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English Pages [1724] Year 1969
Montreal and London McGill—Queen's University Press 1969
© Arctic Institute of North America 1969
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 53-61783
Printed in Canada by Ronalds-Federated Limited, Montreal
SUPPORTING AGENCIES U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Dept. of the Army National Institutes of Health Office of Naval Research
Canada Council Defence Research Board of Canada Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
DIRECTING COMMITTEE J. WILIMOYSKY, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Chairman
Defence Research Board of Canada
J. M. HARRISON, Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources, Canada
F. MACRAE, Guelph University, Canada
H. NEsmirr, University of Alabama, University, Ala.
Representative, Atomic Energy Commission Representative, Dept. of the Air Force Representative, Dept. of the Army Representative, Library of Congress Representative, National Institutes of Health Representative, Office of Naval Research DR. GRAHAM ROWLEY,
Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development,
Canada DR.
A. L. WASHBURN, University of Washington, Seattle
H. ZUMBERGE, Grand Valley State College, Allendale, Mich.
INTRODUCTION The Arctic Institute's effort to provide a systematic record of scientific and technical publicatiOns on the northern regions of the world and on problems related to their environmental conditions and resource development, began in 1947 and continues with Volume 14 of the Arctic Bibliography. This volume which brings to 93,300 the publications recorded so far, summarizes and indexes 8,563 books and papers mostly those of 1964-1965. They deal with the earth, physical'and life sciences, the arts and industries in the vast circumpolar region depicted on the map at the end of this volume. The earth and physical sciences under review, comprise geology, seismology, mineralogy, geography, geomorphology, glaciology, meteorology, geophysics, oceanography, and the discipline which is increasingly attempting to orient all`of these towards the needs and demands of man --- environmental science. The most outstanding contribution in geology is the great increase in the area within the arctic region which is mapped in detail. Federal, state and provincial geologicil surveys, together with industrial exploration companies, have extended detailed surveys far beyond the present areas of human .settlement. Of particular note in this connection is Nouveau-Quebec, where the Labrador Trough is the scene of intense activity, with some uninhabited northern areas mapped 'on scales as large as one inch to one mile. Progress is also 'noteworthy in, the Yukon and in Svalbard. In Greenland great interest has been shown in the acid-basic intrusive complexes of the Julianehab region, and dozens of scholarly papers have appeared on their mineralization and significance for. igneous geological theory. Evidence is growing that great' areas of the Far North are potentially favorable for oil= and 'gas, and in this period outstanding development occurred in western Siberia and southern Alaska, 'where the petroleum fields provide and ,promise greater riches than' did the gold rush: Exploration' for oil' in the arctic islands proves costly .and dissaniointilag so far, but opinions that the area is prospective are confirmed. Canada continues to locate ever greater reserves of iron ores, particularly in its northern areis; both in the east (Ungava, Baffin Island) and in the far North,v
west. The USSR carries on intensive exploration of the Talnakh deposits near Noril'sk where the copper, nickel and other minerals may exceed those of Norilsk itself. Immense areas in Siberia and elsewhere are inaccessible to mineral exploration because of marshy terrain, and the drainage and melioration of such areas are under study. The Russians are reexamining the Ust'-Port, Khatanga depression and other areas, and exploring the lower Yenisey and parts (Taz, Yamal) of northern Tyumen as well as its oil-rich Surgut-Megion region. In Alaska, government scientists are reexamining, mapping and evaluating by stream sampling techniques many old prospecting sites. The great March 1964 earthquake at Anchorage is probably generating more studies than any other in history. In the USSR the reconciling of diverse standards and terminology in stratigraphic classification still has much attention. Geologic studies in the Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea and Aleutian waters shed new light on marine sediments, and contribute to theories of continental growth and global tectonics. Inevitably in such an environment as the Arctic, geologists and geographers continue to concentrate on geomorphic studies. Noticeably these have moved from a concern with morphology to an analysis of process. Classic studies such as those at Mesters Vig in Greenland and Axel Heiberg Island in Canada, work in Svalbard and the USSR provide geomorphologists with the first reliable quantitative measures of such processes as solifluction, frost heaving, and downslope movements. Organic terrain, pingos and patterned ground continue fruitful for both study and controversy. The Arctic Brown has now been definitely established as a specific circumpolar soil type. In glaciology, Novaya Zemlya, the Polar Ural and Suntar Khayata in the USSR, the Icefield Ranges of Yukon-Alaska, Baffin Island and the Thule area of Greenland continue to serve as natural laboratories for fruitful research, and throughout the Arctic at scores of localities, inland ice and glaciers are being subjected to increasingly sophisticated measurement in an endeavor to obtain key data. Principal among these are accumulation and ablation rates, and from these are derived mass budgets and patterns of secular change. Submarines penetrate beneath arctic pack ice to obtain valuable data on under-ice profiles, ice thickness, and the acoustics of sound beneath ice. During the period under review, the vast mass of observations of these and other parameters obtained from drifting stations on ice islands and floes in the polar ocean are studied and evaluated. Glaciologists, oceanographers and meteorologists bring their disciplines to bear on a problem which is finally proving capable VI
of reliable theoretic quantification: the heat balance of the Arctic Ocean and the fluxes of its water-ice-air boundary layers. Important studies are conducted on lake ice on Knob Lake in Quebec. Data on the freeze-up and breakup of the great waterways, the Mackenzie, Ob, Yenisey, etc., are systematized, their forecasting worked out, and means of extending the navigation season studied. An international conference on permafrost in 1963 indicates that not only are the physical parameters of this phenomenon becoming more clearly understood but many of the difficulties it creates for transportation and construction are being effectively overcome. In oceanography the quantity of observations available is taxing the capacity of scientists to organize and analyze them. Significant among many investigations are those exploring the Labrador Current, and the oceanic heat transport of the arctic waters. Controversy continues on the subject of the ultimate effect upon world climate in general and the Arctic in particular of an ice-free Arctic Ocean, although grandiose schemes for attempting to create such a condition receive less consideration. Available data and the computer have now made possible the first reliable explanatory theoretic models of the gyratory oceanic circulation of the Arctic Ocean. The demands of arctic meteorology continue to take its scientists and observers farther north and for longer periods than any of its sister disciplines; and the permanent stations have now been in operation long enough for significant long-term means and trends to be established. The wealth of evidence for a secular cooling trend which is particularly marked in some parts of the Arctic is one significant example. From these means, the various energy budgets and fluxes can be computed with greater confidence. The important series of studies carried out by McGill University has greatly advanced knowledge of arctic meteorology, particularly micrometeorology and has forged strong disciplinary links with glaciology and oceanography. In the fields of ecology and environmental science, a landmark during the period under review is the Cape Thompson studies, sponsored primarily as an interdisciplinary evaluation of the effects upon the total environment of a major nuclear explosion in the Arctic. Never before have so many scientists studied so exhaustively one locality in the Far North. The complex interrelations in even such a remote and relatively inhospitable habitat are remarkably evident from this study. Outstanding are the surveys of the human ecologic framework, which clearly demonstrate the complexity and spatial vastness of the food chains supporting a small arctic hunting and fishing community. VII
Rapidly changing human communities throughout the North challenge social scientists of all the countries concerned. The U.S. Bureau of. Indian Affairs and others sponsor reappraisals of the life, health, training and precarious economy of Alaskan Indians (even assessing the possibility of exporting sea-lion sausages!). Danish and German scholars report impressive evidence of change in Greenland. In the USSR, the living standard requirements are rising in the native collectives and at the industrial sites of the Far North. Canadians, both English and French, reveal the dwindling resource base of the Eskimo; his valuable craft skills, his native bent toward cooperation, and his inexorable incorporation into the modern world. Northern towns such as Schefferville, Yellowknife, Hay River, Inuvik, Whitehorse, Rovanierai Murmansk, Noril'sk, Vorkuta, Mimyy, Magadan, are examined by economists, engirieers, educators, and modem man's slender toehold upon the Arctic is clearly revealed as sure. This volume lists 6380 works published in 1964 and 1965, 1920 from 1960-1963, 212 from the previous decade, 23 issued in 1940-1949 and 28 prior to 1940; in all 8563. Over half of these (4536) were published in Russian, 3318 in English, 334 in the Scandinavian languages or Finnish, 229 in German, 114 in French, and 32 in other languages. We give thanks to the libraries which have made their resources available for our staff, particularly to the Library of Congress which has provided facilities of many kinds for our work. And we give thanks to the Government agencies of the United States and Canada who generously have supported our work over the years. On the withdrawal of Dr. A. L. Washburn in 1968 from the chairmanship of the Directing Committee of the Arctic Bibliography, Dr. Norman J. Wilimovsky, long interested in the project and helpful to its staff, became chairman. The project director and editor appointed in 1947 retired on 31 March 1968, passing the direction and preparation of forthcoming volumes of the Arctic Bibliography to Maret Martna. Marie Tremaine Director emeritus of the Arctic Bibliography Washington, D.C. March 1969
CONTENTS Introduction Journals cited in Arctic Bibliography, vol. 14
Libraries cited in Arctic Bibliography, vol. 14
Language symbols used in the Index
Director and Editor
R. ALLEN, Editorial assistant
Editor emeritus
Research analyst in exploration and development
Research analyst in Geography, Geology, Meteorology, Oceanography
Research analyst in Archeology, Anthropology, Sociology
Research analyst in Scandinavian materials
Research analyst in Biology, Physiology, Geology
Jr., Research analyst in Geology
Emu, LIEBMAN, Research analyst in Biology, Physiology
Rom LOUGEE, Research analyst in Geography, Geology
Research analyst in Biology
Research analyst in Social Sciences, Zoology
Research analyst in Geophysics, Engineering
Research analyst in exploration and development
J. VAUGHN, Editorial assistant
Research analyst in Geography, Geomorphology,
Geology DAVID
B. WASHINGTON, Chief Clerk
*Deceased Dec. 24, 1968
JOURNALS CITED IN v. 14 OF THE ARCTIC BIBLIOGRAPHY Abo, Finland. Akademi. Acta . . . Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munchen. Deutsche Geodatische KomHumaniora. mission. Veroffentlichungen. Ser. Academie Polonaise des Sciences. See B: angewandte Geodasie. Polska Akademia Nauk. Akademiia nauk SSSR. Moskva: Academy of Natural Sciences of Doklady. Novala serifs. Philadelphia. Special publication. Izve,stifa. Fizika atmosfery Acoustical Society of America. Jourokeana. nal. Menasha, Wisc. Izvestifa. Fizika Zemli. Acta agralia fennica. Helsinki. Serifa biologicheskafa. Izvestifa. Acta archaeologica. KObenhavn. Serifs fizicheskafa. Izvestifa. Acta borealia. A. Scientia. Troms0. Izvestifa. Serifs geofizicheskafa. Acta borealia. B. Humaniora. TromIzvestifa. Sera. geograficheskafa. s0. Izvestifa. Serifs geologicheskafa. Acta botanica fennica. Helsinki. Serif& literatury i Izvestifa. Acta entomologica fennica. Helsinki. fazyka. Acta ethnographica. Budapest. Vestnik. Acta geographica. Helsinki. Botanicheskii institut: Gerbaril. Botanicheskie materiActa geographica. Paris. aly. Acta linguistica. Budapest. Trudy: Serifa 8, Paleobotanika. Acta medica iugoslavica. Beograd. See also Botanicheskil zhurnal. Acta naturalia islandica. Reykjavik. Darnevostochnyl filial, VladivoActa orientalia. Budapest. stok: Acta physiologica. Budapest. Soobshchenifa. Acta physiologica polonica. WarTrudy. Serra geologicheskafa. szawa. Trudy. Serifs istoricheskafa. Acta physiologica scandinavica. Gel'mintologicheskaia laboraStockholm. toriia. Trudy. Acta zoologica. Stockholm. Geologicheskil institut. Trudy. Acta zoologica fennica. Helsinki. Geologicheskil muzeT. Trudy. Actualite economique. Montreal. akutskil filial, Yakutsk: Actualites neurophysiologiques. PaInstitut ilizyka, literatury i ris. istorii. Actualites scientifiques et indusNauchnye soobshchenifa. trielles. Paris. Institut arkheologii: Agricultural Institute review. OtKratkie soobshchenifa. tawa. Materialy i issledovanifa po Air force and space digest. Wash., arkheologii SSSR. D.C. Institut etnografii. Trudy. XI
Institut geografii. Materialy glfaaiologicheskikh issledovanil. Khronika, obsuzhdenia. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdenil, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii. Trudy. Institut fazykoznanifa. Trudy. Institut merzlotovedenifa. Trudy. Trudy. Severnoe otdelenie. Syktyvkar. Institut mikrobiologii. Trudy. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov. Trudy. Institut okeanologii. Trudy. Karel'skil filial. Petrozavodsk. Materialy po kompleksnomu izucheian Belogo morfa. Trudy. Komi filial. Syktyvkar. Institut geologii. Trudy. Serifs lingvisticheskafa. Komissifa po izuchenifa chetvertichnogo perioda. Bfalleten'. Laboratorifa geologii dokembrifa. Trudy. Laboratorifa gidrogeologicheskikh problem. Trudy. Laboratorifa' vulkanologii. Trudy. Mezhduvedomstvennafa komissifa po izucheniffl geologii i geografii karsta. Informacsionny Isbornik. Mezhduvedomstvennyi geofizicheskil komitet. Sbornik state!. Ionosfernye issledovania. Kosmicheskie luchi. Meteorologicheskie issledovanifa. Seismiche.skie issledovania. II razdel programmy MGG: meteorologn. III razdel programmy MGG: geomagnitnye issledovania. IV razdel programmy MGG: polfamye sifanifa i svechenie nochnogo neba. V razdel programmy MGG: ionosfera. XII
MineralogicheskiI muzel. Trudy. Murmanskil morskol biologicheinstitut. Trudy. Muzel antropologii i etnografii. Sbornik. Pochvennyi institut. Trudy. Sibirskoe otdelenie. Novosibirsk. Drevnfala Sibir'. Izvestifa. [serifs obshchestvennykh nauk] Izvestifa. [seri& tekhnicheskikh. nauk] Biologicheskil institut. Trudy. Institut geografii Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doklady. Institut geologii i geofiziki. Trudy. Institut zemnol kory. Trudy. Komissifa po izucheniID. podzemnykh vod Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Materialy. Severo-Vostochnyl kompleksnyi nauchno-issledovaterskil institut. Trudy. Sibir' perioda feodalizma. T—SentraPnyl sibirskiI botanicheski! sad. Trudy. Urallskii filial. Sverdlovsk: Institut biologii. Trudy. Institut geofiziki. Trudy. Institut geologii. Trudy. Institut gornogo dela. Trudy. Zoologicheskii institut. Opredeliteli po faun SSSR. Trudy. Trudy problemnykh i tematicheskikh soveshchanii. See also Fauna ASSR. Akademifa nauk URSR, Kiyev. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet. Geofizika i astronomifii. Informaisionnyl bffilleten'. Akademifa stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR, Moskva. Institut osnovanil i podzemnykh sooruzhenil. Trudy. Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game: Informational leaflet. Alaska. Dept. of Health and Welfare. Hydrological data series.
Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals: Geologic report. Miscellaneous paper. Alaska. University: Anthropological papers. Biological papers. Cooperative Extension Service: Bulletin. Circular. Geophysical Institute. Geophysical research report. Institute of Arctic Biology. Laboratory of Zoophysiology. Publications. Institute of BuSiness, Economic and Government Research. Reports. Alaska medicine. Anchorage. Alaska review. Anchorage. Alaska review of business and economic conditions. College. Alaska sportsman. Ketchikan. Alaskan Science Conference. Proceedings. Alaska's health and welfare. Juneau. Alberta. Univ. Boreal Institute. Occasional paper. Albertan geographer. Alpen. Bern. Alpine journal. London. America indlgena. Mexico. American alpine journal., N.Y. American anthropologist. American antiquity. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Publication. American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin. Memoir. American College of Surgeons, Chicago. See Surgical forum. American Geophysical Union. Transactions. American heritage. New York. American journal of human genetics. Baltimore. American journal of physical anthropology.
American journal of physiology. American journal of science. American Medical Association. Journal. American Meteorological Society. Bulletin. American Microscopical Society. Transactions. American midland naturalist. American mineralogist. American Museum journal. See Natural history. American-Scandinavian review. American scientist. American Society for Testing and Materials. Special technical publication. American Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. American Society of Civil Engineers. Construction Division. Journal. Surveying and Mapping Division. Journal. American Water Works Association. Journal. Amerindian. Chicago. Among the deep sea fishers. N.H. Anadyr'. Chukotskii kraevedcheski! muzel. Zapiski. Animal behaviour. London. Animal kingdom. New York. Annales biologiques. See International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Kobenhavn. Annales botanici Fennici. Helsinki. Annales de geographie. Paris. Annales de geophysique. Paris. Annales zoologici Fennici. Helsinki. Annali di geofisica. Roma. Annals of surgery. Philadelphia. Annual review of entomology. Palo Alto, Calif. Antarktika. Doklady komissii. Moskva. Anthropologica. Ottawa. Anthropological journal of Canada. Ottawa. Anthropological linguistics. Bloomington. XIII
Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien. Mitteilungen. Anthropology tomorrow. Chicago. Anthropos. Ephemeris internationalis ethnologica et linguistica. Salzburg. Appalachia. Boston. Archiv fur Meteorologic, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie. Wien: Ser. A: Meteorologic und Geophysik. Ser. B: Allgemeine und biologische Klimatologie. Archly fur physikalische Therapie. Leipzig. Archiv fiir Psychiatric. Berlin. Archives des sciences physiologiques. Paris. Archives of otolaryngology. Chicago. Archivum immunologiae et therapiae experimentalis. Warszawa. Arctic. Montreal. Arctic anthropology. Madison, Wis. Arctic circular. Ottawa. Arctic Institute of North America: Anthropology of the North: Translations from Russian sources. Research papers. Technical papers. See also Arctic. Arkhangel'sk. Gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii institut. Uchenye zapiski. Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik. Moskva. Arkheologifas, SSSR. Svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov. Arkhitektura SSSR. Moskva. Arkiv for botanik. Stockholm. Arkiv for geofysik. Stockholm. Arkiv for zoologi. Stockholm. Arkticheskil institut SSSR. See under Leningrad. Armor. Washington, D.C. Arv. Uppsala, Kobenhavn. Asian perspectives. Tucson, Ariz. Association of American Geographers. Annals. XIS'
Astronautics and aeronautics. Easton, Pa. Astronomichesldi zhurnal. Moskva. Atlantis. Ziirich. Atomnafa' energiiii. Moskva. Atuagagdliutit: GrOnlandsposten. Godthetb. Auk. Boston. Aviation week and space technology. N.Y. Avtomobil'nye dorogi. Moskva. Avtomobil'nyi transport. Moskva. Baikal. Ulan-Ude. Baltica. Vilnius. Bank of Montreal, business review. Beaver. Winnipeg. Beitrtige zur Entomologie. Berlin. Beitrage zur Physik der Atmosphere. Frankfurt am Main. Belomorskafti, biologicheskaf stanFsica. Trudy. See under Moskva. Univ. Berge der Welt. Zurich. See also Mountain world. Bei:gen, Norway. Universitet: Arbok. Arbok; matematisk-naturvitenskapelig serie. Skrifter. Berlin. Freie Universitat. Institut fur Meteorologic und Geophysik. Meteorologische Abhandlungen. Bezopasnost' truda v promyshlennosti. Moskva. Biochemical journal. Cambridge, Eng. Biologia neonatorum. Basel. BioScience. Wash., D.C. Bialleten' vulkanologicheskikh stanail. Moskva. Biuletyn peryglacjalny. Lodz. Brulleten' eksperimentarnoi biologii i meditsiny. Moskva. Blyttia. Oslo. BotanicheskiI institut im. V. L. Komarova. See under Akademira' nauk SSSR. Botaniska notiser. Lund. British birds. London.
British Glaciological Society. Ice, news bulletin. Cambridge, Eng. British Museum. London. Natural History. Bulletin. Zoological series. Bulletin of the atomic scientists. Chicago. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. Calgary, Alta. formerly Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists. Journal. Byggnadsindustrien. Stockholm. C.I.L. oval. (Canadian Industries, Ltd.) Toronto. CRREL. See U.S. Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Cahiers d'etudes biologiques. Paris. Cahiers de geographie de Quebec. Cahiers oceanographiques. Paris. California. Division of Mines and Mineral information Geology. service. California. University. Berkeley. Publications in the geological sciences. California. University. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla. Bulletin; technical series. California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Proceedings. Canada: Advisory Committee on Northern Development. Government activities in the North. Defence Research Board, Ottawa. Translations. Defence Research Medical Laboratories. Research papers. Dept. of Agriculture. Publications. Dept. of Fisheries. Trade news. Dept. of Forestry. Publications. Dept. of Mines and Technical Surveys. Annual report. Dept. of Mines and Technical Surveys. Geographical Branch. Geographical papers. See also Geographical bulletin. Dept. of Mines and Technical Surveys. Marine Sciences
Branch. Manuscript report series. Dept. of National Defence. Bureau of current affairs. Citizenship for the Canadian Forces. Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources: Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre. NCRC reports. Water Resources Branch: Bulletin. Water resources paper. Dominion Observatory, Ottawa. Publications. Fisheries Research Board: Annual report. Bulletin. Journal. Geological Survey: Bulletin. Economic geology report. Maps prelimins,ry series. Memoirs. Miscellaneous report. Papers. Formerly Summary reports. Hydrographic Service. Pilot of arctic Canada. Meteorological Branch: Circulars. Monthly radiation summary. Mineral Resources Division: Mineral information bulletin. Mineral report. Mineral surveys. National Museum: Anthropology papers. Bulletin. Northern Administration Branch. Resources Division. Schedules of wells, Northwest Territories and Yukon Territory. Canadian aeronautics and space journal. Canadian alpine journal. Canadian Army journal. Canadian art. Canadian aviation. Canadian centenary series. XV
Canadian consulting engineer.. Don Mills, Ont. Canadian controls and instrumentation. Toronto. Canadian cooperative digest. Ottawa. Canadian entomologist. Canadian field-naturalist. Canadian fisherman. Gardenvale, Que. Canadian geographer. Canadian geographical journal. Canadian geotechnical journal. .Toronto. Canadian historical review. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Transactions. Canadian journal of biochemistry. Canadian journal of botany. Canadian journal of earth sciences. Canadian journal of linguistics. Canadian journal of medical sciences. Canadian journal of microbiology. Canadian journal of physics. Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. Canadian journal of public health. Canadian journal of zoology. Canadian. Medical Association. Journal. Canadian medical services journal. See Medical services journal, Canada: Canadian mineralogist. Toronto. Canadian mining and metallurgical bulletin. Ottawa. Canadian mining journal. Toronto. Canadian nurse. Winnipeg. Canadian Oceanographic Data Centre. Ottawa. Data record series. Canadian Petro Engineering. Canadian surveyor. Ottawa. Cartographer. Ottawa. Chicago. University. Dept. of Geography. Research papers. ChukotskiI . . . muzel. See under Anadyr'. Ciel et terre. Bruxelles. Circulation. N.Y. Circulation research. Baltimore. XVI
Clinical science. London. Coal age. New York. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Oxford. Condor. Berkeley, Calif. Congres international des sciences anthropologiques et ethuologiques. See International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences.. Connaissance du monde. Paris. Construction world. Vancouver, B.C. Contractors and engineers. N.Y. Copeia. N.Y. Current anthropology. Chicago. Czasopismo geograficzne. Lodz. Danish Foreign Office journal. Kobenhavn. Dansk geologisk forening. Kobenhavn. Meddelelser. Dansk ornithologisk forening. KObenhavn. Tidsskrift. Data record of oceanographic observations and exploratory fishing. Hokadate, Japan. Deep-sea research. London. Dekorativnoe iskusstvo SSSR. Moskva. Denmark: Geodaetisk Institut. Kobenhavn: Meddelelser. Meteorologisk Institut. Isforholdene i de GrOnlandske farvande. Deutsche geographische Deutsche. Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologie. Tagungsbericht. Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Geologische Wissenschaften, Berlin. Berichte. Reihe A: Geologie and Paleontologie. Deutscher Geographentag. Berlin, etc. Verhandlungen. Deutsches Jahrbuch fiir Volkerkunde. Berlin. Dialektologicheskie materialy po govoram evenkov Pikutskoi ASSR. Moskva. Dock and harbour authority. London.
Doshkol'noe vospitanie. Moskva. Dresden. Staatliches Museum fur Volkerkunde. Abhandlungen and Berichte. Ecological monographs. Durham, N.C. Ecology. Brooklyn, N.Y. Economic geology. Lancaster, Pa. Ekologia polska: Seria B, Warszawa. Ekonomika stroitel'stva. Moskva. Eksperimentarnaia khirurgifi i anesteziologifil. Moskva. Electronics. N.Y. Endeavour. London. Endocrinology. Springfield, Ill. Energeticheskoe stroitel'stvo. Moskva. Engineering. London. Engineering Institute of Canada, Montreal. Transactions. Engineering journal. Montreal. Engineering news-record. N.Y. Entomologicheskoe obozrenie. Leningrad. Erde. Berlin. Esso air world. N.Y. Ethnographia. Budapest. Ethnology. Pittsburgh, Pa. Ethnos. Stockholm. Etnograficheskil sbornik. Ulan-Ude. Evolution. Lancaster, Pa. Excavating engineer. Milwaukee, Wis. Expedition. Philadelphia. Expeditions polaires frangaises. Paris: Bulletin d'information. Publications. Experientia. Basel. Explorers journal. N.Y. Fauna och flora. Uppsala. Fauna SSSR. Moskva. Fennia. Helsinki. Finland: Geodeettinen laitos. Julkaisuja. Geologinen tutkimuslaitos. Bulletin. Hydrologinen Toimisto. Tiedonantoja.
Ilmatieteellinen Keskualaitos. Toimituksia. Maanmittaushallitus. Julkaisuja. Finlands bank, Helsinki. Monthly bulletin. Finnisch-ugrische Forschungen. Helsinki. Finnisch-ugrische Studien. Berlin. Finska Vetenskaps-societeten, Helsinki: Commentationes biologicae. Commentationes physico-naathematicae. Fish boat. New Orleans. Fishing news international. London. Fiskets gang. Bergen, Norway. Fiziologicheskil zhurnal SSSR. Moskva. Fizkulitura, i sport. Moskva. Flora, og fauna,. KObenhavn. Flying. N.Y. Folk. Icybenhavn. Fordham University. New York Institute of Contemporary Russian Studies. Monographs in Soviet medical sciences. Foreign affairs. N.Y. Forskningsstiftelsen skogsarbeten. Stockholm. Meddelanden. Frankische Geographische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. Erlangen. France. Secretariat general i3, l'aviation civile et commerciale. Bulletin de liaison et de documentation. Fysiografiska sallskapet, Lund. Forhandlingar. Gazovoe delo. Moskva. Genus. Roma. Geochimica et cosinochimica, acta. London. Geodezia, i kartografila. Moskva. Geoexploration. Trondheim. Geofisica internacional. Mexico. Geofizicheskaa razvedka. Moskva. Geofizicheskil bffilleten'. Moskva. Geofizicheskil sbornik. See under Norske videnskaps-akademi, Oslo. Geograficheskoe obshchestvo SSSR, Moskva: Geograficheskil sbornik. XVII
Izvestifit. Zapiski. Novara: sera. Komi filial. Izvesta. Otdelenie etnografii. Materialy. Otdelenie mediainskoI geografii. Doklady. Primorskil filial. Zapiski. Vostochno-Sibirskafs; fenologicheskafit komissifa. BfUlleten'. Zabalkal'skii otdel. Zapiski. Geografisk tidsskrift. Kobenhavn. Geografiska annaler. Stockholm. Series A, Physical geography. Series B, Human geography. See also Acta geographica; Fennia ; Terra. Geographica helvetica. Bern. Geographical bulletin. Ottawa. Geographical journal. London. Geographical magazine. London. Geographical review. N.Y. Geographische Gesellschaft in Hamburg. Mitteilungen. Geographische Rundschau. Braunschweig. Geography. London. Geokhimifit. Moskva. Geologi. Helsinki. Geological Association of Canada. Proceedings. Geological magazine. London. Geological Society of America, New York: Bulletin. Special papers. Geological Society of Korea. Journal. Geological Society of London. Quarterly journal. Geologifil, i geofizika. Novosibirsk. Geologifa' nefti i gaza. Moskva. Geologifit nefti i gaza severo-vostoka evropelskol chasti SSSR. Moskva. Geologila rudnykh mestorozhdenil. Moskva. Geologische Rundschau. Leipzig. Geologiska Foreningen, Stockholm. Forhandlingar: Geologists' Association, London. Proceedings. XVIII
Geomagnetizm i aeronomifii. Moskva. Geo-marine technology. Wash., D.C. Geophysica. Helsinki. Geotechnique. London. Geotektonika. Moskva. Gidrobiologicheskii zhurnal. Kiyev. Gidrotekhnicheskoe stroitel'stvo. Moskva. Gigiena i sanitarifa. Moskva. Globus. Hildburghausen. Merged in Petermanns geographische Mitteilungen. Goteborg, Sweden. Universitet. Arsskrif t. Gornyl zhurnal. Moskva. Gosudarstvennyi okeanograficheskil institut. See under Moskva . . . Gra,zhdanskafa aviacsifit. Moskva. Greenland. Geologiske undersOgelse: Bulletin. Miscellaneous papers. GrOnland. Charlottenlund. GrOplandske Selskab, KObenhavn. Arsskrift. Succeeded by Gronland. GrOnlandsposten. Godthab. Combined with Atuagagdliutit. Habitat. Ottawa. Hawaii. University, Honolulu. Pacific Biomedical Research Center. Contributions. Health physics. N.Y. Heilkunst. Munchen. History of religions. Chicago. Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Institute of Low Temperature Science. Contribution. Human organization. N.Y. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Uppsala. Skrifter. Hvalthdet, Oslo. Skrifter. Scientific results of marine biological research. Hydrobiologia. The Hague. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. N.Y. IGY World Data Center A. Rockets and Satellites. Rocket report series. Ice. See British Glaciological Society.
Igarskaca merzlotnafa stancsifa. See under Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut merzlotovedeniia. Imperial oil review. Toronto. Imperial oilways. Toronto. Indiana University. Uralic and Altaic series. Indiana University. Folklore Institute. Journal. l'Ingenieur. Montreal. Industrial refrigeration. Chicago. Institute of British Geographers. Transactions and papers. Publication. London. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Proceedings. N.Y. Instituttet for sammenlignende Kulturforskning, Oslo. Skrifter Ser: B. International Archives of Photogrammetry. Stockholm. International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries, Wash., D.C. Annual Proceedings. Research bulletin, Dartmouth, N.S. Special publication. Statistical bulletin. International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Proceedings. N.Y. International Congress of Americanists. Proceedings. International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Compte rendu. International Congress of Linguists. Proceedings. International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. Proceedings. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Annales biologiques. Journal du Conseil. Rapports et proces-verbaux. International Geological Congress. Proceedings.
International Geophysical Year, 1957-58. Special Committee. Annals. See also IGY . . . ; also Akadenauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl ; also Mezhdunarodnyl geofizicheskil god. International Institute of Refrigeration. Bulletin. Paris. International journal of American linguistics. N.Y. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission. Bulletin. International Ornithological Congress. Proceedings. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. Chronicle. International Volcanological Association. Bulletin volcanologique. International whaling statistics, Oslo. See under Hvalradet. Irkutsk. Sel'skokhozfalstvennyl institut. Izvestifa. Irkutsk. Universitet. Trudy. Supersedes its Sbornik. Iskusstvo. Moskva. Issledovanifa fanny morel. Leningrad. Supersedes Issledovanifa, dal' nevostochnykh morel SSSR. Issledovanifa morel SSSR. See Leningrad. Gosudarstvennyl gidrologicheskil institut. Istoricheskie zapiski. Moskva. Istorifa SSSR. Moskva. Istoriko-filologicheskil sbornik. Syktyvkar. Tnyi naturalist. Moskva. Iz istorii ZapadnoI Sibiri. Novosibirsk. Izvestifa, vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenil, Moskva: Geologifa i razvedka. Neft' i gaz. Jacobsen-McGill Arctic Research Expedition to Axel Heiberg Island: Research report: geology. Research report: geophysics. Research report: glaciology. Research report: meteorology. XIX
Japan: Radio Research Laboratories. Journal. Science Council. Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan. Jorden runt. Stockholm. Journal de physiologie. Paris. Journal fiir Ornithologie. Journal of American folk-lore. Boston. Journal of animal ecology. Cambridge, Eng. Journal of applied meteorology. Lancaster, Pa. Journal of applied physiology. Washington, D.C. Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics. London. Journal of bacteriology. Baltimore. Journal of cellular and comparative physiology. Phila.. Journal of comparative and physiological psychology. Baltimore. Journal of environmental health. Denver, Colo. Journal of experimental psychology. Princeton, N.J. ' Journal of geology. Chicago. Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity. Kyoto. Journal of geophysical research. Richmond, Va. Journal of glaciology. Cambridge, Eng. Journal of mammalogy. Baltimore. Journal of morphology. Phila. Journal of nutrition. Phila. Journal of paleontology. Bridgewater, Mass. Journal of parasitology. N.Y. Journal of physiology. London. Journal of Presbyterian history. Lancaster, Pa. Journal of protozoology. Utica, N.Y. Journal of sedimentary petrology. Menasha, Wisc. Journal of surgical research. Phila. Journal of the atmospheric sciences. Lancaster, Pa. Supersedes Journal of meteorology. XX
Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences. Brandon, Vt. Journal of the West. Los Angeles. Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. St. Louis. Journal of trauma. Baltimore. Journal of wildlife management. Menasha, Wisc. Kandalakshskil gosudarstvennyi zapovednik, Murmansk. Trudy. Kansas. University. Museum of Natural History. Miscellaneous publications. tekhnika. Moskva. Khudozhnik. Moskva. Kiyev. Universytet. Sbornik rabot po mezhdunarodnomu geofizicheskomu godu. Kiyev. Klinische Wochenschrift. Berlin. Klub. Moskva. Knizhnafa torgovlfa. Moskva. Kora vyvetrivanifa. Moskva. Kosmicheskie issledovanifa. Moskva. Kosmos. Stuttgart. Krasnoyarsk. Gosudarstvenny pedagogicheskii institut. Uchenye zapiski. Krasnoyarsk. Nauchno-issledovatel'skil institut po stroitel'stvu. Stroitel'stvo v ralonakh Vostochnol Sibiri i Krainego Severa. Krasnoyarsk. SerskokhozfaIstvennyi institut. Trudy. Krasnoyarsk. Sibirskil tekhnologicheskil institut. Trudy. Kroeber Anthropological Society. Papers. Berkeley, Calif. Krolikovodstvo i zverovodstvo. Moskva. Formerly Karakulevodstvo i zverovodstvo. Kul'tura i zhizn'. Moskva. Kulturgeografi. Kobenhavn. Kurturno-prosvetitePnafa rabota. Moskva. Lancet. London. Lapin tutkimusseura, Rovaniemi. Vuosikirj a. Laval University, Quebec. Centre d'etudes nordiques.
Travaux divers. Travaux et documents. Laval University, Quebec. Fonds de recherches forestieres. Bulletin. Leipzig. Stadtisches Museum fiir Volkerkunde. Jahrbuch. Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil nauchno-issledovaterskii- institut. Trudy. See also Problemy Arktiki Gornyl institut. Gosudarstvennyl gidrologicheskil institut: Trudy. Gosudarstvennyl nauchno-issledovaterskil institut ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozialstva. Izvestifa. Gosudarstvennyl pedagog,icheskii institut: Gert—senovskie chtenifa: Filologicheskie nauki. Geografifa i geologifa. Uchenye zapiski. Nauchno-issledovaterskil institut geologii Arktiki Paleontologifa i biostratigrafat. Regionarnafa geologifa. Trudy. Uchenye zapiski. fSentral'nyl nauchno-issledovatel'skil institut morskogo flota. Informatsionnyl sbornik. Universitet. Vestnik. Vsesoluznyl geologicheskii institut. Trudy. VsesofUznyl neftfanol nauchnoissledovatel'skil geologorazvedochnyl institut: Trudy. Lesnoe khozfalstvo. Moskva. Letopis' Severa. Moskva. Life sciences. Oxford. Limnology and oceanography. Baltimore. Lingua. Haarlem. Literatura o Komi ASSR. Syktyvkar.
Litologifa i poleznye iskopaemye. Moskva. Living wilderness. Washington, D.C. Lodzkie towarzystwo naukowe. Acta geographica. Lodz. Low temperature science. See Teion kagaku. Lund studies in geography: Ser. A: Physical geography. McGill University. Arctic Meteorology Research Group: Publication in meteorology. Macdonald Physics Laboratory. Ice Research Project. Reports. Museums. Publication. Sub-Arctic Research Laboratory. Research papers. Magadan. Oblastnol kraevedcheskil muzel. Kraevedcheskie zapiski. Magadan. Vsesofdznyl nauchno-issledovatel'slcil institut zolota i redkikh metallov: Sbornik referatov. Man. London. Marine geology. Amsterdam. Mariner's weather log. Wash., D.C. Massachusetts Archaeological Society. Bulletin. Master lesa. Moskva. Materials research and standards. Easton, Pa. Materialy k osnovam uchenifa, o merzlykh zonakh zemnol kory. Moskva. Materialy k poznanifa fauny i .flory SSSR. Otdel zoologicheskil, novels: serif& Moskva. Materialy po arkheologii Evropeiskogo Severo-Vostoka. Syktyvkar. Materialy pc) geologii i poleznym iskopaemyin Urala. Moskva. Materialy rybokhozfaIstvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basselna. Sbornik. Murmansk. Meddelelser om Gronland. Kobenhavn. Medical services journal, Canada. Ottawa. Medical world news. N.Y. XXI
Medicsinskala parazitologifk i parazitarnye bolezni. Moskva. Merzlotnye issledovanifa. Moskva. Meteorological and geoastrophysical abstracts. Lancaster, Pa. Meteorological magazine. London. Meteorologie. Paris. Meteorologifa i gidrologifa. Moskva. Meteorologische Rundschau. Berlin. Michigan. University. Museum of anthropology. Anthropological papers. Michigan archaeologist. East Lansing. Mikrobiologifa. Moskva. Military engineer. Wash., D.C. Military medicine. Wash., D.C. Mineralogical magazine. London. Mineralogical Society of America. Special paper. Mineralogicheskil sbornik. L'vov. Mineralogifa, i geokhimifa. Leningrad. Mining engineering. N.Y. Mining in Canada. Winnipeg. Minnesota. University. Dept. of Geology and Geophysics. Technical reports. Minnesota. University. School of Physics and Astronomy. Cosmic ray group. Technical report. Morskol nauchny! institut. Superseded by Moskva. Gosudarstvennyi okeanograficheski! institut. Moskovskoe obshchestvo ispytatelel prirody: Bitilleten'. Otdel biologicheskil. Bfulleten'. Otdel geologicheskii. Memoires. Trudy. See also Materialy k poznaniffi fauny i flory SSSR. Moskva. Moskva. Moskva: Glavnyi botanicheskil sad. BIMleten'. Gosudarstvennyi istoricheski! muzeY: Ezhegodnik. Trudy. XXII
Gosudarstvennyi istoriko-arkhivnyi institut. Trudy. Gosudarstvennyi okeanograficheskil institut. Trudy. Nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut aeroklimatologii. Trudy. TSentral'nyl institut prognozov. Trudy. Universitet: Vestnik. Serifs 4: geologifa. Serifs 5: geografifa. Khibinskafa geograficheskafa stanaifa. Trudy. Vse,sofaznyi nauchno-issledovatel'skil institut mineral'nogo syr'fa. Bfalleten' nauchno-tekhnicheskoi Vsesoluznyi nauchno-issledovatel'skil institut morskogo rybnogo khozfaistva i okeanografii. Trudy. Vsesofaznyl nauchno-issledovatel'skil institut veterinarnol sanitarii. Trudy. Mosquito news. New Brunswick, N.J. Murmansk. Poliarnyl nauchno-issledovatel'skil institut morskogo rybnogo khozfaistva i okeanografii: Nauchno-tekhnicheskii bfUlleten'. Trudy. Murmanskafa biologicheskafa stanrsifa. See under Akademifa nauk SSSR. MurmanskiT Na rubezhe. Petrozavodsk. Na Severe dal'nem. Magadan. Na strolkakh Rossii. Moskva. Narodnoe obrazovanie. Moskva. Narody Azii i Afriki. Moskva. Nash sovremennik. Moskva. National geographic magazine. Wash., D.C. National Research Council of Canada: Associate Committee on Soil and Snow Mechanics. Technical memorandum. Division of Building Research: Technical paper.
Nationalmuseets arbejdsmark. Kobenhavn. Natural history. N.Y. Natural resources journal. Albuquerque. Naturaliste canadien. Quebec. Nature. London. Naturens verden. Kobenhavn. Nauchnye doklady vysshei shkoly, Moskva: Biologicheskie nauki. Filologicheskie nauki. Istoricheskie nauki. Nauka i religifa. Moskva. Naurnannia. Stuttgart. Merged in Journal far Ornithologie. Nautical magazine. London. Naval research. Wash., D.C. Supersedes Research reviews. Navigation. Los Angeles. Navy. Wash., D.C. Neftegazovafa geologiia i geofizika. Moskva. Neftfanoe khozfaistvo. Moskva. Neprajzi ertesft6. Budapest. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie. Abhandlungen. Stuttgart. Neva. Leningrad. New scientist. London. New York. Museum of the American Indian. Heye Foundation. Indian notes and monographs. New Yorker. N.Y. New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics. Wellington. Nickle's daily oil bulletin. Calgary. Norden. Bodo, Norway. Nordenskiold-samfundet i Finland. Helsinki. Tidskrift. Nordisk jarnbanetidskrift. Stockholm. Nordisk kontakt. Stockholm. Nordisk lantbruksekonomisk tidskrift. Stockholm. Nordisk statistisk skriftserie. Stockholm. Nordkalotten. Overtornelt. Noril'sk. Nauchno-issledovaterskil institut sel'skogo khozfaistva Kralnego Severs. Trudy.
Norois. Poitiers. Norrbottens lane hembygdsforening. Arsbok. Lulea. Norseman. Oslo. Norsk entomologisk tidsskrift. Oslo. Norsk geografisk tidsskrift. Oslo. Norsk geologisk tidsskrift. Oslo. Norsk hvalfangst-tidende . . . Norwegian whaling gazette. Sandefjord. Norsk Polarinstitutt. See under Norway. Norske turistforening. Arbok. Oslo. Norske videnskabers selskab, Trondheim: Forhandlinger. Skrifter. Museet. Arbok. Norske Videnskaps-akademi, Oslo: Arbok. Geofysiske publikasjoner. Historisk-filosofisk klasse: Avhandlinger. Skrifter. See also Hvalradet. Skrifter . . North. Ottawa. Formerly Northern Affairs Bulletin. North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. Transactions. North Carolina. Univ. Institute for Research in Social Sciences. Research previews. Northwest medicine. Seattle. Northwest science. Cheney, Wash. Northwest Territories. Commissioner. Annual report. Ottawa. Norveg. Oslo. Norway: Fiskericlirektoratet: Skrifter. Serie havundersOkelser. Reports on Norwegian fishery and marine investigations. Geografiske oppmaling. Beretning. Geologiske undersokelse. Skrifter. Meteorologiske Institutt. Meteorologiske annaler. XXIII
Norsk Polarinstitutt: Arbok. Meddelelser. Skrifter. Norwegian-American Historical Association, Minneapolis. Travel and description series. Notulae. entomologicae. Helsinki. Novyl mir. Moskva. Nytt magasin for botanikk. Oslo. Nytt magasin for zoologi. Oslo. Objets et mondes. Paris. Observatory. London. Obshchestvennoe pitanie. Moskva. Oceanography and marine biology. London. Oceanographical magazine. Tokyo. Oceanus. Woods Hole, Mass. Ohio. State University. Columbus. Institute of Polar Studies: Contributions. Report. Oikos. KObenhavn. Oil. London. Oilweek. Calgary, Alta. Incorporating Oil in Canada. Okeanologia. Moskva. Okhota i okhotnich'e khozfaistvo. Moskva. Okhotnich'i prostory. Moskva. Okhrana truda i sot-Siarnoe strakhovanie. Moskva. Oktfabe. Moskva. Ontario. Dept. of. Lands and Forests. Research information paper. Ontario. Dept. of Mines. Annual report. Ontario hydro research quarterly. Opuscula entomologica. Lund. Orbis. Louvain. Ornis fennica. Helsinki. Ornitologifa. Moskva. Oryx. Hertford, Eng. Osnovanifa, fundamenty i rnekhanika`gruntov. Moskva. Ottar. Tromso. Oxford University Exploration Club, Cowley, Eng. Bulletin. Pacific discovery.. San Francisco. Pacific Northwest quarterly. Seattle. XXIV
Pacific science. Honolulu. Paideuma. Frankfurt. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology. Amsterdam. Palaeontology. London. Paleontologicheskii zhurnal. Moskva. Patologicheskafa fiziologifa i eksperimentaPnaa terapila. Moskva. Pechora, Komi ASSR. Nauchnoissledovatel'skii gornyi institut. Trudy. Moskva. Pediatrifa. Moskva. Pennsylvania archaeologist. Philadelphia. Petermanns geographische Mitteilungen. Gotha. Pfliigers Archiv fiir die gesamte Physiologie. Bonn. Philosophical magazine. London. Photogrammetric engineering. Wash., D.C. Physical review. Lancaster, Pa. , Physiologia bohemoslovenica. Praha. Physiological zoology. Chicago. Pit and quarry. Chicago. Planetary and space science. London. Plant disease reporter. Supplement. Wash., D.C. Pochvovedenie. Moskva. Polar notes; occasional publication of the Stefansson Collection. Hanover, N.H. Polar record. Cambridge, Eng. Polar times. N.Y. Polarboken. Oslo. Polarforschung. Kiel. Polfarnala zvezda. Yakutsk. Polska Akademia Nauk. Oddzial v Krakowie. Folio quaternaria. Popular mechanics. Chicago. Priroda. Leningrad. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki. Leningrad. 1959-. Problemy isporzovanifa promyslovykh resursov Belogo morfa i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii. Moskva. Problemy Severa. Moskva. Problemy sovetskoi geologii. Succeeded by Sovetskafa geologifa.
Progress in oceanography. Oxford. Quebec (Province). Dept. of Natural Resources. Geological report.' Rand Corporation. Santa Monica, Calif. Rand reports. Rastitel'nost' Krainego Severa SSSR i ee osvoenie. Moskva. Rastitel'nye resursy. Leningrad. Rastitel'ny! pokrov Krasnofarskogo krafa. Novosibirsk. Racsionalizafilifa okhotnich'ego promysla. Moskva. Razvedka i okhrana nedr. Moskva. Rechnol transport. Moskva. Research previews. Chapel Hill, N.C. Revue canadienne de biologie. Montreal. Revue de geographie alpine. Grenoble. Ricerca scientifica, ser. 2, part 2: Rendiconte. Section B; biologic% Roma. Rivista aerona,utica. Roma. Roundel. Ottawa. Royal Air Forces quarterly. London. Royal Canadian Institute, Toronto: Proceedings. Transactions. Royal Geographical Society, London. See Geographical journal. Royal Meteorological Society, Lon; don. Quarterly journal. Royal Society of Canada. Special publications. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Transactions. Royal Society of Medicine, London. Proceedings. Russia. See U.S.S.R. Russian Geographical Society: See Geograficheskoe obshchestvo SSSR. Russkil fazyk v nacsionarnoT shkole. Moskva. Rybnoe khozfaistvo. Moskva., SAE journal. N.Y. SIPRE: See under. U.S. ArmY. Corps of Engineers. Saeculurn. Munchen.
Uppsala. Samefolket. Formerly Samefolkets egen Samiske samlinger. Oslo. Sapporo, Japan. Hokkaido University. See under Hokkaido. Saratov. Universitet. Uchenye zapiski. Sarsia. Bergen. Saskatchewan Natural History Society, Regina. Special publication. Sbornik state! po geologii i gidrogeologii. Moskva. Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift. Basel. Schweizerische mineralogische and petrographische Mitteilungen. Frauenfeld. Science. Wash., D.C. Scotland. Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries. Marine research. Scottish journal of political economy. Edinburgh. Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh. Scottish Mountaineering Club join., nal. Edinburgh. Sea frontiers. Coral Gables, Fla. Seewart. Hamburg. Seismological Society of America. Bulletin. Selekcsifa i semenovodstvo. Moskva. Superseded by Zemledelie. Sel'skokhozfalstvennoe proizvodstvo Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Omsk. SerskokhorraYstvennoe proizvodstvo Urala. Sverdlovsk. Semaine des hopitaux de Paris. Seppy5. Tokyo. Sever. Petrozavodsk. Shkola i proizvodstvo. Moskva:" Shkola-internat. MoAva. Shore and beach. New Orleans. Sibirskafa tematicheskafit komissigt. Novosibirsk. Materialy. Sibirskie ogni. Novosibirsk. Sibirskil geograficheskil sbornik. MoskVa. Sibirskil nauchno-issledovatel'skil institut geologii, geofiziki I mineral'nogo syr'fa...' Leningrad. Trudy. XXV
Signal. Wash., D.C. Skandinayskil sbornik. Tallinn. Skid och friluftsframjandet. Arsbok. Stockholm. Cambridge, Sky and telescope. Mass. Skytteanska samfundet, Umea, Sweden. Handlingar. Sluzhba byta. Moskva. Smithsonian contributions to astrophysics. Wash., D.C. Smithsonian Institution: Annual report. See also T.J.S. National Museum. Sno og ski. Oslo. Societe, geografica italiana, Roma. Bollettino. Societe, italiana di biologia sperimentale, Napoli. Bollettino. Societas pro fauna et flora fennica, Helsinki: Fauna fennica. Supersedes its Memorandum. Meddelanden. Societas scientiarum fennica. See Finska Vetenskaps-societeten. Societe beige de geologie, de paleontologic et d'hydrologie. Bruxelles. Memoires, serie-8. Societe de biologie, Paris. Comptes rendus. Societe de geographie, Paris. Bulletin. Superseded by Annales de geographie. Societe des americanistes de Paris. Journal. Societe francaise de photogrammetrie, Paris. Bulletin. Societe neuchateloise de geographic, Neuchatel. Bulletin. Societe neuchateloise des sciences naturelles, Neuchatel. Bulletin. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, New York. Proceedings. S0ens verden. Kobenhavn. Soil science. New Brunswick, N.J. Soil Science Society of America. Proceedings. Sorsial'noe obespechenie. Moskva. XXVI
Southern California Academy of Sciences,. Los Angeles. Bulletin. Southwestern journal of anthropology. Albuquerque. Southwestern lore. Boulder, Colo. Sovetskafa antropologifa. Moskva. See Voprosy antropologii. Sovetskaiii szkheologifa. Moskva. SovetskaI etnograful. Moskva. Sovetskala geologies:. Moskva. Sovetskafa muzyka. Moskva. Sovetskafa pechat. Moskva. Sovetskaia pedagogika. Moskva. Sovetskil softtz. Moskva. Sovetskil voin. Moskva. Sovetskoe finno-ugrovedenie. Tallinn. Space science reviews. Dordrecht, Holland. Special Libraries Association. Geography and Map Division. Bulletin. N.Y. Srednee specsial'noe obrazovanie. Moskva. Starshina-serzhant. Moskva. Stavanger, Norway. Museet. Arbok. Strany i narody Vostoka. Moskva. Stroitel'nye materialy. Moskva. Stroitel'stvo truboprodov. Moskva. Studia fennica. Helsinki. Studia forestalia suecica. Stockholm. Studia geologic& polonica. Warszawa. Studia geophysics, et geodaetica. Praha. Studia norvegica. Oslo. Studio, varia series. See Royal Society of Canada. Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, Helsinki. Toimituksia,: Annales. Suomalais-ugrilainen Seura, Helsinki: Journal de la. Aikakauskirja. Societe finno-ougrienne. Toimituksia. Memoires. Suomen museo. Helsinki. Surgery. St. Louis, Mo. Surgery, gynecology and obstetrics. Chicago. Surgical clinics of North America. Phila. Surgical forum. Philadelphia.
Svensk botanisk tidskrift. Stockholm. Svensk faunistisk revy. See Zoologisk revy. Svensk geografisk arsbok. Lund. Svenska landsmal och svenskt folkliv. Stockholm. Svenska vtigfOreningen, Stockholm. Tidskrift. Svenska vattenkraftforeningen, Stockholm. Publikationer. Sverdlovsk. Institut gornogo dela. Trudy. Sverdlovsk. Ural'skii politekhnicheskil institut. Trudy. Sveriges natur. Stockholm. Sweden: Geologiska undersokning: Arsbok. Avhandlingar och uppsatser. Sydowia, annales mycologici. Horn. Symposia in arctic biology and medicine. Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Proceedings. Systematic zoology. Lawrence, Kans. Tartu, Estonia. Ulikool. Toimetised. Teatr. Moskva. Teatrarnaia zhizn'. Moskva. Teion kagaku [Low temperature science]. Sapporo, Japan. Series A: physical sciences. Series B: biological sciences. Terra. Helsinki. Tidsskrift for hermetikindustri. Oslo. Tohoku Daigaku, Sendai, Japan. Anatomisches Institut. Arbeiten. Tomsk. Universitet: Trudy. Uchenye zapiski. Tornedalica. Lulea. Toronto. Royal Ontario Museum. Division of art and archeology. Occasional papers. Traffic quarterly. Saugatuck, Conn. Transportnoe stroitel'stvo. Moskva. Tromso, Norway. Museum. Shifter. See also Acta borealia.
rfSentrarnafil aerologicheskaia observatorifa. Leningrad. Trudy. 17itologifa. Moskva. TSvetnye metally. Moskva. Turku, Finland. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja. ser. A, H: biologicageographica. Tyumen': Tiiimenska oblastnol kraevedcheskil muzei. Ezhegodnik. Ugol'. Moskva. Ulan-Ude. Burfatskii kompleksnyl nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut. Trudy. Ulan-Ude. Vostochno-Sibirskil bibliotechnyl institut. Trudy. Undersea technology. Arlington, Va. U.S.: Air Force. Cambridge Research Laboratories. Special reports. Antarctic Projects Officer. Bulletin. Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory. Fort Wainwright, Alaska. Technical documentary report. Ladd Air Force Base, Alaska. Technical report. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Hanover, N. H. Research report. Special report. Technical report. Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research Establishment. Wilmette, Ill. Redesignated: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. Army Natick Laboratories. Special report S. Special report ES. Biological Survey. North American fauna. See under U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin. Coast Guard. Bulletin. Oceanographic report. XXVII
Congress. Congressional record. House: Documents; Hearings; Reports. Dept. of State. Treaty series. . Dept. of the Army. Technical manual. Fish and Wildlife Service. Circular. North American fauna. Special scientific reports: fisheries. Geological Survey: Bulletin. Circular. Geologic quadrangle maps. Miscellaneous geologic investigations. Professional papers. Reports, open file series. Water-supply papers. Hydrographic Office. Redesignated: Naval Oceanographic Office. Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah. US Forest Service research paper INT. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA SP. National Bureau of Standards. Journal of research. National Museum: Proceedings. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, Calif. Technical reports. Naval Oceanographic Office: Special publications. Technical publications. Northern Forest Experiment Station. Juneau, Alaska. Research note NOR. Public Health Service. Public health monograph. Public health, reports. Publication. Weather Bureau: ' Climatography of the U.S. Climatological data: Alaska. XXVIII
Key to meteorological records documentations. Monthly climatic data for the world. Monthly weather review. Special reports. Technical papers. University of Toronto law journal. Uppsala humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet. See under Humanistiska Ural-altaische Jahrbiicher. Wiesbaden. Var fagelvarld. Stockholm. Vart yrke. Oslo. Vecherniala srednilia shkola. Veliger. Berkeley, Calif. Vestnik statistiki. Moskva. Vestnik vysshei shkoly. Moskva. Vetenskapssamhallet i Uppsala. Arsbok. Vetenskaps-societeten i Lund. Arsbok. Vetenskaps-societeten i. Uppsala. Arsbok. Vie del mondo. Milano. Virittaja. Helsinki. Vladivostok. Dal'nevostochnyI nauchno-issledovatel'skil gidrometeorologicheskil institut. Trudy. Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskil nauchno-issledovaterskii institut morskogo rybnogo khozfalstva i okeanografii. Izvestila. Vodosnabzhenie i kanalizafsifa naselennykh most v ralonakh VOstochnoI Sibiri i Kralnego Severa. Len•ingrad. Sbornik trudov. Voenno-medirsinskil zhurnal. Moskva. Voprosy antropologii. Moskva. Voprosy arkhivovedenila. Moskva. Voprosy ' besopasnosti v ugol'nykh shakhtakh. Moskva.. Voprosy geografii. Moskva. Voprosy geografii Dal'nego Vostoka.. Khabarovsk. Voprosy geografii Kamchatki. Petropavlovsk. Voprosy fazykoznanifit. Moskva..
Voprosy ikhtiologii. Moskva. Voprosy istorii. Moskva. Voprosy istorii KPSS. Moskva. Voprosy istorii Urals. Sverdlovsk. Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii. Moskva. Voprosy okhrany materinstva i detstva. Moskva. Voprosy paleontologii. Leningrad. Voprosy pitanifa. Moskva. Vor viden. KObenhavn. Vsesoluznoe geograficheskoe obshchestvo SSSR. See under Geograficheskoe ob-vo. Vsesoluznoe mineralogieheskoe obshchestvo, Leningrad. Zapiski. Vsesoftiznoe obshchestvo po rasprostranenifit politicheskikh i nauchnykh znanil: Serifs 8: biologics', i meditsina. Serifa, 12: geologifa i geografifa. VsesoITlznoe paleontologicheskoe obshchestvo, Moskva. Trudy sessii. Vsesoffiznoe petrograficheskoe soveshchanie, Moskva. Trudy. Vsesoffiznoe soveshchanie po kosmofizicheskomu napravleniM issledovanii kosmicheskikh luchel, Novosibirsk. Trudy. Vsesoinznoe vulkanologicheskoe soveshchanie, Moskva. Trudy. Vsesdaznyl simpozium po izucheniM iskopaemykh korallov, Moskva. Trudy. WHO chronicle. Geneva. WMO bulletin. See under World Meteorological Organization. Washington (State). University, Seattle: College of Fisheries. Contribution. Museum. Monograph. (Museum series.) Washington Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Journal. Weather. London. Weatherwise. Boston. Western construction. San Francisco. Western political quarterly. Salt Lake City.
Western Snow Conference. Proceedings. Wildfowl Trust. Slimbridge, England. Annual report. Wisconsin. University: Dept. of Meteorology. Technical report. Geophysical and Polar Research Center. Contribution. Research report series. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva. WMO bulletin. World oil. Houston, Texas. World Petroleum Congress. Proceedings. Yakutsk. Universitet. Uchenye zapiski. Yeniseysk. Gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskil institut. Uchenye zapiski. Ymer. Stockholm. Yoshkar-Ola. Marilskil nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut fazyka, literatury i istorii. Trudy. Zakonomernosti razmeshchenifa poleznykh iskopaemykh. Moskva. Zdravookhranenie Rossilskoi Federacsii. Moskva. Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie. Berlin. Zeitschriftfiir Geomorphologie. Berlin. Annals of geomorphology. Zeitschrift fiir Religions- und Geistesgeschichte. Köln. Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsgeographie. Hagen. Zeitschrift fiir zoologische Systematik und Evolutionforschung. Frankfurt-am-Main. Zemletrfasenifa v SSSR. Moskva. Zemlevedenie. Moskva. Zhilishchnoe stroitel'stvo. Moskva. Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. Moskva. Zhurnal vysshei nervnoT defatel'nosti. Moskva. Zoological Society of London. Proceedings. Zoologicheskil zhurnal. Moskva. Zoologischer Anzeiger. Leipzig. Zoologisk revy. Stockholm. XXIX
LIBRARIES cited in ARCTIC BIBLIOGRAPHY Vol. 14 CaMAI—Arctic Institute of North America, Montreal, Canada. CaOG—Geological Survey, Ottawa. CaOGB—Geographical Branch, Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa. CaON-B—National Research Council of Canada, Division of Building Research, Ottawa. CaONA—Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Ottawa. DGS—Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. DI—Dept. of the Interior, Washington, D.C. DLC—Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
DNAL—National Agricultural Library, Washington, D.C. DN-HO—Naval Oceanographic Office, Suitland, Md. DNLM—National Library of Medicine, Washington, D.C. DSI—Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. D W B —Weather Bureau, changed to Atmospheric Sciences Library, Silver Spring, Md. MiU—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. G.W. Blunt White Library, Mystic, Conn. (Marine Historical Assoc.) SPRI—Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, England.
TRANSLATIONS English translations of Russian and other foreign language papers are listed in Arctic Bibliography as feasible, but these listings are by no means complete. The central source of information on the location and identification of translated' materials, completed or in process, by or for U.S. government agencies is Clearinihouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Va. 22151. The National Translations Center, John Crerar Library, 35 West 33rd St., Chicago, '60616, provides similar service on translations of non-government origin. Both Clearinghouse and the National Translations Center provide information on request about the availability of a translation of a specific paper, and about how to order it. The Special Libraries Association publishes a semi-monthly bulletin, Translations RegisterIndex that announces new additions to the National Translations Center's collection and provides a quarterly cumulative index. Subscription is $30 per, year. Clearinghouse also issues the twice-monthly Technical translations listing translations available and those in process, also the periodicals, regularly translated cover-to-cover. Technical translations, may be subscribed to at $12.00 a year, $16.00 outside the United States. The National Science Library, National Research Council of Canada also maintains an author index of completed scientific translations in Canada, other countries of the Commonwealth, and the United States, and provides information on request 'as to the existence and location of scientific papers. Inquiries should be addressed to Translations Section, National Science Library, Ottawa 7 , Canada. Editor, Arctic Bibliography
ARCTIC BIBLIOGRAPHY AAGAARD, K., see No. 92558. 84738. AKERBERG, E. NAgra synpunkter pA kornets och havrens utveckling under nordliga vaxtbetingelser. (Acta agralia fennica 1965. no. 107, p. 71-89, tables, graphs.) 10 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: The development of barley and oats under northern growing conditions. Reviews experiments since 1930 around 63° N in Norway, Sweden and Finland. Data are given on temperatures and climate, yearly trends of development in different varieties of these cereals and yields. Improvements, new varieties, their characteristics, and prospects are stated. DLC.
identified as basic for developing the agricultural economy of the state. DLC. AAMODT, 0. S., see also No. 84952. 84741. AARIO, L. lie raundiche Gliederung Finnlands. (Erde 1963. v. 94, no. 2, p. 98-114, maps.) In German. English summary. Title tr.: The geographic regions of Finland. Reviews the surface arrangement, water bodies, and vegetation cover of the country, including northern areas, also the settlemeats, agriculture, industry and economic geographic regions. Distribution of these features is depicted in eight colored maps. DLC. AARONS, J., see Nos. 86740,86741.
AKERBERG, E., see also No. 90367. 84739. AALTO, P. Frauensprachlicho Erscheinungen in finnisch-ugrischen Spra chen. (In: Congressus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum . 1963, p. 272-75.) 13 refs. In German. Title tr.: Aspects of women's language in Finno-Ugric languages. Discusses substitute words used by women for tabooed bear hunt and bear cult terminology. Examples are cited mainly from Ostyak, Vogul, and Lappish. Bear rites and their origin, taboo laws to protect women, particular dangers during pregnancy, etc are discussed. Synonyms used by Lappish women for the taboo of the name wolf are traced to the belief in the werewolf. DLC. 84740. AAMODT, O. S. Northern agricultural research. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1963 pub. 1964. p. 1-17). Emphasizes the need for research to develop the agricultural potential of Alaska, which shares many characteristics with undeveloped ex-colonial countries. Livestock, wild and domestic, on tundra, exchange of materials and methods with other northern countries, expanding trade with Asia, and Federal Government aid are
84742. AASBERG-JACOBSEN, P. FlAdestation GrOnnedal. (Gr0nland 1964, no. 10, p. 395-400, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: The GrOnnedal naval station. Describes this station in southwest Greenland, taken over from the United States by Denmark in 1951 and now the headquarters of the Greenland command. Its main activities are outlined. Four Greenland DLC. volunteers are trained annually. 84743. ABAKUMOV, V. A. 0 morskom periode zhizni tikhookeanskoT trekhzuboT minogi, Entosphenus tridentatus Richardson. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. v. 49, p. 253-56, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The marine phase of the Pacific lamprey, Entosphenus tridenlatus Richardson. Describes this least known Pacific species parasitizing fish at depths of 300-500 m. Stomach contents were blood and muscle tissue. Species of fish showing signs of attack DLC. by this lamprey are noted. 84744. ABAKUMOVA, K. M., and others. 0 glinistykh mineralakh v kalnozoTskikli i
mezozolskikh otlozheniakh Ob'-Irtyshskogo mezhdurech'ilL (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geol. i geofiz. Gliny i glinistye . 1965, p. 97-110, graphs, map, illus.) In Russian. Other authors: G. V. Gurenkova, V. M. Kremneva, M. R. Makhenzon, N. K. Mirgorodskaf, V. P. Petrova, et a/. Title tr.: On clay minerals in Cenozoic and Mesozoic deposits of the Ob-Irtysh interfluve. Reports a study by petrographic, X-ray, thermal, microscopic, and other methods Kaolinite, hydromicas, beidellite and other clay minerals are described from the Middle and Upper Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary system. They are of allothigenic as well as authigenic CaMAI. origin. ABBOTT, D., see No. 86450. ABBOTT, D. P., see No. 92548§30. 84745. ABELE, G. Production analysis of cut-and-cover trench construction. Hanover, N.H. 1964. 16 p. map, graphs, sections, tables. (US Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Technical report 126.) 6 refs. Describes construction procedures, and analyzes production data obtained in cutting and covering a 1600 ft long snow trench at Camp Century, Greenland, during summers 1961-1962. Cutting was done mostly in two 10-hr shifts, using one Peter plow at a rate of 24.7 ft of trench/hr or 300 ft/20 hr work day in all: 105 hrs 45 min machine time. Cutting production was 466 yda/hr or 166 tons/hr of snow excavated. Trench-covering required an additional 16 Peter plow hr and a total of 290 man hr for the arch installation; the arch removing required about 27% of the installation time. Data on fuel consumption, floor processing and installing the electrical and ventilating systems are also given. CaMAI. 84746. ABELE, G. Subsurface transportation methods in deep snow. Hanover, N.H. 1965. 48 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (U.S. Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Tech. report 160.) 16 refs. Describes the site, equipment and methods, and results of a 1962 study at Camp Century. The natural, unprocessed snow floor of a trench 26 ft below the snow surface was found not suitable for extensive vehicular traffic even with low-pressure tires; whereas a Peter plow-processed, agehardened snow surface supports virtually any amount of vehicular traffic using standard tires. For transporting extremely
heavy items, a railroad system installed on an unprocessed snow trench floor appears to provide a feasible but rather expensive method. The installation of a railroad system in a covered snow trench presented Appendices give no serious problems. results of skid tests, also installation methods and cost estimate of a proposed Thule-Camp DLC. Century railroad track system. ABOMELIK, R. A., see No. 86250. 84747. ABRAMEIKO, L. R. Raspredelenie temperatury i skoplenil zimufa.shcheT sel'di v Norvezhskom more, 1958-1964 gg. (Materialy rybokhozfillstvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1965. no. 5, p. 57-65, graphs, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of temperature and of concentrations of wintering herring in the Norwegian Sea 1958-1964. Presents a study based on Russian and Norwegian sources aimed at determining the thermic factors responsible for the small year-to-year variations in the generally regular pattern of wintering. Each of the winter (Nov—Mar) seasons is dealt with in turn. Average temperatures of standard profiles of the southern Norwegian Sea were DLC. used throughout the study. 84748. ABRAMEIKO, L. R., and others. Gidrologicheskie uslovifa v Norvezhskom i Grenlandskom morfakh v 1964 g. (Materialy rybokhozfillstvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1965. no. 5, p. 66-74, graphs, maps.) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V. V. Penin and B. V. Istoshin. Title tr.: Hydrographic conditions of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas in 1964. Reports a study of temperature and salinity to a depth of 500 m, with comparisons to the three preceding years. In contrast to 1963, influx of Atlantic water produced higher temperatures in the south, the central part of the area was about normal, its northDLC. ern part very cold. 84749. ABRAMOV, B. S. Nizhnekamennougol'nye brakhiopody Sette-Dabana. (In: Akademif nauk SSSR. IAkutskil Inst. geol. Paleontologifa i biostratigrafifa.... 1965, p. 31-59, table, illus.) 28 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Lower Carboniferous brachiopods of Sette-Daban. Outlines the stratigraphy of Tournaisian, Visean and Namurian deposits, divided into four local series. A systematic account of 35 species of brachiopods is given. Each is described noting material collected, geologic and geographic distribution and location of find. Some of the forms are new and described for the first time. CaMAI.
84750. ABRAMOV, K. G. 0 vozmozhnostrakh izmenenifil gel'mintofauny sobolfa pri ego rasselenii. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Dal'nevostochnyl filial. Soobshchenia 1959. no. 11, p. 126-28, table.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Possibilities of changes in the helminth fauna of sables resulting from their resettlement. Preliminary report based on examination of 155 carcasses from the Far East. Since the animals in the Far East are introduced, and are infested only with six parasitic worms whilst the original stock in Eastern Siberia has 13 species, there is a possibility that with the sables, more parasitic worms may be transplanted to the Far East. DLC. 84751. ABRAMOV, V. F., and others. Opyt otbolki rudy gorizontal'nymi veernymi skvazhinami na apatitovykh rudnikakh. (Gornyl zhurnal 1965. no. 5, p. 19-21, tables, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Other authors: D. I. Falbyshenko and V. V. Gushchin. Title tr.: Cutting the ore of horizontal, fan-shaped holes in apatite mines. This mode of taking out ore was started at the Yukspor mine in 1960, and 3.5 million t, or 45% of Apatit Combine's output was so produced in 1964. The geomorphology of Yukspor deposit is outlined; drilling, charging and blasting methods are described with data on labor and costs. DLC. 84752. ABRAMOV, V. P. 0 sovremennon rel'efe poverkhnosti dosrednefurskikh otlozhenil Pechorskol sineklizy v svfazi s poiskami nefti i gaza. (Geologifa nefti i gaza severo-vostoka evropelskol chasti SSSR 1964. no. 1, p. 169-73, map, profiles.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the present relief of the pre-Middle Jurassic deposits' surface in the Pechora syneclise in relation to the search for oil and gas. Drillings of 1958-1960 in some regions of the Pechora syneclise indicate that besides the Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian deposits favorable for oil and gas cumulation, the Middle Jurassic deposits also should be searched and drillings made, because these too show signs of oil and gas occurrences. A generalized map of the relief of their deposits is compiled and interpreted. The possibility is noted that oil and gas DLC. migrated from Paleozoic deposits. 84753. ABRAMOVA, E. N. Povtorlaemost' aiklonov i antiatiklonov razlichnoT intensivnosti nad severnym polushariem. (Moskva. N.-issl. inst. aeroklimatologii. Trudy 1962. no. 19, p. 52-91, maps.) 4
refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Frequency of cyclones and anticyclones of various intensity in the Northern Hemisphere. Reports a study of the distribution of isobaric topography for the 1954-1958 period at the earth's surface and 500 mb. Cyclone and anticyclone frequency is calculated for Jan, Apr, July and Oct; the prevailing patterns are characterized and charted according to frequency and intensity. The Arctic Ocean and seas as well as arctic continental areas are taken into consideration. DLC. 84754. ABRAMOVA, E. N. Smeny tipov baricheskikh obrazovanil v raznykh raTonakh severnogo polusharia. (Moskva. N.issl. inst. aeroklimatologii. Trudy 1963. no. 21, p. 95-133, tables, maps.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Changes of baric pattern types in various regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Reports results of mechanized calculation of pressure patterns at the earth's surface and 500 mb surface for Jan, Apr, July and Oct of 1954-1958. Three groups (cyclonic, anticyclonic, neutral) and eight types of pressure patterns are distinguished; and data are reported on their changes and recurrence according to equal squares of the Northern Hemisphere. Arctic regions are included in these considerations. DLC. 84755. ABRAMOVA, Z. A. Krasnyy novafil, paleoliticheskafa stotilnka na Angare. (Sovetskafa arkheologifil 1962. v. 6, no. 3, p. 147-56, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Krasnyy Yar, a new paleolithic site on the Angara. Reports on A. P. Okladnikov's excavations in 1959 of this late paleolithic site on a promontory of the second alluvial terrace, near the mouth of the Osa River. The stone and bone artifacts are typical for the Siberian paleolithic and represent an evolutionary stage of the Meta and Buret' cultures. Absence of mammoth and rhinoceros bones supports this chronology. Krasnyy Yar is the oldest site with tangible evidence of coal used for fuel. Translated into English in: Arctic anthropology 1965. v. 3, no. 1, p. 122-28. DLC. ABRASHEV, K. K., see Nos. 91309, 91310. 84756. ABRIKOSOV, I. KH., and others. New oil and gas regions in the U.S.S.R. (World Petroleum Congress 6th. Frankfurt am Main 1963. Proceedings pub. 1964. sect. 1, p. 611-31, maps, section.) Includes on p 626-30, brief review of confirmed and potential oil-bearing struc-
tures in Siberia and the Far East. Smallscale map shows areas of high, medium, low, and no potential; also existing oil and gas fields, including the Yuzhnyy Tigyan field south of Nordvik (Kozhevnikovo), and several gas fields in the Berezovo region, supplemented since 1960 by discovery of the Shaim oil field on the Konda River in Tyumenskaya Oblast'. In 1956 the Ust'Vilyuysk field in the Yakut ASSR was found to have gas-bearing deposits as was the nearby Sobo-Khaya field in 1960. In general, the West Siberian platform is one of the largest oil- and gas-bearing provinces; second in importance is the East Siberian platform, where the Markovo oil field was discovered in 1962. DGS. 84757. ABRONS, H. L. A new route on the Wickersham Wall, Mount McKinley, North Face direct. (American alpine journal 1964. v. 14, no. 1, p. 47-51, illus.) Describes first ascent of the central rib of the Wickersham Wall to the North Peak on 16 July, 1963, also ascent of South Peak on 19 July, both by a seven-man Harvard Mountaineering Club party. Descent was via the West Buttress, which necessitated climbing over the North Peak with 50 lb packs. DLC. 84758. ABROSEVIOV, A. T., and IA. L. BLOKH. Issledovanie korotkoperiodicheskikh i mikrovariaall intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luchel pri pomoshchi odinochnykh saintillfaaionnykh schetchikov. (In: Vses. soveshchanie po kosmofizicheskomu napravlenifll issl. kosmicheskikh luchel 1962. Kosmicheskie luchi ... 1965, p. 257-66, graph, illus.) 41 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigation of short-term and microvariation of cosmic ray intensity with individual scintillation counters. Discusses variations of a few hours duration as observed by a worldwide network of stations during IGY, and microvariations of several minutes or less duration as recorded by instruments of 0.3%/min or better accuracy. Variations in the geomagnetic field, atmospheric pressure, and in upper air temperature are considered to be among the agents causing microvariations in cosmic ray intensity. Suggestions for improvement in the instrumentation are made. DLC. 84759. ABS, 0. A. H. Die Primitiv- and die Zivilisationskost bei den Eskimos. (Heilkunst 1961. v. 74, no. 1, p. 23-30.) 25 refs. In German. Title tr.: The native and white man's diet among Eskimos. Discusses the almost exclusive meat diet of the so-called non-civilized Eskimo and
the varied diet of whites. Ways of preservation of Eskimo food and the suitability of this diet for arctic conditions are stated, as are the lessons to be learned from it by expeditions. Chemical composition of the native diet is described, also the transition of some Eskimos to unbalanced western food habits, its defects, and adverse effects. DNLM. 84760. ABUSHIK, A. F. Novyl rod ludlovskikh ostrakod Pripolfarnogo Urala. (Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskil inst. Trudy 1962. v. 86, p. 83-85, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: A new genus of Ludlovian ostracod of the Subpolar Ural. Describes a late Ludlovian ostracod Bispinitia uralica found in Khozim River region of Komi ASSR. It belon to fam. Leperditiidae; its diagnosis, description and DGS. geographic distribution are given. ACCARDO, C. A., see No. 91904. 84761. ACHER, R., and others. Isolation of finback whale oxytocin and vasopressin. (Nature, Jan. 11, 1964. v. 201, p. 191-92, graph.) 12 refs. Other authors: J. Chauvet and M. T. Chauvet. Biochemical study of 110 posterior pituitaries of these whales. The same oxytocin and arginine vasopressin were found as in most other mammals, the arginine V880pressin however, was five times as abundant DLC. as the oxytocin. 84762. ACKERMAN, R. E. Art or magic: the incised pebbles from southern Alaska. (Michigan archaeologist 1965. v. 11, no. 3-4, p. 181-88, illus.) 12 refs. Describes four flat beach pebbles discovered in 1964 at the Grouse Fort site during an archeological survey of the Glacier Bay National Monument region, 30-40 air mi west of Juneau. The pebbles, dated about 1800-1820 AD, are broken and bear faint schematic engravings of a human face. Their probable magic use is speculated upon, their poor artistic quality noted. The figured pebble tradition was probably introduced to the Tlingit Indians by Eskimo and Aleut hunters brought to Yakutat and Sitka MiU. Bay in 1795-1799 by Baranov. 84763. ACKERMAN, R. E. Lichens and the patination of chert in Alaska. (American antiquity 1964. v. 29, no. 3, p. 386-87, illus.) 4 refs. Discusses the adverse effects of crustose lichen growth on the exposed surface of stone artifacts, as exemplified by chert scrapers from a denuded slope at the Secu-
rity Cove site on Kuskokwim Bay, surveyed in 1962. The mechanical and chemical activity of lichens affects previously patinated surfaces by dissolving minerals, removing surface film and iron salts, increasing stone porosity, and hastening cortical decomposition. Thus lichen growth also complicates dating techniques based on DSI. cortical decomposition. 84764. AMMAN, R. G., and P. M. JANGAARD. The grey (Atlantic) seal; fatty acid composition of the blubber from a lactating female. (Canadian journal of biochemistry 1965. v. 43, no. 2, p. 251-55, table,) 20 refs. Reports a detailed analysis of the blubber from a lactating animal, of a milk sample, and of harbor-seal blubber. The results suggest selective utilization of depot fatty acids during the nursing period. DLC. 84765. ACKMAN, IL G., and others. Lipids of the fin whale Balaenoptera physalus from North Atlantic waters, 1: fatty acid composition of whole blubber and blubber sections; 2: fatty acid composition of the liver lipids and gas-liquid chromatographic evidence for the occurrence of 5, 8, 11, 14-nonadecatetraenoic acid. (Canadian journal of biochemistry 1965. v. 43, no. 9, p. 1513-30, tables, graphs.) 77 refs. Other authors: C. A. Eaton and P. M. Jangaard. Blubber oils from fin whales taken in Nova Scotia waters show much lower iodine value than those reported for arctic (North Atlantic) baleen whales. The inner section of the blubber has the highest I-value. The physiological functions of blubber, aside from its insulating value, are also discussed. Pt 2 is a study of fatty acid composition of liver lipids from this whale which shows its close resemblance to terrestrial mammals. An unusual fatty acid ester gas-liquid chromatographic peak is noted and provisionally identified as 5, 8, 11, 14 nonadecatetraeDLC. noate. 84766. ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA FENNICA. Studies on Hylobius caddis L. 1: development and life cycle in the Nordic countries. Helsinki 1962. 107 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Its: no. 17.) 55 refs. Finnish summary. Reports investigations carried out by the Nordic Forest Entomologists' research group: B. Bejer-Petersen, P. Juutinen, E. Kangas, A. Bakke and others, to determine the duration of the development of this widespread and important forest pest, under varying conditions of latitude and altitude. The experimental and field studies in Den-
mark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, extended beyond the Arctic Circle. Developmental period s.l. over the region studied ranged 1.5-3 yr. and more, length of generation (egg to egg) 2-4 yr., with insects in spruce developing somewhat slower than those in pine. The length of development and that of the life cycle, were found to be dependent largely on temperature, a finding also theoretically elaborated. DLC. 84767. ACTA ZOOLOGICA FENNICA. Index generalis seriei Acta zoologica fennica 51-100, 1948-1961. Helsinki 1964. 63 p. (Acta zoologica fennica 101.) In German. Compiled by M. Reuter. Indexes by author, subject and species the papers in no 51-100, 1948-1961 of this journal. DLC. 84768. ADAM, D. G., and others. The design, installation and operation of automatic controls for an existing A. C. mine hoist at Giant Yellowknife Mines LW. (Canadian mining and metallurgical bulletin 1965. v. 58, no. 636, p. 449-55, graph, section, table, illus.) Other authors: E. Oldfield, C. M. Wilkinson and R. G. Muscroft. Describes this novel automatic system which performs the functions of a human operator in controlling the motions of a standard, wound rotor motor hoist. Low cost conversion was made on a 600-hp. AC hoist in C-shaft at Giant Yellowknife. No supplementary dynamic braking or power equipment was used; the only additions being a small, fast-acting disc brake on the pinion shaft and an extra point of rotor Design considerations were resistance. studied by Canadian Westinghouse Co.; maintenance of the automatic components is by the mine electrical and mechanical crews. DGS. 84769. ADAM, N. V., and others. Zapadnyl drelf geomagnitnogo polfa. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomifa. 1964. v. 4, no. 3, p. 548-58, tables, graphs, map.) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N. P. Ben'kova, V. P. Orlov and L. 0. Tarmina. Title tr.: The western drift of the geomagnetic field. Reviews the methods of calculating the velocity, v, of this drift. The velocities for separate harmonics of the total geomagnetic field are calculated on the basis of spherical harmonic analysis of the field, and its secular variations. The values of displacement velocity of the centers of global magnetic anomalies, and their outlines by zero-value isodynes are worked out from maps of nondipole fields for several epochs. The longitudinal distribution of v is given, its latitu-
dinal distribution appeared to be ambiguous for an accurate determination. The values of v calculated for 12 locations, including Bukhta Tikhaya and Yakutsk, were found highly scattered, reaching in some cases >1`)/yr, values hardly considered real, especially when different anomalies show a drift velocity of opposite sign. The western drift is concluded to be an averaged drift of global anomalies. DLC.
84772. ADAMS, T. A method for local heating and cooling of the brain. (Journal of applied physiology 1964. v. 19, no. 2, p. 338-40, illus.) 8 refs. Describes a simple, easily constructed water-perfused thermode system used to produce and measure changes in hypothalamic temperature of anesthetized cats. Animals showed no untoward effects with this device implanted for two years. DLC.
ADAMS, G. W., see No. 89743.
84773. ADAMS, W. P. Ablation and runoff on the White Glacier; Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Montreal 1966. 77 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Jacobsen-McGill Arctic Research Expedition to Axel Heiberg Island. Research report: glaciology no. 1.) Approx. 60 refs. Describes an intensive quantitative study 1959-1961 of glacial ablation processes, using a network of ablation stakes, a star ablatometer, and a Lister ablatograph. Discharge of the Ermine River was also measured by a dam-weir method which is described and illus. in detail. Supra-glacial runoff was measured by the California Pipe method. Observations on cryoconite holes and their significance in the ablation process are discussed. Profiles and equiablation maps are presented and the role of slush avalanches and superimposed ice is considered. A detailed study of Baby Glacier is also described, indicating rapid mass wasting. Ablation and runoff are related broadly to meteorological controls, particularly the CaMAI. dominant influence of radiation.
84770. ADAMS, J. I. A comparison of field and laboratory consolidation measurements in peat. (National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committee on Soil and Snow Mechanics. Tech. memorandum 1964. no. 81, p. 117-85, graphs.) 8 refs. Describes results of pore water pressure and settlement measurements recorded over a ten-month period subsequent to construction in 1962 of an Ontario Hydro service road in the Moose River basin, its construction aspects described by C. T. Enright, qv. Instrumentation and methods used in the field measurements are described. Settlement, rapid at first, continues slowly. A short period of rapid consolidation was followed by a long period of slow consolidation, which seems to continue indefinitely. Initial settlement accounts for most of the total settlement, and the rapid initial settlement rate probably keeps pace with normal embankment placing operations. DGS. 84771. ADAMS, J. I. The consolidation of peat, field and laboratory measurements. (Ontario hydro research quarterly 1963. v. 15, no. 4, p. 1-7, graphs.) 8 refs. Reports on analyses of field measurements of pore pressure and settlement made during construction of a 4000 ft. section of service road on peat in the Moose River basin in northern Ontario. Results of analyses of laboratory consolidation tests and porepressure measurements made on peat samples are also given. A relationship for predicting field behavior from laboratory tests is suggested, viz: at the start of longterm compression the rate of consolidation varies predictably with peat thickness and applied load. In fibrous peat consolidation a rapid initial stage, and long-term slow indefinite stage are distinguished. Confirmation of the long-term relation implied between field and laboratory measurements requires extensive additional readings. DLC. ADAMS, J. M., see No. 86728.
84774. ADAMS, W. P. McGill Sub-Arctic Research Laboratory. (Special Libraries Association. Geog. and Map Division. Bulletin 1965. no. 60, p. 16.) 21st in a series on the libraries and literature of cold and cold regions. Describes this combined weather station, library, and research facility at Schefferville, Quebec, since Oct. 1954. Its publications, and range of studies: geomorphology, botany, geography, glaciology, meteorology and climatology of Labrador-Ungava, are noted. DLC. ADAMS, W. P., see also No. 89540. 84775. ADAMS-RAY, J. Some new aspects on the vasoconstrictor mechanism. (International Inst. of Refrigeration. Bulletin. Annexe 1961, no. 4, p. 9-11.) 4 refs. Notes on cells with chromaffine granules and a fluorescent trait, located mainly near small blood vessels of the skin. In vasodilatation e.g. after a cold injury, X-rays, etc,
these cell characteristics disappear which suggests that the cells are instrumental in vasoconstriction. DLC. 84776. ADEM, J. Sobre el estado termico normal del sistema troposfera-oceano-continente en el hemisferio norte; On the normal thermal state of the troposphere-oceancontinent system in the Northern Hemisphere. (Geofisica internacional 1964. v. 4, no. 1, p. 3-32, table, maps.) 12 refs. In Spanish and English. Utilizes a thermal model to compute normal temperatures in the mid-troposphere for Apr, July and Oct. The importance of cloudiness, heating other than radiation, horizontal turbulent transport and storage of thermal energy in oceans, including the Arctic Ocean, in maintaining the tropospheric thermal system are discussed. The 78 maps on which the temperature data are plotted in isopleth form are on a polar projection and give prominence DLC. to the arctic region. 84777. ADROV, M. M. Gidrologicheskie issledovania u zapadnogo poberezh'fa Grenlandii. (In: Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Sovetskie rybokhozastvennye 1962, p. 137-53, graphs, maps, sections.) 26 refs. In Russian. English summary. English translation of entire volume available. Title tr.: Hydrographic investigations on west coast of Greenland. Reviews earlier work and reports own studies during the summers of 1958-1960. They extended as far as 78° N. and were mainly concerned with the fishing banks. Temperature, salinity, 02, P, and Si, were DLC. determined down to the bottom. 84778. ADROV, M. M. Gidrologicheskie nahlffidenifa k severu of Island ii letom 1950 g. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1959. no. 11, p. 74-93, graphs.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrological observations north of Iceland in the summer of 1950. Reviews earlier surveys of the area and reports own investigation of the shallow waters (0-200 in). Salinity and temperature, 02, P, and N were determined at some 40 stations and on a number of profiles. Data are used for determination of currents. Findings of earlier investigators are generally confirmed. 84779. ADROV, M. M. GidrologicheskiT rezhim v vostochnol chasti Datskogo proliva vesnol 1955 g. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl
n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1959. no. 11, p. 135-41, tables, graphs.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrographic conditions of eastern Denmark Strait in the spring of 1955. Reports investigation made in connection with reconnaissance for redfisb, during Mar 26—Apr 4. Temperature, salinity, 02 and P were determined at 100 m. intervals and for bottom waters. Anomalies in T, S, and 02 are claimed to have caused dispersal of redfish shoals. DLC. 84780. ADROV, M. M., and A. P. ALEKSEEV. Itogi okeanograficheskikh issledovanil PINRO za 1958-1960 gg. (In: Konferencsifa po probleme "Vzaimodelstvie atmosfery ..." 1961. Materialy pub. 1964, p. 264-68, tables, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: A summary of PINRO oceanographic investigations for 1958-1960. Summarizes work in the Barents, Norwegian, and Greenland Seas, and in the northwest Atlantic in the interest of fisheries: 35 profiles along the Kola meridian and 28 along the Nordkap-BjecrnOya line and 2,950 stations were made in 1958, 17 cruises and 2,774 stations in 1959, and in 1960, 13 cruises and 2,323 stations, all with a complex of hydrological and hydrochemical measurements. Tabulated data are given. The role of the East Greenland Current in the hydrological regime of West Greenland waters is DLC. considered overestimated. 84781. ADROV, M. M. K voprosu o vzaimosvfazi mezhdu raspredeleniem temperatury, kisloroda i skoplenii ryby v nekotorykh promyslovykh ralonakh Barenaeva i Norvezhskogo morel. (Murmansk. Polrarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. no. 16, p. 25168, tables, graphs, maps.) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The interrelationship between the distribution of temperature and oxygen and fish concentrations on some fishing areas of the Barents and Norwegian Seas. An attempt to correlate the temperature and oxygen content of these waters with The abundance and shoaling of fish. problematical nature of this nexus is stressed only by a high percentage of negative DLC. observations cited. 84782. ADROV, M. M. Novye dannye po gidrologii severo-zapadnol chasti Barenfscva morfa. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1959. no. 11, p. 5-25, tables, graphs, map.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New
ata on the hydrology of the northeastern a rents Sea. Account of a three-month investigation beginning 16 Aug. 1955, and comparisons with records back to 1828. An area southwest, south and southeast of Spitsbergen was covered, the studies including temperatures at 0, 25, 50, 100, 200 m. and bottom, salinity, 02, P on several horizons. In addition numerous profiles were prepared and evaluated as to detailed movements of DLC. water masses in the area. 84783. ADROV, M. M. On the hydrological regime of the central height area of the Barents Sea. Lowestoft 1965. 9 p. illus. (Great Britain. Ministry of Agriculture, Translation N.S. Fisheries and Food. no. 64.) English translation of No. 69490. DLC. 84784. ADROV, M. M. Osnovnye rezul'taty i zadachi promyslovo-oke.anograficheskikh issledovanil v raTone defiltel'nosti mezhdunarodnol komissii po rybolovstvu v Severo-Zapadnoi Atlantike, IKNAF. (In: Konferenfsia po probleme "Vzaimodelstvie atmosfery ..." 1961. Materialy pub. 1964, p. 238-43, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Main results and tasks of fishery-oceanographic investigations in the region of the International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF) activity. Reviews the Russian (PINRO) and other ICNAF members' studies from 1954, particularly Soviet cruises off southwest Greenland, mainly along the profiles of fishing shoals where ocean currents and their variation in time, salinity, temperature, and oxygen content as related to phytoplankton productivity were investigated. Three research projects are important for fishery prospects in the region: long and short term forecast of water temperature in profiles and at the bottom in Davis Strait and on the Newfoundland banks, relationship of fish reproduction and abiotic factors, and distribution of water temperature, salinity, oxygen, and biogenetic elements and their effects on fish concentration and distribution. DLC. 84785. ADROV, M. M. Osobennosti zimnego gidrologicheskogo rezhima Umbskogo raTona Belogo morfa... (Materialy rybokhozalstvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basseTna 1965. no. 5, p. 103-109, graphs, maps.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Characteristics of the winter hydrographic-regimen in the Umba area of the White Sea. Describes temperature conditions in the open waters and in the bays and inlets of
this area; also ice conditions and formation of a freshwater layer between the ice and sea water. This freshwater has its origin in the Umba River. DLC. 84786. ADROV, M. M. Termika Barencseva morfa i akklimatizatsifa, gorbushi. (Problemy isporzovanifi promyslovykh resursov Belogo morel. i vnutrennikh vodoemov Harelii 1963. no. 1, p. 26-32, table, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Thermal conditions of the Barents Sea and acclimatization of pink salmon. Study of conditions which led to the appearance in 1960, in rivers of northern Europe, of fish released in 1959, while those released in the two preceding years did not appear. The narrowing of the distribution area in 1961 and its shift towards north and east is also considered. High mortality of released fish and failure of return to rivers is attributed to lack of adaptation to the new conditions during early development. English translation by C. A. McLean, Lowestoft 1965. Ministry of agriculture, fisheries and food. Translation N.S. no. 65. 6 p. DLC. ADROV, M. M., see also No. 90986. 84787. AEROJET-GENERAL CORPORATION. Oceanic Products Division. Theoretical study of an Arctic Ocean environment simulator; final report. Azusa, Calif. 1965. vii, 179 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Report no. 3039.) 37 refs. Presents the results of a theoretic investigation to determine the feasibility of simulating the Arctic Ocean environment in a laboratory. A 20 p discussion of the energy budget of the arctic environment is followed by a theoretic evaluation of component parameters, particularly thermal and salinity effects, tides, and currents. Problems of modeling the physics of the interface zone are considered. A system concept based on present engineering technology is considered entirely feasible and its components and operation are described. Such a facility is considered to offer a valuable tool in arctic research. Much valuable energy data is presented in nine tables. 32 maps on a polar projection provide a comprehensive graphic presentation of significant parameters, including temperature, wind, salinity, swell, tide range, ocean transparency, ice conditions, and cloud. Five appendices discuss various theoretic and practical aspects of the data analyzed, including radiation, scaling factors, sea ice formation, and thermal analysis. This final appendix critically reviews the studies of Kolesnikov
(No. 52360) and Untersteiner (No. 92581). Kolesnikov's basic equation of quasi-stationary heat-conduction is rejected as incorrect. An alternative steady state conduction model is presented. A comprehensive bibliography on thermal analysis of the Arctic Ocean is included. DLC. 84788. AFANAS'EV, A. P. Mineralogya drevnel kory vyvetrivanifa na porodakh svity Imandra-Varzuga k illgu of Khibin. (Kora vyvetrivanifil 1963. no. 6, p. 13-47, tables, graphs, illus.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mineralogy of old crust weathering on rocks of the Imandra-Varzuga series south of Khibiny. Reports investigation of kaolinite crust weathering in two regions of Kola Peninsula, at Izvestkovyy zavod, a lime plant in the Umba River region and at Apatity station. Occurrence and profiles of weathered crust are described. In the Umba region the weathered kaolinite crust is found thickest in the contact zone between chlorite schist and limestones and dolomites; the weathered chlorite schists are described noting their chemical composition, weathered products, etc. Around Apatity the weathered crust is somewhat distributed and differs from that of Umba. Kaolinite clays are analyzed. Weathering of chlorite is treated in some detail with X-ray analysis, powder and heat DLC. tests. 84789. AFANAS'EV, B. L. Glcarsiodislov otlozhenifakh dozmerskogo gorizonta v raTone g. Vorkuty. (In: Popov, A. I., ed. Kalnozolskil pokrov . 1963, p. 211-16, map, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Glacial dislocations in deposits of the Dozmerskiy horizon in the Vorkuta region. Discusses the stratigraphic position of this horizon in a cross-section of Quaternary deposits. It overlies, with a break in sedimentation and outwash, the Bol'shezemel'skaya series. Open pits made in the horizon are analyzed and glacial dislocations are indicated, their genesis discussed. Glaciers advancing from the Polar Ural during the Zyryanka glaciation are considered to have sculptured these dislocations and the topogDLC. raphy. 84790. AFANAS'EV, B. L. K istorii razvitica vzglfadov na paleogeografifll chetvertichnogo perioda Bol'shezemel'skol tundry. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geografii polfamykh stran i glia£siologii. Problemy paleogeografii .. 1964. p. 4-17, maps.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: History of opinions of the development on the paleog-
raphy of Quaternary period of Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Gives the lithologic characteristics of the Quaternary deposits by describing their seven sections. Stratigraphy of the deposits is briefly noted as well as recent tectonics of the region. Work on the Quaternary geology is reviewed as are the various opinions regarding genesis of the deposits and paleogeography of that period, and some conclusions are drawn. Glaciations and marine transgressions are interpreted. DLC. 84791. AFANAS'EV, B. L. 0 kharaktere inversii v geosinklinaPnykh zonakh. (1zvestifit vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniT. Geologia i razvedka 1965, no. 9, p. 154-56, sections.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the character of inversion in geosynclinal zones. Presents two cross-sections along the Ural geosynclinal at the latitude of Vorkuta for the beginning and the end of Permian time. Inversion of tectonic conditions within the geosynclinal zone is established and briefly characterized. DLC. 84792. AFANAS'EV, B. L., and V. I. BELION. 0 tretichnom vozraste nizhnikh gorizontov rykhlogo pokrova Bol'shezemel'skoT tundry. (Sovetskata geologifa 1965, no. 6, p. 143-49, illus.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tertiary age of the lower horizons of the unconsolidated cover in Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Discusses origin and age of gray fragmented looms considered (by others) as moraine of maximal glaciation—Middle Quaternary, and called the Bol'shezemel'skaya series. Fauna and flora of this series are outlined according to the smaller stratigraphic units. Proposal is made to consider the Bol'shezemel'skaya series of Neogene—Lower Quaternary age. DLC. 84793. AFANAS'EV, B. L. 0 vozraste rechnykh terras Bol'shezemel'skol tundry. (In: Popov, A. I., ed. Kalnozolskil pokrov... 1963, p. 100-104, tables.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the age of river terraces of Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Reviews the floodplain and three terraces above the Vorkuta, Usa, Pechora, Adz'va, Kara and other rivers. Their formation time and absolute age determination are considered, e.g. the first terrace above the floodplain is established, by analogy with the littoral-terrace of the Baltic, to have had a formation period of 3000 yr. - The other terraces' length of time in formation and their absolute age are also calculated by means of analogous examples. DLC.
84794. AFANAS'EV, B. L., and V. I. BELKIN. Problemy geologli kalnozola Bol'shezemel'skol tundry. (In: Popov, A. I., ed. Kalnozolskil pokrov . 1963, p. 4-9, table, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of Cenozoic geology of the Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Presents a new stratigraphic scheme of Cenozoic deposits of this region, correlated with those of Western Siberia. Special attention is given to the Bol'shezemel'skaya series, and from analysis of a cross-section, it is considered of Neogene age. It is divided into three transgressive cycles, and the fauna and flora of each are indicated. The Bol'shezemel'skaya series is a marine and ice-marine stratum, a revision which changes the position of Quaternary deposits. Geologic development of this area in the Quaternary period is briefly noted. DLC.
them an absolute age of 2,900 ± 200 MY. For another group of samples, the potassium-argon method gives absolute age of the order of 5,200-6,500 MY. Results of petrographic analysis of physical properties of the samples, their mineral composition, structure, texture, features of the rocks, geographic location and depth, from which the cores were taken, are given in a table. The measured velocities of transverse and longitudinal elastic waves are presented graphically in terms of confining pressure of up to 4,000 kg/cm2. Velocities of longitudinal waves in ultrabasic rocks reach 8,020 m/sec. at 4,000 kg/cm2, being from 12.314% greater than velocities in the same rocks under normal pressure. The purpose of this investigation was to prepare data for studies of deep strata of the earth's crust, and the DLC. upper mantle.
84795. AFANAS'EV, B. L. Strukturnofaaial'noe znachenie ugleobrazufa.shchikh zon. (Geologifa nefti i gaza severo-vostoka evropelskol chasti SSSR 1964. no. 1, p. 174-92, maps, sections.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The structural-facies importance of coal-forming zones. Elaborates the idea expressed in No. 69495 that coal-forming zones are not in areas of removal but on the contrary in areas of troughs, and are connected with endogenic positive forms of paleorelief. Coal deposits and basins of Permian age such as the Pechora, Noril'sk, Kuznetsk, those of Carboniferous age: Kizelovsk, Moscow, Donetsk, and some of Jurassic: Chelyabinsk, Kansko-Achinsk, etc. are reviewed and evidence presented in support DLC. of this idea.
84797. AFANAS'EV, IA. I. 0 prirodnol ochagovosti trikhinelleza v fikutskoI ASSR. (MediGinskafa parazitologifa i parazitarnye bolezni 1962. v. 31, no. 4, p. 482.) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Natural foci of trichinosis in the Yakut ASSR. First report on occurrence in Yakutia: 11 persons were infected in Dec. 1961, after eating insufficiently cooked meat of the DNLM. brown bear.
84796. AFANAS'EV, G. D., and others. Issledovanie skorostel uprugikh voln v ul'traosnovnykh porodakh Monchegorskogo plutona v usloviffikh vysokogo vsestoronnego davlenifit. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 155, no. 5, p. 1058-61, table, graph.) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors: M. P. Volarovich, E. I. Baftik and N. E. Galdin. Title tr.: A study of elastic wave velocities in ultrabasic rocks of Monchegorsk pluton under high confining pressure. Reports on experiments with pyroxenites and peridotites from central Kola Peninsula. Absolute age of Monchegorsk pluton is determined as more than 3,150 ± 50 MY which is the age of the Archaean gneisses from beneath which the plutons were extruded. Determination of the Monchegorsk ultrabasic intrusions by the isochronous radioactive lead method gives for
84798. AFANAS'EV, P. IA. Kommunisty v bor'be za osvoenie bogatstv SevernVostoka. (In: 10 let Magadanskoi . . 1963, p. 5-35, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Communists fight for the riches of the Northeast. Sketches the geography, climate, historical background, and present administrative division of Magadan Province including the Chukchi National District. Changes among local party officials in 1953, development measures initiated in 1954 with good financial support are noted in economic and rural construction projects, agricultural schools, founding of the Magadan mining (Magadangorstrol) and fishing trusts, etc. Further industrial and agricultural development followed the 1957 administrative reforms and the establishment of the Magadan economic council. Resolutions of the Academy of Sciences' Siberian Dept. in 1959 and economic provincial party committee plans of 1962 are outlined. They advocate developments in mining, reindeer husbandry, livestock and fur farming. Statistics are given on ten-yr progress in rural and urban construction, education, health services, transportation and communication, fisheries, mining, agriculture,
etc. Party organizations are given major credit. DLC. 84799. AFANAS'EV, P. S. Foneticheskie osobennosti govora verkhofanskikh fakutov. (Akatiemifil nauk SSSR. fAkutskil filial. Inst. fazyka, lit-ry i istorii. Trudy 1961. no. 3, p. 52-78.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Phonetic peculiarities of the speech of Verkhoyansk District Yakuts. The phonological differences of Yakut as spoken in this isolated region far north of the Verkhoyansk Range are great enough for it to be classified as a distinct sub-dialect. DLC. 84800. AFANAS'EV, V. Razvitie vysshego obrazovanifil v fAkutii. (Poll-amnia zvezda 1964, no. 6, p. 100-103.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Growth of higher education in Yakutia. Sketches developments since the 1920's. A Yakut section with the Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute opened in 1930; the Pedagogical Institute of Yakutsk was founded in 1934 and made into a university in 1956. Data are given on students, graduates, and teaching staff; 2464 students attended Yakutsk Univ in 1964-1965 and some 1600 more took correspondence courses. DLC.
veka. (Gigiena i sanitarif. 1965. v. 30, no. 12, p. 24-27, tables, graphs.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Influence of the number of layers of clothing on the thermal insulation of the human organism. Analyzes the protective effect of one to eight layers of cotton underwear upon different parts of the body covered and not covered at 22-23° C ambient temperature. The innermost layer gives 39% of the warming effect, each successive layer less. For heat insulation, clothing of the trunk is more important than that of the limbs. DLC. 84804. AFANAS'EVA, V. D. Nekotorye osobennosti kliniki gipertonicheskoT bolezni v akutfi. (Sovetskaia mediaina 1963. v. 26, no. 4, p. 16-19, tables.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some characteristics of clinical hypertonic disease in Yakutia. Materials of the Yakutsk City Hospital for 1958-1960 show an incidence of 9.7% of all diseases treated. Most admissions were during the cold and transitional seasons, with the cerebral form most common. DNLM.
84802. AFANAS'EVA, ft. P. Ob epidemiologicheskoI roli rogatogo skota v rasrostranenii tuberkuleza sredi naselenia UASSR. (Yakutsk. akutskil n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy ... 1963, p. 82-84.) In Russian. Title tr.: The epidemiological role of cattle in spreading tuberculosis among the population of the Yakut ASSR. Notes the preponderance of TB forms caused by a bovine type of agent and presence of TB in part (8-20%) of the cattle studied. The connection between incidence in cattle and that in children is pointed out, as is the decrease in incidence and virulence in TB of bovine origin. DNLM.
84805. AFANAS'EVA, V. I., and II). D. KALININ. Rezul'taty issledovanifa magnitnoT aktivnosti vo vremia MGG. (Geofizicheskil bfalleten' 1964. no. 14, p. 45-54, graphs, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: Results of studies of magnetic activity during the IGY period. Discusses, in general, Russian investigations of magnetic storms. The three-point scale of magnetic activity, and the K-index scale are explained, and illus by K-index magnetograms. The magnetic latitude effect on the intensity of magnetic storms is shown graphically. Isochrones of the morning max of magnetic disturbances are shown as spiral branches of magnetic vortex around the North Magnetic Pole, and on the same diagram. Outer and the inner auroral zones are indicated. A schematic map of Russian drifting stations is shown for 1954-1955, 1957-1959. The daily variations of geomagnetic field obtained at Vostok are found to agree well with similar records at Thule. The so-called coastal effect, a sharp increase in magnetic activity along a narrow littoral is pointed out and explained as due to ionospheric variations. A schematic representation of solar corpuscular streams around the earth is shown in a monthly variation. DLC.
84803. AFANAS'EVA, R. F., and L. P. FEDOROVA. Vlifanie kolichestva sloev odezhdy na teploizolaEnfa organizma chelo-
84806. AFIfSKIL A. I. Pervafa nakhodka Rhabdoceras na Severo-Vostoke SSSR. (Pa, leontologichpskiT zhurnal 1965, no. 3, p.
84801. AFANAS'EV, V. F. Novyl fakul'tet delaet pervye shagi. (Vestnik vysshel shkoly 1964. v. 22, no. 11, p. 57-58.) In Russian. Title tr.: A new faculty takes its first steps. Notes the popularity of the social science department at Yakutsk Univ since 1961, its divisions of journalism, choir conducting, bone carving, graphic and applied arts, etc. It graduated 150 in 1963, 231 in 1964. A home economics division is planned for 1966. DLC.
137-38, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: First find of Rhabdoceras in the Northeast of the USSR. Presents a systematic description of the ammonoid Rhabdoceras boreale n. sp. in the Norian stage of Triassic deposits in the Bol'shoy Anyuy River basin. Form, dimensions, presence of the ammonitic suture, and other features are stated, comparisons DLC. and illus are included. 84807. AFIKII, A. I. Prfama norilskafa ammonoidefa na Chukotke. (Priroda 1965. v. 54, no. 4, p. 87-88, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Straight Norian ammonoids in Chukotka. Reports a find of Upper Triassic—Norian uncoiled ammonoid of gen Rhabdoceras. The distribution and development of ammonoids are discussed. The importance of Rhabdoceras in stratigraphy is noted since its appearance is limited to Norian (upper middle Triassic) time. DLC. 84808. AFONINA, 0. N. Proektirovanie gazosnabzhenifa v g. Ilkutske. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu 1961. Sbornik trudov pub. 1962, p. 245-48.) In Russian. Title tr.: Planning the gas supply for Yakutsk. Describes the 1960 project. The distribution system operates on high, up to 6 kg/cm', and low, to 300 mm, pressures. 4,212 tons of metal is needed to complete the gas supply system for Yakutsk. Its total construction cost is estimated at 5,311 thousand rubles. Geocryological features of the frozen ground inYakutsk and engineering problems in laying gas lines at 1.4 m. depth are discussed. The distributing station is planned near the Taas—Bestyakh gas main and close to the principal industrial consumers. DLC. 84809. AFONINA, R. G. 0 prirode otricsaternykh vozmushcheniT gorizontarno1 sostavlfitiDshchei geomagnitnogo pole: v vysokikh shirotakh. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomifi, 1965. v. 5, no. 4, p. 772-74, graphs.) 22 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the nature of negative disturbances of the horizontal component of geomagnetic field in high latitudes. Analyzes the correlation between geomagnetic disturbances in the polar region, and auroras. An oval form is assumed for the auroral zone with min distance from the geomagnetic pole during day, and max during night hours. From records of Tikhaya Bay, Anchorage, and Godhavn author concludes that the negative magnetic disturbances in the horizontal component
of the field are caused by a closed electric current embracing all the longitudes. DLC. 84810. AFRIKANTOV, I. I., and others. Opyt ekspluataaii atomnol ustanovki ledokola "Lenin." (Atomnafa energica 1964. v. 17, no. 5, p. 349-59, table, graphs, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N. M. Mordvinov, P. D. Novikov, B. G. Pologikh, A. K. Sledzilk, N. S. Khlopkin and N. M. larev. Title tr.: Experience in use of the atomic installation of the icebreaker Lenin. Describes in some detail the nuclear energy installation of the Lenin and how it has proved in approx four years' use. It weighs with safety shielding some 3,100 t, and is designed for an output of 360 t of steamilhr at a pressure 28 kg/cm' and temperature 300-310° C. Neutron-physical parameters are given of its active zone, which consists of 219 energy—producing working channels each containing 36 cylinders of nuclear fuel. Each of the three nuclear reactors installed was charged with 80 kg of uranium 235 which developed 430,000-490,000 Mwt/hr of heat energy from 3 Dec 1959 until recharging in the spring of 1963. Recharging was done at the Lenin's regular berth in the Murmansk area and an auxiliary diesel ship was used, the Lepse, equipped with storage for exhausted channels, and reloading machines and safety shielding. Training requirements for technical personnel of the Lenin are outlined. By the end of 1963 this icebreaker had travelled about 60,000 mi, two-thirds through ice. DLC. 84811. AGA, M. S. K voprosu o teplovykh raschetakh pri proektirovanii (Vodosnabzhenie i kanaliza&ila naselennykh melt v ra!onakh VostochnoT Sibiri i Kralnego Severe. Sbornik trudov 1962. no. 1, p. 84-93.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Thermal estimates in sewage system design. Analyzes formulas for temperature fields along and across sewage pipes, and presents a calculation for the sewage network branch at Yakutsk according to Chernyshev's formula, comparing the results with those of several other investigators. Lack of thermal estimates of cesspools is noted, and formulas are given for sewage temperature and heat loss in cesspools. The possibility of using computer technique is suggested for determining the longitudinal and transverse temperature fields in pipes completely or partially filled with sewage. DLC. 84812. AGA, M. S. 0 teplovykh raschetakh ochistnykh sooruzhenil. (Vodosnabzhenie i
kanalizaaifit naselennykh mest v ralonakh Vostochnol Sibiri i Kralnego Severn. Sbornik trudov 1962. no. 1, p. 94-100, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Thermal estimates of cesspools. Derives approx formulas for heat loss, and methods of determining the thermal insulation needed to maintain sewage at a preselected temperature in northern localities; also the size of the thawed zone caused by a cesspool of cylindrical form, its symmetry axis perpendicular to the ground surface. DLC. AGAFONOV, ft, see No. 86371. 84813. AGAFONOVA, K. G. Gidrokhimicheskil rezhim rek Kamchatki. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1964. no. 2, p. 46-55, tables, graphs.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The hydrochemical regime of Kamchatka rivers. Reports a study during 1952-1962 of water from about 24 streams. Some 808 analyses were made and the mineralization and chemical elements determined. The majority of Kamchatka rivers have hydrocarbonate water with little mineralization, i.e. up to 100 mg/I. Permanent hardness is absent, except in the Kamchatka River below Kozyrevsk and the Pauzhetka River in winter time. Rivers with similar physical geographic conditions have similar chemical DLC. composition of water. AGASIEVA, Z. S., see No. 87397. AGATE, F. J., Jr., see No. 91774. 84814. AGATHON, 0. A wild bear and goose chase. (Explorers journal 1965. v. 43, no. 1, p. 2-9, map, illus.) Refs. Describes a spring 1964 hunting trip to Southeast Alaska. Several specimens of the Vancouver Canada geese (Branca canaclensis fulva) were taken for the American Museum of Natural History of New York; but no female bears. The latter were sought to verify the existence in this species of a vestigial bone, the baubellum. DI. 84815. AGAVERD1EV, A. SH., and others. Sverkhslaboe izluchenie rastenil pri poni(Akademila nauk zhenii temperatury. SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 163, no. 4, p. 991-93, g aphs.) 4 ref's. In Russian. Other authors: U. E. Doskoch and B. N. Tarusov. Title tr.: Ultra-weak radiation of plants at reduced temperature. Reports on experiments with four-day-old shoots of barley and wheat grown at 24° C. Cooling produced a regular drop of this
radiation, which ceased in thermophilous forms at 6-7°, in cold-resistant ones at 0° C. Further cooling produced a reversal of the process and increased radiation. Anoxia and free radicals suppressed this increase in radiation. DLC. 84816. AGEEV, K. S., and A. V. DITMAR. Nekotorye osobennosti rel'efa vysokogornykh ralonov Korfakskogo nagor'fa. (Le-. ningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regionarnala geologia no. 4, p. 137-49, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of the relief of the high mountainous regions of the Koryak upland. Reports a study in the Matysken, Achayvayam and other regions. The most active relief-forming factors are weathering and gravitation observed on steeply dipping slopes. Landslide also is characterized. Solifluction processes are outlined. Mobile moraines, small corrie glaciers are also noted. DLC. AGEEV, K. S., see also No. 86532. 84817. AGER, B. H. Om snOns egenskaper och snostabilisering. Snow properties and snow stabilization. Stockholm 1965. 41 p. graphs, tables, illus. (Forskningsstiftelsen skogsarbeten. Meddelande no. 3.) Approx. 55 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Snow stabilization and the use of snow roads were subject of extensive study, and field tests of snow cover were made mainly around Lycksele and Arvidsjaur in north Sweden. Data are given on snow type, grain size, hardness and density at 5, 15, 25, 35, etc, cm depth. Traffica,bility data are given on quality of snow required for different types of transportation, vehicle, load size, and traffic intensity. Trafficability obtained with different compaction equipment and methods, mobility and road making capacity is reported. DLC. 84818. AGER, H. Some tests on the corapactibility and hardness after compaction of different types of snow. (Journal of glaciology 1965. v. 5, no. 41, p. 533-46, tables, graphs, illus.) 3 refs. French and German summary. Reports study of samples of natural snow cover in Sweden and Canada and waste from an ice milling machine. Different types and mixtures were tested in a cold room with a small model compactor, and density, cone hardness and shear strength measured, generally 24 hr after compaction. When compacted to max, densities of 0.55-0.60
gm/cm3 were achieved. The influence of temperature on density and hardness was DLC. also studied. 84819. AGESHIN, P. N., and others. Vekovye izmenenifa intensivnosti kosmicheskilch luchel v stratosfere v periods 1962 g. po 1964 g. (Akaclemifa nauk SSSR. Izvestica 1965. ser. fiz. v. 29, no. 10, p. 19021903, table, graphs.) 2 refs. In Russian. Other authors: E. V. Kolomeea, A. N. Charakhch'fin and T. N. Charakhchifan. Title tr.: Secular intensity variations of cosmic rays in the stratosphere for the period 1962-1964. Discusses the results obtained by using single cosmic-ray counters at three stations including Murmansk. Global intensities of cosmic rays versus time and versus the number of sunspots are shown. DLC. 84820. AGIENKO, V. D. Opyt raboty terapevticheskogo kabineta plavuchel po(Zdravookhranenie Rossilsko! likliniki. Federacsii 1965. v. 9, no. 10, p. 27-29.) In Russian. Title tr.: Work of the therapeutic section of a floating polyclinic. Describes activities aboard a health service vessel on the Vasyugan and Ket', tributaries to the Ob in Tomsk Province. Of some 2550 individuals treated, 1577 were Ket Yeniseians. The local Ostyaks, Evenki Tungus, and Sel'kup Samoyeds have obligatory examinations for TB, tumors and helminth infections. DLC. 84821. AGRANAT, G. A. Alaska v predvoennye gody i gody Vtorol mirovoT volny. (Letopis' Severa 1964. v. 4, p. 148-60.) 33 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Alaska in prewar years and in the year of the World War II. Outlines changes in economic conditions in the 1920's, the depression and decline of production of gold, copper, fish; unemployment and decrease of population; the policy of conservation of natural resources and its negative implication for economic development; the New Deal and improvement of economic situation of Alaska in 1933-1939; crisis in the reindeer industry and decline of the herds from 700,000 in the 1930's to 27,000 in 1949. The role of Alaska in 19391945 as a base of military operations against Japan, of aid to the Soviet Union; impact of the construction of the Alaska Highway. After the war Alaska became a military base against the Soviet Union. DLC. 84822. AGRANAT, G. A. Pervye polveka amerikanskogo gospodstva na Allaske. (Letopis' Severs 1962, no. 3, p. 223-38.)
31 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The first half century of American rule in Alaska. Outlines the period of military government 1867-1884, establishment of civil administration 1884-1898, the gold rush period 1898-1906, establishment of territorial administration and the copper boom 1906-1912; the pre-war and war period 1912-1917. Disregard of the interests of natives, colonialism and depletion of the natural resources are stressed as characterizing the administration of Alaska after its transfer from Russian jurisdiction. Based in part on American publications. DLC. 84823. AGUPOV, A. V. Normy stoka i kolebanifa vodonosnosti rek ZapadnoT Sibiri. (Akademi1 nauk SSSR. Inst. geografii. Kolebanifa i izmenenifa rechnogo stoka. Moskva 1960, p. 5-47, tables, graphs, map.) 50 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Rate of discharge and volume of the water of West Siberian rivers. Discusses a statistical method for calculating discharge and its variations due to physical geographic and human factors. This method based on long period observations is criticized for inadequate understanding of the discharge rate and resultant unavoidable errors. A new method is presented which enables the rate to be calculated with better accuracy, even when observations are not of long duration. Average annual discharge is mapped for West Siberia from the Pechora area east to the Yenisey and north to the coast. Comparisons are made with data obtained by other scientists. Variations in river water volume and lake levels are found to be determined by variations in the meteorological elements and development of atmospheric circulation. DLC. 84824. AHLMANN, H. W. Nordkalotten. (Jorden runt 1964. v. 36, no. 2, p. 135-44, illus.) In Swedish. Title tr.: The North Cap. Discusses the diverse factors that create a geographic unit composed of northern Finland, Norway, and Sweden, for which this name has come into use since World War II. It has short warm summers and long dark winters; it has a common treeline, insects, and predators; and to some degree a common history. Of its 800 thousand people, less than 35 thousand are Lapps. Its wildlife, fishing, and recreational activities are becoming known as air transportation and the Kiruna railway open the area to travelers. Development of power, education, and capital however is slower. DLC.
84825. AHN, T. N., and others. Viability and metabolism of Staphylococcus aureua after freezing, lyophilization, and irradiation. (Journal of bacteriology 1964. v. 88, no. 3, p. 545-52, tables, graphs.) 10 refs. Other authors: H. Nishihara, C. M. Carpenter and G. V. Taplin. Freezing of these cocci in dilute albumen solution to —200 C. followed by thawing had no effect on viable cell count and on lactic acid oxiation. But oxidation rates of alanine, glutamic acid and glucose decreased. DLC. AHO, J., see No. 88326. 84826. MITI, T. Four species of Cladinae new to North America. (Suomalainen elilin- ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo. Tiedonannot 1959 pub. 1960. v. 14, no. 2, p. 129-34, illus.) 13 refs. Describes four species of reindeer lichens, one of them Cladonia terrae-novae n. sp. new to science; based on herbaria materials in North America and Finland, and on field work in Newfoundland and Ontario. DLC. 84827. AHTI, T. Macrolichens and their zonal distribution in boreal and arctic Ontario, Canada. (Annales botanici Fennici 1964. v. 1, no. 1, p. 1-35, map, illus.) 143 refs. Discusses fruticose and foliose macrolichens, the distribution and habitat of 203 species, from own collection made in summer 1958 and now at the Botanical Museum, Univ. of Helsinki, and from other collections as cited. The area between Lake Superior and Hudson Bay is divided into zones according to climate and vegetation and stations for each species are listed according to these zones to enable ecological comparison between plants in areas far apart. For each species, a general statement on habitats, distribution, and abundance in Northern Ontario is given; horizontal distribution in the arctic, boreal, and temperate vegetation zones and subzones in the northern hemisphere, range extension, taxonomy, etc are noted. Abundance and distribution in corresponding parts of northern Ontario and eastern Fennoscandia are compared: many species are common to both; 85% of northern Ontario macrolichens are found also in Fennoscandia. Existing differences are evidently due to historical or climatic factors. Bryophytes show about the same degree of similarity, but only about 30% of the vascular plants are comDLC. mon to the two regions.
84828. ANTI, T. Notes on the lichen Cladonia pseudorangiformis Asah. (Suomalainen ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo. Tiedonannot: Archivum 1962. v. 17, no. 1, p. 38-41, map.) 14 refs. Attempt to clarify the nomenclature, taxonomy and distribution of this species; a widely common but unrecognized form from northern Canada west to Magadan and Kamchatka. Stations so far reporting (listed) include some boreal-alpine locations. DLC. 84829. AIDLA, T. A., and V. G. GOL'DTMAN. Predpostroechnoe ottaivanie gruntov osnovania administrativno-bytovogo kombinata shakhty 10 v Kadykchane. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu 1961. Sbornik trudov pub. 1962, p. 222-29, tables, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Preconstruction thawing of the ground base of the administrative and community building of mine-10 combine at Kadykchan. Discusses thawing to 7 m depth on a 93 x 23 m site for a two-story building, 74 x 18 m in area. The thawing process with subsequent densification settling of 75-100 mm average is described. Recommending wider use of this method for foundations on permafrost, authors describe briefly erection of another four-story building on a foundation in pre-thawed permafrost at Myaundzha. DLC. AIDLA, T. A., see also No. 87390. 84830. AIR FORCE AND SPACE DIGEST. The Alaskan Air Command. (Its: v. 47, 1964. no. 9, p. 140 11, graph, illus.) Reports activities of the air component of the unified Alaskan Command (ALCOM) and the Alaskan Region of the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) during fiscal 1964. Facilities are centered at Elmendorf AFB near Anchorage: air support for approx. 70 units in areas mostly inaccessible by land; the new AAC regional data-processing center opened in Apr 1964; search and rescue missions; aid to victims DLC. of the Mar 27 earthquake; etc. AIR FORCE AND SPACE 84831. DIGEST. The Alaskan Air Command. (Its: v. 48, 1965, no. 9, p. 152-54. graph, illus.) Outlines main aspects of its mission; aircraft and other equipment; capabilities for defense and support; also notes participation in military exercises (Polar Strike, Northern Hills, etc) relief and recovery
after the Mar 1964 earthquake, support missions for DEW Line stations, research DLC. laboratories, etc. 84832. AITKEN, G. W. Reduction of frost-heave by surcharge loading. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 319-24, graphs, illus.) Ref. Describes an experiment carried out in 1960-1963 at the Alaska field station of CRREL near Fairbanks to determine the effect of various surcharge loads upon frost heave in fine-grained soils. The site and construction of five concrete slabs on gravel subgrade are described. Load boxes on the concrete slabs were filled with various measured quantities of gravel and the heave profiles of each box during successive winter conditions are graphed. A formula is presented for determining the reduction in seasonal frost heave resulting from various surcharge loads imposed on the subgrade by a non-frost-susceptible base-course fill, and thus enable an optimum base-course CaMAI. thickness to be chosen.
in some detail and various documents are DLC. appended. 84835. AKADEMIfA NAUK SSSR. Pamfati Vitol'da Ivanovicha Avgevicha. (Its: Izvestili 1965, ser. geog. no. 4, p. 156-57.) In Russian. Title tr.: In memory of Vitol'd Ivanovich Avgevich. Obituary of this participant in many arctic expeditions, who died 26 Mar 1965 at the age of 58. He was doctor of geographic sciences and known as a cartographer and specialist in aerial photography and its application to arctic sea ice. In the New Siberian Islands he discovered Stakhanovtsev Arktiki Bay and a new configuration of the Kotelnyy coasts. His development of new instruments in aerial photography is DLC. also noted.
84836. AKADEMIfA NAUK SSSR. Problemy razvitia proizvoditel'nykh sil Magadanakol oblasti. Otv. redaktor S. V. Slavin. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1961. 303 p. maps, tables. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of resources development of Magadan Province. S. V. Slavin, chief 84833. MOSIIIN, R. N. Abundance editor. dynamics of herring populations in the seas Collective study in 12 chapters by speof the Far East, and reasons for the intro- cialists based chiefly on investigations in duction of fishery regulations. (Interna- 1956-1958 for the Council for Study of tional Council for the Exploration of the Natural Resources. Sea. Rapports et proces-verbaux 1963. v. Features of economic utilization and 154, p. 262-69, tables, graphs, map.) 13 further development of the natural resources of Magadan Province by S. V. Slavin, p refs. States the area of distribution of the 5-26, discusses its remoteness, great extent Pacific herring as from the Yellow Sea north (1,199,100 km.2), sparse population (235,500 to the Gulf of Anadyr. Local races and the in 1959), and its important resources of gold, most abundant of them, population dynatin, fish. Development and distribution of mics, and fluctuation in abundance are its industry, transportation and labor force discussed. Effects of fishing on age composi- are outlined with statistical data. tion and population dynamics are outlined, Natural conditions and resources, by and measures against overfishing suggested. B. F. Shapelin and M. I. Avakran, p 27-48, DLC. describes the geographic situation of the province, its geomorphology and orography 84834. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Alek- (map p 28), climate, permafrost, rivers, sandr Evgen'evich Fersman, zhizn' i defater- hot springs, soils, vegetation, fur animals, nost'. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 478 geologic structure, mineral resources includp. illus. 85 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: ing gold, tin, tungsten and rare elements. Aleksandr Evgen'evich Fersman, his life The economic zones are delineated. and activity. Main branches of the mining industry, Collection of papers devoted to this by V. P. Loginov and B. I. Chugunov, p distinguished Russian scientist: geochemist, 49-80, outlines the gold deposit belt in its mineralogist, crystallographer, geologist and six regions (Kolyma, Polar, Indigirka, Yana, geographer. His life and work are dealt with Allakh-Yun', Aldan), the two first in Magain seven papers, and recollections and dan Province. Mining of gold began in tributes to him offered by some sixty indi- 1932, tin 1937, tungsten 1941, and cobalt viduals. As Fersman devoted much effort began in 1947, but stopped in 1955. Investbetween 1920 and 1945 to the investigations ment, mechanization, labor efficiency; open on Kola Peninsula, the Khibiny, Lovozero and underground mining, are reviewed. Tin and other areas figure largely in these papers. deposits in the Omsukchan District and in His more important discoveries are described Chukotka at Pevek, Tamnekvun' 16
are considered, as are the high cost of mining, and future outlook. Fisheries, by S. V. Milchailov, p 81-99, outlines the distribution of fisheries and sea-mammal hunting (map, p 83). Their annual production did not exceed 300,000 owt in 1951-1959. Development problems and probable decrease of catch are discussed. Coal mining industry, by L L. Kogan and R. I. Faershteln, p 100-115, deals with production of eight deposits: Arkagala, Galimovskoye, Ergan, Ugol'naya Bay, Anadyr', etc altogether 1,125,700 t in 1959; costs, labor efficiency, and prospects: production up to two million t. Power engineering industry, by N. I. Titova and L. V. Menshikova, p 116-37, reviews development of electric energy, 2000 km of electric lines (map p 127), the principal central electric stations of Arkagala, Magadan, Omsukchan, Iul'tin, Chauna Anyuy, and plans for their development; utilization of water power, of atomic and wind energy. Metallurgical industry, by G. A. Zakharov, p 138-53, reports 110 metallurgical plant s and maintenance shops with annual production worth 451.6 million rubles, their distribution (map p 146); cost and prospects. The local construction materials industry, by I. I. Lakin, p. 154-66, reports on production of bricks: over 30 million/yr, prefabricated panels, lime, reinforced concrete, glass, timber; distribution (map p 160), costs, imports, outlook. Forest and wood industry, by B. F. Shapalin, p 167-78, reviews forest exploration and classification, destruction around the settlements and along the roads, high percentage of cutting for fuel, timber production: 152,000 m3 in 1959; imports, outlook. Consumer goods production by L. S. Kamenicser, p 179-93, notes its value in 1959 as 357.2 million rubles. Distribution (map p 182), kinds of goods, cost, imports, investment are considered. Agriculture and the hunting industry, by A. P. Tfiidenev, p 194-244, outlines the main branches: reindeer husbandry, hunting and fisheries, supplemented by recently introduced livestock raising, fur fanning, vegetable growing. Collective and state farms, sea-hunting combines, experiment stations, and their distribution (maps p 203-205) are dealt with, as are their efficiency, cost, prospects. Transportation, by G. I. Granik, p 24588, outlines automotive transportation with 4,300 km of roads, maritime and river
transportation (map p 255), and air transport. Freight shipped, and development plans (map p 284) including the YakutskMagadan railroad construction are discussed. Editor adds general conclusions on development prospects of Magadan Province and further investigations needed. DLC. 84837. AKADEMIR NAUK SSSR. Biblioteka. Sovetskafl arkheologicheskafit literatura; bibliografifit 1918-1940. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 376 p In Russian. Title tr.: Soviet archeological literature; bibliography 1918-1940. Comp. by N. A. Vinberg and others. In sequence to No 69096. Lists 8041 titles by Russian authors pub in the USSR and abroad; they are arranged by topic or culture phase within five broad geographic sectors. Approx 240 are of northern interest. Author index and lists of archeological sites, cultures, etc are appended. DLC. 84838. AKADEMI1 NAUK SSSR. fAkutskil filial. Teorila i praktika gravitaaionnogo obogashclienifa rud Severo-Vostoka. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 99 p. tables, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Theory and practice of gravity enrichment of ore in the Northeast. Presents 12 papers: Theoretical bases for operation with models, and a possible criterion for the separation of minerals in gravity processes of ore enrichment (Teoreticheskie osnovy modelirovanifi i vozmozhnyl kriterii razdeleniI mineralov v gravitagtrionnykh proCsessakh obogashchenifit rud, by fl?. G. Melik-Stepanov and A. M. Rukavishnikov, p 5-13). Develops similitude conditions for modelling industrial separation of useful minerals from rock, such conditions expressed in dimensionless formulas being termed similitude criteria. A four component system of criteria is proposed which contains Archimedes, Reynolds, and Galileo numbers in addition to the similitude criterion, Kr, of the equilibrium of a spherical particle (a grain of ore) placed in a vertically ascending stream of a liquid medium. Such a system may be used as a basis for modelling gravitation processes of ore dressing. Use of the filming method in study of gravity processes (0 primenenii metoda kinos" emki dill izuchenifit gravitaCsionnykh prorsessov, by fp. M. Sokhin and others, p 14-19, graphs, illus). Discusses shooting at high speed (48 frames/sec) the process of gravity concentration of crushed ore in a heavy medium flowing in a vibrating chute. The purpose is to establish regulari-
ties in the suspension, loosening, and condensing of the material of the separation layer under different oscillation amplitudes and frequencies, and different quantities of water beneath the separation layer. Horizontal and vertical displacements are analyzed, as are chute velocity, and acceleration in the direction of the flow of the medium; trajectories of the ore grains in the medium are determined, and the forces acting on them found from the dynamic characteristics of the grain's motion. An investigation of certain regularities in the motion of minerals in mobile heavy media (Issledovanie nekotorykh zakonomernostel dvizhenifa mineralov v podvizhnykh tfazhelykh sredakh, by ref. M. Sokhin and A. M. Rukavishnikov, p 20-37, graphs, 5 refs). Analyzes the stratification of tin ore grains in a heavy medium (specific gravity 2.25 and 2.65) vibrationally suspended in water. The ore components were represented by pyrite and chalcopyrite, schistous sulfide, schists, and quartz with specific gravities of 4.9, 3.9, 2.78, and 2.65 respectively. Equations are derived of the relative motion of the ore grains in the medium. Relationship between pressure and density of the medium, and the Archimedes force, equations of the trajectory of a moving ore grain, and its speeds are discussed. A more friable heavy medium is recommended for stratification of minerals of varied specific gravity. Selection of an efficient dressing process for tin ores difficult to concentrate (Vybor racsional'noI skhemy obrabotki trudnoobogatimykh oloviannylch rud, by IV. M. Sokhin and others, p 38-49, tables, illus, 4 refs). Proposes a method of reducing losses of tin into tin-ore slime, by separating cassiterite, along with sulfide minerals, into the enriched fraction, which then should be processed carefully. The remaining fraction, consisting usually of country rock with thin grains of tin, may be crushed thinner without danger of losing the cassiterite by overcrushing. The method separating thinly impregnated tin from schists was investigated at Yakutsk and found to produce 45.57% enriched fraction. An improvement in tin placer concentration (Sovershenstvovanie skhemy obogashchenia oloviitnnykh rossypeT, by la Kh. Khalbadaev and others, p 49-57, tables, illus). Describes ore enrichment installations on tin placers. Disposing of locks in jigging devices improves the processing which is diagrammed from the initial placer sand to industry-ready tin ore. The Magadan Central Construction Bureau's jig for trapping cassiterite was tested on tin placers
from 1959, and the third model (GMT-HI600) approved for serial production. When jigging machine performance was studied at Yakutsk in 1962, 35-40% of cassiterite (free and combined) was found to be lost during the improved ore-dressing process. A plan for reworking the sand-clay refuse in rock tailings is suggested to extract 48.1% of the tin. Extraction of cassiterite from large-grade ore in placer concentration (Izvlechenie kassiterita iz krupnykh klassov pri oboashchenii rossypel, by V. V. Borisov and . M. Sokhin, p 57-64, graphs, illus, 2 refs). Discusses comparatively design and performance of the OMT-III-600 jig, and the vibrating chute designed at the Yakut section of the Academy of Science's Siberian Branch. The chute makes 360-380 vibrations/min of 18-25 mm amplitude. It has a simpler construction than the jig; and its lighter weight, ability to trap native tin and to work with ore grades up to 250 mm makes it preferable for mineral concentration; some possible improvements are mentioned. Evaluation of the operations of concentrating installations on tin placers (Ob oCzenke raboty obogatitel'nykh ustrolstv na rossypnykh olovannykh mestorozhdenifilkh, by V. A. Izosimov and G. G. Danilova, p 64-69, tables). Reviews briefly concentration operations before and after 1957, and gives performance data at an unidentified tin placer in Yakut ASSR. Screen, tin ore distribution in the sands, and the shingle are characterized, tin distribution according to classes in jig tailings, and concentration tables are given. Some improvements are suggested. Dependence of an effective separation in heavy media upon the specific gravity of the medium and its load (Zavisimost' effektivnosti razdelenifa v tfizhelykh sredakh of udel'nogo vesa sredy i nagruzki, by It M. Sokhin and V. V. Borisov, p 69-73, graphs). Reports study of tin ore concentration in a vibrating chute using ore to bed volume ratios of 1:3, 1:4, and 1:5. In a 3.5 m long chute, best results with —40+15 mm grade ore were obtained in a medium of 2.65 specific gravity when ore to bed volume ratio was 1:5 or 1:4. Some economic pointers on the use of ore concentration processes in heavy media (Nekotorye ekonomicheskie pokazateli primenenifa, sposoba obogashchenifil rud v trazhelykh sredakh, by G. MelikStepanov and M. Sokhin, p 74-80, tables, 4 refs). Compares the jig, heavy suspension, and vibrating chute concentrating equipment as to construction cost,
facility of on-site installation, operation, production, and economy of freshwater, the last especially important for plants and placers in Yakutia where freshwater supply is short. Cost analysis of the heavy suspension and the vibrating chute methods shows the latter more economical. Primary dressing of small-grade ores and placers in vibrating jigging machines (Pervichnoe obogashchenie melkikh Idassov rud i rossypeT na vibrarsionnykh otsadochnykh mashinalth, by M. V. Zaskevich and G. V. Romanov, p 81-88, tables, illus, ref). Discusses preliminary tests of a pilot diaphragm jig with a vibrating sifter 150 x 480 mm at an unidentified plant in Yakut ASSR in 1960. Elluvial material —1+0.2 mm in size was concentrated, about 10 t at optimal operation of the machine. Comparison with a OVM-5 jig shows productivity of the pilot to be 2.60-3.30 t/hr/m2 of the screen, and the OVM-5 0.3-0.4/t/hrfm2 of screen area. A summer 1962 field test was made of an industrial model of a vibrating jig with a sifter area 700 x 1,200 mm, concentrating ore material of —1+0.2 mm grade; average production was 1.55 t/hr/m2 of the screen area, 90.6% extraction, and 3% concentrate yield. On the possibility of using flotation in finishing operations (0 vozmozhnosti primenenia flotaail pri dovodochnykh opera&ifakh, by V. A. Glemboakil and others, p 88-92, graph, 2 refs). Proposes physicalchemical methods of mineral extraction using special reagents to increase the hydrophobic property of the mineral. Experiments with diamonds showed that pure minerals can be successfully flotated with cation reagents. The natural surface of the diamonds was found covered with a film of alumo-silicate compound. Removal of such a film restores the natural hydrophobic property of diamond crystals, and improves their foam flotation. X-ray luminescent automatic machines for controlling mineral extraction (Rentgenolf3minesCzentnye avtomaty dlfa kontrolfa izvlechenifa mineralov, by L. M. Krasov and V. V. Finne, p 92-98, graphs, illus). Describes the construction of apparatus for extracting minerals luminescent when exposed to X-ray. A generalized plan and electronic circuit are shown, advantages and disadvantages of experimental models discussed, and some improvements sugCaMAI. gested. 84839. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Eikutskit filial. Institut biologii. Biokhimicheskie osobennosti rastenif akutii. Moskva, Izdvo Nauka 1964. 211 p. tables, graphs, maps.
Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biochemical characteristics of Yakutia plants. A. D. Egorov editor. Presents nine papers dealing with microelements and carbohydrate content of fodder plants in central Yakutia and the Verkhoyansk region. All the papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: A. D. Egorov (2 papers), A. D. Egorov and K. F. Artamonova, A. D. Egorov and 0. S. Nakhodkina, S. S. Gavrilova, D. V. Grigor'eva, T. T. Kurilluk, E. P. Polonskafa, and V. 11. Potapov, qqv. DLC. 84840. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. fikutskit filial. Institut biologii. Issledovanifa po ekologii, dinamike chislennosti i boleznfam mlekopitaf6shehikh tAkutii. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 287 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigation of the ecology, population dynamics and diseases of Yakutia mammals. V. A. Tavrovskil editor. Contains four papers all abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz (titles tr.): TAVROVSKIT, V. A. Distribution and some traits in the numbers of fur-producing mammals of Yakutia. STROGOV, A. K. Arctic viral encephalomyelitis of animals. KRIVOSHEEV, V. G. Bio-faunistic materials of small mammals in the taiga of the Kolyma lowlands. POPOV, M. V. Distribution and ecology of Clethrionomys rutilus Pall. 1778, in YakuDLC. tia. 84841. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Akutskit filial. Institut geologii. Geologifil olovorudnykh i polimetallicheskikh mestorozhdenil Ukutii. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 207 p. tables, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geology of tin-ore and polymetallic deposits of Yaltutia. Presents five papers dealing with five significant deposits; all are abstracted under their authors' names qqv: B. L. Flerov, B. L. Flerov and IA. V. IAkovlev, IA. V. akovlev, L. N. Indolev, and L. N. Indolev CaMAI. and others. 84842. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. aktdInstitut geologii. Geologifa skit filial. rossype! akutii. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 207 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geology of placers in Yakutia. Contains 12 papers dealing with the formation and distribution of placers in Yakutia
and adjacent regions of northeastern USSR. All papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: N. D. Arzhakov, A. I. Popova, I. S. Rozhkov, I. S. Rozhkov and others, P. Samusikov, A. I. Sergeenko, A. I. Skrfabin, V. I. Titnofeev and V. A. MikhaTlov, ft. N. Trushkov (2 papers), M. N. Trushkov and F. I TSkhurbaev, and F. I. 'nkhurbaev, qqv. DLC. 84843. AKADEMI1 NAUK SSSR. fikutail filial. Institut geologii. Paleontologifil i biostratigrafifit paleozolskikh i triasovykh otlozhenil akutii. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 120 p. tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Paleontology and biostratigraphy of the Paleozoic and Triassic deposits of Yakutia. Contains nine papers: B. S. Abramov on brachiopods, K. B. Koksharskafil on corals, V. A. Moth; on phyllopods, A. N. Tolstykh on Cordaitales, two by V. F. Vozin on molluscs, and three by V. A. Sysoev on hyolithids. All are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names. CaMAI. 84844. AKADEMItL NAUK SSSR. fAkettskil filial. Institut geologii. Petrografi1 metamorfichkikh i izverzhennykh porod Aldanskogo shchita. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 166 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Petrography of metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Aldan shield. Presents collection of 12 papers, three by V. I. Kiaul (p 5-17), B. G. Lutf (p 18-23) and L. P. Nikitina and V. Khil'tova (p 24-31) deal with some important problems of metamorphism; two by M. A. Bogomolov (p 32-56), and S. P. Korikovskil and M. B. Kazmin (p 57-84) study the petrography of Precambrian metamorphic rocks. B. G. Luta (p 85-89), S. P. Korikovskil (p 90112), G. M. Drugova (p 113-27), and L. V. Klimov and D. A. Mikhallov (p 128-37) treat the granitization of the Aldan Archean formation and associated metasomatic processes. The last three papers by K. A. Lazebnik (p 138-51 & 152-55), and M. A. Bogomolov and V. I. Kiaul (p 156-65) are devoted to the study of granitoids and ultrabasic rocks of the Aldan shield. DLC.
84845. AKADEMIla NAUK SSSR. Akutskil filial. Institut kosmofizicheskikh issledovanil i aeronomii. Geo- i geliofizicheskie effekty v kosmicheskikh luchakh i polarnykh sifaniakh. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 159 p. tables, graphs. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geo- and heliophysical effects of cosmic rays and auroras. 20
Contains 23 papers, 22 of them abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz (titles tr.): KUZ'MIN, A. I., and G. F. KRYMSKIT. Main characteristics of Forbush effects. FILIPPOV, V. A., and G. V. SHAFER. Spatial-temporal characteristics of drops of Forbush type in the neutron component. KRYMSKIT, G. F. The model of Elliot's interplanetary magnetic field. SHAFER, ID. G. Seasonal variations in cosmic ray intensity in the stratosphere. KRYMSKIT, G. F., and others. 27-day variations in cosmic ray intensity. SKRIPIN, G. V. Stellar-daily variation of cosmic rays ... SKRIPIN, G. V., and L. P. BOLTRUSHKO. Lunar-daily variation of cosmic rays. KUZ'MIN, A. I., and others. Source of the daily variation of cosmic rays. CHIRKOV, N. P. Meteorological effects of cosmic rays during magnetic storms. KUZ'MIN, A. I., and others. Variations in cosmic rays during the passage of cyclones. SKRIPIN, G. V. Solar-daily variations in cosmic ray intensity .. . SHAFER, T. G. Secular variations of primary radiation ... SAMSONOV, V. P., and others. Spatial distribution of auroral rays. VERSHININ, E. F. Some characteristics of auroras as radar targets ... PONOMAREV, E. A. Influence of currents in the sea on the dynamics of auroras. NADUBOVICH, M. A. Influence of optical features of a C-180 camera on the brightness and location of auroras. STARKOV, G. V. Certain characteristics of the C-180-8 spectral camera. ZAREfSKIT, N. S., and V. P. SAMSONOV. Modernization of the Z-variometer. ZARETIKIT, N. S., and G. I. BYSTROV. Certain changes in the design of the automatic under-frame photometer. NADUBOVICH, f0. A. All-sky electrophotometer. VAST-0TO, E. M., and M. A. NADUBOVICH. Improvement in the technique of marking and standardization of sties,films. NADUBOVICH, ft?. A. Conditions for photographing auroras at Tiksi Bay. CaMAI, DLC. 84846. AKADEMIcA NAUK SSSR. Institut arkheologii. Novye metody v arkheologicheskikh issledovanifilkh. Leningrad, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 265 p. tables, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New methods in archeological research.
Collection of 14 papers on radiocarbon, spectroscopic and other dating techniques, experiments in primitive tool duplication and use, etc. Three of the papers (titles tr) refer to northern areas: Use of the radio carbon method in archeology, p. 9-31. S. V. Butomo discusses technical aspects of C-14 dating, selection and cleansing of specimens, laboratory equipment, etc. Examples cited include charcoal from the Ust'-Belaya site on the Anadyr (N. N. Dikov) dated to 2860 ± 95 BP, and five samples from A. P. Okladnikov's excavations in the Far East: from 4,250 ± 60 to 1,560 ± 60 BP. Study of primitive technology by experimental methods, p. 191-214, by S. A. Semenov includes experiments by A. P. Okladnikov's 1957 Angara. Expedition (No 75469) in hand-fashioning stone tools from river pebbles; a 2 kg nephrite ax required 30-35 man hr to make, a 50 gm blade 5-10 man hr; handle lashing , blade insertion, use, etc are noted. Flint occurrences on the territory of European USSR, p. 234-40, by G. M. Kovnurko maps and defines areas of flint deposits accessible to primitive man for tool making. Included is a broad belt from the White Sea Zimniy coast southeast to the Ural, outcropping in the Timan and Chernyshevskiy Ridges and along the west slope DLC. of the Ural. 84847. AKADEMEa NAUK SSSR. Institut etnograili. Atlas geograficheskikh otkrytil v Sibiri i v Severo-ZapadnoT Amerike, xvii—xviii vv. Pod red. A. V. Efimova. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. xvi, 136 p. maps. 39 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Atlas of geographical discoveries in Siberia and in Northwestern America in the 17-18th centuries. A. F. Efimov, ed. Reproduces 194 maps in 14 groups, viz: mythological and religious conceptions of the world, geographic conceptions of NE Asia in ancient and medieval times, preColumbian and Columbian maps, correlation of Asia and America on 16-17th century maps, Russian influence on developing conceptions of Siberia and NE Asia, the Remezov period in cartography of Siberia and NW America, the first printed maps. Section 8, maps 54-117 depict data on NE Asia and NW America collected by officials and government expeditions, including Bering's Great Northern Expedition; maps 118-121 show individual expeditions in the 1740's, and 122-135 investigations of the Chukchi Peninsula. Summarizing maps of the 1760's include Lomonosov' circumpolar map; those
of Spitsbergen and the White Sea (144-147) include Chichagov's map. Results of hunters' and government expeditions and cruises in the latter 18th century (148-184) include Kreniayn's, Sarychev's and Billings'. The last of the final group of ten 19th century maps of northern Asia and NW America is an ethno-linguistic map of the Aleutian Islands and part of Alaska, compiled by the Russian-American Co in 1863. Other ethnographic material is presented on maps 41-43, and 136. The foreword by A. V. Efimov with English summary p. v—xvi, introduces extensive annotations to the maps, which are listed at end in Russian and in English. DLC. 84848. AKADEMER NAUK SSSR. Institut etnografii. Narody Vostochnol AziL Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 1027 p. maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Peoples of East Asia. Capital study on countries bordering on Siberia and the Soviet Far East. Cultural and socio-economic ties with Kamchatka, the Amur and Lake Baykal regions are mentioned in archeological and historical context. Evenki Tungus and Gold groups of approx seven and one thousand in 1953 are described by V. S. Starikov (p 684-90), their migration and settlement, social structure, economy, etc; their insular distribution in Mongolia and northeast China (maps). DLC. 84849. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Institut etnograjli. Narody zarubezhnoT Evropy, II. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 634 p. maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Peoples of non-Russian Europe, v. 2. Vol 1 contains no arctic material. Includes a short account of the Lapps by T. V. Luk'fachenko (p 149-56, 15 refs): their distribution in Norway, Sweden, and Finland, physical anthropology, language and history, social structure, material and spiritual culture. Assimilation is implicit in the current acculturative trends among these Lapps, whereas among the Kola Lapps ethnic entity and traditions are preserved despite acculturation. DLC. 84850. AKADEMIcA NAUK SSSR. Institut etnograjli. Peoples of Siberia. Edited by M. G. Levin and L. P. Potapov. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press 1963. maps, refs. 948 p. Available from Scripta Technica Inc., 1000 Vermont Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20005. English translation of No DLC. 43522.
84851. AKADEMA NAUK SSSR. Institut etiwgrafii. Proiskhozhdenio i etnicheskafil istorifi russkogo naroda. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 415 p. tables, maps. (Ds: Trudy v. 88.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Origin and ethnic history of the Russian people. Physical anthropological study including the Russian population of the White Sea region, Zyryans, and Voguls of the Ivdel' and Pelym River basins. About 50 of some 200 literature references concern the northDLC. ern peoples. 84852. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Institut geografii. Geograficheskie problemy krupnykh ekonomicheskikh ralonov SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Mysl' 1964. 519 p. maps, tables. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geographic problems in the development of the large economic zones of the USSR. Collective work reviewing the geography, geology and geomorphology, hydrillogy of the area, the natural resources, their industrial exploitation, etc and discussing the problems of geography, transportation, and labor which affect development in the 17 large economic zones formed in 1961. Four of these zones extend over northern areas: The Northwest is treated by M. S. Buranovskil and E. B. Lopatina, p 130-59. It includes Murmansk and Arkhangel'sk Provinces, Karelian and Komi ASSR. Its mining and chemical industry, lumbering, oil, coal, and gas production are outlined. West Siberia by M. I. Pomus, p 328-72, includes information on the Polar and Subpolar Urals and Tyumen Province, (though all three actually belong to the Ural economic zone). Oil, gas, timber, fur, power station projects, agricultural potentials are discussed. East Siberia by M. I. Pomus, p 373-408, includes Krasnoyarsk Province and Yakut ASSR which in 1963 became part of the Far East zone: coal, gold, diamond, lumber, fur, electric power, etc. Far East by E. G. Meerson and F. V. D'fa'konov, p 409-439, includes Kamchatka, Magadan Province with Chukotka, Yakutia: fisheries, reindeer, fur, gold, diamonds, metallurgy, etc. General information on economic planning is given by V. V. Pokshishevskil in: The cardinal question for planning location of production centers, and by P. M. AL9.mpiev in: Large economic zones of the USSR and zoning criteria. DLC. 84853. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Institut geografii. gilititif6,. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka" 1965. 467 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Approx. 425 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Yakutia. S. S. Korzhuev ed.
Presents extensive and collective account of the geography of Yakut ASSR. In the general part (328 pages) the relief and geologic structure, climate, and permafrost are dealt with in turn. Water is considered in detail; rivers, glaciers, lakes and marshes, ground water and water balance. Soils, vegetation cover and animal life are described as well. The natural regions, west, east and south are characterized. Utilization of the natural resources such as coal, forests, water power, salt, mineral resources is discussed, and problems in the national economy connected with resource development are outlined. DLC. 84854. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Institut geografii. Materialy glfits'iologicheskikh issledovani1; Khibiny, vyp. 1-3. Moskva 1962. 3 v.: 74, 155, 155 p. tables. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Data on glaciological investigations; Khibiny, no. 1-3. Presents the initial results of the Institute of Geography's Khibiny expedition in the IGY (cf No 69547 et seq for those elsewhere). No 1 reports on study of the hydrothermal regime of ground in the Yuksporiok River valley with data tables of soil moisture at 20 cm depth in 1957-1959, ground temperature, and soil-freezing depth in the three winter periods. No 2 contains tables of the 1957-1959 meteorologic observations (air and surface temperatures, precipitation, cloudiness, etc) at the Apatite mountain station 360 m above sea level. No 3 presents similar data from the station at 904 m above sea level on the flat top of Yukspor. The Yukspor station data define the conditions of existence of the embryonic little glaciers of the Khibiny Mountain at 8501050 m elevation. DLC. 84855. AKADEMIa NAUK SSSR. Institut geografii. Prirodnye resursy Sovetskogo Sofliza, ikh ispol'zovanie i vosproizvodstvo. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 243 p. maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Natural resources of the Soviet Union, their utilization and development. Collective work of several specialists (their names and contributions indicated in contents table) dealing with general principles of resource development and with such specific aspects as water, climatic assets, soil, plant cover, animals, birds and fishes. Data relating to arctic and subarctic areas are included throughout, e.g. water balance in tundra and permafrost areas p 15, water power of the Lena, Yenisey, Ob, Khatanga, Indigirka, Kolyma Rivers p 34, wind power p 69, tundra soils p 82-83 and
88-89, Soviet fisheries in arctic seas and North Atlantic and Pacific p 222-27, etc. DLC. 84856. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Institut geografii. Prirodnye usloviI i estestvennye resursy SSSR, Sredniala Sibir'. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 480 p. maps, tables, illus. Approx. 535 refs. In Russian. I. P. Gerasimov, editor-in-chief. Title tr.: Natural conditions and resources of the USSR, Middle Siberia. Presents a collective work in a geographic series to be pub in 15 volumes. Middle Siberia is considered the area 78°54'112°46' E almost exclusively Krasnoyarsk Province. Its general and regional characteristics are treated in turn. The first part deals with relief and geologic structure of the area incl its northern parts, its climate, permafrost, waters, soils, vegetation cover, and animal life. Pt 2 outlines the natural zonation, describing such regions as the West Siberian plain, the Taymyr and Middle Siberian upland. Basic problems of resource development are discussed, including utilizaDLC, tion of the Yenisey North. 84857. AKADEMIfi, NAUK SSSR. Institut geografii. Resursy fanny promyslovykh zverel v SSSR i ikh uchet. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 210 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fur animal resources in the USSR and their estimation. Presents 24 papers, three of arctic interest are abstracted under their authors' names qqv: B. T. Semenov (2 papers), and V. D. DLC. Skrobov. 84858. AKADEMIB, NAUK SSSR. Institut geografii. Severo-Zapad RSFSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Mysl' 1964. 650 p. maps, tables, illus. Approx. 300 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Northwestern RSFSR. Economic and historical study of the region as a whole, with accounts of its constituent districts in turn, including, p 456-614, Arkhangel'sk and Murmansk Provinces, Karelian and Komi ASSR. Geographic and climatic conditions, natural resources, population, administrative and economic zoning are outlined. Major and subsidiary industries are discussed and mapped with data to 1963. Wood and chemical industries, mining, oil and gas production, fisheries, electric power, shipyards, railroad construction, kolkhoz farming and animal husbandry, trade and transportation, are dealt with, as are labor and urban development. A precis is given, p 503-508 of the acculturative processes
among Samoyeds of the Nenets National District. DLC. 84859. AKADEMIa. NAUK SSSR. Ragtag geografii. Teplovol i vodnyl rezhim snezhno-lednikovykh tolshch. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 245 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The heat and water regime of snow and glacial strata. Presents 17 papers dealing with the regime of glaciers and snow cover, heat balance of glaciers, features of periglacial processes, methods of investigations, etc. Most of the papers are connected with the IGY program; 13 pertinent to the arctic regions are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: 0. P. Chizhov and V. V. Engel'gardt, S. A. Evteev, V. G. Khodakov, I. M. Lebedeva, V. S. Preobrazhenskil and fa. M. Model', N. G. Razumelko, V. L. Sukhodrovskil (2 papers), N. M. Svatkov, N. M. Svatkov, and D. G. 'nvetkov, L. S. TroiakiI, A. P. Voloshina, and E. M. Zinger and V. S. Korfakin, qqv. DLC. 84860. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Institut geokhimii i analiticheskol zemnol kory. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963-64. 2 v.: 432, 662 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Chemistry of the earth's crust. A. P. Vinogradov ed. Presents proceedings of a conference in honor of the centenary of the birth of Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadskil. The first volume of 29 papers is devoted to the chemistry of the earth's crust, geochemistry and physical-chemical conditions of the deep zones of the earth, processes of formation of the mantle, magmatic and hydrothermal-metasomatic processes, etc. Vol 2 has 51 papers by foreign scientists who participated in the conference; it includes petrochemical and experimental investigations of magmatic and metasomatic rocks, geochemistry of single elements, metallogenic specialization of magmas, geochemistry of ground and surface water and oil, work in geochronology. Papers of arctic interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, six from v. 1, by V. I. Baranov and L. A. Khristianova, V. I. GerasimovskiT L. N. Kogarko and V. P. Volkov, A. IA. Krylov and I- D. I. Silin, I. A. Petersil'e, and A. A. Polkanov and others; two from v. 2, by R. W. Boyle, I. S. Gramberg and N. S. Spiro qqv. DLC. 84861. AKADEMla NAUK SSSR. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniT, petro-
grculi, mineralogii i geokhimii. Magmatizm Ugo-Vostochnol Kamchatki i ego svfz' a procsessami tektonicheskol aktivizaGii. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 152 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Approx. 70 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Magmatism in southeastern Kamchatka and its relation to processes of tectonic activity. M. A. Favor,editor. Reports studies of 1957-1959 and 19621964. Geologic development of Kamchatka and structure of the southeast region is discussed. Rocks are described and petrographic and geochemical features of magmatic formations are analyzed. Hydrothermal and hypergene processes are outlined. Cenozoic volcanism is described. Tectonic movements are analyzed and their DLC. effects on magmatism noted. 84862. AKADEMIIA NAUK 393R. Institut azyka, literatury i istorii. Karelia' v period grazhdanskol volny i inostrannoT intervenaii, 1918-1920. Petrozavodsk, Karel'skoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1964. 648 p. tables, maps. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Karelia during the time of the Civil War and the Allied Intervention, 1918-1920. In sequence to No 56356. Collection of 468 documents from state and party archives. Events in the Murmansk and White seacoast areas, fights to control the Murmansk railroad and vital inland positions in North Karelia are included. Major battle lines and the administrative zoning of the area under the Karelian Labor Commune (Karerskaa trudovafi kommuna) of 1920 are mapped. Indexes of persons and places are appended. DLC. 84863. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. /nstihut lazykoznaniia. Analiticheskie konstrukGii v azykakh razlichnykh tipov. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 343 p. tables. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Analytic structure in different types of languages. Presents 30 papers on isolating grammatical formations in agglutinative and inflectional languages, five of northern interest: Compound predicative constructions and analytic verb forms of the north Tungus sub-group, Evenki, Eveny-Lamut, and Negidalets are analyzed by V. I. fSinaids, p 24-52. So-called analytic complexes in Chukchi and Koryak are described by A. N. Zhukova, p 262-66. Analytic constructions used in Kamchadal are analyzed by A. P. Volodin, p 267-76. The probable evolution of Ket Yeniseian from agglutinative to inflectional grammatical forms is discussed by E. A. Krelnovich p 284-308.
Analytic elements in the Notozero Lappish dialect are traced by V. V. SenkevichDLC. Gudkova, p 333-40. 84864. AKADEMIa NAUK SSSR. Institut iazykoznania. Bibliograficheskil ukazatel' literatury po azykoznanifli izdannol v SSSR s 1918 po 1957 god. Moskva, Izdvo Akademii nauk SSSR 1958. 367 p. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bibliographical index of linguistic studies published in the USSR, 1918-1957. First of five volumes lists 1850 Russian monographs and doctoral dissertations pub 1918-1955, including over a hundred on Ural-Altaic and Paleosiberian languages. Subsequent volumes are to continue v. 1 listings to 1957; also list papers and master's theses in Russian, monographs and papers in foreign languages, also dictionaries, etc DLC. pub 1918-1957. 84865. AKADEMITA NAUK SSSR. Institut fazykoznania. Protiv vurgarizaaii i izvrashchenia marksizma v azykoznanii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1951-1952. 2 v.: 432 p., 501 p. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Against the vulgarization and distortion of Marxism in linguistics. Collection of papers setting forth the fallacies of N. IA. Marr's linguistic theories. Three papers on northern languages are abstracted under their authors' names, viz: P. IA. Skorik, V. A. Avrorin, V. I. Lytkin, DLC. qqv. 84866. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Institut istorii materiarnoi kul'tury. Ocherki istorii SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1956. 615 p. maps, illus. Over 300 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Essays on the history of the USSR. Collective work by some thirty scientists covering socio-cultural changes in European and Asiatic Russia, including northern sections, from the paleolithic to the turn of the Christian era. Archeological sites, deduced economic pursuits and social organization, migrations and tribal movements are discussed in chronological order and by geographic area. From the neolithic population of the Amur and Cis-Baykal regions, stem the present-day EvenkiTungus; neolithio tribes of Yakutia may be ancestral to the Yukaghirs; Mongoloid Paleosiberians formed east of the Yenisey River, and West Siberia was the cradle of Finno-Ugrian and Samoyed peoples. The tribal fragmentation of the Uralians and Ugrians is dealt with, as is development of individual cultural and socio-economic patterns in the first millennium BC to the early
centuries AD. Archeological and ethnic maps increase the scientific interest of the volume. Personella and geographic indices DLC. are appended. 84867. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. InstiGeokriologicheskie tut merzlotovedenie. uslovifa Zapadnol Sibiri, fXkutii i Chukotki. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 140 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geocryologic conditions of Western Siberia, Yakutia and Chukotka. Contains 11 papers on geocryologic and hydrogeologic conditions of little investigated regions. All the papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz (titles tr.): TYRTIKOV, A. P. Dynamics of soil thawing in the northern taiga ... KONSTANTINOVA, G. S. Some patterns in the bedrock temperature ... SHEVELEVA, N. S. Permafrost development .. . in the Quaternary. NIKOLAEV, V. S., and V. V. BAULIN. Dependence of position of lower surface of frozen rocks upon the depth at which the crystalline basement lies. VEL'MINA, N. A. Origin of depression and ridge relief . . . DUKHIN, I. E., and V. N. POLaelectrometric methods for deterKOV mining the lower surface of frozen rocks. LUGOVOT, P. N. Permafrost in the Olekma-Vitim interfiuve. EFIMOV, A. I. Cryogenic-hydrogeologic features of riparian and channel areas . FOTIEV, S. M. Role of naleds in formation ... of river valleys. VTIDRIN, B. I. Geocryologic outline of the Markovo depression. STREMaKOV, A. IA. A gigantic pingo DLC. in northern Chukotka. 84868. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Institut narodov Azii. Toponimika Vostoka, novye issledovanifa. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 228 p. tables, maps. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Toponymics of the East, recent studies. Contains 30 papers including seven on northern peoples, abstracted under their authors' names: E. G. Bekker, K. F. Gritsenko, G. E. Kornilov, K. Ch. Len, A. K. Matveev, E. I. Popova, and G. P. Vuono. DLC. qqv. 84869. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Karelislcif filial. K prirodnol ochagovosti parszitarnykh i tranamissivnykh zabolevanil v Karelii. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 186 p. tables, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian.
A. S. Lutta, editor. Title tr.: Natural foci of parasitic and transmitted diseases in Karelia. Contains a series of 18 papers dealing with distribution of helminths and their animal hosts, with ticks and mosquitoes, black and horseflies. The potential pathogenic aspects are hinted in some cases. Five of the papers include arctic areas and are described in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz (titles tr): VINNICHENKO, L. N. Parasites of whitefish, Coregonus. KULACHKOVA, V. G. Infection in waterfowl of the Kandalaksha Bay. KULACHKOVA, V. G., and I. V. KOCHETOVA. Characteristics of the gull helminth fauna. KNaZEVA, N. I. Physiological age and age composition of natural populations of Ixodes persulcatus.
LOBKOVA, M. P. Distribution of DLC. mosquitoes, subfam Culicinae. 84870. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Karerskil filial. MineraPnye resursy KarePskoI ASSR i puti ikh promyshlennogo osvoenifa. Petrozavodsk, Gos. izd-vo Karel'skol ASSR 1960. 51 p. tables, maps. In Russian. Title tr.: Mineral resources of Karelian ASSR and ways for their productive utilization. Presents several papers on these resources, noting that the mining industry in Karelia has been neglected in the last 12 yr, that efforts should be made to improve the geologic mapping, search for raw materials, and expedite their development. Most of the papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz (titles tr.): BORISOV, P. A. Resources of nonmetallic minerals. GEDOVIUS, E. A. Short characteristics of Kostomuki3ha iron ore deposits . ROBONEN, V. I. Productive importance of sulphuric pyrites of Karelia. SOKOLOV, V. A. Carbonate rocks of Karelia . MITROFANOVA, Z. T. Mineral bases of Karelia for production of ceramics. DLC. 84871. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Karel'ski filial. Institut biologii. Fauna ozer Karel% bespozvonochnye. Leningrad, lzdyo Nauka 1965. 325 p. tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The fauna of Karelia's lakes, invertebrates. 1D. I. Polfanskil, editor. 25
A review, the first of its kind for Karelia, initiated by the late S. V. Gerd. Karelia has over 40,000 lakes, hence the importance of this work from the scientific and practical viewpoint. Each paper is abstracted in this Bibliography under the author's name, viz: POLCANSKII, M. I. Sergei Vladimirovich Gerd ... GERD, S. V. Historical sketch of investigations ... GRIGOR'EV, S. V., and others. Lakes and rivers ... GERD, S. V. Biotopes and bionomics KOLTUN, V. M. Study of sponges ... KUTIKOVA, L. A. Rotifers ... CHEKANOVSKAIA, 0. V. Oligochaete wonns... GERD, S. V., and V. A. SOKOLOVA. Leeches ... SOKOLOVA, V. A. Gastropods ... ALEKSANDROV, B. M. Bivalve molluscs ... FILIMONOVA, Z. I. Lower crustaceans ... AKATOVA, N. A., and A. A. aRVEKIDL'G. Ostracods GORDEEV, 0. N. Higher crustaceans ... CINKOVSKAa, A. I. Hydracarina GERD, S. V., and V. A. SOKOLOVA. Ephemerid larvae ... ZHIL'1OVA, L. A. Plecoptera GERD, S. V. Water bugs ... KACHALOVA, 0. L. Trichoptera GERD, S. V. Water beetles ... LOBKOVA, M. P. Mosquitoes. ZABOLOISKIT, A. A. Chironomid larGLUKHOVA, V. M. Punkies USOVA, Z. V. Blackflies ... LUTTA, A. S. Aquatic larvae of horseflies ... FROLOVA, E. N. Parasites of arthropods ... DLC. 84872. AKADEMIA. NAUK SSSR. KoPskit filial. Gidrologicheskie i biologicheskie osobennosti pribrezhnykh vod Murmana. Murmansk, Murmanskoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1961. 237 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. M. M. Kamshilov editor. Title tr.: Hydrographic and biological characteristics of the Murman coastal waters. Contains 16 papers all described in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz (titles tr): KAMSHILOV, M. M., and others. Hydrological, hydrochemical and biological characteristics ... ZELIKMAN, E. A. Plankton characteristics ...
MIRONOVA, N. V. Migration, shoal composition and diet of pollack KHANAICHENKO, N. K., and L. I. KOZLOVA. Fish concentrations ... and water temperature. ROUKHIMNEN, M. I. Spring phytoplankton ... KAMSHILOV, M. M. Biology of Pseudocalanus elongatus ZELIKMAN, P. A. Mass development of P. elongatus ZELIKMAN, P. A. Rising of euphasuds... PLOTNIKOVA, E. D. Diet of meduSae... GRUZOV, L. N. Diurnal changes of zooplankton biomass ... GRUZOV, L. N. Zooplankton in the polar front ... MILOSLAVSKA11, N. M. Connection between benthos and plankton ... VASIL'EV, L. I. Pechora herring. GERASIMOV, V. V. Young Murmansk herring in the aquarium. GERASIMOV, V. V., and R. a. TSEEB. Invertebrates and fishes in a marine aquarium. RUBAN, E. L. Microbial decomposiDLC. tion ... 84873. AKADEMIfA NAUK SSSR. Kol'skit filial. Magmatizm i geologifa Kol'skogo poluostrova. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1963. 234 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Magmatism and geology of the Kola Peninsula. Presents a collection of 21 papers dealing with magmatism, geology, paleontology, petrography, etc, dedicated to Anatolil Georgievich Zinov'ev (1906-1961) who headed the Kola complex expedition from 1952 and directed the geologic prospecting. All these papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: I. D. Batieva (2 papers), L. L. Garifulin, P. M. Gorfainov, V. N. Gorstka, S. V. lkorskil, B. A. Mdin, T. N. Ivanova, M. M. Kalinkin, E. A. Kamenev, M. T. Kozlov, V. V. Lfabaov, I. A. Petersil'e and V. A. Pripachkin, A. S. Sakharov, A. K. Simon, M. S. Tochilin, V. A. Tokarev, V. G. Zagorodnyl and others, and S. I. Zak (2 papers), DGS. M. E. Zil'ber, qqv. 84874. AKADEMIti NAUK SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Reef i geologicheskoe stroenie osadochnogo pokrova Kol'skogo poluostrova. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 134 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Relief and geologic structure of the Kola Peninsula sedimentary cover.
Contains 12 papers on the geomorphology, relief development, stratigraphy and composition of the Quaternary deposits in the Kola Peninsula; each is abstracted in this Bibliography under the author's name, viz: A. A. Antonov, N. N. Armand (3 papers), I. V. Bussen (2 papers), L. L. Garifulin, M. K. Grave and others, V. V. Nikol'skafft, and A. N. Spi@yn. DLC. 84875. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Korskif filial. Biblioteka. Kol'skil poluostrov; bibliograficheskil ukazatel' sovetskoT literatury: 1959-1960; 1961 god; 1962 god. Apatity 1964-1965. 3 v.: 186, 76, 64 p. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Kola Peninsula; a bibliographic index of Soviet literature: 1959-1960, 1961, 1962. The three volumes list 1357, 533, and 407 titles under five major subjects: earth sciences and biology, population statistics and humanities, party organization, national economy, education and public health. Over half the works deal with geology, geomorphology, economic geography, mineral resources and mining, geophysics and hydrology. Author index, bibliographic sources, aerial publications, DLC. etc are given. 84876. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Kol'skit filial. Poliarnyi geofizicheskit Issledovanie geofizicheskikh favlenll elektromagnitnogo kompleksa v vysokikh shirotakh. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 82 p. tables, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of geophysical phenomena of the electromagnetic complex in high latitudes. Presents nine papers, eight based on data from northern stations are abstracted in this Bibliography under their author's name, qqv: G. A. Loginov, L. N. Marko, M. I. Pudovkin (2 papers), R. G. Skrynnikov, V. S. Smirnov and K. K. Fedchenko, G. V. DLC. Starkov, and N. A. Svetasheva. 84877. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Korskit filial. Pol&rnyi geofizicheskii institut. Issledovanie pollarnykh geomagnitnykh vozmushchenil i ionosfery v vysokikh shirotakh. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 80 p. tables, graphs, maps. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of auroras, geomagnetic disturbances and the ionosphere at high latitudes. Contains ten papers dealing with theoretic and experimental results of the study, and relationship between different geophysical occurrences in the ionosphere. All papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz (titles tr.):
PUDOVKIN, M. I. Daily velocity rate of ionospheric wind ... EVLASHIN, L. S. Morphology of hydrogen emission in auroras. MAL'KO, L. N. Latitudinal drift of auroras. ROLDUGIN, V. K., and G. V. STARKOV. Orientation of uniform auroral arcs... KOROTIN, A. B. Intrusion zone of the corpuscular stream ... SKRYNNIKOV, R. G., and V. P. SELIVANOV. Short-period variations in intensity of auroral luminosity . PUDOVKIN, M. I. Parameters of the disturbed ionosphere ... 'IRS, G. P. Inclined backscatter sounding of the ionosphere ... SMIRNOV, N. S. Relative positions of SD whirls ... LOGINOV, G. A. Some results of SD variation ... English translation available as NASA TT F-386, from CFSTI, Springfield, Va, 22151. CaMAI. 84878. AKADEMIfA NAUK SSSR. Komi filial. Lingvisticheskil shornik. Syktyvkar 1952. 92 p. (Its: ser. lingvisticheskala no. 2.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Linguistic papers. Periodical pub irregularly by the Sector of Language, Writing, and History of the Komi Branch. Its issue no 2 contains seven papers, listed below with translated titles: Syntactic and lexico-semantic forms for verb tense in Zyryan, by A. S. Sidorov, p 8-28. Significance of the suffix -Os', by E. G. Zhizheva, p 29-36. Deals with the dual function of this suffix: plural ending and word formant. Phonetic and morphological peculiarities of the upper Vashka vernacular of the Udorskiy dialect, by V. A. Sorvacheva, p 37-48. Analyzes the retention of antiquated traits in linguistic isolates. A similar phenomenon is noted in the next paper. Noun categories in the upper Vym' vernaculars of the north Zyryan dialect, by T. I. Frolova, p 49-61. Zyryan kinship terminology, by A. S. SIDOROV, qv. Syntactic structure of the northern i.e. Izhma River dialect of Zyryan, by A. S. Sidorov, p 68-81. Lyric and epic genre songs in the Izhma River dialect, by A. S. Sidorov, p 82-90: 11 songs with Russian translation to illus syntactic peculiarities discussed in the preceding paper and encountered mainly in folkloristic texts. DLC.
84879. AKADEMIR NAUK SSSR. Komi filial. Pochvy Pechorskogo promyshlennogo ralona. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 112 p. tables, map, illus. Approx. 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Soils of the Pechora industrial region. Presents results of a collective study by S. V. BelBaev, I. V. Zaboeva, V. A. Popov and D. M. Rubcsov made in 1955-1957. The region includes the town of Ukhta, the Troitsko-Pechorskiy industrial region, Izhma-Tsilemskiy rural district, Pechora rural district, and the town districts of Inta and Vorkuta. Previous studies are briefly reviewed. Factors of soil formation: climate, relief, geologic structure, and vegetation are outlined. Characteristics of soils, and their agricultural appraisal and zoning are dealt with. Various types of soils such as tundra, podzol, mountain, bog, and others are distinguished and analyzed in some detail. DLC. 84880. AKADEMIa NAUK SSSR. Komi filial. Teorita, i praktika merzlotovedenia v stroitel'stve. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 188 p. tables, graphs, illus. Approx 145 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Permafrost theory and practice in construction. Considers properties of frozen and thawed ground of the Pechora coal basin, with emphasis on the Vorkuta region. Effects of construction on permafrost, and calculation of the temperature field in the ground beneath the constructions are discussed. Field investigation for planned coal mines, preparing the ground for establishing building yards and sites, and methods of construction for different types and conditions of permafrost are considered. Specific features in designing coal mines, drifting, timbering, exploitation of hoisting shafts, etc are discussed in detail. Maintenance problems also are dealt with. DLC. 84881. AKADEM111 NAUK SSSR. Laboratoriiii geologii uglia. Atlas kart uglenakoplenifit na territorii SSSR; ob"fasnitel'nafa zapiska. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1962. 2 v.: 527 p. tables, maps; portfolio of 17 maps. Refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Atlas of coal accumulation in the USSR territory; explanatory notes. Presents 17 maps in color, at 1:10 million scale, accompanied by explanatory text on coal accumulation from Devonian to Quaternary prepared by a group of specialists. Each map depicts the paleogeographic environment, characteristics of vegetation, coal petrography, etc. Text reviews coal discovery, age, distribution and properties.
The coals of Timan, Pechora, West Siberia, Tungusskiy basin, Lena, Taymyr, ObYenisey, Vilyuy, the Northeast, KolymaIndigirka, . Anadyr, and other areas are described according to geologic periods. DGS. 84882. AKADEMIa NAUK SSSR. Laboratorifil vulkanologii. Vulkanizm Kamchatki i nekotorykh drugikh ralonov SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 252 p. tables, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Volcanism in Kamchatka and some other regions of the USSR. K. N. Rudich, ed. Contains 16 papers, of which nine are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz (titles abridged & tr.): NABOKO, S. I. Vlodavea. RUDICH, K. N., and E. K. USTIEV. Marekanites. FAVORSKAa, M. A., and others. Pyroxene features from Upper Cenozoic effusives. MALEEV, E. F. Deep-clastic volcanic facies. APRELKOV, S. E., and V. S. SHETMOVICH. Pliocene extrusions. SIRIN, A. N. Internal structure of slag cones. LEBEDEV, L. M. Silica gel. BASHARINA, L. A. Exhalation Klyuchevskiy. TIMERBAEVA, K. M. Malaya Udine Volcano. DLC. 84883. AKADEMLa NAUK SSSR. Mezhduveclomstvennard komissie po izuchenili Antarktiki. Anti-fire measures in the Soviet Antarctic Expedition. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962... pub. 1963, p. 347-51.) Outlines preventive measures adopted following the 1960 fire at Mirnyy. Location of buildings, fireproof materials, number and placing of exits, choice and arrangement of heating and lighting systems are discussed in turn. Also noted are special training measures, prevention techniques and equipment, rules and regulations, measures to limit the spread of fire, and to provide quick, safe evacuation of personnel and valuable materials. DLC. 84884. AKADEMIII NAUK SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennata komissiia po izuchenifil Antarktiki. Behavior of basic materials at low temperatures. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962... pub. 1963, p. 352-54, table.) Reports results of experiments and observations in 1958 at Vostok station near the
south magnetic pole, on the behavior of lubricants, steel, rubber, etc at temperatures ranging from —48 ° to —87.4° C. Gasoline evaporated only slightly, kerosene froze solid; anti-freeze did not freeze but turned into a slush; a heavy tractor with anti-freeze in the cooling system was undamaged; and automatic recording instruments' ink drew visible lines after antifreeze was added. Steel boring tubes broke under five-eight blows of an ax, other steel items also broke under ax blows. At the Komsomol'skaya station however, a storage er seven battery continued to work aft months' exposure to frost; other equipment and food supplies were also in good state. DLC. 84885. AKADEMIL NAUK SSSR. Okeanograficheskafa komissiia. Spravocludk po okeanograficheskim priboram i oborudovanitD. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1962. 142 p. tables, graphs, illus. 86 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Handbook on oceanographic instruments and equipment. Presents description of some 60 serial and 70 non-serial instruments used in the USSR. Winches, sounding devices, pressure gages, thermometers, bathymeters, current meters, corers, buoys, seismic-acoustic buoys, photometers, etc are briefly described and illus. Some of the instruments are designed by the Arctic and Antarctic Institute and used DLC. in arctic studies. 84886. AKADEMIfA NAUK SSSR. OldeIdei lenie geologo-geograftcheskikh nauk. akademika V. A. Obrucheva o geologicheskom stroenii Severnot i 'nentralinoT Azii i ikh dal'netshee razvitie, k stoletifq so dnfa rozhdenifa 1863-1963. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1963. 220 p. maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ideas of Academician V. A. Obruchev on the geologic structure of Northern and Central Asia and their future development on the occasion of his centennial 1863-1963. Contains 13 papers dealing with various questions raised by this notable Russian geologist: the formation of loess, tectonic a goldstructure of various regions, the Len bearing region, the Proterozoic of Middle and Western Siberia, etc. Obruchev's works are listed with annotations, and those about him are noted as well. A paper by V. N. Saks on the Quaternary glaciation of northern Asia in the works of V. A. Obruchev, is abstracted in this bibliography under Saks ' DLC. name qv. 84887. AKADEMIfi. NAUK SSSR. Otdelenie geologo-geografiche,skikh nauk. Proble-
my magmy i genezisa izverzhennykh gornykh porod. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR 1963. 272 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of magma and genesis of igneous rocks. Collection of 29 papers of which two pertinent to arctic regions are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: V. I. Gerasimovskil, E. K. Ustiev. DLC. 84888. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Otdelenie literatury i fazyka. Problemy sovremennoT filologii. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 475 p. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of contemporary philology. Collection of 78 papers in honor of V. V. Vinogradov, including two on northern linguistics. Materials on Russian-Finnish word loans, p 204-207, 23 refs: V. I. Lytkin discusses linguistic ties of Russian with Zyryan and West Finnic languages. Reappearance of certain peculiarities of old Permian vocalism and consonantism, p 238-41, 3 refs, by B. A. Serebrennikov. Phonological study including Zyryan, based mainly on northern Russian toponymies. DLC. 84889. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Otdelenie literatury i lazyka. Problemy sravnitel'nol filologii. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 496 p. tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of comparative philology. Collection of 50 papers including four on northern peoples by E. A. Krelnovich, E. M. Meletinskil, I. I. Meshchaninov, and 0. P. Sunik, qqv; also a study on agglutination in Altaic languages by V. A. Avrorin, of &C. marginal interest for Tungus. 84890. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Pochvennyl institut. 0 pochvakh Vostochnol Sibiri. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 196 p. tables, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Soils of Eastern Siberia. Contains six papers, four dealing with arctic areas are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names: N. A. Karavaeva, N. A. Karavaeva and V. 0. Targul'Ilm, E. M. Naumov, and V. 0. Targul'fin, qqv. DLC. 84891. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe oldelenie. Institut geologii I geofiziki. Geologicheskoe stroenie zemnoT kory Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 139 p. maps, profiles. Approx. 180 refs. In Russian. re. A. Kosygin,
editor. Title tr.: Geologic structure of the earth's crust in Siberia and the Far East Describes tectonic zoning of the USSR east of the Urals including Krasnoyarsk Province, Yakut ASSR, Magadan Province and Kamchatka Peninsula. Folded complexes of cratons, epi-craton and of orthogeosynclines are outlined. A map in color at 1:10 million scale shows their distribution. Magmatic, sedimentary and volcanic formations, faults and other tectonic structures are described. Main types of earth DLC. crust structure are analyzed. 84892. AKADEMIla NAUK SSSR. Sib/raft otdelenie. Institut geologii i geoftziki. Geologifa uglel Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 176 p. tables, maps, sections. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Coal geology of Siberia and the Far East. Contains 19 papers, five dealing with northern deposits are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: F. A. Bochkovskil and others, V. S. Bykadorov, A. I. Gusev and others, M. M. Malandin, and A. K. Matveev and ID. R. CaMAI. Mazor. 84893. AKADEMIa NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie. Institut geologii i geoftzilci. Gliny i glinistye mineraly Sibiri. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 136 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Clays and clay minerals of Siberia. Presents 14 papers dealing with the mineralogy, geochemistry and distribution of clay mineral deposits from the Quaternary to upper Cambrian, between the Ob and Lena basins. Clay minerals such as nontronite, palygorskite and chlorites are treated in some detail and attention is given to boron as helping to establish the salinity of ancient basins. Five papers dealing with northern regions are abstracted under their authors' names qqv: K. M. Abakumov and others, E. P. Akul'shina and L. N. Andreeva, E. P. Akul'shina and others, and A. V. IvanovskaE (2 papers). CaMAL 84894. AKADEMIa. NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie. Institut geologii i geoftziki. Stratigrafifa i paleontologifa mezozolskikh otlozhenil Severn Sibiri. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 98 p. maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy and paleontology of Mesozoic deposits in the Siberian North. Contains seven papers presenting new data on Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous atratigraphy and fossil molluscs collected during recent years. The data add
substantially to knowledge of the stratigraphy of the Siberian Mesozoic, and enable more accurate divisions and correlations to be made. All the papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: T. V. Astakhova, V. A. Basov and others, A. A. Dagis and A. S. Dagis, M. S. Mesezhnikov, V. N. Saks and others, N. I. Shul'gina, and V. A. Zakharov. CaMAI. 84895. AKADEMIfA NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie. Institut geologii i geofiziki. Zapadno-Sibirskil zhelezorudnyl basseln. Novosibirsk, Redak@ionno-izdatel'skil otd. Sibirakogo otd-iia AN SSSR 1964. 448 p. tables, maps sections, illus. Approx. 275 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The West Siberian iron ore basin. Presents a collective work on geologic investigation and the economic geology of the iron ore basin extending about 2000 km from -Kazakhstan north to the arctic coast including the Tym, Vakh, Yeloguy, Turukhan, Malaya Meta, and other river basins. Main attention is directed to the structure of the iron ore strata, their main horizons, composition of the ores and enclosing rocks and conditions for exploitation. Reserves are estimated at 580-900 billion tons. Bakchan region (57° N) with reserves of 40 billion tons is treated in some detail. DLC. 84896. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie. Institut lesa i drevesiny. Zabolochennye lean i bolota Sibiri. Moskva 1963. 218 p. tables, graphs, maps. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The stagnant forests and marshes of Siberia. Contains eight papers, of which three pertinent to arctic regions are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names viz: F. Z. Glebov, K. L. Mitt and R. V. Fedorova, and N. I. Plavchenko. DLC. 84897. AKADEMI1 NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie. Institut merztotovetleniQ. Prochnost' i polzuchest' merzlykh gruntov. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 219 p. tables, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stability and creep of frozen ground. K. F. Voltkovskil, ed. Contains ten papers presenting results of experimental and theoretical research on the stability and creep of frozen ground. All are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: A. G. Brodskaig., S. E. Grechishchev, S. S. Vfalov, K. F. Voltkovskil (3 papers), I. N. Votialcov (2 papers), A. A. Zhigul'skil, and A. F. ZilL berbord. DLC.
84898. AKADEMla NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe oldelenie. Institut merzlotovedenie. Procsessy teplo- i massoobmena v merzlykh gornykh porodakh. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 147 p. tables, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Heat- and mass-exchange processes in frozen rocks. Presents 18 papers of which 14 are abstracted under their authors' names, viz (titles tr): IVANOV, N. S. Modelling thermal proceases in the frozen strata... ZOLOTAR', I. A. Calculation of frost penetration and heaving ... FEL'DMAN, G. M., and V. K. SHCIIELOKOV. Determination of the thickness of the freezing layer ... IVANOV, N. S. A method of determining the thermal properties of rocks in drillholes. GAVRIL'EV, R. I. Dependence of the density of the snow cover in Yakutia upon its thickness. DERBENEVA, M. M. Thermal effects of physical-chemical reactions. ARE, F. E., and V. T. BALOBAEV. Protection of the ground from winter freezing with the aid of air-ice cover. KAMENSKIT, R. M. Heat exchange in filling water conduits laid in frozen ground. KONSTANTINOV, I. P. Experimental study of heat exchange between a partly filled pipeline and frozen ground. BUDENNYI, af. A. Heat exchange between the rock massif and the mine air for a harmonic law of air temperature change. LUKIN, G. 0. Geothermal regime beneath buildings in Yakutsk. GRIGOR'EV, N. F., and N. S. IVANOV. Formation of frozen strata in alluvial islands of the arctic seas. ARE, F. P., and E. N. MOLOCHUSHKIN. Speed of destruction of arctic cliffs through the effect of thermal denudation. ARE, A. L. Some features of temperature distribution in the snow cover in the DLC. vicinity of Yakutsk. 84899. AKADEMICA NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe oldelenie. Institut merzlotovedenia. Sovremennye voprosy regionarnoT i inzhenernoT geokriologii. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 210 p. tables, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Present problems of regional and engineering geocryology. Contains 16 papers dedicated to the memory of M. I. Sumgin, founder of Soviet geocryology, on the 90th anniversary of his birth. All the papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: A. T. Akimov, V. T. Balobaev, N. S.
Danilova, A. I. Efimov, N. S. Ivanov, S. P. Kachurin, G. 0. Lukin, P. I. Mel'nikov (2 papers), F. Novikov, V. 0. Orlov, A. M. PchelinEsev, P. F. Shvefiov, A. N. Tolstov, V. F. Zhukov, and A. F. Zil'berbord, qqv. DLC.
84900. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe oldelenie. Institut merzlotovedenita. Teplovye i mekhanicheskie proEsessy pri razrabotke poleznykh iskopaemykh. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 267 p. tables, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Thermal and mechanical processes in the mining of useful minerals. Contains 41 papers dealing with the thermal regime and ventilation of mines, mechanics of frozen rock and mining methods. Thirty-four papers pertinent to the arctic regions are abstracted in this bibliography under their authors' names, viz (short titles tr.): DaD'KIN, ID. D., and others. The natural thermal regime of coal mines in the permafrost zone. ZIL'BERBORD, A. F. Thermal regime of deep mines. BUDENNY/, M. A. Heat exchange between the mine air and rock. SHAKHOV, S. I. Thermal regime of mines in permafrost. CHABAN, P. D. Effect of the thermal regime on the stability of underground workings. DIAD'KIN, ID. D., and A. V. KARPUNIN. Influence of the thermal regime on supports in Noril'sk mines. DIAD'KIN, fi7. D. Regulation of the thermal regime of collieries and mines in permafrost. VEPROV, V. S. Natural draft in mines in the Northeast. GRIGOR'EV, ft. V. Fire and ventilation in collieries of the Far North. VEPROV, V. S. Efficient mine ventilation in the Far North. KURENCHANIN, V. K. Ventilation and dust prevention under negative temperatures. FOMICHEV, V. I. Methane drainage in coal mines. BURSHTEIN, L. S., and A. N. KUROCHKIN. Physical-mechanical properties of frozen bedrock. GRECHISHCHEV, S. E. Creep of frozen dispersed rock. BORISOV, D. F., and V. G. BEZKARAVAINYT. Stability of non-uniform pillars. ANDRUSHKEVICH, S. G. Rock pressure effects in mine excavations in permafrost.
GRECHTSHCHEV, S. E. Calculation of interaction between frozen rock of the roof and the timbering. ZIL'BERBORD, A. F., and G. F. GRAVIS. Effect of frozen rock structure on the manifestation of pressure when mining deep placers. ANDRIENKO, V. I. Monitoring deformations of permafrost. TURCHANINOV, I. A. Underground pressure manifestations in mining thin steep lodes. MARKOV, G. A. Rock bursting. KASPAR'IAN, E. V. Deformation of vertical mine shafts. ZIL'BERBORD, A. F. Effect of natural factors in underground mining. D., and others. Improvement of coal mining systems. BELtAEV, V. S. Development of extraction methods of thick, gently sloping layers. SEVER'aNOV, A. N. Use of roof bolting in mining thick coal seams. DOROKHOV, M. I. Improvement cf the mining methods. PAKHOMOV, A. S., and A. I. FILIPPENKOV. Characteristics of mass breaking of fractured ore. DUDKIN, N. K. Secondary crushing in underground mines with gas emission. SHABLYGIN, A. I. Efficient working of complex lode forms. BOGUSLAVSKIT, P. I. Ore discharge from chambers branching upwards. KULESII0V, A. A. Improvement of mining methods. BUDENNYT, 1-0. A., and A. F. ZIL'BERBORD. Preliminary results of observations at the Chul'makan coal deposit. ANDREEV, V. S., and L. I. SHEIN. Observations at Lebedinyy ore mine. DLC. 84901. AKADEMIa NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie._ Institut merzlotovedenifa. Teplovye proassy ts v merzlykh gornykh porodakh. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauk 1964. 200 p. tables, graphs. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Thermal processes in frozen rocks. Presents 18 papers, all of them abstracted under their authors' names, viz (titles tr): BALOBAEV, V. T. Effect of the surface layer on the thermal regime . . of frozen rocks. BALOBAEV, V. T. Heat exchange between frozen rocks and the atmosphere ... MOLOCHUSHKIN, E. N. Determination of the value of heat flow on water reservoirs. DIAD'KIN, ID. D. Heat calculations for underground workings.
BUDENNYT, ID. A. Heat calculation methods in mining technology ... ZIL'BERBORD, A. F. Thawing of rocks around underground workings. KAMENSKIT, R. M. Thermal interaction of water pipes and frozen ground. ARE, F. P. Role of repeated ice wedges in the disintegration of shore bluffs. ARE, F. E. Effect of thermophysical properties of frozen rocks on the disintegration of the coasts ... KUTASOV, I. M. Disturbance of the temperature field in permafrost in .. . drilling. KUTASOV, I. M. Restoration of the temperature field in permafrost after drilling ... KUTASOV, I. M., and V. N. DEVIATKIN. Thermal regime of moderately deep convection drillholes. CHISTOTINOV, L. V. Heat- and massexchange for an infinite plate with boundary conditions of the first order. CHISTOTINOV, L. V., and others. Determining ground moisture and its dynamics. ANTONOVA, L. V., and N. S. IVANOV. Temperature conductivity coefficient of frozen rock . FILIPPOV, P. I. Thermophysical properties of rocks in drillholes. DEVaTKIN, V. N., and N. A. KOZLOV. Graduation of thermistors. APTIKAEV, F. F. Temperature field effect on the distribution of seismic velocities ... DLC. 84902. AKADEMIa NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie. Institut vulkanologii. Chetvertichnyl vulkanizm nekotorykh raTonov SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 151 p. tables, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Quaternary volcanism of some regions of the USSR. Presents 12 papers, eight on Kamchatka or Yakutia are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: E. N. Erlikh and B. V. Ivanov, N. N. Kozhemfaka, I. V. Melekesaev, N. V. Ogorodov and N. N. Kozhemfaka, A. S. Ogorodova, K. N. Rudich, K. N. Rudich and K. M. Timerbaeva, and 0. N. Volynef and N. L. Shilin. CaMAI. 84903. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie. Institut vulkanologii. Pauzhetskie gorfachie vody na Kamchatke. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 208 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. 31 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Pauzhetka hot waters in Kamchatka. Collective monograph on the Pauzhetka hot springs based on recent works of many
scientists and organizations. In two parts, the first gives a general characteristic of the Pauzhetka deposits outlining the geology of the region, structure of the hot spring deposits, temperature (obtained by prospecting drillings) and chemical composition of the thermal waters, hydrothermal metamorphism and formation of minerals. In the second part, prospecting methods and results are outlined. The technology of the drilling work, geophysical investigations, and tests for exploitation of the thermal waters are described. Their utilization for geothermal energy and production of electricity is attempted and conditions are found most suitable. DLC. 84904. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie. Institut vulkanologii. Sovremennyl vulkanizm Severo-Vostochnol Sibiri. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 111 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Recent volcanism of Northeast Siberia. Presents seven papers dealing with recent volcanism in eastern Siberia and Kamchatka. Magmatic processes, hydrothermal activity and volcanic deposits are described. All the papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz (titles tr.): RUDICH, K. N. Balagan-Tas SNaTKOV, B. A., and L. A. SNaTKOV. The role of magmatic processes ... GUSHCHENKO, I. I. Sedimentation of continental volcanic strata ... NABOKO, S. I., and L. M. LEBEDEV. Laumontite in Pauzhetka. OGORODOVA, A. S., and N. V. OGORODOV. Distribution of trace elements ... BASHARINA, L. A. Exhalation of acid lavas ... TOKAREV, P. I. Types of seismic DLC. wave ... 84905. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie. Institut zemnol kory. Mineral'nye vody Vostochnol Sibiri. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1963. 151 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mineral waters of Eastern Siberia. Contains 12 papers, five pertinent to arctic areas are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names: I. S. Lomonosov, I. S. Lomonosov and M. A. Volkova, S. V. Lysak, E. V. Pinneker, V. G. Tkachuk and N. I. Tolstikhin, qqv. DLC. 84906. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Sorel po izuchenifit proizroditel'nykh sit. Soil-
geographical zoning of the USSR in relation to the agricultural use of lands. Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Translations 1963. Translated by A. Gourevitch. 480 p. maps, -tables. Refs. English translation of No 76830. DLC. 84907. AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR. Zoologicheskil inslitut. Mlekopitaibshchie fanny SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 2 v.: 1102 p. illus. (Its: Opredeliteli po faune SSSR. v. 82 & 83.) Refs. In Russian. I. I. Sokolov, editor. Title tr.: Mammalian fauna of the USSR. Concise and comprehensive account presented in taxonomic order, beginning with Insectivora and ending with Artiodactyla. A general introduction (p 21-40) covers the characteristics of mammals, their origin and evolution; also classification, craniology, methods of measuring, conservation, etc. The special part includes identification keys down to species, with each taxon or species described as to size, morphology and morphometry, craniology and dentition, distribution, biology, races, economic value etc. The work is well illus with black and white drawings and photographs. Bibliography is added to each section. An index of Russian and scientific names is appended. Of the arctic animals included, the numerous rodents should be mentioned, as well as Cetacea p 656-751. Carnivora: wolves, foxes, bears p 752-85, Mustelidae: ermine, sable p 799-854, Pinnipedia: seals, walrus p 905-964, and the reindeer p 1008-1012. DLC. 84908. AKASOFU, S. I. Attenuation of hydromagnetic waves in the ionosphere. (US. National Bureau of Standards. Journal of research 1965. v. 69D, no. 3, p. 36166, graphs.) 28 refs. Presents typical examples of micropulsations recorded at College, Alaska and discusses effects of the daily variation of the ionosphere on the attenuation of hydromagnetic waves. Intense ionization in the E region can heavily attenuate the waves of frequencies above 10-2 c/s. In examining the source of geomagnetic micropulsations variations in the ionosphere must be taken into account. DLC. 84909. AKASOFU, S. I. Dynamic morphology of auroras. (Space science reviews 1965. v. 4, no. 4, p. 498-540, graphs, maps, illus.) Approx. 40 refs. Studies simultaneous changes of auroral forms, brightness, and motions over the entire polar region, using IGY all-sky camera records from stations in eastern Siberia,
Alaska, Canada, and northern United States. A revised concept of auroral displays is described in terms of the auroral substorm and details of the major features of such substorms are presented. Geomagnetic disturbances associated with the auroral substorm are described in terms of the polar magnetic substorm, showing that both phenomena reflect large-scale plasma motion in the earth's magnetosphere. The central line of the auroral belt is shown to move greatly with respect to its average position within the belt, depending on the degree of geomagnetic activity. The basic physical processes associated with auroral substorms are discussed. DLC. 84910. AKASOFU, S. I., and D. S. KIMBALL. The dynamics of the aurora; 1, instabilities of the aurora. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1964. v. 26, no. 2, p. 205-211, graphs, illus.) 6 refs. Shows that various forms of the aurora result from several active features added to a quiet and homogeneous arc. Thus, rays added to such an arc produce a rayed arc, folds added produce band aurora, rays and folds: rayed band, rays and folds and loops: drapery, a breakup: scattered rays, complete disruptions: scattered patches. The aurora's activity increases in the sequence of this pattern development. The development of additional features, such as smallscale folding, large-scale waves, and the ca band, and the large-scale coiling is considered in some detail. The origin of the apparent ray structure, and some smallscale wavy structures is attributed to instability of the space change. The largescale wavy pattern, the w band, and the large-scale coiling pattern are likely to be of magnetohydrodynamic origin. Plates showing auroral patterns photographed at Baker Lake 17 Dec 1957 are included in the paper. DLC. 84911. AKASOFU, S. I., and others. The dynamics of the aurora; 2, westward traveling surges; 3, westward drifting loops. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1965. v. 27, no. 2, p. 173-96, tables, graphs, maps, illus.) 11 refs. Other authors: D. S. Kimball and C. I. Meng. Describes various characteristics of auroral surges, their geomagnetic and ionospheric effects with particular reference to weak, medium, and intense westward traveling surges as observed at Betties on 12 and 15 Dec 1958, Ft Yukon on 7 Oct 1957 and 6 Oct 1958, at Wrangel Island on 17 Feb 1958, and Pt Barrow 17-18 Feb 1958.
Geomagnetic changes associated with these surges were recorded at College and Pt Barrow. The westward traveling surge is defined as a violent expanding motion of an auroral system located around the midnight sector, and generating rapid wavy motions of auroral arcs or bands that life in the evening sector. Part 3 (p 189-96) studies the westward drifting loops and groups of loops formed from degenerated westward traveling auroral surges. Formation of a group of loops as recorded at Pt Barrow on 18 Feb 1958 and Betties 8 Dec 1958 is shown by a series of all-sky camera photographs. The loops drift westward at a much slower speed than the surge from which they are formed, and some of the loops can drift a few thousand km without much distortion. The drifting loops, like the surges, do not exist in the morning sector, their appearance is confined to a narrow belt along the auroral zone. DLC. 84912. AKASOFU, S. I. The latitudinal shift of the auroral belt. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1964. v. 26, no. 12, p. 1167-74, graphs, map.) 20 refs. Proposes the term auroral belt to signify the region occupied by auroras at a particular instant. The central line of this belt is shown to move greatly with respect to its average location (the auroral zone), depending on the degree of magnetic disturbance. The central line of the auroral belt in the midnight sector may shift as high as 75° geomag lat, and during great magnetic storms it may be as low as geomag lat 50°, leaving no auroras in the auroral zone for around 30 min. Ascaplots of auroras taken during weak, moderate, and strong geomagnetic activity from an arctic ice floe at 78.3° N geomag lat, Pt Barrow, College, Farewell, Resolute Bay, and othe r polar stations justify the proposition. DLC. 84913. AKASOFU, S. I. The main phase of magnetic storms and the ring current. (Space science reviews 1963. v. 2, no. 1, p. 91-135, graphs.) Approx. 60 refs. Summarizes present knowledge of the ring current in the ionosphere as a westward electric current circling the earth, and discusses theory and observational data on motions of charged elementary particles in a dipole field, magnetic fields produced by the ring current, and deformations of the outer radiation belt. Data are included on distributions of aurora on 11 Feb 1958 from records of 23 all-sky camera stations, and the relation between the lower limit of latitude attained by quiet arcs in the US
sector during 16 magnetic storms. A magnetogram is given for the horizontal component of a highly contrasted pair of storms from Honolulu and College station records. DLC.
It is inferred that, during geomagnetic disturbance, protons of energy of the order of a few hundred key, intermittently captured between 5 and 8 earth radii, produce a transient belt, Va. DLC.
84914. AKASOFU, S. I., and others. The polar electrojet. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1965. v. 27, no. 11/12, p. 1275-1305, graphs, maps, illus.) 41 refs. Other authors: S. Chapman and C. I. Meng. Shows that this cause of intense negative bays or polar magnetic substorms usually flows westward in all longitudes along a closed oval curve. This oval is also the site of active auroras that occur during the instant of the electrojet, and it appears to be the line of intersection of the outer boundary of the outer radiation belt with the ionosphere. The center of this oval is appreciably displaced from the pole of the earth's magnetic axis along the midnight meridian, and coincides only in this sector with the statistically determined auroral zone. The changing geometry of the polar electrojet is described and brought into relation with the dynamic morphology of the simultaneous auroral substorm, and of the magnetic records of the horizontal component at ten Alaskan stations, Uelen or Chukotka, and Macquarie Island, New Zealand. DLC.
AKASOFU, S. I., see also Nos. 87764, 89829, 92118.
84915. AKASOFU, S. I., and S. CHAPMAN. The ring current, geomagnetic disturbance, and the Van Allen radiation belts. (Journal of geophysical research 1961. v. 66, no. 5, p. 1321-50, tables, graphs.) 32 refs. Russian translation together with critical comment in: Shabanskil, V. P. ed. Radiacsionnye pollisa zemli, Moskva 1962, p. 149-208. Discusses motion of elementary particles from the sun trapped in the earth's dipole magnetic field, and the resulting geomagnetic ring current during the main phase of magnetic storms. The large decrease in the horizontal component of the earth's field is thought caused by the formation and enhancement of such a ring current. General equations for the current's intensity are applied to two Van Allen radiation belts VI and Va, and to a special "model" belt, Va in a region beyond five radii of the earth, as inferred from auroral and magnetic data. Authors analyze several magnetic storms during the IGY and IGC 1959 and the present horizontal component magnetograms of the storm of 29 Sept 1957 from JulianehAb, Abisko, Dikson Island, Cape Chelyuskin, Tiksi Bay, Cape Uelen, College, Sitka, Ft Churchill, and three other stations.
84916. AKBULATOV, SH. F. 0 proekte glavy 11-13 SNiP "Stroitel'stvo v ralonakh rasprostranenia vechnomerzlykh gruntov." (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytorn proektirovaniCA ... 1962 pub. 1963. v. 1, p. 98-107.) In Russian. Title tr.: Draft of chapter 11-13, Construction Norms and Principles, "Construction in permafrost regions." Reviews the ten sections of this chapter: general principles, planning and housing for settlements, general plans for industrial enterprises, domestic and community buildings, industrial construction, heat and water supply, and sanitation for communities and industrial developments, hydraulic engineering, highways and railroads, footings and foundations, and building constructions. The four permafrost construction methods given by SN-91-60 are superseded by three methods: for construction on thawed ground, on permafrost, and on ground which thaws from the effect of the structure when completed and in use. The categories "the North and Northeast of the USSR," and "the Far North" are superseded by the new term "the Permafrost Regions." This chapter based on experience and practices at Noril'sk, Vorkuta, Yakutsk, Magadan, and other sites is expected to be approved and pub in 1964. CaONA. 84917. AKATOVA, N. A., and A. A. ARVEKftfL'G. Rakushkovye rakoobraznye ozer Karelii. (In: Akademila nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Inst. biologii. Fauna ozer ... 1965, p. 147-52.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ostracods from the lakes of Karelia. Following a review of earlier studies, authors record 25 forms of these minute crustaceans. Frequency, depth of occurrence or substrate, geographic distribution, DLC. etc are noted. 84918. AKBULATOV, SH. F. Razvitie krupnopanel'nogo stroitel'stva v ralonakh rasprostranenn vechnomerzlykh gruntov. (Problemy Severa 1964. no. 10, p. 31-39, tables, illus.) In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.:
Development of large prefabricated panel construction in permafrost areas. Describes domestic construction in Vorkuta, Noril'sk, Tiksi, Yakutsk, Verkhoyansk and other places. Construction costs per m2 of living space in a five-story building are reduced from 177-231 rubles with brick to 142-185 r. with large panels. Methods of this type of construction and the problems of windows, etc are discussed with technical details. CaMAI, DLC. 84919. AKBULATOV, SH. F. Voprosy proektirovanifa zhilykh i obshchestvennykh zdanil dlfa ralonov rasprostranenifa, vechnomerzlykh gruntov. (In: Soveshchanieseminar po obmenu ... 1961. Sbornik trudov pub. 1962, p. 86-116, tables, graphs, map, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Design of residential and public buildings in permafrost. Outlines difficulties encountered in populating permafrost areas and the engineering problems connected with it. Complex climatic conditions, vast areas without permanent means of transportation and communication prevent normal development, and make it two-three times as expensive as in a temperate climate. Efficient construction schemes applied in Yakutsk, Noril'sk, Dikson, Tiksi Bay, Cape Chelyuskin and other arctic coastal locations are described in detail. Average temp for Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, and Mar are given and the temp difference between the outer and inner wall surfaces of an inhabited house are noted for 15 locations in the North. Improvements in construction details are suggested. DLC. 84920. AKBULATOV, SH. F. Zhelezobetonnye svai treugol'nogo i treugol'no-tavrovogo sechenifa dlfa fundamentov na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh. (Krasnoyarsk. N.issl. inst. po stroitel'stvu. Stroitel'stvo v raTonakh Vostochnol Sibiri i Kralnego Severs 1962. no. 3, p. 21-25, tables, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Reinforced concrete piles of triangular and T-triangular crosssection for foundations on permafrost. Compares the bearing capacity of piles of circular, square, and triangular crosssections. That of a circular pile of 30 cm diam and 800 cm length is 77,000 kg. A square pile of the same cross-section area and bearing capacity should be 75 cm shorter, a triangular pile of the same crosssection area should be only 655 cm long to support the 77,000 kg load, hence it is 27.5% more economical than the round pile. The T-triangular piles, still more efficient because of greater side area, are about 40%
more economical than circular piles. Suggestions for mass-production of triangular DLC. piles are given. 84921. AKIMOV, A. T. Opyt primenenifa akusticheskikh i selsmicheskogo metodov issledovanifa merzlykh gornykh porod. (In: Akademila nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Sovremennye voprosy .. . 1964, p. 167-80, graphs, illus.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Attempt at using acoustic and seismic methods in the investigation of frozen rocks. Describes the procedure, instruments and results of three geophysical methods used in the USSR, United States and elsewhere in permafrost studies. Ultrasound, sound fixing and seismic methods are treated in some detail. The instrumentation for seismic exploration at very short range was first used in the United States and described by G. I. Gouch in 1952. The new instrument used in the Vorkuta region is described. DLC. 84922. AKIMOV, G. A., and S. P. ZVEREV. Nevrologicheskie rasstrolstva pri ostrom okhlazhdenii. (Voenno-mediCsinskil zhurnal 1965, no. 1, p. 30-34.) In Russian. Title tr.: Neurological disorders due to acute cooling. Discusses earlier Russian studies on hypothermia, its degrees (three) and their general, neurological and psychological symptoms. A case report with seconddegree frostbite, incl nervous and psychic aspects and therapy is reported. DNLM. 84923. AKSENENKO, G. R. Nekotorye materialy po ektoparazitam melkikh mlekopitafushchikh Kol'skogo poluostrova. (Mediainskafa parazitologifa i parazitamye bolezni 1962. v. 31, no. 2, p. 236-39, tables.) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Some materials on ectoparasites of small mammals of the Kola Peninsula. Twelve species of fleas, 13 gamasoid mites, and two louse species are recorded from over two thousand wild and domestic animals examined. Degrees of invasion are considered. DNLM. 84924. AKSENOV, A. A., and others. Novye dannye o stroenii tolshch sovremennykh pribrezhnykh otlozhenil. (Okeanologiffr 1964. v. 4, no. 5, p. 842-49, sections.) 17 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A. S. Ionin and F. A. Shcherbakov. Title tr.: New data on the structure of the stratum of present coastal deposits. Reports a 1961 geologic investigation on the north coast of the Okhotsk Sea, where
35 lithologic cores up to 4.5 in in length were obtained. Three regions are distinguished, and each is described, noting the bedding of the deposits, their mineralogic composition, marine fauna and flora, and other features. Postglacial transgressions of the Okhotsk Sea are discussed: in postglacial time the sea level has risen at least 30 in. Present sedimentation conditions are also considered. DLC. 84925. AKSENOV, A. A., and others. Osobennosti razvitifa beregov i nakoplenifit tolshch pribrezhnykh otlozhenil na severe Okhotskogo morffa v poslelednikovoe vremfa. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Inst. okeanologii. Trudy 1965. no. 76, p. 76-102, sections, illus.) Approx. 75 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: A. S. Ionin and F. A. Shcherbakov. Title tr.: Characteristics of coastal development and accumulation of strata of littoral sediments in the northern Okhotsk Sea during postglacial time. Describes the relief of the coastal zone and its dynamics, abrasive and denudation aspects, accumulative forms of the coastal relief, structure and composition of nearcoast sediments. Paleogeographic conditions of coastal development are outlined, as is the formation of the sediments in the northern part of this sea. DLC. 84926. AKUL'SHINA, E. P., and L. N. ANDREEVA. Malye elementy v glinistol chasti porod ordovika i silura kak pokazateli intensivnosti khimicheskogo vyvetrivanica. (In: Akademifft nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geol. i geofiz. Gliny i glinistye ... 1965, p. 57-68, table, graphs.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Small elements in the clayey part of Ordovician and Silurian rocks as indicators of the intensity of chemical weathering. Reports a study of microelements Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Pb, Cu, Ga, Zn, Zr in sedimentary rock of the Siberian (Kulyumbe and Kuntykakhy basins) and Russian platforms. They are described and the method of their quantitative determination stated. Warming of the climate occurred at the end of the Cambrian—beginning of the Ordovician, in the upper part of the Lower Ordovician, the upper Middle Ordovician, the middle Upper Ordovician, and at the end of the Ordovician—beginning of the Silurian. The intensity of chemical weathering corresponds to the periods of climatic warming. CaMAI. 84927. AKUL'SHINA, E. P., and others. Nekotorye zakonomernosti raspredelenifa
born v glinistoT chasti porod nizhnego i srednego paleozola zapada Sibirska platformy. (In: Akademifil nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geol. i geofiz. Gliny i glinistye ... 1965, p. 44-56, graphs.) 17 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V. U. Petrakov and V. I. Simonova. Title tr.: Some patterns in the distribution of boron in the clayey part of rocks of the Lower and Middle Paleozoic in the west of the Siberian platform. Evaluates the literature on the boron content of marine clayey rocks, igneous rocks, etc, noting the importance of the boron content of clayey minerals for the reconstruction of paleogeographic conditions of the region. Own studies in Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurian deposits in the Kureyka basin and elsewhere in the western part of the Siberian platform are reported. The results graphically presented indicate significant exchange of boron content. In clayey rock its dependence upon the salinity of basins is established. CaMAI. 84928. ALAKHVERDOV, G. G. Razlozhenie v volskakh interventov i belogvardelCsev na Severe Rossii v 1918-1919 godakb. (Voprosy istorii 1960, no. 7, p. 121-34.) Approx. 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Demoralization in the ranks of the Interventionists and White Guardists in north Russia, 19181919. Discusses the spirit of defeatism, brought about by bolshevik propaganda, which led to the eventual evacuation of Allied Forces. Illustrative incidents are cited from the Murmansk, Arkhangel'sk, etc fronts. DLC. ALAMPIEV, P. M., see No. 84852. 84929. ALANIa, M. V., and others. Analiz rffula effektov kosmicheskikh luchel vo vremfa magnitnykh bur' perioda maksimuma solnechnol aktivnosti. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet. Kosmicheskie luchi. Sbornik stater 1965. no. 7, p. 50-66, tables, graphs.) 26 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: L. I. Dorman, T. B. Kebuladze, V. K. Koiava, V. G. Koridze and A. M. Chlthetifa. Title tr.: Analysis of a number of cosmic ray effects during magnetic storms of a period of maximum solar activity. Analyzes the first harmonic of the diurnal cosmic ray variation wave before, during, and after a geomagnetic disturbance on 22 Oct 1958, using IGY data of 28 stations, including Thule, Resolute Bay, Murchison Bay, Kheysa Island, and Yakutsk. An
increase in the amplitude, and the phase displacement of the wave to the earlier hours are detected, as is an increase of cosmic ray intensity during the main phase of the magnetic storm. A global distribution in the amplitude increase, and its dependence on latitude and longitude are found. Characteristics of the interaction of corpuscular streams during the max and min of solar activity are compared, and they show a similarity in the variations of the cutoff rigidity during both periods. DLC. 84930. ALANIA, M. V., and L. I. DORMAN. Ob osrednenii dannykh nabladenil kosmicheskikh lucheI na mirovol seti sten&it (Alcademila nauk SSSR. MezhduvedomstvennyI geofizicheskil komitet. Kosmicheskie luchi. Sbornik stater 1965. no. 7, p. 204-207, table, graph.) Ref. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Averaging of cosmic ray observation data of the worldwide network of stations. Proposes a method of striking an average of such data by introducing the statistical accuracy (data weight) and instrumental error of each station into the calculation. The average data obtained by this method for cutoff rigidity of cosmic rays are tabulated for 31 stations, incl Thule, Resolute Bay, Ft Churchill, and are shown to differ considerably from the averages obtained by the old method. DLC. 84931. ALARUIKKA, Y. Poronhoito suomensukuisten kansojen keskuudessa. Rovaniemi, Paliskuntain Yhdistys 1959. 47 p. map, tables, illus. In Finnish. Title tr.: Reindeer raising among the Finno-Ugrian people. Describes a visit to the reindeer-herding areas in Komi ASSR and Nenetskiy National'nyy Okrug in 1958. Total of reindeer in the USSR was given as 1,907,300, mostly on collective farms. A forest type larger than Finnish reindeer is used and stock improvement is stressed. Annual range rotation is practiced, the range sections about 300-350 x 15 km and grazing density one animal/30-50 m2. Herding is constant with 3,000-3,500 head/herd and dogs and draft reindeer used. Meat production is estimated at 2,100-4,000 kg/hundred head/ yr, a total of 25 million kg. 25-33% of the stock are slaughtered, mostly six-monthold calves. There are five colleges for reindeer herders where about 250 students attend a five-year course. Pest control, marking, calving, development and research work are also briefly described, as are herders' living quarters and clothing. SPRI.
84932. ALASKA. Dept. of Education. Scholarship information for Alaska high school students, by Jeff. C. Jeffers, supervisor-guidance, in cooperation with Alaska institutions of higher education, district and rural high schools and Bureau of Indian Affairs. Juneau, State Dept. of Education, 1964. 5 pt. (approx 90 p.). Outlines procedures and lists scholarships, grants-in-aid and student loans available. Five sections cover national scholarships, those to two universities and one college in Alaska, and those for Indian-Eskimo DLC. students. 84933. ALASKA. Dept. of Highways. Avalanche study. Juneau 1963. 41 1. maps, illus. 9 refs. Reviews the program to reduce hazard and damage from avalanches on roads, to select routes, and control the slides. Two types of passive defense structures have proved successful near Anchorage: earthen mounds near Girdwood and in the Knik slide path, and the diversion structure built in the Knik path in 1961; terraces are the simplest and cheapest but the least effective structures. Active control measures have not proved successful in Alaska. Investigations of terrain and vegetation, storm patterns and climate, avalanche frequency and size along the Seward, Richardson, Glenn, and some proposed highways are noted, and some recommendations made for the halfdozen worst areas. Maps show the situation at each area. DLC. 84934. ALASKA. Dept. of Highways. Critical highway deficiency study 19611967. Juneau 1963. 77 1. tables. Describes sections of routes considered critical or potentially so, also cost and type of improvement required. Estimated costs, 8225,658,140, cover 1113.5 mi for immediate improvement and 551.9 mi expected to 1967. Tables show existing conditions and proposed improvement costs for 13 primary and 54 secondary routes, also for some 350 bridges. DLC. 84935. ALASKA. Division of Mines and Minerals. The great Alaska earthquake, March 27, 1964. Juneau, 1964. 4 1. map. (Its: Miscellaneous paper no. 1.) Describes this earthquake, giving preliminary seismologic data, and the damage caused by landslides and tsunami. A large area from Anchorage southwest to Kodiak Island subsided as much as six ft; to the east, including much of the Prince William Sound area, the land rose as much as 10 ft. Low-lying towns and highway and railroad
were covered by high tides in the subsidence area. Small-scale map shows some regional effects. DGS. 84936. ALASKA. Division of Mines and Minerals. Reports for the years 1961-1965. Juneau 1961-1965. 5 v.: 108, 119, 87, 107, 99 p. maps, graphs, tables. In sequence to No 69621. Dollar value of total mineral production continued to increase, despite lower values in gold, mercury and silver, the growth largely in natural gas, petroleum, and sand and gravel, with coal output steady. Developments in the mining industry are outlined. Production of ores of iron, copper, lead, zinc, and other base metals depends on increased demand from Japan, western United States, and other Pacific Ocean countries. Several gas discoveries in the Cook Inlet Basin, with five offshore fields in production, completion of the Standard refinery on the Kenai Peninsula, etc are noted. Field work by Division geologists is briefly reported incl the Alaska Juneau gold mine, magnetic anomalies, aerial reconnaissance, etc. Examination of prospects and geologic mapping are summarized for each year. Active mining operations (200 in 1965), coal mines (4), oil and gas companies (25) are listed as are publications DGS. of the Division. 84937. ALASKA. Governor's Committee on Education. An over-all education plan for rural Alaska. Juneau 1963. iv, 23 p. Refs. Outlines in broad terms a plan incl particularly state takeover of the schools and operations of the US Bureau of Indian Affairs. The school situation as of 1963 is reviewed, and the educational needs of students in the rural areas are discussed. Many communities throughout the state are unable to support any type of high school program. Criteria arc proposed for establishing small elementary schools and larger rural regional boarding schools. Education for overage pupils, co-operative planning and finance are also considered. DLC. 84938. ALASKA. UNIVERSITY. Geophysical Institute. The eclipse of 20 July 1963. College, 1964. 95 1. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (Its: Geophysical research report 155.) Refs. Presents studies conducted by four staff members during this total solar eclipse, also C. T. Elvey's account of the American Astronomical Society meeting at the Univ of Alaska, 22-24 July 1963. Spectrophotometry of atmospheric emissions, by C. S.
Deehr, p 6-42, contains a narrative of the airborne expedition, also a report on behavior of these atmospheric emission features, collectively named the dayglow, under unusual circumstances. Radio studies of the high-latitude ionosphere during a solar eclipse, by R. D. Hunsucker, p 43-70, outlines the results of earlier investigations, and gives in some detail the data from the July 20 eclipse, based on simultaneous observation of ionospheric eclipse effects by three methods: measurement at College of forward-propagated HF signal strength from WWVH (Hawaii); vertical ionospheric soundings from Anchorage; and riometer measurements of 27.6 me/s cosmic radio noise from locations near the auroral zone. The 10 me/s signal strength dropped 15 db at totality while the 15 me/s signal level remained practically unchanged. Ionosonde observations of the eclipsed portion of the propagation path showed decreases in E and Fl layer critical frequencies and changes in the virtual heights of the Fl and F2 layers during the eclipse. A sharp decrease in auroral absorption near totality was indicated by all three riometers. VLF effects from the 20 July 1963 solar eclipse, by H. F. Bates, p 71-77, discusses and shows graphically the increase of the VLF phase as recorded at College during observation. Two possible explanations are offered: one, that the maxima and minima in phase/obscuration ratio could be the interference pattern produced by the first and second modes; the other that the VLF wave was diffracted around the moving "hole" in the D region produced by the eclipse. The effect on the geomagnetic micropulsation of the solar eclipse of 20 July 1963, by Y. Kato, p 78-95, reports a distinct change in the direction of the principal axis of the vector diagram of these pc-3 type micropulsations at the time of the eclipse, and estimates the decrease in ionospheric conductivity at that time. DGS. 84939. ALASKA. UNIVERSITY. Institute of Business, Economic and Government Research. Tourism in Alaska 1965-1975. College 1965. 20 p. map, illus. (Its: Report no. 5.) Assesses the potential for this industry and evaluates the factors which make an annual growth rate of 18% a feasible estimate. Comparisons in growth potential are made with Hawaii and New Zealand. By the late 1970's more than half a million people are expected to visit Alaska annually. Travel patterns and visitor reactions are considered, almost the only unfavorable
factor being the ugliness of the urban areas. Various promotional media are assessed and the roles of private business and government in the development of the growing tourist CaMAL industry are considered. ALASKA. UNIVERSITY. 'Institute of Business, Economic and Government Research, see also No. 84941. 84940. ALASKA PUBLICATIONS. Eskimo life in Alaska. Anchorage 1964. 52 p. Presents about 50 photographs, with captions, mostly from the Alaska Travel DLC. Division. 84941. ALASKA REVIEW of business and economic conditions. College, Alaska. May 1964- in progress, tables. Pub by the Univ of Alaska's Inst of Business, Economic and Government Research, monthly till Jan 1965, then irregularly, in 8-page issues. It presents statistics and analyses of developments and trends in Alaskan income, exports, industries, population, etc. Annual and monthly data on employment by industry in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan are given in most issues. Institute studies of 5-6 pages on specific industries are included, e.g. infra, as are pertinent short items on mineral or oil discoveries, new legislation, DI. publications, etc. 84942. ALASKA REVIEW of business and economic conditions. Agriculture in Alaska. (Its: v. 1, 1964. no. 3, p. 1-5, tables.) Analyzes, with pertinent statistics for 1963, the utilization of land, farm costs, size, employment, wages, and value of production. Only a very small portion of the potential farmland is in use; there are less than 400 farms, fewer than in 1939. Among the factors responsible are the short growing season, high cost of developing a farm ($40-60 thousand), and competition for markets. Data on the reindeer industry and on native harvesting of game, fish, DI. berries, etc are included. 84943. ALASKA REVIEW of business and economic conditions. Alaska's fisheries industry. (Its: v. 2, 1065. no. 1, p. 1-6, tables.) Presents analysis and statistics, mostly of the salmon industry which declined drastically from 1936 to 1959, but is increasing under State management. Problems of salmon conservation, processing, and marketing are discussed, and the need cited for a higher quality, lower cost canned product. Employment and income in the
sea food canning and preserving industry dropped sharply since 1950 despite expanding crab operations. During 1963, the value of production for all fisheries was over $109 million, for salmon, $76 million and shellfish over $24 million; and tax revenues to the state were nearly three million. Effects of the Mar 1964 earthquake on future salmon runs are not yet known. DL 84944. ALASKA REVIEW of business and economic conditions. The Anchorage economic community. (Its: v. 2, 1965. no. 6, p. 1-8, tables.) Examines, with pertinent statistics, economic conditions of this area in south-central Alaska. Population, employment, industry, trade, transportation, communications media, and community facilities are examined, also such indicators of economic activity as postal receipts, utilities consumption, building permits, motor vehicles registration, property values, banking operations, etc. Growth is indicated in population, +158% 1950-1960, and in all segments of the economy. Seasonality of employment is a problem, as is dependence on government. work. Prospects are bright for oil developments and for international air tourist traffic. DI. 84945. ALASKA REVIEW of business and economic conditions. The coal industry in Alaska. (Its: v. 2, 1965. no. 4, p. 1-7, tables.) Reviews the production and consumption of coal 1880-1964, tabulated, and considers the industry's uncertain future. Location and type of known reserves (estimated at 95 billion tons) are discussed, as are employment and wages, and the change from underground to strip mining. In 1964, Nenana and Matanuska were the major producing fields, with some 800,000 t, 97% of the coal consumed in the state; and 191 persons were employed in mining. Proposed conversion of two main military installations from coal to natural gas power could seriously harm the industry; but mine-mouth power operations to supply the Fairbanks and Anchorage-Palmer areas beginning in 1967 should help offset the losses. Also, as new uses are found for coal, a greater proportion of the Alaskan deposits will be mined. DI. 84946. ALASKA REVIEW of business and economic conditions. The economic impact of the Alaskan earthquake. (Its: v. 1, 1964. nc. 1, p. 1-6, tables.) Considers effects of the Mar 1964 disaster on Alaskan income, employment, transportation, fisheries, oil and natural gas, bank-
ing, timber and pulp industry, and tourism. Damage estimates, tabulated for public and private property by area, reach $350-500 million. Port facilities in south-central Alaska were destroyed or damaged, as were sections of the Alaska Railroad. The king crab industry lost over $20 million in fishing vessels, canneries, etc; and other industries sustained lesser damages. Lumbering and construction are expected to benefit, probDL ably tourism also. 84947. ALASKA REVIEW of business and economic conditions. The gold mining industry in Alaska. (Its: v. 2, 1965. no. 2, p. 1-6, tables.) Reviews production since 1880, tabulated; and examines the condition of the industry in 1965 and factors responsible for its severe decline since 1940. Lode mining virtually ceased after World War II; in 1962 and 1963, major dredging operations closed at Nome and at Fairbanks. By 1963, the monthly average employment had dropped to about 180 persons; and 1964 production was only 38% of the amount produced in 1962. The problem, nationwide, is caused by the Federal Government's stabilization of the price of gold at $35 per ounce despite sharply rising production costs. Government subsidization of the industry is suggested. DI. 84948. ALASKA REVIEW of business and economic conditions. The petroleum industry in Alaska. (Its: v. 1, 1964. no. 4, p. 1-6, tables, map.) Reviews the exploration, development, and production of oil in the area since 1902. Early activities at the Katella Field are described, also Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4 on the Arctic Slope, the Swanson River oil field on Kenai Peninsula, Cook Inlet discoveries in 1963 and 1964, and the Kenai Petroleum Refinery. Revenues to the state, nearly $80 million, are examined 1959-1963, as are income, employment, and the industry's various activities; its expenditures are estimated at $242,223,000 over the five-yr period. Despite very high costs, $4000 per drilling day on the Kenai Peninsula and $14,000—$16,000 in Cook Inlet, several factors favor Alaskan production. Prospects for further discovery are also DI. good. 84949. ALASKA REVIEW of business and economic conditions. The wood products industry in Alaska. (Its: v. 1, 1964. no. 5, p. 1-6, tables.) Analyzes timber resources of the coastal hemlock-spruce and interior spruce-birch forests and their utilization through 1963.
The Ketchikan Pulp Co plant at Ward Cove and the Japanese-owned pulp mill at Sitka and lumber mill at Wrangell utilize much of the coastal timber; but the timber is little used, partly because of its small size, low density, and inaccessibility. Employment in the industry roso sharply as the pulp mills began operating in 1954 and 1960 and as lumber exports to Japan increased; average wages and hours worked are indicated. Despite its timber resources, most wood products consumed in Alaska are not produced locally. DI. 84950. ALASKA SPORTSMAN. Alaska earthquake insert. (Its: v. 30, 1964. no. 6, p. 25-43, -F, maps, illus.) Contains about 50 photos and descriptive text of the Mar 1964 disaster in Anchorage, Valdez, Seward, and Kodiak. Damage to transportation facilities, homes, public buildings, industries, etc is noted, also some reconstruction plans. The five-minute quake and resultant sea waves caused at least 114 deaths and $350 million loss. An explanation of physical aspects of earthquakes, especially in Alaska, is given by seismologist N. H. Rasmussen; 25 more photographs are included in the July 1964 Alaska sportsman. DLC. 84951. ALASKA SPORTSMAN. Planning an Alaska hunt? (Its: v. 31, 1965. no. 11, p. 25-30, illus.) Describes the various trophy animals, including localities and seasons for taking them. Clothing, hunting gear, guides, transportation, etc are suggested. Plane fares and hunting costs are discussed by H. Clifford in the same journal, p 30, -I-. DI. 84952. ALASKAN SCIENCE CONFERENCE. 14th, Anchorage, Aug. 27-30, 1963. Science in Alaska 1963; proceedings edited by G. Dahlgren. College, Alaska, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Alaska Div, 1964. 314 p. tables, graphs, maps. Refs. Presents the conference papers in abstracts of approx 100-500 words, together with a few papers* in full, the latter described in this Bibliography under their authors' names. A few others, also listed under authors' names as pub in full or abstract elsewhere, are indicated by item number. General session *AAMODT, 0. S. Northern agricultural research. Agriculture Rieger, S. A new soil map of Alaska. Lang, E. C. Progress in State land admi-
nistration, selection policy consideration. *MATTH EWS, J. W. Characteristics of rural residents in the Fairbanks District of the Alaska Cooperative Extension Service. Severna, V. D. Vegetable production in the western and northern remote areas of Alaska. Katlic), A. A study of the effects of plastic mulches on the growth and development of bush beans, cabbage, peas and squash. Hodgson, H. J. Turfgrass research in Alaska. *WASHBURN, R. H. Distribution of bumblebees (Bombes) and their social parasites (Psiihyrus) in Alaska. Wilton, A. C. Breeding of forage grasses in Alaska. Klebesadel, L. J. and H. J. Hodgson. Influence of latitude-of-origin on performance of forage crops in Alaska. *LAUGHLIN, W. M. Effect of manure and phosphobacterin on Golden Rain oat growth and yield. Dearborn, C. H. Potato tuberization control through inter-specie grafting. (title only). Anthropology
Koranda, L. D. Some traditional songs of the Alaska n Eskimos. Dumond, D. E. Archaeological research in the Naknek drainage, Alaska Peninsula. Skarland, I. The first Americans. Carroll, R. E. The Aleut population of the Pribilof Islands in transition. Burand, J. K. Dogteams to jets instantaneously. (title only). Biology
Hodgson, H. J. Effect of photoperiod on development of cold resistance in alfalfa. *ALLEN, E. K., and others. An insight into symbiotic nitrogen-fixing plant associations in Alaska. Somerville, R. J. Palatability of moose meat as affected by the rut. Burns, J. J. The utilization of pingos by mink in the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta, Alaska. No 85974. Klein, D. R. Post glacial mammalian distribution patterns in the south coastal region of Alaska. No 88610. Holmes, R. T. Food overlap in breeding sandpipers in northern Alaska. Roppel, A. Y., and S. P. Davey. Evolution of fur seal management on the Pribilof Islands. Winters, R. L. Observations on the influence of the rut upon caribou meat palatability. Klebesadel, L. J. Ecologic and geographic relationships in the distribution of Alaska's indigenous Leguminosae.
*MITCHELL, W. W., and H. J. HODGSON. Causes and effects of hybridization in Alaskan Gramineae. Shetler, S. G. The Campanula rotundifolio complex in Alaska. *ATWELL, G. An aerial census of wolves in the Nelchina wolf study area. Dearborn, C. H. Alaskan potatoes, a storehouse of energy from our land. (title only). Wilton, A. C. Taxonomy and cytogenetics of a tetraploid bromegrass found in west central Alaska. (title only). Economics and social science
*EAKIN, T. C. The Peace Corps and the student: a study of student awareness and attitudes. Shear, W. M. New York State executive chamber: the Governor's Office, organization and functions. *ROGERS, G. W. The human factor in Alaska's economic development. Holdsworth, P. R. Untouched fields of resource development. Plourde, A. E. Alaska's timber in the Japanese markets. Shafer, J. E. The Marine Highway and other highway requirements in Alaska. Gellert, H. J. Japan in Alaska's economic future. Bell, R. E. Land policy considerations in management of State lands. Engineering
Bondurant, J. A. Hydraulics of surface irrigation. 'TISDEL, F. W. Water supply from ground water sources in permafrost areas of Alaska. Pair, C. H. A comparison of water application efficiencies obtained under various methods of applying irrigation water. *ALTER, A. J. A plan for water management in Alaska. *RICE, E. F., and R. K. BETZ. The economics of the insulation of buildings. Straub, H. Evolving techniques in long distance power transmission in relation to Rampart Dam. Westfall, H. Technical, contractual and marketing problems of the Hanford atomic generating project. Gervais, A. Topographic mapping of the St. Elias and Wrangell Mountains. Stehle, N. S. Sea ice characteristics. *MOSER, E. H., and N. S. STEHLE. Compacted snow characteristics, test devices and procedures. *WEBER, G. P. Surface winds in some Alaskan coastal passes. Arno, N. Breakwater design for protection of small boat harbors. (title only).
Fisheries *WILIMOVSKY, N. J. Inshore fish fauna of the Aleutian archipelago. *MATHISEN, 0. A., and 0. E. KERNS. Abundance, distribution, and size of juvenile red salmon of the 1960 year class in Riaanna Lake, Alaska. *QUAST, J. C. Scuba census of fish populations. Yancey, R. M. The biology of Alaska commercial shrimp. DiCostanzo, C. J., and W. L. Hartman. Productivity of sockeye salmon nursery lakes in western Alaska. Manzer, J. I. Distribution and migration of Pacific salmon (genus Chtcorhynchus) in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Powell, G. C. King crab migrations in the Kodiak Island area. (title only). Forestry Stone, E. H. Design of recreation facilities. Falkner, E. H. Timber reconnaissance of State selected lands in the Haines—Skagway vicinity. Trail, L. D. Dispersed recreation on the South Tongass National Forest. Schmiege, D. C. Biological control of forest insects with particular reference to nematodes. Scott, J. W. Fire logic and logistics. *HAKALA, D. R. Enhancing recreation through interpretation ... Sandmeyer, J. D. Providing for mass outdoor recreation. Geology Krinsley, D. B. The influence of snow cover on frost penetration. Anstey, R. L., and others. Studies of extreme low temperatures in North America. Andresen, M. J. Geology of the Cretaceous Cantwell formation, McKinley Park area, Alaska. Pewe, T. L. New type large-scale sorted polygons near Barrow, Alaska. Sellmann, P. V., and J. Brown. Nearsurface lithology of the Barrow, Alaska area. Schmidt, R. A. M. The functions of the mineral classification branch, U.S. Geological Survey. (title only). Radlinski, W. A. Topographic maps for the development of Alaskan resources. (title only). Geophysics Savit, C. H., and L. Paitson. Seismic exploration for the Mobole. Domenico, S. N., and 0. J. Gross. Effects of muskeg on reflection quality. Townahend, J. B. World wide standardized seismograph network.
Berkey, F. T., and R. Parthasarathy. Radio noise from the auroral electrons. Fremouw, E. J. Reduction of the visibility of radio stars by the auroral ionosphere. Cresswell, G. R. The polarization and spectral components of telluric currents of geomagnetically conjugate stations in the Aleutian Islands and New Zealand. Gotaas, Y. On the development of strong surface inversion, Fairbanks, Alaska. Fogle, B. Noctilucent clouds. Dobrin, M. B. Geophysical exploration in the space age. Rollins, J. F., and N. A. Moore. The electro-sonic profiler. Miller, R. W., and H. B. Cryar. Continuous seismic marine profiling. (title only). Medicine and public health Farrell, R. K. Notes on Nanophyetus salmincola as a reservoir and vector of disease. Nakamura, M., and others. Survival of Shigella in sea water. Farrell, R. K., and others. Recent studies on Aleutian disease. Duncan, D. L. "Homesteader" recirculating individual waste disposal system. Larson, A. M., and J. P. Hannon. The eff ects of acute and chronic cold exposure on tissue metabolite levels. Science teaching Denison, S. M., and W. S. Wilson. The chemical bond approach program at Kenai Central High School. Symposium on interdisciplinary research Yukon Flats Watershed Pew6, T. L. Introduction. Gerdel, R. W. The need for coordination and dissemination of information from indisciplinary research in the Yukon Flats watershed. Williams, J. R. Geologic reconnaissance of the Yukon Flats Cenozoic Basin, Alaska. No 84413. *McAlISTER, W. B., and W. V. BURT. Predicted water temperatures for the Rampart Dam Reservoir on the Yukon River. *DUNCAN, W. W. Spillway design flood for the proposed Rampart Canyon Dam. *WATSON, G. W. Investigations of fish and wildlife resources Yukon River DLC. Basin. 84953. ALASKAN SCIENCE CONFERENCE, 15th, College, Aug. 31—Sept. 4, 1964. Science in Alaska 1964; proceedings. College, Alaska, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Alaska Div. 1965. 452 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs.
In English and French. Ed. by G. Dahlgren. Contains summaries of most of the papers presented as listed below, a few* printed in full are abstracted in this volume of Arctic Bibliography under their authors' names. General session. Hayakawa, S. I. Science and communication. *HUNGATE, F. P., and others. Radionuclides in Alaskan Eskimos. Benson, C. S. Units: metric or mediaeval. Scholander, P. F. Some aspects of arctic biology. (Title only.) Biological sciences. *MERRIAM, H. R. The wolves of Coronation Island. Sheridan, W. L., and W. H. Noerenberg. Observations on size differences in pink salmon downstream migrants. Hubbard, J. D., and W. G. Reeder. Intertidal fishes of southeastern Kodiak Island, Alaska. Battle, H. I., and K. Hayashida. A comparative study of the alimentary canal of parasitic and non-parasitic lampreys. Natarajan, K. V., and R. C. Dugdale. Distribution of thiamine in the Gulf of Alaska. MacIsaac, J. J. A diurnal study of nutrient utilization and photosynthesis in a small subarctic lake. Dugdale, V. A., and R. C. Dugdale. Primary productivity in small Alaskan lakes. Scholander, P. F. From the frozen forest to tropical mangroves. Irving, L., and others. Changes in water content of arctic plants during winter. Viereck, E. G., and P. Morrison. Growth rate and the development of temperature regulation in the tundra vole Microtus oeconomus. Sealander, J. A. Seasonal changes in blood values and organ weights in the northern red-backed vole Clethrionomys rutilus. Rosenmann, M., and P. Morrison. Myoglobin values in some Alaskan birds and mammals during winter and summer. Galster, W. A., and P. Morrison. Seasonal changes in blood lipids in the 13-lined ground squirrel Spermophilus trid,ecenzlineatus. Petrovi6, V. M., and others. Effect of cold exposure on adrenocortical function of hibernating and non-hibernating animals. Morris, L., and P. Morrison. Cyclic responses in dormice (Glis glis) and ground squirrels (Spermophilus tridecemlincatus) exposed to normal and reversed yearly light schedules.
Melchior, H. R. Ecological relationships of arctic ground squirrels to burrow site features. Fiscus, C. H. Pelagic fur seal research in the eastern Pacific. Harington, C. R. Polar bear denning habits. Rausch, R. A. Progress in management of the Alaskan wolf population. Campbell, D. H. Some immunochemical problems associated with low temperature environment. Vaughan, D. A., and R. L. Winders. Studies with tritium labeled vitamin B6. Elsner, R. W., and others. Circulatory adaptations in diving animals. Van Citters, R. L., and others. Cardiovascular responses of elephant seals during diving studied by blood flow telemetry. Warman, N. E. Subminiature temperature transmitter for use with rodents. Eagan, C. J., and others. Behavioral temperature regulation in the working sled dog. Fisher, A. K. Respiration in dental pulp compared with other tissues of the arctic ground squirrel. Russ, C., and J. Lee. Comparative effects of prolonged hypothermia induced by extracorporeal and immersion method on myocardial metabolism and function in dogs. Petajan, J. H., and J. R. Daube. Studies on the effect of cooling upon nerve conduction and coordination in the arm and hand. Miller, L. K., and L. Irving. Peripheral nerve conduction at low temperature. Tanche, M., and others. Cerebellum and shivering thermogenesis. (In French.) Hufman, L. L. Prey and predator relationships in the Nelchina caribou herd. (Title only.) Porter, R. W. Variations in the nitrogen fractions from the muscle tissues of the king crab during molt. (Title only). Earth sciences. *LIESKE, B. J. Net radiation over fast sea ice during spring breakup at Pt. Barrow, Alaska. *STROSCHEIN, L. A. An automated radiation climatology station at Pt. Barrow, Alaska. *THOMAS, C. W. Late Pleistocene and Recent climates as inferred from ocean bottom cores. *P WE, T. L. Research in physical geography in Poland. Kelley, J. J. Carbon dioxide fluctuations in the arctic atmosphere. Tourville, L. W. The uses of meteorological satellites for observations. Benson, C. S., and others. Ice fog studies in the Fairbanks area, 1961-1963.
Stanley, K. W. Effects of post-earthquake conditions on the Homer Spit, Alaska. Miller, M. M. Alaskan glacier variations and the implications of recent tectonic activity. Berg, E., and others. The tsunami of 27 March 1964 in Alaska. Bond, G. C. Bedrock geology of the Gulkana Glacier area, Alaskan Range. Green, L. H. Precambrian rocks of the northern Canadian Cordillera. Grantz, A., and others. Upper Mesozoic rocks of the lower Chitina valley, Alaska. Benson, C. S., and R. B. Forbes. Reconnaissance glaciological and volcanological studies: Mt. Wrangell, Alaska. Huber, D. W. Coal mining iu the Alaskan mineral economy. Paige, R. A. Two examples of applied engineering geology: Mosier, Oregon, and Petersburg, Alaska. Anderson, G. S., and others. A preliminary study on freezing in turbulent streams of interior Alaska. Marshall, E. W. Classification of lake-ice sheets. Hume, J. D. Shoreline changes near Barrow, Alaska, caused by the storm of October 3, 1963. Walker, H. J. Riverbank erosion in the Colville Delta. Paige, R. A. Engineering properties of processed snow. Sellmann, P. V., and others. Near-surface stratigraphy, Barrow, Alaska: core analysis. Miller, M. M. The Summer Institute of Geological Sciences, Juneau Icefield, Alaska. (Title only.) Medical sciences. Johnson, J. K. Salivary gland tumors, pathologic and surgical considerations. *JOHNSON, M. W. Lung cancer among the Alaska natives. Inch, W. R., and J. A. McCredie. Current trends in radiobiology. Butler, C. E., and B. R. Herd. Enteric pathogens in dogs in central Alaska. Disease variants in the Arctic and Subarctic, abstracted by H. M. Morgan and C. T. Marrow. O'Brien, 0. V. Distorted thinking in medicine. (Title only.) Reinhard, K. R. The development of profiles of medical and epidemiological history in two Eskimo communities. (Title only.) Natural resources. *HAACK, P. M., and R. E. WOODROW. Computer compilation of Forest Service sale cruise data obtained by point sampling in southeastern Alaska.
*MONAHAN, IL L. The fishtrap . *WASHBURN, R. H. Grasshopper development and plant associations in the butte area near Palmer, Alaska. *LAUGHLIN, W. M. Alaska soils vary in boron requirement. Hutchinson, K. The forests of Alaska and their use. Kirkwood, J. B., and IL M. Yancey. Effects of the March 27 earthquake upon the shellfish resources of Alaska. Noerenberg, W., and F. J. Ossiander. Effect of the Alaskan earthquake on survival of pink salmon larvae in Prince William Sound spawning areas. Dinkel, D. H. The effect on centrifugation on the growth of potato tubers. Bell, R. E. Basic salesmanship, a critical need in Alaskan resource development. Doyle, J. P., and others. Migrations and mortality rates of Kodiak Island pink salmon. (Title only.) Physical sciences. Schwetman, H. D., and others. Effect of X-radiation on the optical and electrical characteristics of plastics. Barnes, D. F., and R. V. Allen. Progress report on Alaskan gravity surveys. Wilson, W. R., and J. L. S. Hickey. Color removal from surface waters by hypochlorite; field tests on water at Kotzebue Air Force site. Peterson, J. Instrumentation used in the Aleutian experiment and problems in unattended station operation. Genaux, C., and S. W. Fox. The incorporation of cystine and cysteine in polyamino acids by thermal processes. Betz, R. K., and J. A. Shuster. Economical foundations for homes built on detrimental permafrost terrain. Barnes, D. F., and R. V. Allen. Reconnaissance marine and shoreline geophysical data from the area south and west of Kodiak Island, Alaska. Carder, D. S., and others. Travel times at teleseismic distances. Lander, J. Epicenters at the Prince William Sound earthquake series. Algermissen, S. T. Energy and depth of foci of the aftershocks of the Prince William Sound earthquake of March 28, 1964. Page, R., and T. Matumoto. A study of micro-aftershocks of the Good Friday earthquake, part 1: statistical treatment of sequences. Matumoto, T., and R. Page. A study of micro-aftershocks of the Good Friday earthquake, part 2: determination of epicenters and depths in the Prince William Sound and Kenai Peninsula area.
Shand, J. A. Measurement of magnetic components on polar ice off the Canadian Archipelago at micropulsation and extremely low frequencies. Waite, A. H., and R. F. Johnson. Ice depth measurement with electromagnetic waves, Arctic and Antarctic. Annexstad, J. 0. Geomagnetic micropulsations at College with the helium magnetometer. Heacock, R. R. The spatial distribution of type pi 1 micropulsations of the earth's magnetic field. Cresswell, G. R. Pulsating and fast moving auroras. Deehr, C. S., and M. H. Rees. The eclipse of 20 July 1963: spectrophotometry of atmospheric emissions. Khawaja, N. A., and C. A. Winkler. The possible participation of excited nitrogen molecules in the reactions of active nitrogen with saturated hydrocarbons. Nee, T. W., and R. M. St. John. Total electron excitation function of helium. Social sciences. *SAROFF, J. R. Reversing the equation: a consultant evaluates his client; with specific reference to the Barrow project. *ATAMIAN, S. The Anaktuvuk mask and cultural innovation. *CALLAWAY, W. R. New developments in early learning and educational change. Hakala, D. R. Bridging the gap: communicative skills in the U.S. Forest Service. Rice, E. F. The Barrow, Alaska, community development study. Giddings, J. L. Archaeological progress at Onion Portage, Alaska. Dumond, D. E. Recent archaeological research in Katmai National Monument. Watt, D. Time and money expended for outdoor recreation in interior Alaska. Reeder, W. G. Resource utilization of the Chaluka Aleuts, Umnak Island. Hickey, J. L. S. Environmental health and electric power in Alaska native villages. Gramm, W. S. Domestic resources, export surplus, and Alaskan economic growth. Haglund, D. K. Regional variations in Canadian Arctic economic development. Kozeley, L. A realistic approach to native economic development. Tachinkel, S. Alaskan economic growth: a monetary approach. Skarland, I. Report on the 7th World Conference on Anthropology and Ethnology, Moscow, U.S.S.R., August 3-10, 1964. (Title only.) The Alaskan earthquake symposium. Andresen, M. J., and C. R. Kolb. Preface.
*BERG, E. The Alaskan earthquake, its location and seismic setting. *TOWNSHEND, J. B., and W. K. CLOUD. Preliminary intensity evaluations of the Prince William Sound earthquake of March 28, 1964. *SCHMIDT, R. A. M., and others. Earthquake-triggered landslides in the Anchorage area, March 27, 1964. *SCHAEM, W. E. Structural design problems associated with the Alaskan earthquake. *ROGERS, G. W. Impact of the Good Friday earthquake on Alaska's economy. *THORSTE1NSON, F. V. Effects of the Alaska earthquake on pink and chum salmon runs in Prince William Sound. *MARTIN, K. K., and C. A. BEASLEY. Post-earthquake attitudes on building materials. Bruder, W. A. Earthquake changes Alaska shoreline. Dobrovolny, E., and L. Selkregg. Effects of the Good Friday earthquake on Anchorage, Alaska, and urban reconstruction. Plafker, G., and others. Geologic effects of the Good Friday earthquake in southern Alaska. George, W. Effects of the Good Friday earthquake on Alaskan soil. (Title only.) DiLuzio, F. C. Role of the Federal Government in the Alaskan earthquake disaster. (Title only.) Review of research on military problems in cold regions symposium. * Kolb, C. R., and F. M. G. Holstrom. Preface. *PHILIPPE, R. R., and E. F. CLARK. A philosophy for military research and development in Alaska and other arctic regions. *PEWE, T. L. Notes on the physical environment of Alaska. *RICHMOND, A. P. Major Army operational problems in cold regions. *JACOBSON, M. M. Materials engineering for cold regions and the brittle fracture problem. *KIRICPATRICK, B. M. Military construction problems in Alaska. *CLARK, L. K. Arctic and subarctic sanitation in military field operations. *KNIGHT, S. J. 'Trafficability of snow and muskeg. *MARCHER, M. V. A summary of water-supply problems in Alaska. *BATES, H. F. Long distance radio communications in the polar regions. *Also issued as US. Arctic Aeromedieal Lab. TDR 64-28, 1964.
*BOYD, W. K. A summary of Army environmental research in Alaska. *HALL, W. H. The life sciences research approach to improved military effectiveness in the Arctic. *GOLDMAN, R. F. The arctic soldier, possible research solutions for his protection. *KENNEDY, S. J., and J. H. VANDERBIE. Enhancing the effectiveness of the individual in the Arctic through clothing and equipment. *EAGAN, C. J. Effect of air movement on atmospheric cooling power. *POSSENTI, R. G. The effect of arctic isolation on human performance. Missions and programs of federal agencies in support of scientific research; workshop on research grants, organized by R. E. Becker. Symposium: teaching science and the scientific attitude; high school vs college. Ca/vIAI. ALASKAN SCIENCE CONFERENCE, 15th, 1964, see also No. 90809. 84954. ALASKAN SCIENCE CONFERENCE, 18th, Juneau, Aug. 29—Sept. 1, 1965. Science in Alaska 1965; proceedings. College, Alaska, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Alaska Div. 1966. 321 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. E. G. Viereck, editor. Presents 32 papers in summary form together with 25* in full text, the latter abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names. North Pacific fisheries and Alaska's future. •BARTLETT, E. L. Address ... *ALVERSON, D. L. National and international implications of foreign fisheries. Biological sciences. West, G. C., and M. S. Meng. Nutrition of willow ptarmigan in northern Alaska. Stebbins, L. L. Seasonal activity patterns of Clethrionamys rutilus and Clethrionomys gapperi. Kallio, A. A photoelectric device for measuring leaf area. Genaux, C., and P. Morrison. Automatic amino acid analyses of heme proteins. Goering, J. J., and V. A. Dugdale. Estimates of the rates of denitrification in a subarctic lake. Lee, J. F. Ground temperature data of biological significance. Vaux, W. G. Prediction and control of stream to bed interchange in a salmon spawning stream.
Armstrong, G. Tooth cementum of Bovidae with special reference to its use in age determination. Folk, G. E., and others. Physiology of deep hypothermia of the black bear. Hedge, R. S., and others. Studies on winter lethargy of black and grizzly bears. Hoffman, T. C., and W. L. Sheridan. A technique for evaluating effects of land use on salmon streams. *WASHBURN, R. H., and D. L. YOON. The biology of the bird cherry aphid Rhopalosiphum padi L in the Matanuska valley. *JONES, R. M. Accidents, Alaska's number one cause of mortality. *FRASER, R. I. Tuberculosis control in Alaska. *DROBNY, N. L. Environmental health in the polar regions. *HEIDERSDORF, S. D. Alaska radiological health activities. *LEE, J. F., and J. F. ROY. Carbon dioxide accumulation in snow houses. Physical sciences. *MILLER, M. M., and C. E. PROUTY. A field institute concept in the glaciological sciences. *CREVENSTEN, D. C. A general review of the Geophysical Institute's role in the advancement of the physical sciences in the Arctic. Miller, M. M. The Alaskan commemorative glacier project. Gloss, G., and others. Photogrammetric and glacier movement surveys in the Taku District, Alaska. Egan, C. P. Regime trends on the Juneau icefteld nevi. Kittredge, T. F., and others. Structure and deformation study of wave-ogives on the Vaughan Lewis Glacier, Juneau Icefield, Alaska. Bugh, J. E. Glacio hydrological studies on the Lemon Creek Glacier near Juneau, Alaska. Beschel, R. E., and C. P. Egan. Geobotanical investigation of a 16th-century moraine on the Bucher Glacier, Juneau Icefield, Alaska. Brew, D. A., and others. Eruptive history of the Mt. Edgecumbe volcanic field, Kruzof Island, southeastern Alaska. Colqui, B. S. Comparative earthquakeglacier observations in the southern Andes and Alaska. *MILLER, M. M., and D. M. POTTER. Glacio-morphic effects of the Alaskan Good Friday earthquake 1964. Washburn, H. B., and others. Aerial photogrammetric mapping of the Mt.
Hubbard—Mt. Kennedy Massif, St. Elias Mountains, Alaska-Yukon 1965. Stanley, K. W. Sea boundaries of Alaska. Anderson, D. M., and R. C. Reynolds. Umiat bentonite: a naturally occurring beidellite of high purity. Grey, H. J. Scuba methods: a tool for underwater reconnaissance. Plafker, G., and G. Gryc. Stratigraphic significance of tertiary fossils from the Orca group in the Prince William Sound region, Alaska. *HUSEBY, K. J. Report, repair of earthquake damage to 5040th Air Force Hospital at Elmendorf A.F.B. *THOMAS, C. W. The post-Pleistocene hypsithermal interval: is it fact or fiction? Miller, G. S. Quantitative studies of the katabatic wind and related glaciological phenomena. *KELLEY, J. J., and D. F. WEAVER. Carbon dioxide and ozone in the arctic atmosphere. *MILLER, M. M., and B. W. PRATHER. Teleconnection problems in the glaciation of the Himalaya and of the North Pacific coast ranges. Little, E. M. Melting of snow by carbon powder, ground-up tires and/or hexadecanol, in sunshine. Jhon, M. S., and others. The significant structure theory applied to water and heavy water. Heacock, R. R. On the frequency-time characteristics of pearl-type micropulsations of the earth's magnetic field. Brown, N. B. Near-infrared auroral studies. Fogle, B. Noctilucent clouds, their characteristics and meteorological interest. *MENG, C. I., and others. The aurora and polar magnetic storms.
Quality of natural environment, symposium. *1'W1SS, R. H. Science and the regional landscape. *SEARS, P. B. Notes on the ecology of man. *LOTZ, J. Resources development and settlement patterns in the Yukon Territory, past, present and future. *BUTRICO, F. A. Environmental problems in a northern climate. CaMAI.
Social sciences. *BERG, R. A. The primary distribution of Alaska's fisheries production. Sheridan, M. A follow-up study of children's behavior during and after the March 27th, 1984 earthquake and tidal wave. *BENSON, C. S., and G. W. ROGERS. Alaskan air pollution, the nature of ice fog and its development and settlement implications. *STONE, K. H. Geographical characteristics of Alaskan fringe of settlement zones. *HAGLUND, D. K. The economic geography of the Nome, Alaska region and its potential for economic growth. *CRAIG, D., and others. A rehabilitation approach demonstrated in northwest Alaska. Shenitz, H. A. The Pribilovians, Alaska's forgotten people.
84958. ALASKA'S HEALTH AND WELFARE. First five years of statehood bring DH & W program changes. (Its: v. 22, Feb. 1965, p. 1-12, illus.) Outlines these changes in a comprehensive survey, dealing with the general organizational and administrative changes in the Dept of Health and Welfare, and those of its four main Divisions, viz: Mental Health, Public Health, Public Welfare, and Youth and Adult Authority. Finally comparative data (1959 vs 1964) are given and changes in expenditures and personnel are noted. DLC.
84955. ALASKA'S HEALTH AND WELFARE. Alaska's accident toll still climbs. (Its: v. 22, June 1965, p. 1-8, illus.) Presents a detailed and well illus analysis of the totals, the rate, 116/100,000, being 2-3 times higher than the national accidental death rate of 54.4/100,000 in 19631964, and the causes: transportation, fire, fire-arms, etc. Accident prevention measures for babies and adults are also dealt with. DLC. 84956. ALASKA'S HEALTH AND WELFARE. Anti-poverty Act provisions would aid Alaskan communities. (Its: v. 21, Dec. 1964, p. 4.) A federal allotment of $100,000 is expected under this Act, and co-ordination of all related work of other organizations is planned, to avoid confusion and attain optimal results. An Office of Economic Opportunity is to be set up and the share of local organizations is fixed. DLC. 84957. ALASKA'S HEALTH AND WELFARE. Eye glasses program grows. (Its: v. 22, Aug. 1965, p. 4-5, illus.) Notes the start of this program, some 20 yr ago, and its present scope, providing about 335 pairs of glasses per month to the needy. Setting standards, bids, and delivery conditions, are also sketched. DLC.
84959. ALASKA'S HEALTH AND WELFARE. Good Friday earthquake called on resources of all in state. (Its: v. 21, June 1964, p. 5-7, illus.)
Lists cities damaged by the 27 Mar 1964 quake, considered the worst recorded in North America. Search, rescue and restoration activities are outlined, as is the work of the Dept of Health and Welfare including immunization, hygiene, water sterilization, etc. Damage to institutions of health, welfare or correction is noted, as is outside help rendered. DLC. 84960. ALASKA'S HEALTH AND WELFARE. Hoonah day care center has second summer of operation. (Its: v. 22, Oct. 1965, p. 2, illus.) Notes on the number of fishermen and other workers' children (30) at the center, supporting agencies and resources, training and education, prospects of similar centers developing in other areas of Alaska. DLC. 84961. ALASKA'S HEALTH AND WELFARE. Juvenile offenses increase. (Its: v. 21, Apr. 1964, p. 3-4, illus.) Discusses number of cases, and re-. peats, age, sex, area, origin, and types of offenses; burglary and larceny are the most common. Effects of alcohol on offenses and background of the juveniles are also conDLC. sidered. 84962. ALASKA'S HEALTH AND WELFARE. Many services available for correcting handicaps early. (Its: v. 21, Oct. illus.) 1964, p. 3, Sketches main activities of the Maternal and Child Health and the Crippled Children's Services of the Alaska Dept of Health & Welfare. Number of children seen in the first half of 1964, and the kinds and severity of illness are stated; information for parents, including prenatal is outlined, as is the mode DLC. of operation of these services. 84963. ALASKA'S HEALTH AND WELFARE. Roles of muses may have changed, but dedication has not. (Its: v. 22, Dec. 1965, p. 2-3, illus.) Describes the duties of a hospital nurse in 1887 and those of Alaska's public health nurses since 1930, with emphasis on local climatic, clothing and travel conditions. The nurse's work in TB cases, vaccination, and mental retardation is also outlined. DLC. 84964. ALASKA'S HEALTH AND WELFARE. Training program is sponsored jointly by YAA and University. (Its: v. 22, Oct. 1965, p. 1, -1-, illus.) The program aims to give seniors majoring in sociology experience through work with individuals held in detention or probation by the Youth and Adult Authority (YAA)
of the Dept of Health and Welfare. In addition to limited activity in this field, the students are employed in pre-sentence investigations, social history, etc. DLC. 84965. ALASKA'S HEALTH AND WELFARE. Vaccination against rabies being urged for dogs and cats. (Its: v. 21, Feb. 1964, p. 5, illus.) The state government Divisions of Public Health and of Agriculture urge owners of dogs and pets to have them vaccinated against rabies and distemper. Animals subject to these disorders are noted, as are some cases, and such also in man. Institutions administering shots are listed. DLC. 84966. ALASKA'S HEALTH AND WELFARE. Woodworking shop is project of YAA and Land Divisions. (Its: v. 21, June 1964, p. 1, illus.) Describes a program of rehabilitation of state prisoners in Juneau, through carpentry work. The products consist of tables, benches, etc for public recreational areas. Plans for this year's trailwork are also noted. DLC. ALBEE, P. R., see Nos. 85429, 85431. 84967. ALBERT, P. A. Cold test evaluation of some components of the NASA Mercury survival kit. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 18 p. graphs, illus. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-64-24.) Ref. Reports experiments with the NASA and the standard MB-4 rafts in water of 2° C and air temperatures of 0° and —18° C. The subjects were instrumented for rectal and selected skin temperatures. Results indicate the superiority of the NASA raft and water container. The rafts and other components (illus) were also soaked in water of —30° C to determine their durability and perforDLC. mance. 84968. ALBRECHT, C. E. Observations on arctic and subarctic health. (Arctic 1965. v. 18, no. 3, p. 150-57, illus.) Comments on the problems of public health in northern regions of Canada and Alaska, particularly emphasizing the difficulties due to permafrost, poor sanitation and inadequate housing. The principal diseases affecting the native population are discussed, including typhoid, tuberculosis, parasitism and epidemics. The serious problem of accidents is mentioned (55% of all deaths over one yr in the Yukon). Statistics indicating rapid improvements in public health, particularly through control of tuberculosis, are given. The role of
government and private organizations and future plans for increasing control of enviDLC. ronment are discussed. 84969. ALBREKTSSON, T., and M. SANDSTROM. Fran en ornitologisk vandring i Lule lappmark sommaren 1963. (Fauna och flora 1964, no. 1-2, p. 48-57, illus.) 3 refs. In Swedish. Title tr.: Notes from an ornithological tramp in Lule Lappmark in the summer of 1963. Presents observations of a four-man party approx 67° N 20° E in north Sweden; 64 DLC. species noted.
vesennie mesfitCsy. (Moskva. Gos. okeanograficbeskil inst. Trudy 1964. no. 76, p. 104-126, tables, graphs.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the possibility of forecasting the ice edge in the Okhotsk Sea and Tatar Strait in spring months. Changes in the position of ice edge in the open sea are closely related to the fallwinter air temperature and the atmospheric circulation processes. From analyses of these data, equations are worked out which enable the position of the ice edge to be forecast a month in advance for Okhotsk Sea and two months for Tatar Strait. DLC.
ALBRIGHT, L. J., see No. 90023. 84970. ALDERMAN, T. The iron land. (Imperial oil review 1965. v. 49, no. 2, p. 2-8, illus.) Describes the iron ore mines, their townsites, and shipping ports in Quebec and Labrador on the North Shore of the St. Lawrence; the opening up of this area since the late 1940's, people who developed it, their living and working conditions. DGS. 84971. ALDERMAN, T. 'Way out town. (Imperial oil review 1964. v. 48, no. 5, p. 10-16, illus.) Describes life in the petroleum refinery town of Norman Wells, Mackenzie District, its physical setting, weather, communications with the outside, the (white) workers' morale, living accommodations, recreation, problems, etc. DGS. 84972. ALDOSHINA, E. I. Metodika predvychislenia ledovitosti Okhotskogo moi Tatarskogo proliva na vesennil period. (Moskva. Gos. okeanograflcheskif inst. Trudy 1964. no. 71, p. 83-95, tables, graphs, maps.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Methods of advance calculation of ice conditions in Okhotsk Sea and Tatar Strait in the spring period. Outlines the main factors affecting ice cover of the Okhotsk Sea and Tatar Strait in spring. Their ice conditions can be forecast two months in advance when the air temperature and cyclonic and anticyclonic atmospheric circulation are known and a special formula used. Such forecasts are also possible by calculating the ice inertia (ice conditions of the preceding months) and the cyclonic and anticyclonic atmospheric activity. Both forecasting methods secure up to 80% of probability. DLC. 84973. ALDOSHINA, E. I. 0 vozmozhnosti predskazaniQ polozhenil kromki l'da v Okhotskom more i Tatarskom prolive na
84974. ALEKSANDROV, B. A. Struktura i dinamika polfamykh i mirovykh magnitnykh bur'. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regional'nala, geologica no. 7, p. 201-208, maps.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Morphology and dynamics of polar and global magnetic storms. Presents 52 charts of geomagnetic storms of 8-9 and 21 July 1958. An analysis of the charts, and distribution of the horizontal component of the field show two sources responsible for these storms, one in the polar ionosphere, the other at a considerable distance above the earth, in its equatorial plane. Further improvement in geomagnetic survey of the variable field is needed for predicting physical condition of the ionosphere, and for a successful investigation of the irregular geomagnetic field. DLC. 84975. ALEKSANDROV, B. M. Dvustvorchatye ozer Karelii. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Inst. biologii. Fauna ozer 1985, p. 96-110, table, map.) 41 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bivalve molluscs of Karelian lakes. Records 28 species with their local and general distribution, depth and bottoms of occurrence, etc. A general introduction describes the habitats and reviews earlier studies. DLC. 84976. ALEKSANDROV, V. A., and L. I. LAVROV. M. 0. Kosven. (Sovetskafa etnografili 1965, no. 2, p. 172-74.) In Russian. Tribute to this renowned ethnographer on his 80th birthday: biography, academic career, major publications. DLC. 84977. ALEKSANDROV, V. A. Russkoe naselenie Sibiri xvii-nachala xviii v.; Eniselskil kral. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 303 p. tables, map. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Inst. otnografii. Trudy v. 87.) Refs. In
Russian. Title tr.: Russian population of Siberia in the 17th- early 18th centuries; Yenisey Province. Authoritative study of the colonization and economic development of Krasnoyarsk Province including its north part. Mercantile and military expeditions, annexation, settlement by free trappers and traders also by military personnel and deportees are outlined. The rise of permanent settlements and trading posts, the fur trade, growth of Mangazeya and Turukhansk are dealt with, as are contacts and conflicts with aborigines, etc. DLC. 84978. ALEKSANDROVA, E. N., and V. V. KUZNEfS0V. Estestvennala gibridizaaifft sigovykh ryb. (Priroda 1964. v. 53, no. 8, p. 103-105, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Natural hybridization of coregonids. Reports a study of crossings between species common in the lower Lena, based on field work of the fall-winter 1962-1963. Most frequent is Coregonus omul x C. muksun; its size and reproduction rate make its commercial fishing desirable. C. omul x Stenodus leucichthys nelma is rare, C. alba x C. muksun was observed for the first time. The diversity of coregonid species and this development of hybrid forms are attributed to the number and variety of spawning areas. Coregonid populations of the Kolyma, Indigirka, Khatanga, Yana, and Omoloy are limited mostly to a single species. DLC. 84979, M.EKSANDROVA, V. D. Fenologica rastenil i sezonnye aspekty v podzone arkticbeskikh tundr. (In: Fenologicheskoe soveshchanie ... 1957 pub. 1960, p. 209218, tables, graphs.) 21 refs. Title tr.: Phenology of plants and seasonal aspects in the subzone of arctic tundras. Reports phenological observations carried out 28 May-25 Aug, 1956 on Bol'shoy Lyakhovskiy Island. Snow cover, plant exposure, air temperature, wind and other factors affecting the beginning of growth and blooming are characterized. Species are divided into six groups according to time of blooming: early spring, spring, summer, late summer, autumn, and those blooming only in the most favorable years. Besides phenology of individual plants, observations were made also on changes in seasonal appearance of plant communities (phytocenosis). Seven such aspects in polygonal-moss—mixed-grass tundra are disDLC. tinguished and characterized. 84980. ALEKSANDROVA, V. D., and others. Kormova1 kharakteristika rastenil
Kralnego Severn. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 484 p. tables, illus. (Rastitel'nost' Kralnego Severe SSSR i ee osvoenie no. 5.) Over 700 refs. Other authors: V. N. Andreev, R. A. Dydina, G. I. Karev. V. V. Petrovski!, V. F. Shamurin and T. V. Vakhtina. Title tr.: Forage characteristics of the plants of the Far North. Basic monograph, summarizing published and unpublished results of Russian and foreign scientists' work on 652 species used as forage for reindeer or other domestic animals. The text deals with algae, fungi, lichens, ferns and other groups or families in taxonomic order (Engler's). For each species Latin, Russian and local vernacular names are given with notes on morphology, physiology, occurrence and use or potential as forage; chemical composition and vitamin content are also given for the more important plants. Most of the 59 chapters are by V. D. Aleksandrova of whose earlier work (No 229) this is a revised edition. General problems of utilizing this vegetation in the reindeer industry and for other domestic animals are discussed p 10-70. In 1962, there were 2,156,800 head of reindeer in the USSR, 83% of world stock; 440,800 in the tundra, 1,429,300 in forest and mountain tundra and the rest in taiga regions. In 1962, there were 619,667 dairy cattle, 216,550 horses, and 74,343 sheep and goats in this ten million km2 area. The extensive literature list includes 33 foreign publications. Index of Latin names of the plants DLC. is appended. 84981. ALEKSANDROVA, V. D. 0 villanii ekspozi@ii nanorel'efa na pochvennyl mikroklimat i na razvitie rastenil v arkticheskof tundre. (Moskovskoe o-vo ispytateld prirody. Trudy 1960. v. 3, p. 11-26, tables, map, illus.) 19 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The influence of the nanorelief orientation upon the soil microclimate and plant development in the arctic tundra. Reports observations on Bol'shoy Lyakhovskiy Island (73° N) in 1956. Hillocks and hummocks showed higher temperatures on their southern and southwestern nano (micro)-slopes than on those oriented towards the north or northeast, the maximal difference observed amounting to 8-8.5° C. Consequently the vegetation on warmer ground developed earlier and quicker, and differed also qualitatively from the other. DLC. 84982. ALFK.SEEV, A. I. August Cywolka badacz Nowej Ziemi. (Czasopismo geograficzne 1963. v. 34, no. 3, p. 251-62, illus.)
Refs. In Czech. Title tr.: Avgust ivol'ka, explorer of Novaya Zemlya. Outlines the life of this explorer of Czech origin, born probably in 1811 or 1812, in Warsaw where he spent his youth. He took part in three scientific expeditions investigating Novaya Zemlya, that of Pakhtusov in 1834-1835 on the Krolov and Kazakov; that of 1836 led by K. E. von Baer; and bis own expedition in 1837-1839 on the Novae Zemlia and Shpiabergen. He died 16 Mar, 1839 in Novaya Zemlya and was buried there by his companions. DLC.
84986. ALEKSEEV, A. P., and A. G. KL9Lr LAKOV. Drelf bulkov v Norvezhskom i Grenlandskom morfakh. (Materialy rybokhozfiastvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 2, p. 114-18, tables, maps.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Drift of buoys in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas. Reports on 79 wooden buoys retrieved out of 319 released in 1956-57 by PINRO in central areas of these seas. Maps show the reconstructed tracks of the buoys. DLC.
84983. ALEKSEEV, A. I. Brat'0, Shmalevy, ikh zhizn' i defaternost'. (Letopis' Severs 1962, no. 3, p. 92-127.) 62 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The brothers Shmalev, their life and activities. Biographical sketch of Timofel Ivanovich Shmalev 1736-1789, and Vasiil Ivanovich Shmalev 1737-1799, who collected materials on the geography, history and ethnography of Siberia and Far Northeast including Chukotka, Kamchatka, and Aleutian Islands. Their collaboration with G. F. Miller in his work on Siberia is noted. The Shmalevs' 40 scientific papers and reports preserved among Miller's manuscripts are listed. DLC.
84987. ALEKSEEV, A. P., and others. Gidrologicheskie uslovica v Norvezhskom i Grenlandskom morfakh v ifune 1959 g. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Nauclutotekhnicheskff brillleten' 1960. no. 2 (12), p. 9-11, map.) In Russian. Other authors: B. V. Istoshin and V. I. Pakhorukov. Title tr.: Hydrographic conditions of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas in June 1959. Reports on synoptic operations up to 80° N in the upper 200 m. An irregular warming to approx 73°30' N is attributed to an influx of southern water which took place in winter and spring. The influx of cold currents also produced low temperatures in several specified areas. DLC.
84984. ALEKSEEV, A. I. G. A. Sarychev, vyda@shchilsfa moreplavatel' i uchenyl. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Izvestifa 1964. v. 96, no. 2, p. 96-102.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: G. A. Sarychev, famous navigator and scientist. Describes Gavriil Andreevich Sarychev, 1763-1831, as navigator, hydrologist, ethnographer, etc. His participation in Billings' expedition of 1785-1793 to the Aleutians and Alaska (No 37223) is briefly noted, as are his explorations in northeast Asia and the Pacific. DLC. 84985. ALEKSEEV, A. I. Vydafashchilsia issledovatel' morel nashel strany. (Okeanologifa 1964. v. 4, no. 6, p. 1123-25, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Outstanding explorer of the seas of our country. Reviews work of Nikolal Mikhallovich Knipovich, 1862-1939, founder of the Soviet school of economic marine research. His activities in the Solovetskiye Islands Biological Station in 1890-1902, his Barents and White Seas studies, his work at the Academy of Sciences' Zoological Museum are sketched. He published over 160 scientific papers, etc (not listed). DLC. ALEKSEEV, A. I., see also No. 86848.
84988. ALEKSEEV, A. P., and B. V. ISTOSHIN. lzmenenifa gidrologicheskikh uslovil v Norvezhskom i Grenlandskom morfakh po sezonam 1959 gods. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1962. no. 14, p. 203-207, graph.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Seasonal changes of hydrographic conditions in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas during 1959. General review of conditions in strata down to 500 m and along a series of profiles. Temperature only is considered, with a few notes on salinity. DLC. 84989. ALEKSEEV, A. P. Polfarnyl front v Norvezhskom i Grenlandskom morfakh. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1959. no. 11, p. 60-73, tables, graphs.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The polar front in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas. Reviews the nature of this front, its significance to the life of these seas and their fisheries. Hydrographic conditions of the area are analyzed section-by-section, especially as to temperature and water movements. Location of the stable front, summer-winter differences in it, salinity and 02
differences are considered and discussed, as are conditions producing the front. DLC. 84990. ALEKSEEV, A. P., and others. Rezul'taty okeanograficheskikh issledovaniT Norvezhskogo i Grenlandskogo morel v 1960-1962 gg. (Murmansk. Polfitrnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. no. 16, p. 13349, tables, graphs, maps.) 4 refs. In Russian. Other authors: B. V. Istoshin and L. R. Shmarina. Title tr.: Results of oceanographic investigations of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas in 1960-1962. Reports on the comprehensive expeditions during June of these years for the herring fisheries. Temperature and salinity conditions in the area and down to 500 m, including deviations, form the main body of the study. The year 1960 was found to be warm, and its thermal reserves were responsible for similar conditions in certain areas during 1961. The latter was a year of transition towards 1962, a cold year. DLC. ALEKSEEV, A. P., see also No. 84780. 84991. ALEKSEEV, K. V. Nekotorye predvaritel'nye itogi opyta proektirovaniet i ukladki betona plotiny BratskoT GES. (Gidrotekhnicheskoe stroitel'stvo 1964. v. 34, no. 1, p. 11-16, tables, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some preliminary results of experience in designing and laying concrete of Bratsk hydroelectric power station. Discusses the formation of fissures in the concrete laid for the dam: 180 of them found to July 1, 1963 mostly 0.2-0.4 mm wide, running through the length of the block, some of them up to 0.85 mm wide leaking 19.7 1/min. These cracks allow water to filter through but not run through. Their main cause is found to be thermal strains, due to a non-uniform cooling of the concrete blocks. Formulas and tables of data are given on the ultimate tensile strength of concrete of different kinds, of various composition, also the kinds accepted for Bratsk construction. Determination of the strength of the kinds of concrete used in the Bratsk dam is presented graphically. DLC. 84992. ALEKSEEV, V. A., and others. Novye dannye po absolflltnoT khronologii verkhnego plelstoaena i golofsena Sibiri. (Akademia nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 160, no. 5, p. 1147-50, graphs.) 17 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N. V. Kind, 0. V. Matveeva and S. L. Troicskil. Title tr.: New data on the absolute chronology
of the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene of Siberia. Presents radiocarbon dating of Upper Pleistocene and Recent deposits collected in the lower Yenisey and Malaya Kheta basins. Determination of their absolute age helps in determination of the geologic age and in solution of some controversial problems. Spore-pollen analyses of some deposits are also given. DLC. 84993. ALEKSEEV, V. P. Craniology of the Asiatic Eskimo. (Arctic anthropology 1964. v. 2, no. 2, p. 120-25, table.) 28 refs. Study of ancient cranial series based mainly on 37 Naukan and 120 southeast Chukotka skulls, in Soviet museum collections. The crania are distinctly dolichocephalic with moderately pronounced features. A migration north along the Pacific Coast is postulated. The development of specialized Eskimo traits is ascribed to ecological adaptation, more pronounced among the isolated Eastern groups. Brachycephalization played a major role in the formation of the Western groups. Translated from Russian by B. P. Merbs. DSI. 84994. ALEKSEEV, V. P. K kraniologii orochel. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Primorskil filial. Zapiski 1965. v. 1, p. 5157, tables.) Approx 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Craniology of the Orochis. Attributes these Amur Tungus to the Amga variant of the Lake Baykal anthropological type, more akin to the northern Tungus-Manchu branch than to the Tungusspeaking tribes of the Amur region. Some affinities are noted to the Sakhalin-Amur type, represented by the Gilyaks. Craniology of the Orochi, materials on. their ethnogenesis by Alekseev, translated by R. G. Klein and ed by C. F. Merbs was pub in Arctic anthropology 1964, v 2, no 2, p 12632. DLC. 84995. ALEKSEEV, V. V. Iz istorii elektrifikafgii Vostochnol Sibiri v poslevoennyl period. (Sibir' v period stroitel'stva soaializma i perekhoda k kommunizmu 1964. no. 3, p. 95-107, table.) Approx. 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: History of electrification in East Siberia in the postwar period. Describes the growth of power-generating installations and use of electricity since 1946, inch the completed and planned stations on the Yenisey, Angara, Lena, Mamakan, and Vilyuy Rivers; their actual and potential power production, station construction schedules, etc are given. The heat and power plant systems feeding major
industrial centers, e.g. Noril'sk and the Lena gold trust, are also noted. Power production in 1950 versus 1940 increased 6.3 times in Krasnoyarsk and 8.5 times in Yakut ASSR. It tripled in 1960 over 1956 in East Siberia as a whole, and provided 2,170 kwh/person i.e. one third above the USSR average. DLC. 84996. ALEKSEEVA, A. B. Nakhodka novogo tipa vysokokarbonizirovannogo bituma v arednem techenii r. Olenek. logifa i poleznye iskopaemye 1964, no. 2, p. 142-46, map, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Discovery of a new type of highlycarbonized bitumen on the middle course of Olenek River. Reports a study of pebbles found in alluvial deposits of the Olenek. They average 3-4 cm in diam. Their composition, texture, thin sections and other features are described. They are thought to be highly carbonized bitumens, dispersed in enclosing rocks. DLC. 84997. ALEKSEEVA, M. I. Izmenenie belkov i belkovykh kompleksov syvorotki krovi pri arveolfarnom ekhinokokkoze pecheni. (MediGinskala parazitologifit i parazitarnye bolezni 1965. v. 34, no. 4, p. 396403, tables.) 18 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Changes in proteins and protein complexes of the serum in alveolar echinococcosis of the liver. Study of 72 cases in the Yakut ASSR showed primarily changes in the protein metabolism, viz hyperproteinemia and increased serum gamma-globulin, reduced alpha-lipoproteins, and increased gammaglycoglobulin. These changes depended on the severity and duration of the disease, operated cases faring better than nonoperated. DNLM. ALEKSEEVA, N. S., see No. 90701. 84998. ALEKSEEVA, It. E. 0 famenskom faruse Sette-Dabanskogo (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 160, no. 1, p. 183-85, map.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Famenian stage of the Sette-Daban anticlinorium. Reports a 1961-1962 study of Upper Devonian deposits. The material collected enables the determination of the lower and upper boundaries of the Famenian stage; characteristic complexes of brachiopods are distinguished, and the connection of Famenian fauna with other similar provinces of Soviet Northeast are clarified. The Famenian stage of this region had connections with the basins of Middle Asia and North America. DLC.
84999. ALEKSEEVA, S. P. Ikrinki i ryb iz Pechorakogo zaliva. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1949. v. 17, p. 175-88, map, illus.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Eggs and young of fish from the Pechora Bay. Describes material collected from depths not exceeding 4 m, near the coast. Among the 13 forms are herring and flounder. Eggs, larvae and young of some are illus. DLC. 85000. ALEKSEEVA, T. I. Dirizhabl' na Severe. (Problemy Severe 1965. no. 9, p. 201-206, tables.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Airships in the North. Notes the advantages of lighter-than-air craft for long-distance missions, their speed, low cost, and year-round capability. Use of this kind of transportation should be resumed. Use of the American ZPG-2 in the Arctic in 1958 (No 58396), planned construction of the SMD-100 with a speed of 185 DLC. km/hr are mentioned. 85001. ALEKSIUK, M. Observations of birds and mammals in the Perry River region, N.W.T. (Arctic 1964. v. 17, no. 4, p. 263-68, table.) 6 refs. Offers additions to No 45431, reporting on 42 species of birds and 18 of mammals. Numbers and dates when seen in summer 1963, abundance in the area, nesting, etc are noted. A bird phenology chart is included. Topography, weather, and vegetation of this northeasternmost region of Mackenzie District are also outlined. DLC. 85002. ALESHCHUHIN, L. V. Med' i nikel' v gorno-tundrovykh pochvakh Kol'skogo poluostrova. (Nauchnye doklady vysshel shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki 1964. no. 2, p. 187-90, graph.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Copper and nickel in the mountain tundra soils of the Kola Peninsula. Reports a study in three areas, to a depth of 70 cm, with notes on the geology, common plants and physical character of the soils. Sufficient amount of these elements were detected. The largest amounts of mobile copper and nickel were found in the humus, the smallest in the lowest horizons. DLC. 85003. ALESHINSHAfi, Z. V., and others. Chetvertichnye opornye razrezy doliny r. Enisela otUrCseva do r. PodkamennoT Tunguski. (In: Moskva. Univ. Geologicheskil fakul'tet. Voprosy geologii ... 1964, p. 263-82, tables, graphs, map, illus.) 8
refs. In Russian. Other authors: S. P. Gorshkov, A. V. Minervin, L. A. Ragozin, L. G. Rekshinskala, N. 0. Rybakova and M. B. Sadikova. Title tr.: Quaternary key sections of the Yenisey River valley from Yartsevo to the Podkamennaya Tunguska River. Describes in detail sections of these deposits. Their lithologic properties, mineralogic composition and spore-pollen spectra are analyzed. The data disclose that in the eastern margin of the West Siberian lowland 60-62° N, Samarovo and Zyryanka deposits are widely distributed. An independent Taz glaciation is not established. DLC. 85004. ALESHINSBAa, Z. V. K stratigrafii sredne- i verkhnechetvertichnykh otlozhenfl severo-vostoka Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti. (In: Moskva. Univ. Paleogeografia.... 1961, p. 150-59, graph.) 13 refs. In Russian. French summary. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of the Middle and Upper Quaternary deposits in the northeastern West Siberian plain. Reports diatom analysis of these deposits as studied from a drill core from the Turnkhan River region and other exposures. In 62 samples, some 345 forms of diatoms, both freshwater and marine, were found; 38 genera, 226 species, 119 varieties are represented. Changes in this flora indicate three cold epochs, the Zyryanka, SanchugovaTaz, and Samarovo, and two warm epochs, the Kazantseva and pre-Samarovo. StraDLC. tigraphic interpretation is given. ALESHINSHAa, Z. V., see also No. 89638. 85005. ALESTALO, J. Die Anbaugebiete von Ackerpflanzen in Finnland. Helsinki 1965. 36 p. graphs, maps. (Fennia v. 92, no. 4.) 38 refs. In German. Title tr.: Distribution of field crops in Finland. Discusses and maps the distribution and relative frequency of these crops. In the arctic zone, the simple crop combinations are dominated by timothy cultivation, DLC. largely due to climate. 85006. ALEXAN, N. How Tyonek people used to eat. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 1, p. 38-39, -I-, illus.) Recounts some legends and practices of his Indian forbears in the Cook Inlet area, on the harvesting and preservation of food, especially salmon, on the treatment of fish and game animals, etc. Their use of wild foods and their fish trap construction also DI. are noted.
