡܪܐ‬for Hebrew ‫מרה‬. In 32:51 P features ‫‘( ܡܝܐ ܕܡܨܘܬܐ‬Waters of Strife’) for Hebrew ‫מי‬ ‫‘( מריבת קדש‬Waters of Meribath-kadesh’), whereas in 33:8 P has ‫ܡܝܐ‬ ‫‘( ܕܡܨܘܬܐ‬Waters of Strife’) for Hebrew ‫( מי מריבה‬Waters of Meribah).

Initial Positions P omits an initial aleph: 1:24 P has ‫ ܣܓܘܠ‬for Hebrew ‫אשכל‬. Initial Hebrew yodh is prefaced with Syriac alaph: 27:12 P has ‫ ܐܝܣܟܪ‬for Hebrew ‫ ;יששכר‬32:49 P has ‫ ܐܝܪܝ ܚܘ‬for Hebrew ‫ירחו‬.

Medial Positions Replacements P replaces a Hebrew resh with a dālath, e.g. 2:36 ‫ ܥܕܘܥܝܪ‬Hebrew ‫ערער‬. Alaph, waw, and yodh These letters are sometimes interchanged, e.g. 1:1 29:23 ‫ ܨܒܘܐܝܡ‬Hebrew ‫ צביים‬/ ‫צבוים‬.


Hebrew ‫;ישראל‬

Introductions and Deletions P may omit an alaph present in the orthography of the Hebrew: e.g. 1:1 ‫ܦܪܢ‬ Hebrew ‫ ;פראן‬4:43 ‫ ܪܡܬ‬Hebrew ‫ ;ראמת‬11:6 ‫ ܠܐܝܒ‬Hebrew ‫אליאב‬. Conversely P may introduce an alaph not present in the Hebrew orthography: e.g. 2:23 ‫ ܥܐܙܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;עזה‬27:12 ‫ ܐܝܣܟܪ‬Hebrew ‫יששכר‬. P frequently introduces a waw where it is lacking in the orthography of the Hebrew: e.g. 1:1 ‫ ܡܘܫܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;משה‬1:1 ‫ ܝܘܪܕܢܢ‬Hebrew ‫ ;ירדן‬1:1 ‫ܚܨܪܘܬ‬ Hebrew ‫ ;חצרת‬1:4 ‫ ܣܝ ܚܘܢ‬Hebrew ‫ ;סיחן‬1:4 ‫ ܐܡܘ̈ܪܝܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;אמרי‬1:4 ‫ ܥܣܬܪܘܬ‬Hebrew ‫ ;עשתרת‬1:8 ‫ ܝܥܩܘܒ‬Hebrew ‫ ;יעקב‬1:24 ‫ ܣܓܘܠ‬Hebrew ‫ ;אשכל‬1:36 ‫ ܝܘܦܢܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;יפנה‬1:38 ‫ ܝܫܘܥ‬Hebrew ‫ ;יהושע‬2:24 ‫ܐܪܢܘܢ‬ Hebrew ‫ ;ארנן‬3:9 ‫ ܣܪܝܘܢ‬Hebrew ‫ ;שרין‬3:13 ‫ ܐܪܓܘܒ‬Hebrew ‫ ;ארגב‬4:43 ‫ܒܘܨܪ‬ Hebrew ‫ ;בצר‬9:20 ‫ ܐܗܪܘܢ‬Hebrew ‫ ;אהרן‬10:6 ‫ ܒܪܐܘܬ‬Hebrew ‫ ;בארת‬27:13 ‫ ܙܒܘܠܘܢ‬Hebrew ‫ ;זבולן‬29:23 ‫ ܣܕܘܡ‬Hebrew ‫ ;סדם‬29:23 ‫ ܥܡܘܪܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;עמרה‬29:23 ‫ ܗܘܪ‬Hebrew ‫הר‬. The reverse may also occur: e.g. 1:7 ‫ ܠܒܢܢ‬Hebrew ‫ ;לבנון‬1:38 ‫ܝܫܘܥ‬ Hebrew ‫יהושע‬.

Appendix 3: Names


P may introduce a yodh where it is lacking in the orthography of Hebrew: e.g. 10:6 ‫ ܠܐܝܥܙܪ‬Hebrew ‫ ;אלעזר‬23:4 ‫ ܦܝܬܘܪ‬Hebrew ‫ ;פתור‬25:19 ‫ ܥܡܠܝܩ‬Hebrew ‫ ;עמלק‬27:12 ‫ ܒܢܝܡܝܢ‬Hebrew ‫ ;בנימן‬27:13 ‫ ܐܫܝܪ‬Hebrew ‫ ;אשר‬32:49 ‫ ܐܝܪܝ ܚܘ‬Hebrew ‫ירחו‬. Naturally the reverse may occur: e.g. 11:29 ‫ ܓܒܠ‬Hebrew ‫ ;עיבל‬24:9 ‫ ܡܪܡ‬Hebrew ‫מרים‬. P may introduce both waw and yodh: e.g. 1:2 ‫ ܚܘܪܝܒ‬Hebrew ‫חרב‬.

Endings Occasionally a plural Syriac name ending in ‫ ܐ‬corresponds to a Hebrew name ending in ‫ם‬: e.g. 32:49 ‫ܥܒܪܝܐ‬ ̈ Hebrew ‫עברים‬. Replacements Often P has a final ‫ ܐ‬where Hebrew has a final ‫ה‬: e.g. 1:1 ‫ ܡܘܫܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;משה‬1:1 ‫ ܥܪܒܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;ערבה‬1:36 ‫ ܝܘܦܢܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;יפנה‬1:44 ‫ ܚܪܡܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;חרמה‬2:23 ‫ ܥܐܙܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;עזה‬3:10 ‫ ܣܠܟܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;סלכה‬3:13 ‫ ܡܢܫܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;מנשה‬3:17 ‫ ܦܣܓܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;פסגה‬10:6 ‫ ܡܘܣܪܐ‬Hebrew ‫ ;מוסרה‬27:12 ‫ܝܗܘܕܐ‬ Hebrew ‫ ;יהודה‬29:23 ‫ ܐܕܡܐ‬Hebrew ‫אדמה‬. Occasionally P has a final ‫ ܢ‬where Hebrew has a final ‫ם‬: e.g. 1:27 ‫ܡܨܪܝܢ‬ Hebrew ‫מצרים‬, 2:20 ‫ ܙܡܙܡܝܢ‬Hebrew ‫זמזמים‬. Hebrew ‫ ר‬is rendered with Syriac ‫ܕ‬, in 2:18 ‫ ܥܕ‬Hebrew ‫ער‬. Hebrew ‫ ע‬is rendered with Syriac ‫ ܓ‬in 11:29 ‫ ܓܒܠ‬Hebrew ‫עיבל‬. Changes without Pattern P adds a final waw in 2:8 ‫ ܥܨܝܢܘ‬Hebrew ‫עצין‬. P operates a metathesis between ‫ ܕ‬and ‫ܪ‬: 1:4 ‫ ܐܪܕܥܝ‬Hebrew ‫אדרעי‬. P operates a metathesis between ‫ ܐ‬and ‫ܪ‬: 10:6 ‫ ܒܪܐܘܬ‬Hebrew ‫בארת‬. P omits the final yodh (for interpretative purposes?): 26:5 ‫ ܐܪܡ‬Hebrew ‫ארמי‬. Sibilants (Initial, Medial, Final) Sin ‫שׂ‬: a Hebrew ‫ שׂ‬may be represented by ‫ ܤ‬as in 1:2 ‫ ܣܥܝܪ‬Hebrew ‫;שׂעיר‬ 2:4 ‫ ܥܣܘ‬Hebrew ‫ ;עשׂו‬3:9 ‫ ܣܪܝܘܢ‬Hebrew ‫ ;שׂרין‬3:9 ‫ ܣܢܝܪ‬Hebrew ‫ ;שׂניר‬27:12 P has ‫ ܐܝܣܟܪ‬for Hebrew ‫ישׂשכר‬. Shin ‫שׁ‬: a Hebrew ‫ שׁ‬may be represented by ‫ ܤ‬as in 1:4 ‫ܥܣܬܪܘܬ‬ Hebrew ‫ ;עשׁתרת‬1:24 ‫ ܣܓܘܠ‬Hebrew ‫אשׁכל‬.

Translation In 1:28 and 2:10–11 the Hebrew proper names ‫‘ ענקים‬Anakim’ and ‫רפאים‬ ‘Rephaim’ are translated as ‘giants’.

BIBLIOGRAPHY LEXICA AND DICTIONARIES Liddell, H. G. (1889), An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, founded upon the seventh edition of Liddell and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon, reprinted 1975, Oxford: Clarendon. Koehler, L. and W. Baumgartner (1994), The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, revised by W. Baumgartner and J. J. Stamm. Leiden: Brill. Payne Smith, J. (1903), A Compendious Syriac Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon. Payne Smith, R. (1879), Thesaurus Syriacus, Oxford: Clarendon. Sokoloff, M. (2009) A Syriac Lexicon, Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press and Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns.

REFERENCE COMMENTARIES David, C.J. (2010), The Syriac Bible According to the Mosul Edition, Vol. 2, Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press. Díez Macho, A. (1980), Biblia Polyglotta Matritensia Series IV. Targum Palaestinense in Pentateuchum. L.5. Deuteronomium, Madrid: Instituto de Filología del CSIC. McCarthy, C. (2007), Biblia Hebraica Quinta, Deuteronomy, Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. Rahlfs, A. (1979), Septuaginta, Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. Sperber, A. (1959) The Bible in Aramaic Based on Old Manuscripts and Printed Texts 1: The Pentateuch According to Targum Onkelos, Leiden: Brill. Tal, A. (1994) The Samaritan Pentateuch, Tel Aviv: The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies. van Vliet, W. M. (1991), Deuteronomy, OTSy 1.2. Leiden: Brill. Weber, R. (ed.) (1994) Biblia Sacra iuxta vulgatam versionem (4th rev. ed.), Stuttgart: Wurtembergische Bibelanstalt. Wevers, J.W. (1977), Deuteronomium (Septuaginta 3.2), Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.




REFERENCE COMMENTARIES ON DEUTERONOMY Driver, S. R. (1902), A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Deuteronomy, ICC, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. Pietersma, Albert and B.G. Wright (eds.) (2007), A New English Translation of the Septuagint and the other Greek Translations traditionally included under that Title, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Wevers, J.W. (1977), Notes on the Greek Text of Deuteronomy, SBLSCS 39, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995.

GENERAL INTEREST Carbajosa, I. (2008), The Character of the Syriac Version of Psalms, MPIL 17. Leiden: Brill. Gelston, A. (1987), The Peshitta of the Twelve Prophets. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Gelston, A. (2006), ‘Some Difficulties Encountered by Ancient Translators’, Sôfer Mahîr: Essays in Honour of Adrian Schenker Offered by Editors of Biblia Hebraica Quinta. VTS 110, Leiden: Brill, 47–58. Greenberg, G. (2002), Translation Technique in the Peshiṭta to Jeremiah, MPIL 13. Leiden: Brill. Walter, D. M. (2008), Studies in the Peshiṭta of Kings, T&S3 7. Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press. Weitzman, M. P. (1999), The Syriac Version of the Old Testament, UCOP 56. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Williams, P. J. (2001), Studies in the Syntax of the Peshiṭta of 1 Kings, MPIL 12. Leiden: Brill.

Ch. 

Chapter  

Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo, to the summit of the high ground,1 that is over against Jericho. The Lord showed him all the land of Gilead and Gad, as far as Dan,

And all Naphtali, and all of the land of Ephraim and Manasseh, and all the land of Judah, as far as the western sea, and the south,

And the Plain — which is in the Valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees — as far as Zoar.

The Lord said unto him, ‘This is the land that I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, when I said, “I will give it to your offspring.” I have allowed you see it with your own eyes, but you shall not enter there.’

So Moses, the servant of the Lord, died there in the land of Moab, in accordance with the word of the Lord’s mouth.

Then he buried him in the valley in the land of Moab, opposite Bethpeor, but no one knows his burial place to this day.

Now Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died; his eye was not dimmed, nor were his cheeks wrinkled.2

The Israelites wept for Moses in the plains of Moab for thirty days, and (so) the days of weeping for the mourning for Moses were completed.

Joshua, son of Nun, was filled with the spirit of wisdom, because Moses had laid his hands on him, and the Israelites listened to him and did as the Lord had commanded Moses.


There did not arise again a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face,


In all the signs and wonders that the Lord sent him to do in the land of Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his servants and all his land,


And for all his mighty hand, and all the great spectacle, 3 that Moses had done in the sight of all Israel. 1 2

‘the high ground’: both MT and LXX feature ‘Pisgah’ here (cf. 3:17 above). ‘wrinkled’: for P’s possible misunderstanding, see Introduction, Addendum 3.

For P’s rendering of ‘spectacle’ in place of MT’s ‘terror’, see Introduction, Addendum 3, at 4:34. 3


‫݂ܰ ܶ‬



















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫ܶܩܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪ :‬ܠܕ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܐܒ ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܬܐ ܕܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܠܩ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܕ ܳܢܒܘ‪ :‬ܠ ܪܝܫ ܪ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܶܡ ܥ݂ܰܪܒܘܬ ܡ‬ ‫ܐܝܪܝ ܚܘ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܚܘܝ ܶܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܶܓܠ ܥܳܕ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ܳܓܕ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ܳܕܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܶܫܐ‪ :‬ܘܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܠܝ‪ :‬ܘܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܦ ܶܪܝܡ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܕܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ‬ ‫ܘܟܠܗ ܢܦ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠ ݂ܰܝ ܳܡܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܘܠܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܕ ܶܕܩ ܶܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ܳܨܥܳܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܟ ܳܟܪ ܕ ݂ܰܒܦ ݂ܰܩܥܬܐ ܕ ܐܝܪܝ ܚܘ ܩܪ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܠܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ܳܕܐ ܗܝ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܡܝܬ ݂ܰܠܒ ܳܪ ܳܗܡ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܚܢܩ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܝܥܩܢܘܒ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬ ݂ܰܕܠ ݂ܰܙܪܥܟܘܢ ܐܬܠܝܗ‪݂ܰ .‬ܚܘܝܬܗ ܳܠܟ ܒܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟ ݂ܰܘܠܬ ܳܡ ܠ ܬܥܘܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܐܒ‪ :‬ܒ ܶܡ ݂ܰܠܬ ܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܝܬ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܥ݂ܰܒ ܶܕܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܡ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܐܒ‪ :‬ܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ ܶܒܝܬ ܦܥܘܪ‪ .‬ܘܠ ܝ ݂ܰܕܥ ܐ ܳܢܫ ݂ܰܩܒ ܶܪܗ‬ ‫ܘܩܒ ܶܪܗ ܒ ݂ܰܢܚܶܠ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܡ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܢܐ ݂ܰܒܢܪ ܳܡܢܐܐ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܘܥ ܶܣܪܝܢ ܫܢ ܝܢ ݂ܰܟܢܕ ܡܝܢܢܬ‪ܳ :‬ܠ ܝ ܶܩܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܪܬ ܥ݂ܰܝܢܶܢܗ‪ :‬ܘܠ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܬ ݂ܰܩ ݂ܰܡܛܘ ݂ܰܦ ݂ܰܟܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܟܐܘܗܝ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ ܠܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܢܐ ܒܥ݂ܰܪܒܢܘܬ ܡܢܘܐܒ ܬ ܳܠܬܝܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܢܘܡܝ ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܶܕ ܐܒ ܶܠܗ ܕܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܠܡܘ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ݂ܰܡܝ ܒܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܢܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕ ܳܣܢܡ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܝ ܶܫܘܥ ݂ܰܒܪܢܘܢ ܶܐܬܡܠܝ ܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܢܐ ܐܝ ܢ ݂ܰܕܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܘܚܢܐ ܕ ܶܚܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܡܥܝ ܗ ݂ܰܘܘ ܶܠܗ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܘܗܝ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ :‬ܘܥܳܒܕܝܢ ܐܝܢܟ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶܩܢܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܬܘܒ ܳܠ ܳܩܡ ܢܒ ܳܝܐ ܒܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‪ :‬ܕܝ݂ܰܕܥܶܢܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐܦܝܢ ܠܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝ ܶ ݂ܰ ܠܝܟ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܦܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܒܟܠ ܶܗܝ ܳܐܬ ܳܘ ܳܬܐ ܘܬܶܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܳܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܫܕ ܶܪܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܦܪܥܢܘܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰܕܘܗܝ ݂ܰܘܠܟ ܳܠܗ ܐܪܥ ܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܟ ܶܠܢܗ ܶܚܢ ܳܙܘܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܢܐ ܠ ܥܝܢ ܟ ܶܠܢܗ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠܟ ܳܠܗ ܐܝܕܐ ܥܫ‬ ‫ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬




Happy are you, O Israel! Who is like you — a people whose salvation is through the Lord who upholds! Your helper is God,1 and your glory was not through empty talk. Your enemies shall be proved false, and you shall tread on their neck.

‘through the Lord who upholds. Your helper is God’: see Introduction, Addendum 3. 1


‫‪ ‬ܟܛ‬

‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ݂ܰܡܢܘ ݂ܰܐܟ ܳܘ ܳܬܟ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ ܕܦܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܝܟ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܩܢܶܗ ܒ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܣ ݂ܰܝܢܥ‪ :‬ܥܶܢܕ ܳܪܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ܘܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒ ݂ܰܣܦܣ ܳܪܐ ܫܢܘܒ ܳܗ ܳܪܟ‪ .‬ܢܶܬ ݂ܰܟܕܒܢܘܢ ܳܠܢܟ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝܢܟ ݂ܰܘܐܢܢܬ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܠ ܗܘܢ ܬܕܪܘܟ‪.‬‬




He chose1 a first (part) for himself, because the scrutineer’s portion2 was hidden there. He came forth at the head of the people. He executed the justice of the Lord and his ordinances for Israel.


Of Dan he said, Dan is a lion’s whelp, that suckles3 from Matnin.


Of Naphtali he said, Naphtali, satisfied with favour, and filled with the Lord’s blessing, let him inherit the west and the south.


Of Asher he said, Most blessed of sons is Asher; may he be the delight of his kinsfolk, and may he dip his foot in oil.


May your sandal4 be iron and brass; as your days, so shall be your strength.


There is no one like the God of Israel, whose chariot5 is in the heavens for your help, and in his majesty.6


In the highest heaven is the dwelling place of our eternal God, and beneath is the everlasting arm. He will destroy the enemy before you, saying, ‘Destroy!’


So Israel will dwell in safety on its own,7 the fountain of Jacob in a land of grain, new wine, and oil. The heavens too will drop down dew.

‘he chose’: lit. ‘he saw’. ‘scrutineer’s portion’: for P’s attempt to render a corrupt Hebrew text, see Introduction, Addendum 4. 3 ‘suckles’: for P’s misreading, see Introduction, Addendum 3. 4 ‘sandal’: see Introduction, Addendum 6. 1 2

‘chariot’: thus the Peshiṭta renders the Hebrew text, ‘who rides through the heavens’. 6 The Mosul MS has transferred the end of v. 26 (‫̈ܝ ܫܡܝܐ‬ ‫שחקים = ܒܫܡ‬, ‘the clouds/skies’) to the beginning of v. 27, where it forms a fitting parallel with ‘beneath’ in the second colon, thereby leaving the end of v. 26 disjointed. The Leiden edition follows the MT. 5

‘on its own’: the Peshiṭta differs from the Hebrew punctuation, which has this word in the next colon. 7



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫ܚܙ ܐ ݂ܰܩܕ ܳܡ ݂ܰܝܬ ܶܠܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ܛܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܪܐ ܳܦܠܓܘܬܶܗ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܐ ݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܒܕ ܳܩ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܢ ܶܦܩ ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ‪ :‬ܘܕܝ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܗ ܕܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪݂ܰ .‬ܙ ܕܝܩܘܬܶܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܒܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܟܒ ݂ܰܘܠ ܳܕܢ ܐ ݂ܰܡܪ‪ܳ :‬ܕܢ ܓܘܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܝܳ ܐ ܕܝܳ ܢܶܩ ܶܡ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬܠ ܢܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܒ ܢܥ ܨܶܒ ܳܝ ܳܢ ܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܡܢܢܶܠ ܒ ܢܘܪܟܬܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܓ ݂ܰܘܠ ݂ܰܢܦܬܠ ܢܝ ܐ ݂ܰܡ ܢܪ‪ :‬ܢܦ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܐ ܢ ݂ܰܐܪܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡܥܪܒܐ ܘ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܳܘܠܫܝܪ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܪ‪ :‬ܒܪܝܟ ܶܡ ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܳܝܐ ܳܐܫܝܪ‪ :‬ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܨܶܒ ܳܝ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܚܘܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰܢܨ ݂ܰܒܥ ܒ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܚܢܐ‬ ‫ܶܪ ܓ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܟ ܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܙܠ ݂ܰܘ ܳܢܚ ܳܫܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܢܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܣ ܳܢܟ ݂ܰܘܐܝܟ ܝ ܘܡ‬ ‫ܟܗ ܦ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܘ ݂ܰܠܝܬ ܐܝܟ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ܕ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝ ܶܠ‪ :‬ܕܡܪܟܒܬܗ ܒܫܡܝܐ ܒܥܕܪܟ ܘܒܓܐܝܘܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܡܪܗ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܬܚܬ ݂ܰܙܪܥ ܥܳܠ ܳܡܢܐ‪݂ܰ .‬ܘܢܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܟܙ ݂ܰܒܫ ݂ܰܡܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ‬ ‫ܐܠ ݂ܰܗܢ ܶܡ ܩܕܝܡ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ܳܒܐ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܕܘܗܝ‪݂ܰ .‬ܡܒܘܥ ܶܗ ܕܝ݂ܰܥܩܘܒ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ ݂ܰܕܥܒܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܚ ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܪܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܢܝܐ ݂ܰܒܠ ܚ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ܒ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܕ ݂ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܚܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܐܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ܢܶܪܣܘܢ ܛܶܠ‪.‬‬




Bless, O Lord, his strength, and accept the work of his hands. Crush the loins of those who hate him, and let not his enemies rise up.


Of Benjamin he said, May the Lord’s beloved dwell in peace; may he hover over him all day long, and may he dwell between his shoulders.


Of Joseph he said, May his land be blessed by the Lord with the bounty of the dew of heaven above,1 and of the deep that couches beneath,


With the bounteous yield of the sun and the bounteous harvest of the moon,


With the best from the eastern mountains and the bounty of the everlasting hills,


With the bounty of the earth and its fullness, and the good will of him that dwelt in the bush. May these come upon the head of Joseph, and on the head of him that is prince2 (among) his kinsfolk.


The first-born of the bulls,3 majesty is his. His horns are the horns of a wild-ox; with them he shall gore the peoples together as far as the ends of the earth. These are the myriads of Ephraim, these are the thousands of Manasseh.


Of Zebulun he said, Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out, and, Issachar, in your tents.


They shall summon the nations to (their) mountain. There they shall offer righteous sacrifices. For they shall suck the abundant waters of the seas, and the ships of hidden things4 in the sand.


Of Gad he said, Blessed be the one who enlarges Gad. Like a lion he lies (in wait); he tears asunder both arm and head.


‘the dew of heaven above’: see Introduction, Addendum 6.

‘prince’: lit. ‘crown’ (‫)ܟܠܝܐܠ‬. The phrase may also be translated as ‘on the head of the crowned one’. The MT has ‫נזיר‬, ‘devoted one, prince, Nazirite’. 3 ‘of the bulls’; for P’s plural, see Introduction, Addendum 7. 2


‘ships’: for P’s misreading, see Introduction, Addendum 3.


‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫݂ܰܒܢ ܶܪܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܛܒܢܝ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܢܗ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܨ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢ ܳܕܐ ܕ ܐܝ ܢ ݂ܰܕܘܗܝ‪ .‬ܬ ݂ܰܒܢܪ ݂ܰܚܢ ܳܨ ܐ ܕ ܳܣ ݂ܰܢܢܐܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܘܗܝ ܠ ܢܩܘܡܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܢܝܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܒܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠ ܶܒ ܳܢܝ ܶܡܝ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܪ‪݂ܰ :‬ܚܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܢܪܐ ܒ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܢܘܗܝ ݂ܰܢܪ ܶܚܢܦ ܟ ܶܠܢܗ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܗ ܢ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܒܝܬ ܟܬܦ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܒܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܢ ݂ܰܛܢ ܳܶܠ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܗܝ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐܪܥ ܶܗ ܶܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܢܐ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫ܘܣܦ ܐ ݂ܰܡܪ‪ :‬ܡܒܪܟ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠ ܥ ܶܠ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܬܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܕܪܒܝܥܳܐ ܶܡ ܠܬܚܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶܐ ܳܒܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܘܥ ܶܐ ݂ܰܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܬܐ ܕ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܐܒܐ ܕܥܺܠ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܪܝܫ ܛ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܐ ܳܒܐ ܕ ܳܪ ܳܡܬܐ ܕܥܳ ݂ܰܠܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ݂ܰܡܕ ܳܢܚܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܶܠܳܗ‪ :‬ܘܨܶܒ ܳܝ ܢܶܗ ܕ ݂ܰܡܢ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢܪܐ ܒ ݂ܰܣ ܳܢܝܢܐ‪ .‬ܢܐܬܝܳܢ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ ܪܝ ܶܫܢܗ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܐܒܐ ܕ ܐܪܥܐ ܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕܝ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣܦ ܘܥ݂ܰܠ ܪܝܫ ܟܠܝܶܠ ܕ ܐܚܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܗ‪ :‬ܒ ܶܗܝ ݂ܰܢܕ ݂ܰܩܪ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ݂ܰܐܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ‬ ‫ܒܘܟ ܳܪܐ ܕܬܘܪܐ ܶܗܕ ܳܪܐ ܶܠܗ‪ :‬ܘܩܪ ܢܬܐ ܕܪܝܡܐ ܩܪ ܢ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ܥ ܶܒ ܶܪܝܗ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪ܳ .‬ܗ ܶܠܝ ܶܪ ܒ ܳܘ ܳܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܦ ܶܪܝܡ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܗ ܶܠܝ ݂ܰܐܠ ܶܦܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܶܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠܙܒܘܠܘܢ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܪ‪ :‬ܚܕܝ ܙܒܘܠܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܡܦ ܳܩܟ ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܣ ܳܟܪ ܒ ݂ܰܡܫܟ ݂ܰܢܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܢܶܩܪܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬ ܳܡܢ ݂ܰܢܕܒܚܢܘܢ ܶܕܒ ܶܚܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܙ ܕܝܩܢܘܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕ ܶܫܦܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕܝ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܢܐܢܩܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܠܦܐ ݂ܰܕܛܡ ܳܝܪܢ ܒ ܳܚܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܓܕ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ݂ܰܐܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܓܕ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܪ‪ :‬ܒܪܝܟ ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܪܘܚ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܬ ݂ܰܒܢܪ ܕ ܳܪܥܳܢܐ ܥ݂ܰܢܡ‬ ‫ܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

This is the blessing with which Moses, the servant of God, blessed the Israelites before he died.

He said: the Lord came from Sinai, and shone upon us from Seir; he was revealed from Mount Paran, and with him were some of the holy myriads at his right hand.1

He gave to them and also loved them — the nations, and all his holy ones he blessed.2 These were following at your heel3 and receiving from your word.

Moses delivered the Law to us and gave it (as) an inheritance to the assembly of Jacob.

There will be a king in Israel, when the leaders of the people are assembled together, and the tribes of Israel.

Let Reuben live and not die, and may he be among the number.4

This he said regarding Judah, Hear, O Lord, the voice of Judah and bring him to his people. His own hands judge for him, and may he have help from his adversaries.

Of Levi he said, Your brightness and your completeness5 are with the godly one whom you tested at Testings,6 and probed at the Waters of Strife.

Who said of his father and his mother, ‘I have not seen him’. He did not acknowledge his brethren or know his children. For they kept your word and upheld your covenant.


They will teach Jacob your ordinances and Israel your laws. They will place incense before your anger, and a whole burnt-offering on your altar. ‘at his right hand’: P has omitted the obscure ‫אשדת‬. For P’s creative rendering of MT’s obscure vv. 2–3, see Introduction, Addendum 7. 2 ‘he blessed’: see Introduction, Addendum 3, concerning P’s misreading. 3 ‘at your heel’: lit. ‘at your foot’. 4 ‘among the number’: see Introduction, Addendum 7. 5 ‘Your brightness and your completeness’: see Introduction, Addendum 3, for these etymological approximations of the ‘Thummim and Urim’ of ancient Israel. 1


‘at Testings’ or ‘with testings’ (‫ ;)ܒܢܣܝܘ̈ܢܐ‬the MT has ‘at Massah’.


‫݂ܰ ܶ‬



















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫ܶܩܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪ :‬ܠܓ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܥ݂ܰܒ ܶܕܗ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܠ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܒ ܶܪܟ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ݂ܰܕܢܡܘܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ ܒܘܪܟ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪ܳ :‬ܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡ ܣ ݂ܰܝܢܝ ܶܐ ܳܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ݂ܰܢܚ ݂ܰܠܢ ܶܡܢ ܳܣܥܝܢܪ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܬܓܠܢܝ ܶܡܢ ܛܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܦ ܳܪܢ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ ܶܡ ܪ ܒ ܳܘܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܩܕ ܝ ܶܫܐ ܶܡ ܝ݂ܰܡܝܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܪܚܡ ܶܐܢܘܢ ܠ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ‪ :‬ܘܟܠ ܗܘܢ ݂ܰܩܕ ܝ ݂ܰܫܘܗܝ ݂ܰܒ ܶܪܟ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܝ݂ܰܗܒ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܘܐܦ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܗܢܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܡܕܪܟܝ ܠ ܶܪܓ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܩܒܠܝ ܶܡ ܶܡܠܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ݂ܰܠ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‪ :‬ܘܝ݂ܰܗ ܶܒܗ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ ݂ܰܠܟܢܘܫܬܗ ܕܝ݂ܰܥܩܘܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܒܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܒܛܢܐ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܡܢܐ ܶܕ ܐܬ ݂ܰܟ ݂ܰܢܫܢܘ ܪܝܫܢܐ ܕܥܡܢܐ ܐܟܚܢܕܐ‬ ‫ܕܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝ ܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܒܝܠ ܳܘܠ ܢܡܘܬ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܐ ܶܚܐ ܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܒ ܶܡ ܳܢܝ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܫܡܢܥ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܢܗ ܕܝܢܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܪ ܠܝܢܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܢܗ ܐܝܬܝܢܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܘܗܝ ܢܕܘ ܳܢ ܶܠܗ‪ .‬ܘܥܳ ܕ ܳܘܪܐ ܶܡ ܐܠ ܘ ݂ܰܨܘܗܝ ܗܘܝ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܠܢ ܳܝܟ ܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠ ܶܠ ܘܝ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܪ‪ .‬ܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܓܒܢ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܪܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܝܢܐ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܢܣܝܢܬܗ ܒܢܶܣܝ ܘܢܶܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܚܪܬܗ ܒ ݂ܰܡܝܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܨܘܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܥ‪:‬‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ܥ݂ܰ ܢܠ ܐܒܢܘܗܝ‪ .‬ܘܥ݂ܰ ܢܠ ܐ ܶܡܢܗ ܠ ܚܙܝܢܢܬܗ‪ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܚܢܘܗܝ ܠ ܐܫܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܛܪܘ ܡ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܟ ݂ܰܘܩ ܳܝ ܳܡܟ ܢܛܪܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܘܗܝ ܠ ܝ ܕܥ‪ :‬ܕ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܢܠ‪ .‬ܢܣܝܡܢܢܘܢ ܥ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܢܠ ܦܢܢܘܢ ܕܝ ݂ܰܢܝܢܢܟ ܠ ݂ܰܝܥܩܢܢܘܒ‪ܳ :‬ܘܢܡܢܢܘ ݂ܰܣܝܟ ܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܛܢܢܪܐ‬ ‫ܒܪܘܓ ܳܙܟ ܘܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܠܢ ܳܝܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܚܟ‪.‬‬




I will polish the point of my sword like lightning, and my hand will take hold of judgment; I will take vengeance on those who hate me, and requite my enemies.


I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword will devour flesh, from the blood of the slain and the captives, and from the regal crown1 of the enemy.


Therefore,2 praise his people, O nations, because he avenges the blood of his servants, and takes vengeance on those who hate him, and makes expiation for his land, and for his people.


Moses came and recited all the words of this song before all the people, he and Joshua son of Nun.


When Moses had finished reciting these words to all Israel,


He said to them, ‘Apply your heart to all these words which I testify against you today, which you shall enjoin upon your children, that they may diligently observe all the words of this law.


For it is no empty matter for you. Rather, it is your life, and through this word you shall prolong days in the land that you are about to possess upon crossing over the Jordan.’



The Lord spoke to Moses on that same day, saying:


‘Ascend this mountain of the Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, across from Jericho, and view the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites for a possession.


You shall die on the mountain that you are about to ascend, and be gathered to your people, just as Aaron your brother died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his people,


Because you were unfaithful to me in the midst of the Israelites at the Waters of Strife in Raqem, in the wilderness of Zin, in that you did not maintain my holiness in the midst of the Israelites.


Although you shall see the land before you that I am giving to the Israelites, you shall not enter there. ‘regal crown’: for P’s rendering of the obscure Hebrew text, see Introduction, Addendum 4. 1

‘Therefore’: this has no counterpart in Hebrew. The MT is notoriously corrupt in v. 43 (see BHQ, Deuteronomy, 152*–154*). 2






‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫ܪܩܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܐܚܘܕ ܒܕ ܳܝܢܐ ܐܝܕܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܢ ܢܶܗ ܕ ݂ܰܣܝܦܝ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܐ ܶܐܠܛܘܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܗܦܟ ܦܘܪܥܳ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܠܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܠ ܳܣ ݂ܰܢܐܝ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܣܝܦܝ ܢܶܐܟܘܠ ܶܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܒ ݂ܰܐ ܶܪܘܐ ܶܓ ݂ܰܐܪܝ ܶܡ ܕ ܳܡܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܣܪܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ܕ ܳܡܢܐ ݂ܰܕܩܛܝ ܢ ܶܶܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܫ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܪܝܫ ܬ ܳܓܐ ݂ܰܕܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ܳܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܓ ܶܡܟܝܢܢܠ ݂ܰܫ ݂ܰܒܚܢܢܘ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܢܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡ ܢܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛ ܢܠ ݂ܰܕܕ ܳܡ ܢܐ ܕܥ݂ܰܒ ܢ ݂ܰܕܘܗܝ ܶܡܬܦ ܢ ݂ܰܪܥ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦܘܪܥܳ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܦܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܣ ݂ܰܢܐܘܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܚ ܶܣܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐܪܥ ܶܗ ܘܥ݂ܰܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܬܐ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܟ ܶܠܢܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓܡܐ ܕܬܫܒ‬ ‫ܡܕ ܘ‬ ‫ܗܘ ܘܝ ܶܫܘܥ ݂ܰܒܪܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܠܟ ܶܠܗ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܗ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ݂ܰܫ ܶܠܡ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܘ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܪ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܣܝܡܘ ܶܠܒܟܘܢ ܒܟܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡܢܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܣܢ ܶܗܕ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܒܟܢܢܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕܬ ݂ܰܦܩܢܢܕܘܢ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܕܢܶܛܢܢܪܘܢ ܘܢܶܥܒܢܢܕܘܢ ܟܠ ܢܢܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܙ ܶܡܛܠ ܕܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܓܝܪ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܣܪ ܳܝܩܐ ܠܟܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܗܘܝܘ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝ ܝ ܟܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܒ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܬܣܓܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܥܳܒܪܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܝܢܘܪܕ ܳܢ ܠܬ ܳܡܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪.‬‬

‫ܨܚ ܟܚ‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬




‫ܘܫܐ ܶܒܗ ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܚ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܕܥ ܶܒ ܳܪܝ ܶܐ‪ :‬ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܛ ݂ܰܣܩ ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܐܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܢܕܡ ܐܝܪܝ ܚܢܘ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܕ ܳܢܒܘ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܡܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܚܙܝܗ ݂ܰܠܪܥܳܐ ݂ܰܕܟ ݂ܰܢܥ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܐ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢ ܘܡܘܬ ܒܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܕ ܳܣ ܶܠܩ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܶܠܗ‪ܶ .‬ܘܐܬ ݂ܰܟܢܫ ܠ ܳܘܬ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܟ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܐ ܕܡܝܬ ܐܗܪܘܢ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܚܘܟ ܒܗܘܪ ܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܬܟܢܶܫ ܠ ܳܘܬ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܕ ܐܥܠܝܬܘܢ ܒܝ ܒ ݂ܰܓܘ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܩܡ ܒ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ܒܡܝܐ ܕܡܨ‬ ‫ܕܨܝ ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܠ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰܩ ܶܕܫܬ ܳܘܢܢܝ ܒ ݂ܰܓܘ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܒ ܶܡ ܩܒܘܠ ܚܙܝܗ ݂ܰܠܪܥܳܐ‪ :‬ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܐ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܬ ܳܡ ܠ ܬܥܘܠ‪.‬‬




If they had been wise and understood this, they would have discerned what their latter end would be!


One1 would have been pursuing a thousand, and two would have been putting ten thousand to flight, if their Mighty One had not handed them over, and the Lord had not besieged them.


For their mighty one is not as our Mighty One, our enemies themselves being judges.


For their vine is from the vine of Sodom, and from the plantation of Gomorrah; their grapes are bitter grapes, and their clusters are bitter.


Their venom2 is the venom of serpents, and the head3 of the evil asp.


See, it is hidden with me, and sealed up in treasuries.


Retribution is mine, and I will requite them,4 at the time when their foot shall stumble, because the day of their ruin is near, and that which is about to happen to them is coming quickly.


For the Lord judges his people, and in his servants is consoled,5 because he has seen that power has prevailed; 6 and there is none to help or give support.


Then he will say, Where are their mighty gods, those in whom they were trusting,


Who would eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drink the wine of their libation? Let them rise up now and help you! Let them be your protection!


See therefore that I, I am, and there is no god apart from me: it is I who kill, and I who give life; I who strike, and I who heal. There is no one who can escape from my hands.


For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, ‘As I live for ever’.

‘one would have’: for P’s omission of the initial ‫איכה‬, see Introduction, Addendum 7. 2 ‘Their venom’: thus the Peshiṭta; MT has ‘Their wine’. 3 ‘head’: for P’s misreading here, see Introduction, Addendum 3. 1

‘I will requite them’: P follows a partially corrupt MT. See Introduction, Addendum 4. 5 ‘is consoled’: see Introduction, Addendum 7. 4


‘power’: lit. ‘hand’. P’s rendering appears to contradict the MT ‘has gone’.


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‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܛ ܶܐܠܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܟܡܘ ܶܘܐܣܬ ݂ܰܟܠܘ ܒ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܬ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰܝܢܘ ܒ ݂ܰܚܪܬܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܬܩܝܦܢܗܘܢ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܠ ܳܪ ܶܕܦ ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܰܚܕ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܠܢܡ‬ ‫ܠܦܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܬ ܶܪܝܢ ݂ܰܡܥܪܩܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܪܒܢ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܚܒܫ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܡܪܝ ܐ‬ ‫ܠ ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܦ ܬܘܩܦܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝ ݂ܰܕܝܳ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܬܐ ܕܥܳܡ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܰܕܣܢܢܕܘܡ ܓ ܶܦ ܢܬܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܢ ܫܬܠܢ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܶܡܛ ܢܠ ܕ ܶܡ ܢ ܓܦ ܢ‬ ‫ܳܶ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܪܐ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥ ܶܢ ݂ܰܒܝܗܘܢ ܥ ܶܢܒܝ ݂ܰܡܪ ܳܝܪܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܣܓܘ ݂ܰܠܝܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܬܢ ܝ ܢܶܐ ܶܚܡܬܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܪܝ ܳܫܐ ܕ ݂ܰܦܬ ܳܢܐ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܓ ܚ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠܕ ܳܗܐ ܓܢܝܙ ܥ݂ܰܡܝ ݂ܰܘܚܬܝܡ ݂ܰܒܐܘܨܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠܗ ܘܕܝܠܝ ܗܘ ܦܘܪܥܳ ܳܢܐ ܶܕ ܐܦܢܪܘܥ ܐܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܢܐ ݂ܰܕܬܡܢܘܛ ܶܪ ܓܠ ܢܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ‬ ‫ܡܣ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܩܪܝܒ ܗܘ ܝ݂ܰܘ ܳܡܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕܬ ܳܒܪܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܗܒ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ݂ܰܕܥܬܝܕ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܘ ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܕ ܶܐܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܥ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰܕܘܗܝ ܶܡܬ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰܝܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܢܙ ܐ ܕ ܶܫܠܛܢܬ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܝܕܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠܝܬ ܕܥܳ ݂ܰܕܪ ݂ܰܘܕ ܳܣ ܶܡܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܟܐ ܶܐܢܘܢ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ ݂ܰܬܩܝ ܶܦܐ‪ܳ :‬ܗܢܘܢ ݂ܰܕܬܟܝܠܝ ܗ ݂ܰܘܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ݂ܰܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܙ ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܢܪܐ ܕܢܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܝܢ ܗ ݂ܰܘܘ ݂ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܚ ܕ ݂ܰܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܝܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܢܩܘܡܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܪܒܐ ܕ ܶܕܒ ݂ܰܚ ܝܗܘܢ ܐܟܠܝ ܗ ݂ܰܘܘ‪ :‬ܘܫ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܳܫܐ ݂ܰܘܢܥ݂ܰܕܪܘ ܳܢܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܗܘܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܣܬ ܳܪ ܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܚܙܘ ܳܗܟܝܠ ܶܕ ܳܐܢܐ ܐ ܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠܝܬ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܛ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܒܪ ܶܡܢܝ‪ :‬ܐ ܳܢܐ ܡܡܝܬ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܶܘ ܳܐܢܢܐ ݂ܰܡ ܶܚܢܐ‬ ‫ܐܣܐ ܐ ܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܐ ܳܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܡ ܶܚܐ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܶܘ ܳܐܢܐ ݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠܝܬ ܕ ܳܦ ܶܠܛ ܶܡ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ܐܝܕܝ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܡ ܶܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܡܬ ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬ ܕ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܠ ܥܳ ݂ܰܠܡ‪.‬‬




He said, ‘I will turn1 my face from them. I will see what their end shall be, for they are a perverse generation, children with no faithfulness in them.


They have provoked me to jealousy with what is a no-God; they have provoked me to anger with their false gods: I will provoke them to jealousy with what is a no-people. I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.


For a fire is burning in my anger, and is kindled unto the depths of Sheol. It devours the earth and its produce, and sets the foundations of the mountains on fire.


I will gather2 evils upon them; I will feed3 my arrows against them.


They shall be smitten with hunger, and delivered up to adverse winds; to the vulture4 I will hand them over, and I will provoke the savage beast5 against them, together with the poison of crawling things in the dust.


In the open the sword will cause bereavement, and in the inner rooms there will be terror — both young men and maidens, young children and grey-haired elders.


I would have said, ‘Where are they?6 I will eliminate remembrance of them from among humankind,’


Otherwise the anger of the enemy would have prevailed, lest their oppressors be exalted,7 and should say, ‘It is our hand that is exalted, and it was not the Lord who performed these things.’


For these are a people whose intelligence has perished, they lack insight. ‘I will turn’: for P’s rendering, see Introduction, Addendum 3. ‘I will gather’: for P’s rendering, see Introduction, Addendum 3. 3 ‘I will feed’: see Introduction, Addendum 3. 1 2

‘vulture’: lit. ‘bird of prey’. See Introduction, Addendum 4, regarding this corrupt Hebrew verse. 4

‘the savage beast’: lit., ‘beast of tooth’. The Hebrew has a reverse sequence here: ‘tooth of beasts’. 6 ‘Where are they?’: see Introduction, Addendum 4, for P’s rendering of the obscure Hebrew construction ‫אפאיהם‬. 5

‘be exalted’: an interpretative rendering by P; the MT here (‫ )נכר‬is usually rendered as ‘misjudged’. 7





‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܐܦܢܶܐ ܐ ݂ܰܦܝ ܶܡܢܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܚܙܶ ܐ ܳܡ ܳܢܢܐ ܳܗܘܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܚܢܪܬܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕ ܳܕ ܳܪܐ ܐܢܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܟ ܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܟܐ‪ :‬ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܐ ܕ ݂ܰܠܝܬ ܒܗܘܢ ܗܝܡܢܘܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܐ ܶܗܢܘܢ ܐܛܢܘܢܝ ܒܶܠ ܐ ܳܠܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܪܓܙܘܢܝ ܒ ܶܕܚ ܳܠܬܗܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܘܐܦ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܐܛ ܢ ܐܢܢܘܢ ܒܢܶܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܓܙ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܡ‪ :‬ܘܒܥܡܐ ܣܟܶܠ ܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܒ ܶܡܛ ܢܠ ܕܢ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܳܩܕ ܳܚ ܢܐ ܒܪܘܓ ܢܙܝ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܕܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܢܐ ݂ܰܠܫܝ ܢܘܠ ܬܚܬܝܢܢܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܕ ܶܫܬܐܣܐ ܕܛܘܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܬܐܟܘܠ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܘܥ݂ܰܺܠܬܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܓ ݂ܰܐܪܝ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܟܓ ܶܐ ݂ܰܟܢܶܫ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܟܠ ܒܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܠܝܗܘܢ ܒܝܫ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ܐܢܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܚܐ ܒܝܫܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܠܛܝܪܐ ܐ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܢܶܬܛܪܦܘܢ ܒܟܦܢܐ ܘܢܫ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܘܬ ܶܫ ܳܢܐ ܐ ݂ܰܓ ܶܪܐ ܒܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܚܡܬܐ ݂ܰܕܚ ݂ܰܘ ܳܘܬܐ ܕ ܳܚܠ ܕܝ ܒܥ݂ܰܦ ܳܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܒܢܪ ܬ ݂ܰܓܝܶܢܙ ݂ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܗ ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܬܘܢܶܢܐ ܶܕܚܠܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܐܦ ݂ܰܓܢܕܘ ܶܕܐ ݂ܰܘܒܬܘ ܳܠܢܬܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܪܒܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܛܠܢܝܐ ܥ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰܓܒ ܶܪܐ ܳܣܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܟܐ ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܰܒܛܠ ܶܡ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ ܕܘܟ ܳܪܢܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܘ ܐܡܪܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟܙ ܶܐܠ ܳܘܠ ܪܘܓ ܳܙ ܐ ݂ܰܕܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܫ ‪ :‬ܕܠ ܢܶܬܬ ܪܝܡܘܢ ܐܠܘ ݂ܰܨ ܝܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܢܕܢ‬ ‫ܗܘ ܶܐܬܬ ܪ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡܬ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܟܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܠܝܬ ܒܗܘܢ ܣ‬ ‫ܟܚ ܶܡܛܠ ܕܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰܡܐ ܗܘ ܕ ܐܒܝܕܐ ܬܪܥ‬




Like an eagle that hovers over its nest, and flutters over its fledglings, it spreads out its wings1 and gathers them up, and carries them on the power2 of its pinions.


The Lord alone led him, there was no foreign god with him.


He settled him on the power3 of the earth, and fed him with the produce of the field; he made him suck honey from the rock, and oil from the flinty stone;


Butter of the herd, and milk of the flock, with fat of fatlings and rams, the offspring of rock goats, and kids, with fat and the best of wheat; and the blood of grapes he gave him to drink.


But Israel4 grew fat, and kicked: he grew fat and strong and became rich.5 Then he forgot the God who made him, and reviled the Mighty One who saved him.


He provoked6 him to jealousy with strange (gods), and angered him with false idols.


They sacrificed to demons that are not gods, deities whom they knew not — new ones, who were now being served, whom your ancestors did not fear.


You forgot the Mighty One who bore you, and you were unmindful of God who praised7 you.


The Lord saw and was angry,8 because of the provocation of his sons and daughters. ‘it spreads out its wings’: in this rendering the metaphor of the eagle continues to the end of the verse. It is also possible (in both MT and P) to render the verse so that the text speaks of God explicitly from the second part onward: ‘he spreads out his wings…’. 2 ‘on the power’: see Introduction, Addendum 2. 3 ‘power’: see Introduction, Addendum 3, concerning P’s attempt to render the metaphor of MT. 1

‘Israel’: for P’s rendering of MT’s ‘Jeshurun’, see Introduction, Addendum 1. ‘became rich’: P’s rendering of the obscure Hebrew ‫ כשה‬is shared by the Targums. 6 ‘He provoked’: MT changes to 3 pl. at this point; P does so in the following verse. 7 ‘who praised you’: P’s choice of verb may have been intentional; see Introduction, Addendum 3. 4 5


‘and was angry’: for P’s rendering, see Introduction, Addendum 3.


‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫݂ܰܘܐܝܟ ܢܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܓܘܗܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܪܐ ܕ ܳܛܐܶܣ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܶܩܢܶܗ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܦܪ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܶܚܦ‪ܳ :‬ܦ ܶܪܣ ܶܓ ݂ܰܦܢܘܗܝ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫ ܶܩܠ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܩ ܶܒܠ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܫܢܐ ܶܕ ܐܒ ݂ܰܪܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܘܗܝ ݂ܰܕܒ ܶܪܗ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܒܠ ܚ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠܝܬ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ ܐ ܳܠܗ ܢܘܟ ܳܪܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܢܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܢܩܢܗ ܶܕܒ ܳܫܢܐ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫ܐܘܬ ܶܒܗ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܥܘܫܢܐ ܕ ܐܪܥܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܐܘܟܠܢܗ ܥܺܠܢܬܐ ܕܚ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܐ ܕܛ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܚܐ ܶܡ ܟ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܦܛܡܐ‪ܶ :‬ܕܟ ܶܪܐ ܒ ݂ܰܢܢܝ ݂ܰܕܝ ܢܨܶ ܐ ݂ܰܘܓ ݂ܰܕܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܚܐܘܬܐ ܕܬܘܪܐ ܘܚܠ ܒܐ ܕܥ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܥܡ ܬܪܒܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܛܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ܳܡܐ ܕܥ ܶܢ ܶܒܐ ݂ܰܐܫܩܝܶܗ ݂ܰܚܡܪܐ‪ܳ.‬‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܒܐ ܘܫܘܡܢܐ ܕܚ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ݂ܰܘܒܥ݂ܰܛ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡ ݂ܰܘܬ ܶܩܦ ݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܢܐ ܢܶܟ ܶܣܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܛܥܳܐ ܠ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ܕܥ݂ܰܒܢ ܶܕܗ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܦܐ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܩܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܨܚ ܝ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܛܢܶܗ ܒܢܘܟ ܳܪܝ ܶܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ܶܕܚ ܳܠܬܐ ܐܪܓܙܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܒܚܘ ܠܫܐ ܕܐ ܕܠ ܗ ݂ܰܘܘ ܐ ܳܠܗܐ‪ :‬ܐ ܳܠܗܐ ܕܠ ܝ ݂ܰܕܥܢܘ ܐܢܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܚܢܕܬܐ ܐܢܢܘܢ ܕ ܳܗܟܝܢܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܘ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܕ ܶܚܠܘ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܐ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܦܐ ܕܝ݂ܰܠ ܳܕܟ ܛܥ݂ܰܝܬ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܬܢܫܝܬ ܠ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ܕ ݂ܰܫܒ ܳܚܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܓܙ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܓܙܘܗܝ ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܘܗܝ ݂ܰܘܒܢܬܗ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  XXVII

Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak; let earth listen to the word of my mouth.

My doctrine shall drop gently like the rain, and my speech shall descend like the dew; like vapour upon the tender grass, and like sprinklings upon the herb.

For in the Lord’s name I will proclaim: ‘Ascribe greatness to our God, the Mighty One.’1

For his works are without blemish, and all his ways are justice. A faithful God is he, without iniquity, just and upright.

They have acted corruptly, and are not2 his blemished children, a generation crooked and perverse.

With these do you repay the Lord, O foolish people who have not been wise? Has he not been your father who acquired you? He is your maker and he who made you firm.

Be mindful of the days of old, consider carefully the years of generation after generation. Ask your father and he will show you; your elders, and they will tell you.

When the Most High divided out the nations, when he separated humankind, he established the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the children of Israel.

For the Lord’s portion is his people, and Jacob his allotted inheritance.


He found him in a desert land, and in a deserted wilderness. He drew him near and loved him,3 and preserved him as the pupil of the eye.

‘the Mighty One’: P typically rejects inanimate images of God, such as ‘Rock’; see Introduction, Addendum 7. P has moved this divine epithet from the beginning of v. 4, to the end of v. 3, to qualify ‘our God’. 2 ‘acted corruptly; they are not his sons’: see Introduction, Addendum 4. 1

‘drew him near and loved him’: for P’s choice of verbs see Introduction, Addendum 3. 3


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܟܙ‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬


‫ܫܡܥ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡ ܶܠ‪ :‬ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܨܘܬܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܗ ܕܦܘܡܝ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܪܐ ܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܣܡ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܦܢܝ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܚܘܬ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ݂ܰܛ ܳܶܠ ܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚܐ ܕܥ݂ܰܠ ܬ ܳܕ ܐܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܝܟ ܪܣ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܣܐ ܕܥ݂ܰܠ ܥ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ݂ܰܠ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ ݂ܰܬܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܦܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܕܡܪܝ ܐ ܐܩܪܐ‪ :‬ܗܒܘ ܪܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܕܕ ܳܠ ܡܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܢܐ ܘܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܰܕܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܟܠ ܶܗܝ ܐܘܪ ܳܚܬܗ ܕ ܳܝܢܐ‪ :‬ܐ ܳܠܢ ݂ܰܗܐ ܗܘ ܡܗ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܳܘܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܙ ܕ ܳܝܩܐ ݂ܰܘܬ ܪ ܳܝܨ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܦܬܠ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܚ ܶܒܠܘ ܘܠ ܶܠܗ ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܐ ܕܡܘܡܐ‪ :‬ܕܪܐ ܡܥܩܡܐ ܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܢܐ ܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܳܦܪܥܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ‪ :‬ܥܡܐ ܣܟܶܠ ܘܠ ܗܘܐ ܚܟܝܡܢܐ‪ :‬ܕ‬ ‫ܩܢܟ ܘܗܘܝܘ ܥ݂ܰܒ ܳܕܟ ݂ܰܘܐܬ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܒܘܟ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܢܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܬ ݂ܰܕܟܪ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܥܳ ݂ܰܠܢܡ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܣܬ ݂ܰܟܢܠ ݂ܰܒܫ ݂ܰܢ ܳܝܢܐ ܕ ܳܕ ܳܪܕ ܪܝܢ ‪݂ܰ .‬ܫܢܐܠ ܠܒܢܘܟ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܚ ܶܘܝܟ‪݂ܰ .‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܣ ݂ܰܒܝܟ ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܟܢܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܟܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܐ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܠܓ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦܢ ܶܪܫ ܒ ݂ܰܢܢܝ ܐ ܳܢ ܳܫܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܩܝܢܡ ܬܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳܢܝ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܕܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܦܠܓܘܬܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ‪ :‬ܘܝ݂ܰܥܩܘܒ ݂ܰܚܒܶܠ ܕܝܳܪܬܘܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܒܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܫܝܡܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܐܫܟ ܶܚܗ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܛܪܗ ܐܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܩܦܗ ܘܚܒܒܗ ܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܒܒܬܐ ܕܥ݂ܰ ܳܝܢܐ‪.‬‬




So, when many evils and troubles come upon them, this song shall confront them as a witness, since it will not be forgotten in the mouths of their offspring. For I know their inclination and all that they have been devising up to this day, before I (even) bring them into the land that I swore to their ancestors.


So Moses wrote this song on that same day and taught it to the Israelites.


Then (the Lord) charged Joshua son of Nun, saying: ‘Be strong and steadfast, for you shall bring the Israelites into the land which I swore to them, and I will be with you.’


When Moses had finished writing down the words of this law in a book until they were completed,


Moses commanded the Levites, who carry the ark of the covenant of the Lord, saying,


‘Take this book of the law and put it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, so that it may be there for you (as) a witness.


For I well know your contentious nature and stubbornness. If, while I am still alive with you today, you have been rebellious towards the Lord, how much more after I die?


Gather to me all the elders of your tribes and your officials, that I may speak these words to you, and call heaven and earth to witness against them.


