Avesta Reader: Texts, notes, glossary and index [Photomech. Nachdr. der Ausg. 1911. Reprint 2011 ed.] 9783110823929, 9783110001594

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Table of contents :
Notes on the texts
Additions and Corrections
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Avesta Reader: Texts, notes, glossary and index [Photomech. Nachdr. der Ausg. 1911. Reprint 2011 ed.]
 9783110823929, 9783110001594

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Archir-Nr. 4301681 © 1968 by Walter de Grujter Sc Co., Tormala G. J. Gö«chcn'iche Vakgihtodluag — J. Guttcntag, VeriagsbuchlumdhKig — G t o g Reimer — Kail J. Trtiboer — Vdt «e Comp., Berlin 30 Primed in Gtuuuiy Alle Rechte de· Nachdrucks, der pbocomechiabchea Wiedergabe, der Übersetzung, der Hentelhmg TOO Mikrofilmen und Photokopien, auch a a n u g m b e , TorhcHilten


Preface. The Avesta-Reader comprises those of the Avesta-texts that are of most importance to philologists and historians. The t e x t e are arranged in groups, according to their subjects; inside the groups the easier texts come first. With the exception of the Haööxt-Nask and the Nirangastan they follow Geldner's edition. Variations from Geldner's edition are in all cases founded on the best MSS.: they are indicated by the symbol \ corrupt words or passages by the symbol The n o t e s are designed to introduce the reader to the Avesta in such a manner that he may learn to translate and anderstand the texte correctly. Accordingly they do not merely call attention to all pecularities of language and especially of syntax, but also go into all questions of the history of civilisation and religion that are of importance for the proper understanding of the texts. In order to save space reference is frequently made to my Avesta primer (Awestisches Elementarbuch) which gives fuller information in the paragraph (§) indicated. The g l o s s a r y is kept within very narrow limits and supplies only those Indian words which certainly correspond to the words in the Avesta, the aim being to render easier the determination of the form (and meaning) of the latter. The i n d e x is meant to assist the student in employing the material worked into the notes where this deals with the history of religion and civilisation; accordingly it also supplies brief definitions and summaries arranged under suitable key-words. The aims and methods adopted in composing the Avesta-Reader are as follows: 1. The texts are given throughout in the form of the earliest MSS. obtainable. (Hence the texts are given with all the pecularities and mistakes of spelling, accidence and syntax that occur in the oldest MSS. Only the text of the Nirangastdn, the most corrupt of all, has been emended in places.) 2. These pecu·


larities and mistakes have been determined in accordance with the grammatical principles derived from the two dialects vof the Avesta itself, with the additional aid of those which are based upon the Indian and the other indogermanic languages. 3. The age of the individual texts is estimated by the language and the contents. (The determination of the age of the texts by means of the language goes hand in band with the indication of the peculiar forms and mistakes. The contents are of importance only in those cases in which they clearly prove that the corrupt language of a text is the result of its having been incorrectly handed down.) 4. A correct translation is aimed at as the basis for the exegesis. The exegesis itself necessarily takes account in all cases of the standpoint of the priests who are to be regarded as the authors of the texts: this method is essential, since the texts are throughout of a religious character or at least stand in some sort of relation to religion. The standard by which any particular standpoint of the priests is to be judged depends upon the stage reached by religion in the process of evolution from the simple Zoroastrian doctrine to the complicated formalism of its last period. 5. The new and original elements of the Zoroastrian doctrine are determined by eliminating the old elements of the Aryan religion or mythology which were preserved by Zoroaster or reincorporated after his time. 6. The attempt is made to free the elements of the Iranian king· and hero-legend from their religious dress and to reduce them as fai as possible to their original form. The philological works upon which the Avesta-Reader is based are the well-known books of Bartholomae, Geiger, Geldner, Httbschmann, Jackson, Justi etc.; in matters relating to the history of religion and civilisation the authorities principally employed, apart from my own investigations, are the Pahlavi-books, Geiger's Ostiranische Kultur, Jackson's Zoroaster, Oldenberg's Religion des Veda etc. Bartholomae's Wörterbuch and his Gäthä-Ubersetzung have however been consulted at every turn; they are the best guide for the teacher uo less than for the learner. The Avesta-Reader is dedicated to the Trustees of the Funds and Properties of the Parsee Punchayet. I welcome this opportunity of rendering these generously-minded gentlemen, who hold out a helping hand to every one who devotes his working powers to the investigation of the Aveeta-documents, a small portion of the thanks which I myself owe them. May they find much pleasure in this book, which presente in all its texts a true and reliable picture of the evolution