85007. ALEXAN, N. Stories about how to raise children. (Alaska sportsman 1965, v. 31, no. 4, p. 13-14, illus.) Recounts three traditional tales of his people, which are concerned with preparing children for a diligent and successful life. DI. ALEXANDER, E. R., see No. 85881. ALEXANDER, L. T., see No. 89334. ALEXIS, M. F., see No. 85808. ALFORD, D. L., see No. 89985. 85008. ALFORD, M. E. Old Crow. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 2, p. 22-24, +, map, illus.) Describes this Loucheux (Kutchin) Indian village in northwest Yukon Territory, its physical setting on the Porcupine River, buildings, and problems of encroaching white influence. The Oblate missionaries' project to teach skiing as a means of maintaining community morale is noted. DLC. ALGERMISSEN, S. T., see No. 84953. ALfAPYSHEV, 0. A., see No. 88859. 85009. ALISOV, B. P., and B. V. POLTARAUS. Klimatologifa. Moskva, Izd-vo Moskovskogo univ., 1962. 228 p. tables, graphs, maps. 154 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Climatology. Handbook for university students with chapters on understanding climate, radiation factors, circulation factors, the surface and its role in climate formation, effects of relief; geographic types of climate in tropical and non-tropical latitudes, in which the two polar zones and both subpolar zones are considered. Climatic signs and climates of the geologic past are characterized. Climatic changes in historical time are treated as are hypotheses in explanation of them. DLC. 85010. ALIIJSHINSKAfA, N. M. Formirovanie vesennego stoke i predvychislenie raskhodov vody po dannym o snegotafanii. (Leningrad. Gos. gidrologicheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 118, p. 3-91, tables, graphs.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Formation of the spring discharge and precalculation of the flow from snow-melting data. Analyzes the discharge formation on the Vaga in 1947, 1953, 1957, 1961, the Vychegda 1955, 1958, and the Shelon' 1962, 1963,
from watercourses 10 km or more long in the Severnaya Dvina basin. The method of forecasting daily discharge during the high-water period is worked out on examples of five rivers, the Yug, Vaga, Ust'ya, Pinega and Vychegda. Realistically this prognosis is valid for 6-8 days. DLC. 85011. ALIVERDIEV, A. A. 0 sokhranenii mikroorganizmami zhiznesposobnosti pri sverkhnizkikh temperaturakh. (Mikrobiologifa 1965. v. 34, no. 2, p. 265-67, table.) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Preservation of microbe viability at extremely low temperatures. Reports on experiments showing that vaccine strains of B. anthracis survive —25° and —70° C for 22 days. Brucellae in dry vaccines and vacuum survived temperatures as low as —253° C, and in the growth phase such of —60° or —176° C. DLC. 85012. ALLAN, I. R. IL, and M. J. BELLEW. Long distance migration of Atlantic salmon. (Nature Oct. 5, 1963. v. 200, p. 89.) 5 refs. Record of two fish tagged in south Devon and recaptured in West Greenland waters, one at Sukkertoppen 65°20' N 53° W, the other at Kangerdluarssorujak 60°40' N. 45° 45' W. The first covered at least 2,300 mi. DLC. 85013. ALLARD, H. Aspects du Groenland. (Cahiers de geographic de Quebec 1965. v. 9, no. 17, p. 41-59, map, illus.) 3 refs. In French. English summary. Title tr.: Aspects of Greenland. Surveys the various elements in the geography of Greenland: the uneven population, 40% of it along the southwest coast; housing and other community problems caused by rapid population growth; the specialized commerce and industry; constitutional development, the Royal Commission on Greenland and the Royal Greenland Trading Co. Continued development requires greater investment and improved education. DLC. ALLDREDGE, L. R., see No. 88564. 85014. ALLEN, E. K., and others. An insight into symbiotic nitrogen-fixing plant associations in Alaska. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1963 pub. 1964, p. 54-63, table.) 16 refs. Other authors: 0. N. Allen and L. J. Klebesadel. Discusses rhizobia in general, and in arctic Russia; leguminous plant studies and introduction in the Kola Peninsula; studies of nodulation on Alaskan legumes in the
past five yr; Alaskan genera of leguminous plants; nodule formation on (7) non-leguminous Alaskan plants. DLC. ALLEN, E. K., see also No. 84952. 85015. ALLEN, E. W., and G. JOHANSEN. Freedom of the seas. (Fishing news international 1964. v. 3, no. 2, p. 132-39.) Presents two replies by Americans to S. Konda's article (No 80184) on regulating high seas fishing. The principle of abstention is defended, the need to conserve salmon and halibut stocks stressed. DL 85016. ALLEN, J. A. Records of Mollusca from the Northwest Atlantic obtained by Canadian fisheries research vessels, 194661. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1965. v. 22, no. 4, p. 977-97, maps, illus.) 25 refs. Account of 45 species taken between the Grand Bank and Cape Dyer on Baffin Island by fishing trawls, hence representing the larger forms. The material is presented in taxonomic order, with emphasis on geographic distribution. Size, depth of catch, etc are also noted. DLC. ALLEN, J. R., see No. 86112. ALLEN, J. S., see No. 89334. ALLEN, 0. N., see No. 85104. ALT RN,
P. W., see No. 92548 § 2.
ALLEN, R. V., see No. 84953. ALLEN, W. M., see No. 88569. ALLEN, W. R., see No. 86129. 85017. ALLEN, W. T. R. Break-up and freeze-up dates in Canada. Toronto 1964. 201 p. maps, tables. (Canada. Meteorological Branch. Circular 4116.) 9 refs. Lists pertinent information acquired since publication of No 57242. Five additional yr of records are available from more than 250 locations relating to nearly 100 rivers and more than 100 lakes, bays, and harbors; historical records, some quite lengthy, have been obtained for other locations. The first detailed maps of the breakup and freeze-up of rivers and lakes are presented. In general, river breakup occurs earlier than that of lakes in the same area. Comparison between river and lake freeze-up is less conclusive; in general, rivers require more time to freeze over than to break up. The ice-free season ranged in length from one-
two mo in salt-water bays and inlets in the Arctic Islands to about nine mo or longer in southern Canada. DWB. 85018. ALMGREN, G., and H. LUNDBORG. Mechanized drilling equipment at Boliden Mining Company. (Canadian mining journal 1965. v. 86, no. 8, p. 86-89, illus.) Describes equipment used in horizontal drifting, raising, shaft sinking, and stoping at the company's iron ore mines in Sweden. DOS. 85019. ALPATKIN, M. Snezhnye zanosy na dorogakh Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (Avtomobil'nye dorogi 1964. v. 27, no. 9, p. 3-4, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Snowdrifts on the roads of northeastern USSR. Points out the intensive snow transport on the coast of Bering Sea and eastern Kamchatka, where 2 m high snow screens and 3 m permanent fences cannot protect roads from drifts. A clearing area of 60-70% of the screen area is recommended instead of the present 40, because the snow bank forms farther away, also it is not so high. This improvement saves timber, and lowers maintenance cost. Snow embankments 0.5-0.7 m high, topped with brushwood at least 1.7 m high and 3-4 pieces to the running m are found to serve well on winter roads of the far Northeast, where snowdrifts e.g. on the Magadan-Tauysk road, reach 8-10 m height. A specially constructed permanent snowfence (illus) inclined 30° from the vertical toward the prevailing wind gave good performance deflecting wind DLC. and snow farther from the fence. 85020. ALPATKIN, M. T. MekhanizaGia zemlanykh rabot v uslovila'kh mnogoletneT merzloty. Moskva, Izd-vo lit-ry po stroitel'stvu 1965. 132 p. tables, graphs, illus. 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mechanization of excavation in permafrost. Presents a manual of information and instruction on the specifics of excavation and transportation under the climatic and communication conditions of the northeastern USSR. Its purpose is to improve efficiency in use of mechanical equipment such as excavators, bulldozers, scrapers, etc in permafrost by teaching the technique of the processes. The first five chapters deal in turn with the natural conditions in the region as they affect excavating work; the processes of thawing frozen ground, and of preventing thawed ground from refreezing; the building of highways and snow roads on different kinds of ground; the technique for stripping permafrost of the overlying
thawed ground; the machines for loosening permafrost, for cutting, breaking and removing it. The last three chapters describe scraping, excavating and bulldozer techniques. The practice and experience on numerous construction projects in Yakutia and Magadan Province are cited, and photographs and drawings of the mechanical equipment elucidate the text. DLC. 85021. ALTER, A. J. Common sense. (Alaska medicine 1965. v. 7, no. 4, p. 85— 86.) Notes the increase in sanitation problems with increasing population and international transportation in Alaska. The present program of State assistance in water supply and waste disposal, is outlined. Food handling, water pollution, rodent control, etc are discussed. Control of seafood sanitation, of radiological health and X-ray hazards CaMAI. are also considered. 85022. ALTER, A. J. A plan for water management in Alaska. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1963 pub. 1964, p. 126-34.) Discusses the confused state of watermanagement legislation in Alaska and urges further efforts towards planning and coordination of water use. Reference is made to the elaborate preparation of Senate Bill 256 in 1962, its failure of passage in the State Legislature, and the two subsequent House bills introduced in 1963. Concurrent Federal efforts to promote rational water DLC. management are also mentioned. 85023. ALTER, A. J. Sanitary engineering in Alaska. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 407-409.) Discusses problems in the construction and operation of water distribution and waste disposal in extremely cold environments and reviews various techniques used to overcome them. Types of systems devised include encapsulation, most successfully used for waste disposal; protection by insulation and heating, mostly used for water supply; and utilization of nonfrostsusceptible materials. Encapsulation encloses facilities in prefabricated structures and utilizes recirculating type toilet systems. Waste heat and water from power generation are utilized in some communities. Among nonfrost-susceptible systems are use of fuel oil instead of water for waste handling, and incinerating type toilets using high-temperature oxidation. Problems of preventing freezeup of water and waste systems are discussed. In water supply the
most vulnerable points are pumps, intake structures, basins and unused distribution lines. In waste disposal, difficulties arise from frost blocking of vents, pocketing and consequent freezing of sewage due to settlement of the ground, the slowing of biological activity due to cold and many other factors which are briefly reviewed. Arctic conditions pose a constant challenge to the sanitary CaMAI. engineer. ALTER, A. J., see also No. 84952. 85024. AL'TER, S. P. K istorii formirovaniG. doliny Enisea. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geografii Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doklady 1965. no. 8, p. 38-44, profiles.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The formation history of the Yenisey valley. Describes the stages of development of the entire Yenisey valley according to the studies so far made of its various parts. The lower sections are included only where the main development took place during glaciations, and the behavior of the Yenisey during the Samarovo and Zyryanka glaciations is characterized. The age and development of its terraces are discussed. DLC.
transportation of Murmansk, Arkhangel'sk provinces and Karelian and Komi ASSR.. Their connections with other regions of the USSR are outlined and some suggestions DLC. made for improvement. 85027. AL'TSHULER, L. T., and others. Mirovye magnitnye karty epokhi 1960 g. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomifa 1964. v. 4, no. 4, p. 773-80, maps.) 60 refs. In Russian. Other authors: K. A. Mal'aeva, Z. S. Chugurfan and A. P. Shliakhtina. Title tr.: The world magnetic maps of the epoch 1960. Presents maps in magnetic declination D, horizontal H, and vertical Z components. Methods of their preparation and data sources are given for nine regions, the Arctic included. Results of magnetic element determinations carried out in 19551960 by drifting stations and other high latitude expeditions were used for these maps, covering a considerable part of the north polar zone; and observations of 19511953 on Spitsbergen were utilized as well. The western sector of the Arctic has no adequate recent data, hence this is the least DLC. accurate sector of the region.
85025. AL'TMAN, L. P. Ekonomicheskie ninny Severo-Zapada SSSR i osnovnye problemy ikb razvitifii. (In: Leningrad. Univ. Severo-Zapad evropeiskoT chasti SSSR, 1963, p. 116-35.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Economic regions of northwestern USSR and main problems of their development. The area treated takes in the Leningrad, northwestern i.e. Karelian ASSR and Arklaangel'sk Province, the Murmansk and Komi economic regions, in all some 1.6 million km2 with 11.4 million population. Industry and trade, power, copper-nickel, iron and forest resources, transportation, roads and other areas of the national economy are appraised. A program of expansion for the next two-three decades is summarized, with brief consideration of the basic problems of manpower, fuel-energy distribution, electric power station construction, transportation systems, etc. DLC.
85028. AL'TSHULER, N. S. Mezhoblastnee soveshchanie po bor'be s tuberkulezom v raTonakh Kralnego Severa. (Zdravookhranenie Rossilskol FederaCsii 1960. v. 4, no. 9, p. 44 16.) In Russian. Title tr.: Interprovincial conference on tuberculosis control in the far North. Reviews proceedings of this conference at Tyumen in Oct 1959. The drop in new TB cases is the result of mobile medical teams and hospital boats visiting remote areas to discover TB foci, isolate carriers, conduct mass vaccination and health education work. No new active TB cases have occurred among the vaccinated aboriginal children in rural Magadan Province, and active TB has dropped by 40-50% since 1955 in urban centers of Yakutia, Magadan and Kamchatka. Increase in anti-TB facilities is also cited. The comparatively high rate of chronic TB and tuberculosis of the lymph glands among aborigines is noted. Prolonged hospitalization of carriers is DLC. recommended.
85026. AL'TMAN, L. P., and M. L. DOLKART. Ekonomicheskie svfizi SeveroZapada SSSR i ikh raCzionalizaaifit. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1964. v. 19, no. 18, p. 57-62.) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Economic relations of northwestern USSR and their rationa, lization. Analyzes the economic life, industry, and
85029. ALTUKHOV, K. A. Godovye izmei effektivnosti neresta i ikh nenifa vlifanie na chislennost' pokolenifa belomorskol sel'di. (Problemy isporzovanifa, promyslovykh resursov Belogo mora i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii 1963. no. 1, p. 57-68, tables, graphs, map.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Annual changes in the conditions and efficiency of spawning and
their effect on the size of the year-class of White Sea herring. Reports on a study made at a fixed area in 1958-1961, from the beginning of schooling and spawning (mid April) till the abandonment of the spawning grounds by the fry (mid June). The small, Kandalaksha race was investigated throughout the period. Early stage of development showed the highest mortality, with weather, specifically cold and storms, taking the highest toll. DLC. 85030. ALTUKHOV, K. A. Navaga Soloveakikh ostrovov. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Materialy po kompleksnomu izucheniili Belogo morfa 1963. no. 2, p. 119-30, tables, graphs, maps.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Eleginus navaga of the Solovetskiye Islands. Reports an investigation of the saffron cod during July 1956—May 1957, mainly in the fall and winter, when the fish approach the shore of these islands of the White Sea for spawning. Locations, periods and conditions of these movements, morphology and taxonomy of the fish, their length, weight, age and growth are discussed, as are tagging results. Spawning takes place at temperatures of —1.4 to —1.5° C. Fisheries last on the average 32 days in Jan through midFeb. The large size of the local fish is noted. DLC. 85031. ALTUKHOV, K. A. Razmnozhenie sel'di v gube Chupa Kandalakshskogo zaliva. (Akadernice, nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Materialy po kompleksnomu izuchenifit Belogo morfa 1963. no. 2, p. 100-113, tables, graphs, map.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Reproduction of herring in Chupa Bay of the Gulf of Kandalaksha. From regular observations during 19571958 author discusses conditions of shoreward migrations for spawning, and the biological characteristics of spawners, their size, weight, age-classes, and sex. Spawning efficiency and areas are described, as are conditions of spawn development, of ha ching and of larval life. The latter was also followed for ten days in aquaria. DLC. 85032. ALVERSON, D. L. Developing latent resources of the oceans. (Fishing news international 1964. v. 3, no. 2, p. 105-112, map, graphs, tables.) Refs. Discusses ways of increasing fish harvests, including exploration as exemplified by surveys of demersal fishes in the northeast Pacific since 1950. Acres of ocean floor surface on the continental shelf and slope to 300 fathoms are calculated by regions,
incl the Gulf of Alaska and eastern Bering Sea; and regional data are given on exploratory trawl catches of the main fish groups at various depths. Standing crops of demersal fish are estimated: 11.4 billion lb in east Bering Sea and 3.4 billion in the Gulf. DI. 85033. ALVERSON, D. L. National and international implications of foreign fisheries. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1965 pub. 1966, p. 14-23.) Outlines quantitative and qualitative growth of world fisheries in the present century. Their geographical expansion, high-sea fisheries and international conflicts are considered. Fish potential and world population growth, Soviet and Japanese fisheries in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska, and problems engendered by them are discussed. CaMAI. ALVERSON, D. L., see also No. 92548 § 31. 85034. ALYPOVA, 0. M. 0 magnitnom pole v kratere vulkana Ploskil Tolbachik. (Bfalleten' vulkanologicheskikh stanail 1964. no. 38, p. 62-65, map, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geomagnetic field in the crater of Ploskiy Tolbachik Volcano. Reports summer 1962 geomagnetic observations in the vicinity of this southernmost volcano of Klyuchevskaya group. Some were found in the Z-component of the magnetic field south of the neck of the volcano. Data are given and discussed. DLC. 85035. AMBROSE, J. W. Exhumed paleoplains of the Precambrian shield of North America. (American journal of science 1964. v. 262, no. 7, p. 817-57, maps, tables.) 95 refs. Reviews the extensive geologic literature since the 19th century pertaining to the age of the present topographic surface of the Canadian Shield. Cumulative evidence from 95 sites (located on three maps) from Great Bear Lake to Newfoundland, including own studies at Film Flon, Man. is presented to prove that the topography now visible on the Shield rocks was developed in Precambrian times, was completely blanketed by early Paleozoic sediments, and is now being exhumed and stripped. The close adjustment of the present topography, often in the smallest details of drainage, to differential erosion of granite and gneiss and other Precambrian structures clearly demonstrates that Pleistocene glaciers were ineffective erosional agents. In some places the Precambrian floor has been so recently stripped that it has not been subjected even
to Pleistocene glaciation. Generally, the paleoplain is Proterozoic but in several places far older surfaces are being exhumed, in particular west of Hudson Bay where lower Precambrian Dubawnt sandstone is being stripped to reveal Archaean hills and valleys of the order of 2000 million yr old. Valleys more than 2000 ft deep, cut in Precambrian time are identified in central Quebec. It is considered that the regional slope from Labrador to Hudson Bay, and the main tectonic features such as Foxe Basin and the Frontenac Arch must have been established in Precambrian time and DLC. persisted since. 85036. AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION. United States national report 1960-1963, 13th General Assembly IUGG. (American Geophysical Union. Transactions 1963. v. 44, no. 2, p. 307-593.) Presents summary reviews of American work and advances in nearly a hundred fields of research in seismology and physics of the earth's interior, meteorology and atmospheric physics, geomagnetism and aeronomy, physical oceanography, volcanology, scientific hydrology. Many of the articles deal with work in arctic and subarctic regions or polar phenomena, e.g. crustal studies, polar meteorology, auroras, glaciers, snow, ice, etc. All the papers include references to pertinent literature. Subject and author indexes are appended. DLC. 85037. AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. Venus Flytrap searches the upper atmosphere. (Its: Bulletin 1965. v. 46, no. 9, p. 610, illus.) Outlines a summer 1965 study of micrometeorites and noctilucent clouds, using five Aerobee-150 rockets, fired from the Churchill Research Range, Man, during a five-week period. The nose cones, called Venus flytraps, opening from 45 mi altitude during the ascent, were exposed up to the 100-mi trajectory peak and down to 65 mi altitude in descent, where they closed. Earlier studies by R. K. Soberman in northern Sweden showed particle samples of noctilucent clouds to consist of ice-coated meteoritic dust. The 1965 study was to obtain data on the size, concentration, and composition of these particles. DLC. 85038. AMERINDIAN. Indian craftsmen call attention to trademarks as purchase protection. (Ds: v. 13, 1965. no. 6, p. 1, 6.) Notes danger to Indian and Eskimo handicraft from Chinese and Japanese imitation. Authentic work should be identified, e.g.
by the trademarks (illus) adopted by the Native Arts and Crafts Cooperative in Alaska and by its counterpart in Canada. DSI. AMES, L. M., see No. 88065. AMES, R. L., see No. 85824. 85039. AMOS, M. H., and others. Use of a discriminant function in the morphological separation of Asian and North American races of pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Walbaum. (International North Pacific Fisheries Commission. Bulletin 1963. no. 11, p. 73-100, tables, graphs, maps, illus.) 12 refs. Other authors: R. E. Areas and R. E. Pearson. Three (out of ten) morphological characters, viz total vertebrae, intermediate zone and dorsal fin rays, were of use in differentiating American and Asian races. Applying the method, North American populations from Kodiak Island and eastward were found well separated from the Asian morphotype. DLC. 85040. AMSRUD, B. Glimt fra en nordnorsk sommer. (Norske turistforening. Arbok 1963, p. 29-37, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Recollections of a north Norwegian summer. Describes the landscape and experiences while camping, fishing, glacier climbing, and tramping in the Troms/Finnmark boundary area. DLC. 85041. ANAN'EV, E. G. Pod stal'nym parusom. Tyumen', Tfilmenskoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1963. 208 p. In Russian. Title tr.: Under a sail of steel. Describes oil search in the Khanty-Mansi National District and along Ob tributaries east of &nut, an oil strike at Megion on the Mega Creek, etc. DLC. 85042. ANANIAN, A. A. Issledovanie glubiny promerzanifli i ottaivanifli gornykh porod v estestvennykh uslovitlikh s pomoshch'fli termoelektromerzlotomera. (Merzlotnye issledovania 1964. no. 4, p. 124-30, tables.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigation of depth of rock freeze thaw under natural conditions using a thermoelectric cryopedometer. Describes the construction of a device that can determine the physical phase of moisture-water in the ground, thus the latter's frozen or thawed state by measuring its electric conductivity or resistance at different depths in drillholes. Thermocouples introduced into the device give
simultaneous reading of ground temperature at the different depths, as in finely dispersed ground supercooled water may remain liquid below freezing temperature. Some results on temperature and conductivity as a function of depth in the ground at Igarka are presented in a table. DLC. 85043. ANANIAN, A. A. L'dovydelenie i migraaifa vlagi v zamerzaflishchikh tonkodispersnykh gornykh porodakh. (Merzlotnye issledovanifit 1964. no. 4, p. 327-33.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ice formation and moisture migration in freezing of finely dispersed rock. Analyzes the process of ice formation in such rock showing that water molecules are influenced by the active centers of the rock material preventing formation of ice crystals. Migration of water in moist rock is determined by the presence of physically bound water and temperature gradient. DLC. 85044. ANANaN, A. A. 0 plotnosti svfazannol vody v gornykh porodakh i pochvakh. (Merzlotnye issledovanifa 1964. no. 4, p. 334-39.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Density of bound water in rocks and soils. Reviews the literature on theoretical and experimental studies of crystallochemical properties of bound water in both liquid and solid phase in frozen and thawed rock and soils. An experiment shows the first portions of water sorbed in clayey ground from water vapor to be five times lighter than normal weight. Structural properties of water in the layers in contact with ground or rock surface depend on the sorbent's active centers, their effect on the translational motion of water molecules, and on the distance of the contact layer of water from the active layer of the sorbent. Water density in the contact layers may be lower or higher than its normal value. DLC. 85045. ANAN'INA, V. M., and P. D. BUKUARIN. Leto v Khibinakh. (Priroda 1965. v. 54, no. 6, p. 125-26, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Summer in Khibiny. Describes the variable weather conditions and their detrimental effect on vegetation: frosts to —3.5° C and snow 8-10 cm deep in June 1963; frost burn on potato and experimental plants in the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden, also perennial grasses, bushes, and trees. Five degrees of intensity are recognized in this burn and their damage to leaves and reproductive organs is discussed. DLC.
ANAS, R. E., see Nos. 85039, 91269. 85046. ANASTASENKO, G. F. Datolit, prenit i apofillit iz basselna r. Kurelki. (Leningrad. NAssl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1963. v. 133, p. 210-16, tables, graphs, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Datolite, prehnite and apophyllite from the Kureyka River basin. Presents a mineralogic description of these three from materials collected in 1957. Measurements of crystals, optical properties, powder and heat tests of each are analyzed DLC. and the results given. 85047. ANASTASENKO, G. F., and others. Differentssirovannafa intruzitit gory Khuperi. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1963. v. 133, p. 127-52, tables, graphs, map.) 12 refs. In Russian. Other authors: M. I. Mitroshin and L. G. Sukhov. Title tr.: The Khuperi Mountain differentiated intrusion. Outlines the morphology, petrography and petrology of this intrusion in the Severnaya basin as studied in 1960. It is 15-16 km in length, 4-5 km wide and 220 m in maximal thickness. Differentiated, it is composed of picritic to pegmatoidic dolerites. Sulfide mineralization appears in the lower and middle horizons and contact hornfels. Its mineral composition is pentlandite, chalcopyrite, cubanite, valleriite, etc. For nickel prospecting, further studies are DLC. needed. 85048. ANASTASENKO, G. F. Mineralogifa sharovykh lay severo-zapada Sibirskol platformy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regionarnafft geologifa no. 6, p. 16-48, tables, graphs, illus.) 11 refs . In Russian. Title tr.: Mineralogy of globular lavas in the northwest of the Siberian platform. Reports a study in the Kureyka and Tutonchana River basins. These lavas are characterized by intensive hydrothermal mineralization represented by calcite and its varieties, Iceland spar, quartz, chalcedony, etc. The hydrothermal solutions contain carbonic acid, sulfur, fluorine, etc. The hydrothermal minerals formed at temperatures of 200-105° to 40° C. DLC. 85049. ANASTASSIADES, M., and others. Observations made by the Ionospheric Institute of Athens during the series of nuclear weapon tests at Novaja Zemlya between 10 September and 4 November 1961. (In: NATO. Arctic communications ... 1964, p. 265-79, tables, graphs.) 10 refs. Other authors: D. Dias, G. Moraitis and P. Giouleas.
Discusses effects of ionospheric disturbances, due to this Russian nuclear explosion program. Experimental instrumentation used in measuring the effects of a 20 megaton bomb released at 4,000 m height at 0828 UT on Oct 23, and a 35-50 megaton bomb exploded at 0833 UT on Oct 30 is described. Observations at Athens are compared with those at Kiruna. Observation of the critical frequency foF2 at 1142 UT, Oct 23 showed 2.5 mc/s in excess over the normal maximum. The same abnormal max in foF2 was observed at Kiruna at about 09 UT. The Oct 30 bomb produced two or three maxima in foF2. These disturbances are believed caused by two different types of blast wave: with the speed of 700-1000 m/sec and 300 m/sec. Observations of nuclear fallout showed two sharp maxima in Sept and Oct, and a general increase in intensity, with two weaker maxima in Nov. DLC. 85050. ANATOL'EVA, A. I. 0 verkhnel graniae pozdnego dokembrifa v nizov'Etkh Angary. (AkademiM nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 159, no. 4, p. 789-92, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the upper limit of the Late Precambrian on the lower Angara. Reports study of red terrigenous-carbonate rocks at three sites. This red-colored stratum is shown to have a stratigraphic position corresponding to the Taseyeva series of the Yenisey Ridge. The boundary between the Cambrian and Late Precambrian is also determined for the Lower Angara region as along the Taseyeva series. DLC. 85051. ANDERSEN, B. G. Glacial chronology of western 'Proms, North Norway. (Geological Society of America. Special papers 1965. no. 84, p. 35-54, tables, graph, maps, illus.) 41 refs. German and Russian summary. Describes striking Quaternary end moraines and raised shorelines in this district and correlates these with contemporary glacial features elsewhere in northern Europe. Evidence is given that submarine ridges and troughs in the Troms0 district are morainic in origin, and the non-glacial interpretation of Dahl (No 39434) is rejected. A detailed map shows six groups of end moraines, raised deltas and other glacial features. The significance of these for Pleistocene geochronology is assessed. A fossil arctic shell and foraminifera fauna from Pleistocene clays deposited in the sea at the Troms0-Lyngen ice front is described, 26 species being listed. 15 radiocarbon age
determinations ranging from 0610 ± 250 to 11,990 ± 250 BP are tabulated and their significance evaluated. DGS. ANDERSEN, B. G., see also No. 91042. ANDERSEN, F., see No. 86857. ANDERSEN, S., see No. 91566. ANDERSON, C. A., see Nos. 88208, 89527. 85052. ANDERSON, C. E. Heat transport by large-scale atmospheric waves during October 1959—March 1960. Montreal 1964. 53 p. maps, graphs, tables. (McGill Univ. Arctic Meteorology Research Group. Pub. in meteorology no. 69.) 19 refs. Describes in detail large-scale features of horizontal stratospheric heat transport in the eddy flow, based on Northern Hemisphere constant pressure charts of 5-day intervals. The Fourier analysis method was applied at 500-, 100-, and 25 mb; comparison of stratospheric warmings of this period with those of the previous year studied by Boville, No 70345, revealed that the heat transport could be accomplished mainly by wave numbers one and/or two. From 500-, 100-, and 25 mb time-sections of northward heat transport, divergencies were determined to calculate the local temperature-time derivatives, which were in turn compared with the actual timesections of mean temperature for 35°-75° N. Due to strong convergence of northward heat transport, the winter stratosphere at high latitudes had a net ascending motion. DWB. ANDERSON, D. M., see No. 84954. 85053. ANDERSON, G. Bed capacity at Harborview Nursing Home being expanded. (Alaska's health and welfare, Feb. 1964. v. 21, p. 3-4, illus.) Reports the beginning, in Oct 1963, of the renovation and expansion work of this institution of Valdez, including detailed plans, exterior and interior finish, furniture and equipment, bed capacity, etc. DLC. ANDERSON, G. S., see No. 84953. ANDERSON, H. R., see No. 90202. 85054. ANDERSON, K. A. Balloon measurements of X-rays in the auroral zone. (In: Lockheed Research Symposium on Space Science 1964. Auroral phenomena 1965, p. 46-83, tables, graphs, map.) 34 refs.
Considers intrinsic properties of the Xray fluxes and their parent electron spectrum. Balloon flights undertaken to study intensity, energy, spatial distribution, and temporal structure of the electron flux, incl own study of soft corpuscular radiation at Ft Churchill, Aug-Sept 1957 are reviewed. Balloon studies in the auroral zone since 1959 are described, and geographic distribution of sporadic X-ray fluxes at high latitude are given for Resolute Bay, Ft Churchill, Flin Flon, College, and Minneapolis. The auroral-zone X-ray bursts are classified with respect to geomagnetic activity as magnetically quiet, magnetic disturbance, and sudden commencement types. DLC. 85055. ANDERSON, K. A. Solar cosmic ray events during late August 1957. (Journal of geophysical research 1964. v. 69, no. 9, p. 1743-53, tables, graphs, illus.) 8 refs. Revises radio wave observation of polar cap absorption events and balloon measurements of energetic particles during late Aug 1957 at College and Ft Churchill. Re-analysis of riometer data and its comparison with onset time of the Aug 28 event as estimated from VHF scatter-path observations, show a discrepancy between the two time values. An attempt is made to explain the difference by two solar flares instead of three as considered earlier. DLC. 85056. ANDERSON, K. A. Thin atmospheric layers of radioactive debris during September 1961 and 1962. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 5, p. 1139-53, tables, graphs.) 13 refs. Reports on radioactive debris layers 4001200 m thick in the stratosphere and the troposphere as detected from high altitude constant-level skyhook balloons launched from Flin Flon, Canada in Sept 1961 and 1962. Observed on 13 separate occasions, the debris are referred to 49 nuclear weapon tests held on Novaya Zemlya and more southerly locations in the USSR as listed in a table. DLC. 85057. ANDERSSON, B., and others. The effect of ganglionic blocking agent on the thermoregulatory response to preoptic cooling. (Acta physiologica scandinavica 1964. v. 61, no. 4, p. 393-99, graphs.) 10 refs. Other authors: A. H. Brook, C. C. Gale and B. Hokfelt. Ganglionic blockade prevented the rise of body temperature (in goats) which normally follows cooling the preoptic region. Shivering and urinary excretion of catecholamines were reduced, but thyroid activation was
not affected. An i.v. infusion of noradrenaline or adrenaline counteracted the effects of the blockade. DNLM. 85058. ANDERSSON, B., and others. Further studies of the thyroidal response to local cooling of the "heat loss center." (Acta physiologica scandinavica 1965. v. 63, no. 1-2, p. 1862, graphs, illus.) 11 refs. Other authors: A. H. Brook and L. Ekman. Cooling the preoptic region of the goat was accompanied by total serum proteinbound iodine (PBI) rise, confirming a significant thyroid hormone secretion. Moderate cooling was sufficient to elicit the response. Cooling of the "center", with the animal in a hot environment revea led that the thyroid response is obtained in the absence of peripheral cold inflow. DNLM. 85059. ANDERSSON, B., and others. Relation of preoptic temperature to the function of the sympathico-adrenomedullary system and the adrenal cortex. (Acta physiologica scandinavica 1964. v. 61, no. 1-2, p. 182-91, graphs, tables.) 22 refs. Other authors: C. C. Gale, B. Hokfelt and A. Ohga. Study of urinary excretion of catecholamines, adrenaline and noradrenaline excretion, and core temperature during preoptic cooling of goats, at 18° ambient temperature. Repeated central cooling elicited signs of acclimation despite the animal not being exposed to cold. Preoptic warming in a cold environment was also studied. No clear-cut relation between preoptic temperature and adreno cortical activity was revealed. DNLM. 85060. ANDERSSON, E. Cone and seed studies in Norway spruce Picea abies L. Karst. Stockholm, SkogshOpkolan 1965. 214 p. tables, graphs, illus. (Studia forestalia suecica no. 23.) Approx. 400 refs. Swedish summary. Includes (p 158-70) discussion of seed quality in 1960 and 1961 material from GAllivare and Kiruna, with correlations between the years. Percentage of empty seed, number of seed/cone, and other data are provided from observations on individual trees. Time of flowering of male and female trees in 1960 was not highly synchronous. Calculated germination rates of seed not damaged by insects was 8% in 1960 and 9% in 1961. Specific climate conditions are cited to account for variation in germination capacity. DLC. 85061. ANDERSSON, T. Precipitation measurements on hoard the Swedish light-
ship "Finngrundet" 61°04' N, 18°41' E. Gr. (Arkiv for geofysik 1963. v. 4, no. 3, p. 293-305, tables, graphs, maps.) 19 refs. Notes the accuracy of precipitation measurements aboard ship of great interest and gives results of such measurements by the lightship Finngrundet in the Gulf of Bothnia for 163 months during 1936-1959. Techniques of observation and data obtained are reported and comparisons made between monthly totals of the vessel and those obtained on the nearby islands. The gauge of the Finngrundet is shown to give too low precipitation totals. The insplashing of seawater seems to be more than compensated by losses due to the wind. Though the calculations are considered rather crude, they give some support to the general conception that a gauge placed near the deck of a ship suffers losses. DLC. 85062. ANDJUS, R. K., and others. Reanimation of frozen hearts; effect of calcium and of chemical protectors, glycerol and dimethyl sulphoxide. (International Inst. of Refrigeration. Bulletin, annexe 1961, no. 4, p. 43-59, graphs.) 11 refs. French summary. Other authors: V. Rajevski and M. Pavlovic-Hournac. Describes isolated frog hearts, protected with glycerol and frozen to —196° C that can recover spontaneous rhythmic auricular and ventricular contractility after thawing. The amplitude of contractions and of ECGwaves is however, considerably lower. DMSO in Ringer does ensure protection in hearts frozen to —20° C but not to —196° C. Maintenance in Ca-free medium prior to freezing helps recover the initial amplitude of isotonic auricular contraction in frog hearts cooled to —20° C. DMSO as well as glycerol protected fetal rat hearts frozen to —20° C for 15 min. DMSO and Ca-free basic medium gave the best results in freezDLC. ing fetal hearts to —196° C. ANDJUS, R. K., see also No. 90660. 85063. ANDREEV, A. I. Ocherki po istochnikovedenn Sibiri, vyp. vtorot: xviii vek, pervafa polovina. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 364 p. Approx. 700 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Outline of sources for the study of Siberia, pt. 2: 18th century, first half. In sequence to No 63068. Well-documented account of expeditions and the exploration, mapping, geographic and ethnographic work of J. B. Muller, P. J. Strahlenberg, and others, materials of the Great Northern Expedition and the reports of G. F. Muller, Krasheninnikov, Steller, J. E. Fischer, and J. Lindenau.
Included also is a review of V. N. Tatishchev and M. V. Lomonosov's works on Siberia and its aborigines. Indexes of personal and DLC. geographic names are appended. 85064. ANDREEV, B. A. Geofizicheskie i geologicheskie osobennosti zony glubokofokusnykh zemletrasenil severo-zapadnoT chasti Tikhogo okeana. (Akademita nauk SSSR. Doklady 1963. v. 150, no. 1, p. 140-42, map.) 18 refs. In Russian. English translation by E. R. Hope in: Canada. Defence Research Board. Directorate of Scientific Information Services T397R, 1964. p. 13-16. (CaMAI). Title tr.: Geophysical and geologic features of the deep-foci earthquake zone in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. Describes the earthquake zone of the Japan, Korea, Sakhalin and Kamchatka areas of the Pacific. Earthquakes with epicenters to 300-600 km depth and smaller ones with epicenters to 70 km depth are mapped. Geologic development of the earth's crust, occurrence of volcanoes, differentiated movements, dislocations of various deposits, gravity, seismicity, and other features of these regions are briefly characterized. DLC. 85065. ANDREEV, E. N. Bor'ba s tuberkulezom za 40 let i perspektivy ego likvidatisii v akutskoT ASSR. (Yakutsk. iikutskil n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy 1963, p. 21-25.) In Russian. Title tr.: Struggle with tuberculosis in the past 40 years and prospects of its elimination in the Yakut ASSR. Discusses measures of the USSR Ministry of Health for lowering the TB incidence in Yakutia, including research, 12 yr activity of the Yakut Institute of Tuberculosis (author director), and research of its members. The drop in incidence and mortality is noted and the prophylactic and mass diagnostic activities are outlined. DNLM. 85066. ANDREEV, G. I., and ft. M. FOMIN. Arkheologicheskie razvedki po srednemu tecbenifa r. Podkamennafa Tunguska. (Akadernifit nauk SSSR. Inst. arkheologii. Kratkie soobshchenifa 1964. no. 101, p. 94-98, map, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Archeological investigations along the middle course of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River. Describes a summer 1963 exploratory survey of four washed-out terrace areas near Baykit, Ust'-Kamo, Kuyumba, and Turama villages. Finds consisted of stampornamented pottery fragments and stone, mainly hornfels, implements: end and
retouched lamellar blades, scrapers, adzes, arrow points, core tools, etc. Affinities with Cis-Baykal as well as West Siberian sites suggest .cross-cultural currents and dating to late third-first millennium BC, i.e. neolithic to early iron ago. A fishing economy seems indicated by the fish bone accumulaDLC. tions but no gear was found.
producing seeds; and 61 yielded seed; the experiments with the rest are not yet coinplated. The high percentage of failure is attributed to climatic, physiological and ecological causes. Appended is a taxonomic list (Latin names) of these plants with notes on their origin and result of the CaMAI, DLC. experiment.
85067. ANDREEV, G. I., and others. Neoliticheskie poselenifi Podkamennoi Tunguski. (Sovetskala arkheologia 1965. v. 9, no. 3, p. 100-113, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. Other authors: 11). M. Fomin and P. P. Pashkin. Title tr.: Neolithic habitation, sites on the Podkamennaya Tunguska. Reviews the geology and stratigraphy of several sites excavated in 1961 and 1962 near Baykit and Ust'-Kamo. The rich and diversified lithic inventories are described. Most implements show affinities with CisBaykal types, except possibly arrow points which should be studied. All sites show a temporal and cultural unity and close links with the Cis-Baykal and Krasnoyarsk foci; a dating to third-second millenium BC is DLC. suggested.
85070. ANDREEV, N., and S. GUREVSKIL Navagu-ablizneCsami." (Rybnoe khozfaIstvo 1964. v. 40, no. 12, p. 50-51.) In. Russian. Title tr.: Fishing saffron cod with twins. Describes net and gear for fishing of Eleginus navaga by two boats (twins). Mode of fishing and yields are also noted. Reprinted from Kamchatskaia pravda. DLC.
85068. ANDREEV, G. I., and P. P. PASHKIN. Pervye arkheologicheskie na khodki v basselne verkhnego techenifa r. Chuni. (Akademira nauk SSSR. Inst. arkheologii. Kratkie soobshcheniil 1964. no. 101, p. 99-101, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: First archeological finds in the upper Chunya basin. Describes chance finds of flint and chalcedony implements near Strelka-Chunya village during a geological survey in 1963. The terrace sites are characterized by geologic stratification. The artifacts show some typological difference from the Podkamennaya Tunguska finds. No dating is DLC. attempted. 85069. ANDREEV, G. N. Opyt kul'tury rastenil aziatskol Arktiki v Khibinakh. (Problemy Severs 1964. no. 8, p. 47-57, tables.) 5 refs. In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Cultivation of plants of the Asiatic Arctic in the Khibiny. Reports results on 181 species of 97 genera and 30 families native to Taymyr Peninsula, Tiksi, Pevek and other arctic localities in NE of Soviet Union, sown or transplanted since 1947 by the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden in Khibiny mts. Data are tabulated and discussed: 37 species did not grow at all; 47 perished without developing buds: 12 developed buds or blossomed without
85071. ANDREEV, S. I. Primenenie geofizicheskikh metodov pri poiskakh rtuti v Cse,ntrarno1 chasti Korfakskogo nagor'14. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regionarnafil geniegifa no. 6, p. 137-44, graph, maps.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of geophysical methods in the search for mercury in the central part of the Koryak upland. Reports 1959-1961 prospecting in the Apukvayam—Achayvayam iuterfluve and on the right bank of the Achayvayam, on Treugol'nikov Creek. The geological study was complemented by magnetic survey, induced polarization, "natural field" and Magnetic other geophysical methods. survey was found the most useful, and the other methods effective for partial problems. The results obtained are briefly summarized and suggestions given for further prospectDLC. ing. ANDREEV, V. M., see No. 86211. 85072. ANDREEV, V. N. Ukrepit' kormovufil bazu severnogo olenevodstva. (Zhivotnovodstvo 1953, no. 6, p. 25-30, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Improve the feed resources of reindeer raising. Discusses the unused grazing areas and the means of their utilization by charting from the air. Work organization and efficiency, feed plants and their proper removal (grazing), winter feed, and supplementary feeding are considered, as is pasture improveDLC. ment, etc. ANDREEV, V. N., see also Nos. 90313, 84980. 85073. ANDREEV, V. S., and L. I. SKEIN. Nabndenia na rudnike Lebedinom SeveroVostochnogo sovnarkhoza. (In: Akadenaia
nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Teplovye i mekhanicheskie 1965, p. 262-65.) In Russian. Title tr.: Observations at Lebedinyy ore mine of the Northeastern Economic District. Reports observations of mines and mining methods in the Aldan region of insular distribution of permafrost. There is little mechanization in ore excavation. Data of instrumental and visual observations on underground pressure in two shafts are given. Study by Yakutsk Univ personnel in 1963-1964 resulted in scraper installations which increased labor productivity DLC. by 25%. ANDREEVA, L. N., see No. 84926. 85074. ANDREEVA, T. V., and A. V. aBLOKOV. Novoe v razrabotke metodiki opredelenifa vozrasta usatykh kitov. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 44, no. 1, p. 145-46, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: News in developing a method for age determination of whalebone whales. Cross sections of tubuli in the medullar layer of baleen plates from six species showed clear-cut stratifications (illus). In two whales studied, these stratifications corresponded in several instances to the age of the animals, as determined by earplug layers. DLC. ANDRESEN, M. J., sec Nos. 84952, 84953, 86255. 85075. ANDREWS, H. N., and others. Paleobotanical studies in arctic Canada, 1: Archeopteris from Ellesmere Island. (Canadian journal of botany 1965. v. 43, no. 5, p. 545-56, table map, illus.) 16 refs. Other authors: T. L. Phillips and N. W. Radforth. Describes the physiography, climate and present vegetation at the head of Goose Fjord, and two fossil plants found there in Upper Devonian rocks, viz Archaeopteris fwsilis and A. obtusa. The fertile parts of the former are described in detail. Stem impressions suggest the existence of extensive forests of these cycad ferns in the Upper Devonian. Earlier records and taxonomy are also discussed. DSI. 85076. ANDREWS, J. T. The corries of the northern Nain-Okak section of Labrador. (Geographical bulletin 1965. v. 7, no. 2, p. 129-36, map, graphs.) 30 refs. Describes the pattern of 29 glacial cirques in this section, 57° N 62° W, of the Labrador coast, and explains the distribution, varied orientation, also the height of the corrie floor/backwall junction, etc, based on the
last Saglek glacial limit, between 468 and 855 m, and the existence of areas with sufficient relief. On the coast, orientation is varied and the corrie floor/backwall junction is about 300 m high; to the west, its altitude increases and orientation becomes directed toward the northeast. Examination of present climate suggests an anomalous relationship between the major precipitation-bearing winds and corrie orientation. Both practical and theoretical work is needed on corries in eastern arctic Canada. DOS. 85077. ANDREWS, J. T., and V. W. SIM. Examination of the carbonate content of drift in the area of Foxe Basin, N.W.T. (Geographical bulletin 1964. no. 21, p. 44-53, map, tables.) 12 refs. Describes the use of the Chittick gasometric apparatus to examine the carbonate content of glacial till from Melville Peninsula and central Baffin Island. According to analysis of 54 samples, a high carbonate content across Melville Peninsula supports the hypothesis of a westward ice movement from Foxe Basin, but the Baffin Island samples possibly indicate an eastward ice movement across the island, followed by a later westward flow toward Foxe Basin. DLC. 85078. ANDREWS, J. T., and P. J. WEBBER. A lichenometrical study of the northwestern margin of the Barnes Ice Cap, a geomorphological technique. (Geographical bulletin 1964. no. 22, p. 80-104, maps, graph, tables, illus.) 25 refs. Reviews results of lichen measurements made during 1961-1963 studies by the Canadian Geographical Branch. The seven main species used are described, and their growth rates are calculated on the assumption of a linear retreat of the glacier from the present margin to the first Alecloria minuscula. Growth rate for this species was 0.40 mm/yr, from which growth rates of the other species were calculated. Results were used in studying the recent history of the Lewis Glacier, 70°20' N 74°50' W, and that of the icecap margins. Existence is suggested of a major end-moraine system of Sub-Atlantic age and of other important moraines dating back to AD 1680, 1790, 1890, and 1920. These moraines are compared in age with others on the southeastern margin of the icecap, which has a different history, and with portions of Greenland. The lichenometric method is considered feasible and important for a time period for which C14 dating is relatively inaccurate. DLC.
85079. ANDREWS, J. T. So called "vallons de gelivation" in central LabradorUngava. (Biuletyn peryglacjalny 1963, no. 12, p. 137-43, illus.) 19 refs. Reports a 1959 and 1960 study in the Schefferville area of northern Quebec. These frost-riven valleys described by Twidale as of alcove-like morphology (No 48502, 62218) are examined and his opinion is questioned that these valleys are postPleistocene features, caused by frost action widening major joint lines. Andrews' conclusion is that the valleys are at least prelast glacial in initiation, but have been severely modified by meltwater during the closing stages of the deglaciation of the area. DLC.
Certain regularities in the altitude distribution of auroras. Deals with the relation of the altitude of the lower edge of aurora and its intensity to the hour angle of the moon. Uniform arcs and bands, and the ray form of aurora are studied from data of auroral photography at Tiksi Bay in 1962-1964. Five groups are distinguished according to intensity in all forms of auroras, and only for the third group of arcs and bands is an increase in altitude found correlated with lunar tides. For ray-form auroras, a positive correlation between the hour angle of the moon and auroras' altitude and intensity was confirmed for the three intensity groups investigated. DLC.
ANDREWS, J. T., see also Nos. 86901, 86902.
85083. ANDRIENKO, D. A. Rezul' taty po opredelenif?t vysot polfarnykh nabliildenifilm v b. Tiksi v 1964 g. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomilil 1965. v. 5, no. 5, p. 878-83, tables, graphs, map.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Results of altitude determination of auroras according to observations at Tiksi Bay in 1964. Presents results of Jan—Mar 1964. The distribution of the lower edge of homogeneous arcs and ray forms has three maxima. The coastal effect on the altitude of auroras is confirmed. Data are given of the heights of the upper edge auroras, and their vertical extent in homogeneous arcs and bands, and data of the rays in auroral corona. DLC.
85080. ANDREWS, R. H. Meteorology and heat balance of the ablation area, White Glacier; Canadian Arctic Archipelago, summer 1960. Montreal 1964. 107 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Jacobsen-McGill Arctic Research Expedition to Axel Heiberg Island. Research report: meteorology no. 1.) Approx. 50 refs. Describes meteorological and glaciological studies May—Aug 1960 on Axel Heiberg Island. Emphasis is on ablation and heat budget relationships. A heat-ablation relationship is calculated for Lower Ice Station, and the meteorological data are tabulated and graphed. Locational factors proved to be highly significant at this station. CaMAI. 85081. ANDRIANOV, V. N., and M. D. BULGAKOVA. 0 srednekamennougol'nom vozraste pogranichnykh sloev tiksinskoT i verIchofinskoT svit Kharaulakhskikh gor v nizov'fakh r. Leny. (Akademia nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 162, no. 1, p. 155-57.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Middle Carboniferous age of the boundary layers of the Tiksi and Verkhoyansk series in the Kharaulakh Mts, lower Lena basin. Reports a 1963 study in which recent lithologic-stratigraphic and paleontologic data enabled a better determination of the age and interrelation of these series. The boundary layer of these series belong to the Bashkirian stage of the Middle Carboniferous. DLC. 85082. ANDRIENKO, D. A. Nekotorye zakonomernosti raspredelenita polfarnykh sifaniT po vysote. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomifa 1965. v. 5, no. 6, p. 1068-70, tables, graphs.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.:
85084. ANDRIENKO, D. A. Rezurtaty opredelenifft vysot polfarnykh sifani1 po shirokoformatnym fotograficim poluchennym v b. Tiksi. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomifa 1965. v. 5, no. 3, p. 450-59, tables, graphs, illus.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Results of altitude determination of auroras, using wide photographs obtained at Tiksi Bay. Describes the photographic apparatus and technique to obtain parallactic photo-pairs of auroras in the Tiksi region. A single photo is 18 x 24 cm, field of vision 40 x 51°, and scale about 2.2 degrees/cm. Height of upper and lower edges, and vertical extent of homogeneous arcs and bands were measured. It was found that the distribution curve of heights of the lower edge has two max, and that the heights of auroras increase with the distance from the polar auroral zone. In crossing a coast line auroral arcs increase monotonically their altitudes towards sea. A decrease in an arc altitude was found to be accompanied by an increase in the horizontal component of geomagnetic field. DLC.
85085. ANDRIENKO, V. I. Nablffidenifa za deformaGifami mnogoletnemerzlykh porod na shakhtakh Arkagaly. (In: Akademita nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Teplovye i mekhaniIn cheskie ... 1965, p. 166-69, illus.) Russian. Title tr.: Monitoring deformations of permafrost at Arkagala mines. Discusses manifestations of underground pressure in a suite of five thick, gently sloping coal seams. The sound produced in safety pillars before collapse of the overhead roof is difficult to distinguish from the usual noises due to general deformation of rocks. In permafrost at temperature of —3° or lower, the roof and sides of a preparatory excavation are quite stable. Overhead roof stability diminishes sharply during the summer season if the ventilation air in excavation chamber has a positive temperature. Deformation of the timbering and its collapse occur, as a rule, during the first three-four years of excavating, and may not occur thereafter for a number of years. For example the main roof in the chamber of one of these five coal seams, worked out in 1948-1949, had not collapsed by 1962. DLC. 85086. ANDRIaSHEV, A. P. Fishes of the northern seas of the USSR. Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Translations 1964. 617 p. illus. Available as TT 6311160 from CFSTI, Springfield, Va., 22151. English translation by M. Artman DLC. of No 33267. 85087. ANDRICASREV, A. P. Spisok ryb, sobrannykh ekspediaiel na lir "F. Litke" 1955 g., severnee Zemli Franfa-Iosifa i ShpiGbergena. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 259, p. 373-77, table.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: List of fishes collected by F. Lithe expedition in 1955, north of Franz Joseph Land and Spitsbergen. Lists 14 species collected in the summer by trawling at depths of 124-1744 m, with notes on station, size and morphology of fish. Stations, bottom temperature, salinity, etc are tabulated. DLC. 85088. ANDRUSHKEVICH, S. G. Nekotorye osobennosti profavlenif gornogo davlenifa v ochistnykh vyrabotkakh shakht oblasti vechnol merzloty. (In: Akaclemita nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenia. Teplovye i mekhanicheskie 1965, p. 138-46, tables, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: Some peculiarities of lithostatic pressure effects in mine excavations in permafrost regions. 68
Reports study of the amount and rate of roof sagging at the working face of excavations, the causes of roof warping in the working of long faces, the roof stability in terms of chamber width and size of pillars, to establish phenomena indicating a roof caving in the chamber system workings. From observations made on coal seams in Sangar and Arkagala mines, it was found that roof sagging for a long period outside the stope may be considered a sign of an approaching cave-in. An analysis of the observation results indicates that working a chamber 15-20 m wide without timbering the roof may be permitted if pillars 4-5 m wide are left in the chamber. DLC. ANDRUSHKEVICH, S. G., see also No. 86513. 85089. ANDZHUS, R., and N. KHOZICFI. O granilsakh prodolzhitel'nosti obratimol klinicheskol smerti u nekotorykh zimospfashchikh i nezimospfashchikhpri temperature Lela 0° i o vozmozhnosti iskusstvennogo prodlenifa etogo sostofiinifa. (Balleten' eksperimentenol biologii i mediainy 1965. v. 30, no. 9, p. 38-42, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Time limits of reversible clinical death at 0° C body temperature in some hibernating and non-hibernating animals and the possibilities of artificial prolongation of this condition. Ground squirrels tolerated without a single fatality three hours of 0° hypothermia, but rats only 60-70 min. Repeated cooling of rats to 0° C extended their survival at that temperature to two hr, and the survival of squirrels to seven hr. Other methods (specified) could not increase the tolerance DLC. to 0° C hypothermia. 85090. ANDZHUS, B., and others. 0 nekotorykh osobennostakh obmena v mozgovol tkani vo vremQ klinicheskof smerti v glubokol gipotermii u nekotorykh zimospfa.shchikh i nezimospfashehikhzhivotnykh. (Bfulleten' eksperimentalinoT biologii i mediCsiny 1965. v. 30, no. 10, p. 73-76, graphs.) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: N. Khozich and T. Chirkovich. Title tr.: Certain metabolic characteristics in brain tissue during clinical death in deep hypothermia of some hibernating and non-hibernating animals. Reports on a study of rats and ground squirrels made anoxemic at 15° C body temperature and of animals cooled to 0° C. The ground squirrel showed greater resistance to both anoxemia and clinical death. Differences in brain lactic acid, adenosine-
monophosphate and other substances indicate that in the hibernator, utilization of anaerobic energy reserves is higher than in DLC. the rat. 85091. ANDZEUS, R., and N. KHOZICH. Temperatumye graniay obratimosti klinicheskol smerti pri glubokol gipotermii u nekotorykh zimospfashchikh i nezimospfashchikh mlekopitafilshchikh. (B(ulleten' eksperimental'noT biologii i mediainy 1965. v. 30, no. 12, p. 82-85, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Temperature limits of reversibility from clinical death in deep hypothermia of some hibernating and non-hibernating mammals. Report experiments with mice, ground squirrels and newborn or adult rats. Resuscitation was still possible after overchilling these animals to —6° to —7° C, by a method described. Following the rectal "temperature leap", complete resuscitation is impossible, and the animals survive at best for DLC. several days. ANGELAKOS, E. T., see No. 92427. 85092. ANGELL, J. K., and J. KORSHOVER. Quasi-biennial variations in temperature, total ozone, and tropopause height. (Journal of the atmospheric sciences 1964. v. 21, no. 5, p. 479-92, graphs, tables.) 11 refs. Analysis of mean-monthly temperature and total ozone data suggests that apparent two-year variations extend beyond the tropics to the temperate and polar latitudes of both hemispheres, more clearly in the Southern Hemisphere. A quasi-biennial variation in tropopause height is associated with the temperature oscillation in the lower stratosphere. Temperature data were obtained from 14 arctic stations of the 58 used; total ozone data from two arctic of 29 stations; tropopause height data came from six arctic of 17 stations. At Eureka a 30mo temperature oscillation shows up poorly at 50 and 100 mb, fairly well at 300 mb, and not at all at 500 mb. Further study seems worthwhile on the possible influence of sudden spring warmings in the polar stratosphere upon the quasi-biennial temperature oscillations in the polar troposphere, also the question of a possible connection between these warmings and the strong quasibiennial temperature oscillations noted clearly in the equatorial stratosphere. DWB. 85093. ANIKEEV, N. A. Promyshlennye ispytanifa samoizmel'chenifIt medno-nikelevykh rud na Afrikandskol fabrike. (nvet-
nye metally 1965. v. 38, no. 10, p. 5-8, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Industrial research pertaining to the self-crushing of copper-nickel ores at the Afrikander plant. Outlines the geology, petrography, and chemical composition of the Kaula (Pechenga) and Zhdanovskoye ore deposits. Application of the research method is described in detail. The primary ore is first crushed by a three-stage process and then is fed into a crushing and flotation mill. The final pulp product leaves the mill through a narrow slit. Results show that the output of 0.074 mm class was decreased 14% for the Zhdanovskoye and 21% the Kaula ore, although the consumption of electric energy was less by 56% and 48.5% respectively. The surface hardness of crushing bodies have no effect on the crushing action, also the optimum drum charging was found to be 48 to 50% of the mill volume. DLC. 85094. ANIKEEV, N. P., and others. Osnovnye cherty metallogenii OkhotskoChaunskogo vulkanicbeskogo poilsa. (In: Mezhvedomstvennoe soveshchanie po probleme rudonosnost' . Materialy 1963 pith. 1965, p. 196-201.) In Russian. Other authors: I. E. Drabkin, B. N. Erofeev and S. F. Lugov. Title tr.: Main metallogenic features of the Okhotsk-Chaun, volcanic belt. This belt 3,000 km long and 50-350 km wide extends from Ayan Bay of the Okhotsk Sea to the Chaun Bay region of Chukotka. Its geologic structure and magmatism are summarized. Manifestations of gold, mercury and tin are noted and their exploration is suggested. DLC. ANIRVEVA, L. I., see No. 86749. 85095. ANIKIN, R., and V. BELYK. V razumnye sroki. (Serskokhozfalstvennoe proizvodstvo Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka 1965, no. 3, p. 52.) In Russian. Title tr.: In the reasonable terms. The hare occurs throughout Yakutia including the tundra, but mostly in the middle Lena, the Vilyuy, Yana and Indigirka regions. It has a 11-12 yr population cycle, and the catch ranges from 2.5 million to a low of 100,000. The timing of the open season is a big factor in the catch, if too early (in Sept), the yield is substandard, because the molt is incomplete. Trapping should begin at mid-Oct. DLC. 85096. ANISHCHENKO, L. A. 0 sostave prirodnogo gaze Pechorogorodskol ploshchadi. (Geologifa nefti i gaze severo-vostoka evrope!skol chasti SSSR 1964. no. 1, p.
65-67, table, graphs.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: On the composition of natural gas in the Pechorogorodskaya area. Describes the Pechorogorodskaya anticlinal uplift as consisting of Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic deposits. Gas manifestations are detected in all of them. Special attention is given to Visean and Permian deposits and their gases are analyzed. The data show that gas composition varies according to the depth of the gas-bearing horizon: the closer to the surface, the more nitrogen and argon and the less methane, helium and heavy hydrocarbons. DLC. 85097. ANISHCHENKO, L. A. Ob izmenenii sostava gazov devonskikh otlozhenil filzhnol chasti Timano-Pechorskol (Neftegazovafit geologifa i geofizika 1965, no. 7, p. 30-34, tables, graphs, map.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On changes of gas composition in Devonian deposits of the southern part of Timan-Pechora province. Presents tabulated data on the composition of gas obtained in various wells. The gases dissolved in the stratal waters are methane or nitrogen-methane waters with a small content homologous to methane. The gas of each region has its individual composition, and this is explained as due to the geologic conditions and the hypsometric position of the region. DLC. 85098. ANISIMOV, G. SovetskoT Arktike i ee gerofam. (Iskusstvo 1965. v. 28, no. 11, p. 29-31, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: The Soviet Arctic and its heroes. Reviews mainly work of the artist A. Merkulov who painted on voyages of the Persei, Talinyr, etc to Novaya Zemlya, Spitsbergen, Franz Joseph Land, Jan Mayen, and Greenland. DLC. 85099. ANISIMOV, L. I., and B. F. ERMILOV. Opyt stroitel'stva zhilykh domov, otaplivaemykh promyshlennykh zdanil i dorog v Noril'ske. (In: Soveshchanieseminar po obmenu ... 1961. Sbornik trudov pub. 1962, p. 24 19, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Construction of homes, heated industrial buildings, and roads at Noril'sk. Outlines the physical features of the region, organization, equipment, and local production of building materials. Engineering principles in the planning of this city on the basis of using the permafrost as permanent foundation for all construction except industrial buildings using hot or wet technological processes, are discussed in detail.
Construction of 431 km of railroads and 95 km of roads for motor vehicles is described. The utilities network laid underground in a two-story conduit at a cost of 333,000 rubles/km is described. Limitations in use of mechanized construction equipment in temp below —45° C and winds of up to 18 m/s are considered. Problems yet unsolved and suggestions for new construction equipment and materials are also given. DLC. 85100. ANISIMOVA, K. I. Izuchenie dubil'nykh veshchestv kory listvenni&y daurskof i ktuil'skol metodom khromatografii na bumage. (Rastitel'nye resursy 1965. v. 1, no. 4, p. 570-77, tables.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of tanning substances from the bark of Larix dahurica and L. kurilensis by paper chromatography. Discusses the nature of tannins, and tabulates the results of extractions from these barks with ether, acetylacetan and acetone. The tannins of the two species were found essentially similar. DLC. ANISIMOVA, K. I., see also No. 91726. ANNEXSTAD, J. 0., see No. 84953. 85101. ANODIN, T. I. Nerudnye poleznye iskopaemye Zapadnol rAkutii, basseln r. Vilfafa. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 260 p. tables, maps, profiles, sections. Approx. 165 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Nonmetallic useful minerals of western Yakutia, Vilyuy River basin. Reviews the geologic structure, stratigraphy, and development of the region. Nonmetallic minerals of magmatic and sedimentary origin are analyzed. Those of magmatic origin such as diabases, gabbrodiabases, diaba.se-porphyrites, tuff, are described and the place of occurrence, chemical composition, reserves, etc specified. Minerals of sedimentary origin such as carbonate rocks, sandstones, gravel, clays, sands and some others are also treated in detail. Their possible use for construction materials, fertilizers, brick, salts are discussed. DLC. 85102. ANOKHIN, G. I. Izmenenifa v dukhovnoi kul' ture saamov v SSSR. (Skandinayskil sbornik 1962. v. 5, p. 299-318, illus.) Approx. 25 refs. In Russian. Estonian and Swedish summary. Title tr.: Changes in the spiritual culture of Lapps in the USSR. Study based mainly on the author's 1957 and 1958 travels in the Lovozero, Umbozero, and Chudz'yavr districts. Educational
progress achieving about 95% literacy, reading preferences, women's participation in cultural and administrative work, etc are discussed. Creation of a literary language and its reduction to writing proved abortive; based on the Kil'din dialect it was not readily understood by the majority of Lapps. Christianity, never firmly accepted, has almost vanished as have pre-Christian and magic beliefs. Old folk songs and tales remain popular however, and a new folk literature is developing combining traditional and modern elements. Assimilation by marriage to Russians, Komi, and Samoyeds has declined, and the early extinction of the Lapps expected in the 19—early 20th centuries has not taken place, in fact a tendency toward ethnic preservation is noted despite the low proportion of Lapps in the population: 1,800 individuals, i.e. 4.5% of the rural and 0.5% of the total population of Murmansk Province by the 1959 census. DLC. 85103. ANOKHIN, G. I. Kto zhe otkryl Ameriku? (Priroda 1965. v. 54, no. 10, p. 70-76, map, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Who did actually discover America? Discusses references in Icelandic sagas and elsewhere to voyages westward from Greenland, and the archeological discoveries of H. M. Ingstad in 1961-1964 in northern Newfoundland (No 79568). The discovery of America by Leif Ericsson and the existence of a Norse settlement on Newfoundland around 1,000 AD are considered beyond doubt. Interpretation of the name Vinland as pasture land is preferred to land of wine. DLC. 85104. ANOKHIN, G. I. Sovremennafa sem'fa u saamov Kol'skogo poluostrova. (Skandinayskil sbornik 1963. v. 7, p. 25878, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Estonian and Swedish summary. Title tr.: The presentday family of Kola Peninsula Lapps. Study of family structure and customs based on field work in 1957-1960. The family comprises usually parents and unmarried children, rarely grandparents; the eldest male heads the family and his wife controls the money. Both spouses work in the kolkhoz. A woman with small children usually has a task permitting frequent home visits. Men work as reindeer herders or fishers in summer and do freight transport in winter; thus leading a mobile life though the family remains settled. This dislocation of family life is considered a major social problem. Boys usually quit school after the 4-5th grade to assist their fathers, girls may stay on to the 7-8th grade. Men
usually marry at the age of 21-25 after completing military service, girls at 18-20. Traditional courtship and wedding rites have almost disappeared. Marriages with non-Lapps are rare. The Kola Lappish ethnic type has remained relatively pure. DLC. 85105. ANOKHTNA, L. E. Some aspects of the fecundity of the herring in the White Sea. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et proces-verbaux 1963. v. 154, p. 123-27, tables.) 9 refs. Reports on material collected in the spring of 1957 and 1958. A warm season preceding spawning increased the absolute and relative fecundities of the four- and five-yr old females; a cold season preceding spawning reduced also fecundity of the three-yr old fish. The fat content influenced the quality of the eggs but not their number. DLC. 85106. ANOSHIN, V. A., and others. Novye dannye o gazoneftenosnosti karbonatnykh otlozheniT v iZzhnol chasti TimanoPechorskol provinrsii. (Neftegazovafa geologifa i geofizika 1963, no. 4, p. 39-42, graph, map.) In Russian. Other authors: B. Vasserman and N. V. Sazonov. Title tr.: New data on the gas-oil-bearing properties of carbonate deposits in the southern part of Timan-Pechora province. Reports a 1961 study of western Tebuk deposits to clarify productive traps in carbonate-oil-collector rocks. Carbonate deposits of Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian systems are outlined, manifestations of oil and natural gas are characterized, and further prospecting of the Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian carbonate deposits concluded worthwhile as possibly clarifying productive reserves. DLC. 85107. ANSARI, Z. A. The aurorally associated absorption of cosmic noise at College, Alaska. (Journal of geophysical research 1964. v. 69, no. 21, p. 4493-4513, table, graphs, illus.) 13 refs. Studies the variation of nighttime radiowave absorption in conjunction with the spatial and temporal intensity variation of the auroral spectral line of 5577 A. The absorption at College, Alaska was found to fall into two main categories: that observed in the evening any time during 2000-0200 h, and correlated with the intensity fluctuation at 5577 A, being limited to luminous regions of the sky. Primary electrons responsible for the absorption of this category are less than 20 key, possibly less than 10 key. The second-category
absorption observed only in postmidnight hours, varies slowly with time, and does not correlate with the intensity fluctuation of 5577 A. Almost all this absorption is due to electrons in the 30-100 key energy range. A fair estimate of the cosmic-noise-producing flux of primary particles can be made from the observed value of peak absorption, if the primary electrons associated with the bright and active phase of the auroral display are assumed to be of uniform energy of ten thousand electron volts. DLC. 85108. ANSARI, Z. A. A peculiar type of daytime absorption in the auroral zone. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 13, p. 3117-22, table, graphs.) 7 refs. Notes several absorption events recorded at College, Ft Yukon, and Healy by means of a chain of riometers with antennas pointed in different directions along the magnetic meridian at College. This absorption shows little fluctuation with time, and is usually much stronger to the north of College than to the south. The identified event is concluded to belong to the broad category of auroral absorption, differentiated from the usual events by quite dissimilar energy spectra of the relevant primary particles. DLC.
Summarizes side effects of drilling in permafrost which hamper the work: collapse of the walls of drill hole due to rise in temperature in shaft; partial or total absorption of the flushing fluid; freezing of the pipe to the walls of the drill hole; freezing of the fluid in the hole etc. Three categories of water in frozen rocks are distinguished and briefly characterized. Presence of ice is also discussed. Absorption of the drill fluid is considered a serious problem and a solar-bentonitic mixture is recommended as the best fluid to use in permafrost regions. DLC.
ANSARI, Z. A., see also No. 88247.
85111. ANTIPOVA, A. V. Kaneda, priroda i estestvennye resursy. Moskva, Izd-vo Mysl' 1965. 319 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Approx. 275 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Canada, nature and natural resources. Presents the first comprehensive work in Russian on natural conditions in Canada. Six chapters deal with the surface structure, natural resources, climatic conditions, coastal and interior waters, soils and vegetation, and animal life. Eastern and Western Canada are characterized. Northern regions are treated throughout with special sections on the Arctic Islands, and the arctic desert, tundra, forest tundra and taiga zones and their fauna. The numerous bibliography, maps, and illus refer mostly to Canadian sources. CaMAI.
ANSIMOV, V. V., see No. 87492.
ANIONENICO, V. A., see No. 89698.
85109. ANSTEY, R. L. Visibility measurement in forested areas. Natick, Mass. 1964. 34 p. graphs, maps, illus. (US. Army Natick Lab. Special report S-4.) 10 refs. Summarizes and evaluates results of visibility studies conducted in various types of forest, using moving and stationary targets. The four forest zones studied included high-latitude coniferous forest at Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory (map of site). Disk and human targets were sighted by an observer with normal vision both prone and erect and limits of visibility recorded. The mean extinction distance at Kluane Lake was 46 yd and the max 67 yd. The use of a red target did not increase range of visibility. CaMAI.
85112. ANTONIS, A., and others. Serum lipid changes in young men in Antarctica. (Journal of physiology 1063. v. 167, no. 1, p. 26-27P.) Other authors: I. Bersohn and D. L. Easty. No seasonal trends were found in total lipids, phospholipids or triglycerides. There were marked individual differences in serum triglycerides. Cholesterols showed seasonal and post-sledging changes. DLC.
ANSTEY, R. L., see also No. 84952. 85110. ANTIPOV, A. N. Oslozimenifa pri glubokom burenii v Zapolfilfe. (Neftf?tnoe khozastyo 1965. v. 43, no. 4, p. 63-66, tables.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Complications in deep drillings above the Arctic Circle.
85113. ANTONOV, A. A. 0 khimichukoro sostave vod Khibinskogo shchelochnogo (Moskovskoe o-vo ispytatelel massive. prirody. Bfalleten' 1964. otd. geol. v. 39, no. 2, p. 104-113, tables, section.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Chemical composition of the waters of the Khibiny alkaline massif. Hydrocarbonate-sodium waters with a higher than normal content of silicon compound form in this massif. Their composition is mainly determined by evacuation of elements and their compounds from the nepheline syenites under leaching and weathering and by supply of elements from
atmospheric precipitation. Waters circulating in apatite-nepheline rocks are characterized by a specific ion composition with increased content of phosphate ion, calcium and fluorine leached mostly from DLC. apatite. 85114. ANTONOV, A. A., and M. D. MALYSHEV. Vnutridolinnye mikroartezianskie basselny v kristallicheskom massive. (Sovetskaa, geologifa 1965, no. 5, p. 129-31, map, sections.) In Russian. Title tr.: Intervalley micro-artesian basins in the crystalline massif. Reviews the hydrogeologic characteristics of the Khibiny massif, its relief, precipitation, ground water, geologic structure and other features. The Khibiny water basins are very small and resemble micro-artesian DLC. basins. 85115. ANTONOV, A. A. Vynos elementov podzemnymi vodami iz intruzivnykh massivov aentrarnoi chasti Kol'skogo poluostrova i gidrogeokhimicheskie pokazateli porod. (In: Akademi1 nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Reef i geologicheskoe ... 1964, p. 120-33, tables.) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Elements carried away by ground water from intrusive massifs in the central part of Kola Peninsula and hydrochemical indicators of the rocks. Reports the concentration of various elements: Na, K, Ca, Mg, Si, Al, Fe, F, Cl, etc in ground waters in ultrabasic, basic, and alkaline rocks as studied in Monche and Khibiny tundras and other areas. Elements' transport by ground water differs in various rocks and depends on the concentration of the elements, specific properties of the rock, and speed of transIn massifs of ultrabasic rocks, port. siliceous, hydrocarbonate and hydrocarbonate-sulfate water form; and in basic rocks and nepheline-syenites, other types of water. Hence the chemical composition of ground and surface water may disclose DLC. natural resources. 85116. ANTONOV, N. K. 0 fakutskikh odnoslozhnykh imennykh osnovakh s dolgimi glasnymi i diftongami. (Akademila nauk SSSR. fAkutskil filial. Inst. lazyka, lit-ry i istorii. Trudy 1961. no. 3, p. 22-51, tables.) Approx. 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Yakut one-syllable noun stems with long vowels and diphthongs. Comparative study of phonetic changes in words of Turkic and Mongolian origin. DLC. ANTONOV, N. V., see No. 86668.
85117. ANTONOV, V. S. Anomalii povyshennogo stoka rek arkticheskoT i subarkticheskol zony Sibiri. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 18, p. 24-30, maps.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Anomalies in the increased runoff of rivers in the arctic and subarctic zone of Siberia. Notes that certain rivers are characterized by anomalously high runoff, e.g. the southern part of the Pyasina basin with 15 1/sec/ km, drainage area, whereas neighboring rivers have only 7-10 1/sec/km1; the Nadym with 23 1/sec/km, whereas nearby streams have only 7-10 1/secilun1. Other rivers of the Far North are also considered, such as the Ob, Yenisey, Lena, etc. Factors which might account for these anomalies are discussed, among them the lack of good geodetic and cartographic data, dual drainage of some tundra areas, different conditions of tectonic movements, feeding of rivers by ground water, unequal distribution of permafrost, also redistribution of drainage due to stream diversion. It is considered possible that Nadym derives some of its water from the Ob, and the Pyasina from the Yenisey. DLC. 85118. ANTONOV, V. S., and others. Eksperimental'nye issledovanifa vodnogo rezhima del'ty r. Obi. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 20, p. 23-30, table, graph, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N. P. Gilfa'rov and V. V. Ivanov. Title tr.: Experimental studies of the water regime of the Ob River delta. Presents in detail the characteristics of the delta channels according to extensive observational data on record, and a model. Considerable deepening and some dam construction are required for stable and efficient navigation. All the channels should be dammed except the Nadymskaya Ob and partly the Bezymyannyy channel. DLC. 85119. ANTONOV, V. S., and M. K. FEDOROV. Energeticheskoe i vodokhozialstvennoe ispol'zovanie Obi i Severny1 morskol put'. (Akademia nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. SibirskiT n.-issl. inst. energetiki. Transportnoe ispol'zovanie rek Ob'-Irtyshskogo bassena, Novosibirsk 1965, p. 82-91.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Energetistic and aquicultural utilization of the Ob and the Northern Sea Route. Discusses plans to divert part of the Ob and Yenisey waters into the Aral-Caspian basin. Possible effects on ice conditions, navigation periods, and currents in the Kara and Laptev Seas and the Arctic Ocean are assessed. Construction of a hydro-
electric station on the lower Ob is also discussed, as is the resultant flooding of the adjacent area. Widening and deepening the Ob for ocean shipping up to Salekhard or even Tobol'sk is also considered. Further DLC. study of these projects is urged. 85120. ANTONOV, V. S. Novye dannye o velichine zhidkogo stoka sibirskikh rek, vpadaMshchikh v arkticheskie moria. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 17, p. 73-76, tables.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the volume of fluid discharge of Siberian rivers entering the arctic seas. Evaluates the discharge for the Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, and Chukchi Seas and shows its increase from west to east. DLC. 85121. ANTONOV, V. S. Problema plavanifa v ust'e r. Obi v svfazi a vozmozhnym stroitel'stvom Nizhne-Obskol GES. (Problemy Severa 1965. no. 9, p. 250-52.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Navigation in the Ob River mouth in connection with a possible construction of the Lower Ob' Hydroelectric Station. The plan for building this power station near Salekhard includes the deepening of the main channel of the Ob. This requires 80 million m3 basic dredging and 15 million mlyr for maintenance. The thorough study required has been started on a model by the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. But the prospect of transportation into the interior of the continent from Kara Sea via DLC. the Ob River is discounted. 85122. ANTONOV, V. S., and others. Tipovye osobennosti ledovogo rezhima sudokhodnykh rek arkticheskol zony. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 15, p. 11-17.) In Russian. Other authors: V. V. Ivanov and lU. V. Nalimov. Title tr.: Type character of the ice regime of navigable rivers in the arctic zone. Discusses the paucity of observation stations along navigable rivers in Siberia and suggests wider use of aircraft for reporting ice conditions. Data of record are summarized on the destruction of the northern river-ice cover. Breakup on the lower reaches of the Yenisey, Lena, and Kotuy occurs under the influence of dynamic action; the Ob, Taz, Pyasina, Kheta, Anabar, Alazeya and their smaller tributaries have a quiet breakup in their lower reaches; the Khatanga, Olenek, Yana, Indigirka, and Kolyma belong to an intermediate group. The practical value of these observations is stressed, as is the need
to set up more hydrological stations to DLC. increase the air-borne observers. 85123. ANTONOV, V. S. Vlifanie rechnogo stoka na ledfanol pokrov a.rkticheskikh vodoemov. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1965. v. 268, p. 6-56, tables, graphs.) 56 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effects of river discharge on the ice cover of arctic basins. Outlines in detail such effects as the ice melting during spring and summer, the disappearance of ice from areas adjacent to river outlets, the delay in fall and winter freezing. The discharge of large Siberian rivers is discussed in relation to the Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, and Chukchi Seas. Formation and growth of the ice cover, max thickness of ice, measurements of ice thickness of the snow cover on these seas are discussed as well as ice disintegration. Principles are outlined for long-term forecasting of ice conditions in arctic seas. CaMAI, DLC. 85124. ANTONOV, V. S. Vlifanie rechnogo stoka na zamerzanie ust'ev rek i pribrezhnd polosy morfa Laptevykh. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil no.-issl. inst. Trudy 1961. v. 213, p. 5-37, tables, graphs, maps.) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effect of river discharge on freezing of river mouths and the coastal strip of Laptev Sea. Analyzes the natural factors which advance and retard the freeze-up of the estuary. Discharge of the Lena, Yana, Olenek, Anabar and other rivers flowing into the Laptev Sea is analyzed. Hydrological features of this sea are outlined. Conditions of river-mouth freezing are outlined and data of 22 observation stations analyzed. Empirical formulas for calculation of ice growth are presented. Continental outflow into the Laptev Sea mainly concentrates in the region of the New Siberian Islands where great areas are covered with strong frost ice. Max duration of the ice cover is in bays and lagoons protected from heavy storms and DLC. sea currents. ANTONOV, V. S., see also No. 92323. 85125. ANTONOVA, L. A., and G. S. KorpuskulfarIVANOV-KHOLODNYI. naa gipoteza ionizafsu nochnol ionosfery. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskiI komitet. Ionosfernye issl. Sbomik stater 1965. no. 14, p. 9-12.) 15 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Corpuscular hypothesis on the night ionization of the ionosphere.
Suggests that a stream of weak electrons exists in the atmosphere beyond 300 km altitude, and that precipitation of these electrons ionizes the atmosphere at 100 km altitude in the nighttime. The stream intensity is latitude dependent, having a max of 1 erg/ems sec at 67° in the auroral zone. Irregular behavior of the ionospheric layer F2 is explained by sporadic changes in the intensity of the ionizing electron stream. Formation of ionospheric region D is considered to be due, mostly, to penetration of hard electrons into the region. The origin of the stream of weak electrons in the upper atmosphere is not explained by the hypothesis. DLC. 85126. ANTONOVA, L. V., and N. S. IVANOV. 0 metodike opredelenifa zavisimosti koeffifeienta temperaturoprovodnosti merzlykh gornykh porod of temperatury. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Teplovye prorsessy v merzlykh ... 1964, p. 171-77, graphs.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Methods of determining the dependence of the temperature conductivity coefficient of frozen rock upon its temperature. Presents basic considerations of the theory and methods of determining the coefficient by the linearization of the non-linear equation Cy (0) —= div [X (0) grad 01 where tion C (0) is the effective thermal capacity of the rock, 0 its temperature, T is time, and X (8) the thermal conductivity coefficient. Experiments with sand, in the temp range -0.5° to -3.0° C, showed an increase in the value of the coefficient from (0.2 to -3) X 10-4 to (14.5 to -15.5) X 10-4 ms/hr, and little effect from the moisture degree of the rock. However, moisture degree had marked effect in loam frozen in temp range -0.5 to -8.0° C. 22.5 to 29.7% moisture in frozen loam decreased the coefficient from DLC. (19.4 to 14.4) X 10-4 m2/hr. ANTONOVSKII, S. D., see No. 93140. 85127. ANUFRIEV, A. F., and IA. A. SUPRIAGA. Energeticheskie resursy Komi ASSR. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR 1963. 66 p. maps, tables, graphs. 39 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Power engineering resources of Komi ASSR. The natural resources for power engineering are estimated as 12.1 billion tons of coal, 14.0 billion ms of natural gas, 551.5 million t. of oil shale, 1.36 billion m' of timber, 4660 billion kwh of hydroenergy, 2500 billion kwh of wind energy, 1611.4 million t. of peat, and an undetermined
amount of petroleum. Distribution of these resources is outlined, the deposits, forests and water power are characterized and indicated on a generalized map p 3-31; their development status is presented p 32-62, with (mostly percentage) data. DLC. 85128. ANUFRIEV, A. F. Gidroenergeticheskil potencsial rechnykh basseTnov Pechory, Mezeni i Vychegdy. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestiffs 1964. no. 9, p. 49-54, tables, map.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Water power potentials of the Pechora, Mezen' and Vychegda River basins. Reports a study of the entire Pechora basin, the upper Mezen' to Vashka and the upper Vychegda to Vym'. Their waterpower potentials in kwh/yr are given. The engineering possibilities of developing this energy are outlined. Diversion of some of the Pechora and Vychegda waters through the Kama River into the Volga is also noted. Supplying Komi ASSR with electric energy is briefly discussed. DLC. 85129. ANUFRIEV, A. F. Voprosy razvitifa energetiki malykh form v lesnoT zone. (Problemy Severs 1965, no. 9, p. 182-93, maps, tables, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Development of small-scale power systems in a forest zone. Discusses problems of power supply for Komi ASSR, including its northern part. It had 1546 electric stations in 1961, their capacity from about 50 to over 500 kw, with a total of 62,400 kw and output of 124.5 million kwh/yr. Their distribution in six areas, including Vorkuta-Inta, Ukhta, lower Pechora is tabulated and analyzed, and further development prospects are outlined. DLC. 85130. ANUKHINA, A. M. Navaga Karel'skogo poberezh'fa Belogo morfa. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Materialy po kompleksnomu izucheniffl Belogo morfa 1963. no. 2, p. 144-58, tables, graphs.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Eleginus navaga of the Karelian White Sea coast. Reports a study of over 13,500 saffron cod specimens during 1953-1955. Morphometry (with comparison to that of white and Kara Sea fishes), age composition of catches, length, weight and growth in different locations in the area are dealt with, also composition according to sex and maturity, and reproduction. Fisheries, stock, and measures for conservation, are DLC. considered.
85131. ANUKHINA, A. M. 0 dinamike chislennosti navagi Pomorskogo poberezh'fa Belogo morfa. (Problemy isporzovanifa promyslovykh resursov Belogo morfa' i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii 1963. no. 1, p. 112-19, tables, graph.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Population dynamics of saffron cod on the Pomor coast of the White Sea. Discusses fluctuations in the catches of this codfish. Others' ideas about their causes are reviewed and own studies of 1951-1960 are reported with statistics on catches, age, maturity and stock, data on year classes, spawning, and its efficiency. The obvious interaction of the fertility of spawners and the favorable environmental conditions is considered to determine the DLC. size of the mature chin% 85132. ANUKHINA, A. M. Sezonnye i godovye izmenenifit upitannosti i zhirnosti belomorskol navagi. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1964. v. 43, no. 2, p. 220-31, tables, graphs.) 20 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Seasonal and annual changes in fatness of theWhite Sea saffron cod. Reports on a test of coefficient of fatness and fat reserves of Eleginus navaga. Fat accumulation in muscle was found to be closely related with the preparation for winter spawning; with the development of the gonads in fall muscle-fat decreases. Fat accumulation in the liver is related to survival of the unfavorable summer conditions. Year-to-year changes in fatness are related to food available. DLC. 85133. ANUKHINA, A. M. Ustanovit' bolee pravil'nyl rezhim lova belomorskol navagi. (Rybnoe khozetIstvo 1964. v. 40, no. 8, p. 25-26, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Establish a better system of fishing the White Sea saffron cod. Points out that despite fish-size and meshsize regulations, the number of immature individuals caught often exceeds 50%. A minimal mesh size of 24 mm combined with an annual quota of catch is suggested. DLC. 85134. APELTSEN, F. R. Formacsifi malykh intruzil zolotonosnogo poktsa Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (In: Vses. petrograficheskoe soveshchanie 1958. Magmatizm i svraz' ... 1960, p. 715-18.) In Russian. Title tr.: Formation of small intrusions of gold-bearing belt of the Northeast of the USSR. Divides these intrusions into six independent formations, and discusses their
position in the history of upper Mesozoic magmatism. Petrographic and petrochemical features of the formation are noted. Age of the instrusions is considered, and their formation conditions interpreted. DLC. Za Poll rnym 85135. APENCHENKO, krugom stroitsfa novyl gorod Talnakh (Sovetskil sofflz 1965, no. 5, p. 38-39, illus.) In Russian. Title tr • Talnakh, a new town being built beyond the Arctic Circle. Notes the 1960 discovery of copper and nickel deposits between the Talnakh and Ugol'nyy creeks 25 km from Norilsk; mine construction in progress, ore extraction to DLC. start in 1965. 85136. APLONOV, V. S., and N. V. PETROVA. Novye dannye po mineralogy redkikh zemel' v Severnom Verkhocan'e. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. RegionaPnafa Uchenye zapiski 1965. geologifft no. 6, p. 155-61, tables.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the mineralogy of rare earths in the northern Verkhoyansk region. Reports a find of two minerals, florencite and cheralite, having rare earth elements. Both are described giving spectral and X-ray analyses. Florencite contains cerium earth up to 28.0%; cheralite Ce and Th. Presence of the rare earth elements is discussed. DLC. 85137. APLONOV, V. S. 0 kharaktere treshchinovatosti v predelakh Verkhofanskol khrustalenosnoI zony, mezhdurech'e Nelon-Dzhardzhan. (Leningrad. N.-issL inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regionarnafa geologifa no. 3, p. 95106, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the character of fracturing at the limits of the Verkhoyansk crystal-bearing zone, Nelon-Dzhardzhan interfluve. Continuing the study reported in No 77072, author directs attention to fracturing of the rocks. Cross and strike joints are recognized and treated in detail. The mode of occurrence of rock crystal veins is analyzed. The tectonic factor in formation of quartz veins is recognized and considered important in rock crystal prospecting. DLC. APLONOVA, E. A., see No. 87500. 85138. APOLLONIO, S. Chlorophyll in arctic sea ice. (Arctic 1965. v. 18, no. 2, p. 118-22, tables.) 14 refs. Reviews investigations 1961-1963 into chlorophyll concentrations in sea ice in
both arctic and antarctic regions. Results are compared with own researches off Devon Island, Canada, which are reported in detail. Chlorophyll a and c concentrations were obtained from underside of ice by a 7.5 cm diam ice corer and light penetration was measured by freezing a photometer into the ice; readings of both are tabulated. Chlorophyll values exceed concentrations in open sea water. The values were found to fall with increased light, and the high ratio of c to, a is interpreted as an adaptation for maximum absorption of blue light through ice and snow. The algae are associated mainly with young ice peripheral to the Arctic Ocean. As a primary production resource, an estimated volume of 25 x 106 kg of chlorophyll a for a two-month period for the arctic region is considered conservative. DLC. 85139. APOLLONIO, S. Devon Island report. (Beaver, autumn 1965. p. 42-47, map, illus.) Leader reviews the expedition to this island. In Aug 1960, an eight-man reconnaissance party built a base camp; and a 21-man group in Apr 1961, began investigations in glaciology, geophysics, meteorology, geology, archeology, and oceanography; work continued through the 1961-62 winter and summers 1962 and 1963. The routines of field work and camp life, visitors, minor annoyances from muskoxen, lemmings, etc DI. are noted. 85140. APPLEMAN, H. S. Visibility deterioration caused by successive takeoffs of jet aircraft. (Archiv fur Meteorologic, Geophysik and Bioklimatologie 1964. ser. B, v. 13, no. 1, p. 108-113, graphs, tables.) 4 refs. Considers whether the visibility reduction is due to fog resulting from saturation of the air by water vapor in the aircraft exhaust, or to a smoke-type contamination. Saturation or condensation trails could not form at the temperatures (as at Fairbanks, Alaska) where water injection is used, thus the reduction of visibility must he due to contamination. Meteorological parameters likely to be related to the contamination problem are reviewed, and results of a preliminary forecast study are given using some of these parameters. DWB. APPLEYARD, E. C., see No. 92128. 85141. APRELKOV, S. E. Drevnfata dolina reki Avachi na Kamehatke. (In: Akademi1 nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst.
vulkanologii. Geologicheskie i geofizicheskie issledovanica ... Moskva 1963, p. 88-92, map, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The old valley of the Avacha River in Kamchatka. Reports recent study north from Avachinskaya Bay and presents geologic map of this region. It is established that volcanic rocks, coming from Avachinsldy and Kuryakskiy volcanoes, built a barrier preventing river flow and Avacha built a new, present valley. Reconstruction of Avacha valley is demonstrated and explained noting DLC. procedure of events. 85142. APRELKOV, S. E., and V. S. SHEIMOVICH. Drevnil vulkan ErgoVostochnoT Kamchatki s sovremennymi gidrotermal'nymi profiivlenifami. (Bffllleten' vulkanologicheskikh stanail 1964. no. 36, p. 60-65, map, table.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: An ancient volcano in southeast Kamchatka, with present-day hydrothermal activity. Describes a 1200-1300 m high volcano which became extinct in the late Neogene; it is between Vilyuchik, Gorelyy and Mutnovskiy Volcanoes at the outlet of the Mutnovskaya River, and was discovered in 1962 by ID'. M. Slepov. Its geology, stratigraphy and petrology are discussed, and the weak hydrothermal manifestations DLC. noted. 85143. APRELKOV, S. E. Ignimbrity Golyginskikh gor, fezhnala Kamchatka. (Akaclemila nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Trudy 1961. no. 20, p. 92-96, table, map, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ignimbrites of Golyginskiye Mountains, southern Kamchatka. Describes the ignimbrite rocks in the Ozernaya River basin. Age of the ignimbrites is considered Pliocene. Their area of distribution is about 80 km2, and their volume about 10 km'. From a microscopic study, their structure, texture, color and other features are described. Columnar jointing is noted. Chemical analyses are included. Translated into English by R. C. Martin and A. Malahoff, qv. DLC. 85144. APRELKOV, S. E., and G. P. BORZUNOVA. Molodye vulkanicheskie obrazovanifi. okrestnosteT Avachinskol bukhty. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1963. no. 1, p. 34-40, map.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Young volcanic formations in the vicinity of Avachinskaya Bay. Describes Quaternary volcanic activity in this area. Some volcanoes are characterized, with special attention to Vilyuchinskiy. 77
Eruption of basalts, augitic andesites, hornblende-hypersthenic andesites and olivine basalts is discussed. Features of volcanic DLC. cones are described.
development stages: Cretaceous, PaleogeneLower Neogene, and late Neogene. Occurrence of gold, copper, zinc and other ores is DLC. briefly discussed.
85145. APRELKOV, S. E., and others. Nekotorye petrokhimicheskie osobennosti chetvertichnogo vulkanizma Kamchatki. (Akademi13, nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Petrokhimicheskie osobennosti ... Moskva 1963, p. 35-42, tables, graphs.) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A. R. Marchenko and V. S. Shelmovich. Title tr.: Some petrochemical features of the Quaternary volcanism of Kamchatka. Attempts to divide stratigraphically the Quaternary volcanic strata according to chemical analysis of lavas. Three stages of volcanism are distinguished: formation of plateau-basalts and shield volcanoes, formation of strato-volcanoes and injection of extrusion, further evolution of strato-volcanoes and formation of slag cones and lava fields. The petrochemical features of each stage are analyzed. Chemistry of the magma is noted to depend upon tectonic conditions. DLC.
85148. APRELKOV, S. E. 0 drevnem izverzhenii Avachinskogo vulkana i izmenenii rusla r. Avachi. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1964. no. 2, p. 108-109, section.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: An old eruption of Avachinskiy volcano and changes in the Avacha River bed. Reports lahar deposits up to 200 m thick south of this volcano in southeastern Kamchatka. The lithologic composition of lahar, delta and lake deposits are described, the geomorphic structure considered, and changes in the Avacha River bed are sumDLC. marized.
85146. APRELKOV, S. E. Neotektonika basselnov rek Avachi, Gavanki i NalachevoT. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 75-81, maps, section.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Recent tectonics of the Avacha, Gavanka and Nalachevo River basins. Reports a 1962-1964 study of recent tectonics and volcanic activity of this region of southeast Kamchatka. Avachinskiy horst, Nalachevskiy and Teplovskiy volcanic-tectonic horsts are described. Other phenomena connected with recent tectonic movements and volcanic activity such as river net development are characterized. The tectonic movements occurred along deep faults. Uplift of horsts is proceeding also at the present time. DLC. 85147. APRELKOV, S. E., and V. N. BONDARENKO. Novye dannye o geologii Mgo-Vostochno1 Kamchatki. (Sovetskail geologii 1965, no. 3, p. 74-88, maps, sections.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the geology of southeastern Kamchatka. Reports the 1957-1963 geologic mapping and prospecting work, and new data obtained in stratigraphy, tectonics and metallogeny of the region. Upper Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary deposits are analyzed and their stratigraphy outlined. The medial Kamchatka anticlinorium is described, noting its main structures and
85149. APRELKOV, S. E., and V. S. SHEIMOVICH. Plioasnovye ekstruzii fOgo-VostochnoT Kamchatld. (In: AkadeLab. vulkanologii. mica nauk SSSR. Vulkanizm Kamchatki ... 1963, p. 13241, table, map, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Pliocene extrusions in southeastern Kamchatka. Describes the geographic distribution of extrusive domes and their composition in this area: Babiy Kamen', Barkhatnaya, Goryachaya, etc. Tuffs, liparites, perlites, obsidian and other rocks are characterized, their chemical composition noted. Spore and pollen data show them to be Pliocene in age. DLC. 85150. APTIKAEV, F. F. Vlifanie ternperaturnogo pola na raspredelenie selsmicheskikh skorostel v zone mnogoletnemerzlykh gornykh porod. (In: Akademice nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Teplovye proalessy v merzlykh 1964, p. 190-99, table, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Temperature field effect on the distribution of seismic velocities in the permafrost zone. Studies the relationship between seismic velocity and temperature in sand, loam, clay, and fine- , small- , and medium-grain sandstone in the range +20° to —50° C. The gradient value of seismic velocity in frozen ground depends on the temperature, moisture, and composition of the ground, thickness of the frozen layer, etc. The compression of the frozen ground increases with depth and may result in a reduction of seismic velocity with depth, unlike the velocity increase in thawed ground. An IPA-50 type ultrasonic seismoscope (described) was used on cylindrical samples of 60-70 mm diam and 50-120 mm height.
An empirical formula derived by the author gives satisfactory results for the relationship between temperature and ultra sonic velocity in frozen rock. It was tested in 1961 in a drillhole in the Utachan valley in the upper Indigirka region. DLC. 85151. APUKHTIN, N. I., and others. Novye dokazatel'stva sushchestvovanifa'. pozdnelednikovogo Belomorsko-Baltilskogo morskogo proliva na Onezhsko-Ladozhskom pereshelke. (Baltica 1965. v. 2, p. 99-114, maps, illus.) 34 refs. In Russian. English and German summaDr. Other authors: I. M. Ekman and S. V. Lk'kovleva. Title tr.: New evidence of a White Sea—Baltic Sea late glacial connection in the Onega-Ladoga isthmus area. This connection has been confirmed and rejected for over a hundred years. New finds of salt-water form diatoms show that a sudden influx of salt water transformed the freshwater ice lake into a shallow inland sea of low salinity. DLC. 85152. ARAKI, T. The effect of freezethawing upon the fermentation of yeast cells. (Tejon kagaku 1965. ser. B, no. 23, p. 97-109, tables, graphs.) 11 refs. In Japanese. English summary. Changes in permeability of the cell membrane due to freezing caused some alteration in the function of these cells, as the various experiments presented indicate. The decrease in their fermenting activity may be due to dilution of some enzymes and/or co-factors of the cell interior in the DLC. surrounding medium. 85153. ARATSKAa, V. V. Ralony severnol chasti Tikhogo okeana s odnorodnymi popravkami na skorost' zvuka. (Akademia nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet, X razdel programmy MGG: okeanologicheskie issledovaniia. Sbornik state] 1965. no. 13, p. 55-60, tables, maps.) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Areas of the North Pacific with uniform corrections of sound velocity. From new data on T, S, and water circulation, author presents tables and maps showing areas homogeneous in respect to echo-sounding. They are slightly advanced over those of D. J. Matthews issued in 1939. The Gulf of Alaska is included. DLC. 85154. ARBMAN, E. Underjord och heliga fjfill i de skandinaviska lapparnas tro. (Ary 1960. v. 16, p. 115-36.) Refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.:
Underworld and sacred mountains in the religious beliefs of Scandinavian Lapps. Discusses use of the term saiva for certain sacred lakes, stones, and mountains as well as the supernatural being protecting the site. Southern Lapps latterly conceived of dead kin in Saiva mountains under protection of their guardian spirits. From this concept may have derived that of the Saivaimo, a pleasant home of the dead, unlike the deep and gloomy Jabmaimo. DLC. 85155. ARCHEGOVA, I. B. Sostav gumusa tundrovykh pochv v ralone Vorkuty. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. lzvestica 1964. no. 9, p. 78-82, tables.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Composition of the humus of tundra soils in the Vorkuta region. Describes peaty-gley-loamy soil; an illuvial-humus sandy soil, a highly podzolic soil and some others. Results of their humus analysis are tabulated. Percentage of carbon, nitrogen, and their relation, humus acid, and other components are reported. Optical density of humus acid is determined for all kinds of soils. DLC. ARCHER, A., see No. 91892. ARCHIBALD, D. C., see No. 91900. 85156. ARCTIC. First International Scientific Meeting on the Polar Bear. (Its: v. 18, 1965. no. 4, p. 268-69.) Reports the meeting at Univ of Alaska Sept 1965 to consider studies and preservation of this bear. The Arctic lust of North America proposed a program to determine its movements throughout the Arctic by tagging or marking over a three-four yr period in areas of known concentration. Attaching small radio transmitters to the animals is also suggested, the signals to be tracked, possibly by a polar-orbiting satellite. DI. 85157. ARCTIC CIRCLE. A symposium on factors affecting the distribution of plants and animals in northern Canada. (Arctic circular v. 16, 1963-64 pub. 1965. no. 2, p. 14-34.) 12 refs. Presents A. H. Macpherson's summary of five papers and discussions at the meeting of the Arctic Circle, Ottawa, May 14, 1964: Introductory remarks, p 14-15, E. G. Munroe states the problems posed by the biotic distributions in northern Canada. Ecological peculiarities of the Canadian North, p 15-18, W. R. M. Mason outlines the ecological transition from boreal forest, through open bush with sphagnum bogs, wooded tundra,
shrub tundra with prostrate conifers, and arctic tundra to the rock desert of the high Arctic. Various international equivalents for these zones are given. The regional variations in dominant tree species in these transition zones are discussed, differences due to oceanic and continental climatic influences being identified. The absence of the shrub tundra zone from Canada east of the Mackenzie is considered and contrasted with other northern areas. Reasons suggested are a combination of very severe glaciation with granitic bedrock and the cooling influence of Hudson Bay, the Labrador Current and the Greenland icecap. Freshwater molluscs of the Hudson Bay watershed, p 18-22, A. H. Clarke Jr outlines the broad distribution of molluscs in the area and discusses briefly the geographic and biotic factors which have affected the invasion of the Hudson Bay drainage basin by species from other freshwater systems. Eleven named species are identified as having spread north from the Mississippi via the Red River, many being calciphiles which have avoided the Shield and moved northwest into Saskatchewan and Alberta. Spawning temperatures and distribution of larval fish hosts are also mentioned as limiting factors. Three named species are referred to the St Lawrence as source area. Temperature controls are invoked to explain the distribution of two other very widespread species in the Hudson Bay drainage basin. Distribution of freshwater fish in northern Canada, p 22-25, D. E. McAllister discusses the reasons for striking decrease in number of species northward in North America. Dispersal rates and other physical and biotic factors are briefly considered. Temperature control is exemplified by the creek chub which is limited by the 65°F July air isotherm. Thirteen named species are traced to one or more glacial refugia, the principal being the Bering, Pacific, Mississippi and Atlantic. Their probable dispersal routes since the Wisconsin glaciation are identified. Distribution of Canadian arctic tundra mammals, p 25-28, A. H. Macpherson explains the effects of the advance and retreat of the Pleistocene ice sheets upon mammalian fauna. Confinement to refugia, principally Beringia and Peary Land, produced divergent races and subspecies which subsequently recolonized the Canadian Arctic and now retain indications of their refugia of origin. In addition, some Hudsonian forest species became adapted to tundra life and moved north. The hares, the varying lemming and the muskox show evidence of dispersal from both main refugia. The origins of several other mammals,
including fox, wolverine and caribou, are conjectured. The polar bear and arctic fox do not fit into this pattern because of adaptation to life on sea ice. Distribution, of the beetles of the Eastern Canadian Arctic, p 29-32, W. J. Brown reviews briefly the principal facts concerning distribution of beetles east of 100° W and north of the tree line. In view of the total glaciation of the aria, the 62 species from nine families identified must be immigrants since Wisconsin time. Although they are related to Hudsonian and Canadian species to the south, a puzzling phenomenon is the abrupt faunal transition at the tree line. Most arctic beetle habitats occur where the climatic extremes are moderated: in still, shallow water and beneath plant or soil cover. One third of species are aquatic, and all of those whose food is known are predators. The 40° F July mean appears to limit the Coleoptera, and overcast conditions may be an important limiting factor. Two species have a high arctic distribution indicative of dispersal from a Wisconsin refugium in Peary Land. A concluding discussion follows p CaMAI. 32-33. 85158. ARCTIC CIRCULAR. Accident at Broughton Island, the miraculous survival of Joanasee. (Its: v. 15, 1962 pub 1964. no. 4, p. 57-61, table, map.) Reports the circumstances of the death of three Baffin Island Eskimos and the rescue of a fourth. On 19 Jan 1963 the four men with their dog teams left the Broughton Island trading post for their home at Kivitoo 50 mi distant. Strong northwest winds made travel and ice conditions unusually difficult, the shore-fast ice on which they had erected an igloo broke up and their food and equipment was lost. Two men died trying to reach Kivitoo on foot, the third while sheltering in a rock crevice. Joanasee, sighted by RCMP aircraft, was rescued by helicopter after eight nights in a wet sleeping bag. His lower legs were amputated and he was fitted with prostheses in Montreal. CaMAI. 85159. ARCTIC CIRCULAR. New communications systems in the Western Arctic. (Its: v. 16, 1962 pub. 1964. no. 4, p. 61-63.) Reports progress in construction of a 1,020 mi telephone line from Hay River to Inuvik; it is to parallel the Mackenzie River to facilitate maintenance. The completion of a $5 million 554-mi telecommunication link between Hay River and Victoria Island is also reported. A tropospheric scatter-wave system is used, with two intermediate relay stations. CaMAI.
85160. ARCTIC CIRCULAR. The 1961 census in the North. (Its: v. 16, 1963-64 pub. 1966. no. 4, p. 47-60, tables, maps.) Refs. Presents population statistics for Yukon and Northwest Territories for 1951, 1956 and 1981. Figures of total population are given for census districts, major settlements and health districts. The Eskimo and the total population for each settlement within specified arctic islands is tabulated, as is the 1961 total, Eskimo, Indian, white, and other for New Quebec. The distribution by province and territory of Canada's 11,835 Eskimos in 1961, together with basic demographic data, is given. The rate of natural increase of the Eskimos is 38/1000, more than twice the Canadian average. Adjustments were necessary to the 1951 and 1961 raw census figures, mainly because of ambiguities in data for DEW Line personnel, and these are explained in an introductory section. In the 10 yr intercensal period the population of the Yukon increased by 61% to 14,628 and Northwest Territories by 44% to 22,998. A dot map of population distribution in the NWT is CaMAI. included. 85161. ARCTIC CIRCULAR. Scheduled helicopter service in Greenland. (Its: v. 16, 1963-64 pub. 1965. no. 3, p. 46.) Reports inauguration by Gr0nlandsfly A/S in spring 1965 of a service from GodthAb and other Greenland centers to SOndre StrOmfjord connecting with SAS flights to CaMAI. Copenhngen and Los Angeles. ARCTIC INSTITUTE OF NORTH AMERICA, see No. 89523. 85162. ARE, A. L. 0 nekotorykh osobennostfakh raspredeleniii temperatury v snezhnom pokrove v okrestnostfAkh lAkutska. (In: Akademila mink SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenica. Professy teplo- i massoobmena ... 1965, p. 139-46, table, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of temperature distribution in the snow cover in the vicinity of Yakutsk. Reports studies of daily variations in snow cover temperature as recorded over a 13-yr period. Under a process of sublimation a "quick-snow" is found to form continuously in the lower, then in the middle layers. The sublimation-recrystallizat ion processes produce anomalously low temperature in the lower layers of the snow DLC. cover. 85163. ARE, F. E. 0 vlifanii teplofizicheskikh svdstv merzlykh porod na razrushenie
beregov arktieheskikh morel. (In: Akademill nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifA. Teplovye professy v merzlykh ... 1964, p. 111-16, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effect of thermophysical properties of frozen rocks on the disintegration of the coasts of the arctic seas. Discusses the abrasion of the shores of Muostakh Island as observed in summer 1962. The permafrost contains repeated ice wedges which require twice as much heat to thaw as does the surrounding sandy loam rock at —7° C. Only about 7% of the heat was used in thawing the rook proper, about 93% the ice inclusions. Temperature and heat conductivities are found to play only a minor part in the shore abrasion. DLC. 85164. ARE, F. E. Rol' povtorno-zhil'nykh l'dov v razrushenii beregovykh obryvov na arkticheskom poberezh'e. (In: Akademi1A nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenia. Teplovye professy v merzlykh ... 1964, p. 100-110, table, graphs, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The role of repeated ice wedges in the disintegration of shore bluffs on the arctic coast. Reports study of caving and crumbling in slopes and cornices along the shore of Muostakh Island off Tiksi through marine abrasion. 1962-1963 observations showed that the caving depends upon the depth of the niche in the bluff made by surf waves, upon the height of the shore, and the strength of the permafrost and ice at The different negative temperatures. lithological composition of the bluffs seemed hardly to affect the depth of the niches formed, except that frozen peat formations, which thaw slowly, held the overburden for a longer time. DLC. 85165. ARE, F. E., and E. N. MOLOCHUSHKIN. Skorost' razrushenif& arkticheskikh obryvov fAkutii pod delstviem (In: Akademiet nauk termodenudaii. SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. ProCsessy teplo- i massoobmena 1965, p. 130-38, graphs, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Speed of destruction of arctic cliffs of Yakutia through the effect of thermal denudation. Reports observations on the coastal cliffs of Muostakh Island in Buorkha. Bay of the Laptev Sea during summer seasons 19621963. The rate of their thawing was found to be independent of their exposure. Denuded ice cliffs on Muostakh thawed an average 4.3 m/yr. The thawing rate depends in general on solar radiation and air temperature. Thawing and disintegration is
slower in cliffs of country rock than in ice cliffs, and depends on the physical-mechaDLC. nical properties of the rock. 85166. ARE, F. E., and V. T. BALOBAEV. Zashchita grunta of zimnego promerzanifa pri pomoshchi vozdushno-ledfanogo prokrytila. (In: Akademba nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Professy teplo- i massoobmena ... 1965, p. 82-93, tables, graphs.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Protection of the ground from winter freezing with the aid of air-ice cover. Discusses a method of protecting placer deposits over working areas, which extends the working season by dredging, and eliminates blasting. The method is to flood the area with water, keeping its level stable by dams prior to winter frost. Later when ice is a few cm thick on its surface the water is partly drained and a sheet of ice remains suspended on wood props above the placer. Several ice layers with intermediate air layers protect the ground beneath from freezing. Such a protection was erected during the first 3% winter months over the Mirnyy placer grounds and they were found to freeze 0.45 m deep, instead of about 2.5 m seasonal freezing of unprotected ground in the same location. DLC. 85167. AMNIA, E. Y. Notes on the kayak and its equipment at Ivuyivik, P.Q. (Canada. National Museum. Bulletin 1964. no. 194, p. 221-61, illus.) 4 refs. French summary. Describes kayak construction and the rebuilding of an old frame in 1960 at this settlement on Ungava Peninsula. Hunting implements, the modern harpoon, the rifle and Eskimo modifications of its sights are also dealt with. A glossary of some 80 terms for kayak parts and accessories is included. DSI. 85168. ARKAD'EV, D. V slavnom gorode Bratske. (Obshchestvennoe pitanie 1965, no. 4, p. 23-25, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: In the famous town of Bratsk. Outlines the development of public eating places as this community developed in the virgin taiga at the hydroelectric station on the Angara. From a single facility in a tent, service has grown to four restaurants, five cafeterias and 126 refreshment stands, with 1,200 employees, and a turnover of 13.5 million rubles. Some defects in the system DLC. are also noted. 85169. ARKHANGEL'SK. Gosudarslvennyipedagogicheskilinstitut. Sbornik istoriko-
Arkhangelsk, kraevedcheskikh state. Arkhangel'skoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1962. 156 p. tables. (Its: Uchenye zapiski no. 12.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Collection of historical and regional study papers. Seven of its eight papers deal with local socio-political events, as listed below with titles tr, viz: History of the Arkhangel'sk party organization 1918-1920, by A. N. Aksenov. Birth of the pioneer movement in Arkhangelsk Province, by ft/. S. Alferov. Decembrist A. S. Gorozhanskil in the SolovelAkiT monastery fortress prison, by G. G. Frumenkov. Conferences on production held in Arkhangelsk Province at the end of the reconstruction period 1924-1926, by K. S. Ivanova. Revolutionary social-democrats exiled to Arkhangel'sk Province in the 1890's, by V. V. Malinovskil and V. Osipov. Participation of Arkhangelsk Province workers in the partisan movement of the Great Fatherland War i.e. World War II, by E. I. Ovsfankin. Struggle for teachers in the North and their ideological-political retraining 19181920, by V. P. Solov'eva. DLC. 85170. ARKHANGEL'SKAIA, V. M. Issledovanie korotkoperiodnykh poverkhnostnykh seTsmicheskikh voln Relefa. (Akademif?t nauk SSSR. Izvestifa 1961, ser. geofiz. no. 8, p. 1097-1113, tables, graphs.) 22 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A study of short period surface Rayleigh seismic waves. Reviews work of 1952-1959, and discusses own detection in 1955 of a fairly intensive short period elastic wave that arrives much earlier than the Love and Rayleigh waves. This wave designated Lx was found only on the records of the continental path of its propagation. The nature of the Lx wave, and of its components Rz1—Rx3 was investigated from a hundred seismograms recorded at nine stations in the USSR, including Tiksi, for earthquakes of the Far East, east of the Kurils, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, Japan, and China. Analysis of the Rz group of waves showed a dispersion characteristic. The possibility is evaluated of using the results of this analysis for studies of the earth's crust structure. Travel-time curves constructed for Rz1Rz5 components indicated the mean velocities of these waves as Rzy--4, Rz3 3.57, / 4 3.41, and Rx5 3.29 km/sec. A study of dispersion of these waves identified Rzi as the first overtone of the Rayleigh or M3 wave. The other four components are not dealt with. DLC.
85171. ARKHANGEL'SKAii, V. M. Issledovanie korotkoperiodnykh poverkhnostnykh selsmicheskilch voln Relefli, II. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Izvestifi 1964, ser. geofiz. no. 9, p. 1334-59, tables, graphs, map.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: An investigation of Rayleigh short-period surface seismic waves, 2. Reports the results of an investigation of the Rayleigh seismic waves having group velocities 4.0, 3.67, 3.57, 3.41, and 3.29 km/sec. Long term records of earthquakes made with the same type instruments at Sverdlovsk seismic station, which is near the center of the Eurasian continent, provide for uniform data from which an average thickness of the earth's crust at different regions were determined. The seismic waves traverse from 17 earthquakes at Kamchatka, south of Kamchatka, and the Sea of Okhotsk, recorded at Sverdlovsk approx 5700 km distant, gave 35 ± 5 km for the average thickness of the crust in this direction. DLC. 85172. ARKHIPOV, S. A., and 0. V. MATVEEVA. Antropogen fllzhnol okrainy Eniselskol depressii. Novosibirsk 1964. 128 p. maps, sections, illus. (Aluademifil nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy no. 29.) Approx. 75 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Anthropogene of the southern margin of • the Yenisey depression. Reports results of a 1957-1961 study along the Yenisey depression between Dubches and Yeloguy. Geological, palynological and Ethological investigations were made of the Quaternary deposits, a new stratigraphic scheme proposed, and correlation made with existing schemes. The existence of four pre-Zyryanka glaciations is substantiated. Pre-Samarovo, Samarovo, Ust'Yenisey, and Zyryanka series are analyzed and divided into smaller units. DLC. 85173. ARKHIPOV, S. A., and 0. V. MATVEEVA. Dosamarovskaa sena antropogena azhnol okrainy Eniselskol depressii. (Akademifa; nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1964. no. 25, p. 5-22, map, sections.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Pre-Samarovo series of Anthropogene (Quaternary) in the southern margin of the Yenisey depression. Reports a study, in continuation of No 63132, of deposits along the Yenisey valley between the Podkamenaya Tunguska and Bakhta, with attention mostly to two drillings in the Belyy and at Zaval'nyy ravines. The oldest, pre-Samarovo Quaternary deposits discovered are described in detail,
including their lithologic properties, genesis and spore-pollen analyses. Their stratigraphic position is discussed and correlations made with Turukhansk and other areas. In Lower Quaternary time there was evidently a glaciation of which the scale, limits, and paleogeography are not known. DLC. 85174. ARICHIPOVA, A. I., and N. G. NACHINKIN. Nizhnefokinskafa differenairovannafa intruzii na zapadnol okraine Noril'skogo plato. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regional'nafil geologifi no. 3, p. 51-61, tables, graph.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The lower Fokina differentiated intrusion on the western margin of the Norilsk plateau. Describes a cross-section and the petrographic and chemical characteristics of the composing rocks of the intrusion in lower Fokina River basin. The rocks are picritic, troctolite, olivine and quartz dolerites and gabbro-pegmatites. Formation of the intrusion is discussed; it is considered prospective for copper-nickel mineralization. DLC. 85175. ARKHIPOVA, A. I., and D. A. DODIN. Novye dannye po subshchelochnomu trappovomu magmatizmu v severozapadnoi chasti Sibirskol platformy, gory (Leningrad. N-issl. inst. Kharaelakh. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1963. v. 133, p. 153-67, tables, graphs.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on subalkaline trap magmatism in the northwestern part of the Siberian platform, Kharayelakh Mountains. Reports a 1959-1960 study giving a short geologic outline of the region. Morphologic, petrographic and petrochemical features of the subalkaline rocks of instrusive and effusive facies are characterized. Three intrusions of trachydolerite are described, noting their mineralogic composition. Main features of subalkaline rock chemistry are an increased content of alkalies, iron, titanium and phosphorus, and a predominance of sodium over potassium. The origin of trachydolerite and olivine-bearing dolerites DLC. is briefly discussed. 85176. ARKHITEKTURA SSSR. V Sofilze arkhitektorov SSSR; novoe otdelenie Sof6za. (Its: no. 4, 1964, p. 64.) In Russian. Title tr.: In the Union of Architects of the USSR, a new branch of the Union. Announces the branch recently organized in the Yakut ASSR, and reviews building design, town planning etc of the previous
decade in Yakutsk and several other communities: domestic construction, moving picture theater, the Yakutsk University complex, airport, college, and other buildDLC. ings. 85177. ARMAND, • A. D., and V. R. EVZEROV. 0 nekotorykh kontinental'nykh otlozhenicAkh Kol'skogo poluostrova i vtoric.bnykh izmenenifakh v ikb stroenii. (In: Akademila nauk SSSR. Korskll filial. Rel'ef i geologicheskoe ... 1964, p. 87-110, tables, map, illus.) 29 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On some continental deposits of the Kola Peninsula and secondary alterations in their structure. Reviews continental deposits in the Khibiny and Lovozero alkaline massifs. Most morainic, lacustrine and alluvial deposits are treated. Two types of secondary alteration are described: cementation of continental deposits and development of platy parting. Cemented moraine, fluvial-glacial, and lacustrine-glacial deposits are described. Cemented deposits are found of various genetic types and age. The cement in most cases is allophone or opal. Migration of Si02 and A120, is discussed. The platy structure of some continental deposits is considered and an explanation of it given. DLC. ARMAND, A. D., see also No. 90986. 85178. ARMAND, N. N. Grfadovo-korCsevoT rel'ef moreny. (In: Akademifit nauk SSSR. Korskil filial. Rel'ef i geologicheskoe . 1964, p. 68-71, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ridge-ring relief of moraines. Describes this type of relief closely studied in the Pel'yavr Lake area of Kola Peninsula. It is accumulative morainic relief consisting of small ridges between which are rings of depressions often occupied by swamps or small lakes. It is the relief of ablation moraines formed after fossil ice beneath the moraines had thawed. DLC. 85179. ARMAND, N. N. 0 tipakh pokrovnykh otlozhenil v raTone polosy KolmozeroVoron'fA, severo-vostok Kol'skogo poluostrove, v svazi s zadachami poiskov poleznykb iskopaemykh. (In: Akademica, nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Rel'ef i geologicheskoe ... 1964, p. 48-54, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On types of cover deposits in the Kolmozero-Voron'ya region of northeastern Kola Peninsula, in connection with the search for natural resources. Distinguishes moraine, morainic deluvium and alluvium-deluvium deposits. Each type
is analyzed and its petrographic composition is described. The debris material is up to 60-70% in the moraine deposits, 80-90% in morainic deluvium; the alluvial deluvial deposits consist almost entirely of debris. DLC. ARMSTRONG, G., see No. 84954. 85180. ARMSTRONG, R. H. Hello Dolly. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 11, p. 23-24, illus.) Describes the Dolly Vardens of Alaska, their distribution, coloration, size, life cycle, migration, etc, also their characteristics and advantages as sport fishes. They are not serious predators on salmon. DI. 85181. ARMSTRONG, R. H. Some feeding habits of the anadromous Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma Walbaum, in Southeastern Alaska. Juneau, Alaska 1965. 27 p. tables, map. (Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game. Informational leaflet 51.) 7 refs. Reports study of stomach contents of some 3,900 fish descending the Eva Creek, in salt water, ascending Eva and Saook Creeks, and in Eva Lake. During the out-migration, their diet consisted of insects and snails. In salt water and during in-migration, mainly young or small fish, and salmon eggs respectively were consumed. In Eva Lake in summer and winter molluscs and insects were the chief components of diet. DI. ARMSTRONG, R. H., see also No. 87000. 85182. ARMSTRONG, T. E. The administration of northern peoples: the USSR. (In: R. St. J. Macdonald ed. The arctic frontier 1966, p. 57-88, tables, maps.) Refs. Lists and describes the northern indigenous peoples of the USSR, with demographic data and map. Their relations with the Soviet state are discussed in detail, beginning with the Declaration of Rights of the Peoples of Russia in 1917 and the subsequent formation of the Committee of Assistance to the Peoples of the North. Difficulties in the establishment of native soviets are mentioned, which led to the establishment of territorial soviets. The impact of Soviet centralization upon the organization of labor and production is assessed. The problem of nomadism in the context of state socialism is discussed and the provision and nature of education in national districts is reviewed, with mention of the institutions of higher learning being developed in the Komi and Yakut republics. Reference is
made to the disruptions consequent upon collectivization, including the unsuccessful attempt to collectivize reindeer herding. The ambivalence in official attitudes towards the question of the assimilation of indigenous peoples is discussed. Applicability of some Soviet experiences in the administration of aboriginal northern peoples to Canadian conditions is considered. CaMAI, DLC. 85183. ARMSTRONG, T. E. Damming the Bering Strait. (Geographical magazine 1964. v. 37, no. 1, p. 30-36, maps, illus.) Considers the possibilities and desirability of improving arctic climate by melting the ice pack, as proposed by P. M. Borisov, No 49848. His plan is to build a dam across Bering Strait and pump Arctic Ocean water out over it to increase the inflow of wanner Atlantic water. Some objections by D. A. Drogalcsev, No 64277, and M. J. Dunbar, No 64360, also No 63559, 77614. The project is concluded to be difficult and its results mostly unfavorable, though the dam could be used as a bridge for traffic between America and Eurasia. DLC.
trappers and traders, military and administrative personnel was followed by immigration of state-owned, free, and fugitive peasants, settlement by political deportees and penal colonists, monastic orders, persecuted sectarian groups, and latterly by miners and laborers. The full-fledged exploitation of natural resources in Soviet times is described; growth of the labor force, urbanization, transportation and supply problems, are dealt with, as are government measures to attract people to work and settle the regions under development. Acculturation and russification of aborigines, and change in the native economy are outlined. Industrial use of forced labor and released labor camp inmates, etc is described. Russian exploration and colonizer tion of Alaska, activities of the RussianAmerican Co to 1867, and foreign business influence in Siberia. are sketched. The extensive bibliography (partly annotated) lists major Russian and foreign literature of the 18th century to 1962. DLC. ARMSTRONG, T. E., see also. No. 91172. ARMSTRONG, W. G., see No. 88065.
85184. ARMSTRONG, T. E. Ice atlases. (Polar record 1964. v. 12, no. 77, p. 161-63, illus.) 8 refs. Discusses atlases available in 1964 which depict distribution of various kinds of ice at sea, its concentration and age, also the two methods of presenting the data, by isopleth or sector diagram. Advantages and disadvantages of each method are indicated, as is the area not covered by the second: Greenland-Svalbard waters. Recent increase in the observations generally, and need for periodic revision of atlases are also DLC. noted. 85185. ARMSTRONG, T. E. Russian settlement in the North. Cambridge, Eng. Cambridge Univ. Press 1965. 224 p. maps, tables, illus. (Scott Polar Research Inst. Special publication no. 3.) Over 250 refs. Comprehensive study of colonization and economic development in the area north roughly of the Arctic Circle in European Russia and of 60-50° N in Siberia. The period covered is from the 15th century to 1959. Early military and mercantile expansion, major expeditions, establishment of key forts and their conversion into trading posts are reviewed. The social origin of settlers and their numerical distribution by region, types of settlements, fur trade and mining, administration and relations with aborigines are discussed for the tsarist and Soviet eras. Pioneer occupation by fur
ARNBORG, L., see No. 92917. ARNELL, S., see No. 86076. 85186. ARNOLD, K. C., and D. K. MacKAY. Different methods of calculating mean daily temperatures, their effects on degree-day totals in the high Arctic and their significance to glaciology. (Geographical bulletin 1964. no. 21, p. 123-29, graph, tables.) 3 refs. Examines disparities in melting and freezing degree-day totals that may be caused by different methods of determining mean daily temperatures when the range of temperatures is close to the freezing point. Methods used in various northern countries, especially Canada, are compared; for the application of such methods to glaciological studies, the degree-day totals must be estimated carefully, particularly when air temperatures fluctuate across the base from DLC. which the totals are calculated. 85187. ARNOLD, H. C. Hvem oppdaget Meigben-oya? (Polarboken 1963-64, p. 126-28, map.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Who discovered Meighen Island? Comment on Stefansson's book The problem of Meighen. Island (No 16850): the island may have been first sighted by Otto Sverdrup during the Fram expedition of 1898DLC. 1902.
ARNOLD, K. C., see also No. 89550. AR.NOVLJEVIC, V., see No. 85188. 85188. ARNOVLJEVIC-BRANKOVIC, J., and V. ARNOVLJEVIC. Changes in the performance of previously practised habits of albino rats under the influence of moderate hypothermia. (International Inst. of Refrigeration. Bulletin, annexe 1961, no. 4, p. 91-102, tables, graph, illus.) 20 refs. French summary. Rats which reached food in a maze in 30 sec before being cooled to about 30° C, accomplished this task in 20-30 min during rewarming. Their movements were intermittent and erratic, indicating a (temporary) inhibition of the nervous system by hypoDLC. thermia. 85189. ARSANOV, A. S., and E. M. MALAEVA. Novye dannye po stiatigrafii i paleogeografii Kamehatskogo pereshelka v verkhneplioCsenovula epokhu. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1964. v. 19, ser. 5: geog no. 4, p. 82-87, table.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Kamchatka isthmus in the Upper Pliocene epoch. Reports a study of the spore and pollen of volcanic-sedimentary rocks overlying Ermanovka strata (Pliocene—Pleistocene). The spore-pollen complexes distinguished are briefly described and new recommendations are given on their stratigraphy and paleogeography. DLC. 85190. ARSEN'EV, V. A. Mechenie kitov na Dal'nem Vostoke. (Rybnoe khozfilistvo 1965. v. 41, no. 4, p. 25-29, tables, map.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tagging whales in the Far East. Reviews Soviet activities for 1954-1963, including 926 whales belonging to eight species. Design of the Russian tags and their operation, Asian and American whale herds and their migrations are outlined. Returns of tags, including such from Aleutian and Alaskan waters, and Japanese whale-taggings are considered. DLC. 85191. ARSEN'EV, V. A. 0 metodakh dobychi morskikh kotikov. (Rybnoe khozfilistvo 1965. v. 41, no. 9, p. 55-57; no. 10, p. 50-52, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Methods of recovering fur seals. Notes that international agreement prohibits the killing of seals in the open sea except for research. Data are given on those affected in the North Pacific during 19601963 by Russian and Japanese activity. Numbers of killed, drowned or wounded are
tabulated, and division indicated according to sea, age, and area; pregnant females according to areas; also sex and age proportions in the harems on the Commander and the Tyuleniy Islands. DLC. 85192. ARSEN'EV, V. A. 0 smeshivanii morskikh kotikov. (Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskil n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Izvestifil 1964. v. 54, p. 75-81, table, maps.) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary Title tr.: Mixing of fur seal populations. Three geographic races are considered: the Commander, Kuril and Alaska populations. Diagnostic differences are highly uncertain. Tagged animals from all three areas are taken in the Pacific Ocean. The seals of Tyuleniy Island winter mainly in the Sea of Japan, but those from the Pribilof and Commander Islands are rarely found there. DLC. 85193. ARSEN'EV, V. A. Serge! Vasil'evich Dorofeev, organizator i nauchnyl rukovoditel' issledovanil po morskim kotikam. (Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskil n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanogra.fii. Izvestifa 1964. v. 54, p. 5-8, illus.) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Serge! Vasil'evich Dorofeev, organizer and leading scientist in fur seal research. Dorofeev completed studies at the Moscow Agriculture Institute in 1921, in 1923 began investigations of sea mammals including the Greenland seal (from the air), and those of the Far East in 1929-30. After World War II he studied ice rookeries of seals in the Greenland Sea, and from 1957 he was chief and organizer of all Soviet seal investigations till his death in 1962. He was reader at the Moscow Fish Industry Institute, and author of numerous publications (not listed). DLC. 85194. ARSEN'EV, V. S., and A. D. SHCHERBININ. Issledovanie techeni! v Aleutskikh vodakh i Beringovom more. (Akademiet nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet, X razdel programmy MGG: okeanologicheskie issledovanifft. Sbornik stater 1963, no. 8, p. 58-66, tables, maps.) 30 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Investigation of the currents in the Aleutian waters and Bering Sea. Reviews the summer 1958 hydrologic investigations by the USSR, United States, Canada and Japan in connection with the IGY program. The Alaska Current, originating in the Gulf of Alaska, is established as a stable one. It flows westward along the
south side of the Commander-Alaska Ridge to the Kamchatka coast. In the Blizhniye Islands region, it is joined by the northern branch of Kuroshio Current. Several branches of the Alaska Current disperse into the Bering Sea. Distribution of Bering Sea currents is also briefly characterized. DLC. 85195. ARSEN'EV, V. S. fSirkulfa@ifit vod Beringova mora nauk SSSR. MezhduvedomstvennyI geofizicheski! komitet, X razdel programmy MGG: okeanologicheskie issledovanifa. Shornik state! 1965. no. 13, p. 61-65, maps.) 12 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Water circulation in the Bering Sea. Analysis of long-term mean T and S charts for different months does not show a common, single circulation system in the surface waters. The northwestern current system divides the sea into a southwestern deep cyclonic circulation area and a northeastern area with shallow, mostly clockwise currents. At great depth the central and western basins show cyclonic water motion. DLC. ARSEN'EVA, G. P., see No. 87627.
85196. ARSEN'EVA, N. Meted rascheta temperatury vody defitternogo aka Belogo morfil. (Moskva. Gos. okeanograficheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 86, p. 75-94, tables, graphs, map.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Method of calculating water temperature of the active layer in the White Sea. Presents the principles and initial data of the method, followed by its formulation. It enables calculation of average temperature in the active layer and its upper part given to turbulence by winds. Applicability of the method is demonstrated in the White Sea, where heat-advection by currents is small DLC. or more or less stable. 85197. ARSEN'EVA, N. IA. Teplovo! balans Belogo morfa i ego izmenenifa vo vremeni i prostranstve. (Moskva. Gos. okeanograficheskiT inst. Trudy 1964. no. 81, p. 62-93, tables, graphs, maps.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Heat balance of the White Sea and its changes in time and space. Study based on calculations of climatic data obtained with modem methods (supra) and on direct observations of changes in heat content of the active sea layer. Median, long-term characteristics of the components of heat balance are presented, their relative role in the total heat budget is assessed, their distribution in the sea and fluctuations
during 1945-48 and 1955-59 are outlined. The results offer precise information on the role of surface water exchange between the Barents and White Seas, in the heat balance of the latter. DLC. 85198. ARTAMONOV, V. S. Poludragoaennye kamni Severo-Zapada RSFSR. (Materialy po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym Severo-Zapada RSFSR 1962. no. 3, p. 195-213.) 55 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Semi-precious stones in northwestern RSFSR. Reviews the distribution of amethyst, garnet-almandine, moonstone and sunstone in the area which includes Kola Peninsula, Karelia and Arkhangel'sk Province. Each of these semi-precious stones is treated in turn as to their properties, mode and place of occurrence. They are found to be most widely distributed in Kola and Karelia and some of them are of interest to industry. DLC. ARTAMONOVA, K. F., see No. 86750. 85199. ARTEM'EV, G. V. Progressivnye priemy ovoshchevodstva zashchishchennogo grunta na KraTnem Severe. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. KraTnego Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 11, p. 195-205, tables.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Advanced methods for vegetable growing in protected ground in the Far North. Outlines results of experiments in hothouses and hot beds at Noril'sk and elsewhere. Winter and spring-summer hothouses are described, as are small portable ones for seedlings, and heating of the open ground with water pipes, etc. Advantages of hydroponics, use of luminescent lamps, selection of frost-resistant strains of tomatoes, cucumber, etc are outlined. DNAL. 85200. ARTEM'EV, G. V. Sovremennoe sostoffinie i glavneTshie voprosy darnelshego razvitifa ovoshche-kartofelevodstva v ralonakh Kralnego Severe. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severe,. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 309-319.) In Russian. Title tr.: The present status and main problems of further development of vegetable and potato growing in areas of the Far North. Extension of vegetable cultivation northward is one of the main achievements of Soviet agrobiology and agriculture. Potato yield is 150-200 cwt/hectare in open ground in the forest tundra, 250-300 cwt/ha in the taiga, and cabbage 350-400 cwt/ha. In hothouses at Vorkuta, Noril'sk, and in Magadan Province, the cucumber yield
amounts to 19-40 kg/m2. Only 5-15% of the potatoes and vegetables needed are produced locally, the rest is imported from southern areas. After rapid development of open-ground vegetable cultivation in war time, it is decreasing in all parts of the North, and cultivation in hothouses develops slowly. High cost of production is the major factor: on the Late state farm that of cucumbers reaches 57 rubles/kg. As transportation facilities improve, nothern cummunities can be supplied from areas with more favorable climate. There is the possibility however, of developing hothouse cultivation by utilizing waste heat in such industrial areas as Vorkuta, Inta, and Norilsk, by utilizing hot sprin tf: in Magadan Province, especially by using hydroponics, said to reduce cost by 50%. DNAL. 85201. ARTIMO, A. The baculum as a criterion for distinguishing sexually mature and immature bank voles, Clethrionomys glareolus Seim (Annales zoologici Fennici 1964. v. 1, no. 1, p. 1-6, tables, illus.) 23 refs. Study aimed at differentiating young from mature males, especially in the fall, when part of the new generation becomes mature. It was found that the distinction could be made according to the total length of the baculum, the length and partial width of the stalk, and the degree of calcification. DLC. 85202. ARTIMO, A. A case of reduplication of the hind leg in the wood lemming Myopia schisticolor Lillj. (Annales zoologici Fennici 1965. v. 2, no. 3, p. 143-44, illus.) 7 refs. Describes a case of two hind legs on the right side of a (dead) young female. The osteology of the misformed and normal extremity are dealt with in detail. DLC. ARTZ, C. P., see No. 89528. 85203. ARUTITJNOV, S. A., and others. Ancient cemeteries of the Chukchi Peninsula. (Arctic anthropology 1964. v. 2, no. 1, p. 143-54, illus.) 20 refs. Other authors: M. G. Levin and D. A. Sergeev. English translation of No 77122 by C. S. Chard. CaMAI, DSI. 85204. ARUT1TJNOV, S. A., and D. A. SERGEEV. Drevneeslcimosskie mogil'niki na Chukotke. (Anadyr'. Chukotekil kraevedcheskil mind. Zapiski 1962. no. 3, p. 13-20, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Old Eskimo cemeteries on Chukotka. Describes the inventory of 18 burials
excavated in 1961 at Ekven, a former settlement near Cape Verblyuzhiy. Most graves are faced or encircled with whale bones; all the toggle harpoons belong to the Old Bering Sea culture, unlike Udell; and style and type vary even within the same grave. Winged objects with curvilinear ornamentation, remnants of a wooden shaft insert, spear thrower, bow, harpoon parts, knife grips are noted, as are numerous bone, horn and ivory artifacts, and lithic implements. Excavations at the Uelen cemetery also are reviewed. DLC. ARUT1TNOV, S. A. (English translations of Nos 69888, 77122), see also No. 89871. ARVEY, M. D., see No. 85636. 85205. ARZHAKOV, N. D. K voprosu formirovanifi almaznykh rossypel zapadnoT okrainy Priverkholanskogo progiba. (In: Akademi0. nauk SSSR. IAkutskil filial. Inst. geologii. Geologia rossypel ... 1964, p. 182-02, map.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The formation of diamond placers on the western margin of the Verkhoyansk downwarp. Reviews the discovery and search for diamonds in the Upper Jurassic and Middle Liassic deposits of the basins of the Olenek, Molodo, Syungyude, and others. Two phases of kimberlite magmatism and original sources of diamonds are discussed. Relief development in the Jurassic and Cenozoic periods is analyzed and conditions for formation of gold placers in the Quaternary period are outlined. DLC. 85206. ASAHINA, E. Freezing of centrifuged egg cells of sea urchin, 1. (Teion kagaku 1965. ser. B, no. 23, p. 65-70, graphs, illus.) 8 refs. In Japanese. English summary. Describes halves of these eggs obtained by centrifuging, the slightly smaller ones containing most of the yolk and a layer of clear cytoplasm. Frozen in sea water below —9° C, frost injuries began to appear. However the rate of survival was considerably different in the two halves, indicating different frost resistance in various portions of the same egg. DLC. 85207. ASAHINA, E., and K. TANNO. Frost resistance in the diapauaing pupa of the cecropia silkworm, a preliminary experiment. (Teion kagaku 1965. ser. B, no. 23, p. 71-76, table, illus.) 14 refs. In Japanese. English summary. Account of experiments in freezing the diapausing pupae of the American moth
Hyalophora cecropia in stages down to —195° C. They survived 24 hr exposures to a temperature as low as —70° and subsequently developed normally. The diapausing pupae contain a high amount of glycerol, but injections of additional glycerol failed to increase their frost resistance. DLC. 85208. ASAHINA, E., and I. TAKEHARA. Supplementary notes on the frost resistance of the slug caterpillar, Monema flavescens, 1. (Teion kagaku 1964. ser. B, no. 22, p. 79-90, tables, graphs, illus.) 19 refs. In Japanese. English summary. Discussing the seemingly contradictory effects of cold-hardening an insect, authors conclude that the optimal temperature producing protective substances, such as glycerol and sorbitol, may often be just above zero. Keeping insects at low temperatures maintains their frost resistance, by retarding post-diapause development and conversion of the protective substances DLC. into large molecular ones. ASAHINA, E., see also No. 92258. 85209. ASAULENKO, L. G., and M. I. PUDOVK1N. Tokovafd, sistema elementarnogo geomagnitnogo vozmushchenifft v zone polfftrnykh (Geomagnetizm i :taronomila 1965. v. 5, no. 2, p. 322-27, graphs.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The current system of elementary geomagnetic disturbance in the auroral zone. Points out field electric charges producing Hall currents which, according to the dynamo-theory of geomagnetic disturbances, should play an important part in the formation of electric currents in the ionosphere. Mathematical treatment of the problem of the origin of geomagnetic disturbances in the auroral zone is given, in which the Hall currents are taken into account. The calculation shows that considering the limit of current density in the region of enhanced conductivity in the ionosphere to depend upon the assumed length of the elliptic region of enhanced conductivity, and upon the conductivity of a quiet ionosphere, the current intensity in the auroral zone appears to be only one sixth of that calculated by earlier investigators. DLC. 85210. ASHENKAMPF, L. E. Kompleks sooruzhenil vodosnabzhenifit Kalerkanskogo m1ona. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po 1982 obmenu opytom proektirovanifa pub. 1963. v. 3, p. 109-116, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: The water supply construction complex of Kayyerkan coal region.
Discusses the problem of finding a water reservoir for the 10,000-12,500 m3/day consumption estimated to serve the region at full development, and to serve immediate needs: a reservoir of 762,500 m' capacity. Three possibilities are considered: supply from the nearby Noril'sk system, from Ambarnaya River, and from Podkamennoye Lake, with some water pumped from Daldykan Brook; they represent a capital investment of 1,480, 3,217, and 1,742 million rubles respectively. The first of the three is found the most practical. CaONA. 85211. ASHENKAMPF, L. E. Opyt proektirovanifa naruzhnykh truboprovodov na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh g. Noril'ska. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu 1961. Sbornik trudov pub. 1962, p. 197213.) In Russian. Title tr.: Planning surface pipelines on the permafrost of Noril'sk. Describes pipelines for the city's watersupply and for other purposes of industrial establishments of the Noril'sk Combine. Two water conduits 1.3 m in diam, 9 km in length, and up to 14,000 m3/hr capacity supply the community from the Noril'skaya River. Branch lines from these mains are 0.9-0.5 m diam pipes 400-150 m long. The system is protected from freezing by the release of overcooled water into sewer lines at night. Laying of utility lines on the ground surface, in the ground, and in underground channels is discussed in detail. The surface lines are more usual than the other DLC. types. ASHOUR, A. A., see No. 86131. ASMUND, B., see No. 87849. 85212. ASPINWALL, N. Artificial fertilization of the Alaskan blackfish, Dania pectoralis. (Washington (State) Univ. College of Fisheries. Research in Fisheries 1963 pub. 1964. Contribution no. 166, p. 25-26, table, illus.) 2 refs. Describes successful fertilization experiments conducted 15-27 July, 1963, with fish and water supplied from Lake Aleknagik (59°20' N 158°45' W). Incubating temperatures, and larvae are also described. DLC. 85213. ASSUR, A., and W. F. WEEKS. Growth, structure, and strength of sea ice. Hanover, N.H. 1964. 19 p. graphs, tables, illus. (US Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 135.) 25 refs.
Basic characteristics of sea ice are largely determined by the freezing interface. As the platelets in each salt ice crystal grow, impurities such as salt are rejected by the ice crystals and diffuse away from the platelets. The freezing point is lowered within the diffusion cloud, preventing the growth of other platelets in the vicinity. Plate width thereby decreases with increasing growth rate. The physical constants involved are the diffusion coefficient of salt in water and the roughness of the freezing interface. Vast differences in physical properties of sea ice from Hopedale, Labrador, and Thule, Greenland, remain unexplained, as does the change of sea ice properties with age. An explanation of these differences is proposed in terms of a theory which combines the growth conditions of ice with its structural and resulting physical properties. The growth equation which considers surface heat transfer is developed into an expression for the plate width as a function of ice thickness. Plate width also affects the strength since it determines the distribution of liquid brine, which weakens the ice. Strength is shown also to depend on past weather conditions. Given these relations, sea ice strength may be determined in terms of easily measurable or known parameters such as air temperature or snow thickness. These relations also enable explanation of discrepancies in sea ice properties in various geographical areas. A simplified operational relation is suggested which expresses cr (strength) in terms of the initial sea water salinity, the age and thickness of the ice, the thickness of the snow cover, and recent air temperature. CaMAI. ASSUR, A., see also Nos. 92544, 92966. 85214. ASTAF'EVA, A. V. 0 faune nerestovykh bugrov gorbushi v rekakh Vostochnogo Murmana. (Akademifa. nauk SSSR. MurmanskiT morskol biologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. no. 5 (9), p. 148-53, tables.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The fauna in spawning mounds of pink salmon in the rivers of eastern Murman. Lists some 25 forms of insects (larvae) and worms found in exposed mounds in the Muchka and Belousikha Rivers. Dates and number of specimens found are given. DLC. ASTAF'EVA, A. V., see also No. 92481. 85215. ASTAKHOVA, T. V. Stratigrafifil triasovykh otlozhenll poberezh'fa Olenekskogo saliva. (In: Akademila nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geol. i geofiz. Strati-
grafira i paleontologill . 1965, p. 5-14, table.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of the Triassic deposits in the coastal areas of Olenek Bay. Reports a 1961 study of deposits at Stannakh-Khocho and Ulakhan-Krest. They are described and correlated according to local stages and faunal zones. Lower, Middle and Upper Triassic are identified. CaMAI. ATAKOVA, M. M., see Nos. 86735, 88855. 85216. ATAMIAN, S. The Anaktuvuk mask and cultural innovation. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 184-95.) 4 refs. Describes the circumstances in which the caribou-skin masks were first made in this isolated village in the Brooks Range, Alaska, and the events which led to their commercial production for sale as curios in distant centers. Originally modelled after American halloween masks by two Eskimos for amusement in the village, the masks were subsequently purchased by visitors. After some years masks began to be made for a regular trade outlet, and the process by which consumer tastes and other factors brought about a standardization of techniques and certain features of mass production is described. A number of theoretic considerations are discussed, including the social and psychological character of innovation and the concepts of norm and deviance. This particular case is believed to illustrate how innovation may imply difference without social deviance. CaMAI. 85217. ATASSI, M. Z. Properties of components of myoglobin of the sperm whale. (Nature, May 2, 1964. v. 202, p. 496-98, table, graph.) 15 refs. Author resolved crystalline myoglobin of this whale into a dozen or more components. Some of their properties are reported, including amino-acid composition; spectral and electrophoretic properties; molecular weight and antigenic character. DLC. 85218. ATHERTON, D. Climbing in Baffin Island. (Appalachia 1964. v. 35, no. 2, p. 316-24, map, illus.) Reports an expedition near Pangnirtung on the Cumberland Peninsula, of a score of climbers led by P. D. Baird 30 July-18 Aug 1963. Ascents were made of Mt Friga, Mt Asgard, Mt Queen, Corner Mountain, Overlord, and others. The Eskimo community at Pangnirtung is observed. DGS. ATHERTON, D., see also No. 86095.
85219. ATKINSON, L. C., and others. Electronic components and apparatus for use in polar field operations. (Polar record 1964. v. 12, no. 78, p. 291-300, graph, illus.) 2 refs. Other authors: G. W. A. Dummer and S. Evans. In continuation of No. 78054. Details the special problems met with in the operation of electronic equipment in polar conditions, recommending specifications and adaptations of valves, solid state conductor devices, etc. Several techniques for avoiding drifts with temperature change are described, and for starting equipment at temperatures below —50° C. Special attention to components, insulation and lubrication of small motors is emphasized, lubricant deterioration being particularly a problem in conditions of extreme temperature variation. Suggestions are made for the mounting, housing and wiring of portable electronic equipment under field conditions. DLC. 85220. ATLASOV, A. I. K voprosu o genezise fosforitonosnykh gorizontov v paleozolskikh otlozhenifakh Noril'skogo ralona. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regional'na1 geologifa no. 4, p. 221-25, table.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Genesis of the phosphorite-bearing horizons in Paleozoic deposits of the Noril'sk region. Describes bone breccias of Devonian and Upper Permian deposits consisting of remains of armored fishes. These remains are the source of phosphorite-bearing horizons. The massive destruction of this fauna is explained as caused by explosive and effusive volcanic activity. Sedimentation conditions of the phosphorite-bearing horizons are briefly interpreted. DLC. 85221. ATLASOV, I. P., and others. Novola tektonicheskafa karta Arktiki. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 156, no. 6, p. 1341-42, map.) In Russian. Other authors: V. A. Vakar, V. D. Dibner, B. Kh. Egiazarov, A. V. Zimkin and B. S. Romanovich. Title tr.: New tectonic map of the Arctic. Reports completion in 1963 of a map at 1:5 million scale taking in the subarctic and arctic regions and floor of the Arctic Ocean and seas, based on materials available through 1963. Continental type of earth crust is divided into: folded systems, present geosynclines and parageosynclines. In areas of oceanic type of earth crust also, tectonic-magmatic structures are depicted. Included is a scheme of this map. English translation available from Canada. National Research Council as C-5040. DLC.
85222. ATLASOV, I. P., and N. A. SfAGAEV. Stroenie zony sochlenenifa severnol chasti Sibirskol platformy s obraralfiashchimi ee skladchatymi sistemami. (Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. v. 97, p. 31-40, map.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structure of the junction zone of the northern part of the Siberian platform with its framing folded systems. Discusses the junction of the Siberian platform with the Taymyr on the north and the Verkhoyansk Mesozoic—Cenozoic folded systems on the east. Analysis of the history of the geologic structures discloses seven main geotectonic stages: Archean, Proterozoic, Sinian, Lower-Middle Paleozoic, UpperPaleozoic-Lower Mesozoic,Mesozoic-Cenozoic, and Cenozoic. These stages are characterized and development of the In the Mesozoicstructures outlined. Cenozoic stage, four successive phases are recognized and described. Age, form and extent of the structures are analyzed. DLC. 85223. ATWELL, G. An aerial census of wolves in the Nelchina wolf study area. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1963 pub. 1964, p. 79-83.) 4 refs. Defines the study area, about 20 thousand mil in south-central Alaska, and describes the 1962 census, including techniques. The minimal number of wolves in 1962 is estimated at 135 against 79 in 1961. DLC. ATWELL, G., see also No. 84952. 85224. ATWOOD, R. P., and L. RAZAVI. Chromosomes of the sperm whale. (Nature, July 17, 1965. v. 207, p. 328-29, illus.) 4 refs. Describes results of chromosomal analysis by leucocyte culture. A mode of 42 chromosomes was found. A reduction in diploid number and tendency to metacentricity was noted. Similar trails were reported earlier DLC. for Phoca hispida. ATZ, J. W., see No. 91102. 85225. AUNAAS, A. SOndagsbes0k i anleggsbrakka. (Vart yrke 1950. v. 2, no. 6, p. 2-3, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Sunday visit to the construction barracks. Describes construction crew activities in barracks along the Nordland railway route. DLC. 85226. AUSTERLITZ, R. Der ostjakische Versbau. (In: Congressus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum ... 1963, p. 276-80, tables.) 6 refs. In German. Title tr.: Ostyak verse structure.
Summarizes research methods and results presented in No 49431. Constructive comments by L. Galdi on composition style and syntactic rhythms are appended. DLC. 85227. AUTOR, H. Alaskan poetry. (Alaska review 1964. v. 1, no. 2, p. 48-55.) Traces four stages of Alaskan poetry and discusses, with examples, contemporary poems by white Alaskans, mostly about the DLC. frontier environment. 85228. AVAKaN, M. I., and others. Vtorol plenum Mezhduvedomstvennol komissii po (Problemy Severs problemam Severs. 1965. no. 9, p. 300-328.) In Russian. Other authors: V. F. Puzanova, V. I. Tuzlukova, A. P. Tfaclenev and B. F. Shapalin. Title tr.: Second plenary meeting of the Interdepartmental commission for problems of the North. Reports the 1-3 June 1964 meeting of 180 representatives from the scientific, planning and local organizations of the economic districts of the North, S. V. Slavin, chairman. Papers delivered are listed with comment, and resolutions adopted are appended. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, CaMAI, DLC. Ottawa. AVAKaN, M. I., see also No. 84836. 85229. AVANESOV, R. G. Sooruzhenie gazoprovoda Igrim-Serov. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1964. v. 9, no. 11, p. 5-7, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Construction of the Igrim-Serov gas pipeline. This 500 km pipeline is to serve industrial and other consumers in the Northern Ural area. The line is to have a capability of delivering 5.8 billion ms during its first year's operation and 10 x 10' m' during the second after introduction of compressor stations. Difficulties encountered in the course of construction and methods of coping with them are sketched. DLC. 85230. AVDEEV, A. D. Aleutische Masken in den Sammlungen des Museums ftir Anthropologie and Ethnography der Akademie der Wissenschaf ten der UdSSR. (Leipzig. Stadtisches Museum fir Volkerkunde. Jahrbuch 1964. v. 20, p. 413-33, illus.) Refs. In German. Title tr.: Aleut masks in the collections of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences, USSR. Translation of No 56618 by W. Konig; omitting the biography of Illation Arkhimandritov who discovered the masks. DSI.
85281. AVDEIKO, G. P. Paleontologicheskala kharakteristika nizhnemelovykh otlozhenil severs. TikhookeanskoT zony. (Geologa i geofizika 1964, no. 11, p. 16-24, tables.) 16 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Paleontologic characteristics of Lower Cretaceous deposits in the North Pacific zone. Reports data on the stratigraphie position and significance of index fauna groups of Lower Cretaceous deposits. Distribution of Aucella and Aucellina in Cretaceous sections of the Koryak-Anadyr region is analyzed and correlated with Cretaceous deposits of Alaska, Canada, United States, Japan and other regions. Correlation is also given with similar fauna of Europe. DLC. 85232. AVDEIKO, G. P., and M. A. PERGAMENT. Voprosy stratigrafii nizhnemelovykh otlozhenil Korfaksko-KamchatskoT oblasti. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Izvestifa 1964, ser. geol. no. 5, p. 76-88, tables.) 39 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Koryak-Kamchatka province. Reports field work, study of paleontologic collections and literature data to outline these Lower Cretaceous deposits and correlate them with those of Japan, Alaska, Canada, and other areas. The border of the Jurassic and Cretaceous is discussed and Valanginian, Hauterivian-Barremian, Aptian-Albian deposits are described in some detail. Special attention is given to Aucella DLC. and Aucellina fauna. 85233. AVER'EV, V. V. Some quantitative indications of a recent hydrothermal process in volcanic areas. (International Volcanological Association. Bulletin volcanologique 1964. v. 27, p. 385-89, table.) Presents results of quantitative research into intense heat anomalies covering many sq km of Kamchatka, particularly in Geyzernaya Valley. The data are tabulated and discussed; heat evacuation 200 times greater than world average is the result of transport by endogenous steam. The formation of hydrothermal systems on Kamchatka generally coincides with the last phase of Quaternary glaciation. The steam reaching the base level of underground waters with a temperature of 300-400° is considered to have an initial pressure of several thousand atm. The general results of the research suggest the need for a reappraisal of traditional concepts of hydrothermal intrusive activity. DOS. 85234. AVER'EV, V. V. Uslovifi razgruzki Pauzhetskikh gidroterm na Edge Kamchatki.
(Akademica nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Trudy 1961. no. 19, p. 80-98, tables, sec-. tions.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Discharge conditions of the Pauzhetka thermal springs in southern Kamchatka. Describes the geology of the region, noting its Tertiary, and lower, middle and upper Quaternary deposits. Its tectonics and volcanism are analyzed. The structural geologic position of the Pauzhetka hot springs is outlined. Causes and character of hot spring activity are characterized as dependent upon geologic and thermodynamic conditions. Chemical differentiation of high temperature hydrotherms in the discharge area is analyzed and the data are tabulated. DLC. 85235. AVERTANOV, I. P. Novye dannye o vidkanicheskilch otlozhenifakh samorodnol sexy. (Akademita nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 163, no. 4, p. 959-62, table.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Recent data on volcanic deposits of native sulfur. Reviews native sulfur occurrences both syngenetic and epigenetic deposits in the Kamchatka-Kuril volcanic arc. A new DLC. classification is given. 85236. AVER'!ANOV, V., and others. Krater Klfachevskoi sopki v sentfabre 1962 g. (Bfalleten' vulkanologicheskikh stanall 1964. no. 37, p. 33.) In Russian. Other authors: A. P. Gorshkov, R. A. Dzherbashian, A. Farberov and G. S. Shtelnberg. Title tr.: The crater of Klyuchevskaya Volcano in September 1962. Reports the state of the crater as observed during a Sept 5-7 ascent. Eruptive activity was limited to minor explosions, 10-28/min, throwing rock debris up 20-50 m, but below the edge of the crater. Comparison is made with the state observed in Aug 1961. DLC. 85237. AVERTANOVA, V. N. Nekotorye zakonomernosti selsmodislokaGil na Darnem Vostoke. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Izvestifa 1965, ser. geol. no. 5, p. 93-114, graphs, maps.) 41 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Certain rules governing seismic displacements in the Far East. Gives a brief and critical review of previous investigations pertaining to the stresses and dislocations at earthquake centers. The presence of compressional and tensional stress-couples is assumed responsible for the creation of dislocations or faults at the centers and conclusions are offered from own study of dynamic-center parameters of 402 earthquakes of 10-600 km depth. Orientation of dislocation planes
and fault movements were evaluated for the Kuril-Kamchatka arc for the 1933-1963 earthquakes of intensities greater than 5. In general, upward and downward movements toward N-NE and SW prevail. At 50 km depth, there exists a well-defined zone of transition from purely wrench-fault type to normal and reversed dislocations. The upper layers of the earth's mantle and the crust over the continental slope are under horizontal tensional stresses, whereas the deeper (to 200 km) regions are under compression. DLC. 85238. AVER'fANOVA, V. N. Ob obshchikh zakonomemostfalria v napravlenifalchnaprfilzheniT,delstvuilshchikh v ochegakh zemletrfasenil Kurilo-Kamchatskogo seIsmoaktivnogo regiona. (Geotektonika 1965, no. 3, p. 85-98, tables, graphs, illus.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: General laws governing stress directions in the earthquake centers of Kuril-Kamchatka seismic region. Discusses briefly earlier Russian and foreign work and, in more detail, own studies with somewhat different conclusions, viz that the upper mantle layers to 40-50 km, and the crust in the continental slope area are chiefly subject to nearly horizontal tensional stresses; the deeper mantle layers (to 200 km) show the presence of both horizontal and vertical compressional stresscomponents. A detailed table sets forth the numerous earthquakes of the area and their DLC. characteristics. 85239. AVERINA, M. S., and A. I. DANfilSHEVSKAGI. Mikroelementarnyi analiz bitumov i uglevodorodnykh (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. R,egional'nafil geologifa no. 7, p. 209-216, tables, graphs.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Trace element analysis of bitumen and hydrocarbon fractions. Reports on 36 samples from Paleozoic deposits of the Lena and Olenek regions. Test results are tabulated. The bitumen combustion regime is established; temperature and time of combustion noted. Methods for this type of investigation are briefly DLC. summarized. 85240. AVERKINA, R. F., and others. Immtmologicheskie osobennosti nekotorykh chistikovykh ptif i ikh taksonomicheskoe znachenie. (Zoologicheskif zhurnal 1965. v. 44, no. 11, p. 1690-1700, tables, graphs, illus.) 48 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: N. G. Andreeva and N. N. Kartashev. Title tr.: Immunological
characteristics and their taxonomic significance for some alciform birds. Using two methods of precipitation, authors conclude that gen Uria and Cepphus are closely related, Alca not so, and Fratercula stands apart. Species and geographical differences are also considered; identical reactions were found in Cepphus g. grylle (Murman) and C. g. kajurka (Commander DLC. Islands). 85241. AVGEVICH, V. I. Primenenie aerometodov v izuchenii morskikh polfarnykh l'dov. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Izvestifa 1964. v. 96, no. 3, p. 197-205, map, illus.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Application of aeromethods to polar sea ice studies. Reviews aerial ice survey in arctic seas since 1929. Its main function is to observe and report the quantity and distribution of old ice, intensity of formation of new ice, dislocation of fast ice, study of drift ice, hummocky ice, polynyas, etc. Since 1944 air photography methods have been worked out for study of polar sea ice and its mapping. Various air photos are presented and interpreted, and mapping of sea ice from them is explained. Their use of determining speed of drift ice and thickness of ice are also explained. Conditions of aerial reconnaissance speed of aerial photos, precision of this method etc are briefly discussed. Comparison is made with photogrammetric methods used elsewhere. DLC. 85242. AVGEVICH, V. I. Some results of the interpretation of aerial photographs of sea-ice and prospects of further development of aerial surveys for the study of ice. (International archives of photogrammetry 1962. v. 14, p. 374-82, maps, illus.) 8 refs. French and German summary. Outlines the development of aerial surveys for the compilation of ice charts and the classification of ice types. By examinetion of air photos of sea ice, the prevailing wind direction, location of submerged shoals, thickness of ice, ice-surface hummocks, and bathymetry have been successfully analyzed and identified. Recent studies have shown that the ice-sheet is an indicator of tidal wave propagation, with cracks simulating co-tidal lines. Reference is made to studies made in the Ob estuary on the effect of ice on shoreline morphology. Organic-mineral material blown on to the ice sheet forms black ice. This type of ice has great strength and is the last to disappear in spring. Deposits in one area total 25,000 m3/km2 through the melting of black ice. DLC.
85243. AVILOV, I. K. Bottom contours and nature of grounds and their significance for trawl fishing. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 781-89, maps.) Describes bottom configuration and deposits off southwestern Greenland and in the Labrador — Newfoundland — Nova Scotia waters. Author concludes that the ground off West Greenland is the most difficult for trawling and conditions toward the south are better. The ICNAF area is considered the most complicated of those in the North Atlantic formed under the same conditions. CaMAI. 85244. AVILOV, I. K. Rel'ef i donnye otlozhenita shel'fa i materikovogo sldona Severo-Zapadnol Atlantiki. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1965. v. 57, p. 173234, tables, maps, profiles, illus.) 43 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Relief and bottom deposits of the shelf and continental slope of the northwest Atlantic. Account of Soviet studies, begun in the early 1950's, covering the area from Iceland west to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, which includes some of the most important fishing grounds in the world. Geological structure and relief of adjacent continents are briefly outlined, preceding the bottom description. The latter is well illus with maps and profiles, including some main fishing grounds. Bottom deposits (p 195233) are dealt with, even more thoroughly and illus in addition with detailed maps and photographs of bottoms, graphs and tables. The fisheries potential of the areas is also discussed. DLC. AVILOVA, N. S., see Nos. 90231, 90233. AVRORIN, N. A., see No. 90867. 85245. AVRORIN, V. A. Sostotanie i blizhaishie zadachi izuchenifa fazykov narodov Severa. (In: AkademiI nauk SSSR. Inst. fazykoznanifa. Protiv 1952, v. 2, p. 409-428.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Present status and immediate aims in the study of the languages of the peoples of the North. Sketches trial and error in Paleosiberian, Tungus-Manchu, and Ugric-Samoyed language study in the Soviet era. Russian has had considerable influence on their vocabulary, little on grammar, and none whatever on morphology and syntax. More dialect studies should be made to improve the language medium selected for literary
works in tongues recently reduced to writing. Some literary languages are based on dialects incomprehensible to a part of the people concerned, e.g. the northern Ostyaks are unfamiliar with literary Ostyak; some, e.g. literary Evenki Tungus and Eveny Lamut, lack flexibility and illiterate jargon is creeping in to compensate for the deficienDLC. cies of artificial structure. AVRORIN, V. A., see also No. 84889.
85246. AVROV, V. and others. Prognoz gazonosnosti SSSR. Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 176 p. tables, map. 68 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Forecast of gas in the USSR. Collective work of 21 geologists outlining the present state of natural gas production and the geologic structure of regions prospective for gas accumulation. Komi ASSR, Tyumen Province and Yakut ASSR are included in the appraisal. Resources and production of gas in other countries are also reviewed. Possible oil-gas basins are analyzed, including the Mezen' (p 99) between Timan Ridge and the Baltic shield, the Timan-Pechora oil-gas basin, West Siberian and East Siberian basins, Verkhoyansk-Vilyuy, Anabar-Lena, Tungusskiy, Koryak upland and Kamchatka Peninsula. Each area is characterized noting the geologic structure, mode of occurrence of oil and gas, yield and reserves, and other DLC. data. 85247. AVSMIC, G. A. GlIa63iologicheskie issledovanifa v SSSR. (NaaionarnyI komitet sovetskikh geografov. Sovremennye problemy geografii, Moskva 1964, p. 13543.) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Glaciological research in the USSR. Reviews the investigations in Franz Joseph Land, Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, Kamchatka, and elsewhere, with special attention to studies in the IGY program. The research institutions and scope of their work are stated. Problems of heat and mass exchange, glacier dynamics, and others are noted, as are the principal DLC. investigators in this field. 85248. AVSffill, G. A., and others. Pamfati G. A. Ushakova. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Izvestifa 1964, ser. geog. no. 2, p. 173-74.) In Russian. Other authors: E. M. Zinger, V. S. Korfakin and V. M. Kotlfakov. Title tr.: In memory of G. A. Ushakov. Reviews life and scientific work of Georgll Alekseevich Ushakov well known investigator of the Soviet Arctic, who died 3 Dec 1963. His participation in the Severnaya
Zemlya expedition of 1930-1932, his leadership of the 1935 Sadko expedition and other activities are briefly noted. DLC. 85249. A VTOMOBIL'NY1 TRANSPORT. Sozdat' avtomobili dlfa severnykh rEdonakh. (Its: v. 42, 1964. no. 4, p. 57.) In Russian. Title tr.: To create automobiles for northern regions. Reports formation of the Scientific Council for solution of the problem of producing railless transportation vehicles for duty in the North and Northwest of the RSFSR. Its activity in 1964 was directed to the adaptation of serially manufactured automobiles for northern service, development of cross-country automobiles and vehicles of high performance on any terrain. Plans for 1966-1970 are noted. DLC. 85250. AWANO, S., and S. MAITA. Cold and hot water making equipment utilizing the exhaust-gas energy of diesel engines coupled with electric generators. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962 ... pub. 1963, p. 254-80, graph, tables, illus.) Ref. Describes an economical ice-melting and hot-water making system in which the heat source is mainly dependent on the exhaustgas heat energy of the water-cooled diesel engines coupled with 20-kw electric generators. The system supplies 67200 Kcal/hr, and provides sufficient cold and hot water for the Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions during 1956-1962 with a saving of 50 fuel drums/yr. The parts and designs are illus and specification data tabulated. DLC. 85251. AWOJOBI, 0. A. On the ionospheric F2-region equatorial anomaly. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1965. v. 27, no. 11/12, p. 1309-1311, graphs, table.) 7 refs. Studies data of critical frequency for Mar 1958 from 72 stations, incl 15 in the North, and claims that Appleton's (1946) conclusion about the earth's magnetic field probably controlling the distribution of electron density in the F2 region is likely to be erroneous. DLC. 85252. AZBELEV, V. V., and S. S. SURKOV. An experiment in acclimatization of pink salmon and chum in the Barents and White Seas. (In: KonferenEifa po akklimatizaGii zhivotnykh ... 1966, p. 142-43.) English translation of No 77170. DLC. 85253. AZBELEV, V. V., and A. A. IAKOVENKO. Materialy po akklimatizaaii
gorbushi v basselne Barenaeva i Belogo morel. (Murmansk. Polaanyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1963. no. 15, p. 7-26, tables, maps, illus.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Materials on the acclimatization of pink salmon in the Barents and White Sea basins. Reviews Russian salmon-egg transplantations begun in 1929. Temperature and ice conditions in the fresh waters of Kola and Kamchatka are outlined. Transplantation of pink salmon eggs into Kola waters (since 1957) and its results are reported, especially the return and spreading of the adult fish in the streams of the peninsula. Reproduction, natural and artificial is discussed, prospects and recommendations noted. DLC. 85254. AZBELEV, V. V., and M. LAZAREV. Nekotorye itogi akklimatiza&ii gorbushi na Evropelskom Severe. (Rybnoe khozfaistvo 1964. v. 40, no. 9, p. 7-8.) In Russian. Title tr.: Some results of pink salmon acclimation in the European North. Concise review of the annual transplantations of eggs from the Far East, started in 1956. Data are given on number and size of fry released from Kola hatcheries, first return of fish (1960), percentage of returns. Difficulties in local, natural reproduction of the immigrants because of low water temperatures, are noted, as are some further plans. DLC. 85255. AZBELEV, V. V., and B. I. SHUSTER. 0 kontingente proizvoditelel semgi. (Rybnoe khozfaIstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 4, p. 21-22, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: The quota of salmon spawners. Author argues against the routine distribution of ascending salmon on the Kola Peninsula into 50% for reproduction and 50% for fisheries. He contends that the proportion should be more flexible in view of differences in river size and water level, and it should be larger for spawners. DLC. 85256. AZBELEV, V. V. Ob izmenenifakh chislennosti semgi v rekakh Kol'skogo poluostrova. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 49-52, tables.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Changes in numbers of salmon in the rivers of Kola Peninsula. Discusses the near-periodic changes in catches, and ideas concerning their causes on land and in the sea, relations between the numbers of cod or salmon, projected study of the problem. DLC. 85257. AZERNIKOVA, 0. A. Dinamika chislennosti semgi Severnol Dviny v zavisi-
mosti of uslovil ee vosproizvodstva. (Rybnoe khozalstvo 1964. v. 40, no. 9, p. 22-27, tables, graphs.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Numerical changes of salmon in the Severnaya Dvina as related to conditions of its reproduction. Discusses difficulties of estimating the size of the Dvina salmon population due to the presence of two herds with different modes of spawning. Water level is noted as a measure of spawning success and mathematical expression of this relation given. Effect of duration of the warm season upon growth and maturity is considered, as is the effect on catches. DLC. 85258. AZERNIKOVA, 0. A. K voprosu oh izmenchivosti zapasov belomorskol navagi. (Okeanologifit 1965. v. 5, no. 5, p. 894-96, graph.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Variability of the White Sea saffron cod stock. Notes temperature and salinity preference of Eleginus naraga. Its fishery since about 1926 is reviewed, particularly in relation to ice conditions. The limited range of catch fluctuations is shown, and the need of more research stressed. DLC. 85259. AZERNIKOVA, 0. A. Meted rascheta chislennosti semgi reki Pechory. (Rybnoe khozfalstvo 1964. v. 40, no. 2, p. 24-33, tables, graphs.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Method of estimating the salmon population in the Pechora River. Discusses factors affecting the size of a salmon population, the life cycle of the Pechora herd, fisheries, water levels (since 1932) in general and on spawning areas, estimate of population size from given parameters. DLC. 85260. BAADSGAARD, H., and others. Limitations of radiometric dating. (Royal Society of Canada. Special publications 1964. no. 5, p. 20-38, tables, graphs, maps.) Approx. 35 refs. Other authors: G. L. Cumming, R. E. Folinsbee and J. D. Godfrey. Discusses the validity and limitations of the four principal methods of radiometric dating: uranium-thorium-lead, rubidiumstrontium, potassium-argon, and carbon-14. Specific new examples from the Precambrian rocks of the Canadian Shield are used to illus geologic applications. Dates are given for granite intrusions and diabase dikes of the Yellowknife geologic province. DLC. 85261. BATH, M. Jordbavningar och karnvapenprov, spridda iakttagelser och reflexioner. (Ymer 1964. v. 84, no. 1, p. 1-28, tables, graphs,. maps, profiles.) 11
refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Earthquakes and nuclear explosions, some observations and comments. Notes importance of seismograph records of large explosions because of their accuracy as to time and location of the source as compared to earthquakes. Some typical earthquake records are demonstrated. Fennoscandian seismicity is described. The largest nuclear explosion on Novaya Zemlya on 30 Oct 1961 is described in some detail and compared with earthquake records. The explosions in the Kiruna iron ore mines and crustal studies in North Sweden are mentioned. CaMAI, DLC. BATH, M., see also No. 87873.
85262. BABAEV, Soderzhanie askorbinovol kisloty v moloke u Kholmogorskikh korov na Kralnem Severe. (Zhivotnovodstvo 1957, no. 12, p. 80-81.) In Russian. Title tr.: Ascorbic acid content in the milk of Kholmogory cows in the far North. Fat and vitamin C determinations showed no relationship between them. No decrease in the vitamin was found in the winter. Milk boiled or left standing at room temperature lost about 13% of the vitamin, but only 2% when kept cold. The milk came from a subarctic farm of the Komi ASSR. DLC.
Linde depression and various other structures are briefly characterized. Discovery of gas in the Badaranskaya area in Triassic deposits at 2985-2955 m is noted, as is some manifestation of oil. DLC. 85265. BABARYKIN, V. K., and others. Shirotnye izmerenia intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luchel i koeffiCsienty svazi v stratosfere. (Aka - derail?" nauk SSSR. Izvestil 1964. ser. fiz. v. 28, no. 12, p. 2026-28, table, graph.) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V. V. Baarevich, ID. I. Stozhkov and T. N. Charakhch'fan. Title tr.: Latitude measurements of cosmic ray intensity and coupling coefficients in the stratosphere. Reports observations from the MS Estonia Dec 1962 arctic cruise and those by the Murmansk, Moscow and Alma-Ata observatories in 1958-1959. Analytical formulas for the evaluation of coupling coefficients, after Dorman, are applied to the observational data. The ratios of the number of particles for the maximum and for latitudes with the critical pulses of 2.3, 6.6, and 10.8 bev/s, to the number of particles at the latitude with the critical pulse of 13.2 bev/s are shown to be 2.58, 1.66, and 1.25, respectively. These values agree well with those obtained by earlier investigations. DLC.
85263. BABAEVA, K. A. Primenenie visfachikh pokrytil pri stroitel'stve v robnakh Kralnego Severa. (Problemy Severa 1964. no. 10, p. 170-80, tables, illus.) In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Use of suspended roofs for construction in the Far North. Outlines various methods of erecting suspended roofs to cover large spans, as worked out abroad and in the Soviet Union. Cable-suspended roofs are recommended as the best for the North. Technical problems of adapting them to climatic conditions of snow, wind, etc are discussed. CaMAI, DLC.
85266. BABENKO, A. T. Poslednaa straniaa biografii Nikifora Begicheva. (Letopis' Severs 1964. v. 4, p. 246-49.) In Russian. Title tr.: The last page of Nikifor Begichev's biography. Nikifor Alekseevich Begichev, 18741927, the intrepid arctic sailor, died on a hunting expedition at the Pyasina River mouth on the Kara sea coast. Later one of his companions married Begichev's widow, rumors arose that Begichev had been killed. In 1955, Babenko, sent to investigate by the Attorney General of USSR, found Begichev's body well preserved in permafrost ground, and without trace of violence. Interrogation of witnesses confirmed that Begichev had died of scurvy. DLC.
85264. BABAVAN, G. D. Novye dannye o geologicheskom stroenii i neftegazonosnosti Vilfulskol sineklizy. (Geologia, nefti i gaza 1964. v. 8, no. 8, p. 19-24, sections.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the geologic structure and the oil-gas possibilities of the Vilyuy syneclise. Reports the presence of Devonian and Carboniferous deposits in the central part of the Vilyuy syneclise, of which recent geophysical studies and structural analysis are outlined. The Khapchagay uplift,
85267. BABKIN, P. V. Morfologia kristalloy kinovari iz rudoprofavlenil SeveroVostoka SSSR. (Uses. mineralogicheskoe o-vo. Zapiski 1964. v. 93, no. 4, p. 399410, tables, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Crystal morphology of cinnabar from ore occurrences of northeastern USSR. Reports a mercury study in various places in Magadan Province and elsewhere, where cinnabar crystals were collected. Their microscopic, chemical and X-ray examina-
tion is reported, as are goniometric measurements and extensive data tabulated. Tabular, isometric, and prismatic types of cinnabar crystals are analyzed and illus. DLC. 85268. BABKIN, P. V. Rol' kolloidnykh rastvorov v formirovanii rudnykh tel rtutnykh mestorozhdenil Korffikskogo nagor'fa. (Geologifil i geofizika 1964, no. 5, p. 123-26, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The role of colloid solutions in formation of the ore bodies of mercury deposits in the Koryak upland. Characterizes the mercury ore manifestation in the Koryak anticlinorium composed of a Cretaceous complex of sandstoneclayey, siliceous and volcanic rocks. The mineral composition of these rocks is reported. Mode of occurrence of mercury is outlined. It is established that by the formation of mercury deposits, solutions containing mercury passed the colloidal DLC. stage. 85269. BABKIN, P. V., and I. E. DRABKIN. Strukturno-morfologicheskie tipy rtutnykh mestorozhdenil Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (Sovetskafa geologiR 1964, no. 1, p. 113-19, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structural-morphologic types of mercury deposits in the Northeast of the USSR. Mercury mineralization is distributed in the Mesozoic folded zone of Yana-Kolyma region and Chukotka, and in the Cenozoic of Koryak-Kamchatka. The mineralogic composition of mercury deposits is outlined, and a classification of them (the first) is offered. Nine structural-morphologic types of these deposits are distinguished and each DLC. is briefly characterized. BACDAYAN, A. A., see No. 03118. BACHARACH, A. L., see No. 86728. BACON, B., see No. 88453. 85270. BADAMSHIN, B. I., and others. Ispol'zovanie elektrotoka na dobyche (Rybnoe khozfalstvo 1964. v. 40, no. 4, p. 51-55, illus.) In Russian. Other authors: V. N. Lukashev and A. Kh. Pateev. Title tr.: Using electric current for sealing. Account of experiments in electric killing of seals, as carried out on a small island, with wires laid on the ground or a short distance above it and electricity supplied from a boat. Death struggle of the animals, current requirements, cost, etc are discussed. DLC. 85271. BADER, H. Criteria for measurement of strain rates in deep bore holes in
polar glaciers. Hanover, N.H. 1964. 9 p. tables. (US Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 127.) 2 refs. Discusses four components of vertical strain rate, also their relation to horizontal strain rate. Based on a simplified model, strain rates as a function of depth below the ice surface are calculated for Camp Century, Greenland and Byrd Station, Antarctica. Results indicate the need for very accurate measurements to obtain useful data. CaMAL 85272. BADER, H., and others. Measurement of natural particulate fallout onto high polar ice sheets. Hanover, N.H. 1965, 1967. 2 pt: 86, 39 p. tables, graphs, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 139.) Other authors: W. L. Hamilton and P. L. Brown. Describes the laboratory technique for counting particles smaller than 511, giving underlying principles of the process. Some first results obtained on ice cores from Byrd Station, Antarctica are presented. Pt 2 Antarctic and Greenland cores by W. L. Hamilton, includes analysis of a sequence of core samples of ice from Site 2, Greenland for their microparticle (0.6-3.3 micron) content and size distribution, and comparison with results from the antarctic samples. Vertical profiles of particle distribution by size, and their concentration determined with the aid of Coulter counter were found to compare favorably with those determined by surface stratigraphy. Ice samples from depths to about 117-120 m showed an age of 220 yr, and were found dirtier in winter snow than in the summer. The shape of the size distribution curve gives some indication that mean particle size changes as a result of relatively discrete addition of well sorted fallout to the log-normal distribution. Annual accumulation of dust is found to be eight times greater in Greenland than in the Antarctic. The findings are illus by numerous histo- and diagrams, and numerical data are presented in six appended tables. CaMAI. 85273. BADER, H. Theory of densification of dry, bubbly glacier ice. Hanover, N.H. 1965, 16 p. graphs, table. (U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 141.) 5 refs. Density and air bubble pressure data obtained from ice cores from Site 2, Greenland, are analyzed to determine porosity at the pore close-off level, which is found to have a very small standard deviation. A
theory of densification of bubbly ice is developed on the simple assumption that the rate of decrease in porosity is proportional to pore volume and to the difference between absolute load pressure and air bubble pressure. Determination of pore close-off porosity in principle requires only the measurement of the weight of a sample, and the volume of air liberated upon melting, reduced to in situ temperature and average atmospheric pressure at a given pore closeoff level. Density at pore close-off at Site 2 is 0.8242 ± 0.0038. The theory leads to derivation of a useful equation for approximating the value of the integral expression tmdt for m 70, where tm is Celsius temperature (negative) and dt is the rate of decrease CaMAL of porosity with time. 85274. BADER, 0. N. The paleolithic of the Urals and the peopling of the North. (Arctic anthropology 1965. v. 3, no. 1, p. 77-90, map, illus.) 26 refs. Presented to the Int. Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 1964. Includes a description of the Pechora upper paleolithic: Medvezh'ya cave and a site discovered in 1963 near Byzovaya, about 65° N. The latter, located in an alluvial terrace of the Wiirm era, yielded worked flints in association with mammoth, reindeer, and polar bear bones. The inventory is considered pre-Magdalenian and belongs to the Riss-Wtirm or Dnepr-Valdai interglacial. Siberian paleolithic features west of the 'Urals are attributed to a geographic barrier created by a northward transgression of the Caspian Sea in the Riss and, partly, Warm periods; this isolated the Ural-Kama-Volga region from Europe and favored the mixing of Europoid and Mongoloid elements. In the Holocene, the mesolithic hunters from the Urals with a macrolithic tool culture were pushed north as far as Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra by intruders from the Caspian-Black Sea area. CaMAI, DSI. BADGLEY, F. I., see No. 92582. 85275. BADHWAR, G. D., and others. The energy dependence of the abundance of lithium, beryllium, and boron in the primary cosmic radiation: observations at Fort Churchill. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 5, p. 1005-1017, tables, graphs.) 35 refs. Other authors: S. N. Devanathan and M. F. Kaplon. Reports the relative abundances of these elements and S-group nuclei (a group with atomic number, Z, of 6 or less) as determined by means of a pure nuclear emulsion stack
flown from Ft Churchill on Aug 4, 1962 under 4.7 gm/cm2 of residual atmosphere. The ratio ris of L-group (3 S Z 5 5) to S nuclei at the top of the atmosphere between 200 and 70 Mev/nucleon, and >700 Mev/n was determined to be 0.41 ± 0.08 and 0.19 ± 0.03, respectively. r determined should be capable of providing information on the amount of matter traversed by the galactic radiation before its arrival to the top of the earth's atmosphere. Results indicate that low energy cosmic ray nuclei have traversed about twice as much hydrogen as high energy nuclei. DLC. 85276. BADING, P. W. Two in the Arctic. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 11, p. 8-10, +, illus.) Recounts experiences of a husband and wife during a year, 1955-56, in the Brooks Range of northern Alaska. Their life, work, impressions of the country and its wildlife are outlined. DLC. 85277. BAR, 0. Norwegens Hurtigrute. (Geographies helvetica 1962. v. 17, no. 2, p. 100-106, map, illus.) In German. English summary. Title tr.: The Norwegian Hurtigrute. The Hurtigrute is a boat service along the coast between Bergen and Kirkenes; 13 vessels of about 2200 t make the return trip in 12 days, with one ship northbound and another southbound from each port of call each day. Passengers, cargo and mail are carried. The service is a. major tourist attraction. DLC. BAEZA, 0. M., see No. 89659. 85278. BAEZA, P. 0. Notes on antarctic rations. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962... pub. 1963, p. 499-506, table.) Outlines general physiological and dietary requirements in the Antarctic, including spacing of meals, alcohol, etc, and deals in detail with a patrol ration, its components, weight, packaging and dietary value. DLC. 85279. BAGARafaldt, B. A., and IA. I. FEL'DSHTEIN. Osobennosti avroral'nykh radiootrazhenil i svraz' ikh s postordnnym magnitnym polem i ionosfernymi tokami. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 59 p. tables, graphs, maps. (Akademiffi. nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet, IV razdel programmy MGG: polarnye sifilnifit. Sbornik states no. 12.) 81 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Peculiarities of auroral radar reflections and their relationship with the main geomagnetic field and ionospheric currents.
Discusses problems of auroral-radio reflection and disperson from the ionosphere in high latitudes at the ultra-high radiofrequency range of 30-1000 Mc/s. Results of radar observation and interpretation of these phenomena under conditions of actual geomagnetic field are analyzed from IGY data, and those of preceding years recorded at 19 stations in the Northern Hemisphere, 13 in the arctic-subarctic area. The geometric conditions of reflections and their correlation with the main, constant geomagnetic field are discussed. Azimuths of reflections, and altitudes of reflecting regions are derived theoretically and when compared with observation data are found to be between 300 and 1500 km. The daily variations in the regime of reflections are discussed and correlated with the character of geomagnetic variations. Major characteristics of magnetic disturbances of the nearby auroral zone, statistics of radar reflections, and the part auroral electrojet plays are established, as is a clear correlation between statistical regularities of radar reflections and the appearance and disappearance of anomalous ionization in the regions of formation of reflected signals. DLC. 85280. BAGAITIDINOV, I. I. Organizovat' raaionarnyl lov belomorskoT sel'di. (Rybnoe khozaIstvo 1964. v. 40, no. 1, p. 21-22.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Organize rational fishing of White Sea herring. Criticizes the too strict fishing regulations issued in 1959, which resulted in a sharp drop of catches and the closing down of eight fishing kolkhozes in the Severnaya Dvina delta. The increase in fish size expected to result from these regulations did not materialize, in fact the percentage of small fish actually increased. DLC. 85281. BAGDASARIAN, G. P., and R. RH. GUKASfAN. Ob absolilitnom vozraste nekotorykhmagmaticheskikh porod VostochnoT Sibiri. (Geologifil i geofizika 1965, no. 4, p. 176-78, table.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: On the absolute age of some magmatic rocks of Eastern Siberia. Reports a trip in southern Krasnoyarsk Province roughly along the Yenisey River and collection of some magmatic rocks for which absolute age is determined by the K-Ar method. The Stolbovskiy, Shumikhinskiy and Osharovskiy intrusive massifs are briefly characterized. DLC. BAGDASARfAN, L. L., see No. 92357.
85282. BAGDASAROV, A. G. Osobennosti burovzryvnykh rabot v uslovifakh vechnoT merzloty. (Corny! zhurnal 1964, no. 9, p. 68-69.) In Russian. Title tr.: Features of drilling and blasting work in conditions of permafrost. Reports experience at the Vilyuy hydroelectric station construction site where ground temp at 10-15 m depth is —5° C, seasonal thawing does not exceed 1-1.5 m, mean annual air temp is —8° C, max +35° C, min —61° C, and annual precipitation up to 225 mm. Difficulties of drilling and blasting rock in winter (Oct—Apr) when low temperature causes damage to instruments and breakdown of electric lines, and in summer, when water of the upper layers penetrates into holes in the permafrost and freezes, are discussed. DLC. 85283. BAGGE, P. A freshwater amphipod Gammarus lacustris Sars in Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 32, p. 29294.) 4 refs. Notes observations made on this crustacean near the Kevo Subarctic Research Station, incl distribution and habitat, size (in July) and population densities. The last indicate a greater spread into the arctic rivers than hitherto assumed. CaMAI. 85284. BAGGE, P., and others. Havaintoja Inarin ja Enontekion Lapin linnustosta kestilla 1961. (Ornis fennica 1963. v. 40, no. 1, p. 21-31.) 2 refs. In Finnish. German summary. Other authors: M. Lehtovuori and 0. Lindqvist. Title tr.: Spring 1961 observations of the avifauna of Inari and Enontekio lappmarks. Reports counts of breeding pairs of birds along a 116.5 km stretch 100 m wide. Detailed listings of species, and densities (pairs/km2) are presented for the alpine, subalpine and forest regions and their habitats. DLC. 85285. BAGIRaN, G. V., and A. S. RUZNEta0V. Mestorozhdenifil SredneObskogo neftenosnogo raTona. (Neftegazovafa geologia i geofizika 1964. no. 3, p. 10-12, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Deposits of the Middle Ob oil-bearing region. Describes the tectonics and geologic structure of the region. Productive pools of oil are found in Valanginian and Hauterivian-Barremian deposits. Seven deposits discovered are at Ust'-Balyk, West Surgut, North Surgut, Lokosovo, Megion, Sosnino and Medvedevo. They are briefly characterized. DLC.
85286. BAGIRVAN, G. V., and others. Neftfanye i gazovye mestorozhdenia Sibiri. (Neftegazovalfi geologifa i geofizika 1965, no. 1, p. 4-9, tables.) In Russian. Other authors: V. G. Vasil'ev, G. L. Gorbenko, M. P. Mironchev and S. M. Kocharov. Title tr.: Oil and gas deposits of Siberia. Reports results of oil and gas searches: in West Siberia, the four oil-gas regions: Barezovo, Shaim, Surgut and Tazovskoye, are characterized as to productive horizon, lithology of reservoirs, depth, pressure, and other features. Deposits in East Siberia are also DLC. outlined. 85287. BAGIRIAN, G. V., and others. Osnovnye geologicheskie napravlenifa i zadachi dal'nelshikh poiskovo-razvedochnykh rabot na territorii Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti. (Neftegazovafit geologifit i geofizika 1963, no. 10, p. 18-20.) In Russian. Other authors: S. M. Kocharov, A. S. Kuznetiov, and K. M. Sevostqfinov. Title tr.: Main geologic directions and tasks of further prospecting work in the West Siberian lowland. Notes the 1962 and 1963 discoveries of gas and oil deposits in this lowland, in all 17 and 7 respectively. Several are briefly characterized: the Punga gas deposits in the Berezovo-Shukhtungort region with more than 80 billion m3 reserves; the gas deposits in Taz Peninsula, and those in the Vakh River basin and elsewhere in the eastern and southeastern parts of the lowland. The new Krasnoleninskiy (Karymkary) oil-bearing region with the Kamennoye oil deposits on the bank of the Ob 120 km northwest of Khanty-Mansiysk, is noted, as are the Surgut and other deposits, their oil properties and yield. Areas for further prospecting are mentioned. DLC. BAGIRIAN, G. V., see also No. 88831. 85288. BAGROV, A. N. Prognoz oblozhnykh osadkov pri pomoshchi elektronnoT vychislitel'nol mashiny. (Meteorologia i gidrologifil 1965, no. 12, p. 20-26, table, maps.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Forecasting of continuous precipitation by means of an electronic computer. Develops a practical method for precipitation forecasting based in part on work of Uspenskil qv and application of the Dyubyuk analytical formula. By developing the latter and accepting the Belousov model for the 300, 500, and 850 nab levels, and some precipitation conditions, the actual precipitation and that forecast are evaluated and plotted at points in central and northern European Russia and the SEindinavian countries. The reliability of the method is
demonstrated, though the precipitation magnitudes computed for forecasting are somewhat smaller than those obtained by actual measurements. DLC. 85289. BAGROV, N. A. Statisticheskie metody predskazanifil pogody. (Meteorologiiii i gidrologifil 1964, no. 2, p. 10-19.) In Russian. Title tr.: Statistical methods of weather forecast. Discusses in some detail but without analytical expressions, the dynamic and statistical relationship combining dynamic and statistical approaches, forecasting procedures, non-linear forecasting, type of forecasting and choice of factors, precipitation forecast, non-stationary atmospheric processes, analogy forecasting, methods for compressing information, text and form of DLC. a forecast. 85290. BAGROVA, Z. A., and V. N. KIR1TISHKIN. K voprosu o vzaimosviezi bolot s rel'efom, chetvertichnymi otlozheniffimi i noveishimi tektonicheskimi (Akademia nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 154, no. 2, p. 337-40, map.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Interrelationship of bogs and relief of Quaternary deposits and recent tectonic movements. Reports aerial reconnaissance study of bogs in two regions: the Severnaya Dvina within the limits of the Valdai glaciation, and the Mezen' and Kuloy River basins. The distribution of these bogs in relation to the relief and underlying deposits is analyzed in regions differing in morphologic structure and age of glaciations. Forms of bogs, vegetation, thickness of peat in ground moraine areas, undulating relief, fluvio-glacial deposits and other relief forms are reported. In the Mezen'-Kuloy region recent tectonic movements are registered and their effects on bog formation noted. In areas of uplift, degradation of bogs is most frequent. DLC. 85291. BAGROVA, Z. A. 0 proavlenii novelshikh tektonicheskikh dvizhenil na severe Russkol platformy. vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenil. (Geologifil i razvedka 1965, no. 3, p. 36-41, profiles.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On manifestation of recent tectonic movements in the north of the Russian platform. Reviews the drillings, geophysical data and own observations in the Kuloy-Soyana interfluve of Arkhangel'sk Province. Recent tectonic movements are recognized affecting the formation of river basins, terraces, character and distribution of alluvial deposits, etc. Importance of tectonic movements DLC. for oil search is noted.
BAIAREVICII, V. V., see No. 85265. 85292. BAILEY, D. K., and M. A. POMERANTZ. Relativistic electron precipitation into the mesosphere at subauroral latitudes. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 23, p. 5823-30, graphs.) 7 refs. Reports ground-based observations of mesospheric effects from the influx of energetic particles in high latitudes, following the solar flare of 5 Feb 1965. Analysis of ionospheric forward scatter of solar corpuscles observed in conjunction with riometer data at several, incl Alaskan, stations discloses some previously unobserved effects, incl a radio absorption event at subauroral latitudes on 8 Feb 1965. This event evidently was produced by precipitation of relativistic electrons. Neutron monitor observations showing a gradual decrease in Forbush effect from 6 Feb and its abrupt steepening on 8 Feb are given graphically. DLC. BAILEY, D. K., see also No. 91140. 85293. BAILEY, J. T., and others. Radio echo sounding of polar ice sheets. (Nature London Oct. 31, 1964. v. 204, p. 420-21, graph.) 3 refs. Other authors: S. Evans and G. de Q. Robin. Finds close agreement between 1963 antarctic trials of low-frequency radiosounding equipment developed by the Scott Polar Research Institute, and 1964 tests of SPRI—US Army equipment of the Greenland—Inland ice. A continuous profile of the bottom surface of the ice was obtained over 97% of the Camp Tuto-Camp Century-andreturn route. Max thickness of ice encountered was 1400 m; echo strength was up to 30 db above receiver noise level. Attention is directed to the possibilities of this new technique. Detailed analysis of results are to be pub when data from seismic shooting and gravimetric measurements are also available. DLC. BAILEY, W. B., see No. 91900. 85294. BAINBRIDGE, V. A preliminary study of Sebastes larvae in relation to the planktonic environment of the Irminger Sea. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 303-308, tables, graphs, map.) 12 refs. Study based on the Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey. Sebastes larvae are extruded in April and May which is also the main spawning season of Calanus. Larvae smaller than 10 mm were feeding mainly on
Calanus eggs, Spiratella larvae being the only other organism eaten. CaMAI. BAINES, G. A., see No. 87013. 85295. BAIRD, D. M. Geology and landforms as illustrated by selected Canadian topographic maps. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1964. 59 p. maps, table. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 64-21.) 49 refs. Includes in the 42 maps, the Labrador Trough (four maps), the Belcher Islands in Hudson Bay (one), the Canadian Shield (three), Mackenzie River basin (three), and mountainous, glaciated areas in Yukon Terr and on Ellesmere Island (three maps). Besides illustrating landforms and geological characteristics, these maps demonstrate various scales, methods of showing relief, and other aspects of mapping. Main features of the National Topographic System are described, its advantages and CaMAI, DGS. disadvantages noted. 85296. BAIRD, I. Cape Dorset man. (Canadian geographical journal 1965. v. 71, no. 5, p. 170-75, illus.) Describes Canadian Eskimo artists and their work, especially the graphic art of the Cape Dorset region on Baffin Island. Influence of the arctic landscape and Eskimo culture in the art work is considered. Initiation of print-making on Holman Island in the Western Arctic is noted. CaMAI, DGS. 85297. BAIRD, P. D., and others. Alpine Club of Canada Baffin Island Camp, 1963. (Canadian alpine journal 1964. v. 47, p. 1-15, map, illus.) Other authors: D. C. Morton and G. F. Weetman. Contains three articles: Camp organization, by P. D. Baird, outlines the experiences of this group of 22 climbers in the Pangnirtung Pass region of Baffin Island, including ascents of 25 peaks (14 firsts). Mt. Asgard, the abode of the gods, by D. C. Morton, describes the ascent of this 6600-ft peak by four members on Aug 7, and an attempt on Mt Thor. First ascent of Mt. Tumweather, by G. F. Weetman, describes the experiences of four men on their ascent DGS. of this 6040-ft peak, Aug 14. 85298. BAIRD, P. D. The polar world. New York, Wiley 1964. 328 p. maps, sections, graphs, illus. Refs. Presents an informative review of the physical geography, ethnography, explorer tion and human utilization of the arctic regions. Various definitions of Arctic are discussed based on climate and ecology.
Exploration of the Arctic from Norse expansion to 1960 is outlined, with emphasis on the contributions of individual explorers to advances in technique and logistics. The climate of the Arctic is discussed on an air mass basis, with maps of temperature and precipitation. The windchill factor is emphasized, and evidence of climatic change is briefly mentioned. Ice morphology is discussed and reference is made to permafrost, ground thermal regimes and patterned ground. The circulation of the arctic seas and variations of sea ice are outlined. The biotic chain in the Arctic is presented diagrammatically and the fauna and flora composing it briefly reviewed. The archeology and ethnography of the native peoples are summarized, the importance of the Thule culture in maintaining the linguistic and cultural uniformity of the Eskimo stressed. An interesting section describes the techniques of travel with diagrams of sleds, dog-team arrangements, types of motorized vehicles and a discussion of the problems associated with navigation in the Far North. Political and strategic considerations are reviewed and five chapters are devoted to a regional study of the Canadian Arctic, Alaska, the Soviet Arctic, Svalbard and Greenland. Soviet efforts to develop the Far North, including the Northern Sea Route, are briefly assessed. DLC.
85300. BAKAKIN, V. P. Osnovnye itogi i dal'neTsbie perspektivy geokriologicheskikh issledovani! v Pechorskom ugol'nom basseine. (Alcademili nauk SSSR. Inst. merzlotovedenita. Severnoe otd-ie. Trudy 1960. no. 1, p. 5-16.) In Russian. Title tr.: Main results and further prospects of geocryologic investigations in the Pechora coal basin. Reviews the discovery of this important basin and study of permafrost in it since 1936. Distribution, thickness, temperature, moisture exchange, and other features of the permafrost are characterized. Further studies necessary on the feeding, circulation and chemistry of ground water, on the construction and maintenance of mine shafts are considered, as are means to control heaving, constructions, installations, building methods, and other problems. DLC. 85301. BAKAKIN, V. P. Principles of geocryology, permafrost studies; part 2, engineering geocryology, chapter 7, particular aspects of mining in thick permafrost. Ottawa 1965. 17 1. graphs, tables, illus. (National Research Council of Canada, Technical translation 1217; NRC Translation 140. English translation of No 56672 by V. Poppe. CaM AI. BAKAKIN, V. P., see also Nos. 88056, 88965.
BAMII, E. I., see Nos. 84796, 92829. 85299. BAKAKIN, V. P. Opyt &spinataaii mestorozhdeniT Pechorskogo ugol'nogo basselna v slozhnykh merzlotno-gidrogeologicheskikh uslovifikh. (In: Nauchnotekhnicheskoe . . . gornykh predpriatiT, 1959, p. 233-43, tables, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Exploitation of the Pechora coal basin deposits in complex cryogenic and hydrogeologic conditions. Discusses the difficulties encountered in developing Vorkuta coal because of the cold climate, presence of a thick stratum of Quaternary deposits in permafrost conditions, presence of marshes in the area, complicated circulation of ground water, high content of gases in the coal, etc. Thawing of the frozen rock causes deformation and collapse of the mine supports and the foundations of surface installations. Such deformations in four shafts, also in less detail several others, are characterized. To avoid deformation, shafts should be dug at some distance from runoff channels, vegetation cover in the mine area must remain undisturbed, up-to-date construction methods should be used, etc. DLC.
85302. BAKALOV, S. A. Izmenenie merzlotnykh uslovil i ikh prognoz pri zastrolke territorii. (Akaclemifi nauk SSSR. Inst. merzlotovedenica. Severnoe otd-ie. Trudy 1960. no. 1, p. 78-82.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Changes of cryogenic conditions and their forecast as an area is built up. Discusses the effects on permafrost of buildings and other constructions in the Vorkuta coal region. Engineering-geocryologic planning of foundations is considered, and the need stressed to take full account of heat and moisture exchange in the groundfoundation-atmosphere system. Data are reported how different types of buildings affect the temperature regime, depths of thawing and freezing of the ground: nonheated buildings, roads, heated buildings, shafts, heating systems, water pipes, sewage lines, etc. Many problems are not yet solved and further studies are necessary. DLC. 85303. BAKALOV, S. A. Opyt stroitel'stva na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh v Vorkute. (Osnovanic4, fundamenty i mekhanika
gruntov 1964. v. 6, no. 5, p. 17-19, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Building experience on permafrost at Vorkuta. Analyzes construction methods used: prior to 1946, 856 buildings were erected without consideration of the frozen state of the ground; during 1946-1953, 97 buildings were erected on permafrost protected from thawing under the foundations, but only one during 1953-1961, when about 35 others of wood were built on foundations or burned rock filling. Temperature in the city has risen by 0.8-2° C compared with that of the tundra round about. This results in substantial changes in the frozen ground regime, additional difficulties in urban construction. Pile foundations are recommended for constructions with and without protection of the permafrost substrate against thawing. Erection of buildings on pre-thawed ground is also mentioned as having been introduced recently into buildDLC. ing practice. 85304. BAKER, D. G., and others. The spectrum of plasma esterase activity in young, old, and cold-acclimated rats. (Canadian journal of biochemistry 1964. v. 42, no. 12, p. 1711-15, tables.) 12 refs. Other authors: R. Ghys, D. Coles and S. Christie. Reports investigation of possible qualitative changes in metabolism common to aging and acclimation to cold. A trend towards a decrease in number of special proteins with esterase activity was noted during aging. Cold-acclimation did not accelerate the onset of this trend. During acclimation, no changes in plasma esterase activity were noted, which would suggest DLC. accelerated aging. BAKER, D. M., see No. 86419. 85305. BAKER, J. H., and others. Adsorption equilibria between earth materials and radionuclides, Cape Thompson, Alaska. Washington, D.C. 1964. 401. graphs, tables. (U.S. Geological Survey. Open file report (not numbered). 14 refs. Other authors: W. A. Beetem and J. S. Wahlberg. Determines distribution coefficients for carrier-free cesium, strontium, and iodine on 17 rock, sediment, and vegetation samples collected during July 1961 near Cape Thompson, in connection with the US Atomic Energy's Project Chariot. Distribution coefficients for Cs adsorption were large: very little would remain long in solution in the natural waters of the area. Sr adsorption samples reached equilibrium generally in less than one day. Iodine
sorption varied with the percentage of DGS. organic matter in the samples. BAKER, J. H., see also No. 92548 §39. 85306. BAKER, M. A., and S. M. HORVATH. Influence of water temperature on oxygen uptake by swimming rats. (Journal of applied physiology 1964. v. 19, no. 6, p. 1215-18, table, illus.) 23 refs. Reports on experiments with rats swimming in water of 42, 37 or 20° C. In the cold water rats swam to exhaustion in 12.6 min and had a final rectal temperature of 26.9° C; they (and the animals in hot water) were exhausted before their oxygen uptake was stabilized. DLC. 85307. BAKER, P. T. W. Observations of phase-in-stabilities on a V.L.F. transmission path passing through the auroral zone. (In: NATO. Arctic communications ... 1964, p. 207-215, graphs.) 2 refs. Studies the phase propagation of very low frequency radio waves (18.6 kc/s). Random phase fluctuations are investigated by eliminating the systematic component of diurnal variations, due to changes in the altitude of the ionosphere. A series of observations was made at intervals during 1957-1961 over long path radio-circuits crossing the auroral zone. Examples are given of ways in which the behavior of these circuits has been found to differ from the regular diurnal variations normally expected over a non-auroral path. Some of these phase perturbations appear to be real, and not instrumental effects. Polar-cap absorption effect in the observed phase abnormalities is considered in a concluding note. DLC. 85308. BAKKEN, A. Norsk hvalfangst 100 Ar; trekk fra starten og det fOrste ilret. A hundred years of Norwegian whaling: The start and the first year. (Norsk hvalfangsttidende 1964. v. 53, no. 5, p. 122-37, illus.) In Norwegian and English. Reviews Svend Foyn's expeditions to north Norway in the Spes (Sr Fides. The first three, in 1864, 1866 and 1867, were unsuccessful, mainly because of unsatisfactory equipment; but in 1868 with improvements 30 whales were killed. DLC. BAKLANOVA, S. M., see No. 87027. 85309. BAKSHTANSKIL E. L. The impact of the environmental factors on survival of the Far Eastern young salmon during the acclimatization of the latter in the northwest part of the USSR. (International
Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 477-79, table, map.) Reviews the factors governing the numbers of the two introduced salmon species returning into the rivers of the Kola Peninsula during 1959-1961. It was found that the drastic reduction of anadromous fish is due to predation of the young when they enter the sea. CaMAI. 85310. BAKSHTANSKII, E. L. Nablflidenifa za skatom molodi gorbushi i kety na Evrope!skom Severe. (Murmansk. Polarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1963. no. 15, p. 35-43, tables, graphs.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Observations on the descent of young pink and chum salmon in the European North. Stresses the changes in the biology of these Pacific transplants in their new environment. To reduce losses he recommends release of young from hatcheries at a more advanced age. A series of local, specific measures is also suggested. DLC. 85311. BAKSHTANSKII, E. L. Opyt vyrashchivanifa molodi gorbushi i kety v morskot vode. (Murmansk. Pollarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1963. no. 15, p. 45-48, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Experiment in rearing young pink salmon and chum in sea water. Discusses reasons for rearing, especially pink salmon, within small bays with brackish water, in specially built boxes of wire netting. The fish are released only when sufficiently large to evade predators. DLC. 85312. BAKSHTANSKII, E. L. Vlif?tnie khishchikov na razmer pokatnika, semgi. (Rybnoe khoziaTstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 3, p. 17-18.) In Russian. Title tr.: The influence of predators on the size of descending salmon. Discusses the phenomenon that descending (and ascending) fishes are bigger on the northern than on the southern coast of the Kola Peninsula. Author ascribes this difference to the greater number of predators along the north coast, chiefly cod which feed mainly on small fish. DLC. 85313. BAKSHTANSKII, E. L. VozdeTstvie khishchnikov na molod' gorbushi. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walb.) i kety Oncorhynchus keta (Walb.) v Belom i BarenCsevom morfakh. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1964. v. 4, no. 1, p. 136-41, tables, maps.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effect of
predators on the young of Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Walb. and 0. keta Walb. in the White and Barents Seas. Reports observations since 1959 on the pink and chum salmon of the northern and southern coasts of the Kola Peninsula. The results indicate that the young released into the Barents Sea are very quickly devoured by young cod. Hence author advises to limit the introduction of these Pacific fish to the White Sea, where predators are less numerous. DLC. 85314. BAKIILIN, F. G., and others. Merzlotno-gruntovye uslovifft v ralone goroda Igarki. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanifil . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 2, p. 203-212, table.) In Russian. Other authors: V. 0. Orlov and V. I. Kostflikovskil. Title tr.: Frozen ground conditions in the region of Igarka. Describes the climate, geographic, geological and hydrogeological conditions of the region, the permafrost and its temperature regime. The degree of ice-saturation of the frozen ground, its seasonal freezing and thawing are noted, as are certain construction features, e.g. uneven ground subsidence on the building site over 27% in spots, the intensive frost heaving of the loam and sandy loam, etc. The non-uniformity of ground subsidence precludes utilization of methods found satisfactory in other parts of the Far North. CaONA. BALAGANOV, V.
IA., see No. 92741.
85315. BALAKSHIN, G. D. K poiskam mestorozhdenil almazov geofizicheskimi metodami. (Geologifa i geofizika 1964, no. 6, p. 142-45, profiles, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Prospecting diamond deposits by geophysical methods. Discusses the aeromagnetic survey at 1:25,000 scale used from 1956 by the Amakinskaya expedition searching for diamonds in western Yakutia. This survey is not applicable where a dense cover of traps Gravity measurements has developed. made in 1961 are described in detail and some results are reported. This method can be used where traps are present. Division of anomalies of the "pipe" type into orecontaining and non-ore-containing is disDLC. cussed. 85316. BALAKSHIN, L. L. High latitudinal oceanographic expedition of the diesel-electric vessel Ob'. Washington, D.C. 1964. 5 p. map. (US. Naval Oceanographic Office. Trans-223.) English translation of No 49496 by M. Slessers. DWB.
85317. BALANDIN, A. N. Izuchenie obsko-ugorskikh fazykov v sovetskil period. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskil inst. Uchenye zapiski 1960. v. 167, p. 47-70.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of Ob Ugric languages in the Soviet era. Reviews about a hundred Russian and foreign publications on Ostyak and Vogul linguistics, textbooks and dictionaries. DLC. 85318. BALASH, M. F. Vlicanie sokrashchennogo svetovogo dna na eroki sozrevaniia mekha norvezhskikh pesCsov. (Krolikovodstvo i zverovodstvo 1965. v. 8, no. 8, p. 17-19, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Effect of shortening the light day on the rate of maturation of the Norwegian type polar fox fur. Reports experiments with young, bred animals. Shortening the diurnal light period produced skins with superior hair cover and color. The animals were ready for the kill 30 days earlier than controls, which further justifies the advantages of the method. DA. 85319. BALASHOV, D. M. Pechora i ee skaziteli. (Sever 1965. v. 26, no. 3, p. 7384, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Pechora and its story-tellers. Sketches the history and settlement of the region and describes a trip as consultant to a documentary film crew: interviews with native Russian folklore-raconteurs and ballad singers in the Nar'yan-Mar and Ust'-Tsil'ma area. DLC. 85320. BALASHOV, flY. A., and others. Otdelenie fserifil of redkozemel'nykh elementov pri vyvetrivanii evdialita. (Akademifa. nauk SSSR. Mineralogicheskil maze. Trudy 1965. no. 16, p. 205-208, tables, graph.) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: M. D. Dorfman and N. V. Turanskaa. Title tr.: Separation of cerium from rareearth elements under weathering of eudialyte. Eudialyte is a typical accessory mineral of agpaitic nepheline syenites and their pegmatites also sometimes Tof alkaline granites. Weathered Khibiny and Lovozero eudialyte forms a series of secondary minerals. Its end product is zirfesite. Content of rare-earth elements in eudialyte and zirfesite is shown and conditions are discussed under which cerium is separated from eudialyte products. DLC. BALASHOV, K. N., see No. 90986. 85321. BALASHOV, Z. G. Nekotorye nautiloidei, endocseratoidei i aktinoaeratoi-
dei ordovika Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologli Ark iki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Paleontologifii i biostratigrafifii no. 6, p. 12-71, table, illus.) 67 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some nautiloids, endoceratids and actinoceratids of the Ordovician in northeastern USSR. Outlines the stratigraphy of Lower, Middle and Upper Ordovician deposits. Systematic description is given of 34 species of cephalopods belonging to 21 genera, 13 families and six orders. These fossil molluscs were collected in the Kolyma, Indigirka, Omulevka, Yasachnaya and other areas of Yakut ASSR and Magadan Province. One genus and ten species are con, sidered new. DLC. 85322. BALASUBRAIEVIANYAN, V. K., and others. Results from the Imp 1 GM counter telescope experiment. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 9, p. 2005-2019, graphs.) 16 refs. Other authors: G. H. Ludwig, F. B. McDonald and R. A. R. Palmeira. Reports preliminary observations of cosmic-ray modulation phenomena during the low activity phase of the solar cycle. Measurements by the Imp 1 satellite-borne monitor launched 27 Nov 1963, and by the Deep River monitor (Dec 1963—June 1964) showed a time correlation with the interplanetary magnetic field index, K9. The observed long-term increase in cosmic-ray intensity appears to be anisotropic. Small and irregular decreases in cosmic-ray intensity lasting from 10-18 hr are probably the result of irregularities in the interplanetary magnetic field transported by the solar wind. DLC. 85323. BALBYSLIEV, I. N. Kharakter pozharov na Severe. (Lesnoe khozfalstvo 1964. v. 17, no. 11, p. 48-50.) In Russian. Title tr.: Features of fires in the North. Reviews fires especially forest fires in tundra, forest-tundra and northern taiga in various parts of the Soviet Union, from Murmansk Province and Karelia east to Magadan and Kamchatka. The large number caused by sparks from locomotives in Murmansk Province, Karelia and Komi DLC. is stressed. 85324. BALCOM, M. G. Ghost towns of Alaska. Chicago, Adams Press 1965. viii, 80 p. maps, illus. 14 refs. Locates by geographic coordinates and briefly describes 271 abandoned townships, settlements and mining centers. These are divided regionally into arctic (12), central, western and south-central (178), and south-
eastern towns (81). The book is the result of considerable research and contains a wide range of information on the history of mining, fisheries, settlement and transportation in Alaska. DLC. 85325. BALESTA, S. T., and G. S. SHTEINBERG. Selsmorazvedochnye raboty v ralone Avachinskogo vulkana. (Geologifts i geofizika 1965, no. 8, p. 129-33, graphs, profile.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Seismic exploration in the area of the Avachinskaya volcano. This exploration was made to identify discontinuity horizons for the benefit of the future gravimetric surveys and to map the separation horizons in the Cenozoic formations. The seismic survey revealed the presence of wave groups of apparent velocities equal to 4.5-5.5 km/s (20-20 eyelets frequency) and 2.0-2.5 km/s (14-18 eyelets frequency). Two discontinuity horizons are indicated; the upper at 250-280 m depth. Some pertinent data based on the earlier gravimetric surveys are briefly disDLC. cussed. 85326. BALIKCI, A. Development of basic socio-economic units in two Eskimo communities. Ottawa 1964. 114 p. maps. (Canada. National Museum. Bulletin no. 202.) Approx. 100 refs. Study of ecological and economic factors as determinants for the development of certain social forms, based on 1960 field work among the Arviligjuarmiut, a Netsilik group on Pelly Bay. Attention is directed to the availability and seasonal distribution of game, associated specialized hunting technology, and the influence of individual vs collective production on the evolution and functions of the primary socio-economic unit. Traditional food acquisition, distribution, and consumption, exchange partnership, ownership of weapons, etc are dealt with and the ego-centered kindred contrasted with the extended family. The basic hunting and fishing economy, subsidiary trapping, and the traditional task and kin groupings are described. Acculturative contact had little effect on the general subsistence economy, but produced great changes in social structure. Technological innovations such as the rifle and fishing net introduced in the 19201930's and the abundance of game, rendered the old co-operative sharing pattern obsolete, and the nuclear family became the basic economic and social unit. A reverse development occurred among the Puvirniturmiut fur trappers of Povungnituk on Hudson Bay. The decline of fur and game
animals, continuance of group hunting and co-operative sealing has preserved the sharing pattern at the camp level, though the nuclear family acts as an autonomous unit in the fur trade. A parallel development is noted for the Montagnais Indians. CaMAI, DLC. 85327. BALIKCI, A. Les Esquimaux de la peninsule du Labrador: etudes ethnographiques. (Canada. National Museum. Bulletin 1964. no. 194, p. 262-80.) 42 refs. In French. English summary. Title tr.: Eskimos of the Labrador Peninsula: ethnographic studies. Outlines socio-economic changes emplernented by the Hudson's Bay Co, the Anglican, Catholic, and Moravian missions, and various government units. Studies since the late 19th century are reviewed and acculturative factors are indicated. Intercultural contacts have affected the residence pattern, housing, clothing, transportation devices, hunting techniques, sources of subsistence, religious affiliation, and other social traits. Inter-ethnic relations remain a problem however, as do also the cultural implications of diminishing ecological pressures, new social stratification resulting from introduced trades and wage employment, changes in marriage practices, parental authority, and status of women. CaMAI, DSI. 85328. BALIKCI, A. Quelques cas de suicide parmi les Esquimaux Netsilik. (International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 6th, Paris 1960. Proceedings pub. 1964, v. 2, pt. 2, p. 51116.) 6 refs. In French. Title tr.: Cases of suicide among the Netsilik Eskimos. Psychological study based on 1959-1960 fieldwork among the Arviligjuarmiut on Pelly Bay. Their average population during 1910-1959 was 80, among whom 35 suicides and 15 attempts were recorded; 12 were over 60 yr old, the majority in the 20-55 age bracket. Most were married and had children. The suicide rate was higher among men than women. Weak social integration, anxiety and stress augmented by a shamaninduced fear of nefarious powers, and interpersonal tensions are considered main DSI. factors. 85329. BALIKCI, A. Suicidal behaviour among the Netsilik Eskimos. (In: Canadian New society; sociological perspectives. York 1961, p. 575-88.) 10 refs. Similar in scope to No 69986: Netsilik suicides belong to the so-called egoistic
(US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 184.) 12 refs. Assumes that the idea of uniform stress 85330. BALL, D. G., and I. H. CALL. distribution in the constricted areas of an U. S. sanitary and hydraulic engineering externally stressed snow mass may be a practice in Greenland. (In: International fallacious one, and that a failure due to the Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceed- stress depends on the total cross-sectional ings pub. 1966, p. 409-412, graph.) 3 refs. area of the constrictions intersected by a Describes the water supply and waste failure surface. This condition is expressed q (n) disposal installations at US military bases at Thule, SOndre StrOmfjord, Narsarssuak mathematically as 1—nf = E Aj(t). A hypoand icecap stations. The facilities at Thule, i= 1 where permafrost extends 1600 ft deep, are thetical model is constructed to approxexplained in detail. Water (600,000 gal/day) imate actual conditions and to avoid the is drawn from the bottom of a lake, and complexity of solution of this equation in heated in two stages during the treatment which 1—nf = crf/ At is cross-sectional process. Marine type toilets utilizing waste area of each constriction, q is the number of water proved extremely odorous and dis- constrictions intersected by unit crossection agreeable and were replaced by wall-hung area, 1—nf, nf is effective porosity of the blow-out flush toilet fixtures, the waste snow, cri is ultimate strength of ice, and being discharged by an ejector into sewer 01 is the failure strength. On the basis of lines draining untreated into the sea. Elec- this equation a formula for 01 has been tric heating of utility pipes proved more economic than steam. The permanent developed crf = vie —210-n tank a co tf, installations on the icecap get their water where tf is the time elapsed from the supply from snow melters fed by dozers, moment of application of external stress to and the sewage is discharged untreated the snow, and n is its porosity. Allowing tf through wood stave sewers into the snow. to become infinite, the envelope of maximum A study to determine the depth and lateral strength for fully age-hardened snow of any extent of the sewage pits, and the extent of porosity is obtained. DLC. snow warming near the pits, is described. CaMAI. 85334. BALLARD, G. E. H., and R. 0. RAMSEIER. An effective pressure room 85331. BALL, G. E. Descriptions of eleven seal in ice. (Journal of glaciology 1965. v. new species of the beetle subgenus Cryobius 5, no. 42, p. 869-71, illus.) German and (Pterostichus, Col. Carabidae) from Alaska French summary. Notes plans to pressurize a small chamber and northwestern Canada. (Opuscula entomologica 1963. v. 28, no. 1-2, p. 1-26, in the Camp Tuto ice tunnel in the Greenland ice sheet near Thule in 1962. Several illus.) Describes 11 new species, out of some methods were tried to seal a room in ice 1200 beetles from various collections in which could be pressurized to the overAmerica and Europe. Morphometry, size, burden pressure of the ice. A keyed bulkcoloration, variations, distribution and loca- head consisting of two ice walls with an tion of type material are considered. DLC. in-place frozen mixture of water, clay and styrofoam pellets between them was found 85332. BALLANTYNE, J., and J. NISBET. to produce an effective seal. CaMAI, DLC. A light-weight portable but for field use. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 85335. BALLARD, G. E. H., and R. W. 1962... pub. 1963, p. 197-201, illus.) McGAW. A theory of snow failure. HanDescribes a but approx 8 x 6 x 6 ft; over, N.H. 1965. 9 p. graphs, illus. (US. inside dimensions with two bunks and a Army Cold Regions Research and Engineerbench built in; design features are illus, as ing Lab. Research report 137.) 6 refs. is the arrangement of the 54 panels. It Develops a theory of dry snow failure weighs 500 lb; its various units can be which tends to occur when the solid subtransported by man power. DLC. stance available in snow is under a stress approaching its ultimate strength al in BALLANTYNE, J. H., see No. 91385. tension, compression, or shear. A relationship established between the effective poro85333. BALLARD, G. E. H., and E. D. sity, af, on a potential failure surface, FELDT. Considerations of the strength of nf, the bulk porosity n, and the upper snow. Hanover, N.H. 1965. 11 p. graphs. limiting bulk porosity ni is expressed by a type, in contrast to the altruistic suicide practices among Yuit Eskimos of ChuDLC. kotka, No 40993.
linear equation crf =, of [1-(n/ni)]. Published experimental data for —10° C appear to verify the validity of this equation for natural snow. CaMAI, DLC. BALLARD, G. E. H., see also No. 86952. 85336. BALLE, .1. GrOnlaenderen P8k, hvorledes han kom til Danmark, hans oplevelser der, og hvad han fortalte sine landsmaend derom, da han kom tilbage. (Gni%land 1964, no. 9, p. 321-48, illus.) 5 refs. In Danish. Title tr.: The Greenlander P8k, how he came to Denmark, his experiences there and what he told his compatriots about it when he returned home. Danish translation of booklet in Eskimo printed in GodthAb in 1857 by Rasmus Bertelsen and Lars M011er, the first book from Rink's printing-press. It contains the account by P8k of his stay in Denmark in 1724-25 and 1728-29, when he died there; also a discussion between an angakok and a priest. In an edition of 250 copies, five different versions appear with variations in illus. DLC. 85337. BALOBAEV, V. T. Teploobmen merzlykh gornykh porod s atmosferoT pri nalichii rastitel'nogo pokrova. (In: Akademi1 nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifA. Teplovye proaessy v merzlykh ... 1964, p. 39-53, graphs.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Heat exchange between frozen rocks and the atmosphere when vegetative cover is present. Studies the effect of vegetation of different types (forest, bush, and meadow) upon the microclimate in regions of permafrost. Heat and moisture exchange between thawing rocks and atmosphere are treated mathematically as mutually related. Formulas for frozen rock thawing are given in terms of air temperature at different heights of vegetation cover, temperature of thawing of frozen rock, coefficient of molecular heat conductivity of air and thawed rock, latent heat of ice melting, weight of the rock by volume, and its moisture by weight. Author takes into account transpiration of different types of vegetation cover, the absorption of radiation heat on the surface and inside the cover, and the condition of the turbulent heat exchange within the cover. DLC. 85338. BALOBAEV, V. T. Teploobmen mezhdu atmosferoT i gornymi porodami i protaivanie merzlykh gornykh porod. (In: Akaderaila nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedeniia. Sovremennye voprosy ...1964, p. 147-66, tables.) 14 refs.
In Russian. Title tr.: Heat exchange between the atmosphere and rocks and thawing of frozen rocks. Reviews the experimental data concerning heat exchange between the atmosphere and frozen rocks; and presents formulas for calculating depths of seasonal thawing and its speed in relation to the conditions of heat exchange of the rock surface with the air. DLC. 85339. BALOBAEV, V. T. V1i6anie poverkhnostnogo slof8 na teplovol rezhim i glubinu protaivaaa merzlykh gornykh porod. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenia. Teplovye prorsessy v merzlykh ... 1964, p. 738, tables.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effect of the surface layer on the thermal regime and depth of thawing of frozen rocks. Presents several ways to gauge heat exchange between the atmosphere and rock covered by a layer of some substance different in thermal-physical parameters. Based on an equation covering the case when thawing and freezing of the ground are absent, a system of three equations is formed to find an approx solution to the problem taking the thawing of rock into consideration. In an extensive mathematical analysis, a general formula for finding the depth of thawing of rock covered by a layer of surface ground is developed. Assuming that the initial temperature distribution in the rock obeys the law of sinusoidal attenuation with depth, this formula gives solutions for arbitrary boundary conditions, and determines simultaneously heat exchange in the rock and in the surface layer of the air. DLC. BALOBAEV, V. T., see also No. 85166. 85340. BALOG, J. Come see our glaciers. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 9, p. 20-23, -F, illus.) Describes with photos some Alaskan glaciers, their variety, formation mostly on mountain slopes, their names, and spectacDLC. ular features. 85341. BALOG, J. Northland Mardi Gras. (Alaska sportsman 1960. v. 26, no. 2, p. 20-23, illus.) Photographs and description of the Fur Rendezvous festival held at Anchorage annually in Feb. DLC. 85342. BALTZO, C. H., and others. A family summer at the Pribilofs. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 11, p. 74-81.) Describes life and work on both St. Paul
and St. George Islands. Author (Director of the Fur Seal Program for the US Fish and Wildlife Service) also gives observations on the fur seals and the harvesting operations, as well as wildlife generally, weather, DI. landscape, etc. 85343. BANDI, H. G. Urgeschichte der Eskimo. Stuttgart, G. Fischer Verlag 1965. 171 p. maps, tables, illus. Approx. 280 refs. In German. Title tr.: Eskimo prebistory. Desertles archeological research in the North American Arctic and Greenland noting major expeditions and present-day Eskimo life. Prehistoric cultural processes are reconstructed for seven main regions in turn. Groups of epi-Gravettian hunters of Siberia, the forbears of Paleosiberians and Eskalents, entered Alaska about 8,000 BC and diffused south along the coast and inland along the Yukon, Tanana, Kuskokwim, etc. Their so-called Northwest Microblade and Arctic Small Tool traditions acquired new typological elements under the influence of ecological changes, PaleoIndian contacts, etc. An epi-Gravettian center in the Seward Peninsula region is considered ancestral to all Eskimo cultures moving back and forth across the Bering Strait and expanding west across Canada to Greenland. This center gave rise to the Denbigh Flint complex, the Paleo-Aleut culture, the North Alaskan Ipiutak, and Birnirk which in turn fathered the Canadian-Greenlandic Thule culture. An affiliated epi-Gravettian center in central Alaska brought forth the Sarqaq, Independence, and Dorset cultures of Canada and Greenland. An Eskimo backlash from Seward Peninsula to Chukotka was responsible for Okvik and its sequential Old Bering Sea and Punuk cultures. Complicating factors are discussed, such as renewed impulses from interior Siberia, intra-Eskimo cultural disseminations, etc. Pre-Eskimo traditions are reviewed in chronological order and correlated with coeval stages in northeast Asia. DSI. 85344. BANFIELD, A. W. F. Grizzly territory. (Natural history 1964. v. 73, no. 3, p. 22-27, map, illus.) Discusses synonyms, probable early geographic distribution, reproduction in the 19th century, records on occurrence, 20th century spread of occurrence southeastward, geographical origin of the grizzly; possible occurrence in northern Quebec and Labrador. CaMAL DLC. 85345. BANFIELD, A. W. F. The management of barren-ground caribou in Canada.
(International Union for the Protection of Nature. Proceedings, 5th meeting Copenhagen 1954 pub. 1956, p. 69-71.) Reviews the status of the caribou with early population figures to show the rate of population decline, and comparison with the American bison. The dependence of Eskimos and Athabascan Indians upon the caribou herds is discussed and primitive methods of hunting and managing the herds before the introduction of firearms are described. The fur trade and its effect and that of modern firearms on caribou management are considered. Studies made by the Canadian Wildlife Service and the Fish and Wildlife Service are noted, as are some management programs in northern Canada. DLC. BANFIELD, A. W. F., see also No. 91900. 85346. BANG, C., and S. SKRESLET. Hydrobiologisk studentelcapedisjon til Jan Mayen sonuneren 1963. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 264-67, illus.) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Hydrobiological student expedition to Jan Mayen in the summer of 1963. Reports study of Nordlaguna lake at 71° N 08°26' W found productive of phytoplankton but little zooplankton. Fauna incl such in bottom samples are noted, as are flora: one moss and a green alga; arctic char were taken: condition poor. DLC. 85347. BANK OF MONTREAL. The Hamilton Falls. (Its: Business review, Feb. 28, 1964. p. 1-5.) Discusses the hydroelectric power potential of Churchill Falls on the Hamilton River, Newfoundland Labrador, estimated up to six million hp. Recent experiments with long distance transmission of power at very high voltage have proved successful, and remote sites such as this one can now be used. Precipitation and runoff in the area are discussed. A 1,000 ft head could be created by diversion of the river. Immense darns or costly water storage would not be required. British Newfoundland Corporation Ltd has power rights in this area. The Twin Falls power development on the Unknown River completed at a cost of $50 million, is used by iron mining companies 110 mi to the west. CaOG. 85348. BANKO, W. E., and R. H. MACKAY. Our native swans. (In: US. Dept. of the Interior. Waterfowl tomorrow 1964, p. 155-64, maps, illus.) Discusses exploitation of swan products
in America, past and present. Trumpeter and whistling swan are dealt with as to their range and migrations, breeding cycles and areas incl south-central Alaska, the west Alaskan coast and northern Mackenzie and Keewatin Districts. Population, size and protection are also reported. DLC. 85349. BANKS, M. E. B. Go north, old man. (Geographical magazine 1964. v. 36, no. 12, p. 710-17, map, illus.) Describes, with color photos the summer 1963 trip of a four-man party in the Logan Mts of Yukon Territory. Ten peaks were climbed for the first time. Landscape, wildlife, weather, etc are noted. CaMAI, DLC. 85350. BANNIKOV, A. G. V mezhdurech'e Pechory i Ilycha. (Priroda 1964. v. 53, no. 2, p. 94-103, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: On the Pechora-Ilych interfiuve. Gives an introductory sketch of the geomorphology, climate, vegetation, etc and describes the fauna of the Pechora-Ilych preserve. It has 16 fishes, three amphibians, a reptile, 204 birds, and 40 mammals. Salmonids are fished by natives and sportsmen, but salmon-fishing proper is restricted to the lower Pechora. Wintering birds are noted, especially crossbills, good indicators of the cone supply and squirrel population. Beavers overhunted in the early 19th century, and reintroduced in 1938-1940, number about three hundred. Muskrats have acclimatized and otters increased seven-fold. Elks, almost extinct by 1912, number about three thousand; an experiment farm, set up in 1949 by E. P. Knorre, carries out elk studies, disease control, etc. DLC. 85351. BANNISTER, J. L. An intersexual fin whale Balaenopkra physalus L. from (Zoological Society of South Georgia. London. Proceedings 1963. v. 141, no. 4, p. 811-22, illus.) 18 refs. Describes an intersex heaving testes associated with the uterus and a grossly deformed clitoris as main characteristics. Whether it is a hermaphrodite or pseudohermaphrodite and the rarity of such cases DLC. in cetaceans are discussed. 85352. BANSHCHIKOV, M. Vklad portovikov Pechory v semiletku. (RechnoT transport 1964. v. 23, no. 10, p. 8, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Contribution of the Pechora dockers to the seven-year plan. Describes port operations at Pechora on the right bank of the middle course of the river, at the junction of the railroad to
Vorkuta and Labytnangi. The docks are equipped with modern transshipment mechanisms, and warehouses. About 5,000 t of coal and 3,000 t of gravel can be handled /24 hr day. Three barges or four—five motor ships can be loaded or unloaded simultaneously. The 1963 freight, was 2.2 times that of 1958. The cost of transshipment in 1964 was 27% less than in 1958. DLC. 85353. BARABASHKINA, A. P. Raspredelenie sostavlaffishchikh geostroficheskogo vetra nad severnym polushariem v 19541958 gg. (Moskva. N.-issl. inst. aeroklims,tologii. Trudy 1963. no. 21, p. 151-76, tables, graphs, maps.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of the geostrophic wind components in the Northern Hemisphere in 1954-1958. Reports the zonal and meridional components of geostrophic wind in Jan, Apr, July and Oct of 1954-1958 at the 500 nib surface and the earth's surface, by machine calculation. These components show substantial changes from season to season and year to year; they are determined mainly by characteristics and intensity of atmospheric circulation. Arctic regions are included in this analysis. DLC. 85354. BARAKSANOV, G. G. Formirovanie graficheskikh i orfograficheskikh norm komi literaturnogo azyka. (Istoriko-filologicheskiI sbornik 1963. no. 8, p. 174-87.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Formation of the graphic and orthographic standards in literary Komi. Discusses changes made in the Russian alphabet to adapt to phonetic values in Zyryan; also the successive attempts during 1934-1959 to establish spelling standards. DLC. 85355. BARANENKOVA, A. S. Notes on the condition of formation of the ArctoNorwegian tribe of cod of the 1959-1961 year-classes during the first year of life. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 397-410, tables, maps.) 21 refs. Reports studies of 1959-1961, years differing in hydrographic and plankton conditions. Accordingly differences are described in the times and duration of spawning, distribution and abundance of eggs, larvae, demersal cod fry, etc. Optimal conditions of feeding for larvae were found in the more intensive currents; the distribution of larvae in the currents coincided with that of warm-water plankton, and a con-
formity between spring development of plankton and spawning of cod was estabCaMAI. lished. 85356. BARANENKOVA, A. S., and N. K. KHOKHLINA. Ob uslovirakh formirovanifit arkto-norvezhskogo stada treski pokolenil 1959, 1960 i 1961 g. na pervom godu zhizni. (Murmansk. PolfarnyT n.-issl. inst. morakogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. no. 16, p. 195-213, tables, maps.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Conditions of formation of the ArctoNorwegian cod herd during its first year of life, in 1959, 1960 and 1961. Reports results of studying the drift of eggs and larvae of this fish in the area 5°-35° E between the land and about 75° N. The three years differed in sea conditions and in plankton biomass. In each year however, the largest drift of eggs and larvae, the greatest plankton biomass and feeding conditions for larval cod were in currentbranches best developed that year. DLC. 85357. BARANENKOVA, A. S., and N. A. KHALDINOVA. Raspredelenie i prilov molodi pikshi v ffizhnol chasti Barenareva mora. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 35-41, maps, graphs.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution and bycatch of young haddock in the southern Barents Sea. Report based on trawl catches of 19511958. Distribution changed in some areas from month to month, in others young were present in great numbers during July-Oct, in others all year round. In general the young caught were over 26 cm long. DLC. 85358. BARANENKOVA, A. S., and N. S. KHOKHLINA. Razmer polovozrelol treski arkto-norvezhskogo stada v 1959, 1960 i 1961 gg. (Materialy rybokhozfalstvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 2, p. 9-12, tables, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: Size of mature cod of the ArctoNorwegian stock in 1959, 1960 and 1961. Reports a study by several vessels trawling in the Barents Sea and northeastern Norwegian waters. Size of males and females prior, during, and after the spawning period is shown. Largest average size was in 1961, smallest in 1960. Size composition of catches in various areas is also considered. DLC. 85359. BARANENKOVA, A. S., and Z. P. Soviet investigations on BARANOVA. young cod of age-groups 0, I, II and III in the Barents Sea. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales bio-
logiques 1962 pub. 1964. v. 19, p. 86-88, tables.) Quantitative analysis of fish caught during Oct 1961—Feb 1962 in the southern and northwestern parts of the sea. Mean numbers of cod of different yr-classes, taken by standard hauls in subareas are tabulated and the strength of the different yr-classes compared. DLC. 85360. BARANENKOVA, A. S., and Z. P. BARANOVA. Soviet investigations on young haddock of age-groups 0, I, II, and III in the Barents Sea. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1962 pub. 1964. v. 19, p. 88-89, tables.) Tabulates and discusses mean numbers of haddock taken by standard hauls during the 1961-62 winter in the southern and northwestern areas of this sea. Comparisons of the strength of different yr-classes are made for 1946-1961. DLC. 85361. BARANENKOVA, A. S., and others. Vertikal'nye migraaii i pitanie mal'kov treski Barenfieva morli v sentiabre-oktfabre. (Materialy rybkhozalstvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 2, p. 28-34, tables, graphs.) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S. S. Drobysheva and I. Ponomarenko. Title tr.: Vertical migrations and feeding of cod fry of the Barents Sea in September—October. Reports on studies in the southern part of the sea in 1962. At night and early morning 0-group fish were caught mostly near the surface; during the day, in deeper waters and at the bottom. In these movements they crossed the thermocline. The migrations were found to be closely linked to those of the euphausiids. DLC.
85362. BARANOV, A. M. Nekotorye osobennosti prostranstvennol struktury frontal'nykh oblakov v Arktiko. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 266, p. 90-94.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of the spatial structure of frontal clouds in the Arctic. Analyzes results of previous observations and those of the 1959 flying observatory in which author participated. Spatial structure of frontal clouds was found to vary significantly according to type of front, its activity, moisture content of the air masses, temperature difference, etc. Warm, cold and occluded fronts are characterized, and the spatial distribution, limits, types of cloud and other features are briefly described. Occurrence of a secondary cold front is also noted. CaMAI, DLC.
85363. BARANOV, G. I. Dispersionnyl analiz prochnosti morekogo antarkticheskogo Pda. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 20, p. 55-60, tables, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Dispersional analysis of the strength of antarctic sea ice. The influence of various factors and their dependence on the strength of shore ice are investigated, using the formulas developed by R. A. Fisher in 1925. Standard deviations, evaluated for 95% and 99% probabilities, are applied to ice—salinity and ice—density observations at —2 and 15° C. The influence of temperature (A) is found to be 48%, that of density (B) 6%, salinity (C) 7%; A and B 2%, A and C 1%, B and C 4%; A, B and C 1%. The balance, i.e. 31%, is due to the undefined factors. CaMAI, DLC. 85364. BARANOV, G. I. Metod vydelenifft sostavlianshchikh teplozapasa morfli, ne ogranichennogo po vertikali. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 19, p. 39-44, table.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A method of separating the components of the heat content of the sea without vertical limits. Reviews and develops analytical formulas for heat content for 2, 3, and M water masses, where M > 3. The formulas are based on the evaluation of salinity (s), temperature freezing of sea water (T), depth (z), time (t), coefficient of turbulent diffusion (K), thickness of the water layer expressed in meters (P), a certain analytical expression ('F), and the number of water masses (m). Analytical computations are tabulated for the heat content of bottom, Atlantic, and polar waters in layers of CaMAI, DLC. various thickness.
I. a.
85365. BARANOV, Princsipy geokriologicheskogo (merzlotnogo) ralonirovanifit oblasti mnogoletnemerzlykh gornykh porod. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 150 p. tables, illus. 40 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Principles of geocryological (frozen ground) zoning of permafrost regions. Discusses scientific methods of solving the general problems of zoning, main tendencies, and stages of the geocryological zoning surveys. The objectives of these investigations, gradation, and subdivision are discussed. History of geocryological zoning is outlined and the literature critically reviewed. Planning of a geocryological survey, and criteria for zoning in the European North, Siberia, etc are discussed. In the last chapter, the genesis of the frozen strata and classification of permafrost with its accessory cryogenic and post-cryogenic
formations are discussed. Engineering aspects of geocryology are not considered. DLC.
I. IL,
85366. BARANOV, and V. V. BAULIN. Vlifilnie mnogoletnego promerzanifil. na formirovanie geomorfologicheskikh urovnel. (Merzlotnye issledovaniQ 1964. no. 4, p. 285-91.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effects of long-term freezing on the formation of geomorphic levels. Discusses the formation of geomorphic levels connected with development of permafrost. Syngenetic and epigenetic types of permafrost are described. The syngenetic horizon develops by periodic deposition of sediments and growth of the layer upward. A permafrost layer of epigenetic type is formed during the entire cooling epoch from rocks of different composition. Both types of permafrost affect geomorphic levels. DLC. BARANOV,
I. a., see also No. 88056.
85367. BARANOV, N. 0 profilvlenii kory vyvetrivanifil na Pripolfarnom Urale. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskil inst. Uchenye zapiski 1964. v. 267, p. 251-68, tables, map, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Manifestation of crustal weathering in the Subpolar Ural. Describes mechanical and chemical weathering which varies in composition and age and has many varieties in different parts of the Polar Ural. Present and preglacial weathering are described, weathered rocks, weathering products and other features are noted. The mechanical, chemical, and mineralogic composition of lineal crust weathering is outlined; it is connected with hydrothermal metamorphism. Study of weathering is important in connection with search for rock crystal. DLO. 85368. BARANOV, N. Vazhnoe napravlenie tvorcheskoI defiltel'nosti gradostroitelel. (Arkhitektura SSSR 1964, no. 4, p. 25-32, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: An important trend in the creative activity of city builders. Presents specifications and recommendations for the planning and construction of city centers, evaluating such urban renewal projects for Murmansk, Arkhangel'sk, Perm', and Vladivostok, and presenting pictures of the central sections of these cities. The designs for Murmansk and Arkhangelsk were prepared by competition at the end of 1963. For Murmansk, the design by Len proekt was favored as the most satisfactory on the plane and three-
dimensional distribution of structural units, and their interconnection with already existing and projected building areas. The panorama of the project as seen from Kola Bay is impressive. Four organizations submitted designs for Arkhangel'sk but none was found satisfactory, mainly because of disregard of the historical background of DLC. the central core of the city. 85369. BARANOV, V. I., and L. A. ICHRISTrANOVA. Radioaktivnost' okeanicheskikh otlozhenil. (Akademita nauk SSSR. Inst. geokhimii i analiticheskol khimii. Khimifa zemnol kory, Moskva 1963. v. 1, p. 401-408, tables, maps.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Radioactivity of oceanic deposits. Reports radiochemical investigations of the upper horizons of bottom sediments in the northwest Pacific, including coastal areas of Kamchatka. Terrigenous, biogenous and polygenous sediments were studied and their content of uranium, thorium, ionium, radium and other components is determined. The ionium and thorium content is charted, and the ionium-thorium ratio outlined. DLC. 85370. BARANOVA, M. P., and S. F. BISKE. Istorifa' razvitifa rel'efa Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka, Severo-Vostok SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka" 1964. 300 p. tables, maps. Approx. 325 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: History of relief development of Siberia and Far East, Northeastern USSR. Presents extensive monograph on paleogeomorphology of a vast territory extending from the Lena and Aldan east to the Bering Sea. Investigations are briefly reviewed. Relief and the structural—geomorphic regions are described: the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka Mesozoic folded region, the Okhotsk-Chukotka mountain area volcanic belt, and the Anadyr-Koryak mountainous area of Cenozoic folding. Attention is directed to the stratigraphy of Cenozoic deposits. Paleogene and Neogene are treated in detail, as is the Quaternary system, separated into four divisions. History of relief development is analyzed for several mountainous areas: the Verkhoyansk, Polousnyy-upper Kolyma, Yana-Oymyakon, Anyuy-Chukotka, Anadyr-Koryak, etc. Paleogeography of these regions is also outlined. DLC. 85371. BARANOVA, ft. P., and S. F. Stratigrafica kaTnozola i razvitifa rel'efa Vostochno-Sibirskol nizmennosti. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy
1964. no. 8, p. 41-63, map.) 40 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of the Cenozoic and history of relief development of the East Siberian lowland. Outlines the lowland comprised of the Kolyma, Indigirka, Yana, Alazeya and other river basins and their framings. Stratigraphy, lithology and tectonics of Tertiary deposits are characterized. Lower and Upper Quaternary deposits are also analyzed. Climatic changes are reported. Relief development is traced. Boreal transgression and Zyryanka glaciation are noted. Manifestation of permafrost, fossil ice, and other features are reported. DLC. 85372. BARANOVA, Z. I. Iglokozhie (Echinodermata), sobrannye ekspediaiel na 1/r "F. Litke" v 1955 g. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 259, p. 355-72, illus.) 36 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Echinoderms collected by the F. Litke expedition in 1955. Reports on material collected north of Franz Joseph Land and Spitsbergen, half of it from depths of more than 1000 m. Thirty-three species are listed with notes on location and depth of find, morphology, vertical and geographic distribution. Some forms are described in detail. A general and zoogeographic characteristic of the material is included. DLC. BARANOVA, Z. M., see No. 87260. 85373. BARANOVA, Z. P. Rezul'taty ucheta molodi pikshi v Barenaevom more zimol 1963/64 g. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 18-21, tables, map.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Estimates of the young haddock stock of the Barents Sea in the winter 1963-64. Reports on experimental trawling by three vessels in the southern and northwestern parts of this sea. Fish 1-4 yr old are included and data compared with such since 1946. DLC. 85374. BARANOVA, Z. P., and G. P. NIZOrfgEV. Rezul'taty ucheta molodi treski i pikshi v Barencsevom more zimol 1962/63 g. (IvIaterialy rybokhozlitIstvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 2, p. 22-28, tables, maps.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Estimate of young cod and haddock stock in the Barents Sea in the winter of 1962-63. Reports results of standard trawling hauls by two vessels in the southern and northwestern parts of the sea. Number of fishes caught, age (1-4 yr) and yr—class are
recorded for different areas and for this sea as a whole. DLC. BARANOVA, Z. P., see also Nos. 85359, 85360, 90290. 85375. BARANOVSKIL A. K. Gazoprovod Tazovskoe-Noril'sk. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1964. v. 9, no. 8, p. 6-9, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: The TazovskoyeNoriPsk gas pipeline. Describes the natural and climatic conditions in the area around this 640 km pipeline to supply the Noril'sk mining and metallurgical complex. Because permafrost is present, the guidelines for building the pipeline are to use soil for bank construction, f suitable soil is available; use wooden cells on dead support in the areas of stable permafrost; wooden cells with hanging support in the weak permafrost area; and pile support across lakes or in marshland. Sea, river, and railroad transportation are available for bringing in construction materials. DLC. BARANOWSKI, S., see No. 93010. 85876. BARANSKii, L. N., and E. A. GERASIMOVICH. Ispol'zovanie indukCtionnykh katushek dlid registraaii magnitnykh variaall. (Alcademiill nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheski! komitet,, III razdel programmy MGG: geomagnitnye issledovanifii. Sbornik state! 1964. no. 6, p. 131-42, tables, graphs, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The use of induction coils for recording of magnetic variations. Describes the design, electric circuit, construction, and operation of two pilot recorders, one of which was installed for continuous 24-hr duty at the Lovozero station. Recording of the field's horizontal components with tape speed of 90 mm/hr was carried out in 1959, and experimental 24—hr records of geomagnetic field micropulsations in the 0.02-3 c/s range were obtained with tape speed of 30 mm/min. Several recordings made in parallel for telluric and magnetic variations showed much similarity in their behavior. Formulas are given for calculation of amplitudefrequency and phase-frequency characteristics of the coil-galvanometer system. Further improvements of the recorder for duty at lower signal intensity is suggested. DLC. 85377. BARASHKOV, G. A. Priroda Antarktidy i ee vlifllnie na cheloveka. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Otd-io me-
diainskol geografii. Doklady 1965. no. 2, p. 58-64.) In Russian. Title tr.: Nature of the Antarctic and its effect on man. Discusses the climate in general and in certain areas; adaptation in first visitors and polar explorers. Winds and storms and their psychological effects are described, as are the effects, psychic and physiological, of polar night on personnel of Mirnyy station. Effects on teeth and wound healing, influence of slimmer, and of the icecap are also reported. DLC. BARASHKOV, G. A., see also No. 86488. 85378. BARASHKOV, G. K. Izmenenie aktivnasti proteinaz sel'di v techenie gods. (Murmansk. PolfftrnyI n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Nauchnotekhnicheski! bfalleten' 1960. no. 2(12), p. 34-36, tables, graph.) In Russian. Title tr.: Changes in proteinase activity of herring in the course of a year. Reports study of conditions in the large Atlantic herring from the Norwegian Sea. Catep,sin and neutral proteinase were determined in muscle, liver, stomach, pyloric appendages. No differences were found between seasons or between sexes. At pH 7.65 no proteinase activity was found in muscle and liver but it was present DLC. in the digestive tract. 85379. BARASHKOV, G. K., and M. V. FEDIAKINA. Ob obrastanii stenda litoraPnymi vodorosleimi v gube Darne-Zelenetsskoi Barenaeva morill. (Okeanologia 1965. v. 5, no. 5, p. 897-902, tables, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the fouling of a stand by littoral algae in Dal'niye-Zelenetskaya Bay of the Barents Sea. Reports results of an investigation made on a wooden stand put up for the purpose. Some fifty species of algae were found participating in the fouling which ensued. They are briefly characterized. To find a preventative, the green algae Urospora; Ulothrix and A crosiphonia and the brown algae Pylaiella and Ectocarpus should be studied, and some admixtures determined DLC. to protect vessels and structures. 85380. BARASHKOV, G. K., and A. V. VAKHRASHINA. Obrastanie plota morskol kapustol v gube Dal'ne-Zelene@kol Barenaeva mortit. (Botanicheskil zhurnal 1964. v. 49, no. 11, p. 1651-52.) In Russian. Title tr.: Growth of Laminaria saccharina on a raft in the Dal'niye-Zelenetskaya Bay of the Barents Sea. Describes the growth of this and several other seaweeds within a known period.
Number, weight and size of plants are DLC. given. 85381. BARASEBOV, P. P. 0 dialektologicheskom izuchenii fftkutskogo fazyka. (Akademill nauk Azerbaldzhanskol SSR. Inst. lit-ry i Etsyka. Voprosy dialektologii tflirkskikh fazykov 1960. v. 2, p. 207-216.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Dialect study of Yakut. Comparative phonetic and morphological study of the three major dialect groups: Namtsy — Ust'Aldan, Kangalasy — Vilyuy, and Megino—Tatty types, each comprised DLC. of a variety of sub-dialects. 85382. BARASHKOVA, E. A. Sezonnost' v razvitii kormovogo lishalnika kladonii olen'e!. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severn. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 141-44, table.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Seasonality in development of reindeer fodder lichen. Reports on the podetia growth rate, amount of moisture absorption, and vitality of the algal component in Cladonia rangiferina, C. alpestris, and C. sylvatica as studied in 1961-1962 at Vologochan on the Noril'sk Railroad and at the Murmansk reindeer breeding station. The data, partly tabulated, indicate seasonality (and its extent) in the physiological activity of these lichens: they grow fastest in spring immediately after the snow melts. DNAL. 85383. BARA'FfANT-A, M. Pobeda cheloveka. (Kul'tura i zhizn' 1962. v. 6, no. 3, p. 15-18, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Man's conquest. Describes Norilsk, 6M flight hr from Moscow, 4 hr by rail from Dudinka. The Norilsk-Dudinka line is to be converted to electricity in the current 7-yr plan; 20 km to Kayerkan are completed. Housing, built on piles driven 6-8 m deep into the 200 m thick permafrost, is discussed. The city with a population of 115,000 has a television station and an indoor swimming pool; annual mean temperature is —9.3° C. Ore and coal mining on Medvezh'ya mountain, the Severnyy ore mine near the summit, the metallurgical plants, etc are depicted. DLC. BARBEAU, M., see No. 86665. 85384. BARBER, F. G., and C. J. GLENNIE. On the oceanography of Hudson Bay, an atlas of data obtained in 1961. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1964. 10 p. 88 maps. (Canada. Dept. of Mines and Technical Surveys. Marine Sciences Branch. Manuscript report ser. no. 1.) 9 refs.
Presents on single-page black-and-white maps, the oceanographic data obtained on the 1961 cruises of MfV Calanus and Theta, as reported in Data record series no. 1 and no. 12 1964, of this Department's Marine Sciences Branch. Horizontal distributions of temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen at standard depths, are depicted for four phases between July 22 and Oct. 10. CaOG. BARBOUR, M. L., see No. 92548133. 85385. BARCUS, J. R. Balloon observations on the relationship of energetic electrons to visual aurora and auroral absorption. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 9, p. 2135-47, graphs, illus.) 19 refs. Studies correlation between simultaneous bremsstrahlung X-ray at balloon altitudes, and photometric measurements of visual aurora at large values of the geomagnetic shell parameter, L. Despite a rather loose correlation obtained during balloon flights of 10, 13, and 24 Mar, 1963 from Barrow at L.-8, the observations suggest that essentially different, though not infrequently coupled, mechanisms are responsible for high energy portions of the precipitated Detailed examination of an electrons. ionospheric absorption event associated with auroral breakup indicates that the event is largely accounted for by the same flux of low energy electrons responsible for the simultaneous auroral luminosity enhanDLC. cement. 85386. BARCUS, J. R., and T. J. ROSENBERG. Observations on the spatial structure of pulsating electron precipitation accompanying low frequency hydromagnetic disturbances in the auroral zone. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 7, p. 1707-1716, graphs, map.) 5 refs. Discusses the low frequency hydromagnetic disturbances generated in the sunlit part of the magnetosphere, which propagate as transverse waves to auroral latitudes, accompanied by pulsating electron precipitation and ionospheric absorption of radio noise of similar temporal behavior. Events of 15, 17 Sept and 10 Mar 1963 are analyzed from the data of X-ray balloonborne measurements by scintillation detectors at Ft Wainwright, Ft Yukon or Barrow. Cosmic radio noise absorption data were obtained from riometers at Kotzebue, Ft Yukon, College, and Farewell. College and Barrow provided data on magnetic disturbances from rapid run threecomponent magnetometers at College and
Barrow. The radio-wave pulsations are interpreted to be due to direct ionization by the incoming electrons. The outstanding characteristic of the events is their largescale belt-like size, extending over e— 1,000 km in longitude and 100-400 km in DLC. latitude. 85387. BARCUS, J. R., and A. CHRISTENSEN. A 75-second periodicity in auroral-zone X rays. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 21, p. 545559, graphs.) 17 refs. Presents observations of an unusual set of auroral-zone X-ray pulsations of small intensity but high spectral purity. They were encountered during a high-altitude 10 mb) balloon flight released from Fairbanks. They occurred on 20 June 1964 over Galena (64.7° N 156.8° W) after a major electron precipitation activity. The separation of pulses is roughly 75 sec in time. Proposals by earlier investigators on the origin of this well-organized temporal behavior in precipitated flux of energetic electrons are discussed, and own suggestion offered: a method of modulation, involving a traveling hydromagnetic disturbance. A simultaneous passage of hydromagnetic waves across the accelerated flux of electrons may explain the origin and the periodicity nature of the phenomenon. DLC. BARCUS, J. R., see also Nos. 85907, 85908, 85909. 85388. BARDIN, K. V taezhnol chashchobe. (FizkuP tura i sport 1964, no. 6, p. 2122, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: In the taiga wilderness. Gives advice on mountaineering and hiking, based on own experience in the Northern Ural: detection of trail markers, use of animal tracks, stream-crossing techniques, location of hunting cabins, needed equipment, etc. Suitability of various kinds of mosquito nets, repellents, and protective DLC. clothing is evaluated. 85389. BARKHATOVA, N. N. Geologicheskie issledovanifil russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1955. 108 p. maps, illus. Approx. 100 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geological investigations of the Russian Geographical Society. Describes investigations of 1845-1917 in three periods: 1845-1861, 1861-1882, and 1882-1917, giving an account of the 18471850 Ural, the 1855-1862 Siberian, the 1866 Turukhansk, the 1873 Nizhnyaya Tunguska, the 1874 Olenek, the 1875 Lena,Olenek
expedition, and others. The extensive bibliography is arranged according to years DLC. as well as to authors. BARNARD, C. N., see No. 88076. 85390. BARNES, D. F. Geophysical methods for delineating permafrost. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 349-55, tables, graphs.) 47 refs. Discusses methods and techniques of investigating and mapping the distribution, size and physical characteristics of permafrost layers by standard geophysical methods. Since the elastic moduli and the electrical conductivity are the properties of interstitial water which change most on freezing, seismic and electrical techniques at present offer most promise. Various attempts to measure permafrost by seismic methods, particularly at Thule, Greenland, are described, the results are tabulated and graphed and their limitations discussed. The velocity of compressional waves in frozen ground is significantly higher than in unfrozen rocks; velocity varies greatly with lithology and temperature. The data indicate that most naturally frozen ground contains a significant proportion of gas- or liquid-filled voids. Among the electrical investigations, resistivity is the property that has been used for the measurement of permafrost bodies, using the Wenner configuration of four equally spaced and aligned electrodes. Evidence is presented that frozen rock resistivities may be 10-100 times larger than those of unfrozen rocks, and increase with both lower temperatures and increased compactness. A method for measuring horizontal changes in resistivity is described. Ways of improving these experiments by use of alternative types of CaMAI. equipment are suggested. 85391. BARNES, D. F., and G. R. MacCARTHY. Preliminary report on tests of the application of geophysical methods to Menlo arctic ground-water problems. Park, Calif. 1964. 53 1. maps, profiles, graphs, table. (U.S. Geological Survey. Reports—open file ser. no. 718.) 13 refs. Reviews the principles and applicability of electrical resistivity, seismic, and electromagnetic methods in development of arctic ground-water resources; and summarizes results of July-Nov 1952 field work in the Tanana valley, especially near Fairbanks, Big Delta, and Tok. Both seismic and electrical resistivity methods defined the horizontal extent of the frozen ground and both could determine the depth to the
top of permafrost, though neither method regularly gave reliable information on the DGS. material beneath the top. 85392. BARNES, D. F. The U. S. Geological Survey's program of Alaskan gravity (American Geophysical observations. Union. Transactions 1965. v. 46, no. 1, p. 231-33.) 10 refs. Reports some 700 observations made since 1958 in a program designed to complete the outline survey of all Alaska by 1970. Reference is also made to data available from other agencies and companies. Instrumentation used is the La Costc geodetic meter, with three-quarters of elevations surveyed and one-quarter obtained by altimetry. The purposes of the survey are summarized; these include the locating of thick accumulations of sediments which could be possible petroleum provinces, the estimation of the isostatic adjustment associated with various topographic features, and the determination of regional gravity gradients and areas where more precise surveys are desirable. DLC. BARNES, D. F., see also Nos. 84953, 92548 §11. BARNES, R. A., Jr., see No. 89245. 85393. BARNETT, D. M., and J. A. PETERSON. The significance of glacial Lake Naskaupi 2 in the deglaciation of Labrador-Ungava. (Canadian geographer 1964. v. 8, no. 4, p. 173-81, maps, illus.) 51 refs. Outlines results of 1960-1964 field work by J. P. Ives, E. M. Matthew, and the authors. The proglacial lake remnants of the George River basin representing the middle phase of this deglaciation are considered. N2, the second of three glacial Lakes Naskaupi, extended some 200 mi along the retreating ice front. Its shoreline has an apparently uniform tilt, attributed by Ives and Matthew to isostatic readjustment. From a series of points on the shoreline, triangles were constructed; they were solved geometrically to give isobases as straight lines, and an isobase map was derived indicating the general trend of updoming during isostatic recovery. The isobases show the ice barrier position of Ives, No 65432, generally correct; spillway drainage was probably into the headwaters of the Kogaluk River; and in a broader context, quantitative evidence is provided of a major icedispersal center on the Labrador-Ungava peninsula. Other data indicate such an icedispersal center in the geographic center of the peninsula. CaMAL DGS.
85394. BARNETT, D. M. Temperatures in the northwest room at the McGill Sub(McGill Arctic Research Laboratory. Univ. Sub-Arctic Research Lab. Research papers 1964, no. 18, p. 60-64, graph.) 6 refs. Describes observations made 23 Oct 196130 Apr 1962, which showed wind speed and direction significant factors, and air infiltration a major influence on temperature distribution in this room; outdoor air temperature by itself was negligible; the low room temperatures are attributed to the poor insulation and an inefficient heating system. CaMAL BARNETT, D. M., see also No. 89382. 85395. BARNETT, S. A. Mice at —3° C. (New scientist Sept. 16, 1965. v. 27, p. 67879, graph, illus.) Discusses protection against cold of arctic animals in general and the course and results of breeding mice, pure-bred and mixed, for many generations at —3° C. Mortality of offspring was found to be high in the first 2-3 generations, then normal. Food consumption and utilization were both high; fat : water relation in the body, weight and size are also considered. DLC. BARR, W., see No. 89540. BARRON, W., see Nos. 86740, 86741. BARROW, J. A., see No. 86329. 85396. BARROWS, J. S. Control of lightning fires in American forests. (In: World Forestry Congress, 5th, Seattle 1960. Proceedings v. 2, p. 851-56, tables.) 20 refs. French and Spanish summary. Presents data on lightning fire occurrence in forests. In Alaska an annual average of 33 forest fires are caused by lightning, 23.2% of the forest fires of the year, the lowest percentage of all the states. Detection and suppression techniques are discussed briefly. DWB. 85397. BARRY, M. J. Two planes that probed the Arctic. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 3, p. 14, -F, illus.) Describes Sir Hubert Wilkins' unsuccessful Detroit Arctic Expedition of 1926 in Alaska, especially the mishaps of his two Fokker planes, the Alaskan piloted by DLC. Eidson and the Detroiter. 85398. BARRY, M. J. Wings over the North. (Alaska sportsman 1965, v. 31, no. 4, p. 19-21, illu.s.) Biographical sketch of Jim Dodson,
active in commercial aviation in Alaska. Some experiences operating a bush flying service from Fairbanks in the 1920-1940's DI. are noted. BARRY, M. J., see also No. 91580. 85399. BARRY, T. W. Brant, Ross' goose, and emperor goose. (In: US. Dept. of the Interior. Waterfowl tomorrow 1964, p. 145-54, maps, illus.) Describes distribution, diet and migrations of these geese, nesting habits, periods and areas, on the west and north Alaska coasts, Canadian arctic coasts and islands, west Hudson Bay, northwest Greenland. hatching and early life and molt are outlined. Predators and defense against them and man's influence are also discussed. DLC. BARSANOVA, N. G., see No. 86981. 85400. BARSKAa, T. A., and N. P. BUDYKINA. Vlitanie temperatury pochvy na intensivnost' dykhanifit kornel i ottok uglevodov. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Trudy 1964. no. 37, p. 78-86, tables, graphs.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The influence of soil temperature upon the intensity of root respiration and flow by carbohydrates. Reports on experiments with potatoes, wheat and corn. Lowered temperature caused higher root respiration in the first two than in corn. Low temperature during tuber formation interferes with the flow of material from leaves to spuds, which greatly reduces starch formation in them. These effects are lessened in the late growth DLC. period of the plants.
porosa, Laceripora uralica, Squameofavosites microporosus, Sq. emmonsiaformis, Sq. aequabilis, Sq. pseudofungites, Riphae,olites tchernovi, Thecostegites vulgaris, T. tchernychevi, T. podymeiwisensis and T. tarijuensis, n spp. DLC. 85402. BARSKOV, I. S., and V. I. VYSOfSKII. 0 bitumsoderzhashchel dance v nizhnem techenii r. Podkamennol Tunguski. (In: Moskva. Univ. GeologicheskiT fakul'tet. Voprosy geologii . 1964, p. 98-102, table, map.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A bitumen containing dike on the lower course of Podkamennaya Tunguska River. Reports the 1961 find of a trap dike containing a large quantity of fluid and solid bitumen. Geologic conditions of this dike are described and the bitumen analyzed. The dike is of Cambrian age and the composition of the rocks discloses their hydrothermal-pneumatolytic assimilating genesis. In the composition of the bitumen its hydrocarbon part plays the main role. DLC.
BARSKAfA, T. A., see also No. 86645.
85403. BARSKOV, I. S., and V. I. VYSOT-SKIL Perspektivy fego-zapadnol chasti Tungusskogo vozmozhno neftegazonosnogo basselna. (Neftegazovafa geologifit i geofizika 1964, no. 3, p. 20-24, map, sections.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Prospects in the southwestern part of the Tungusskiy potentially oil-gas-bearing basin. Reports a 1960-1963 study in the Bakhta. and Podkamennaya Tunguska region. Organic matter, bitumen and oil-gas manifestations are outlined; a tectonic map of the area is presented and interpreted. Reservoir properties of rocks are characterized. Suggestions are given as to location and DLC. kind of further studies.
85401. BARSKAIA, V. F. Verkhnesilurifskie tabulfaty podnfatifft Chernova, Borshezemerskata tundra. (Vses. simpozium po izuchenifa iskopaemykh korallov 1st 1963. Trudy, Moskva 1965, no. 1, p. 87102, illus.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Upper Silurian tabulate corals of the Chernova upland, Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Presents a stratigraphic division based on this fauna of Ludlovian deposits of the upland, a tectonic structure southwest of Pay-Khoy extending from the Vorkuta River northwest to the Pechora Sea. A systematic description of these corals is given. Several new species are identified and described for the first time: Thecia
85404. BARSUKOV, 0. M. Voprosy geometrii korotkoperiodnykh variaGsil elektromagnitnogo polfa zemli, bieniffi. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomia 1965. v. 5, no. 3, p. 487-93, graphs.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geometry problems of shortperiod variations of the earth's electromagnetic field, pulsations. Reports study of the polarization characteristics of "pearls" or Pc-1 pulsations consisting of two (sometimes three) harmonies.' Using magnetograms recorded at Lovozero and Borok, author analyzes the correlation functions of X, Y, and Y, X components. Harmonics that represent pulsations at Lovozero were found to be DLC. elliptically polarized.
85405. BARSUKOV, V. V., and L. A. LISOVENKO. 0 severnykh granifsakh arealov nekotorykh vidov tikhookeanskikh morskikh okunel. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1965. v. 5, no. 4, p. 726-29, table.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Northern limits of the distribution of some Pacific sea bass. Of five species considered, the flag rockfish Sebastodes rubrivinctus and the sharpchin rockfish S. zacentrus are new to the arctic area, both in the Gulf of Alaska. DLC. 85406. BARSUKOV, V. V. Vnutrividovafa izmenchivost' u tikhookeanskogo morskogo oktmfa, Sebastodes alutus Gilbert. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. v. 49, p. 23152, tables, illus.) 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Intraspecific variability in the Pacific Ocean perch Sebastodes alutus Gilbert. Reports a comparative study of 124 specimens from seven areas of the North Pacific. Coloration, scales, cranial anatomy, fins and finrays, gillrakes, lateral line, and finally morphometry of the body were considered, and two subspecies established: S. alutus alutus Gilbert and S. alutus paucispinosus Matsubara. A key with synonyms and references is appended. DLC. BARTH, C. A., see No. 87533. 85407. BARTH, E. K. Fugleobservasjoner fra Spitsbergen. (Stavanger. Museet. Sterna 1963. v. 5, no. 6, p. 211-19, tables, illus.) 21 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Bird observations on Spitsbergen. Summarizes 1958-1962 observations of a Ny-Alesund resident. Spring arrival, hitherto rare for Spitsbergen, is compared with data from Norway and Finland for 11 species. Latin scientific, and the common Norwegian and English names are used throughout. DLC. 85408. BARTH, E. K. Tarnugla, Tyto alba, i Norge. (Stavanger. Museet. Sterna 1963. v. 5, no. 7, p. 283-87, illus.) 4 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: The barn owl TO) alba in Norway. Reports nine known to have come to Norway, one of the dark variety, Tyto alba guitata (Brehm), found near Troms0, is preserved in the Troms0 Museum. DLC. 85409. BARTH, E. K. Trekk av fuglelivet Rffst og i Hamar0y. (Stavanger. Museet. Sterna 1963. v. 5, no. 5, p. 169-81, illus.) 12Q
12 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Notes on birds of ROst and Hamarny. Reports observations of colonies on these islands in breeding sites, eggs, young, and night activity of some species. Variations in numbers over several years are noted. Puffins and kittiwakes are estimated at over a million each. Puffins and their eggs were taken for food during the war without reduction in population. The herring gull, an egg thief, is increasing. Certain petrels, heron, and other uncommon species are noted, incl woodpeckers and crossbills on treeless islands. DLC. 85410. BARTL, S. Chekhoslovaki v Arktike. (Letopis' Severe 1964. v. 4, p. 87-96, illus.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Czechoslovaks in the Arctic. Sketches participants in various arctic explorations, including four with the AustroHungarian expedition of the Tegetthof 18721874, which discovered Franz-Joseph Land, one with Schwatka's Franklin search expedition in 1878-1879; Jan Welzl who spent 30 yr in northern Alaska and Russia; F. Bt.hounek, participant in Nobile's flight to the North Pole in 1928, Emil Hadab the botanist etc. DLC. 85411. BARTLETT, E. L. Address by Senator E. L. Bartlett. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1965 pub. 1966, p. 1-13.) Reviews the broad field of human utilization of the resources of the ocean. Significant developments in desalination of seawater, the extraction of minerals and the exploitation of organic resources are surveyed. Commercial production of phosphate fertilizers, magnesium, oxides and carbonates is being undertaken and the economic extraction of many other chemicals is soon to be feasible. The consequences of recent international legislation giving to each coastal nation exclusive rights over the exploitation of the resources of its continental shelf are discussed in the context of heavy Soviet and Japanese participation in commercial fishing on the Alaskan shelf. The problem of over-exploitation by these nations of United States continental shelf fisheries is referred to and quantitative estimates of the potential fish and crustacean resources of Alaskan waters are given. Potentially valuable minerals on the ocean bed are considered, including phosphorite, iron ore, chromite and nodules of manganese. The need for continuing research, particularly into vehicles and equipment for ocean industries, is stressed. Trained scientists and engineers are considered
crucial to the development and utilization of the ocean environment. CaMAI. 85412. BARTOSHINSKII, Z. V. Kristallografifii almazov s pofavlenifami prirodnogo rastvorenifa. (Mineralogicheskil sbornik 1965. v. 19, no. 4, p. 444-52, illus.) 30 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Crystallography of diamonds with displayof natural etching. Reports study of diamond crystals from kimberlites and placers of western Yakutia. A series of rare crystals with manifestation of natural dissolution is analyzed. They represent a succession from octahedral crystals, and the crystals range from some hardly touched with etching to roughsculptured trigon trioctahedrons and formless grains. On the goniometer the reflections from trigon-trioctahedron surfaces are in diffused stripes, which circumscribe elliptic circles around exits of symmetry of the second order. Laboratory etching tests and natural etching are compared and found DLC. similar. 85413. BARVINSKIL V. V. Kontrol' za ekspluatacsiel sooruzhenff v poselkakh pribrezhnol polosy i na ostrovakh arkticheskogo ralona SSSR. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanifa 1962 pub. 1963. v. 2, p. 186-95, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: Supervision of the utilization of buildings in settlements of the coastal zone and on islands of the arctic region of the USSR. Discusses inspection, reconstruction, and maintenance control of domestic buildings and engineering installations erected mostly without a general plan or observance of the building regulations for permafrost regions. A classification of structures according to complexity of their maintenance is proposed. Methods of controlling the frozen state of the ground beneath the structures while in use are discussed. Basic rules for occupation of buildings on permafrost are given. Vent holes in the base of the building walls should be kept closed in summer time to preserve low temperature in the cellar. Restoration and reconstruction of the frozen substrate affected by above-zero temperature are discussed and exemplified from Amderma. CaONA. BASHAM, P. W., see No. 88014. 85414. BASHARIN, G. P. Istoria zhivotnovodstva v akutii vtorol poloviny xixnachala xx v. Yakutsk, fAkutskoe knizhnoe jzd-vo 1962. 128 p. tables. 130 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: History of animal
husbandry in Yakutia in the latter half of the 19- early 20th century. Statistical review based mainly on study of archives and newspapers. Dairy cattle, homes, reindeer and dog raising are considered in turn for the Yakutsk, Olekma, Vilyuy, Verkhoyansk, and Kolyma Districts. Husbandry methods, mortality, reproduction of the stock, and processing of the products are discussed. Stock raising increased markedly in the 1860's and declined generally in 1870-1905. Bee keeping, sheep, pig, and poultry farming proved abortive. Reindeer raising remained stagnant throughout the period and dog raising fell steadily. The general decline of animal husbandry is attributed to feudal exploitation, poor economic administration, butchering of stock for the market of the growing industrial population, and technological backDLC. wardness. 85415. BASHARIN, G. P. Obozrenie istoriogmfii dorevolfilfsionnoT fAkutii. Yakutsk, Ilkutskoe knizhnoe Izd-vo 1965. 70 p. Over 100 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Survey of historiography on pre-Revolutionary Yakutia. Compares the subjective treatment of 18-19th century historians with the present socio-economic approach along marxistleninist lines. Pre-Soviet ethnographers adhered to the so-called tribal and feudal theories. Their work has some ethnographic interest but little scientific value. Soviet scholars, with their view of history as a reflection of class struggle, are attracted to the history of aborigines and a qualitative and quantitative increase in publication results: Yakut history, economic and social changes, present industrialization, etc are DLC. reviewed. 85416. BASHARINA, L. A. Eksgalfaaii pobochnykh kraterov Kifacheyskogo vulkana na razlichnykh stadifilkh ostyvanifa lavy. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Vulkanizm Kamchatki 1063, p. 169-227, tables, graphs, illus.) 26 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Exhalation of subordinate vents of Klyuchevskiy Volcano in various stages of cooled lava. Reports development of 15 subordinate vents on the slopes of Klyuchevskiy during the last 30 yr. Results are reported of study of fumarole activity and exhalation from these vents during 1946-1049 and 1953-1959, from 672 samples of gases and condensates. Exhalations of Bylinkina, Kirgurich, Tuyla, and other vents are described; chemical composition of the gases, temperature of the vents, character
of the fumaroles, and other features are DLC. outlined in some detail. 85417. BASHARINA, L. A. Eksgalfaaila kislykh lav vulkana Bezymfannogo. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. vulkanologii. Sovremennyl vulkanizm ... Moskva 1964, p. 89-102, tables, graphs, map.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Exhalation of the acid lavas of Bezymyannyy Volcano. From field work during Oct 1955—Dec 1957, Oct 1958—Dec 1959, and summer 1962, the composition of the fumarole gases is analyzed and data are tabulated. Fuma, role activity in the crater and dome of the volcano is described. Temperature of the fumaroles is given. Individual components of the exhalation are analyzed. Acid lavas of the volcano such as andesite, dacite are DLC. also analyzed. 85418. BASHARINA, L. A. Fumaroly vulkana Sheveluch v sentfabre-dekabre 1953 g. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Vulkanologicheskafil stanaifft. Bfulleten' 1956. no. 24, p. 21-27, tables, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fumaroles of Shiveluch Volcano in September and December 1953. Presents tabulated data on the temperature and chemical composition of gas and sublimate samples taken at the beginning of Sept and on 13 Dec 1953, from the fumarole fields of Shiveluch. Methods of the chemical analysis are stated. DLC. 85419. BASHARINA, L. A. Gases of Kamchatka volcanoes. (International Volcanological Association. Bulletin volcanologigue 1965. v. 28, p. 95-105, tables, graph.) Discusses the variety of gases emitted as a result of different types of volcanic processes observed and quantitatively studied in Kamchatka. Data collected from intensive studies 1932-1959 are tabulated and the relation of gas emission to magma composition and stage of cooling is evaluated. Each gas is considered in relation to appropriate conditions for exhalation. Emission of volatiles from an andesitic lava continues much longer than from a basaltic lava. Chlorine and fluorine are associated with masses of fresh lava in a flow and on slag cones; ammonia is also emitted only from lava flows; sulfurous gas is characteristic of explosive craters and andesitic domes. The conditions for exhalation of methane, boron, carbon dioxide and other gases are consiDGS. dered. 85420. BASKAKOV, A. G. Aleksandr Fedorovich Laktionov, 1899-1965. (Okea, 122
nologifa 1965. v. 5, no. 4, p. 763-64, illus.) In Russian. Describes the life and scientific activity of A. F. Laktionov, well-known investigator of the polar regions. In 1927 he joined the Arctic and Antarctic Institute and worked there till his death. Of his more than 150 scientific and popular papers, the majority were devoted to oceanology, ice studies, meteorology, glaciology, etc. He participated in 13 expeditions, in several of which he was the leader. DLC. 85421. BASKOV, E. A. Nekotorye voprosy paleogidrogeologii Sibirskol platformy. (Akademifa flank SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Komissifa po izuchenifa podzemnykh vod Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Materialy 1962. no. 2, p. 10-18, map.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some problems of the paleohydrogeology of the Siberian platform. During geologic time, the tectonic regime, climate and relief of the Siberian platform changed many times as did other geologic and physical geographic factors, and these changes affected the formation of ground water. Sinian, Lower Cambrian, Middle Cambrian-Ordovician, Silurian-Lower Carboniferous, Middle Carboniferous-Permian, Lower Triassic-Middle Triassic, Upper Triassic-Upper Cretaceous, Paleogene-Neogene and Quaternary stages of ground water development are recognized and briefly characterized. DLC. 85422. BASKOV, E. A., and I. K. ZAI'I%EV. Osnovnye cherty gidrogeologii Sibirskol platformy. (Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskil inst. Trudy 1963. v. 101, p. 89-151, tables, map, illus.) 65 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Main features of the hydrogeology of the Siberian Platform. Reviews previous studies and physicalgeographic factors of ground water formation. Water-bearing complexes are characterized. Hydrogeologic zoning of the Siberian platform is outlined, noting several artesian basins, the Angara-Lena, Yakutsk, Tungusskiy, Kotuy, Olenek, Khatanga and others. Hydrochemical and hydrodynamic zoning is outlined. Saline waters and brines are described. Resources of fresh waters are also treated. They are insignificant in northern areas of the Siberian platform where the thickness of permafrost is greater than the zone of fresh water. DLC. 85423. BASLER, R. P., and L. OWREN. Ionospheric radio wave absorption events and their relation to solar phenomena. College, Alaska 1964. xv, 189 p. tables, graphs. (Alaska. Univ. Geophysical Inst.
Geophys. research report no. 152.) Approx. 200 refs. Presents an interpretation of auroral absorption as an effect of solar M-regions and suggests a new concept for the life history of a center of solar activity. Various types of solar phenomena are first outlined, and the terrestrial effects of solar particles are reviewed in considerable detail. A six-yr series of high-latitude radio wave absorption data is examined, and the use of the daily average absorption as an index of solar particle bombardment in a superposed epoch analysis is discussed at length. A list of 135 polar cap absorption events Jan 1957—Sept 1963 is compiled, 1he most extensive currently available; analysis reveals an unexpected rectuTence tendency with a period of about 32-35 days. The relation of auroral absorption to streams of solar particles is discussed, and the solar conditions which are associated with high terrestrial absorption are described. A number of auroral and solar parameters and relations as determined by the superposed epoch technique are graphed and mathematically analyzed. The value of absorption as an index of the solar plasma flux is assessed. The investigation appears to prove that the M-region streams which cause disturbances are independent of active regions in the sun except that they do not occur within the centers of activity. An explanatory hypothesis for M-regions is tentatively postulated. DGS. 85424. BASOV, V. A., and others. K stratigmfii farskikh otlozhenil basselna r. Leningradskol, severnyl Taimyr. (In: Akademica. nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geol. i geofiz. Stratigrafil i paleontologifil . 1966, p. 61-66.) 8 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V. A. Zakharov, M. S. Mesezhnikov and E. G. Alovnyl. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of the Jurassic deposits in the Leningradskaya River basin, northern Taymyr. Reports a field study of this area and describes 20 layers of Upper Jurassic (Volga stage) deposits in the Kamennaya River basin, a right tributary to the Leningradskaya. Thickness, lithologic composition and identified fauna of all layers are described. Three stages of northern Taymyr basin development are recognized and each briefly characterized. CaMAI. 85425. BASOV, V. A., and V. a. SLOBODIN. Kompleksy foraminifer iz sovremennykh i pozdnekalnozoIskikh otlozhenil zapadnoT chasti Sovetskol Arktiki. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki.
Trudy 1965. v. 143, p. 190-210, table, map, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Complexes of Recent and Late Cenozoic foraminifers in the western Soviet Arctic. Reports quantitative composition of foram assemblages from the bottom deposits of Franz Joseph Land sounds and of the Kara and Barents Seas as compared with foram complexes from the Pliocene (?)Pleistocene deposits of the northern West Siberian lowland. Composition of these assemblages from various parts of these regions are compared in diagrams. Resemblance is closest between the complexes from the northern Barents Sea sublittoral and the high raised-beach Kazantseva deposits of Taymyr. DLC. BASOV, V. A., see also Nos. 90506, 91415. BASOVA, G. V., see No. 87241. 85426. BATALIN, A. M. 0 vodoobmene Beringova morfa s Tikhim okeanom. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. v. 49, p. 7-16, map, profiles.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Water exchange between the Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Reviews the various approaches, sources, and concepts pertinent to the problem, and presents own solution based on calculations of the heat balance. According to it, the water flow from the ocean takes place largely between the Commanders and the Near Islands, and to a lesser degree through the eastern Aleutians. His figures for the western water exchange (200,000 km3/yr) based on the model of V. B. Shtokman (No 61623) are 50,000 more than A. K. Leonov's (No 66240). The role of winds in this water DLC. exchange is also analyzed. 85427. BATES, H. F., and A. E. GODDARD. College oblique ionograms. College, Alaska 1964. 21 1. graphs. (Alaska. Univ. Geophysical Inst. Geophysical research report 147.) 12 refs. Illustrates some typical backacatter echoes observed at College during 1963; soundings were made in five directions: 015, 105, 210, 270, and 325 degrees true bearing. Most of the echoes were not ground scatter as usually defined; many from the north were direct scatter echoes from the ionosphere. Sample forward oblique ionograms recorded over the AndOya, Norway to College, Alaska path are also shown. The signals were mainly propagated via the E or E. layers. Signals delayed by 3-10 milliseconds more than the great-circle path delay were corn-
mon on all the paths monitored at College; sample records shown contain signals with delays of 4-5 milliseconds. DGS. 85428. BATES, H. F. The determination of the diurnal variation of the auroral belt by radio means. College, Alaska 1965. 27 p. graphs. (Alaska. Univ. Geophysical Inst. Geophys. research report no. 170.) 19 refs. Describes observations of backscatter echoes at College, Alaska and Thule, Greenland which indicate that echoes in the HF portion of the radio spectrum show a systematic diurnal latitudinal movement dependent primarily upon the time of day and magnetic activity. The instrumentation used is described and methods of identification of the scatter trace and plotting techniques are outlined, illus with selected records and figures. The effects of various magnetic events upon the backscatter records are described in detail. These records indicate that there was no major difference between the positions of the scattering belt in winter when the ionosphere was dark and in summer when it was sunlit. This indicates that sunlight on the ionosphere did not significantly affect the position of the auroral disturbances. When the latitudinal effects are considered versus local time, the auroral belt takes the form of an oval curve, the northernmost portion on the noon meridian. The size of the oval is proportional to the size of the disturbance. DGS. 85429. BATES, H. F., and P. R. ALBEE. General VLF phase variations observed at College, Alaska. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 9, p. 2187-2208, tables, graphs, map.) 37 refs. Shows that geomagnetic disturbances themselves have little or no recognizable effect on very low frequency radio-wave propagation. By using several stabilized VLF transmitters, phase and amplitude recordings of VLF signals were obtained at College. An examination of the records indicates that the second guided-wave mode can propagate strongly to distances up to 10,000 km at night, and that wave interference must produce most of the shorttime nighttime VLF signal variations observed at College. An aurora could affect only those signals which pass near the precipitation region, since auroral precipitation producing negative-bay geomagnetic disturbances are generally relatively limited in extent. In a proposed model the disturbance wave is produced by mode conversion of energy from step horizontal gradients in the D ionospheric region. DLC.
85430. BATES, H. F., and R. D. HUNSUCKER. HF/VHF auroral and polar zone forward soundings. College, Alaska 1964. 19 I. map, graphs, tables. (Alaska. Univ. Geophysical Inst. Geophysical research report 150.) 13 refs. Presents preliminary results on forward soundings received during the winter 196364 at College, over a great circle path from Thule, a transpolar path from Andoya, Norway and four other circuits. During the winter months polar HF propagation is largely supported by sporadic-E ionization, and the importance of E, in polar propagation during winter nighttime conditions has been noted. Present results agree with earlier findings concerning the occurrence and behavior of auroral zone sporadic E during winter night and sunspot minimum conditions. The MOF (maximum operating frequency) on the Thule-College circuit coincides with the period of maximum auroral activity near the College end of the circuit. Sporadic-E propagation on the And¢ya-College path is more complicated, with several diurnal activity peaks. Results suggest that long-haul HF traffic may be routed over polar paths during winternight, sunspot-minimum periods when the mid-latitude MOF's are quite low. DGS. 85431. BATES, H. F., and P. R. ALBEE. High latitude VLF propagation, final report. College, Alaska 1964. 154 p. tables, graphs, map. (Alaska. Univ. Geophysical Inst. Geophys. research report no. 154.) Approx. 90 refs. Reports results of a VLF program commenced in 1961. Using a rubidium vapor oscillator as the College frequency standard, authors recorded variations in the VLF signal due to solar flare X-rays, solar flare cosmic rays, solar eclipses, nuclear explosions and other perturbations of no apparent connection with geophysical disturbances. Polar cap disturbances (PCD) were readily detectable on transpolar VLF signals. Certain phase anomalies occurring at night are discussed, and related to wave interference due to a `coupling' effect. Variations and activity indices are graphed. High altitude nuclear test effects are discussed at length, since in 1962 both the United States and USSR detonated bombs in the upper atmosphere. Precipitation due to electrons and beta decay of neutrons and the `signature' of these upon the VLF record is described. Finally, the utility of the VLF method for geophysical research is evaluated, its primary value being in the detection of particular events. DGS.
85432. BATES, H. F. Long distance radio communications in the polar regions. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 380-86, graphs, illus.) Also issued as: US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR 64-28. Describes briefly two direct methods of determining ionospheric conditions and predicting communications conditions, and some of the phenomena which change the ionosphere over short periods of time. One method, backscatter from short pulses using the ground as the scattering surface, is a fairly reliable means for gross, shortterm predictions. The other, more satisfactory method is to record the actual signal over the path at various frequencies. In high latitudes, auroral events produce serious changes both short- and long-term. Research to determine the effect of particle precipitations and the attendant geomagnetic disturbances on the ionosphere is briefly described. If long distance communications are disrupted because of some abnormal disturbance, the best technique is to shift to a higher frequency. The supposed association between auroral disturbance and cold weather spells is not real, but an CaMAI. observational illusion. 85433. BATES, H. F. Some effects of dense clouds on high-latitude HF backscatter observations. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 23, p. 5895-5905, graphs.) 27 refs. Explains a lack of high frequency groundscatter from the northern geomagnetic quadrant, observed at College during a number of direct scatter echoes from the north, by a model of the ionosphere containing dense, patchy regions of E-layer ionization. A field-aligned sheet of irregularities is presumed to extend through E and F regions of the ionosphere. North of College, HF scatter can occur only where E, F j, or F2 layers are sufficiently ionized to produce normal ionospheric radio reflection, so that, in general, ionospheric backscatter can be observed only from near the maximum of each layer. This model consistently explains both the multitude of scatter echoes observed at College, and the general lack of ground-scatter from the north when DLC. such echoes are observed. E8
85434. BATES, H. F., and others. Tracking the aurora by a multifrequency HF backscatter sounder. College, Alaska 1965. 20 p. tables, graphs. (Alaska. Univ. Geophysical Inst. Geophys. research report no. 169.) 18 refs. Other authors: A. E. Belon, G. J. Romick and W. J. Stringer. Reports observations at College and other
stations in Alaska which show conclusively that the majority of the HF and low VHF backscatter echoes observed at high latitudes are auroral echoes, thus indicating that the radio-wave scattering belt includes the visual auroral belt. The radio equipment consisted of a considerably modified Granger step sounder located at College and the optical equipment consisted of allsky cameras located at College, Fort Yukon, Betties, Bar I and T-3 ice island. The method used for scaling the radio data is described. Generally, the radio and the optical data agreed on the position of the auroral belt in the 65-80° N geomag lat region. DGS. BATES, H. F., see also Nos. 84938, 87367. 85435. BATES, R. E., and M. A. BILELLO. Defining the cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Hanover, N.H. 1966. 15 p. table, maps. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Technical report no. 178.) 26 refs. Attempts to define and map the cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere by four cri eria, viz: mean 32° F and 0° F temperatures for the coldest months; max depth of snow cover; open water bodies unnavigable for 100 and 180 days/yr; continuous permafrost, discontinuous permafrost and frost penetration to 1 ft depth once in ten yr. A brief assessment of reliability is made and the data sources are given. CaMAI. BATES, R. G., see No. 92548§38. 85436. BATESON, P. P. G., and R. C. PLOWRIGHT. The breeding biology of the ivory gull in Spitsbergen. (British birds 1959. v. 52, no. 4, p. 105-114, table, illus.) 22 refs. Brief account of observations during a three-week sojourn in July-Aug 1958. Clutch size was one or (less often) two, hatching peak the end of July-beginning of Aug, incubation time 24Wi-2534 days. Notes on nest construction, food, call, and DSI. predators are included. BATIAEVA, T. F., see No. 86652. 85437. BATIEVA, I. D. Kontaktovye izmeneniM vmeshchafilshchikh porod pod vliffiniem shchelochnykh granitov na primere massivov Kanozera. (In: Akaclemia nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Magmatizm i geologia . 1963, p. 119-30, tables, graphs, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Contact alteration of enclosing rocks under
the influence of alkaline granites as exemplified by the Kanozero massifs. Alkaline granites developed southwest of Kanozero Lake have active effects upon the enclosing rocks altering their mineral and chemical composition. The degree and character of these effects depend on the composition of the enclosing rocks, the form and position of contacts, and the thickness of the alkaline granite intrusion. Effects of alkaline granites on biotite gneisses, basic and ultrabasic rocks are described in detail noting the nature of the alteration. DGS. 85438. BATIEVA, I. D. Sravniternagt geologiche,skaa, petrograficheskafit i petrolchimicheskafa kharakteristika granitoidov aentral'noi chasti Kol'skogo poluostrova. (In: Akrtdemifa nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Magmatizm i geologia .. 1963, p. 131-49, tables, graphs, maps.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A comparative geologic, petrographic and petrochemical characterization of granitoids in the central part of the Kola Peninsula. Reports study of samples belonging to various age groups from the Umba, Voron'ya, Western Keyvy and Ponoy regions. Their petrography is analyzed; material and chemical composition, rock-forming and accessory minerals are described. Two groups of granitoids are recognized corresponding to two stages of magmatism. DGS. 85439. BArfSINOVSKAa, Z. P. Opyt raboty uchastkovogo vracha protivotuberkuleznogo dispansera. (Yakutsk. akutskil n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy 1963, p. 54-56.) In Russian. Title tr.: Work of a district physician in an antituberculosis check-up center. Notes the population, mostly native, of the area (Saysar) served, workers, their housing, and the recent decrease in cases, and carriers. Conditions among children and their response to chemoprophylaxis are discussed. DNLM. BAT-SINOVSKAa, Z. P., see also No. 89781. BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE, see No. 88569. BATTLE, H. I., see No. 84953. 85440. BAUER, A., and others. Drilling and blasting at Smallwood mine. (Mining engineering 1965. v. 17, no. 9, p. 67-71, graphs, illus.) 7 refs. Other authors: N. H. Carr, P. Calder and G. R. Harris.