For I know that after my death you will utterly corrupt yourselves, and turn aside from the way that I have commanded you; and evil will befall you in the days to come, because you will have done what is evil before the Lord and provoked him to anger through the work of your hands.’


Moses spoke the words of this song until they were completed before all the assembly of Israel.



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬





‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܪܐ ܬܫܒܢܢܘܚܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‬ ‫ܟܐ ܘ ܳܡ ܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܛܢܢܝ ܐܢ ܢܘܢ ܒܝܫܢܢܬܐ ܣܓܝ ܢܐܬܐ ܘܥܩܢܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܬܩܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܠ ܬܶܬܛܥ ܶܐ ܶܡ ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܗܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܙܪܥܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕܝܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܕܥ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܠܣܗܕ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܚܨܪܗܘܢ ܘܟܢܠ ܕܥܳܒܕܝܢ ܳܗ ܳܪܟܢܐ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܢܕܠ ܐܥܶܢܠ ܐܢܢܘܢ ܠܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܝܡܝܢܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܦܗ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܬܫܒ‬ ‫ܟܒ ݂ܰܘܟܬܒ ܡ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܟܓ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶܩܕ ܠ ܝܶܫܘܥ ݂ܰܒܪܢܢܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ܶܠܢܗ‪ :‬ܐܬ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝܢܠ ܶܘܐܬܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰܫܢ ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ݂ܰܕ ܐܢܢܬ‬ ‫݂ܰܡܥ ܶܠ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ݂ܰܠܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܡܝܬ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܳܐܢܐ ܶܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܒ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ݂ܰܫ ܶܠܡ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܢܐ ܒ ܶܣܦܢ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܠܡܟ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠܡܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܶܡܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܗ ݂ܰܦ ܶܩܕ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܠ ܶܠ ܳܘܝ ܶܐ ݂ܰܕܫܩܝܠܝ ܩܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ‪ :‬ܘܣܝܡܘܗܝ ܒ ܶܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܘ ݂ܰܣܒܘ ܶܣܦ ܳܪܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܕ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܶܡܢܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܛܢܪܐ ܕܩܒܢ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܠܟܘܢ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ܳܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܡܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܝܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܟܙ ܶܡܛܠ ܶܕ ܳܐܢܐ ܝܳ ݂ܰܕܥ ܐ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܠܟܘܢ ݂ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܡܪ ܢܘܬܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܐ ܥ݂ܰܕ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ݂ܰܚ ܢܝ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܡܪܬܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܡܟܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܐܦ ܶܡ ܳܒܬܪ ܕ ܳܡܐܬ ܐ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܣܦ ݂ܰܪܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܚ ݂ܰܟܢܶܫܘ ܠ ܳܘܬܝ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܣ ܶܒܐ ܕ ݂ܰܫܒ ݂ܰܛܝܟܘܢ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܟܘܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ‬ ‫ܐܣ ܶܗܕ ܒܟܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰܘܐܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܚ ܳܒܠܢܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݂ܰܡܘܬܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܚܒܠܝܢ ܐܢܢܬܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ ܳܤܛܝܢ‬ ‫ܟܛ ܶܡܛܠ ܕܝ ܕܥ ܐܢܐ ܕܡ ܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܢܬܘܢ ܶܡ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܐ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶܩܕܬܟܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܘܐܪܥܳܐ ܠܟܘܢ ܒܝܫܬܐ ܒ ݂ܰܚܢܪܬܐ ܕܝ݂ܰ ܢܘ ܳܡܬܐ‪ܳ :‬ܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܪܓܙܬ ܳܘܢܝܗܝ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒ ܳܕܐ ܕ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒܕܬܘܢ ܒܝܫ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܬܐ ܕ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܠ ܶܘܐ ݂ܰܡܪ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝ ܶܠ‪ܶ :‬ܦܬ ܳܓܡܐ ܕܬܫܒܢܘܚܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܟ ܳܠܗ ܟܢ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠܡܘ‪.‬‬




Assemble the people — men, women, and children, and the sojourner within your towns — so that they may hear and learn to revere the Lord your God and to diligently observe all the words of this law.



Their children too, who have not experienced (this), 1 shall hear and learn to revere the Lord your God all the days that you live in the land that you are about to cross the Jordan to possess.’


The Lord said to Moses, ‘The days are drawing near when you must die. Summon Joshua, and stand in the tent of meeting, that I may commission him.’ So Moses and Joshua went and stood in the tent of meeting.


The Lord appeared at the tent of meeting2 in a pillar of cloud: and the pillar of cloud stood at the door of the tent of meeting.


The Lord said to Moses, ‘You will soon lie down with your ancestors. This people will then arise and go astray after the alien gods in their midst, in the land they are about to enter; they will abandon me and break my covenant which I made with them.


Then my anger shall be kindled against them in that day. I will abandon them and turn my face from them. They will become a prey, and much evil and trouble shall come upon them. On that day they will say, “It is because my God is not with me that all these evils have befallen me”.


I will turn my face from them on that day for all the evil they have done by turning aside to other gods.


Now therefore write down this song for them and teach it to the Israelites. Place it in their mouths that this song may be a witness for me against the Israelites.


For I am bringing them into the land flowing with milk and honey, which I swore (to give) to their ancestors, and (when) they have eaten their fill and indulged themselves, they will turn to other gods and serve them, provoking me and breaking my covenant.


‘experienced (this)’: lit. ‘known’.

‘of meeting’: added by both Mosul and Leiden in the first occurrence in v. 15, and by Mosul only in the second. 2


‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫ܨܚ ܟܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܪܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܥܳܡ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܕܒܩ ܢܘܪܝܳܟ ܶܡܛ ܢܠ‬ ‫݂ܰܟܢܶ ܳܫܝ ܢܗܝ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡ ܢܐ ݂ܰܓܒ ܢ ܶܪܐ ܘܢܶܫ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܐܝܩ ܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕܢܶܫܡܥܘܢ ܘܢܐܠܦܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܕܚܠܢܘܢ ܶܡܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܛܢܪܘܢ ܘܢܶܥܒܢܕܘܢ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܗܘܢ ܕ ܳܠ ܝ ݂ܰܕܥܘ ܢܶܫܡܥܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܐܠܦܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܕ ݂ܰܚܢܠ ܶܡܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܥܳܒܪܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܝ݂ܰܘܪܕ ܳܢ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‪ܳ :‬ܗܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܪܒܘ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܡܬ‪ :‬ܩܪܝ ܠ ܝܶܫܢܘܥ‪ :‬ܘܩܢܘܡ‬ ‫ܫܟ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܘܝ ܶܫܘܥ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܩܡܘ ܒ ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܦܩܕܝܘܗܝ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰܐܙܠܘ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܟ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܢ ܳܢܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܶܘܐܬܓܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܒ ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܡ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܟ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ܒܥ݂ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܢ ܳܢܐ ܒܬܪܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܟ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܐܡ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‪ܳ :‬ܗܐ ܐܢܬ ܳܫ ܶܟܒ ܐܢܬ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܐ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳܡܢ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܢܬܗܘܢ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܫ ܶܒܢܩ‬ ‫ܘܛܥ ܶܐ ܳܒܬܪ ܐ ܳܠܗܐ ܢܘܟ ܳܪܝ ܶܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪ :‬ܕܗܘ ܥܳܐܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܝܡܝ ݂ܰܕ ܐܩ ܶ‬ ‫ܛܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܬ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܝ ܘܡܒ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܬ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܡܬ ܪܘܓܙܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܢܘܗܝ ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܗܦܢܟ ܐ ݂ܰܦܢܝ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܫܒܢܘܩ ܐܢܢܘܢ ܘ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܗܘܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܐܟܢܘܠܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܡܛܝܢܘܗܝ ܒܝܫܢܬܐ ݂ܰܣܓܝܢܐܬܐ ܘܥܳܩܢܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܠܝܬ ܐ ܳܠܗܝ ܒ ݂ܰܓܘܝ‪ :‬ܐܪܥܳܢܝ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܟܠ ܶܗܝܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܒܝ ܳܫܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘ ܳܐܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܦܟ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܦܝ ܶܡܢܗܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܘ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܢܠ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܟ ܳܠܗ ܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܶܗܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܤܛܘ ܒ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܠܦܝܢܗ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶܡܟܝܠ ܟܢܬܘܒ ܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܬܫܒܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܝܢܢܗ ܒܦ ܢܘܡܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛ ܢܠ ܕܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܣ ܢܗܕܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܠ ܢܝ ܬܫܒ ܢ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܡܥܶܢܠ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܠܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܝܡܝܢܬ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܡܪܕܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܚܠ ܳܒܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܢ ܶܗܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܒܥܝ ܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܕܒ ܳܫ ܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܐܟܠܝ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶ ܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܡܬ ݂ܰܦܢܩܝ ܢ ‪ :‬ܘܤܛܝ ܢ ܒ ܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܦܠ ܚ ܝ ܠ ܗܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܪܓܙܝ ܠܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܒܛܠܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝܡܝ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

Moses went and spoke all these words to all Israel.

He said to them, ‘I am one hundred and twenty years old today. I am no longer able to move about freely,1 so the Lord said to me, “You shall not cross this Jordan.”

It is the Lord your God who will cross before you; he it is who will destroy these nations before you, and you shall dispossess them. Joshua shall cross before you, as the Lord has promised.

The Lord will do to them as he did to Sihon and Og, the kings of the Amorites, and to their land, when he destroyed them.

The Lord will deliver them over to you, and you shall deal with them according to the entire commandment that I gave you.

Be strong and steadfast; do not be afraid or in dread or perturbed before them,2 for it is the Lord your God who goes with you; he will not fail you or abandon you.’

Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel, ‘Be strong and steadfast, for it is you who will bring this people into the land which the Lord swore to their ancestors to give them; and you will put them in possession of it.

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you and will not fail you or abandon you. Do not be afraid or in dread or perturbed.’

Then Moses wrote down this law and gave it to the priests, the sons of Levi, who carry the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and to all the elders of the Israelites.


Then Moses commanded them, saying: ‘At the end of every seven years, at the appointed time for the year of debt remission, during the Feast of Booths,


When all Israel comes to appear before the Lord your God at the place that he will choose, you shall read this law before all Israel in their hearing.


‘to move about freely’: lit. ‘to go out and to come in’.


‘or perturbed’: see Introduction, Addendum 2, for vv. 6 and 8.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬


‫ܘܡ ܶܠ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡܐ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒܪ ܳܡܐܐ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܘܥ ܶܣܪܝܢ ܫܢ ܝܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܟܢܚ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܬܘܒ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰܦܩ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܥ݂ܰܠ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܪ ܠܝ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܪ ܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ܘܗܘ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܶܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܗܘ ܥܳ ݂ܰܒܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬ ݂ܰܐܪܬ ܶܐܢܘܢ‪ .‬ܝ ܶܫܘܥ ܗܘ ܥܳ ݂ܰܒܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܠܣܝ ܚܢܘܢ ݂ܰܘܠ ܥܢܘܓ ݂ܰܡܠ ܶܟܢܐ ܳܕ ܐܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐܝܢܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ܶܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܘܒܕ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܠܪܥܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܕ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒ ܢܕܘ ܠ ܢܢܗܘܢ ݂ܰܐܝܢܢܟ ܟ ܶܠ ܢܗ ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܠ ܢܡ ܶܐܢ ܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܕ ܳܢ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶܩܕܬܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܐܬ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝܠܘ ܶܘܐܬܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰܫܢܘ‪ܳ :‬ܠ ܬܶܕܚܠܘܢ ܳܘܠ ܬܙܘܥܢܘܢ ܳܘܠ ܬܶܬ ݂ܰܪܗܒܢܘܢ ܶܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܗܘ ܳܐ ܙܶܠ ܩ ܳܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ܳܠ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܦܝܟ ܘܠ ܢܶܫܒ ܳܩܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ܶܠܢܗ ܠ ܥܝܢ ܟ ܶܠܢܗ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܢܐ ܠ ܝܶܫܢܘܥ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ‪ :‬ܐܬ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝܢܠ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܬܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰܫ ܶܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕ ܐܢܬ ݂ܰܡܥ ܶܠ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܶܠܗ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܠܪܥܳܢܐ ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܬܠ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܢܬ ܬܘܪܬܝܗ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܟ ܳܠ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܢܟ ܘܗܘ ܢܶܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܗܘ ܳܐ ܙܶܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܦܝܢܢܟ ܘܠ ܢܶܫܒ ܳܩ ܢܟ ܠ‬ ‫ܬܶܕ ݂ܰܚܠ ܳܘܠ ܬܙܘܥ ܳܘܠ ܬܶܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܗܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܘܝ݂ܰܗ ܶܒܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܒ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܟܗܢܶܐ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܶܠ ܘܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕܫܩܝܠܝ ܩܒܢܘܬܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܟ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܶܡܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܣܒܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶܩܕ ܶܐܢܘܢ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܒܥ ܫܢ ܝܢ ‪ :‬ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܫܢܢܬܐ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܡ ܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܕܫܘܒ ܳܩ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܒܥܕܥܐܕܐ ܕܡܛܠܢܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܡܐ ܳܕ ܐܬܶܐ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܝܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ݂ܰܒܢܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪܝ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ܶܒܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢ ܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬




When you listen to the voice of the Lord your God and keep his commandments and statutes that are written in this book, and you turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and soul.


For this commandment that I command you today is not hidden 1 from you, nor is it far away.


It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will go up for us to heaven and get it for us, that we may hear it and do it?’


Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will cross the sea for us and get it for us, that we may hear it and do it?’


No, the word is very near to you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it.


See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, death and adversity,2



So that if you love the Lord your God and walk in his ways and keep his commandments and statutes and ordinances, which I am commanding you today, you shall live and increase greatly, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land that you are entering to possess.


But if your heart turns away and you do not listen, but go astray and worship other gods and serve them,


I declare to you today that you shall certainly perish. You shall not live long in the land that you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess.


I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life that you and your descendants may live,


Loving the Lord your God, listening to his voice, and holding fast to him; for this is life and length of days for you, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your ancestors, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give to you.


‘hidden’: see Introduction, Addendum 3.


‘life and prosperity, death and adversity’: see Introduction, Addendum 6.


‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫ܨܚ ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫ܘܬܶ ݂ܰܛܢܢܪ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܢܢܘܗܝ‪ܳ :‬ܘܢܡܘ ݂ܰܣܢܢܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶܡ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ‬

‫ܫܡܢܢܥ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܢܢܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐܢ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܢܗܟ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܕܟܬܝܒܝ ݂ܰܒܟܬ ܳܒܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܬܦܢܶܐ ܠ ܳܘܬ‬ ‫ܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܕ ܳܢܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܢܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܟ ܶܣܢܐ ܶܡ ܳܢܢܟ ܐܦܢܶܠ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰܪܚ ܝܩ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ݂ܰܡܢܢܘ ܢܶ ݂ܰܣܢܩ ݂ܰܠܢ ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ݂ܰܝܢܐ ܗܘ‪ :‬ܕܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܢܐ ܘܢܶܣܒܝܢܘܗܝ ݂ܰܠܢ ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܘܢܶܥܒܕܝܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܘܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒܥ ܶܒ ܳܪܐ ܕܝ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܕܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ݂ܰܡܢܘ ܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܪ ݂ܰܠܢ ܠ ܥ ܶܒܢ ܳܪܐ ܕܝ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܣܒܝܢܘܗܝ‬ ‫݂ܰܠ ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܘܢܶܥܒܕܝܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡܟ ݂ܰܘܒ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܩܪܝܒ ܗܘ ܳܠܟ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܳܛܒ‪ :‬ܒܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܥܒ ܶܕܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙܝ‪ :‬ܕܝ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܒܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܘܬܐ ܘܒܝ ܳܫܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ܝܘܡܢܐ ܚ ܝܐ ܘܛܒܬܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܚܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܕܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܘܬ ݂ܰܗ ܶܠܟ ܒܐܘܪ ܳܚܬܗ‪ :‬ܘܬܛܪ‬ ‫ܣܓܐ ܳܛܒ‪݂ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܰܢܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ‪ܳ :‬ܘܢܡܘ ݂ܰܣܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܕܝ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܬܐ ܶܚܐ ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܟܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܥܳܐܠ ܐܢܬ ܠܬ ܳܡ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܛܥ ܶܐ ܘܬܶܣܓܢܘܕ ݂ܰܠ ܳܠܢ ܶܗܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܛܐ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܳܘܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܦܠܢܘܚ‬ ‫ܘܐܢ ܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܚܘܝܬܟܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܒܕ ܐܒܕܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܓܪܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܥܳܒܪܝ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ܕܡ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܢܬܘܢ ܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܠܡܥ݂ܰܠ ܠܬ ܳܡ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܝ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܣ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܒܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܘܢ ܒܘܪ ܳܟܬܐ‬ ‫ܗܕܬ ܒܟܘܢ ܝܘܡܢܐ ܫܡܝܐ ܘܐܪܥܐ‪ :‬ܕܚ ܝܐ ܘܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܘܛܬܐ‪ .‬ܓܒܝ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܚ ܝܐ‪ :‬ܕܬܐ ܶܚܐ ܐܢܬ ݂ܰܘܙܪܥܳܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܪܚܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܘܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܟܕ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ܘܬܬܢ ݂ܰ ݂ܰܩܦ ܶܠܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܗܘܝܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܟ ܕܬܶܬܶܒ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܢܟ ܠܒܢ ܳܪ ܳܗܡ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝ ܝܟ ܘܢܘܓܪܐ ܕܝ ܘܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܣܚܩ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܝܥܩܘܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܬܠ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

When all these things come upon you, the blessings and the curses1 that I have set before you, and you ponder (them) in your heart among all the nations where the Lord your God will scatter you,2

And you return to the Lord your God, and you and your children listen to his voice with all your heart and soul, according to all that I command you today,

Then the Lord your God will reverse your captivity and have compassion upon you. He will gather you again from all the peoples among whom the Lord your God has scattered you.

Even if your scattered ones (of) Israel are far away at the extremities of the world, from there the Lord your God will gather you, from there he will bring you back.

The Lord your God will bring you into the land that your ancestors possessed, that you may possess it. He will make you more prosperous and numerous than your ancestors.


The Lord your God will circumcise your heart, and the heart of your descendants forever;3 and you will love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul so that he may give you rest.4

The Lord your God will place all these curses on your enemies and on those that hate you, who persecuted you.

You shall again listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and keep all his commandments that I command you today.

The Lord your God will make you prosper in all your undertakings, in the fruit of your body, in the issue of your livestock, and in the produce of your soil, for (your) good, because the Lord will again take delight in you for (your) good, as he did in your ancestors,

‘the blessings and the curses’: thus the Peshiṭta and Targums; MT, LXX and Vulgate have sg. 1

‘will scatter you’: see Introduction, Addendum 1, for P’s use of √‫‘ ܒܕܪ‬scatter’ in vv. 1 and 4. 3 ‘forever’: unique to the the Peshiṭta. 2

‘give you rest’ (‫ = ܕܢܢܝ ܚܟ‬Mosul). See Introduction, Addendum 5, for a possible inner-Syriac corruption. 4


‫݂ܰ ܶ‬



















‫ܶܩܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪ :‬ܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܕ ݂ܰܟܕ ܢܐܬܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܢܘܛܬܐ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܟܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓܡܢܐ‪ :‬ܒܢܘܪ ܟܬܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܕܝ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܒܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܟ ܘܬܬ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܫܢܒ ܒ ܶܠ ܳܒܢܟ ܒܟܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܢܒܢܕ ܳܪܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܠܬ ܳܡ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܶܬܦܢܶܐ ܠ ܳܘܬ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܘܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܐܢܬ ݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܢܝܟ ܒܟ ܶܠܗ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ݂ܰܘܒܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܟ ܝ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܢܬܟ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܪ ܶܚܢܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܦܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢܟ ݂ܰܘܢܢܬܘܒ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܫܢܟ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܫܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܒܕ ܳܪܟ ܒܗܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܒܕ ݂ܰܪܝܟ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ݂ܰܪܚ ܝܩܝ ܒ ݂ܰܣܘ ݂ܰܦܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܢܶܗܘܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ݂ܰܢܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܫܢܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܬ ܳܡ ݂ܰܢܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܒܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܢܪܬܘ ܐ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܢܢܟ ܘܬܐܪܬܝܢܢܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܛܢܐܒ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܠܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܝܢ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢܝܬܝܢܢܟ ܡܪܝ ܢܐ ܐܠܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܣܓܝܟ ܛܒ ܶܡ ܐ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܓܙܘܪ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܚܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳܒܐ ܕ ݂ܰܙܪܥܳܟ ܠ ܥܳ ݂ܰܠܡ‪ :‬ܘܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܟ ܶܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕܢܢܝ ܳܚܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܬܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܟܠ ܶܗܝ ݂ܰܠ ܘܛܬܐ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܠ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝܢܟ ܘܥ݂ܰܢܠ‬ ‫ܳܣ ݂ܰܢܐܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰܪܕܦܘܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܢܬ ܬܶܬܦܢܶܐ ܘܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܢܘܗܝ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒ ܳܕܐ ܕ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܢܟ ݂ܰܘܒܦܢ ܶܐܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܟ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢܘܬ ܳܪܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܒܟ ܶܠܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܣܢܟ ݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܝܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܕܐ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܚܢܕܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܕܒܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܢܶܬܦܢܶܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܝܪܟ ݂ܰܘܒܦܐܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܟ ܠܛܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܛܒܬܐ‪ :‬ܐܝܟ ݂ܰܕܚܕܝ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܘܢ‪.‬‬




Another generation, your children who will rise up after you, and the foreigners who come from a distant country, will say, when they see the afflictions of that land, and the sicknesses that the Lord has brought upon it —


Brimstone and salt, all the land a conflagration, unsown and not growing, no grass pushing up in it; it will be like Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim, which the Lord overthrew in his anger and wrath —


(Even) all the nations will say, ‘Why has the Lord done this to this land? And why is his great anger thus inflamed?’


They will say, ‘It is because they forsook the covenant of the Lord, the God of their ancestors, which he made with them when he brought them out of the land of Egypt,


And they went and served other gods, and bowed down to them, gods that they had not known, and which had not been allotted to them.’


So the Lord’s anger was inflamed against this land, so as to bring upon it all the curses that are written in this book.


The Lord will uproot them from their place in wrath and great anger, and cast them into another land, as is the case today.


Things hidden belong to the Lord our God, but things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may observe all the words of this law.










‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܒ ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܕ ܳܪܐ ܐܚܪ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܘܢ ݂ܰܕܢܩܘܡܘܢ ܳܒܬܪܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܘܟ ܳܪܝ ܶܐ ܕܢܢܐܬܘܢ ܶܡܢ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܩܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܚܙܘܢ ݂ܰܡܚ ܳܘ ܳܬܗ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܳܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܟܘܪ ܳܗܢܶܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܝܬܝ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܪܚ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡܠ ܳܚܐ ܝ݂ܰܩܝܕܬܐ‪ :‬ܟ ܳܠܗ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܠ ܬܙܕ ݂ܰܪܥ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܘܥܶܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶ ݂ܰܣܢܩ ܳܒܢܗ‬ ‫ܟܓ ܶܟܒܪ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܣܕܘܡ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܝܟ ܥܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܣܒ‪ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܝܟ ܐ ܳܕ ܳܡܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܝܟ ܨܒܘܐܝܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܗܦܟ ܐܢܶܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܒܪܘܓܙܶܗ ݂ܰܘܒ ܶܚܡܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܠ ܳܡ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܳܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܢܐ ܠܪܥܳܢܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰܢܠ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳܡ ܳܢܐ ܐܬ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܡܬ ܪܘܓܙܶܗ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܗ ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒܩܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܶܡܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳܐܒ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܐܩܝܢܡ ܥ݂ܰܡܢܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܟܕ ܐ ܶܦܩ ܐܢܘܢ ܶܡ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܘ ܶܘ ݂ܰܐܙܠܘ ݂ܰܘܦ ݂ܰܠܚܘ ݂ܰܠ ܳܠ ܶܗܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܣܓܕܘ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܐ ܳܠܢܗܐ ܕܠ ܝ ݂ܰܕܥܢܘ ܐܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܠ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܬ ݂ܰܦ ݂ܰܠܓܘ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢܗ ܟܠ ܶܗܝܢ ݂ܰܠ ܢܘܛܬܐ‬ ‫ܟܙ ܶܘܐܬ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܡܬ ܪܘܓܙܶܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܳܗܝ‪ :‬ܕܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܕܟܬܝ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܟܬ ܳܒܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܕܐ ܐܢܘܢ ܠܪܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܟܚ ܘܢܶܥܩܘܪ ܐܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡ ܐܬܪܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܒ ܶܚܡܬܐ ݂ܰܘܒܪܘܓܙ ܐ ܪܒܐ‪ :‬ܘܢ‬ ‫ܐܚܪ ܳܬܐ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܒ ݂ܰܢܝܢ ܠ ܥܳ ݂ܰܠܢܡ‪ :‬ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ‬ ‫ܟܛ ܣܬ ܳܝܪܬܐ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐܢܶܝܢ ܐ ܳܠܢ ݂ܰܗܢ‪ :‬ܘܓܠܢܝܢ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬




That you may not violate the covenant1 of the Lord your God, or the sworn agreement of the Lord your God that he has made with you today,


That he may establish you today as his people, and that he may be your God, as he promised you, and as he swore to your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


It is not with you alone that I am making this covenant and this sworn agreement,


But with each one who is here standing with us today before the Lord our God, and with each one who is not with us here today.


For you know that we were dwelling in the land of Egypt, and that we came through the midst of the nations through which you passed.


You have seen their abominations, and their idols of wood and stone, of silver and gold with which they were overlaid.2


Lest there should be among you a man or woman, or a family or tribe, whose heart is about to turn away today from the Lord our God, to go and serve the gods of these nations — lest there should be among you a root sprouting bitterness and sorrow —


Who, when he hears the words of this sworn agreement, will reckon 3 in his heart, saying, ‘I shall be safe, though I follow the desire4 of my heart,’ and so add5 moistness to dryness.


The Lord will not be willing to pardon him, but rather the Lord’s anger and his passion will strengthen6 against that person, and the entire curse written in this book will come upon him, and the Lord will blot out his name from under heaven.


The Lord will single him out from all the tribes of Israel for calamity, according to all the curses of the covenant written in the book of this law. ‘That you may not violate the covenant’: see Introduction, Addendum 7. 2 ‘with which they were overlaid’: see Introduction, Addendum 3. 3 ‘reckon’: thus the Peshiṭta; MT has ‘will bless himself’. 1

‘the desire of my heart’: the Peshiṭta has softened MT’s phrase: ‘the stubbornness of my heart’. 5 ‘add’: see Introduction, Addendum 3, for P’s possible misreading. 4


‘will strengthen’: see Introduction, Addendum 3.


‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܠ ܬܶܥܒ ܢܪܘܢ ܥ݂ܰ ܢܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܶܡ ܢܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟ ܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰ ܢܠ ݂ܰܡ ܢܘ ܳܡܬܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܐܩܝܡ ܥ݂ܰܡܟܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܘܗܘ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܡܟ ܶܠܗ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕܢܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܝܟ ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ݂ܰܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ ݂ܰܠܒ ܳܪ ܳܗܡ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܚܩ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܝܥܩܘܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܥ݂ܰܡܟܘܢ ݂ܰܒܠ ܚ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܟܘܢ ܡܩܝܡ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܘܡܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܟܠ ݂ܰܡ ܕ ܳܗ ݂ܰܪܟܐ ܗܘ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰܡ ܳܩܐܶܡ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܢ ݂ܰܗܢ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰܢܡ‬ ‫ܟܠ ݂ܰܡ ܕ ܳܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰܡ ܳܗ ܳܪܟܐ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܝܳܕܥܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܡܪܢ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܪܢ ܶܒܝܬ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܪܬܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܣܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܚ ܳܠܬܗܘܢ ܕ ݂ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙܝܬܘܢ ݂ܰܛܢ ܦ ܳܘܬܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܒܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܕܩܪܝܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܐ ܐܝܬ ܒܟܘܢ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ‪ :‬ܐܘ ܐܢܬܬܐ‪ :‬ܐܘ ݂ܰܫܪܒܬܐ‪ :‬ܐܘ ݂ܰܫܒܛܐ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܤܛܐ ܶܠ ܶܒܗ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ܶܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ‪ :‬ܠܡ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܦ ݂ܰܠܚ ݂ܰܠ ܳܠ ܶܗܐ ܕܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܳܗܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ܒܟܘܢ ܥ ܶ ܳܩ ܳܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܘܥ ܶܐ ܶܡܪܬܐ ܘ ܶܓܕ ܶܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‪ :‬ܢܶܬ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܫܒ ܒ ܶܠ ܶܒܗ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܶܦܬ ܳܓܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܠܝ ݂ܰܕܒܨܶܒ ܳܝ ܶܠܒܝ ܳܐ ܙܶܠ ܐ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܣܦ ݂ܰܪ ܳܘܝܘܬܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܨܶܗܝܘܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܛܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܢܶܨ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܫܢ ܪܘܓܢܙܶܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒܩ ܶܠܗ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܕܝܢ ܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܢ ܢܶܢܗ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ :‬ܘܬܐܬܶܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܛܬܐ ݂ܰܕܟܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܒܐ ݂ܰܒܟܬ ܳܒܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܥܛܢܐ‬ ‫ܥܠܘܗܝ ܟܠܗ ܠ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܶܡ ܬ ܶܚ ܝܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܛܐ ܕ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝ ܶܠ‪ :‬ܐܝܟ ܟܠ ܶܗܝ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܦܪܫܝܘܗܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠܒܝܫܬܐ ܶܡ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܫܒ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ܳܒܐ ܕ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܕܟܬܝܒ ܒܟ‬ ‫ܠ ܘܛ‬


Ch. 

Chapter  XXIV

These are the words of the covenant that the Lord commanded Moses to make with the Israelites in the land of Moab, besides the covenant that he made with them at Horeb.

Moses summoned all Israel and said to them: You have seen all that the Lord did before your eyes in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh and all his servants, to all his people and all his land,

The great trials that your own eyes have seen, the signs, and those great wonders that you saw.

But the Lord has not given you to this day a mind to understand, or eyes to see, or ears to hear.

He led you1 forty years in the wilderness. Your clothes did not wear out on you, and your sandals on your feet did not wear out.

You did not eat bread, or drink wine or strong drink — that you might know that I am the Lord your God.

When I brought you2 to this place, King Sihon of Heshbon, and King Og of Matnin, came out against us for battle, but we defeated them.

We took their land and gave it as an inheritance to the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh.

You must diligently keep the commandments of this law, 3 that you may prosper4 in all that you do.


You stand today before the Lord your God — all the leaders of your tribes, your elders, and your officials, all the men of Israel,


Your children, your wives, and the sojourner within your camp, both the one who cuts your wood and the one who draws your water —

‘He led you’: see Introduction, Addendum 6. ‘When I brought you’: see Introduction, Addendum 7. 3 ‘the commandments of this law’: see Introduction, Addendum 7. 1 2


‘that you may prosper’: lit. ‘that you may go up to the top’.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܝܕ‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬


‫ܘܫܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶܩܢܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܠܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡܢܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܩܡܢܘ ܥ݂ܰܢܡ ܒ ݂ܰܢܢܝ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܐܒ‪ :‬ܤ ݂ܰܛܪ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܩܝܡ ܥ݂ܰܡܗܘܢ ܒܚܘܪܝܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܡ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܠܟ ܶܠܗ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܢܬܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܙܝܬܘܢ ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠ ܥ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝܢ ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܦܪܥܢܘܢ ݂ܰܘܠܟܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܒܢ ݂ܰܕܘܗܝ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܟ ܳܠܗ ܐܪܥ ܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙܝܬܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܶܣܝܘܢܶܐ ݂ܰܪܘܪ ܶܒܐ ݂ܰܕܚ ݂ܰܙܝ ܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܬܘܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܕܡܪܬܐ ܪܘܪܒ‬ ‫ܚܢܙ ܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܕ ܢܶܢܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܢ ݂ܰܕܥ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰ ܝ ܢܶܢܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܘܠ ܝ݂ܰܗܒ ܠܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܠ ܳܒܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܢܥ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܝܟܘܢ ܶܡܢܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܣ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂ܰܒܪܟܘܢ ܐܪܒܥܝ ܫܢ ܝ ܒ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܒܠܝܘ ܢܚ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠ ܒܠܝܘ ܶܡ ܪܓ ݂ܰܠܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܟ ܳܪܐ ܠ ܐܫܬܝܬܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕܬܕܥܢܘܢ ܶܕ ܳܐܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܚܡܐ ܠ ܐ ݂ܰܟܠܬܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܚܡܪܐ‬ ‫ܘܠ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܢܐ ܡܪܝ ܐ ܐܠܗܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܝܬܝܬܟܘܢ ݂ܰܠܬ ܳܪܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦܩ ܣܝ ܚܘܢ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܐ ܕ ܶܚܫܒܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܥܢܘܓ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܪܒ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝ ܠܘܪܥ ܠܩܪܒܐ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܓܕ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ ܠ ܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܝܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܓܗ ܕ ݂ܰܫܒܛܐ‬ ‫ܢܣܒ ܐܪܥܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܝ݂ܰܗܒ ܳܢܗ ܝ‬ ‫ܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܕܡܢܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܘ ܶܐܢܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܛܪܘ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܢܬܘܢ ݂ܰܡܣܩܝܢ ܠ ܪܝܢܫ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܕܥܳܒܕܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܐܢ ܢܬܘܢ ܳܩܝܡܝ ܢ ܐܢܢܢܬܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟ ܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܟܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܪ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢ ܢܐ ܩܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫ ܢܝ‬ ‫ܘܣܦ ݂ܰܪܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ݂ܰܓܒ ܶܪܐ ܕ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣ ݂ܰܒܝ ܟܘܢ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰܫܒ ݂ܰܛܝܟܘܢ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝ ܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܰܝܩܪܬܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ݂ܰܫܝ ܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܥܳܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܓܢܘ ݂ܰܡܫܪܝܢܬܟ ܶܡܢ ܳܠ ܶܩܢܛ ݂ܰܩܝ ݂ܰܣܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܳܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܶܠ ݂ܰܡܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ‬




If you do not diligently keep all the words of this law that are written in this book, so that you may revere this praiseworthy and awesome name, the Lord your God,


Then the Lord will set apart1 plagues for you, and plagues for your offspring –– plagues that are severe and enduring, and illnesses that are malignant and enduring.


He will bring back upon you all the diseases of Egypt that you feared, and they will cling to you.


Every other sickness and plague, though not written in this book of the law, the Lord bring upon you, until he destroys you.


You, who were very numerous as the stars in heaven, shall be left few in number, because you did not listen to the voice of the Lord your God.


Just as the Lord rejoiced over you, so as to do good to you and to multiply you, so the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy you and finish you off. You shall be torn away from the land that you are entering to possess.


The Lord will scatter you among all the nations, from one end of the earth to the other, and there you shall serve other gods of wood and stone, which neither you nor your ancestors have known.


Among these nations you shall find no ease, or resting place for the sole of your foot. There the Lord will give you a trembling heart, failing eyes,2 and an anguished soul.


Your life shall be suspended before you; day and night you shall be in dread, unable to trust in your life.


In the morning you will say, ‘Would that it were evening!’ and in the evening you will say, ‘Would that it were morning!’ –– because of the dread of your heart which you shall feel, and the vision that your eyes shall see.


The Lord will return you to Egypt in ships, along a route concerning which I said to you, ‘You shall never see it again’. There you will be sold to your enemies as male and female slaves, but there will be no buyer. 1

‘set apart’: see Introduction, Addendum 3.


‘failing eyes’: lit. ‘darkness of eyes’.













‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܚ ܶܐܢ ܳܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰܛܪ ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡܐ ܕ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܕܟܬܝܒܝ ݂ܰܒܟܬ ܳܒܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܶܕ ݂ܰܚܠ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫܒ ܳܚܐ ݂ܰܘܕܚ ܝܶܠ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܡܗܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܚ ܳܘ ܳܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܙܪܥܳܟ ݂ܰܡܚ ܳܘ ܳܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܪܘܪ ܳܒ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܢܶܦܪܘܫ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܡܚ ܳܘ ܳܬܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܢ ‪ :‬ܘܟܐܒܢܐ‬ ‫ܕܒܝܫܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܗܝܡܢܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܟܠ ܶܗܝ ݂ܰܡܚ ܳܘ ܳܬܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܳܨܪܝ ܶܐ ܕ ܳܕ ܶܚܠ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܗܝܢ ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܕܒ ܳܩܢ‬ ‫ܣ ܘܢ‬ ‫ܳܒܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܐ ܘܟܠ ܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ܳܒܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܕ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܢܝܬܐ ܐܢܶܝܢ‬ ‫ܘܪܗܢ ܘܟܠ ݂ܰܡܚ ܳܘܢ‪ :‬ܕܠ ܟܬܝܒ ܒܟ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢܘܒ ܳܕܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬܚܪܘܢ ݂ܰܩܠܝܢܠ ܒ ܶܡ ܳܢܝ ܳܢܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕܣܓܝܢܬܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܢܬܘܢ ܛܢܒ ܐܝܢܟ ݂ܰܟܘܟ ܶܒܢܐ‬ ‫ܣܒ ܘܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܠ ܕܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܬ ܒ ܳܩܠܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܣܓ ݂ܰܘܐܝܟ ݂ܰܕܚܕܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܓܝܟܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܛܐܒ ܠܟܘܢ ݂ܰܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܢܕܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟܘܢ ܕܢ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟܢܘܢ ܕ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕܟܢܘܢ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܓ ݂ܰܡܪܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܫܬܩܠܢܘܢ ܶܡܢ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܥܳܢܐܠ ܐܢܢܬ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳܡ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܕ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܒܕ ܳܪܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܒܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ݂ܰܣܢܘ ܶܦܝܗ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܣܢܘ ܶܦܝܗ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕܟ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܦܠܢܘܚ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡܢ ݂ܰܠ ܳܠܢ ܶܗܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܢܐ‪ :‬ܕܠ ܝ ݂ܰܕܥܢܬ ܐܢܢܬ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܳܐܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܢܝ ܳܚܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܶܠ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܦ ݂ܰܣܬ ܶܪ ܓ ܳܠܟ ܐܠ ܢܶܢܬܠ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫ܣܗ ܘܒܥܡܡܐ ܗܢܘܢ ܠ ܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܬ ܳܡ ܶܠ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰܙܝܳ ܥܐ‪ :‬ܘܚܫܟܐ ܕܥ ܝ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܕܘܝܒܐ ܕܢܦܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܣܘ ܘܢܶܗܘܘܢ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝ ܝܟ ܬ ܶܠܝ ܶܡ ܩܒܘܠ‪ :‬ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܕ ܶܚܢܠ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܡ ܳܡܢܐ ݂ܰܘܒܺܠܢ ܳܝܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܰܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܡ ܒ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝ ܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܬܝ ܶܕܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܬܝ ܶܕܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ ܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܙ ܒ ݂ܰܨܦ ܳܪܐ ܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ݂ܰܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰܨܦ ܳܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܠܬܐ ܕ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܕ ܳܕ ܶܚܠ ݂ܰܐܢܬ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶܚ ܳܙܘܐ ܕܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟ ܕ ܳܚܙܶ ܐ ܐܢܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡ ܕ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܚ ݂ܰܘܢܗܦ ܳܟܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ܳܠܢܟ ܳܠ ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܢܐ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܶܨܪܝܢ ܶܒܐܠ ܶܦܢܐ‪ :‬ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܢܦ ܬܘܒ‬ ‫ܠܡܚܙܝܳܗ‪ :‬ܘܬܶ ݂ܰܙܕܒܢܘܢ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ݂ܰܠܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝ ܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܠ ܥ݂ܰܒ ܶܕܐ ݂ܰܘܠܡ ܳܗ ܳܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠܝܬ ܕ ܳܙ ܶܒ ‪.‬‬




The Lord will bring a nation against you from afar, from the ends of the earth, which will swoop down like the eagle –– a nation whose language you do not understand;


A nation whose countenance is fierce, who will show no regard toward the old or compassion toward the young.


It will consume the offspring of your cattle, and the produce of your soil, until it has destroyed you; it will not leave you grain, wine, or oil, the cattle of your oxen, or the sheep of your flock, until it has destroyed you.


It will besiege you in all your towns until it overcomes your high and strong walls, in which you trusted, through all your land; it will besiege you in all your towns through all the land that the Lord your God has given you.


You will eat the offspring of your womb, the flesh of your sons and daughters, whom the Lord your God gives you, you will eat them in the siege and distress with which your enemy will distress you.


The man who is tender among you and delicate, will become mean1 toward his brother, and toward the wife of his covenant,2 and toward the rest of his children that are left,


So that he will give to none of them any of the flesh of his children whom he shall eat, because he has nothing left, in the siege and grief with which your enemy shall distress you in all your towns.


The woman who is tender among you, and so delicate that she would not attempt to place the sole of her foot upon the ground because of her delicateness and tenderness, will become mean toward her husband, her son and her daughter,


And toward the afterbirth that issues from between her legs, and toward the children she will bear; for she shall eat them for lack of everything,3 in the siege and grief with which your enemy shall distress you in all your towns.

‘will become mean’: lit. ‘his eye shall look upon’. MT has ‘his eye will be evil’ (also at v. 56). 2 ‘wife of his covenant’: see Introduction, Addendum 7, at 13:6. 1

‘everything’: P has omitted ‘in secret’ ‫בסתר‬, which follows in MT and the other versions. 3



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬







‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚܩܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܣܘ ܶܦܝܗ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ܕ ܳܛܢܐܶܣ ܢܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܶܡ ܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܡܛ ܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܕܠ ܳܫ ݂ܰܡܥ ܐܢܬ ܠ ܳܫܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚܨ ܝ ܳܦ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܦܘܗܝ‪ .‬ܕ ܳܠ ܳܒ ܶܗܬ ܶܡ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܦܝ ܳܣ ܶܒܐ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܛܠܢ ܶܝܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܶܚܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܐ ܘܢܶܐܟܘܠ ܝ݂ܰܠ ܳܕܐ ݂ܰܕܒܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܪܟ ܘܦ ܶܐܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢܢܘܒ ܳܕܟ ܘܠ ܢܶܫܒܢܘܩ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܓܢ ܳܙ ܶܪܐ ܕܥܳ ܳܢܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܠ ܥܒܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܚܡܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܡܫܚܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܒܩܢܪܐ ܕܬ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܢܘܒ ܳܕܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܕܢܶܟܒܘܫ ܫ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܒ ܘܢܶܐܠ ܳܨܟ ܒܟܠ ܶܗܝ ܩܘܪܝܳܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܝܟ ܳܪ ܶܡܐ ܘܥ݂ܰܫܝ ܢܶܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕܬܟܝܢܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܢܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܗܘܢ ܒܟ ܳܠܗ ܐܪܥܳܟ ܘܢܶܐܠ ܳܨܟ ܒܟܠ ܶܗܝ ܩܘܪܝܳܟ ܒܟ ܳܠܗ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܣܟ ܶܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܓ ܘܬܶܐܟܘܠ ܦ ܶܐܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܒ ܳܢܬܟ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‬ ‫ܣܪܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܟ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐܟܘܠ ܐܢܘܢ ܒܐܘܠ ܳܨ ܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܥܳܩܬܐ ݂ܰܕܢܥܝܩ ܳܠܟ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ܳܒܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܕ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܕܡܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰܕܢ ܳܒܟ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ݂ܰܢܩ ܳܒܟ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܶܡܢܗ‬ ‫ܚܘܪ ܥ݂ܰܝܢܶܗ ݂ܰܒܐܚܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܒܐܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܢ ܘܗܝ ܕ ܶܡܫܬܚܪܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܚܕ ܶܡܢܗܘܢ ܶܡ ܶܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܪܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܢ ܘܗܝ ܳܕ ܐ ܶܟܠ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܠ ܢܶܫܬ ܶܒܢܩ‬ ‫ܢܗ ܘܠ ܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܠܗ ܡ ܶܕܡ‪ :‬ܒܐܘܠ ܳܨ ܢܐ ܘܒܥܩܬܐ ݂ܰܕܢܥܝܩ ܠܟ ܒܥܠܕܒܒܟ ܒܟܠ ܗܝ ܩܘܪܝܳܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܬܐ ܕ ܶܪ ܓ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܩܡ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܢܘ ܐܝܕܐ ܕܡܥܕܢܐ ܒܟ ܘܡܦܢܩܐ‪ :‬ܕܠ ܢܣܝܬ ܦ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕ ܳܢܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܢ ܳܩܗ‪ :‬ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܘܪ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܝܢܗ ܒ ݂ܰܒܥܠܗ‪ :‬ܘܒܒܪܗ‪ :‬ܘܒܒܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܕ ܳܢܦ ܳܩܐ ܶܡ ܶܒܝܬ ܶܪܓ ܶܠܝܗ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܰܒܒ ܳܪܗ ܕܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܠܕ ݂ܰܟܕ ܬܐܟܘܠ ܐܢܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܡܐ‬ ‫ܢܙ ܘ ݂ܰܒܫܠ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܣܪ ܳܠܗ ܟܠ‪ :‬ܒܐܘܠ ܳܨ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܘܒܥܳܩܬܐ ݂ܰܕܢܥܝܩ ܳܠܢܟ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ܳܒܢܟ ܒܟܠ ܶܗܝܢ‬ ‫ܩܘܪܝܳܟ‪.‬‬




The Lord will strike you with a severe inflammation in your knees and legs, from which you will not be able to recover –– from the sole of your foot to the crown of your head.


The Lord will lead you, and your king whom you set over you, to a nation that neither you nor your ancestors have known; there you shall serve other gods, of wood and stone.


You will become a sensation, a proverb, and a byword among all the peoples where the Lord will scatter you.1


Though you bring out much seed to the field, you will harvest little, for the locust will eat it.


Though you plant a vineyard and till (it), you will not drink any wine or harvest grapes, for the worm shall eat (them).


Though you have olive trees in all of your territory, you shall not anoint yourself with the oil, for your olives shall drop off.


Though you bear sons and daughters, they will not be yours, for they will go into captivity.


All your trees and the produce of your soil the locust will eat. 2


The sojourner in your midst will ascend higher and higher above you, while you descend lower and lower.


He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail.


All these curses shall come upon you, and track you down and pursue you, until they destroy you, because you did not listen to the voice of the Lord your God, by keeping his commandments and his statutes that he commanded you.


They shall be among you and your descendants as signs and portents forever.


Because you did not serve Lord your God with joy and gladness of heart, over the abundance of everything,


You shall therefore serve your enemies whom the Lord will send against you, in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and lack of everything. He will place an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you. 1

‘scatter you’: see Introduction, Addendum 5.


‘eat’: P has simplified the MT’s metaphorical idiom (‘inherit, possess’).





‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫ܘܚܢܐ ܒܝ ܳܫܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܒܢܘܪ ݂ܰܟܝܟ ܘܥ݂ܰܢܠ ܳܫ ݂ܰܩܝܢܟ ܕ ܳܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܚ ܝܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܒܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܗ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܟܢܚ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܬܐ ܕ ܶܪ ܓ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܣܝܘ ܡ ܦ‬ ‫ܠܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܠ ܳܟܟ ݂ܰܕ ܐܩܝܡܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܘ ܢܶܕܒ ܳܪܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܠ ܳܘܬ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܕܠ ܝ ݂ܰܕܥܬ ܐܢܢܬ‬ ‫ܝܣܐ ݂ܰܘܕܟ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܳܐܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ ܘܬܶܦܠܘܚ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ݂ܰܠ ܳܠ ܶܗܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶܐ ܕ ݂ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܙ ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܢܬܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ܶܪ ܳܢܝܢܐ ܒܟܠ ܢܢܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܢܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܢܒܢܕ ܳܪܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܠܬܡܢܢܗܐ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳܡ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܚ ݂ܰܙܪܥܳܐ ݂ܰܣܓܝ ݂ܰܬ ܶܦܩ ݂ܰܚܩ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܠܝܠ ܬܶܚܡܘܠ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܢܶܐܟܠܝܘܗܝ ݂ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܨ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܶ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܢܪܐ ܠ ܬܫܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܚܡܢܘܠ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܳܕ ܐܟܢܶܠ‬ ‫ܪܡܐ ܬܨܘܒ ܘܬܦܠܘܚ‪ :‬ܘܚ‬ ‫ܠܛ ܟ‬ ‫ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܬܘܠ ܥܐ‪ܳ.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܢܶܗܘܘܢ ܳܠܟ ܒܟ ܶܠܗ ܬܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܚܐ ܠ ܬܡܫܢܘܚ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕܢܶܢܬܪܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܡܟ ܘܡ‬ ‫ܡ ܙܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܙ ܝܬܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܕ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶܗܘܘܢ ܕܝ ܳܠܟ ܶܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕܒ ܶܫܒ ܳܝܐ ܢܐܙܠܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܐ ܒܢ ܝܐ ܘܒܢܬܐ ܬ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܡܒ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܐܝ ܳܠܢ ݂ܰܢܝܟ ܘܦܐܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܟ ܢܶܐܟܘܠ ܐܢܘܢ ݂ܰܨܪܨ ܳܘܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܓ ܘܥܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܓ ܳܘܟ ܢܶܬܬ ܪܝܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܠ ܥ ܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܢܬ ܬܚܘܬ ܠܬܚܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕ ܗܘ ݂ܰܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܢܬ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܙܦܟ ݂ܰܘܐܢܬ ܳܠ ݂ܰܬܘܙܦܝܘܗܝ‪ .‬ܗܘ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܕܘܢܒܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܕܪ ܳܟ ܳܢܟ ܘܢܶܪ ܕ ܳܦ ܳܢܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢ ܘܒ ܳܕ ܳܢܟ‬ ‫ܡܗ ܘܢܐܬܝܳ ܥ ݂ܰܠܝܟ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܟܠ ܗܝ ܠ ܘܛ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܢܢܬ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܢܢܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܢܢܠ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܛܢܢܪܬ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܢܢܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܢܢܗܟ ܘܠ‬ ‫ܳܘܢܡܘ ݂ܰܣܘܗܝ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ݂ܰܙܪܥܳܟ ܠ ܥܳ ݂ܰܠܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܘ ܘܢܗܘܝ ܒܟ ܐܬܘܬܐ ܘܬܕ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܙ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܕ ܳܠ ܦ ݂ܰܠܚܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ݂ܰܘܒ ܳܛܒܢܘܬ ܶܠ ܳܒܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܢ ܣܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܓܐܐ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܒܚܢܕ‬ ‫ܕܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܚ ܘܬܶܦܠܢܘܚ ݂ܰܠܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝܢܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܢܫܢ ݂ܰܕܪ ܶܐܢܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢܢܟ ܒ ݂ܰܟܦ ܳܢܢܐ ݂ܰܘܒܨܶܗܝܳ ܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܠ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܦܢܪܙܠ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ ݂ܰܨ ܳܘܪܟ‬ ‫ܘܣܪ ܳܢܐ ܕܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ‪ :‬ܘܢܢ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܪܛܠܢܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢܘܒ ܳܕܟ‪.‬‬




The heavens above your head shall be copper, and the earth beneath you shall be iron.


The Lord will make the rain of your land powder; 1 and dust from heaven shall come down upon you, until it destroys you.


The Lord will be blessed 2 before your enemies; you will go out one way against them, but will flee seven ways before them. You will be a (cause for) trembling among all the kingdoms of the earth.


Your corpse will be food for the birds of heaven and the beasts of the earth, and there will be none to scare them away.


The Lord will afflict you with the ulcers of Egypt, with hemorrhoids, leprosy, and scurvy, of which you cannot be healed.


The Lord will afflict you with madness, blindness, and confusion of mind.


You will grope at noon as a blind person gropes in the dark; you will not prosper in your ventures,3 but will be only oppressed and robbed continuously, and there will be none to rescue you.


You shall be engaged to a woman, but another man shall marry her. You shall build a house, but not live in it. You shall plant a vineyard, but not tread4 (grapes) from it.


Your ox shall be slaughtered before you, but you shall not eat of it. Your donkey shall be led away from you by force, but shall not be restored to you. Your sheep shall be handed over to your enemies, and there will be none to help.


Your sons and daughters shall be handed over to another people while you look on; you will grieve for them all day long, but you will be helpless.


A people you do not know shall eat the produce of your soil and all your toil; you shall be oppressed and downtrodden continuously,


So that you will become insane from the sight that your eyes must look upon.

‘powder;’: for P’s syntax see Introduction, Addendum 6. ‘be blessed’: see Introduction, Addendum 7, for P’s peculiar interpretation. 3 ‘prosper in your ventures’: lit. ‘your path will not go upward’. 1 2


‘tread (grapes)’: for P’s choice of verb, see Introduction, Addendum 7.


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬




‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬






‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܢܚ ܳܫܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܪܥܳܐ ݂ܰܕܬܚܘܬܝܟ ݂ܰܦܪܙܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܢܐ ܳܢ ܶܚܢܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥ݂ܰܦ ܳܪܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ‬

‫ܟܓ ܘܢܶܗܘܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰܕܠ ܥ ܶܠ ܶܡ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܛܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܟ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕܢܘܒܕܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܬܶܦܢܘܩ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝܟ‪ .‬ܒܐܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܚܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܗ ܢܶܬܒ ܳܪܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܒܢܥ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚ ܬܶܥܪܘܩ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܠ ݂ܰܙܘܥܬܐ ܠܟܠ ܶܗܝ ݂ܰܡܠ ܟ ܳܘܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܘ ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠܝܢܬ‬ ‫ܫܠ ܳܕܟ ܶܡܐܟܢܘܠܬܐ ܠܦܪܚܢܬܐ ܕܫܡܝܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܠܚ ܝܢ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܡ ܶܟܫ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܒܛܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܒܐ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܒܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ݂ܰܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ݂ܰܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܚ ܝܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܒܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܢܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܳܨܪܝ ܶܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܟܙ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܣܝܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܚ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܗܐ ܕ ܶܠ ܳܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܚ ܝܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܒ ݂ܰܟܡܗܘܬܐ ܘܒܥܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܒ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬ ܳܡܐܶܫ ܒ ݂ܰܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܢܟ ܕ ܳܡܢܐܶܫ ܥܢܘ ܳܝܪܐ ܒ ܶܚܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܛ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰܣܢܩ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܢܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬ ܕܒܝܪ ݂ܰܒܩܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܛܠܝܡ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܢܘ ܳܡܬܟ ܘܠ ܢܶܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܠ ܪܝܫ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰܡܢ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܦ ܶܪܩ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܬܶܒܢܶܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬܶܬܶܒ ܶܒܗ‪݂ܰ .‬ܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܠ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܳܬܐ ܬܶܡܟܘܪ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܪܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܐܚܪ ܳܢܐ ܢܶܣܒܝܗ‪ .‬ܒ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬܨܘܒ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܥܨܘܪ ܶܡܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠ ݂ܰܬ ܳܘܪܟ ܢܶܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܡ ܳܪܟ ܢܶܬܕ ݂ܰܒܪ ܶܡ ܳܢܟ ݂ܰܒܩܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ܳܘܠ ܬܶܐܟܘܠ ܶܡܢܶܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܟܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܪܐ‬ ‫ܘܠܝܬ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܘܠ ܢܶܬ ݂ܰܦܢܶܐ ܳܠܟ ܥܳ ܳܢܟ ܬܶܫܬ ܶܠܡ ݂ܰܠܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦܨܶ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬܠܡܘܢ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܐܚܪ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟ ܢܶܚܙܝܳܢ ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܕ ܶܘܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܟ ܘܒܢܬܟ ܢ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟ ܶܠܗ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܦܩ ܒܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܢܕܥ ݂ܰܐܢܢܬ ܶܠܢܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܟ ܢܶܐܟܢܘܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ ܕ ܳܠ ܝܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܢܬ‬ ‫ܠܓ ܦܐܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܟ ܘܟܠܗ ܠ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܛܠܝܡ ݂ܰܘܐܠܝܨ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܕ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬ ܟ ݂ܰܡܗ ܶܡ ܶܚ ܳܙܘܐ ܕܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟ ܕ ܳܚܙܶ ܐ ܐܢܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܒ ܳܩܐ‪:‬‬




The Lord will open for you his rich storehouse, the heavens, and will give the rain of your land in its season. He will bless all your undertakings. You shall lend to many peoples, but you shall not borrow. You shall rule over many peoples, but they shall not rule over you.1


The Lord will make you the head and not the tail. You shall be above and not below if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God that I am commanding you today, and if you diligently observe them,


And if you do not turn aside from any of the commandments that I command you today, to the right hand or to the left, and do not go after the gods of the nations, nor serve them.