of their religion and exhibits in the G&thfts the greatness and sublimity of the Zoroaetrian doctrine in its original power and veracity. To Professor Bartholomae I owe a special debt of gratitude for the help he has given me in correcting the proofs of the Avestan part of the book. Finally I beg the reader not to criticise my English two severely. I have only written the book in English because I was specially reqnested to do so by the Parsees who do not understand German. Giessen.

Hans Reichelt.

Contents. Page

Preface Abbreviations Texts Notes on the texts Glossary Index Additions and Corrections

VII—IX XII—XIII 1—90 91—209 211—281 282-301 302—304

Selection of texts. Hörn Yatt (Υ. IX) 1—32 Ardvlsür Yast (Yt. V) 1 - 1 3 2 Mihr Yast (Yt X) 1—21, 2 8 - 3 4 , 64 - 7 2 , 83 - 9 1 , 9 5 - 9 8 Fravartln Yost (Yt. XIII) 1 - 2 5 , 49—72 Varhrän YaSt (Yt. XIV) 3 4 - 4 0 , 4 2 - 46 Tistr Ya&t (Yt. VIII) 1 - 6 1 Art Yost (Yt XVII) 1 - 2 2 , 53 - 61 Zorn Yazat Yaät (Yt. XIX) 9 - 6 4 , 7 8 - 9 0 Vidivdät II, 1 - 4 3 III, 12—35 V, 1 - 7 VI, 26—41, 4 4 - 5 1 VIII, 1 - 5 , 8 - 1 8 XIII, 1—16 XV, 1—8 XVII, 1 - 1 1 XVIII, 1 3 - 2 9 , 3 0 - 5 9 , 60—65 XIX, 5 - 9 , 2 7 - 3 2 Visprat II, 1 - 1 1 V, 1 - 3 XII, 1 - 5 NyäyiSn III, 1—11 Gäh V, 1—7 SVi Böiak II, 1, 2, 7, 13

1-3 3—12 13-17 17—21 21-22 22-28 28-30 31-36 37-43 44-47 47-48 48-51 51-53 53-55 56 57—58 58-63 63—65 66—67 67 67-68 68-69 69-70 70-71


Yasnn XI, 1—7 LV, 1 - 6 LXII, 1 - 1 0 XXVII, 13-15 XIX, 1—21 XII, 1—7 LIV, 1 - 2 Iladöxt Nask II, 1 - 1 8 Nirangastan, 19-27, 72-84 Gä&ä's Υ. XXIX, 1—11 Υ. XXX, 1 - 1 1 Υ. XXXI, 1 - 6 Υ. XXXII, 3—IB Y. XLIII, 5 - 1 6 Y. XLVI, 9 - 1 3 Y. XLVin, 6—7, 10-12 Y. LI, t—7, 16—19 Y. LIII, 1 - 9 Yasnn Haptanhätay Υ. XXXVI, 1—6 Y. XL, 1 - 4



P«re 71 71—72 72-73 73 73—75 76—76 76 76-78 78—80 81—82 82 83 88-84 84—86 86 86-87 87-88 88—89 89-90 90

Abbreviations. Α.: Äfrinakän. AB.: Aitareya Brähmana. abl.: ablative. abs., absol.: absolutivum. acc.: accusative. act.: active. adj.: adjective. adv.: adverb. aor.: aorist. Ar., ar.: Aryan. Av.: Avesta. Av.: Artäk Viräz Nämak. (The Book of Arda Viraf.) AV.: Atharva Veda. Bartholomae ArF.: Arische Forschungen. — AirVb.: Altiranisches Verbum. — [Air]Wb.: Altiran. Wörterbuch. — Stud.: Studien zur indogermanischen Sprachgeschichte. — Zum AirWb.: Zum Altiranischen Wörterbuch. Nacharbeiten u. Vorarbeiten. BB.: Bezzenberger's Beiträge. Bd.: BundahiSrn. caue.: causative, compar.: comparative, cpd.: compound. D.: Darius-inscription. dat.: dative, dein.: declension. Delbrück AiS.: Altindische Syntax. Dd.: Dätastän i DSnVc. dem.: demonstrative, des.: deeiderative. Dk.: Denkart,.