Compares rotary with jet drilling as tested in 1960 and used in 1962-1964 operations at this Carol Lake project of the Iron Ore Co of Canada. Blasting materials, methods and results are described. Cold weather problems were solved in early 1965 by use of a heavy plastic-covered detonating cord. Rotary drill bit performance improved from the several hundred ft drilled in the 1960 tests to more than 1000 ft in 1964. Curves showing cost per ft of hole vs grinding factor index are readily drawn for jet drills; rotary drill costs vary markedly with grinding factor index. Carol Lake ores consist chiefly of specularite and magnetite mixed with quartz. In 1964, 15 million tons of crude ore were crushed to yield 6.3 million tons of concentrate and pellets; 1965 production is expected to reach 17 million tons of crude and 7.25 million tons of concentrate and pellets, which is DLC. plant capacity. BAUER, A., see also No. 86093. 85441. BAUER, 0. N. kkologia, parazitov presnovodnykh ryb. (Leningrad. Gos. n.-issl. inst. ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khoz. Izvestifit 1959. v. 49, p. 5-206, tables, graphs, illus.) Approx. 425 refs. In Russian. German summary. Title tr.: Ecology of freshwater-fish parasites. Following review of Soviet parasitology from the 1930's and world literature, author presents (largely own) studies of these parasites, the term "ecology" referring to the environment within the host, and "secondary environment" the ambient world of the host. The individual forms are dealt with (p. 16-113) as to: geographic distribution including arctic, hosts, reproduction, life cycle; injuries or diseases caused, prophylaxis and cure (on fish forms), etc are also noted. This main part is followed by sections on the effects of the secondary environment on reproduction, development and numbers in freshwaters; the influence of the host's organism on the parasite, including immunity and biological basis for antiparasitic measures. Three additional papers under the same general title do not deal with arctic regions. An English translation of the entire volume, Parasites of freshwater fish and the biological basis of their control, by. L. Kochva was pub for the National Science Foundation, by the Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem 1962 (copy in DLC). DLC. 85442. BAUER, R. D., and others. Eye lens weight and age in the fur seal. (Journal of wildlife management 1964. v. 28, no. 2,
p. 374-76, graphs, tables.) 5 refs. Other authors: A. M. Johnson and V. B. Scbeffer. Reports a study of dried lenses from males and females, which showed a continuous increase in weight, apparently throughout life. When lens weight and sex are known, the animal's age can be calculated to the nearest year through the DLC. age of two. BAUER, R. D., see also No. 91267. BAULIN, V. V., see Nos. 85366, 90267. 85443. BAUMANN, IL Des doppelte Geschlecht. Berlin, D. Reimer Verlag 1955. 420 p. maps. Refs. In German. Title tr.: Dual sex. Worldwide ethnographic study of bisexual behavior in cult and myth. Ritual, mainly shamanistic transvestism is discussed, as are change of sex and homosexuality among Chukchis, Koryaks, Kamchadals, Yakuts, Asiatic Eskimos, and Aleuts, among others. DLC. 85444. BAUMBER, J., and A. DENYES. Acetate-1-C14 utilization by brown fat from hamsters in cold exposure and hibernation. (Canadian journal of biochemistry 1964. v. 42, no. 10, p. 1397-1401, tables.) 11 refs. Reports study of the problem following 48 hr 3 and 6-8 wk of cold exposure, and at different phases of hibernation. Qualitatively, but not quantitatively, brown fat behaved like white fat. The results indicate that the increased lipogenic activity is not a primary response of brown fat to cold, but the result of high activity of some other pathway. DLC. 85445. BAUMBER, J., and A. DENYES. Oxydation of glucose-U-C" and palmitate1-Cu by liver, kidney, and diaphragm from hamsters in cold exposure and hibernation. (Canadian journal of biochemistry 1965. v. 43, no. 6, p. 747-53, tables.) 16 refs. Reports on in vitro studies: the results indicate a lack of support for the existence of a preferential catabolization of lipid by these tissues in the cold-acclimated or DLC. hibernating hamster. BAUMBER, J., see also Nos. 86484, 86485. 85446. BAUMGARTNER, D. J. Color removal from surface waters by hypochlorite. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1964. 14 p. tables, graphs, illus. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-63-38.) 5 refs. A variety of methods was tested to remove the yellow color caused by high
organic and colloidal content in some surface waters at radar sites in Alaska. Treatment with hypochlorite proved to be effective and acceptable in laboratory experiments. CaMAI. 85447. BAUMGARTNER, D. J. A method of determining the pollution of surface waters by the eggs of Echinococcus. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1964. 10 p. illus. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-6337.) 8 refs. Describes the method, its theoretical basis, and the results obtained. The study shows that chlorination of water supplies does not offer protection against Echinococcus infection, common to many animals and natives of Alaska. CaMAI. 85448. BAUMGARTNER, 1). J., and C. F. WALTERS. Treatment of undiluted human waste by activated sludge process. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1964. 20 p. tables, graphs, illus. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-63-36.) 9 refs. Reports laboratory investigations aimed at confirming field operations with an aerobic recirculating waste system which can provide an odor-free relatively clear effluent for toilet flushing. Under proper loading conditions 90% of flushing water can be saved. CaMAI. 85449. BAVETTA, L. A., and M. E. NIMNI. Tissue distribution of a-aminoisobutyric acid and nitrogen metabolism in the rat, II; effects of environmental temperature and dietary imbalance. (Journal of nutrition 1964. v. 82, no. 3, p. 379-84, tables, graphs.) 9 refs. Exposure to 7° C increased food intake, independently of its dietary nature. Nevertheless the N-retention was lower than in 24° C controls. Addition of toxic levels of amino acids produced weight gains (in terms of retained N) in the cold-stressed rats, but losses in the controls. DLC. 85450. BAXTER, D. V. The Chilkoot Trail then and now. (Beaver, summer 1964. no. 296, p. 10-17, map, illus.) Describes this gold rush trail from Dyea, Southeast Alaska, across the mountains via Chilkoot Pass to the Klondike. Reminiscences of 1897 and 1898 by Ben Card whose family had a hotel at Sheep Camp, are interspersed among Baxter's comments on vegetation, abandoned townsites, etc as observed while studying forest fungi in 1963. Because of the gold rush traffic, rot is appearing earlier on timber stands along the route. Recent improvements to
the trail by the State of Alaska, which plans to designate it a historical area, are DI. noted. 85451. BAXTER, D. V. Our land speaks. (Living wilderness winter 1064-65, no. 87, p. 16-21, illus.) Reprinted in Explorers journal 1965. v. 43, no. 4, p. 223-28. Reviews experiences in the Yukon Valley during botanical field trips in the 1930's, and states view against flooding the area by the proposed Rampart Dam. It would destroy valuable wilderness and wildlife habitat, also the economy of the Athabascan Indians. The latter would not be compensated by the federal government for their losses, nor by the State of Alaska which is already dispossessing them in its DI. land selection program. 85452. BAXLIFF, W. H. Notes on the taxonomy and distribution of certain zoarcid fishes in the northeastern Pacific. (Copeia 1959, no. 1, p. 78-80.) Records on ten species of these fish having a range from Oregon to the Aleutians. Synonyms and previous records, range, morphology (of some), differential diagnostic characters, location(s) of find(s), etc are noted. DLC. BAZAN, F., see No. 86941. 85453. BAZHENOVA, 0. K., and others. 0 estestvennom vykbode nefti v Kumroch. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 104-106, tables.) 2 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V. M. Kovalev and M. ft). Khotin. Title tr.: A natural show of oil in the Kumroch Range. Describes a 1964 find in this southeast Kamchatka region: a thick stratum of sedimentary rock containing organic matter and bitumens of high though not uniform concentration. The major part of the bitumens are clearly of epigenetic, migratory character, but syngenetic bitumens are also present. New direct signs of oil open prospects for discovery of oil and gas deposits. DLC. 85454. BAZHENOVA, T. K., and V. I. Geoteknicheskala priroda PrieniselskoI chasti Sibirskol platformy. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1965. v. 20, ser. 4: geol. no. 3, p. 24-31, profiles.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geotectonic nature of the Yenisey part of the Siberian platform. Reviews recent studies of the area including deep drillings and geophysical data. A tectonic scheme of the Yenisey part of the 128
Siberian platform is presented and the geologic structures are interpreted. The lower Yenisey trough is distinguished and its development history is outlined, beDLC. ginning with the Sinian. 85455. BAZHENOVA, T. K., and others. O nefteprofavleniakh na Bolgokhtokhskol ploshchadi, Norirskil ralon. (Neftegazovaia geologifa i geofizika 1963, no. 10, p. 15-18, illus.) In Russian. Other authors: A. N. Guseva and V. D. Skarfatin. Title tr.: A show of oil in the Bolgokhtokh area, Noril'sk region. Reports a find of fluid bitumen and mineral tar in a volcanic stratum of Triassic and carbonate rocks of Upper Devonian. Composition, mode of occurrence and other features are analyzed from various cores obtained in several wells. Wide migration of the bitumen is established. Accumulation of oil is possible: in fractured sandstones of the Silurian, porous siltstones of the Ordovician, fractured and porous dolomites of lower and middle parts of the Lower Ordovician and fractured sandstones of Lower Cambrian. DLC. 85456. BAZHENOVA, T. K. Raspredelenie organicheskogo veshchestva v paleozolskikh porodakh Noril'skogo ralona. (In: Moskva. Univ. Geologicheskil fakul'tet. Voprosy geologii ... 1964, p. 89-97.) In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of organic matter in Paleozoic rocks of the Noril'sk region. Reports a study of Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian deposits consisting mainly of carbonate and terrigenous-carbonate rocks in all some 5000 m thick. In the Paleozoic section a series of horizons is identified which has syngenetic enrichment of organic matter of highly bituminized components. Migration of bitumen is established which under favorable geologic conditions may result in productive cumulation. DLC. 85457. BAZHENOVA, T. K., and others. SravniternaS. oCsenka perspektiv neftegazonosnosti Prieniseiskol chasti Sibirskol platformy. (Geologifa nefti i gaze 1964. v. 8, no. 8, p. 15-19, maps.) 4 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V. I. VysoGkil and A. M. Seregin. Title tr.: Comparative appraisal of the oil-gas prospects in the Yenisey part of the Siberian platform. Reviews the Lower-Middle Cambrian, Upper Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian and other Paleozoic rocks of this area noting manifestation of bitumen, organic matter, reservoir rocks and other favorable signs for oil and gas accumulation. The Noril'sk,
Igarka, Turukhan, Bakhta and Podkamennaya Tunguska regions are characterized, in particular as to their prospects for oil and gas. The Yenisey region is considered very promising and areas favored for DLC. prospecting are pointed out. BAZILEVICH, N. I., see No. 91220. 85458. BEAGLEY, J. W., and G. A. M. KING. The polar ionosphere. (In: T. Hatherton, ed. Antarctica, New York 1965, p. 429-62, tables, graphs.) Following a brief review of ionospheric studies from 1925, the general features of the ionized upper atmosphere are described. Techniques of exploration and interpretation are outlined, the view being emphasized that data from both polar regions are necessary for the understanding of some Sample polar ionograms are features. presented and explained. The complex behavior of foF2 is discussed and its diurnal variations graphed. Pt 2 describes four major types of disturbance in the polar ionosphere: SID, PCA, F-region disturbances and disturbances affecting the whole ionosphere. The importance of polar region studies in analyzing these is stressed. DLC. BEASLEY, C. A., see No. 89730. 85459. BEASLY, C., and others. Alaskan cement markets and opportunities for regional production. College 1965. 71 p. tables, maps, sections. (Alaska. Univ. Inst. of Business, Economic and Govt. Research. Report no. 4.) Other authors: R. Haring and G. Miller. Reports an investigation into the current and potential consumption of cement in Alaska. At present all cement used is shipped in by barge from plants with excess capacity at Redwood City, Calif, Bellingham and Seattle, Wash. The distribution pattern is described. Rail and truck deliveries from port facilities at Anchorage, and the relative importance of various market outlets are evaluated, including Redimix companies, hardware retailers, block makers, military installations and other bulk government users. Data on the transport and marketing are presented in ten tables. The technical and economic feasibility of a proposed cement manufacturing plant near Tyonek on Cook Inlet is evaluated. The sources of raw materials are described and mapped, and the estimated investment and running costs are tabulated. Such a plant is concluded not feasible since the best deposits are already owned by a non-Alaskau producer, the investment required for
dock and distribution facilities is prohibitive, and markets are likely to be difficult to penetrate. CaM AI. 85460. BEASLY, T. M., and H. E. PALMER. Cs-137 in Alaskan Eskimo hair. (Health physics 1965. v. 11, no. 5, p. 454.) 5 refs. Describes method of determining Cs-137 in hair as a possible shortcut to total body burden estimation. The discrepancy between the (known) total body burden and data obtained from hair analysis is discussed. DLC. 85461. BEATON, A. P., and W. E. MARKHAM. Ice summary for Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, and adjacent waters, May-October 1963. Toronto 1964. 40 p. maps. (Canada. Meteorological Branch. Circular 4088.) 6 refs. Outlines the progress of the 1963 breakup on the shipping route to Churchill, Man. on a series of weekly or fortnightly charts showing ice conditions, also mean atmospheric pressure and temperature anomaly. The 1963 breakup pattern generally was later than in previous years in the Churchill approaches, around Nottingham Island, and in the Brevoort approaches (Hudson Strait); reasons for the variations are suggested. DWB. 85462. BEATON, J. R., and J. F. SANGSTER. Comparative effects of sucrose and cornstarch in low-protein diets fed to rats exposed to cold. (Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 1965. v. 43, no. 2, p. 241-49, tables, graphs.) 8 refs. Reports on a variety of diet and hunger combinations. Replacement of sucrose with starch had a small and brief effect on increasing body weight. Cold exposure increased food intake, and weight which was smaller than that elicited by a 5% casein-starch than that of a 20% caseinintake. Conditions after fasts are also discussed. DLC. 85463. BEATON, J. R., and others. Diet and temperature effects on excretion of fatmobilizing substances in rat urine. (Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Proceedings 1965. v. 118, no. 2,.p. 362-65, tables.) 8 refs. Other authors: A. J. Szlavko, A. J. Borth and J. A. F. Stevenson. Reports on the effects of four diets and ambient temperatures of 5-30° C upon excretion of FMS. It increased with decreasing environmental temperature. A marked rise in excretion of fraction IB of
the FMS was observed between 10 and DLC. 15° C. 85464. BEATON, J. R., and others. Factors in the reduced survival time during starvation in the cold of rats previously fed a lowprotein diet. (Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 1964. v. 42, no. 4, p. 533-45, tables, graphs.) 12 refs. Other authors: V. Feleki and J. A. F. Stevenson. Rats fed a 5% by weight low-protein diet did not withstand fasting at 23° or 5° C as long as controls fed isocalorically a 20% diet. The starved, low-protein animals had somewhat less fat and appeared to have used up less of their reserves but showed greater DLC. water loss. 85465. BEATON, J. R. A note on effect of cold exposure on liver and blood transaminase activities in rats deprived of vitamin Be. (Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 1965. v. 43, no. 5, p. 833-42, tables, graphs.) 17 refs. Account of experiments with animals kept at 5 ± 1° C and controls at 24 ± 1° C. The results showed an increase of glutamicpyruvic transaminase (GPT) activity in the liver of cold-exposed rats, but not in the blood. The latter finding suggests that blood GPT is less sensitive to factors other than B6 deprivation, than liver GPT. DLC. 85466. BEATON, T. R., and R. L. WOODHEAD. A note on kidney glutaminase activity and urinary excretion of ammonia in cold-exposed rats. (Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 1964. v. 42, no. 3, p. 365-67, tables.) 8 refs. Reports effects of a seven-day exposure to 5-8° C. This produced a potent stimulus to N-metabolism with increased excretion of urinary ammonia; no increase in kidney glutaminase, as measured by its activity DLC. in vitro, was noted. 85467. BEATON, J. R., and V. FELEKI. Tissue enzyme response to cold and to hyperphagia in the rat. (Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 1964. v. 42, no. 6, p. 787-91, table, graph.) 18 refs. Exposure of rats to 5° C for 14 days increased the activity of three liver and one kidney enzyme, specified. No such effects were noted in animals with hyperphagia, produced by hypothalamic lesions. The significance of these findings is discussed. DLC. 85468. BEAUFORT, R. International (Undersea oceanographic organizations.
technology 1965. v. 6, no. 10, p. 38-40.) Lists 21 government and non-government organizations with oceanographic and marine science activities; data include address, year founded, main work, publications, meetings, etc. At least a third of them are active in arctic or subarctic waters. DLC. BEAUMONT, R. T., see No. 93084. 85469. BECH, V. Det grOnlandske sundhedsvaesen i dag. (GrOnland 1964, no. 11, p. 401-418, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: The Greenland health service today. Outlines the organization of the health service which is completely nationalized. Greenland is divided into 17 medical districts, each with a large and a smaller hospital (about 700 beds in all), and a district physician in charge. There are 40 doctors, one/900 inhabitants, about 100 nurses, and 13 dentists. Nurses and midwives are trained in Denmark. In 1960, 12 of the 13 district midwives were Greenlanders but only five of the 89 nurses. Assistant midwives (155 in 1960) are trained in Greenland and they undertake various tasks in the smaller settlements. Dronning Ingrids Sanatorium built in 1953-54 for tuberculosis patients is now a general central hospital. Cases that cannot be treated locally are sent to Denmark (193 in 1962). Mortality in 1061 was 9.2, infant mortality 65.9 per thousand, life expectancy 51 for men, 54 for women. TB mortality is very low; most common causes of death are accidents (26.6% in 1961), pneumonia, heart diseases and malignant growths. Gonorrhea (3,910 cases in 1962) causes concern. Recent epidemics are noted. Treatment and training of the handicapped people is done in Denmark. Veterinary service is managed by the doctors. CaMAI, DLC. 85470. BECHIN, A. P. Tekhnicheskaet konferenCsia, po obobshchenita opytayroektirovanitit, stroitel'stva i ekspluittatsii gidroelektrostantsii Kol'skol energosistemy. (Gidrotekhnicheskoe stroitel'stvo 1964. v. 34, no. 10, p. 58-59.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Technical conference for correlation of the designing, construction, and maintenance of hydroelectric stations of the Kola power system. Reviews the conference of 24-28 Mar 1964 at Rajakoski in the Pechenga region. Nine reports were given on the Paz and Tuloma River power stations; five stations in operation and the upper Tuloma station under construction were visited. DLC.
BECK, A. E., see No. 87867. 85471. BECK, M. E., Jr. Paleomagnetic and geological implications of magnetic properties of the Triassic diabase of southeastern Pennsylvania. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 12, p. 2845-56, tables, maps, illus.) 27 refs. Measurements of these properties indicate that in Triassic time, the geomagnetic pole was in central Siberia at 62° N 105° E. One of the Triassic pole positions is shown DLC. on a chart at 77° N 75W E. 85472. BECKEY, F. W. West of the Stikine. (American alpine journal 1965. v. 14, no. 2, p. 320-23, illus.) Ref. Recounts events of a four-man American Alpine Club expedition to the high, rugged peaks in the little-known region between the Stikine River and the Inland Passage. Author's 1946 expedition climbed Kate's Needle and Devil's Thumb (as reported in the same journal 1947, v 6, no 3, p 269-77); the 1964 party concentrated on the Mt Rats group in the Coast Range along the Alaska-British Columbia boundary. Seaplane and helicopter reduced transport problems, though frequent rain and snow necessitated sudden, rapid trips across glaciers and up rocky ridges. DLC. 85473. BEEKHOFF van SELMS, G. A flying visit. (North 1964. v. 11, no. 1, p. 21-23.) Impressions of a Dutch woman during a visit to Fort Smith and Fort Providence in Mackenzie District as guest of the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada. Meetings with the local W. I. groups and Indian handicrafts are noted. CaMAI. 85474. BEER, J. V. The rapid sexing of downy Anatidae by the structure of the syrinx. (Wildfowl Trust. Annual report 1961-62 pub. 1963, p. 160-62, table.) 3 refs. Draws attention to the presence of a swelling (bulla) on the syrinx in the male of many species in this large family of ducks, geese, swans, mergansers. This enables one to sex both young and adult. A table shows which species have a bulla and whether its detection in the downy young is easy or not. DLC. 85475. BEER, S. A. 0 flume i ekologii paukov MurmanskoT oblasti. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1964. v. 43, no. 4, p. 525-33, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Fauna and ecology of spiders in Murmansk Province.
Reports summer 1960-1961 investigations at various localities; 33 of the 43 forms recorded are new for the region. The fauna contains arctic-boreal and more southerly elements, distributed over five biotopes, including the tundra and taiga. DLC. BEETEM, W. A., see Nos. 85305, 92548 §39. 85476. BEFU, H. Eskimo systems of kinship terms: their diversity and uniformity. (Arctic anthropology 1964. v. 2, no. 1, p. 84-98, tables, map.) 21 refs. Analyzes componential features of twelve Eskimo and two Aleut kinship schedules for the ego and three ascending and descending generations. A certain uniformity appears along the generational line, distinction between lineal and first degree collar teral kin, sex, relative age, etc. Three major regional patterns significantly correlated with social organization are distinguished: Central and Eastern Arctic including Greenland, West Alaska with Aleuts but excluding the Chugach Eskimos, North Alaska. The first two show considerable similarities; the North Alaskan terminology pattern differs from both. CaMAI, DSI. 85477. BEFU, H., and C. S. CHARD. A prehistoric maritime culture of the Okhotsk Sea. (American antiquity 1964. v. 30, no. 1, p. 1-18, maps, illus.) 55 refs. Analyzes the cultural affinities of a littleknown Sakhalin Island culture whose maritime hunting economy probably derived from the Eskimos via the Bering Sea and the Siberian coast. It arose on Sakhalin several centuries BC and lasted at least to the second millennium AD, diffusing to Hokkaido and the Kurils. Fishing and seamammal hunting gear, including toggle harpoons, is examined and linked to Aleut-. Eskimo traditions. An Eskaleut ethnic origin, or admixture, is substantiated by craniometric studies. CaMAI, DLC. BEGIDZHANOV, M. G., see No. 88983. 85478. BEHUN, M. F., and others. A lowtemperature testing cell with controlled temperatures between -50 and -150 C. (Materials research and standards 1965. v. 5, no. 12, p. 629, illus.) Other authors: M. S. Burton and G. V. Smith. Describes operation of this cell, consisting of an outer evacuated dewar vessel for holding liquid nitrogen and an unevacuated inner dewar which holds liquid Freon 22 (boiling point -40.8° C and freezing point -160° C). The inner dewar permits heat
transfer from the liquid Freon to the liquid nitrogen ; under these conditions the liquid Freon can be cooled to its freezing temperature and temperature control from about —150° to —50° C can be attained. Stirring is important; otherwise temperature gradients develop in the testing medium. Low viscosity at low temperature is characteristic of the Freon; it is also nontoxic and nonflammable. Other testing media are suitable for other temperature ranges, such as propyl alcohol from room temperature to —100° C. DLC. 85479. BEISTLINE, E. H. Placer mining in frozen ground. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 463-67, illus.) 15 refs. Describes methods of mining placer gold in frozen creek gravel since the Klondike gold rush, with particular reference to modern surface mining in the Fairbanks, Alaska area. Methods of prospecting, especially by use of the churn drill are described. Many payable deposits lie beneath loess overburden to 100 ft depth, and this has to be removed by hydraulicking, a process which is explained and illus. Various methods used for thawing the frozen gravels are discussed. Small operators use solar thawing but large-scale dredging companies principally employ cold water thawing by either the Miles or Pearce method. Some problems of the Miles method are considered and the need is emphasized for research into more efficient methods of inserting the water injection points into frozen ground. CaMAI. 85480. BEKKER, E. G. Sel'kupskafil toponimifit Tomskol oblasti. (In: Akademifa SSSR. Inst. narodov Azii. Toponimika ... 1964, p. 126-33.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Sel'kup toponymics in Tomsk Province. Discusses the etymology of Sel'kup Samoyed lake and river names in the middle Ob; Tyra and Ket' River basins. Findings support A. P. Dul'zon's claim of an ObUral origin of Samoyeds (No. 64294) and their subsequent diffusion northeastward. DLC. 85481. BEKLEMISHEV, K. V. Biogeograficheskoe delenie verkhnikh sloev pelagiali Tikhogo okeana i ego zavisimost' of techeniT i raspredelenifil vodnykh mass. (Alcademifa nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskif komitet, X razdel programmy MGG: okeanologicheskie issledovanifa. Sbornik state! 1965. no. 13, p.
123-27, map.) 18 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Biogeographical division of the upper pelagic layers in the Pacific and its dependence upon currents and distribution of water masses. Reviews investigations before and during the IGY. The epipelagic high-sea flora and fauna of this ocean is divided into three main regions, the arcto boreal (with a northern and southern belt), the tropical, and the antarctic. These regions and their subregions tally with the distribution of water masses, different in origin, presence or absence of closed circulation, and other characteristics. DLC. BEL, C., see No. 92646. 85482. BELErfSKII, I. B. 0 posevnykh kachestvakh semain sosny na Kol'skom poluostrove. (Lesnoe khozaTstvo 1965, v. 18, no. 2, p. 29-32, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: The sowing qualities of pine seed on Kola Peninsula. Reports a 1959-1961 study in Monchegorsk and Kandalaksha forest farms. Germination was 77.5% in seed from cones collected in Oct, decreasing for each month's cones to 49.7% for Feb, and increasing to 75.7% for May cone collections. DLC. 85483. BELIAEV, V. S. Razvitie tekhnologii vyemki moshchnykh pologopadafffshchikh plastov v uslovifilch Kralnego Severe. (In: Akademica, nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenia. Teplovye i mekhanicheskie ... 1965, p. 202-206, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Development of extraction technology for thick, gently sloping layers under conditions of the Far North. Proposes an improved method of coal mining with a pinning rod. Current practices at the Noril'sk coal combine are described for layers 4.2-4.5, 5.8-7.9, and 2.7-10.9 m thick. Technical improvements, and more efficient automation of excavation and transportation are suggested. The technology proposed would increase coal production 2.29 times, and reduce its cost from 2.35 to 1.49 rubles/t. In fully automated chambers, production could increase by the factor 2.36-3.14, and cost drop from 2.21 to 1.3-1.5 rubles. DLC. BELF [AEV, V. V., see No. 86119. 85484. BELIAEVA, A. B. Forum uchenykh mire. (Magadan. OblastnoT kraevedcheskil muzeT. Kraevedcheskie zapiski 1965. no. 5, p. 60-72.) In Russian. Title tr.: Forum of world scientists.
Summarizes papers read by the arctic, subarctic, and North American sections of the Int Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, in Moscow, Aug 1964. Particular attention is given to reports on the archeology of Chukotka and on the early trade relations between Chukchis and Alaskan Eskimos. DLC. 85485. BELEIEVA, A. V. Etnograficheskafa poezdka v Anadyrskil ralon. (Magadan. Oblastnol kraevedcheskil muzeL Kraevedcheskie zapiski 1965. no. 5, p. 27-38, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Ethnographic trip to the Anadyr District. Describes reindeer herding and hunting gear, huts, cult objects, clothing, and household implements collected in three villages in 1962 for the Magadan Regional Studies Museum. The way of life of the local Chukchis, Eveny (Lamut) Tungus, and Chuvanets Koryaks is sketched. Their economy in the Novyye Vayegi kolkhoz and Markovo sovkhoz is based on reindeer raising, fishing, fur farming and hunting; some dairy and truck farming is carried on as well. DLC. 85486. BELIAEVA, I. P. Nulevafa dinamicheskafil poverkhnost' Norvezhskogo i Grenlandskogo morel. (Leningrad. Gidrometeorologicheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 20, p. 87-93, maps.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The surface of no motion in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas. States the value of knowledge of this horizon, especially for determining -the deep and bottom currents, and reports own mapping of it for the spring of 1958, according to observations of Soviet vessels, and using mainly Defant's method. The upper limits of bottom waters in May-July 1933 and the median location of the nomotion surfaces are also represented. DLC. BELIIEVA, L. S., see No. 87379. 85487. BELaEVSKIL N. A., and A. A. BORISOV. Glubinnoe stroenie severozapadnol chasti Tikhookeanskogo podvizhnogo pofilsa. (Sovetskafa geologifa 1964, no. 9, p. 29-46, maps, sections.) 65 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Abyssal structure of the northwestern part of the Pacific mobile belt. Reviews geologic and especially geophysical studies of this broad region, including the Okhotsk Sea, Kamchatka, parts of the Pacific, Magadan Province and other areas. Gravity, magnetic anomalies and deep seismic measurements are reported. Composition and thickness of earth's crust,
the Mohorovi6i6 surface, tectonic development, and main structures are characterized ; deep fractures are recognized and their extent described. Reconstruction of the earth's crust is discussed. DLC. 85488. BELIAK, ft. Ispol' zovanie rechnykh sudov v pribrezhnom morskom plavanii. (Rechnol transport 1964. v. 23, no. 8, p. 31-32, tables, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of river craft for coastwise trips. Discusses improvement of shipping by having the river boats deliver their cargos from the interior direct to the nearest sea ports without transshipment to sea vessels. The 2000 ton vessels (design 781) which now successfully transport lumber and other cargoes on the Arkhangel'sk-Kaliningrad line via Baltic-White Sea Canal, Lakes Onega and Ladoga cannot handle all the freight expected to gravitate to the sea roads; it represents about 25% of the total freight turnover. Tabular data are given on the wind and wave regimes of the White, Laptev and other seas during river navigation season May-Oct. Strength parameters are given of river motor vessels of 2000 and 2800 t cargo capacity, and a 5000 t tanker. All these boats were tested at sea, and approved for experimental coastwise shipping of 1964. DLC. 85489. BELaKOV, L. P., and others. Stratigrafifa otlozhenil sinitskogo kompleksa basselna reki Kotulkana. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. RegionaPnala geologia no. 4, p. 60-72, sections.) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N. P. Golovanov and V. P. Safronov. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of Sinian complex deposits in the Kotuykan River basin. Reports a 1961-1962 study in the western slope of the Anabar uplift. The new material collected enables Sinian deposits to be divided into two genetic and independent series, the Billyakhskaya and the Mukunskaya. These are subsequently divided into smaller stratigraphic units, each of which is described noting lithologic properties, thickness, stromatolites, and where found. DLC. 85490. BELaNINA, T. N. 0 svfazi zhirnosti samok, plodovitosti i kachestva ikry u belomorskol korflishki, Osmerus eperlanus derdex natio divinensis Smitt. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1964. v. 4, no. 3, p. 477-82, tables.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Connection between fatness of females,
fertility and quality of spawn of the White Sea smelt Osmerus eperlanus. Discusses the six-month wintering period, and that of the intensive biological activities of growth, reproduction. Fertility and fatness of spawn, and fatness of body, are dealt with, also fertility as related to body length. DLC. - VSK1i, L. I., and L. V. 85491. BEIIA KOZLOVA. K voprosu o geologo-geomorfologicheskom deshifrirovanii v predelakh VostochnoT Sibiri. (In: Vses. seminar po geologicheskomu deshifrirovaniffi ... 1961 Materialy pub. 1964, p. 52-61, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Geologicgeomorphic interpretation on the margins of Eastern Siberia. Outlines some methodical problems in the use of air photography in geologic and geomorphic studies as exemplified by the Aldan shield and its northern and southern frames. Four large structural elements of this shield are distinguished and characterized. Six structural-landscape regions are identified and their lithologic-petrographic characteristics given. DLC. 85492. BELIKOV, L. V. Geroicheskie (Leningrad. Gos. skazanifii, chukcheT. pedagogicheskil inst. Uchenye zapiski 1965. v. 269, p. 154-69.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Heroic tales of the Chukchis. Discusses their realism, historical authenticity, and lack of religious or mythological elements. These tales, as collected by Bogoraz (No 28221) among others, mostly recount 18th century feuds mainly with Koryaks. The wars, raids to capture reindeer, fostered development of large-scale herding and decline of the primitive communal society; also they helped to consolidate Chukchis into a nation and awaken pride in national unity. Tales of more recent origin, as recorded 1940-1944 by author in Uelen and Metkulen, are characterized by a different thematic approach: the class struggle displaces historic conflicts, and the hero becomes the protagonist of the militant poor against rich herd owners. DLC. 85493. BELIKOV, L. V. K kharaktcristike ustnogo narodnogo tvorchestva chukcher. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiT inst. Uchenye zapiski 1960. v. 167, p. 271-93.) 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Analysis of Chukchi oral lore. Distinguishes three major categories: cosmogony including raven mythology, animal tales, and heroic epos. Subject matter, magic and shamanistic traits, ethnographic value, cultural and social
implications are discussed. Modes of recitation, use of metaphors and epithets, structure, etc are evaluated and the use of traditional elements in modern literature noted. The folklore studies of Bogoraz and others are reviewed and the history, social structure, economic and cultural processes of reindeer and maritime Chukchis sketched. DLC. 85494. BELIKOV, L. V. V. G. BogorazTan, issledovatel' Chukotskogo fol'klora. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiT inst. Gercsenovskie chtenica 1965. Filogicheskie nauki no. 18, p. 108-110.) In Russian. Title tr.: V. G. Bogoraz, investigator of Chukchi folklore. Stresses his ethnographic and scientific approach in analytical studies of Chukchi folklore and mythology, publication and translation of some 200 texts, also his role in educational programs for northern minoDLC. rities, etc. 85495. BELINSKIi, N. A., and M. G. GLAGOLEVA. Issledovanie kratkoperiodnykh kolebaniT anomalil i antifsiklonicheskoT dectitel'nosti. (Meteorologiat i gidrologifii, 1964, no. 2, p. 27-31, table, graph.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of short-period oscillatory anomalies of cyclonic and anticyclonic activity. Reports on study of 1150 five-day anomalies in data of 1944-1959 including work of L. A. Vitel's on polar sea cyclones, No 48766. The anomalies are expressed analytically as a series expansion of Chebyshev polynomials. The data indicate the existence of 20, 40, 55, 65, 75, 85, 105, 125, 145, and 180-day periods. The influence of the solar activity was also examined and some relationship found between it and cyclonic and anticyclonic anomalies. In general, the data show that cyclic and rhythmic changes are present in the life of an atmospheric process; the use of the Chebyshev polynomials in synoptic investigations however, is not entirely recommended. DLC. 85496. BELINSKLi, V. A., and V. F. OKOLOV. Predvaritel'nye rezul'taty aktinometricheskikh nablifideniT na plato fUkspor. (Mezhvedomstvennoe soveshchanie po aktinometrii i optike atmosfery 5-oe, Moskva 1963. Trudy pub. 1964, p. 34547, tables, graph.) In Russian. Title tr.: Preliminary results of actinometric observations in the Yukspor plateau. Reports observations starting 15 Apr 1962, in summer of the moss surface and in winter the snow. Data are given on components of radiation balance, and monthly
totals. Radiation balance of an avalanche is also described. DLC. 85497. BELI'nER, V. N. Osnovnye itogi etnograficheskogo izuchenifi finno-ugorskikh narodov v SSSR za poslednee desia(In: Congresses Internationalis tiletie. 1963, p. 324-29.) In Fenno-Ugristarum Russian. Title tr.: Basic results of FinnoUgrian ethnographic studies in the USSR during the last decade. Summarizes research in ethnogenesis, social structure, history, linguistics, traditional culture, and acculturation, most of it done by the Academy of Sciences and Moscow State Univ. Field work of 1945-1959 is noted. Over 35 major studies published since 1947 are cited and discussed. DLC. 85498. BELKIN, A. N. Materialy Po embrional'nomu razvitiia kozhnogo i volosfilnogo pokrova ushastykh tfillenel, Otariidae. (Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskil n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Izvestia 1964. v. 54, p. 97-130, tables, graphs, illus.) 16 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Materials on the fetal development of the skin and hair cover of eared seals, Otariidae. Morphological and histological study of material from 11 body regions of over 200 fur seals and one Steller sea lion Eumetopius jubatus. Molting of fur seal fetuses was noted, beginning at the end of Jan or in Feb; the development of hair cover is divided by the author into seven stages which are described. Structure and pigmentation of primary hair are also dealt with, as is the development of the hair roots. The histology of the epidermis is described in detail and its pattern in the newly born sea DLC. lion outlined. 85499. BELKIN, A. N. Novyl vid Ultima s Kuril'skikh ostrovov, Phoca insularis sp. n. (Akademifil 'tank SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 158, no. 5, p. 1217-20, table.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A new species of seal from the Kuril Lslands, Phoca insularis sp. n. Describes the morphology and detailed cranial morphometry of what is considered by Japanese and American specialists as a local variant of Phoca ochotensis. Periods of suckling and molt, and data on food, habitat, distribution, etc are supplied. DLC. 85500. BELKIN, A. N. Ob utrobnol lin'ke morskogo kotika, Callorhinus ursinus L. (Akademita nauk SSSR. Dal'nevostochnyl filial. Soobshchenifil 1963. no. 17, p. 101—
105, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Uterine molt of the fur seal, Callorhinus ursinus L. Following a review of earlier work, author presents a gross and histological picture of the process, based on study of 115 embryos, their skin, amniotic fluid and stomach content. Chronological sequence, types of hair and their number per square unit, etc are considered. DLC. 85501. BELKIN, V. I. 0 mezozolskol kore vyvetrivanifa v Pechorskom basselne. (Sovetskalo, geologia 1964, no. 9, p. 128-31, map.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mesozoic crust weathering in the Pechora basin. Reviews such weathering known in the Vorkuta and Pechora region in some 30 sections as detected in drillings and on the present surface. It occurs in various rocks: Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian. The depth of weathering and its products are described. DLC. 85502. BELKIN, V. I. 0 nalichie mezozolskol kory vyvetrivanifa v Pechorskom basseine. (Kora vyvetrivaniiii. 1963. no. 6, p. 150-53.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Presence of Mesozoic weathering of crust in the Pechora basin. Reports on old crust weathering found on Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian deposits. The processes are most intensive in carbonate rocks. Their results range 0.5-12.5 as thick. Autochthonous and allochthonous weathering are described; products are characterized. DLC. BELKIN, V. I., see also Nos. 84792, 84794. 85503. BEL'KOV, I. V. Geologifil svity KeTv i genezis Kelvskikh mestorozhdenit (In: Vses. petrograflcheskoe soveshchanie 1958. Magmatizm i ... 1960, p. 568-72, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Geology of the Keyvy series and genesis of Keyvy deposits. Reports a 1951-1957 study by a group of geologists. A stratigraphic scheme of this Lower Proterozoic series is presented and the geologic structure characterized. Regional metamorphism is analyzed. The Keyvy cyanite deposits are briefly described noting their polymetamorphic genesis. DLC. 85504. BEL'KOV, I. V. Kianitovye slant y svity Kelly. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 321 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Approx. 140 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Kyanite shales of the Keyvy series.
Outlines the geology, tectonics, petrography and metamorphism of this series in Kola Peninsula. Mineralogy of the large kyanite deposits discovered there is described. Stratigraphy, lithology, and facies of this sedimentary-metamorphic complex are analyzed. Types of kyanite ores connected with crystalline shales are characterized. Main minerals of these ores are kyanite and quartz; secondary minerals: muscovite, plagioclase, staurolite, dickite, pyrrhotite, etc. The Keyvy deposits of kyanite are rich in high-alumina. Enrichment of these ores and their use in the national economy are briefly discussed. DLC. BEL'KOV, I. V., see also No. 93299. 85505. BELL, B. Type IV solar radio bursts, geomagnetic storms, and polar cap absorption (PCA) events. (Smithsonian contributions to astrophysics 1963. v. 8, no. 3, p. 119-31, tables, map.) 17 refs. Discusses certain active-sun phenomena in relation to geomagnetic storm and PCA events. It is shown that type IV bursts which cover the full frequency range produce more striking geomagnetic storms and PCA events than type IV bursts limited to two or three octaves of the spectrum. DLC. BELL, R. E., see Nos. 84052, 84953. 85506. BELL, R. R. Shushana rush. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 12, p. 39-41, -I-, illus.) Recalls participation in a gold stampede to the Chisana area of Alaska in summer 1913. The trip to the diggings is described: by steamer to Cordova, rail to McCarthy, thence on foot across the tundra and a mountain glacier. On arrival, the party found the good claims already taken. DLC. 85507. BELLROSE, F. C. Radar studies of waterfowl migration. (North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 29th. Transactions 1964, p. 128-43, graphs, illus.) 5 refs. Reports data on, largely duck, migration in the central Mississippi Flyway obtained by radar during Nov 1962. Chronology of migrations and size of flocks, area, flight directions, and their temporal distributions were thus obtained throughout day and DLC. night. 85508. BELLROSE, F. C., Tr. Spent shot and lead poisoning. (In: US. Dept. of the Interior. Waterfowl tomorrow 1964, p. 479-85, illus.)
Describes symptoms of lead poisoning caused by birds swallowing lead shot left near hunting blinds in feeding grounds. The pellets remain some time in the gizzard where they are corroded and partly dissolved, the lead (poisonous) passing into the system. Mortality in several ducks and Canada geese is reported. Iron shot has no adverse effects. DLC. 85509. BELMONT, A. D. An atlas of prevailing monthly zonal winds in the stratosphere over the Northern Hemisphere. (Berlin. Freie Univ. Meteorologische Abhandlungen 1963. v. 36, p. 537-640, maps.) 4 refs. Contains brief explanation of parameters and methods used, also a preliminary description of the main features of the seasonal reversal of stratospheric winds, as shown on 96 polar charts which give absolute frequencies and wind speeds for the 100-, 50-, 30- and 10 mb levels. Stations are shown on Jan and July charts for each of the four levels. The spring reversal of polar westerlies to polar easterlies starts at highest levels and proceeds downward and southward from the Arctic. The fall reversal to westerlies starts in the polar regions and progresses upward and southward. Both reversals occur so rapidly that monthly mean charts can only show that they are completed in May and Sept. Earlier studies indicate a variable onset of the spring reversal from year to year, though the end of the summer monsoon appears to be fairly constant, occurring in late Aug or early Sept. DLC. 85510. BELMONT, L. M. The emergency health services. (Alaska medicine 1965. v. 7, no. 4, p. 83-84.) These services, planned for disaster conditions, work on three levels: they teach the individual medical self-help; they stockpile packaged hospitals and supplies; and they plan emergency public health services suited for the different areas of Alaska; 12 packaged hospitals (200 beds, 30 day supplies in 660 boxes, 45,000 lb) are established in ten communities. CaMAI. 85511. BELMONT, N., ed. L'art et les societks primitives a travers le monde. Paris, Hachette 1964. 352 p. maps, illus. In French. Title tr.: Art and primitive societies of the world. Six papers on aboriginal art expression. That by Belmont on North America, p 277-313, includes an 8-page outline of Tlingit, Tsimshian, Haida, Kwakiutl, and Nootka Indian decorative-geometric and
figurative-symbolic ornamentation in basketry, weaving, totem-pole carving, masks. E. LOT-FALCK's paper on the Arctic regions is abstracted under his name, qv. DLC.
85512. BELOGORSKII, V. and others. 0 nekotorykh pokazatelffich fizicheskogo razvitia deter pervogo goda zhizni goroda Murmanska. (Gigiena i sanitaria 1965. v. 30, no. 1, p. 35-39, tables.) 10 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: S. M. Gershkovich, M. P. Nemzer and L. A. Tarasov. Title tr.: Some indices of physical development in one-year-old children of Murmansk. Account of anthropometric and X-ray studies in 1960-1961 on some four thousand practically healthy children born in this major arctic city. The data compared with those of Moscow and Leningrad indicate that the physical development of Murmansk children proceeds normally. Earlier, negative reports are considered refuted. DLC. BELOGORSKIi, V. IA., see also No. 90221. 85513. BELOGUROV, 0. I., and V. A. LEONOV. Dva novykh vida trematod of shilokhvosti (Anas acuta)Kamchatki. (Akademiff. nauk SSSR. Gel'mintologicheska1 lab. Trudy 1963. v. 13, p. 212-15, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Two new species of trematodes from the pintail (Anas acuta) of Kamchatka. Describes: Metorchis elegans n. sp. from the liver, and Lyperosomum anatis n. sp. from the pancreas of these ducks. Incidence of infections, locality and date of finds, as well as differential diagnoses are noted. DLC. BELOGUROV, 0. I., see also Nos. 89249, 89250, 92487. 85514. BELON, A. E., and others. A television system for auroral research. College, Alaska 1965. viii, 76 p. tables, graphs, illus. (Alaska. Univ. Geophysical Inst. Geophys. research report no. 172.) 33 refs. Other authors: G. R. Cresswell, C. S. Deehr and T. J. Hallinan. Describes the image orthicon closed television camera used at the Institute and presents a selection of photographs of auroral events taken with it. These include pulsating displays with wedge and 'ghost' features, flaming and auroral waves. The high sensitivity and speed of this equipment is due to the image orthicon tubes which employ a tTi-alkali S-2 photosurface and a
highly efficient magnesium oxide or aluminum oxide target. Among the advantages of the TV system is the possibility of real time recording of auroral spectral features, the ability of the operator to view the monitor screen and guide the system, or take data on the basis of an immediate analysis, and the possibility of the use of digital data handling provided by the separate electrical signals making up the total image. Certain limitations of the system are considered and the possibilities for future improvement are assessed. DGS. BELON, A. E., see also Nos. 85434, 91260, 92118. BELONIN, M. D., see No. 86694. 85515. BELOPUKHOVA, E. B. Osobennosti razvitifil, zhil'no-poligonal'nogo rel'efa na severe Zapadnol Sibiri. (Akademi1 nauk SSSR. Izvestild, 1965, ser. geog. no. 4, p. 70-76, illus.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of development of wedgepolygonal relief in the North of Western Siberia. Outlines polygonal relief, formation of ice wedges, effects of frost cracking, etc as studied in the Salekhard region, Yarudey and Nadym River basins, Yamal Peninsula and elsewhere. Polygonal forms of relief and recurring ice wedges are frequent north of 65°50' N. Thawing of ice wedges is discussed. Form of polygonal relief is described for well drained and poorly drained areas. Hummocky peat bogs are dealt with. Development of thermokarst lakes is also noted. DLC. 85516. BELORUSOV, D. V. 0 kompleksnom osvoenii prirodnykh bogatstv severnol chasti Obskogo basselna. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Izvestifft 1964, ser. geog. no. 4, p. 67-78, table.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Multi-purpose use of natural resources in the northern part of the Ob basin. Reviews the resources of this large region in timber, peat, gas and oil, fishes, meadows, water power, etc. The lower Ob hydroelectric station project is discussed. If carried out, it will cause the flooding of a large territory needed for other kinds of development. Numerous objections to this project are cited. Development of the oilgas and lumbering industries is treated. Construction of railroads and other communications systems is discussed. Expansion in fisheries, agriculture, and other development projects are noted. Comprehensive and multi-purpose studies of the natural resources and their utilization are urged. DLC. 137
85517. BELORUSOV, D. V. Problemy osvoenifil prirodnykh bogatstv severe Zapadno-SibirskoI nizmennosti. (Problemy Severa 1965. no. 9, p. 24-31, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Utilization of the natural resources in the northern West Siberian lowland. Outlines the wealth of natural resources in this 3 million km2 area including the Khanty-Mansi and Yamal-Nentsy National Districts: 6 billion m3 of timber, many billion tons of oil, over 5 trillion m3 of natural gas, 1.5 billion t of iron ore, 90 billion t of peat. Development prospects in oil-gas and timber are outlined. The controversial question of building a hydroelectric station on the lower Ob is discussed. DLC.
85518. BELOTELOV, V. L., and N. V. KONDORSKAa. Spektry ob"emnykh voln Kamchatskikh zemletrfasenit (Akademi1 nauk SSSR. IzvestifA 1964. ser. geofiz. no. 4, p. 475-82, tables, graphs.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Spectra of the body waves of Kamchatka earthquakes. Investigates the spectral composition of P and S waves as recorded by the Soviet permanent seismic stations at epicentral range of 30-70° of arc. Bulk determination of these spectra in relation to their statistical distribution is discussed, as is determination of standard spectra, depending on the earthquake magnitude, focus depth, epicentral distance, and locations of the focus and the recording station. A weak correlation between the spectrum and the locations of focus and station is pointed out. Investigation methods are explained, such as separation of the portions of seismograms with the main phase of P and S waves, and calculation of the spectral function of the separated seismic impulse. The recorded data, and the results of the spectrum analysis are given for the earthquakes of 17 Apr 1955 at 51.7° N 160.2° E, 28 Dec 1959 at 52.3° N 160.8° E, and 25 July 1960 at 53.5° N 158.9° E. No clear correlation is found between the spectrum of the earthquake, and the position and distance of the station. Hence it is concluded that the earthquake spectrum at a great distance from the epicenter reflects characteristics of the focus rather than of the medium traversed by P and S waves. DLC.
85519. BELOT-SERKOVSKIi, M. M., and N. E. DIK. Sibir', fotoal' bom. Moskva, Izd-vo Mysl' 1964. 237 p. maps, illus. In Russian, English, French, and Spanish. Title tr.: Siberia, photoalbum. Contains 160 mostly black-and-white
photos of landscape, towns, industrial sites, life of aborigines, etc. About half of them show the arctic and northern taiga regions of Yakut ASSR, Krasnoyarsk and Tyumen Provinces. Accompanying text and legends DLC. are in four languages.
85520. BELOUS, N. Pod vechnymi l'dami Arktiki. (Sovetskil voin 1963. v. 45, no. 5, p. 22-24, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Under the permanent ice of the Arctic. Reports a reconnaissance cruise of the Soviet atomic submarine Leninskii Komsomol under ice of the Arctic Basin, date and DLC. route not given.
85521. BELOUSOV, S. L. Primenenie chislennykh metodov prognoza v operativnol praktike meteorologicheskogo obsluzhivanifil v zarubezhnykh stranakh. (Meteorologia i gidrologifa 1964, no. 10, p. 38-44, tables.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of numerical methods of forecasting in the operational practice of meteorological services in foreign countries. Reviews in detail work done in the United States, England, Sweden, Japan, France, Belgium, Norway, East Germany, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Poland, New Zealand, DLC. Australia, Israel, and Italy.
85522. BELOUSOV, V. I. Vtorichnoe mineraloobrazovanie na Pauzhetskom mestorozhdenii termal'nykh vod. (In: Akademila nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. vulkanologii. Geologicheskie i geofizicheskie issledovanifa ... Moskva 1963, p. 93-101, table, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Secondary mineral formation in Pauzhetka thermal water deposits. Reports a 1959-1961 study of secondary minerals in thermal water samples drilled to 200-500 m. Depths of drillings and temperatures are presented. Three zones of secondary mineralization are established: chlorite zone, zone of zeolitization and feldspathization and zone of prophylitization. Behavior of chlorite, zeolite, adular, calcite, quartz, epidote, and other minerals are DLC. described.
85523. BELOUSOVA, N. F. Zhelezobetonstroitel'stva na vechnomerznye svai lykh gruntakh. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanifii . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 2, p. 19-24, graphs, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Reinforced concrete piles for construction on permafrost. Presents data on 18 square- and six rectangular-section piles for foundations. Type, cross section, volume/m3, and weight are given in a table. A nomogram is pre-
sented for determination of bearing capacity due to sides freezing to the ground. Instructions are added for selecting and installing piles appropriate to given ground conditions, CaONA. and for type of construction. BELOV, see No. 92734. 85524. BELOV, A. V., and V. A. RaSHIN. Voprosy geografii rastitel'nosti nizhnego (Akadernifil nauk SSSR. Priangar'fa. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geografli Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doklady 1964. no. 6, p. 54-59, table.) 27 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of the geography of the lower Angara vegetation. Reports a 1962 field study. A clearly expressed zonal distribution of forests is established. Dark coniferous forests dominated by fir, spruce and cedar, and fir with spruce, are characteristic of the watersheds and slopes. The left side of the lower Angara has a southern taiga plant cover. DLC. 85525. BELOV, M. I. Proval operacsii "Vunderland". Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskol transport" 1962. 47 p. maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The failure of operation "Wunderland". Describes activities of the German raider Admiral Scheer 18-30 Aug 1942, based on published and unpublished reports. In an attempt to disrupt activities on the Northern Sea Route, the cruiser, under command of Mendsen-Bolken, entered Kara Sea north of Novaya Zemlya, and on Aug 25 encountered and sank icebreaker Sibirialcov off Belukha Island; on Aug 27, the raider shelled vessels, polar station and harbor installations at Dikson causing heavy damage, but found landing impossible, and left Kara Sea by the same route. The courageous fighting in uneven battle by the crew of Sibirialcov and by defenders of Dikson I. is reported in some detail. DLC. 85526. BELOV, M. I. Put' cherez Ledovityl okean. Moskva, "Morskol transport" 1963. 237 p. maps, illus. 106 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Route through the Arctic Ocean. Traces the exploration for a Northeast Passage and development of the Northern Sea Route from the voyages of the Novgorod navigators in the 12th century to the Soviet period. All the important Russian and some foreign expeditions are included. Voyages of the Vega, Fram, CheIfitskin, high latitude marine expeditions, drifting stations North Pole 1-12, and aerial high latitude expeditions Sever 1-14 are briefly described. The role of ice-
reinforced diesel-electric Lena and Enisel, the new icebreakers Moskva and Leningrad, atomic icebreaker Lenin, the atomic submarine Leninskii Komsomol, with her summer 1962 trip to North Pole are reviewed. Economic, political and military aspects of the route are discussed, and the main events of World War II in the area DLC. are noted. 85527. BELOV, M. I. V. I. Lenin i problemy Sovetskogo Seven.. (Letopis' Severs 1962, no. 3, p. 7-14.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: V. I. Lenin and problems of the Soviet North. Outlines Lenin's activities for exploration and development, based on own earlier work (No 56833) and on archival materials. Ukhta oil, hydrographic work, Kara Sea expeditions of 1921 etc, development of a sea route to the Ob and Yenisey from the west, and to the Kolyma from the east are noted, as is Lenin's role in the inception of the Northern scientific-economic expedition (Severnacit nauchno-promyshlennafil elopedifiat) and the Floating Marine Institute DLC. (Plovmorin), etc. 85528. BELOV, M. I. Vstrecha na 75-1 paralleli. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 21, p. 5-10.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Encounter on the 75th parallel. In Aug 1944 the Marina Raskova, escorted by the minesweeper AM-116 under V. Babanov, and two other small craft en route from Severodvinsk to Tiksi was blown up by a German submarine off Belyy Island. Rescue of survivors, and the subsequent search and destruction of the enemy submarine in the vicinity of Uyedineniya DLC. Island are described in detail. 85529. BELOV, N. A., and N. N. LAPINA. Geological studies of the floor of the Arctic Ocean during the last twenty-five years. (In: Problems of the Arctic ... 1966, 16 p.) maps. 6 refs. English translation of No CaM AI. 70118. 85530. BELOV, P. N., and A. F. KIVGANOV. Rol' radiacsionnykh profiessov v termodinamike atmosfery. (Meteorologifil i gidrologifa 1965, no. 4, p. 12-17, tables, graphs.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The role of radiation processes in thermodynamics of the atmosphere. Analytical formulas for the evaluation of effective long-wave and short-wave radiation and changes in temperature were applied to the 200, 500, and 850 mb levels. The observational data were obtained from 140 stations in Europe, Western Siberia and 139
Antarctica. Spatial distribution of temperature changes for long- and short-wave radiation was evaluated for the 30° E long meridian in 40-80° N hit. The investigation shows that 12% of short-wave radiation is absorbed by atmospheric water vapors; the max temperature change is observed in a layer below the 500 mb level; the calculated temperature and geopotential changes are subject to considerable spatial variations. DLC. 85531. BELOV, V. P. Wtraosnovnye i osnovnye porody severo-zapadnol chasti Eniselskogo krfkha. (Moskva, Univ. Vestnik 1964. v. 19, ser. 4: geol. no. 1, p. 8-14, table, graph, map.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ultrabasic and basic rocks of the northwestern part of the Yenisey Ridge. Ultrabasic rocks of this region occurred from peridotite magma and are part of the Yenisey ultrabasite belt, extending from the Podkamennaya Tunguska south to Nazimovo. Separation of the ophiolite formation enables appraisal for useful minerals search especially that for copper and chromium. DLC. 85532. BELOVA, A. V., and M. I. TARVEDIEVA. Materialy po pitanifa salki. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Murmanskil morskol biologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. no. 5(9), p. 143-47, tables.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Materials on the diet of the arctic cod. Report results of examinations of 118 stomachs of Boreogadus saida taken in Aug 1958 in the southeastern Barents Sea. They contained over 30 forms, which are tabulated as to numbers and frequency of occurrence in the diet; degree of stomach filling also is noted. DLC. 85533. BELOVA, A. V. Vlifanie uslovil transportirovki na sostav krovi molodi gorbushi, vyrashchivaemol na rybovodnykh zavodakh Murmana. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 161, no. 2, p. 466-68, table.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The effect of transport on the blood composition of young pink salmon reared in Murmansk hatcheries. Reports on experiments with fingerlings kept in polyethylene bags or transported by air. As compared with controls, the experimental groups showed an increase in the number of monocytes and polymorphs, with a reduction of lymphocytes. No changes were found in the composition of erythrocytes. DLC. 85534. BEI:SKIL M. S. Novye dannye
o stratigrafii drevnikh metamorficheskikh tolshch PripolCarnogo Urala v svete novykh dannykh. (Moskovskoe o-vo ispytatelel prirody. Belleten' 1964. otd. geol. v. 39, no. 5, p. 38-46, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the stratigraphy of old metamorphic strata of the Subpolar Ural in the light of new data. Reports geologic survey and mapping in Shchugor and Lyapin River basins. Proterozoic, Cambrian and Ordovician deposits are analyzed and divided into local stratigraphic units. This division differs substantially from that of the same deposits offered by K. A. L'vov, No 59918. DLC. 85535. BELTZ, A. The Public Health nurse and the private physician. (Alaska medicine 1965. v. 7, no. 4, p. 87-89, illus.) Discusses the help the PH nurse can render the private practitioner in posthospitalization cases, also with diabetics, expectant mothers, etc. The role of such a nurse in directing a patient to a doctor is also noted. CaMAI. 85536. BELYi, V. F., and others. Nizhnil mel severo-vostochnol chasti OkhotskoChukotskogo vulkanicheskogo pefasa. (Sovetskafa geologifit 1965, no. 10, p. 97-109, tables, map, sections). 14 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A. F. Efimova and K. V. ParakeQsov. Title tr.: The Lower Cretaceous in the northeastern part of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt. Outlines the stratigraphy of these deposits as studied by a group of scientists in the Chaun Bay, middle Anadyr and Bol'shoy Anyuy regions. Four volcanic regions are distinguished, the eastern and central Chukotka, middle Anadyr and Penzhina. Each is described, the Lower Cretaceous deposits analyzed, noting distribution, thickness and flora and fauna, and the four regions compared. DLC. RELY", V. F., see also No. 87235. BELYK, V., see No. 85095. 85537. BELYSHEV, B. F. Fenologifa', leta strekoz (Odonata, Insecta) v zapolfarnoi Sibiri i nekotorye obshchie zakonomernosti etogo favlenifit na severe Palearktiki. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 44, no. 7, p. 1014-17, table.) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Phenology of the flight of dragonflies (Odonata, Insecta) in arctic Siberia and some regularities of this phenomenon in the northern Palearctic. Reports on observations, the first of this
kind in the Palearctic, made on the Lena at 69° N. Some 14 species are considered; their flights began on July 3rd and 11th. Comparison with other areas indicates that their spring development changes with latitude, while that of the fall remains more or less DLC. the same on the same meridian. 85538. BELYSHEVA, E. V., and others. Gidrokhimicheskie usloviat v severnol chasti Grenlandskogo morffi. (In: Konferenaifit po probleme "Vzaimodelstvie atmosfery " 1961. Materialy pub. 1964, p. 250-54, table, graphs, map.) In Russian. Other authors: A. P. Gur'ffinova and A. A. Musina. Title tr.: Hydrochemical conditions in the northern part of Greenland Sea. Reports 1956-1959 work of the Arctic and Antarctic Institute between Vestspitsbergen and the ice edge of East Greenland, roughly 76°30'-81°45' N 10° E-15° W. Specific alkalinity, salinity, temperature and oxygen content of the Vestspitsbergen Current are given in graphs and a table, with distribution of these parameters in time and space indicated. Intensive oxidation processes are indicated by the low pH values, and high partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the East Greenland Current DLC. north of 81° N. 85539. BE1VIRICH, W. J., and others. Development of Dirofilaria immitis in Anopheles quadrimaculatus after exposure of the microfilariae to a freezing temperature. (Journal of parasitology 1965. v. 51, no. 6, p. 954-57, table, illus.) 15 refs. Other authors: B. L. Buchli and H. J. Griffiths. Blood samples containing microfilariae were frozen and stored at —20° C for 24 hr —4 mo. After thawing at 38 ± 1° C, the microfilariae developed to the third or infective larval stage and migrated to the head and labium of the mosquitoes. DLC. BENDER, J. A., see No. 93108. BENERT, R., see No. 92237. 85540. BENGTSSON, L. G., and others. Maternal and infantile metabolism of caesium. (In: Symposium on the assessment of radioactive body burdens ... 1964. v. 2, p. 21-32, tables, graphs.) 12 refs. French, Russian and Spanish summary. Other authors: Y. Naversten and K. G. Svensson. Reports a study of two pregnant women who ate reindeer meat, and of their infants. A third woman was given orally solutions of Cs-132. The results show many doubtful points. Some results permit direct calcula-
tion of radiation doses in infants of mothers who ingest radiocesium before partus. DLC. 85541. BEN'HOVA, N. P., and A. N. SUKHODOL'SKAa. Izmenchivost' ionosfernykh parametrov. (In: Vses. soveshchanie po kosmofizicheskomu napravlenifa issl. kosmicheskikh luche! 1962. Kosmicheskie luchi ... 1965, p. 224-28, table, graphs.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Variability of ionospheric parameters. Studies the hourly dispersion, a, and asymmetry, 3, values of critical frequencies foF2 of the Fy layer of the ionosphere, using IGY data from Yakutsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, and Tiksi Bay. Hourly variations of (foF2), their dependence on the altitude of the sun above the horizon, and on solar activity are shown, although the latter is weakly expressed. Variations in a and calculated according to the quartil values of the parameters are concluded to be determined largely by their seasonal variations. DLC. 85542. BEN'HOVA, N. P. Osnovnye rezul'taty issledovaniT pogloshchenifil v ionosfere impul'snym metodom. (Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet, V razdel programmy MGG: ionosfera. Sbornik state! 1964. no. 13, p. 70-75.) 21 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Main results of investigations of absorption in the ionosphere by the impulse method. Reports briefly on the radio wave absorption studies carried out on frequencies 2.2 and 3.0 me during the IGY. The nine Russian ionospheric stations included Dikson and Murmansk. The measurements of absorption were made by the method of multiple reflection of radio wave from the ionosphere. The method of determining the coefficient, L of reflection by a single impulse reflection is discussed, and previous work on the subject reviewed. DLC. 85543. BEN'HOVA, N. P. Principal results of USSR ionospheric absorption measurements in the IGY—IGC using the pulse method. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1965. v. 27, no. 1, p. 47-52.) 21 refs. Reports absorption measurement of 2.23.0 rags radio signals at Dikson Island, Murmansk and seven other stations in the USSR, by comparison of pulse reflection amplitudes. Measurement techniques are reviewed. The regular variations of the absorption, and those during geomagnetic disturbances are discussed, differentiating between the auroral zone and polar cap DLC. absorptions.
BEN'HOVA, N. P., see also No. 84769. 85544. BEN-MENAHEM, A., and M. N. TOKSOZ. Source-mechanism from spectra of long-period seismic surface waves; 3: the Alaska earthquake of July 10, 1958. (Seismological Society of America. Bulletin 1963. v. 53, no. 5, p. 905-919, map, graphs, tables.) 19 refs. Derives the source mechanism for this earthquake in Southeast Alaska from amplitude and phase spectra of mantle Love and Rayleigh waves, as recorded by the seismograph systems at Pasadena, Calif., separated, digitized, filtered, and Fourier analyzed. Agreement is obtained between theory and observations for a unilateral fault of 300350 km, which ruptured with a speed of 3-3.5 km/s in the direction N 40° W. Fault length agrees with the aftershock distribution during July 1958 and the time of rupture checks with the duration of an impressive T-phase (temporal) recorded at Hawaii. DLC. BENNETT, H., see No. 91229. 85545. BENNINGHOFF, W. S. Atmospheric particulate matter of plant origin. (Atmospheric Biology Conference, Minneapolis 1964. Proceedings p. 133-44, illus.) 30 refs. Classifies particulates of plant origin in the atmosphere and discusses methods of recovering them. Phytogeographical studies of seed and spore dispersal, including such in the Arctic, provide indications of transport distances and air movements. DLC. 85546. BENNINGHOFF, W. S. Relationships between vegetation and frost in soils. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 9-13.) 27 refs. Discusses progress made in the quantification of thermal exchange in a vegetatively covered environment, with special reference to the interrelationships of vegetation and sub-freezing soil temperatures. In a few ecosystems, such as the poorly drained lowlands of the Big Delta area of Alaska, the type of vegetation has been found a reliable indicator of permafrost; in most others no simple relationship has been observed. The effects of vegetation in producing diversity in the surface boundary layer and consequently complexity in energy budgets are explained. It is suggested that the total effect of subarctic and arctic vegetation may be to decrease the heat load on the earth's surface. The factors of evapotranspiration and the storage of
energy by vegetation are also mentioned Techniques of temperature integration by sucrose ampoules are described. New research techniques are discussed, including radiometry using laser sources and remote sensing by airborne infrared detectors. With infrared strip maps as printout from sensors and records of actual temperatures, the thermal states of large areas of landscape can be quantified. Vegetation only appears to be critical to the development of permafrost where the surface mean annual temperature is not lower than —2° or —3° C; below this temperature the effects of vegetation are restricted to seasonal frost in the CaMAI. upper soil layers. 85547. BENSON, C. S., and G. W. ROGERS. Alaskan air pollution, the nature of ice fog and its development and settlement implications. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1965 pub. 1966, p. 233-45, map.) 4 refs. Reports studies at Fairbanks, Alaska, which with its environs, has one of the highest incidences of air pollution in the world. Intense inversions, 10°-30° C/100 m, induced by topography and long spells of intense cold (below —35° C) produce ice fog, the so-called Fairbanks-type air pollution problem. This is intensified by watervapor output, since in the intensely cold air it crystallizes and becomes itself a pollutant. A daily total of 4 x 106 kg of CO2 and 8600 kg of SO2 were measured. A high lead concentration poses a health hazard. The efficiency of the Fairbanks airport is greatly reduced by the incidence of ice fog, aggravated by idling vehicles in the parking lot. The adverse social and economic effects of the pollution problem are assessed, and measured to mitigate them by zoning and land-use regulations, etc discussed. CaMAI. 85548. BENSON, C. S. Ice fog: low temperature air pollution. College, Alaska 1965. 78 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Alaska. Univ. Geophysical Inst. Geophys. research report no. 173.) 75 refs. Reports studies of the nature and causes of highly polluted ice fog at Fairbanks during prolonged extreme cold spells (below —40° C). The city has one of the worst air pollution problems in the world through the combination of strong and persistent inversions and the influence of local topography. Techniques described include obtaining of formvar replicas of ice crystals, collection of crystals on collodioncoated electron microscope grids, and nuclei counts made with a small-particle detector.
A sophisticated and highly instrumented meso- and micrometeorologic study of the Fairbanks area is described. The nature of the Fairbanks area is described. The nature of the pollution and the inversions which cause it are analyzed and the sources of pollution assessed in detail. These include 4063 million g H20/day from combustion of gasoline, oil and coal; cooling water from power plants; leaks from stream lines, housing, university mine and sewage; and breathing of 30,000 people and 2000 dogs. Particulate matter, including dangerous quantities of sulfur, lead, halogens and over 4 million kg of CO2/day, is analyzed and graphed. The optical properties of ice fog are discussed and the progress of an ice fog event is described with maps, graphs and photos. The mass budget of ice fog is considered and density, precipitation rates and evaporation rates estimated. Certain aspects of the physics of ice fog genesis, the role of ice crystals in increasing cooling rates, and problems associated with supercooling and saturation are treated in some CaMAI, DGS. detail in appendices. BENSON, C. S., see also Nos. 84953, 87472. BENTLEY, C. R., see Nos. 91229, 92221. 85549. BERARD, J. Region du lac Berard, Nouveau-Quebec 1965. 172 p. tables, maps, illus. (Quebec. Dept. of Natural Resources. Geological report no. 111.) 134 refs. In French. Title tr.: Berard Lake area, New Quebec. Describes in detail, with two 1:63,360 geologic maps in color (Lake Berard area, Feuilles Lake area), the geology of a 960 mil section of the Labrador geosyncline. The contact between the Proterozoic rocks of the geosyncline and the Archean basement traverses the area studied and the contrasts in topography and hydrology as well as geology are indicated. The gneiss, granodiorite and red granite of the Archean basement are intruded by metadiabase dikes. One strongly magnetic ultramafic dike observed north of Berard Lake is described. In the Labrador Trough, the most striking formations are dolomites, unmetamorphosed sandstones and shales, with the Alison quartzite present along most of the length of the western contact with the Archean. The geology of the iron-rich rocks which occur in the geosyncline is discussed, and their relation to its development considered. Evidence is presented that the trough was shallow and unstable, the water soft and subject to variations in temp. The complex and controversial tectonics of the Proterozoic-Archean contact are reviewed,
with particular emphasis on the role of faults. The economic potential of the area is considered, iron, industrial and precious metals all occurring in various formations. The Fenimore Iron Mines Ltd has already located 100 million tons of iron ore. A section is included on Pleistocene and glacial geology. The comprehensive bibliography incl 29 refs in French and nine unpub theses. Some official changes in place names in the area are listed. DGS. 85550. BERDENNIKOV, V. P. 0 mekhanizme podvizhek ledfanogo pokrova. (Leningrad. Gos. gidrologicheskil inst. Trudy 1963. no. 103, p. 41-56, tables, graphs, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mechanism of ice cover shift. Periodic shifting of the ice cover is analyzed with the aid of a mechanical model consisting of a spring and piston, and the movement is found to be a case of autooscillation. The data of the theoretical analysis compare well with those obtained by experiments. Both enable one to obtain an insight into the mechanism of breakup and ice jams. DLC. 85551. BERDYSHEV, G. D. Problema dolgoletifa v Sibiri i na Dal'nem Vostoke. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-fa AN SSSR 1963. 79 p. tables. 168 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problem of longevity in Siberia and the Far East. Gerontological study based on the 1959 census. Data tabulated by sex, urban and rural residence include Yakut ASSR, Tyumen, Krasnoyarsk, Kamchatka and Magadan Provinces, also such representative towns as Noril'sk, Yakutsk, Petropavlovsk-on-Kamchatka, Magadan, and the Khanty-Mansi, Yamal-Nenets, Taymyr, Koryak, and Chukchi National Districts, as well as the Evenki National District with the urban settlement Tura. Cases of longevity are more frequent in rural than urban areas and more women than men live beyond the age of a hundred yr. The highest percentage of people 100 yr and over is among the rural population of the Taymyr National District: 91.07/ 100,000 pop; Yakutia, Magadan and Kamchatka Provinces: 32.4, 2.12, and 0.5/100,000, respectively. The ratio of people 80 yr and older averages 800/100,000 for the entire RSFSR, it rises 1,380.8/100,000 in rural Yakutia and drops to 53/100,000 in Magadan Province. Factors in longevity: ethnic, genetic, or ecological are under study. The highest percentage of oldsters is in the most ancient aboriginal groups: Yakuts, Altayans, and Khakass. DLC.
85552. BEREGOVOL V. E. 0 mestakh obitann zheltoT trrasoguzki, Motacilla flava L., i zheltogolovol trfasoguzki, Motacilla citreola Pall., na Urale. (Akadernifa nauk Ural'skit filial. SSSR. Inst. biologii. Trudy 1965. no. 38, p. 179-81.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Habitats of the yellow wagtail Motacilla flava L. and the yellowheaded wagtail M. citreola Pall. in the Urals. Describes the habitats of these two wagtails in several areas between Orenburg and Salekhard, 51°-66°30' N. Geographic variants, biotopes, and neighboring birds are noted. DLC. 85553. BERESNEV, N. F., and L. I. ROVN IN. Megionskoe mestorozhdenie nefti i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti NizhneVartovskogo svoda. (Geologiffl nefti i gaza 1964. v. 8, no. 1, p. 6-12, map, profile.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Megion oil deposits and prospects for oil and gas in the Nizhne-Vartovskoye dome. Describes the Megion oil deposits, geologic structure, tectonic conditions, and other features. Reservoir properties of the Valanginian sandstones are outlined, the Nizhne-Vartovskoye arch described noting prospects as favorable. DLC. 85554. BERG, C. D., and E. M. NANSON. Effects of gastric freezing on gastric secretions in dogs. (Surgical forum 1963. v. 14, p. 352-53.) Ref. Reports on a variety of experiments with dogs submitted for one hr to gastric freezing of —17 to —20° C. Results indicate that stomach freezing does not inhibit the vagal or antral secretory mechanisms, nor does it have a direct effect on secretion of the DLC. gastric secretory cells. 85555. BERG, E. The Alaskan earthquake, its location and seismic setting. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 218-32, map, graphs, table, illus.) 14 refs. Maps and calculates seismicity measures for the South Alaska-Aleutian earthquake zone. Earthquake frequencies and magnitudes are graphed and predictive curves are briefly explained. An earthquake of magnitude 8.5 may be expected every 31 yr, of 8.0 every 9.8 yr, and of 7.5 every 3 yr in the total zone. Earthquake energy release is mapped for the period 1904-1964. Fault plane solutions for the main 1964 shock and 17 aftershocks are computed, graphed and CaMAI. discussed. BERG, E., see also No. 84953.
BERG, H., see No. 86365. 85556. BERG, H. C. Reconnaissance geochemistry of stream sediments from three areas near Juneau, Alaska. Menlo Park, Calif. 1964. 6 1. maps, tables. (U.S. Geological Survey. Report-open file ser. no. 719.) 3 refs. Reports on analyses of silt-sized sediments from 43 streams, to determine the relationship of trace-metal content to geologic terrane. Sediments derived chiefly from metamorphic rocks show higher modal nickel, zinc, and arsenic than do those from sedimentary or igneous rocks. DGS. BERG, H. C., see also Nos. 88277, 89147. 85557. BERG, L. S. Acrolepis macropoma n. sp., semelstvo Palaeoniscidae, iz tungusskikh otlozhenil Sibiri. (In. his: Izbrannye trudy 1962. v. 5, p. 394-96.) 7 refs. In Russian. Originally pub. in English as Acrolepis macropoma n. sp., fam. Palaeoniscidae, from the Tunguska coal basin, Siberia, in: Akademifi nauk SSSR. ser. biol. 1941, no. 3, p. 475-79, illus.) Title tr.: Acrolepis macropoma n. sp., fam. Palaeoniscidae, from the Tungusskiy deposits of Siberia. Describes this new species of Permian fish, found in the bank of the Dzhaltuli River, tributary to the Bakhta, Yenisey basin. This fish is close to the group of gen. Acropholis described in 1937 by Aldinger (No 215); only the operculum is much larger and lies much higher than the suboperculum. Systematic description is given and comparison made with other Permian fishes. The age is considered Lower Permian. DLC. 85558. BERG, L. S. Izbrannye trudy; tom 2-5. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958-1962. 4 v.: 426, 551, 746, 515 p. tables, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Selected works; v. 2-5. In sequence to No. 43973. Contains reprints of some 120 papers including individual chapters and excerpts from books, arranged by topic or geographic area, viz: physical geography in v 2, Soviet Central Asia, loess v 3, ichthyology v 4, biology, zoogeography, and paleo-ichthyology v 5. Of 27 papers dealing with northern areas, 15 are described in earlier volumes of this Bibliography as Nos 1386, 1388, 1395, 20597, 20601-20602, 20604-20605, 20607, 28083, 28085-28087, 28091, 43974. The others are abstracted supra and infra. DLC.
85559. BERG, L. S. Klimaticheskie poffisa Zemli. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1958. v. 2, p. 120-45, tables.) Approx. 50 refs. In Russian. First pub. in 1925. Title tr.: Climatic belts of the earth. Distinguishes ten belts or climatic zones in the lowlands of the Northern Hemisphere: tundra, taiga, forests of temperate zone or climate of oak, steppe, etc. Climate of tundra and taiga are characterized among others. Tundra has long and cold winters, short and cold summers, sparse precipitation, strong winds; average temperature of warmest month is not more than 10-12°C. Tundra occupies areas without forest, except that some islands of forest may occur in its southern parts. Areas occupied by tundra are reviewed. The taiga or "Siberian" climatic zone with coniferous forest vegetation is typical for Scandinavia above 60° N, European Russia north of Leningrad, almost all of Siberia, and North America above the upper Great Lakes. The continental taiga climate of East Siberia is more favorable to agriculture than the maritime as in Finland. Spring wheat is grown in Yakutia to 64° N; barley, potatoes, peas, also rye are produced in good crops on the Kolyma north of the Arctic Circle, cucumbers grow in open beds in Yakutsk and 100 km down the Lena River, etc. DLC. 85560. BERG, L. S. Nedavnie klimaticheskie kolebanifi i ikh vlifinie na ryb. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1962. v. 5, p. 149-59.) 60 refs. In Russian. Reprinted from Problemy fizicheskof geografii 1935. v. 2. Title tr.: Recent climatic fluctuations and their effects on the migration of fishes. Notes the north- and eastward range extensions in the 1920-1930's of several fishes. The salmon Salmo salar and cod Gadus morhua appeared in the Kara Bay, cod on the coasts of the Novaya Zemlya and Greenland; the pollack Pollachius sirens, herring C/upea harengus, and haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus on the coasts of Greenland; the molluscs Gibbula tumida and Acera bullata in Kola Bay etc. The warming trend since 1920 in the Arctic and Subarctic, especially in the Barents Sea is noted, as are its effects on fishes and other organisms. The quantity of ice in the Kara and East Siberian Seas, the Spitsbergen, Greenland areas is found less than previously observed. DLC. 85561. BERG, L. S. Nizhnetriasovye ryby Tungusskogo basselna. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1962. v. 5, p. 379-93, illus.) 17 refs.
In Russian. Originally pub. in English as Lower Triassic fishes of the Tunguska coal basin, Yenisei, Siberia, in: Akademifit nauk SSSR. Izvestia, ser. biol. 1941, no. 3, p. 458-74. Title tr.: Lower Triassic fishes of the Tungusskiy basin. Presents a systematic description of three species collected in the Nizhnyaya Tunguska region. They belong to three new genera in fam. Palaeoniscidae, Tungusichthyidae, and Pholidopleuridae. The age of these fishes is discussed. DLC. 85562. BERG, L. S. Novye dannye po biologii lososfa, Salmo salar. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1961. v. 4, p. 585-99, tables, illus.) 36 refs. In Russian. Reprinted from Uspekhi sovremennol biologii 1937. v. 6, no. 1, p. 5-19. Title tr.: New data on the biology of the salmon Salmo salar. Presents some new data on this important fish from studies of 1930-1935. Its variability is discussed including forms in the Barents and White Seas. Dimensions, color, form, etc are outlined. Salmon of Kola Peninsula are described, noting their spawning migration, life in the streams and their migration down to the sea again. DLC. 85563. BERG, L. S. 0 rasprostranenii ryby Myoxocephalus quadricornis L., iz seme!stva Cottidae, i o svfazannykh s etim voprosakh. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1962. v. 5, p. 160-74, maps, illus.) 40 refs. In Russian. First pub. in 1916. Title tr.: On distribution of the fish Myoxocephalus guadrieornis L. from fam. Cottidae and related problems. Describes geographic distribution of the four-horn sculpin known widely in coastal areas of the Arctic: Kola Bay, White Sea, coastal waters of Kanin and Kolguyev, Novaya Zemlya, New Siberian Islands, Chukotka, Greenland, Alaska, and elsewhere. It is also known in freshwater lakes of Sweden, Finland and the Great Lakes of North America. It is prominent in the fish stock of the Baltic Sea, and considered a relict of Yoldia time. Its variability and distribution in North America are discussed. DLC. 85564. BERG, L. S. Opyt razdelenifit Sibiri i Turkestana na landshaftnye i morfologicheskie oblasti. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1958. v. 2, p. 86-111, maps.) Approx. 60 refs. In Russian. First pub. in 1913. Title tr.: Tentative division of Siberia and Turkestan into landscape and morphologic provinces.
Presents two maps in color depicting the landscape zones and geomorphic provinces of this broad region, incl. arctic areas of the USSR such as Central Siberian upland, northern Siberian plain, Chukotka, Kamchatka, etc. DLC. 85565. BERG, L. S. Razdelenie palearktiki na zoogeograficheskie oblasti na osnovanii rasprostranenifil presnovodnykh ryb. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1962. v. 5, p. 203-210, map.) 5 refs. In Russian. First pub. in 1934. Title tr.: Division of the Paleoarctic into zoogeographic provinces according to the distribution of freshwater fishes. Distinguishes the Holarctic and three transition provinces: Amur, Mesopotamian and Syrian. Each is characterized, the predominant fishes noted. A circumpolar subprovince is distinguished consisting of the European, Siberian, Okhotsk-Kamchatka and Anadyr districts. DLC. 85566. BERG, L. S. Revizia form Pleuronectes flesus. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1961. v. 4, p. 204-209, illus.) Refs. In Russian. Originally pub. in French as Revision des formes de Pleuronectes flesus in: Spain. inst. espanol de oceanograffa. Notes y restimenes 1932. ser. 2, no. 58, p. 1-7. Title tr.: Revision of forms of Pleuronectes
flans. Includes a description of the morphology
and geographic distribution of two northern river plaice: P. flesus septentrionalis, which Suvorov found on the littoral of Kola and Kanin Peninsulas, north Norway and east of the Yenisey mouth; and P. flesus bogdanovi Sandeberg known from the White Sea and the rivers which flow into it. DLC. 85567. BERG, L. S. Ryby Kol'skogo poluostrova. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1961. v. 4, p. 336-56, table, illus.) 20 refs. In Russian. Reprinted from: Leningrad. Vses. n.-issl. inst. ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozfaistva. Izvestiffi 1948. v. 26, no. 2, p. 3-24. Title tr.: Fishes of Kola Peninsula. Presents systematic descriptions of 44 freshwater fishes. Their distribution in water systems of the Barents and White Sea basins is outlined. The more economically important fishes of the interior of the peninsula are salmon, pike, burbot, whitefish, salmon trout, etc. During 1930-1933 the average catch is estimated at about 5700 cwt/yr. DLC. 85568. BERG, L. S. Trias; ryby. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1962. v. 5, p. 447-58, tables.) 24 refs. In Russian. First pub. in 1947. Title tr.: Triassic era; fish.
Describes, among others, Lower Triassic fossil fish found in Greenland (transitional orders of Actinopterygii from Chondrostei to Holostei), Spitsbergen (mainly Chondrostei), and the Nizhnyaya Tunguska region: Evenkia fam. Palaeoniscidae, Tungusichthys fam. Tungusichthyidae, and Arclosomus fam. Pholidopleuridae. DLC. 85569. BERG, L. S. Zamechatel'nyl sluchal migrafiii u lososia. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1961. v. 4, p. 476-77, map.) In Russian. Reprinted from Priroda 1935, no. 10, p. 75-76 (Copy in DLC.) Title tr.: Remarkable case of salmon migration. Reports catch of a Salmo salar in the Vyg River, flowing into White Sea on 1 Aug. 1935. The fish, a female 88.5 cm in length weighing 7.1 kg had been tagged in the Trondheim Fjord region on June 10 of the same year. Study of the scales, etc established that the fish originated in the Vyg River, remained there for three yr, then at sea for three yr, spawned in the Vyg and migrated. The 2500 km journey after tagging was accomplished in about 50 days; the rate, 50 km/day is an important fact in the migration of this fish. DLC. BERG, L. S., see also No. 90986. 85570. BERG, M. Laks og innlandsfiske. (Norske turiatforening. Arbok 1963, p. 99113, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Salmon and inland fishing. Discusses the fishing capacity of streams and lakes in northern Norway and other factors including occupance of the region which may affect the stocks. The best salmon streams are enumerated. There are more than a hundred good streams, but the use of nylon nets and other equipment at sea has depleted the stock; only pole and fly are permitted for inland fishing; numbers and size must be regulated. Mature fish in the streams in the fall are at times too few to maintain the population. Tourist fishing could be developed to yield greater income to the region than a local fishing industry. Possible effects of water regulation and industrial development should be considered. Though salmon is the main attraction, the area has a wide variety of freshwater sport fish. DLC. 85571. BERG, R. A. The primary distribution of Alaska's fisheries production. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1965 pub. 1966, p. 223-32.) Reports improvements and changes in freight transportation between Alaska and
the coterminous United States and Canada and which are described as bringing about a virtual transportation revolution. Major adjustments and improvements in freight rates and handling methods Feb 1962— Feb 1965 (20 listed) include new jet air services, port transit improvements, containerization, vanships; train ferries and barge services between Alaskan ports, Prince Rupert, New Westminster, and Seattle; the marine highway autoliner service; direct trucking services to the Midwest states, and special services for the Kodiak fishing industry. Terminal and equipment modernizations are also cited and the effect of these changes upon the Alaskan fisheries industry assessed. They are expected to intensify centralization tendencies as small outports and fishing centers become increasingly uneconomic. CaMAI. 85572. BERGEN, J. The granite towers of the Arrigetch, Brooks Range. (American alpine journal 1965. v. 14, no. 2, p. 315-19, illus.) Recounts the unsuccessful 1963 expedition to these 7000-8000 ft unclimbed peaks in Northern Alaska; and outlines the better results of the 1964 expedition, enlarged to two groups of four persons each. Rugged terrain, .dense underbrush, streams, heat, and long daylight hampered movement. First ascents of seven peaks were made 5-19 July, 1964. CaMAI, DLC. 85573. BERGER, T. S., and G. P. NIZOVfgEV. 0 nakhozhdenii bol'shoT peschanki, Hyperoplus lanceolatus Lesauvage, u beregov Zapadnogo ShpiFsbergena. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1965, v. 5, no. 4, p. 722-23, table.) 5 refs. In Rusian. Title tr.: Occurrence of the greater sand lance off the coast of Vestspitsbergen. Notes the distribution of Hyperoplus lanceolatus, its northern limits: IcelandNorwegian coast. Brief description is given of a specimen caught at the end of Sept 1963 at 79°03' N 10°10' E. DLC. 85574. BERGER, T. S. Uslovita obitanila treski v Medvezhinsko-Shpiabergenskom ralone v 1964 g. (Materialy rybokhozeilstvennykli issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1965. no. 5, p. 25-27, table, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Environmental conditions of cod in the BjOrnOya-Spitsbergen area in 1964. Notes the progressive cooling of this area's water since mid-1962, its effect upon the feeding and fatness of cod, on its wintering movements in 1964, and shoals. DLC.
BERGERON, R., see No. 91469. 85575. BERGERON, T. The possible role of snowdrift in building up high inland icesheets. (Progress in oceanography 1965. v. 3, p. 385-90, graphs, map, sections.) 5 refs. Postulates on theoretic grounds and empirical data from Greenland (Eismitte I) and Jan Mayen that up to two-thirds of the accumulation in the crest region of Greenland must be due to other factors than true snowfall, principally snowdrift. Snowdrift is considered probably fundamental to the whole buildup and maintenance of the Greenland ice dome and probably also of other large ice sheets. DGS. 85576. BERGERUD, A. T., and H. L. RUSSELL. Evaluation of rumen food analysis for Newfoundland caribou. (Journal of wildlife management 1964. v. 28, no 4, p. 809-814, tables.) 6 refs. Reports on an investigation of rumen food analysis techniques. It revealed that the larger plant fragments are not representative of the entire rumen content, because of differential digestion between plant groups. Four captive animals fed known diets were DLC. also used in the study. 85577. BERGERUD, A. T. A field method to determine annual parturition rates for Newfoundland caribou. (Journal of wildlife management 1964. v. 28, no. 3, p. 47780, tables, graph, illus.) 4 refs. Describes a way of distinguishing by the size of the udder between does parous in the current year (large udder) and those nonparous (no visible udder). The method was used to determine parturition rate in the period 1957-1963. DLC. 85578. BERGERUD, A. T., and others. Immobilization of Newfoundland caribou and moose with succinycholine chloride and Cap-Chur equipment. (Journal of wildlife management 1964. v. 28, no. 1, p. 49-53, table, graphs, illus.) 4 refs. Other authors: A. Butt, H. L. Russell and H. Whalen. Authors describe the use of this chloride in CO2-propelled darts from commercial Cap-Chur equipment. 112 caribou and 31 moose were captured and marked by this method. Effective dosages are given for both species. DLC. 85579. BERGERUD, A. T. Relationship of mandible length to sex in Newfoundland caribou. (Journal of wildlife management 1964. v. 28, no. 1, p. 54-56, tables, graphs, illus.)
In this study of diastema, length and dentary bone length, only the latter was of sufficient accuracy for sex determination: but a single overlap occurred in 149 samples of various ages. Exclusion of the 2 to 3-yearold males enhanced the efficacy of the techDLC. nique. BERGMAN, H. C., see No. 86157. 85580. BERGSLAND, K. Morphological analysis and syntactical reconstruction in Eskimo-Aleut. (Int. Congress of Linguists 8th, Cambridge, Mass. 1962. Proceedings pub. 1964, p. 1009-1015.) 12 refs. Comparative linguistic study of Eskimo and Aleut verb forms and verbal construcDLC. tions. 85581. BERIOT, A. Grands voiliers autour du monde; les voyages scientifiques 17601850. Paris, editions du Pont Royal 1962. 295 p. maps, illus. Refs. In French. Title tr.: Great sailing ships around the world; scientific voyages 1760-1850. Presents a detailed account of approx 30 Scientific voyages and expeditions during this period. The arctic region is represented by the voyages of Cook, La Perouse, Malaspina and Bustamente, Dupetit Thouars, Kruzenshtern, Kocsebu, Litke, Beechey and Belcher. Much of the narrative, particularly of the less well-known expeditions, is based upon contemporary in color show the routes of records. Map s the voyages. An exceptional feature is the illustrative material, which consists of several hundred contemporary paintings, drawings, portraits and prints from numerous collections in several countries. Among the arctic subjects illus are several of Alaska, including Unalaska, Sitka, St Paul Island, St Lawrence Island and the Gulf of Kotzebue. A comprehensive bibliography of approx 500 items including DLC. unpub mss is appended. 85582. BERKEY, F. T., and R. PAR'FHASARATHY. An investigation of selected types of radiowave absorption events in the auroral zone. College, Alaska 1964. 99 1. map, graphs, tables, illus. (Alaska. Univ. Geophysical Inst. Geophys. research report 151.) 42 refs. Describes the general features of highlatitude absorption, noting the four categories of phenomena observed: sudden cosmic noise absorption (SCNA) events, polar cap absorption (PCA) phenomena, sudden commencement absorption (SCA), and auroral absorption (AA) phenomena. Nature and origin of the first three types
are known. Three types of AA phenomena are established by this study, also their variation in space, time, and magnitude. Types F (flash-like), S (smoothly varying), and P (pulsating) are described and correlated with magnetic disturbances and visible aurora, according to 1961-1963 riometer records from four Alaskan stations and the Macquarie Island conjugate point located in Chukchi Sea. Type F absorption events can be useful in identifying conjugate pairs. Multiple frequency data for the type F and S events show that the ionization extends well below the altitude of the associated visual auroral displays. DGS. BERKEY, F. T., see also Nos. 84952, 90614, 90616, 90618, 90619. BERKMAN, S. C., see No. 92006. 85583. BERLANT, A. M., and L. F. LITVIN. Primenenie kartograficheskogo metoda dlfa' izuchenifft. novelshikh tektonicheskikh dvizhenil. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1964. v. 19, ser. 5: geog. no. 3, p. 31-38, maps.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Application of cartographic method to the study of latest tectonic movements. Reviews the morphometric method worked out by V. P. Filosofov to search out tectonic structures on the basis of study of large scale topographic maps. Using this method, recent tectonic movements for the Mezen' and Pechora depressions and the Vilyuy syneclise are estimated and mapped. Areas of submersion and uplift are distinguished. DLC. 85584. BERMAN, L. L. Podzemnye l'dy severnol chasti Kolymskol nizmennosti. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geog . . . Podzemnyl led 1965. no. 1, p. 112-19, profile.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ground ice in the northern part of the Kolyma lowland. Reports a field study in the lower Kolyma basin, north of Omolon and Anyuy. This is a typical tundra plain with severe climate and ground ice. The coastal zone, drained zone, flooded meadows, lake-polygonal plain, lake-thermokarst plain are distinguished and described. Each of these surfaces is characterized by a distinct type of ground ice. CaON-B, DLC. 85595. BERNARD, H. W., and J. J. KELLEY. Some observations of soil temperature at Barrow, Alaska; final report. Seattle, Wash. 1964. 35 p. tables. (Washington, State, Univ. Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences. Report no. 4.) 2 refs.
Reports a study of representative plots of tundra soils (gravel, dry grass, green grass, pond) and presents observations for 11 July-26 Sept. 1962 (p. 6-35) with details of equipment, location and ecology of sites and method of recording. CaMAI. BERNATIKII, V., see No. 92706. 85586. BERNSHTAM, T. A. Ob odnol khudozhestvennoT tradi&ii na Arkhangel'skom Severe v xviii-xix vv (Sovetskafe, etnografifit 1965, no. 3, p. 124-38, tables, illus.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: An art tradition of the 18-19th centuries in the Arkhangel'sk North. Study of the ornamentation of spinning equipment from the Letniy Coast of the White Sea and islands of the Severnaya Dvina estuary, based on museum holdings and a collection made in 1962 by the Leningrad State Museum. Contour and relief patterns, open work and figured ornaments are described; Nenets Samoyed, Lappish, and Zyryan influences noted. A certain local character distinguishes the objects despite diversity in shape and design, and the name White Sea (belomorska1) group is proposed for this art DLC. tradition. 85587. BERNSHTE1N, L. B. Perspektivy isporzovanifii prilivnoT energii Belogo morfit. (Problemy Severn 1965. no. 9, p. 167-81, map, tables, illus.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Outlook for utilizing the tidal energy of the White Sea. Reports plans for a tidal electric station at Lumbovskaya Bay in eastern Kola Peninsula; a 5.2 km. long dam is to be built to isolate 70 km.2 of water with tidal waves up to 7.24 m. high, and capacity of 800 million kwb. Meanwhile, a small experiment station with 1 km.2 aquatorium under construction at Kislaya Bay (66°32' N. 33°06' E.) since 1963 is to be finished in 1966. Plans for several other tidal electric stations in the White Sea area are outlined. DLC. BERNSHTEIN, M. A., see No. 92442. 85588. BERREMAN, G. D. Aleut reference group alienation, mobility, and acculturation. (American anthropologist 1964. v. 66, no. 2, p. 231-50.) 44 refs. Study of changes in ethnic affiliation during acculturation process as observed in 1952 and 1962 at Nikolski, an Aleut village of about 60 people long in close contact with whites. A trend toward identification with the dominant culture is noted. Factors
determining individual behavior, degree of integration, incidence of emigration, adoption or rejection of alien norms, stress and social insecurity, etc. are discussed and evaluated. DSI. 85589. BERRY, F. L. Into headless valley. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 10, p. 14-17, +, illus.) Describes an exploratory expedition in the South Nahanni River area of Mackenzie District by a five-man unit of the Canadian Army in Sept. 1963. The party traveled upriver from its mouth at Nahanni Butte to 60 mi. beyond Virginia Falls in a 27-ft. outboard riverboat of plywood and fiberglass. Landscape, navigation conditions, portages, weather, etc. are noted. DLC. 85590. BERRY, L. J., and D. S. SMYTHE. Effect of cold on blood clearance of carbon and bacteria of different virulence. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 14 p. tables. (U.S. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-64-14.) 19 refs. Mice kept singly and without bedding at 5° C. for 2-72 hr., cleared carbon or low virulence Salmonella typhimurium (RIA) slower than room-temperature controls. This explains the greater susceptibility to RIA infection of mice exposed to cold. CaMAI. 85591. BERRY, L. J. The effect of environmental temperature on lethality of endotoxin and its effect on body temperature. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 17 p. tables, graphs. (U.S. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TR-65-12.) 17 refs. Reports on the effect of Serratia marcescens endotoxin on mice exposed to low (5° C.), high, and several moderate temperatures. Results suggest that the endotoxin sensitizes the mice to cold or heat and not vice versa. Liver tryptophan pyrrolase activity was suppressed at extreme temCaMAI. peratures. 85592. BERRY, L. J., and D. S. SMYTHE. Enzyme induction and cortisone protection in endotoxin-poisoned mice at 25° C. compared with that at 5° C. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 17 p. tables. (U.S. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-64-8.) 21 refs. Study in part of low temperature effects: mice kept at 25° C. are protected against endotoxin when the hormone is given at the same time as the poison. This is not the case in mice kept at 5° C., apparently due to the failure to induce or maintain tryptophan pyrrolase activity in the coldadapted group. CaMAI.
85593. BERRY, L. J. Influence of cortisone on glyconeogenesis, endotoxin lethality and tryptophan pyrrolase induction in coldexposed mice. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1964. 13 p. tables. (U.S. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-64-5.) 23 refs. Reports experiments with mice exposed singly, without bedding, to 5° C. for five hr. periods, with controls kept at 25° C. The findings indicate an impaired capacity of protein (enzyme) synthesis in the coldCaMAL stressed group. 85594. BERRY, L. J. Some metabolic aspects of tolerance to endotoxin and the effect of low temperature. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 25 p. tables. (U.S. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TR-65-4.) 33 refs. Account of experiments with mice, indicating inter alia that when exposed to cold they are capable of becoming tolerant to endotoxin, despite increased sensitivity to it. Cold-acclimation reduces this sensitivity. CaMAI. 85595. BERRY, W. D. Deneki, an Alaskan moose. New York, Macmillan 1965. unpaged. illus. Well illus. and informative story of the moose from birth through the first year of life, including habitat, ecology, etc. DLC.
and defends the proposal that Greenlandic should not be taught until the third year. This would not be mandatory but dependent on the parents' wishes. Experience indicates that concentrated teaching of Danish from an early age is necessary for satisfactory results. There is no risk that Greenlandic would suffer as a result. DLC. BERTHOU, J., see No. 89081. 85598. BERWICK, V. K., and others. Magnitude and frequency of floods in Alaska south of the Yukon River. Washington D.C., Govt. Print. Office 1964. 15 p. map, graphs, tables. (U.S. Geological Survey. Circular 493.) 6 refs. Other authors: J. M. Childers and M. A. Kuentzel. Relates floods of various magnitudes within this region to probable recurrence intervals of 1.1-50 yr. Flood magnitudes are also expressed as a ratio to mean annual flood. Three sub-regions are defined on the basis of physiographic-climatic criteria and for each sub-region graphs are presented defining the relation between mean annual flood and drainage area. These three curves in combination with a flood frequency curve based on flood records provide a method for the prediction of flood magnitude and recurrence, for design, structural engineering and similar purposes. DGS.
BERSOHN, I., see No. 85112. BERZIN, N. A., see No. 88806. 85596. BERTHELSEN, A. On the geology of the country around Ivigtut, SW-Greenland. (Geologische Rundschau 1962 pub. 1963. v. 52, no. 1, p. 269-80, table, maps.) 20 refs. German and French summary. Also pub. as: Greenland. Geologiske undersOgelse. Misc. papers no. 41. Discusses the geologic environment of the Ivigtut cryolite deposit. The mineralization is associated with an alkali granite stock emplaced in older rocks. The geochronology of emplacement is considered, the regional geology is mapped, and sketches show the structural control exerted by gneissic rocks. The formation of the cryolite is shown to have taken place within an already consolidated and dike-cut, granite stock. Other findings of a regional survey are briefly mentioned. DLC. BERTHELSEN, A., see also No. 90970. 85597. BERTHELSEN, C. Hvor meget dansk og hvor meget grOnlandsk? (GrOnland 1965, no. 10, p. 346-53.) In Danish. Title tr.: How much Danish and how much Greenlandic? Discusses the article by Kleivan qv,
85599. BESCHEL, R. E. Hummocks and their vegetation in the high Arctic. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 13-20, table, graphs, illus.) 25 refs. Describes studies in 1960, 1962 of various hummock types on slopes on Axel Heiberg Island and Fosheim Peninsula of Ellesmere Island. Relationships between the structure of hummocks and vegetation were particularly investigated. The perpetual instability of the soil due to frost action induces a great variety of plant groupings. Hummocks are classified into three groups: those developed by growth, including peat hummocks; those developed by erosion,including clay hummocks and Dryas hummocks; and earth hummocks the development of which is problematic. Cassiope hummocks, an example of the third type, are described in detail, as they are prevalent in the area studied. Snowpatch and graminoid types are also distinguished. Experiments to investigate morphologic change and gradation of types are described, and the problem of a hummock succession over time is discussed at length. A hypothesis is proposed
that hummock growth may occur by deposition of dust on vegetation after the manner of loess, with the width of the hummock governed by soil water content and depth of thaw, cells of definite size being formed by thermal contraction. CaMAI. BESCHEL, R. E., see also No. 84954. 85600. BESPROZVANNAg, A. S. Geograficheskoe raspredelenie pogloshchenifa avroral'nogo tipa po dannym vertikal'nogo zondirovanifa ionosfery. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 20, p. 68-74, tables, graphs, maps.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geographical distribution of auroral type absorption according to data from vertical sounding of the ionosphere. Relationship between deviation of polar absorption from normal levels and changes in the ionospheric absorption was investigated using data from 28 polar stations. These data were divided into three groups as winter, equinox time of Mar.—Apr. and Sept.—Oct., and summer May—Aug. They show the existence of two absorption maxima, as a function of latitude. The basic max. deviations are found in the Alaska region; relatively smaller ones are recorded at the Tiksi Bay. Increased absorption is observed during magnetic storms. The regions of strong and weak absorption are subject to longitudinal displacement during the world-time hours. The characteristics of the second absorption maxima are also briefly investigated. DLC. 85601. BESPROZVANNAIA, A. S., and G. N. GORBUSHINA. Neregularnye favlenifa i vozmushchenifil v ionosfere vysokikh shirot. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet. Ionosfernye issle. Sbornik statel 1965. no. 14, p. 94-99, graphs, maps.) 3 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Irregular phenomena and disturbances in the high latitude ionosphere. Reports the results of statistical analysis of spatial-temporal distribution of anomalous absorption, sporadic ionization in E region, and disturbances of the F2 layer during sunlit and dark periods of the day. Ionospheric disturbances are analyzed on the basis of vertical sounding data obtained at more than 30 ionospheric stations north of 50° lat. during IGY. DLC. 85602. BESSI, V. Pescatori italiani fra i ghiacci della Groenlandia. (Vie del mondo 1964. v. 26, no. 2, p. 135-48, illus.) In Italian. Title tr.: Italian fishermen in Greenland ice.
Photoreportage of winter trawling mainly on Little Hellefiskebanke off Sukkertoppen, cod fishing and drying techniques, encounters with French, Norwegian, British, and Russian boats, etc. DLC. 85603. BETESHEVA, E. I., and N. I. SERGIENKO. 0 morfologii zheludka i kishechnika zubatykh kitov. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1964. v. 43, no. 6, p. 918-26, table, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Morphology of the stomach and intestine of toothed whales. Gross and microscopic description of the digestive tract of Physeter catodon, Berardius bairdii and Ziphius cavirostri,s. Although they feed on similar food, the stomach shows considerable differences in the three species; it consists of 3, 9 and 13 parts respectively. The length of the intestine in the first species is 12. 3-14. 6 times that of the body; in the second species 9 times; in the third 4.8 times. DLC. 85604. BETTS, W. J. The dreamer who lost a town. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 7, p. 24-26, +, illus.) Relates the experiences of Captain Bill (William) Moore with the boom town of Skagway in Southeast Alaska in the 1890's. He had established a homestead in 1888 at the head of the Lynn Canal on the way to White Pass, shortest route to the Yukon. He expected a gold strike in the Yukon and his land to become a townsite. When the Klondike gold rush developed, he made no fortune selling lots, as the gold rushers ignored his claim, even surveyed a street to run through his cabin. Moore prospered however, by building a dock and warehouse, and several years later won his case in the U.S. District Court. DLC. 85605. BETTS, W. J. Klondike photographer. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 12, p. 16-19, illus.) Account of Asahel Curtis who photographed the gold rushes at Dawson, Yukon Territory and Nome, Alaska from 1897 to 1901. Some of his work is reproduced; several hundred of his photos are displayed at the Washington State Historical Society's museum and library at Tacoma. DLC. BETZ, R. K., see Nos. 84953, 91170. BEVAN, D. E., see Nos. 91639, 92521, 92522. 85606. BEVERTON, R. J. H., and A. J. LEE. The influence of hydrographic and other factors on the distribution of cod on
the Spitsbergen shelf. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 225-45, tables, graphs, maps.) 11 refs. Reports investigations in the BjOrn0Ya Ilopen-Svalbard region during 1953-1955, a period of successive cold-warm-cold years. The cod were found to be confined, both on a broad scale and locally, to the relatively warm Atlantic water of 1.5-2° C. Changes in their movements correspond to those of this water. Aggregations within a tolerable hydrograpbic area were caused by concentrations of preferred food, herring or euphausiids. Earlier findings on the lack of cod in water colder than 1.5-2.0° C. are confirmed. CaMAL BEYERS, N. J., see No. 89878. BEZKARAVAINYI, V. G., see No. 85785.
85607. BEZNOSIKOV, N. Pervye shagi kul'turnol revolCuati v Komi krae, 1918-1920 gg. (Istoriko-filologicheskil sbornik 1960. no. 6, p. 50-67.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Beginnings of the cultural revolution in the Komi region, 1918-1920. Describes school reforms of the Civil War period: standardization of diverse school types into elementary and secondary schools, introduction of a uniform curriculum including vocational training, replacement of Russian by Zyryan as vehicle of instruction in the elementary grades, selection of the Ust'-Sysol'sk (Syktyvkar) dialect as literary language, etc. Teacher training textbooks, illiteracy, party political and educational work, organization of libraries and reading rooms, newspaper publication, rise of national literature, etc. are discussed. DLC. Tempera85608. BEZUGLAIL E. turnye inversii nad territoriel Kralnego severo-vostoka SSSR. (Vladivostok. Dal'nevostochnyl n.-issl. gidrometeorologicheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 19, p. 154-71, tables, graphs, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Temperature inversions over the territory of the far Northeast of the USSR. Outlines temperature inversions in the troposphere to 2-3 km. height from radiosonde data of nine stations. The occurrence, height of the inversion layer, its thickness and intensity, origin and annual distribution of inversions are analyzed. Their occurrence is 80-100% in the colder half of year. Three regions are distinguished, the continental (Seymchan, Susuman), the coastal area of Okhotsk Sea and the northeastern
(Anadyr, Provideniya Bay and Cape Shmidta.). In the continental region, the inversion max. is in winter and min. in summer. In the Okhotsk region, inversions have two max. and two rain. DLC. 85609. BIANKI, V. V. Chislennost' i razmeshchenie massovykh morskikh pti& v zapadnol chasti Belogo morta. (Problemy ispol'zovanica promyslovykh resursov Belogo morfa i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii 1963. no. 1, p. 161-67, table, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: Number and distribution of common marine birds in the western part of the White Sea. Reviews earlier studies and reports own 1960-1961 observations on birds nesting on 320 islands of the area. Nine species (plover, turnstone, oyster-catcher, skua, gulls, tern, auk) appearing in great numbers are considered, the location and size of the colonies, preferred habitats, and effects of human exploitation, etc. are indicated. DLC. 85610. BIANKI, V. V. Materialy po migraaii ptia v Kandalakshskom zalive. (In: Pribaltilskafa ornitologicheskaa . . . 1959, p. 21-30, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Materials on bird migration over the Kandalaksha Bay. Describes the northwestern part of the Bay where 103 species were observed during 1955-1957. Grouping of migrating birds, migration periods, first migrants, and nesting in relation to migration are considered in turn. Birds wintering in polynyas are also noted. DLC. 85611. BIANKI, V. V., and T. V. KOSHKINA. 0 pitanii iastrebinol sovy. (Kandalakshskil gos. zapovednik. Trudy 1960. v. 3, p. 113-17, tables.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The food of the hawk owl. Describes location of a nest of Surnia ulula, the young, and the diet as determined from feces: mainly small rodents, DLC. common local voles, rats, etc. 85612. BIANKI, V. V. Prolet ptia v okrestnostfakh s. Vir'my osen'a 1958 g. (Kandalakshskil gos. zapovednik. Trudy 1960. v. 3, p. 175-90, tables, graphs, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bird flights in the area of Vir'ma village, fall 1958. Reports on this locality on Onego, Bay, its physiography and weather, and on observations of some hundred thousand birds. Data are presented for the larger groups: the eiders, snipes, geese, gulls, passerine birds, the last treated in detail. General trends in the number of migrants are noted. DLC.
85613. BIANKI, V. V., and T. D. GERASIMOVA. Rezul'taty kol'Esevanifi ptifs v Kandalakshskom zapovednike za period s 1936 po 1958 god. (Kandalakshskil gos. zapovednik. Trudy 1960. v. 3, p. 199-262, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Results of bird banding in the Kandalaksha Preserve during 1936-1958. Outlines the development of the Preserve and of this banding project; its scope and results are presented in tabular form. The work was done in Kandalaksha Bay (mostly), Barents Sea and Novaya Zemlya. Data include: age of birds, numbers and dates of releases and returns. Separate tables offer details about the latter. DLC. 85614. BIANKI, V. V. Zima na Severe. (Priroda 1964. v. 53, no. 1, p. 124-25.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Winter in the North. Describes bird life in the Kandalaksha city region: snowy owls early and rock ptarmigan late in Dec., dippers usually rare but numerous in Oct. 1961, guillemots in Dec.—Jan., etc. Winterers were numerous in 1956-57, 1958-59, and 1962-63. Some had been tagged as nestlings on Sem' Ostrovov DLC. and Novaya Zemlya. 85615. BIAYS, P. Les marges de l'oekoumelte dans l'est du Canada. Quebec, Presses de l'Univ. Laval 1964. 760 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Laval Univ. Centre d'etudes nordiques. Travaux et documents no. 2.) 1185 refs. In French. Title tr.: The limits of the ecumene in eastern Canada. Comprehensive geographical study of the relationships and interaction of physical and human factors in the settlement and economic development of the eastern part of the Canadian Shield and Newfoundland. The region defined includes all Quebec Province north of a line from Tadoussac to the Terniscamingue, also Labrador, Newfoundland, and the Ontario Clay belt. The physiographic and climatic environment is considered in detail with maps and diagrams; this includes the influence of soils, temperature, amount and duration of snow, and ice conditions both riverine and marine. Navigation conditions on the Labrador coast are considered at length with maps of sea ice and iceberg distribution as affected by changes in ocean currents. The historical patterns of growth and decline of three main settlement types are analyzed in detail with many illus., town plans and dot distribution maps: agricultural settlements incl. planned pioneer colonies and the development of the Abitibi farming area;
fishing settlements; and mining towns with their associated ports. Major attention is given to the mining developments in the vicinity of Chibougamou and recent settlements on the north shore of the St. Lawrence estuary. Migration patterns of both whites and Eskimos in Labrador are analyzed. There are 20 statistical appendices, and a bibliography of 1185 entries about a quarter in French, and 20 folding maps of various climatic, agricultural, demographic and administrative data. The work is a definitive text in its field. CaMAL 85616. BIBIK, A. E. Geologo-ekonomicheskafit effektivnost' poiskovo-razvedochnykh rabot na neft' i gaz na territorii Timano-Pechorskol gazoneftenosnol oblasti. (Leningrad. Vses. neftanol n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyl inst. Trudy 1964. v. 237, p. 303-311, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: The geological and economic effectiveness of prospecting-exploration work for oil and gas in the Timan-Pechora gas-oilbearing region. Reviews various types of prospecting in this area during 1946-1961. Drillings, seismic, electric, gravimetric and geologic surveys are reported and their costs for various years are given. The gas and oil deposits found are described. The prospecting-exploration work is considered in effectiveness and high in cost as compared with that in other regions of the USSR. This is explained by the difficult physicalgeographic conditions of the region, insufficient organizational work, not enough DLC. use of geophysical methods, etc. 85617. BIBIKOVA, E V., and others. 0 vozraste Karel'sko! formafsii. (Geokbimif?t 1964, no. 8, p. 754-57, tables, graph.) 4 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: A. I. Tugarinov, S. I. Zykov and G. L. Mel'nikova. Title tr.: Age of the Karelian formation. Reports absolute age determination of basal conglomerates of the Yatulian formation collected in the Medvezh'yegorsk region and tested by the Pb-U method. Sedimentation of the Middle Proterozoic rocks began about 188 m. y.; and 2850 ± 150 m. y. is given as the upper limit for the lower Karelides, on whose washed-out surface lie the Yatulian conglomerates. DLC. BIBIKOVA, E. V., see also No. 93299. 85618. BIDZHIEV, R. A. 0 raspredelenii "malykh" khimieheskikh elementov v filrskikh i nizhnemelovykh otlozhenifilkh Priverkhofanskogo progiba. (Akademifa nauk
SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 157, no. 1, p. 11215, graphs.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the distribution of "minor" chemical elements in the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits in the Verkhoyansk trough. Reports a 1957-1962 study: 346 samples geochemically investigated were found to consist of sandstones, clays, limestones and coals. Distribution of chemical elements Mn, V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Ti, Ba, Sr, Ca, and others is shown as determined in Jurassic marine shallow water deposits and Jurassic and Cretaceous coal-bearing strata. Study of facies of these deposits is in agreement DLC. with the geochemical study. 85619. BIDZHIEV, R. A. 0 zonal'nom raschlenenii furskikh otlozbenil severe PriverkhoEmskogo kraevogo progiba. (Geologifa i geofizika 1965, no 4, p. 49-57, table.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On zonal subdivision of the Jurassic deposits in the north of the Verkhoyansk trough. Presents a new, more detailed stratigraphic division of Jurassic deposits according to stages, substages and faunal zones for the eastern part of the Siberian platform and the Verkhoyansk folded zone. This division is correlated with northwestern Europe and comparison made with Greenland, Alaska and the Canadian Arctic archipelago. DLC.
takes place with decrease in solar activity. Using literature data and that recorded at the Murmansk, Moscow, Simeiz, and Alma-Ata stations, the authors evaluate cosmic-energy intensity variations by normalizing the data to that of the Murmansk station. Cosmic-ray intensity increases are found connected with a decrease in solar activity. The sharp increase in cosmicray intensity in 1961 can be explained by the sharp decrease in solar activity for the DLC. same year. 85622. BIKKENINA, D. A. Bitumy Kuonamskol (bituminoznoI) svity fflzhnogo sldona Anabarskol anteklizy akutii. (Geologifiii geofizika 1964, no. 12, p. 38-43, tables.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bitumens of the Kuonamskaya series in the southern slope of the Anabar anteclise in Yakutia. Reports on the elementary and group composition of bitumens from this series of Lower-Middle Cambrian age in outcrops of the Olenek River region. Data are tabulated on solid and liquid methane-naphthene and aromatic hydrocarbons. Those of lowboiling point also are characterized. DLC.
BIGELOW, W. G., see No. 89542.
85623. BILELLO, M. A. Ice prediction curves for lake and river locations in Canada. Hanover, N. H. 1964. 52 p. map, graphs, tables. U.S. Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 129.) 8 refs. Develops a series of curves to provide a simple operational method for predicting ice formation at one bay, ten lake, and 17 river locations (12 arctic) in Canada. Fort Good Hope on the Mackenzie River is used as an example. The numerical constants necessary to develop these curves were obtained from a relationship between mean daily air temperatures and previously observed dates of ice formation. First appearance of ice in the fall and date of complete ice coverage are considered. Procedure is discussed in detail; a daily-adjusted temperature record is applied to the family of curves to provide a day-to-day forecast of the date of ice CaMAI. formation.
85621. BIKINEEV, A. M., and others. Issledovanie energeticheskogo spektra dopolnitel'nogo potoka chastits, poiltvlffiushchikhsli pri umen'shenii solnechnol aktivnosti. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Izvestifd 1965. ser. fiz. v. 29, no. 10, p. 1907-1908, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: E. V. Kolomeefi and V. A. Likhoded. Title tr.: Investigation of the energy spectrum of additional particle flux which
85624. BILELLO, M. A. Ice thickness observations in the North American Arctic and Subarctic. Hanover, N. H. 1964-1966, 112, 103 p. maps, tables, illus. (U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Special report 43, pt. 2-3.) Refs. Part 1 prepared 1961 (CRREL files) described the initiation and expansion of the ice-thickness measurement network in Canada (by May 1960, 30 locations), also
85620. BIDZHIEV, R. A. Pervye nakhodki kimeridzhskikh ammonitov v Priverkhofilnskom progibe. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regionarnafil geologifit no. 5, p. 193-95.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: First finds of Kimmeridgian ammonites in the Verkhoyansk trough. Reports six specimens of lower Kimmeridgian ammonites found in the lower Lena basin in 1962: Antoeboceras kitchini Self., A. aldingeri Spath, etc. They suggest that a shallow marine basin with series of bays existed in northern Siberia in the DLC. lower Kimmeridgian.
the measuring equipment and observational procedures; data tables and maps for 19581960 were given. Pt. 2 for 1960-61 and 1961-62 continues the record with 50 stations incl. 16 in Alaska, two in East Greenland. Data on lake, river, and fast sea-ice thickness, snow depth, etc. are presented; maps show max. in cm. for four winters. Sketches of 23 measurement sites are appended. Open water conditions or indications are illus. Pt. 3 for 1962-63 and 1963-64 by Bilello and R. E. Bates includes data from three new stations in Alaska and one in Ontario. Besides types of information supra, this report gives also such on surface-ice conditions: occurrence of cracks, dates of first ice, freeze over, breakup. CaMAI, DWB. 85625. BILELLO, M. A. Method for predicting river and lake ice formation. (Journal of applied meteorology 1964. v. 3, no. 1, p. 38-44, map, graphs, tables.) 9 refs. Develops two sets of curves, to be used in forecasting the dates of the first appearance of ice in the fall, and the shore-to-shore ice in the Mackenzie River at Fort Good Hope. Similar curves, based on the same method, can be derived for sheltered harbor, lake, and river locations. The numerical constants needed to develop these curves were obtained from a relationship between mean daily air temperatures and previously observed dates of ice formation. Method of applying the curves is described; limitations and precautions are also noted. DLC. BILELLO, M. A., see also No. 85435. 85626. BILIBIN, fi7. A. Geologia rossypel Dal'nego Vostoka i fAkutii. (In his: Izbrannye trudy, 1961, p. 266-85.) In Russian. Title tr.: Geology of placers of Far East and Yakutia. Describes placer deposits of the Dzhugdzhur Range, Aldan and Amur River basins. Each province is analyzed. In Dzhugdzhur two main types of placers are established as interglacial and postglacial and divided into smaller categories. Aldan placers are found also to be of two main types: normal alluvial and karst; both are characterized. DLC. 85627. BILIBIN, fit. A. Geomorfologicheskil ocherk Allakh-Mn'skogo zolotonosnogo raTona. (Tn his: Izbrannye trudy, 1961, p. 227-65.) 5 refs. In Russian. First pub. in 1939. Title tr.: Geomorphic outline of the Allakh-Yun' gold-bearing region.
Outlines the geomorphology of the region from the Aldan east to the Aldan-Okhotsk watershed between 59°30' and 62° N. It includes the Setta-Daban Range and part of the Dzhugdzhur Range. Its orohydrographic characteristics are analyzed, noting relief forms and their main features. Three glaciations are established, an old general ice cover and two valley glaciations. Their moraines and other features are characterized. Morphology of river valleys is treated in some detail. Three types of valley are distinguished and described. Quaternary history of the region is summarized. Manifestation of gold placers is noted. DLC. 85628. BILIBIN, ft. A. Izbrannye trudy, tom 3. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1961. 518 p. tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Selected works, v. 3. In sequence to No. 56907. Contains 24 papers on general and regional metallogeny; incl. six on northern areas abstracted supra, infra; four of them, though written in the 1930-1940's, are pub for the first time in this posthumous DLC. edition. 85629. BILIBIN, fri. A. K istorii Kolymskikh priiskov. (In his: Izbrannye trudy, 1961, p. 195-206.) In Russian. Title tr.: On the history of the Kolyma ore fields. Reviews the search for gold in Kolyma River basin since 1917, particularly the 1928 expedition under author's leadership. The transportation difficulties, areas searched, successes and failures are recounted, as are some discoveries in the Utinaya Creek, Srednikan River and other areas. Another expedition under V. A. 'ESaregradskil in 1930 is also described in some detail noting composition of the parties and their objectives. Efforts (unsuccessful) to have an Indigirka-Kolyma geologic prospecting bureau established are noted, as is the Kolyma base set up by the Main Administration of Geological Survey in 1931 with author in charge of technical work. The advent of Dal'strol in Nagayeva Bay in Feb. 1942 was the turning point in the Kolyma investigations, and the beginning of its mining development. The Kolyma produces more gold than Zapsibzoloto, Lenzoloto, Baleyzoto and Yakutzoloto combined. DLC. 85630. BILIBINA. A. K voprosuo lokalizafsii zolota. (In his: Izbrannye trudy, 1961, p. 135-48, table.) In Russian. Reprinted from: Problemy sovetskoT geologii 1935. v. 5, no. 5, p. 260-74, with English
summary. Title tr.: On the localization of gold deposits. Characterizes their linear or band-like distribution associated with faults or tectonic features, also their central distribution within one localized isometrical area. The Aldan, Allakh-Yun', and Kolyma goldbearing regions are analyzed. In the Aldan region, the central type of gold deposits is established; in the Allakh-Yun' and Kolyma, linear distribution. Upper Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous intrusions are described with which gold mineralization occurs. Depth of erosion base, age of intrusions, position of the gold-bearing region in a folded zone and tectonics and lithologic composition of the enclosing rocks are considered to determine localization of gold DLC. deposits. 85631. BILIBIN, ft. A. Met allogenila likutskoT ASSR. (In his: Izbrannye trudy, 1961, p. 213-26.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Metallogeny of the Yakut ASSR. Distinguishes six large metallogenic provinces of Yakutia: the Anabar, Vilyuy, Aldan, Timpton-Olekma, Middle Kolyraa, and Verkhoyansk. Each is described as to type of mineral resources and their mode of occurrence. Vilyuy province has four groups of metallic resources: sulfide coppernickel-cobalt-platinum deposits of the Norilsk type; polymetallic mineralization; iron ore deposits of Angara-Ilim type; and placers of gold and platinum. The Aldan gold-bearing region is also described noting its productive value. Mineralization of all these provinces changed from the Archean to the Mesozoic: the Archean showed gold and magnetite, Proterozoic gold, Cambrian gold and copper, and the Mesozoic showed gold, tin and polymetals. The characteristic metal of Yakutia is gold. DLC. 85632. BILIBIN, it A. 0 novom tipe lednikov. (Problemy sovetskoT geologii 1936. v. 6, no. 4, p. 366-67.) In Russian. Title tr.: On a new type of glacier. Reports a geologic study in the AllakhYun' River basin of southeastern Yakut ASSR. Traces of old glaciations are described and a new type of glacier, called the Kolyma is recognized. It differs from the Malaspina type and shows three stages in its structure. Its development at the foot of the mountains is noted, and its formation conditions are characterized. DLC. 85633. BILIBIN, ft. A. 0 perspektivakh zolotonosnosti Kolymskogo ralona. (In his: Izbrannye trudy, 1961, p. 207-212.) In
Russian. Title tr.: Prospects of the goldbearing properties of the Kolyma region. Analyzes tectonics and petrology of the region. Development of the VerkhoyanskKolyma geosyncline is characterized. Metallogeny of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma reDistribution of the gion is discussed. granites, which are associated with gold occurrences, is described. The main goldbearing zone of the Kolyma is defined and specific localities indicated such as the Berelekh, Nera, Indigirka, Tas-Khayakhtakh, and others. Gold placer distribution may lead to the finding of primary deposits of gold. Detailed and more precise geologic studies and mapping are suggested. DLC. 85634. BILLS, P. E. The sportiest game of them all. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no 2, p. 19, -F, illus.) Clergyman at Pt Barrow in northern Alaska describes hunting with Eskimos for bearded seal (ugruk). The 500-lb animals, valued for their meat and hides, follow ice floes in the area June-Sept. They are difficult to hit from a moving umiak (skin boat), and once shot, must be quickly harpooned to prevent sinking. DLC. 85635. BILTON, H. T., and others. A key to five species of Pacific salmon, genus Oncorhynchus, based on scale characters. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1964. v. 21, no. 5, p. 1267-88, tables, illus.) 4 refs. Other authors: D. W. Jenkinson and M. P. Shepard. Authors present an identification key based on scale structure. For maturing fish, the scale was 100% effective in identifying sockeye, and 95% for pinks, over 90% for chums and chinooks, and 14-67% for coho. Only a few misclassifications occurred. CaMAI, DLC. 85636. BIOSCIENCE. Arctic biology. (Its: v. 14, 1964. no. 5, p. 9-51, map, illus.) Refs. Reviews American and Canadian research in this field, calling attention to government agencies and institutions conducting and sponsoring it and its probable course in the future. Fourteen papers are presented: Introduction. M. Britton, guest editor, p 11-13, notes the boundaries of the Arctic, countries active in arctic research, geographic exploration, air transport as boost to arctic research. Trends in American arctic,. biological exploration are considered, including the role of the Arctic Research Laboratory at Pt Barrow, government, especially military research, and the pros--
pects of arctic research in the United States. Canadian arctic biology. A. H. MacPherson discusses terrestrial biology, p 14-17, noting some reasons for its paucity, Canadian research agencies, centers and stations, Canadian contributions, institutions and main publications in botany, entomology, ornithology and mammalogy. M. J. Dunbar deals with hydrobiology, p 17-21, discussing the early, few, investigations in this field, the 1928-1946 period with the Godthaab, Loubyrne and Nascopie expeditions, etc and postwar expansion. The latter include work of the Fisheries Research Board and its Arctic Unit, the Catania expeditions, the activities of McGill Univ, the Arctic Institute of North America, the Defence Research Board, and others. Current conditions and problems are considered in conclusion. National agency programs and support of arctic biology in the United Slates. J. N. Wolfe discusses the Atomic Energy Commission, p 22-25, reviewing the rapid expansion of environmental research in 1959-1962 sponsored by the Commission including soils, terrestrial and marine ecology, oceanography and fallout. Main emphasis was on Ogotoruk Creek in connection with Project Chariot. M. D. Arvey deals with the National Science Foundation, p 26-27, noting its support of ecological and taxonomic work, specifically through the Arctic Institute (on Devon Island) and the Univ of Alaska. Paleontology, limnology, marine biology, tundra vegetation, population fluctuations, behavior, etc are studied with support of NSF. D. C. Hilton on the Department of the Army, p 28-29, notes the main fields of its work as man's reaction to the arctic environment, and the plant cover as conditioned by soil, climate, hydrology, etc. Field work is carried out in Alaska and Greenland; laboratories concerned with cold research are listed. H. L. Hayes on the Office of Naval Research, p 29-32, discusses its aims in arctic-biological investigation; number (over a hundred) and nationality of scientists or leaders engaged, role of the Arctic Research Laboratory and the Arctic Institute of North America in research and/or its administration. The range of ONR interests includes permafrost, marine ecology, plankton, physical oceanography, arctic bibliography, biological effects of low temperature and of extreme light-darkness conditions, circadian rhythm, etc.
J. L. Buckley and M. G. Hanavan deal with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, p 32-33, outlining the activities of the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife and the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, the first at present concerned with wildlife restoration, management and research of economically important species, including refuges and ranges; the second engaged in similar activities in the sea. W. E. Davies on the US Geological Survey, p 33-35, notes its concern with vegetation, to cover needs of military construction and training, the effects of permafrost on vegetation and preparation of vegetation maps. Dendrochronology is used in glacial geology and a glacial refugium located and studied. Centers of Arctic Biological Research. C. F. Herreid describes the Univ of Alaska, p 36-39, the programs and facilities of its biological units, and research opportunities in Alaska. Its history and enrollment are included. As to the research potential, the study of extremes in temperature and light, ecosystems and especially population dynamics are of great interest. M. Marsden on the Arctic Institute of North America, p 39-41, notes its founding in 1945, and its aims primarily to facilitate, record and disseminate basic knowledge of the North American Arctic. More than 400 research parties have been financed in localities as far as Finland; both advanced scientists and students are considered. Papers representing the wide range of AINA activities are cited, as are its own main series of publications. R. L. Rausch reports on the Arctic Health Research Center, US Public Health Service, p 42-43, notings its beginnings (1948) and early activities, its departments, and permanent staff (80), library, collaboration with other agencies, etc. Its biological activities include entomology, freshwater and sewage sanitation, disease vectors and reservoirs, nutritional problems, acclimatization, zoonoses. Its publications number over 500. M. Britton on the ONR Arctic Research Laboratory, p 44-48, describes its location at 71°20' N 156°46' W, and activities since 1947, the University and other institutions working at or for ARL, its buildings and facilities, field stations and facilities, drifting stations (4), research projects (60) about half of them biological. Plans for new laboratory complex are mentioned. H. F. Drury on the Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory, United States Air Force, p 4951, notes it is the only laboratory of the Defense Dept concerned with problems
facing man during arctic military, especially air operations. Its location at Fairbanks, its buildings, field studies, personnel, budget and contracts, are outlined, as are its research divisions and their work, outdoor DLC. tests, etc.
ice cover and northern landscape are noted. Appended is a useful bibliography. CaMAI, DLC. BIRD, J. B., see also No. 90034. BIRDSELL, J. B., see No. 86300.
BIRAUD, F., see No. 87680. 85637. BIRD, J. B. Limestone terrains in southern arctic Canada. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 115-21, graphs, maps, illus.) 25 refs. Describes the broad distribution of limestone in Mackenzie and Franklin Districts and evaluates the significance of the geomorphic agents and processes responsible for various types of limestone terrain. Owing to the increase in the saturation equilibrium of CO2 with decreasing temperature, chemical weathering is greater in polar than in tropical areas, especially beneath snow in which CO2 may be 20 times more soluble than in water. Yet nowhere is karst developing in the Arctic since permafrost restricts underground drainage, and where it occurs it is a relic feature. Frost riving and churning are the principal weathering agents and under certain conditions felsenmeer are formed. Investigations show that the older the felsenmeer the smaller the mean particle size. A periglacial limestone cycle of erosion is hypothesized and discussed at length, with illus and maps, according to which polar limestone terrains may be analyzed as part of a continuing spectrum of changing slope, particle size, drainage and permafrost conditions. The complex relationship of limestone morphology to marine, glacial and postglacial residual deposits is discussed. CaMAI. 85638. BIRD, J. B., and A. MORRISON. Space photography and its geographical applications. (Geographical review 1964. v. 54, no 4, p. 463-86, illus.) 64 refs. Discusses photography from aircraft (mostly at 500), and are very low in Cs. Their main chemical difference is in the K/Na ratio and the Ba and Sr concentrations. The Stjernoy nepheline syenite crystallized at the higher temperature. Both are used in the ceramics industries. DLC. 87781. HEIER, K. S. Geochemistry of the nepheline syenite on Stjernoy, North Norway. (Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 1964. v. 44, no. 2, p. 205-215, tables.) 9 refs. Spectrographic determination of various elements in samples of this rock was made as part of a geochemical study of alkaline rocks. Results showed silica deficiency, excess alumina, alkali feldspar and nepheline as the dominant minerals. Low concentrations were found of rare earths, niobium, and tantalum minerals which are often associated with alkaline rocks, also of uranium and thorium. High concentrations of Sr and Ba together with depletion of Rb, Cs, Pb, and Tl may reflect either conditions of the site of magma formation or partition of elements between the crystallizing magma DLC. and a gas phase. 87782. HEIER, K. S., and S. R. TAYLOR. A note on the geochemistry of alkaline rocks. (Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 1964. v. 44, no. 2, p. 197-203.) 12 refs. Discusses geochemical comparisons between nepheline syenites of probable magmatic origin in the Oslo area and on Stjernoy Island, North Norway. The latter, in contrast to the Oslo rocks, are alumina excessive, silica deficient, lacking or low in the rare earths, zirconium, etc, also in uranium and thorium. These differences might signify a different origin of the magma. Rocks of both provinces are high in Ba and Sr content and in K/Rb and K/Cs ratios, possibly reflecting the initial condiDLC. tions of their parent magma. 87783. HEIM, T., and Z. SZELNYI. Temperature regulation in rats semistarved since birth. (Acta physiologica 1965. v. 27, no. 3, p. 247-55, graphs.) 27 refs. Study revealed that in underfed rats, development of temperature regulation is delayed by about eight days as compared with well fed controls; also their basal metabolism, and body temperature in neutral (30° C) and cool (20° C) environment are lower. At the age of 216-245 days,
differences in heat production observed DLC. earlier, disappear. 87784. HEIM, T., and J. MESTYAN. Undernutrition and temperature regulation in adult rats. (Acta physiologica, Budapest 1964. v. 24, no. 3, p. 305-312, graphs.) 13 refs. Undernutrition leads at first to a rapid and subsequently to a slow drop in Or consumption without change in caloric temperature. Exposure to cold (5-10° C) produced a marked increase in heat production and body temperature was maintained or even increased. DNLM. HEIMERDINGER, A. G., see No. 88615. 87785. HEIN, M. F. Vascular surgery in Alaska. (Alaska medicine 1965. v. 7, no. 2, p. 23-29, illus.) Presents four cases, seen in six months' practice, in order to illustrate some interesting vascular insufficiency problems. Cerebral vascular insufficiency, hypertension and aorto-iliae-femoral artery occlusive disease, are described in that order, and illus with gross-pathological and X-ray pictures. Differential diagnosis and vascular reconstructive methods are discussed in detail. CaMAI. 87786. HEINE, A. J. Field clothing for antarctic use. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962 . .. pub. 1963, p. 599-600.) Describes briefly windproof clothing, and down clothing consisting of jacket, vest, trousers, gloves and slippers. Down-filled clothing of high quality and domestic manufacture was used by New Zealand field DLC. parties in 1956-57. 87787. HEINE, A. .1. Man ration scales for dog and man-hauling field parties. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962 . . . pub. 1963, p. 595-98.) Gives ration scale in oz/individual/day for dog teams with a 5-7 hr hauling day and men with a 7-10 hr hauling day. In addition to the rations a goody box is supplied; it contains jam, honey, dates etc for about 40 days. DLC. HEINLE, D. R., see No. 86480. 87788. HEINSOHN, F. P., and others. Illustrated summary of the geology of the Yukon Flats region, Alaska. Hanover, N. H. 1964. 27 p. maps, illus. (US Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Technical report 154.) 65 refs. Other authors: P. L. Johnson and A. 0. Poulin.
Presents results of a 1962 air-photo and visual reconnaissance of the Yukon Flats, and a road survey to Manley Hot Springs and Circle: some 30 oblique air photos with brief text on the region of the proposed Rampart dam and reservoir. Its major landforms are flood plains of the Yukon and ten main tributaries, terraces, alluvial fans, and sand dunes. Permafrost is discontinuous, though in the poorly drained areas other than lakes, it occurs to depths exceeding 320 ft. Glacial drift and moraines, from the Pleistocene glaciation of the southern Brooks Range, are extensively deposited in the Chandalar River drainage system, while Pleistocene valley glaciation took place in the upper Hodzana Highland and the Ray Mts. Geologic history is outlined; oldest rocks are the Precambrian Birch Creek schist, followed by numerous uplifts and downwarpings, and the Recent erosion caused by lowering of the base level. Review of the literature introduces the report. DG S. 87789. HEINTZ, A. Ira Svalbards dyreverden 5; om rein og isbjOrn pa Svalbard. Oslo 1964. 20 p. map, illus. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Meddelelser no. 92.) 18 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: From the fauna of Svalbard 5; note on reindeer and polar bear in Svalbard. Contains a survey of the terrestrial mammals. The polar fox Alopex lagopus is known in all parts of the archipelago; with the recent decline in winter hunting, this stock is in no danger. Full protection of the reindeer Rangifer tarandus spitsbergensis since 1925 has kept it from extinction; the stock estimated at about two thousand head is increasing. The polar bear Thalarctos maritimus lives in the pack ice and appears on Svalbard in winter. One of its breedingplaces is Kong Karla Land where it is protected throughout the year. Extension of such protection to other parts of Svalbard is advocated. The possibility of designating a large area as a national park is discussed. DLC. 87790. HEINTZ, A., and T. SIGGERUD. A note on the stratigraphy of Goldschmidtfjella, Oscar II Land. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 251-53, map.) 3 refs. Reports 1964 field observations in Vestspitsbergen, from which these mountains are concluded to be Triassic, not Devonian? as on earlier maps. DLC. 87791. HEINTZ, A., and V. E. GARUTT. Opredelenie absolflitnogo vozrasta isko-
paemykh ostatkov mamonta i sherstistogo nosoroga iz vechnol merzloty Sibiri pri pomoshchi radioaktivnogo ugleroda C". (Akademiil nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 154, no. 6, p. 1367-70, graphs, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. English translation pub in Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 1965, v. 45, no. 1, p. 73-79. Reviews age determinations of samples of six mammoths and one woolly rhinoceros, from 0-14 dating: made during 1960-1962 by the Trondheim, Norway, radiological dating laboratory. The determined age ranges in five of the mammoth samples and the rhinoceros sample from 44,000 ± 3,500 to 33,500 ± 1,000 yr. A mammoth sample from Taymyr was considerably younger, only 11,450 ± 250 yr. Life conditions of the time, their influence on the morphology and body dimensions of these fauna, and causes of mammoth extinction are briefly disDLC. cussed. 87792. HEINTZ, A. Russernes syn pa oppdagelsen av Spitsbergen. (Norsk geografisk tidsskrift 1963-64. v. 19, no. 3-4, p. 174-203, maps, illus.) 12 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: The Russian view on the discovery of Spitsbergen. In Western Europe it is commonly accepted that Barents discovered Spitsbergen in 1596, although Icelandic and Norwegian sagas mention the occasion of its finding as in 1194. Russian historians consider that Spitsbergen was discovered by peasants from central Russia who emigrated to the White Sea, probably as early as the 10th century, and that they were trapping on the islands by the 12-13th centuries. Evidence in support of the Russian claim is unsatisfactory. Peasants may have made accidental visits to Spitsbergen before Barents, but they did not go there regularly before the latter 17th century. Russian trapping ceased about 1850. DLC. 87793. HEINTZ, N. Iakttagelser over dyrelivet pa Svalbard i 1963. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 157-68, tables, illus.) 8 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. On the Svalbard fauna 7. Title tr.: Observations of animal life in Svalbard in 1963. Reports fauna sighted by Norsk Polarinstitutt field parties and others: the reindeer Rangifer tarandus spitsbergerzsis, musk ox Otaws m. mosehatus (comparatively few), polar fox Alopex lagopus (in most places), a single hare of Lepus sp. indet. and two walrus Odobaenus rosmarinus. Birds, particularly geese and gulls, are included
and several less common species: the redthroated diver Colymbus stellatus, great black-backed gull Lana marinas, herringgull Lams argentatus, ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula, pintail Anas acuta and pigeon hawk Falco columbarius. DLC. 87794. HEINTZ, N. Mesozoiske Oglefunn fra Norge og Svalbard. Oslo 1964. 40 p. maps, tables, graphs, illus. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Meddelelser no. 91). 22 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Mesozoic reptile finds from Norway and Svalbard. General survey. An ichthyosaur of the Upper Jurassic was found at AndOya in 1952, the first fossil reptile known from Norway. In Svalbard however, remains have been found in Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits. All forms known from the Triassic are marine, I chthyosaurus (six species identified) the most common, Grippia longirostris the most interesting. Best preserved of the Jurassic remains (a couple of skeletons and several single bones) is Trieleidus svalbardensis. Footprints of the only known terrestrial reptile (iguanodont) have been found in the Lower Cretaceous at the entrance to Isfjorden. Its survival during the dark season is discussed: Svalbard may have been in a more southerly latitude DLC. at that time. 87795. HEINTZ, N. Spor etter Ogler pa Svalbard! (Polarboken 1963-64, p. 39-45, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Footprints of lizards in Svalbard! Recounts the discovery in 1960 by A. F. de Lapparent of Iguanodon footprints at the mouth of GrOnfjorden, Vestspitsbergen. Moulds of the prints were made by author and three companions in 1961. The presence of this dinosaur during the Cretaceous indicates a land connection with Eurasia at that time and a more southerly location of Svalbard probably by ten-fifteen degrees. DLC. 87796. HEISE, H. 750 billion barrels await. thermal recovery. (Oilweek 1965. v. 16, no. 11, p. 26-48, maps, graphs, illus.) 129 refs. Outlines the two categories of thermal recovery of oil from partially depleted or low grade reserves; one using pressurized steam or hot water, the other burning some of the oil in place. Steam flood equipment is specialized and expensive, whereas the combustion process is suitable for the viscous and heavy crude oils in the Athabasca sands; best results may be obtained by a combination of the two. Pilot schemes
of 1947-1965 by Shell Oil Co are noted, and detailed description is given of its program for the Athabasca sands. DLC. HEISICANEN, B. I., see No. 91953. 87797. HEISHANEN, V. A. Present problems of physical geodesy. Helsinki 1965. 36 p. tables, graphs, maps. (Suomalainen tiedeakatemia. Toimituksia ser. A; III, Geologica-geographica no. 82.) 32 refs. Discusses problems in deriving the true shape of the earth for mapping requirements. Existing concepts and formulas can provide the data most accurately through the use of gravimetric anomalies. The tendency of the earth toward isostatic equilibrium is illus by depression of the crust in Fennoscandia during the glacial period, from which it is still recovering, and by Greenland and Antarctica where the base of the icecap is below sea level. Mean gravimetric anomalies are tabulated for a mathematical model of the earth between 0° and 90° E and between the Equator and the North Pole. Other computations of the geoidal surface are also illus. A 1963 model, computed on the basis of satellite observations, includes figures for the polar regions. DLC. HEIZER, R. F., see No. 88230. 87798. HELA, 1., and T. LAEVASTU. The influence of temperature on the behaviour of fish. (Suomalainen elfin- ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo. Tiedonannot: Archivum 1960 pub 1961. v. 15, no. 1-2, p. 83-103, tables, graphs, illus.) Over 100 refs. Review and analysis of fish behavior and survival, as affected by temperature, including low temperature. Spawning, larval development and mortality, feeding, metabolism and growth are dealt with. Effects on adults, on shoaling and migration, lethality and mass mortality due to extreme temperatures and the effect of long-term temperature-changes upon distribution, are considered. Subarctic species (herring, cod, etc) and areas from Newfoundland waters eastward to Barents Sea are included. The possibility of locating fish by thermometric methods is aired. DLC. 87799. HELIN, R. A. Soviet fishing in the Barents Sea and the North Atlantic. (Geographical review 1964. v. 54, no. 3, p. 386408, maps, graphs, tables.) 50 refs. Surveys this large fishing industry, mainly from Russian and German sources, including
1958 and 1965 estimates of landings, particulars of fishing vessels, notes on Murmansk and other ports, and prospects for future expansion as requested by Soviet planners. Little growth is foreseen in the heavily exploited Barents Sea; more intensive use of lightly fished grounds in Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, and Labrador Sea is recommended. Murmansk will probably continue the leading port. DLC. 87800. HELLE, R. Retailing in rural northern Finland particularly by mobile shops. Helsinki 1964. 120 p. tables, graphs, maps. (Fennia v. 91, no. 3). Approx. 120 refs. Presents a quantitative study of fixed and mobile retailing in Oulu and Lapland provinces. Introductory review stresses the effect of the 1284 AD law which prohibited merchandising outside cities and fostered a tradition of peddling. Although fixed shops in the countryside were legalized in 1859, this tradition of mobile retailing persisted and the practice increased after World War II with the advent of motorized transportation. The methodology and statistical techniques used in the analysis are outlined and significant parameters are mapped, including density of population and highway network, accessibility to fixed shops, distribution of fixed shops and routes of mobile shops both cooperatively and privately owned, and selling-trip frequency of mobile shops. Data are subjected to sophisticated statistical analysis and presented in 35 tables. These include correlations between sales of mobile shops, business hours, travel time, number of selling points, length of routes, density of population, location of fixed shops and other factors. Results indicate that in the economically developed area around the Gulf of Bothnia both fixed and mobile shops compete successfully for a buoyant market. Mobile shop operations range from densely settled rural areas where a trip to a fixed shop takes over five times as long as to the mobile shop (max success) to areas where population is too sparse to make mobile retailing profitable. Throughout most of Lapland, mobile shops operate principally within a 50 km radius of Kemijarvi, Rovaniemi, Pello and Posio. Their advantage lies in rapid turnover and low inventory requirements; but as they cannot carry all commodities marketable, fixed shops in the rural areas remain a necessity. DLC. 87801. HELLEN, W. Die Alloxystinen Finnlands, Hymenoptera: Cynipidae. Hel-
sinki 1963. 24 p. map. (Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Fauna fennica 15.) 12 refs. In German. Title tr.: The family Alloxysta in Finland, Hymenoptera: Cynipidae. Study of these gall-flies including 39 species, eight of them from Lapland, with keys to genera and species. The latter are dealt with as to synonyms, morphology and morphometry, occurrence and geographic distribution. DLC. 87802. HELLEN, W. Die Nematinen Finnlands, Hym., Tenthr.; 1. (Notulae entomologicae 1960. v. 40, no. 1, p. 1-18.). Approx. 25 refs. In German. Title tr.: The nematinids of Finland, Hym., Tenthr.l. Account, with keys, of these typical sawflies including 32 species, some half dozen of them reaching into the arctic area. Host(s), morphology, geographic distribution in and outside Finland are noted. DLO. 87803. HELLEN, W. Zur Ichneumonidenfauna Finnlands X, Hym. (Notulae entomologicae 1961. v. 41, no. 3, p. 88-101.) In German. Title tr.: Contributions to the Ichneumonidae fauna of Finland, 10, Hym. In sequence to No 45507. Records 60 species of these flies, a great many of them native to subarctic and arctic Scandinavia. Differential characteristics, morphology, and localities of occurrence are noted. DLC.
membership to the task group, local band, regional band, and tribe are dealt with in turn. Consanguine and conjugal bonds, endogamous vs exogamous marriage patterns, residence choice, spatial distribution, etc are discussed. Alliance and recruitment are based on the principle of social linkege through consanguinity and, for men, also affinal links through wife, sister, or daughter. Ecological instability and recurring disasters in the form of famine and disease are held responsible for the abandonment of virilocal residence and cross-cousin marriage within the historic period: the flexible Dene group affiliation permits a quick and socially coherent regrouping of survivors. DLC. 87806. HELMERICKS, H. R. The last new land. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 11, p. 8-15, illus.) Recommendations by a pilot-guide on sport hunting and fishing in northern Alaska. Hunting seasons, equipment, regulations, license fees, etc, are noted for polar bear, seals, walrus, caribou, moose and various other species of mammals, birds, and fish. Caution is needed because of the slow rejuvenation of life in the Arctic. Use of aircraft over the entire area is the most practical mode of hunting, also best for conservation as it spreads the pressure and DI. does least damage to habitats. HEMMINGSEN, E. A., see No. 91531.
87804. HELLER, C. A. Wild flowers of Alaska. Portland, Ore. 1966. 104 p. map, illus. Presents photographs in full color of 307 species of Alaskan flowering plants, identified by both scientific and popular names, and accompanied by plant descriptions intelligible to users without specialized botanic training. A glossary of 24 botanic terms used is appended. The geographic range of each species is given. The photographs, mostly arranged by flower color, are by the author and Gertrude Frohne. CaMAI.
87807. HEMSTOCK, R. A. The oil industry in the Arctic. (National Research Council of Canada. Technical memorandum 1965. no. 86, p. 136-38, table.) Tabulates 1961-1964 expenditures of the oil industry in arctic and subarctic Canada: some $65 million; and notes outlay projected to 1970: $45-50 million for the mainland, and large sums for work on the Arctic Islands. Expected research includes photointerpretation of land forms and surface cover, cross-country transportation, seismic interpretation in permafrost, foundations for housing, drill rig structures, etc. DLC.
HELLER, C. A., see also No. 92548§37.
HENDERSON, D. G., see No. 88065.
87805. HELM, J. Bilaterality in the socioterritorial organization of Arctic Drainage Dene. (Ethnology 1965, v. 4, no. 4, p. 36185, tables, illus.) 31 refs. Discusses the characteristics and underlying principle of residence-membership on the tribal and infra-tribal levels for four northeast Athapaskan bands belonging the Hare, Slave, and Dogrib tribal divisions. Criteria for the attainment and duration of
87808. HENDERSON, G. T. D. Identity of larval redfish populations in the North Atlantic. (Nature, Jan. 25, 1964. v. 201, p. 419, map.) Ref. Reports on experimental angling from a weather station at 62° N 33° W, indicating that the subcaudal melanophores hitherto considered as distinguishing the marinua from the mentella type of redfash, are not a DLC. valid criterion for such division.
87809. HENDERSON, G. T. D. Redfish larvae in the North Atlantic. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 309-315, graphs, maps.) 12 refs. Reports on occurrence of Sebastes larvae at 10 m depth between Iceland and Newfoundland. Young stages were encountered during Apr—July. In the waters off southwest Greenland they were most abundant in June. An attempt to correlate their occurrence with temperature conditions is CaMAI. outlined.
Presents some results of investigation of emerged features in summer 1962, extensive coverage made possible by aircraft support. A multiple glaciation is postulated. Several types of postglacial emerged features are described, as are difficulties encountered in correlating them. A preliminary uplift curve indicates uplift negligible over the past 2,000 yr and Melville Island near isostatic equilibrium. The comparatively early regression of postglacial sea from the Melville Island coast is corroborated by recent permafrost research at Winter Harbour. DLC.
87810. HENDERSON, G. T. D. Sebastes in continuous plankton records in 1962. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1962 pub. 1964. v. 19, p. 57-58, graph.) Reports catches of young redfish at 10 m depth during Apr—July, over an area east of Kap Farvel. Month-to-month changes in quantity and geographic distribution, as well as fluctuations in mean numbers per 10 m3 for Apr—May since 1955 are recorded. Experimental angling for mature fish is also reported. DLC.
87814. HENOCH, W. E. S. Preliminary geomorphological study of a newly discovered Dorset culture site on Melville Island, N.W.T. (Arctic 1964. v. 17, no. 2, p. 119-25, map, illus.) 3 refs. Describes a prehistoric dwelling found at McCormick Inlet in 1962. Location of the site at 1.75 m above high water and its age, estimated at 1150-1740 yr from radiocarbon dating of moss, indicate negligible land emergence during the last one and a half millennia. Prehistoric sites recorded by other explorers on the island are also noted and mapped. DLC.
87811. HENDERSON, G. T. D. Sebastes in continuous plankton records in 1963. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1963 pub. 1965. v. 20, p. 85-87, maps.) Reports spring-summer samplings in the northern Atlantic, including the waters off southwest Greenland. Non-pigmented, oceanic larvae, from depths over 1000 fathoms are dealt with, as are pigmented, from coastal waters of less than 250 fm. DLC. 87812. HENDERSON, R. G. Memorial to Henry R. Joesting, 1003-1965. (Geological Society of America. Bulletin 1965, v. 76, no. 10, p. 157-62, illus.) 21 refs. Obituary to this American geologist and geophysicist, noting his expedition to Jan Mayen in 1926-27, prospecting, teaching and Dept of Mines work in Alaska 19331944 and at the Geophysics Branch of the US Geological Survey 1946-1953. DLC. HENDRICKSON, G., see No. 89813. HENNIGAR, G. R., see Nos. 87386, 87387. 87813. HENOCH, W. E. S. Postglacial marine submergence and emergence of Melville Island, N.W.T. (Geographical bulletin 1964. no. 22, p. 105-126, maps, graph, table, illus.) 29 refs.
HENRIKSEN, N., see No. 85774. 87815. HENRY, D., and K. HENRY. Koyukon classificatory verbs. (Anthropological linguistics 1965. v. 7, no. 4, pt. 2, p. 110-16, tables.) 4 refs. Grammatical analysis of this north Athapaskan language based on material collected in 1959-1964 in the villages of Kokrines and Koyukuk from informants, aged 25-60 yr. Koyukon, or Ten's, is spoken by about a thousand Indians of the Koyukuk and middle Yukon River region. The majority of these people are fluent in English; those under 20 are mostly monolingual in English. DSI. 87816. HENRY, D. M. Possible precipitation changes resulting from the proposed Rampart dam reservoir. Hanover, N. H. 1965. 18 p. maps, graph, tables. (US Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Technical report 147.) 12 refs. Presents results of computations showing the changes to be expected in monthly precipitation in the Yukon basin, Alaska, after the formation of the Rampart reservoir. Two methods were used: one by estimating the changes in precipitable water in the air; the other assuming a change in specific humidity proportional to
the change in precipitation. Results of both methods indicate an important increase in precipitation duringthe fall months, also a small decrease in precipitation in late spring and early summer. Nineteen stations were selected around the proposed reservoir, 12 had published climatological data, for the other seven required information was interpolated. CaMAI. HENRY, K., see No. 87815. 87817. HENRY, W. K. The ice jam floods of the Yukon River. (Weatherwise 1965. v. 18, no. 2, p. 80-85, map, illus.) Non-technical but informative account of the annual spring breakup flooding of the Yukon River, with illus, data on exceptional floods and details of attempts to control them. The bombing of ice jams with 55,000 lbs of bombs in 1945, also in other years is described. Its failure is attributed to the presence of anchor ice which is disturbed and may actually worsen the damming effect. A jam 15 mi wide and 65 ft high caused Ruby, Alaska to have a record flood in 1930. The forecasting of flood conditions is discussed briefly. DWB. 87818. HENSEL, R. J., and W. A. TROYER. Nesting studies of the bald eagle in Alaska. (Condor 1964. v. 66, no. 4, p. 282-86, tables, map.) 7 refs. Reports an investigation during summers of 1959, 1961 and 1962 around Karluk Lake. Area and territories, nests, egg laying, incubation and hatching periods are recorded, as are nesting success and prodDLC. uctivity. HENSEL, R. J., see also Nos. 92466, 92466A, 92467. HERD, B. R., see Nos. 84953, 86001. 87819. HERING, W. S. An analysis of ozonesonde measurements over North America. (McGill Univ. Arctic Meteorology Research Group. Publication in meteorology 1964. no. 65, p. 201-206, graphs, table.) 2 refs. Describes general features of the vertical ozone distribution 1963 according to initial results from the 11-station network, including Fairbanks, Fort Churchill, Goose Bay, and Thule. The high latitude winter profiles differ greatly from those of low latitude stations. Observed ozone concentrations in the lower and middle stratosphere in the polar region are very large compared with the indicated photochemical equilibrium values. Major excursions of stratospheric ozone into the troposphere are
usually confined to the region immediately east and north of jet-stream troughs. The profile of ozone partial pressure shows the max decreasing in height from 25 kin over the equator to about 18 km over Thule. CaMAL 87820. HERMAN, J. R. Radio noise problems in arctic regions. (In: NATO. Arctic communications .. . 1964, p. 127-46, tables, graphs, map.) 15 refs. Considers the radio noise levels of atmospheric, man-made, and precipitation static origin. Data obtained at Thule, and other polar stations on 51 kc-20 me/s are analyzed. The noise power was found to decrease rapidly (roughly inversely as the fourth power of frequency) from 0.051 to 2.5 me/s. During polar cap and auroral zone absorption the noise power is markedly reduced, especially in the high frequency band. The atmospheric, man-made, and snow static radio noises can be added linearly, being DLC. random phenomena. 87821. HERMAN, J. R., and R. B. PENNDORF. Reception of mid-latitude transmissions in northern Canada. (In: NATO. Arctic communications . . . 1964, p. 97-119, tables, graphs, maps.) 9 refs. Reports transmissions of WW V radio station near Washington, DC on 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 me/s frequencies, and WWVII in Hawaii on 5, 10, and 15 me/s aurally monitored hourly at Resolute Bay, Baker Lake, Ft Churchill, and Winnipeg situated in polar-cap, auroral, and subauroral regions within a degree or two of the 95° W meridian. Therefore mid-points of the paths from WWV lie approx along the 85° W meridian. Reception quality on the frequencies of both transmitting stations is studied during geomagnetically quiet and disturbed days for seasonal, diurnal, and latitude variation. The anomalous noon reception peak at Resolute Bay in Dec and the increasing hours of northward-going useful reception were revealed on the WWVEI circuit during quiet days. The Winnipeg, Ft Churchill and Baker Lake stations reported exceptionally few hours of blackout, considering that the 12-14 Sept 1957 geomagnetic storm was one of the most severe during the 18 months of IGY, the reception in northern Canada closely following the morphology of the disturbance. DLC. 87822. HERMANN, F., and others. The effect of temperature and current on the distribution and survival of cod larvae at West Greenland. (International Commis-
sion for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 389-95, tables, graphs, maps.) 4 refs. Other authors: P. M. Hansen and S. Aa. Horsted. The study reveals that the westerly branch of the West Greenland Current carries away great numbers of cod larvae from their main spawning ground off southwest Greenland. Significant correlation is found between the strength of year classes and the temperature at 0-45 m over the Fylla Bank in June, a conclusion based on calculation for the period 1924-1954. No correlation is found between on-shore winds and year-class strength. CaMAI. 87823. HERMANN, F., and P. M. HANSEN. Possible influence of water temperature on the growth of the West Greenland cod. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 557-63, tables, graphs, map.) 3 refs. Analysis showing that cod of the same age decreased steadily in length from the 1920's to the 1950's, and increased from about 1955. It is concluded that variation in growth is mainly caused by temperature variation. Overpopulation is found to be of no significance in this area and period. CaMAI. HERMANN, F., see also No. 87708. 87824. HERMANN, G., and others. The problem of frostbite in civilian medical practice. (Surgical clinics of North America 1963. v. 43, no. 2, p. 519-36, illus.) 38 refs. Other authors: D. C. Schechter, J. C. Owens and T. E. Starzl. Reports a study based on 54 cases treated in the past five yr. Classification and gradients of injury, etiopathogenesis incl environmental factors, individual susceptibility and mechanism of injury are given. Therapy (with evaluation of methods), sequelae, and prophylaxis are discussed. DNLM. 87825. HERMS, F. W. Memories of Iditarod and Ruby. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 2, p. 35-37, illus.) Recalls daily life and experiences about 1910-1913 in these gold rush camps of interior Alaska. DI. 87826. HEROUX, 0., and R. BRAUER. Critical studies on determination of thyroid secretion rate in cold-adapted animals. (Journal of applied physiology 1965. v. 20, no. 4, p. 597-606, tables, graphs.) 34 refs. Rats, individually kept at 6° C showed
a thyroxine requirement twice as high as controls kept at 23° C. Larger amounts of thyroxine were found in the feces of coldexposed animals than in controls. Urine elimination of Pn was also more rapid in the cold group. Animals exposed outdoors in DLC. groups of ten are also considered. HEROUX, 0., see also No. 87742. HERREID, C. F., see No. 85636. 87827. HERREID, G. A geologic and geochemical traverse along the Nellie Juan River, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Juneau 1965. 2 p. table, map. (Alaska. Division of Mines and Min erals. Geologic report no. 9.) Describes a reconnaissance traverse through this area of folded greywacke and slate. Only slightly anomalous amounts of metal occurred in three stream sediment DGS. samples. 87828. HERREID, G., and A. W. ROSE. Geology and geochemistry of the Hollis and Twelvemile Creek areas, Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska. Juneau 1966. 32 p. tables, graphs, maps. (Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals. Geologic report no. 17.) 26 refs. Maps for the first time and describes the geology of a 30 mil area of central Prince of Wales Island into which logging roads have recently penetrated. A sequence of sediments and agglomerate 12,000+ ft thick is folded, faulted and intruded by altered dikes. Gold and associated minerals occur in, or along the margins of, the dikes. Stream sample analyses are tabulated and indicate localities with strong anomalies in zinc, copper, lead and molybdenum. Further prospecting seems to be warranted. DGS. 87829. HERREID, G. Geology and geochemistry of the Nixon Fork area, Medfra, quadrangle, Alaska. Juneau 1966. 29 p. tables, graphs, maps. (Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals. Geologic report no. 22.) 6 refs. Presents a geologic and geochemical study of the Mystery Creek quartz monzonitequartz latite stock and surrounding mineralized area. The area has had a history of profitable gold mining and geologic sketch maps of some mined and prospected areas are included. Low stream anomalies are due to the limestone terrain, the metals being precipitated by subsurface drainage. Undiscovered deposits of gold and copper beneath shallow cover are considered likely, and suggestions are made for further prospecting. DOS.
87830. HERREID, G. Geology of the Bear Creek area Seward Peninsula, Candle quadrangle, Alaska. Juneau 1965. 17 p. table, graphs , map. (Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals. Geologic report no. 12.) 6 refs. Maps the geology of this area (100 mil) on a scale of 1:50,000 and describes the greenstone and granitic rocks which predominate. Olivine basalt overlies the greenstone and acidic intrusive bodies are common. The area is considered favorable for ore deposits, gold, zinc, and lead showings being associated with mafic syenite dikes and possibly with altered diorite. Further stream sampling is warranted. DGS. 87831. HERREID, G. Geology of the Bluff area, Solomon quadrangle, Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Juneau 1965. 21 p. tables, graphs, maps. (Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals. Geologic report no. 10.) 4 refs. Reports an investigation to determine the feasibility of mining gold-mineralized schist bands in this area by a modern open-pit operation. A 25 mi2 area is mapped and geochemical analyses presented of Au, Ag, Cu Pb, Zn and As assays in samples collected. The survey was of a reconnaissance nature but further prospecting using arsenic values in soil samples is considered feasible. DGS. 87832. HERREID, G., and M. A. KAUFMAN. Geology of the Dry Pass area, southeastern Alaska. Juneau 1964. 12 p. table, map, illus. (Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals. Geologic report no. 7.) 2 refs. Reports investigation into occurrences of molybdenite on Kosciusko Island, the ore bodies being formed mainly along marblediorite contacts. Several tactite bodies are located and in view of a 5° magnetic anomaly, further prospecting for both molybdenite and magnetite seems warDOS. ranted. 87833. HERREID, G. Geology of the Niblack Anchorage area, southeastern Alaska. Juneau 1964. 10 p. map. (Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals. Geologic report no. 5.) 9 refs. Reports a geologic and mineralogic survey of a very small area (approx 4 mi2) in the vicinity of an abandoned copper mine on Prince of Wales Island. A eugeosynclinal assemblage of volcanics, graywackes, slate and limestone has been strongly folded, locally metamorphosed and intruded by granitoid bodies. The foliated greenstone
volcanics are interbedded with quartzsericite rock and intruded by quartz diorite. A hydrothermal origin and strong stratigraphic control are postulated for the copper mineralization which is associated with layers of quartz-sericite rock. Favorable areas for prospecting may lie farther inland northwest of the map area. The map and report update the US Geological Survey regional geologic map. DGS. 87834. HERREID, G. Geology of the Omilak-Otter Creek area, Bendeleben quadrangle, Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Juneau 1965. 12 p. table, graph, map. (Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals. Geologic report no. 11.) 2 refs. Presents a reconnaissance survey with accompanying map of a 60 mil area of the Seward Peninsula, and discusses the nature of the metamorphism and associated mineralization. Lead-silver deposits are related to regional metamorphism in marble while tin occurrences are the product of contact metamorphism by granitic intrusives. 6 p of geochemical analyses are included, as are general recommendations for further prospecting in the area. DGS. 87835. HERREID, G. Preliminary geology and geochemistry of the Sinuk River area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Juneau 1966. (Alaska. 19 p. tables, graphs, maps. es and Minerals. Geologic Division of Min report no. 24.) 8 refs. Presents preliminary geologic and mineralogic data on anomalous lead-zinc soils in this area with accompanying maps and tabulated analyses. Sulfide bodies at depth could be economic and recommendations for DGS. further prospecting are made. HERREID, G., see also No. 91179. 87836. HERZ, K. Ergebnisse mikromorphologischer Untersuchungen ha KingebayGebiet, Westspitzbergen. (Petermanns geographische Mitteilungen 1964. v. 108, no. 1/2, p. 45-53, graphs, map, profiles.) 12 refs. In German. English and Russian summary. Title tr.: Results of micromorphological investigation in the Kong;sfjorden region, Vestspitsbergen. Reports summer 1962 studies while with the German Spitsbergen Expedition. Special attention is given to patterned ground: silty materials forming a layer of fine deposits over coarser debris on slightly inclined slope sections and in the basins; the structure of sorted polygons in these basins; that of lobes on these slope sections; textures due to frost action and their part in the DLC. genesis of polygons and slopes.
87837. HESSELBJERG CHRISTENSEN, N. Ornithologisk ekspedition til DaneborgomrAdet 1964. (GrOnland 1965, no. 8, P. 279-95, map, illus.) 9 refs. In Danish. Title tr.: Ornithological expedition to the Daneborg area, 1964. Describes an expedition to Wollaston Forland, East Greenland, by author and two companions. Some 29 species were observed, among rarer the meadow pipit Anthus pratensis, recorded for the first time north of Scoresbysund, and Sabine's gull Xema sabini. The wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe and red-necked phalarope Bhataropus lobatus have extended their range further north in recent decades. Breeding colonies of barnacle goose Branta leucopsis and pinkfooted goose Anser fabalis, also large numbers of non-breeding birds, probably from Iceland, were noted. DLC. HESSLER, V. P., see Nos. 87775, 90617. HESTER, R. J., see No. 87886. HEUSSER, C. J., see No. 92548 §15. 87838. HEYWOOD, W. W. Operation Wager 1964. (Arctic circular 1963-64 pub. 1966. v. 16, no. 4, p. 60-62.) Reports progress of reconnaissance mapping by the Geological Survey of Canada: approx 55,000 sq mi in Keewatin and Franklin Districts between Pelly Bay and Chesterfield Inlet•. The logistics of the operation are described and the principal geologic features mapped are summarized. The ruins of three large Eskimo villages were found on the west side of Roes Welcome Sound. CaMAI.
land. Hanover, N. H. 1965. 7 p. graph, table, illus. (U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Special report 87.) Ref. Tests were carried out during July—Aug 1963 to determine the presence of warm air directly over the fog, and estimate the possibility of making it replace the fog, which may close Thule to larger aircraft for a week or more. Certain types of shallow fogs can be dispersed by the downwash created by helicopters flying at nearhovering airspeeds a few feet above the top of the fog. One helicopter can clear an area about 75 yd wide by a mi long every 10-15 min. The system calls for unsafe flying methods however, and is recommended for emergency use only. DGS. 87841. HICKS, J. R. Summary of whiteout studies. Hanover, N. H. 1965. 29 p. graphs, tables, illus. (US Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Technical report 158.) 9 refs. Outlines previous whiteout work done by SIPRE and CRREL 1954-1962, and discusses the latter's 1963 field studies, including instrumentation, seeding materials, and test procedures, at various sites in Greenland. Most promising fog dispersal system is the CRICKET rocket; it is easily moved, effective to heights of about 4000 ft, and inexpensive. Better tracking and observing techniques are needed to determine effectiveness of seeding; monitoring a test from the ground in dense low fog is difficult because observers get lost and drift of the seeded area is uncertain. CaMAI. HICKS, J. R., see also No. 85799.
HICKEY, J. L. S., see also Nos. 84953, 93014, 93045.
87842. HICKS, S. D., and W. SHOFNOS. The determination of land emergence from sea level observations in Southeast Alaska. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 14, p. 3315-20, tables, graphs, map.) 6 refs. Reports observations of 154 cm emergence of land within the area roughly between Skagway, Juneau, the outer coast, and a north-south line about halfway between the head of Glacier Bay and Yakutat. The oldest series of observations within the 1.9 cm/yr emergent zone dates from 1902. DLC.
HICKS, C. C., see No. 90829.
HIGASHI, A., see No. 86312.
HICKS, G. T., see No. 86429.
HIGGINS, E. A., see No. 87993.
87840. HICKS, J. R. Experiments on the dissipation of warm fog by helicopterinduced air exchange over Thule AB Green-
87843. HILDES, J. A., and others. The elusive source of psittacosis in the Arctic. (Canadian Medical Association. Journal
87839. HICKEY, J. L. S. Electric power and environmental health in Alaska native villages. (US. Public Health Service. Public health reports 1964. v. 79, no. 12, p. 1087-92, tables, map.) 9 refs. Discusses the scarcity of electric power in these small communities and its causes. The potential benefits of power are outlined, its cost and requirements thereof considered, also ways of obtaining electric power for remote villages. DLC.
1965. v. 93, no. 22, p. 1154-55, table.) 5 refs. Other authors: W. L. Parker, A. Delaat, W. Stackiw and J. C. Wilt. Eskimos and northern Indians showed in earlier investigations a high incidence of psittacosis. In order to find its source, geese, ptarmigan, raven and snow bunting were studied. None of the birds had psittacosis virus, but a percentage of migrating geese had psittacosis antibodies. DNLM. 87844. HILDES, J. A., and others. Surveys of respiratory virus antibodies in an arctic Indian population. (Canadian Medical Association. Journal 1965. v. 93, no. 19, p. 1015-18, tables, graphs.) 4 refs. Other authors: J. C. Wilt, W. L. Parker, W. Stackiw and A. Delaat. Reports on three serological surveys carried out over a four-yr period in the relatively isolated village of Old Crow in Yukon Territory. Of the two clinical influenza epidemics, one was of the virus-A type, the other was unidentified. Virus-B affected above 30% of the population during a two-yr period. Whooping-cough and mumps epidemics are also recorded. Sendai and psittacosis viruses are probably endemic DNLM. in the village. HILDES, .1. A., see also Nos. 91900, 93262, 93263. HILL, A. S., see No. 87694. HILL, .1. E., see No. 85838. 87845. HILL, M. Farming in the Tanana valley. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 1, p. 23, +; no. 2, p. 30-31, +; no. 3, illus.) p. 30-31, +; no. 4, p. 30-31, Discussion of homesteading prospects in the Fairbanks area by a member of the Soil Conservation Service. Agricultural activities in the valley since the early 1900's are reviewed; and climate, growing season, soils, crop production, land acquisition, farm development costs, etc are outlined. Milk, from five dairies, and potatoes are the main products; in 1962, crops were harvested from 2716 acres. Although there is some potential for agricultural expansion, fewer settlers are homesteading than in the past. Costs, especially of land clearing, are high, markets uncertain, and suitable land not DLC. available. 87846. HILL, M. L. Occurrences of petroleum in the Cook Inlet area, Alaska. (World Petroleum Congress 6th, Frankfurt am Main 1963. Proceedings pub. 1964.
sect. 1, p. 509-517, maps, sections.) 2 refs. Outlines the regional geology and the geologic history of the Kenai PeninsulaCook Inlet area, then describes the Swanson River oil field and the Kenai gas field, with a regional map and section, also a structural map and typical well section of the Swanson River field. Separate sources of gas and oil are indicated in the upper and lower portions of the Tertiary Kenai formation respectively; the gas probably originated within the formation itself; the oil in the lower Kenai Hemlock zone probably migrated from underlying marine Mesozoic strata. Since discovery of the Swanson River field in 1957, activities have increased each year. Test drillings in 1962 are noted. Gas is piped to Anchorage, and oil shipped to Pacific Coast refineries; a 20,000 b/d refinery is being completed on the Kenai DGS. Peninsula for the Alaska market. 87847. HILL, R. H. W., and others. Ice conditions in the Canadian Arctic during the summer shipping season 1963. Toronto 1965. 66 p. maps, tables. (Canada. Meteorological Branch. Circular 4188.) 3 refs. Supersedes circular 4124 which should be destroyed. Other authors: A. B. Cooper, and W. E. Markham. Presents a series of weekly or fortnightly charts showing the progress of the breakup on shipping routes, based largely upon aerial ice survey flights conducted by the Meteorological Branch. Comparison with previous years in the Eastern and Western Arctic, shows 1963 breakup much later than normal near Cape Dyer, near normal in Foxe Basin; a large ice island lodged in Kennedy Channel in Feb blocked the polar ice until July, making the season there lighter than normal until early Oct. In the west, Amundsen Gulf was clear by late June, the earliest reported since 1953; the same persistent off-shore winds provided a very open season on the coast of Banks Island and throughout southern Beaufort DWB. Sea. 87848. HILLIARD, D. K. Observations on a sewage oxidation pond in southcentral Alaska. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 21 p. tables, graphs, (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-64-17.) 4 refs. Study of a sewage pond near Palmer during May—Dec 1963, with comparisons to a pond in Missouri. During the photosynthetic period (May—Aug) the Alaska pond showed a healthy biological regime, but during the remaining months ammonium, P-compounds, and BOD (biological oxygen demand) increased, and pond odor ap-
peared. Of 18 photosynthetically active algal forms found, 11 were new to North CaMAI. America. 87849. HILLIARD, D. K., and B. ASMUND. Studies on Chrysophyceae from some ponds and lakes in Alaska, II. (Hydrobiologia 1963. v. 22, no. 3-4, p. 331-400, map, illus.) Approx. 100 refs. In sequence to No. 69897. Reports on these epiphytic and epiplanktonic, yellow-green algae, with notes on the temperature, pH and main chemicals of the water. Twelve new species of Epipyxis and two of Dinobryon are described in detail. It is proposed that the genus Hyalobrion and Section Epipysis of Dinobryon be transferred to the genus Epipyxis. The reasons for it and the species transferred are DLC. noted. HILLIARD, D. K., see also No. 92548 §16. HILTON, D. C., see No. 85636. 87850. HIMMS-HAGEN, J. Lipid metabolism in warm-acclimated and coldacclimated rats exposed to cold. (Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 1965. v. 43, no. 3, p. 379-403, tables, graphs.) 36 refs. Glucose-U-C'4 incorporation into brown fat tissue lipids was 10-50 times greater in cold-acclimated rats in the cold, than in warm-acclimated rats in warmth. This increase was not observed in cold-adapted rats in warmth, or warm-adapted rats in the cold. All this indicates that the brown adipose tissue is a major mechanism in nonshivering thermogenesis in cold-acclimatized animals, and can be switched on and off in response to changes of ambient temperature. DLC. 87851. HINCKLEY, T. C. Publicist of the forgotten frontier. (Journal of the West 1965. v. 4, no. 1, p. 27-40.) Approx. 40 refs. Describes Dr. Sheldon Jackson's humanitarian and educational activities in Alaska in 1877-1888: campaigns to organize territorial schools, and missionary stations, prevent abuse of native women, etc. DLC. 87852. HINDS, M. April in arctic Quebec. (Beaver, spring 1964, no. 295, p. 26-31, illus.) Describes recreation of Eskimo children at Wakeham Bay; they accompany the women who gather mussels, descending through cracks to caverns beneath the sea ice when the tide is out and scrape the shellfish off the rocks. CaMAI, DI.
HINES, J. Q., see No. 92548 §18. 87853. HINNANT, J. The possibility of genotypic adaptation to cold in man. (Anthropology tomorrow 1964. v. 9, no. 3, p. 38-52.) 13 refs. Comparative study of metabolic response, shivering and vasoconstriction in Europeans, Eskimos, and Australian aborigines. No conclusive evidence of cardinal genetic adaptation is found: non-acclimatized individuals and Eskimos show similar response to cold stress. Certain slight changes in the action of key regulating mechanisms are considered incidental to cultural adaptation: DSI. clothing, shelter, etc. 87854. HINSHAW, L. B., and others. Renal vascular response to hypothermia. (Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Proceedings 1965. v. 118, no. 3, p. 623-27, tables, illus.) 18 refs. Other authors: F. D. Masucci, C. M. Brake, L. E. Wittners and T. E. Emerson, Jr. Study of the isolated dog kidney, cooled and rewarmed, with the interfering, temperature-conditioned changes in blood viscosity and tissue pressure removed. Active renal vasoconstriction, resulting from release of adrenergic agents, was observed DLC. only during rewarming. 87855. HIPSZER, H. Un masque-calembour: l'oiseau-homme. (Anthropos 1965. v. 60, no. 1-6, p. 387-409, illus.) 24 refs. In French. Title tr.: Pun mask: bird man. Discusses the meaning of Eskimo masks at the Musk: de l'Homme in Paris, which show human features incorporated into the dorsal of waterfowl. The masks are considered a "pun" on man-animal resemblance designed for amusement. Eskimo plastic art and types of masks are dealt with. DSI. HIRANO, T., see No. 86554. 87856. HIRSCHSPRUNG, G. Lerslettemenden. (GrOnland 1964, no. 8, p. 300-306, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: The man from Lersletten. Account of an Eskimo who lost his way on a desolate plain in the Ikamiut (68°30' N 51°50' W) area south of Disko Bugt, West Greenland, and was found alive after 22 DLC. days. 87857. HIRSJARVI, A. Drei lappisehe Kalender. (Suomen museo 1964. v. 71, p. 49-58, illus.) Refs. In German. Title tr.: Three Lappish calendars. Describes two horn slabs and a wooden staff with engraved signs marking days and
saints'. days. Two of the calendars have runic, and one geometric symbols; all three are post-Reformation; the wooden calendar DLC. bears the date 1667.
teristics of the seasonal variation of air temperature and wave height give some support to the Lonquet-Higgins theory of microseism origin. DGS.
87858. HISDAL, V. The weather in Svalbard in 1963. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 205-208, table.) Presents day-to-day account of some salient features of the large scale atmospheric circulation pattern. Table shows preliminary monthly mean temperatures for Isfjord Radio and their deviation from the 1947-1962 means. The greater part of 1963, particularly the winter months, was DLC. colder than normal.
87862. HJORTH, L. Biirjan till tii.tort. (Norrbotten 1964-65, p. 253-76, illus.) In Swedish. Title tr.: The beginnings of a town. Continues from No 72164, 79394, the reminiscences of Anna Karolina Hjorth, 1881-1959, a Swedish school mistress, on life in Kiruna, north Sweden, at the beginning of the century. SPRI.
87859. HISSA, R. The postnatal development of homoiothermy in the Norwegian lemming, Lemmus lemmus. (Experientia 1964. v. 20, no. 6, p. 326-27, graphs.) 18 refs. German summary. Reports study of stabilized temperature, Orconsumption and shivering at graded temperatures of 0-33° C. It was found that homoiothermia develops in these lemmings earlier than in mice and golden hamsters. DLC. HITCHCOCK, R. E., see No. 86353. 87860. HJELLE, A. On the geology of the upper Grusdievbreen area, Olav V Land, Vestspitsbergen. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 81-88, maps, tables, illus.) 2 refs. Describes, with map, the stratigraphy and structure of a 16 km2 area of central Vestspitsbergen. The rocks form a dipping sequence in the Hecla Hoek Formation of Precambrian age and except for minor intrusions all are of sedimentary origin. The youngest rocks are to the east. Detailed stratigraphic charts are presented, and the sequence is correlated with the geology of adjoining areas. Ripple-marked sandstones are common and these are used to identify current flow in the original geosyncline. Some hydrothermal mineralization was DLC. noted. 87861. HJORTENBERG, E. Some theories of microseisms in the light of more recent findings. (Seismological Society of America. Bulletin 1963. v. 53, no. 5, p. 1085-1090, map, graphs.) 9 refs. Reviews discussions on theories of generation and propagation of 2- to 10-sec microseisms. Jensen's determinations of direction of approach at Nord, Greenland (No 72551) confirm some older findings, and the charac-
87863. HJTJLSTROM, F. John Frodin. (Vetenskaps-societeten i Uppsala. Arsbok 1961 pub. 1962. p. 17-19, illus.) In Swedish. Reviews the professional life of this wellknown general geographer, an excellent teacher and organizer, who founded Geographica. Several of his published reports deal with botany and geography of the mountain regions of northern Sweden. DLC. HLUSZKO, M. T., see No. 85810. 87864. HOBBIE, J. E. Carbon 14 measurements of primary production in two arctic Alaskan lakes. (International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology. Verhandlungen 1964. v. 15, p. 36064, table, graphs, map.) 5 refs. Reports study of two small lakes in the Brooks Range during one year (Aug 196061) and two summers. The lakes were found the least productive of any extensively investigated, Lake Schrader producing 7.5-6.6 g/C/m2/yr, Lake Peters only 0.9 g. CaMAI. 87865. HOBBS, P. V. The aggregation of ice particles in clouds and fogs at low temperatures. (Journal of the atmospheric sciences 1965. v. 22, no. 3, p. 296-300, graphs, illus.) 14 refs. Reviews the experimental and theoretical evidence concerning the adhesion of ice; then, uses Hobbs and Mason's results (infra) to predict the size of the ice bond which will form at temperatures down to —40° C; finally, these calculations are compared with M. Kumai's observations (qv) on ice crystal aggregates in ice fogs. Their theory of sintering provides a quantitative explanation of the degree of bonding that takes place in natural ice fogs. DLC. 87866. HOBBS, P. V., and B. J. MASON. The sintering and adhesion of ice. (Philosophical magazine 1964. 8th ser. v. 9, no. 98, p. 181-97, graphs, illus.) 15 refs.
Extends the evaporation-condensation theory of ice-sintering by introducing a concept of sintering by diffusion of material through ambient gas. Measurements of the rates of growth of the sintering neck between single crystal and polycrystalline ice spheres, and between heavy ice spheres are found to be in agreement with the theory. The process of sintering by surface and volume is considered to be slower by almost four orders of magnitude. No liquid-like surface layer was found on the pure ice spheres to effect liquid sintering, although such a surface layer is possible on salt-containing ice. Other theories of ice sintering, and the experimental technique used in this investigation are presented and DLC. discussed.
87867. HOBSON, G. D., and others. Notes on geophysical logs and bore-hole temperature measurements from the Muskox drilling project. (Canada. Geological Survey. Papers 1966. no. 66-13, p. 108122, table, graphs, illus.) 5 refs. Other authors: A. E. Beck and D. C. Findlay. Presents preliminary results of the geophysical logging program carried out in conjunction with the Muskox drilling project, Mackenzie District, Canada. The neutron log proved to be the most useful in igneous rocks, since it indicated pyroxenite•dunite contacts and changes in the degree of serpentinization in dunite. Selections of the log are illus. The recorders of the resistivity logs were not capable of handling the extreme variations in resistivity encountered in the boles. Preliminary results of a geophone velocity survey and temperature measurements are presented and discussed. DGS. 87868. HOCHSTEIN, M. Elektrische Widerstandsmessungen auf dem Grondliindischen Inlandeis. KObenhavn, Reitzel 1965. 39 p. map, graphs, tables. (Meddelelser om GrOland v. 177, no. 3.) 28 refs. Also issued as: Expedition Claciologique Internationale au Greenland, E.G.I.G. 19571960. v. 8, no. 3. In German. English summary. Title tr.: Electrical resistivity measurements on the Greenland Inland Ice. Reports a series of DC-resistance measurements made during summer 1959 at Station Centrele (70°55' N 40°38' W) and at Point Nord (71°25' N 48°27' W). Results indicate that at depths greater than 300 m the resistivity of the ice ranges 0.025-0.085 megohm/m. These values are 104 to 104 times smaller than those from temperate glaciers. Laboratory and field studies show that the resistivity of cold sedimentary ice
is a function of the ice temperature and the contact resistance between the grains. Contact resistance decreases with depth, thus resistivity variations at great depths are caused by variations in temperature. Some correlation is shown between theoretical temperatures and those calculated from these resistivity measurements. Measured and calculated results are tabulated. Instrumentation and methods are described. DGS. 87869. HOCHSTEIN, M. t)berlegungen zur Erfassung der Tagesvariationen bei magnetischen Messungen in MittelgrOnland. (Polarforschung 1964. v. 5, no. 34, p. 28185, table, graphs.) 7 refs. In German. English summary. Title tr.: Considerations for the understanding of the diurnal variations of magnetic measurements in central Greenland. Discusses the 1959 measurements by the International Glaciological Expedition to Greenland along approx 575 km east-west and 185 km north-south profiles. In high latitudes the reduction of daily magmatic variations and disturbances is possible with records of a distant observatory, if the field station and the observatory are on nearly the same magnetic latitude and if the field measurements are done during quiet intervals. DLC. 87870. HOCKING, B., and C. D. SHARPLIM Flower basking by arctic insects. (Nature Apr 10, 1965. v. 206, p. 215.) Ref. Having observed that mosquitoes spend much longer time in flowers than needed for feeding on the nectar, and noting the paraboloid shape of the flower corollas, authors measured the temperature in the parabola's focus. They found this temperature to be 6.5-10.5° F higher than in adjacent areas of the flowers. Differences were smaller when sunlight was diffused by clouds. DLC. 87871. HODDER, V. M. Trends in the cod fishery off the east coast of Newfoundland and Labrador. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Research bulletin 1965. no. 2, p. 31-41, table, graphs, map.) 6 refs. Reviews the postwar developments in this area, especially in offshore trawling, and presents data on landings for 1954-1963 by seven (all European except one) countries. Gear and subareas are specified. Trends in effort and landings per unit effort are considered, as well as length and age composition of catches. DLC. HODDER, V. M., see also No. 92291.
87872. HODGSON, H. J., and W. W. MITCHELL. A new Elymordeum hybrid from Alaska. (Canadian journal of botany 1965. v. 43, no. 11, p. 1355-58, table, graph, illus.) 5 refs. Describes grass plants discovered in 1964 along the Cottonwood Creek, Cook Inlet area. Their morphology and sterility suggest that they are hybrids between Elymus mollis and Hordeum brachyantherum, and named X Elymordeum littorale, hybr. nov. DSI. HODGSON, H. J., see also Nos. 84952, 89966, 89967. 87873. HODGSON, J. H., and others. Seismicity of the Arctic. (International Geophysical Year 1957-58. Special Committee. Annals 1965. v. 30, p. 33-66, tables, maps.) 72 refs. Other authors: M. Bath, H. Jensen, A. Kvale, N. A. Linden, L. M. Murphy, N. V. Shebalin, E. Tryggvason and E. Vesanen. Reviews seismologic observations and the establishment of recording stations in the Arctic prior to and during the IGY. Maps are presented showing these stations and the epicenters of earthquakes which they have recorded. The seismicity of the Arctic is indicated in the form of 21 p of tabulated data and a brief discussion. A strong belt of major seismicity is evident along the extension of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge north and west of Iceland. DGS. 87874. HODGSON, J. H. There are earthquake risks in Canada. (Canadian consulting engineer 1965. v. 7, no. 7, p. 42-51, maps, graphs, table, illus.) 22 refs. Outlines the earthquake possibilities in Canada, comparing the intensity of four Canadian quakes 20 times as great and one 500 times as great as the disastrous 1960 quake at Agadir, French Morocco. Earthquake provisions of the National Building Code are little enforced in urban areas. Destructive-type quakes in Baffin Bay 1933, at Whitehorse 1944 and 1952, and in eastcentral Yukon Territory in 1953 and 1955 are noted among others. The 1952 version of an earthquake probability map for Canada shows no damage likely in the Canadian Shield, minor in the Mackenzie valley, and moderate in most of the Yukon. DLC. 87875. HOEGH-GULDBERG, 0. Aricia agestis Schiff. and A. allous Hb., Lep. Rhopalocera, in northern Europe; a taxonomic study. (Opuscula entomologica 1961. v. 26, no. 3, p. 161-76, map, illus.) 19 refs.
Study of Scandinavian material, including that from northern areas, with special emphasis on the coloration of these butterflies. Additional specific characters for distinguishing agestis and allous species and subspecies are presented and problems of further investigation outlined. DLC. 87876. HOGLUND, N. H. Fjiillammel ynglande i december. (Fauna och flora 1964, no. 4-5, p. 145-47, illus.) 3 refs. In Swedish. Title tr.: Lemming breeding in December. Notes case of a newborn L. lemmas found in Lillhardal (61°50' N 13°50' E), north Sweden in winter 1963-64. This confirms the theory that lemming can breed in winter if weather is favorable. DLC. 87877. HOHN,* E. 0., and others. Adrenal weight in wild mallard and domestic ducks and seasonal adrenal weight changes in the mallard. (Canadian journal of zoology 1965. v. 43, no. 3, p. 475-87, graphs, tables.) 31 refs. Other authors: A. K. Sarkar and A. Dzubin. Account of weight similarities and dissimilarities with age and sex of these conspecific ducks. Adrenal weight was related to testicular weight in both forms but not to ovarial and oviduct weight. Seasonal changes (related to breeding) in adrenal weight was found in both forms. Higher adrenal weight in mallards is attributed to greater exposure to stress. DSI. HOKFELT, B., see Nos. 85057, 85059. 87878. HOEKSTRA, P., and E. CHAMBERLAIN. Electro-osmosis in frozen soil. (Nature, Sept. 26, 1964. v. 203, p. 1406— 1407.) 2 refs. Account of experiments with slabs of soil rapidly frozen to —30° C and electrodes, etc applied to them. The results show that considerable amounts of unfrozen (adsorbed) water can be transported in frozen soil under an electrical current. The practical application of this property to perenDLC. nially frozen ground is suggested. 87879. HOEKSTRA, P., and others. Migration of liquid inclusions in single ice crystals. Hanover, N. H. 1965. 8 p. tables, graphs. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 183.) 18 refs. Other authors: T. E. Osterkamp and W. F. Weeks. Investigates migrations of brine pockets of calcium and sodium chloride (KCI and NaCl). Their velocities are compared with *See also No. 87890.
those calculated from a simple diffusion model, using the data of electrolytic solutions available in literature. Although the relative movements of KCI and NaC1 pockets are consistent with the diffusion theory, the observed velocities are alwayS lees than the calculated. Neither the direction of the gravitational field, nor the crystallographic orientation of the host crystal significantly influences the rate of migration. Migration of solid KC1 particles is shown to occur at temperatures below the eutectic point. Two mechanisms are proposed that would impede the mechanical differentiation of salts that crystallize at high temperatures relative to salts that remain in the brine of sea ice. These mechanisms explain recent field observations that SOJC1 ratio of sea ice does not DLC. increase with its age. 87880. HOLMERAIIK, S. Fimbulvinter. (Norske ttuistforening. Arbok 1963, p. 150-58, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: The tragic winter. Describes evacuation of north Norwegians by the Germans who created a scorched earth in 1944 against a Russian advance. Kirkenes was heavily bombarded because of its key position along the Murmansk route. DLC. 87881. HOEMAN, J. V. McKinleyHunter traverse. (American alpine journal 1964. v. 14, no. 1, p. 56-59, illus.) 3 refs. Describes ascents by a four-man Mountaineering Club of Alaska party during July—Aug 1963, including both peaks of Mt. McKinley, Middle and South Peaks (first ascents), and North Peak (second ascent) of Mt. Hunter. DLC. 87882. HOEN, E. W. The anhydrite diapirs of central western Axel Heiberg Island. Montreal 1964. 102 p. tables, maps, sections, illus. (Jacobsen-McGill Arctic Research Expedition to Axel Heiberg Island. Research report: geology no. 2.) Approx. 260 refs. Reports investigations into the structure and origin of one of the world's best exposed examples of piercement structures. The regional geology and stratigraphy are outlined. Full descriptions of the diapir structures are given, with a classification into three types, accompanied by maps, sections and photographs. Laboratory analyses of the rocks and minerals involved in the diapirism are given, with photographs of thin sections. Complications raised by the presence of sills and dikes of diabase are discussed. Theories of sedimentation of
evaporites and their migration to form characteristic diapir structures are reviewed. Assuming growth to be due to isostasy with or without compression, the large domical diapirs on Axel Heiberg Island are considered to have been induced under static conditions while anticlinal and fault diapirs were tectonically induced or modified. In the absence of evidence for halite at depth*, the source evaporite is believed to be gypsum, transformed into anhydrite at depth and locally reconverted into gypsum after exhumation. 35,000 ft of sediments overlie the evaporite source layer. CaMAI. 87883. WAPNER PETERSEN, G. De grOnlandske rejefelter og israndslinierne. (GrOnland 1965, no. 9, p. 323-27, maps, illus.) 4 refs. In Danish. Title tr.: The Greenland prawn grounds and ice-margin areas. Suggests locating areas of level sea floor off Greenland suitable for prawn trawling, by observing glacier fronts ashore. Material deposited by glaciers in former times might have created such areas. The Kap FarvelAngmagssalik region should be tried. CaMAI, DLC. 87884. HOYRUP, F. By dog sled in Thule. (Danish Foreign Office journal 1961, no. 39, p. 11-14, illus.) Recounts experience as a passenger on a 30 hr, 200 km journey with Eskimos by mail sled from Qanaq to Dundas, North Greenland, in 1961. General information on the area, population, economy, and impressions of living conditions in Greenland are given. DLC. 87885. HOFFMAN, R. A., and R. J. REITER. Influence of compensatory mechanisms and the pineal gland on darkinduced gonadal atrophy in male hamsters. (Nature Aug. 7, 1965. v. 207, p. 658-59, tables.) 4 refs. Account of experiments indicating that the pineal gland is activated when darkness produces a regression of the gonads. However other stimuli (including low temperature) may be superimposed on, or even reverse the pineal action. DLC. 87886. HOFFMAN, R. A., and R. J. HESTER. Non-essential role of the adrenal medulla in the hibernation of the 13-lined ground squirrel. (Nature Aug. 7, 1965. v. 207, p. 656-57, graph.) 13 refs. *Discovery of salt springs in core of diapir subsequent to Hoon'a work is noted by F. Muller, leader of the expedition, p. 1, 07, 70.
Account of experiments, with observations covering all phases of hibernation, Sept— May. It was found that medullectomy disrupted the preparatory phase of hibernation and delayed its onset. Also mortality in these animals was high in the late stages DLC. of the experiment. HOFFMAN, T. C., see No. 84954. 87887. HOFMANN, E. Specialty foods for Eskimos and export. (North 1964. v. 11, no. 1, p. 44-46, illus.) Discusses potentialities for processing sea mammals, fish, and other northern food resources for local consumption by Eskimos and export to southern markets. Foodprocessing experiments and activities of the Industrial Division in the Canadian Dept of Northern Affairs since 1961 are noted. CaMAL 87888. HOFMANN, W., and K. NOTTARP. Die geodatische Lagemessung fiber des Grenlandische Inlandeis der Interne. tionalen Glaziologischen Granland-Expedition, EGIG, 1959. KObenhavn, Reitzel 1964. 145 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (Meddelelser om GrOnland v. 173, no. 6.) 21 refs. Also issued as: Expedition Glaciologique Internationale au Groenland, E.G. I.G. 1957-1960. v. 2, no. 4. In German. French and English summary. Title tr.: The geodetic measurements on the Greenland Inland Ice by the International Glaciological Expedition to Greenland, EGIG, 1959. Describes the planning, procedures, and difficulties encountered in establishing two big profiles over the Greenland Inland Ice; and discusses the results and the glaciological possibilities of the measurements which are intended to provide the basis for determining the movement and strain of the ice surface in the profiles. The main profile extends 925 km from Ata Sund on the west coast to the east coast near Cecilia Nunatak; the second profile, 330 km long, runs N-S across the main profile. The main procedure was electronic distance measurement by tellurometer, the instrument being adapted to arctic use. Results accurate to ± 5 cm were obtained, although comparison of the geodetically determined coordinates with those calculated astronomically shows systematic differences, presumably caused by ice movement during the measuring period, May—Aug 1959. DGS. 87889. HOGUE, D. W. Environment of the Greenland Icecap. Natick, Mass. 1964. 132 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (US Army. Natick Lab. Technical report
ES-14.) 158 refs. In sequence to No 65074 in a series of regional studies. Describes characteristic and extreme conditions of the icecap surface and its climate, based on a literature survey, meteorological records, and several months' field observetions. Emphasis is placed on environmental elements of military and scientific significance, including climatic summaries from Characteristic 27 Greenland stations. features include very difficult trafficability in the ablation zone, acute crevasse danger during the melt period, drifting snow in the marginal zone during the accumulation period, temperature differences as great as 40° F between the dry snow and ablation zones at the same latitude, and abovefreezing temperatures rare on the high central icecap. Extreme conditions encountered include minimum temperatures below —40° at all stations in winter; cyclonic storms and blizzards often experienced in southern Greenland. Fog, blowing snow, and whiteout limit visibility and transport. DWB. 87890. HOHN,* E. 0. Ornithological observations in the Askinuk Mountains and Scammon Bay area, Yukon Delta, Alaska. (Arctic 1965, v. 18, no. 4, p. 260-61.) Notes sighting in May—June 1965 of 87 species of birds; seven specified as not expected beyond the tree line. Nesting northern phalaropes were observed to have an egg-laying interval of 24-48 hr• and no DI. evidence of territorial behavior. 87891. HOLDSWORTH, G. An examination and analysis of the formation of transverse crevasses, Kaskawulsh Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada. Columbus, Ohio 1965. 101 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (Ohio. State Univ. Inst. of Polar Studies. Report no. 16.) 65 refs. Examines the applicability of J. F. Nye's theoretical expression for the longitudinal strain rate on the surface of a valley glacier (No 60600), and investigates the mechanics and mode of formation of transverse crevasses (No 36524), based on 1964 field data from this glacier in the Icefield Ranges in the St. Elias Mts. A regional strain rate field was derived from velocity and strain net measurements, though comparison between measured and computed strain rates gives inconclusive results. A value of regional longitudinal extending strain rate of about 3.5 x 10-5 day -5 is associated with the occurrence of the first transverse crevasse in previously unfractured firn. This critical strain rate is considered important, *See also No. 87877.
and localized strain rates and stresses greater than regional values are believed responsible for fracturing of ice. Crevasse spacings average 2.8 x mean crevasse depth, which is about 26 meters. Some methods of computing them are given; L. E. Nielsen's formula gives a spacing close to the mean of the measured values. Finally, a concept of transverse crevasse formation is discussed; a plastic rather than an elastic behavior is CaMAL suggested.
and comparison made with those of 1938 as reported in No 39722. No notable difference in the annual accumulation is apparent as yet. It is tentatively concluded that there may have been a small increase. Periglacial conditions are also analyzed. DLC.
HOLDSWORTH, L. D., see Nos. 93095, 93096, 93097.
87895. HOLLOWAY, S. A., and J. A. F. STEVENSON. Effect of glucagon on oxygen consumption in the cold-adapted rat. (Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 1964. v. 42, no. 6, p. 860-62, graph.) 6 refs. In non-acclimatized controls injected with glucagon, Orconsumption rose significantly within about an hour. In cold-acclimatized rats no such effect was noted. DLC.
HOLDSWORTH, P. R., see No. 84952. 87892. HOLGERSEN, H. Ringmerking av tjeld. (Stavanger. Museet. Arbok 1962 pub. 1963. v. 72, p. 174-80, map.) In Norwegian. English stunmary. Title tr.: Banding of the oystercatcher. Haematopus ostralegus L. is one of the first signs of spring along the Norwegian coast. Its northward movement starts in Feb, in Nordland county first arrivals are in the first half of March, in the extreme northeast near the end of Apr. Banding and recoveries are described. The number of these European oystercatchers nesting in Norway cannot be estimated as those with breeding grounds on Kola Peninsula and eastward to the Pechora region also probably migrate along the Norwegian coastal route. These birds are always found near the sea. One banded on the White Sea coast was found on the southwest coast of Norway a year later. DLC. 87893. HOLGERSEN, H. Ringmerkingsoversikt 1962. (Stavanger. Museet. Sterna 1963. v. 5, no. 7, p. 229-66, tables.) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Bird banding in Norway 1962, report no. 13. Presents annual report of banding and recoveries in Norway and Svalbard. The 26,000 birds banded incl no new species but large numbers of several species. Age, migration and speed of travel are cited for recoveries. Total bandings to date are given for more than 150 species. DLC. 87894. HOLLAND, M. Glaciological observations around Mount Atter, West Greenland. (Journal of glaciology 1961. v. 3, no. 29, p. 804-812, graphs, map.) 6 refs. French and German summary. Reports observations during the summer of 1956 in the mountainous Sukkertoppen region. Its characteristic features and present state of its glaciers are described. Data from pit measurements are tabulated
HOLLIDAY, F. G. T., see No. 85674. HOLLINGWORTH, S. E., see No. 91556.
87896. HOLM, 0. W. Northwest Coast Indian art; an analysis of form. Seattle, Univ. of Washington Press 1965. xvii, 115 p. map, tables, illus. Washington (State) Univ. Museum. Monograph no. 1.) 54 refs. Analyzes the organization of form and space in two-dimensional design ranging from near-realism to symbolic abstraction developed, among others, by the Tlingits, Haidas, and Tsimshians. Major principles included the concept of a continuous primary formline elaborated by secondary and tertiary elements, fluidity of non-concentric design, and an interlocking pattern of shapes related in form, color, and scale. A possible kinesthetic relationship of this art to dance movements is noted. Textiles, household furnishings and utensils, totem poles, masks, and ornaments are the museum objects considered. Reviewed by G. Swinton in Beaver 1966, no 297, p 54-55. DLC. 87897. HOLMES, F. Lake Minchumina middle of the biggest. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 2, p. 12-14, +, illus.) Describes this lake and small community located near the geographic center of Alaska within view of Mt McKinley. Seasonal changes in weather, plant and animal life, also in human activities are outlined. The present inhabitants are mostly employees of the Federal Aviation Agency. DI. 87898. HOLMES, G. W., and others. Distribution and age of pingos of interior Alaska. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966,
p. 88-93, maps, illus.) 11 refs. Other authors: H. L. Foster and D. M. Hopkins. The distribution of pingos is mapped in an area with discontinuous permafrost and traversed by the Tanana River. All are of open-system type; 245 are located, 19 by field investigation and the remainder by air-photo identification. The climatic, geomorphic and biotic relationships of the pingos are discussed. Required conditions are a thick mantle of unconsolidated sediments on a sloping surface, permafrost to approx 100 ft, and an aquifer below the Particular site, slope and permafrost. drainage factors are also noted. Vegetational response to improved drainage as a result of arching is visually apparent. The age of the pingos was determined by examination of soil profile, vegetation communities and in one case by radiocarbon dating. They range from a few decades to CaMAI. 7000 yr BP. 87899. HOLMES, G. W., and T. L. PEWS. Geologic map of the Mt. Hayes D-3 quadrangle, Alaska. Washington, DC. 1965. table, text, map. (US. Geological Survey. Geologic quadrangle maps of the US no. GQ-366.) Refs. Maps at scale 1:63, 360 the geology of a 255 sq mi area in color, 17 formations being differentiated. About one-sixth of the area is a granodiorite intrusion of Cretaceous age, the remainder consisting of Quaternary sediments, principally glacial and nonglacial gravels, morainic and terrace deposits, rubble and colluvium. The lithologic character and relation of each formation to the two successive glaciations in the area, the Delta and the Donnelly, are described. DLC. 87900. HOLMES, G. W. Geologic reconnaissance along the Alaska Highway Delta River to Tok Junction, Alaska. Washington, D.C. U.S. Govt. Print. Office 1965. 19 p. maps, tables. (U.S. Geological Survey. Bulletin 1181-H.) 13 refs. Contains report and map at 1 in:2 mi scale, based on 1957 and 1960 field work along the final 100 mi of the Alaska Highway including the Tanana lowland middle section, also parts of the Yukon-Tanana upland and the Alaska Range. Major bedrock units are the Birch Creek Schist, regarded as Precambrian; Cretaceous granites, and Tertiary volcanics. Most of the Tanana lowland and the foothills of the Alaska Range are covered by glacial and alluvial deposits, especially the large, well-preserved moraines at the mouths of the major tributaries of the Tanana, and the extensive fan aprons
spreading northward from these moraines. Two major Pleistocene glaciations are indicated by moraine sequences. Other surficial deposits of considerable size are the terrace sediments of the Tanana River and its major tributaries and the widespread eolian loess. DGS. 87901. HOLMES, G. W., and C. R. LEWIS. Quaternary geology of the Mount Chamberlin area, Brooks Range, Alaska. Washington D.C. Govt. Print. Office 1965. p. B1-B32, maps, tables, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Bulletin 1201-B.) 25 refs. Presents results of photointerpretation, aerial reconnaissance, and ground traverses during 1958-1959, in mapping at 1 in:1 mi the glacial geology of this rugged mountainous area 69°15'-69°35' N 144°36'-145° 12' W in the northeastern Brooks Range. Glaciers originating in the Franklin Mts advanced in four major Pleistocene glaciations and in two minor Recent fluctuations. The oldest advance, the Weller Glaciation, is recorded by scattered erratics on bedrock ridges and by smooth sheets of till on the middle and lower slopes, the till subsequently modified by frost action and solifluction processes. Next, the Chamberlin Glaciation deposited till sheets and outwash aprons which retain some of their original form, also a clearly-mappable end moraine. End moraines of the less extensive Schrader Glaciation enclose Lake Schrader. The last major advance, the Peters Glaciation, was limited to the Franklin Mts. Modern glaciers have formed two groups of moraines; one near the ice front, and a very fresh moraine in contact with the ice. Tentative correlation is given between these glaciations and others in Alaska and the Yukon, DGS. based on limited data. HOLMES, R. T., see No. 84952. 87902. HOLMQUIST, C. The amphipod genus Pseudalibrotus. (Zeitscluift ftir zoologische Systematik and Evolutionforschung 1965. v. 3, no. 1-2, p. 19-46, tables, illus.) Approx. 65 refs. Comparative-morphological study of own and museum collections, from Alaskan (esp Nuwuk pond near Pt Barrow) and West Greenland waters. Ps. littoralis, Ps. nanseni and Ps. glacialis are recognized as genuine species, apparently of circumpolar distribution. Ps. birulai could not be definitely classified, for lack of Caspian material. CaMAI. 87903. HOLMQVIST, W. On the origin of the Lapp ribbon ornament. (Acts
archaeologiea 1935. v. 5, no. 3, p. 265-82, illus.) Refs. Traces carved ribbon interlacings on Lappish horn artifacts to a medieval ornament pattern which penetrated Scandinavia in the 6-7th century; it reached the Lapps through Viking trade in the 11-13th century. DLC. HOLOWAYCHUK, N., see No. 92548§13. 87904. HOLT, 0., and B. LANDMARK. Some experimental studies of the arctic D-region. (In: NATO. Arctic communications . . . 1964, p. 3-25, tables, graphs, maps.) 28 refs. Describes three types of high latitude absorption phenomena. Type AA, auroral absorption, closely correlated to visual aurora and geomagnetic disturbances, is due to ionization of atmosphere (D region) by electrons with energy of 10-100 key, and occurs most frequently in the auroral zone. Type PCA, polar-cap absorption, occurs simultaneously over the polar region bounded by approx 60° parallel, is caused by protons of energies up to 100 racy, and is related to solar disturbances and geomagnetic activity. SCA, sudden commencement absorption type occurs with the SC geomagnetic storms, often increases abruptly and returns to its normal value in less than one hour. SCA is attributed to a short burst of energetic electrons bombarding the D layer of the ionosphere, and is limited to the latitude around the auroral zone, but occurs simultaneously over a wide range in longitude. These three types of radio wave absorption were observed and _ measured over Alaska, northern Canada, and northern Scandina via in 1958-1962. Results are presented graphically, and in accompanying discussion and interpretation. DLC. 87905. HOLT, S. J., and J. A. GULLAND. Measures of abundance of antarctic whale stocks. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et proc6sverbaux 1963 pub. 1964. v. 155, p. 147-51, table.) 5 refs. Discuss the stocks of blue, fin, and humpback whales in the preceding two years. The estimates are based on catch/ unit effort, mortality rate (from age composition), marking, and sightings. All the methods gave reasonably consistent results. DLC. 87906. HOLTEDAHL, 0. The submarine relief off the Norwegian coast. Oslo 1940. 43 p. graphs, maps, illus. 42 refs.
Describes and gives a geologic interpretation of a seven-sheet bathymetric map of Norwegian coastal waters. A zone of fracture of more local character is established, bordering the Scandinavian landmass toward the shelf region. The Norwegian coasts are compared with those of southwest Greenland, Vestspitsbergen and Alaska, and features of general occurrence are noted. The Varangerfjord, Lofoten and other northern areas are included in this study. DLC. 87907. HOLTVED, E. Samuel Kleinschmidt i anledning of 150-§xet for hans fOdsel. (GrOnland 1964, no. 6, p. 217-30, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: Samuel Kleinschmidt on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth. English version pub in Arctic 1964, v 17, no 2, p 142-44. Biographical sketch of this missionary and linguist, noted for his Greenlandic grammar (No 8809) and for the creation of a Greenlandic script. CaM AI, DLC. 87908. HOLZKAMM, F., and others. On the processes of renewal of the North Atlantic deep water in the Irminger Sea. (Deep-sea research 1964. v. 11, no. 6, p. 881-90, map, graphs.) 25 refs. Other authors: G. Krause and G. Siedler. Discusses observations of temperature and electrical conductivity recorded at 25 stations by an in situ salinometer on the Anton Dohrn in connection with Int Corn N Atlantic Fisheries expedition Norwestlant 2 in 1963. Relation of these two parameters to the renewal of deep oceanic water southeast of Greenland is also examined. The fine structure of the water layering suggests that the downward movement of cooled surface water is combined with horizontal mixing to more than 1000 m depth, a condition verified by the existence of water elements having slightly different temperature and salinity. Four typical oceanographic stations southeast of Kap Farvel were studied in detail. DLC. 87909. HOMANN, G. W. Logistics of ice cap surface transportation. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962 . . pub. 1963, p. 483-90, illus.) Describes the equipment used by the US Army Polar Research and Development Center for its heavy swings over the Camp Tuto—Camp Century trail in Greenland, viz: low ground pressure tractors, wannigans, cargo sleds, large wheel cargo transporters, neoprene tanks on sleds, etc. Also considered are trail conditions, standards of trail discipline, operational routine,
fire and other hazards, and the tonnage carried during the 1959-1961 summer and year-round operations. Photos of a command train, LGP tractor, and a heavy swing are included, the last comprising several LPG tractors each drawing several wannigans, sleds, etc. DLC. 87910. HONDA, N. Precooling of peripheral arterial blood in cold-adapted and warm-adapted rabbits. (Journal of applied physiology 1965. v. 20, no. 6, p. 1133-35, table, graphs.) 6 refs. Reports experiments with animals kept for over a month at about 5° to 27° C. It was found that cooling of the blood during its flow from the interior to the surface (ear) in cold environment is more pronounced in cold-adapted than in warm-adapted groups. In a warm environment no difference between the two groups was noted. DLC. HONES, E. W., Jr., see No. 92277. HONG, S. K., see No. 88362. HONIGMANN, I., see Nos. 87911, 87912. 87911. HONIGMANN, J. J., and I. HONIGMANN. Eskimo townsmen. Ottawa, Canadian Research Centre for Anthropology, Univ. of Ottawa 1965. 278 p. tables, map, illus. 56 refs. Analyzes Eskimo psychology and interpersonal relations under stress of intensive urban acculturation, from 1963 fieldwork at Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island where the population of 1600 includes 900 Eskimos. Patterns of community organization, economy and job opportunities, allocation of responsibility, adjustment of camp-life traditions to town environment, interethnic relations, etc are dealt with. Government programs of directed culture change and tutelage, school and vocational training, social implications of law breaking, etc are discussed. Successful adjustment is ascribed primarily to Eskimo curiosity, resourcefulness, and adaptability, as well as to the aboriginal hunting culture which presented few unlearning problems. Statistical demographic data of 1942-1963 are appended. DLC. 87912. HONIGMANN, J. J., and I. HONIGMANN. Frobisher Bay Eskimo childhood. (North 1964. v. 11, no. 5, p. 1622, illus.) Discusses child development in this Baffin Island community, in transition. Parental discipline and permissiveness, adult-child and peer group relationships, and adolescent problems are noted, as is the effort of the
school to bridge the cultural gap. Confusion in identifying with the hunter or job-holder, and lack of employment creates tension among teen-age boys. CaMAI. 87913. HONIGMANN, J. J. Frobisher Bay Eskimo leadership. (North 1965. v. 12, no. 3, p. 38-47, illus.) Assesses the social role of Eskimo leaders in Frobisher Bay, including their activities on church and community councils. Informal leadership such as in cooperative movements and efforts to return to the traditional Eskimo way of life are considered. The effect of liquor on leadership CaMAI. is briefly mentioned. 87914. HONIGMANN, J. J. Patterns of Eskimo deviance in a new eastern arctic town. (Research previews 1965. v. 12, no. 1, p. 5-15, tables.) 3 refs. Reports a study of social adjustment to town life at Frobisher Bay on Baffin Island, where the population about 1,800, is 50% Eskimo. In the police records of 1961-1963, the offenses are mostly drunkenness among 20-24 yr olds, none over 49, and more men than women. Illegitimacy dropped in 1948-1957 but rose from 1958 with immigration for local developments and DEW Line construction further north. Illegitimacy is a social problem in part because it contributes to the deprecative Eurocanadian attitude toward Eskimos. Disturbance is light in comparison with Inuvik and other Northwest Territories villages; behavioral deviance is greater however, than in more traditional communities. Frobisher Bay on the whole shows that town-dwelling Eskimos conform to organization and contribute DSI. to a viable social system. 87915. HONKASALO, T. Grundlinienmessungen. (Finland. Geodetiska institutet. Julkaisuja 1957. no. 48, p. 71-90, tables, illus.) Refs. In German. Title tr.: Baseline measurement. Describes teChnique.of precisely measuring land survey baselines to avoid errors caused by temperature, wire or chain vibration, elevation, gravity, and human failures. In the Rovaniemi and Kuusamo sectors of northern Finland, difficulties arose because of the frosty, damp ground conditions encountered, and the time of day in which the work was done. Station sites are described and survey measurements tabulated. DGS. HONOUR, A. J., see No. 86302. 87916. HOOD, P. Geophysical reconnaissance of Hudson Bay. Ottawa, Queen's
Printer 1966. vi, 42 p. graphs, profiles, maps, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper no. 65-32.) 50 refs. Describes oceanographic observations carried out in 1961 from MV Theta, using a GSC Model 60 proton precession magnetometer, a sparker profiler and a sea bottom gravimeter. Results of the first two are presented, and these indicate that the sediments in Hudson Bay are much thicker than hitherto had been supposed. The greatest calculated depths to basement exceed 10,000 ft in the area northeast of Churchill. A trough-like feature also occurs in the northern portion of the bay. Both magnetometer and sparker profiler data suggest the widespread presence of Paleozoic and possibly Proterozoic sediments beneath the bay. Four maps include two at 50 mi: 1 in showing the track of MV Theta, bathymetry, estimated basement contours and thickness of sedimentary cover, one at 20 mi: 1 in showing magnetometer profiles and one at 4 mi: 1 in of Belcher Islands showing interpretation of sea bottom recorder. D GS. 87917. HOOD, P. Gradient measurements in aeromagnetic surveying. (Geophysics 1965. v. 30, no. 5, p. 891-902, graphs, tables.) 17 refs. Highly sensitive magnetometers, such as the optical-pumping varieties, make it feasible to measure the first vertical derivative of the total field in aeromagnetic surveys. This is especially desirable in northern Canada where the diurnal variation is much greater than in more southerly mag lat. Vertical gradient measurements also delineate steeply dipping geological contacts, such as those between igneous rock formations in the Canadian Shield; such measurements would be of value in subsequent geological mapping and add little to the survey D GS. cost. HOOK, J. L., see No. 90619. 87918. HOPE, E. R. Crustal macranomalies of the geomagnetic field. (Canada. Defence Research Board. Directorate of Scientific Information Services. Translation T397R, 1964. xviii, 16 p. maps.) 49 refs. Presents p i—xviii, an introductory discussion pertinent to three Russian papers translated into English, p 1-16. Largescale magnetic measurements, their history, interpretation, and terminology of this type of study are evaluated by Hope and compared with similar studies in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere. The papers
are by 0. N. Solov'ev and A. G. Galnanov, B. A. Andreev and L. A. Rivosh, qqv. CaMAI. HOPE, E. R., see also Nos. 86045, 90190, 90777. 87919. HOPKINS, D. M. Chetvertichnye morskie transgressii na Alatske. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1965. v. 143, p. 131-54, table, map, sections.) 40 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Quaternary marine transgressions in Alaska. Establishes six time-stratigraphic units (termed transgressions) for Quaternary marine sediments in Alaska and summarizes present knowledge of these deposits. Beringian, Anvilan, Kotzebuan, Pelukian, Woronzofian and Kruzensternian transgressions are recognized and their main features such as flora and fauna, sea-level fluctuation, type of deposits, etc are deCaMAI, DLC. scribed. HOPKINS, D. M., see also Nos. 87898, 89844, 93068. 87920. HOPLA, C. E. Alaskan hematophagous insects, their feeding habits and potential as vectors of pathogenic organisms; I: the Siphonaptera of Alaska. II: the feeding habits and colonization of subarctic mosquitoes. Fort Wainwright Alaska 1965. 2 v: 267, 90 p. tables, maps, illus. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TR-64-12.) 374 refs. Comprehensive monograph of the fleas of Alaska, including 51 species and subspecies, 37 of them from mammals, 14 from birds. The largest group apparently originates in Eurasia, whence they were carried on mammals over the Bering Land Bridge of the Pleistocene or earlier. These are now holarctic in distribution. The second, nearctic group, spread with their hosts into the Arctic following the receding Pleistocene glaciers. A third group arose from the Pacific Northwest and spread northwards like the second. However the distribution of fleas is not always identical with that of their preferred hosts. Data on the biology of arctic fleas are meager; it is supposed that only one or two generations per yr are produced in the taiga. Pt 2 studies mosquito feeding habits in the taiga and partly in the Arctic, using an exposed area of human arm and a shaved area of the rabbit abdomen. To study vertical distribution and host preference, chicken, white rabbits and varying hares were placed on a special 42 ft tower at 6 ft intervals. In this experiment
about 80% of the specimens were collected in the lower 18 ft; hares were the most bitten by the mosquitoes (92%), rabbits next (70%), and chickens (18.2%). Sampling of several thousand mosquitoes indicates one feeding per season, if that. Unfed females of C2disela alaskensis overwinter in the plant cover under the snow, where temperature range is 16-20° F. At 0° F they live only about a week. illus of procedures are included. Appended is a check list of Alaskan ticks, mites, fleas and CaMAI. mosquitoes. 87921. HOPPE, G., and S. R. EKMAN. A note on the alluvial fans of Ladtjovagge, Swedish Lapland. (Geografiska annaler 1964. v. 46, no. 3, p. 338-42, maps, graphs.) 4 refs. Describes several features formed during the deglaciation of this valley near Kebnekaise, making it possible to trace in detail the course of the retreating glaciers and their activity. Outwash plains and short esker segments occur on the valley bottom; other meltwater deposits exist at the mouths of tributary valleys, such as the large alluvial fan at the mouth of Tarfalavagge. Farther west is the large TjeurajAkka alluvial fan, not more than 10-15 in thick according to seismic investigations. Further studies planned include the possibility of alluvial fan formation by sudden DLC. mudflows. 87922. HOPPING, G. R. The North American species in group I of Ips De Geer, Coleoptera: Scolytidae. (Canadian entomologist 1963. v. 95, no. 10, p. 1091-96, map, illus.) 6 refs. Also pub as: Canada. Dept. of Forestry. Forest Entomology and Pathology Br. Contribution no. 961. Describes two species, including a key, Ips concinnus and I. mexicanus both breeding on various species of pines. The farthest northern occurrence of the two beetles is DLC. Southeast Alaska. HORAN, H. J., see No. 87746. 87923. HORMIA, 0. tber die fennougristischen Interessen von Olaus Rudbeck d. A. (Finnisch-ugrische Forschungen 1965. v. 35, no. 1-2, p. 1-43, illus.) 28 refs. In German. Title tr.: On Olof Rudbeck the elder's interest in Finno-Ugric. Includes this Swedish scientist's (16301702) studies of Lappish folklore and linguistics, collection of Lappish words for a comparative Finno-Ugric dictionary, etc. In 1963, the author discovered in the Skokloster castle library a 20 p manuscript
listing hundreds of Hungarian, Finnish and Lappish words. The glossary, based on Rudbeck's compilations, was probably written by his son Olaus Rudbeck the younger (1660-1740) himself a student of Lappish. DLC. HORNBROOK, E. H., see No. 91510. HOROWITZ, A. S., see No. 86962. 87924. HORSTED, S. A. En aktuel vurdering of den gronlandske torskebestand. (GrOnland 1965, no. 8, p. 265-78, maps, table, graphs, illus.) 8 refs. In Danish. Title tr.: Assessment of Greenland's present cod stock. The current period of large cod stocks in Greenland waters began about 1920. The catch has been 235,000-450,000 t/yr during the last ten years with a marked rise since 1960, due to increased activity by other nations with greater use of trawlers. The percentage of catches by Greenlanders has decreased as has the catch per activity unit. Cod stocks in the North Atlantic are currently utilized to the maximum. CaMAI, DLC. 87925. HORSTED, S. A., and E. SMIDT. Influence of cold water on fish and prawn stocks in West Greenland. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 199-207, tables, graphs.) 5 refs. Presents records of redfish and cod mortality as from 1889, the most recent ones for the winters of 1937/38 and 1948/49. In both winters deep-sea prawn stock was destroyed. Effect of very cold water on feeding migration of cod, and on composition of faunal communities is also discussed. CaMAL 87926. HORSTED, S. A., and E. SMIDT. Remarks on effect of food animals on cod behaviour. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 435-37, table.) 4 refs. Record of feeding migrations of cod in Greenland waters: early summer into fiords for capelin; later, over the banks of Davis Strait for launce; in autumn near shore feeding on small capelin, squid, crustaceans; winter in deeper waters where Pandalus CaMAL borealis is the main food. HORSTED, S. A., see also No. 87822. HORVATH, S. M., see Nos. 85306, 86114, 86115.
87927. 110SEH, M. Directory of biomedical institutions in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1965. v, 344 p. (U.S. Public Health Service. Publication no. 1354.) Contains a comprehensive, alphabetically listed directory of hospitals, clinics and dispensaries; sanataria and rest homes. Learned societies, schools and libraries, and the administrative apparatus responsible for health services and medical education are included. Geographic and classified indexes are appended. Northern areas are covered DLC. in the Directory. 87928. HOWES, H. C. MIK the singing dancing Greenlanders. (Beaver, autumn 1964. p. 22-25, illus.) Describes a group of (mostly) Greenlandic students in Copenhagen organized by Knud Wissum in 1961 to perform native songs and dances in Eskimo dress. Their common background in a changing GreenDI. land is outlined. 87929. HOWIE, R. A. The geochemistry and mineralogy of some charnockites from Baffin Island, Brazil, British Guiana, Congo, Madras and Uganda. (Indian mineralogist 1965. v. 6, no. 1-2, p. 67-76, tables.) 12 refs. Presents petrographic descriptions and chemical analyses for charnockites from Pangnirtung on the east coast of Baffin and from Lulua massif, Congo, for an enderbite from British Guiana, and for intermediate member of the charnockites series from Bahia, Brazil. The Baffin charnockite has the general dark color and vitreous, almost greasy luster, characteristic of the acid members of the charnockite suite. Dominant mineral is orthopyroxene, a ferrohypersthene Fe69.2 Mg,3.8 Ca2.2; associated with it is a hornblende and biotite; accessory minerals are magnetite, ilmenite, apatite and zircon. Analysis of the charnockite shows the rock is similar in composition to the type specimen from St Thomas' Mount, Madras, though richer in iron. DLC. 87930. HOWORKA, F. A steam-operated ice drill for the installation of ablation stakes on glaciers. (Journal of glaciology 1965. v. 5, no. 41, p. 749-50.) 2 refs. French and German summary. Describes a portable ice drill designed and constructed, with water vapor used to melt the ice; it can drill a hole 8 m deep, in about 30 min, depending on the ice properties. Energy for boiling the water is supplied by butane cartridges similar to those used for
camping purposes: one cartridge to about three 8 m drill holes. The weight of the equipment is 12.5 kg. Field tests were made DLC. on Hintereisferner in the Alps. 87931. HSIEH, A. C. L. The basal metabolic rate of cold-adapted rats. (Journal of physiology 1963. v. 169, no. 4, p. 85161, tables, graphs.) 16 refs. Rats kept at 5° C and given subcutaneously triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) grew quicker than non-injected controls. Effects of cold and T, on energy metabolism were nonadditive however. Cold stimulated growth of livers but retarded growth of the body as a whole. The lower neutral temperatures of acclimated rats are also discussed. DLC. 87932. HSIEH, A. C. L., and others. Digital blood flow and distensibility during immersion in cold water. (Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Proceedings 1964. v. 117, no. 1, p. 105-107, graphs.) 5 refs. Other authors: T. Nagasaka and L. D.'Carlson. Reports on experiments with bath temperatures of 5, 9.5, 20, and 38.5° C. At such below 20° C, increased blood-flow is accompanied by lowered distensibility and increased volume of fingers. The experiments support the view that increased vasomotor tone of cold immersion is the cause of reduced distensibility of fingers. DLC. 87933. HSIEH, A. C. L., and others. The effects of immersion of the hand in cold water on digital blood flow. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1964. 11 p. graphs. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TM-1,-63-35.) 13 refs. Other authors: T. Nagasaka and L. D. Carlson. Describes experiments and a resulting method, by which heat loss from the finger is used to calculate blood flow during immersion in water of nine temperatures (4.6-40° C). Blood flow through the finger tip was found lowest at bath temperatures of 13.6-10° C, but increased at 0.16 ml/cm2/ min for each degree of temperature below this figure. The advantages of the method applied in this study are noted. The experiments are also reported in Journal of applied physiology 1965. v. 20, no. 1, p. 61-64. CaMAI. HSU, B., see No. 92007. 87934. HUBBARD, J. D., and W. G. REEDER. New locality records for Alaskan fishes. (Copeia 1965, no. 4, p. 506-508.) 2 refs.
Account on ten shore fishes out of 51 species collected on Kodiak and Umnak Islands. Location, habitat, geographic distribution, etc are noted. Eight of the fishes were found to be beyond the recorded range of distribution. DLC. HUBBARD, J. D., see also No. 84953. 87935. HUBBS, C. L., and N. J. WILIMOVSKY. Distribution and synonymy in the Pacific Ocean, and variation, of the Greenland halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Walbaum. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1964. v. 21, no. 5, p. 112954, tables, maps, illus.) 21 refs. Study of this fish ranging in the Pacific from Japan to California.. Morphometric comparisons with Atlantic stocks showed no basis for a subspecific separation, nor were there meristic differences for such a separation. Hence this species is regarded as a highly undifferentiated, amphiboreal taxon. The chief distinctions between different DLC. stocks are also considered. 87936. HUBBS, G. L. Water supply systems in permafrost areas. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 426-29, illus.) 9 refs. Reviews methods and problems of providing and maintaining a sanitary water supply: thawing of wells by conductor cable; chlorination and boiling of snowmelt and water obtained through holes cut in ice; utilization of the utilidor, the steam tracer and the electric heat tape; use of compressed air; and the single and dual main CaMAI. recirculating systems. HUBER, D. W., see No. 84953. 87937. HULSEMANN, K. Marine pelecypoda from the north Alaskan coast. (Veliger 1962. v. 5, no. 2, p. 67-73, tables, map.) 13 refs. Describes 12 lamellibranchs dredged from shallow waters between Point Barrow and Barter Island in Aug 1953. Geographic distribution of the species, four of them new to the area, is discussed. Earlier work on area is mentioned. DLC. HUFMAN, L. L., see No. 84953. 87938. HUGHES, C. C. "The Eskimos" from The peoples of Siberia. (Alaska. Univ. Anthropological papers 1964. v. 12, no. 1, p. 1-13.) 6 refs. Translation of No 46712, a chapter from No 43522, with some annotations added. DLC.
87939. HUGHES, M. C. Arctic Health Research Center. (Special Libraries Association. Geography and Map Div. Bulletin 1964. no. 58, p. 14-17.) Reviews development from 1948 of this research center of the US Public Health Service, its main fields of work: sanitation, epidemiology, physiology, nutrition, animalborne diseases, and entomology; and its year-round program of field and laboratory investigations carried out from the central facility in Anchorage*, Alaska, by a staff of 75. Development of its library is outlined as are problems of acquiring the literature to aid specialized research in a remote area. Publications of the Center and of its research workers are noted. Appended is a note by W. E. Ireland on the arctic holdings, mainly in history and geography, of the Archives of British Columbia. DLC. 87940. HUGHES, 0. L. Surficial geology, Nichicun-Kaniapiskau map-area, Quebec. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1964. 20 p. maps, graph, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Bulletin 106.) 25 refs. French, German and Russian summary. Presents map at scale 1 in:8 mi of this area west of the Labrador Trough, based on a 1959 reconnaissance study Operation Fort George III. Earlier studies from this operation are noted in No 66202, 64319. Physiography of this map area is shown at 1 in:16 mi. Glacial landforms and deposits, mapped and described; indicate varied ice movement during a late stage of deglaciation and a final elongate ice mass between Lac Guyot in the northwest and Lake Opiscoteo in the southeast. Evidence is presented to show that ribbed moraine, widely distributed in the Canadian Shield, was formed beneath actively moving ice, and that its individual ridges do not mark successive DGS. positions of a retreating ice-front. 87941. HUHTA, V. Ecology of spiders in the soil and litter of Finnish forests. (Annales zoologici Fennici 1965. v. 2, no. 4, p. 260-308, tables, graphs.) 46 refs. Study of different forest soils and the effects of silviculture on their spider fauna, including three sample areas in Finnish Lapland. Nature of these areas, microclimate of their soils, and the spider fauna are dealt with, 99 species listed, counting only mature specimens. Regional differences in the spider population, its ecology, seasonal and climatically caused fluctuations, and phenology, are considered. DLC. •From 1967: Arctic Health Research Laboratory. College, Alaska.
HUILLE, S., see No. 92977. 87942. HUITFELDT, C. Fjerne horisonter. Oslo, Bladkompaniet 1949. 119 p. illus. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Distant horizons. Reviews the development of air service in Norway, early flights, beginnings of the Air Rescue Service in 1918, the Wideroe Aviation Co in 1924, the Norwegian Air Service in 1935, and in 1943 the Scandinavian Airlines System with regular service to North Norway in 1946. In contrast King Christian's three month journey in 1599, to secure the northern area under Norwegian DLC. rule is noted. HULL, D., see No. 86440. 87943. HULTEN, E. Flora and vegetation of Scammon Bay, Bering Sea coast, Alaska. (Svensk botanisk tidskrift 1962. v. 56, no. 1, p. 36-54, illus.) 5 refs. Records plants found in the summer of 1961 on the Askinuk Mts, and the surrounding tundra. The plants are first listed according to habitats and then in taxonomic groups, all with notes on frequency, habitat, etc. An appendix, by H. Persson, lists the bryophytes collected, some new to the area and one to Alaska. DLC. 87944. HULTEN, E. Plants of the floating ice-island "Arlis II." (Svensk botanisk tidskrift 1962. v. 56, no. 2, p. 362-64, illus.) Lists a small collection of plants made 28 May 1961 when Arlis II, 3.5 x 1.5 mi in area, was at 73°10' N 156°05' W. Three phanerogams and eight cryptogams were DLC. determined. 87945. HULTEN, E. Remarkable range extension for Minuartia groenlandica (Retz.) Ostenf. (Svensk botanisk tidskrift 1964. v. 58, no. 2, p. 432-35, maps, illus.) Refs. Cites the occurrence of Arenaria groenlandica on a single peak (1850 m above sea level) in Brazil and the amphiatlantic range of several boreal species. The distribution of the arctic Minuartia groenlandica in North and South America is mapped and a similar range of Drosera intermedia noted. DLC. 87946. HULTEN, E. Salix glauca subsp. callicarpaea in Spitzbergen. (Svensk botanisk tidskrift 1964. v. 58, no. 1, p. 350, illus.) Description with photograph of a form apparently hitherto unknown from Svalbard. It was found in Advent Bay, central Vestspitsbergen, on the bank of the Advent DLC. River.
87947. HULTEN, E. The Saxifrage (Svensk botanisk flagellaris complex. tidskrift 1964. v. 58, no. 1, p. 81-104, maps, illus.) 32 refs. Study of this high-arctic, circumpolar species based on European and American material, and analysis of earlier studies as from 1810. Eleven subspecies are recorded, with key, synonyms and data on geographic distribution. Some are non-arctic, highDLC. alpine forms. HULTEN, E., see also No. 90717. 87948. HULTKRANTZ, A. The healing methods of the Lapps, some aspects from the point of view of comparative religion. (Ary 1962-63. v. 18-19, p. 325-51.) 60 refs. Examines the curative powers attributed to the supernatural or to religious principles as compared with common sense or rational folk-medicine. Discussed in turn are negative magic aimed at destroying the disease, positive magic to build body resistance against the ailment, shamanism to recall of the free soul whose straying caused the sickness, and sacrifice to ransom DLC. the abducted soul. HULTKRANTZ, A., see also No. 90637. 87949. HULTQVIST, B. The geomagnetic field lines in higher approximation. (Arkiv for geofysik 1959. v. 3, no. 1, p. 63-77, tables, maps.) 20 refs. Calculates the deviation of the geomagnetic field lines at the earth's surface using the five first spherical harmonic terms for epoch 1945. These improved coordinates for the end points of the geomagnetic field are particularly useful for cosmic ray and whistler investigations, and for certain problems in aurora and geomagnetism. A table of geomagnetic field in the higher approximation coordinate system is given. DLC. 87950. HULTQVIST, B. The height of auroral absorption obtained from satellite observations. (In: Symposium on High Latitude Particles and the Ionosphere 1964. Proceedings 1965, p. 275-83, graphs.) 23 refs. Discusses the average absorption produced by energy ranges 1-40 and 40-250 Key as derived from Altruette and Injun-3 data, on the average precipitation rate of electrons in the auroral zone as a function of energy. The data were analyzed for two ranges of Kp (planetary magnetic index), 4. If isotropy is assumed for the upper hemisphere, approx equivalent elec-
tron spectra for the energy range 40-250 Key are 1.2 x 104 e -E/47 electrons/cm2 sec Key for Kp 4. The equivalent electron spectrum for 1-40 Key range was found to be 7.8 x 107 e electrons/ cm2 sec Key. Most auroral absorption seems to take place below 90 krn, since the higher energy range for primary electrons is found to be dominant in producing absorption at riometer frequencies. DLC. 87951. HULTQVIST, B., and A. EGELAND. Radio aurora. (Space science reviews 1964. v. 3, no. 1, p. 27-78, table, graphs, maps, illus.) Approx. 70 refs. Reviews experimental investigations of the morphology of reflections of radio waves from ionization associated with auroraradio aurora. Time and spatial characteristics, frequency dependence and polarization parameters are outlined and their correlations with such other upper atmosphere parameters as visual aurora, geomagnetic disturbances, auroral echo, ionospheric absorption are discussed in the light of observations of 1954-1963 at College, Alaska, Kiruna, Troms0, and in Canada. Methods of measurements are explained. Parameters of auroral reflections are presented in text and in diagrams, for different years, seasons, and times of the day. Geographic region of observation, directional distribution, and range distribution of the radio waves are given in histograms and graphs. Auroral echo strength is mathematically treated. The apparent motion of radio aurora, the amplitude distribution and fading of auroral reflections are discussed, and the basic theory of the latter is stated. Ionospheric absorption, polar cap absorption, and various periodicities in auroral echo recurrence are discussed. Theories for the auroral reflection process are reviewed. The experimental results are compared with various theoDLC. retical models reviewed. 87952. HULTQVIST, B. Sunrise and sunset effects on cosmic noise absorption associated with aurora and magnetic storms. (Planetary and space science 1963. v. 11, no. 4, p. 371-83, table, graphs.) 21 refs. Russian summary. Analyzes the riometer recordings taken at Kiruna and Skibotn during Sept 1958 through 1961, investigating the variation of auroral-type absorption of 27.6 Mc/sec cosmic noise radio waves during twilight periods. The average ratio between postand pre-twilight absorption at sunrise (AD) to that between pre- and post-
twilight at sunset (AN), over the entire period was found to be 1.1 to 1.2, with the error in the average value of AD/AN less than 10-20%. This is much lower than to be expected (3.0) from the height distribution of the ratio X between the negative ion density and electron density. This disagreement between the theoretical and observed values of AD/AN could be eliminated if the X distributions decreased, so that even at night X would reach unity at an altitude of about 60 km. It was found that AD/AN for auroral absorption differs appreciably from polar cap absorption as was observed for example, during geomagnetic storms in the Mar-Apr and Nov 1960 events. DLC. HULTQVIST, B., see also Nos. 89339, 91140. 87953. HUME, J. D., and M. SCHALK. The effects of beach borrow in the Arctic. (Shore and beach 1964. v. 32, no. 1, p. 3741, graphs, map, illus.) 11 refs. Describes an investigation 1961-1962 into the effects of excavating 40,000 cu yds of beach sand and gravel at Barrow, Alaska upon longshore transportation processes. Shoreline changes to Aug 1962 are graphed. The observed effect was permanent retreat of the shoreline owing to the very limited period and volume of longshore drift on arctic coasts. DLC. 87954. HUME, J. D. Floating sand and pebbles near Barrow, Alaska. (Journal of sedimentary petrology 1964. v. 34, no. 3, p. 532-36, graphs, tables, illus.) 7 refs. Discusses observations of this phenomenon in Chukchi Sea in July 1961. The launching is explained as caused by the collapse of ice-push ridges adjacent to the shore, and the floating as due to surface tension. DLC. 87955. HUME, J. D. Sea-level changes during the last 2000 years at Point Barrow, Alaska. (Science, Nov. 26, 1965. v. 150, p. 1165-66, map.) 11 refs. Geologic studies of old Pt Barrow beach ridges in 1964 disclosed a fossil log and other driftwood; C14 dating indicates eustatic rises of sea level AD 265-500 and AD 10001100, forming raised beaches. After the first rise, sea level dropped about two m below the present level, permitting the establishment about 500 AD of the Eskimo settlement of Birnirk, which was flooded by the second rise. Present sea level is about 0.6-1.0 m below the high-water levels, and DLC. Birnirk is partly flooded. 533
HUME, J. D., see also Nos. 84953, 90172. 87956. HUNGATE, F. P., and others. Radionuclides in Alaskan Eskimos. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 16-26, tables.) 12 refs. Other authors: W. C. Hanson and H. A. Kornberg. Study of a Hanford Laboratories group concerning principally Cs-137. Amounts of fallout were found to be less in Alaska than in many other parts of the United States. However, transfer of Cs-137 from lichens through caribou to man produces a higher than usual concentration in Eskimos. It is lower than the gamma rays dose received by inhabitants of areas with monazite sands or granite outcrop. Sr-90 and other fallout contribute little to the total radiation dose received by Eskimos. CaMAI. 87957. HUNKINS, K. L. The seasonal variation in the sound-scattering layer observed at Fletcher's Ice Island (T-3) with a 12 kels echo sounder. (Deep-sea research 1965. v. 12, no. 6, p. 879-81, map, graphs.) Ref. Also pub as: Contribution no. 847 of Columbia Univ. Lamont Geological Observatory. Describes, with illus, diffuse reverberations similar to deep scattering layers, seen on echograms obtained during the summers 1964-1965 at approx 81° N 160°-140° W. Arctic Ocean scattering layers differ from non-polar in being relatively shallow, 50-200 m; and they have a pronounced annual rather than diurnal cycle. These effects are probably related to light conditions. DLC. 87958. HUNKINS, K. L., and H. KUTSCHALE. Shallow-water propagation in the Arctic Ocean. (Acoustical Society of America. Journal 1963. v. 35, no. 4, p. 542-51, map, graphs, tables.) 13 refs. Also issued as: Contribution no. 613, Columbia Univ. Lamont Geological Observatory. Presents results of field experiments on low-frequency (3-250 cps) sound propagation on the continental shelf north of Alaska. Short-range, 2-10 km, studies were made at Drifting Station B (T-3) during Apr—May 1960, and long-range, 50-250 km, at Arlis II from charges fired by the USS Staten Island, in Aug-Sept 1961. Observations at T-3 were interpreted in terms of normalmode theory, and good agreement between theory and experiment was found for both phase and group velocity. At short ranges, leaking modes associated with the ice layer were noted. For long ranges recorded at Arlis II, the water wave amplitude decreased as the —1.85 power of distance. DLC.
HUNKINS, K. L., see also No. 91649. 87959. HUNSUCKER, R. D. Auroral-zone absorption effects on an HF arctic propagation path. (US. National Bureau of Standards. Journal of research 1964. v. 68D, no. 6, p. 717-21, table, graphs, map.) 9 refs. Describes simultaneous measurements of cosmic noise absorption and signal strength on the 18 Mcfs Thule, Greenland—College, Alaska propagation path during aurorally disturbed periods. Intense, average and quiet periods were compared in respect of absorption vs attenuation. Observations from the Resolute Bay ionosonde indicate that insufficient ionization exists to allow a great circle propagated mode on the Thule— College path. The 12 and 18 Mc/s pulse signals from Thule and College monitored at Stanford revealed very strong multipath effects. DLC. 87960. HUNSUCKER, R. D. On the determination of the electron density within discrete auroral forms in the E region. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 15, p. 3791-92, table, illus.) 6 refs. Presents the value of electron density, attributed to the auroral form (neA) derived in studies of the relation between the highest radio-wave frequency reflected from sporadic-E layer, and zenith auroral conditions. A C-3 ionsonde and an all-sky camera were used at College in Dec 1958, and the average electron density obtained was found to be 1.3 x 105 electronsicm3, a value in good agreement with such determined previously by other methods. DLC. HUNSUCKER, R. D., see also Nos. 84938, 85430. 87961. HUNTEN, D. M. The production of N2+ in the atmosphere. (Planetary and space science 1963. v. 10, p. 37-45, graphs.) 25 refs. Reviews studies of the emission of the first negative bands of Nif in normal, twilight, and sunlit auroras. Ion densities of 103 to over 106 ions/cue are deduced for sunlit auroras. Reactions of charge transfer or ion-atom exchange are suggested to explain a very rapid drop in ionization below 150 km, and absence of fluorescence at heights less than 130 km approx. The normal twilight must therefore occur in the F region, the ions being produced by the solar extreme ultra-violet radiation. This effect is thought to be observable only near
sunspot maximum, when the extreme ultraviolet flux is largest, and Ng concentration in, the F region is unusually large. This enhanced N, concentration during large magnetic disturbances is supported by satellite-drag and ionospheric observations. Polar-glow aurora is mentioned to accompany polar-cap absorption events, reaching intensities as high as 10 kilo roentgens. DLC. 87962. HUNTER, H. A., and W. LANGSTON, Jr. Odontoma in a northern mammoth. (Palaeontology 1964. v. 7, no. 4, p. 674-81, section, table, illus.) 15 refs. Describes this tooth-like lesion collected on Hunker Creek in the Yukon associated with normal teeth and bones of Mammuthus primigenius. Its histological pattern is typical of a complex composite odontoma. Comparison is made with fossil odontoma and a few cases in living animals. These lesions may appear more widely as this aspect of paleopathology becomes better DGS. known. 87963. HUSEBY, H. .1. Report, repair of earthquake damage to 5040th Air Force Hospital at Elmendorf A.F.B. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1965 pub. 1966, p. 130-38.) Describes the damage caused to this seven-story hospital by the 1964 Alaska earthquake and the subsequent repairs. The original design of the building incorporated features to cope with seismic stress and considering the magnitude of the shocks these were reasonably satisfactory. Three columns shattered were repaired with steeltied concrete jackets. Many elements in the structure were moved out of alignment by major flexing and cracking was widespread. Difficulties encountered in the use of epoxy resins for sealing cracks are described. The combination of rigid nonstructural elements such as exterior block filler walls with flexible structural elements considerably increased the repair costs, and this should be avoided in future designs; 70% of exterior block filler walls had to be removed and rebuilt. The cost was $1 million for structural and $1.4 million for CaMAI. non-structural repairs. 87964. HUSEBYE, E. S., and others. The determination of the thickness of Finsterwalderbreen, Spitsbergen, from gravity measurements. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 129-36, maps, graphs.) 11 refs. Other authors: A. SOrnes and L. S. Wilhelmsen.
Presents results of a gravity survey made on a 1962 geophysical expedition of the Norsk Polarinstitutt and Jordskjelvstasjonen, Bergen Univ under A. SOrnes. With the appropriate ice-rock density differential, cross sectional shapes of the glacier were computed to fit observed variations in the residual anomaly on traverses across the glacier. Cross-section diagrams and an isopach map are given and the accuracy of the computed depths is discussed. It is concluded that gravity measurements by themselves can give a good indication of the shape of a valley glacier and of its depth with relatively little expenditure of time. DLC. 87965. HUSTICH, I. A black spruce feather moss forest in the interior of southern Quebec-Labrador Peninsula. (Acta geographica, Helsinki 1965. v. 18, no. 6, p. 126, tables, graphs, illus.) 28 refs. Reports on summer 1952 observations on Mecatina Island in De Morbihan Lake (51°50' N 62°53' W) and vicinity, describing 11 sample plots in some detail. Black spruce growth is slow in feather moss forest and differs greatly in different years. Growth in height seems to depend mainly on the temperature during the preceding summer and the growth in thickness on that of the current season. The moss cover is briefly analyzed. DLC. 87966. HUSTICH, I. On the phytogeography of the eastern part of central Quebec-Labrador Peninsula, I. Helsinki 1966. 36 p. maps. (Finska vetenskapssocieteten. Commentationes biologicae 1965. v. 28, no. 9.) Approx. 60 refs. Presents a check list of approx 500 species of vascular plants native to the area 5256° N and east of 68° W. From work of earlier expeditions and own collections 19371963, author divides the area into seven major phytogeographic provinces. The plants typical of each are listed and referenced to 180 localities shown on an accompanying map. Sources and taxonomic references are indicated in detail. DGS. HUTCHINSON, IC., see No. 84953. 87967. HVEDING, J. Leiknes i Tysfjord, gamal gardskipnad. Troms0, Troms0 Museum 1959. 42 p. map, illus. (Acta borealia B, Humaniora no. 6.) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Leiknes on Tysfjord, an old farming area. Discusses changes in farming and rural life over the past 150 years from field work in Leiknes, a typical north Norwegian farm 535;
community near the mouth of Tysfjord, 60 km from Narvik. The development phases of its mixed agricultural and fishing economy, division and partitioning of individual holdings, cooperation among the different owners with usufruct rights to farm land, pastures, forests, and fishing grounds, etc are dealt with DLC. 87968. HVORSLEV, M. J., and T. B. GOODE. Core drilling in frozen soils. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 36471, graphs, illus.) 12 refs. Discusses the physical properties of frozen soils and evaluates techniques developed at Tuto, near Thule, Greenland for obtaining good core samples of frozen silts, sands, gravels, glacial tills and organic materials. Such cores provide the most satisfactory data for adequate exploration of many frozen soils. Specifications of the drilling rigs, bits and core barrels are given with notes on their satisfactory operation. Various drilling fluids, including compressed air, water, brine, fuel oil and drilling mud are evaluated for different conditions, and a portable sheet-metal slush-pit of 150 gal capacity (illus) is recommended and its use explained. The general procedure for core drilling is outlined. Satisfactory circulation and conservation of the drilling fluid requires that surface casing be extended and carefully sealed into the frozen soil. Research is recommended to develop procedures satisfactory in lightly-frozen, coarse-grained soils and in interbedded frozen and thawed zones. CaMAI. 87969. HVOSLEF, F. Anleggsarbeid pit Nordlandsbanen under siste verdenskrig. (Vert yrke 1958. v. 10, no. 6, p. 114-15, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Construction work on the Nordland railroad during the last world war. Describes the work under German direction. Basic construction north to Mo-i-Rana had been completed in previous years, the line was opened in 1942, and continued northward. Rails from Germany were laid on Norwegian ties as roadbed was ready. German firms built separate sections, using Norwegians, Germans, and (mostly Russian) prisoners of war as labor, with dangerous tunneling and bridge building done by the Norwegians. Casualties and deaths by starvation, disease, and freezing are noted. DLC. 87970. HYLANDER, N. Carex stylosa i Norge. (Blyttia 1964. v. 22, no. 3, p. 100106, illus.) 9 refs. In Norwegian. English 536
summary. Title tr.: Carex stylosa in Norway. Discusses confusion of identification and reporting of the species in Troms county. The earliest specimen collected by Yngvar Mejland in 1934, matches examples from Greenland. This is the only fmd of the species in Europe and adds to the list of disjunctive occurrences of west-arctic species in north Norway. Several other Carex species are also found in the region. DLC. 87971. HYMES, D. Some North Pacific Coast poems: a problem in anthropological philology. (American anthropologist 1965. v. 67, no. 2, p. 316-41.) 40 refs. Discusses the structure, poetic rendering, mood, etc of original folklore in comparison with its literal and literary translations; as exemplified in two Haida and four Kwakiutl Indian songs. A literal is generally preferred to a literary translation; the latter tends to distort the original poem. DSI. 87972. HYTONEN, E. Dos Basisvergrosserungsnetz Laanila. (Finland. Geodetiska institutet. Julkaisuja 1959. no. 51, p. 41-57, tables.) In German. Title tr.: The basic extension net in Laanila. Describes the establishment of the basic triangulation net in northernmost Finnish Lapland, all six stations north of 68° N, with a 3,742-m baseline in Laanila. Three stations are west of the Rovaniemi-Ivalo highway on the heath, and three east of it in mountainous country. Basic survey records and reduction figures are tabulated. DGS. 87973. HYYPPA, E. Fil. Toht. Seppo Penttilit. L8. 1926-29. 12. 1963. (Geologi 1964. v. 16, no. 1, p. 5, illus.) In Finnish. Obituary of this Finnish geologist, who in 1963 completed his doctor's thesis on the deglaeiatioii of the Laanila area, Finnish Lapland. DGS. IUGG. 85036.
General Assembly 1963, see No.
87974. fABLOKOV, A. V., and V. ETIN. Analiz popultaissionnykh razlichil v okraske tela mlekopitafilshchikh, na primere grenlandskogo Talents'. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 44, no. 7, p. 1103-1106, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Analysis of population differences in body coloration of mammals, as exemplified in the Greenland seal. Author classifies and formulates the color patterns of adult male skins, from three
populations. The greatest difference in coloration is found between the White Sea and Jan Mayen populations; the least, between the latter and the Newfoundland population. DLC. fABLOKOV, A. V., see also No. 85074, 86934. 87975. IABLOKOV, K. V., and I. B. IVANOV. Ob absolMtnom vozraste nekotorykh mezozolskikh granitoidov na severozapadnom obramlenii Kolymskogo sredinnogo massive. (Akedemia nauk SSSR. Izvestia 1964, ser. geol. no. 11, p. 9-24, tables, graphs, map.) 22 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the absolute age of some Mesozoic granitoids in northwestern framing of the Kolyma medial massif. Reports a study of granitoids collected in the northern spurs of the Cherskogo Range, the western Polousnyy Range and the Yana-Indigirka interfluve. 21 samples were taken and absolute age determined by the argon method. Small bodies of granitoids and granitoids of batholith-like massifs build a single comagmatic series. They were formed at the end of the Jurassic— Lower Cretaceous in a time interval of 150115 MY and they belong to Kolyma intrusive complex. DLC. 87976. IAFFE, G. A. Kitovidnyl del'fin v Chukotskom more. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Primorskil filial. Zapiski 1965. v. 1, p. 148.) In Russian. Title tr.: Whale dolphin in the Chukchi Sea. Notes the sighting in July 1959 of a right whale dolphin, Lissodelphis borealis, off Cape Serdtse-Kamen' by the crew of the Valera Chkalov. This black dolphin of the North Pacific was first seen in USSR waters in 1951 in the Kuril Islands area. DLC. 87977. rkFFE, G. A. Napadenie cheek na nerpu. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Primorski! filial. Zapiski 1965. v. 1, p. 149.) In Russian. Title tr.: Seal attacked by gulls. Describes a flock of gulls killing a large seal and picking its bones clean within 15 min. The erratic movements of the cornered seal were unusual, as normally it escapes in a chosen direction. The incident in May 1960 off Zav'yalova Island, Sea of Okhotsk, was observed from the icebreaker Admiral Lazarev. DLC. IAFFE, G. A., see also No. 90184. fAKIMOVA, P. P., see No. 88961. fAKOVENKO, A. A., see No. 85253.
87978. R.KO'VENKO, M. fA. Razvitie promysla i problema chislennosti Belomorskogo lysuna. (Murmansk. Polfhrnyl n. issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1963. no. 15, p. 199-214, tables, graph.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Development of its sealing and the number of harp seal in the White Sea. Presents figures on kill since 1875 with separate data for Soviet-Norwegian exploits during 1918-1941, the war period, and 1946-1961. Age and sex composition of kills since 1959, size of rookeries, kill of young, etc are also given. DLC. IAKOVENKO, M. A., see also No. 88544. 87979. fAKOVLEV, A. Vstrecha s ChukotkoT. (Iskusstvo 1965. v. 28, no. 3, p. 25-29, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Encounter with Chukotka. Describes this painter's recent visit to the Chukchi National District and trips from Provideniya to outlying reindeer camps in the tundra. Traditional and modern aspects of Chukchi life are sketched. DLC. 87980. fAKOVLEV, B. A. Konfientrarsionnye lageri SSSR. Munchen 1955. 256 p. maps, tables, illus. (Inst. zur Erforschung der UdSSR. Issledovanifa i materialy, ser. 1, no. 23.) Over 200 refs. In Russian. English, German, and French summary. Title tr.: Concentration camps of the USSR. Study of the Soviet penal system, prisons, and hard-labor camps, with camp locations indicated on folding map. Geographic and climatic conditions, number and sex of inmates, mortality rate, type of work, living conditions, etc are dealt with. The 165 camps include over fifty in the North and Far East. The Inta, Vorkuta, Pechora, Ust'-Vym', Salekhard, Norilsk and Kolyma (Darstrol) camp groups are treated particularly, and abortive uprisings at Vorkuta, Noril'sk and Salekhard described. The use of prisoners as cheap labor in mining, lumbering, railroad and urban construction, etc is discussed; and the importance of forced labor for the Dal'stroi project is noted and its camp system included in the DLC. description of the Kolyma group. 87981. IAKOVLEV, B. A. Letnie tummy Barenaeva mora. (Moskva. f8entr. inst. prognozov. Trudy 1964. no. 136, p. 81-88, graphs, map.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Summer fog of Barents Sea. Reports study of the conditions which generate fog. Summer advective clouds of this sea are either such of cooling or of
evaporation. Using data on temperature of the water surface and temperature and humidity of air near the surface and at 850 mb, calculations are worked out for forecasting of summer fog. DLC. IAKOVLEV, B. A., see also No. 90986. 87982. aKOVLEV, G. N. Ice research in Central Arctic. (In: Problems of the Arctic . . . 1966. 23 p. graphs, illus.) 26 refs. English translation of No 72296. CaMAI. 87983. aKOVLEV, G. N. Issledovanica po probleme razrushenil l'da. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 267, p. 54-63, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigations concerning the problem of breaking ice. Discusses mainly methods of ice demolition for navigational purposes. Studies to determine its physical properties and thickness are reviewed. The method of the potential strength of the ice cover is based on determination of potential resistivity of ice to breaking (equation given). In the electromagnetic method, the inclination angle of the vector of the magnetic field produced by the horizontal frame antenna of the radiowave generator serves as an indicator of ice thickness within 3-5% error. Seismic methods and the modulus meter using supersound to determine ice thickness are outlined. The complex of acoustical-electronic and radiometric methods is described by which elastic, viscous, plastic and inertial properties, and the structural features of ice are determined in terms of the product of linear attenuation coefficient of gamma-rays, times the velocity of a compound acoustic signal. Radiation, blasting, and chemical methods have also been tested, and the first two used successfully in Dikson, Chaun, and Tiksi Bays. Bubbling systems, so-called ice cutters, and the American ice-eater are described. Current field tests with the thermic reaction method are noted by which ice, hard rock, and frozen ground are broken up with a stream of hot gases (up to 3,500° C) discharged at supersonic velocity of 2000 m/see from the Laval nozzle of a high pressure kerosene burner. Thermic reaction drilling of frozen ground is carried out at 5001,000° C and 700-1,100 m/sec velocity of jet gas, a method found to be 15-20 times more effective and 10-12% the cost of the hammer-drilling method. CaMAI, DLC. 87984. IAKOVLEV, I. A. Nekotorye zakonomernosti medno-nikelevogo orude-
nenifii. Peche.ngi. (Razvedka i okhrana nedr 1965. v. 31, no. 9, p. 1-8, sections.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some patterns of the copper-nickel mineralization of Pechenga. Characterizes the geologic structure, tectonic conditions and morphology of the Pechenga copper-nickel mineralization. Three types of structural knots are described. Stages of formation of this epigenetic mineralization are noted. DLC. 87985. IAKOVLEV, I. A. Osobennosti struktury odnogo iz medno-nikelevykh mestorozhdenil Pecheng3koI gruppy. (Aka, demiet nauk SSSR. Inst. geologii rudnykh mestorozhdenil, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii. Trudy 1962. no. 82. Voprosy izuchenifi struktur rudnykh pole i mestorozhdenil, p. 5-14, graphs, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structural features of one of the copper-nickel deposits of the Pechenga group. Geologic characteristics of the ore region are given by analyzing the Pechenga synclinorium. Three large massifs of differentiated ultrabasic and basic rocks are recognized: main, upper and southern. Mineralization of ores is connected with differentiated intrusions of ultrabasic rocks. Four stages in the structure of the deposits are distinguished: an old stage of the Pechenga synclinorium formation, and stages before, during, and after ore formation. Each is analyzed. Structural and petrologic criteria are found most important for prospecting of these deposits. DLC. 87986. IAKOVLEV, a. V. Mineral'nyl sostav i nekotorye voprosy genezisa Ulakhan-Egelgakhskogo mestorozhdenifil. (In: Akademifi nauk SSSR. fAkutskil filial. Inst. geol. Geologifii olovorudnykh . . . 1965, p. 146-66, tables, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mineral composition and some problems of the genesis of Ulukhan-Egelyakh deposits. Describes these deposits in southwestern part of the Yana—Borulakh metallogenic zone of northeastern Yakutia. Mineral composition of the hypogenic ores is analyzed and many minerals such as native silver, galenite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, etc are described. Stages of mineralization (three) and mineral associations are outlined. Texture and structure of the ores are described. The Ulakhan-Egelyakh deposits are compared with the Ege-Khaya and many similarities are found. CaMAL IAKOVLEV, IA. V., see also No. 87030.
87987. IAKOVLEV, M. Economic development in East Siberia. (North 1964. v. 11, no. 6, p. 23-24.) Surveys natural resources and industries in the Buryat and Irkutsk regions, including the Bratsk hydroelectric power station. Electric power, mineral, petroleum, and timber resources are noted, as are some planned industrial projects. These include, in the Bratsk area, an aluminum plant, iron ore concentrator, and timber industry center. CaMAI. 87988. aliOVLEVA, M. A. Iskhody fibrozno-kavernoznykh form tuberkuleza u vzroslykh. (Yakutsk. akutskil n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy . . . 1963, p. 119-27, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Outcome of fibrocavernous pulmonary tuberculosis in adults. Reports study of 149 case histories supplied by the Yakut Tuberculosis Teaching and Research Institute. This form of TB was found to develop in neglected or untreated cases. Surgery proved the best method when combined with complex therapy. Complications occurred in 65% of the cases. Relapses in older persons was the main cause of mortality. DNLM. aliOVLEVA, S. S., see No. 88961. rAHOVLEVA, S. V., see No. 85151.
The 35-40 hunters of this collective' are organized in five seasonal and one specialized teams. Arctic fox is the main catch: 1063 in 1960 and 685 in 1961. The specialized team's hunting ground, some 80,000 beetares, is along Yenisey Bay. It uses two types of trap: 1070 enclosing, and 211 arresting, and its catch is 36% that of the entire collective. Its hunters earned 500 r in 1960-1961, as compared with 170 r for those of the other teams. The advantages of specialized team hunting are stressed. DNAL. 87991. ELBUSIIKIN, G. D. Predvaritel'nye itogi mechenifa pesCsov na Talmyre s Cserfu izuchenifa ikh sezonnykh (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 175-180.) In Russian. Title tr.: Preliminary results of arctic fox tagging on Taymyr to study their seasonal migrations. Reports detailed data on fox movements in 1960-1962, in part from tagging recoveries. The extent and direction of migration is concluded to depend on the number of foxes and the abundance of lemmings. In years of scarcity the foxes in northern Taymyr move toward the coast and the islands; others on the Kara seacoast migrate west or southwest, and those on the Laptev seacoast migrate south and southDNAL. east.
ELHOVLEVSKAa, T. A., see No. 91707. 87989. CiliUSHKIN, G. D. Peredvizhenie pesaov na flig. (Serskolchozfaistvennoe proizvodstvo Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka 1965, no. 6, p. 56-57, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Southward migration of the arctic fox. This annual migration up to 1,0001,100 km from the breeding area is caused by scarcity of small rodents. It was noted in the 19th century by Middendorf, in 1913, and in 1935-1936, especially in Taymyr. Since 1960, the fox migration in Taymyr has been studied systematically by tagging; the routes southward are usually along the river valleys; eastward and westward movements also are noted. DLC. 87990. IAHUSRBIN, G. D. Opyt raboty speaializirovannol okhotnich'e-promyslovol brigady kolkhoza im. Kirova Usti-EniseIskogo ralona Talmyrskogo naa. okruga. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 167-73, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Work of a specialized hunting team of Kirov Collective Farm in the Ust'-Yeniseysk District of Taymyr National District.
87992. IALDYGINA, Z. S., and others. Opyt ozdorovleniM ochaga difillobotrioza v NeneGikom naaionarnom okruge Arkhangel'skol oblasti. (Mediainskafa parazitologifa i parazitarnye bolezni 1964. v. 33, no. 4, p. 452-54.) In Russian. English summary. Other authors: E. V. Trofimova and P. A. Burkova. Title tr.: Attempt at control of a diphyllobothriosis focus in the Nenets National District, Arkhangel'sk Province. Reports on Viska, a village with 900 Russian inhabitants, where diphyllobothriosis was found in 28% of the population and six species of fish were infected with Diphyllobothriunt Tatum. The sick were treated, privies improved and consumption of uncooked fish and roe discouraged. One year later incidence of diphyllobothriosis DNLM. had decreased nine-fold. 87993. IAMPIETRO, P. F., and others. The effects of meprobamate on physiological responses to cold. (Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 1965. v. 43, no. 3, p. 457-61, tables, graphs.) 6 refs. Other authors: V. Fiorica, R. Dille and E. A. Higgins. 539
This tranquilizer depressed cardiovascular and respiratory responses of men, both in neutral and cold (10° C) environment. The inhibition was most severe during coldexposure. No differences in hematocrit were seen between the drug and placebo groups. DLC. a.MPOL'SKAa,
IA., see No. 92812.
87994. PANES, A. V. Melting of snow and ice in the Central Arctic. (In: Problems of the Arctic . . . 1966. 13 p. graphs.) 3 refs. English translation of No 72304. CaMAI. 87995. IANKOVSKAiA, A. I. Gidrakariny Karelii. (In: AlcademifiL nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Inst. biologii. Fauna ozer . . . 1965, p. 172-91, table.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydracarina of Karelia. Describes the general appearance of these water mites, their habitats, biology, and earlier studies on them. Some 145 species are recorded with notes on geographical distribution and biotopes. Their occurrence in Karelia and its larger lakes is also discussed and tabulated. DLC. 87996. IANOVICH, G. I. Izuchenie fanny dvukrylykh krovososushchikh nasekomykh i opyt bor'by s nimi v taezhnykh ralonakh Zapadnol Sibiri. (Medisinskafa parazitoloi parazitarnye bolezni 1061. v. 30, no. 3, p. 323-24.) In Russian. Title tr.: Study of dipterous blood-sucking insects and attempt at their control in the taiga zone of Western Siberia. Lists insects he collected in 1956 and 1957 in order of frequency, with scientific names supplied. Mosquitoes (mainly Addes) were more numerous than horseflies and midges. Defensive measures are noted; also times of first appearance and intensity of attacks. DNLM. 87997. aNOVSKIi, V. V. K voprosu o raaional'noI skheme mezhralonnykh gruzopotokov Magadanskof oblasti. (Problemy Severe 1965. no. 9, p. 86-97, tables.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: An efficient scheme for interregional freight flow in Magadan Province. Presents data on the kind and amount (1,129,000 t/yr) of commodities brought into Magadan, and their source: European USSR, Middle Asia, Ural, Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East. Route and cost of transportation (tabulated) are discussed. European goods via the Northern Sea Route cost on average 29.8 rubles/t for transportation, but via Osetrovo-Tiksi (i.e.
part way by rail) 85.5/r/t. Expansion of Northern Sea Route shipping is required. DLC. aNOVSKIL V. V., see also No. 89393. 87998. IANSHIN, A. L. Tektonicheskoe stroenie Evrazii. (Geotektonika 1965, no. 5, p. 7-35, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonic structure of Eurasia. Reports on the preparation of the tectonic map at 1:5 million scale. Principles of its composition are explained and the main conclusions arrived at by geologists in the course of preparing the map are stated. A copy of it in color at 1:20 million is included. DLC. All arctic areas are represented. IANSHIN, A. L., see also No. 87197. 87999. EiNULOV, K. P., and I. V. CHULKOVA. Lelkoksen devonskikh peschanikov flzhnogo Timana. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1962, no. 3, p. 157-67, tables, illus.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Leucoxene in Devonian sandstones of Southern Timan. Reports a mineralogic study of sandstones obtained from drill cores. Opinions conIt is cerning leucoxene are reviewed. considered dispersed aggregates of oxide and hydroxide of titanium. Its properties such as color, specific weight, chemical composition, powder tests, etc are analyzed, and several morphologic types are described: octahedron, rhombohedral, tabular, prismatic, and irregular grains. DLC. 88000. IANULOV, K. P. 0 gruppirovkakh okunfil-klfavacha, Sebastes mentella Travin, v Labradorsko-NTdfaundlendskom ralone. (In: Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Sovetskie rybokhozialstvennye . . . 1962, p. 285-96, tables, graphs, maps.) 18 refs. In Russian. English summary. English translation of entire volume available. Title tr.: Grouping of the redfish Sebastes mentella Travin in the Labrador—Newfoundland area. Discusses the morphological parameters used for distinguishing herds (or local races). Accordingly three herds are discerned in a north-south direction of this area. These races are assumed not to make migrations DLC. except in limited, specified cases. 88001. aNULOV, K. P. 0 vozraste i roste kambalyersha v Severo-ZapadnoT Atlantike. (In: Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Sovetskie rybokhozialstvennye . . . 1962, p. 361-66, table, graphs.) 8 refs. In Russian. English
summary. English translation of entire volume available. Title tr.: Age and growth of American plaice in the northwest Atlantic. Reports on material collected in Nov—Dec 1958 and July—Aug 1959 in Davis Strait, Labrador Sea, Grand Banks of Newfoundland and Flemish Cap. Dominant sizes and ages for these areas are determined. As is to be expected, growth was slowest in the northernmost part of this area and fastest in the south. DLC. 88002. rANULOV, K. P. Parazity kak indikatory lokal'nosti stad morskogo okunfa. (In: Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Sovetskie rybokhozfalstvennye . . . 1962, p. 273-83, tables, maps.) 15 refs. In Russian. English summary. English translation of entire volume available. Title tr.: Parasites as indicators of local redfish herds. Study of half a dozen parasites and their marks on fish of the northwest Atlantic including the Labrador waters and the Grand Banks. Intensity and distribution of infections suggest the presence of nonintermingling group of redfish. Three main groups and their subgroups are distinguished. DLC. 88003. rANYGIN, I. Kicha. (Okhotnich'i prostory 1962. v. 16, p. 147-50.) In Russian. Title tr.: Kicha, the sable. Describes an attempt to domesticate a wild sable at a fur farm in Yakutia, without much success; but her progeny born in captivity became quite tame. DLC. 88004. cAROGOV, B. A. VostochnoIslandskoe techenie; voprosy formirovania i transformacsii vodnykh mass. (Murmansk. Polferny1 n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1959. no. 11, p. 94-105, graphs.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: East Iceland Current; problems of formation and transformation of water masses. Following a brief outline of this current and its study, author presents this analysis based on Soviet and foreign investigations. The current is found to rise from the interaction of water masses in 6S-69° N 16-19° W. Its transformation is evident first in the drop of salinity up to Cape Langanes and then in an increase due to influence of Atlantic water. DLC. 88005. fAROVIKOVA, I. A. K istorii kraevedenifii na Kamchatke. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 118-19.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Regional studies in Kamchatka.
Notes finds of documents of 1920-1931 of local interest in various ways. Natural history, studies of local flora, volcanoes, mineral sources, etc are also briefly reported. Membership of the Kamchatka Branch of the Geographical Society is noted. Its chairman was arrested in 1931 and activities were suspended until 1941. DLC. aRVEKITIVG, A. A., see No. 84917. 88006. aSHCHENKO, I. A. Otnositel'nye intensivnosti emissil v vidimol oblasti spektra polfarnykh sifiinil. (Akademil nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet, IV razdel programmy i svechenie nochnoMGG: polarnye go neba. Sbornik stater 1965. no. 11, p. 70-74, tables, graphs.) 9 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Relative intensity of the emission in the visual part of auroral spectra. Analyzes 15 auroral spectrograms recorded at Loparskaya and two other stations. Three spectrograms of so-called atomic spectra, recorded and reduced at the Loparskaya station are analyzed in the red, green, and violet spectral bands, during 1957-1958. Intensities of the spectral lines were found to vary considerably. A compound auroral spectrum was obtained by combining these three atomic spectra. DLC. 88007. IASTREBKOV, A. A. 0 navage Pechorskol guby. (Akademife nauk SSSR. Murmanskil morskol biologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. no. 5(9), p. 125-42, tables, graphs, map.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Eleginus navaga of the Pechora Bay. Discusses the distribution of the arctic cod in the arctic seas generally and in Pechora Bay. Age composition in catches, growth, maturation, and reproduction are reviewed, as are the fisheries. The local stock is found to be of stunted growth and low fertility. DLC. 88008. aSTREBOV, A. L. Osvoenie Kralnego Severe i problemy stroitePstva. (Problemy Severe 1964, no. 10, p. 21-30.) In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Development of the Far North and construction problems. Some 20 towns, including Vorkuta, Noril'sk and Magadan, over 80 town4ike settlements, and nearly 600 others have developed in northern USSR in recent times, basically changing its aspect. Research on the problems of town building however is needed, and the importance of mechanize-
tion to reduce the labor requirement and of atomic energy as source of electric power is CaMAI, DLC. noted. 88009. fASTREBOV, E. V. Opyt geomorfologicheskogo ralonirovanila Untie. (Geograficheskoe obshchestvo SSSR.. Ural'skil filial. Zapiski 1960. no. 1 (3), p. 25-36, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: An attempt at geomorphic zoning of the Ural. Divides the entire Ural in mountainous, undulating-ridgy, and peneplain provinces. Some 32 regions are distinguished, briefly characterized and mapped. The Northern Ural and Pay-Khoy areas are included. DLC. 88010. afSENKO, A. A. Glavnelshie etapy razvitifa rel'efa Chukotskogo poluostrove. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. IzvesUfa 1964. v. 96, no. 2, p. 109-114.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Main stages of the relief development of the Chukotsk Peninsula. Analyzes the morphology of the unconsolidated deposits of this peninsula and distinguishes three stages in relief development: preglacial, glacial and postglacial. The preglacial stages are indicated by peneplain formation and tectonic epeirogenetic movements. Threefold uplift is recognized with amplitudes of 200-300, 200, and 100 m. Development of old valleys 400, 200 and 100 m above sea level is noted. For the glacial stage, the formation of glacial relief is described; type of glaciation and its main forms are characterized. Postglacial relief development also is outlined, and cycles of tectonic movements noted. In all stages, the tectonic movements were significant and different in character. In the postglacial stage, oscillating movements prevailed. DLC. 88011. aFSENKO, A. A. K istorii razvita rel'efa Chukotskogo poluostrova. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1964. v. 19, ser. 5: geog. no. 1, p. 73-74.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: History of the relief development of the Chukotsk Peninsula. Distinguishes three large stages: preglacial, glacial, posttlacial, and characterizes each as to main events of relief development. Development of the river network, formation of river terraces, climatic changes, and tectonic movements are briefly noted. DLC. 88012. aVLENKO, E., and E. RAZIN. Lflldi Iovy. (Na rubezhe 1959. v. 20, no. 3, p. 105-109, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: People from Iova. 5.42
Describes the construction of a power station on the turbulent lova River, Murmansk Province; it was started in 1956 in accordance with the sixth five-year plan calling for new hydro-electric plants in polar regions. The three yr progress, labor conditions, and life at the workers' settlement Zarechensk are sketched, also survey work for the Kuma River station next on the program. DLC. 88013. IAVORSKIL V. I. Nekotorye ailurilskie i devonskie stromatoporoidei Pechorskogo basseTna. (Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskil inst. Trudy 1965. v. 115, p. 218-247, tables.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some Silurian and Devonian stromatoporoids of the Pechora basin. Presents systematic account of this fauna collected in the Chernysheva uplift; 23 species are described and illus, 14 of them new. Stratigraphic distribution is given. DLC. 88014. ICHIKAWA, M., and P. W. BASHAM. Variations in short-period records from Canadian seismograph stations. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1965. v. 2, no. 5, p. 510-42, maps, graphs, tables.) 14 refs. Examines systematically the relative recording ability of the Mould Bay, Resolute, Alert, and nine more southerly stations. Results indicate a pattern of P-wave amplitude anomalies varying from station to station, and at any one station, showing a regional variation produced by source mechanism effects. Local crustal effects appear important, and significant effects can be produced in low-velocity upper crustal layers. Comparison of early P-wave trains with theoretical models suggests that the crustal effects can best be examined by using apparent incident angles. Differences in recording ability of these stations may result from a combination of shallow crustal effects operating on the signal amplitude and the local noise properties. Mould Bay recorded 18 of the American 1961-62 series of underground nuclear explosions, Resolute six, and Alert only two. DGS. 88015. IFANOV, S. A. Drevnil rel'ef Vorkutskogo promyshlennogo ralona i nekotorye osobennosti ego proiskhozhdenifa. (In: Popov, A. I., ed. KaTnozoTskil pokrov . . . 1963, p. 17-23, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Old relief of the Vorkuta mining region and some features of its origin. Main elements of the old relief are analyzed such as the Usa hollow, Yun'-Yaga, —Ayach-Yaga depression, Vorkuta hollow,
Seyda hollow, Severnayanpland, etc.. The tectonic movements in the late Tertiary— early Quaternary are noted which formed these hollows extending in a northeasterly direction. Also noted is the prevailing opinion that during the Quaternary there existed glacial-marine conditions for sedimentation of deposits. Thickness and facies of Quaternary deposits should be studied. DLC. 88016. IGLAUER, E. A change of taste. (New Yorker • Apr. 24, 1965. p. 121-62.) Describes a Canadian Government project of the mid 1960's to can seal and whale meat for sale to Eskimos. The author accompanied a survey party from the Dept of Northern Affairs' Industrial Division to several settlements in Keewatin District to determine reactions to food canned experimentally at Whale Cove. The response was favorable, even among inland Caribou Eskimos. Food preferences, suggestions from Eskimos and whites, prospects for the program are noted. DLC. 88017. IGLAUER, E. Return to George River. (New Yorker Nov. 6, 1965. p. 174205.) In sequence to No. 72331. Reports observations and impressions during a summer 1964 visit to this northern Quebec settlement, established since 1961 with Canadian Government aid. Its 146 Eskimo residents derive their support from co-operative fishing, logging, handicraft, etc projects. The community has a fish freezer, a sawmill, warehouse, retail store, school, 24 frame houses for Eskimos, government buildings, electric lights, etc. Its progress, problems, and plans are discussed by the resident Dept of Northern Affairs' Industrial Division officer and the school teacher. The Eskimos' standard of living is higher than in their former nomadic life, but their culture is changing. DLC. 88018. IGNATENKO, I. V. Ob osobennostfakh pochvoobrazovanifit v razlichnykh podzonakh vostochnoevropeTskikh tundr. (Problemy Severn 1964. no. 8, p. 200-212, tables, illus.) 15 refs. In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Features of soil formation in various sub-zones of the eastern European tundras. Reports a two-year study of tundra soils of Vaygach Island, Yugorskiy Peninsula, and in the vicinity of Khal'mer-Yu, Vashutkiny Lakes, and Vorkuta. Data on the chemical and biochemical composition of 5-7 layers of soil to 70 cm depth are tabulated. The latitudinal, geomorphic and
cryological factors in soil formation are stressed. CaMAI, DLC. IGNATENKO, I. V., see also No. 86606. 88019. IGNAT'EV, E. I. Mediko-geograficheskie aspekty problemy osvoeni1 taezhnykh territoril. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geografii Sibiri i Dan:leg° Vostoka. Doklady 1964. no. 5, p. 20-25.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Medical-geographic aspects in the conquest of taiga regions. Discusses the general trend in exploitation of the natural resources and productive powers of undeveloped areas. Current medical-geographic surveys of the Siberian and Far Eastern taiga, are noted. Problems of climate, housing, water supply, etc are outlined, as are those of diseases, and biogeochemical problems, rest and recovery. DLC. 88020. IGNAT'EV, M. A. Raschet prochnosti lopastel grebnykh vintov sudov ledovogo plavanifit. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 16, p. 75-82, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Estimating the strength of the blade of screw propellers of ships in ice navigation. Assumes the propeller blade to be a cantilever under axial, radial, and ice stresses, and develops analytical expressions ng moments and stresses of the for bendi blade. The developed formulas are applied to evaluate the blade strength of several icebreakers. Of six well known, the Moskva, Kapitan Voronin, SevernyI poltils, Lena, Sibir' and Krasin, only the Krasin was found to have a blade of requisite strength. DLC. 88021. IGNATOV, V. S., and others. Results of ionospheric geophysical investigations in the Central Arctic. (In: Problems of the Arctic . . . 1966. 21 p.) 29 refs. Other authors: N. A. Milliev and A. P. Nikol'skii. English translation of No 72333. CaMAI. 88022. IGUMNOVA, Z. S., and V. F. SHAMURIN. Vodnyl rezhim lisha!nikov i mkhov v tundrovykh soobshchestvakh. (Botanicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 50, no. 5, p. 702-709, tables, graphs.) 22 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Water regimen of lichens and mosses in tundra communities. Reports on water gains and losses as studied near Vorkuta in the summer of 1962. Common forms were investigated as to diurnal changes in water regimen and comparisons made with those of some higher plants: birch, ivy. DLC.
IIJIMA, T., see No. 90145. IKONNIKOV, R. M., see No. 87404. 88023. IKONNIKOVA, L. N. Predel'no tsunami u sovetskogo poberezh'fil. Tikhogo okeana. (Vladivostok. Darnevostochnyl n.-issl. gidrometeorologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. no. 17, p. 69-75, table.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: An extremely large tsunami on the Soviet coasts of the Pacific Ocean. Reports the calculation of its effects in the Kuril-Kamchatka zone. The most dangerous regions are the head of Kamchatka Bay, Vtoroy Kuril'skiy Strait and Kitovaya Bay. Avachinskaya and Broutona Bays are the best protected areas. The most dangerous regions are capes extending abruptly into the ocean, wedge-shaped bays, and coasts with an abrupt downgrade of the Regions with gently sloping bottom. bottoms have little tsunami hazard. DLC. 88024. IKORSKII, S. V. Gazovala sostavlfilfashchafa gornykh porod Kovdorskogo massiva. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Magmatizm i geologies .. 1963, p. 78-86, tables, graph, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Gas components of the rocks of the Kovdor massif. Reports results on the 112, 00, 0114 and COs components of 86 samples of ultrabasic, alkaline, turjaite, apatite-olivine, carbonatite and other rocks. Carbon monoxide and hydrogen are the main components. Gas content is found highest in turjaites, lowest in carbonatites; average content is Gas components of the 1.74 Kovdor massif differ from those of the Khibiny and Lovozero massifs, and resemble those of the Gremyakha-Vyrmes and D GS. Sakharyok massifs. 88025. IKORSKII, S. V., and A. M. ROMANIKHIN. 0 forme nakhozhdenifi uglevodorodnykh gazov v nefeline gornykh porod Khibinskogo shchelochnogo massiva. (Geokhimifa 1964, no. 3, p. 276-81, table, graphs, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The forms of occurrence of hydrocarbon gases in nepheline rocks of the Khibiny alkaline massif. Hydrocarbon gas in nephelines is contained in cavities of inclusions, varying in size from thousandths to hundredths of a millimeter. Their size can be determined by the method used for extracting the gas. It is found in gaseous and gaseous-liquid stages. The formation of the gas inclusions probably occurred during nepheline crystallization. DLC.
88026. IKORSKII, S. V. Uglevodorodnye gazy i bitumy v porodoobrazuftshchilch mineralakh Khibinskogo massiva. (Akadenauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 157, no. 4, p. 876-78, table, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrocarbon gases and bitumens in rock-forming minerals of the Khibiny massif. Reports study of hydrocarbon gases and bitumens in nepheline, K-Na feldspar, eudialyte and alkaline metasilicates, separated from pegmatite and enclosing khibinite. Results are tabulated. As in pegmatite so also in khibinite, the content of hydrocarbon gases is found highest in nepheline; it is small in eudialyte and alkaline metasilicates; and not found at all in K-Na feldspar. In all minerals where hydrocarbon gases are found, bitumen material also is observed. DLC. IL'CHENKO, L. N., see No. 86880. ILIAS, D., see No. 85049. 88027. IL'INA, E. D. Trebovanifa k assortimentu i kachestvu pushniny na vneshnem i vnutrennem rynkakh i napravlenie plemennoT raboty v zverovodstve. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo kboz. Kralnego Severs. Trudy 1963. v. 11, p. 6974, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Requirements for the selection and grading of furs for foreign and domestic markets and trends in the breeding work in fur farming. Presents a general outline of fur production and marketing in the USSR and abroad. Mink dominates the fur market; United States leads in production with six million skins; the USSR produced 200 thousand in 1959, nearly 500,000 in 1960 and plans for two million by 1965. In the Far North, Murmansk Province, KhantyMansi and the southern part of YamalNenets National districts are suitable for DNAL. mink raising. 88028. IL'INA, I. V. Otzyvchivost' nekotorykh sel'skokhozliilstvennykh kul'tur na glubokuili obrabotku pochv Karelii. (Akailemilii nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Trudy 1964. no. 37, p. 103-109, tables, graphs.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Response of some agricultural plants to the deep tilling of Karelian soils. Reports on experiments with oats, rye, clover and timothy grass grown on peatypodsol soil, with tilling down to 40 cm and manure and fertilizer applied at different depths. No effect was noted of deep tilling or amelioration on such soil. DLC.
88029. EL'INSKII, 0. K. Opyt vydelenifa osnovnykh form csirkulacsii atmosfery nad Dal'nim Vostokom. (Vladivostok. Dal'nevostochnyl n.-issl. gidrometeorologicheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 20, p. 26-45, tables, maps.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Attempt to separate the main forms of atmospheric circulation in the Far East. Outlines a method and quantitative criteria using 1954-1957 material for comparing the occurrence of various forms of atmospheric circulation with various characteristics of synoptic processes: occurrence of the Okhotsk summer anticyclone, intensity of winter cyclonic activity in the Okhotsk Sea region, extent and intensity of the Asiatic winter anticyclone, etc. Zonal, western, central, eastern and mixed atmospheric circulations are distinguished and characterized. The Bering and Okhotsk DLC. Sea areas are briefly included. 88030. ILIIJKHIN, L. N., and V. D. SKARaTIN. Nekotorye rezul'taty izuchenifa treshchinovatosti nizhnepaleozolskikh otlozhenil Prieniselskol chasti Sibirskol platformy. (In: Moskva. Univ. Geologicheskil fakul'tet. Voprosy geologii . . . 1964, p. 103-108, tables, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Some results of an investigation of fracturing of Lower Paleozoic deposits in the Yenisey part of the Siberian platform. Reports study of Lower Paleozoic rocks to determine their reservoir properties for oil cumulation. Samples were collected in the Noril'sk region, Khantayka, Kulyumbe and elsewhere. Data of some 40,000 measurements are tabulated and put on rosediagrams. Some suggestions are offered for DLC. further search for oil. ILfUKHIN, V. V., see Nos. 86589, 86592. 88031. IL'fUKHINA, N. P. Stratigrafii i uslovifa obrazovanifa kamennougol'nykh otlozhenii basselna r. Angary. (Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. v. 97, p. 159-77, maps, sections.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy and formation conditions of the Carboniferous in the Angara River basin. Reports a study of the lithology and stratigraphy of the Carboniferous deposits in the middle and lower Angara basin. They are divided into Tusharna and Listvyazhninskaya series, which are described and the Tushama divided into two subseries. Facies and sedimentation conditions are analyzed. DLC. 88032. ILUPIN, I. P. Kelifitovye oholochki na pirope i morfologifa almazov.