If you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God by diligently observing all his commandments and his statutes that I command you today, then all these curses will come upon you and follow you closely.


Cursed shall you be in the city; cursed shall you be in the field.


Cursed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.


Cursed shall be the offspring of your womb and the produce of your soil, the cattle of your oxen and the flocks of your sheep.


Cursed shall you be when you come in, and cursed shall you be when you go out.


The Lord will send upon you ruin, confusion, and reproach in all your undertakings until he destroys you and puts an end to you quickly, on account of the evilness of your deeds, through which you have forsaken me.


The Lord will send pestilence on you, until it destroys you from the land that you are entering to possess.


The Lord will strike you with stupor, scurvy, and inflammation, with a burning fever and blight, with the sword2 and a sultry wind; they will pursue you until they destroy you.

‘You shall rule … over you’: see Introduction, Addendum 6, concerning the repetition here of this sentence from 15:6b in both LXX and Peshiṭta. 1


‘sword’: or possibly ‘drought’. See Introduction, Addendum 6.


‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬

‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܚ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܠ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܨܪܗ ܳܛ ܳܒܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܢܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܢܟ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒܢܶܢܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܢ‬ ‫ܢܦ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܒܪܟ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܐ ܕ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܢܟ‪ .‬ܬܘܙܶܦ ܠ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܐ ݂ܰܣܓܝܢܐܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܢܢܬ ܠ ܬ ݂ܰܐܙܦ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݂ܰܠܛ ܒܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ݂ܰܣܓ ܶܝܐܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܒܟ ܠ ܢܶܫܬܠܛܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܬ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܠ ܥܶܢܠ ܳܘܠ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܠܬܚܢܬ‪݂ܰ :‬ܟܢܕ‬ ‫ܝܫܢܐ ܘܠ ܕܘܢܒܢ‬ ‫ܢܶܥܒ ܳܕܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܪ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܛܢܪ ܘܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܢܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܛܐ ܶܡ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܠ ݂ܰܝܡ ܳܝܢܢܐ ܘܠ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܬܤ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܣܡܶܠ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܐܙܠ ܒܬܪ ܐܠܗܐ ܕܥܡܡܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܦܠܘܚ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܢܗܟ ܳܘܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰܛܢܢܪ ܳܘܠ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܢܢܥ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܢܢܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܳܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܢܕ ܟܠ ܢܢܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ܳܘܢܡܘ ݂ܰܣܘܗܝ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܢܐܬܝܳܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܢܕ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܳܠܢܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢܟ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܶܗܝ ݂ܰܠ ܘܛܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܕܪ ܳܟ ܳܢܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܝܛ ܐܢܬ ݂ܰܒܩܪܝܬܐ‪ :‬ܠܝܛ ܐܢܬ ܒ ݂ܰܚܩܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܝܛ ݂ܰܣ ܳܠܟ ܳܘܐܨܘܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܝܛܝ ܦ ܶܐܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܣܟ ܘܦ ܶܐܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܝܟ ݂ܰܘܓ ܳܙ ܪܐ ܕܥܳ ܢܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܝܛ ܐܢܬ ܒ ݂ܰܡܥ ܳܠܟ ܠܝܛ ܐܢܬ ܒ ݂ܰܡܦ ܳܩܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܢܫ ݂ܰܕܪ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܛ ܐܢܢܬ‬ ‫ܘܟܐܬܐ ܒܟܠ ܡܕܡ ܕܡܢ‬ ‫ܘܣܪ ܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕܠܘܚ ܝܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܕܢܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢܘܒ ܳܕܟ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܝܕܟ ܕܬܶܥ ܶܒܕ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܝܦܟ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܓܠ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܒܝܫܢܘܬܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܒܩܬܢܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܰܕ ܝܟ ܕ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܢܳ ܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢܘܒ ܳܕܟ ܶܡ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܥܳܢܐܠ ܐܢܢܬ ܠܬ ܳܡܢ‬ ‫ܢܫܕܪ ܥܠܝܟ ܡܪܝ ܐ ܡ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܩ ܳܢܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܡܚ ܝܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܒܬܡܗܐ‪ :‬ܘܒܩܠ ܦܝܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܒܝܩܕ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܒܫܠ ܗܒ‬ ‫ܘܒܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܪܕܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܐ ܕ ݂ܰܫ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܒܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢܘܒܕ ܳܘܢܟ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

Now if you obey the voice of the Lord your God, and diligently keep all his commandments which I am commanding you today, the Lord your God will set you high over all the nations of the earth.

All these blessings will come upon you and follow you closely, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God.

Blessed shall you be in the city; blessed shall you be in the field.

Blessed shall be the offspring of your womb, and the produce of your soil, and the young of your livestock — the cattle of your oxen and the flocks of your sheep.

Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.

Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.

The Lord will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be shattered before you; they will go out against you one way, but will flee from you seven ways.

The Lord will command blessing in your barns, and on all that you undertake. He will bless you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

The Lord will establish you as his holy people as he has sworn to you, if you keep all the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in his ways.


All the nations of the earth will see that the Lord’s name is proclaimed over you, and they will fear you.


The Lord will make you abound in good things, in the offspring of your womb, in the young of your livestock, and in the produce of your soil, in the land that the Lord swore to your ancestors to give you.


‫݂ܰ ܶ‬



















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫ܶܩܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪ :‬ܟܚ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܘܬܶ ݂ܰܛܢܪ ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܟܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܢܘܗܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܢܶܥܒ ܳܕܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ܠ ܥ ܶܠ ܶܡ ܟܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܐܬܝܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܕ ܳܪܟ ܳܢܟ ݂ܰܟܕ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܟܠ ܶܗܝ ܒܘܪ ܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܒܪܝܟ ܐܢܬ ݂ܰܒܩܪܝܬܐ‪ :‬ܒܪܝܟ ܐܢܬ ܒ ݂ܰܚܩܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܢܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܕܐ ݂ܰܕܒܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܒܪܝܟܝ ܦ ܶܐܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܪܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܣܟ ܘܦܢ ܶܐܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܢܟ ܘܝ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܓ ܳܙ ܪܐ ܕܥܳ ܢܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܒܪܝܟ ݂ܰܣ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܘܐܨܘܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܒܪܝܟ ܐܢܬ ܒ ݂ܰܡܥ ܳܠܟ ܒܪܝܟ ܐܢܬ ܒ ݂ܰܡܦ ܳܩܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܠܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝܟ ܕ ܳܩܝܡܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ݂ܰܟܕ ܬܒܝܪܝܢ ‪ .‬ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܢܐ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܢܶܦܩܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒܥ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚ ܢܶܥܪܩܘܢ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܰܒܐܘܨ ݂ܰܪܝܢܟ ݂ܰܘܒܟܢܠ ܶܡܢ ܶܕܡ ܕ ݂ܰܡܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܛ ݂ܰܐܢܢܬ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܕܟ‬ ‫ܢܶܦܩܘܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܒܢܘܪܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟܟ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܢܢܟ ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܟ ܶܠܢܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ ݂ܰܩܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܐ ܳܠܢܟ ܐܢ ܬܛܢܪ ܟܠ ܢܢܗܘܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܘܬ ݂ܰܗ ܶܠܟ ܒ‬ ‫ܫܡܢܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܶܐܬܩܢܪܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܚܙܘܢ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢܟ ܘܢܶܕܚܠܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܳܢܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܪܣܟ ݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܝܠ ܳܕܐ ݂ܰܕܒܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ :‬ܒܦ ܶܐܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܪܟ ݂ܰܘܒܦܐܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܢܟ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢܘܬ ܳܪܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠܛܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܬܠ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ‬




While these shall stand upon Mount Ebal to (give the) curse: Reuben, Gad, Asher, Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali.


And they shall answer and say to all the people of Israel in a loud voice:


‘Cursed be the one who makes graven and molten images, which are unclean before the Lord, the work of an artisan’s hands, and sets (them) up in secret.’ All the people shall answer and say, ‘Amen’.


‘Cursed the one who reviles his father or his mother.’ All the people shall say, ‘Amen’.


‘Cursed be the one who changes his neighbour’s boundary.’ All the people shall say, ‘Amen’.


‘Cursed be the one who leads a blind person astray on the way.’ All the people shall say, ‘Amen’.


‘Cursed be anyone who perverts the justice due to the sojourner, the orphan, and widow.’ All the people shall say, ‘Amen’.


‘Cursed be anyone who lies with his father’s wife, because he has uncovered his father’s garment.’ All the people shall say, ‘Amen’.


‘Cursed be anyone who lies with any animal.’ All the people shall say, ‘Amen’.


‘Cursed be anyone who lies with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother.’ All the people shall say, ‘Amen’.


‘Cursed be anyone who lies with his mother-in-law.’ All the people shall say, ‘Amen’.


‘Cursed be anyone who strikes his neighbour in secret.’ All the people shall say, ‘Amen’.


‘Cursed be anyone who takes a bribe to slay a person –– innocent blood.’ All the people shall say, ‘Amen’.


‘Cursed be anyone who does not confirm the words of this law, and observe them.’ All the people shall say, ‘Amen’.



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫ܡܠܢܛ ܒܛܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܶܠܝ ܢܩܘܡܢܘܢ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܓ ܶܒܢܠ‪ :‬ܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܝܢܠ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܓܢܕ‪ܳ :‬ܘܐܫܝܢܪ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܙܒܘܠܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܦܬܠܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܕ ܘܢܶܥܢܘܢ ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܕ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝ ܶܠ ܒ ܳܩܶܠ ܳܪ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܗ ܠܝܛ ܗܘ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܓܠܢܝ ܶܦܐ ݂ܰܘܢܣܝ ܶܟܐ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܛܡܐܝ ܶܐܢܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܳ ܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢ ܳܓ ܳܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܣܝܡ ܒ ܶܣܬ ܳܪܐ‪ .‬ܘܢܶܥܢܘܢ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܘ ܠܝܛ ܗܘ ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܢܨ ܶܚܐ ݂ܰܠܒܘܗܝ ܶܘܠ ܶܡܗ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܐܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܙ ܠܝܛ ܗܘ ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܢܫܢܶܐ ܬܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚܒ ܶܪܗ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܐܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܐ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝ ܚ ܠܝܛ ܗܘ ݂ܰܡ ܕ ݂ܰܢܛܥ ܶܐ ܥܘ ܳܝܪܐ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܐܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܛ ܠܝܛ ܗܘ ܟܠ ܕܢܶ ܶܨܠ ܕ ܳܝܢܢܐ ܕܥܳܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ܟ ܶܠܢܗ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕܝ݂ܰܬ ܳܡܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܕ ܐܪܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܐܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܬ ݂ܰܐܒܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܓ ܶܶܠ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦܢܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܒܢܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ‬ ‫ܟ ܠܝܛ ܗܘ ܟܠ ܕܢܕܡܟ ܥܡ ܐܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܐܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܐ ܠܝܛ ܗܘ ܟܠ ܕܢܶܕ ݂ܰܡܟ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܟܠ ܒܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܐܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒܪܬ ݂ܰܐܒܢܘܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܘ ݂ܰܒܢܪܬ ܶܐ ܶܡܢܗ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ‬ ‫ܟܒ ܠܝܛ ܗܘ ܟܠ ܕܢܕܡܟ ܥܡ ܚ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܐܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܗ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܐܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܓ ܠܝܛ ܗܘ ܟܠ ܕܢܶܕ ݂ܰܡܟ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܚܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܚܒ ܶܪܗ ܒ ܶܣܬ ܳܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܠܝܛ ܗܘ ܟܠ ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܚܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܐܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܛܠ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܐ ݂ܰܕܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܙ ܳܟ ܳܝܐ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܗ ܠܝܛ ܗܘ ܟܠ ܕܢܶ ݂ܰܣܒ ܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܟ ܶܠܢܗ‬ ‫ܘܚܕܐ‪ :‬ܠܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܐܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳܳ ܶ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܐܢܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܟܘ ܠܝܛ ܗܘ ܟܠ ܕܠ ܢܩܘܡ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܘܗܝ ܕܢܡܘܣܐ ܗܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܐܡܝ ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

Then Moses and the elders of Israel commanded the people, saying to them, ‘Keep all the commandments that I am commanding you today.

On the day when you cross the Jordan to the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall set up large stones, and cover them with lime.

On them you shall write all the words of this law when you have crossed the Jordan to enter into the land which the Lord your God is giving you, a land flowing with milk and honey, as the Lord, the God of your ancestors, promised you.

When you have crossed the Jordan you shall set up these stones that I am commanding you today on Mount Ebal, and you shall cover them with lime.

There you shall build an altar to the Lord your God, an altar of stones. You shall not wield an iron tool on them.

You shall build the altar of the Lord your God of whole stones, and you shall offer burnt offerings on it before the Lord your God.

You shall sacrifice peace offerings and eat there, and rejoice before the Lord your God.

And you shall write on these stones all the words of this law, and explain them clearly.’

Then Moses and the priests and the Levites spoke to all the Israelites: ‘Give heed and listen, O Israel. Today you have become the people of the Lord your God.


Listen to the voice of the Lord your God and observe his commandments and statutes that I am commanding you today.’


Moses charged the people on that day and said to them:


‘When you have crossed the Jordan, these shall stand upon Mount Gerizim to bless the people: Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph, and Benjamin,


‫݂ܰ ܶ‬



















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫ܶܩܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪ :‬ܟܙ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܶܒܐ ܕ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶܩܕ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪܘ ܠ ܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܛܢܪܘ ܟܠ ܢܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܠܟܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕܥܳܒܪܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪ :‬ܠܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܐܩܝܢܡ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟܐܦܐ ݂ܰܪܘܪ ܳܒܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܟ ܶܠܫ ܐܢܶܝ ܒ ܶܟܠ ܳܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܟܬܘܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܗܝ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡܐ ܕ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܢܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܡܢܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܪܬ ܝܢܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕܬܶܥܘܠ ݂ܰܠܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܪܕܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܚܠ ܳܒܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܕܒ ܳܫܢܐ‪ :‬ܐܝܢܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳܐܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒܪܬܘܢ ܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܩܝܡܢܘ ܟܐ ܶܦܢܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܢܕ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܠܟܢܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܒܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܓ ܶܒܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܟ ܶܠܫ ܐܢܶܝ ܒ ܶܟܠ ܳܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܪܡܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܚܢܐ ܕܟܐ ܶܦܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܒܢܝ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܚܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܗܝܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܦܪܙܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܣܩ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ܒܟܐ ܶܦܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܒܢܝ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܶܚܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܘܗܝ ܝ݂ܰܩ ܶܕܐ‬ ‫ܫܠ ܡܠ ܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܫܠ ܶܡܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂ܰܒܚ ݂ܰܫܠ ܶܡܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܟܘܠ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܚܕܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܟܬܘܒ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܟܐ ܶܦܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡܐ ܕ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶܪܫ ܐܢܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܛܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܟܗܢܶܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳܘܝ ܶܐ‪ :‬ܠܟܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܢܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ‪ :‬ܨܘܬ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܢܥ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ܳܗ ܶܘܐ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ :‬ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ‪ܳ :‬ܘܢܡܘ ݂ܰܣܘܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܳܠܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶܩܕ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܢܩܘܡܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܒ ܳܪܟܘܬܶܗ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܡܢܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܓܪܙܝܡ‪݂ܰ :‬ܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܪܬܘܢ‬ ‫ܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪ܶ :‬ܫܡܥܘܢ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܣܦ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܐܝܣ ܳܟܪ‪ :‬ܘܝ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܕܐ‪ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܘܝ‪ :‬ܘܝܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܳܢܝ ܶܡܝ ‪.‬‬




When you have finished paying all the tithe of your produce in the third year, which is the year of tithing, you shall give to the Levite, the sojourner, the orphan, and the widow, that they may eat within your towns and be satisfied.


Then you shall say before the Lord your God, ‘I have examined (so as to remove)1 the holy portion from the house, and have given (it) to the Levite, the sojourner, the orphan, and the widow, in accordance with all the commandments that you have commanded me: I have neither transgressed nor forgotten any of your commandments.


I have not eaten of it in my mourning, and I have not examined any of it while I was unclean, and I have not given any of it to the dead. Rather, I have listened to the voice of the Lord my God. I have done according to what you have commanded me.


Look down from your holy dwelling from heaven and bless your people Israel and the land that you have given us, just as you swore to our ancestors, a land flowing with milk and honey.’



Today the Lord your God is commanding you to observe these statutes and ordinances. You shall diligently keep them with all your heart and all your soul.


You have affirmed to the Lord today that he will be your God, that you will walk in his ways and keep his statutes and ordinances and commandments, and listen to his voice.


The Lord also has affirmed to you today that you will be his beloved people, as he promised you; you shall diligently keep all his commandments,


And he will set you high above all the peoples that he has made, for praise, for renown, and for honour, so that you might be a holy people to the Lord your God, just as he promised you.

‘examined’: for P’s unusual choice of √‫ ܒܨܐ‬to render ‫ בער‬in vv. 13–14, see Introduction, Addendum 7. 1


‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫ܨܚ ܟܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܺܠܬܟ ܒ ݂ܰܫܢܬܐ ݂ܰܕܬ ܳܠܬ ܕܗܝ ܗܝ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܫ ܶܠܡܬ ݂ܰܠܡܥ݂ܰ ܳܣܪܘ ܟܠܗ ܡܥܣܪܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢܬ ݂ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܡܠܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܐܟܠܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܥܣ ܶܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܗܒ ܠܠ ܘܝ ܐ ܘܠ ܥܡܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܝܬܡܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ‬ ‫ܒܩܘܪܝܳܟ ܘܢܶܣܒܥܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܝ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܒܢܬ ܠ ܶܠ ܳܘܝܳ ܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܒܨܝܢܬ ܩܘܕܫܢܐ ܡܢ ܒ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠ ܥܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܝܬ ܳܡܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܠܪܡܠܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܐܝܢܟ ܟܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܦܘܩܕ ܢܢܐ ܕܦܩܕܬܢܢܝ‪ .‬ܠ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥ ܶܒ ܶܪܬ ܶܡ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܝܟ ܘܠ ܛܥܝܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܢܬܗ ݂ܰܟܢܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܡܢܐ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܳܣ ܶܡܢܬ ܶܡܢܶܢܗ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܐܟ ܶܠܬ ܶܒܐܒܠܢܝ ܶܡܢܶܢܗ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܒܨ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܶܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܝܬܐ‪ :‬ܐܠ ܶܫܡܥ ܶܬ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܥ ܶܒ ܶܕܬ ܐܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶܩܕܬܢܝ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܢ ܶܪܟ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܟ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙܝ ܶܡ ݂ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܡܪܐ ܕܩܘܕ ܳܫܟ ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ‪ :‬ܘܠܪܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܝܡܝܬ ݂ܰܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܪܕܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܚܠ ܳܒܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܕܝ݂ܰܗܒܬ ݂ܰܠ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܒ ܳܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܢܡܘ ܶܣܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܘܕܝ ܢܶܐ‪݂ܰ .‬ܛܢܪ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܳܠܟ ܕܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ‬ ‫ܶܐܢܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܕܢܶܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܢܪܬ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܠܢܟ ܐ ܳܠܢ ܳܗܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕܬ ݂ܰܗ ܶܠܢܟ ܒܐܘܪ ܳܚܢܬܗ‪ :‬ܘܬܛܢܪ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܢܡܘ ݂ܰܣܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܕܝ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܕܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܳܐ ݂ܰܡܪ ܳܠܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܒܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܚܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܢܟ ܘܬܛܢܪ‬ ‫ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܥܒܢ ܳܕܟ ܠ ܥ ܶܢܠ ܶܡܢ ܟܠ ܢܢܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܢܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ‪ :‬ܠܬܫܒܢ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳܝܩ ܳܪܐ‪ .‬ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܩܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  XXII

When you enter the land that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, and you take possession of it and dwell in it,

Take some of every first fruit of the soil, which you harvest from the land that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, and put it in a basket; and arising, go to the place that the Lord your God will choose to have his name dwell there.

Go to the priest who is present in those days, and say to him, ‘I declare to the Lord your God today, that I have come into the land that the Lord swore to our ancestors to give us.’

The priest will take the basket from your hand and set it down before the Lord your God.

You shall answer and recite before the Lord your God, ‘My father was taken to Aram,1 and he went down to Egypt and settled there for a short time, and became there a great and mighty people.

But the Egyptians dealt harshly with us; they afflicted us and laid hard service upon us.

So we cried out to the Lord, the God of our ancestors, and the Lord heard our cry and saw our affliction, our toil, and our oppression.

Then the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and upraised arm, and with great spectacles,2 and with signs and wonders;

And he brought us into this place; and the Lord gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey.


See now, I have brought the first fruits of the land, which the Lord has given me.’ And you shall set it down before the Lord your God, and you shall worship there before the Lord your God,


You shall rejoice in all the good things that the Lord your God has given to you and to your household, you and the Levite, and the sojourner who is in your midst. ‘My father was taken to Aram’: see Introduction, Addendum 7, for P’s rendering of ‫ ארמי‬in a geographical rather than an ethnic sense. 1


‘spectacles’: see Introduction, Addendum 3, at 4:34.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܟܒ‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬


‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܪܬܬܗ‪ :‬ܘܝܬܒܬ ܳܒܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕܥ݂ܰܠܬ ܠܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܣܒ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ܪܝܫ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܦܐܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܥ ܶܠ ܐܢܢܬ ܶܡܢ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܣܢܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܩܢܘܡ ܙܶܠ ܠܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܘܣܝܡ ܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܬ ܳܡ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܕܢܫܪܐ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܠܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܚܘܝܬ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܳܗܢܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܠ ܘܬ ܟܗܢܐ ܕܢܗܘܐ ܒܝ ܘܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶܕ ܐܬܝܬ ܠܪܥܐ ܕܝܡܐ ܡܪܝ ܐ ܠܒܗܝ ܠܡܬܠ ܠ ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܬܐ ܶܡ ܐ ܳܝܕܟ ݂ܰܘܢܣܝܡܝܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܢܣܒ ܟܗܢܐ ܡܣ‬ ‫ܢܚܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܶܨܪܝܢ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܥܢܝ ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܳܠ ܳܪܡ ܶܐܬܕ ݂ܰܒܪ ܳܐܒܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܡܢܪ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ܙܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܬ ܳܡ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܐ ܘܥ݂ܰܫ ܳܝܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܣܡܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܟܟܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܒܐܫܘ ݂ܰܠ ܶܡ ܳܨܪܝ ܶܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠܚ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝ ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܚܢܙ ܐ ܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܓܥ݂ܰܝ ܠ ܳܘܬ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳܐܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܒ ܳܩ ݂ܰܠܢ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܰܟ ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܠ ‪ :‬ܘܐܘܠ ܳܨ ݂ܰܢ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܢܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܦ ݂ܰܩ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡܢ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝܢ ‪ :‬ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܳܪܥܳܢܐ ܳܪ ܳܡܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ܶܚܢ ܳܙܘܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܐܝܢܕܐ ܥ݂ܰܫ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܒܐܬܘܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܒܬܕ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܬܝ ݂ܰܠܬ ܳܪܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܝ݂ܰܗܒ ݂ܰܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܪܕܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܚܠ ܳܒܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܕܒ ܳܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܕܦ ܶܐܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܝ݂ܰܗܒ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܘܣ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܝܢܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܢܕܡ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܳܫܐ ܳܗܐ ܐܝܬܝܬ ܪܝܫ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܘܣܓܘܕ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܬܟ ݂ܰܐܢܢܬ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳܘܝܳ ܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܚܕܝ ܒܟܠ ܛܒܬܐ ܕܝܗܒ ܠܟ ܡܪܝ ܐ ܐܠܗܟ ܘܠܒ‬ ‫ܘܥܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܓ ܳܘܟ‪.‬‬




If a man quarrels with his kinsman, one against the other, and the wife of one approaches to save her husband from of the hands of the one fighting against him, and she stretches out her hand, and seizes his genitals,


You shall cut off her hand, you shall not pity her.


You shall not have differing weights1 in your bag, a large one and a small one.


You shall not have differing measures in your house, a large one and a small one.


You shall have a full and just weight; you shall have a correct and just measure, so that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.


For all who do such things, and all who do evil, are defiled before the Lord your God.


Remember all that Amalek did to you along the way when you came out of Egypt,


When he met you with the sword,2 slaughtering all among you who were lagging behind, when you were faint and weary, and showing no fear of the Lord your God.


So, when the Lord your God gives you rest from all your enemies round about, in the land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance to possess, you shall blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven, and you shall not forget.

‘differing weights’: lit. ‘a weight and a weight’. Similarly in v. 14 for ‘differing measures’. 1


‘with the sword’: see Introduction, Addendum 3.


‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܰܟܕ ܢܶ ܨܘܢ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܘܐܚܢܘܗܝ ݂ܰܚܢܕ ܥ݂ܰܢܡ ݂ܰܚܢܕ‪ :‬ܘܬܩܢܪܘܒ ܐܢܢܬܬ ݂ܰܚܢܕ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܳܨ ܝܘ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܛ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܕܗ‬ ‫ܥܠܗ ܶܡ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝ ݂ܰܡ ܕ ܶܡܬ ݂ܰܟܬܫ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܚܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܦܣܘܩ ܐ ܳܝܕܗ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬܚܘܣ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܝܢܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡܬ ܳܩ ܳܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܪ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰܘܙܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܠܟ ܒ ݂ܰܡܪܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܦܟ ݂ܰܡܬ ܳܩ ܳܶܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܠܟ ܒ ݂ܰܒܝܬܟ ܟ ܳܝܠܬܐ ݂ܰܘܟ ܳܝܠܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܪܒܬܐ ݂ܰܘܙܥܘܪܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܘܟ ܳܝܠܬܐ ܬܪܝܨܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܙ ܕܝܩܢ‬ ‫݂ܰܡܬ ܳܩܶܠ ݂ܰܫܠ ܳܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܙ ܕܝܩ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕܢܶܣܓܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܡܐ ܗܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܟܠ ݂ܰܡ ܕܥܳ ܶܒܕ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ‪ :‬ܘܟܢܠ ݂ܰܡܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕܥܳ ܶܒܕ ܥ݂ܰܘܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܟܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܠܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐܬ ݂ܰܕܟܪ ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܡܠܝܩ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦܩܬܘܢ ܶܡ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܛܠ ܒܟܘܢ ܟܠ ܕ ܳܦܫ ܳܒܬܪܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܢܬ ܡܛ ݂ܰܪܦ ݂ܰܘܠܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܶܐܪܥܟܘܢ ܒܚܪܒܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܘܠ ܕ ܶܚܠ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܢܝ ܚ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶܡ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕ ݂ܰܪܝܟ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܥܛܢܝ ܕܘܟ ܳܪ ܢܶܢܗ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܡܠܝܢܩ ܶܡܢ ܬ ܶܚ ܝܢܬ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܛܥ ܶܐ‪.‬‬

‫ܶܡܢܢܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬܐܚܢܘܕ‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

Should there be a dispute between two people1 and they approach the judges, and these judge them, declaring the innocent one to be innocent, and the guilty one to be guilty,

If the guilty one deserves to be beaten, then the judge shall cast him down, and he will be beaten2 in his presence, in proportion to his offence.3

With the number forty they shall strike him, but not more; lest, should they go beyond and beat him in excess of this flogging, your kinsman be belittled before you.

You shall not muzzle an ox while it is threshing.

When brothers reside together, and one of them dies and has no son, the wife of the deceased shall not be married to a stranger. Her husband’s brother shall marry her and she shall be his wife, and he shall perform the duty of a husband’s brother to her.

The first-born whom she bears shall be given the name of his deceased brother, lest his name perish from Israel.

But if the man does not wish to marry his brother’s wife, then his brother’s wife shall go up to the gate to the elders, and say, ‘My husband’s brother is not willing to establish a name in Israel for his brother; he is not willing to marry me.’

The elders of his town shall summon him and speak to him. If he stands up and says, ‘I will not marry her’,

Then his brother’s wife shall approach him in the presence of the elders, and, loosening his sandal from his foot, shall spit in his face and reply, ‘So shall it be done to the man who will not build up a house for his brother’.


His name shall be called in Israel, ‘The house of the one whose sandal was pulled off.’ 1 2

‘two people’: lit. ‘a man and his companion’. ‘he will be beaten’: lit. ‘one will beat him’.

‘in proportion to his offence’: lit. ‘as is fitting for his offence’. The Peshiṭta (both Mosul MS and Leiden) features the final Hebrew syntagm of this verse (‫ )במספר‬at the beginning of v. 3 (‫)ܒܡܢܝܢܐ‬. 3


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܕ ܳܝܢܐ ܶܒܝܬ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܚܒ ܶܪܗ‪ :‬ܢܶܩܪܒܘܢ ܠ ܳܢܘܬ ݂ܰܕܝܳ ܢܢܐ ݂ܰܘܢܕܘܢܢܘܢ ܐܢܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܙ ܟܘܢ ܠ ݂ܰܙ ܳܟ ܳܝܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰܢܚ ܝܒܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܚ ܳܝ ܳܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ݂ܰܚ ܳܝ ܳܒܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܡܝܘܗܝ ݂ܰܕܝܳ ܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰܢܢܓܕܝܘܗܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܘܗܝ ܐܝܟ ܙܶܕ ܳܩܐ‬ ‫ܘܐܢ ܚ ܝܒ ܡܪܕ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܣܟܠܘܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܒ ܶܡ ܳܢܝ ܳܢܐ ܐܪܒܥܝ ݂ܰܢܢܓܕܘܢܶܗ‪ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܢܘܣܦܘܢ‪ :‬ܕܠ ݂ܰܟܕ ݂ܰܢܘܣܦܘܢ ݂ܰܢܢܓܕܘܢܶܢܗ ܝ݂ܰܬܝܢܪ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܢܶܓ ܳܕܐ‪ :‬ܢܶܬܩܶܠ ܐܚܘܟ ܠ ܥܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠ ܬܒܠܘܡ ܬ ܳܘܪܐ ݂ܰܒܕ ܳܪܟܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܚܕܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܡܘܬ ݂ܰܚܕ ܶܡܢܢܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠܝܢܬ ܶܠܢܗ ܒܢ ܳܪܐ‪ܳ :‬ܠ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܢܶܬܒܘܢ ݂ܰܐ ܶܚܐ ݂ܰܐܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܢܘܟ ܳܪܝܳ ܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ܝ݂ܰܒ ܳܡܢܗ ܢܶܣܒܝܢܗ‪ :‬ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܠܢܗ ܐܢܢܬܬܐ‬ ‫ܐܢܬܬܗ ܕܡ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܝܒܡܝܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܠ ܢܶܬܛܥ ܶܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܶܡܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫ܫܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܚܘܗܝ ܡ‬ ‫ܘܒܘܟܪܐ ܕܝܠ ܕܐ‪ :‬ܢ‬ ‫ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܠ ܳܨ ܶܒܐ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܕܢܶ ݂ܰܣܒ ܐܢܬܬ ܐܚܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܬ ݂ܰܣܩ ܐܢܬܬ ܐܚܘܗܝ ܠܬܪܥܳܐ ܠ ܳܘܬ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܢܐ ܒܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪ܳ :‬ܠ ܳܨ ܶܒܐ ܝ݂ܰܒܡܝ ݂ܰܕܢܩܝܡ ݂ܰܠܚܢܘܗܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܣ ܶܒܐ‪ :‬ܘܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܳܨ ܶܒܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܒܢܝ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ܕܠ ܳܢ ܶܣܢܒ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܢܡܺܠܘܢ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܢ ܢܩܢܘܡ ܘܢ‬ ‫ܢܶܩܪܘܢܶܗ ܳܣܒܐ ݂ܰܕܩܪ‬ ‫ܳܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܣ ܶܒܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܪܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܬܗ ܠ ܳܘܬܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܣܢܶܗ ܶܡ ܶܪ ܓ ܶܠܢܗ‪ :‬ܘܬ ܪܘܩ‬ ‫ܬܩܪܘܒ ܝܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܢܶܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܦܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܕܠ ܢܶܒܢܶܐ ݂ܰܒܝܬܐ ܠܚܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܒܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܣܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝ ܶܠ ܶܒܝܬ ܫܪܐ‬




You shall restore the pledge to him when the sun goes down, that he may sleep in his cloak and bless you; and you will have merit1 before the Lord your God.


You shall not oppress a poor and needy hireling, whether he is one of your kinsfolk, or a sojourner2 in your towns.


On the same day3 you shall give him his wages before the sun goes down — for he is poor and depends for his life on his wages — lest he cry against you to the Lord and you would incur guilt. 4


Fathers shall not die on account of the children, and children shall not die on account of the fathers. Each will die for his own sins.


You shall not pervert the justice due to the sojourner or the orphan, and you shall not take a widow’s cloak as a pledge.


But you shall remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you from there. Therefore I am commanding you and saying to you that you must carry out this matter.


When you reap your harvest in your field, and you forget a sheaf, you shall not go back to get it; it shall be for the sojourner, the orphan, and the widow, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all your undertakings.


When you beat your olive trees, you shall not clean up what is behind you; it shall be for the sojourner, the orphan, and the widow.


When you gather (grapes) from your vineyard, you shall not glean after you; they shall be for the sojourner, the orphan, and the widow.


You shall remember that you were a slave in Egypt; therefore I command you to carry out this order.

‘merit’: lit. ‘righteousness’. ‘sojourner’: see Introduction, Addendum 7, at 1:16. 3 ‘on each day’: lit. ‘a son of his day’. 1 2


‘you would incur guilt’: lit. ‘and there would be sin against you’.


‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬

‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܛܗ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܦ ܳܢܝܗܝ ܶܠܗ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܟܢܶܗ ܳܡܐ ܕܥ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܒܬ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟܟ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܕ ݂ܰܡܟ ܒ ݂ܰܡܪܛ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܙ ܕܝܩ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܚ ܝܟ ݂ܰܐܘ ܶܡ ܥܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶܛܠܘܡ ݂ܰܐܓ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܶܡܣܟ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܘܕ ܳܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܕܒܩܘܪܝܳܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܪܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܗ ݂ܰܗܒ ܶܠܢܗ ݂ܰܐܓܢ ܶܪܗ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬܶܥܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܒܢܪ ܝ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܢܘܗܝ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ‬ ‫ܕ ܶܡܣܟ ݂ܰܢܐ ܗܘ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܦܝ ݂ܰܐܓ ܶܪܗ ܗܘ ݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܢܦ ܶܫܗ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܠ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܚܛ ܳܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܠ ܢܡܢܘܬܘܢ ܐ ܳܒܢܗܐ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ ܐ ݂ܰܦܢܝ ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܢܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ݂ܰܢ ܳܝܢܐ ܠ ܢܡܢܘܬܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ ܐ ݂ܰܦܢܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܠ ܐ ܳܢܫ ݂ܰܒܚܛ ݂ܰܗܘܗܝ ܢܡܘܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶ ܶܨܠ ܕ ܳܝܢܐ ܕܥܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܪܡܠܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕܝ݂ܰܬ ܳܡܐ‪ .‬ܘܠ ܬ ݂ܰܣܒ ܡܫܟܢܐ ܡܪܛܘܛܗ ܕ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬ ܒ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܩܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܬ ݂ܰܕܟܪ ܕܥ݂ܰܒ ܳܕܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܶܡܢ ܬ ܳܡܢ ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܕܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܳܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ܳܚܨܶ ܕ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܨ ܳܕܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚܩ ܳܠܟ ܘܛܥܶܢܐ ܐܢܢܬ ݂ܰܟ ܳܦܢܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܬܗܦܢܘܟ ܬܣܒܝܢܗ‪ .‬ܐܠ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܢܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܒܟ ܶܠܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ܳܕܐ‬ ‫ܬܗܘܐ ܠ ܥܡܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܝܬܡܐ‪ :‬ܘܠܪܡܠ‬ ‫ܕ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܝܢܢܟ ܳܠ ܬܶܦܢ ܶܶܠ ܶܒܣܢܢܬ ܳܪܟ ܶܐ ܳܠ ܠ ܥܳܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܘܠ ݂ܰܝܬ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܐ ܕ ܳܚ ܶܒܢܛ ܐܢܢܬ ܙ ܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܠܪܡܠ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܡܢܟ ܳܠ ܬ ݂ܰܒܥ݂ܰܢܪ ܶܒܣܢܬ ܳܪܟ ܶܐ ܳܠ ܠ ܥܳܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܛܢܦ ݂ܰܐܢܢܬ ݂ܰܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܘܠ ݂ܰܝܬ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕܩ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܪܡܠܬܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܘܝܢܬ ܒ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝܢ ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܢܕ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܳܠܢܟ ܕܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܬ ݂ܰܕܟܪ ܕܥ݂ܰܒܢ ܳܕܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ‬ ‫ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

If a man marries a woman and has marital relations with her, but she then ceases to please him because he has found some indecency in her, he shall write her a bill of divorce, hand it to her, and release her.

If, on leaving his house, she goes off to become another man’s wife, and this latter husband dislikes her,

And writes her a bill of divorce, gives it to her, and releases her from his house, or if this latter husband who married her dies,

Her former husband who dismissed her is not permitted to marry her again, after she has been defiled, for that would be a defilement before the Lord; thus you shall not bring guilt on the land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance.

When a man marries a new wife, he shall not go out with the army, nor shall he pursue any business; he shall remain at home for one year, and rejoice with the wife he has married.

No one shall take as a pledge a millstone, or the upper millstone, for it is to life itself that you are causing distress.1

If anyone from among the Israelites is found kidnapping any of his kinsfolk from among the Israelites and trades or sells him, then that man shall indeed be executed, and you shall purge evil from your midst.

Take note (in the case of) a plague of leprosy and take good care to do according to what the priests and the Levites teach you. As I have commanded them, so they shall diligently do.

Be mindful of what the Lord your God did to Miriam on the way when you came out of Egypt.


If your neighbour incurs2 a debt of any kind, you shall not enter his house to take his pledge.


You shall stand outside, and that person who incurred a debt shall bring the pledge outside to you.


If the person is poor you shall not sleep in his (pledged) cloak. 1

‘that you are causing distress’: see Introduction, Addenda 3 and 6.


‘your neighbour incurs’: see Introduction, Addendum 7.


‫݂ܰ ܶ‬



















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫ܶܩܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪ :‬ܟܕ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܢܶ ݂ܰܣܒ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܳܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܕ ݂ܰܡܟ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܗ‪ܶ :‬ܐܢ ܳܠ ܶܐܫܟ ݂ܰܚܢܬ ݂ܰܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܡܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܢܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܠ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܣܝܢܐ‪ :‬ܢܶܟܢܬܘܒ ܳܠܢܗ ܟܬ ܳܒܢܐ ܕܫܘܒ ܳܩ ܳܢܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܐܫܟܚ ܳܒܢܗ ܨܒܢ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܠ ܳܠܗ ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܪܝܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ‪ܶ .‬ܘܐܢ ܬ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܐܚܪ ܳܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܣܢܶܝܢܗ ݂ܰܓܒܢ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫ܘܬܦܘܩ ܡ ܒ‬ ‫ܐܚܪ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬܠ ܳܠܗ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܪܝܗ ܶܡ ݂ܰܒܝܬܗ‪ :‬ܐܘ ܐܢ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܟܬܘܒ ܳܠܗ ܟܬ ܳܒܐ ܕܫܘܒܩܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܢ‬ ‫ܢܡܘܬ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܐܚܪ ܳܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܒܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ݂ܰܫܠܝܛ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܗ ݂ܰܩܕ ܳܡ ܳܝܐ ܕ ݂ܰܫܒ ܳܩܗ‪ :‬ܕܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܕܪ ܢܶܣܒܝܢܗ ܳܒܢܬܪ ܶܕ ܐܬܛ ݂ܰܡܢܐܬ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܛܐ ݂ܰܠܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕܛ ܳܡܐܐ ܗܝ ܩܕܡ ܡܪܝ ܐ‪ .‬ܘܠ ܬ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܢܶ ݂ܰܣܒ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܐܢܬܬܐ ܚ ݂ܰܕܬܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܢܶܦܘܩ ܒ ݂ܰܚ ܝܶܠ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢܢ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܠܟܢܠ ܨܒܢܘ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܥ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܳܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܣܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܠ ܢܗܘܐ ܒܒܝܬܗ ܫܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰܣܒ ݂ܰܪܚ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰܘܪܟ ܳܒܗ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܟ ܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܢܦ ݂ܰܫܐ ܗܘ ܶܓܝܪ ܡܥܝܩ ܐܢܬ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܢܶܫܬ ݂ܰܟܚ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܶܡ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ :‬ܕܢܶܓܢܘܒ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܐ ܶܡ ܐ ݂ܰܚܘܗܝ ܒ ݂ܰܢܢܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܬܬ ݂ܰܓܪ ܳܒܢܗ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܙ ܒܢܝܢܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܬܩܛܠܢܘ ܢܶܬܩܛܢܠ ݂ܰܓܒܢ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܥ݂ܰܪܘ ܒܝܫܬܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܘ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܙܕܗܪܘ ܳܛܒ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܒܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܠ ܦܝܢ ܠܟܢܘܢ ܳܟܗܢܶܢܐ‬ ‫ܛܪܘ ܡܚ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕܬ ܐܢܘܢ ܢܶܛܪܘܢ ܘܢܶܥܒܕܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳܘܝ ܶܐ‪ .‬ܐܝܟ ܕܦ‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܟܢܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܬ ݂ܰܕܟܪ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝ݂ܰܢܡ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦܩܢܬܘܢ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܬܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰܣܢܒ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܢܚܢܘܒ ܳܠܢܟ ݂ܰܚܒܢ ܳܪܟ ݂ܰܚܢܘܒܬܐ ܶܡܢ ܶܕܡ‪ :‬ܠ ܬܥܢܘܠ ܠܒ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܟܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܗܘ ܕ ݂ܰܚ ܳܝܢܒ ܳܠܢܟ ܗܘ ݂ܰܢܦܩܝܢܘܗܝ ܳܠܢܟ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ܩܘܡ ܒܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܫܟ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܠܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ݂ܰܓܒ ݂ܰܪܐ ܗܘ ܶܡܣܟ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܬܕ ݂ܰܡܟ ܒ ݂ܰܡܪܛܘܛܗ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



If you enter your neighbour’s vineyard, you may eat your fill of grapes, but you must not put any in your container.


If you go into your neighbour’s standing corn, you may pluck the ears by hand, but you must not lift a sickle to your neighbour’s corn.


‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬

‫ܘܡܐ ܕܥܳܐܶܠ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܪܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚܒ ܳܪܟ ݂ܰܐܟܘܠ ܥ ܶܢ ܶܒܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ ܕ ܳܣܒܥܳܢܐ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܢܟ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܒ ܳܡ ܳܐܢܟ ܳܠ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕܥܳܐܶܠ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܓܢܶܠ ܠ‬ ‫ܠܩܝܶܡܢܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚܒܢ ܳܪܟ ܡܠܢܘܓ ܶܫܒܢܶܠ ܒܐܝܢ ܳܕܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬܢ ܝܦ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܳܩܝܶܡܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚܒ ܳܪܟ‪.‬‬




You shall have a specified location outside the camp; there you must go to relieve yourself.1


You shall have a peg with your armour; and when you are seated to relieve yourself, you shall dig with it and cover your excrement.


For the Lord your God moves about in your camp to deliver you and hand your enemies over to you. Therefore let your camp be holy, lest he see any indecency2 among you and turn away from you.


You shall not hand over to his master a slave who has fled from his master to you.


Rather, he shall settle with you in whatever place he may choose in any of your towns, wherever it pleases him. You shall not ill-treat him.


There shall be no cult prostitute among the daughters of Israel, nor shall there be any cult prostitute among the sons of Israel.


You shall not bring the wages of a harlot or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord your God for any vow: for both of these are unclean3 before the Lord your God.


You shall not charge interest on a loan to your kindred: interest on money, interest on provisions, interest on anything that is lent.


To a foreigner you may lend on interest, but to your kindred you shall not lend upon interest, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all that you undertake in the land that you are about to enter and possess.


If you make a vow to the Lord your God you shall not delay in fulfilling it, for the Lord will surely require it of you, and it would bring guilt upon you.


But, if you do not wish to make a vow, you will not bring guilt upon yourself.


Whatever has come from your lips you must diligently perform, in accordance with what you have vowed to the Lord your God — an offering that you have promised with your mouth. ‘to relieve yourself’: lit. ‘for the water of your legs’; see Introduction, Addendum 2. 2 ‘any indecency’: lit. ‘a thing of nakedness’. 1


‘unclean’: Hebrew: ‘an abomination’.


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬




‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܒ ݂ܰܘܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܝ ܕܝܥ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܝ ܪܓ ݂ܰܠܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܒܪ ܶܡ ݂ܰܡܫܪܝܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܦܘܩ ܠܬ ܳܡ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܢܝ ܶܪܓ ݂ܰܠܝܢܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܒ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܢܬ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܠܟ ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܙ ܳܝܢܟ ܘܡܐ ܕܝ‬ ‫ܝܓ ܘܣܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܚ ݂ܰܦܪ ܒܗ‪ :‬ܘܗܘܝܬ ܡܟܣܐ ܬܒܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦܨܶܝܢܢܟ ݂ܰܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܢܢܬܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܕ ܶܡܛܢܢܠ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܢܗܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠܢܢܡ‬ ‫ܡܗ ܶܠܢܢܟ ܒ ݂ܰܓܢܢܘ ݂ܰܡܫܪ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܢܟ ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܢܢܬܟ ݂ܰܩܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝܢܢܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܕܠ ܢܶܚܢܢܙܶ ܐ ܳܒܢܢܟ ܨܒܢܢܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰܡܫܪ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܣܝܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܗܦܘܟ ܶܠܗ ܶܡܢܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܗ ܳܠ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ܥ݂ܰܒ ܳܕܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܶܪܗ ܕܥܳ ܶܪܩ ܠ ܳܘܬܟ ܶܡ ܳܡ ܶܪܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܒ ݂ܰܒܢܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܨ ܶܒܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܢܕܐ ܶܡܢ ܩܢܘܪܝܳܟ ܐܬܪ ܕ ݂ܰܫܦܝܢܪ ܶܠܢܗ‪ .‬ܘܠ‬ ‫ܝܘ ܐܠ ܥܡܢܟ ܢܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬܥܠ ܒܝܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܙ ܢܶܐ ܶܡ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܶܡ ܒ ܳܢܬ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ܳ :‬ܘܐܦ ܳܶܠ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܙ ܠ ܬܗܘܐ ܙ ܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܠܟܢܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܢܕܪ‪:‬‬ ‫ܝ ܚ ܠ ܬܥ ܶܠ ܐ ݂ܰܓܪ ܳܙ ܢܝܬܐ ݂ܰܘܕ ݂ܰܡܝ ݂ܰܟܠ ܳܒܐ ܠܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܛܡܐܝ ܶܐܢܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܬ ݂ܰܪܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܒܝܬܐ ܕܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ‬ ‫ܝܛ ܠ ܬ ݂ܰܪ ܶܒܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐܚܘܟ ܪܒܝܬܐ ܕܟܣܦܐ‪ :‬ܘܪܒܝܬܐ ܕܥܒܘܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܕ ܳܪ ܶܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܢܘܟ ܳܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܐ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܐܚܘܟ ܳܠ ܬ ݂ܰܪ ܶܒܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܢܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟܢܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܒܟܢܠ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܛ ܐܢܬ ܐ ܳܝܕܟ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܥܳܐܠ ܐܢܬ ܳܠܗ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܕܡ ܕܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܟܐ ܶܘܐܢ ܳܢ ݂ܰܕܪ ܐܢܬ ܢܶܕ ܳܪܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܠ ܬ ݂ܰܫ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܦܪܥ ܶܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ܶܡܬ ݂ܰܒܥ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܶܘܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܬ ݂ܰܒܥ ܶܠܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡ ܳܢܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܚܛ ܳܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰܕܪ‪ܳ :‬ܠ ܳܗ ܶܘܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܒ ܶܘܐܢ ܳܠ ܳܨ ܶܒܐ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܚܛ ܳܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܓ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܢܕܪܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦܩ ܶܡ ܶܣܦ ܳܘ ܳܬܟ ݂ܰܛܪ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܫ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܺܠܬ ܒܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܡ‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

No adulterer1 shall enter the assembly of the Lord.

No offspring of an adulterer2 shall enter the assembly of the Lord. Not even to the tenth generation shall any such enter the assembly of the Lord.

No Ammonite or Moabite shall enter the assembly of the Lord. Not even to the tenth generation shall they ever enter the assembly of the Lord,

Because they did not offer you bread and water on the way, when you came out of Egypt, and because they hired against you Balaam son of Beor, from Pethor of Mesopotamia, to curse you.

But the Lord your God was not willing to listen to Balaam, so the Lord your God turned the curses into blessings for you, because the Lord your God loves you.

You shall never desire their peace or their welfare all your days.

You shall not drive away the Edomite, for he is your kinsman. You shall not drive away the Egyptian, because you were a sojourner in his land.

Children that are born to them in the third generation may enter the assembly of the Lord.


When you go out in camp against your enemies, you must be on your guard against every kind of impropriety.


Should there be among you one who is unclean because of a nocturnal emission, he must go outside the camp; he must not come into the camp.


But at evening time he shall wash himself with water, and when the sun sets he may come into the camp.


‘adulterer’ (‫ ;)ܓܝܪܐ‬see Introduction, Addendum 3.


‘offspring of an adulterer’: lit. ‘son of adultery’ (‫ ;)ܒܪ ܓܘܪܐ‬Hebrew: ‫‘ ממזר‬bastard’.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
















‫ܨܚ ܟܐ‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬


‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠ ܢܶ ܥܘܠ ݂ܰܓ ܳܝ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܠܟܢܘܫܬܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܬܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ܳ :‬ܐܦ ܳܶܠ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܥ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܢܪܐ ܳܕ ܪܝܢ ܢܶ ܥܢܘܠ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܢܶ ܥܘܠ ݂ܰܒܪ ݂ܰܓܘܪܐ ݂ܰܠܟܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܠܟܢܘܫܬܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܢܕ ܳܪܐ ܥܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܢܶ ܥܘܠ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܬܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܐܦ ܳܢܶܠ ܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܢ ܳܝܐ ܘܡܘܐ ܳܒ ܳܝܢܐ ݂ܰܠܟܢܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܢܶܥܠܘܢ ݂ܰܠܟܢܘܫܬܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠ ܥܳ ݂ܰܠܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܢܐ ݂ܰܟܢܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܠ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰܩ ܶܪܒܘ ܠܟܘܢ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܝܢܐ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦܩܢܬܘܢ ܶܡܢ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝܢ ‪:‬‬ ‫ܐܓ ܢܪ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢܢܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܥ݂ܰ ܢܠ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܒܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܢܡ ݂ܰܒ ܢܪ ܒܥ ܢܘܪ ܶܡ ܢ ܦܝܢܢܬܘܪ ܳܕ ܳܐܪܡ ݂ܰܢܗܪܝ ܢ ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܠܛܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠ‬ ‫ܠܒܠ ܥ݂ܰܢܡ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܨܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܗܦܢܟ ܶܐܢܶܝܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܫܡܥ ܶܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܠ ܘܛܬܗ ܠܒܘܪ ܟ‬ ‫ܳܳ‬ ‫ܨܒܐ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠܡܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܛܒܬܗܘܢ ܟܠ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ݂ܰܡܝ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝ ܝܟ ܠ ܥܳ ݂ܰܠܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܝ ܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛ ܢܠ ݂ܰܕ ܐܚ ܢܘܟ ܗܘ‪ܳ .‬ܘܠ ܬܶܕܚܩܝܢܢܘܗܝ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶܕܚܩܝܢܢܘܗܝ ݂ܰܠܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳܨܪܝܳ ܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕܥܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥ ܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܐ ܕ ܶܡܬܝ݂ܰܠ ܕܝ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܒ ܳܕ ܳܪܐ ܬܠܝܬܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܢܶܥܠܘܢ ݂ܰܠܟܢܘܫܬܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܬܦܘܩ ܒ ݂ܰܡܫܪܝܬܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝܟ ܐ ݂ܰܙܕܗܪ ܶܡ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܒܟ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܕܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܕ ܶܟܐ ܶܡ ܶܩܪܝܳ ܐ ܕܺܠܢ ܳܝܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶ ܥܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓܘ ݂ܰܡܫܪܝܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܡܫܪ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܣܚܐ ܒ ݂ܰܡ ܳܝܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕܥ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܒܬ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠ ܥ ܶ ܳܕܢ ݂ܰܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ ܢܶ ܥܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓܘ ݂ܰܡܫܪܝܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܕܒܝܫ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܶܦܘܩ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܒܪ ܶܡܢ‬




Then you shall bring both of them to the gate of that city and stone them to death: the girl because she did not cry for help in the city and the man because he dishonoured his neighbour’s wife. So you shall purge evil from your midst.


But if a man encounters an engaged girl in the open country and seizes her forcibly and lies with her, then only the man who lay with her shall be executed.


You shall do nothing to the girl, because the girl is not guilty of a sin punishable by death, as when a man attacks his neighbour and kills him. So too is this matter,


Because he found her in the open country, the engaged girl cried for help, but there was no one to rescue her.


If a man encounters a girl, a virgin who is not engaged, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are discovered,


Then the man who lay with her shall give the girl’s father fifty pieces of silver, and she shall become his wife, because he dishonoured her. He is not permitted to divorce her all the days of his life.


A man shall not marry his father’s wife, and shall not (thereby) uncover his father’s garment.


‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܙ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܠ‬

‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܶܦܩܘ ܐܢܢܘܢ ݂ܰܠܬ ݂ܰܪܝܢܗܘܢ ܠܬܪܥܳܢܐ ݂ܰܕܩܪܝܢܬܐ ܳܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܪܓܘܡܢܘ ܐܢܢܘܢ ܒܟܐܦܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢܡܘܬܘܢ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܠ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰܒܓ ݂ܰܢܢܬ ܳܗܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܢܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܗܘ ݂ܰܓܒܢ ܳܪܐ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܡܢܬܐ ݂ܰܒܩܪ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܬ ݂ܰܚܒ ܶܪܗ‪݂ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘܒܥ݂ܰܪܘ ܒܝܫܬܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܨܥܪ ܐܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ݂ܰܓܒܢ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܢܕܗ ݂ܰܒܩܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܬܐ ݂ܰܕܡܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܶܠ ܶܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܢܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ܶܡܢܟ‬ ‫ܥܠ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܒܚ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܛܠ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܕܕ ܶܡܟ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܗ ݂ܰܒܠ ܚ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥ ܡܗ‪ :‬ܢ ܬ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܬܐ ܳܠ ܬܶܥܒܕܘܢ ܳܠܗ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰܚ ܳܝ ܳܒܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܡܢܬܐ ܚܛܢ ܳܗܐ‬ ‫ܘܠܥܠ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܡܘܬܐ‪ .‬ܐܝܟ ܕܩܐܡ ܶܓܝܪ ݂ܰܓܒܢܪܐ ܥܢܠ ܚܒܢܪܗ ܘܩܛܢܠ ܠܢܗ‪ :‬ܗܟܢܢܐ ܗܝ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܨܒܘܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܝܢܬ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܝܡܬܐ ݂ܰܕܡܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܶܠ ܗܘ ܶܐܫܟ ܳܚܗ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܡܦܢܨܶ ܐ‬ ‫ܘܒܓ ݂ܰܢܬ ܥܠ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕܒܚ‬ ‫ܳܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܬ ܡܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܬܐ ܕ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܐܚܕܝܢܗ ܢܶܕ ݂ܰܡܢܟ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܡܬܐ ܒܬ‬ ‫ܘܐܢ ܢܫܟܚ ܓܒܪܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܗ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܫܬܟܚܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܬܐ ݂ܰܚܡܫܝܢ ܕ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܦܢܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠܢܗ‬ ‫ܢܶܬܠ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܗܘ ݂ܰܕܕ ܶܡܟ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܗ ܠܒܘܗ ܕܥܠ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݂ܰܠܛ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܫܒ ܳܩܗ ܟܠ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ݂ܰܡܝ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝ ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܬܗܘܐ ܐܢܬܬܐ ܚܠܦ ܕܨܥܪܗ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܬ ݂ܰܐܒܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶܓܶܠ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܒܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠ ܢܶ ݂ܰܣܒ ܓܒܪܐ ܐܢ‬




If a man marries a woman, and, having gone in to her, dislikes her,


And, committing adultery with a false charge 1 against her, slanders her,2 saying, ‘I married this woman, but when I lay with her, I did not find in her evidence of virginity,’



Then the father of the girl and her mother shall present evidence of the girl’s virginity before the elders of the city at the gate,


And the girl’s father shall say to the elders, ‘I gave my daughter to this man as wife but he dislikes her.


So he is committing adultery3 with a false charge against her, saying, “I did not find evidence of virginity in your daughter.” Now this is the evidence of my daughter’s virginity.’ And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city.


Then the elders of that city shall take the man and punish him.


They shall fine him one hundred shekels of silver, which they will give to the girl’s father, because he has slandered a virgin of Israel. She shall remain his wife; he is not permitted to divorce her all his days.


But if this matter is true — that evidence of the girl’s virginity was not found —


Then they shall bring the girl out to the door of her father’s house, and the men of the city shall stone her to death, because she has done a shameful thing in Israel, and prostituted (while in) her father’s house. So you shall purge evil from your midst.


If a man is found lying with the wife of another man, both of them shall be executed, the man who lay with her, as well as that woman. So you shall purge evil from Israel.


If there is a girl, a virgin engaged to a man, and another man encounters her in the city and lies with her,

‘with a false charge’: lit. ‘with an accusation with words’. See Introduction, Addendum 4, regarding the ‘adultery’ nuance introduced by P here and in v. 17. 2 ‘slanders her’: lit. ‘brings out against her an evil name’. See v. 19. 1


See Introduction, Addendum 4, at 22:14.


‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬

‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܰܟܕ ܢܶ ݂ܰܣܒ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܐܢܬܬܐ ܘܢܶ ܥܘܠ ܠ ܳܘܬܗ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܣܢܶܝܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܬܐ ܒ ܶܡ ܶܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢ ܶܦܩ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܐ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܐܢܢܬܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ‪ :‬ܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܓܘܪ ܒܬܪܗ ܥ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܣܒܬ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܡܟܬ ܠ ܳܘܬܗ ܘܠ ܐܫܟ ܶܚܬ ܳܠܗ ܒܬܘܠ‪.‬‬

‫ܨܚ ܟ‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܶܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܦܩܢܘܢ ܐܢܢܘܢ ݂ܰܠܒܬܘ ܶܠܝܢܗ ݂ܰܕܛܠܝܢܬܐ ܠ ܳܢܘܬ‬ ‫ܝܗ ܢܶ ݂ܰܣܒ ܐܒܘܗ ݂ܰܕܛܠ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܣܒܐ ݂ܰܕܩܪܝܬܐ ܠܬܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܣ ܶܒܐ‪ :‬ܒ ݂ܰܪܬܝ ܝ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܳܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܒܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܢܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܐܒܘܗ ݂ܰܕܛܠ‬ ‫ܝܘ ܘܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܶ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܒܢܪܬܟ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ܕܠ ܐܫܟ ܶܚܢܬ ܒܢܬܘܠ‪:‬‬ ‫ܝܙ ܘܗܐ ܓܢܐܪ ܒܢܬܪܗ ܥܠܢܢܬܐ ܒܡܢܶܠ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܶܠܝ ܒܬܘܠ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܪܬܝ‪ :‬ܢܶܦܪܣܘܢ ܫܘܫܦܐ ܩܕܡ ܣܒܐ ܕܩܪܝܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܗܘ ܘܢܶܪܕܘܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝ ܚ ܘܢܶܕܒܪܘܢܗ ܣܒܐ ܕܩܪ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܢܠ ݂ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܛ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܚܣܪܘܢܶܗ ܳܡܐܐ ܕ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܢܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܣܦܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܬܠܢܘܢ ܠܒܢܘܗ ݂ܰܕܛܠ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠܬܐ ݂ܰܒܪܬ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܐܢܢܬܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶܫܬ ݂ܰܠܢܛ‬ ‫ܘܠܢܗ ܬ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܒܬ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܫܒ ܳܩܗ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ݂ܰܡܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܬܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܬ ܶܡܠܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܐܫܬ ݂ܰܟܚܘ ܒܬܘܠ ݂ܰܠܛܠܝܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟ ܶܘܐܢ ܶܡ ܩ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܶܒܝܬ ݂ܰܐܒܘܗ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܪܓܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܐ ݂ܰܢܦܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܗ ܒܟܐܦܐ ܐ ܳܢ ݂ܰܫܝ ܩܪܝܬܐ‬ ‫ܘܢܗ ݂ܰܠܛܠܝܬܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܬܡܘܬ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܠ ܕܥ ܶܒ ݂ܰܕܬ ܶܒܗܬ ܳܬܐ ܒܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܙ ݂ܰܢܝܢܬ ܶܒܝܢܬ ݂ܰܐܒܢܘܗ‪݂ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘܒܥ݂ܰܢܪܘ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܒܝܫܬܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܢܶܫܬ ݂ܰܟܚ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܕ ܶܡܢܟ ܥ݂ܰܢܡ ܐܢܢܬܬ ݂ܰܓܒܢ ܳܪܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܬܩܛܠܢܘ ܢܶܬ ݂ܰܩܛܠܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܰܪܝܢܢܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܓܒ ܢ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܕܕ ܶܡܢܢܟ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡ ܢܗ‪ܳ :‬ܐܦ ܗܝ ݂ܰܐܢ ܢܬ ܳܬܐ‪݂ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘܒܥ݂ܰܢܢܪܘ ܒܝܫܢܢܬܐ ܶܡܢܢ‬ ‫ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܬܐ ݂ܰܕܡܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܪܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓܒ ܳܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܫܟܚ ܝܗ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܐܚܪ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܡܬܐ ܒܬ‬ ‫ܟܓ ܘܐܢ ܬܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܩܪܝܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܕܡܟ ܥܡܗ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

You shall not see your kinsman’s ox or sheep going astray and disregard them; you must certainly take them back to him.

But, if your kinsman is not near you, or you do not know him, bring them into your homestead, and they shall remain with you until your kinsman seeks them. Then you must return them to him.

You shall do likewise for his ox and donkey, and for his clothing, and likewise for anything your kinsman has lost and you find. You may not be indifferent.

You shall not see your enemy’s donkey or ox fallen on the road, and disregard them; you must indeed help him raise them.

A man’s apparel shall not be on a woman; nor shall a man wear a woman’s apparel; for all who do these things are abhorrent to the Lord your God.

If, along your route, you find a bird’s nest in any tree or on the ground with fledglings or chicks, and the mother sitting on the fledglings or chicks, you shall not take the mother together with her young.

You shall indeed let the mother go, but her young you may take for yourself, that it may be well with you and you may live long.

When you build a new house, you shall make a parapet for your roof, so that, should anyone fall from it, you do not bring bloodguilt on your house.

You shall not sow your furrow1 with mixed seed, lest the yield of the seed that you sow, and the produce of the vineyard be consecrated.


You shall not plough with a yoke of ox and donkey together.


Do not wear mixed material of wool and linen together.


You shall make tassels on the four corners of the cloak with which you cover yourself.


‘your furrow’: see Introduction, Addendum 5, for P’s reading.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬


‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶܚܙܶ ܐ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܡܢܐ ܶܡܢܢܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܦܟܢܘ‬ ‫ܘܪܗ ݂ܰܕ ܐܚܘܟ ܐܘ ܢܶܩܝܶܢܗ ݂ܰܟܢܕ ܛܥ ܶܝܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܦܟ ܐܢܘܢ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܳܠ ݂ܰܩܪܝܒ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܐܚܘܟ ܳܘܠ ܝܳ ݂ܰܕܥ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܶܠܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܥܶܢܠ ܶܐܢܢܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓܢܘ ݂ܰܒܝܢܬܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܗܘܘܢ ܠ ܳܘ ܳܬܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳܢܐ ܐܢܘܢ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܕܬ ݂ܰܒܥ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܐܚܘܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܗ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܝܬܗ‪ :‬ܘ ܳܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܠܟܠ ܐܒܕܬܐ‬ ‫ܚܡ ܶܪܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܬܟܣ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܳܠܗ‪ܳ :‬ܠ ݂ܰܫܠܝܛ ܳܠܟ ܕ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܕ ܐܒ ܳܕܐ ܶܡܢܶܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܡ ܶܪܗ ݂ܰܕܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ܳܒܟ ݂ܰܐܘ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܗ ݂ܰܟܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶܚܙܶ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܡܝܢ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܡܢܐ ܶܡܢܢܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܩܡܘ ܐܩܝܡ ܐܢܘܢ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠ ܢܶܗܘܘܢ ܳܡܐܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ ܐܢܢܬܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶܠ ݂ܰܒܢܫ ݂ܰܓܒܢ ܳܪܐ ܳܡܐܢܢܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܢܢܬܬܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕܛ ݂ܰܡܐ ܗܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܟܠ ݂ܰܡ ܕܥܳ ܶܒܕ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܟ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ܶܩ ܳܢܐ ܕܨܶܦܢ ܳܪܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܢ ܐܘ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܢܐ‪ :‬ܒܟܢܠ ܐ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܐ ݂ܰܩܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܓܐ‪ :‬ܐܘ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܒܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܬ ݂ܰܣܢܒ‬ ‫ܝܦܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܦܪ‬ ‫ܦܪܘܓܐ ܐܘ ܒܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܡܐ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܒܢܶ ܝܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܠ ݂ܰܡܦ ܳܪܚܘ ܐܦ ݂ܰܪ ܶܚ ܝܗ ܠ ܳܡܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܢܶܝܢܗ ݂ܰܣܢܒ ܳܠܢܟ ܕܢܶܛܢܐܒ ܳܠܢܟ ܘܢܶܣܓܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ܰܚܕ ܳܬܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܬܝܳ ܳܟܢܐ ܠ ܳܓܢ ܳܪܟ ܕܠ ܢܶ ܶܦܢܠ ܶܡܢܶܢܗ ܐ ܳܢ ܳܫܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕܒܢܐ ܐܢܬ ܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܕ ܳܡܐ ܒܒܝܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܺܠܢܬܗ‬ ‫ܥܺܠܢܬܗ ܕ ݂ܰܙܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܳܙ ݂ܰܪܥ ܐܢܢܬ ܘ‬ ‫ܠ ܬܙܪܘܥ ܟ ܳܪ ܳܒܟ ܶܚܠܛܐ‪ :‬ܕܠ ܬܬ ݂ܰܩ ݂ܰܕܫ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ܳܘܪܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܡ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܐܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠ ܬܕ ݂ܰܒܪ ݂ܰܦ ܳܕ ܳܢܐ ܒ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܐܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠ ܬܠܒܫ ܦܬܟܐ ܕܥܡܪܐ ܘܕܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܠܟ ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܒܥ ܶܟܢ ݂ܰܦܘܗܝ ܕ ݂ܰܡܪܛܘܛܟ ܕ ܶܡܬ ݂ܰܟ ܶܣܐ ܐܢܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܓܕ ܝܠ‬




If a man should have a guilty verdict of a sin worthy of death, and is hanged on a tree and is executed,1


His corpse must not remain all night upon the tree; you must bury him that same day; for he that reviles God shall be hanged. You must not defile your land which the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance.


See Introduction, Addendum 7, for P’s interpretation of vv. 22–23.




‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܒ ܶܘܐܢ ݂ܰܚ ܳܝ ܢܒ ݂ܰܓܒ ܢ ܳܪܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܙܕ ܶܩ ܢܦ ܥ݂ܰ ܢܠ ݂ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܚܠ ܢܦ ܚܛ ܢܗܐ ܕܝܢ ܢܐ ܕܡ ܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܬܩܛܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܓ ܳܠ ܬܒܘܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܣܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ܩܢܘܒܪܘܗܝ ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܠ ܶܕܗ ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕ ݂ܰܡܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܨ ܶܚܐ ܠ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ܢܶܙܕ ܶܩܦ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܛ ݂ܰܡܐ ܐܪܥܳܟ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕ‬




And you see among the captives a beautiful woman whom you desire and would take as wife,


You shall bring her into your house. She must shave her head, cut her nails,


And put aside her prisoner’s clothing. She shall remain in your house and lament her father and mother a full month.1 After that, you may go in to her and be her husband,2 and she will be your wife.


But if you do not desire her, you shall let her go free. You shall not sell her for money. You must not make gains with her, since you have dishonored her.



If a man has two wives, one loved and the other disliked, and if they bear him sons, both the loved one and the disliked one — with the firstborn being the disliked one’s son —


On the day he arranges for his sons to inherit what is his, he is not permitted to treat as firstborn the loved one’s son ahead of the disliked one’s son.


But the firstborn — the disliked one’s son — it is fitting that he receive a double portion of all that he has, for he is the first of his offspring; the right of the firstborn is his.


If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son, who will not heed3 his father and mother, and does not listen to them though they discipline him,


His father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the city elders at the gate of that place.


They shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not heed us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.’


Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death. You shall purge evil from your midst; and all Israel will hear and be afraid.

1 2 3

‘a full month’: lit. ‘a month of days’. ‘and be her husband’: lit. ‘and take her’. ‘heed’: lit. ‘listen to the voice of’.


‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫ܨܚ ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ܰܐܢܢܬ ܳܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܫܦܝܢܪܐ ܒ ܶܚܢ ܳܙܘܗ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܨ ܶ‬ ‫ܛܒܢܐ ܳܒܢܗ‪ :‬ܘܬܣܒܝܢܗ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫ܘܬܚܙܶ ܐ ݂ܰܒܫܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܢܬܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܟ‪ .‬ܘܬܶܓܪܘܥ ܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܗ‪ :‬ܘܬ ݂ܰܣܒ ܛܦ ܶܪܝܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܬܥܠܝܗ ܠܓܘ ܒ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠܚ ܳܡܐܢܐ ݂ܰܕܫܒܝܬܗ ܶܡ ܳܢܗ‪ :‬ܘܬܬܒ ܒ ݂ܰܒܝܬܟ ܘܬܒ ܶܟܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐܒܘܗ ܘܥ݂ܰܠ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܟ ܬܶܥܘܠ ܠ ܳܘ ܳܬܗ ܘܬܶܣܒܝܗ‪ :‬ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܠܟ ܐܢܬܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ܳܡܗ ܝ ݂ܰܪܚ ܝ݂ܰ ܘܡܝ ‪ :‬ܘܒ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܳܠ ܳܨ ܶܒܐ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܳܒܗ‪ :‬ܫܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܣܦܐ ܠ ܬ ݂ܰܙ ܒܢܝܗ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܬ ݂ܰܓܪ‬ ‫ܘܩܝܗ ܠ ܢܦܫܗ‪ :‬ܘܒܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܒܗ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܚܠܦ ܕ ݂ܰܨܥ݂ܰܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܬܐ ݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܬܪܬܶܝ ܢܶܫܝ ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܢܶܗܘܝܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܶܣܢܘܐܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܐܠ ܳܕܢ ܶܠܗ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܪܚ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܢܘܐܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܬܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܒ ܳܪܐ ܒܘܟ ܳܪܐ ܠܣܢܘܐܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܐ ܪܚ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܬ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܘܗܝ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܕ ܐܝܬ ܶܠܗ‪ܳ :‬ܠ ݂ܰܫܠܝܛ ܶܠܢܗ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܢܩ ܶܫܢܫ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܒܢܪ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܚܘܡܬܐ ܩܕܡ ܒܪ ܣܢܘܐܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܠ ܒ ܢܘܟ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܒ ܢܪ ܶܣܢ ܢܘܐܬܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܶܠ ܢܗ ܕܢܶ ݂ܰܣ ܢܒ ܬܪܬܝ ܢ ܡܢ ܢ ܳܘܢ ܒܟ ܢܠ ܶܡ ܢ ܶܕܡ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕ ܶܡܫܬ ݂ܰܟܚ ܶܠܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܗܘܝܘ ܪܝܫ ܝ݂ܰܠ ܶܕܗ‪ :‬ܘ ܶܠܗ ܗܘ ܳܙܕ ܳܩܐ ܒܘܟܪܘܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܡܪ ܳܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܳܫ ݂ܰܡܢܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܒ ܳܪܐ ܳܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܩܢܠ ܐܒܢܘܗܝ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܩܠ ܐ ܶܡܗ‪ܳ :‬ܘܪ ܶܕܝ ܶܠܗ ܘܠ ܳܫ ݂ܰܡܥ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܶܐܚܕܘܢܶܗ ݂ܰܐܒܘܗܝ ܶܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܦܩܘܢܶܗ ܠ ܳܘܬ ܳܣܒܐ ݂ܰܕܩܪܝܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܬܪܥܳܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܬ ܶܪܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܡܪܢ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܳܫ ݂ܰܡܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ‪ :‬ܒ ݂ܰܪܢ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܳܡܪܘܕ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܩ ݂ܰܠܢ ‪:‬‬ ‫ܠܣܒܐ ݂ܰܕܩܪ‬ ‫ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܣܘܛ ܘܪ ܳܘܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ ܒܟܐ ܶܦܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܡܢܘܬ‪݂ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘܒܥ݂ܰܢܪܘ ܒܝܫܢܬܐ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫ܢܶܪܓܡܘܢܶܗ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܐ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ ݂ܰܕܩܪ‬ ‫݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܟ ܶܠܗ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ܢܶܫܡܥܘܢ ܘܢܶܕܚܠܘܢ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  XVIII

If, in the land which the Lord your God is giving you to possess, someone is found slain lying in the open field, and it is not known who killed him,

Your elders and judges shall go out to measure (the distances from) the cities in the area around the slain person.

The elders of that city which is nearest to the victim shall take from the herd a heifer that has never been worked, which has never pulled in a yoke;

And the elders of that city shall bring the heifer down to a barren wadi, which is neither tilled or sown, and they shall slaughter the heifer there in the wadi.

Then the priests, the sons of Levi, shall come forward, for the Lord your God has chosen them to minister to him and to bless in the name of the Lord; and every dispute and every assault shall be settled according to their decision.1

All the elders of that city nearest the slain person shall wash their hands over the heifer that was slaughtered in the wadi,

And they shall proclaim: ‘Our hands have not shed this blood, nor have our eyes seen it.

Absolve your people Israel whom you redeemed, O Lord. Do not impute (the guilt of) innocent blood against your people Israel.’ Then they will be absolved of bloodguilt.

So you shall investigate innocent blood (so as to remove it) 2 from your midst, and do what is right in the sight of the Lord.


When you go forth to battle against your enemies, and the Lord your God delivers them into your power, and you take some of them captive,

‘shall be settled according to their decision’: lit. ‘shall be according to the word of their mouth’. 1


See the note at 19:13.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܝܚ‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬


‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܪܬܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܢܶܫܬ ݂ܰܟܚ ܩܛ ܳܝܶܠ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܢܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܠܡܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܶܠ ܳܘܠ ܝ ܕܝܥ ݂ܰܡܢܘ ݂ܰܩ ܶ‬ ‫ܛܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܒܚ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܶܦܩܘܢ ܳܣ ݂ܰܒܝܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܳ ݂ܰܢ ܝܟ ܘܢܶܡܫܚܘܢ ܠܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕ ݂ܰܪܘܗܝ ܕܩܛܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܩܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܓܠܢܬܐ ܕܬܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܕܠ‬ ‫ܝܒܐ ݂ܰܠܩܛܝܶܠ‪ :‬ܢܶܕܒܪܘܢ ܳܣܒܢܐ ݂ܰܕܩܪܝܢܬܐ ܳܗܝ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܩܪ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐܬܕ ݂ܰܒܪ ܳܒܗ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶܓ ݂ܰܕܬ ܒܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܓܠܬܐ ܠ ݂ܰܢܚܶܠ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝ ܳܪܐ‪ :‬ܕܠ ܐܬܦ ݂ܰܠܚ ܶܒܢܗ ܘܠ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢܚܬܘܢܗ ܣܒܐ ܕܩܪܝܬܐ ܗܝ ܠ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܙܕ ݂ܰܪܥ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܟܣܘܢܗ ܬܡ ܠܥܓܠܬܐ ܒܢܚܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܩܪܒܘܢ ܳܟܗܢܶܐ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܶܠ ܘܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܓ ܳܒܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫ ܳܡܫܢܘܬܗ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܒ ܳܪܟܘ ݂ܰܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰܠ ܶܡ ݂ܰܠܬ ܦܘܡܗܘܢ ܢܶܗ ܶܘܐ ܟܠ ܕ ܳܝܢܐ ܘܟܠ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܚܘܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܣܒܐ ݂ܰܕܩܪܝܬܐ ܳܗܝ ܕ ݂ܰܩܪܝܒܝ ݂ܰܠܩܛܝܶܠ‪ :‬ܢܫܝܓܘܢ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܗܘܢ ܠ ܥܶܢܠ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܰܕܢܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܐ ܒ ݂ܰܢܚܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܡ ܥܓܠ‬ ‫ܫܕܬ ܕ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝ ܳܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܥܢܘܢ ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܰܝܕܢ ܳܠ ܶܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܚ ܳܣܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܟ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕܦ ݂ܰܪܩܬ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܚܫܘܒ ܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܙ ܳܟ ܳܝܐ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܟ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܬ ݂ܰܚ ܶܣܐ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܕ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܢܬ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܩܒ ܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܙ ܳܟ ܳܝܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܓ ܳܘܟ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܕ ݂ܰܫܦܝܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒ ܢܐ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝ ܢܟ ݂ܰܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܟܢܕ ܬܶܦܢܘܩ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠܢܡ ܶܐܢ ܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܒܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟ ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܒܐ ܶܡܢܗܘܢ ܫܒܝܬܐ‪.‬‬




But if it does not make peace with you, but makes war against you, then you shall besiege it.


When the Lord your God delivers it into your power, you must kill every one of its males with the sword’s blade.


But the women and children and livestock and all that is in the city, and all its spoils, you shall take as booty; you may eat the spoil of your enemies, which the Lord your God gives you.


Thus you shall treat all the cities that are very far away from you, that are not among the cities of these peoples.


But, as for the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you must not let any living being remain alive.


You shall utterly annihilate them — the Hittites and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites — just as the Lord your God has commanded,


So that they may not teach you to do all the abhorrent things that they do for their gods, and you would thus sin against the Lord your God.


When you besiege a city for many days, making war against it to capture it, you must not destroy its trees, and you must not raise an axe against them, because you may eat of them. You may cut them (off), for the tree of the field is not like a human being that it should flee before you in a siege.1


Only a tree that you know is not a food-producing tree you may destroy and cut down; thus you may build siegeworks against the city that makes war with you, until you capture it.

P’s rendering of this verse is obscure, compounding the ambiguous nature of its Vorlage. See Introduction, Addenda 4 and 7. 1


‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܳܠ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ܳܠܟ ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒܐ‪ :‬ܐܠܘܨܝܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܛܢܠ ܟܠ ܢܢܗܘܢ ܶܕܟ ܶܪܝܢܢܗ ܒܦ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢܫܠ ܡܝܢܢܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܒܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܢܢܟ‪ .‬ܘܩ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܪܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܟܠ ܕ ܐܝܬ ݂ܰܒܩܪܝܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܟܢܠ ܶܒܢܙܬܐ ܒܢܘܙ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܢܶܫܐ‪ :‬ܘܐܝܩ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܘܐܟܘܠ ܶܡ ܶܒܙܬܐ ݂ܰܕܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝܟ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܠܟܠ ܶܗܝܢ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܪܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܩܢ ܶܡ ܳܢܢܟ ܳܛܢܒ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝ ܶܡܢ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܕܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܶܡ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ ܕ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ ܠ ܬܐ ܶܚܐ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܢ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬܝ ܶ ܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܟ ݂ܰܢ ܥ ܳܢ ܝܶ ܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ܶܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ܶܡܚܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܦܪ ܳܙܝ ܶ ܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܢܪܒ ܚܢܢܪܘܒ ܐܢܢܘܢ ܠܚ ܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܚ ܳܘܝ ܶܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ܳܝܒܘ ܳܣܝܶܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰܢܠ ܦܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܐܝܢܢܟ ܟ ܳܠܢܗ ܛܢܦܢܘܬܗܘܢ ܕܥܳܒܕܝܢ ܗ ݂ܰܘܘ ܠ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܝܢܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܢܟ ܠܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܶܚܛܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬܫܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܗ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܟܒ ܳܫܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܬܐܠ ܨܝܗ ݂ܰܠܩܪܝܬܐ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ ݂ܰܣܓܝܐܐ ܠܡܬܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܪܡܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬ ݂ܰܚ ܶܒܠ ܐܝ ܳܠܢܢܶܝܗ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢܗܘܢ ݂ܰܦܢܪܙܠ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕ ܶܡܢܢܗܘܢ ܐ ܶܟܢܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܢܬ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܦ ܶܣܩ ݂ܰܐܢܬ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܢ ܳܢܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚܩܢܶܠ ܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܐܝܢܟ ݂ܰܒܢܪ ܐ ܳܢ ܳܫܢܐ‬ ‫ܕܢܶܥܪܘܩ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ܒܐܘܠ ܳܨ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܕܥ ݂ܰܐܢܢܬ ܕ ܳܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܶܕܝܢ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܢ ܳܢܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܝܢܢܐ ܕܝܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠܢ ܳܢܢܐ ܕ ܶܡܐܟܢܘܠܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܠܢܗ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܕܥܳܒ ܳܕܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܚ ܶܒܠ ݂ܰܘܦܣܘܩ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܢܝ ݂ܰܩܠ ܩܘ ܶܡܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܩܪ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܕܬܟܒܫܝܗ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  XVII

When you go out to battle against your enemies, and see cavalry and chariots — a people more numerous than you — you shall not fear them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, is going with you.

When you draw near to the battle, the priest shall come forward and speak to the people:

‘Hear, O Israel! Today you are drawing near to battle against your enemies. Do not lose heart1 or be afraid. Do not tremble or be in dread of them,

For the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, is going with you; he will fight for you against your enemies, and he will save you.’

And the officials2 shall say to the people: ‘Has anyone built a new house but not dedicated it? Let him return home, lest he be killed in battle and another dedicate it.

Has anyone planted a vineyard, but not trodden (grapes) from it? Let him return home, lest he be killed in battle and another tread it.

Has anyone become engaged to a woman, but not yet married her? Let him return home, lest he be killed in battle and another marry her.’

The officials shall speak further to the people: ‘Is there anyone who is afraid or disheartened? Let him return home, lest his comrades become disheartened like him.’

When the officials have finished addressing the people, then the captains of the forces shall take their place at the head of the people.


When you draw near to a city to fight against it, proclaim peace to it.


If it responds to your peace offer and opens (its gates) to you, then all the people found within it shall become tributaries and serve you.


‘lose heart’: lit. ‘let your heart be broken’. See Introduction, Addendum 7.


‘officials’: lit. ‘scribes’; also at vv. 8 and 9. See Introduction, Addendum 7, at 1:15.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܝܙ‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬


‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܬܶܦܘܩ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝܢܟ ܘܬܶܚܢܙܶ ܐ ݂ܰܪܟ ܳܫܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡܪ ܟ ܳܒܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܐ ܙܶܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܟ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܣܓܝ ܶܡ ܳܢܟ ܠ ܬܕ ݂ܰܚܢܠ ܶܡܢܢܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕܡܪܝ ܢܐ ܐܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܣܩܟ ܶܡ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܪܒܬܘܢ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒܐ‪ :‬ܢܶܩܪܘܒ ܳܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܢܬܘܢ ܳܩܪܒܝܬܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝ ܟܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳܠ ܢܶܬܬ ݂ܰܒܪ ܶܠܒܟܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬܶܕܚܠܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬܙܘܥܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬܶܬ ݂ܰܪܗܒܘܢ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܳܐ ܙܶܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡ ܢܟ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛ ܢܠ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܣܩ ܢܟ ܶܡ ܢ ܐܪܥܳ ܢܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ܢ ‪ :‬ܘܗܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܶܬ ݂ܰܟܬܫ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐ ݂ܰܦܝ ܟܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝ ܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܦܪܘܩܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ ܳܣܦ ܶܪܐ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܡܢܘ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܒܝܬܐ ݂ܰܚܕܬܐ ܘܠ ݂ܰܚܕܬܗ‪ :‬ܢܶܗܦܢܘܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܛܠ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܐܚܪ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܢܚܕܬܝܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܠܒܝܬܗ‪ :‬ܕܠܡܐ ܢܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܢܬܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܘ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܢܨܒ ݂ܰܟ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܡܐ ܳܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܥܨܪ ܶܡܢܶܗ‪ :‬ܢܶܗܦܘܟ ܢ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܠܒ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܛܠ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܐܚܪ ܳܢܐ ܢܶܥܨܪܝܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܬ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܘ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܢܬܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܡܟܪ ܐܢܬܬܐ ܘܠ ݂ܰܢܣ ܳܒܗ‪ :‬ܢܶܗܦܢܘܟ ܢܢ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܠܒ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܛܠ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܐܚܪ ܳܢܐ ܢܶܣܒܝܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܬ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢܘܣܦܘܢ ܳܣܦ ܶܪܐ ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܡܢܘ ݂ܰܓܒܢ ܳܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܕܚ ܝܢܠ ݂ܰܘܪܬܝܢܬ ܶܠ ܶܒܢܗ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܐ ܢܶܬܬ ݂ܰܒܪ ܶܠ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܚܘܗܝ ܐܝܟ ܕ ܶܠ ܶܒܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܶܗܦܘܟ ܢ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܠܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܫ ܶܠܡܘ ܳܣܦ ܶܪܐ ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܢܩܘܡܘܢ ܪ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܝ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ݂ܰܠ ܳܘܬܐ ܒܪܝܫ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܟ ܶܪܙ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܫܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܠ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ܳܩ ܶܪܒ ܐܢܬ ݂ܰܠܩܪܝܬܐ ܠܡܬܟ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܠ ܳܡܐ ܬܥܢܶܝܟ ܘܬܦܬܚ ܳܠܟ ܟܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܕ ܶܡܫܬ ݂ܰܟܚ ܳܒܗ‪ :‬ܢܶܗܘܘܢ ܳܠܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܦܠ ܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒܕܐ ܡܣܩܝ ܡܕ‬




But if there be one who hates his neighbour, and, lying in wait for him, rises up against him and strikes him so that he dies, and then flees into one of these cities,


The elders of his own city must send to fetch him from there, and hand him over to the blood-avenger who shall kill him.


You must have no pity on him whom you kill. You shall investigate innocent blood (so as to remove it)1 from Israel, that it may go well with you.


You shall not change the boundary marker of earlier times that your ancestors marked out in the inheritance that you shall inherit, in the land that the Lord your God is giving you to possess.


One witness (alone) may not give evidence against 2 a person concerning any offense or sin that he may have committed. Only on the testimony3 of two or three witnesses shall a charge be established.


If a false witness rises up against another and testifies wrongfully against him,


Then both individuals, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before the Lord, before the priests and the judges in office in those days,


And the judges shall make a thorough investigation and see whether it was a false witness that one individual has testified against his brother.


Then do to him as he plotted to do to his brother. Thus shall you purge evil from your midst.


And these shamefaced ones4 shall hear and be afraid, and shall never again commit any such evil deed in your midst.


You must show no pity; life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

‘investigate innocent blood’: see Introduction, Addendum 7. ‘give evidence against’: lit. ‘may not stand against’. 3 ‘on the testimony of’: lit. ‘on the mouth of’. 1 2


‘and these shamefaced ones’: see Introduction, Addendum 7.


‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫ܠܚܒ ܶܪܗ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܟ ݂ܰܡ ܶܠܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܩܘܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܘܗܝ ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܳܣܢܶܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܚ ܝܢܘܗܝ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢܡܘܬ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܥܪܘܩ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܶܡ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܝܢܪܬܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܢܫܕܪܘܢ ܳܣܒܐ ݂ܰܕܩܪܝܬܗ ܘܢܶܕܒܪܘܢܶܗ ܶܡ ܬ ܳܡܢ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܫܠ ܡܢܘܢܶܗ ܠܬ ݂ܰܒܢܥ‬ ‫݂ܰܕܕ ܳܡܐ ܘܢܶܩܛܠܝܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܘܠ ܬܚܘܣ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܝܢܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܘܗܝ ܕܬܶܩܛܠܝܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰ ܶܩܒ ܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܙ ܳܟ ܳܝܐ ܶܡ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܛܐܒ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘ ܳܠ ܬ ݂ܰܫܢܶܐ ܬܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܐ ܕ ܶܡܢ ܥܳ ݂ܰܠܢܡ‪ :‬ܕܬ ܶܚܡܢܘ ݂ܰܩܕ ܳܡܝܶܢܐ ܒ ܳܝܢܪܬܘܬܟ ܕܬ ݂ܰܐܪܬ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܢܩܘܡ ܳܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܕܐ ݂ܰܚܕ ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܟܠ ݂ܰܣܟܠܘܬܐ ܘܥ݂ܰܠ ܟܠ ܚܛܢ ܳܗܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܒܟܠ ܚܛ ܳܗܐ ܕܢܶܚܛܐ‪ .‬ܥ݂ܰܠ ܦܢܘܡ ܬ ܶܪܝܢ ܳܣܗܕܝܢ ‪ :‬ܐܘ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ ܦܢܘܡ ܬ ܳܠܢܬܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܣܗܕܝ ‪ :‬ܬܬܩܝܡ ܶܡܠܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܣܗܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܕܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳܓ ܳܶܠ ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܢܩܘܡ ܳܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܘܗܝ ܥ݂ܰܘܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܳ ܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܢܩܘܡܘܢ ܬ ݂ܰܪܝܗܘܢ ݂ܰܓܒ ܶܪܐ ܕ ܐܝܬ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܕܝܢܐ ܩܕܡ ܡܪܝ ܐ‪ :‬ܘܩܕܡ ܟܗܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕܢܶܗܘܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ ܳܗܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܬܐ ܳܒܥ ܶܐ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܣܗܕ ܥ݂ܰܠ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢܥ݂ܰܩܒܘܢ ݂ܰܕܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܫܦܝܪ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܚܙܘܢ ܐܢ ܳܣܗܕܘܬܐ ܕ ܓ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܚܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܘ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܶܕ ܐܬ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܫܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ݂ܰܠܚܘܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܥ݂ܰܪܘ ܒܝܫܬܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܬܚܪܝܢܢ ‪ :‬ܢܶܫܡܥܢܢܘܢ ܘܢܶܕܚܠܢܢܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܢܘܣܦܢܢܘܢ ܬܘܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܢܕ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝ ܢ ܕܡ‬ ‫ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܚܠܦ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܝܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܫ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܠܦ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܐ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰ ܳܝܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܚܘܣ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܝܢܟ ܶܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܠܢܦ ܶܫ ܳܢܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܚܠܦ ܐ ܳܝܕܐ‪ܶ :‬ܪ ܓ ܳܶܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܝܕܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܠܦ ܶܪ ܓܶܠ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  XVI

When the Lord your God destroys the nations whose land the Lord your God is giving you, and you dispossess them and dwell in their cities and in their houses,

You shall set apart three cities within the land that the Lord your God is giving you to possess.

You shall prepare the approach way and divide into three the territory of the land that the Lord your God is giving you as a possession, so that any homicide can flee there.

This is the procedure for a homicide who kills his neighbour1 and lives — someone who has killed his neighbor unintentionally, without having hated him in the past:2

One who enters a forest with his neighbour to cut wood and, in raising his hand with the axe to cut the wood, the iron might slip from the handle and strike his neighbour so that he dies. Such a one shall flee to one of these cities and live,

Lest the avenger of blood should pursue the homicide in the heat of his anger and overtake him, because the way is long, and slay him — whereas he was not guilty of death, since he had not hated him in the past.

Therefore I command you: ‘You shall set apart three cities’.

When the Lord your God enlarges your border, as he swore to your ancestors, and gives you all the land that he swore to your ancestors,

If you diligently observe all these commandments that I command you today, to love the Lord your God and walk in his ways always — then you shall add three more cities, besides these three,


Lest innocent blood will be shed in the midst of your land that the Lord your God is giving you, and you incur blood guilt. 3

‘who kills his neighbour’: thus the Peshiṭta; MT has ‘who may flee there’. ‘in the past’: lit. ‘yesterday and the day before yesterday’. See also v. 6 for the same idiom. 1 2


‘and you incur blood guilt’: lit. ‘and innocent blood be reckoned against you’.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܝܘ‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬


‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܢܟ ܐܪܥܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬ ݂ܰܐܪܬ‬ ‫ܶܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܬܒ ܒܩܘܪܝܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ܳܒܬܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ܳܠܬ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ ܦܪܘܫ ܳܠܟ ܒ ݂ܰܓܘ ܐܪܥܳܟ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܬ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪ .‬ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܶܠܬ ܬܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܥܳ ܢ ܶܪܩ‬ ‫ܛܝܶܒ ܐܘܪܚܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳܡ ܟܠ ܳܩܛܘܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܛܢܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܚܒܢ ܶܪܗ ܕܠ‬ ‫ܘܗ ݂ܰܢܘ ܙܶܕ ܶܩܗ ܕ ܳܩܛܘܠ ܕ ܳܩܛܢܠ ܠܚܒܢܪܗ ܘܚ ܝܢܐ‪ :‬ܡܢܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܒܨܶܒ ܳܝ ܢܶܗ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܳܣܢܶܐ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܠܗ ܶܡ ܐܬ ܳܡܠܝ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܢܬ ܳܡܠܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܕܢܶ ܥܘܠ ܥ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰܚܒ ܶܪܗ ܠ ܥܳ ܳܒܐ ܕ ݂ܰܩܝ ܶܣܐ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܦ ݂ܰܣܩ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܪܝܡ ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܢܕܗ ܒ ܳܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܓܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܦ ݂ܰܣܩ ݂ܰܩܝ ܶܣܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܫܬ ܶܡܛ ݂ܰܦܪܙܠ ܶܡ ݂ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܚܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܚܒܢ ܶܪܗ ݂ܰܘܢܡܢܘܬ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܢܶܥܪܘܩ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܶܡ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ ܘܢܐ ܶܚܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܝ ܢܪܬܐ ݂ܰܕܕ ܳܡܢܐ ܳܒ ܢܬܪ ܳܩܛ ܢܘܠ ܒ ݂ܰܚܡܝܡ ܢܘܬܐ ܕ ܶܠ ܶܒ ܢܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܕܠ ݂ܰܟܢܕ ܢܶܢܪܕܘܦ ܬ ݂ܰܒ ܢܥ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢܕܪܟܝܢܘܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܟܢܕ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰܣܓ ܳܝܢܐܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܩܛܠܝܢܘܗܝ ݂ܰܟܢܕ ܠ ݂ܰܚ ܳܝܢܒ ܕ ܳܝܢܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ‪ܳ :‬ܠ ܶܓܝܪ ܳܣܢܶܐ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܠܗ ܶܡ ܶܐܬ ܳܡܠܝ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܢܬ ܳܡܠܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܡ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܳܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܕܬܦܪܘܫ ܳܠܟ ܬ ܳܠܬ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ ܘܢܶܬܠ ܳܠܢܟ ܟ ܳܠܢܗ‬ ‫ܘܡܟ ܐܝܟ ܕ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ݂ܰܢܪ ݂ܰܘܚ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܬܚ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܪܥܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܐܢܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܢܕ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܳܠܢܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܘܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܐܢ ܬܶ ݂ܰܛܪ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܚܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܕܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣܦ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܬܗ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ ܘܡ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܘܬ ݂ܰܗ ܶܠܟ ܒ‬ ‫ܬܘܒ ܬ ܳܠܬ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܬ ܳܠܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܫܕ ܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܙ ܳܟ ܳܝܐ ܒ ݂ܰܓܘ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܟ ܕܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܢܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܘܢܶܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܫܢܒ‬ ‫ܕܠ ܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܕܡܐ ܙ ܟܝܐ‪.‬‬




Or one who casts spells, or consults mediums or spirits, or inquires of the dead.


For anyone who does these things is unclean 1 before the Lord your God, and it is because of these abominations that Lord your God is destroying them before you.


You must be faultless before the Lord your God.


Although these nations that you are about to dispossess pay heed to mediums and soothsayers, as for you, the Lord your God does not permit you to do likewise.


A prophet like me, from your midst and from your kinsfolk, will the Lord your God raise up for you; him shall you heed —


Just as you requested of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly, when you said, ‘Let me not hear any more the voice of the Lord my God, nor let me see this great fire again, lest I die.’


The Lord said to me, ‘All that they have said is well spoken.


I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kinsfolk; I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall say to them all that I command him.


But if anyone does not heed the words he speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account.


But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that speaks in the name of other gods — that prophet shall be put to death.’


And if you say in your heart, ‘How shall I recognize a word that the Lord has not spoken?’


When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, and (if) that oracle is not fulfilled or comes about, it is an oracle that the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not fear him.


‘unclean’: MT has: ‘an abomination’.


‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬

‫ܳ ܶ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܐܠ ܠܡܝܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܕ ܐܫܦ ܒܐܫܦܐ‪ :‬ܘܕܫܐܠ ܡ ܙ ܟܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܡ ܝ ܕܘܥܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܟܢܠ ݂ܰܡܢ ܕܥܳ ܶܒܢܕ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܡܐ ܗܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܛܢܠ‬ ‫݂ܰܛܢ ܦ ܳܘ ܳܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬ ݂ܰܬܡܝܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ݂ܰܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܩܨܘ ܶܡܢܐ ܳܫܡܥܝܢ ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܕܝܳ ܶܪܬ ܐܢܢܬ ܠ ܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܠ ܙ ܟܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܢܬ ܶܕܝ ܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܳܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܒ ܳܝܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܓ ܳܘܟ ܘ ܶܡ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܚ ܝܟ ݂ܰܐܟ ܳܘܬܝ ܢܩܝܡ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬܘܢ‬ ‫ܳܫܡܥܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫܝܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܒܚܘܪܝܒ ܒ ݂ܰܝܘ ܳܡܢܐ ݂ܰܕܟܢ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕ ܶܫܐܠܬ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܝ‪ :‬ܘ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܠ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܪܒܬܐ ܬܘܒ ܠ ܐܚܙܶ ܐ ܕܠ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܘܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܫܦܝܪ ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܕ ݂ܰܡܺܠܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܒ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰܐܩܝܡ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܶܡ ݂ܰܓܘ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܚ ܝܗܘܢ ݂ܰܐܟ ܳܘ ܳܬܟ ܶܘܐܬܶܠ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܝ ܒܦܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܦܩܕܝܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܝ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܠ ܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܡ ܶܠ ܒ ܶܫܡܝ‪ :‬ܐ ܳܢܐ ܐܬ ݂ܰܒܥ ܶܡܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܬܐ ܒ ܶܫܡܢܝ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰܦ ܶܩܢܕܬܶܗ ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ‪:‬‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܪܡ ܶܕܝ ܢܒܝܐ ܕܢܡܪܚ ܠܡܡܺܠܘ ܡ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܢܡ ܶܠ ܒ ܶܫܡ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܶܗܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶܐ‪ :‬ܢܶܬܩܛܠ ܢܒ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܐ ܶܐܕܥܝܘܗܝ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܒ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܪܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶܳ‬ ‫ܳܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡ ܶܠ ܢܒ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܐܬܐ‪ :‬ܗܘ ݂ܰܗܘ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܠ ݂ܰܡ ܶܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܒ ݂ܰܡ ܳܪܚܘܬܐ ݂ܰܡܺܠܗ ܢܒ ܳܝܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܬܕܚܠܘܢ ܶܡܢܶܗ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

The priest and Levite1 shall have no allotment or inheritance among the Israelites; however they may eat the sacrificial offerings and portion due to the Lord.

Levi shall have no inheritance among his kinsfolk, for the Lord is his inheritance as he promised him.


This shall be the priest’s due from the people: from those offering a sacrifice, whether an ox or a lamb, one must give the priest the shoulder, the jaw, and the stomach.

The first fruits of your grain, your wine, and your oil, and the first fleece of your flock, you shall give him.

For the Lord your God has chosen him out of all your tribes, to stand in attendance and minister in the name of the Lord your God, him and his sons for all time.

If any2 Levite should come from your communities from all Israel, from wherever he has been living, he may come whenever he pleases 3 to the place that the Lord will choose.

He may minister in the name of the Lord his God like all his fellow Levites who stand in attendance there before the Lord.

They shall have an equal portion to eat, besides that which comes from the sale of patrimony.

When you enter the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to imitate the deeds4 of these nations.


Let none be found among you who makes son or daughter pass through fire, who uses divination, or is a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer,


‘priest and Levite’: see Introduction, Addendum 1.

‘any Levite … from your communities’ (lit. ‘brothers’): MT has ‘a Levite from any of your settlements’ (lit. ‘gates’). 3 ‘whenever he pleases’: lit. ‘with all the desire of his soul’. 2

‘to imitate the deeds’: lit. ‘to act like the deeds’. MT has: ‘to act like the abominations’. 4


‫݂ܰ ܶ‬





‫ܨܚ ܝܗ‬ ‫‪‬‬














‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫ܶܩܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪ :‬ܝ ܚ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܢܬ ܒ ݂ܰܢܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ‪ :‬ܐܠ‬ ‫ܗܢܐ ݂ܰܘܠ ܶܠ ܳܘܝܳ ܐ ܳܦܠܓܘܬܐ ܘܝܳܢܪܬ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܒ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܘܝܳܪܬܘܬܗ ܢܶܐܟܠܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܳܠ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܚܘܗܝ‪ܳ :‬ܡܪܝ݂ܰ ܐ ܗܘ ܶܓܝܪ ܝܳܢܪܬܘܬܶܗ ݂ܰܐܝܢܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ‬ ‫ܘܝܪܬ‬ ‫ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܳܢܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܙܶܕ ܶܩܗ ܕ ܳܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܢܢܐ ܶܡܢ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܢ ܳܢܟ ݂ܰܣܢܝ ܢܶܟܣܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܐܢ ܬ ݂ܰܘܪܐ ܗܘ ܐܘ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܢܐ ܕ ܳܪܥܳܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܬܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳܟܐ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰ ܳܢ ܘܝܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪܐ‪ :‬ܢ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܝܫ ܥܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܚܟ ܘܪܝܫ ܶܓܙ ܐ ܕܥܳ ܢܟ ݂ܰܗܒ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ܶܠܗ ܓ ܳܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶܡ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ݂ܰܫܒܛܝܟ ݂ܰܕܢܩܢܘܡ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܫ ܶܡܢܫ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܗܘ ݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܢ ܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܢܐܬܶܐ ܶܠ ܳܘܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܚܕ ܶܡ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܚ ܝܟ ܶܡ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ܶ :‬ܡܢ ܐܬܪ ܕܥܳ ݂ܰܡܢܪ‪ :‬ܢܢܐܬܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܒܟܠ ܶܪ ݂ܰܓܬ ݂ܰܢܦ ܶܫܗ ܠܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܫ ܶܡܫ ݂ܰܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܶܗܗ‪ :‬ܐܝܟ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܐ ݂ܰܚܘܗܝ ܶܠ ܳܘܝ ܶܐ ܕ ܳܩܝܡܝܢ ܬ ܳܡܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܢܬܐ ݂ܰܫܘܝܳ ܐܝܬ ܢܶܐܟܠܘܢ ܤܛܪ ܶܡ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳܐܒܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܳܠ ܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕܥ݂ܰܠܬ ݂ܰܠܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܢܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܐܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܐܠܢܦ ܠܡ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܰܕ ܝܗܘܢ ܕܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܳܗܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒܪ ܒ ܶܪܗ ݂ܰܐܘ ݂ܰܒܪܬܶܗ ܒܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܳ :‬ܩܨܶܡ ܶܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܢܶܫܬ ݂ܰܟܚ ܳܒܟ ܕ ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܨܡܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܚܕ ܥ݂ܰ ܝ ܢܶܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܶܚܫ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ݂ܰܚ ܳܪܫ‪.‬‬




You shall perform exactly1 the verdict they communicate to you from that place, just as the Lord has said; and you shall diligently comply in accordance with what they teach you.


You must carry out exactly the law that they communicate to you, and exactly the judgment that they tell you; you shall not turn aside from the sentence that they communicate to you, either to the right or to the left.


Regarding anyone who acts presumptuously, and does not listen either to the priest who stands to minister there before the Lord your God, or to the judge, that person shall be executed, and you shall destroy the evildoers from your midst.


All the people will hear and be afraid, and they will not act presumptuously again.


When you enter the land which the Lord your God is giving you, and take possession of and settle in it, and you say, ‘I will set a king over me, like these nations round about me’,


You must indeed set a king over you, whom the Lord your God will choose; one from among your kinsfolk you must set as king over you. You are not permitted to set over you a foreigner, one who is not from your kinsfolk.


Indeed he must not multiply cavalry lest he send the people back to Egypt to multiply cavalry for him — for the Lord has said to you, ‘You shall never again return by that way.’


Nor shall he multiply wives for himself, lest they turn his heart away. Nor shall he increase silver and gold in excess for himself.


When he sits upon his royal throne he shall write a copy of this law in a book in the presence of both priest and Levite.


It shall remain with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life, that he may learn to revere the Lord his God, and that he may diligently observe all the words of this law and these commandments,


Lest he exalt himself above his brethren or turn aside from the commandments, either to right or left, and so that he may prolong the days of his kingdom, he and his heirs, in the midst of the Israelites. 1

‘exactly’: lit. ‘from the mouth of’. Verse 11 uses the same idiom.


‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܶܡ ܦܘܡ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܢܚܘ ܳܘܢܟ ܶܡ ݂ܰܐܬ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܛܪ‬ ‫ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰܢܠ ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܢܚܢܘ ܳܘܢܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܦܢܘܡ ܕܝ ܳܢܢܐ ܕܢܐܡܢܪܘܢ ܳܠܢܟ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܦܘܡ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ‪ .‬ܘܠ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܣ ܳܡܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܬܤܛܐ ܶܡ ܦܘܡ ܦܬܓܡܐ ܕܢܚܘܘܢܟ ܠ ܠ ܝܡܝܢܐ ܘܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܢܐ ܕ ܳܩܐܶܡ ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܢܕܡ‬ ‫ܡܫ ܳܡܫܘ ܬ ܳܡ‬ ‫ܘܓܒܪܐ ܕܢܥܒܕ ܒܡܪܚ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܐܘ ܠ ݂ܰܕܝܳ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܢܶܬܩܛܠ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܘܒܢܕܘ ܥܳܒܢ ݂ܰܕܝ ܒܝܫܢܬܐ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܢܶܫܡܥܘܢ ܘܢܶܕܚܠܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܘܒ ܠ ݂ܰܢܡܪܚܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܬܶܥܘܠ ݂ܰܠܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܘܬܐܪܬܝܗ ܘܬܶܬܶܒ ܳܒܗ‪ :‬ܘܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܩܝܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܐ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕ ݂ܰܪܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܩܡܘ ݂ܰܐܩܝܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܝܢܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܐ ܶܠܢܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܶܡܢ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܢܬ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܐ‪ܳ .‬ܠ ݂ܰܫܠܝܛ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܕܬܩܝܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܚ ܝܟ ݂ܰܐܩܝܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢܟ ݂ܰܓܒܢ ܳܪܐ ܢܘܟ ܳܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܝܢܐ ܕܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡ ܐ ݂ܰܚ ܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܣܓܐ ܶܠܢܗ ݂ܰܪܟ ܳܫܢܐ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰܢܗܦܟܝܢܘܗܝ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܶܕܝ ܳܠ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܶܨܪܝܢ ݂ܰܟܢܕ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܢܪ ܠܟܢܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܠ ݂ܰܬܘܣܦܢܘܢ ܬܘܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܶܣܓܘܢ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܪܟ ܳܫܢܐ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܗܦܢܟ‬ ‫ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܛܝ ܶܠ ܶܒܗ‪ :‬ܘܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܓܐ ܶܠܗ ܢܶ ܶܫܐ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰܢܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܒܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܘܠ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܣܓܐ ܶܠܗ ܛܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܫܓܢܶܗ ܕ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܒ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܣܝܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܠ ܟܘܬܶܗ‪ :‬ܢܶܟܬܘܒ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕܝ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܒܣܦܪܐ‪ :‬ܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܟܗܢܐ ܘܠ ܘܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܩ ܶܪܐ ܶܒܗ ܟܠ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ݂ܰܡܝ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝ ܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܕܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܠܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܕ ݂ܰܚܠ ܶܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܶܗܗ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ݂ܰܛܪ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܢܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܢܐ ܘܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ‪ :‬ܘܢܥܒܕ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܢܐ ܠ ܠ ݂ܰܝܡ ܳܝܢܢܐ ܘܠ‬ ‫ܕܠ ܢܶܬܬ ܪܝܡ ܶܠ ܶܒܗ ܶܡܢ ܐ ݂ܰܚܢܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶܣܛܢܐ ܶܡܢ ܦܘ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܠ ܟܘܬܶܗ ܗܘ ݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܢ ܘܗܝ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܣܡܶܠ‪ :‬ܕܢܣܓܐ ܝ ܘܡ‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

You shall not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or a sheep in which there is any blemish of a serious kind, for that would be a defilement regarding the Lord your God.

If there is found among you, in any of your towns that the Lord your God is giving you, a man or a woman who does what is evil towards the Lord your God, and transgresses his covenant,

By setting out to serve other gods and worship them, whether the sun or the moon or any of the host of heaven, which I have forbidden,

And, if they inform you or you hear about it, you shall inquire carefully as to whether the charge is true — that such an abomination has been perpetrated in Israel —

Then you shall bring forward the man or woman who has done this evil deed in your towns, whether man or woman, and stone them to death.

On the word of two witnesses, or on that of three, shall one who is deserving of death be executed. No one shall be executed on the word of only one witness.