du.: dual, encl.: enclitic. f., fem.: feminine, fut.: future. g.: gä&ic. G.: Gäh. GAv.: (?m fraSusa md avi zqm ni.urvise; ida mi tum hqm.caramiha *antara.aradam nmdnahe srirahe xiaürö.karatahe. 61 ana öwd yasna yazdi ana yasna frdyazdne, yasa died yazata vlitdspo *pasne dpo daitycnjit, barazam bardt zaota vdeim histamno pasca barasma. ana dwü yasna yazdne ana yasna frdyazdne, a&i srire ddmidditeu. ahe raya . . . tdscd yazamaide.

2am Yazat Yast (Yt. XIX) 9 - 2 4 .


Zam Yazat Yast. (YaSt XIX.) 9—64. v

9 uyram lcavaem x aranö mazdaddtam yazamaide * ai.vandaram uparojcairim damnarauhantam vara&aiauhantam yaoxitivantam taraddtam anyaii ddmqn, 10 yat asti ahurahe mazdd, ya&a ddmqn dadat ahurO mazdd pouruca vohuca pouruca sriraca pouruca abdaca pouruöa fraia6a pouruca bdmydca, 11 yat haranavqn frasam ahum azaraiantam amaraSantam afri&yantam apuyantam yavaejim yavaesum vasö.xiafrram. yat irista paiti usahiitqnjasdtjvayö amaraxtis, da&aite fraiam vasna aiahuL 12 bun ga&&d *amariantii yd asahe scmuhaitii. *nii *tat paiti druxi ndidite, yaddt aiwicit jaymat aiavanam mahrkaddi aom ci&ramca stimca, *α&αδόα *maire ndidtaica mairyö ada ratui. 13 ahe raya xvaranaiauhaca tam yazdi surunvata yasna uyram Icavaim xvaranö mazdaddtam zao&rdbyö. — uyram Jcavaem xvarano mazdaddtam yazamaide haomayö gava . . . tdscd yazamaide. 14 uyram Jcavaim xvaranO mazdaddtam yazamaide * ai.vandaram uparöJcairim üamnamihantam varacaiauhantam yaoxitivantam taraddtam anydii ddmqn, 15 yat asti amaianqm apantanqm xsaitanqm varazidöifrranqm barazantqm aiwydmanqm taxmanqm ahüiryanqm, yöi ai&yejanhö aiavanö, 16 yöi hapta hamö.manaiahö, yöi hapta hamövaöaiahö, yöi hapta hamöJyao&ndtdhö, yaeiqm asti hamarn manö, hamam ναέΰ, hamarn iyao&nam, hamö pataca frasdstaöa, yö daövä ahurö mazdd, 17 yaeiqm anyö anyehe urvdnam aiwi.vaenaiti maradtcantam humataeiu, maradwantam hüxtaiiu, mara&wantam hvaritaeiu, mara&wantam *garö nmdnam, yaeiqm raoxsndtahö pantänö dvayatqm avi zaa&rd, 18 yöi hanti dtahqm dämanqm yat ahurahe •mazdä ddtarasca maraxitarasca ϋ-waraxitarasüa aiwydxitarasca nipdtarasca niiharatarasca; 19 taecit, yöi fraiam vasna ahüm da&an azaraiantam amaraiantam afridyantam apuyantam . . . = 11—12 . . . ahe raya . . . tdscd yazamaide. 21 uyram lcavaem . . . anyaii damqn, 22 yat asti mainyavanqm yazatanqm gaei&yanqmca zdtanqmäa azdtanqmca frasö.caradrqm saoiyantqmia; 2 3 — 2 4 taScit, yöi fraiam vasna ahüm da§an azarasan-


Zam Yazat YaSt (Yt. XIX) 24-36.