(Leningrad. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. RegionaPnafa geologifa no. 6, p. 161-66, tables, illus.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Kelyphitic coating on pyrope and the morphology of diamonds. Describes this phenomenon in the Zarnitsa kimberlite pipe in the Daldyn-Alakit region of Yakutia. Its thickness there is reported and some data given from other kimberlite pipes of the region also. As its average thickness increases, the relative quantity of diamonds of octohedral habitus DLC. decreases. 88033. IMLAY, R. W. Jurassic marine faunal differentiation in North America. (Journal of paleontology 1965. v. 39, no. 5, p. 1023-38, tables, map.) Approx. 60 refs. Discusses differentiation of some Jurassic molluscs started on a worldwide scale near the middle of Bajocian time. Alaska, northern Canada, Greenland and Arctic Basin are included. Causes of faunal differentiation are analyzed, the primary one probably development of physical barriers that controlled the dispersal of ocean currents. Jurassic faunal realms and provinces are outlined. DLC. INCH, W. R., see No. 84953. 88034. INDOLEV, L. N., and others. GerEenbergit iz Deputatskogo mestorozhdenifa. (Alcademifa nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 159, no. 5, p. 1044-47, table, graph.) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: B. L. Flerov, fA. Zhdanov and A. A. Brovkin. Title tr.: Herzenbergite from Deputatskiy deposits. Describes this mineral-sulfide of tin found in a cassiterite-silicate-sulfide formation of the Deputatskiy deposits in northeastern Yakutia. Crystals of the mineral are described, noting their dimensions, form, and goniometric data. X-ray investigations are described noting color, specific weight and other features. DLC. 88035. INDOLEV, L. N. Magmatizm i svfaz' s nim orudenenifa v severnot chasti Mzhno-Verkhoffinskogo sinklinoria. (In: Akademii nauk SSSR. akutskil filial. Inst. geol. Geologifit olovorudnykh 1965, p. 5-85, tables, graphs, maps, illus.) 43 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Magmatism and the related mineralization in the northern part of the southern Verkhoyansk synclinorium. Reports field study since 1959 in the Suntar, Dyby, Khandyga and other river basins. The geologic position, and composition of the Mesozoic magmatic rocks are analyzed
and their connection with hydrothermal mineralization is outlined. Special analyses are made of a complex of dikes different in composition and age. A detailed description is given of the lamprophyres; three groups are distinguished and their mineral composition and chemistry reported. Deposits of lead, zinc, silver, tin and other metals are described. The evolution of magmatism of CaMAI. this region is characterized. 88036. INDOLEV, L. N., and others. Novye nakhodki serebrfanykb sul'fosolel v mestorozhdenifilkh severo-vostochnol (In: Akademifil nauk SSSR. IAkutii. akutskil filial. Inst. geol. GeologiO, olovorudnykh . . . 1965, p. 191-206, tables, graphs, illus.) 18 refs. In Russian. Other authors: ft3. IA. Zhdanov and Z. F. Parinova. Title tr.: New finds of silver sulfosalts in deposits of northeastern Yakutia. Reports a mineralogic investigation of silver-lead deposits. In the Mangazeya deposits of the Echiy basin, tributary to the Yana, and in the Bulatskoye deposits of the Uyandina basin, tributary to the Indigirka, diaphorite and owyheeite are distinguished and described in detail. Other mineral components of these deposits are also reported. Chemical composition and other features of the owyheeite are analyzed. CaMAL 88037. INFANT'EV, V. Serd&e Khibinskikh tundr. (Neva 1964, no. 6, p. 147-55.) In Russian. Title tr.: Heart of the Khibiny Tundra. Reviews the discovery of apatite and describes Kirovsk and the new Apatitstrol trust settlement of 15,000. Surface apatite extraction at the TsentraPnyy mine on the Rasvumchorr plateau is depicted. A tunnel railroad connection with the concentration plant is planned. DLC. ING, T., see No. 91074. 88038. INGLIS, D. R., and A. E. CORTE. Particle sorting and stone migration by freezing and thawing. (Science, June 18, 1965. v. 148, p. 1616-17, illus.) 6 refs. Discusses the relative migration of particles of various sizes caused by alternate freezing and thawing. The mechanism of migration as explained by A. E. Corte (No 78083) and A. Hamburg (No 6512) is considered and Hamburg's explanation found the more plausible. DLC. 88039. INGRAM, D. L., and G. C. WHITTOW. Changes of arterial blood pressure and heart rate in the ox, Bos taurus, with changes of body temperature. (Journal of
physiology 1963. v. 168, no. 4, p. 736-46, table, graphs.) 30 refs. Reports a study of the effects of warm and cold environment, etc upon unanesthetized animals. At —5° C a marked increase of heart rate and arterial blood pressure was followed by spontaneous increases in the skin temperature of the ears. DLC. 88040. INGRAM, D. L., and G. C. WHITTOW. The effects of variations in respiratory activity and in the skin temperatures of the ears on the temperature of the blood in the external jugular vein of the ox, Bos taurus. (Journal of physiology 1962. v. 163, no. 2, p. 211-21, table, graphs.) 20 refs. Account of observations on four calves exposed to cold (-4°, —6° C), heat, infrared rays, etc. When ear temperature increased due to cold, jugular temperature fell, and arterial: venous differences in blood temperature increased. DLC. 88041. INGSTAD, H. M. Vinland ruins prove Vikings found the New World. (National geographic magazine 1964. v. 126, no. 5, p. 708-734, maps, illus.) Reviews in popular form the evidence for Norse discovery and settlement of North America from Baffin Island to Newfoundland, with voyages as far south as Rhode Island. The author's archeological work at L'Anse au Meadow, Nfld 1961-1963 is described, including the discovery of house sites, ember pits, smithy and spindlewhorl (site and artifacts illus). Highly acid soil is stated to have inhibited preservation of artifacts. Hostility of the aboriginal population was probably the principal cause of abandonment of settlements. DLC. INGSTAD, H. M., see also No. 88280. 88042. INfilTKINA, A. I. American scientific drifting stations in the Arctic Basin. (In: Problems of the Arctic . 1966. 13 p. map.) 49 refs. English translaCaMAI. tion of No 72370. 88043. INItTIONA, A. I. Institut polfa'rnol tekhniki imeni Rualda Amundsena na Shpicsbergene. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 15, p. 95.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Roald Amundsen Institute for Polar Technique in Spitsbergen. Describes this organization to train specialists in polar work, its sponsorship, scope of studies, etc, as in No 57665, 74699. CaMAI, DLC. 88044. INIZTKINA, A. I. Kanadskie issledovanba polfknogo materikovogo shel'-
fa, 1959-1962 gg. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 18, p. 99-103.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Canadian investigations of the polar continental shelf, 1959-1962. Reviews oceanographic, seismic, geomagnetic, and other work as reported in No 67816, 78048, 78445, etc; logistics problems also are noted. CaMAI, DLC. 88045. INIUTKINA, A. I. Ledfilnye ostrova v Kanadskol Arktike. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 17, p. 8586.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ice islands in the Canadian Arctic. Reviews work of Aug 1961—Sept 1962 as reported in a few foreign journals, e.g. No. 81746A, CaMAI, DLC. 88046. IN-LUMINA, A. I. Plavanifil, amerikanskogo ledokola "Nortuind" v Arktike. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 19, p. 69-71, map.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cruise of the American icebreaker Northwind in the Arctic. Describes pertinent construction characteristics of the vessel and reviews the 19601963 scientific work, noting personnel. CaMAI, DLC. 88047. IN-LUMINA, A. I. Simpozium po Arkticheskomu basselnu. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 21, p. 100102.) In Russian. Title tr.: The Arctic Basin Symposium. Reviews proceedings of the 1962 symposium at Hershey, Pa., under the auspices of the Arctic Institute of North America and the US Office of Naval Research. Its four sessions and problems for further study are summarized. CaMAI, DLC. 88048. INNIS, H. A. Peter Pond, fur trader and adventurer. Toronto, Irwin and Gordon 1930. 153 p. map. Refs. Presents a biography of Peter Pond, controversial fur trader and explorer, with lengthy excerpts from his journal. His early life (born in Connecticut in 1740) as soldier, apprentice trader in 1761 in the Detroit hinterlands, and in 1773 active partner in the trade from Michilimackinac, is outlined. Between 1775 and 1788 he completed several pioneer canoe journeys in the area now northern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Mackenzie District, as an independent trader and explorer sometimes associated with the North West Co. His achievements, unrealized at the time, consisted in outlining the general character of the Mackenzie River drainage basin, enabling Alexander Mackenzie to make his 1787 exploration of the river; organizing
the valuable Athabasca fur trade for the North West Co; preparing a map (1785) of the Canadian Northwest, outstanding despite inaccuracies; and contributing invaluable information on the Indians and their country through which he traveled. CaMAI. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR QUATERNARY RESEARCH, 7th Congress, Boulder, Colo., 1965, see Nos. 87037, 87254, 89162, 89232, 90064. 88049. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTIFIC HYDROLOGY. Commission of Snow and Ice. Report of the sub-committee on variations of existing glaciers to the Commission of Snow and Ice. (IUGG. Chronicle 1964. no. 54, p. 112-20, table.) Includes a proposal for systematic worldwide measurements of glacier variation, using the procedure devised by the Glacier Commission of the Swiss Society for Natural Sciences. Full report was accepted at the Obergurgl meeting of the Commission of Snow and Ice in Sept 1962; a check list of eight basic observations and nine comprehensive measurements, also the application of the report to icecaps, ice sheets, and calving glaciers, are appended. DLC. 88050. INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION. Symposium no. 18, Paris, 1962. Theoretical interpretation of upper atmosphere emissions. New York, Pergamon Press 1963. 264 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Planetary and space science v. 10.) Refs. D. R. Bates, editor. Contains 21 papers delivered at the symposium, 13 of arctic interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names: K. D. Cole, P. A. Forsyth, 10. I. Gal'perin, D. M. Hunten, G. S. IvanovKholodnyT, P. J. Kellog, G. J. F. Macdonald, T. M. Mularchik and P. V. Shcheglov, T. Obayashi, A. Omholt, B. P. Sandford, N. N. Shefov, and A. Valiance Jones qqv. DLC. 88051. INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC FISHERIES. Annual proceedings v. 14, for the year 1963-64. Dartmouth, N.S. 1964. 43 p. tables. Contains an administrative report for the yr ending June 30, 1964 and covering the Commission's officers and secretariat, publications, cooperation with other organizations and budget. Report of the 1964 annual meeting is given with information on administration and finances, proposed
fishing regulations and conservation. Summaries of research and condition of commercial fisheries are given by subareas including those of east and west Greenland and the Labrador Sea. CaMAI. 88052. INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC FISHERIES. Annual proceedings v. 15, for the year 1964-65. Dartmouth, N.S. 1965. 61 p. tables, graphs. Contains an administrative report for the yr ending June 30, 1965 and covering the Commission's officers and secretariat, publications, cooperation with other organizations and budget. Report of the 1965 annual meeting is given with information on administration and finances, proposed fishing regulations and conservation. Summaries of research and condition of commercial fisheries are given by subareas and countries. Possible conservation actions for the ICNAF area are reviewed by W. Templeman and J. Gulland. Laboratories and scientists active in the Commission's CaMAI. work are listed. 88053. INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC FISHERIES. ICNAF environmental symposium, Rome 1964. Dartmouth, N.S. 1965. 914 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Its: Special publication no. 6.) Refs. Deals with physical and biological environments and their influence upon the physiology, growth, distribution, etc of fishes, and upon fishing processes, also with trends and forecasting of conditions. Work of the symposium's seven sections is summarized p 5-27, and three broad review papers, p 29-93, are followed by 93 topical reports and an index of areas and fishes. Most of the reports have some pertinence for northern fisheries. About half concern mainly northern areas or forms, and these are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: I. K. Avilov, V. Bainbridge, E. L. Bakshtanskil, A. S. Baranenkova, R. J. H. Beverton and A. J. Lee, R. W. Blacker, J. H. S. Blaxter, J. Corlett, T. F. Dement'eva and P. M. Mankevich, G. Dietrich, J. Eggvin, A. A. Elizarov, J. A. Gulland, P. M. Hansen and F. Hermann, J. Harvey, G. T. D. Henderson, F. Hermann and P. M. Hansen, F. Hermann and others, S. A. Horsted and E. Smidt (2 papers), J. Jonsson, K. G. Konstantinov, T. Laevastu (2 papers), H. Leivestad, J. Magndsson and I. Hallgrfmsson, ft). M. Marti, A. Meyer, L. S. Midttun, E. A. Payshtiks, L. N. Pechenik and I. I. Svetlov, I. Ii. Ponomarenko, V. P. Sere-
brfakov, L. R. Shmarina, J. Smed, M. A. Sonina, T. K. Sysoeva and A. A. Degtfareva, W. Templeman (3 papers), W. Templeman and V. M. Hodder, W. Templeman and A. W. May, A. D. and P. M. J. Woodhead, P. M. J. Woodhead, and P. M. J. and A. D. Woodhead, qqv. CaMAI. 88054. INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC FISHERIES. Statistical bulletin v. 12, for the year 1962. Dartmouth, N.S. 1964. 78 p. tables, map. Contains in pt 1, a summary of landings in the Convention area for 1952-62 by member and non-member countries. In pt 2 are 1962 statistics of landings from the same area by species, country, month, subarea and division, gear and fishing effort. Corrigenda are added. CaMAI. 88055. INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC FISHERIES. Statistical bulletin v. 13, for the year 1963. Dartmouth, N.S. 1965. 87 p. tables, map. Contains in pt 1, statistical summary of fisheries in the Convention area for 195263, by country with list of species and their common and scientific names. Pt 2 gives detailed statistics of landings for 1963 by species, country, subarea and division; fishing effort and gear are reported; both member and non-member countries are included. Corrigenda to v 11-13 are CaMAI. appended. INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION FOR THE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC FISHERIES, see also No. 86085. 88056. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PERMAFROST, Lafayette, Ind., 1963. Proceedings. Washington, D.C., National Academy of Sciences—National Research Council 1966. 563 p. maps, illus. Refs. (National Research Council. Publication no. 1287.) Contains some hundred papers together with pertinent discussions, given at this conference 11-15 Nov 1963, at Purdue Univ. the conference was presented by the Building Research Advisory Board of NAS-NRC and attended by about three hundred individuals from nine countries. The papers deal with fundamental properties and behavior of permafrost and related physical and engineering problems, and most of them are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names. The Russian delegates' pub first in Russian, No ive 79587, appear here in English. Extens
literature references are included throughout. The moderators' report, p 549-56, appraises work of the nine working sessions in turn and notes aspects on which further research is required. General session.
LEGGET, R. F. Permafrost in North America. vnytovich, N. A. Permafrost problems, p 7; a greeting and brief statement of Russian work. Soils and vegetation. BENNINGHOFF, W. S. Relationships between vegetation and frost in soils. BESCHEL, R. E. Hummocks and their vegetation in the high Arctic. BROWN, R. J. E. Influence of vegetation on permafrost. JOHNSON, A. W. Plant ecology in permafrost areas. O'SULLIVAN, J. B. Geochemistry of permafrost, Barrow, Alaska. RADFORTH, N. W. Origin and significance of organic terrain features. RAIJP, H. M. Turf hummocks in the Mesters Vig district, Northeast Greenland. TEDROW, J. C. F. Arctic soils. *Ugolini, F. C. Soil investigations in the lower Wright Valley, Antarctica. p 55-61. Massive ground ice.
LACHENBRUCH, A. H. Contraction theory of ice-wedge polygons. MACKAY, J. R. Pingos in Canada. PgWE, T. L. Ice-wedges in Alaska. SCHENK, E. K. Origin of ice-wedges. HOLMES, G. W., and others. Distribution and age of pingos of interior Alaska. BROWN, J. Ice-wedge chemistry and related frozen ground processes, Barrow, Alaska. Baranov, I. a., and V. A. Kudriavaev. Permafrost of Eurasia. English tr of No 77246. Dostovalov, B. N., and A. I. Popov. Polygonal systems of ice-wedges and conditions of their development. English tr of No 78357. Kudrfavasev, V. A. Theory of the development of frozen rock masses. English tr of No 80392. ShumskiT, P. A., and B. I. Vtffirin. Underground ice. English tr of No 82970. Geomorphology.
BIRD, J. B. Limestone terrains in southern arctic Canada. *Black, R. F., and T. E. Berg. Patterned ground in Antarctica. p. 121-27. COOK, F. A. Patterned-ground research in Canada. *Not abstracted in this Bibliography.
CORTE, A. E. Experiments on sorting processes of the origin of patterned ground. EVERETT, K R. Instruments for measuring mass-wasting. JAHN, A. Origin and development of patterned ground of Spitsbergen. LUNDQVIST, J. Patterned ground in Sweden. RAPP, A. Solifluction and avalanches in the Scandinavian mountains. SCHENIC, E. K. Origin of string bogs. WILLIAMS, J. R., and R. M. WALLER. Ground water occurrence in permafrost regions of Alaska. WALKER, H. J., and L. ARNBORG. Permafrost and ice-wedge effect on riverbank erosion. FERRIANS, 0. J. Permafrost map of Alaska. NICHOLS, D. R. Permafrost in the Recent epoch. BRANDON, L. V. Evidences of ground water flow in permafrost regions. Baranov, I. Ii. Problems of zonal relationships in the development of permafrost. English tr of No 77247. Popov, A. I., and others. Features of the development of frozen geomorphology in Northern Eurasia. English tr of No 82195. Phase equilibria and transitions. *Lange, G. R., and H. L. MeKim.
Saturation, phase composition and freezingpoint depression in a rigid soil model. p 187-92. *Miller, R. D. Phase equilibria and soil freezing. p 192-97. PENNER, E. Frost-heaving in soils. *Takagi, S. Fundamentals of the theory of frost-heaving. p 203-216. *Williams, P. J. Suction and its effect in unfrozen water of frozen soils. p 225-29. Nersesova, Z. A., and N. A. 'nytovich. Unfrozen water in frozen soils. English tr of No 81579. TiDtffinov, I. A. Phase transformations of water in soils and the nature of migration and heaving. English tr of No 83581. Thermal aspects.
BROWN, R. J. E. Relation between mean annual air and ground temperatures in the permafrost region of Canada. LOBACZ, E. F., and W. F. QUINN. Thermal regime beneath buildings constructed on permafrost. SANGER, F. J. Degree-day and heat conduction in soils. SCOTT, R. F. Factors affecting freeze or thaw depth in soils. SKAVEN-HAUG, S. Control of frost penetration in Norway. THOMPSON, H. A. Air temperatures
in northern Canada with emphasis on freezing and thawing indexes. Lukfanov, V. S. Computation of the depth of freezing and thawing in soils. English tr of No 80844. Porkhaev, G. V. Temperature fields in foundations. English tr of No 82221. Physico-mechanical properties of frozen ground. *Kaplar, C. W. Laboratory determination of the dynamic moduli of frozen soils and of ice. p 293-301. *Kersten, M. S. Thermal properties of frozen ground. p 301-305. *Sanger, F. J., and C. W. Kaplar. Plastic deformation of frozen soils. p 305-315. *Yong, R. N. Soil freezing considerations in frozen soil strength. p 315-319. AITKEN, G. W. Reduction of frostheave by surcharge loading. '1-tytovich, N. A. Instability of mechanical properties of frozen and thawing soil. English tr of No 83696. p 325-31. Vialov, S. S. Rheology of frozen soils. English tr of No 84101. p 332-42. Exploration and site selection. FROST, R. E., and others. Photointerpretation in the Arctic and sub-Arctic. BARNES, D. F. Geophysical methods for delineating permafrost. HANSEN, B. L. Instruments for temperature measurements in permafrost. HARWOOD, T. A. DEW Line site selection and exploration. HVORSLEV, M. J., and T. B. GOODE. Core drilling in frozen soils. JOHNSTON, G. H. Engineering site investigations in permafrost areas. LANGE, G. R. Refrigerated fluid for drilling and coring in permafrost. MOLLARD, J. D., and J. A. PIHLAINEN. Airphoto interpretation applied to road selection in the Arctic. SEBASTYAN, G. Y. Preliminary site investigation for the foundation of structures and pavements in permafrost. Bakakin, V. P., and A. N. Zelenin. Excavation of frozen soils. English tr of No 77194. p 395-400. Ushkalov, V. P., and others. Engineering geocryological research. English tr of No 83891. p 400-405. Sanitary and hydraulic engineering. ALTER, A. J. Sanitary engineering in Alaska. BALL, D. G., and I. H. CALL. U.S. sanitary and hydraulic engineering practice in Greenland. YATES, A. B., and D. R. STANLEY. Domestic water supply and sewage disposal in the Canadian North.
GEORGE, W . Water supply and drainage in Alaska. HUBBS, G. L . Water supply systems in permafrost areas • JANSON, L. E. Water supply systems in frozen ground. PAGE, W. B. Arctic water supply and wind energy. RICE, E. F., and 0. W. SIMONI. The Hess Creek dam. SARGENT, C. Water works supply systems in permafrost areas. *Sassani, M. J. Sanitary and hydraulic engineering in the Antarctic. p 442-47. *Wright, K. R., and 0. W. Fricke. Waterfreezing problems in mountain communities. p 447-50. Bogoslovskil, P. A., and others. Dams in permafrost regions. English tr of No 77576. p 450-55. Porfir'ev, M. M., and G. V. Porkhaev. Utility networks in permafrost regions. English tr of No 82219. p 455-58. Tolstikhin, N. I., and others. Hydrogeology in permafrost regions of the USSR. English tr of No 83611. p 458-62. Placer mining in frozen ground. BEISTLINE, E. H. Placer mining in frozen ground. CRORY, F. E. Pile foundations in permafrost. JOHNSTON, G. H. Pile construction in permafrost. LINELL, K. A., and C. W. KAPLAR. Description and classification of frozen soils. LONG, E. L. The Long thermophile. MacDONALD, D. H. Design of Kelsey dikes. *Miyakawa, I., and others. Frost-heave of roads in Hokkaido, Japan. p 497-502. PRYER, R. W. J. Mine railroads in Labrador-Ungava. PHILLEO, E. S. Guides for engineering projects on permafrost. PIKE, A. E. Mining in permafrost. PRITCHARD, G. B. Foundations in permafrost areas. SWINZOW, G. K. Tunneling and subsurface installations in permafrost. THOMSON, S. Icings on the Alaska Highway. BROWNING, J. A., and J. F. ORDWAY. Use of internal burners for working permafrost and ice. DAVIS, R. M. Gravel-fill roads on permafrost and glacier ice. Rzhaniain, B. A., and others. Thawing and consolidation of permafrost prior to *Not abstracted in this Bibliography.
construction. English tr of No 82616. p 538-41. Mel'nikov, P. I., and others. Pile foundations in permafrost. English tr of No CaMAI. 81183. p 542-47. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PERMAFROST, Lafayette, Ind., 1963, see also No. 92243. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND ETHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 7th, Moscow, 1964, see Nos. 85274, 93270. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF SOIL SCIENCE, 8th Bucharest 1964, see Nos. 88392, 91852, 91947. 88057. INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL CONGRESS, 20th, London 1964. Abstracts of papers. F. E. I. Hamilton, editor. London, Nelson 1964. 361 p. Contains about 900 abstracts ( ± 200 words in length) of papers presented in 14 main sections. Many have general pertinence to arctic studies; many others (as listed below) are specific to northern problems.
Three Canadian geomorphological maps, by D. St-Onge, p 35.
The geography of sea microorganisms, by A. E. 'Criss, qv, p 52.
The heat balance of the earth, by M. I. Budyko, p. 59. The heat balance of a high mountain surface and of glaciers, by M. K. Gavrilova, p 63. Summer climate and glacial-climatological investigations, by J. M. Havens, p 64.
Hydrology, Oceanography, Glaciology
The pattern of land uplift in North West Territory, Canada, by J. T. Andrews, p 77-78. Glaciological research in USSR, by G. A. Ayala, qv, p 78. The glacial history of Bathurst Island, Arctic Canada, by W. Blake, Jr., p 79. The depth of the permafrost in Yakutsk ASSR, by P. I. Mel'nikov, p 80. Climatic fluctuations on Axel Heiberg Island, by F. Muller, p 80. Cf No. 90076.
Water discharge and suspended load in an arctic river, by L. Arnborg and H. J. Walker, p 83-84. Mesures de Perosion glaciaire, by J. Corbel, p 87.
Norway's "Paleic" surface, by J. Gjessing, p 90-91. Landscapes of the northern USSR and recent tectonic movements, by N. A. Grave, p 91. Studies of interacting geomorphological processes under laboratory conditions, by A. P. Kapiaa and others, p 93. Multiple glaciation of Southwest Yukon, by D. B. Krinsley, p 94. Morphology of sand dunes in an arctic delta, by H. J. Walker and L. Arnborg, p 116. Recordings of slope processes in northern mountains, by A. Rapp, p 125. Statistical evaluation of field experiments on cross-valley moraines, by J. T. Andrews and B. B. Smithson, p 126-27. Periglacial studies in the United States, 1959-1963, by R. F. Black, p 127-28. Exfoliation in a periglacial climate, by Z. Czeppe, p 128-29. A Quaternary chronology of Ullsfjord, Northern Norway, by 0. W. Holmes and B. G. Andersen, p 129. Thick tilted beds of segregated ice, Mackenzie Delta area, by J. R. Mackay and J. K. Stager, p 131. The preglacial geomorphology of the Laurentian area, by J. T. Parry, p 132. omena and their genetic Periglacial phen types in the northern USSR, by A. I. Popov, qv, p 134. Tundra polygons in northern Sweden, by A. Rapp, p 134. Interaction between surface cover and permafrost, by L. Annersten, p 134. Methods of defining periglacial phenomena, by A. A. Velichko and T. D. Morozova, p 136. Investigations of downslope soil movement at a sub-arctic locality, by P. J. Williams, p 137.
Regional geography
The marine orientation of Norway, by V. N. Malstrom, p 148. Ajka-Kiruna, by G. Markos, p 149.
Applied geography
Geographical aspects of the health of the taiga population, by E. I. Ignat'ev, p 174-75. La transformation de la taiga, by V. B. Sochava, p 195.
Economic geography
Geographical aspects of industrialization in Siberia, by V. A. Krotov, qv, p 238.
Historical geography
The relict geography of a post-colonial landscape, by A. G. Macpherson, p. 269.
Political geography
The partition of Northwest Territories, Canada, by N. L. Nicholson, p 281.
Population geography Changes in the geography of population of Siberia and the Far East, by V. V. Vorob'ev, qv, p 291. Geography of settlement Farming on the settlement fringe in northern Sweden, by P. Porenius, p 313. Post-war extension of high latitude agricultural settlement in Finland, by H. Smeds, p 314. Fringe zones of settlement in Norden, by K. H. Stone, p 315. Transportation and the settlement frontier in the Mackenzie Valley area, by W. C. Wonders, p 316. DLC. 88058. INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL CONGRESS, 20th, London 1964. Naaionarnyl komitet sovetskikh geografov. Sovremennye problemy geografii. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 416 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title etc. tr.: National Committee of Soviet geographers. Current problems of geography. Contains some 67 papers presented by the Soviet geographers dealing with main trends and research results. Five papers of arctic interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under authors' names viz (titles tr.): VOROB'EV, V. V. Change in the population geography of Siberia and the Far East. KROTOV, V. A. Geographic aspects of the industrialization of Siberia. AVSIUK, G. A. Glaciological research in the USSR. KRISS, A. E. Geography of marine microorganisms. POPOV, A. L Periglacial phenomena and their genetic types in northern USSR. DLC. INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL CONGRESS, 20th, London 1964, see No. 87550. 88059. INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL UNION. Commission on Karst Phenomena. Internationale Beitritge zur Karstmorphologie. Edited by H. Lehmann. Berlin-Nikolassee, Gebr. Borntraeger 1960. 107 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Zeitschrift fiir Geomorphologie, Suppi. 2.) Refs. One of the ten papers presented deals with arctic areas and is abstracted under its DLC. author's name, viz: J. Corbel, qv. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS, 1960, see No. 91320. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS, 1964, see Nos. 85760, 86024, 86646, 87420, 89466, 90738.
88060. INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR, 1957-1958. Special Committee. Catalogue of data in the world data centers for the period of the International Geophysical Year and International Geophysical Cooperation-1959; 1 July 1957-31 December 1959. Oxford, Pergamon 1964. 744 p. tables, maps. (Its: Annals v. 36.) Refs. Outlines the history of the World Data Centers established dining the IGY and catalogs by discipline the data which have been interchanged internationally through these centers. The one at College, Alaska, specializes in auroral investigations; but much arctic material is catalogued with the other 32. Stations which participated in the IGY program and made their results internationally available are listed. The number of these varies according to the discipline, and they are shown on maps; separate map is presented for arctic stations. Maps showing track charts of IGY cruises are also provided. Appended is a list of some four thousand reports and reprints issued in connection with IGY research. DLC. 88061. INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR, 1957-1958. Special Committee. I. G. Y. ascaplots, half-hourly auroral allsky camera plots from 114 stations for the period 1957-1958. London, Pergamon 1962. 147 p. table, maps, illus. (Its: Annals v. 20, part 1.) Summarizes all-sky camera film material from 114 stations, 64 of them arctic, on the occurrence of the auroras and intensity of display. The summary is in the form of ascaplots for each station. Information is given for understanding the tables of ascaplots and on the procedures involved. Details of the cameras, with illus, are presented, together with specifications and technical data. Reference is made to the presentation of auroral indices. DLC. 88062. INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR, 1957-1958. Special Conzmittee. The International Geophysical Year meetings. London, Pergamon 1961. 3 v.: 643, 545, 667 p. tables. (Its: Annals v. 13, 14, 15.) Presents data containing tables of monthly median values of ionospheric characteristics for the period July 1957LJan 1959 incl, compiled from bulletins and summaries sent to Boulder, Moscow, Slough and Tokyo. A code is used, which is explained in a key. The arctic stations included are Anchorage, Arctica I and II (Russian drifting stations North Pole 6 and 7), Baker Lake,
Churchill, Dikson Island, Fairbanks, Fletcher's Ice Island (drifting station B), Kiruna, Longyearbyen, Luleft, Lycksele, Murmansk, Narsarssuak, Pt Barrow, Provideniya Bay, Salekhard, Sodankylit, Thule, Tikhaya Bay, Tiksi Bay, Tromssi, and Yakutsk. DLC. 88063. INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR, 1957-1958. Special Committee. Tables of the IGY monthly median ionospheric data. London, Pergamon 1962. 3 v.: 344, 792, 1254 p. tables. (Its: Annals v. 17, 18, 19.) Continues under different title the ionospheric data presented in v 13-15. The arctic stations include Adak, Alert, Eureka, Ft Chimo, Ft Norman, Frobisher Bay, Godhavn, Narsarssuak, Resolute Bay and Yellowknife. DLC. 88064. INTERNATIONAL MINERALOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Papers and proceedings of the third General Meeting Washington, D.C. April 17-20, 1962. Washington, D.C. 1963. 332 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Mineralogical Society of America. Special paper 1963, no. 1.) Refs. Contains some 52 papers presented during the meeting. Five of arctic interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names: C. H Emeleus, J. Ferguson and T. C. R. Pulvertaft, T. N. Irvine, C. H. Smith and H. E. Kapp, and L. R. Wager, DLC. qqv. 88065. INTERNATIONAL NICKEL CO. of CANADA Ltd. Symposium on the Thompson operation. (Canadian Inst of Mining and Metallurgy. Transactions 1964. v. 67, p. 223-76, maps, sections, tables, illus.) 4 refs. Also pub in Canadian mining and metallurgical bulletin Nov 1964, v. 57, p. 1147-1200. Describes this fully integrated nickelproducing operation, result of 10 yr search, five yr exploration, five yr development, and a capital outlay of $140 million, by the International Nickel Co of Canada, Ltd. Production began in Mar 1961. Various aspects of the operation are described by pertinent personnel: planning and development of the project by R. L. Hawkins and I. P. Klassen, p 224-32; the mine by H. P. Boucher and W. G. Armstrong, p 233-42; the mill by R. L. Puro and L. M. Ames, p 243-48; the smelter by J. B. McConnell and H. A. Maddison, p 249-56; the refinery by W. W. Spence and W. R. Cook, p 25767; community planning of the townsite of Thompson by D. G. Henderson, p 268-76.
The town, plant, and mine were named in 1956 for John F. Thompson, chairman of the board of the company completing 50 yr service. DGS. 88066. INTERNATIONAL NORTHWEST ATLANTIC FISHERIES CONFERENCE, Washington, D.C. 1949. Northwest Atlantic Fisheries: declaration of understanding between the United States of America and other governments, regarding the Convention of February 8, 1949 signed at Washington April 24, 1961. Washington, D.C. US. Govt. Print. Off. 1963. 5 p. (US. Dept. of State. Treaties and other international acts ser. 5380.) Declares that the signatory nations understand that `fish' in the convention of 1949 applies to molluscs. Ten European nations, including the USSR, signed without reservation, US signed with reservation as to acceptance. DLC. 88067. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON THE POLAR BEAR. (U.S. Congress. Congressional record v. 111, pt. 20, Senate Oct 7, 1965, p. 25284-90.) Senator Bartlett presents record of this meeting at Univ of Alaska, Sept 6-11, 1965, with summary reports from the Canadian, Greenland (Danish), Norwegian and Russian, and United States representatives. These reports describe the stock, hunting regulations and kill, research, etc in the respective countries. Statement of accord and recommendations for research conservation are appended together with list of participants who represented besides those five countries, the Arctic Institute of North America, and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Pursuant to this meeting, the Arctic Institute pub as its Research paper no 34 (11 p) 1966, two papers similar to two of the reports presented at the conference, viz: A polar bear's life by C. R. Harington, and Capturing and marking polar bears by Vagn Flyger. Harington's account of the meeting was pub in Arctic circular Dec 1965, v 16, no 3, p 37-39 (CaMAI). It was also reported in Alaska sportsman Jan 1966, v 32. no 1, p 19. DLC. 88068. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON STRATOSPHERIC AND MESOSPHERIC CIRCULATION, Berlin, 1962. Proceedings. Berlin, D. Reimer 1963. 640 p. tables, graphs, maps. (Berlin. Freie Univ. Inst. ftir Meteorologie and Geophysik. Meteorologische Abhandlungen, v. 36.) Refs. R. Scherhag and G. Warnecke, editors.
Contains 35 papers presenting a survey of current knowledge of stratospheric meteorology. Ten bearing on arctic problems are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: A. D. Belmont, W. L. Godson, P. R. julian, T. Kitaoka, K. Maeda (2 papers), R. J. Reed, J. Van Mieghem, W. L. Webb and others, and W. L. Webb and K. R. Jenkins, qqv. DLC. 88069. IOGANZEN, B. G. The scientific basis of the acclimatization of animals. (In: Konferenaia po akklimatizaaii zhivotnykh ... 1966, p. 5-8.) English translaDLC. tion of No 79610. 88070. IONIN, A. S. Issledovanifii po dinamike i morfologii beregov Komandorskikh ostrovov. (Akademia nauk SSSR. Okeanograficheskafa komissifil. Trudy 1961. v. 8, p. 205-210, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigation of the dynamics and morphology of the Commander Islands coasts. Reports a 1958 study of Mednyy and Bering Islands, which are composed mostly of tuffs and igneous rocks. Fluctuation of the sea level and geologic structure of the coasts are described as are the latter's forms: terraces, cliffs, accumulative forms. History of the coast formation is briefly sketched, the role of wave action is noted. The shore line is characterized. DLC.
knizhnoe izd-vo 1962. 202 p. In Russian. Title tr.: Soviet power struggle in East Siberia 1917-1922. Bibliography compiled by local libraries listing 2796 titles, incl newspaper articles of 1917-1960, on the Civil War, Allied intervention, and the establishment of the Soviet regime. About 20% deal with Yakutia, Krasnoyarsk and the present Magadan DLC. Provinces. 88074. IRVINE, T. N. Origin of the ultramafic complex at Duke Island, southeastern Alaska. (Mineralogical Society of America. Special paper 1963, no. 1, p. 36-45, table, graphs, illus.) 9 refs. Describes the petrology and mineralogy of this complex which outcrops in two areas that total 9 mil. Rocks within the complex are comprised of olivine, clinopyroxene, hornblende and ferriferous oxides and are classified as dunite, peridotite, olivine pyroxenite and hornblende pyroxenite; all are devoid of plagioclase and orthopyroxene. Remarkable gravitational layering, showing grain-size grading, occurs intermittently in the olivine-bearing ultramafic rocks through a possible thickness of two miles. A variety of structural, mineralogic and petrologic evidence suggests that the ultramafic rocks crystallized from a magma of ultrabasic composition. The possible composition and temperature of the ultrabasic magma are DLC. discussed.
IONIN, A. S., see also Nos. 84924, 84925. IRVING, L., see No. 84953. 88071. IOSIFOV, K. Severnafa vfae. (Kul'tura i zhizn' 1965. v. 9, no. 3, p. 2630, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Northern curvilinear ornaments. Describes historic buildings in Kizhi and Kondopoga, Karelia, and the Uspenska church in Kern' built in 1717. DLC. IRELAND, W. E., see No. 87939. 88072. IRWIN, V. Dvorea v talge. (Sluzhba byta 1965. v. 3, no. 7, p. 19.) In Russian. Title tr.: Palace in the taiga. Describes the new 8-story hotel and shopping center in Akademgorodok, the Academy of Sciences' town near Novosibirsk. The shopping center under construction is the first such building complex in the USSR. It contains a photography studio, a self-service food store (gastronom) with a coffee shop, a book store, department store, DLC. and restaurant. 88073. IRKUTSK. OblastnaI biblioteka. Bor'ba za vlast' Sovetov v Vostochnol Sibiri 1917-1922. Irkutsk, Irkutskoe
IRVING, W. N., see No. 85921. 88075. IRWIN, J. B. Astronomers visit Alaska. (Sky and telescope 1963. v. 26, no. 3, p. 120-25, map, illus.) Outlines events of the eleventh American Astronomical Society meeting at College, Alaska, in connection with the July 20 total eclipse of the sun. Viewed by 71 persons at Talkeetna, the eclipse was an astronomical success, with many good photographs. The scientific meetings included 52 papers read at the Alaska Univ Geophysical Institute. D GS. 88076. ISAACSON, L. C., and others. Renal function during and immediately after profound hypothermia, part 2. (Surgery 1964. v. 56, no. 5, p. 957-69, table, graphs.) 63 refs. Other authors: J. Terblanche, L. Eales and C. N. Barnard. Expansion of a preliminary report No 76103 involving ten dogs and two controls, with deep hypothermia attained by extracorporeal circulation. Results indicate
marked inhibition of renal tubular function by cold and support the hypothesis of a passive transport process in the renal tubular reabsorption of inorganic P. DLC. ISAEV, A. V., see No. 87171. 88077. ISAEV, S. I. The diurnal periodicity of aurora within the maximum-frequency zone. 1960. 7 p. Translation of Arctic Bibliography No 7827; available as AD-610 919 from CFSTI. ISAEV, S. I., see also No. 90986. ISAEVA, G. N., see No. 88935. 88078. ISAKOV, I1. A. Razmeshchenie zapasov promyslovykh vodoplavafashchikh ptia v SSSR v nastofilshchee vremO, i v nedavnem proshlom. (Moskovskoe o-vo ispytatelel prirody. Bfiileten' 1964. otd. biol. v. 69, no. 1, p. 41-50, table, maps.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geographical distribution of economically valuable waterfowl in the USSR at present and in the recent past. Describes the distribution of ducks, geese, swans, etc including that in arctic and subarctic areas, and illus it with numerous maps. Some notes are given on conditions at the turn of the century. No data or estimates are offered except in terms of common, very rare, etc, based on nesting. DLC. 88079. ISHCHENKO, M. V. Materialy po differen&iarnol diagnostike tuberkuleza legkikh i al' veolfilrnogo ekhinokokka. (Yakutsk. akutskil n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy ... 1963, p. 142-49.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Materials on differential diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and alveolar echinococcosis. Reviews earlier studies on echinococcosis in the Russian Arctic and presents information based on 11 yr pathological material from Yakutsk. Several case histories are included. X-raying and histological examination are recommended for differential diagnosing between the two diseases. DNLM. 88080. ISHIDA, T. Aspects of marine biology of Asiatic pink salmon. (In: Symposium on Pink Salmon 1960 pub. 1962, p. 135-39, table, maps.) 8 refs. Reviews the density in offshore distribution of this salmon, including the Bering Sea, the Aleutian waters and those southwest of Kamchatka. Year-to-year differences in distribution, and migrations are DLC. also discussed.
ISKRITIKIi, N. A., see No. 89785. 88081. ISLER, It. C., and W. G. FASTIE. An observation of the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield system in an aurora. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 11, p. 2613-17, tables, graphs.) 6 refs. Observes molecular nitrogen (Na) at 2A resolution of an aurora to provide more definitive information about the LymanBirge-Hopfield spectral system. An Aerobee rocket, launched on 26 Feb, 1964 from Ft Churchill carried spectroscopic instruments, including an Ebert spectrophotometer used for scanning the spectral region of interest. The intensity of any relatively strong band appeared to range about 0.5-5 kR when the 3914 A band of N2+ was 25-150 kR. DLC. ISLIEB, M. E., see No. 93029. 88082. ISOTALO, A. Nurmiviljelykokeita Peril-Pohjolan koeasemalla vuosina 19531963. (Acta agralia fennica 1965. no. 107, p. 161-70, tables, graphs.) In Finnish. English summary. Title tr.: Hay fertilization trials at the Peril-Pohjola experiment station in 1953-1963. Reports experiments carried out on hay fields at the Arctic Circle using multiple fertilizer 12-15-18. With 500 kgfha, the yields exceeded 6500 kg/ha; a small addition of saltpeter (25% N) further raised yields and their protein content. N-fertilization mainly increased crude protein content and the total protein yield. DLC. 88083. ISRAEL, H. Alte eskimoische Werkzeuge mit eisemen Klingen. (Dresden. Staatliches Museum fur VOlkerkunde. Abhandlungen and Berichte 1965. v. 24, p. 5-30, illus.) 120 refs. In German. Title tr.: Old Eskimo tools with iron blades. Describes an adze and a man's knife with inserted iron blades, in the Dresden Museum since the 17th century. They were probably made by West Greenlandic Eskimos, the non-meteoritic iron obtained from Scandinavians or through North American Eskimos. Results of the iron analysis are given by R. Pleiner, qv. DSI. ISSEKUTZ, B., Jr., see No. 91218. ISTOMIN, P. I., see No. 89741. ISTOlta SEV. MORSKOGO PUTI, v. 2., see No. 90796. 88084. ISTOSHIN, B. V., and L. It. SHMARINA. Conditions hydrologiques en
Mer de Norvege et en Mer de. Greenland en (International Council for the 1962. Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1962 pub. 1964. v. 19, p. 21-25, map, graphs.) In French. Title tr.: Hydrographic conditions in the Norwegian and Greenland Sea in 1962. Reports study made by seven Russian research vessels, most detailed in the month of June. Temperatures of water, currents and air are recorded and their differences from each other and from several preceding years, noted. Temperature anomalies of some currents are registered and S T sections drawn. In general 1962 was distinguished from 1961 by a considerably lower temperature of the eastern Norwegian and the Greenland Seas and by higher temperaDLC. ture in the west. 88085. ISTOSHIN, B. V., and L. R. SHMARINA. Hydrographical conditions in the Norwegian Sea, and the Greenland Sea. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1963 pub. 1965. v. 20, p. 14-17, graphs, map.) Describes results of synoptic survey by five Russian vessels in June 1963, and other sources. Temperature conditions down to 500 m, heat content, and currents are considered, and compared with parameters DLC. of the previous yr. ISTOSHIN, B. V., see also Nos. 84748, 84987, 84988, 84990. ISTOSHINA, M. A., see No. 90889. 88086. ISUPOV, A. A. NaGional'nyl sostav naselenifi SSSR. Moskva 1961. 60 p. tables, maps. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ethn ic composition of the population of the USSR. Discusses the results of the 1959 census (No 92539) noting some of its non-stereotype aspects, e.g. language preference versus ethnic attribution. Northern minorities are mentioned among others in absolute figures and percentage of total population. Excluding the Yakuts and Zyryans, they number 127,200 or 0.06%, the Yakuts 236,700 or 0.11%. The ratio of Yakuts to Russians in Yakut ASSR dropped 56.3-46.4% in 19391959. The high proportion of Russians in national districts is attributed to the industrial and economic development of the North. It ranges from 44.6% in the Yamal-Nenets to 72.5% in the KhantyMansi National District. The influx of other nationals has further lowered the proportion of aboriginals in the population, viz: 9.2% Ostyaks and 4.6% Voguls in the Khanty-Mansi, 22.4% Nenets Samoyeds in
the Yamal-Nenets, 10.9% in the Nenets, and 5.6% in the Taymyr or Dolgan-Nenets National District. There are 33.7% Evenki Tungus in the Evenki, 21.4% Chukchis in the Chukchi, and 18.5% Koryaks in the Koryak National Districts. A high rate of mixed marriage is noted among northern minorities: averaging 23% and rising to 78% among Yukaghirs. A notable discrepancy appears between the ethnic and linguistic classification, e.g.: 77.2% of the Aleuts call Russian their mother tongue, but only 5.7% of the Chukchis do. An ethnic map, reproduced from No 76794, shows the distribution of 24 northern DLC. peoples. and V. B. 88087. ITEL'SON, G. M., Titanovoe oborudovanie v proizvodstve nikelfa. Murmansk, Murmanskoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1963. 126 p. tables, graphs, illus. 29 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Titanium equipment in nickel production. Attempts to systematize investigations of corrosion resistivity of titanium alloys, and the design and manufacture of nickelproducing equipment made of these alloys at the Severonikel' combine in Kola Peninsula. Commercial production of titanium alloy pumps of 30-400 m/Ihr capacity, stop and wedge valves and other tapping armature has been developed; forging, cold and hot stamping and cutting, and welding of the alloy items have been accomplished at the combine during the previous three yr. The processes of treating the alloy and of manufacturing different items are described. Titanium alloys with aluminum and chronium, aluminum and manganese, aluminum and tin, and samples of technical titanium were tested for corrosion in anolyte and the effect compared with that on stainless steel. Corrosion cavities were observed on the steel samples after 100 hr test in the anolyte bath, but no trace of corrosion on the titanium alloy samples after 800-2700 hr. CaMAI. 88088. ITKONEN, E. E. Uber den Genetiv and Partitiv in einigen Adverbien. (In: Congressus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum . . . 1963, p. 226-55.) Refs. In German. Title tr.: Genitive and partitive in some adverbs. Exhaustive study of Lappish so-called modal-habitive adverbs based primarily on the Inari dialect. Two groups are differentiated: one deriving from noun or adjective stems, the other from defective adjectivelike nouns. Their phonetics, morphology, and semantic properties are discussed. DLC.
88089. ITHONEN, T. -Ober einige SandhiErscheinungen im Finnmarklappischen, Finnischen and Finnlandschwedischen. (Finnisch-ugrische Forschungen 1965. v. 35, no. 3, p. 218-63.) Refs. In German. Title tr.: Some sandhi phenomena in Finnmark Lappish, Finnish, and Swedish as spoken in Finland. Discusses phonologic, morphologic and structural changes produced by enclitic particles, including the east Finnmark Lappish dialect, as studied in 1955 in DLC. Outakoski. 88090. ITKONEN, T. I. Jaakko Fellmanin Sodankylasta ja Kuolajarvelta kerriamiti lappalaisia paikaruaimia. (Virittaja 1965, no. 4, p. 426-29.) Refs. In Finnish. German summary. Title tr.: Lappish toponymics collected by Jacob Fellman in Sodankyla and Kuolajarvi. Etymological study of 26 place names from a Lappish dialect now extinct; they were recorded in the early 19th century in the Sodankyla and Salle parishes, North Finland, and pub by Isak Fdlman in 1906 (copy not seen). Some of these toponymics occur in Lappish legends describing enDLC. counters with hostile Karelian. 88091. If8EKSON, G. V. Zakonomernosti metasomatozoa pri obrazovanii karbonatitov. (Sovetskafa geologi1 1964, no. 6, p. 44-60, illus.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Laws of metasomatism in formation of carbonatites. Discusses the principal differences between the formation of the calcite carbonatites of the Aldan, Maymecha-Kotuy and eastern Sayan regions, and the formation processes of postmagmatic metasomatites of greisen type, secondary quartzites, and other hydrothermal rocks. The process of metasomatism is found to proceed differently in calcite carbonatites than in secondary quartzites or other hydrothermal rocks. DLC. 88092. ICIIKSON, M. I. Geokhimicheskie i metallogenicheskie osobennosti podvizhnykh poffisov Tikhookeanskol okrainy SSSR. (Sovetskati geologifa 1964, no. 11, p. 18-35, table, graphs, illus.) 66 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geochemical and metallogenetic features of the mobile Pacific marginal belts of the USSR. Distinguishes two types of mobile belts, Okhotsk and East Asiatic, differing in abyssal structure, location, and conditions of geologic development. The geochemistry and mineralization of both types of belt are analyzed. The Okhotsk type is characteriz-
ed by concentration of elements of the iron and platinum groups and others such as copper, silver, sulfur, barium, etc. The East Asiatic type of mobile belt is characterized by concentration of components of rocks and presence of tin, tungsten, gold, tanta lum, niobium, etc. The cause of the differences between the two types is discussed and the latter considered caused by difference in abyssal structure, temperature conditions, and geologic developments. DLC. 88093. If8IKSON, M. I. Tipy podvizhnykh porrisov Tikhookeanskol okrainy SSSR. (Sovetskafil geologifa 1964, no. 1, p. 10-38, map, profile.) 105 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Types of mobile belts in the Pacific marginal zone of the USSR. Correlates the main features of development of mobile belts in regard to their lithology and facies, magmatism, and tectonic structures. Their deep structure and conditions of their locations are analyzed on the bases of geological and geophysical investigations. The Koryak-Kuril-Kamchatka system is characterized among others. The history of mobile belts is outlined and divided into various stages. Development of the earth's crust in this DLC. wide area is also discussed. 88094. IfSIHSON, M. L, and others. Vulkanicheskie pofdsa Tikhookeanskogo kol'aa i ikh metallogenifa. (In: Mezhvedomstvennoe soveshchanie po probleme rudonosnost' Materialy 1963 pub. 1965, p. 181-96, table, maps.) 19 refs. In Russian. Other authors: L. I. Krasnyl and V. T. Matveenko. Title tr.: Volcanic belts of the Pacific ring and their metallogeny. Reviews volcanic belts on both sides of the Pacific, incl the Aleutian, OkhotskChukotka, Koryak-Kamchatka, etc. Their metallogeny is analyzed and differences are explained by the different types of earth crust and nature of deep faults, controlling the volcanism of each type. Main metallogenic zones of the Pacific ring are described: gold, tin, copper and molybdenum, and DLC. mercury. 88095. 1FUDANOV, I. G. Effektivnost' neresta i oaenka urozhalnosti atlanticheskoskandinayskof sel'di v 1962 i 1963 gg. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 22-34, tables, maps.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Spawning success and estimate of the productivity of Atlanto-Scandinavian herring in 1962 and 1963. Reports a study on the western Scandinrt-
vian shelf and the Faroe shallows with the aim of assessing the long-range fishing prospects. This is achieved by analyzing the character of the movement to the spawning grounds in 1962 and 1963, the results from catches of larvae on these grounds, and from estimates of stocks of young herring in 1962-63 and 1963-64. DLC. 88096. itJDANOV, I. G. Issledovanifft nerestilishch atlantichesko-skandinayskikh serde.1. (Murmansk. PolfarnyI n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1962. no. 14, p. 5-49, tables, graphs, maps.) 52 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigations of the spawning grounds of the Atlanto-Scandinavian herring. Comprehensive study utilizing Russian (mainly PINRO) investigations. It is presented by zones, beginning with the arctic zone. Spawning, shoaling, and migrations to the spawning grounds are considered in particular. Efficiency of the spawning process, drift of the larvae, and movement of the spawners after shedding are dealt with in some detail. Conditions in each zone are summarized and a general summary concludes the study. DLC. 88097. IDDANOV, I. G. NabliDdenifil za vertikal'nymi migraaifami sel'di na osnovnoT zimovke ee v Norvezhskom more i ulovistostn raznoglubinnogo train v techenie sutok. (Materialy rybokhozIalstvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basselua 1965. no. 5, p. 28-34, tables, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: Observations on vertical migrations of herring in their main wintering area of the Norwegian Sea and diurnal catches of the mid-water trawl. Notes location and formation of wintering shoals, experimental catches in this area in recent years, diurnal vertical migrations of wintering herring and prospect of midwater trawl for their exploitation. DLC. 88098. rODANOV, I. G. Oaenka urozhalnosti otdel'nykh pokolenil atlanticheskoskandinayskoT sel'di. (Materialy rybokhozalstvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 2, p. 6-9.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Assessing the yield of single year-classes of the Atlanto-Scandinavian herring. Discusses the complex research of PINRO since 1950 on herring, and its stock since 1955; methods used in predicting the strength of yr-classes, their reliability, yr-class conditions in the preceding few DLC. years, role of survival, etc.
88099. IDDANOV, I. G. Pishchevali fsennost' saki. (Rybnoe khozfalstvo 1964. v. 40, no. 10, p. 69-70, tables.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Food value of arctic cod. Reports on chemical analysis of Boreogadus saida at the peak of its fatness. Water content, fat, protein and ash are determined for whole fish, as well as for certain parts: head, liver, roe, etc. Comparisons are made with other codfishes. DLC. 88100. ftfDANOV, I. G. Soviet investigations concerning spawning grounds of the Atlanto-Scandian herring. Lowestoft, Fisheries Laboratory, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 1964. 181. English translation of No 65388. CaMAI. 88101. IUDANOV, I. G. Soviet investiga tions on the distribution of the herring stocks in the Norwegian Sea, 1963. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1963 pub. 1965. v. 20, p. 170-71.) Discusses the effect of the East Icelandic Current of the winter 1962-63 upon wintering of herring, shoreward spawning migration, post-spawning and immature-fish migration, feeding areas, concentrations, stock, wintering at the end of 1963. DLC. 88102. arDANOV, I. G. Urozhalnost' atlantichesko-skandinayskol sel'di v zavisimosti of vekovykh klimaticheskikh izmenenil. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 9-13, graphs.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Productivity of the Atlanto-Scandinavian herring, as related to secular climatic changes. Discusses the great fluctuations in catches since 1901, lack of periodicity in them, positive dependence of great yields on warm periods and ice conditions in the arctic waters, and ultimately on the strength of the North Atlantic drift. DLC. arDANOV, I. G., see also Nos. 86927, 89724. 88103. ITIDIN, B. A. K voprosu o genezise i usloviankh lokalizafaii titanomagnetitovogo orudenenia v faginskom massive gabbro-labradoritov. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Magmatizm i geologifa . 1963, p. 93-107, graphs, illus.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Genesis and localization conditions of titanomagnetite mineralization in the Tsaga massif of gabbro-labradorites.
Outlines geologic-petrologic study of this massif in Kola Peninsula. Main factors controlling early and late types of magmatic mineralization are the volume and form of intrusion, degree of magma saturation of ore and volatile components, degree of heating and fracturing of the enclosing rocks, crystallization of the magma and tectonic life of the intrusion. Conditions of both early and late magmatic mineralization of titanomagnetite are characterized. DGS.
88107. IDDKIN, I. I. Ikhtiologia. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat 1962. 352 p. tables, maps, illus. 80 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ichthyology. 4th ed. Presents revised and enlarged edition of No 29826. The chapter on fish migration in the open seas is brought up to date, and sections are added on: pisciculture, acclimatization and conservation (p 120-30), character of Soviet fisheries (p 287-334) including the arctic seas, and (p 334-47) fishing reconnaissance. DLC.
EL, see No. 88893. 88104. RUIN, K. A. K avifaune central'-
88108. IZDOVICII, L. A. Chastota poavlenia anomal'nol ionizafsii v sloe F2 v vysokikh shirotakh. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomia 1964. v. 4, no. 4, p. 791-92, table, map.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Occurrence frequence of anomalous ionization in the F2 layer in high latitudes. Determines the probability of occurrence of anomalous ionization in the F, layer of the ionosphere for periods of maximum critical frequency,f0F2a. Data of 14 stations in 88.1-65.3° N, and seven in 89.1-65.8° S geomag lat were used for the period of Nov 1957—Feb 1958 (Northern Hemisphere). foF2a of S 5 Mc/sec and 5 7 Mc/sec were determined separately. F or foF2, s 5 Mc/ sec, the ionization that occurred was anomalous for e— 80% except at the Eureka, Alert, and Thule stations with the occurrence frequency of 90%. DLC.
ft.JDIN, E.
nol chasti Arkticheskogo basselna. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 259, p. 400403.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Avifauna of the central Arctic Basin. Notes four species collected and four observed in 1955 and 1956 near Franz Joseph Land and Spitsbergen. Those collected were eight Fulmarus glacialis, two Pagophila eburnea, eight Rhodostethia rosea, and three Cepphus grylla mandtii. Dates and locations of kills are given. DLC. 88105. IDD1N, S. S., and others. Po povodu stat'i D. M. Pecherskogo "Statisticheskil analiz prichin razlichnol namagnichennosti granitoidov Verkhoano-Chukotskol skladchatol oblasti i Okhotsko-Chukotskogo vulkanogennogo poasa." (Akademifi nauk SSSR. Izvestia 1965, ser. geol. no. 7, p. 130-33, tables.) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: I. V. Belaev, L. I. Zadorozhko, V. K. Ivanov and A. S. Karpova. Title tr.: On D. M. Pecherskil's paper "Statistical analysis of causes of different granitoid magnetization in the Verkhoyansk—Chukotka folded zone and the OkhotskChukotka volcanic belt." Reviews six sections of this paper (No 81985) summarizing errors and contradictions. DLC. 88106. IDDINA, M. A. FaGial'nye uslovia obrazovanifa plasta Moshchnogo Vorkutskogo uglenosnogo ralona. (Sibirskaa tematicheskaa komissi(a. Materialy 1962. no. 2, p. 188-91, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Facies conditions of the formation of the Moshchnyy seam in the Vorkuta coalbearing region. Reports a detailed macro- and microscopic study of this seam and distinguishes several genetic types of coal: desmite (similar to vitrain), fragmental clarain, ash coal and crushed coal. Each type is briefly described noting composition, mineral admixtures and other features. DLC.
88109. IDDOVICH, L. A. Prostranstvennoe raspredelenie anomal'nol ionizacsii v sloe F, vysokikh shirotakh. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomifil 1964. v. 4, no. 3, p. 518-23, table, graphs.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Spatial distribution of anomalous ionization in the F, layer at high latitudes. Discusses results from work of 18 ionospheric stations in the Southern Hemisphere May-Aug 1958, and 39 stations in the Northern Nov 1957—Feb 1958, including about a dozen stations in the arctic and subarctic regions. The anomalous ionization in the F region is a characteristic feature of the ionosphere. Critical frequency foF2 at near-midnight hours decreases from middle latitudes to the auroral zones, increases suddenly and remains high in the entire polar cap. Latitudinal distribution of foF2 at near-midnight hours, and that of the anomalous critical frequency, foF2° at the hours of its max values are presented graphically. Spatial-temporal distribution of foF2„ can be explained by the theory on circulation of matter in the outer magnetosphere of the earth. This circulation is formed through viscous interaction of solar wind and magnetosphere substance. The
effect of the anomalous ionization on foils due to ultraviolet radiation of the sun is presented graphically for 12, 13, and 14 hr DLC. local time. 88110. IUDOVICH, L. A. Sopostavlenie urovnI ionizaGii v oblasti F v Arktike i Antarktike. (Geomagnetizm i adronomilit 1965. v. 5, no. 2, p. 307-311, graphs.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A comparison of the ionization level in the F region in the Arctic and the Antarctic. Reports study of the diurnal variations of critical radio-frequency fo in the F, ionospheric region at geographically and geomagnetically conjugate stations, including Thule, Resolute Bay, Salekhard, Longyearbyen, Baker Lake, Godhavn, Tikhaya Bay, Troms0 and others, and the corresponding stations in the antarctic region. f 0 F, are found to differ but slightly at the equinox at stations in approx equal geog and geomag lat. Ionization level during the winter season in the polar regions of both hemispheres is somewhat higher in the southern when cyclic variations of the ionization are taken into consideration. Average values of foF2 for a chain of stations at different longitudes are also slightly higher in the southern than the corresponding values in DLC. the Northern Hemisphere. 88111. fODOVICH, L. A. 1iklicheskie izmenenifli anomal'nol ionizaGii side. F2. (Geomagnetizm i aexonomifa 1964. v. 4, no. 2, p. 408-409, graphs.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cyclic variations in anomalous ionization of the F, layer. Considers time variations in occurrence of max values of anomalous critical frequency, foF2a , and its numerical values during a cycle of solar activity. Diurnal variations of foFo„ for Dec 1957-1961 at the ionospheric stations Thule, Tikhaya, and Lyksele are studied. This period covers the max and the abatement periods of solar activity. The occurrence time of max values, of foFoa changes with the abatement, and its max value decreases noticeably. This investigation indicates that the spiral distribution of occurrence time of max values of foF20 is preserved during the abatement period of solar activity. DLC. feDOVICH, L. A., see also No. 90961. IDDOVNYi, E. G., see Nos. 85424, 91415. fiVEREV, 0. V., see No. 92822. 88112. MICHIMENKO, V. I. Pervyl s"ezd Sovetov Severo-Evenskogo ralona. (Magadan. Oblastnol kraevedcheski1 mu-
zel. Kraevedcheskie zapiski 1965. no. 5, p. 4-12.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: First congress of the Soviets of the NorthEveny District. Reviews proceedings at the Lamut Tungus congress of Aug 1932 at Nayakhan in Magadan Province. It dealt with socioeconomic and educational problems, reorganization of kolkhozes infiltrated by dissenters, abolition of leadership by clan elders and the rich, confiscation of their property in favor of the collective farms, etc. The abortive anti-Soviet uprising in June 1932 and other deviationary activities of wealthy herd owners are noted. DLC. IpON, 0. I., see No. 85707. 88113. IURKEVICH, I. A. Nekotorye zakonomernosti faGiarno-geokhimicheskol kharakteristiki mezozolskikh otlozhenil Znpadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti i ikh geologicheskoe znachenie. (In: Moskva. Inst. geologii i razrabotki gorflichikh iskopaemykh. Geologicheskoe stroenie ... 1964, p. 151-66, maps, profiles.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some patterns of facies-geochemica1 characteristics of Mesozoic deposits of the West Siberian lowland and their geologic significance. Reports study of deposits from cores of drillings Intl those of Berezovo, Malyy Atlym, Khanty-Mansiysk, etc. Data of organic carbon, light soluble chlorides, pH, etc are reported. Paleogeography and sedimentation conditions are discussed. The importance of these studies is noted in connection with determining prospects for DLC. oil and gas accumulation. MRKOVSKAa, T. K., see Nos. 85701, 86778. 88114. fDR'fBEV, B. A. 0 sootnoshenii okeanicheskikh i kontinental'nykh elementov v gol'Govykh florakh Vostochnol Sibiri. (Problemy Severe 1964, no. 8, p. 19-34, maps.) 28 refs. In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Relationship of oceanic and continental elements in the bald-mountain flora of Eastern Siberia. Outlines the composition and origin of mountain flora growing in the area above the forest line, locally called "gol'fsy" (bald peaks), in the vast region eastward from the Lena and Lake Baykal to the Pacific, stressing the merging of oceanic flora originated in the Kurils, Kamchatka, Commander and Aleutian Islands, with flora of continental origin. Areas of occur-
rence of Pinus pumila and of several species of gen Rhododendron L., Phyllodoce Se.lisb; Harrimanella Cov., Cassiope D. Don., Novosieversia F. Bolle., Acomastylis Greene, and Sieversia WilId. are shown on schematic maps, as representative of oceanic or suboceanic flora; occurrence of Senecio jacuticus Schischk. and Androsace gorodkovii Oyez. are shown as representative of continental flora. Origin, distribution, conditions of growth, ecological interrelations of these and many other species of both groups are discussed taking into account the phytogeographic and paleobotanic aspects. CaMAI, DLC.
ITIRT-SEV, B. A., see also No. 92400. 88115. MSHKIN, N. P. 0 flotaaionnol transportirovke peschanykh chasti63 tekuchimi vodami v basselnakh rek Korotaikhi i Mezeni. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestifa 1964. no. 9, p. 76-78, table.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Flotation transport of sand particles by flowing waters in the Korotaykha and Mezen' River basins. Reports observations of the transportation of sediments on freshwater surfaces by flotation. Films of sediments on average 0.5-1.0 mm thick were studied and their mechanical and mineralogic composition analyzed. Quartz, feldspar and calcite are predominant minerals of the sand particles. Intensity of their transport and source of DLC. the material are also discussed. 88116. 1DSIIIIINA, T. V. Osobennosti geologicheskogo deshifrirovanifa korennykh porod v uslovifakh razvitifa merzlotnykh proCsessov na primere nekotorykh severnykh ralonov. (In: Vses. seminar po geologicheskomu deshifrirovaniia . . . 1961 Materialy pub. 1964, p. 72-76, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Features of the geologic interpretation of bedrocks under conditions of development of cryogenic processes as exemplified in some northern regions. Discusses the application of aerial photography to geologic survey of northeastern USSR where frost weathering and solifluction are intense and talus and placer deposits are widely distributed. Despite certain difficulties it is possible to distinguish several lithologic complexes: metamorphic rocks of Proterozoic age, carbonate rocks of the Paleozoic, sandy-schists of the Lower Carboniferous, etc. Tectonic fractures can be also detected from air photos. DLC. 88117. fDSHKO-ZAKHAROVA, 0. E. Novyl mineral: tellurid nikelfa. (Akade-
nauk SSSR. Doklady 1984. v. 154, no. 3, p. 613-14, table.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A new mineral: telluride of nickel. Reports the find of a mineral in coppernickel ores of the Monchegorsk region, Kola Peninsula. It occurs there in association with hessite, sylvanite, calaverite and other tellurides. Mode of occurrence, microspectral analysis, and X-ray test are described. It is considered a new mineral and is named imgreite. DLC. 88118. IVAKINA, V. N. Osnovnye pokazateli razvitie zdravookhraneniS, RSFSR. (Zdravookhranenie Rossilskol Federaaii 1960. v. 4, no. 9, p. 47-48; no. 10, p. 47-48; no. 11, p. 46-48, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Basic indexes of progress in public health in the RSFSR. Tabulates 1940-1959 data on the increase of physicians, hospital beds, etc by province: Murmansk, Arkhangel'sk, Tyumen, Krasnoyarsk, Magadan, and Kamchatka Provinces, Karelian, Komi, and Yakut ASSR DLC. are included. 88119. IVAKINA, V. N. Statisticheskie materialy osnovnykh itogov razvitila seti i kadrov organov i uchrezhdenil zdravookhranenlia Rossilskol Federaaii k nachalu 1965 g. (Zdravookhranenie Rossilskol Federaaii 1965. v. 9, no. 11, p. 40-44, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Statistics from the basic summary reports on growth of number and staff of public health agencies and institutions in the Russian Federation as of the beginning of 1965. Comparative tabulated data on hospital beds in 1963 and 1964. Of the eight northern provinces and autonomous republics, Komi ASSR had the greatest increase, from 110.1 to 117.3 per 10,000 population. Magadan Province showed a decrease from 146.2 in DLC. 1963 to 143.1 per 10,000 in 1964. 88120. 1VANCHUK, V. L, and E. S. KUROCHKA. K voprosu o klassifikaGiii spektrov poliarnykh sicaniI. (Kiyev. Univ. Sbornik rabot po mezhdunarodnomu geofizicheskomu godu 1963. no. 2, p. 56-61, tables, graph.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Classification of auroral spectra. Reports a study of more than a hundred auroral spectra in the region of 4,700-6,100 A. at the Tiksi Bay station during 19581959 in fulfillment of the IGY program. Analysis of 36 spectra is tabulated, giving observation date, exposure time, duration, and effective brightness for 14 types of auroras. A relationship is established between type of spectrum and brightness of DLC. aurora. 561
88121. IVANCHUK, V. I., and P. IA. SUKHOIVANENKO. Svechenie vodoroda i gelifa v polfarnykh sifanif'akh. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Me,zhduvedomstvennyI geofizicheskil komitet. Geofizicheskil komitet. Geofizika i astronomifa. InformaaionnyI bfalleten' 1961. no. 3, p. 35-38, graphs.) 10 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Luminescence of hydrogen and helium in auroras. Reports results of Jan-Apr 1958 observations with SP-48 high dispersion spectrographs near Tiksi Bay over the spectral range of 4,700-6,000 A.. It was found that the strengthening of the hydrogen emission in Ha and H/3 spectral lines appears to be simultaneous with the wavelength X = 5,867 enhancement. This is interpreted as helium emission in the line D3 = 5,876 I displaced to the violet side of the specDLC. trum, due to Doppler effect. 88122. IVANENKOV, V. N. Gidrokhimifa Beringova morfa. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka" 1964. 138 p. tables, graphs, maps. Approx. 66 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrochemistry of the Bering Sea. Outlines in introduction, the studies during 1932-1960 by the Soviet Union, United States, Japan and Canada, and their methods. Four chapters deal in turn with the physical-geographic characteristics of Bering Sea noting water balance, bottom relief and climate; classification of water masses and hydrochemical character of the sea; distribution of hydrochemical elements is treated extensively: salinity, dissolved oxygen, active reaction of pH, etc. Finally primary production is characterized. DLC. 88123. IVANEta, I. I. Konstrukaii fundamentov i metody ikh stroitel'stva v Vorkute. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu ... 1961. Sbornik trudov pub. 1962, p. 177-88.) In Russian. Title tr.: Foundation designs and methods of their construction in Vorkuta. Discusses developments of 1936-1946 when thawing of frozen ground and the formation of a thaw basin beneath the building were favored, and in 1946-1962 when the condition of the substrate bearing the load of the building became an important consideration. Since 1946 preservation of the ground frozen has become widespread. Foundation design of structures at four mines in the Vorkuta coal basin are analyzed. Design solutions for different geocryological conditions are considered, and illus in various constructions in Vorkuta. Mechanized processes in building are recommended and exemplified. Precon562
struction thawing of ground for a threestory, 36-unit apartment house was carried out by electroOsmosis for the first time in DLC. Vorkuta in 1960. 88124. IVANICHFAC, F. Prevention and treatment of frostbite in mountain warfare. (In: Symposia on arctic biology and medicine. Proceedings 1964, p. 197-205.) Reports own experiences as a physician in a Croatian guerrilla unit during World War II. Instruction and measures for preventing freezing injury, emergency and medical treatment are outlined. Diagnosis and proper clothing are discussed. CaMAI. 88125. IVANOV, A. V. 0 stroenii zadnego otdela tela u Pogonophora. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1964. v. 43, no. 4, p. 581-89, illus.) 19 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Structure of the posterior bodyregion in Pogonophora. Presents a microscopic-anatomical description of this region (discovered in 1963 by M. Webb) in Siboglinum caulleryi. It is both externally and internally segmented, with six chaetae in each metamere. Some similarities to the secondary segmentation of the trunk of Acrania and Vertebrata are present. DLC. 88126. IVANOV, A. V. Ogienka promyshlennol gazoneftenosnosti permskikh otlozhenil Timano-Pechorskol provinsCaii. (Geologift" nefti i gaza severo-vostoka evropelskol chasti SSSR 1964. no. 1, p. 133-42, tables, map.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Appraisal of productive oil-gas cumulation in the Permian deposits of the TimanPechora province. Reports on studies of 1930-1942, 19501958, and 1958-1961. Conditions of oilgas cumulation in Permian deposits in the left basin of the upper Pechora, specifically the Vel'yu and Lem'yu basins, TebukSavinobor region, and others are characterized noting oil and gas manifestations and their properties. Gas and oil cumulation in the Ural downwarp is also outlined. The most prospective deposits and areas are indicated, such as the terrigenous stratum of the Artinskian stage of the upper Pechora depression; coastal-marine deposits of Kungurian stage, etc. The most promising areas for prospecting are noted. DLC. 88127. IVANOV, A. V., and V. I. BOGAT—SKIL Poiski nefti i gaza v permskikh otlozhenifakh ffigo-vostochnoT chasti Timano-Pechorskol provin(ii. (Neftegazovafa geologita i geofizika 1963, no. 4, p. 42-47, table, map, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.:
Prospecting for oil and gas in Permian deposits in the southeastern part of the Timan-Pechora province. Gives a structural analysis of the upper Pechora depression 400 km in length and 50-80 km wide, formed in the Sakmarian in the south, and the upper Artinskian in the north. Thickness, composition, facies and structural elements of the Permian deposits are reported. Manifestations of oil and gas are outlined, their properties noted. The study indicates that almost every Permian structure of the platformic part of the Tinian-Pechora province shows oil or gas occurrence and a new approach in prospecting is suggested. DLC. IVANOV, A. V., see also Nos. 85715, 90099. 88128. IVANOV, B. G. Kolichestvennoe raspredelenie iglokozhikh na shel'fe vostochnoT chasti Beringova mon& (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. v. 49, p. 12340, maps.) 29 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Quantitative distribution of echinoderms on the shelf of the eastern part of the Bering Sea. Study based on material collected in 1958-59 on 260 sampling stations and 47 trawlings. Distribution of 43 species is determined (and mapped) incl location, depth, nature of bottom, etc. Five species and one genus were new. Three zones of high frequency are distinguished and described. DLC. 88129. IVANOV, B. G. Nekotorye itogi izuchenifit biologii i raspredelenifa krevetok v Pribylovskom ralone Beringovo morffl. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. v. 49, p. 113-22, maps, graphs.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some results from a study of the biology and distribution of shrimp in the Pribilof area of the Bering Sea. Reports on standard trawlings in the latter half of Aug 1962 on the shelf west and northwest of the Pribilofs. Distribution of Pandalus borealis as well as its size and sex proportions in hauls were determined. Spawning was found to take place in Aug to mid-Sept, the first one in the male form at the age of 2.5 yr, in the female at 3.5 yr. The area west of St. Paul Island and depths of 85-100 m were the most prolific. DLC. 88130. IVANOV, B. G. Opisanie pervol lichinki darnevostochnoI krevetki Pendants goniurus. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1965. v.
44, no. 8, p. 1255-57, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: A description of the first larva of the Far Eastern shrimp Pendants goniurus. First description of these larvae hatched in the laboratory from eggs of three mature females caught in the northwestern Okhotsk. The females were caught in mid-May at 50 m and 1.28° C. DLC. 88131. IVANOV, B. V., and M. F. FEDOROV. Izverzhenie vulkana Karymskogo v 1962 g. (BiZlleten' vulkanologicheskikh stanad 1964. no. 36, p. 3-16, tables, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Eruption of Karymskiy Volcano in 1962. Report based on observations from the Semyachik seismic station and during the trips to the summit and overflights. Relatively quiet in 1961, the volcano became active in spring 1962, and reached the paroxysmal state in Oct 17-20, 27-28 and Nov 6, when eruption was marked by streams of lava. Chemical composition of the lava and photos of the gas and vapor cloud and lava streams are given. DLC. IVANOV, B. V., see also No. 86838. 88132. IVANOV, D. N., and M. K. KOS'KO. Linelnye paragenezisy glavnykh porodoobrazuIOshchikh elementhv andezito-bazal'tov Kamchatki. (Akademi1. nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 164, no. 6, p. 1363-65, tables.) 27 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Linear paragenesis of the main rock-forming elements of the andesitebasalts of Kamchatka. Reports data of 120 silicate analyses taken mainly from different lavas and in some cases from volcanic bombs, tuffs and pumice stones. Coefficients of correlation of the main rock-forming elements are distinguished and interpreted. Presence of aluminum, silicon and other elements is DLC. discussed. 88133. IVANOV, G. A. 0 tak nazyvaemoT "ostrovnol sushe" pri ugleobrazovanii. (Leningrad. Gornyl inst. Zapiski 1964. v. 47, no. 2, p. 129-37, map, profiles.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the so-called island of dry land in coal formation. Presents a sharp critique of a paper by B. A. Afanas'ev and others (No 69495) on coal formation in troughs with special reference to the Pechora coal basin. Their theory of a lagoon type formation of the Pechora coal basin is considered without basis. Further, the paragenetic connection between coal beds and their enclosing rocks, established as a factual situation, is not
recognized by these authors. Their paper DLC. is considered misleading. 88134. IVANOV, G. I. Drevnrafa kora vyvetxivanifi, na kristallicheskikh porodakh v basselne r. Kotuykan. (Geologifa i geofizika 1964. no. 2, p. 140-44, table, graph, profile.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Old crust weathering on crystalline rocks in the Kotuykan River basin. Reports this weathering as observed on the border between Sinian sedimentary rocks and crystalline Archean rocks. The latter consists of leptites, garnet-biotite gneisses, etc. The weathering is of three types according to composition and degree of preservation of structure and texture. Distribution of argillaceous minerals in the DLC. zone of weathering is outlined. IVANOV, I. B., see No. 87975. 88135. IVANOV, I. P., and G. A. SIDO0 rikhterit-asbeste. (Vses. RENKO. mineralogicheskoe o-vo. Zapiski 1965. v. 94, no. 5, p. 497-506, tables, illus.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On richteriteasbestos. Describes the mineralogy of a new amphibole asbestos found in the Aldan region of Yakutia. Its chemical composition, optical properties, and X-ray analysis are reported. This Aldan asbestos is best, called DLC. richterite-asbestos. 88136. IVANOV, K. G. Moment vzryva Tungusskogo meteorita i vremfa zapazdyvanifii geomagnitnogo effekta. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomifil 1965. v. 5, no. 6, p. 1119-20, graph.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The moment of the Tunguska meteorite explosion and the time of the delay of geomagnetic effect. Discusses seismic determinations of the moment of burst of the meteorite by using arrival times of Love and Rayleigh surface waves. The time observed for geomagnetic effect is corrected for accidental ( I- 0.2 min) and systematic ( —0.5 min) errors. The average arrival time for both types of wave was found to be 0 h 15.2 min ± 0.2 min, and the commencement of the geomagnetic effect was recorded at 0 h 20.0 min ± 0.2 min universal time. The difference of 4.8 min ± 0.2 min is supposed to be the time necessary to the air shockwave from the burst to reach an altitude of —.95 km, near the current-carrying layer of the ionosphere. DLC. 88137. IVANOV, K. G., and N. V. MIKEBINA. Nekotorye rezurtaty sopostavlenil
vnezapnykh nachal po xnagnitogrammam i tellurogrammam za period MGG. (AkademiTh. nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet, III razdel programmy MGG: geomagnitnye issledovanifa. Sbornik state! 1964. no. 6, p. 66-70, tables, illus.) 14 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Some results of comparison of sudden commencements according to magnetograms and tellurograms during the IGY. Compares sudden commencements of magnetic storms (SSC) from the earth's currents and geomagnetic variations as recorded at eight Russian observatories, including Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. The purpose was to elucidate the morphology of the precursor negative impulse (SSC*) at sudden commencements of electromagnetic disturbances. In European USSR, SSC* appear during the hours 13-21 GMT, in Eastern Asia at any time. This peculiarity in the SSC * appearance is assumed to be effected by a torsion electromagnetic wave propagating toward the ionosphere along the force lines of the earth's magnetic field. This field deviates considerably from the earth's dipole magnetic field in the region of the East Asian magnetic anomaly, the dipole of which is antiparallel to the earth's radius, and has a magnetic moment of approx 3 x 1024 ergs/oersted as against 8.3 x 1025 ergs/oersted of the earth's central dipole field. The wave is considered to be initiated by the shock front of a corpuscular stream of elementary particles. DLC. 88138. IVANOV, K. G. 0 vysote vzryva Tungusskogo meteorita. (Astronomicheskil zhurnal 1963. v. 40, no. 2, p. 329-31, table.) 9 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Height of the explosion of the Tunguska meteorite. Estimates the height from results on the point of explosion in a homogeneous atmosphere. The explosion energy of the meteorite is taken to be —102: ergs, and the time of propagation of the shock wave from the place of explosion to the ionosphere as 1.4 x 102 sec approx. The height obtained for this value of energy is 6-9 km, and 3-6 km if the energy were twice as great; DLC. 88139. IVANOV, K. P. Nizhnemezozolskie vulkanogennye obrazovanifit vostochnogo sklona Urala. UraPskoe petrograficheskoe ... 1963, v. 2, p. 277-86, map, graph.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Lower Mesozoic volcanic formations in the eastern slope of the Ural. Reports study of volcanic formations including Tyumen Province. It is establish-
ed that Lower Mesozoic volcanic rocks are products of massive fissure eruptions in subplatformio continental conditions. Lower Mesozoic basalt formation, according to formation conditions, mode of occurrence, chemistry, products of differentiation and mineral-petrographic composition, is considered a. sub-platformic trap formation very similar to the New York trap formation in the Appalachian Mts. DLC. 88140. IVANOV, K. P., and others. 0 roli razlichnykh skeletnykh myshi v khimicheskol termoregulfitaii. (Fiziologicheskil zhurnal SSSR 1965. v. 51, no. 5, p. 593600, tables.) 8 refs. In Russian. Other authors: D. A. Rashevskaa. and N. A. Slepchuk. Title tr.: The role of different skeletal muscles in chemical thermoregulation. Account of experiments with mice, rats, rabbits and dogs. The muscles of the anterior part of the body (head, neck) were found to have the main role in heat production, but in the small animals (mice) all muscles participated during strong cooling. DLC. 88141. IVANOV, K. P., and D. A. RASHEVSKAa. 0 sravnitel'nom znachenii skeletnol muskulatury i kishechnika v khimicheskol termoregulfilaii. (Fiziologicheskil zhurnal SSSR 1965. v. 51, no. 2, p. 197-203, tables, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Comparative significance of skeletal muscle and intestine in chemical thermoregulation. Reports investigation of basal metabolism of rabbit's small intestine and muscle in situ at different temperatures. With lowered temperature the intestine increased Os-uptake only slightly or not at all. By contrast muscle significantly increased Osconsumption due to shiver or thermoregulaDLC. tory tonus. 88142. IVANOV, M. M. Raboty nemagnitnogo sudna "Zara" v 1964 godu. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomliii. 1965. v. 5, no. 3, p. 534-37, graph, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: The work of the non-magnetic ship Zara in 1964. Reports continuous magnetic osbervations, and those of the ionosphere following the program of IGY on a 21 July-17 Nov, 1964 cruise in the Barents and Greenland Seas, and the Atlantic. At Tromso 8-11 Aug the magnetic instruments were checked at the geophysical observatory. The &mai reached 74° N at 0° long. The meridional measurements in the Atlantic confirm a. distinct magnetic anomaly in its northern
part, and a relatively quiet field in its equatorial region. The ionospheric observe, tions were aimed at temporal variations in different layers of the ionosphere, and its variations with latitude. DLC. 88143. IVANOV, M. S. Kriogennye fivlenia u morskogo kraa, del'ty any. (Yakutsk. Univ. Uchenye zapiski 1965. no. 16, p. 77-83, sections, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cryogenic phenomena of the maritime zone of the Yana delta. Reports a morphologic and cryogenic study of the coastal plain of the delta noting the prevailing relief forms and cryogenic features. Drainage areas and sand bars with frost cracking, and the lower margin of the delta with polygons and small ice wedges are described, as are the lower floodplain and the surface of the high floodplain. Ice wedges and ground veins are DLC. also noted. 88144. IVANOV, N. I. Uchiterniaa iz Ilkutii. (Russkil fizyk v naceional'nol ahkole 1965, no. 1, p. 55-58, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Teacher from Yakutia. Describes the exemplary methods of a woman teacher at the Toybokhoy boarding school teaching Russian to Yakuts; she uses phonetics, visual aids, has the students compile vocabularies, develop oral fluency, DLC. write exercises, etc. 88145. IVANOV, N. S. K metodike opredelenia teplovykh svolstv gornykh pored (In: Akademife nauk v skvazhinakh. SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenice. Procsessy teplo- i massoobmena 1965, p. 36-44.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A method of determining thermal properties of rocks in drillholes. Discusses theoretical premises for developing methods for dry, mud- or other fluid-filled drillholes without taking cores. A modified method of temperature conductivity coefficient, developed by L. F. ankelev, is considered for use in geothermophysical and geocryological problems. The initial integral for determination of temperature drop, 6.0/6,00, for any given moment of time is reduced to a simplified formula which provides for the value of heat conductivity of the rock massif. Three methods are proposed to determine the heat conductivity coefficients under the condition of stable temperature (no thawing) DLC. of the drilled frozen ground. 88146. IVANOV, N. S. 0 modelirovanii teplovykh procsessov v merzlykh tolshchakh zemnol kory. (In: Akademifi nauk SSSR.
Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenia Prof essy teplo- i massoobmena .. 1965, p. 5-18.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On modelling thermal processes in frozen strata of the earth's crust. Presents a thorough physical-mathematical formulation and analysis of problems of heat and mass exchange in a system of ground layer of air—vegetative cover, thawed rock, and frozen rock. The criterial and scale relationships are discussed for physical modelling of the problems and exemplified by a model designed and constructed under author's direction. DLC. 88147. IVANOV, N. S. Teplofizicheskie svolstva merzlykh gornykh porod. (In: Akademifil nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedeniffi. Sovremennye voprosy ... 1964, p. 114-46, tables, graphs, illus.) 29 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Thermo-physical properties of frozen rocks. Reports theoretical and experimental study of frozen soils and rocks. Their specific effective heat capacity, coefficients of heat and temperature conductivity depends upon their temperature. This dependence is based on the principle of the dynamic equilibrium of interstitial solution. Establishment of the relationship between the thermo-physical properties of rocks and their temperature enables coefficients to be determined for their natural range of temperature, water content and specific weight. DLC. 88148. IVANOV, N. S., and R. I. GAVRIL'EV. Teplofizicheskie svolstva merzlykh gornykh porod. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 73 p. tables, graphs. 65 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Thermo-physical properties of frozen rocks. Outlines the forms and coefficients of heat and water transfer in thawed, freezing, thawing and frozen rocks; and presents analytically and graphically the dependence of heat capacity, coefficient of heat and temperature conductivity upon the moisture, density and temperature of rocks. Effects of cryogenic texture on the thermal properties of frozen rocks are characterized. Thermo-physical properties are analyzed not only of frozen rocks, but also of snow and ice. DLC. IVANOV, N. S., see also Nos. 85126, 87549. 88149. IVANOV, P. N. Bor'ba partii za preodolenie ekonomicheskol otstalosti nerusskikh narodov Sibiri v 1920-1925 gg. (Iz istorii Zapadnol Sibiri 1961. no. 1, p.
3-19, tables.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Party struggle in 1920-1925 to overcome the economic backwardness of the non-Russian peoples of Siberia. Sketches the economic ruin following the Civil War and describes rehabilitation measures enacted by the Soviets: nationalization of river fisheries, land reforms, aid in cash and kind, food and hunting gear, etc. Organization of production cooperatives, fostering of self-rule, labor reforms including trade unions, social work and vocational training, party-political education, etc are outlined. Beneficial effects of these reforms on the economy and living standard of aborigines are noted. Cited examples include the Yakuts, Tungus, and DLC. Ostyaks. 88150. IVANOV, S. V., and M. G. LEVIN. Starinnye kul'tovye izobmzhenifil medvedel u sakhalinskikh alnov. (Akademiffi nauk SSSR. Muzel .antrop. i etnog. Sbornik 1964. v. 22, p. 200-222, illus.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ancient bear cult carvings by Ainus of Sakhalin Island. Describes some five thousand bear sculptures received by the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography in 1948. The Ainu bear cult and the belief that control of the animal soul (i.e. image) ensures hunting success are compared with similar beliefs held by Gilyaks, Golds, Yeniseians, and DLC. Eskimos. 88151. IVANOV, V., and ft. V. NALIMOV. Ledovyl rezhim nizov'ev sibirskikh rek. (Rechnol transport 1964. v. 23, no. 1, p. 39-40.) In Russian. Title tr.: The ice regime on the lower course of Siberian rivers. Discusses some 14 rivers from the viewpoint of extension of their natural navigation periods. The Yenisey, Lena, and Kotuy belong in a group whose opening in the lower reaches is affected by the dynamic action of the high water wave, with subsequent intensive debacle and ice dam formation. Opening of the lower Ob, Taz, Pyasina, Kheta, Anabar, Alazeya, and smaller rivers discharging into the arctic seas occurs quietly, with little or no ice jam. The Khatanga, Olenek, Yana, Indigirka, and Kolyma are intermediate between these two groups and have occasional ice dams in years of rapid ice melting. From this analysis, suggestions are given: for navigation to begin on the lower Yenisey, Lena, and Kotuy after the passing of the main ice mass; on other rivers, clearance of certain sections will not ensure navigation because of breakup of ice dams and sta-
tionary ice upstream. Air reconnaissance and local-station observations on the middle and upper courses of these rivers is necessary for safe navigation after the primary breakup. DLC. IVANOV, V. I., see Nos. 86595, 86599. 88152. IVANOV, V. M. Opyt issledovanifa zakonomernostel epokhal'nogo khoda gidrometeorologicheskikh pro&essov v zone Atlantiki. (In: Konferencsifa po probleme " 1961. Ma"Vzaimodelstvie atmosfery terialy pub. 1964, p. 15-26, tables, graphs.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Regularities of the epochal course of hydrometeorological processes in the Atlantic zone. Studies the synchronous relationships of the year-to-year variations of ice, hydrological, and meteorological processes in the subarctic Atlantic area, with changes in the dynamic and thermal state of the water masses in relation to currents. A certain correlation between the amount of ice, the water temp, and air temp in the Barents and Kara Seas along the Kola meridian was found to have a four-yr period. Besides these short-period and cyclic variations, the same hydrometeorological phenomena are subject to long-period change e.g. a warming trend since 1917. Data from analysis of ice, water and air temperatures of Barents Sea, the south Greenland ice massif, Greenland and Kara Seas are given graphically. Total ice intensity in these seas is said to have increased during 1871-1917, then decreased till 1961 when the 45 yr trend changed again. DLC. 88153. IVANOV, V. N., and L. T. IVADokumenty 'FS GA akutskoT NOVA. ASSR v nauchnykh issledovanifakh po istorii llkutii. (Voprosy arkhivovedenifa 1963. v. 8, no. 4, p. 51-58.) 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Documents in the Central State Archives of Yakut ASSR for research studies on the history of Yakutia. Notes the increasing use of unpub source material in works on pre-Soviet economic processes, colonization and peasant resettlement, political exiles and revolutionary ferment of the early 20th century, political events of the Revolution and post-Revolution years, agrarian reforms and collectivization, etc. Some recent publications based primarily on archive holdings are reviewed. DLC. IVANOV, V. N., see No. 88666. 88154. IVANOV, V. S. Raspredelenie Mita v granitoidakh Severo-Vostoka SSSR.
(Geokhimifa 1965, no. 1, p. 56-63, tables.) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Lithium distribution in granitoids of northeastern USSR. Reports its distribution in granites and granitoids of the Kolyma medial massif, Yana-Kolyma folded zone, Chukotka folded zone, Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt and Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. Cretaceous granitoids of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt and Kamchatka comprise a single complex of rocks with a normal average percentage of lithium. In granites and granitoids of the folded zone, the average is almost twice that in the earth's crust. DLC. 88155. IVANOV, V. V., and L. G. TOPORKOV. K analizu prirodnol izmenchivosti urovnfa moria pri prognosticheskikh razrabotkakh. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 21, p. 25-29, graph.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Analysis of the natural variability of sea level in forecasting practice. Presents a mathematical development of statistical data on the regularity of spatial and temporal variability of series and fields of oceanographic phenomena in nature. Records of tide-measuring stations at Tiksi Bay, Nemkov Island, Ambarchik Bay and Alazeya are used in the analysis. A table of marginal errors is given for 6, 12, 18 and 24 day forecasts of tide values in DLC. the Russian Arctic. 88156. IVANOV, V. V. K raschetu nulfa glubin v ust'fakh rek bezlivnykh morel. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil .-issl. inst. Trudy 1961. v. 256, p. 104106, graph.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Calculation of zero depths in deltas of rivers falling into tideless seas. Calculates the several-yr average of navigational depth in distributaries in deltas, by using a nomogram constructed of two curves: reliability of navigation levels as determined by stations on the river, and the long-term average sea level. This enables preparation of tables or nomograms of corrections to navigational charts for estuaries when the river discharge is taken Cal\ I AI, DLC. into account. 88157. IVANOV, V. V., and fei. G. MOSKVIN. Kharakter raspredelenifil bitumoidov v mezozolskikh i kalnozolskikh otlozhenitakh filgo-zapadnogo uchastka i obramleniia Anadyrskol vpadiny. (Neftegazovrifii geologif i geofizika 1964, no. 10, p. 30-34, graphs, sections.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Character of bitumen distribu-
tion in Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits in the southwestern part and the frames of the Anadyr depression. Reports a study of Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits at the join of the Koryak and Rarytkin Ridges. Their stratigraphy and lithology are briefly characterized. Their bitumen is analyzed and data reported according to series. Some series are conDLC. sidered promising for oil.
sand-bar section in the Bykovskaya distributary of the delta. It extends 105 km from the main bed of the river, branching at Cape Kres-Tums to the sea at Cape Bykov. The purpose of the study is to provide navigational data on the distributary. Characteristic features of the valley and bed, hydrological regime of the channel and the sand bars are noted. Measures for improving transit depth are suggested. CaMAI, DLC.
88158. IVANOV, V. V. Mineralogogeokhimicheskie cherty i indienosnost'olovorudnykh mestorozhdenil IAkutii. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 252 p. tables, graphs, illus. Approx. 220 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mineralogic-geochemical features and indium-bearing tin ore deposits of Yakutia. Reports a field study of cassiterite-sulfide and tin-bearing deposits in the Deputatskoye, Ilintas, Alys-Khaya Bulatskoye, Yubileynoye and other areas. The geologic position and types of indium-bearing deposits are outlined. Minerals carrying indium are described. Geochemical patterns of indium distribution in tin-bearing deposits are treated. Behavior of this element in the ore-forming process is described. DLC.
88161. IVANOV, V. V., and N. P. GILaROV. Rezhim nizhneeniselskikh perekatov, raspolozhennykh v zone vliginifa morfa. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1965. v. 268, p. 78-111, tables, graphs, illus.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Regime of the lower Yenisey bars in the zone where river empties into the sea. Outlines the hydrologic regime, bars and channels of the Yenisey delta to ascertain the most navigable passage. The Lipatnikovskiy bar and channel are treated in some detail from on-the-spot and laboratory (models) investigations. Average, max and min river discharge are determined according to months and year. Fluctuation of the river level is analyzed. Recommendations are given for improving navigability under natural conditions, and for improvement by river regulation. CaMAI, DLC.
88159. IVANOV, V. V. 0 stoke vzveshennykh i vlekomykh nanosov osnovnykh protok del'ty r. Leny. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 18, p. 31-39, tables, graphs.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On discharge of suspended and bed driven detritus in the main channels of the Lena River delta. Reports study of suspended detritus in the Bykovskiy and other channels of the Lena delta carried out in 1950-1955: The suspended material and the water turbidity vary substantially according to season. In winter, turbidity is almost zero and at the beginning of ice drift it is maximal. Highest average monthly turbidity is in June and that for 1951-1955 was 31.1 gm/ma. For 1951-1953 suspended detritus averaged 18,800,000 t/yr or 598 kg/sec; data are also given according to channels, months, etc. Bed-driven detritus was studied more episodically. Grain size of this detritus is reported. DLC. 88160. IVANOV, V. V. Osobennosti rezhima perekatnogo uchastka del'ty Leny v zone vliffinifi morfil. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1961. v. 256, p. 89-103, tables, graphs, map.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features in the regime of the bar section of the Lena delta in the zone of sea influence. Discusses basic features of the Dashka,
88162. IVANOV, V. V. Rezhim urovnel BykovskoT protoki del'ty Leny v zone vlifanifa morfa. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1961. v. 213, p. 164-78, tables, graphs, maps.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Regime of the Bykovskaya channel level in the Lena delta in the zone of influence of the sea. Bykovskaya, 105 km in length, is the main channel of the Lena delta and is important for navigation. According to hydrologic conditions it is divided into three parts and each is characterized. The regime of its level is complicated because dependent upon the interaction of river and sea. Within the zone of sea influence the level has a seasonal course; in period of stable ice upon open water, the regime of the level depends on changes of sea level, which are explained. In the period of spring flood, the level depends on river discharge, and this must be taken into account in making short-term forecasts of channel level during the navigation period. DLC. IVANOV, V. V., (author of 88157, 88158). see also 88804. IVANOV, V. V., (author of 88155-88156, 88159-88162), see also 85118, 85122.
88163. IVANOV-KROLODNYI, G. S. Issledovanie elektronnoT konaentraaii v nizhneT chasti ionosfery, Oblast' D. (Geomagnetism i aeronomifil 1964. v. 4, no. 3, p. 417-35, tables, graphs.) 81 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigation of electron concentration in the lower part of the ionosphere region D. Reviews methods of radio-wave propagation, rocket sounding, cross-modulation, and partial reflection used by other investigators and their results. Rocket data obtained at several stations including Ft Churchill are analyzed with conclusion that electron concentration ne in D region is subject to regular variations produced by photonic and corpuscular solar radiation. In auroral zones, 85-100 km high, the values of ne are almost equal to those in the disturbed ionosphere. At all altitudes (h) ne increases when the ionosphere is disturbed, the increase rising by one order below 90 k altitudes; ne increases only above 80-85 km when a sporadic layer E. is present. At night ne decreases at all altitudes by 1-1.5 orders when Eg is present, and probably, even more when E. is absent. E. is a characteristic feature of the ionosphere, especially at night. These rocket observations are confirmed by the cross-modulation, and the partial reflection measurements on land. A peculiar sharp drop in ne is observed at 90-95 km altitude during daytime and at 80-85 km at night, separating E layer from region D, and a wide max of ne is sometimes observed at 65-75 km altitude, separating DLC. D region from C. 88164. IVANOV-KHOLODNYI, G. S. The part played by and source of particles observed in the ionosphere and aurorae. (Planetary and space science 1963. v. 10, p. 219-32, graph.) 98 refs. Discusses briefly, and dismisses the theory of solar corpuscular emission as the agent causing geomagnetic disturbances and aurora. The theory of replenishment of elementary particles in the earth's radiation belts by the decay of albedo neutrons is considered, and doubt expressed that they are the source of aurora-producing particles in the inner belt. Experimental data on the relation between radiation belts and aurora, and rocket and satellite measurements of electron fluxes in them are discussed. The mechanisms proposed for particle acceleration in the upper atmosphere and the secondary X-ray radiation in it are analyzed. Electron fluxes existing below the radiation belt precipitate their particles, which are absorbed in the ionosphere at 200-300 km altitudes, and in the auroral zone at about
100 km. Particles from radiation belts having their energy spectrum more rigid and sloping can penetrate to D layer, causing ionization of air and consequent absorption of radio waves. DLC. IVANOV-KHOLODNYL G. S., see also No. 85125. 88165. IVANOVA, A. M. K voprosu o tektonicheskom stroenii zapadnol okrainy Sibirskol platformy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1963. v. 133, p. 89-93.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The tectonic structure of the western margin of the Siberian platform. Discusses the tectonics of this region from studies of 1957-1960, and outlines the relationship between Sinian and Cambrian deposits. Dislocations observed in the Sinian and Paleozoic rocks on the right bank of Yenisey are described. Sedimentation conditions are analyzed. Plicated structures and disjunctive distortions are noted. Recurrent foldings are interpreted. DLC. 88166. IVANOVA, A. M. 0 paleogeokhimicheskom metode poiskov rud v arkticheskikh ralonakh. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regiondnafil geologifil no. 3, p. 75-86, table.) 35 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A paleo-geochemical method for ore search in arctic regions. Discusses the formation of chemical dispersion halos of copper, nickel, cobalt, etc in arctic regions, still a controversial problem due to presence of permafrost which prevents chemical weathering and migration of elements. The distribution of geographic and geochemical landscapes in the northwestern part of the Siberian platform in the Pliocene-Quaternary period is analyzed, noting paleofacies of Triassic and Quaternary unconsolidated deposits and conditions for formation of dispersion halos. This paleo-geochemical method is considered of great importance in this type of problem. DLC. 88167. IVANOVA, A. M. Ob izuchenii geokhimicheskikh landshaftov v svra'zi poiskami poleznykh iskopaemykh. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. RegionaPnara' geologifi no. 4, p. 73-86, tables, maps.) 47 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geochemical investigation of landscapes in connection with search for useful minerals. Discusses the proper collection of samples, knowledge of the vegetation, soils, perms-
frost, groundwater. Two areas, the middle Kureyka River and the Karayelak (Kharayelakh) Mts, selected for study are delineated. Their landscape-geochemical features are demonstrated schematically and other precise data are given. Use of this method DLC. considered of value. 88168. IVANOVA, A. M. Soderzhanie mikroelementov v porodakh razlichnykh geologicheskikh formaail kak odna iz kharakteristik geokhimii landshafta, na primere severo-zapadnol chasti Sibirskol (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. platformy. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regional'nafa geologifa no. 7, p. 123-38, tables.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The trace element content of rocks of various geologic formations as a characteristic of the landscape geochemistry, exemplified in the northwest part of the Siberian platform. Reviews an investigation in the Noril'sk region, Kureyka and Severnaya basins and other areas, where litho-geochemical and bio-geochemical samples were taken and their microelements such as Ti, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Sr, Zr, Ba, and others determined. Nickel, cobalt and chromium are high in terrigenous rocks, titanium in sandstones and• vanadium and barium in clayey rocks, etc. The distribution of microelements may be used for determining the geochemistry of DLC. landscapes. 88169. IVANOVA, E. F., and V. A. ZAKHAROV. K ekologii valanzhinskikh Gementno-prikreplfayshikhsfa foraminifer a reki Botiirki, Khatangskafa vpadina. (Geologifa i geofizika 1064, no. 7, p. 107-110, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the ecology of cement-fixed Valanginian foraminifera from the Boyarka River, Khatanga depression. Describes such forams of the Lagenidae and gen Bullopora, their composition and organs. They are attached to the molluscs Camptonectes aff. imperialis. Keys and their life conditions on the dynamic sea bottom are sketched. DLC. 88170. IVANOVA, E. F. Prikleplennye foraminifery iz otlozhenil valanzhina r. Bofarki, Khatangskag. vpadina. (Geologia i geofizika 1965, no. 1, p. 160-65, tables, illus.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Adherent foraminifers from Valanginian deposits of the Boyarka River basin, Khatango. depression. Presents systematic description • of two new species of adherent forams, Bullopora bojarkenvis and B. auriculala of order Lagenida; family is not established. DLC.
88171. IVANOVA, E. N. Merzlotno-taezhnye pochvy SevernoT akutii. (Pochvovedenie 1965, no. 7, p. 1-14, tables, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Cryogenic taiga soils of northern Yakutia. Describes gley soils studied in the Kyusyur and Sektyakh regions of the lower Lena and in the Verkhoyansk Range along the route: Khandyga—Magadan. Profiles and analyses are presented. These soils are strongly acid, non-podzolized and rich in infiltrated humus and free iron. The permafrost table is high and moisture excessive, and the gleying process results. DLC. IVANOVA, E. N., see also No. 90878. 88172. IVANOVA, K. S. Iz istorii soaialisticheskogo sorevnovanifa na Severe, 19291933 gg. (Arkhangel'sk. Gos. pedagogicheskiT inst. Uchenye zapiski 1964. no. 16, p. 47-74, table.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: History of social competition in the North, 1929-1933. Discusses the economic rehabilitation of the lumber industry in Arkhangel'sk Province during the first five-year plan. Decrees promulgated at the First All-Union Labor Congress in 1929 and the 16th All-Union Communist Party Congress in 1930 are described: administrative and organizational measures, production goals for sawmills and processing plants, etc. Major credit for the rapid industrial development is given to the stakhanovite movement, team competition system, and political education of workers. Achievements of individual plants are cited to illustrate regional production growth and industrialization. DLC. IVANOVA, L. T., see No. 88153. IVANOVA, It.
P., see No. 86358.
88173. IVANOVA, S. S. Zooplankton guby Chupa. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Karerskil filial. Materialy po kompleksnomu izuchenif0 Belogo morfa 1963. no. 2, p. 17-31, tables, graphs, maps.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Zooplankton of Chupa Bay. Stressing the paucity of studies on inlets of the White Sea, author records the zooplankton forms in three Karelian bays, including Chupa. Their distribution in the latter, seasonal changes, both qualitative and quantitative, are given, as are some details concerning mass species. DLC. 88174. IVANOVA, T. F. Merzlotnoe raTonirovanie Pechorskogo ugol'nogo has-
seina. (Akademiki. nauk SSSR. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Severnoe otd-ie. Trudy 1960. no. 1, p. 17-24, table, map.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cryologic zoning of the Pechora coal basin. Discusses the physical-geographic and corresponding permafrost zonality of Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra and the Pechora coal basin from own and others studies. A cryogenic map of the area is presented and four zones are distinguished according to the distribution, thickness and temperature of the permafrost. In the southern zone, it is 10-25 m thick and has temperature not more than —0.5° C; in the central zone, 25-30 m thick and temperature —1° C; northern, 100-150 m thick and temperature —1.5° to —3° C; and a coastal subzone has a permafrost layer 50-60 m thick with DLC. temperature of —1° C. 88175. IVANOVA, T. F. Zhil'nye l'dy v Bol'shezemerskoT tundre. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Severnoe otd-ie. Trudy 1960. no. 1, p. 56-59, profile, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ice wedges in Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Describes an ice wedge found in polygonal flat peat bog on the middle Korotaykha River. In the form of a wedge at 0.5 m depth, it was 0.60 m high, its upper part 0.65 m wide. Its occurrence is outlined. Other ice wedges also are noted in the Pechora, Vorkuta, Usa and other regions. As they are closely connected with flat peat bogs, distribution of the latter reveals the distribution of ice wedges. The southern limit of ice-wedge distribution is put at the border between tundra and forest tundra. They are considered as possible relict features of a cold period in historic time. Present climatic conditions are not favorDLC. able for their formation. 88176. IVANOVA, T. N. K voprosu o vozrastnykh vzaimootnoshenifakh razlichnykh grupp ilolit-urtitovykh porod v predelakh Khibinskogo massiva. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Kaska filial. Magmatizm i geologifa .. 1963, p. 16-35, tables, graph, map, illus.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On problem of age relationship of various groups of ijolite-urtite rocks in the Khibiny massif. Divides ijolite-urtites in several age subphases of intrusion: trachytoid ijolites; coarse-grained ijolites; massive mediumgrained ijolites and urtites; trachytoid feldspar ijolites, and feldsparic urtites. Petrographic characteristics of each phase are DGS. given.
88177. IVANOVA, T. N., and E. K. KOZLOV. 0 differenaiaaii v gorizontal'nom napravlenii osnovnykh porod Monchegorskogo plutona. (In: Vses. petrograficheskoe soveshchanie 1958. Magmatizm i svfnz' 1960, p. 394-98, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Differentiation in a horizontal direction in basic rocks of the Monchegorsk pluton. Describes and maps the geologic structure of this pluton of west-central Kola Peninsula, particularly the Sopcha and NyudPoaz massifs. Analysis of the map establishes horizontal differentiation. Crystallization of magma in the two massifs is outlined. Formation of olivine and rhombic pyroxene is also noted. DLC. 88178. IVANOVA, V. A. Novyl vid bradoriid (Ostracodoidea) iz aldanskogo farusa Kharaulakhskikh gor. (Paleontologicheskil zhurnal 1964, no. 4, p. 111-13, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New species of Bradoriidae (Ostracodoidea) from the Aldan stage of Cambrian in Kharaulakh Mts. Presents a systematic description of Cambria melnikovi n.sp. from this part of Yakut ASSR. Collected material, comparison, geologic and geographic distribution of this Lower Cambrian crustacean are given, DLC. with illus. IVANOVA, V. P., see No. 89063. 88179. IVANOVSKAIR, A. V. Bor v glinistykh frakaifakh i gidroslfadakh mezozolskikh otlozhenil Leno-Olenekskogo ralona i ego znachenie dlia opredelenifa paleosolenosti. (In: Akademba nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geol. i geofiz. Gliny i glinistye . 1965, p. 35-43, table, map, sections.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Boron in clayey fractions and hydromicas in Mesozoic deposits of the Lena-Olenek region and its importance for determination of paleosalinity. Evaluates the Russian and foreign literature concerning determination of salinity of old basins. Own studies for determination of boron in clayey fractions less than 0.001 mm are reported. Triassic, Jurassic and Valanginian deposits in lower Olenek and Lena were examined, and the boron content determined. Sedimentation conditions and salinity of basins of these periods are characterized, and the boron content in clayey fractions shown as possibly revealing CaMAI. paleosalinity. 88180. IVANOVSKA13, A. V. Fosfatonosnye otlozheni1 nizhnego triasa mezhdu-
rech'fit rek Leny i Olenek. (Akademia nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1964. no. 28, p. 80-86, table, illus.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Phosphate-bearing Lower Triassic deposits of the Lena-Olenek interfiuve. Reports a lithologic study of Early Triassic in the Olenek region. The Stannakh-Khocho and Cape Tumul area deposits are analyzed. Chemical, X-ray structural and other analyses are summarized. The mineralogic composition and sedimentation conditions of phosphate-bearing deposits are outlined. Further studies are DLC. suggested.
Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 11, p. 163-72.) In Russian. Title tr.: Features of farming in the Far North. Outlines the general conditions affecting agriculture, the severe climate, poor soil, sparse population, lack of transportation, etc. As a result only 190,000 hectares were cultivated in the Far North of the Soviet Union in 1959, chiefly around large industrial centers. Problems of overcoming the lack of structure of the soil, liming, fertilizing, manuring are briefly discussed, as are the selection of strains and improvement of the microclimate by forest belts. DNAL. IVANT-SOVA, V. V., see No. 90158.
88181. IVANOVSKAIA, A. V. Zhelezistyl khlorit iz verkhnefilrskikh otlozhenil nizov'ev Leny. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geol. i geofiz. Gliny i glinistye .. 1965, p. 28-34, tables, graphs, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ferruginous chlorite from Upper Jurassic deposits of the lower Lena. Reports a study of ferruginous minerals along the Bulkur, left tributary to the Lena. Thin sections, immersion medium, thermal tests, X-ray and chemical analyses were utilized. Microscopic investigation revealed that the rock consists of 85% ferruginous chlorite, which occurs variously as oolite in pisolitic form, etc. It represents a stage of CaMAI. altered glauconite. 88182. IVANOVSKII, A. B. Rugozy ordovika i silura Sibirskol platformy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 160 p. tables, maps, illus. Approx. 110 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Rugosa of the Ordovician and Silurian of the Siberian platform. Presents a monographic account of these corals as collected from the Noril'sk, Khantayka, Kulyumbe, Nizhnyaya Tunguska, Moyero, Maymecha, Vilyuy and other regions. About a hundred are systematically described in 15 families and suborders Streptelasmatina and Cystiphyllina. Many are new. Development of rugosa in Ordovician and Silurian times is analyzed. On the border of Middle and Late Ordovician a massive development of monozonal corals begins and bizonal rugosa appear. At the border of Llandoverian, the monozonal corals disappear and the bizonal show massive displacement. Stratigraphic distribution of rugosa corals is outlined. DLC. 88183. IVANOVSKII, A. I. Osobennosti zemledelifa na KraInem Severe. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego 572
IVARS, L., see No. 91499. 88184. IVARSON, K. C. The microbiology of some permafrost soils in the Mackenzie Valley, N.W.T. (Arctic 1965. v. 18, no. 4, p. 256-60, tables.) 17 refs. Contribution no. 149 of the Soil Research Inst. of Canada Dept. of Agriculture. Reports on microbial flora of soil samples obtained in northern Mackenzie District in July 1960. Large numbers of microorganisms were found, more in the tundraboreal forest transition types than in the tundra, also more in uncultivated than in cultivated soils. Decrease in incubation temperature reduced the numbers of actinomycetes and bacteria in the tundraboreal forest transition soils, but had less effect on those from tundra soils and on fungi numbers. Predominance of the various fungi genera isolated however was influenced by temperature. DI. 88185. IVASHIN, M. V. New method of the extraction of whale's ear plugs. (Norsk hvalfangst-tidende 196.5. v. 54, no. 4, p. 80-81, illus.) 2 refs. Describes how Russian Soviet whaling fleets in Antarctic waters and the Pacific extract otoliths in baleen whales. DLC. 88186. IVASHIN, M. V. 0 promyshlennol zagotovke ambry na sovetskikh flotillakh. (Rybnoe khozfalstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 12, p. 52-53.) In Russian. Title tr.: Industrial preparation of ambergris on Soviet flotillas. Notes strides by Russians in cachalot whaling and find of ambergris since 1958; record find of 1189 kg; locations in the whale; uses; physical and chemical characteristics. DLC. IVASHKINA, I. N., see No. 89745.
88187. IVCRENKO, N. S. Ekhinokokkoz i al'veokokkoz v Magadanskol oblasti. (Mediainskaffi. parazitologifil i parazitarnye bolezni 1963. v. 32, no. 4, p. 411-14.) 2 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Echinococcosis and alveococcosis in Magadan Province. From material of local medical institutions for 1954-1962, author analyzes 86 cases according to origin, sex, and areas of incidence. Locations of infections, symptoms, one case history, complications, and DNLM. therapy are also discussed. 88188. IVENSEN, ft. P. Magmatizm Timana i poluostrova Kanin. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 127 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. 56 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Magmatism of Timan and Kanin Peninsula. Presents a monograph on Riphean magmatic formations. Metamorphosed rocks and some features of the tectonics of the region are outlined. Metagabbro and metadiabases are analyzed. Granites, syenites, and lamprophyres are treated in detail and their petrochemical characteristics given. Poatmagmatic formations connected with alkaline magma are also treated. Basalts of DLC. Devonian age are described. 88189. IVERSEN, E. Sulitj el mabanen. (Vart yrke 1957. v. 9, no. 1, p. 10-13, map, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: The Sulitjelma railroad. Discusses the branch of the Norwegian railroad which connects with the Nordland line at Finneid. A narrow-gauge line between Sulitjelma and SjOnsta has been in operation since 1915, with barges and lighters via canal to sea level at Finneid in summer and vehicles over the ice in winter. The ore, mainly copper, from Sulitjelma was stored at Finneid for shipment. Mineral processing at Sandnes near Sulitjelma can continue throughout the winter when the line is completed to Finneid in 1958. Least arc radius on the line is set at 200 m. Three tunnels are over 2400 m long. Other aspects of rail and housing construction are noted. DLC. 88190. IVERSEN, M. Trikinosens utbredelse og bekjempelse i Norge. (Norsk veterinaer-tidsskrift 1948. v. 60, no. 8, p. 303-309.) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Distribution and control of trichinosis in Norway. General article with a paragraph reporting that 15 blood samples tested in 1943 for trichinosis, and found positive, all derived from German soldiers who had eaten polar DNAL. bear meat.
88191. IVES, J. D. Deglaciation and land emergence in northeastern Foxe Basin, N.W.T. (Geographical bulletin 1964. no. 21, p. 54-65, maps, graph, table.) 15 refs. Preliminary report on 1961 field work, supplemented by findings of Sim, Ives, and Andrews, dealing with the glacial geomorphology of western Baffin Island between Longstaff Bluff and Steensby Inlet, 68°55' N 75°07' W-70°15' N 78°35' W. Lateglacial marine submergence ranged 315345 ft. Five collections of marine molluscs between 290 and 30 ft above sea level yielded radiocarbon ages ranging from 6725 ± 250 yrs to 2050 ± 170 yrs, permitting construction of an uplift curve similar to others from Canada and Greenland. Age of max marine submergence in this region, 6725 ± 250 yrs, is recent compared with that found elsewhere in Canada. Geomorphological studies revealed glacial outwash at various levels below the marine submergence limit, indicating that Baffin Island inland ice penetrated a high-level Foxe Basin more recently than 6725 yr ago. At least 30 ft of land uplift has occurred in the last 2000 yr, and is probably taking place today. DLC. 88192. IVES, J. D., and R. P. KIRBY. Fluvioglacial erosion near Knob Lake, central Quebec-Labrador, Canada: discussion. (Geological Society of America. Bulletin 1964. v. 75, no. 9, p. 917-22, map, illus.) 31 refs. Proposes a different interpretation of late-glacial conditions near Knob Lake, and presents an independent appraisal of Derbyshire's genetic classification of glacialdrainage channels, based on three-yr study of the region. Before a general classification of these glacial-drainage channels can be devised, the source of the meltwater, the effect of early-season snowmelt, and the thermal condition of the ice mass should be known. Derbyshire, p 923-25, replies that his classification is not based on a single area, and both his field data and classificaDLC. tion are being reviewed. 88193. IVES, J. D. Work of the Geographical Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Canada, in Baffin Island, 1961-64. (Polar record 1964. v. 12, no. 78, p. 281-89, map, illus.) 18 refs. Reviews researches 1961-1963 and outlines those planned for 1964. The scope of the investigations is comprehensive, incorporating many disciplines including glacial geomorphology, synoptic meteorology, hydrology, botany, etc. An air-photo cover of Barnes Ice Cap and surrounding
areas enabled 12 topographic sheets 1:50,000 to be published, and further special maps are planned. Gravity and seismic surveys were carried out. The unifying aim of the entire project is to acquire a better understanding of the history of glacial retreat over the past 2000 yr, subsequent marine transgression, isostatic uplift and floral colonization. Nine tentative conclusions from the 1961-63 studies are briefly outlined, including identification of Foxe Basin as the main regional node of glaciaDLC. tion. IVES, J. D., see also Nos. 86901, 86902. IVLEV, N. F., see No. 92873. 88194. IVLIEV, L. A., and D. G. KONONOV. Drovoseki Kamchatki. (Akademifti Dal'nevostochnyl filial. nauk SSSR. Soobshchenif?t 1963. no. 19, p. 117-23, table.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Long-horned beetles of Kamchatka. Records 25 species of Cerambycidae, most of them encountered in 1958-1960. Habitats, host(s), frequency and period of occurrence, and geographical distribution in Kamchatka, are described and tabulated. DLC. 88195. IVLIEV, L. A., and D. G. KONONOV. 0 listoedakh Kamchatki. (Akademica nauk SSSR. Dal'nevostochnyl filial. Soobshchenia 1964. no. 23, p. 111-17, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Leaf eaters of Kamchatka. Report from a forest survey made in 1958-1960: 21 species of beetles are recorded with notes on host(s), location, frequency, flight periods and geographic distribution in the area. DLC. 88196. IVLIEV, L. A., and D. G. KONONOV. 0 nekotorykh massovykh vreditelfakh semfan khvolnykh porod na Kamchatke. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Dal'nevostochnyl filial. Soobshchenifa 1962. no. 15, p. 83-88, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some mass pests of the seeds of Kamchatka conifers. Describes two of four insect pests, both most damaging to these conifers in their larval stage. They are a fly, Hylemia laricicola, Karl and a moth Eupithecia abietaria Goeze. The extent and areas of damage are noted. DLC. IVLIEV, L. A., see also No. 88800. IVONCHIK, A., see No. 86371.
88197. IZHEVSKII, G. K. Okeanologicheskie osnovy formirovanifa promyslovoT produktivnosti morel. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat 1961. 216 p. tables, graphs, maps. Approx. 200 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Oceanographic basis of marine fisheries productivity. Studies the relationship between inorganic and biological conditions in the sea, including (p 12-64) the Barents, Norwegian and Greenland Seas, and (p 91-98) the White Sea. Each of the seas is dealt with as to seasonal and long-term changes in temperature and salinity, currents, effects of runoff, and water balance. Dependence of cod or herring fertility on abiotic conditions, role of food, rate of growth are described. Characteristics of the Arctic Sea and factors changing the productivity of the seas are considered. English translation available from CFSTI, Springfield, Va., 22151, as TT-63-11120. DLC. 88198. IZHEVSKII, G. K. Sistemnafa'. osnova prognozirovania okeanologicheskikh usloviT i vosproizvodstva promyslovykh ryb. Moskva 1964. 165 p. tables, graphs, map. 28 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Basic system of forecasting oceanographic conditions, and reproduction of commercial fishes. Presents an expansion and documentation of own system of forecasting (supra) based on the interaction of various factors in the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. The last three years' forecasts are claimed to have proven correct, and they are also aimed at long-term periods. The present study covers the period to 1975-1980 for the Atlantic, including the Norwegian, Barents, and White Seas, for the Greenland— North American area, also for the Azov, Black, Caspian and Aral Seas. The marine regimen of each area, and the formation of biological productivity are forecast. Of the arctic fishes, cod and herring are dealt with extensively. DLC. IZ"fOROVA, V. K., see No. 93296. IZOSIMOV, V. A., see No. 84838. 88199. IZOTOV, V. F. Ylifanie zabolochennykh lesov severa na temperaturu vozdukha. (Lesnoe khozfalstvo 1965. v. 18, no. 3, p. 7-11, tables, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Effect of the marshy forests of the North on the air temperature. Reports a 1963 study of temperature in various types of marshy pine and spruce forest in Arkhangel'sk Province, in comparison with that in adjacent cut-over areas.
Temperature in the forests as a rule was lower by 0.4-1.0° C except in summer during the passage of a cold front. DLC. IZRAILEV, L. M., see Nos. 90999, 91001. 88200. IZRAILEV, V. M. K voprosy ob opredelenii valunnykh suglinkov v uslovilakh Vorkutskogo ralona. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geografii poluirnykh stran i Problemy paleogeografii 1964, p. 18-20.) In Russian. Title tr.: Determination of boulder learns under conditions of the Vorkuta region. Discusses boulder learns of which the genesis is still undetermined. Some scientists consider them of glacial origin, others of glacial-marine. Author suggests that some varieties of boulder looms should be excluded from that category, and only those of 1-5 cm to 1-1.5 m dimensions and consisting of 10-15 to 60-70% rock, should be considered strictly boulder learns. DLC. 88201. IZRAILEV, V. M. 0 verkhnikh valunnykh suglinkakh Vorkutskogo ralona. (In: Popov, A. I., ed. KaInozolskil pokrov ...1963, p. 119-47, illus.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Upper boulder loams of the Vorkuta region. Reports a detailed study of these looms whose stratigraphic position and origin are still in dispute. They were studied on various elements of relief, with special attention given to their mode of occurrence, composition, stratigraphy and other features. They are compared with covering and lacustrine looms. The upper boulder barns are concluded not to have been continental glacial deposits, but to have developed in a shallow sea-water basin with DLC. participation of sea ice. 88202. IZVEKOVA, E. I. 0 pitanii treski Gadus morhua maris-albi Der., v zapadnol chasti Belogo mods:, Velikaya Salma. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1964. v. 4, no. 2, p. 354-64, tables, graphs, map.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Feeding of cod in the western part of the White Sea, Velikaya Selma. Describes conditions during June—Sept 1959-1960 in the shallows near the White Sea Biological Station. Main food elements, local differences in the benthos and in cod food are outlined, as are changes during the summer season and according to the age of the fish. Food selection and food relationships of benthos feeders are also considered. DLC. 88203. JACKA, F. A light-weight insulating field mattress. (In: Symposium on
Antarctic Logistics 1962... pub. 1963, p. 516.) Describes a mattress for use in tents. Its insulating material is onazote, an expanded ebonite. The mattress is much lighter than the air-inflated type, more reliable and convenient. DLC. 88204. JACKSON, C. I. The vertical profile of wind at Lake Hazen, N.W.T. (Arctic 1965. v. 18, no. 1, p. 21-35, tables, graphs, illus.) 14 refs. Reports a series of observations of tropospheric wind speeds measured by pilot balloon at Lake Hazen, north interior Ellesmere Island, 16 May-18 Aug, 1961. These data are compared with simultaneous observations at the coastal stations Alert and Eureka. Anomalously low mean wind speeds up to 7000 ft are analyzed. Two interacting contributory factors are identified: the influence of local relief and marked year-round thermal stability. This persistent inversion can only be dispelled on exceptional occasions when upper winds attain 25 mph in summer and 70 mph in winter. DLC. JACKSON, D., see No. 90977. 88205. JACKSON, D. E., and A. C. LENZ. A new species of Monograptus from the Road River formation, Yukon. (Palaeontology 1963. v. 6, no. 4, p. 751-53, table, illus.) 3 refs. Presents a revised description of M. yukonensis n.sp. (cf No 72503) based on some 50 specimens from six localities in northern Yukon; the holotype was obtained near the head of Royal Creek 64°45' N 135°10' W; and five paratypes as far north as the Road River 66°44' N 135°46' W. From these numerous and better preserved materials acquired in 1962, the age of this graptolite is concluded to be post-Ludlow and probably early Gedinnian. DGS. JACKSON, D. E., see also No. 89243. JACKSON, G. D., see No. 86578. 88206. JACKSON, M. H. The Labrador landfall of John Cabot: the 1497 voyage reconsidered. (Canadian historical review 1963. v. 44, no. 2, p. 122-41, maps, tables.) Presents evidence, well documented in footnotes, supporting a Labrador landing by John Cabot on his 1497 voyage, as opposed to the generally accepted theory of a Cape Breton landfall. The John Day Letter, a contemporary statement of the expedition discovered in the archives of
Simancas by Prof. L-A Vigneras, and other contemporary reports support the Labrador theory, as does the author's new assessment of naval knowledge available to Cabot. The ship used was probably the Matthew, 60-70 ft long, 18-20 ft in the beam, with a 6-9 ft draft. The expedition left Bristol, England, between May 24 and 31, probably on a course along 54° N; computations show the voyage took 35.9 days from Bristol via Achill Head, Ireland, with good weather and east-to-northeast winds. Currents are computed to have reduced the latitude of the Matthew to 52°22' at Cape St. Lewis, the probable Labrador landfall. A coasting voyage probably reached 45°35' N near Cape Breton; Cabot Strait was never DLC. crossed. 88207. JACKSON, R. M. "Isbjvirn" 1961 Spitsbergen. (Royal Cruising Club. Journal 1961. 27 p. maps, illus.) Reports a cruise from Brightlingsea, England, to Spitsbergen in the auxiliary gaff ketch IsbjOrn, 39 ft long with 600 sq ft of sail and a 44 hp diesel engine. The 4,136 mi round trip was made June 22—Sept 8 by the author, daughter, friend, and a crew of three students. The coast and island scenery along the route is described, and the ice, currents, and winds around SvalSPRI. bard are discussed. 88208. JACKSON, S. Exploring for reindeer in Siberia. (Journal of Presbyterian history 1953. v. 31, no. 1, p. 1-24; no. 2, p. 87-112.) Contains Sheldon Jackson's journal of the cruise of the U.S. Revenue Steamer Bear in 1891, with introduction and notes by C. A. Anderson. The vessel sailed across the Gulf of Alaska, around the Aleutians, and along the Siberian and Alaskan coasts of the Bering and Chukchi Seas as far north as the Wainwright area. Jackson's main business was to buy 16 reindeer from the Chukchis, as he planned to establish a herding industry. The animals were landed on Unalaska in good condition. The daily journal entries May 19—Oct 3, include record of Jackson's experiences of the trip and observations of geographic features, wildlife, the natives and whalers encountered, etc; sea, weather, and ice conditions are noted, and air temperatures at noon and midnight, latitude, longitude, and distances traveled are logged. DLC. JACOB, M., see No. 90669. 88209. JACOBI, H., ed. ForBret og afskeden med Umanak 1900; Pa rejse med inspektetr Daugaard-Jensen i Egedesminde
syddistrikt; Hverdagsliv i Egedesminde; Lisbeths grOnlandsdagbog, tredie, fjerde, femte afsnit. (GrOnland 1964, no. 1, P. 31-39; no. 4, p. 151-58; no. 7, p. 273-80; illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: The spring and farewell to Umanak 1900; Travelling with Inspector Daugaard-Jensen in Egedesminde southern district; Everyday life at Egedesminde; Lisbeth's Greenland diary, third, fourth, fifth part. In sequence to No. 79726. Continues extracts from the diary of a Danish governess in Greenland, giving sketches of daily life around Umanak and Egedesminde in 1900-1901. DLC. 88210. JACOBS, M. S., and P. J. MORGANE. Retino-hypothalamic connexions in cetacea. (Nature, Aug. 15, 1964. v. 203, p. 778-80, illus.) 9 refs. Anatomical and histological study aimed at elucidating whether such connections exist in the studied animals. The observations strongly suggest the existence of direct neural connections between the optic pathway and hypothalamus in cetaceans. DLC. JACOBSEN, G., see No. 87683. 88211. JACOBSON, M. M. Materials engineering for cold regions and the brittle fracture problem. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 322-37, graphs, tables, illus.) 4 refs. Also issued as: US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR 64-28. Discusses the problem of loss of normal structural properties by various materials in conditions of very low temperatures. Most rubber and plastics and many metals become dangerously brittle in cold regions. Some non-metallic materials, however, are serviceable even at extremely low temperatures. In cold environment, most engineering metals actually become stronger, but intrinsic crystallographic structure and notch defects combine to induce fracture. Experiments by the US Army Materials Research Agency to investigate low temperature behavior of metals are described. Among these is the V-notch Charpy impact test, typical results of which are graphed. Increasing use of thin-walled structures of sheet metal and requirements for materials which retain good mechanical properties down to —423° F, the temperature of liquid hydrogen, demand new and more sophisticated tests to evaluate minimum acceptable standards of toughness. CaMAI. 88212. JAHN, A. Origin and development of patterned ground in Spitsbergen. (In:
International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 140-45, graphs, illus.) 17 refs. Discusses patterned ground and frost processes, both naturally occurring and The view of experimentally induced. Btidel (No 63666) that the origin of patterned ground is due to geomorphic history rather than geophysical is challenged on the basis of numerous experiments carried out 1957-1960 in Vestspitsbergen. Vertical movements in sorted circles and sorted polygons, the most prevalent patterned ground on the island, was measured by motometers installed in various positions, and lateral movements by means of wooden plates buried to a depth of 3 cm within the central, clayey area. Evidence was obtained that the majority of polygonal fissure systems are due to freeze-thaw cycles, both daily and yearly. The effect of the daily cycles extended to a depth of 20-30 cm. The relationship of patterned ground to hydrological conditions and its deterioration through the degradational activity of Ca,MAI. flowing waters are considered. 88213. JAHN, A. Problemy geograficzne Alaski w 6wietle podroty naukowej odbytef w 1960 roku. (Czasopismo geograficzne 1961. v. 32, no. 2, p. 115-81, graphs, maps, illus.) 40 refs. In Polish. English summary. Title tr.: Geographic problems of Alaska in the light of a research trip made in 1960. Deals with problems of periglacial geomorphology. Tundra polygons at Point Barrow, tundra craters, solifluction terraces of the Brooks Range, and eolian phenomena in the Tanana valley are described, as are ice wedges and ice veins in the Fairbanks area, structural soils of the Alaska Range, and antiplanation terraces in the YukonTanana upland. The periglacial phenomena of Alaska are considered in synthesis, and comparison made with Greenland and Spitsbergen. Periglacial forms of fossilized plants present in Alaska are noted. DLC. 88214. JAKOBSSON, J. The Icelandic (International herring fishery in 1962. Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1962 pub. 1964. v. 19, p. 119-24, tables, maps.) Comprehensive report on winter and summer echo and environmental surveys, those in the summer covering the northern waters. Catches, including those in the north, age and length distribution, and strength of tribes are given, as are returns of tags (of 1951-1962) and stomach contents of the northeast coast fishes in 1962. DLC.
88215. JAKOBSSON, J. The Icelandic, herring: fishery in 1968. (International Council , for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1963 pub. 1965. v. 20, p. 155-60, tables.) Reports asdic-echo surveys by the Aigir and other vessels in the winter and throughout the summer; also the herring fiShery which was concentrated in summer north of the island. Age and length distribution in catches is determined; and strength of tribes, stomach contents and tagging returns are considered. DLC. 88216. JAKOBSSON, J. Some remarks on the distribution and availability of the Iceland north coast herring. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et procks-verbaux 1963. v. 154, p. 73-82, tables, graphs, maps.) 12 refs. Analyzes the great fluctuations in yields of this herring since 1931. Characteristics of the fishery, long-term and seasonal fluctuations in catches, and herring research in the area since 1954 are reviewed. Author concludes that the failure of north Iceland fishery in 1945-1961 is partly due to lack of rich Calanus jinmarchieus concentrations. Oceanic factors and bottom configurations possibly contribute to poor yields. DLC. JAKOBSSON, J., see also No. 86628. 88217. JALAS, J., and P. R. RAITANEN. Populations-studien an Melampyrum - pretense L. in Finnland; 2, die Variation im Lichte des Herbarium-materials im Botanischen Museum der Universitiit Helsinki. Helsinki 1962. 21 p. tables, graphs, map. (Suomalainen Ora- ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo. Kasvitieteellisii julkaisuja v. 34, no. 1.) 5 refs. In German. Finnish summary. Title tr.: Population studies on Melampyrum pretense L. in Finland; 2, variations in the light of herbarium materials in the Botanical Museum of the University of Helsinki. Reports on a laboratory study of 69 examples of this cow wheat, about one fourth of them from arctic Finland and the Murmansk region. Systematic measurements on specific parts of each plant are reported to show correspondence of key correlations within the species throughout the country. There appears to be less, variation in northerly than in middle and southerly specimens. In the North, the DLC. small-leafed type is normal. JANGAARD, P. M., see Nos. 84764, 84765.
88218. JANSICY, L., and others. Effects of oxygen supply and noradrenaline infusion on liver metabolism of rats acclimatized to cold. (Nature, Apr. 25, 1964. v. 202, p. 397-98, graphs.) 4 refs. Other authors: E. Zeisberger and V. DoIda]. Reports study of the isolated liver of cold-acclimatized rats. The experiments indicate that non-shivering thermogenesis, similar to that in muscle of acclimated rats does not exist in the liver. However the study does not exclude the possibility that in vivo this organ participates in total heat production in ways suggested by the DLC. authors. 88219. JANSON, L. E. Water supply systems in frozen ground. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 430-33, graphs.) 2 refs. Presents data and graphs to indicate the optimum laying depth for water pipes in frozen ground, taking account of cost of power input for heating, rates of consumption and flow, frost heave, insulation and other relevant factors. At Nattavaara, Sweden 1.6 m was chosen as the optimum depth for polyethylene and concrete mains, and experiments are described which confirm the theoretic calculations satisfactorily. CaMAI. JANSSON, LOUISE SOPHIE FREDERIRRE, 1827-1895, No. 88613. JEDDI, E., see No. 86148. 88220. JEFFERSON, G. J. The Greenland Sea, birthplace of depressions. (Marine observer 1961. v. 31, no. 192, p. 72-78, maps, tables.) Discusses the meteorological significance of this area where sudden depressions occur as high level depressions move east of the 8,000 ft high Greenland icecap. Details, shown on a surface synoptic chart, are presented for a case on 3-4 Jan, 1954, when the pressure dropped in 24 hr from 1030 to 975 mb; another case observed from Jan Mayen on 6-8 Feb, 1960 is tabulated. These depressions produce conditions under which ships suffer serious icing of the superstructure due to freezing of sea water. DWB. 88221. JEFFREY, W. W. Forest types along lower Liard River, Northwest Terri(Canada. Dept. of Forestry. tories. Publication 1964. no. 1035, 103 p. map, tables, illus.) 44 refs. Presents a forest typology for the lower Liard between the South Nahanni River
and 60° N. Field work of June—Sept 1959 was primarily on productive forest types of floodplain and terrace. Units segregated are abstractions based upon the recurrence of similar combinations of environment (essentially topography and soil) and vegetation (forest cover and lesser vegetation). Bases of the typology are discussed and 47 types (38 forest, six brute, and three shrub types) are treated in detail; eight others are also mentioned. The study area is divided into seven land types, of which four are divisions of the floodplain, one is the terrace, and the others the mountains to the west and the high plains to the east. These land types provide the framework of the postula.. tion of ecosystem-types, which are described; processes of physiographic-vegetational change in the recent floodplain are discussed. The utility of plant species as indicators of ecosystem-types, use of the typology in forest management, vegetation of brules, occurrence of soil frost and the behavior of tree species are also considered. DLC. 88222. JELETZKY, J. A. Illustrations of Canadian fossils, Lower Cretaceous marine index fossils of the sedimentary basins of western and arctic Canada. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1964. 101 p. table, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 64-11.) 50 refs. Includes selected illus of the abundant Neocomian faunas collected in Peace River, northern Yukon, northwestern Mackenzie District, and the Arctic Islands rocks. Current interpretation of the taxonomy and morphology of some Neocomian fossils may be modified; but the late Lower Cretaceous (Albian) fossils and zones are already known, through the pioneer work of McLearn, though the Albian index fossils of the Arctic Islands are illus for the first time by Jeletzky. Fossil localities are listed; established or assumed time ranges of the index species shown are summarized in the table. DGS. 88223. JELETZKY, J. A. Thorsteinssonoceras, a new craspeditid ammonite from the Valanginian of Ellesmere Island, Arctic Archipelago. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1965. 16 p. illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Bulletin 120.) 17 refs. Describes some well preserved and unusual ammonites collected in 1961 by R. Thorsteinsson from the Valanginian part of the early Cretaceous Deer Bay Formation, north of Greely Fiord, Ellesmere Island. Though similar in whorl shape and sculpture to some European species of Polyptychites and Euryptychites, the suture line indicates
that they belong to the family Craspeditidae Spath 1924, and shows that the similarity to Polyptychites, Euryptychites, and to Astieriptychites is another case of homoeomorphism. The Ellesmere ammonites are assigned to a new genus and species of the family Craspeditidae. DGS. 88224. JELLINEK, H. H. G. Liquid-like (transition) layer on ice. Hanover, N. H. 1964. 19 p. graphs, illus. (U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Special report 70.) 32 refs. Surveys the literature over about a hundred yr concerning such a layer on ice below its melting point. Evidence favors its existence although more direct measurements of its properties are needed. A halfdozen methods are suggested which may provide such direct information. DGS. JENKINS, K. R., see No. 92957. JENKINSON, D. W., see No. 85635. 88225. JENKINSON, M. Yukon River missions. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 7, p. 20-21, illus.) Account of a visit during summer 1963 to the Catholic missions of Holy Cross and St Mary's among the Eskimos of the lower DI. Yukon valley in Alaska. 88226. JENNESS, D. The administration of northern peoples: America's Eskimos, pawns of history. (In: R. St. J. Macdonald ed. The arctic frontier 1966, p. 120-29.) Discusses in popular style the process and problems of acculturation of indigenous arctic peoples into modern society. The adaptations of these peoples for survival in a harsh environment are described and the impact of modern technology assessed. Differences in treatment of Eskimos in Labrador, in the rest of Canada, and in Alaska are considered; the relatively easy fusion of white and aboriginal culture and peoples in the first is stressed, and the attitude and work of Moravian missionaries in Labrador mentioned as an important factor. The clash between white capitalism and the primitive social ethics of the aborigines is viewed as a disruptive social force, and the ambiguity of Canadian legislation on native minorities is criticized. The problem of integrating depressed classes and cultures into a rapidly automating world is considered Canada's chief problem. CaMAI, DLC. 88227. JENNESS, D. Eskimo administration 2, Canada. Montreal 1964. 186 p.
maps, graphs, tables. (Arctic Institute of North America. Technical paper no. 14.) 100 refs. In sequence to No. 72537. Examines government programs and policies since 1903, and assesses the present condition and future needs of the Eskimos. Royal Canadian Mounted Police posts had been set up in the Arctic for purposes of sovereignty and law enforcement; economic needs were left to the Hudson's Bay Co posts and traders, and education and health services to the Anglican and Roman Catholic missions. By the late 1940's, the federal government began to assume greater responsibility for the Eskimos and established economic, education, and health programs which are described in turn. With changing conditions in the North, the Eskimos had changed from self-sufficient hunters to fur trappers, temporary wage laborers, and/or recipients of government relief. As their traditional economy and culture collapsed under the impact of white civilization, they became demoralized and apathetic. They urgently need employment, which might be provided by northern mineral developments but the prospect is As their numbers increase, uncertain. living standards and morale remain low. Special vocational training programs for young Eskimos, also establishment of Eskimo colonies in southern Canada, are CaMAI. suggested. 88228. JENNESS, D. Eskimo administration 3, Labrador. Montreal 1965. 94 p. map, tables. (Arctic Institute of North America. Technical paper no. 16.) 45 refs. Deals with the Eskimos of Newfoundland, Labrador, i.e. along the Atlantic coast of the mainland, 1771-1962. Programs and policies concerning health, education, economic and spiritual welfare are considered in three periods: 1771-1914 when the Moravian missions were responsible for all these functions; 1914-1949 when the missionaries were joined by the Hudson's Bay Co in trading operations and the Labrador Rangers in maintaining law and order; and 1949-1962, when Newfoundland, now a Province of Canada, assumed increasing responsibility for the Eskimos assisted by the federal government, as well as the International Grenfell Association in the field of health, and the Moravians in education. The Eskimos, long intermixed with white settlers and fishermen, acquired features of the latter's way of life, and depended upon trade goods obtained from cod fishing, fur trapping, and sealing. By 1942, trade goods prices had outdistanced the demand for Labrador products, and the
Hudson's. Bay Co turned over its trading posts to the Newfoundland government which runs them as welfare projects. Due to lack of game and other economic resources, two northern settlements were abandoned by 1959. Eskimos moved southward to seek employment in defense activities, lumbering, etc. Major resource developments are in prospect in the Hamilton Inlet area with employment possibilities. CaMAI. JENNESS, D., see also No. 91900. 88229. JENNINGS, A. S. London's code of the Northland. (Alaska review 1964. v. 1, no. 3, p. 43-48.) Considers Jack London's social philosophy as applied to the northern frontier and revealed in his stories of Alaska: the struggle of men and animals against nature, the cold, ascendancy of the strong, loss of civilized morality, and co-operation for survival. DLC. 88230. JENNINGS, J. D., and E. NORBECK, Eds. Prehistoric man in the New World. Chicago. Univ. of Chicago Press 1984. x, 633 p. maps, tables, illus. Refs. Presents 18 papers delivered at a symposium held in Nov 1962 to mark the 50th anniversary of William Marsh Rice Univ, Houston, Texas. Two papers on the peopling of the Americas and the western coast of the Pacific by A. D. Krieger and R. F. Heizer respectively, the editors' introduction, and extensive index include general information on Eskalents and Alaskan Indians. The arctic area treated by H. B. Collins and the linguistic paper by M. Swadesh are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, qqv. DLC. 88231. JENSEN, A. The Norsemen in Vinland. (Anthropological journal of Canada 1965. v. 3, no. 2, p. 14-16.) 2 refs. Summarizes Norse exploration from the first sighting of Cape Cod (?) in 986 by the Icelandic trader Bjarni Herjulfson, driven off course en route to Greenland, to the mid-14th century after Vesterbygden, Greenland, was abandoned. Ingstad's proof of Norse settlement on the north coast of Newfoundland is noted. The size of the site and the solidly built houses suggest a permanent settlement, possibly by refugees from Vesterbygden, rather than a camp erected by Leif Erikson in the early 11th century. DLC. 88232. JENSEN, C. L. Earthquake's full effect on fishing industry yet unknown.
(Alaska's health and welfare, Aug. 1964. v. 21, p. 6-7, illus.) Discusses the great importance of this industry to Alaska; production centers damaged by the Mar 1964 quake; destroyed centers: Valdez, Seward, Kodiak; potential advantages of rebuilding: new, up-to-date plants; sanitation in sea-food plants; immediate loss to fish products. DLC. 88233. JENSEN, E. The low-plastic clay from Godthilb, Greenland. Kvibenhavii, Reitzel 1965. 15 p. graphs, illus. (Meddelelser om GrOnland v. 165, no. 4.) 4 refs. Reports analysis of a freshwater clay by elutriator and X-ray powder methods. Diffractometer diagrams are presented for different clay fractions. Anomalously low plasticity and coherence are considered to be related to the unusually large content of oligoclase in the clay-size fraction and the physical characteristics of the sediment which resembles rock flour rather than a DLC. typical clay. 88234. JENSEN, H. Direction of approach of microseism in Scoresbysund, Ivigtut, and Godhavn. Kvibenhavn 1965. 20 p. maps, tables, graphs. (Denmark. Geodaetisk institut. Meddelelser no. 40.) Contains observations without analysis or comparisons from the Scoresbysund for 1959-60, Ivigtut 1948, and Godhavn 196263 stations. From direct reading of the records, the prevailing direction of approach at all three stations is found to be southeast. DLC. JENSEN, H., see also No. 87873. 88235. JEPSEN, J. Marsupial development of Boreomysis aretica, Kroyer, 1861. (Sarsia 1965, no. 20, p. 1-8, illus.) 3 refs. Reports laboratory study (based on mysids collected in Korsfjorden, northern Norway) of the embryonic development of this crustacean, at a water temperature of 7° C. In about 3 mo from egg deposition the young left the brood pouch; during this period, hatching and two molts took place. The developmental stages are described. DLC. 88236. JESPERSEN, M., and others. Electron density and collision frequency observation from a rocket experiment during an auroral absorption event. (In: Symposium on High Latitude Particles and the Ionosphere 1964. Proceedings 1965, p. 63-67, graphs.) 2 refs. Other authors: J. K. Olesen and B. Landmark. Describes results obtained during a Nike-
Apache rocket (Ferdinand 4) firing from AndOya in North Norway on 12 Sept 1963. It was fired into an auroral absorption event when the attenuation of cosmic noise was 3.5 db on 27.6 Mc/sec. The method used was a combined multifrequency absorption and phase propagation experiment based on transmission of signals from the ground, reception in the rocket, and telemetering back for recording. The recorded data are analyzed and compared with those of electron density and collision frequency obtained from Ferdinand I and II in Aug and Dec 1962, and with observations of Kane in 1956 and 1957. DLC.
fall velocity and distance, cloud tempera, ture, and number of ice crystals produced are compared and their relations established to postulate favorable seeding patterns and equipment for various purposes, e.g. safelanding corridors at fixed Inland Ice installations; emergency landings on isolated terrain, or for inducement of snowfall as camouflage or harassment. In appendices, W. J. Eadie simplifies expression of time lag in homogeneous nucleation; Jiusto's note on stationary cloud seeding effects describes the use of dry-ice packages suspended in low stratus cloud or fog by means of a tethered blimp, a technique used on the Greenland Inland Ice in 1960. DOS.
JESSEN, C., see No. 91785. JETTMAR, K., see No. 90637. 88237. JEWTUCHOWICZ, S. Description of eskers and kames in Glishamntiyra and on Bungebreen, south of Hornsund, Vestspitsbergen. (Journal of glaciology 1965. v. 5, no. 41, p. 719-25, maps, illus.) Describes these features as observed in two different environments while with the Polish expedition to Spitsbergen in 1959. In the vicinity of Ghsbreen they are in areas left by the retreat of the ice tongue; at Bungebreen they are spreading in areas still ice-covered and are emerging from the ice as a result of ablation. Form, composition, dimensions of eskers and kames are described and illus. The eskers at both glaciers are composed of sand and gravel and are well stratified. DLC. JHON, M. S., see No. 84954. 88238. MUST°, J. E., and T. R. MEE, Jr. An investigation of whiteout dissipation techniques. Hanover, N.H. 1964. 20 p. graph, table, illus. (US Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Technical report 148.) 25 refs. Final report on Project Whiteout; the experimental program carried out at Camps Fistclench and Tuto, Greenland in 1960, and various cloud-seeding techniques compatible with the arctic environment studied subsequently. Dry ice is the most useful material yet found for dissipating whiteouts. Dry-ice pellets falling freely through a cloud (as when released from aircraft, rocket, etc) are effective in nucleating clouds colder than —5° C. Dry-ice seeding using a so-called stationary technique, can be made effective at all subfreezing temperatures. A bench-model pellet maker, constructed to convert liquid carbon dioxide to dry-ice pellets, is described. Pellet size,
JORGENSEN, R., see No. 87326. 88239. JORGENSEN, T. S., and others. Observations of whistlers and VLF emissions at Godhavn and Narssarssuaq, Greenland and at Trorns0, Norway in 1963. Lyngby 1965. 79 p. tables, graphs. (Denmark. Technical Univ. Ionosphere Lab. Report no. 19.) 20 refs. Other authors: J. Taagholt and E. Ungstrup. Presents observations in the form of 64 monthly sheets of daily-hourly tabulations of whistlers, chorus and hiss for the three stations and discusses their significance in detail. The value and limitations of high latitude whistler data are considered. The results support the conclusion that good propagation conditions exist between the west coast of North America and middlenorth Greenland. The nature of the polar chorus recorded at each station is described with five pages of plots. Some evidence of lightning in clouds over Greenland in winter was obtained. The correlation between hiss and other geophysical phenomena is discussed, and five pages of plots of diurnal variation of hiss are included. Technical data on instrumentation and data handling DWB. are given. 88240. JORSTAD, I. The distribution within Norway of rust fungi (Uredinales) compared with the distribution of their hosts. (Nytt magasin for botanikk 1964. v. 11, p. 109-141.) Presents a study of these parasitic fungi including seven strictly northern species, in addition to alpine and widespread forms. The first part (p 109-122) deals with species not generally accompanying their hosts in distribution; the second, the regular companions of hosts. Most of the geographical groups are both. All the rusts mentioned DLC. iu the paper are listed at end.
88241. JORSTAD, I. Observations on life-cycles, spore-forms and alpine occurrence of the Norwegian Uredinales. (Nytt magasin for botanikk 1964. v. 11, p. 27-45, tables.) Records 213 rust species and their hosts, including such of alpine and arctic regions. The species are arranged according to their life cycles, and for the heteroecious ones, it is noted whether the alternation is obligate, facultative or lacking. Overwintering of uredos, reduction of spore forms, etc are DLC. also noted. 88242. JORSTAD, I. The phycomycetous genera Albugo, Bremia, Plasmopara and Pseudoperonospora in Norway, with an appendix containing unpublished finds of Peronospora. (Nytt magasin for botanikk 1964. v. 11, p. 47-82, tables, map.) 31 refs. Account of these genera of fungi with lists of synonyms, hosts, locations of finds (including arctic). Special attention is given to the occurrence of oospora. Altogether 16 species are recorded with some 50 hosts. DLC. 88243. JOHANSEN, H. C. Revised list of the birds of the Commander Islands. (Auk 1961. v. 78, no. 1, p. 44-55.) 9 refs. Lists 175 species, of which 56 breed on the islands; over half of these are aquatic birds, 26 are regular migrants and winter visitors, and 93 are accidentals and stragglers. Corrections on the status of the Commander Islands birds are made to The A.O.U. check-list 1957. This revised list also emends data of Hartert (No 6705) from own data of No 40610, and the Sokolnikov collection in the American Museum of Natural History. A short physical description of these four islands is included. DLC. 88244. JOHANSEN, G. Heavy toll on Alaskan fisheries. (Fishing news international 1964. v. 3, no. 4, p. 289-93, illus.) Reviews mostly the economic effects of the Mar 1964 earthquake. Importance of the fishing industry to Alaska is outlined; and damage to canneries, fishing boats, and harbor facilities at Kodiak, Seward, and Valdez is noted. Total loss to the fisheries is estimated at $20 million, with the greatest damage sustained by the king crab industry. DI. JOHANSEN, G., see also No. 85015. 88245. JOHANSEN, H. On continental and oceanic influences on the atmosphere. (Norway. Meteorologiske institutt. Meteo-
rologiske annaler 1958. v. 4, no. 8, p. 14358, graphs, maps.) 21 refs. Discusses temperature variations in the lower troposphere as demonstrably closely connected with the distribution of land and water. Blocking frequency and activity are seasonally related to troposphere variations over land and sea on western shores of continents where high pressure areas develop during the spring thermal increase. No similar variations occur during thermal decrease in the fall. Minimum variations occur over the eastern parts of oceans and over the Arctic. DLC. 88246. JOHANSEN, H. C. Die Entstehung der arktischen Vogelfauna. (International Ornithological Congress, 12th, 1958. Proceedings pub. 1960. v. 1, p. 358-62.) Ref. In German. Title tr.: The formation of the arctic avifauna. The nucleus of this fauna is claimed to have its origin in the Tertiary, with differentiation into races or species in refugia during the Quaternary glacial periods. During the warmer interglacials, additional forms immigrated from central and eastern Asia and from Europe, a process still continuing. DLC. 88247. JOHANSEN, 0. E., and Z. A. ANSARI. Comments on "The aurorally associated absorption of cosmic noise at College, Alaska," by Z. A. Ansari. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 15, p. 3787-90, graph.) 10 refs. Johansen criticizes Ansari's conclusion (No 85107) that cosmic radio-noise attenuation of category 1 is produced by electrons with energy below 20 or even 10 key. Johansen considers that the attenuation is produced by electrons of an energy spectrum of about 20 key, but the main absorption is effected by a high energy electron tail. In commenting on this Ansari shows that objections are based on an incorrect derivation of auroral luminosity. DLC. 88248. JOHANSSON, B. W., and I. M. NILSSON. The effect of heparin and E-aminocaproic acid on the coagulation in hypothermic dogs. (Acta physiologica scandinavica 1964. v. 60, no. 3, p. 267-77, tables.) 21 refs. Study of coagulation elements in dogs cooled to 20° C, without and with heparin and E-ACA administration. It is concluded that coagulation defects observed in hypothermia are due mainly to intravascular coagulation. The decrease of fibrinogen is due to utilization by this coagulation and is not caused by the fibrinolytic process. DNLM.
88249. JOHANSSON, C. E. Structural studies of sedimentary deposits: orientation analyses, literature digest, and field investigations. (Geologiska foreningen. Forhandlingar 1965. v. 87, no. 1, p. 3-61, graphs, tables, illus.) 94 refs. Also issued as: Lund studies in geography, ser. A: physical geography no. 32. Discusses some problems of the orientation of pebbles and other particles from genetic and structural points of view. A tabular summary is given of some seventy contributions to the literature, those dealing with running water, littoral orientation patterns, particle orientation in gravitational deposits, moraine fabrics, etc are discussed in some detail. Field observations in Recent water courses include those of Aug 1963 on Rakkasjokk, a mountain brook southeast of Bjorkliden station in northern Lapland. Length and axis relations of the 108 measured pebbles and cobbles are discussed as are dip directions for the 120 flat stones. Azimuths for length axes and actual dip, based on these measurements, are turned somewhat counterclockwise in relation to the flow direction, most noticeably in the Rakkasjokk I section near the edge and the top of the lateral shingle bar. Orientation of the length-axis preference toward the NW-SE is attributed to hydrodynamic and stream bed conditions. Particle dip seems to increase with water depth and particle size, with decreased prolateness, and increased roundness; other factors also are cited for laboratory study. DGS. JOHN, B. S., see No. 92136. JOHN, D. D., see No. 86284. JOHNELS, A. G., see No. 86319. 88250. JOHNS, J. E. Testosteroneinduced nuptial feathers in phalaropes. (Condor 1964. v. 66, no. 6, p. 449-55, tables, illus.) 23 refs. Daily injection of testosterone propionate alone or with prolactin and/or estradiol produced growth of brilliant nuptial feathers and replacement of plucked areas with identical plumage. No significant differences were noted between males and females. Prolactin and/or estradiol showed DLC. no such effects. 88251. JOHNSGARD, P. A. Comparative behavior and relationships of the eiders. (Condor 1964. v. 66, no. 2, p. 113-29, tables, illus.) 18 refs. Reviews recent controversies on the
taxonomy of eiders, and describes with illus their pair-forming and copulatory displays. Behavioral differences indicate that two genera should be recognized among them, Polysticta and Somateria, and that Lampronneta be considered a synonym to Somateria. Racial differences in displays are also discussed as well as the probability of direct relationship of eiders and scoters. DLC. 88252. JOHNSGARD, P. A. Evolutionary trends in the behaviour and morphology of the Anatidae. (Wildfowl Trust. Annual report 1960-61 pub 1962, p. 130-48, illus.) 19 refs. Also pub as: Studies no. 340, Univ of Nebraska. Dept. of Zoology. Outlines the trends in wild ducks which bear on the broader aspects of evolution in birds. They lead from monomorphism to dimorphism in plumage, voice, and displays; from long to temporary pair-bonds; from generalized nesting and feeding adaptations to specialized ones; from a single annual molt to two, and to elaborate, often metallic male plumage. DLC. 88253. JOHNSGARD, P. A. Observations on the biology of the spectacled eider. (Wildfowl Trust. Annual report 1962-63 pub 1964. p. 104-107, 170-71, illus.) 7 refs. Also pub as: Univ. of Nebraska. Dept. of Zoology and Physiology. Contribution no. 359. Discusses the range of Somateria fischeri: northern and western coasts of Alaska; earlier studies (scant) and own observations made 7-14 June, 1963 at Igiak Bay on the west coast near Hooper Bay. Abundance and composition of the flocks, nesting and territoriality, coloration and behavior are reported, the last with photographs. The eggs, some artificially reared young and their behavior are described. Other ducks in the area also are noted. DLC. JOHNSON, A. M., see Nos. 85442, 91267, 91268, 91269. 88254. JOHNSON, A. W. Plant ecology in permafrost areas. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 25-30, graphs.) 48 refs. Lists seven correlations between permafrost and vegetation and exemplifies most of these by reference to investigations in the Ogotoruk Creek valley of northwest Alaska. The pedologic and climatic environment of this locality is outlined, and the main vegetation types described, of which the most important are Dryas mats, sedgemeadow, sedge-tussock and Carex. Perma-
frost maintains the sedge-meadow and sedge-tussock types by restricting drainage. Because permafrost is resistant to deformation from above, frost action takes the form of surficial heaving. By providing a slippery surface it fosters solifiuction, mudflows, and slides. Vegetation is often torn loose and slides as a separate mat. Change of vegetation cover through backcutting, erosion and melting of ice-wedges is described. Relationships between permafrost and soil temperature are discussed briefly and the concluding sub-section refers to the work of Bliss (No 70253), Dadykin (No 34290) and others on the biology and distribution of plants in cold, wet habitats. Analyses show that in general the diploids are not associated with permafrost habitats, but that species growing in those habitats are likely to be high polyploids. CaMAI. 88255. JOHNSON, A. W., and J. G. PACKER. Polyploidy and environment in arctic Alaska. (Science, Apr. 9, 1965. v. 148, p. 237-39, table, graph.) 17 refs. The frequency of polyploidy in the angiosperm plants of the Ogoturuk Creek—Cape Thompson area is correlated with the environmental edaphic gradients in the area. These phenomena viewed in the historical and ecological context help to clarify the increasing frequency of polyploidy with increasing latitude. DLC. JOHNSON, A. W., see also Nos. 90015, 92548 §14. JOHNSON, B., see No. 87776. 88256. JOHNSON, C. E. Permian Spiriferella from the Yukon Territory. Edmonton, Alta. 1963. 68 p. map, graph, illus. 40 refs. M. Sc. thesis to the Univ. of Alberta. Analyzes the brachiopod genus by a detailed study of the internal and external morphology along with stratigraphic occurrence. Among characters of specific importance are the muscle platform, bundling of ribs, sinus angle, median fold and microornament. Five species are recognized: Spiriferella saranae, S. rajah var. A, S. rajah var. B, S. keilhavii, S. ordinaria and S. editiareatus, which fall into two slightly overlapping intervals. The lowest of these, of probable Wolfcampian and Leonardian age, represented in the upper third of the Middle Recessive Unit and lower half of the Tahkandit Formation, contains Spiriferella saranae, S. rajah var. A, S. ordinaria and S. editiareatus. The upper interval, of probable Upper Leonardian to Guadalupian
age, is represented in the upper half of the Tahkandit Formation and contains Spiriferella rajah var. B. and S. keilhavii. The material was collected from nine sections in the Yukon by Dr. S. J. Nelson. CaOG. JOHNSON, D. S., see No. 92298. JOHNSON, F., see No. 90776. 88257. JOHNSON, G. E. The influence of chlorpromazine on the catecholamine excretion of normal and cold-acclimated rats. (Acta physiologica scandinavica 1964. v. 60, no. 1-2, p. 181-88, graphs, tables.) 18 refs. Account of experiments with animals exposed to 30, 20 or 2° C. Only at 20 or 2° C did the animals significantly increase noradrenaline excretion, and less so adrenaline excretion, following chlorpromazine. These increases were also noted in adrenalectomized rats. It is concluded that increased noradrenaline excretion is due to temporary hypothermia produced by chlorpromazine, and originates from sympathetic nerve endings. DNLM. JOHNSON, J. K., see No. 84953. 88258. JOHNSON, L. Marine-glacial relicts of the Canadian Arctic Islands. (Systematic zoology 1964. v. 13, no. 2, p. 76-91, maps, tables, illus.) 22 refs. Discusses seven marine-glacial relict species, mostly crustaceans collected with a small trawl while conducting investigations primarily concerned with the biological potential of the Arctic. Water analyses at locations visited on Victoria Island, Somerset Island, and McVicar Arm of Great Bear Lake are tabulated, as are salinity data for marine locations considered at Cape Parry, Herschel Island, Creswell Bay, and Eskimo Lakes. Each of the relict species is dealt with in turn, its distribution mapped, salient morphological characteristics noted, with emphasis given to Gammaracanthus loricatus Sabine and Mysis relicta Loven. Distribution of relict forms is considered: the center of relict populations seems to be between Victoria and Somerset Islands, an area of post-glacial marine inundation and subsequent uplift. The sea seems to be the major agent of distribution. Evidence points to separate colonization of the mainland and the arctic islands as the insular populations were established in freshwater after the Wisconsin glaciation was over. DLC. JOHNSON, M. L., see No. 92548 §33.
88259. JOHNSON, M. W. Lung cancer among the Alaska natives. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 110-114.) 10 refs. Reviews earlier reports of cancer in Eskimos, Aleuts and Indians, and conditions in 1961: overall incidence about half of that of the United States generally. Breakdown of cases, causes for low incidence of lung cancer, and factors possibly responsible are considered. CaMAI. JOHNSON, M. W., see also No. 92548 §24. JOHNSON, P. H., see No. 90455. JOHNSON, P. L., see Nos. 85895, 87788. JOHNSON, R. E., see Nos. 87713, 92548 §14. JOHNSON, R. F., see No. 84953. 88260. JOHNSON, R. H., and J. M. K. SPALDING. The effect of surface and central temperature on hand blood flow in subjects with complete transection of the cervical cord. (Journal of physiology 1964. v. 171, no. 1, p. 14-15P.) 6 refs. Reports on a study of two subjects who suffered a physiologically complete lesion of the spinal cord at C 6-7 over a year ago. Heat and cold (4° C) stresses, and other tests indicate that vasomotor changes of the hand in response to cooling or heating other parts of the body depend on nervous DLC. pathways above the 6-7 level. 88261. JOHNSON, R. H., and J. M. K. SPALDING. Shivering and central temperature. (Journal of physiology 1964. v. 173, no. 2, p. 34-35P.) 3 refs. Reports observation on five subjects, four with complete physiological spinal lesion (C7-T10) and one unconscious from a head injury. Cooling produced a drop in central temperature; no subject felt subjectively cold however. Shiver continued until temperature rose again, indicating a DLC. central receptor for shivering. 88262. JOHNSON, R. W. Regulation of commercial salmon fishermen, a case of (Pacific northwest confused objectives. quarterly 1964. v. 55, no. 4, p. 141-45, illus.) 2 refs. Discusses the inefficient methods used by US and Canadian salmon fishermen, methods perpetuated by laws barring traps and weirs. Regulations limit the size of purse seine and gill net boats and restrict the use of practical equipment in Alaskan waters.
The out,.of-state ownership of most salmon canneries is noted, as is their policy of exploitation of the resource, beyond renewal capacity. A licensing system is recommended to bar newcomers, permitting present fishermen to continue in operation. Gradual reduction of the size of the fleet would make the fishing profitable and efficient. DLC. 88263. JOHNSON, V. J. The chronology and analysis of the Hughes fire, 1962. Washington, D.C., US. Govt. Print. Off. 1964. 12 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (US. Northern Forest Experiment Station, Juneau, Alaska. Research note NOR-8.) 3 refs. Presents a report of the fire of 18-23 July, 1962 which destroyed 2300 acres of trees, mainly spruce, near Hughes on the Koyukuk River, 210 mi northwest of Fairbanks, Alaska. The daily progress of the fire is described and the influence of weather and vegetation is assessed. Lichen-moss proved a dominant carrier of fire and muskeg a natural barrier. DWB. 88264. JOHNSON, W. Quake rumblings from Alaska Native Hospital. (Alaska medicine 1964. v. 6, no. 2, p. 42-46, illus.) Describes the relatively little damage to the hospital in Anchorage despite heavy tremors. This is considered to be due to the fact that it was built to meet earthquake situations with "crumbling joints" between the four units, which prevented the building CaMAI. from being torn apart. 88265. JOHNSTON, D. W. Ecologic aspects of lipid deposition in some postbreeding arctic birds. (Ecology 1964. v. 45, no. 4, p. 848-52, table, graphs.) 20 refs. Study of 112 birds belonging to five species showed no significant increase in fat deposits during the postbreeding, autumnal premigratory period, except for a few adult western sandpipers. Possible connections between lipid levels, timing of migration and migratory routes, are discussed. DLC. 88266. JOHNSTON, G. H. Engineering problems and site investigations in the discontinuous permafrost zone. (National Research Council of Canada. Technical memorandum 1965. no. 86, p. 22-31.) Defines this zone as including perennially frozen along with thawed or unfrozen areas, and having mean ground temperature 3032° F in the south and 23-30° F in the north. Engineering problems due to differential settlement, changes in the local environment, variations in physical-mechanical
properties of soil with thawing, etc require for their solution, data on permafrost distribution, subsurface conditions including soils, ice, and ground temperature. Site investigations should include pile-placing techniques, tests for pile-load and pullout, for road and airstrip fills, and bearing capacity, also techniques on excavating and handling frozen and thawed materials. DLC. 88267. JOHNSTON, G. H. Engineering site investigations in permafrost areas. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 371-74.) 29 refs. Outlines a model three-stage program of site investigation for engineering and construction. The preliminary office studies and planning include detailed analysis of geologic, hydrologic, topographic, climatic and air-photo data, as well as contact with any source of prior knowledge of the site area. The field investigations include terrain reconnaissance, sampling of permafrost conditions, and direct instrumental observation of the ground thermal regime by test pits and similar methods. The final stage is preparation of studies and reports with detailed maps and drawings and presentation of all site information needed for the planning and design of the required structures. CaMAI. 88268. JOHNSTON, G. H. Pile construc(In: International tion in permafrost. Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 477-81, illus.) 13 refs. Describes construction techniques used 1957-1960 in the development of the new townsite of Inuvik, Mackenzie District in an area of deep, continuous permafrost. All major buildings incl housing and engineering facilities incl heated oil tanks, utilidors are on pile foundations, the piles placed in advance of construction. Permafrost and ground ice conditions of the site are summarized, and the pile foundations (some 20 thousand piles used, mostly local spruce, but also Douglas fir, reinforced concrete, steel) in drilled or steam-thawed holes are described and illus. Observations indicate that in such conditions piles should not be loaded for 2-6 mo or longer, depending on the time of year they were placed, and that excessive steaming of pile locations can result in greatly increased refreezing times. Observations at Inuvik are continning to assess the long term performance of the pile foundations. CaMAI. 88269. JOHNSTON, G. H. Soil sampling in permafrost areas. Ottawa, Queen's
Printer 1963. 7 p. table, illus. (National Research Council of Canada. Division of Building Research. Technical paper no. 155.) 5 refs. Describes in detail four methods of obtaining representative samples of perennially frozen ground, all of which may be used during the course of a site investigation program. Sampling of natural exposures, and hand boring, driving pipe, and hand angering can produce general information at shallow depths; test pits and core drilling provide detailed information to greater depths. Normally one or more of the methods is eliminated from consideration because of the nature of the investigation, type of soil, depth and/or type of sample required. A tabular guide is presented to help determine the best method under given conditions. CaOG. 88270. JOHNSTON, G. H., and R. J. E. BROWN. Some observations on permafrost distribution at a lake in the Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T., Canada. (Arctic 1964. v. 17, no. 3, p. 162-75, graphs, maps, illus.) 11 refs. Research paper no. 233 of the National Research Council of Canada Division of Building Research. Reports investigations of the thawing effect of water on permafrost in northern Mackenzie District during Apr 1961. Holes were drilled under the center of a small, shallow lake with a mean bottom temperature higher than 32° F and at various distances to the west of the lake. Hand probings were made near the edge of the lake, soil and water samples taken, ground temperatures measured, altitude and various terrain surveys made. It was found that the sediments below the center of the lake were unfrozen to bedrock; but the position of the permafrost table rose progressively toward shore and the thawing effect was confined to the ground lying under the lake. The thermal effect of the lake however, extended for some distance beyond. DLC. 88271. JOHNSTON, G. H., and R. J. E. BROWN. Stratigraphy of the Mackenzie River delta, Northwest Territories, Canada. (Geological Society of America. Bulletin 1965. v. 76, no. 1, p. 103-112, map, graphs, table.) 10 refs. Describes this aspect of an Apr 1961 investigation by National Research Council of Canada personnel, to determine the distribution of permafrost under and near a small shallow lake about 5 mi southwest of Inuvik. Using drilling methods, delta deposits were sampled to bedrock at about 230 ft depth; about 180 ft of stratified silts,
fine sand, and organic material overlie 50 ft of dense silty clay deposited on bedrock. Laboratory tests on the sediments sampled suggest that the lower portion of the dense silty-clay layer, which contains pebbles, is probably till deposited by the Wisconsin ice sheet; the upper portion of that layer, lacking pebbles, was possibly deposited under glaciomarine or estuarine conditions. The sediments overlying that clay layer are of deltaic origin and were deposited by the present Mackenzie River and its postglacial predecessors. Perennially frozen ground was found throughout the entire depth of the three holes drilled near the lake, though not in the hole bored under the center of the lake. W. G. Brown, qv, reported on ground temperatures under this lake. DLC. 88272. JOHNSTON, G. H. Work of the Division of Building Research, National Research Council, in northern Canada. (Arctic circular 1962 pub. 1964. v. 15, no. 4, p. 5357.) Reports studies in building and applied engineering in conditions of permafrost. Investigations into the performance of structures at the new town of Inuvik, Mackenzie District and the settlement (approx 4 ft) of sand-fill dikes at Kelsey, Man. are briefly reviewed. A series of drill holes (incl one beneath a lake) in the Mackenzie delta enabled a profile of the temperature regime and permafrost table typical of small, shallow water bodies to be constructed. No permafrost was present in the hole beneath the lake, cf No 79780. Studies of relations between vegetation and permafrost at Thompson, Man. and progress in the collection of information on the distribution of permafrost are reported. Refinements in instrumentation are being made, in particular development of a light-weight recorder for the measurement of max and min ground temperatures at various depths in a borehole, the instrument to run unattended for about one yr. CaMAI. JOHNSTON, G. H., see also Nos. 85825, 85902, 85911. 88273. JOKELAINEN, A. Diet of the Finnish Lapps and its caesium-137 and potassium contents. Helsinki 1965. 140 p. tables, maps. (Acta agralia fennica no. 103.) 191 refs. A first comprehensive, qualitative and quantitative study of Lapp diet, and its Cs-137 and K content. Introduction reviews the number of Lapps, their groups, distribution, and occupation. An extensive survey of the literature is given, inclusive of
past diet and that of other Lapps. Food consumption of families and individuals and its composition, adequacy of diet, and dietary habits of Finnish Lapps are reported, followed p 96-119, by data on the Cs-137 and K content in the diet. Appendix contains samples of questionnaires, etc. DLC. 88274. JOKI, A. J. M. A. Castrenin elamantyo. (Virittaja. 1963, no. 4, p. 289-302, illus.) Refs. In Finnish. Title tr.: M. A. Castren's life work. Tribute to this Finnish pioneer in ethnography and linguistics on the 150th anniversary of his birth. His fieldwork and publications on Lapps, Samoyeds, Ostyaks, and Voguls are reviewed. DLC. 88275. JOLIN, P. Processus et principes d'organisation d'un village insulaire du Labrador meridional. (Anthropologica 1965. v. 7, no. 1, p. 59-79, tables.) 3 refs. In French. English summary. Title tr.: Organization processes and principles in an insular village of southern Labrador. Analyzes the diagnostic value of socioeconomic factors for study of the social structure of an amalgam combining traditional and industrial traits: based on 19631964 fieldwork at Spotted Island. Its inhabitants, about 150, are mostly descendants of intermarriage some 150 yr ago between British immigrants and Eskimo women. Their fishing economy, winter nomadism, family and economic groupings, social and kin pat.terns, ego status, etc are described. Social structure is based on consanguinity, economic groupment i.e. the fishing crew, and territorial affiliations formed during seasonal migration. Social identification derives from the nuclear family rather than the ecoDSI. nomic or territorial units. 88276. JONEC, V. A dynamic analysis of the mechanisms involved in acute activation of the pituitary-adrenocortical system by cold. (Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 1964. v. 42, no. 4, p. 58591, graphs, illus.) 10 refs. Reports on close observation of the psychic or somatic responses, following abrupt variations in ambient temperature. A device referred to as microclimator was used for the purpose. The relation between the adrenocortical and psychic responses is evalDLC. uated. JONES, B. F., see No. 87745. 88277. JONES, D. L., and H. C. BERG. Cretaceous stratigraphy of the McCarthy A-4 quadrangle, southern Alaska. Washing-
ton, D.C., Govt. Print. Office 1964. p. AlA18, maps, table, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Bulletin 1180-A.) 13 refs. Summarizes results of geologic mapping 1961, also field observations and fossil collections 1961-1962, for the area north of the Chitina River; this is part of a study of the areal geology, stratigraphy, and ore deposits of the entire upper Chitina valley. A generalized geologic map shows at 1 in:1 mi scale three unnamed Cretaceous formations having an aggregate thickness of 8,000 ft. Four columnar sections show the relative positions of the formations. The lowest, lc:, is of Albian and Cenomanian ages; the middle formation, Ics, ranges in age from Coniacian to Campanian; the upper unit, k,, is Campanian or Maestrichtian in age. This assemblage rests unconformably on Triassic or Mississippian rocks, and is overlain by Quaternary glacial and fluvial deposits. The Cretaceous formations are gently folded into a series of broad westward-plunging anticlines and synclines, while local structure is complicated by faulting and intrusion of many porphyritic dikes. DGS. 88278. JONES, D. L., and A. GRANTZ. Stratigraphic and structural significance of Cretaceous fossils from Tiglukpuk Formation, Northern Alaska. (American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin 1964. v. 48, no. 9, p. 1462-74, maps, tables, illus.) 11 refs. Discovery of Buchia sublaevis of Valanginian age at three localities on Tiglukpuk Creek shows that most of this formation is of Early Cretaceous rather than Jurassic age. The presence of two other Early Cretaceous Buchia sp in the overlying Okpikruak Formation indicates the Tiglukpuk actually younger than the Okpikruak, and suggests that thrust faults have juxtaposed different sequences of Buchia-bearing strata in Tiglukpuk Creek area and elsewhere in Northern Alaska. Thus the Tiglukpuk Formation should be either greatly revised or abandoned. DGS. 88279. JONES, G. The first Europeans in America. (Beaver, winter 1964. no. 295, p. 4-17, maps, illus.) Reviews the Norsemen's westward expansion to Greenland, some theories of their intermixture with Eskimos and migration to the Canadian Arctic. Their voyages to Baffin Island, Labrador, Newfoundland, etc approx 985-1020 are reconstructed from the Icelandic sagas, and the geographic locations of the landings considered. Northern Newfoundland and the Strait of Belle Isle
region are considered the northern limits of Vinland. DI. 88280. JONES, G. The Norse Atlantic saga, being the Norse voyages of discovery and settlement to Iceland, Greenland, America. London, Oxford Univ. Press 1964. 246 p. maps, illus. Refs. Describes, primarily, the Greenland and Vinland ventures on the basis of four Icelandic sources. The term skraeling is considered used for both Eskimos and Indians; the death (by arrow) of Eric the Red's son Thorvald is attributed to Indians at Lake Melville; the Norse colonies of Vinland and Markland are placed on Newfoundland and the Labrador coast. Maps depict Eric's voyages from Iceland to Greenland, settlements of Osterbygden and Vesterbygden, Norse exploration routes around Greenland and along the Newfoundland—Labrador coast, etc. The archeological survey on Newfoundland and Helge Ingstad's excavations of 1962 near L'Anse-au-Meadow are dealt with in appendix p. 220-23, and the site tentatively identified with the Viking settlement Leifsbudir. DLC. JONES, M. B., see No. 92451. 88281. JONES, R. D. Age group counts of black brant in Izembek Bay, Alaska. (Wildfowl Trust. Annual report 1962-63 pub 1964. p. 147-48, table.) 2 refs. This bay near the western extremity of the Alaska Peninsula attracts in the fall nearly the whole black brant population because of its luxurious growth of Zostera. Counts of over 5000 birds made in Oct 23-28 are tabulated; they are considered satisfactory, despite heavy losses among nesting brants due to a storm tide in June 1963. DLC. 88282. JONES, R. D., Jr. Buldir Island, site of a remnant breeding population of Aleutian Canada geese. (Wildfowl Trust. Annual report 1961-62 pub 1963, p. 80-84.) 10 refs. Describes the gradual disappearance of this species from the Aleutians. This is attributed to the introduction of blue foxes and to hunting. The location and nature of Buldir Island are outlined, as is its fauna: very rich and dense in the summer. The geese observed numbered about 56, including nestlings. DLC. 88283. JONES, R. D., Jr. Sea otters in the Near Islands, Alaska. (Journal of mammalogy 1965. v. 46, no. 4, p. 702.) 2 refs. Notes reappearance of Enhydra lutris in
1962 on Buldir Island, midway between the Near Islands and Kiska which supports a large otter population. In 1964, seven including a pup were seen, also remains of a carcass on Agattu and one old adult on Maid Island. DLC. 88284. JONES, It. M. Accidents, Alaska's number one cause of mortality. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1965 pub. 1966, p. 40-47, tables.) Lists and analyzes causes of accidental death in Alaska and compares rates with those in the United States as a whole, with individual states, and with other countries of the world. Accident mortality in Alaska, 110.4/100,000, is the highest in the world, and more than twice the rate for all US. More than 20% of all deaths in Alaska are due to accidents, a quarter of these through drowning, 31.7% of them water and air transport fatalities, ten times the US rate. The high utilization of water for transport and livelihood and the fewness of swimmers due to low water temperature are major factors in this situation; as is the fact that Alaska has 298 scheduled airline stops compared to 37 for Texas, the next largest state. Accidental gunshot deaths are five times the US rate. Only 1.6% of deaths are attributable to excessive cold. A good safety program is needed to reduce accident mortality CaMAI. in Alaska. 88285. JdNSD6TTIR, S. Hydrographic conditions in Icelandic waters in May/June 1962. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1962 pub. 1964. v. 19, p. 16-17, graphs, maps.) Outlines a survey north and west of Iceland in May 26—June 6. Temperatures at 20, 50, and 100 m are mapped and presented in sections down to 300 m. Deviations from the ten-yr average and from 1960 and 1961 DLC. are noted. 88286. JONSDOTTIR, S. Hydrographic conditions in north Icelandic waters. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1963 pub. 1965. v. 20, p. 19-21, maps, sections.) Reports on temperatures north of Iceland, recorded June 12-19, at 20, 50 and 100 m, with outlines of their horizontal and vertical distribution. Deviations from the normal are noted. DLC. 88287. JONSGARD, A. En retthval, Balaena sp., ht yst sannsynlig en grOnlandshval,Balctenamysticetus, observert i Barentshavet. A right whale, Balaena sp., in all probability a Greenland right whale, Balaena
mysticetv,s, observed in the Barents Sea. (Norsk hvalfangst-tidende 1964. v. 53, no. 11, p. 311-13.) 7 refs. In Norwegian and English. Reports a whale sighted from M/S Rossfjord on 23 May, 1963, west of Novaya Zemlya at 73°50' N 49°20' E, and reasons for considering it a Greenland right whale. Recent such observations (few) are cited. DLC. 88288. JONSSON, J. Temperature and growth of cod in Icelandic waters. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 8, p. 537-39, tables, map.) Ref. Temperature of Icelandic coastal waters are highest in the south and lowest in the east. Cod being stationary in these waters during the early years of life show a very close correlation between their growth and temperature. This is verified by experiments and applies to other marine animals of the area. CaMAI. 88289. RINSSON, J. Whale marking in Icelandic waters in 1965. (Norsk hvalfangsttidende 1965. v. 54, no. 11, p. 254-55, tables.) Notes the May 1965 cruise of Hvalur 7 in west Icelandic waters, where 13 fin and six sperm whales were marked. No recoveries are reported by Sept 1965. Purpose is to ascertain whether Iceland has its own stock of fin whales. DLC. 88290. JONSSON, J. Whales and whaling in Icelandic waters. (Norsk hvalfangsttidende 1965. v. 54, no. 11, p. 245-53, maps, tables, graphs.) Whaling introduced into this area by the Norwegians in 1883 increased, with max number of boats participation in 1902 and 1910, then declined due to overexploitation. Whaling from land stations was prohibited in 1915, resumed by Icelanders in 1935-1939 and from 1948. Total catch for 1948-1964 was 6,429, mostly fin whales. The humpback has been protected since 1955 and the blue whale since 1960; and only one station is permitted to operate. DLC. 88291. JORDAN, A. T. Barrenlands gold. (North 1964. v. 11, no. 5, p. 10-15, map, illus.) Describes Tundra Gold Mines Ltd, northeast of Yellowknife, Mackenzie District, and reviews its development by various mining interests since 1945. Problems of insufficient ore reserves, transportation, heat supply, permafrost, etc are noted. The property was formerly known as Bulldog Yellowknife
Gold Mines Ltd and, 1956-1964, as TaurCaMAI. canis Mines Ltd. 88292. JORDAN, J. N., and others. Aftershocks of the 4 February 1965 Rat Island earthquake. (Science, June 4, 1965. v. 148, p. 1323-25, table, graphs, map.) 6 refs. Other authors: J. F. Lander and R. A. Black. Studies of earthquake aftershocks as a function of space, time, and rate of energy release (magnitude) afford new evidence of earth structure. The sharp boundary conditions of the epicenter location suggest block faulting about the Rat Islands as a subsystem of the Aleutian Islands arc structure. Frequence of earthquake occurrence in time and magnitude are given. DLC. 88293. JORDAN, 0. HOreproblemer i GrOnland. (Gr0nland 1965, no. 6, p. 225-31, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: Hearing difficulties in Greenland. Contains some general information on the incidence of hearing defects and their causes, e. g. chronic infection of the middle ear is more frequent than in Denmark. Ear specialists and hearing aid technicians visit Greenland annually. DLC. 88294. JOSSELYN, D. W. How to interpret Alaska's raised beaches? (Anthropological journal of Canada 1965. v. 3, no. 1, p. 24-26.) 9 refs. Claims a Bering land bridge in the Pleistocene incompatible with recent geological and archeological evidence as reported by Heusser (No 65144), viz: Pleistocene raised beaches 1700 ft above present sea level and by Giddings (No 71680) viz: find of PreDenbigh implements resembling Asian chopper tools on a bench 500-ft high at Cape Kruzenstern. The indicated depression of the Alaskan Bering Sea area during a glacial stage precludes a rise of the Bering Strait region above sea level. During the long interglacial however, a land bridge could have existed or reappeared at intervals. Radiocarbon dates of 30-40,000 yr ago obtained at archeological sites in western United States and Mexico are in agreement with an earlier migration from Asia than that generally hypothesized, viz: during the interglacial or interstadial. DLC. 88295. JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY. Nasal mites (Halarachnidae) in the sea otter. (Its: v. 51, 1965. no. 6, p. 960.) Of some 200 sea otters dissected in the last few yr, six were infected with nasal mites. In contrast, one captive animal was found heavily infected. Hitherto these mites were known only from seals and walruses. DLC.
88296. JUDGE, C. W. To hunt an iceberg, microwave radiometry. (Geo-marine technology 1965. v. 1, no. 3, p. 29-31, map, graph.) 6 refs. Notes the ineffectiveness of radar in detecting dangerous-size growlers at ranges above four mi and in fog, and the US Coast Guard search for new methods of locating icebergs. Airborne microwave radiometry is a possibility and the experimental system designed by General Motors Corp and tested over Lake Michigan, off the coasts of Labrador and Newfoundland, and over Delaware Bay, is sketched. Another system built by Sperry Microwave Electronics Co, which measures the difference between the radiometric temperature of the ice and the sea when observed from above, is to be installed on Coast Guard C-130B aircraft and tested during the 1966 ice season. DLC. 88297. JULIAN, P. R. Some correlations of tropospheric and stratospheric pressures and temperatures in mid- and high-latitudes. (Berlin. Freie Univ. Meteorologische Abhandlungen 1963. v. 36. p. 63-76, graph, tables.) 11 refs. Attempts to explain the simultaneous or near-simultaneous behavior of pressure and temperature in the lower stratosphere and the troposphere, by analysis of these parameters with time and space as independent variables. The temporal analysis only is reported, from data of the 500, 100, and 50 mb heights and temperatures for Alert on Ellesmere, Nome in Alaska, and two mid-latitude stations, for 1956-1960. In winter, height and temperature variations in the lower stratosphere are correlated positively for the arctic stations, but in summer these two parameters present the picture of a warm pole-centered anticyclone while preserving a negative correlation. H. Faust, in appended discussion, suggests the possible influence of intensified tropospheric circulation upon the overlying stratosphere. DLC. 88298. JULL, G. W. H. F. propagation in the Arctic. (In: NATO. Arctic communications . .. 1964, p. 157-76, tables, graphs, maps.) 11 refs. Examines the result of several studies of oblique incidence frequency sounding and 30 mc/s riometer absorption to gain information for increasing the reliability of hf (high frequency) communications on the auroral zone circuit. Studies were carried out at Resolute Bay, Coral Harbour, Ft Churchill, on an aircraft, and stations to the south to determine the effect of low and high intensity polar-cap absorption events, and moderate to severe geomagnetic storms on hf
transmission. Transauroral and subauroral zone radio circuits were found less affected by polar-cap absorption than the polar-cap circuit, and the transauroral circuit suffered the most distortion during the main phase of moderately severe geomagnetic storms. These frequency sounding measurements proved to be capable of providing information for alternate operating modes for radio communications between inside- and outside-auroral-zone stations on the ground and in the air during solar flare induced disturbances. DLC. 88299. JULUT. Umanak er den fecrste koloni, hvor der oprettes udsteder i moderne forstand. (Atuagagdliutit: GrOnlandsposten 1963. v. 103, no. 15, p. 4-7, illus.) In Danish and Eskimo. Title tr.: Umanak was the first colony to establish outlying settlements in the modern sense. Reviews briefly development of Umanak, West Greenland, founded on its present site in 1763. The introduction of sealing with nets during the latter 18th century aided the local economy, as later did mining, as Umanak has the oldest coal mine in Greenland. Various new settlements developed in the district, which by 1793 had 404 inhabitants in 11 little communities. DLC. 88300. JUSSILA, R. The Ichneumonidae of the Kevojoki area in Inari Lapland, Finland. Turku 1965. 186 p. maps, illus. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 34.) Approx. 360 refs. Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station 2. Presents an introductory survey of the literature of ichneumon flies of Lapland, and outlines the physiography of the area studied, its geology, climate and vegetation. The synopsis of the species (p 21-163) deals with 318 species found in the Kevojoki area, which is 88.3% of those known from Mari Lapland. Each species is recorded as to synonyms, occurrence in the area studied and in general; notes are added on morphology, color and, occasionally, biolopr. Biotopes and zoogeography are treated in the final section. CaMAI. 88301. JUSSILA, R. Occurrence of Macrolepidoptera in the biotopes of the Kevojoki area in Mari Lapland, Finland. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, II: biol.geog. no. 32, p. 269-78, map, illus.) 4 refs. Reports on material collected in the summer of 1956 in the Kevojoki River area. Species and their frequency are listed in ten biotopes of alpine, subalpine birch, and coniferous regions. The most common species
are not confined to one biotope but live in different habitats. Eight species live exclusively or mainly so in one biotope and these (listed) are considered characteristic of the biotopes in the area. CaMAI. 88302. JUSTICE, J. W. Cancer screening program. (Alaska medicine 1964. v. 6, no. 4, p. 106-110, tables.) 2 refs. Reports a survey among women of the predominantly Indian population of Southeast Alaska, aimed at detecting cancer and gynecological diseases. No conclusions about the health status of these women is reached because of the small numbers examined. Data presented include gynecological pathology, and pregnancy status of native and non-native women over 17 in three communities studied. CaMAI. 88303. JUSTICE, J. W. Respiratory disease epidemic in Hoonah, Southeast Alaska. (Alaska medicine 1965. v. 7, no. 2, p. 3034, tables, graphs.) 9 refs. Account based on hospital and field observations as well as interviews with household heads in May 1964. The location, population (850), and housing of this 95% Tlingit Indian village are noted. Incubation and duration periods of the disease, clinical aspects, laboratory findings, and complications are considered. Most affected were children below five in this flu epidemic. Various antibiotics had no effect. CaMAI. 88304. K., G. Omkring polarsirkelen. (Vart yrke 1950. v. 2, no. 2, p. 6, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Near the Arctic Circle. Reports construction activity in winter on the Nordland railway. DLC. 88305. K., T. Isbjrimjakten ved Svalbard. (Naturvern i Norge. Arsskrift 1962 pub 1963, p. 31, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Polar bear hunting off Svalbard. Notes the regulations issued by the Norwegian Dept of Fisheries in spring 1962 to reduce the killing of polar bears by tourists: limiting each member of a party to one animal Full protection is in effect in the Kong Earls Land area. Live-trapping of these animals is prohibited except by recognized zoological gardens authorized by the Dept of Fisheries; transportation of the live animals must be in accordance with the Norwegian regulations. DNAL. 88306. KABANOV, N. E. Kora listventhey kuril'skoI, aennoe syr'e &IA mestnoT promyshlennosti Kamehatki. (Rastitel'nye resursy 1965. v. 1, no. 2, p. 266-69, illus.)
6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The bark of the Kuril larch, a valuable resource for Kamchatka industry. Notes the distribution of Lariz kurilensis in Kamchatka, and the amount of its bark per forest area and as produced by the two existing kolkhozes. Local utilization of the bark, the tanning, dyeing and other chemical substances present in the bark, and their potential utilization are discussed. DLC. 88307. KABANOV, N. E. Zarastanie peskov "sukhikh" rechek v 'nentralinol Kamchatke. (Akademi0. nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. lzvestifa 1964. no. 12, p. 62-70, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Overgrowth of the sands of "dry" rivers in central Kamchatka. Discusses the sources of these sands (volcanic), and the grasses and other plants, shrubs and trees invading them. Appearance of the tree stands is described, as is that of the undergrowth and lichens (specified). Prospects of afforestation are considered. DLC. 88308. KACHADOORIAN. R. Effects of the earthquake of March 27, 1964 at Whittier, Alaska. Washington, D.C. U.S. Govt. Print. Office 1965. p. B1—B21, maps, graphs, tables, illus. (U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 542-B.) 5 refs. In sequence to paper on Anchorage by W. R. Hansen, qv. Describes the events and damage to this port at the western end of Passage Canal. Causes of the destruction were: a 5.3-ft subsidence of the landmass, seismic shock, fracturing of fill and unconsolidated sediments, differential subsidence due to compaction, submarine landslides and the waves they generated, and fire. Facilities built on bedrock were damaged slightly or not at all, but building: on unconsolidated sediments or fill suffered damage by seismic activity. Comparisons are made with experience at Anchorage where deep, fine-grained sediments magnified the seismic amplitudes more than the shallow, coarse gravel at Whittier. Geology is mapped at 1:4800 scale; pre-earthquake, and post-earthquake submarine topography, etc are mapped at 1 in:800 ft. DGS. KACHADOORIAN, R., see also No. 87511, 91399, 92548 §3, 5. 88309. KACHALOVA, 0. L. Ruchelniki Karen (In: Akademifi nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Inst. biologii. Fauna ozer 1965, p. 209-220.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Trichoptera of Karelia. 592
Reviews earlier studies of these caddis flies and lists 190 species and their locations. Their zoogeographic aspects and ecological DLC. grouping: are also discussed. 88310. KACHURIN, S. P. Thermokarst within the territory of the USSR. (Biuletyn peryglacjalny 1962, no. 11, p. 49-55, graph, illus.) 19 refs. Thermokarst is a widespread natural phenomenon in permafrost regions; outside these areas there is no thermokarst. The presence of ground ice near the surface is necessary for development of thermokarst. It originates as heat exchange conditions alter in the upper layers of deposits, and melting of the ground ice ensues. Thermokarst is not a variety of karst, but an entirely independent phenomenon. Its history is closely related to the aggradation of permafrost during the Quaternary period and, in larger measure, to the process of its degradation. DLC. 88311. KACHURIN, S. P. Znachenie rabot M. I. Sumgina sovetskogo merzlotovedenifil. (In: Akademifil nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedeni@.. Sovremennye voprosy ... 1964. p. 20-34.) In Russian. Title tr.: The importance of M. I. Sumgin's work to Soviet geocryology. Reviews Sumgin's contribution to geocryology especially since 1927 when his basic work was pub (cf. No 17189). His main ideas, hypotheses, organizational work, and some of his other publications are considered. The main directions of his work are pointed out, e.g. heat and mass exchange in permafrost, structure and texture, geophysical and physico-chemical investigations, etc. Work by his students is also noted. DLC. 88312. KADANER, IA. D. Pishchevafa kharakteristika morskol kapusty. (Rybnoe khozfalstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 9, p. 72-74, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Nutritive character of kelp. Describes: Laminaria saccharin common in the Barents and White Seas, and L. japonica from the Seas of Okhotsk and Japan. Their abundance, culinary uses, as addition to flour, chemical composition and high mineral content are noted. DLC. 88313. KARENLAMPI, L. Preliminary notes on the variability of Cladonia uncials (L.) Wigg. in eastern Fennoscandia. (Annales botanici Fennici 1964. v. 1, no. 3, p. 220-23, tables, illus.) 12 refs. Reports on analyses of 74 specimens of this lichen from all parts of Finland and
northern Karelia and housed in the herbarium of the Univ of Turku. Podetia, analyzed with a binocular microscope, give evidence of two main trends in the variation of C. uncialis: integerrima, which is found on open maritime rocks and cliffs of southern Finland, branches dichotomously, its axils imperforate; and obtusata, which is found in central, eastern, and northern continental Finland, branches tetrachotomously or more richly, and is clearly perforate at the axils. Intermediate types also occur, and more data are needed before a division into two or more taxa can be proposed. DLC. 88314. KAFTANOVSKII, It. M. Chistikovye pOsy vostochnol Atlantiki. Moskva, Izd-vo Moskovskogo o-va ispytatelel prirody 1951. 171 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Materialy k poznaniffi fanny i flory SSSR. Otd. zoologicheskil v. 28(43).) 170 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Alciform birds of the eastern Atlantic. Deals with the European auks, largely arctic in distribution; a general part (p 12-58) covering appearance and motion, anatomy and morphometry (including some other birds for comparison), weight and volume. The main part (p 59-151) covers the ecology of the six species studied: an auk, two murres, a dovekie, guillemot, puffin; and at the end, a comparative ecology of the entire group is given. Considered in this section are also data on geographic races, distribution, reproduction and the young, migrations, enemies, etc. Final chapters deal with the geographic distribution and evolution of the group. DLC. 88315. KAGAN, B. A. Teorifa i raschet termoclinamicheskogo vzaimodelstvia morfa, l'da i atmosfery. (Leningrad. Gidrometeorologicheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 20, p. 105-119, table, graphs.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Theory and calculation of the thermodynamic interaction between sea, ice, and atmosphere. Develops a theory of the interaction, corrected for the deviation of sea surface (central Arctic Basin) from horizontality, and for altitude variation of turbulence coefficient in the overlying layer of the atmosphere. The extensive mathematical treatment of sea-ice-atmosphere interaction is based on a system of equations for each of the three components. The system being solved gives formulas for wind velocity profiles, temperature and humidity of the atmospheric layer, depth of the zero baro-
clinic layer in the sea and its surface tilt, velocity and direction of ice drift, active surface temperature, turbulence coefficients in the sea, and the speed of ice growth and melting. DLC. KAGAN, G. I., see No. 90724. KA.HLA, M., see No. 90549.
88316. KAIIALAINEN, V. I., and N. KULAKOV. Osnovnye cherty istorii geologicheskogo razvitiiii, primorskol nizmennosti v neogen-chetvertichnoe vremfa. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1965. v. 143, p. 56-64.) 12 refs. In Russian English summary. Title tr.: Main features in the geologic history of the Yana-Indigirka coastal plain in Neogene-Quaternary times. The Omoloyskaya formation, the .oldest in this region, consists of sands with pebble and an abunda nt fossil flora. Upward in the sequence are nearshore marine deposits of the Khromskaya formation: flat-bedded non-fossiliferous sandy loam and loam. These are overlain by Upper Quaternary and Recent formations. Buried ice wedges are described, paleogeographic conditions are characterized. Glacial and interglacial DLC. deposits are absent. KAISER, T. R., see No. 85888. KAITA, H., see No. 91543. KAJIMURA, H., see No. 87013. 88317. KAKELA, P. Problems in defining permafrost. (Albertan geographer 1964-65, no. 1, p. 5-10.) 14 refs. Reviews critically the definitions offered by Sumgin in 1937, Muller in 1947, more recently by R. F. Black and J. L. Jenness, and those proposed by R. F. Leggett and R. J. E. Brown for the National Research Council of Canada. Several considerations for an improved definition are discussed: whether cooling of materials through 0° C is the most important physical transition or whether the change of phase of any 1120 contained is more important; the }120 content; the inclusion of frozen artificial materials; and whether glacial ice should CaOGB. be classified as permafrost. 88318. KALAJA, P. Die Zeiten von Sonnenschein, Dammerung and Dunkelheit in verschiedenen Breiten. Helsinki 1958. 63 p. tables, graphs. (Finland. Geodetiska institutet. Julkaisuja no. 49.) In German. Title tr.: The duration of sunshine, twilight and darkness at different latitudes.
Presents a tabular record of the duration of daylight, twilight, and night, for use at 60-70° N. The times of beginning and end of solar light more than 5° above the horizon, and when the upper rim of the sun is above the horizon, are given for every fourth day throughout the year. Twilight is calculated to the time the sun's midpoint is 6° below the horizon; it has sufficient natural light for all land-based outdoor work. Nautical and astronomical twilight, progressively longer, are also described. Explanation is given for the mathematical method by which these tables are derived. The record is interesting with respect to the summer duration and the winter brevity of light in this latitude. Nomograms based on the 12-mo yr and 24-hr day for each calculation are appended. DGS.
88319. KALASHNIKOV, V. Rugozerskaa. ssylka. (Na rubezhe 1961. v. 22, no. 6, p. 93-97.) In Russian. Title tr.: Exile in Rugozero. An old bolshevik describes his arrest in 1913, jail at Povenets, and exile at Rugozero in northern Karelia. Prison and camp life, political agitation among local peasants, food and clothing shortages in winter 1914, unrest among exiles, escape in summer 1915, DLC. etc. 88320. KALEDONSKLI KOMPLEKS ul'traosnovnykh shchelochnykh porod i karbonatitov Kol'skogo poluostrova i SevernoT Karen Moskva, Izd-vo Nedra 1965. 772 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Approx. 445 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Caledonian complex of ultrabasic and alkaline rocks and carbonatites of Kola Peninsula and northern Karelia. Presents a collective work in four parts based on long-term study. The geologic structure and petrographic characteristics are given of the massifs of the SalinaKovdor belt: the Lesnaya varaka, Ozernaya varaka, Afrikanda, Kovdor, Kandalaksha, Vuoriyarvi, and others. The mineralogy of alkaline-ultrabasic massifs is outlined, and the sulfides, silicates, phosphates and carbonates of these rocks are analyzed in pt 2. Geochemical features of this Caledonian complex are outlined, and rare elements such as zirconium and hafnium, niobium and tantalum, rare earth elements, scandium, beryl, lithium, rubidium and cesium are described. Pt 4 is devoted to the petrology of these massifs. DLC. 88321. KALELA, AA. 'Ober die Kollektivart Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. (Annales botanici Fennici 1965. v. 2, no. 2, p.
174-218, maps, illus.) Approx. 300 refs. In German. Title tr.: The collective species Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. Reviews the extensive field and literature studies of this circumpolar, arcto-boreal sedge and its five subspecies. The geographical boundaries, variation and nomenclature are dealt with. The subspecies are described, distribution and ecology discussed. Notes on variations within the subspecies, and on nomenclature are inDLC. cluded. 88322. KALELA, 0. Die geographiache Verbreitung des Wakllemmings and seine Massenvorkommen in Finnland. (Suomalainen ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo. Tiedonannot 1963. v. 18 suppl., p. 9-16, maps.) Refs. In German. Title tr.: Geographic distribution of the wood lemming and its mass occurrence in Finland. Account of earlier studies on distribution of Myopus schisticolor, its occurrence in Finland and Scandinavia: up to 68° N, with southern limit at 59° N; ecology: forests rich in mosses, over the area east of the Scandinavian fjells. DLC. 88323. KALELA, 0., and T. OKSALA. Sex ratio in the wood lemming, Myopus schisticolor Lilljeb., in nature and in captivity. Turku 1966. 24 p. tables. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja ser. A, II: biol.geog. no. 37.) 19 refs. Study of wild and captive stock. In growing populations percentage of immature males was 20-30; in captive animals about 25% were males. A closer analysis revealed that this anomaly is due to the females, some producing males and females in nearly the same proportion, some bearing only females. In rapidly declining populations the sex ratio of offspring was nearly balanced. A chromosomal explanation and theory is proposed for these conditions. CaMAI. 88324. KALELA, 0. We're learning things about Norwegian lemmings. (Animal kingdom 1962. v. 65, no. 1, p. 18-23, illus.) Reports 1959-1961 observations of Lemmus lemmas in the Kilpisjarvi lake region of Lapland. Spring and autumn migrations over land, ice, and water are described, as are the animals' diet, summer and winter habitats. During migrations, they protected themselves from predators and adapted to emergencies. For the winter, they moved up from the peatlands to moss carpets in deep snow areas of the high fjells. DLC.
88325. KALELA, 0. Zum Vergleich der Wanderungen des Wald- and Berglemmings. (Suomalainen ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo. Tiedonannot 1963. v. 18 suppl., p. 81-90.) In German. Title tr.: Comparison of migrations of the wood and Norway lemmings. Comparisons between Myopus schisticolor and L. lemma show a great similarity of diet. The coincidence of the late summer migration in the two species is apparently due to their preference of forest mosses, which are abundant at that time. Spring migration however, is early and sudden in the Norwegian form due to thaw and floods, but gradual in the other species whose habitats are free of floods. DLC. 88326. KALELA, 0., and others. Zur Biotopwahl des Waldlemmings in der Gegend von Rovaniemi, Nordfinnland. (Suomalainen eliiin- ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo. Tiedonannot 1963. v. 18 suppl., p. 39-46, illus.) In German. Other authors: E. A. Lind and J. Aho. Title tr.: Biotope selection of the wood lemming in the Rovaniemi area, northern Finland. Reports on field work mainly in 1957 during the population explosion and migrations. Biotopes both in the hill country and on the plains were studied. Availability of food plants was the main motive of biotope selection and of migrations. DLC. 88327. KALELA, 0., and others. Zur Charakteristik der Umwelt des Waldlemmings. (Suomalainen ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo. Tiedonannot 1963. v. 18 suppl., p. 29-37, tables.) In German. Other authors: E. A. Lind and U. Skaren. Title tr.: The nature of the wood lemming's environment. Detailed description of the habitats, including the vegetation, with lists of species and those used as food. Vertical layers of the vegetation: trees, shrubs, mosses and lichens are considered, as is choice of habitat, mainly determined by DLC. food available. KALENKOVICH, E. E., see No. 89681. KALININ, ID. D., see No. 84805. 88328. KALININ, P. D. K 85-letifil so dna rozhdenifa i 60-letird nauchnol, pedagogicheskol i obshchestvennol deatternosti Aleksandra Aleksandrovicha Chemova. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1962. no. 3, p. 5-14.) In Russian. Title tr.: The 85th anniversary of the birthday of Aleksandr Aleksandro-
vich Chernov and his 60 years of scientific teaching and social activity. Reviews the main work of this wellknown geologist who had an important part in the investigation in Komi ASSR. His 122 publications and 23 articles about DLC. him are listed. 88329. KALINKIN, M. M. Eveslogchorrskaa sons. smatifft v Khibinskom shchelochnom massive. (In: Akademia nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Magmatizm i geologifil 1963, p. 61-71, maps, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Eveslogehorr crush zone in the Khibiny massif. Describes this zone of faulting and brec, ciation in rocks extending 20 km between Yukspor mountain and Koashkar mountain. By tectonic transformation and recrystallization of foyaites and rischorrites, there emerged gneissic rischorrites, recrystallized nepheline syenites, and schistose rocks. All are described, noting their texture, mineral composition, and other features. Time and effects of tectonic deformation are outlined. DGS. 88330. KALINOV, I. Tam, gde nachinaetsfa, utro strany. (Na rubezhe 1956. v. 17, no. 2, p. 140-49, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Where the morning starts. Sketch of Chukotka and its aborigines: Chukchis, Eskimos, Yukaghirs, and Eveny Tungus. Its resources and their use, fur trade, sea-mammal hunting and reindeer husbandry, the kolkhoz and sovkhoz economy are noted, as is the introduction of dairy and fur farming. Progress in education, medical services, bone-carving industry, living standard, etc are discussed. Vrangelya Island is described, its exploration, settlement of Chukchi fur hunters from Pioner collective in 1948, introduction of reindeer, the Chukchi-Eskimo kolkhoz set up in 1955. DLC. 88331. KALITA, A. P. Osobennosti mineralizaaii granitnykh pegmatitov redkozemel'nogo :lade vostochnol chasti Baltitskogo shchita. (Moskva. Inst. mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov. Novye dannye po geologii Moskva 1965. p. 266-304, tables, graphs, map, illus.) 48 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of the mineralization of granite pegmatites of rare earth series in the eastern part of the Baltic shield. Distinguishes three tectonic regions in the eastern part of the shield: Kola, White Sea area, and northern Karelia. Rockforming minerals of granite pegmatites are noted. Special attention is given to the
rare elements of the following groups: cerium, yttrium, titanium-tantalum and niobium, uranium and thorium, zirconium and beryllium. All these minerals are described and chemical analyses given. DLC. 88332. KALITA, A. P. Redkozemel'nye pegmatity Alakurtti i Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1961. 119 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. 55 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Rare earth pegmatites of the Alakurtti and the Lake Ladoga region. Characterizes the geologic structure of the Alakurtti-Kayta Tundra region in the southwestern part of Murmansk Province. Quartz-plagioclase-microcline pegmatites of this region are described noting their formation, zonality, rare metal mineralization and other features. Mineralogy of pegmatites is treated by describing the rock-forming, secondary and accessory Geochemistry of some rare minerals. elements is outlined: scandium, zirconium and hafnium, tantalum, beryllium, lithium and rubidium. DLC. 88333. KAL/OZBNYI, V. A. Faaii metamorficheskikh slanfeev, proiskhozhdenie i izmenenie ikh akfisessornykh titanovykh mineralov, na primere Timanskogo krfazha. (AkademilA nauk SSSR. Izvestil 1965, ser. geol. no. 12, p. 20-41, tables, illus.) 39 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Facies of metamorphosed schists, origin and alteration of their accessory titanium minerals, as exemplified in the Timan Range. Reports study of metamorphic titanium schists and placers containing rutile leucoxene in a region of southern Timan. From detailed petrographic and mineralogic investigations, the origin and alteration of titanium minerals are outlined in concrete geologic conditions. Titanium-bearing schists are of interest in the search for titanium placers of Riphean age. Leucoxenization of titanium minerals depends upon the hydrogeochemical conditions and tectonic regime of the locality. DLC. KALLIO, A., see Nos. 84952, 84954. 88334. KALLIO, P. The Kevo Subarctic Research Station of the University of Turku. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1984. ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 32, p. 9-40, tables, maps, illus.) Approx. 110 refs. Outlines the development of this research center from 1954-55 when the Turku Zoological and Botanical Society associated with Turku Univ organized field trips to Finnish Lapland. The station was estab, 596
lished in 1957 at 69°45' N 27° E on Lake Kevojitrvi primarily for research in biology; a first-class meteorological station and a laboratory for seismological work were added subsequently. General aspects of the region, fjeld, are described: the birch zone, topography, geology and vegetation, as are the immediate vicinity of the station, and Kevo Nature Park 346 km2 in area, which was established nearby in 1959. Climate is briefly characterized, with tables of monthly temp and precipitation. Planned research at Kevo is outlined, and the status of knowledge reviewed in botany (vascular plants, fungi, lichens, mosses and algae) and zoology. The facilities and equipment are described and illus, as are typical landscape features. This account by the Director and 24 papers which follow it comprise the first Report of the Kevo Subarctic Research Station (358 p). CaMAI. 88335. KALLIO, P., and E. KANKAINEN. Notes on the macromycetes of Finnish Lapland and adjacent Finnmark. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 32, p. 178-235, map, illus.) Approx. 62 refs. Reviews the earlier (insufficient) literature, and presents a comprehensive study of these fungi except for those agarics not yet identified. Some two hundred species are recorded with notes on locations of finds, habitat, records from other areas, appearance of fruiting body (with numerous photographs), dates of collection, and frequency. CaMAI. 88336. KALLIO, P. Turun Yliopiston tutkimusasema Kevo. (Lapin tutkimusseura. Vuosikirja 1965. v. 6, p. 35-44, maps, illus.) 7 refs. In Finnish. English summary. Title tr.: Turku University research station Kevo. Describes the station which has four laboratories, lecture room, and library and accommodates about 40 people. Floristic and faunistic mapping programs have been carried out; the regular meteorological, seismological and other geophysical observations are made by a three-man staff and results are pub as Reports from the Kevo Sub-Arctic Research Station in Annales Universitalis Turkuensis, ser A. CaMAI. 88337. KALMAN, B. Die bejahende Antwort in den obugrischen Sprachen. (Finnisch-ugrische Forschungen 1965. v. 35, no. 3, p. 189-217.) Refs. In German. Title tr.: Positive answer in Ob-Ugric languages.
Study of Ostyak and Vogul sentence structure based on folkloristic texts. Some 300 examples are cited. DLC. 88338. KALMAN, B. Semantisches and Stilistisches bei den russischen Lehnwortern der wogulischen Sprache. (In: Congressus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum ...1963, p. 181-83.) Refs. In German. Title tr.: Semantic and stylistic changes of Russian loanwords in Vogul. Some 600 borrowings from Russian within the last three centuries can be considered true loanwords, i.e. subjected to the linguistic laws of Vogul: changes in meaning and grammatical functions are discussed. Fewer than 14% of these words are common to all four Vogul dialects, hardly any appear in traditional folk poetry. The extensive Russian terminology introduced in recent decades should be classed as foreign words as they retain Russian spelling, morphology, and semantic use. DLC. 88339. KALMAN, B. Vogul chrestomathy. Bloomington, Ind. 1965. 139 p. tables, map, illus. (Indiana Univ. Uralic and Altaic ser. v. 46.) Over 200 refs. English version of Chrestomathia Vogulica, Budapest 1963. Phonetic and morphological outline of the literary language, based on the northern or Sos'va River dialect spoken by the majority of Voguls. Thirty-two transliterated texts including eight poems by fUvan Shestalov, a glossary of some 1800 words, and the music of three songs are included. DLC. 88340. KALMYKOV, E. S. 0 strukture sevemoI chasti areala Anopheles maculipennit+ Messeae. (Mediininskala parazitologilk i parazitarnye bolezni 1958. v. 27, no. 1, p. 62-67, tables, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: Structure of the northern area of distribution of Anopheles maculipennis Messeae. Describes a climatic-hydrological zone of irregular reproduction of this malaria mosquito, and north of this a zone of its occasional reproduction in the northwestern Arctic. In three localities of the first zone, which includes Arkhangel'sk, endemic, malaria amounts some 25% of all cases; in the second zone no local infections occur. DLC. 88341. KALMYKOVA, M. A. Biostratigraficheskoe raschlenenie po foraminiferam nizhnepermskikh otlozhenil basselna reki Pinegi. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 163, no. 5, p. 1221-24, table.)
7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biostratigraphic division of Lower Permian deposits of the Pinega River basin according to the foraminifera. Reports a 1960-1962 study of the forams. The Lower Permian deposits are divided into six parts, four assigned to the Assel' ( = Wolfcampian) stage and the others to the Sakmarian. Each is described noting composition, thickness and forams. DLC. 88342. KALSHNIKOV, N. V. 0 rasprostranenii roda Podtsheremia, brakhiopody. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvesti1 1965. no. 10, p. 102-103.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On distribution of Podtsheremia genus; brachiopods. Reports study of Lower Carboniferous brachiopods of the middle Pechora. A new genus Podtsheremia distinguished by author is described, it belongs to fam Spiriferidae. Its distribution in Europe, Kazakhstan, England and other areas is noted. DLC. 88343. KALUtY1CISKI, S. Nekotorye voprosy mongol'skikh zaimstvovanil v fakutskom fasyke. (Akadeinifa nauk SSSR. akutskil filial. Inst. fazyka, lit-ry i istorii. Trudy 1961. no. 3, p. 5-21.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some problems concerning Mongolian loanwords in Yakut. Comparative phonetic and lexicological study. Mongolian loanwords were probably introduced through Buryat after about 1300 AD. DLC. KALVAITIS, A., see No. 87285. 88344. KAMCHATSKOE LITERATURNOE OB"EDINENIE. Kamchatka v proizvedenitakh mestnykh prozaikov i pot.tov. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy 1963. 119 p. illus. In Russian. Title, etc. tr.: Kamchatka Literary Association. Kamchatka in the works of local writers and poets. Collection of about thirty poems, essays and travel tales by aboriginals and Russians, describing the Koryak and Tungus way of life. A biographical sketch of the first Koryak writer, Kecsal Kekketyn, born 1918, is also included. DLC. 88345. KAMENEV, E. A. Treshchinnata tektonika Khibinskogo shchelochnogo massiva. (In: AkademiR nauk SSSR. Keskil filial. Magmatizm i geologila ... 1963, p. 36-44, map, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fracturing tectonics of the Khibiny alkaline massif. Reports results of fracturing patterns of this massif as studied in 1957-1960. Sys-
terns of fracturing, their density, morphology, dimensions, and connection with veins are explained and expressed in diagrams, e.g. for massive khibinites, trachytoid khibinites, rischorrites, ijolite-urtites, nepheline syenites and foyaites. Morphologic features of radial, concentric, horizontal, diagonal, transversal and other fractures are characterized. The role of fracturing tectonics in the distribution of veins and dikes is briefly noted. Veins of nephelinesyenites and pegmatites are usually bound to a horizontal system of fracturing. DGS. KAMENIf8ER, L. S., see No 84836. 88346. KAMENSKII, R. M. Eksperimental'nye issledovanifii teplovogo yzaimodelstvila vodoprovodov s merzlymi gruntami. (In: AkademiEt nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Teplovye procsessy v merzlykh ... 1964, p. 86-99, tables, graphs, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Experimental investigation of the thermal interaction of water pipes and frozen ground. Reports study of regularities of nonstationary heat exchange between underground water lines and ground when flow begins and during periods of run in the line. Parameters measured were: natural temperature field of the ground, temperature field of the ground around the pipe in four thermometric sections, air temperature 2 m above ground, water temperature at the inlet, points along the line, outlet, and distribution points, also thickness of the snow cover and moisture, heat conductivity and capacity, and weight by volume of the ground in four sectors along the line. Results of these measurements are given and discussed. A formula is derived for the max time (in hr) permissible to suspend flow in the line under these conditions. DLC. 88347. KAMENSKII, R. M. Issledovanie teplovogo vzaimodeTstvifit periodicheski rabotaashchikh truboprovodov s merzlymi gruntami. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanifa ... 1962 pub. 1963. v. 3, p. 99-108, table, graphs, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: An investigation of thermal interaction between periodically operating conduits and frozen ground. Works out thermal calculus for heat losses in water system pipes operating under periodically changing thermal and hydraulic regimes. Heat losses of the conduit during the starting period, and heat exchange when water is at standstill in the pipe are con-
sidered. Freezing of the talik formed in the frozen ground during the running-water period was found to depend on the diameter of the pipe, and on the ratio of the ground depth of the pipe to its radius. Formulas CaONA. for heat losses are given. 88348. KAMENSKII, R. M. Teploobmen pri zapolnenii vodoprovoda ulozhennogo v merzlyl grunt. (In: Akademie nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Proaessy teplo- i massoobmena ... 1965, p. 94-97.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Heat exchange in filling water conduits laid in frozen ground. Calculates an adjustment coefficient K1 for the specific value of heat losses K kcal/m2 x hr x degree, in the full length of water line in frozen ground. From own experiments at —9 to —13° C ground temp, 100-200 mm pipe diam, 15 to 25° water input temp, and 9.9 to 1.8° C output at the end of the line, author recommends 0.2 to 0.3 for the coefficient K1. DLC. 88349. KAMINER, N. S., and others. The cosmic-ray burst of 4 May 1960. p. 235-66 in NASA technical translation: NASA TT F-127, 1964, available from CFSTI, Springfield, Va. 22151. Other authors: IA. L. Blokh and L. I. Dorman. English translation of No 79849. DLC. 88350. KAMINER, N. S., and others. The magnetic storm in mid-May 1959 and the variations of cosmic rays. p. 89-131 in NASA technical translation: NASA TT F127, 1964, available from CFSTI, Springfield, Va. 22151. Other authors: L. I. Dorman and L. Blokh. English translation of No 72637. DLC.
88351. KAMPP, Aa. H. Fireavl i GrOnland. (Geografisk tidsskrift 1964. v. 63, no. 1, p. 82-98, map, graphs, table.) 10 refs. In Danish. English summary. Title tr.: Sheep raising in Greenland. Modern sheep farming was started in Greenland in 1906, a state sheep breeding station opened at Julianehab in 1915 and moved to Uperniviarsuk in 1956. The station has a training scheme for breeders and also acts in a consultative capacity. In 1963 there were about 30,000 ewes and 25,000 lambs in the district. The yield of wool is only 2 kg/head/yr and animals are kept mainly for their meat. Some 15,000 sheep and lambs are slaughtered annually. It is estimated that the approx 600,000 hectares of natural grazing area in southwest Greenland could support 60,000 ewes. Some 600 hectares of arable in additional
winter fodder would be required however, although dehydrated seaweed and fish are also used. At present only 70 hectares are thus cultivated. DLC. 88352. KAMSHILINA, E. M., and V. S. TROFIMOV. Vtoroe soveshchanie po geologii rossypnykh mestorozhdenil polesnykh iskopaemykh. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Izvestia 1964, ser. geol. no. 8, p. 107-112.) In Russian. Title tr.: The second conference on the geology of placer mineral deposits. Reviews this conference of 12-17 Feb 1964 in Moscow, with about 300 participants representing 74 scientific organizations. Most of the 59 papers on placers of gold, diamond, titanium, etc are briefly reviewed incl those concerning placers of Chukotka, Kolyma, Indigirka, Yakutia, and other arctic areas. The conference was also reported in Geologies i geofizika 1964, no. 7, p. 132-36; GeologiCa rudnykh mestorozhdenii 1964.. v. 6, no. 3, p. 113-16; Sovetskaia geologila 1964, no. 8, p. 165-70; and in DitologiQ i poleznye iskopaemye 1964, no. 5, p. 122-25. DLC. 88353. KAMSHILOV, M. M., and others. Gidrologicheskie, gidrokhimicheskie i biologicheskie osobennosti pribrezhnykh vod Mtumana v 1956 g. i prichiny izmenenil v raspredelenii promyslovykh ryb. (In: Akademifft nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Gidrologicheskie i biologicheskie ... 1961, p. 3-38, tables, graphs, map, illus.) 30 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N. V. Mironova, E. N. Chernovskafil, E. A. Zelikman, V. V. Gerasimov, 0. F. Kondraaova, M. F. Pozdnfakov, M. I. Roukhifalnen, I. A. Sviridov, R. a. fSeeb, and A. D. Chinarina. Title tr.: Hydrological hydrochemical and biological characteristics of the Murman coastal waters in 1956 and the causes of change in the distribution of commercial fishes. Describes the severe weather conditions of 1956 and 1955 as compared with the preceding decade and the effect on water temperatures and plankton development, and upon the size, weight, and age composition of herring, capelin, haddock and cod. Index of food in the stomachs is given; size, concentration of shoals, and condition DLC. of the fisheries are reported. 88354. KAMSHILOV, M. M. Kratkie itogi raboty Murmanskogo morskogo biologicheskogo institute i zadachi dal'nelshikh (Akademifa, nauk SSSR. issledovanil. Murmanskil morskol biologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. no. 5(9), p. 3-15.) 4 refs. In
Russian. Title tr.: Brief summary of activities of the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute and aims of future investigations. The Institute*, consists of seven laboratories with 28 scientists, and the activities of its three main phases are reviewed: those prior to 1953,1953-1958, and those to date. The first covered principally the Muroran littoral; the following expanded activities into the White and Barents Seas. Support in developing fisheries is the main goal. Research phases and their leading scientists and work are detailed. DLC. 88355. KAMSHILOV, M. M. Materialy o biology Pseudocalanus elongalus Boeck Barenaeva i Belogo morel. (In: Akademi1 nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Gidrologicheskie i biologicheskie ... 1961, p. 109-126, tables, graphs.) 22 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Materials on the biology of Pseudocalanus elongatus Boeck in the Barents and White Seas. Account based on regular and frequent collections at different locations of this planktonic crustacean very common in these and in other circumpolar seas. Seasonal cycle of reproduction and numbers, fertility of the females and their size variation are reported. Horizontal and vertical distribution in the area is described, as is the diurnal fluctuation of frequency in DLC. the upper water layer. 88356. KAMSHILOV, M. M. Prichiny mnogoletnikh izmenenil fauny i biologicheskol produktivnosti BarerLeva moril (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Okeanograficheskafa komissifa. Trudy 1960. v. 10, no. 4, p. 42-47, table.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Causes of long-term changes in the fauna and biological productivity of the Barents Sea. Reviews the assessable causes as determined in the past generation, especially in the last decade. Warming of the North Atlantic and the resulting increase in plankton and biomass, changes in biogenic chemicals of the coastal waters, fish migrations as affected by these factors are considered, as are the effects of fishing. DLC. KAMYSHNAa, M. S., see No. 91874. KAN, R. V., see No. 87223. 88357. KANAEV, N. P. Russko-ffikutskie literaturnye svrazi. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 215 p. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Russian-Yakut literary ties. *See Stanka: Institutions of the USSR active in arctic research ... Washington AINA 1983. p. 42.
Discusses Russian interest in Yakutia as reflected in the literature of 1820-1917. The works of the Decembrists, Russian populists, socialists, and other political exiles and their influence on the formation of Yakut literature are outlined, as is the start of a local press and newspapers in Russian after the 1905 Revolution. Work of the fathers of Yakut literature (Kulakovski!, Sofronov, Neustroev, and Chernykh) is analyzed, stressing their dependence on DLC. Russian literature. 88358. KANAEVA, I. P. 0 kolichestvennom raspredelenii planktona Atlanticheskogo okeana. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1965. v. 57, p. 333-43, maps, sections.) 43 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Quantitative plankton distribution in the Atlantic Ocean. Reports on investigations carried out by a standard method at standard layers down to 500 m during the IGY and till 1962. Results are presented on both horizontal and vertical planes. In the Arctic, the Greenland-Norway basin and the southeastern coast of Greenland showed the DLC. richest plankton. 88359. KANDALAKSHSKII GOSUDARSTVENNYI ZAPOVEDNIK. Raboty SevernoT omitologiche3ke stan&ii. (Its: Trudy 1960. v. 3, p. 118-20, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Activities of the Northern Ornithological Station. Reports on activities during 1954-1958 over the White Sea and some areas of the Barents Sea, concerning species composition of the migrant birds, direction and speed of migration, weather, etc. DLC. 88360. KANDALAKSHSKII GOSUDARSTVENNYI ZAPOVEDNIK. Spisok rabot, vypolnennykh v Kandalakshskom zapovednike i v zapovednike "Sem' Ostrovov." (Its: Trudy 1960. v. 3, p. 263-66.) In Russian. Title tr.: List of investigations conducted on the Kandalaksha and Sem' Ostrovov preserves. Lists (by author) over a hundred papers pub since 1939. Marine vertebrates including birds are best represented. DLC. 88361. KANEDA, E., and others. Auroral radar echoes associated with pe-5. (Japan. Science Council. Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan 1964. v. 18, no. 3, p. 165-72, tables, graphs.) 5 refs. Other authors: S. Kokubun, T. Oguti, and T. Nagata. Studies the characteristics of auroral BOO
radar echoes (ARE) associated with geomagnetic continuous regular pulsations po-5 over Alaska. Data for the number of the pc-5 with or without ARE, and the occurrence frequency of ARE of the split, shifting split, and continuous types associated with pc-5 are given for Pt Barrow, College, Kotzebue, and Farewell. Radar echo is concentrated in the auroral zone in the morning hours, and in the afternoon rather widely distributed in latitude. In the morning the radar echoes are usually observed between Pt Barrow and College, where the polarization of the geomagnetic field change is counter-clockwise in the morning and clockwise in the afternoon on the equatorial side of the northern auroral zone. It is suggested that the ARE are caused by precipitation of energetic charged particles, resulting from the hydromagnetie oscillation in the magnetosphere and producing po-5 at high latitudes. DLC. HANEY, A. I., see No. 86668. HANG, B. S., see No. 88362. 88362. HANG, D. H., and others. Energy metabolism and body temperature of the ama. (Journal of applied physiology 1965. v. 20, no. 1, p. 46-50, tables, graphs.) 16 refs. Other authors: P. K. Kim, B. S. Kang, S. H. Song and S. K. Hong. Reports a comprehensive study which revealed that the extra energy spent in diving amounts to some 1000 kcal/day, in both summer and winter. The caloric intake of these women divers is 3000 kcal/ day in both seasons, exceeding by 1000 kcal/day non-diving controls. Physical fitness of the ama is excellent throughout the year, exceeding that of controls. DLC. 88363. KANIVEFS, S. V. K istorii drevnego metallurgicheskogo proizvodstva na Severnom UraIe. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvesti1 1964. no. 9, p. 108-111.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ancient metallurgy in the northern Urals. Presents spectral analyses of 27 bronze age objects from the Kanin and Un'ya caves in the upper Pechora basin. Most of them are of bronze with high tin, tin-arsenic, or lead content. Copper deposits at the confluence of the Sotchem-Iol' and Ilych are considered a likely source of ore. DLC. 88364. KANIVEn, V. I. Arkheologicheskie nakhodki puteshestvennika Vladimira Rusanova. (Istoriko-filologicheskil sbornik 1963. no. 8, p. 74-80, illus.) 13 refs. In
Russian. Title tr.: Archeological finds of the explorer Vladimir Rusanov. Describes artifacts, now in the Vologda Regional Museum, discovered in 19021903, some in a cave near Sed'yu village, Ukhta District, and some in the so-called "Chud pits" near Aranets, Pechora District. The cave was probably a sacrificial site; it contained votive offerings, mostly flint arrow points, of the bronze age and later. The pit finds consisted of burial gifts, mainly metal ornaments of 12-14th centuries AD. They belonged to the controversial Pechera people, variously identified as Nenets-Samoyeds, Zyryans, and lately as a tribe of Paleosiberian origin (No. DLC. 80535). 88365. KANIVEfS, V. I. Drevnie poselenifa ravniny. (Materialy po arkheologii Evropefskogo SeveroVostoka 1965. no. 3, p. 3-100, maps, illus.) Approx. 38 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ancient settlements in the South Pechora valley. Deals with 1963 fieldwork in an area to be flooded by the northern river diversion to the Caspian Sea. Over sixty sites between Ust'-Ilych and Ust'-Voya, approx 62°30'64°30' N, were surveyed by an archeological party of the Academy of Sciences' Komi Branch. The geology and cultural remains are described for each site with drawings of major tool and pottery types. Economic conditions of successive eras are discussed, with a reconstruction of culture sequences. Initial occupation by hunting bands from the upper Volga possibly 8th millennium BC; mesolithic then neolithic cultures with microlithic tools 5-4th millennia; bronze age, in the early 2nd millennium BC with dentate pottery ornamentation similar to the Severnaya Dvina basin assemblages; iron age sites of the 8th BC to early centuries AD (surveyed in 1963-1964) show a uniform culture from the Vychegda to the lower Ob including all the Pechora River and Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Remains from the Middle Ages include no fortified villages. Regional fieldwork also reported by G. M. Burov, V. E. Luzgin, DLC. V. S. Stokolos, qqv. 88366. KANIVETI, V. I. Kaninskafa peshchera. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 136 p. maps, tables, illus. Approx. 200 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Kanin cave. Describes bronze and iron age artifacts of the late second millennium BC-13th century AD recovered in 1960 in a cave on Kanin Nos, a promontory on the upper Pechora, some 47 km above the mouth of
the Un'ya River. The stratified site is a cave sanctuary frequented by Ugrian peoples, mainly the Pechera tribe. Cult objects, ornaments, pottery, coins, arrow points, and sacrificial animal and human bones are noted. Ostyak and Vogul religious practices, use of caves, etc are dealt with. The ethnic history of the Cis-Ural and Pechora regions and the racial affiliation of the Pechera or Pechora, an ancestral component group of the Zyryans, are discussed. DLC. 88367. KANIVEfg, V. I. Stocanka rAke-I, panAtnik Lebfezhskoi kul'tury na Srednel Pechore. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestifi 1965. no. 10, p. 136-42, map, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Yake-I, a Lebyazhskaya culture site on the Middle Pechora. Describes the stratigraphy and inventory of an archeological site on the left bank of the Pechora River near Yake village. Two test digs in 1963 revealed a hearth pit, sherds, flint tools and flakes. The site was dated to the late second—early first millennium BC from the late bronze age pottery and named after a representative site near Lebyazhskaya village. DLC. K.ANIVEfS, V. I., see also Nos. 87837, 87638. KANKAINEN, E., see No. 88335. KANTEMIROVA, P. L., see No. 88575. KANTO, W. P., Jr., see No. 87236. 88368. KANYGIN, A. V. Cherskiella i Maraphonia, novye ostrakody iz nizhnego ordovika Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (Paleontologicheskil zhurnal 1965, no. 1, p. 73-83, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cherskiella and Maraphonia, new ostracods from the Lower Ordovician of northeastern USSR. Presents a systematic description of these two new genera and seven species collected in 1962-1963 in the Omulevka Mts, in the southeastern part of the Cherakogo Range. Ch. notabilis, Ch. bigibba, Ch. sulcata, Ch. inflata, M. planilobata, M. brevilobata, and M. imperfecla are described and illus. DLC. 88369. KANYGIN, A. V. Novye aredneordovikakie ostrakody semetstva Tetradellidae na Severo-Vostoke SSSR. (Paleontologicheskil zhurnal 1965, no. 3, p. 59-72, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New Middle Ordovician ostracods of fain. Tetradellidae in northeastern USSR.
Presents systematic description of seven new species of gen Egorovella established by V. A. Ivanova, and two new species of gen Egorovellina. They were found in the Selennyakhskiy Range and the Omulevka DLC. Mts. KANYGIN, A. V., see also Nos. 91761, 91762. 88370. KAPCHENKO, L. N. K voprosu o genezise glubinnykh rassolov Sibirskol platformy. (Geokhimifi 1964, no. 11, p. 118292.) 28 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Genesis of the abyssal brines of the Siberian platform. Describes highly mineralized (to 500-687 gm/I) chloride-magnesium-calcium and chloride-calcium brines discovered at 1000-3000 m depth in the southern part of the Siberian platform by deep drillings. Genesis of these brines is discussed. Possibly they originated in potassium-magnesia salts of the CamDLC. brian saline basin. KAPLAR, C. W., see No. 89325. 88371. KAPLIN, M. Beyond the polar circle. (North 1964. v. 11, no. 1, p. 7-8.) Describes work of the Khibiny experiment station in Kola Peninsula in acclimatization and development of northern plant species; its experiments with grasses, potatoes, vegetables, berries, and grain. Its reorganization as the Kirovsk Polar Experiment Station of the Institute of CaMAI. Plant-Growing is noted. 88372. KAPLINA, T. N. Kriogennye sklonovye prorsessy. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 296 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Approx. 800 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cryogenic slope processes. Presents a comprehensive outline of the cryogenic processes of slopes based on evaluation of a numerous Soviet and foreign literature. In three parts, the book deals first with general patterns of development of these processes, with special attention to the understanding of solifluction and its mechanism. The main factors affecting cryogenic processes of slopes are characterized. Cryogenic forms of relief developed on slopes are considered in pt 2 and solifluction deposits are analyzed. Finally the distribution of solifluctional and other slope cryogenic phenomena on the earth's surface are treated in some detail. Most attention is given to the Arctic and Subarctic: Canada, Alaska, Greenland, Svalbard and all Soviet arctic areas are reviewed. Antarctic and mountain areas of temperate and tropical DLC. climate are also noted.
88373. ICAPLcUlt, L. F. Kharakteristika gleevo-slabopodzolistykh pochv Obskol lesotundry v ralone goroda Salekharda. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severs. Trudy 1963. v. 11, p. 173-80, tables.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Characteristics of slightly podsolic gley soils in the Ob forest tundra in the vicinity of Salekhard. Reports results of a study by the Yamal agricultural station on the right bank of the Ob in an area of uninterrupted permafrost. Data are tabulated on the chemical composition of six horizons of 70-140 cm deep surface layers in birch thin foresttundra, lichen—moss—brush tundra, and arable land in the second and 18th year of cultivation. DNAL. KAPLON, M. F., see No. 85275. KAPP, H. E., see No. 91894. 88374. KAPUSTIN, I. N., and A. V. KAPUSTINA. Odna iz vozmozhnykh prichin pribornykh oshibok neltronnogo monitors. (In: Vses. soveshchanie po kosmofizicheskomu napravIeniill issl. kosmicheskikh luchel 1962. Kosmicheskie luchi 1965, p. 283-85, graphs, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: A possible cause of instrumental errors in the neutron monitor. Notes the statistical scatter of readings on a standard neutron monitor at the Polar Geophysical Institute at Apatity, a scatter much above the Poisson distribution. The oxidation film formed on the high voltage contacts and the central electrodes of the counters was found to cause this excessive scatter. Soldering the counters corrected the defect. DLC. 88375. KAPUSTIN, I. N. Vidirnal . zapis' intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luchel mnogotochechnym avtomaticheskim potenaiometrom. (In: Vses. soveshchanie po kosmofizicheskomu napravlenifa issl. kosmicheskikh lucheT 1962. Kosmicheskie luchi ...1965, p. 286-88, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Visible recording of cosmic ray intensity with a multiple-point automatic potentiometer. Describes an improved model of the EPP-09 2.5 sec electron potentiometer at the cosmic ray station of the Polar Geophysical Institute at Apatity. DLC. 88376. KAPUSTIN, it L. Norsetit, pervela nakhodka v SSSR (Aks.demifil nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 161, no. 4, p. 922-24, tables.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Norsethite, first find in the USSR.
Notes this mineral first discovered in 1958 in the Green River formation, Wyoming and described by C. Milton and others in 1959, and the Russian find of 1960 in the Vuori-Yarvi Lake region, Kola Peninsula. Norsethite is described, its mode of occurrence, optical properties, chemical composition: Ba Mg (CO3)2, and other features reported. Comparison is made with norsethite from Wyoming. DLC. 88377. KAPUSTIN, III. L. 0 sul'fidnol mineralizaaii v karbonatitakh Kol'skogo poluostrova. (In: Moskva. Inst. mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh Olementov. Petrologifa . 1965, p. 246-62, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Sulfide mineralization in carbonatites of the Kola Peninsula. Reports a study in the Kovdor, Vuoriyarvi and Sallanlatvinskiy ultrabasic alkaline massifs. Carbonatites are divided into early and late genetic types according to their geological, mineralogical and geochemical properties. Sulfide mineralization is characteristic for late carbonatites, and in some of the massifs may be of industrial importance. In the Kola Peninsula, it is most widespread in the Vuoriyarvi massif and pyrrhotite and pyrite are present. DLC. KAPUSTINA, A. V., see No. 88374. 88378. KARACHENT1EV, S. G., and others. Novye dannye o stratigrafii metamorficheskikh tolshch osevol polosy Polfarnogo Urals. (Moskovskoe o-vo ispytatelel prirody. BIillleten' 1964. otd. geol. v. 39, no. 1, p. 49-56, table, map.) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: M. E. Moldavanaev and A. S. Perfirev. Title tr.: New data on the metamorphic strata in the axial zone of the Polar Ural. Analyzes these strata of rocks of the Kharbey anticlinorium. They lack faunal remains and their age is judged variously by different investigators. The rocks are divided into two large series, Longotyuganskaya and Khanmeyskaya, which are described as subdivided into smaller stratiDLC. graphic units. KARAEVA, Z. S., see No. 91946. 88379. KARAGODINA, E. M. Kratkovremennye ledfanye obrazovanifa na poverkhnosti pochvy v ralonakh Kralnego Severa. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geografii pblfarnykh stran i Problemy paleogeografii ... 1964, p. 55-67, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Short-term ice formations on the surface of soils in regions of the extreme North.
Reports occurrences of rime, glaze, icecovered ground, stalk-like ice and other short-lived ice formations as observed in Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra and known also in the Khibiny massif, Polar Ural, Tinian, Chukotka and other regions. These ice formations on the surface of soils are mostly associated with cyclonic activity and mountainous regions. Their forms are described in some detail and illus. Their mode and time of occurrence, days of duration, and other features are analyzed. Their negative effects on the vegetation are noted. DLC. KARAGUIr LAN, E. A., see No. 85972. 88380. KARAPETOV, A. M., and others. K voprosy o metodike proektirovanifa promyshlennol razvedki Ust'-Balykskogo mestorozhdenifa. (Neftegazovafa geologifa i geofizika 1964, no. 3, p. 17-20, map, profile.) Ref. In Russian. Other authors: L. M. Bogdanova and I. E. Nosenkov. Title tr.: Methods of planning industrial search of the Ust'-Balyk deposits. Reports an exploration made in 1962: the seismic survey and structure of the region, objectives in Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic deposits, estimates of industrial oil, siting the drilling operations. DLC. KARASEV, B. E., see No. 91468. 88381. KARAM, A. M., and M. KH. RUBINCHIK. K voprosu o primenimosti prfamogo sposoba ucheta variaGil pri aeromagnitnol s"emke v Arkticheskom basseine. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regional'nafa geologifa no. 4, p. 195-211, tables, graphs.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of a direct method for computing variations in an aeromagnetic survey of the Arctic Basin. Presents a thorough-going appraisal of the reliability of this method using standard magnetometers under conditions of stations on drifting ice. Methods of earlier investigators are briefly reviewed and results of own work of 1961-1962 at magnetic variation stations set up on ice floes are analyzed. The values obtained reflect the summary effect of the permanent and transitory fields. Some defects in the design of the apparatus prevent detailed evaluation of variations. Certain linear dependence of the mean-square differences in variation upon the activity levels is revealed, it seems, from the data obtained at two of these stations. The corrections obtained using three stations, in carrying the aeromagnetic survey
are of very poor quality; also the direct method for calculating variation using some magnetic devices, may be of questionable value. The indirect method may be of value however, on account of technical and theoretical difficulties present in the arctic region. DLC. 88382. KARASIK, A. M., and V. D. DIE3NER. Magnitnye svolstva gornykh porod Zemli Franasa-Iosifa. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regionarnafi geologiEt. no. 6, p. 145-54, tables, graphs, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Magnetic properties of the rocks of Franz Joseph Land. Outlines the geologic-petrographic characteristics of the region and distribution of the principal rocks. Main attention is given to rocks collected in 1953 and 1956-1957, of which 337 samples were analyzed. Data on the magnetic susceptibility and intensity of residual magnetization are given. According to magnetization, two groups of rocks in the archipelago are recognized: the igneous and pyroclastic rocks with a basic composition of basalts and tuffs, and the sedimentary rocks: sandstones, aleurites, etc. Both groups are treated in some detail and numerous examples given. DLC. 88383. KARASIK, A. M. Statisticheskie metody resheniO, nekotorykh zadach aeromagnitnol s"emki. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regionarnafa geologifa no. 2, p. 206-209.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Statistical methods for the solution of some problems of an aeromagnetic survey. Discusses in some detail, scale selection in conducting efficient aeromagnetic surveys, discrepancies present in aeromagnetic profiles, evaluation of transient geomagnetic variations, and the occurrence depth of a magnetic body. For these four problems, the application of the correlation junction method is recommended. It is assumed that the scale of an aeromagnetic survey should be relatively small, in comparison with that of land magnetic surveys, for obtaining the best results. DLC. KARASIK, A. M., see also Nos. 86469, 89276. 88384. KARASIK, T. G., and S. S. GE1RO. Rezul'taty kompleksnykh bituminologicheskikh issledovanil razreza opornol skvazhiny Ust'-Usa. (Neftegazovafil geologifa i geofizika 1965, no. 8, p. 35-38, tables, sections.) In Russian. Title tr.: Result of composite bitumen investigations in the cross-section of the Ust'-Usa test well.
Reports the chemical composition of bitumen studied in the 1047.7-1345.5 m level where oil-saturated rocks were found. Bitumens were extracted by chloroform and by spirit-benzol. Group composition of the bitumens and the individual components are tabulated and interpreted. Increase in content of methane-naphthenic hydrocarbons upwards from the section and decrease of asphaltenes in the same direction are noted. DLC. KARATAEV, G. I., see No. 87070. 88385. KARAVAEV, M. N. Dva novykh khvolnykh Cathaya jacutica M. i Pinta sukaczewii M. iz tretichnykh otlozhenil tientrarnoT IAkutii. (Moskovskoe o-vo ispytatelel prirody. Trudy 1960. v. 3, p. 127-30, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Two new coniferous species Cathaya jacutica M. and Pin= sukaczeurii M. from Tertiary deposits of central Yakutia. Describes and illus cones of these extinct conifers, discovered in 1954 by R. A. Bidzhiev in the Aldan River valley in sandstone along with many other cones, butternuts, etc characteristic of the Neogene. DLC.. 88386. KARAVAEV, M. N., and L. A. DOBRET-8OVA. Kratkil ocherk rastitel'nosti doliny reki Nery v ee nizhnem techenii, basseln verkhnel Indigirki. (Botanicheskil zhurnal 1964. v. 49, no. 11, p. 1544-59, illus.) 18 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: A brief outline of the vegetation of the lower Nera River valley, upper Indigirka basin. Account of the physiography and climate and of the principal vegetation types: forest and thin forest, shrub cover, marsh, meadow, and steppe. The extent of each vegetational area, subtypes, species and their frequency, state of growth, etc are described. The vertical zonality of the region studied, which is part of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma Range, is also noted. DLC. 88387. KARAVAEV, N. M., and others. Vodnorastvorimye kisloty is okislennykh uglel zony vechnoT merzloty. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 161, no. 5, p. 1197-1200, tables, graphs.) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors: R. A. Vener and K. V. Grigor'eva. Title tr.: Water soluble acids from oxidized coals in the permafrost zone. Discusses the weathering of coals and presents results of geochemical study of the water extracts of weathered coals of the
Arkagala deposits. Various organic acids are determined, acetic, formic, oxalic, etc. DLC. 88388. KARAVAEVA, N. A., and V. 0. TARGULIAN. K izuchenif0 pochv tundr Severn! fAkutii. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Pochvennyl inst. 0 pochvakh . 1963, p. 53-72, tables.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigation of the tundra soils of northern Yakutia. Reports a study in the area 72-73° N 121-129° E. Its climatic characteristics are given. Soil formation in its mountainous areas, hilly areas, and in the Lena delta is distinguished. Various sections of these soils are described. The mechanical and chemical composition of tundra gleyey and tundra non-gleyey soils is reported. Humus formation and distribution of soils are analyzed. Classification of tundra soils is discussed. The use of soils for grazing and for truck gardening: cabbage, radish, onion DLC. etc cultivation is considered. 88389. KARAVAEVA, N. A. K kharakteristike arkto-tundrovykh pochv o-va B. Lfikhovskogo. (In: Akademill nauk SSSR. Pochvennyl inst. 0 pochvakh 1963, p. 109-128, tables, sections.) Approx. 45 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Characteristics of the arctic-tundra soils of Bol'shoy Lyakhovskiy Island. Characterizes the rocks, climate and vegetation of this southerly island of the New Siberian archipelago. The soils of its fine-polygonal tundra are outlined, their sections, mechanical and chemical composition, humus content and other properties described. Their main features are very weak gleying, pH ranging from low acidity to near neutrality and in the lower horizons neutrality, total saturation of absorbed Ca and Mg complexes, good decomposition of organic matter, etc. Preliminary classification of arctic-tundra sons is briefly DLC. discussed. 88390. KARAVAEVA, N. A., and others. Ob osobennostfilkh pochvoobrazovanifa v tundrovo-taezhnykh merzlotnykh oblastfakh Vostochnol Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. (Pochvovedenie 1965, no. 7, p. 26-37, graphs.) 41 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: I. A. Sokolov, T. A. Sokolova and V. 0. Targul'fdn. Title tr.: Some features of soil formation in tundra-taiga cryogenic areas of Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Presents a classification of soils of these wide areas including their arctic zones. Two main groups are recognized. One includes
heavy-textured soils subjected to profound influence of permafrost resulting in surfacepermafrost gleying, cryoturbation and frost heaving, and accumulation of undecomposed plant residues. The other group consists of light-textured podzolic and non-podzolic soils without influence of permafrost. DLC. 88391. KARAVAEVA, N. A., and V. 0. TARGULIAN. Ob osobennostfikh raspredelenifa gumusa v tundrovykh pochvakh Severnol 1Kkutii. (Pochvovedenie 1960, no. 12, p. 36-45, tables, profiles.) 17 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Features of humus distribution in the tundra soils of northern Yakutia. Reports a 1956-1957 study on the lower Lena and Indigirka. The climatic conditions are described and compared with those of eastern Europe and West Siberia. Tundra gleyey soils and other types are analyzed and their sections are described. Tundra soils are characterized by a specific distribution and accumulation of organic matter. This process (termed "freezing retenization" from Latin retinere, to retain) is described as an even impregnation of the whole soil profile with invisible humus, and accumulation of the latter above and in the perpetually frozen layer of the profile. Evidently freezing retenization of humus is widespread in continental parts of the tundra and taiga zones of Siberia and North America due to the influence of DLC. permafrost upon soil formation. 88392. KARAVAEVA, N. A. Osnovnye geneticheskie cherty tundrovykh gleevykh pochv. (Uses. o-vo pochvovedov. Genezis, klassifikaaild i kartografifd pochv SSSR, Moskva 1964, p. 117-28, tables.) 13 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Main genetic features of tundra gley soils. Reports 1956-1962 investigations in Yakut ASSR, the Anadyr lowland and the Chukotsk national district. Bioclimatic features are analyzed: the warm season short with temperatures slightly above 0° C, the cold season prolonged with permafrost in many places near the surface, prevalence of precipitation over evaporation and a predominantly small-shrubby, lichen, mossy, and herbaceous-mossy vegetation. The main characteristics of the tundra gley soil are given and the great influence of cryogenic phenomena on its properties are noted. The profile of this soil consists of two horizons, which are described. DLC. 88393. KARAVAEVA, N. A. Pochvennyl pokrov arkticheskol tundry o-va B. Lfakhovskogo. (Pochvovedenie 1965, no.
2, p. 11-25, tables.) 14 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Soil cover of the arctic tundra of Bol'shoy Lyakhovskiy Island. Distinguishes the several groups of landscapes of this island: spotty fine-polygonal arctic tundra, hillocky landscape after deglaciation, impoverished arctic tundra on outcrops of compact rocks, floodplain swamps, marshes. Each group is described and soil profiles and chemical analyses are given. Some basic features of arctic tundra soils are considered, such as distribution of acid soils, absence of saline and carbonate accumulations, etc. The B. Lyakhovskiy soils are compared with those of mainland tundras of Yakutia. DLC.
88396. KARJALAINEN, K. F. Grammatikalische Aufzeichnungen aus ostjakischen Mundarten. Helsinki 1964. 341 p. tables. (Suomalais-ugrilainen seura. Toimituksia v. 128.) Ref. In German. Title tr.: Grammatical studies of Ostyak dialects; rev and ed. by E. Vertes. Posthumous publication of linguistic materials collected in 1898-1902 by Karjalainen (1871-1918) and discovered, by chance, among his effects by A. Joki. Eleven dialects including six northern are dealt with. The arrangement and treatment of the material follows the original manuscript, German translations of words were taken from No 23135, and annotations, DLC. etc supplied by V6rtes.
KARAVAEVA, N. A., see also No. 92267.
88397. KARLSEN, T. A., and N. H. SCHOLER. Mindeplade over Jdrgen Brdnlunds gray. (Geografisk tidsskrift 1964. v. 63, no. 2, p. xii-xv, map, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: Memorial plaque on JOrgen BrOnlund's grave. Contains extracts from the diary of two members of the Danish sledge patrol in northeast Greenland, who in 1963 located and set a plaque on the grave of BrOnlund, who perished in Lamberts Land during the Danmark expedition in 1907. DLC.
88394. KAREILA, R. Havaintoja Urtasvaarrin linnuista, etenkin pulmusen, Plectrophenas nivalis, kayttaytymisesta. (Orals fennica 1958. v. 35, no. 4, p. 140-50, illus.) 12 refs. In Finnish. English summary. Title tr.: Observations of birds on Urtasvaarri Mountain with emphasis on snow bunting Plectropherwx nivalis behavior. Describes the location of the mountain at 69°15' N 21° E, the vegetation and bird breeding on some 120 hectares of its alpine region. Eight pairs of snow buntings were studied during 5 July-3 Aug 1956, as to behavior towards man, care of the young and provision of food, territorial and other aggressiveness. DLC. 88395. KARELIAN ASSR. nentraPnyt gosudarstvenny't arkhiv. f8entrarnyT gosudarstvennyl arkhiv Karel'skol ASSR, putevoditel'. Petrozavodsk, Karel'skoe khizhnoe izd-vo 1963. 334 p. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Central State Archives of the Karelian ASSR; a guide. N. F. Slavina editor. Lists the fonds in this archives emanating from central and local institutions of the area. The records and documents of preRevolutionary institutions, those of the Provisional Government period, and those of the October Revolution and socialist development period are treated in successive sections. Changes in the administrativeterritorial division of Karelia from early times till Feb 1963 are outlined at end. DLC. KAREV, G. I., see No. 84980. KARI, L. E., see No. 89594. KARIMOVA, G. U., see Nos. 86570, 92871.
88398. KARLSTROM, T. N. V. Dannye o chetvertichnom oledenenii v severnol chasti Tikhogo okeana i planetarnye izmenenifa klimata. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1965. v. 143, p. 211-33, tables.) 80 refs. In Russian. English summary Title tr.: Quaternary glacial records of the northern Pacific region and worldwide climatic changes. Analyzes the Alaska glacial record in relation to other independent data of the Northern Hemisphere for its bearing on current problems of Quaternary chronology, classification, and climatic theory. The integrated Northern Hemisphere data are then used as a basis for comparison with Pacific equatorial and Southern Hemisphere chronologies to test the assumption of interhemispheric climatic synchronism. It is suggested to subdivide the Pleistocene glacial sequence into at least five glaciations rather than the traditional fourfold subdivision. Revisions in existing paleoclimatic concepts are proposed. DLC. 88399. KARLSTROM, T. N. V. Quaternary geology of the Kenai Lowland and glacial history of the Cook Inlet region, Alaska. Washington, D.C. U.S. Govt. Print. Office 1964. 69 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 443.) 60 refs.
.-.Topography of the Kenai Lowland and adjoining areas is the product of five major Pleistocene glaciations and two minor postPleistocene glacial advances. These glaciations were: the Mount Susitna, Caribou Hills, Eklutna, Knik, and Naptowne. Complete ice filling of the northern part of the Cook Inlet trough during Naptowne and earlier times disrupted drainage connections between Cook Inlet and the adjoining Copper River basin; this may explain the anomalous course of the present Susitna River out of the Copper River basin across the Talkeetna Mts into Cook Inlet. Geomorphic subdivision of the moraines is based on sequential position, differences in topographic expression, and angular morainal boundary relations suggesting significant intervals of weathering, erosion, and glacial retreat between advances. Regional distribution of the moraines indicates that the Pleistocene glaciers flowed from the same high alpine areas as those holding the largest concentrations of glacial ice today, were larger on the Pacific side, and extended farther onto marginal lowlands than inland. Maps at various scales show extent of glaciations, climatic zonation, etc, landforms, geology, etc; sea-bluff and river-bluff stratigraphy, and the glacial and glaciohydrologic record from 12,000 BC to the present, are depicted graphically. DGS. 88400. KARO, H. A. Aircraft for the surveyor. (Esso air world 1965. v. 18, no. 2, p. 44-49, maps, illus.) Outlines programs carried out by the US Coast and Geodetic Survey in geodesy, aeronautical and nautical charting, oceanography, geomagnetism, and seismology, noting service of aviation in transportation and research activities. Geodetic surveys in Alaska are outlined, those of 1943-1955 with air support. Types of aircraft and their specific uses are noted. Methods used since 1921 in aerial photography and photogrammetry are also outlined, including coverage of the Aleutians, and the western and northern Alaskan coast by a nine-lens DLC. aerial camera. KARO, H. A., see also No. 91495. 88401. KAROGODIN, ft. N., and others. Novye dannye o stroenii i absontnom vozraste skladchatogo fundaments severozapada Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti. i geofizika 1965, no. 5, p. 119-23, table, sections.) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V. M. Klfarovskll and B. S. Pogorelov. Title tr.: New data on the structure
and absolute age of the folded basement of the northwest part of the West Siberian lowland. Reviews recent geologic and geophysical studies, numerous drillings in the Salekhard, Berezovo and other areas. Tectonic structure of the basement of this region is analyzed. New absolute age determinations according to the argon method are reported for various rocks. From these and other data, the first-order basement structures of the eastern slope of Ural as known in the south extend also north as well, even to the latitude of Salekhard. DLC. 88402. KARPACHEVSKII, L.O. Nekotorye osobennosti pochvoobrazovanifil, v usloviakh Kamchatki. (Pochvovedenie 1965, no. 11, p. 1-10, tables.) 13 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Some features of soil formation in Kamchatka. Presents bulk chemical analyses of different soils and different regions of Kamchatka. Whitish bands in soils are possibly formed by acid ash enriched by feldspars, volcanic glass and hornblende. Podzolized soils are found to form only beneath true fir (Abies) forest. Even though removal of R203 and Si02 is observed beneath other stands, the formation of podzolized soils is not established. Weathering of iron-magnesium minerals leads to Fe oxide and hydroxide depositions in soil profiles. DLC. 88403. KARPEL', B. A. Peresadka krupnykh derev'ev s zamorozhennym komom v (Lesnoe khozfilistvo 1964. v.. 17, no. 2, p. 55-56, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Transplanting large trees with a frozen clump in Yakutia. When introducting plantings in northern towns where growth is slow, it is advantageous to use well-grown trees. Their successful transplanting with the root clump frozen as done in Yakutia since 1957, is described with details on digging the trees in the forest, transportation and planting in the new site, etc. DLC. 88404. KARPEVICH, A. F., and I. E. LOKSHINA. Peresadka ryb i vodnykh bespozvonochnykh v 1962, 1963 gg. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1965. v. 5, no. 1, p. 17897; no. 4, p. 698-713, tables.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Transplantation of fish and aquatic invertebrates in 19621963. In sequence to No. 72669, 79895. Presents a comprehensive report, largely tabulated (p 181-96), of these activities in 1962. Organizations participating, kinds of fish and invertebrates, origin and destine-
tion of transfer, months and stage of the transplanted creatures and their numbers are included. Among rivers used were the Ob, Severnaya Dvina, Angara, and those of Kamchatka. The 1963 report, similar in scope, covers data of 34 species and four strains with some 415,000 million eggs, larvae or young. Origin and destination of the transplants, their number and stage, as well as month(s) of the operation are given, and participating organizations listed. DLC. KARPEVICH, A. F., see also No. 90479. 88405. KARPOV, N. N. Kamennye mnogougol'niki v melefilshchikh lednikovykh ozerakh Khibinskikh gor. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geografii polfarnykh stran i Problemy paleogeografii 1964, p. 164-68, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Stony polygons in the shoaling glacial lakes of the Khibiny mountains. Describes these polygons in lakes of the Kalyok, Kun'yok and Mayvalltayok River valleys. Dimensions and depths of the polygons are described as well as the nature of the lakes, which are in various stages of growing shallow. These stages also are DLC. characterized. 88406. KARPOV, V. G. Novye eksperimentenye clannye o mekhanizme smen lesnykh soobshchestv v taezhnol zone. (Botanischeskil zhurnal 1964. v. 49, no. 8, p. 1101-1118, tables, illus.) Approx. 30 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: New experimental data on the mechanism of changes in forest associations of the taiga. Reports experiments in sowing and planting of plants and weeds of a pioneering character in forest clearings, also in forests with and without separation from the forest-tree roots. It was found that the competition of the latter for nutrients, especially N, is the main factor causing the elimination of the pioneer plants in the course of successions. DLC. 88407. KARPOV, V. G. Opyt aspenmental'nogo izuchenia mekhanizma sukcaassil lesnykh biogeo6senozov v taezhnol zone. (Akademilk nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 156, no. 1, p. 203-206, table.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Attempt experimental study of the succession mechanism in forest biocenoses of the taiga zone. The experiments consisted of cutting weeds in a clearing, a birch forest of 30-40 yr, and a fir forest of 110 yr. Each of the experiments was carried out with or without
isolation from the tree roots. The results indicate that the latter are the main competitors of the new plants (weeds) with lack of light playing a subordinate role. DLC. 88408. KARPOVA, V. P. Opyt regionarnoT oaenki estestvennykh resursov podzemnykh vod Urala. (Akademii nauk SSSR. Ural'skil filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1965. no. 76, p. 153-63, map, table.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: An attempt at regional appraisal of the natural groundwater resources of the Ural. Analyzes groundwater distribution in this extensive region including the Northern and Polar Urals. The climatic, geomorphic, geologic, and hydrogeologic conditions of its distribution are characterized. Its rate of flow, levels and fluctuation, its composition and mineralization are described. Modulus of groundwater discharge is estimated. On the eastern slope of the Ural the modulus decreases and this is explained by the distribution of precipitation. DLC. 88409. KARPPINEN, E. Zur Kenntnis der Oribatidenfauna Nordfinnlands. (Suomalainen damn- ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo. Tiedonannot 1961. v. 16, no. 1, p. 36-48, tables, maps.) 28 refs. In German. Title tr.: Oribatid fauna of northern Finland. Study of these mites collected in the Enontekio, Kuusamo, Rovaniemi and So-. dankyla regions with consideration of own two earlier papers (No 45905, 59091). The material is presented in taxonomic order, with notes on distribution, frequency, habitat, etc. The frequency of species in the localities studied is also considered and tabulated accordingly. DLC. KARPUNIN, A. V., see No. 86514. 88410. KARTASHEV, N. N. Vozrastnye osobennosti reflektornykh reakail so storony serdechno-sosudistol sistemy pri obduvanii liFsa struel kholodnogo vozdukha. (Fiziologicheskil zhurnal SSSR 1965. v. 51, no. 12, p. 1460-63, table, graphs.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Age-conditioned reflex reactions of the cardiovascular system in response to cold air blown into the face. Reports tests on 140 subjects aged 5-70 yr. Acceleration, slowing and phase changes of cardiac rhythm are followed in these groups: children of 5-10, adults aged 18-35, and oldsters of 55-70 yr. Arterial blood pressure is also considered. DLC. KARTASHOV, I. P., see No. 92643.
88411. KASAHARA, H. Salmon of the North Pacific Ocean, part 1: catch statistics for North Pacific salmon. (International North Pacific Fisheries Commission. Bulletin 1963. no. 12, p. 7-82, tables, map.) Approx. 22 refs. Presents annotated compilation of catch statistics (p 16-82) of the six species of Oncorhynchus for the past 50 yr. Escapement data for some of the major stocks and available data of sport fisheries are included. The area covered is from the Kuril Islands through California. DLC. KASATOV, B. K., see No. 89063. 88412. KASHCHINSKII, A. A. Izmenenifa, v rasprostranenii pesaa v severo-vostochnoi Sibiri i na Kamchatke. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 91-94, map.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Changes in distribution of arctic fox in Eastern Siberia and in Kamchatka. Outlines its distribution in the 18-19th centuries and at the present time. In the 19th century its migration declined and its breeding areas decreased, and these changes are attributed to changing climate. At present this fox migrates south along the Kolyma and Omolon valleys, southwest along the Markovo-Penzhina depression and along the coast of Bering Sea up to DLC. Korfa Bay. 88413. KASHIN'fSEV, M. L. K voprosu o pitanii okunfa v raTone N'fafaundlenda. (In: Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanogratii. Sovetskie 1962, p. 263-71, rybokhozfalstvennye tables, map.) Ref. In Russian. English summary. English translation of entire volume available. Title tr.: On the diet of redfish in the Newfoundland area. Reports on examination of some ten thousand stomachs during seasons of 19581960 and Jan—Apr 1961. Material from depths of 500 m or more was considered. The main food of these fish consisted of small fish, euphausiids, amphipods and shrimps. Maximal feeding took place during autumn—winter; no feeding was DLC. noted in the spring. 88414. KASHKIN, N. I. Materialy k ekologii Phasocystie pouchetii (Hariot) Lagerheim, 1893 (Chrysophyceae) v okrainnykh moriakh Severnol Atlantiki. (Akadenauk SSSR. Murmanskil morskoT biologicheski! inst. Trudy 1964. no. 5 (9), p. 16-36, tables, maps.) Approx. 95 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Materials to the ecology of Pheecoystis pouchetii (Hariot)
Lagerheim, 1893 (Chrysophyceae) in the marginal seas of the North Atlantic. Reviews the literature on this common planktonic alga, and presents month-bymonth maps of its distribution, which in midsummer extends to 80° N on both sides of the Atlantic. Only the colonial (palmelloid) stage is considered, and the final part of the study deals with its distribution in the southern Barents Sea as determined by temperature, salinity, and nutrients DLC. (N, P). 88415. HASHMENSKAa, 0. V., and Z. M. KHVOROSTOVA. Izuchenie kharaktera sklonov v raTonakh verkhov'ev rek Kolymy i Indigirki s vyfavlenifa neotektonicheskikh dvizhenil. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1964. no. 8, p. 64-77, illus.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigation of the character of slopes in regions of the upper Kolyma and Indigirka with aim of clarifying recent tectonic movements. The most widely distributed forms of slope denudation in these regions are described, viz: mass surface gravitational slide, solifluction, and talus caused by rain and meltwater. Five types of slopes are distinguished and illus by air photos. Climate, Ethology and structure are analyzed as pertinent to development of slopes. Recent tectonic movements uplift and subsidence are interpreted according to steepness and form of slopes. DLC. 88416. KASHMENSKAa, 0. V. Neotektonicheskie dvizhenifa v verkhneT chasti basselna r. Kolymy i ikh rol' v proaesse obrazovania rel'efa i rossypeT. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1964. no. 8, p. 78-87, map, profiles.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Recent tectonic movements in the upper part of Kolyma River basin and their role in the process of formation of relief and placers. Reports field studies in the Berelekh basin 62°25'-63°55' N 146°35'-148°33' E, where two types of tectonic movements are distinguished: regional-epeirogenetic and blockdifferentiated. Their effects on relief development are outlined. Investigation of block tectonics enables a better understanding of the formation and evolution of DLC. placers. 88417. KASHMENSKAIA, 0. V. 0 svfazi dolin i zolotonosnykh rossypeT basseTna r. Berelekh s zonami taktonicheskikh narushenil. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Si-
birskoe otd-ie. Inst. geologii i geofizikL Trudy 1964. no. 8, p. 88-92, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: On the connection of the valleys and gold placers of the Berelekh River basin with the zones of tectonic dislocations. Reports a study of the valleys of the Berelekh and its numerous tributaries. The larger part of the Berelekh as well as the majority of the tributary valleys are accommodated to the zones of tectonic dislocations. A plan of the main valley is shown and the tectonic dislocations noted and interpreted. The position of gold DLC. placers is discussed. 88418. KASHPROVSKII, V. E. Osobennosti rasprostranenica zemnykh voln v zone mnogoletnel merzloty. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomifi 1965. v. 5, no. 4, p. 768-70.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Peculiarities of ground wave propagation in permafrost zones. Discusses dependence of radio-wave propagation in the ground upon its electric conductivity, and upon dissipation of the waves by the terrain features. Ground conductivity measurements in the Yakutsk region were found different from the theoretical conductivities when the dissipation effect by the terrain along the radiopath was extended to the upper several meters of the ground only. The difference disappeared when theoretical calculation was extended to the Quaternary permafrost at 200-250 m depth. Similar results may be expected in Alaska (Yukon River), arctic Canada, and Antarctica. DLC. 88419. KASHTANOV, I. N. Vse vo iuifa cheloveka. (In: Desfat' let magadanskoT . . 1963, p. 187-211.) In Russian. Title tr.: All in the name of humanity. Deals with education and the cultural life in Magadan Province including the Chukchi National District. Data are given for the 1962-63 school year, and compared with 1953, on the number of day and boarding schools, students, graduates, teachers; nurseries and kindergartens; night and vocational schools; academic, medical, and technological institutes; adult and partypolitical institutes; adult and party-political education; research institutes. Music and drama schools, folk dance ensembles, clubs, libraries, movie theaters, etc are described, noting rapid acculturation of Chukchis. The network and use of radio and television are expanding, with about 5,000 TV sets in Magadan city. Public health facilities are sketched, and the role of aircraft in Chukotka noted: 1,349 mercy flights in
1962 brought medical help to 4,000 patients. DLC. 88420. KASIMOV, G. B. 0 svoeobrazii gel'mintofauny pti6 semelstva teterevinykh. (In: Vses. o-vo gel'mintologov. Gel'minty cheloveka ... 1963, p. 88-89.) In Russian. Title tr.: Specificity of helminth fauna of birds of the grouse family. Reviews the species and genera of parasitic worms found in Tetraonidae, which include the ptarmigan among other northern birds. Of 97 species recorded, 42 are DLC. specific to this group only. 88421. KASPAR'IAN, E. V. Metodika izmerenia. deforma♦^si1 vertikal'nykh shakhtnykh stvolov. (In: Akademill nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenia. Teplovye i mekhanicheskie ... 1965, p. 177-80, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Method of measuring deformations of vertical mine shafts. Describes the method used in three shafts of the Nittis Kumuzh'e nickel mines 120300 m deep. Metal pintles are installed in the timbering of the shaft at 3-6 m intervals along a vertical line, and the deformation is measured from the change of distance between these pintles and the plumb line suspended near the pintle points. The total error in determination of the pintle points position with respect to the plumb was found to be from t 2 to ± 4.45 ram along the vertical, and up to ± 6.3 mm in a horizontal direction. DLC. 88422. KASTEN, F. Meteorologischoptische Untersuchungen auf dem gemlandischen Inlandeis. (Polarforachung 1963. v. 5, no. 33, p. 202-207 tables, graphs.) 5 refs. In German. English summary. Title tr.: Meteorologic-optical study on the Greenland Inland Ice. Discusses these 1961 studies at Camp Century of total and visual albedo of the snow surface under overcast and clear sky and corresponding albedos in several spectral ranges; vertical distribution of the luminance and radiance in several spectral ranges of densely overcast sky and snow surface, also horizontal distribution of luminance and near-infrared radiance of overcast sky of different densities. The interdependence of these quantities and their relation to the whiteout phenomenon DLC. are discussed. KATAEVA, Z. T., see No. 93200. KATAJA, E., see No. 00429. HATASONOV, E. M., see No. 87520.
88423. KATENIN, A. E. Rktotrofnafa mikoriza drevesnykh porod vostochnoevropeTskol lesotundry. (Botanicheski! zhurnal 1965. v. 50, no. 3, p. 434-40, illus.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ectotrophic mycorrhiza on trees of the east European forest tundra. Describes mycorrhizae from root tips of three species of forest tree in the area adjacent to the Urals and the Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Twelve subtypes of rnycorrhizae are described, and some illus. Microscopic sections of affected root tips are DLC. also presented. 88424. KATENIN, A. E. 0 mikorize arkticheakikh rastenil. (Problemy Severe 1964. no. 8, p. 148-54.) 11 refs. In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Mycorrhiza in arctic plants. Reports 1959 studies in the vicinity of Vorkuta, where 250 specimens of 188 species in 118 genera and 40 families, i.e. 85% of the vascular plant species, of the area, were studied; 107 species were affected by mycorrhiza, 81 not. All the species are listed (Latin names), and those affected CaMAI, DLC. are indicated. 88425. KATITISHUIhNKO, S. K. Osnovnye raboty institute Giproruda. (Gornyl zhurnal 1964, no. 4, p. 13-15.) In Russian. Title tr.: Basic works of Giproruda Institute. Outlines the 1963 work and that planned for 1964 at the State Institute for Planning Ore Production. The possibility of increasing apatite ore production to 35-40 million t/yr is noted p. 14-15. DLC. 88426. KATO, Y., and T. UTSUMI. Polarization of the long period geomagnetic pulsation, pc5. (Japan. Science Council. Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan 1964. v. 18, no. 3, p. 214-17, tables, graphs.) 4 refs. Studies local time distribution of pc5, recorded with rapid-run magnetograph at Pt Barrow, College, and Sitka during 19611962. The sense of rotation of the vector diagram of these pulsations was found to be counter-clockwise before the local noon, and clockwise in the afternoon. Percentage frequency of each sense of rotation is given graphically and in a table. The observed temporal distribution of the frequencies are very distinct at College and Sitka, and at Pt Barrow such a distribution is clearly seen on geomagnetically quiet days. DLC.
88427. KATO, 'Y., and T. SAITO. Secular and annual variations in the periods of pc4 and pc5. (Japan. Science Council. Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan 1964. v. 18, no. 3, p. 183-87, table, graphs.) 19 refs. Discusses the geomagnetic continuous pulsations pc5 and pc4, in elucidation of No 88361. An analysis of these periods for 1957-1962 reveals a definite decrease in their periods, and a clear synchronism in whistler dispersion, satellite drag, F2 ionospheric variations, and sunspot relative number. A 30 sec boundary period is proposed between pc4 and pc3 instead of the presently accepted 45 sec. DLC. KATO, Y., see also No. 84938. KAf, Z. 11., see No. 90158. KAfENELENBAUM, A. Z., see No. 87352. 88428. KAfSYKA, A. P., and L. V. Klima Petropavlovskap SKRIPKOV. Kamchatskogo. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 11-15, graphs.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The climate of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. Describes the climatic position of this town. Wind speed, force and directions, annual and seasonal variation of temperature, moisture, cloudiness and precipitation, and other features of climate are briefly outlined. Characteristics of each season are DLC. given. 88429. KAUFMAN, M. A. Geology and mineral deposits of the Denali-Maclaren River area, Alaska. Juneau 1964. 15 p. ska. Division of Mines and maps. (Ala Minerals. Geologic report no. 4.) 5 refs. Presents the results of a reconnaissance geologic survey incl maps and tabulated mineral analyses. Descriptions of all known and several new mineralized localities are given. The contact zone between limestones and volcanics is considered an attractive exploration possibility for massive replacement type deposits of copper. Most of this zone is either under overburden or in high DGS. inaccessible localities. KAUFMAN, M. A., see also No. 87832. 88430. KAUFMAN, Z. S., and M. N. RUSANOVA. Opyt primenenia iskusstvennykh nerestilishch dlf9, serdi v Belom more. (Voprosy ikhtiologli 1965. v. 5, no. 3, p. 479-82, illus.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Experiment in using artificial spawning substrates for herring in the White Sea.
Due to the mass mortality of eelgrass, the main spawning substrate of the Kandalaksha herring, experiments were conducted using terrestrial plants attached to a framed network and placed in the spawning areas. Fresh branches of fir mounted on floating frames, gave the best results as DLC. substitutes for eelgrass. 88431. KAURI, H. fiber die nordskandinavischen Tabaniden, Diptera. (Opuscula entomologica 1964. v. 29, no. 1-2, p. 99108, illus.) 7 refs. In German. Title tr.: North Scandinavian horseflies, Diptera. Account largely based on the 1959-1963 collections of P. Brinek, describing 23 species with details of occurrence. All are present in arctic Scandinavia, one is cirDLC. cumpolar. 88432. KAVARDIN, G. I. K probleme metallogenii EniseTskol rudno! provinCsii. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regionalinafil geologill no. 6, p. 5-15.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Metallogeny of the Yenisey ore province. Defines this ore province as extending from Lake Pyasino south to the Nizhnyaya Tunguska between the Yenisey and 90° E. The main features of platformic magmatism and metallogeny of traps are outlined. Types of ore field structure and genetic types of sulfide mineralization are described. Seven types of nickel-bearing intrusions are recognized. Further investigations needed DLC. are stated. 88433. KAVARDIN, G. I., and I. N. GORfAINOV. Osnovnye osobennosti endogennogo orudeneniiii Eniselskol metallogenicheskol provinaii. (Leningrad. N.issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1965. v. 145, p. 211-25, map.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Main features of endogenic mineralization in the Yenisey metallogenic province. Describes this province as extending from Pyasino Lake south to the Nizhnyaya Tunguska and Bakhta. Its principal useful minerals are nickel, copper, cobalt, platinoids, coal, iron and graphite. The geologictectonic structure of the region is characMetallogenic features of the terized. Mineral Siberian traps are analyzed. associations of the ores and structure of the ore fields are outlined. Two types, impregnation and massive ores, are distinguished. Several formations such as chalcopyritepyrite—pyrrhotite, pentlandite—cubanitepyrrhotite, etc are described. Patterns of ore distribution and problems of their
genesis are discussed. Criteria are given for search for nickel-bearing trap intrusions. DLC. KAVARDIN, G. I., see also No. 92764. 88434. KAVERIN, N. M. Medi@inskoe obsluzhivanie naselenha v zapolarnom Noril'ske. (Zdravookhranenie Rossilskol Federaaii 1961. v. 5, no. 12, p. 6-8.) In Russian. Title tr.: Medical care for the population of arctic Noril'sk. Describes improvements since the hospital reorganization of 1960: diagnostic and therapeutic equipment has been modernized, medical personnel increased, new treatment units opened in the mining combine area, etc and hospital hours extended. In 1961, there was one physician-therapist per 2400 adults. DLC. KAVICH, I. V., see No. 89947. KAY, J. H., see No. 86747. 88435. KAYS, M., and R. A. CRAIG. On the order of magnitude of large-scale vertical motions in the upper stratosphere. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 18, p. 4453-61, tables, graphs, maps.) 6 refs. Measures wind profiles to evaluate horizontal temperature advection in the stratosphere 26-42 km. According to rocket soundings of Jan 2 and Feb 19, 1964 at Ft Greely and two other stations, root mean square values of temperature advection as a function of season and altitude are found to vary over these stations from about 1° C/day in June, July, and Aug to about 16° C/day in Dec, Jan, and Feb. The largescale vertical motions in the upper stratosphere are inferred from the temperature advection to vary from a few mm/sec in June, July, and Aug to a few cm/sec in Dec, Jan, and Feb. DLC. 88436. KAYSER, C. La depense d'energie des mammiferes hibernants en hibernation profonde ramenee a une temperature ideatique pour tous les hibernants Undies. (Societe de Biologie, Paris. Comptes rendus 1963. v. 157, no. 11, p. 2081-84, graphs.) 3 refs. In French. Title tr.: Energy consumption of mammals in deep hibernation, when adjusted to an identical temperature for all hibernators studied. In continuation of earlier studies indicating that the minimal hibernating temperature increases with the weight of the animal, author further calculates that when heat production is adjusted to a 10° C tempera-
ture, energy consumption equates kcal/24 hr 2.15. 130.84, where P represents the animal's weight. DNLM. 88437. KAYSER, C. La depense d'energie minima des mammiferes hibernants en hibernation. (Societe de Biologie, Paris. Comptes rendus 1963. v. 157, no. 10, p. 1795-97, graph.) 9 refs. In French. Title tr.: Minimum expenditure of energy by mammals during hibernation. Having found in 1940 the approx value of this expenditure, author presents an empirical equation for it based on 30 parameters from 16 species: kcal/24 hr = 3.20. 131'03, with P standing for weight. It holds for weights between 5 gm and 60 kg and for body temperatures of 2-31° C. DNLM. 88438. KAYSER, C. Relations entre la temperature ambiante, la temperature centrale et le poids et la thermogenese des hibernants en hibernation profonde. (Societe de Biologie, Paris. Comptes rendus 1963. v. 157, no. 11, p. 2065-67, graphs.) 7 refs. In French. Title tr.: Relations between ambient and core temperature and weight and thermogenesis during deep hibernation. Based on own and other studies of a considerable number of hibernators, author concludes that during hibernation core temperature is the higher the greater the animal's weight, and that heat production increases about 2.5-fold for each 10° C of DNLM. temperature elevation. 88439. KAYSER, C. Role du systeme nerveux central dam les mecanismes de l'hibernation physiologique. (Actualites neurophysiologiques 1962. no. 4, p. 179-96, tables, graphs.) Approx. 50 refs. In French. Title tr.: Role of the central nervous system in the mechanisms of physiological hibernation. Reports mainly from own studies, on the regularity of the process, role of the nervous system at the beginning of hibernation, in cardiac function, body and brain temperature; its role during arousal in these aspects and in 02-consumption and its place during torpor. In addition the effects of hibernation on orientation and postural reactions as well as some characteristics of the nerve substance during hibernation are disDNLM. cussed. KAYSER, C., see also Nos. 86692, 92099. KAZACHUK, V. N., see No. 92141. KAZAKOV, D. E., see No. 85724.
88440. KAZAKOV, G. A., and others. AbsolfutnyT vozrast dokembrilskikh osadochnykh porod Olenekskogo podnatifa. Vostochnol Sibiri. (Geokhimia 1965, no. 11, p. 1313-17, tables, section.) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: K. G. Knorre and L. N. Prokof'eva. Title tr.: Absolute age of Precambrian sedimentary rocks of the Olenek uplift in Eastern Siberia. Reports determinations by the K-Ar method of glauconites from sedimentary strata of the Upper Precambrian. The Sygynakhtakh and Kyutingdinsk series were formed 1300-1480 MY, the Arymassk, Debengdinsk and Khaypakhsk series 9801260 MY, and the Maastakhsk, Khatyspynsk, and Turkutsk 560-98 MY. DLC. KAZAKOVA, G. P., see No. 90682. 88441. KAZANOVA, I. I. Nerest, ikrinki i meld ryb iz ffigo-vostochnoT chasti Barenaova morfa. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1949. v. 17, p. 157-74, tables, maps, illus.) 27 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Spawning, eggs and young of fishes in the southeastern Barents Sea. Reports monthly distribution of material collected in 1937-1938 with three different types of nets. Fifteen species are included, among them such of economic value as herring, saffron cod, flounder, etc. Density of occurrence is represented on the numerous maps. Eggs and larvae of some species are described, and spawning periods considered. DLC. 88442. KAZANSKIi, V. Budni Zapolfar'fa. (Serskokhozfalstvennoe proizvodstvo Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka 1965, no. 7, p. 56-58, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Workdays beyond the Arctic Circle. Sketches life on collective farms in the Khatanga District in Taymyr: contribution of komsomols to reindeer husbandry and fishing, importance of air transport and activities at the Khatanga airport, the Nganasans' Novaya collective farm with its four-family log houses, the Dolgan settlement Katyryk, its local club, etc. DLC. 88443. KAZANSKIL V. I. 0 vnutrennem stroenii arkhelskikh razlomov fgentral'noAldanskogo raTona. (Geologifft rudnykh mestorozhdeniT 1965. v. 7, no. 2, p. 63-79, tables, sections, illus.) 28 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Inner structure of Archean faults in the central Aldan region. Reviews internal structure of Archean
faults and phenomena of polymetamorphism. Special attention is given to the conditions of occurrence and the mineral and chemical composition of Archean blasto-mylonites. According to microstructural analysis in zones of Archean faults, the plastic flow of matter in a vertical direction is established. Formation of some minerals DLC. is noted. 88444. KAZIMIROVSKII, E. S. Sistemy vetrov v nizhnel ionosfere. (Akademill nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet. Ionosfernye issl. Sbornik state 1965. no. 14, p. 48-70, tables, graphs, maps.) 37 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Wind systems in the lower ionosphere. Surveys theoretical and semi-empirical patterns of the general circulation at the ionospheric altitudes, analyzing data of IGY-IGC on the drift of ionospheric irregularities in .0, E, and sporadic E regions. Atmospheric circulation in the lower ionosphere is evaluated from the data of 29 stations, including Troms0, and Murmansk, and shown on six charts. Confirmation is found of the hypothesis that the ionization irregularities in the E region and ionized meteoric trails are formed at different altitudes in winter. DLC. 88445. KAZ'MIN, V. D. Rasprostranenie zoba v Kamchatakol oblasti. (Voprosy geografti Kamchatld 1965. no. 3, p. 11618.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of goiter in Kamchatka Province. Reports study of 84,663 individuals, 40,597 males and 44,066 females. The thyroid gland was found enlarged in 13,558, 16% of those examined. More frequent in women 19.6%, than in men 12.1%, it was most prevalent in children of 6-14 yr, 22.2%. In the 17 sources of water tested, the iodine content was found exceedingly low. DLC. 88446. KEARNS, F. W., and L. A. KOZELY. Resource analysis of Minto Flats area, Alaska. College, Alaska 1965. 2 pt: 28, 110 p. tables, map, illus. (Alaska. Univ. Inst. of Business, Economic and Govt. Research. Report no. 3.) Prepared for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, US. Dept. of the Interior. Phase 1: report of the technical and economic feasibility of establishing a sawmill operation at the native village of Minto, by F. W. Kearns, assesses the economic feasibility of a logging and sawmilling operation intended to increase the opportunity for cash earnings by the people of
this village about 40 mi west of Fairbanks. Results of a forestry resource analysis indicate that white spruce stands within 5 mi of Minto could support a sawmill cutting 500 MBF/yr for 15-20 yr, and if the radius were extended to 12 mi, such a scaled operation could maintain an indefinitely sustained yield. A suitable location for the mill is discussed (map), and the market potential for lumber is evaluated. It is expected that the sawmill could supply a proposed dry-kiln planer operation in Fairbanks on a contract basis. The feasibility of this project depends upon the utilization of back-haul transportation of lumber at $30/MBF by a barge company and acceptance by the workers of a max wage of $2/hr, with prospect of a bonus on sale of the lumber. The employment created by the logging should amount to four skilled jobs Nov—Apr, and six at the sawmill from that time until milling is completed. Specifications of suitable equipment are reviewed and recommendations made. Detailed income and cost estimates are included. Phase 2: a community development survey, native village of Minto, by L. A. Kozely, describes the topographic, climatic and demographic characteristics of this village on the Tanana River and outlines a detailed study carried out in 1963 to investigate its social and economic condition. The settlement was founded in 1916 by nomadic Athapaskans living in the Minto Lakes area. The present native population is 220 persons inhabiting 41 log homes, the majority consisting of one room. The village has a predominantly subsistence economy, but there is a pressing need to supplement this by cash income. The community is increasingly dependent upon cash, since wildlife resources are diminishing, half the population consists of young children, and one third of all families presently have six or more dependent children. The natural resource base of the village is reviewed: the surrounding area contains white spruce, fish (including the northern pike Esox ludas which may attain 46 lbs), furbearing animals, waterfowl, and various materials for arts and crafts. Present annual cash income averages $800 per family. Interaction with white society is discussed; the survey indicates divided opinion in the village on the desirability of endeavoring to maintain the traditional economy. It is considered that urgent settlement of outstanding land claims by the government is basic to the future of the village since its wildlife resource base is increasingly threatened by sportsmen. The limited opportunities for agriculture are
evaluated and a proposal for a logging and sawmill operation owned and operated by the village corporation, including mode of financing, is discussed in detail. CaMAI. 88447. KEATINGE, W. R., and others. Cardiovascular responses to ice-cold showers. (Journal of applied physiology 1964. v. 19, no. 6, p. 1145-50, tables, graphs.) 34 refs. Other authors: M. B. McIlroy and A. Goldfien. A shower of near-freezing water over the chest produced large increases in systolic and diastolic arterial pressures, in pulse pressure and rate. Cardiac output rose by 59 and 100%. These changes appear to be due to sympathetic nervous reflexes to the heart and blood vessels, rather than adrenal catecholamines which showed no, or only insignificant increase in the plasma. DLC. 88448. KEATINGE, W. R., and J. A. NADEL. Immediate respiratory response to sudden cooling of the skin. (Journal of applied physiology 1965. v. 20, no. 1, p. 65-69, tables, graphs.) 18 refs. Cold (25 to 0° C) showers increased within seconds ventilation in man, and respiration could not be controlled voluntarily near 0° C; it was accompanied by a rise in arterial p02. Little increase in airway resistance and no decrease in pulmonary compliance were noted. Chest and abdomen were the most sensitive areas. Animal experiments suggest the response to be initiated by cold receptors in the skin DLC. and mediated at mid-brain level. 88449. KEATINGE, W. R. The response of arterial smooth muscle to electrical stimulation at 5° C. (Journal of physiology 1963. v. 167, no. 2, p. 51P.) 2 refs. Strips of arteries did not shorten at 5° C when treated with high concentrations of adrenaline or noradrenaline; when stimulated electrically however, they gave large, slow responses. These and related experiments show that contractile elements are able to shorten at low temperature. DLC. KEBULADZE, T. B., see No. 84929. 88450. KEEPER, F. J. Sheehan's syndrome: a case report. (Alaska medicine 1964. v. 6, no. 3, p. 75-77, illus.) 3 refs. Reports a case of postpartum necrosis of the pituitary with hypopituitarism, in an Eskimo woman aged 36. History, symptoms and laboratory findings are given in detail and in summary Therapy consisted of desiccated thyroid and hydrocortisone. CaMAI.
88451. KEELER, C. M. Relationship between climate, ablation, and run-off on the Sverdrup Glacier, 1963, Devon Island, N.W.T. Montreal 1964. 134 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (Arctic Inst. of North America. Research paper no. 27.) 54 refs. Reports the two-man party's preliminary work in May—July 1963 and detailed ablation studies in July—Aug which included measurement of heat exchange, ablation, and runoff, at three stations. Short term differences in ablation as calculated from an energy balance study, from measurements of surface lowering, and from runoff measurements of a supra-glacial stream, are examined. Direct measurements of mass change are considered to represent daily ablation more adequately than do measurements of surface lowering alone, and the dilution method of runoff measurement the most accurate means of estimating true ablation. Observations, calculations, CaMAI. and instruments are tabulated. KEENER, R. B., see No. 87639. 88452. BEERS, J. B. Report for Kodiak. (Alaska medicine 1964. v. 6, no. 2, p. 5355, illus.) Personal impressions of the Mar 1964 earthquake, which caused little damage or injury; and detailed descriptions of the tidal waves, which in contrast caused havoc and ruin to buildings such as canneries, docks, etc and to boats. CaMAI. 88453. KEIM, C. .1, and B. BACON. Farthest-north outboarding. (Alaska sportsman 1960. v. 26, no. 5, p. 18-20, -I-, illus.) Discusses some advantages and problems of using outboard motors on umiaks. Construction of these skin boats is described, also methods of attaching the motor. The latter provides greater speed than do paddles or sails, an advantage in hunting sea mammals. Parts are difficult to obtain, thus repairs tax the Eskimos' ingenuity, as does use of the motors in freezing weather. DLC. 88454. KEIM, C. J., ed. Kutchin legends from Old Crow, Yukon Territory. (Alaska. Univ. Anthropological papers 1964. v. 11, no. 2, p. 97-108. Eleven tales collected by Mrs. E. Linklater with assistance of Father J. M. Mouchet, both residents of the area. DLC. 88455. KEITHAHN, E. L. Origin of the chief's copper or tinneh. (Alaska. Univ. Anthropological papers 1964. v. 12, no. 2, p. 59-78, illus.) 13 refs.