The hand of the witnesses shall be the first against him to execute him, and thereafter the hand of all the people. Thus shall you destroy evildoers1 from your midst.

If a judicial matter is too difficult for you to decide, whether it concerns bloodshed, or judgment, or personal injury2 — matters of contention in your towns — then you shall get up and go to the place which the Lord your God will choose.

You shall approach the priest or Levite, or judge who is in office in those days, and make enquiry. When they have communicated the judicial verdict to you,

‘evildoers’: the Hebrew ‫ הרע‬can refer to ‘evil’ or ‘the evil one’. See Introduction, Addendum 6. 1

‘whether it concerns bloodshed, or judgment, or personal injury’ : lit. ‘between blood and blood, between plea and plea, and between stroke of a man and stroke of a man’. 2


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



















‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܬ ܳܘܪܐ ݂ܰܐܘ ܶܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪܐ ܕ ܐܝܢܬ ܶܒܢܗ ܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶܟܘܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܐ‪ :‬ܟܢܠ ܶܡܢ ܶܕܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܕܣܢܶܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܡܐ ܗܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܢܶܫܬ ݂ܰܟܚ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܶܡ ܩܘܪܝܟܘܢ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܠܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܐܘ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܳܬܐ‪ :‬ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܘܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܪ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܕܒܝܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܶܡܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܘܢܶܦܠܘܚ ݂ܰܠ ܳܠ ܶܗܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܣܓܘܕ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܐܘ ܠܟܠ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ݂ܰܠ ܳܘ ܳܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܬܥ݂ܰ ܶܩܒ ݂ܰܫܦܝܪ ܶܐܢ ݂ܰܫܪ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܚܘ ܳܘܢܟ ܘܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܢܪܐ ܗܝ ܶܡܠܢܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܬܥ݂ܰܒܢ ݂ܰܕܬ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܛܢܦܘ ܳܬܐ ܒܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝ ܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܓܒ ܢ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܘ ݂ܰܠܢ ܢܬ ܳܬܐ ܳܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒ ܢܕܘ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡ ܢܐ ܳܗ ܳܢ ܢܐ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ܶܦ ܳܩܝ ܢܗܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܒܩܘܪܝܳܟ ܐܢ ݂ܰܓܒ ݂ܰܪܐ ܗܘ ܐܘ ܐܢܬܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܪܓܘܡܘ ܐܢܘܢ ܒܟܐܦܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܡܘܬܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܠ ܦܘܡ ܬ ܶܪܝ ܳܣܗܕܝ ‪ :‬ܐܘ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܦܢܘܡ ܬ ܳܠܢܬܐ ܳܣܗܕܝܢ ‪ :‬ܢܶܬܩܛܢܠ ݂ܰܡܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܛܠ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ܳܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܕܐ ݂ܰܚܕ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܚ ܝܒ ܡܘܬܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܢܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܬܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܛܠ ܢܗ‪ :‬ܘܐܝܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܐܝܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܕܐ ܕܟ ܶܠ ܢܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܢܕܐ ܕ ܳܣ ܢܗ ܶܕܐ ܬ ݂ܰܫ ܢ ܶܪܐ ܶܒ ܢܗ ܒܩܕܡܝܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܘܒܕܘ ܥܳܒ ݂ܰܕܝ ܒܝ ܳܫܬܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܒܐܚܪ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܰܟܕ ܢܶܬ ݂ܰܟ ܶܣܐ ܶܡܢܟܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܢܐ ܕܕ ܳܝܢܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܒܝܢܬ ܕ ܳܡܢܐ ݂ܰܠܕ ܳܡܢܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܒܝܢܬ ܕ ܳܝܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܪܒܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܠ ܕ ܳܝܢܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܒܐ‪ܶ :‬ܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܕ ܶܚܪܝܳ ܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܠܒܝܬ ܡܚ‬ ‫ܘܒܝܬ ܡܚ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܒܩܘܪܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܬܩܘܡ ܘܬ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܠܬ ܳܪܐ ܕܢܶܓ ܶܒܐ ܶܠܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܘ ܠ ܳܘܬ ܶܠ ܳܘܝܳ ܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܘ ܠ ܳܘܬ ݂ܰܕܝܳ ܳܢܐ ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܠ ܳܘܬ ܳܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ ܳܗܢܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܬ ݂ܰܫܐܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰܢܚܘ ܳܘܢܟ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܕܕ ܳܝܢܐ‪.‬‬




Rather, with justice judge your neighbour,1 that you may live and enter and inherit the land that the Lord your God is giving you.


You shall not plant groves2 of any kind of tree beside the altar of the Lord your God that you make;


Neither shall you erect a pillar, a thing which the Lord your God hates.

‘with justice judge your neighbour’: in place of Deut 16:20a (‘Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue’) P renders Lev 19:15b here. See Introduction, Addendum 7. 1

‘groves’: the MT has ‘an Asherah’ or ‘sacred pole’. See Introduction, Addendum 7, at 7:5. 2


‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬

‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܐܠ ܒ ݂ܰܙ ܕܝܩܘܬܐ ܕܘܢ ݂ܰܚܒ ܳܪܟ ܕܬܐ ܶܚܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܥܘܠ ܘܬ ݂ܰܐܪܬ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܢܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܕܟܠ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܶܓܢܢܒ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܚܢܐ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‬ ‫ܠ ܬܨܘܒ ܠܟ ܫܬܠ‬ ‫ܕܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܬܩܝܡ ܳܠܟ ܳܩܝܶܡܬܐ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܕ ܳܣܢܶܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬




Rejoice before the Lord your God, you and your son and daughter, your male and female servants, the Levite within your towns, and the sojourner, the orphan and the widow who are among you, at the place which the Lord your God will choose, as a dwelling for his name.


You shall remember that you were a slave in Egypt; diligently observe all these statutes.


Celebrate the Feast of Booths for seven days, after you have ingathered from your threshing-floor and winepress.


Rejoice in your feast, you and your son and daughter, your male and female servants, and the Levite, the sojourner, the orphan, and the widow, who are in your towns.


Seven days you shall keep a feast for the Lord your God at the place that the Lord will choose, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all your produce and in all your undertakings, and you shall be joyful.


Three times a year your males shall appear before the Lord your God in the place that he will choose — on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Booths. You shall not appear before the Lord your God empty-handed,


But each giving as he can,1 according to the blessing which the Lord your God gives you.



You shall appoint judges and officials 2 according to your tribes in all the towns which the Lord your God is giving you, and they shall judge the people with upright judgments.


You shall not pervert justice nor shall you be partial 3 in judgment; you shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise in judgment, and perverts the words of the righteous.

1 2 3

‘each giving as he can’: lit. ‘each man according to the gift of his hand’. ‘officials’: lit. ‘scribes’. See Introduction, Addendum 7, at 1:15. ‘nor shall you be partial’: lit. ‘you shall not lift up faces’.


‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫ܨܚ ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܬܟ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܚܕܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳܘܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܒܪܬܟ ܘܥܒܕܟ ܘ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܐܢܬ ݂ܰܘܒ ܳܪܟ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܪܡܠܢܬܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܓܢ ܳܘܟ ݂ܰܒܢܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܕܒܩܘܪܝܳܟ ܘܥܡܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܝܬܡܢܐ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܬ ܳܡ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܪܝܘ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬ ܒ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܛܪ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܬ ݂ܰܕܟܪ ܕܥ݂ܰܒ ܳܕܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܢܡܘ ܶܣܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܫܒܥܳܐ ܝ݂ܰ ܘܡܝ ܳܡܐ ܕ ܳܚ ܶܡܠ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܶܡܢ ܶܐܕ ܳܪܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܕܥ ܳܐܕܐ ݂ܰܕܡ ݂ܰܛܠܢ ܶܶܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܡܥ ݂ܰܨܪܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳܘܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܘܥܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܬܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܒܪܬܟ ܘܥܒܕܟ ܘ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܚܕܝ ܒܥ݂ܰܕܥ ܳܐܕܟ ܐܢܬ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ܳܪܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܪܡܠܬܐ ݂ܰܕܒܩܘܪܝܳܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܝܬܡܐ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܒܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܢܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܥ݂ܰܕܥ ܳܐܕܐ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܫܒܥܳܐ ܝ݂ܰ ܘܡܝ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܟܢܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ܳܕܐ ܕ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟ ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܟ ݂ܰܘܒܟ ܶܠܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܚ ܶܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܒܟ ܳܠܗ ܥܺܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܢܶܬܚܙܘܢ ܕܘܟ ܳܪ ݂ܰܢܝܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܒܢܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܬ ܳܠܬ ݂ܰܙܒܢ ܝ ܒܫܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܒܥ݂ܰܕܥ ܳܐܕܐ ܕ ݂ܰܦܛ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܥ݂ܰܕܥ ܳܐܕܐ ܕ ܳܫܒܘܥ ܶܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܥ݂ܰܕܥ ܳܐܕܐ ݂ܰܕܡ ݂ܰܛܠܢܶܠ‪ܳ .‬ܘܠ ܬܶܬܚܙܶ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܣܪ ܳܝܩܐܝܬ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܕܗ‪ :‬ܐܝܟ ܒܘܪܟܬܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗܒܬܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܐܠ ܐܢܫ ܐܝܟ ܡ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܳܠܢܟ ܒܟܠ ܶܗܝܢ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܕܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܢܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܦܢ ܶܪܐ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܕܝܳ ܢܶܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܫܒܛܝܟ ݂ܰܘܢܕܘܢܘܢ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܕܝ ܢܶܐ ܕ ݂ܰܙ ܕܝܩܘܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܚܕܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶ ܶܨܠ ܕ ܳܝܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰܣܒ ݂ܰܒܐ ܶܦܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬ ݂ܰܩ ܶܒܠ ܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܕܐ ܡܥ݂ܰ ܢ ݂ܰܘܪ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܗܘܢ ܕ ݂ܰܚܟܝ ܶܡܐ ܒܕ ܳܝܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܗܦܟ ܶܡ ݂ܰܠܢܝܗܘܢ ܕ ݂ܰܙ ܳܟܝܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

Observe the month of Abib and celebrate the Passover for the Lord your God, because in the month of Abib the Lord your God brought you out of Egypt by night.

Sacrifice the Passover for the Lord your God, from your sheep and cattle, at the place that the Lord your God will choose as a dwelling for his name.

You must not eat anything leavened with it, but for seven days you shall eat unleavened bread with it, the bread of affliction — for you came out of the land of Egypt in haste — that you may remember the day of your departure from Egypt all the days of your life.

For seven days no leaven must be seen in any of your territory, and none of the meat of what you slaughter on the evening of the first day shall remain until morning.

You are not permitted to sacrifice the Passover in any of your towns that the Lord your God is giving you;

But, at the place that the Lord your God will choose as a dwelling for his name, you shall sacrifice the Passover in the evening at sunset, according to the time when you went out of Egypt.

You shall cook and eat it in the place that the Lord your God will choose; and in the morning you shall return back to your tents.

For six days you must eat unleavened bread, and the seventh day shall be a solemn assembly for the Lord your God on which you shall not do any work.

You shall count seven weeks; as soon as you put the sickle to the standing grain begin to count the seven weeks.


Celebrate the Feast of Weeks for the Lord your God, with an adequate offering1 that you set apart, according as the Lord your God has blessed you.


‘with an adequate offering’: lit. ‘a sufficient offering of your hands’.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܨܚܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܚܐ ܕ ݂ܰܗ ܳܒ ܶܒܐ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܶܡܛܢܠ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܶܦ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܛܪ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܚܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܗ ܳܒܒܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܦ ܳܩܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶܡ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ܒܺܠܢ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܨܚܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܘܣ ܶܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܬܘܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒܢܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶܡܢ ܥܳ ܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܬ ܳܡ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܪܝܘ‬ ‫ܥܠܘܗܝ ݂ܰܚܡܝܥܳܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܫܒܥܳܢܐ ܝ݂ܰ ܢܘܡܝ ݂ܰܐܟܢܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶܐܟܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܢܘܗܝ ݂ܰܦܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܪܗ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦܩܬܘܢ ܶܡ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪ :‬ܕܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܡܟ ܳܟܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕܒܣ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܡܬܕ ݂ܰܟܪ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦܩܬ ܶܒܗ ܶܡ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ݂ܰܡܝ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝ ܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡܟ ݂ܰܫܒܥܳܢܐ ܝ݂ܰ ܢܘܡܝ ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܢܒܢܘܬ ܶܡܢ ܶܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܘܠ ܢܶܬܚܙܶ ܐ ݂ܰܚܡܝܥܳܐ ܒܟ ܶܠܗ ܬܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܢܪܐ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܢ ܶܟܣ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܒ ݂ܰܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܩܕ ܳܡ ܳܝܐ ܠ ݂ܰܨܦ ܳܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܠ ݂ܰܫܠܝܛ ܳܠܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰܟܣ ܶܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܨܚܐ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܶܡ ܩܘܪܝܳܟ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܪܝܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܒܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕܢܶܓ ܶܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܨܚܐ‪ :‬ܒ ݂ܰܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ܟܘܣ ܶܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܢܐ‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܪ ݂ܰܒܝ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦܩܬ ܶܡ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܒ ܶܫܠ ݂ܰܘܐܟܘܠ ݂ܰܒܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܐ ܶܠܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ݂ܰܘܗܦܢܘܟ ܒ ݂ܰܨܦܢ ܳܪܐ ܘܙܶܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܫܟ ܳܢܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܬܐ ܝ݂ܰ ܢܘܡܝ ܬܶܐܟ ܢܘܠ ݂ܰܦܛܝܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܝ ܢܐ ܗܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܫܒܥܳ ܢܐ ܟܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܫܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܠ ܬܥܒܕܘܢ ܶܒܗ ܟܠ ܥ ܳܒ ܳܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܢ ܶܪܐ ܐܢܢܬ ݂ܰܡܓܢܶܠ ܒ ܳܩܝܶܡܢܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܫܢ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܫܒܥܳܢܐ ܳܫܒܢܘܥܝ ܬܡܢܶܢܐ ܳܠܢܟ‪ .‬ܡܢܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܢܐ ݂ܰܫܒܥܳܐ ܳܫܒܘܥܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܥ݂ܰܕܥ ܳܐܕܐ ܕ ܳܫܒܘܥ ܶܐ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܶܡ ݂ܰܣܢܬ ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܫ ܳܢܢܐ ܕ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܢܟ ܕ ܳܦܢ ܶܪܫ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܢܬ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܟܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬




Instead you shall eat it within your towns: the unclean and the clean alike, such as the deer and the stag — you shall eat.1


Only you must not partake of the blood; you shall pour it out on the ground like water.


‘you shall eat’: see Introduction, Addendum 6.




‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܒ ܶܐ ܳܠ ܒܩ ܢܘܪܝܳܟ ݂ܰܐܟܢܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܝܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܕܐ‪ :‬ܐܝܢܢܟ ܛܒ ܳܝ ܢܐ ݂ܰܘܐܝܢܢܟ ܐܝܢܢܶܠ‬ ‫ܛܡ ܢܐ ܘܕܕܟܢܢܐ ܐܟܚܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐܟܠܝܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟܓ ݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܕ ܳܡܐ ܳܠ ܬܶܐܟܠܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܠܪܥܳܐ ݂ܰܐܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܗܝ ܐܝܟ ݂ܰܡܝܐ‪.‬‬




For there will never cease to be a needy person in the land; therefore I command you and say: ‘Open your hand to your needy brother and the poor in your land.’


If your fellow Hebrew, man or woman, is sold to you, he shall serve you for six years. Then in the seventh year you shall release him from you as a free person.


When you release him from you as a free person, you shall not send him out empty-handed.


Rather, provide for him1 out of your flocks and herds, your threshing floor and your wine press; you shall give him some of what the Lord your God has given you.


Remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and that the Lord your God redeemed you; that is why I am giving you this command today.


But if he says to you, ‘I will not leave you, because I love you and your household, and I am content with you’,


Take an awl, thrust it through his ear against the door, and he shall become your slave forever. With regard to your female slave you shall do likewise.


Do not feel aggrieved2 when you release him from you as a free person, since for six years he has served you at double the wage3 of a hired servant. Then the Lord your God will bless you in all that you do.



You shall consecrate to the Lord your God all first-born males born of your herds and your flocks; you must not work the first-born of your herds, or shear the first-born of your flocks.


Instead, together with your household, you shall eat it before the Lord your God year by year at the place which the Lord your God will choose.


But if it has a defect, whether it be lame or blind, or have any such grave defect, you shall not sacrifice it to the Lord your God. 1 2

‘provide for him’: lit. ‘set aside and give him’. ‘Do not feel aggrieved’: lit. ‘do not let it be evil in your eyes’.

‘at double the wage’: the unpaid service of the slave was worth twice the salary of a hired servant. 3


‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬

‫ܨܚ ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫ܳܠ ܶܓܝܪ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܪ ܶܡܣܟ ܳܢܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܓܘ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܳܘܐ ݂ܰܡܢܪ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܚ ܐ ܳܝܕܟ ݂ܰܠܚܘܟ ܶܡܣܟ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܕ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܕܬܦ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܫܢܢܬܐ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܢܶ ݂ܰܙܕ ݂ܰܒ ܳܠܟ ܐܚܘܟ ܥ ܶܒ ܳܪܝܳ ܐ ܐܘ ܥ ܶܒ ܳܪܝܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܫܬ ܫܢ ܝ ܢܶܦܠ ܳܚܢܟ ܘ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܫܒܥ ܫܒ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܝܗܝ ݂ܰܒܪ ܚܐܪܐ ܶܡ ܠ ܳܘܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ܳܫ ܶܒܩ ܐܢܬ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܒܪ ܚܐܪܐ ܶܡ ܠ ܳܘܬܟ ܠ ܬܫܒܩܝܘܗܝ ܣܪ ܳܝܩܐܝܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܰܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܶܐܕ ܳܪܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܝܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܗܒ ܶܠܗ ܶܡ ܥܳ ܳܢܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ܦܪܘܫ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ݂ܰܡܥܢ ݂ܰܨܪܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܕܝ݂ܰܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܗܒ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬ ܒ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܪܩܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶܡܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܬ ݂ܰܕܟܪ ܕܥ݂ܰܒ ܳܕܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܢܕ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܒܝܢܬܟ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܟ ܠ ܳܢ ܶܦܩ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܶܡܢ ܠ ܳܢܘܬܟ ܶܡܛܢܠ ܕܪܚܡܢܬܟ ܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳܩܚ ܠܝ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܒܐ ܩܘܒ ܶܐܕܢܶܗ ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܬܪܥܳܐ ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܣܒ ݂ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܠܟ ܥ݂ܰܒ ܳܕܐ ܠ ܥܳ ݂ܰܠܡ‪ܳ .‬ܘܐܦ ܠܡܬܟ‬ ‫ܳܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܢܶܬ ܶܒܐܫ ܒܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟ ܳܡܐ ܕ ܳܫ ܶܒܩ ܐܢܬ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܒܪ ܚܐܪܐ ܶܡ ܠ ܳܢܘܬܟ ܶܡܛܢܠ‬ ‫ܝܪܐ ݂ܰܦܠ ܳܚܢܟ ܶܫܢܬ ܫܢ ܝܢ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰܢܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܚܕ ܬ ܶܪܝ ݂ܰܒܐܓ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟܢܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܒܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܕܥܳ ܶܒܕ ܐܢܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܒܘܟ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܶܡܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܠ‬ ‫ܘܪܝܟ ݂ܰܘܒܥܳ ܳܢܟ ܶܕܟ ܳܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܩܢ ܶܕܫ ܠܡܪܝ ܢܐ ܐܠ‬ ‫ܝܠܕ ܒ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬܶܦܠܘܚ ܒܒܘܟ ܶܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܝܟ ܘܠ ܬܓܘܙ ܒܘܟ ܶܪܐ ܕܥܳ ܢܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܐܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢܐ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܝܗܝ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܝܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܢܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܓܢܪ ܐܘ ܢܶܬܥ݂ܰ ܢ ݂ܰܘܪ‪ :‬ܐܘ ܟܢܠ ܡܢܘܡ ݂ܰܕܣܢܶܢܐ‪ :‬ܠ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܒܗ ܡܘܡܐ‪ :‬ܐܘ ܢܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܰܩܪܒܝܘܗܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  XII

After seven years you shall grant a debt remission.

This shall be the procedure of the debt remission: every creditor shall remit the debt that his neighbour owes him. He shall not exact it from his neighbour or his kinsfolk, because the Lord’s remission has been proclaimed.

You may exact it from a foreigner, but you must remit whatever claim you have on your kinsfolk,

So that there shall be none in need among you — because the Lord will surely bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you to inherit.

If you listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and diligently keep this entire commandment that I command you today,

The Lord your God will bless you as he promised you. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow, and you shall rule over many nations but they shall not rule over you.

If there be among you a needy person, one of your kinsfolk, in any of your towns in the land that the Lord your God is giving you, do not harden your heart or shut your hand against your needy brother.

Open your hand to him instead, and lend him what he needs.

Take care lest there be a wicked thought in your heart, and you say, ‘The seventh year, the year of debt remission, is drawing near’, and you view your needy brother with hostility, 1 and give him nothing. He may cry to the Lord against you, and you would be guilty of sin.2


But give to him, and have no regrets3 when you do give, for on this account the Lord your God will bless you in all your works and in all your undertakings.

1 2 3

‘you view … with hostility’: lit. ‘your eye be evil against’. ‘you would be guilty of sin’: lit. ‘it would be a sin upon you’. ‘have no regrets: lit. ‘let your heart not be grieved’.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܝܒ‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬


‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒܥ ܫܢ ܝ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܫܘܒ ܳܩ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ݂ܰܢܘ ܙܶܕ ܶܩܗ ܕܫܘܒ ܳܩ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܢܶܫܒܘܩ ܟܠ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܳܡ ܶܪܐ ݂ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚ ܳܝܒ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܚܒ ܶܪܗ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܢܶܬ ݂ܰܒܥ ܶܡ ݂ܰܚܒ ܶܪܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܐܚܘܗܝ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܶܕ ܐܬܩܪܝ ܫܘܒ ܳܩ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܢܘܟ ܳܪܝܳ ܐ ܬ ݂ܰܒܥ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶܕܡ ܕ ܐܝܬ ܳܠܟ ܠ ܳܘܬ ܐܚܘܟ ܫܒܘܩ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܒ ܳܪܟܘ ݂ܰܢܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܠ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ ܶܡܣܟ ܳܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܟܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܘܬܶ ݂ܰܛܢܪ ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܢܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܳܗ ܳܢܢܐ ܟ ܶܠܢܗ ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܕ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܢܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ܳܠܢܟ‪ .‬ܬܘܙܶܦ ܠ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܐ ݂ܰܣܓܝܢܐܐ ݂ܰܘܐܢܢܬ ܠ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܟ ܠ ܢܶܫܬܠܛܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܰܐܙܦ‪ .‬ܘܬܫܬ ݂ܰܠܛ ܒܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ݂ܰܣܓܝܐܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ ܶܡܣܟ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܚܕ ܶܡ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܶܡ ܩܘܪܝܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܳܠ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܫܢ ܶܠ ܳܒܢܟ ܳܘܠ ܬܶܐܚܢܘܕ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܕܟ ܶܡܢ ܐܚܢܘܟ‬ ‫ܶܡܣܟ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܚ ܶܠܗ ܐ ܳܝܕܟ ݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܙܦܝܗܝ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܕ ݂ܰܚܣܝܪ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܠ ܦ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܐ ݂ܰܙܕܗܪ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܕܥ݂ܰ ܳܘܠ ܒ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܘܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪ܶ .‬ܩ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܒܬ ݂ܰܫܢܬܐ ܕ ܳܫܒܘܥܳܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܕܫܘܒ ܳܩ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܶ ݂ܰܒܐܫ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܝܢܢܟ ݂ܰܒܐܚܢܘܟ ܶܡܣܟ ܳܢܢܐ ܳܘܠ ܬܶܬܶܠ ܶܠܢܗ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܢܪܐ‬ ‫ܫܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܗܘܐ ܥܠܝܟ ܚܛܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܐܠ ݂ܰܗܒ ܶܠܗ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶ ݂ܰܒܐܫ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܳܡܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܐܢܬ ܶܠܢܗ‪ .‬ܕ ܶܡܛܢܠ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܢܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܒܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܛ ܐܢܢܬ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܰܕ ܝܟ ݂ܰܘܒܟܠ ܡܕܡ ܕܡ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܝܕܟ‪.‬‬




At the end of every three years you shall bring out all the tithes of your yield of that year, and leave them within your towns.


Then the Levite, who has no heritage or portion with you, and the one who turns to me,1 and the orphan, and widow within your towns shall come and eat and be satisfied, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all your undertakings.


‘the one who turns to me’: see Introduction, Addendum 7, at 1:16.


‫‪ ‬ܟܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܛ‬

‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܥܺܠܢܬܟ ܒ ݂ܰܫܢܢܬܐ ܳܗܝ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܒܢܬܪ ܬ ܳܠܢܬ ܫܢ ܝܢ ‪ :‬ܐ ܶܦܢܩ ܟܠܢܗ ܡܥܣܢܪܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܫܒܘܩ ܒܩܘܪܝܳܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܟ ݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܢܐ ܕ ܶܡܬܦܢܶܐ ܠ ܳܢܘܬܝ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܦܠܓ‬ ‫ܘܢܐܬܐ ܶܠ ܳܘܝܳ ܐ ܕ ݂ܰܠܝܬ ܠܗ ܝܪܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܬܐ ݂ܰܕܒܩܘܪܝܳܟ ܘܢܶܐܟܠܘܢ ܘܢܶܣܒܥܘܢ‪݂ܰ .‬ܕ ݂ܰܢܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟܢܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‬ ‫ܘܝܬܡܐ‪ :‬ܘܐܪܡ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܒܟ ܶܠܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ܳܕܐ ܕ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟ ܕܬܥܒܕ‪.‬‬




The little owl, the pelican, the night owl,1


The nighthawk, the seagull, the magpie,


The stork and the cormorant of any variety,


The hoopoe and the peacock.


All winged insects are unclean for you; they may not be eaten.


You may eat any clean winged creature.2


You may not eat anything that is unclean; you may give it to the sojourner residing in your towns to eat.


Or you may sell it to a foreigner. For you are a holy people to the Lord your God. You shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk.


You shall indeed tithe all the produce of your sowing that your land yields year by year.


You shall eat the tithes of your grain, wine and oil, and the first-born of your herds and flocks before the Lord your God, in the place that he will choose as a dwelling for his name, so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God always.


If, when the Lord your God has blessed you, the distance is so great for you that you are unable to carry it, because the place where the Lord your God will choose to set his name is too far from you,


Then shall you change it into money. Wrap up the money in your hand, and go to the place that the Lord your God will choose,


And you shall spend the money on whatever you yourself desire — cattle, sheep, wine, or other strong drink, or anything else you may desire. Then you shall eat there before the Lord your God and rejoice, you and your household.


Regarding the Levite within your towns, you shall not neglect him, for he has no heritage or portion with you.

The arrangement of the contents of vv. 14–21 in the Peshiṭta differs from that of the Hebrew text, in particular vv. 14, 18 and 21; see Introduction, Appendix 1. 1

‘any clean winged creature’: whereas the MT has ‫‘ עוף‬any winged creature’ here and ‫‘ צפור‬bird’ in v. 11, P simplifies to ‫ ܦܪܚܬܐ‬in both verses, thereby making this verse identical to v. 11. 2


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫ܘܩܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫ ܶܶܠ ܢ ܘܢܶܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܝܕ ܘܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܦܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܗ ܘܟܘܟܒܝ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܩ ܳܩܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܩܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܪܒܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܘ ܘܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܢܦܐ ܒ ܶܓܢ ݂ܰܣܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܙ ܘܬ ܳܪ ܳܢܓܘܠ ܒܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܡܐ ܗܘ ܠܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܠ ܢܶܬܐܟܠܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝ ܚ ܘܟܠܗ ܝܠ ܕܐ ܕܦܪ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܛ ܘܟܠ ܳܦ ݂ܰܪܚܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܕܟ ܳܝܐ ܐܟܘܠܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܛܡܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ܠ ܥܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܟ ܳܘܠ ܬܶܐܟܠܘܢ ܟܠ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܕܒܩܘܪܝܳܟ ݂ܰܗ ܳܒܝܗܝ ܢܶܐܟܠܝܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܐ ݂ܰܐܘ ݂ܰܙ ܶܒ ܳܢܝܢܗܝ ܠ ܢܘܟ ܳܪܝܳ ܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ ݂ܰܐܢܢܬ ݂ܰܩܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‪ .‬ܠ‬ ‫ܝܫܢܐ ܠܡܪܝ ܢܐ ܐܠܢ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܰܒ ܶܫܠ ݂ܰܓܕܝܳ ܐ ܒ ݂ܰܚܠ ܳܒܐ ܶܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢܐ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܙܪܥܟܘܢ ܕ ݂ܰܡܦ ܳܩܐ ݂ܰܐܪܥܟܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܒ ܡܥ݂ܰ ܳܣܪܘ ܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰܣܪܘ ܟ ܳܠܗ ܥܺܠ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܪܝܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܒܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܓ ݂ܰܘܐܟܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܣܢ ܶܪܐ‬ ‫ܫܚܟ ܘܒܘܟ ܶܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܕܥܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܝܟ ݂ܰܘܕܥܳ ܳܢܟ ܘܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܟ ݂ܰܘܕ ݂ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܠܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܪܟ ݂ܰܘܕ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܕ ݂ܰܚܢܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܶܘܐܢ ݂ܰܣܓ ܳܝܐܐ ܗܝ ܶܡ ܳܢܟ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܩܠܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܪܚ ܝܩ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܢܗ ܬ ܳܡܢ ‪ܳ :‬ܡܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܪܝܢܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘ ܶܡ ܳܢܟ ݂ܰܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܟܢܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܦܐ‪ :‬ܘܨܘܪ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܗ ݂ܰܙ ܶܒ ܳܢܝܗܝ ܒ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܦܐ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܕܟ ܘܙܶܠ ܠܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܟܘ ݂ܰܘ ܶܙܒ ܒ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ݂ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܢܪܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܥܳ ܳܢܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡܢ‬ ‫ܣܦܐ ܟܠ ܕܪ ܓܐ ܢܦܫܟ ܡ ܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܫܟ ܳܪܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܩܢܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܟܠ ܕ ܳܫܐܠ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܟ ݂ܰܘܐܟܢܘܠ ܬ ܳܡܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܝܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܚܕܝ ܐܢܬ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܙ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܦܠܓܢܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳܘܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܕܒܩܘܪܝܳܟ ܠ ܬܫܒܩܝܘܗܝ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܠܝܬ ܶܠܗ ܝܳܢܪܬ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܟ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

You are children of the Lord your God. You shall not gash yourselves or shave the front of your heads1 for the dead.

For you are a people holy to the Lord your God; it is you the Lord has chosen to be his beloved people above all the peoples on the face of the earth.


You shall not eat anything defiled.

These are the animals that you may eat: the ox, the lamb, the sheep, the goat,

The stag, the deer, the roebuck, the mountain goat, the antelope, the ibex, the chamois.

Any animal that divides the hoof or has the hoof cleft in two and chews the cud, such you may eat.

However, of those that chew the cud, or divide their hooves, which are indeed cloven, you may not eat: the camel, the hare and the coney, because they chew the cud but do not divide their hooves. They are unclean for you.

The swine, because it divides the hoof but does not chew the cud, is unclean for you. You shall not eat their meat or touch their carcasses.

These you may eat of all that live in water: you may eat anything that has fins and scales.


But anything that does not have fins and scales you may not eat; it is unclean for you.


You may eat any clean winged creature.


But you shall not eat any of these:2 the eagle, the vulture, and the raven of any variety,


The ostrich and the hawk of any variety,


‘shave the front of your heads’: lit. ‘make a baldness between your eyes’.

‘any of these’: P has simplified MT’s list of unclean birds by eliminating five of them; see Introduction, Addendum 1. 2


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬




‫ܨܚ ܝܐ‬ ‫‪‬‬














‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬


‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܐ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܠ ܬܬܥ݂ܰܢܪܕܘܢ ܘܠ ܬܥܒܢܕܘܢ ܩܢܘܕ ܳܚܬܐ ܶܒܝܢܬ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܡܝܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܘ ܳܠܟ ܓ ܳܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܕܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ݂ܰܩܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܒܐ‪ :‬ܛܒ ܶܡ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܕܥ݂ܰܠ ܐ ݂ܰܦܝ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܗ ܥܡܐ ܚܒ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶܐܟܠܘܢ ܟܠ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܕܬܶܐܟܠܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܬ ܳܘܪܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝܐ‪ :‬ܘܥ ܶ ܳܙ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܕ ܐ ܚ ܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܛܒ ܳܝܐ‪ :‬ܘܝ݂ܰ ܚܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܝ݂ܰܥ ܳܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕ ܳܝܨ ܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܐܪܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܐܝܶܠ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܬ ݂ܰܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܒܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܓܐ ݂ܰܠܬ ܶܪܝ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܣܬܗ ݂ܰܘܦܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܪܐ‪ܳ :‬ܗܝ ܐܟܘܠܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܨܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܦ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܢ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܢ ܶܕܝ ܢ ܳܠ ܬܶܐܟܠ ܢܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ܢ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝ ܢ ܕ ܶܡܬ ݂ܰܓ ܢܘܪܪܝ ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܝܠܝ ܢ ܕ ݂ܰܨ ܪܝܳ ܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܢܢܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܪܢܒܢܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܓ ܳܣܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܕ ܶܡܬ ݂ܰܓܢܢܘܪܪܝ‬ ‫݂ܰܦܪ ܳܣܢܢܬܗܘܢ ܨ ܳܠ ܳܦܢܢ ܨ ܳܠ ܳܦܢܢ ‪ :‬ܓ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦܪ ܳܣܬܗܘܢ ܠ ݂ܰܨ ܪܝܳ ‪ :‬ܛܡܐܝ ܐܢܘܢ ܠܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܪܣܬܗ ܳܘܠ ܶܡܬ ݂ܰܓ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܪ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܛܡܐ ܗܘ ܠܟܢܘܢ‪ܶ .‬ܡܢ ܶܒܣܢܪܗܘܢ ܠ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܚܙ ܳܝܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܨܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܦ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܶܐܟܠܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܦܓ ݂ܰܪܝܗܘܢ ܠ ܬܬ ݂ܰܩܪܒܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܶܠܝ ܐܟܘܠܘ ܶܡ ܟܠ ܕ ܐܝܬ ܒ ݂ܰܡܝܐ‪ :‬ܟܢܠ ܕ ܐܝܢܬ ܶܠܢܗ ܶܓ ܶܦܢܐ ݂ܰܘܩ ܳܠ ܶܦܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܟܘܠܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܟܠ ܕ ݂ܰܠܝܬ ܶܠܗ ܶܓ ܶܦܐ ݂ܰܘܩ ܳܠ ܶܦܐ ܳܠ ܬܶܐܟܠܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܛܡܐ ܗܘ ܠܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܠ ܳܦ ݂ܰܪܚܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܕܟ ܳܝܐ ܐܟܘܠܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ܰܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܐ ܒ ܶܓܢ ݂ܰܣܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗ ܶܠܝ ܠ ܬܐܟܠܘܢ ܶܡܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܢܫܪܐ ܘܕ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܰܢ ܥܳ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ܳܨ ܐ ܒ ܶܓܢ ݂ܰܣܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬



But you must certainly kill him. Let your hand be first against him to kill him, and the hand of all the people thereafter.


You shall stone him to death, because he sought to draw you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.


All the house of Israel shall hear and be afraid. They shall never again do any such wicked act in your midst.


If, regarding one of your towns that the Lord your God is giving you to dwell in, you hear it said


That villains have gone out from among you and led the people of their town astray, saying, ‘Let us go and worship other gods’ — whom you have not known —


You shall inquire, investigate and make a thorough interrogation. If it can be clearly established that this abomination has been committed in your midst,


You shall put the inhabitants of that town to the sword, putting it and everything in it — even its livestock — to the sword.


You shall gather all its spoil into the middle of its open square. Then completely burn the town and all its spoil with fire before the Lord your God. It shall be an everlasting ruin, never to be rebuilt.


Nothing of all that has been laid under the ban must adhere to your hand, that the Lord may turn from his fierce anger and bestow tenderness on you. He will have mercy and compassion on you, and will multiply you as he swore to your ancestors,


If you obey the voice of the Lord your God, and keep his commandments that I am commanding you today, doing what is right before the Lord your God.




‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬

‫ܶ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܛܠ ܩܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܕܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܛܠܗ ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܝܗܝ‪ :‬ܐ ܳܝܕܟ ܬ ݂ܰܫ ܶܪܐ ܶܒܗ ܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܕܐ ܕܟ ܶܠܗ‬ ‫ܐܠ ܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܡܐ ܒܐܚܪܝܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܟ ܶܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‬ ‫ܘܪܘܓܡܘܗܝ ܒܟܐܦܐ ݂ܰܘܢܡܘܬ‪ :‬ܥܠ ܕܒܥܐ ܠܡܛܥ ܝ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܐܦ ܳܩܟ ܶܡ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ܶܒܝܬ ܥ݂ܰܒܕܘܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܕ ܶܒܝܬ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܐܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ܢܶܫܡܥܘܢ ܘܢܶܕܚܠܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܢܘܣܦܘܢ ܠܡ‬ ‫ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܶܡ ܩܘܪܝܳܟ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܢܬܒ ܳܒܢܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‬ ‫ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܛܢܐ ܶܡܢ ݂ܰܓܢ ܳܘܟ ݂ܰܘܐܛܥܝܢܘ ܠ ܳܢ ܳܫܢܐ ݂ܰܕܩܪܝܢܬܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪܘ‬ ‫ܢܦܩܘ ݂ܰܓܒ ܶܪܐ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶܐ ܕܠ ܝ ݂ܰܕܥܬܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܢܶܦܠܘܚ ܠܠܗܐ ܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܐܠ ݂ܰܫܦܝܪ‪ :‬ܐܢ ݂ܰܫܪ ܳܝܪ ܐܝܢܬ ܐܝܢܬܘܗܝ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܬܥ݂ܰܒܢ ݂ܰܕܬ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܰܒܥ ݂ܰܘܒܨܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܛܢܦܘܬܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ ܒ ݂ܰܓ ܳܘܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܒܐ‪ :‬ܚܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܳܗܝ ܒܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܝܢܗ ݂ܰܘܠܟܢܠ ܕ ܐܝܢܬ‬ ‫ܚܪܘܒ ܠ ܥܡܘܪܝܗ ܕܩܪ‬ ‫ܘܠܒܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܒܗ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܝܪܗ ܒܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܬܐ ܒܢܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܓܢܘ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܙܬܗ ݂ܰܟܢܶܫ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܘܠܟ ܳܠܢܗ‬ ‫ܛܚܢܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܘܩܕܝܢܗ ݂ܰܠܩܪ‬ ‫ܘܟܠܗ ܒ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܘܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܙܬܗ ݂ܰܠܓ ݂ܰܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܬܠ ܠ ܥܳ ݂ܰܠܡ‪ :‬ܘܬܘܒ ܠ ܬܬܒܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܕܟ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܶܡ ܶܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܘܠ ܢܶܕ ݂ܰܒܩ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܡܐ‪ :‬ܕܢܶܬܦܢܶܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܶܡܢ ܶܚܡܢܬܐ ܕܪܘܓܢܙܶܗ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܡܐ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܪ ܶܚܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܠ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܘܢܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܣܓܝܟ ܐܝܟ ܕ‬ ‫ܪܚܡܟ ܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܢ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܢܘܗܝ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐܢ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܘܬܶ ݂ܰܛܢܪ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܢܕ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܕ ݂ܰܫܦܝܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  X

Should a prophet or dreamer arise among you, and give you a sign or portent,

And that sign or portent that he told you about comes to pass, concerning which he said to you, ‘Come, let us follow other gods’ — whom you have not known — ‘and worship them!’

You shall not heed the words of that prophet or dreamer. For the Lord your God is indeed1 testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul.

The Lord your God shall you follow and revere. You must keep his commandments, listen to him, serve him and remain steadfast to him.

As for that prophet or dreamer, he shall be put to death, because he spoke evil before the Lord your God — who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of bondage — to lead you astray from the path that the Lord your God commanded you to follow. You must purge evil2 from your midst.

If your brother — the son of your mother3 — or your own son or daughter, or the wife of your covenant,4 or your intimate friend5 entices you secretly, saying, ‘Come, let us go and worship other gods’ — whom neither you nor your ancestors have known —

From among the gods of the peoples round about you, either near you or afar off, from the one end of the earth to the other,

Do not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity or compassion, and do not protect him.

‘indeed’: see Introduction, Addendum 1, at 8:19, regarding P’s rendering of intensifying infinitive absolutes. 2 ‘evil’: thus the Peshiṭta (‫)ܒܫܬܐ‬. See Introduction, Addendum 6, at 17:7. 1

‘the son of your mother’: that is, ‘your full brother’. See Introduction, Addendum 6. 4 ‘the wife of your covenant’: see Introduction, Addendum 7, and 28:54. 3


‘intimate friend’: lit. ‘your friend who is like your soul/self’.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܝ‬ ‫‪‬‬
















‫ܝܓ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܢܶܬܠ ܳܠܟ ܐܬܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕܬܐ ܢ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܳܒܬܪ‬

‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܕܡܘܪܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܶܗܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶܐ‪:‬‬

‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܢܩܘܡ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ ܢܒ ܳܝܐ ܐܘ ܳܚ ܶܠܡ ܶܚܠ ܡܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܳܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܟ ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܬܐ ܳܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܟ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܐܬܐ ܘܬܕܡ‬ ‫ܘܬ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܕܠ ܝ ܕܥ ܐܢܬ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܦܠܘܚ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܢܥ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡ ܢܘܗܝ ݂ܰܕܢܒ ܳܝ ܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ :‬ܐܘ ܕ ܳܚ ܶܠ ܢܡ ܶܚܠ ܶܡ ܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛ ܢܠ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܳܣܝܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܶܣܐ ܠܟܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܕܢܶܢ ݂ܰܕܥ ܐܢ ܳܪܚܡܝܢ ܐܢܢܬܘܢ ܶܠܢܗ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ܟ ܶܠܗ ܶܠܒܟܘܢ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܢܦܫܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ݂ܰܛܪܘ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܬܪ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܙܶܠܘ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠܗ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠܗ ܕ ݂ܰܚܠܘ‪ :‬ܘܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܢܘ‪:‬‬ ‫ܒ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠܗ ܦܠܘܚܘ‪ :‬ܘܠܗ ܐܬܢ ܩܦܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܛܠ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܠ ܕ ݂ܰܡ ܶܠ ܥ݂ܰܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‬ ‫ܘܢܒܝܐ ܗܘ‪ :‬ܐܘ ܚܠܡ ܚܠ ܡܐ ܗܘ‪ :‬ܢܬ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܦܩܟܢܘܢ ܶܡܢ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕ ܶܡܨܪܝܢ ‪ :‬ܘܦܪܩܟܢܘܢ ܡܢ ܒܝܢܬ ܥܒܢܕܘܬܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܠܡ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܳܒܗ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܢܛܥ ܶܝܟ ܶܡ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܐ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܥ݂ܰܪ ܒܝܫܬܐ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫݂ܰܓ ܳܘܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܢܟ ܐܘ‬ ‫ܪܓܟ ܐܚܘܟ ݂ܰܒܪ ܐ ܳܡܟ ܐܘ ܒܢܪܟ ܐܘ ܒܢܪܬܟ ܐܘ ܐܢܢ‬ ‫ܘܐܢ ܢܓ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡܟ ݂ܰܕ ܐܝܟ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܟ ܒ ܶܣܬܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܟ ܬܐ ܢ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܢܶܦܠܘܚ ܠ ܳܠܗܐ ܐܚܪ ܢܶܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕܠ ܝ ݂ܰܕܥܬ ܐܢܬ ݂ܰܘ ܳܐܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܶܗܐ ܕܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕ ݂ܰܪܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܩܪܝܒܝ ܠܟܘܢ ܐܘ ܕ ݂ܰܪܚ ܝܩܝܢ ܶܡܢܟܢܘܢ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܣܘ ܶܦܝܗ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܣܘ ܶܦܝܗ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶܬܛܦܝܣ ܶܡܢܶܗ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬܶܫܡܥܝܘܗܝ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬܚܘܣ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܝܢܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬ ݂ܰܪ ܶܚܢܡ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳܘܠ ܬ ݂ܰܟ ܶܣܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܘܗܝ‪.‬‬




If the place where the Lord your God chooses to set his name is too far from you, you may slaughter any of your herds or flocks that the Lord will give you, as he has commanded you; you may eat within your towns, whenever you wish.


But, just as the deer and stag are eaten, so you may eat it: the unclean and the clean alike (among you) may eat it.


Be strong that you do not partake of the blood, for the blood is the life. You must not eat the life with the flesh.


You shall not eat it; rather you shall pour it out on the ground like water.


You shall not eat it, that it may go well with you and your children after you, when you do what is right before the Lord your God.


However, your sacred offerings and votive gifts that you have, you must bring to the place that the Lord will choose.


You shall offer your burnt offerings, both flesh and blood, on the altar of the Lord your God; and the blood of your sacrifices shall be poured out on the altar of the Lord your God; and you shall eat the flesh.


Be careful to obey all these commandments that I command you today, that it may go well with you and your children after you forever, doing what is good and right before the Lord your God.


When the Lord your God destroys the nations that you are approaching, and destroys them before you, and you dispossess them and settle in their land,


Take care lest you go astray after them, once the Lord destroys them before you; do not inquire concerning their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations worship their gods? For I too would do likewise.’


You must not act thus toward the Lord your God, for everything that the Lord detests and abhors they have done for their gods. They even immolate their sons and daughters in fire to their gods.


Everything that I command you, you must diligently observe; do not add to it, or take from it.





‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬






‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܬ ܳܡ ‪ :‬ܟܢܘܣ‬ ‫ܟܐ ܶܘܐܢ ݂ܰܪܚ ܝܩ ܗܘ ܶܡ ܳܢܟ ܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕܢܶܓ ܶܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܕܢܣܝܡ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܰܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܝܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܥܳ ܳܢܟ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ݂ܰܐܝܢܟ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܢܕܟ ݂ܰܘܐܟܢܘܠ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܓܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܒܩܘܪܝܳܟ ܒܟܠ ܶܗܝ ܪܓ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܝܶܠ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܬܶܐܟܠܝܘܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܡܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܕ ܶܟܐ ݂ܰܐܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ‬ ‫ܟܒ ܒ ݂ܰܪܡ ܶܕܝ ܐܝܟ ܕ ܶܡܬ ܶܐܟܠ ܛܒܝܐ ܘ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐܟܠܘܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܟܓ ݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܐܬ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝܠܘ ܕܠ ܬܐܟܠܘܢ ܕ ܳܡܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ݂ܰܕܕ ܳܡܢܐ ݂ܰܢܦ ݂ܰܫܢܐ ܗܘ‪ .‬ܠ ܬܐܟܢܘܠ‬ ‫݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܐ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܳܠ ܬܶܐܟܠܝܘܗܝ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܐܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܗܝ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܐܝܟ ݂ܰܡܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܗ ܳܠ ܬܶܐܟܠܝܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܕܢܶ ݂ܰܛܐܒ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܟ ܶܡ ܳܒܬ ܳܪܟ ݂ܰܟܕ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܕ ݂ܰܫܦܝܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܢܕܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܘ ݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܩܘܕ ݂ܰܫܝܟ ܕܢܶܗܘܘܢ ܳܠܟ ܘܢܶܕ ݂ܰܪܝܟ ܫܩܘܠ ܘܬܐ ܠܬ ܳܪܐ ܕܢܶܓ ܶܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕܟ ݂ܰܫܠ ܳܡܐ ܶܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܪܐ ݂ܰܘܕ ܳܡܢܐ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܶܚܢܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܙ ݂ܰܘܥ ܶܒܕ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ݂ܰܘܕ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܣܪܐ ܐܟܘܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܫܕ ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܶܚܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܘܒ‬ ‫ܕܕܒܚ ܝܟ ܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܚ ݂ܰܛܪ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܕܢܶܛܢܐܒ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܟ ܶܡ ܳܒܬ ܳܪܟ ܠ ܥܳ ݂ܰܠܡ‪݂ܰ :‬ܟܕ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܕ ܳܛܒ ݂ܰܘܕ ݂ܰܫܦܝܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܛ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܐܢܢܘܢ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܳܕ ܐܙܶܠ ܐܢܢܬ ܠ ܳܢܘܬܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܢ‬ ‫ܶܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ܘܬܐܪܬ ܐܢܘܢ ܘܬܬܒ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܪ ܕ ݂ܰܡܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܶܡܢ ܩ ܳܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܠ ܐ ݂ܰܙܕܗܪ ܕܠ ܬܛܥ ܶܐ ܳܒܬܪܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܡ ܒ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܘܠ ܬ ݂ܰܫܢܐܶܠ ܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܠ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܝܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܢܐ ܳܦܠ ܚ ܝܢ ܗ ݂ܰܘܘ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܢܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܥܒܕ ܐܦ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܐܟ ܳܘܬܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܕ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܠ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܶܕܝ ܳܠ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶܡܛܠ ܕܟܠ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܢܐ ݂ܰܘܐܣܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܘ ݂ܰܠ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ‪ܳ .‬ܘܐܦ ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܗܘܢ ݂ܰܘܒ ܳܢܬܗܘܢ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܠ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܩܕܘ ܒܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܟܠ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣܢܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ‪ܳ :‬ܠ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܛܪ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܢܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܠ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰܨܪ ܶܡܢܶܗ‪.‬‬




Then you must bring everything that I command you to the place that the Lord your God will choose as a dwelling for his name: your burnt-offerings and your sacrifices, your tithes and the offerings of your hands, and all your choice votive gifts that you vow to the Lord,


And you shall rejoice before the Lord your God, you, and your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, and the Levites in your towns, since they have no portion or inheritance with you.


Take care that you do not offer your burnt offerings anywhere you please.1


But only in the place that the Lord will choose in one of your tribes — there you shall offer your burnt offerings and there you shall do everything that I command you.


Yet whenever you wish2 you may slaughter and eat meat within any of your towns, according to the blessing that the Lord your God has given you; the unclean and the clean may eat of it, as they would of deer or stag.


Only you shall not partake of the blood; you shall pour it out on the ground like water.


You are not permitted to eat within your towns the tithes of your grain or wine or oil, or the first-born of your herds or flocks, or any of your votive offerings that you make, or your freewill offerings, or the offerings of your hands.


These you must eat before the Lord your God, year after year, in the place that the Lord your God will choose, you, and your son and daughter, your male and female servants, and the Levite in your towns; and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God in all your undertakings.


Take care that you do not abandon the Levite all your days in the land.


When the Lord your God enlarges your territory, as he promised you, and you say, ‘I will eat meat’, because you desire to eat meat, you may eat meat whenever you wish.


‘you please’: see Introduction, Addendum 3.


‘whenever you wish’: lit. ‘in every desire of your soul’. See also vv. 20–21.


‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕܢܶܓ ܶܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܕ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܪܐ ܶܒܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ‪ :‬ܠܬ ܳܡ ܐܝܬܘ ܟܠ ܶܡܢ ܶܕܡ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܒ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܟܢܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܩܕܝ ܟܢܢܘܢ ݂ܰܫܠ ܶܡܢܢܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܢܢܕ ܐ ܳܢܢܢܐ ܠܟܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܝ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܣ ݂ܰܪܝܟܢܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܪܫܢܶܐ ܕ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܟ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܝܐ ܕܢܶܕ ݂ܰܪܝܟܘܢ ܕ ܳܢܕܪܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܘ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܢܢܬܘܢ ݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܢܘܢ ݂ܰܘܒܢܬܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰܕܝ ܟܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳܘܝ ܶܐ ݂ܰܕܒܩܘܪܝܟܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܠܝܬ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܝܳܪܬܘܬܐ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܡ ܳܗܬܟܘܢ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܦܠܓܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܡܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܰܙܕܗܪܘ ܕܠ ܬ ܶܣܩ ܝ݂ܰܩ ݂ܰܕܝܟ ݂ܰܫܠ ܡܐ ܒܟ ܠܬܪ ܕ ܳܨ ܶܒܐ ܐܢܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܠ ܐܢ ݂ܰܒܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕܢܶܓ ܶܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܒ ݂ܰܚܕ ܶܡ ݂ܰܫܒܛܝܟ ܬ ܳܡ ܬ ܶܣܩ ܝ݂ܰܩ ݂ܰܕܝܟ ݂ܰܫܠ ܡܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܳܡ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܣܪܐ‪ :‬ܐܝܟ ܒܘܪܟܬܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܒܟܠ ܶܪ ܓܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܟ ܟܘܣ ݂ܰܘܐܟܘܠ ܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܒܟܠ ܶܗܝ ܩܘܪܝܳܟ‪݂ܰ .‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܡܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܕ ܶܟܐ ܢܶܐܟܠܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܝܟ ܛܒ ܳܝܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܝܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܕ ܳܡܐ ܳܠ ܬܶܐܟܠܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ ݂ܰܐܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܗܝ ܐܝܟ ݂ܰܡܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݂ܰܠ ܢܛ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰܐܟ ܢܠ ܒܩܘܪܝܟ ܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܣ ܢ ܶܪܐ ݂ܰܕܥܒܘܪܟ ܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ݂ܰܚܡܪܟ ܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܠܬ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܕ ܶܡܫܚܟܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܒܢܢܘܟܪܐ ܕܬܘܪܝܟܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܕܥ ܢܟܢܢܘܢ‪ .‬ܘܟܢܢܠ ܢܕܪܝܟܢܢܘܢ ܕܬܕܪܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܒ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܫܢܶܐ ܕ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܢܐ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܬܶܐܟܠܝܘܗܝ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒܢܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕܢܶܓ ܶܒܢܐ ܶܠܢܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܬܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳܘܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܕܒܩܢܘܪܝܳܟ ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܢܕܐ‬ ‫ܘܒܪܬܟ ܘܥܒܕܟ ܘ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܐܢܬ ݂ܰܘܒ ܳܪܟ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܛ ܐܢܬ ܐ ܳܝܕܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܒܟܠ ܡܕܡ ܕܡ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܰܙܕܗܪ ܕܠ ܬܫܒܘܩ ܠ ܶܠ ܳܘܝܳ ܐ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ܶܐܟܢܘܠ ܶܒ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ݂ܰܢܪ ݂ܰܘܚ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܬܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܟ ܘܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܟ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܢܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰܐܟܢܠ ܶܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܪ ܳܓܢܐ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܢܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܓܢܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܢܟ‬ ‫ܣܢܪܐ‪ :‬ܒܟܠ ܶܗܝܢ ܪܓ‬ ‫ܬܶܐܟܘܠ ܶܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܪܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  IX

These are the statutes and ordinances that you must diligently observe in the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you to possess, all the days that you are alive on the land.

You must destroy all the places where the nations whom you are about to dispossess served their gods,1 on the lofty mountains, on the hills, and under every shady tree.

You shall break down their altars, smash their pillars, burn their graven images2 with fire, and smash the idols of their gods; and you shall destroy their name from that place.

You shall not behave like this towards the Lord your God.

But you shall seek out the place that the Lord your God chooses out of all your tribes as his habitation, to set his name there. There you are to go,

And there you shall bring your burnt offerings and your sacrifices, your tithes and the offerings of your hands, your votive gifts and oblations, and the first-born of your herds and flocks,

And you shall eat there before the Lord your God, you and your households, rejoicing in all your undertakings, 3 so that the Lord your God may bless you.