tam amaraiantam afridyantam apuyantam. yazamaide.

ahe raya . .. tdsöd

25 uyram Tcavaem . . . anyäii dämqn, 26 yat uparahacat haoSyatdham paraddtam darayamdit (dpi zrvdnam, yat xiayata paiti bümlm haptai&yqm daevanqm maiydnqmca yd&icqm pairikanqm&a sdSrqm kaoyqm karafnqmöa, yö janat dva (hriiva mäzainyanqm daevanqm varanyanqm6a drvatqm. — — ahe raya . . . tdsiä yazamaide. 27 uyram kavaim . . . anyäii dämqn, 28 yat uparahatat taxmam urupi azinavantam, yat xiayata paiti bümlm haptai&yqm daevanqm maiyänqmöa ya&vcqm pairikanqmda sd&rqm kaoyqm karafnqm6a, 29 yat bavat aiwi.vanyd vlspe daeva maiyäda vlspe ydtavO pairikdsöa, yat barata araram mainyüm fraviitam aspahe kahrpa örisatam aiwLgdmanqm uva pairi zamO karanu. ahe raya . . . tdscd yazamaide. 30 uyram kavoem . . . anyäii dämqn, 31 yat upawhaiat yim yimam xiaStam hvqdwam darayamdit aipi zrvdnam, yat xiayata paiti bümlm haptaiüyqm daevanqm . . . karafnqmia, 32 yö uzbarat ha6a daivaeibyö uye iittiöa saokäöa, uye fiaoniiöa vq&wdäa, uye frrqfsia frasastiiia, yeiahe xia&rdda *xvairyqn *stö uye xvara&e ajyamne amaraianta pasu vira aahaoiamne äpa urvaire, 33 yeiahe xia&räda nöit aotam dtaha nöit garamam, nöit zaurva dtaha nöit marad-yui, nöit aroskö daevö.dätö para anädruxtöit, para ahmät yat him aim *draogam vdöim aiahai&im öinmäne *paiti.barata. 34 äat yat him aem *draogam väcim atahaifam dinmdne *paiti.barata, vaön&mnam ahmat ha6a xvaranö marayahe kahrpa fraiuaat avainö xvaranö fraeitö yö yimö xiaetö hvqfhoö, bräsat yimö aidtö däui.manahyäi&a hö staratö nidärat upairt zqm 35 paoirlm xvar»nö apanamata xvaranö yimat haöa xiaetät iusat xvaranö yimat ha6a vlva&huiät marayahe kahrpa vdraynahe. a&m xvaranö hangäurvayata midrö yö vouru.gaoyaoitii yö srut.gaoiö hazatarä.yaoxitii ; mi'&ram vtspanqm daüyunqm danhupaitim yazamaidef yim frada&at ahurö mazdä xvaranavuhastamam mainyavanqm yazatanqm. 36 yat bitlm xvaranö apanamata xvaranö yimat haca xiaetät iueat xvar»nö yimat ha6a vlvawhuiät marayahe kahrpa vdraynahe, aom xvaranö hangäurvayata vlsö pu&rö ä&icyänöii vlsö sürayd

Zam Yazat Yast (Yt. XIX) 36—48.