Disdains shield-shaped objects tfl 143 in. thick, 3 ft long, 2 ft tapering to 1 ft wide. They were used as status symbols by Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian and other Northwest Coast Indians and probably appeared after 1774 following the introduction of imported copper plate. They were "blow-ups" of treasured copper arrow heads from the interior and were first made by native craftsmen in possession of European tools or by ships' armorers. When manufactured commercially later, they lost their original prestige value. The development of Chilkat blankets from ceremonial aprons, the appearance of carved and painted screens and house fronts, full-length heraldic decoration of totem poles, etc coincided DSI. with the evolution of the coppers. 88456. KELEHER, J. J. Angling license sales from Northwest Territories, Canada, with special reference to Great Slave Lake. Fisheries Research Board. (Canada. Journal 1964. v. 21, no. 3, p. 643-45, tables.) Ref. Analysis of angling licenses issued during 1951-1962 in order to assess the tourist influx. The distribution of anglers over the Territories and their origins are indicated. Tourism is considered to be the second largest industry in the North. DLC. 88457. KELEHER, J. J. Changes in the Great Slave Lake fishing fleet, 1945-63. (Canadian fisherman 1965. v. 52, no. 2, p. 28-31, tables, illus.) Describes vessels used in this Mackenzie District whitefish and trout fishery, their differences in size, type, and equipment. Annual production, number of companies, boats, and skiffs are tabulated for the 18-yr period, as are the dimensioris and other characteristics of the vessels at five-yr intervals. The trend is toward larger and more uniform types of boats with steel hulls, depth indicators, cabins, net lifters, etc, and since 1954 toward increased use of skiffs. DI. 88458. KELEHER, J. J., and C. G. HAIGHT. The fall domestic fishery at Snowdrift, Northwest Territories. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1965. v. 22, no. 6, p. 1571-73, table, map.) 3 refs. Notes the population of this Indian village of the eastern Great Slave Lake as 163 individuals and 173 dogs, importance of the fishery, kind of nets used, size and composition of catch in 1961, catch per net, etc. DLC. KELLERMANN, S. L., see No. 87665.
88459. KELLEY, J. J., Jr. An analysis of carbon dioxide in the arctic atmosphere at Barrow, Alaska during 1961, 1962, 1963. Seattle, Dept of Atmospheric Sciences, Univ of Washington 1964, 1966. 2 v: 98, 133 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. 5 refs. Presents an explanatory report in two parts of a program to measure atmospheric CO2 at Barrow, Alaska, 1961-1964. The program also included measurements bimonthly at four other Alaskan inland sites, drifting stations Arlis-2 and T-3, periodic air sampling flights, and from the RV Natchik in the Arctic Ocean. In report no 1 the principle of operation of the infrared gas analyzer used to measure the concentration of CO2 is explained with diagram and the methods of field analysis outlined. The response of the infrared analyzer was checked by comparing the air reference gases with a succession of standards, using the general method of the Scripps Inst. The measurements are summarized in approx 110 pages of tables in report no 2, but the significance of these is not analyzed. CaMAI. 88460. KELLEY, J. J., and D. F. WEAVER. Carbon dioxide and ozone in the arctic atmosphere. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1965 pub. 1966, p. 151-67, maps, graphs.) 9 refs. Also pub as: Technical report no. 21, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Univ of Washington. Reports measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide and ozone at North Meadow Lake near Barrow, Alaska during 1965. Instrumentation consisted of a 16 m sampling mast and a non-dispersive infrared analyzer for the CO2 and a microcoulombmetric analyzer for the 0,. The CO2 is at min during the short tundra growing season, when autotrophic plankton are also active offshore. In May percolation of meltwater through the snow cover allows CO3 to be released from the tundra surface. A depletion of CO2 was also noted to coincide with the passage of an occluded front and a temperature change from —30° C to +2° C in one day. 03 concentrations generally declined Feb—May and remained steady thereafter until the conclusion of measurements at the end of July. The large fluctuations in 03 near the ground nearly always correlated with storm front passage. In several cases carbon dioxide varied inversely with large rises in ozone concentrations. CaMAI. KELLEY, J. J., see also Nos. 84953, 85585. 88461. KELLOG, P. J. Auroral X-rays, electron bombardment and trapped radia-
tion. (Planetary and space science 1963. v. 10, p. 165-78, table, graphs.) 16 refs. Discusses recent measurements of the characteristics of energetic elementary particles incident on the top of the atmosphere, presumably precipitated from particles trapped by the earth from space. The most intense precipitation yet observed in a balloon over Ft Churchill on 16 July 1961, exceeded in intensity the trapped corpuscular radiation by a factor of 100 or more. A burst of X-ray radiation lasting for minutes was noted. The flux intensity varies widely from 108-10" particles/cma sec for electrons, as do other characteristics. During the most intense events, manifested in auroras, the lifetime of an electron in the trapping belt is only a few seconds. Some processes seem to exist so violent as to permit particles to break out of the trap. Several mechanisms of such processes are DLC. proposed and examined. 88462. KELSALL, J. P. Biological investigations north of Great Bear Lake 1953. 1953. 23 p. Presents results of Aug 1953 field studies assisted by J. Mitchell. Bluenose Lake near the coast in northeastern Mackenzie District was circumnavigated and the area explored for the first time by ground studies from a 16 ft double end canoe using this 40 mi lake and adjacent waterways. No evidence of permanent human occupance was found, the food resources limited. Average air temperature was 45.9° F with precipitation, including some snow, on 13 of 20 days, and a steady northerly wind. The low number of bird species (35), mainly migrants, are listed with relative abundance. Mammals were few in species but relatively abundant: barren-ground grizzly, arctic fox, wolf, short-tailed weasel, arctic hare, Parry's ground squirrel, Back's lemming, collared lemming, and tundra vole. A quantitative analysis of ranges was undertaken; ten transects, each 2600 ft long were established and 1000 vegetative sample points read along each. One hundred sample plots of 600 sq ft were examined for caribou fecal pellets for future range assessment; light range utilization was indicated. The 287 barren-ground caribou (Rangifer arcticus) seen, appreared to be resident in the area a large part of the year, some even in winter. The 62 adult bulls were mostly on the east side of the lake, while most cows, calves, and young animals were on the west side; the bulls may have been caught by breakup as they followed the cows in from the east. At least 27 musk-oxen were seen west of
the lake, a regular summer and casual winter range area. CaOGB. 88463. KEMMERIKH, A. 0. Vesennie self na Urale. (Priroda 1965. v. 54, no. 3, p. 126-27, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Spring mudflows in the Urals. Notes this phenomenon as commonly observed on the steep eastern slopes of the Polar, Subpolar, and Northern Urals. It occurs when snow jams in small streams give way under heavy rain and meltwater laden with frost-erosion material from bald peaks. Flash floods with waves 10-20 m high rage through narrow gorges uprooting trees and bushes, demolishing buildings, etc and deposit their stones, gravel, rock debris on the stream banks. A case observed near an Institute of Geography glaciological station in the Polar Ural is described: it occurred in a creek where snowmelt started on June 11, and on the 14th heavy rains and a sudden rise to 17° C precipitated flood and mudflow. DLC. 88464. KEMPF, I., and S. TSOUKAS. Les accidents dOs au froid. (Semaine des h6pitaux de Paris 1964. v. 40, no. 10, p. 608-609.) In French. Title tr.: Casualties due to cold. Discusses order of frequency of cold injuries during severe winters, mild injuries, frostbite of extremities, its symptoms, course and therapy, hypothermia and its treatment. DNLM. 88465. KENDRICK, J. E., and K. A. TURNER. Carotid sinus depressor reflexes during hypothermia. (American journal of physiology 1964. v. 207, no. 4, p. 777-81, graphs.) 12 refs. Cooling dogs to 24° C caused a reduction in the size and gradualness of the carotid sinus depressor response. The more gradual response was found to be due to changes in the vascular smooth muscle. Depression in the nervous elements of the baroreceptor reflex was not evident. Responses in the warm or cooled hind leg are also considered. DLC. 88466. KENNEDY, A. Alaska terror. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 8, p. 45-47, illus.) Recounts experiences, during the Mar 1964 earthquake, of a small group caught on the ice of a frozen lake near Portage Glacier. The scene is described: heaving water, cracking ice, snow and rock avalanches from nearby mountains, etc. All reached shore and found shelter in a cabin near the Alaska Railroad. Effects of the
earthquake on Portage Glacier, the railroad, etc are noted. DI. 88467. KENNEDY, J. R. Walrus at twenty-five yards. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 2, p. 8-11, illus.) Account, as given to B. K. Skeels, of a hunt with Eskimos off Point Barrow, Alaska, in summer 1951, including the techniques of killing and butchering the animals Photos with descriptive captions by S. Harbo are added of a walrus hunt at King Island in Bering Sea. DL KENNEDY, R. F., see No. 92936. 88468. KENNEDY, S. J., and J. H. VANDERBIE. Enhancing the effectiveness of the individual in the Arctic through clothing and equipment. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965. p. 423-37, tables.) Also issued as: US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR 64-28. Discusses protection against cold and cold injury. Research in new types of clothing and clothing materials is considered. CaMAI. 88469. KENNEDY, W. A. Growth and mortality of whitefish in three unexploited lakes in northern Canada. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1963. v. 20, no. 2, p. 265-72, graphs, tables.) 9 refs. Reports investigation of Coregonu.s clupeaformis from Nueltin, MacDonald and MacEwen Lakes, the first in southern Keewatin, the others in the upper Mackenzie—Gt. Slave region of Mackenzie District. Growth rate was relatively fast in MacEwen, intermediate in the others. Natural mortality was 57, 81 and 74%/yr. DLC. 88470. KENNEDY, W. V. Armor in Polar Strike. (Armor 1965. v. 74, no. 3, p. 32-38, maps, illus.) Outlines Exercise Polar Strike, conducted by the Alaska Command 4-17 Feb 1965, in a wooded, hilly, lake-dotted area near Fort Greely, to test ability to operate in the Arctic and to reinforce Alaska from the south with little acclimatization. Forces used, weather, ground conditions, and the maneuver action are described. Initial success of infantry units, advantages of tracked vehicles and air support are noted, with conclusion that the need is for a combined arms team of defensive weapons and tactical air power, assisted by ski troops as required. DLC. 88471. KENT, F. J., and others. An archaeological survey of the portions of the
northwestern Kenai Peninsula. (Alaska. Univ. Anthropological papers 1964. v. 12, no. 2, p. 101-134, maps, tables, illus.) 6 refs. Other authors: J. V. Matthews and F. Hadleigh-West. Deals with summer 1960 salvage work along the planned pipeline routes across the Kenai National Moose Range by the Delta Engineering Co and the Kenai Pipeline Co. The artifacts, mostly surface finds, excavated house and storage pits, human and faunal remains are described: Tanaina stone tools, birch bark, Russian trade goods. Native occupation, physical features of the area are sketched, as are the material culture of the Athapaskan-speaking Tanaina, their hostility toward Russians, cultural decline following the smallpox epidemic of 1838, etc, with population estimated for 1805-1932. DSI. KENT, K. M., see No. 90930. 88472. KENYON, K. W., and R. E. PHILLIPS. Birds from the Pribilof Islands and vicinity. (Auk 1965. v. 82, no. 4, p. 624-35, tables, illus.) 16 refs. Reports unusual species collected or observed sporadically in 1947-1954. Of 34 forms listed with notes, Apes a. pekinensis is new to North America and nine others are reported for the first time from the Pribilofs. Notes include date(s) and numbers recorded, geographic distribution, nesting, DLC. hatching, etc. 88473. KENYON, K. W. Birds of Amchitka Island, Alaska. (Auk 1961. v. 78, no. 3, p. 304-326, map, illus.) 20 refs. Presents an annotated list of 69 species on this unoccupied island in the Aleutian National Wildlife Refuge. The maritime climate, subarctic and tundra flora, and the effect of predators on bird populations are briefly described. Observations and specimens, recorded for all seasons over the period 1955-1959, revealed two species, Turdus obscurus and Muscicapa griseisticta, and two races, Phylloscopus borealis examinandus and Motacilla flava simillima, new to the North American list. DLC. 88474. KENYON, K. W. Food of harbor seals at Amchitka Island, Alaska. (Journal of mammalogy 1965. v. 46, no. 1, p. 103104, table.) Ref. Describes examination in 1959 and 1962 of 19 Phoca vitulina stomachs, 11 with food (octopus, mackerel), and all with roundworm Phocanema decipiens infestation. DLC.
88475. KENYON, K. W. Further observations of whooper swans in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. (Auk 1963. v. 80, no. 4, p. 540-42, table, illus.) Reports own observations of some 122 birds of Olor cygnus on Amchitka Island 19 Jan-4 Apr 1962; also own earlier observations and those of several others. Author believes that this species has repeatedly been mistaken for the whistling swan 0. columbianua. DLC. 88476. KENYON, K. W. Havodderen. (Naturens verden 1964. v. 48, no. 11, p. 336-49, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: The sea otter. Reviews conditions affecting the wellbeing and spread of Enhydra lutris in the North Pacific. The US Fish and Wildlife Service research station on Amchitka Island has been the source of much of the information on this popular fur-bearer. The sea otter feeds on fish and invertebrates of the sea floor, has a diving limit of 40 m and inhabits coastal waters. It was nearly annihilated before its protection was established, and now the population is about 40,000, mainly on the islands off Alaska and eastern Siberia. Single births, generally at 2 yr intervals, limit the restocking capacity, inability to cross wide deep straits limits the spread, and offshore waters and shipping lanes are polluted. Transfer of colonies is feasible by air or boat under ideal conditions. The mature sea otter requires about 25% its own weight daily in food, hence raising them in captivity is uneconomic. Their full protection must be maintained for a long time. DLC. 88477. KENYON, W. A. The Old House at Albany. (Beaver, autumn 1965. p. 48-52, map, illus.) Reports excavations by Royal Ontario Museum parties 1960-1964, of an abandoned Hudson's Bay Co trading post on the south bank of the Albany River at James Bay. The fort used about 1684-1720, had a period of French occupation. Its ground plan is described, and a theoretical reconstruction of the buildings, shown. Excavation procedures and collection of several thousand specimens for the museum are D I. noted. 88478. KEPPLER, E., and others. Radioactive debris from nuclear explosions in high altitudes. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1964. v. 26, no. 4, p. 429-36, tables, graphs.) 11 refs. Other authors: G. Pfotzer and W. Riedler. Reports results of excess radiation, interpreted to be radioactive debris from nuclear
weapons tests, measured by GM-counter, GM-counter telescope and an integrating ionizing chamber carried on several balloons launched over 'Troms0, Kiruna, and over Landau/Harz in Germany during the last quarter of 1962. An estimate of the radioactivity gives a max value of about 10-12 Curie/cm% A shock-like change in the amplitude and outstanding disturbances of very low frequency radio signal on several occasions during the measurement period suggests possible relation between the induced radioactivity and VLF propagation. DLC. 88479. KERBLAI, T. S., and others. Morfologifa, i svolstva sporadicheskogo slofh E ionosfery po dannym MGG. (Akademili nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet. Ionosfernye issl. Sbornik statel 1965. no. 14, p. 117-28, tables, graphs, maps.) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: S. S. Chavdarov and ie. K. Chasovitin. Title tr.: Morphology and properties of the sporadic E layer of the ionosphere according to IGY data. Studies properties of different types of E,, using IGY-IGC data from Thule, College, Dikson Island, Tiksi Bay, Murmansk, Salekbard, also six middle latitude, and one equatorial station. Semi-transparency degree, stability of different E, types in time and space, distribution of daily values of their critical (fo)and screening (A) radio-frequencies at > 3 mc/sec and their dispersion characteristics are discussed. Attempt is made to explain the daily and seasonal variations in Es of different types DLC. by their geographic distribution. 88480. KERLING, E. K., and others. Popytka opredelenifa' vozrasta vmeshchatashchikh porod Monchegorskogo nikelenosnogo plutona s pomoshch'ili K-Ar i Rb-Sr metodov. (Geokhimilii, 1964, no. 6, p. 500504, tables, graph.) 12 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: E. S. Varshayskaa and I. M. Gorokhov. Title tr.: An attempt to determine the age of the enclosing rocks of the Monchegorsk nickelbearing pluton with aid of the K-Ar and Rb-Sr methods. Reports age determination of the Archean gneisses which comprise the bottom of the pluton. Two biotites from diorite-gneisses of Nittis mountain tested by the K-Ar method were found to have 2100-2300 MY. Age determination of some rocks by the Rb-Sr method was 2700 ± 900 MY. The discrepancy in these data is discussed. DLC.
88481. KERNS, 0. E., and D. PHINNEY. Kvichak sockeye salmon spawning ground studies. (Washington (State) Univ. College of Fisheries. Research in fisheries 1964 pub. 1965. Contribution no. 184, p. 12-13, tables, graphs.) Ref. Reports on a study of the Kvichak River system, the largest sockeye salmon producer in the Bristol Bay area of Alaska. Distribution of escapements in 1955-1964, age and length composition of spawners (in 19621964) and carrying capacity of the spawning DLC. grounds are considered. 88482. KERNS, 0. E., and 0. A. MATHISEN. Sockeye salmon production in the Kvichak River system for and following peak cycle years 1956 and 1960. (Washington (State) Univ. College of Fisheries. Research in fisheries 1963 pub. 1964. Contribution no. 166, p. 7-9, tables, illus.) Reports a sharp fall in productivity in the years following the 1956 and 1960 peaks. The competition for food of the numerous progeny of these high years resulted in a drop in the size and numbers of the smolts DLC. with a lowered total return. KERNS, 0. E., see also No. 89752. 88483. KERR, A. D. Bending of circular plates confining an incompressible liquid. Hanover, N.H. 1966. 8 p. graphs, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 187.) 4 refs. Studies stresses in a circular plate of constant thickness with rotationally symmetrical boundary conditions, and loads. This study is applied to the behavior of a sheet of ice of uniform thickness supported by the confined incompressible liquid: water. The method of solution beginning with Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Krieger differential equation is developed, and two examples are treated mathematically in detail. A strong effect of the confined supporting water on the ice-sheet over it is demonstrated with regard to deflections and DLC. stresses in the ice. 88484. KERR, J. W., and R. L. CHRISTIE. Tectonic history of Boothia uplift and Cornwallis fold belt, arctic Canada. (American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin 1965. v. 49, no. 7, p. 905-926, maps, sections, tables.) 24 refs. The Boothia uplift is an elongate northerly extension of crystalline rocks of the Canadian Shield into the arctic islands; Proterozoic to Upper Devonian sediments, which overlie and closely flank the uplift, form the Cornwallis fold belt. Regional
setting, earlier investigations, principal field work (Operations Franklin 1955, Prince of Wales 1962) and stratigraphy are outlined. Six documented periods of uplift are noted, the earliest in the Precambrian, the latest in Pennsylvanian or Early Permian times. Two periods of submergence are identified, others are not well known; these regions do not appear to have sunk as a unit with respect to the flanking regions. Tables and sections show stratigraphic relations. DGS. 88485. KERR, J. W., and others. An unconformity between Middle and Upper Devonian rocks of Bathurst Island, with comments on Upper Devonian faunas and microfloras of the Parry Islands. (Bulletin of Canadian petroleum geology 1965. v. 13, no. 3, p. 409-431, map, illus.) 29 refs. Other authors: D. C. McGregor and D. J. McLaren. Presents evidence for a previously unknown deformation of the Cornwallis Fold Belt in late Devonian time. An unconformity is described, with map and section, between the Griper Bay Formation and underlying folded late Middle Devonian sediments. The structural relationships of the area are outlined. The second section attempts to synthesize pub and unpub data on the Upper Devonian faunas of the Arctic Islands and make a preliminary correlation between some of the isolated occurrences. A widespread faunal horizon of Famennian age is reported for the first time. Over 70 genera are listed, by specific name where identified, and 31 illus of Famennian macrofossils are presented, with descriptive and taxonomic notes. The third section is devoted to a presentation of Famennian microflora from the Griper Bay Formation, with 44 named genera and species listed, with several new species, and 51 illus. DGS. KERR, J. W., see also No. 86305. KERSWILL, C. J., see No. 91467. 88486. KERT, G. M. Osnovnye skhodstva i razlichii v saamskikh dialektakh Kol'skogo poluostrova. (AkademiTh. nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Trudy 1960. no. 23, p. 110-34.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Basic similarities and differences in Lappish dialects of the Kola Peninsula. Comparative study of the Notozero, Kil'din, and Iokan'ga dialects and their subdialects. Diversity is shown mainly in phonetics and preferences for Germanic, Baltic, or Slavic borrowings in vocabulary. DLC.
88487. KESSEL, B. Breeding dates of Rana sylvatica at College, Alaska. (Ecology 1965. v. 46, no. 1-2, p. 206-208, tables.) 5 refs. Reports on 12 years' observations of this most northerly poikilotherm in North America. Breeding usually begins in the last week of April or the first week of May. Annual variations are mainly due to differences in spring thaw which in turn depend on environmental temperatures and perDLC. sistence of snow cover. KESSEL, B., see also No. 92548 §35. 88488. KESTER, F. E., and J. BROCHERT. Vital Statistics Bureau serves as "bookkeepers of humanity." (Alaska's health and welfare, Oct. 1964. v. 21, p. 6-7, illus.) Discusses this Bureau's half century of activity, including its beginnings, scope of action, co-operation and co-operation with the Federal Government, local operations by magistrates, registrars, physicians, etc. Its main purpose, and its services to individual citizens, etc are also noted. CaMAI. 88489. KEYSERLING, A., Graf von, 1815-1891. Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf einer Reise in das Petschora-Land, 1843. St. Petersburg, C. Kray 1846. 465 p. tables, sections, illus. Refs. In German. Title tr.: Scientific observations on a trip to Pechora Land in 1843. Contains three sections, in the first of which Paul von Kruzenshtern discusses the instruments used for the determination of latitudes and longitudes, and lists the places determined. Keyserling's observations are in two parts, the first on paleontology describes fossil corals, bryozoans, molluscs, crustaceans and fishes, among them many new species. His journal of the trip 30 May-28 Sept 1843 follows and his paleontologic observations are reported. The last part, on the geography and hydrology of the Pechora region is by Kruzenshtern, who delineates its limits and describes the climatic conditions, population, transportation, etc, with the rivers treated in some detail. DLC. 88490. KHAILOV, K. M. Prizhiznennoe vydelenie organicheskikh veshchestv morskimi makrofitami i ekologicheskie uslovifil pribrezhnoT zony. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Murmanskil morskoT biologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. no. 5(9), p. 49-56, graphs.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Present discharge of organic matter by marine
macrophytes and ecological conditions of the coastal zone. Reports a study of the Dal'ne Zelenetskaya Bay area: species of seaweeds kept for several hours were examined for transparency and absorption spectra. Extracts of sea water variously distant from plant growth were similarly examined. DLC. KHAIRETDINOV, I. A., see No. 89893. 88491. KHAffSER, L. L. K voprosu o landshafte pri nakoplenii permskikh torffanikov v Pechorskom ugol'nom bassetne. (Geologife nefti i gaza severo-vostoka evropelskol chasti SSSR 1964. no. 1, p. 193-200, maps, sections.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The landscape at the time of the Permian peat bog accumulation in the Pechora coal basin. Analyzes the paleogeographic conditions and tectonic regime in which coal beds and peat bogs were formed. The latter are concluded to have been formed under delta landscape conditions. Lithologio-facies maps of the Pechora basin are analyzed, and the peat bog formation thought to have taken place in a period of tectonic standstill. Further studies are needed however. DLC. 88492. KHAKHLOV, V. A. Ob odnom ugleobrazovatele verkhnego paleozofa', Sibiri. (In: Konferenada, posvfashchennala stoletn so dnfa, rozhdenife V. A. Obrucheva .. . 1963. Materialy po geologii ... Tomsk 1964, p. 114-16, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A coal-former of the Upper Paleozoic in Siberia. Reports a new genus and species of Upper Carboniferous conifer from the Noril'sk coal-bearing basin. Taimyria longifolia is recognized and the remains, stem, branches and leaf, are described and illus. DLC. 88493. KHAKIMOV, K. R. Artificial freezing of soils, theory and practice. Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Translations 1966. 121 p. graphs, tables, illus. Available as TT 66-51051 from CFSTI, Springfield, Va. 22151. English translation of No 59151. CaMAI. KHALBADAEV, ft. KH., see No. 84838. KHALDINOVA, N. A., see No. 85357. 88494. KHALFIN, L. L. Mezhduvedomstvennoe soveshchanie po razrabotke unifiairovannykh i korrelfeaionnykh stratigraficheskikh skhem dlfa Srednel Sibiri. (Geologiet i geofizika 1964, no. 11, p. 157-58.) In Russian. Title tr.: Interdepartmental
conference on the working out of unified and correlational stratigraphic schemes for Central Siberia. Reports the May 1964 conference in Novosibirsk to prepare stratigraphic schemes for Ordovician to Cretaceous deposits including also Quaternary. DLC. 88495. KHALZANOV, K. KH. Formirovanie kadrov naaional'nol intelligenaii v avtonomnykh respuklikakh Sibiri. Moskva, Izd-vo Mysl' 1965. 78 p. tables. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Creation of cadres of aboriginal intelligentsia in the autonomous republics of Siberia. Reviews public education in Yakut, Buryat, and Tuve ASSR with data of 19221962. Growth of the school system, campaigns against illiteracy, shamanism and religion, the adult education, and special Russian language courses for natives are dealt with, as are emancipation of women and their recruitment for political work and teaching, the training of medical personnel, teachers, technicians, and agricultural specialists, the spread of higher education and encouragement of literary activities. Public health institutions and medical staffs, etc are cited also. Difficulties encountered in Chukotka and northern Yakutia till the mid-1930's are attributed to adverse ecological conditions, widespread nomadism, primitive patriarchal social structure, political DLC. backwardness, etc. 88496. KHANAICHENKO, N. K., and L. I. KOZLOVA. 0 konaentraaii ryby v fazhnykh promyslovykh raionakh Barenaeva more v zavisimosti of temperatury vody. (In: Akademie nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Gidrologicheskie i biologicheskie ... 1961, p. 90-97, graphs.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fish concentrations in the southern fishing areas of the Barents Sea and their dependence on water temperature. Report covering the period 1949-1954 with consideration of seasonal and year-toyear fluctuations in near-bottom temperatures and trawling catches. Seasonally, cooling produced concentration, and warming of water the dispersal of fishes. Cold or warm years produced different patterns of distribution complicated by currents, depth DLC. of water, etc. KHANIN, A. A., see No. 92666. 88497. KHANTIMER, I. S. K izuchenie kormoproizvodstva na Kralnem Severe Komi ASSR. (Problemy Severe 1964. no. 8, p. 268-79, tables.) In Russian. English translation available from National Re-
search Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Forage production in the Komi ASSR Far North. Reports work of the Tsentral'nyy and Gornyak state farms of the Vorkuta Coal Combine since 1957 in selection of grasses and improvement of meadows in the flooded valley of the Usa River. Data on their achievements in tundra and in forest tundra are tabulated. Strains, methods of selection, cultivation, fertilizing, etc are discussed. Farms in this area are transferring their interest from vegetable growing to forage CaMAI, DLC. crops. 88498. KHANTIMER, I. S. 0 poedaemosti rasteniT skotom na vypasakh Kralnego Severe Komi ASSR. (Botanicheskil zhurnal 1964. v. 49, no. 5, p. 731-35.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fodder plants for cattle on the pastures of the Far North of Komi ASSR. Reports on observations of 1958-1961 in the tundra and forest-tundra zones in relation to cattle and horses. Plants eaten regularly or occasionally are considered and the nutritive value of the more important ones noted. The problem of overgrazing is also touched upon. DLC. 88499. KHANTIMER, I. S. Vodnae, rastitel'nost' r. 1Jsy. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestie 1964. no. 9, p. 55-60, tables.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Aquatic vegetation of the Use River. Reports a geobotanical study in 19571961 from the mouth of the Yelets down the Usa to the Pechora. The aquatic vegetation along the banks is treated in the three ecologic groups of hydrophytes, helophytes and hygrophytes. Each group is analyzed. Grasses, sedges (Carex) and mixed-grass plants are described and the forms listed. DLC. KHANTULEV, A. A., see No. 87158. 88500. KHARCHENKO, G. I. VerkhnepaleozoTskie uglenosnye otlozhenie v raione plato Kharaelakh. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regionarnae geologie. no. 4, p. 87-97, sections.) In Russian. Title tr.: Upper Paleozoic coal-bearing deposits in the Kharayelakh plateau region. Presents a correlation of a Tungusskiy series cross-section, based on outcrops of these deposits and on drill holes. Carboniferous and Permian deposits are divided into local stratigraphic units, which are described. DLC.
KHARCHENKO, f17. I., see Nos. 86527, 91859. 88501. KHARITANOVSKII, A. A. Vydaffishchilsfa naturalist Kamchatki. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1963. no. 1, p. 41-58, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Outstanding naturalist of Kamchatka. Describes the life and scientific activity of Prokopil Trifonovich Novograblenov, born in Petropavlovsk, 14 Aug 1892. His study of the volcanoes, hot springs, vegetation and animal life is described in some detail. He was a teacher and organized the Kamchatka natural history museum. Descendant of an 18th century Russian settler he was partly Kamchadal and devoted his life to his native province. Several of his many books and articles on Kamchatka are listed in Arctic Bibliography. He died at age 42 under some duress and was rehabiliDLC. tated posthumously in 1957. 88502. KHARITONOV, L. IA., and others. K stratigrafii zhelezorudnykh tolshch zapadnol Karelli. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1964. v. 19, no. 24, p. 35-43, sections.) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors: ID. B. Bogdanov, A. S. Voinov and V. A. Sukhanov. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of the ironore strata of western Karelia. Reports a study of the iron-ore formation between the lakes Sukkozero and Vottomuks. Two problems are considered: interrelation of this formation with the rocks of the pre-Karelian basement and its interrelation with the Karelides. Three local series are established, described, and correlated with similar rocks of Kola PeninDLC. sula and arctic Norway. 88503. KHARITONOV, L. IA. 0 geologii (Materialy karel'skikh obrazovaml Bare po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym SevereZapada RSFSR 1962. no. 3, p. 88-138, tables, maps, illus.) 35 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geology of the Karelian formations of Karelia. Reviews in some detail the Precambrian atratigraphy worked out by others for Karelia and Kola Peninsula, also own studies in Sunozero, Segozero, Koykary, Svyatnar volok, Tungudskoye and other regions. Various formations such as the granitegneiss basement, conglomerates and arkoses, quartzitic sandstones, quartzitic conglomerates, porphyrites, amygdaloids, etc are described and their stratigraphic position discussed. The Karelian are compared with similar formations of Finland and Canada, and the Huronian of Canada is correlated with the Jatulian formation of the Baltic shield. DLC.
88504. KHARITONOV, L. IA. 0 geologii kol'skikh karelid. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Lab. geologii dokembrifa. Trudy 1964. no. 19, p. 45-58, maps, sections.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geology of the Kola Karelides. Outlines the geologic problems of these mountains in eastern Kola Peninsula according to geologic and geophysical data. Stratigraphy and structure are analyzed. Tectonic interrelation of these formations with basement rocks is characterized. The deep structure of the Karelides basement is described according to a seismic survey. DLC. KHARITONOV, P. E., see No. 85725. 88505. KHARIDKOV, N. Transportnoe znachenie malykh rek vostochnykh basselnov. (RechnoT transport 1964. v. 23, no. 3, p. 12-14.) In Russian. Title tr.: The importance for transportation of the small rivers of eastern basins. Discusses the status of transportation on tributary streams to the Irtysh, Ob, Yenisey, and Amur Rivers, some 27 thousand km altogether. A small river fleet in the northeastern basins serves more than 200 kolkhozes, sovkhozes, etc transporting 350,000 tons of cargo nearly half of it oil. Passenger service also is noted; for the latter a certain hydroplane is recommended. DLC. KHARKEVICH, N. S., see No. 87551. KHAR'KIV, A. D., see No. 89282. KHARLAMOV, S. a., see No. 89987. 88506. KHATYLAEV, M. G. K. Ordzhonikidze i aldanskafil zolotaffi promyshlennost'. (Pol6arnafil zvezda 1964, no. 6, p. 96-99.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: G. K. Ordzhonikidze and the Aldan goldmining industry. Describes improvements introduced in the 1930's by Ordzhonikidze, then People's Commissar for Heavy Industry. Mechanization of mining processes, financial and technological aid, better use of labor, encouragement of the stakhanovite movement, etc, rehabilitated the Yakutzoloto trust and enabled the Aldan mines to top their 1934-1936 production quota by about 5%; in 1932 they were 43.3% short of the quota. DLC. KHAWAJA, N. A., see No. 84953. 88507. KHAZIKOV, N. Osobennosti proektirovanifi vodosnabzhenifil fAkutska. 623
(In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu 1961. Sbornik trudov pub. 1962, p. 18996.) In Russian. Title tr.: Features of planning the Yakutsk water-supply system. Conakkra possibilities of water-supply from three available sources: sub-permafrost groundwater at 325-600 m depth, highly mineralized with abundance of fluorine; surface water from the Lena River, but water intake stations, poorly built, do not function, and water is pumped either from a raft or from ice; the third source is infiltration water from under the 5-6 m bed of alluvial deposits of the river with a filtration coefficient of 5-35 m/day, and the permafrost table 20-25 m beneath the river bottom. The water-supply network is discussed for the present 3,000 m3/day, and the estimated requirement of 28,000 ma/day in 1970. Six ways of laying pipelines are described, of which the thermoinsulated conduit with a 30 cm layer of a mixture of one third local soil and two thirds clay is preferred. Armature of the system is described, and the concrete or reinforced concrete wells are briefly considered. DLC. 88508. KHEISIN, D. E. K zadache uprugoplasticheskogo izgiba ledPsnogo pokrova. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 267, p. 143-49, table.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The elastic-plastic bending of an ice cover. Presents mathematical analysis of the behavior of an ice cover using two of its parameters: internal friction coefficient, n, and modulus, K, of confined pressure. This hypothesis considers that in the case of small deformations, the first invariant of stress tensor is proportional to the first invariant of deformation, and that the deviator of stresses is proportional to the deviator of the deformation rate. If the Maxwell law of deformation is assumed and the condition of ice incompressibility taken into account, K = co, which renders these assumptions untenable. A central bending of a floating infinite plate, subject to the Maxwell relaxation law, is calculated for a concentrated load, P. A formula derived for this case shows a linear relationship between the rate of the plate's bending and the value P, in good agreement with experiCaMAL DLC. ments. 88509. KHERASKOV, N. P., and A. S. PERFIL'EV. Osnovnye osobennosti geosinklinaPnykh struktur Urala. (Akademifi nauk SSSR. Geologicheskil inst. Trudy 1963. no. 92, p. 35-63, maps, illus.) 40 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Main features of the geosynclinal structures of the Ural. 624
Presents a tectonic map of the Ural including the Polar Ural, Pay-Khoy and Novaya Zemlya. The history of its formation is divided into three structural stages: the lower Ordovician and Lower and Middle Devonian, the middle Middle Devonian—Lower Carboniferous, the upper Middle Carboniferous—Lower (in the north Upper) Triassic. The tectonic features of northern part of Ural and Novaya Zemlya (p 57-61) are briefly characterized. DLC. 88510. KIIIAMDIJAINEN, M. M. Dmitril Vladimirovich Bubrikh. (Akademia nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Trudy 1960. no. 23, p. 3-15, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Tribute to this philologist who died in 1949, listing his 127 publications, over 25% on Zyryan and comparative Finno-Ugric linguistics. DLC. 88511. KHLLTUNEN, R. V okrestnostakh polfilsa. (Na rubezhe 1964. v. 25, no. 4, p. 92-98, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: In the vicinity of the Pole. Describes a trip on the diesel Sestrorealc from Murmansk to Barentsburg in Vestspitsbergen, operations of the Arktikugol' coal-mining trust, work and leisure, living conditions, friendly contacts with Norwegian miners, etc. Discovery and exploration of Spitsbergen, opening of Soviet coal mines at Barentsburg and Pyramiden are sketched. DLC. 88512. KHIZHINA, M. S. Novyl vid Cyrtophyllum iz verkhnego ordovika Talmyra. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. PaleontologiQ i biostratigrafia no. 7, p. 37-39, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New species of Cyrtophyllum from the upper Ordovician of Taymyr. Presents a systematic description of the tabulate coral: Cyrtophyllum anomalus n. sp. found in 1962 in the Nerakachi Lake area in central Taymyr. The polypary is described in some detail and illus. DLC. 88513. KHIZHOV, B., and N. PIRULINA. Vazhnelshafa strolka semiletki. (Recline! transport 1964. v. 23, no. 1, p. 34-36, table, map, profile.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: The most important construction in the seven-year plan. Discusses the fairway system in the European part of the RSFSR, by which rivers, canals, etc connect the White, Baltic, Black, and Caspian Seas. Extension of the system to include the Barents and Kara Seas is projected by stream deepening and canal construction in northern Arkhangel'sk
Province, thus providing a 6,127 km inland waterway system. The Northwestern system and the 3,400 km Kama-Volga basin system will be interconnected when the Lower Kama and Cheboksary reservoirs are completed. The process of construction and organization are discussed, and suggestion for improvements given. DLC. 88514. KHLEBOVICH, V. V. Mnogoshchetinkovye chervi (Polychaeta) iz severnol chasti Grenlandskogo more i ralona ostrovov Shpiabergena i Zemli Franaa-Iosifa. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskii n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 259, p. 167-80, illus.) 26 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Polychaetes from the northern part of the Greenland Sea, and the region of the islands of Svalbard, Franz Joseph Land. Records material collected by the high latitude arctic expeditions of 1955-1958, with notes on station of find, depth, ground, and water temperature. Of the 77 species noted, one, Amagopsis klugei sp. n., is new and described in detail. It also represents DLC. a new genus. 88515. KHLOBYSTIN, L. P. Drevnelshie (AkademiI. nauk pamfatniki Balkala. SSSR. Inst. arkheologii. Materialy i issledovanifii po arkheologii SSSR 1965. v. 131, p. 252-79, table, illus.) Approx. 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Oldest sites on Lake Baykal. Reports a 1963 discovery of stone artifacts near Baykal'skoye village and a stratified site on Ludarskaya Bay with microtools in the lowest layer. Analogies to Angara and upper Lena sites are noted, also the typological similarity between a scraping tool and the Eskimo ulu, a woman's knife. They are of epi-paleolithic aspect; this term implying retention of paleolithic traditions through the neolithic is preferred to mesolithic, a chronological term, used by C.S. Chard (No 57316). Initial occupation of the Baykal region in the 12-11th millennium BC or earlier is postulated. DLC. 88516. KHLOBYSTIN, L. P. Mnogosloinee poselenie Ulan-Khada na Balkale. (Akadernitil nauk SSSR. Inst. arkheologii. Kratkie soobshchenifil, 1964. no. 97, p. 25-32, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Ulan-Khada stratified site on Lake Baykal. Comparative study of this eleven-layer site discovered in 1912 by B. E. Petri and excavated again in 1959 by A. P. Okladnikov. The lowest (11-9th) strata extend from the 6th or 5th to the early 2nd millen-
nium BC. Their stone artifacts and pottery belong to the late Serovo, Kitoy and early Glazkovo cultures, all three characteristic phases of the Angara and Baykal neolithic and bronze ages. Subsequent strata (9-1) show progressive stages of the Glazkovo bronze and later periods: 2nd to early first, millennium BC. The Ulan-Khada site is considered one of the sources of the Kitoy culture which in turn gave rise to the Glazkovo era. Comments by A. P. Grfaznov, A. P. Okladnikov, and P. I. Boriskovskil are appended. DLC. 88517. KHOBYSTIN, L. P. 0 drevnem kul'te nerpy na Balkale. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Inst. arkheologii. Kratkie soobshcheniQ 1964. no. 101, p. 35-37, illus.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ancient seal cult on Lake Baykal. Describes a long tapered pebble with a seal engraving at its thicker end, found in 1963 near a cave on Ludarskaya Bay. Though seal sculptures are known from the Mal'ta paleolithic site and neolithic-bronze age sites on the Angara River, this artifact stands closest to the so-called phallic pestles of Lake Baykal and upper Yenisey origin. All date to the earlier part of the first millennium BC. They are phallic symbols used in fertility rites of the nascent patriarchal society and interweaving and superseding the older matriarchal totem cult. DLC. 88518. KHLONOVA, A. F. Stratigraficheskoe znachenie nekotorykh morfologicheskikh tipov spor i pyPGy na primere verkhnemelovykh otlozhenil vostochnol chasti Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geol. i geofiz. Sistematika i metody izuchenifa Moskva 1964, p. 115-24, map, illus.) 28 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphic importance of some morphologic types of spore and pollen as exemplified by Upper Cretaceous deposits in the eastern part of the Western Siberian lowland. Notes that not all spore and pollen are of equal stratigraphic importance. Spores of radiata morphologic type and pollen of unica and oculata morphologic types, analyzed in some detail, are considered of great stratigraphic importance for Upper Cretaceous deposits. DLC. KHLOPKIN, N. S., see No. 84810. 88519. KHMELEVSKAIA, L. V. On the temperature regime of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas. Lowestoft 1965. 11 p. maps, illus. (Great Britain. Ministry of
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Translation N.B. no. 66.) English translation of No 79993. CaMAI. KHOBOTILOVA, L. D., see No. 89935. 88520. KHOCHOLAVA, G. M. 0 nekotorykh ionosfernykh i geomagnitnykh effektakh bol'shikh khromosfernykh vspyshek. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet. Ionosfernye issl. Sbornik state! 1965, no. 14, p. 100-103.) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Some ionospheric and geomagnetic effects of large chromospheric flares. Analyzes anomalous absorption of radio signals in the polar cap, caused by solar cosmic particles of 10-100 Mev energies precipitating into the earth's atmosphere from the solar streams of corpuscles emitted during large chromospheric flares. Data of IGY-IGC were used. DLC. KHOCHOLAVA, G. M., see also Nos. 87144, 87145. 88521. KHODAKOV, V. G. Nekotorye osobennosti tafanifil, nebol'shikh lednikov i snezhnikov. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Inst. geografii. Teplovol i vodnyl .. 1965. p. 81-86, table, graphs.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of thawing in small glaciers and firn fields. Analyzes the processes leading to increased concentration of snow on small glaciers and firn. The method is outlined and formulas presented for calculating snow melt according to meteorological data. Air temperature, wind velocity and thawing conditions on the Obrucheva Glacier in the Polar Ural are reported and shown to be in agreement with the calculation made by the author's proposed method. Intensity of thawing depends upon the size of the glacier or ice firn. DLC. 88522. KHODAKOV, V. G. 0 zavisimosti summtumol ablfafsii poverkhnosti lednikov of temperatury vozdukha. (Meteorologiia i gidrologifa 1965, no. 7, p. 48-50, graph.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the relationship between the total ablation of the glacier surface and the air temperature. Presents analytical formulas for the determination of ablation as a function of time and a constant, and applies them to the study of glaciers in Novaya Zemlya, Franz Joseph Land, and elsewhere. DLC. 88523. KHODAKOV, V. G. Ob odnol vozmozhnol priehine izmenenil srednemnogoletnikh velichin veshchestvennogo balansa 626
karovykh lednikov. (Akademi1 nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedonastvennyl geofizicheskil komitet, IX razdel programmy MGG: Sbornik state! 1964. no. 13, p. 44-48, graphs.) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: On a possible cause of changes in the average long-term values in mass balance of collie glaciers. Analyzes the mass balance components of the Instituta Geografii A N and the Obrucheva Glaciers, both in the Bol'shaya Khadata River basin, Polar Ural. Their accumulation and ablation are closely related to the winter and summer air temperatures. From data of the Bol'shaya Khadata, Vorkuta and Syktyvkar meteorological stations for 1818-1962, their accumulation and ablation values are estimated. Conditions are noted under which small conies may disappear or develop into corrie-valley glaciers. DLC. 88524. KHODAKOVA, V. I., and others. Nekotorye dannye k izuchenif5 difillobotrioza v Turukhanskom i Igarskom ralonakh Krasnoffirskogo krafa. (MediCsinskaM parazitologiE, i parazitarnye bolezni 1965. v. 34, no. 2, p. 139-45, tables, map.) 13 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: I. G. Abramova and N. P. Voshchinskaia. Title tr.: Some data for the study of diphyllobothriosis in the Turukhansk and Igarka regions, Krasnoyarsk Province. Investigations of 1958-59 showed diphyllobothriosis to be most prevalent (17.7%) among the population of these areas, other helminth diseases appearing only occasionally. It is most prevalent near lakes, and study of edible fishes showed up to 100% infection with larvae of these tapeworms. DNLM. KHODAKOVA, V. I., see also No. 87377. KHODASEVICH, E. V., see No. 87371. 88525. KHODKINA, I. V. Iglokozhie fazhnol chasti Barenaeva morfa. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Murmanskil morskoI biologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. no. 6(10), p. 41-75, table, maps.) 29 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Echinoderms of the southern part of the Barents Sea. Reports study of collections made during spring-fall periods of 1957-1959. The material, a total of 48 species, is presented in taxonomic order with notes on zoogeographic aspects, frequency and distribution. This is followed by account of the geographical and depth distribution as affected by temperature and food, with breakdown into feeding groups such as predators,
detritus eaters, etc. The final section deals with the biomass of echinoderms. All sections are richly illus by maps. DLC. 88526. KHODZHA-AKHMEDOV, CH. L. 0 chastotnoT zavisimosti urovnfa kosmicheskogo shuma v periody anomal'nogo pogloshchenifa II tips. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomifit 1965. v. 5, no. 2, p. 348-51, graphs.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Frequency dependence of cosmic noise level during type II anomalous absorption. Analyzes intensity records of cosmic noise during June 1963—Feb 1964 at the Dikson station. Records were obtained on a twofrequency riometer of 35.1 and 48.3 Mc/s. An approx formula is derived for radioabsorption of waves of these frequencies and results of measurements to a height of 80 km are given in a graph. DLC. KHOKHLINA, N. K., see No. 85356. KHOKHLINA, N. S., see No. 85358. 88527. KHOKHLOVA, I. G. Polymorphus gavii nov. sp., novyl vid akantocsefal of gager Chukotki. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Germintologicheskafa lab. Trudy 1965. v. 15, p. 196-99, table, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Polymorphus gavii n. sp. a new acanthocephalan species from loons of Chukotka. Describes this worm found in the small and large intestine of Gavia arctica and G. immer. Males, females, eggs and a differenDLC. tial diagnosis are included. KHOLINA, M. B., see No. 87267. 88528. KHOMENTOVSKIi, V. V., and L. N. REPINA. Nizhnil kembril stratotipicheskogo razreza Sibiri. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 199 p. tables, map, sections, profiles, illus. Approx. 105 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Standard stratigraphic section of the Lower Cambrian in Siberia. Reports study of deposits in the Lena, Olekma, Sinyaya, Botoma, and other regions, with review of earlier work. Sections are described and correlated; a combined biostratigraphic scheme based primarily on trilobites is given. Some 59 species of trilobites belonging to 51 genera and 21 families are described, including 43 species and 14 genera as new. DLC. KHOMENTOVSKII, V. V., see also Nos. 93205, 93239. KHOMIAKOV, A. P., see No. 93200.
88529. KHOROSHEVA, 0. V. Spacetime distribution of aurorae in the Arctic in the winter of 1957-1958. p. 11-21 in NASA technical translation: NASA TT F117, 1964, available from CFSTI, Springfield, Va. 22151. English translation of No 72778. DLC. KHOTIN, M. Ii)., see Nos. 85453, 85764. KHOZICH, N., see Nos. 85089, 85090, 85091. 88530. KHRGIAN, A. KH. AtmosfernyI ozon, nekotorye itogi rabot Mezhdunarodnogo geofizicheskogo goda. (Meteorologifa i gidrologia 1964, no. 1, p. 41-53, tables, graphs, maps.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Atmospheric ozone, some results of work during the International Geophysical Year. Reports work on ozone, variability, latitude distribution, yearly behavior, extreme magnitudes, continental effect, ozone and general atmospheric circulation, and secular ozone behavior. The observational data were obtained at 11 stations in the Southern Hemisphere and 50 in the Northern, including Dikson, Troras0, Svalbard, Greenland, etc. DLC. 88531. KHRGIAN, A. KH. Mezhdunarodny1 god spokolnogo Solnaa. (Meteorologifh i gidrologifa 1964, no. 1, p. 3-7.) In Russian. Title tr.: International Year of the Quiet Sun. Discusses the value of worldwide observations of atmospheric and higher altitude phenomena, and reports the program of necessary observations, as discussed at conferences in 1960, 1961 and 1963. IQSY is to extend from 1 Jan 1964 to 1 Jan 1966. The drift of auroras and their reflected radiation can serve well for the study of movements at altitudes above 100 km, especially with use of stations in the arctic region. DLC. 88532. KHRGIAN, A. KH. Osnovnye cherty raspredelenife i variarsil atmosfernogo ozone po dannym MGG. (Geofizicheskil bfulleteni 1964. no. 14, p. 26-38, tables, graphs.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The main features of the distribution and variations of atmospheric ozone according to IGY data. Compares average distribution of ozone with positions of cyclonic and anticyclone centers of activity, development of zonal circulation, and its disturbances. From data of the IGY network of 50 ozonometric stations in the Northern Hemisphere,
including Troms0, variation in the quantity of ozone was found to be highest during the winter season, increasing from south to north. Latitude distribution, and annual rate of variation are tabulated for the hemisphere by 10° intervals. The so-called continental effect, decrease in ozone content in the atmosphere over continental areas, is studied. Ozone is found to be correlated with zonal circulation. DLC.
covered with vegetation. The temperature regime below 30 m is determined as a mean integral temperature of the area. As an example isotherms of a stationary temperature field in the ground under buildings are given in a diagram. Graphs are presented of the relative volumes of the thaw basin plotted against density of construction, initial temperature, and length of time in use. A prognosis of the zero isotherm for 10, 50, and 100 yr is given. CaONA.
KHRISTIANOVA, L. A., see No. 85369. KHRISTOLM130V, S., see No. 92738. 88533. KHROL, V. P. Metod rascheta ob"ema l'da v more s uchetom torosistosti l'dov. (Moskva. Gos. okeanograficheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 86, p. 44-74, tables, maps.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Method of calculating the volume of ice in the sea by an estimate of the hummocked ice. Based on study of the Baffin Bay ice, specifically the month-to-month changes in its area, thickness and volume, together with the temperature above it. A method is developed of calculating the hummocking of ice fields without measuring the hummocks. The ice volume is determined from that of the level, and the hummocky parts, and the degree of ice continuity. The additional quantity of ice in hummocks is assumed equal to the thickness of the level ice, multiplied by the total ice-free area in the field. On this assumption the volume of ice in the Baffin Bay is calculated, and its yearly discharge through Davis Strait estimated. An appraisal of the method is included. CaMAI. KHROMOV, V. T., see Nos. 91389, 91677. 88534. KHRUSTALEV, L. N. Izmenenie temperaturnogo rezhima vechnomerzlykh gruntov na zastroennoT territorii i ego prakticheskoe znachenie. (In: Soveshchanieseminar po obmenu opytom proektirovania . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 2, p. 154-70, tables, graphs, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Change of the temperature regime of permafrost in an area covered with buildings, and its practical significance. Deals with the temperature field beneath a complex of buildings and engineering installations as exemplified at Vorkuta. The area includes a number of sites of different size with different surface temperatures. It is considered as subdivided into characteristic sites of approx equal surface temperature, such as buildings, roads, public gardens, yards, and vacant spots
88535. KHRUSTALEV, L. N. K voprosu prognoza izmenenifil temperaturnogo rezhima mnogoletnemerzlykh gruntov na zastroennol territorii. (Materialy k uchenia o merzlykh zonakh zemnoT kory 1963. no. 9, p. 13-28, graphs, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Forecasting changes in the temperature regime of permafrost in a built-up area. When an area becomes more or less covered with buildings, the processes of heat exchange in its atmosphere—soil—lithosphere system are significantly altered. Heat balance of this system is discussed and some mathematical formulas axe presented for calculating its components such as temperature of ground, geothermal gradient, half width of a populated area, density of same, temperature field, etc. Equations are presented for solving certain problems and for forecasting the temperature regime of DLC. the built-over area. 88536. KHRUfSKI1, S. F., and L. N. SAMOiLOV. Nekotorye osobennosti paleogeograficheskogo razvitifa gol'rsovykh ralonov severnoT chasti Aldana-Timptonskogo mezhdurech'&. (Merzlotnye issledovania 1964. no. 4, p. 275 81, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of paleogeographic development of the baldmountain regions in the northern part of the Aldan-Timpton interfluve. Discusses the still disputed problem of the number of glaciations in southern Yakutia and their character. Their traces such as corries, moraines, terrace surfaces, etc are described. The view is supported that there was a single glacial epoch in Eurasia with three glaciations Three cooling periods are noted in respect to the three glaciations which are characterized as to the snow line, relief and glacial forms of DLC. relief. 88537. KHRUTIKII, S. F. Osobennosti tektonicheskikh narushenil i sviDs' ikh s mnogoletnemerzlymi porodami. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1964. v. 19, ser. 5: geog. no. 3, p. 87-88.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.:
Features of tectonic dislocation and their connection with permafrost. Reports a 1961-1962 cryogenic-hydrogeologic survey in the Aldan—Timpton interfluve. Archean crystalline rocks were investigated and tectonic dislocations recognized which affected the ground water circulation, the formation of taliks and other permafrost phenomena. DLC. 88538. KHRUfSKIL S. F. Relikty treshchinno-poligonal'nykh l'dov v nizhnel chasti doliny r. Obi. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geografii polgarnykh strap i Problemy paleogeografii ...1964, p. 75-84, sections, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Relicts of polygon-crack ice in the lower part of the Ob River valley. Reports a 1960 study of old cryogenic processes and certain pseudomorphs which replace polygon-crack ice. Such pseudomorphs are described, noting their dimensions, composing rocks and other features. Epigenetic and syngenetic development of ice wedges is discussed. Enveloping lamination of some epigenetic pseudomorphs is noted. Their morphology and occurrence DLC. are analyzed. KHRUFSKIi, S. F., see also No. 91910. 88539. KHUDiAKOV, G. I. Stepen' unasledovanifa morfostrukturami bolee drevnikh tektonicheskikh form ZapadnoSibirskoI plity. (GeologiTh. i geofizika 1964, no. 3, p. 69-78, map.) 18 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Extent of morphostructures' inheritance of ancient tectonic forms of the West Siberian platform. Attempt is made to use a morphostructural method to analyze the tectonic structure of the basement in various regions of the West Siberian platform, including arctic areas between the Ob and Yenisey. It is supposed that in the Neogene and Quaternary, various structural trends of the basement were active simultaneously though not to the same extent. For the first time, an attempt is made to establish a connection between amplitude of local uplifts in lower horizons of cover and tectonic activity in the Quaternary period. The lower Ob and Yenisey in antecedent valleys were able to hold their courses during the elevation. DLC. 88540. KHUDOVEKOV, F. P. Opyt organizaEsii speCsializirovannol pomoshchi naselenifa otdalennykh ralonov. (Zdravookhranenie Rossilskol Federaaii 1960. v. 4, no. 3, p. 16-18.) In Russian. Title tr.:
Attempt at organizing specialized aid to residents of outlying districts. Sketches public health services in Arkhangel'sk Province and advocates more use of hospital boats on the rivers. These boats with lab and research facilities are built for shallow waters and landing alongside the river bank. The personnel aboard should include specialists to make diagnostic examinations, give treatments also advice to local health organizations. The experience of one such boat operating on the Severnaya Dvina in 1959 is described. DLC. 88541. KHUDOVEKOV, F. P. Organiza&ifa bor'by s poliomielitom v Arkhangel'skol oblasti. (Zdravookhranenie Rossilskol Federaissii 1961. v. 5, no. 11, p. 12-15.) In Russian. Title tr.: Organization of poliomyelitis control in Arkhangel'sk Province. Describes administrative, medical, and prophylactic measures started in 1956 to check the rise of polio cases since 1955, noting the number of paralytic cases among children in 1958. Use of Salk vaccine on over 20,000 below the age of 7 reduced the number of new cases in 1959. A further decrease is attributed to a mass inoculation with an attenuated live vaccine in spring 1960. A revaccination program is planned for 1961. Hospital treatment, rehabilitation, orthopedic training of paralytic cases, parent training in home care for ambulatory patients, etc are discussed. A 30-bed boarding-school sanitarium was opened in 1957 at Voznesen'ye, near Arkhangel'sk, and enlarged to 75 beds in 1959. Its rehabilitation facilities, vocational programs, etc are sketched. DLC. KHURS, E. I., see No. 89069. 88542. KHUZIN, R. SH. Materialy po biologii i promyslu grenlandskogo Valenta., Pagophilus groenlandicus Erxl. 1777, u N'tafaundlenda. (Murmansk. Poltarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1963. no. 15, p. 23549, tables, graphs, map.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Materials on the biology and exploitation of the Greenland seal Pagophilus groenlandicus in Newfoundland. Reviews earlier hunting of the harp seal in these waters, and reports Russian sealing and investigations during 14 Mar-28 Apr 1961. Formation and distribution of rookeries, age and sex composition of their populations, reproduction, growth and nutrition are considered. In contrast to the Jan Mayen and especially the White Sea
populations, Newfoundland has a high percentage of older animals, indicating modest exploitation of the herd and good DLC. prospects for Soviet sealing. 88543. KHUZIN, R. SH. Materialy po opredelenia vozrasta i razmnozheniffi belnkhi. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1963. no. 15, p. 263-69, tables, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Materials for determination of age and reproduction of the beluga. Report for recent years, based largely on study of thin dental sections. From it author concludes that maturation in females takes a long time, beginning at the age of four; they show a tendency to annual reproduction; the oldest female recorded DLC. was one of 29 yr.
KHUZIN, R. SH., and M. a. LAKOVENKO. 0 raspredelenii i biologii
khokhlacha Grenlandskogo morfft. (Murmansk. Polfilmyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1963. no. 15, p. 251-61, graphs, illus.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution and biology of the hooded seal in the Greenland Sea. Discusses Norwegian and Russian sealing in this area; its ice conditions, age determination and maturation age of this seal, its age and size, age composition of kills in 1960 and 1961. DLC.
KHVOROSTOVA, Z. M., see No. 88415. KHVOSTIKOV, I. A., see No. 91169. 88545. KIAERLAND, L. SkilOperavdelingene og 1814. (Sn0 og ski 1964. v. 70, p. 10-19, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: The ski troops and 1814. Survey of Norwegian ski troops from the 17th century to 1940. Six companies were set up in 1747, and had an important part in operations till 1814. They were reduced to four companies in 1818 and disbanded in 1826. SPRI. 88546. KIBAL'CHICH, I. A., and others. Sanitarnoe issledovanie r. Angary i Bratskogo vodokhranilischa s pomoshchn glubinnogo konduktometra. (Gigiena i sanitarifa 1965. v. 30, no. 11, p. 23-28, graphs, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Other authors: A. I. Urffinov and G. M. Erdman. Title tr.: Polution studies of the Angara River and the Bratsk reservoir by means of a deep-water conductivity meter. Describes a device to test pollution by
measuring water temperature and ion content at different depths. The test carried out in 1964 on a 240 km stretch between the Irkutsk and Bratsk dame, confirmed data obtained by chemical analysis. Fluctuations in electric conductivity facilitated detection of the source and flow of pollution as well as the nature DLC. and concentration of pollutants. 88547. KILBURN, P. D. Floras of the tundra. (Natural history 1965. v. 74, no. 7, p. 52-59, illus.) Compares alpine with arctic tundras and describes the Colorado Rockies tundra, the research station there, and its bearing on arctic studies. The causes of tundra formation in these altitudes and conditions are outlined. The character of the flora, perennial with rare exceptions, plant communities and their micro-environment, and the role of snow cover are discussed. The role of soil and glaciations is also considered. DLC. 88548. KIL'DfEJSHEVSKII, I. D. Formation of the vegetation under various environmental conditions of southern Verkhoyansk. (Problems of botany, v. 5, p. 57-66, tables.) 3 refs. English translation of No 65681 by Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem 1965; TT64-11068, available from Clearinghouse FSTI, Springfield, Va. DLC. 88549. KIL'DIUSHEVSKII, I. D. K ekologii mkhov dominantov rastitel'nogo pokrova Severs. (Problemy Severs 1964. no. 8, p. 83-87.) 10 refs. In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Ecology of mosses dominant in the plant cover in the North. Reports investigations in the vicinity of Tiksi in 1955, the Tompo District in 1956, upper Vilyuy in 1958 and lower Penzhina in 1960: 23 species of mosses dominant in the plant associations of these areas are listed, and their occurrence, role in the associations and ecological relations with grasses and shrubs are noted. CaMAI, DLC. 88550. KILE, N. B. Analiticheskie formy obraznykh slov nanalskogo fazyka. (Akanauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Izvestifa 1965, no. 9, p. 105-111.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Analytical forms of figurative words in Gold. Morphological study of words which imitate sound, evoke emotion, image, etc and their ability to form a compound with DLC. another part of speech.
88551. KILEZHENKO, V. P., and V. N. PODYMAKHIN. Nakoplenie rassefannykh elementov nekotorymi organizmami illzhnoT chasti Barenrseva mortii. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 135-41, table, graph.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Accumulation of trace elements by some organisms of the southern Barents Sea. Reports on a study of ten radioactive elements in the commonest seaweeds, echinoderms, crustaceans, and a mollusc, with comparisons to data obtained at lower latitudes. The rate of accumulation appears to be slower in the Barents Sea due, apparently, to low physiological processing. DLC. KTLEZHENKO, V. P., see also Nos. 85943, 86920. 88552. KILLINGMO, A. F. Bruer. (V§..rt yrke 1961. v. 13, no. 6, p. 107-07, +, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Bridges. Discusses the Norwegian railway's requirement and construction of bridges on the basis of axle load, spacing per running in of track, use of steel or concrete, etc. The three-span concrete bridge built in 1959 at Straumsnes, longest on the Fau.skeDLC. Bod0 line is illus. 88553. KILVERT, B. Rankin Inlet. (Beaver, summer 1965. p. 14-17, illus.) Presents impressions of this former (19531962) nickel-mining town in Keewatin District, visited in 1965. Its population, though declined, is about 335, mostly Eskimos. Their handicraft and other money-earning projects are noted, also their living conditions and standards, and the mixture of traditional and modern items in DI. use. 88554. KIM, J. S., and R. A. VOLKMAN. Thickness of zenithal auroral arc over Alaska. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1965. v. 27, no. 3, p. 32128, tables, graphs.) 10 refs. Reports the thickness measurements of 30, 24, and six independent homogeneous arcs which occurred respectively above IGY stations at College, Kotzebue, and Farewell during 1958. The average values at College were 9.2 km, at Kotzebue 8.3 km, and at Farewell 8.9 km. All are in satisfactory agreement with the 9.1 km average reported (No 80019) by the authors from measurements of 40 independent auroral arcs above Ft Churchill in 1963. DLC.
88555. KIM, M. V., and 0. V. SNEZHKO. Issledovanie temperaturnogo rezhima vechnomerzlykh gruntov v osnovanii eksperimental'nogo zhilogo domas krytym dvorom. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytorn proektirovanifti ... 1962 pub. 1963. v. 2, p. 196-202, graphs, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: An investigation of the temperature regime in the permafrost ground at the base of an experimental dwelling with a roofed court. Reports a study of this structure at Noril'sk on sandy and clayey frozen ground of 30% moisture to establish whether it is possible to preserve the permafrost state of the ground. A 40 cm thick layer of ventilated gravel should be laid under a 20 cm thermal insulation layer of peat with a 10 cm thick layer of worked-up clay for hydro-insulation, and a 80 cm layer of vegetation on top. Cold air from outside forced through the gravel reduces the temperature low enough to maintain the base ground in a frozen state. CaONA. 88556. KIM, M. V., and 0. V. SNEZHKO. O metodike rascheta i konstruirovanifit sval na vechnomerzlykh gruntakb. (Krasnoyarsk. N.-issl. inst. po stroitel'stvu. Stroitel'stvo v raTonakh Vostochnol Sibiri i KraTnego Severs. 1962. no. 3, p. 14-20, tables, graphs.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A method of pile design and construction on permafrost. Discusses the possibility of decreasing the estimated bending moment of reinforced concrete piles under high wind pressure up to 100 kg/m2 (wind 40 m/sec), and arriving thereby at a more economical foundation. From the wind-velocity data for Noril'sk and Vorkuta and the ground-freezing and -thawing rates for Noril'sk, a re-evaluation is made of the building standards for the far North. The static method of pile design for foundations in permafrost is found to exaggerate safety factors by 15-20%. Pile design based on max bending moment, and on reducing the excessive wind load standards would economize 23-40% on armature, and 10% on concrete. DLC. 88557. KIM, M. V., and G. F. SHISHKANOV. Opredelenie predel'nogo soprotivlenifil vmorozhennykh sva! po RSN 14-62. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovania... . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 2, p. 12-18, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Determination of the ultimate strength of frozen-in piles according to RSN 14-62. Reviews critically the RSN 14-62 structural standards for estimates of the loadbearing capacity of piles frozen into the
ground. Comparison is made with the SN 91-60 standards for pile foundations estimated according to the principle of ultimate conditions, that is when the rate of pile sinking under load does not exceed a rate of 0.5 mm/day. A set-up is proposed for separate determination of ground resistance on the tip and sides of a pile; it is being CaONA. tested at Noril'sk. 88558. KIM, M. V., and G. F. SHISHKANOV. Proekt ukazanil po proektirovanifil i ustrolstvu sva!nykh fundamentov na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh. (Krasnoyarsk. N.-issl. inst. po stroitel'stvu. Stroitel'stvo v ra!onakh VostochnoT Sibiri i KraTnego Severe 1962. no. 3, p. 3-13, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Instruction project for designing and constructing pile foundations on permafrost. Discusses the standards for pile foundations developed by the Gosstrol of RSFSR Research Institute at Krasnoyarsk. These standards are based on experience at Noril'sk, Yakutsk, Vorkuta and other locations in the North and the Northeast of the RSFSR. Formulas for calculating permafrost resistance to pile sinking at 2 m depth, are developed into a table where the resistance is shown in terms of ground temperature from —0.5 to —4.0° C. at the tip of the pile, for permafrost of various composition and structure. From Norilsk experience it is established that resistance of loaded piles to sinking in permafrost changes by 270% during the year, due to changing ground temperature. Recommendations are given for pile foundation construction by driving the piles into high temperature (-0.5° C.) DLC. permafrost.
turnykh vechnomerzlykh gruntakh iz opyta v Noril'ske. (OsnovaniQ, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov 1964. v. 6, no. 6, p. 13-15, table, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Construction of large-panel buildings on high-temperature permafrost, from experience at Noril'sk. Criticizes building regulations which do not allow large-panel structures on permafrost above —2° C. This regulation bars construction on a large part of Norilsk where the annual ground temperature range is —0.2 to —2° C. In Noril'sk, 32 five-story 2-, 3- and 4-section large-panel apartment houses with a total living area of 65,000 m2 have been built since 1962. Moist sand at —0.5° C. at the construction site of a certain micro-region is shown suitable for largepanel buildings, and experimental construction of four is permitted there. The composition and temperatures of the ground type of foundations and ventilation of the basement level are described. On the basis of this experience, recommendations are submitted for changing the existing building regulations for Noril'sk. DLC. 88561. KIM, M. V. Stroitel'stvo nadshakhtnogo zdanifit i kopra na l'distykh vechnomerzlykh gruntakh. (Krasnoyarsk. N.-issl. inst. po stroitel'stvu. Stroitel'stvo v ralonakh VostochnoT Sibiri i Kra!nego Severe 1962. no. 3, p. 26-39, tables, graphs, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Construction of a tipple and pithead frame on ice-containing permafrost. Discusses construction of foundations for these structures over a Zapolyarnyy mine shaft. The construction process is described in detail from experience at Noril'sk. The ground is reinforced by injecting cement mortar into pre-thawed coarse-fragmented Quaternary deposits. The thawing eliminates ice inclusions, and the cavities thus formed are filled with the mortar, strengthening the foundation base. No sagging has been observed after such treatment. DLC.
88559. KIM, M. V. Proektirovanie i ustroTstvo svalnykh fundamentov na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh. (In: Soveshchanieseminar po obmenu . . . 1961. Sbornik trudov pub. 1962, p. 117-35, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Design and construction of pile foundations on permafrost. Considers concrete and reinforced concrete foundations of various types and pile foundations. The latter type was found to be best suited for buildings on permafrost in Noril'sk and Yakutsk. Site preparation, driving of piles by hammer, and their insertion into drill holes, or into pre-. thawed ground are described and analyzed. Building on reinforced concrete piles, and pile foundations are considered with reference to specific buildings in Noril'sk and Dudinka. DLC.
88562. KIM, T. A. 0 rasprostranenii zfablika v Krasnofarskom krae. (Krasnoyarsk. Gos. pedagogicheskiT inst. Uchenye zapiski 1959. v. 15, p. 223-24.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the distribution of the chaffinch in Krasnoyarsk Province. Reports from own observations that Fringilla coelebs L. is seen 200 km east, 250 km south and 700 km north of Krasnoyarsk, i.e. to approx 62° N. DLC.
88560. KIM, M. V. Stroitel'stvo krupnopanel'nykh zdanil na vysokotempera-
KIMBALL, D. S., see Nos. 84910, 84911, 89829.
KIM, P. K., see No. 88362.
88563. KIMMEY, J. W., and J. A. STEVENSON. A forest disease survey of Alaska. (Plant disease reporter 1957. Stipp]. 247, p. 87-98.) Reports briefly a survey carried out in 1952-1954, of the general health and presence of epidemics in Southeast Alaska forests. Observations were mostly from the air but with some ground work as well. Some 250 fungi collected are listed, with notes on frequency, effects on trees and timber. This is followed by a list of forest trees, and fungi affecting each. DLC. KIND, N. V., see No. 84992. 88564. KING, E. R., and others. Genesis of the Arctic Ocean Basin. (Science, June 26, 1964. v. 144, p. 1551-57, graphs, maps.) 24 refs. Other authors: I. Zietz and L. R. Alldredge. Outlines the nature of this basin according to high-altitude aeromagnetic surveys and other geophysical and geologic data. The earth's crust of the basin is characterized. Geology of the surrounding area is discussed noting distribution of Precambrian shields and platforms. The underwater topography is delineated noting the main basins and submarine ranges. Seismic, gravity and magnetic data of the Arctic Ocean are given. DLC. KING, G. A. M., see No. 85458. 88565. KING, H. G. R. The library of the Scott Polar Research Institute. (Special Libraries Association. Geog. and Map Division. Bulletin 1965. no. 61, p. 7-12.) 8 refs. 22nd in a series on The libraries and literature of cold and cold regions. Describes the growth, organization, and functions of this specialized library, and the history and activities of the Institute at Cambridge Univ, England. Its collections are noted, some 8,000 books, 600 periodicals and series, more than 14,000 pamphlets, manuscripts, as are supplementary collections of maps, newspaper clippings, photographs, slides, movies, recordings, drawings and paintings. Notable acquisitions include the Lefroy bequest on the history of Sir John Franklin and the Canadian Arctic, Hugh Robert Mill bequest of Antarctic books, Leonid Breitf us library, Vaino Tanner collection on Fennoscandia, Newfoundland and Labrador. Mss on Scott's Discovery and Terra Nova expeditions, also Parry, Back, Franklin, Bruce, Priestley, and Fuchs letters and diaries are of special interest. The Universal Decimal Classification was adopted in 1950 and schedules worked out (cf No 82460). DLC.
88566. KING, J. R., and others. The lipid reserves of white-crowned sparrows on the breeding ground in central Alaska. (Auk 1965. v. 82, no. 2, p. 236-52, tables, graphs.) 38 refs. Other authors: D. S. Farner and M. L. Morton. Reports study of the variation in lipid reserves of Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii as observed in the Tanana valley 25 mi from Fairbanks. Immediately before autumn migration there was a rapid increase in lipid reserves from spring levels of 3-4% to a mean level of approx 8% of total body weight. Max levels in individual birds reached about 16%. Variation in total body weight is shown not a reliable index of variation of lipid reserves in summer and autumn as there is a decrease in fat-free body weight concurrent with fat deposition. Data are discussed in relation to possible regulatory mechanisms which induce the postmigratory depletion of lipid reserves in spring and their premigratory restoration in autumn. The decrease of reserves from the vernal max possibly reflects the development of a vernal metabolic photorefractory phase. If this phase dissipates during the summer, then premigratory fat deposition may be photoperiodically induced again in the autumn. DLC. 88567. KINGERY, F. A. 3. Cold urticaria. (American Medical Association. Journal 1965. v. 192, no. 2, p. 107, illus.) Describes symptoms of this type of coldhypersensitivity, and gives also differential diagnosis from other types, incidence and the role of histamine in clinical manifestaDLC. tions, etc. 88568. KINGERY, W. D. On the metamorphism of snow. (Int. Geological Congress 21st, Copenhagen 1960. pt. 21, p. 8189, graphs, table.) 17 refs. Describes the relatively simple and rapid processes of snow metamorphism; substantial changes occur in a few years but complete metamorphic equilibrium is not reached even after a thousand years. The energy changes and kinetics of the process are discussed; initial stages are shown to be the result of surface diffusion, which causes changes in pore structure; increase in density and in grain size are caused by DGS. viscous creep or plastic flow. 88569. KINNE, I. L., and others. A study to determine possible additional uses for five native-owned and -operated Alaska salmon canneries located at Angoon, Kake, Klawock, Hydaburg, and Metlakatla, Alaska; final report. Columbus, Ohio, Battelle
Memorial Inst. 1964. 116 p. tables, graphs, Refs. Other authors: J. H. Litchfield, W. M. Allen, C. Paullus, J. R. Hagely, J. B. Purdy, J. W. Vigrass and 0. Wilhelmy. Examines the entire facilities, production, labor, financing and marketing operations of the canneries in relation to national production and consumption patterns. The structure of US fisheries in general, and the declining fortunes of the salmon industry of Southeast Alaska in particular are analyzed. In 1962 four of these canneries (Angoon was burnt down 1961) produced one-fifth of the salmon output of Southeast Alaska. All except Metlakatla are insolvent, and of the $5 million in current loans from US Govt, only $1 million is covered by assets. As Indian villages rely almost solely upon this industry, aid from the Bureau of Indian Affairs is used to maintain operations. Detailed field investigations in the villages are reviewed. Personal and group conflict, lack of initiative and alcohol are found major social hindrances to the successful operation of the village-owned canneries. Managers employ as cannery hands village officials who employ them as managers. The physical condition of the plants is reviewed, and suggestions are made for improvement in operations, training of native skippers and installation of boat maintenance facilities. The introduction of half-lb lines is favored. The advantages and disadvantages of consolidation are considered, and a reorganization of sales, with appointment of a sales manager is recommended. Many possibilities for diversification are considered, but of these only the production and processing of crab, shrimp and clams for the US market and sea cucumber and sea urchins for export to DI. Japan are viewed as feasible. 88570. KINNE, 0. The effects of temperature and salinity on marine and brackish water animals; 1, temperature; 2, salinity and temperature. (Oceanography and marine biology 1963, 1964. v. 1, p. 301-340, v. 2, p. 281-339, graphs, tables, illus.) Approx. 700 refs. Reports a comprehensive study extending to 70° N. Average surface temperatures as related to latitudes and the effects of temperature on metabolism and activity, reproduction and distribution are considered. Temperature and structure (size) is dealt with, as is adaptation, non-genetic and genetic, to temperature. Pt 2 reviews earlier studies, and discusses the biological effects of salinity p 283-321, viz: salinity tolerance, metabolism and activity, incl osmoregulation, etc. Responses of body fluids, blood
and tissue fluids are dealt with. Salinity and structure are considered, as is adaptation to salinity and its changes. Similar aspects are discussed in the much shorter chapter on the effect of temperature-salinity combinations. DLC. KIRBY, R. P., see No. 88192. 88571. KIREEVA, M. S. Syr'evye resursy vodoroslel morel Sovetskogo Sofllza. (Okea, nologifll 1965. v. 5, no. 1, p. 14-21.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Algae resources of the seas of the Soviet Union. Discusses the importance and the tasks of algae studies, including such in parts of the White, Barents, Okhotsk and Bering Seas where laminarian algae prevail. Their reserves in raw weight are calculated for the White Sea as 800,000 t, Barents 250,000 t, Far Eastern seas 3.5 million t. Fucus algae and sea grass reserves are also estimated. Some 194 algal species are found in the White Sea, and the same number in the Barents Sea also. Their distribution and kinds are reported. DLC. KIREEVA, M. S., see also No. 92888. 88572. KIRICHENKO, L. A. 0 paleozolskikh osadochnykh i effuzivnykh porodakh Kol'skogo poluostrova. (Materialy po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym SeveroZapada RSFSR 1962. no. 3, p. 27-44, map, tables.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the Paleozoic sedimentary and effusive rocks of Kola Peninsula. Reports results of a geologic survey in 1952-1954 in the Kontozero Lake area and elsewhere. Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous deposits are described in some detail. According to facies composition, their age is similar to that of the eastern slope of the Baltic shield and the Oslo region in Norway. Geologic structure of the peninsula throughout the Paleozoic is interpreted. Possibly till the Lower Carboniferous, it was an area of removal and continental deposits formed only in local depressions of the relief. Not till late in Carboniferous time did the peninsula undergo subsidence and marine transgression. DLC. 88573. KIRICHKOVA, A. I., and V. V. PAVLOV. Novye melovye paporotniki severe Sibiri. (Paleontologicheskll zhurnal 1965, no. 2, p. 118-21, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New Cretaceous ferns of northern Siberia. Describes a new genus and two new species found in the Sitte and Chybyda River
basins: Coniopteridium n. gen. represented by C. sibiricum and Coniopteris minima n. spp. Both species, well preserved, are illus. DLC. 88574. KIRILLOV, A. A., and V. A. SPICHKIN. Raschet srokov vozmozhnogo nachala forsirovanifil pripara ledokolami sposobom "tandem." (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 19, p. 62-63, graph.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Estimating the date when icebreakers can force shore ice by the "tandem" method. Develops an analytical formula h — he Dbs = Dot + Vt where Dbs is that date, Dm is the date when ice thawing begins, h is ice thickness prior to the thawing process, he is the ultimate ice thickness for the icebreaker, and Vt is the mean thawing velocity. By the so-called tandem method, he is derived from the pulling stresses of both icebreakers, water resistance, and four empirical constants. DLC. 88575. KIRILLOVA, A. A., and P. L. KANTEMIROVA. RaaionaPnoe ispol'zovanie tikhookeanskikh paltusov. (Rybnoe khozEttstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 8, p. 53-54.) In Russian. Title tr.: Rational utilization of Pacific halibut. Notes the four species in the Bering Sea, their size, weight, content of fat and vitamins. Methods of preservation used, some others recommended, and rendering of fat are briefly considered. DLC. 88576. KIRINA, T. I. K stratigrafii furskikh otlozhenil Vilfiltskol sineklizy. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 158, no. 1, p. 98-101.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On stratigraphy of Jurassic deposits of the Vilyuy syneclise. Reports a 1957-1963 study. Lower, Middle and Upper Jurassic deposits are distinguished and divided into stages, smaller units and layers. Lithologic properties, thickness and fauna of these deposits are described. DLC. 88577. KIRIIISHINA, M. T. Osnovnye cherty chetvertichnoT istorii ostrova Vrangelfa. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1965. v. 143, p. 89-105, map, sections, illus.) 37 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Main features of the Quaternary history of Vrangel Island. Presents an orographic scheme and an analysis of the deposits of this island. In the early Quaternary, the island was an
area of accumulation. Deposits of the Middle Quaternary glaciation, pebble-beds of the following interglacial, glacial and aqueo-glacial deposits of the Zyryanka glaciation, and traces of the Santar glaciation are noted. Present formations of embryonic-corrie glaciation are characterized. DLC. 88578. KIRIUSHKIN, V. N. 0 nekotorykh bolotnykh sistemakh Arkhangel'skol oblasti. (Botanicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 50, no. 3, p. 375-78, map, profiles.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some bog systems of Arkhangelsk Province. Describes bal.. in the Mezen'-Kuloy watershed, including the geology and soil, relief and profile. The plant cover and peat, its kinds and thickness also are noted. DLC. KIRIUSHKIN, V. N., see also No. 85290. KIRIZSILKINA, A. A., see No. 88893. 88579. KIRKPATRICK, B. M. Military construction problems in Alaska. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 338-46.) Also issued as: US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR 64-28. Reviews problems of military construction in the remote areas of Alaska, and discusses the modifications to standard designs necessary because of the extreme climatic regime. The most serious problems concern internal moisture formation and frosting, insulation, roof design, frost heaving, permafrost, access problems and the short construction season. Metal windows have proved impractical in the North and through-metal connections must be eliminated. The flat roofs of military structures deteriorate rapidly and sloping roofs are substituted. The most complex problem concerns permafrost. Insulated or refrigerated foundations as deep as 10 ft are necessary in many situations to prevent thawing of the permafrost. In construction of roads, a non-frost-susceptible base must be used to provide adequate strength during melting periods, and in permafrost areas the overlay method of construction in which the ground is not disturbed is essential. Similar precautions must be taken in the case of airfield runways. Better equipment and improved techniques are required to carry out rapid work during the short construction CaMAI. season. KIRKWOOD, J. B., see No 84953. 88580. KIROV, A. A., and S. P. SPERANSKIL Uchastie Arkhangel'skogo medi1 in-
skogo instituta v rabote organov zdravooklusnenifa. (Zdravookhranenie Rossilskol Federaaii 1959. v. 3, no. 7, p. 37-40.) In Russian. Title tr.: Participation of the Arkhangel'sk medical school in the work of organs of public health. Describes student research in endemic goiter, respiratory and occupational diseases, acclimatization problems, labor conditions. Field work among Samoyeds, in lumber camps, fisheries, etc is noted also: some graduates will practice in these and rural areas and ease the shortage of physicians. DLC. 88581. KIRSANOV, I. T. Detilternost' Avachinskogo i Korakskogo vulkanov za period a oktEhrla 1959 g. po iffin' 1961 g. (31filleten' vulkanologicheskikh stanall 1964. no. 35, p. 22-33, map, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Activity of Avachinskiy and Koryakskiy Volcanoes during Oct 1959—June 1961. Reports observation of their fumarolic activities from Petropavlovsk incl time, size, place, altitude and form of gas emitted. Both volcanoes were more active in winter months Dec—Feb than in other seasons. DLC. 88582. KIRSANOV, I. T., and others. Fumarolinata defatel'nost' Avachinskogo i Korfakskogo vnikanov. (Braaten' vulkanologicheskikh stanall 1964. no. 38, p. 3-32, maps, tables, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. Other authors: G. G. Medvedeva and E. K. Serafimova. Title tr.: Fume,rolic activity of Avachinskiy and Koryakskiy Volcanoes. Reports results of detailed study of Avachinskiy 3-7 Aug and 7-8 Sept 1962 and Koryakskiy in May 1957, Mar 1961, and 17-19 Aug 1963. Distribution of the numerous fumaroles of Avachinskiy is shown on a map. Data are tabulated on the chemical composition of the gases from the fumaroles and of the sublimates; and the gaseous-hydrothermal changes of rocks caused by fumaroles are discussed. DLC. 88583. KIRSANOV, I. T. Sostofanie delstvufilshchikh vulkanov MzhnoT i SredneT Kamchatki za period s iffinfa 1961 g. po MP 1962 g. (Bfiilleten' vulkanologicheskikh stanail 1964, no. 36, p. 48-59, tables, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The state of active volcanoes in southern and middle Kamchatka June 1961—July 1962. Reports results of regular observations of 12 active volcanoes: Mutnovskiy, Gorelyy, Avachinskiy, Koryakskiy, Zhupanovskiy, Karymskiy, Malyy Semyachik, Bol'shoy
Semyachik, Uzon, Kikhpinych, Krasheninnikova and Kronotskiy. Activity in all was limited to fumarolic emission of gas and vapor; the most detailed information, chemical composition of fumarolic sublimates and vapors, is given, p 48-54, for Mutnovskiy. DLC. 88584. KIRSANOV, I. T., and others. Sostofithie Karymskogo vulkana v 19601961 gg. i produkty ego izverzhenifil. (Bffilleten' vulkanologicheskikh stanall 1964. no. 35, p. 9-21, tables, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N. V. Ogorodov, M. V. Fedorov and A. M. Chirkov. Title tr.: The state of Karymskiy Volcano in 1960-1961 and its eruption products. Karymskiy with 20 eruptions in this century, is one of the most active volcanoes in Kamchatka. Its last eruptive state Apr 1960—Jan 1962 is described from reports of local inhabitants and tourists and own observations including such from airplane and helicopter. Chemical analyses of lavas of 1935 and 1947, rocks and ashes are given. DLC. 88585. KIRSANOV, I. T., and others. Sostoanie vulkanov Mutnovskogo i Gorelogo za period s nofithrfa 1960 po iffin' 1961 g. (Bifilleten' vulkanologicheskikh stanail 1964. no. 36, p. 39-47, tables, illus.) In Russian. Other authors: N. V. Ogorodov and A. M. Chirkov. Title tr.: State of Mutnovskiy and Gorelyy Volcanoes in the period from November 1960 till June 1961. Includes description of a weak explosive eruption of 31 Dec 1960-10 Jan 1961; the mass of pyroclastic material extruded, chiefly ash and sand, amounted to 106 m3, covering 5-6 km% DLC. 88586. KIRSANOV, I. T. Sostoianie vulkanov Mutnovskogo i Gorelogo za period a oktfilbrfii. 1959 po oktfabe 1960 g. (BinEaten' vulkanologicheskikh stancall 1964. no. 35, p. 34-43, maps, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The state of Mutnovskiy and Gorelyy Volcanoes during Oct 1959—Oct 1960. Mutnovskiy, with ten eruptions in the last 60 yr, is one of the more active volcanoes in Kamchatka. In the yr reported, its activity as observed from Petropavlovsk 80 km distant was limited to emission of gas, of which a cloud reached 1300-1500 m altitude Dec 1959; the gas-emitting fissures investigated in July-Aug 1960 are shown. Gorelyy, also observed from Petropavlovsk, had only weak emission of gas. DLC.
88587. KIRSANOV, I. T. Vulkany IUzhnol i Srednel Kamchatki v 1963 g. (Bfalleten' vulkanologicheskikh stanilif 1964. no. 37, p. 3-15, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Volcanoes of southern and middle Kamchatka in 1963. Presents brief notes on the state of the active volcanoes including Mutnovskiy, Gorelyy, Avachinakiy, Koryakskiy, Zhupanovskiy, Malyy Semyachik, Bol'shoy Semyachik, Uzon, Kikhpinych, Krasheninnikova, Kronotskiy and Kizimen, based on visual observations, flights, and ascents. In general, they are in a quiet state and observed changes are in fumaroles and gas composition. DLC. 88588. KISELEV, ft. G. 0 nekotorykh chertakh glubinnogo stroenifa Talmyrskol depressii i sopredel'nykh uchastkov po geofizicheskim dannym. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regionarnafa geologifa no. 2, p. 7283, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of the abyssal structure of the Taymyr depression and adjacent areas according to geophysical data. Reports aeromagnetic and seismic surveys of this region enabling the clarification of the structure of the pre-Mesozoic and Precambrian basement, zones of abyssal faults, lineal structures, etc. The Taymyr depression is considered a part of the LenaYenisey system of depressions including Lena and Lena-Angara trough and Khatango. depression. The nature of the Taymyr depression is analyzed and schematic tectonic map of the region presented. Based on new data of the abyssal structure, recommendations are given for further DLC. prospecting of oil. KISELEV, M. G., see also No. 86469. 88589. KISELEV, L. E. Sever raskryvaet bogatstva; iz istorii promyshlennogo razvitifa Kra&leg° Severa. Moskva, Izd-vo Mysl' 1964. 110 p. tables. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The North reveals its treasures; from the history of the industrial development of the Far North. In three parts, of which the first, Creation of heavy industry centers in the pre-war five-year plans 1928-1940, includes the beginnings of the utilization of Kola Peninsula mineral resources, the Northern Sea Route, the Noril'sk Combine and development in the northeastern part of the Soviet Union, p 4-31. Pt 2 deals with development during the war and post-war construction, 1941-1958; and pt 3 (p 84104) with development in the first years of
the seven-year plans in northern and western Siberia, Krasnoyarsk Province and the northeastern economic region (Yakutia, Magadan and Kamchatka Provinces). Based on recent pub and unpub materials as cited in footnotes. DLC. 88590. KISELEV, 0. N. Opyt isporzovanifa ekholota dlia poiska ryby cherez led. (Rybnoe khozfalstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 1, p. 47-49, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Experiments with echo-sound in search of fish through the ice. Describes the equipment and method developed by PINRO for use in freshwaters. Some thousand tests were made at 25 m intervals. Fish were found to be scattered individually, seldom in shoals. DLC. KISELEV, 0. N., see also No. 87190. 88591. KISELEV, V. A. Sobol' Eniselakogo Severs, i raisionarnoe ispol'zovanie ego zapasov. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kra!nego Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 183.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Sable in the Yenisey North and economic use of the resource. Summary of his paper pub in Problemy zoologicheskikh issleclovanit v Sibiri 1962 (not seen), reporting a 1955-1961 study. Sable in this taiga are estimated at 100-110,000. Hunting and trapping methods are analyzed and improvements suggested. DNAL. KISIICHINSKIT, A. A., see No. 90939. 88592. KISLaKOV, A. G. Gorizontal'nal& CairkulfaCsila vod na vodorazdele Norvezhskogo i BarenCseva morel. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. no. 16, p. 183-94, graphs, maps.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Horizontal water circulation on the watershed between the Norwegian and Barents Seas. Reports on the observations made in the spring-summer months of 1959-1961, which revealed a crest extending northward from Norway between the two seas. This crest is produced by, and its size depends upon, the freshwater runoff from the Scandinavian Peninsula. Together with the winds, the crest determines the character of water circulation in the area. DLC. 88593. KISLfAKOV, A. G. 0 kolebanifakh solenosti v Shpi@bergenskom teplom techenii. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. no. 16, p. 215-25, tables, graphs.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.:
Salinity fluctuations in the warm Spitsbergen Current. Study of the profile crossing this current along the 74° 30' N parallel. Seasonal and year-to-year fluctuations in salinity and the temperature : salinity relationships in the Spitsbergen and Nordkapp Currents are analyzed and the factors affecting them DLC. discussed. 88594. KISLCAKOV, A. G. 0 svfazi raskhodov vody, tepla i sole! a teplovym sostogniem Zapadno-Shpi@bergenskogo (Materialy rybokhozfalstventechenifa. nykh issledovanifa Severnogo basse!na 1964. no. 2, p. 95-103, tables, graphs.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Relationship between water discharge, heat, salts and the thermal conditions of the Vestspitsbergen Current. Study of conditions along 74° 30' N. A high relationship was found between the quantity of water, heat and salt, and between the strength of the current and its average temperature. The current is 1.8 times stronger in winter and carries twice as much as heat as in the summer. Fluctuations in its intensity during the preceding 15 yr are also noted. DLC. 88595. KISLfAKOV, A. G. Severnafh vetv' Nordkapskogo techenifa. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Nauchnotekhnicheski! bftilleten' 1960. no. 2(12) p. 12-14, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: The northern branch of the Nordkapp Current. Reports a summer study of this branch, an important carrier of fish larvae and young, along 74° 30' N between BjOrnyiya and 33° 30' E. Conditions since 1955 are also traced as to speed and direction of the current and its branches. DLC. KISLfAKOV, A. G., see also No. 84986. 88596. KISPAL, M. S. tYber den grammatischen Kategoriewechsel eines wogulischen Verbalnomens. (In: Congressus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum ... 1963, p. 176-80.) Refs. In German. Title tr.: Change in grammatical category of a Vogul verbal noun type. Analyzes the change in morphology and syntactic functions of nouns with the suffix n or n + vowel: they are of adverbial rather than verbal origin. DLC. 88597. KISSEN, A. T., and others. Modification of thermoregulatory responses to cold by hypnosis. (Journal of applied
physiology 1964. v. 19, no. 6, p. 1043-50, tables, graphs.) 40 refs. Other authors: C. B. Reifler and V. H. Thaler. Reports on five subjects exposed 40 times in hypnotic and non-hypnotic states to 4.5-5° C. During hypnosis, shiver was suppressed, heart rate lowered and vigilance task performance improved; basal skin resistance was generally higher and rectal temperature lower. A generalized suppression of sympathetic activity may be responsible for amelioration of the physiological and psychological effects of cold DLC. during hypnosis. 88598. KITAMURA, T. On the propagation of weak hydromagnetic shock waves in the exosphere and the sudden commencement of geomagnetic storm; part II, statistical features of SSC onset time at high latitudes. (Japan. Science Council. Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan 1963. v. 17, no. 1, p. 35-41, tables, graphs.) 14 refs. Investigates statistically the onset of 16 sudden commencements of geomagnetic storms (SSC) during Sept 1957—Dec 1959. The time difference of SSC at seven geomagnetic stations including Pt Barrow, College and Sitka, is examined. Such differences between Pt Barrow and Sitka are usually about 10-20 sec. In the morning the disturbances are observed first at Sitka, then at College and Pt Barrow. In the evening this order is reversed. DLC. 88599. KITAOKA, T. Some considerations on the stratospheric circulation, related to the cause of the Aleutian High. (Berlin. Freie Univ. Meteorologische Abhandlungen 1963. v. 36, p. 121-52, maps, graphs, tables.). Attributes the formation of the Aleutian High to the overflowing and settling of an airmass, above and to the north of the subtropical jet stream in eastern Asia. This Aleutian High generates the polar night jet stream along its northern side on the edge of the polar vortex; the heat energy accumulated within the High is transferred into the Arctic Basin by overflowing and settling north of the polar night jet stream, much like the formation of the Aleutian High itself. This heat is the source of the sudden warmings in the polar winter stratosphere. During these warmings, cold air flows southward at the surface. Statistical evidence, some from arctic stations, is DLC. given to support the explanation. 88600. KIUL, V. I. Geokhronologicheskoe znachenie ul'traosnovnykh shahs-
lochnykh intruzil Aldanskogo shchita. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Lab. geologri dokembrifa. Trudy 1964. no. 19, p. 228-35, tables.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The geochronological importance of the ultrabasic alkaline intrusions of the Aldan shield. Notes certain ultrabasic alkaline intrusions and analyzes their geologic and stratigraphic position. Absolute age of these rocks is in the 600-690 MY range, which is in agreement with geological data. Absolute age is given of Lower and Upper Cambrian deposits in the USSR, also some foreign countries. DLC. KITTREDGE, T. F., see No. 84954. KIVGANOV, A. F., see No. 85530. KIVINEN, M., see No. 90430. 88601. KIVINIEMI, A. The first order gravity net of Finland. Helsinki 1964. 48 p. maps, graphs, tables. (Finland. Geodetiska inst. Julkaisuja no. 59.) 10 refs. Describes this net as measured from 25 May to 3 Sept 1962, its 41 stations including 13 in the north, averaging 120 km apart. The plan called for a net of triangles, except in Lapland, where double measurements were carried out on each of two branches. The Worden Master 227 gravimeter with small dial range was used; its calibration, corrections for tides, pressure, and drift, and various adjustments are discussed. Gravity values of the 13 northern stations ranged 982.308.72-982.632.13 mgal compared with 981.915.26 mgal for the Helsinki reference station. Five northern DLC. stations are illus. 88602. KIZEVETTER, I. V., and L. IA. ERTEL'. Vozmozhnosti ispol'zovanifa Beringovomorakogo mintafa WO. pishchevykh Cselel. (Rybnoe khozfigstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 1, p. 61-63, tables, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: Possibility of utilizing the Bering Sea pollock for nutritive purposes. Discusses the weight of this fish (up to 2.8 kg) and its parts, their gross chemical composition, and the causes of its rejection for human consumption- mainly its infection with helminths. Ways of avoiding infection of the edible parts are considered and a scheme offered for their utilization. DLC. 88603. KIZINO, G. I. 0 vozmozhnosti nablindenit dlinnovolnovykh potokov po pirgeometru Savinova-anishevskogo v dnevnoe vremfa. (Leningrad.
Arkticheskil i antarkticheskff n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1965. v. 273, p. 178-86, tables, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The possibility of observation of the longwave flow of radiation with Savinovanishevskil pyrgeometer in the daytime. Describes a new type of pyrgeometer, to determine radiation in the daytime and used in actinometric polar stations and drifting stations. Its mode of use, accuracy, and other features are stated. CaMAI, DLC. 88604. KJELDSBERG, P. Finnmark for fotturistene. (Norske turistforening. Arbok 1963, p. 177-83.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Finnmark for the foot tourists. Outlines features of Finnmark, its area of 48,000 km2 with steep coastal mountains, long penetrating fjords, and the 300-500 m plateau, its climatic and natural conditions. Various walking tours and accommodations are described. DLC. 88605. KJELSTRUP, S. Tetrapods north of the Arctic Circle. (Dock and harbour authority 1963. v. 44, no. 516, p. 180-182, map, illus.) Discusses the construction of the Svartoksen breakwater across the western part of the harbor at the small fishing port of Berlevag, North Norway. The harbor basin was deepened in 1900 and the Varnes breakwater built in 1926. The Svartoksen breakwater, begun in 1920 as a rubble mound embankment, was destroyed by a northeast gale in 1932. Work was restarted in 1950 using 15 T concrete cubes for the seaward facing; in 1959 an east-northeast gale wrecked the seaward end. Scale model tests determined the optimum profile for rebuilding; local climatic conditions including the large tidal range (average 2.50 in), high winter winds, and the twice-daily freeze and thaw of tidal waters over the breakwater (though the sea itself never freezes over) were considered. The final design incorporated crest works built from 15 T blocks, breakwater armor built from 15 T tetrapods to resist waves of 9 in amplitude, and the breakwater head built of 25 T tetrapods on a truncated cone shape. Cost of harbor improvements from 1903 and including the proposed Revnes breakDLC. water will be 31 million Kr. 88606. KLAIN, G. J., and R. L. WINDERS. Metabolic studies of an amino acid imbalance in cold-exposed rats. (Journal of nutrition 1964. v. 82, no. 3, p. 333-37, tables, graphs.) 14 refs. Rats fed a (specified) imbalanced diet 839
normally had increased, but when exposed to 7° C decreased, activities of liver arginine synthetase and arginase, and levels of plasma amino acids. In contrast to the controls, the cold-exposed animals catabolized the excessive methionine and phenylalanine, utilizing them for energy DLC. purposes. 88607. KLASSEN, H. P. Public utilities problems in the discontinuous permafrost (National Research Council of areas. Canada. Technical memorandum 1965. no. 86, p. 106-118.) 4 refs. Describes design and construction of the water, sewage and other facilities at Uranium City, Sask., and, in greater detail, those (more complete) at Thompson, Man. Use of heated recirculation in pipe loops for the water supply system, uninsulated water pipes and sewer mains, minimum burial of building services at nine ft, etc are noted. Settlement of water and sewer mains was minimized by undercutting the trenches and backfilling them above and below the pipes with granular material. Conventional standards were followed in road design. Construction procedures are outlined: clearing and stripping of moss, removal of vegetation and observation of permafrost retrogression, trench digging, one-two-yr delay in road paving to allow ice to melt and subgrade to subside; as are operation and DLC. maintenance steps. KLASSEN, I. P., see No. 88065. KLEBESADEL, L. J., see No. 84952,85014. 88608. KLEfE, E. F. Makrurus, ego khimicheskil sostav i isporzovanie. (Rybnoe khozfalstvo 1964. v. 40, no. 7, p. 67-68, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Makrurus, its chemical composition and utilization. Notes the occurrence of Macruridae (grenadiers) in the Bering and Okhotsk Seas, etc. Morphology, size and weight of fish from the Okhotsk and from Gulf of Alaska are given, as are chemical composition of different parts, and prospects for DLC. exploitation. 88609. KLEIN, D. R. Ecology of deer range in Alaska. (Ecological monographs 1965. v. 35, no. 3, p. 259-84, tables, graphs, map, illus.) Approx. 57 refs. Comprehensive study of Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis populations in two widely separated areas, viz Woronkofski and Coronation Islands. It is concluded that the larger size and more rapid growth of these mule deer on Woronkofski are due to
superior nutritive quality and quantity of its feeding range. These factors are primarily operative during the summer growth period DLC. of both vegetation and deer. 88610. KLEIN, D. R. Postglacial distribution patterns of mammals in the southern coastal regions of Alaska. (Arctic 1965. v. 18, no. 1, p. 7-20, maps, tables.) 23 refs. Discusses the spread of mammals from two refugia (a northern: interior AlaskaBering Sea, and a southern) since the Wisconsin glacial maximum. Evidence that subsequently submerged coastal shelves aided the spread of fauna is reviewed. The brown bear, thinhorn sheep and one race of moose (Alces alces gigas) are identified as spreading from the northern refugium, whereas the black bear, deer, elk, mountain goat, bighorn sheep and other races of moose originated from south of the continental ice sheet. The wolf is believed to be a comparatively late arrival. Problems of mammalian colonization of the Alexander Archipelago are considered. The faunal affinities and origins of a number of small mammals are briefly discussed. DLC. KLEIN, D. R., see also No. 84952. 88611. KLEINE, R. M. Portable loading pocket at Consolidated Discovery Yellowknife. (Canadian mining journal 1964. v. 85, no. 5, p. 57-59, illus.) Reports on an ore-hoisting method used successfully at this mine north of Yellowknife in Mackenzie District. A portable loading pocket and a dumping ramp designed and constructed at the mine (plans shown), and the hoisting cycle are described. DGS. 88612. KLEIVAN, H. Acculturation, ecology and human choice: case studies from Labrador and South Greenland. (Folk 1964. v. 6, pt. 1, p. 63-74.) 14 refs. Discusses some unbalancing effects on acculturation. As the Labrador Eskimos changed from traditional multi-family stone and peat houses heated by blubber lamps to European stove-heated one-family wooden cabins, their village environs became nearly deforested, and time-consuming transport of firewood adversely affected the sealing and earning capacity of the household of already reduced man-power. As the row- or motorboat and shotgun superseded the kayak and spear in Southwest Greenland, guillemot exploitation fell. Uncertainties of sealing forced Greenlanders into fishing, which remained at a subsistence level; but in one case expansion of goods in the village store
stimulated the natives to increase.. their catch, hence their spending money thus raised local production. DLC. 88613. KLEIVAN, I., ed. En dansk families jul i GrOnland i midten af 1800 tallet; uddrag af Louise Janssens dagbfiger fra JulianehAb 1851 og 1852 og fra GodthAb 1854. (GrOnland 1964, no. 12, p. 441-55, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: A Danish family's Christmas in Greenland in the mid19th century; extracts from Louise Janssen's diaries from Julianeh&b 1851 and 1852 and from Godthab 1854. The diarist was wife of the Danish missionary who became head of the teachers' training college, Carl Emil Janssen (18131884). The diaries are kept in the Royal library in Copenhagen; some extracts were pub in No 7988, and in Det GrOnlandske Selskabs Aarsskrift 1938. DLC. 88614. KLEIVAN, I. Sprogproblemet i folkeskolen i GrOnland, en kommentar til lovudkastet til en ny lov om skolevaesenet i GrOnland. (GrOnland 1965, no, 6, p. 211— 24, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: The language problem in the primary school in Greenland, a comment on the draft of a new education bill for Greenland. Criticizes the proposed bill for not safeguarding Greenlandic. If not taught in the first two school years and if learning is made voluntary. Greenlandic will fall into desuetude. Disputed by C. Berthelsen, qv. DLC. 88615. KLEMPERER, W. B., and A. G. HEIMERDINGER. Navigation of solar eclipse flight APEQS. (Navigation 1964. v. 11, no. 2, p. 99-109, maps, graph, illus.) 2 refs. Discusses navigational strategy which governed the National Geographic SocietyDouglas Aircraft Co solar eclipse flight APEQS (Airborne Photography of the Eclipse of the Quiet Sun) on July 20, 1963, near Great Slave lake, Canada. Factors determining procedure, such as weather, lack of radio aids, etc, are noted, as is instrumentation aboard, which included a sun compass. Passage through the shadow was flown on autopilot, made especially sensitive and tuned to optimal operation. The plane flew with the shadow at 520 mi/hr true air speed, increasing the duration of totality from 100 sec on the ground to 144 sec in flight. Maps show •eclipse path across Canada and interception region near DLC. Great Slave Lake. 88616. KLIAROVSKII, V. M., and V. M. CHAIKA. Novye dannye o korrehafsii i
vozraste dodevonskikh svit Igarsko-Turukhangkego raIona. (Geologica i geofizika 1964, no. 8, p. 119-23, tables.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the correlation and age of pre-Devonian series of the Igarka-Turukhan region. Describes sections of these deposits. Accessory minerals such as augite, ilmenite, magnetite, epidote, and others in sandstones of various series are determined and compared. Absolute age determination by the argon method is made for some sedimentary and effusive rocks. These new data are used for the correlation and age problem of pre-Devonian deposits. DLC. 88617. KLICKA, J. Temperature acclimation in goldfish: lack of evidence for hormonal involvement. (Physiological zoology 1965. v. 38, no. 2, p. 177-89, tables, graphs, illus.) 23 refs. Account of varied hormonal and temperature experiments, including acclimation to 5° C. This appeared to be completed sooner and with less metabolic compensation for temperature, than at high temperatures. Hence cold acclimatization in this fish may bring about a shift from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. DLC. 88618. KLIMOCHKIN, V. V., and L. F. KLIMOCHKINA. K voprosu o zavisimosti khimicheskogo sostava gruntovykh vod of sostava vmeshchaffishchikh porod. (In: Akarlemili nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Rel'ef i geologicheskoe . . 1964, p. 114-19, table, graphs.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the dependence of the chemical composition of ground water upon the composition of the enclosing rocks. Reports a hydrochemical study in Quaternary deposits and crystalline rocks in 1960— 1961 in the Khibiny massif, Monchegorsk and Allarechenskoye copper-nickel, deposits, Laukkha mountain and Lotto River region. Content of Ca"-, Me and various other ions is determined and results are tabulated and graphed. In the copper-nickel deposits, the content of copper and nickel is determined. Various complexes of rocks were studied and such studies are recommended as important in the search for mineral resources. DLC. KLIMOCHKINA, L. F., see No. 88618. 88619. KLIMONTOV, M. I. NekrobaCsillez severnykh olenel. (Noril'sk. N.-issl: inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 213-16.) In Russian. Title tr.: Necrobacillosis of reindeer.
Reviews research results on the seasonal biochemical changes in the blood and skin of the hoof—head. The effects of antibiotics in this disease are also considered, as are prophylaxis and needs in further research. DNAL. 88620. KLIMONTOV, M. I. Patologogistologicheskie izmenenifit vo vnutrennikh organakh severnykh olenel pri eksperimenternom brufielleze. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severe. Trudy 1963. v. 11, p. 100-103.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Pathologic-histological changes in internal organs of reindeer with experimental brucellosis. Describes histological changes in heart, liver, spleen, kidney and lymphatic glands of six animals infected with reindeer or bovine strains and killed after three months. No gross-anatomical changes were noted. DNAL. KLIMONTOV, M. I., see also No. 89095. 88621. KLIMOV, N. I. 0 poiskovykh rabotakh na antofillit-asbest v Severna Karel i. (Materialy po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym Severo-Zapada RSFSR 1962. no. 3, p. 184-94, tables.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Prospecting for anthophyllite-asbestos in northern Karelia. Reports preliminary results of a 1960 study in the Keret' River region, where a great number of asbestos-bearing boulders and individual blocks were found, consisting of phlogopite-carbonate-anthophyllite and other rocks. The anthophyllite-asbestos boulders are similar in chemical composition to those of Paakkila in Finland and Sysert' in the Ural. The petrographic composition of the asbestos-bearing rocks is analyzed. Large-grained olivine-enstatite ultrabasite are the most promising rocks. Further DLC. studies are recommended.
88623. KLIMOVA, T. K., and others. Nekotorye dannye o tulfaremii v Arkhangel'skol oblasti. (Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii 1963. v. 40, no. 6, p. 48-54, tables, graphs, map.) In Russian. English summary. Other authors: I. A. Levachev, A. V. Starostina and K. A. Vitezeva. Title tr.: Some data on tularemia in Arkhangel'sk Province. Reports the first record of this disease, and the 1949-1959 incidence of 1245 cases with their geographic distribution. The 1957 outbreak was the most severe with 652 cases. Centers of infection are flooded and swampy areas, and Aug—Sept the main period. The predominant form is ulcerativebubonic (98%). Vaccination is recommended as the best means of eradication. DLC. KLINKHART, E., see No. 92565. 88624. KLITIN, K. A. Balkaskala skiadchatost' i tillitopodobnye konglomeraty v razrezakh kaledonid Evropy i Grenlandii. (Akademiftt nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 163, no. 3, p. 702-705.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Baykal folding and tillite-like conglomerates in Caledonides sections of Europe and Greenland. Reviews the presence of Baykal folding in Sweden, Norway and East Greenland coastal areas, its absolute age determined as 1900-2300 MY. A tillite-like conglomerate formation is discussed. Glacial, climatic (arid period), and tectonic origin of these conglomerates are considered. Formation of the Baykal orogenic stratum is briefly DLC. characterized.
88622. KLIMOVA, I. G., and T. F. ZAWSEVA. Zonal'noe raschlenenie kimeridzhskikh otlozhenll Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti. (Akademifd nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 165, no. 4, p. 898-900, tables, map.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Zonal separation of Kimmeridgian deposits in the West Siberian lowland. Reviews recent studies of ammonite fauna and the stratigraphic separation of these deposits. Two substages are distinguished and three zones: Aulacostephanus spp, Rasenia uralensis and Amoeboceras DLC. kitchini, and Pictonia evoluta.
88625. KLITYEV, E. V. Rol' merzlotnykh faktorov v dinamike rel'efa dna polfarnykh morel. (Okeanologiiii 1965. v. 5, no. 5, p. 863-69, profiles.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The role of permafrost factors in the dynamics of bottom relief of the polar seas. Reviews hydrographic investigation of the Laptev and East Siberian sea bottoms, which show thermal abrasion widely distributed not only in coastal areas, but also on the open-sea bottom. Permafrost up to 400-500 m thick is shown to exist beneath the sea. Due to active thermal abrasion, two characteristic processes take place and these are described in some detail: in coastal areas, a lowering of the bottom surface where coast destruction is active; and in the open sea, a mass development of thermokarst depressions on the bottom. DLC.
KLIMOVA, I. G., see also No. 85960.
KLI-OEVA, V. N., see No. 90682.
88626. MIDGE, G. A. Mshanki (Bryozoa) raTona Zemli Franaa-Iosifa. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 259, p. 181-90, table, map.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bryozoans of the Franz Joseph Land region. Lists and discusses species collected by earlier workers and the sources of the present paper back to 1901. Thereafter 149 forms of moss-animalcules are tabulated with notes of collecting vessel, earlier records DLC. and depth of occurrence. 88627. KLItKIN, N. K. Klimaticheskie uslovia akkumulfaaii na lednikakh khrebta Suntar-Khafata. (Akademifft, nauk SSSR. MezhduvedomstvennyI geofizicheskil komitet, IX razdel programmy MGG: glfaaiologifa. Sbornik stater 1964. no. 13, p. 90-92.) 3 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Climatic conditions of accumulation on glaciers in the Suntar-Khayata Range. Reports climatological observations made in connection with the IGY program. Four questions are discussed and some data are given on: the quantity of solid precipitation in the highlands, the increase of precipitation with height, wind conditions of the region, and the structure and thickness of DLC. the snow cover. KLIDKIN, N. K., see also No. 87520. 88628. KLOPOV, S. V. 0 vliPanii proektiruemol Nizhne-Obskol GES na prirodu i narodnokhozfalstvennyl kompleks ZapadnoSibirskol nizmennosti. (Problemy Severa 1965. no. 9, p. 261-67.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effect of the planned lower Ob hydroelectric station on the nature and economic conditions of the West Siberian Plain. Outlines the negative effects to be expected, chiefly from the projected dam 37 m high and reservoir of 1,200 km3 of water. The flooding would ruin development of a natural gas industry, and the forests with 400 million m3 of timber, damage the fisheries, spoil extensive areas under cultivation and meadowland; the climate would deteriorate, etc. English translation available from National Research Council, DLC, CaMAI, Ottawa, Canada. 88629. KLOPPING, J. C. Modification of the Wolff integrating motor pneumotachograph for arctic use. (In: Symposia on arctic biology and medicine. Proceedings 1965, p. 195-208, illus.) 2 refs. Describes and illus with photos the four parts of this apparatus. It is an improved
version of the original designed by H. S. Wolff of the British Medical Research Council for measuring energy expenditure over long periods of time. CaMAI. KLOPPING, J. C., see also Nos. 91244, 91245, 91246. 88630. KLUBOV, B. A. Ob ustanovlenii permskikh otlozhenil na ostrove Barenaa, arkhipelag Shpi&bergen. (Akademif. nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 162, no. 3, p. 629-31.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Discovery of Permian deposits on Barents-. Oya, Spitsbergen archipelago. Describes Permian deposits as determined in 1963 in the northeastern part of the island, their outcrops, distribution, lithologic properties and fauna. Their discovery allows other interpretation of the tectonic DLC. plan of eastern Svalbard. 88631. KLUBOVA, T. T. Litologomineralogicheskafa kharakteristika melovykh glin Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1961. 76 p. tables, graphs, map, sections, illus. 31 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Lithologic and mineralogic features of Cretaceous clays in the West Siberian lowland. Reports studies of samples from Berezovo, Khanty-Mansiysk and Omsk test wells on facies and formation conditions of Cretaceous rocks. The methods used such as the petrographic, grain-size, chemical, thermic, mineralogical, X-ray, spectral, etc are briefly outlined, and results are grouped according to wells. Sedimentation conditions for the formation of clay minerals, and their genesis in Cretaceous clays are discussed. Mineralogical composition of clay rock is found to be similar in all wells, fragmental origin of the clay minerals is DLC. general. 88632. KLUSSMANN, F. W. The influence of temperature on the activity of spinal a- and y- motoneurons. (Experientia 1964. v. 20, no. 8, p. 450, graph.) 2 refs. German summary. Local cooling of cats' spinal cord increased the activity of both the alpha and gamma motoneurons, which was reversible upon rewarming. Threshold of increased activity was higher in the alpha motoneurons. DLC. 88633. KNEASS, A. The flogging at Sheep Camp. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, illus.) no. 10, p. 18-19, Account of a miners' meeting in Mar 1898 at this camp in Southeast Alaska near the Chilkoot Pass. Two men were sentenced to
be shot for stealing supplies on the gold rush trail to the Klondike. One accidentally killed himself in attempt to escape, the other's sentence was commuted to flogging. Original photos of the incident are reDLC. produced. 88634. KNIAZEVA, N. I. Fiziologicheskit vozrast i vozrastnoY sostav prirodnoY popuMali golodnykh samok Isodes persulcatus P. Sch. v Krasnofarskom krae i Karel'skoT ASSR. (In: Akademifa. nauk SSSR. Karel'skit filial. K prirodnol ochagovosti . . . 1964, p. 84-91, illus.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Physiological age and age composition of natural populations of Ixodes persulcatus P. Sch. in Krasnoyarskiy Kray and Karelian ASSR. Reports study of these ticks in one taiga location of each area. Similar results as to age composition were obtained in the two areas. Stages of developing, molting, and conditions of feeding are described and their dependence on the microclimate noted. Death of females at the end of the active season is ascribed to exhaustion of their food DLC. reserves. KNrAZEVA, V. I., see No. 87570. KNIFFEN, D. A., see No. 86976. KNIGHT, F., see No. 91981. 88635. KNIGHT, R. A re-examination of hunting, trapping, and territoriality among the northeastern Algonkian Indians. (American Assoc. for Advancement of Science. Pub. 78, 1965, p. 27-42.) 16 refs. Evaluates current theories on the origins of the so-called family hunting territory system i.e. the division of the band's hunting area into distinct tracts for exclusive use by two-four nuclear families. Ecological readjustment, technological advances and need for a dependable source of game foster development of family territoriality. As moose replaced caribou in Labrador, the Montagnais-Naskapi changed from caribou driving to moose tracking, used highpowered rifles, and developed the small hunting-production unit. Trading-trapping however does not provide survival security and is not conducive to development of family territoriality according to 1961-1962 observations at Rupert House and NemiDLC. scau, Quebec. 88636. KNIGHT, S. J. Trafficability of snow and muskeg. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 355-74, graphs, illus.) 2 refs. Also issued as: US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR 64-28.
Discusses the need for more fundamental scientific knowledge of vehicle—terrain relations in the form of laws of stress and strain and rigorous universally applicable mathematical formulas. Increased trafficability can be achieved by improving vehicles or altering the terrain. Studies in the trafficability of snow are reported from Greenland, Canada and United States. Snow conditions vary from deep, permanent icecap snow to shallow, seasonal continental snow; they may be dry, moist and wet. Different methods of obtaining a measure of snow •strength are listed and a cone penetrometer is illus. Results of tests with wheeled and tracked vehicles are given. The first pass is the most difficult, but after ten passes rut deepening and ridge and swale development immobilize most vehicles. Correlations between cone index and rut depth with different vehicles, effects of snow wetness on kinetic friction and.arious other measures are graphed. Tests on muskeg are reported. Correlation between the strength of specific layers in muskeg and various types of tracked vehicle is graphed. At Fort Wainwright, Alaska the muskeg underlain by permafrost produces significantly greater trafficability. Suggestions are made for further research. CaMAI. 88637. KNIGHTS, A. J. Oil in the Arctic. (Oil, London 1961. v. 5, no. 2, p. 2-8, map, illus.) 4 refs. Discusses background of plans for a test well to be drilled at Winter Harbour on Melville Island. Climate, British exploration in the area, sovereignty over the Canadian Arctic Islands, are noted, as are the mineral surveys which revealed oil prospects in 1959. Oil exploration leases, government regulations, prospectors logistics problems are discussed, as are difficulties in producing wells and eventually moving oil into Canadian and European markets. DLC. 88638. KNOLLENBERG, R. The distribution of string bogs in central Canada in relation to climate. Madison 1964. 44 p. illus. (Wisconsin. Univ. Dept. of Meteorology. Technical report no. 14.) Reviews various theories of the formation of string bogs, or alternating strange and (larks, and describes a study made of these features in an area of northern Manitoba June—Oct 1963 in order to estimate their potential usefulness as climatic indicators. Results indicate that string bogs are found where the max depth of freeze-thaw exceeds 125 cm, the region of max freeze-thaw (250 cm) coinciding with the region of most
pronounced aiming development. They are a true frost-soil form occurring with or without permafrost. By contrast, low-center polygons, which adjoin the region of string bogs to the north, require a frozen substratum for their formation. With detailed analysis, it is likely that climatic parameters of extremely large subpolar regions could be obtained from aerial reconnaissance or photography. DWB.
KNORRE, K. G., see No. 88440. 88639. KNOX, J. Danish explorer of the Canadian North. (Danish Foreign Office journal 1963, no. 44, p. 15-18, maps, illus.) Recounts the search for the Northwest Passage in 1619 by Jens Munk with the Unicorn, the Lamprey and 65 men. They explored Frobisher Bay, turned south of Resolution Island, through Hudson Strait, across Hudson Bay and up the estuary of Chur hill River. While wintering there most of the party died of scurvy. In the spring Munk and the other two survivors sailed the Lamprey back to Norway, landing 20 Sept 1620. Of Toronto Pub Library's Bibliography of Canadiana no 21. DLC.
88640. KNUDSEN, H. Status for flyte ningerne fra Upernavik. (Go:Inland 1964, no. 4, p. 121-34, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: Balance sheet for the removals from Upernavik. Reviews the resettlement of Eskimo families from northerly communities to others further south on the west coast of Greenland in 1953-1956. The operation is considered economically sound and beneficial to the communities left behind. DLC.
88641. KOBI—AKOVA, Z. I. Materialy po faune Decapoda is ralonov Zemli Franaalosifa, Shpiabergena i Grenlandskogo morfa (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 259, p. 32229, illus.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Decapod fauna from the area of Franz Joseph Land, Spitsbergen and the Greenland Sea. Records 16 forms of these crustaceans collected by the High Latitude Arctic Expeditions of 1955-1958. Location of finds, water temperature, vertical and geographic distribution, zoogeographic aspects, CaMAI, DLC. etc are considered.
88642. KOBLENT-S, IA. P., and E. S. KOROTKEVICH. 0 edinoobrazii proekail dlfa obzornykh kart polfarnykh °blaster Zemli. (Probleray Arktiki i Antarktiki
1964. no. 17, p. 66-72, tables, graphs, maps.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the uniformity of projection for general maps of the earth's polar regions. Discusses the great variety in scale and type of maps of the polar regions and the need for their standardization. Various types of cartographic projects are evaluated for minimal distortions in area and shape. The azimuthal—equal interval projection with a projective plane set at the 70° parallel is recommended for maps of the polar regions. CaMAI, DLC.
88643. KOBLENT-S-MISHKE, 0. I. Obzor dannykh po izmerenifa pervichnol produkiki v severnol chasti Tikhogo okeana. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet, X razdel programmy MGG: okeanologicheskie issledovanifa. Sbornik stater 1963. no. 8, p. 104-111, tables, maps.) 12 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Review of data from the measurements of primary production in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Reviews the survey undertaken by the Soviet Union, United States, Canada and Japan during 1953-1960, when primary production and plant pigments, especially chlorophyll, were measured at about 400 stations. The most abundant material was collected near Japan and between 160 and 178° W, the poorest material in the seas of the Far East and in the Gulf of Alaska. Seasonal distribution is also analyzed according to subarctic, neritic and subtropical zones: the highest production takes place in the transition zone in the summer; the poorest in fall and winter. Inshore waters are poor all the year round. DLC.
88644. KOCH, B. E. Review of fossil floras and nonmarine deposits of West Greenland. (Geological Society of America. Bulletin 1964. v. 75, no. 6, p. 535-48, map, illus.) 33 refs. Supplements No. 59249. Attempts to clarify present knowledge of certain Cretaceous and Tertiary formations 69°-73° N. Recent investigations by the Geological Survey of Greenland provide a sounder basis for stratigraphic interpretation, and expose a number of errors, such as: the Atane and PautOt formations may be parts of a continuous Senonian sequence along the south coast of the Nugssuaq Peninsula. Most significant result of author's recent work was the dating of the classic Tertiary floras of Atanikerdluk on this peninsula as early Paleocene, based on comparison with the marine lower Paleocene
deposits of the Agatdalen valley, central Nugssuaq and verified by paleontological DLC. study. KOCHAROV, S. M., see Nos. 85286, 85287. 88645. KOCHETKOV, 0. S. K paleogeografii tatarskogo farusa severe Russkol platformy po terrigennym komponentam. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1962. no. 3, p. 97-102, table, maps.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Paleogeography of the Tartarian stage in the north of the Russian platform according to terrigenous components. Reports study of the mineral composition of these deposits in the Severnaya Dvina, Pinega, Vychegda, Sukhona, Kama and other river basins. Lower Tartarian and upper Tartarian substages are divided in lithologic-facies complexes. Main components consist of epidote and amphibole groups also of pyroxene, sphene and garnet. Mineral provinces of these deposits are discussed. DLC. 88646. KOCHETKOV, 0. S. K voprosu o mineralogo-geokhimicheskikh osobennostaskh lelkoksenov. (Litologiia i poleznye iskopaemye 1964, no. 6, p. 83-90, tables, graph, illus.) 37 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The mineralogic-geochemical features of leucoxenes. Reports a study of leucoxenes of middle and northern Timan. In basement rock they are found in large porphyroblast and fine-grained quartz-mica schists. Other occurrences also are reported. Texture and chemical composition of ilmenite and sphene leucoxenes are given. Flame tests, mineralogic composition and other features are described. Formation conditions are discussed. Leucoxenes are considered secondary products of low-temperature colloidalmetamict alteration of natural titanium compounds. Primary genesis of leucoxene is considered also possible. DLC. 88647. KOCHETKOV, 0. S. Raspredelenie ak@essornykh mineralov, sostav i razmeshchenie rossypel v silure i devone Timana i p-ova Kanin. (Akademita nauk SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1965. no. 5, p. 53-60, table, map.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of accessory minerals, composition and allocation of placers of the Silurian and Devonian of Timan and of the Kanin Peninsula. The Silurian complex of deposits is divided into two formations, the lower hydromica-kaolinite and the upper car-
bonate. The Devonian deposits have divided into three formations, kaolinite crust weathering, volcanic-sedimentary, and carbonate. All are analyzed, their accessory minerals determined and divided into various provinces. The results indicate that regions of middle and northern Timan and Kanin Peninsula are prospective for old placers of titanium, zirconium and some DLC. other metals. KOCHETKOVA, V. L., see No. 91852. KOCHETOVA, I. V., see No. 88967. KOCHNEV-PERVUKHOV, V. I., see No. 85713. 88648. KOCI, R. Artificial deep freeze helps Eskimo economy. (Canada. Dept. of Fisheries. Trade news 1965. v. 17, no. 10, p. 7-) Describes refrigeration equipment used by Canadian Eskimo co-operatives for deepfreezing and storage of arctic char before shipment to southern markets. The equipment consists of automatic units, 25%" x 35A" x 7'2 driven by a five hp Copelamatic air-cooled hermetic compressor. The freezers, powered by diesel engines, are used at the fishing sites. DI. 88649. KODAMA, A. M., and N. PAGE. Effect of environmental temperature on hamster body fat composition. (Journal of applied physiology 1964. v. 19, no. 5, p. 863-67, graphs.) 21 refs. Reports experiments with animals exposed for two weeks to temperatures of 35 to 6° C. Below the critical temperature, a progressive fall in total body fat content and melting point took place, accompanied by a decrease in the mole fraction of palmitic acid and an increase in that of oleic acid. Examination showed that 72% of weight loss at 6° C was due to a decrease in body DLC. fat. 88650. KODOLANYI, J. Az obi-ugor nepek ollattarkisa a xix. szizadban. (N6prajzi ertesIto 1965. v. 47, p. 67-86, illus.) Approx. 20 refs. In Hungarian. German summary. Title tr.: Ob-Ugrian animal husbandry in the 19th century. Reconstructs different kinds of livestock industry in Ostyak and Vogul tribes, dog breeding in particular. Reindeer raising replaced the horse and cattle of northern Ugrians in contact with Yurak i.e. Nenets Samoyeds in the middle Ob basin in the 14-15th centuries and the Ugrians also adopted Samoyed reindeer terminology.
Dogs were raised for hunting and transport but were replaced for transport by reindeer. Ethnogenetic theories associated with the domestication of reindeer are discussed: origin and diffusion pattern of Samoyeds, homeland of Finno-Ugrians, etc. DLC. 88651. KODOLANYI, J. Die Sammlungen von Kamly Papai and Janos Jank6 in der Erforschung der Kultur der obugrischen Volker. (In: Congressus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum . . . 1963, p. 330-33.) In German. Title tr.: Collections made by Ktiroly Pdpai and Jinos Jank6 for the study of the culture of Ob-Ugrian peoples. Sketches the field work and some eleven hundred objects collected by these Hungarian scientists in 1888 and 1898, respectively. The ethnographic material is mostly 19th century Ostyak and Vogul; some archeological finds are included, also objects of Samoyed, Zyryan, Russian and Tartar origin. Efforts to decipher reports and notes left by Pdpai are described. Identification of objects and location of discovery sites is aided by Jankd's journal entries and photos taken by both scientists. The collections, when sorted, will be invaluable for study of Ob-Ugrian religious and material culture; particularly well represented are clothing, hunting gear, and birch bark DLC. utensils. 88652. KOENE, J. D. Structure and mineralization of Campbell Chibougamau Mines, Cedar Bay Division. (Canadian Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy. Transactions 1964. v. 67, p. 213-22, maps, sections, table.) 10 refs. Describes the structural features and explains the ore deposition of this coppergold mine at 50° N 75° W in an anorthosite batholith in western Quebec. Three different parts of the mine are distinguished according to structure, each having a different copper-gold ratio. The ore deposits are thought to be the result of replacement and cavity filling along faults. Several cycles of mineral deposition seem to have taken place. Limits of most veins are determined by faults and shear zones, though the mineralization does not necessarily antedate the period of tectonic DGS. activity. KOGAN, I. L., see No. 84836. 88653. KOGARKO, L. N., and V. P. VOLKOV. Fiziko-khimicheskafa evoliaGifit shchelochnot magmy differenairovannogo kompleksa Lovozerskogo massive v svfazi s ego ritmicheskol rassloennosefu. (Akade-
mild nauk SSSR. Inst. geokhimii i analiticheskoi khimii. Khimifa zemnoT kory, Moskva 1963. v. 1, p. 140-52, tables, graphs, illus.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Physical-chemical evolution of the alkaline magma of the differentiated complex of the Lovozero massif in connection with its rhythmic stratification. The differentiated complex of the Lovozero massif consists of three horizons of nepheline syenites: urtite, foyaite and lujavrite. Petrochemical analyses of these rocks are presented and characterized. Physical-chemical evolution of the alkaline magma is outlined and an attempt is made to explain the possible mechanism of the rhythmic layering of Lovozero pluton. Rhythmic crystallization is considered the main cause. DLC. 88654. KOGARKO, L. N. Geokhimifa ftora v shchelochnykh porodakh na primere Lovozerskogo massive. (Geokhimifit 1964. no. 2, p. 119-27, tables.) 33 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Geochemistry of fluorine in alkaline rocks as exemplified by the Lovozero massif. Geologic observations, theoretical investigations and experimental data indicate that the rocks of this massif were formed under conditions of increased concentration of volatile components in the magmatic melt. Occurrence and geochemistry of fluorine in the alkaline massif are outlined. Fluorine concentrators are minerals separated in relatively late crystallation stages of alkaline rocks, later than nepheline, microcline and aegirine. DLC. 88655. KOGARKO, L. N., and L. A. GULfAEVA. Geokhimifa galogenov v shchelochnykh porodakh na primere Lovozerskogo massive, Kol'skil poluostrov. (Geokhimifa 1965, no. 8, p. 1011-23, tables, graphs.) 26 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Geochemistry of halogens in alkaline rocks as exemplified in the Lovozero massif of Kola Peninsula. Reports the distribution of fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine in the rocks and minerals of the massif. Halogens in the process of crystallization are analyzed. Their forms of occurrence in nepheline syenites are: the formation of proper minerals; isomorphous replacement of oxygen, hydroxyl or chlorine in the structure of minerals; the dispersed state (iodine). DLC. 88656. KOGINOV, f 1. Ogni Ondy. (Na rubezhe 1956. v. 17, no. 2, p. 127-32, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Lights of the Onda.
Describes the earth work and dam construction for the Onda River power station in northern Karelia, started in 1951, comDLC. pleted by 1956. KOHNEN, H., see No. 85874. 88657. KOHRT, K., and C. VETREES. Sitka's holiday for loggers. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 7, p. 12-14, illus.) Describes, with photos, the annual All Alaska Logging Championship on July 4th; its various tests of skill in logging; some of the 1964 winners and their records. DI. 88658. KOiRANSKIi, B. B., and others. K voprosu o vlifanii slabykh kholodovykh razdrazhitelel i teploobmen organizma. (Gigiena i sanitarifa' 1964. v. 29, no. 10, p. 31-37, tables.) 10 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: L. IA. Ukvorberg and M. V. Dmitriev. Title tr.: The influence of weak cold stimuli on the heat balance of the organism. Reports on observations of seven sportsmen wearing over their regular dress a linen robe and exposed to 0° C for one hour. Cold exposure produced a decrease in the number of cold-receptors in the body and skin temperature, and pulse rate, and a slight drop in O2-consumption. All these shifts persisted even when the subjects were brought back to room temperature for one DLC. hour. KOIAVA, V. K., see No. 84929. 88659. KOJIMA, Y. Freezing injury in rabbit erythrocytes, 1-3. (Teion kagaku 1965. ser. B, no. 23, p. 111-21, 123-27, 129-48, tables, graphs, illus.) 29 refs. In Japanese. English summary. Pt 1 reports on very rapid freezing of thin-layer specimens to —5° to —196° C, and thawing in physiological saline at room temperature. No significant differences were found in amount of hemolysis between sexes, and dates of experiments. But significant differences were found between individuals and temperatures and in the interaction between them. In pt 2, rapid freezing of erythrocytes to —30° to —196° C is reported. The number of non-hemolyzed erythrocytes varied between individuals and, with some exceptions, according to The interaction between temperature. individuality and temperature was also significant. No difference between sexes was noted. Pt 3 reports on electron-microscope studies of red blood cells rapidly frozen to —30° to —160° C. Morphological differences were found, and are photographi648
cally presented, between material frozen to —30°, —50° and —160° C. DLC. 88660. KOKHANOV, V. D., and N. N. SKOKOVA. Nabli0denia za vesennel migrarsiei ptif v K.andalakshskikh shkherakh v 1958 gody. (Kandalakshskil gos. zapovednik. Trudy 1960. v. 3, p. 121-32, tables, graphs, map.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Observations on spring migrations of birds on the Kandalalcsha skerries in 1958. Reports on the weather during the study (April-May) and on the migrating birds, viz: three species of gulls, ten of snipes, 14 of geese, 30 of passerines and five species of diurnal predators. Times, dates and directions of migrations, numbers of migrants, size of flocks, etc are considered. The general character of that season's migration is stated. DLC. 88661. KOKHANOV, V. D. Vlifinie osobennostel gnezdovanici kulikov na sroki i kharakter ikh osennikh migraEtil. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 44, no. 5, p. 784-87, table.) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The effect of nesting characteristics of shore birds on the time and nature of fall migration. In over a dozen species of these birds author found that migration of the adults lasts till the young take to wings. The beginnings of adult migration vary; in cases (specified) where only one of the sexes takes care of the young, the other one leaves the nest and begins migration quite early. DLC. 88662. KOKOUROV, V. D. 0 striazi dvizhenil v ionosfere s magnitnoT aktivnostn. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet. Ionosfernye issl. Sbornik statel 1965. no. 14, p. 77-85, tables, graphs.) 12 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The relation between movement in the ionosphere and magnetic activity. Reviews observations on the relation between parameters of small-scale irregularities in the ionosphere and geomagnetic disturbances. Such irregularities in the plasma of F, E, and D regions are analyzed, and compared with the local K-index, using data of the IGY-IGC period from 44 stations including Murmansk. The correlation found is not sufficiently strong to be significant, except at high latitudes. DLO, 88663. KOKSHARSKAa, K. B. Novyl permskil predstavitel' semelstva Trachyporidae iz Verkhofan'ia. (In: Akademifi nauk
SSSR. akutskil filial. Inst. geol. Paleontologifi i biostratigrafiat . . . 1965, p. 65-68, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New Permian representatives of fam. Trachyporidae from Verkhoyansk. Presents a systematic description of two tabulate corals: Sakhapora verchojanica and S. bituchanica n app from the Verkhoyansk Range in Yakut ASSR. The detailed descriptions include geologic and geographic distribution, comparison, and other features. CaMAI. Photo illus are included. 88664. KOKSHARSKAIA, K. B. Novyl rod Pseudoroemeripora sem. Syringolitidae iz nizhnego karbona Severa-Vostoka SSSR. (Vses. simpozium po izuchenitui iskopaemykh korallov lst 1963. Trudy, Moskva 1965, no. 2, p. 87-90, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A new genus Pseudoroenzeripora of fam Syringolitidae from the Lower Carboniferous of northeastern USSR. Describes this new genus of tabulate corals represented by Pseudoroemeripora lenaica n sp from Cape Krestyakh in the Lena delta and compares it with Roemeripora. DLC. KOKUBUN, S., see Nos. 88361, 90144. 88665. KOKUNOV, N. B., and I. A. KONZHIN. Oborudovanie skvazhin dlfa provedenifa nablffidenii za rezhimom podzemnykh vod v uslovifilkh mnogoletnel meraloty. (Razvedka i okhrana nedr 1964. v. 30, no. 7, p. 52-54, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Fitting out a well for carrying on observations on the groundwater regime under conditions of permafrost. Re-ports observational drill holes protected from freezing by introducing diesel fuel oil into the drill hole. The method was found quite effective in groundwater studies in the Pechora basin and the Vorkuta region. DLC. KOLB, C. R., see No. 84953. KOLEGOVA, N. A., see No. 93217. KOLFSNICHENKO, M. F., see No. 88897. 88666. KOLESNLKOV, A. G., and others. E.dr.sperimental'nye issledovanice turbulentnogo slora uvlechenita pod drelfuffishcheI l'dinol. (Akademila' nauk SSSR. Izvestila, 1965. Fizika atmosfery i okeana v. 1, no. 12, p. 1310-18, graphs.) 4 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: N. A. Panteleev and V. N. Ivanov. Title tr.: Experimental investigation of the turbulent layer carried along beneath drifting ice. Describes the measurements made in the
central Arctic Basin in 1956 by drifting station North Pole-4. The new TM-1 turbulence meter developed by Moscow State Univ was used for recording the vertical and horizontal velocity fluctuations with amplitudes up to 0.05 mm/s, and frequencies up to 10 cycles/s. The drift current beneath the ice is found to be in a relatively high state of turbulence. The intensive generation and dissipation of energy takes place directly beneath the ice; tangential frictional forces are at their maximum in layers adjacent to the bottom of the ice. The characteristics of turbulent currents under ice are not identical with those observed in homogeneous boundary layers. DLC. KOLESNIKOVA, V. D., see No. 92893. 88667. KOLGINA, L. P. Kollektory apta zapadnot chasti Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti. (In: Moskva. Inst. geologii i razrabotki gorffichikh iskopaemykh. Geologicheskoe stroenie . . . 1964, p. 175-204, graphs, tables, map, illus.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Aptian reservoir rocks in the western part of the West Siberian lowland. Reports a lithologic-petrographic study including the Salekhard, Berezovo, Malyy Atlym areas of Tyumen Province. Distribution is reported of sandstones and aleurites which are good reservoir rocks for oil and gas accumulation. Reservoir rocks were formed in a continental regime, in local freshwater basins of lagoon type, in lakes, and partly in a marine basin in the north of the region. DLC. 88668. KOLGINA, L. P. Litologo-petrograficheskafg. kharakteristika porod mezozola Pripolfarnogo Zaural'fil,. (In: Moskva. Inst. geologii i razrabotki gorffichilch iskopaemykh. Geologicheskoe stroenie . . . 1964, p. 205-216, graphs, map.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Lithologic-petrographic characteristics of Mesozoic rocks in the Polar Transural. Reports a 1961-1963 study of Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks uncovered by drillings on the lower courses of the Ob, Malaya Ob, and Poluy. In the Mesozoic deposits a number of permeable horizons of sandstones and aleurites are distinguished which according to their composition, structure and physical properties may serve as reservoir rocks for gas and oil accumulation. Distribution of the reservoir rocks is outlined. DLC. 88669. KOLGINA, L. P. 0 kollektorskikh asobennostOakh porod apta na vostochnom
sklone Urals. (In: Moskva. Inst. geologii i razrabotki gorfachikh iskopaemykh. Geologicheskoe stroenie . . . 1964, p. 167-74.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Reservoir features of Aptian rocks in the eastern slope of the Ural. Outlines distribution and lithologio-petrographic properties of Aptian rocks including Northern Ural. Clayey rocks and fragmented rocks consisting of graywacke, polymictic, arkose and quartz rocks are analyzed and their prospects as reservoir rocks are discussed. Their facies conditions are characterized. Sandstones and aleurites are considered good reservoir rocks. DLC. KOLI, L., see No. 92657. 88670. KOLrUN, M. N., and N. S. MALICH. Pervye nakhodki vysokoorganizovannykh rastenil v verkhnekembrilskikh otlozhenirakh zapadnol chasti Sibirskol platformy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Paleontologifil i biostratigrafi1 no. 8, p. 58-60, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: First find of highly organized plants in Upper Cambrian deposits in the western part of the Siberian platform. Describes briefly plants found in the middle of Vel'mo River basin, in pieces 3-5.5 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. They are of feather-like or in most cases parallel venation, about 20 veins/cm; they resemble DLC. fern-like trees. 88671. KOLItISHEV, A. I. 0 biologicheskikh razlichirakh gol'Csov i palil ozer Kol'skogo poluostrova. (Leningrad. Gas. n.-issl. inst. ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khoz. Izvestifi 1964. v. 57, p. 183-87, tables.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biological differences of Salvelinus alpinus and S. lepechini of the lakes of Kola Peninsula. Discusses the size and physiography, temperatures and common plankton forms of three large lakes of the area and the age and size composition and fertility of the two chars from Lake Imandra and Umbozero. Author considers the second species identical with the first. DLC. 88672. KOLLMEYER, R. C., and others. Oceanography of the Grand Banks region and the Labrador Sea in 1964. Washington, D.C. U.S. Govt. Print. Office 1965. 285 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (U.S. Coast Guard. Oceanographic report no. 10.) 26 refs. Other authors: R. M. O'Hagan, R. M. Morse, D. A. McGill and N. Corwin. Includes, p 25-33, a report on the 1964
International Ice Patrol post-season survey on the summer 1964 distribution of nutrients in the Labrador Sea, by D. A. McGill and N. Corwin, also issued as Contribution no 1608, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. Stored frozen sea water samples collected on stations of the USCGC Evergreen between South Wolf Island, Labrador and Kap Farvel were analyzed in Woods Hole for organic, inorganic, and total phosphorus, also nitrate and silicate content. Comparison is made with 1962 and 1963 survey data; similar patterns are evident, distribution of the various nutrients, though the organic phosphorus data indicate more deep water formed in 1963 than in 1962 or 1964. Authors agree with Defant (No 70938) that the outflow from this sea is subject to large variations dependent on phenomena occurring at the sea surface of the polar regions. DLC. 88673. KOL'MAN, 0. V. Okeanograficheskie issledovann Arkticheskogo instituta Severnol Ameriki v ralone o. Devon, 19611964 gg. (OkeanologiI 1964. v. 4, no. 3, p. 542-43.) In Russian. Title tr.: Oceanographic investigations of the Arctic Institute of North America in the region of Devon Island, 1961-1964. Reviews the studies started in 1960, on the hydrologic and atmospheric conditions of Jones Sound region, its oceanographic and hydrobiologic conditions, sea ice, geology, archeology, etc, meteorological and geophysical investigations on Devon Island. DLC. 88674. KOLODEZNIKOVA, M. I. Iskhody dvustoronnego ekstraplevral'nogo oleotoraksa u bol'nykh kavernoznymi formami tuberkuleza. (Yakutsk. akutskii n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza ... 1963, p. 136-39.) Refs. in Russian. Title tr.: Outcome of bilateral extrapleural oleothorax in patients with cavernous tuberculosis. Reports 52 cases with follow-ups of 3-11 yr in 50. The operation resulted in abacillosis in 44 patients and inability to work in 37. The anti-epidemic value of the operation in Yakutia is stressed. DNLM. 88675. KOLOMEEn, E. V., and others. Investigation of variations of cosmic-ray intensity, the earth's magnetic field, and auroras during the magnetic storm of 25 March 1958. p. 52-72 in NASA technical translation: NASA TT F-127, 1964, available from CFSTI, Springfield, Va. 22151. Other authors: G. A. Sergeeva and K. F. Tarasova. English translation of No 72902. DLC.
88676. KOLOMEEFS, E. V., and G. A. SERGEEVA. Study of the effect of small solar flares on the intensity of the neutron component of cosmic rays. p. 213-22 in NASA technical translation; NASA TT F-127, 1964, available from CFSTI, Springfield, Va. 22151. English translation of No 80162. DLC. KOLOMEET-S, E. V., see also Nos. 84819, 85621, 86595, 86597, 86599. 88677. KOLOMIEn, N. G. Parazity i khishchniki sibirskogo shelkoprfada. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo Sibirskogo otd-ifs ANSSSR 1962. 173 p. tables, graphs, illus. About 500 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Parasites and predators of the Siberian egger. Comprehensive study based largely on own field work in different parts of Siberia during 1959-1962. Some 120,000 larvae and pupae and 500,000 eggs of Dendrolimus sibirieus were examined and 66 species of entomophagus spiders and insects found on them studied. These studies centered on phenological and ecological problems, especially of the young forms. Consecutive sections in the general part (p 8-37) deal with earlier studies of these particular parasites; their geographic distribution; role during peaks and lows of the caterpillar invasions; factors limiting the effectiveness, and effective use of the entomophagus fauna. The special part (p 38-152) contains keys and detailed accounts of the 66 parasites, presented in taxonomic order, including data on earlier studies and synonyms, biology, ecology and geographic distribution. A glossary of Latin names is appended. DNAL. 88678. KOLOMYf, E. G. IndikaGionnafii, rol' snezhnogo pokrova v izuchenii zimnego rezhima, taezhnykh territory. (Akademitii, nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geografii Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doldady 1964. no. 6, p. 19-28, table, graphs, map.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Indicating the role of the snow cover by study of the winter regime of taiga territories. Reports own investigation in the Transbaykal regions and study of other sources. The snow cover of Eastern Siberia and the Northeast differs from that of the European part of USSR. Three types, syngenetic, epigenetic and transition are distinguished, and their subtypes defined and illus on map. The high mountain regions of Siberia and the Far East develop a polygenetic type of DLC. snow cover. KOLOSKOV, A. V., see Nos. 87033, 92847.
KOLOSKOV, K. N., see No. 85769. KOL'S, 0. R., see No. 85972. 88679. KOLTOVSKIi, G. G. Primenenie analizov aerofotosnimkov pri sostavlenii svodnykh geologicheskikh i geomorfologicheskikh kart po territorii Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (In: Vses. seminar po geologicheskomu deshifrirovaniffl . 1961 . . . Materialy pub. 1964, p. 19-23.) In Russian. Title tr.: Use of air-photo analyses in the compilation of composite geologic and geomorphic maps of the territory of northeastern USSR. Reviews the use of air photos in this area from 1942. The ways and stages of using them in the preparation of topographic maps are described. The geologic structure of the Northeast is discussed and the main complexes of rocks are noted. Values and categories of air photos are outlined in relation to their interpretation. Their use in geomorphology is characterized. DLC. 88680. KOLTUN, V. M. Gidrobiologicheskie raboty vysokoshirotnykh arkticheskikh okspediail na lir "F. Litke" i die "Ob'" i "Lena." (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 259, p. 5-12, table, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrobiological work of the high latitude arctic expeditions on the icebreaking cargo vessel F. Litke, and the dieselelectric Ob' and Lena. Reviews the work of each vessel during 1955-1958 in the northern Greenland Sea and the Nansen Basin. Area explored, gear, research equipment, number of hauls, depth, etc are specified, mapped and tabulated. CaMAI, DLC. 88681. KOLTUN, V. M. Gubki (Porifera), sobrannye v Grenlandskom more i v raTone k severu of Shpiabergena i Zemli FranaaIosifa ekspediaiiffimi na lir "F. Litke" 1955 g., die "Ob' " 1956 g. i die "Lena" 1957 i 1958 gg. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 259, p. 143-66, table, illus.) 31 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Sponges collected in the Greenland Sea and in the region north of Spitsbergen, and Franz Joseph Land, by the F. Litke in 1955, 06' 1956, and Lena 1957, 1958. Account of 92 forms, with notes on synonyms, location and depth of finds, morphology, and geographic distribution. Data are also tabulated within a taxonomic frameCaMAI, DLC. work. 88682. KOLTUN, V. M. K izuchenn donnol fauny Grenlandskogo mora i
Czentral'noT chasti Arkticheskogo basselna. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 259, p. 13-78, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: Study of the bottom fauna of the Greenland Sea and the central part of the Arctic Basin. Reviews the main hydrobiological studies of the past century in this area, and describes the limits, bathymetry and bottoms of the ground covered by the present study. The hydrography, general, ecological and zoogeographic characteristics of the depthzones are outlined with lists of species found in them; typical and rare forms are specified. Appendices (p 28-74) list the forms found on each station, with notes on date, depth, nature of bottom, temperature, salinity, etc. Similar data are added for material of the drifting ice stations North Pole 2, 3, and 4. CaMAI, DLC. 88683. KOLTUN, V. M. K izuchenifu gubok vodoemov Karelii. (In: Akademifii nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Inst. biologii. Fauna ozer . 1965, p. 48-51.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of sponges from Karelian waters. Describes the macro- and microscopic features of four species living in fresh waters. The morphology of the gemmulas is included. DLC. 88684. KOLYSHKIN, I. A. V glubinakh polfarnykh morel. Moskva, Voennoe izd-vo 1964. 328 p. illus. In Russian. Title tr.: In the depth of the polar seas. Reminiscences of a squadron commander of Russian submarines based on Polyarnoye in World War II. Operations in the Barents and other seas 22 June 1941— Nov 1945 are described in detail: defense of convoys, destruction of enemy vessels, etc. Specific encounters are depicted, such as the submarine SHCH-421 disabled by a German depth-bomb near Porsanger Fjord 8 Apr 1942, and various naval personnel characterized. English translation by D. Skvirsky pub as Submarines in arctic waters, memoirs. Moscow, Progress publishers 1966, 252 p. DLC. KOMAR, L. V., see No. 90210. 88685. KOMAR, V. A., and M. A. SEMIKHATOV. K geologicheskol istorii SibirskoT platformy v pozdnem dokembrii. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 161, no. 2, p. 421-24, map.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geologic history of the Siberian platform in the late Precambrian. Discusses the paleogeography and geo-
logic history of the late Precambrian. Riphean (Sinian) and Wendian deposits in the Anabar shield, Olenek uplift, Yenisey Ridge and other areas are analyzed and their distribution outlined. Recently accumulated data reveal that during Riphean time there existed a large uplift taking in the central part of the Siberian platform, whereas in Wendian time, a marine transgression prevailed. DLC. 88686. KOMAROV, A. A. Nekotorye statisticheskie zakonomernosti snegovetrovogo potoka. (Akademig, nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Izvestifit 1965. no. 6, p. 117-22, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some statistical laws governing wind-driven snow. Notes the drifting-snow meter developed by V. V. Kolmakov and the author in 1961, and a series of experiments conducted with it. Observations in the polar region indicated pulsations in the speed of motion, concentration, and yield of drifting snow; hence author develops several analytical formulas pertaining to drift which are based on the theory of probability. Oscillograms obtained by the drifting-snow meter are used, and normal correlation functions, spectral densities, and interval distribution are evaluated. The study shows that snow transfer by wind is a complex phenomenon; that drifts obey the law of random distribution of magnitude, i.e., the Gauss law; and that the exponential curve describes satisfactorily the wind velocity—snow transfer relationship. DLC. 88687. KOMAROV, F. K. Nekotorye voprosy transkrip&ii toponimov akutskol ASSR. (In: Soveshchanie po toponimike Vostoka, Moskva 1961, pub. 1962, p. 13942.) In Russian. Title tr.: Problems in transcribing toponymics of Yakut ASSR. Discusses errors in etymological interpretation deriving from phonetic corruption and incorrect Russian rendering of regional Yakut, Tungus, Yukaghir, etc geographic names. A unified transliteration system to use for maps and ethnographic studies is in preparation. DLC. KOMAROVA, A. E., see No. 92173. 88688. KOMI. Oblastrwifil planovaQ komissia. Proekt vnutrioblastnogo ralonirovanifa Komi avtonomnoT oblasti. Ust'sysesk 1929. iv, 152 p. tables. In Russian. Title tr.: Plan for the internal division of the Komi Autonomous Province. Proposes subdividing Komi ASSR into
seven administrative districts which are described with data on ethnic affiliation, agriculture, reindeer industry, trade, literacy, etc. One of these, the Samoyed District encroached upon Arkhangelsk provincial territory and the economic, ethnic, cultural and logistical factors common to both sides of the boundary are discussed to justify taking the lower Pechora and Malozemel'skaya Tundra regions of Arkhangelsk Province into northern Komi. The proposed Samoyed District based on KhosedaKhard was somewhat larger in area than the Nenets National District which was subsequently formed as part of Arkhangelsk Province and which included Bol'ahezemel'skaya Tundra once part of Komi. DLV. 88689. KOMI ASSR. Statisticheskoe upravlenie. Komi ASSR za sorok let; statisticheskil sbornik. Syktyvkar, Komi knizhnoe izd-vo 1961. 200 p. tables, illus. In Russian. Title tr.: Komi ASSR in the forty year period, a statistical handbook. Revision of No. 52376. Presents data of 1920-1960 on the population, the administrative division, cities and towns, industry, agriculture, construction, transportation and communication, labor, health, welfare, education and urban conditions of Komi as a whole. Vorkuta is treated separately in some detail and summarized data are given for the Far North comprising Vorkuta, Inta, Ukhta, and the Izhem.skiy, Intinskiy, Pechorskiy, Troitsko-Pechorskiy, 13dorskiy, Ust'-Tsilemskiy and Ukhtinskiy districts. Coal, petroleum and natural gas production are included in the chapter on industry (p 3596) and reindeer raising in that on agriDLC. culture. 88690. KOMISSAROV, N. Industriarnye sovmeshchennye kryshi na Kralnem Severe. (Zhilishchnoe stroitel'stvo 1964, no. 5, p. 6-9, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Industrial composite roofs in the far North. Discusses construction of roofs composed of two self-supporting reinforced concrete plates (upper and lower) with a layer of thermal insulation and, in ventilated-type roofs, an interlayer of air. The building materials, and prefabricated roofs are not made at the building-wall plants in the far North. It takes four-eight months there however, to get a roof on a domestic building with attic and utility lines because of the short season; lack of needed materials and qualified workmen. Types of composite roofs are described as suited specifically to building operations under climatic conditions of the Magadan, Anadyr',
Kamchatka, and Yakutsk regions. Suggestions 'are made for the industrial manufacture of such prefabricated roofs with attention directed to measures to prevent temperature deformation at the butts and joints of the roof panels. Arbolit of 300400 kg/m3 volume mass is recommended for thermal insulation. DLC. 88691. KOMISSAROV, N. F. Oblegchenie vesa stroitel'nykh konstrukall. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu . . . 1961. Sbornik trudov pub. 1962, p. 140-42.) In Russian. Title tr.: Reducing the weight of building structures. Proposes the use of pile clusters, hollow piles made of welded steel net, and filled with reinforced concrete, for foundations in permafrost at Mukhtuya settlement, in Mirnyy, Pokrovsk, Yakutsk, etc. Siliconcalcite, manufactured of quartz sand, lime, and gypsum abundant in Yakut ASSR, is recommended for building walls, ceilings, roofs, and partitions in order to reduce their weight, bulk, and thermal conductivity. For a 65 cm thick wall of red brick, a 25 cm wall of silicon-calcite can be substituted, and such construction is a third to a quarter the cost of brick. DLC. 88692. KOMOEDOV, A. I. Perspektivy razvitiffi ovoshchevodstva na Chukotke. (Anadyr'. Chukotskil kraevedcheskil muzel. Zapiski 1962. no. 3, p. 3-4.) In Russian. Title tr.: Prospects for the development of vegetable growing in Chukotka. Discusses local sources of fuel for hothouses: coal, industrial waste, hot springs; potential crops and some experiments in open-ground cultivation are also noted. DLC. KOMULAINEN, A. A., see Nos. 86643, 86644,86645. 88693. KONDAKOV, K. G. 0 napravlenifikh razvitiffi, i razmeshcheniffi promyshlennosti rikutskol ASSR. Yakutsk, akutskoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1962. 144 p. tables, illus. Approx. 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Trends in the development and location of industries in Yakut ASSR. Discusses the development problems in a vast territory rich in minerals but the mining areas dispersed, poorly linked with manufacturing and commercial centers and lacking essential technological facilities. Conditions are aggravated by a harsh climate, poor labor supply, high production costs, and slow development of basic supporting industries. Conditions are particularly difficult in the construction materials
industry, capital investment, electric power supply, road construction, and freight transport. Major industries of Yakutia and their specific problems are dealt with in turn: diamond, gold, tin, mica, iron, coal, salt, oil and natural gas, also lumbering and fisheries. A subdivision of the existing territorially defined economic zones into smaller units is suggested: each to be based on its own viable industry but geared to the economic effort of Yakutia as a whole. Ways to revitalize aboriginal trades and to reduce their manpower requirement and labor costs are indicated: establish hunting preserves of fur animals, shorten the hunting season, and increase fur farming; turning reindeer on the range without herders would also curtail seasonal nomadism. Data are included on capital investment: 1,1042 million rubles during 1918-1060, new industry: 165 in 1950-1960, and on increases in industrial production, labor efficiency, electric power, coal output, etc. Comparisons are made with Murmansk, Magadan, Kamchatka and Sakhalin Provinces. DLC. KONDINSKIi, G. V., see No. 93195. KONDORSKAIA, N. V., see No. 85518. KONDRASENKO, V.
a., see No. 88805.
KONDRASHOV, V. A., see No. 91038. KONDRAT'EV, K. 92750.
see Nos. 85937,
88694. KONDRAT'EVA, K. A. K metodike sostavlenifg melkomasshtabnykh merzlotno-gidrogeologicheskikh kart. (Merzlotnye issledovanifa 1964. no. 4, p. 21-28.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Methods of compiling small-scale cryogenic-hydrogeologic maps. Discusses possibilities of preparing such maps at 1:5,000 and other scales. Three types of maps for permafrost areas of complex hydrogeologic structure are proposed and briefly discussed: one of supra-permafrost waters and types of seasonal freezethaw, a cryogenic map showing types, thickness, distribution and physical-geologic phenomena of permafrost, and a hydrogeologic map. Content, legends, use of color and hachure are briefly noted for each DLC. type. 88695. KONDRAT'EVA, K. A., and T. V. KURNISHKOVA. 0 roli geobotaniche,skol s"emki pri melkomasshtabnykh merzlotnykh is.sledovanitakh. (Merzlotnye
issledovanifil 1964. no. 4, p. 255-74, table, map, profile.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The role of geobotanical survey in small-scale cryogenic investigations. Reports a 1961-1962 survey at 1:500,000 and 1:200,000 in the Aldan region. Eight geobotanic districts in this mining province are distinguished and each is described. Many plant associations may disclose cryogenic conditions: thus pine forests are indicators of areas with deep (3-4 m) thawing or absence of permafrost; forests indicate areas with groundwater near or upon the surface and thawing to 1-1.5 m depth. Forests with aspen and birch reveal distribution of karst, etc. DLC. KONDRAT'EVA, K. A., see also No. 86231. KONDRAT'EVA, N. I., see No. 91258. 88696. KONDRATOVICH, K. S. Vozmozhnosti dolgosrochnogo predskazanifa polia atmosfernogo davlenifg, v ralone Severn! Atlantiki. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet. Meteorologicheskie issl. Sbornik state! 1965. no. 9, p. 174-79, tables, map.) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Possibilities of longterm predictions of the atmospheric pressure field in the North Atlantic region. Presents the results of calculated recurrence of 31 different combinations of NE N w Nc types of atmospheric circulation which occurred during Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb and Mar 1901-1961. Prognostic relationships were established for six regions of the North Atlantic, including Greenland and the European Arctic with the Barents Sea regions, each 3.1-3.5 million km2 in area, and six types of baric field. DLC. KONDRA'nOVA, 0. F., see No. 88353. 88697. KONENKO, A. F. 0 svazi polfarnykh s kharakteristikami slofa Es ionosfery. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomifit 1965. v. 5, no. 1, p. 186-87, graphs.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Relationship of auroras to properties of the Es layer of the ionosphere. Reports study of the integral brightness of auroras in the zenith in relation to the critical frequency foEs of radio reflections from the Es layer, based on observations at Murmansk Feb—Mar and Sept—Oct 1957. Results, presented in a diagram, establish a clear correlation between the degree of ionization of the Es layer and the integral brightness of the auroras. DLC.
88698. KONFERENfka PO AKKLIMATIZAT-SII ZHIVOTNYKH V SSSR, Frunze, 1963. Acclimatization of animals of the USSR. Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Translations 1966. 250 p. tables. AEC Tr 6206, available from Clearinghouse FSTI, Springfield, Va. English translation of No 80193; the papers of arctic interest are listed in this volume of Arctic Bibliography under the authors' names, with reference to the abstract published earlier: V. V. Azbelev and S. S. Surkov, M. M. Davydov, B. G. Ioganzen, G. K. Korsakov, A. A. Maksimov, S. V. Marakov, A. A. Nasimovich, K. D. Numerov, G. M. Persov, B. T. Semenov, S. M. Uspenskil and A. A. Vershinin and others. DLC. 88699. KONFERENfSIa PO PROBLEME "VZAIMODEISTVIE ATMOS: FERY I GIDROSFERY V SEVERNOI CHASTI ATLANTICHESKOGO OKEANA" 2d, Leningrad, 1961. Materialy. Leningrad 1964. 282 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title etc. tr.: Papers of the 2d conference on the interaction between the atmosphere and the hydrosphere in the North Atlantic. Contains some 60 papers presented, 13 dealing with arctic regions are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz (titles tr): VALERIANOVA, M. A. Peculiarities of atmospheric circulation . . . IVANOV, V. M. Epochal course of hydrometeorological processes. ROSSOV, V. V. . . . Navigation routes from Murmansk to America. LARIN, V. M. Calculation of temperature fields . . . Norwegian Sea. NEKRASOV, A. V. Computation of tidal phenomena . . . SHLENEVA, M. V. Wind drift of ice. REKHTZAMER, G. R. Airborne study of ice ... VEDERNIKOV, V. A., and V. G. LABEISH. Hydraulic modelling of tide phenomena ... SERa.KOV, E. I., and A. I. BYCHKOVA. Thermal conditions of the nonfreezing part of Barents Sea . . . ADROV, M. M. . . . Ocean fisheries investigations in ICNAF region. BELYSHEVA, E. V., and others. Hydrochemical conditions in northern Greenland Sea. ADROV, M. M., and A. P. ALEKSEEV. PINRO oceanographic investigations 19581960. DERIDGIN, K. K. First cruises of DLC. the . . . Batalsk.
88700. KONFERENfAIa POCHVOVEDOV SIBUII I DAL'NEGO VOSTOKA. Novosibirsk 1962. Trudy. Novosibirsk 1964. 533 p. tables, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title etc. tr.: Conference of soil scientists of Siberia and the Far East. Transactions. Contains 72 papers on current problems of soil sciences and agricultural chemistry, six dealing with arctic regions are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: L. G. Elovskafk V. N. Gorbachev, V. A. Kuz'min, N. I. P'fivehenko, I. A. Sokolov and V. 0. Targur an, and L. V. Teterina. DLC. 88701. KONISHCHEV, V. N., and N. V. TUMEL'. BlochnyI rel'ef kak pokazatel' litologii verkhnikh gorizontov chetvertichnykh otlozhenil. (In: Popov, A. I., ed. Kalnozolskil pokrov . . . 1963, p. 217-26.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Block relief as indicator of the lithology of the upper horizons of Quaternary deposits. Reports study of the geologic structure of polygonal relief in the Vorkuta region. Polygonal relief on a mineral substratum is of two types: one, the not-sharply-expressed block relief of flat watershed hills, the other the sharply expressed block relief of lowland areas. Both types are analyzed in some detail as to their composition and main features. It is established that block relief is mainly determined by the lithologic DLC. properties of covering loans. 88702. KONISHCHEV, V. N. Osobennosti l'dovydelenifa v sezonnomerzlom sloe i morfologifit pokrovnykh less ovidnykh obrazovanil Vorkutskogo ralona. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geog Podzemnyl led 1965, no. 1, p. 172-82, graphs.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ice separation features in the seasonal-freezing layer and morphology of the cover of loess-like deposits of the Vorkuta region. Discusses the presence of ice and moisture in seasonally freezing layer. Ice content and texture of this layer are analyzed and crosssections described. Distribution of ice in a vertical section is characterized and two horizons distinguished with a "dry" horizon between them. All these horizons are described. Morphology of cover deposits is outlined and their origin and paleogeographic conditions are discussed. Specific weathering of relief-forming rocks is conCaON-B, DLC. sidered quite possible. 88703. KONISHCHEV, V. N. Pokrovnye lessovidnye obrazovania fflgo-vostochnol (In: chasti Bol'shezemel'skol tundry.
Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geografii polfarnykh stran i glfdisiologil. Problemy paleogeografii . . . 1964, p. 27-48, tables, sections, illus.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A covering loess-like formation in the southeastern part of Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Reports study Quaternary deposits in the Vorgarshor, Vorkuta and other areas of this tundra, with attention directed to loans covering various types of rocks and various forms of relief. Grain size, mechanical composition, mineralogy, chemical analyses and other features of these deposits are analyzed. Their occurrence on polygonal forms of relief is treated in some detail. They are concluded to be products of specific weathering of underlying rocks in cold climate conditions. The process of formation of cover loans is closely linked with polygonal relief development. DLC. 88704. KONITZKY, G. A. Kulturwandel in der Arktis; Betrachtungen ztu. Entwicklung der modernen Eskimokunst. (Kosmos 1963. v. 59, no. 5, p. 185-89, illus.) In German. Title tr.: Cultural change in the Arctic; reflections on the development of modern Eskimo art. Discusses changes caused by the trading posts, introduction of the rifle, overexploitadon of animal resources, and generally by contact with white man. Effects of change to a money economy, fostering of native art by American and Canadian authorities, local methods and motifs are considered, as are cooperatives and unions, their difficulties and influence. DLC. KONITISHKOV, K. N., see No. 93238. KONONENKO, V. D., see No. 93180. KONONOV, D. G., see Nos. 88194, 88195, 88196. KONONOV,
ID. D., see No. 92513.
88705. KONONOV, K. E. K voprosy o rezhime vlazhnosti pochv alasov nentrarnol IAkutii. (Yakutsk. Univ. Uchenye zapiski 1965. no. 16, p. 57-75, tables, graphs, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The s oil moisture regime in depressions of central Yakutia. Notes the practice in this region of using for hay crops, floodplains and dry meadows in depressions known locally as a/asy. The meadows under observation seem to be drying out for the vegetation is suffering systematic deficiency of moisture. Data are given on both soils and vegetation, with
conclusion that these meadows need irrigar tion or seeding with drought-resistant plants. Use of the grass Agropyron pectinsDLC. forme is also recommended. 88706. KONONOV, V. I., and. B. G. POLaK. Bol'shie Bannye istoobniki na (AkademiEt, nauk SSSR. Kamchatke. Geologicheskil inst. Gidrogeotermicheskie uslovifit verkhnikh chaste! zemnol kory, Moskva 1964, p. 52-71, tables, graphs, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bol'shiye Bannye springs in Kamchatka. Describes these hot springs in the upper Bannaya basin as studied in 1960. Geologic structure of the region is characterized. The mouth of the spring, temperature and composition of the water are described. There are 24 groups and 555 thermal springs. Their temperature exceeds 80° C only in rare cases. Chemical composition is given. The thermometric investigation is outlined. Discharge of therms and efflux of heat are noted. DLC. 88707. KONONOVA, V. A., and others. nefeO sostave i temperature lina iz porod ffolit-mertelgitovoi (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Izvestifa 1965, ser. geol. no. 7, p. 65-73, tables, graphs.) 13 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N. I. Organova and E. I. Lomelko. Title tr.: On the composition and crystallization temperature of nepheline from rocks of ijolite-melteigite series. Retie= this problem in general according to the Russian and foreign literature. Evolution of the composition of the Kovdor nephelines in Kola Peninsula is outlined. Three groups of nephelines are distinguished. Chemical analyses of nepheline-pyroxene rocks of the Kovdor massif are tabulated. Temperature of crystallization of synthetic and natural nephelines is discussed. Kovdor nephelines range from low to high temperature series according to their groups. DLC. 88708. KONOVALOV, A. A. K voprosu o &nutlike podzemnogo oledenenifa, vechnol merzloty. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geog . . . Podzemnyl led 1965, no. 1, p. 4050, illus.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Dynamics of underground glaciation, permafrost. Discusses the interrelation between permafrost and climate, and permafrost as a product of climate. Pulsation of the cryosphere as a cause of glaciation dynamics is outlined and surface glaciation compared with permafrost distribution. Dynamics of permafrost with climatic change are also considered. CaON-B, DLC.
88709. KONOVALOVA, M. V., and R. P. SLIVKOVA. Novye danaye po stratigrafii perraskikh otlozhenil Timano-PechorskoI provinQi. (Geologifil nefti i gaza severovostoka evropelskol chasti SSSR 1964. no. 1, p. 120-32, sections.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the stratigraphy of Permian deposits in the Timan-Pechora Province. Reports a 1957-1960 study based upon various new drillings. Sakmarian, Artinskian and Kungurian stages of the Lower Permian are described and divided into horizons according to fauna or lithologic and mineralogic characteristics. From the Upper Permian, Ufa, Kazan and Tartarian stages are described. DLC. 88710. KONOVALOVA, N. Severnafa effiita. (Kurturno-prosvetiternafa rabota 1965. v. 26, no. 6, p. 45-48, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Northern suite. Reviews the recital in Moscow by the Koryak song and dance ensemble organized in 1960 in Palma, Koryak National District. Choreography and performance of traditional dances, etc are discussed. DLC. KONSTANTINOV, F. V., see No. 92051. 88711. KONSTANTINOV, G. N. Vychislenie magnitnogo poll& of kontaktnol poverkhnosti. (Geologifa i geofizika 1965. no. 7, p. 96-100, tables.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Calculation of a magnetic field from a contact surface. Reports on study of magnetic fields from contact trap surfaces in the Tungusska tectonic depression, assuming: that the traps are of large horizontal dimensions and uniform magnetization (I = 10000 x 10-6 cgsm); that the upper boundary of traps is the earth's relief with a relative excess of 800 m; that the lower boundary is horizontal; that the line of observation is straight and horizontal; that the min height of observations above table, mountains is 0.2 km, and max height over river valleys and lakes is 1.0 km; and that the max slope of the earth's relief is equal to 45.° An analytical formula is given for the evaluation of the magnetic field (Zxo) as a function of magnetization, coordinates, distance of the line of observation; and the trap depth; and the magnetic field values and pertinent errors are evaluated. The max errors in accepting definite limits in integration are found relatively small; they diminish rapidly with the recession of the integration interval from point zo; and the general rootmean-square errors do not exceed 2-5% of the max Z (xo) values. DLC.
88712. KONSTANTINOV, L P. Eksperimental'nye issledovaaifa teploobmena mezhdu truboprovodom s nepolnym zapolneniem i merzlymi gruntami. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifit. ProCsessy teplo- i massoobmena . . . 1965, p. 98-103, table, graphs.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Experimental study of heat exchange between a partly filled pipeline and frozen ground. Considers problems of underground water, sewage, and gas lines laid in permafrost. Values for the observed and calculated heat losses are given for conduits filled from 0.27 to 0.41 of their diameter. DLC. 88713. KONSTANTINOV, K. G. Cherepakha v BarenCsevom more. (Priroda 1965. v. 54, no. 3, p. 111, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Turtle in the Barents Sea. Comments on the catch of a sea turtle Caretta caretta off a dock at Murmansk, far north of its usual habitat. The exceptionally warm summer of 1964 had also ill effects on commercial fishing, especially cod trawling. DLC. 88714. KONSTANTINOV, K. G. Diurnal, vertical migrations of demersal fish and their possible influence on the estimation of fish (International Council for the stocks. Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et proce.s-verbaux 1963 pub. 1964. v. 155, p. 23-26, graphs.) 24 refs. Analyzes the long-term, seasonal, and diurnal changes of comparable trawl catches in the Barents Sea, and stresses that vertical distribution of marine fauna is not invariable, but changes due to complicating factors. Hence determinations of the stock from trawling operations alone without consideration of vertical migration is misleading. DLC. 88715. KONSTANTINOV, K. G., and A. I. MUKHIN. 0 nekotorykh zakonomernostMkh letneT migraali treski v azhnol (Murmansk. chasti Barencseva morfa'.. PolfarnyI n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. no. 16, p. 227-33, tables, graphs.) 7 refs. Iri Russian. Title tr.: Some regularities in summer migration of cod in the southern part of the Barents Sea. Investigation of the year-to-year variations in the eastward migrations of this, fish showed them to depend upon the water temperature: with increased temperature, migration takes place along the main branch of the Murmansk Current; with abnormally low temperature, it is along the coastal branch of this current. DLC.
88716. KONSTANTINOV, K. G., and others. Povedenie treski Gadv,s morhua L. i pikshi Melanogrammus aeglifinus (L.) v tolshche vody. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1965. v. 5, no. 1, p. 205-207, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. Other authors: K. E. Fedorov and 0. E. Shatova. Title tr.: Behavior of cod and haddock in midwater. To solve the question whether trawling breaks up the shoals of these fishes, observers in a hydrostat followed a shoal into depth off Rybachiy Peninsula. As the hydrostat descended, the shoal moved deeper and deeper, and dispersed horizontally when bottom was reached. When the hydrostat began to ascend the shoal of cod did the same, the relatively few haddock having departed. Author claims that shoals stay together for long periods. DLC. 88717. KONSTANTINOV, K. G., and A. I. MUKHIN. Prognozirovanie proizvoditel'nosti tralovogo promysla v Barenisevom more. (Rybnoe khozfaistvo 1965. v. 41, no. 2, p. 14-17, tables, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: Forecasting the productivity of trawl fisheries in the Barents Sea. The inadequacy is noted of the forecasts hitherto issued by PINRO, and their general character briefly sketched. Utilizing Oct-Dec temperatures and temperature anomalies in the upper 200 m along the Kola meridian for 1946-1963, authors work out formulas which enable the size of catch per trawler to be predicted about a year in advance. Adoption of this method is proposed for forecasting productivity. DLC. 88718. KONSTANTINOV, K. G. Prognozirovanie syr'evol bazy tralovogo promysla na TSentral'nol vozvyshennosti Barenfaeva morfa. (Materialy rybokhozfaistvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 2, p. 3-6, graph, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Forecasting a source for trawl fisheries in the Tsentral'naya rise of the Barents Sea. Discusses great fluctuations of cod and other catches in this area, 74-76° N 30-40° E, origin of local cod (from the southwest) and prediction of catches from temperature conditions in the Kola and NordkappDLC. BjOrnOya profiles. 88719. KONSTANTINOV, K. G. Vlifilnie temperatury vody na syrievuffi bazu tralovogo lova v Barenaevom more. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1964. v. 4, no. 2, p. 255-69, tables, graphs.) Approx. 50 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The effect of water temperature on the resources of trawled fish in the Barents Sea.
Mathematical analysis of the relationship of temperature in the upper 200 m or less of the sea and size of catches, based on data as from 1946. The effect of temperature on the movements of cod over this area is also taken into account. As result of the analysis an attempt at short-term forecast of fish (catch) abundance is worked out and proposed for use. DLC. 88720. KONSTANTINOV, K. G. Water temperature as a factor guiding fishes during their migrations. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 221-24, graphs, map.) 11 refs. Notes that fishes are usually guided in their seasonal migrations by water temperature, hence knowledge of the latter enables one to forecast the path and time of these migrations. Author illustrates this for capelin and cod by temperature conditions in the 150-200 m layer of the Kola hydrographic section. CaMAI. KONSTANTINOV, K. G., see also No. 90986. KONSTANTINOV, R. M., see No. 86661. KONSTANTINOVA, A. F., see No. 91309. 88721. KONSTANTINOVA, G. S. Nekotorye zakonomernosti formirovanila temperatury skal'nykh porod v razlichnykh ralonakh oblasti rasprostraneniin mnogoletnemerzlykh tolshch. (In: AkademinA nauk SSSR. Inst. merzlotovedenia. Geokriologicheskie uslovila ... 1964, p. 11-17, tables.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some patterns in the formation of bedrock temperature in various regions of permafrost distribution. Reports temperature observations to 100 m depth in bedrock and unconsolidated rock in the middle Zeya, Selemdzha, and the Igarka region. The data are tabulated and evaluated. In all three regions bedrock temperature is above 0° C and it decreases from regions with higher to those of lower average annual air temperature. Rock temperature ranges 6.5-8.0° C above the average annual air temperature in the various regions. In all of them temperature of bedrock is higher than that of unconsolidated rock. DLC. 88722. KONSTANTINOVA, G. S. 0 deshifrirovanii poligonal'no-zhil'nykh l'dov. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geogr . . . Podzemnyl led 1965, no. 2, p. 172-79, tables.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.:
On the identification of polygonal ice wedges. Discusses the classification and mapping problems of polygonal wedge ice as studied by the author in tundra plains such as the Taymyr, Kolyma-Anyuy, Anadyr, etc. The following types are distinguished as possible to recognize: present shallow ice, buried thick ice of a single stage, and buried thick multi-stage ice. Each is characterized and criteria for their identification are given. CaON-B, DLC. 88723. KONSTANTINOVA, G. S. 0 poligonal'no-zhil'nykh l'dakh na AnfllYskoKolymskol ravnine. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geog . . . Podzemnyl led 1965, no. 1, p. 104-111, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On polygonal ice wedges in the Anyuy-Kolyma plain. Reports 1963 field study in the Malyy Anyuy region. Lacustrine-alluvial deposits of Quaternary age were studied and the ice wedges found are described. Their mode of occurrence, dimensions and other features are characterized. Four stages of ice wedges are recognized in alluvial deposits: from 42-40 to 30 m above the river, 27-18 m above, 16-8 m above, and the fourth from 6 m to river level. CaON-B, DLC. KONSTANTINOVA, G. S., see also No. 87590. 88724. KONSTANTINOVA, 0. A. Evenkilskil fazyk; fonetika, morfologiiii. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Nauka" 1964. 272 p. tables. Approx. 50 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Evenki language; phonetics, morphology. Deals with the phonetics, grammar and dialects of this north Tungus language spoken by some 24,000 people. Major attention is directed to the Poligus dialect of the Podkamennaya Tunguska selected as the basis for literary Tungus. DLC. KONSTANTINOVA, 0. A., see also No. 92893. 88725. KONTOROVICH, A. E., and 0. F. STASOVA. K geokhimii neftel ZapadnoSibirskol nizmennosti. (Geologifi i geofizika 1964, no. 2, p. 13-24, tables, maps, illus.) 16 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Geochemistry of the oils of the West Siberian lowland. Reviews the main patterns of oil alteration, both horizontal and according to depth. The oils become heavier, and contain more sulfur and pitch upward in the section and toward the bounding structures of the
lowland. This is explained by cryptosupergene alteration of the oil in the upper part of the section. In the basal horizon of the sedimentary cover there is a group of oils which have undergone metamorphic changes. The northern part of Tyumen Province is included in this broad study. DLC. 88726. KONTOROVICH, A. E., and others. Rassefinnye uglevodorody v illrskikh otlozhenifilich Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti. (Altademia nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 162, no. 2, p. 428-31, table, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: L. I. Bogorodskafti, L. F. Lipni@kala, V. M. Mel'nikova and 0. F. Stasova. Title tr.: Dispersed hydrocarbons in Jurassic deposits of the West Siberian lowland. Reports a geochemical study of two argillite samples from the Upper Jurassic of the Megion and Sargatskoye areas and one from Middle Jurassic deposits of Parabel'. Results of the analyses, tabulated and explained, indicate a complex of compounds characteristic of oil in the composition of the dispersed organic matter. DLC. KONTOROVICH, A. E., see also No. 87613. 88727. KONTRIMAVICHUS, V. L., and E. S. SKRaBINA. Gel'mintofaiina sobolill i gornosta16, Kamchatki. (Akademica nauk SSSR. Gelimintologicheskafa lab. Trudy 1963. v. 13, p. 48-51, table.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The helminth fauna of sable and ermine in Kamchatka. Reports on material collected during the winter of 1959-60 in three areas from 139 sables and 50 ermines. Fourteen species of parasitic worms are recorded. Organs and incidence of infections are noted and findings compared with those in neighboring areas. DLC. KONTRIMAVICHUS, V. L., see also Nos. 88836, 92017. 88728. KONZHIN, A. Oves na Kralnem Severe. (Sel'skokhozialstvennoe proizvodstvo Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka 1965, no. 8, p. 34.) In Russian. Title tr.: Oats in the Far North. Reports on testing 11 Russian and 16 imported strains of oats at the Igarka Experimental Station in 1958-1959 for the Agricultural Research Institute of the Far North. The yield of green mass ranged 95515 cwt/hectare, the raw protein content 10.6-18.8%. Best results were obtained with the Khibiny 1 and Khibiny 2 varieties. DLC.
KONZHIN, I. A., see No 88665. 88729. KOO, T. S. Y., and E. FINN. Circulus height and related morphology of sockeye salmon .scales as determined from (Washington .L , (State) Univ. sections. College of Fisheries. Research in fisheries 1963 pub. 1964. Contribution no. 166, p. 1518, graph, illus.) 'Describes method of cutting scale sections for study of morphology of circuli, their height and spacing. The technique may be of use in designing scale reading machines. DLC. '88730. KOOYMAN, G. L. Techniques used in measuring diving capacities of Weddell seals. (Polar record 1965. v. 12, no. 79, p. 391-94, illus.) Ref. Describes a depth-time recorder (for obtaining dive profiles) and a depth tube. They are attached to and removed from seals coming up for breathing through ice holes. Max diving depth recorded: 460 m. DLC. 88731. KOPANEV, I. D. Kharakteristiki perenosa snega. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Izvestifil 1964. no. 6, "p. 80-87, tables.) 8 refs. In' Russian. Title tr.: Characteristics of the transport of snow. Develops an analytical formula for the turbulent friction as a function of air density, wind velocity, coefficient of roughness and a dimensionless parameter equal to 0.38. Turbulent frictions are evaluated for various months and for different areas in Eastern and Western Siberia. The relationship between and duration of upper and lower snowstorms are examined for the Nov—Mar period in the same areas. Variation coefficients and snow transport intensities are also evaluated and tabulated. In general, the data show that the presence of plant cover, topography, wind fetch, and other factors, in addition to wind velocity and friction, influence the transfer and deposition of snow. A brief review of earlier work on snow drift and protective devices DLC. introduces this, study. 88732. KOPEIN, K. I. Biologifa razmnozheniM gornostafa na fAmale. (Akademi1 nauk SSSR. Ural'skil filial. Inst. biologii. Trudy 1965. no. 38, p. 33-40, illus.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biology of reproduction of ermine on the Yamal. Account of a study of 2373 cadavers, 8900 skins from the years 1959-1961 and observa-
tions on 21 live animals. Heat periods (2), durations of pregnancy and period of births are reported. Composition of the summer and winter populations, and the life span of individuals and populations are discussed. ,DLC. 88733. KOPERIN, F. I., and F. B. ORLOV. Razumno ispol'zovat' lesnye bogatstva. (Vestnik vysshel shkoly 1965. v. 23, no. 7, p. 65-67.) In Russian.. Title tr.: Efficient utilization of forest resources. Reviews recent publications and study projects of the Arkhangel'sk Institute of Forest Technology in the European North, including Arkhangel'sk Province and Karelia.' Regeneration and reforestation, pest and fire control, and improvements in lumbering are noted, as are introduced and regenerated species, Siberian pine, larch, etc. The Institute nursery has some 500 decorative varieties for urban areas. DLC. 88734. KOPONEN, T. The sequence of pelages in the Norwegian lemming, Lemma lemmas L. (Suomalainen elain- 'ja kasVitieteellinen seura Vanamo. Tiedonannot: Archivum 1964. v. 18, no. 4, p. 260-78, illus.) 16 refs. Study of animals reared in captivity or trapped in the snowless season. Several stages in hair growth are distinguished in the male: juvenal, post-juvenal, pre-adult, and adult. Females show, some differences in the pre-adult and adult phases. The turn to winter pelage, and seasonal variations are also discussed. DLC. KOPROVA, L. I., see No. 85743. 88735. KOPYLOV, A. N. Torgovye svfazi eniselskogo rynka v xvii v. (Akademia nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Sibir' periods feodalizma 1965. no. 2, p. 93-111, tables.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Trade links of the Yeniseysk market in the 17th century. Discusses the rise of Yeniseysk as major trading post and its decline at the end of the century. It controlled the fur export from the Yakutsk and Lena regions, the import of European goods, and the Siberian salt and grain trade. It became the supply base for expeditions, Russian colonists and fur-tax paying aborigines. Depletion of the fur reserves affected trade with European markets and Yeniseysk declined. Data are given on trade turnover, skin prices, markup on the Moscow market, profit from taxes levied in skins, etc. DLC. KOPYLOVA, T. N., see No. 86404.
88736. KOPYRIN, N. PeveEt socsialisticheskol fAkutii. (Polernaca, zvevda 1964, no. 6, p. 69-78, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Bard of socialist Yakutia. Biography of Serafim Romanovich Kulachikov-Ellal, born in 1904 on the lower Amga River. His poetic style, and treatment of folkloristic and mythological subjects, etc are analyzed, his understanding of socialist ideology praised. DLC. 88737. KORANDA, L. D. Some traditional songs of the Alaskan Eskimos. (Alaska. Univ. Anthropological papers 1964. v. 12, no. 1, p. 17-32.) 9 refs. Describes with lyrics and score of seven pre-contact songs recorded in coastal villages from Norton Sound to Barrow in 1962. They pertain to the messenger feast (similar to potlatch), war challenge, etc. The ceremonial, dance pantomime, costumes and masks, drums, stage effects, magic connotations, also rhythm, melodic DLC. pattern, etc are discussed. KORANDA, L. D., see also No. 84952. 88738. KORCHAGINA, N. I. Biologomorfologicheskie izmeneniia introduairovannykh v Khibiny sredneaziatskikh donerov. (Botanicheskil zhurnal 1964. v. 49, no. 7, p. 1067-69.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biological-morphological changes in ephemeral plants introduced into the Khibiny from Central Asia. Reports observation in 1960-1963 at both the source (Ashkhabad) and the new habitat. The different reactions of the different species to the long arctic night and the temperature conditions are described. Vernalization also played a role in their acclimatization. DLC. 88739. KORCHAGINA, N. I. Nekotorye anatomicheskie izmenenifa lista u sredneaziatskikh efemerov, introduCsirovannykh v Khibiny. (BotanicheskiT zhurnal 1965. v. 50, no. 5, p. 666-73, tables, illus.) Approx. 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some anatomical changes in the leaves of central Asian ephemeral plants introduced into the Khibiny. Reports observations on anatomical and microscopical changes in leaves of eight species introduced into the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden. In the new environment top leaves showed reduced xeromorphism, and all leaves thickening; reduced number of palisade tissue layers, increased friability, etc were observed. DLC. KORCHAGINA, 0. A., see Nos. 86562, 92103.
KORDE, K. B., see No. 92844. 88740. KORDE, N. V. 0 rasprostranenii vetvistousykh rachkov, Cladocera, v bentose r. Vychegdy. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestiia 1965. no. 10, p. 122-26.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of Cladocera in the benthos of the Vychegda River. Brief report of the first comprehensive study of these crustaceans in this area; 21 species are listed with notes on occurrence and frequency; habitat(s); occurrence in DLC. plankton, etc. 88741. KOREISHA, M. M. Rezhim lednikov khrebta Suntar-Khaiita. (Akadenauk SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glaSsiologicheskikh issledovanil. Khronika, obsuzhdenifii 1962. no. 5, p. 86-93, table, maps, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Regime of glaciers of Suntar-Khayata Range. Reviews study of these glaciers during the IGY 1957-1959, when about 45 were investigated with special attention to glacier no 31. Climatic conditions,• precipitation, ice formation, accumulation and ablation, avalanches and firn, formation of moraines and other features are discussed DLC. and some data given. KOREISHA, M. M., see also Nos. 86654, 87520. KOREN', T. N., see No. 86872. KORENEVA, E. V., see No. 87322. 88742. KOREN'KOV, V. A. Iskusstvennoe zaderzhanie ledokhoda na Enisee. (Piiroda 1964. v. 53, no. 7, p. 115.) In Russian. Title tr.: Artificial jamming of the ice drift on the Yenisey. Describes a spring 1964 experiment to ensure a smooth passage of ice at the Krasnoyarsk power station. The dam has two spillways 15 m wide and several 6 x 12 m openings at 5-6 m depth. On the downstream side, ice drifted by on Apr 30; above the dam it was held back, the artificial jam extending 3-4 km. By May 8th, natural melting reduced the ice to brittle sludge, about 60 cm thick, and the water rose 13 m above the downstream level. Ice forming in calm water on the bottom was transparent and broke easily into crystals. Floes 100 x 200 m broke on contact with the dam and buttresses, and were crushed into 1-2 m chunks by the current. Bottom ice broken into 3-5 in pieces was sucked through the underwater tunnels. The experiment,
the first on such a scale, showed the feasibility of controlling breakup even on a DLC. river as wild as the Yenisey. 88743. KOREPANOV, K. T. Sostofanie rabot po kormoproizvodstvu v uslovifakh Khanty-Mansilskogo okruga. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 285-90, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: The status of work on feed production under conditions of Khanty-Mansi District. Notes that 85-90% of the feed for livestock derives from grasslands which yield 70-80 thousand tons of hay and 13-18 thousand tons of silage; 10-15% is potato, sunflower, corn, sugar beet, etc from arable land. There is a shortage of feed and ways of increasing the supply by reclaiming land and improving methods of cultivation are discussed. DNAL. 88744. KOREPANOVA, A. V. Itogi selekaionnykh rabot po kartofelfil na Khanty-Mansilskol opytnol stanaii. (Norirsk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Krainego Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 321-29, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Results of selection work on potatoes by the KhantyMansi Experiment Station. Notes that some 2,500 hectares, 25% of the arable land, are in potatoes in KhantyMansi National District. The local strains of potato arc subject to various diseases however, and in the course of 13 yr, this station has developed six new strains, of which one, the Khanty-Mansi, is well suited to local cultivation. Its qualities, early maturity, large crop, disease resistance, etc are cited, and the method of selection outlined. DNAL. 88745. KOREZHIN, N. P. K ekonomike poiskovo-razvedochnykh rabot na neft' i gaz v Arktike. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regional'nafa geologifa no. 4, p. 179-94, tables, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: On the economics of search-prospecting work for oil and gas in the Arctic. Reports analysis of the oil prospecting work of the Ust'-Yenisey, Nordvik and the third Olenek expeditions of the Northern Sea Route Administration in 1933-1953. Physical geographic conditions of the arctic areas, costs of drilling and other operations, use of mechanized and other equipment are analyzed to establish economic effectivity in prospecting work. Results are summarized, recommendations made for further prospecting. DLC.
88746. KORHONEN, J. Re-adjustments of base extension nets measured in years 1923-1949. (Finland. Geodetiska institutet. Julkaisuja 1959. no. 51, p. 5-25, tables, illus.) 26 refs. Reviews development and extension of triangulation networks in Finland, and comments on recent remeasurement and adjustment of parts of the grid. In the Rovaniemi grid some additions have been made to the original set of observations. These and the instruments used are enumerated. The Kuusamo and Laanila extension nets are also characterized. Appended are diagrams of the 14 basic Finnish nets, and a map outlining the system. DGS. 88747. KORHONEN, M. Lapin murteiden keskinaisista suhteista. (Lapin tutkimusseura. Vuosikirja 1964. v. 5, p. 49-64.) In Finnish. Title tr.: Reciprocal relations of Lapp dialects. Contains comparative study of dialects. CaMAI. 88748. KORfAKIN, G. Bol'she vnimanifa malym rekam Severa. (Rechnol transport 1964. v. 23, no. 1, p. 13-14.) In Russian. Title tr.: More consideration should be given to smaller rivers of the North. Proposes a low-displacement river fleet for navigation on the Sysola, Mezen', Vashka, Pinega, Onega, Vaga, Yuga, Luza, and other streams through the year, not during high-water periods only. Cargo and passenger traffic on these rivers has increased 29% and 50% respectively during the last three years, but timber floating, an inefficient mode of transportation, prevents a regular boat service. Poor organization, insufficient equipment, and non-maintenance of navigation channels and landing stages make navigation on these small northern rivers unprofitable. These deficiencies should be made good, and channels kept DLC. open for river boats. 88749. KORBKIN, V. S. Osobennosti dvizhenifa l'da i morfologii pokrovnogo oledenenifa Novol Zemli. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glfacsioloKhronika, obgicheskikh issledovanil. suzhdenifa 1962. no. 6, p. 61-68, graphs, map, profile.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of ice movement and morphology of covering glaciation of Novaya Zemlya. Reports the 1957-1959 observations of ice movement on the Shokal'skogo Glacier in the IGY program. The glacier is described in detail. Measurement of the ice movement was done by geodetic observation and
photo-theodolite survey. Obtained speeds at various points are reported and compared with results of previous investigations. Seasonal variation of speed is outlined. Alimentation of glaciers is discussed. DLC.
88750. KORaKIN, Y. S. Osobennosti morfologii i evolfaGii sovremennogo oledenenifa Novol Zemli i sosednikh lednikovykh ralonov. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskif komitet, IX razdel programmy MGG: glfacsiologifa. Sbornik statel 1964. no. 13, p. 39-43, table.) 17 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Features of the morphology and evolution of present glaciation of Novaya Zemlya and adjacent regions. Compares Novaya Zemlya with Franz Joseph Land and Severnaya Zemlya. The morphology and evolution of Novaya Zemlya glaciation are outlined. Three stages in development of the present glaciation are distinguished. In the period prior to the formation of the present glaciation, the conditions on the whole in this part of DLC. the Arctic were similar.
88751. KORaKIN, V. S. Otstupanie lednikov v ralone Mashiginol guby, Novafa Zemlfa. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glfilaiologicheskikh issledovaniT. Khronika, obsuzhdenifa 1962. no. 6, p. 143.) In Russian. Title tr.: Retreat of glaciers in the Mashigina Bay region, Novaya Zemlya. Notes Shirokiy, Lakrua, Lyunge, Oklend, Bulya, etc glaciers according to map data of 1908-1921, 1921-1952, and the present. Substantial retreat is evident. Its effects upon development of the local coast line are DLC. also briefly noted. KORIAKIN, V. S., see also Nos. 85248, 87575, 93260, 93261.
KORIDZE, V. G., see No. 84929. 88752. KORKINA, E. I. 0 nekotorykh foneticheskikh osobennostfakh govora naselenifa Olenekskogo raTona. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. flkutskil filial. Inst. fazyka, lit-ry i istorii. Trudy 1961. no. 3, p. 79-88.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some phonetic peculiarities in the speech of the inhabitants of Olenek District. Comparison with literary Yakut reveals a substrate of an Evenki Tungus dialect. DLC.
88753. KORNAKOY, it N., and others. Petrografifa Ka!erkanskol intruzii trappov i osobennosti raspredelenifil v neT nekotorykh
elementov-primeseT. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geokhimii. Voprosy geokhimii izverzhennykh gornykh porod . . . Moskva 1965, p. 165-80, tables, graphs.) 17 refs. In Russian. Other authors: G. V. Nesterenko and N. P. Smirnova. Title tr.: Petrography of the Kayerkanskaya trap intrusion and distribution features of some of its trace elements. Outlines the structure and petrography of this intrusion 30 km west of Noril'sk. Its composing rocks and quantitative mineral composition are outlined, as are its lithology and formation. Distribution of copper, nickel, cobalt, vanadium and chromium are noted. DLC.
KORNAKOV, ft. N., see also No. 90231. KORNBERG, H. A., see No. 87956. KORNBLUM, H. N., Jr., see No. 91609. 88754. KORNFELD, J. A. Amosea's Spitsbergen test is world's northernmost wildcat. (World oil 1965. v. 161, no. 5, p. 164-66, map, illus.) 6 refs. Reports exploratory drilling for oil in a Tertiary—Mesozoic—Paleozoic sedimentary basin near Sveagruva, Vestspitsbergen. The structure sought is a faulted anticline in Lower Cretaceous to Carboniferous strata to 10,000 ft depth. The geology of Svalbard is outlined, with map, and possible petroliferous structures indicated. Offshore geophysical explorations are also in progress. DGS.
KORNILOV, B. A., see No. 87520. 88755. KORNILOV, G. E. Gidronimicheskif areal tja°1chan v Evrazii. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Inst. narodov Azii. Toponimika . . . 1964, p. 183-92.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Diffusion of the hydronymic *jackhan in Eurasia. Discusses the origin of this suffix encountered as gan, khan in names of streams primarily in the Ob basin. It is considered a Vogul corruption of an ancestral Turkic substrate term. Probably there was a Turkic occupation of the present area in the first-third centuries AD. DLC.
88756. KORNILOVA, V. P., and M. A. PANOVA. Nekotorye dannye po pitaniffi sigovykh GolodnoT i Korovinskol gub del'ty Pechory. (Materialy rybokhozastvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basseTna 1964. no. 2, p. 38-45, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Some data on the feeding of whitefish in the Golodnaya and Korovinskaya Bays of the Pechora delta.
Reports on study of stomach contents of four species common in the area, caught during the summer. Percentage of each food component (molluscs, insect larvae, etc) in the total food content and its frequency are tabulated for each fish species. DLC. 88757. KORNILOVA, V. P., and V. I. LETOVAL"&EVA. Pitanie molodi pechorskol semgi, Salmo salar L. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovaniT Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 53-59, tables.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Diet of young Pechora salmon, Salmo salar L Reports on observations made during June, July and Aug on one of the larger tributaries of the Pechora. In addition to stomach contents of over 500 fish, tabulated in detail, length and weight of the fingerDLC. lings are recorded. 88758. KORNILOVA, V. P. Sutochnyl khod pitania molodi pechorskol semgi, (Materialy rybokhoz. Salmo salar L. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 60-63, tables, graph.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Diurnal course of feeding by young Pechora salmon, Seam salar L. Study of condition at the end of July, with fish enough for examination every 3 hr. In addition to determination of food in the stomach, the young were found to feed throughout 24 hr with a max in the morning and a min between 3 and 9 pm, when the DLC. fish apparently digest their prey. 88759. KOROBKOVA, G. I. 0 svfazi polfarnykh magnitnykh vozmushchenif s glavnoT fazol magnitnykh bur'. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 18, p. 78-86, tables, graphs.) 10 refs. In. Russian. Title tr.: On the relationship between polar magnetic disturbances and the main phase of the magnetic storm. Reports a study to check the postulates advanced by Chapman in No 77925, that a geomagnetic disturbance field is formed by compression of a geomagnetic field under the action of the solar corpuscular flux DCF, by a ring type current DR, and by injection of charged particles into the ionosphere DP. Magnetic data from Yakutsk, Dikson Island, North Pole-7, and other stations are evaluated and plotted. These data show that the probability of decrease in H magnitude increases with an increase in magnitude of the earth's magnetic disturbances; that DR and DP fields exhibit closed relationship only in storms having the DP factor of considerable magnitude; that storms having strong DR fields are con-
netted with strong polar disturbances; that the intensity of polar magnetic disturbances is determined by the behavior of H magnitudes in the lower and middle latitudes; and that disturbances in the polar light zone are basically different from those taking place in the polar cap region. CaMAI, DLC. 88760. KOROBOV, G. U izyskatelel reki Leny. (RechnoT transport 1964. v. 23, no. 9, p. 60, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: A visit to explorers of Lena River. Notes modern techniques of a survey party making measurements of the waterway bed with sounding and radio-geodetic devices. Submerged wings designed and prepared for a duraluminum boat with a 10 hp suspended motor were tested in Aug 1963. The boat made over 50 km/hr, and used only half of the fuel it had used without wings. Short wave radio apparatus is being designed for direct communication between the surveyboat, and plane table man and guard ship. DLC. 88761. KOROBOVA, N. I. Il'menitsoderzhashchie metamorficheskie slanay Tatmyra. (Akademicit nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 162, no. 1, p. 183-85, table.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ilmenitecontaining metamorphic shales of Taymyr. These shales form layers from several ern to 20 m thick, and ilmenite is found in all the rocks. Its mode of occurrence is described and X-ray analyses are presented. Its content in gneisses is up to 5%. The sedimentary-metamorphic genesis of ilmenite is noted. DLC. 88762. KOROBOVA, N. I. 0 vozraste (Ivusndfanykh granitov Taimyra. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 160, no. 3, p. 684-86, tables, profile.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Age of the, bimicaceous Taymyr granites. Discusses this controversial problem and analyzes the massif of these granites in the basin of the Ozernaya, left tributary to the Kamennaya River. Their mineralogic and chemical composition, mode of occurrence, and contact with enclosing rocks are outlined. Bi-micaceous granites are considered to have been injected at the end of the Upper Proterozoic. DLC. 88763. KOROLEV, N. G. Biologifa i promysel Kamchatskogo kraba Parch:thodes camtschatica Tilesius, v fflgo-vostochnd chasti Beringova morfa. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. v. 49, p. 99105, tables, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.:
Biology and fishery of the Kamchatka crab Paralithodes candschatica Tilesius, in the southeastern part of the Bering Sea. Account of investigations conducted in 1959-1961 from a research trawler. Size, location, and composition of catches are given, as are catch per unit of effort, and density of crab population. Crab grounds and seasonal changes are described, Data DLC. are tabulated and mapped.
and teaching methods are exemplified. A pilot project started in 1963-64 to determine students' ability for independent work is also noted. Some school statistics are included. DLC.
KOROLEVA, N. F., see No. 85697.
88767. KOROTIN, A. B. Zona vtorzheniffl korpuskularnogo potoka i spiral'noe raspredelenie vremeni maksimumov vozmushchenil. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR.. Kol'skil filial. PolfarnyI geofizicheskil inst. Issledovanie polf?trnykh sifanil . . 1965, p. 35-40, graphs.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The intrusion zone of the corpuscular stream and the spiral distribution of the time of maximal disturbances. Analyzes data on distribution of auroral activity maxima, and their identity with the isochrones. Annular zones of corpuscular intrusion in the upper atmosphere, and the spiral distribution of geomagnetic disturbances are compared, and checked by the motion of aurora along the Murmansk and College meridians. In this case the spirals were found to be asymmetrical. The corpuscular intrusion zone was found to be approx circular. English translation available as NASA TT F-386 from CFSTI, Springfield, Va, 22151. CaMAI.
KOROLEVA, N. M., see No. 91003.
KOROTKEVICH, E. S., see No. 88642.
88765. KOROL'KOVA, E. D. Klimaticheskie sezony v Arktike. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1965. v. 273, p. 26-33, table, graphs.) 8 refs. In. Russian. Title tr.: Climatic seasons in the Arctic. Outlines the seasons according to long term data of average monthly and average of min air temperature, average monthly air pressure, frequency of cloudy sky, etc. These data are depicted in graphs, 23 based on Russian and foreign polar station observations and 15 for the central Arctic Basin based on drifting station and shipboard observations. The climatic seasons, their limits and duration are characterized for the Atlantic, Siberian, Central Arctic CaMAI, DLC, and Pacific regions.
88768. KOROTKOV, N. N., and V. Z. PANFILOV. 0 tipologii grammaticheskikh kategoril. (Voprosy azykoznanifil 1965. v. 14, no. 1, p. 37-47.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Typology of grammatical categories. Comparative study of inflected, isolating, and agglutinative languages. Word formation and grammatical function of parts of speech in Paleosiberian languages are discussed and exemplified by Gilyak. DLC.
KOROLEV, N. V., see No. 93135. 88764. KOROLEVA, N. Vozroclit' iskusstvo korni. (Sluzhba byta 1965. v. 3, no. 1, p. 24-25, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Resurrect Zyryan art. Describes traditional color and design in woodwork, embroidery, knitting, weaving, etc as studied at the Industrial Arts Research Institute. Native ornamentation is put to no commercial use except in fur boots (piny) produced by the Syktyvkar, Vorkuta, Inta, and Izhma combines for the local market. The Komi consumer goods industry should revive traditional designs in its textile and garment production. DLC.
KORONATOVA, T. D., see No. 86525. 88766. KOROTIAEV, B. Psikhologifa prikhodit na urok. (Narodnoe obrazovanie 1964, no. 5, p. 28-31.) Is Russian. Title tr.: Psychology comes to schooL Discusses results of a track system tried at Vorkuta in 1962-1983. Called differential approach, it takes into account the student's factual knowledge, learning potential, psychological factors, etc. Curricula
88769. KOROVIf8IN, V. P. Sdvigi v geografii gorodskikh poselenil SSSR. (Akademifii nauk SSSR. Izvestiffl 1961, ser geog. no. 6, p. 47-58, maps, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Geographic displacement of urban settlements in the USSR. Demographic study based on the 1926 and 1959 census. The rapid growth of urban population is attributed to industrial and economic progress. In the North, a 38-fold increase is noted in Murmansk Province, 80-fold in Komi ASSR, 7.4- and 6-fold , in East and West Siberia. A now demographic phenomenon is the urban settlement clusters based on existing industrial centers, among others the Murmansk, Noril'sk and Vorkuta groups, which have respectively 300, 122, and 155_ thousand population. DLC. 885
88770. KOROVNIKOV, K. A. Sistema gistamin—gistaminaza pri sostoffinii naprfazhenifi, vyzvannom usilennol myshechnol rabotol i okhlazhdeniem. (Voprosy medifSinskoI khimii 1963. v. 9, no. 2, p. 137-42, tables.) 33 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The histamine—histaminase system during stress of increased muscle activity and cooling. Intensive work and/or moderate cooling of rabbits lowered the histamine content in muscle, but not in the blood, which showed a slight histaminase activity. In prolonged exposure to these stresses, muscle histamine decreased further, blood histamine increased without an adequate change in DNLM. histaminase activity. 88771. KORPELA, K. Interglacial peat in the Rovaniemi area. (Geologi 1962. v. 14, no. 2, p. 30.) Peat found between two beds of morainic material on a construction site at 66°29' N 26°08' E has a C-14 dating of >35,000 yr. DLC. 88772. KORSAK, S. P. Opyt primenenifa odinarnykh okonnykh perepletov so steklopaketami v_proizvodstvennykh pomeshchenifakh TETS Noril'skogo kombinata. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanifil . . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 4, p. 81-89, tables, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: The use of single window-sash with window-pane packets, in the central heating power plant of the Noril'sk combine. Discusses advantages of glazing doublesash windows with prefabricated sets of double panes having 15-20 mm air insulation between them. A window in the machine room of Norilsk T]f 7,235 x 6,180 mm in size glazed with 132 such double pane sets is shown diagrammatically. This confirms that single-sash industrial windows glazed with double-panes improve considerably the efficiency coefficient of window utilization and maintenance. In the extremely cold regions of the far North area a triple pane set may be needed. Window sashes of plastics are suggested as having a higher thermal resistance than wood. CaON-B. 88773. KORSAKOV, G. K. Results of acclimatization of muskrats in the USSR. (In: Konferemaila po akklirnatizacsii zhivotnykh . . . 1966, p. 75-78.) English DLC. translation of No 80245. KORSHOVER, J., see No. 85092. KORSHUNOV, V. I., see No. 93240.
88774. KORZHIKHINA, T. P. K istorii vosstanovlenifi organov sovetskol vlasti v IAkutii, 1919-1920 gg. (Moskva. Gos. istoriko-arkhivnyf inst. Trudy 1965. v. 20, p. 67-115, table.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Restoration of Soviet government bodies in Yakutia, 1919-1920. Deals with the military and administrative activities of the Yakut Revolutionary Committees (revkom) to regain control of Yakutia lost to the White Army in 1918. Soviet rule was restored in most districts by the end of 1919 but reconstruction was hampered by economic ruin and lack of politically reliable and experienced personnel. Legislative measures in 1920 included land reforms, reorganization of the judicial and administrative apparatus at the provincial and district levels in anticipation of autonomy, creation of a militia-police force to fight sabotage and speculation, regulation of trade, channelling of labor to vital industries, etc. The revitalization of the declining fur trade, control of food and consumer goods supply, cultural reconstruction, development of educational and public health facilities, establishment of labor unions and cooperatives, etc are dealt with. DLC. 88775. KORZHIKHINA, T. P. Obrazovanie akutskol ASSR. (Istorifa SSSR 1964. v. 8, no. 1, p. 94-105, table.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Formation of Yakut ASSR. Describes events of 1920-1922: activities of the Revolutionary Committees (revkom), creation of the autonomous republic as federal part of the RSFSR, structure of its government body and departments (narkomat), administrative and economic rehabilitation measures, land reforms, Russian economic aid, social and cultural developments, etc. Conflicting political interests during the struggle for autonomy desired by anti-communist Yakut nationalists as well as by supporters of Lenin's nationalities policy are noted. DLC. 88776. KORZHUEV, S. S. Karst rikutil. (Moskovskoe o-vo ispytatelel prirody. Trudy 1965. v. 15, p. 67-72, maps, illus.) 14 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Karst of Yakutia. Discusses karst manifestation and distribution in areas of permafrost. Permafrost seems to retard, but does not preclude the development of karst. Various manifestations of surface and deep karst of different genesis and age are described. Supra-, intra-, and sub-permafrost karsts are noted. DLC.
88777. KORZHUEV, S. S. 0 estestvennoT erozii v zone mnogoletnel merzloty. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Izvestifa 1964, ser. geog. no. 3, p. 48-52.) In Russian. Title tr.: On natural erosion in the zone of permafrost. Discusses in general this little investigated and contradictory problem. Permafrost is considered an important factor bringing about erosion-accumulation processes. In areas with small streams, it reduces erosion effects, and increases them in areas with large rivers. Two stages of distribution, upper and lower, are distinguished. In the upper stage, lateral erosion prevails; in the lower, linear erosion. Three zones of erosion processes are recognized: northern, central and southern, and each is briefly characterized. DLC. KORZHUEV, S. S., see also No. 84853. 88778. KORZINNIKOVA, A. I., and M. F. SHEPETOV. Nekotorye formy sanitarnogo prosveshcheniEt. i ikh svfaz' s dvizheniem za sanitarnufil kul'turu v !Akutskoi ASSR. Zdravookhranenie Rossilskol Federaii 1959. v. 3, no. 9, p. 16-20, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Some aspects of health education and their relation to the movement for sanitary improvement in Yakut ASSR. Describes the partial success of the work of the sanitary education office of the Yakut Ministry of Public Health in press releases, lectures, broadcasts, inspection of foodproducing and -dispensing establishments, as well as in sanitation and hygiene education in collective farms, komsomol organizations, schools, etc. While general results are encouraging, further improvement is needed especially at the kolkhoz level. DLC. 88779. KOSAREV, M. F. Bronzovyl vek lesnogo Ob'-Irtysh'fa. (Sovetskafa. arkheologiEL 1964. v. 8, no. 3, p. 37-44, map, illus.) 22 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bronze age in the Ob-Irtysh forest zone. Discusses the paleogeography and archeology of the area extending north to the Vakh basin. Physiographic and climatological changes are considered responsible for ethnic and culture displacements: northward movement of steppe peoples in the late 2nd millennium BC and a reverse migration of taiga peoples in the first millennium BC. DLC. 88780. KOSENKO, A. F. Metodika okhlazhdenifa i nagrevanifa gipotalamicheskoI oblasti u sobak v khronicheskom eksperimente. (Fiziologicheskil zhurnal SSSR 1965. v. 51, no. 4, p. 520-22, illus.)
6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Method of cooling and warming the hypothalamic area of dogs in chronic experiments. Describes apparatus used in experiments, with the approach at the base of the brain, so as not to affect its other parts. The implantation and use are described in detail. DLC. KOSHECHKIN, B. I., see No. 90574.
88781. KOSHELEV, R. RusskalI fol'kloristika Sibiri XIX-nachala XX vv. Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo Univ. 1962. 349 p. Over 200 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Studies of Siberian Russian folklore in the 19- early 20th century. Includes a review of ethnographic works on Siberian aborigines and notes the influence of indigenous lore on the development of Russian folklore peculiar to Siberia. Studies of aboriginal, particularly Yakut tales and language, by political exiles of the 19th century and Bogoraz's work in the Kolyma region are discussed, p 189-220. DLC. KOSHKINA, T. V., see No. 85611. 88782. KOSIBA, A., and F. P. LOEWE. Meteorological observations in the Tasersiaq area, southwest Greenland, during summer, 1963. Columbus 1964. 59 1. map, graphs, tables. (Ohio. State. Univ. Inst. of Polar Studies. Report no. 11.) 4 refs. In sequence to No. 73580. Presents observations of seven meteorological elements made during July—Aug 1963, with a base station, 66°16' N 51°13' W, near a big lake, Tasersiaq, and a glacier station, 66°15' N 51°14' W at the snout of easternmost Sukkertoppen Ice Cap. Instrumentation and main features of the pressure, radiation, temperature, etc records are discussed by Loewe, wind relations by Kosiba, and comparisons made with similar data from other West Greenland stations. Sensitive instruments and representative values enable a better definition of calm characteristics, which differ in observational practice and meteorological statistics. Results suggest caution in selecting wind data to explain glaciological, hydrological, soil, and other processes. Genesis of the isolated Sukkertoppen may be elucidated by detailed investigations, especially of wind and CaMAL radiation. 88783. KOSKINEN, A. Floristische Beobachtungen fiber Flechten in Ostfennoskandien. (Suomalainen elain- ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo. Tiedonannot:
Archivum 1960 pub 1961. v. 15, no. 1-2, p. 21-38, table.) 24 refs. In German. Title tr.: Floristic observations on lichens in eastern Fennoscandia. Comprehensive record from observations in 1932-1955 of well over 500 forms, arranged in taxonomic order. Material from Lapland, Karelia and the Petsamo region is included, and substrate noted. The preference of certain lichens for specific kinds of rocks is shown. DLC. 88784. KOS'KO, M. K. K stratigrafii pozdnemelovykh otlozhenil vostochnol chasti Olfiltorskogo progiba, Korfakskoe nagor'e. (Leningrad. Corny! inst. Zapiski 1965. v. 49, no. 2, p. 40-45, sections.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of Late Cretaceous deposits in the eastern part of the Olyutorskiy downwarp, Koryak upland. Describes volcanic deposits in the Anivayam, Kachestan and adjacent areas consisting of various tuffs, basalts, andesites, andesite-clacites, etc. Three strata of these rocks are recognized and their cross-sections described in detail. The fauna collected enables their separation into two series. DLC. 88785. KOS'KO, M. K., and N. S. RADCHENKO. 0 trakhiandezitovol-sienitodioritovol formaaii 01Mtorskogo progiba, Korfakskoe nagor'e. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 163, no. 5, p. 1227-29, table.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A trachyandesite-syenite-diorite formation of the Olyutorskiy downwarp, Koryak upland. Reports a study in the Apuka-Pakhacha interfluve, where trachytes and trachyandesites together with andesites occur in the section of volcanic-flinty deposits conditionally assigned to the Paleogene. Syenites, syenite-diorites, also monzonites and diorites form a concordance of stratified intrusions in these deposits. The rocks are briefly analyzed, their mineralogic and chemical composition, petrographic properties, and other features noted. DLC. KOS'KO, M. K., see also No. 88132. 88786. KOSMACHEV, K. P. 0 putiakh sochetanifa khozfaLstva korennykh narodnostel Severs s novymi otraslfami khozastva v ralonakh pionernogo osvoenifa. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geografii Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doklady 1965. no. 10, p. 45-51, table, graphs.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ways of combining the economy of indigenous popula-
tions with new branches of industry in regions of pioneer development. Discusses the horse and reindeer raising of Yakuts and Tungus in the Yakut ASSR and northern Chita Province. At present they are used mostly as draft animals in transportation and expeditionary work. This use is likely to decline, and Yakuts and Tungus should be prepared for changes in the economic situation. Reindeer could be used in meat production, and the role of agriculture should be empha sized. DLC. 88787. KOSMACHEV, K. P. Osnovnye proizvodstvennye tipy sel'skogo khozfalstva i rasseleniia fAkutsko! ASSR i ChitinskoT oblasti. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Zabalkal'skil otd. Zapiski 1964. no. 24, p. 99-109.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The main productive types of agriculture and settlement in the Yakut ASSR and Chitin Province. Discusses the type of settlement in tundra, forest tundra and taiga zones of these broad areas. Reindeer raising is the main occupation, fishing and hunting are also carried on. The settlements are kolkhoz centers of 150500 population and so-called brigade or field team headquarters, either seasonal or permanent, which have a relatively small population. All these types are classified and briefly characterized. DLC. 88788. KOSMINSKAG., I. P. Izuchenie zemnoT kory v period MGG. (Geofizicheskil bfalleten' 1964. no. 14, p. 168-78, maps, sections, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Study of the earth's crust during the IGY period. Reviews the methods and results of M. Ewing and others' exploration of ocean floors, and the Russian scientists' deep seismic soundings to obtain continuous profiles through the crust in the transition zone from continental to oceanic type of crust. Characteristic features of the transition zones are found to be alternation of different type crust blocks, sharp changes in the Moho level under different blocks, different composition of the crust in the blocks, and appearance and disappearance of the so-called granitic layer with elastic wave velocity of about 6 km/s. Deep profiles of the crust of the Far-Eastern transition zone indicate that the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk is, mainly, the result of a contraction of the crust of the earth in this area. In contrast to this contraction feature, the continental blocks of the Kuril Islands seem to expand and increase in thickness. Investigations in Karelia showed fractural vertical stratification in the corn-
plex juncture zone of the Karelides and DLC. Belomorides. KOSMINSKArA, I. P., see also No. 87165. 88789. KOS0i, A. L. 0 porfirovidnykh lufavritakh kompleksa evdialitovykh lufavritov v Lovozerskom shchelochnom massive. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1965. v. 20, no. 6, p. 47-55, graph, illus.). 4 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: On porphyritic lujavrites of the eudialite lujavrite complex of the Lovozero alkaline massif. Outlines the main features of the geology of this complex. The morphology of the lujavrite is analyzed. Rhythmic foliation of the eudialite lujavrite complex and a layer of porphyritic lujavrites is discussed. The latter consolidated earlier than other rocks of the eudialite complex. They are supposed to have appeared as a result of rapid crystallization at the contact zone. DLC. 88790. KOSOL A. L., and N. V. KOTOV. O strukturnom sostoffinii kalievykh polevykh shpatov v nekotorykh porfarovykh i porfirovidnykh izverzhennykh gornykh porodakh. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1965. v. 20, no. 12, p. 28-33, tables, graphs.) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: On the structural status of potash feldspars in some porphyritic and porphyraceous igneous rocks. Reports optical and X-ray analyses of potash feldspars in the lujavrite-porphyry of the Lovozero massif and porphyraceous granitoids of Middle Asia. Conditions of crystallization of feldspars are analyzed. DLC. 88791. KOSOL A. L. Strukturnye raznovidnosti kalievogo polevogo shpata iz Lovozerskogo shchelochnogo massive. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1965. v. 20, no. 24, p. 15-29, graphs, section.) 31 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Structural varieties of potassium feldspar from the Lovozero alkaline massif. Reports optical and X-ray study of about a hundred samples of potassium feldspars, some 60 belonging to the second and 30 to the third complex of the Lovozero alkaline massif rocks. In both these complexes, rhythmic change of optical and X-ray characteristics of potassium feldspars is established. Presumably it may be explained by the periodic change of crystallization velocity. DLC. 88792. KOSOLAPOV, A. I. Geokhimicheskie issledovanifa prirodnykh vod i gazov
Zapadnol !Akutii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 207 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Over 150 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geochemical investigations of natural waters and gases in Western Yakutia. Reports own work of 1956-1962 in the Vilyuy, Chona, Olenek, Arga-Sala and other regions, where geochemical and hydrogeologic investigations along the rivers and in the wells uncovered various stratigraphic horizons. In western Yakutia several artesian basins are diatinguished, the Angara-Lena, Yakutsk, Khatanga and Tungusskiy, and they are outlined in some detail. Six hydrogeologic complexes are established: late Sinian—early Cambrian age, Permian, Triassic—Lower Jurassic, Middle and Upper Jurassic, Lower and Upper Cretaceous, and Quaternary. For oil and gas prospects, the Angara-Lena downwarp, Verkhoyansk downwarp, Markha uplift and Nordvik-Khatanga and PurOlenek regions are considered most favorable. DLC. 88793. KOSSWIG, C. Problems of polymorphism in fishes. (Copeia 1964, no. 1, p. 65-75, maps, illus.) 18 refs. Discusses the phenomenon in a few special instances, including that of the stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus, and its genetics. This euhaline species has a distribution ranging from the Mediterranean to the farthest arctic waters of Europe; here it is represented by the phenotype trachurus. DLC, 88794. KOSTAREV, V. L. 0 svfazi urozhalnosti molodi kety s vysotol snezhnogo pokrova i temperaturol vozdukha v zimnil period. (Rybnoe khozfillstvo 1964. v. 40, no. 9, p. 28-30, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: Relationship between the yields of young of chum salmon and the thickness of snow cover and air temperature in winter. Describes hydrological conditions of freshwaters along the Okhotsk Sea; snow and temperature conditions since 1956 and their direct relationship to the number of young DLC. chum. KOSTEnKAa, E. V., see No. 90860. 88795. KOSTfAEV, A. G. Ledfanye zhily i konvektivnafa neustoTchivost' gruntov. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geog . . . Podzemnyi led 1965, no. 1, p. 133-40, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ice wedges and convective instability of the ground. Reports a 1962 field study on the lower Yana giving a detailed account of two ice wedges, their mode of occurrence, depths,
dimensions and other features. Their composition and that of the enclosing rocks are analyzed. An anticlinal uplift of layers beneath the wedges is described. Types of diagenetic-convective folds are characterCaON-B, DLC. ized. 88796. KOSTIAEV, A. G. 0 MzhnoT graniae podzemnogo oledenifii i periglgEsial'nol zone v chetvertichnyl period. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geog . . . Podzemnyl led 1965. no. 2, p. 7-26, map, illus.) Approx. 60 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the southern limit of underground glaciation of the periglacial zone in Quaternary period. Discusses the distribution of the southern boundary of permafrost based on decrease of temperature, ice wedges, loess, and other phenomena. Own southern limit of underground glaciation is drawn for maximal upcooling in the Quaternary based on the annual 5° C isothern. Comparison is made between Western Europe, Western and Eastern Siberia and other regions. Distribution of patterned ground is also briefly CaON-B, DLC. noted. 88797. KOSTIAEV, A. G. 0 priznakakh razlichifil merzlotnykh i konvektivnykh, diageneticheskikh struktur v chetvertichnykh otlozheni1.kh. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geog . . . Podzemnyb led 1965. no. 2, p. 159-71, illus.) Approx. 48 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Criteria of the difference between the cryogenic and the convective diagenetic structures in Quaternary deposits. Discusses in general the origin and formation of ground wedges. Two formation processes are distinguished: ground wedges formed as pseudomorphs of polygonal wedge ice and those formed by convection (diagenetic) of unstable ground. Both types are analyzed by evaluation of the existing literature and by examples from nature in arctic and other areas, among them the Yana and Omoloy areas of Yakutia. CaON-B, DLC. 88798. KOSTIAEV, A. G. 0 proiskhozhdenii klinovidnykh i skladchatykh deformaaff sloev v chetvertichnykh otlozhenifilida. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geografii polfarnykh stran i Problemy paleogeografii . . 1964, p. 13163, profiles, illus.) 42 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the origin of wedge-shaped and folded deformations in the layers of Quaternary deposits. Evaluates the literature on ground and ice veins, their pseudomorphs, ice wedges, and
other similar structures, considered by others to have originated primarily through frost fracturing. Author finds this opinion not satisfactorily substantiated. Rather the morphologic signs of these formations, facies and lithologic properties of Quaternary deposits indicate that these formations are the result of diagenetic processes and of subwater-landslide origin. Development of folds, deformations, and possible origin of ground veins and other features are treated in some detail taking theoretical considerations into account and presenting factual examples from different regions. DLC. 88799. KOSTIAEV, A. G. Otlozheniia pokrovnogo kompleksa i blochnyl rel'ef vostochnol chasti Bashezemel'sko1 tundry. (In: Popov, A. I., ed. Kalnozolskil pokrov . . . 1963, p. 148-91, tables, illus.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Deposits of the cover complex and block relief in the eastern part of the Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Analyzes Quaternary marine deposits with special attention to the so-called cover complex consisting of the upper boulder loams, gravel-shingle deposits, and covering barns of watersheds, slopes, and of depressions. Their mechanical composition, grain size, deposition conditions, origin, and other features are stated in some detail. Their development in a sea basin is concluded. The block relief of the region also is analyzed in some detail. The blocks average 50-100 m in width and they have 10-15 to 30-60 m space between them. Structure, morphology and genesis of this block relief are described and illus. Diagenetic processes in its formation are emphasized. DLC. 88800. KOSTIN, V. D., and others. Tysfachelistnikovy1 listoed, potenaial'nyT vreditel' kartofel1 na Kamchatke. (Akademica nauk SSSR. DaPnevostochnyT filial. Soobshchenifi 1963. no. 17, p. 97-99, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A. V. Krylov and L. A. Ivliev. Title tr.: Galeruca tanaceti L. a potential pest of potatoes on Kamchatka. Notes the finding of it and its damage to potato leaves in 1960. Earlier reports on plants and areas affected outside Kamchatka are also stated, and the phenology inferred. This beetle living on wild plants may become a pest on the incipient agriculture of Kamchatka. DLC. KOSTIDKOVSKIL V. I., see No. 85314. 88801. KOSTRIN, K. V. Eshche o vozniknovenii neftepererabotld na Severe Rossii.
(Letopis' Severs 1962, no. 3, p. 201-206, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: More on the origin of oil processing in the North of Russia. Presents new arguments supporting the opinion of A. E. Probst (No 61029) that the plant set up at Ukhta in 1745 by the Russian merchant F. S. Prfadunov, was the first oil refinery in the world. DLC. 88802. KOSTRIN, K. V. Zabytyl russkil uchenyl Tertil Bornovolokov. (Letopis' Severa 1964. v. 4, p. 128-42.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tertil Bornovolokov, the forgotten Russian scientist. Biography of Tertil Stepanovich Bornovolokov, 1764-1813, self-made scientist and explorer, who predicted occurrence of coal and petroleum in the Russian (Pechora) North. He was sent to Alaska as an assistant of Baranov, but en route he perished in the wreck of the Neva off Baranov Island 9 Jan 1813. DLC. KOSTRrUKOV, M. S., see No. 91003. 88803. KOSTROMIN, P. I. V doline reki Gelzernoi. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Primorskil filial. Zapiski 1965. v. 1, p. 13031, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: In the Geyzernaya River valley. Reports geyser studies in 1961 on this tributary to the Shumnaya in Kamchatka, sponsored by the Maritime Branch of the USSR Geographical Society. Own observations of 1959 and 1961 on the eruption frequency of eight geysers are compared with those of T. L Ustinova in 1941,1945, and 1951 (No 43092). The eruption periodicity is tabulated and a considerable variation in strength is noted. A new geyser, called Novyy, was discovered in 1961 in the immediate vicinity of Zhemchuzhnyy. DLC. KOSTROV, A. I., see No. 90471. 88804. KOSTYLEV, E. N., and others. Anadyrskil vozmozhnyl neftegazonosnyl basseln. (NeftegazovaQ geologifa i geofizika 1963, no. 10, p. 3-8, map, illus.) In Russian. Other authors: m. K. Burlin and V. V. Ivanov. Title tr.: Anadyr, a possible oil-gas-bearing basin. Outlines the tectonic structure and stratigraphy of the Anadyr depression, some 30,000 km2 in area and composed primarily of Cretaceous deposits 8-9 km thick. Hauterivian—Barremian, Cenomanian—Turonian, Senonian, Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary deposits are described and crosssections correlated. Geophysical and
special geomorphic studies reveal some local brachyanticlinal uplifts, which are characterized. Special attention is given to Paleogene and Senonian—Danian deposits showing presence of bitumen. Areas and deposits are noted for further study. DLC. 88805. KOSTYLEV, P. P., and others. 0 bor'be s rudnichnol pyrill v uslovifalch vechnol merzloty. (Bezopasnost' truda v promyshlennosti 1965. v. 9, no. 1, p. 50-52, illus.) In Russian. Other authors: B. M. Bogdanov and V. [A. Kondrasenko. Title tr.: Control of mine dust under permafrost conditions. Describes in some detail the dust prevention methods used at the Zapolyarnyy mine in the Norilsk mining and metallurgical combine. Formation of dust when drilling holes of 7 cm diam and 15-18 m depth is controlled by sideways delivery of water containing 1-6% sodium chloride. The rise of dust from a broken-rock pile is checked by wetting and formation of fog. The latter method is based on the Rank's effect and the delivery of compressed air to a chamber containing two openings. Both methods are found efficient. DLC. 88806. KOSYGIN, ft. A., and others. 0 sootnoshenii Sibirskol platformy i geosinklinarnykh oblastel v dokembrii. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Lab. geologii dokembrifa. Trudy 1964. no. 19, p. 111-17, maps.) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N. A. Berzin, B. N. Krasil'nikov and L. M. Parfenov. Title tr.: On interrelationship of the Siberian platform and geosynclinal provinces in the Precambrian. The Siberian platform is distinguished as a large, comparatively uniform, and clearly defined structure. In the south it is framed by Altay-Sayan, Mongol-Okhotsk and Baykal-Vitim geosynclinal systems and geosynclinal zones. Its relation to the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka folded zone and other structures is outlined. Precambrian tectonics are also analyzed. DLC. 88807. KOSYGIN, fir. A., and others. Opyt ob"emnogo raIonirovanifa zemnoI kory na primere Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. (Geologifa i geofizika 1964. no. 5, p. 3-18, map, illus.) 16 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Attempt at volumetric zoning of the earth's crust as exemplified by Siberia and the Far East. Outlines results of such zoning: large geologic bodies, folded complexes, platform covers, and other features are distinguished, characterized and their relations determined. Some features of geologic evolution
of the earth's crust in various regions are described. Volumetric tectonic zoning allows one to correlate large geologic bodies and layers distinguished on the basis of geophysical data. DLC.
KOTLfAKOV, V. M., see also No. 85248: KOTLOVA, A. G., see No. 90653.
88808. KOSYGIN, ft A., and A. A. TROFIMUK. Tektonika i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti platformennykh oblastel Sibiri. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Izvestifa 1965, ser. geol. no. 1, p. 80-94, maps.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonics and prospects for oil and gas in platformic areas of Siberia. Notes that main reserves of oil and gas occur in platfornaic regions of our planet. The Siberian platform and West Siberian lowland are analyzed as two areas of platformic structures and their tectonic development is outlined. In the Siberian platform oil-gas prospects are evaluated for the Riphean, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic. In the West Siberian geosyneclise, six oil-gas-bearing Mesozoic strata are characterized. DLC.
88811. KOTLUKOV, V. A., and others. Perspektivy izuchena sklonov Balti!skogo shchita. (In: USSR. Gos. geologicheskil komitet. Lab. osadochnykh poleznykh iskopaemykh. Rudonosnost' Russkol platformy, Moskva 1965, p. 108-121, maps.) 10 refs. In Russian. Other authors:. I. V. Golovin, V. N. Zander, V. A. Puura, T. A. Riss and S. N. Tikhomirov. Title tr.: Prospects for investigating the slopes of the Baltic Shield. Reports study of eastern and southern slopes of the shield which includes Kola Peninsula, Karelia, and Arkhangel'sk province among other areas. As subject for investigation, the metal-bearing zones of the crystalline basement are considered, as are old crustal weathering, terrigenous continental and coastal deposits of the Paleozoic and possible volcanic pipes. Geologic and other methods of studying these slopes are noted. DLC.
SOT, G. A., see Nos. 90859, 90861.
KOTOV, N. V., see No. 88790.
KOTENEV, B. N., see No. 87281.
88812. KOT—SERUBA, L. A., and E. M. Inzhenerno-geologicheskoe ralonirovanie territorii polmy krupnykh rek. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1964. v. 19, ser. 4, geol. no. 5, p. 36-41, table.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Engineering-geologic zoning of the floodplain territory of large rivers. Reports a study of the Ob floodplain between Khanty-Mansiysk and Salekhard. The valley is divided into two sections, Khanty-Mansiysk to Vanzetur and Vanzetur to Salekhard, and each is characterized. They differ in geologic structure and geomorphic features. Each section is considered in its regional divisions and their suitability for construction purposes and as source of construction materials is noted. .DLC.
88809. KOTLUKOV, V. M. Issledovanie bflldzheta massy oledenenifll Zemli i ego izmenenil. (Geofizicheskil bfillleten' 1965. no. 15, p. 25-37.) 29 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigation of the budget of the glaciation-mass of the earth. Discusses in some detail the studies on glaciation made prior to the IGY. Soviet glaciologists are now especially interested in the role of glaciation in the development of the earth. Several stages in such study are recommended: general data of the present glaciation of the earth, present climate and glaciation, snow phenomena, snowline and glaciation, accumulation processes in glaciers, glacier-ablation processes, zonal phenomena in glaciers, glacier-mass budget of the earth, variations in the gluier masses. DLC. 88810. KOTLIAKOV, V. M. Vsesoltiznoe soveshchanie po lavinovedenifil. (AkadeSSSR. Izvestifil 1964. ser. geog. mifa no. 1, p. 150-53.) In Russian. Title tr.: All-Union conference on avalanches. Reviews the conference of 30 Sept-6 Oct 1963 in Tashkent, with 150 participants representing about 50 institutions; 50 papers were presented dealing with various problems of avalanches including the arctic islands, Kola Peninsula, Polar Ural, TayDLC. myr, Chukotka, Kamchatka, etc.
88813. KOERUBA, L. A., and N. 0. RYBAKOVA. Palinologicheskafil kharakteristika razlichnykh faail allfaviarnylch oflozhenil polmy ,Obi v ee nizhnem techenii. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1965. v. 20, ser. 4: geol. no. 3, p. 75-79.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Palynological characteristics of various facies of alluvial deposits of the Ob floodplain in its lower course. Reports a study between KhantyMansiysk and Salekhard, where three facies of present alluvium are distinguished and divided into microfacies. Some typical
samples collected at various places and depths and results of their spore-pollen analysis are reported. Three factors are established in the spore-pollen spectra: zonality, time and transport of pollen. DLC. 88814. KOTIMBINSKIi, N. N. Posleprivivochnaa reakcsifa u voennosluzhashchikh v usloviiakh Severe. (VoennomediGnskil zhurnal 1964, no. 6, p. 47-48.) Russian, Title tr.: Post-vaccination reaction in servicemen under conditions of the North. Reports study of 237 soldiers 19-21 yr old resident in the Arctic 1.5 mo to 3 yr. Temperature and local reactions to vaccinations were much more severe in the relative newcomers. Leucocytosis and sedimentation rates were also higher in the nonacclimatized group. DNLM. 88815. KOVACS, F. Some problems relating to the evolution of numerals. (International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 6th, Paris 1960. Proceedings pub. 1964. v. 2, pt. 2, p. 59-61.) 4 refs. Criticizes the application of Indo-European linguistic principles to Uralic philology. Unlike Indo-European, Uralic numerals are not part of the word stock common to the daughter languages. Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic numerals constitute two genetically unrelated systems which developed independently after the dissolution of Uralic unity i.e. after the 4th millennium BC. DST. 88816. KOVAKINA, V. A. Raaionarnoe ispol'zovanie pastbishch na opyte opytnoproizvodstvennogo khozfalstva instituta. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kra!nego Severe. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 135-39, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Effective use of the range according to the practice of the Institute's Experimental Production Farm. Describes the farm of the Institute of Agriculture in the Far North: its center is at Potapovo, and it has an area of 2.7 million hectares in the Dudinka District forest tundra of Taymyr National District, divided in two by the Yenisey River. The problems of making best use of both parts for reindeer are discussed, and a plan is outlined as worked out in 1962 to use the western, left bank part as the winter range and the eastern part for spring, summer and fall pasture. DNAL. KOVAL'CHUK, V., see No. 87412.
88817. KOVALEV, A. Ekonomika prfemykh perevozok sudami smeshannogo plavanifa. (Rechnol transport 1964. v. 23, no. 6, p. 10-11, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Economic structure of direct transportation by sea-going river vessels. Discusses routes of river-sea navigation in the USSR, including the White Sea-Baltic and Amur-Okhotsk waterways. Motor ships of 2,000 and 2,700 ton load capacity (design 781 and 1557) and the 4,500-5,000 ton dry cargo-tanker of the White Sea-Baltic system fleet are evaluated for performance and cost of operation and maintenance, as are similar and some additional ships of the Amur-Okhotsk Sea system fleet. For both systems the 2700 ton motor vessel (1557) is found to be the most economical freighter. For the Kandalaksha-Chereponets line, the ore-oil freighter (design 1553) showed some advantages when carrying oil from the Volga to the North. DLC. KOVALEV, V. M., see No. 85453. 88818. KOVALEVA, G. A. DifferenGirovannafa intruzica trappov noril'skogo tipa v basseTne reld Bol'shoT Bootankagi. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regionarnafa geologifa no. 2, p. 192-97, table, map.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A differentiated trap intrusion of the Noril'sk type in the Bol'shaya Buotankaga River basin. Describes the geology and petrography of this region of north-central Taymyr and the mode of occurrence of this intrusion discovered by the author in 1960. In it, four horizons of gabbro-dolerites are distinguished. Quantitative-mineralogic composition of intrusion rocks and optical properties of rock-forming minerals are reported. Chemical composition of gabbrodolerites is given. Presence of copper-nickel ore phenocrysts increase the prospects for these minerals. DLC. 88819. KOVALEVA, G. A. Mednonikelevafa mineralizaaita v differenairovannol dalke olivinovykh gabbro-doleritov na 'ESentral'nom TaTmyre. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regionarnala geologifa no. 3, p. 226-31, tables, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Copper-nickel mineralization in a differentiated dike of olivine gabbrodolerites in central Taymyr. Reports this mineralization as discovered in 1960 on the bank of Verkhnyaya Taymyra. Ore-forming minerals: pentlandite, chalcopyrite pyrrhotite, titanomagnetite, cubanite, etc are analyzed and their optical
properties and chemical composition reported. This is the first find of coppernickel mineralization in this area DLC. 88820. KOVALEVA, G. A. Vulkanogennye obrazovanifit trappovol formaaii na T-Bentrarnom Talmyre. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1065. v. 145, p. 109-119, tables, graphs, sections.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Volcanic deposits of a trap formation in central Taymyr. Reviews volcanic rocks developed from Lower Permian to Lower Triassic and mostly distributed in Byrranga Mountain. Petrographic features of volcanic formations are described. Effusives and pyroclastic rocks are characterized. Petrochemical characteristics of the effusive rocks are outlined and the data are diagrammed and tabulated. These originated from tholeiitic magma. The crystallization and differentiation of this magma are considered. DLC.
88823. KOVaZIN, N. M.,' and K4 G. KUZAKOV. Sovetskafa Evenkill MoskvaLeningrad, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 188 p. maps, tables. 96 refs. • (AkadeMia nauk. SSSR. Gosekonomsovet SSSR. Komissifil po problemam Severa.) In Russian. Title tr.: Soviet Evenki country. Economic. and geographic Outline of the Evenki National District, approx. 745,000 km' in area with 11,000 population, of which 40% are Evenki and Yakuts. Economic conditions, resources, collectivization and the various branches of the economy are outlined. Hunting, reindeer husbandry, fur farming, fishing, agriculture, livestock raising, industry (chiefly graphite' mining), and transportation are considered in turn. Special features of the Ilimpiyskiy, Tungussko-Chunskiy and Baykitskiy administrative districts (ralony) are noted, as are some problems of further economic and cultural development. DLC.
88821. KOVALEVSKAIA, N. K. Primenenie ioda dlfit uluchshenifa' mekha pushnykh zverel. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Krainego Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 11, p. 75-78, tables.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of iodine for improving the pelt of the fur-bearing animals. Reports results of adding 0.05 gm potassium iodide to the daily diet of mink pups 1 Sept-1 Dec 1956 on the fur farm of the Murmansk Reindeer Station. Tabulated data are given on the increase of weight, defects in fur and assimilation of food by the pups receiving the additive and by the control group. Advantages of the former are stressed, for instance, their average weight increase was 145 gm; in the control group it was only 9 gm. Need to extend the experiments is noted. DNAL.
88824. KOVROVA, A. M. K voprosu ob ustoTchivosti atmosfery v Arktike. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1965. v. 273, p. 142-46, tables.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stability of the atmosphere in the Arctic. Discusses atmospheric turbulence, and vertical stability. Calculates frequency of the Richardson number value for the Dikson Island station for Jan and July of 1959 to 14 km height and above. Coefficients of turbulence are established. In July of a given year the intensity of circulation over the Arctic is lower than in Jan. In Jan, max coefficients of turbulence are much higher than in July. Over Dikson Island the atmosphere is more stable in July than in Jan. CaMAI, DLC.
88822. KOVIAZIN, N. M. Nekotorye problemy razvitila olenevodstva v Nene& kom nacsional'nom okruge. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1965. v. 20, no. 12, p. 104-109, tables.) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Some problems in the development of reindeer raising in the Nenets National District. Notes that in Jan 1964 there were 165,900 reindeer in this district, 90% of them belonging to sovkhozes, kolkhozes, etc. Distribution and growth of the herds, fodder, organization of the industry, etc are discussed. Ranges and grazing conditions are described; they represent the most important problems of the industry. Its importance in the local economy, housing and other factors are briefly noted. DLC.
88825. KOVROVA, A. M. Nekotorye kharakteristiki turbulentnogo obmena v Arktike. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 21, p. 42-48, tables, graph.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some characteristics of turbulent exchange in the Arctic. Measures the overload on an I1-14 airplane produced by atmospheric turbulence in the western and central sections of the Arctic. The overload recordings were carried out by vertical sounding of the atmosphere during horizontal flight in clouds along their upper and lower boundaries. The bumping and shaking intermittent with the quiet zones were clearly shown on a continuous recording tape. The horizontal extent of turbulent zones was recorded as from 0.5-180 km at 500-1,500 in. The average
KOVNURKO, G. M., see No. 84846.
whirlwind usually does not exceed 150 m in the lower 300 m layer and 260 m above 1 km alt. Tables of overload values are given in fractions of the earth's gravity acceleration, g, for 100-3,500 m alt as -I- 11/-11 at 1,300 m to 27/-34 at 100 m. The turbulence characteristics for the same range of altitudes are given for the duration T of the overload (2-3 sec), size of whirlwind L and turbulence coefficient K, (31 to 141 m2/sec). The average pulsational vertical velocities W of the air flow within the same range of altitudes were found to be tens of cm/see magnitude, having a max of + 58/-62 cm/sec at 100 m, and 2,000-2,500 m, and a min of + 35/-24 cm/sec at 1,300 m. The max bumping frequency was found to be caused by 40-50 cm/sec vertical wind velocities. CaMAI, DLC. 88826. KOVROVA, A. M. Osobennosti raspredelenifil zon povyshennoT turbulentnosti na vysotakh v Arktike. (Leningrad. Arkticheskll i antarkticheskif n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 266, p. 132-42, tables, graphs, maps.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of the distribution of zones of increased turbulence at heights in the Arctic. Reports a study of turbulence based on temperature—wind soundings at ten Russian polar stations in 1958-1960, two foreign stations (Mould Bay and Pt Barrow) for 1958-59, and Russian drifting stations, in all, some 7500 radiosondes. Data for Jan, Apr July and Oct are reported. At all height s of the troposphere, turbulence is greatest in Oct and least in Apr. Its geographic distribution also is outlined. Regions with max turbulence are in the Russian Western Arctic (Barentsburg, Cape Zhelaniya) and the Far East (Provideniya Bay); those with lowest turbulence in the western North American Arctic (Mould Bay, Pt CaMAI, DLC. Barrow). KOZAK, L. V., see No. 86597. KOZELY, L. A., see Nos. 84953, 88446. 88827. KOZHARA, V. L. Litokhimicheskie i biogeokhimicheskie poiski v merzlotnykh landshaftakh. (Razvedka i okhrana nedr 1964. v. 30, no. 3, p. 13-19, table, maps.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Lithochemical and biogeochemical prospecting in permafrost landscapes. Reports results of an investigation of crust weathering, ground water, soils and vegetation of two deposits, in an eastern region of the USSR where typical permafrost landscape is developed. One deposit is of iron-
ore skarns and has borate and sulfide mineralization, the other has quartz-molybdenum mineralization. Obtained results are briefly characterized and conclusion drawn that lithochemical and biochemical methods are found feasible in areas of permafrost. DLC. 88828. KOZHEMIAKA, N. N. Morfogeneticheskie tipy chetvertichnykh vulkanicheskikh postroek Sredinnogo khrebta Kamchatki. (In: Akademiill nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. vulkanologii. Chetvertichnyl vulkanizm . . . 1965, p. 122-35, table, illus.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Morphogenetic types of Quaternary volcanic structures of the Sredinnyy Range of Kamchatka. Reports own field study in 1961-1963, distinguishing several morphologic types of volcanic structures, lava plateau-shaped remains, recent lava plains, shield-like caldera volcanoes, recent strato-volcanoes, shield volcanoes, and others. Each type is described in some detail with examples, some with illus. Some subtypes and small volcanic structures are also briefly characterized. CaMAI. KOZHEMIAKA, N. N., see also No. 90413. 88829. KOZHEMEkKO, N. N. Prirodnye ralony basse!nov rek Avachi i Paratunki. (In: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. Prirodnye uslovifit . . 1963, p. 27-35, maps.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Natural regions of the Avacha and Paratunka River basins. Reviews the relief, climate, and snow cover of this southeastern part of Kamchatka. The natural conditions are appraised and six distinct regions recognized: the Geneskiy, upper Avacha, Koryakakiy, lower Avacha, eastern volcanic, and Paratunka. Each is described in turn as to relief, vegetation, and other features. DLC. 88830. KOZHINA, T. K., and N. G. UDOVKINA. Doordovikskie granitnye intruzii Pripolfarnogo i Polarnogo Urala. (Akademi1 nauk SSSR. Inst. geologii rudnykh mestorozhdenil, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii. Geologifit i geokhimii granitnykh porod, Moskva 1965, p. 190-238, tables, graphs, illus.) 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Pre-Ordovician granite intrusions of the Subpolar and Polar Ural. Outlines the composition and genesis of granite intrusions from Man'-Khambo Mt north to the Baydarata River basin. Petrography, chemistry and mineralization ,675
of the granitoids are described in detail. Average chemical composition of the PreOrdovician granites is similar in the two ranges. In the Polar Ural molybdenum mineralization is characteristic, for the Subpolar Ural wolframite. Tin ore manifestation in Polar Ural is of no importance, but in the Subpolar Ural tin occurs frequently. DLC. 88831. KOZLOV, A. L, and others. Perspektivy razvitifa geologorazvedochnykh rabot na neft' i gaz v Vostochnol Sibiri i na Dal'nem Vostoke. (Neftegazovaill geologifa i geofizika 1963, no. 6, p. 9-12.) In Russian. Other authors: K. M. Sevost'fanov, G. V. Bagiretn, and A. S. Kuznersov. Title tr.: Prospects of geologic exploration for oil and gas in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Reviews geologic-geophysical prospecting and drilling done in 1962 in Sakhalin, the Irkutsk cirque, Vilyuy depression, Anabar and Aldan massifs, Kamchatka and elsewhere. Discovery of new oil deposits in the Markovskaya area, Lena region is noted where potential yield of high quality oil is Geologic prospecting, drilled reported. wells, and oil-gas manifestations in Krasnoyarsk Province, Yakut ASSR and Kamchatka are briefly reviewed. DLC. 88832. KOZLOV, D. P., and others. Gel'mintofauna zhivotnykh semelstva Canidae Chukotskogo poluostrova. (In: Vses. o-vo gel'mintologov. Gel'minty cheloveka . . . 1963, p. 66-70, tables.) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N. I. Ovslllkova and Zh. P. Radkevich. Title tr.: Helminth fauna of the fam. Canidae from the Chukotsk Peninsula. Reports on parasitic worms collected in the winter 1962-63, in central and coastal Chukotka from dogs and all kinds of foxes (white, blue, etc). Ten additional species are recorded, making a total of 16 known from that area. Host(s), location, intensity of infection and general aspects are noted. DLC. 88833. KOZLOV, D. P. Izuchenie gel'mintofauny zhivotnykh semelstva Canidae Dal'nego Vostoka. (Akademilit nauk SSSR. Gel'mintologicheskafa lab. Trudy 1963. v. 13, p. 56-74, tables, illus.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of the helminth fauna in the wildlife of fam. Canidae of the Far East. Deals with parasitic worms from foxes, wolves, etc of Kamchatka, Commander Islands, Khaborovskiy Kray, etc, with an introductory outline of earlier work in these and neighboring areas. Of the 46
forms recorded, one is new: Echinochasmus ryjikovi n.sp. Host(s), location, organ(s) and incidence of invasion etc are noted, and general aspects of findings discussed. DLC. 88834. KOZLOV, D. P. K obnaruzheniffl ekhinokokkov i al'veokokkov u zhivotnykh semelstva Canidae Khabarovskogo krafa i Kamchatki. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Germintologicheskafa lab. Trudy 1961. v. 11, p. 122-25, table.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Discovery of echinococci and alveococci in wildlife of fam. Canidae in Khabarovskiy Kray and Kamchatka. Reports and tabulates detection in Kamchatka of echinococci in 52 foxes and 22 dogs, and of alveococci in foxes only. Livers from three reindeer were healthy but that of a pig examined was infected. DLC. 88835. KOZLOV, D. P., and others. Novyl vid nematod pescsov i Cylicospirura skrjabini, Spirurata. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Gel'mintologicheskafa lab. Trudy 1964. v. 14, p. 105-108, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N. I. Ovsfakova and Zh. P. Radkevich. Title tr.: A new species of nematode from polar and red foxes, Cylicospirura skrjabini, Spirurata. Reports specimens found in stomach swellings of animals of the Labytnangi area on the lower Ob in 1961, and of Anadyr, Markovo and Arcasa in Chukotka 19621963. Both males and females are described and differential diagnosis considered. DLC. 88836. KOZLOV, D. P., and V. L. KONTRIMAVICHUS. Rasprostranenie trikhinelleza u dikikh i domashnikh plotofadnykh v nekotorykh ralonakh Dal'nego Vostoka. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Germintologicheskaia lab. Trudy 1961. v. 11, p. 126-29, tables.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of trichinosis in wild and domestic carnivores of some Far East areas. Tabulated report of conditions found in Khabarovskiy Kray in 1958-1960 and Kamchatka 1959-60. Dogs, wolves, foxes, martens, ermines, wolverines, etc were examined. Number, percentage, and districts of infections are considered. DLC. KOZLOV, D. P., see also No. 92016. KOZLOV, E. K., see No. 88177. KOZLOV, G. V., see Nos. 92874, 92875. 88837. KOZLOV, M. T. Vtorichnye kvaraity ralona fgaginskoY depressii na Kol'skom poluostrove. (In: Akademifa
nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Magmatizm i geologic& . 1963, p. 173-84, maps, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Secondary quartzites of the ftaga depression region of Kola Peninsula. Describes these quartzite-hydrothermalmetasomatic rocks of banded and massive texture, consisting of quartz, magnetite and pyroxenes, and other admixtures. Two groups are recognized and described in detail as to mode and conditions of occurrence, petrographic characteristics, and main minerals. The source rocks of these quartzites were mylonites. Formation of quartzites is connected with dislocations with a break in continuity. DGS. KOZLOV, N. A., see No. 86500. 88838. KOZLOVA, L. G. Stok rek severnogo sklona Pechengskikh tundr v svfazi s nekotorymi fiziko-geograficheskimi osobennostfami raiona. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskil inst. Uchenye zapiski 1964. v. 267, p. 3-14, tables, map.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: River discharge on the northern slope of the Pechenga tundras in relation to some physical-geographic features of the region. Reports hydrologic investigations in the Namayoki and Kolosyoki River basins during 1950-1961. The Namayoki is a tributary of the Pechenga (Petsamo) River and the Kolosyoki flows into Kuets-yarvi Lake. Drainage area, precipitation, lakes and marshes, underground feeding, and other factors affecting the discharge of these streams are briefly characterized. DLC. KOZLOVA, L. I., see No. 88496. KOZLOVA, L. V., see No. 85491. KOZLOVA, M. I., see Nos. 89700, 89702. 88839. KOZLOVA, 0. G., and A. R. GEPTNER. Novye dannye o flore diatomovykh vodoroslel iz chetvertichnykh otlozhenil ZapadnoT Kamchatki, dolina reki Tigil'. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Dok-lady 1965. v. 161, no. 2, p. 417-20, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the diatom algae flora from Quaternary deposits of western Kamchatka, Tigil' River valley. Reports study of diatom flora from the second and first terraces and from the floodplain of the Tigil'. Freshwater, brackish, and marine diatoms are distinguished and listed. Correlation of these diatoms are made and Tigil' River developDLC. ment is characterized.
88840. KOZLOVICH, V. Z. Itogi vypolnenifa tematicheskogo plana otdela ekortonaiki za 1962 g. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 345-54, tables.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Results of fulfillment of the Economics Section plan in 1962. Reports on efforts of collective and state farms and other agricultural institutions in the Far North to improve their economic status by revising the salaries and wages system and by precise efficiency rating in reindeer raising, fisheries, hunting, fur farming, dairying, meat production, etc. The role of the Institute of Agriculture in these efforts is stressed. Work of the Zarya Taymyra artel' to become self-financing and that of the Yamal Experiment Station in the herding people's transition from nomadic to a settled way of life are noted. DNAL. 88841. KOZLOVICH, V. Z. Metodicheskie ukazanifa po nachisleniM sebestoimosti produkaii v kolkhozakh Kralnego Severs. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 355-62.) In Russian. Title tr.: Methodological instructions for calculation of the net cost of production on collective farms of the Far North. Presents advice on how to calculate costs and fill in various tables or forms. Difficulties in estimating the cost of labor are stressed because efficiency is high on state farms, and far lower on collective farms. Technicalities of keeping the forms up-todate are discussed. DNAL. 88842. KOZLOVICH, V. Z. Metodika vvedenifa garantirovannoT denezhnol oplaty truda v kolkhozakh Kralnego Severa. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 11, p. 25-32.) In Russian. Title tr.: Methods for introducing guaranteed cash payment of wages in collective farms of the Far North. General discussion of the problem as exemplified in the wage system established in the Tuloma collective in Murmansk Province, and the Lenin collective in Yamal-Nenets National District. In the former, of 2,520,000 rubles income in 1959, one million was assigned to wages; in the latter, income was 2,641,000 r and 1,698,300 r went into wages, 70% in a monthly DNAL. guaranteed minimum wage. 88843. KOZMINSKArA, 1. F. 0 rasprostranenii difillobotrioza v nizov'fakh Enisefit i roli ozernykh ryb v invazii lfadel shirokim lenteaom. (MediGinskafil parazitologifa i parazitarnye bolezni 1964. v. 33, no. 1,
p. 82-86, table.) 10 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Distribution of diphyllobothriosis on the lower Yenisey and the role of lake fish in human infection with the tapeworm. Report based on earlier and own studies during 1958-60. Principal foci of this disease were found to be in the vicinity of lakes and not rivers. Main carrier of Diphyllobothrium in Lake Munduyskoye was the pike and cause of infection was consumption of raw or insufficiently cooked fish. DNLM.
gidrometeorologicheskikh elernentov. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. '15, p. 63-68, map.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Quantitative evaluation of analogy and type of fieldof hydrometeorologie.al elements: Explains briefly the terminology used in the investigation and develops an analytical formula for the evaluation of the analogy coefficients. The formula was checked by utilizing experimental data obtained in the northern latitude range 55-80° for 19361961. CaMAI, DLC. KOZYREVA, L. V., see No. 86663.
88844. KOZUBOV, G. M., and A. M. EVDOKIMOV. Mozhzhevel'nik v lesakh Severe. (Lesnoe khozfalstvo 1965. v. 18, no. 1, p. 57.) In Russian. Title tr.: Juniper in the forests of the North. Reports a 1962-1963 study of the growth and fruit bearing of common and mountain juniper in Karelia and Kola Peninsula. It occurs as bush and 7-9 m trees in all the forests of the area. Its seed diminishes in size in the North. DLC. 88845. KOZUBOV, G. M. Stlanikova& soma v Khibinakh. (Botanicheskil zhurnal 1961. v. 46, no. 9, p. 1304-1309, tables, illus.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Creeping pine in the Khibiny. Reports observations on the morphology, growth, blooming and fruiting of Pinus silvestris L. var. prostrata. On western slopes in this mountain tundra, it occupies a belt at 350-500 m above sea level. Appearance on cross sections of stem and branches, age, anomalies in reproduction organs are stated. Summer temperatures and precipitation etc are also considered. DLC. 88846. KOZUBOV, G. M., and V. S. SHAYDUROV. Vertikarnafil pea:most' v Khibinskikh gorakh i kolebanifa verkhnel graniay less. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Izvestila 1965, ser. geog. no. 3, p. 101-104, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Vertical zonality in the Khibiny mountains and variation in the upper limit of forest. Reports a 1961-1963 study on the slope of Yumochorr Mountain. Three zones are distinguished: that 134-300 m above sea level consists of fir with some admixture of birch and spruce; the zone at 300-360 m has spruce-birch forest; and at 360-400 m dwarf birch. The present limit straight stem forest is at 360-365 m. Variation of tree line in the past and in the last 30-40 years is briefly characterized. DLC. 88847. KOZYREV, A. P. Kolichestvennafil oaenka analogichnosti i polel
88848. KOZYREVA, R. V. Neoliticheskoe poselenie Starodubskoe II na o. Sakhaline. (A.kademila' nauk SSSR. , Sibirskoe otd-ie, Drevniftfa Sibir' 1964, no. 1, p. 49-72, illus.) Approx. 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Neolithic settlement Sts.rodubskoye on Sakhalin Island. Describes this south Sakhalin site of the second-first millennium BC, excavated in 1954-1955. Affinities to-the Eskimo Ipiutak and Old Bering Sea Cultures of Chukotka are noted in pottery and lithic artifacts, as are dwellings similar to Gilyak pithouses with some Aleut and Kamclutdal influence. An occupation of Sakhalin by an unidentified people from northeast Asia preceding Gilyak and Ainu settlement is suggested. DLC. 88849. KRAEV, I. K voprosu stroitel'stva portov i prichalov promyshlennykh predprifs'a. (Rechnol transport 1964. v. 23, no. 8, p. 11-12.) In Russian. Title tr.: On the building of ports and landing stages at industrial enterprises. Analyzes what causes the heavy demur: rage levies upon river boats of the Northern, White Sea-Onega, Ob, and other steamship companies in the USSR; 1963 data are given for motor vessels, barges and tankers. Delays are mainly the result of unsatisfactory loading and unloading facilities because port arrangements and landing stages are lacking at industrial development sites. On the Lena, for example, the riveroriented plants have poorly organized docks and landing stages. Construction of such in the seven-year plan and achievement to Jan 1964 are noted, and recommendations made for building new river boats, landing stages, warehouses, etc for transport of mineral fertilizers and raw materials. DLC. 88850. KRAEVAIA, T. S. Sukhie reki ralonov Klf6chevskot i Avachinskol grupp vulkanov. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1964. no. 2, p. 56-62, illus.) 7 refs. In
Russian. Title tr.: Dry rivers in the regions of the Klyuchevskiy and Avachinskiy groups of volcanoes. Describes temporary, dry rivers which develop on the slopes of volcanoes and are fed by atmospheric precipitation, seasonal thawing of firn fields and catastrophic thawing of ice and snow during volcanic eruptions. In the Klyuchevskiy group these rivers begin at 2000-2500 m above sea level and end at the foot of the volcano. Longitudinal and transverse profiles of these rivers are characterized. The formation of terraces and other features are also considered. DLC, KRAEVAIA, T. S., see also No. 85831. 88851. KRAMER, H. Lapplandska fligelobservationer. (Fauna och flora 1964. no. 4-5, p. 185-89, illus.) 6 refs. In Swedish. German summary. Title tr.: Lapland bird observations. Contains observations of 43 species in Lule lappmark, approx 67° N 20° E, north Sweden, in 1962. Very few birds of prey DLC. were seen. 88852. KRANTZ, H. Hearing loss ranks high among prevailing disabilities. (Alaska's health and welfare, Aug. 1965. v. 22, p. 1, -I-, illus.) Addition of 35 audiometers gave great impetus to mass tests, especially among children, of hearing acuity and impairment. Direct aid or referral to medical treatment DLC. are also discussed. 88853. KRAPIVNER, R. B. Vattovye otlozhenica basse!nov nizhnel Obi i Pechory i ikh znachenie dlfa. ponimanifit paleogeografii chetvertichnogo perioda. (Sbornik state! po geologii i gidrogeologii 1965. no. 4, p. 130-55, sections.) 36 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tidal flat deposits in the lower Ob and Pechora basins and their significance for understanding the paleogeography of the Quaternary period. Supports opinion that in the Quaternary these regions were covered not by continental glaciation but by waters of the Arctic Basin. This Quaternary sea was a tidal sea and developed so-called tidal flat deposits. These deposits are analyzed in detail, their mode of occurrence, composition, texture, and other features are noted. They are characterized by tidal rhythmic bedding, rapid sedimentation, good sorting of material, etc. Cross-sections are de.DLC. scribed. 88854. KRASIKOV, E. M. Podvodnoopolznevye deformarsii osadkov v razreze
tollevskogo gorizonta srednego ordovika na severo-vostoke poluostrova Taimyr. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regionahrafir, geologifa no. 6, p. 94-100, illus.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A sub-aqueous slumping deformation of deposits in the section of Tollevskiy horizon of the Middle Ordovician in the northeast of Taymyr Peninsula. Describes this horizon in Klyuyevka River region more than 450 m thick and consisting mainly of clayey-carbonate shales. In some of the layers a sub-aqueous slumping deformation is observed. Its extent, type of deformation, and other features are briefly described and illus. DLC. KRASIKOVA, V. A., see No. 92739. KRASIL'NIKOV, B. N., see No. 88806. 88855. KRASIL'NIKOV, D. D., and others. Effekty plotnosti atmosfery v chastote ShAL pri prokhozhdenii aiklonov i sezonnykh kolebanifilkh temperatury atmosfery. (In: Vses. soveshchanie po kosmofizicheskomu napravleniffl issl. kosmicheskikh luchel 1962. Kosmicheskie luchi . . . 1965, p. 111-16, graphs.) 13 refs. In Russian. Other authors: M. M. Atakova, N. N. Efimov, M. A. Nifontov and F. K. Shamsutdinova. Title tr.: Effects of atmospheric density on the frequency of extensive atmospheric showers during the passage of cyclones, and seasonal variations in atmospheric temperature. Reports study of 17 cyclones passing over Yakutsk in 1958-1959. Method and technique of the observations are described. Mean variations in frequency of these cosmic ray showers recorded by instruments of different geometries are given. The relationship between seasonal variations of pressure, height of isobaric levels, and the EAS frequency are presented in a diagram. The model of short-range cascades was found insufficient to explain the atmospheric density effect. DLC. 88856. KRASIL'NIKOV, D. D. Energeticheskil spektr mitionov kosmicheskikh luchel na urovne mor1 pri energifilkh vyshe 10"eV. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Izvestifit 1964. ser. fiz. v. 28, no. 11, p. 1854-56, graphs.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Energy spectrum of cosmic-ray muons at sea level and for energies above 10"ev. Reports observations made during an 8-yr period in Yakutsk, using a spherical chamber of 950 liter capacity. The data are plotted in three graphs and two analytical formulas derived. The muons of energies
10"-11"ev are formed by pion (70—muon (sr) disintegration. It is probable however, that the muons of energies above 10"ev are formed by other processes. The total energy losses by muons in passing through the earth are > 3 x 10-6 Mevg-'cm2 for which pair-formation, the bremsstrahlung, and nuclear interaction are responsible. DLC. 88857. KRASIL'NIKOV, D. D. 0 korchastoty bol'sbikh ionizacsionnykh tolchkov s 11-letnim isiklom solnechnol aktivnosti. (In: Vses. soveshchanie po kosmofizicheskomu napravlenn issl. kosmicheskikh luchel 1962. Kosmicheskie luchi . . . 1965, p. 211-14, graphs.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Correlation between the frequency of large ionization bursts and the 11-year cycle of solar activity. Compares annual means of sunspot numbers for 1936-1960, the hard component variations of cosmic rays for 1937-1960, and the frequencies of bursts for 1941-1946 at Huancayo, and for 1954-1960 at Yakutsk. The frequencies observed show a very sharp systematic variation, negatively correlated with the 11-yr solar activity cycle. The possibility of an error in method of evaluation is discussed, but it is concluded that a considerable part of the result is valid. DLC. 88858. KRASIL'NIKOV, D. D. Spektr A-mezonov v oblasti energiI 10" ÷ 10" ev na urovne morfil. (In: Vses. soveshchanie po kosmofizicheskomu napravlenicd issl. kosmicheskikh luchel 1962. Kosmicheskie luchi . . . 1965, p. 117-30, tables, graphs.) 38 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Spectrum of A-mesons in the 1011 4-101' ev range at sea level. Reports observations at Yakutsk, Moscow, and Cheltenham on the spectrum of ionization impulses and determination of the integral energy spectrum of the mesons. Data from Yakutsk 1953-1960 are analyzed up to energies of approx 10" ev. The integral spectrum of ionization impulses of u-mesons can be expressed by an exponential law. From the observed frequency of strong ionization impulses integral energy spectra of global and vertical fluxes of A-mesons of the energy range of 10" 10" ev are determined. Formulas for the spectra in the range of 10" -:- 6x 1012 ev are DLC. also derived. KRASIL'NIKOV, D. D., see also Nos. 86735,89053. 88859. KRASIL'SHCHIKOV, A. A., and others. 0 vozraste nekotorykh granitoid-
nykh porod i gnelsov severnol chasti arkhipelaga Shpitsbergen. (Akademifiti nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 159, no. 4, p. 79698, table, map.) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A. IA. Krylov and 0. A. Aliiipyshev. Title tr.: On the age of some granitoid rocks and gneisses of the northern part of the Spitsbergen archipelago. Reports 1962-1963 geologic investigations and absolute age determination of 24 rock and mineral samples by the argon and potassium methods. The absolute ages obtained range 355-455 MY and disclose an epoch of Caledonian orogeny. Caledonian folding took place in Nordaustlandet as well as Vestspitsbergen. The wide distribution of granitoid intrusions is noted. Comparisons are made with data obtained by English scientists. DLC. 88860. KRASNOV, A. I. 0 tektonicheskom stroenii fundamenta Aldanskogo shchita v svete geologicheskol interpretaaii dannykh krupnomasshtabnol a.eromagnitnoT s"emki. (Sovetskafa geologifii 1964. v. 7, no. 11, p. 61-71, maps.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonic structure of the basement of the Aldan shield interpreted on the basis of data from a large-scale aeromagnetic survey. Reviews the last 5-6 yr survey in the Aldan shield, and analyzes the anomalous magnetic field by compiling structuralcorrelation maps, which are presented. The shield is divided into two anomalous regions, a western one called central Aldan, and an eastern called Aldan-Uchur. Both are described. Main structures of the crystalline basement are distinguished and characterized. Disjunctive tectonics also are discussed. English translation available as TT-65-64314 from CFSTI, Springfield, Va., 22151. DLC. KRASNOV, I. B., see No. 87286. 88861. KRASNOV, I. I. Regional, unified and correlative stratigraphic scheme for the Quaternary of European USSR. (Geological Society of America. Special papers 1965. no. 84, p. 247-71. table, map.) Approx. 55 refs. German and Russian summary. Discusses the need for detailed correlation of numerous local stratigraphic schemes for subdividing the Quaternary in the USSR, and indicates progress made to date. Differences among Soviet geologists as to the precise limits of the Quaternary are mentioned, and also divergences of the ICS system from the general practice in the USSR. The fundamental principles by which regional stratigraphic schemes and
eventually a national scheme are to be erected are discussed in detail. A map shows the zones and regions of Quaternary deposits of the European USSR drawn up in 1963 by a committee of the Academy of Sciences. Five of these zones are in the Arctic: the Karelian and Northern Dvina, the Tinian Bolshaya Zemlya, the Northern and Polar Urals and Pay-Khoy, the Northwestern, and the Kama Pechora Vychegda. DGS. KRASNOVA, L.
IA., see No. 85684.
Nauchno88862. KRASNOYARSK. issledovatel'skit institut po stroitel'stvu. Uchebnyl kinofirm "Osobennosti stroitel'stva na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh." (Stroitel'stvo v ralonakh Vostochnol Sibiri i KraTnego Severa 1962. no. 3, p. 170-72.) In Russian. Title etc., tr.: Krasnoyarsk Construction Research Institute. A documentary "Features of construction on permafrost." Reports production in 1961 of a four-part film showing specific physical-geographic conditions of the North, selection of site and construction of foundations, methods and materials used, occupation and maintenance of buildings, etc. The construction of large urban and industrial centers of the North such as Noril'sk, Yakutsk and Vorkuta is demonstrated. DLC. 88863. KRASNUSHKIN, A. V., and V. S. MELENT'EV. Vozdukhoobmen v karstovykh polostfalth i swazannye s nim ternperaturnye effekty. (Merzlotnye issledovanifa 1964. no. 4, p. 137-43, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: Air exchange in karst caverns and associated temperature effects. Reports a 1961-1962 cryogenic-hydrogeologic survey in the Aldan region of Yakut ASSR. The temperature regime of rocks in areas of karst distribution was studied in several bore holes, and the air temperature, pressure and speed of movement in them measured. Significant vertical changes are noted in air temperature and direction of flow. A special cryogenic regime is established for karst caverns of the Aldan region. DLC. 88864. KRASNYI, L. I. Nekotorye voprosy razmeshchenita glubinnykh razlomov na vostoke SSSR. (In: Leningrad. geologicheskil inst. Glubinnye Vses. razlomy 1964, p. 106-111, map.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some problems in the distribution of deep faults in eastern USSR. Presents a generalized plan of the main
deep faults distribution east of the Lena. Oceanic, island arc, and continental deep faults are distinguished; their type, nature, distribution, and other features indicated. Younger deep faults such as the SetteDaban, Verkhoyansk, Anyuy-Chukotka are also noted. DLC. KRASNYI, L. I., see also No. 88094. KRASOV, L. M., see No. 84838. 88865. KRASOVSKli, V. I. Polfarnye sifanifa i izluchenie nochnogo neba. (Kosmicheskie issledovanifa 1964. v. 2, no. 2, p. 219-31.) 60 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Auroras and airglow emission. Reviews the status of knowledge about these phenomena, with critical comment on theories of origin and mechanisms of correlation between them. Data on polar and high latitude auroras, predominantly arctic and subarctic are discussed. The aurora of 5 Nov 1956 as observed at 18 hr UT at Murmansk is described as producing an illumination equivalent to that of a full moon, and as emitting 50 x 1020 erg energy. Directions for further investigations are DLC. suggested. 88866. KRATKOVSKli, N. A. Primenenie iskusstvennogo urtrafioletovogo obluchenifa vysokoproduktivnykh korov na Kralnem Severe. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. KraMeg° Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 11, p. 123-27, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Use of artificial ultraviolet radiation for high-yield cows in the Far North. Notes milk production to be growing steadily and the 1959 average yield/cow in Murmansk Province the highest in the RSFSR. Due to lack of sunlight however, the cows' productive period is only 7-8 yr. Experiments in complementing natural radiation in 1951-1954 at the Tiksi subsidiary farm and in 1956 at Industriya state farm on Kola Peninsula are reported. Of various types of lamps tested, best results were obtained by a combination of ultraviolet and luminescent lamps, used in winter for 5 hr in the morning, 2 hr at midday and 5 hr in the evening, altogether 12 hr daily. DNAL. 88867. KRATKOVSKEL N. A. Sezonnye izmenenifa', otdel'nykh biokhimicheskikh pokazatelel krovi u korov v Zapolfar'e. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severn. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 275-80, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Seasonal changes of chemical indicator in blood of cows in the Arctic.
Notes the occurrence of infertility or low milk yields of cows in the Arctic, and their causes. The diet on several state farms is outlined. Acid-base equilibrium, P, Ca, and proteins in the serum of the cows is reported as studied before, during, and at the end of DNAL. winter and in summer. 88868. KRATOCHVIL, .T. Om lukteskarpheten hos reinsdyr. (Polarboken 1963-64, p. 64-68, illus.) 6 refs. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Sense of smell in reindeer. Discusses evidence of highly developed olfaction in reindeer. It has an important role in most of the animal's activities, such as locating food under snow cover, orientation when separated from the herd, mating, DLC. etc.
caruse i ego graniae s verkhnim kembriem na severo-zapade SibirskoT platformy. (LenN.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. ingrad. Trudy 1965. v. 145, p. 57-65, table, map, sections.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Ust'-Kut stage and its border with the Upper Cambrian in the northwest of the Siberian platform. Discusses Ordovician stratigraphy and the extent and position of the Ust-Kut stage. Its nine sections along the Yenisey from Munduyskoye Lake north to Noril'sk are described. The absence of Franconian and Trempealeauian stages is noted. The lower limit of the Ust-Kut stage is suggested to be drawn along limestones with Apheoorthia melita and Kainellina spp; this corresponds with the Canadian series in North America. CaMAI, DLC.
KRATfS, K. 0., see No. 86783. KRAUSE, G., see No. 87908. 88869. KRAUSS, M. E. Eyak: a pre(Canadian journal of liminary report. linguistics 1965. v. 10, no. 2-3, p. 167-87, tables.) 3 refs. Comparative study of phonetics, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary based on summer 1964 field work. About 40% of the 800 Eyak noun and verb stems have cognates in Athapaskan, but no significant affinity to any single Athapaskan language. A common Proto-Athapaskan—Eyak occupancy of interior Alaska and the Yukon until about 1,500-1,000 BC is suggested, followed by Eyak migration to the coast and virtual isolation from Athapaskan contact. Eyak has over a hundred words borrowed from Tlingit Indian and Chugach Eskimo speech, also, through them, from Russian, English and jargon. DLC. 88870. KRAUSS, M. E. Proto-Athapaskan-Eyak and the problem of Na-Dene: the morphology. (Internaphonology; pt. tional journal of American linguistics 19641965. v. 30, no. 2, p. 118-31; v. 31, no. 1, p. 18-28, tables.) 17 refs. Comparative study of the Alaskan Athapaskan and Northwest Pacific Coast Indian languages aimed at reconstructing Proto-Athapaskan and its relationship to Na-Dene. Eyak is considered a link between Tlingit and Proto-Athapaskan, Haida diDSI. vergent in many respects. KRAVCHENKO-BEREZHNOI, R. A., see No. 85994. 88871. KRAVT—SOV, A. G., and V. A. MARKOVSKII. K voprosu ob ust'kutskom 682
88872. KRAVR4OV, A. G. Kommensalizm u kolonial'nykh chetyrekhluchevykh korallov. (Paleontologicheskil zhurnal 1965, no. 2, p. 126-28, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Commensalism in colonial tetracorals. Reports study of tetracorals found in Lower and Middle Devonian deposits in Novaya Zemlya. In Xistriphyllum devonicum and X. taimyricum commensalism is observed. This relationship, in which the one organism without damage or benefit sustains the other, is analyzed and the connecting pipes are noted. DLC. 88873. KRAVfS0V, A. G., and M. A. SMIRNOVA. Novye dannye po rannedevonskim korallam TSentral'nogo Talmyra. (Vses. simpozium po izucheniffl iskopaemykh korallov 1st 1963. Trudy, Moskva 1965, no. 3, p. 59-60.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on early Devonian corals of central Taymyr. Describes briefly those collected from the Tareya series in 1959; 40 species are listed: 18 rugose (12 new) and 22 tabulate (11 new) corals. DLC.
it. A.
88874. KRAVf80V, A. G., and Novye dannye po stratigrafii paleozoTskikh otlozhenil raTona verkhov'ev r. RybnoT. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1963. v. 133, p. 24-34.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the stratigraphy of the Paleozoic deposits in the upper Rybnaya River region. Reports a 1959 field study and geologic mapping near Norilsk. Lower, Middle and Upper Paleozoic deposits are outlined and a new stratigraphic division is offered. Lower Ordovician deposits are divided into stages and the Wenlockian into two beds. Some
other stratigraphic adjustments are made, on the basis of the fauna and flora collected. DLC. 88876. KRAV'fS0V, A. G. Rannedevonskie chetyrekhluchevye korally fazhnogo ostrova Novol Zemli, gorizont guby Morzhovol. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Paleontologifa i biostratigrafifa no. 10, p. 113-22, illus.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Early Devonian thtracorals of the southern island of Novaya Zemlya, Morzhovaya Bay horizon. Describes systematically six species of Early Devonian tetracorals, three of them for first time: viz: Tryplasma alterna, Nardophyllum datum, and Spongophyllum separaturn, n spp. DLC. 88876. KRAV1OV, A. G. Tektonika mezhdurech'fil Khantalka-Sigovala. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1963. v. 133, p. 94-106, map, illus.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonics of the Khantayka-Sigovaya interfiuve. Reports on the 1960 geologic mapping of this region about 180 km south of Noril'sk. Main features of tectonic structures, plicated and disjunctive structures and block folding are characterized. Structure of tectonic blocks is analyzed in some detail by describing six such blocks. Dimensions of tectonic jointing of rocks in blocks are compiled in a diagram. Disjunctive distortions are characterized. Manifestations of recent tectonic movements are noted. DLC. 88877. KRAVISOV, A. I. 0 perspektivakh gazonef tenosnosti Kamchatki. (Izvestifil vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniT. Geologifa i razvedka 1965, no. 10, p. 75-85, tables, map, sections.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the prospects of oil and gas in Kamchatka. Reports geochemical investigation of rocks in the vicinity of the Avachi volcano. The origin of hydrocarbon gases is discussed, and Kamchatka with its numerous volcanoes is considered a good example of the mineralogic origin of hydrocarbon gases and oil. Prospects for oil in Kamchatka are connected with Tertiary sedimentary rocks, and the Tertiary deposits are characterized in the Western, Central and Eastern Kamchatka troughs. A manifestation of oil and gas in the Bogachevka River basin is treated in some detail. Inorganic origin of hydrocarbons should be kept as basis for further prospecting. DLC. 88878. KRAVfSOVA, L. I., and G. N. STARdSYNA. Petrokhimicheskie osoben-
nosti differen&irovannykh intruzil trappovoT formaaii severo-zapadnol chasti Sibirskol platformy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. RegionaPnafa geologifa no. 7, p. 5-23, tables, graphs, sections.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Petrochemical features of differentiated intrusions of the trap formation in the northwestern part of the Siberian platform. Reports on a score of the largest orebearing differentiated intrusions in the Severnaya, Kureyka, Gorbiachin, Brus, and Fokina River basins and the Noril'ak region. They are grouped and their geology outlined and their petrochemistry is analyzed. Main factors in their differentiation are the initial composition of the magma, partial pressure of oxygen, regime of alkalines, and their behavior in the crystallization process. DLC. KRAVfSOVA, L. I., see also No. 92764. 88879. KREBS, C. J. Cyclic variation in skull-body regressions of lemmin (Canadian journal of zoology 1964. v. 42, no. 4, p. 631-43, tables, graphs.) 18 refs. Describes cyclic changes in the position of skull-body regressions which accompanied the 1959-1962 population cycle of brown and varying lemmin?: near Baker Lake, NWT. These changes appeared in adult as well as in summer-born animals. They are not caused by seasonal changes in growth nor by changes in age structure of the population and a nutritional explanation is not supported by literature. They could be the result of a genetic cycle polymorDLC. phism. 88880. KREBS, C. J. The lemming cycle at Baker Lake, Northwest Territories, during 1959-62. Montreal 1964. 104 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Arctic Inst. of North America. Technical paper no. 15.) Approx. 130 refs. Reports a four-year study based on snaptrapping, live-trapping and autopsies of some four thousand animals, covering one cycle in numbers of the brown and varying Qualitative changes, viz: in lemmings. reproduction, mortality and body weight are also considered. Extrinsic factors, such as predators, parasites or diseases and food supplies were found not to cause decline in numbers. The lemming cycle therefore is not to be explained by conventional extrinsic factors but is essentially a selfregulatory phenomenon. The idea of Chitty is fully supported by the results, and his suggestion that these fluctuations may
represent a genetic polymorphism involving aggressive behavior is not refuted by the data. DLC. 88881. KREBS, C. J. Spring and summer phenology at Baker Lake, Keewatin, N.W.T., during 1959-62. (Canadian fieldnaturalist 1964. v. 78, no. 1, p. 25-27, graph, tables.) 4 refs. Presents data collected during a four-yr study of lemming populations. Eleven physical and biological events of the spring and summer phenology when tabulated reveal a wide variation between years. Also evident was a great variation in the amount of standing forage produced in wet habitats, which does not seem to correlate well with temperature, rainfall, or with the season's phenology. Temperature and rainfall data show considerable yearly variation for 19591962. Evidence seems to support others' observations that high arctic stations have an earlier spring than do low arctic stations like Baker Lake. DNAL. KRECHMAR, A. V., see No. 87276. 88882. KREFFT, G. Rare fish. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1962 pub. 1964. v. 19, p. 79.) Records ten species found in the stomachs of cod off East Greenland, one (Histiobranchus infernalis) new for Denmark Strait. Number and size of specimen and DLC. geographic range are noted. 88883. KREFFT, G. Rare fish. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1963 pub. 1965. v. 20, p. 108.) Lists seven rare species noticed in commercial trawler landings, with notes on location, depth and its temperature, size of fish, etc. Two species are first and second landings in Icelandic waters. DLC. 88884. KREiNOVICH, E. A. 0 modeli glagolov ketskogo fazyka s osnovol v nachale slova. (In: Akademife'. nauk SSSR. Otd-ie lit-ry i fazyka. Problemy sravniterno! filologii 1964, p. 139-61, tables.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Yeniseian verb type with the stem at the beginning of the word. Discusses the grammatical change from an original affixal to a now preferred agglutinative suffixal verb structure in Ket DLC. Yeniseian. 88885. KRENOVICH, E. A. 0 preryv--nyich glagol'nykh osnovakh v ketskom azyke. (Voprosy fa'zykoznanifa' 1965. v.
14, no. 3, p. 118-30.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Breakable verb stems in Yeniseian. Discusses morphological and semantic changes achieved by interpolating parts of speech or modifying morphemes between the basic word stems of verb-noun, verbpronoun, and other compound verbs. DLC. 88886. KREMER, B. A. Georgil Alekseevich Ushakov, 1901-1963. (Meteorologifil i gidrologifa, 1964, no. 3, p. 62-63, illus.) In Russian. Obituary of this noted explorer of arctic regions. In 1926-1929 he was on Vrangelya Island and established the first Russian colony there. He led an expedition to Severnaya Zemlya in 1930-1932, carried out topographic measurements, and discovered some 37,000 km2 of hitherto unknown land. In 1936 he headed the first high latitude expedition on the Sadko and discovered a new island between Franz Joseph Land and Severnaya Zemlya now known as Ushakova Island. His various other activities are also briefly mentioned. DLC. 88887. KREMER, B. A. "Otkrytie" severnogo polasa i Robert Piri. (Letopis' Severa 1962, no. 3, p. 276-78.) In Russian. Title tr.: "Discovery" of the North Pole and Robert Peary. Reviews Peary's expeditions, some earlier ones, new methods of reaching the North Pole by air and submarine. DLC. KREMNEVA, V. M., see No. 84744. 88888. KREMS, A. IA., and N. D. MATVIEVSKACA. Geologicheskafa effektivnost' geofizicheskikh rabot v Timano-PechorskoI provinaii pri podgotovke struktur k poiskovomu burenn na neft' i gaz. (Neftegazovara geologia i geofizika 1963, no. 4, p. 52-57, graphs, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Geologic effectiveness of the geophysical work in the Timan-Pechora province preparing structures for oil and gas prospecting drilling. Reports on geophysical methods used during 1956-1962. In the seismic survey using reflection technique as the most applicable, some 15,000 linear km of profiling was carried out. The Ukhta geological survey prepared 32 uplifts for prospecting drilling, 28 of them by seismic survey. Electric, gravimetric and a combination of methods were also used. Results confirm the value of geophysical, especially seismic, DLC. methods.
88889. KREMS, A. IA. Istori1 sozdaniffi, neftfanykh shakht na Ukhte. (Izvestii . vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenil. Neft' i gaz 1964, no. 9, p. 76, +, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: History of the creation of oil wells at Ukhta. Reviews oil exploitation in this region of Komi ASSR; the oil field was discovered in 1932, and oil obtained in 1939. The extraction is done in underground galleries as at This method, Pechelbronn in Alsace. briefly characterized, is found suitable. DLC. 88890. KREMS, A. IA. Iz istorii razvitill neftfanol i gazovol promyshlennosti na Ukhte. (Geologin, nefti i gaza 1964. v. 8, no. 9, p. 55-56, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: From the history of the oil and gas industry development in the Ukhta region. Traces development of Ukhta oil from 1745 when the first attempt was made for oil, and a plant built. In Tsarist times prospecting was carried on for 47 years. In 1929 an expedition was organized and in 1930 first find of light oil was made near Ukhta. Subsequent oil and gas discoveries throughout the entire Timan-Pechora province are enumerated and the beginnings of the industry summarized. DLC.
1, p. 26-32, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: New gas-bearing regions of Timan-Pechora oil-gas-bearing province. Reviews tectonics and geologic structure of this province 600,000 km2 in area, of which 350,000 km2 are prospective for oil and gas. Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian deposits are described and their oil and gas prospects evaluated. The Izhma-Omra region is discussed and its Sed'-Iol', VoyVozh, Nibel', Nizhnyaya Omra, and other gas deposits are described. The new gasbearing regions are concentrated in the Upper Pechora depression. Three belts of promising structures are described, noting the prospecting work and results obtained. Other prospective regions are noted. DLC. 88893. KREMS, A. IA., and others. Ukhtinskafa neft'. (Neftfitnoe khozfaistvo 1964. v. 42, no. 9-10, p. 80-84, map, illus.) In Russian. Other authors: V. N. Mishakov, M. Sh. Modelevskil, A. A. Kirfnshkina and E. 11. &in. Title tr.: Ukhta oil. Reviews activities in the Ukhta oil area since 1870, noting discovery of the Chib'yu and the Yarega deposits in 1930 and 1932, and further discoveries at Omra Voyvozh, Tebuk, Pashnya, Savinobor, etc. Exploitation of the oil and gas deposits is summarized, as is the outlook for Komi oil and gas generally, and the processing plants. DLC.