You must not behave as we are behaving here today, each one acting according to individual desires, 4

For you have not yet attained the resting place and heritage that the Lord your God is giving you.


So you must cross the Jordan and settle in the land that the Lord your God is allotting you as your heritage, giving you rest from all your enemies surrounding you, and you shall dwell in safety. ‘served their gods’: see Introduction, Addendum 3. ‘graven images’: see Introduction, Addendum 7, at 7:5. 3 ‘in all your undertakings’: lit. ‘in everything towards which you stretch forth your hands’; see v. 18. 1 2

‘each one acting according to individual desires’: lit. ‘a man according to what is fitting in his eyes’. 4


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܛ‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܳܢܡܘ ܶܣܐ ܘܕܝ ܢܶܐ ܕܬܛܪܘܢ ܘܬܥܒܕܘܢ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܠܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܢ ܳܗܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܳܐܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܘܢ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪ :‬ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܢܕܘ ܟܠ ܢܢܗܘܢ ܐܬ ݂ܰܪ ܳܘܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕܦ ݂ܰܠܚܢܢܘ ܬ ܳܡܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܢܐ ܕܝܳܪܬܝ ܢ ܐܢܢܢܬܘܢ ܠ ܢܢܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܬ ܶܚ ܝܬ ܟܠ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠ ܕ ݂ܰܡܛܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܠ ܛܘܪܐ ܳܪ ܶܡܐ‪ :‬ܘܥܠ ܪܡ‬ ‫ܘܚܫ ܳܠܬܗܘܢ ݂ܰܬܘܩܕܘܢ ܒܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܶܥܩܪܘܢ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ݂ܰܚ ܝܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܬ ݂ܰܬܒܪܘܢ ܳܩܝ ܳܡܬܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܠ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ ܓܠܢܝ ܶܦܐ ܬܬܒܪܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܘܒܕܘܢ ܶܫܡܗܘܢ ܶܡ ܐܬ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܢܬܘܢ ܳܠ ܬܶܥܒܕܘܢ ܳܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܣܢܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܒܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܓ ܶܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܶܡܢ ܟܢܠ ݂ܰܫܒ ݂ܰܛܝ ܟܢܘܢ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܢܗ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܠܒܝܬ ݂ܰܡܫܪܝ ܶܗ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬܘܢ ܡܥ݂ܰܩܒܝ ‪ܳ :‬ܘܐܙܠܝ ܠܬ ܳܡ ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܒ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܟܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳܡ ܝ݂ܰܩ ݂ܰܕܝ ܟܘܢ ݂ܰܫܠ ܶܡܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܥܣ ݂ܰܪܝܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܦܘܪ ܳܫܢܶܢܐ‬ ‫ܐܘܒܠܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܕ ݂ܰܪܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܩܘܪ ܳܒ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܒܘܟ ܶܪܐ ܕܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܝܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕܥܳ ܢܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܟܘܠܘ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܕܘ ܒܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܕ ݂ܰܡܘܫܛܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܢܬܘܢ ܘܐ ܳܢ ݂ܰܫܝ ܳܒܬܝ ܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕܢ ݂ܰܒ ܶܪܟܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶܥܒܕܘܢ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕܥܳܒܕ ݂ܰܝܢ ܳܗ ܳܪܟܐ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܐ ܳܢܫ ܐܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰܫܦܝܪ ܒܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕܟܝܠ ݂ܰܡܛܝܬܘܢ ܠ ܶܒܝܢܬ ݂ܰܡܫܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܘܠ ܳܝܢܪܬܘܬܐ ܕܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܪܘ ܝܢܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܒܢܘ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܢ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܬ ܠܟܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܡܢܝ ܢܚ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠܟܘܢ ܶܡ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝ ܟܘܢ ݂ܰܕܚܕܝܪܝ ܠܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܒܘ ܒ ݂ܰܣܒ ܳܪܐ‪.‬‬




No one will be able to withstand you; the Lord your God will put the fear and dread of you on all the land on which you tread, as the Lord has promised you.


See, I am setting before you today blessings and curses:


The blessings, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I am commanding you today;


And the curses, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn from the way that I am commanding you today, to follow other gods that you have not known.


When the Lord your God has brought you into the land that you are entering to possess, pronounce the blessings on Mount Gerizim, and the curses on Mount Ebal —


For these are across the Jordan, beyond the western road, in the land of the Canaanites who live in the Arabah — opposite Gilgal, and near1 the oak of Mamre.


For you are about to cross the Jordan to enter and possess the land that the Lord your God is giving you, and you will possess it and dwell therein.


You must diligently observe all the statutes and ordinances that I am setting before you today.

‘and near the oak’: lit. ‘and opposite the house of the oak’; see Introduction, Addendum 4. 1



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬






‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܘܢ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܟܗ ܳܘܠ ܢܩܘܡ ܐ ܳܢܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܠܬܟܘܢ ݂ܰܘܙܘܥ݂ܰܬܟܘܢ ܢܶܬܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܦܝ ܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܬܶܕܪܟܘܢ ܳܒܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙܘ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܘܛܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ܒܘܪ ܟܬܐ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܶܐܢ ܬܶܫܡܥܘܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܢܕ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܠܟܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܟܙ ܒܘܪ ܟ‬ ‫ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܶܐܢ ܳܠ ܬܶܫܡܥܘܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܢ ܬܤܛܢܘܢ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫ܟܚ ܘܠ ܘܛ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܐ ܕܡܦܩܕ ܐܢܐ ܠܟܘܢ ܝܘܡܢܐ ܘܬܐܙܠܢܘܢ ܒܢܬܪ ܐܠܢܗܐ ܐܚܪ ܢܢܐ ܕܠ ܝܕܥܝܢ‬ ‫ܐܢܬܘܢ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܠܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܥܳܢܐܠ ܐܢܢܬ ܠܬ ܳܡܢ ܠܡܢܐܪܬܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܗܒ‬ ‫ܟܛ ܘܟܢܕ ܢܥܠܢܟ ܡܪܝ ܢܐ ܐܠܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܓܪܙܝܡ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠ ܘܛܬܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܛܘܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܓ ܶܒܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܒܘܪ ܟ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܐ ܒ ݂ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܪ ݂ܰܒܝ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܬܪ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ ݂ܰܕܟ ݂ܰܢ ܥ ܳܢ ܝܶܢܐ‬ ‫ܠ ܳܗܐ ܶܗܢܘܢ ܒܥ ܶܒ ܳܪܐ ܕܝܘܪܕܢ ܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܛܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܓ ܳܶܠ‪ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕܝܳܬܒܝ ܒܥܳ ܳܪ ܳܒܐ ܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ ݂ܰܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ ܶܒܝܬ ܒܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠ ܶܡܛܠ ܕܥܳܒܪܝܬܘܢ ܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܠܡܥ݂ܰܠ ܠܡܢ ݂ܰܐܪܬ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ ܠܟܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܐܪܬ ܳܘܢܗ ܘܬܬܒܘܢ ܳܒܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܘܬܶܛܪܘܢ ܘܬܶܥܒܕܘܢ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܢܡܘ ܶܣܐ ܘܕܝ ܢܶܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬




A land that the Lord your God seeks out continually; the eyes of the Lord your God are upon it from year’s beginning to year’s end.


If then you obey the commandments which I command you today, to love the Lord your God, and to serve him with all your heart and soul,


I will bestow rain for your land in its season, the early rain and the later rain, and you will gather in your grain, your wine, and your oil.


I will provide grass in your fields for your cattle, and you shall eat and be satisfied.


Be careful lest your heart be seduced and you turn aside to serve other gods and worship them,


For then the Lord’s anger will be kindled against you, and he will shut up the heavens, so that there will be no rain, and the land will not yield its fruit; then you will perish quickly from the good land that the Lord your God is giving to you.


You shall place these commandments in your heart and soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hands, and they shall be as a symbol on your forehead.1


Teach them to your children, that they may talk of them, when you remain at home and when you travel abroad, when you lie down and when you rise.


Write them on the doorposts of your house and upon your gates.


So that your days and the days of your children may be multiplied in the land that the Lord your God swore to your ancestors to give them, as long as the heavens are above the earth.


If you keep all these commandments that I am commanding you today, and do them, loving the Lord your God, walking in all his ways, and holding fast to him,


Then the Lord will destroy all these nations before you, and you will dispossess nations greater and stronger than yourselves.


Every place on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours: your territory shall extend from the wilderness and the Lebanon, and from the River, the river Euphrates, as far as the western sea. 1

‘on your forehead’: lit. ‘between your eyes’.





‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬




‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬




‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܒ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܬ ݂ܰܒܥ ܳܠܗ ܐܡ ܳܝܢܐܝܬ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܳܒܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܚܪܬܗ ܕ ݂ܰܫܢܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ‬ ‫ܪܝ ܳܫܗ ܕܫܢ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܪܚܡܢܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܠܟܢܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܓ ܶܘܐܢ ܬܶܫܡܥܘܢ ܠܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܘܬܶܦܠ ܚܘܢܶܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ܟ ܳܠܗ ܶܠܒܟܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܢܦܫܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܫ ܳܝܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܚܡܢܘܠ ܥܒܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܛܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܟܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒܢܶܢܗ‪ :‬ܒܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܕ ܶܐܬܶܠ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܘܠܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܟ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪܟ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܚܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܣܒܐ ܒ ݂ܰܚܩ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܠܒܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܗ ܶܘܐܬܶܠ ܥ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܪܟ ܘܬܶܐܟܘܠ ܘܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܒܥ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܢܢܬ ݂ܰܕܠ ܶܠܒܟܢܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܤܛܢܢܢܘܢ ܘܬܶܦܠ ܚܢܢܘܢ ݂ܰܠ ܳܠܢܢܢ ܶܗܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶܢܢܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܝܘ ܐ ݂ܰܙܕܗܪܘ ܕܠ ܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬܣܓܕܘܢ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܙ ܘܢܶܬ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܡܬ ܪܘܓܙܶܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ܕ ܳܠ ܢܶܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܟ ܶܶܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܢܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܪܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ ܶܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܗ‪ :‬ܘܬܐܒܕܘܢ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܓܠ ܶܡ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܛܒܬܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܠܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‬ ‫ܠ ܬܬܠ ܥܺܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳܳ‬ ‫ܝ ܚ ݂ܰܘܬܣܝܡܘܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܐ ܒ ܶܠܒܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ݂ܰܢܦܫܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ .‬ܘܩܛܘܪܘ ܐܢܢܘܢ ܐܬܐ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ‬ ‫ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܗܘܘܢ ܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܡܐ ܶܒܝܬ ܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܛ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܠܦܘ ܶܐܢܘܢ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܡܺܠܘܢ ܒܗܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܡܐ ܕܝܳܬܒܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܒ ܳܒܬܝ ܟܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ܳܕܡܟܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܳܕ ܐܙܠܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ܳܩܝܡܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟ ݂ܰܘܟܬܘܒܘ ܐܢܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐܣܟ ܳܦܬܐ ܕ ܳܒܬܝ ܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰܠ ܬܪܥ݂ܰܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܐ ܕܢܶܣܓܢܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ݂ܰܡܝܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܝ݂ܰ ܢܘ ݂ܰܡܝ ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܠ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ݂ܰܡܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܘܢ ܠܡ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܠܟܢܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܒ ܶܘܐܢ ܬܶܛܪܘܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܥܒܢܕܘܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܐܢܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܪܚܡܢܢܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܢܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܬ ݂ܰܗܠܟܢܢܘܢ ܒܟܠ ܶܗܝܢܢ ܐܘܪ ܳܚܢܢܬܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬܬܢ ݂ܰ ܩܦܘܢ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܓ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܐ ܶܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܐܪܬܘܢ ܠ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܪܘܪܒܝ ܘܥ݂ܰܫܝܢܝ ܶܡܢܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܢܬܐ ܕ ܶܪ ܓܠ ܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܠܟܢܘܢ ܢܶܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡܢ ݂ܰܡܕܒܢ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܟܠ ܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕܬܕܪܘܟ ܒܢܗ ܦ‬ ‫ܗܪܐ ܠ ݂ܰܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܰܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ݂ܰܝ ܳܡܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪܝܳ ܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ܳܢ ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܗܪܐ ܦ ܳܪܬ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܬܚܘܡܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

Ch. 

Chapter  

Love the Lord your God, and keep his observances and statutes, his ordinances and commandments at all times.

Know today that it was not your children, who have neither known or seen the discipline of the Lord your God — his greatness, his mighty hand and upraised arm,

His signs and deeds that he performed in Egypt regarding Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and all his land,

What he did to Egypt’s army, to the horses and chariots and to their riders, how he made the waters of the Sea of Reeds flow over them as they pursued you, so that the Lord destroyed them to this day,

All that he did for you in the wilderness until you came to this place,

What he did to Dathan and Abiram, sons of Eliab, son of Reuben; how, in the midst of all Israel, the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up, together with their children1 and their tents, and everything they possessed, which was at their disposal 2 in the midst of all Israel —

Rather it was your own eyes that saw all the great deeds of the Lord that he did.

Therefore keep all the commandments which I am commanding you today, that you may have the strength to go in and occupy the land that you are crossing over to possess,

And that you may have long life in the land that the Lord swore to your ancestors to give to them and to their descendants, a land flowing with milk and honey.


For the land that you are about to enter to possess is not like the land of Egypt, from which you have come, where you would sow your seed, and irrigate it with your feet3 like a watered garden.


But the land that you are crossing over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks its water from the rain of heaven,

1 2 3

‘their children’: lit. ‘their sons’. The Hebrew text has ‘their houses/households’. ‘which was at their disposal’: lit. ‘which was lying at their feet’. ‘with your feet’: see Introduction, Addendum 6.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬


‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܚܡ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܬܗ‪ܳ :‬ܘܢܡܘ ݂ܰܣܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܕܝ ݂ܰܢ ܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܦܘܩ ܳܕ ݂ܰܢܢܘܗܝ‪:‬‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܘܛܪ ܢܛ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬܶܕܥܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܢܘܢ ܕ ܳܠ ܝ ݂ܰܕܥܢܘ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܢܙܘ ݂ܰܡܢܪܕܘܬܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܕܗ ܬܩܝܦܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ܳܪܥ ܶܗ ܳܪ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܪܒܘܬܗ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܒ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝܢ ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܳܘܐܬ ܳܘܬܶܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܰܕܘܗܝ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܦܪܥܢܘܢ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܢܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝܢ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܟ ܳܠܢܗ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܪܥ ܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ܳܪܟ ݂ܰܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܗܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܐܛܝܢܦ ݂ܰܡܝܢܐ‬ ‫ܠܚ ܝܶܠ ܕ ܶܡ ܳܨܪܝ ܶܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܪܟܫܐ‪ :‬ܘܠܡܪ ܟܒ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܪܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܘܒܕ ܶܐܢܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܕܝ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܕܣܘܦ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐ ݂ܰܦܝܗܘܢ ܟܕ ܪܕܦܘ ܒ‬ ‫ܠ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܠ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܠܟܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܶܕ ܐܬܝܬܘܢ ܠܬ ܳܪܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܠ ܳܕ ܳܬܢ ݂ܰܘܠܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܪܡ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܶܐܠ ݂ܰܝܒ‪ :‬ܒ ܶܪܗ ܕܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶܕܡ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܝܠ‪ :‬ܕ ܶܦܬ ݂ܰܚܬ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܒܠ ܥ݂ܰܢܬ ܶܐܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܠ ܢܗܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܢܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܫܟ ݂ܰܢܝܢܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܟܢܠ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܕ ܐܝܢܬ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܠ ܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܩܝܡܝܢ ܗ ݂ܰܘܘ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ ܪܓ ݂ܰܠܝܢܗܘܢ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܢܬ ܟ ܶܠܢܗ‬ ‫ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ ܗܘ ܚ ݂ܰܙܝ ܠܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܰܕܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܪܘܪ ܶܒܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܠܟܢܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܛܪܘ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܕܬܬ ݂ܰܚ ܝܠܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܥܠܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܐܪܬܘܢ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܥܳܒܪܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܳܠܗ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܢܬܠ ܠ ܢܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܬܣܓܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܢܘ ܳܡܬܐ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܝ ܳܡܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠ ݂ܰܙܪܥܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܪܕܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܚܠ ܳܒܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܕܒ ܳܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܥܳܐܠܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܳܠܢܗ ܠܡܢܐܪܬܗ‪ :‬ܠ ܗ ܳܘܬ ܐܝܢܟ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܦܩܬܘܢ ܶܡ ܳܢܗ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܙܪܥܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ݂ܰܙܪܥܟܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܩܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܒ ܶܪܓ ݂ܰܠܝܟܢܘܢ ܐܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܪܕ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܣܐ ܕ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡܢ‬ ‫ܐܪܥܳܐ ܶܕܝ ܕܥܳܒܪܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܳܠܗ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪ :‬ܐܪܥܳܐ ܗܝ ܕܛܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܕܦܩܥܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܪܐ ܗܘ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ܳܫܬܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܡܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



The Lord said to me, ‘Get up, resume your journey at the head of the people, that they may go in and possess the land that I swore to their ancestors to give them.’


Therefore, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? Only to revere the Lord your God, to walk in his ways, to love him, and to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul,


To keep the commandments of the Lord your God, and his statutes, which I am commanding you today for your good.


For heaven and the heaven of heavens belong to the Lord your God, the earth and all that is in it,


Yet the Lord was drawn to your ancestors only, loving them and choosing their descendants after them out of all the nations, as this day.


Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and do not be obstinate any longer.


For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who is not partial1 and does not accept a bribe.


Who executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and loves the one who converts to him,2 giving him food and clothing.


You shall love those who convert to him, for you were settlers in the land of Egypt.


You shall revere the Lord your God; him alone you shall worship; to him shall you hold fast, and by his name shall you swear.


He is your glory and he is your God, who has done for you the great and awesome things that your own eyes have seen.


Your ancestors went down to Egypt with seventy persons, but now the Lord your God has made you as numerous as the stars of heaven.


‘who is not partial’: lit. ‘who does not lift up faces’.

For P’s different renderings of ‫ גר‬in vv. 18–19, see Introduction, Addendum 7, at 1:16. 2


‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬

‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܩܘܡ ܫܩܘܠ ܘܙܶܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܥܠܢܘܢ ܘܢܢܐܪܬܘܢ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܬܠ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܝܡܝܬ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܶܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡܟܝܠ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ܳ :‬ܡ ܳܢܐ ܳܫܐܠ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܐܠ ܕܬܕ ݂ܰܚܠ ܶܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܗ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܪܚܡܝܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܦܠܘܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܘܬ ݂ܰܗ ܶܠܟ ܒܐܘܪܚ‬ ‫ܟ ܶܠܗ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܳܘܢܡܘ ݂ܰܣܢܘܗܝ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܢܕ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܳܠܢܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܶ ݂ܰܛܪ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕܢܶܛܐܒ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰܘܫ ݂ܰܡܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܐܢܘܢ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܪܥܳܐ ܘܟܠ ܕ ܐܝܬ ܳܒܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܚܡ ܐܢܘܢ ݂ܰܘܓ ܳܒܐ ܠ ݂ܰܙܪܥܗܘܢ ܳܒܢܬܪܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܐܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܘܢ ݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܨܒܐ ܡܪܝ ܐ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܕ ܶܠܒܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܠܟܘܢ ܬܘܒ ܠ ܬ ݂ܰܩܫܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܓܙܘܪܘ ܥܘܪܠ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܗܘܝܘ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܝܢ ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܶܪܐ ܳܡܢ ݂ܰܪ ܳܘܬܐ‪ :‬ܐ ܳܠܢ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܓܢ ܳܒ ܳܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕܚ ܳܝܶܠ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܠ ܳܢ ܶܣܒ ݂ܰܒܐ ܶܦܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܩ ܶܒܠ ܫ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܠܬܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܪ ܶܚܡ ܠ ܳܝܢܐ ܕ ܶܡܬܦܢܶܐ ܠ ܳܘܬܗ‪ :‬ܘܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܶܠܢܗ‬ ‫ܘܥܒܕ ܕܝܢܐ ܕܝܬܡܐ‪ :‬ܘܕ ܐܪ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡܐ ܘܬܟܣܝܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠ‬ ‫ܪܚܡܘ ݂ܰܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝ ܕ ܶܡܬܦܢܶܝ ܠ ܳܘܬܶܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܬܘ ܳܬ ܶܒܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬܘܢ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܠܗ ܦܠܘܚ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܶܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܕ ݂ܰܚܠ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠܗ ܶܐܬܢ ݂ܰ ݂ܰܩܦ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܝܡܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܟ ܘܗܘܝܘ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܟ ݂ܰܪܘܪ ܳܒܬܐ ݂ܰܘܕܚ ܝ ܳܠܢܬܐ ݂ܰܕܚ ݂ܰܢܙܝ‬ ‫ܕܗܘܝܘ ܬܫܒ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܚܬܘ ݂ܰܐ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܳܫܐ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܐܣܓ ܳܝܢܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܫܒܥܝ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܝܟ ݂ܰܟܘܟ ܶܒܐ ܕ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  VIII

At that time the Lord said to me, ‘Carve out two stone tablets like the first ones, and come up the mountain to me and make a wooden ark.

Write1 on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you smashed, and put them in the ark.’

So I made an ark of acacia wood, and carved out two stone tablets like the first ones, and went up the mountain with the two tablets in my hands.

Then he wrote on the tablets the same as before,2 the Ten Commandments, which the Lord had spoken to you on the mountain from the midst of the fire on the day of the assembly; and the Lord gave them to me.

So I turned and came down from the mountain, and put the tablets in the ark that I had made; and I left them in it3 as the Lord had commanded me.

The Israelites journeyed from Beeroth Bene-jaakan to Moserah. There Aaron died and there he was buried. His son Eleazar became priest after him.

From there they journeyed to Gudgodah, and from Gudgodah to Jotbathah, a land with flowing streams.

At that time the Lord set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the ark of the Lord’s covenant, to stand before the Lord to minister to him, and to bless the name of the Lord until today.

Therefore Levi has no portion or inheritance with his kindred; for the Lord is his inheritance, as the Lord your God promised him.


I stayed before the Lord on the mountain for forty days and forty nights, as at the first time, and the Lord listened to me this time also. The Lord was unwilling to destroy you.

1 2 3

‘Write’: see Introduction, Addendum 6, and Appendix 2. ‘the same as before’: lit. ‘like the first writing’. ‘and I left them in it’: see Introduction, Addendum 1.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܚ‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬


‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܦܢܐ ܐܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܶܒܗ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ ܐ ݂ܰܡܪ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܦܣܘܠ ܳܠܟ ܬܪܬܝܢ ܠ ܘ ܶܚܢܐ ܕܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܩ ܠ ܳܘܬܝ ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܠܟ ܩܒ‬ ‫ܩܕܡܝ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂݂ܰܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܟܬܘܒ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܠ ܘ ܶܚܐ ܶܦܬ ܳܓܡܐ ܕ ܐܝܬ ܗ ݂ܰܘܘ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܠ ܘܚܐ ܩܕܡܝܬܐ ܕܬܒܪܬ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܝܡ ܐܢܶܝ ܒܩܒܘܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܫܟܪܥܳܢܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܣܢܐ ܶܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܢܐ ܐܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܣܠܢܬ ܬܪܬܝܢ ܠ ܘ ܶܚܢܐ ܕܟ‬ ‫ܘܥ ܶܒ ܶܕܬ ܩܒܢ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܪ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܝܗܝ ܠ ܘ ܶܚܐ ܒܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܣܠ ܶܩܬ ܠܛܘܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰܩܕ ܳܡ ܳܝܐ‪ :‬ܥ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܪܐ ܶܦܬ ܳܓܡܝ ܕ ݂ܰܡܢ ܶܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܟܬܒ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܠ ܘ ܶܚܐ ܐܝܟ ܟ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܓܘ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܡܟܘܢ ܒܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܕܟܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܝܐ‪ :‬ܘܝ݂ܰܗܒ ܐܢܶܝ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܢܬܬ ܶܡܢ ܛܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܣ ܶܡܢܬ ܐܢܶܝܢ ܠܠ ܘ ܶܚܢܐ ܒܩܒܢܘܬܐ ܕܥ ܶܒܢ ܶܕܬ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶܘܐܬܦܢܝܬ ܘܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܒ ܶܩܬ ܶܐܢܶܝ ܳܒܗ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܢܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܩܠܘ ܶܡ ܒ ݂ܰܪ ܐܘܬ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܢܢܝ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܩܢ ܠܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܪܐ‪ :‬ܬ ܳܡܢ ܡܝܢܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ܶܗܢ ܐܠܝܥܳ ݂ܰܙܪ ܒ ܶܪܗ ܳܒܬ ܶܪܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܒܪ ܬ ܳܡ ‪:‬‬ ‫ܐܗܪܘܢ ܘܐܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠܓܕ ܳܓܕ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܰܓܕ ܳܓܢܕ ܠ ݂ܰܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܩܠܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܒܢܬ‪ :‬ܠܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܪܓ ܳܠܢܬܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܡܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܶܡܢܗ‬ ‫ܠܫܒܛܐ ܕ ܶܠ ܢܘܝ‪ :‬ܕܢܶܫܩܢܘܠ ܩܒܢ‬ ‫ܶܒܗ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ :‬ܦܪܫ ܡܪܝ ܐ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܫܡܫܝܢܘܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰܢܒܢ ܶܪܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܕܢܩܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܢܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܠ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܠܝܬ ܠ ܶܠ ܘܝ ܳܦܠܓܘܬܐ ܘܝܳܪܬܘܬܐ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܐ ݂ܰܚܘܗܝ‪ܳ :‬ܡܪܝ݂ܰ ܐ ܗܘ ܶܓܝܪ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܳܪܬܘܬܶܗ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܠܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘ ܳܐܢܐ ܳܩ ܶܡܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܐܝܢܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܢܘ ܳܡܬܐ ݂ܰܩܕ ܳܡܝܶܢܐ‪ :‬ܐܪܒܥܝܢ ܐܝ ܳܡܡܝܢ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܒܛܢ‬ ‫ܨܒܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܡܥ݂ܰܢܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܳܐܦ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܪܒܥܝ ݂ܰܠ ܝ ݂ܰܠ ܳܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܢܚܒ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬




The Lord was very angry with Aaron to destroy him, but I prayed for Aaron also at that same time.


As for the calf, the sinful object1 you had made, I took it and burnt it with fire. I broke it in pieces, grinding it thoroughly until it was as fine as dust, and I threw its dust into the stream that comes down from the mountain.


At Burning2 also, and at Testings, and at Graves of Lust,3 you provoked the Lord to wrath.


And when the Lord sent you from Reqem di-Gaya, saying, ‘Go up and possess the land that I have given you’, you rebelled against the Lord’s command,4 and you neither trusted him nor listened to his voice.


You have been rebellious against the Lord ever since the day I knew you.


So I prayed to the Lord for forty days and forty nights, because the Lord had said that he would destroy you.


I prayed to the Lord and said, ‘Lord God, do not destroy your people, your own possession, whom you redeemed in your greatness, whom you brought out of Egypt with a mighty hand.


But remember your servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; pay no heed to the stubbornness of this people, nor to their wickedness or sins,


Lest the inhabitants5 of that land from which you brought them out say, “The Lord was not able to bring them into the land he promised them, and it was because he hated them that he brought them out to slay them in the wilderness”.


Yet these are your people and your inheritance, whom you brought out by your great power and by your upraised arm.’

‘the calf, the sinful object’: lit. ‘the calf of your sins’. See Introduction, Addendum 4. 2 ‘Burning, Testings, Graves of Lust’: Hebrew: Taberah, Massah, Kibrothhattaavah. See Num 11:3; Deut 6:16; Num 11:34 for the events symbolized in these names. 3 ‘Graves of Lust’: see Introduction, Addendum 7. 4 ‘the Lord’s command’: lit. ‘the word of the Lord’s mouth’. 1


‘Lest the inhabitants of that land … say’: see Introduction, Addendum 6.




‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬





‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܓܙ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܳܛܒ ܕ ݂ܰܢܘܒܕܝܘܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܟ ܘܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܐܗܪܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܨܠܝܬ ܐܦ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐܗܪܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܗܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܘܩܢܢܕܬܶܗ ܒܢܢܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܢܕܬܘܢ‪ :‬ܢܶܒ ܶܣܢܢܬ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܛ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܢܢܘܢ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܕ ܶܩܩܢܢܬܗ‬ ‫ܟܐ ܘܥܓܢܢܶܠ ܕ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܬܗ ܛܒ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܶܕ ܐܬܕ ܶܩܩ ܐܝܟ ܥ݂ܰܦ ܳܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܫܕܝܬܗ ܥ݂ܰܦܢ ܶܪܗ ܒ ݂ܰܢܚܢܶܠ ܕ ܳܢ ܶܚܢܬ‬ ‫ܘܛܚ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܛܘܪܐ‪ܳ.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܰܡܪܓܙܝ ܗ ݂ܰܘܝܬܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܒ ܘܒܝܩܕ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܒܢܣܝ ܘܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܒܩܒܪܐ ܕܪܓܝ ܪ ܓ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ݂ܰܫ ݂ܰܕܪܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܟܓ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܩܢܡ ܕ ݂ܰܓ ܳܝܢܐ ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܢܪܬܘ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ܠܟܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܣܩܢܘ ܘ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܡܪܬܘܢ ܶܡ ݂ܰܠܬ ܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܕܝ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܒܬ ܠܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܬ ܳܘܢܝܢܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܬܘܢ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܢܶܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܝܕܥܬܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐܪܒܥܝܢ ܐܝ ܳܡܡܝܢ ݂ܰܘܐܪܒܥܝܢ ݂ܰܠ ܝ ݂ܰܠ ܢ ܳܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܨܠܝܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܗ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܨܠܝܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪܬ‪ܳ :‬ܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܢ ܳܗܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܬ ݂ܰܚ ܶܒܢܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܟ ܘܝܳܢܪܬܘܬܟ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܟ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܝܕܐ ܬܩܝܦܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܦܩܬ ܐܢܘܢ ܶܡ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ܒ‬ ‫݂ܰܕܦ ݂ܰܪܩܬ ܒܪ ܒ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܟܙ ܶܐ ܳܠ ܶܐܬ ݂ܰܕܟܢܪ ܠ ܥ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰܕܝܢܟ ݂ܰܠܒܢ ܳܪ ܳܗܡ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܚܢܩ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܝܥܩܢܘܒ‪ :‬ܠ ܬܬܦܢܶܢܐ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܩܫܝܘܬܶܗ ܕܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܥ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܚܛ ݂ܰܗܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܠܗ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܝܗ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܳܗܝ ݂ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܦܩܢܬ ܐܢܢܘܢ ܶܡ ܳܢܢܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕܠ ܐܬܡܢܨܝ‬ ‫ܟܚ ܘܠ ܢܐܡܪܘܢ ܥܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰܚ ܳܝܶܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢ ܥ ܶܠ ܶܐܢܘܢ ݂ܰܠܪܥܳܐ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܣܢܶܢܐ ܠ ܢܗܘܢ ܐ ܶܦܢܩ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܢܩܛܠ ܐܢܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܟ ݂ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܟܛ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܦܩܬ ܒ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܳܪܥܳܟ ܳܪ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗܢܘܢ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܟ ܐܢܘܢ ܘܝܪܬ‬



When I went up the mountain to receive the stone tablets, the tablets of the covenant that the Lord made with you, I stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights; I neither ate bread nor drank water.


The Lord gave me the two stone tablets written with the finger of God; on them were all the words that the Lord had spoken to you on the mountain out of the midst of the fire on the day of the assembly.


At the end of forty days and forty nights the Lord gave me the two stone tablets, the tablets of the covenant.


Then the Lord said to me, ‘Get up, go down quickly from here, for your people whom you brought out of Egypt have acted corruptly. They have quickly turned aside from the way that I commanded them; they have made themselves a molten image.’


The Lord also said to me, ‘I see that this people is an obstinate people:


Let me alone that I may destroy them and blot out their name under heaven; and I will make of you a nation mightier and more numerous than they.’


So I turned and came down from the mountain, while the mountain was ablaze, with the two tablets of the covenant in my two hands.


Then I saw that you had sinned against the Lord your God. You had made yourselves a molten calf; you had turned aside quickly from the way that the Lord had commanded you.


So I grasped the two tablets and hurled them from my two hands, and shattered them before your eyes.


Then I prayed1 before the Lord as before. For forty days and forty nights I neither ate bread nor drank water on account of all the sins you had committed, doing what was displeasing to the Lord, and provoking him to anger.


For I feared the fierce anger that the Lord directed against you to destroy you, but the Lord listened to me that time also.


‘I prayed’: see Introduction, Addendum 7.




‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫݂ܰܟܕ ܶܣܠ ܶܩܬ ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܒܬ ܠ ܘ ܶܚܐ ܕܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܦܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܘ ܶܚܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܩܝܢܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡܢܐ ܠ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܐܪܒܥܝ ܐܝ ܳܡܡܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܪܒܥܝܢ ܠ ܝܠ ܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܠ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܡܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܝ ܶܬ ܶܒܬ ܒܛ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܝܐ ܠ ܐܫܬܝܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܟ ܶܠܬ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܝ݂ܰܗܒ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܬܪܬܶܝ ܠ ܘ ܶܚܐ ܕܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܠ ܳܗܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܦܐ ݂ܰܕܟܬܝ ܳܒ ܒܨܶܒܥ ܶܗ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܗܝܢ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ݂ܰܓܘ ܢܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ܗ ݂ܰܘܘ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡ ܶܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܥ݂ܰܡܟܘܢ ܒܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܕܟܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܒܬܪ ܐܪܒܥܝ ܐܝ ܳܡܡܝ ݂ܰܘܐܪܒܥܝܢ ݂ܰܠ ܝ ݂ܰܠ ܢ ܳܘܢ‪ :‬ܝ݂ܰܢܗܒ ܠܢܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܬܪܬܝܢ‬ ‫ܠ ܘ ܶܚܐ ܕܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܘ ܶܚܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܩܢܘܡ ܚܢܘܬ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܓܢܠ ܶܡ ܳܟܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕ ݂ܰܚ ܶܒܢܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܟ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܦܩܬ ܶܡ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝܢ ‪ :‬ܤ ݂ܰܛܢܘ ܠ ܢܗܘܢ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܢܕܬ ܐܢܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܥܓܢܠ ܶܡܢ ܐܘܪܚܢܐ ܕܦ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܘ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܢܣ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܠ ܗܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܩܫܐ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܚܙ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܳܫܐ ܫܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܥܛܐ ܶܫܡܗܘܢ ܶܡ ܬ ܶܚ ܝܢܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܥܒܢ ܳܕܟ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܘܩܝܢܝ ܐ‬ ‫ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܕܥ݂ܰܫܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣܓܝ ܶܡܢܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܬ ܶܡ ܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܪܬܝ ܠ ܘ ܶܚܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܶܡܬ ݂ܰܓ ݂ܰܘܙܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒܢ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܬܦܢܝܬ ܘܢܚ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܗܝ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܐ ܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܚܛܝܬܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕܬܘܢ ܠܟܢܘܢ ܥ ܶܓܢܶܠ ܕܢܶܣܟܢܬܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܚܙܝܬ ܕ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܳܰ‬ ‫ܥܓܠ ܶܡ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܤ ݂ܰܛܝܬܘܢ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܐ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶܩܕܟܘܢ ܡܪܝ ܐ ܐܠܗܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܗܝ ܠ ܘ ܶܚܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܫܕܝܬ ܶܐܢܶܝ ܶܡ ݂ܰܬܪ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܬܪ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܗܝܢ ܐܝ ܢ ݂ܰܕܝ‪ :‬ܘܬܒܢ ܶܪܬ ܐܢܶܝܢ‬ ‫ܐܚܕܬ‬ ‫ܠ ܥ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܨܠܝܬ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܕܡ‪ :‬ܐܪܒܥܝ ܐܝ ܳܡܡܝ ݂ܰܘܐܪܒܥܝ ݂ܰܠ ܝ ݂ܰܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐܝܟ ܕ ܶܡ ܠ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܝܐ ܠ ܐܫܬܝܬ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰܠ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܚܛܗܝ ܟܘܢ ܕܚܛܝܬܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܚܡܐ ܠ ܐܟ ܶܠܬ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܬܘܢ ܕܒܝܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܪܓܙܬ ܳܘܢܝܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܶ ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܓܙ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟܘܢ ܕ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܬܐ ܘܪܘܓ ܳܙ ܐ ݂ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕܟܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕܕܚܠܬ ܡ ܩܕܡ ܚ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܡܥ݂ܰܢܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐܦ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  VII

Hear, O Israel! You are about to cross the Jordan today, to go in and destroy1 nations greater and mightier than you, great and mighty cities, fortified up to heaven,

A people great and tall, the offspring of giants2 that you have known about and have heard (the saying), ‘No one can withstand 3 the giants’.

Know therefore today that the Lord your God is crossing over before you. He is a devouring fire; he will destroy 4 and defeat them before you, so you may wipe them out and destroy them speedily, as the Lord has promised you.

Once the Lord your God has defeated them before you, do not say in your heart, ‘It is because of my righteousness that the Lord has brought me into possession of this land’; (rather it is) because of the wickedness of these nations that the Lord is destroying them before you.

It is not because of your righteousness or the uprightness of your heart that you are entering to possess their land, but because of the sins of these nations the Lord your God is destroying them before you, and in order to fulfill the promise that the Lord swore to your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Know therefore that the Lord your God is not giving you this good land to possess because of your righteousness — for you are an obstinate people.

Remember and do not forget how you provoked the Lord your God to wrath in the wilderness. From the day that you came out of Egypt until you came to this place, you have been rebellious against the Lord,

And at Horeb you provoked the Lord to wrath, and the Lord was angry enough with you to destroy you. ‘destroy’: see Introduction, Addendum 1, at 1:27. ‘giants’: Hebrew has ‘Anakim’. See Introduction, Addendum 1, at 1:28. 3 ‘no one can withstand’: see Introduction, Addendum 7. 1 2


‘destroy … destroy’: see Introduction, Addendum 1, at 1:27.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܙ‬ ‫‪‬‬

















‫ܫܡܥ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪݂ܰ .‬ܐܢܬ ܥܳ ݂ܰܒܢܪ ݂ܰܐܢܢܬ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ ܝܢܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪ :‬ܠܡܢ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܕܘ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܪܘܪܒܝ ܘܥ݂ܰܫܝܢܝ ܶܡ ܳܢܟ ܘܩܘܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܪܘܪ ܳܒܢ ܘܥ݂ܰܫܝ ܳܢܢ ݂ܰܘܟܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܟܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܕܥ ݂ܰܐܢܢܬ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܢܢܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܪܒ ܳܘܪܡ‪ :‬ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ݂ܰܓܢ ܳܒ ܶܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܐܢܬ ܝܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܢܬ ܕܠ ܐ ܳܢܢܫ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܩܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ݂ܰܓܢ ܳܒ ܶܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܟ ܢܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܕܬܶ ݂ܰܕܥ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܗܘ ܥܳ ݂ܰܒܢܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܗܘ ܐ ܶܟܠܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܗܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܬ ݂ܰܒܪ ܶܐܢܘܢ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܢܕ ܐܢܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܟ ܘܬܚܢܪܘܒ ܐܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܗܘ‬ ‫ܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܓܠ‪ :‬ܐܝܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܒ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܕܬ ݂ܰܒܪ ܶܐܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܶܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܟ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܙ ܕܝܩܢܘܬܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܢܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠܡ ݂ܰܐܪܬ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܒܚܛ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ ܗܘ ܕܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܬܪܝܨܘܬܗ ܕ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܥܳܢܐܠ ܐܢܢܬ ܠܡܢ ݂ܰܐܪܬ ܐܪܥܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܠ‬ ‫ܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒ ݂ܰܙ ܕܝܩ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܛ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ ܗܘ ܕܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܢܩܝܡ ܦܬ ܳܓܡܐ ܕܝܡܐ ܠܒܗܝܟ ܠܒܪܗܡ ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܚܩ ܘܠ ݂ܰܝܥܩܘܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܐܪܥܳ ܢܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ ܛܒ ܢܬܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܕܬ ݂ܰܕܥ ܕܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒ ݂ܰܙ ܕܝܩ ܢܘܬܟ ܝܳ ܢ ܶܗܒ ܳܠ ܢܟ ܡܪܝ ܢܐ ܐܠܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܳܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܐܢܬ ܩܫܐ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܒ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܪܓܙܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐܬ ݂ܰܕܟܪ ܳܘܠ ܬܶܛܥ ܶܐ ݂ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܕܢ ݂ܰܦܩܬܘܢ ܶܡ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܢܶܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܬܝܬܘܢ ݂ܰܠܬ ܳܪܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܨܪܝ ܘܥܕܡܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܪܓܙ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟܘܢ ܕ ݂ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܓܙܬ ܳܘܢܝܗܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܒܚܘܪܝܒ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕܟܘܢ‪.‬‬




Take care lest you forget the Lord your God. Rather you must keep his commandments, and his ordinances and statutes that I command you today,


So that, when you have eaten and are satisfied, and have built fine houses and live in them,


And when your flocks and herds have increased, and your silver and gold is multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied,


You then become proud of heart, and forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage,


And led you through the great and terrible wilderness, a place 1 of basilisks, serpents and scorpions, and thirsty regions, a place without water — he brought forth water for you from the flinty rock —


Who fed you in the wilderness with manna which your ancestors did not know, in order to humble you and test you, and to do you good in the end,


And you say in your heart, ‘By power and the might of my own hand have I acquired this wealth for myself’,


You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to acquire wealth, so that he may establish his covenant that he swore to your ancestors, as is the case today.


But if you forget the Lord your God, and follow other gods to serve and worship them, I testify against you today that you shall surely perish.


Like the nations that the Lord is destroying before you, so shall you perish, if you do not listen to the voice of the Lord your God.


‘place’: see Introduction, Addendum 2.


‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܐ ܬܶܛܥܶܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐ ݂ܰܙܕܗܪ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܶܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܛܢܪ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܢܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܕ ݂ܰܝܢ ܢܘܗܝ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳܘܢܡܘ ݂ܰܣܘܗܝ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰܟܕ ܬܶܐܟܘܠ ܘܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܪܐ ܬܒܢܶܐ ܘܬܬܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܣܒܥ‪ :‬ܘܒܬܐ ܫܦ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܝܟ ܢܶܣܓܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܒܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܣܓܐ ܳܠܟ ܘܟܢܠ ܕ ܐܝܢܬ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫ܘܥܳܢ ܳܢܟ‬ ‫ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܣܓܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܶܬܬ ܪܝܡ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܘܬܶܛܥ ܶܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܕ ܐܦ ܳܩܟ ܶܡ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ܶܡ ܶܒܝܬ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܒܕܘܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܕܒ ܳܪܟ ܒ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰܘܕܚ ܳܝܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐ ݂ܰܬܪ ݂ܰܕܚ ݂ܰܘ ܳܘ ܳܬܐ ݂ܰܚܪ ܳܡܢܶܐ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܩܪ ܶܒܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܝܢܬ ݂ܰܨܗ ܳܘܢܶܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܐ ܕܛ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܬܪ ܕ ݂ܰܠܝܬ ݂ܰܡܝܐ‪ :‬ܐ ܶܦܩ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܡܝܐ ܶܡ ܟ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܘܟ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܡܢ ܳܢܐ ܒ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܳܠ ܝ݂ܰܕܥܘܗܝ ݂ܰܐ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܡܟ ܳܟܢܟ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܢ ܶܣܝܢܟ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܛܢܐܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠܟ ܒ ݂ܰܚܪܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܒ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܚ ܝܠܝ ݂ܰܘܒܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܢܐ ܕ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝ ܩܢܝܬ ܠܝ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܐܬ ݂ܰܕܟܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܕܗܘܝܘ ܝ݂ܰܗܒ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܚ ܝܶܠ ܕܬܩܢܶܐ ܢܶܟ ܶܣܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ݂ܰܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܢ ܶܗܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܬܶܛܥ ܶܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܦܠܢܘܚ ܐܢܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܘܬܐܙܠ ܒܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܕܬ ܒܟܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܶܣܓܘܕ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܣ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܒܕ ܐܒܕܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܕܡ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܝܟ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܘܒܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܐܒܕܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܢ ܠ ܳܫܡܥܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܢܬܘܢ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‬

‫ܢܶܟ ܶܣܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܕܢܩܝܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܶܡܢܗ‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

All the commandments which I am commanding you today you must diligently observe, so that you may live and increase, and enter and possess the land which the Lord swore to your ancestors.

You shall remember all the route by which the Lord your God led you these forty years in the wilderness, that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commandments.

He humbled you by making you hungry, but then fed you with manna which neither you nor your ancestors knew, that he might show you that one does not live by bread alone, but it is by everything that the Lord commands1 that one lives.

Your clothes did not wear out, and your foot was not bare2 these forty years.

Know then in your heart that as a parent disciplines a child, so the Lord your God disciplines you.


Keep then the commandments of the Lord your God, walk in his ways and revere him.

For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land with flowing streams,3 and springs and deep (waters) welling up in the plains and hills.

A land of wheat and barley, of vines, fig trees and pomegranates; a land of olive trees and honey;

A land where you will eat bread without scarcity, and in which you will lack nothing, a land whose stones are iron and from whose hills you will mine copper.


When you have eaten and are satisfied, you shall bless the Lord your God for the good land he has given you.

‘everything that the Lord commands’: lit. ‘everything that comes from the Lord’s mouth’. 2 ‘bare’: see Introduction, Addendum 3. 1


‘flowing streams’: lit. ‘streams of water’.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬










‫ܨܚ ܘ‬ ‫‪‬‬








‫‪ ‬ܝ‬


‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕܘ ܐܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܕܬܐܚܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܛܢܪܘ ܘ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܠܟܘܢ ܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܶܣܓܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܥܠܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܐܪܬܘܢ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܶܬ ݂ܰܕܟ ܢܪܘܢ ܟ ܳܠ ܢܗ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚ ܢܐ ݂ܰܕܕ ݂ܰܒܪܟ ܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟ ܢܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܗܐ ܐܪܒܥܝ ܢ ܫܢ ܝ ܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܡ ܶܟܟܟܘܢ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܢ ܶܣܝܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕܢܶ ݂ܰܕܥ ܳܡܐ ܕ ܐܝܢܬ ܒ ܶܠܒܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܢ ܳܢܛܪܝܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܢܬܘܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ܐܘ ܠ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܡܟ ܳܟܟ ݂ܰܘܐܟܦ ܳܢܟ ݂ܰܘܐܘܟ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܡܢ ܳܢܐ ܕܠ ܝ ݂ܰܕܥܬ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܝ݂ܰܕܥܘܗܝ ܐ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܢܚܢ ܶܘܝܟ‬ ‫ܚܡܐ ݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܳܚ ܝܶܐ ݂ܰܒܪ ܐ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ܒܟܠ ܶܡܢ ܶܕܡ ܕ ݂ܰܡ ܶܦܢܩ ܦܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܗ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܳܚ ܝܶܐ ܐ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܓ ݂ܰܠܝܟ ܳܠ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܚܦ ܳܗܐ ܐܪܒܥܝ ܫܢ ܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܢܚܬܝܟ ܠ ܒܠܝܘ ܶܡ ܳܢܟ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܕܬ ݂ܰܕܥ ܒ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ݂ܰܕ ܐܝܟ ܕ ܳܪ ܶܕܐ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܠܒ ܶܪܗ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܳܪ ܶܕܐ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܛܪ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܶܠܟ ܒܐܘܪ ܳܚܬܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ݂ܰܚܠ ܶܡܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܡܥ ܶܠ ܳܠܢܟ ܠܪܥܳܢܐ ܛܒܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܪܓ ܳܠܢܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܒܘܥ ܶܐ ݂ܰܘܬܗܘ ܶܡܐ ܕ ܳܢܦܩܝ ܒ ݂ܰܦܩܥܳܬܐ ݂ܰܘܒܛܘܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܛܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܢܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܚܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܕܣܥܳ ܶܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ܓܘܦܢܐ‪ .‬ܘܕܬܐܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܕܪܘܡܢܐ‪ :‬ܐܪܥܐ ܕܙ ܝ‬ ‫ܐܪܥܐ ܕܚ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܕ ܶܕܒ ܳܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܬܶܐܟܘܠ ܳܒܗ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܣܪ ܳܠܟ ܳܒܗ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ‪ :‬ܐܪܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܠ ܒ ܶܡܣܟܢ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܙܠ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܛܘܪܝܗ ܬܦܣܘܠ ܳܢܚ ܳܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܟܐܦܝܗ ܦ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܒܥ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܬ ݂ܰܒ ܶܪܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܶܐܟܘܠ ܘܬܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܛܒܬܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬




The Lord your God will destroy those nations before you by little and little. You will not be able to destroy them instantly; otherwise the beasts of the field would become too numerous for you.


But the Lord your God will hand them over to you, and you will strike them down1 until you destroy them.


He will deliver their kings into your power, and you will blot out their name from under heaven. No one will be able to stand before you until you have destroyed them.


The images of their gods you shall burn with fire. You shall not covet the silver or gold that is on them, or take it for yourself, lest you be polluted2 by it; for it is detestable to the Lord your God.


You shall not bring an abomination into your house, lest you become proscribed like it. You shall utterly detest and abhor it, for it is proscribed.

‘you will strike them down: lit. ‘you will strike them with a great striking’. See Introduction, Addendum 6. 1

‘become polluted … detestable’: see Introduction, Addendum 3, for P’s probable guesswork. 2







‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟܒ ݂ܰܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܠ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܶܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܟ ܒ ݂ܰܩܠܝܢܠ ݂ܰܩܠܝܢܠ‪ :‬ܠ‬ ‫ܣܓܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܕ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܓܠ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܠ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܶܐܢܘܢ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܘܬ ݂ܰܒ ܳܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܓ ݂ܰܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ܶܐܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܡܚܢܐ ܐܢܢܘܢ ܡܚܢܘܬܐ ܪܒܢ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܟ ܘܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟܕ ݂ܰܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܶܫܡܗܘܢ ܶܡ ܬ ܶܚ ܝܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢܩܘܡ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ݂ܰܡܠ ݂ܰܟܝܗܘܢ ܒܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܢܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ܥܕܡܐ ܕܬ‬ ‫ܐܠ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ ݂ܰܬܘܩܕܘܢ ܒܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܗ ܓܠܢܝ ܶܦܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰܪ ܓ ܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܒܐ ܕ ܐܝܬ ܒܢܗܘܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܶ ݂ܰܣܒ ܳܠܟ ܕ ܳܠ ܬܶܬ ݂ܰܛ ݂ܰܡܐ ܶܒܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܠܝ ܗܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܠܢܝܘ ݂ܰܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪܡ ݂ܰܐܟ ܳܘܬܶܗ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܟ ܕ ܳܠ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܣܠܝܢܗܝ‬ ‫ܟܘ ܠ ܬܥܠ ܛܢܦܘܬܐ ܠܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܛ ܳܢܦܘ ݂ܰܛܢܶ ܳܦܝܗܝ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ܶܚ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܡܐ ܗܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ‬




He requites those who hate him during their life; 1 he requites them to destroy them. He does not preserve those who hate him, but during their life requites them.


Keep the commandments, statutes and ordinances, which I am commanding you today, and observe them.


If you obey these ordinances and diligently observe them, the Lord your God will maintain with you the covenant and faithful love that he swore to your ancestors,


And he will love you, bless you, and multiply you. He will bless the fruit of your womb and the produce of your soil, your grain and your wine and oil, the herds of your cattle and the flocks of your sheep, in the land that he swore to your ancestors to give you.


You will be the most blessed of all peoples. There will be no male or female barren among you, or also among your livestock.


The Lord will turn away from you all sickness; and he will not inflict upon you any of the evil diseases of Egypt that you experienced, but he will inflict them upon all who hate you.


You shall devour all the peoples that the Lord your God is handing over to you. You shall not take pity on them. Nor shall you serve their gods, for they would be a snare for you.


If you say in your heart, ‘These nations are more numerous than I; how can I destroy them?’


Do not fear them. Remember instead all that the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt,


The great trials that your own eyes saw, the signs and wonders, the powerful hand and upraised arm, by which the Lord your God brought you out. The Lord your God will do likewise to all the peoples whom you fear.


Moreover the Lord your God will stir up hornets among them until they are destroyed, both those left over and those hidden from you.


Do not fear them, for the Lord your God is in your midst, a great and awesome God.

‘during their life’ or ‘with their life’ or ‘in their life’. See Introduction, Addendum 4. 1


‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܦܢܢ ݂ܰܪܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܐܢܢܢܘܢ‪ .‬ܠ ܳܢܛܢܢܪ‬ ‫ܠܣ ݂ܰܢܢܢܐܘܗܝ ܒ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝ ܝܢܢܗܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܦܢܢ ݂ܰܪܥ ܠ ܢܢܗܘܢ ܕܢܢܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܣ ݂ܰܢܐܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܐܠ ܒ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝ ܝܗܘܢ ܳܦ ݂ܰܪܥ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܢܡܘ ܶܣܐ‪ :‬ܘܕܝ ܢܶܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܛܪܘ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܘ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܠܟܘܢ ܝܘܡܢܐ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܬܫܡܥܘܢ ܕܝ ܢܶܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ‪ :‬ܘܬܛܪܘܢ ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܥܒܕܘܢ ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܢܶܛܪ ܳܠܢܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܩܝܡܐ ܘܛܝܒܘܬܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܪܚܡ ܢܟ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܓܝܢܢܟ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܒ ܢ ܶܪܟ ܦ ܢ ܶܐܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟ ܢܟ ݂ܰܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܣ ܢܟ ܘܦ ܢܐܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳ ܢܟ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܥܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܝܟ ݂ܰܘܓ ܳܙ ܶܪܐ ܕܥܳ ܳܢܢܟ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܚܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܬܠ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܐܦ ܳܶܠ ݂ܰܒܒܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܩܪ ݂ܰܘܕܥ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܒܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܡ ܟܠ ܥ݂ܰܡܡܝ ‪ܳ :‬ܠ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܒܪܝܟ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܪܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܳܨܪܝ ܶܢܐ ܕܝܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܕܥ‬ ‫ܥܒܪ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡ ܳܢܟ ܟܠ ܟܐܒ‪ .‬ܘܟܠ ܶܗܝܢ ܡܚܢܘܬܐ ܒܝܫܢ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܶܐܢܶܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܐܠ ݂ܰܢܝܬܐ ܐܢܶܝ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܣ ݂ܰܢܐܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܢܬ‪ :‬ܠ ܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܶܐܟܘܠ ܠܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܘܠ ܬܚܢܘܣ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܝܢܢܟ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܦܠܘܚ ܠ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܝܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶܚܐ ܐܢܘܢ ܳܠܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܢܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܒ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ ܕ ݂ܰܣܓܝܐܝ ܶܐܢܘܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܶܡܢܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܢ ܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܟܢܚ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܘܒܕ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶܕ ݂ܰܚܠ ܶܡܢܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ܶܐܬ ݂ܰܕܟܪ ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܦܪܥܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠܟ ܳܠܗ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܕܐ ܬܩܝܦܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ܳܪܥܳܐ ܳܪ ܳܡܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܡܪܬܐ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܢܣܝ ܘܢܐ ܪܘܪܒܐ ܕܚܙܝ ܥ ܝ ܢܝܟ ܐܬܘܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܕ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܶ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܕ ܐܦܩܟ ܡܪܝ ܐ ܐܠܗܟ‪ .‬ܗܟܢܐ ܢܥܒܕ ܡܪܝ ܐ ܐܠܗܟ ܠܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥܡܡܐ ܕܕܚܠ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܢܬ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܢܐ ܕܢܐܒܢܢܕܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܓܢܢ ܶܪܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܢܗܟ ܒܢܢܗܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝܢܢ‬ ‫ܳܘܐܦ ܶܕܒܢܢܘܪܝ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬܚܪܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝ ܕ ܳܛ ܶܫܝ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܡ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠ ܬܕ ݂ܰܚܠ ܶܡܢܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܒ ݂ܰܓ ܳܘܟ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰܘܕܚ ܝܶܠ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  V

When the Lord your God brings you into the land that you are about to enter and possess, and he destroys many nations before you — the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations more numerous and mightier than you —

When the Lord your God delivers them over to you and you defeat them, then you must utterly demolish them. You shall not make a covenant with them or show them mercy.