draStaonö, yat ds maiydnqm vara&ravanqm varafrravastamö ainyO zaraftuitrdt; 37 yO janat ailm dahdkam... mahrkai aiahe gae&anqm. 38 yat dritim xvaranö apanamata xvaranö yimat Τιαέα xiaStät iusat x"aranö yimat haia vlvarahuidt marayahe kahrpa vdraynahe. aom xvar»nö hangaurvayata naire.mand karasäspö, yat as maiydnqm uyranqm aojiitö ainyö zara&uitrdt nairyaydt parö hqm.varatöit, 39 yat dim upanhacat yd uyra naire hqm.varaitii ; nairyqm hqm.varaitim yazamaide aradwö.zangqm axvafnyqm dsitö.gdtüm jdydurum, yä upatahaiat karasdspam. 40 yö janat ailm srvaram yim aspö.garam nara.garam yim vliavantam zairitam, yim upairi vii raodat xiva&paya va&naya barasna, yim upairi vii raodat drityö.baraza zairitam, yim upairi karasäspö ayataha pitüm paiata d rapühmnam zrvdnam. tafsatca hö mairyö χνΐζαζόα; frqi ayaiahö frasparat yaeiyantim dpam pardnhat. parqi taritö apatatat naire.mand karasäspö. 41 yö janat *gandarawam yim zairi.-pdinam, yö apatat vlzafänö maraxidnö gaBdd astvaitii aiahe. yö janat hunavö yat pa&anaya nava hunavasöa nivikahe hunavasca däitayänöii. yö janat zaranyö.pusam hitdspam varaiaomia ddnayanam pitaonamia ai.pairikam. 42 yö janat arazö.iamanam nairyqm.hqm.vdrativantam taxmam frdzuitam * * uitam jiram zbaramnam jiydurum afrakataöim "barö.zuiam apa.disam nydidduru apastananhö gatö arazahe. 43 yö janat sndvidkam yim srvö.zanam asangö.gdum, yö αυα&α vyOxmanyata: aparandyu ahmi nöit parandyu; yezi bavdni parandyu, zqm öaxram karanavdne, asmanam raüam karanavdne. 44 avanayeni spantarn mainyüm haca raoxina *garö *nmdna, uspatayeni amram mainyüm arayata ha6a duia-aha. t& mi vdsam üanjaydnte spantasöa mainyui anrasca, yezi mqm nöit jandt naire.mand karasdspö. tarn jandt naire.mand karasäspö αυα apanam gayehe *frasdnam uitdnahe. ahe raya . . . tdsca yazamaide. 45 uyram axvaratam xvaranö mazdaddtam yazamaide *ai.vandaram uparöJcairlm •damnarauhantam varacaiauhantam yaoxstivantam tarabdtam anydii dämqn, 46 yahmi paiti **paraxvdi&e spantasca mainyui anrasia, aStahmi paiti at axvarate. adät aste fraiaharacayat dsiite katarascit; spantö mainyui aitam fraiaharacayat vohuca manö aiamca vahiitam dtramöa ahurahe mazdd pufrram, ararö mainyui aitam frataharaiayat akamca manö a&iamamca xrvl.drüm azimca dahakam spityuramca yimö.karantam. 47 aödt fraia hqm.rdzayata dtari mazdd ahurahe uiti avada nuwhdnö: aetat xvaranö hangarafidne yat axvaratam. dat hi paskdt fradvarat azii ürizafd duzdainö *uiti zaxia&ram daomnö: 48 injal avat handaesayawuha, dtari mazdd ahurahe: yezi Aveeta Reader.



Zam Yazat Tagt (Yt. XIX) 48—58.