88891. KREMS, A. IA., and others. Novye dannye o stroenii i neftegazonosnosti Timano-PechorskoI provinaii. (Geologiih nefti i gaza 1964. v. 8, no. 11, p. 1-7, 88894. KRENDELEV, F. P., and It. S. map.) In Russian. Other authors: N. D. ZHURAVLEV. Nekotorye novye dannye po Matvievskafa and M. Sh. Modelevskil. voprosu o genezise tillitov na severe EniTitle tr.: New data on the structure and setskogo krf'azha. (Geologia i geofizika the oil and gas resources of Timan-Pechora 1964, no. 4, p. 88-95, illus.) 17 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: province. Reports the 1959-1963 geologic and geo- Some new data on the problem of the physical investigations: deep drillings, elec- genesis of tillites in the northern Yenisey tric, seismic and gravity measurements. Ridge. Prospective areas include about a hundred Reports a 1961 study in the upper Vorostructures and anomalies. Geologic struc- govka basin and detection of tillite-seditures of Timan-Pechora province are briefly mentary rocks composed of cemented tills. outlined. Discoveries in the Zapadno- Transition of facies, cross bedding, and the Tebuk oil deposits and other deposits nearby presence of dolomite lenses are described, as are noted. In the eastern margin of the is the presence of glauconite in the cement of Pechora depression, a new productive oil the rocks. The genesis of Unites is explained region is reported containing several light as connected with estuarine deposits of oil deposits of which eight have been dis- temperate climate zones and subsequent covered. Prospects for discovery of new gas grouping of material by coastal fast ice. deposits are also very favorable. Plans for DLC. 1966-1970 prospecting are briefly sumDLC.. 88895. KRENDELEV, F. P. Zhil'nye marized. faaii brekchil diabazovykh porfiritov na 88892. KREMS, A. IA., and G. V. CHER- severe Enisehskogo krEizha. (Geologift i Novye gazonosnye ralony geofizika 1964, no. 2, p. 150-53, table, illus.) Timano-PechorskoT neftegazonosnol pro- 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Vein facies of (Geologia nefti i gaza severo- breccias of diabase porphyrites in the northvostoka evropelskol chasti SSSR 1964. no. ern Yenisey Ridge.
Describes displacement, and mineral and chemical composition of diabase porphyrites in the Vorogovka River basin of Krasnoyarsk Province. In structure, brecciated diabase porphyrites have similarities with dike facies of kimberlites. Search for kimberlites in the north of Yenisey Ridge is suggested. DLC. KRENKE, A. N., see Nos. 87576, 91737, 92778. KRETCHMER, N., see No. 92159. 88896. KRICHAGIN, V. I. Priemy i metody orientirovochnykh raschetov perenosimosti chelovekom vysokikh i nizkikh temperatur vneshnel sredy. (Voennomediainskil zhumal 1965, no. 10, p. 30-38, tables, illus.) 28 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ways and methods of guiding calculations concerning human tolerance of high and low ambient temperatures. Presents a theoretical analysis and formulation of internal and external factors contributing to comfort and (extremes of) tolerance. Body temperatures heat losses, work load and duration, clothing and ambient temperatures, etc are considered. DNLM. KRIEGER, A. D., see No. 88230. 88897. KRIIZO, V. E., and M. F. KOLESNICHENKO. Protivotuberkuleznafa rabota v Ordzhonikidzevskom ralone Ilkutskol ASSR. (Yakutsk. akutskil n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy . . . 1963, p. 36-38.) In Russian. Title tr.: Antituberculosis work in the Ordzhonikidzevskiy District, Yakut ASSR. Describes the Pokrovskil Sanatorium (100 beds), its staff, facilities, occupancy, etc and its 40 yr history. Its work in mass screening, vaccination, and its immediate aims. This sanatorium is the oldest TB institution in DNLM. Yakutia. KRINSLEY, D. B., see No. 84952. 88898. KRISS, A. E. Geograful morskikh mikroorganizmov. (Narsional'nyl komitet sovetslcikh geografov. Sovremennye problemy geografii, Moskva 1964, p. 219-24, tables.) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Geography of marine microorganisms. Reviews Russian microbiological investigations of 1954-1959 in the Pacific, Indian, Atlantic and Antarctic Oceans, and in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas. Soviet research has been carried on in all 686
geographic zones from the North Polo to the Antarctic. The high latitude regions have the lowest microbial (heterotrophic) population density. Some data are given. Many microorganisms with multiform enzymic activities are present in the nearpolar area, determining profound transformations of organic matter in these waters as compared with those of the Tropics. DLC. 88899. KRISS, A. E., and others. Mikrobnoe naselenie mirovogo okeana; vidovol sostav, geograficheskoe rasprostranenie. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 297 p. tables, maps, illus. Approx. 125 refs. In Russian. Other authors: L E. Mishustina, I. N. Migkevich and 2. V. ZemCsova. Title tr.: The microbial population of the seas; species composition, geographic distribution. Comprehensive study, including a relatively high number of samplings in the central Arctic and the Greenland Sea. Consecutive sections cover earlier studies and general distribution, list of species according to sources, microbiological collections in the open seas, tolerance of salinity and of laboratory conditions, etc. The account of species (p 87-248), gives their origin, morphology, behavior in cultures, reactions, etc. The distribution of microbes in the World Ocean at • different latitudes, their corresponding activity, etc are considered (p 249-90), and general conclusions drawn. DLC. 88900. KRISTIANSEN, K. Fotturistruter og hytter i Troms. (Norske turistforening. Arbok 1963, p. 192-96, map, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Foot tourist routes and huts in Troms. Summarizes various types of landscape and terrain. Several walking tours are described and mapped, accommodations and distances noted. DLC. 88901. KRISTOFFERSSON, R., and A. SOIVIO. Studies on the periodicity of hibernation in the hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus L., 1; a comparison of induced hypothermia in constant ambient temperature of 4.5 and 10° C. (Annales zoologici Fennici 1964. v. 1, no. 4, p. 370-72, tables, graphs.) 5 refs. Account of experiments, indicating that an ambient temperature of 10° C was sufficient to produce deep hypothermia. At this temperature, 31% of the time was spent in hypothermia; at 4.5° C, 81% of the time. The less time the animals spent in hypOthermia (hibernating) the greater was their weight loss. DLC.
88902. KRIT-SUK, L. N. Temperatura gornykh porod Eniselskogo krfizha. (Merzlotnye issledovanifil 1964. no. 4, p. 31526, tables.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Temperature of the rocks of the Yenisey Ridge. Reports own temperature measurements in 1960. Geologic structure, hydrogeologic conditions and climate of the Yenisey Ridge are summarized. Temperatures as measured in bore holes of 2.5-3.0 to 10-12 m, and in some cases to 190 m depth are tabulated and interpreted. Seasonal variations are noted to 15-20 m depth. Character of the vegetation cover, composition and moisture of the deposits, and type of relief are stated. Effects of forests and agriculture are also noted. DLC.
88903. KRFfSUK, L. N. Vlig.nie litologicheskogo sostava i vlazhnosti na formirovanie temperaturnogo rezhima gruntov. (Merzlotnye issledovanifa 1964. no. 4, p. 68-80, table, graphs.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effects of lithological composition and moisture on the temperature regime of the ground. Considers the thermophysical properties of frozen and of thawed ground and finds they differ. Therefore, an equality of the heat inflow and outflow through the freeze; thaw layer can be established only when a mean annual difference is established between the temperatures at the bottom and the surface of the layer. This temperature shift is evaluated in terms of intensity of variation of the ground's thermophysical properties that can reach 3° C. Such a temperature shift is conducive to the formation of intergelisols, and lenses in perma, frost, even when the annual mean surface temp of the ground is positive. Ground temp regime of active layers at Igarka and Yakutsk showing temp shifts of 1.2 and 1.1° C respectively is tabulated. Heat capacity of the ground at these two locations is calculated from the tabular data, and the effects of upper boundary conditions, lithological composition and moisture degree on the temp shift are discussed. DLC.
KRIfSUK, L. N., sec also No. 92508. 88904. KRfUCHKOV, V. V. Faktory opredelfilashchie verkhnie predely rastitel'nykh polasov v Khibinskikh gorakh. (Moskva. TJniv. Khibinskafit geograficheskald, stan£ZA. Trudy 1960, no. 1, p. 174214, tables, graphs.) 46 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Factors determining the upper limits of plant belts in the .Khibiny Mts.
Reports summer 1954-1957 observations in the Mt Yukspor area at 370-904 m above sea level. Data are presented on the effects of air and soil temperature, humidity, wind, solar radiation, frost weathering and mud streams on the slopes, and of snow avalanches upon the vertical limit of spruce and birch, also that of other plants, V accinium uliginosurn, V. myrtillus, V. rids idea, Ladurn palustre, Geranium silvalicum, etc. The limit of Betula tortuosa is at 300-600 ra. The warming of the climate in this region and the delayed advance of vegetation up DLC. the slopes is noted.
88905. KRIUCHKOV, V. V. Pochvennye issledovanifh pri izuchenii lavinoopasnykh zon. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1965. v. 20, ser. 5: geog. no. 1, p. 62-64, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Soil investigation through study of avalanche-hazard zones. Notes some geomorphic, botanical signs of snow slides in the Khibiny, also their effects on soils. Such avalanches transport a great amount of unconsolidated material which disrupts the soils and their formation. DLC. KRITIKOV, S. M., see Nos. 89276, 89277, 92832. 88906. KRIVOBOK, M. N., and 0. I. TARKOVSKAIA. Khimicheskala kharakteristika zheltoperol kambaly, treski i mintalA fugo-vostochnol chasti Beringova morfa. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. v. 49, p. 257-72, tables, graphs.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Chemical characteristics of yellow-fin sole, cod and walleye pollock from the southeastern part of the Bering Sea. Reports on the chemical analysis of fish of identical sex and size, caught during March-May 1959. Locality of catch, its age and size composition, maturity, etc are noted. Water, fat and glycogen content of whole fish and livers are determined as well as relative weights of the main organs, DLC. gonads, liver, bones, meat, etc.
88907. KRIVOLUfSKIT, D. A. Novye vidy panCsirnykh kleshchel, Acariformes, Oribatei, iz taezhnol zony SSSR. (Entomologicheskoe obozrenie 1965. v. 44, no. 3,. p. 705-708, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: New species of oribatid mites, Acariformes, Oribatei, from the taiga zone of the USSR. Reports on collections from several different areas, including such in Arkhangel'sk and Murmansk Provinces. Three species of
these mites are described, two of them new. Occurrence and ecotopes are noted. DLC. 88908. KRIVORUCHKO, 0. N. Problemy kompleksnogo razvitifi khozfalstva i mezhralonnykh svfazel Kamchatki. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1965. v. 20, ser. 5: geog. no. 6, p. 34-39.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of general development of the economy and inter-regional ties in Kamchatka. Discusses the economy of Kamchatka as outstanding in fisheries, which are briefly characterized, but underdeveloped in other branches such as electric energy, timber, fur trapping, coal and peat production, and transportation. Some suggestions are given. DLC. KRIVOSHAPKIN, P. A., see Nos. 89048, 89050. 88909. KRIVOSHEEV, V. G. Biofaunisticheskie materialy po melkim mlekopitafashchim talgi KolymskoT nizmennosti. (In: Akaclemifil nauk SSSR. fAkutskil filial. Inst. biol. Issledovanifit po ekologii . . 1964, p. 175-236, tables, graphs, illus.) Approx. 55 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bio-faunistic materials of small mammals in the taiga of the Kolyma lowlands. Outlines the physiography and environmental conditions of the middle and lower Kolyma valley, and reports on 12 mice, lemmings and voles. Occurrence and habitats, size, weight, craniology, maturity, age composition, food, etc are discussed. The role of these mammals in the diet of the furry predators of this area is also considered. DLC. 88910. KRIVOSHEEV, V. G. Materials on winter ecology of red voles (Clethrionomys rutilus jo.cutensis Vinogr.) in central Yakutia. 10 1. English translation of No 73146 by Wm 0. Pruitt, Jr. CaMAL 88911. KRIVfOV, A. I. Novye dannye o mezozolskikh boksitakh Urala. (Litologifit i poleznye iskopaemye 1965, no. 4, p. 13852, tables, graph, profile.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on Mesozoic bauxites of the Ural. Reports a study in both Southern and Northern Urals. The Volchansk and Bogoslovskiy depressions of the latter are described, as is pre-Jurassic crust weathering, a precondition of bauxite occurrence. Chemical composition and other properties of the bauxites are analyzed. DLC. 88912. KROGH, K. Fredning av et omrade i Ovre Pasvik. (Norsk° turistforening. Arbok 1963, p. 92-98, illus.) In
Norwegian. Title tr.: Preservation of an area in Upper Pasvik. Describes the changes in this northeastern borderland valley of Norway. A lumbering region 1900-1930 with settlement increasing till 1940, it became a war front and evacuation region. In the post-war period it adjoins Soviet territory. Its power development and industrial construction are noted, as are the bird life, primeval forest and landscapes in the upper valley. Accessibility for lumbering and other uses is now improved. The greatest possible area should be made a natural park. DLC. 88913. KROGH, K. J. Thjodhildes kirke pa Brattahlid. (Nationalmuseets arbejdsmark 1963-65, p. 5-18, map, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: Thjodhilde's church at Brattahlid.* Describes the 1962 and 1964 excavations at K'agssiarssuk, West Greenland, and the 2 x 3 x .5 m turf, wood and stone building found. It is presumed to be the first church of the Norse settlement. From 150 graves in the surrounding churchyard, skeletal remains of 96 individuals showed average height of the men 174 cm, women 166 cm. DLC. 88914. KROKHIN, E. M. Reki Kamchatki i ikh znachenie v vosproizvodstve lososel. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 17-24, map.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The rivers of Kamchatka and their importance for salmon culture. Characterizes the orography of the Kamchatka Peninsula. River net, morphology of the basins and annual course of precipitation, are described, as are the feeding of the rivers by ground water, water temperature and other features. According to the geologic-geomorphic structure of the river basins, the climatic and hydrologic characteristics of five river regions are distinguished, viz: the northeastern, southeastern, Kamchatka River basin, southwestern and northwestern. Certain streams are noted as favorable for salmon culture. DLC. KROPOTOVA, 0. I., see No. 92774. 88915. KROTOV, V. A. t konomicheska& geografifa' VostochnoT Sibiri v de!stvii. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geografii Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doklady 1965. no. 9, p. 32-37.) 35 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Activities in the economic geography of Eastern Siberia. Reviews work of the various institutions *English translation in Danish Foreign Office journal 1955, no. 54. p. 24-30.
and scientists active in this field in Yakutia, Magadan Province, the Kolyma and Indigirka regions. DLC. 88916. KROTOV, V. A. Ekonomikogeograficheskie problemy Vostochnol Sibiri. (Sibirskil geograficheskil sbornik 1965. no. 4, p. 6-41.) 50 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Economic geography problems of Eastern Siberia. Outlines the place of Eastern Siberia in the economic zoning system of the USSR, of which it represents one third of the area. Its economic-geographic features and factors in the, development of its productive forces are characterized. Its place and specialization in the national economy discussed. Utilization of natural resources such as waterpower, forests, coal, minerals is outlined. Distribution of its productive powers is described. Transportation problems are considered, and distribution of industry dismissed. The main regions of Eastern Siberia are analyzed. DLC. 88917. KROTOV, V. A. Geografiche.skie aspekty industrializaaii Sibiri. (NaaionaPnyl komitet sovetskikh geografov. Sovremennye problemy geografti, Moskva 1964, p. 99-104.) 9 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Geographic aspects of the industrialization of Siberia. Reviews the development of industry in this wide region, including the partial solution of transport problems along the Northern Sea Route and the great river systems of the interior, the Ob, Yenisey, Lena, etc. The reindeer and fishing industries are dealt with, as are lumbering, mining and their subsidiary industries around Noril'sk and Igarka. The exploitation of placers and diamonds is also briefly DLC. noted. 88918. KROTOV, V. M. Opyt ustrolstva svalnykh fundamentov v fAkutske. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanifa, . . . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 2, p. 217-21.) In Russian. Title tr.: Experience in building pile foundations at Yakutsk. Discusses various methods used, foundations built with the permafrost substrate thawed by steam, and a 24-unit apartment building on piles 30 x 30 and 50 x 50 cm cross-section. Suggestions for foundation design for a 32-unit building are given. Pile foundations on ground ice are considered. Building standards pub in SN 91-60 official instructions are analyzed, and their safety margins found excessive. In RSN 14-62 safety margins are substantially reduced. CaON A .
88919. KRUGLIKOV, N. M. Gidrogeologifa severo-zapadnogo borta Zapadno-Sibirskogo artezianskogo basselna. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nedra 1964. 166 p. tables, maps, profiles. (Leningrad. Vses. neftffinoT n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyl inst. Trudy no. 238.) Approx. 75 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrogeology of the northwestern flange of the West Siberian artesian basin. Describes the hydrogeologic conditions of Mesozoic deposits of the Berezovo region of Tyumen as studied during 1954-1960, with main attention given to 143 wells. Results of 350 water and 288 gas analyses are outlined. Geologic structure of the region, oil and gas manifestations, hydrogeology of the Mesozoic deposits and other features are described. The ground water formation is Hydrogeologic and hydroanalyzed. chemical appraisal is given for further study of the gas deposits. DLC. KRUGLIKOV, N. M., see also No. 90158. 88920. KRUPIT-SA, K., and others. Na prostorakh Kralnego Severa. (Ekonomika stroitel'stva 1965, no. 6, p. 34-37.) In Russian. Other authors: V. Ozhiganov and E. Peryshkin. Title tr.: Open spaces of the Far North. Discusses the wealth in mineral deposits of the far Northeast, the scarcity of building materials there, certain economic unification suggested in the production and distribution DLC. of essential industrial goods. 88921. KRUPIT-gA, K. Plavuchie stroitel'nye kombinaty. (Na strolkakh Rossii 1964. v. 5, no. 2, p. 26.) In Russian. Title tr.: Floating building combines. Proposes building materials production on mobile plants on the rivers of Krasnoyarskiy Kray and adjacent regions. In these regions towns are, or planned to be on the bank of a river, therefore such building combines could serve an extensive area. Their production capacity is arranged for varied quantity and kind, and they could supply structural materials to large and small projects. The combines would consist of workshops, power station, dwellings, and recreation and public buildings. These plants on barges could be brought during high-water in spring, to project sites usually inaccessible to navigation. Starting production immediately, they eliminate the need for temporary quarters, later dismantled and removed. This plan would shorten construction time from several successive years to a few months or weeks, and it would maintain 689
specialized technical personnel at hand to supervise production and guide the construction. DLC. KRUPIT—SA, K. K. Problemy povyshenifd ekonomicheskol effektivnosti stroitel'stva na Kralnem Severe. (Problemy Severa 1985. no. 9, p. 107-112.) In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of increasing the economic effectiveness of construction in the Far North. Severe climate, permafrost, lack of transportation and sparse population double or triple construction costs in the Far North. The increasing demand for construction in the main industrial centers, Murmansk, Vorkuta, Norilsk, Yakutsk, Mag adan, and in many other smaller centers pose the problem of reducing this construction to practicable investment. Only large communities require local subsidiary and maintenance industry to be developed, author claims. For the smaller settlements construction can be limited to what is essential for utilizing specific sources of minerals or fuel. Need of cautious planning is flirts by construction cost data for large northern cities. A great fire in Igarka, which destroyed a major part of the residential area, and a planning error at Mirnyy, which necessitated relocation of the settlement, DLC. are noted.
KRUPMA, K. K., and B. V. MURAV'EV. Problemy stroitel'stva na Kralnem Severa. (Problemy Severa 1964, no. 10, p. 6-20.) Refs. In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Problems of construction in the Far North. Notes the problems of planning and building entire settlements in the North, and mistakes made in the planning of Anadyr', Mirnyy (started in 1957), also Noril'sk, Yakutsk and Magadan, considerable parts of which still have no sewage lines or running water. The main factors to be considered in town planning are severe climate, permafrost, strong wind and snow drifts, the economy based on mineral resources, and the relative smallness and great distances of settlements from each other. Soviet research organizations dealing with these problems are noted and some recent publications about construction in the North are listed. CaMAI, DLC. 88924. KRUPIfSA, K. K. Sovremennoe sostocinie teorii i .praktiki stroitel'stva na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh. (In: Soveshchanic-seminar po obmenu opytom proek-
tirovaniffi ... 1962 pub. 1963. v. 1, p. 9-32.) In Russian. Title tr.: Present status of the theory and practice of construction on permafrost ground. Reviews construction and investment in Ukhta, Pechora, Noril'sk, Igarka and other regions. Climate, the planning and development of settlements, are discussed as are types of domestic, public and industrial buildings. Safety measures in construction, heating, and the installation of foundations, heating, water, and sewage lines are dealt with. Road, railroad and hydraulic engineering, the organizational and economic aspects of construction, etc are briefly described. CaONA.
KRUPODER, A. S. Sdvigi v infiairovannosti i porazhennosti tuberkulezom detel Severo-Evenskogo i Omsukchanskogo ralonov Magadanskol oblasti. (Yakutsk. akutskil n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy . 1963, p. 76-77.) In Russian. Title tr.: Changes in infectivity and incidence of tuberculosis among children of the North Eveny, and Omsukchan Districts of Magadan Province. Notes the geography and climate of the area, anti-TB work since 1957-58, work among children since 1959, results. DNLM. 88926. KRUPPERT, H. H. B., and M. P. D. MEIJERING. Die Beziehungen zwischen Temperatur and Hell-DunkelFarbwechsel bei der Scholle, Pleuronectes platessa L. (Zoologischer Anzeiger 1963. v. 170, no. 1-2, p. 55-61, graphs.) 14 refs. In German. Title tr.: Relationship between temperature and light-dark,coloration in the flounder Pleuronectes platessa L. Reports on laboratory and field observations. The change to dark coloration was found to be influenced by temperature and may be controlled by the parasympatheticnerve system; the change to light color is temperature-independent and controlled by the'sympathetic nerves. DLC. KRUZENSHTERN, P. I., see No. 88489.
88927. KRYLOV, A. a., and ft. I. SILIN.
Primenenie argonovogo metoda opredeleniffi vozrasta v morskol geologii i paleogeografii. (Akadernifil nauk SSSR. Inst. geokhimii i analiticheskol khimii. Khimifa zemnol kory, Moskva 1963. v. 1, p. 390-400, tables, maps.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of the argon method of age determination in marine geology and paleogeography. Discusses the preservation of Ar in the smallest particles of mica and feldspar and
its utilization. Determination of absolute age is given for oceanic silts including such of the Arctic Ocean and the Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi Seas. DLC. KRYLOV, A. Ia., see also No. 88859. KRYLOV, A. V., see No. 88800. 88928. KRYLOV, G. V., and V. N. GABEEV. Lesa Zapadnol Sibiri i puti povyshenia ikh produktivnosti. (Lesnoe khozfalstvo 1966. v. 18, no. 6, p. 2-7, map, tables.) In Russian. Title• tr.: The forests of Western Siberia and ways of increasing their productivity. Includes notes on the northern taiga subzone roughly from Khanty-Mansiysk north to Salekhard and the need for improving its forests for purposes of soil conservation as well as providing timber for • the local DLC. mining and fishing industries. KRYLOV, M. M., see No. 92827. KRYLOV, S. V., see No. 91038. 88929. KRYLOV, V. I. Opyt mechenifii morzhel v Chukotskom more. (Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskil n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okes.nografii. Izvestifil '1964. v. 55, p. 223-25, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Attempt to mark walruses in the Chukchi Sea. Describes the mark, the pole used for marking, and first experiments of marking walruses. This was done from a motorboat lowered from a sealer. DLC. 88930. KRYLOV, V. I. Pervoe mechenie tikhookeanskogo morzha. (Rybnoe khozfalstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 10, p. 24-25, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: First tagging of the Pacific walrus. Notes Canadian activities and tags used since 1954 off Iceland, and own, lighter and somewhat different ones, used since 1961 off Vrangel Island and the Anadyr estuary. Methods used by the author in tagging of 500 animals are described. DLC. KRYLOVA, M. D., see No. 92134. 88931. KRYMSKII, G. F., and others. 27-dnevnye varia63ii• intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luche!. (In: Alcademifn nauk SSSR. llkutskil filial. Inst. kosmofizicheskikh issl. i aeronomii. Geo- i geliofizicheakie . . . 1964, p. 37-41, tables, graphs.) 10 refs. , In Russian.. Other authors: A. I. Kuz'min and G. V. Shafer.
Title tr.: 27-day variations in cosmic ray intensity. Investigates changes in the characteristics of 27-day variations during 1958-1960, using records of the Yakutsk cosmic ray installations, the data corrected for barometric and temperature effects. A regular component of (28.8 ± 03) day period was found in 1958-1959 in the variations, and beginning with May 1959 two periods, 28.5 and 26.7 days, appeared. The spectrum of 27-day variations shows no noticeable change during 1958-1960. In a number of solar rotations the variation observed was disturbed by effective geomagnetic storms, and other factors, whose spectrum coincides with those of the spectrum of 27-day variations in cosmic ray intensity. CaMAI, DLC. 88932. KRYMSKII, G. F. 0 modeli mezhplanetnogo magnitnogo polEt. Akademifa nauk SSSR. akutskiT filial. Inst. kosmofizicheskikh issl. i aeronomii. Geo- i geliofizicheskie . . . 1964, p. 21-28, tables, graphs.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The model of Elliot's interplanetary magnetic field. Analyzes H. Elliot's attempt (d Philosophical magazine 1960, ser 8, v 5, p 601) to explain basic characteristics in cosmic ray variations by assuming a large-scale interplanetary magnetic field of a predominantly dipole character, containing irregularities. A model of such a field was construed by using variation in intensity of cosmic rays of moderate energies, e 5 (12 to —15) Bev, obtained at the Yakutsk cosmic ray station. Forbush effect, and the 27-day variation in cosmic ray intensity are discussed. Daily variations and their modulation are considered. An experiment of examining the model by the method of "crossed cosmic ray telescopes" is proposed. The Elliot hypothesis was found incapable of explaining the formation of a dipole interplanetary magnetic field. CaMAI, DLC. 88933. KRYMSKII, G. F. Prilozhenie modeli odnomernol diffuzii k rasprostranenifli solnechnykh kosmicheskikh (In: Vses. soveshchanie po kosmofizicheskomu napravlerin issl. kosmicheskikh luche 1962. Kosmicheskie luchi . . . 1965, p. 42-45, graphs.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Application of the model of unidimensional diffusion to solar cosmic ray propagation. Considers the process of elementary particles accelerated on the sun and emitted into space, and their diffusion through irregularities of the magnetic field. The problem is treated mathematically by corn-
paring the temporal intensity dependence of the cosmic ray neutron components of the 4 Apr 1960 event expected at Ft Churchill according to the model of isotropic diffusion in infinite space, with the model of unidimensional diffusion within a finite region. The satisfactory agreement between experimental and theoretical values of cosmic ray intensity versus time indicates that the diffusion region at Ft Churchill occurred mainly within the earth's orbit, and the diffusion was distinctly anisotropic. DLC. KRYMSKII, G. F., see also Nos. 86216, 89046, 89048, 89049, 89050, 89051, 89052, 89053, 89055, 91620, 91840. 88934. KRYMSKII, V. M. Stratigraficheskoe sootnoshenie igarskoI svity so strel'nogorskol i nizhnesukharikhinskimi effuzivami. (Akademia nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 164, no. 5, p. 1119-21, map, sections.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphic correlation of the Igarka series with Strel'nogorsk and the lower Sukharikha effusives. The Igarka series, Precambrian in age, and 1500 m thick, consists of two subseries, lower effusive and an upper tuffaceous. Stratigraphic correlation with Strel'nogorsk and lower Sukharikha, series is discussed and DLC. some new proposals offered. 88935. KRYNDIN, A. N., and G. N. ISAEVA. 0 "teplovol ineraii" okeana. (Meteorologifa i gidrologifa 1964, no. 11, p. 37-41, table, graphs.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Heat inertia of the ocean. Data obtained in 1948-1959 by scientific expeditions and commercial vessels in the North Atlantic are correlated and analyzed. Correlation coefficients indicating the stability of seasonal anomalies in the ocean are plotted for the regions of cold and warm currents: the East Greenland and Labrador Currents and the Gulf Stream. These two kinds of current are found to have different qualitative and quantitative characteristics; winter and summer temperature anomalies have greater stability in a region of warm currents; seasonal anomalies have much lower stability in a region of cold currents. Heat inertia of the water mass exhibits a one-year period with Jan and Aug maxima, July and Oct minima. Monthly anomalies of the one-year cycle reveal mutual dependence; the winter anomalies are more stable than the summer. Heat inertia of the water mass in a cold current region has a one-year cycle. DLC. 88936. KRYNDIN, A. N. Sezonnye i mezhgodovye izmenenifil, ledovitosti i polo-
zhenifa kromki l'da na dal'nevostochnykh morfakh v svfazi s osobennostfami atmosfernof airkulficii. (Moskva. Gos. okeanograficheskil inst. Trudy 1964. no. 71, p. 582, tables, graphs, maps.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Seasonal and annual changes of ice conditions and position of the ice edge in Far Eastern seas in connection with features of atmospheric circulation. Presents monthly mean of ice conditions and ice limit in the Japan, Okhotsk and Bering Seas calculated according to data collected by ships and planes during last 25-30 yr. Seasonal and annual changes of ice conditions and position of ice limit in these seas are outlined. Comparative characteristics of changes in these parameters are given for the entire Far East basin. Fluctuation of ice conditions is characterized in respect to the seasonal and annual changes of atmospheric circulation in the Far East and North Pacific. DLC. KR2ALI6, L., see No. 89882. KRZYWY, T., see No. 93010. 88937. KUC, M. Pokarm roalinny pardwy panocnej, Lagopus mucus hyperboreus Sundevall, na Spitsbergenie. (Ekologia polska 1961. ser. B, v. 7, no. 3, p. 237-40, illus.) In Polish. English summary. Title tr.: Plant food of the ptarmigan Lagopus mucus hyperboreus Sundevall on Spitsbergen. Study of summer food for birds on the northern shore of Hornsund: 13 seed plants and two mosses are utilized, their Latin names, parts eaten, and occurrence are stated. Occurrence of ptarmigan and food DLC. of young are also noted. Pervyl 88938. KUCHEPATOV, II). russkil morskol port. (Na rubezhe 1965. v. 26, no. 1, p. 106-110, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: First Russian sea port. Sketches the history of Arkhangel'sk, founded in 1584: trade, military events through World War II, current economic DLC. developments, etc. 88939. KUCHINA, E. S., and L. N. SOLOVKINA. Biologicheskie osnovy rybnogo khozfalstva na rekakh Pechore i Vychegde, v predelakh Koini ASSR. (In: Vses. soveshchanie po biologicheskim osnoyam rybnogo . .. 1961 pub. 1963, p. 174-80, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Biological basis of fisheries on the Pechora and Vychegda, within the limits of Komi ASSR. Discusses the length of these two rivers and number of their fish species, the main commercial species, and open seasons.
Catches, distribution, and biology in different sectors of the rivers are reported, and effects of projected river diversion disDLC. cussed. 88940. KUDERSKII, L. A. Sovremennoe sostofanie i puti razvitifa rybnogo khozfiffstva na vnutrennikh vodoemakh Karelii. (In: Vses. soveshchanie po biologicheskim osnovam rybnogo . . . 1961 pub. 1963, p. 111-18, tables.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Present condition and ways of developing the inland fisheries of Karelia. Discusses the great area (31,500 km') of these inland waters, catches of 12 leading species in 1955-1959, and average annual catches in the larger lakes during 1947-1959. Productivity per area in some lakes is reported. Possible catches are considered, and needed research in biology and technology is outlined. DLC. 88941. KUDLO, B. P. Novye dannye o strukture vodoobmena na razreze o. Medvezhil—mys Zfllldkap. (Materialy rybokhozfalstvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 2, p. 74-78, table, sections.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the structure of water exchange along the section BjOrnclya--SOrkaPP. Discusses the complex and highly variable conditions of water exchange on this section and its causes and elements. Stresses that warm water masses in the Norwegian Sea are not always of Atlantic origin. DLC. 88942. KUDLO, B. P., and T. A. ERSHTADT. 0 primenimosti dinamicheskogo metoda vychislenifa elementov morskikh techenil v Barenaevom more. (Moskva. Gos. okeanograficheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 86, p. 100-111, tables, graphs.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Applicability of the dynamic method in calculating the elements of currents in the Barents Sea. Presents some results in comparing current speeds calculated by the dynamic method with speeds actually measured. It appears that the dynamic method offers data on average water movement and its variability close to those observed. DLC.
Reports a 1962 study. Climate and geologic structure of the region is briefly reviewed. Ice wedges found in the lower floodplain, higher floodplain and first terrace above the floodplain are described in detail, noting composition of the enclosing rocks, mode of occurrence of ice wedges, their dimensions and other features. Conditions for their development are discussed; their genesis and types summarized. Effect of climatic changes upon the formation of ice wedges is considered. CaON-B, DLC. 88944. KUDRrASHOV, V. A. Novye vidy bokoplavov (Aniphipoda, Gammaridea) iz severnol chasti Okhotskogo morfa. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 44, no. 7, p. 1086-91, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: New species of shrimp, Amphipoda, Gammaridea, from the northern Okhotsk Sea. Describes: Acanthonotozoma monodentatum sp. n. and a subspecies of Protomedeia stephenseni from the west Kamchatka shelf. The species was found at 140-180 m depths on gravel ground with temperatures below DLC. 0° C. 88945. KUDRaSHOV, V. A. Novye vidy bokoplavov (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) iz vostochnoT chasti Okhotskogo morfa. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 44, no. 12, p. 1776-89, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: New species of shrimp, Amphipoda, Gammaridea, from the eastern part of the Okhotsk Sea. Describes in detail six new species of these crustaceans collected in 1938-1939 and 1958-1959 on the western shelf of Kamchatka. Depth, substrate, etc are also DLC. noted.
KUDO, S., see No. 90096.
88946. KUDRIASHOV, V. A. Novye vidy bokoplavov semelstva Lysianassidae (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) iz Okhotskogo morfa. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 44, no. 4, p. 513-20, illus.) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: New species of shrimp of fam. Lysianassidae (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) from the Okhotsk Sea. Describes four new species, two of them belonging to new genera. They are found in the northern part of the west Kamchatka shelf. Related forms are noted. DLC.
88943. KUDRaKOV, V. S. Poligonal'nozhiPnyI led v basselne r. Arnguerny, severnaia chast' Chukotskogo poluostrova. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geog . . . Podzemnyl led 1965, no. 1, p. 87-103, illus.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Polygonal ice wedges in the Amguema River basin, northern Chukchi Peninsula.
88947. KUDRIAVEV, N. F. Is opyta primenenifa dolgovremennykh avtonomnykh stanfill dlfa issledovaniCa morskikh techenil. (Okeanologira 1965. v. 5, no. 3, p. 534-41, table, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the use of long-term automatic stations for investigating marine currents.
Describes the 'construction of these stations and their use by the Arctic and Antarctic Institute expeditions at least since 1956. The stations with their automatic recorders are attached to anchored buoys. Their components are described in some detail noting techniques of their construction as used in 1956, 1957 and 1960. DLC. 88948. KUDRairnEV, N. F. Opyt vychislenifa neperiodicheskikh techenil v more po dannym beregovykh urovennykh nablfudenil. (Problemy Arktiki iAntarktiki 1964. no. 16, p. 83-87, tables.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Calculation of non-, periodic marine currents from data of coast-level observations. Assumes the validity of two analytical formulas based on experimental data on the close dynamic connection between wind and wind current of the sea. Because there is a close relationship between wind velocity and atmospheric pressure gradients, components of the atmospheric pressures recorded at coastal stations were utilized for calculation of non-periodic currents. Standard deviations and the coefficients of multiple correlation derived by using the data, indicate the applicability of the formulas. CaMAI, DLC. 88949. KUDRrAWFSEV, V. A. K 10-letifll kafedry merzlotovedenifit Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Merzlotnye issledovanifa 1964. no. 4, p. 3-6.) In Russian. Title tr.: Tenth anniversary of the chair for permafrost at Moscow State University. Describes activities of the permafrost department founded in May 1953. The scope of its 5.5 yr course of studies is described. To date some 85 specialists have been trained and are engaged in permafrost work. Mapping of permafrost, research methods and equipment are noted. Dissertations, published textbooks and papers are briefly summarized. DLC. 88950. . KUDRarnEV, V. A. K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii granata v kimberlitakh i oklogitakh. (In: Akademia flank SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geokhimii. Voprosy geokhimii izverzhennykh gornykh porod . . . Moskva 1965, p. 181-91, tables, illus.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Origin of garnet in kimberlites and eclogites. Reports study of the chemical composition of mineral associations with garnet in garnetbearing ultrabasic rocks and eclogites from the Obnazhennaya and Ruslovaya kimberlite pipes in western Yakutia. Content and behavior of garnet, its formation pro-
cess and conditions of crystallization are analyzed. DLC. 88951. KUDRaVf8EV, V. A. Metod priblizhennogo opredelenifft srednikh godovykh temperatur gruntov pri merzlotnol s"emke po edinovremennym izmereniffim temperatur gruntov v skvazhine. (Nauchnye doldady vysshel sbkoly. Geologo-geograficheskie nauki 1959, no. 1, p. 160-62, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: A method of approximate determination of the mean annual ground temperatures in permafrost survey, by simultaneous logging of ground temperatures in a borehole. Proposes a method based on the well known law of attenuation of temperature amplitude with depth. The attenuation equation is developed into the form 00.1 tsr exp— (ir/KT) V2, and a table of dependence of the depth, z, of the annual variation, of temperature upon the mean annual temperature, 4,, of the ground and its temperature conductivity coefficient, K, is prepared for the temperature variation, tv, of 0.5(?) to 15 values, and K values from 0.0009 to 0.121. The value of z can be found when K value and the logging temperature curve are given. (Note: the table has errors in symbol designation and value in the argument column.) DLC. 88952. KUDRaVtIEV, V. A., and V. G. MELAMED. 0 vlifanii vspashki i razrykhlenifa grunts rut glubinu promerzania. (Merzlotnye issledovania 1964. no. 4, p. 44-50, graph.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The effect of plowing and mellowing on the freezing depth of ground. Proposes a formula for determining the depth of seasonal freezing of ground, and its variation with time. The use of this formula in controlling freezing depth by plowing and mellowing is based on the 2-4 times lower thermal conductivity of ground so worked and its higher moisture content. In mellowed ground of 950-1200 kg/r' volume weight and 25% moisture, heat conductivity was found to be 0.4-0.7 kcal/m/lir? C. Dynamics of ground freezing under natural conditions and during the first and second winters in a plowed and mellowed state are DLC. shown in a diagram. 88953. KUDRIAVfEV, V. A., and V. G. MELAMED. Priblizhennyl metod opredeleniia dinarniki glubiny sezonnogo promerzania gruntov vo vremeni. (Merzlotnye issledovanifa 1964. no. 4, p. 56-62, table, graphs.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: An approximate method of determining the dynamics of seasonal freezing of ground in time.
Develops this method for use in connection with winter earth work for pipeline trenches, foundation pits, etc. It is based on calculation of the zero isopleth characteristic of the ground freezing regime from its beginning till it reaches max depth. This part of the zero isopleth has a nearly parabolic form which is determined by its four parameters: time of the beginning of freezing, value of max depth of seasonal freezing, time required to reach this max, and the curvature of this curve. Author gives a formula for the third parameter as a function of the average annual temp, amplitude of its variation on the surface of the ground, multiplied by half a year's time in hours. Results by this approx method showed only 5-10% difference from calculation by a Strela electronic computer; therefore, it is considered suitable for practical estimates of ground-freezing regimes. DLC. 88954. KUDRfAV'f8EV, V. A., and others. PriblizhennyY metod opredelenifa srednel godovol temperatury grunta s uchetom geotermicheskogo gradients po edinovremennomu izmerenifa temperatur v skvazhinakh pri merzlotnol s"emke. (Merzlotnye issledovania 1964. no. 4, p. 40-43, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Other authors: G. Z. Perl'shteln and N. N. Romanovakil. Title tr.: An approximate method of determination of the mean annual ground temperature, the geothermic gradient being considered, from a one-time measurement of temperatures in drillholes in the course of geocryological survey. Derives an improved formula for calculating the ground temp from measuring it but once. By the method of successive approximation, the formula gives a higher accuracy than the formulas in which the effect of geothermic gradient is not considered. The probable error at a geothermic gradient of 3° C/100 m may be reduced to a value below 0.5-0.6° C, which is not acceptable for determining the annual mean temp of permafrost at the southern limit of its distribution, where geothermic gradients in DLC. it may, be considerable. 88955. KUDRfAirfSEV, V. A., and V. G. MELAMED. Priblizhennyl metod podscheta godovykh teplooborotov cherez poverkhnost' pochvy a uchetom fazovykh porekhodov vody v gruntakh. (Merzlotnye issledovanifa 1964. no. 4, p. 63-67, table.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: An approximate method of estimating the yearly heat turnover through the surface of the ground with phase changes of its water taken into account.
Presents a simple method of calculating the thermal economy for ground of physical characteristics equal in its frozen and thawed state. Results are within 2% of computer calculations when temperature amplitudes and moisture are not too small. DLC. 88956. KUDRarnEV, V. A. Principles of geocryology (permafrost studies); part 1, general geocryology, chapter 8, temperature, thickness and discontinuity of permafrost. Ottawa 1965. 75 L (Canada. National Research Council. Technical translation 1187; also Translation 133 of its Division of Building Research. English translation of No 59467. CaMAI. 88957. HUDRaVfSEV, V. A. Raspredelenie niobifa v kimberlitakh fAkutii. (In: Akademila nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geokhimii. Geokhimia redkikh elementov ... Moskva 1964, p. 142-46, graphs, tables.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of niobium in kimberlites of Yakutia. Reports comparative investigation of Nb in the main varieties of local kimberlites. The two main groups of kimberlite rocks are noted as basaltic and breccia. Average Nb content is determined for the Mir, Malaya Botuobuya, Alakit, Ukukit and other regions. The important role of carbonitization and chloritization in niobium concenDLO. tration is pointed out. 88958. KUDRarfSEV, V. A., and V. G. MELAMED. Vlifanie vodozapolnennol kanavy na glubinu sezonnogo promerzanifa gruntov. (Merzlotnye issledovania 1964. no. 4, p. 51-55, graph.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effect of water-filled ditches on the seasonal freezing depth of ground. Proposes such ditches to prevent the ground beneath from deep freezing and enable an earlier spring start at earth work for conduits, pipelines, etc. A graph illus the dynamics of natural-ground freezing and that under a water-filled ditch 0.3 m deep. In a test of the two cases in the same locality, the former froze to 1.21 m depth, the latter to only .55 m. The proposed method increases considerably the working season in low temperature regions. DLC. KUDRarfSEV, V. A., see also No. 88056. KUDRartIEVA, L. A., see Nos. 92693, 92694. HUENTZEL, M. A., see No. 85598.
88959. KUJALA, V. Ivalojoen ja sen varsien kasvistosta. (Suomalainen eliiin- ja kasvitieteellinen seura Vanamo. Tiedonannot: Archivum 1961. v. 16, no. 2, p. 163-93, map.) 15 refs. In Finnish. German summary. Title tr.: The Ivalojoki and its flora. Describes in detail this river of northern Finland, flowing into Lake kali, with an introductory account of earlier work and of own study stations along its course. Its flora is reported in an annotated list of 312 species, the notes including occurrence, frequency, and habitat. The flora is discussed further according to its ecology, viz aquatic, shore and supralittoral forms. A comparison is also made of plants from the upper and lower course of the river. DLC. 88960. KUJANSUU, R. Nuorista siirroksista Lapissa, alustava tiedonanto. (Geologi 1964. v. 16, no. 3-4, p. 30-35, map, illus.) 12 refs. In Finnish. English summary. Title tr.: Recent faults in Lapland, preliminary report. Presents a summary discussion on photogeologic studies of six recent faults in northern Finland. Three are believed to be late glacial, three postglacial. The thickness of glacial till exposed in the faults exceeds the height of the fault scarps in some cases; hence it is unlikely that the fault lines represent preglacial fault scarps. One fault is traced for 40 km; max height is under 8 m. D GS. 88961. KUKHARENKO, A. A., and others. K geokhimii redkozemel'nykh elementov v shchelochno-ul'traosnovnykhporodakhKol'skogo poluostrova i Karelii. (Mineralogifil i geokhimica 1964. Sbornik state! no. 1, p. 211-36, tables, graphs.) Approx. 40 refs. In Russian. Other authors: E. N. Fafurina, P. P. akimova and S. S. flkovleva. Title tr.: Geochemistry of rare-earth elements in alkaline-ultrabasic rocks of Kola Peninsula and Karelia. Presents new data on the geochemistry of rare-earth elements in Caledonian alkaline-. ultrabasic rocks of Afrikanda, Kovdor, Vuoriyarvi and other massifs. Determination of Ce, La, Ho, Eu, Gd and others is reported. Behavior patterns of lanthanoids in formation of intrusions is discussed, with special attention to their behavior in the carbonatite process. DLC. 88962. KUKHARENKO, A. A., and L. P. MURAV'EVA. K geokhimii skandifil v shchelochnykh gabbroidakh Kare (Mineralogi1 i geokhimila 1964. Sbornik stater no. 1, p. 181-91, tables, graph.) 18 refs. In
Russian. Title tr.: On the geochemistry of scandium in alkaline gabbroids of Karelia. Reports investigation of the distribution patterns of scandium. The Yeletozerskiy massif was selected; it consists of Proterozoic alkaline-basic rocks and was formed in two main stages, several phases and subphases. Sc distribution throughout the Karelia—Kola Peninsula alkaline province is outlined. Average content of this element decreases the younger the magmatic -semplexes. Petrochemical specialization of the alkaline magma is noted. DLC. 88963. KUKHARENKO, A. A., and M. P. ORLOVA. Nekotorye voprosy petrologii nizhne- i srednepaleozolskogo kompleksa urtraosnovnykh i shchelochnykh massivov Kol'skogo poluostrova. (In: Vses. petrograficheskoe soveshchanie 1958. Magmatizm i svfaz' . . . 1960, p. 454-57.) In Russian. Title tr.: Petrology of the Lower and Middle Paleozoic complex of ultrabasic and alkaline massifs of Kola Peninsula. This Paleozoic complex includes ten massifs, Kovdor, Vuoriyarvi, etc, in three belts and confined to faults of latitudinal strike. Ultrabasic and ultra-alkaline series rocks are recognized. Mineralogic composition, petrochemical and geochemical features show them to have been formed from a single magma enriched by iron, calcium and titanium. Melilite, pyroxene-phlogopite, carbonatites, and other rocks are briefly characterized. DLC. 88964. KUKKONEN, I. Facts and speculations about the factors affecting the distribution of Anthracoidea scirpi as a parasite of Trichophorum caespitosum. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 32, p. 140-48, map.) 45 refs. Reviews the literature on both the parasite and the host and discusses the geographic distribution and habitats of both. It was found that while the host, a sedge, is present all over Finland, the distribution of the parasite is determined by northern and alpine climate and by the circumstance that their life cycles must overlap. CaMAI. 88965. KUKLIN, A. I., and V. P. BAKAKIN. Khranenie nefteproduktov v uslovilakh Kralnego Severa. (Neftfanoe khozfalstvo 1964. v. 42, no. 11, p. 49-54, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Storage of oil products in conditions of the Far North. Discusses storage facilities for liquid oil products and condensed gas and describes the construction and technological charac-
teristics of depositories built in permafrost rock and ice. Shaft and trench type depositories are distinguished. Selection of site, temperature of ground, storage of products, and other features are outlined. Such depositories are considered less expensive than storage tanks erected on the ground surface. DLC. KUKLIN, G. V., see Nos. 89480, 89481. 88966. KULACHKOVA, V. G. Gibel' ptenCsov obyknovennol gagi i prichiny ee vyzyvafffshchie. (Kandalakshskif gos. zapovednik. Trudy 1960. v. 3, p. 91-106, tables, illus.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Death of young eiders and its causes. Reports a study prompted by high mortality of young on the Kandalaksha Preserve which started in 1949 and continued 'during the summers of 1950-1957. Over 98% of the dead were birds under ten days old. Main cause of death was trematodes, especially Paramonostomum alvealum and Spelotrema pygmaeum. DLC. 88967. KULACHKOVA, V. G., and I. V. KOCHETOVA. Kharakternye osobennosti gel'mintofauny chafkovykh ptif Kandalakshskogo saliva. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Karel'skif filial. K prirodnol ochegovosti . 1964, p. 48-57, tables.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Peculiar characteristics of the gull helminth fauna in the Kandalaksha Bay. Reports study of 176 gulls belonging to three species: 17 trematodes, 9 cestodes, 10 nematodes and 2 acanthocephalans are recorded from the material and their degree of invasion in adult and young birds of the three species discussed and tabulated. This helminth fauna was found to be both qualitatively and quantitatively poor and not pathogenic. DLC. 88968. KULACHKOVA, V. G. Zarazhennost' vodoplavalfishchikh ptia Kandalakshskogo saliva sosarshchikami semelstva Microphallidae Travassos, 1920. (In: Akademifi nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. K prirodnoi ochagovosti ... 1964, p. 32-47, tables.) 37 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Degree of infection in waterfowl of the Kandalaksha Bay, with trematodes of fam. Microphallidae Travassos, 1920. Study of material collected at various seasons during 1953-1959. In the taxonomic part ten species are dealt with, their hosts, degrees of parasitizing and occurrence in other areas stated. The second, general part deals with intermediate hosts, degrees of invasion and their causes, age and season
of peak invasions, role of food in infection, etc. DLC. 88969. KULAGIN, V. I. 0 nauchnotekhnicheskom progresse i effektivnosti kapitalovlozhenif v uslovifakh priiskovogo stroitel'stva na Kralnem Severe. (Problemy Severe 1965. no. 9, p. 292-95.) In Russian. Title tr.: Scientific and technical progress and efficiency of capital investment in the mining areas of the Far North. Discusses domestic construction, that of other installations and maintenance shops for gold-mining areas of Magadan Province. Three types of construction are distinguished: facilities such as ports and transportation centers for use through decades, and dwellings with conveniences such as hot and cold running water; knock-down construction with prefabricated parts, for approx 10 yr use; and light field construction with improved tents for mining sites expected to last up to five yr. Construction planning and materials should be developed along these three lines. English translation available from National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada. CaMAI, DLC. 88970. KULAKOV, ft. N. Anomalii shiriny poTin i vozmozhnosti ikh ispazovanat dlfa izuchenifff napravlennosti i intensivnosti molodykh dvizhenif UstiEniseTskof vpadiny. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regionanala geologii no. 5, p. 195200.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Anomalies of floodplain width and possibilities of utilizing them in investigating the direction and intensity of recent movements in the Ust'-Yenisey depression. Reviews methods of determining the direction and intensity of tectonic movements in the Holocene from longitudinal river profiles. It is suggested that measurement of the width of the floodplain may also be pertinent in such studies, and this is demonstrated for the lower Yenisey valley. DLC. KULAKOV, ft. N., see also No. 88316. 88971. KULAKOVSKII, P. E. Zdravookhranenie akutskoT ASSR za 40 let sovetskol vlasti. (Zdravookhranenie Rossilskol Federaaii 1957. v. 1, no. 11, p. 1524, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Public health in Yakut ASSR during 40 years of the Soviet regime. Compares medical services of tsarist times with those of the Soviet period, with favorable comment however, on work of Russian political exiles in the 19-early 20th
centuries. Post-Civil War restoration of ruined facilities, construction of new hospitals since the 1920's, and post-World War II programs are described. Data are given on number of hospitals (182), maternity clinics, sanitaria, etc also physicians (773) and other medical personnel. The town of Yakutsk has 12 hospitals, three sanitaria, and a TB clinic. Progress in TB and epidemic control, pediatric and gynecological care is noted, as is the number of Yakuta in medical professions. DLC. 88972. KULESHOV, A. A. Ob ekspluataaii glubokikh rudospuskov na apatitovykh kar'erakh zapolfileet. (Leningrad. Gornyl inst. Zapiski 1964. v. 49, no. 1, p. 28-35, tables, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Utilizing deep ore chutes at apatite mines in polar regions. Presents a study of ore bridging in delivery and shaft chutes at Rasvumchorr-Tsirk and Tsentral'nyy mines in the central Khibiny massif. Their estimated ore production is 1.8 million tons and 12 million tons/yr respectively. The ore is caved in the mines under low temperatures to —36° C, and with snow admixed, it tends to plug the delivery chutes, through which it slides to shaft chutes of 5-6 in diem, and down to a gallery at about 600 m depth, for delivery to the ore-dressing plant. Investigations show that ore-bridges are formed when the ore contains grain fraction less than 0.25 mm in size. This ore-dust freezes together larger lumps of ore which form the plugs, especially when 10% or more snow is admixed to the ore. The bridged chute has to be blasted, e.g. about 1,200 chute blastings were made at Raavumchorr-Tsirk during Jan—Mar 1964. Ore-mining processes at these two mines are analyzed, and recommendations given for improvements. DLC. 88973. KULESHOV, A. A. Sovershenstvovanie sistem razrabotki na rudnikakh kombinata Apatit. (In: Akademig nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedeniilt. Teplovye i mekhanicheskie . . . 1965, p. 250-58, tables, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Improvement of systems of working ore mines of the Apatit combine. Describes apatite extraction at the Kirov mines with estimated max production of 16 million t/yr. Improvements during 19551962 are stated in some detail. Labor productivity in 1962 reached 15.3 tin:liner/ DLC. shift, and cost 1.32 rubles/ton ore. KULIK, I. L., see No. 86676. 88974. KULIKOV, I. 0., and others. Shakhty na Shpiabergene. Moskva, Nedra
1964. 110 p. map, tables, illus.' 24 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N. D. Gusev, B. A. Urfilninskil, and V. G. PtiCsyn. Title tr.: The mines on Spitsbergen. DescrThes the Russian coal mines of Barentsburg, Grumant, and Piramida: their stratigraphy and extent of the deposits, the mining technology, including timbering, roofing, cutting, dust and water control, etc. Production data are given: e.g. Barentsburg 700 t/day, Grumant 81,800 t in 1961 when it was shut down, Piramida 600 t/day in 1963. Introductory sketch of the geography, climate, flora, fauna and history of the islands is included and notes on Norwegian coal mining are appended. DLC. 88975. KULIKOV, M. ID. Novye dannye ob ikhtiofaune Komandorskikh ostrovov. (Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskit n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Izvestifit 1964. v. 55, p. 249-50.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the fish fauna of the Commander Islands. Records five species new to this area caught in 1963 on the continental shelf or slope. All except one are known from the eastern Pacific and the Bering Sea. DLC. 88976. KULIKOV, M. ID. PervyI sluchal obnaruzhenii malorotol dlinnoperot kambaly Errex zachirua Lock u aziatskogo poberezhia Beringova more.. (Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskil n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Izvestile: 1964. v. 55, p. 245.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: First record of the flounder Errex zachiris Lock on the Asian coast of the Bering Sea. Records capture, at 300 m depth, of one specimen 29.3 cm long, age 3+. This species is found in the eastern Pacific from Alaska to central California. DLC. KULIKOV, M. ft., see also No. 86930. 88977. KULIKOV, N. N. Ostatki mollfaskov v donnykh otlozheniilikh Karskogo morfit. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regionarnafa geologba no. 6, p. 108-123, table, map, sections.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Remains of molluscs in bottom sediments of the Kara Sea. Reports a study of molluscs, collected during 1958-1960: 47 species and subspecies are identified belonging to classes of Gastropoda, Scaphopoda and Bivalvia, the last the most widely distributed. According to the bottom morphology, hydrologic regime, and mollusc distribution, eight regions are distinguished in Kara Sea and
each is briefly characterized. The study indicates that in the postglacial period, distillation of Kara Sea water was higher than DLC. at present. . KULIKOV, V. V., see No. 92486. 88978. KULIKOVA, T. A. Lesosyr'evye resursy Severe na nuzhdy khimii. (Lesnoe khozigstvo 1964. v. 17, no. 9, p. 65-68, ' tables.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Forest resources of the North for the needs of chemistry. Wood from the European North, including Murmansk and Arkhangel'sk Provinces and Karelian and Komi ASSR, supply an expanding chemical industry especially cellulose-paper production. Data on the forested areas and their output are given and shortcomings of the wood industry noted. Only 12% of the 1962 cutting went into the chemical industry, but by 1970 it DLC. should be 70%. 88979. KULKA, J. P. Experimental injuries produced by prolonged exposure to cold air. (In: Symposia on arctic biology and medicine. Proceedings 1964, p. 13-49, tables, graphs, illus.) 15 refs. Study of rabbits with feet exposed to —25° C and mice kept individually at 3° C confirmed clinical observations that freezing may occur without producing extensive gangrene and that cold-induced gangrene may result without freezing. Phases of gangrene produced by freezing and by nonCaMAI. freezing cold are described. 88980. KULLING, 0. Oversikt Over norra Norrbottensfjallens kaledonberggrund. Stockholm 1964. 166 p. maps, tables, graphs, illus. (Sweden. Geologiska under-. sOkning. ser. Ba, no. 19.) 62 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Survey of Caledonian bedrock in northern Norrbotten mountains. Reports own field work from 1946. The bedrock above the Precambrian basement is divided into four large units: a sequence of autochthonous sediment (the Hyolithus series); and above it a thick pile of thrust rock subdivided into lower, middle and upper complexes. Stratigraphic data on each unit are given. Fold tectonics and linear structures are discussed and the geology of these mountains is considered in relation to adjacent areas of Caledonide DLC. rock in northern Scandinavia. KULMALA, A., see No. 92620. 88981. KUL'TURNO-PROSVETITEL'NAa RABOTA. Utki, korfakskil tanea. (Its: v. 24, 1963, no. 12, p. 47-51, illus.) In
Russian. Title tr.: Ducks, a Koryak dance. Describes a humorous song and dance of the Palana, Kamchatka folk art troupe. Costumes of the hunter and the 13 girls as wild ducks, choreography, melody, lyrics, DLC. etc are given. 88982. KUMAI, M. A study of ice fog and ice-fog nuclei at Fairbanks Alaska. Hanover, N. H. 1964-1965. 2 pt: 27, 14 p. map, graphs, tables, illus. (US Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 150.) 29 refs. Presents, in pt 1, results of condensation nuclei counts, identifications of nuclei in ice fog, supercooled fog, and ice crystals, also measurements of concentrations and liquidwater contents of ice-fog crystals as obtained in the Fairbanks area in Jan—Feb 1962. Temperature varied greatly during the period, and five forms of hydrometeors occurred, including a five-day and a two-day ice-fog period. Ice-fog conditions occurred at —37° C or lower only over Fairbanks city, Fairbanks International Airport, and Fort Wainwright; the crystals formed at about —40° C were mostly spherical and 2-1512 in diam, the others were larger hexagonal and columnar forms. Perhaps the spherical shapes were formed by the freezing of supercooled fog droplets, and became hexagonal by sublimation of water vapor. Sintering of the crystals was found even at —40° C. Ice-fog crystals, supercooled fog droplets, and ice crystals were collected on electron microscope grids, and after sublimation or evaporation, the residues were examined for nucleation. These nuclei were mainly small-diam combustion by-products, whereas clay mineral nuclei were found in such aerosol-limited places as the Greenland Inland Ice, upper Michigan, and Hokkaido. Pt 2, by Kumai and H. W. O'Brien deals with the meteorological conditions connected with the occurrence and persistence of ice fog, and describes a new type of cascade impactor used in studying ice-fog nucleation in the exhaust water vapor from a power-plant chimney and in automobile exhaust. The size relationship between icefog crystals and their nuclei is also considered. Results indicate that ice fog persists only over populated areas and only at temperatures of —40° C or below, although ice nucleation was observed at —20° C. At the latter temperature, the ice crystals grow fairly large with low concentration, permitting good visibility, whereas at —40° C the ice-fog crystals are smaller, with sufficiently high concentration to reduce visibility CaMAI. greatly.
KUMAI, M., see also No. 90376.
features, relief, and other natural components. DLC.
88983. KUNEL'SKII., L. E., and M. G. BEGIDZHANOV. Oplata i normirovanie truda v promyshlennosti. Moskva, Izd-vo Ekonomika 1965. 199 p. tables. In Russian. Title tr.: Wages and rates set for work in industry. Includes p 67-68 rates for hardship areas: the Far North 1.5 and the arctic islands double the standard, in areas equated with the Far North 1.3-1.4, in the European North and the Far East 1.2, etc. Rate differentials are geared to local consumer price indexes and special food, clothing, etc requirements, and are intended to attract and retain manpower in the areas. DLC.
88987. KUNIfSYN, L. F. Prirodnye ralony polfarnogo i pripolfarnogo Urala. (Zemlevedenie 1963. v. 6, p. 41-56, map.) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Natural regions of the Polar and Subpolar Ural. Presents a new zoning of the Urals based on literature data, study of maps and air photos and own field observations. Tundra, forest-tundra, and taiga zones are distinguished and characterized. Each zone is divided into three regions which are described in turn. DLC.
88984. KUNGURfSEV, A. A. Ralonirovanie SSSR po uslovifam snegobor'by na dorogakh. (Avtomobil'nye dorogi 1964. v. 27, no. 1, p. 15-16, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Division of the USSR according to conditions of snow protection on roads. Discusses solid precipitation and drift in different parts of the country. Twelve regions are recognized, five of them including arctic areas, viz arctic tundra in the snowfall of 2,000-3,000 m3/m class, Kola Peninsula tundras 800-1200 m2/m, forest tundra from the White Sea to Yakutia 450 maim, that of Yakut ASSR and Kamchatka in the 300 m3/m class. The survey was made to facilitate selection of methods, equipment, and fencing to protect roads from snow hazards in the diverse regions. DLC.
88988. KUPEfSKII, V. N. Led pri polozhitel'nol temperature vozdukha. (Prirode. 1965. v. 54, no. 6, p. 81-82.) In Russian. Title tr.: Ice under positive air temperature. Describes the nilas (thin sheets of dark ice on a calm sea) which formed in June— July 1964 along the east edge of fast ice between Dikson Island and Cape Isachenko in Yenisey Bay. It was a result of winds of 2-3 force on the Beaufort scale developing on the periphery of a northeast anticyclone moving east and a cloudless sky. Intense evaporation combined with lowered humidity caused a heat loss which produced ice despite the 1 to 5° C surface air temperatures. English translation by E. R. Hope available as: Canada. Defence Research Board. Translation T441R. DLC.
88985. KUNIfSKIL I. A. Sovremennoe sostofanie i puti razvitifa rybnykh portov. (Rybnoe khozfalstvo 1964. v. 40, no. 4, p. 34-37.) In Russian. Title tr.: The present condition and developmental trend of fishing ports. Discusses the growth of Russian oceanic fisheries as affecting the development of its fishing harbors including those of the Mittman and Kamchatka. Their capacity and turnover, mechanization, and rate of DLC. unloading. 88986. KUNWSYN, L. F. Opyt prirodnogo raTonirovanifti Kamchatki. (In: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. Prirodnye usloviia . . . 1963, p. 7-26, maps, illus.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Attempt at natural zoning of Kamchatka. Reviews previous zonings by others and presents own in maps at 1: a million scale. Kamchatka he divides into five large provinces, 16 districts and 48 smaller regions. This zoning, briefly characterized, is based on the vegetation, physical geographic
KUPE'f-SKIi, V. N., see also No. 86868. 88989. KUPIAS, R. On filamentous bluegreen algae of the brooks of Lapland. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 32, p. 236-49, graphs, maps, illus.) 35 refs. Presents a review of literature on these algae with a list of known species and their locations; and describes own collection of ten species made in 1960, 1962 in the area around the Kevo Subarctic Research Station in Utsjoki and around Sevettijarvi in Mari. Habitats, other occurrences and comparisons are included. No significant differences are found in the morphology of CaMAI. the algae from the two areas. 88990. KUPRIANOV, A. B. Issledovanie i osvoenie Kanadskogo Arkticheskogo arkhipelaga za poslednie 20 let. (Letopis' Severe. 1962, no. 3, p. 239-56, maps, illus.) 44 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Exploration and development in the Canadian Arctic archipelago in the last 20 years. Reviews work in this 1.3 million km2 area.
Its purpose, military and economic, and advanced facilities such as icebreakers, submarines, airplanes, helicopters, etc are stressed. The St. Rock 1940-42, Labrador 1954, and Ptarmigan flights are noted, as are their contributions to geology, glaciology, ice conditions, meteorology and geomagnetism. Weather stations, DEW line, and the main new settlements are mentioned. Based chiefly on publications in English. DLC. 88991. KUPRIIANOV, A. B. "Kompanlia Gudzonova zaliva" za pervye sto let svoego sushchestvovania.. (Letopis' Severe 1964. v. 4, p. 161-75, maps, illus.) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Hudson's Bay Company in the fast hundred years of its existence. Sketches the foundation of the company of "gentlemen adventurers" in London in 1670, and its activities until 1763: fur trade with natives, competition and hostilities with French colonists, construction of trading posts and forts; exploring expeditions of Henry Kelsey in 1689 and 16901693, James Knight in 1717 and 1719-1722, W. Moor in 1741, and of Moor, F. Smith and H. Ellis in 1746. Changes in company organization, etc. DLC. 88992. KUPRIGNOV, A. B. Ob organiza&ii izuchenifil territoril Severa za rubezhom. (Problemy Severe 1965. no. 9, p. 207-213.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Organization of the study of northern regions abroad. Notes the peculiar difficulties of arctic studies and a tendency to concentrate and centralize such work in the Canadian Arctic, Greenland and Alaska. New institutions engaging in this work and conferences on arctic problems are briefly discussed, as is the increasing use of aircraft in mapping and research.* CaMAI, DLC. 88993. KUPRIIINOV, A. B. Polairnye zhurnaly Anglii i SShA. (Letopis' Severa 1962, no. 3, p. 265-71.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Polar journals in England and USA. Reviews the Polar record issued since 1931 by the Scott Polar Research Institute in Cambridge, England, and Arctic issued since 1948 by the Arctic Institute of North America in Canada. Their size, frequency, outstanding contributors and some of the more interesting papers are noted, as are the fields of arctic and antarctic explorations mainly treated. DLC. •English translation available from National Re. search Council of Canada, Ottawa.
88994. KUPRICANOV, S. Kral romanticheskil. (Iskusstvo 1964. v. 27, no. 5, p. 23-25, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Romantic land. Describes a visit to Murmansk in 1963, with his drawings of city, port, fisheries DLC. combine, etc. 88995. KUPRHANOVA, Z. N. Istorikobytovye osnovy nenefilkogo eposa. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskil inst. Uchenye zapiski 1965. v. 269, p. 134-53.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Historical and social roots of the Nenets epos. Discusses the poetic devices used in Nenets Samoyed epic songs to depict a way of life of the recent past: the extended patriarchal family, concern for the kin group, wife purchase, etc. The songs revolve around reindeer raising in a harsh arctic environment. A stratification of social status appears in the esteem accorded the reindeer owner. Major heroes are herders; hunting and fishing are subsidiary or for those poor in reindeer; sea-mammal hunting is done by all alike. The richness and diversity of reindeer terminology used in the songs reflect the Nenets' long association with the husbandry and insight into the character and emotions of these animals. DLC. 88996. KUPRIIANOVA, Z. N. K kharakteristike neneakikh epicheskikh pesen fAraba. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskil inst. Uchenye zapiski 1965. v. 269, p. 12333.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Characteristics of the Nenets epic songs laraba. Analyzes the composition, thematic structure and style of narration of the so-called Qraba or lament, one of the two traditional Nenets Samoyed types of epic song. Its patriarchal slant and emphasis on domesticconjugal relations indicate a comparatively late origin. DLC. 88997. KURBATKIN, G. P. Ob izmenenifikh kineticheskol energii atmosfernykh dvizhenil. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Izvestia 1965. Fizika atmosfery i okeana v. 1, no. 12, p. 1260-69, maps.) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Changes in the kinetic energy of atmospheric motion. Examines the characteristics of kinetic energy in various parts of barie centers, using observed geopotential data from 4085° N. Individual changes due to the pressure forces and the differences between the kinetic energy of the geostrophic motion and that of the entire motion are evaluated and plotted. DLC.
KURBATKIN, G. P., see also No. 89681. 88998. KURBATSKIi, N. P. Bol'she vnimanifa okhrane lesov Sibiri of pozharov. (Lesnoe khozGalstvo 1964. v. 17, no. 4, p. 51-53.) In Russian. Title tr.: More attention to forest-fire control in Siberia. Pine and larch, the main trees of Siberian forests, are both easily inflammable and great areas of these forests damaged by the egger present an unusual fire hazard. The extent of the forested areas in Krasnoyarsk Province and Yakutia, the sparse population and lack of roads preclude effective fire control. Some recent improvements are noted, as are activities of the Forestry and Wood Institute's forest fire laboratory in Krasnoyarsk, headed by the author. DLC. 88999. KURBATSKIi, N. P. 0 lesnom pozhare v ralone tungusskogo padenifll. (Lesnoe khozfalstvo 1964. v. 17, no. 2, p. 59-61, map, illus.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Forest fire in the area of the Tunguska meteorite fall. Summary of earlier studies on fire at the site of the fall in 1908, together with own observations in 1961 of the rate at which fire spreads in the present conditions of the taiga. DLC. 89000. KURDUBOV, S. M. Opyt stroitel'stva fundamentov otaplivaemykh zdanll po metody III. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovani2 . . . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 2, p. 36-40.) In Russian. Title tr.: An experience in building foundations for heated buildings using method III. Discusses construction of brick and stone buildings on permafrost in Magadan Province, allowing for subsequent thawing of the ground (method HI) and cites cases of resulting building deformation in N. Seymchan, Iul'tin, and Magadan city. This method is not suitable for heated buildings in this area, method II should be used: preserving the ground in its frozen state, or piles should be inserted in pre-thawed ground. At Myaundzha piles were inserted into holes drilled in frozen gravel. CaONA. 89001. KURENCHANIN, V. K. Ventilfacsifi i bor'ba a py1113 v uslovitakh otriaatel'nykh temperatur. Akademitll nauk SSSR. Sibirokoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenia. Teplovye i mekhanicheskie 1965, p. 85-87.) In Russian. Title tr.: Ventilation and dust prevention under conditions of negative temperatures. Discusses the dust situation in coal 702
mines of the Noril'sk and Kayerkan deposits, and proposes water sprinkling at places where coal is transferred from one conveyor to another. In such areas the dust content in the air reaches 1779 mg/m', at scraper loading locations it is 624 mg/m3, and similarly elsewhere in the mines. Manual moistening of coal directly at the working face with a fire hose gives good results, but requires extra labor. Sprinklertrains at Kayerkan, Tsentral'naya and the Zapadnaya-coke mines moisten about 3.5 km of coal workings, reducing the dust but this also requires much extra labor. A chemical additive OP-7 tested at Tsentral'naya and Vostochnaya mines in May 1963 increased the effectiveness of the sprinkling, and dust content was reduced by four to ten times. A more economical water delivery (and the OP-7 dissolved in it) is needed. DLC. 89002. KURENKOV, I. I., and A. G. OSTROUMOV. Kamchatskafll rfitpushka. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1964. no. 2, p. 115.) In Russian. Title tr.: The Kamchatka whitefish. Reports a 1961 discovery of a whitefish in a floodplain lake in the Oblukovina River basin on the west coast of the Peninsula. It is differentiated from other forms and the name Coregonus sardinella camtschatica DLC. proposed. 89003. KURENKOV, I. I., and A. G. OSTROUMOV. Nakhozhdenie rfilpushki, Coregorms sardinella Val., na Kamchatke. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1965. v. 5, no. 3, p. 558-60, table.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Occurrence of the least herring Coregonus sardinella Val. on Kamchatka. Describes adult and young of this whitefish, caught in a lake of the Oblukovina River system in western Kamchatka. Morphometry and that of Yenisey speciDLC. mens are tabulated. 89004. KURENKOV, I. I. Ob odnol gidrokhimicheskol anomalii v basselne r. Kamchatki. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1963, no. 1, p. 59-62, tables, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: On a single hydrochemical anomaly in the Kamchatka River basin. Reports content of calcium and magnesium and their relation in waters of the Kamchatka River and some of its tributaries. In six streams flowing into Nerpich'ye Lake, the magnesium content is higher than the calcium. This anomaly is considered to present no hazard to the local fishery however. DLC.
89005. KURENKOV, I. I. Ozero Dvukh"fartochnoe. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1964. no. 2, p. 63-69, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Dynkhyurtochnoye Lake. Reports study of this lake in the foothills of Sredinnyy Range in Kamchatka. It is 12.6 km' in area and has a max depth of 25.6 m. Its dimensions, shores, bottom sediments, properties, and water temperature are described, as are the zooplankton, benthos and other features. Some other lakes of Kamchatka are similarly reported as well. DLC. 89006. KURENKOV, I. I. Zoogeografifil presnovodnykh ryb Kamchatki. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 25-34, tables, maps.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Zoogeography of Kamchatka's freshwater fishes. Reviews earlier work and lists 30 species of local fishes, including sea fish entering brackish waters. Their occurrence and distribution in the area, migrations, introduced forms, etc are discussed and zoogeographical zones of distribution outlined. DLC. KURENKOV, N. T., see No. 86612. 89007.. KURaCHIt, A. N. Metody stroitel'stva na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh v uslovifakh Magadanskol Oblast'. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanifa . . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 1, p. 58-71, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Methods of construction on permafrost under conditions of Magadan Province. Reviews specific local conditions such as climate, ground temperature, thickness and distribution of permafrost, etc. Methods used in construction are discussed in some detail: building upon frozen ground without any special preparation of it, artificially thawing it and possible use of gravel as insulation, preservation of its frozen state by natural or artificial ventilation, use of reinforced concrete piles to a considerable depth beneath the foundation. The various methods are compared and evaluated. Use of a sprinkling method to thaw the ground is also discussed. CaONA.
Reports biochemical investigation in the Amga valley and the Lena-Amga interfluve. Cobalt content in plants depends upon the species, and the place and phase of its growth. Greatest accumulation was found in plants growing in periodically flooded meadows. Average content in legumes was found to be 0.0110-0.0150 mg %; in grasses 0.0058 mg %. Cobalt salt additive was found indispensable in the feed of livestock in the Amga region. DLC. 89009. KURILOVA, L. M., and T. M. DMITRIEVA. Osobennosti funk@ionirovanifa kozhno-temperaturnogo analizatora pri delstvii svetovykh razdrazhenif na glaz i kozhu. (Bfalleten' eksperimentaPnoI biologii i mediainy 1965. v. 30, no. 10, p. 1115, graphs.) 22 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Functional characteristics of the skin-temperature analyzer during light stimulation of the eyes and skin. Reports 120 observations on six subjects. It was found that illumination of the skin is accompanied by a drop in the function of the cold receptors, while darkness activated them. This is considered an additional proof of earlier observations on the close functional nexus between the optic and skintemperature analyzers. DLC. 89010. KURKELA, E. Lapin maatilojen elinkelpoisuuteen vaikuttavista tekijoista. (Lapin tutkimusseura. Vuosikirja 1964. v. 5, p. 7-28, map, tables, illus.) In Finnish. English summary. Title tr.: Factors influencing the viability of farms in Lapland. Reports data collected by agricultural societies from records of farms in the region of the Arctic Circle in Finland. For an economic proposition, a farm should have 20 hectares of arable and 100 ha of forest. Statistical information is given in eight tables. CaMAL KURKOV, S. I., see also No. 92767. KURNISHKOVA, T. V., see No. 88695, KURNOSOVA, L. V., see No. 87314. KUROCHKA, E. S., see No. 88120.
KURaCHII, A. N., see also No. 90263. KUROCHKIN, A. N., see No. 85982. 89008. KURIL1i1K, T. T. Kobal't v lugovykh rastenifilich akutii. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. akutakil filial. Inst. biologii. Biokhimicheskie . 1964, p. 107117, tables, graphs.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cobalt in the meadow plants of Yakutia.
89011. KUROCHKIN, E. N., and N. N. SKOKOVA. MigyaGifa ptia v Kandalaksbskikh shkherakh osen'fa 1958 g. (Kandalakshskil gos. zapovednik. Trudy 1960. v. 3, p. 133-44, tablas, graphs.). 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bird migration
on the Kandalaksha skerries in the fall of 1958. Reports observations made at the tip of the bay, on 56 species, in all some 14,350 birds. Gulls, ducks, geese, etc are dealt with in turn. Dates and numbers of birds noted, size of flocks, hours of migration, DLC. etc are recorded. 89012. KUROCHRIN, E. N., and T. D. GERASIMOVA. Zimnie i rannevesennie nablf4denat nad morskimi pti&ami vblizi Murmanskogo poberezhifil. (Kandalaksbskil gos. zapovednik. Trudy 1960. v. 3, p. 195-98, tables.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Winter and early spring observations on sea birds near the Murmansk coast. Reports shipboard observations in 1957 and 1958: 20 species with 78 specimens caught. Location(s) and dates of observations, size of flocks, age of birds, plumage, and stomach contents of some are noted. DLC. 89013. KUROIWA, D. Icing and snow accretion on electric wires. Hanover, N.H. 1965. 10 p. graphs, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 123.) 5 refs. Reports a study with some applicability to arctic conditions: the data including growth rates and relations to meteorologic conditions, refer to icing and snow on electric CaMAI. wires and antennae. 89014. KUROIWA, D. Internal friction of H20, D,0 and natural glacier ice. Hanover, N.H. 1965. 45 p. graphs, table, illus. (U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 131.) 19 refs. Includes, in pt 3, measurements of the internal friction of glacier ice specimens from Antarctica, Greenland, and Le Conte Glacier on the west coast of Canada. The Greenland samples were obtained from an ice tunnel on the edge of the Inland Ice at Camp Tuto. Distinctively different internal friction curves were obtained for the specimens, the differences attributed to environmental conditions. Greenland glacier ice and ordinary ice grown from a melt exhibit similar relaxation curves. CaMAL 89015. KURSANOVA, I. A., and V. G. SAVCHENKO. Kratka& klimaticheskara kharakteristika Komandorskikh ostrovov. (Moskva. N.-issl. inst. aeroklimatologii. Trudy 1962. no. 17, p. 58-86, tables, graphs, maps.) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Summary of the climatic characteristics of the Commander Islands.
Reviews the literature, and outlines the radiation balance noting its seasonal and monthly distribution. Synoptic processes are briefly characterized. The climatic elements, such as wind, air temperature, water temperature, humidity, cloudiness, snow cover, etc are described in turn. The coldest month is Feb, the warmest Aug. The climate of Commanders is similar to that of Bering Sea and part of the Pacific. DLC. 89016. KURSANOVA, I. A., and V. N. VINOGRADOV. 0 grozakh na Kamchatke. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1964. no. 2, p. 116.) In Russian. Title tr.: On thunderstorms in Kamchatka. Notes that thunderstorms are rare in Kamchatka. Some that occurred in 1962 and 1963 in the Klyuchevskiy group of volcanoes, Lavrova and Korfa Bays are described. Wind, air temperature, and cloud conditions at the time are briefly characterized to clarify thunderstorm occurrences. DLC. 89017. KURSANOVA, I. A. Sil'nye vetry na Kamchatke. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1963. no. 1, p. 23-33, table, map, illus.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Strong winds in Kamchatka. Characterizes wind regime for 1949-1953 according to data of eight stations on the west coast and 12 stations on the east. Direction is analyzed for winds with 7 or greater force in the Beaufort scale. Frequency of various wind directions is reported for the entire year and for different areas of Kamchatka. Duration of storms and hurricanes is outlined. The strongest winds are connected with cyclonic activity. Anticyclones only rarely produce strong wind. DLC. 89018. KURSANOVA, I. A. Zamoroski na Kamchatke i sinopticheskie uslovife. ikh vozniknovenifa. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1964. no. 2, p. 30-45, tables, map.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Frosts in Kamchatka and synoptic conditions for their occurrence. Reports a study of June—Sept frost based on data of 16 stations in various regions of Kamchatka having observations from 19491960 for synoptic conditions of 1951-1960. The occurrence, intensity, distribution, and synoptic conditions of frosts are analyzed and numerous data presented. Their most frequent occurrence in June—Sept is in the central part of the Peninsula, in Faso, Mil'kovo, Kozyrevsk, Dolinovka, etc. They are rare on the southeast coast and
around Petropavlovsk and Ust'-Kamchatak. The most favorable synoptic conditions for frost are absence of cyclone, clear weather, DLC. little wind, etc. 89019. KURTEN, B. The evolution of the polar bear Urns maritimus Phipps. Helsinki 1964. 30 p. tables, graphs, illus. (Acta zoologica fennica 108.) 20 refs. Lists known fossil and subfossil material and describes new finds, including one of undoubted Pleistocene age, Urns maritimus tyrannus n ssp, which shows that the polar bear has decreased in size. Some of the maritimus dentition characteristics may be of rather recent origin. Biometric comparison of growth patterns in the skull appear to corroborate descent from the brown bear stock; U. maritimus branched off perhaps during the Middle Pleistocene. DLC. 89020. KURZ, H. The permeation of drugs across the so-called blood-brain-barrier at low temperature, (Experientia 1964. v. 20, no. 2, p. 96-97, graph, table.) 3 refs. German summary. Account of experiments on dogs with head perfused with 0° or 37° C isotonic salt solution to which aniline, phenazone, barbital or sulfosalicylic acid was added. The rate of permeation of these substances at normal and low temperature indicates that the lipoid character of the bloodbrain barrier does not require a normal DLC. function of the cells. KURZANOV, V., see No. 92055. 89021. KUSAKIN, 0. G. K faun Demosomatidae, Crustacea, Isopoda, Dal'nevostochnykh morel SSSR. (Issledovanifa fanny morel 1965. v. 3, p. 115-44, table, illus.) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the fauna of Desmosomatidae, Crustacea, Isopoda, of the Far Eastern seas of the USSR. Discusses the taxonomy, with key to genera, and describes in detail six species, all new, from the Okhotsk Sea, and one from the Sea of Japan. Several of the species form new genera. DLC. 89022. KUSHNAREVA, T. I., and others. K stratigrafii i tektonike fundamenta Mgozapadnogo Pritiman'ffl. (Akademia nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 162, no. 3, p. 632-35, profile, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V. S. Zhuravlev, V. P. Zarkh and A. A. Saar. Title tr.: Stratigraphy and tectonics of the basement of the southwestern Timan region.
Reports recently drilled wells data which. allow a more precise determination of the stratigraphy of the Riphean basement and the character of its occurrence. A geologic profile along southwestern Timan is drawn and basement rocks belonging to the Dzhezhimskaya, Deminskaya and Bystrinskaya series are characterized. The sedimentary cover is also briefly noted. DLC. KUSHNAREVA, T. I., see also No. 92358. 89023. KUSHNEV, A. P. Ra,Caionarnye konstruktsii zdanil i sooruzhenil iz opyta stroitel'stva v Noril'ske. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu . . . 1961. Sbornik trudov pub. 1962, p. 143-52.) In Russian. Title tr.: Efficient construction and planning of buildings based on experience in Noril'sk. Discusses problems of design in regions of different geocryological conditions. Details for building in the Far North, such as roofs, ceilings, walls, etc and properties of stone, concrete, reinforced concrete, and metal parts in extremely low temperatures are analyzed. DLC. KUSHNIR,ENKO, S. V., see No. 87240. 89024. KUSKOV, V. P. K voprosu izuchenift toponimii KanschatskoI oblasti. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 95-99.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigation of the toponymy of Kamchatka Province. Notes a commission set up for this work in 1964 by the Kamchatka Branch of the. Geographical Society. About 30 thousand names of villages, rivers, lakes, islands, etc are known, though no systematic study of them has been made hitherto. They fall into four groups: those of local native origin, those given by traveling Cossacks in the 17-18th century, names given to features by Bering and other expeditions, and those assigned by the Soviet Union. Some individual names are discussed.. DLC. 89025. KUSKOV, V. P., and I. I. LAGUNOV. Petropavlovsku-Kamchatskomu 225 let. (Voprosy geografli Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 3-10, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy 225 years old. Outlines the history and development of this town since 17 Oct 1740 when the, Strrata Petr and Sviatoi Pavel of Bering's expedition arrived to winter. Of great advantage to this remote settlement was the direct communication with Peterburg established in 1804.. By 1812 it was the main
port of the Far East and administrative center of Kamchatka. Its present status and facilities are described. DLC. 89026. KUSUNOKI, K. Hydrography of the Arctic Ocean with special reference to the Beaufort Sea. (Hokkaido Univ. Inst. of Low Temperature Science. Contribution 1962. Ser. A, no. 17, p. 1-74, maps, graphs, tables.) 48 refs. Surveys the oceanographic data on the Arctic Ocean, mainly material from Drifting Station B (T-3) 1959-1960, continuing the IGY program. T-3 drifted southwestward and westward across Beaufort Sea, grounded off Point Barrow in May 1960. Instruments and observational methods are noted; chlorinity values were determined by Knudsen's titration method, or by Mohr's method in freshwater samples. Analysis of data resulted in about ten conclusions, e.g.: three main water masses are identified: arctic surface water, Atlantic water, and arctic bottom water. The first has low chlorinity and near-freezing temperatures, the second relatively high chlorinity and temperatures above 0° C; the third has uniformly high chlorinity and minimum temperatures of —0.8° C at 2500 m on the Atlantic side and —0.4° C at 2000 m on the Pacific. Local and transient water masses suggest the penetration of Pacific water into the Arctic Ocean toward the North Pole, and indicate the presence of the large anticyclonic Beaufort eddy. From a literature survey, an estimated water balance of 6.11 x 10' ma/sec (193,000 km3/yr) is given, and an estimated heat balance of 450,000 x 10" kg cal/yr. Atlantic water provides about three-quarters of the water influx, and most of the outflow is through Denmark Strait. Ice formation and Atlantic water produce 88% of the heat source, and an equal amount is lost to the atmosphere. DGS. 89027. KUTASOV, I. M., and V. N. DEVaTK1N. Eksperimental'noe issledovanie termicheskogo rezhima neglubokol konvektiruffishcheI skvazhiny. (In: AkadeSSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. mifd merzlotovedenifa. Teplovye procsessy v 1964, p. 143-50, tables, merzlykh . . graphs.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Experimental investigation of the thermal regime of moderately deep drillholes with convection. Presents a yr observations of four drillholes to 20 m depth in loam and sandy frozen ground with a high temperature gradient. Measurements were made with garlands of mine MMT-4 type thermistors
distributed along the hole. The margin of error in measurement was 0.012-0.015° C. Observations in frozen ground of —2.0 to —2.5° C temperature range showed that variations in the temperature of the hole diminish considerably as the diameter of the hole diminishes and with the reduced convection parameter of the substance filling the hole, e.g. air, transformer oil, earth. DLC. 89028. KUTASOV, I. M. Narushenie temperaturnogo polfa mnogoletnemerzlykh gornykh porod pri burenii skvazhiny. (In: Akademifil nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifil. Teplovye prof essy v merzlykh . . . 1964, p. 117-30, tables, graphs.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Disturbance of the temperature field in permafrost in drillhole drilling. Presents a mathematical treatment of the thawing of permafrost by heat generated in the drilling process, taking into account phase change of water in the thaw circle around the drillhole. The problem is solved in two sections of a hydrointegrator for three types of permafrost, their thermo-physical properties given in a table. A formula gives the radius of thawing around the hole in terms of drilling time in hours. DLC. 89029. KUTASOV, I. M. Vosstanovlenie temperaturnogo polia mnogoletnemerzlykh gornykh porod posle burenifA. skvazhiny. (In: Akademifit nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otdie. Inst. merzlotovedenifi.. Teplovye proCsessy v merzlykh . . . 1964, p. 131-42, graphs.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Restoration of the temperature field in permafrost after drilling the drillhole. Continues the study reported above and establishes the time required for the thawed circle around a drillhole to freeze again. A formula is derived for the approx time required to bring the temperature of the surrounding permafrost to the drillhole. An example is calculated for a hole drilled under stipulated conditions, and the restoration time of 91,000 hr is arrived at with an accuracy of ± 0.02. DLC. 89030. KUTIKOVA, L. A. Kolovratki vodoemov Karelii. (In: Akademile, nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Inst. biologii. Fauna ozer . . . 1965, p. 52-70, illus.) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Rotifers of Karelian waters. Discusses the importance of these creatures in the zooplankton, and records 120 species. Their Karelian and worldwide distribution is noted. Earlier studies also are reviewed. DLC.
KUTSCHALE, IL, see No. 87958. 89031. KUTYREV, E. I. 0 trubchatykh mindalinakh v dance mikrodiabaza, Tungusskaa sinekliza Sibirakol platformy. (Vses. mineralogicheskoe o-vo. Zapiski 1965. v. 94, no. 4, p. 454-59, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: On tubular amygdules in the dike of microdiabase, Tungusskiy syneclise of the Siberian platform. Describes a Lower Triassic dike 2.5 m thick in the basin of the Ilimpeya, left tributary of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska. The amygdules consist of analcite, calcite, chalcedony and sometimes sodalite. Their formation mechanism is discussed. In a tubular form they are most frequent in effusive rocks, but may occur also in intrusive rocks. DLC. 89032. KUVAEV, V. B. Distribution pattern of the vegetation in western Verkhoyansk Mountain region. (Problems of botany, v. 5, p. 67-82, illus.) 16 refs. English translation of No 60032 by Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem 1965; TT64-11068; available from Clearinghouse FSTI, Springfield, Va. DLC. 89033. KUVAEV, V. B., and V. P. SAMARIN. Dobuny r. Amgi, ikh pochvy, rastitel'nost' i proiskhozhdenie. (Moskovskoe o-vo ispytateld prirody. Brulleten' 1964. otd. biol. v. 69, no. 3, p. 98-109, tables, sections.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The polygonal steppe on the Amga River, its soil, vegetation and origin. Describes the physiography, climate and common plants of this dry elevated landscape of the southern taiga subzone, characterized by microrelief and vegetation used for grazing. Its location on a left tributary of the Aldan at 62° N 134° E and structure of the polygons are outlined. Types of polygonal steppes and their vegetation are stated. Their soil, its structure and chemistry at different horizons are considered, as is the genesis of the polygons. DLC. 89034. KUVAEV, V. B. Olen'i pastbishcha i vozmozhnosti raaionaikh isporzovanita. (Problemy Severs 1964. no. 8, p. 280-89.) 10 refs. In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Reindeer pastures in the Verkhoyansk Range and possibilities of their efficient utilization. Distinguishes seven types of range in Tompon District, as calving, spring, early summer, summer, early fall, mating, and
winter. Vegetation and conditions peculiar to each are noted. They are not fully utilized. The causes are analyzed and correctives discussed. CaMAI, DLC. 89035. KUVAEV, V. B. Rezervy uluchshenia kormovol hazy v (Zhivotnovodstvo 1958, no. 5, p. 60-66, map, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Areas for the improvement of feed resources in Yakutia. Discusses local handicaps of cattle raising and describes its vegetative landscape, mainly taiga, where livestock are kept. The boundaries, areas and relief, soils and plant cover of these regions are stated. Duration of the growth period, precipitation, pastures, yields of hay and root feeds are considered, as are some ways of increasing the (low) yields. DLC.
89036. KUVSHINOVA, K. V., and I. FEL'DMAN. Prinaipy klimaticheskogo ralonirovanga Urala. (Geograficheskoe obshchestvo SSSR. Urarskil filial. Zapiski 1960. no. 1 (3), p. 37-48, table, graphs, maps.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Principles of climatic zoning of the Ural. Morphologic and genetic principles of climatic zoning are discussed. Characteristics of precipitation, temperature, cyclones and anticyclones in western and eastern slopes of the Northern, Middle and Southern Urals are delineated. The genetic principle is used in the climatic zoning of this region. DLC. 89037. KUVYKIN, S. I. Osvoenie novol neftegazovol provinisii Ti3menskol oblasti, vazhnelshafa', narodnokhozcalstvennail zadacha. (Neftfanoe khozfalstvo 1965. v. 43, no. 3, p: 40-46, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: Conquest of the new oil-gas province of the Tyumen region, a most important task for the national economy. Discusses the utilization of these 14 oil and 21 gas deposits. Their exploitation is beset with great difficulties due to marshy ground and inaccessible location. Construction of a platform on scaffolding from which drilling could be done is considered, as is drainage of the area. Attention is directed to Ust'-Balyk, Megion, and Shaim oil deposits where in 1964 trial exploitation started. These deposits are described in some detail, and development costs are estimated. DLC. 89038. KUZAKOV. K. G. NaGionarnye okruga Kralnego Severe SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo "Prosveshchenie" 1964. 143 p. maps, illus. In Russian. Title tr.: National Districts in the Far North of the USSR.
Of ten national districts established in 1930, seven are in the Far North: Nentsy, Yamal-Nentsy, Khanty-Mansi, Taymyr, Evenki, Chukchi, and Koryak National Districts. Their combined area is nearly four million km', km2 and their population 409,000 in Taymyr with 108,000 excluding inhabitants. Each district is described as to size, boundaries, natural conditions, climate, soils, flora, fauna, and economic conditions. Their fisheries, wood industry, agriculture are outlined, the latter including reindeer and livestock raising, fur farming, hunting. Transportation, population, education, health service, settlements, and developmerit prospects are dealt with. Progress achieved since 1930 by each district is DLC. stressed. KUZAKOV, K. G., see also No. 88823. 89039. KUZAKOV, P. K. 0 povyshenii urovna obobshchestvleni1 sredstv proizvodstva i truda v olenevodcheskikh kolkhozakh. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severe. Trudy 1963. v. 11, p. 13-18, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Raising the level of socialization of the means of production and labor in the reindeer collectives. During 1950-1958, the collective farms in Nenets National District grew larger. The number of workers more than doubled, reindeer increased 1.7 fold in number and 46% in meat production, milk increased fourfold, and the fish catch sevenfold. In further development many new types of production are expected, including hunting to become a branch of the collective, not private enterprise. In 1959, the Vyucheyskiy collective farm was worth 309.8 thousand rubles in reindeer, cattle and fur animals, machinery, transportation facilities, buildings, educational health and welfare facilities, etc. The need for local production of building materials is stressed. DNAL. 89040. KUZAKOV, P. K. Opyt i metodika perekhoda kolkhoza "Zara Talmyra" na denezhnufll oplatu truda. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severe. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 367-70.) In Russian. Title tr.: Experience and method of the Zarya Taymyra collective farm in changing to monetary remuneration of work. This collective, the largest in Taymyr National District, was the first (in 1961) to start paying workers in cash. The introduction of its system of wages is outlined with details on the bookkeeping. A rise in production and increase of income in 1961 DNAL. and 1962 are noted.
89041. KUZAKOV, P. K. Organizaahll vnutrikhozillistvennogo rascheta v kolkhozakh Kralnego Severe. (Noril'sk. N.-is.sl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severs. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 363-66.) In Russian. Title tr.: Organization of internal accounting in collective farms of the Far North. Outlines the system of calculating cost and income used since 1962 by the Zarya Taymyra collective in Taymyr National District.. Each reindeer-raising, fur-farming, dairying and fisheries team keeps account of its own production cost and income. This enables the teams of highest efficiency to retain the highest incomes. DNAL. 89042. KUZAKOVA, E. Shkoly-internaty v IAkutii. (Narodnoe obrazovanie 1965, no. 9, p. 19-20.) In Russian. Title tr.: Boarding schools of Yakutia. Describes the curriculum of the Tompo boarding school for children of Eveny (Lamut Tungus) hunters and reindeer herders. Their own language may be used instead of Russian for teaching through the second grade. Upper grades include vocational training and the students during vacations work in the kolkhoz for experience. Similar boarding schools for Eveny and Evenki Tungus are in Kyusyur, Chara, etc. DLC. 89043. KUZAKOVA, E. V shkolakh Zapolfdr'ill. (Narodnoe obrazovanie 1964, no. 9, p. 30-32, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Schools beyond the Arctic Circle. Describes the school system including shop work in the Taymyr National District. It has, excluding Noril'sk, 24 elementary and twelve secondary schools, also a sanatorium in Kureyka with 100 students. The schools at Dudinka, Dikson (for Russian children), Khatanga, and Levinskiy pesok, a Dolgan boarding school near Dudinka, are characterized. There are 26 boardi ng schools for Dolgans, Evenki Tungus, and Nganasan and Enets Samoyeds. Norilsk has over 30 schools. Special features of its new boarding school are noted. A four-page insert at p 48-49 shows children's drawings. DLC. 89044. KUZEMKINA, E. N. Nikelenosnafft kora vyvetrivanift na ul' trabazitakh KoPskogo massive, Sevemyl Ural. (Kora vyvetrivanifa 1965. no. 9, p. 56-78, tables, sections.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Nickel-bearing crust weathering on ultrabashes of Kol'skiy massif, Northern Ural. Describes Triassio-Jurassie weathering developed in Kol'skiy massif on the eastern
slope of the Ural northwest of Serov. Two types, mixed and lineal, are recognized. Three profiles of weathered serpentinites are characterized. Zones of weathering are also Nickel- and cobalt-containing noted. minerals are described. Geochemistry of the nickel and cobalt of weathered serpentinites is analyzed. DLC. KUZHMAN, G. I., see No. 85742. KUZUKINT, A. P., see No. 85694. 89045. KUZIN, I. L., and others. Primenelaie materialov abrofotos"enaki pri poiskakh polozhitel'nykh struktur na severe Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti. (In: Vses. seminar po geologicheskomu deshifrirovaadd . . 1961 . . . Materialy pub. 1964, p. 81-86, map.) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors: I. V. Relnin and N. G. Chochia. Title tr.: Use of air-photo materials in the search for positive structures in the north of the West Siberian lowland. Reports use of air photos in the preparation. of geologic and geomorphic maps and for investigation of tectonic structures of the Ob-Pur interfluve. Linear-oriented forms of relief are recognized and their origin and formation mechanism are discussed. Five types of ridges are distinguished and characterized. Geologic and geomorphic methods with use of air photography are of value in searching for structures of different type. DLC. KUZIN, I. P., see No. 86938. KUZ'KOKOVA, N. N., see Nos. 86173, 86174. 89046. KUZ'MIN, A. I., and G. F. KRYMSK/i. Effekt ismenenia geomagnitnykh porogov v kosmicheskikh luchakh (In: Vses. soveshchanie po kosmofizicheskomu. napravleniffl issl. kosmicheskikh luchel 1962. Kosmicheskie luchi . 1965, p. 137-40, graphs.) 8 refs. In Russian, Title tr.: Effect of geomagnetic threshold variation in cosmic rays. Analyzes data on cosmic ray variations of geomagnetic origin. Comparison of data from the neutron monitor at Kodaikanal in India and from the underground telescope at Yakutsk shows the threshold effect not to exceed ^-,1% for most of the great geomagnetic storms. The effect of geomagnetic threshold on cosmic ray intensity during the flare observed on 12 Nov 1960 varied for more than 60% before the storm, and for 100% during the storm. Lunar tidal effect
in the magnetosphere on the geomagnetic threshold value was found to be negligible. DLC. 89047. KUZ'MIN, A. I., and others. Investigation of the temporal variations of the different components of cosmic rays in relation to observations made at a single point. p. 81-101 in NASA technical translation: NASA TT F-126, 1964, available at CFSTI, Springfield, Va. 22151. Other authors: N. N. Efimov, D. D. Krasil'nikov, G. V. Skripin, V. D. Sokolov, G. V. Shafer, and ID. G. Shafer. English translation of No 80456. DLC. 89048. KUZ'MIN, A. I., and others. Izuchenie kolebanil temperatury verkhnel atmosfery po dannym podzemnykh izmerenil kosmicheskikh luchel. Vses. soveshcbanie po kosmofizicheskomu napravleniffl issl. kosmicheskikh luchel 1962. Kosmicheskie luchi . . . 1965, p. 239-45, tables, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: P. A. Krivoshapkin, G. F. Krymskil and G. V. Skripin. Title tr.: A study of temperature variations in the upper atmosphere from the data of underground measurements of cosmic rays. Discusses temperature measurement of the mesosphere (20-80 km altitude), from the data of continuous cosmic-ray recordings at the earth's surface from 30-60° to the zenith and underground at 20 and 60 mwe at Yakutsk 1959-1960. Seasonal, 27-day, and daily variations of cosmic ray intensity observed at 20 and 60 mwe depths with cosmic ray telescopes inclined 30-60° to the zenith take place in the 20-50 mb layer which corresponds to pressure in the mesosphere. The temperature values in the mesosphere agree well with the values obtained from spectral measurements of night airglow. DLC. 89049. KUZ'MIN, A. I., and others. Kosmicheskie luchi v ifille 1981 g. (In: Vses. soveshchanie po kosmofizicheskomu napravlenifii isal, kosmicheskikh luchel 1962. Kosmicheskie luchi . . . 1965, p. 153-50, table, graphs.) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors : G. F. KrymskiT, G. V. Skripin, N. P. Chirkov, ID. G. Shafer and G. V. Shafer. Title tr.: Cosmic rays in July 1961. Describes the sequence of solar and geophysical events during the passage of a large group of sunspots across the visible disc of the sun during 9-20 July. Data used are from records of hard and neutron components of cosmic rays on the surface of the earth, and in the stratosphere at Yakutsk, 709
Ft Churchill, Resolute, etc. Their intensity drop on 13 July, rotation of their anisotropy vector, and the flare of 18 July are discussed in detail. Particles of the flare were found to propagate through an irregular magnetic field by the mechanism of diffusion. DLC. 89050. KUZ'MIN, A. I., and others. Nekotorye rezul'taty azimutal'nykh izmerenil variaail kosmicheskikh luchel v fAkutske. (In: Vses. soveshchanie po kosmofizicheskomu napravleniffl issl. kosmicheskikh luchel 1962. Kosmicheskie luchi • . 1965, p. 160-68, table, graphs.) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors: G. V. Skripin, S. N. Druzhinin, G. F. Krymskil and P. A. Krivoshapkin. Title tr.: Some results of azimuthal measurements of cosmic ray variations at Yakutsk. Reports analysis of IGY and IGC data on geomagnetic storms as recorded by systems of surface and underground intersecting telescopes. Solar daily and daily variations during magnetic disturbances, and flares of cosmic rays are analyzed. The moments of commencement and min of Forbush effect for different directions and depths of recording of the hard component of cosmic rays are found to depend neither on direction nor depth. DLC. 89051. KUZ'MIN, A. I., and others. Ob istochnike sutochnol variaGii kosmicheskikh luchel. (In: Akademila nauk SSSR. fAkutskil filial. Inst. kosmofizicheskikh issl. i aeronornii. Geo- i geliofizicheskie . . 1964, p. 52-56, table, graphs.) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: G. F. Krymskil and G. V. Skripin. Title tr.: Source of the diurnal variation of cosmic rays. Examines earlier findings on two extraterrestrial sources of daily variation in cosmic ray intensity. From the 1958-1960 records of measurement of the hard comdifferent depths underground at ponent the Yakutsk Cosmic Ray Laboratory, the authors conclude that the diurnal variations depend upon a single out-of-atmosphere source of cosmic rays. CaMAI, DLC.
89052. KUZ'MIN, A. I., and G. F. KRYMSKII. Osnovnye kharakteristiki effektov Forbusha. (In: Akademica nauk SSSR. lAkutskil filial. Inst. kosmofizicheskikh issl. i aeronornii. Geo- i geliofizicheskie . . . 1964, p. 3-10, tables, graphs.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Main characteristics of Forbush effects. Considers correlations of intensity drop in cosmic rays with solar and geophysical
phenomena. Cosmic ray intensity at the earth's surface and at the depths of 7, 20, and 60 m water equivalent during 19571959 is reviewed from records at Yakutsk. The spectrum of the main drop in Forbush effect within intensities of several billion electron volts can be described by an exponential equation with energy e, its exponent —a, and a constant a. For a =1 this equation describes satisfactorily 14 Forbush effects during the IGY period. Effects in cosmic rays which accompany the main drop, and are related to solar radiation and magnetic storms are discussed. Experimental results are compared with those expected by existing hypotheses. No hypothesis was found to explain satisfactorily all characteristics of the Forbush effect. CaMAI, DLC. 89053. KUZ'MIN, A. I., and others. Rezul'taty issledovanil variaail kosmicheskikh luchel v Ilkutske v 1957-1960 gg. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet. Kosmicheskie luchi. Sbornik statel 1965. no. 7, p. 30-38.) 47 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: G. F. Krymskil, D. D. Krasil'nikov and T. G. Shafer. Title tr.: Results of investigations of cosmic ray variations at Yakutsk in 19571960. Discusses meteorological effects on the intensity of the secondary and tertiary cosmic radiation, as related to the variations in the pressure and temperature of the upper atmosphere, and to changes in the form and extent of the magnetosphere. Seasonal variations of the hard component of cosmic rays are found completely dependent upon meteorological effects. The theory of lunar-tide oscillation of the magnetosphere is not confirmed. The fundamental properties of primary variations in relation to solar activity are investigated, and a meridional anisotropy in distribution of cosmic rays is detected. The data of investigations at Yakutsk are supplemented by some from IGY research. DLC. 89054. KUZ'MIN, A. I., and others. Variacsii kosmicheskikh luchel pri prokhozhdenii ailclonov. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. akutskil filial. Inst. kosmofizicheskikh issl. i aeronomii. Geo- i geliofizicheskie . . 1964, p. 64-68, graphs, table.) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A. A. Danilov and N. P. Chirkov. Title tr.: Variations in cosmic rays during the passage of cyclones. During ten "young" cyclones over
Yakutsk in 1957-1960, their front part was found to cause a drop in the cosmic ray (both neutron and hard components) intensity, which rises again when the rear part passes over. Intensity records corrected for barometric effect are in agreement with the theory of meteorological effect, based on the two-meson generation scheme of the hard component of cosmic rays. CaMAI, DLC. 89055. KUZ'MIN, A. I., and G. F. KRYMSKIi. Vspyshki kosmicheskikh luchel. (In: Vses. soveshchanie po kosmofizicheskomu napravlenifil issl. kosmicheskikh luchel 1962. Kosmicheskie luchi . . . 1965, p. 131-36, graphs.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Flares of cosmic rays. Analyzes the frequency, temporal and energy characteristics of the flares, and results of their experimental study with reference to the structure of the interplanetary magnetic field. The relationship between the amplitude of intensity of solar cosmic rays of the 4 May 1960 flare, and the angular distance to its axis of symmetry is given from Ft Churchill, Thule, Resolute, College and some antarctic stations. DLC. KUZ'MIN, A. I., see also Nos. 86216, 86217, 88931. 89056. KUZ'MIN, P. P. Formirovanie snezhnogo pokrova i metody opredelenifa snegozapasov. Leningrad, Gimiz 1960. 171 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. 162 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Snow cover and snow reserves. Translated into English by A. Barouch. Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Translations 1963. Title tr.: Formation of the snow cover and methods of determining snow reserves. Comprehensive monograph in four parts. The first outlines the formation of precipitation and snow; the second analyzes snow transfer and deposits. Pt three deals with the distribution of snow in the open and in forests, also according to the elements of relief. Finally methods of investigating snow cover are considered, also the calculation of water in snow before thawing. DLC. 89057. KUZ'MIN, V. A. Pochvoobrazovanie na trappakh srednego Priangar'fft. (KonferenGita pochvovedov Sihiri i Dal'nego Vostoka, Novosibirsk 1962. Trudy pub. 1964, p. 68-77, tables.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Soil formation on traps in the middle Angara region. Reports a study in the Angare-Ilim interfluve. Two soil sections are described. The
mechanical and chemical composition of the soils is outlined and data presented. The physical properties of soil-forming rocks, their mineralogic and chemical composition mainly determine the soil formation process. On slightly weathered traps, the soil-forming process tends toward a soddy soil or turf; in more weathered traps soddy-podzolic and podzolic soils develop. DLC. 89058. KUZ'MINA, A. I. 0 raspredelenii planktona v severnol chasti Grenlandskogo mora, v oktfabre-nofabre 1957 g. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 259, p. 389-99, maps, sections.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of plankton in the northern part of the Greenland Sea during October— November 1957. Reports on the quantitative (biomass) distribution of material collected by the Lena 1957 expedition. Both horizontal and vertical distribution in layers down to 1000 m were determined. Leading forms and their frequency are considered in a general way. Maximal amounts of zooplankton were found, in areas of mixing waters, minimal where temperature was below 0° C. Phytoplankton was practically absent due to the arctic night. DLC. 89059. HUZ'MINA, I. E. Salga i etepnafa pishchukha v verkhov'ffikh Pechory. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 44, no. 2, p. 307311, tables, illus.) 13 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: An antelope and a pika on the upper Pechora. Describes remnants of Saiga taiarica and Ochotona pusilla which author and N. K. Vereshchagin dug up at a cave entrance on the Pechora about 62° N. At present the northern limits of distribution of these mammals are 1000 km to the south, and the remnants are assumed to be from a warmer period of the Valdai glaciation. DLC. 89060. KUZNE'n0V, A. A. K voprosu o kolichestve vody, soderzhaysheTsfa v magme differenairovannykh intruzil severo-zapada Sibirskol platformy. (Akademica nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 162, no. 6, p. 1394-96.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Quantity of water contained in the magma of differentiated intrusions in the northwest of the Siberian platform. Discusses the question of dissolved water in magmas, considering specifically the chemistry, geochemistry, time of intrusion, alkalinity, mineralization, and other features of the Noril'sk I differentiated intrusion. It is concluded that in the formation of this intrusion, a small amount of water was present. DLC.
89061. • KUZNEf80V, A. A. K voprosu o magmaticheskol clifferenCsiaaii trappov Sibirskol platformy. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1964. v. 19, no. 6, p. 145-48, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Magma differentiation in traps of the Siberian platform. Reports a geologic, petrologic and chemical investigation of the lava stratum of effusive trap magmatism in the Keta Lake region of Krasnoyarsk Province in 19611962. In lava sequence, four cycles of trap magmatism are established. The sequence of lava eruption during each cycle was conditioned by the decrease of volatiles and degree of differentiation. DLC. 89062. KUZNE'fA0V, A. A. Nekotorye voprosy petrologil effuzivnykh trappov severo-zapada Sibirskol platformy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologil Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regional'nafa geologifa no. 7, p. 64-85, tables.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some problems in the petrology of effusive traps in the northwest of the Siberian platform. Reports an investigation in the Kulyumbe, Keta, and Khantayskoye lake basins and on the upper Tutonchana River. More than 1200 thin-sections were analyzed and the quantitative-mineralogic composition of effusive traps determined. Main patterns of crystallization of the rock-forming minerals are outlined. Optical constants, composition and degree of orderliness of plagioclase in the traps are reported. The temperature of crystallization of the ore minerals (titanomagnetite, magnetite, ilmenite) is DLC. discussed. 89063. KUZNE180V, A. A., and others. O primenenii termografii dlia issledovanifa, trappov aevero-zapada SibirskoT platformy. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Doklady 1065. v. 163, no. 2, p. 464-67, table, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V. P. Ivanova and B. K. Kasatov. Title tr.: Application of thermography for investigation of traps in the northwest of the Siberian platform. Thermal analysis is an important method for determining the quantity and type of water occurring in minerals. It is mostly used on sedimentary rocks, but also is applied to igneous rocks. For the investigation reported 18 samples of nonaltered basalts were used and five samples of intrusive dolerites taken from the upper Tutonchana River and the Igarka region. Results are tabulated and briefly inter DLC. preted.
89064. KUZNEOV, A. A. 0 roll parCsiarnogo davlenifa, vodoroda v genezise trappov. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 158, no. 1, p. 123-25.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the role of fractional hydrogen pressure in the genesis of traps. Reports petrographic investigation of effusive traps in the Kulyumbe, Khantayskoye and Keta lake basins and the upper reaches of the Tutonchana River. Macrocrystalline and microcrystalline traps are established and their content of olivine and ore minerals determined. Presence of olivine and magnetite in traps is interpreted with the conclusion that olivine crystallization from magma occurred under increased fractional pressure of hydrogen. DLC. 89065. KUZNET—gOV, A. A. Sravnenie faktorov, vlifafashchikh na krista.11izaCsifq effuzivnykh i intruzivnykh trappov. (Akademilk nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 165, no. 3, p. 666-69, table.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Comparison of the factors affecting the crystallization of effusive and intrusive traps. Reports a comparative study of the petrography and chemistry of effusive traps and dolerites in the Khantayka, Keta and Tutonchana River basins of Krasnoyarsk Province. Differences in facies and crystallization conditions are analyzed. The different content of volatiles in effusive and intrusive traps is considered the main factor affecting their crystallization. DLC. KUZNET1OV, A. A., see also No. 86892. 89066. KUZNEISOV, A. P. Raspredelenie donna( fanny zapadnol chasti Beringova morfit po troficheskim zonam i nekotorye obshchie voprosy troficheskol zonal'nosti. (Akademill nauk SSSR. Inst. okeanologii. Trudy 1964. no. 69, p. 98-177, tables, maps.) Approx. 185 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Distribution of the bottom fauna in the western part of the Bering Sea according to trophic zones and some general problems of trophic zonation. Following a review of earlier work on zonation according to feeding habits, author presents his thesis on the basis of expeditionary investigations of 1932-1963 and other sources. He discusses in turn the distribution of sessile and motile seston feeders, the distribution of the collecting detritus-feeders and of the mud feeders. Species and higher taxa making up these groups are dealt with as to their number
and biomass per m2 at the different stations and finally at different depth zones. A general review of the area's trophic zones is given; the relationship of biocenosis to feeding zone is dealt with, as are the trophic zones as indicators of hydrographic conDLC. ditions. 80067. KUZNEThOV, A. S., and V. V. BOiCHUK. Snezhnyl pokrov i vodnyl rezhim rek Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (Akanauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Severo-VostochnyI kompleksnyI n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1963, no. 2, p. 56-84, tables, maps, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Snow cover and the water regime of rivers in northeastern USSR. All parts of the Northeast have high spring floods chiefly caused by snow acIn springtime the snow cumulation. reserves in the drainage system of the Yana average 50 mm Indigirka 50-80 mm, Kolyma 100-150 mm, and the Anadyr 120-180 mm. Rainfall also is a factor in flood occurrences. In the Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma systems, rain feeding is predominant; whereas in the Anadyr, Velikaya and other rivers of Chukotka, snow feeding DLC. prevails. KUZNEfSOV, A. S., see also Nos. 85285, 85287, 88831. KUZNEf80V, B. A., see No. 85694. KUZNEfS0V, C. F., see No. 87071. 89068. KUZNEn0V, M. A. K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii snezhnykh iglu. (Letopis' Severs, 1964. v. 4, p. 239-44, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Origin of the snow igloo.. Reviews the traditional pit and aboveground dwellings of Chukchis, Asiatic Eskimos, and Koryaks, built of wood, bone, sod, skins. Construction techniques, the domed roof, heating and ventilation are considered, and derivation from a southeast Asian prototype suggested. The snowhouse however, is an American Eskimo adaptation to the environment of coastal Canada, where the customary building materials are lacking and scarcity of food impels frequent change of location. DLC. 89069. SUZNEOV, V. A., and E. I. Poluavtomaticheskil elevator SHIMS. "Vorkutiners-50." (Razvedka i okhrana nedr 1965. v. 31, no. 9, p. 19-23, tables, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: The Vorkutinea-50 semi-automatic elevator. Describes this elevator of 15 ton lifting
capacity and 45 kg net weight as superior to other four types used for lowering and lifting the borehammer support column in core drilling. The Vorkutinea-50 performs the lowering-lifting operation in 97.1 sec, instead of 110.6-136 sec required by the others. Besides its more rapid operation, this elevator provides for higher safety and labor economy than the elevators in current use. DLC. 89070. KUZNEflOV, V. I. Isparenie so snezhnogo pokrova. (Leningrad. Gos. gidrologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. no. 109, p. 3-56, tables, graphs, maps.) 41 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Evaporation from the snow cover. Reviews the observational material and analyzes factors conditioning this evaporation. Based on experimental data and calculations worked out by A. R. Konstantinov, a new graph is developed showing the dependence of snow evaporation upon air temperature and humidity. Long-term averages and norm charts are designed accordingly for all USSR including the arctic areas. DLC. 89071. KUZNEfS0V, V. V. Biologic massovykh i naibolee obychnykh vidov rakoobraznykh Barentleva i Belogo morel. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 242 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Approx. 90 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The biology of mass species and most common species of crustaceans in the Barents and White Seas. Study based on material collected in 1946-1953 and some other sources. The area covered by author's collections is the White Sea and a "tongue" of the Barents extending up to 72° N off southern Novaya Zemlya. Decapoda p 7-94, Amphipoda p 95-188, Isopoda p 189-212, and Cirripedia p 213-32 are treated in turn. Each species is dealt with as to frequency, horizontal and vertical distribution, seasonal fluctuation in numbers, size range, rate of growth, reproduction and development. An appendix deals with size distribution and fertility in different areas and depths studied. DLC. 89072. KUZNEfOV, V. V., and T. A. MATVEEVA. K biologicheskim asobennostfam zostery Belogo morQ. (Problemy ispol'zovanifa promyslovykh resursov Belogo morfa i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii 1963. no. 1, p. 145-49, illus.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biological characteristics of eel grass in the White Sea. Discusses the geographic distribution and uses of Zosiera marina, distribution in the White Sea, growth and its phases there,
blooming and reproduction, mass death, and restitution. DLC.
Six new species of gen Marginulina are described. DLC.
89073. KUZNETIOV, V. V. 0 biologii i izmenchivosti Eualus gaimardi MilneEdwards. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Materialy po kompleksnomu izuchenifa Belogo morfa 1963. no. 2, p. 7789, tables.) Approx. 38 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biology and variability of Eualus gaimardi Milne-Edwards. Describes in detail the geographic distribution of this arcto-boreal, circumpolar crustacean, its habitats, populations (two) in the White Sea, and geographic races (three). Reproduction, planktonic stage, size and fertility variations in the Barents and White Seas are reported, as are growth, size and sex composition during female maturity in these seas. Age at maturity, number of reproductions, life span, and morphology of geographic races are also DLC. considered.
89076. KUZNEISOVA, L. V gorode u Polfarnogo kruga. (Shkola-internat 1965. v. 5, no. 3, p. 45-48.) In Russian. Title tr.: Town at the Arctic Circle. Describes visits to schools in Inta and the Inta District which has 25 altogether. A boarding school in the Gornyak mining sovkhoz near Sivomaskinskiy has special attention, its vocational and shop work, educational advantages of the extended school-day program, etc. DLC.
89074. KUZNEfS0V, V. V. Vremfa i temperaturnye uslovia razmnozhenifa morskikh bespozvonochnykh. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Karel'ski! filial. Materialy po kompleksnomu izuchenifa Belogo morfa 1963. no. 2, p. 32-52, tables.) Approx. 58 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Periods and temperature conditions of reproduction of marine invertebrates. Extensive study covering over eighty invertebrates of the arctic arcto-boreal and boreal waters. The high amplitude of temperature tolerated by adult forms is stressed as well as the relationship between temperature, latitude and period of oviposition and hatching. The effect of low temperature in slowing down embryonal and larval development is also discussed. DLC. KUZNEfS0V, V. V., see also No. 84978. HUZNE'fSOVA, I. K., see No. 91916. 89075. KUZNEf8OVA, K. I. Pozdnefarskie boreal'nye foraminifery i ikh razvitie na RusskoT platforme. Moskva, Izdvo Nauka 1965. 98 p. tables, map, sections, illus. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Geologicheskil inst. Trudy no. 142.) Approx. 75 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Late Jurassic boreal foraminifers and their development on the Russian platform. Reviews the history of foraminifer study of the Volga stage of Jurassic deposits of the Russian platform including the Pechora region. The stratigraphy of Volga stage deposits is outlined, and systematic description given of forams of fam Lagenidae.
89077. KUZNEfSOVA, N. V. Istoria formirovania struktur kraevoT zony Pechorskol vpadiny v svrazi a ikh neftenosnostn. (Neftegazovafa geologifa i geofizika 1965, no. 11, p. 6-10, profiles.) In Russian. Title tr.: Formation history of structures in the marginal zone of the Pechora depression in connection with their oil-bearing properties. Analyzes the geologic history of the eastern flank of the Pechora depression. The Michayuskaya, North Savinobor, East Savinobor and Pashnya structures are identified and their paleostructural analysis made. Two stages of oil-bearing deposits are recognized: a lower connected with terrigenous deposits of the Middle and Upper Devonian, and an upper stage connected with the Famenian stage of the Devonian, Tournaisian stage of the Carboniferous and Kungurian stage of the Lower Permian. DLC. KUZNEnOVA, N. V., see also No. 86689. 89078. KUZNEfSOVA, T. P. 0 chetvertichnikh otlozhenifakh s podzemnym l'dom na Uno-Indigirskol nizmennosti i o. B. Lfakhovskom. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra geog . . . Podzemnyl led 1965, no. 1, p. 120-32, section, illus.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Quaternary deposits with ground ice in the Yana-Indigirka lowland and in Bol'shoy Lyakhovskiy Island. The Quaternary deposits are represented by alluvial, alluvial lacustrine, and coastalmarine deposits. A lithologic description is given of an old alluvial plain of the middle and partly upper Pleistocene, and a coastalmarine plain of partly middle and upper Pleistocene. Cross-sections of the deposits are analyzed. Veins, wedges and other forms of ground ice are briefly noted. CaON-B, DLC. KVALE, A., see No. 87873.
89079. KVINGE, T. The 'Conrad Holmboe' expedition to East Greenland waters in 1923. Bergen 1963. 44 p. tables, sections, maps. (Bergen. Univ. Arbok. Matematisknaturvitenskapelig ser. no. 15.) 15 refs. Reviews the hydrographic observations of this expedition (No 4331) and adds observations made in 1930 and 1931. The East Greenland Current was found to flow in a southwesterly direction, nearly parallel to the isobaths, its highest speed near the shelfslope boundary and near the border between arctic and Atlantic waters. Water transport is estimated at 0.6 mill m3/sec. Brief sketch of Oscar Edlund and the 1923 expedition is included. DLC. 89080. LAANE, M. M. Kromosomundersgskelser hos noen norske plantearter. (Blyttia 1965. v. 23, no. 4, p. 169-89, tables, illus.) 20 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Chromosome numbers in some Norwegian plant species. Includes chromosome counts of more than 20 plants collected from coastal and inland localities in north Norway, incidental to field investigation of Campanula rotundiJolla L. Most of the numbers agree with foreign counts for the same species; exceptions are discussed. DLC. LABEISH, V. G., see No. 92702. 89081. LABORIT, H., and others. Etudes experimentales sur l'hypothermie profonde; hypothermie profonde avec conservation de la vigilance. (International Inst. of Refrigeration. Bulletin. Annexe 1961, no. 4, p. 61-83, graphs, illus.) 7 refs. In French. English summary. Other authors: J. Berthou and F. Brue. Title tr.: Experimental studies on deep hypothermia with maintenance of consciousness. Reports pharmacodynamic effects in producing hypothermia of rabbits. The most significant results were obtained by use of 4-hydroxybutyrate with or without a neuroplegic: hypothermia of 25-20° C may be extended for several days; the animal remains conscious down to 20-18° C; definite survival is obtained down to 15° C and heart function continues at 10° C and even below. DLC. LACAISSE, A., see No. 86027. LACHANCE, G. R., see Nos. 86123, 92929. 89082. LACHENBRUCH, A. H. Contraction theory of ice-wedge polygons: a qualitative discussion. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 63-71, illus.) 36 refs.
Discusses at length the theoretical aspects of ice-wedge polygon formation, critically evaluating the contraction theory. Both theoretical considerations and empirical evidence indicate that whereas the original cracks that initiate ice wedges start at the surface, the recurring cracks that cause the growth of most ice wedges start in the tops of ice wedges beneath the active layer. The mechanics of fracture and its relation to crack depth and surficial spacing are discussed, and a chronological sequence of icewedge polygon development is proposed. Surface cracking is postulated as starting from large flaws and developing randomly. As random cracks spread, control of crack spacing passes from distribution of flaws to distribution of stress relief from pre-existing cracks and an orthogonal pattern develops. Various conditions for the formation of regular and irregular random orthogonal polygons and oriented orthogonal polygons are analyzed. Non-orthogonal systems may also occur in permafrost. Newly drained lake basins and regressing coastlines form ideal situations to observe these processes (illus). The effect of the seasonal cycle upon polygon morphology is explained, reexpansion of the permafrost being considered a more significant agent of upturning than freezing of cracks in wedges. The environmental, geomorphic and hydrologic relations of polygon systems are summarized. CaMAI. LACHENBRUCH, A. H., see also No. 92548§10. 89083. LACKEY, E. E. A method for predicting the probable frequency of daily minimum temperatures from summarized data. Natick, Mass. 1965. viii, 39 p. tables, graphs, map. (U.S. Army Natick Lab. Technical report ES-18.) 8 refs. Explains the construction of a nomograph for predicting the probable frequency of daily minimum temperature at any station, given 10 yr records. The assumptions basic to the method are discussed and the probability formulas utilized in the calculations are presented. Data from ten widely separated North American stations are used, including Fairbanks, Aklavik, Ft Smith, Churchill, and Pond Inlet. Visual best-fit curves are used to smooth data, and departures of actual temperatures from predicted temperatures at given frequencies are graphed. It is concluded that prediction from records of 20 yr or more may give CaMAI. increasingly stable results. LACKEY, W. W., see No. 90237.
LADYSHKINA, T. E., see No. 89162. 89084. LAEVASTU, T. Daily heat exchange in the North Pacific, its effects on the ocean and its relations to weather. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 885-96, maps.) 15 refs. Discusses the meteorological and oceanographic significance of heat exchange between the sea and the atmosphere. Computation of heat-exchange components, hid accuracy, and their distribution over the northern and arctic Pacific are considered, as are the total heat exchange and its effects on the ocean, and the pattern of seaair exchange in relation to weather. CaMAI. 89085. LAEVASTU, T. Is oceanographic forecasting, hydrosis, feasible for fisheries? (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 881-84.) Stresses the necessity of special fisheriesforecasting services. The current forecasts, weather, oceanographic, biological, and their value are outlined. Special requirements and prospects for fisheries are discussed, as are the expected accuracy of fishing forecasts, and organizational aspects of fisheriesCaMAI. forecast services. LAEVASTU, T., see also No. 87798. LaFARGE, C. G., see No. 90013. LAFLAMME, J. N., see No. 90667. 89086. La GRANGE, J. J. The requirements and nature of the logistics support for a small national antarctic expedition: antarctic provisionings. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962 . . . pub. 1963, p. 601-610.) Lists some 200 (mostly preserved) food items required for a ten-man party. Tobacco, liquor, etc are also specified, as are rations for traveling and camping. Clothing and sleeping outfits are stated as well. DLC. La GRANGE, J. J., see also No. 92221. LAGUNOV, I. I., see No. 89025. 89087. LAIDLAW, A. F. Co-operatives in the Canadian Northland. (Canadian cooperative digest 1964. v. 7, no. 1, p. 38— 39.) Praises the rapid development of co-ops by Eskimos, encouraged and assisted by Dept of Northern Affairs officers and the 716
Eskimo Loan Fund. Within five years, twenty Eskimo co-ops have been established, and they are operating successfully a variety of businesses. CaONA. 89088. LAINE, H., and others. Havaintoja lapin uunilinnusta, Phylloscopus borealis, Pohjois-Karjalaasa kestilla 1959. (Grails fennica 1960. v. 37, no. 3, p. 83-87.) 5 refs. In Finnish. English summary. Other authors: E, Lappi and I. Piironen. Title tr.: Observations of the arctic warbler in Northern Karelia in the summer of 1959. Records a singing male on June 16 and of three specimens on June 19. The behavior of the birds and their voices are dascribed. The birds were evidently on migration. DLC. 89089. LAINE, H. Notes on some southern bird species found in the vicinity of Kayo in Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland. (Turku. Iliapiste. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, II: biol.geog. no. 32, p. 295-300.) 20 refs. Lists six species (a heron, chaffinch, bullfinch, Riskin, chiff, chaff, gull) observed dun. ing recent years, with notes on date and location, distribution in Scandinavia, nesting area, etc. CaMAI. 89090. LAINE, U. Alustavia tuloksia Kevojoen Pahtojen kasvistollisesta kartoitusty6sta. (Lapin tutkimusseura. Vuosikirja 1965. v. 6, p. 45-58, maps, illus.) 12 refs. In Finnish. English summary. Title tr.: Preliminary results of floristic mapping of the cliffs in the Kevojoki canyon. This pre-glacial fault valley has steep cliffs with block fields at their foot. Their flora include calcicolous mosses and lichens, the fern Woodsia glabella, Saxifraga opposi.. tifolia and Hackelia deflexa, etc. With the favorable microclimatic conditions, many southern species grow on the cliffs. Bird excrement enriches the habitat and seepage water from the cliffs is rich in electrolytes. About 60% of the vascular plants have a northern distribution, 18% are southern species. CaMAI. 89091. LAINE, U. Uber die floristischen &Igo der nordlichen Waldgrenze der Kiefer im Westteil von Inari-Lappland. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 32, p. 94-123, map, illus.) 21 refs. In German. Title tr.: Floristic traits at the northern forest limit of pine in the western part of Inari Lapland. Describes the area east of the Norwegian boundary at about 69° N in the Vaskojoki basin, the routes and stations of a study
made in 1960 and 1961 and, on p 102-122, the species of vascular plants found in that zone. Some 800 plant forms are recorded with notes on location, habitat or substrate, and frequency. Phytogeographical groups and forms belonging to them are tabulated. CaMAI. 89092. LAING, A. Northern marginal areas to get play. (Mining in Canada 1965. v. 38, no. 2, p. 22-24, tables, illus,) Summarizes 1964 mining developments in the Northwest Territories and the Yukon, marked by the discovery of 118 million tons of direct-shipping iron ore in the Mary River area of Baffin Island, completion of the Pine Point railway, and placer gold production of $2 million in the Yukon, besides active exploration and development in all seven mining districts. Improved transportation, bigger markets, and higher metal prices enable some marginal deposits DLC. to be exploited. 89093. LAIRD, M. 0. Arctic siting and surveying. (American Society of Civil Engineers. Surveying and Mapping Division. Journal 1965. v. 91, no. SUl, p. 1-22, maps, graphs.) Describes the main geophysical and environmental features that cause difficulties in transporting personnel and providing supplies. Conditions of daylight and darkness, environment, and permafrost necessitate advance planning and flexible schedules. Safety and feasibility of exploration and possible commercial development have substantially improved as secondary results of defense installations such as the BMEWS, DEW Line, etc, with their airstrips, navigational aids, and search facilities, as well as the control and mapping work, and the practical experience gained DLC. during construction. 89094. LAISHEV, A. KH. Osnovnye bolezni severnykh olenel i kletochnykh pushnykh zverel. (Norirak. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severs. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 205-212.) In Russian. Title tr.: Main diseases of reindeer and caged fur animals. Reviews research activities in reindeer diseases, viz: necrobacillosis, brucellosis, and helminthoses; in fur-farm animals: parer typhus, encephalitis, and occasional cases of rabies. The role of poor housing or nutrition, that of vitamins and antibiotics DNAL. is also discussed. 89095. LAISHEV, A. KH., and M. I. KLIMONTOV. Sluchai mastitov brufiel-
leznol etiologii u severnykh olenel. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severe. Trudy 1963. v. 11, p. 95-99, table.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cases of mastitis of brucellosis etiology in reindeer. Reports aerological findings in reindeer of a Taymyr farm: cases of mastitis in cows during 1957-1960, their symptoms, serological and bacteriological aspects. Brucellosis as a cause was established in all six cases. DNAL. LAKHNO, R. P., see No. 92706. 89096. LAKSHEVICH, P. Novye i maloizvestnye palearkticheskie komary dolgonozhki sera. Limoniidae, Diptera, Tipuloidea. (Entomologicheskoe oboarenie 1964. v. 43, no. 3, p. 710-33, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: New and little known palearctio crane flies of fam. Limoniidae, Diptera, Tipuloidea. Describes 30 species of these flies, 28 of the them (and one genus) new. Ten species occur in the Arctic. The material is from the collection of the Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR. DLC. 89097. LAKTIONOV, A. F., and Z. S. ROMANOVICH. Abridged list of Soviet literature on Arctic Basin research by highlatitude expeditions and drifting stations, 1937-1962. (In: Problems of the Arctic . . . 1966. 46 p.) Lists 326 papers as in No 73284, with English translation of the Russian titles added. CaMAI. 89098. LAKTIONOV, A. F. Bottom topography of the Greenland Sea in the region of Nansen's Sill. 1959. 6 p. Translation of Arctic Bibliography No. 59554; available as: AD-610 921 from CFSTI. 89099. LAKTIONOV, A. F., and others. An oceanographic sketch of the northern part of the Greenland Sea. Lowestoft, Fisheries and Food 1963. 12 1. Other authors: V. A. Shamontev and A. V. Yanes. English translation of No 66090. CaMAI. 89100. LAKTIONOV, A. F. Uchenylengiklopedist. (Priroda 1965. v. 54, no. 2, p. 100-101, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Scientist and encyclopedist. Discusses D. I. Mendeleev's notes and correspondence showing his interest in polar research, particularly his association in 1897-1902 with the construction of the icebreaker Ermak and abortive plans to participate in S.O. Makarov's expedition. DLC.
89101. LAKTIONOV, A. F. Vficheslav Vasil'evich Frolov. (Letopis' Severa 1964. v. 4, p. 212-16, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Biographical sketch of this arctic meteorologist and director of the Arctic Institute from 1950 till his death in 1960. His role in organizing exploration, the North Pole drifting stations and the flying meteorological observatories, and his introduction of advanced scientific methods incl use of computers, is stressed. His (over 30) scientific publications are mentioned but not listed. DLC. LAKTIONOV, A. F., see also Nos. 87435, 87439. LAKTIONOVA, V. D., see No. 89659. 89102. LAL, D., and B. PETERS. Cosmic ray produced isotopes and their application to problems in geophysics. (Progress in elementary particle and cosmic ray physics, Amsterdam 1962. v. 6, p. 1-74, tables, graphs.) Approx. 100 refs. Estimates the rate of isotope production in terrestrial matter exposed to cosmic radiation. Section 1 deals with cosmic ray measurement and calculations of the production rate of various isotopes as a function of latitude and altitude, using data of 11 cosmic ray stations, including Abisko. In sect 2 the distribution of isotopes in the atmosphere, and possible applications of short-lived cosmic-ray produced radioactivity to studies of large-scale circulation in the atmosphere are discussed. Sect 3 deals with long half-life isotopes and principles of their migration after they reach the earth's surface, and their effect on circulation of air masses. DLC. LAMAR, W. L., see No. 92548§9. 89103. LAMBERT, G., and M. NEZAMI. Importance des retombees seches dans le bilan du plomb 210. (Annales de geophysique 1965. v. 21, no. 2, p. 245-51, graphs, tables.) 20 refs. In French. English and Russian summaries. Title tr.: Importance of dry fallout in the balance of lead 210. Measurements of lead 210 fallout carried out in 1960-1964 near Paris show that 50% of the total is deposited as dry fallout. Results are extrapolated to the entire world, and the table distinguishes some seven categories of fallout data for the 90°-65° N, 65°-55° N, and other zones. The constantly high proportion of dry fallout accounts for the low percentage of lead 210 falling outside the latitude band in which it was
formed. Dry fallout in the 90°-65° N zone is estimated at 0 x 1023 atoms/yr; in the 65°-55° N zone, 5.02 x 1023 atoms/yr; much higher figures are given for the temperate zones. DGS. LANDER, J. F., see Nos. 84953, 88292. 89104. LANDIS, A. T., Jr. Alaska earthquake yields clue to salmon homing. (Undersea technology 1965. v. 6, no. 2, p. 9.) Notes one result of US Bureau of Commercial Fisheries' study of pink and chum salmon spawning habits near Olson Bay, Prince William Sound. The 1964 earthquake raised one shore of the Sound several feet and shifted the intertidal spawning zone for these salmon, leaving the former zone far upstream. The adults in autumn 1964 chose the new intertidal zone in preference to the old, where they themselves hatched, indicating that these two species of salmon are influenced by environmental factors independent of geographical location in returning to their parent stream. DLC. LANDMARK, B., see Nos. 87904, 88236. LANE, K. S., see No. 87101. LANG, H. C., see No. 84952. 89105. LANG, L. C. Pit slope control by controlled blasting. (Canadian mining journal 1965. v. 86, no. 12, p. 67-70, graphs, illus.) Describes a drilling and blasting method based on calculation (Livingston theory) which was used successfully to create a solid and stable wall in an open-pit iron-ore mine at Schefferville, northern Quebec. Standard drilling equipment was used, and there was no interruption in normal production procedure. DGS. 89106. LANGDON, J. R., and A. H. PARKER. Psychiatric aspects of March 27, 1964 earthquake. (Alaska medicine 1964. v. 6, no. 2, p. 33-35, illus.) Describes the essentially normal, successive psychological and physical reactions in the disaster area and those adjacent, and including defensive reactions. The response of the mentally ill is also considered. CaMAI. 89107. LANGE, G. R. Refrigerated fluid for drilling and coring in permafrost. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 375-80.) 13 refs. Thawing and slumping of hole walls dur-
ing drilling due to the relatively warm temperature of the drilling fluids at Ft Churchill in 1954 led to experiments in refrigerating these fluids to temperatures below the freezing point of water. Specifications of a refrigeration system are given, and problems encountered during its trials near Fairbanks in summer 1958 are outlined. Subsequent modifications in design and the successful, full-scale operation in Project Chariot at Cape Thompson, Alaska are described. The concluding section is a mathematic formulation of the refrigeration requirements. CaMAL LANGE, G. R., see also No. 92548§6. 89108. LANGE, K. 0. OrganizeCabil okeanograficheskikh issledovanil v Kanade. (Okeanologifi, 1965. v. 5, no. 3, p. 560-62.) In Russian. Title tr.: Organization of oceanographic investigations in Canada. Describes several government and university research institutions in this field, their program, scope of investigations, personnel, research vessels, etc. The Bedford Institute of Oceanology, the oceanographic institute at Dalhousie Univ, the institute of oceanography at the Univ of British Columbia, and others are briefly reviewed. DLC. 89109. LANGE-HESSE, G. A network to test the reliability of VLF-phase recordings on transpolar propagation paths to be used as a method to indicate the precipitation of solar cosmic ray particles in polar cap regions. (In: Symposium on High Latitude Particles and the Ionosphere 1964. Proceedings 1965, p. 205-210, graphs, maps, illus.) 5 refs. Discusses the correlation- between polar cap cosmic radio-noise absorption (PCA) and a phase shift of approx 180-360° or more in the received radio-signal of a transpolar very low frequency (v11) line. The reductions of such a phase shift indicate that the effective height of the vlf wave guide over the polar cap drops about 5 km or more below the normal ionospheric D-region altitude. This drop on 10 Nov 1961, in the altitude of the effective wave-guide is illus by a diagram of cosmic noise absorption at 27.6 me/sec, and the simultaneous variations of phase and amplitude in the transpolar vlf radio-signal along the Rugby-College path. Two further sets of vlf equipment are being prepared at Sodankyla for future simultaneous records of transpolar signals along the paths from two stations there to DLC. two in the United States.
89110. LANGER, G., and others. Suppression and removal of structural ice. (Journal of applied meteorology 1964. v. 3, no. 3, p. 316-22, graphs, illus.) 17 refs. Other authors: E. Farrel, J. Pierrard, S. Radner and T. Waterman. Describes research on suppression of icing by means other than the use of radomes, which are not feasible for BMEWS reflectors; also summarizes seven detailed reports on icing rates of the BMEWS antennas, ice suppression by nucleation and deflection, and mechanical removal of ice. Icing tunnel tests showed deposition in a single direction on stationary cylinders; about the same weight gain of ice on continuously rotating cylinders as on stationary cylinders, but greater weight gain on periodically rotated cylinders. Several small structures accumulate more ice per unit, size than one large structure. Elliptical deflectors seem practical, though useful nucleation was achieved only with dry ice in the test chamber. The cover method for ice prevention was found more feasible than the shock-wave method for ice removal. DLC. 89111. LANGLEY, J. Akpatok in 1931. (Canadian geographical journal 1965. v. 70, no. 6, p. 192-97, map, illus.) Account of the Oxford University Exploration Club expedition to this island in Ungava Bay. The trip north along the Labrador coast in the schooner Young Harp and the ten-man party's four-week sojourn on Akpatok are described. One member was injured during a blizzard and died. The party carried out scientific work (No 67270) and determined the island's configuration and size. DLC. LANGSTON, W., Jr. see No. 87962. 89112. LANGWAY, C. C., Jr. Accumulation and temperature on the inland ice of north Greenland, 1959. (Journal of glaciology 1961. v. 3, no. 30, p. 1017-44, tables, graphs, maps, illus.) 39 refs. French and German summary. Reports field work on the 1959 Operation Lead Dog from Camp Tuto near Thule north and east to Nyeboes Land and Peary Land. At three different locations, accumulation rates on a regional basis were examined with relation to temperature, elevation and latitude. Twelve pits 5-5.5 m deep disclosed 6-13 yr of snow accumulation. Average net accumulation is found to be 18.5 gm/cm2/yr. Accumulation decreases inland at a mean rate of 1.5 gm/ cm'/100 m rise in elevation. Temperature
measurements at 10 in in all pits give a mean temperature-altitude gradient of 0.77° 0/100 m. DLC. 89113. LANGWAY, C. C., Jr. and U. B. MARVIN. Comparison between snowimbedded and industrial black spherules. Hanover, N. H. 1964. 17 p. tables, illus. (US Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 154.) 28 refs. Compares the chemical composition, mineralogy, and physical properties of black spherules collected from Site 2 and Camp Century, Greenland Inland Ice, with the same properties of industrial spherules made from welding rods from a US Army maintenance shop in Greenland. Close morphological resemblance is shown by the two groups. Most of the Inland Ice spherules are rich in iron, with some silicon and traces of manganese. Four of the five varieties of industrial spherules contain nickel; the fifth contains no nickel and is chemically similar to the Inland Ice spherules. The industrial spherules' density values ranged 5.1-8.7 g/cm3; those of the Inland Ice spherules ranged 4.2-5.9 dem'. Possible extra-terrestrial origin of such spherules is difficult to establish; as is the means of transport of heavy terrestrial CaMAI. particles to isolated areas. 89114. LANGWAY, C. C., Jr. A 400 meter deep core in Greenland. (Journal of glaciology 1958. v. 3, no. 23, p. 217.) Gives a preliminary report on deep rotary core-drilling on the Greenland icecap, approx 320 km east of Thule at a 7000 ft elevation. Drilling techniques are briefly noted. Scope of the core study is summarized; it affords a unique opportunity to study the physical and chemical nature, and stratigraphy of high-polar glacier ice. DLC. 89115. LANTIS, D. W. Alaska. Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday 1965. 64 p. map, illus. Prepared with the cooperation of the American Geographical Society. Brief account in popular style of the geography, history, peoples and life of Alaska. DLC. The illus inel 27 in color. 89116. LANTIS, M. The administration of northern peoples: Canada and Alaska. (In: R. St. J. Macdonald ed. The arctic frontier 1966, p. 89-119, map.) Refs. Reviews problems of administration of northern regions of Canada and United States (Alaska). For both countries net expenditures on these marginal lands are
$1700-32000/yr/inhabitant. The reasons for such investment are discussed, including strategic considerations, transportation, minerals, and welfare of indigenous peoples. Conflicts in land and mineral rights between the state and wide-ranging indigenous groups, and the growing trend towards centralization of the population at a few scattered localities are described. Similarities, common problems and differences in northe rn administration between Canada and Alaska and between Indians and Eskimos are reviewed. The social effects of five major agencies are assessed: religion, education, medicine, cash employment and politics. The kinds of wage employment presently suited to Eskimos are described and means considered for raising their levels of living. CaMAI, DLC. 89117. LANTZ, A. W. Fish cannery in Northwest Territories. (Canada. Dept. of Fisheries. Trade news 1965. v. 18, no. 4, p. 12-13, illus.) Presents seven photographs, with a brief description, of a plant at Winchester Inlet, Keewatin District, which cans arctic char, seal, and other Eskimo foods. The cannery, which employs Eskimo workers, is operated by the Dept of Northern Affairs and National Resources and managed by E. Hofmann. DI. LAPARDINA, A. S., see No. 89710. 89118. LAPIN, A. V., and A. G. ZHABIN. Nodtdiarnye tekstury khromita v dunite kak rezul'tat neravnovesnol evtekticheskol (Akademiffl nauk SSSR. kristallizaaii. Doklady 1965. v. 163, no. 5, p. 1240-43, graphs, illus.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Nodular textures of chromite in dunite as a result of unbalanced eutectic crystallization. Reports 1963 field work in the BorUryakh massif, Maymecha-Kotuy interfluve, where chromite mineralization is found with an unusual variety of nodular texture to the chromite. Chromitic dunites were found in the eastern part of the massif among medium-grained porphyraceous olivinites. Mode of occurrence is described. Chemical composition of the chromite is given and its nodules described. Eutectic crystallization is discussed and the mechanism of formation of the nodular texture is explained. DLC. 89119. LAPIN, A. V. 0 skarnopodobnykh obrazovanifakh v Kovdorskom massive. (In: Moskva. Inst. mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov. Petro-
iogifa . 1965, p. 193-220, illus.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On skarn-like formations in the Kovdor massif. Describes briefly ultrabasio alkaline rocks of this massif covering an area of 37 km: in western Kola Peninsula. Mineralogic and petrographic properties of the main rock: olivinites, pyroxenites, mica rocks, melilites, nephelines, carbonotites, etc are outlined. Attention is directed to skarn-like associations: andradite, amphibole, monticellite, eto, connected with melilite rocks. Their chemical and mineralogic analyses are given. Their postmagmatic origin and rnetasomatio processes are also discussed. DLC. 89120. LAPIN, fO. E. 0 raslichifikh v kolichestve metamerov u lichinok. belomorskoI sel'di. (Akademira nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 165, no. 5, p. 1204-1207, tables, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Differences in the number of metanaeres in larval White Sea herring. Reports a vertebral count of over 250 larvae. Two groups were found, one with 52-58, the other with 60-67 vertebrae. The first represents a local race, the second, temporary immigrants from the Barents Sea. The frequency of each race in different areas of the White Sea is tabulated. DLC. 89121. LAPIN, lb. E., and others. Ob osobennostakh lokalizafsii sel'di Belogo morfa. (Problemy isponovanife prornyslovykh resursov Belogo morfa i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii 1963. no. 1, p. 75-80, illus.) 19 refs. In Russian. Other authors: L. E. Anokhina G. A. Bogdanov, N. G. Zavgorodnfafii, andf D. I. Cheprakova. Title tr.: Peculiarities of herring localization in the White Sea. Discusses the number of local herds (two), their rates of growth and distribution (not fixed) and their movements, including seasonal groupings. The question of mixing or separation (localization) of White Sea herring races, is decided in favor of the former. Outline of earlier Birdies- also is included. DLC. 89122. LAPINA, N. N. Opredelenie putel raznosa osadochnogo materials po rezul'tatam izuchenifit mineral'nogo sostava morskikh otlozhenil, na primers morfil Laptevykh. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst, geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regional'nen, geologifii. no. 7, p. 139-57, tables, maps, illus.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Determining dispersion routes of sedimentary material from results of investigating the mineral composition of marine sediments, exemplified by the Laptev Sea.
Reports study of Laptev Sea bottom sediments of various fractions. The sand and aleurite fractions show sediments up • to 90-99% composed of minerals of less than 2.82-2.85 specific weight and therefore of light fraction. Quartz and feldspars predominate in light fraction and the quartz content goes to 40-57%. Distribution of heavy fraction minerals is also reported. Investigation of old marine deposits discloses the hydrologic regime of the sea, also the source and directions of transported material. DLC. 89123. LAPINA, N. N. Primenenie trazvuka pri podgotovke peschanoglinistykh otlozhenii k granulometricheskomu analizu. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regional'nafa geologifi no. 4, p. 245-52, tables.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of ultrasound in preparation of sandy-clayey deposits for granulometric analysis. Reports on the dispersion of sand-clay deposits of northern Siberia and present marine sediments of the Soviet arctic seas by exposing these deposits to ultrasonic vibration for 2.5 and 10 min. This exposure is found to increase the grain sorting qualitatively and to shorten the time of sample preparation. DLC. 89124. LAPINA, N. N. Veshchestvennyl sostav tonkodispersnol chasti donnykh otlozhenil Severnogo Ledovitogo okeana. (International Geological Congress 22d, New Delhi 1964. Doklady sovetskikh geologov. Problems 16: Geologifil dna okeanov i morel, p. 122-30, tables, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Mineral composition of fine dispersed fraction of bottom sediments of the Arctic Ocean. Reports study of fine-grained (less than one a) bottom sediments from the central part of the Polar Basin. Over 200 samples are analyzed, and comparisons made with similar sediments of the Kara and Laptev Seas as studied by others. Clayey minerals are determined by their sections and microscope. Thermal, x-ray and chemical analyses are also reported. The fine dispersed sediments contain mostly terrigenous material brought from the continent by rivers, ice and wind. Homogenous and organogenic materials are present as admixture. The mineral composition of these sediments reflects the physiographic conditions of the basin and its physical and chemical processes. DLC. LAPPI, E., see No. 89088.
89125. LAPPO, S. D. Morskie suda v Samoedskol protoke Enisefa v 1928 godu. (Letopis' Severn 1962, no. 3, p. 87-89.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.:. Sea-going vessels in Samoyed Channel of the Yenisey River in 1928. Sketches the search for a sheltered spot on the Yenisey convenient for loading timber cargoes for the Kara Sea route: construction of the Ust'-Port facility in 1917 and its shortcomings, search for a better roadstead upstream, and selection of Samoyedskaya Protoka (channel) opposite Igarka Camp. The first timber was shipped from this spot in 1928, and Igarka Port was in operation in 1929. DLC.
probleme "Vzaimodeistvie atmosfery . ." 1961. Materialy pub. 1964, p. 95-99, maps.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Calculation of temperature fields in the active layer of the Norwegian Sea. Proposes a solution with horizontal heat transport and turbulent horizontal and vertical mixing taken into consideration. The method of calculation consists in the substitution of direction derivatives in the heat distribution equation by finite differences at the last but not the initial moment of time. Thus the values of the coefficients of horizontal heat transport, and vertical turbulent temperature conductivity in this sea are calculated. DLC.
89126. LAPSHIN, L. I. 0 drevnem oledenenii Kamchatki. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1963. no. 1, p. 62-64, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: On old glaciations of Kamchatka. Notes that geologists still dispute the number, time and scale of these glaciations. Own observations in the southern fart of Sredinnyy Range are reported and present cirque glaciation, Upper Quaternary mountain-valley glaciation and Middle Quaternary glaciation are distinguished. Relief forms, traces of glaciations, locations of glaciers, recessional moraines are briefly characterized and sketched. DLC.
89130. LAR'KIN, V. G. Materienafil kul'tura udegeTaev do ustanovlenifa Sovetskol vlasti. (Akademila nauk SSSR. DarnevostochnyT filial. Trudy 1963. ser. istoricheskafil, v. 5, p. 66-83, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Material culture of the Udegeets before the establishment of Soviet rule. Ethnographic study of this southern Tungus group, based on own field work and regional museum collections. Construction and furnishing of winter and summer dwellinz, storage structures, clothing, hair styles, diet, food preparation and preservation are dealt with. DLC.
89127. LARCAN, A., and others. Variations de In viscosite sanguine en fonction de la temperature. (Societe de biologie. Comptes rendus 1965. v. 159, no. 6, p. 1441-44, tables, graphs.) 5 refs. In French. Other authors: F. Streiff, A. Peters and B. Genetet. Title tr.: Variations in blood viscosity as a function of temperature. Viscosity of human blood, both in. vivo and in. vitro was found to increase with decreasing temperature (28° C, 21° C). It also depends on the speed of cooling: the lower the latter the more marked are the DLC. viscosity changes.
89131. LAR'KIN, V. G. Orochi. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka" 1964. 175 p. illus. Approx. 70 refs. In Russian. Contrasts the 19th century material and spiritual culture of this Amur Tungus group (782 people in 1959) with current kolkhoz acculturation. DLC.
89128. LARGIADER, F. Baffin Island, arctic Canada. (Berge der Welt 1964/65 pub. 1966. p. 150-58, illus.) Reports in diary form the expedition of the Canadian Alpine Club in Aug 1963 to the mountains of the Cumberland Peninsula. The ascents of Sunday Peak, Mt. Turnweather, Guardian and Tate des Cirques (6,376 ft), all named by the expedition, are described. DGS. 89129. LARIN, V. M. Opyt rascheta temperaturnogo poltrl v defaternom sloe Norvezbskogo mores. (In: KonferenCsifit po
LAR'KIN, V. G., see also No. 90184. LARMOUR, W. T., see No. 86052. LAROCHELLE, A., see No. 86896. 89132. LARSEN, H. The Danish National Museum, Ethnographical Department 1963 and 1964. (Folk 1965. v. 7, p. 163-77, illus.) 4 refs. Describes recent additions including collections from Sarqaq culture sites in Greenland excavated by Berg's party at Nunquaq near Kapisigdlik and in Godthaab Fjord, and by Petersen near Ikamiut, the first Sarqaq-find in the Sukkertoppen district; also finds from Knuth's continued Independence culture dig in Peary Land. A sketch is included of Birket-Smith, succeeded as head of the Dept in 1963 by H. Larsen. DLC.
89133. LARSEN, J. A. An outline of materials for a postglacial bioclimatic history of Keewatin, Northwest Territories, Canada. Madison, Wis. 1964. 79 p. table, maps. (Wisconsin. Univ. Dept. of Meteorology. Technical report no. 15.) Approx. 195 refs. Reviews current views, not all in agreement, concerning changes in the flora and climate of this district since the Tertiary and particularly since the Wisconsin glaciation. Using radiocarbon data a chronology of floral recolonization of the glaciated area is Evidence indicates thatmarked arked genetic differentiation after the glaciation genetic due to the isolation of populations by the ice was followed by subsequent hybridization and intermingling of species. An altithermal period ending 3500 BP is postulated during which the treeline was 175 mi north of that at present. Also 800-900 yr ago continuous forest extended 50 or more nil north as indicated by dwarf spruce groves, sphagnum bogs and dated logs. D GS.
the frequency of occurrence in 20 quadrats 1 m2 equidistant along a compass line. Trees were sampled by the point quarter method. Climatic data were obtained from Ennedai meteorological station. Tree ages were determined by increment borings. Communities encountered were rock field, tussock muskeg, Carex meadow, esker, black spruce, and white spruce ravine. Frost activity was observed over four yr, an unusually. large ice lens forming between 1959 and 1961 in one area with no evidence of frost action at the earlier date. Permafrost data are presented and significance evaluated. General results of the investigation are discussed in detail, indicating that these plant communities can be used as sensitive climatic indicators. Evidence that the closed spruce forest extended farther north than at present is also presented. DWB.
89134. LARSEN, J. A. The role of physiology and environment in the distribution of arctic plants. Madison, Wis. 1964. 70 p. (Wisconsin. Univ. Dept. of Meteorology. Technical report no. 18.) 223 refs. Presents a review of literature concerned with the physiology of arctic plant species and their adaptation to the characteristics of the regional climate. Some 116 works are considered; they are mostly in English but include Russian, German, Finnish and Scandinavian material as well. The role of temperature is treated extensively; photosynthesis, respiration, nitrogen nutrition and ecotypic variation are also dealt with. Among special adaptations discussed are frost-hardy protoplasm, a high rate of respiration, greater carbohydrate storage and a high degree of ecotype variation. A major limiting factor is the slow rate of fixation and nitrification in arctic soils. DWB.
89136. LARSEN, T. Et forst* p5 fangst og flytting av Svalbardrein, Rangifer tarandus spitsbergensis, i Bockfjordomridet p5 Vestspitsbergen. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 213-21, maps, illus.) 17 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. On the Svalbard fauna 8. Title tr.: An attempt to catch and move Svalbard reindeer in the Bockfjorden area in Vestspitsbergen. Describes a trap system built in 1963 to capture reindeer to repopulate BrOggerhalvOya, where they have been lacking for a century. The attempt was not successful. The Bockfjorden herd has not increased since 1958; probably the range has been over-grazed, and more grazing areas should be utilized for Svalbard stocks to increase. DLC.
89135. LARSEN, J. A. The vegetation of the Ennadai Lake area, NWT, studies in subarctic and arctic bioclimatology. Madison 1965. 22 p. tables, illus. (Wisconsin. Univ. Dept. of Meteorology. Technical report no. 18.) 40 refs. Also pub. inEcological monographs 1965, v. 35, no. 1, p. 37-59. Describes a study of communities of the forest-tundra ecotone in this area of Keewatin Dist to obtain quantitative data on environmental parameters and their relation to vegetation. Information on the plant communities was obtained by tabulation of
LARSEN, J. A., see also No. 85921. LARSEN, R., see Nos. 87721, 87722.
89137. LARSEN, T. Funn av to nye hekkplasser for ismake, Pagophila eburnea, p5 Ostkysten av Vestspitsbergen. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 257-58, illus.) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Two new breeding places for the ivory gull Pagophila eburnea found on the east coast of Vestspitsbergen. Notes the 1963 find by two Dutch students, of two colonies, one with 15 and the other 20 nests, 'between Agardhbukta and Ulvebreen (78°10' N 19° E). DLC. 89138. LARSEN, T. Ornitologiske undersokelser fra den nordvestre del av Vest-
spitsbergen sommeren 1963. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 259-63, map, tables, illus.) 2 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Ornithological investigations in the northwest part of Vestspitsbergen in the summer of 1963. Reports on work between Raudfjorden and AmsterdamOya. The number of species were estimated on 12 bird cliffs; the largest at the south end of Hamiltonbukta (79°45' N 11°57' E) had some 10-15 thousand thick-billed murres, Uria lomvia. Stomach content of 64 glaucous gulls, Lams hyperboreus, as tabulated shows crustaceans Malacostraca present in 21. DLC. 89139. LARSEN, T., and M. NORDERHAUG. The ringing of barnacle geese in Spitsbergen, 1962. (Wildfowl Trust. Annual report 1961-62 pub 1963, p. 98-104, maps.) 5 refs. Reports on the first large-scale marking of this species in Vestspitsbergen: 685 adults of an estimated population of 1100 having been ringed. Observations include weather, which was bad for breeding, the terrain and two other species of geese. DLC. LARSON, A. M., see No. 84952. 89140. LARSON, G. G. A summer on the Washburn. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 9, p. 19-23, illus.) Recounts experiences as a deckhand in 1917. The SS M. L. Washburn, owned by the White Pass and Yukon Route, traveled down the Yukon from Lake Laberge in Yukon Territory to Holy Cross, Alaska, thence towed barges and carried passengers on the Iditarod. Daily work and life of the crew is described, other steamboats noted. DI. 89141. LASHCHENKOVA, A. N. 0 flora skalistykh obnazhenil doliny reki Mezenskoi Pizhmy. (Botanicheskil alnunal 1965. v. 50, no. 3, p. 418-20, table, map.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Flora of exposed rocks in the Mezenskaya Pizhma River valley. Describes the course of this upper Mezen' tributary and lists the plants on 33 deforested rocks. Over 30 species are tabulated with location and notes on frequency. DLC. 89142. LASHOV, B. Voprosy osedanifi korennogo naselenifa Kralnego Severe; na primere NeneOkogo naGionarnogo okruga. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Izvestifi 1964. v. 96, no. 5, p. 408-113.) :'5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Settlement problems of
the aboriginal population of the Far North as exemplified in the Nenets National District. Notes the main occupation of Samoyeds as reindeer herding and outlines the changes which have occurred under the Soviet regime as their nomadic way of life changed to one in settlements. In the latter half of 1930, the Nentsy district was completely collectivized and organized into kolkhozes and sovkhozes. Two stages were necessary, the first was to get the population not engaged in reindeer raising settled; the second, settlement of the reindeer-herding population, is now almost complete. In 1964 there were 179 settlements with average population of 112. Transportation, communication and other difficulties are noted which arose in connection with the settlements and which still are not completely solved. The consolidation program is noted. The 27 kolkhozes in Nentsy district in 1950 became 14 by 1960, by 1963 nine. DLC. 89143. LASHOV, B. V. 0 perevode na osedlost' korennogo naselenifd v NeneGkom naGionarnom okruge. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severe. Trudy 1963. v. 11, p. 5-12, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Transition of the native population of the Nenets National District to a settled way of life. The ultimate achievement in collectivization of the reindeer industry is to bring the nomadic herding peoples into communal life. The change is planned in several stages: the first is restricting movement with reindeer to the herdsmen (without their families); next, the year-round roaming of all the herders is superseded by seasonal movements only: teams of herders relieving each other with the herds every four months. A third stage is the range for the reindeer grazing unattended or partly so, as on Kolguyev Island and Timan Peninsula. The families of herdsmen meanwhile, with the other members of collective settle at its base and engage in hunting, fishing, furfarming, raising livestock, growing vegetables, etc. In 1950, 1958 and 1962 the reindeer industry contributed 81.5, 67.0, 57.1% respectively to the income of the collectives of the Nenets National District. DNAL. 89144. LASHUK, L. P. Narody Evropelskogo Severs SSSR. (Moskva. Univ. Nauchno-metodicheskil kabinet po zaochnomu obucheniffl. Ocherki po etnografii narodov SSSR 1962, p. 83-126.) 28 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Peoples of northern European USSR.
Summary account for correspondencecourse students; covers Lapps, Zyryans, Nenets-Samoyeds, Karelians, and Veps, their ethnic) origin and archeology, history, traditional economy, culture, social structure, current developments. DLC. 89145. LASZL6, G. Die Altesten Epochen der uralischen Vorgeschichte. (In: Congressus Fenno-Ugristarum . .. 1963, p. 41619.) In German. Title tr.: Oldest eras of Uralian prehistory. Biogeographic and linguistic analysis of botanical terminology suggests the existence of an ancestral Uralian language at least since 8-10,000 BC and its linguistic splintering about 4,000 BC. Three chronological layerings of ancient biological terminology are recognized. The first, confined to Pinus and Betula flora, is common to all Uralians and is dated into the early Holocene; the second and third layers found respectively in Finno-Baltio and Ob-Ugric-Samoyed languages reflect different vegetation milieus of the middle Holocene. In the early Holocene, only one zone had the plant conditions of a Uralian homeland: the Oka River—Riga area with Pinus and Betula species yet no taiga or central European deciduous flora. Archeological data support this thesis. The area west of the Oka River was inhabited in the paleolithic by a people later characterized by comb pottery, an ornamentation pattern typical for Uralians. Tribes with a related culture living further north divided into two branches which gave rise to the proto-Lapps and proto-Samoyeds. Later splinterings were responsible for the development of ancestral Balto-Finnish, Permiak, Ob-Ugric, and Magyar groups. DLC. 89146. LATHRAM, E. H. Apparent rightlateral separation on Chatham Strait fault, Southeastern Alaska. (Geological Society of America. Bulletin 1964. v. 75, no. 3, p. 249-51, map.) 11 refs. Suggests that apparent displacement of some half dozen major geologic features on opposite sides of this 200—mi—long fault is evidence of right-lateral separation of about 120 mi. DLC. 89147. LATHRAM, E. H., and others. Reconnaissance geology of Admiralty Island, Alaska. Washington, D.C. U.S. Govt. Print. Office 1965. 48 p. maps, tables, (U.S. Geological Survey. Bulletin 1181-R..) 46 refs. Other authors: J. S. Pomeroy, H. C. Berg and R. A. Loney. Presents results of 1957 and 1959 mapping at 1 in: 4 mi by five-man field parties, also a
1958 survey by a two-man party. Loney's detailed study of the Pybus-Gambier area in 1958 and 1959, g v aided this study. Admiralty Island, in the Alexander Archipelago, lies adjacent to the Alaskan mainland south of Juneau. The layered rocks comprise six depositional sequences, five of marine and one of non-marine origin, all separated by unconformities. Oldest sequence consists of Silurian graywacke, slate, and limestone; then, in order, are the Devonian Hood Bay and Gambier Bay Formations and the Retreat Group; followed by Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, and. Tertiary formations. A major orogeny, Early Cretaceous to prePaleocene in age, probably culminated in middle-Cretaceous time and formed the major structural features of the Island. Low-grade regional metamorphism accompanied the orogeny and affected particularly the central and western parts of the island. The area was glaciated to about 3,000 ft elevation during Pleistocene time, though no glaciers remain at present. Evidence of a postglacial change of sea level is found in Recent foraminifera discovered at 475 ft elevation. Little mining activity takes place, though modest amounts of gold and silver have been produced by mines now inactive. D GS. 89148. LATYSHEVA, V. A. P'esa "Shandilan' I" kak etap v tvorchestve Savina; is arkhivov V. A. Savina. (Istoriko-filologicheskiT sbornik 1963. no. 8, p. 103-114.) In Russian. Title tr.: The play Slicrarlilant as a step forward in the literary output of Sevin; a V. A. Sevin manuscript. Discusses the realistic, progressive character of this undated play entitled Onward to the sun, and dealing with events of 1919. Stages in the literary development of this foremost Zyryan playwright and composer (1888-1943) are analyzed; his earliest work is rejected as melodramatic, and bourgeois. DLC. 89149. LAUERMA, R. On the structure and petrography of the Ipernat dome, western Greenland. Helsinki 1964. 88- p. maps, tables, illus. (Finland. Geologinen Tutkimuslaitos. Bulletin no. 215.) 49 refs. Also issued as Greenland. Geologiske UndersOgelse. Bulletin no. 46. Describes in some detail results of summer 1953, 1954, and 1958 field investigations by three-man parties; mapping a 300 sq km area 64°35'-64°55' N 51°15'-51°35' W north of GodthAbs Fjord. Photogeological methods were used mostly, and a few accessible small areas studied in detail, the
Ipernat dome being chosen as a sample. Air photos and a geological map at 1 in:1.2 mi are presented. Gentle folding appears throughout the mapped area, and the main' rock types occur conformably. The dome itself, about 6 mi long and 4 mi wide, consists of a quartz-dioritic to granodioritic central gneiss enclosed by several concentric rings. Chemical analyses of three granodioritic and quartz-dioritic rocks and one garnet are presented, as are results of optical, thin section, and X-ray examination. Tovqussaq dome, roughly 25 mi northwest (cf No 63397) is similar to Ipernat in size, structure, and petrology; though quite different from Karelidic domes of eastern Finland. DGS. 89150. LAUGHLIN, W. M. Alaska soils vary in boron requirement. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 15761, tables.) 11 refs. Reports experiments conducted after boron toxicity in potatoes was observed near Palmer. One experimental plot was fertilized with addition of B, another without. Vines of the former were stunted, yield was low and the tubers were small and cracked. CaMAI. 89151. LAUGHLIN, W. M. Effect of manure and phosphobacterin on Golden Rain oat growth and yield. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1963 pub. 1964, p. 4047, tables.) 21 refs. Reports field experiment near Palmer, Alaska to test effect of inoculating oats with a preparation containing spores of Bacillus megatherium var. phosphaticum with and without manure. This is reported to have produced greatly increased yields of barley, wheat and oats under favorable conditions in USSR. The experiment failed to show significant increased yields in oats as a result of inoculation with phosphobacterin, but application of manure alone increased yield (green) by 30%. Reasons for difference in response between the Russian and American crops are not clear. DLC. LAUGHLIN, W. M., see also No. 84952. LAUGHLIN, W. Si, see No. 86281. 89152. LAURIN, A. F. Le bassin du reservoir Gouin, comtes d'Abitibi-Est et de Laviolette. Quebec 1965. 20 p. map, illus. (Quebec. Dept. of Natural Resources. Geological report no. 130.) 7 refs. In French. Title tr.: Gouin reservoir basin, Abitibi-East and Laviolette counties. Presents a study of the topography and geology of the littoral area of the Gouin
Reservoir, with geologic map in color on scale of 4 mi:1 in covering more than 2400 mil. All the rocks are of Precambrian age, predominantly gneissic with small areas of nepheline syenite and ultraba.sics. No detailed petrographic analyses are given. DGS. 89153. LAURSEN, D. Bjarling-mysteriet. (GrOnland 1965, no. 10, p. 354-68, map, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: The Bjorling mystery. Reviews the attempted expedition to Ellesmere Island in 1892 by the Swedish botanist Alfred Bjorling and Evald Kallstenius. With the schooner Ripple and a crew of three, they arrived at Godhavn at the end of July, and despite warnings, left on Aug 3 for Lancaster Sound and Carey 9)er. The Aurora of Dundee found the wrecked Ripple on BjOrling Island in 1893. Messages stated that the vessel was wrecked on 17 Aug 1892, that the party tried to reach Folkefjord but had to return to Carey per and later set out for Ellesmere. Their DLC. fate subsequently is not known. 89154. LAUSHKIN, K. D. Onezhskoe svfiltilishche. (Skandinayskil sbornik 1959. v. 4, p. 83-111; 1962. v. 5, p. 177-298, maps, illus.) Refs. In Russian. Estonian and Swedish summary. Title tr.: Lake Onega sanctuary. Describes the anthropomorphic petroglyphs on Cape Besov Nos and discusses underlying mythology and religious rites. Strong concordance with Lappish beliefs and myths suggests a Lappish or proto-Lappish origin and the Lappish seida cult thought a possible remnant of an ancestral cult connected with engraved rocks. The sanctuary linked to the sun god cult and the Oleniy Island necropolis (No 58453) are considered coeval and part of the same culture complex. DLC. 89155. LAVRENT'EV, M. A. Razvitie nauki na Vostoke strany. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Vestnik 1964. v. 34, no. 6, p. 3-11, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Development of science in the eastern part of the country. Outline of the organization and work of the Academy of Sciences' Siberian Division by its chairman, stressing the twenty scientific institutions at Gorod Nauki, in the vicinity of Novosibirsk. This introduces a series of reports on achievements in the main branches of science in the same issue, DLC. p 12-78. 89156. LAVROV, A. S. K voprosu o genezise valunnykh snglinkov severa Evro-
peiskol chasti SSSR. (Akadernifi, nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 163, no. 5, p. 1230-33, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Genesis of boulder loams in the northern European part of the USSR. Repoits geologic mapping in the lower Vychegda River basin. Boulders of Quaternary deposits are analyzed and their form, orientation, measurements and other features described. They are concluded to be of glacial origin. DLC. LAVROV, L I., see No. 84976. 89157. LAVROV, V. V. Dopolnitel'noe obosnovanie gipotezy postoffinstva velichiny absolffitnogo udIiHenif pri razrushenii l'da. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1963, no. 14; p. 67-70, table.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Further grounds for a hypothesis of lasting value on the absolute expansion of ice in breaking. Presents results of laboratory experiments and comparison with results obtained by others. An equation is derived for estimating the bending strength of ice of any thickness o-2 as experimentally determined on sample at: 0.2 .._ 0.1 1i x h2 12 x hi v where 11 is length of sample, h its height, and is the length of ice under study and h2 its thickness. CaMAI, DLC. 89158. LAVROV, V. V. K probleme mekhanicheskikh svolstv l'da. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 21, p. 60-65.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mechanical properties of ice. Discusses scale effect in determining mechanical characteristics of ice in laboratory samples and under natural conditions when the ice may be 50 or more times the thickness of the sample. The ultimate strength of the sample may be 2.5 times greater than that of the ice cover. This is explained by the absence of similitude in the crystalline structures of the laboratory and natural-cover ice, by temperature variation and distribution in the sample, inaccuracies in calculation of the rupture stress of the material, variation of Poisson coefficient during the deformation of ice samples of different bulk, etc. Molecular oscillation spectrum of ice in situ is proposed for the determination of ice strength parameters. Action from beneath the ice cover by the buoyant force of a submarine is suggested for the determination of ultimate strength of ice in bending. CaMAI, DLC.
89159. LAVROV, V. V. Vliflinie povtornykh i znakoperemennykh nagruzok na prochnost' l'da pri izgibe. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 267, p. 19-30, tables, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effec ts of repeated and alternating loads upon the bending strength of ice. Describes equipment and experiments to test strength of ice under repeated loads of 5000 cycles in 5 min. The mechanical strength was found not diminished but somewhat increased. Alternating loads were found to reduce the ice strength somewhat, but the effects are insignificant for practical purposes. CaMAI, DLC. 89160. LAVROV, V. V. Vlienie proaessov sdvigoobrazovanifi, na prochnost' I'da. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 17; p. 61-65, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Influence of the process of shear-formation upon the strength of ice. Discusses ice deformation under the inluence of weak stresses and applies the theory of dislocation of metals to the icedislocation phenomenon. Author's experiments with ice samples indicate that ultimate strength of ice under axial compression, increases with the increase in stress duration; that ulthfiate ice strength under shear increases with the increase in stress duration and pressing; and that river ice and sea ice exhibit different temperature characteristics in their ultimate strength behavior. CaMAI, DLC. 89161. LAVROV, V. V. Vlifilnie struktury I'da na ego prochnost'. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 20, p. 61-67, table, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The influence of ice structure upon its strength. Coarse-grained crystalline freshwater ice, polycrystalline freshwater ice, snow-ice, and sea ice of 1% salinity are investigated in compression and bending. The ultimate strength in compression of coarse-grained ice is found 1.7 less than that of snow-ice. The modulus of deformation for coarsegrained samples is twice as large as that for snow-ice; slow deformation speed in compression leads to the opposite result. Differences in ultimate bending strength for the ice samples under consideration are relatively small, not exceeding 13%. The ultimate strength of the freshwater ice and that of sea ice 1% salinity are approximately equal. Detailed evaluation of the factors responsible for these differences is given. DLC. LAVROVA, E. V., see No. 89993.
89162. LAVROVA, M. A., and T. E. LADYSHKINA. K voprosu o pozdnelednikovom Baltilsko-Belomorskom soedinenii. (Baltica 1965. v. 2, p. 71-97, table, graphs, maps.) Approx. 45. refs. In Russian. English and German summary. Title tr.: On the late-glacial Baltic-White Sea connection. Considers new data: widespread saline sea association of diatoms in late glacial deposits from the White Sea to the Baltic rather confirm this connection. It is supposed to have broken off with the advance of ice to the first Salpausselka boundary. DLC. 89163. LAVROVA, T. T. Sostav i nekotorye svolstva morennykh otlozhenil hasselnov Verkhnel Vychegdy i Verkhnel Pechory. (Sbornik state! po geologii i. gidrogeologii 1965. no. 4, p. 195-99, tables, graphs.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Composition and some properties of moraine deposits in the upper Vychegda and upper Pechora basins. Reports study of the Dnepr and Moscow glaciations and compares the moraines. Their deposits of clayey, pulverized and sandy fractions are characterized and grain size of the deposits is determined. Density and lithogenesis of the moraines are noted. DLC. 89164. LAW, L. K., and others. Heat flow determinations in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1965. v. 2, no. 2, p. 59-71, maps, tables.) 13 refs. Other authors: W. S. B. Paterson and K. Whitham. Outlines earlier determinations (few), describes with diagram the simple probe used in Apr 1964 in connection with the Polar Continental Shelf Project, and reports three determinations made through the ice on M'Clure Strait, in water some 430 m deep. These determinations yield a weighted mean heat flow of 0.84 ± 0.09 nail cm-2 s•1 when s = time constant, or 57% of the worldwide continental average. It is concluded that the structure responsible for suppressing vertical magnetic field variations at Mould Bay observatory does not extend 130 km south into M'Clure Strait, is not produced by an anomalously high nearsurface temperature, and is not of lateQuaternary origin. DGS. 89165. LAW, P. G. Techniques of living, transport and communication. (In: T. Hatherton, ed. Antarctica, New York 1965, p. 55-80, illus.) Describes in detail the technical problems associated with the establishment,. main-
tenance, logistics and operation of bases and expeditions in the polar regions. Recent progress in sea, air and land transport is outlined, in particular the use of Hercules aircraft and the giant Kharkov snow tractor which contains comfortable accommodation for eight men and weighs 33.5 t. Techniques of negotiating crevassed areas are explained. Fuel supply remains a key problem of logistics. Designs of buildings for conditions of snow, ice and rock are described in detail, and the critical danger of fire is stressed. Clothing for work in polar areas is discussed, and a final section deals with the extremely difficult problem of radio communications, particularly electrical interference between various types of equipment, auroral noise, static, fading and blackout. DLC. 89166. LAW, P. G., and F. McMAHON. The A.N.A.R.E. field ration pack. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962 . . . pub. 1963, p. 512-14, table.) Describes the pack designed for the Australian National Antarctic Research expedition. It is a basic ration for travel by dog- or man-hauled sled, for survival and emergency situations, and for food depots. Its items and their nutritive and calorie values, menus, mode of packaging, etc are stated. DLC. 89167. LAW, P. G. The A.N.A.R.E. pocket medical kit. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962 . . . pub. 1963, p. 515.) Describes this first-aid kit, its size, weight, and contents. It is for use when men are away from bases for a short time. DLC. 89168. LAW, P. G., and F. McMAHON. The organization of supplies for an antarctic station. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962 . . . pub. 1963, p. 507-511.) Includes basic equipment for a. station: generating plant and fuel, buildings, tools, means of transport and communication, etc, their ordering, packing, dispatch, unloading at stations, stock records, reordering and storage are dealt with in turn. DLC. 89169. LAW, P. G. The use of woolen garments in Antarctica. (In: Symposium of Antarctic Logistics 1962 . . . pub. 1963, p. 517-19.) Enumerates the advantages of wool, especially its high thermal insulation and moisture absorption qualities. Moth- and shrink-proofing, performance trials and future developments are also discussed. DLC.
LAW, P. G., see also No. 92221. 89170. LAWTON, J. Fred and Sara Machetanz. (Alaska review 1965. v. 2, no. 1, p. 55-66, illus.) Biographical sketch of this Alaskan artist-writer team, noting some of the paintings (illus), books and films about Alaska. DLC. 89171. LAYNG, T. E. Early geographical concepts of the Northwest Passage. (Cartographer 1965. v. 2, no. 2, p. 81-91, maps.) 2 refs. Reviews cartographic and other representations of the relationship between land and water in northern North America and Asia from 1075. The concept of a Northwest Passage developed after cartographic separation between America and Asia in the 16th century. Thereafter a third poSsible ocean route from Europe to Asia was postulated north of the American continent. The 16th century mapmakers showed judgment in selection of a form for the Northwest Passage. Two centuries later British explorers added substance to the suggested Ca0G. form. 89172. LAZARENKO, N. P. Nekotorye novye srednekembrilskie trilobity severe Srednel Sibiri. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Paleontologia i biostratigrafica no. 7, p. 1436, illus.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some' new Middle Cambrian trilobites in northern Central Siberia. Presents systematic description of 11 new species in eight genera of which two, Buile/la and Plakhinella, are new. They are found in Taymyr Peninsula, Kharaulakh Mts, Yenisey and Olenek River basins, and DLC. other areas.
fluctuation of the coast line, rate of movement, and time of change are registered and depicted graphically. These changes are interpreted in regard to glaciations. Transgressions and regressions of the Arctic DLC. Basin are characterized. 89174. LAZUKOV, G. I. 0 sinkhronnosti i metakhronnosti chetvertichnykh oledenena i transgressil. (In: Moskva. Univ. Paleogeografita . . 1961, p. 139-49, illus.) 21 refs. In Russian. French summary. Title tr.: Synchronism and metachronism between Quaternary glaciations and transgressions. It is generally admitted that in the Western Siberian North (between the Ob and Yenisey), Quaternary glaciations and transgressions are metachronous: regressions occurring in the glaciation periods, and transgressions in the interglacials. Such a view author considers an oversimplification of existing facts, with too great an emphasis on eustatic and isostatic movements. To establish correlation between glaciation and transgression in specific regions, more attention should be given to the paleogeographic conditions and manifestation of DLC. tectonic movements.
LAZAREVICH, K. S., see No. 90986.
89175. LAZUKOV, G. I. 0 svfazi mezhdu chetvertichnymy oledenenifilmi i transgressifami no severe Evrazii. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1965. v. 143, p. 269-82, illus.) 47 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Relationship between Quaternary glaciations and transgressions in the north of Eurasia. Reviews recently found geologic evidence in the northern West Siberian plain and adjacent areas. This evidence suggests that glaciations and transgressions are synchronous. Influence of transgressions on the nature and magnitude of the glaciation and the areal extent of ice is noted. The area of glaciation appears to decrease from west to east during each period. The simultaneity of glaciations and transgressions may account for the synchronism of the Europea.n and Siberian ice ages. DLC.
89173. LAZUKOV, G. I. Kolebanica urovnia Polfarnogo basselna v chetvertichnom periode. (Okeanologii 1964. v. 4, no. 1, p. 174-81, table, graph.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Variations in level of the Polar Basin in the Quaternary period. Reviews recent works on changes of level as exemplified in the Kara Sea during the Upper Pleistocene, or during the last 105,000 yr. Amplitude of the vertical
89176. LAZUKOV, G. I. Tektonicheskil rezhim na severo-zapade Zapadno-.Sibirskol nizmennosti v epokhu akkumulfaaii osadkov farnal'skol serii. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1964, v. 19, ser. 5: geog. no. 2, p. 87-89, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonic regime in the northwest of the West Siberian lowland in the 'epoch of accumulation of Yamal series deposits. Presents a section of these Quaternary
LAZARENKO, N. P., see also No. 86478. LAZAREV, M., see. No. 85254. LAZAREV, V. S., see No. 90158.
deposits with max thickness to 300-350 m. Their lithology, facies, and the basin in which they accumulated are characterized. The tectonic regime during accumulation of the Yamal series is discussed; and it is considered to have been continuous submersion with annual value to 0.5-0.6 mm. DLC. 89177. LAZUKOV, G. I. 'fentry oledenenil Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1964. v. 19, ser. 5: geog. no. 6, p. 31-37, map.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Centers of glaciation in the West Siberian lowland. Gives a critical appraisal of Samarovo glaciation centers: Ural and Pay-Khoy, Novaya Zemlya, Yamal Peninsula, Taz and Gydan Peninsulas, Kara Sea, Taymyr and the Middle-Siberian upland. Petrographic composition of the boulder-pebble material from glacial, glacial-marine and marine deposits indicates that only the Ural, Taymyr and Middle-Siberian upland were centers of the Samarovo-maximal and subsequent glaciations. All the other so-called centers are considered unfounded assumptions of various authors. DLC. LAZUKOV, G. I., see also Nos. 86874, 86875.
position indicator presentations of 106 mc/ sec radio echoes taken simultaneously at College. DLC. LEAKE, B. E., see No. 85829. 89180. LEBEAU, A. Sur l'activite maga,tique diurne dans les calottes polaires. (Annales de geophysique 1965. v. 21, no. 2, p. 167-218, maps, graphs, tables.) 45 refs. In French. English and Russian summaries. Title tr.: On the diurnal magnetic activity in the polar caps. Introduces the concept of magnetic noon, and shows that for most of the central polar regions, a relation exists between magnetic noon, M, local noon, L, and time of maximum activity H; the relation may be expressed: H—L = a (M—L) where a fl--21A. Time and amplitude of the activity maxima are obtained by averaging a K-index series. The relation is interpreted by means of a model, and various spatial and amplitude features are described. Most stations used are Antarctic, though data from Thule and Godhavn are included. Magnetic isochrons are shown on north and south polar projections as are lines of equal time difference between local and magnetic noon. DGS.
89178. LAZUTIN, L. L. Kosmicheskie luchi of solnaa zaregistrirovannye v stratosfere v sentfiibre 1963 g. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomitil 1965. v. 5, no. 3, p. 563-66, table, graphs.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cosmic rays from the sun recorded in September 1963 in the stratosphere. Presents Apatity station data of Sept 13-24 obtained by RKL-4 radiosondes. Chromospheric flares on the sun, flares in radiowaves of 108-2800 Me/a, spectroscopic parameters of radio signals on 50-320 Mc/s, sudden commencement of ionospheric disturbances due to X-ray from chromospheric flares, and other geophysical data are correlated. Graphs of solar proton absorption in the atmosphere are given. DLC.
LEBEDENKO, T. D., see No. 92362.
89179. LEADABRAND, R. L. Electromagnetic measurements of auroras. (In: Lockheed Research Symposium on Space Science 1964. Auroral phenomena 1965, p. 99-129, graphs, illus.) 70 refs. Describes radio, radar and scintillation studies of auroras with the multibeam riometer and photometer array at College, and radar echo measured on a continuous signal at 440 me/sec transmitted by linear polarization from College and received in Ottawa and near Boston. Photographs are given of visible auroras compared with plan
89182. LEBEDEV, A. A. Izmenchivost' ledovykh uslovi! v Severo-Zapadnol Atlantike. (Moskva. Gos. okeanograficheskll inst. Trudy 1965. no. 87, p. 32-50, tables, graphs, maps.) 29 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Variability of ice conditions in the northwest Atlantic. Reports investigations on seasonal and year-to-year changes of ice conditions in the Labrador Sea and Davis Strait. General regularities in these changes are traced and their dependence on preceding hydrometeorological factors is established. The
89181. LEBEDEV, A. A. Izmenchivost' ledovitosti Labradorskogo morfa i Devisova proliva. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. no. 16, p. 269-76, tables, graphs, maps.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Variability of ice conditions in the Labrador Sea and Davis Strait. Discusses year-to-year fluctuations in the first appearance of ice and the beginning of its melting in these waters, also the relative areas of ice and open water during the year. The relation of conditions in the two regions is considered, as is their effect on the climate. DLC.
obtained correlative values permit forecasting of general ice condition and ice edge 2-4 mo in advance. English translation by M. Slessors available as US. Naval Oceanographic Office. Translation 261. DLC. 89183. LEBEDEV, A. A. K voprosu o mezhgodovoT izmenchivosti ledovitosti i termiki vod severnol Atlantiki i prilegaffishchikh morel. (Materialy rybokhozEdstvennykh issledovanil Sevemogo basselna 1964. no. 2, p. 129-35, tables, graphs, map.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The year-to-year variability in ice and thermal conditions in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas. Evaluates the empirical probability of coincidence and non-coincidence in signs of anomaly of mean ice thickness in Apr and Aug in different regions. The ice thickness value is measured by the percentage of a given area with ice cover. Davis Strait south of Greenland, Davis Strait-East Greenland massif, Davis Strait-Barents Sea, East Greenland massif-Barents Sea, and other profiles were measured for ice thickness and comparisons made for the periods 1900-1924 and 1925-1955 separately, and for the entire period 1900-1955. The ice thickness indexes of the two periods mentioned above showed the first to be close to that of the entire period. The correlation between coincidence and noncoincidence of water temperature in the North Atlantic and at 0-50 m depth in the Barents Sea from 70°30' N along Kola meridian was also measured. A very weak correlation of different signs was found between the water temperature anomalies in the Atlantic, and the mean water temperature anomaly in the Barents Sea. DLC. 89184. LEBEDEV, A. A. Metod prognoza ledovitosti v severnoT Atlantike i Grenlandskom more. (Materialy rybokhozfalstvennykh issledovanil Sevemogo basselna 1964. no. 2, p. 135-37, table, graphs.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Method of fdrecasting ice conditions in the North Atlantic and Greenland Sea. Reviews seasonal features of the thermodynamic effects of atmospheric processes in relation to long-term forecast of ice and water temperature conditions. Labrador Sea, Hudson Bay, Davis Strait and Greenland Sea are considered along the Belle Isle-Resolution-Chesterfield profile, the Sable-Ivigtut, Belle Isle-Ivigtut, and the Barentsburg-Jan Mayen profiles. Empirical asynchronous relationships of ice conditions and water temperature at 0-200 m depths are prepared and tabulated. DLC.
89185. LEBEDEV, A. A. Re the influence of geomagnetic disturbance on geomagnetic electrokinetograph current-measurements in the Barents Sea. 1959. 9 p. Translation of Arctic Bibliography No 59638; available as: AD-610 922 from CFSTI. 89186. LEBEDEV, L. M. 0 prirodnom silikagele iz Vtorogo Teplogo ruchqa na Pauzhetke, Kamchatka. (In: Akademifil nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Vulkanizm Kamchatki . . . 1963, p. 155-64, table, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On natural silica gel from the Teplyl II streamlet on the Pauzhetka River, Kamchatka. Reports a 1960 study in which the temperature of this hot spring is measured, and the mode of occurrence of the silica gel described. The banding of its deposits is linked with the cyclic burial of blue-green algae. Chemical and X-ray analyses are reported. Aggregates of silical gel globules are described. Morphologic features are characterized. DLC. 89187. LEBEDEV, L. M. 0 rudnykh novoobrazovanifakh v gidrotermal'no izmenennykh porodakh v ralone Pauzhetskikh gidroterm. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Trudy 1961. no. 19, p. 11522, tables, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: New ore formations in hydrothermally altered rocks in the Pauzhetka hot springs region. Primary ore minerals of tuffs are hematite and ilmenite. By hydrothermal metamorphism new minerals are formed such as pyrite and magnetite also anatase, brookite and nutile. Zones of zeolitization and propylitization and a zone of leucoxene are DLC. described. LEBEDEV, L. M., see also No. 90126. LEBEDEV, V. N., see No. 85677. 89188. LEBEDEVA, E. P. K kharakteristike severnogo narechii evenkilskogo lazyka. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheski! inst. Uchenye zapiski 1960. v. 167, p. 13769.) 22 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Special features of north Evenki speech forms. Comparative study of the speech of two Evenki Tungus groups, one from Bol'shoy Porog (65°39' N 90°05' E), the other from Agata (66°55' N 93°30' E). In 1951 both groups were resettled at Tutanchany, the consolidated kolkhoz center farther south at the confluence of the Tutonchana and Nizhnyaya Tunguska. The north Evenkispeaking tribes along and north of the
Nizhnyaya Tunguska, are traced from their original habitat, their clan nomenclature in the 17th century, movements to the Vilyuy and Lena Rivers, etc. The cultural and linguistic influence of neighboring Yakuts and Dolgans, and that of mixing with Russian settlers and south Tungus migrants from the Podkamennaya Tunguska are discussed. Current ethnic processes which result from the relocation of populations, etc are also considered. DLC. 89189. LEBEDEVA, I. M. Proaessy vlagoobmena na lednike MGU, PolrarnyI Ural, i metodika ikh opredelenifil. (In: Akademia, nauk SSSR. Inst. geografii. Teplovol i vodnyl . . . 1965, p. 161-67, graph.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Processes of moisture exchange on the Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Glacier, Polyarnyy Ural, and methods of their determination. Reports a summer 1959, 1960 investigation of moisture exchange to determine the heat balance on the glacier surface during ablation. Air temperature and humidity and wind velocity were studied and actinometric observations made. Intensity of the moisture exchange processes calculated by the heat balance and the KasanskiyMonk methods gave the same results. DLC. 89190. LEBEDEVA, N. P., and AL R. MAZOR. Uglenosnost' i petrograficheskil sostav uglel r. Kurelki. (In: Moskva. Univ. Geologicheskil fakul'tet. Voprosy geologii • . . 1964, p. 109-119, table, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Coal-bearing and the petrographic composition of coals of the Kureyka River. Discusses the petrographic classification of coals. The Kate, Burgukli and Pelyatka series are analyzed and described according to beds, 14 beds in all. Coals of the Hata and Burgukli series are fusainised, those of the Pelyatka series have taken gel form. DLC. 89191. LEBEDEVA, N. V., and E. I. SAKHAROVA. 0 sloistosti peschanykh ruslovykh grfad. (Litologifa i poleznye iskopaemye 1965, no. 2, p. 113-22, sections.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the bedding of sand cones in river channels. Reports a 1958-1961 study of channel alluvium in the Vychegda and Severnaya Dvina. Forms and bedding of the alluvial sand and other debris are analyzed. According to the structure and slope of these oone-like features, two types are recognized: simple and complex. The simple form may
be 9-10 as in length, 20-30 m wide and 0.2-0.3 m high. The complex cones, also called ridges are larger and have a more complex form of slope. DLC. 89192. LEBEDINSKII, V. I. Vulkanologi vstrechafatsfa na Kamchatka. (Priroda 1965. v. 54, no. 3, p. 73-81, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Volcanologists meet in Kamchatka. Describes one of the excursions offered to participants in the Second . All-Union Volcanological. Conference, 3-18 Sept 1964, at Petropavlovsk: to Paratunka hot springs 60 km distant, thence by plane to the Valley of Geysers, by boat to Ust'-Kamehatsk and up the Kamchatka River to Klyuchi, thence by motor car to Bezymyannyy volcano, and on foot to the Apakhonchich cone of Klyuchevskiy. The hothouse-hotbed combine and sanatorium at Paratunka are noted; volcanic activity of the Klyuchevskaya group since the 1940's, current state, landscape, etc are sketched. DLC.
89193. LEBENGARfS, Z. Pushnomekhovoe syr'e. Moskva, Izd-vo "Vysshata shkola" 1964. 363 p. illus. 47 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fur raw materials. Handbook for agricultural colleges with an introduction on the status of the fur economy before and after the Revolution. Pt 1, p 11-104, deals• with classification of fur, its microscopical and chemical structure, trade characteristics, their factors and standards. Pt 2, p 105-273, describes Russian fur animals according to hunting season and in taxonomic groups; distribution, color of fur and hair at different seasons and areas, quality and value of fur, etc are discussed. Arctic animals: foxes, incl arctic fox, sables, weasels, seals, mink, beaver, marten, ermine, otter, wolverine, sea otter, wolf, bears, polar bear, hares, squirrels, muskrat, are included. Also considered are domesticated or semidomesticated animals, e.g. reindeer and birds, hid auks, murres and puffins. Pt 3, p 274-310, deals with foreign fur animals, ind arctic dwellers. The final section; p. 311-56 covers processing and dyeing of skins, defects, standards, use, and byproducts. DLC. 89194. LeBLANC, L, and M. POULIOT. Importance of noradrenaline in cold adaptation. (American journal of physiology 1964. v. 207, no. 4, p. 853-56, tables, graphs.) 15 refs. Rats injected with noradrenaline, and acclimatized rats, showed higher Orconsumption and rectal temperatures than
controls. At -20° C they also showed higher core temperature and survived longer than controls, all this indicating that noradrenaline treatment at room temperaDLC. ture can produce cold adaptation. 89195. LeBLANC, J., and others. Thermal balance and biogenic amine excretion in Gaspe fishermen exposed to cold. (Journal of applied physiology 1964. v. 19, no. 1, p. 9-12, table, graphs.) 21 refs. Other authors: M. Pouliut and S. Rheaume. When exposed naked for 1 hr at 60° F, the fishermen maintained a higher skin temperature than controls and a more pronounced shiver without increased heat production. Excretion of hydroxycortisone was lower than in the controls and that of catecholamine did not increase in either group. DLC. 89196. LCBRASSEUR, R. J. Stomach contents of blue shark, Prionace glauca L., taken in the Gulf of Alaska. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1964. v. 21, no. 4, p. 861-62, table.) 2 refs. Reports on stomach contents from 29 sharks, taken in July 1959 in the southeastern part of the Gulf. Though opportunistic feeders, these sharks prefer salmon, if present, to other food. DLC. 89197. LECYK, M. The effect of hypothermia applied in the given stages of pregnancy on the number and form of vertebrae in the offspring of white mice. (Experientia 1965. v. 21, no. 8, p. 452-53, illus.) 10 refs. Females, 7.5-42.5 days gravid, were cooled to 20 or 25° C and kept for a day at this temperature. Of 953 animals, 114 gave birth to 533 young. Of the latter 181 showed malformations of the vertebral column, such as reduction in the number of vertebrae with anomalies in them and in the ribs. DLC. LEDDEN, M. M., see No. 90455. 89198. LEE, A. J. The hydrography of the European arctic and subarctic seas. (Oceanography and marine biology 1963. v. 1, p. 47-76, tables, maps.) Approx. 120 refs. Study of the Greenland, Norwegian and Barents Seas, with introduction on the northern and southern limits of this area as conceived by various authors, and postwar research. Bottom topography, water masses and currents in each of the seas, water, salt and heat balance as well as year-to-year and long term fluctuations in the hydrography of the area constitute the DLC. main body of the paper.
89199. LEE, A. J., and D. ELLETT. On the contribution of overflow water from the Norwegian Sea to the hydrographic structure of the North Atlantic Ocean. (Deepsea research 1965. v. 12, no. 2, p. 129-42, map, graphs.) 19 refs. Examines the spread of Norwegian Sea deep water over the Scotland-Greenland Ridge into the northeastern and northwestern basins of the North Atlantic, on the basis of salinity anomaly and dicswlved oxygen content. The water mass produced by the overflow into the northwestern basin occurs on the East Greenland continental slope; eventually fills the bottom of that basin, and causes a southerly flow along the western margin of the Atlantic. This same water mass mixes with the Labrador Sea water above it to form the North Atlantic deep water. Three Anton Dohrn sections in the IGY supplied data across Denmark Strait. DLC. LEE, A. J., see also No. 85606. 89200. LEE, D. H. K. Heat and cold effects and their control. Washington, D.C., US. Govt. Print. Off. 1964. 35 p. tables, graphs. (US. Public Health Service. Public health monograph no. 72.) 76 refs. Includes the essentials of heat production, exchange and control; primary and secondary physiological effects of cold; cold acclimatization, and failures: frostbite, hypothermia, etc. Effects of clothing and shelter with design principles for each are given, as are cold indices and examples of protection against cold. DLC. 89201. LEE, H. A. Method of deglaciation, age of submergence, and rate of uplift west and east of Hudson Bay, Canada. (Biuletyn peryglacjalny 1962, no. 11, p. 239-45, sections, illus.) .20 refs. Reviews Quaternary history of the area by correlating geological, archeological investigations, ice recession and stratigraphie studies. Directions of ice movements during the max stage of Wisconsin glaciation are deduced from the transport of erratics, from the positions of the outer terminal moraines, and from the area of greatest isostatic readjustment. After Hudson Bay was freed of the continental ice sheet, the sea spread around it 5,000-6,000 BC, and is now known as Tyrrell Sea. The subsequent rate of land emergence has been measured by dating organic, shell, and bone materials related to strand lines. The rate decreased from initial rapid uplift of about 600 cm/ century to later 30-90 cm/century. DLC. LEE, S. C., see Nos. 84953, 91347, 91348.
89202. LEE, J. F., and J. F. ROY. Carbon dioxide accumulation in the snow houses. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1965 pub. 1966, p. 87-96, tables, graphs.) 3 refs. Describes conditions in a small (86 ft') and larger (123 ft') freshly built snowhouse. It was found that larger shelters show lower concentration of CO2. Even in smaller shelters CO2 does not accumulate in dangerous concentrations, provided they are made from dry or naturally compacted snow, or have a port for ventilation. CaMAI. LEE, J. F., see also No. 84954. 89203. LEE, N. W. E. Roadway plans from a total airphoto technique without ground control. (Photogrammetric engineering 1964. v. 30, no. 2, p. 251-58, map, profile, illus.) 2 refs. Describes technique used successfully by Photographic Surveys, an affiliate of Hunting Survey Corp, to produce plans for more than 200 mi of secondary gravel roads in northern Canada, including 93 mi under construction to open the potential prospecting area along the east side of Lake Mistassini, Northern Quebec. Preliminary location is made by interpretation of existing air photos. Detailed location, soil and rock data, drainage areas, topography, clearing data, gravel sources, are all extracted from fresh, low level, radar-controlled air photos flown along the selected route. Final plans are derived directly from these data obtained from the air photos. The first ground survey of the road is the stake-out immediately in front of construction operations. DLC. 89204. LEE, S. M. Granites and migmatites in the South Hopewell Sound area, east of Hudson Bay, Province of Quebec, Canada. (Geological Society of Korea. Journal 1964. v. 1, no. 1, p. 1-23, map, graphs, tables, illus.) 23 refs. Part of Ph.D. thesis at McGill Univ, 1962. Discusses the origin and formation of these Archean migmatitic granites, in the area between Hopewell Narrows and Hopewell Point on the east coast of Hudson Bay. Petrographic and chemical analyses were carried out and refractive indices determined. Formation of the granites was partly the result of magmatic injection and partly replacement by liquids which impregnated the host rock. Changes in mineral composition are noted as are petrographic changes which occurred during metamorphism. Gradation of the granitic rocks from homogeneous intrusive microcline
granite outward to migmatitic granite and gneiss and into the country rock is explained in terms of metasomatism. Geologic features of the area are shown on a 1 in:5 mi DGS. map. 89205. LEEDS, A. Reindeer herding and (American Chukchi social institutions. Assoc for Advancement of Science. Pub. 78,1965, p. 87-128, maps, tables.) 22 refs. Analyzes the interrelationship between herding requisites and social structure, primarily on the basis of Bogoraz's observations, No 1876. Herd size is limited by the food supply, regenerative capacity of the range, mobility of the grazing animals, and labor available for herding. Productivity and stability depend on a balanced herd composed of breeding cows, stud bulls, geldings for transportation, animals for slaughter, and fattened bulls and cows, the last a sign of wealth or prestige. About 70-100 head is the minimum to maintain itself, and provide for a nuclear family, 3000-5000 is the maximum. Losses by disease, famine, predators, reversion to the wild state, etc affect a small herd harder than a large one. The small herd and labor can be increased by related poor families joining together temporarily by marriage, by capture in intergroup conflicts, etc. Means of reducing an oversize herd are also noted. The equilibrium of the Chukchi system serving to regulate herd size according to ecological conditions and redistribute labor as needed, is discussed. The aggressive and individualistic behavior traits of Chukchis are considered a result of competitive struggle for herd increase. DLC. LEEM, KNUD, 1697-1774, see No. 90252. LEFEBVRE, G. R., see No. 91900. 89206. LEGGET, R. F. Permafrost in North America. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 2-7.) 22 refs. Reviews the course of the study of permafrost from the observations by Isham (1743) and Robson (1752) in the Hudson Bay area. The great impetus to interest in permafrost which resulted from the necessity of thawing perennially frozen auriferous gravels in the Klondike after 1896 is recalled. The need for greater understanding of permafrost became evident when the first substantial modern buildings in the subarctic were constructed in the 1930's, and railways were extended northwards into the permafrost zone. Projects
carried out during World War II and recent researches by both military and scientific organizations are briefly reviewed. Problems met with during the building of the town of Inuvik, Mackenzie District and the Kelsey hydroelectric power plant near Thompson, Manitoba are mentioned. CaMAI. LEGGET, R. F., see also No. 91900. 89207. LEHTINEN, P. T. The phalangids and pseudoscorpionids of Finnish Lapland. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 32, p. 279-87, map.) 29 refs. Notes earlier literature and the decreasing number of these arachnids toward the north in Finland. Six species of Phalangida and four of Pseudoscorpionida are dealt with, incl previous records, geographic distribuCaMAI. tion and habitat. 89208. LEHTONEN, L. Kuikan, Gavia a. ardica L. muutosta ja pesimiskauden alkuvaiheen tapahtumista. (Ornis fennica 1965. v. 42, no. 3, p. 76-89, tables, maps.) 21 refs. In Finnish. German summary. Title tr.: The arctic loon Gavia a. arctica L., its migration and behavior before reproduction. Reports behavioral studies during 19611964 in central Finland with data on migrations in the Arctic drawn from banding returns. The birds return every year to the same nest; only if disturbed they move away several hundred yards. Maturity is apparently reached in the sixth year DA. of life. LEHTOVUORI, M., see No. 85284. 89209. LEIGHTY, R. D. Engineering information of arctic areas obtained from aerial imagery. (International archives of photogrammetry 1962. v. 14, p. 383-89, map, illus.) French and German summary. Outlines the standard technique for the utilization of air photography as it applies to engineering problems in arctic terrain, with resultant savings in time and cost. A mosaic is made and major patterns are delineated, as are minor patterns contained therein. This is followed by detailed stereoscopic study of pattern features such as slope, erosional features, drainage and vegetation. From these, expected behavior when subjected to use may be determined. DLC. LEIGHTY, R. T1., see also No. 87129. LEINBACH, H., see No. 91140.
89210. LEIPZIG, A. V. K istorii formirovanifa struktur vostochnykh ralonov Sibirskol platformy. (Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. v. 97, p. 11-29, maps, profiles.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The formation history of structures of the eastern regions of the Siberian platform. Analyzes the history of the region where the eastern part of the Siberian platform borders the Mesozoic structures of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma folded province. Several developing stages are recognized, such as Archean, Sinian, Lower—Middle Paleozoic, Upper Paleozoic—Lower Mesozoic, etc. Each stage is described as to its main structures and their nature. The Vilyuy synclise, Anabar anteclise, Verkhoyansk foredeep and other structures are characterized. Tectonic evolution of the Siberian platform and Verkhoyansk-Kolyma folded zone is outlined. DLC. 89211. LEIRFALL, J. Nye veier pa Nordkalotten. (Norske turistforening. Arbok 1963, p. 84-91, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: New roads on the Northern Cap. Discusses new and planned roads in a sparsely inhabited, industrially underdeveloped area, handicapped by its remoteness, long winters and poor vegetation. The socalled Northern Cap, includes northern Troms and Finnmark, adjoining parts of Sweden and Finland, the Tome valley and the Inari and Rovaniemi districts. The new routes will permit year-round transportation with easier local access, tourist travel, and international communication. The areas with Lapps in the majority will be unified, enabling consolidation of the Lappish culture. Distances are given and roads described. DLC. 89212. LEITES, A. M., and I. P. PALEI. Na sessii Soveta po tektonike Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Izvestifa 1964, ser. geol. no. 4, p. 124-26.) In Russian. Title tr.: At the session of the Council for Tectonics of Siberia and the Far East. Reviews this third session, 30 Oct-2 Nov 1963, at Irkutsk, in which more than 200 specialists participated and various papers dealt with the Siberian platform, KrasDLC. noyarsk Province, etc. 89213. LEIVESTAD, H. Supercooling and osmoregulation in teleosts of the boreal, and sub-Arctic. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 747-52, graphs.) 4 refs.
Several Barents Sea teleosts found in subzero water, have their body fluids supercooled. Low temperature, by raising plasma osmolarity makes such adaptation possible. Muscle cells lost potassium and gained sodium at low temperatures. CaMAI. LEIVESTAD, H., see also No. 86777. 89214. LEKOM1EV, ft. K. K tipologii razlicheni& grammaticheskikh klassov. (Narody Azii i Afriki 1963, no. 6, p. 14752, graph.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Typology of differentiation between grammatical classes. Study of grammatical word classification as exemplified, among others, by the Eskimo system of the verb-subject type. DLC. LeMAY, B., see No. 86497. 89215. LeMOUEL, J. F. Note sur le Groenland. (Norois 1964. v. 11, no. 41, p. 46-50.) 7 refs. In French. Title tr.: A note on Greenland. Describes the main features of the population and settlement pattern; the 31,739 inhabitants in 1959 included 29,209 native Greenlanders and 2,530 Danes, who live along both east and west coasts as well as in Thule District and station Nord. The economy, traditionally based on sealing, is changing to a cod-and-prawn fishing basis, causing a concentration of population in west coast towns such as Egedesminde, ChristianshAb, Jakobshavn, Godhavn, and the coal-mining town of Kutligasat. Resettlement of Eskimos as seal resources proved insufficient is noted, though Upernavik District, 72-75° N, with 1453 Eskimos and 63 Danes, has retained much of its primitive character. Sealing practices are described as observed in 1962 at Kraulshavn, a village of 113 people on Nugssuaq peninsula, about 175 mi north of Upernavik. DLC. 89216. LEN, K. CH. Gidronimicheskil areal -kan v Srednel Sibiri. (In: Akadernifa'. nauk SSSR. Inst. narodov Azii. Toponimike ... 1964, p. 146-49.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Area of diffusion of the hydronymic -kan in central Siberia. Discusses the origin and grammatical function of this diminutive suffix derived from the Tungus-Manchu word for river. It is used as formant for water-body names in areas now or formerly occupied by Evenki DLC. Tungus. LENARZ, W. H., sce Nos. 86580, 87076.
89217. LENINGRAD. Arkticheskit i antarkticheskit nauchno-issledovatel' skit instilut. Cold-weather clothing for Soviet antarctic explorers. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962 . . . pub. 1963, p. 635-48.) Stresses the high standards, based on extensive and long experience, of Russian coldweather clothing; and describes its components and their materials. Outfits for special conditions, as storm-windproof or -waterproof, or flying are also considered, as are sleeping bags, boots, and caps. DLC. 89218. LENINGRAD. Arktiche,skit i antarkticheskit nauchno-issledovatel' skit institut. Gidrologifa, rek Sovetskol Arktiki. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat 1965. 143 p. tables, graphs, illus. (Its: Trudy v. 268.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrology of rivers in the Soviet Arctic. Presents four papers on the lower reaches and estuaries of large navigable Siberian rivers and on the coastal zone of the arctic seas as influenced by river drainage. These papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names: V. S. Arttonov, F. A. Chernfileva, V. V. Ivanov and N. P. Gilfarov, and ID. V. Nalimov, qqv. CaMAI, DLC. 89219. LENINGRAD. Arkticheskit i antarktieheskii nauchno-issledovatel' skit insMut. Klimatologifa i radiaaionnyT rezhim Arktiki. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat 1965. 206 p. tables, graphs, maps. (Its: Trudy v. 273.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Climatology and radiation regime in the Arctic. Contains 17 papers dealing with problems in arctic meteorology, aerology and radiation regime; they are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: L. P. Burova and N. V. Shiposh, N. T. Chemigovskil and A. A. Timerev, K. I. Chukanin, I. M. Dolgin, S. M. Donina, P. D. Fedfakova, L. A. Gavrilova, G. I. Kizino E. D. Korol'kova, A. M. Kovrova, M. S. 'Marshunova, B. A. Pfatnenkov, Z. M. Prik, A. A. Timerev, I. N. Zav'ffilova (2 papers), and S. V. Zvereva, qqv. CaMAI, DLC. 89220. LENINGRAD. Arklicheskit i antarkticheskii nauchno-issledovater skit instilut. Materialy nabliadenil nauchnoissledovatel'skikh dreffuf0shchikh stanail "SevernyT polMs-6" i "Severny! polfas-8" 1959/60 g. Leningrad, Izd-vo Transport 1964. 644 p. tables. In Russian. • (Its: Trudy v. 260.) K. A. Sychev, editor. Title tr.: Observation data from scientific drifting stations North Pole-6 and North Pole-8 1959/1960.
Contains reduced data of meteorological observations carried out 1 May-12 Sept 1959 in the region 82°03'-85°48' N 6°21'30°34' E on North Pole-6. During the 155 days the station drifted 965 km (590 km between start and finish points). North Pole-8 drifted for 342 days between 27 Apr 1959-30 Apr 1960, covering 2,590 km in a zig-zag path, 574 km point to point: 76° 11' N 164°24' E-79°09' N 179°35' E. Daily data, and monthly averages of measurements of air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction, cloudiness, amount of precipitation, snow surface temperature, snow cover, degree of visibility, and other atmospheric phenomena are given in tables. Instrumentation is described, and methods of observation and measurements are summarized. DLC. 89221. LENINGRAD. Arkticheskil i angarkticheskir nauchno-issledovater skit institut. Materialy nablfadenil nauchnoissledovatel'skikh drellufashchikh stanail "Severnyl polfils-8" i "Severnyl polf1 t s-9" 1960/61 goda. Leningrad, Izd-vo Transport 1964. 601 p. tables. (Its: Trudy v. 261.) In Russian. K. A. Sychev, editor. Title tr.: Observational data from scientific drifting stations North Pole-S and North Pole-9 1960/61. Contains reduced data of meteorological and actinometric observations made in the periods and areas stated in No 89222. Tables include daily coordinates, and daily data, monthly averages and sequels of observations and measurements of air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, direction and speed of wind, clouds and cloudiness, dew point, visibility, snow cover and surface temperature, and other atmospheric phenomena and their duration. Instrumentation is described, and methods of observation and measurements are outlined. DLC. 89222. LENINGRAD. Arkticheskil i antarkticheska nauchno-issledovatel'skil inslitut. Materialy nablflldenil nauchnoissledovatel'skikh drelfufashchikh stant-sil "Severnyl polfus-8" i "Severnyl poll-as-9" 1960/61 g. Leningrad, Izd-vo Transport 1964. 599 p. tables. (Its: Trudy v. 272.) In Russian. K. A. Sychev, editor. Title tr.: Observational data from the scientific drifting stations North Pole-8 and North Pole-9, 1960/61. Contains reduced data of aerological observations 1 Apr 1960-15 Apr 1961 between 79°09' N 179°35' E and 82°55' N 149°08' E on North Pole-8, and those of
12 Apr 1960-29 Mar 1961 between 77°23' N 163° E and 86°31' N 176° E on North Pole-9. During the 380 day drift North Pole-8 meandered 2,265 km, its start and finish points 683 km apart. North Pole-9 drifted for 352 days covering 2,610 km in a zig-zag path, its point to point distance only 1,341 km. 790 radio soundings and 1,208 wind observations were made by North Pole-8, 555 and 784 respectively by North Pole-9. Daily geographic coordinates are given for both stations, as are atmospheric pressure, air temperature and humidity, wind direction and velocity, cloudiness during observations, form and altitude of clouds, and other atmospheric phenomena. Instrumentation is described, and methods of observation and data reduction are summarized. DLC. 89223. LENINGRAD. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil nauchno-iesledovatell skit instaut. Meteorologicheskie uslovifa v Arktike v period MGG and MGS. Leningrad, Izdvo Transport 1964. 164 p. tables, graphs, maps. (Its: Trudy v. 266.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Meteorologic conditions in the Arctic during IGY and IGC. Contains 12 papers, eleven dealing with the Arctic are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: A. M. Baranov, L. P. Burova and N. V. Shiposh, V. M. Danilova, I. M. Dolgin (2 papers), L. A. Gavrilova, A. M. Kovrove, M. S. Marshunova and N. T. Chernigovskil, Z. M. Prik, G. G. Sergeeva, and A. I. Voskresenskil and G. U. Karimova, qqv. CaMAI, DLC. 89224. LENINGRAD. Articheskil i antarkticheskil nauchno-issledovatel' skit institut. Nauchnye rezul'taty vysokoshirotnykh okeanograficheskikh ekspedifaii v severnufil chest' Grenlandskogo moria i prilegafashchie ralony Arkticheskogo basselna v 1955-1958 gg. Moskva, Izd-vo Transport 1964. 403 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Its: Trudy v. 259.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Scientific results of high latitude oceanographic expeditions in the northern part of Greenland Sea and adjacent areas of the Arctic Basin in 1955-1958. Contains 20 papers presenting results of hydrobiologic studies carried out by the Institute's expeditions on the Lithe, Ob' , and Lena. All the papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: A. P. Andrifashev, Z. I. Baranova, A. L Bulycheva, A. N. Golikov, Z. S. Gorilinova and V. S. Shuvalov, M. G. Gostilovskafa, E. F. Gur'fanova, K. A. 1din, V. V. Khlebovich, G. A. 'Cage, Z. I.
Kobfekova, V. M. Koltun (3 papers), A. L Kuz'mina, N. B. Lomakina, L. K. Lozina Lozinskil, Z. C. Shchedrina (2 papers), and G. B. Zevina and N. L Tarasov, qqv. DLC. LENINGRAD. Arkticheskif i 89225. antarktich,eskii nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut. Rezul'taty gorizontal'nogo i vertikal'nogo zondirovanifi atmosfery a samoleta v Arktike. Leningrad, Izd-vo Morskol transport 1962. 954 p. tables. (Its: Trudy v. 246.) In Russian. I. M. Dolgin, editor. Title tr.: Results of the horizontal and vertical sounding of the atmosphere by aircraft in the Arctic. Presents the results of measurements of the air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind direction and velocity, water droplet spectrum, water content and meteorological visibility in clouds and fog. Dynamic overloads of the aircraft, total and reflected radiation, albedo of the upper surface of clouds, water, ice, and tundra are reported, as are the state of the sea surface and amount of snow on ice. Data are given on cloudiness and the upper and lower limits of cloud, meteorological phenomena, and conditions of the solar disc. Icing and intensity of icing deposits on the aircraft, bumpiness of the air, and pertinent weather conditions are stated. Instrumentation for all the observations and measurements is described. They were carried out in continuation of the so-called High Latitudes Flying Observatory expeditions initiated in 1948, during 20 July-7 Aug 1957, 21 July-23 Aug 1958, and 22 Aug20 Sept 1959, with respectively, 19 flights over Kara Sea, 13 and 19 over Laptev Sea. Besides the airborne group, two aerological parties worked on Dikson Island and at Tadibe-Yakhe, recording data on temperature, humidity, pressure, fog and wind velocity and direction with 136 balloon and nine kite ascensions. Personnel are cited in CaMAI. the preface. Arktieheskii i 89226. LENINGRAD. antarkticheskif nauchno-issledovaterskil institut. Rezul'taty nablfddenil polarnykh magnitnykh observatoril 1936 g., 1936 i 1937 gg. Leningrad, Izd-vo Glaysevmorputi 1939-1940. 2 v.: 100, 166 p. tables. (Its: Trudy v. 138, 154.) In Russian and French. Title tr.: Results of observations at the polar magnetic observatories in 1936, 1936 and 1937. In sequence to No. 9907, 23772. Reports hourly values of magnetic decline, tion, and horizontal and vertical components (D, H, Z) recorded in 1936 at Tikhaya Bay, Dikson Island, Cape Chelyuskin, and Uelen, and in 1937 at Matochkin Sher, Tikhaya,
Dikson and Uelen. The •observations and reduction of recorded data were carried out at all stations under the general direction of N. N. Nikol'skil. At Tikhaya Bay noticeable deviations in the basic values of the D and H components of the field in the second half of the year were recorded, similarly at Dikson Island, and they are explained by defective performance of variometers. The basic values Do and Zo at the Chelyuskin station showed several jumps in the latter part of the year while considerable variations in Ho from 0.04040 to 0.04211 in July 1936 remained outstanding. The 1936 report for the Uelen station is presented with that for 1937; Do value showed. some variations, Ho and Zo were excessive. The Matochkin Sher observatory burnt in 1935 was in full operation in 1937. The restoration work for variational and absolute magnetic observations is described. The 1937 Tikhaya Bay observations recorded no excessive deviations except a few jumps, but basic values of Do, Ho, and Zo at Dikson exhibited considerable variations, especially in the component Ho, and these irregularities are explained as instrumental errors due to thermal displacement of foundations under variometers. The variation rate in Do, Ho, and Zo values . at Uelen in 1937 were approx the same as in 1936. The azimuth of the measuring staff of the observatory was redetermined as 101°22'.6. As in the reports for previous years, eastern declination is considered to have a plus sign. Hourly values of all magnetic elements are given in • absolute values, and the annual values in deviations from the monthly mean: declination in minutes of arc, H and Z in 0.00001 cgs. Mean Greenwich time is used in the tables. DLC. 89227. LENINGRAD. Arkticheskil i antarldicheskit nauchno-issledovaterskir institut. Uvelichenie zablagovremennosti detalizaaila dolgosrochnykh meteorologicheskikh prognozov dlia Arktiki. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat 1965. 259 p. tables, graphs, maps. (Its: Trudy v. 262.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Increase of early and detailed long range meteorological forecasts in the Arctic. A. A. Girs, editor. Contains eleven papers dealing with the Vangengetm use in the Arctic of the G. macrocirculation method for long-range meteorological forecasts. The investigations were carried out in 1960-63. All the papers are to be found in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: M. Sh. Bolotinskaa (2 papers), E. P. Borisenkov, E. P. Borisenkov and L. E. Borisova, I. A.
Dfftbkin and L. ft. Ryzhakov, L. A. Dydina, A. A. Girs, I. V. Maksimov and N. P. Smirnov, V. S. Ragozina, L. ID. Ryzhakov, and N. D. Vinogradov, qqv. CaMAI, DLC. 89228. LENINGRAD. Arkticheskit i antarkticheskit nauchno-issledovatel'akil institut. Voprosy arkticheskogo ledovedenifii. Moskva, Izd-vo Transport 1964. 158 p. tables, graphs, illus. (Its: Trudy v. 267.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of arctic ice research. I. S. Peschanskil, editor. Contains 16 papers all abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz (titles tr): PESCHANSKII, I. S. Ice research. CHEREPANOV, N. V. Structure of sea ice of great thickness. LAVROV, V. V. Effects of loads upon bending strength of ice. NAZIN'ItEV, ID. L. Thermal properties of sea ice. CHEREPANOV, N. V. Ice field movement... rAKOVLEV, G. N. Breaking ice. RUDAKOV, V. N., and Z. I. SHVA1SHTEN. Remote electromagnetic methods of measuring thickness of drift ice. PETROV, I. G. Use of deep-water heat for non-freezing aquatoria. SHVAISHTEN, Z. I., and R. K. ENGLIN. Breaking ice by vibration. PETROV, I. G. Use of steam to form open-water ... BUSHUEV, A. V. Plasticity and isostatic equilibrium of the ice cover. NAZINTMV, L. Heat balance of an old-ice cover. DORONIN, It P. Calculation of ice thickness and temperature. KHETSIN, D. E. Elastic-plastic bending of an ice cover. GLUICHOVA, N. V. Formation of hummocks and ice barriers. FEDOTOV, V. I. Drilling instruments... CaMAI, DLC. 89229. LENINGRAD. Arkticheskit antarldicheskit nauchno-issledovatel'skif institut. Voprosy ledovedenitil, gidrometeorologii i geofiziki. Leningrad, lzd-vo Morskol transport 1961. 126 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Its: Trudy v. 256.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of ice, hydrometeorology and geophysics. Contains 15 papers all abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: S. S. Chikovskil, E. L. Dolgova, E. N. Dvorkin, N. I. Fedfilkinai. V. V. Ivanov (2 papers), A. I. Murzin, It. L. Nazinfitev, ft. V. Nikolaev, V. V. Panov, L. 10.
Ityzhakov, V. I. Smirnov (2 papers), V. A. Spichkin, and L. G. Toporkov. CaMAI, DLC. LENINGRAD. Arkticheskit i antarkticheskil nauchno-issledovater ski1 institut, see also Nos. 90796, 92221. 89230. LENINGRAD. Arklicizeskit nav,chno-issledovaterskii institut. Materialy po izuchenifll prilivov arkticheskikh morel SSSR. Leningrad, Izd-vo Glaysevmorputi 1938. 82 p. tables, graphs, maps. (Its: Trudy v. 119.) In Russian. Title tr.: Material for the study of tides in the arctic seas of the USSR. Presents tidal measurements at 21 points on coasts of the Barents, Kara, Laptev, Chukchi, and Bering Seas. Geographic coordinates, harmonic and non-harmonic constants, mean amplitude of tide, also dates (all in 1935-1936), duration, and maker of the observations, etc are given for each station and summarized in a table. DLC. 89231. LENINGRAD. Gosudarstvennyi muzel etnografii narodov SSSR. Kratkil putevoditel'. Leningrad 1959. 8 p. illus. In Russian. Title tr.: Short guide. Includes, p 6-7, description of the Museum's dioramas on Nenets Samoyeds and Evenki Tungus, also exhibits of art and handicraft of various northern peoples. DLC. 89232. LENINGRAD. Nauchno-issledovalet' skit institut geologii Arktiki. Antropogenovyl period v Arktike i Subarktike. Moskva, Izd-vo Nedra 1965. 360 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Its: Trudy v. 143.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Quaternary period in the Arctic and Subarctic. Contains 23 papers presented at the 7th INQUA Congress; all are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, qqv: V. A. Basov and V. fA. Slobodin, G. S. Biske and E. I. Devatova, M. N. Borcsov, B. G. Craig and J. G. Fyles, V. D. Dibner, V. D. Dibner and others, R. W. FeylingHanssen, R. F. Flint, V. E. Garutt, L. S. Govorukha and others, D. I. Hopkins, V. I. Kalfilialnen and ID. N. Kulakov, T. N. V. Karlstrom, M. T. Kirfashina, G. I. Lazukov, V. S. Lomachenkov, A. A. Mezhvilk, 0. M. Petrov, ID. P. Semenov, 0. V. Suzdal'skil, N. G. Zagorskara, and V. A. Zubakov (2 papers). DLC. 89233. LENINGRAD. Nauchno-issledovatel'akit institut geologii Arktiki. Kratkoe nastavlenie po uchety peremennogo magnit-
nogo polfa pri aeromagnitnykh s"emkakh v Arktike i Subarktike. Leningrad 1964. 42 p. graphs, maps. 21 refs. In Russian. R. M. Demeniakafil, editor. Title tr.: Brief directions for taking into consideration variations of magnetic field in airborne surveys in the Arctic and Subarctic. Presents a method of accounting for magnetic variations, and their introduction into airborne magnetic prospecting data. The aim is to reduce errors in recording weak magnetic anomalies in geological surveys utilizing variometers, magnetographs, nuclear magnetometers, etc. A limited amount of data are included on magnetic variations in areas of the Arctic Ocean and seas. Four chapters deal with fundamental data on variable geomagnetic field, modern instrumentation, methods of field observations, and office processing and reduction of data. DLC. 89234. LENINGRAD. Nauthno-issledovatel'skil institut geologii Arktiki. Tektonika i noveishafa tektonika csentral'noT chasti Sovetskol Arktiki. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat 1963. 183 p. maps, graphs, illus. (Its: Trudy v. 135.) Approx. 185 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonics and recent tectonics of the central part of the Soviet Arctic. N. N. Urvanaev and P. S. Voronov, editors. Collective work outlining the tectonics of the area roughly north of the Arctic Circle and including Pay-Khoy and Novaya Zemlya on the west, and northern Verkhoyansk and the New Siberian Islands on the east. The first of the two parts deals with the tectonic structure of the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka folded system, Taymyr-Severnaya Zemlya late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic folded system, Mesozoic-Cenozoic downwarps in the north of the East Siberian platform, the northern part of West Siberian Paleozoic platform, northern part of the East Siberian Proterozoic platform and the Barents—Kara late Lower Paleozoic platform. The second part outlines recent tectonics of the same areas. Special attention is given to methods in recent tectonics. Corresponding maps at 1:5 million scale are D GS. included. 89235. LENINGRAD. Vse,sofianyi geologicheskif instilut. Atlas nizhnemelovykh sporovo-pyl'Esevykh kompleksov nekotorykh ra!onov SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Nedra 1964. 552 p. tables, illus. (Its: Trudy v. 124.) Approx. 190 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The atlas of Lower Cretaceous sporepollen complexes of some regions of the USSR.
Presents a collective work, fourth of a series of atlases on spore-pollen complexes of various deposits regions. Similar in plan to No 66230, the work gives short geologic descriptions of the regions, then deals with the spore and pollen of each. Included are the Northern Ural, West Siberian lowland, Ust'-Yenisey depression, Anabar-Khatanga interfluve, Vilyuy depression, Northeast of the USSR, and other arctic areas. The atlas is well illus and the plants found in Lower Cretaceous deposits are listed by the Latin names. DLC. 89236. LENINGRAD. Vsesofilznyi geologicheskii institut. Glubinnye razlomy. Moskva, Izd-vo Nedra 1964. 214 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Deep faults. Contains 26 papers on deep faults and their relationship with magmatic manifestations and mineral deposits, presented at a conference in Leningrad Feb 1962. Seven papers dealing with arctic regions are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: L. S. Egorov, V. A. Fadeev, V. P. Gorski!, L. I. Krasnyl, ft. 11 Livshia, V. L. Masaltio, and A. A. Mezhvilk, qqv. DLC. 89237. LENINGRAD. VsesotilznyI geologicheskii institut. Otdel geologii uglI?i i gortitchikh slanaev. Istorifa uglenakoplenifit v Pechorskom basselne. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 247 p. tables, graphs, maps, profiles. Approx. 350 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: History of coal accumulation in the Pechora basin. Outlines the coal-bearing formations and facies of this area. Its geologic structure, and stratigraphy of the Permian and Triassic deposits are summarized. Lithology, petrography, facies and other properties of the coal-bearing formation, zones and stage of coal accumulation are described. Coal beds and types of coals are analyzed. Further study is planned. DLC. LEN'KIN, E. N., see No. 86555. 89238. LENNERSTEDT, I. Nitgra drag i hiickningsbiologin hos lovsangaxe, buskskviitta och siivspary i mellersta Lappland. (Fauna och flora 1964, no. 3, p. 94-123, tables, graphs, illus.) 32 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Some features of the breeding biology of the willow warbler, whinchat and reed bunting in Central Lapland. Reports on studies made in a breeding area at 65°58' N 16°13' E. Clutch size with comparisons to Central Europe and Great
Britain, egg temperature, hatching time: June 16-23, and calculated laying time (assuming a 13-day incubation period) are stated; as are the weight of eggs and young, nestling period, and feeding activity. Feeding was suspended for 3 hr 24 min to 4 hr 57 min during a single night. The firstnamed species rested around midnight, the second after it and the third before. DLC. 89239. LENOVA, G. V. Povtorfilemost' baricheskikh obrazovanll nad severnym polushariem pri nekotorykh sinopticheskikh uslovifakh. (Moskva. N.-issl. inst. aOroklimatologii. Trudy 1963. no. 21, p. 13450, maps, tables.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Frequency of air pressure patterns in the Northern Hemisphere under certain synoptic conditions. Reports study of the recurrence of cyclone and anticyclone centers at the earth's surface and the 500 mb isobaric surface for Jan of the years 1954-1958 according to equal squares, of the Northern Hemisphere. A case when the cyclone center is in western Iceland is analyzed in some detail. Other cases are also reported, e.g. when anticyclone centers are over the Kara and Barents Sea region and anticyclone centers are over Mongolia and northwest China. Arctic regions are included in this type of study. DLC. 89240. LENT, P. C. Tolerance between grizzlies and wolves. (Journal of mammalogy 1964. v. 45, no. 2, p. 304-305.) Reports two cases of feeding associations seen in Alaska in spring and summer of 1961. Hitherto only one account (1952) of grizzly-wolf association is claimed to be on record. DLC. LENT, P. C., see also No. 92548 §19. 89241. LENT, P. V. Rutting behaviour in a barren-ground caribou population. (Animal behaviour 1965. v. 13, no. 2 & 3, p. 259-64, table.) 11 refs. Reports observations made during OctNov 1960-1961 in northwestern Alaska. Peak of rutting activity occurred during the third week of Oct, while migration was going on. No harem-type organization was formed in ticp migrating caribou. Behavior before and dtuing rutting is described. DLC. 89242. LENTZ, J. W. Through the Barrens by canoe. (Explorers journal 1965. v. 43, no. 1, p. 39-45, map, illus.) Describes descent of the Back River in
Mackenzie and Keewatin Districts by a four-man party in summer 1962: navigating the rapids, encounters with muskoxen, an English kayaking expedition, Eskimo fishing camp at the river mouth, weather conditions, animal and plant life, etc. DI. 89243. LENZ, A. C., and D. E. JACKSON. New occurrences of graptolites from the South Nahanni region, Northwest Territories and Yukon. (Bulletin of Canadian petroleum geology 1964. v. 12, no. 4, p. 892-900, map.) 11 refs. Combines faunal data gathered by the California Standard Co and Pan American Petroleum Corp during reconnaissance mapping since 1957 in the region approx 60-62° N 124-126° W. The faunal succession is very incomplete, however graptolites and trilobites from the lower part of the Sunblood Formation extend the age of that unit to include Early Ordovician. The overlying Whittaker and Delorme Formations contain all series from Middle Ordovician through Lower Devonian, the Delorme yielding early Lower Devonian graptolites and a rich brachiopod fauna that may be correlated with the Lower Devonian Borszczow Stage of Podolia, in the Ukraine. D GS. LENZ, A. C., see also No. 88205. 89244. LEONARD, F. C. A recently discovered possible meteorite crater in Quebec, Canada. (Meteoritical Society. Contributions 1950. v. 4, no. 4, p. 295-96.) Reprinted from Time magazine. Reports a discovery by Fred W. Chubb from an aerial photo showing a nearly round lake surrounded by a wall of rock in northwestern Quebec. After a field visit, Dr. V. Ben Meen, Director of the Royal Ontario Museum, positively identified the crater; it is mi across and is estimated to have been formed 3,000 yr ago. CaOG. 89245. LEONARD, R. S., and R. A. BARNES, Jr. Observation of ionospheric disturbances following the Alaska earthquake. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 5, p. 1250-53, graphs.) 5 refs. Correlates ionospheric disturbance with the earthquake of 27 Mar 1964 at 5:36 pm local time. The data reported in the letter are based on ionosonde records at College, Adak, and other stations. A possible initiating mechanism could have been seismic air waves, tidal action (up to 80 ft at some places), and/or large inphase ground DLC. movements.
89246. LEONOV, A. K. Water balance of the Bering Sea. Washington, D.C. 1965. 31 p. tables, graphs. (U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office. Translation 194.) English translation of part (pt 1, p 79-103) of No 66240. CaMAI. 89247. LEONOV, B. N., and others. Osobennosti tektonicheskogo razviti1 olenekskogo podnatifi, v pozdnem dokembrii. (Akademifa. nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 161, no. 5, p. 1173-76, map.) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: L M. Biterman and L. M. Natapov. Title tr.: Tectonic development features of the Olenek uplift in the late Precambrian. Notes that recently collected material on the stratigraphy and facies of Sinian deposits enables a more accurate delineation of the tectonic history of this uplift. Two stages of late Precambrian development are distinguished, the first a great rise of the crystalline basement and its washout, the second rhythmic fluctuation and formation of the sedimentary cover. Both stages are characterized. DLC. LEONOV, B. N., see also No. 85653. 89248. LEONOV, V. A., and A. K. f8IM.BALrUK. Novaa trematoda: Mosesia cuculi sp. n. ot glukhol kukushki, (Cuculus optatus). (Akademia nauk SSSR. Gel'mintologicheskaa lab. Trudy 1963. v. 13, p. 208-209, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A new trematode Mosesia cuculi sp. xi. from the oriental cuckoo Cuculus optatus. Describes this worm found in the guts of two of six birds from two localities in Kamchatka. Differential diagnosis is included. DLC. 89249. LEONOV, V. A., and 0. I. BELOGUROV. Renicola brevivitellata, sp. nov. novaa trematoda ot Aleutskol (Sterna camtschatica) i obyknovennol (S. hirundo) krachek Kamchatki. (Akademifa' nauk SSSR. Germintologicheskaa lab. Trudy 1963. v. 13, p. 210-11, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Renicola brevivitellata, sp. n. a new trematode of the Aleutian Sterna camtschatica and the common or western S. hirundo tern of Kamchatka. Describes this parasitic worm from the kidneys of these two species of birds, with notes on incidence (not frequent), dates and location of finds, as well as differential diagnosis. DLC. 89250. LEONOV, V. A., and others. Trematody gusinykh ptiG Kamchatki.
(Akademia nauk SSSR. Germintologicheskaa lab. Trudy 1963. v. 13, p. 196207, table.) 33 refs. In Russian. Other authors: K. M. Ryzhikov, A.. K. nimbalfilk and 0. I. Belogurov. Title tr.: Trematodes of geese from Kamchatka. Reports on a 1959-1961 study with introductory notes on earlier work in Russia. Sixty-three species of these worms parasitizing 22 species of geese are recorded with notes on organs and species affected, degrees of infection, etc. A general part deals with most common parasites and hosts, dependence of infection on food, age of the host, season, and some zoogeographic aspects. DLC. LEONOV, V. A., see also Nos. 85513,91380, 92485. 89251. LEONOV, V. V. Sooruzhenie gazoprovoda na Kralnem Severe. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1965: v. 10, no. 11, p. 17-18, map, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Construction of gas pipelines in the Far North. Describes the construction of the TasTumus—Yakutsk—Pokrovsk pipeline in the big bend of the middle Lena River, and summarizes information on the best utilization of the mechanical equipment and construction methods. This pipeline is of both underground and above ground types. In the latter case, wooden supports are used and construction takes place under permafrost conditions during the winter season. In underground construction, the permafrost conditions are not conserved'and the work is done summer and winter with welding feasible as low as —50° C. Use of mechanical equipment in the. Far North is very difficult. It calls for types of better design capable of withstanding extreme temperatures. DLC; 89252. LEONOVA, V. A. Nekotorye voprosy geokhimii i genezisa pegmatitovykh zhil Chupy, Severnalit Karelia. (Vses. mineralogicheskoe o-vo: Zapiski 1965. v. 94, no. 3, p. 272-87, tables, graphs.) Approx. 50 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some problems of the geochemistry and genesis of the Chupa pegmatite veins, Northern Karelia. Presents characteristics of rocks of the White Sea complex and pegmatites of the Chupa region. Four types of pegmatites are distinguished and described, as are the two groups of veins. Distribution of the rare elements Zr, Hf, TR, U, etc in the accessory minerals of pegmatites and in their enclosing gneisses is analyzed. Geochemical
data are used in explanation of the origin of DLC. pegmatites. 89253. LEONOVA, V. A., and V. A. GALIBIN. 0 sootnoshenii Cairkonia, i gafnifa, v airtolitakh pegmatitovykh zhil Chupy i v rsirkonakh gnelsov, vmeshchaffishchikh pegmatity. (Mineralogild, i geokhimifii, 1964. Sbornik state! no. 1, p. 163-80, tables, graphs.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the relationship of zirconium and hafnium in cyrtolites of the pegmatite veins of Chupa and in zircons of gneisses enclosing the pegmatites. Presents characteristics of rocks of the White Sea complex, also of these pegmatites and zircons. Four varieties of cyrtolites are recognized and each is described. Quantitative spectral determination of Zr 02/Hf DLC. 02 is given. 89254. LEONOVICH, V. V., and S. M. USPENSKII. Osobennosti klimata i zhizn' ptif v Arktike. (Akaciemifa, nauk SSSR. Ural'ski! filial. Inst. biologii. Trudy 1965. no. 38, p. 141-48.) In Russian. Title tr.: Character of climate and bird life in the Arctic. Discusses the effects of the very cold summer of 1961 on the birds of the Yamal and Taymyr Peninsulas. Arrival and migration, nesting, number of birds and eggs, and hatching, of the more common species are discussed in the light of adverse and disruptive weather conditions. DLC. 89255. LEONT'EV, A. V. Ekspluatafifil teploseti promyshlennykh predprifiltiT Noril'skogo kombinata. (In: Soveshchanieseminar po obmenu opytom proektirovardia . . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 3, p. 93-98.) In Russian. Title tr.: Use of a heating system for industrial plants of the Noril'sk combine. Describes construction features of the heating system, its clientele, the design, maintenance and utilization of the central system of heat and electric power supply, its network and auxiliary installations. Heat is conducted from the Noril'sk thermal-electric central station as superheated steam at 450° C and 32 atm pressure, steam from turbines of 320° C and 13 atm, and hot water of 130-70° C estimated drop, for heating of buildings, hot water supply to the occupants and for technological processes. The field system consists of 18 main heat conduits 132 km long and auxiliary pipe CaONA. lines. 89256. LEONT'EV, L. 'N., and others. K voprosu o tak niizaemoT shchelochnoT-
ur traosnovnol formafii, ne. primers Malmecha-KoturskoT provinaii Sibirskol platformy. (In: Moskva. Inst. mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov. Petrologia . . 1965, p. 127-58, tables, graphs.) Approx. 35 refs. in Russian. Other authors: K. A. ZhukPochekutov and V. S. Gladkikh. Title tr.: The so-called alkaline ultrabasic formations exemplified by the MaymechaKotuy province of the Siberian platform. Presents a stratigraphic section of the Maymecha-Kotuy volcanic-plutonic formation. Gulya pluton is analyzed as to formation and petrography. Distribution and composition of the effusive rocks are described and their petrochemical properties outlined. Formation of the rocks of this province is depicted, and conclusion offered that the alkaline ultrabasic formations originated in the process of differentiation of the basaltic magma with increased alkalinity. DLC. 89257. LEONT'EV, L. N. 0 tektonicheskom plane SibirskoT platformy v proterozoe—pozdnem dokembrii i o prirode VilifiTskol vpadiny. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Geologicheskil muzel. Trudy 1963. no. 14, pt. 2, p. 58-71, maps.) 27 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonic plan of the Siberian platform in the Proterozoic— Late Cambrian and the nature of the Vilyuy depression. Analyzes the Proterozoic—Late Cambrian mobile zones of the Siberian platform such as the Olenek, Taymyr-Severnaya Zemlya, Yenisey, Vilyuy and others. A structural map of the Vilyuy depression is presented and its age and geologic development are discussed. Its history is similar to the development of the Stanovoy belt. DLC. LEONT'EV, L. N., see also Nos. 87340, 93226. LEOPOLD, E. B., see No. 93068. 89258. LEPAGE, E. Hybrides nouveaux dans les genres Carex et Salix. (Naturaliste canadien 1964. v. 91, no. 6-7, p. 165-74, illus.) Ref. In French. Title tr.: New hybrids of Carex and Salix. Reports some important range extensions noted on a botanical traverse by canoe from Schefferville to the Gulf of St. Lawrence in July-Aug 1963, and discusses in detail new taxa represented by hybrids of Carex and Salix. Two well-known hybrids, Carex x anticodensis (Fern.) Lepage and Carex x mainensis Porter were re-discovered; Carex x neobigelowii sp hybr nov (Carex. Bigdowii
x lenticularis) and Carex x guebecensis sp hybr nov (Carex Bigelowii x saxatilis var rhomalea) were found on an island beach in the Romaine River at 51°21' N 63°47' W. Salix x Dutillyi sp hybr nov (Salix argyrocarpa x pedicellaris var hypoglauca) was found in a humid depression along the Romaine River at 52°26' N 64°06' W and Salix x jamesensis sp hybr nov (Salix pedicellaris var hypoglauca x pellita) was found at Attawapiskat on James Bay in northern Ontario in July 1946. DLC. LEPAGE, E., see also No. 86691. LEPEKHIN, IVAN IVANOVICH, see No. 92693. 89259. LER, I. A. Vlifanie sveta na elektricheskufa aktivnost' mysha v ontogeneze. (Fiziologicheskil zhurnal SSSR 1965. v. 51, no. 2, p. 269-74, tables, graphs.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effect of light on the electric activity of muscle during ontogenesis. Account of experiments with kittens 0-1 month old. During the first hours and days of life, light produced only a change in frequency of electric impulses. After the 5-6th day of life, light produces changes in the amplitude of muscular potentials with only slight displacement of frequency. DLC. LERFALD, G. M., see No. 89345. 89260. LERMAN, M. M. Opyt elcspluata£sii sovmeshchennol prokladki inzhenernykh konuntinikaFsil v podzemnykh kanalakh. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanifa . . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 3, p. 54-71, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: An attempt at combining the sanitary engineering lines in underground conduits. Reviews development of the practice of placing water supply, heating and sewage pipes together in a common underground conduit at Noril'sk since 1939. Effect of heat from the conduit upon the frozen ground around its base, and formation of taliks there are discussed. The heat regime and poor ventilation of the conduits led to subsidence of the ducts, and deformation of the utility lines. The hydrological regime of the conduits, and effect of the snow cover are considered; their present condition and deformations are illus by examples. Single and double-deck conduits are compared, the former found technically superior. CaONA. LESAGE, M. A., see No. 90215.
89261. LeSCHACK, L. A. The French polar effort and the Expeditions Polaires Francaises. (Arctic 1964. v. 17, no. 1, p. 2-14, tables, illus.) Reviews the development of EPF as a private organization under Paul-Emile Victor since 1947, its present status and future. Its organizational structure, financing by the French government, activities in Greenland and the Antarctic are described as is its changing relationship with government as result of France's expanded polar operations. EPF has organizational responsibility for the expeditions of Expedition Glaciologique Internationale au Greenland. CaMAI, DLC. 89262. LeSCHACK, L. A. Long-period vertical oscillation of the ice recorded by continuous gravimeter measurements from drift station T-3. (Arctic 1964. v. 17, no. 4, p. 272-79, table, graphs, map, illus.) 7 refs. Describes an apparatus constructed by combining a North American 113 gravimeter and Kodak K-100 16 mm camera with which semi-continuous gravity observations were made on ice island T3 (Bravo) Jan— Mar 1960 in Beaufort Sea. The method by which the various components in the record were isolated is outlined, and it is concluded that vertical oscillations of the ice were detected, although their periodicity could not be determined exactly. CaMAI, DLC. 89263. LeSCHACK, L. A., and R. A. HAUBRICH. Observations of waves on an ice-covered ocean. (Journal of geophysical research 1964. v. 69, no. 18, p. 3815-21, table, graphs, map.) 9 refs. Issued also as: Wisconsin. Univ. Geophys. and Polar Research Center. Contribution no 120. Investigates typical oscillations observed on pack ice, shelf ice, or ice islands, and read by gravity meters. Related to long-period gravity waves on the open ocean and local winds, this phenomenon exhibits an amplitude of 0.05 cm or less, and periods of 20-60 sec. Gravity was measured along the drift tracks of T-3, Arlis I, and Arlis II in the Arctic, and, for comparison, at Little America V in Antarctica. The data from each station when analyzed, shows greater amplitude at Little America than at the CaMAI, DLC. other three stations. 89264. LESH, J. H. Children's Bureau programs in Alaska. (Alaska medicine 1965. v. 7, no. 4, p. 73-75.) Discusses the beginnings and sponsors of maternity and child health services in
Alaska. Scope of the crippled children's services is outlined, eligibility for them indicated as TB and other diseases of bones and joints, congenital deformations, rickets, etc. Financial and residential screening is described. Maternal and child health, retarded children screening, etc are included CaMAI. also. 89265. LESHCHENKO, V. E. Osobennosti geologicheskogo stroenifa i razrabotki gazovol zalezhi III plasta Nibel'skogo mestorozhdenita. (Neftegazovafil geologifa i geofizika 1964, no. 9, p. 12-15, table, profile.) In Russian. Title tr.: Features of the geologic structure and development of a gas pool in bed III of the Nibel' deposits. These deposits southeast of Ukhta and the largest in Komi ASSR, are in the Eifelian. Their geologic structure is analyzed, and so-called bed III described in detail. Gas reserves and exploitation are discussed, its chemical composition is DLC. outlined. 89266. LESHCHENKO, V. E., and A. I. MATVIENICO. Zakonomernosti v izmenenii svolstv neftel devonskikh otlozhenil na territorii ftgo-vostochnogo Pritiman'fa. (NeftegazovaI geologila i geofizika 1963, no. 10, p. 36-38, table, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Patterns in changing oil properties of Devonian deposits in southeastern Timan territory. Analyzes specific weight, content of resin, paraffin and other properties of oil giving special attention to seam III in sandstone of Eifelian stage. From the Yarega, Voy Vozh, Nizhnyaya Omra and other deposits, it appears that changes of oil properties proceed from a southwesterly to a northDLC. easterly direction. LESLIE, R. J., see No. 90172. 89267. LETOPIS' SEVERA. Aleksandr Ignat'evich Andreev. (Its: no. 3, 1962, p. 272-74, illus.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Aleksandr Ignat'evich Andreev. Obituary of A. I. Andreev, 1887-1959, outstanding explorer and historian of the Russian North. His main work Ocherki po istochnikovedenila Sibiri, 1939-40 and some other books and articles are noted. DLC. 89268. LETOPIS' SEVERA. Kharal'd Ul'rik Sverdrup. (Its: no. 3, 1962, p. 27475). Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Harald Ulrik Sverdrup. Obituary of H. U. Sverdrup, 1888-1957, outstanding Norwegian oceanographer; his friendly relations with Soviet arctic explorDLC. ers and scientists are stressed.
89269. LETOPIS' SEVERA. Talnakh, novafil sokrovishchr&a Talmyra. (Its: v. 4, 1964, p. 249-50.) In Russian. Title tr.: Talnakh, a new treasure chest of Taymyr. Notes new copper-nickel ore deposits, discovered in winter 1961-1962 25 km from Noril'sk on the banks of Talnakh River on the Kharayelakh Plateau; a road from Noril'sk and an electric line built in 1962, a large settlement in tents, domestic and mine construction. DLC. LETOVAL"FSEVA, V. I., see No. 88757. 89270. LETTAU, H. F., and others. Modification of drug-induced hypothermia. (Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 1964. v. 42, no. 6, p. 745-55, tables.) 31 refs. Other authors: E. A. Sellers and E. Schtinbaum. Reports study of rats made hypothermic by means of reserpine, chlorpromasine or noradrenaline and the effects of pretreating such animals with imipramine, proniazid, pargyline, kriiodothyronine, or hydrocortisone. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that noradrenaline is involved in thermogenesis: when tissue stores are depleted of it, adrenotropic drugs have a beneficial effect; but when they are replete with noradrenaline, these drugs increase toxicity. DLC. 89271. LEUNG, K. C., and G. C. STONE. Research and reports on effects of alcohol and drugs on rats under ambient and low temperatures measured by avoidance response. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 50 p. tables, graphs. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TR-65-13.) 21 refs. Reports varied experiments on the toxicity of two tranquilizers, two hypnotics and alcohol, alone or in combinations, on rats exposed to cold. In general the depressant effects of drugs, alcohol, and cold were approximately additive, except for chlordiazepoxide which acted with alcohol synergistically. The effects of shock were also studied. CaMAI. LEUNG, S. E. C., see No. 86506. 89272. LEUNG, Y. M. A collection of whale-lice, Cyamidae: Amphipoda. (Southern California Academy of Sciences. Bulletin 1965. v. 64, pt. 3, p. 132-43, tables.) 9 refs. Tabulates 24 forms of these crustaceans (nine of them unidentified) from a collection of some 100,000 specimens from all parts of the world Mel Baffin Bay, Alaskan and
Greenland waters. Hosts, locations, collector and date of collection are included. CaMAI. LEUS, B. N., see No. 90484. 89273. LEUSHIN, N. I. 0 kolichestve molniT v letnee vremfa na EvropeYskoT territorii SSSR. (Meteorologifi i gidrologifa 1964, no. 9, p. 22-28, tables, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: Number of lightnin in the summertime over the European territory of the USSR. Describes the procedure in making a map of lightning distribution according to data of 1958-1960. The distribution is mapped according to number of discharges, as is the distribution of thunderstorm days in the three summer periods in this area. Thunderstorm activity appears as very weak to weak over the Kola Peninsula, White Sea, and the northern part of the European USSR generally from Arkhangel'sk to the Ural DLC. Mts. 89274. LEV, 0. M. Novye dannye o kompleksakh foraminifer iz permskikh otlozhenii Olenekskogo podnfatifa. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Paleontologifa biostratigrafila no. 8, p. 14-23, table.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the foraminifer complexes from Permian deposits of the Olenek uplift. Outlines foram complexes collected in 1958-1961 in eastern, northeastern and northern frames of the Olenek uplift. Composition and distribution of forams in Permian deposits are listed. Three horizons are distinguished, one with Reophacidae, one with Frondicularia and the other DLC. horizon with various forams. LEVACHEV, I. A., see No. 88623. 89275. LEVIN, A. M. Vspyshka trikhinelleza v Komi ASSR v 1964 g. (Medirsinskafa parazitologifit i parazitarnye bolezni 1965. v. 34, no. 5, p. 611-12.) In Russian. Title tr.: Outbreak of trichinosis in Komi ASSR in 1964. Reports outbreak in a village after consumption of not-inspected meat of a brown bear. Of 73 subjects who consumed the meat, 24 became ill with 21 hospitalized. Incubation period and course of disease are DNLM. discussed. 89276. LEVIN, D. V., and others. Aeromagnitnafa s"emka Csentralinogo sektora (In: USSR. Gos. Sovetakogo Severe. AeromagnitnaM geologiehaskif komitet.
s"enaka .. Moskva 1963, p. 85-97.) 9 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S. M. Krakov and A. M. Karasik. Title tr.: Aeromagnetic survey in the central sector of the Soviet North. Reviews the northern aeromagnetic investigations since 1946. The aerial reconnaissance and route survey of 1946-1950 is described noting areas of the Arctic Ocean and Eurasian shelf investigated. Regional and area aeromagnetic survey was made in 1952-1961 at scales 1: a million and 1:200,000. The magnetometer, method and techniques used are characterized. The territory covered comprised the Ural-PayKhoy, Verkhoyansk and Taymyr folded zones and the north of the Siberian platform. Detailed investigations were carried out in individual regions in 1954-1960 at 1:25,000 and 1:50,000 scales, and a survey of the Arctic Ocean and islands during 1955-1961. Some results of all these surveys are noted. DLC. 89277. LEVIN, D. V., and others. Struktura zapadno! chasti Khatangskol vpadiny po a.e.romagnitnym dannym. (Leningrad. N.issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Ftegionarnafa geologlia no. 2, p. 84118, tables, maps.) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S. M. Brfalcov and V. E. Volk. Title tr.: Structure of the western part of the Khatanga depression according to aeromagnetic data. Summarizes a geophysical study of this region, especially the 1961 aeromagnetic survey at medium scale. An introductory review of the geology is given. Physical properties of rocks are reported as are the main sources of magnetic anomalies. The abyssal structure of the western part of the depression is analyzed. A system of large abyssal fractures is described. The distribution of magnetic fields and anomalies is outlined and a geologic interpretation given. The Khatanga depression has a very complicated character, conditioned by -tectonic movements. Areas are noted where oil prospecting should be done. DLC. LEVIN, D. V., see also No. 92832. 89278. LEVIN, M. G. Ob antropoIngicheskikh materialakh iz drevneeskimosskikh mogil'nikov. (Anadyr'. Chukotskil kraevedcheskiT mum!. Zapiski 1962. no. 3, p. 25-26.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Anthropological materials from old Eskimo cemeteries. Notes the craniological collections at 'Helen and Ekven, all belong to the Old Bering Sea and Okvik cultures dated to the
turn of the Christian era. Basic traits are identical with those of modem Eskimos; the skulls are markedly dolichocephalic with a high brain-case, i.e. closer to the modern Canadian and Greenlandic than the Chukotka and Alaskan type. Theories explaining this phenomenon are noted, as are trends towards brachiocephaly in many parts of the world, evolution or ethnic mixing. DLC. 89279. LEVIN, M. G. Ob antropologicheskom tipe drevnikh eskimosov. (Moskovskoe o-vo ispytatelel prirody. Trudy 1964. v. 14, p. 262-69, tables.) 17 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Anthropological type of ancient Eskimos. Craniological study of male and female skulls from the cemeteries of Uelen and Ekven. They differ from modern Eskimo skulls by more dolichocephalic shape and less facial height. Replacement of the ancient by a mesocephalic type may be due to mixing and eventual absorption by an Ipiutak Eskimo type or to a natural brachiocephs.lization process. DLC. LEVIN, M. G., see also Nos. 84850, 85203, 88150, & (English translations of Nos 52795, 66255, 66257) 89871. 89280. LEVINA, T. P. Sporovo-pyl'Csevye spektry chetvertichnykh otlozhenil iz prilednikovol zony Samarovskogo oledenenifi, basseln Eniseil (In: Akademifil nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geol. i geofiz. Sistematika i metody izuchenifit ... Moskva 1964, p. 208-217, graphs, section.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Spore-pollen spectra of Quaternary deposits from the periglacial zone of the Samarovo glaciation, Yenisey basin. Describes cross-sections of Panteleyevskiy and Khakhalevskiy ravines in the Yenisey valley. For the Samarovo and Turukhansk horizons, spore-pollen analyses are reported and diagrammed. Three phases in vegetation development are recognized and briefly described. DLC. 89281. LEVITSKli, I. S. Opyt raboty laboratorii ekonomiki i organizaCaii proizvodstva na SUBR. (Gornyl zhurnal 1965, no. 3, p. 12-13.) In Russian. Title tr.: Work of the production, economy and organization laboratory of the Northern Ural bauxite mine. The laboratory was established in 1963 to develop the industrial potential by increasing labor efficiency, lowering costs, and introducing advanced methods. Its activities and achievements in 1963-1964, and plans for 1965 are noted. DLC.
89282. LEVSHOV, P. P., and others. Khantit v kimberlitakh fAkutii. (Geologi1 i geofizika 1964, no. 10, p. 161-69, tables, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: G. M. Muzyka, G. I. Smirnov and A. D. Khar'kiv. Title tr.: Huntite in kimberlites of Yakutia. Describes this mineral found in the Marshrutnaya, Zapolyarnaya, Novinka and other kimberlite pipes and first (1953) described by George T. Faust from Current Creek in Nevada. Its chemical composition, X-ray powder diffraction data, flame tests and other features are reported. DLC. Origin of huntite is discussed. LEVY, J., see No. 90013. LEWIS, C. R., see No. 87901. 89283. LEWIS, H. E. British polar expeditions: nutritional developments and research. (In: Symposia on arctic biology and medicine. Proceedings 1965, p. 151-64, graph.) 14 refs. Reviews some work of the last ten yr by the National Institute for Medical Research, London: sleep duration, food intake as depending on activity not on environmental temperature, caloric value of rations calculated vs consumed. Packaging of rations, human microclimate, acclimatization, serum lipids, etc are also discussed. CaMAI. 89284. LEWIS, H. E., and others. British sledging rations, recent developments. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962 . . . pub. 1963, p. 611-26, tables.) 10 refs. Other authors: A. B. E. de Jong and J. M. Harries. Account aimed to bring up-to-date own earlier study (No 59744). Energy requirements, the prototype and present pack, consumers' report on over 20 items are considered. General comments, acceptability and future development in packaging are also discussed. Appendix lists the contents of MK5 1960 sleding ration for the DLC. two seasons of the year. LEWIS, M., see No. 91543. LEWIS, M. M., see No. 86728. LEWIS, W. V., see No. 91556. 89285. LI, F. K. A Chipewyan ethnological text. (International journal of American linguistics 1964. v. 30, no. 2, p. 132-36.) Grammatical study of a text dealing with the construction of a canoe; collected in 1928 from F. Mandeville, then living in Fort Chipewyan. DSI. 747
89286. LI, F. K. Some problems in comparative Athapaskan. (Canadian journal of linguistics 1965. v. 10, no. 2-3, p. 129-34, tables.) Ref. Study of the vocalic system, glottalized consonants and verb prefixes including DLC. Chipewyan. 89287. LI, M. Na Kralnem Severe. (Soaiarnoe obespechenie 1965. v. 26, no. 5, p. 32-33.) In Russian. Title tr.: In the Far North. Describes health examinations given to kolkhoz members in 1964 by teams of the Medical Experts' Commission on Workers' Disability (VTEK) of Yakut ASSR in connection with a conference on kolkhoz pension rights. Results of these examinations showed that mobile teams of specialists with modern laboratory equipment provide the best disease control for the far North; onthe-spot examinations also relieve overcrowding in district hospitals. DLC. 89288. LaBZIN, V. Opyt ekspluataaii perenosnykh radiostanall "Chizh" na sudakh-plotovodakh. (Rechnol transport 1964. v. 23, no. 7, p. 45, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Experience in using the Chizh two-way portable radio aboard tugs. Describes the apparatus used for 18-20 km communication between tugs, and between tug and port dispatcher. The Chizh weighs 3 kg, has its power from a 2.4 v battery and works on 500 c/sec frequency. The Northern River Steamship organization used this device during its 1963 navigation season and found it satisfactory in performance. A similar communication system is used in the ports of Arkhangel'sk and Syktyvkar. DLC. 89289. LIAKHOV, M. E. Vlifanie rel'efa i morel na temperaturu vozdukha Kamchatki. (In: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. Prirodnye uslovifa . . . 1963, p. 98-115, tables, map, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: Influence of the relief and the sea upon the air temperature of Kamchatka. Discusses such influences in general terms by comparing the winter and summer air temperatures of various stations. Special investigations were made 5 Aug4 Sept 1960 along the route: Mil'kovoKirganik—Beme pass—Pravaya ShchapinaLevaya Zhupanova headwaters—Kayanova —Valagina pass and Mil'kovo. Data are given on the air temperature and humidity, cloudiness and precipitation. Relief, distance from the ocean, and height above sea level were also found important factors in the regime. Role of the ocean in formation
of Kamchatka climate is significant as is that of the Asiatic continent. In summer the Sea of Okhotsk exerts an important influence as well. DLC. LfAKHOVA, L. N., see No. 89993. 89290. LaMIN, K. A. The distribution and migrations of summer-spawning herring in the Norwegian Sea. Lowestoft, Fisheries laboratory, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 1964. 8 1. maps. English translation of No 66282. CaMAL 89291. LaM1N, K. A. K biologii letnenerestufilshchel sel'di Norvezhskogo morfa. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1962. no. 14, p. 55-69, tables, graph, map.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biology of summer-spawning herring of the Norwegian Sea. Reports investigation of the distribution, age, productivity, rate of growth and size composition of this herring in 1960. The methods used were analysis of consecutive catches of adults and counts of the number of eggs in the ovaries. The study confirmed earlier claims that the summer spawners in the Norwegian Sea are the most fertile of the Atlanto-Scandinavian herring. DLC. 89292. LaPUNOVA, R. G. Aleutskie baldarki. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Muse! antrop. i etnog. Sbornik 1964. v. 22, p. 223-42, illus.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Aleut bidarkas. Describes the 19th century kayak-type skin boat with deck openings for one-three men: the materials and technique for building them, mode of handling, use in hunting, etc; based on the 46 specimens at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. DLC. 89293. LIBERMAN, fU. M. 0 tochnosti opredelenifa konechnykh raznostel pri analize polfa geopoten&iala po dannym sushchestvufashchel aerologicheskof seti. (Akademifa, nauk SSSR. Izvastila 1965. Fizika atmosfery i °keens v. 1, no. 11, p. 1130-40, tables, maps.) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: On the accuracy of determination of finite differences in the analysis of a geopotential field using data from the existing aerological network. Fundamental principles and methods are discussed, and the values of the finite differences over the USSR and the Northern Hemisphere are given. The obtained distribution of errors of the finite difference agrees to a considerable extent with the
theoretical errors obtained using geopotential interpolations. The need for establishing more observation stations in the arctic region is indicated. DLC. 89294. LID, J. The flora of Jan Mayen. Oslo 1964. 107 p. maps, illus. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Skrifter no. 130.) 41 refs. Presents a survey of botanical investigations on Jan Mayen during 1817-1957 and a systematic account of the 62 vascular plants known. Full descriptions and data on first records, habitats and general distribution are given on the basis of own fieldwork in 1930 and results of others. The relatively few Monocotyledones (24%) is explained by the absence of bogs and mires. A characteristic feature is the abundance of Taraxaca, five species. The other 57 belong to a group of arctic and northern plants common around northern Atlantic; none has its northern limit on Jan Mayen. DLC. 89295. LID, J. Stutt-arve funnen Svalbard. (Blyttia 1962. v. 20, no. 2, p. 100-101.) 3 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: ,Sagina caespitosa (J. Vahl) Lge. new to Svalbard. Reports three specimens of this pearlwort collected on the north side of Jernfjellet, Bellsund in 1926 by Bunt Lynge. DLC. 89296. LIDEGAARD, M. Glemt ungdom. (GrOnland 1965, no. 12, p. 435-39.) In Danish. Title tr.: Forgotten young people. Criticizes the current building program in Greenland as catering to families; small flats and hostels for young people are also needed. Their continued living with their families in overcrowded conditions has an adverse effect on education and training as well as undesirable moral and social DLC. consequences. 89297. LIDEGAARD, M. GrOnlands historic. KObenhavn, J. H. Schultz 1961. 166 p. tables, maps, illus. Refs. In Danish. Title tr.: History of Greenland. Presents an outline as background for study and discussion groups. The Sarqaq, Dorset, Eskimo, Viking, Thule, and the modern Danish-Greenlandic cultures are reviewed. Early European contacts, subsequent intermittent connections, and resettlement with trade during the whaling period are sketched. The beginning of modern Greenland, its laws, schools, social and commercial problems, relations with Denmark, etc are discussed in some detail. DLC.
89298. LIDEGAARD, M. Vanishing Greenland. (Danish Foreign Office journal 1962, no. 42, p. 23-26, illus.) Discusses the change from traditional to modern way of life under the influence of modern technology. The old Greenland of nomadic life centered on seal hunting is portrayed. Danish colonial policy from 1721 is outlined. The benefits and drawbacks of modern progress are appraised and found in balance. DLC. 89299. LIDEN, K., and Y. NAVERSTEN. The enhanced radiocaesium levels of people in northern Sweden. (In: Symposium on the assessment of radioactive body burdens . . . 1964. v. 2, p. 167-82, tables, maps.) 12 refs. French, Russian and Spanish summary. Reports a study of Lapps and Swedes, north and south of the Arctic Circle, conducted in 1961,1962 and 1963. An increase in the average Cs-137 body activity was found in that period. Swedes living on a diet similar to that of the Lapps showed an increased Cs-137 level when compared with southern Swedes. Details are presented on radiocesium variations according to age, sex, occupation, diet, season and geographic location. DLC.
LIDEN, K., see also No. 92187. 89300. LIE, U. Quantities of zooplankton and propagation of Calanus finmarchicus at permanent stations on the Norwegian coast and at Spitsbergen, 1959-1962. (Norway. Fiskeriditektoratet. Skrifter. ser. havunders0kelser 1965. v. 13, no. 8, p. 5-19, table, graphs, map.) 10 refs. Reports on zooplankton collected by vertical hauls at five stations, four of them in the north. The annual richness in the latter was greater than that in the southern station. There were great variations in the amount of zooplankton from year to year at all stations. A delay in time and frequency of spawning with increasing latitude was noted in Calanus finmarchicus. Max plankton volume occurred 11/2-2 mo after DLC. its spawning. 89301. LIESKE, B. J. Net radiation over fast sea ice during spring breakup at Pt. Barrow, Alaska. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 52-60, tables, graphs.) 7 refs. Contribution no. 95, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Univ. of Washington. Describes measurements taken with thermocouples and a Suomi continuously recording radiometer at Bison Lagoon to
determine the relationship of the radiation budget to the total thermal budget of fast sea ice. In particular, the role of radiation in melting the ice was investigated. Computations of net total radiation, shortwave radiation, and estimated ice heat budget are tabulated and ice temperature profiles graphed. An explanatory chronology of the critical warming period is given and the role of snow cover in extinguishing short wave radiation before it can affect the ice is discussed. The warming and deterioration of the snow-covered ice commenced in late March by thermal conduction from the bottom, and in May the process was by thermal conduction from the overlying snow. The melting of ice in harbors and rivers could be greatly hastened in spring by removal of the snow cover. It seems likely that ponding develops on sea ice in those places where the snow has the least depth. CaMAI. 89302. LIESTOL, 0. Noen resultater av bremtdinger i Norge i 1963. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 185-92, maps, table, graphs.) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Some results of glacier measurements in Norway in 1963. Reports the material balance on Storbreen strongly negative with an average mass loss of 118 gm/cm'. Measurements (incomplete) on Hardangerj0kulen show an average mass loss of about 140 cm. Data on variations of 23 glacier tongues in different parts of CaMAI, DLC. Norway are tabulated. LIESTOL, 0., see also No. 90400.
89304. LIKHACHEV, A. P. Neuporadochennye plagioklazy v porodakh differenairovannykh intruzil Noril'skogo ralona. (Uses. mineralogicheskoe o-vo. Zapiski 1965. v. 94, no. 5, p. 592-600, graphs, illus.) Approx. 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Disordered plagioclases in rocks of differentiated intrusions of the Noril'sk region. Reports mineralogic study of plagioclases in differentiated intrusions. The optical orientation and composition of plagioclases in these intrusions of gabbro-dolerites are analyzed and the data diagrammed. Plagioclases of disordered as well as ordered structures are recognized. Leucocratic gabbro consists of disordered plagioclases. DLC. 89305. LIKHACHEV, A. P. Rol' lelkokratovogo gabbro v formirovanii Noril'skikh differen&irovannykh intruzil. (Akademia nauk SSSR. Izvestifb. 1965, ser. geol. no. 10, p. 75-88, tables, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Role of leucocratie gabbro in formation of Noril'sk differentiated intrusions. Reports a detailed study in the Noril'sk I, Talnakh, and Chernoy mountain intrusions. Geologic position, material composition, and problems of crystallization of gabbro and taxitic-poikilophitic gabbro-dolerite are discussed. Ore minerals are analyzed. Origin of leucocratic gabbro and other rocks of these differentiated intrusions is also treated. The leucocratie gabbro is enriched by sulfides and may be used as indicator in the search of copper-nickel deposits. DLC.
LIKES, E. H., see No. 92548§8.
LIKHACHEV, A. S., see No. 87517.
89303. LIKHACHEV, A. I., and others. Zavisimost' parametrov ionosfery of postuplena solnechnogo volnovogo izluchenifb, v atmosferu zemli. (Akademitb, nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyi geofizicheskil komitet. Ionosfernye issl. Sbornik state! 1965. no. 14, p. 129-40, graphs.) 24 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: TU. N. Elizar'ev, G. V. Egorova and N. I. Timchenko. Title tr.: Dependence of ionosphere parameters on solar wave radiation entering the earth's atmosphere. Presents a diagram of critical radio-frequency dependence, Afo, in the F2 ionospheric layer on the increment, AE, of solar energy received from the sun during the spring half of the year, with reference to the amount of solar energy received in Dec. Values for 69°58', 61°10', 64°18', 67°18', 76°33', and 82°33' N are given. IGY data DLC. were used.
LIKHODED, V. A., see No. 85621.
89306. LILLIE, H. R. The hood seal Cystophora cristata. (International Union
for the Protection of Nature. Proceedings, 5th meeting Copenhagen 1954 pub. 1956, p. 62-63.) Compares the migratory limits of the harp and hooded seals. The decline in seal population generally is considered, as are human predation and destruction of pups by storms as contributing factors. Complete protection for the hooded seal is recommended to facilitate a biological study and population survey; similar protection for the harp seal is also indicated. DLC. LILLY, J. E., see No. 91900.
89307. LIND, E. A., and V. A. PEIP0NEN. Nistkasten-Beobachtungen in der
Birkenregion von Finnisch-Lappland. (Orals fennica 1963. v. 40, no. 2, p. 72-75.) 6 refs. In German. Finnish summary. Title tr.: Nest-box observations in the birch region of Finnish Lapland. Reports on birds nesting in 6-10 boxes, placed in a sub-alpine birch area 69° N 21° E. Six species were observed during 1957-1962. Two of them had never otherwise nested in the area; and this confirmed author's presumption that lack of holes in trees, due to rarity of woodpeckers, is a factor limiting nesting. DLC.
89310. LINDBERG, H., and F. OSSIANNILSSON. Verzeichnis der ostfennoskandischen Homoptera Psyllina. Helsinki 1960. 23 p. table, map. (Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Fauna fennica no. 8.) In German. Title tr.: Guide to the east Fennoscandian Homoptera Psyllina. Account on 68 species of this insect group, including those from Lapland. Synonyms, previous records of finds, related forms, biotopes and substrates are considered. Results are tabulated in appendix. DLC.
89308. LIND, E. A. Nistzeitliche Geselligkeit der Mehlschwalbe, Delichon u. urbica L. (Annales zoologici Fennici 1964. v. 1, no. 1, p. 7-43, graphs, maps, illus.) Approx. 175 refs. In German. English summary. In sequence to No. 80704. Title tr.: Sociability during the nesting period in the house martin Delichon u. urbica, L. Reports a 1953-1963 study of relations between adult birds, made at a series of stations including Kilpisjfirvi and Kelottijtirvi in northern Finland, with comparison of behavior to that of two swallows Hirundo rustica and Riparia riparia. A high preference for colonial and old nests is noted, clutches in the latter being bigger. Many activities are conducted on a communal basis, viz: mud is carried from a common source for the nests and food is gathered in flocks, and an enemy repelled the same way. In a colony, some birds help to feed the young of other families. Even the few pairs living separately gather for some activities, e.g. mud collecting. Singing is more frequent in small colonies, but flights more frequent in the large ones. Relation of egg laying and colony size is also discussed. DLC.
89311. LINDBERG, L. Djurlivet i Vadvetjakko nationalpark. (Fauna och flora 1964. no. 1-2, p. 35-47, illus.) 2 refs. In Swedish. Title tr.: The fauna in VadvetjAkko National Park. Reports on inventory made in 1960 and 1962 in this national park in the Tornetriisk valley, north Sweden. Seven species of mammals, but no bear or wolf, 51 species of birds, the frog Rana temporaria and char Salm° alpinus were recorded. DLC.
LIND, E. A., see also Nos. 88326, 88327. 89309. LINDBERG, G. U. 0 svazi kontinentov Evropy i Ameriki. (In: Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Sovetskie rybokhozalstvennye . 1962, p. 69-82, maps, profiles.) 18 refs. In Russian. English summary. English translation of entire volume available. Title tr.: Continental connections of Europe and America. Discusses information indicating the existence of a Paleohudson river system in the northern mid-Atlantic with connections through northern tributaries to the Paleorhine. Paleontological data suggest that apart from connections in the Paleogene and Pleistocene there was a connection in the region of Iceland during the late Miocene— DLC. early Pliocene.
89312. LINDEBERG, J. The mad trapper of Rat River. (Alaskan sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 1, p. 20-22, map, illus.) Account of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police pursuit of Albert Johnson, who had shot a constable and was heading for Alaska from NW Mackenzie District. The manhunt, including air search lasted nearly two months in winter 1931-32. After killing one pursuer and wounding another, he was shot down at Eagle River in the Yukon. DI. LINDEN, N. A., see No. 87873. LINDGREN, R. E., see No. 86684. LINDQUIST, E. E., see No. 86129. 89313. LINDQVIST, E. Neue Nematinen aus Finland, Hym., Tenthr. (Notulae entomologicae 1960. no. 2, p. 33-38, illus.) In German. Title tr.: New nematinids from Finland, Hym., Tenthr. Describes six new species of these sawflies, two of them from Kuusamo (65°58' N) and one, Pristiphora brunniapex n sp, from Rovaniemi. Differential diagnoses are included. DLC. 89314. LINDQVIST, E. Die PontopristiaArten Finnlands, Hym., Tenthr. (Notulae entomologicae 1961. v. 41, no. 3, p. 69— 79, illus.) 6 refs. In German. Title tr.: The Pontopristia species of Finland. Reviews briefly earlier work on these saw-
flies, their ecology and morphology, and describes ten of their species, including four new ones. Most of them occur in Lapland. DLC. 89315. LINDQVIST, E. Zur Kenntnis einiger Blattwespen, Hym., Tenthr. (Notulae entomologicae 196L v. 41, no. 1, p. 815.) In German. Title tr.: To the knowledge of some sawflies, Hym., Tenthr. Describes a dozen species of these insects. One of them was found in Spitsbergen, another one in Lapland. Differential diagnoses are included. DLC. 89316. LINDQVIST, E. Zur Kenntnis finnischer Pteronidea-Arten; Hym., Tenthr. (Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Acta 1960. v. 76, no. 2, p. 1-29, table, illus.) 20 refs. In German. Title tr.: Contribution to knowledge of Finnish species of Pteronidea; Hym., Tenthr. Account of 26 species of sawflies, a high proportion of them recorded in Lapland. Morphology, coloration (including sexual dimorphism), etc are considered. The "saw" and male genitalia are illus, as both are important for identification of the described and of other forms. DLC. LINDQVIST, 0., see No. 85284. 89317. LINDQVIST, 0. V. The spider fauna of the cliffs in eastern Finnish Lapland. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, IL biol.-geog. no. 32, p. 28891.) 15 refs. Reports a collection made in the Utsjoki and Inari communes in summers 1961 and 1962. Climate conditions and cliff structure are discussed, as are the species of spiders whose presence is determined by each of these two environments. CaMAI. 89318. LINDQVIST, S., and J. 0. MATTSSON. Studies on the thermal structure of a pals. (Svensk geografisk arsbok 1965. v. 41, p. 38-49, tables, graphs, illus.) 11 refs. Reports a 1964-65 study of a mediumsize frost mound 3.6 m high near Karlebotn, north Norway. Thermistors were placed at different depths, and details are given on the vertical temperature mainly below 0° C. Permafrost was present below one m depth. Annual mean temperature at 2, 3, 4 m was respectively —0.47°, —0.76° and —0.70° C. Temperature variations in the southern, northern and middle part of the pals are tabulated. Results support the view that palses are maintained by wind keeping them snow-free. They receive insufficient heat
compensation during summer to allow total thawing. DLC. 89319. LINDROTH, C. H. The groundbeetles, Carabidae, excl. Cicindelinae, of Canada and Alaska; 2. Lund 1961. 200 p. tables, illus. (Opuscula entomologica. Suppl. no. 20.) Detailed study well illus by black-andwhite drawings, with numerous keys to species. Each taxon is dealt with as to morphology and geographic distribution, synonyms and type locations, location of finds, ecology, including that of developmental stage, wings and flight dynamics. DSI. 89320. LINDROTH, C. H., and M. W. R. de V. GRAHAM. A new Tetrastichus from Labrador, Hym. Chalc., parasite of a Pompilid wasp. (Opuscula entomologica 1960. v. 25, no. 1-2, p. 93-97, illus.) 3 refs. Describes a tiny hymenopteran, a female of Tetrastichus pompilicola• Graham sp. n. parasitizing on Anoplius nigerrimus, found north of Belle Isle Strait. Taxonomy, related forms, type locations, etc are noted. DLC. 89321. LINDSEY, C. C. Problems in zoogeography of the lake trout, So2velinus namaycush. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1964. v. 21, no. 5, p. 97794, maps.) 63 refs. Discusses the two divergent views as to whether this species survived the Wisconsin glaciation north or south of the ice sheet; also where it originated and the possible causes of its recent distribution. Current range of lake char is from about 42° N to the Arctic Ocean. DLC. 89322. LINDSEY, C. C. Sympatric occurrence of two species of humpback whitefish in Squanga Lake, Yukon Territory. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1963. v. 20, no. 3, p. 749-67, tables, graphs, map, illus.) 15 refs. Analyzes gillraker counts and other morphometric characters of these species, tentatively named Coregonus clupeaformis and C. pidschian. The two forms also differ in habitat (temporarily), food and spawning season. All this indicates their sympatric nature. Hybrids among them are few. DLC. LINDSLEY, D. B., see No. 87664. LINDSTROM, G., see No. 90307. 89323. LINDSTROM, H. Svalbard og norske nutidspolitikeres behandling av
norake interesser i Svalbardomradet. Oslo 1965. 114 p. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Svalbard and current Norwegian policy in handling of Norwegian interests in the Svalbard region. Reviews legal aspects of mineral resources with special reference to recent foreign applications, particularly American and Russian, for oil search, exploration and exploitation. By a 1925 directive, the supervisor of mining interests for Svalbard has the sole responsibility for permits, etc. He functions within the national Dept of Industry responsible to the Administration and Parliament. Requests by two American companies to make oil search however, were handled in part by the Foreign Office and in part by Norsk Polarinstitutt. This report is a clarification of juridical aspects of the case, including documentary evidence. DLC. 89324. LINDSTROM, M. Beziehungen zwischen Kleinfaltenvergenzen and anderen Gefligemerkmalen in den Kaledoniden Skandinaviens. (Geologische Rundschau 1961 pub. 1962. v. 51, no. 1, p. 144-80, maps, illus.) 27 refs. In German. Title tr.: Relation between small overfolds and other fabric features in the Scandinavian Caledonides. Geometric analysis of regional fabrics in eastern nappes of the north Scandinavian Caledonides. Several fabric regimes are compared and traces shown of multidirectional tectonic movements. The thrusts are mostly horizontal and toward ESE. DLC. 89325. LINELL, K. A., and C. W. KAPLAR. Description and classification of frozen soils. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 481-87, graphs, illus.) Discusses a classification of frozen soils aimed at satisfying practical engineering and scientific needs. The criteria used are evaluated, the Unified Soil Classification System (of the US Army Waterways Experiment Station) being adopted as a base, with the characteristics resulting from the frozen state added to the soil description. Important ice strata found in the soil are also taken into account. The classification is presented in three detailed tables. Photographs of ten sample types are included and certain elements involved in the classification such as soil dry unit weight, ice volume and water content relationships are explained and graphed. Basically the classification uses visual criteria for major divisions, bonding and ice orientation being
For the basis of further subdivision. graphical presentation of classification it is recommended that the applicable letter symbols for the soil phase in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System be followed by frozen soil designation, with a wide line drawn down the left side of the graphic log of the exploration within the ranges that the frozen materials occur. CaNIAL 89326. LINELL, K. A., and others. Timber piles in permafrost at Alaskan radar station, discussion. (American Society of Civil Engineers. Soil Mechanics and Foundations Div. Journal 1962. v. 88, no. SM4, p. 141-53, graphs.) 9 refs. Other authors: F. E. Crory, J. F. Haley, and C. A. Pickering, Jr. Discussion of W. C. Jensen's paper, No 72555, by four engineers associated with the 1955 Kotzebue project. Additional factors causing the pile failure are noted, as are various load tests initiated in 1962 at a new permafrost pile test area established at the Kotzebue Air Force Station. D GS. 89327. LING, H. Y. The tintinnid Parafavella gigantea (Brandt), Kofoid & Campbell, 1929, in the North Pacific Ocean. (Journal of paleontology 1965. v. 39, no. 4, p. 721-23, table, map, illus.) 6 refs. Describes this protozoan obtained by the MV Brown Bear in 1956. Comparisons are made, and occurrence of P. gigantea is found within the cold North Pacific region. Surface circulation seems to have an important role in the distribution of this plankton, and it may be useful as a cold-water or cold-current indicator. It is also found south of Kamchatka Peninsula and in the Sea of Okhotsk. DLC. 89328. LING, J. K. Functional significance of sweat glands and sebaceous glands in seals. (Nature, Nov. 6, 1965. v. 208, p. 560-62, illus.) 11 refs. Comparative histological study of these glands, especially the position of their openings in various seals. With the progressive loss of hair, as in fam Phocidae, sweat glands become functionally unimportant, sebaceous glands enlarge and effect a DA. water-proofing of the skin. 89329. LINKOLA, P. tlber das Geschlechtsverhiiltnis bei den Entenviigeln. (Orals fennica 1960. v. 37, no. 1-2, p. 36-45, tables.) 7 refs. In German. Finnish summary. Title tr.: Sex ratio among duck species. Presents from many years' field work a set of rules for proper estimating of numerical proportions between the sexes, in
different populations and conditions. Tables in the text give relevant material for 16 species of ducks collected in Finland during 1949-1957. DLC. LIPNITSKAa, L. F., see No. 88726. 89330. LIPPER, E. Elf Jahre in sowjetischen Gefilrignissen and Lagern. Ztirich, Verlag Oprecht 1950. 278 p. In German. Title tr.: Eleven years in Soviet prisons and camps. Deals essentially with this German woman's detention, 1937-1948, mainly in the Kolyma and Magadan hard-labor camps under Dal'strol administration. English translation pub in 1951. DLC. 89331. LIPTAK, P. Einige Probleme der Ethnogenese der Ugrier auf Grund des anthropologischen Materials. (In: Congressus Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum . . . 1963, p. 441-44'.) 16 refs. In German. Title tr.: Certain problems of Ugrian ethnogenesis on the basis of physical anthropological data. Summarizes Russian and Western study results and coordinates terminology. The name Ugric type applied to Ostyaks and Voguls by Hungarian scientists corresponds to Montandon's Euro-Siberian sub-race, and to Uralic type used by the Russian scientists. A variant of this type, the Uralo-Lapponoid is called sub-Uralic in Russian literature. Racial characteristics of these and other Finno-Ugrians as well as affinal traits of Paleosiberian and Altaic ethnic groups are discussed. West Siberia is considered the homeland of the Uralic racial type. DLC. 89332. LISITZIN, E. Les variations saisonnieres du niveau de l'ocean glacial arctique. (Cahiers oceanographiques 1961. v. 13, no. 3, p. 161-66, maps, tables.) 4 refs. In French. Title tr.: Seasonal variations of level of the Arctic Ocean. Discusses such variations from observations of tides, waves, atmospheric pressure, winds, currents, etc at nine shore stations: Hammerfest, Vard0, Murmansk, Russkaya Gavan', Capes Zhelaniya, Chelyuskin, and Shmidt, Point Barrow, and Resolute. Divergences from the general pattern of high sea level coinciding with low pressure are attributed to seasonal variation in temperature and salinity, effect of wind, distribution of currents, and variation of the inflow of water from the Gulf Stream. Major data are presented in a few tables DLC. and figures. LISOVENKO, L. A., see No. 85405.