You shall not intermarry with them: do not give your daughters to their sons, or take their daughters for your sons.

For they will turn your children away from me to serve other gods, and so the Lord’s anger will be kindled against you, and he will destroy you promptly.

Rather, this is how you must deal with them: break down their altars, smash their pillars, cut down their graven images, 1 and burn their idols with fire.

For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his beloved2 people.

It was not because you were the most numerous among all the peoples that the Lord took delight in you and chose you — indeed you are the smallest of all peoples —

Rather, it was because the Lord loves you and will keep the oath that he swore to your ancestors, that the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh, king of Egypt.

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant and faithful love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousandth generation.


‘graven images’: the Hebrew word is ‘Asherim’; see Introduction, Addendum 7.


‘beloved’: see Introduction, Addendum 7.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܗ‬ ‫‪‬‬



















‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܪܬܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕ‬ ‫ܘ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܥ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܠܪܥܳܐ ܕܥܳܢܐܠ ܐܢܢܬ ܠܬ ܳܡܢ ܠܡܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܝܶܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܐܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܓܪܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ݂ܰܣܓ ܶܝܐܐ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܝ ܶܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ܶܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܟ ݂ܰܢ ܥ ܳܢ ܝܶܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ܚ ܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦܪ ܳܙܝ ܶܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܚ ܳܘܝ ܶܐ‪ :‬ܘܝܳܒܘ ܳܣܝܶܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܫܒܥܳܐ ܥ݂ܰܡܡܝ ܕ ݂ܰܣܓܝܐܝ ܘܥ݂ܰܫܝܢܝ ܶܡ ܳܢܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܟ ܘܬܶܡܚܢܘܢ ܶܐܢܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ܶܐܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪܡܢܘ ܬܚܪܡܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬ ݂ܰܪܚܡܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܐܢܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܠ ܬܩܝܡܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡܗܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܬܬ ݂ܰܚܬܢܢܢܘܢ ܠ ܢܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܒܢܬܟܢܢܘܢ ܠ ܬܬܠܢܢܘܢ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܢܢܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܢܢܢܬܗܘܢ ܠ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬܣܒܘܢ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܛܝ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܘܢ ܶܡܢܝ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܦܠ ܚܘܢ ݂ܰܠ ܳܠ ܶܗܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰܢܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܬ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܡܢܬ ܪܘܓܢܙܶܗ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕܟܘܢ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܓܠ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܢܕܘ ܠ ܢܢܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܡܕܒ ݂ܰܚ ܝܢܢܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰܩܢܢܪܘ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ܳܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܢܢܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܝ ܳܡܢܢܬܗܘܢ ܬ ݂ܰܒܢܢܪܘ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܩܕܘ ܒܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܫ ܳܠܬܗܘܢ ݂ܰܓ ܶܕܡܘ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܓܠܢܝ ݂ܰܦܝܗܘܢ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܘ ܳܠܟ ܓ ܳܒܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܕܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ݂ܰܩܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܚܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܒܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܕܥ݂ܰܠ ܐ ݂ܰܦܝ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܣܓܝܐܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܶܡ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܨܒܢܐ ܒܟܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܓ ܳܒܟܘܢ ܶܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܙܥܘܪܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܶܡ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳܠ ܶܡܛ ܢܠ ܕ ܳܪ ܶܚ ܢܡ ܠܟ ܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܝܡ ܢܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟ ܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܕܢܩܝܢܢܡ ܡ ܢܘܡܬܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܢ ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܢܕܗ‬ ‫ܐܝܕܗ ܬܩܝܦܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܦ ݂ܰܪܩܟܘܢ ܶܡ ܶܒܝܬ ܥ݂ܰܒܢܕ‬ ‫ܐ ܶܦܩܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܒ‬ ‫ܕ ܶܦܪܥܘܢ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܗ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܕܬܶ ݂ܰܕܥ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܗܘܝܘ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܢ ݂ܰܛܢܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܢܐ ܘܛܝܒܢܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܳܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠ ܳܪ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܪܝ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܠ ܶܠܦ ܳܕ ܪܝ ‪.‬‬




Then the Lord commanded us to observe all these statutes, to revere the Lord our God, that it might go well with us all our days, and that he might preserve us alive, as is the case today.


For us this will be right living:1 if we diligently observe this entire commandment before the Lord our God, as he has commanded us.


‘right living’: lit. ‘justice, righteousness’.


‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬

‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܢܡܘ ܶܣܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܩܕܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܕ ݂ܰܚܠ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܢܐ ܶܚ ܝ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܢܛܐܒ ݂ܰܠ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ ܘܡ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܛܢܪܢ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܕ ܳܢܢܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܢܐ ܟ ܶܠܢܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕܢ ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܢܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܙ ܕܝܩܘܬܐ ܬܗܘܐ ܠ ܡܐ ܕ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܢ‪.‬‬




Be careful lest you forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.


Revere the Lord your God, serve him, and by his name shall you swear.


Do not follow the other gods of the peoples round about you —


Because the Lord your God in your midst is an impassioned God — lest the anger of the Lord your God be kindled against you, and he destroy you from the face of the earth.


Do not put the Lord your God to the test, as you tested him with testings.1


But keep the commandments of the Lord your God and his decrees and statutes that he has commanded you.


Do what is fitting and upright before the Lord your God, that it may go well with you, and that you may enter and possess the good land that the Lord swore to your ancestors,


Defeating all your enemies before you, as the Lord has promised.


When your children ask you in time to come, ‘What is the meaning of the decrees and the statutes and ordinances2 that the Lord our God has commanded you?’


You shall tell your children, ‘We were Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt, but the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand,


And the Lord performed before our eyes great and harmful signs and wonders in Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his household.


The Lord brought us out from there, so as to bring us in, and give us the land that he swore to our ancestors.

‘with testings’: the Hebrew text has ‘at Massah’ (i.e., ‘at the Testing’). This place was so named because the Israelites had tested the Lord there (Exod 17:7). 1

‘statutes and ordinances’: although the Mosul MS has the sg. for both nouns, the plural is given here (as in the Leiden edition = MT). 2



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬




‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܒ ܶܐ ݂ܰܙܕܗܪ ܕ ܳܠ ܬܶܛܥܶܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ݂ܰܕ ܐܦ ܳܩܢܟ ܶܡܢ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝܢ ‪ܶ :‬ܡܢ ܶܒܝܢܢܬ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܒܕܘܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܕ ݂ܰܚܠ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܗ ܦܠܘܚ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܝܡܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܶܗܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܢܶܐ ܕܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕ ݂ܰܪܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܕ ܠ ܬܐܙܠܘܢ ܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܗ ܶܡܛܠ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܠܢ ݂ܰܗܐ ܗܘ ݂ܰܛ ܳܢ ܳܢܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܒ ݂ܰܓܢ ܳܘܟ‪ .‬ܕܠ ܢܶܬ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܡܢܬ ܪܘܓܢܙܶܗ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ݂ܰܘܢܘܒ ܳܕܟ ܶܡ ܐ ܶܦܝܗ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܘ ܳܠ ܬܢ ݂ܰ ܣܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰܢܣܝܬܘܢ ܒܢܶܣܝ ܘܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܣܗܕ ܳܘܬܶܗ‪ܳ :‬ܘܢܡܘ ݂ܰܣܘܗܝ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܙ ܶܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܛܪܘ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝ ܚ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܕ ݂ܰܫܦܝܪ ݂ܰܘܬ ܪܝܨ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܕܢܶܛܐܒ ܳܠܟ ܘܬܥܘܠ ܘܬ ݂ܰܐܪܬ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܛܒ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܛ ܘܢܶܬ ݂ܰܒܪ ܠܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܒܥ ܶܠܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝܟ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܚܪ‪ :‬ܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ݂ܰܢܫܐ ܳܠܟ ܒ ܳܪܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܟ ܳܡ ܳܢܐ ܗܝ ܳܣܗܕܘܬܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܢܡܘ ܶܣܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܕܝ ܢܶܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶܩܕܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܐ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܪ ݂ܰܠܒ ܳܪܟ ܕܥ݂ܰܒ ܶܕܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝ ܕ ܶܦܪܥܘܢ ܒ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪݂ܰ .‬ܘܐܦ ݂ܰܩ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܕܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬܩܝܦܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪܬܐ ݂ܰܪܘܪ ܳܒܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܒܝ ܳܫܬܐ ܒ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪ :‬ܒ ܶܦܪܥܘܢ ݂ܰܘܒܟ ܶܠܗ‬ ‫ܟܒ ܘܥܒܕ ܡܪܝ ܐ ܐܬܘܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܕ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܝܬܗ ܠ ܥ ݂ܰܢܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠ ݂ܰܐ ܶܦܩ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܓ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܠ ܘܢܶܬܠ ܠ ܐܪܥܐ ܕ‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

These are the commandments, the statutes, and the ordinances, which the Lord your God has commanded me to teach you to observe in the land that you are about to cross into and occupy,

So you and your children and your grandchildren may revere the Lord your God, and keep all his commandments and statutes and ordinances that I am commanding you, all the days of your life, so that your days may be prolonged.


Hear, O Israel, and diligently observe them, that it may go well with you, and that you may increase greatly as the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has promised you, so that he might give you a land flowing with milk and honey.

Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one.1

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your possessions.2

These words that I am commanding you today shall be in your heart.

Recite them to your children, and talk about them when you remain at home and when you travel abroad, when you lie down and when you rise.

Bind them as a sign on your hand, and as an emblem on your forehead.3

Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.


When the Lord your God brings you into the land that he swore to give to your ancestors, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob — to give you great and prosperous cities you have not built,


Houses filled with all sorts of goods you did not fill, hewn cisterns that you not hew, vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant — and when you have eaten and are satisfied, ‘The Lord is our God, the Lord is one’: this may also be rendered: ‘The Lord our God is one Lord’. 2 ‘your possessions’: see Introduction, Addendum 6. 1


‘on your forehead’: lit. ‘between your eyes’.


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬




‫ܨܚ ܕ‬ ‫‪‬‬














‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬


‫ܩܕܢܢܢܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܢܐ ܳܘܢܡܘ ܶܣܢܐ ܘܕܝ ܢܶܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܠܦܟܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕܬܥܒܕܘܢ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܥܳܐܠܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܳܠܗ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܬܶܕܚܠܘܢ ܶܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܛܪܘܢ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ‪ܳ :‬ܘܢܡܘ ݂ܰܣܢܘܗܝ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܕܝ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ݂ܰܘܒ ܳܪܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܪ ܒ ܳܪܟ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ݂ܰܡܝ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝ ܝܟ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕܢܶܣܓܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܛܪ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ‪ :‬ܕܢܶ ݂ܰܛܐܒ ܳܠܟ ܘܬܶܣ ܶܓܐ ܳܛܒ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܢܟ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܠ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܪܕܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܚܠ ܳܒܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܕܒ ܳܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳܐܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ ܕܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫ ݂ܰܡܥ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ܳ :‬ܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܚܕ ܗܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܟ ܳܠܢܗ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܢܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܶܡ ܟ ܶܠܢܗ ܶܠ ܳܒܢܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܚܡ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܟ ܶܠܢܗ‬ ‫ܶܩ ܳܢܝ ܳܢܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܢܶܗܘܘܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܶܠ ܳܒܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܬܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܢܳ ܐ ܶܐܢܘܢ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢܝܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܐ ܳܕ ܐܙܶܠ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶܠ ܒܗܘܢ ܳܡܐ ܕܝܳܬܒ ܐܢܬ ܒܒ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ܳܕ ܶܡܟ ݂ܰܐܢܬ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰܐܢܬ‪ .‬ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ܳܩܐܡ ܐܢܬ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܩܛܘܪ ܶܐܢܘܢ ܳܐ ܳܬܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐ ܳܝܕܟ ܘܢܶܗܘܘܢ ܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܡܐ ܶܒܝܬ ܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܟܬܘܒ ܐܢܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐܣܟ ܳܦܬܐ ܕ ܳܒܬܝܟ ܘܥ݂ܰܠ ܬܪܥ݂ܰܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܬܠ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܠܒܢ ܳܪ ܳܗܡ‪:‬‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝܟ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ܐܥܠܟ ܡܪܝ ܐ ܐܠܗܟ ܠܪܥܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܬܠ ܠܟ ܩܘܪܝ ܐ ܕܪܘܪܒ ܘܛܒ ܕܠ ܒܢܝܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܣܚܩ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܝܥܩܘܒ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܠܝܬ‪ :‬ܘܓܘ ܶܒܐ ܚܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܪܐ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܦܢܪܬ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܪܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܡܠܝ ܟܠ ܛܒ‬ ‫ܘܒ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܙ ܝܬܐ ܕܠ ܢܨܒܬ‪ :‬ܘܬܐܟܘܠ ܘܬܣܒܥ‪.‬‬




And you said, ‘See, the Lord our God has shown us his glory and greatness, and we have heard his voice from the midst of the fire. Today we have seen that, though God may speak with people, they still live.


So now why should we die? For this great fire will consume us. If we hear the voice of the Lord our God any longer we shall die.


For what mortal ever heard the voice of the living God speaking from the midst of the fire, as we did, and lived?


Draw closer and listen to all that the Lord our God says to you, so that you may tell us everything that the Lord our God says to you, and we will listen and do it.’


The Lord heard your words when you spoke to me, and the Lord said to me, ‘I have heard the voice of the people, and the words they have spoken to you. All that they have spoken is fitting.


If only they would be of this mind to revere me, and to keep all my commandments always, so that it might go well with them and with their children forever!


Go, say to them, “Return to your tents.”


But as for you, stand here by me, and I will tell you all my statutes, and my commandments and ordinances that you shall teach them, so that they may do them in the land which I am giving them to possess.’


Keep them diligently as the Lord your God has commanded you. You shall not turn aside to the right or to the left.


You shall follow only the path that the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live, and that it may go well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land you are to possess.








‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫ܐܡܪܬܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܗܐ ݂ܰܚܘܝ݂ܰ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ ܫܢܘܒ ܶܚܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܪܒܢܘܬܶܗ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܩ ܶܠܢܗ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܢ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܓܘ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ .‬ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙܝ ܕ ݂ܰܡ ܶܠ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܐ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ ݂ܰܘܚ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳܢܐ ܳܡܝܬ ݂ܰܝܢܢ ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܐܟ ݂ܰܠܢ ܢܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܗ ܶܡܟܝܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ ݂ܰܪܒܢܬܐ‪ .‬ܐܢ ݂ܰܡܢܘܣܦ ݂ܰܝܢ ܬܘܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ ܳܡܝܬ ݂ܰܝܢ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܘ ݂ܰܡܢܘ ܶܓܝܪ ݂ܰܒܪ ܶܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܠ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܚ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܟ ܳܘ ݂ܰܬܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܡ ܶܠ ܶܡ ݂ܰܓܘ‬ ‫ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܘܚ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܢ ݂ܰܗܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܢܢܬ ܬ ݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܳܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܙ ܩܪܘܒ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܠ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܘܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰܡ ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܳܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬܘܢ ܠܝ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܳܩ ܳܶܠ ܕ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܝ ܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܚ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ܠܢܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܫܡܥ ܶܬ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ܕܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡܐ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܘ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܫܦܝܪ ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܕ ݂ܰܡܺܠܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܶܠ ܳܒܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܟܛ ܶܐܫܬܘܦ ܶܕܝ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܛܪ ܟܠ ܢܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܠܡܕ ݂ܰܚܠ ܩܕܡܝ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ :‬ܕܢܶ ݂ܰܛܐܒ ܠ ܗܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܗܘܢ ܠ ܥܳ ݂ܰܠܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܝ‪ :‬ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ ܘܡ‬ ‫ܠ ܙܶܠ ܶܐ ݂ܰܡܪ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܐܬܦ ݂ܰܢܘ ܠܟܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܫܟ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܠܟ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܢܡܘ ݂ܰܣܝ‪ :‬ܘܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܠ ݂ܰܘܐܢܬ ܳܗ ܳܪܟܐ ܩܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܝ‪ :‬ܘܕܝ ݂ܰܢܢܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕܬ ܶܠܦ ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܥܒܕܘܢ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܘ ܐܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶܩܕܟܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ ܘܠ ܬܤܛܢܘܢ ܠ ܠ ݂ܰܝܡ ܳܝܢܢܐ ܘܠ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܛܪܘ ܘ‬ ‫ܶ ܳܳ‬ ‫ܠܣܡܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓ ܒܟ ܳܠܗ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܐ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶܩܕܟܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ ܙܶܠܢܘ‪ :‬ܕܬܐܚܢܘܢ ܘܢܶܛܢܐܒ ܠܟܢܘܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܣܓܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܬܐܪܬܘܢ‪.‬‬




Observe the sabbath day and keep it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you.


Six days you shall labour, and do all your work;


But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work on it — you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your ox or your ass, or any of your livestock, or your sojourners1 within your towns, so that your male or female slave may rest like you.


You shall remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from there with a powerful hand and an upraised arm; therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to keep2 the sabbath day.


Honour your father and mother, as the Lord your God commanded you; that your days may be long, and that it may go well with you, in the good land which the Lord your God is giving you.


You shall not kill.


You shall not commit adultery.


You shall not steal.


You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.


You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife; you shall not covet your neighbour’s house, field or vineyard, his male or female servant, his ox or ass, or anything that is your neighbour’s.’


These words the Lord spoke to the entire assembly on the mountain from the midst of the fire, in the cloud and thick gloom, and with a loud voice to which there was no end.3 He wrote them on two stone tablets and gave them to me.


When you heard the voice from the midst of the darkness, while the mountain was burning with fire, you approached me, all the leaders of your tribes and your elders,

1 2 3

‘your sojourners’: see Introduction, Addendum 7, at 1:16. ‘to keep’: see Introduction, Addendum 7. ‘to which there was no end’: see Introduction, Addendum 7.


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩ ܶܕ ܳܫܝܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܒ ܛܪ ܝܘܡܐ ܕܫܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܬܐ ܝ݂ܰ ܘܡܝ ܬܶܦܠܘܚ‪ :‬ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܟܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ܳܕܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܓ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ‪ .‬ܠ ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܶܒܢܗ ܟܢܠ ܥܒܢܕ‪ :‬ܐܢܢܬ‬ ‫ܝܕ ܘܝܘܡܐ ܕܫܒܥܐ ܫܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡ ܢ ܳܪܟ ܘܟ ܳܠ ܢܗ ܒܥܝܢܢܪܟܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܳܘܪܟ ݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܢܪܬܟ ܘܥܒ ܢܕܟ ܘܐܡܢܢܬܟ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܒ ܢ ܳܪܟ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܥܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܕ ܐܝܬ ܒܩܘܪܝܳܟ‪ .‬ܕܢܶܬܬܢ ܝ ܚ ܥ݂ܰܒ ܳܕܟ ݂ܰܘܐܡܬܟ ܐܟ ܳܘܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬ ܒ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܦ ܳܩܢܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܗ ܶܘܐܬ ݂ܰܕܟܪ ܕܥ݂ܰܒ ܳܕܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܶܡܢ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡܢ ‪ :‬ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܢܕܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰܛܢܪ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܳܪܥܳܐ ܳܪ ܳܡܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܬܩܝܦ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܫܒܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܘ ܝ݂ܰ ݂ܰܩܪ ݂ܰܠܒܘܟ ܶܘܠ ܳܡܟ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪ .‬ܕܢܶܣܓܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܢܘ ݂ܰܡܝܟ ܘܢܶܛܢܐܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܛܒܬܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܳܠܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܙ ܠ ܬܩܛܘܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝ ܚ ܠ ܬܓܘܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܛ ܠ ܬܓܢܘܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟ ܳܠ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܣܗܕ ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܚܒ ܳܪܟ ܳܣܗܕܘܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳܓܠܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ ܕ ݂ܰܚܒ ܳܪܟ ܳܘܠ ݂ܰܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܠܗ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܡܢܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܟܐ ܠ ܬ ݂ܰܪ ܓ ܐܢܬܬܗ ܕ ݂ܰܚܒ ܳܪܟ ܠ ܬ ݂ܰܪ ܓ ܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܢܢܬܗ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܗ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡܢܢ ܶܪܗ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܟܢܢܠ ܶܡܢܢ ܶܕܡ ܕ ܐܝܢܢܬ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܥܒܢܢܕܗ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܚܒ ܳܪܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܶܡܢ ݂ܰܓܢܘ ܢܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܬܐ ܒܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܟܒ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܶܦܬ ܳܓܡܐ ݂ܰܡ ܶܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܟ ܳܠܗ ܟܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܦܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ܳܩܶܠ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܐ ܕ ݂ܰܠܝܬ ܶܠܗ ܳܣ ܳܟܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܟܬܒ ܐܢܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ ܬܪܬܝܢ‬ ‫ܒܥܢ ܢܐ ܘܒܥ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠ ܘ ܶܚܐ ܕܟܐܦܐ‪ :‬ܘܝ݂ܰܗܒ ܐܢܘܢ ܠܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܶܡܬ ݂ܰܓܢ ݂ܰܘܙܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒܢܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܛܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܬܘܢ ܳܩܢ ܳܶܠ ܶܡܢ ݂ܰܓܢܘ ܶܚܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܓ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܕ ݂ܰܫܒ ݂ܰܛܝܟܘܢ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܩܪܒܬܘܢ ܠ ܳܘܬܝ ܟܠ ܟܘܢ ܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܣ ݂ܰܒܝ ܟܘܢ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

Moses summoned all Israel and said to them: Hear, O Israel, the statutes and ordinances that I am proclaiming to you1 today, that you may learn them and observe them diligently.2

The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb.

It was not with our ancestors that the Lord made this covenant, but with us, who are all alive here today.

The Lord spoke with you face to face on the mountain from the midst of the fire;

At that time I was standing between the Lord and you, that I might disclose the word of the Lord your God to you, for you were afraid because of the fire and did not go up the mountain. He said:

‘I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery.

You shall not have any other god except me.

You shall not make a graven image, or the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or on the earth beneath, or in the water below the earth.

You shall not bow down to them, or serve them. For I am the Lord your God, an impassioned God, punishing children for the wrongdoing of parents, to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me;


But showing faithful love 3 to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.


You shall not swear falsely by the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold guiltless anyone who swears falsely by his name.

1 2

‘proclaiming to you’: lit. ‘speaking in your ears’. ‘observe them diligently’: lit. ‘observe them and do them’, here and further below.

‘faithful love’ (‫)ܛܝܒܘܬܐ‬: the underlying Hebrew word (‫ )חסד‬is so rich in meaning that it is difficult to render it consistently with one English word. Typical of covenant loyalty, it also includes stability, kindness and enduring love. 3


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬


‫ܫܡܥ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܟ ܶܠܗ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ ܳܢܡܘ ܶܣܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܕܬܐܠܦܘܢ ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܛܪܘܢ ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܥܒܕܘܢ‬

‫݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‬ ‫ܘܕܝ ܢܶܐ ܳܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ ݂ܰܐܩܝܡ ܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܐ ܒܚܘܪܝܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܚܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܢ ܕ ܳܗ ܳܪܟܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܶܐ ܳܠ ܥ݂ܰ ݂ܰܡ ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܳܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܥ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰܐ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ݂ܰܐܩܝܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܢ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܓܘ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ ݂ܰܐܦܝ ݂ܰܡ ܶܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܥ݂ܰܡܟܘܢ ܒܛ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܦܝ ܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܘ ܳܐܢܐ ܳܩܐܶܡ ܗܘܝܬ ܶܒܝܬ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܘܠܟܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܶ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܚ ܶܘܝܟܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܢܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܣܠܩܬܘܢ ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܳܘܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܟܕ ܕ ܶܚܠܬܘܢ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܩܬܟ ܶܡ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ܶܒܝܬ ܥ݂ܰܒܕܘܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܢܐ ܐܢܐ ܡܪܝ ܐ ܐܠܗܟ ܕ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܠܟ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗ ܐܚܪܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܒܪ ܶܡܢܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܠܟ ܨ ܶܠܡ‪ :‬ܘܟܠ ܕܡܘ‪ :‬ܕ ܐܝܬ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ܶܡ ܠ ܥ ܶܠ‪ :‬ܘܕ ܐܝܬ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܠܬܚܬ‪ :‬ܘܕ ܐܝܬ ܒ ݂ܰܡܝܐ ܠܬܚܬ ܶܡ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠ ܬܣܓܘܕ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܦܠܘܚ ܐܢܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܶܕ ܳܐܢܐ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܣܢܐܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܛ ܳܢ ܳܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܦ ݂ܰܪܥ ݂ܰܚܘ ܶܒܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳܐܒܗܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܐ ݂ܰܠܬ ܳܠܬܐ ܘܠܪܒܥܳܐ ܳܕ ܪܝ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ܳܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ݂ܰܠܠ ݂ܰܦܝ ܳܕ ܶܪܐ ܠ ܳܪ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܪܝ ܦܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܢܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܥܒܕ ܐܢܐ ܛܝܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܐ ݂ܰܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܙ ܶܟܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܢ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܟ ܒܕ ܓܠ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕܝܳ ܶܡܐ ݂ܰܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܒ ݂ܰܕ ܳܓܠܘܬܐ‪.‬‬




One of these was Bezer in the wilderness in the lowland for the Reubenites; and another was Ramoth in Gilead for the Gadites; and Golan in Matnin for the Manassites.


This is the law that Moses set before the Israelites.


These are the testimonies, statutes and ordinances, which Moses spoke to the Israelites, when they had come out of Egypt,


Beyond the Jordan, in the valley opposite Beth-peor, in the land of King Sihon of the Amorites, who dwelt at Heshbon, whom Moses and the Israelites killed, when they came out of Egypt.


They took possession of his land, and the land of King Og of Matnin, the two kings of the Amorites, who were beyond the Jordan toward the rising of the sun,


From Adoer, which is on the bank of the wadi Arnon, as far as Mount Sirion — that is Hermon —


And all the Arabah beyond the Jordan eastward, as far as the sea of the Arabah, which is beneath Ashdod1 and Pisgah.


‘Ashdod’: see Introduction, Addendum 3, at 3:17.



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬





‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܶܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܢܬܐ ܕܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܝܢܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܚܢܪܬܐ ܳܪ ݂ܰܡܢܬ‬ ‫ܢܗܝ ܒܢܘܨܪ ܕܒܡܕܒܢܪܐ ܒܐܪܥܢܐ ܕܦܩ‬ ‫ܶܓܠ ܥܳܕ ܕ ܳܓܕ‪ :‬ܘܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܶܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ܕ ܳܣܡ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܗ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܳܣܗܕ ܳܘ ܳܬܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܢܡܘ ܶܣܐ‪ :‬ܘܕܝ ܢܶܐ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܡ ܶܠ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܟܢܕ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦܩܘ ܶܡ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܶܠ ܠܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ ܶܒܝܢܬ ܦܥܢܘܪ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܣܝ ܚܢܘܢ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܢܐ‬ ‫ܡܘ ܒܥ ܶܒ ܳܪܐ ܕܝܘܪܕܢ ‪ :‬ܒܢ‬ ‫ܳ ܳܶ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܒ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒ ܶܚܫܒܘܢ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܩ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܟܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܛܠܗ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܦܩܘ‬ ‫ܕ ܐܡܘܪܝ ܐ ܕܝ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܪܬܘ ݂ܰܐܪܥ ܶܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܥܘܓ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝ ‪ :‬ܬ ܶܪܝ ݂ܰܡܠ ܶܟܐ ܳܕ ܐܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܙ ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ܶܐ ݂ܰܕܒܥ ܶܒ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫ܕܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ݂ܰܡܕ ܳܢ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ ܠܛܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܶܠ ܳܕ ܐܪܢܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܣܪܝܢܘܢ ܗܘܝܢܘ‬ ‫ܡܚ ܶܡ ܥ݂ܰܕ ܳܘܥܝܪ ܕܥ݂ܰܠ ܣܦܬܐ ܕܢ‬ ‫ܶܚܪܡܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܛ ܘܟ ܳܠܗ ܥܳ ܳܪ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰܕܒܥ ܶܒ ܳܪܐ ܕܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ܶܡ ݂ܰܡܕ ܳܢܚܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ݂ܰܝ ܳܡܢܐ ܕܥܳ ܳܪ ܳܒܢܐ ݂ܰܕܬ ܶܚ ܝܢܬ‬ ‫ܳܐܫܕܘܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܓܐ‪.‬‬




Or have they tried a god1 who went and took a people for himself from the midst of another nation by trials, by signs and wonders, by war, by a powerful hand and an upraised arm, and by great spectacles,2 such as all that the Lord your God did to Egypt before your very eyes?


You have seen and you know that the Lord is God, and there is no other apart from him.


From heaven he made you hear his voice for your instruction, and on earth he showed you his great fire; and from the midst of that fire you heard his words.


And, because he loved your ancestors, he chose their descendants after them, and brought you out of Egypt with his presence, by his great power,


Destroying3 before you nations greater and mightier than you, to bring you in and give you their land for an inheritance, as is the case today.


You must acknowledge today and turn your heart (to it): the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; apart from him there is no other.


Keep his statutes, and his commandments, which I command you today, that it may go well with you, and with your children after you, and that you may prolong days in the land which the Lord your God is giving you for all time.



Then Moses set apart three cities beyond the Jordan toward the rising of the sun,


To which a homicide might flee, one who unintentionally slays his neighbour while not having hated him in the past,4 and that fleeing to one of these cities he might live.

‘have they tried a god’: see Introduction, Addendum 3. ‘spectacles’: see Introduction, Addendum 3. 3 ‘destroying’: for P’s tendency to (over)use the verbal form √‫ܐܒܕ‬, see Introduction, Addendum 1, at 1:27. 1 2


‘in the past’: lit. ‘yesterday and the day before yesterday’.



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬





‫ܠܕ ݂ܰܐܘ ݂ܰܢܣܝܢܢܘ ݂ܰܠ ܳܠܢ ܳܗܐ ܶܕ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܣܢܒ ܶܠܢܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ ܶܡܢ ݂ܰܓܢܘ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ‪ :‬ܒܢܶܣܝܘܢܶܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܡܪ ܳܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܒܕ ܳܪܥܳܐ ܳܪ ܳܡܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ܶܚ ܳܙܘܢܶܢܐ‬ ‫ܐܝܕܐ ܬܩܝܦ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܶܒܐ‪ :‬ܘܒ‬ ‫ܘܒܐܬܘܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܪܘܪ ܶܒܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ܟܠ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐܠܗܟܘܢ ܠܡܨܪܝ ܶܐ ܠ ܥܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܚܙܝܬܘܢ ܘܝܳܕܥܝܬܘܢ ܕ ܳܡܪܝ݂ܰ ܐ ܗܘ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠܝܬ ܬܘܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܗ ݂ܰܐܢܬܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܒܪ ܶܡܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳܠ ܦܘܬܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰܢܠ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܢܐ ݂ܰܚܘܝܟܢܘܢ ܢܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܟܘܢ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܘ ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܗ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܬܘܢ ܶܡ ݂ܰܓܘ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܘܗܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܪܒ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܦܩܟܢܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܦܪܨ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܪܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܦܢܗ‬ ‫ܪܚܡ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܢܘܢ ܓ ܳܒܢܐ ܠ ݂ܰܙܪܥܢܗܘܢ ܒܢ‬ ‫ܠܙ ܘܒܕ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܚ ܝܶܠ ܪ ܳܒܐ ܶܡ ܶܡܨܪܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܚ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܕܘ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܢܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܪܘܪܒܝܢ ܘܥ݂ܰܫܝܢܝܢ ܶܡܢܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܢ ܥ ܶܠ ܟܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܢܶܬܠ ܠܟܘܢ ܐܪܥܗܘܢ ܝ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܦܢܘܢ ܶܠܒܟܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܡܪܝ݂ܰ ܢܐ ܗܘ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܢ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܢܐ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫ܠܛ ܘܬܕܥܘܢ ܝܘܡܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬܚܬ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠܝܬ ܬܘܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܒܪ ܶܡܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠ ܥ ܶܠ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰܠ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܶܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡ ݂ܰܛܪܘ ܳܢܡܘ ݂ܰܣܘܗܝ ܘܦܘܩ ܳܕ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܠܟܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܕܢܶܛܢܐܒ ܠܟܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܘܢ ܳܒܬܪܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܣܓܢܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܢܘ ܳܡܬܐ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ ܠܟܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ‪.‬‬

‫ܨܚ ܓ‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫ܝܕܝ ܦ ݂ܰܪܫ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܬ ܳܠܬ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ ܒܥ ܶܒ ܳܪܐ ܕܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ݂ܰܡܕ ܳܢ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܐ ܳܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳܡ ܳܩܛ ܳܘܠ ܕܢܶܩܛܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܚܒ ܶܪܗ ܕܠ ܒܨܶܒ ܳܝ ܢܶܗ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܳܣܢܶܐ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܠܗ‬ ‫ܡܒ ܕܢܶܥܪܘܩ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܶܐܬ ܳܡܠܝ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܢܬ ܳܡܠܝ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܥܪܘܩ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܶܡ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܐ ܶܚܐ‪.‬‬




Be careful lest you forget the covenant of the Lord your God that he made with you and you act corruptly, making for yourselves graven images and forms of anything that the Lord your God has forbidden you.


For the Lord your God is a devouring fire, he is an impassioned God.


When you have had children and grandchildren, and have grown old in the land, should you act corruptly,1 and make graven images and forms of anything, and do what is evil before the Lord your God, provoking him to anger,


I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that you will soon completely perish from the land that you are crossing the Jordan today to possess; you will not prolong days on it, but you will indeed perish.


The Lord will scatter you among the nations, and you will be left few in number among the nations to which the Lord will scatter you.


There you will serve gods, the work of human hands, wood and stone, which neither see nor hear nor eat nor smell.


From there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find him if you search for him with all your heart and soul.


When you are in distress, and all these things have come upon you, in the latter days you will return to the Lord your God and listen to his voice.


For the Lord your God is a merciful God; he will not destroy or abandon you, or forget the covenant that he swore to your ancestors.


But ask now about former times which came before you, ever since the day that God created humankind on the earth, (ask) from one end of heaven to the other whether there has been anything like this great occurrence, or has its like ever been heard of?


Has any other people ever heard the voice of a god speaking out of the midst of a fire, as you have heard, and lived?


‘you act corruptly’: see Introduction, Addendum 2.



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬









‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܓ ܶܐ ݂ܰܙܕܗܪܘ ܕ ܳܠ ܬܶܛܥܢܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܶܡܢܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ ݂ܰܕ ܐܩܝܢܡ ܥ݂ܰܡܟܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܬ ݂ܰܚܒܠܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܡ ܳܘܬܐ‪ :‬ܕܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶܩܕܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܬܥܒܕܘܢ ܠܟܘܢ ܨܠܡܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܠ ݂ܰܗܐ ܗܘ ܛ ܳܢ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܗܘ ܐܟ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ܢܕ ܬܘܠ ܢܢܕܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܐܘ ܒ ݂ܰܢܢܢܝ ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܥܬܩܢܢܘܢ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳ ܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܬ ݂ܰܚܒܠܢܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܟܗ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܥܒܢܕܘܢ ܨܠܡܢܐ ܘܕܡܢܘܬܐ ܕܟܢܠ ܡܢܕܡ‪ :‬ܘܬܥܒܢܕܘܢ ܕܒܝܢܫ ܩܢܕܡ ܡܪܝ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܘܬܪܓܙܘܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܕܬ ܒܟܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܘ ݂ܰܣ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰܘܐܪܥܳܐ‪ :‬ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܒܕ ܳܐܒܕܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܓܠ ܶܡ ܐܪܥܳܐ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܕܥܳܒܪܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܝܢܘܪܕ ܳܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ ܠܡܢܐܪܬܗ‪ .‬ܘܠ ܬܣܓܢܘܢ ܒܢܗ ܝ ܢܘܡܬܐ‪ :‬ܐܠ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܒܕ ܬܐܒܕܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܙ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰܢܒ ݂ܰܕܪܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܒܝܬ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܫܬܚܪܘܢ ݂ܰܩܠܝܠ ܒ ܶܡ ܳܢܝ ܳܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܒܝܬ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܢܒ ݂ܰܕܪܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠܬ ܳܡ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܚ ܘܬܶܦܠ ܚܘܢ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ݂ܰܠ ܳܠ ܶܗܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܐ‪ :‬ܕܠ ܳܚܙܶܝ ܘܠ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܐܝ ܕܝ ܐ ܕܒܢܝ ܐܢܫܐ‪ :‬ܕܩܝܣܐ ܘܕܟ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܫܡܥܝ ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܐܟܠܝ ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܡܪܝ ܚ ܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܫܟܚܘܢܶܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܟܕ ܬܥ݂ܰܩܒܢܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܛ ܘܬܶܒܥܘܢܶܗ ݂ܰܬ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܢܘܗܝ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫ܟ ܶܠܗ ܶܠܒܟܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܢܦܫܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠ ܳܡܐ ܕܥܳ ݂ܰܩܬ ܠܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡܛܝܟܘܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡܐ ܒ ݂ܰܚܪܬܐ ܕܝ݂ܰ ܢܘ ܳܡܬܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܬܦܢܘܢ ܠ ܳܘܬ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܘܬܫܡܥܘܢ ܒ ܳܩ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠ ܶܡܛܢܢܢܠ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܠܢܢܢ ݂ܰܗܐ ܗܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡ ܳܢܢܢܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܢܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܠ ݂ܰܢܚ ܶܒܠ ܟܢܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܠ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܶܫܒܘܩܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶܛܥ ܶܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܶܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܰܩܕ ܳܡܝܶܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܐ ݂ܰܕܒܢ ܳܪܐ ܐ ܳܠܢ ܳܗܐ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܐܠ ݂ܰܫܐܠܘ ܥܠ ܝ ܘܡ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ݂ܰܣܘ ݂ܰܦܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܐܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܠܣܘ ݂ܰܦܝ ܫܡܝܢܐ‪ :‬ܐܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܐ‪ :‬ܐܘ ܐܫܬ ݂ܰܡܥ ܐܟ ܳܘܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܢܥ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡ ܢܐ ܐܚܪ ܳܢ ܢܐ ܳܩ ܶܠ ܢܗ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܠ ܢ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓ ܶܐܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܐܝܢܢܟ‬ ‫ܡܡ ܢ ܶܠ ܶܡ ܢ ݂ܰܓ ܢܘ ܢ ܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܬܘܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ݂ܰܘܚ ݂ܰܝ ܝܬܘܢ‪.‬‬




You drew near and stood at the bottom of the mountain. The mountain was blazing with fire to the heart of heaven, with darkness, cloud and thick gloom.


The Lord spoke with you on the mountain from the midst of the fire. You heard the voice that was speaking, but you saw no form; there was only a voice.


He revealed his covenant to you, which he commanded you to keep — the Ten Commandments — and he wrote them on two stone tablets.


The Lord commanded me at that time that I should teach you the statutes and ordinances that you must observe in the land that you are about to cross into to possess.


Be most careful for your own sakes — since you did not see any form on the day that the Lord spoke with you in Horeb from the midst of the fire —


Lest you act corruptly and make graven images or forms of any kind, the form of male or female,


The form of any animal that is on the earth, the form of any winged bird that flies in the sky,


The form of anything that creeps on the ground, the form of any fish that is in the water under the earth;


And lest, on lifting up your eyes to heaven and seeing the sun, the moon and the stars, even all the host of heaven, you be drawn away to worship and serve them, (entities) that the Lord your God has allotted to all the peoples under heaven.


But it was you that the Lord took and led out of the iron furnace, out of Egypt, that you might become his people and possession, as is the case today.


The Lord was angry with me on your account, and swore that I should not cross this Jordan and enter the good land that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance.


For I must die in this land. I shall not cross this Jordan, but you will cross it and possess this good land that the Lord your God is giving you.


‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬

‫ܘܪܐ ܶܡܬ ݂ܰܓܢ ݂ܰܘܙܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒܢܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܛܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܡܢܬܘܢ ݂ܰܒܫܦܢܘ ݂ܰܠܝ ܛܢ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܪܒܬܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ܶܠ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܦܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܢ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܥ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܶܡܢ ݂ܰܓܢܘ ܢܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܥ݂ܰܡܟܢܘܢ ܒܛܢ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܳ :‬ܩܢܶܠ ܕ ݂ܰܡܡܠܢܢܶܠ ܳܫܡܥܝܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܗ ݂ܰܘܝܬܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕܡܘܬܐ ܠ ܳܚܙܶܝ ܗ ݂ܰܘܝܬܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܠ ܐܢ ܳܩܶܠ ݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܶܡܗ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶܩܕܟܘܢ ܕܬܶܥܒܢܕܘܢ ܥ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܘܝܟܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܢܪܐ ܶܦܬ ܳܓܡܝܢ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܟܢܬܒ ܐܢܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰܬܪܬܶܝ ܠ ܘ ܶܚܐ ܕܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕܢܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠܝ ݂ܰܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܠܦܟܘܢ ܳܢܡܘ ܶܣܐ ܘܕܝ ܢܶܢܐ‪ :‬ܕܬܥܒܢܕܘܢ ܐܢܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܥܳܒܪܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܠܬ ܳܡ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ‪ :‬ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐ ݂ܰܙܕܗܪܘ ܳܛܒ ܒ ݂ܰܢܦܫܟܘܢ ܶܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܢ ܶܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܚܙܝܬܘܢ ܕܡ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰܡܟܘܢ ܒܚܘܪܝܒ ܶܡ ݂ܰܓܘ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܡ ܳܘܬܐ ܕܟܠ ܓܢܶܣ‪ :‬ܕܡܢܘܬܐ ܕ ܶܕܟܢ ܳܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܕܠ ܬ ݂ܰܚܒܠܘܢ ܘܬܥܒܕܘܢ ܠܟܘܢ ܨܠܡܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘ ܕܢܶܩܒܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܕܟܠ ܒܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܢܬܐ ܕ ܶܓ ܳܦܢܐ ܕ ܳܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܚܢܐ‬ ‫ܝܪܐ ܕ ܐܝܬ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ‪ :‬ܕܡܘܬܐ ܕܟܢܠ ܦܪ‬ ‫ܕܡ‬ ‫݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ܕܟܠ ݂ܰܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܫܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪ :‬ܕܡܘܬܐ ܕܟܠ ܢ ܘܢܶܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܕܠܬܚܬ ܶܡ ܐܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܡ‬ ‫ܘܣܢܢ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܕ ܳܠ ܬ ܪܝܡ ܢܘܢ ܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟܢܢܘܢ ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫ ܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܬܶܚܢܢܙܘܢ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܪܐ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܰܟܘܟ ܶܒܢܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܟܠ ܗܘܢ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ݂ܰܠ ܳܘ ܳܬܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ .‬ܘܬܛܥܘܢ ܘܬܣܓܕܘܢ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܦܠ ܚܢܘܢ ܐܢܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶܠܓ ܶܐܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܠܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܐ ݂ܰܕܬ ܶܚ ܝܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܩܟܘܢ ܶܡ ܟ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠܟܘܢ ݂ܰܩ ܶܪܒ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܦܪܙܠ ܶܡ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝܢ ‪ :‬ܕܬܗܘܘܢ ܶܠܢܗ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܐ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܡܐ ܘܝܪܬ‬ ‫ܪܓܙ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡܛܠ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܝ ܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܐ ܕ ܳܠ ܶܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܪ ܝܢܘܪܕ ܳܢ ܳܗ ܳܢܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܐܥܘܠ ܠܪܥܳܐ ܛܒܬܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܠܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܶܕ ܳܐܢܐ ܳܡܐܬ ܐ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܥܳ ݂ܰܒܢܪ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܝܢܘܪܕ ܳܢ ܳܗ ܳܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܐܢܢܬܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܕܝܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܳܒܪܝܢ ܐܢܢܢܬܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܝܳܪܬܝܢ ܐܢܢܢܬܘܢ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ ܛܒܢܬܐ ܕܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ ܠܟܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

Ch. 

Chapter  II


Therefore, Israel, hear the statutes1 and ordinances that I am teaching you today to observe, that you may live, and enter and possess the land which the Lord, the God of your ancestors, is giving you.

You shall not add to the commandment, which I enjoin upon you, nor shall you subtract from it, but keep the commandment of the Lord your God which I am commanding you.

Your own eyes have seen all that the Lord did to Baal-peor — for the Lord your God destroyed from your midst everyone who followed Baal-peor,

While you who held fast to the Lord your God are all alive now today.

See, just as the Lord my God commanded me, I have taught you the statutes and ordinances that you should observe in the land you are about to enter to possess.

You must faithfully observe them,2 for that will show your wisdom and discernment to the nations, who on hearing all of these statutes, will say that this great nation is wise and discerning.

For what other great nation has a god so near to it as the Lord our God is whenever we call on him?

Or what great nation is there, that has statutes and ordinances as righteous as all this law, which I am setting before you today?

Only be most careful and watch yourselves closely, lest you forget all the things that your eyes have seen, or lest they vanish from your heart all the days of your life. You shall make them known to your children and your grandchildren —


The day you stood before the Lord your God in Horeb, when the Lord said to me, ‘Gather the people before me, that I may let them hear my words, so that they may learn to revere me all the days they live upon the earth, and that they may teach their children.’ ‘statutes’: the Peshiṭta generally uses the plural as ‫ ܢܡܘ̈ܣܐ‬to render ‫‘ חקים‬statutes’, and the singular ‫ܢܡܘܣܐ‬, when referring to the Torah. 1


‘faithfully observe them’: lit. ‘keep and observe them’ (here and further below).


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬


‫ܨܚ ܒ‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫ܶܡܟܝܠ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܢܘ ܳܢܡܘ ܶܣܢܐ ܘܕܝ ܢܶܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡ ܶܠܢܦ ܐ ܳܢܢܐ ܠܟܢܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ‪ :‬ܕܬܐܚܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܬܥܠܢܘܢ ܘܬܐܪܬܘܢ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ ܠܟܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܢ ܳܗܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܳܐܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܕ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܠ ݂ܰܬܘܣܦܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܠܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬ ݂ܰܒܢܨܪܘܢ ܶܡܢܶܢܗ ܐܠ ܛܢܪܘ‬ ‫ܘܩܕ ܢܶܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܩܕ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܠܟܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܚܙܝ ܝ ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܠܒܥܶܢܠ ܦܥܢܘܪ ܶܡܛܢܠ ܕܟܢܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܶܕ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܳܒܬܪ ܒܥ ܶܠ ܦܥܘܪ‪ :‬ܐܘܒ ܶܕܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܶܡ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܢܬܘܢ ܶܕ ܐܬ ܶܢܩܦܬܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܗܐ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܝ ܐܢܢܬܘܢ ܟܠ ܟܢܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܠ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙܘ ݂ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܠܦܬܟܘܢ ܳܢܡܘ ܶܣܐ ܘܕܝ ܢܶܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܢܢܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܢܗܝ‪ :‬ܕܬܥܒܢܕܘܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܢܘܢ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܥܳܐܠܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܳܠܗ ܠܡܐܪܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܬܶܛܪܘܢ ܘܬܶܥܒܕܘܢ ܶܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܕܗܝ ܗܝ ܶܚܟ ݂ܰܡܬܟܘܢ ܘܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܠ ܟܘܢ ܠ ܥܝ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕܢܶܫܡܥܘܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܢܡܘ ܶܣܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܐܡܪܘܢ ܕ ݂ܰܚܟܝܡ ܗܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣܟܘܠܬܢ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܰܝܢܘ ܶܓܝܪ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܐ ܕ ݂ܰܩܪܝܒ ܶܠܗ ܐ ܳܠ ܶܗܗ‪ :‬ܐܝܟ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ ܒܟܠ ܕ ܳܩ ܶܪ ݂ܰܝܢܢ‬ ‫ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܝܢܘ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܐ ܕ ܐܝܬ ܶܠܗ ܳܢܡܘ ܶܣܐ‪ :‬ܘܕܝ ܢܶܐ ݂ܰܙ ܕ ܝ ܶܩܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ܟ ܶܠܢܗ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣܢܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܐ ݂ܰܙܕܗܪܘ ܛܒ‪ :‬ܘܛܪܘ ݂ܰܢܦ ܳܫܬܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܕܠ ܬܛܥܘܢ ܟܠ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡܢܐ ݂ܰܕܚ ݂ܰܙܝ ܢܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܕܥܘ ܐܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢܶܥܒܪܘܢ ܶܡ ܶܠܒܟܘܢ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ݂ܰܡܝ ݂ܰܚ ݂ܰܝ ܝ ܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕ ܳܩܡܬܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܒܚܘܪܝܒ‪݂ܰ :‬ܟܕ ܐ ݂ܰܡܪ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܟܢܶܢܫ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܫܡܢܥ ܐܢܢܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ݂ܰܡܢܝ‪ :‬ܘܢܐܠܦܢܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝ ܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܕ ݂ܰܚܢܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܢܝ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܝ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝܗܘܢ ݂ܰܢܠ ܦܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



You shall not fear them, for it is the Lord your God who is fighting on your behalf.’


I pleaded with the Lord at that time, saying,


‘I pray, O Lord God, you have begun to show your servant your greatness, and your mighty hand and upraised arm. What god is there in heaven or on earth that can perform deeds and mighty acts like yours?


Let me cross over now, and see the good land that is beyond the Jordan, that good hill country, and the Lebanon.’


But the Lord was angry with me on your account, and would not listen to me. The Lord said to me, ‘Enough! Speak to me no more of this matter.


Go up to the summit of the high place, 1 and look around you eastward2 and westward, northward and southward, and gaze upon it with your own eyes! For you shall not cross this Jordan.


But commission Joshua. Encourage and strengthen him, for he shall cross at the head of this people, and he shall put them in possession of the land that you will see.’


So we remained in the valley opposite Beth-peor.


‘the high place’: see Introduction, Addendum 3.

‘eastward’: P has reordered the sequence of the four compass points. See Introduction, Addendum 7. 2


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬




‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܒ ܠ ܬܕܚܠܘܢ ܶܡܢܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܗܘ ܶܡܬ ݂ܰܟܬܫ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܐ ݂ܰܦܝ ܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܓ ܶܘܐܬ ݂ܰܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܦܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܚ ܳܘܝܢܘ ܠ ܥ݂ܰܒܢ ܳܕܟ ݂ܰܪܒܢܘ ܳܬܟ ܘܐܝܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܒ ܳܒܥܢܘ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܢ ܳܗܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܢܢܬ ݂ܰܫܪܝܢܢܬ ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܕܟ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܘ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ܳܪܥܳܟ ܳܪ ܳܡܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐ ݂ܰܝܢܘ ܶܓܝܪ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ܐܝܢܬ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ‬ ‫ܬܩܝܦ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܝܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܰܕ ܝܟ ݂ܰܘܐܝܟ ܓ ݂ܰܒܪ ܳܘܬܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܰܕܒܥ ܶܒ ܳܪܐ ܕܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪ :‬ܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܳܛ ܳܒܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ܳܢ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܗ ܐܥܒܪ ܗܫܐ ܐܚܙ ܐ ܐܪܥܐ ܛܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܪܓܙ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܡܛ ܳܠܬܟܘܢ ܘܠ ݂ܰܫܡܥ݂ܰܢܝ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܘ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ܳ .‬ܣ ܶܦܩ ܳܠܟ‬ ‫ܳܠ ݂ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܣܦ ܬܘܒ ݂ܰܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܡ ܳܺܠܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܕ ܳܢܚܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܢܬܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܪܝܢܡ ܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܢܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܪܒܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓܪܒ ܳܝܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܟܙ ݂ܰܣܩ ܠ ܪܝܫ ܪ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܚܙܝܗ ܒܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟ ܘܠ ܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܪ ܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ‬ ‫ܟܚ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܝܶ ܳܠܝܗܝ‪ :‬ܘܥ݂ܰ ܶܫ ܳܢܝܗܝ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܗܘ ܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶܩܕ ܠ ܝܶܫܘܥ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܬ ܐܢܘܢ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܬܚܙܶ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗܘ ܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܒ ܒ ݂ܰܢܚܶܠ ܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ ܶܒܝܬ ܦܥܘܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܛ ܘ‬




As for the land we took possession of at that time: from Adoer, which is on the bank of the wadi Arnon, and half the hill country of Gilead and its cities, I gave to Reuben and Gad.


To the half-tribe of Manasseh I gave the rest of Gilead, and all of Matnin, Og’s kingdom. The whole Argob region, all (that part) of Matnin, used to be called a land of giants.


Jair, son of Manasseh, appropriated the whole region of Argob as far as the border of the Geshurites and the Maacathites; he named them — that is Matnin — after himself, or Kaphroneh di-Jair,1 as it is to this day.


To Machir I gave Gilead,


And to Reuben and Gad I gave (the region) from Gilead as far as the wadi Arnon, the middle of the wadi being its border, as far as the Jabbok, the wadi being the border of the Ammonites;


The Arabah also, and the Jordan and its border, from Chinnereth down to the sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, beneath Ashdod,2 and Pisgah which is on the high ground eastward.


At that time I commanded you, saying, ‘The Lord your God is about to give you this land to possess. Armed, you shall cross it ahead of your Israelite kinsfolk — all of you warriors.


Only leave behind your wives, your children and your livestock — for I know that you have much livestock. They shall remain in the cities I have given you,


Until the Lord has given rest to your kinsfolk, as to you, and they too possess the land which the Lord your God is about to give them beyond the Jordan. Then each of you may return to the inheritance I have given you.’


I also commanded Joshua at that time, saying, ‘Your own eyes have seen all that the Lord your God has done to these two kings. So shall the Lord do to all these kingdoms into which you are about to cross.


‘Kaphroneh di-Jair’: the Hebrew name is recorded as ‘Havvoth-jair’ (both phrases translate as ‘the villages of Jair’). The cj. ‫ ܘ‬before Kaphroneh di-Jair is understood here as ‘or’. 2 ‘Ashdod … on the high ground’: see Introduction, Addendum 3.


‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܪܥܳܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ ܝ ܢ ܶܪܬܢ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܶ :‬ܡܢ ܥ݂ܰܕ ܳܘܥܝܢܪ ܕܥ݂ܰܢܠ ܶܣܦܢܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢܚܢܶܠ ܳܕ ܐܪܢܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܠܓܗ ܕܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܕ ܶܓܠ ܥܳܕ‪ :‬ܘܩܘܪܝ ܶܗ‪ :‬ܝ ܶܗ ܶܒܬ ܠ ܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܝܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܓܕ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟ ܢܐ ܕ ܶܓܠ ܥܳ ܢܕ ܘܟ ܳܠ ܢܗ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝ ܢ ‪ܶ :‬ܒܝܢܢܬ ݂ܰܡܠ ܟ ܢܘܬܶܗ ܕܥ ܢܘܓ‪ :‬ܝ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܒ ܢܬ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܶܫܐ‪ :‬ܘܟ ܶܠܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܓܗ ܕ ݂ܰܫܒ ܳܛܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܒܠ ܳܪ ܓܘܒ‪ :‬ܘܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝ ‪ .‬ܗܝ ܗܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡܬ ݂ܰܩܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ݂ܰܪܥ ݂ܰܓܢ ܳܒ ܶܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ ݂ܰܠܬܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܣܢܒ ܶܠܢܗ ܟ ܶܠܢܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܶܫܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܝܳ ܐܝܪ ݂ܰܒܪ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܒܢܠ ܳܪ ܓܢܘܒ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܥܟܬ‪݂ܰ .‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܡܬܢܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ܐܢܶܝ ܥ݂ܰܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܕ ܳܓܫܘܪ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܕ ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܦܪܘܢܶܐ ܕܝܳ ܐܝܪ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܠ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡܟܝܪ ܝ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܒܬ ܶܓܠ ܥܳܕ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܓܕ ܝ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠ ܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܒܬ ܶܡ ܶܓܠ ܥܳܕ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܝܠ ݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܢܶܠ ܳܕ ܐܪܢܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܓܢ ܶܘܗ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ ܠ ܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܶܠ ݂ܰܘܬܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ܳܝ ܳܒܩ ݂ܰܢܚܶܠ ܬܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܥ݂ܰܡܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܢ‬ ‫ܘܥܳ ܳܪ ܳܒܐ‪ :‬ܘܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܬܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܶܡ ܶܟ ݂ܰܢܪܬ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ݂ܰܝ ܳܡܐ ܕܥܳ ܳܪ ܳܒܢܐ ܝ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ ܕ ܶܡܠ ܳܚܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܕܬ ܶܚ ܝܬ ܳܐܫܕܘܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܓܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ܳܪܡܬܐ ܶܡ ݂ܰܡܕ ܳܢܚܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶܩܕܬܟܘܢ ܶܒܗ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ ܶܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬ ܠܟܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ ܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ ܠܟܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܙܝܢܝ ܢ ܐܢ ܢܬܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܪܬܗ‪݂ܰ .‬ܟ ܢܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܕܡ ܐ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܟ ܢܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܢ ܢܝ‬ ‫ܥܒ ܢܪܘ ܩܢ‬ ‫ܐܪܥܳ ܢܐ ܳܗ ܶܕܐ ܠܡ ܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ ܟܠ ܟܘܢ ݂ܰܓܢ ܳܒ ݂ܰܪܝ ݂ܰܚ ܝܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܢܶ ݂ܰܫܝ ܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܐ ݂ܰܝܩܪܬܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒܥܝܪܟܘܢ ܫܒܘܩܘ‪ :‬ܝܳ ݂ܰܕܥ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܶܓܝܢܪ ܕ ܶܩ ܳܢܝ ܳܢܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܣܓ ܳܝܐܐ ܐܝܬ ܠܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܢܶܬܒܘܢ ܒܩܘܪܝܟܘܢ ܕܝ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܒܬ ܠܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܕܢܢܝ ܚ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܠ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܟܘܢ ܐܟ ܳܘܬܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܢܐܪܬܘܢ ܐܦ ܶܗܢܢܘܢ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܝܳܢ ܶܗܒ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܒܥ ܶܒ ܳܪܐ ܕܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܕܝ ܬܗܦܟܢܘܢ ܐ ܳܢܢܫ ܠ ܳܝܢܪܬܘܬܗ‬ ‫ܕܝ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܒܬ ܠܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠ ܝܶܫܘܥ ݂ܰܦܩ ܶܕܬ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܙܝ ܢܝ ܟܢܠ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪܬ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝܢܟ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܠ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܬ ܶܪܝܢ ݂ܰܡܠ ܟܝܢ ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ݂ܰܟ ܳܢܢܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܠ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܟܠ ܶܗܝܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܡܠ ܟ ܳܘܬܐ‪ :‬ܕܥܳܒܪܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܠ ܶܗܝ ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

Then we turned back and travelled up the road to Matnin. King Og of Matnin and all his people came out against us for battle at Erdei.

The Lord said to me, ‘Do not fear him, for I have delivered him and all his people and his land into your power. Do to him as you did to King Sihon of the Amorites, who dwelt at Heshbon.’

So the Lord our God also delivered into our power King Og of Matnin and all his people. We destroyed him and did not leave him any survivor.

We subdued all his cities at that time. We did not leave a city that we did not take from them: sixty cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Matnin.

All these were cities with walls that were strong, and gates and bars that were high, besides a great many unwalled towns.

We destroyed them, as we did regarding King Sihon of Heshbon, destroying every inhabited city completely, as well as the women and children.

But all the livestock and the spoil of the cities we took as booty for ourselves.

Thus we seized at that time from the two Amorite kings the country beyond the Jordan, from the wadi Arnon to Mount Hermon —

The Sidonians call Hermon Sirion, and the Amorites call it Senir —


All the cities of the plain, and all Gilead, and all Matnin, as far as Salchah and Erdei, all these being cities of the kingdom of Og in Matnin.


For only King Og of Matnin remained of the remnant of the giants — his bedstead was an iron bedstead. Indeed it is1 in Rabbah of the Ammonites; its length is nine cubits, and its breadth is four cubits, according to a giant’s cubit.2


‘Indeed it is’: see Introduction, Addendum 7.

‘a giant’s cubit’: the MT features ‘a man’s cubit’. This ‘common cubit’ appears to have been the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, a distance of about 18 inches. 2


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬


‫ܶܘܐܬܦܢܝ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܠܩ ܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦܩ ܥܘܓ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝܢ ܠܘܪܥ݂ܰܢ ‪:‬‬ ‫ܗܘ ܘܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰܒܐܪܕܥܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠܡܬܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܟ ܶܠܢܗ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܬܕ ݂ܰܚܠ ܶܡܢܶܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܒܐܝ ܕܝܟ ܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܬ ܠܣܝ ܚܘܢ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܐ ܳܕ ܐܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܪܥ ܶܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܶܠܗ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ܶܐ ܕܝܳܢܬܒ‬ ‫ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒܚܫܒܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܝܕܢ ܐܦ ܠ ܥܘܓ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܐܫܠܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ ܒ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܪܒ ܳܢܝܗܝ ܳܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒܩ ܶܠܗ ܣܪ ܳܝܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܕ ܳܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܟ ݂ܰܒܫ ܟܠ ܶܗܝ ܩܘܪܝ ܶܗ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܣܒ ܳܢܗ ܶܡܢܢܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܫܒܩ ܩܪ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܫܬܝ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܟ ܶܠܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܒܠ ܳܪ ܓܘܒ‪ܶ :‬ܒܝܬ ݂ܰܡܠ ܟܘܬܗ ܕܥܘܓ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܠ ܶܗܝ ܳܗ ܶܠܝ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ ܕܥ݂ܰܫܝܢܝ ܫܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܗܝܢ ܘܡܢܘܟ ݂ܰܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܗܝ ‪ܳ :‬ܘܪܡܝܢ ݂ܰܬܪܥ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܗܝ ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܛܚܐ ܕܛܒ ݂ܰܣܓܝܐܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܤܛܪ ܶܡ ܩܘܪܝ ܐ ܕܫ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕܢ ܠܣܝ ܚܢܘܢ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܢܐ ܕܚܫܒܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܪܒ ܶܐܢܶܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܢܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܪܒܢ ܟܠ ܶܗܝܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩܘܪܝ ܶܗ ݂ܰܠܓ ܳܡܪ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܫܐ ܘܐܝܩܪܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܙܬܐ ܕܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܒܙܢ ݂ܰܠ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ܳܠܗ ܒܥܝܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܝܢܕܐ ݂ܰܕܬ ݂ܰܪܝܢܗܘܢ ݂ܰܡܠ ܶܟܢܐ ܳܕ ܐܡ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܣܒ ܳܢܗ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ ݂ܰܠܪܥܳܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܢ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ܶܢܐ ݂ܰܕܒܥ ܶܒܢ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܶܠ ܳܕ ܐܪܢܘܢ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܕ ܶܚܪܡܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܝܘܪܕܢ ‪ :‬ܡ ܢ‬ ‫ܠܚܪܡܘܢ ܶܣܪܝܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܘܐܡ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܨ ܝܕ ܳܢ ܝܶܐ ܳܩ ܶܪܝ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ܶܐ ܳܩ ܶܪܝ ܶܠܗ ܳܣܢܝܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܟ ܳܠܗ ܶܓܠ ܥܳܕ‪ :‬ܘܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܠܣܠ ܳܟܢܐ‬ ‫ܟܠ ܶܗܝ ܩܘܪܝ ܐ ܕܦܩ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠܪܕܥܝ‪ :‬ܟܠ ܶܗܝ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܠ ܟܘܬܗ ܕܥܘܓ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܕܘܗܝ ܶܐܫܬ ݂ܰܚܪ ܶܡ ݂ܰܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕܥܘܓ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒܠ ܚ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܟܐ ܕ ݂ܰܓܢ ܳܒܢ ܶܪܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܙܠ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܣܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܐ ܒ ݂ܰܪ ݂ܰܒܢܬ ܗܝ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܢܢܝ ܥ݂ܰܡܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܬ ݂ܰܫܢܥ ܐܡܝܢ‬ ‫ܪܣܢܐ ܗܝ ܕܦܢ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܪܒܥ ܐܡܝ ܦܬܝܳܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒܐܡܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܓܢ ܳܒ ܶܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܘܪܟܗ‪ :‬ܘܐ‬




We subdued all his cities at that time, and destroyed all the towns completely,1 as well as the women and children; we did not leave a single survivor.


We took only the cattle as booty for ourselves, and the spoil of the cities that we had subdued.


From Adoer, on the edge of the wadi Arnon — as well as the town that is in the valley — as far as Gilead, there was no city too strong for us. The Lord our God delivered all of them to us.


But we did not encroach on the land of the Ammonites, all along the bank of the wadi Jabbok, and the cities of the hill country, and everywhere that the Lord our God had commanded us.


‘completely’: see Introduction, Addendum 6.


‫‪ ‬ܠܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܠܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܠܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܠܙ‬

‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܟ ݂ܰܒܫ ܟܠ ܶܗܝ ܩܘܪܝ ܶܗ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܘܒܕܢ ܟܠ ܶܗܝ ܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܠܓ ܳܡܢܪ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܫܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܬܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒܩ ܶܡܢܗܘܢ ܣܪ ܳܝܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܐܝܩ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܒܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܙܬܐ ܕܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܕܟ ݂ܰܒܫ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܪܐ ݂ܰܒܙܢ ݂ܰܠ ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܶܠ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓܠ ܥܳܕ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶܡ ܥ݂ܰܕ ܳܘܥܝܪ ܕܥ݂ܰܠ ܶܣܦܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܢܚܶܠ ܳܕ ܐܪܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܩܪܝܬܐ ܕܒܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢܬ ܶܡ ݂ܰܢ ‪ :‬ܟܠ ܶܗܝ ݂ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܕܥ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ܶܐܢܶܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܘܬ ܩܪ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܠܪܥܳܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܥ݂ܰܡܘܢ ܠ ܐܬ ݂ܰܩ ݂ܰܪܒ ݂ܰܢ ‪ :‬ܟܠ ܝ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰܢܚܶܠ ܕܝܳ ܳܒܩ‪ :‬ܘܩܘܪܝܳ ܐ ܕܛܘܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܠ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ‪.‬‬




As for the Avvim, who dwelt in Hazerim as far as Gaza, the Cappadocians,1 who came from Cappadocia, destroyed them, and dwelt in their land.


‘Get up, resume your journey and cross the wadi Arnon. See, I have given into your power King Sihon the Amorite of Heshbon, and his land; begin to destroy it, and contend with him in battle.


Today I will begin to put the fear and dread of you upon the peoples that are under heaven. When they hear report of you, they will tremble and be afraid of you.’


So I sent messengers from the wilderness of Keremoth to King Sihon of Heshbon with this offer of peace:


‘Let us2 pass through your land. We will travel only along the highway,3 and will turn neither to the right nor to the left.


You shall sell us food for money, that we may eat, and sell us water for money, that we may drink. Only allow us pass through on foot —


As the descendants of Esau who dwell in Seir, and the Moabites who dwell in Ad, did for us — until we cross the Jordan into the land which the Lord our God is about to give us.’


But King Sihon of Heshbon was not willing to let us pass through his territory, for the Lord your God had hardened his spirit, and made his heart adamant, that he might deliver him into your power, as is the case today.


The Lord said to me, ‘See, I have begun to deliver Sihon and his land into your power. Begin to destroy it, and possess his land.’


Then Sihon came out against us, he and all his people to battle at Jahaz,


But the Lord our God delivered him up before us; and we destroyed both him and his offspring, and all his people.

1 2 3

Cappadocians … Cappadocia’: see Introduction, Addendum 6. ‘let us…’: vv. 27–29 are 1 sg. in MT and LXX, but 1 pl. in the Peshiṭta. ‘only along the highway’: lit. ‘along the highway the highway’.






‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬




‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ܥܳ ܳܐܙ ܐ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܰܩܦܘܕ ܳܩܝܶܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܓ ܘܥ݂ܰ ܳܘܝ ܶܐ ܕܝܳܬܒܝ ܒ ݂ܰܚܨܪܝܡ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦܩܘ ܶܡܢ ݂ܰܩ ݂ܰܦܕܘܩܢܝ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܕܘ ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܝܬܒܘ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܩܘܡܘ ܫܩܘܠܘ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܪܘ ݂ܰܢܚܶܠ ܳܕ ܐܪܢܘܢ‪ .‬ܚܙܝ ݂ܰܕ ܐܫܠ ܶܡܢܬ ܒܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܢܟ ܠܣܝ ܚܢܘܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܢܐ ܕ ܶܚܫܒܢܘܢ ܳܐܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܕܘܬܗ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܬ ݂ܰܓܢ ܶܪܐ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܢܗ‬ ‫ܘܪܝܳ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܠܪܥ ܶܢܗ‪ .‬ܫܢܪܐ ܠܡܢ‬ ‫݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܢܬܠ ܶܕܚܠܢܬܟ ܘ ݂ܰܙ ܶܘܥܢܬܟ ܥ݂ܰܢܠ ܐ ݂ܰܦܢܝ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܶܡܢܐ ݂ܰܕܬ ܶܚ ܝܢܬ‬ ‫ܟܗ ܝܘܡܢܐ ܐܫܪܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ :‬ܕܢܶܫܡܥܘܢ ܶܫܡܥܟ ܘܢܙܘܥܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܕܚܠܘܢ ܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܕ ܶܪܬ ܐܝܙ ݂ܰܓ ܶܕܐ ܶܡܢ ݂ܰܡܕܒܢ ܳܪܐ ܕ ܶܩܪܡܢܘܬ‪ :‬ܠ ܳܢܘܬ ܣܝ ܚܢܘܢ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܢܐ ܕ ܶܚܫܒܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܒ ܶܡܶܠ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܠ ܳܡܐ ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܙ ܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܐ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܪ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܟ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܣ ܳܡܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܪܚܐ ܢ ݂ܰܐܙܠ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܢܣܛܐ ܠ ܝܡܝܢܐ ܘ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܟܚ ܥܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܝܢܐ ܒ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܒ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܦܐ ݂ܰܙ ܶܒܢܘ ݂ܰܠ ܘܢܶܐܟܢܘܠ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܣܦܢܐ ݂ܰܙ ܶܒܢܢܘ ݂ܰܠܢ ܘܢܶܫܢܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܒܠ ܚܘܕ ܒ ܶܪܓ ݂ܰܠܝ ܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟܛ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܘ ݂ܰܠ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܥܣܢܘ ܕܝܳܬܒܝܢ ܒ ܳܣܥܝܢܪ‪ :‬ܘܡܘܐ ܳܒܝܶܢܐ ܕܝܳܬܒܝܢ ܒܥܳܢܕ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܕܢܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܪ ܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ܠܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ݂ܰܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܨܒܐ ܣܝ ܚܘܢ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܐ ܕ ܶܚܫܒܘܢ ܕ ݂ܰܢܥܒ ݂ܰܪܢ ݂ܰܒܬܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܠ ܳܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ݂ܰܩܫܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܐܥܫ ܶܠ ܶܒܗ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܢܫܠ ܡܝܘܗܝ ܒܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟܘܢ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ :‬ܚܙܝ ܕ ݂ܰܫܪܝܬ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠ ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠ ܡܘ ܒܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟ ܠܣܝ ܚܘܢ ܘܠܪܥ ܶܗ‪݂ܰ :‬ܫ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܕܘܬܗ ݂ܰܘܠܡ ݂ܰܐܪܬ ܐܪܥ ܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡ‬ ‫ܠܒ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦܩ ܣܝ ܚܘܢ ܠܘܪܥ݂ܰ ‪ :‬ܗܘ ܘܟ ܶܠܗ ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒܐ ܠ ܳܝ ܳܗܨ‪.‬‬ ‫ܚܪܒ ܳܢܝܢܗܝ ܶܠܢܗ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓ ݂ܰܘܐܫܠ ܶܡܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ݂ܰܢ ܢܘܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܟ ܶܠܢܗ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܶܡܗ‪.‬‬




The Emim lived there formerly — a great and numerous people, and tall like the giants.1


These are giants, and they too are reckoned as giants, but the Moabites call them Emim.


The Horites lived in Seir formerly, but the descendants of Esau dispossessed them, by destroying them and settling in their land, just as Israel did to the land that the Lord gave them as a possession.


‘Now therefore, get up and cross the wadi Zered.’ So we crossed the wadi Zered.


The length of time we travelled from Reqem di-Gaya until we crossed the wadi Zered was thirty-eight years, until the entire generation of warriors had perished from the camp, as the Lord had sworn concerning them.


Moreover, the Lord’s hand was against them to destroy them from the midst of the camp, until they came to an end.


So, when all the warriors had come to an end, and had died from among the people,


The Lord spoke with me, saying,


‘Today you are about to cross the border of Moab at Ad.2


When you approach the Ammonites do not constrain them, or contend with them, for I will not give you any of the land of the Ammonites as a possession, since I have given it to the descendants of Lot as a possession.’


This too was accounted a land of giants. Giants dwelt there formerly, but the Ammonites call them Zamzummim,


A great and numerous people, and tall like the giants. But the Lord destroyed them from their sight; and (the Ammonites) dispossessed them and settled in their land.


He did the same for the descendants of Esau, who live in Seir, when he destroyed the Horites from their sight; and they dispossessed them, and settled in their land even to this day. ‘giants’: MT has ‘Anakim’ here, and ‘Rephaim’ and ‘Anakim’ in v. 11, respectively; P has simplified all three to ‘giants’. See Introduction, Addendum 1. 1


‘Ad’: P typically renders Ar as Ad, here and at v. 29.


‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬

‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬܒܘ ܳܒܗ‪ :‬ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܪܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܡܢܶܐ ܶܡ ܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣܓܝ‪ܳ :‬ܘܪܡ ܐܝܟ ݂ܰܓܢ ܳܒ ܶܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܩܕܡ ܝ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܓܢ ܳܒ ܶܪܐ ܶܐܢܘܢ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡܬ ݂ܰܚܫܒܝ ܐܦ ܶܗܢܘܢ ܐܝܟ ݂ܰܓܢ ܳܒ ܶܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܡܘܐ ܳܒܝܶܐ ܳܩ ܶܪܝܢ ܠ ܢܗܘܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬܒܘ ݂ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ܶܐ ܶܡ ܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܘܒܕܘ ܐܢܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܩܕܡ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܥܣܘ ܝ ܶܪܬܘ ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܒ ܳܣܥܝܪ ܝ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܕ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܒܘ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܝܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܢܠ ܠܪܥܳܢܐ ܕܝܳܢܪܬܘܬܗ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܕܝ݂ܰܗܒ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܶܠ ܕ ݂ܰܙܪܕ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܪܢ ݂ܰܢܚܶܠ ܕ ݂ܰܙܪܕ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܡܟܝܠ ܩܘܡܘ ܥܒܪܘ ܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܕ ݂ܰܗ ܶܠܟ ܶܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܩܡ ܕ ݂ܰܓ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܪܢ ݂ܰܢܚܶܠ ܕ ݂ܰܙܪܕ‪ :‬ܬ ܳܠܬܝ ݂ܰܘܬ ܳܡܢܶܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܝ ܘܡ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܢ ܝ ‪ :‬ܥܕܡܐ ܕܣܦܘ ܟܠܗ ܕܪܐ ܕ ܓܒܪܐ ܩܪܒܬܢܐ ܡ ܓܢܘ ܡܫܪܝܢܬܐ‪ :‬ܐܝܢܟ‬ ‫ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܠ ܗܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܕܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܐܦ ܐܝܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܬܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܢܕ ܐܢܢܘܢ ܶܡ ܢ ݂ܰܓ ܢܘ ݂ܰܡܫܪܝܢ‬ ‫ܗܘܬ ܒ ܢܗܘܢ ܕܬ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ܓ ݂ܰܡܪܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܓ ݂ܰܡܪܘ ܟܠ ܗܘܢ ݂ܰܓܒ ܶܪܐ ܥܳܒ ݂ܰܕܝ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܡܬ ܶܡ ݂ܰܓܘ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܡ ܶܠ ܥ݂ܰܡܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܠܬܚ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܢܬ ܥܳ ݂ܰܒܪ ݂ܰܐܢܬ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܕܡܘܐܒ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ܥܳܕ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬܶܬ ݂ܰܩܢ ݂ܰܪܒ ܠܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ ܒ ݂ܰܢܢܝ ܥ݂ܰܡܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܠ ܬܐܠܢܘܨ ܐܢܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܬ ݂ܰܓܢ ܶܪܐ ܒܢܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕܠ ܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܟ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ ܶܡ ܐܪܥܳܐ ݂ܰܕܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܥ݂ܰܡܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢܢܝ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܘܛ ܝ݂ܰܗܒܬܗ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܒܢܘ ܳܒܢܗ ܶܡܢ ܠܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܕܡ‪:‬‬ ‫ܫܒܢܐ ܐܦ ܗܝ‪ :‬ܓܢܒܢܪܐ ܝ‬ ‫ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܕ ܓܢܒܢܪܐ ܡܬܚ‬ ‫ܘܥ݂ܰܡܘ ܳܢ ܝܶܐ ܳܩ ܶܪܝ ܠ ܗܘܢ ݂ܰܙܡܙܡܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܣܓܝ‪ܳ :‬ܘܪܡ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ݂ܰܓܢ ܳܒ ܶܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܕ ݂ܰܪܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܘܒܕ ܶܐܢܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܶܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܪܬܘ ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܝܬܒܘ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ‬ ‫ܠܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܕܘ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܥܣܘ ܕܝܳܬܒܝ ܒ ܳܣܥܝܪ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܝܟ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ܶܐ ܶܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܒܕܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܒܘ ݂ܰܒܐܪܥܗܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܪܬܘ ܐܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܘ‬


Ch. 

Chapter  

Then we turned back and journeyed into the wilderness by the route of the Sea of Reeds, as the Lord had told me, and we circled around Mount Seir for many days.

The Lord spoke to me:

‘You have been circling around this mountain long enough! Turn towards the north.

Command the people as follows: You are about to pass through the territory of your kinsfolk, the descendants of Esau, who live in Seir. They will be afraid of you, so take good care of yourselves.

Do not contend with them, for I will not give you (as) a possession any of their land — not even a print of the sole of the foot — because I have given Mount Seir to Esau for a possession.

You shall buy food from them with money, that you may eat. You shall also buy water from them with money, that you may drink.

For the Lord your God has blessed you in all your undertakings. He is aware of your journey through this wilderness these forty years.1 The Lord your God has been with you and you have lacked nothing.’

We then crossed along by our kinsfolk, the descendants of Esau, who live in Seir, and along the route of the Arabah, from Elath and Eziongeber. Then we turned and crossed into the wilderness to the route of Moab.2

The Lord said to me, ‘Do not constrain the Moabites, nor contend with them in battle. I will not give you any of their land as a possession, since I have given it3 to the descendants of Lot for a possession.’

‘these forty years. The Lord…’: or ‘These forty years, the Lord…’ The former rendering follows P’s punctuation, while the latter is based on that of MT and LXX. 2 ‘into the wilderness to the route of Moab’ (Mosul MS); ‘to the route of the wilderness of Moab’ (Leiden). 1

The Hebrew text specifies ‘Ar’ at this point as the territory given to the sons of Lot. 3


‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



















‫ܪܚܐ ܕܝ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܕܣܘܦ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܬܦܢܝ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܢܐ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܩܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ ܠܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ܠܢܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܬܟ ܶܪܟ ܳܢܝܗܝ ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܕ ܳܣܥܝܪ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ ݂ܰܣܓܝܐܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܣܓ ܢܝ ܠܟ ܢܘܢ ܳܗܐ ܶܡ ܢ ܕ ܶܡܬ ݂ܰܟܪܟܝ ܢ ܐܢ ܢܬܘܢ ܛ ܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܳܗ ܳܢ ܢܐ ܐܬܦ ݂ܰܢ ܢܘ ܠܟ ܢܘܢ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓܪܒ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠ ܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐܢܬܘܢ ܥܳܒܪܝ ܐܢܢܬܘܢ ݂ܰܒܬܚ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠ ܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܦ ܶܩܕ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܢܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܚ ܝ ܟܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܥܣܘ ܕܝܳܬܒܝ ܒ ܳܣܥܝܪ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܕܚܠܘܢ ܶܡܢܟܘܢ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܰܙܕܗܪܘ ܛܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܬܬ ݂ܰܓܪܘܢ ܒܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܠ ܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܠܟܘܢ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ ܶܡ ܐܪܥܗܘܢ ܶܒܝܬ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܒܬ ܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ ܠ ܥܣܘ ܝ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܕ ܳܣܥܝܪ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܡܕ ݂ܰܪܟ ݂ܰܦܣܬܐ ܕ ܶܪ ܓܶܠ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܝ‬ ‫ܥܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܦܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܟܘܠܘ‪ܳ :‬ܘܐܦ ݂ܰܡ ܳܝܐ ܶܙܒܢܘ ܶܡܢܢܗܘܢ ܒ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܶܙܒܢܘ ܶܡܢܗܘܢ ܒ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܦܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘܐܫܬܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܡܛ ܢܠ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟ ܢܘܢ ݂ܰܒ ܶܪܟܟ ܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܒܟ ܶܠ ܢܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ܢ ܳܕܐ ܕ ܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܟ ܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܝܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܕܥ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܕ ܳܒܪܘܬܟܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܳܗܐ ܐܪܒܥܝ ܫܢ ܝ ‪ܳ :‬ܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ ܥ݂ܰܡܟܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܣܪ ܠܟܘܢ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒܪܢ ܶܡ ܠ ܳܘܬ ݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ ܥܣܘ ܕܝܳܬܒܝ ܒ ܳܣܥܝܪ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܢܐ ܕܥܳ ܳܪ ܳܒܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܰܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܬ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܥ ܨܝܢܘ ܓ ݂ܰܒܢܪ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܬܦܢܝܢ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܢܪܢ ݂ܰܠܢ ܒ ݂ܰܡܕܒܢ ܳܪܐ ܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܢܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܕܡܘܐܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܢܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‪ܳ .‬ܠ ܬܶܐܠܢܘܨ ܠܡܘ ܳܐ ܳܒܝܶܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ܬܶܬ ݂ܰܓܢ ܶܪܐ ܥ݂ܰܡܢܗܘܢ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܒܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕܠ ܝܳ ܶܗܒ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܳܠܢܟ ܶܡܢ ܐܪܥܢܗܘܢ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕ ݂ܰܠܒ ݂ܰܢܢܝ ܠܢܘܛ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝ݂ܰܗܒܬܗ ܝܘܪܬܢܳ ܐ‪.‬‬




So I spoke to you, but you did not listen. You rebelled against the command of the Lord; you were headstrong and went up into the hill country.


The Amorites, who were living in that hill country, came out against you. They chased you away like smoked-out bees,1 and they expelled you from Seir as far as Hormah.


You sat down and wept before the Lord; but the Lord did not listen to your voice, or give ear to you.


So you remained in Reqem for many days, according to the days that you dwelt (there).


‘smoked-out bees’: see Introduction, Addendum 3.




‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫ܡܓ ܶܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܡܢܢܪܬܘܢ ܶܡ ݂ܰܠܢܢܬ ܦܢܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܢܢܬܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܐܡܢܢܪܬ ܠܟܢܢܘܢ ܳܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܣܠܩܬܘܢ ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܚܬܘܢ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܢܦܩܢܘ ܳܐܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ܶܢܐ ܕܥܳܡܪܝܢ ܒܛܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܗܘ ܠܘܪܥܟܢܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܪܕܦܘܟܢܘܢ ܐܝܢܟ ܶܕܒܢܘܪܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܛܪܕܘܟܘܢ ܶܡ ܳܣܥܝܪ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܬܢ ܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬܒܬܘܢ ݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܟܝܬܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܒ ܳܩܠ ܟܘܢ ܘܠ ܳܨܬܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܗ ܘ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܒܬܘܢ ݂ܰܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܩܡ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ ݂ܰܣܓܝܐܐ‪ :‬ܐܝܟ ܝ݂ܰ ܘ ܳܡܬܐ ܕܝܬܒܬܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܘ ܘ‬




The Lord your God is going before you, and he will fight on your behalf, just like all that he did for you in Egypt before your eyes,


And in the wilderness, where you saw how the Lord your God nourished1 you as a man nourishes his child, all along the land that you travelled until you came to this place.’


Yet in this matter you did not believe the Lord your God,


Who goes before you on the way, to establish a place for you, in which you might camp: he showed you by what way you should go — with fire by night and a cloud by day.


When the Lord heard your words, he was angry and swore. He said:


‘Surely not one of these individuals — this evil generation — shall see the good land, which I swore to give to your ancestors,


Except Caleb, son of Jephunneh. He shall see it, and to him and to his descendants I will give the land on which he has trodden, because he has followed the Lord wholeheartedly.’


The Lord was also angry with me on your account, and said to me, ‘You also shall not enter there.


But Joshua, son of Nun, who stands before you, he shall enter there. Strengthen him, for he will take possession of it for Israel.


Moreover, your little ones, whom you said would be a prey, and your children, who today do not know good or evil, they shall enter there; to them will I give it, and they shall possess it.


As for you, turn around and set out into the wilderness by the route of the Sea of Reeds.’


You answered me, saying, ‘We have sinned against the Lord our God. We will go up and fight, as the Lord our God commanded us.’ So you girded yourselves, each with his battle gear, and you were excited to go up into the hill country.


But the Lord said to me, ‘Say to them, “Do not go up and do not fight — for I am not in your midst — lest you be shattered by your enemies.”’


‘nourished you … nourishes’: see Introduction, Addendum 3.



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬





‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܳܐ ܙܶܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܠ ݂ܰܦܝܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܝܢܟ ܟܢܠ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܗܘ ܡܬܟ‬ ‫݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ ܥ݂ܰܡܟܘܢ ܒ ܶܡ ܶܨܪܝ ܠ ܥ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܠ ݂ܰܘܒ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܣܢܐ ݂ܰܓܒܢ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫ܚܙܝܬܘܢ‪ :‬ܕܬܪܣܝܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܝܢܟ ܕ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܠܒ ܶܪܗ‪ :‬ܒܟ ܳܠܗ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ‪ܶ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܐܙܠܬܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܶܕ ܐܬܝܬܘܢ ܠܬ ܳܪܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܒ ݂ܰܘܒ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܗܝܡܢܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܒ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܡܬ ܳܩܢܢܘ ܠܟܢܘܢ ݂ܰܐܬ ܳܪܐ ܕܬܶܫܢܢܪܘܢ ܶܒܢܗ‪ :‬ܒܢܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܪܚܢܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܢܘܢ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܓ ܳܕ ܐܙܶܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‬ ‫ܥܢ ܳܢܐ ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܐ ܕܬܐܙܠܘܢ ܳܒܗ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܒܺܠܢ ܳܝܐ ݂ܰܚܘܝܟܘܢ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܡ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܪܓܙ ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܕ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܳܩ ܳܶܠ ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܰܠܢܝ ܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܢܐ‪ :‬ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ܛܒܢܬܐ ܕܝܡܝܢܬ‬ ‫ܠܗ ܕܠ ܢܶܚܙܘܢ ݂ܰܚܢܕ ܶܡܢ ݂ܰܓܒܢ ܶܪܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܳܕ ܳܪܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܢܐ ܒ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܬܠ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܘ ܶܐ ܳܠ ܶܐܢ ܳܟ ܳܠܢܢܒ ݂ܰܒܢܢܪ ܝ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠܢܢܗ ܐܬܠ ܐܪܥܳܢܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܗ ܶܠܢܢܟ ܳܒܢܢܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳܢܢܢܐ‪ :‬ܗܘ ܢܶܚܙܶܝܢܢܗ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ݂ܰܢܘܗܝ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܠܦ ܕ ݂ܰܫܡܠܝ ܳܒܬܪ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܙ ܳܘܐܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܓܢܙ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܶܡܛ ܳܠܬܟܢܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪ ܠܢܝ‪ܳ :‬ܕ ܐܦ ܐܢܢܬ ܠ ܬܥܢܘܠ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳܡ ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܚ ܶܐ ܳܠ ܶܐܢ ܝ ܶܫܘܥ ݂ܰܒܪܢܘܢ ܕ ܳܩܢܐܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢܟ ܗܘ ܢܶ ܥܢܘܠ ܠܬ ܳܡܢ ‪ܶ :‬ܠܢܗ ݂ܰܚ ܝܶܢܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܕܗܘ ݂ܰܢܘܪܬܝܗ ܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝ ܶܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܙܬܐ ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܒ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܢܘܢ ܕ ܳܠ ܝ ݂ܰܕܥܢܢܘ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܛ ܘ ݂ܰܝܩܪܬܟܢܘܢ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܢܐ ܛܒ ܢܬܐ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪܬܘܢ ܠܒܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳܡ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ܗܘܢ ܶܐܬܠܝܗ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܗܢܘܢ ܢܐܪܬ ܳܘܢܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܒܝܫܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܗܢܘܢ ܢܶܥܠܘܢ‬ ‫ܡ ݂ܰܘܐܢܬܘܢ ܶܐܬܦ ݂ܰܢܘ ܠܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܫܩܘܠܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ ܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܐ ܕܝ݂ܰ ܳܡܐ ܕܣܘܦ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܢܝܬܘܢ ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܡܐ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܛܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܢ ܢܶ ݂ܰܣܢܩ ܘܢܶܬ ݂ܰܟܢܬܫ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬܘܢ ܠܝ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܙܕ ܝ݂ܰܢܬܘܢ ܓ ݂ܰܒܪ ܒ ܳܡ ݂ܰܐܢܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܝܟ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܶܒܗ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܬ ݂ܰܓ ݂ܰܪܓܬܘܢ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰܣܩ ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܒ ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܝ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܰܡܢܪ ܠ ܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܠ ܬܣܩܢܘܢ ܘܠ ܬܬ ݂ܰܟܬܫܢܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܢܠ ܕܠ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬ ݂ܰܒ ܳܝܢܬܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܠ ܬܶ ݂ܰܬܒܪܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܒܥ ܶܠ ܕ ܳܒ ݂ܰܒܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬




I said to you, ‘You have come as far as the hill country of the Amorites, which the Lord our God has given us.


See, the Lord your God has placed the land before you. Go up and possess the land, as the Lord, the God of your ancestors, promised you. Fear not and do not be alarmed.’


All of you approached me, saying, ‘Let us send men ahead of us, that they may explore the land for us and bring us back word. Let them show us the way by which we should go up, and the cities which we should enter.’


The plan seemed good to me,1 so I took twelve men from among you, one from each tribe.


Turning about, they went up into the hill country. They went up as far as the wadi Eshcol and explored the land.


They took some of the fruit of the land in their hands, and brought it to us. They brought back word to us, saying, ‘It is a good land which the Lord our God is giving to us.’


But you were unwilling to go up. You rendered bitter2 the command of the Lord our God.


You murmured from your tents, saying, ‘Because the Lord hates us, he has brought us out of the land of Egypt, that he might deliver us into the hand of the Amorites to destroy us.3


What kind of place4 are we going to? Our kinsfolk have dispirited us.5 They said to us, “The people are greater and taller and stronger than we, and the cities are great and fortified up to heaven; moreover we have seen the offspring of the giants6 there.”’


Then I said to you, ‘Fear not, and do not tremble before them.

‘the plan seemed good to me’: lit. ‘the matter was good in my eyes’. 2 ‘rendered bitter’: see Introduction, Addendum 3. 3 ‘to destroy us’: lit. ‘that he might destroy us’ (Mosul); Leiden has ‘that they might destroy us’. See Introduction, Addendum 1, for P’s use of √‫ܐܒܕ‬. 4 ‘What kind of place’: lit. ‘to what/whither’. 5 ‘have dispirited us’: lit. ‘have broken our heart’. 1


‘giants’: see Introduction, Addendum 1.

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܳܕ ܐܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܟ ܶܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬ ܠܟܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ݂ܰܬܝܬܘܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ܶܐ‪ :‬ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ ܝ݂ܰܗܒ ݂ܰܠ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܘܢ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܣܩܘ ܘ ݂ܰܝܪܬܘ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܐ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙܘ ܕܝ݂ܰܗܒ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܟܘܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳܐܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܘܢ‪ .‬ܠ ܬܕܚܠܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܬܬ ݂ܰܪܗܒܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܒ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܪܒܬܘܢ ܠ ܳܘܬܝ ܟܠ ܟܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܢܫ ݂ܰܕܪ ݂ܰܓܒ ܶܪܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܢ ܘܢܶܓܫܢܘܢ ݂ܰܠܢ‬ ‫݂ܰܐܪܥܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶܬܠܢܘܢ ݂ܰܠܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰܢܚܢܘ ܳܘܢ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚܢܐ ܕܢܢ ݂ܰܐܙܠ ܳܒܢܗ‪ :‬ܘܩܘܪܝܳ ܢܐ‬ ‫ܕܢܶ ܥܘܠ ܠ ܶܗܝ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܓ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܦܪ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܒܥ݂ܰ ܝ ݂ܰܢܝ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܘܕܒ ܶܪܬ ܶܡܢܟܘܢ ܬ ܶܪ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܣܪ ݂ܰܓܒܪܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܚܕ ݂ܰܚܕ ݂ܰܓܒܢ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܰܫܒܛܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܣܠܩܘ ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܶܘܐܬܦܢܝܘ ݂ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܣܠܩܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܶܠ ݂ܰܕܣܓ ܳܘܠ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܓܫܘܗ ܠܪܥܳܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܟܗ ݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܢܣܒܘ ܒܐܝ ݂ܰܕܝܗܘܢ ܶܡ ܦܢܐܪܐ ݂ܰܕ ܐܪܥܳܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܐܝܬܝܢܘ ݂ܰܠܢ ‪݂ܰ .‬ܘܐܬܝܒܢܘܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܘ ݂ܰܠ ‪ :‬ܛ ܳܒܐ ܗܝ ܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܝܳ ܶܗܒ ݂ܰܠ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܡܪܬܘܢ ܶܡ ݂ܰܠܬ ܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܨܒܝܬܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰܣܩ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܟܘ ܳܘܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܗ ܕ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܛܢܬܘܢ ܶܡ ݂ܰܡܫܟ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕ ܳܣܢܶܐ ܗܘ ݂ܰܠܢ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܐܦ ݂ܰܩܢ‬ ‫ܟܙ ܘ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡ ܐܪܥܐ ܕܡܨܪܝ ‪ :‬ܕܢܫܠ ܡ ܒܐܝܕܐ ܕ ܐܡܘܪܝ ܐ ܕܢܘܒ ݂ܰܕܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܚ ݂ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܟܐ ܳܣܠ ܩ ݂ܰܝܢ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܐ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܬ ݂ܰܒܪܘ ܶܠ ݂ܰܒܢ ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܢܪܘ ݂ܰܠܢ ‪ :‬ܕܥ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ ݂ܰܪܒ ܳܘܪܡ ܘܥ݂ܰܫܝܢ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙܝ ܬ ܳܡ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ .‬ܐܦ ܒܢܝ ܓܢܒܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܰܢ ‪ :‬ܘܩܘܪܝ ܐ ܪܘܪܒ ܘܟܪܝܟ ܥܕܡܐ ܠ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܟܛ ܶܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬ ܠܟܘܢ‪ .‬ܠ ܬܕܚܠܘܢ ܘܠ ܬܙܘܥܘܢ ܶܡܢܗܘܢ‪.‬‬




May the Lord, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times as many as you are, and may he bless you as he promised you.1


How therefore can I on my own carry your load, your burden, and your disputes?


Choose individuals for your tribes who are wise, discerning, and learned, and I will make them leaders over you.’


You answered me, saying, ‘The word which you have spoken is good.’2


So I took the leaders of your tribes, wise and learned individuals, and appointed them as leaders over you, commanders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens, and officials, 3 according to your tribes.


I charged your judges at that time, and said to them, ‘Hear the cases between your kinsfolk, and judge justly between both parties, 4 even if one of them is a settler.5


You shall not be partial6 in judgment; be attentive to the small and the great alike; do not be afraid of anyone, for judgment is God’s. Bring before me any matter that is too difficult for you and I will hear it.’


So I charged you at that time with all the things that you should do.


We journeyed from Horeb, and went through all that great and terrible wilderness, which you saw in the land of the hill country of the Amorites, as the Lord our God commanded us, and we came to Reqem di-Gaya.

‘promised you’: lit. ‘said to you’ (here and further below). 2 ‘is good’: lit. ‘is fitting to do’. 3 ‘officials’: lit. ‘scribes’. See Introduction, Addendum 7. 4 ‘between both parties’: lit. ‘between a man and his brother’. 5 For P’s varying renderings of ‫ גר‬in Deuteronomy, see Introduction, Addendum 7, at 1:16. 1


‘You shall not be partial’: lit. ‘You shall not accept faces’.

‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝ ܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣܦ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰܐ ܳܠ ܳܗܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳܐܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬ܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟܘܢ ܐܟ ܳܘܬܟܘܢ ܐ ܶܠܦ ݂ܰܙܒܢܝ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰܢܒ ܶܪܟܟܘܢ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܐ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܠܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢ ܢܐ ܳܗܟܝܢܢܠ ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܟ ܢܚ ܐ ܳܢ ܢܐ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܣܝ ݂ܰܒ ܢܪ ݂ܰܒܠ ܚ ܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܝ ܐ ݂ܰܝܩܪܬܟ ܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܛܥܢܟ ܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܕܝ ݂ܰܢܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܫܒܛܝܟܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܓ ݂ܰܒܘ ܠܟܢܘܢ ݂ܰܓܒܢ ܶܪܐ ܕ ݂ܰܚܟܝܡܝܢ ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܰܣܟܢܘܠܬܢܝ ‪ :‬ܘܝܕܝܥܝܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܐܩܝܡ ܐܢܘܢ ܒܪܝܫܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬܘܢ ܠܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܫܦܝܪ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܐ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܢܝܬܘܢ ܶܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܕܒܢ ܶܪܬ ܪܝ ܶܫܢܐ ܕ ݂ܰܫܒܛܝܟܢܘܢ ݂ܰܓܒܢ ܶܪܐ ݂ܰܚܟܝ ܶܡܢܐ ܘܝܕܝ ܥ ܶܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܥ ܶܒܢ ܶܕܬ ܐܢܢܘܢ ܪܝ ܶܫܢܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܪܝ ݂ܰܫܢܝ ݂ܰܐܠ ܶܦܢܐ‪ :‬ܘܪܝ ݂ܰܫܢܝ ݂ܰܡܢ ܳܐܘ ܳܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܪܝ ݂ܰܫܢܝ ݂ܰܚܡܫܝܢ ‪ :‬ܘܪܝ ݂ܰܫܢܝ ܥ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܢܪܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܫܒܛܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܣܦܪܐ‬ ‫ܩܕܬ ܠ ݂ܰܕܝܳ ݂ܰܢ ܝ ܟܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬ ܠ ܢܗܘܢ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܰܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܢܬܘܢ ܳܫܡܥܝܢ ܶܒܝܢܬ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܐ ݂ܰܚ ܝ ܟܘܢ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܕܝܢܝ ܩܘܫܬܐ ܶܒܝܬ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ ܠܚܘܗܝ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܬܘܬ ܶܒܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܠ ܬܶܣܒܘܢ ݂ܰܒܐ ܶܦܐ ܒܕ ܳܝܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܠܙܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܝܬܘܢ ܳܫܡܥܝ ‪ .‬ܠ ܬܕܚܠܘܢ ܶܡ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ݂ܰܓܒ ܳܪܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܕ ܳܝܢܢܐ ݂ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܠܢ ݂ܰܗܐ ܗܘ‪ .‬ܕ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܳܡܢܐ ܕ ܳܗ ܶܘܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܫܢܐ ܶܡܢܟܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰܩܪܒܘܗܝ ܠ ܳܘܬܝ ܶܘܐܫܡܥܝܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶܩܕܬܟܘܢ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ ܟܠ ܶܦܬ ܳܓܡܐ‪ .‬ܕܬܥܒܕܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܩܠ ܶܡ ܚܘܪܝܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܢܶܠ‪݂ܰ :‬ܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙܝܢܬܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܶܠܟ ܒܟ ܶܠܢܗ ݂ܰܗܘ ݂ܰܡܕܒܢ ܳܪܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܢܐ ݂ܰܘܕܚ‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ݂ܰ ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܢܐ ݂ܰܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܬܝܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܩܢܡ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܳܕ ܐܡܘ ܳܪܝ ܶܢܐ ܐܝܢܟ ܕܦܩܢܕܢ ܡܪܝ ܢܐ ܐܠܢܗܢ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܰܓ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter  I


These are the words that Moses spoke to all Israel beyond the Jordan in the wilderness, in the Arabah opposite Suph, between Paran and Tophel, Lebanon,1 Hazeroth, and Di-zahab.

It is a journey of eleven days from Horeb to Mount Seir, and on to Reqem di-Gaya.2

It was in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month on the first day of the month, that Moses spoke with the Israelites (concerning) all that the Lord had commanded him in their regard,


After he had killed King Sihon of the Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon, and King Og of Matnin,3 who dwelt in Ashtaroth and in Erdei.

Beyond the Jordan in the land of Moab, Moses began to expound this law. He said:

The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb: ‘You have stayed long enough on this mountain.


Turn around and set out to go into the hill country of the Amorites, and all its surroundings — the Arabah, the hill country, the lowland, the south, and the seacoasts — the land of the Canaanites, and the Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates.


See, I have set the land before you. Enter and take possession of the land that the Lord swore to your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give to them and to their descendants4 after them.’

I said to you at that time, ‘I am not able to carry you on my own.


The Lord your God has multiplied you, and today you are a multitude like the stars of heaven.


‘Lebanon’: for Laban rendered as Lebanon, see Introduction, Appendix 3.

‘Reqem di-Gaya’: this is P’s alternative rendering of Kadesh-barnea; see Introduction, Appendix 3. 3 ‘Matnin’: this is P’s alternative rendering of Bashan. 2


‘descendants’: lit. ‘seed’ (here and further below).

‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ܰܦܶܠ ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܐ‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬


‫ܘܫ ܢܐ ܠܟ ܶܠ ܢܗ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܶܠܝ ܢ ܶܦܬ ܳܓ ܶܡ ܢܐ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡ ܢܪ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝ ܶܢܠ ܒܥ ܶܒ ܢ ܳܪܐ ܕܝ ܢܘܪܕ ܳܢ‬ ‫ܘܒܝܢܬ ܳܬ ܶܦܢܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ ܣܘܦ‪ܶ :‬ܒܝܬ ܳܦܢ ܳܪܢ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܰܡܕܒ ܳܪܐ‪ :‬ܒܥܳ ܳܪ ܳܒܐ ܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ܳܢܢ ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚܨܪܘܬ ܘܕܝ ݂ܰܙ ݂ܰܗܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܣܪ ܝ݂ܰ ܘܡܝ ܶܡ ܚܘܪܝܒ ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܰܠ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܕ ܳܣܥܝܪ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܕܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܩܡ ܕ ݂ܰܓ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܚܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܡ ܶܠ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܣܪ ܒ ݂ܰܚܕ ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢܬ ݂ܰܐܪܒܥܝ ‪ :‬ܒ ݂ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܚܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܥ݂ܰܡ ܒ ݂ܰܢܝ‬ ‫ܩܕܗ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪ ܐܝܶܠ‪ :‬ܟܠ ܶܡ ܶܕܡ ܕ ݂ܰܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܛܢܠ ܠܣܝ ܚܢܘܢ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܢܐ ܳܕ ܐܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ܶܢܐ‪ :‬ܕܝܳܢܬܒ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒ ܶܚܫܒܢܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܡ ܒܢܬܪ ܕ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰܘܠ ܥܘܓ ݂ܰܡܠ ܳܟܐ ܕ ݂ܰܡܬܢܝ ‪ :‬ܕܝܳܬܒ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒܥ݂ܰܣܬܪܘܬ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܒܐܪܕܥܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܶܫܩ ܳܢܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܐܒ‪݂ܰ :‬ܫܪܝ ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܒܥ ܶܒ ܳܪܐ ܕܝܘܪܕ ܳܢ ‪݂ܰ :‬ܒܐܪܥܳܐ ܕܡ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܒܬܘܢ ܒܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠ ݂ܰܗܢ ܐ ݂ܰܡܪ ݂ܰܠ ܒܚܘܪܝܒ‪݂ܰ :‬ܣܓܝ ܠܟܘܢ ܕ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܳܕ ܐܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐܬܦ ݂ܰܢܘ ݂ܰܘܫܩܘܠܘ ܠܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܥܘܠܢܘ ܠܛܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܝ ܶܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܟܢܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܢܕ ݂ܰܪܘܗܝ‪:‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݂ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܰ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܦ ݂ܰܪܝ ܝ݂ܰ ܳܡܢܐ‪ :‬ܐܪܥܳܢܐ ݂ܰܕܟ ݂ܰܢ ܥ ܳܢ ܝܶܢܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܠ ܥܳ ܳܪ ܳܒܐ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠܛܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܠܫܦܶܠ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܗܪܐ ݂ܰܪ ܳܒܐ ݂ܰܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܠ ݂ܰܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ܳܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܪܐ ܦ ܳܪܬ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ݂ܰܡܝܟܘܢ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ‪ :‬ܥܘܠܘ ܘ ݂ܰܝܪܬܘ ݂ܰܐܪܥܳܐ ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙܘ ܕܝ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܒܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܐ ܳܡܪܝܳ ܢܐ ܠ ܳܒ ݂ܰܗܝ ܟܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰܠܒ ܳܪ ܳܗܡ‪ :‬ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܡܬܠ ܠ ܗܘܢ ݂ܰܘܠ ݂ܰܙܪܥܗܘܢ ܳܒܬܪܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܣܚܩ‪݂ܰ :‬ܘܠ ݂ܰܝܥܩܘܒ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܬ ܠܟܘܢ ܶܒܗ ܒ ݂ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܗܘ‪ܳ :‬ܠ ܶܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܣ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܝ ܶܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ܐ ܳܢܐ ݂ܰܒܠ ܚ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܒܪܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܬܝܟܘܢ ܝ݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܓܐܐ ݂ܰܐܝܟ ݂ܰܟܘܟ ܶܒܐ ݂ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܢܐ ܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܡܪܝܳ ܐ ܐ ܳܠܗܟܘܢ ܐܣܓܝܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ‬


‫ܐ ܕܬ‬


‫ܬܕܐ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܬ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܐ ܕܬ‬ ‫ܒܐ ܗ ܐ ܘܪܬ ܒ‬ ‫݀‬ ‫ܨܘܪܬ ܒ‬ ‫ܐ‪ .‬ܐܬ‬ ‫ܒ ܬܐ ܐ ܓ‬ ‫ܐ܆‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܕ‬ ‫ܕܘ‬ ‫ܝ‬ ‫ܨ ܐ܇ ܕܒ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܗܕܐ‬ ‫݀‬ ‫̇‬ ‫ܐ ـ ܐ ܐ܇ ܒ ܪ ܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܐܬ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܝ ܪܘ ܐ ܘ ܐ ܓ ܐ ܆ ܘ ܐ‬ ‫ܒ ܐ܆ ܘܐܘ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܕ ‪.‬‬ ‫ܬ‬ ‫ܕ ܒ ܐ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܐ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܘܪܬ ܒ ܨ ܐ‬ ‫ܕ‬ ‫ܐ ܨ ܐ‬ ‫̈ ܐ ܒ ܐ ܒ ܐ܇ ܗܪ ܐ ܘܬ ܇ ܒ‬ ‫ܕܐ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܐ ܕܒ‬ ‫ܥ ܕ ܓܐܐ ܕܗ‬ ‫ܐ‪ .‬ܘܙܕܩ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܘ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐܬܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܬ ܐܘ‬ ‫ܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܘ ܒ‬ ‫ܨ ܐ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܐ ܐ ܢ ܘ ܐ‪ .‬ܪܐ‬ ‫ܬ ܐܘ‬ ‫ܘܬ‬ ‫ܒ ܘ ̈ ܐ ܐ ܢ܆ ܘܕ‬ ‫ܒܓܒܐ ܐ ܓ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕ ܐ ‪XLIII‬‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܕܗ‬ ‫ܒ ܐ ܕ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܪ ܐ‬ ‫ܬ‬ ‫ܘܪܬ ܒ‬ ‫ܘܬܪ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫̱ ) ܨܘ ܐ ܓ ܒ ܐ‬ ‫ܒ )ܗ (‬ ‫ܐ ‪:‬‬ ‫ܪܕ ܐ‪ .‬ܐ ܐ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܐ ) ܝ‬ ‫ܐ ܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܬܐ‬ ‫ܝ ܐ‬ ‫ܓ ܐ ܐ( ܘ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܪܫ ) ܝ ܐ‪ ( :‬ܘ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܓ‪ :‬ܐ(‪ .‬ܘ ܒ ܪ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܐ ܐ ܪܐܘܣ‬ ‫ܒ‬ ‫ܒ ܒ ܬܐ‬ ‫ܐ ܕ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܐ ܣ ܕ ܪܘ ܒ‬ ‫ܣܒ ܐ‬ ‫ܐܪܬܝ ܘ‬ ‫ܘ ܐܪ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫̈‬ ‫̈‬ ‫̈‬ ‫܀ ܐ ܘܐ ܀‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܐ‪ .‬ܘ‬ ‫ܐ ܬܘܕ ܕ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܕ ܐ‬ ‫ܐ ܆ ܬ ܙܒ ܡ‬ ‫ܕܘ ܐ ܕ ܝ ܪ ܐ ܣ ܘ‬ ‫ܓ ܪܓ ܒ ܐ‬ ‫ܕ ܐ‬


‫ܢ ܕܒ‬ ‫ܒܐ‬


‫ܙܕ ̈ ܐ‬


‫ܨܘܪܬ‬ ‫ܐ‬



‫ܒ‬ ‫ܒ ܬܐ ܐ ܓ‬

‫ܐ ܕܬ‬ ‫ܨܘܪܬ‬

‫ܓ ܪܓ ܒ ܐ‬ ‫ܕ ܐ‬



‫ܢ ܕܒ‬ ‫ܒܐ‬

‫ܐ‬ ‫ܒ ܬܐ ܐ ܓ‬


‫ܡ‬ ‫ܒ‬ ‫ܓ ܪܓ ܐܣ‬




‫ܐܪܬܝ‬ ‫݁ ݂‬




‫ܓ ܪܓ ܒ ܐ‬

‫ܢ ܕܒ‬


‫ܐ ܪܐܘܣ ܒ ܘܐ‬

‫ܪ ܕܒ‬


‫ܨܘܪܬ‬ ‫ܐ‬



‫ܐ ܕܬ‬

‫ܒ‬ ‫ܒ ܬܐ ܐ ܓ‬