aetat nydsdnhe yat axvarstam, fra •dicqm paiti αράϋα nöit apaya uzraodayüi zqm paiti ahuradätqm &rd&rdi aiahe gae&anqm. αδα atari zasta paiti apa.gdurvayat fraxini uitünö.6inahya, ya&a azii bivoivdtaha. 49 aiat fraia hqm.dvarat aiii •drizafd duidainö uiti ava&a manhdnö: aitat xvar»nö hangrafidne yat axvar»tdm. Oat he paskdt hqm.rdzayata atari mazdd ahurahe uiti vaöäibii aojanö: 00 tinja! avat handaSsayanuha, aze drizafdm, dahdka: yezi aitat nydsdnhe yat axvar»t9m, fra ftwqm zadanha paiti uzuxiane, zafarz paiti uzraoiayeni nöit apaya afrapatai zqrn paiti ahuradätqm, mahrkdi aiahe gae&anqm. αδα aiii gava paiti apa.gaurvayat fraxini uitanöiinahya, yada atari biwivdnha. 51 aetat xvardnö frapinvata avi zrayO vouruJcaivm. a dim ha&ra hangaurvayat apqm napd aurvat.aspö. tatöa izyeiti apqm napd aurvat.aspö: aetat xvaranö hangrdfidne yat axvar»tdm bun»m zrayanhö gufrahe bune Jafranqm vairyanqm. 52 bdr»zant»m ahuram xia&rlm xiaetam apqm napdtam aurvat.aspdm yazamaide aridn&m zavanö.8um, yö nzräui dada, yö n»räui tataia, yö updpö yazatö *srut.gaoiö.tsmö asti yezimnö. 53 dat vö Tcasöit maiyanqm, uiti mraot ahurö mazdd, ai aiaum zara&uitra, xvar»nö axvardt&m isaital a&aurunö hö rdtanqm raoxini.xinüt»m iidwhaßta a&aurunö hö rätanqm pouru.xinüt9m iidiaha£ta a&aurunö hö rätanqm. 54 t&m haidt aiii pourui.xvadra spdra.daita süra gmica vdstraheöa, tarn hoödt V9r»· •&r»m vlspö.aydram amaöniynam tarö.yar»m. dat ana vardfrra haiimnö vandt haenayd xrviiyeitii, dat ana varafrra hadimnö vandt vlspe tbiiyantö. ahe raya xvar»naidha6a tdin yazäi surunvata yasna uyram axvar9t9m xvaranö mazdadätwm, zaodrdbyö. uyram axvaratdm xvaranö mazdadat^m yazamaide haomayö gava . . . tdsöa yazamaide. 55 uyr&m axvar&t9m . . . anydii ddmqn, 56 yat isat mairyö tüiryö franrase zrayarahö vouru.kaiahe. maynö apa.spayat vastrd, tat xvaranö isö, yat asti airyanqm daJiyunam zdtanqm azdtanqmca yatäa aiaonö zara&uitrahe. d tat xvardnö frazgadata, tat xvar&nö apataiat, tat xvar»nö apa.hidat; αδα hau apayzdrö bvat zrayanhö vouru.Jeaiahe vairii, yö haosravä nqma. 57 dat us.patat frawrase türö ai.varsid, spitama zarafrustra, zrayawhat haöa *vouru.kaiät ayqm daoiftrim daomnö: iüe i&a yafrna ahmdi nöit tat xvar»nö pairi.abaom, yat asti airyanqm dahyunqm zdtanqm azdtanqmca yatca aiaonö zarafruitrahe. 58 vaim hqm.rae&wayeni vispa tariuea xiudraca masaηαέα varshanaca srayanaca. *&wqzjaiti ahurö mazdd paitiid ddmqn da&dnö. dat ava.patat fr anrase türö ai.varsM, spitama zara&uitra,

Zam Yazat Yaet (Yt. XIX) 69—64, 78—86.


avi zrayö *vouru.kaiam. d(bitim maynö apa.spaya{ vastrd, tat x°aranö isö, yat asti airyanqm daJiyunqm ... zrayanhö *vouru*kaSahe vairii, yö vcmhazdA nqma. 60—61 dat us.pat at frawrase türö aS.varaäd, spitama zara&uitra, zrayanhat Τιαέα *vouru.kaJät αγψη daoi&rlm daomnö: i&e i&a ya&na ahmdi avaS&a i&a ya&na kahmdi nöit tat xvar»nö pairi.· abaom, yat asti airyanqm daJiyunqm . . . avi zrayö *vouru.kaSam. 62 d&ritimapa.spayat vastrd, tat xvaranö isö, yat asti airyanqm daJiyunqm . . . zrayanhö *vouru.kaiahe d f i yd awiddnva nqma. 63 dat us.patat frawrase türö ai.varacä, spitama zara&uitra, zrayanhat *ha6a vouru.kaidt ayqm daoi&rfm daomnö: i&e i&a ya&na ahmdi ava&e i&a ya&na ahmdi dvöya i&a ya&na ahmdi nöit tat xvaranö pairi.abaom, yat asti airyanqm daJiyunqm zdtanqm azdtanqmia yatia aiaonö zara&uitrahe. 64 nöit tat x'aranö pairi.abavat} yat asti airyanqm daJiyunqm zdtanqm azdtanqm6a yatia aiaonö zara&uitrahe. — — ahe raya . . . tds6a yazamaide. 78—90. 78 uyram kavaem . . . anydii ddmqn, 79 yat upanhaiat aiavanam zara&uitram anumatSe dainaydi anuxtäe dainaydi anuvaritäe dainaydi, yat as vispahe aiaJiäui astvatö aiam aiavastamö xia&ram *huxia&rö.tamö raim raivastamö xvaranö x'aranaiauhastamö vara&ra vara&ravastamö. 80 vainamnam ahmat para daiva patayan, vainamnam mayd frdvöit, vainamnam *apa.kariayan jainii hada maiyd· kaitbyö; dat td snao&antii garazdnd Jiazö nivarazayan daiva. 81 dat ti aivö ahunö vairyö yim aiavanam zara&uitram frasrdvayat vl.· bara&wantam dxtüirim aparam xraoidyehya frasrüiti *zamaragüza avazat vlspe daiva ayesnya avahmya. 82 yenhe tat xvaranö isat mairyö tüiryö frararase vlspdis avi karivqnydii hapta. pairi ydii hapta karivqn mairyö apatat frawrase isö xvaranö zara&uitrdi. d tat xvaranö frazgabata avi vayqm vltdpam. inja me urvisyatam, aezo jasatam aizahe, ya&a ka&aöa ti äs zaoiö mana yat ahurahe mazdd dainaydsca mdzdayasnöis. ahe raya . . . tdsSd yazamaide. 83 uyram kavaem . .. anydis ddmqn, 84 yat upaiahacat kavaSm vlstdspam anumatäet dainaydi anuxtäe dainaydi anuvarstäe dainaydi, yatKimqm*daenqm dstaota dusmainyüm sizdyö daSvqn apa **asavqn. 85 yö druca paurvqnca asdi ravö yaisa, yö druca paurvqnca asdi ravö yaisa, yö druca paurvqnca asdi ravö νϊναβδα, yö bdzusca upastaca visata amhd daenayd yat ahuröis zaraduströis. 86 yö him std•