89333.. LISOVSKII, K. Peva& sobolinogo kraR. (Khudozhnik 1964. v. 6, no. 12, p. 22-25, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Bard of the sable country. Discusses the linoleum cuts of V. I. Meshkov, a Russian living in the Evenki National District since the 1930's. His works show a deep insight into Tungus life. Two were exhibited in Paris in 1960. DLC. 89334. LIST, R. J., and others. Strontium90 on the earth's surface, III. (In: US, Atomic Energy Commission. Div. of Biol. and Med. Conference on radioactive fallout . . . 1964. Proceedin:.: pub. 1965, p. 35968, table, graphs, maps.) 6 refs. Other authors: L. Machta, L. T. Alexander, J. S. Allen, M. W. Meyer, V. T. Valassis and E. P. Hardy. Reports on soil sampling in late 1963 and early 1964. The results indicate a mean of 7.6 Mc of Sr-90/mil for the surface of the earth, with the sub-Arctic showing the highest values. DLC. 89335. LLSTOV, A. A., and fl). S. BORODIN. Lesnye pozhary v Arkhangel'skol oblasti. (Lesnoe khozffilstvo 1964. v. 17, no. 9, p. 56-60, tables, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Forest fires in Arkhangel'sk Province. Presents a detailed analysis of the fires of 1953-1962 in 2.5 million hectares of forest in Leshukonskiy District in the Mezen' River basin. Data are given on hazard to various types of forest. 38% of the fires were caused by man's carelessness, 54% by thunderstorms, and for 8% the cause was not established. DLC. 89336. LISZKA, L. Auroral zone Faraday rotation studies. (Arkiv for geofysik 1965. v. 4, no. 5, p. 427-44, graphs, maps.) 15 refs. Analyzes the 20 month Faraday rotation observations made in 1962-63 at Kiruna with the second station at Abisko. Special properties of the auroral zone F-region, especially the geomagnetic field and variations in the total electron content, were emphasized. The direction of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field in the F-region was found to differ by about six degrees from that extrapolated from the components at ground level. The large rate of Faraday rotation observed in the auroral zone is explained in terms of large horizontal variations of the total electron content. Large scale ionospheric irregularities responsible for these variations may be of the same nature as those observed earlier in middle latitudes. The amplitude of these
variations however, is about one order of magnitude larger. Faraday rotation data are to be collected farther north on Spitsbergen where the observed effects are expected to be even larger. DLC. 89337. LISZKA, L. Dependence of auroral zone satellite scintillation on geomagnetic activity. (Arkiv for geofysik 1965. v. 4, no. 5, p. 445-52, graphs.) 10 refs. Discusses the dependence of the scintillation index S upon the geomagnetic K-index, and the time of observation. Scintillation data obtained in College, Alaska for radiostars in 1957 and 1962 show max scintillation to occur at about 0150 local standard time. 1963 observations at 54 Mc/s in Kiruna showed a clear diurnal variation in the value of 2, though S measured elsewhere in the auroral zone in 1961 showed' no clear diurnal scintillation at 20 Mc/s. To resolve this disagreement, S values of satellite scintillation records were obtained at 54 Mc/s in Kiruna for Sept 1962—Nov 1963, and the data reduced for correlation with the geomagnetic K-index obtained at Kiruna for the same 15-mo period. Results are given, illus by diagrams and oscillograms and summed up in a three-dimensional model ' of the function S(K, t). DLC. 89338. LISZKA, L. The geographical distribution of satellite scintillation activity above northern Scandinavia. (Arkiv for geofysik 1965. v. 4, no. 5, p. 453-63, graphs, maps.) 8 refs. Reports on satellite scintillation records of Sept 1962—Nov 1963 made in the auroral zone at Kiruna, using beacon transmissions of 1961 Omicron 1 (transit 4) at 54 mcis. The main purpose was to measure the twodimensional geographic distribution of scintillation intensity, and to see how the scintillation phenomenon varies with geomagnetic latitude in the neighborhood of Kiruna. The result is found consistent with the hypothesis according to which the ionospheric irregularities responsible for the scintillation are produced by the precipitation of high-energy electrons (E z 40 key) on the atmosphere. The scintillationproducing irregularities may also result from diffusion of ionization from lower altitudes where the ionization gas is efficient. DLC. 89339. LISZKA, L., and B. HULTQVIST. Investigations of radio transmissions from 1958 S 2 (Sputnik III) made at Kiruna geophysical observatory. (Arkiv f6r geofysik 1963. v. 4, no. 1, p. 25-60, tables, graphs, map, illus.) 53 refs.
Reports the transmissions of Sputnik III by the methods of Doppler effect, and signal strength measurements. The sudden decreases of observed signal strength termed dropout phenomena is studied in detail; it is due either to reduction of output power during the counting of high energy particles in the satellite, or to an attenuation of signal scattering by ionization patches or clouds between satellite and receiver. Such dropouts are mapped as observed from Kiruna. The Faraday fading phenomenon, and amplitude scintillations are studied in connection with geomagnetic activity, spread-F, and sporadic E; and the diurnal and seasonal variations of their occurrence frequency are investigated. Local electron densities and their total number are calculated from measurements of the frequency of the Faraday fading. DLC. 89340. LISZKA, L. Satellite scintillation observed in the auroral zone. (Arkiv for geofysik 1963. v. 4, no. 3, p. 211-25, graphs, illus.) 18 refs. Reports on satellite scintillation as observed at Kiruna at frequencies 20-54 Mc/s during 1960-1962. The curve of diurnal variation of the scintillation index at 54 Mc/s was found correlated with geomagnetic activity, the average level of the curve being higher for disturbed than for quiet days. Seasonal variation is considerably smaller than that day-to-day due to magnetic activity. The intensity of scintillation and its frequency of occurrence are better correlated with magnetic activity at 54 Mc/s than at 20 Me/s. Scintillation of equal intensity is associated with smaller magnetic disturbances during the night than during the day. It is correlated with the nighttime auroral sporadic layer E. This and the previous findings indicate an important difference between daytime and nighttime scintillation: they may be produced by different mechanisms. No significant correlation is found between the occurrence of scintillation, and the ionoDLC. spheric spread F. 89341. LISZKA, L., and G. N. TAYLOR. A synoptic study of large scale ionospheric irregularities using observations of the Faraday rotation of satellite signals. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1965. v. 27, no. 7, p. 843-54, table, graphs.) 8 refs. Studies these irregularities of 100 km magnitude in the Faraday rotation period of satellite signals using data from nine European stations, incl Kiruna, Trome0, and Isfjord on Spitsbergen. The correlation
of the amplitude of the irregularities at different locations over a wide geographic area is also examined, as well as the correlation with magnetic activity and the scintillation amplitude. Some inconclusive evidence is found that these irregularities, which represent an irregular distribution of electron density in the ionosphere are generated in the auroral zone and travel southward with a velocity of a few hundred m/sec, and occur in patches of about 1,000 DLC. km diam. LISZKA, L., see also No. 87116. LITCHFIELD, J. H., see No. 88569. 89342. LITERATURA o Komi ASSR. Syktyvkar, Komi knizhnoe izd-vo 19611964, in progress. 3 v. In Russian. Title tr.: Literature about Komi ASSR. Annual list of approx 2000 titles in sequence with No 65783 and 80729: 1959 pub 1961, 1961 pub 1964, 1963 pub 1964; scope and arrangement are as in No 65783. DLC. 89343. LITINSKII, M. B. Osobennosti gidrograficheskol struktury vodnykh sistem Karen (Problemy ispol'zovania promyslovykh resursov Belogo morla i vnutrennikh vodoemov Harelii 1963. no. 1, p. 170-74, table.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Characteristics of the hydrological structure of Karelian freshwater systems. Deals with the hydrological regime of the White Sea slope as exemplified in the Kovda, Kern' and Vyg River systems with a total basin arc of 26-28 thousand km2. The area of lakes (18% of the total) and of swamps (30%) is discussed, also the close river-lake relation in Karelia. Four types of freshwater systems are recognized: lakes, lake-rivers, swamp-rivers, and rivers; their areas, general location, types of basins, of peat deposits, etc are stated. Examples, some in the northern region, are given for each of the four types. DLC. 89344. LITTLE, A. D., Inc. An evaluation of the feasibility of native industry in northwestern Alaska, report to U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs C-64870. Cambridge, Mass. 1963. 99 p. tables, graphs, map. Approx. 35 refs. Reviews reindeer herding and production in Alaska. Present markets for reindeer meat and future potential are assessed. Market difficulties in Alaskan cities derive chiefly from irregular supply and lack of interest on the part of large national food chains. Trends such as cheap, tenderized
beef, changing dietary habits of natives, and a high radioactivity level tend to jeopardize the profitability of reindeer meat: Social factors are considered, the increasing acculturation of the native population being a strong disincentive to nomadic herding. It is recommended that the government reindeer operation on Nunivak should be discontinued and the animals loaned to selected mainland herders. Dependence on government finance should be discouraged. A three-phase plan for small-scale trial development is outlined. Pt 2 of the report assesses the economic feasibility of mink ranching using fish and reindeer offal. After analyzing the nationwide structure of the industry, authors consider that increasing use of dry rations, trends toward geographic concentration and industry-wide reductions in profit margins place any Alaskan enterprise at a serious disadvantage. Lack of skills and other social factors, seasonality of feed supply necessitating costly storage, and high transport costs make its profitability unlikely, especially since fur farming is a high-capital enterprise. Detailed consideration is given in pt 3 to the economic practicability of tanning and dressing locally produced skins. It is found infeasible, because cheaper to ship the hides to the Pacific Northwest for tanning and return them to Alaska for manufacture into novelty items. Finally in pt 4, the life cycle, habitat, and present utilization of the inconnu or sheefish (Stenodus leucichthys) are described. Growth is slow and 10 yr olds form the average commercial catch, which is taken in gillnets or by jigging. Commercial fishing could quickly upset the balance and destroy the resource; more feasible is further utilization as a sportfish for tourists. CaMAI. 89345. LITTLE, C. G., and others. Extension of cosmic noise absorption measurements to lower frequencies, using polarized antennas. (US. National Bureau of Standard& Journal of research 1964. v. 68D, no. 8, p. 859-65, graphs.) 14 refs. Other authors: G. M. Lerfald and R. Parthasarathy. Outlines a method used at College, Alaska 1961-62 for obtaining the free-space intensity of the cosmic radio noise at frequencies as low as 5 Mc/s. The method is of value to studies of the spectrum of HF cosmic radio noise, and to the derivation of electron density profiles in the lower D-region using multi-frequency absorption data. DLC. LITTLE, E. M., see No. 84954. LITVIN, L. F., see No. 85583.
89346. LITVIN, V. M., and V. D. RVACHEV. Issledovanifa rel'efa dna i gruntov promyslovykh ralonov Labradora i N'iiI-. faundlenda. (In: Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Sovetskie rybokhozatistvennye . . . 1962, p. 99-111, table, maps, profiles.) 12 refs. In Russian. English summary. English translation of entire volume available. Title tr.: Study of the bottom relief and fishing grounds in the Labrador and Newfoundland areas. Report investigations conducted in 19591960 by the R/V Sevastopol' on the continental shelf. Its parts and configuration, the banks, their depth, relief and deposits are described, mapped and tabulated. DLC. 89347. LITVIN, V. M., and S. A. BODNAR. Nekotorye dannye po rel'efu i gruntam promyslovykh banok Vostochnol Grenlandii. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 106-111, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Some data on the relief and bottoms of the East Greenland fishing banks. Discusses recent exploration of this area by various countries and the general character of the shelf and banks. Some 14 banks and shallows off southeast Greenland are described in detail, including their limits, max and min depths, and nature of ground, when known. DLC. 89348. LITVIN, V. M. 0 proiskhozhdenii rel'efa dna Norvezhskogo morfet. (Okeanologifa 1965. v. 5, no. 4, p. 692-700, maps, profiles.) 34 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the origin of the bottom relief of the Norwegian Sea. Reviews recent investigations, new geomorphic data, and main features of relief noting ridges, depressions and other forms. A tectonic map of the sea is presented and interpreted. Geologic history of the bottom is analyzed. DLC. 89349. LITVIN, V. M. Rel'ef dna Norvezhskogo morfa. (Murmansk. Poll-amyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. no. 16, p. 89109, maps, profiles.) 42 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The bottom relief of the Norwegian Sea. Reports on a study by a series of Russian vessels including the Sevastopol', working in the IGY and IGC program. A review of earlier surveys, foreign and Russian, is followed by a general outline of the bottom configuration. The many parts of the sea, 59°-74° N 20° E-20° W, are described in detail. The genesis of its main forms are dealt with. DLC.
LITVIN, V. M., see also No. 86519. 89350. LITVINENKO, I. V. Seismicheskll metod pri izuchenii glubinnogo stroenifit Baltilskogo shchita. (Leningrad. Gornyl inst. Zapiski 1963. v. 46, no. 2, p. 3-13, profile.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Seismic method in study of the deep structure of the Baltic shield. Discusses the results from use of a seismic method in the Kola Peninsula and Karelia in 1958-1961 and gives a (generalized) geological cross-section of the Pechenga region which is believed to be typical. The thickness of the earth crust in the Baltic Shield area is indicated as 35-40 km with a relatively thick basaltic layer. A critical review is given of the techniques and instruments necessary for efficient exploration of shield regions. DLC. LITVINENKO, N. I., sec No. 92684. 89351. LITVINENKO, 0. K., and V. R. MELIKHOV. Nekotorye geologicheskie rezul'taty interpretaaii gravimetriclieskikh dannykh po fago-zapadnol chasti Villi'Asko! vpadiny. (Geologiffi nefti i gaze 1964. v. 8, no. 8, p. 29-33, profile, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some geological results from interpretation of gravimetric data in the southwestern part of the Vilyuy depression. Reports a gravity survey in the SuntarKempendyay region and the distribution of positive and negative anomalies, tectonic disturbances, main regional faults and other features. A geologic-geophysical section across the Suntar region is given and its structure interpreted. Thickness of the Moho surface and sedimentary cover are reported. The geologic history is briefly DLC. traced. 89352. LITVINOV, A. A. V kraffi ognedyshashchikh gor. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1963. 211 p. map, illus. In Russian. Title tr.: Land of firespewing mountains. Movie director describes his 20-month trip in 1929-1930 through Kamchatka, Koryak National District, and the Commander Islands. Fauna, flora, volcanoes, etc are sketched; the Koryaks' way of life, their socio-political and acculturative progress under the Soviets are depicted with illus. Serialized excerpts of the book were abstracted in this Bibliography as Nos 52866 and 80744. The filmed material was used DLC. for several documentary movies. 89353. LITVINOV, E. M. 0 tochnosti rascheta temperatur po dannym termo-
karotazha. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regionarnafa, geologifa no. 7, p. 235-39, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Accuracy of temperatures calculated from thermal logging data. Analyzes the performance of the ETMI-55 electric thermometer constructed on the principle of an unbalanced Wheatstone bridge with one sensitive (Rv) and three nonsensitive arms (Re). The usual formula for determination of the medium temp (tsr), AV corrected rrected by T 2—oc(' 'R an additional factor, and appears as tsr = T 20U[1 cro(T—to)YIRecto, suitable for measuring temp of the natural thermal field of drillholes in arctic areas. T is the temperature of equilibrium of the bridge circuit, to the initial temp of Rv, .20 temp coefficient for the interval beginning from to, I the current supplied to the bridge, AU is the potential difference produced in the bridge diagonal when Rv resistance is DLC. changed. 89354. LITVINOV, N. A. Listerioz pesfov. (Krolikovodstvo i zverovodstvo 1964. v. 7, no. 11, p. 29-30.) In Russian. Title tr.: Listeriosis in arctic foxes. Describes epizootic in a fox farm, incidence, symptoms and pathology; bacteriological findings; therapy. DNAL. 89355. LIDBIMOV, B. P. Neotektonika ralona nizov'ev reki Pechory v chetvertichnoe vremfa. (In: Popov, A. I., ed. Kalnozolskil pokrov . . . 1963, p. 74-81, maps, graphs.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Recent tectonics of the lower Pechora region in Quaternary time. Reports special geologic-geomorphic studies of this area in 1960-1961. Two stages in tectonic development are recognized: subsidence predominant in the earlier and uplift in the later half of the Quaternary uplift. These movements were epeirogenetic in character. A scheme of recent tectonics for the region is presented and the main positive and negative structures are characterized. Geophysical studies, which were also made, confirmed the presence of local structures detected by the geologic-geomorphic method. DLC. 89356. L11BIMOV, P. V. 0 meroprifitifikh po darnelshemu snizheniM zabolevaemosti tuberkulezom v akutskoI ASSR. (Yakutsk. fAkutskil n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy . 1963, p. 15-20.) In Russian. Title tr.: Means for further
lowering tuberculosis . incidence in the Yakut ASSR. Discusses health improvement in the Soviet Union and fall in TB incidence in Yakutia during the past decade. Number of hospital and sanatorium beds, vaccination and X-ray facilities are stated, as are controls among school children ambulatory TB services; prophylaxis and information DNLM. service. 89357. LITIBOMIROVA, K. A. Pyraa Hamamelidaceae iz paleogenovykh otlozhenil severe Zapadnol Sibiri. (Leningrad. Vses. neftfasnol n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyl inst. Trudy 1964 pub 1965. v. 239, p. 191213, maps, illus.) Approx. 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Pollen of Hamamelidaceae from Paleogene deposits in the north of Western Siberia. Presents a systematic description of seven species of angiosperms of the witch hazel family collected in Taz Peninsula and the Ob-Pur interfluve. The pollen of gen. Hamamelis (one species), Corylopsis (four) and Fothergilla (two) is described and illus. Most of these species are new. Their distribution areas in Paleogene time and at present are described and mapped. DLC. 89358. LItlit'BOV, V. V. K voprosy ob organicheskikh ostatkakh v drevnershilch osadochnykh tolshchakh Kol'skogo poluostrove. (In: Akademia nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Magmatizm i geologi6A . . 1963, p. 189-94, map, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Organic remains in the oldest sedimentary strata of Kola Peninsula. Reports a study of Proterozoic deposits of the Pechenga, Imandra-Varzuga, the Rybachiy and Sredniy Peninsulas and the Kil'din Island series. Two groups of organic remains are found: to one belong stromatolite algae including Collenia found in carbonate rocks, to the other belong problematic remains of radiolarians and foraminifers The ecology and stratigraphy of these relicts are briefly discussed. DGS. 89359. LftrFANOV, L. E. Stratigrafifa i litologifa paleozofa i mezozoia zapadnol okrainy VilfaskoI sineklizy. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 109 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Approx. 90 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy and Ethology of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of the western margin of the Vilyuy syneclise. Reviews field studies in the Suntar, Nyurba and Vilyuysk regions of Yakutia. History of geologic investigations is outlined. For the Paleozoic, the Cambrian,
Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian and Carboniferous systems are treated in turn. Stratigraphy and lithology of their deposits are described according to lithologic composition, texture, geochemical conditions and paleontologic data. Similarly with the Mesozoic deposits. Geologic history of the region is summarized. DLC.
tundra zone and of its sub-zones; arctic tundra, arctic desert and semi-desert. Climatic, hydrological, cryological, biological, biochemical and microbiological factors of their formation are outlined. Need for further studies and the possibility of soil improvement for agricultural purposes are stressed. CaMAI, DLC
89360. LIDTOV, A. V. NezamerzafashchaR vodoprovodnala armatura. (Krasnoyarsk. N.-issl. inst. po stroitePstvu. Stroitel'stvo v ralonakh Vostochnol Sibiri i Krainego Severe 1962. no. 3, p. 107-124, sections, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Non-freezing water-pipe fittings. Discusses the installation of such fittings at Norilsk. After the unsuccessful effort of laying water conduits deep in frozen ground, and the subsequent construction of aboveground aqueducts or utilidors, water-pipe fittings had to be developed for use in the low temperatures of the far North. Drawings and descriptions are given of: plunger hydrants for surface and underground conduits, fire hydrants, discharge valves, automatic compensator of water conduits' thermal expansion-contraction, and hyauto drants for filling locomotive nks, ta tanks, etc. Operation of these fittings, and some imperfections are also discussed. DLC.
89363. LIVINGSTON, C. W., and H. L. WALDRON. Penetration of projectiles into frozen ground. Hanover, N. H. 1985. 44 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus.) (U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Tech. report 93.) 5 refs. Presents results of field tests of 105 bombs specially designed to penetrate deeply frozen ground. From drops at Fort Churchill, Man., in 1956-57, bomb penetration is divided into three behavior ranges: ricochet, cratering, and tunnelling. Mar 1961 tests in deeply frozen ground at site III, near Eielsen AFB, Alaska, were made with 30 inert and 30 live bombs. Data concerning design, manufacture, tests and their results are given. For a given bomb penetrating a given material, penetration of the nose in ft is shown to be a straightline function of striking velocity in ft/sec, in accordance with the Livingston penetration equation. CaMAI.
89361. LIVEROVSRAa-KOSHELEVA, I. T. K voprosu o tiksotropnosti pochv tundrovol zony. (Problemy Severe 1964. no. 8, p. 225-37, tables.) 50 refs. In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Thixotropy of soils of the tundra zone. Reports studies in the lower Ob basin to elucidate the transformation of gel into sol and back. Data are given on the dimensions of particles in various soil layers on the content of mobile iron, aluminum and silica, the quantity and quality of 1;umus, and on the physical and hydrophysical properties of thixotropic and non-thixotropic soil layers. Thixotropic layers occur in southern and forest tundras, but not in CaMAI, DLC. arctic tundra. 89362. LIVEROVSKIi, ft. A. Pochvy Kralnego Severe i zadachi ikh dal'nelshego izuchenifil. (Problemy Severe 1964. no. 8, p. 155-69.) 46 refs. In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: The soils of the Far North and tasks in further study of them. Discusses the classification of soils of the
89364. LIVSIIITI, ft. 1A. Glubinnye razlomy i ikh rol' v formirovanii tektonicheskikh struktur i lokalizafsii orudenenifa, na primere csentral'no1 chasti Noril'skogo plato. (In: Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskiT inst. Glubinnye razlomy 1964. p. 157-66, table, map.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Deep faults and their role in formation of tectonic structures and localization of mineralization; as exemplified in the central part of the Noril'sk plateau. Reports a 1960 study of this plateau and presents a generalized structural-geologic plan of it. The main structural elements are characterized. Disjunctive dislocations are noted. The principal faults are described such as the Noril'sk, Fokino-Daldykan, etc. History of the structure formation is outlined. The controlling role of faults in localization of nickel-copper ores and other mineralization is noted. DLC. 89365. LIVSHIfS, (U. IA. Itogi konferenrsii po geologii arkhipelaga Shpiabergen. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regional'naa geologifa no. 4, p. 265-70.) In Russian. Title tr.: Results of a conference on the geology of the Spitsbergen archipelago. Reports this conference of 26-27 Mar
1964 in Leningrad, with about 150 persons present and 13 papers delivered. Preliminary results of the 1962-1963 expedition of The Institute of Geology of the Arctic were discussed. The papers delivered are briefly reviewed. Also reported in Sovetska1 geologiffi 1965, no. 4, p. 150-55. DLC. LIVSHIT1,
Ie. IA., see also No. 88874.
89366. LrystufS, M. MI. K voprosu o fizicheskom sostoktnii glubinnogo veshchestva zemnol kory i verkhnel mantii v PrikuriPskoT zone Tikhookeanskogo (Geologifil i geofizika 1965, no. 1, p. 11-20, graphs, maps.) 34 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: On the physical state of abyssal matter of the earth's crust and upper mantle in the Kuril zone of the Pacific belt. Reports analysis of data obtained by deep seismic sounding, gravimetry, magnetic survey and seismology. The heterogenity of matter of the upper mantle is revealed. It is expressed in the loss of compaction of matter in the zone of Kuril uplifts and the growth of compaction in the zone of KurilKamchatka downwarp. These zones now included in the geomorphic and tectonic complex of the Kuril-Kamchatka island arc may be presumed to differ greatly in their DLC. geologic history. 89367. LLIBOUTRY, L. Sub-glacial "supercavitation" as a cause of the rapid advances of glaciers. (Nature London, Apr. 4,1964. v. 202, p. 77.) 10 refs. Compares the recent rapid advance of the Otto Fjord Glacier on Ellesmere Island to similar advances of the Muldrow Glacier in Alaska and in the Andes. Summarizes own earlier explanations and revises Weertman's former theory, No 55968. Ice can over-ride a protuberance on a glacier bed by melting and refreezing, by plastic deformation with or without a water-filled cavity on the downside, and by generalized supercavitation, i.e. numerous cavities filled with water at low pressure on the lee of protuberances. Combination of the first and third sliding mechanisms gives higher velocity values and may cause a rapid advance. DLC. 89368. LLIBOUTRY, L. Traite de glaciologie, tome 1: glace, neige, hydrologie nivale; tome 2: glaciers, variations du climat, sols gelds. Paris, Masson 1964-1965. 2 v.: 1040 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In French. Title tr.: Treatise on glaciology, v. 1: ice, snow, snow hydrology; v. 2: glaciers, climatic variation, frozen ground. Comprehensive standard text in the field
of glaciology, treating most aspects of the science in detail. Historical development of the discipline is outlined, and the physics and chemistry of ice and snow are considered with special emphasis on plastic deformation and flowage behavior. Formulas are presented and discussed in connection with the mechanics of ice with graphs and diagrams of various relations. The texture and crystallography of ice, and the morphology of various types of freshwatei. and sea ice are considered, with illus of examples from the Arctic. The evolution of glacial features and the radiation balance of glaciated areas are analyzed in detail with examples from Greenland, Svalbard, Swedish Lapland, Baffin Island and other arctic areas. In v 2, a typology of glaciers using morphologic criteria is followed by a chapter presenting data on actual glaciers throughout the world with 16 p of illus. The methodology of glaciology, incl techniques of measurement, receives detailed treatment. Chap 19-21 (160 pages) present a comprehensive survey of continental glaciation past and present, incl related aspects such as climatic change, eustatic sea level changes, isostatic uplift and conditions favorable to growth and decay of ice sheets. The final chapter deals with frozen ground, permafrost and patterned ground. The majority of examples, illus, diagrs, and maps are from areas in the Alps, but many are arctic, particularly Greenland. DLC. 89369. LLOYD, T. New perspective on the North. (Foreign affairs 1964. v. 42, no. 2, p. 293-308, map.) Reviews the factors which had made the Arctic a focus of military strategy, including the importance of the region as a routeway for air and sea travel, and postulates that the Arctic Ocean links rather than divides Eurasia and North America. The problem of national sovereignty in the Arctic is discussed, with brief reference to disputes and agreements and to floating ice stations. A review of the economic development of the Soviet, Canadian, US and Danish arctic regions is given, including the role of mineral exploitation. After a brief resume of current research interests in the Arctic, the urgent need for international collaboration is stressed. Danish translation in Tidsskrift for *amen Feb 1965, p 42-63. DLC. LLOYD, T., see also No. 91900. 89370. LOBACZ, E. F., and W. F. QUINN. Thermal regime beneath buildings constructed on permafrost. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 247-52, table, graphs.)
Describes experiments by CRREL at the Fairbanks, Alaska field station in which eleven US Army buildings constructed over permafrost with various ground exposures, foundations and insulators were observed for 5-15 yr. The specifications of the buildings and the instrumentation used are described. The results are graphed and summarized. It is noted that buildings with concrete floor slabs on gravel fills degraded the permafrost and appreciable vertical settlement took place. Insulated built-up wood floors were slightly better, and buildings founded on piles with an airspace above ground caused no appreciable degradation of permafrost. Seasonal freeze and thaw had no effect on the structure where all piles were firmly bonded in CaMAI. permafrost. LOBANOVA, 0. V., see No. 87423. 89371. LOBANOVA, V. IA. Raspredelenie oblachnosti nad nekotorymi ralonami severnogo polusharie. (Akademifil nauk Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofiziSSSR. cheskil komitet. Meteorologicheskie issl. Sbornik state 1965. no. 9, p. 156-62, maps.) 27 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Distribution of cloudiness over certain areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Analyzes IGY observation data from abqut 1,500 stations on cloudiness over the USSR, Eastern Europe, and North America, including the American and Eurasian arctic and subarctic regions. Several kinds or degrees of cloudiness are distinguished, and the geographic distribution of cloudiness is given with an indication of its occurrence as influenced by the atmospheric centers of action and the main frontal zones. DLC. 89372. LOBBAN, M. C. Human renal diurnal rhythms in an arctic mining community. (Journal of physiology 1963. v. 165, no. 2, p. 75-76P.) Ref. Reports on studies made on 35 miners during Nov 1961—May 1962 at Longyearbyen, Vestspitsbergen. Excretory patterns for water and K were normal in controls but disorganized in night-shift and day-shift workers. Contrary to earlier concepts, it was found that the diurnal potassium rhythm can be modified under certain conditions. DLC. 89373. LOBKOVA, M. P. Krovososushchie komary. (In: Akademifil nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Inst. biologii. Fauna ozer . . . 1965, p. 230-41, table.) 36 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bloodsucking mosquitoes.
Account of 29 species with an introd on earlier work. Frequency, habitat of aquatic stages, wintering, development, and emergence periods are noted, as are the local and DLC. world distribution. 89374. LOBKOVA, M. P. Nekotorye dannye po rasprostranenifa komarov, podsemelstvo Culicinae, v Karen (In: Alrademili nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. K. prirodnol ochagovosti . 1964, p. 108119, tables, map.) 26 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some data on the distribution of mosquitoes, subfam Culicinae, in Karelia. Account covering 29 species and subspecies, nine of which are found in the taiga, eight in the forest taiga and three in the tundra. Distribution in neighboring and far-off areas, incl North America, is also considered; 16 of the forms are found all over DLC. Karelia. 89375. LOBZA, P. G. Gidrokhimicheskie uslovifa, v ralone Nfilkhchi i v Sorokskol gube v letnil period. (Akademii nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Materialy po kompleksnomu izuchenn Belogo mora 1963. no. 2, p. 5-16, tables, graphs, maps.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrochemical conditions in the Nyukhcha area and the Sorokskaya Bay in the summer. Reports investigations in two sectors of the Onega Bay of the White Sea. Both horizontal and vertical conditions are considered as to temperature, salinity, color and transparency, pH, 02, P, Si, etc. The hydrochemical similarity of these coastal DLC. areas is noted. 89376. LOCKHART, L. B., and others. Atmospheric radioactivity along the 80th meridian, West. (In: US. Atomic Energy Commission. Div. of Biol. and Med. Conference on radioactive fallout . . . 1964. Proceedings pub. 1965, p. 477-96, table, graphs.) 31 refs. Other authors: R. L. Patterson, A. W. Saunders and R. W. Black. Summarizes measurements of concentrations of gross beta activity, and Sr-90 activity in the air at ground levels in a zone along 80° W. The material for the report was collected from May 1956 through Dec 1962, a scientifically interesting period of the moratorium on nuclear tests, preceded and followed by periods of intensive testing. The collecting site in the Arctic was Thule. DLC. 89377. LOCKHEED RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM ON SPACE SCIENCE, 1st. Palo Alto, Calif. 1964. Auroral phenom-
ens, experiments and theory. Stanford, Calif. Stanford Univ. Press 1965. 170 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. M. Walt, editor. Presents slightly revised versions of the papers delivered at the symposium. Seven of arctic interest* are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names. *ELVEY, C. T. Morphology of auroral displays. *DAVIS, T. N. Television cinemaphotography of auroras. Valiance Jones, A. Optical measurements of auroras. *DALGARNO, A. Interaction of energetic charged particles with the atmosphere. *ANDERSON, K. A. Balloon measurements of X-rays in the auroral zone. *O'BRIEN, B. J. Precipitation of energetic particles into the atmosphere. *LEADABRAND, R. L. Electromagnetic measurements of auroras. *EVANS, J. E. Coordinated measurements on auroras. Chamberlain, J. W. The present status of auroral theory. Omholt, A. Summary of auroral sympoDLC. sium. 89378. LOCHEN, I. M. Minner fra et vennskap, Eva og Fridtjof Nansen. Oslo, Aschehoug 1962. 129 p. illus. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Memories of a friendship, Eva and Fridtjof Nansen. Posthumous publication of the work of a life-time friend of the Nansen family, dealing with their mutual personal interests, family life, etc with some biographical details and personal letters. DLC. 89379. LOKEN, A. Social wasps in Norway, Hymenoptera, Vespidae. (Norsk entomologisk tidsskrift 1964. v. 12, no. 5-8, p. 195-218, maps, illus.) 23 refs. Reports on eleven species mostly collected by author. Identification key is given, and for each species diagnosis and variations, earlier records and synonyms, nests and distribution. One species is new for Norway. Six reach into the Arctic, three to northernmost Norway. DLC. 89380. LOHEN, 0. II. Deglaciation and postglacial emergence of northernmost Labrador. Montreal 1961. 240, 56 p. maps, illus. 56 refs. Ph.D. thesis to McGill Univ. Presents a general introductory account of this small area, its glacial morphology, geology, and topography, followed by regional descriptions of 12 areas with discussion of ice movement and glacial and
marine features. Deglaciation of higher and lower areas, as shown by terminal and lateral moraines, lateral terraces and drainage channels, striae and other glacialmorphological evidence, is treated in some detail. Postglacial emergence, interpreted from raised shore features now represented by strandlines, took place in three or four stages. The thr ee upper strandlines, associated with tide-water glaciers in fiords and bays, are late-glacial in age (the third strandline dated 9000 t 200 yr BP) and related to readvance phases. The fourth strandline is a much younger, postglacial strandline associated with postglacial transgression. A relative chronology is outlined, and tentative correlations with other areas presented. A description of field work, equipment, and methods is included. CaOGB. 89381. LOKEN, 0. H. Deglaciation of the northern Torngat Mountains, Labrador. Denver, Colo. 1963. 13 p. maps, graph, Paper presented at the annual illus. meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Discusses results of three seasons' field work. Evidence shows that the ice surface reached 700 m altitude in the southern part of the field area, and that the ice moved eastward to the Atlantic. There was a major ice flow southeast out of Hudson Strait, and later a calving bay existed at the mouth of Hudson Strait. Three or possibly four former sea levels are identified from strandlines: the three older slope down N 25° E at 1:1000; the youngest is horizontal at 15 m in the south but to the north intersects the sloping ones and becomes the highest, thus indicating a postglacial marine transgression and establishing the marine limit at Port Burwell at 15 m. A relative chronology of late glacial events is outlined, but none of the events are dated. CaOGB. 89382. LOKEN, 0. H., and others. Field report, north central Baffin Island. Ottawa, Dept. Mines and Technical Surveys 1964. 96 p. maps, tables, illus. Presents a preliminary report of Canadian Geographical Branch field work 10 May27 Aug 1964, at the northwest end of the Barnes Ice Cap on western Baffin Island, and from a base camp at the head of Inugsuin Fiord on the east coast. The project initiated in 1961 and continuing, is to achieve an understanding of the landscape, terrain conditions, and geomorphic processes of the broader areas of eastern arctic and subarctic Canada. Studies in
glacial geomorphology and meteorology, hydrology, and botany were carried out by seven small field parties. A summary of investigations, and notes on weather, travel, ice conditions, and equipment are included, as are the reports by the party leaders, viz: Geomorphology at Inugsuin and Sam Ford Fiords, by 0. H. LOken, p. 26-29. Geomorphology at Base Camp, by. D. M. Barnett, p. 30-34. McBeth Fiord geomorphology, by D. A. Harrison, p. 35-47. Sam Ford geomorphology, by J. E. Smith, p. 35-47. Barnes Ice Cap glacial meteorology, by R. B. Sager and C. W. Bridge, p. 54-58. Lewis River hydrology, by M. A. Church, p. 59-74. Isortoq Valley botany, by P. J. Webber, p. 75-96. CaOGB. 89383. LOHEN, 0. H. A study of the late and postglacial changes of sea level in northernmost Labrador. 1964. 80 p. maps, graph. Discusses sea-level changes which have taken place from Cape Chidley south to 60° N, according to a six-week reconnaissance in summer 1962. The topography of the area and previous studies are described. Ice movement was from the west, although there is evidence of a southeasterly flow during an early phase and a northeasterly flow during the latest phase due to the varying influence of Hudson Strait. End moraines indicate several readvances of the ice front. A profile along Ikkudliayuk Trough shows that the ice marginal features were formed along four distinct ice margins, during four separate phases of the deglaciation of the area. The phases all represent readvances, though the next to the youngest was a very weak one. The glacial history of the area and a relative chronology are outlined. Raised shore features, mainly wave cut benches, are discussed in detail. A general decrease in altitude of the raised shore features toward the north is recorded. It is concluded that the marine limit in the Port Burwell area is 15 m. CaOGB. LOREN, 0. H., see also Nos. 86902, 89382. 89384. LONNQVIST, 0. Floran i Overtorneittrakten i Norrbotten. (Svensk botanisk tidskrift 1964. v. 58, no. 2, p. 371-408.) 18 refs. In Swedish. Title tr.: The flora of the Overtorneft district, Norrbotten. Describes this North Swedish area and previous works on its flora, lists some 600 plant species known in the district. Local-
ities and dates of finds, habitat, etc are noted. DLC. 89385. LONG, 0. The catches of polar bears in arctic regions in the period 19451963. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 151-55, tables, map.) On the Svalbard fauna 6. Presents data on catches by region, in all 5,887 bears were killed, the largest number, over three thousand, in the Barents Sea area; 290 were taken by trophy-hunters. DLC. 89386. LONG, 0. Den norske fangstvirksomheten pli Pst-GrOnland fra 1938 til 1959. (Polarboken 1983-64, p. 79-123, map, tables, graphs, illus.) 8 refs. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Norwegian hunting activities in East Greenland from 1938 to 1959. Continues Giaever's paper, No 5694, giving details on about 30 expeditions in the area 72°-76° N. 7,892 foxes were caught during the 22 yr period and hunting techniques are described in some detail. Bear hunting (135 taken) and salmon fishing (385.5 barrels) are also dealt with. An account of Arktisk Naeringsdrift A/S, active DLC. during 1929-1959 is included. 89387. LONO, 0. Opplevelser med gjizzlybjOrn. (Polarboken 1963-64, p. 4654, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Experiences with grizzly bear. Observations in northern Alaska. DLC. LOVE, D., see No. 89538. 89388. LOVENSKIOLD, H. L. Avifauna Svalbardensis, with a discussion on the geographical distribution of the birds in Spitsbergen and adjacent islands. Oslo 1964. 460 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. gkrifter no. 129.) Contains results of field work in 1948, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1958, 1958 and 1960. The first part contains a general ecological account. The increase in the number of breeding birds during the last few decades is thought to be due to an amelioration of climate. The second part lists 93 species with data on geographical distribution, occurrence in Svalbard, ringing, first records and biology. The bibliography comprises 655 items published between 1596 and 1958. DLC. 89389. LOEWE, F. Arktis and Antarktis im Lichte neuerer Forschung. (Polarforschung 1964. v. 5, no. 34, p. 225-36.) 32 refs. In German. English summary. Title
tr.: The Arctic and Antarctic in light of recent studies. Notes substantial progress in the last 15 yr: limits and common features of the two polar regions are noted; and their climate outlined, Inland Ice of Greenland and the Antarctic is described, its thickness, mass balance, temperature, and main characteristics are given. Isotope methods are stressed especially for determinating the age and stratification of ice. DLC. LOEWE, F., see also No. 88782. 89390. LOGINOV, G. A. Morfologia magnitnol aktivnosti po dannym Murmanska. (In: Akademitil nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Polfarnyt geofiz. inst. Issledovanie . . 1964, p. 60-69, table, graphs.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Morphology of magnetic activity according to Murmansk data. Shows particular features of geomagnetic activity 1954-1961. Daily, seasonal, and solar-activity dependent variations are studied in relation to hourly amplitudes of the horizontal component of the field r and its three-hourly index K. Cyclic variations of geomagnetic activity are given graphically for r H K, number, n, of geomagnetically disturbed hours, and the number of great and very great geomagnetic storms in each year. A remarkable agreement between these four variations is noted. DLC. 89391. LOGINOV, G. A. Nekotorye rezul'taty issledovanifa SD—variaaii v vysokikh shirotakh. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Polfarnyl geofizicheskil inst. Issledovanie polfarnykh sifinll . . . 1965, p. 71-79, graphs, maps.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some results of SD—variation study in high latitudes. Analyzes disturbance in geomagnetic daily variation (SD) data from Murmansk, Bukhta Tikhaya, Dikson, and Uelen in an attempt to explain the rotation of the horizontal disturbance vector instead of its remaining perpendicular to the zone of corpuscular intrusion. The character of rotation of the vector is found to depend on the position of the observation station in regard to the auroral zone. In 1958-1961 the auroral zone was south of Murmansk, and moving northward as the solar activity decreased. A displacement of the zone results in a change in the vector's rotation. The time of occurrence of the variation being equal to zero OH = 0) changes seasonally and during the 11-yr cycle of
solar activity. English translation available as NASA TT F-386 from CFSTI, Springfield, Va, 22151. CaMAI. 89392. LOGINOV, G. A. Raschet tokovol sistemy SErvariacsii v vysokikh shirotakh. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomila 1965. v. 5, no. 2, p. 328-35, graphs, illus.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Calculation of current system SD variation in high latitudes. Assumes that the ionospheric wind is a homogeneous stream crossing the polar region, including the auroral zone, parallel to the meridian 3.5-15.5 hr, that the geomagnetic field is vertical and uniform in the region, and that the electric conductivity sharply increases within a ring of 20° and 24° inner and outer boundaries during disturbances. The current system calculated on these assumptions for Murmansk, Tiksi, and College agrees well with current systems of SD (disturbance daily variation) constructed by other investigators. The current densities calculated by this method permit an evaluation of magnetic variation to be expected at surface stations directly under the current stream in the auroral zone. DLC. 89393. LOGINOV, V. P., and others. Osvoenie Dal'nego Severa i problemy khozfalstvennykh kompleksov. (Problemy Severn 1965. no. 9, p. 98-106, tables.) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: V. F. Puzanova and V. V. artovskil. Title tr.: Utilization of the Far North and the economic complexes. * General discussion of planning principles. High construction costs are a major factor: large centers like Murmansk, Vorkuta and Noril'sk are exceptions, but in other places, capital investment for construction should be limited to the essential minimum, without expansion for local auxiliary or maintenance industry. This high cost is illus by the Iultin District in Chukotka where construction required for the mining development represented only 30-35% of the investment; the rest included building the port of Egvekinot, etc. DLC. LOGINOV, V. P., see also No. 84836. 89394. LOHAMMAR, G. The vegetation of Swedish lakes. (In: The plant cover of Sweden. 1965. p. 28-47, maps, illus.) Presents a study along physiographical and limnological lines, Intl types of shores, water chemistry, trophic conditions and vegetation. The latter is detailed according to the trophic value of the lakes and accord•English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa.
ing to climatic-ecological criteria, with the subarctic and arctic lakes extensively discussed and illus. Distribution types, number of species and changes in the aquatic vegetation are also considered. DA. 89395. LOHMANN, W., and others. Some remarks about the effect of glycerol on cells during freezing and thawing: electron-spin reasonance investigations concerning this effect. (Experientia 1964. v. 20, no. 5, p. 290, graphs.) 6 refs. German summary. Other authors: C. F. Fowler, A. J. Moss and W. H. Perkins. Electron-spin resonance indicates that the protective action of glycerol in freezing and thawing is due to a complex formation between the glycerol and the metal ions of the cell. DLC. 89396. LOKKE, C. L. Klondike saga, the chronicle of a Minnesota gold mining company. Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press 1965. xiii, 211 p. maps, illus (Norwegian-American Historical Association. Travel and description ser. v. 7.) Refs. Recounts the formation of the Monitor Gold and Trading Co in Minnesota in 1897 by a group of Scandinavian-Americans under the leadership of Lars Gunderson, and its subsequent prospecting activities during the Klondike gold rush. The difficulties of negotiating the Chilkoot Pass are described in detail, including the catastrophic avalanches of 3 Apr 1898. The journey on the Yukon River, the claims staked by the company and the problems of survival in temperatures below —40° C are recounted, mainly by materials from members' diaries and from correspondence. The company found no gold in paying quantities, and after its members sought other employment, it was dissolved. DGS. LOKSHINA, I. E., see No. 88404. 89397. LOMACHENKOV, V. S. Novelshie tektonicheskie struktury v sovremennom rel'efe IAno-Indigirskol nizmennosti i prilegafnshchego shel'fa. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1965. v. 143, p. 346-49, map.) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Recent tectonic structures in present relief of the YanaIndigirka lowland and the adjacent shelf. Describes linear, slightly convex outliers, 10-50 m high, some hundred meters to several kilometers long, that extend in a sublatitudinal direction from the Polousnyy Range to the East Siberian Sea coast. Similar relief forms are also observed in a submarine continuation to the New Siberian Islands. DLC.
89398. LOMAKINA, N. B. Mizidy, kumaaei i evfauzievye raki (Mysidacea, Cumacea et Euphausiacea) po materialam arkticheskikh ekspedifeil na lir "F. Litke" 1955 g., die "Ob' " 1956 g. i die "Lena" 1957 i 1958 gg. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 259, p. 241-54, tables, graphs, map.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mysidacea, Cumacea and Euphausiacea from the arctic expeditions of the F. Litke 1955, Ob' 1956, and Lena 1957 and 1958. Records finds of five, six, and four species respectively of these crustaceans, with notes on location, depth, numbers retrieved and geographic distribution. The ecology and biology are also discussed and the four species of euphasiids dealt with in detail as to occurrence, size and reproduction. CaMAI, DLC. 89399. LOMAX, P., and others. Brain temperatures in the rat during exposure to low environmental temperatures. (American journal of physiology 1964. v. 207, no. 3, p. 736-39, tables, graphs, illus.) 12 refs. Other authors: E. Malveaux and R. E. Smith. Reports on temperature changes in animals, normal or cold-adapted, exposed to 26, 6, and —8° C. In all three environments, the acclimatized rats had lower hypothalamic temperatures than controls. Other responses were similar in all groups. During cold exposure, hypothalamic temperature tended to increase, that of the adjacent thalamic region decreased, while rectal temperature stayed fairly constant. DLC. LOMEiKO, E. I., see No. 88707. 89400. LOMONOSOV, I. S. Mineral'nye vody Kempendffilskogo solfrino-kupol'nogo (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. reform. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. zemnoT kory. Mineral'nye vody ... 1963, p. 52-72, tables, map, illus.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mineral waters of the Kempendyay salt domes region. Reviews the formation conditions and hydrogeologic characteristics of ground waters of the Lena-Vilyuy interfiuve. Suprapermafrost and subpermafrost waters are analyzed as to their chemical composition and other features, with special attention to mineral waters, the Kempendyay springs and lakes; Malyy and Bol'shoy Rosso', Mokhsogolokh and Tus-Kel' are treated in detail. Brines of these sources are analyzed. The sodic chloride brines of the Kempendyay region are of great interest for obtaining common salt, also for purposes of balneo DLC. therapy.
89401. LOMONOSOV, I. S., and M. A. VOLKOVA. Osnovnye tipy mineral'nykh vod severnol i zapadnol chaste Vostochno1 Sibiri. (In: Akademifa, nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. zemnol kory. MineraPnye vody ... 1963, p. 27-36, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Main types of mineral waters in the northern and western parts of Eastern Siberia. Reviews mineral waters of Krasnoyarsk Province and western Yakutia according to their gaseous content and chemical composition. Nitric sulfate, nitric and methane chloride, carbonated nitric thermal and other types are considered. Hydrogeologic and hydrochemical conditions, mineralization, pH, gas components, sources and other features of these waters are characterized. DLC. LOMONOSOV, I. S., see also No. 90798. 89402. LONEY, R. A. Stratigraphy and petrography of the Pybus-Gambier area, Admiralty Island, Alaska. Washington, D.C. U.S. Govt. Print Office 1964. 103 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (U.S. Geological Survey. Bulletin 1178.) 52 refs. Presents a detailed study of the geology of a 215 sq mi uninhabited section of this island. After an introductory summary of the basic structure of the area, the principal lithologic units and their complex stratigraphic relations are described. Devonian argillites and greywackes with some metamorphism are overlain unconformably by Permian and Triassic sediments incl dolomite, limestone and chart. In the Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous 8000 ft of turbidites (the Seymour Canal Formation) and volcanics were laid down and subsequently severely folded in the major orogeny associated with the emplacement of the Coast Range batholith. In the Tertiary more than 10,000 ft of more gently dipping conglomerates, sandstones and basalts were deposited with angular unconformity upon the earlier strata. A veneer of Quaternary glacials and alluvial gravels is noted. All fossil occurrences are listed and mapped with taxonomic identifications. In some formations, particularly dolomite, preservation was poor. DGS. 89403. LONEY, R. A. Structural analysis of the Pybus-Gambier area Admiralty Island, Alaska. (California. Univ. Publications in geological sciences 1965. v. 46, no. 2, p. 33-80, tables, maps, illus.) 31 refs. Presents an analysis of the structure of intensely deformed pre-Tertiary sediments
in this Southeast Alaskan area. The sequence of formations, which range from Devonian to Cretaceous, is summarized with brief notes on the lithology of each. The structural analysis uses equal-area projections (lower hemisphere) to record the orientation 'of the various structural elements and to determine the geometric relations between them. Collective diagrams of preferred orientation and S-pole diagrams of foliation are used in explaining structural detail. A suggested correlation of generations of structures between the three provinces into which the area is divided is tabulated. The study indicates three episodes of deformation between early Cretaceous and late Eocene which produced a superposition of three generations of folds. The special characteristics of each deformation episode is discussed and the relation of the Coast Range batholith to local metamorphism is assessed. A detailed geologic-structural map is included. DGS. LONEY, R. A., see also No. 89147. LONG, D. M., see No. 92790. 89404. LONG, E. L. Certain aspects of Alaska District Engineers experience in areas of marginal permafrost. (National Research Council of Canada. Technical memorandum 1965. no. 86, p. 52-57, table.) Identifies areas of extreme permafrost by very low mean annual air temperatures and light to moderate snowfall, and non-permafrost areas by a marine environment or by heavy snowfall throughout the winter. Procedures of the US Army Engineers for establishing a new site location or a new facility are outlined as used in the runway extension at Galena and in the Bethel Communications Towers construction.. Soil and weather conditions, also type of founds, tion and procedure used are tabulated for five sites. DLC. 89405. LONG, E. L. The Long thermopile. (In: International' Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 48791, graphs, illus.) 7 refs. Describes in detail, with diagrams, the thermodynamics and construction of a seasonal self-refrigerating type of foundation pile for use in permafrost that is likely to have an unsatisfactory bearing capacity in the thawed condition. Tests at Aurora and Glenallen in Alaska are reported. Used properly, the pile maintains the ground near it in a permanently frozen condition. CaMAI
LONG, J. B., see No. 92221. 89406. LONGLEY, R. W., and P. H. CONNOLLY. The Boreal Institute. (Special Libraries Association. Geography and Map Div. Bulletin 1964. no. 55, p. 10-13, table.) Ref. Outlines the program and financial problems of this institute established in 1960 at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. The objectives and main features of its library are noted. DLC. LONGWELL, B. B., see Nos. 89963, 89964. 89407. LOOMER, E. I. Summary of observations at Resolute Bay magnetic observatory 1960-1962. (Canada. Dominion Observatory. Publications 1964. v. 29, no. 5, p. 227-91, tables.) 2 refs. Summarizes mean hourly values of X, Y, and Z by month, season, and year for all days and for the international quiet and disturbed days during these three years. Hourly ranges in gammas for Y, the principal horizontal magnetic field component, are given for each hour for the three years. In the period 1954.5 to 1962.5, X increased an average of 23 gammas/yr. From 1957.5, Y increased its rate of, change from +4 ganimas/yr to +15 gammas/yr. Vertical intensity decreased during 1957.5 to 1959.5, and subsequently increased at about 25 gammas/yr. The site and buildings are described in Loomer's record of the 19571958 observations, No 73587; the magnetic equipment and the data reduction techniques are discussed in detail in his 1959 record, No 80798 as well as the 1960-1962. DLC. LOOMER, E. I., see also Nos. 86857, 86858. 89408. LOPATIN, B. G. 0 nakhodkakh shchelochuozemel'nykh sienitov na Anabarskom sbchite. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uohenye zapiski 1965. Regionarnafil geologifit no. 7, p. 24-31, tables, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Finds of alkali-earth syenites in the Anabar shield. Describes syenite intrusions first detected by the author in 1963. About 13 outcrops are now known in the area. These syenites are of two varieties: biotite-hornblende and pyroxene-hornblende. Optical and chemical composition of the minerals are analyzed. The syenites are bound to a tectonic zone of crushing. They are characterized by massive texture, hypidiomorphic structure, and contacts with enclosing rocks. They have low magnetic susceptibility and highly ferruginous dark-colored minerals. DLC.
LOPATIN, INNOICENTli ALEKSANDROVICH, 1838-1909, see No. 92504. LOPATINA, E. B., see No. 84852. 89409. LORAIN, S. H. Rock in the box. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 1, p. 16-19, +, illus.) Reviews the Alaska lode mining industry, 1882-1944, mostly of gold and copper. Methods of prospecting, mine promotion and development are described, as are the mining operations, and life of the miners. The major mines are noted, and contemporary photographs of them shown. DI. 89410. LORD, W. Peary to the Pole. New York, Harper & Row 1963. 156 p. map, illus. Account of Peary's long (1888-1909) quest for the North Pole, based on contemporary sources and illus by numerous expedition photographs, including four taken by Peary at the Pole with the camera turned roughly 90° after each exposure. Main aspects of the Peary-Cook controversy are outlined. DLC. 89411. LORENTZEN, F. J. Policy for treatment of frostbite in Norway. (In: Symposia on arctic biology and medicine. Proceedings 1964, p. 239-43.) Notes based on various sources concerning first aid, medication and sympathectomy, trenchfoot type injury, physical therapy, indoctrination, etc. CaMAI. 89412. LORIOT, J. A selected bibliography of comparative American Indian linguistics. (International journal of American linguistics 1964. v. 30, no. 1, p. 62-80.) Includes 33 publications of 1930-1960, on Eskimo-Aleut and 25 on Indian languages of Alaska and Canada; annotations are DSI. given. 89413. LORT-PHILLIPS, P. A sledge journey in Swedish Lapland. (Geographical magazine 1963. v. 36, no. 7, p. 407-416, maps, illus.) Account of a three-wk, 200-mi trip by eight skiers pulling loaded light-weight sledges through the mountains southwest of Abisko in Apr 1962. Scenery, sledging and DLC. weather conditions are described. LORY, M. L., see No. 85668. LOSEV, K.. S., see No. 86451. 89414. LOSEVA, E. I. Diatomovye vodorosli iz boreal'nykh otlozhenil basseIna r. .767
Pezy. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Komissia po izucheniffi chetvertichnogo periods. Bffilleten' 1965. no. 30, p. 89-99, table, illus.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Diatom algae from boreal deposits of the Peza River basin. Reports a study of diatom algae from beneath morainic deposits. In the 17 samples analyzed, 93 forms were determined, 67% marine and brackish-marine. Their horizontal distribution is also noted. The more interesting forms are systematically described and illus. A list of diatom algae from marine interglacial deposits is included. The ecology of these diatoms is briefly DLC. interpreted. 89415. LOSEVA, E. I. K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii ottorzhentsev. (Geografiche,skoe o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestiia, 1965. no. 10, p. 106-110, map.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the origin of erratic blocks. Describes two cross-sections of Quaternary deposits in the f8il'ma basins of Komi ASSR, in both of which erratic blocks are discovered. In one case the block is considered bedrock, an old rock slide; in other case the block is a typical glacial erratic DLC. block. LOSEVA, E. I., see also No. 86502. 89416. LOSHCHILOV, V. S. Snezhnyl pokrov na l'dakh 'fSentralsnoT Arktiki. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 17, p. 36-45, table, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Snow cover on the ice of the central Arctic. Characterizes the snow cover on drift ice according to 1950-1962 observations by drifting stations and high latitude air expeditions. Snow accumulation, thickness and duration are described. Microrelief of the snow cover is analyzed and four main types are distinguished. Density of snow is reported, as are some physical and chemical properties such as heat conductivity, albedo, transparency, electric properties and saliCaMAI, DLC. nity. 89417. LOT-FALCK, E. Regions arctiques. (In: Belmont, N. ed. L'art et les societes primitives ... Paris 1964, p. 248-75, map, illus.) In French. Title tr.: Arctic regions. Reviews circumpolar art, describing the religious and functional art of the Lapps, Siberian peoples, and Eskimos. Ornamentation, style, subject, technique of manufacture and materials, treatment of the human figure, cosmologic designs and decoration of shamanistic drums, artistic
shaping of tools, masks, etc are considered in turn. Animism, soul-endowment and killing or ritual breaking of objects, invocation of spirit-helpers, symbolism and abstraction, and descriptive function of pictographs, are discussed. The modern Eskimo and Chukchi souvenir trade is deprecated as decadent. DLC. 89418. LOTZ, J. R. The Chilkoot trail to-day: Dyes. to Bennett. Ottawa, Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources 1965. 11 p. maps. (Canada. Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre. Yukon Research Project ser. no. 4.) Reports the 1963 condition of this trail used in gold rush days and provides a guide for persons intending to traverse it. Advice is given on equipment and essential precautions. Maps show the Chilcoot and White Passes (1:80,000) and the Chilcoot summit and Canadian part of the trail (1:50,000). CaMAI. 89419. LOTZ, J. R. The Dawson area, a regional monograph. Ottawa, Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources 1965. 209 p. tables, maps, illus. (Canada. Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre. Yukon Research Project ser. no. 2.) Approx. 75 refs. Presents a comprehensive economic and social survey of this area of the Yukon Territory for many years undergoing decay. Its physical setting and a history are outlined, and detailed plans of the community in 1949, 1952 and 1963, shown with occupancy patterns indicated. Community facilities and social organization are considered and commercial activity examined. The economic bases of the area are analyzed in detail, including mining, tourism, transportation, hunting and trapping, fishing, lumbering, agriculture and service industries. The housing problem, complicated by permafrost conditions, is discussed particularly the poor living conditions of seasonal workers, Indians and metis. Activities of government are assessed. A large amount of useful and original survey data appears in 42 tables. A concluding chapter summarizes the problems of a declining township. CaMAI. 89420. LOTZ, J. R. A new way to Alaska. (Canadian geographical journal 1964. v. 68, no. 2, p. 52-55, illus.) Describes the marine ferry system, initiated in 1963, between Prince Rupert, British Columbia, and Skagway, Alaska. Access routes from the south, the vessels' dimensions and accommodations, towns
and other points of interest along the route are noted, also sailing time between ports. DLC. 89421. LOTZ, J. Resources development and settlement patterns in the Yukon Territory; past, present and future. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1965 pub. 1966, p. 300-309.) Describes briefly the origin and evolution of the present settlement pattern, identifies present trends of change and assesses the direction' of future development. The resources capable of development are reviewed under mineral development, water, recreation, scientific research, government and other activities. The difficult environment demands a high level of technology. Rationalization and centralization of the present settlement pattern is likely, and can be planned or allowed to come about through economic forces, the latter entailing heavy social and economic costs. Mining centers are unlikely to arise less than 30 mi from existing settlements. CaMAI. 89422. LOTZ, J. R. The squatters of Whitehorse, a study of the problems of new northern settlements. (Arctic 1965. v. 18, no. 3, p. 172-88, tables, maps.) 5 refs. Identifies , two types of settlement in the Canadian North, the older centers of transportation, fur-trading and mining, and the post-1950 planned mining communities. Some of the former, such as Whitehorse, have an uncertain resource base and the problems arising are discussed. A social survey in 1960 of its ten squatter communities, 310 dwellings, is summarized (cf No 73605), and factors fostering them identified. Casual and uncertain employment, la& of capital and skills, and difficulties of adjustment to changing conditions, shared alike by Indians (12% of total) and others, initiate and maintain squatting. The analysis includes size of household, dwelling types (tabulated), ethnic composition, employment characteristics, etc. 31.7% of the households consisted of single men, 128 individuals. Attempts to evict and resettle the squatters are described in a conclusion and the uncertain future of such subarctic urban centers as Whitehorse DLC. discussed. 89423. LOTZ, J. R. Yukon bibliography, preliminary edition. Ottawa, Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources 1964. 155 p. (Canada. Northern Coordination and Research Centre. Yukon Research Project ser. no. 1.) Lists about 1500 titles to 1963, under 28
topical headings: natural and earth sciences, climate, history and exploration, transportation, administration, Indians, etc. Foreign language titles are translated and, occasionally, annotated. CaMAI. 89424. LOUGHREY, A. G. The fur trade. (North 1964. v. 11, no. 2, p. 43-46, illus.) 6 refs. Account of this industry in Canada: its beginnings, French-British competition, rivalry between companies, factors favoring its growth, its effects on the Indians, influence on Canadian development. CaMAI. 89425. LOVE, S. K. Quality of surface waters of Alaska, 1961-63. Washington, D.C. U.S. Govt. Print. Office 1965. 95 p. map, tables. (U.S. Geological Survey. Water-supply paper 1953.) 13 refs. In sequence to No. 72116. Describes methods, measurements, analyses, etc of 31 stations on 28 streams west of 141° W. Chemical characteristics, water temperatures, and sediment, are tabulated for the Copper, Anchor, Ninilchik, Trail, Knik, Matanuska, Kuskokwim, and Yukon River basins; results of miscellaneous analyses from some 30 other Alaskan streams are also given. Discharge data are pub in surface water supply reports, cf No 83843. DLC. LOWDON, J. A., see No. 85824. 89426. LOWTHER, G. R. The prehistory of Sparbo. (North 1965. v. 12, no. 6, p. 38-42, map.) Describes archeological investigations at 12 sites on Devon Island in 1960 and 1961. The cultures identified were pre-Dorset, Thule and historic. The artifacts, briefly reviewed, include a three-spurred, doublebarbed harpoon-head of unusual design and many articles showing strong Greenland influence. At least two houses had well defined double walls, a design previously reported only from West Greenland. A number of ecologic problems associated with Devon Island and adjacent settlement are discussed. CaMAI. LOWTHER, G. R., see also No. 89538. 89427. LOYENS, W. J. The Koyukon feast for the dead. (Arctic anthropology 1964. v. 2, no. 2, p. 133-48, table.) 40 refs. Comparative study of this feast and its ceremonial elements among the Upper and Lower Koyukon Athapaskan Indians and other neighboring Athapaskans and Eski-
mos. An up-river simplification of ceremonialism is suggested: Eskimo to Ingalik to Lower Koyukon to Upper Koyukon. The Koyukon as a group appear to be representative of two traditions and two ceremonial complexes, Eskimo and Athapaskan. DSI.
1961, founding of the town etc are described. Pollution of the lakes and rivers and its effect upon their fauna and the vegetation DLC. are noted.
89428. LOZINA-LOZINSKII, L. K. Anabioz i zhiznesposobnost' nasekomykh pri glubokom okhlazhdenii okolo —190°. (Voprosy ekologii 1962. v. 7, p. 98-100.) In Russian. Title tr.: Anabiosis and viability of insects cooled to about —190° C. Author found that only diapausing larvae of Pyrausta nubilalis, kept at temperatures not exceeding 10-12° C, were able to survive when gradually cooled to, and kept at —190° C for up to 48 hr. Rate of rewarming had no effect on survival, which occasionally reached several weeks. However no pupaDLC. tion took place.
LUDWIG, W. J., see No. 86881.
89429. LOZINA-LOZINSKII, L. K. Mnogokolenchatye (Pantopoda) po materialam ekspediGia na 1/r "F. Litke" 1955 g. i na die "Ob' " 1958 g. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-is.sl. inst'. Trudy 1964. v. 259, p. 330-39, tables, illus.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Pantopoda from material of the F. Litke 1955 and Ob' 1956 expeditions. Reviews the material collected by each vessel, its stations, their temperature and salinity. Eleven species are dealt with, including vertical and horizontal distribu tion, morphology, etc. The geographic distribution of arctic pantopods is considered in conclusion. DLC. 89430. LOZINA-LOZINSKIL L. K., and P. K. MOROZ. Novyl metod mikroskopicheskogo issledovanifa profsessa zamorazhi vanifa kletok. (nitologifit 1964. v. 6, no. 6, p. 774-78, illus.) Approx. 20 refs. In Russian. ' English summary. Title tr.: A new method for microscopic study of the freezing process in cells. Describes a chamber, placed on the microscope-stage, capable of rapid or slow freezing and thawing, from room temperature to —190° C. The use of it is also explained. DLC. 89431. LUCHINEFSKIL E. ITIganskaia odissefil. (Sibirskie ogni 1964. v. 43, no. 4, p. 161-74; no. 5, .p. 138-53 ) In Russian. Title tr.: Yugan Odyssey. Gives impressions of a trip to the KhantyMansi National District, particularly Neftyugansk, a town of over two thowiand in the oil field by the Bol'shoy Yugan, Ob basin. The search for oil, its discovery in 770'
LUDWIG, G. H., see No. 85322.
89432. LUKE, G. Az ugor totetnisztikus exogemia, emlekei a magyar folklerban. (Ethnographia Budapest 1965. v. 76, no. 1, p. 32-90, illus.) In Hungarian. Russian and German summaries. Title tr.: Traces of Ugrian totemic exogamy in Hungarian folklore. Discusses the totemic origin of the bear, hare, and fox motifs surviving in Ostyak and Vogul mythology and ornamental design. Adopted as totems of exogamous fratries before Ob-Ugrian tribal division, they occur in symbolic 'hunting scenes of Hungarian and other Ugrian folk art and songs. Lyrics, music, and pictorial representations show affinities to Ostyak andVogul prototypes. DSI. 89433. LUMEN, E. Ynglefuglene pt Nord-FuglOy, Nord-Norge, deres udbredelse og antal. (Dansk ornithologisk fore ping. Tidsskrift 1965. v. 58, no. 4, p. 16692, tables, maps, illus.) 21 refs. In Danish. English summary.' Title tr.: The breeding' birds on Nord Fug1.0y,' North Norway, their: distribution-and numbers. Describes geography of this now uninhabited island, and its numerous bird life; 22 km2 in area, it has three natural regime: large, fertile valleys on the east side, _high. steep bird-cliffs on the west coast, and an intermediate plateau. Ten typical bird districts are noted. In the largest, 3.9 km2, in 1963, counts and other studies of the breeding birds were made in a 34-day period. Ten species were new to the island;' of the 49 known there, 43 were seen. All are discussed briefly, and their locations indicated (maps). Their number and variety' may have increased recently: only willow' grouse and ptarmigan were hunted in 1963: DLC. 89434. LUTZEN, 1. Parasitic copepods from marine polychaetes of eastern N. America. (Naturalists canadien 1964. v. 91, no. 10, p. 255-67.) 14 refs. Pub. fir French in: Quebec. Ministere de l'Industrie et du Comnferce. Div. des -Pecheries, Travaux no.' 7. '' Records ten species of these copepodii on worms of the boreal and subarctie coasts from Georges Bank to Baffin Island.
Preliminary description is given of each speeies together with known records in the area from several other collections. The hosts belong to fam Polynoidae, Terebellidae, Ampharetidae, Phyllodocidae,, and possibly Maldanidae. Eight of the copepod species are new to the Canadian or American Atlantic; and one, Herpyllotrius cordiformis, is new to science. The new family Saccopsidae is raised for the genera Saccopsis and Melinnacheres and the scope of the. Herpyllobiidae is restricted to gen Herpyllobiv-s, Eurysilenium, and Phallusiella. The identity of two species remains DLC. uncertain. 89435. LUGOV, S. F. Geologicheskie osobennosti oloyfanno-vol'framovogo orudertenifa Chukotki i voprosy poiskov. Moskva, Izd-vo Nedra 1965. 336 p. tables, graphs, maps,. illus. Approx. 230 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geologic features of the tin-tungsten mineralization of Chukotka and prospecting problems. presents recent information on the geology of tin-tungsten deposits, and outlines according to the geologic structure of the region, the petro-chemical and geochemical characteristics of granitoid formation and the distribution, of tin-tungsten deposits. In three parts, the book deals first with the geologic structure of Chukotka. second with certain knots of tin-tungsten deposits, ' such as Pevek, Kuyviveyem-Gyrgychan, Pyrkakay, etc.. Each is described in considerable detail. Finally the genetic features of tin-tungsten mineralization are disDLC. cussed. 89436. LUGOV, S. F. 0 metallogenicheskoT speatializafiii mezozoiskikh granitoidov Chukotki.. (In: Koptev-Dvornikov, V. S. ed. Metallogenicheskafa spefeializaailit magmaticheskikh kompleksov, Moskva 1964, p. 187-97, tables, graph.) In Russian. Title tr.: Metalloge.nic specialization of Chukotka Mesozoic granitpids. Outlines the geologic-petrochemical and geochemical features of Chukotka granitoids. Middle Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, early Upper. Cretaceous and late Upper Cretaceous granite-3 are recognized and their distribution and composition outlined. Geochemical specialization of Cretaceous tinbearing granites is evident and is characterized, by increased content of accessory minerals of tin and boron also cassiterite and tonunaline. The genetic connection which exists between tin mineralization and granites is explained. DLC. LUGOV, S. F., see also No. 85094.
89437. : LUGOVOI, P. N. Mnogoletnemerzlye porody Olekmo-Vitimskogo mezhdurech'fil. (In: Akademia nauk BBSR. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Geokriologicheskie uslovill ... 1964, p. 78-96, tables, map, illus.) 26 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Permafrost in the Olekma-Vitim interfiuve. Reports own cryologic-hydrogeologic investigations in 1957-1958. Three types of regions are distinguished according to geocryologic conditions and briefly characterized. Depths to the upper surface of permafrost, thickness of permafrost, temperature of rocks, and other features are described. Vertical zonality of permafrost is established as consisting of two types of permafrost: discontinuous present permafrost prevailing in intermontane depressions and the almost continuous permafrost of older times. DLC. 89438. LUGOVOL, P. N. Osobennosti obrazovanifft karsta v merzlykh tolshchakh. (Geologifa i geofizika 1964, no. 8, p. 25-33, tables, graphs.) 18 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Features of karst formation in frozen strata. Reviews karst formation and quartz metasomatosis in frozen carbonaceous rocks of the Aldan shield, Vilyuy and Lena regions and elsewhere. Karst cavities in permafrost and some forms of the,secondary mineral formation are not inherited from warmer periods of the past, but are the result of physico-chemical processes going on at the present time. DLC. 89439. LUHO, V. Ober die mesolithische Steinzeit in Finnland. (International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences 5th, Hamburg 1958. . Proceedings pub. 1961, p. 506-514, maps, illus.) 11 refs. In German. Title tr.: Mesolithic stone age in Finland. Discusses lithic assemblages and diffusion of two affinal pre-Boreal cultures, Askola and Komsa, and subsequent traditions in south Finland. These cultures are represented in the north by sites at Roverely, on Varanger Fjord and at Harju and Niva in the Petsamo region. They are considered branch cultures of one ethnic group rooted in the late Magdalenian culture complex of northwest European reindeer hunters. Askola spread north from the Gulf of Finland, Komsa northwest from a White Sea formation center, but it may have developed. in Finnmark by amalgamating groups moving north along the Norwegian coast. DLC. 89440. LUISTRO, F. M. Atmospheric kinetic energy at 500 mb as a function of
zonal wave number. Montreal 1964. 60 p. tables, graphs; maps. (McGill Univ. Arctic Meteorological Research Group. Publication in meteorology no. 73.) 26 refs. Reports an investigation carried out on data obtained during the IGY to compute kinetic energy at 500 mb for both hemispheres from 20° to the Poles. Fourier analysis techniques used are explained and the kinetic energy spectra are considered as a function of the number of zonal waves. Analysis of the energy profiles shows that while the eddy or perturbation energy in both hemispheres is comparable in magnitude, the zonal flow energy in the Southern Hemisphere is three times that of the Northern. The monthly mean geopotential height field, 500 mb, is plotted for each hemisphere on a polar projection. CaMAI. 89441. LUKANIN, A. Smotr kachestva stroitel'stva. (Na strolkakh Rossii 1964. v. 5, no. 3, p. 27-28, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Inspection of building quality. Reports an award to designers and builders of Noril'sk for an efficient construction of pile foundations applied to domestic and public buildings on permafrost. Piles 32 x 32 cm were used with a monolithic grillage. This foundation construction as compared with pillar foundations on marginal beams, improved the quality and durability of the building, simplified and expedited the drilling of holes for piles, and reduced cost and labor by 10.6 rubles and 1.55 man-hr/m2 of floor area. DLC. 89442. LUKASHENKO, N. P., and V. V. BRZHESKIT. Prirodnye ochagi trikhinelleza i al'veokokkoza na poluostrove fAmal. (Mediainskaia parazitologifil i parazitarnye bolezni 1962. v. 31, no. 4, p. 492.) In Russian. Title tr.: Natural foci of trichinosis and alveolar echinococcosis on the Yamal Peninsula. Examinations of 270 polar foxes and 150 sables showed a 12.9% incidence in the former and 6% in the latter during 1951. Degrees of infection were higher in foxes than in sables. This is a first report of its kind from the area. DNLM. 89443. LUKASHENKO, N. P. Rol' otdel'nykh vidov mlekopitafilshchikh v biologicheskom tsikle Alveococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) Abuladze 1959. (In: Vses. o-vo gel'mintologov. Gel'minty cheloveka ... 1963, p. 54-60, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The role of different species of mammals in the biological cycle of Alveococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) Abuladze 1959.
Reports on feeding infected material to dogs, pigs, and ten wild or domestic rodents. The experiment (and studies of wild animals) indicates that this parasite is most common in foxes and wolves, less so in dqgs. It is one of the commonest helminths of the Arctic, infecting also man. DLC. LUKASHEV, V. N., see No. 85270. 89444. LUK'rANCHIKOV, F. V. Chislennost' vazhneishikh promyslovykh ryb reki Khatangi i puti ee uvelichenicn. (Leningrad. Gos. n.-issl. inst. ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khoz. Izvestifi 1964. v. 57, p. 32-41, tables.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Population size of edible fish of the Khatanga River and ways of increasing it. Reports an investigation in 1957-1959 of the more important species. Their biology, incl habitats, behavior, migrations, reproduction, etc are outlined. Data are given on catches, their age, size and weight composition. Closed seasons and prohibition of certain fishing methods are recommended in several cases. DLC. 89445. LUK'IANOV, A. N. Sovershenstvovanie burovykh rabot na kar'ere Olenegorskogo kombinata. (Gornyl zhurnal 1964, no. 11, p. 36-38, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Improvement of drilling in the pit of the Olenegorsk Combine. The Olenegorsk ores average 32.4% iron and up to 38% quartz; the embedding rocks have a hardness of 8-12 and the ore 12-14 on the ProtodTa'konov scale. It is open-cut mining and the drilling and blasting is done with 44 cable-concussion drills, four rotary drills and two jet-drills. PerforMance data are tabulated; selection of drill and the spacing of blast holes are explained. DLC. LUKIANOV, V. S., see No. 88056. 89446. LUKICHEVA, A. N. Rastitel'nose severo-zapada fAkutii i ee wine s geologicheskim stroeniem mestnosti. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 168 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Approx. 150 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Vegetation in northwestern Yakutia and its connection with the geologic structure of the area. Outlines the physical-geographic conditions of the Daldyn basin, tribdtary to the upper Markha, and the ecology..and classification of its vegetation. Thin forest, forest, shrub, meadow, and swamp growth are treated in turn. Connection of the vegetation with the geologic structure and geomorphology is demonstrated. A geobotanic zoning of the Daldyn region is
presented. The uses of geobotanical data in geologic mapping and in search for mineral resources are stressed. DLC.
bergen and North Atlantic islands to East Greenland. Great colonies of sea birds nest on shore cliffs and feed on berries, rodents, and smaller birds. DLC.
LUKIN, A. A., see No. 91750. 89447. LUKIN, G. 0. Geotermicheskil rezhim gruntov pod zdanifami g. fAkutska. (In: Akademifit nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otdie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Proaessy teploi massoobmena ... 1965, p. 111-21, tables, sections.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Geothermal regime of ground beneath buildings in Yakutsk. Reports study of the temperature regime under a school, a three-story apartment building and'-s, two-story industrial building. Its purpose 'was to observe the dynamics of the regime in the upper layers of permafrost, and to determine whether the ground temperature drops when the building has ventilated cellars more than 1 m high. The temperature drop was confirmed. Thus the bearing capacity of the foundation piles has a greater value than that estimated by the builders.' DLC. 89448. LUKIN, G. 0. Shakhta Shergina i geotermicheskil rezhim okruzhafilshchikh ee pochv i gornykh porod. (In: Akademifil nauk Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Sovremennye voprosy ... 1964, p. 84-96, tables, graphs.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Shergina mine and the geothermal regime of the surrounding soil and rocks. Notes Middendorf's 1869 temperature studies in this 116.40 m deep mine as an important event in permafrost history. For comparison with his data, a well 126 m deep was bored in Yakutsk 30 km from the mine. The geothermal investigation in this new well which shows a section of rocks similar to Shergina, is reported, and the data compared with measurements at Shergina mine in 1934-1939. To 70 m depth the ' Shergina mine temperature is somewhat lower, beyond that depth it is the same as the well. The surface to 70 m cooling in the mine is attributed to influence of externalair. DLC. LUKIN, I. I., see Nos. 84836, 93203. LUMSDEN, H. G., see No. 92982. 89449. LUND, H. M. K. Fuglelivet. (Norske turistforening. Arbok 1963, p. 124-32, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr:. Bird life. Some 33 species .overwinter on Troms Island, and breed on the Murrnan, Spits-
89450. LUND, P. R. En geologisk undersOkelse pa den sOrtistre del av kvartbladet Salangen. (Norway. Geologiske undersdkelse. Arbok 1964 pub. 1965. no. 234, p. 74-102, tables, map, illus.) 20 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: A regional investigation of the southeast part of the Salangen map sheet. Petrographic and structural investigations were made in a Cambro-Ordovician area of the Caledonides in Salangen, Troms. The rocks, mainly mica schists rich in biotite or muscovite are mostly folded and the schistosity is very distinct. This group of rocks comprises light gneisses rich in microcline. In the upper part of the sequence are found some amphibolites and layers with large hornblende crystals in the mica schist. Analysis, norm and mode of Precambrian granite are also given. DLC. 89451. LUNDBLAD, 0. Die Hydracarinen Schwedens, 2. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell 1962. 635, 123 p. tables, maps, illus. (Arkiv for zoologi, v. 14, no. 1.) Approx. 700 refs. In German. Title tr.: The water mites of Sweden, 2. In sequence to No. 24016. Extensive study of these arachnids from the freshwaters of Sweden, including arctic areas. Some 234 species are dealt with including taxonomy (p 2-249) with synonyms, description and morphometry of males and females, richly illus with line drawings and close to 500 photographs on 101 plates, also location of finds, present and past. Reports on, and locations of, catches are also given in a special section, p 250-354. The large bibliography is followed by an alphabetical index of forms studied and maps of distribution, one for each form. The plates also contain photographs of different habitats of these mites. DLC. LUNDBORG, H., see No. 85018. 89452. LUNDE, E. Beyond the North Pole. (Norseman 1964. no. 1, p. 2-5, illus.) Describes plans for a traverse by a 12man party under Bjorn Staib with skis and dogteams; it is to travel from Ward Hunt Island to the Pole, thence to Svalbard or Severnaya Zemlya; one of the support groups is to try to reach drifting station Arlis-II. Research plans, equipment in-
eluding a combination dogsledge-canoe, food, migration aids, financial support, etc. DLC. are noted. 89453. LUNDE, T. Ice conditions at Svalbard 1946-1963. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 61-80, maps, graphs, tables.) 29 refs. Reports the mean monthly ice limits Feb— Sept, and the max and min ice-covered area. Winter ice thickness, monthly wind drift of the ice and ice transport through the strait between Hopen and Edgeeya are calculated and correlated with curves showing the variation in conditions year to year. Bad and good ice conditions alternate during this period, a three-four year cyclic pattern, which is evident also in the calculated ice thickness and in the wind drift of the ice. DLC. 89454. LUNDE, T. An investigation into the pH-amplitude of some mountain plants in the county of Troms. Troms0, Universitetsforlaget 1962. 105 p. tables, graphs, map, illus. (Acta borealia. A: scientia no. 20.) Approx. 70 refs. Describes the use of pH in soil analysis and the nature of the area 68°22'-70°19' N 04°521-12°12' E, including climate, rocks and soils. 17 species forming the plant communities on the so-called good rocks are described. For each species the distribution of pH values is shown on a histogram; the amplitude is given as total amplitude, i.e. for degree of cover larger than 1, and as normal amplitude, a term suggested and defined by the author. Comparisons with earlier published pH values indicate that the amplitude may vary from one district to another. DLC. 89455. LUNDQVIST, G. Interglaciala avlagringar i Sveridge. Stockholm 1964. 60 p. maps, graphs. (Sweden. Geologiska undersokning. Ser. C, v. 58, no. 600.) 48 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Interglacial deposits in Sweden. Reviews 15 interglacial finds, the northernmost from a section at Porsi, near the Lule River about 45 km southeast of Jokkmokk. A graphic section and description are given. According to C-14 tests, the material is >40,000 BP. The older glacial material, fine sandy moraine and fine sand and gravel may be related to a local glacier that antedates the continental icecap. DLC. 89456. LUNDQVIST, J. Cypripedium calceolus L., Saxifraga .adscendens L. och Circaea alpine L. pritraffade i Pite Lappmark. (Svensk botanisk tidskrift 1963: V.
57, no. 1,p. 79-82, illus.) 6 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Cypripedium calceolus L., Saxifraga adscendens L. and Circaea alpina L. plant finds, in Pite Lappmark. First records of these plants in this area on and near Mt Merkberget. The firstswas found in a considerable number in 1962; DLC. the other two in 1957. 89457. LUNDQVIST, J. The landscape of Lappland east of the Scandes. (In: The plant cover of Sweden. 1965. p. 215-16.) Outlines the geological past and presentday conditions, incl rock formations and their morainic cover. Temperatures, precipitation, snow or ice cover and growth DA. period are also noted. 89458. LUNDQVIST, .1. Patterned ground in Sweden. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 146-49, map, graph.) 9 refs. Classifies various types of patterned ground occurring in Sweden and discusses their regional distribution. Evidence for fossil patterned ground in the extreme south is considered; its origin is referred to the Older Dryas period (ended 12,000 BP). Active patterned ground is developed best in the Caledonian mountain range above the timber line. Although the formation.of different patterns does not appear to be related directly to climatic variables, some limits are climatically determined and these are discussed. Highly significant factors in variable distribution are soil composition, slope, vegetation and hydrology. The fact that in Sweden conditions are not truly arctic is emphasized. CaMAI. 89459. LUNDQVIST, J. South-facing hills and mountains. (In: The plant cover of Sweden. 1965. p. 216-18. graph.) Notes earlier work on the vegetation of such areas. Its peculiar character and the temperature and snow conditions responsible are stated, as are the common species and 'plant communities of slopes with this exposure. DA. LUNDQVIST, J., see also No. 91042. 89460. LUNDQVIST, K. Z. Bernhard Luncke. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 209-211, illus.) In Norwegian. Obituary of this topographer (1894-1963) at the Norsk. Polarinstitutt, an expert and pioneer in the field of photogrammetry. He took part in 18 arctic expeditions (listed) during 1923-1956. DLC.
89461. LUPANOVA, N. P., and V. V. MARKIN, Zelenokamennye tolshchi Sobsko-VolkarSkogo sinklinorifa, vostoc.hnyl iaklan Polfarnogo.:Urala. Leningrad, Izd-vo “Nankn" 1964. 176 p. tables, graphs,. maps; illus. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Geologicheskil muzei. Trudy no: 12.) Approx. 75 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Greenstone strata of the Sob'-Voykar synelinorium, eastern slope of the Polar Ural. Presents an extensive monograph on the stratigraphy and petrographic characteristics of. sedimentary-volcanic formations, intrusive rocks and iron-bearing manifestation of the greenstone strata. The first part reviews the geologic structure of the region; the other four deal with the stratigraphy of Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian deposits; the petrographic characteristics of effusives, small intrusions and vein rocks; the intrusive rocks; and the petrographic characteristics and mineralogic composition of ores- and DLC. skarns. 89462. LUR'E, M. L., and V. L. MASAITIS.' Magmatizm SibirskoI platformy. (In: ,.Vses. petrograficheskoe soveshchanie 1958. • Magmatizm i svfaz' ... 1960, p. 649-52.) In Russian. Title tr.: Magmatism of the Siberian platform. Describes several stages of magmatic activity from the Middle Paleozoic to Middle Mesozoic. Magmatic rocks, especially the trap formation - of Tungusskiy syncline, ultrabasic and alkaline rocks of the. Kotuy-Maymecha basins are. briefly characterized. Distribution of kimberlites DLC. is also. noted. 89463. LURIE, A. 0. Two cases of hypo(Royal. Society of Medicine. thermia. Proceedings 1962: v. 55, no. 12, p. 998-99.) Describes cases in two females aged 70 and 64 with histories. Symptoms on examination, lab findings, therapy and course are stated. A hypothalamic-arteriosclerotic etiology is assumed; exposure may have been a factor in the second case. DNLM. LUSHCHIKHIN, G. M., see No. 85707. LUSKINA, V.
see No. 87257.
89464. LUSSIER, 0., and G. MAHEUX. La forbt du Quebec en 1964, ce qu'elle rapvorte, ce qu'elle devrait rapporter. Quebec 1964. 41 p. tables, map. (Laval Univ. Fonds de Recherches Forestieres. Bulletin no. 7.) In French. Title tr.: The Quebec forest in 1964, as it is and as it should be. Describes the forested area, potential annual production, enemies and fires. The
population in forest areas, its occupation are outlined. Public revenue from lumbering and other forest industry is reported; their role in the economy and the need for development are stressed. DLC. 89465. LurrA, A. S. Vodnye lichinki slepnel, sem. Tabanidae, Karelii. (In: Akademiiii nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Inst. biologii. Fauna ozer ... 1965, p. 300310, table, illus.) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Aquatic larvae of horseflies, Tabanidae, of Karelia. Discusses earlier work (sparse) on these flies and their significance as bloodsuckers and carriers of disease. A table is presented of 36 species arranged by zones, including the tundra and taiga. The distribution of larvae according to biotopes, their respiration and food is described in detail. DLC. LUTTA, A. S., see also No. 84869. 89466. LUTT-8, B. G. Charnokitovala serifs Anabarskogo massive v Sibiri. (International Geological Congress 22d, New Delhi 1964. Doklady sovetskilch geologov. Problema 13: Charnokity, p. 32-38, illus.) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The charnockite series of the Anabar massif in Siberia. Metamorphic rocks of the charnockite series originated from sedimentary and volcanic rocks which were deeply metamorphosed under the conditions of granulite facies. There is a great diversity of mineral associations among them. The main rock-forming minerals are: hypersthene, garnet, diopside-hedenbergite, hornblende, cordierite, quartz, etc. The temperature interval of the charnockite series is estimated as 600-900° C, the conditions of pressure as 3,000-10,000 bars. DLC. 89467. LUTE, B. G. Petrologifa granulitovol faaii Anabarskogo ma.ssiva. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 124 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Approx. 140 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Petrology of granulite facies of the Anabar massif. The geology of the Anabar massif, stratigraphy, magmatism, and tectonics are characterized in the first part of this monograph. The second outlines the regional metamorphism of granulite facies. Characteristics of typomorphic metamorphic minerals are given for rhombic pyroxene, garnet, monoclinic pyroxene, hornblende and biotite. Mineral associations are analyzed for quartz-containing rocks and crystalline schists. Paragenetic analysis is given. Temperature and pressure in granu-
lite facies are described. Products of regional metamorphism are characterized. DLC. 89468. LUYET, B. J., and R. J. WILLIAMS. Comparative study of freezing injury in a hibernator and nonhibernator. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1964. 6 p. illus. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-63-30.) 6 refs. Study of feet of non-hibernating hamsters and of rats, frozen at various sub-zero temperatures for different periods of time. In hamsters swelling was less and recovery about twice as fast as in rats. Hamster limbs kept frozen for an hr at —10° C recovered completely, while those of rats were partly lost. The differences in recovery between the two animals seem to be due to differences in the ability to reestablish the CaMAI. interrupted circulation. 89469. LUYET, B. J., and others. Direct observations on the mode of invasion of living tissues by ice. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1964. 26 p. illus. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-63-26.) 5 refs. Other authors: R. J. Williams and P. M. Gehenio. Presents an account of microscopic observations of freezing in pieces of frog tissues or organs (pt 1) and in erythrocytes, macrophages and muscle fibers (pt 2). In the former, superficial, inter- and intracellular freezing are distinguished and Intra-cellular freezing killed described. ciliary activity on peritoneum, and erythroCaMAI. cytes.
min of freezing to —3° C with 40-45% of its water transformed to ice; at --5° C survival lasted 15 min; at —10° C no survival took place even after one min of freezing. CaMAI. LUYET, B. J., see also No. 93027. 89472. LUZANSKAIA, D. I. Rybokhozfillstvennoe ispol'zovanie vnutrennikh vodoemov SSSR, ozer, rek i vodokhranilishch; spravochnik. Moskv a, Izd-vo "Pishchevatil promyshlennost' " 1965. 599 p. tables. Approx 235 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fisheries economics of the inland waters of the USSR, lakes, rivers and reservoirs; handbook. Deals with the subject according to the major administrative components of the country, including Arkhangel'sk, Murman and Tyumen, Krasnoyarsk Provinces, the Karelian, Komi, and Yakut ASSR, the Far East. The rivers and their individual and total length in each province, etc, as well as lakes and reservoirs and their areas are recorded. Quantities of various fish species caught in the past decade are tabulated, and the general conditions and trends in each water body are discussed. Protective and research measures are noted. Fish farming also is included. Consolidated data are tabulated on p 483-585. DLC.
89470. LUYET, B. J., and others. The distribution of ice in frozen tissues of frogs and mice. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1964. 33 p. illus. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-63-28.) 2 refs. Other authors: M. Ross, P. M. Gehenio and J. Nath. Reports microscopic studies of sections from freshly killed frogs and mice while frozen at --1° to —5° C and thawed. Distribution and size of ice particles according to temperature and character of tissue are presented in photographs; some general conclusions on the relationship of these two CaMAI. factors are drawn.
89473. LUZGIN, V. E. Arkheologicheskatil razvedka v basselne Ilycha v 1963 g. (Materialy po arkheologii Evropelskogo Severo-Vostoka 1965. no. 3, p. 109-138, map, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Archeological survey of the Ilych basin in 1963. Describes results of the first survey along this Pechora tributary; the 16 sites belong to four chronological periods from the late neolithic or early bronze age of the midsecond millennium BC to the Middle Ages. Flint artifacts and pottery ,types are discussed and the varied ornamentation patterns depicted: hole-comb, dentate, stamped, etc. Site inventories are characteristic for the hunting and fishing cultures of the so-called South-Pechora valley, described by V. I. Kanivea, qv. DLC.
89471. LUYET, B. J., and F. W. GONZALEZ. Injury caused by the formation of ice in the isolated muscles of rats. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1964. 4 p. graph. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-63-39.) 3 refs. Reports survival rate of frozen, isolated tibialis anticus muscle, abruptly rewarmed in a 35° C bath. The muscle survived 40-45
89474. LUZGIN, V. E. Arkheologicheskie nakhodki no poberezh'e CheshskoT guby i poluostrova Kanin. (Istorike-filologicheskil sbornik 1963. no. 8, p. 99-102, map, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr:: Archeological finds on the coast of Cheshskaya Bay and Kanin Peninsula. Describes flint artifacts discovered in 1959-1961 at two sites in the Indiga estuary,
and chance finds of arrow points and flakes of the 3rd - mid-2nd millennium BC on Kanin. DLC. 89475. LUZHEfKIi, K., and V. GORINOV. Zadachi, perspektivy, trudnosti. (Grazhdanskala aviaan 1965. v. 22, no. 6, p. 7-8.) In Russian. Title tr.: Problems, prospects, and difficulties. Discusses growth of aviation in Tyumen Province and the use of An-24 aircraft for direct connection between Moscow, Sverdlovsk and the northern oil fields. Some critical evaluation of the work done by the Tyumen administration and some suggestions to improve the situation are also given. DLC. 89476. LUZHKOV, A. D. Effektivnyl sposob otlova myshevidnykh gryzunov v (Medi5inskafii parazitologifit i tundre. parazitarnye bolezni 1965. v. 34, no. 5, p. 622, illus.) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Effective method for catching murine rodents in the tundra. Describes a pressing apparatus with a thread trigger for live-trapping lemmings and voles. It does not have the disadvantages of other traps used in the tundra. DNLM. 89477. LUZHKOV, A. D. ]ktoparazity lemmingov i polevok poluostrova, rAmal. (Mediainskaa parazitologia i parazitarnye bolezni 1964. v. 33, no. 2, p. 230-31, table.) 2 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Ectoparasites of the lemmings and voles of the Yamal Peninsula. Notes the common forms of these rodents, and tabulates 16 species of mites, fleas and lice found on 104 of them in 1958-1959 in a DNLM. locality at 70° N. 89478. LUZHKOV, A. D. Gel'mintozy golubykh pesgsov. (Krolikovodstvo i zverovodstvo 1962. v. 5, no. 12, p. 29.) In Russian. Title tr.: Helminthoses in blue arctic foxes. Reports results of examinations of feces from 42 animals in fur farms of the YamaloNenetskiy National District. Eggs of five species of worms were found; incidence, source of infections, etc are noted. DNAL.
Arctic foxes examined in the Tarko-Sale district showed a 16.6% infection with Echinococcus multiloccularis, those in the Se-Iaga district, 81.7%. The number of parasites per animal varied from 2 to 74,300, with maximal infection found in young animals. Intermediate hosts are Lemma obensiz and Microtus gregalis. DNLM. 89480. LUZOV, A. A., and others. Issledovanie periodicheskikh variaaiI intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luchel s ponaoshch'fa izbiratel'nykh chastotnykh fil'trov. (Geomagnetism i aeronomild, 1965. v. 5, no. 3, p. 392-400 graphs.) 13 refs. In Russian. Other authors: G. V. Kuklin and A. I. Pezhemskil. Title tr.: Study of the periodic variations in intensity of cosmic rays by using selective frequency filters. Considers specific features and shortcomings of methods of detecting daily variations in cosmic ray intensity, and states reasons for using selective filters. A calculation of selective filters for detection of daily variations is given. Characteristics of daily and semi-daily variations are reported from observations on the neutron component by ten stations, including Resolute Bay and Yakutsk. The global character of daily variation cyclicity is noted, and a considerable modulation of the semi-diurnal variation by meteorological factors is pointed out. DLC. 89481. LUZOV, A. A., and G. V. KUKLIN. Vozmushchennye sutochnye variaCsii intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luchel v period Forbush-ponizhenil. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomifit 1965. v. 5, no. 1, p. 48-54, tables, graphs.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Disturbed daily variations of cosmic ray intensity during Forbush decreases. Analyzes data of the neutron component of 39 world network stations, including Thule, Resolute Bay, Murchison Bay, Ft Churchill, College, and Yakutsk, studying behavior of the daily wave in cosmic ray intensity. Daily variations in the wave during Forbush increase is shown to depend upon universal time, distribution of observe, tion points, and upon the characteristics of Forbush decreases. DLC. LUZOV, A. A., see also No. 91596.
89479. LUZHKOV, A. D. K epizootologii i idemiologii al'veokokkoza na poluostrove al. (Mediainskafil parazitologifit i parazitarnye bolezni 1963. v. 32, no. 2, p. 180-83, table.) 9 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Epizootology and epidemiology of alveolar echinococcosis on the Yamal Peninsula.
89482. L'VOV, I. Otlov zalGa-rusaka na Ukraine. (Raiiionalizafiifil okhotnich'ego promysla 1963, no. 11, p. 85-93, tables, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Trapping rabbits and hares in the Ukraine. Describes an effective live-trapping method developed to help in redistributing these
fur-bearers to other areas. The trap, similar to the trammel nets used in fishing, is made up of three net layers, the first and third having 20 x 20 cm mesh knit from 3 cm gauge xylon cord; the middle net has 5 x 5 cm mesh knit from 1 cm gauge xylon. The composite network (manufactured in 50 in sections) is hung 1.15 m high on posts set 25 m apart. Approx 1 km of net is set at a time and the animals are driven into it from a 200-250 hectare area; approx 60 drovers and 15 trappers are required. Best results are obtained in dry, clear, cold DLC. weather. 89483. LYE, K. A. Algegametofytten Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot ny for Skandinavia. (Blyttia 1965. v. 23, no. 4, p. 163-68, map, illus.) 19 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: The algal gametophyte Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot new to Scandinavia. Explains in part the life cycle of the gametophyte. It includes a tetrasporophyte stage hitherto called Trailliella intricate, but the name must be discarded. That stage, known for its high iodine content and first found in Norway in 1902, is now a common seaweed along the coast to 70° N. The gametophyte-stage specimens were first identified along the coast of west Norway in 1962. DLC. 89484. LYLO, V. M. Metodika prognoza raskhodov (urovneT) vody r. Kamchatki na spade polovod'fit. (Vladivostok. Dal'nevostochnyl n.-issl. gidrometeorologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. no. 18, p. 46-58, tables, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A method of forecasting water discharge (level) of the Kamchatka River by the fall of flood. Presents a method of forecasting flood fall based on calculation of winter precipitation, data of air temperature transfer over 10° C, height and time of the advancing max water level. Measurements for the 1936-1959 period were used. Forecasting method is especially based on data from the Kozyrevsk station. DLC. 89485. LYLO, V. M. Prognoz elemeritov vesennego polovod'a na r. ane. (Vladivostok. Dal'nevostochnyl n.-issl. gidrometeorologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. no. 18, p. 29-45, tables, graphs, map.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Forecasting of the elements of spring flood on the Yana River. Outlines the orographic characteristics of the Yana basin, and reviews the hydrometeorological observations made there. The flood regime is outlined. The decisive
factor which determines the amount. of discharge in May and June is the reserve of water in the snow cover, which accumulates till April on elevations of 200-1400 m. For more precise forecasting of the spring flood elements, more accurate snow measureDLC. ments are needed. 89486. LYNCH, J. J. Weather. (In: US. Dept. of the Interior. Waterfowl tomorrow 1964, p. 283-92, illus.) Discusses weather as a vital factor in the life of waterfowl especially during all phases of incubation and growth of the young. Adverse effects of heavy or late rain or snow in the Arctic and the subArctic, and the effects of cold, arctic air masses or short summer on reproduction are considered. The effects of weather on the wintering grounds are also noted. DLC. 89487. LYNG, T. Vandringens eventyrland. (Norske turistforening. Arbok 1963. p. 17-28, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Adventure land for pedestrians. Describes the advantages of travel by foot over that by vehicles on fixed routes in the upper counties of Norway, comparing the Troms mountain/fjord coastal area with the Finnmark upland which lacks dominant features. Accommodations and service are minimal along trails, .extensive itineraries are feasible with good planning. All-season highways connect the main interior villages and extend to Finland and coastal towns, but change is expected to be slow in much of the area. Reindeer husbandry, cropping, hunting, berry gathering and crafts provide an average income of 6,000 Kr/yr in Finnmark. Water power, industry, and tourism are being developed in the coastal regions. DLC. 89488. LYON, S. R. Manitoba. (Canadian mining journal 1965. v. 86, no. 4, p: 82-84, map, illus.) Reviews mining activities during 1964, including explorations and development in the Thompson and Lynn Lake areas. A major nickel discovery at Birchtree Lake is noted, also a promising copper-zinc deposit at Fox Lake. The latter confirms the Lynn Lake district's potential as an important copper-zinc area. DGS. 89489. LYON, W. The submarine and the Arctic Ocean. (New scientist 1963. v. 18, no. 343, p. 587-91, graphs, map, illus.) Refs. Describes American submarine voyages under the arctic ice, nature and changes in the sea-ice canopy, research and technologi-
cal preparatory work forsuch trips. Research by these submarines and its potential are discussed, as are further research on underice navigation and associated problems. DLC. 89490. LYON, W. The submarine and the Arctic Ocean. (Sea frontiers 1963. v. 9, no. 5, p. 276-83, profile, illus.) Describes attempts to navigate the Arctic Ocean by submarine, and explains the use of sonar under-ice navigation such as used by USS Skate. A typical sonar trace is illus. Research possibilities thus , opened are outlined. The facilities of the Submarine Research Facility, San Diego, Calif., where a miniature Arctic Ocean is simulated and sea ice is grown under controlled conditions, are described and illus. Research on the composition and properties of sea ice is mentioned. DLC. LYONS, E. T., see No. 90452. 89491. LYSAK, S. V. Nekotorye rezul'taty izuchenifil termal'nykh vod Sibirskol platformy. (In: Akademica nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. zemnol kory. Mineral'nye vody ... 1963, p. 145-150, maps.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some results of investigating the thermal waters of the Siberian platform. Reports study of thermal waters in the Angara-Lena and Yakutsk artesian basins. The former has five areas with waters of 37° C and higher temperature; each is characterized as to depths, temperature and yield. The Yakutsk artesian basin takes in the Vilyuy syncline, Olenek and Lena troughs, and northern slopes of the Aldan shield; the thermal waters of Ust'-Vilyuy and some others are also briefly characterDLC. ized. 89492. LYSENKO, T. I., and A. I. VASINA. Neopublikovannye pis'ma Frit'ofa Nansena k russkim uchenym. (Sibirskoe ogni 1965. v. 44, no. 6, p. 151-56.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Unpublished letters of Fridtjof Nansen to Russian scientists. Describes six letters in the Academy of Sciences' archives, including one of 15 June 1901 to S. 0. Makarov on collecting water samples, and one from the Erniak of 9 Apr 1915 with advice for Virkiakil icebound with the Valgach and Taimyr off DLC. Cape Chelyuskin. 89493. LYTHE, S. G. E. The Dundee whale fishery. (Scottish journal of political economy 1964. v. 11, no. 2, p. 158-69, tables.) 32 refs.
Discusses the development of Scottish arctic whaling in the 18-19th centuries to meet the demand for lubricating and lighting oils during the industrial revolution; an added incentive from 1749 was the 40 shilling/ton Treasury subsidy on whaling vessels. Thus a substantial volume of employment and shipbuilding was created in Scottish ports. From 1754 the Dundee Whale Fishing Co sent from one to ten vessels a year to Greenland waters. Its annual returns varied with fluctuations in price of oil, e.g. £27/ton in 1808 to £50/ton in 1813; fashions, and expiration of the bounty in 1824 were also factors, as was competition from coal gas and from the sperm whale oil of the Nantucket fleets. The average annual yield from Scotland in 1814-1817 was 96.3 tons oil and 4.6 tons bone per sailing; and the average number of millings was 48.5. Improved technology in the 1860's and the demand for oil in the Dundee jute industry caused a local revival in whaling. In 1872 Dundee was Britain's leading whaling port and in the mid-1880's efficiently operated 15 whaling and sealing ships in the area around Greenland, Davis Strait, and Newfoundland. Thereafter prices declined. The last whaling trip out of Dundee was in 1913. DLC. 89494. LYTKIN, V. I. Dostizhenifa poslednikh let v sovetskol finno-ugristike. (Acta linguistics, 1965. v. 15, no. 3/4, p. 403-412.) In Russian. Title tr.: Recent achievements in Soviet Finno-Ugric studies. Reviews scope of current projects, and major works pub 1951-1963, incl about ten on general Finno-Ugric linguistics, eight on Zyryan, and one each on Lappish and DLC. Ostyak. 89495. LYTKIN, V. I. Fonetika severnovelikorusskikh govorov i zairnstvovanifa iz russkogo fazyka v komilskiI. (In: Materialy i issledovanifa po russkol dialektologii. Moskva 1949. v. 2, p. 128-201.) Approx. 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Phonetics of north Russian speech and Russian loans in Komi. Traces Zyryan migration north to the Vychegda and Severnaya Dvina basins, contacts with Russian (Novgorod) colonial expansion in the 11th century, and infiltration of Russian vocabulary into Zyryan since the 14th-15th century. Phonetic and semantic changes undergone by Russian loanwords in Zyryan are discussed. River and place names are also considered. DLC. 89496. LYTKIN, V. I. Istoricheskil vokalizm permskikh fazykov. Moskva,
Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 270 p. map, tables. Approx. 100 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Historical vocalism of the Permian languages. Analyzes the phonology of the FinnoUgric languages including Zyryan, of which the distribution of 11 dialects is mapped; an etymological index incl some 1,400 Zyryan words and roots is appended. DLC. 89497. LYTKIN, V. I. K voprosu o konechno! glasnoT osnovy glagolov nastofashchego vremeni v finno-ugorskikh fazykakh. (Yoshkar-Ola. Marilskil n.-issl. inst. fazykh, lit-ry i istorii. Trudy 1961. v. 15, p. 49-57.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Present-tense vowel ending of verb stems in Finno-Ugric languages. Comparative study based mainly on Zyryan. DLC. 89498. LYTKIN, V. I. 0 edinol nauchnol transkripCsii zvukov finno-ugorskikh lazykov. Moskva 1960. 33 p. tables. 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Unified scientific transliteration of sounds in the FinnoUgric languages. Presents two phonemic systems based on Cyrillic and Latin alphabets. The advantages and versatility of the phonemic over a phonetic transliteration are discussed and the ability to show the slightest phonetic nuances in dialectal pronunciation is stressed. Zyryan, Ostyak, Vogul, and some of their dialects are included. The study was conducted under the auspices of the Special commission on the development of a unified phonetic transliteration of languages spoken in the USSR set up by the Academy of Sciences' Institute of Linguistics in accordance with the resolution of the All-Union Congress on Terminology of May 1959. DLC. 89499. LYTKIN, V. I. 0 nekotorykh etimologifakh N. Marra po ugrofinskim fazykam. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Inst. fazykoznanifa. Protiv vurgarizaaii 1952, v. 2, p. 492-500.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some of N. IA. Marr's etymologies in Finno-Ugric languages. Repudiates Marr's deductions based on arbitrary semantic groupings and phonetic coincidences. Examples of erroneous etymologies are cited from, among others, Lappish, Zyryan, Ostyak-Ugric and Vogul. DLC.
89500. LYTKIN, V. I. Vepssko-karel'skie zaimstvovanifa v komi-zyrfanskikh dialektakh. (In: Akademifit nauk SSSR. Otd-ie litry i fazyka. Akademiku Viktoru Vladi780
mirovichu Vinogradovu k ego shestidesfatiletifll. Sbornik state! 1956, p. 179-89.) Approx. 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Vepse-Karelian loanwords in Komi-Zyryan dialects. Discusses the etymology of over two dozen loanwords borrowed probably during the Veps-Zyryan occupation of the Severnaya Dvina basin in the 10th-15th centuries. DLC. LYTKIN, V. I., see also No. 84888. 89501. LYZHIN, K. D. Po Enisefil; putevoditel'-spravochnik. Krasnoyarsk, Krasnofarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1961. 321 p. maps, illus. 40 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Along the Yenisey, a guide and handbook. Outlines the 3,000 km route from Kyzyl on the upper reaches of the river down to the port of Dikson at the foot of Yenisey Bay. The hydrology of the river and its tributaries is described, as are the settlements along its banks, including Krasnoyarsk, Yeniseysk, Turukhansk, Igarka, Dudinka, Dikson (port and island), their industrial plants, local museums, community clubs, etc. The region generally is also sketched, its history, economic conditions and main settlements of the Evenki and Taymyr national districts, etc. DLC. McALISTER, R., see Nos. 85880, 85881. 89502. McALISTER, W. B., and W. V. BURT. Predicted water temperatures for the Rampart Dam Reservoir on the Yukon River. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1963 pub. 1964, p. 249-71, graphs, map.) 6 refs. Describes the method used for predicting the energy budget and thermal structure of the proposed Rampart Reservoir, 10,900 mil in east-central Alaska. Elements in the equations are analyzed in turn: solar radiation, albedo, back radiation, evaporation, conduction and advection. The anticipated vertical distribution of temperature at all seasons is graphed, and comparisons made with Great Slave Lake, a water body of similar physiographic characteristics. The methodology of the analysis is considered applicable to reservoir studies in general in high latitudes. Followed by discussion. DLC. McALISTER, W. B., see also No. 84952. 89503. McALLISTER, D. E. Fish collections from eastern Hudson Bay. (Canadian field-naturalist 1964. v. 78, no. 3, p. 16778, map, illus.) 15 refs.
Reports a collection of marine and freshwater fishes made by the National Museum of Canada expedition to eastern Hudson Bay in summer 1963, also reports collections made by J. G. Robertson at Povungnituk. The author and Dr. A. H. Clarke, assisted by H. 0. Athearn and four Eskimos, collected fish, molluscs, and other invertebrates from Port Harrison south to Moosonee on James Bay. Collecting stations are mapped, field data are tabulated with collection number, locality, salinity, temperature in ° C, bottom material, capture depth in ft, and gear. The 28 species of fish (12 marine, 5 anadromous, and 11 freshwater) belonging to 14 families are discussed in phylogenetic order. The known northern limits (in Quebec) of Salvelinus fontinalis, Prosopium cylindraceum, Coregonus artedi, C. clupeaformis and Catostomus catostomus are extended. Cyclopterus lumpus and Stich,aeus punctatus are reported for the first time DNAL. from eastern Hudson Bay. McALLISTER, D. E., see also No. 85157. 89504. McALPINE, J. F. Arthropods of the bleakest barren lands: composition and distribution of the arthropod fauna of the northwestern Queen Elizabeth Islands. (Canadian entomologist 1964. v. 96, no. 1-2, p. 127-29, table.) 2 refs. Also pub. as: Canada. Dept. of Agriculture. Entomology Research Inst. Studies on arctic insects no. 8. Discusses the physiography of the area; the general character, and the paucity of its insect fauna; 51 species collected at Isachsen on Ellef Ringnes Island in 1960 are listed, including spiders, mites, and springtails. CaMAI, DLC. 89505. McALPINE, J. F. Insects and related terrestrial invertebrates of Ellef Ringnes Island. (Arctic 1965. v. 18, no. 2, p. 73-103, tables, maps, illus.) Approx. 115 refs. Also pub. as: Canada. Dept. of Agriculture. Entomology Research Inst. Studies on arctic insects no. 14. Reports results of collecting and observing arthropod fauna over 25-day period in July—Aug 1960 at the Polar Continental Shelf Project base at Isachsen, where the summers are unusually cold. Some 75 species are believed present in an environment closely approaching the limits of biotic tolerance, and detailed descriptions are given of most of these (Latin names), with their characteristic habitats and global distributions. They include spiders, mites, springtails and insects, particularly midges. The view is elaborated that only those
species able to withstand frequent interruptions of development in various stages and a life cycle extending over several years are able to survive. Specimens at all stages of development were found simultaneously. Other adaptations to extremely severe environmental conditions are mentioned. The role occupied by the lemming Dicrostonyz groenlandicus is described, as the habits of a third of the arthropod species are linked with it. The very low flying habits of some species are noted. The age of the entire island biota is placed within the last 200 yr, and the source area considered to be the islands to the east, principally Axel Heiberg, the means of dispersal being wind, ice rafts, mammals and birds. CaMAI, DLC. MacBAIN, S. H., see No. 87060. 89506. McCABE, T. T., and I. McT. COWAN. Peromyscus maniculatus macrorhinus and the problem of insularity. (Royal Canadian Institute. Transactions 1945. v. 25, no. 54, p. 117-216, tables, graphs, map, illus.) 63 refs. Comprehensive study on the effects of isolation upon this white-footed mouse, based on observations on some 1400 small mammals, 993 Peromyscus mainly insular, partly mainland-headland forms, and over 200 loaned small rodents. The age of the present habitat, its geological background, topography, climate, vegetation and fauna are dealt with in turn, as are Peromyscus races, their groupings and distribution. An effort is made to explain the present taxonomic picture through the geological and climatic past and to elucidate in some degree the genetic mechanisms involved in forming DLC. that picture. McCANCE, R. A., see No. 86794. McCANN, S. M., see No. 86238. MacCARTHY, G. R., see No. 85391. 89507. McCARTHY, J. P. The southeast face of Proboscis, technical climbing in the Logan Mountains. (American alpine journal 1964. v. 14, no. 1, p. 60-63, illus.) 2 refs. Describes this difficult rock climb, a 2000 ft wall in the Logan Mts of Mackenzie District, Canada. A four-man party made the first ascent of Proboscis' southeast face and second ascent of the mountain (first in 1960) on 6 Aug 1963. DLC. McCAULEY, J. E., see No. 92558.
transportation costs and rugged terrain. In Nome during the gold rush, Australian coal sold cheaper than the locally mined product. The influence of the US Navy and the Alaska Railroad in the development of the Matanuska coalfield is mentioned. The present active producers are listed and the coalfields described and mapped. Production remains below one million tons, but increasing competition from gas and oiI is being met by changed methods, particularly conversion from deep to strip mining. DGS. 89514. McCUTCHEON, S. D. Alaska's moose. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 7, p. 8-12, illus.) Describes their distribution, diet, breeding, predators, attacks on man, etc. They are estimated at 30-75 thousand head in Alaska, are increasing, and their range exDI. panding; photo illus.
permafrost conditions of retaining dikes for the hydro reservoir of the Kelsey generating station on the Nelson River to supply power to the Int Nickel Co of Can at Thompson, Man. Maps of the location, immediate site and cross sections of three dikes are included. Permafrost is discontinuous but was encountered in 70% of the construction area. Unique aspects of construction which were the subject of research are mentioned. Clay fill and sand fill were both used and the effects of each upon underlying permafrost are described. Various construction techniques adopted because of permafrost and extreme cold are outlined. Settlement of the dikes varied from 1.9 to 4.7 ft, and some dike crests have had to be raised. The design has been generally satisfactory. CaMAI.
89517. McCUTCHEON, S. D., and P. McCUTCHEON. The McCutcheons cover Alaska. ' (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 5, p. 8-22.) Contains 65 photographs of Alaska, including several views of Anchorage before the Mar 1964 earthquake. Biographical account of the McCutcheons is added. DI.
89519. McDONALD, E. A. Polar shiphandling. Washington, D.C. Arctic Inst. of North America 1965. 60 p. maps, illus. 7 refs. Describes in detail the procedures and precautions required for navigation, particularly of icebreakers, in polar conditions. The similarities and differences between arctic and • antarctic ice conditions are ' indicated and ice charts and their symbols illus. The special features of icebreaker construction are explained. The preliminary preparations for polar voyages, including special stores and equipment required, are detailed, with the procedures to be followed after a vessel enters the polar region. Special attention must be paid to the effects of topside ice accumulation, and to the insulation and protection of all moving and mechanical parts. Methods of naviga tion in ice-choked seas and uncharted areas are described in detail. The techniques of icebreaking, including proper use of engine power, charging and backing, use of explosives and helicopter reconnaissance are outlined, with procedures adopted in leading convoys and in towing by crotch and short scope methods (diagrams). The mooring of ships to sea and shelf ice is discussed, freezing-in procedures and precautions for survival are explained should over-wintering prove to be necessary. CaMAI.
McDIARMID, I. B., see No. 85981.
McDONALD, F. B., see No. 85322.
McDONALD, A., see No. 86089.
89520. MACDONALD, G. J. F. Circulation and tides in the high atmosphere. (Planetary and space science 1963. v. 10, p. 79-87, table, graphs.) 23 refs. Discusses circulation and tides in the heights from the troposphere to 120 km, giving two charts with zonal winds for
89515. McCUTCHEON, S. D. Walrus hunters. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 11, p. 16-22, illus.) Describes with 14 photos, a walrus hunt by Eskimos in skin boats from St. Lawrence Island. DI. 89516. McCUTCHEON, S. D. A cruise on the Kobuk. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 4, p. 8-13, -F; no. 5, p. 28-29, no. 6, p. 44-48; no. 7, p. 12-16, map, illus.) Recounts experiences during a summer 1962 vacation trip with three companions in northwest Alaska. The party traveled from Kotzebue across Hotham Inlet and 485 mi up .the Kobuk in a 24-ft metal outboardmotor riverboat Navigation and weather conditions, boating and camping equipment are described, as are the landscape, villages, people, mosquitoes, fishing, jade, etc. DLC.
89518. MacDONALD, D. H. Design of Kelsey dikes. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 492-96, maps, illus.) 5 refs. Describes the design and construction in
analysis of the transition zone where shallow lakes are frozen but deep lakes are not. Maps show the location of this zone at different dates. Albedo and temperature relations are discussed in detail and the relevant data presented graphically. Data on other parameters such as wind, pressure, potential temperature and snow distribution are also presented and their significance disdussed. The relative depths of a group of lakes can be estimated from the sequence of their freezing dates. DWB.
for metals. Thin-walled concrete structures and fresh concrete are more susceptible to attack than are mass concrete structures and mature concrete. Dense and impermeable concrete is also resistant to attack. Quality and quantity of impurities in muskeg water affect the corrosion of metals; protective measures include coating and cathodic protection, such as the use of galvanized steel transmission towers by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of OnDLC. tario.
89527. McFARLAND, A. R. Letters. (Journal of Presbyterian history 1956-1957. v. 84, no. 2, p. 83-102; no. 4, p. 226-44; v. 35, no. 1, p. 33-56.) Refs. Contains 17 letters of Oct 1877-Nov 1878 to Sheldon Jackson from a Presbyterian missionary at Fort Wrangell, Southeast Alaska; she was a minister's widow who opened a school for Indian children and a home for girls, served as lawgiver, teacher, social worker, nurse, etc. She describes her experiences and problems, also the life and customs of local Tlingit (Stikine), Tongass, and Heide Indians. Introduction and editing by C. A. Anderson. DLC.
MacFARLANE, I. C., see also No. 90174.
89528. McFARLAND, J. B., and others. Mucosal damage following gastric freezing: a warning. (Surgical forum 1963. v. 14, p. 354-55.) 4 refs. Other authors: C. T. Fitts and C. P. Artz. Of. 108 patients treated, four showed bleeding in the post-freeze period, requiring transfusion. Of a hundred dogs, 89 had mucosal ulcerations of varying degree, which showed a tendency of rapid regeneration. In all cases a coolant of —20 to —11° C had been used for one hr. DLC.
89530. McGARY, J. W. Oceanographic observations, North Atlantic Ocean Station Bravo, 56°30' N., 51°00' W., January-April 1964. Washington, D.C. U.S. Govt. Print. Office 1965. 57 p. maps, graphs, tables. (U.S. Coast Guard. Oceanographic report no. 7.) 4 refs. Contains the observed and interpolated temperature and salinity data plus the computed sigma-t, geopotential anomalies and sound velocities for the daily oceanographic stations taken by three USCG cutters each occupying for a three-wk period ocean station Bravo in the Labrador Sea between Kap Farvel and Hopedale. Results show that winter cooling persisted through April, that relatively low salinity of surface waters plus the large heat reserve in the thermocline-halocline zone prevented the convective overturn from penetrating below 300 m. Abrupt short period changes in the surface layers were associated with temperature fronts, probably were boundaries of convection cells. The sampling interval at Bravo can be increased from one to two days during future patrols. DLC
McFARLAND, W. L., see No. 90146.
McGAW, R. W., see No. 85335.
89529. MacFARLANE, I. C. The corrosiveness of muskeg waters, a review. (Canadian geotechnical journal 1965. v. 2, no. 4, p. 327-36, table.) 25 refs. Summarizes results of a literature survey on the effect of muskeg waters on concrete and on metal structures, sponsored by the Division of Building Research of the National Research Council of Canada. Muskeg waters are acidic where peat is abundant, but in many areas such as near Fort Churchill, peat and drainage water are both alkaline. Deterioration of concrete by action of aggressive waters is a chemical action, the degree and rate of corrosion tending to increase with the acidity. Prediction and prevention of corrosion require different measures for concrete and
89531. McGEE, J. T. Caribou Indians of the Quebec Labrador Peninsula. (Massachusetts Archaeological Society. Bulletin 1964. v. 25, no. 2, p. 38-44, map.) Describes, for the general reader, the contemporary culture of the MontagnaisNaskapi, political and family structure, economic activities, etc. Authority rests with the resident missionary not the band chief, and the oldest male heads the family group. Conduct adheres to the Christian pattern taught by missionaries. Interdependence within the family is strong and labor division is by sex. Child training is largely to male or female occupations, parental supervision is strict, school attendance is enforced but instruction not directed to vocational needs; marriage is
arranged by parents. Thee economy is based on caribou, as basic food and source of raw materials; since its decline (last 25 yr) hunting methods have changed: careful stalking, and endurance are required; a hunt chief chosen by merit heads a party of 1215 kinsmen. Bear, beaver, fox, lynx, otter, seal, mink, etc, waterfowl and fish particularly salmon, are also taken. Berry gathering is by women and children. DSL McGEEIN, D. F., see No. 86463. 89532. McGILL, D. A., and N. CORWIN. Observations on the nutrient concentrations in the northern region of Baffin Bay and the Kane Basin, summer 1963. (U.S. Coast Guard. Oceanographic report 1964. no. 5, p. 37-60, 73-98, graphs, tables.) 16 refs. Contribution no. 1506, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. Contains comprehensive coverage of inorganic phosphate, total phosphorus, nitrate- and nitrite-nitrogen, and silicatesilicon distribution, obtained from sea water samples collected by the USCGC Evergreen after the International Ice Patrol regular cruises 28 July-4 Aug 1963. Open water for the first time in many years permitted survey work as far as 80° N. Methods of sampling and analysis are outlined. The northernmost stations have nutrient characteristics similar to the Arctic Ocean; from the southern end of Kane Basin southward, the nutrient conditions are like Baffin Bay, suggesting that Kane Basin water flows into Baffin Bay. In general, low nutrient values and a limited range of concentrations from surface to bottom are found in Kane Basin. Range of values increases , toward Baffin Bay and more distinct intermediatedepth maxima occur. Ratios of change (by atoms) between the various nutrient elements are not markedly different from those in other areas. Profiles show the various distributions graphically; tables of oceanographic data are appended. D GS. McGILL, D. A., see also Nos. 86315, 88672. 89533. McGILL UNIVERSITY. Meteorology at McGill. Montreal 1963. 36 p. map, graph, illus. Brochure about the Dept of Meteorology; its staff, undergraduate and graduate programs, and research activities,. e.g. the Stormy Weather Group, the Arctic Meteorology Research Group, the McGill Sub arctic Research Laboiatory, the Seminars in Arctic and Stratospheric Meteorology, etc. Facilities in Montreal and possible careers
in the field are outlined; 58 staff members and graduate students of 1963 are listed. DWB. 89534. McGILL UNIVERSITY. Arctic . Meteorology Research Group. Contributions to the seminars on the stratosphere and mesosphere and polar meteorology July 7-19, 1963, at Stanstead College, Stanstead, Quebec Province, Canada. Montreal 1964: x, 243 p.; maps, graphs, tables, illus. (its: Publication in meteorology no. 65.) Refs. Also issued as: U.S. Air Force. Cambridge Research Lab. Scientific report no. .9. F. K. Hare, chairman. Summarizes 36 papers presented and discussed at these seminars. Ten deal largely with arctic meteorology, some* of them described under the authors' names. *WARNECKE, G. Some synoptic features of stratospheric circulation. Warnecke, G. The yearly and longperiod changes of stratospheric circulation, p 15-17. Muller, F. B. Time series study of stratospheric-tropospheric relations, p 1922. Robert, A. A. baroclinic model for the Canadian numerical weather prediction program, p . *GODSON, W. L. Twenty-six-month oscillations in geophysical phenomena. *HAMPSON, J. Airglow studies at CARDE. London, J. The distribution of total ozone, p 195-200. *HERING, W. S. An analysis of ozonesonde measurements over North America. *SHIMIZU, M. Variation of total ozone and vertical ozone distribution. Vowinckel, R, and S. Orvig. - Heat budget of the Arctic, p 241-43, a useful summary; see No. 92879. CaMAI. 89535. McGILL UNIVERSITY. Dept. -.of Geography. Deepest permafrost measurement in North America. (Polarfonschung 1963. v. 5, no. 33, p. 181-82.) Notes the drilling for oil at Winter Harbour on Melville Island to a 12,540 ft depth. The effort was abandoned and the site handed over by the Dome Petroleum Group to the Jacobsen-McGill- Arctic Research Expedition for research purposes. Permafrost and temperature measurements are being made. DLC: 89536. McGILL UNIVERSITY. Mac; Donald Physics Laboratory.. Ice research project, annual report 1962. Montreal 1963. 20 p. table, illus. (Its: Project no. D45-95-.. 10-09.) 10 refs. In sequence-to No. 73693;
Summarizes work carried out at Churchill and on a polar ice floe near Isachsen on Ellef Ringnes Island into the physical properties of sea ice. The main emphasis was on sonic measurements of elastic parameters and measurements of -ultimate tensile strength. Radiation flux, micrometeorological and a few seismic observations were made. Brief notes on the main results are given. Experiments to measure dielectric coefficients in saline ice obtained extra, ordinarily high values (84,000 at 200 cps). Details of personnel, meetings and papers CaMAI. are given. 89537. McGILL UNIVERSITY. Marine Sciences Centre. Annual report .1965. Montreal 1966. 18 p. 20 refs. Reviews activities extending from the Caribbean into the Arctic. Courses and arctic research are reported in air—sea energy exchange, sea ice physics, drift and forecasting, physical oceanography, plankton, ind microbia, limnology of Ogac Lake CaMAI. (Baffin Island), etc. 89538. McGILL UNIVERSITY. Museums. Problems of the Pleistocene epoch and arctic area, v. 2. Montreal 1962. 67 p. maps, profiles, tables. (Their Publication no. 2.) Approx. 110 refs. G. R. Lowther, ed. In sequence to No. 59957. Contains six papers selected from the seminar of 1958-59. Included are: Plants and Pleistocene, by D. Love, p 17-39. He illustrates the gradual eXtinetion of the existing floras and the zonal rearrangement of vegetation belts in certain regions during the ice ages by surveying the changes in the poppies, particularly Papaver radicatum. Severatrefugia existed north of the ice throughout the last ice age where plants could survive, and whence they might be spreading at present. A discussion of the recent geology and archeological sites in the northern and southern Yukon, p 40-43. R. S. MacNeish reviews findings from the Engigstciak site on the Firth River and from the Kluane Lake area. Comparison of the two sequences may indicate similar general climatic trends throughout the Yukon during the late Pleistocene and Recent periods. The correlation of raised beaches in arctic Canada, p 44-47. M. Marsden refutes the correlation of maximum sea-level heights in terms of a continental tilt and proposes age determination as the one sound criterion for correlation. Comments on the nature and origin of the Dorset culture, p 56-67. W. E. Taylor, Jr. suggests that the 'widespread and long-
lasting Dorset culture was of a people who were physically Eskimo and linguistically Eskaleut. Initial development in arctic Canada, spread to Greenland, and some influence from Alaska are suggested. DGS. 89539. McGILL UNIVERSITY. SubArctic Research Laboratory. Field research in Labrador-Ungava; annual report, 196263. Montreal 1964. iv, 104 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (Its: Research papers no. 18.) Refs. Contains review of the Laboratory's tenth year, 1962-1963, by retiring Director W. G. Mattox, also ten preliminary reports on the research projects, as in previous years (Nos 80933, etc). Each report is abstracted in this Bibliography under the author's name: MATTOX, W. G. Fort Nascopie on Petitsikapau Lake. MATTOX, W. G. The study of a smallarea ice plot on Knob Lake 1962-63. WESTLAKE, B. Ice survey 1962-63. GARDNER, J. Snow survey in the Schefferville vicinity winter 1962-63. SHAW, J. B. Calculation of the density of a lake snow cover. BARNETT, D. M. Temperatures in the northwest room at the McGill Sub-Arctic Research Laboratory. FINDLAY, B. A note on a possible hydrologic study in the Knob Lake area, Quebec. PETERSON, J. A. Field work in the upper George River Basin, LabradorUngava, during the summer of 1963, a summary report. FIELDING, T. The eskers of the upper Hamilton-Ossokmanuan River area, Labrador-Ungava. SHAW, J. B. Climatological summary for 1963. CaMAI. 89540. McGILL UNIVERSITY. SubArctic Research Laboratory. Field research in Labrador-Ungava; annual report 1963-64. Montreal 1964. 139 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (Its: Research paper no. 19.) Refs. Also issued as Publication no. 13 of the Dept. of Geography. Outlines the Laboratory's activities during its eleventh year, the first under direction of W. P. Adams, also (at end) its organization and functions with list of its publications. Reports of field research are presented as follows: Snow studies at Schefferville, Quebec, winter 1963-64, p 1-15. J. Gardner, reports continuing measurements on a snow course established during winter 1961-62. The accumulation pattern was roughly the same
as that of the previous winters: vegetationfree areas with - smaller depths than the wooded areas, the difference attributed to wind erosion. Vegetation cover, wind, and physical characteristics of the snow are the main factors influencing its accumulation pattern, also surface topography in areas devoid of vegetation. Ice survey report 1963-64, p 16-28. M. L. Bryan describes results of ice measurements on Knob Lake and Maryjo Lake, using same techniques, ice features, and positions as previous winters. First ice was sighted Sept 23, on small, shallow bays; it formed and remained from Nov 1-2; biweekly observations were carried out Nov 15-May 25. Total ice growth, development of white ice, changes in total ice thickness in Apr and spring breakup starting May 9, are described. Analysis of data indicates that the greater the lake surface area the greater the conduction of heat to the air and the thicker the ice: Maryjo Lake cools faster and has thicker ice than Knob Lake. Temperature measurements in Knob Lake 1963-64, p 29-34. W. Barr compares temperature readings from a set of 11 thermocouples with ice growth and with ice types. Lake-bottom water maintained a fairly steady temperature of 2-2.8° C throughout the winter; temperatures in the ice body and in overlying snow dropped rapidly until mid-Jan, then rose and levelled off, probably because of the insulating effect of the snow. Water temperatures rose steadily from a min in late Feb with a rapid rise in May. Ice temperatures increased at all depths during Mar-Apr, despite an increase in thickness. After an abrupt rise by Apr 8, with water above and below, the temperature gradient in the ice disappeared. Spring ice survey 1964, p 35-49. W. P. Adams and J. B. Shaw present results of drilling 300 holes in the Knob Lake ice during Mar 28-Apr 8 to supplement the bi-weekly measurements described by M. L. Bryan. Distribution of snow, black ice, total ice, white ice, and of variations in hydrostatic water level relative to the ice surface is shown on maps, 1 in:1200 ft. Snow was deepest on the east and southeast sides of the lake with max in Knob Bay. The pattern of black ice distribution generally reversed that of snow cover, those of snow and white ice were similar. Water level was higher on the east and south sides of the lake, reflecting the existing snow and total ice patterns, also possibly caused by sinking of the ice from drilling and flooding. Maps show great variations in the ice-snow cover, the importance of white ice as an ice-
growth factor, and the greater importance of the volume : surface ratio than the depth alone as a factor in ice cover patterns. Bathymetrical investigations on Lake Wapanikskan, Quebec, p 50-58. M. L. Bryan reports a ten-day survey in Feb-Mar 1964, also 1962-1964 soundings by McIntyre-Porcupine Mines Ltd in preparation for drilling operations. The lake about 85 mi SSW of Fort Chimo, drains W into the Kaniapiskau River, which joins the Koksoak flowing into Ungava Bay near Fort Chimo. Morphology of the lake is summarized in a table, including a shoreline of 91 mi and max observed depth of 254 ft. Method consisted of moving around an established grid, drilling holes in the ice and taking soundings with a weight and line. Bottom features noted are a steady gentle slope, a 157-ft and a 253-ft deep trough. Ice conditions were inferior to those on Knob and Maryjo Lakes. Preliminary report on investigations of the lakes of Schefferville, Knob Lake, Quebec vicinity, p 59-78. M. L. Bryan summarizes studies of nine lakes within 25 mi of Schefferville with maps of four. Underlying geology influenced their shape and structure, depths are shallow, especially in the Shield to the west. Several unexpected "holes" are found in the Labrador Trough lakes, such as the max depth of Knob Lake. Studies in frost-heave and frost penetration at Schefferville 1963-64, p 79-85. W. Barr summarizes frost measurements with the "bedstead" apparatus (No 82035) Sept-Dec and late Apr-mid June. In contrast to J. T. Andrews' findings (No 77029), there were 20 freeze-thaw cycles during the fall, resulting in 20 measurable soil fluctuations at the various surface rods; a similar catastrophic collapse was recorded at the end of Apr. Differences between the findings are largely due to the earlier site being fairly sheltered, the later one extremely exposed. Max total fluctuation, 0.93 in, was produced in the most comprehensive aggregate, the widest small-scale fluctuations in coarse gravel and fines. Fluctuations were greater in spring when the soil was saturated by snow-melt, than in the fall. A preliminary report on periglacial studies in central Quebec-Labrador 1963-64, p 86109. J. Gardner describes, with numerous photographs, eight types of periglacial phenomena, viz those produced by frost sorting, frost shatter, or downslope movement of material, those associated with ground ice, wind action, snow, lake ice, or solution weathering. The first type, com-
monly called patterned ground, is the most conspicuous in the 200-sq-mi area near Schefferville. Frost shatter is a minor, selective factor; downslope movement or solifluction rare, though turf-banked terraces are widespread on gently sloping tundra; string bogs and pipkrake or needleice are common features of ground ice; wind and snow exert an indirect influence on landforrns; ice-shove ridges occur along shores of large lakes, but are uncommon on the small ones; chemical weathering occurs rarely. Glaciofluvial erosion near Schefferville, central Labrador-Ungava, p 110-32. W. Barr describes results of study of air photos and the literature, and of June—Aug fieldwork in a 200-sq-mi area within the Labrador Trough. Some five groups of meltwater channels were mapped and photographed; the Houston Mountain group, including one 390 ft wide, 110 ft deep, and 806 yd long, is believed to have origin in the superimposed meanders of an englacial stream, or the subglacial flow of meltwater under hydrostatic pressure, and covered by thick ice; rock structure, not ice, was the key factor in the channel formation. Barr supports J. T. Andrews' view (No 69793), that the vallons de gelivation are structurally controlled subglacial chutes, not the result of frost action and mass movement during the postglacial period as suggested by C. R. Twidale (No 48502). Climatological summary for 1964 with details of the meteorological programme after ten years of operation, by J. B. Shaw, p 133-36. Temperature, snowfall, and precipitation data are given; average temperature 21.8° F was the second lowest on record; below average rainfall 15.04 in was compensated by above average snowfall 132.0 in. Types of observations made included auroras, noctilucent clouds, and ground temperature. DLC.
ethanol from arterial blood. (American journal of physiology 1965. v. 208, no. 5, p. 1016-1020, tables, graphs.) 18 refs. Other authors: E. Schonbaum and W. G. Bigelow. Reports on experiments with dogs given alcohol intravenously. The rate of decrease in alcohol concentration from the arterial blood was similar in the hypothermic (ca 24° C) and normothermic groups. In the former, a reduction of apparent total available body-water space was noted. DLC.
McGLYNN, J. C., see No. 91282.
MACHTA, L., see also No. 89334.
89541. McGOWAN, T. R. Emergency health service in an Alaskan disaster. (Alaska medicine 1964. v. 6, no. 2, p. 3638.) Outlines emergency health services of the Civil Defense Plan implemented after the Mar 1964 quake. It was possible to deal with all problems by utilizing local personnel, facilities and material. No epidemics or other major medical problems developed. CaMAI.
McILROY, M. B., see No. 88447. 89545. McILWRAITH, T. F. Bibliography of Canadian anthropology for 1961. (Canada. National Museum. Bulletin 1964. no. 194, p. 1-28.) In sequence to No. 80939. Lists with brief notes some 225 publications, over half of them on Eskimos and northern Indian tribes, including Alaskan. DSI.
89542. MacGREGOR, D. C., and others. Effects of hypothermia on disappearance of
89546. McINERNEY, J. E. Salinity preference: an orientation mechanism in
89543. McGREGOR, D. C. Illustrations of Canadian fossils; Triassic, Jurassic, and Lower Cretaceous spores and pollen of arctic Canada. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1965. 32 p. map, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 64-55.) 65 refs. Illustrates some 350 spore-pollen assemblages extracted from selected. Mesozoic rocks. This report, the first such, though thick sequences of Mesozoic sedimentary rocks are known in the Canadian Arctic, is designed primarily for laboratory reference, and as a guide to recognition and preliminary identification of these miospores. DGS. McGREGOR, D. C., see also No. 88485. McGUIRE, F. L., see No. 92451. 89544. MACHTA, L. Status of global radioactive-fallout predictions. (In: US. Atomic Energy Commission. Div. of Biol. and Med. Conference on radioactive fallout . . . 1964. Proceedings pub. 1965, p. 369-91, tables, graphs, maps, illus.) 16 refs. Summarizes certain aspects of predictions of man-made fallout, specifically the fate of radioactive gases and particulates injected into the stratosphere and atmosphere. Arctic areas affected and arctic atomic blasts DLC. are included.
salmon migration, (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1964. v. 21, no. 5, p. 995-1018, illus.) 24 refs. Laboratory study of five Pacific salmon species as to sequence in water preference. It begins in their youngest stages with preference for fresh water, changing gradually in the direction of seawater concentration. This temporal progression in preference is parallel to the salinity gradient of the river outflows through which salmon move on their way to the ocean. DLC. 89547. MacINNES, C. D., and F. G. COOCH. Additional eastern records of Ross' goose, Chen rossii. (Auk 1963. v. 80, no. 1, p. 77-79.) Reviews records, including own, of Chen rossii in the Canadian Eastern Arctic since the first one in 1771. Recaptures of banded geese in Texas, Louisiana, etc are also noted, and speculations offered on the paucity of this species in this arctic region. DLC. 89548. MacINNES, C. D. The status of Ross' goose in 1962-63. (Wildfowl Trust. Annual report 1962-63, pub 1964, p. 13739.) 3 refs. The population for this period in California is estimated at least 25,000 as compared with 1949: 2,000, deemed too low a figure. Geese (161) color-marked in 1962 on the Perry River breeding area in northern Keewatin and 262 marked in Saskatchewan, could not be detected in California, presumably because of the relatively low numbers marked. DLC.
visibility and other hazards at Meighen Island, and a calculation of probability indices for successful round-trip flights in different months and conditions is attempted. Warning is given that these low figures indicate that planning of work on Meighen should allow ample margin of time to cover delays due to unsuitable flying conditions. DLC. 89551. MacKAY, D. K. Break-up on the Mackenzie River and its delta 1964. (Geographical bulletin 1965. v. 7, no. 2, p. 117-28, map, graph, tables, illus.) 5 refs. Reports and discusses aerial and ground observations made as part of the Canadian Ice Distribution Survey of the Geographical Branch. Dates of first ice movement opposite nine settlements along the main river channel were 3-12 days later than normal; one delaying factor was the unusual thickness of the ice cover near Fort Simpson. Dates of complete ice clearance were also late, partly because of the destruction of the massive Ramparts and Fort Norman ice jams. Breakup in the Delta was , uneventful, with no flooding threatened at any settlement. Peak water level at Inuvik was reached June 7 within 12 hr of that in 1954, the only previous record available. DOS, MacKAY, D. K., see also No. 85186.
MacISAAC, J. J., see No. 84953.
89552. MACKAY, J. R. Gas-domed mounds in permafrost, Kendall Island, N.W.T. (Geographical bulletin 1965. v. 7, no. 2, p. 105-115, map, graphs, tables, illus.) 15 refs. Describes four gas-filled mounds, discovered in 1963 on an alluvial flat at Kendall Island, 69°29' N 135°15' Won the Mackenzie River delta. Upon drilling, gas, probably methane, escaped from a cavity in each mound; it was probably generated by the decay of plant material. The possible thermal history of the mounds is discussed; several dating methods indicate an age prior to 1950, probably 1945. A cross-section through the overburden of the largest mound and a schematic diagram showing possible development of this mound, are DGS. included.
89550. MacKAY, D. K., and K. C. ARNOLD. Access to Meighen Island, N.W.T. (Arctic 1965. v. 18, no. 3, p. 19398, tables, graphs, map.) 4 refs. Discusses the problem of access by light aircraft to the Polar Continental Shelf Pioject's icecap station on Meighen from Isachsen on Ellef Ringnes Island. Data are tabulated to show the incidence of poor
89553. MACICAY, J. R. Glacier flow and analogue simulation. (Geographical bulletin 1965. v. 7, no. 1, p. 1-6, maps.) 7 refs. Describes the macroscopic glacier flow pattern for large ice sheets of the Wisconsin glaciation as simulated by an analog field plotter. Preliminary results suggest the possibility of simulating the accumulation, expansion, coalescence •and wastage of ice
89549. MacINTYRE, W. G., and R. F. PLATFORD. Dissolved calcium carbonate in the Labrador Sea. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1964. v. 21, no. 6, p. 1475-80, table, map.) 8 refs. Presents a general picture of conditions in the upper 100 m of the sea southwest of Greenland in 21 May-17 June 1963. These waters were about 100% supersaturated with calcite and about saturated with aragonite. A great influx of CO2 from the air is suggested. DLC.
sheets under varied typographic and climatic conditions. Simulations are mapped for the Mackenzie Delta,. and Great Bear Lake areas and for the entire area of Wisconsin glaciation; also mapped are the general directions of glacial flow, from Craig and Fyles (No 64023) and fluting from the Glacial map of Canada (No 51142). DGS. 89554. MACKAY, J. R. Pingos in Canada. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceeding: pub. 1966, p. 71-76, map, illus.) 30 refs. Discusses the morphology and distribution of intrapermafrost ice-cored hills termed in Russian bulgunnfilkh and in English pingos (which author distinguishes from hydrolaccoliths).; they are of two types: open system and closed system. Some 1500 pingos occur in Canada, mostly in the vicinity of the Mackenzie delta, and a map shows the distribution of each type. All pingos are mounds consisting of a surface layer of frozen ground arched over an ice core. Open system pingos are hydrolaceoliths formed by the injection and subsequent freezing of water. A dosed system develops where a volume of • saturated soil becomes completely confined by impervious material so that expelled pore water cannot escape. The physical and hydrologic conditions of formation of each . type are described in detail. The shape of the pingo and its ice core are related to five governing factors and the physical character of the core ice is discussed. Evidence is reviewed for dating many large pingos at several thousand yr old, following the post-glacial maximum. Many closed-system pingos of the delta islands, however, are young and active, but much subjected to marine eroCaMAI. sion. MACKAY, J. R., see also No.' 81900. MACKAY, R. H., see No. 85347. 89555. McKAY, W. A. The story of the Canadian fur trade. (Beaver 1965. spring p. 20-25; summer p. 24-29; autumn p.. 3641; winter p. 12-16, illus.) Humorous account of this industry from 1534,, establishment of the Hudson's Bay Co in 1670; its early activities, competition with French traders, etc. DLC. 89556. McKENNAN, R. A. The Chandalar Kutchin. Montreal 1965. 156 p. maps, illus. (Arctic Inst. of North America. Technical paper no. 17.) Approx. 45 refs. Ethnographic study based, on fieldwork in
1933 when this Athapaskan tribe of 124 individuals followed a semi-nomadic life focused on caribou hunting, its territory along the Chandalar and some other streams north of the BrookaRange. Their material and spiritual culture are treated in short topical sketches: subsistence hunting and fishing, the household, food, transportation, trade, housing, clothing, ornamentation, sports, etc. The life cycle, family and clan relations, customary law, etc are dealt with, as are medical and geographic knowledge, religion and shamanism. The nativistic movement at Arctic Village centering around a former shaman 'is described. Some 75 legends and tales (Raven, culture-hero, trickster cycles, animal myths, etc) are cited in English. CaMAI, DLC. 89557. McKENNAN, R. A. The physical anthropology of two Alaskan Athapaskan (American journal of physical groups. anthropology 1964. v. 22, no. 1, p. 43-52, tables, map.). 15 refs. Account based on field work in 1929-1930 (No 59966) and 1933 on the Upper Tanana and the Chandalar Kutchin. Comparisons by probability tables show significant differences in nine out of 17 measurements, the Upper Tanana exceeding the others in all but bigonial measurements. Observable characteristics show great similarity of the two groups and both are 100% of the 0 DLC. blood group. 89558. McKENZIE, D. J. The wreck of the Taho ma. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 6, p. 8-12, +, illus.) Survivor's account, previously unpublished, of the loss of this US Revenue Cutter on an uncharted reef off the Aleutians in Sept 1914. When the ship went down,, the 78 ,passengers and crew in small boats started for Agattu Island about 60 mi to the northwest. All were picked up by the Alaska Steamship Co Cordova and the -US 0,86 G S Patterson. An account of the rescues by H. C. McDowell, purser of the Cordova, is reprinted from the Nov 1914 issue of Railway and marine news. DLC. 89559. MacKEVETT, E. M., Jr., and M. C. BLAKE, Jr. Geology of the Sumdum copper-zinc prospect, Southeastern Alaska. Washington, D.C. Govt. Print. Office 1964. 31 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Bulletin 1108-E.) 15 refs. Mineral resources of Alaska 1959-63. Evaluates the economic potential of this prospect, outlines its geologic features, and adds information on the regional geology of
the area from field mapping of a seven mil tract at 1:20,000, examination of ore deposits; etc by a two-man party in Aug 1960; laboratory investigations included thin-section and polished-section studies, X-ray determinations, spectrographic analyses, and mineral determinations by oilimmersion methods. The prospect is on the mainland about 50 mi southeast of Juneau, at approx 57°47' N 133°27' W. The orebearing outcrops discovered in Aug 1958 and explored in 1959, are mostly in the intermediate unit of three metamorphic rock units of Paleozoic or Mesozoic age. This unit consists mainly of gneiss, and is cut by dikes and sills of lamprophyre or pegmatite, and offshoots of quartz diorite from the Coast Range batholith. Faulting and folding are evident; the ore zones are traceable for only a few hundred feet because of snow or glacial cover, though diamond-drilling data show at least two ore zones continuing for several thousand feet. The ore zones commonly 1-50 ft thick, consist of masses or disseminations of pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, etc, probably of too low grade to be worth mining under 1962 economic conditions. DGS. MacKEVETT, E. M., Jr., see also No. 91401.
Outlines successive steps taken by the US Army Research Support Group for moving, the field nuclear power plant from Camp Century in the Greenland Inland Ice to Thule, for shipment to United States, summer 1964. DLC. McKINNON, P. J., see No. 91904. McKNIGHT, D. E., see No. 87700. 89563. McLAREN, D. J., and A. W. NORRIS. Fauna of the Devonian Horn Plateau Formation, District of Mackenzie. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1964. 113 p. tables, plates. (Canada. Geological Survey. Bulletin 114.) 102 refs. Reviews the stratigraphy of this small reef-like carbonate body outcropping on the east flank of Horn Plateau, 62°08' N 117°39' W. The formation is believed to be of late Middle Devonian (Givetian) age, slightly older than the basal Waterways Formation. The unique coral and the brachiopod faunas are described, correlation and faunal affinities discussed in pt 2-3 of this report. The Horn Plateau Formation was mapped by Operation Mackenzie in 1957 and described in an earlier report by It. J. W. Douglas and A. W. Norris, of No 64255. DGS. McLAREN, D. J., see also No. 88485.
89560. McKILLOP, J. H. Newfoundland's growing mineral industry. (Canadian mining journal 1964. v. 85, no. 6, p. 53-55, graphs.) Ref. Reviews progress during 1963, including iron ore production and development in Labrador. Activities of the Iron Ore Co of Canada in the Schefferville and Wabush Lake areas are noted, as are development of Wabush Mines by Pickands Mather and a proposed project at Julian Lake near Wabush by Canadian Javelin Ltd. DGS. 89561. McKINNEY, F. The spring behavior of wild Steller eiders. (Condor 1965. v. 67, no. 4, p. 273-90, tables, map, illus.) 34 refs. Reports study made during Apr and May at two wintering areas on the Alaska Peninsula. Displays, courting and copulation behavior are described in detail and compared with those of the common eider. Sociability in activities (high), habitat, feeding and predators are also discussed. DLC. 89562. McKINNEY, L. E. Logistics of PM-2A removal. (Military engineer 1965. v. 57, no. 380, p. 420-21, illus.) Ref.
89564. McLAREN, I. A. Zooplankton of Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island, and nearby pond, with special reference to the copepod Cyclops scutifer Sars. (Canadian journal of zoology 1964. v. 42, no. 4, p. 613-29, tables, illus.) 22 refs. Primary (02 ) production in Lake Hazen was unmeasurably low in the summer; in the pond it was the same as in other small arctic water bodies. C. =tiger is strictly biennial in the lake, and the pond contains alternating annual and biennial. Estimated mean standing crop and net production of this copepod in the summer of 1958 were very low. DLC. McLAREN, I. A., see also No. 91900. 89565. McLAUGHLIN, P. A. Survey of the benthic invertebrate fauna of the eastern Bering Sea. Washington, D. C. 1963. 75 p. maps, illus. (US. Fish and Wildlife Service. Special scientific rept: fisheries no. 401.) Approx. 140 refs. Reports an investigation in summers of 1958 and 1959 made in connection with king crab surveys. A checklist is given of species of pelecypods, gastropods (except nudi-
branchs), barnacles, decapod crustaceans, tunicates and most echinoderms found on the continental shelf; some other invertebrates are also listed. Annotations to each species include areas of occurrence. Catches on stations are also analyzed as to their species composition. DLC. 89566. McLEAN, H. E. 'Copters, computers and surveyors. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 8, p. 20-21, -F, illus.) Describes survey techniques pioneered in Alaska during the Bureau of Land Management's Operation ABC-Airborne Control in summer 1963. A Hiller 12-E helicopter, IBM computers, and electronic survey device were used for marking township corners. The Hoversight, a newly developed gadget, mounted in the cockpit of the .helicopter enabled the craft to be directed to the position for the corner. Savings in time and money are noted. DLC. 89567. McLEAN, I., and K. WILLIAMSON. Forarstraek mellem Sydgronland og Island. (Dansk ornithologisk forening. Tidsskrift 1961. v. 54, no. 4, p. 189-95, table.) In Danish. English summary. Title tr.: Spring migration between South Greenland and Iceland. Lists migrant birds observed from shipboard at station Alpha in Denmark Strait, 2-26 May 1960. The number of land birds appeared surprisingly high; 15 species are cited with details on numbers, time, weather, and nature of passage. DLC. McLEOD, C. R., see No. 86123. 89568. McLERRAN, J. H. Airborne crevasse detection. (In: Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment 3d, Univ. of Michigan 1964. Proceedings pub. 1965, p. 801-802, illus.) Notes successful detection of crevasses in the Arctic using infrared sensing equipment. An aerial photo and two infrared thermal strips are presented showing that crevasse patterns invisible on panchromatic film are clearly visible on infrared imagery. It is stressed that not all crevasses show thermal contrast. DWB. 89569. McLERRAN, J. H. Infrared sea ice reconnaissance. (In: Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment 3d, Univ. of Michigan 1964. Proceedings pub. 1965, p. 789-800, graph, map, illus.) 6 refs. Describes the value of the infrared scanner for sea ice reconnaissance, and reports on four yr of experience with the device. Simultaneous panchromatic and
infrared thermal images of sea ice patterns in the Lincoln Sea and the Canadian Arctic Islands waters are compared. Notes on interpretation are given. In Jan 1964, infrared imagery of sea ice was obtained during the arctic winter night and in temperatures as low as —42° C. An example north of Alert (illus) clearly shows polar pack ice and winter ice. Pressure ridges are clearly evident on the imagery. The device enables sea ice reconnaissance to be conducted the yr round. DWB. McLERRAN, J. H., see also No. 87129. 89570. McMAHON, F. The A.N.A.R.E. uniform. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962 . . . pub. 1963, p. 525, illus.) Describes and illus the suit worn as semiworking or lounge dress and for formal occasions by Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition personnel. It is tailored to measure from water-repellant worsted venetian. DLC. McMAHON, F., see also Nos. 89166,89168. 89571. McMANUS, D. A., and J. S. CREAGER. Physical and sedimentary environments on a large spitlike shoal. (Journal of geology 1963. v. 71, no. 4, p. 498-512, maps.) 9 refs. Also issued as: Washington (State) Univ. Dept. of Oceanography. Contribution no. 259. Discusses the physical and sedimentary aspects of the 80 mi-long Cape Prince of Wales shoal, based on measurements of water temperature, salinity, transparency, current velocities, and sediment distribution obtained from the 1959 and 1960 Brown Bear surveys of southeastern Chukchi Sea. This 2000 mil shoal has gentle slopes, the steepest gradient being 31 ft/mi on the western side. Sediment-bearing coastal water passes northward through Bering Strait and past the shoal at speeds up to 50 cm/sec. Four sedimentary environments are recognized, viz: preshoal with granules and pebbles in Bering Strait grading into fine sands off the northern shoal; currentslope with fine homogeneous sediments along the western flank; shoal-crest mostly fine sand; and sheltered-slope mostly very fine sand or silt moderately sorted. Divergence within the coastal water near Cape Prince of Wales is a major factor in supplying sediment to the shoal. Characteristics of such a shoal cannot be revealed by sedimentary data alone; the physical processes such as waves, currents, etc and their seasonal variations must also be considered. DLC.
McMANUS, D. A., see also Nos. 86334; 92548 §26, 92558. 89572. McMURTRIE, N. J. Ontario Hydro's 500 kv transmission line, design and, testing. (Engineering journal 1965. v. 48, no. 8, p. 13-16, 26, map, table, illus.) 8 refs. Outlines the planning, research, design and construction for the Otter Rapids Project, transmission from the Moose River System near James Bay 437 mi to load centers in southern Ontario. A 228-mi section from the northernmost gathering point, Pinard, was placed in service Oct 1963; its mechanical and electrical features are summarized; six consecutive towers came down in a 130-150 mph wind in June 1964. Such winds could be expected once in DLC. 10,000 line mi yr. 89573. MacNAMARA, E. E. Soils of the Howard Pass area, northern Alaska. New Brunswick, N. J. 1964. 125 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. 161 refs. Special report to AINA. Presents the results of detailed soil surveys carried out on the Arctic Slope north of the Brooks Range, during summers 1961-1963. It represents the first major effort in mapping arctic soils in the United States. The area is described topographically, • and the geology, glaciology, physiography, climate and vegetation are systematically related to its pedology, with many explanatory annotated illus. The relevant literature is reviewed and previous attempts to map soils in the Alaskan Arctic are evaluated. Map at 1:250,000 with soil units indicated is presented and these units are Morphologic, explained and discussed. chemical and physical data on the soils observed are presented with graphs and 39 tables. Some supplementary studies from CaMAI. Umiat are also included. MacNEIL, F. S., see No. 89844. 89574. McNEIL, W. J. Redd superimposition and egg capacity of pink salmon spawning beds. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1964. v. 21, no. 6, p. 1385-96, graphs.) 16 refs. Reports a study of pink salmon egg recruitment in Indian Creek and Harris River on Prince of Wales Island, Southeast Alaska. It shows that egg loss during spawning increases as the density of female spawners increases. Mortality is mainly caused by superimposition of redds. A mathematical model of spawning success is DLC. presented and discussed.
89575. MacNEISH, R. S. The peopling of the New World as seen from Northwest America. (International. Congress of Americanists 35th, .Mexico 1962. Proceedings ptib. 1964. v. 1, p. 121-32.) 4Q refs. Discusses author's Adaptative Complex hypothesis: a population movement back and forth across the Bering Strait conditioned by fluctuating food resources. Survival required adaptation to new ecological conditions and (except for the first migrants) cultures, discard of incompatible traits in favor of new concepts or original adaptative inventions. Asiatic cultural traits are traced in chronologically described archeological sequences in Alaska and the Yukon about 8,000-2,000 BC: the British Mountain, Cordilleran, Northern Plano, Northwest Microblade, and Arctic Small Tool traditions. DSI. MacNEISH, R. S., see also Nos. 89538, 90776. 89576. McNICOL, M. W., and R. SMITH. Accidental hypothermia. (British medical journal, Jan. 4, 1964, no. 5374, p. 19-21, tables.) 11 refs. Report on clinical and laboratory studies of 15 elderly patients. Arterial-blood-gas constantly indicated anoxia and it is assumed to be an important factor in the high mortality. Respiratory depression and COrretention also occurred. DNLM. 89577. McOUAT, J. F. Mineral potential and project development in the Eastern Arctic. (Canadian mining and metallurgical bulletin 1964. v. 57, no. 632, p. 126874, maps, table.) Discusses the mineral potential of eastern Canada north of the tree line. Main geological features are shown on a small-scale map, and some 13 significant mineral developments of the past decade are summarized in a table. Enormous reserves of low-grade iron ore appear to be economic though further development awaits markets, financing, etc. Government aid is suggested in the form of fuel caches, tax reduction to the prospector and mine employee. Discussion on p 1278-79. DLC. McOUAT, J..F., see also No: 86081. 89578. McPHAIL, J. D. Geographic variation in North American ninespine sticklebacks, Pungitius pungilius. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1963. v. 20, no. 1, p. 27-44, tables, map.) 26 refs. Geographic variation in the number of gill rakers and dorsal spines suggests two
allopatric forms of this stickleback in North America: a Bering form ranging from Alaska along the arctic coast of Canada, and a Mississippi form ranging from the Great Lakes to the Mackenzie River. Two glacial refugia are assumed as explanation of the distribution of this fish. DLC. 89579. McPHAIL, J. D. A new ronquil, Bathymaster leurolepis, from the Aleutian Islands. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1965. v. 22, no. 5, p. 129397, illus.) 3 refs. Also pub. aa: Washington (State) Univ. College of Fisheries. Contribution no. 202. Describes this new fish, closely related to B. caeroleofasciatus with which it has been confused. Habitat, food, size, sexual development, etc are noted. its geographic range is from Hokkaido to Kodiak Island in the Gulf of Alaska. DLC. 89580. McPHERRON, R. L., and S. H. WARD. Auroral-zone pearl pulsations. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 23, p. 5867-82, graphs.) 16 refs. Reports observations of geomagnetic micropulsations of the Pal band 16 Aug20 Sept 1964 recorded at Flin Flon (63.6° N. 314.8°), to obtain information on the characteristics of micropulsations at this latitude, and to examine the possibility of their relationship to electron precipitation. The lack of correlation between pearl pulsations (PP) and other geomagnetic phenomena discussed by many observers is confirmed. Various characteristics of PP occurrence observed during one solar rotation at Flin Flon are compared with those observed at College, Alaska. These observations are interpreted in terms of PP originated from a hydromagnetic wave packet, and associated with the occurrence of PP dependent on a triggering mechanism, amplification mechanism, guiding along geomagnetic field lines, and transmission through the ionosphere. DLC. 89581. MacPHERSON, A. H. A northward range extension of the red fox in the Eastern Canadian Arctic. (Journal of mammalogy 1964. v. 45, no. 1, p. 138-40, map.) Describes the occupation of Baffin Island by this fox within the past half century and its recent movement further north and west across Lancaster Sound and Barrow Strait. Indications of a later southward spread from western Baffin are also presented. DLC. 89582. MacPHERSON, A. H., and M. A. GIBSON. The structure and function of
the cheek pads of the brown lemming, Lemmas sibiricue (trimucronatus) Kerr. (Canadian journal of zoology 1965. v. 43, no. 4, p. 613-17, illus.) 9 refs. Reports a histological investigation showing that the cheek is formed by an abundance of collagen fibers in the reticular layer of the derails. The pads are capable of considerable movement and are underlain by well developed muscles. They apparently serve as protection against bites from other DSI. brown lemmings. MacPHERSON, A. H., see also Nos. 85157, 85636. MacRAE, R. M., see No. 92060. 89583. McREA, A. H. Sport fishing prospects in Alaska. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 11, p. 64-67, illus.) Outlines distribution, abundance, and fishing seasons of arctic grayling, Dolly Varden, arctic char, northern pike, also various salmon and trout species. Fisheries management, research, stocking, etc by the Alaska Dept of Fish and Game are noted. DI. MADDISON, H. A., see No. 88065. 89584. MADSEN, B. L. Limnologiske undersOgelser fra Sydvestgronland. (Flora og fauna 1959. v. 65, no. 2, p. 41-48, graphs, map, illus.) 6 refs. In Danish. English summary. Title tr.: Limnological investigations in southwest Greenland. Reports a study of lakes in the Arsukfjord area from Sept 1956 to June 1957. Vertical distribution of temperature in two lakes (annual mean 0.9° C), and pH (below 6.5 in all) were recorded. Distribution of three water beetles over the seasons and DLC. water bodies was also followed. 89585. MADSHUS, K., and A. STROMME. Correlation between precipitation and amount of mCs in milk in Norway. (In: US. Atomic Energy Commission. Div. of Biol. and Med. Conference on radioactive fallout . . . 1964. Proceedings pub. 1965, p. 865-76, tables, graphs, maps.) 6 refs. Reports study of cows' milk from different, including arctic, areas. Along the coast, which has high precipitation, a significant correlation was demonstrated for 1961, 1962 and 1963, between precipitation one year and the amount of Cs-137 in the milk the following spring. No such correlation was found in eastern Norway. DLC. MAEDA, H., see Nos. 89758, 89759, 90459.
89586. MAEDA, K. Occurrence of abrupt warming in the stratosphere and solar activity. (Berlin. Freie Univ. Meteorologische Abhandlungen 1963. v. 36, p. 335-40, graphs.) 13 refs. Suggests that the stratosphere sudden warming, or Berlin phenomenon, is not simply a direct result of the breakdown of the polar-night vortex, but that both phenomena may be caused by a large-scale disturbance brought into the stratosphere from outside the earth's atmosphere, possibly by increased solar activity. Satellite and rocket data, the latter from Fort Churchill, are compared with stratosphericwarming measurements of 1958-1961 from Berlin and Thule, to support the suggestion. Stratospheric warmings occurred earlier at Berlin 53° N than at Thule 77° N in 1958, 1959, and 1961, because they followed the northward movement of lower mesosphere troughs; these troughs in turn seem to have been caused by increased solar activity or cosmic radiation. Breakdown of the polar vortex showed similar development in 19581961 observations. DLC. 89587. MAEDA, K. On the heating of polar night mesosphere. (Berlin. Freie Univ. Meteorologische Abhandlungen 1963. v. 36, pt. 1, p. 451-96; pt. 2, p. 497-506, map, graphs, tables.) 84 refs. Investigates the contribution of auroral particles to the dissociation of oxygen molecules in the polar upper atmosphere. Electron bombardment produces a substantial amount of dissociation of oxygen, is more important than photo-dissociation at these high latitudes. Heating of the polar mesosphere (upper stratosphere) is calculated by exothermic association of the oxygen atoms, intensified by subsidence of the upper polar atmosphere during the polar night. Rates of temperature change are given for the levels of maximum heating viz 1.9° C/day at 100 km and max cooling viz —3.4° C/day at 110 km. Max dissociation occurs at about 90 km for both protons and electrons. Pt 2, on acoustic heating, points out the possibility of polar night mesospheric warming from below by means of infrasonic waves (long period acoustic waves) produced by the polar night jet stream which prevails along the auroral zone in winter. DLC. 89588. MAEDA, K., and T. WATANABE. Pulsating aurorae and infrasonic waves in the polar atmosphere. (Journal of the atmospheric sciences 1964. v. 21, no. 1, p. 15-29, graphs, tables.) 37 refs. Shows that one of the most plausible
mechanisms for pressure wave generation during geomagnetic disturbances is the periodic heating of the polar ionosphere by auroral particles, observed as pulsating aurorae. To see the relation between source input and pressure change at sea level, some theoretical calculations were performed with a simple model of auroral distribution in an isothermal atmosphere. The intensity of the pressure waves in this model decreases rapidly outside the auroral zone, indicating the importance of sound-ducts in the upper atmosphere for the propagation of these long-period sonic waves. DLC. 89589. MAEMETS, A., and I. R. VELDRE. O kachestvennom sostave fanny plankticheskikh rakoobraznykh Pechorskogo zaliva. (Akademilet nauk SSSR. Murmanskil morskol biologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. no. 6 (10), p. 3-11, table, map, illus.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Qualitative composition of planktonic crustaceans.in the Pechora Bay. Reports on material collected during Aug 1958. Following a general characteristic of the local zooplankton, 47 of these crustaceans are recorded with notes on date, station and number of specimens collected. Some ecological aspects, fresh- or sea-water origin, stage of development, etc are also considered. DLC. MAGI, U., see No. 92440. 89590. MAKI, A. Lantbrukets beskattning i Finland. (Nordisk lantbruksekonomisk tidskrift 1964. v. 14, no. 2, p. 53-57.) In Swedish. Title tr.: Agricultural land taxation in Finland. Discusses factors in the current taxation which dates from 1922, and the policies concerned. Variations in the tax basis are given as are those for geographic regions of which northeast Finland is one. The present tax form is not suited to a system of progressive land use, and tax reforms are in order. DLC. 89591. MAKINEN, L., and Y. MAKINEN. The distribution, ecology, morphology and taxonomy of Primula nutans Georgi ssp. Finmarchica (Jacq.) Love & Love. (Annales botanici Fennici 1964. v. 1, no. 4, p. 27391, map, tables, illus.) 57 refs. Discusses this perennial herb which survived the last glaciation in two separate coastal refuges in arctic Norway. It grows on inundated seashore marshes, often at the mouths of big rivers, but is not a halophyte. It flowers at the end of June. Another variety, jokelae, which spread into Fen-
noscandia from the east after the Wiirm glaciation, .is found on the White Sea and Gulf of Bothnia. DLC. 89592. MAKINEN, L. On the morphology of Primulci-sibirica Jacq. esp. finmarchica (Jacq.) Huh. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 32, p. 12931, illus.) 4 refs. Reports differences in morphometry between plants from the shores of the Gulf of Bothnia and such from the arctic coast of Norway. In cultivation under identical conditions, differences remained constant. CaMAI. 89593. MAKINEN, Y. Floristic observetions in Finnmark, Northern Norway. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 32, p. 124-28.) 8 refs. Presents some observations on 14 species of mostly rare plants. Earlier finds, habitats and associations and in some cases occurrence in other areas are noted. CaMAL 89594. MAKINEN, Y. Fungi exsiccati fennici, Institutio Botanica Universitatis Turkuensis. Turku 1962. 200 p. map. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 30.) In German and Latin. In sequence to No. 72661. Title tr.: Fungi exsiccati of Finland, Botanical Institute, University of Turku. Identifies material of the Institute, completing work of the late L. E. Kari to whom tribute is given in introd. Some 300 species are recorded with notes on earlier finds, host or substrate and location with data on latitude. A great proportion of the material is subarctic or arctic. Alphabetical lists of scientific names of the fungi and their hosts are appended. CaMAI. 89595. MAKINEN, Y. Leaf morphology in the genus Calamagrostis. Turku 1964. 14 p. tables, illus. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 31.) 8 refs. Detailed macro- and microscopic study of ten forms, Intl hybrids, required for smut investigations, which often have only a fragment of a leaf at their disposal. A key to the species and hybrids is provided as summary. CaMAI.
host(s) and frequency. Fourteen species are new for Finland. A list of prospective rustshost combinations found in adjacent provinces is included. CaMAI. 89597. MAKINEN, Y. On Finnish micromycetes, 4; on the distribution of rusts in Finland. (Annales botanici Fennici 1964. v. 1, no. 3, p. 214-19, map.) 19 refs. Presents a list based on specimens in the mycological herbarium of the Univ of Turku, which are not included in the catalog of Finnish rusts by Rauhala, 1959. This alphabetic list of approx 150 species includes many new localities for known forms; also some species and hosts new to Finland, for which exact locality and date are cited. The phytogeographic provinces of eastern Fennoscandia as mapped include Kola Peninsula and Northern Karelia as well as Finland. DLC. MAKINEN, Y., see also No. 89591. 89598. MALZER, H. Das Nivellement caber das Gronlandische Inlandeis der Internationalen Glaziologischen GronlandExpedition 1959. KObenhavn, Reitzel 1964. 122 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (Meddelelser om GrOnland v. 173, no. 7.) 9 refs. Also issued as: Expedition Glaciologique Internationale au Groenland, E.G.I.G. 1957-1960, v. 3, no. 1. In German. English summary. Title tr.: Levelling on the Greenland Inland Ice by the International Glaciological Expedition to Greenland 1959. Describes summer activities of the party which used geometric levelling for the first time in the Arctic to measure elevations accurately over great distances. A 700-km profile was levelled from Camp 6 EGIG near Disko Bugt to Jarl-Joset station 250 km southwest of Cecilia Nunatak on the Inland Ice; accuracy exceeded the glaciological or geophysical requirements. Control was established by independent double measurements. A max elevation of 3175 m was obtained near D6p6t 275. Numerous survey point sketches and selected photos are appended, as are an overall profile on a 1 in = 16 mi scale and a map at 1 in DGS. 24 mi. MAGER, M., see No. 85671.
89596. MAKINEN, Y. On Finnish micromycetes 3; Uredinales of Inari Lapland. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 32, p. 155-77, table, map, illus.) 17 refs. Study of rust fungi collected since 1954. Sixty-six species and 97 hosts are listed, with notes on location of find(s), earlier records,
89599. MAGNUSSON, E. An interglacial or interstadial deposit at Gallejaure, northern Sweden. (Geologiska foreningen. Forhandlingar 1962. v. 84, no. 4, p. 363-71, table, map, illus.) Reports identification of 16 freshwater diatoms and 18 pollen flora from muddy silt
related to fine-grained varved sediments in this lake. Above is till 20 m thick, hence the silt is interglacial or Early Weichselian interstadial. The profile of the lake valley at this location is deep and narrow, or fjordlike. Radiocarbon analysis gives an age of more DLC. than 35,000 yr. MAGNUSSON, H. W., see No. 91498. 89600. MAGNUSSON, J., and I. HALLGRfMSSON. The relationship between the distribution of Sebastes larvae, zooplankton and temperature in the Irminger Sea. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 289.) Reports on plankton sampling from the upper 50 m, conducted in May 1961 south to 60° N and east to 24° W. Sebastes larvae were found in most oceanic regions of the area. Generally there was good agreement between abundance of larvae, plankton density, and certain isotherms. CaMAI. MAGUIRE, T., see No. 92107. MAHER, R., see No. 92965. 89601. MAILER, W. J. Growth rate and development of endothermy in the snow bunting Plectrophenax nivalis and Lapland longspur Calcarius lapponicus at Barrow, Alaska. (Ecology 1964. v. 45, no. 3, p. 520-28, tables, graphs.) 14 refs. In spite of a 30% difference in adult weight of these closely related birds, comparison of their daily-weight curves, plumage, and behavior show essentially identical Both became rates of development. endothermic on the seventh day of life. They fledge at different ages: the first at 13.1 days, the longspur at 7.4 days, a difference claimed to be behavioral. Comparison with other Emberizinae does not support the idea that arctic passerines grow more rapidly than temperate-zone forms. DLC. MAHEUX, G., see No. 89464. 89602. MAZER, A. A., and others. Prevrashchenifa natrolita v gidrotermal'nykh usloviakh. (Akademi1 nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 154, no. 2, p. 363-65, graphs, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N. S. Manuilova and G. B. Varshal. Title tr.: Transformation of natrolite in hydrothermal conditions. Describes this mineral from the Lovozero region of Kola Peninsula. To test the assumption that it is formed under hydro-
thermal conditions, natrolite crystals were artificially exposed for ten days in water and steam of 20, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300° C. Pursuant to this treatment, there was loss of of transparency, and luster, changes of dielectric permeability, etc. The anhydrous mineral obtained is identical with metanatrolite, described by C. J. Peng. It is established that between natural natrolite and anhydrous metanatrolite, there exists another mineral called paranatrolite. Its properties are also described. DLC. 89603. MAISURADZE, P. A. 0 dinamike pola magnitnykh variaall v vysokikh shirotakh. (Geomagnetism i aeronomiat 1965. v. 5, no. 6, p. 1071-77, graphs, maps.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Dynamics of the field of magnetic variations in high latitudes. Constructs 168 synoptic charts for the geomagnetically disturbed days of 17, 24, 27 Aug and 13, 14 Dec 1958, using deviations in AZ, AX, and AY of hourly values of the geomagnetic field from its undisturbed level, and the average values of the field during these days. The global changes (dynamics) of the magnetic disturbances studied clearly exhibit spiral vorticity dependent on local time, and spreading spirally from the magnetic pole to latitude of 40° approx. Data of 51 geomagnetic stations, 29 of them in 60° N or higher, were used. DLC. MATTA, S., see No. 85250. MAIIZELTS, S. R., see No. 87239. 89604. MATEAROV, I. V. Ustrolstvo zimnikh dorog v ralonakh nefteinykh i gazovykh promyslov Tfamenskol oblasti. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1965. v. 10, no. 8, p. 10-12, table.) In Russian. • Title tr.: Construction of winter roads in oiland gas-field districts of Tyumen Province. States factors in construction of these roads pertinent to their efficiency and use. The Tyumen'—Ust'-Balyk, Surgut—MegionNizhne-Vartovskoye, Tyumen' — Tavda — Uray, Sos'va—Uray, Em-Yugan—Uray, and Em-Yugan—Punga are cited as temporary winter roads. Construction usually begins with the advance of cold weather and some layers of artificial ice are laid down to strengthen the first snows. Movement of cars and trucks over taiga roads in winter is permitted only in columns of 6-10 vehicles. DLC. 89605. MAKAROV, R. R. Raspredelenie pelagicheskikh lichinok kamchatskogo kraba
u zapafidnogo poberezh'iR Kamchatki. (Rybnoe khozalstvo 1964. v. 40, no. 7, p. 23-26, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of pelagic larvae of the Kamchatka crab on the west coast of. Kamchatka. Reports on plankton fishing during Apr— Aug 1963 down to 150 m depth. Five pelagic stages are distinguished in this crab and their seasonal and spatial distribution is determined, including densities, which are also mapped. A drift toward deeper waters was noted with age increase. DLC. 89606. MAKAROV, V. A. Khimicheskil sostav i sravnitel'nafa oCzenka kitovogo pishchevogo mfasa. (Rybnoe khozfalstvo 1964. v. 40, no. 3, p. 63-65, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Chemical composition and comparative value of edible whale meat. Discusses the utilization of whale meat as flour, for animal and human consumption, and describes representative samples of such meat with respect to physical properties of color, texture, etc and, in detail, chemical composition including amino acids (22). The similarity of whale meat to beef is shown. DLC. 89607. MAKAROV, V. A. 0 raschlenenii tufogennol tolshchi Tungusskoi sineklizy. (Izvestifa vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenff. Geologifa i razvedka 1964, no. 3, p. 134— 37.) , 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the division of the tuffaceous stratum of the Tungusskiy syneclise. Reviews the stratigraphic division of this stratum made by other authors according to sighs of fragmental material and its grading (sorting). Own observations in the Tetere River basin are reported; with conclusion that present divisions are inconsistent or applicable only to a single or a few regions, not to the entire tuff field. DLC. MAKAROVA, A. R., see No. 86432. MAKA ' ROVA, N. V., see No. 90998. 89608. MAKEDONOV, A. V. LitologofaCsial'nafa'. karts rudniakd podsvity Pechorekogo basselna. (Sibirskafa tematicheskafa komissia. Materialy 1962. no. 2, p. 180787, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Lithologic facies map of the Rudnitskaya layer of the Pechora basin. Describes a map at 1:2M million scale of this Permian—Kungurian layer, a subseries •50-70 to 500 m thick bearing productive, coal beds. Six zones within the layer are distinguished and described noting
sedimentation and paleogeographic conditions, tectonic regime and other features. DLC. 89609. MAKHAEVA, L. V. 0 razmerakh ploshchadd vypasa, potrebnykh cura olenel. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severe. Trudy 1963. v. 11, p. 4150, tables.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Sizes of grazing areas needed for reindeer. From own (in Murmansk Province) and others' investigations in almost all reindeerraising areas of the Soviet Far North, author presents data on actual winter grazing areas in various types of pasture in Murmansk Province (p 44 45) and data for various seasons in Yakutia, Yamal and Komi ASSR. In winter, the grazing area ranges 90-1000 m2 head/day. In Murmansk Province, winter grazing is 5.8 hectares/head in forest, 4.4 ha in forest tundra, and 3.7 ha in mountain tundra; in northern Pechora basin 4.2-12.2 ha, in Chukotka 15.5 ha. DNAL. MAKHENZON, M. It., see No. 84744. 89610. MAKHLAEV, L. V. 0 migmatitakh 'fSentrarnogo Talmyra. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1964. v. 19, no. 12, p. 47-55, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: On migmatites of Central Taymyr. Reports a 1957-1959 study. These Lower Proterozoic migmatites may be divided into two groups: arterite and venite, the former associated with granite intrusions; the latter have regional distribution, and several types: foliated and lenticular migmatites, agmatites and ptygmatic migmatites are distinguished. The main factor of their formation is the selective melting. DLC. 89611. MAKHLAEV, L. V. 0 sootnoshenii ponfati1 "intruzivnyl" i "magmaticheskil" na primere dokembrilskikh porfirovidnykh granitov Talmyra. (Geologifa i geofizika 1965, no. 1, p. 143-50, illus.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On correlation of the concepts intrusive and magmatic as exemplified by Precambrian porphyritic granites of Taymyr. In geologic literature, intrusive is understood as part of the broader term magmatic. Other interpretations are noted where intrusive and magmatic are considered independent terms. Examples are given of granite intrusions not considered magmatic formations. , Petrography of the Taymyr granites is analyzed and their formation conditions discussed. Conclusion is drawn
that the intrusive character of granite bodies does not prove the magmatic nature DLC. of granite.
gradient and other features of such regions are considered in relation to gas occurrence. DLC.
89612. MAKINO, T. On the cosmic-ray cut-off rigidities and the earth's magnetic field. (Japan. Science Council. Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan 1963. v. 17, no. 3, p. 173-86, tables, graphs, maps.) 15 refs. Presents an improved method for deriving geomagnetic cut-off rigidities, and appends tables of such for 85 IGY cosmic ray stations, including 12 in arctic and subarctic regions. They range 0-70° N in 5° intervals and for 360° longitude in 10° intervals. DLC.
89616. MAKRIDIN, V. P. 0 rasprostranenii i biologii rosomakhi na Kralnem Severe. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1964. v. 43, no. 11, p. 1688-92, tables.) 7 • refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Distribution and biology of the wolverine in the Far North. Reports on observations made during 1951-1962 in the central Siberian Arctic, partly from the air. Occurrence, color, morphometry, weight and that of some organs, craniometry and weight of skulls, reproduction and habits are included. DLC.
89613. MAKKAVEEVA, N. S. Gidrokhimicheskie issledovanifil Korovinskot guby. (Materialy rybokhozffitstvennykh issledovana Severnogo basselna 1965. no. 5, p. 117-22, tables, map.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrochemical investigations in the Korovinskaya Inlet. Outlines the physiography of this branch of Pechora Bay, and reports its chemistry in Aug 1964: pH, 02, CO2, Na, Ca, Mg, Cl, HCO, and SO4 are determined and presented. Investigations of Apr 1960 are included. DLC.
89617. MAKRIDIN, V. P. The routes and timing of the migration of wild reindeer in the Taimyr national territory. Edmonton, Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Alberta. 7 1. English translation of No 73753. CaMAI.
89614. MAKLAKOV, A. I. Tralenie na bol'shikh glubinakh. (Rybnoe khozfalstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 3, p. 33-35.) In Russian. Title tr.: Trawling at greater depths. Cites Russian experimental trawling in West Greenland, the Bering Sea, etc at depths of 700 or 800 m, against the accepted limit of 600 m in commercial fisheries. The shift to deeper fishing and its success in the Barents Sea are discussed, as are gear adaptations for that purpose, adaptations in work methods, composition of catch. DLC. 89615. MAKOGON, It. F. Nekotorye voprosy razmeshchenifii, razvedki i ekspluataaii mestorozhdenil prirodnykh gazov v uslovifakh mnogoletnel merzloty. (Izvestifa vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenil. Neft' i gaz 1965. v. 8, no. 7, p. 24, 34, graphs.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some problems in the distribution, prospecting and exploitation of natural gas deposits in permafrost conditions. Notes that permafrost was believed not to exceed 600-700 m in depth. In northwestern Yak utia however, drilling operations showed permafrost distribution to 1400 m depth. Discovery of natural gases in permafrost regions is cited, and pressure, formation of hydrates, the geothermal 800
89618. MAKRIDIN, V. P. The wolf in the Yamal north. Edmonton, Dept. Zoology, Univ. of Alberta. 5 1. English translation of No 73755 by P. Lent. CaMAI. 89619. MAKSIMOV, A. A. Ecological and epizootological relationships of muskrat and water rat. (In: Konferenaifit po akklimatizaGii zhivotnykh ... 1966, p. 24345.) English translation of No 81010. DLC. 89620. MAKSIMOV, E. V. Edinyl kharakter sokrashchenifa lednikov v gorakh Srednel Azii, Vostochnol Sibiri i Kamchatki. (Aiademifa nauk SSSR. Gos. pedagogicheskil inst. Gerlienovskie chtenail 1965. Geografila i geologifa no. 18, p. 14-16, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Uniform character of glacier shrinkage in the mountains of Middle Asia, Eastern Siberia and Kamchatka. Notes recent disintegration of old glaciers as observed on the eastern slope of the Alney massif of the Sredinnyy Range and the northern slope of the Klyuchevskaya volcanoes in Kamchatka. Eight stages of glacier shrinkage are registered and briefly DLC. characterized. 89621. MAKSIMOV, E. V. Edinyl kharakter sokrashchenifa vfarmskikh lednikov v gorakh Srednel Azii, Vostochnol Sibiri i Kamchatki. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 164, no. 3, p. 637-39, tables, graph.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the common character of Wiirmian glacier contraction in the mottn-
tains of Central Asia, East Siberia and Kamchatka. Reports a comparative study of Wiirmian glaciation, Tyan-Shan, Sayan, Kodar and Kamchatka mountains, particularly as to the preservation and deposition of their terminal moraines. Stabilization of the glaciers and deposition of terminal moraines by their retreat reveal that there were altoDLO. gether eight such changes. 89622. MAKSIMOV, G. N. Burenie skvazbin bol'shikh diametrov v vechnomerzlykh gruntakh pod fundamenty sooruzhenil. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanifa ... 1962 pub. 1963. v. 2, p. 222-32, tables, graphs, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Drilling large diameter holes in permafrost for building foundations. Describes experimental drilling of holes up to 1.5 m in diam for reinforced concrete piles for foundations of industrial constructions. A hammer drilling rig was used at Noril'sk. With a 1.4 m bore, a technical speed 1.73 ra/hr was attained in sandy permafrost. A thronograrn for a trial, with CaONA. a D 900 mm bore is given. 89623. MAKSIMOV, G. N. Iskusstvennoe vozdushnoe okhlazhdenie pri ustrolstve svalnykh fundamentov na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh. (Akademifa stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Inst. osnovanff i podzemnykh sooruzhenit Trudy 1964. no. 55, p. 103-115, tables, graphs, illus.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Artificial freezing by air in the construction of pile foundations in permafrost ground. Describes a method based on 30 yr experience in the Yakutsk and Noril'sk regions, which can be used successfully in regions of permafrost during six, months of the year. Artificial freezing enabl es greater use of pile foundations in ground of natural zero temperature. Rapid thawing of the ground is done with high pressure steam points. After the reinforced concrete piles are sunk into the ground, the air, usually at a rather low temperature, is given free access to the thawed ground to accomplish DLC. the refreezing. 89624. MAKSIMOV, G. N. Nesushchala sposobnost' vmorozhennykh svai, pogruzhennylch s vibrouplotneniem okruzhafiishchego grunts. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanlia . . . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 2, p. 55-67, tables, graphs, sections.) In Russian. Title tr.: Bearing capacity of frozen-in piles, inserted with vibro-densification of the surrounding ground.
Describes experimental installation of foundation piles in pre-drilled holes filled with a sand-water mixture densified by vibrating the pile and ambient ground. Experiments in permafrost at Noril'sk with square piles of 350 x 350 mm and double-T piles 400 x 400 mm cross-sections showed that an isotropically dense medium with a porosity coefficient of less than 0.60 formed around the pile. The bearing capacity of the pile should be calculated from the perimeter of the drill hole and not that of the pile. The frost adhesion force of pileto-ground is about 50% greater than that for piles inserted without vibration. About 10% of this improvement is attributed to the roughness of drill hole walls due to hot water used in drilling the hole. CaONA. 89625. MAKSIMOV, G. N. Vlifanie tekhnologii pogruzhenifil, formy secheniX i razmerov Ewal na ikh nesushehufli sposobnost' v vechnomerzlykh gruntakh. (Osnovanifit, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov 1964. v. 6, no. 1, p. 15-18, table, graphs.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The effect of the insertion technique, the form of crosssection, and size of piles on their bearing capacity in permafrost. Discusses experiments carried out. at the Noril'sk Foundation Institute. Considering that the perimeter of the hole is 1.35 times that of the pile to be inserted in it, such a ground mortar was selected for pouring between the sides of the pile and the hole, as would have a high freezing adherence to the pile. Twelve anchoring and five experimental piles were sunk at the testing stand. Two reinforced concrete experimental double-tee piles 40 x 40 cm, 7 m long were frozen into fine sand mortar; one reinforced concrete square 35 x 35 cm pile, 7 m long was frozen into sandy loam mortar; and two similar piles were used for control. The experimental piles were tested under a 200 ton load. The expected theoretical settling of the pile under a given load during a 7-14 mo test period was determined by engineering mathematics and the calculated values compared with experimental values. Conclusion was selection of suitable mortar by this method increases the bearing capacity of piles in permafrost of Noril'sk type, and that the square piles in sandy loam mortar thickened by a vibrator are capable of supporting more than twice the load on similar piles frozen-in by the technique used at Noril'sk. DLC. 89626. MAKSIMOV, I. V., and others. DolgosrochnyT prognoz mnogoletnikh izme-
nenil obshchel ledovitosti Bareniseva morfit, sostavlennyl komponentno-garmonicheskim metodom. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 7385, tables, graphs.) 20 refs. In Russian. rs: N. P. Smirnov and V. N. Other autho Vorob'ev. Title tr.: Long-range forecasting of the long-term changes in the general ice conditions of the Barents Sea as worked out by a harmonic-component method. Describes this method developed by the senior author in 1954 (No 41226). The periodic variations in solar activity, declination of lunar tides at sea, secular trends of solar activity and other periodic components are outlined. Ice observations in Barents Sea during 1900-1960 are analyzed. On the basis of all these data and calculations, some general ice conditions are forecast for this sea for the periods 1964-1969, 1969-1970, 1971-1972, 1972-1975, 19761979, 1990-2000. This method with use of a computer gives new possibilities of solving ice-forecasting problems. DLC. 89627. MAKSIMOV, I. V., and N. P. SMIRNOV. 0 proiskhozhdenii polugodovogo ritma v defaternosti okeanskikh technenil. (Akademifii nauk SSSR. Izvestill 1965. Fizika atmosfery i okeana v. 1, no. 10, p. 1079-87, tables.) 25 refs. Iu Russian. English summary. Title tr.: On the origin of the semi-annual rhythm in the activity of ocean currents. Deals with the existence of a semi-annual solar tide and its effect on oceanic currents. A fundamental regularity in the semiannual oscillations of sea level is noted and its conformity with the static theory of longperiod tides as well as the principal regularity in semi-annual oscillations of sea currents are described. The semi-annual oscillations of the mean sea level are shown to be connected with the semi-annual oscillations of temperature and current velocities, and are of tidal origin. The oceanic belt investigated is 160° wide ranging from 80° S to 80° N lat. DLC. 89628. MAKSIMOV, I. V. Opyt izuchenica lunnogo devOtisutochnogo priliva v Arktike. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 21, p. 93-96, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Studying the nine-day lunar tide in the Arctic. Investigates the potential of the moon's tide-forming force in the anticipated onethird-of-the-month tide wave. Dudson's 1921 expansion of the potential into a strictly harmonic series is used for calculation of wave amplitude in 0°-90° N. Ob-
servation data of sea level variations at Yugorskiy Sher, Amderma, Dikson, Pravdy Island, Tyrtova Island, and Nizlinaya Taymyra stations are used for determination of the nine-day harmonic characteristic of the wave. The amplitude of the nine-day is higher than that of the 14-day wave, and a possible correlation of the nine-day wave with the natural atmospheric synoptic processes in the Arctic is suggested. DLC. 89629. MAKSIMOV, I. V., and N. P. SMIRNOV. Opyt postroenifil dolgosrochnogo prognoza osnovnykh form atmosfernol cairkulfarsii v severnom polusharii komponentno-garmonicheskim metodom. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1965. v. 262, p. 231-59, tables, graphs.) 54 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Preparing a long-range forecast of basic forms of atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere by the componentharmonic method. Investigates the inner structure of manyyear series of atmospheric circulation indexes, using the Schuster method periodogramanalysis. The series considered are characterized by four basic quasi-periodic components in secular variation: 3.6, 6.6, 11.4, and 17.7 yr. The periods of 3, 6, 11, 19, and the secular (80-90 yr) variations in climate, are discussed, as are the pattern of atmospheric circulation in Atlantic and Pacific zones, the velocity of the earth's rotation, and mean monthly values of the component of the instantaneous pole of the earth. Nutation index of water and circulation and temperature in the North Atlantic for 1941-1960, amplitudes of sea level for 1811-1935, the Wolf number of solar activity, and the thickness of annual rings in sequoia for 295 BC-1905 AD are also considered. A prognosis of basic forms of atmospheric circulation in the Atlantic and Pacific zones is given for 1960-1975. CaMAI, DLC. 89630. MAKSIMOV, I. V. Solnechnyl polugodovol priliv v mirovom okeane. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 21, p. 11-18, table, graphs, map.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Solar semi-annual tide in the World Ocean. Derives the magnitude of the tide from the potential of the semi-annual part of the sun's tide-forming force that has its max value 1906.6 cm2/sec2 at the poles of the earth, and is there about one-nineteenth the combined deforming force of the moon and the sun, expressed through the constant members of the expansion series of the potential of the sun and moon tide-forming
forces. The semi-annual tide in the World Ocean is represented by a global standing wave with its node lines in middle latitudes, and the antinodes near the Poles. In spite of its comparatively small value, this semi-annual tide attenuates or enhances the speed of meridional ocean currents especially in the deep. As a corollary to this action the depths of isobaric surfaces of the ocean may be 36 cm higher at the Poles than at the CaMAI, DLC. equator. 89631. MAKSIMOV, I. V. Svobodnye kolebanifa osi vrashcheniia Zemli i islandskil minimum atmosfernogo davlenifa. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 16, p. 13-26, tables, graphs.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Free oscillations of the axis of the earth's rotation and the Icelandic Low of atmospheric pressure. Reviews briefly earlier work on the socalled polar tides at sea and the baric waves of the polar tides in the atmosphere. The interconnections between the baric tides and the Icelandic Low are identified, and by observational data from the Iceland and other areas, the influence of these interconnections upon the climatic conditions of the earth is demonstrated. Detailed study of the polar waves phenomenon is of value for better understanding of the Icelandic Low and for more detailed predictions of the earth's weather. CaMAI, DLC. MAKSIMOV, P. N., see No. 89986.
1964. no. 4, p. 104-112, table, graphs.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: An approximate quantitative estimate of the effect of vegetation cover on the ground temperature regime. Presents a comprehensive table based on field observations and estimates during 21 July-21 Aug 1962. The effect may be considered as a change of quantities in absorbed and reflected energy, protection of ground surface from wind, and determination of moisture exchange between atmosphere and ground. DLC. 89634. MAKSIMOVA, M. P. Materialy po gidrokhimicheskol kharakteristike rek Karel'skogo poberezh'ia' Belogo morffi. (Problemy ispol'zovaniia promyslovykh resursov Belogo moria i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii 1963. no. 1, p. 40-49, tables.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrochemical character of the rivers of the Karelian coast of the White Sea. Reports a study of 19 rivers during the period of ascent of pink salmon in 1961. Mineralization, color, gases, organic matter, ions of common elements, pH etc are determined, tabulated and discussed. DLC. MAKSIMOVA, N. V., see No. 91566. 89635. MAKSUTOV, D. D. High-latitude expedition of the nuclear-powered icebreaker Lenin, 1961. (In: Problems of the Arctic . . . 1966. 7 p.) English translation CaMAI. of No 73758.
MAKSIMOV, S. V., see No. 86735. 89632. MAKSIMOV, V. M. Klassifikacsifa podzemnykh vod !Akutskogo artezianskogo basselna. (Leningrad. Gorny! inst. Zapiski 1962. v. 44, no. 2, p. 21-28, table, map.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Classification of ground water of the Yakut artesian basin. Reviews the geologic structure of this basin and previous investigations. Presence According to of permafrost is noted. stratigraphic-geologic indications, three groups of groundwater are distinguished: pre-Paleozoic, Paleozoic and MesozoicCenozoic. Each group is characterized as to water-bearing complexes and horizons, mode of occurrence, water composition, mineralization, gas content and other features. DLC. 89633. MAKSIMOVA, L. N. K voprosu o priblizhennol kolichestvennol oaenke vlifapokrova na temperaturnyT nifa rezhim grunts. (Merzlotnye issledovanifa
89636. MAKUSHOK, V. M. 0 vidovom tozhdestve Nematonurus longifilis Gunther, 1877, i N. clarki Jordan et Guilbert, 1898, i nekotorye zamechanifil o vozrastnol izmenchivosti u Macruridae, Pisces. (AkaInst. okeanologii. demiia nauk SSSR. Trudy 1964. no. 73, p. 139-62, tables, map, illus.) 34 refs. In Russian. English summary. English translation, p. 147-72, in T. S. Rass ed. Fishes of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Translations 1966, 176550120, available CSFTI, Springfield, Va. 22151; also CaMAI. Title tr.: Specific identity of Nematonurus longifilis (Gunther 1877) and N. clarki (Jordan et Guilbert, 1898) and some remarks on age variability in Macruridae (Pisces). Reviews earlier studies and presents a morphological—anatomical analysis of these two grenadiers. The differences between them are partly attributed to age variability. N. clarki is recorded from the Bering Sea. DLC.
89637. MALACH, It. Old Fort Kenay. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 12, p. 38-39, illus.) Describes, from military records and correspondence, the buildin:4: and life at this former US Army post on the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska. The fort was established at St Michael in Apr 1869 and evacuated in Sept 1870. Shipwreck had prevented an attempt to set it up at another site in 1868. DLC. 89638. MALAEVA, E. M., and others. Chetvertichnye otlozhenifft, zaliva Korfa, Kamchatka, i vrema ikh nakoplenifft. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1965. v. 20, ser. 5: geog. no. 3, p. 81-86, sections.) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Z. V. Aleshinskafa and 0. M. Petrov. Title tr.: Quaternary deposits in the Korfa Bay, Kamchatka, and the time of their accumulation. Reports a 1961-1962 study of the abrasion-accumulation plain of Korfa Bay, 70-90 m above sea level. Quaternary deposits 50 m thick are analyzed and their lithologic properties, molluscan fauna, diatom flora, and spore-pollen analyses outlined. Paleogeographic characteristic of this plain is given. The age of the deposits is tentatively considered Middle and Upper DLC. Quaternary. MALAEVA, E. M., see also No. 85189. MALAHOFF, A., see No. 89731. 89639. MALAKHOVA, V. V. Intruzivnye porody Volch'ikh tundr, Kol'skil poluostrov. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskil inst. Uchenye zapiski 1964. v. 267, p. 269-82, tables, section.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Intrusive rocks of the Volch'i tundras, Kola Peninsula. Presents a petrographic description of these tundras which are a northern extension of the Monche tundras, and are some 250 km' in area. The rock complex on the eastern slope consists of leucocratic massive hypersthene diorites, mesocratic hypersthene diorites, melanocratic gabbro and gabbro-norites, garnet-biotites and biotitegarnet rocks. Their mineral composition is analyzed. Comparison is made with the gabbro and gabbro-norites of the Glavnyy Range in southern Yakutia, and the latter considered younger than the eastern slope of the Volch'i tundras. DLC. MALAKHOVEn, P. M., see No. 90477. 89640. MALANDIN, M. M. Uglenosnost' i kachestvo uglel Czentrarnol chasti Lens-
kogo basselna. (In: Akademiii nauk SSSIt. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geol. i geofiz. Geolegit's; uglel . . . 1965, p. 136-40, tables, map, sections.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Coal-bearing properties and quality of coals in the central part of the Lena basin. Reports a 1954-1959 study in the Sangar region. The central part of the Lena basin is filled with a thick coal-bearing formation and has 120 coal beds. The coal ranges from lignite to hard coal and possibly to lean coal. Even slight investigation shows these coals to be of good quality. Coal of the Sangar region is gas coal, with high content of tar; there are great reserves of it, which may have an important role in the CaMAI. national economy. 89641. MALASHENKO, A. M. Norvezhskil golubol peseG. (Krolikovodstvo i zverovodstvo 1961. v. 4, no. 11, p. 28-29, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Norwegian blue arctic foxes. Describes a new, bluish, breed of arctic foxes developed in Norway, and in 19591960 introduced into a sovkhoz in the Moscow Oblast'. Weight and body measures are compared with the common breed, as is DNAL. its fertility. 89642. MALAURIE, J. N. Le Greenland. (In: Geographic universelle Larousse, Paris 1960. v. 3, p. 125-128.) In French. Outlines its size, population, location, icecap, geology, climate, vegetation, Eskimo inhabitants, and settlements. Danish administration and policies, current economic developments, etc are discussed. CaMAL 89643. MALAURIE, J. N. Problemes humains et economiques de l'Arctique. (Acta geographies, Paris, Dee. 1965, no. 58, p. 2-5.) In French. Title tr.: Human and economic problems of the Arctic; summary of a lecture Feb 6, 1965 to Societe de Geographie. Reviews reasons for current interest in the Arctic and its development, and considers problems of human survival in a hostile environment, exploitation of resources, and effects on indigenous peoples. History of the Eskimos from origin in northern China to the present is briefly outlined, and own studies of Eskimos in North Greenland 1948-1949 and north-central Canada 1960, 1963 are described, their experience of survival in an arctic milieu considered relevant to modern man. Author is of the opinion that where Eskimos have deliberately chosen the traditional mode of life and economy, including food, clothing,
control of fertility. and rigorous social organization, avoiding contact with a cash monetary system, independence and balance have been maintained. Where government aid has been resorted to, as among hunters of dwindling caribou herds, birth rate is now 59/1000 and population is increasing at 4% p.a. Introduction of reindeer is suggested as means of rehabilitation. Recent rapid development of the Soviet Arctic is briefly reviewed and considered more rational than in North America. DLC. 89644. MALEEV, E. F. Geneticheskie tipy podushechnykh (sharovykh) lay. (Akademica nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 159, no. 3, p. 556-59, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Genetic types of pillow (spherulitic) lavas. Reviews the literature on pillow lavas in the areas of present volcanism. Their formation conditions and characteristic features are outlined. Those of lava and those of pyroclastic nature are distinguished. Their occurrence under subaqueous conditions and on the earth's surface are described. Karymskiy, Avacha and Klyuchevskiy volcanoes of Kamchatka are cited as examples. DLC. 89645. MALEEV, E. F. Kharakternye priznaki nekotorykh grubooblomochnykh vulkanogennykh faaiT. (In: Akademifi nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Vulkanizm Kamchatki . . . 1963, p. 119-31.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Characteristic signs of some deep-clastio volcanic facies. Reports his 1959 and 1960 studies of these facies in some volcanoes of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. Several are differentiated and characterized as authigenic around an eruptive center, allochthonous in the intermediate zone, oriented explosion, incandescent shower, mudstrearn flow, glacial, and neck. DLC. 89646. MALEEV, E. F. Piroklasticheskafa priroda ignimbritov faga Kamchatki. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Trudy 1961, no. 20, p. 97-101, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: The pyroclastic nature of ignimbrites in southern Kamchatka. Reports a 1959 study of ignimbrites of liparite-dacite composition in the Ozernaya region. They are about 80 m thick and are characterized by columnar jointing. From microscopic analysis, their structure and texture, color and other features are described. Chemical composition also is analyzed. DLC.
MALFAREVSKli, V. K., see No. 90986. MALICH, N. S., see No. 88670. MALKEVICH, M. S., see No. 85743. 89647. MAL'KO, L. N. fArkost' polrarnykh sifting i nochnogo neba po snimkam kamery C-180. (In: Akademifa, nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Polfarayl geofiz. inst. Issledovanie . . 1964, p. 39-45, graphs.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Brightness of auroras and the night sky according to C-180 camera photo-films. Reports analysis of 3124 photos made during Nov 1957—Mar 1958 at Murmansk, Dikson Island and drifting stations North Pole-6 and -7, and in Mar 1958 at Salekhard. The limits of variations in brightness of the two phenomena were evaluated in stilbs. The distribution of their brightness in high latitudes indicates that average brightness drops from the central zone of auroral displays toward the south where probability of auroral occurrence diminishes, and toward north, because auroras are fewer and less bright. No sharp maxima were recorded in the daily rate of the night sky average brightness. DLC. 89648. MAL'KO, L. N., and G. V. STARKOV. Nekotorye osobennosti raspredelenifa pol6arnykh sifdnil po vysote. (Geomagnetism i aeronomia 1965. v. 5, no. 1, p. 18890, graphs.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Certain peculiarities of aurora distribution in altitude. Attempts to determine the causes of auroral variation with altitude by measuring altitudes of uniform, stable auroral arcs, using C-180 cameras. At Murmansk and Loparskaya stations on 30 Jan and 18 Mar 1963, days respectively of high and low magnetic activity, 43 arcs and bands were measured. The altitudes of the lower edge of uniform auroral arcs are seen to be correlated with the angular distances from the pole. DLC. 89649. MAL'KO, L. N. Nekotorye osobennosti shirotnogo drelfa polfarnykh Waal (In: Akademia nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Polfarnykh sifanil . 1965, p. 17-23, table, graphs.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Certain features of the latitudinal drift of auroras. Studies the drift from data obtained with C-180 cameras at Muostakh Island, Tiksi Bay, Cape Shmidta, Cape Shalaurov, Dikson Island, Murmansk, Cape Chelyuskin, Vize Island, Pyramiden, and drifting stations North Pole-6 and -7 in 1957-1959.
Observations show the almost uniform luminosity of the polar cap to be superimposed by an auroral band drifting about 15° in latitude during the night, southward in the first half and northward during the second half. These data are analyzed and comparison made for each station except North Pole-7 with data obtained at six Alaskan stations. The max drift velocity reached 1000 m/s, the average velocity from 180 measurements was 400 m/s. English translation available as NASA TT F-386 from CFSTI, Springfield, Va, 22151. CaMAI. 89650. MAL'KOV, B. A. Metamorfizovannye peschano-karbonatnye konkreaii v rifelskikh otlozhenifakh khrebta Kanin. (Alcademica nauk SSSR. Komi filial. Trudy 1965. no. 5, p. 61-66, tables.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Metamorphosed sandstone-carbonate concretions in Riphean deposits of the Kanin Range. Describes ellipsoidic, isometric concretions in sedimentary-metamorphized rocks, recognized at three sites: Cape Mikulkin, Krasnaya Bay, and Pestsovaya River. The structure, texture, mineralogic composition and degree of metamorphism of these concretions are characterized. Their diagenetic formation is noted. DLC. 89651. MAL'KOV, B. A., and others. Mikrokonkreaii samorodnogo olova v metamorficheskikh porodakh khrebta Kanin. (Akademife nauk SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1965. no. 5, p. 67-69, table.) 4 refs. In Russian. Other authors: E. M. Mel'nikova and I. V. Shve@ova. Title tr.: Micro-concretions of native tin in metamorphosed rocks of Kanin Range. Reports study of tin occurring in globules and nodules, from 13 samples 3-5 kg in weight. The extracted metal amounts to 20-30 m or 4.10-4%. Its element admixtures are determined. The presence of native tin in metadiabases indicates its connection with regional metamorphism. DLC. 89652. MALKOV, V. M. Na Severnom pla&darme. Vologda, Vologodskoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1963. 236 p. maps, illus. 53 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Northern theater of military operations. Describes events in the Allied Intervention of 1918-1920 in Murmansk and Arkhangel'sk Provinces from documents, eyewitness accounts, and (mainly) studies made public after Stalin's death. A biographical Personelle index (27 names) is appended. DLC. 806
89653. MALLOY, R. J. Crustal uplift southwest of Montague Island, Alaska. (Science, Nov. 20, 1964. v. 146, p. 1048-49, map.) 2 refs. Reports a bathymetric survey done by the Surveyor in June-July 1964 around Prince William Sound and between Kodiak and Montague Island. Comparison is made with 1927 and crustal uplift of over 50 feet is established and mapped. All the movement is attributed to the Alaskan earthquake of 27 Mar 1964. DLC. 89654. MALLOY, R. J. Seafloor upheaval. (Geo-marine technology 1965. v. 1, no. 6, p. 22-26, maps, graphs.) 2 refs. Describes methods and results of US Coast and Geodetic Survey's emergency sea floor investigations following the Mar 1964 earthquake in southern Alaska. Comparison is made between hydrographic data collected in 1927 and fathograms recorded in 1964 off Montague Island, the area of suspected maximum uplift. Ten profiles made by the Survey ships Surveyor and Hodgson show a crustal uplift pattern similar to that mapped on land by the US Geological Survey, i.e. a northwesterly tilted block northwest of the refaulted NE-SW trending scarp. Max sea bottom uplift appears to be about 50 ft, though detailed hydrographic resurvey may show other areas of equal displacement. DLC. 89655. MALMEJAC, R., and others. Sur les modifications de la coagulation du sang en hypothermie profonde. (Journal de physiologie 1964. v. 56, no. 3, p. 401.) In French. Other authors: G. Neverre and A. M. Dosne. Title tr.: The modifications of blood coagulation in deep hypothermia. Authors summarize and tabulate changes in parameters of blood coagulation in dogs at normothermia and 20° hypothermia; r, k, r +k, and S show considerable increases in hypothermia, while am and Ic decrease. DNLM. MAL'fEVA, K. A., see No. 85027. 89656. IVIAL"f-SEVA, N. F. Sviaz' poliarnykh vozmushchenil KPK magnitnogo polia s bukhtoobraznymi vozmushchenitami i pofavleniem E3 tipa r v ralone stanaii Lovozero. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyi geofizicheskll komitet, III razdel programmy MGG: geomagnitnye issledovanifa. Sbornik state 1964. no. 6, p. 63-65, graphs.) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Relationship between the polar disturbances in SPV of the magnetic field, and the bay-type disturb-
antes accompanied by Es of r type in the region of Lovozero station. compares the fluxograms of the Z-component of the magnetic field at Lovozero with the tabular ionospheric data on appearance of sporadic E layer at Murmansk, and daily records at the Murmansk variometric observatory. A direct graphical comparison method is used. Polar disturbances, accompanied by magnetic bays of 5-6 min duration, or by irregular disturbances of the geomagnetic field are found to occur mostly during the hours when Es of > 3-4 million cis are observed over the background of short period pulsation. The data considered were prepared during Sept 1957—Dec 1959 for the days of magnetic activity index, K 2 5. DLC. MAL'T1EVA, N. F., see also Nos. 86871, 91848. MAL"f8EVA, 0. S., see Nos. 93179, 93180. MALVEAUX, E., see No. 89399. MALYSHEV, M. D., see No. 85114. 89657. MALYSHEV, R. A., and N. N. DANILOV. Aziatskil bekas, Capella stenura Bp., na Polfarnom Urale. (Akademiff), nauk SSSR. Ural'skil filial. Inst. biologii. Trudy 1965. no. 38, p. 149-51.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Asiatic snipe Capella stenura Bp. in the Polar Ural. Based on earlier and own observations, author considers the distribution of this bird as between 63°30' and 68° N; whether it occurs west of the Ural is unknown. Its courting, habitats, food and reproduction in the Polar Ural is noted. DLC. 89658. MAMAEV, It. L., and A. M. PARUKHIN. 0 zarazhennosti muskulatury beringovomorskikh ershel lichinkami gel'mintov. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Dal'nevostochnyT filial. Soobshchenifa 1963. no. 17, p. 83-85, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Infection of Bering Sea rockfish with helminth larvae. Reports results of examination of 104 Sebastodes specimens. Three species of larval helminths are recorded from muscle of three rockfish species; degree of infection is noted. DLC. 89659. MAMAEV, Iii. L., and others. 0 zarazhennosti nibelinifanai mintaia Beringova morfa i severnol chasti Tikhogo okeana. (Rybnoe khoziitistvo 1965. v. 41, no. 6, p. 66-68, tables.) In Russian. Other authors: 0. M. Baeva and V. D. Laktionova.
Title tr.: Worm infestations of the walleye pollock in the Bering Sea and northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Describes the occurrence of Nibelia larvae in the body of this fish; effects of cold and freezing upon it (killing). Geographic differences in degree of infestation are noted to be highest in Primorskiy Kray fishes, lowest in those of the Gulf of Alaska, median in the Bering Sea. DLC. 89660. MAMEN, C. Review of Swedish mining industry. (Canadian mining journal 1965. v. 86, no. 5-7, illus.) Refs. Describes changes at three iron ore areas since 1957 (cf No 53092 and 53093). At. Malmberget in the north, (no 5, p 92-95) annual production increased from 3.8 to 5.4 million tons; some new mining and haulage methods, also new equipment, were introduced. Kiruna (no 6, p 75-82) changed from open pit to underground operation, increased its output, expanded its facilities, constructed a new concentrator and pelletizing plant, etc. Current methods of development, stoping, and main level transport are described, illustrating a high degree of automation and mechanization. At Grangesberg in central Sweden (no 7, p 46-48) production increased from 2.5 to 3.4 million tons due to plant expansion and technical improvements. DGS. 89661. MAMULfAN, R. KB. Primenenie ekholotov dlfil podlednol razvedki ryby. (Rybnoe khozialstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 12, p. 36-37, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Using an echo sounder for fish reconnaissance through ice. Reports experiments showing the impossibility of locating fish when they are near the bottom. Results apply equally whether echo-location is through ice or not. DLC. MANDAROV, A. A., see No. 86228. MANDRIKOVA, N. T., see No. 90433. 89662. MANEVICH, V. F. 0 prichinakh avarii na shakhte No. 1 "Kapital'nafa.." (Bezopasnost' truda v promyshlennosti 1964. v. 8, no. 6, p. 9-11.) In Russian. Title tr.: Causes of an accident at Kapital'naya No. 1 mine. Describes an explosion which took place in Feb 1964 at the Vorkutugol' combine, also working conditions in the coal mine before and after the accident. The commission appointed to study it found that an explosion of methane caused by use of poorquality ammonite was responsible for the
tragedy. Several suggestions made by the commission for improving the safety factor DLC. are given. MANGUS, M. D., see No. 86130. 89663. MANI, A. Atmospheric radiation: symposium in Leningrad. (World Meteorological Organization. WMO bulletin 1985. v. 14, no. 1, p. 45-47, illus.) Summarizes the proceedings of this symposium held 5-42 Aug 1964. Observations were reported which indicate that the polar regions, contrary to common belief, receive much more radiation heat during summer than do temperate or low latitudes. These regions are also the only areas of the earth with a negative yearly radiation balance. Recent developments in instrumentation and logistics are mentioned, and some new DWB. fields of study indicated. 89664. MANITOBA. Dept. of Mines and Natural Resources. Annual report of the Mines Branch for period ending Mar. 31st 1964, 1965. Winnipeg 1964-1965. 2 v.: 23, 24 p. tables, maps, illus. Refs. Summarizes the activities of the department and reports prospecting, exploration and mining activity in general throughout the ,province during 1963 and 1964 with tables. The principal developments in the northern region were a new mine and continued prospecting in the Thompson nickel belt, commencement of copper production by Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co at Snow Lake, discovery of a copper-zinc orebody near Flin Flon and a copper deposit northeast of Lake Winnipeg. Preliminary geophysical exploration for oil was carried out by two companies on the western shore of Hudson Bay and some offshore islands. Significant but unassessed occurrences of nickel, copper, lead and zinc were identified at several localities. There was increased interest in the Rice Lake gold DOS. deposits during 1964. 89665. MANKER, E. M., and 0. VORVillreinfangst ved Gollevarre: REN. samiske fangstanlegg for villrein I. Tromso, Troms0 Museum 1953. 58 p. map, illus. (Acta borealia B, Humaniora no. 2.) Refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Wild reindeer hunting, trapping at Gailevarri: Lappish hunting structures for wild reindeer I. Describes the pit system at GAllevarri, inner Varanger Fjord region in the first of a series of papers based on research and field work by the Nordiska Museet of Stockholm and the Troms0 Museum.. The
Oilllevarri system largest so far studied, was probably used from the 17th century to capture reindeer during fall migration from the Varanger Peninsula southward. It consists of 530 pits at 1-50 m intervals from the Tana River toward Korsmyra. The pits average 250 x 150 x 50 (deep) cm. Cellarlike pits at several points, were probably used for meat storage. Near the trap system, were a camp and a sacrificial site. DLC. 89666. MANKEVICH, E. M. Biologicheskie osobennosti treski s razlichnol strukturol otolitov v Severo-Zapadnot Atlantike. (In: Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Sovetskie rybokhozadstvennye . . . 1962, p. 331-43, tables, graphs, map, illus.) 50 refs. In Russian. English summary. English translation of entire volume available. Title tr.: Biological characteristics of northwest Atlantic cod with different structure of otoliths. Presents a report based on considerable material from catches during 1954-1960. Three types of otoliths are described in detail. Each one predominates in cod of either arctic, Newfoundland or Atlantic waters. The Newfoundland otoliths occupy an intermediate morphological position between the other two. DLC. 89667. MANKEVICH, E. M., and V. S. PROKHOROV. Razmerno-vozrastnol sostav i nerest treski na 14o-zapadnom sklone banki Flemish-Kap. (In: Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Sovetskie rybokhozfalstvennye . 1962, p. 355-60, tables, graphs.) 2 refs. In Russian. English summary. English translation of entire volume available. Title tr.: Size and age composition and the spawning of cod on the southwest slope of Flemish Cap Bank. Reports on collections made during Mar-May 1958, with conclusion that cod spawns in this area at depths over 350 m and bottom temperatures of 3-4°C. The bulk of the spawning fish was 5-9 yr old, with a peak of 7—yr olds. DLC. 89668. MANKEVICH, E. M. Soviet investigations on age and length compositions of cod in the Barents Sea in 1963. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Artnales biologiques 1963 pub. 1965. v. 20, p. 126-27, tables, graphs.) 4 refs. Reports analysis of catches from research and scouting vessels in southern and north-
western Barents Sea and near northwest Norway. Extremes in size and age, dominant year classes and their percentage in catches, are discussed. DLC. MANKEVICH, E. M., see also No. 86473. 89669. MANNERMAA, K. The regional structure of the Finnish economy. (Finlands bank. Monthly bulletin 1965. v. 39, no. 3, p. 18-22, map, tables.) Includes distinctive features of the economy of north Finland: it comprises 45% of the land area, 11% of the population lived there in 1960 and 10% of the domestic product was produced in the northern half of the country in 1962. Efforts to promote business and industry, and resource development are outlined. Forest resources are insufficient; the planned hydroelectric power stations will be completed within a few years; mining and tourism offer best possibilities of development. Skilled labor is in short supply. Opportunities for education are restricted though improved by the DLC. foundation of Oulu Univ. 89670. MANNING, T. H. Age determination in the polar bear Ursus maritimus Phipps. 12 p. graphs. 5 refs. (Canada. Wildlife Service. Occasional papers 1964, no. 5.) Presents skull criteria for aging (to six yr) bears, from measurements on 487 skulls. Four physiological age classes are recognized: in the youngest three groups of sutures are open between the basisphenoid and basioccipital, between the maxillae and premaxillae, and surrounding the nasals. In the second age class, the first group is fused; in the third class, groups one and two are, and in the fully grown class all sutures are. Correlation with chronological age was made on the basis of teeth development using dated material on 56 specimens from northern Canada and ten from Alaska. A histogram of coronoid height and interorbital breadth shows that both increase rapidly with age. Mass curves of growth for coronoid height, condylobasal length, and interorbital breadth are graphed. Weights of 13 bacula are given; the average in seven adult bears was 20.5 gm. Most characters develop earlier in females than in males. Sexual maturity is attained by males probably early in the fourth year, and by females possibly early in their third. CaOGB. 89671. MANNING, T. H. Geographical and sexual variation in the long-tailed
jaeger Stercorarius longicaudus Vieillot. Lancaster, Penn. Intelligencer Print. 1964. 16 p. tables, graphs, map. (Alaska. Univ. Biological papers no. 7.) 17 refs. Presents a color study of the underparts of 474 nearctic and 64 western and central palearctic specimens which indicates another valid race: S.l. pallescens. It ranges across the Nearctic and eastern Siberia to the Indigirka. The origin and migration of the two races are discussed. DLC. 89672. MANNING, W. B., and S. B. SELLS. Military small group performance under isolation and stress; an analysis of sociometric indices of group interaction at Alaskan AC & W sites. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1963. 49 p. tables, graphs. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-63-41.) 12 refs. Attempt at a quantitative description of group interaction, 1853 Air Force personnel in 123 work groups at 16 isolated sites serving as source of data. The latter, computerized, yielded six factors which may be useful in comparing group differences on the basis of membership, organization, structure, environment or performance. These factors are extent of interaction among members of work groups, etc, conformity to command structure, cohesiveness of work groups, formal cooperation (two types), interaction outside work groups. CaMAI. 89673. MANSIKKANIEMI, H. Main features of the glacial and postglacial development of Pulmanki valley in northernmost Finland. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 32, p. 322-37, maps, illus.) 14 refs. Reports a geomorphic study of this valley during the ice age and of its postglacial development based on summer 1960, 1961 fieldwork. The direction of movement of the continental glacier is explained by the nature and distribution of drumlins. Glaciofluvial erosion and accumulation and changes of sea level are analyzed. The Pulmanki valley with its fjord-like shape is exceptional in Finland. During the glacial period it was eroded into a U-shape. As the continental glacier receded, the meltwater carried much glaciofluvial material through the main valley and its tributaries toward the Arctic Ocean and thus formed an extension of Tana Fjord. In the recession, a dead block of ice was left on the site of the present Lake Pulmankijitrvi. When the sea level rose during the Tapes transgressions, the lake was again changed into a fjord trough. CaMAL
89674. MANTE1FEL', B. P. Zhivoe serebro. Moskva, Izd-vo Mysl' 1965. 231 p. maps, illus. In Russian. Title tr.: Living silver. Popular science of marine life in, mainly the Arctic, as seen from research or fishing vessels. Pt 1 (p 5-63) deals with marine instruments. Barents Sea plankton and benthos, capelin, cod, redfish, herring, and their biology. Pt 2 (p 64-126) on the Greenland Sea, tells about flatfish, skuas, killer and other whales, etc. Fisheries in this area, herring migrations and location, fishing methods, giant sharks and octopuses are described as pt 3 (p 127-78); and the last part (p 179-229) covers Soviet marine research institutions and problems; salmon and its biology, etc. The activities of some prominent Russian marine scientists are interwoven into the narrative. DLC. MANUILOVA, N. S., see No. 89602. 89675. MANUM, S., and I. C. COOKSON. Cretaceous microplankton in a sample from Graham Island, arctic Canada, collected during the second "Fram"-Expedition 18981902. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget 1964. 36 p. table, illus. (Norske videnskapsakademi. Skrifter, matematisk-naturvidenskapelig klasse n. ser. no. 17.) 37 refs. Describes microplankton in a sediment sample from this island in the northeastern Canadian Arctic and makes comparisons with those recovered from two samples of the Hassel Formation on Ellef Ringnes. Of the 44 forms, 11 are new species. Conspicuous components of the assemblages are gen Deflandrea represented by several species and abundance of specimens, a species of Hexagonifera, and representatives of Palambages. The fossils indicate a lower Upper Cretaceous age for the sediments. The possibility of a correlation with a deposit in Banks Island in the Western Canadian Arctic is considered. DLC. MANZANO, J. R., see No. 86034. 89676. MANZER, J. I. Preliminary observations on the vertical distribution of Pacific salmon, genus Oncorhynchus, in the Gulf of Alaska. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1964. v. 21, no. 5, p. 891-903, tables, graphs, map.) 9 refs. Reports investigations with gillnets, down to 200 ft from mid-May through July of 1959 and 1960. Sockeye salmon showed diurnal and seasonal variations in vertical distribution; chum salmon only diurnal. The thermocline apparently had a limiting effect. No age differences were noted in
distribution. Pink and coho salmon lived nearer the surface than the two other DLC. species. MANZER, J. I., see also No. 84952. 89677. MARAKOV, S. V. Na Komandorakh. (Okhota i okhotnich'e khozfalstvo 1965. v. 11, no. 1, p. 5-7, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: On the Commanders. Summary outline of the fauna of these islands, in which 127 fish, 176 bird, and 32 mammal species are represented. This wildlife has importance for scientific work, for hunting incl sport hunting, and for the tourist industry. DLC. 89678. MARAKOV, S. V. Kotiki. (Priroda 1964. v. 53, no. 9, p. 57-64, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fur seals. Study based on observation of the Commander Islands herds in 1952-1962: their composition, seasonal cycle, behavior during mating, formation of new rookeries by immature males, life at sea, predators, etc. Bachelor seals are not covered by hunting regulations which are aimed at maintaining status quo in population. The bachelor seals however, are instrumental in locating new rookery sites; selective protection would allow the seal habitat to expand and relieve the crowding of some overpopulated rookeries. DLC. 89679. MARAKOV, S. V. Present state of the sea otter population and prospects of an artificial extension of its habitat. (In: KonferenGifit po akklimatizaGii zhivotnykh . . 1966, p. 85-86.) English translation of No 81060. DLC. MARCHENKO, A. R., see No. 85145. 89680. MARCHER, M. V. A summary of water-supply problems in Alaska. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 375-79.) 4 refs. Also issued as: US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR 64-28. Discusses the problems of turbidity, freezing, high chemical concentrations and permafrost in the context of the human utilization of surface and ground water. The rock flour content in streams of glacial origin commonly exceeds 2000 ppm. Surface freezing of shallow water bodies concentrates minerals in the unfrozen water; some lakes and streams freeze to the bed. In the north, permafrost may extend to 1300 ft and the ground water beneath is often saline; beneath lakes however, unfrozen aquifers frequently occur. The problems of corrosion due to high oxygen content and contamina-
tion by organic material are mentioned. Many Alaskan settlements are coastal and the salinity of their water supply is a serious problem. The high cost of both desalination and snow-ice melt as water sources is emphasized. For a 25-man camp a supply of water may cost approx 16 cents/gal by desalination and 8 cents/gal by snow melt. Low temperature conditions are conducive to prolongation of the life of pathogenic bacteria, hence a serious danger of pollution exists. CaMAI. 89681. MARCHUK, G. I., and others. Operativnafa kvazigeostroficheskafa skhema kratkosrochnogo prognoza pogody dIffi pEtti urovnel atmosfery. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Izvestifil 1965. Fizika atmosfery i okeana v. 1, no. 2, p. 129-35, tables, graph, maps.) 9 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: G. P. Kurbatkin, I. V. But, V. I. Panchuk and E. E. Kalenkovich. Title tr.: An operative quasigeostrophical scheme of short-range weather forecasting for five atmospheric levels. The Western Siberia Bureau of Forecasting developed a quasi-geostrophical method for studying weather parameters. It is based on use of the approximate equations developed earlier by the first author and others. They are utilized in forecasting the heights of isobaric surfaces for 300, 500, 700, 850, and 1000 mb levels. Comparison of the theoretical forecasting data with the observational measurements show the coefficient of correlation equal to 0.51 for the whole region, which includes a large part of the arctic area. DLC. MARCHUKOVA, I. D., see No. 93135. 89682. MARCUS, M. G. Climate-glacier studies in the Juneau Ice Field region, Alaska. Chicago, Ill. 1964. ix, 128 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (Chicago. Univ. Dept. of Geography. Research paper no. 88.) 110 refs. Contains results of climatological-glaciological studies, based on five summers' field work, and others' investigations, also US Weather Bureau data and a literature survey. Short-term fluctuations, especially of the Taku and Lemon Creek Glaciers are evaluated in terms of temperature and precipitation. During the 1945-46 to 1957-58 period, Lemon Creek Glacier suffered a net water deficit of 31.90 x 10'm', characterized by erratic fluctuations, with deficits recorded in nine of the 12 years. The two main factors in determining its annual water budget were found to be in thermal effectiveness or the sum of degree
days above 0° C, and the accumulation season precipitation; length of ablation season, and number of summer storms were among other, lesser factors. Nearby glaciers except Taku have behaved like Lemon Creek; they have existed precariously since the mid-19th century and respond to slight climatic fluctuations. Lemon Creek Glacier exemplifies conditions throughout the Juneau Ice Field region. DGS. 89683. MARCUS, M. G. Icefield Ranges climatology program, St. Elias Mountains 1964; part 1. Washington, D.C. 1965. 109 p. tables, map. (Arctic Inst. of North America. Research paper no. 31-A.) Consists of six tables (p 11-109) of meteorological observations made during the summer of 1964. There is a brief explanatory introduction, with map locating the stations. Difficulties causing incomplete data for some stations are outlined. Pt 2-3 of this study incl 1964 data analysis are pub 1968 as AINA Research paper 31B. CaMAI. 89684. MARCUS, M. G., and others. Icefield Ranges climatology program: 1965 data presentation and programming analysis. Washington, D.C. 1966. 111 p. tables, map. (Arctic Inst. of North America. Research paper no. 33.) 8 refs. Other authors: F. J. Bens and B. E. Taylor. Reports the research carried out during the summer of 1965 into the climatological environment of the St Elias Mts, Yukon Territory. Details are given of the location of stations (map), the observations made, and the considerable difficulties encountered in the processing and printing of the data due to bad weather, fatigue, unfamiliarity with equipment and cost. The circumstances leading to a decision to use a computer program are outlined and the Michigan Alogorithmic Decoder (MAD) program used is set out. 92 pages consist of computer printed meteorological observations. The methodology is considered to be a suitable CaMAI. model for similar projects. 89685. MARCUS, S., and F. MIYA. Effect of different routes of challenge of Coxsackie B virus on cold-stressed mice. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1964. 8 p. table. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-64-2.) 16 refs. Study of cold-adapted (2° C) and control groups challenged with Coxsackie B virus via intrathoracic, intraperitoneal, intranasal and aerosol routes. In general, the acclimatized animals had lower mortality CaMAI. ratios than the controls.
89686. MARCUS, S., and F. MIYA. Effects of cold exposure on the formed elements of mouse peripheral blood. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1964. 24 p. tables, graphs. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-63-23.) 19 refs. No consistent changes between mice kept for 105 days at 2 and 21° C were found with respect to total white blood cells, polymorphs, lymphocytes and monocytes. The eosinophils in cold-stressed animals were lower. Hematocrit, body and adrenal weights are also considered. CaMAI. MARCUS, S., see also No. 89978. 89687. MARENINA, T. ft. Ichinskil vulkan v Sredinnom khrebte Kamchatki. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Trudy 1962. no. 22, p. 3-66, tables, graphs, map, illus.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ichinskiy Volcano in Sredinnyy Range of Kamchatka. Reviews investigations of the area, its physical-geographic conditions, and hydrographic characteristics. The ecology and petrography outlines of the volcano are sketched. Its old extrusive domes, slag cones, structure of the somma, caked tuffs, dikes, lavas, and other features are described. The geomorphology of Ichinskiy is characterized. Chemistry of the lavas and evolution of its volcanic activity are treated. Its present activity is discussed, noting the formation of fumaroles, eruptions of steam, gases, etc. Its activity is insignificant at the present time and some scientists even consider it extinct. DLC. 89688. MARENINA, T. IZ., and others. Korffikskil vulkan na Kamchatke. (Akadenauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Trudy 1962. no. 22, p. 67-130, tables, graphs, maps, illus.) 52 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A. N. Sirin and K. M. Timerbaeva. Title tr.: Koryakskiy Volcano in Kamchatka. Reviews investigations of this volcano and its activity in historical time. Its geomorphology is analyzed and the tectonics of the region described. A geologic outline is given of the basement of the volcano, its geologic structure and historical development treated. A petrographic description of the composing rocks is presented: andesites of the central cone, basalts of the central cone, basalts of slag cones, and hornblende andesites. Petrochemical features of the lavas are analyzed. DLC. 89689. MARENINA, T. 11). Petrokhimicheskie osobennosti lay Ichinskogo vulkana
na Kamchatke. (Akademi1 nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Petrokhimicheskie osobennosti . Moskva 1963. p. 71-74, tables, graphs.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Petrochemical features of Ichinskiy Volcano lavas on Kamchatka. Ichinskiy was formed in several stages. First was an old volcano consisting of erupted bipyroxene and hornblende-pyroxene andesites; eruptions of andesitedacites, dacites, etc followed. Chemical composition of the rocks is analyzed. Products of the eruptions of each period initially are basic in composition and gradually change to acid composition. DLC. 89690. MARENINA, T. It. Spekshiesfit tufy Ichinskogo vulkana v Sredinnom khrebte Kamchatki. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Trudy 1961. no. 20, p. 108-116, tables, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Caked tuffs of Ichinskiy Volcano in the Sredinnyy Range of Kamchatka. Describes the pyroclastic deposits on the slopes of Ichinskiy. Their facies are analyzed. Special attention is given to the caked tuffs, their microscopic study is described, their texture, presence of natural glasses, and other properties noted, as are their similarities to welded tuffs. Conditions are discussed under which these caked tuffs were formed. DLC. 89691. MARENINA, T. ft Vulkan Khangar v Sredinnom khrebte Kamchatki. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Trudy 1959, no. 17, p. 3-63, tables, graphs, maps, sections, illus.) 36 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Khangar Volcano in the Sredinnyy Range of Kamchatka. Describes the hydrographic and geologic features of the region. Geologic structure of the volcano is outlined and map presented. Khangar Volcano is in a basin of approx 8 km diam. Interglacial and postglacial basalt eruptions are described. Petrographic account of the volcanic rocks is given. Pyroxene-olivine basalts, basalt breccia, andesites, andesite breccia, extrusive dacites, and other rocks are analyzed. Tectonic characteristics of the region is outlined, as is the volcanic activity. The geomorphology is characterized, and Quaternary history of the volcano is summarized. DLC. 89692. MARGOLIN, A. Razbuzhennye prostory. (Kul'tura i zhizn' 1965. v. 9, no. 1, p. 2-7, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Wide open spaces come to life.
Describes work of a geological survey party based on Lempiny, a village at the confluence of the Salym and Ob Rivers. Search for oil and test boring goes on along the Salym and Bol'shoy Yugan. Wells in the Surgut area are about to start production and natural gas has been found. Further details are given by the same author in the same journal 1965, no 6, p 32-33, 47. DLC. 89693. MARGOLIN, A. B. Problemy narodnogo khozfalstva Dal'nego Vostoka. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 255 p. tables, maps. 53 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Economic problems of the Far East. Presents comparative data on the industrial growth of 1950-1960, and as anticipated in the 7-yr plan of 1959-1965 for this region including Magadan and Kamchatka Provinces. The mineral and timber resources and production and the fisheries are described, as are the kolkhoz and sovkhoz field and animal husbandry including reindeer, etc. Transportation, trade, and supply are outlined. Population and labor problems are considered, noting a trend favoring urban centers rather than rural areas; as of Jan 1961, Magadan population was 68.4% urban, Kamchatka 83.5%. DLC. 89694. MARGOLIS, L. Parasites as an auxiliary source of information about the biology of Pacific salmons, genus Oncorhynchus. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1965. v. 22, no. 6, p. 138795, maps.) 28 refs. Discusses the role of parasitology in providing supplementary information on the food and feeding habits of these fishes, associated fauna in freshwater, distribution of stock in the sea, homing, and (freshDLC. water) origin of Pacific salmon. ,89695. MARGOLIS, L. Parasites as indicators of the geographical origin of sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka Walbaum, occurring in the North Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas. (International North Bulletin Pacific Fisheries Commission. 1963, no. 11, p. 101-156, tables, maps.) 17 refs. Two out of more than 50 parasites surveyed proved to be useful indicators of the geographic origin of sockeye caught at sea: the tapeworm Triaenophorus crassus found in western Alaskan stock and Dacnitis truttae in the Kamchatka stock. Using these parasites as tags, marine distribution during 1955-1959 of sockeye from the two areas across the Pacific is outlined. DLC.
89696. MARGULIS, R. 11. Nekotorye dannye o sezonnykh izmenenifikh v pitanii belomorskol sel'di. (Problemy ispol'zovani1 promyslovykh resursov Belogo mods i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii 1963. no. 1, p. 104-107, tables, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Some data on seasonal changes in the diet of White Sea herring. Report based on enumeration of stomach contents from three-four yr old fish moving to spawn in southeastern Kandalaksha Bay. Fifteen species of zooplankton are considered and their frequency in the food during Apr—July and Sept—Oct 1960 determined and tabulated. Findings are compared with such of 1939. DLC. 89697. MARINE OBSERVER. International Ice Patrol . . . (Its: v. 32-35, 1962-1965.) Presents yearly in the Jan issue of this quarterly journal, a 3-4 p report on the previous year's activities of the International Ice Patrol, operating in the Grand Banks area from the US Naval Station at Argentia on Newfoundland. Services include regular aerial ice observation flights, collection, analysis, and plotting of pertinent ice information from several sources, and dissemination of the information to shipping. DWB. MARINELLI, G., see No. 85777. MARK, E., see No. 90245. 89698. MARKENZON, E. I., and others. Priblizhennoe opredelenie sebestoimosti dobychi pri ekonomicheskoT oaenke malorazvedannykh mestorozhdenil. (Razvedka i okhrana nedr 1965. v. 31, no. 9, p. 31.) In Russian. Other authors: M. I. Shiman and V. A. Antonenko. Title tr.: A rough estimate of mining costs for an economic evaluation of deposits at an early stage of prospecting. Stresses the need of sound estimating of mining costs. Analyses at some Kola Peninsula mines show that wages for all kinds of work comprise 61-74% of entire cost of the operation, and it is considered stable. On this basis, a formula is presented for calculating net mining costs. DLC. 89699. MARKEVICH, G. S. Aerodinamicheskie svolstva vetronapravlfa'fashchikh snegozashchit. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Izvestifa 1965. no. 6, p. 123-31, tables, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: Aerodynamic properties of a wind-directing snow shield. Reports experiments to determine the effect of basic shield elements (H, h, and a) on the maximum velocity of wind and its
wind zone where H is the height of a panel; h, the panel height above the ground, and a is the angle of panel inclination. The experiments were carried out in an aerodynamic tube in the field, assuming the conservation of similarity between the wind velocity and geometrical dimensions of the model. A certain wind velocity formula was also assumed. Results show that the winddirecting apparatus exhibits good aerodynamic properties; the efficiency of winddirecting shields is determined by maximum wind magnitudes and length of the area free of snow. The panel's angle of inclination, up to 30°, does not influence its effectiveness; a vertical lattice-like panel proved best; maximum effect was achieved when wind velocities are above 10-12 m/s and perpendicular to the snow shield. DLC. 89700. MARKEVICH, V. P., and M. I. KOZLOVA. Igrimsko-Syskonsyn'inskil gazonasnyi raTon. (In: Moskva. Inst. geologii i razrabotki gorfachikh iskopaemykh. Geologicheskoe stroenie . . . 1964, p. 60-72, profiles.) In Russian. Title tr.: IgrimSyskonsyn'ya gas-bearing region. Outlines the geologic and tectonic structure of the region. Numerous drillings are analyzed. The number of faults in the basement and lower horizons of sedimentary cover is clarified. Analyses of gas-bearing properties reveal that the migration of hydrocarbons and their pools is connected with rupture dislocations. The pools are productive, but small. DLC. 89701. MARKEVICH, V. P., and G. I. TEODOROVICH. K voprosu o zakonomernostfakh razmeshchenifil, mestorozhdenil nefti i gaza v Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti. (Sovetskaa geologifa 1965, no. 8, p. 69-77, map.) Approx. 35 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Regularities of oil and gas distribution in the West Siberian lowland. Discusses some relations in origin between coal and petroleum. Structural-tectonics and prognosis of oil and gas occurrences for the West Siberian lowland are presented and interpreted. Zones more active in tectonics are also more prospective for oil and gas accumulation. Most prospective is the middle-Ob anticlise, characterized by bedreservoir rocks. The Ob-Ptur trough and other areas are also briefly noted. DLC. 89702. MARKEVICH, V. P., and others. Shaimskil neftenosnyi ralon. (In: Moskva. Inst. geologii i razrabotki gorillchikh iskopaemykh. Geologicheskoe stroenie . . . 1964, p. 43-59, graphs, maps, profiles.) In
Russian. Other authors: E. V. Volkov and M. I. Kozlova. Title tr.: The Shaim oilbearing region. Describes the geologic structure and tectonics of this region on the middle Ronda River, 350 km north of Tyumen. By deep exploratory drilling, an oil pool was detected with yield up to 200-300 t/day. New information is presented indicating the existence of fractures in the lower horizons of the sedimentary cover and their leading role in possible oil distribution. Further search for oil and geophysical exploration should be carried out northeast of the Shaim region. DLC. 89703. MARKEVICH, V. P. Struktura Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti i ee neftegazonosnost'. (In: Moskva. Inst. geologii i razrabotki gorfachikh iskopaemykh. Geologicheskoe stroenie ... 1964, p. 9-42, maps, illus.) 76 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structure of the West Siberian lowland and its oil-gas-bearing properties. Reviews tectonic schemes of this lowland, more than 3 million km2 in area and including the arctic zones from the Ural to the Yenisey. Its basement is considered oil, prePaleozoic. Wide development of rupture dislocations are described not only in the basement, but also in the sedimentary cover. These dislocations play an important role in formation of oil and gas deposits. A new structural-tectonic plan is presented based on recent geologic studies using deep wells, magnetic and gravimetric methods. A graphic plan for forecasting oil and gas deposits is also presented and comparisons made with the oil and gas occurrences throughout the world. Northern regions of West Siberia are interpreted as favorable for gas and oil deposits. DLC. 89704. MARKGREN, M. Geomorphological studies in Fennoscandia 2, chute slopes in northern Fennoscandia; A, regional studies; B, systematic studies. Lund 1964. 2 v.: 136,147 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (Lund studies in geography, ser. A, physical geography no. 27-28.) Refs. Also issued as Avhandlingar no. 44-45, Lund Univ. Geografiska inst. 1964. Reports on investigations and distribution of chute or couloir development on mountain slopes in the region from southern Swedish Lapland to northern Norway and Finland; examples are also noted in Spitsbergen, Greenland, and Alaska. Normally the chutes extend in the direction of max declivity, but structure, petrology, previous history, climatic effects, and probably other factors may combine in the formation of
non-normal or irregular chutes. Most of them dip 25-45°, some are subvertical, some nearly flat. A critical min upper limit for chute development ranges from 1250 m near 65° N to 200-500 m near 70° N. The theory that chute occurrences are related to nunataks appears not valid. Their relation to morphology, rock types, tectonics, and stratigraphy are discussed, as is the question whether they are monoor poly-genetic, fossil or recent. The properties that are keys to their origin are not yet determined. Pt 2 is a systematic discussion of basic physical processes believed to be factors in chute development. Micro- and other climatic changes, wind direction, frost and rime development, orientation, morphological exposure, valley symmetry, maritimity, elevation, latitude, and geology are considered in relation to the location of chutes and to nature of development within the concave chute and on convex intervening ridges. Lack of chutes in certain localities seems to be related to structure. They appear mainly in areas of late or recent glaciation, and are correlated with periglacial climates; some bear evidence of overriding by ice and the forms may be polygenetic although some may be mainly postglacial. They are interpreted as due to differential weathering, fluvial action, and avalanching. D GS. MARKHAM, W. E., see Nos. 85461, 87847. 89705. MARKHININ, E. K., and others. Izuchenie sostofftnifff vulkanov Klfachevsko1 gruppy i vulkana Sheveluch v 1961 g. (Bfalleten' vulkanologicheskikh stanfsil 1964. no. 35, p. 3-8.) In Russian. Other authors: P. I. Tokarev and V. B. Pugach. Title tr.: Study of the state of the Klyuchevskaya group volcanoes and Shiveluch Volcano in 1961. Reports results of observations at the Apakhonchich, Klyuchi and Kozyrevsk volcanological stations, the Tolbachik and Bezymyannyy seismic stations, and field observations of their personnel. Eruptions in the main crater of Klyuchevskaya began at the end of 1960 and continued through 1961; they were evidenced by a glow periodically visible above the volcano, and by rumble and roar; Bezymyannyy had eruptions in Mar—Apr, June and Dec with fumarole and solfatara activity; Ploskiy Tolbachik emitted vapor, gas and ash on 31 Aug, 10 and 27 Oct, 1 and 7 Dec; Shiveluch had only fumarole activity. DLC. 89706. MARKHININ, E. K. Izverzhenie vulkana Bezymfannogo v dekabre 1961 g.
(Voprosy geografii Kamchatld 1965. no. 3, p. 126-27.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Eruption of Bezymyannyy Volcano in December 1961. Notes own observations: the main eruption was unusual in that it had no seismic preparation and no clear culmination, but it was marked by the great avalanches, broken stone, and by the long duration of the eruption, etc. DLC. 89707. MARKHININ, E. K. Krater Ploskogo Tolbachika 6-8 sentiabrfit 1962 g. (Bflllleten' vulkanologicheskikh stanGAI 1964. no. 37, p. 35-36.) In Russian. Title tr.: Crater of Tolbachik Volcano in September 6-8, 1962. Reports observations during an ascent and a three-day sojourn at the crater. In the 100 m deep pit of the crater, the active vent emitted white puffs of gas every few minutes, and at night, the vent was illuminated by orange-red light. Fumaroles were observed in various parts of the crater. DLC. 89708. MARKHININ, E. K. Nablilldenica v kratere vulkana Ploskogo Tolbachika 6-8 (Voprosy geografii sentffibrfa 1962 g. Kamchatki 1964. no. 2, p. 110-12, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Observation in the crater of Tolbachik Volcano, September 6-8,1962. Describes the volcanic vent, lava, gases, fumaroles and other features of this active volcano of Kamchatka based on daily and Boiling of lava, nightly observations. distribution of Pele's hair are also described. DLC. 89709. MARKHININ, E. K. 'Sep' Plutona. Moskva, Izd-vo Mysr 1965. 230 p. illus. In Russian. Title tr.: Pluto's chain. Popular sketch of the activity of the main volcanoes in Kamchatka and Kuril Islands, their scientific observation, ascents of Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Ploskiy Tolbachik, DLC. etc; well inns by photos. 89710. MARKICHEV, E. I., and others. Radioaktivnye vypadenifa na Dal'nevostochnom poberezh'e Tikhogo okeana v 1962-1963 gg. (Atomnafff energia 1965. v. 18, no. 3, p. 300-301, graphs.) 4 refs_ In Russian. Other authors: A. D. Shramchenko, A. S. Lapardina, V. V. Peretti, E. I. Vasil'kov and V. V. Skorniffkov. Title tr.: Radioactive fallout on the Pacific coast of the Far East in 1962-63. Reports data based on the daily analysis of dry samples at four observation points.
The analysis comprises measurements of (I activities and atmospheric precipitates. The results are plotted in three graphs to show specific t3 activities, intensity ratios, and fission-product retentions according to fallout dates given in monthly units. DLC. MARKIN, V. V., see No. 89461. 89711. MARKIZOV, L. P. Ekonomichnye fundamenty na podsypkakh. (Na strolkakh Rossii 1964. v. 5, no. 2, p. 21-22, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Economical foundations on padding. Discusses domestic and industrial buildings which generate heat and their construction on permafrost and thawed ground by the pad method. The site is levelled and drained after the vegetation layer and peat are removed. Then a pad up to 0.8-1.5 m thick of mine slag or sand-and-gravel from a river quarry is laid down and rammed after each 20-25 cm. Constructions on such pads in the Pechora coal basin and in Vorkuta show 8-18% economy compared with buildings on excavated foundations. The advantage of the method is especially evident in two-story squared beam dwellings, and industrial buildings of 1,000DLC. 1,500 m3 volume. 89712. MARKOV, G. A. Strelfanie gornykh porod v kapital'nykh i podgotovitel'nykh vyrabotkakh na apatitovom rudnike. (In: Akademifii nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenill Teplovye i mekhanicheskie . 1965, p. 174-76.) In Russian. Title tr.: Rock bursting in the main and first workings at the apatite mine. Reports studies of the geological conditions of the apatite-nepheline deposits of Rasvumchorr, visual and instrumental observation of the bursting process, regularities in cleavage tectonics of the ore massif and the country rock, determining their physicalmechanical properties. A relationship is established between systems of cleavages differently oriented with regard to the excavations, and the rock burst as a manifestation of underground pressure. The bursting process becomes more active with depth, and may result when the rock is overstressed. It is recommended to make the excavation profile in vault form. This cross-section produces the most advantageous distribution of stresses in the surrounding rocks, thereby reducing their DLC. bursting. MARKOVA, N. G., see No. 92772. MARKOVSKII, B. A., see No. 91289.
89713. MARKOVSKII, V. A. Podvodnye razmyvy v otlozhenifikh srednego i verkhnego kembrifi v ralone mezhdurech'fil Kuddmbe-Orakta. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1963. v. 133, p. 35-38.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Underwater washouts in Middle and Upper Cambrian deposits in the KulyumbeOratka interfluve region. Describes and analyzes cross-sections of these deposits near the NoriPsk Lakes area, noting their composition, sedimentation, fauna and other features. Special attention is given to the conglomerate-breccias. Diastems are established showing a break in sedimentation caused by downward oscillation of the wave base. Underwater washouts or erosion are considered to have originated because of the tectonic regime of the time and changes in sedimentation. Similar features elsewhere in the Siberian DLC. platform are noted. MARKOVSKII, V. A., see also No. 88871. 89714. MARRIOTT, R. A. 1963 Kvichak River red salmon smolt studies. Juneau, Alaska 1965. 42 p. tables, graphs, illus. (Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game. Informational leaflet 48.) 5 refs. Presents study into relative abundance of the 1963 smolt migration, by method used in previous years. Age, size and condition of 1963 smelts are given, and data collected since 1955 evaluated. Procedures developed in the collection and analysis of data from the Kvichak River smolt program are also DL outlined. 89715. MARRIS, R., and M. A. OGILVIE. The ringing of barnacle geese in Greenland in 1961. (Wildfowl Trust. Annual report 1960-61 pub 1962, p. 53-64, tables, map.) Describes the activities of a small party during July—Aug 1961 in Jameson Land, with an introductory account of the topography and methods. Some 569 geese were ringed, and recoveries made of 40 ringed in 1955. Weight and sex of birds caught, and other birds seen, 20 species, are reported. Estimates are given of the total number of two species of geese in the area visited, their DLC. breeding succPss, etc. MARROW, C. T., see No. 84953. 89716. MARSDEN, M. Resources and communications in the Arctic. (In: R. St. J. Macdonald ed. The arctic frontier 1966, p. 26-56.) 11 refs. Discusses and assesses the resource base for development of arctic lands. The
centrality of the arctic region in relation to the world's highly populated and developed regions is stressed as a' pressing reason for more thorough study. The resources both renewable and non-renewable are described as poor in the Arctic proper (tundra zone). An evaluation is made of the absolute and relative values of furs, tourism and various minerals, taking account of the extremely high costs of exploitation. The cost of mining gold in the Indigirka-Kolyma area of USSR is about five times its selling price. Regions below the Arctic proper are considered as well. The importance of the Aldan area. of Yakut ASSR to the Soviet economy is emphasized, since it produces much-needed supplies of gold, industrial diamonds, mica, natural gas, tin, iron and coking coal. The general development of resources in Canada, Alaska, Greenland and Spitsbergen is reviewed. The problems and economics of various forms (submarine, surface and air transport) and communication in northern regions are discussed in detail. Nuclear-powered submarine tugs towing dumb submarine barges, snow roads along rivers (avtozimniki), piggyback trailers and hovercraft seem to offer good possibilities for the long term. Among important methods of reducing costs for large operations are centralized warehousing with air express delivery as used by the US Army and lightweight, easily portable equipment as utilized in Soviet arctic mining operations. CaMAI, DLC. MARSDEN, M., see also Nos 85636,89538 89717. MARSH, H. W., and R. H. MELLEN. Underwater sound, propagation in ,the Arctic Ocean. (Acoustical Society of America. Journal 1963. v. 35, no. 4,, p. 552-63, graphs, tables, illus.) 6 refs. Discusses some results of a 1958-1962 experimental study, carried out mainly by the US Navy Underwater Sound Laboratory. Signals from underwater explosions were exchanged between Drifting Stations A, B, and C, ARLIS II, and Polar Pack I, a temporary station off the Canadian Arctic Islands at 78°10' N 130° W. Duration, form, and intensity of waves received at distances up to 1400 km are described and compared with a theoretical propagation model; important factors in the model are source characteristics, refraction, scattering at the ice surface, and bottom effects. DLC. MARSHALL, B. V., see No. 92548 § 10. MARSHALL, E. W., see No.• 84953.
89718. MARSHALL, J. M., and J. S. WILLIS. The effects of temperature on the membrane potentials in isolated atria of the ground squirrel, Cilellus tridecemline.otus. (Journal of physiology 1962, v. 164, no. 1, p. 64-76, tables, graphs.) 27 refs. Cooling the atria between 31° and 6° C produced only a small drop in membrane' potential, being most pronounced at 15 and 6° C. The increase in height of action potential is not the result of slower beating produced by cold. These effects are in marked contrast to conditions in the rabbit, DLC. a non-hibernator. 89719.. MARSHALL, N. B. Some convergences between the benthic fishes of polar seas.• (Actualitas scientifiques et indu,strielles 1964. no. 1312, p. 273-78.) 12 refs. French summary. Detailing the differences in taxonomic composition between the arctic and antarctic ichthyofaunas, author enumerates the close superficial resemblances, and structural resemblances, as: depressed, large head, capacious gill chambers, lack of swim bladder, etc. Biological convergence analyzed includes large eggs and precocious development, life on the bottom, and superDLC. cooled body fluids. MARSHALL, N. F., see No. 91143. 89720. MARSHIN, V. G. Sravnitel'noe izuchenie v ontogeneze fotoreakaii i ee svfazi so skorost'ili obrazovanifi uslovnykh refleksov u sibirskogo osetra, sterlfadi i ikh rersiproknykh gibridov. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1965: v. 44, no. 10, p. 1526-31,. tables.) 12 refs. In Russian. English summary. • Title tr.: Comparative study in ontogenasis of photo-reaction and its nexus to the rate of forming conditioned reflexes in the 'Siberian sturgeon, the starlet and their hybrids. Preferred illumination and conditioned motor reflexes related to it, were determined in a photogradient device. Rate of conditioning could be determined by the different reactions to light of the two species, which in turn is hereditarily determined. DLC MARSHIN'FSEV, V. K., see Nos. 93266, 93267. 89721. MARSHUNOVA, M. S., and N. T: OBERNIGOVSKII. Elementy radiarsionnogo rezhima.. SovetskoT Arktiki v period MGG' i MGS: (Leningrad. Arkticheskil antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 266, p. 36-65, tables, graphs, maps.)
9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Elements of the radiation regime in the Soviet Arctic during the IGY and IGC. The IGY-IGC period coinoided with max solar activity not only in the 11-yr cycle, but in the entire epoch. Therefore correlation of the actinometric results of 1957-1959 with those obtained over a long period, 1932-1956, is important. During the IGYIGC actinometric observations were made at 14 polar stations and two drifting stations. Components in the radiation balance are analyzed, and the radiation balance determined in respect to the height of sun, character of cloudiness and underlying CaMAI, DLC. surface. 89722. MARSHUNOVA, M. S. Izmenchivost' solnechnol radiaGii v Arktike. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1965. v. 273, p. 147-56, tables, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Variability of solar radiation in the Arctic. Outlines the variability of daily, monthly and annual totals of direct, diffuse and accumulated solar radiation based on observations at ten Soviet polar stations including Tikhaya Bay, Cape Zhelaniya, Dikson Island, Kotel'nyy Island, etc. Data are tabulated. Five years' observations are concluded to be sufficient for determining average monthly and annual totals of diffuse and accumulated solar radiation, but for total of direct solar radiation at least 10 years' observations are necessary. CaMAI, DLC. 89723. MARSHUNOVA, M. S., and N. T. Clik.RNIGOVSICH. Osobennosti radiaIsionnogo rezhirna Sovetskol Arktiki v period MGG. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskll komitet. Meteorologicheskie issl. Sbornik state 1965. no. 9, p. 103-106, table.) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Features of the radiation regime in the Soviet Arctic during the IGY. Analyzes IGY data on direct, diffuse and total radiation, and the radiation balance of the region, comparing the values of these radiation parameters with the values obtained prior to IGY. A table of deviations of monthly values of the total radiation from the mean values for many years is given for Uyedineniya and Dikson Islands, Cape Chelyuskin, Muostakh Island, and Cape Shmidta. The radiation regime in the Soviet Arctic during IGY did not differ in general from the results of observations in the previous years except for minor monthly variations. DLC.
MARSHUNOVA, M. S., see also No. 86182. MARSTON, D. D., see No. 86093. MARSTON, T. E., see No. 91829. 89724. MARTI, ft. ft., and I. G. I-ODANoy. Dinamika chislennosti, sostofanie zapasa i perspektivy promysla atlantichesko-skandinayskoi sel'di. (Murmansk. Polarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1962. no. 14, p. 151-80, tables, graphs, illus.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Numerical dynamics, condition of the stock and fishing prospects of the Atlanto-Scandinavian herring. Extensive study dealing with the life cycle and numerical changes of this herring, development of its fisheries in the present century, stock replenishment, fishing intensity and general mortality in the last 50 yr. Changes in area and density of stock, linear and weight growth of fish, linear and age composition of catches are considered. Estimated size of the Atlanto-Scandinavian stock and short-term forecast are given. DLC. 89725. MARTI, It. ft. Drift migrations and their significance to the biology of food fishes of the North Atlantic. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 355-61, maps, illus.) 26 refs. Discusses the role of passive transport of eggs and young in relation to evolution, feeding and stock size. Herring, cod, haddock and mash of the Barents Sea are considered in relation to the Spitsbergen and Norwegian Currents as illustrating the problem. The knowledge of drift migrations for assessing the stock and forecasting recruitment is stressed. CaMAL 89726. MARTI, ffi. ce., and S. S. FEDOROV. Features of the population dynamics of marine herring as seen from the AtlantoScandian stock. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et proces-verbatuc 1963. v. 154, p. 91-97, tables, graphs, map.) 8 refs. Discusses individual fecundity and reproductive ability in this stock, area and time fluctuations in fecundity, growth, natural and fishing mortality rates. Stock estimates before 1925, and in the 1950's (10 million metric tons) are noted, as are recent changes in stock, habitat, population density and The composition of drift-net catches. changes in size of stock are attributed largely to fishing, especially to mass catch of DLC. young herring.
89727. MARTI, M. M. Nekotorye skhodstva i v uslovirakh sushchestvovaboreaPnykh vidov ryb v severovostochnykh i severo-zapadnykh ralonakh Atlantiki. (In: Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Sovetskie rybokhozfalstvennye . . . 1962, p. 57-68, graphs, maps.) 17 refs. In Russian. English summary. English translation of entire volume available. Title tr.: Some similarities and differences in the conditions of occurrence of boreal fishes in the northeastern and northwestern regions of the Atlantic. Points out the great extent of the continental shelf and the more northerly location of the frontal zones in the northeast than in the northwest Atlantic. The latter has rather short migrations of the main commercial fish (cod, herring, redfish) due to the relatively small continental shelf. The more southerly extent of the frontal zones further limits migrations in the northwest Atlantic. DLC. 89728. MARTIJN, C. A. Canadian Eskimo carving in historical perspective. (Anthropos 1964. v. 59, no. 3-4, p. 546-96.) Approx. 300 refs. Describes the ivory and stone media, the motifs, function and style of traditional carvings. The early flowering of this art and its gradual decline in the late prehistoric periods are noted as are the loss of its aboriginal function and its degeneration into a souvenir trade in post-contact times. The recent resurgence of Eskimo art as fostered by James Houston and the Canadian government, the marketing arrangements, craftsmanship training, development of cooperatives, etc are outlined. Social changes furthered by this industry also are noted: year-round residence near the trading post, decline of hunting, dependence on store-bought supplies, etc. Modern Eskimo art which combines traditional elements with introduced esthetic values is considered a product of directed acculturation. It is not an authentic primitive art, but a distinct new art phase reflecting the state of transition experienced by the present-day Eskimo. DLC. MARTIN, J. E. H., see No. 86129. 89729. MARTIN, J. P. Measurement of albedo neutron latitude variation from a polar orbiting satellite. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 9, p. 2057-63, graphs.) 12 refs. Investigates the neutron albedo density from the records of a polar orbiting satellite
launched in Sept 1962. The shape of the latitude variation of the density was found to be in the ratio 10:1 between the poles and the equator. It seems that the found upper limit to the neutron albedo density of (1.1 ± 2) x 10-7 neutrons per cm3 at the poles is considerably lower than the values obtained in twb previous albedo measurements above the atmosphere. DLC. 89730. MARTIN, K. K., and C. A. BEASLEY. Post-earthquake attitudes on building materials. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 280-83.) Reports a market survey in Fairbanks and Anchorage to determine consumer attitudes to various home construction materials. 87% of respondents indicated that the 1964 earthquake affected their preference. 65% favored wood-frame construction, 14% log, 9% brick and wood, 6% concrete block, 3% stucco and 3% brick. Several respondents from Anchorage asked why reinforced concrete was not included as a possible choice, one third of the respondents there would have bought a brick house similar to their present dwelling at a higher cost, had one been available. Appearance was a factor in preference for brick, low heating cost for log construction, particularly in Fairbanks, and low initial cost for frame construction. CaMAI. 89731. MARTIN, R. C., and A. MALAHOFF. Some recent Russian studies of ignimbritic rocks. (New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics 1965. v. 8, no. 4, p. 706-735, tables, maps, sections, illus.) Approx. 85 refs. Reviews international study of ignimbrites and comments on differences in view between Soviet and western geologists on the genesis, classification and character of this group of volcanic rocks. Translations are presented of six papers by Russian geologists on the so-called ignimbrite problem, two of which deal with Kamchatka, No. 85143, 90783. A short critical discussion of these papers follows, and comparisons made with DGS. New Zealand ignimbrites. MARTINEZ, A., see No. 87387. 89732. MARTON, M. A great adventure. (Beaver, winter 1965. p. 17-25, illus. ) Presents 14 photographs of Eskimos at Churchill and Rankin Inlet in spring 1965, with comments on the people and country by the young West German photographer. DI. 89733. MARTYNOV, V. A., and V. P. NIKITIN. Mezhlednikovye sloi v razreze
Obi. Belogorskogo "materika" na r. (Akaclemica nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1964. no. 25, p. 73-81, table, profile.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The interglacial layer in the section of Belogor'ye country rock on the Ob River. Describes a cross-section of Quaternary deposits on the right bank of the Ob near Belogor'ye, approx 61° N 68° E in Tyumen Province. Carpology of the fossil plants was studied and those identified are listed. Interpretation is offered that the plants reveal the interglacial layer of the Kazantseva glaciation established for the lower DLC. Yenisey. 89734. MARTYNOV, V. A., and others. Stratigrafica chetvertichnykh (antropogenovykh) otlozhenil Zapadnol Sibiri. (Akadenauk SSSR. Komissifil po izuchenita chetvertichnogo perioda. Bfalleten' 1964. no. 29, p. 3-14, table, map.) 9 refs. In Russian. Other authors: B. V. Mizerov and S. A. Strelkov. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of the Quaternary (Anthropogene) deposits of Western Siberia. Reviews distribution of Quaternary deposits in northern, middle and southern parts of Western Siberia. Lower, middle, upper stages and Neogene deposits are recognized and their lithologic properties, fauna and flora, also spore-pollen analyses are given. Stratigraphic correlation of Quaternary deposits is made according to DLC. parts of Siberia. 89735. MARTYNOV, V. F. K voprosu o rasprostranenii opistorkhoznol invazii sredi nekotorykh plotoadnykh zhivotnykh i ryb v Khanty-Mansilskom okruge TfumenskoT oblasti. (Medicsinskafa parazitoloi parazitarnye bolezni 1958. v. 27, no. 2, p. 172-73.) In Russian. Title tr.: Incidence of opisthorchiasis in man, certain carnivores and fish in the Khanty-Mansi district of the Tyumenskaya Oblast'. Presents notes and figures on own and others' examinations of fish, foxes and dogs for the Asiatic liver-fluke Opisthorchis felineus. . DLC. MARTYNOV, V. T., see No. 86519.
89736. MARUSENKO, 1., and others. Gidrogeografia ZapaclnoT Sibiri; torn 1, obshchata kharakteristika vod. Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo univ. 1961. 169 p. tables, maps, graphs, illus. Approx. 65 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrography of _Western Siberia; v. 1, general characteristics of the water. 820
Author and five associates present .a comprehensive account of the waters and permafrost of this wide region including the arctic areas of the Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk Provinces. Eleven chapters deal in turn with the formation of the hydrographic system, hydrologic regions, permafrost, lakes and swamps, annual runoff, its seasonal distribution, max and min discharge and changes of level; the ice regime of rivers is considered, as are their channel processes; hydrochemical characteristics of the lakes and rivers are given. DLC.
89737. MARUSENKO, IA. Voprosy ralonirovanifit territorii SSSR po sovremennym ruslovym proCsessam. (Tomsk. Univ. Trudy 1957. v. 147, p. 84-100, map.) 32 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of zoning the territory of the USSR according to present river-bed processes. Discusses these processes controlled by climatic, hydrologic and geomorphic factors. The entire area of the USSR is divided into: high, medium, and low (1000-500 m) mountains, rugged-rolling plains (less than 500 m), peneplain hills (500-200 m), and various plains. Each zone is briefly characterized and mapped. The northern parts of Western Siberia, plains of the tundra regions (Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra, Yamal, Yana-Indigirka, etc) as well as other parts of the Soviet Arctic are included. DLC. MARVIN, U. B., see No. 89113. 89738. MASAITIS, V. L. Magmaticheskie trappovye subprovinaii na Sibirskol platforme. (Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskil inst. Trudy 1964. v. 97, p. 137-58, table, map.) 33 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Magmatic trap subprovinces of the Siberian platform. Analyzes this trap formation consisting of intrusive (dolerite and gabbro-dolerite) and effusive (basalts) traps, also basalt tuffs and associated trap magmatism products of postmagmatic and hydrothermal activity. It was mainly formed in the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic. Petrographic types of the magma are outlined. According to petrochemical types of traps, three magmatic subprovinces are distinguished and described as the Yenisey, Tungusskiy, and Lena-Olenek; these subprovinces are divided into smaller regions. The subprovinces are characterized in respect to the deep structures of the Siberian platform. DLC. 89739. MASAiTIS, V. L. Razlomy. Sibirskirl platformy. (In: Leningrad. Vses.
geologicheskil inst. Glubinnye razlomy 1964, p. 89-98, map.) 42 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The faults of the Siberian platform. Presents a generalized plan of these faults. Three groups are recognized: faults of the basement originated in the geosynclinal stage, those of the platformic stage, and faults connected with Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectogenesis. Each group is analyzed and its main faults characterized. Some comparison is made between the Siberian platform and the Russian, Australian and South African platforms. DLC. 89740. MASAITIS, V. L. SrednepaleozoIskafa trappovafil, formacsifft na Sibirskol platforme. (Akademiffl, nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 162, no. 3, p. 636-39.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Middle Paleozoic trap formation on the Siberian platform. Reports special investigations in 1964 on the middle Vilyuy by which an independent Middle Paleozoic trap formation is distinguished for the first time. Its distribution, composition, stratigraphy, effusive and intrusive facies and other features are analyzed. As result of this discovery, a revision of the tectonic structure and history of the Siberian platform in Middle Paleozoic is called for. DLC. MASAITIS, V. L., see also No. 89462. 89741. MASLENNIKOV, E. P., and others. Ural, turistskath strana. Sverdlovsk, SredneUral'skoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1964. 350 p. maps, illus. 20 refs. In Russian. Other authors: P. I. Istomin and R. B. Rubel'. Title tr.: The Ural, tourist country. Excursion guide arranged north to south. Day-by-day itinerary and pertinent information are given on terrain, landmarks, weather conditions, etc, together with historical notes, local Vogul and Zyryan legends, descriptions of towns, villages, etc. Twenty-five of the trips are in the Polar and Northern Urals: the Pay-Yer massif; the so-called Ural alps with Mt Narodnaya (1895.6 m), Manaraga (1820 in), and 1670 m Tel'pos Iz (Zyryan for "nest of winds"); the headwaters of the Podcherem and Shchugor, tributaries to the Pechora; Man'Pupy-N'yer (mountain of stone idols in Vogul legends); the former nature preserve of Denezhkin Kamen'; old Vogul trails and sanctuaries in the Vishera River region, etc. DLO. 89742. MASLENNIKOV, E. P., comp. ZimoT po Urala. Sverdlovsk, SredneUral'skoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1965. 169 p.
illus. In Russian. Title tr.: Winter in the Urals. Collection of 15 essays on mountaineering holidays, illus with color photos; five deal with the North. V. Zhmurov, p 11-27, describes a January ski traverse of the Polar Ural from Abez' via the Kok-Pela gap to Salekhard. A ski ascent of Mt Narodnaya, partial climb of Manaraga, and crossing of the Kos'-yu headwaters at spring breakup are depicted by L. Kor p 28-39. First conquest of Mt Narodnaya and Manaraga in winter 1954 is sketched, p 40-50, by P. Vladimirov who in a fourman party made a winter climb of these peaks in the 1960's. A 20-day student excursion in Feb is reported by V. Zhmurov, p. 51-66: by train to Vorkuta, plane to Kara, and a 500 km ski trip across Baydaratskaya Bay to Marresale, back to Yary, up the Nyarma-Yakha River to the NyzygeyNyrd Range, ascent of the 1345 m Mt Khunta-Saurey in the Polar Ural, and on to Khalmer-Yu. V. Granin, p 67-77, reports his ski trip from Vizhay along the Toshemka River to the Vogul settlement Toshem-Paul', thence to Mt Denezhkin Kamen' and Pokrovsk-Ural'skiy. The ascent of Yalpiny-N'yer is sketched and some Vogul legends of this once sacred DLC. mountain given. 89743. MASLEY, A. J., and others. Recent solar cosmic ray. events. (In: Symposium on High Latitude Particles and the Ionosphere 1964. Proceedings 1965, p. 265-74, graphs.) 5 refs. Other authors: A. D. Goedeke and G. W. Adams. Reports observations at McMurdo Sound in Antarctica, and Shepherd Bay in Keewatin Dist, both stations in the polar cap regions so that relatively clean data are collected with min auroral interference. Events of 22 Feb and 23, Oct 1962, 9 Feb, 15 Apr and 14-30 Sept 1963 are measured with 30 and .50 me/sec. riometers, and 27 kc/sec spherics receivers. A step-frequency riometer was installed at Shepherd Bay in Feb 1964. 'The system covers 19 frequencies in an 8 min period. An attempt is made with this equipment to determine the electron density profiles, and the energy spectra of the solar protons during the events. Measurements at these two conjugate stations were found to agree with those of the DLC. satellite as reported. 89744. MASLOV, A. D. Poligonal'nozhirnye l'dy nachal'noT stadii ikh formirovanica. (In: Moskva. Univ. Kafedra Podzemnyl led 1965, no. 2, p. geog 73-82, sections.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title
This preparation increased numbers and activity of blood, and the globulin levels, but did not prove therapeutically superior to other antibiotics. Intradermal or intramuscular administration proved superior DNAL. to oral.
tr.: Ice wedge polygon in the initial stage of its formation. Reports study in 1963 on Muostakh Island and 1964 in the lower Yana region. The growth and formation mechanism of the ice wedge polygon are analyzed. In the initial stage its formation can be according to syngenetic type. Forming of elemental wedgelets is also noted. Ca0N-B, DLC.
MASON, B. H., see No. 93013.
MASLOV, A. D., see also No. 87400.
MASON, B. J., see No. 87866.
89745. MASLOV, S. P., and I. N. IVASHKINA. Adaptag3ila belykh myshel k nizkol temperature v rezul'tate rezkikh periodicheskikh okhlazhdenil i soprovozhdaidshchie ee izmenenifi nekotorykh fiziologicheskikh pokazatelel energeticheskogo obmena organizma. (Nauchnye doklady vysshel shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki 1965, no. 2, p. 59-63, tables, graph.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Adaptation of mice to low temperature resulting from periodic, sharp cooling, and concomitant changes in some physiological indices of energy metabolism. Reports on survival of mice cooled to 16-17° C, one to five times. With each successive cooling the number of survivors increased. 02-consumption in adapted and non-adapted mice, is also considered. DLC. 89746. MASLOV, V. I. Osobennosti tekhnologii glubokogo burenia v zonakh rasprostranenifa mnogoletnel merzloty. (Neftnnoe khozfillstvo 1965. v. 43, no. 2, p. 16-19, tables.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Technology features of deep drillings in zones of permafrost distribution. Organization and techniques of deep drillings have specific difficulties in Yakutia, Krasnoyarsk Province and other areas with permafrost. Special difficulties are encountered in sandy and clayey rocks cemented by ice. The main factors which affect drillings in permafrost are the lithologic section, nature of the force interlocking individual parts of rocks, temperature of the washing fluid, duration of drilling, season of the year when it is done, etc. Some suggestions are given to achieve success in drilling despite permafrost. DLC.
MASLUKHIN, B. V., see also No. 91772.
MASON, W. R. M., see No. 85157. MASORO, E. J., see No. 90626. 89748. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Studies of the stratospheric general circulation. Cambridge, Mass. 1962. 358 p. maps, graphs, tables. (Its: Planetary circulations project, Final report.) Approx. 225 refs. Contains six studies, and two appended analyses, which attempt to explain the various mechanisms that determine the budgets of energy, angular momentum and mass for the Northern Hemisphere between 100 mb and 30 mb. Techniques previously used in tropospheric studies were used to make calculations of budget terms, based on stratospheric data from some 240 stations (45 arctic), during the IGY. Each study deals in part with the arctic stratosphere, though the lack of good reporting stations in northern USSR made difficult the analysis of the polar regions. One appended analysis was abstracted as No 77263. DWB.
MASLOVA, N. P., see No. 92141.
89749. MASSON, V. K 80-letiffl Sergefa Ivanovicha Rudenko. (Sovetskaa arkheologila 1965. v. 9, no. 4, p. 237-41, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Serge! Ivanovich Rudenko, 80 years old. Biography of this noted archeologist and ethnographer, noting his contributions on Eskimos and listing his 98 publications. Arrested in 1931, he was sentenced to ten years' hard labor in the Baltic-White Sea correctional camps, but released in 1934; he took part in the 1945 expedition to His full rehabilitation was Chukotka. DLC. ordered in 1957.
89747. MASLUKHIN, B. V. Primenenie tetraaiklina pri nekrobaailleze severnykh olenel. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severa. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 225-28.) In Russian. Title tr.: Application of tetracyclin in necrobacillosis of reindeer.
89750. MASTERSKIKH, M. A. K voprosu o reprezentativnosti vetra na polfarno1 stanaii bukhta Tiksi. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 16, p. 41-43, graphs.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problem of wind representation at the Tiksi Biy polar station.
Notes that the weather station set up in 1932 at Tiksi Bay was moved 14 km north of the original site in 1957. The new location was in a depression however, so the reliability of the wind observations at the new station had to be checked by comparison with such on the open sea. Observation data from Muostakh Island were plotted against those from Tiksi Bay and expressed as the curve of correlation coefficients for the two stations by using the Shapaev method. The curve shows that for the winter, spring, summer, and fall seasons the correlation coefficients are respectively 44, 60, 64, and 86%. CaMAI, DLC. MASUCCI, F. D., see No. 87854.
author projects the date and duration for 10%, 50% and 90% of the seasonal catch. DLC. MATHISEN, 0. A.. see also Nos. 84952, 88482. 89754. MATHUR, S. P. Fairbanks water and sewerage systems progress. (Alaska's health and welfare, June 1964. v. 21, p. 2-3, illus.) Describes the beginning and development of water distribution and the present technical aspects of circulation and water treatment (chemical). Sewage, garbage and refuse disposal are discussed in the same manner. The lack of modern facilities in a suburb is noted. DLC.
MATHER, K. B., see Nos. 92988, 92989. MATHEWS, S. B., see Nos. 87745, 87746. 89751. MATHIASSEN, T. Sermermiut. (GrOnland 1964, no. 5, p. 161-73, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: Sermermiut. Describes the 1955 Danish Nationalmuseet archeological expedition (author and six others) to Sermermiut, three km southwest of Jakobshavn, West Greenland, abandoned in the mid-19th century. Artifacts from four periods were found: the Sarqaq, Dorset, central Eskimo Thule, and recent West Greenland cultures; some of the finds are described. The Sarqaq layer was dated by C-14 to about 800 BC, Dorset to the first century AD, and Thule to 1100-1200 AD. CaMAI, DLC. 89752. MATHISEN, 0. A., and 0. E. KERNS. Abundance, distribution, and size of juvenile red salmon of the 1960 year class in Iliamna Lake, Alaska. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1963 pub. 1964, p. 191-202, maps, graphs, tables.) 9 refs. Study of this year class, which provided the largest escapement on record into the Kvichak River system. Size of escapement (14.6 mill.); its progeny, abundance and distribution in Lake Iliamna during the summers of 1961 and 1962 are analyzed and discussed, as are rate of growth and parent: DLC. smolt relationships since 1952. 89753. MATHISEN, 0. A. Variability in timing of the Nushagak sockeye salmon run. (Washington (State) Univ. College of Fisheries. Research in fisheries 1964 pub. 1965. Contribution no. 184, p. 18-19, graphs.) Presents an analysis of runs of all local races based on catches of 1895-1945 in the southwest Alaska river. From this analysis,
89755. MATIEVSKAIA, N. D., and V. S. ZHURAVLEV. Pechoro-Kozhvinskil val. (Akademifi nauk SSSR Doklady 1965. v. 161, no. 4, p. 903-906, map, profiles.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The PechoraKozhva arch. Presents a tectonic scheme and geologic profile of the southeastern part of this arch. The arch, more than 300 km in length and 40-50 km wide, is described noting its structure, system of faults, development history, and other features. DLC. 89756. MATIUSHCHENKO, V. I. Neoliticheskaa keramika Zapadnof Sibiri. (Tomsk. Univ. Trudy 1963. v. 171, p. 135-41.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Neolithic pottery of West Siberia. Includes pottery from six sites along the left bank of the lower Ob and its tributary, the Shchuch'ya. Despite affinities with the upper Ob culture, the lower Ob finds show distinctive traits that warrant recognition of a separate neolithic culture complex extending west to the Urals. Eastern and southern limits of this culture are as yet undefined. DLC. MATSUDA, T., see No. 90101. 89757. MATSUDO, H., and J. L. MOHR. A new species of Heliochona, H. psychra n. sp. (Ciliata: Chonotrichida), from Nuwuk Lake, Alaska. (Journal of protozoology 1965. v. 12, no. 4, p. 523-27, illus.) 16 refs. Describes with illus this protozoan, an ectocommensal of Gammarus setosa from Nuwuk Lake, Point Barrow. Differential diagnosis is included. DLC. 89758. MATSUSHITA, S., and H. MAEDA. On the geomagnetic lunar daily varia-
tion field. (Journal of geophysical research 1965., v. 70, no. 11, p. 2559-78, tables, graphs, map.) Approx. 45 refs. Reports study of this field, L, using results of lunar analysis of data from 37 geomagnetic stations, including Sitka. Equivalent external (overhead) and internal (induced within the earth) electric current systems responsible for L variations with respect to geomagnetic latitude are estimated. The current systems obtained for a mean lunation, during an average solar activity period show more plausible current patterns with reasonable current intensities DLC. than any obtained previously. 89759. MATSUSHITA, S., and H. MAEDA. On the geomagnetic solar quiet daily variation field during IGY. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 11, p. 2535-58, tables, graphs, map.) Approx. 55 refs. Reports study of variations Sq from IGY data for three separate longitudinal zones, as recorded at 69 world geomagnetic stations, including Dombas, Srednikan and Sitka, during Jan—Dec 1958 in four-month seasons. Equivalent external (overhead) and internal (earth's induced) electric current system responsible for Sq variations with respect to geomagnetic latitude are estimated by the method of spherical harmonic analysis in the Europe-Africa, Asia-Australia, and both Americas zones for each season. DLC. 89760. MATTHEW, E. M. The glacial geomorphology and deglacierization of the George River basin and adjacent areas in Northern Quebec. Montreal 1961. 211 p. maps, illus. 108 refs. M. Sc. thesis to McGill Univ. Reviews the exploration and scientific work in the area prior to 1960, and reports own field work that summer. Geology, and pre-glacial evolution of the landscape of Labrador-Ungava is outlined, with particular reference to the George River basin. Various methods of determining the trend and direction of ice movement are discussed. Glacierization, particularly the growth of the Laurentide ice sheet and the bearing of climatological studies on morphological evidence are considered at length. The glacial flow patterns and the location of the late-glacial ice divide across the middle and lower reaches of the river are confirmed in agreement with the Glacial map of Canada, but this divide, it is suggested, migrated from the west in late-glaciation times. Rapid wastage of the ice sheet occurred after land west of the regional divide
became exposed by thinning ice. Small icedammed lakes evolved on the Naha Plateau, and large lakes in the George and Whale River basins were subsequently dammed by westward-retreating ice. Throughout this period northwesterly winds predominated. The George River lake shorelines tilt up towards the south, indicating that the greatest ice thickness was in this direction, although detailed levelling suggests that maximum tilt is towards the southwest. Deglacierization of the entire George River basin occurred within the 2,000 years following 10,000 yr BP. CaOGB. 89761. MATTHEW, V. Tanana. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 2, p. 32-33, illus.) Describes with eight photos this town on the Yukon River in interior Alaska. It is accessible by plane or private boat, has churches, schools, an Alaska Native Hospital, Northern Commercial Co store, etc. Abandoned hotels and other buildings are reminders of its greater size and prosperity in the early 1900's. DLC. MATTHEWS, J. V., see No. 88471. 89762. MATTHEWS, J. W. Characteristics of rural residents in the Fairbanks District of the Alaska Cooperative Extension Service. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1963 pub. 1964, p. 20-25.) 2 refs. Reports a sociological study of 134 households in the major homesteading area of interior Alaska. Selected personal and social characteristics were related to participation in community activity, particularly co-operative extension services, and use of mass media. Participation correlated highly with level of education in both sexes, but with socio-economic level only, in, the case of females. .DLC. 89763. MATTHIESSEN, P. Ovibos moscltatus. (New Yorker Feb. 5, 1966, p. 94— 123.) Recounts experiences capturing musk-ox calves on Nunivak Island in Bering Sea during a recent expedition of John Teal. Methods of chasing and capturing the animals, with the aid of airplanes and a helicopter, are described as are Nunivak's weather in August, its landscapes and wildlife. The calves were to be domesticated at a Univ of Alaska farm near Fairbanks, and form the nucleus of herds raised for their wool. DLC. 89764. MATTOX, W. G. Fort Nascopie on Petitsikapau Lake. (McGill Univ. Sub-
Arctic Research Lab. Research papers 1964, no. 18, p. 1-24, maps, illus.) 18 refs. Outlines the history of this Hudson's Bay Co post about 12 mi southeast of Scheffervile; established in 1838, it was active during the 1840's then in decline and closed by 1874. A. P. Low, who visited the site in 1894, included a description of the post and its region in No 10377, p 152-54. The ruins were found by the author in 1964 nearly covered by vegetation. CaMAI. 89765. MATTOX, W. G. The study of a small-area ice plot on Knob Lake 1962-63. (McGill Univ. Sub-Arctic Research Lab. Research papers 1964, no. 18, p. 25-36, map, graph, illus.) Describes the site, methods, and results of weekly (Nov—May) measurements of snow depth, white ice thickness, total ice thickness, etc. Special attention is given to the extraction of a 26" x 26" x 36" ice block, which was cut into four longitudinal sections and transported to Norwich, Vermont for ice petrofabric investigations. Main steps in the sample 'extraction are illus. CaMAI. 89766. MATTSON, C. R. Chum salmon resources of Alaska from Bristol Bay to Point Hope. Washington, D.C. 1962. 22 p. tables, maps. (US. Fish and Wildlife Service. Special scientific rept: fisheries no. 425.) 8 refs. Survey of literature, showing that Oncorhynchus keta is the most abundant and economically important salmon in this region, except for the Bristol Bay area, where the sockeye 0. nerka are far more numerous. The Yukon River system produces the greatest number of chum of all the areas covered, with catches ranging from one-half to a million fish a year. Other leading areas are also noted. DLC. 89767. MATTSSON, A. Fynd av stroma.tolitkalk utanfor Svartisen i Norge. (Svensk geografisk ftrsbok 1965. v. 41, p. 177-78, illus.) In Swedish. Title tr.: Find of stromatolite limestone on Svartisen in Norway. Notes limestone crusts on rocks newly free of ice at Osterdalsisen in the southern part of the Svartisen icecap in north Norway. The topographic situation of this glacier is conducive to the formation of icedammed lakes periodically emptied. This is suggested to have caused an alternation between formation of limestone crusts during the sediment stage and that of stria with partial destruction of the crusts during DLC. the erosive stage.
MATTSSON, J. 0., see No. 89318. 89768. MATUKHINA, V. G., and A. V. VAN. Gorelye porody permi Noril'akogo ralona. (Geologifa i geofizika 1965, no. 6, p. 119-22, tables, illus.) 3 refs. In Ru&sian. Title tr.: Permian burnt rocks of the Norilsk region. Describes cross-section of these rocks in the eastern slope of the Noril'sk plateau. They consist of argillites, siltstones, cinder, etc. Thickness, color, lithologic properties and other features are characterized. Chemical composition is analyzed. These rocks are presumed to have been exposed to subterranean fire. DLC. MATUMOTO, T., see No. 84953. MATVEENKO, V. T., see No. 88094. 89769. MATVEEV, A. K. Nekotorye voprosy lingvisticheskogo analiza substratnol toponimiki. (Voprosy fazykoznanifa 1965. v. 14, no. 6, p. 3-15, tables.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some problems of linguistic analysis of substrate toponymics. Evaluates methods used in determining the origin of the root in geographic names, mainly in the Russian North. Phonetic structure, linguistic geography, morphological adaptation, dialect stratification, etc should be studied before attempting an etymological analysis. Names derived from Lappish and Zyryan are frequent in European USSR, Samoyed and Ob-Ugric stems are common in West Siberia. DLC. 89770. MATVEEV, A. K. 0 drevnem rasselenii samoditEsev po dannym toponimiki. (In: Akademifit nauk SSSR. Inst. narodov Azii. Toponimika ... 1964, p. 101-115, tables.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ancient spread of Samoyeds according to toponymical data. Etymological study of non-Russian geographic names of Arkhangelsk Province, refuting A. P. Dul'zon's hypothesis of a western origih of the Samoyeds (No 64294). Non-Russian toponymics derived primarily from a tongue ancestral to Permian and Zyryan; a Samoyed or Uralic language however, may have contributed to the pre-Finno-Ugric substrate. The Samoyeds are considered to have moved northwest from their Altay-Sayan homeland diffusing to West Siberia and thence to the north of European Russia. DLC. 89771. MATVEEV, A. K., and ID. R. MAZOR. 0 regional'nom metamorfizme uglel basselna r. Kurelki. (In: Akademill
nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geol. i geofiz. Geologifil uglel ... 1965, p. 99-106, table.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Regional metamorphism of the coal of the Kureyka River basin. Discusses understanding of regional metamorphism and presents a generalized plan of the alteration of coal and enclosing rocks. Regional metamorphism of the Kureyka basin coal is analyzed. Tectonic structure of the region in the Upper Paleozoic is outlined. Development of the Kureyka syneclise is characterized. Tectonic conditions are considered in relation to the regional metamorphism of coal. CaMAI. 89772. MATVEEV, A. K. Substratnata toponimika russkogo Severa. (Voprosy filzykoznanifit 1964. v. 13, no. 2, p. 64-83, maps.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Substrate toponymics of the Russian North. Analyzes the formants, stems, phonetics, etymology, and morphological structure of geographic and place names in Murmansk and Arkhangel'sk Provinces, and the northern parts of Komi and Karelian ASSR. A Lappish or proto-Lappish stratum preceded the Permian including proto-Zyryan layer which was supplanted by Russian. Prehistoric and historic population movements, former distribution of Zyryan tribes, Russian settlement, etc are also noted. DLC. 89773. MATVEEVA, E. T., and V. A. TRorrIKAa. Obshchie zakonomernosti kolebatel'nogo rezhima tipa zhemchuzhin. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomila 1965. v. 5, no. 6, p. 1078-84, tables, graphs.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: General regularities of the pearls type of pulsation regime. Describes the morphological properties of the regime of Pc 1 (continuous regular) geomagnetic pulsations, using data from several world stations, including Kheysa Island, Lovozero, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Provideniya Bay and College. A negative correlation between Pc 1 amplitude and the length of the pearl series, and solar activity was observed. Peculiarities in the global distribution of the Pc 1 pulsation DLC. type are discussed.
Karaga District of Kamchatka Province. It is hampered by a high rate of turnover among teachers and of drop-outs and repeaters among students, by a poor cultural milieu, and by the adverse climatic and ecological conditions. Improvement in school control, supervised vacation activities, and their good results are noted. DLC. MATVIENKO, A. I., see No. 89266. MATVIEVSKAIA, N. D., see Nos. 85716, 88888, 88891, 89755. 89775. MAVRODIN, V. V. Russkoe i karel'skoe morekhodstvo na severe Evropy. (Na rubezhe 1956. v. 17, no. 3, p. 162-68.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Russian and Karelian sea voyages in northern Europe. Outlines explorations of about 1100-1700 AD in the White Sea and its coastal regions, Kola Peninsula, northern Fennoscandia, etc. The SoloveGkil monastery in Onega Bay was founded about 1435, and the first permanent Russian settlement on Kola Peninsula in 1575 on the Ponoy River. Novaya Zemlya was discovered by Russians in the mid-15th century and Pomors reached Spitsbergen in the first part of that century, long before Barendsz. Pomor and Kola-Karelian pilots were used by 16th century Danish ships in their search for the "lost" Greenland. Five types of river and sea-going craft used through the 17th century are described; one fiat-bottomed, 18-19 m long by 4-4.5 m wide with a 2 m draught, could carry 35 tons and was well suited to ice navigation. Manned by a crew of 10-15, it could take also 30-40 passengers, with a favorable wind could make 200-250 km in 24 hr. DLC.
MATVEEVA, 0. V., see Nos. 84992, 85172, 85173, 87322, 89072.
89776. MAWDSLEY, J. B. The Institute for Northern Studies, University of Saskatchewan. (Special Libraries Association. Geography and Map Div. Bulletin 1964. no. 55, p. 13.) Notes the program of this institute at Saskatoon to further research in northern Saskatchewan or in other parts of northern Canada, the development of its library, and research projects in some ten fields. DLC.
89774. MATVE!CHEV, V. Kak rabotaet ralono na Kralnem Severe. (Narodnoe obrazovanie 1965, no. 2, p. 15-16.) In Russian. Title tr.: How does the district education department work in the far North? Describes the school organization in
89777. MAXWELL, J. A., and others. Chemical analyses of Canadian rocks, minerals, and ores, compiled from the records of the Geological Survey of Canada for the period 1846-1955. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1965. 476 p. tables. (Canada. Geological Survey. Bulletin 115.) Approx.