Ζ am Yazat YaSt (Yt. XIX) 86—90.

tqmia hitqm haitlm uzvaiat Τιαδα hinüiwyö nl him, dasta maidyöiiädam barazi.rdzam afrakadavaitim aiaonlm drqfdqm gauida vastraheca fridqm gauica vdstraheda. 87 bavai aiwi.vanyd, yasa taxmO kava vlStäspO tq&ryüvantam du£daSnam paSanamia daivayasnam drvantamia araja^.aspam uta anydsiit αγα duZvandravö Tiyaondnhö. ahe raya ... tdsöä yazamaide. 88 uyram kavaim . . . anyäii ddmqn, 89 yat upanhacat Λsaoi· yant9m varafrrqfanam uta anydsMt haxayö, yat karanavdt fraiarn ahüm *azaraSantam amaraSantam afridyantam apuyantam yavaefim yavaSsum vasö.xiadram, yat irista paiti usahiitat jasat Jvayö amaraxtii, do&aite fraiam ναβηα aiahui. 90 bun . . . mare ndidtaiöa mairyö αϋα ratui. ahe raya . . . tds6d yazamaide.

Yideydat. II.

mainyö mazda ahura,, :mazdam

ahur»m zara&uStrö p»r»sat

• { g l - i m f y » } • {»-gj» · · · ' maSyänqm paoiryö kahmäi }aSäum astvaitinam gae&anqm dätara sp&niäta ++ ·.· · g*>«o ·«(*( · V·»!* •VW» "Vo ' kahmäi fzara&uSträi yat mana anyö mazdä ahurö yö tum ap9r989

•\^>o>j· · ahurö mraot

2 äat

.· " ? zara&u&tnm ähüirim


· · ^«"(ö^J - ^ yam daenqm fradaesayö

• V>A>!a»ij) ' Umffy» ' ό · {myjji · Ja>UfW!? · · »-Pro 1 1 aem mS äat .daenayäi barstaia mdrdtö ,vivavhana srira yima ,me Hstö yö




nöit' : zara&uStra ,srirö

·ί(·5» · · · juo* 4 azim ,zara&u$tra ,mraom he äat Avosta Rouder.



·.· J-JJ-hj^ · »("•(f^f) 'VrfW '.daenayäi bvrdta&i m9r»tö I


Videvdät II. 5—10.





nöit yima me

•»"μ!ι ·|»ί · •««»^«k -{"»ig»»®. · ttfiäi mS äat varddaya gae&ä ine WJLM^.»«ο · ήο·» · paityao- aem me

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