200 refs. Other authors: K. R. Dawson, M. E. Tomilson, D. M. E. Pocock and D. Tetreault. Contains 1310 complete or partial chemical analyses of 298 igneous, 185 metamorphic, and 347 sedimentary rocks, 383 minerals, and 97 ores. Each analysis is accompanied by its name, geographic location, geological occurrence, petrographic description, and reference. Related analyses are indicated by a cross-reference system; indexes are provided to rock and mineral names, and to geographic locations. Four specimens were collected in District of Franklin, 53 in Mackenzie District, 5 in Labrador, one in Northern Manitoba, 3 in Northern Quebec, and 7 in Yukon Territory, a total of 73 from northern Canada. DGS. 89778. MAY, A. W. New cod fishing grounds off Labrador and the northeast coast of Newfoundland. (Canada. Dept. of Fisheries. Trade news 1964. v. 16, no. 12, p. 3-6, map, graphs, illus.) Refs. Discusses the development, since 1953, of the offshore otter-trawl fishery by Europeans and its effects on the Canadian inshore fishery. Offshore and inshore landings in the Labrador and Newfoundland areas since 1954 are compared: catches by trawlers rose steeply, exceeding those of inshore fishermen whose catches also increased, but DI. whose yield per man decreased. MAY, A. W., see also No. 92294. 89779. MAYER, W. V. Natural mammalian hibernation, a bibliography. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1964. 200, 92 p. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-63-34.) Refs. Lists (by author) over two thousand references with an extensive subject index, from the 16th century to 1963. CaMAI. MAYHEW, W. W., see No. 86113. MAYO, L. R., see No. 90809. 89780. MAZINA, E. G. Klinika i terapifil rannikh form tuberkuleza legkikh u detel doshkol'nogo vozrasta v IAASSR. (Yakutsk. fAkutskil n. issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy . .. 1963, p. 90-104, tables.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Clinical aspects and therapy of early forms of pulmonary tuberculosis in children of pre-school age. Reviews early work and that in the USSR during the last decade incl her own work. Tuberculin reaction is dealt with exclusively and several case histories are presented out of 245 children studied. Early chemotherapy in positive cases even when no functional
disorders exist is recommended as a result of these observations. DNLM. 89781. MAZINA, E. G., and others. Otdalennye nablilldenifa nad rezul'tatami khimioprofilaktiki u deteI i podrostkov iz semeI bol'nykh tuberkulezom, baaillovydelitelei. (Yakutsk. akutskil n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy ... 1963, p. 7881, table.) Ref. In Russian. Other authors: S. D. Rozhina, E. V. Gorlatykh and Z. P. Baainovskafii. Title tr.: Long-term observations on the results of chemoprophylaxis in children and adolescents from tubercular families, sources of bacilli. Reports study begun in 1956 with children not given chemoprophylaxis as controls. The latter group had a seven-fold higher incidence than the treated group. In Yakutsk no incidence occurred in the treated group, 1.4% in the controls. DNLM. 89782. MAZINA, E. G. Protivotuberkuleznaa vakissinaGAfit na novom etape bor'by s tuberkulezom v akutskof ASSR. (Yakutsk. akutskil n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy ... 1963, p. 69-76, tables, graph.) In Russian. Title tr.: Antituberculosis vaccination in a new stage of TB-control in the Yakut ASSR. Outlines anti-TB vaccination in Russia for the past 37 yr, methods used, their evaluation and effectiveness. Work in Yakutia (since 1944) is described, its scope, Mel revaccination. Mortality in youngsters 1-4 yr old, incidence in children 4-14, and youth 15-17 during 1956-1961 is reported, as is mortality in the latter two age groups. Beginning of vaccination of the newborn in DNLM. Aldan and Yakutsk is noted. MAZOR, it R., see Nos. 89190, 89771. 89783. MAZUROV, G. P. Fiziko-mekhanicheskie svolstva merzlykh gruntov. Leningrad, Strofizdat 1964. 166 p. tables, graphs, map, illus. 52 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Physical-mechanical properties of frozen ground. Presents a methodical manual on frozen ground, the freezing and thawing processes, and their effects. Frozen ground as foundation for constructions is treated in. extenso. Methods are outlined for determination of its physical, mechanical and thermal characteristics, as are methods for calculating subsidence of foundations on thawing grounds. Frozen rock is dealt with from the viewpoint of engineering geology. DLC. 89784. MAZUROV, G. P., and E. S. TIKHONOVA. Preobrazovanie sostava i
svolstv gruntov pri mnogokratnom zamorazhivanii. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1964. v. 19, no. 18, p. 35-44, tables.) 10 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The change in the composition and properties of soil after repeated freezing. Reports a field study in Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra in 1948 and 1959 with laboratory work on unconsolidated soils and sand. Processes and changes in the deposits which occur after repeated freezing and thawing are analyzed. Intensive disintegration of fractions larger than 0.25 min is observed as well as a sorting of grains according to size. The larger fractions migrate to the surface of the freezing layer. Irreversible coagulation does not occur. DLC. 89785. MAZUROV, M. K., and N. A. Voprosy razvitifil, krupnopanernogo domostroenifil v Murmanskol oblasti. (Problemy Severe 1964. no. 10, p. 40-50, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Development of large prefabricated panel domestic construction in Murmansk Province. The space standard in housing is 12 in2 per occupant. On this basis Murmansk Province requires 12 million in2, of which 8.2 million m' must be built as well as 1.9 million m' of public buildin This can be done only by general use of prefabricated large panels or blocks in construction. Various types of construction are outlined. Two local plants produce large panels, one in the city of Murmansk which turns out sufficient for 70,000 in2 of living space a year, and the other the Apatitstrol Trust, with annual output for 35,000 m'. An increase in production to 570,000 m' is planned. Problems of reducing costs are discussed, as is the capital investment required for plant expansion. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. CaMAI, DLC. 89786. MCHEDLISHVILI, N. D. Znachenie pokrytosemennykh rastenil dlfa stratigrafii verkhnemelovykh otlozhenil. (Leningrad. Vses. neftranol geologorazvedochnyl inst. Trudy 1964 pub. 1965. v. 239, p. 5-34, graphs, maps.) Approx. 60 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Importance of angiosperm plants for the stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous deposits. Reviews palynological study of Upper Cretaceous angiosperms in Western Siberia including arctic areas of Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk Provinces, such as Salekhard, Dudinka, etc. Attention is given especially
to Tripojectacites flora. Distribution of angiosperms in Albian, Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian-Santonian, Maestrichtian and Paleocene deposits is outlined and DLC. mapped. 89787. MECHTANOVA, K. V. Novye naselennye punkty Kamchatki. (Letopis' Severe 1964. v. 4, p. 84-86.) In Russian. Title tr.: New settlements in Kamchatka. In 1923, the population of Kamchatka did not exceed 8,000, living in 63 settlements; now it has over 200,000 in some 200-odd places. Some of these settlements are not yet on maps, about a score of them are cited and briefly characterized, mostly kolkhoz or sovkhoz centers, a fish processing DLC. plant, expedition base, etc. 89788. MECKELEIN, W. Beobachtungen and Gedanken zu geomorphologischen Konvergenzen in Polar- and Wiirmewilsten. (Erdkunde 1965. v. 19, no. 1, p. 31-39, map, illus.) 23 refs. In German. English summary. Title tr.: Observations and reflections on geomorphic similarities in polar and hot deserts. Reports and evaluates own observations in Tempelfjorden, Kongsfjorden and other areas of Vestspitsbergen in 1960, noting rock deserts, rock weathering, foliation and formation of salt crust. Such morphological features are observed also in and zone deserts. The effects of fluviatile processes always exceed those of wind and this is evident in polar deserts as in those of hot DLC. climate. 89789. MEDNIKOVA, N. V. The main results in the I. G. Y. program of ionospheric vertical soundings in the U.S.S.R. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1965. v. 27, no. 1, p. 31-45, table) Approx. 80 refs. Reports results from 23 stations incl nine in the North. Equipment, manuals used, observation programs, transmission to the World Data Center and publication in monthly Russian bulletins , are described. The network observations, research in space and time distribution of ionospheric parameters, geomagnetic effects, relationship with solar activity, stratifications, spread echoes, climatic peculiarities and the sporadic E-layer are discussed. Ionospheric layer formation and microprocesses, and features of the arctic and antarctic ionosphere are dealt with. Mid- and highlatitude ionospheric disturbances, and the possibility of predicting the latter are also DLC. considered.
89790. MEDVEDEV, A. F. Is istorii slozhnogo luka. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Inst. arkheologii. Kratkie soobshchenita 1964. no. 102, p. 3-7.) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Contributions to the history of the composite bow. Bows of wood with strips of horn glued to the belly or compression side were found in the Cis-Baykal, Angara and Lena regions, in neolithic burials of the late 4th or early 3rd millennium BC, pre-dating the composite bow in Mesopotamia (about 2,250 BC) arid Egypt (about 1500 BC). The Lake Baykal bows average 150-160 cm in length. The horn strips, 2-3 to each bow, are 34-87 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, and 3 mm thick; they are not notched, their purpose was to increase the bow's resilience. The first find was made in 1929 by A. P. Okladnikov in a Serovo age burial near Zhigalovo on the upper Lena, cf No 41688. DLC. 89791. MEDVEDEV, G. I. The place of the culture of Verkholenskafa gora in the archaeological sequence of the Baikal region. (American antiquity 1964. v. 29, no. 4, p. 461-66, illus.) Ref. Translation of fulllength paper pub in the Transactions of the Scientific Conference on the History of Siberia and the Far East, No 74234. An earlier condensed version was abstracted as No 66655. DSI. 89792. MEDVEDEV, L. P. 0 biologii i promysle belukhi Karskogo morf?t. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy molodykh uchenykh 1964, p. 132-35.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biology and exploitation of the beluga in the Kara Sea. Discusses earlier studies and hunting of this whale, the areas and their centers; movements of the herds; recent catches (1961: 8,000 in all Soviet waters); stock, DLC. permissible limits of kill. 89793. MEDVEDEV, P. M. Kuzomen'skie podvizhnye peski i meroprifittigt po ikh zakrepleniffi. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Izvestiiii 1964. v. 96, no. 1, p. 30-38, tables, maps, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Kuzomen' mobile sands and measures for their reinforcement. Discusses the problem of shifting sands near Kuzomen' on the Terskiy coast of Kola Peninsula, where the pine was cut down and vegetation cover destroyed by grazing cattle. The mechanical and mineralogic composition of these sands, some 800 hectares in area, is described, and their types reported. Fences have been built,
trees and grass planted, and despite great difficulties, reinforcing the sand to withstand erosion seems feasible. DLC. 89794. MEDVEDEV, P. M. Rol' tepla i vlagi dna zhizni rastenil v trudnykh klimaticheskikh uslovicakh, na primere Khibinskikh gor. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 103 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Approx. 90 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The role of heat and humidity in the life of plants under difficult climatic conditions, as exemplified in the Khibiny Mts. Reports a study based on the phenology of some hundred species of plants in the Polar-Alpine Botanical Gardens and several other localities in these mountains, with special consideration of precipitation and temperature incl night frost. Some records extended over 20 yr. The flora of the local northern taiga and tundra was studied in different ecotopes and their microclimate. Much of the results is presented in tabular form. DLC. 89795. MEDVEDEV, P. M., and P. D. BUKHARIN. Vvedenie v kul'turu dikorastushchikh bobovykh kormovykh rastenil Murmanskol oblasti. (Moskva. Glavnyl botanicheskil sad. Bralleten' 1965. no. 58, p. 3-9, tables.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cultivation of wild leguminous feed plants of the Murmansk Province. Reports experiments in bringing under cultivation species of peas indigenous to central and southern Kola Peninsula. Their morphology, modes of growth, and chemical composition in the wild are described, as are their yields as green fodder, when cultivated alone or with other fodder plants. DLC. MEDVEDEVA, G. G., see No. 88582. MEE, T. R., Jr., see No. 88238. 89796. MEEHAN, W. R. The life story of the Alaska red salmon. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 7, p. 22-23, illus.) Traces the life cycle of Oncorhynchus nerka from deposition of the eggs, 2500— 4000, in the redd to the return of mature fish to spawn. The salmon's food and predators at different phases of its life are noted, as are its value as an Alaskan resource, and activities of the State Dept of Fish and Game in management and reDLC. search. 89797. MEEROVICH, L. M. Trudoemkost' dobychi uglia v Pechorskom basseTne i raschet faktorov ee snizhenifa. Syktyvkar, Komi knizhnoe izd-vo 1965. 100 p. tables, graphs, map. Refs. In Russian. G. N. Parashchenko, editor. Title tr.: Labor
consumption in Pechora basin coal mining and calculation of factors for their decrease.* Characterizes Pechora coals, their ranks, thickness of beds, consumers, transportation, etc. The mining is done by the Vorkuta and Inta coal combines, and the labor requirement depends upon such factors as thickness of bed, gas content, techniques and practices developed, mechanization and mine organization, etc. These and other pertinent factors are analyzed and evaluated. For the 1965-1970 plan a lower labor requirement is deemed feasible: 130 workers/1000 t mined can be released in the Vorkuta combine and 65/1000 t in the Inta combine. Monthly output is expected to be 58.1 t/worker in the Vorkuta and 72.5 t in the Inta mines. DLC. MEERSON, E. G., see No. 84852. MEERSON, E. M., see No. 92165. MEHLMAN, M. A., see Nos. 92100, 92322. 89798. MEIER, E. Zeitungen auf Granland. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 1961. 110 p. illus. 23 refs. (Schrif ten des Instituts fur Publizistik an der Universitat ErlangenNtirnberg, no. 1). In German. Title tr.: Newspapers in Greenland. Reviews the geography, population, and economy of Greenland, work of Hans Egede and Heinrich Johannes Rink in the 18-19th centuries, foundation by Rink and Lars Moller of the Atuagagdliutit (Something worth of reading that does not cost) 1 Jan 1861, in Greenlandic, its publication by Moller 1874-1922 and subsequently Lynge, its circulation: 300 copies in 1861, 1500 in 1912, 2500 in the 1930's. Another paper Avangnamiok (The North Greenlander) started in 1913 by Jens Daugaard-Jensen, and local papers in Julianehab, Angmagssalik 1934, Umanak 1936, etc are also dealt with. Gronlandposten was pub in Danish from 1942, and in 1952 merged with Atuagagdliutit and pub in Greenlandic and Danish. Of 17 newspapers pub by 1960, four were in Greenlandic and 13 bilingual; data are given on number of issues, size, number of pages, and content; their role in the acculturation of the native Greenlanders is stressed. Location of full sets of some newspapers is noted. DLC. MEIJERING, M. P. D., see No. 88926. 89799. MEINANDER, M. List of the Plecoptera of eastern Fennoscandia. Hel*English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa.
sinki 1965. 38 p. tables, maps, illus. (Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Fauna fennica no. 19.) 32 refs. Account of the stoneflies of Finland, Karelia and the Kola Peninsula based on study of 7300 specimens, belonging to 33 species. Their distribution in the area and flight periods are dealt with. The account proper includes for each form, its synonyms, morphology, frequency, local and general distribution. Appended maps illustrate the distribution of eleven mostly arctic forms. DLC. 89800. MEISSNER, H. 0. Bezaubernde Wildnis: Wandern, Jagen, Fliegen in Alaska. Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung 1963. 400 p. maps, illus. In German. Title tr.: Enchanted wilderness, hiking, hunting and flying in Alaska. Recounts impressions of the landscape, wildlife and peoples of several parts of the state, incl Nabesna and the Copper River valley, Kodiak and the Pribilof Islands. Sealing activities are described and illus. Statistics are given on game animals. Most of the narrative is about life in the rural areas, the hunting of caribou, bear, elk, seals and other game; Indian, Eskimo and Aleut affairs are also dealt with. DLC. 89801. MEJLAND, Y. Navn og bruk av Polygonum viviparum i Nord-Troms. (Blyttia 1962. v. 20, no. 2, p. 101.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Name and use of Polygonum viviparum in northern Troms. Reviews the collection and use of the buds of this herbaceous plant, a bistort, as an ingredient in meal. It grows profusely in certain locations and gathering is easy. Its common Norwegian name is "meldrdye" which means meal cud. DLC. MEHHANOSHIN, S. P., see No. 91754. 89802. MERKEL', S. A., and L. A. SERGEEVA. Opyt analiza meteorologicheskikh dannykh dila elconomicheskogo issledovanifa. (Problemy Severs 1965. no. 9, p. 113-20, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Attempt at analysis of meteorological data for economic studies. Presents a detailed analysis of weather conditions in Noril'sk and in gold mines of Magadan Province, based on study of meteorological data for 1960 and the first half of 1962. Data are tabulated on duration of negative, positive and mixed temperatures, average air temperature, wind velocity and number of days with severe weather (wind chill), and the effects of unfavorable weather upon the machinery
are discussed. The need for machinery built to withstand the severe climate is stressed. The duration of negative temperature is seven months in both regions; positive, two months in Noril'sk and three in Magadan; mixed, three in Noril'sk and two in Magadan. The unfavorable days amount to 35-50% of all work days. DLC. MELAMED, V. G., see Nos. 88952, 88953, 88955,88958. MELCHIOR, H. R., see Nos. 84953, 92548 § 14. 89803. MELDGAARD, J. Fra Brattalid til Vinland. (Naturens verden, Dec. 1961. v. 45, p. 353-85, maps, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: From Brattahlid to Vinland. Presents analysis and illus of the early Viking site in southwest Greenland, probable route to and location of Vinland. Brattahlid of the saga was at Qagssiarssuk and Vinland was on northern Newfoundland. Archeological excavations are noted. DLC. 89804. MELDGAARD, J. Tjodhildes kirke pa Brattalid. (Gr0nland 1964, no. 8, p. 281-99, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: Tjodhilde's church at Brattahlid. Describes the Danish Nationalmuseet excavations of the Norse site at Qagssiarssuk in 1961 and 1962. The relics are identified as the first Christian church in Greenland, built soon after 1000 AD by Tjodhilde, wife of Eric the Red. Some distance away from the main buildings of the settlement, the church, about eight m2, consisted of a wooden frame covered with turf. Remains of about 30 burials are also known. This church was probably in use for two-three generations till a bigger one was built. DLC. 89805. MELFICF.SfSEV, I. V. Chetvertichnye oledenenifil i problems vozrasta vulkanov Klfachevska gruppy. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. vulkanologii. Chetvertichnyl vulkanizm 1965, p. 111-21, table, map.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Quaternary glaciation and the problem of the age of the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes. Describes the glacial history and forms of glacial relief of this area according to field study and interpretation of air photos. The sculptural and accumulative glacial forms defined in relief belong to the second phase of the Upper Pleistocene glaciation or to the little ice age of the Holocene. Volcanic structures of the region are divided
into three groups according to time of glacial activity: preglacial, Upper Pleistocene glaciation phase, and recent volcanic structures. CaMAI. 89806. MELEKEST-SEV, I. V. K voprosu o stroenii doliny reki Kamchatki. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1963. no. 1, p. 64-68, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structure of the Kamchatka River valley. Reports a 1959-1961 geomorphic study and characterizes the terraces of this river, especially the 10 m, 13-15 m, and 25 m. Profiles of them are presented and their composition and arrangement outlined. DLC. 89807. MELEKESfSEV, I. V. 0 seTsmotektonicheskilch obvalakh i opolznfakh na Kamchatke. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 107-108, map.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: On seismic-tectonic cavings and landslides in Kamchatka. Describes unusual forms of relief consisting of cirque-like niches with sloping, almost vertical walls. They are found in the steep slopes of valleys and vary substantially in size. Such cavings and landslides are described in the Vostochnyy Range of Kamchatka. They were probably caused by tectonic fractures and earthquakes. The DLC. majority are Holocene in age. MELEKEST-SEV, I. V., see also No. 91164. MELENT'EV, V. S., see No. 88863. 89808. MELETINSKII, E. M. Gera volshebnol skazki; proiskhozhdenie obraza. Moskva, Izd-vo vostochnol lit-ry 1958. 264 p. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Central figure of the fairy tale; origin of the prototype. Includes, p 16-160, a discussion of the tale of the poor orphan in the folklore of Melanesians, Paleosiberians, and American Indians, also the prototype of the persecuted stepdaughter, (p 161-212), popular among Paleosiberian and Tungus peoples of the far North. These tales reflect the social struggle at the time of the breakup of the large patriarchal family. Their protagonists symbolize forces of primitive communism, combatting social inequities imposed by rich and favored kinsmen newly come to power. A mythological origin of the hero as personification of a deity is rejected. DLC. 89809. MELETINSKII, E. M. 0 drevnelshem tipe geroa v (pose tfarko-mongor(In: Akademifa skikh narodov Sibiri. nauk SSSR. Otd-ie lit-ry i fazyka. Problemy
sravnitel'nol filologii 1964, p. 426-43.) Approx. 40 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Oldest heroic type in the epos of Siberian Turkic-Mongolian peoples. Deals mainly with the human or semidivine militant culture heroes of the Yakut epic. Classical and modern variants of these traditional tales are discussed noting their ethnographic and historical foundaDLC. tion. MELIK-STEPANOV, ID. G., see No. 84838. MELIKHOV, V. R., see No. 89351. 89810. MEL'KHEEV, M. N. Geograficheskie imena. Moskva, Uchpedgiz 1961. 99 p. 43 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geographic names. Dictionary of over 1,500 world-wide geographic features and place names, some 10-15% in arctic and subarctic regions. Location, etymology of original form, adaptive changes, etc are noted. DLC. MELKUMOVA, G. G., see No. 91392. MELLEN, R. H., see No. 89717. 89811. MELLOR, M. Blowing snow. Hanover, N.H. 1965. 79 p. maps, graphs, sections, tables, illus. (U.S. Army CRREL. Cold regions science and engineering IIIA3e.) 97 refs. Deals with the mechanics of wind transport, emphasizing turbulent diffusion of snow particles in the surface boundary layer. The metering of blowing snow is explained, and field data are given for concentration and flux of snow particles as functions of wind speed and height above the surface. Deposition and erosion of snow is discussed and wind tunnel modeling is outlined. The construction and deployment of snow fences is described, and snow fence performance in Scandinavia, USSR, Canada, and USA, including CRREL tests in Greenland, is analyzed. Snow drifting on highways and around structures is considered, including experience at DEW Line stations Dye 2 and Dye 3 on the Greenland Inland Ice in 1959-1960. Some electrical and optical phenomena are DLC. reviewed. 89812. MELLOR, M. A brief review of the thermal properties and radiation characteristics of snow. (Polarforschung 1963. v. 5, no. 33, p. 186-87.) Reviews briefly heat transfer processes in snow and the heat conduction theory, and
discusses effective thermal conductivity as function of density, heat flux due to vapor diffusion and forced interstitial convection, apparent specific heat, and latent heat of fusion and sublimation; extinction coefficient as a function of wavelength and snow density, spectral reflectance, and long wave emissivity are also treated. DLC. 89813. MELLOR, M., and G. HENDRICKSON. Confined creep tests on polar snow. Hanover, N.H. 1965. 8 p. graphs, tables, illus. (U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 138.) 8 refs. Describes the general process of snow creep as studied by Bader (No. 69956) Landauer (No. 52636) and Kojima, then outlines the test method used on snow samples cut or cored from tunnel and trench walls at Byrd and South Pole stations, Antarctica. Tests were conducted at ambient temperatures (-23° and —48° C) of sub-surface chambers. Data are tabulated and graphed with respect to temperature and density effects. At the lower densities, compressive viscosities agree fairly well with those deduced from depth-density profiles, whereas at the higher densities, viscosities are significantly lower than those calculated from depth-density profiles. Part of the discrepancy may be attributed to the strain history of the snow. The creep tests suggest a functional relationship between viscosity and density unlike that suggested by analyses of natural snow densification. CaMAI. 89814. MELLOR, M. Explosions and snow. Hanover, N.H. 1965. 34 p. graphs, tables, illus. (U.S. Army CRREL. Cold regions science and engineering III-A3a.) 21 refs. Summarizes information on the response of snow to explosions and on the modification of blast effects by snow. Data are given on crater dimensions for surface and subsurface shots, on limit • of complete rupture, on ground shock, response of snow to intense compressive loading, etc. Damage to undersnow structures is expected to be less than that to underground structures, except for damage by a wave refracted from deep ice, or in the rupture zone of craters. Tests of the resistance of cut-andcover trenches to air blast give favorable results. Engineering uses of explosives in snow include the release of avalanches, blowing• of crevasses, cutting ramps in cliffs, ct c. D GS.
89815. MELLOR, M. Optical measurements on snow. Hanover, N. H. 1965. 19 p. graphs, tables, illus. (U.S. Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 169.) 8 refs. Extinction measurements in the visible spectrum were made on homogeneous snow samples prepared under controlled conditions in the CRREL cold rooms, with snow density and grain size as variables. Comparative measurements were made on natural spring snow during the Icefield Ranges Research Project. In fine-grained, cold wind-packed snow, scattering is dominant and the extinction coefficient diminishes as wavelength increases. Extinction coefficient is also inversely related to grain size. In low density snow, extinction increases with increasing density, maximum extinction occurring at a density varying with wavelength and probably also with grain size. Extinction coefficient depends more on grain type than on density for the kinds of snow usually found in surface deposits, thus this coefficient may be a useful descriptive parameter in snow studies. Since the magnitude and wavelength dependence of reflectance vary with snow type, remote sensing of snow covers may have some useful application. Optical principles might be applied in snow structure measurement as well as remote sensing CaMAI. of snow-covered terrain.
89817. MELLOR, M. Properties of snow. Hanover, N. H. 1964. 105 p. graphs, tables, illus. (U.S. Army CRREL. Cold regions science and engineering III-AL) 220 refs. Summarizes information on the physical, mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties of snow. Data from Greenland, Antarctica, and a few extra-polar regions are included, as are Russian IGY data and Japanese material. When snow has been compacted to the stage where it becomes impermeable to air, it is termed ice. In cold, dry snow the transition from permeable snow to impermeable ice occurs at a density of about 0.8 glom'. Strength increases with density, as do Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, though below about 0.4 glom; density strength is negligible. Rapid measurements of relative snow strength can be made with the Swiss rammsonde. Creep under relatively low stresses is usually of greatest interest; in such cases the strain rate can be related to stress, density, temperature and grain structure. Other properties considered are surface friction and adhesion (skis, sleds, tires), heat transfer and other thermal and radiation characteristics (ablation), dielectric features and conductivity. DGS.
89816. MELLOR, M., and R. 0. RAMSEIER. Penetration of plates in dense snow. Hanover, N. H. 1965. 11 p. graphs, tables. (U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 151.) 6 refs. Explores the implications of A. D. Kerr's viscous foundation theory (No 72745) by placing instrumented struts in rooms excavated below the ice surface at Camp Century, Greenland, by measuring closure rates in the undersnow cavities, and by recording the strut loads developed by snow pressure on the circular end plates. Emphasis is placed on the penetration of a circular rigid plate, the evaluation of the viscosity coefficients, values of the parameters for a given material, shear viscosity, etc. Tentative conclusions reached: Kerr model offers a rational approach to problems of foundations in snow and to certain problems involving pressures on undersnow structures, viscosity coefficients of the model are not characteristic constants for a given snow but related to the thickness of the deforming snow layer which in turn depends on the plate size; viscosity coefficients may not be evaluated by comparing
89818. MELLOR, M. Snow and ice in the earth's surface. Hanover, N. H. 1964. viii, 163 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (U.S. Army CRREL. Cold regions science and engineering II-C1.) Approx. 300 refs. Summarizes knowledge of the nature and distribution of snow and ice, especially glaciers. The natural forms of ice, their classification, conditions of formation, etc are outlined, as are the various types of glaciers, their features, distribution, etc. The deposition and accumulation of snow, are discussed, including the effects of wind and other weather conditions; metamorphism of snow into ice is described, particularly on the Greenland Inland Ice and Antarctica. Glacier movement, wastage by iceberg calving, melting and evaporation; glacier fluctuations; and temperatures of glacier ice are dealt with, and illus also from Greenland and Antarctica. Past glaciations are outlined, with evidence of their occurrence, causes, etc. Sea ice is discussed, its terminology, formation, growth, melting, etc. Final chapter outlines methods and equipment used in field studies, from simple observations on the size and form of snow crystals to precise measurements of sub-
data for different-size plates; and viscosity coefficient X may become a valuable index for determining size effect. DGS.
surface movements and strains or blowing snow measurements. Data are summarized CaMAL by maps, profiles, graphs. 89819. MELLOR, M. Undersnow structures: N-34 radar station, Greenland. Hanover, N.H. 1964. 29 p. graphs, sections, tables, illus. (US Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Technical report 132.) 7 refs. Contains condensed data from a 19541963 program of instrumentation and measurement to appraise the performance of this US Air Force radar station at Site 2 on the Greenland Inland Ice. N-34 consisted of prefabricated buildings erected in 1953 inside tubular corrugated-steel shells; the whole complex was interconnected with a closed steel tube network. The 20 ft snow accumulation of 1957-1903, on the abandoned station is still restrained by the structural shells, though a slow increase of tube deformation is noted. Differential settlement and heat loss are discussed, with design recommendations for future structures, based on N-34 data. D G S. MELLOR, M., see also No. 87540. 89820. MEL'NIKOV, A. S. 0 vulkanogennykh formafaifakh erednego paleozofit na vostochnom sklone Severnogo Urala i ikh metallogenii. (In: Ural'akoe petrograficheskoe ... 1963, v. 2, p. 197-98.) In Russian. Title tr.: On volcanic Middle Paleozoic formations in the eastern slope of the Northern Ural and their metallogeny. Distinguishes four such formations: preLudlovian albitophyre-spilite, lower Ludlovian andesite-basalt, Frasnian andesitealbitophyre, and Frasnian paleobasalt. Their petrographic characteristics, sedimentation, tectonic regime, ore formation and other features are briefly noted. DLC. 89821. MEL'NIKOV, A. S., and others. Silur i devon Severosos'vinskogo ralona. (Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskil inst. Trudy 1962. v. 86, p. 87-101.) 35 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S. N. Volkov and R. I. Eroshevskaft. Title tr.: Silurian and Devonian in the Severnaya Sos'va region. Reports on the stratigraphy and petrography of the Silurian and Devonian deposits. Silurian sedimentary and volcanic strata are divided into lower and upper Turvatskaya series and correlated with Ivdel' and other regions of the Ural. Devonian sedimentary—volcanic strata are also treated and divided into stages. Iron pyrite mineralization in these deposits is 834
considered possible and further studies are DLC. suggested. 89822. MEL'NIKOV, P. I., and N. A. GRAVE. Napravlenie i puti issledovanifd mnogoletnemerzlykh gornykh porod kak (Akademia geograficheskogo favlenifit. nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geografii 8ibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doklady 1964. no. 6, p. 10-15.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Direction and ways of investigating permafrost as a geographic phenomenon. States tasks of geocryology. Composition, structure, geographic distribution, formation and development of permafrost are reviewed. Its thermodynamics and hydrogeologic conditions are noted. Its effects on groundwater, the origin of oriented lakes, the mapping of permafrost and other problems are briefly outlined. DLC. 89823. MEL'NIKOV, P. I. 0 nalichii mnogoletnemerzlykh gornykh porod pod rekami i ozerami na territorii akutskoI ASSR. Akademill nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenia Sovremennye voprosy ... 1964, p. 97-104, section.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The presence of permafrost beneath rivers and lakes in the territory of Yakut ASSR. Reports geothermal investigations in deep boreholes near large rivers and in lakes. Several in the Vilyuy, Lena, Aldan, Tiksi, Lake Ebebakh, etc are described and the temperature measurements given. Composition of the rocks has an important role as the presence of water-resistant rocks limits the depths of thawed rocks beneath rivers and lakes. Where rocks with good filtration properties are present, thawed rocks extend much deeper and lead to formation of taliks. Talik formation in rocks riven by fissures is also noted. DLC. 89824. MEL'NIKOV, P. I. Raaionarnye konstrukaii i metody vozvedeni1 fundamentov pod zhilye, kurturno-bytovye i otoplivaemye promyshlennye zdania, postroennye na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu ... 1961. Sbornik trudov pub. 1962, p. 67-85, tables, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Efficient construction and methods of building foundations for homes, social centers and heated industrial buildings on permafrost. Reviews methods and processes, analyzing specific constructions in Yakut ASSR, Magadanskaya Oblast', and at Norilsk, Vorkuta, and Mirnyy. Comparative data on costs and labor for reinforced concrete piles, reinforced concrete casing with shoes, for loads of 50,100, and 150 tons are given.
The armature steel required for these foundations and loads is given for 11 buildings in Yakutsk, one in Mirnyy and two in Norilsk. Construction work on permafrost at Anchorage, and Fairbanks in Alaska, in the Canadian North, and at Thule in Greenland is also outlined. DLC. 89825. MEL'NIKOV, P. I. Razvitie geokriologicheskikh issledovanif v lAkutshot ASSR. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Sovremennye voprosy ... 1964, p. 7-19.) 42 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Development of geocryologic investigations in Yakut ASSR. Reviews investigations since 1937, with special attention to M. I. Sumgin who initiated them. His expedition of 19381941 is outlined. Reorganization of the Permafrost Institute's branch at Yakutsk to an Institute of Geocryology of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences in 1960 is noted, the permafrost stations of Siberia under its jurisdiction, author its director. Studies of permafrost, ground water, naleds, engineering problems, etc are' reviewed, results summarized. DLC. MEL'NIKOV, P. I., see also No. 88056. MEL'NIKOVA, E. M., see also Nos. 86119, 89651. MEL'NIKOVA, G. L., see No. 85617. 89826. MEL'NIKOVA, M. N. Plodovitost' semgi Salmo salar L. reki Varzugi. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1964. v. 4, no. 3, p. 469-76, tables, graphs.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fertility of salmon Salmo salar in the Varzuga River. Discusses seasonal and year-to-year variations in size of Atlantic salmon of this Kola river. Size of males and females in catches of 1959, growth and maturation of females, length, and number of eggs in ovaries (fertility) are considered, as is the relationship between these parameters. DLC.
temperatures, atmospheric precipitation, air moisture, cloudiness, wind regime, clouds, snow drifts, etc are characterized. Some data tables are appended. DLC. MEIVNIKOVA, V. M., see No. 88726. 89828. MENDALL, H. L., and H. K. NELSON. Adventuresome waterfowl. (In: US. Dept. of the Interior. Waterfowl tomorrow 1964, p. 305-311, illus.) Discusses deviations from and extensions of the traditional migratory routes and their causes, when known. Large-scale pioneering and accidental wandering are distinguished. Mallards, blue-winged teals, ring-necked ducks and a few others are cited as examples. The role of refuges, etc in redistribution of migrants is also considered. DLC. MENDOZA, M. F., see Nos. 87386, 87387. 89829. MENG, C. I., and others. The aurora and polar magnetic storms. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1965 pub. 1966, p. 181-222, table, graphs, maps.) 10 refs. Other authors: D. S. Kimball and S. I. Akasofu. Reports studies of individual auroral displays and magnetic disturbances over eastern Siberia, Alaska, and central Canada, using records from Barrow, Bettles, College, Big Delta, Healy, Northway, Sitka, Barter Island, and other stations of the IGY allsky network. Intense auroral activity in the midnight sector over central Canada often generates auroral surges which travel westwards in the evening sector, across Alaska and Siberia, at about 1 km/sec. It is concluded that the two phenomena, auroral displays and polar magnetic storms occur together, and are different aspects of a specific geomagnetic disturbance, the polar substorm. Earlier and new concepts of the polar substorm are reviewed. Typical geomagnetic changes in the horizontal component of the field are shown in a diagram. CaMAI. MENG, C. I., see also Nos. 84911, 84914.
89827. MEL'NIKOVA, T. V. Klimat Magadana. Leningrad, Gimiz 1965. 96 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The climate of Magadan. Outlines this harsh climate from 1937— 1959 observations at the Nagayeva station. Physical geography of the region and main features of climate are summarized, and seasonal changes treated in some detail. Individual elements such as air and soil
MENG, M. S., see No. 84954. 89830. MENGES, K. H. Linguistische and ethnologische Bemerkungen zum Tungusischen. (Anthropos 1965. v. 60, no. 1-6, p. 591-608.) Refs. In German. Title tr.: Linguistic and ethnologic notes on Tungus. Discusses G. S. Vasilevich's EvenkiRussian dictionary (No 62389) primarily in respect to its ethnographic value and offers
complementary ethnographic interpretations for 35 Evenki Tungus words. DLC. 89831. MENGES, K. H. Zu einigen uralaltajisch-toxarischen Wortbeziehungen. (Orbis 1965. v. 14, no. 1, p. 126-37.) Refs. In German. Title tr.: Some Ural-AltaicTocharian word correlations. Deals with the etymology of about 15 Tocharian words borrowed from Tungus Samoyed, Ostyak, Gilyak, Yukaghir, etc neighbors. Prehistoric distribution and migration routes of the Ural-Altaic peoples are discussed. DLC. 89832. MENGES, K. H. Zur VerbalMorphologie des Nanaj. (Ural-altaische Jahrbficher 1964. v. 35, no. D, p. 397-402, illus.) Refs. In German. Title tr.: Morphology of Gold verbs. Grammatical study of this Tungus language. A phonetic and morphological analysis of its Bikin River dialect is given ibid. 1964, v. 35, no. B, p. 198-203. DLC. MENWLOV, A. A., see No. 86539. 89833. MENNER, V. V. 0 raspredelenii 6vaporitov v srednepaleozolskikh otlozhenifakh Severnol Sibiri. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 161, no. 3, p. 666-69, illus.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The distribution of evaporites in the Middle Paleozoic deposits of northern Siberia. Describes evaporite distribution in the northern part of the Tungusskiy syneclise, Vilyuy syneclise, Khatanga downwarp, Taymyr Peninsula, and the VerkhoyanskKolyma zone. Their distribution in Silurian, Devonian and Upper Carboniferous deposits is analyzed. Sometimes they appear only on small areas, other times large areas of platformic and geosynclinal troughs. DLC. 89834. MENOVSHCHIKOV, G. A. Eskimossko-aleutskie paralleli. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskil inst. Uchenye zapiski 1960. v. 167, p. 171-92.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Eskimo-Aleut parallels. Comparative linguistic analysis of Aleut (as recorded by Veniaminov, No 18649) and four Asiatic Eskimo dialects. The latter are Chaplino, Naukan, Sireniki and the Imaklik dialect of Eskimos relocated from Ratmanova i.e. Big Diomede Island to Naukan, all studied by the author in 1948 and 1954-1955. A basic relationship exists between Aleut and Eskimo phonetic and grammatical structure, but only 37 words derive from common stems. A glossary of about 200 words is appended. DLC.
89835. MENOVSHCHIKOV, G. A. K voprosu o proniCsaemosti grammaticheskogo stroll fazyka. (Voprosy fazykoznanfa 1964. v. 13, no. 5, p. 100-106.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Penetrability of the grammatical structure of a language. Comparative study of two Aleut isolates, Mednyy and Beringa Islands in the Commanders. Their Aleut population was introduced by the Russians 1826-1880 from Attu and Atka Islands in the Aleutians. The Beringa dialect remained true to the Aleut grammatical laws; Mednyy adopted the Russian verb conjugation pattern however, for reasons not clear. Few Russians were present at mid-19th century: about 30 to some 300 Aleuts, and very few at the end of the century except mixed-bloods and administrative personnel. DLC. 89836. MENOVSHCHIKOV, G. A. Novye dannye o fazyke aleutov Komandorskikh ostrovov. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Izvestifa 1965, no. 1, p. 84-92.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the language of the Aleuts of the Commander Islands. Reports a morphological study based on 1963 field work on Aleut as spoken by about 50 of some 300 aborigines on Bering and Mednyy Islands. Their sealing industry, social activities and culture generally are considered also; their newspaper Aleutskaia zvezda pub at Nikol'skoye is noted. DLC. MENOVSHCHIKOV, G. A., see also No. 87938. 89837. MEN'SHIKOV, ID. F. Opyt izuchenifa zabolevaemosti naselenifa Kol'skogo poluostrova. (Zdravookhranenie Rossilskol Federafifi 1965. v. 9, no. 5, p. 21-23, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Study of human morbidity in Kola Peninsula. Statistical study based on the 1960-1964 medical examinations among the Russian, Lappish, and Zyryan population. Incidence of gastro-intestinal, respiratory, renal, rheumatic, nervous, etc disorders are tabulated according to the administrative districts and major towns of Murmansk Province. Cases of gastric ailments and high blood pressure were almost twice as numerous among Russians as among the Lapps and Zyryans. This is attributed to incomplete acclimatization of comparative newcomers to the far North and to their fat- and protein-rich diet. DLC. 89838. MEN'SHIKOV, F. Rasprostranennost' zabolevaml organov pishchevare-
nifa na Kol'skom poluostrove. (Zdravookhranenie RossiTskol FederaCsii 1964. v. 8, no. 7, p. 6-7, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Prevalence of diseases of the digestive system in Kola Peninsula. Reports on the incidence of gastric, ulcer, and gall-bladder diseases in the seven administrative districts and four major towns in Murmansk Province. Data are given by sex and ethnic origin. Surveys in 1960, 1962, and 1863 showed the rural tundra population 23.5% Lapps, 26.6% Zyryans, 2.5% Nenets Samoyeds, the remainder Russians and other non-northern groups. The above-average number of gastric cases in Monchegorsk and the Pechenga District is attributed to the high percentage of newcomers unaccustomed to conditions in the North, particularly the high-fat diet. DLC. MENSHIKOVA, L. V., see No. 84836. 89839. MERCER, J. H. The estimation of the regimen and former firn limit of a glacier. (Journal of glaciology 1961. v. 3, no. 30, p. 1053-62, tables, graphs, maps.) 7 refs. French and German summary. Presents a method to use, when accurate topographic maps are available, for calculating the mass balance index of the glaciers and changes in the firn limit from the area distribution. The Kenai Peninsula on the west side of Prince William Sound in Alaska was selected, and the method applied to the Tebenkov, Princeton, Harriman and other glaciers, also to some glaciers outside the test area as Saddlebag, Gulkana, Laughton, etc. Recent climatic changes are discussed. DLC. 89840. MERCER, J. H. Glacier variations in southern Patagonia. (Geographical review 1965. v. 55, no. 3, p. 390-413, maps, tables, illus.) 55 refs. Includes table comparing dates of glacier advances and maxima of individual glaciers in Patagonia, Alaska, and other parts of the world. Earliest in Alaska is that of Glacier Bay, approx 2600 yr ago; most recent are the Taku, and Meares advances; maxima at Yakutat and Lituya Bays are compared with one about 1000 yr ago in the Adele glacier of Patagonia. DLC. 89841. MERCER, J. H. The response of fjord glaciers to changes in the firn limit. (Journal of glaciology 1961. v. 3, no. 29, p. 850-58, maps, illus.) 25 refs. French and German summary. Reports tidewater glacier observations in Alaska from the Kenai Peninsula to the
Petersburg area, all the glaciers in fjords or bays. Three kinds of behavior are noted: catastrophic recession, oscillation and a slow advance. Theoretical responses of fjord glaciers to changes in the fun limit are analyzed and considered in cases of a fall and of a rise in the firn limit. The known behavior of these glaciers agrees well with that to be expected according to theory. Glaciers in narrow, level-floored valleys would respond to a fall in the firn limit in a manner similar to fjord glaciers, but after a rise in firn limit they could stagnate in situ, as they have no calving termini. DLC. 89842. MERET-SKOV, K. A. Dorogami srazhenil. (Voprosy istorii 1965. v. 40, no. 12, p. 97-111.) In Russian. Title tr.: Battle roads. Memoirs of a Soviet marshal appointed commanding general of the Karelian front in Feb 1944. The fight against German forces in the far North is recapitulated from 1941. Military events of 1944 on Kola Peninsula culminating in the German defeat at Petsamo and the capture of Kirkenes, Norway, by Soviet troops are described. The other installments contain DLC. no arctic material. MERINOV, V. A., see No. 92362. Effektivnost' 89843. MERKINA, G. perevezok kol'skikh apatitov v smeshannom soobshchenii. (Rechnol transport 1964. v. 23, no. 6, p. 12-13.) In Russian. Title tr.: The efficiency of transporting Kola apatites by a combination of means of communication. Discusses transportation of apatite concentrate from the Apatity mining and concentration combine, to chemical plants up to 2,500 km distant in European Russia at a cost of some 22 million rubles in 1962. The railroad is used, but author proposes a combination of rail-and-river transport as more efficient and economical. For example, cost of shipping concentrate to Perm is 3.7 rubles/ton by railroad, and by rail-river it would be 2.5 r/t. Consumer plants on or near navigable rivers, and loading-unloading operations according to Murmansk port Apatite experience are recommended. transferred from freight cars to sea-going vessels at Murmansk costs 38.9 kopeks/t. DLC. MERKLE, D. H., see No. 87016. 89844. MERKLIN, R. L., and others. Popytka korrelfeaii pozdneka1nozolskikh morskikh osadkov Chukotki, Severo-Vos-
tochnoT Sibiri, i Zapadnol Alfaski. (Akademiff), nauk SSSR. Izvestifa 1964, ser. geol. no. 10, p. 45-57, tables, map.) 19 refs. In Russian. Other authors: 0. M. Petrov, D. M. Hopkins and F. S. MacNeil. Title tr.: An attempt at correlation of the Late Cenozoic marine deposits of Chukotka in northeast Siberia, and of western Alaska. Presents a correlation of these deposits worked out by Russian and American scientists based mostly on molluscan fauna. It is preliminary due to difficulties mentioned. Naptowne, Salmon Lake, Iron Creek glaciations, and other layers in Alaska are compared with corresponding layers of Chukotka. Distribution of marine molluscs in Quaternary deposits of both regions are listed. This paper in a somewhat condensed version in English by D. M. Hopkins and its other three authors was pub as Quaternary correlations across Bering Strait, in Science, 5 Mar 1965. v 147, p 1107-1114, table, map). 29 refs. DLC. 89845. MERKUR'EV, I. S. Ob osobennostfakh udarenifa v murmanskom govore. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheska inst. Uchenye zapiski 1963. v. 248, p. 325-29.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Peculiarities of stress in the Murmansk Province speech. Attributea to Lappish and Karelian influence the local tendency to stress the first syllable of Russian. DLC. 89846. MERRELL, T. R., Jr. Freshwater survival of pink salmon in Sashin Creek, Alaska. (In: Symposium on Pink Salmon 1960 pub 1962, p. 59-72, tables, map, graphs, illus.) 2 refs. Study of factors influencing survival in Sashin Creek, 60 mi south of Sitka. It is concluded that climatic conditions do not appear to be of a controlling nature; that odd-year salmon runs spawn earlier and produce more progeny (per fish) with greater survival, than even-year runs; that survival is better in the steeper sections of the creek and that medium-sized runs produce more fry per fish, than large or small runs. DSI. MERRELL, T. R., see also No. 87743. 89847. MERRIAM, H. R. The wolves of Coronation Island. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 27-32, tables.)
Reports a study of the wolf population, descendants of four timber wolves introduced on this Southeast Alaska island, and their impact on its deer stock. After four yr the number of wolves was much lower
than calculated. The presence of wolf hair in scats indicate that intra-specific strife may be responsible for this slow increase, The deer population was low but not eliminated by the wolves. CaMAI. MERRILL, R. T., see No. 87565. 89848. MER'f-SALOVA, N. B. Izmenchivost' temperatury i solenosti v Norvezhskom more. (Moskva. Gos. okeanograficheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 84, p. 243-51, tables, graphs, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: Variability of temperature and salinity in the Norwegian Sea. Constructs dimensionless graphs of the reliability of certain temperature and salinity values of the water in this sea during the warm half of the year. Such graphs enable data to be obtained on probable deviations of the hydrological elements from their mean values at any given point in the sea, on the values of these deviations, and their recurrence in the entire range of variations, also on the rate of the variations with depth. DLC. 89849. MERYMAN, H. T. Mechanism of freezing injury in clinical frostbite. (In: Symposia on arctic biology and medicine. Proceedings 1964, p. 1-11.) 7 refs. Reviews theories of cold injury, resulting from withdrawal and freezing of cellular water, mechanical injury by the ice crystals, protein denaturation, eutectic crystallization and unnatural chemical bonding. The more important, recent experimental studies affecting therapy are also noted. CaMAI. 89850. MESEZHNIKOV, M. S. 0 rasprostranenii verkhnego kimeridzha na severe Sibiri. (In: Akademita nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geol. i geofiz. Stratigrafifa, i paleontologifa .. 1965, p. 67-71, illus.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of the upper Kimmeridgian in the Siberian. North. Upper Kimmeridgian deposits have not been identified until recently because ammonite gen Aulacostephanus have not been found in the section and because the volume of the upper Kimmeridgian substage had not been definitely defined. Finds of A. are now reported in the Khatanga depression and elsewhere. Systematic description is given of Aulacoalephanus (Aulacostephanoceraa), and Aulacostephanus CaMAI. (Aulacostephanus) tip indet. MESEZHNIKOV, M. S., see also Nos. 85424, 91415.
89851. MESHCHANINOV, I. I. Ergativnyl strol predlozhenia. (In: Akademiia nauk SSSR. Otd-ie lit-ry i etzyka. Problemy sravnitel'nol filologii 1964, p. 19-25.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ergative sentence structure. Discusses grammatical and syntactic peculiarities of Eskimo, encountered also in Paleoasiatic languages and some indigenous DLC. to the northern Caucasus. 89852. MESHCHENKO, V. M. Aktual'nye voprosy mediainskoi geografii taezhnd cony SSSR. (Zdravookhranenie Rossilskol FederaCaii 1964. v. 8, no. 10, p. 7-11.) In Russian. Title tr.: Urgent problems of medical geography in the taiga zone of the USSR. The increase of population expected in the Siberian taiga makes desirable a close study of endemic diseases and foci of infection. In the Ob-Irtysh region and central Yakutia, tick encephalitis transmitted by the taiga tick Ix. persulcatus, is prevalent, as are other local forms of brain fever, typhus, DLC. tularemia, rabies, trichinosis, etc. 89853. MESHCHERcLICOVA, I. M. Holichestvennoe raspredelenie planktona v 13go-vostochnol chasti Beringova mor1 letom 1958 i 1959 g. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morakogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. v. 49, p. 14150, table, maps.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Quantitative distribution of plankton in the southeastern part of the Bering Sea during the summer 1958 and 1959. Reviews earlier plankton studies in this sea, and presents the results of 364 collections from a 100 m column, made from the end of July through Sept. In the phytoplankton, diatoms prevailed; their spatial and temporal distribution, and factors rly the distrigoverning it are noted. Simila bution of zooplankton and the biomass of the leading forms (calanids) are determined. DLC. 89854. MESS, B. Changes in thyroidal cold response of heat-adapted rats following bilateral lesions of the habenular nuclei. (Acta physiologica, Budapest 1964. v. 24, no. 3, p. 299-304, tables.) 15 refs. Exposure to slight cold produced an exaggerated T/S response in the experimental group in contrast to a mild one in controls. No T/S rise appeared in either group upon exposure to 0-4° C. Increase in adrenal weight was more pronounced in the lesioned rats exposed to cold. DNLM. MESSINEV, A. ID., see No. 92874.
MESTYAN, J., see No. 87784. 89855. METCALFE, E. B. On the dream railway to Great Slave Lake they can build everything at once. (Construction world 1962. v. 18, no. 1, p. 30-31, map.) Outlines conditions favoring construction of the 430-mi line being built by the Canadian National Railways from Peace River, Alta., to Hay River on Great Slave Lake and connecting with the Pine Point leadzinc mines. Scheduled to open in 1964, the project benefits from the parallel route of the old Mackenzie Highway, and easy terrain induding several wide but shallow river valleys. It has only one major problem, at the mile-wide, 300-ft deep Meikle River valley; this crossing is to be U-type, with a steel-on-concrete bridge, 165 ft above the river, and 2000 ft long. DLC. 89856. METEL'SH1i, G. I,mal, kid zemli. (Oktfabr' 1965. v. 42, no. 6, p. 15161.) In Russian. Title tr.: Yamal, world's end. Describes a railroad journey across the Polar Ural to Labytnangi and by river bus to Salekhard, also a boat trip down Ob Bay to Nyda. Urban development of Salekhard has benefited from Expedition-5, an annual operation of the All-Union Oil and Geological Survey Institute since the mid1950's, and by a newly formed geological survey trust. Promising oil deposits are discovered near Pors'yakha (67°22' N 71° E). The relocation of Salekhard to higher ground on Cape Angal'skiy at the mouth of the Poluy River is discussed, as is the controversial power station project on the lower Ob. It would hamper underwater exploitation of gas and oil particularly in winter; it would flood part of the YamalNenets and Khanty-Mani National Districts, and ruin the lumbering, fur hunting, and fishing industries. Construction of the Igarka-Salekhard railroad, interrupted in 1953, has not been resumed. Social and economic progress of Samoyeds, Ostyaks, and Voguls after consolidation of regional kolkhozes into sovkhozes is depicted: technological development, larger reindeer herds, fewer herders, higher wages, etc. Some 10,000 aborigines engaged in herding 355,000 reindeer lead a nomadic life, however. A project for an enclosed range on Yamal Peninsula north of the Se-Yakha River is favored to release the herders. DLC. 89857. METEL'SKII, G. V. Lebedi letfat na sever. Moskva, Izd-vo Mysl' 1964. 294 p. illus. In Russian. Title tr.: The swans fly north.
Story of travels to and over the Yamal Peninsula by boat, reindeer, plane, and on foot, with descriptions and photos of the country and its people, Samoyeds and Russians. Progress in housing and life of the reindeer herders and fishermen are sketched. Efforts to extend agriculture northward, industrialization and modernization of life in general are emphasized. DLC. 89858. MEYER, A. Relationship between drift-ice, atmospheric circulation and fishing possibilities off southeast Greenland during the first halves of the years 19591963. (International Commission for the Northwest Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 767-73, maps.) 18 refs. Describes why, in spite of big ice drift in these waters and periods, German trawlers developed a steady and successful fishery: the winds produced a very low frequency of 14.7% ice days. Atmospheric pressure conditions producing these winds are CaMAI. detailed. MEYER, M. W., see No. 89334. 89859. MEYER, P., and R. VOGT. Primary cosmic ray and solar protons; H. (Physical review 1963. v. 129, no. 5, p. 2275-79, table, graphs.) 14 refs. Reports measurements of the proton flux and energy spectrum in primary cosmic radiation of 80-350 Mev range, obtained from a series at balloon flights launched from Ft Churchill on 22, 29 July, 1, 6, and 8 Aug 1961 at the floating altitude between 4.5 and 5 g/cm2 of residual atmosphere. A comparison of 1961 results with those obtained previously leads to the conclusion that a significant flux of low-energy protons is continually present in primary cosmic radiation in the years of high solar activity. This low energy flux decreases with declining solar activity as the galactic cosmic-ray flux decreases. This suggests that the lowenergy proton flux is of solar origin. The solar flare proton spectrum observed July 22, 1961 was of the form dJ/dE = 4.6 x 109 E-4 (protons)/m2 sec sr Mev). These protons must be either produced or released continuously or very frequently by the sun, or they must have been stored for 30 or more days in the solar system if they are injected during large solar flares. DLC. 89860. MEYERHUFFER, B. Rautusakara-kvartsitens sOdra begransning. (Geologiska foreningen. Forhandlingar 1962. v. 84, no. 1, p. 15-31, graphs, maps, profiles, illus.) 6 refs. In Swedish. English sum-
mary. Title tr.: The southern limits of Rautusakara quartzite. Describes the basal portion of a Svionic quartzite formation that extends as a broken series of ridges south-southwestward from northern Finland into Sweden between Kiruna and Vittangi. The outcrop marks alignment of a former syncline into which deposition took place, with later vertical faulting on both sides. Tectonic analysis, petrography, magnetic profiles, and field investigations were combined to determine the southern limits of the formation. DLC. 89861. MEZENSEV, V. S. 0 verofatnykh razmerakh podtoplettia zemel' v ralonakh pribrezh'ID, Nizhne-Obskogo vodokhranilishcha. (Problemy Severe, 1965. no. 9, p. 232-34, tables.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Probable extent of the rise of the groundwater level in the regions adjacent to the lower Ob reservoir. Discusses the hydrological consequences to be expected from building a large water reservoir for the planned lower Ob hydroelectric station. The 270,000 km* area around the site is exceedingly marshy, excess gravitational water amounts to 1,500 m'/hectare in an average year, 920 m' in a dry one (once in five yr), and 2,250 m' in a moist one (once in five yr). Though such natural conditions are phenomenal, with the lower Ob dammed, 7-8 km* water/yr will remain for several years, raising considerably the groundwater level and causing incalculable damage to the local economy. DLC. 89862. MEZHENNYI, A. A. Biologita kedrovki, Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhyncus, v I-Ozhnol tlkutii. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1964. v. 43, no. 11, p. 1679-87, table.) 10 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Biology of the nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhynchus in southern Yakutia. Reports field studies of this bird, dwelling in the same area year after year, specifically its food: seeds of Pinus sibirica and P. pumila; its mode of food storage for fall-tospring; food caches, their distribution and number (up to 2,000). DLC. 89863. MEZHVEDOMSTVENNOE SOVESHCHANIE PO PROBLEME "RUDONOSNOST' VULKANOGENNYKH FORMAfS11", Moskva 1963. Materialy. Moskva, Izd-vo Nedra 1965. 325 p. tables, maps, sections, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title etc. tr.: Materials of the Interdepartmental Conference on the ore bearing properties of volcanic formations. V. N. Kotlik, editor.
Presents 31 papers dealing with theoretical and practical problems in the Urals, Siberia, and other areas including five on such in the Northeast, viz: Volcanic belts of the Pacific ring ... , by M. I. Irsikson and others. Metallogeny of the Okhotsk-Chaun volcanic belt, by N. P. Anikeev and others. , by Epithermal gold and gold-silver L. N. Plashkevich and A. A. Sidorov. Gold-silver deposits in propilite formations ... , by G. M. Vlasov. Epithermal mineralization . . . Okhotsk Chaun belt, by I. M. Speranskafa and L. P. Smolenskil. These are abstracted under their authors' DLC. names. 89864. MEZHVILK, A. A. K voprosu o transgressivnom zaleganii verkhnepermskikh otlozhenil v Noril'skom ralone. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1963. v. 133, p. 39-43.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On problem of transgressive overlapping of Upper Permian deposits in the Noril'sk region. Reports own 1959 survey which established onlap of Upper Permian over Lower Permian, Ordovician and Cambrian deposits. Arkose sandstones with pebbles of stable rocks widely distributed may be considered the key horizon. Between Lower and Upper Permian deposits changes are noted in the vegetation remains and sporeDLC. pollen complexes. 89865. MEZHVILK, A. A. Osadochnye porody mezhdu pokrovami sibirskikh trappov. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1963. v. 133, p. 44-48, table.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Sedimentary rocks between sheets of Siberian traps. Reports study of effusive rocks in the Kotuy, Kureyka and Ayan River regions. Among the effusives are graywacke-like sedimentary rocks, which are described in four groups: limestones, conglomerates, volcanic sandstones, and aleurites and argillites. The presence of sedimentary rocks is questioned by the editors. DLC. 89866. MEZHVILK, A. A. Razvitie Noril'skogo ralona kak mobil'nol zony v plioCsene i chetvertichnom periode. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1965. v. 143, p. 34-55, table, sections, maps.) 19 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Evolution of the Noril'sk region as a mobile zone in the Pleistocene and Quaternary periods. Outlines the stratigraphy of the region.
The marine deposits known as the Tukalanda and Messo-Sanchugovka beds on the sides and bottom of the Noril'sk valley are discussed. The Zyryanka glaciation and the Val'kovskiy lacustrine as well as the Sartan glacial deposits are widespread in the region. Oscillating and block movements in the Norilsk region have made it a relatively mobile area from the Pliocene to the present. DLC. 89867. MEZHVILK, A. A. Vli1.nie glubinnykh razlomov na geologicheskoe stroenie severo-zapadnol okrainy Sibirskol platformy. (In: Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskil inst. Glubinnye razlomy 1964, p. 98-106, map, profile.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effect of deep faults on the geologic structure of the northwestern margin of the Siberian platform. Reviews area of conjugation between the Siberian platform and the West Siberian plateau. Three large geosutures are recognized and mapped on a geologic-tectonic scheme. Zones of faults are distinguished. Three tectonic structures are described: Tungusskiy syneclise, Ust'-Yenisey depression, and Turukhan-Khantayka megaanticlinorium. Second and third order structures are also noted. DLC. 89868. MIAGKOVA, E. I. Soanity, novard gruppa organizmov. (Paleontologicheskll zhurnal 1965, no. 3, p. 16-22, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Soanites, a new group of organisms. Describes fossil fauna of unestablished systematic position, found in Lower Ordovician deposits in the Noril'sk, Khantayka, Moyero and some other areas of the Siberian platform. According to the morphology of single parts of these organisms, they can be compared with the Sushkin Receptaculita, Vologdin Archaeocyathus, Kesling Ischaclites, etc. A new family, genus and species Soanites bimularia are described systematically and illus. DLC. 89869. MrASNIKOV, A. V. 0 reshenii problemy amsarskogo bars kak odnogo iz uslovil uluchshenifa svfazeI Obi s Severnym morskim putem. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Sibirskil n.-issl. inst. energetiki. Transportnoe ispol'zovanie rek Ob'-Irtyshskogo basselna, Novosibirsk 1965, p. 78-81.) In Russian. Title tr.: Yamsal'skiy bar as a problem in the connection of the Ob with the Northern Sea Route. This sand bar in one of the channels (Khamanel'skaya Ob) of the Ob delta obstructs navigation even for small river
boats. It is briefly described. Three ways of coping with it are suggested, and bottom DLC. dredging is recommended. 89870. MIASNIKOV, V. S., and R. V. Nekotorye osobennosti BOlARSKAR. titanomagnetitov i olektronno-mikroskopicheskoe ikh issledovanie. (Geologifd, rudnykh mestorozhdenil 1965. v. 7, no. 5, p. 7-17, tables, illus.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of titano-magnetites and electronic microscopic study of them. Reports a study of titano-magnetites in some ultrabasic and alkaline rocks of the Afrikanda, Lesnaya Sopka and Khibiny massifs in Kola Peninsula. In olivinites, pyroxenites, ore pegmatites, ijolites and urtites, optical, chemical, X-ray, and thermomagnetic analyses were used as well as electron microscopy. The last enables the microstructure of titano-magnetites to be distinguished. The various methods are compared. Presence of ulvOspinel and formation conditions of titano-magnetites DLC. are discussed. 89871. MICHAEL, H. N., Editor. The archaeology and geomorphology of northern Asia, selected works. Toronto, Univ. of Toronto Press 1964. 512 p. tables, maps, illus. (Arctic Inst. of North America. Anthropology of the North: translations from Russian sources no. 5.) Refs. The archeology section has 13 papers mostly of 1957-1963; the nine on northern peoples are described in this Bibliography under the number indicated: ARUTIDNOV, S. A., and others. Ancient burials on the Chukchi Peninsula, No 77122. ARUTIDNOV, S. A., and D. A. SERGEEV. New finds in the Old Bering Sea cemetery at Uelen, No 69888. GERASIMOV, M. M. The paleolithic site Malta, excavations of 1956-1957, No 51149. LEVIN, M. G. An early Eskimo cemetery at Uelen, a preliminary report on the excavations of 1958, No 66255. LEVIN, M. G. Fieldwork on the Chukchi Peninsula in 1957, No 52795. LEVIN, M. G. and D. A. SERGEEV. The penetration of iron into the Arctic, the first find of an iron implement in a site of the Old Bering Sea culture, No 66257. OKLADNIKOV, A. P. Ethnic and cultural connections of middle Yenisey tribes during the neolithic, the origins of the Samoyedic peoples, No 53731. OKLADNIKOV, A. P. Paleolithic remains in the Lena River basin, No 36588.
RUDENKO, S. I. The culture of the prehistoric population of Kamchatka, No 25709. The geomorphology section has five papers from a 1959 publication, The ice age in the European section of the USSR and in Siberia, No 60324; three deal with northern areas, viz: CHEBOTAREVA, N. S. and others. Stratigraphy of the Quaternary deposits of the middle Lena and the lower Aldan Rivers, No 57324. POPOV, A. I. The Quaternary period in Western Siberia, No 60963. VASKOVSKIT, A. P. A brief outline of the vegetation, climate, and chronology of the Quaternary period in the upper reaches of the Kolyma and Indigirka Rivers and on the northern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, No 62401. Introduction by C. S. Chard includes a list of 23 papers in English and about 30 English translations of Russian papers on archeology of northern USSR. Editor's preface explains Russian geographic terminology, lists the archeological sites (map) and some 120 works on geomorphology. DLC. 89872. MICHEL, F. C., and A. J. DESSLER. Physical significance of inhomogeneities in polar cap absorption events. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 17, p. 4305-4311, illus.) 22 refs. Argues that the earth's magnetospheric tail, which controls in large part the morphology of polar cap absorption (PCA) of radio signal, must be longer than one astronomical unit (--.1.4 x 10') km. Blown by solar wind to a length greater than 1 AU from the earth, such a magnetospheric tail should have but a little merging with interplanetary magnetic field lines, and should retain, therefore, a substantial amount of inhomogeneities preventing the low-energy ( 5 Men) PCA events from being homogenized within several hours. This time of homogenization of PCA is in agreement with observations, but in a short geomagnetospheric tail the homogenization should be accomplished within a few minutes. DLC. 89873. MICHURIN, L. N. Diki1 severnyl olen' na Tamyrskom poluostrove. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severe. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 181.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Wild reindeer in Taymyr Peninsula. Summary of report on conservation problems with references to No 73070, 73971, 81235. DNAL.
89874. MICHURIN, L. N. 0 nekotorykh morfologicheskikh osobennostfekh dikikh severnykh olenel poluostrova Taimyr. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 44, no. 9, p. 1396-1404, tables, illus.) 20 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Some morphological peculiarities of wild reindeer from the Taymyr Peninsula. Account of morphometric and craniological examinations of 83 adult and young animals, with live weight determined in 16 of them. Body size and anatomy are compared with taiga and domestic animals. The investigation permits the separation of an independent subspecies R. tarandus taimyreneis Mitch 1963. English translation (TT67-51236) available from Clearinghouse, Springfield, Va. 22151. DLC. 89875. MICHURINA, L. Zelen' v kormlenii lisife. (Serskokhozfalstvennoe proizvodstvo Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka 1965, no. 5, p. 55.) In Russian. Title tr.: Green feed in the diet of foxes. The Potapovo Agricultural Station in Taymyr in 1961 and the Dudinka Fur Base in 1963 improved the quality of their fox pelts, by adding 30 gin of rhubarb to the daily diet (high in vitamin C). DLC. 89876. MICHURINA, L. R. Kachestvo pushno-mekhovol produkcsii na zverofermakh Krasnofarskogo Severe i puti ego povyshenbil (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severs. Trudy 1963. v. 12, p. 195-200, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: The quality of skins produced by fur farms of the Krasnoyarsk North and means of improving it. Reviews the output of fur farms of the Evenki and Taymyr National Districts and Turukhansk District since 1956. In general skins are of low quality, those from some collectives 80% below standard. The defects are mostly caused by poor nutrition due to shortage of feed or by poor maintenance. Means for improvement are discussed. DNAL. 89877. MIDTTUN, L. S. The relation between temperature conditions and fish distribution in the southeastern Barents Sea. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Special publication 1965. no. 6, p. 213-19, graphs, map.) Reports distribution of cod and haddock traced by echo surveys and compared with temperatures at 150 m depth. In the fall the fish are mainly located in waters above 2° C; in spring they migrate towards the Finnmark—Murman coast. Long-term east-
west fluctuations in distribution, similar to temperature conditions are also dealt with. CaMAI. 89878. MIERS, B. T., and N. .1. BEYERS. Rocketsonde wind and temperature measurements between 30 and 70 km for selected stations. (Journal of applied meteorology 1964. v. 3, no. 1, p. 16-26, map, graphs, tables.) 11 refs. Analyzes 1100 wind, and some 200 temperature measurements from the national meteorological rocket network through Aug 1962, also a few 1957 and 1958 soundings taken prior to its initiation. Subpolar stations in the network are Fort Greely, Alaska, and Fort Churchill, Man. Statistical analysis shows pronounced seasonal changes of temperature in the subpolar stratosphere. Wind data generally support previously constructed cross sections of the wind regime over North America, indicating a significant mass transport from subtropDLC. ical to middle latitudes. 89879. MIETTINEN, J. K. Caesium-137 in groups of populations. (In: Symposium on the assessment of radioactive body burdens ... 1964. v. 2, p. 115-20, tables, graphs.) 12 refs. French, Russian and Spanish summary. Summary of results of this Heidelberg Symposium 11-16 May 1964. Highest body burdens of radiocesium are in Eskimos and male reindeer-breeding Lapps, due to their consumption of reindeer meat. DLC. 89880. MIETTINEN, J. H. Measurements of caesium-137 in Finnish Lapps in 19621964 by a mobile whole-body counter. (In: Symposium on the assessment of radioactive body burdens ... 1964. v. 2, p. 193-204, tables, graph, illus.) 10 refs. French, Russian and Spanish summary. Describes the construction, calibration and operation of the counter developed by K. Liden et al, and used in the present study. The average whole body burden of radiocesium is found considerably higher in reindeer herders than in other Lapps and the seasonal variation somewhat different. DLC. 89881. MIETTINEN, J. K. Radioactive food-chains in arctic regions. (International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy 3rd, Geneva 1964. Proceedings pub. 1965. v. 14, p. 122-29, tables, graphs, map, illus.) 35 refs. French, Russian, and Finnish summary. Study of diet covering one third of the Lapp population in northern Finland (Pro-
ject Lapland) 1960-1963. The level of Cs-137 and Sr-90 in the food chain (lichens, etc—reindeer) and in the body of affected Lapps was established and compared with others not subsisting on a reindeer diet. A new, mobile, whole-body counter, used in these investigations is described. DLC. MIETTINEN, J. K., see also No. 91428. MIGLLACCIO, It. It., see No. 86321. 89882. MIHAILOVI(, L. T., and others. Changes of glutamine, glutamic acid and GABA in cortical and subcortical brain structures of hibernating and fully aroused ground squirrels, Citellus citellus. (Experientia 1965. v. 21, no. 12, p. 709-710, graphs.) 5 refs. French summary. Other authors: L. Kitalid and D. Cupid. The amount of these substances in seven regions of the brain was studied. The most pronounced changes in glutamic acid and GABA were found in the subcortical structures, which are considered essential in regulating the studied physiological processes. DLC. MIKERINA, N. V., see No. 88137. 89883. MIKHAILOV, A. F. Nekotorye osobennosti geologii giperbazitovol forsevernol chasti Korfeksko-Kamchatskol skladchatol oblasti. (In: Vses. petrograficheskoe soveshchanie 1958. Magmatizm i svfaz' ... 1960, p. 409-412.) In Russian. Title tr.: Some geologic features of the ultrabasite formation in the northern part of the Koryak-Kamchatka folded zone. Describes the extent of this formation, comprised of western and eastern Kamchatka belts, several zones treated in some detail. The ultrabasites, bound to deep faults, were formed at different times. Their petrochemical characteristics disclose a high content of magnesium and low of alkalines, especially potassium and aluminum. DLC. MIKHAILOV, I. I., see Nos. 90256, 90257. 89884. MIKHAILOV, ft. A. K izuchenifu svfazi ritmichnosti organogennykh izvestnfa'kov s gidrodinamicheskol aktivnost'fff sredy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regional'nag. geologia no. 6, p. 88-93, sections.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigation of the relation of the rhythmicity of organic limestones with the hydrodynamic activity of the medium.
Reports a 1962 study of a carbonate stratum lying over bauxite; it is of Lower Carboniferous age and in the Nyun'karakuTani River basin, eastern Taymyr. Formation of rhythms of the first order is connected with periodic changes of paleogeographic conditions. In the background of these rhythms, smaller second-order rhythms are visible. These later rhythms are caused by periodic changes in the hydrodynamic activity of the medium and speed DLC. of carbonate sedimentation. 89885. MIKHAILOV, fit. P. Sovremennye i perspektivnye problemy izucheni& talgi. (Sibirskil geograficheskil sbornik 1965. no. 4, p. 42-83.) In Russian. Title tr.: Present and prospective problems in taiga investigation. Summarizes work of the conference of 23-27 Sept 1963 in Irkutsk. About 300 representatives of 92 organizations were present and 58 papers were delivered. Among the topics considered were the nature of the taiga zone, appraisal of its natural resources, its utilization for agriculture, its melioration, the organization of industry and transport, economic zoning, population geography, man in taiga conditions, etc. The conference was also reported in Akademia nauk SSSR. Izvestia 1964, ser. geog. no. 2, p. 140-46. A 24-26 Nov 1964 meeting at Irkutsk on the same subject is reported in Akademil nauk SSSR. Izvestifa 1965, ser. geog. no. 2, p. 162-64. DLC. 89886. MIKHAILOV, M. V., and V. F. FILATOV. K voprosu o vozraste KempendEtIskoi i Ygyattinskol vpadin i Suntarskogo pogrebennogo gorsta. (Geologifil i geofizika 1965. no. 7, p. 60-67, maps, profile.) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Age of the Kempendyay and Ygyatta depressions and Suntar buried horst. Traces the geologic development of structures of the west Vilyuy transversal marginal system from geologic, geophysical studies and from data of drillings. Development of the Archean basement and Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian etc rocks is described. Some evidence is offered that the Kempendyay and Ygyatta depressions and Suntar horst are Middle Paleozoic in age. DLC. 89887. MIKHAILOV, N. I. Fizicheskard. geografia Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka, kurs lektsiL Moskva, Izd-vo Moskovskogo univ. 1960, 1961. 3 pt. tables, graphs, maps. 34 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Physical
geography of Siberia and the Far East, a series of lectures. Pt 1: Siberia, West Siberia, Middle Siberia (172 p. tables, graph, map) pub 1960, reviews the boundaries, nature, climate, permafrost, river-net relief and other features of Siberia generally. West Siberia is treated in greater detail as to climate, rivers and lakes, soil and vegetation, etc. Its physical geographic zones are characterized, such as tundra, forest tundra, taiga, forest steppe and steppe. Middle Siberia is similarly described including Severnaya Zemlya, Byrranga Mts, Yenisey-Khatanga province, Putorana Mts, the Olenek-Anabar and other regions of Yakutia. Pt 2: (not seen yet). Pt 3: Northeastern Siberia (65 p. map) pub 1961, gives the general characteristics of the areas east of the Lena, north of the Aldan and Maya, and west of the Pacific watershed. Orography, climate, glaciations, rivers and lakes, vegetation and soils, animal life, and natural resources are treated in turn. The physical geographic zoning is outlined incl the zone of arctic deserts, New Siberian Islands, tundra, forest, plains, and mountain zones. DLC. 89888. MIKHAILOV, N. N. 0 vekovom khode v severnol chasti Talmyrsko1 depressii. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regional'flea. geologia no. 6, p. 172-76, tables, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: Secular variations in the northern part of the Taymyr depression. Reports results of airborne, small (1952) and intermediate (1959, 1961) geomagnetic surveys by the expeditions of the Institute of the Geology of the Arctic, USSR. The same instrumentation was used throughout and the results, reduced to the epoch of 1950, are presented in tables of mean differences expressed in milli-oersteds. Secular variations of the geomagnetic field are traced within the 800 x 150-200 km zone of the depression. So-called local inequalities resulting in local anomalies are established in the area. DLC. MIKHAILOV, S. V., see No. 84836. 89889. MIKHAILOV, V. KraT, probuzhdenny1 k zhizni. (Na rubezhe 1961. v. 22, no. 3, 4-page insert between p. 56-57, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Region, newly come to life. Describes Sukkozero, a lumber settlement founded soon after the construction in 1956 of this leg of the West-Karelian railroad, which takes Karelian lumber to the trunk
line at Suoyarvi. Several lumber centers and combines served by the new railroad are noted, also a wood-processing mill under construction at Yushkozero in anticipation of the railroad being extended. DLC. MIKHAILOV, V. A., see No. 92359. 89890. MIKHAILOVA, A. L., and F. P. PIVOVAROVA. Opyt raboty po tuberkulezu v Megino-Kangalasskom raTone fAkutskol ASSR. (Yakutsk. fAkutskil n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy ... 1963, p. 32-35, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Experience in tuberculosis work in the Megino-Kangalassy District, Yakut ASSR. Enumerates the medical and TB institutions, hospitals, etc with number of beds, in the area, and describes the organization of these services. X-ray screening and prophylactic activities, hospital bed-occupancy and activities are reported, as are work of mobile TB units, and improvement in housing. DNLM. MIKHAILOVA, Z. P., see No. 86174. 89891. M EMAIL OVSKII, E. Novafil zhizn' saami. (In: U karty Kol'skogo 1957, p. 121-26, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: New life of the Lapps. Describes the Lappish District in northeastern Kola Peninsula composed of four collective farms, a reindeer sovkhoz, and the village Gremikha. The main industries are reindeer husbandry, fishing, fish processing, and dairy farming, on which some data are given. Present cultural and socio-economic conditions are contrasted with pre-Soviet neglect. DLC. MIKHAL'CHENKO, I. I., see No. 93228. MIKHALENKO, P.
a., see No. 87483.
MIKHALEV, G. P., see No. 91306. 89892. MIKHALKOVICH, V. I. 0 raspredelenii krevetok v ralonakh Labradora i N'fafaundlenda. (Materialy rybokhozfalstvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basseina 1964. no. 2, p. 59-62, maps.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of shrimp in the Labrador and Newfoundland area. Maps the prevailing forms in the four seasons according to stomach examinations of codfish during 1957-1961. Most common are species of Pandalus. DLC. MIKHALKOVICH, V. I., see also No. 90343.
89893. MIKHEENKO, V. I., and I. A. Kolenchatye dalki ICHAiRETDINOV. trappov na severo-vostoke Tungusskol sineklizy. (Akademil nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 159, no. 4, p. 808-810, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geniculate dikes of traps northeast of the Tungusskiy syneclise. Describes a geniculate dike of dolerites on the middle Morkoka River in Yakut ASSR, its form, thickness, enclosing rocks and other features. Such dikes are widely distributed in this area and they reveal the tectonic development of the syneclise and the mechanism of injection of trap magma in the enclosing rocks. Conditions of trap magmatism are briefly discussed. Structure of the Tungusskiy syneclise is characterized. DLC. MI:MERV, B. I., see No. 90989. 89894. MIKHEEV, V. S., and B. B. PROKHOROV. Nauchnyl poisk molodykh geografov Sibiri. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Izvestife. 1964. v. 96, no. 6, p. 537-40.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Scientific research of the young geographers of Siberia. Reviews the conference of young geographers Feb 12-15, 1964 in Irkutsk, with 80 who completed their studies in 1960 or later present. Papers delivered, briefly reported, include some concerning Yakutia, Krasnoyarsk, and Magadan Provinces. DLC. English translation at CaMAI. 89895. MIKHURA, V. I. Raergeticheskie resursy Kamchatskol oblasti i perspektivy ikh isporzovania ail, nuzhd narodnogo khoziaistva. (In: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. Prirodnye uslovia .. 1963, p. 13742, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Energy resources of Kamchatka Province and prospects for their utilization in the national economy. Reviews the reserves and initial development of coal, peat, water power, geothermal energy, wind and tides as sources of power. Of 60 known coal deposits three, Korf, Tigil' and Krutogorova have been prospected, but only the Korf lignite coal is in production: approx 14,000 t/yr. Peat reserves are estimated at nine billion t. Favorable conditions for the utilization of hot springs are noted. Prospective consumption of electric energy is discussed and some stations are noted. Selection of power station sites is considered briefly from the viewpoint of wildlife conservation and ecology generally. DLC.
89896. MIKKELSEN, E. Scoresbysund kolonien. (GrOnland 1965, no. 11, p. 36978; no. 12, p. 409-428, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: The Scoresbysund settlement. Recounts his search in 1924 for a suitable place for a settlement and the move from Angmagssalik in 1925 of 70 Eskimos and some officials and their families to the Scoresbysund site. The experiment proved successful as the area afforded good fishing and hunting. The second article is a critique of present-day Scoresbysund. Concentration of the population in the main settlement is considered unfortunate and this policy is being reversed to some extent. The very large number of children constitute a problem. Kindergartens, larger schools and more teachers are needed, as are training facilities and opportunities for leisure activities of young people. The alcohol problem is also mentioned. CaMAI. DLC. 89897. MIKLUKHO-MAKLAI, A. D. Doordovikskil vulkanizm zapadnogo sklona Polarnogo i Pripolliknogo Urala. (In: Ural'skoe petrograficheskoe ... 1963, v. 2, p. 199-204, map.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Pre-Ordovician volcanism in the western slope of the Polar and Subpolar Ural. Discusses the stratigraphic position, petrographic properties, distribution and other features of acid effusives of these regions of Komi ASSR. Among the products of PreOrdovician volcanism, two contrasting series predominate, viz: basalt and andesite basalt magmas, and liparite-dacite magmas. Copper mineralization noted in the Nyarmayakha (Nyarma-Yaga), Kara, Usa and other regions is of impregnation, vein and metasomatic types. DLC. 89898. MIKLUKHO-MAKLAi, A. D., and IA. R. PAKHLO. K voprosy o kembrilskikh otlozhenifalh Polarnogo i Pripolarnogo Urala. (Akademifa', nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 162, no. 4, p. 891-92.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cambrian deposits of the Polar and Subpolar Ural. Discusses the distribution and stratigraphy of these deposits. Fauna collected in the upper Usa and Vangyr River basins are determined and changes made in the thickness and stratigraphy of the Cambrian deposits. It is suggested that the previous Cambrian stratigraphy needs revision. DLC. 89899. MIKULICH, L. V. 0 raspredelenii planktona v severnol chasti Okhotskogo morfA letom 1955 g. (Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskil n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo
khoz. i okeanografii. lzvestifa 1960. v. 46, p. 41-64, tables, maps.) 26 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of plankton in the northern Okhotsk Sea, summer 1955. Qualitative and quantitative study of three areas, down to 100 m depth during May-Sept. The role of the different plankton forms in herring nutrition is also determined. Successive appearance of "blooming" in different regions and dependence of plankton development on the weather are also discussed. DLC. MIKU'FSKII, S. P., see Nos. 92873, 92874. 89900. MILAN, F. A. The acculturation of the contemporary Eskimo of Wainwright, Alaska. (Alaska. Univ. Anthropological papers 1964. v. 11, no. 2, p. 1-95, tables.) 60 refs. Study based on data from a 1955 survey of cardiovascular disorders among Alaskan aborigines for the Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory at Fairbanks. Ecology, major traditional occupations, history of the contact period to the 1940's, and population fluctuations in 1890-1954 are reviewed. The annual aboriginal economic cycle of the so-called uluRunikamiut Eskimos based on fishing, land- and sea-mammal hunting is contrasted with the current mode of life regulated by wage income, sale of skins and curios, and government subsidies. Social control is based on traditional behavior rules and is maintained by an elective village council concerned with standards of Christian morality rather than the legal code. The birth-to-death cycle, effects of boarding-school education and church activities are dealt with, also kinship terminology, language and tentative orthography. Christian concepts are identified with aboriginal beliefs in the supernatural and festivals of American observance adopted into the native ceremonial calendar. Belief in a soul duality survives however, as does that of name soul transfer in the naming of infants after deceased relatives. Despite strong acculturative pressures, full assimilation of Wainwright Eskimos has not been achieved: their present-day culture is a distinctive blend of traditional and introDLC. duced elements. 89901. MILAN, F. A. Cold water tests of USAF anti-exposure suits. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 23 p. tables, graphs, illus. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TR64-31.) 11 refs. Reports field and laboratory studies on estimated survival time of subjects dressed
in several kinds of anti-exposure suits at water temperatures of 0° to 12° C and air of —18° to 15° C. The experiments suggest substituting an insulated raft for the MB-4 currently in inventory. Experiments in a box of —30° C showed that vapor impermeable anti-exposure suits are unsuitable for land survival. CaMAI. 89902. MILAN, F. A. Maintenance of thermal balance in arctic Eskimos and antarctic sojourners. (Actualites scientifiques et industrielles 1964. no. 1312, p. 529-34, table.) 21 refs. French summary. Account of studies of environmental cold stress upon two white men in the Antarctic and five Eskimo hunters of arctic Alaska. Skin and rectal temperatures under clothing were recorded, as was metabolism, and the heat loss calculated. The question of cold acclimatization of whites in the Antarctic is discussed. DLC. 89903. MILAN, F. A. Project Cold Case. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 26 p. graph, illus. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-64-23.) 3 refs. Reports cold land-survival capabilities of six Air Force pilots wearing the Full Pressure High Altitude Flying Outfit (A/P 22S-2 and A/P 22S-3) only, or additional clothing. The experiment lasted 72 hr and temperatures were below —27° F half of the time. With the Flying Outfit alone, survival time lasted 11 and 30 hr. Subjects with an additional nine-piece down-filled outfit (Clothing Outfit, arctic survival) survived for 52 and 72 hr, and those wearing the experimental ADC Walk-around Sleeping Bag survived for 72 hr. Appended are daily logs and instructions on how to build a snow house. CaMAI. 89904. MILAN, F. A. Thermal evaluation of footgear associated with the full pressure high altitude flying outfit A/P 22S-2. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 4 p. graph. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TR-64-25.) 2 refs. Reports tests of four different kinds of footgear worn by subjects sitting in a —30° C environment. Toe temperatures after 120 min was 20° C in subjects wearing downfilled survival overboots and 16° C in those wearing mukluks or Vapor Barrier boots. Alert boots were found least fit for such low temperatures. CaMAL 89905. MILL'iliOVSKIT, S. A. Vesennil plankton nekotorykh ralonov Norvezhskogo i Barentseva morel, aprel'-mal 1959 g. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl n.-issl. inst. mor-
skogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1962. no. 14, p. 235-62, graphs, maps.) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Spring plankton in some areas of the Norwegian and Barents Sea, April-May 1959. Study of collections from standard horizons with consideration of both quantity and quality. Each month is treated in turn, as are phytoplankton and zooplankton. Dominant forms, including young stages, are discussed as well as spawning, temperatures, and geographical aspects. DLC. MILEIKOVSKIT, S. A., see also No. 91574. 89906. MILEWSKI, T. Typological similarities between Caucasian and American Indian languages. (International Congress of Americanists 35th, Mexico 1962. Proceedings pub. 1964. v. 2, p. 533-39, table.) Discusses structural similarities between Caucasus dialects, the Chukchi-Kamchadal family, and languages of western North America including Eskimo, Chipewyan, etc. A convergence area in Central Asia is suggested where, several millennia BC, unrelated linguistic families developed analogous systems of phonology, morphology, syntax and vocabulary. DSI. 89907. MILfAEV, N. A. Godovye variacsii magnitnol vozmushchennosti i elementov magnitnogo polaa v Arktike. (Prnblemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 16, p. 63-68, graphs.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Yearly variations in the magnetic disturbance and magnetic field parameters in the Arctic. Discusses and plots observational data from Tikhaya Bay, Cape Chelyuskin, Dikson Island, Tiksi, Uelen, and the North Pole-3, -5, -7 drifting stations. These data show the yearly variations in magnetic disturbance in the central polar region and near the Pole to be of single-wave type. Yearly variations in the magnetic elements D, H, Z are of considerable magnitude and should be taken into consideration. The general shape of magnetic-element variations is the same for all the stations in the CaMAI, DLC. arctic region.
stanGii "Severnyl polffls-8". (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 21, p. 72-80, tables, graphs, map.) 3 refs. In Russian. English translation by E. R. Hope, in Canada. Defence Research Board. Directorate of Sc. Inform. Services. T468R, 1966. (CaMAI). Title tr.: Magnetic field disturbance in the drift region of station North Pole-8. Discusses geomagnetic investigations of Apr 1959-Apr 1961 within 179-211° E 75.8-84° N, during the post-max phase of solar activity. The southern part of the drift bordered upon a magnetically little explored region of the Bering Sea, at the northern end the station approached the zone of the presumed second max of magnetic disturbances, and the zone of reversal of daily variation in the horizontal component H of the geomagnetic field. Variations in the monthly mean magnetic disturbance values r7 of the field horizontal component at Bukhta Tikhaya, Uelen, and the North Pole-8 station are given. Differences, Arli. are compared with those in sunspot number. The monthly number of magnetic disturbances, strong geomagnetic storms, and their durations are tabulated. DLC. 89910. MIL'KIN, M. Soviet polar exploration. (Polar times 1966. no. 62, p. 28-31, illus.) Reprinted from the SPA Journal, Society of Philatelic Americans. Describes several postage stamp series issued by the USSR Ministry of Communication 1931-1965 to commemorate Soviet expeditions and research in the Arctic and Antarctic. The exploits of the icebreaker Malygin, Chelliskin, North Pole drifting stations, IGY, etc, are noted as pertinent for the series, and the Scott and Minkus stamp catalog references are cited. Some CaMAI. 30 of the stamps are illus.
89908. MILIAEV, N. A. Latitudinal shifts in the reversal zone of diurnal variations in the arctic magnetic field. (In: Problems of the Arctic ... 1966. 11 p. graphs, table.) 2 refs. English translation of No 74018. CaMAI.
89911. MILLARD, W. W., and J. R. SCHUMANN. Evaluation of pneumatic splints. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 11 p. graphs, illus. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TDR-64-22.) 4 refs. Reports results of testing splints on simulated cages, at environmental tempera, tures of —20 to —40° C. Skin temperature, blood flow and subjective feeling in the splintered region are recorded with and without the additional protection of banCaMAI. dage, blanket, etc.
89909. MILLIEV, N. A. Vozmushchennost' magnitnogo poll& v ralone drelfa
89912. MILLER, A. H. Adaptation of (Interbreeding schedule to latitude.
national Ornithological Congress, 12th, 1958. Proceedings pub. 1960. v. 2, p. 51322, illus.) 22 refs. In arctic latitudes, because of the seasonal sun (light) cycle, breeding, to be successful, requires rigorous scheduling, and sexual co-ordination within populations is impressive. By contrast, in subtropical and tropical regions, ecological factors other than light may partly or fully overcome DLC. photoperiodic timing. MILLER, F. S., see No. 89913. MILLER, G., see No. 85459. MILLER, G. S., see No. 84954. MILLER, H. W., see No. 86714. 89913. MILLER, J. A., and others. Hypothermia, asphyxia, and cardiac glycogen in guinea pigs. (Science, June 5, 1964. v. 144, p. 1226-27, table.) 16 refs. Other authors: R. Zakhary and F. S. Miller. Normothermic guinea pigs asphyxiated, showed a loss of 75% or more of cardiac glycogen at time of death. Briefly cooled animals with or without applied asphyxia showed no effect in cardiac glycogen. DLC. 89914. MILLER, J. F. Two- to ten-day precipitation for return periods of 2 to 100 years in Alaska. Washington, D.C., US. Govt. Print. Off. 1965. 30 p. tables, graphs, maps. (US. Weather Bureau. Technical paper no. 52.) 4 refs. Continuation of No 81280, presenting a series of 24 maps on which 2, 4, 7 and 10day precipitation in inches is shown for return periods of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 yr. A 6 p introd explains the methodology of data reduction, with graphs and diag. Data from 36 Alaskan stations were used, with an average length of record of 29 yr. DWB. 89915. MILLER, L. K. Activity in mammalian peripheral nerves during supercooling. (Science July 2, 1965. v. 149, p. 74-75, table, graphs.) 8 refs. Excised peripheral nerves of several mammals from the Alaskan interior continued to operate when supercooled to —60 C. In some nerves freezing began before activity ceased. If the nerves are not allowed to remain frozen for a long time they regain activity when rewarmed. DLC. MILLER, L. K., see also No. 84953. 89916. MILLER, M. M., and C. E. PROUTY. A field institute concept in the
glaciological sciences. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1965 pub. 1966, p. 97-103, map.) Reviews the purposes, facilities, activities and results of the annual summer field institute organized by the Juneau Icefield Research Program of the Foundation for Glacier Research. In association with Michigan State Univ, it provides graduate field training in the basic practical skills of glaciology and related fields, with trips to examine low level glaciation. Results of the summer program are assessed in terms of participants' subsequent activities, etc. CaMAI. 89917. MILLER, M. M., and D. M. POTTER. Glacio-morphic effects of the Alaskan Good Friday earthquake, 1964. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1965 pub. 1966, p. 118-22, map, illus.) Reports briefly surveys carried out during the summers of 1964-1965 to determine the effects of this earthquake upon glaciers in the area. Some 500 significant earthquake avalanches were observed and several very large slides covering up to 10 mil of ice (illus). An echelon series of fresh fault scarps was produced on a ridge near Russell Fiord, over 300 mi from the epicenter, and minor examples of glacier crevassing and thrusting also occurred. The observed effects of the earthquake extended a max CaMAI. 400 mi east of the epicenter. 89918. MILLER, M. M. Our restless (National geographic magazine earth. 1964. v. 126, no. 1, p. 140-41, illus.) Outlines in popular form known causes of earthquakes, with particular reference to the 1964 Alaska earthquake. Four faults converging on epicenter are indicated DLC. (small map). 89919. MILLER, M. M. Taku Glacier evaluation study, conducted for the State of Alaska, Dept. of Highways in cooperation with the US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads 1963. 322 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. Approx. 175 refs. Surveys existing glaciers of coastal Alaska, noting their regional pattern, and comparing them with other coastal glaciers and with some earlier glacial periods. A twoyear field program on the Baird, Taku, Brady, Hubbard, and Harvard Glaciers is outlined, these being widely distributed and representative of advancing, receding, and balanced glaciers. The geology and geomorphology of the Taku district near Juneau is treated in some detail, as is the regime of the entire Juneau Icefield where
the Taku is the only advancing glacier, having pushed more than four mi into its fjord since 1895. The surface features, the glaciothermal regimen, firn characteristics in the accumulation zones, movement, mass budget, and glacio-climatology of Taku are examined, to elucidate its anomalous behavior. Shifting of the zone of max snowfall during 1918-1953 was a factor in the variations of mass balance. Engineering considerations for a road down the Taku valley are discussed; supporting data are appended, as are 74 maps, graphs, and photos. DGS. 89920. MILLER, M. M., and B. W. PRATHER. Teleconnection problems in the glaciation of the Himalaya and of the North Pacific coast ranges. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1965 pub. 1966, p. 167-75, map, graphs.) 16 refs. Attempts, on the basis of studies carried out in the Himalaya of Nepal, to correlate the glacial chronology of that range with glaciers in other cordilleras, particularly in Alaska. The snowfall regime appears to be in phase in both Alaska and the Himalaya, as reflected in fun profiles. Crustal upwarping in the inner Himalaya however, appears to have caused the range to retain almost the same degree of glaciation throughout the Late Pleistocene despite the world amelioration of climate. This erogenic effect is evident also to a lesser extent in Alaska and the southern Andes, but in Alaska maritime climatic influences overshadow crustal factors. Analyses of tritium in Himalayan firn layers appeax to indicate direct correlation with nuclear fusion explosions 1954-1961. CaMAI. MILLER, M. M., see also Nos. 84953, 84954. 89921. MILLER, R. L., editor. Papers in marine geology; Shepard commemorative volume. New York, Macmillan 1964. 531 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. Prepared by former students of F. P. Shepard to commemorate his 30 years' leadership in marine geology, the volume contains 24 papers dealing with recent investigations of coastal and bottom phenomena. Four of arctic interest are described under their authors' names qqv: R. S. Dietz and others, D. G. Moore, R. W. Rex, and G. Shumway and others. DGS. MILLER, R. S., see No. 91509. 89922. MILLER, W. D., and D. L. REDDELL. Alaskan earthquake damages
Texas high plains water wells. (American Geophysical Union. Transactions 1964. v. 45, no. 4, p. 659-63, table, illus.) Describes effects on water levels in Texas of the Mar 1964 Alaska earthquake, one of the largest recorded by the Lubbock seismograph. The geology of the Southern High Plains region and its principal aquifers is briefly outlined, and details are given of the water-table conditions. LeupoldStevens continuous water-level recorders indicated total seismic fluctuations of 0-15.34 ft in wells in a Cretaceous limestone in Pecos County, the high figure possibly influenced by slight artesian conditions. Some recorders may not have been sensitive enough to record the movements which lasted from a few min to a few hr after arrival of the initial shock. A seiche on a 20 ft deep surface reservoir at Lubbock registered a fluctuation of ± 0.5 ft. Max damage to wells occurred in central Lamb County where sand was shaken loose in and near the bores and casings were sheared. One well had to be abandoned after a crater 18 ft in diam and 27 ft deep developed. The crater was subsequently filled in. DLC. 89923. MILLINGTON, R. A. Physiological responses to cold. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962 .. . pub. 1963, p. 627-34.) Broad discussion of the vital importance of preserving the level of core temperature, thermal equilibrium, heat less, hypothermia, mechanism of reducing heat loss, heat production and its sources, cold acclimatization, cold weather clothing. DLC. 89924. MILLS, W. J. Clinical aspects of frostbite injury. (In: Symposia on arctic biology and medicine. Proceedings 1964, p. 149-96, illus.) Account, profusely illus with photographs, of all types of frostbite. Circumstances of injury and first aid (rapid rewarming) therapy including whirlpool baths are considered. Surgery, physical therapy and sequelae are described. Case histories concerning hand and feet of both whites CaMAI. and Eskimos are included. 89925. MILLS, W. J. Emergency medical treatment of casualties at Providence hospital. (Alaska medicine 1964. v. 6, no. 2, p. 39-41.) Presents a summation of the immediate and less immediate activity of the medical staff of this hospital at Anchorage following the 27 Mar 1964 quake. Individual reactions of doctors, damage to hospital and services (light, X-ray), emergency organize.-
tion, type of patients seen, lessons learned in wound treatment, etc are stated. CaMAI. 89926. MILLS, W. J., and R. WHALEY. Frostbite: a method of management. (In: Symposia on arctic biology and medicine. Proceedings 1964, p. 127-48, tables.) 7 refs. Discusses cold injuries seen in Alaska and their treatment. Early lack of agreement on therapy is discussed. Warm bath treatment, ineffectiveness of ultrasound, value of exercise are described. Survival vs freezing problems are considered. The article is based on some 170 cases of frostbite. CaMAI. 89927. MILNE, A. R., and J. H. GANTON. Ambient noise under arctic-sea ice. (Acoustical Society of America. Journal 1964. v. 36, no. 5, p. 855-63, graphs, maps, illus.) 6 refs. Descrayes measurements (on Ice Pack field trips) at a location in Viscount Melville Sd and two off (west) Ellef Ringnes Island in Sept 1961, Apr 1961 and Jan 1963. 8" barium titillate cylinder hydrophones were used. Characteristic amplitude distributions, spectrum levels and ray paths are graphed, and ice conditions at the Ellef Ringnes sites are illus by photographs. The ambient noise was generally impulsive and at times highly non-Gaussian. The significant noise was due to mechanical activity associated with the ice cover, particularly ice cracks resulting from thermal stress. In spring and summer a strong diurnal component was evident, in winter air temperature changes were important. In summer DLC. rafting of ice rind was significant. 89928. MILNE, A. R., and S. R. CLARK. Resonances in seismic noise under arctic sea-ice. (Seismological Society of America. Bulletin 1964. v. 54, no. 6, p. 1797-1809, map, graphs, table.) 12 refs. Describes results of Apr 1961—Feb 1964 observations (four series) under a complete ice cover in the Canadian Arctic Islands waters. Spectrograms of underwater seismic noise between 0.2 and 2.0 cps show a line structure which indicates that vertical resonances occur within layers bounded at depth by the Mohorovi6ie discontinuity. The line structure appears most clearly when recognizable transient noises are excluded. Under these conditions, measurements of pressure spectra indicate that the seismic noise of the observed level can be generated by a vertical bobbing of the ice field as a whole. DLC.
89929. MILNE, A. R. Underwater backscattering strengths of arctic pack ice. (Acoustical Society of America. Journal 1964. v. 36, no. 8, p. 1551-56, map, graphs, illus.) 15 refs. Reports measurements of the propagation of sound under old polar ice and one-yr ice in the Canada Basin Apr—May 1962. Reverberations of explosions in the low frequency bands were recorded at both stations by a Sanborn logarithmic recorder and a magnetic tape recorder. Resulting curves are graphed and discussed, with particular reference to shadowing effects of the rough ice canopy. Seasonal and regional variations are postulated and comparison is made with the backscattering of light. DLC. 89930. MILNE, H., and F. W. ROBERTSON. Polymorphisms in egg albumen protein and behaviour in the eider duck. (Nature Jan. 23, 1965. v. 205, p. 367-69, tables, illus.) 4 refs. Study of egg-white variations in electrophoresis and buffer systems, covering 258 eggs from as many clutches in a nature reserve in Scotland. The genotypes corresponded to the biochemical findings, and field observations discerned two distinct nesting populations which are tentatively assumed to be the expressions of the DLC. genotypes of these birds. 89931. MILOSLAVSKAa, N. M. Nekotorye materialy o svfazfakh bentosa i planktona v pribrezh'e Vostochnogo Murmana. (In: Akademifd nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Gidrologicheskie i biologicheside ... 1961, p. 186-95, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some materials on the connection between the benthos and plankton in the coastal zone of East Murman. Lists 29 benthic forms which were found at one place or another to contribute at least 25% to the plankton population. Two areas of considerable benthos development were recorded, in the east and west, corresponding to the two centers of plankton development, the eastern one dominating. The effect of Atlantic waters on these DLC. populations is also noted. 89932. MIL'SHTEIN, V. E. Ob uslovifakh formirovanifa' osadochnykh porod sini!skogo kompleksa Talmyra. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1965. v. 145, p. 27-35, tables.) 28 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Formation conditions of sedimentary rocks of the Taymyr Sinian complex. Describes the lithologic properties and
genesis of a complex represented by particolored terrigenous and carbonate rocks in the Leningradskaya, Trautfetter and Shrenk River basins. Combined stratigraphic sections from each of these regions are described noting type of rocks, their thickness, color, texture, composition, organic DLC. remains and other features. 89933. MIL'SHTEIN, V. E. Onkolity i katagrafii zapadnogo sklona Anabarskogo podnfatifa. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Paleontologica i biostratigrafife no. 7, p. 74-91, illus.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Oncolithi and Catagraphia in the western slope of the Anabar uplift. Describes some of these problematical microplants of Riphean deposits as distributed in sections of the Kotuykan, Kotuy and other areas. Vertical distribution of Oncolithi Pia and Catagraphia Maslov is given. Three groups of the former and five of the latter are recognized, morphologic description and illus are presented. DLC. 89934. MILTON, C. Note on the occurrence of eudialyte in Canada. (Canadian mineralogist 1965. v. 8, no. 3, p. 382-83.) 2 refs. Reports the occurrence of eudialyte (eucolite) at Seal Lake, Labrador, the first proven discovery of the mineral in Canada. A previously reported specimen from Ontario in 1910 proved to be zircon. DGS. MINA, M. V., see No. 90677. MINAIRE, Y., see Nos. 86148, 91528, 91914. 89935. MINDER, R. A., and L. D. KHOBOTILOVA. Tekhnokhimicheskafft kharakteristika novykh ob"ektov rybnogo promysla. (Rybnoe khozalstvo 1964. v. 40, no. 10, p. 65-68; no. 11, p. 65-68, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Technochemical characteristics of new objects of the fishing industry. Of the species investigated one, the Greenland halibut Reinhardius hippoglossoides, lives in the Barents Sea and locally is considered poisonous in the fresh state. Repeated tests of it cooked however showed no ill effects. Weight of different body parts: meal, bones, liver, skin, etc, and their gross chemical composition are DLC. presented. 89936. MINEEV, A. I. Iz zametok voennykh let. (Letopis' Severe 1964. v. 4, p. 38-55.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: From notes of the war years.
Outlines hostilities in Kara Sea in 19421944; sinking of the icebreaker Sairaakov and bombardment of Dikson polar station by the German cruiser Admiral Scheer in Aug 1942 (operation Wunderland); sinking of the Kutbyshev and bombardment of polar stations on Cape Zhelaniya and Uyedineniya Island by German submarines in 1942; their depredations in 1943, incl sinking of the research vessel Akademik Shokal'skii off Cape Sporyy Navolok, Novaya Zemlya; destruction of the Blagopoluchiya Bay polar station in July, and sinking the Arkhangel'sk and the Kirov in Kara Sea westbound from North America to the Yenisey. Author was head of naval operations of the Soviet Arctic Fleet in the western part of the Northern Sea Route in these years. DLC. MINERVIN, A. V., see No. 85003. 89937. MINEVA, T. A. Materialy po biologii nekotorykh vidov kambal vostochnol chasti Beringova morfil. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. v. 49, p. 215-24, tables, graphs, map.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Materials to the biology of some species of plaice in the eastern part of the Bering Sea. Reports the investigations made during 1957-1959 on three out of six species of the area, viz Hippoglossokles elassodon, Platessa guadrituberculata and Glyptocephalus zachirus. Geographical variants, spatial and seasonal distribution are given, as are the size composition in catches from different areas, and rate of growth. DLC. 89938. MININA, L. S. Vikhrevafit struktura oblachnosti po dannym meteorologicheskikh sputnikov. (Meteorologifa i gidrologiffi 1964, no. 1, p. 12-22, tables, maps.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Turbulent structure of the overcast according to meteorological satellite data. Analyzes the Aug 1963 satellite data by comparison with those from a network of meteorological stations. The analysis is based upon plotting the coordinates of the whirls upon weather and barometric maps, taking whirl displacements into consideration as well as certain photographic corrections. The analysis shows that 69 occurrences of turbulent cloud structure were recorded, from 220 complete satellite orbits. In 54 (84%) of these occurrences, the whirls coincide with central or peripheral cyclone areas. It is estimated that, for the middle latitudes, turbulent cloudiness coin-
cides with the central (20%) and peripheral (30%) cyclone areas. DLC. MININA, L. S., see also Nos. 86652, 93164. 89939. MINKIN, A. I. Neizvestnye dokumenty o gibeli v 1790 godu na NovoT Zemle tridaati chetyrekh mezenskikh morekhodov. (Letopis' Severs 1962. no. 3, p. 16774.) 18 refs. Title tr.: Unknown documents about thirty-four Mezen' sailors, who perished in 1790 on Novaya Zemlya. Presents entries from old parish registers of two churches, recording loss of 34 local men on Novaya Zemlya in Dec 1790. Data are given on the number of sea-going vessels in Mezen' in the 18th century and evidence of Russian hunting and fishing activities on Novaya Zemlya noted. DLC. MIN'KO, V. A., see No. 87492. 89940. MINNIS, C. M. The International Years of the Quiet Sun. (Polar record 1964. v. 12, no. 76, p. 3-9, graph.) Outlines briefly the history of international co-operation in geophysical research culminating in the IGY 1957-1958, time of sunspot maxima. Desire to obtain comparative data at sunspot minimum and to study certain phenomena more effectively investigated at that time led to plans for IQSY 1964-65. The scope of the programs in meteorology, geomagnetism, aurora, airglow, ionospherics, solar activity, cosmic radiation and space research is briefly summarized. CaMAI, DLC. 89941. MINSK, L. D. Survey of snow and ice removal techniques. Hanover, N.H. 1964. 49 p. graphs, tables, illus. (US Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Technical report 128.) 27 refs. Summarizes the techniques, and knowledge of snow removal as of 1960 and reports on surveys of practices on various air bases and roads in North America as well as in some European countries. Mechanical, chemical, and thermal methods are discussed and extensive data given on types of equipment. DGS. 89942. MINTER, R. Salt water sourdoughs. (North 1964. v. 11, no. 4, p. 5-13, illus.) Describes the sea link in the White Pass and Yukon Route's integrated ship—traintruck transportation system serving Yukon Territory; service of the freighter Clifford
T. Rogers since 1955; the White Pass container system of freight handling; etc. Improvements planned include construction of a 6,000-ton tanker-container freighter, various modifications in the containers and in handling methods. Use of the Inside Passage to Southeast Alaska by early explorers and Yukon-bound gold CaMAI. rushers is also sketched. MIRGORODSKAa, N. K., see 84744.
89943. MIRONCHEV, ft. P. Morfologia, i vozmozhnyf genezis lokal'nykh podnatil TungusskoT sineklizy. (Neftegazovafa geologifa i geofizika 1965, no. 1, p. 24-28, table, graph, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Morphology and possible genesis of local uplifts of the Tungusskiy syneclise. Notes the unsatisfactory state of knowledge of the local uplifts of this wide syncelise. About 130 are known. Their distribution is analyzed; age, form, direction, and dimensions are given for some. A tentative interpretation is given of their genesis, noting especially the tectonic factors. The search for and of local uplifts in respect to oil and gas accumulation is discussed. DLC. 89944. MIRONCHEV, ft. P., and ID. P. TIKHOMIROV. Tipy lokal'nykh podnfatil Vilfaskol sineklizy i aentrarnol chasti PriverkhofAnskogo progiba. (Noltegazovail geologifa i geofizika 1964, no. 3, p. 29-33, table, map.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Types of local uplift in the Vilyuy syneclise and central part of the Verkhoyansk downwarp. Reviews the distribution of Permian, Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits, and the tectonics of the region. According to morphologic features and structure, six types of local uplift are distinguished and DLC. each briefly characterized. MIRONCHEV, lb. P., see also No. 85286. 89945. MIRONCHUK, M. G. Khlority is ur traosnovnykh gornykh porod intruzii (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. Norirsk-1. geologii Arktiki. TJchenye zapiski 1963. Regionarnafa geologifa no. 1, p. 192-97, tables, graphs.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Chlorites from ultrabasic rocks of the Norirsk-1 intrusion. Reports some anomalous properties of these chlorites: their high content of water, low temperature of their disintegration, etc. Chemical analyses and X-ray tests, presented, show them typical for sulfide copper-nickel deposits. Their anomalous
properties possibly may be explained by the mixed-bedding structure of the minerals. DOS. 89946. MIRONCHUK, M. G. Nekotorye osobennosti postmagmaticheskogo mineraloobrazovanifil nikelenosnykh intruzil. (Akadema nauk SSSR. Lab. geologii dokembrifa. Trudy 1964. no. 19, p. 36481, tables, graphs.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of postmagmatic mineral formation in nickel-bearing intrusions. Reports a study in the Manche, Pechenga, Noril'sk and other regions, with main attention given to the minerals of the hydrochlorite and hydrotalcs groups, which are treated in detail. For comparison hydrochlorites which occur by weathering are also outlined. DLC. 89947. MIRONCRUK, M. G., and I. V. KAVICH. Rentgenometricheskoe issledovanie nekotorykh aeolitov iz trappovykh intruzil Sibiri. (Mineralogicheskil abornik 1964. v. 18, no. 3, p. 336-43, tables, graphs.) 10 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: X-ray study of some zeolites from trap intrusions of Siberia. Reports on samples from Norilsk and other areas: chemical, thermal, X-ray and optical properties are given for laumontite and desmine. DLC. MIRONOV, lb. K., see Nos. 85724, 87492. 89948. MIRONOVA, M. P., and L. D. MUZALEVA. Vlifanie mikroolementov na nekotorye fiziologicheskie profsessy i urozhalnost' klevera krasnogo. (Akadernia nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Trudy 1964. no. 37, p. 98-102, tables.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The influence of trace elements on some physiological processes and yield of red clover. Reports on experiments at the botanical garden of Petrozavodsk State Univ. Soaking the seeds in a 0.01% aqueous solution of copper, boron, molybdenum or manganese salts increased the crop of green matter and seeds. The two last-mentioned elements were most effective. DLC. 89949. MIRONOVA, N. V. Biologic& saldy Pollachius virens L. Baren{ova mods. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Okeanograficheskafts komi-ssifil.. Trudy 1960. v. 10, no. 4, p. 55-61, tables.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The biology of pollack, Pollachius virens L., of the Barents Sea. Discusses (from own studies) the distribution and numbers of this important food 854
fish in this sea, its migrations, growth rate and age composition of schools, food. Introductory notes on earlier studies (few) and the fishery are included. DLC. 89950. MIRONOVA, N. V. MigraCsii, sostav kosfalcov i pitanie saldy, Pollachius virens L., v BarenCsevom more. (In: Akademiii nauk SSSR. Kol'skil filial. Gidrologicheskie i biologicheskie ... 1961, p. 58-89, tables, graphs, maps.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Migration, shoal composition and diet of pollack, Pollachius sirens L. in the Barents Sea. Account based largely on trawl catches and some 5400 measurements. Sexual and age composition of the shoals, size composition on different fishing areas, distribution and migration, feeding intensity and composition of food are described and tabulated. DLC. MIRONOVA, N. V., see also No. 88353. 89951. MIROSHNIKOV, L. D. Doger&inskil vulkanizm na severe Sibirskol platformy. (Sovetskalit geologia 1965, no. 8, p. 139-45, map, sections.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Pre-Hercynian volcanism in the north of the Siberian platform. Though some works on the geology of the USSR state that there is no preHercynian volcanism in this region, such is not the case. Pre-Hercynian volcanism is described as in the Lena-Olenek watershed, the northern Verkoyansk, Ust'Yenisey Port, and Kempendyay areas, and cross-sections are presented. Two stages of volcanism, Cambrian and Devonian, are distinguished and characterized. DLC. 89952. MIROSHNIKOV, L. D. Karat arkticheskol hssti Sibirskol platformy. (Sovetskard geologifil 1964, no. 7, p. 14548.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Karst in the arctic part of the Siberian platform. Reviews karst phenomena north of the Arctic Circle from own observations and literature data. The Noril'sk plateau, northwestern Taymyr Peninsula, coastal areas of the Laptev Sea, between the Khatanga and Anabar, and other areas are dealt with. Distribution and forms of karst, the rocks in which they develop and other features are briefly characterized. It is stressed that karat is widespread and intensively developed in the arctic zone of the Siberian platform. Permafrost does not interrupt its formation, but on the contrary, collects and preserves water which fosters it. DLC. 89953. MIROSHNIKOV, L. D. 0 nekotorykh osobennostakh tektonicheskikh vpa-
din severe srednel Sibiri v svfazi a voprosami ikh neftenosnosti. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Izvesti1 1964, ser. geol. no. 12, p. 94-100, map.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of tectonic depressions in the north of Middle Siberia in connection with their oil possibilities. Analyzes the Usti-Taymyr and Ust'Yenisey depressions. For each its structure, geologic history and tectonics are characterized, and the basement rocks discussed; possibilities of oil accumulation are also DLC. noted. MIROSHNIBOV, L. D., see also No. 86522. 89954. MIROVOI ItENTR DANNYKH MGG B. Katelog dannykh i publikaaii po Arktike i Antarktike, vyp 1, 2. World Data Center B, Catalogue of data and publications on Arctic and Antarctica. Moskva 1962, 1964. 2 v: 209, 266 p. tables. In Russian and English. Lists results of IGY-IGC investigations registered at the Centre to 30 June 1962 in pt 1, and July 1962-1 Dec 1964 in pt 2. The Arctic is reported in pt 1, p 6-72, and pt 2 p 15-155; and the results grouped as I general; 2 meteorology; S geomagnetism, earth currents, auroras, airglow; 4 ionosphere, meteors, cosmic rays; 6 glaciology; 8 oceanography; 7 rockets & satellites; 8 seismology, gravimetry; 9 geology, nuclear radiation. In pt 1, sections 5, 8, 7, and 9 include record of the investigations carried out by IGY-IGC, and data from them available at the Centre. In pt 2, sections 2, 3, 6, and 7 include tables of data. CaMAI. MIRSKAn., D. D., see Nos. 93131, 93132. 89955. MIRSKY, A. The Ohio State University Institute of Polar Studies. (Special Libraries Association. Geog. and Map Division. Bulletin 1965. no. 61, p. 13-17.) 30 refs. 23rd in a series on the libraries and literature of cold and cold regions. Outlines purposes, functions, facilities, and publications of this non-teaching research facility in Columbus, Ohio. A staff of 36 research personnel and five administrators carries out field studies in geology, geomorphology, glaciology, climatology, geophysics, plant ecology, photogrammetry, zoology, etc in several arctic and antarctic areas, in addition to laboratory projects on ice, petrography of rock samples and coals. Frequent use is made of the Orton Memorial Library of Geology, 26,000 volumes, also the Botany and Zoology Departments' library of 35,000 volumes.
The Institute's publications, a contribution series (reprints from journals) and a report series, are noted. DLC. 89956. MIRSKY, A. Polar geology. (Science, Mar. 13, 1964. v. 143, p. 1196-97.) Summarizes papers presented to a geology symposium at the 1963 Cleveland meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science hid Ohio State Univ research in the Tasersiaq area of southwest Greenland. S. B. Treves found evidence of two periods of intrusion and metamorphism in this area, confirmed by an age determination of 3,000 MY for some zircons. D. D. Koob reported that photosynthetic activity may occur under lake ice and adult zooplankton populations may survive the winter. N. A. Ostenso stated Arctic Ocean Basin to be composed of four deeps separated by the Alpha and Lomonosov Ridges and a trans-Arctic extension of the midAtlantic Ridge. J. A. Dorr failed to find fossil evidence of a migration route along the proposed Bering Land Bridge. DGS. 89957. MIRZOEV, V. G. Istoriografifit Sibiri. Kemerovo, Kemerovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo 1963, 1965. 2 v: 263, 290 p. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Historiography of Siberia. Discusses the ethnographic and historical importance of 18th century materials noting the occasional bias evident in eyewitness accounts of events, contemporary criticism of government directives, also modern studies of authentic sources. The official aims and political tasks of Russian expeditions, works of individual historians, expedition leaders, etc are evaluated. Frequent discrepancies in original reports are ascribed to the political affiliations of the authors, e.g.: V. N. Tatishchev, representative of the conservative gentry, G. F. Muller of official policy, S. P. Krasheninnikov and M. V. Lomonosov of progressive democratic trends. The 1965 vol deals with the first half of the 19th century, discussing improved methods in the study of archival documents and expeditionary records (particularly Muller's) and greater interest in Siberian aboriginal cultures, sociology and economic development. Contributions of 18 historians are discussed, incl K. T. Khlebnikov and P. A. Tikhmenev's on Russian America, N. A. Abramov's on West Siberia and the Ostyaks, the social and ethnographic work of the Decembrists, P. I. Nebol'sin's criticism of Russian colonial policies, etc. DLC. MIRZOEVA, V. A., see No. 89959. 855
MISHAKOV, V. N., see No. 88893. MLSHELOVICH, G. M., see No. 90750. 89958. MISHEN'KIN, B. P. Primenenie magnitnol zapisi pri glubinnykh selsmi(Geologia i chesIdkh issledovanifilkh. geofizika 1965, no. 10, p. 118-27, graphs.) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Application of magnetic recording during deep seismic investigations. Reports magnetic registration using frequency modulation as studied on a seismic survey of the Western Siberia lowland by recording the effects of filtration and charge size. This method is found to permit the registration of various wave types, and leads to a more complete utilization of dynamic wave characteristics. It is practically responsible for the absence of repeated explosions; and enables a broader analysis of the available seismic parameters. DLC. 89959. MISHUSTIN, E. N., and V. A. MIRZOEVA. Mikroflora severnykh pochv. (Problemy Severs. 1964. no. 8, p. 170-99, tables.) 50 refs. In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Microflora of northern soils. Quantitative and qualitative account, based on earlier and own determinations of samples from numerous arctic and subarctic soils, and one of the Antarctic. Type of soil and number of microbes/gm soil are reported, as are the dominant groups, genera, or species, their depth of occurrence, physiological groupings, etc. The predominance of forms not producing spores, hence low rate of soil formation, and the counteracting of cultivation, where possible, CaMAI, DLC. are noted. 89960. MISHUSTIN, E. N. Uchenie o mikrobnykh nssolsiafsifakh pochvy i ego razvitie. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Inst. mikrobiologii. Trudy 1958. v. 5, p. 116-27, tables.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of microbial associations and its development. Reviews 60 years of Russian soil bacteriology, its ideas, methods and classifications. A quantitative and qualitative approach is presented, taking into consideration the type of soil and the quantity of organic matter in it. Fungi and Penicillium species are dealt with separately. Tundra DLC. and taiga soils are included. MISHUSTINA, I. E., see No. 88899. 89961. MISLAVSKII, I. Belomor'e v gody Krymskol volny. (Sever 1965. v. 26, no.
5, p. 80-85, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: The White Sea region during the Crimean War. To disrupt Russia's communications with the West and blockade Arkhangel'sk, the French and British navies in 1854-55 raided coastal towns and villages. Kola was burned, the Solovetskiy monasteryfortress besieged, Kern', Keret', Kandalaksha, etc shelled. Resistance by the local peasant and volunteer corps, individual exploits, and the post-war economic ruin of the White Sea region are described. DLC. 89962. MISRA, U. K. Hypervitaminosis A and tissue fatty acids. (Canadian journal of biochemistry 1965. v. 43, no. 11, p. 1885-86, table.) 8 refs. Account of experiments with rats. In the group given excessive vitamin A, a significant increase in fatty acids of the liver but not in kidney and intestine, was found. Turnover of fatty acids was inDLC. creased in the intestine only. 89963. MITCHELL, C. E., and B. B. LONGWELL. Effect of fasting or feeding on release of free fatty acid by the adipose tissue of the cold-acclimated rat. (Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Proceedings 1964. v. 117, no. 2, p. 593-97, tables.) 15 refs. Adipose tissue from rats exposed to 3-5° C for 1-35 days produced 3-4 times more FFA than such tissue from controls kept at room temperature. If the animals were fasted before the tissue was removed, the differences between the two groups disappeared. DLC. 89964. MITCHELL, C. E., and B. B. LONGWELL. Related effects of acute exposure to cold and fasting on free fatty acid release by adipose tissue. (Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Proceedings 1964. v. 117, no. 2, p. 590-93, tables.) 19 refs. Account of experiments with rats fasting and exposed to 3-5° C. FFA release from epididymal tissue in vitro was significantly higher than from not-cooled controls, until 30 hr of fasting; after that no difference was seen between the two groups. After 18 hr fasting, adipose tissue from cooled and notcooled groups responded similarly to epinephrine and norepinephrine. DLC. 89965. MITCHELL, E. Evidence for mass strandings of the false killer whale Pseudorca crassidens in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. (Norsk hvalfang,st-tidende 1965. v. 54, no. 8, p. 172-77, tables, illus.) 18 refs.
Lists records from 1866, noting cases of multiple strandings, one before 1940, another before 1957, etc. This whale is assumed to be common in the North Pacific as elsewhere. DLC. 89966. MITCHELL, W. W., and H. J. HODGSON. Causes and effects of hybridization in Alaskan Gramineae. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1963 pub. 1964, p. 71-77.) 18 refs. Discusses main hybridization factors (which have produced many new species) viz: fragmentation and reunions of floras produced by past glaciations-deglaciations; recent climatic changes causing migrations and new contacts; fires; and man's activities. DLC. 89967. MITCHELL, W. W., and H. J. HODGSON. The status of hybridization between Agropyron sericeum and Elymus sibiricus in Alaska. (Canadian journal of botany 1965. v. 43, no. 7, p. 855-59, tables, graphs, map, illus.) 8 refs. Reports analysis of hybrids of these two grasses; the hybrids first observed in 1949 near Palmer have spread along the road system of central Alaska. The crosses were found to be completely sterile and morphologically distinct from the parents. DSI. MITCHELL, W. W., see also Nos. 84952, 87872. MITENEV, V. D., see No. 86510. 89968. MITROFANOV, F. E. Osvoenie tundry pod kormovye kul'tury v ralone goroda Vorkuty. (Noril'sk. N.-issl. inst. sel'skogo khoz. Kralnego Severe. Trudy 1963. v. 11, p. 136-38.) In Russian. Title tr.: Reclaiming tundra for forage crops in the Vorkuta area. Reviews the reclamation of brush-moss tundra in suburban Vorkuta begun in 1941 and increased since 1955, which enables three state farms of the Vorkutugol' Combine to cultivate over two thousand hectares of land. The process had four stages: manual removal of the brush, discing the ground without removing the moss, fertilizing with 100-120 t manure/hectare, and application of 5-6 t lime/ha. Oats, barley, peas and vetch were sown with good results; in the third year of cultivation perennial grasses yielded 60 cwt hay/ha. DNAL. 89969. MITROFANOVA, Z. T. Syr'evye bazy Karelii dila proizvodstva grubot kernmiki. (In: Alcademila nauk SSSR. KarerskiT filial. Minerenye re.surs7 ... 1960,
p. 45-50.) In Russian. Title tr.: Mineral bases of Karelia for producing rough ceramics. Reviews four genetic types of clays, glacial, lacustrine-glacial, marine and lacustrine, all suitable for production of bricks, drainage pipes, etc. 164 clay deposits are established with reserves about 42 million Chemical-mineralogic properties, tons. regional distribution, use of clay materials and further prospects are discussed. Supply of local requirements and Murmansk Province with these clays is outlined. DLC. 89970. MITROSHIN, M. I. K voprosu o rasshifrovke strukturnogo plena severozapada Sibirskol platformy po osobennostfam rel'efa. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1965. v. 145, p. 163-71, maps, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Interpretation of the structural plan in the northwest of the Siberian platform according to relief features. Reports a study of recent tectonics in the Nizhnyaya Tunguska, Severnaya and Kureyka River basins, based on present forms of relief, character of the river valleys, disjunctive dislocations, etc. Displacement of blocks is also analyzed. This method is found of value for the interpretation of DLC. tectonic structures. 89971. MITROSHIN, M. I. Nekotorye dannye o tektonicheskom stroenii ralona srednego techenif0 r. Severnol. (Leningrad. N .-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1963. v. 133, p. 107-113, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Some data on the tectonic structure in the region of the middle course of the Severnaya River. Describes the main tectonic elements of this region on a right tributary of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska. Laminskiy, Baerdinskiy, Khuperskiy and Delingdinskiy blocks are described with data on their measurements and composition. Some geosutures and other structures also are DLC. described. 89972. MITROSHIN, M. I. Nekotorye zamechania o deshifrirovanii aerofotosnimkov. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regionarneer geologica, no. 6, p. 182-86, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: Some notes on interpretation of aerial photos. Discusses (favorably) the use of aerial photos for detecting tectonic dislocations. Some examples are given for the Severnaya and Gorbiachin River basins and the block displacements and other tectonic disturDLC. bances recognized are reported.
89973. MITROSHIN, M. I., and L. G. SUKHOV. Tufovye dalki v verkhov'fakh r. Malogo Erbuklikana. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1963. v. 133, p. 186-89, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tuff dikes on the upper Malyy Yerbuklikan River. Reports a 1960 study of these dikes in the Severnaya River basin, right tributary to the Nizhnyaya Tunguska. They belong to Upper Permian deposits and consist of tuff breccia, and psephitic, psammite, aleurite, and welded tuffs. Their formation is briefly interpreted. DLC. 89974. MITROSHIN, M. I. Tufovye dalki v verkhov'e reki Erachimo. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regional'na1 geologifa no. 5, p. 188-93, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tuff dikes in the upper Yerachimo River area. Describes tuff dikes tectonically situated in the junction area of the Yerachimo trough and Kholukan dome, and connected with faults of northwestern strike. Mode of occurrence of these Lower Triassic dikes is discussed. They consist of fine- and medium-grained elastic material and have grains of quartz, splinters of aleurite and volcanic glass. Their formation process is considered: it was probably in several stages. DLC. MITROSHIN, M. I., see also No. 85047. MITSKEVICH, I. N., see No. 88899. 89975. MIT—SKEVICH, V. fD. Elafostrongilez severnykh olenel. (In: Vses. o-vo gel'mintologov. Gel'minty cheloveka 1963, p. 421-23.) In Russian. Title tr.: Elaphostrongylosis of reindeer. Discusses location of invasions of Etaphostrongylus rangiferi Mizkewitsch (brain, connective tissue, muscle), incidence, symptoms, carriers, etc. Resistance of larvae to cold and desiccation is noted, as is experimental infection. DLC. 89976. MITT, K. L. K morfologii i dinemike Anabaro-Olenekskogo berega morfa Laptevykh. (Okeanologifa 1964. v. 4, no. 4, p. 660-68, map.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the morphology and dynamics of the Anabar-Olenek coast of the Laptev Sea. Analyzes this part of the coast built mostly of unconsolidated lacustrine-riverine deposits of the Quaternary period. Development of slopes, abrasion terraces, and other features are characterized. Presence of
permafrost and ice veins is noted. Landslide, mud-flow, solifluction and other processes are discussed. Thermal abrasion is analyzed. According to dynamics and morphology, three regions are distinguished: the Cape Mus-Khaya region, that between Capes Mus-Khaya and Terpyay, and the Olenek Bay region. Each is briefly described. DLC. 89977. MITT, K. L., and R. V. FEDOROVA. 0 genezise i vozraste torffanikov Anabaro-Olenekskikh tundr. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. lean i drevesiny. Zabolochennye less 1963, p. 96-126, tables, graphs, maps.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On genesis and age of the peat bogs of the AnabarOlenek tundras. Reports field work and photointerpretation done from the Laptev Sea south to the forest tundra limit approx 71° N. The geomorphology, spatial distribution and stratigraphy of peat bogs are analyzed. Several types of peat-bog environments are analyzed: peat bogs of flood plains, lower terraces over flood plain, old accumulative plains and depressions with relic peat bogs, old accumulative plains and depressions with buried peat bogs, and lake depressions. For each in turn, spore-pollen analyses are interpreted. The data reveal climatic fluctuations in the Quaternary period and changes in vegetation. Stratigraphy of Quaternary peat bogs is presented in tabular form, according to spore-pollen spectra, character of the vegetation and thickness of the bogs. DLC. MITT, K. L., see also No. 85735. MITTEMPERGHER, see No. 85777. 89978. MIYA, F., and S. MARCUS. Comparative studies on mortality of coldstressed mice challenged with viruses by different routes. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 9 p. tables. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TR-64-34.) 12 refs. Animals acclimatized to 2° C and challenged by various viruses via various routes, showed lower mortality than controls only when given Coxsackie B intraperitoneally or intranasally. CaMAI. MIYA, F., see also Nos. 89685, 89686. 89979. MIYAHARA, T., and H. H. SHIPPEN. Preliminary report of the effect of varying levels of fishing on eastern Bering Sea king crabs, Paralithodes candschailea Tilesius. (International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et proels-verbaux 1982 pub. 1965. v. 156, p. 51-58, tables, graphs, maps.) 3 refs. Reviews effort in assessing the effects of fishing upon the stock and catch of this crab. The analyses applied indicate that increasing the fishing above the 19571958 level will result in decreased size of crabs caught, a drop in the rate of yield per unit effort, although the total catch in the area will increase. DLC. 89980. MIYAMURA, S., and E. PENTTILA. Seismic events located in and near Finland. (Geophysica 1964. v. 9, no. 1, p. 1-48, tables, graphs, map.) 22 refs. Presents data on seismic events in Fennoscandia and adjacent areas of USSR 19571982, including a considerable number in the Arctic. A map shows the epicenters and seismographic stations. The basic seismic data are presented in 32 p of tables, and 15 traces are illus. An average crustal model for Finland is hypothesized, with thickness of layers H1 HI 33 km. Several series of seismic events are suggested to be explosions. The level of seismicity in Finland is very low. DOS. MIZEROV, B. V., see No. 89734. MIZONY, P. T., see No. 87774. 89981. MOCHALOVA, T. P. Epidemiologicheskie pokazateli po tuberkulezu v ralonakh Kralnego Severe. (Yakutsk. f t kutskil n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy . 1963, p. 56-62.) In Russian. Title tr.: Epidemiological indices of tuberculosis in the regions of the Far North. Discusses the lower incidence in various areas since 1957 and the ups and downs in Magadan Province. Conditions in the villages of the different administrative districts are discussed as not satisfactory because of the limited number of screened subjects, etc. Conditions in towns are largely stationary. Mortality is reported, and recommendations made for improvement. DNLM. 89982. MOCK, S. J., and W. F. WEEKS. The distribution of ten-meter snow temperatures on the Greenland ice sheet. Hanover, N. H. 1965. 21 p. tables, graphs, maps. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report no. 170.) 49 refs. Presents a multiple regression analysis of 10 m snow temperatures from the Greenland ice sheet indicating that these temperatures can be predicted accurately from the
parameters latitude and elevation, with longitude significant in south Greenland. The statistical theory is elaborated, and meteorologic justification is sought in the fact that the dominant influence upon mean annual temperature appears to be an outward katabatic windflow off the ice sheet. A contour map of Greenland and an isothermal map of 10 m temperatures are included. The lot, long, elevation, 10 m snow temperature, ice thickness and rate of accumulation for locations on the ice sheet are given in a 22 p appendix. CaMAI. 89983. MOCK, S. J. Fluctuations of the terminus of the Moltke Glacier. Hanover, N. H. 1966. 9 p. graphs. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Technical report no. 179.) 11 refs. Descries fluctuations in the snout of this Greenland glacier 1916-1965. Sources used were the measurements of Koch 1916, 1923, Kiilerich 1929, Wright 1937, Davies and Krinsley 1946-1959, aerial photography 1954, 1956, 1962, the recollections of Thule inhabitants, and own survey in 1965. The study shows the terminus to have been generally in retreat during this century, accentuated since 1955. Observed variations in velocity by a factor greater than 10 are explained as due to kinematic waves CaMAI. in the glacier. 89984. MOCK, S. J. Glaciological studies in the vicinity of Camp Century, Greenland. Hanover, N.H. 1965. 20 p. maps, graphs, tables. (US Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 157.) 23 refs. Presents results of 1961-1963 snow studies and preliminary results of a survey, also seismic determination of ice thickness. Snow studies were made in pits 4-5 m deep at 13-18 km intervals along the main trail north and south of Camp Century. Mean annual accumulation ranges from 16.2 to 60.3 gm/cm', decreasing lineally with distance from the moisture-source area. The Thule Peninsula creates a pronounced precipitation shadow. Mean annual temperature as determined by 10 m snow temperatures (approx same as air temp) decreased 1.2° C/100 m rise in elevation. Seismic and elevation determinations indicate that Camp Century, 77°11' N 61°08' W, is at 1885 m elevation and is underlain by approx 1380 CaMAI. m of ice. 89985. MOCK, S. L, and D. L. ALFORD. Installation of ice movement poles in Greenland. Hanover, N. H. 1964. 14 p.
maps, tables, illus. (U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Special report 67.) 3 refs. Describes the installation in May 1963 of 50-ft aluminum poles at four of the HIRAN stations 68°-70° N on the Greenland Inland Ice abandoned in 1956. The poles set up by CRREL and Air Force personnel using C-130 aircraft from SOndrestrOm AFB are expected to project above the snow surface for about 10 yr, during which time they will be resurveyed to determine movement of the ice sheet. HIRAN stations and erection techniques are described. DGS. MODEL', M. M., see No. 90975. 89986. MODELEVSKII, M. SH., and P. N. MAKSIMOV. 0 zonakh neftegazonakoplenita v iuzhnol chasti TimanoPechorskol provin£sii. (Geologifft nefti i gaza severo-vostoka evropelskol chasti SSSR 1964. no. 1, p. 68-81, maps, profiles.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Zones of oil and gas cumulation in the southern part of Timan-Pechora province. Reviews the southern part of this TimanPechora province including the Ukhta, Omra, upper Pechora, Ust'-Ilych, and other areas. Five zones are distinguished according to oil-gas cumulation and each described as to distribution, structures, oil and gas manifestations, and other features. These zones differ from each other according to formation, also through their hydrogeologic conditions. DLC. 89987. MODELEVSKII, M. SH., and others. Rezul'taty izuchenifa perekhodnol zony produktivnykh plastov ZapadnoTebukskogo me.storozhdenifa. (Neftegazovala geologifa i geofizika 1963, no. 10, p. 47-50, table, graphs, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V. A. Stekol'nikova and S. Kharlamov. Title tr.: Results of investigation of the transition zone of producing formations in the West Tebuk deposits. Describes these deposits in the southwestern part of the Pechora depression in Komi ASSR. The reservoirs of oil are sandstones of Eifelian and Givetian stages and porous Silurian dolomites. The transition zone from productive formation to unproductive and water-bearing rocks established by electric logging is described. The zone is clearly expressed by changing specific resistivity, as in the Devonian sandstones of Tataria and Bashkiria. The transition zone aids determination of the oil-water contact of importance for oil exploitation. DLC.
89988. MODELEVSKII, M. SH. Tipy zalezheT nefti i gaza fazhnoT chasti Timano(Neftegazovafa Pechorskogo basselna. geologize i geofizika 1963, no. 4, p. 34-38, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Types of oil and gas deposits in the southern part of Timan-Pechora basin. Distinguishes structural, lithologic, stratigraphic, massive and a combination of these types of deposit. They are divided into groups and subgroups according to morphology; a classification is presented and illus by examples in this region. DLC. MODELEVSKII, M. SH., see also Nos. 85716, 88891, 88893, 92686. 89989. MOE, K. Dependence on latitude of atmospheric heating during geomagnetic storms. (Nature London, Feb. 1, 1964. v. 201, p. 481-83, graphs.) 9 refs. Presents a simple model, developed at intervals during 1962-63, which gives the detailed dependence of the temperature increase on geomagnetic latitude. Results of satellite Injun III measurements agree with theoretical findings, that the heating which accompanies geomagnetic perturbations in the auroral zones is four-five times greater than that experienced during those perturbations in low latitudes; in fact, temperatures in latitudes 63-68° must have reached 4000° K for two-three days and 3000° K for seven days a year when solar activity was high, and may have affected the helium balance of the atmosphere. DLC. MOLLER, D., see No. 86777. 89990. MOGENSEN, A. K. Sovjetunionens folkeslag. (Kulturgeografi 1961. v. 13, no. 71, p. 16-19, table.) In Danish. Title tr.: The peoples of the Soviet Union. Summarizes Soviet population in 1959 as reported in lzvestild 4.2.1960, with comparison to the 1926 census. Data are grouped according to nationalities within major ethnic groups. The Finno-Ugric group includes 12 minor nationalities, the Paleoasiatics five, etc; Nenets, Eskimos, and Aleuts are among those listed separately. DLC. 89991. MOGENSEN, P. Clothing developed by the Institute. (Arctic 1965. v. 18, no. 4, p. 270-71.) Describes cold-weather head, body, foot, and hand wear recently developed by the Arctic Institute of North America. Cotton, synthetic fibers, felt, leather, rubber, wool, and sheepskin are utilized as well as fur.
The clothing is in multiple layers, loose, baggy at body pressure points, snug at ankles, wrists, and neck. Snow-, wind-, and water-repellant, and ventilated, it is light in weight, the complete ensemble: 15 lb, nine oz; weight distribution by item is DI. indicated. 89992. MOGENSEN, P. Logistics activities of the Institute in 1963. (Arctic 1964. v. 17, no. 2, p. 131-35, illus.) Reviews work of the Arctic Institute of North America in support of field parties in the Arctic and Antarctic, including the Icefield Ranges Research Project and the Devon Island Expedition. Cold-weather clothing and camping equipment developed, and/or supplied are also reported including various parkas, a boot, trail-hut, combination tent and sleeping bag, and a multiDLC. purpose sleeping bag. 89993. MOGILEVSKII, E. I., and others. 0 nrirode i prostranstvenno-vremennom raspredelenii ionosferno! vozmushchennosti. (Akademifri nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyf geofizicheskil komitet. Ionosfernye issl. Sbornik state! 1965. no. 14, p. 86-93, maps, graphs.) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: R. A. Zevakina, E. V. Lavrova and L. N. Lfakhova. Title tr.: On the nature and spatial-time distribution of ionospheric disturbances. Analyzes the planetary distribution of ionospheric disturbances in F and sporadic F zones of the ionosphere, using data from 60 IGY stations above 50° lat. Synoptic charts of radio-wave absorption, Afmin. are compared with general disturbances of the ionosphere and the geomagnetic field, and with solar events. Areas of greatest ionospheric disturbances in the F2 region tend to be located in the regions of max geomagnetic field intensity. A qualitative explanation is given of the phenomenon of solar protons precipitation, causing auroral displays, polar geomagnetic bays, and the anomalous absorption of radio waves. DLC. 89994. MOHR, J. L., and S. R. GEIGER. Comparison of results from a new automatic plankton sampler and from conventional methods in the Arctic Basin. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et prods-verbaux 1961 pub. 1962. v. 153, p. 205-206.) 2 refs. Compares catches of an automatic sampler mounted in the sail of a submarine cruising in arctic waters, with yields obtained by common methods in these waters. Absence of soft of fragile forms (radiolarians,
medusae, worms, etc) was conspicuous in DLC. the sampler yields. MOHR, J. L., see also No. 89757. 89995. MOISAN, G. Rapport preliminaire sur la situation du caribou au Nouveau-Quebec. Quebec 1964. 18 p. map. (Laval Univ. Centre d'etudes nordiques. Travaux divers no. 2.) 9 refs. In French. Title tr.: Preliminary report on the status of caribou in Northern Quebec. Reports a population study based on the literature and field observations and interviews in the Sept-Iles—Blanc Sablon and the Schefferville—Chimo regions, including prospectors' camps, in 1962. Historical sources indicate a decline of caribou from 350,000 to 3,500 in 1850-1951; mainly around 1900 when forest fires and fire-arms were prevalent and winters severe. In a 1958 aerial survey in Labrador and northeastern Quebec by the Newfoundland Dept of Mines and Resources' Wildlife Division, 3,069 caribou were counted east of the Kaniapiskau River and the Quebec, North Shore and Labrador Railway. This number is projected to 11,900 for north, south, and west Labrador and all of northern Quebec. The rate of reproduction is calculated at 12% and utilization at 1500/yr. The stock seems to be increasing as white trappers on the North Shore decline in number and former hunters find industrial employment. CaOGB. Predation is not serious. MOISEENKO, F. S., see Nos. 87070, 87072. 89996. MOKSHANEV, K. B., and others. Tektonicheskoe stroenie IlikutskoT ASSR. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka" 1964. 291 p. maps, profiles. Approx. 700 refs. In Russian. Other authors: D. K. Gornshteln, G. S. Gusev. E. V. Den'gin and G. I. Shtekh. Title tr.: Tectonic structure of Yakut ASSR. A collective work based on recent studies and use of earlier materials collected by others. Western and eastern Yakutia are treated separately because of their differences in tectonic structure. Structural complexes such as Lower Archean, Late Archean, Late Precambrian, WenlockianMiddle Paleozoic, and Upper Paleozoic— Mesozoic are described. The eastern part of the Siberian platform is analyzed by characterizing the structure of the crystalline basement and the Anabar and Aldan anticlises and Tungusskiy and Vilyuy syneclises. The Verkhoyansk-Chukotka folded province is treated in some detail.
Numerous schematic drawings and crosssections are included. DLC. 89997. MOLDAVANfSEV, fU. E. Magmatizm severnol chasti Urala i nekotorye cherty svazannye a nim metallogenii. (In: Ural'skoe petrograficheskoe ... 1963, v. 1, p. 139-51.) 40 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Magmatism in the northern part of the Ural and some features of metallogeny connected with it. Analyzes pre-Ordovician and Caledonian—Hercynian magmatism, the former established in the Polar and Subpolar Ural in large anticlinal uplifts. Two groups of rocks predominate: andesite-basalt and basalt magma, and liparite-dacite magma. Caledonian-Hercynian magmatism of effusive and intrusive facies is in a zone of main deep fault. Metallogeny is connected with Caledonian-Hercynian magmatism. DLC. 89998. MOLDAVANISEV, fit. E. Metamorficheskil pofis severe Urala. (In: Ural'skoe petrograficheskoe ... 1963, v. 3, p. 219-21.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Metamorphic belt of the Northern Ural. Characterizes a belt of crystalline schists, consisting of gneisses, amphiboles, celogites and other rocks. In the history of metamorphic transformation, two large stages are recognized and characterized: regional metamorphism and superimposed granitization. DLC. 89999. MOLDAVANfSEV, ft E. Osobennosti profilvlenifil intruzivnogo magmatizma na Polgarnom Urale. (In: Vses. petrograficheskoe soveshchanie 1958. Magmatizm i avfitz' ... 1960, p. 412-15.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of a manifestation of intrusive magmatism in the Polar Ural. Thick intrusive magmatism is described in the eastern slope of the Ural in the Sob', Voykar, Syn'ya and other river basins. According to geologic and petrographic signs, two groups of intrusions are recognized, one Middle Cambrian (7) or Salair, the other Silurian-Devonian or Caledonian. They consist of ultrabasites, gabbro, diorites, granitoids and other rocks. Their formation conditions and localization are DLC. noted. 90000. MOLDAVANfSEV, E., and A. S. PERFIL'EV. magmatizma s tektonikol na severe Urala. (In: Ural'skoe petrograficheskoe . 1963, v. 1, p. 121-37, illus.) Approx. 50 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The connection between magmatism a nd tectonics in the Northern Ural.
Divides the geosynclinal deposits of the Ural into two structural stages, and analyzes each stage. The first takes in the PreOrdovician deposits, the second is Ordovician-Triassic in age. Magmatic manifestations of various structural zones differ according to composition and origin. Tectonic structures are controlling factors in localization of intrusive magmatism. DLC. MOLDAVAN'fSEV, 88378.
E., see also No.
MOLEVA, V. A., see No. 91249. 90001. MOLIN, V. A. Dvustvorchatye listonogie iz nizhnego triasa Vostochnol akutii. (In: Akademii3. nauk SSSR. akutski! filial. Inst. geol. Paleontologifil i biostratigrafia ... 1965, p. 91-114, illus.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bivalve phyllopods from the Lower Triassic of eastern Yakutia. Presents systematic description of phyllopod-conchostracans from 24 localities in the Yana, Lena, Indigirka basins and elsewhere. The localities are enumerated and the prevailing forms noted for each. About 22 species of these crustaceans are described, some of them as new species identified by the author. The stratigraphic and correlative importance of conchostracans is summarized. CaMAI. 90002. MOLIN, V. A., and N. I. NOVOZHILOV. Dvustvorchatye listonogie permi i triasa Severa SSSR. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 118 p. tables, illus. Approx. 60 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Conchostracans of the Permian and the Triassic in the North of the USSR. Presents a monographic account of these bivalve crustaceans. Four chapters deal in turn with those of the coastal areas of the Laptev Sea incl Khatanga Bay, eastern Taymyr and the lower Yenisey region, about 45 species, mostly new, are described; the Lower Triassic (Korvunchana series) of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska basin; those of northern Yakutia: the Lena, Yana, and Indigirka regions, with 26 species described; and the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic conchostracans of the Mezen River basin of Arkhangel'sk Province. Parts of the first and second chapter in a French version DLC. were abstracted in No 53670. 90003. MOLIN, V. A. Korreltitai& otlozhenil nizhnego triasa sevemykh ralonov SSSR po fame dvustvorcbatykh listonogikh. (Akademie. nauk SSSR. Doklady
1965. v. 165, no. 4, p. 901-903.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Lower Triassic deposits of northern areas of the USSR, correlated according to their bivalve phyllopod fauna. Correlates these deposits according to this group of bivalve crustaceans as collected in the Mezen', Kama, Vychegda, Pechora, Lena, Yana and Indigirka basins. DLC.
menskogo &zyka. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskil inst. Uchenye zapiski 1960, v. 167, p. 193-222, tables.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Outline of the phonetics and morphology of the Kamchadal Sedanke dialect. Includes comparisons with Chukchi and Koryak. DLC.
90004. MOLIN, V. A. Novye dvustvorchatye rako-obraznye iz ufimskogo farusa reki Mezeni. (Paleontologicheskil zhurnal 1964, no. 1, p. 76-81, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New conchostracans from the Ufimskiy stage of Permian in the Mezen' River basin. Presents a systematic account of seven new species, belonging to five genera and four families of conchostracan brachiopods collected in Upper Permian deposits in the upper Mezen' River basin, Komi ASSR. Ulugkemia komiana, Lioestheria simplex, Pseudestheria mezeniana, P. borealis, Sphaerestheria mera, Notocrypta timanica and N. ufimiana are described for the first time. DLC.
90008. MOLLARD, J. D., and J. A. PIHLAINEN. Airphoto interpretation applied to road selection in the Arctic. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 381-87, map, illus.) Outlines, with eight vertical and six oblique photos, airphoto interpretation techniques used in the preliminary study of the 40-mi dock-to-mine road for the Asbestos Hill mining development in Ungava Peninsula. Typing of terrain from airphotos was based largely on inferred origin, evolution, and composition of landforms as these attributes affect road location, design, construction and maintenance. Symbols and descriptions of terrain types mapped are given, as are the criteria used in the plotting of a suitable route for the road. CaMAI.
90005. MOLIN, V. A. Novye mestonakhozhclenia pozvonochnykh v permskikh i triasovykh otlozhenifakh Zapadnogo Pritiman'fil. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestifil 1965. no. 10, p. 103106, map.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New locations of vertebrates in Permian and Triassic deposits of the western Timan region. Reports 1963-1964 field work in the upper Mezen' and Vychegda regions. Four sites are described and finds of Reptilia, Amphibia are noted. Stratigraphy of these deposits is discussed. DLC. 90006. MOLIN, V. A., and G. F. BUDANOV. Perm' i trias raTona Ziminskol anomalii fago-zapadnogo Pritiman'fa. (Akademita nauk SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1962. no. 3, p. 67-77, sections.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Permian and Triassic in the region of the Zimino anomaly in southwestern Timan. Describes deposits uncovered by four drillings in 1959-1961 in northwest Komi ASSR. Kungurian deposits of Lower Permian and Uflmskiy, Kazanian, Tartarian deposits of Upper Permian are described noting their composition, lithologic properties, fauna and flora. Triassic deposits are represented by the Vetluga series. DLC. MOLIN, V. A., see also No. 85928. 90007. MOLL, T. A. Ocherk fonetiki i morfologii sedankinskogo dialekta itel'-
90009. MOLOCHUSHKIN, E. N. Eksperimental'noe opredelenie velichiny teplovogo potoka po vodoemami. (In: Akademica nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Teplovye proaessy v merzlykh ... 1964, p. 54-61, graphs.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Experimental determination of the value of heat flow on water reservoirs. Reports experiments to determine heat flow at the bottom of Lakes Sergelyakh (120-130 m wide), Yakutsk, and Irelyakh in the Mirnyy region. These experiments were made to establish the regularities of talik formation under natural water reservoirs, and in permafrost in the shallows of arctic seas. The values and rates of heat flow on both lake bottoms are presented in graphs. DLC. MOLOCHUSHKIN, E. N., see also No. 85165. 90010. MONAENKOVA, E. V. Osobennosti proektirovanifa vodoprovodnykh seta (Vodosnabzhenie i kanalizarsa naselennykh meat v ralonakh VostochnoT Sibiri i Kralnego Severs. Sbornik trudov 1962. no. 1, p. 131-43, table, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Specific features in designing water-supply systems. Describes experience in designing and
planning such systems for permafrost regions where they operate under low ambient temperature. Special measures against pipe-to-ground heat losses are discussed, as are methods of laying water pipes. Laying them along heating system conduits in thawed ground is found a satisfactory way to prevent them from freezing. This has been done at Vorkuta since 1954. Various methods of thermal insulation of the pipe are considered. Water-pipe inlets suspended in open ventilated cellars, beneath the ground floor is best for buildings on a foundation in permafrost as at Norilsk. At Yakutsk the water-system inlets are embedded in the thick layer of thermal insulation of the ground floor over a closed low cellar 90-40 cm high. Polyethylene pipes have advantages over steel and wooden pipes but they tend to deteriorate under the action of light, heat, and oxygen DLC. of the air. MONAHAN, H. H., see No. 92547. 90011. MONAHAN, R. L. The fishtrap, some considerations. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1964 pub. 1965, p. 148-52.) Discusses the main and secondary reasons for the law prohibiting the use of traps. Possible need to change this law, economic aspects, rebuilding of red-salmon run, trapping for management and research are CaMAI. considered. MONAKHOV, F. I., see No. 92103. MONAKHOVICH, L. S., see No. 87107. 90012. MONOKIN, V. N. Ustanovlenie pozharoopasnykh periodov v Tamenskoi oblasti. (Lesnoe khozf?dstvo 1964. v. 17, no. 5, p. 43-44, map, table, graph.) In Russian. Title tr.: Establishing the firehazard periods in Tyumen' Province. Reports studies of forest fires in relation to climate and weather conditions, from which three belts are distinguished. In the southern belt up to 60° N, fire hazard begins in April and lasts 167-170 days; in the middle belt, 60-65° N, including KhantyMansi National District, it starts in May; and in the northern belt, 65-67° N, there is danger of fire in June and it continues for 105 days. For Tyumen as a whole May is the worst month with 39.8% of all the DLC. forest fires. 90013. MONROE, R. G., and others. Ventricular performance, pressure-volume relationships, and 02 consumption during hypothermia. (American journal of phy-
siology 1964. v. 206, no. 1, p. 67-73, graphs, illus.) 20 refs. Other authors: R. H. Strang, C. G. LaFarge and J. Levy. Study of left ventricular performance in isolated dog heart maintained at 37.7 or 32.2° C. Peak pressure, under specified conditions, was 40% higher at the lower temperature. Diastolic pressure-volume relationships were similar at both temperatures. Vol increased with peak systolic pressure and with lower temperature. DLC. MONSON, G., see No. 90348. 90014. MOON, V. B. Soviet-Norwegian relations since 1945. (Western political quarterly 1964. v. 17, no. 4, p. 659-70.) Refs. Reviews relations between the two countries concerning defense and economic co-operation: Russian requests for joint fortification of Svalbard, protests against alleged Norwegian plans to construct airfields in the archipelago or to militarize it for use by the NATO; other diplomatic actions on American overflights of the USSR from North Norway, the NorwegianRussian boundary, fishing rights, and joint development of the Pasvik River. DI. 90015. MOONEY, H. A., and A. W. JOHNSON. Comparative physiological ecology of an arctic and an alpine population of Thalictrum alpinum L. (Ecology 1965. v. 46, no. 5, p. 721-27, tables, graphs, illus.) 17 refs. Transferred to a uniform environment, plants from the White Mts of California differed from arctic ones in their photoperiod requirement, photosynthetic optimal temperature, and light efficiency. Arctic triploids showed greater vigor and photosynthetic capacity. Certain of the differences between these two meadow rue populations were correlated to structural DLC. leaf characteristics. MOOR, G. G., see No. 85997. 90016. MOORE, D. G. Acoustic-reflection reconnaissance of continental shelves: eastern Bering and Chukchi Seas. (In: R. L. Miller, ed. Papers in marine geology 1964, p. 319-62, table, maps, sections, illus.) 20 refs. Describes a rapid acoustic-reflection survey of these seas from Unimak to Barrow, Alaska during 1960, primarily to obtain information on unlithified Recent sediments. Continuous subbottom data was recorded for almost 2500 track mi, and samples were obtained at 50 points. The instrumentation
used is described, with diagrams. The results of the survey are summarized, with sediment data tabulated and a 139-entry log presented as an appendix, with five accompanying maps. The thickness of Holocene sediments is commonly less than 10 ft, and evidence indicates that the very fiat Bering-Chukchi platform can only be ascribed to erosional leveling. Truncated extensions of the Brooks Range were observed below Holocene sediments in the Chukchi Sea. Intrusive igneous rocks form the shelf bedrock in northeastern Bering Sea and in Bering Strait. Eroded coastal plain deposits form the sub-Holocene floor in southeastern Bering Sea. DGS. MOORE, D. G., see also No. 91738. MOORE, G. W., see No. 92548 § 22. MOORE, N. A., see No. 84952. 90017. MOORE, P. E. Puvalluttuq: an epidemic of tuberculosis at Eskimo Point, Northwest Territories. (Canadian Medical Association. Journal 1964. v. 90, no. 21, p. 1193-1202, tables, map, illus.) Describes the epidemic among a population of 329 Eskimos and 16 whites, at this settlement on western Hudson Bay coast. It comprised 80 cases of active TB in 55% of all households; 45 of the cases were children under ten yr, and only five persons were over 30. The victims were probably infected by one highly virulent case. Contributing causes are noted as poor housing and nutrition and the debilitating effects of recent epidemics of virus diseases, measles and mumps. Since the article was written 11 more cases were discovered. DNLM. 90018. MOORE, R. L, and J. A. CALDER. Some chromosome numbers of Carex species of Canada and Alaska. (Canadian journal of botany 1964. v. 42, no. 10, p. 1387-91.) 16 refs. Presents chromosome counts, determined by the section technique, for 36 taxa and two hybrids of Carex: 18 are new, 11 verify previous counts, five differ by two from previous counts, and two differ more widely from reported counts. Species are listed alphabetically with collection data. DLC. 90019. MOORE, S. F. Descent and symbolic filiation. (American anthropologist 1964. v. 66, no. 6, pt. 1, p. 1308-1320, tables.) 50 refs. Discusses symbolic and social implications in creation myths of incestuous sibling or parent-child marriage, e.g. the brothersister union occurring in Tlingit and Aleut
cosmogony. It is probably a metaphorical expression of common ancestry and lineage; other possibilities are reflection of early customs, symbolic reversal of kinship taboos, totemic pairing, etc. DSI. 90020. MOORHOUSE, W. W. Structure at Tintina Silver Mines Limited, Yukon. (Geological Association of Canada. Proceeding; 1964. v. 15, pt. 2, p. 69-89, maps, sections, illus.) 4 refs. Summarizes results of detailed 1962 mapping in the Saint Cyr Range. Limestones and argillites comprising the stratigraphic section at this mine have been complexly folded and faulted, and locally metamorphosed to hornfelses by intrusion. Stereographic plots of bedding and cleavage, and structure sections are used to demonstrate possible relations between folding and anomalous faulting on one hand and variations in the thickness of limestone units on the other. Five areas or structural units are described and mapped, ranging from the broad, open adit area, to the complex hornfels area, and the undecipherable thrust block area. The hornfelses near the contact of the quartz monzonite pluton were intensely deformed, in contrast to less metamorphosed sediments such as the Grenville limestones. Detailed mapping in areas of good outcrop and high relief, and preparation of serial, closely-spaced sections may produce consistent, if not always exact, structural interpretations. DGS. MORAITIS, G., see No. 85049. MORDVINOV, N. M., see No. 84810. MORENO, J. R., see No. 86260. 90021. MOREfSKII, V. N. Morskol vnutrivodnyT led. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 19, p. 32-38, tables, section.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Marine frazil ice. Discusses the phenomenon of ice crystal formation and its observation, chiefly in the Antarctic. Some of this ice is formed within the water mass and some of it is crystals which are carried into the water mass from its surface. Bottom ice is considered a variety of "intra-water" (vnutriCaMAI, DLC. vodnyT) ice. 90022. MOREfSKII, V. N. Sinoptikostatisticheskil meted rascheta gidrometeorologicheskikh pole!. (Okeanologifil 1965. v. 5, no. 6, p. 1060-64, table, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A synopticstatistical method of calculating the hydrometeorological field.
Describes a method combining merits of the analogue and the correlation methods. Samples of a summary table and of a graph used in selecting field analogues with the aid of their numerical parameters are shown and the procedure is outlined. A method based on the principle of "reconstruction of a series" is used in computing the field forecast for a given year, y, from that of the analogue-year, x; the coefficient of correlation between y and x must be known. Values of the y and x must be known. Values of the x series and its numerical parameters are known, those for the y series are determined from prognostic relationships, examples of which are shown graphically. The method was used in computing for the Kara Sea fields of degreeday of frost, pressure, heat outflow in winter, and water temperature in summer. A check of the computed forecasts showed a satisfactory accuracy of the method. From Meteorological and geoastrophysical DLC. abstracts. MORETIKIi, V. N., see also No. 91716. MORGAN, H. M., see Nos. 84953, 92918. MORGANE, P. J., see Nos. 88210, 90146. 90023. MORITA, R. Y., and L. J. ALBRIGHT. Cell yields of Vibrio marinus, an obligate psychrophile, at low temperature. (Canadian journal of microbiology 1965. v. 11, no. 2, p. 221-27, tables, graphs.) 21 refs. Reports on experiments with cultures kept at 15 and 3° C. In the first case cell yields were 13 x 1011 cells/ml in 24 hr which is the organism's optimal growth. At 3° C 9 x 10' cells/m1 per 24 hr were obtained. The type of medium also influenced cell yields. Growth was also obtained at hydrostatic pressures of 1-400 atm at 3° and 15° C. DLC. 90024. MORKOVKINA, V. F. K voprosu v obrazoo roli kontaminaaii i vanii granitoidov, na. primere Polfarnogo Urala. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Inst. geologii rudnykh mestorozhdenil, petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimii. Geologiffi i geokhimifit granitnykh porod, Moskva 1965, p. 158-89, tables, graphs, illus.) 46 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The role of contamination and assimilation in formation of granitoids, as exemplified by the Polar Ural. Outlines the geologic position and structural features of the granitoid intrusive, in Kharamatolou-Voykar region on the eastern
slope of Polar Ural. Granitization of enclosing rocks and hybridism of granitoids are discussed. Six groups or types of hybrid granitoids are distinguished, such as: taxitic quartz dolerites with signs of contamination, pyroxene quartz diorites, alaskite granites, etc. Each type is analyzed noting composition, structure and chemistry. According to the author assimilation and contamination play an important role in enriching the magma with useful elements. DLC. 90025. MORKOVKINA, V. F. Nekotorye osobennosti stroenifa i genezisa gabbroperidotitovof formatsii Severe Urala. (In: Ural'skoe petrograficheskoe ... 1963, v. 1, p. 381-92, map.) 44 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of structure and genesis of the gabbro-peridotite formation of the Northern Ural. Reports a study in the Khare-Motolou (Makar-Puz')-Voykar River region in the eastern slope of the Polar Ural. The gabbro-peridotite formation is considered a product of combined magmatic and metamorphic processes. Three stages of the latter are recognized: regional metamorphism, high-temperature metasomatosis, and contact metamorphism. Tectonic processes are also noted. Some problems of origin should be studied in greater detail. DLC. 90026. MORKOVKINA, V. F. 0 vozraste giperbazitov Severn Urala. (Aka.demifil, nauk SSSR. Izvestiffi 1964, ser. geol. no. 5, p. 17-24.) 34 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The age of the ultrabasites of the Northern Ural. Discusses the origin of ultrabasic rocks and ultrabasites of the Pay-Is, Pay-Yer and other massifs of the Polar and Northern Urals. Literature data are reviewed and own studies in the Kech'-Pel' valley reported. Determination of the absolute age of phlogopite enables some general conclusions to be made on the age of "gabbroperidotite formation" in general. Ultrabasites of the Polar Ural are part of a "gabbroperidotite formation" and are old, possibly Precambrian; they formed as result of DLC. injection of ultrabasic magma. 90027. MORKOVKINA, V. F. Ob osobennostfakh metamorfogennogo gabbro, na primere gabbro-peridotitovol formaaii Poliarnogo Urala. (In: Vses. petrograficheskoe soveshchanie 1958. Magmatizm i svfaz' 1960, p. 399-402.) In Russian. Title tr.: Features of morphogenic gabbro, as exemplified in a gabbro-peridotite formation of the Polar Ural.
Presents a petrographic description of the Sob'-Voykar intrusion where ultrabasites are converted through metasomatic processes into gabbroic rocks. Structure, texture, mineralogic composition and other features of these rocks are characterized. Metamorphosis of the ultrabasites is described and the role of metasomatism is also DLC. noted. 90028. MOROSIIKIN, K. V. Novafil skhema poverkhnostnykh techenil Okhotskogo moria. (Okeanologifit 1964. v. 4, no. 4, p. 641-43, map.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New chart of the surface currents in the Okhotsk Sea. Presents a new chart for the summer season based on dynamics and according to temperature and salinity observations from 4200 hydrological stations. Direction and speed of the currents are marked. The cyclonic system of currents encompasses almost the entire sea. Regional distribution of currents also is characterized. DLC. MOROSHKIN, K. V., see also No. 85970. 90029. MOROZ, I. F. Konechnye moreny Pylginskol mezhgornot depressii Korflikskogo nagorifit. (Voprosy geografli Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 108-109, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: The terminal moraines of the Pylginskaya intermontane depression of the Koryak upland. Describes ten terminal moraines which vary in length from 5-15 to 30-40 km, in width from 0.5 to 3-5 km, and in height from 25 to 100 m. Their structure, composition and other properties are briefly noted. They are products of Upper Pleistocene DLC. mountain-valley glaciation. 90030. MOROZ, P. E. Nasadka na ob"ektiv dlia mikroskopirovanifit zamorozhennykh ob"ektov. (fSitologifil 1964. v. 6, no. 6, p. 778-80, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Attachment on the objective for microscopy of frozen objects. Describes a cap-like attachment and its use, enabling a rapid or slow cooling by contact of the object with the coolant. Temperatures of liquid gases, and thawing DLC. are applicable. MOROZ, P. E., see also No. 89430. 90031. MOROZOVA, T. D. Mikromorfologicheskie osobennosti merzlotnykh palevykh pochv f8entrarnoT fAkutii. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Izvestifil 1964, ser. geog. no. 6, p. 66-71, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian.
Title tr.: Micromorphologic features of frozen pale-yellow soils of central Yakutia. Describes the genetic profile and mechanical composition of these soils mostly developed on loess-like deposits formed under cold continental climatic conditions with permafrost present. Effects of cryogenic processes and development of the physical and chemical properties of these soils are outlined. The microstructure of clays present is described, as are the hydrothermal conditions of soil formation. DLC. 90032. MOROZOVA, T. D. Mikromorfologicheskie osobennosti merzlotnykh palevykh pochv T—Sentral'noT akutii v svrazi s kriogenezom. (Pochvovedenie 1965, no. 11, p. 79-89, tables, illus.) 24 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Micromorphologic features of the cryogenic paleyellow soils of central Yakutia in connection with cryogenesis. Reports study of soils taken along the route Bestyakh-Amga and from left bank of the Lena, near Pokrovsk. Cryogenic pale-yellow and cryogenic solodized soils are described and their mechanical and chemical composition analyzed. Cryogenic pale-yellow soils are treated in some detail and other fabrics and microstructure are analyzed. Origin of these soils is probably DLC. related to cryogenic processes. MORRIS, L., see No. 84953. 90033. MORRISON, A. Deglaciation dates in central Labrador-Ungava: a reappraisal. Montreal 1964. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science. 14 p. map, table. 14 refs. Proposes three hypotheses, from which dated deglaciation in this area of central Labrador may be fixed with some certainty, formulated on the basis of three radiocarbon dates from pollen samples collected in 1961 from bogs near Grand Falls. The first assumes that the silt in the bogs accumulated so rapidly that the time required is negligible, and therefore deglaciation dates are the same as the radiocarbon sample dates. Another hypothesis assumed by Grayson (No 58384), is that the mean rate of deposition of the mineral sediment below each sample was the same as the known mean rate for the peat formation above the sample, but this seems improbable. Still another hypothesis, favored by the author, is that silt accumulated faster than peat and ranged between probable limits of 2-12 yr/cm. Tentative results therefore indicate that ice retreat was rapid, approx 300
yd/yr from Grand Falls, which was deglaciated 5770 BP ± 250, to Greenbush (30 mi northwest of Schefferville) which was ice free 400 ± 840 yr after Grand Falls. From these data, a 30% probability is seen that Greenbush was deglaciated before CaOGB. Grand Falls. 90034. MORRISON, A., and J. B. BIRD. Photography of the earth from space and its non-meteorological applications. (In: Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment 3d, Univ. of Michigan 1964. Proceedings pub. 1965, p. 357-76, maps, illus.) 20 refs. Shortened version of No 85638. Presents information on techniques of space photography and its advantages in mapping both permanent distributions such as in geology and ecology, and ephemeral such as snow and ice. Information is also given on available usable photography as of mid-1964. This is shown on sketch maps. Photography from Mercury sub-orbital flights is available for an area within a radius of 800 mi from Churchill, Manitoba, including most of the area north and east of a line from Great Slave Lake to Lake Winnipeg. DWB. 90035. MORRISON, A. Relation between albedo and air photographic tone in Canadian subarctic regions. (Canadian geographer 1964. v. 8, no. 2, p. 72-84, graphs, tables.) 11 refs. French summary. Describes results of summer 1962 ground observations by N. Oesterreich and author near Grand Falls* of the Hamilton River in Labrador, and their generalization into cover-type classes. Mean tone values were calculated for each class, based on RCAF vertical aerial photography, then converted to standard density units on a scale 0-8 = white-black, which ranged from 0.256 for sand and lichen-heath tundra to 0.628 for coniferous forest. Mean albedo values of Davies (No 53522) and Jackson (No 58933) are compared with photographic density values. This method is applicable to the albedo mapping of any area covered by aerial photographs, though special measures are needed to ensure accuracy. DLC. MORRISON, A., see also No. 85638. MORRISON, J. F., see Nos. 93095, 93096, 93097. 90036. MORRISON, M. Forty-two years at Dillingham. (Alaska sportsman 1964. v. 30, no. 12, p. 42-44, illus.) Recounts experiences in the Bristol Bay *Renamed: Churchill Falls.
area of Alaska since 1920: as a teacher in an orphanage for Aleuts, wife of a storekeeperfur trader, and postmistress. Winter fur buying trips by dogteam are described; and changes in Dillingham over the years are DI. noted. 90037. MORRISON, P. Body temperatures in some Australian mammals, V; aboriginals. (Journal of applied physiology 1965. v. 20, no. 6, p. 1278-82, tables, graphs, illus.) 11 refs. Also pub as: Pub. no. 19, Inst. of Arctic Biology, Lab. of Zoophysiology, Alaska Univ. Australian aborigines normally sleeping outside on the ground, with little protection, showed on cool, clear nights (min temp 19° C) substantial losses of skin and mouth temperatures (mean skin temp 30.5-27.2° C, mouth 37.0-35.1° C). When lightly covered, or on warm cloudy nights subjects showed no drop in these temperatures. DLC. MORRISON, P., see also Nos. 84953, 84954. 90038. MORRISSEY, E. G. A geostrophic atmospheric moisture budget for Hudson Bay. Toronto 1964. 15 p. map, tables. (Canada. Meteorological Branch. Circular 4159.) 5 refs. French summary. Computes the amount of water vapor transported into the Hudson Bay area by the atmosphere, excluding the contribution of rivers and ocean currents. Radiosonde data were abstracted from six stations: Churchill, Trout Lake, Moosonee, Port Harrison, Coral Harbour, and Baker Lake. Flux of water vapor through each sector of the station net at the 900, 800, 700, 600 and 500 mb levels is calculated for Jan, Apr, July and Oct 1962. The flux in turn is resolved into two components, one due to the time mean flow and the other due to departure from the time mean flow. Tables present an atmospheric water budget for DWB. each of the four months. 90039. MORROW, J. E. First record of the trout-perch, Percopsis omiscomaycus, from Alaska. (Copeia 1965, no. 2, p. 232.) Reports this fish caught in the Yukon River system in the summer of 1961, first record from Alaska. The fact that only eight specimens were taken during the season, attests to its paucity here. DLC. 90040. MORROW, J. E. Populations of pike, Esox lucius, in Alaska and northeastern North America. (Copeia 1964, no. 1, p. 235-36, table.)
Morphometric comparison of 31 specimens from the Tanana and upper Yukon basins with 52 northeastern pike. Due to lack of data on temperature, the differences cannot be determined as due to that, or merely normal variations. DLC. 90041. MORSE, E. W. Fresh water Northwest, Passage. (Canadian geographical journal 1965. v. 70, no. 6, p. 182-91, map, illus.) 13 refs. Account of canoe trips across northern Canada in 1959-1964: one eastward from the height of land at Jolly Lake, Mackenzie District, via the Lockhart, Hanbury, and Thelon Rivers, to Chesterfield Inlet; the other northwest from Jolly Lake via the Snare and Camsell Rivers, Great Bear Lake and River, to the Mackenzie River. The eastward trip was across the Barren Lands, and the westward through the subarctic forest. Navigation and weather conditions are described, also the landscape, wildlife, vegetation, etc. Hazards of such travel are noted, also alternate canoe routes and routes continuing west to the Bering Sea. DLC. 90042. MORSE, E. W. Notes on a canoe journey from Aylmer Lake to Rae via the Lockhart and Snare Rivers, July 1964. (Arctic circular 1963-64 pub. 1965. v. 16, no. 3, p. 40-46, map.) Ref. Describes this canoe route in Mackenzie District which forms part of the "freshwater Northwest Passage" suggested supra. Author gives detailed notes on navigation hazards and obstacles, portages (with distance), and wildlife encountered. CaMAI.
90044. MOSER, E. H., and N. S. STEHLE. Compacted snow characteristics, test devices and procedures. (In: Alaskan Science Conference 1963 pub. 1964. p. 145-58, graphs.) 7 refs. Describes experiments in artificial compaction of snow to create suitable surfaces for runways and roads. Double depth processing was found to produce a net increase in hardness more than 24 times that of natural snow. The snow was levelled and packed, depth processed four days later, and again after a further five days (12 days in air temperature above 25° F). Various instruments for measuring dynamic load bearing characteristics of compacted snow are described, and indices of failure through wheels punching into snow are graphed for different tire pressures and variable snow hardness. DLC. 90045. MOSER, E. H. Ice and snow runways. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962... pub. 1963, p. 105-120, sections, graph, illus.) 20 refs. Outlines results of work on the strengthening sea ice as done off Point Barrow, Alaska since 1951, on North Star Bay, Thule, Greenland since 1961, and off Little America V in Antarctica since 1955. Snow compaction tests on the Greenland Inland Ice in 1953 and 1954, as well as at Squaw Valley, Cal. and in Antarctica in 1960 are also noted. Techniques developed by the US Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory for use of ice and snow as airfield runways DLC. are described.
MORTON, D. C., see No. 85297.
90046. MOSER, E. H., Jr. Research and developments in polar engineering at the U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory. (U.S. Antarctic Projects Officer. Bulletin 1964. v. 5, no. 8, p. 19-22, illus.) 5 refs. Outlines the program, staff, equipment, arctic and antarctic field work, and some future plans of this research arm of the Navy's Bureau of Yards and Docks. Its functions are similar to those of the US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory; main efforts are on habitability of polar camps, construction techniques, and ice and snow as materials for road and runway construction. Arctic sites were used for field trials during 1950-1960, viz: on sea ice off Point Barrow, Alaska, Inland Ice near Thule, Greenland, polar continental shelf off Ellesmere Island, and sea ice in North Star Bay near Thule. Since 1960, field trials have been conducted near McMurdo station, Antarctica. CaMAI.
MORTON, M. L., see No. 88566.
MOSER, E. H., see also No. 84952.
90043. MORSE, R. M. Working group on physical oceanography, panel on sea ice. (In: Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment 3d, Univ. of Michigan 1964. Proceedings pub. 1965, p. 704-716.) Presents the recommendations of a panel convened at this symposium to consider the application of remote sensing techniques to the oceanography of sea ice. The general problems are delineated and the specific requirements of the sensory equipment defined. In particular, the resolution requirements are listed; special equipment should be developed to determine the structure of the sea ice, puddles, pressure ridges, rafting, concentration, thickness and movement. DWB. MORSE, R. M., see also No. 88672.
90047. MOSER, M. Der Einfluss tiefer Temperaturen auf das Wachstum and die Lebenstiitigkeit hoherer Pilze mit spezieller Berticksichtigung von Mykorrhizapilzen. (Sydowia 1958 pub. 1959. v. 12, no. 1-6, p. 386-99, tables.) 20 refs. In German. Title tr.: The effect of low temperatures on the growth and vital functions of higher fungi, with emphasis on mycorrhizal mushrooms. Account of experiments on the ability of these fungi to survive long (to 40 mo) periods of freezing at —11 to —12° C, and to grow at 0 to +5° C. It was found that spring and autumn mushrooms, and those in wood or mountain habitats, do withstand freezing, and grow at low temperatures. Within the same species, those growing in high mountains are hardier than strains from the valleys. DLC. 90048. MOSHER, K. H. Racial analysis of red salmon by means of scales. (International North Pacific Fisheries Commission. Bulletin 1963. no. 11, p. 31-56, tables, maps, illus.) 22 refs. Description of two methods and of study conducted with their aid, aimed to determine the continental origin of Oncorhynchus nerka in May-July of 1956 and 1957. Results indicate that North American and Asian salmon intermingle over broad areas (specified) in the central North PacificBering Sea region. Predominance of fish from each continent was similar in both years. DLC. 90049. MOSHINSKAIA, V. I. Arkheologicheskie pamfitniki severe Zapadnol Sibiri. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka" 1965. 88 p. tables, map, illus. (Arkheologitil SSSR. Svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov D3-8.) 80 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Archeological sites in the north of West Siberia. Discusses the aboriginal northern components of the Ust'-Poluy culture which flourished in the lower Ob region in the 5-8th centuries All. Museum collections of Ust'-Poluy objects are described with illus and tabulated by artifact type, style and/or decoration pattern. The bearers of this culture had a complex economy based on fishing, land and marine hunting, and dog transport. Traits of Ust'-Poluy with analogies in other cultures are treated in some detail. Correspondences are too numerous for convergence, cultural diffusion also is excluded, and transmission of circumpolar culture elements through ethnic contacts favored, as possible through use of dogs: dog skulls from Ipiutak belong to the Siberian husky type. DLC.
90050. MOSKALENKO, B. K. Biologicheskie osnovy raaional'nol ekspluataaii syr'evol hazy vodoemov Ob'-Irtysbskogo basselna. (In: Vses. soveshchanie po biologicheskim osnovam rybnogo ... 1961 pub. 1963, p. 22-29, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Biological principles for a rational exploitation of resources of the Ob-Irtysh River basin. This area has first place in the country's fish researches, especially the northern part of the basin in Tyumen Province. Measures for conservation and artificial increase of the fish stock are discussed, as are the regulation of fishing and methods. The protection and increase of the population of whitefish species have particular attention. DLC. 90051. MOSKALENKO, B. K. 0 biologii polfarnoT treski, salki, Boreogadus saida Lepechin. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1964. v. 4, no. 3, p. 433-43, tables.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the biology of the arctic cod, Boreogadus saida Lepechin. Discusses the paucity of information on this most common arctic fish and its biology in the Pechora and Anabar Bays, and in the Kara Sea. Seasonal distribution and migrations, catches, length and age, growth and maturation, and spawning periods, are DLC. considered. MOSKALENKO, fU. E., see No. 87502. 90052. MOSKALENKO, N. G. Rastitel'nyI pokrov okrestnostel Noril'ska. (Botanicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 50, no. 6, p. 829-37, tables, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The plant cover in the environs of Noril'sk. Reports on plant associations of this little-explored area as observed in 1962-63, with notes on its climate and physiography. Conditions of the flooded terrace, the next two terraces, and of the so-called Noril'sk Plateau are considered as to general aspects of the vegetation, common species, local DLC. differences, etc. MOSKALEVA, T. V., see No. 93126. MOSKALcUK, A. A., see No. 86879. 90053. MOSKOVKIN, P. T. Opyt raboty peredvizhnykh mediainskikh otriadov Umalo-Nenerskogo na(ional'nogo okruga. (Yakutsk. akutskif n.-issl. inst. tuberkuleza. Materialy ... 1963, p. 39-41.) In Russian. Title tr.: Working experience of the mobile medical teams in the YamalNenets National District.
Describes the two present teams, their bases and staff. The population of the district is characterized, its distribution and way of life (51% nomads). The equipment of the mobile health teams, their transportation, and other problems are stated. DNLM. 90054. MOSKOVKIN, P. T. Sessifa Tfamenskogo oblastnogo (promyshlennogo) Soveta deputatov trudfashchikhsfa. (Zdravookhranenie RossiTskoi Federaaii 1964. v. 8, no. 11, p. 45-47.) In Russian. Title tr.: Session of the Tyumen Province (industrial) Soviet of Worker's Deputies. Statistical summary of M. N. Semenovskikh's report on medical facilities, delivered at the Council meeting in Apr 1964. Hospital facilities in the two national districts are still insufficient though the number of beds increased in 1959-1963 from 6.8 to 8.7 per 1,000 pop in the Khanty-IV1ansi and from 10.4 to 13.6 in the Yamal-Nenets districts. Seven more hospitals with a total of 400 beds and four TB sanatoria with 300 beds each should open by 1966. The turnover of physicians and medical personnel is high; in one district the number of physicians decreased from 11.2 to 8.6 per 10,000 pop in 1962-1963. More drug dispensaries are needed; one per 11,000 is the average for urban RSFSR pop, and 1 per 21,000 in Tyumen Province; of the 25 planned for 1960-1965, only ten are open. DLC. 90055. MOSKOVSKOE OB-VO ISPYTATELEI PRIRODY. Geografiche,skaia Voprosy fizicheskoT geografii Urala; trudy soveshchaniia po fizicheskoT geografii Urala 9-10 dekabrfa 1958 g. Moskva 1960. 126 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. English summaries. Title tr.: Problems of physical geography of the Urals; proceedings of the conference on physical geography of the Urals, Dec. 9-10, 1958. Collection of eight papers, four of northern interest are abstracted under their authors' names: L. D. Dolgushin, V. S. Govorukhin, V. M. Strigin, V. A. VarsaDLC. nof'eva, qqv. 90056. MOSKVA. Gosudarstvenny1 okeanograficht.skii institut. Gidrologifa ust'evol oblasti Severnol Dviny. Moskva, Gimiz 1965. 376 p. tables, graphs, maps. Approx. 225 refs. In Russian. M. I. Zotin and V. N. Mikhallov editors. Title tr.: Hydrology of the mouth area of the Severnaya Dvina. Presents a comprehensive study of the tidal zone of the delta, based on earlier records and on contributions of a number of
institutions and experts. The physiography is outlined including the Dvina basin, White Sea, geomorphology, origin and development of the delta. The discharge, water temperature and thermal discharge, ice conditions, and water level including amplitudes and averages and effect of tides, etc are dealt with, as are the currents in various zones and arms of the delta. Salinity, temperature, and transparency are reported. Flow of sediments and channeling processes, chemistry of various delta regions, and chemical discharge are also treated. Data tables (23) are appended. DLC. 90057. MOSKVA. Institut geologii i razrabotki gorIlchikh ishopaemykh. Geologicheskoe stroenie i neftegazonosnost' Zapadno-SibirskoT nizmennosti. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 229 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geologic structures and oil-gas bearing properties of the West Siberian lowland. Contains 12 papers presenting results of investigations during recent years in this region. Nine dealing with arctic regions are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: I. A. Mrkevich, L. P. Kolgina (3 papers), V. P. Markevich, V. P. Markevich and M. I. Kozlova, V. P. Markevich and others, T. N. Procsvetalova and S. G. Sarkisian and T. N. Profivetalova, qqv. DLC. 90058. MOSKVA. Institut merzlotovedenila. Teplofizika promerzafashchikh i protaivafilshchikh gruntov. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 197 p. tables, graphs, illus. 182 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Thermal physics of freezing and thawing grounds. Presents a collective work with chapters on the effects of mass-exchange on the thermal processes in freezing ground systems; thermal-physical characteristics of frozen ground and features of their determination; formation of ground temperature at the depth of annual zero (C°) amplitudes; heat effects upon occurrence of rocks; changes in the temperature regime of ground under man's influence; ways of solving the problem of freezing and thawing in wet ground. DLC. 90059. MOSKVA. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov. Petrologifa i geokhimicheskie osobennosti kompleksa ul'trabazitov, shchelochnykh porod i karbonatitov. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 288 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Petrology and geochemical characteristics of ultraba-
site alkaline rock and carbonatite complexes. Contains nine papers, eight pertinent to arctic regions which are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names: L. S. Borodin, V. S. Gladkikh and others, ID. L. Kapustin, A. V. Lapin, L. N. Leont'ev and others, A. G. Zhabin, A. G. Zhabin and others, and K. A. Zhuk-Pochekutov and DLC. others. 90060. MOSKVA. Nauchno-issledovatel'skil institut osnovanif i podzemnykh sooruzhenil. Geokriologicheskie uslovifa Pechorskogo ugol'nogo basselna. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka" 1964. 223 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Approx. 325 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geocryologic conditions of the Pechora coal basin. Collective work on the permafrost and seasonally frozen rocks of this basin where some 30 coal deposits are known and three under exploitation. In two parts, the work deals first with the freezing and thawing of rocks. Physical-geographic and geologic conditions of permafrost are outlined. Formation of ground water is discussed and its effects on permafrost are noted. The second part describes permafrost and seasonally freezing rocks, treating the freezing and thawing of soils and rocks, the distribution and temperature of permafrost, its composition and cryogenic structure, and the cryogenic zoning of the Pechora basin. Finally the tasks for further investigation are summarized. DLC. 90061. MOSKVA. Nauchno-issledovatel'skif institut osnovanil i podzemnykh sooruzhenif. Kriogennye proCsessy v pochvakh i gornykh porodakh. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 164 p. tables, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cryogenic processes in soils and rocks. Presents 12 papers dealing with physicochemical processes, structural bonds, and transformation of rocks and minerals under negative temperature. Eight papers dealing with arctic regions are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: M. M. Derbeneva, V. M. Ponomarev, S. L. Shvaraev, S. L. Shvaraev and A. A. Lukin, I. A. Tfutfanov (2 papers), F. I. Tfutfanova, and V. F. Zhukov and I. I. CaMAI. Mikhal'chenko, qqv. 90062. MOSKVA. UNIVERSITET. Paleogeografifa chetvertichnogo perioda SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo MGU 1961. 213 p. tables, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Paleogeography of the Quaternary in the USSR. K. K. Markov, ed. Contains 19 papers dealing with recent
achievements and concepts in geologic and paleogeographic problems of the Quaternary. Five of the papers pertinent to the arctic regions are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: Z. V. Aieshinskala, T. D. Boffirskaki, M. P. Grichuk, G. I. Lazukov, and E. I. Sakharova, qqv. DLC. 90063. MOSKVA. UNIVERSITET. Geologicheskil fakul'tet. Voprosy geologii Krasnofarskogo krafa. Moskva, Izd-vo Moskovskogo Univ. 1964. 343 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of Krasnoyarsk Province geology. Presents 24 papers on the geologic structure, paleogeography, tectonics, and prospecting for useful minerals. Wide geology problems beginning with the Archean and ending with the Quaternary period are discussed. Eleven papers pertinent to arctic areas are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: Z. V. Aleshinskafa and others, I. S. Barskov and V. I. Vysorskil, T. K. Bazhenova, S. P. Gorshkov, L. N. Ilfukhin and V. D. Skarfatin, N. P. Lebedeva and ID. R. Mazor, L. A. Ragozin (2 papers), N. A. Sfigaev, I. S. Spasskafa, and E. D. Sulidi-Kondrat'ev and others. DLC. 90064. MOSKVA. UNIVERSITET. Kafedra geografii poliarnykh stran i logii. Podzemnyl led, vyp. 1-2. Moskva, Izd-vo Moskovskogo univ. 1965. 2 v.: 217, 181 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ground ice, no. 1-2. A. I. Popov editor. Prepared by and for specialists interested in problems of the origin and development of ground ice as an historical-geological and paleoclimatological phenomenon and for presentation at the 7th INQUA Congress, United States 1965. The first volume contains 17 papers dealing with generic and regional aspects of ground ice in the permafrost area of northern USSR and North America. The 14 papers of direct arctic interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names qqv.: L. L. Berman, I. D. Danilov, V. N. Konisi:whey, A. A. Konovalov, G. S. Konstantinova, A. G. Kostraev, V. S. Kudrfilkov, T. P. Kuznegiova, A. I. Popov (2 papers), N. A. Shpolfinskafa, V. I. Solomatin, V. A. Sudakov, and L. I. Velsman. Vol 2, deals generally with theoretical problems of subsurface glaciation in Eurasia; 13 of the 15 papers are abstracted under their authors' names qqv.: I. D. Danilov, G. F. Gravis, G. S. Konstantinova, A. G. Kostfaev (2
papers), A. D. Maslov, A. I. Popov, G. E. Rozenbaum (2 papers), G. P. Skryl'nik, V. I. Solomatin, N. V. Tumel' and L. N. Kriuk, and N. A. Vel'mina. CaON-B, DLC. 90065. MOSKVA. UNIVERSITET. Kafedra geografii pollarnykh stran i Problemy paleogeografii i morfogeneza v polfarnykh stranakh i vysokogor'e. Moskva, Izd-vo MGU 1964. 185 p. tables, maps, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of the paleogeography and morphogeny of polar and high-mountain regions. A. I. Popov, ed. Contains 16 papers of which 13 pertinent to arctic areas are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz : B. L. Afanas'ev, I. D. Danilov (2 papers), V. M. Izrailev, E. M. Karagodina, N. N. Karpov, S. F. Khruakii, V. N. Konishchev, A. G. Kostfaev, N. S. Sheveleva, (2 papers), A. N. Tolstov, and N. V. Tumel', qqv. DLC. 90066. MOSKVA. UNIVERSITET. Nauchno-metodicheskit kabinet po zaochnomu obuchenia Fizicheskafa geografifil SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo MGU 1962. 142 p. map. (Izbrannye lekESii no. 6.) 34 refs. In Russian. By A. A. Makunina and fa P. Parmuzin. Title tr.: Physical geography of the USSR. Presents a collection of lectures given at Moscow Univ on certain regions of the USSR. Those on Western Siberia, Central Yakutia, the Northeast, and the Kamchatka-Kuril region are included in this issue. A physical geographic review is given according to natural zones such as tundra, forest-tundra, taiga, forest-steppe and steppe. Climatic conditions, relief, soils, vegetation cover, and other features DLC. of each zone are characterized. 90067. MOSKVA. VsesoiRznyt nauchnoissledovater skit institut morskogo rybnogo khozialstva i okeanografii. Issledovanifa po programme Mezhdunarodnogo geofizicheskogo goda, sbornik 2, 1965. 492 p. tables, maps, illus. (Its: Trudy v. 57.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigations carried out as part of the International Geophysical Year programme, no. 2. In sequence to item listed in v. 12, p. 622, of this Bibliography. Contains 29 papers from the VNIRO investigations under the Nature and resources of the World Ocean section in the IGY-IGC program; 15 dealing with arctic problems are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: I. K.
Avilov, M. A. Bogdanov, I. A. Ermachenko, M. V. Fedosov, D. E. Gershanovich (2 papers), T. I. Gorshkova, I. P. Kanaeva, A. A. Neiman, K. N. Nesis, E. V. Solfankin, S. V. Tamanova and Z. G. Shchedrina, A. F. Timokhina, L. C. Vinogradov and A. A. Neiman, and G. N. ZalCsev, qqv. DLC. 90068. MOSKVA. V sesoficznyt nauchnoisstedovatet'skit institut morskogo rybnogo khorthIstva i okeanografii. Sovetskie rybokhozialstvennye issledovanifa v severozapadnoT chasti Atlanticheskogo okeana. Moskva, Rybnoe khoz. 1962. 377 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Soviet fisheries investigations in the northwest Atlantic. a ID. Marti, editor in chief. English translation pub. by Israel Program for scientific translations, Jerusalem 1963. 370 p. DLC, and available from CFSTI, Springfield, Va., 22151, as TT-63-11102. Collection of papers covering Soviet research during 1956-1960, although some investigations began in 1954. Introduction notes the exceptional richness of this area, nations exploiting and studying it, objects of fisheries; Russian activities, international research, etc. All but two of the 28 papers deal with the subarctic and arctic sections of the area, and they are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, qqv: M. M. Adrov, 10. I. Buzdalin and A. A. Elizarov, A. A. Elizarov, M. V. Fedosov, K. P. fAnulov (3 papers), M. L. Kashin&v, G. U. Lindberg, V. M. Litvin and V. D. Rvachev, P. M. Mankevich, E. M. Mankevich and V. S. Prokhorov, ID. 10. Marti, 0. A. Movchan, K. N. Nesis (2 papers), L. S. Ponomarenko and M. A. Istoshina, 0. A. Popova, A. I. Postolaki!, T. N. Semenova, V. P. Serebrfakov, I. N. Sidorenko, E. I. Surkova (2 papers), V. I. Travin and L. N. Pechenik, and G. P. Zakharov. DLC. MOSKVIN, IA. G., see No. 88157. 90069. MOSKVITIN, A. I. Pleistocsen Evropefskol chasti SSSR; kriticheskir obzor literaturnykh dannykh. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 180 p. tables, graphs, map, profiles. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Geologicheskil inst. Trudy no. 123.) Approx. 350 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Pleistocene in the European part of the USSR, a critical review of the literature data. Reviews the recent literature on Pleistocene stratigraphy, number of glaciations, palynologic investigations, etc. The Baltic shield, White Sea area, Karelia, Arkhangelsk Province and Komi ASSR are
included in the approx three hundred Despite intensive publications noted. studies and real achievements, many DLC. problems remain in dispute. MOSS, A. J., see No. 89395. 90070. MOSTAKHOV, S. E. Ob uchastii mestnogo naselenifft v geograficheskom izuchenii Severo-Vostoka Sibiri. (Yakutsk. Univ. Uchenye zapiski 1965. no. 16, p. 133-41.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Participation of the local population in geographic study of northeast Siberia. Outlines the active role of Yakuts, Tungus, Chukchis, Koryaks and others in investigations in this region from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th century, according to analysis of the geographic literature of this period. Local inhabitants, aborigines or not, served as guides, translators and essential aides on the various expeditions studied. Some were themselves important investigators, such as NikolaI Laurkin, fAkov Sannikov, G. D'fachkov, Fedor Shergin, Ivan Neverov, Andre! Popov, etc. Their role in the discoveries made should be clarified and given greater DLC. emphasis. MOSTAKHOV, S. E., see also No. 85730. 90071. MOTOVILOV, P. I. K palinologicheskol kharakteristike devonskikh otlozhenit Ukhtinskogo mime. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 163, no. 4, p. 950-51.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Palynological characteristics of the Devonian deposits of the Ukhta region. Reports a 1960-1964 study, with analysis, of 69 spore samples from eight wells of the Yarega deposit, where the Devonian is represented mainly by the so-called bed III divided into three bands. Palynological characteristics of these deposits are given DLC. and the stratigraphy determined. MOTT, R. J., see No. 92299. MOTTRAM, R. F., see No. 86622. 90072. MOTYLINSKAfA, T. A. Diatomovye vodorosli iz salekhardskikh i kazanfievskikh otlozhenil Tazovskogo poluostrova. (Leningrad. Vses. neftffind n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyl inst. Trudy 1964 pub. 1965. v. 239, p. 247-58, tables, map, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Diatom algae from the Salekhard and Kazantseva deposits of Taz Peninsula. Reports an investigation in Upper Quaternary deposits, with 16 of the 60 samples
found to have well-preserved diatom flora. In the Salekhard deposits 95 forms are recognized and in the Kazantseva deposits 187. This flora is listed and briefly characterized. Salekhard diatom flora is continental and the Kazantseva marine. DLC. 90073. MOUAT, W. I. Classroom assistants. (North 1965. v. 12, no. 3, p. 5-7, illus.) Discusses the utilization of Eskimo classroom assistants as an integral part of the education programs of arctic communities. The objectives in their employment and the selection and training of candidates are discussed, and an evaluation is attempted of the benefits of the scheme. Some activities of the assistants in the schoolroom are CaMAI. illus. 90074. MOVCHAN, 0. A. Kolichestvennoe razvitie fitoplanktona v vodakh N'afaundlendskol banki, Flemish-Kapa i prilezhashchel akvatorii. (In: Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Sovetskie rybokhozfalstvennye ... 1962, p. 211-18, tables, maps.) 9 In Russian. English summary. refs. English translation of entire volume available. Title tr.: Quantitative development of phytoplankton in the waters of the Newfoundland Bank, Flemish Cap and adjacent areas. Reports on material collected in late Apr-early May 1958 from the upper five standard horizons. Some 43 forms are listed and their total biomass in different areas and layers calculated. Polar waters in the north part of the region are much richer than waters of the North Atlantic Current; but richest of all are the waters of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. DLC. 90075. MOWAT, F. Westviking; the ancient Norse in Greenland and North America. Boston, Little, Brown & Co. 1965. xiv, 494 p. maps, illus. 13 refs. Readable reconstruction of Norse exploration based on saga sources. The voyages are mapped and discussed in chronological order; supporting evidence is presented in 16 descriptive and analytical appendices and a chronology of northern and northwestern voyages of 330 BC-1570 AD included. The discovery of America is attributed to Bjarni Herjolfsson and two Vinlands are recognized in Newfoundland: Leif Eriksson's at Tickle Cove lagoon on Trinity Bay and Thorfinn Karlsefni's occupying the Great Northern Peninsula. Helluland and Markland are identified as on Labrador.
The Skraelings are seen as Dorset bands. The Dorset are considered Eskimo-related people; their origin, appearance, culture, spread, etc are sketched. Helge Ingstad's expedition to northern Newfoundland 19601963 and excavations at L'Anse au Meadow are described. The site is considered that of a wintering camp built about 1004 by an Icelandic-Greenlandic party under Thorfinn Karlsefni and Thorvald Eriksson. DLC. 90076. MULLER, F. Evidence of climatic fluctuations on Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Montreal, McGill Univ. 1964. 11 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. 5 refs. Presented at Int Geog Congress 1964. Reports detailed investigations 19591963 into the glaciology of the White, Thompson and Baby Glaciers. Glacier mass budgets calculated over four consecutive years are tabulated and diagrammed. From these and investigation of a deep firn profile, it is concluded that conditions since 1930 have produced an overall loss of ice mass. The snout of Thompson Glacier is advancing 20 m/yr due to accumulation prior to this date. C-14 dating of willow roots from moraine-outwash interface indicates an early 18th century glacial advance but peat deposits show that this has not been more than 2 km in last 4000 yr. Datings of driftwood indicate a climatic optimum 6000 BP. Some evidence was found to confirm the extensive 20,00010,000 BP glacierization of Fyles (No 78428) and traces an even larger Wisconsin ice maximum. In general, climatic fluctuations appear to have had a lesser amplitude DLC. than in temperate latitudes. MULLER, F., see also Nos. 87767, 91900, 92993. MUELLER, R. F., see No. 91641. 90077. MUKHACHEV, A. Bich olene(Serskokhozcatstvennoe proizvodstva. vodstvo Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka 1965, no. 8, p. 36.) In Russian. Title tr.: Scourge of the reindeer breeding. Discusses the problem of increasing productivity of the herd in Yamal Nentsy National District, where 12.2% of the cows are barren. The animals' fatness in the rutting period is considered important and methods of the best herdsmen in the district to control barrenness are described. DLC. 90078. MUKHACHEV, B. I., and A. P. FETISOV. Bor'ba za Sovety na Okhotskom poberezh'e v 1920 gody. (Voprosy geografii Dal'nego Vostoka 1963. no. 6, p. 301-322.)
Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fight for the Soviets on the Sea of Okhotsk coast line in 1920. Describes Civil War events, foreign intervention, occupation of Okhotsk by the Japanese, and withdrawal of the partisan forces to Yakutsk. The participation of the Yakutsk Party committee in the counter-offensive of 1921 and the eventual control of the entire Okhotsk region by the DLC. Soviets in 1923 are sketched. 90079. MUKHACHEV, B. I. Krakh inostrannol imperialisticheskoT ekspansii na Kra!nem Severo-Vostoke SSSR. (Magadan. Oblastnol kraevedcheskil muzeT. Kraevedcheskie zapiski 1965. no. 5, p. 13-26.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Crash of foreign imperialist expansion in the Northeast of the USSR. In sequence to No. 81421. Discusses political and military measures used by party, Soviet, and revolutionary organs to defeat White Russian and Allied intervention, halt American and British trade subsidies of the early 1920's, and break the Japanese control of the Kamchatka and DLC. Chukotka marine fisheries. 90080. MUKHACHEV, B. I., and A. P. FETLSOV. Okhotskie gornfiiki v bor'be za vlast' Sovetov v 1917-1919 godakh. (Voprosy geografii Dal'nego Vostoka 1960. no. 4, p. 351-70.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Okhotsk miners' fight for the Soviets in 1917-1919. Deals with Okhotsk gold miners collective's rejection of the counter-revolutionary committee then in control of Kamchatka, and with the events leading to the establishment of Soviet power. The Okhotsk District then part of Kamchatka Province had an aboriginal population of 4,374 incl 3,432 nomads, mostly Tungus. The role of merchants, middlemen, gold mining companies, and Japanese-controlled fishing DLC. concerns is discussed. 90081. MUKHIN, A. I. Hydrographic conditions in the Barents Sea in 1962. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1962 pub. 1964. v. 19, p. 26-27, tables, graph.) Reports temperature anomalies in different parts and currents; rate of cooling; mean temperatures on several sections at 0-200 m in Apr and Dec 1961, 1962 and DLC. their deviation from the normal. MUKHIN, A. I., see also Nos. 85794, 88715, 88717.
90082. MUKHIN, N. I. Mnogoletnemerzlata tolshcha porod Usinakogo i Seldinskogo ugol'nykh mestorozhdenil Pechorskogo basselna. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Severnoe otd-ie. Trudy 1960. no. 1, p. 25-33, graphs.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Permafrost in the Usa and Seyda coal deposits of the Pechora basin. Discusses the effects of the relief, vegetation cover, snow distribution and local physical-geographic factors upon permafrost. Measurements of its temperature and thickness made by various investigators are analyzed, compared, and some discrepancies noted. Attention is directed to the heat exchange between soils and atmosphere. Uneven distribution of the snow cover is considered the most likely factor affecting ground temperature and heat processes. DLC. MUKHIN, V. V., see No. 87459. 90083. MUKHOMEDLIAROV, F. B. Biologifa' i promysel vtorostepennykh promyslovykh ryb Karel'skogo poberezh'fa. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Materialy po kompleksnomu izuchenifa Belogo morfa 1963. no. 2, p. 131-43, tables.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biology and fisheries of secondary food fishes of the Karelian coast. Study of the rarer fishes of this area which have a secondary economic role. These include the cod, redfish, flounder, arctic plaice, and a few others. Occurrence, the size, weight and age classes in catches, the spawning periods and locations, fertility, and rate of growth are considered, as are the catches. DLC. 90084. MUKHOIVIEDICAROV, F. B. Ikhtiofauna guby Chupa. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Materialy po kompleksnomu izuchenifil Belogo morfa 1963. no. 2, p. 90-99, table.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The fish fauna of Chupa Bay. Records 53 forms of fish collected during 1954-1959 in this and several adjacent bays of the Karelian coast. Geographic distribution, migrations, frequency, races, reproduction and fisheries, are noted. DLC. 90085. MUKHOMEDII1ROV, F. B. Nekotorye materialy po biologii gorbushi Belogo morfa. (Problemy isporzovanica promyslovykh resursov Belogo morfa i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii 1963. no. 1, p. 49-52, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Some materials on the biology of pink salmon of the White Sea.
Discusses the steps in introducing this Pacific species into the White Sea basin; its spread, ascent and reproduction, abundance, size, and weight in 1960 and 1961. Fluctuation in its numbers, and the possible causes are also considered. DLC. 90086. MUKHOMEDIRROV, F. B. Riapushka soloverskaa, Bassein Belogo more. (Problemy ispol'zovanifil promyslovykh resursov Belogo morfa i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii 1963. no. 1, p. 206-211, tables.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Solovetsk whitefish, White Sea basin. Discusses the location of the Solovetskiye Islands; their area, lakes, including hydrography and fauna and their whitefish Coregonus albula and C. sardinella. Morphometry, including that of local races, age, size and weight, growth, development and productivity, of these fish are reported. Poaching is carried on, including the spawning period due to lack of regulation; hence the stock has a low reproduction rate. DLC. 90087. MULDREW, D. B. F-layer ionization troughs deduced from Alouette data. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 11, p. 2635-50, graphs, maps.) 16 refs. Constructs contour maps of fxFs (extraordinary wave critical frequency of the F2 layer of the ionosphere) for areas over Baker Lake, Resolute Bay, Ft Churchill, etc, using Alo uette topside sounding data. On the contour plots of fxF2 of the high latitude ionosphere there are usually one or two minima at latitudes higher than that of the main trough (the relatively low electron density). In the polar region, the most northerly high latitude trough on most night-time contour maps tends to form a closed loop about a particular geographic location; it has a radius which is quite variable but of the order 1,200 km, average location of its center approx 73° N 92° W. DLC. 90088. MULEIRCHIK, T. M., and P. V. SHCHEGLOV. Temperature and corpuscular heating in the auroral zone. (Planetary and space science 1963. v. 10, p. 215-18, illus.) 24 refs. Discusses some mechanisms possibly responsible for heating the air at 100-200 km altitude. Night atmosphere temperature is higher in the auroral zone than at lower latitudes. This suggests a mechanism of corpuscular heating by fluxes of elementary particles converging to the earth's polar zones. Interferometric studies and spectro-
scopic measurements were used to determine the Doppler temperature, and the rotational molecular band temperature respectively. Kinetic temperature of 3,500° K recorded in the night polar atmosphere on 17 Dec 1958 indicates an intense heating of the air during aurora. Explanations of polar atmosphere heating by hydromagnetic waves, solar ultraviolet radiation, meteor acoustic waves from the troposphere, and other means are also noted. Direct measurements of the electron flux during a weak and a strong polar aurora gives the values of 1-2, and several hundred erg/cm2/secisterad respectively. The electron flux measured at Loparskaya during IGY in the absence of aurora was estimated to be about 1 erg/cm2 DLC. sec. 90089. MULLIGAN, R. Geology of Canadian lithium deposits. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1965. 131 p. maps, sections, tables, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Economic geology report no. 21) 93 refs. Outlines the geochemistry and mineralogy of this very light metal, and describes its numerous occurrences in Archean metasedimentary and metavolcanic belts of the Superior and Slave provinces of the Canadian Shield. Among the chief districts is the Yellowknife-Beaulieu, a 65 mi belt extending northwest from Hearne Channel of Great Slave Lake, with a branch westward toward Yellowknife. All significant occurrences are granitic pegmatites containing spodurnene, and rarely lepidolite, amblygonite, and petalite. Spodumene orientation, mineral sequence, and internal and regional zoning relationships are attributed to cooling crystallization from fluid media emanating from associated granites. Contrasts between zoned and unzoned pegmatites are attributed to differences in degree of restriction in the crystallization systems, most commonly dependent on attitudes of the enclosing fractures. This paper is supplemented by Map 1207A, Lithium in Canada, metallogenic map, 1965. The 35 x 31 in sheet shows on a scale of 1 in : 120 mi distribution of the deposits, including three near Great Slave Lake and five in Northern Manitoba. Sources of data (65) are listed, and possible structural relationships are suggested in DLC. marginal notes. 90090. MULVEY, R. H. A grass nematode, Anguina agrostis Steinbuch, on Arctagrostis latifolia from the Canadian Arctic. (Canadian journal of zoology 1963. v. 41, no. 7, p. 1223-26, illus.) 5 refs. Also pub as: Canada. Entomology Research Inst. Studies on arctic insects no. 5.
Notes earlier records from Canada and own finds in the Lake Hazen area on Ellesmere Island; describes and illustrates the worm and its damage in the widely disCaMAI, DLC. tributed grass. 90091. MUNCH, J. S. Boplasser med asbest-keramikk pa Helgelandskysten. Troms0, Troms0 Museum 1962. 47 p. maps, illus. (Acta borealia B, Humaniora no. 7.) 33 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Habitation sites with asbestos ceramic off the Helgeland coast. Describes neolithic to early iron age pottery discovered in 1960 at Skjevika on northern Teksmona Island. The pots of coarse gray-black clay with a strong asbestos admixture are characteristic for the Risvik pottery of Gjessing and fit his chronological pattern based on the Traena finds, No 45139. Diffusion routes of asbestos ceramic and its typological development are traced from an early comb-ceramic appearance in Finland. The Traena and Skjevika assemblages are attributed to an original hunting population dislodged in the 4-5th century AD by immigrant Norwegian groups responsible for the iron age culture of North Norway. DLC. MUNCH, G. S., see No. 85914. 90092. MUNDTH, E. D. Low molecular weight dextran: a new agent in the treat(In: ment of experimental frostbite. Symposia on arctic biology and medicine. Proceedings 1964, p. 269-92, tables, illus.) 27 refs. Account of experiments on rabbit's feet frozen by immersion in a —15° C bath. Dextran given intravenously prior to freezing markedly improved tissue survival by increasing capillary blood flow and inhibiting cell aggregations. Given 1-2 hr after cold injury, it is not so effective. CaMAI. 90093. MUNDTH, E. D. Studies on the pathogenesis of cold injury: microcirculatory changes in tissue injured by freezing. (In: Symposia on arctic biology and medicine. Proceedings 1964, p. 51-72, illus.) 26 refs. Reports: in vivo study of rabbit mesentery following local freezing injury. Thrombi formed in the capillaries were found to be composed of platelets. They grew in size, Erythrocytes, closely producing stasis. packed behind these thrombi, soon lost their morphologic identity and turned into a pink material. This last process was CaMAI. irreversible.
MUNDTH, E. D., see also No. 92790. 90094. MUNN, W. A. Wineland voyages; location of Helluland, Markland and Vinland. St. John's, Newfoundland 1946. 44 p. maps, illus. Reconstructs the voyages of Eric the Red, Leif, and other Norsemen from Greenland to North America on the basis of Icelandic sagas and archeological evidence. Wineland is considered to be in Newfoundland, the natives encountered Eskimos, and vinber the squashberry. DLC. MUNRO, A., see Nos. 93094, 93095, 93096, 93097, 93098. 90095. MUNRO, D. A. A preliminary report on the caribou of the northern Yukon Territory. Vancouver, Univ. of British Columbia 1953. 29 p. maps. Presents some results of an aerial reconnaissance and ground survey in 1953, an early stage of a joint investigation by the US Fish & Wildlife Service and the Canadian Wildlife Service. The physiography of the northern Yukon Territory is outlined: the cordillera on the northeast and south and the Yukon River on the west surround a plateau and lowland area drained by the Porcupine River. Only one caribou herd was discerned: in late winter the 25-30 thousand head range on the Porcupine Plateau; from mid-March to the end of April they move toward the arctic coast, and from May to late June northwestward along the coast and foothills of the British Mts as far as Canning River; in late July they turn southeast through the British Mts, and in late summer and autumn return to the Porcupine Plateau. There is evidence of change in migration routes over the years. In biological summary at Firth River, of 676 caribou seen, 37% were yearlings, 32.5% two-year olds, and 30.5% cows over two years. Wolf predation was negligible. The Old Crow Indians harvested approx 900 caribou in the year ending in June 1952; most kills were made in Sept on the Porcupine River near Driftwood and Salmon Cache. CaOGB. MUNRO, P., see No. 92124. MUNROE, E. G., see No. 85157. 90096. MURAKAMI, K., and S. KUDO. Cosmic-ray diurnal variation with phase inverse to usually observed phase. (Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity 1963. v. 14, no. 4, p. 177-82, tables, graphs.) 3 refs.
Discusses an anomalous diurnal variation of cosmic-ray intensity studied from IGY records of 13 stations, including Resolute Bay and Yakutsk. On 23 Dec 1957 an inverse phase diurnal variation, directed to the anisotropy near 6 hr local time, was observed. By comparing this anomalous variation with five others during July 1957— Feb 1959, such variations were found to occur on geomagnetically quiet days a few days after the occurrence of Type IV solar radio outburst; they are observed all over the world. DLC. 90097. MURAKAMI, T., and L. PENG. Stratospheric wind temperature and isobaric height conditions during the IGY period 2. Cambridge, Mass. 1963. 208 p. maps, tables. (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology. Planetary circulations project. Report no. 10.) 5 refs. In sequence to No 74162. Describes and offers preliminary analyses of these three parameters for the Jan-June 1958 period with 21 stations (three arctic) additional to the 210 (43) of the previous report. Three-month seasonal averages of the three parameters and of the correlations between them are computed and presented as hemispheric maps. Zonal (5° lat) averages of the three parameters, their deviations, and of important components, are tabulated. Results are discussed from the viewpoint of energy and momentum. DWB. 90098. MURANT, A. E. Gruppy krovi narodov Severnol Evropy i Azii. (Moskovskoe o-vo ispytatelel prirody. Trudy 1964. v. 14, p. 46-53, tables.) 29 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Blood groups in the populations of the northern Europe and Asia. Among the Lapps, blood group Ay is common, M rare; among Eskimos the situation is reversed. The Finno-Ugric language group of the USSR has uniform ABO conditions; the percentage of A group among them is less than in Finns and still less than in Lapps. The blood groups among the Tungus of eastern Siberia are quite varied. DLC. 90099. MURASHKO, M. G., and A. V. IVANOV. Zadacha o promerzanii grunta pri nalichii spektra temperatur promerza(Akademifil navuk BSSR. Inst. energetiki. Trudy 1958. no. 6, p. 159-65, graph.) In Russian. Title tr.: The problem of ground freezing in the presence of a spectrum in the temperatures of freezing. Explains that not all the moisture in the ground freezes at 0° C, e.g. water of mono-
molecular adsorption may require a temperature down to —70° C to freeze. In general, ground moisture freezes at a spread range of negative temperatures, the spectrum of the temperatures of freezing. Hence heat transfer in freezing ground cannot be described by a unique differential equation, but by a system of partial differential equations. Such a system, based on the assumption of linear fields of temperature and moisture content, and the ground as a semi-space, is proposed and mathematically treated. As a result, formulas are derived which give distribution of moisture in the ground at any given moment in terms of depth; and distribution of temperature in DLC. terms of depth and time. 90100. MURAV'EV, A. Zakreplenie sudov za link! snizhaet ikh prosta (Rechnol transport 1964. v. 23, no. 1, p. 11-12, table, graph.) In Russian. Title tr.: Assigning ships to specific routes reduces their demurrage. Considers assigning the vessel to single or a group of routes, or to the dispatcher agency, evaluating each type of the assignment according to demurrage, waiting time for loading-unloading. A graph plotted on the basis of a formula derived indicates an increase in the ratio, 1, of loading-unloading operations to the number of visited ports, with an increase in = to/n, where >1i is average waiting time per operation, to duration of waiting, and n is number of operations. A single circular route is recommended and illus for the routes: Nar'yan-Mar, Pozhva, Tetyushi, Velizh, Kologriv; and for Michurinsk, Kirensk, Verkhoyansk, giving values of the coefficients 1 and 1,b, and the number of working DLC. hours for each port. MURAV'EV, B. V., see No. 88923. MURAV'EVA, L. P., see No. 88962. 90101. MURAYAMA, M., and T. MATSUDA. Report on the field region, J.A.R.E. (In: Symposium on Antarctic Logistics 1962... pub. 1963, p. 588-91, tables.) Specifies the Japanese field ration based on the number twelve (the number of men or days in the field being three or four). Packaging and menus are also described. DLC. 90102. MURCRAY, W. B. Infrared radiation from the atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean. (Science Aug. 30, 1963. v. 141, p. 802-804, graph.) 4 refs. Describes observations made from drifting
station Arlis I of the emission spectrum of the atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean by means of a Perkin-Elmer monochromator. The emission spectrum at —10° C is graphed with black body radiation shown for comparison. The main contributions to the emission in the 5- to 21-micron range came from ozone and carbon dioxide, with water vapor playing a minor part. DLC. 90103. MURDOCK, G. P. Algonkian social organization. (In: Spiro, M. E. Context and meaning ... 1965, p. 24-35.) 63 refs. Includes the Cree cluster with the Swampy Cree, Montagnais, and Naskapi. Their social organization corresponds basically to the so-called Carib type and is characterized by politically autonomous seminomadic bands, with limited polygyny, preferential cross-cousin marriage, and frequently virilocal residence. DLC. MURDOCK, G. P., see also No. 87421. 90104. MURIE, A. Birds of Mount McKinley National Park, Alaska; illus. by 0. Millie, photos by C. Ott. Pisani Printing Co, San Francisco, for Mount McKinley National History Association in cooperation with the U.S. National Park Service 1963. 86 p. illus. Describes the 132 species of birds recorded in the area through 1962. The text, arranged for quick reference, includes size, appearance and coloration, ways of locomotion, breeding and the young, molt. An introductory account on the park is included. DLC. 90105. MURIE, M. E. We explore the Sheenjek. (Alaska sportsman 1960. v. 26, no. 2, p. 10-13, -I-, map, illus.) Refs. Account of a summer 1956 visit to this river valley in the Brooks Range of northeastern Alaska. Topography, vegetation, and wildlife are described, also a caribou migration. The Sheenjek is now a part of the Arctic Wildlife Range. DLC. 90106. MURIE, M. E. A week on Lobo. (Animal kingdom 1957. v. 60, no. 1, p. 18-23, illus.) Observations in the Sheenjek River valley in Alaska's Brooks Range during the first week of June 1956. The landscape, vegetation, mammals, water and land birds are described. DLC. 90107. MURIE, 0. J. The grizzly bear and the wilderness. (Animal kingdom 1957. v. 60, no. 3, p. 68-73, illus.) Account of ecological observations in the
Sheenjek River valley in summer 1956. Food habits indicated by droppings of the grizzly bear, wolf, red fox, and lynx show that all consume caribou which are killed by the wolf. Some encounters with grizzlies are noted, also the importance of wild country for their preservation. DLC. 90108. MURINA, V. V. K voprosu o bipolernom rasprostranenii priapulid. (Okeanologifa 1964. v. 4, no. 5, p. 873-75, map.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The bipolar distribution of priapulids. Of eight species of the phylum Priapulida, each of three pairs is symmetrically distributed in the Arctic and Antarctic, and closely related. This bipolar distribution is assumed to have taken place via the cold abyssal waters of the tropics. The assumption is supported by the fact that a subspecies of the bipolar forms and the other two species of these marine worms have an abyssal, tropic-subtropic distribution. DLC. 90109. MURINA, V. V. Novye i redkie vidy glubokovodnykh sipunkulid roda Golfingia. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Inst. okeanologii. Trudy 1964. no. 69, p. 21653, tables, maps, illus.) Approx. 45 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: New and rare species of deep-sea sipunculids of the genus Golfingia. Describes 91 specimens belonging to 12 species of these interesting worms, collected by different expeditions during 1947-1958 from depths of about 1000-6800 in. Two species, G. lasmaniensis and G. vitjazi n. spp. are treated in some detail. Age, sexual, ecological and geographic aspects are considered. Most of the species are arctic, antarctic or bipolar. DLC. 90110. MURMANSK. Oblastnaia biblioteka. Literatura o Murmanskol oblasti za 1963 god. Murmansk 1964. 192 p. In Russian. Title tr.: The literature on Murmansk Province published in 1963. Lists over a thousand titles, mostly articles in newspapers and journals. Occasionally annotated, they are arranged according to importance under topical headings: settlements and districts, party organization, mineral resources, fisheries, reindeer husbandry, public health, educaDLC. tion, belles-lettres, etc. 90111. MURMANSK. Polcd rnyi nauchnoissledovatel'skii institut morakogo rybnogo khoserstva i okeanografii. Issledovanifa po promyslovol okeanografii. Moskva, Izd-vo "Pishchevafa promyshlennost' " 1964. 290
p. tables, graphs, maps. (Its: Trudy no. 16.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Marine fisheries research. Presents studies under PINRO auspices mostly during 1959-1962 in the Barents, Norwegian and Greenland Seas and in the ICNAF areas of the northwest Atlantic. Most are devoted to fisheries research, specifically fish concentrations, their causes, possibilities of predicting such concentrations, or the physical conditions such as temperature and ice which favor them. A review of the cruises and their work including names of the vessels and periods of study p 3-13, precedes the 17 papers, of which 14 on northerly regions are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: M. M. Adrov, A. P. Alekseev and others, A. S. Baranenkova and N. S. Khokhlina, f0. A. Bochkov, A. G. Kislfitkov (2 papers), K. G. Konstantinov and A. I. Mukhin, A. A. Lebedev, V. M. Litvin, E. A. Payshtiks, I. IA. Ponomarenko, T. N. Semenova, A. F. Timokhina, and P. S. Vinogradova, qqv. DLC. 90112. MUROMfSEV, A. M. Atlas temperatury, solenosti i plotnosti vody Tikhogo okeana. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 120 p. profiles, maps. In Russian. Title tr.: Atlas of the temperature, salinity and density of water in the Pacific Ocean. Contains profiles of the vertical distribution of these elements and maps of their horizontal distribution drafted for standard levels 0-5,000 m. For the 0-500 m layer, the considerable seasonal changes are noted, and a description is given of their distribution in winter and summer. Observations of 1874-1961 were used, in all about 30,000 deepwater stations. The North Pacific is included but mostly south of Kamchatka and the Aleutian Islands. DLC. MURPHY, L. M., see No. 87873. 90113. MURPHY, R. The haunted journey, an account of Vitus Bering's voyages of discovery. London, Cassell 1962. 212 p. map. 12 refs. Biography of Vitus Jonassen Bering, 1681-1741, Danish-born officer in the Russian Navy, with emphasis on his role as leader of the Great Northern Expedition, 1725-1743: the first phase (to 1730), the journey across Siberia with men and materials, building the Svattoi Gavriil, the voyage from Okhotsk to Bering Strait, etc; the second phase another trans-Siberian journey with several parties including scientists, the voyage with Sv Petr and Sv
Gavriil, Bering and the Sv Petr to the Alaskan coast, work of the naturalist Steller, wintering on Bering Island, scurvy, death of Bering, etc. DLC. 90114. MURSKIL L. I., and others. Izmenenie tonusa mozgovykh i koronarnykh sosudov pri gipotermii. (Nauchnye doklady vysshel shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki 1965, no. 1, p. 59-65, tables, graphs.) 11 refit In Russian. Other authors: le. A. Gogin, and V. V. Suvorov. Title tr.: Change of tonus in cerebral and coronary blood vessels in hypothermia. Study of conditions in dogs during cooling to 28° C rectal temperature and during rewarming. Conditions in the two areas are compared in particular as to blood pressure; in the coronary vessel circulatory resistance is also considered. DLC. 90115. MURSKII, L. I., and V. V. SUVOROY. Sootnoshenie temperatur v mozgu i vo vnutrennikh organakh pri kranioaerebrenol gipotermii. (Nauchnye doklady vysshel shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki 1964, no. 3, p. 62-67, tables, graphs.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Temperature relationship between the brain and internal organs during cranio-cerebral hypothermia. An analytical study of temperatures in a considerable number of organs during cooling and rewarming of dogs. The differences in response of these organs are mathematically formulated; special emphasis is placed on that between rectal and brain tempera, ture, with the results enabling to determine the latter from the former. DLC. 90116. MURSKY, G. Mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry of Hunter Bay area, Great Bear Lake, N.W.T., Canada. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Microfilms, 1963. 144 p. maps, tables, graphs, illus. 137 refs. Ph.D. thesis to Stanford Univ. Presents results of laboratory and 19561960 fieldwork while employed by Eldorado Mining and Refining Ltd east of Great Bear Lake, where all consolidated rocks are Precambrian. Petrographic analyses of 220 thin sections were carried out. The petrology of the area is discussed. Sedimentary and volcanic members are assigned to the Yellowknife, Snare, Echo Bay, Cameron Bay, and Horny Bay Groups, the last two closely related and possibly deposited during the same period. Plutonic rocks, about 1,800 MY, attain batholithic dimensions and range in composition from granite to diorite. Some are high in potash and have the characteristics of rapakivis. Closely related to the granitic rocks are large
volumes of quartz-feldspar porphyries, some with features of ignimbrites. The parent magma was acidic and the phenomena of volcanism and plutonism are closely related, their difference being mainly depth of activity. Evidence indicates that maximum compressive stress acted in the east-west direction; that the shear zones and fractures The mineralogy of are post-granite. granitic rocks and quartz-feldspar porphyries is discussed and variations shown. The distribution of trace elements in granitic rocks and quartz-feldspar porphyries is presented and differences with respect to geology, rock types, and mineralogy shown. The concentration and trends of the elements in these rocks are similar, a genetic relationship between volcanic and plutonic forms of magmatism indubitable in this area. CaOG. 90117. MURZIN, A. I. K voprosu o povyshenii tochnosti opredeleni& koordinat radiovekh. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1961. v. 256, p. 82-88, tables, graphs.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Improving the accuracy of determination of the coordinates of radio beacons. Discusses aid by analytic, graphical and graphic cartography methods, and by special tables. Graphs of variation in azimuth due to map projection errors and distances of the object from radio beacons at Amderma and Temps stations are given. An extensive table of absolute correction values for distortions due to polar stereographic map projection is calculated and given for the radiogoniometer at Cape Shmidta. CaMAI, DLC. 90118. MUSAEV, K. M. Alfavity gazykov narodov SSSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 87 p. tables. 25 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Alphabets of the languages of the peoples of the USSR. Discusses the need to improve and simplify Cyrillic-letter symbols adapted to the phonetic systems of individual languages reduced to writing in the 1930's. Specific problems are the unwieldy letter combinations to express one phone, same letter for differing sound values and different renderings of like-sounding phones, excess of diacritic marks, etc. Unification of the various alphabets (in all 97 letters or symbols) is essential for purposes of printing and teaching. Zyryan, Ostyak, Vogul, Samoyed, Yakut, Tungus, Koryak, Chukchi, and Asiatic Eskimo alphabets are listed and their individual phonetic requireDLC. ments noted.
MUSCROFT, R. G., see No. 84768.
females per male is 10:1; pup mortality is DLC. about 1%.
MUSINA, A. A., see No. 85538. MUZALEVA, L. D., see No. 89948. 90119. MUZHCHINKIN, V. P. Nekotorye otklonenifil of tipichnol zubnc4 formuly u morskogo kotika Callorhinus ursinus L, i sivueha Eumetopias jubatus Schr. (Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskil n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Izvestifil 1964. v. 54, p. 151-54, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Some aberrations from the typical dental formula of the fur seal Callorhinus ursinus L. and Steller's sea lion Eunietopias jubatus Schr. Dental aberrations are found to be frequent in both species amounting to 10-20%; most of them occur in the last pair behind the canines. Divergences from the normal are more common among males; they do not affect the vitality of the animals, which may reach an old age. DLC. 90120. MUZHCHINKIN, V. F. Raspredelenie sivuchel na Eigo-Vostochnom kotikovom lezhbishche ostrova Mednogo. (Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskil n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Izvestila 1964. v. 54, p. 179-86, table, illus.) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Distribution of Steller sea lions on the southeastern fur seal rookery of Mednyy Island. Literature sources indicate that the large rookeries of Eumetopias jubatus on this island in the Commanders were practically destroyed by the mid-19th century. In the last decade however, the numbers began to increase. At present young males are common, old ones less so, and females are rare. Their appearance and distribution during the warmer season is outlined. They do not interfere with the fur seal forming harems and are not their food competitors. DLC. 90121. MUZHCHINKIN, V. F. Sovremennoe sostofinie Uril'ego kotikovogo lezhbishcha na ostrove Mednom. (Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskil n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Isvestifil 1964. v. 54, p. 51-60, tables, map.) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Present condition of the Uril' fur seal rookery, Mednyy Island. Describes location of this erstwhile rookery whose exploitation ceased in 1928, also its gradual repopulation, age and sex composition in 1951-1962. The number of
90122. MUZHCHINKIN, V. F. Sroki poravlenifa okostenenil v konechnostfakh morskogo kotika, Callorhinus ursinus L. (Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskil n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Izvestifa 1964. v. 54, p. 143-49, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Progress of ossification in the extremities of fur seal Callorhinus ursinus L. Study based on X-ray photos of fore and hind limbs of nine males and eight females differing in age, also such of a month-old and a year-old Steller sea lion. Ossification centers are already evident at birth. The entire process of ossification takes 2-3 yr, being somewhat slower in males than in females. DLC. MUZYKA, G. M., see No. 89282. MYERS, R. D., see Nos. 86944, 86945. 90123. MYRBERGET, S. Akerriksa i Norge. (Stavanger. Museet. Sterna 1963. v. 5, no. 8, p. 289-305, table, graph, illus.) 38 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: The corncrake in Norway. Reports on the Norwegian Ornithological Society investigation in 1958 of the incidence of Crex crex. Map shows where it has been observed since 1950, its northernmost breeding locality near 66° N in Nordland province. Its decrease in numbers is stressed, and the greater use of mowing machines, early cutting, and silo storage of fodder suggested as contributing factors. DLC. MYREEVA, A. N., see No. 91257. 90124. NABOKO, S. I. Gidrotermal'nyl metamorfizm porod v vulkanicheskikh oblastialch. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 172 p. tables, graphs, illus. Approx. 90 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrothermal metamorphism of rocks in volcanic regions. Presents an extensive monograph on hydrothermal processes and alterations of volcanic rocks in the areas of present volcanism. Kamchatka Peninsula with 150 volcanoes, 28 of them active, has considerable attention. Active volcanoes of the Kamchatka-Kuril arch are listed noting type of volcano, character of eruption, composition of lava and nature of the hydrothermal processes. Formation of secondary quartzites in this arch is analyzed. Metamorphism of rocks in the Ebeko volcano of
the Kurils is compared with that of the active Kamchatkan group. Pauzhetka thermal springs are characterized. Physicalchemical features of hydrothermal metamorphism are treated in some detail. DLC.
of present hydrothermal alteration of rocks are described. Evolution of hydrotherm composition is outlined. Metallogeny of present hydrotherms is characterized. Formation of sulfides is noted. DLC.
90125. NABOKO, S. I. Petrokhimicheskie osobennosti molodykh i sovremennykh lay Kamchatki. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologi. Petrokhimicheskie osobennosti . . Moskva 1963, p. 24-34, tables, graphs.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Petrochemical features of young and recent lavas of Kamchatka. Young and active volcanoes of Kamchatka are confined to three structural zones: Sredinnyy Range, the central Kamchatka depression, and east Kamchatka. Petrochemical features of their lavas are analyzed and some general patterns established. The lavas vary from basalts to dacites and from east to west they increase in alkalinity. The majority of Kamchatka volcanoes erupt andesites and andesitebasalts at present. Manifestation of differentiation in volcanic channels is noted. DLC.
90128. NABOKO, S. I., and B. I. PIIP. Sovremennyl metamorfizm vulkanicheskikh porod v raTone Pauzhetskikh gidroterm, Kamchatka. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Trudy 1961. no. 19, p. 99114, tables, graph, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Present metamorphism of volcanic rocks in the Pauzhetka thermal spring region, Kamchatka. Describes the present hydrothermal metamorphism caused by discharge of deep thermal waters. Various zones are distinguished according to depth and each described, viz the kaolinization, zeolitization and feldspathization, and the propylitization zone. Spectral analysis is given of the hydrothermal alteration of rocks at various depths. DLC.
90126. NABOKO, S. I., and L. M. LEBEDEV. Sovremennoe gidrotermal'noe obra(In: zovanie lomontita na Pauzhetke. Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. vulkanologii. Sevremennyl vulkanizm . . . Moskva 1964, p. 78-83, tables, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Current hydrothermal formation of laumontite in Pauzhetka. Reports the zeolitization of volcanic elastic rocks effected by hydrothermal sodium-chloride solutions. The most widely distributed zeolite is laumontite. It is formed at various depths from the surface to 300 m and at 100-195° C. Its color, specific weight, optical properties, chemical composition and other features are briefly described. DLC. 90127. NABOKO, S. I. Sovremennye gidrotermal'nye proliessy i metamorfizm vulkanicheskikh porod. (Akademiiii nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Trudy 1961. no. 19, p. 12-33, tables.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Present hydrothermal processes and metamorphism of volcanic rocks. Discusses the Kamchatka-Kuril province of present volcanism. Formation conditions of present hydrotherms are considered and their main features such as water abundance, temperature, gas saturation, etc are characterized. Hydrothermal metamorphism is described near volcanic apparatus, and near the discharge of deep hydrotherms. Types
90129. NABOKO, S. I. Vladimir Ivanovich Vlodavecs, k 70-letifa so dnfa; rozhdenia (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Vulkanizm Kamchatki . . . 1963, p. 3-10.) In Russian. Title tr.: Vladimir Ivanovich Vlodavea, on his 70th birthday. Describes the scientific activity of this well-known Russian geologist and investigator, from 1922, of the magmatism and mineral resources of Kola Peninsula and Franz Joseph Land, and since 1935 mainly of volcanism in Kamchatka. He took part in the expeditions of the Sibiriakov and the Sedov. About 70 of his more important DLC. works are listed. 90130. NABOKO, S. I. Vtoroe Vseso(Dznoe vulkanologicheskoe soveshchanie. Geologifit i geofizika 1965, no. 2, p. 160-64.) In Russian. Title tr.: The second All-Union volcanologic conference. Reviews this conference held 3-17 Sept 1964 in Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka, with about 400 present and 42 papers delivered. The main topics of the conference were: the deep structure of areas of recent volcanism according to geophysical data, recent volcanism and its geologic data, postvolcanic processes and geotherms. The volcanism of Kamchatka was frequently under conDLC. sideration. NACHINKIN, N. G., see No. 85174. 90131. NACK, T. P. Rocket firing station at Churchill. (Military engineer 1965. v. 57, no. 378, p. 264-65, illus.)
Describes construction and operation problems resulting from severe climate and permafrost, also the facilities for meteorological rocket firing built in 1956 for the IGY, burned in 1961, and reconstructed in DLC. 1962-1963. 90132. NADEEV, V. N. K metodike (Moskovkolichestvennogo ucheta skoe o-vo ispytatelel prirody. Bfillleten' 1965. otd. biol. v. 70, no. 1, p. 33-39, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Method for quantitative estimates of sables. Presents two methods: one for large areas with the aim of obtaining general data on the population density in the taigas of different administrative areas; and the other a method of obtaining an accurate account of animals in a relatively small, clearly defined DLC. area. NADEL, J. A., see No. 88448. 90133. NADEZHDIN, A. V. Nekotorye osobennosti gidrokhimicheskogo rezhima nadmerzlotnykh vod na promploshchadke shakhty no. 14. (Akademilit nauk SSSR. Inst. merzlotovedeniEt. Severnoe otd-ie. Trudy 1960. no. 1, p. 76-77, graph.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of the hydrochemical regime of supra-permafrost water in the area of shaft no. 14. Reports analyses of supra-permafrost water taken at 20 m depth in a drillhole in the Vorkuta region. It is classified as sulfate-hydrocarbonate-calcic water. Its mineralization analyzed by months, is greatest in Oct-Dec. Its composition also is reported, and the high content of SO4" anion noted. Concentration of sulfate anions during the year is 137-362 mg/1. DLC. 90134. NADEZHIN, V. M. Gidrologicheskil rezhim Pechorskol guby i ego vozmozhnye izmenenifn pri chasti stoka reki Pechory. (Okeanologifit 1965. v. 5, no. 3, p. 448-57, tables, maps, sections.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The hydrological regime of Pechora Bay and its possible changes in case a portion of the Pechora River discharge should be diverted. Gives the general characteristics of the regime: fluctuation of sea level, currents, water temperature, salinity, water exchange, and other features. Preliminary estimates are offered of results in the Bay of diversion of part of the river water to the Volga. Changes in water temperature are calculated, and effects of these changes on plankton, benthos and the life of fishes are discussed. DLC.
90135. NADEZHIN, V. M. Znachenie gidrologicheskikh i meteorologicheskikh faktorov v zhizni i raspredelenii nekotorykh ryb Belogo mora i Pechorskol guby. (Problemy isporzovanifa promyslovykh resursov Belogo mods i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii 1963. no. 1, p. 5-15, table, graphs, maps.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The significance of hydrological and meteorological factors in the life and distribution of some fishes in the White Sea and Pechora Bay. Discusses seasonal movements of herring as determined by water temperatures and wind. In the winter when temperatures are as low as —1.6 to —1.5° C, herring are found in the Severnaya Dvina estuary and in the corner of Unskaya Bay where the water is warmer due to river discharge. In the summer these fish occupy the upper warmer water layers and move usually against the wind. Distribution of White Sea and Murmansk herring and that of salmon are DLC. also noted. 90136. NADUBOVICH, It. A. Daily variations in auroral activity based on photographic observations at Tiksi Bay. p. 29-36 in NASA technical translation: NASA TT F-117, 1964, available from CFSTI, Springfield, Va. 22151. English DLC. translation of No 74199. 90137. NADUBOVICH, It. A. Elektrofotometr vsego neba. (In: Akademifit nauk SSSR. akutskil filial. Inst. kosmofizicheskikh issl. i aerononaii. Geo- i geliofizicheskie . . 1964, p. 148 52, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: All-sky electrophotometer. Describes the EVN designed as a separate adapter to type C-180 KVN (all-sky camera) constructed by the author in 1959. Conversion of KVN into EVN can be done in several minutes without any change in the electrical and optical systems: the C-180 camera is merely replaced by a FEU-19M photo-electric multiplier whose area is sufficiently large enough to intercept the entire light beam emerging from the C-180 collimator lens. The EVN was tested and has been recording auroras at Tiksi Bay since 1959. A block diagram of the improved apparatus is given, and it is described in detail. CaMAI, DLC. 90138. NADUBOVICH, ft. A. 0 chastote potavlenifil i raspredelenifa farkostel nekotorykh form polarnykh sifitnil. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomifa 1965. v. 5, no. 2, p. 364-66, tables, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Frequency of occur-
rence and distribution of brightness of certain forms of auroras. Analyzes band-form auroras and their mean frequency from 2,500 ascafilms taken at Tiksi Oct 1958–Mar 1959 and Oct 1959– Apr 1960, 300 films at Kotel'nyy Dec 1958– Feb 1959 and 1,400 ascafilms at Murmansk Oct 1959–Apr 1960. Data on the frequency and brightness are given in tables. The mean brightness was noticed to decrease with decreasing solar activity. DLC. 90139. NADUBOVICH, ft. A. Uslovifit fotografirovanifft polfarnykh sifinil v bukhte Tiksi. (In: Akademifri, nauk SSSR. fAkutskil filial. Inst. kosmofizicheskikh issl. i aeronomii. Geo- i geliofizicheskie . . . 1964, p. 156-58, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: Conditions for photographing auroras at Tiksi Bay. Describes operational facilities, equipment, climatic and meteorological conditions at the Tiksi Polar Geophysical Station as related to photo-instrumental observations of auroras. Since 1957 about 400,000 photographic and spectral pictures of the Tiksi sky have been taken. The observation season is 229 days, the best months: Nov, Dec, Jan, and Mar. CaMAI, DLC. 90140. NADUBOVICH, I'D. A. Vlifinie osobennostel optiki kamery C-180 na opredelenifii fkkosti i polozhenifa polfkn kh silaniT. (In: Akademita nauk SSSR. utskil filial. Inst. kosmofizicheskikh issl. i aeronornii. Geo- i geliofizicheskie ... 1964, p. 113-29, graphs, tables.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Influence of optical features of a C-180 camera on the brightness and location of auroras. Investigates effects of image distortion in projecting the celestial hemisphere upon the flat surface of ascafilms (all-sky camera film): cutting the image formed by meridional and sagittal rays i.e. vignetting the image, distribution of light exposure in the camera, and atmospheric absorption in the spectral line 5577 A. Factors on which illumination intensity on the film depends are discussed: brightness of the object, lens aperture, ratio of the area of the object to that of its image on the film, and angle of incidence of the rays of light. Theoretical results are compared with measurements of brightness and location of auroras obtained with a 0-180 no 026 camera at Tiksi Bay. A satisfactory agreement between theoretical and experimental curves is found for the 200-250 km range for sky glow, and 100 km for a weak aurora. DLC. NADUBOVICH, ft. A., see also No. 92681.
90141. NAEVDAL, G. Protein polymor phism used for identification of harp sea populations. Bergen 1965. 20 p. tables graphs. (Bergen. Univ. Arbok. Matematisk-naturvitenskapelig ser. no. 9.) 35 refs. Reports study of 609 hemoglobins and 564 sera of harp seals from the area between Newfoundland and the White Sea. The results, otherwise insignificant, justify a division of the total stock into a western and an eastern population, each with its own genotype. DLC. NAFE, J. E., see No. 86630. 90142. NAGASAKA, T., and L. D. CARLSON. Responses of cold- and warmadapted dogs to infused noradrenalin and acute body cooling. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 10 p. table, graphs. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TR-64-21.) 17 refs. Account of experiments with dogs kept for over 40 days at —10° or 28° C. The results suggest that non-shivering heatproduction is well developed in the coldacclimated animals and that increased activity of this heat production is due rather to increased noradrenalin content in the blood than to the animals' increased senCaMAI. sitivity to its calorigenic effect. 90143. NAGASAKA, T., and L. D. CARLSON. Responses of cold- and warmadapted dogs to infused norepinephrine and acute body cooling. (American journal of physiology 1965. v. 209, no. 1, p. 227-30, table, graphs.) 17 refs. Account based on continuous recordings of 02-consumption, heart rate, and colonic, pinna and paw temperatures of anesthetized and paralyzed animals. Results show that non-shivering thermogenesis is developed by cold-acclimation; they suggest that this is due to increased blood adrenaline rather than to increased sensitivity to the calorigenic effects of noradrenaline. DLC. NAGASAKA, T., see also Nos. 87932, 87933. 90144. NAGATA, T., and S. KOKUBUN. An additional geomagnetic daily variation field (8 4-field) in the polar region on geomagnetically quiet day. (Japan. Science Council. Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan 1962. v. 16, no. 2, p. 256-74, tables, graphs, illus.) 37 refs. Analyzes IGY geomagnetic data from both polar regions, including 11 arctic-
subarctic stations. The geomagnetic daily variation S P in the sunlit polar cap on geoq magnetically quiet days consists not only of an equivalent field, due to well established geomagnetic daily variations S ° between 55° N and 55° S on the international quiet days, but also of an additional field o S P = Sq — S where Sq is solar daily variation. The total ionospheric current of the tion. S field which amounts to about 15 x 10' q amperes in the sunlit polar cap, is reduced to about 5 x 10' amperes when the cap becomes dark. It is suggested that the S P q field is driven by the quiet solar plasma wind through the lines of geomagnetic force connecting the earth's polar ionosphere with the magnetosphere near the boundary wall of the geomagnetic cavity. DLC. 90145. NAGATA, T., and T. IIJIMA. Simultaneous current patterns of polar magnetic storms (Dp-field) in the northern and southern polar regions during IGY. (Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity 1964. v. 16, no. 3, p. 210-20, tables, illus.) 29 refs. Presents charts constructed from analysis of simultaneous data from 20 arctic-subarctic and 11 antarctic stations, on severe and moderate magnetic storms during IGY. The Di, patterns are shown to be almost exactly symmetric to each other in geomagnetic coordinates. This suggests a geomagnetic conjugacy between the two polar DLC. regions. NAGATA, T., see also No. 88361. 90146. NAGEL, E. L., and others. Anesthesia for the bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus. (Science, Dec. 18, 1964. v. 146, p. 1591-93, illus.) 11 refs. Other authors: P. J. Morgane and W. L. McFarland. Describes an earlier unsuccessful attempt to anesthetize these animals, and own preparatory studies and method (successful). It consists of a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen. Uneventful recovery is followed with normal breathing, swimming DLC. and feeding. 90147. NAGY, B., and G. C. GAGNON. The geochemistry of the Athabasca petroleum deposit, 1; elution and spectroscopic analysis of the petroleum from the vicinity of McMurray, Alberta. (Geochmica et
cosmochimica acta, Apr. 1961, v. 23, no. 1/2, p. 155-85, tables, map, illus.) This is the largest known petroleum deposit. Sandstone samples from the Abasand quarry yielded 16.5% organic matter when extracted with methylene chloride. The extract was fractionated by elution chromatography and analyzed by mass, infrared, and ultra-violet spectroscopy. These analyses revealed the presence of paraffin, naphthenic hydrocarbons, alkyl benzenes, cyclo-alkyl benzenes, napthalenes, phenanthrenes, as well as sulfur and nitrogen compounds. The study formed a part of an investigation of the chromatographic-type fluid flow in the sedimentary rock strata. DLC. 90148. NAGY, J. Foraminifera in some bottom samples from shallow waters in Vestspitsbergen. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 109-128, maps, tables, illus.) 17 refs. Reports study of 45 dried bottom samples collected from Hornsund, Storfjorden and Van Keulenfjorden during Norsk Polarinstitutt expeditions in 1962 and 1963. One planktonic and 59 benthonic species are listed. Three types of fauna are distinguished. In the near-shore waters in Gashamna and Adriabukta, with comparatively large numbers of specimens and species, the fauna is dominated by Elphidium clavatum. In waters near glaciers in Treskelbukta, east of Staupbreen and in Hambergbukta less than 200 specimens are found in 150 gm of dried sediment and the species range five-ten; with Cibicides lobatulus predominant. Near glaciers in Van Keulenfjorden and east of Jemelianovbreen specimens are similarly few, species range two-five with E. clavatum and E. sp dominant. DLC. 90149. NAGY, J. Oil exploration in Spitsbergen. (Polar record 1965. v. 12, no. 81, p. 703-708, maps.) 7 refs. Outlines the geology of Svalbard with map, indicating those sedimentary formations likely to be petroliferous. A historical survey of prospecting for oil to 1964 by Dutch, American, Norwegian, Russian and French companies is given with map of claims 1965 on Vestspitsbergen, Edge and Barents Islands, and the results are described. DLC. 90150. NAIBORODIN, V. I., and D. M. PECHERSKII. Magnitnye svolstva nekotorykh magmaticheskikh porod, metamorfizovannykh granitoidami Magadanskogo batolita. (Sovetskafa geologifil 1965, no. 4, p. 140-47, table, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian.
Title tr.: Magnetic properties of some magmatic rocks metamorphosed by granitoids of the Magadan batholith. Reports the tabulated results of magnetic investigations of granites, granodiorites, diorites, gabbro and other rocks of the Magadan batholith, on the north coast of Tauyskaya Bay. The residual magnetization of each variety of rock does not depend upon its density. This is explained by low content of magnetic minerals. The magnetic anisotropy bespeaks the absence of dynamic metamorphic processes. Formation of the batholith occurred at no great depth and without unilateral pressure. DLC. NAIRN, A. E. M., see No. 87023. 90151. NAKAJIMA, H., and J. THUILLIER. Comparaison des effets hypothermisants des neuroleptiques stir les temperatures cerebrale et rectale chez le lapin. (Societe de biologie. Comptes rendus 1965. v. 159, no. 5, p. 1120-23, graphs.) Ref. In French. Title tr.: Comparison of the effects of neuroplegics in lowering the brain and rectal temperature of rabbits. Chlorpromazine, haloperidol or thiochloperazine administered in equal doses, all produced a precipitate and similar drop in brain temperature. The drop in rectal temperature varied in the three cases. DLC. NAKAMURA, M., see No. 84952. 90152. NAKARIAKOV, V. D. Osnovnye istochniki formirovanifit mezozoLskikh otlozhenil vostochnol chasti Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti. Geologif?t i geofizika 1965. no. 2, p. 127-32, table.) 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Main sources for the formation of Mesozoic deposits in the eastern part of West Siberian lowland. Analyzes the Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of the Yeloguy and Turukhan River basins, and other areas of the Yenisey and Siberia. Possible sources of their materials are discussed, with the central regions of Asia considered a good possiDLC. bility. NAKHODKINA, 0. S., see No. 86753. 90153. NALIMOV, ID. V. Gidrologicheska1 kharakteristika protoki Glavnoe Ruslo del'ty r. any. (Leningrad. ArkticheskiT i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1965. v. 268, p. 57-77, tables, graphs, map.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrological characteristics of the Glavnoye Ruslo channel of the Yana River delta.
Summarizes studies of the Yana delta since 1909, and reports a recent investigation to discover the deepest and most navigable channel. Attention is directed to the Glavnoye Ruslo (i.e. Main Channel) which carries 65% of river discharge. Its profiles, depths, changes of level, erosion, transport of material and some other features are analyzed. The ice cover, ice freezing and thawing are also reported. Practical recommendations are given for regulating of this channel. Reshaping the channel and dredging the bottom are conCaMAI, DLC. sidered necessary. 90154. NALIMOV, fit. V. Rezhim urovnel protoki srednel del'ty r. Indigirki. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 19, p. 22-31, tables, graphs, map.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Regime of the channel level of the middle delta of the Indigirka River. The Indigirka builds up a delta some 5000 km2 in area. Under present conditions only the middle channel can be used for navigation. Five observation stations were set up in the area, and data collected from 1936 show the level of the middle channel to the delta mouth tinder the influence of the sea. The level regime as recorded on Nemkov Islands does not reflect very closely the amplitudes at the delta bar. Bar shoaling during the period of record is well supported by the data. CaMAI, DLC. NALIMOV, re. V., see also Nos. 85122, 88151. 90155. NALIVAIKO, G. IA. Arkhangel'ski! port zimoi 1939-1940 gg. (Letopis' Severa 1962, v. 3, p. 285-86.) In Russian. Title tr.: Arkhangel'sk Harbor in winter 1939-1940. Describes operations during the SovietFinnish war. Icebreakers Litke, Lenin, No. 6 and No. 8 worked to keep the water open. But the winter was exceedingly cold, and as the ice was crushed by the icebreakers, it refroze immediately, and was much harder to penetrate than originally. Therefore in Jan 1940, a railroad was built on the Severnaya Dvina River, connecting the town with the airfield, and it remained in DLC. operation till April. 90156. NALIVAIKO, G. IA. Izyskanica porta v ust'e reki Indigi. (Letopis' Severn 1964. v. 4, p. 77-79, maps.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Search for a harbor in Indiga River mouth. Describes the effort to find a site for a port east of Kanin Peninsula, and exploration of
the mouth of the Indiga in 1920-1923. Two construction projects were proposed, but not realized; search was resumed in 1942, and the coast surveyed from Kanin to Khabarovo, by the hydrographic vessel Shokal'skii. Only the mouth of the Indiga was found suitable for a harbor. DLC. 90157. NALIVKIN, V. D., and others. Diz"funktivnye narushenia v osadochnom chekhle Zapadno-Sibirakol plity. (Akadenauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 158, no. 6, p. 1329-32, map.) 10 refs. Other authors: G. B. Ostry1, G. M. Tarn& and N. V. Shablinskafa. Title tr.: Disjunctive dislocations in the sedimentary cover of the West Siberian platform. Reviews recent seismic and geologic studies as pertinent. Disjunctive dislocations are recognized, their extent and amplitude characterized and mapped. The West Siberian platform which includes northern areas of Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk Provinces, is compared with the Turan and others. Disjunctive dislocations are of importance for compiling tectonic maps as well as for oil searches. DLC. 90158. NALIVKIN, V. D., and others. Sravnitel'nyl analiz neftegazonosnosti i tektoniki Zapadno-Sibirskol i Turano-Skifskol plit. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nedra 1965. 323 p. tables, graphs, maps, profiles. (Leningrad. Irses. neftanol n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyl inst. Trudy v. 236.) Approx. 190 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V. A. Dedeev, V. V. Ivan&ova Z. Kaa, N. M. Kruglikov, V. S. Lazarev, G. P. Sverchkov, K. A. Chernikov and N. V. Shablinskala'. Title tr.: Comparative analysis of oil-gas properties and tectonics of the West Siberian and Turan-Scythian platforms. Discusses comparative features in the tectonic structure of the basement and folded platformic cover of these and the east Russian platform. Distribution pattern of organic matter and bitumen in the West Siberian platform is analyzed. Distribution of oil and gas deposits and hydrogeologic conditions of the West Siberian and TuranScythian platforms are also compared. The Timan-Pechora province, Tyumen, and other arctic areas are included. DLC.
NALIVKIN, V. D., see also No. 86448. NAL'NIAEVA, T. I., see No. 91416. NAMESTNIKOV, It. G., see No. 86025.
90159. NANNFELDT, J. A., and B. LINDEBERG. Taxonomic studies on the ovariicolous species of Cintractia on Swedish Caricoideae, 2; the species on Carex sect. Acutae Fr. sensu Kiik. (Svensk botanisk tidskrift 1965. v. 59, no. 2, p. 189-210, map.) 26 refs. In sequence to No. 53492. Reviews earlier investigations and classifications of these smuts and describes four species of Anthracoidea including synonyms, hosts, morphology of spores and occurrence. These forms reach into the Arctic in their distribution. DLC. NANSEN, FRIDTJOF, 1861-1930, see No. 89492. NANSON, E. M., see No. 85554. 90160. NAPADENSKY, IL Dynamic response of snow to high rates of loading. Hanover, N. H. 1964. 41 p. graphs, tables, illus. (US Army. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 119.) 12 refs. Describes an experimental study of stress-wave propagation in snow and ice; a kind of data needed for estimating the yield of nuclear or chemical weapons, determining the size of an explosion crater, detecting underground explosions, designing hardened or protective under-snow structures, and for solving problems concerning the impact of a projectile or the landing of an airplane on snow. Seven types of Greenland snow were investigated to find how much the variation in dynamic response is a function of the type; Michigan snow of density 0.5 g/cm' compacted considerably less than Greenland snow. A low-density explosive charge was detonated, sending a steep-fronted shock wave through a metal transfer plate and into the snow sample, compressing the snow and setting it in motion. Measurements were made on shock waves up to 200 atm. Density and pressure were determined, as were the points at which the material behaves plastically or hydrodynamically. Maximum stable pressure-volume states that snow can reach under shock loading are also shown. CaMAI. NARDI, G. L., see No. 86124. 90161. NARODNOE OBRAZOVANIE. Risulut deti Severe. (Its: no. 10, 1965, 4 page insert between p. 96-97, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Pictures by children of the North. Notes the increase of school building in the Nenets National District of Arkhangelsk Province, which has 53 schools with
8600 students. The 21 boarding schools have some 1700 Nenets Samoyed and Zyryan pupils, two forest-sanatorium schools 112, 26 nurseries and kindergartens some 1500. A new boarding school for 350 in Nar'yan-Mar is noted. Children's drawings depict features of aboriginal life. DLC. 90162. NAROVCHATOV, S. Na dalekikh ostrovakh. (Nash sovremennik 1965, no. 4, p. 82-91, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Distant islands. Describes visit to Mednyy Island in the Commanders. Its inhabitants are mainly Aleuts engaged in sealing and fox hunting, and a few Russians married to local women. The village Preobrazhenskoye has some 30 houses, a library, nursery, and elementary school; older children are sent to the boarding or day school in Nikol'skoye on Bering Island. Two bunkhouses for hunters and a research laboratory on Cape YugoVostochnyy are used only during the sealing season. Island life, landscape, and the seal rookeries are depicted: only bachelor seals are hunted to ensure steady herd increase. DLC. 90163. NAROZHNYKH, L. I., and V. T. RABOTNOV. Stratigrafifa i novye formy organicheskikh ostatkov rifefa, sinifa, i fildomskogo kompleksa severnogo sklona Aldanskogo shchita. (Akademit5 nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 160, no. 4, p. 910-13, sections, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy and new forms of organic remains of the Riphean, Sinian, and Yudoma complex in the northern slope of the Aldan shield. Divides lower part of the Tolba series into the Imalykskaya, Dikimdinskaya and Torginskaya subseries. They are all of Riphean age and are separated by present oncolites and other problematic organic remains. The Yudoma complex is also described. Some of these problematic organisms are systematically described. DLC. 90164. NARVER, D. W., and M. L. DAHLBERG. Chignik Lakes sockeye salmon studies. (Washington (State) Univ. College of Fisheries. Research in fisheries 1964 pub. 1965. Contribution no. 184, p. 19-22, tables, graphs, map.) Ref. Reports studies commenced in 1960 to determine the nursery area carrying capacity in this central Alaska Peninsula lake system. Growth and abundance of small fish and time of entry as means of controlling escapement to each lake are analyzed for that purpose. DLC.
90165. NARVER, D. W., and M. L. DAHLBERG. Chignik sockeye salmon studies. (Washington (State) Univ. College of Fisheries. Research in fisheries 1963 pub. 1964. Contribution no. 166, p. 18-21, graphs, map.) Discusses the relative abundance and growth of salmon fry in Black Lake, the Chignik Lagoon as secondary nursery area for Chignik Lake smolts, and relationship between entry time and spawning location. Suggestions are made for management of these two lakes. DLC. 90166. NASEDKIN, V. V. Zhilye doma s upravlatemym mikroklimatom difa uslovil zapolfar'fa. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanif5 . . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 4, p. 53-59, illus.) Title tr.: Domestic buildings with regulated microclimate under arctic conditions. Discusses effective planning of apartment houses for erection in arctic and subarctic areas. They are five to nine story buildings to house up to a thousand people in a closed system of one-, two-, and threeroom apartments (17, 39, and 60 m2 living area), distributed around the periphery of the complex. Both circular and square type complexes are considered, the latter, found superior to the circular type, is described in detail. It has nine stories, 268 apartments, a total living area of 8,000 m2. The building is 56 x 56 m on the outside. The central part of the complex is a 36 x 36 m patio. CaON-B. 90167. NASEDKINA, E. A. 0 sposobakh zagotovki slabosolenol ikry tikhookeanskikh lososel. (Rybnoe khozi?astvo 1965. v. 41, no. 3, p. 62-63.) In Russian. Title tr.: Methods of preparation of lightly salted roe from Pacific salmon. Notes the poor keeping qualities of such roe, even at near-freezing temperatures, and reports experiments by the Ust'-Kamchatka Fish Combine and others, in applying benzoic and other antiseptics as preservatives. The roe was kept in various containers at room or low temperatures, and its quality, taste and chemical changes determined. DLC. 90168. NASILOV, D. N. Pervafa polarnal& ekspedicsifd na "Persee". (Okeanologif5 1964. v. 4, no. 3, p. 547-48.) In Russian. Title tr.: The first Polar expedition on the Persel. Brief account occasioned by the 40th anniversary of the cruise of the first Soviet special research vessel in 1923 from Arkhangel'sk to the Franz Joseph Land and
Novaya Zemlya coasts. The discovery that the warm Atlantic current water reaches Franz Joseph Land and author's observa tion of the propagation and audibility of radio waves deep in the Arctic are noted. DLC. 90169. NASIMOVICH, A. A. Theoretical basis of the acclimatization of land mammals. (In: Konferenailit po akklimatizaaii zhivotnykh . . . 1966, p. 15-17.) English DLC. translation of No 81511. 90170. NASSICHUK, W. W., and W. M. FURNISH. Christioceras, a new Pennsylvanian ammonoid from the Canadian Arctic. (Journal of paleontology 1965. v. 39, no. 4, p. 724-28, table, illus.) 6 refs. Describes systematically this mollusc found on the north side of Hare Fiord, northern Ellesmere. Except for trifurcation of the lateral lobes and modification of prongs of the ventral lobe in the sature, this new genus parallels development in fam Schistoceratidae to which it is assigned, it is represented by Christoceras trifurcatum DLC. n.sp. 90171. NASSICHUK, W. W., and others. The Permian ammonoids of arctic Canada. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1965. 59 p. map, tables, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Bulletin 131.) 74 refs. Other authors: W. M. Furnish and B. F. Glenister. Describes ammonoid specimens from arctic Canada and Alaska, and redescribes the two species recorded previously from Greenland. These ammonoids constitute an element of the so-called Boreal Realm, and have affinities with faunas from the Ural Mts, Siberia, and Australia. Ammonoid cephalopods are relatively rare in North American Arctic Permian faunas, though they are significant for arctic and worldwide correlation. D G S. NATALENKOVA, L. M., see No. 86653. NATAPOV, L. M., see Nos. 85653, 89247. NATARAJAN, K. V., see No. 84953. NATAROV, V. V., see No. 87622.
FERENCE, 1st 1961. Proceedings. Tallahassee, Fla. 1962. 897 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. D. S. Gorsline editor. Contains summaries of research, etc, as presented at regional meetings in Baltimore, Los Angeles and Tallahassee. A few deal with northern regions, e.g.: Review of
shore line investigations 1954-1959, Point Barrow, Alaska by M. Schalk and J. D. Hume, p 91-94, profiles. Reports activities year-by-year: concerning bottom configuration as far as 2500 ft offshore, and factors, usually storms, causing them. Profiles were made from a series of stations, some at 100 m intervals. From these, seasonal changes in bathymetry were recorded. Shallow-
water studies in the vicinity of Barrow, Alaska by J. D. Hume, p 95-99, map, 6 refs. Reviews earlier studies in this area and describes its beaches, their physical aspect, peculiarities such as pack ice, permafrost, tides, and their effects. Following an explanation of methods author estimates net sediment transport at 5,000 yd3/yr toward the northeast in the period 1948-1960. The Colville River delta by H. J. Walker, p 472-74. Reviews study begun in 1961 with notes on the climate of the delta, its genesis and composition. Present forms: distributaries, lakes, sand dunes, polygons and their characteristics are described. Water level in the river, seasonal freezing and the presence of permafrost are considered. A scientific investigation of Hudson Bay, Canada by R. J. Leslie, p 655. Notes on studies in oceanography and submarine geology initiated in 1961 by the M/V Theta. Outfit and instrumentation, first summer's work and some results on bottom sediments and topography are outlined.
Research activities in marine geology at the Department of Oceanography, University of Washington by J. S. Creager, p 729-30. Outlines two summers' work on marine geology and sediments of the southern Chukchi Sea. Distribution and ecology of North Pacific foraminifera, living or dead, and study of volcanic ashes in the same area are considered.
Coastal studies of marine algae in British Columbia and the North Pacific by R. F. Scagel, p 748-50, 8 refs. Discusses the
uniformity of the seaweed vegetation from the Columbia River to northern British Columbia, and the character of this flora northward, as far as the western Aleutian Islands. Physical factors affecting the character of these floras are noted. DLC.
NATH, J., see No. 89470.
mouton, Oct. 21-23, 1964. Canada's northland and world markets, proceedings; sponsored jointly by the Alberta and Northwest Chamber of Mines and Resources and the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce. 170 p. maps, tables, illus. In sequence to No. 74224. Lists registered delegates, summarizes progress in respect of resolutions adopted by the previous conferences, presents 20 resolutions emanating from this conference, and text of papers given, viz: Resources Buck, K. W. Mineral resources of the Canadian northland, p 15-23, 28-33. Reports that mining in 1964 accounted for 78.7% of the net value of commodity production in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, a 4.5% decline since 1961, but the amount spent on mineral exploration increased. Five companies operate lode mines. Gold, silver, lead, zinc, cadmium, coal, natural gas, and crude petroleum are outlined; gold and silver are the most significant on a national basis. Iron prospects at Snake River in the Yukon, Baffin Island, and the Belcher and Nastapoka Islands are discussed, also tungsten to be produced at Cantung, Mackenzie District. Tax concessions, roads, Prospectors Assistance Programs, and advantageous Government regulations are suggested incentives to further mineral exploration and development. Kendall, D. N. Mapping programmes, p 24-28. Examines the extent to which mapping north of 60° N is programmed to serve mineral development. Its current status is summarized: topographic mapping at 1:250,000 is to be completed in 1967, and geologic mapping at the same scale in the early 1970's. Other mapping, scheduled for completion by 1975, includes 1:50,000 coverage of selected areas. Lloyd, T. Northern research, p 34-39. Discusses the organization of northern research in Canada, noting lack of coordination among government departments and failure to encourage and finance nongovernmental research. Use of public funds is suggested for non-governmental use in field and laboratory research essential to northern development. Inayama, Y. Canada's northern resources and Japan, p 40-43. Discusses Japan's need for raw materials and its interest in Canada's northern resources, especially iron ore, coking coal, copper ore, nickel ore, and molybdenum ore. Cote, E. A. Northland resources; prospects for the future, p 44-45. Reviews enterprise such as fur trade, whaling, gold
rush which led to the present stage of economic development in northern Canada. The role of the federal government is to provide minimum food, clothing, and shelter for northern inhabitants, and to raise living standards by resource development with aid of free enterprise. White, C. E. World demand for minerals. Lund, R. J., and F. M. Stephens. The North, a continental storehouse, p 54-58. Discusses metallics, nonmetallics, and petroleum in Canada north of 55° N west of Ontario and north of 50° N east of Ontario. The position of iron, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, and the precious metals is analyzed: there is enough iron to supply North America for 50 yr, copper for three, lead for one, zinc for five, and enough nickel for 20 yr. Future requirements for gold and silver are impossible to estimate. There are significant reserves of titanium, cadmium, molybdenum, and tungsten also. The nonmetallics have yet to be developed, but asbestos, petroleum and natural gas, sulfur, potash, bauxite, and gypsum will probably be exploited. Hurdle, B. E. The Pine Point mine, p 59-62. Describes the development of lead and zinc deposits at Pine Point, Mackenzie District. The ore belt is 22 by 2-4 mi and reserves are estimated at 5 million tons grading 4% lead and 7% zinc. Production is scheduled for late 1965. Sporadic attempts at development led to an agreement between the Federal Government, Canadian National Railways, and Pine Point Mines Ltd for the Great Slave Lake Railway to be built by 1965. The townsite (for 53 houses, 2 bunkhouses, dining and recreation halls), power supply (from the Northern Canada Power Commission development on Taltson River 35 mi northeast of Fort Smith) and prospective markets are noted. Costs are: 822 million for the mine and mill, 89 million for the power plant; and 810 for increased metallurgical facilities at Trail, B.C. Sharp, M. Keynote address, p 64-68. Federal Minister of Trade and Commerce reiterates Canada's interest in the North: touching upon sovereignty, strategic importance, welfare of the native population, and harvesting of renewable and nonrenewable resources, chiefly mineral products. Trade policy also is discussed in relation to development of world markets for products of the North. Power McKinnon, I. N. Future power development, p 69-75. Discusses the demand for and potential sources of power in North America with special reference to northern development. In 1963 the Yukon and
Northwestern Territories produced 215 kwh. Opportunities are expected for both hydro and thermal generation in connection with mineral processing operations; a nuclear plant may be the ultimate facility. Gray, J. L. Prospects for economic nuclear power, p 83-92. Discusses nuclear power and concludes that the application of small nuclear power units to the solution of specific problems in the Canadian North does not seem economically feasible with the present technology. Finance Strong, M. F. The magnitude of future capital requirements, p 99-103. Outlines the principle factors which will affect future capital expenditures, and projects the scale of northern development in the next decade in terms of capital required. The availability of markets, development of transportation, provision of risk capital, research and development, and government policies and administrative practices are discussed. Nearly $4 billion is estimated as the potential capital expenditure north of 50° N for 1965-1974, not including defense. Transportation Graham, G. R. The northern railways, p 114-15. Discusses the slow penetration of the railway into northern Canada; the 510 mi Hudson Bay Ry from The Pas to Churchill, Manitoba, was completed in 1929, and the 358 mi Quebec North Shore & Labrador Ry from Seven Islands to Schefferville in 1954. The Great Slave Lake Ry to Hay River, Mackenzie District is also noted, with its 55 mi branch line to Pine Point. Ford, J. S. Communications in the North, p 116-18. Reviews the development of communications from pre-World War II services provided by the Dominion Government Telegraphers and high frequency radio circuits operated mainly by the Royal Canadian Army Signal Corps. The present high capacity microwave system serves the needs of an area largely dependent upon highway and air transportation and on development of natural resources. The type and extent of each type of communication system is outlined; future expansion of services is likely despite the high cost. Colquhoun, L. R. Hovercraft in Canada's northland, p 119-21. Discusses recent developments in hovercraft and their impact on transportation. These low density load carriers can move freight and personnel as cheaply and far more quickly than conventional transport including the helicopter. Cruise speed, payload, cost/ton mi, and cost/seat mi are tabulated.
Cannon, J. A. New technologies, air cushion vehicles, p 122. Rymes, J. E. Tracked vehicles, their role in the development of northern Canada, p 123-25. Discusses a steel-tracked type of load-pulling tractor and a rubber-tracked low ground pressure vehicle. Payloads of 12-15 tons are transported by these means across muskeg and bush in northern Canada. Morley, J. A. Off-the-road locomotion, p 126-28. Discusses two vehicles developed for northern use by Canadair: the Dynatrac (XM-571) is a fully-tracked, high mobility, utility carrier with articulated steering which can traverse any terrain including inland water bodies; the Fisher is a similar vehicle but smaller and less sophisticated. Woodward, E. A. Freighter submarines, p 129-36. Describes briefly the design study of a large nuclear submarine freighter commissioned by the late F. G. Mitchell and carried out by Saunders-Roe. Its dimensions are diagrammed. The operational possibilities are also considered of such a vessel working on a year-round basis from ice-bound harbors in northern Canada. Calculations are based on a trip to the Firth of Clyde or Milford Haven from Diana Bay on the west coast of Ungava Bay with a load of iron ore. A comparison of nuclear-powered submarines, high speed conventionally powered surface vessels, and nuclear-powered surface vessels shows that the submarine compares favorably, especially in ice conditions. Liquid and other cargoes are discussed, as are capital costs and annual profit. Peiffer, K. STOL aircraft for Canada's North, p 137-40. Compares Short Take Off and Landing (STOL) utility aircraft with conventional freighter aircraft. STOL aircraft need only a short, minimum quality runway, a major cost advantage for northern development. McLean, G. T. The Canadair tilt-wing/ deflected slipstream V/STOL prototype program, p 141-46. Discusses the need for rapid air transport linking communities and various activities in areas such as northern Canada. Canadair design studies for Vertical Short Take Off and Landing aircraft are presented; a combination of deflecting the slipstream and providing a tilting wing is to form the basis of future designs. Tremper, H. S. Developments at the Vertol Division of the Boeing Company, p 147-50. Discusses two basic models of twin-turbine engine transport helicopters designed by Boeing. Specifications and
operating costs given indicate usefulness for northern operations in Canada. Hodgson, G. W. New technologies in transportation: pipelines, p 151-57. Discusses first-, second-, and third-generation pipelining, respectively fluids, slurries, and shaped solids or enclosed containers carried in flowing stream. Isolation and unfavorable climate of northern Canada demand new pipeline technologies; construction and operating problems are discussed. Pipelines have the advantage of direct routes and freedom from seasonal stoppages. Northern oil and gas potential is compared with that of western Canada. General Laing, A. Problems of national resource development with special emphasis on northern Canada, p 158-64. Discusses current significant accomplishments and future possibilities in the fields of mineral development, scientific research, native welfare, transportation improvements, and water resources. CaOGB. 90174. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA. Associate Committee on Soil and Snow Mechanics. Proceedings of the Ninth Muskeg Research Conference, 21 and 22 May 1963. Ottawa 1964. 259 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (Its: Technical memorandum no. 81.) Refs. Prepared by I. C. MacFarlane and Miss J. Butler. Records the 19 papers and reports, and summarizes the discussion at this conference in Quebec City, 21-22 May 1963. Five papers on muskeg in the Canadian North are abstracted in this Bibliography under the author's name, viz: RADFORTH, N. W. Organic terrain as it affects the development of national objectives. HARWOOD, T. A., and N. W. RADFORTH. Northern landform as it affects potential development in organic terrain. RADFORTH, N. W. Definitions and terminology. ENRIGHT, C. T. Construction aspects of a service road built on corduroy over muskeg. ADAMS, J. I. A comparison of field an d laboratory consolidation measurements in peat. Other topics considered include: hydrological investigations of organic soil, engineering problems in the exploitation of organic terrain for forestry and agriculture, also several research reports covering a wide D GS. range of basic considerations. 90175. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA. Associate Commutes on
Soil and Snow Mechanics. Proceedings of the Canadian Regional Permafrost Conference, 1 and 2 December 1964. Ottawa 1965. vii, 139 p. tables, graphs, illus. (Its: Technical memorandum no. 86.) Refs. Prepared by R. J. E. Brown. Contains text or summary of 12 papers and two discussions presented at this Conference held in Edmonton, with the general theme of engineering problems in the discontinuous permafrost zone. All papers of arctic interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: R. J. E. Brown, B. 0. Bush and S. D. Schwarz, F. E. Crory, 0. J. Ferrians, R. M. Hardy, R. A. Hemstock, G. H. Johnston, H. P. Klassen, E. L. Long, R. E. Reed, J. M. Robinson, J. E. Savage, and D. R. Stanley. A list of some 100 persons DLC. attending is appended. NAigIONAL'NYI KOMITET SOVIETSKIKH GEOGRAFOV. See No. 88058. 90176. NAUCHNO-TEKHNICHESKOE SOVESHCHANIE PO VOPROSAM STROITEL'STVA I EKSPLUATAfSII GORNYKH PREDPRILITII, Moskva, 1957. Trudy. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat 1959. 511 p. tables, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title, etc. tr.: Scientific and technological conference on problems of mining construction and exploitation. Transactions. Contains about 40 papers delivered at this conference on mining in areas presenting hydrological, geological or engineering problems. Two papers on the Pechora coal basin are abstracted under their authors' Novikov, V. P. Bakakin, names: F. qqv. DLC.
90177. NAUMOV, E. M., and B. P. GRADUSOV. Osobennosti pochvoobrazovanila na severnom poberezh'e Okhotskogo mora. (In: Vses. o-vo pochvovedov. Merzlotnye pochvy i ikh rezhim 1964. p. 28-99, tables, graphs, illus.) Approx. 65 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of soil formation on the north coast of the Okhotsk Sea. Reports an extensive study in 1959-1962 in Magadan Province, where soil studies are little advanced. Cryogenic, podzolic soilforming processes, conditions of occurrence and morphology are analyzed by describing numerous soil sections from various localities and covering different rocks. Mechanical composition, physical-chemical properties and other features are characterized and data given. Soils containing volcanic ash have special attention, and comparisons are 893
made with similar soils in Japan, Kamchatka, United States, etc. A classification DLC. of Magadan soils is offered. 90178. NAUMOV, E. M. Pochvy itzhnof chasti Magadanskol oblasti v predelakh Okhotskogo poberezh'E. (In: Akademifii. nauk SSSR. Pochvenny1 inst. 0 pochvakh . . . 1963, p. 153-95, tables, illus.) 38 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Soils in the southern part of Magadan Province along the Okhotsk coast. Reports a study approx 59-60°30' N 148-155° E around the town of Magadan. Conditions of soil formation such as climate, permafrost, relief etc are briefly characterized, and soils of the plain and those of the mountainous areas distinguished. The soils of Magadan Province are considered frostpodzolic. Their vertical zonality is noted. The soils of the studied area are mapped and their utilization is briefly discussed. DLC. NAUMOV, R. L., see No. 86909. 90179. NAUMOV, V. A. DifferenGirovannatil intruzifa trappov v verkhnem techenii Nizhnel Tunguski. (Akademif?t nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 163, no. 1, p. 169-70, tables.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A differentiated trap intrusion on the upper course of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska. Describes the Sil'gisha intrusion, more than 100 km2 in area, between Upper Permian sandstones and tuffaceous deposits of the Lower Triassic. The composing rocks, their chemical composition, and optical properties of the main rock-forming minerals, olivine and pyroxene, are reported. Comparison is made with other intrusions of the Siberian platform. DLC. 90180. NAUTICAL MAGAZINE. 50 years of ice patrolling. (Its: v. 189, 1963. no. 4, p. 16 -F.) Commemorates this anniversary of the International Ice Patrol; under the United States Coast Guard and subsidized by various countries, it patrols North Atlantic sea lanes by ship and aircraft. From headquarters in Argentin, Nfld. ice information is disseminated to those requiring it. DLC. 90181. NAUTICAL MAGAZINE. Ghost of the north-west passage. (Its: v. 186, 1961. no. 2, p. 16.) Recounts the story of the Resolute (Commodore Kellett): in 1853 while on a mission to rescue Sir Robert M'Clure and two ships near Banks Island, the Resolute froze in fast ice near Melville Island and was
abandoned; eight years later she was found by whalers drifting with sails furled in Baffin Bay. The ship was bought and presented by the Americans to the British Government. DLC. 90182. NAVAL RESEARCH. ARLIS II traverses Greenland Sea. (Its: v. 18, 1965. no. 2, p. 21-23, illus.) Ref. Describes this 3.5 x 1.5 mi ice island, which from 78°31.5' N 8°15' W on 12 Feb 1965 began to cross the Greenland Sea; it is glacial ice 40-80 ft thick, its research station, personnel, and programs are noted. The first, 1937-38, Russian drifting station was the only other such to traverse the Greenland Sea. Allis II probable history and its occupation for research are outlined in the same journal v. 16, 1963, no 2, p 13-18. DGS. 90183. NAVAL RESEARCH. ONR volunteer awarded Legion of Merit. (Its: v. 16, 1963. no. 1, inside front cover, illus.) Reports presentation, in Oct 1962, of this medal to Lt.j.g. L. A. LeSchack of the US Office of Naval Research, for his part in Project Coldfeet in spring 1962. Lt. LeSchack and USAF Maj. J. F. Smith parachuted to the ice pack, carried out survival and technical duties for five days, till picked up by a plane using a new ground-to-air recovery system which snatched up the two men by long lines strung in the air from balloons. DLC. NAVERSTEN, Y., see Nos. 85540, 89299. 90184. NAVINDOVSKIi, N. A., and others. Fol'klor malykh narodov Dal'nego Vostoka. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Primorskil filial. Zapiski 1965. v. 1, p. 87100.) In Russian. Title tr.: Folklore of the small peoples of the Far East. Includes two Kamchadal, an Udegeets, and two Gold legends recorded in 19241957, and reported by G. A. ltiffe, V. G. Larikin, and L. I. and ID. A. Sem, respectively. DLC. 90185. NAVY. The nuclear submarine and arctic operations. (Its: v. 6, 1963. no. 3, p. 13-16, map, illus.) Outlines the eight US nuclear submarine cruises into the Arctic, from the Nautilus' attempt in 1957 to the Seadragon-Skate rendezvous in 1962. Scientific results are noted, as are military aspects. DLC. 90186. NAYUDU, Y. R. Volcanic ash deposits in the Gulf of Alaska and problems
of correlation of deep-sea ash deposits. (Marine geology 1964. v. 1, no. 3, p. 194212, table, graph, maps, illus.) 37 refs. Also: Washington (State) "Unity, Dept. of Oceanography, Contribution no. 279. Presents a study of deep sea cores in which three distinct ash layers occur. Ash found in the upper 10 cm is identified as deriving from the Katmai eruption of 1912. The core with the thickest layer (7 cm) was obtained 350 mi from the volcano suggesting distribution by currents. Westerly winds appear to have carried Katmai ash 2500 mi from its source. Below, at 23-55 cm, is a second layer of basic ash estimated to be 13,000 ± 1500 yr old, presumably derived from volcanoes on the Alaska Peninsula. A third andesitic layer at 28-69 cm occurs in cores 600 mi from land, and has an age of 25,000-30,000 yr. The distribution of the three ash deposits is mapped and core profiles are shown. The ash fall from Mt Katmai is compared with that from other historic eruptions elsewhere, and with the controversial Worzel ash in the central Pacific. DGS. 90187. NAZARCHUK, L. U ovoshchevodov Magadana. (Serskokhozialstvennoe proizvodstvo Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka 1965, no. 6, p. 43.) In Russian. Title tr.: Vegetable growers of Magadan. Notes achievements of Seymchan State Farm: a cabbage crop of 303 cwt/hectare in 1964, with over 7,000 rubles income; seed selection, growing the seedlings, fertilizing, etc are sketched, and best workers cited. DLC. 90188. NAZARENKO, fe. I. Bol'she vnimanifa beregovomu promyslu morskogo zverfa. (Rybnoe khozfalstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 8, p. 49.) In Russian. Title tr.: More attention to coastal hunting. Notes the disorganization of sealing and whaling in the White Sea and Dikson Island areas, lack of initiative and experienced labor. Measures to revive the industries are outlined. DLC. 90189. NAZAROV, V. I. Analiz osnovnykh pokazatelel geologo-ekonomicheskol effektivnosti poiskovo-razvedochnykh rabot na neft' i gaz v Zapadno-Sibirskol nizmennosti za 1948-1951 gg. (Leningrad. Vses. neftfanol n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyl inst. Trudy 1964. v. 237, p. 312-18, tables, graph.) In Russian. Title tr.: Analysis of the main indicators of the economic geology effectivity of oil and gas prospectingexploration work in the West Siberian lowland during 1948-1961.
Gives a detailed account of the prospecting carried on in the postwar period. Four stages are considered in turn, and the geologic surveying well drilling, seismic and electric surveys, etc are outlined with cost of the operations. Wurk completed and in progress and organizations concerned are noted. This comprehensive prospecting program is analyzed, with conclusion that despite some insufficiencies, its effectivity is high and rising each year. DLC. 90190. NAZINfSEV, fe. L. Experimental determination of specific heat and thermal diffusivity of sea ice. Ottawa 1966. 8 p. tables, graph. (Canada. Defence Research Board. Translation T 459 (R). English translation of No 60437 by E. R. Hope. CaMAI. 90191. NAZINfSEV, It. L. Nekotorye dannye k raschetu teplovykh svoistv morskogo l'da. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 267, p. 31-47, tables, graphs.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Data for estimating thermal properties of sea ice. Reviews earlier studies of phase composition, thermal capacity and thermal conductivity of sea ice, and reports own investigations. Brine concentration in frigid deposition of salts from sea ice is graphed pro mile against 0° to —35° C temperatures to show corrections for brine density variation with temperature, and volume of precipitated salts in calculating the concentration. Heat capacity of sea ice is presented in a formula and graphically. Its heat conductivity, as a variable polyphase system of pure ice, brine, and air and solid salts inclusions, is determined experimentally by electricity and heat analogy, as described, and results are presented graphCaMAI, DLC. ically and in a table. 90192. NAZIN1EV, fb. L. Nekotorye rezul'taty nablfadenil nad plasticheskimi (Leningrad. svolstvami morskogo l'da. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1961. v. 256, p. 47-60, table, graphs, illus.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some results of observations of the plastic properties of sea ice. Reports 1956-1957 observations in the region of drifting station North Pole-4. The relationship between the velocity of viscous sea ice deformation and its temperature, between the coefficient of internal friction and salinity, and that between the ultimate bending strength and elasticity modulus are given. Coefficients of internal friction of sea ice are determined for the temp range
-4 to —28° and salinity 0.2-6.3%. The relationship of ice flow velocity and applied load is shown to be of exponential character. The effect of the crystalline structure of ice in its deformation is discussed. CaMAI, DLC. 90193. NAZINISEV, at. L. Teplovol balans poverkhnosti mnogoletnego ledfanogo pokrova v 'nentrarnol Arktike. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 267, p. 110-26, tables, graphs.) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Heat balance of an old-ice cover in the Central Arctic. Complements earlier investigations by data on the annual cycle of heat balance on drifting station North Pole-4 in 1956-1957. Heat exchange processes in the high arctic region above 85° N are discussed. Radiation balance, thermal effects of evaporation and sublimation, heat expended in thawing are considered and the resulting heat balance assessed. In an evaluation of average conditions, data are utilized from drifting stations North Pole-2 in 1950-51, -4 in 1954-1957, -5 in 1955-56, -6 in 1956-1959, and -7 in 1957-1959. Heat exchange between ice and atmosphere was found to be less intensive than in lower parts of the Arctic. CaMAI, DLC. NAZINfSEV, ID. L., see also No. 90724. NEAL, R., see Nos. 92007, 92008. 90194. NEALE, E. R. W. Region du lac Bethoulat, territoire de Mistassini. Quebec 1965. 72 p. tables, maps, illus. (Quebec. Dept. of Natural Resources. Geological report no. 112.) Approx. 70 refs. In French. Title tr.: Bethoulat Lake area, Mistassini territory. Describes in detail, with a 1:63,360 geologic map in color, the general, structural and economic geology, the topography and hydrography of a 240 mil area 130 mi northeast of Chibougamau. The boundary between the Superior and Grenville geologic provinces passes through the center of the area. The rocks of the former consist of metasediments, schists and amphibolite, with granite exposed over most of the area; the Grenville rocks comprises paragneiss, anorthosites and a suite of plutonic rocks named the Lac BCthoulat Plutonic Series. The author propounds a magmatic origin for this series rather than a metamorphic origin (E. Jeremine, 1949). Gabbro and diabase dikes are described, and a remarkable petrographic characteristic of the gabbro is discussed and illus. The Pleisto-
cene and glacial geology is summarized, and certain features of the regional hydrology are outlined. The complex and fundamental tectonic problems of this belt are discussed at some length with fracture direction diagrams. The great fault zone between the two provinces has pronounced topographic expression as the Temiscamie depression. Although no economic minerals are known in the area, the attention of prospectors is drawn to certain mineralization features which are favorable. DOS. 90195. NEAVE, F. Ocean migrations of Pacific salmon. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1964. v. 21, no. 5, p. 1227-44, maps.) 21 refs. Analyzes the high-sea and homing migrations of sockeye, pink and chum salmon. Orientation is shown not to depend on currents, nor to use salinity or temperature gradients. The use of celestial features is insufficient, and some additional faculty adding up to a bi-coordinate navigation, may explain the aimed movements of these fish. The study is focused mainly on the Gulf of Alaska waters, 1962-1963. DLC. NECHAEV, I. N., see No. 92122. 90196. NECHAEV, S. S. Nekotorye nablifldenifit nad biomassol tundrovol restitel'nosti v svfazi a problemol sozdania mestnol kormovol bazy zhivotnovodstva v Bol'shezemel'skol tundre. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Inst. merzlotovedenia. Severnoe otd-ie. Trudy 1960. no. 1, p. 135-46, table, graphs, map, illus.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some observations on the biomass of tundra vegetation in connection with the building of a local fodder base for animal husbandry in the Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Reports some results of a study of the grass vegetation, mostly in 1958 in the Vorkuta coal region. Light and moisture, mineral composition of the soils, and climatic conditions of the region are characterized. Linear growth data on 45 grass plots at the Zapadnyy state farm are reported for Carex aquatilis, Poa pralensis, Trollius europaeus, Ranunculus borealis, etc. Removal of the moss cover, snow-cover thickness, and acceleration of its thawing are discussed in relation to grass vegetation growth, and the southeastern part of Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra is concluded to be the area where local fodder might be grown for livestock. DLC. NECHAEVA, L. G., see No. 92040.
90197. NEE, P., and others. A note on density variability at constant altitude vs. constant pressure. (Journal of applied meteorology 1965. v. 4, no. 2, p. 300-304, graphs, table.) 6 refs. Other authors: A. E. Cole, I. I. Gringorten and N. Sissenwine. Compares the magnitude of the daily variations of density observed at constant altitude with those observed at nearby constant pressure surfaces, based on radiosonde data from five Northern Hemisphere stations including St. Paul Island of Alaska, and Thule in Greenland. Method of computing coefficients of variation of densities on an isobaric surface and of plotting them at the mean monthly heights of the pressure surfaces is outlined. At northern locations, density variability during some months at fixed altitudes near 12 km is double that at nearby constant pressure surfaces, as shown on graphs for St. Paul Island and Thule. DLC. NEE, T. W., see No. 84953. NEELAKANTAN, K. A., see No. 86976. NEELOV, A. N., see No. 92134. 90198. NEF, E. S. The Stefansson collection, Dartmouth College Library. (Special Libraries Association. Geography and Map Div. Bulletin 1964. no. 56, p. 17-21.) Outlines the long development of Vilhjalmur Stefansson's library, with details on acquisition of some rare items; its use in his research projects; and its transfer in 1952 to Dartmouth College at Hanover, N. H. DLC. 90199. NEFEDOV, V. A. Sovremennoe znachenie Kanadskogo Arkticheskogo arkhipelaga i Severo-Zapadnogo prokhoda. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Izvestifa 1964. v. 96, no. 3, p. 250-54, map.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Present importance of Canadian Arctic Islands and the Northwest Passage. Reviews the interests of the United States and Canada in this area especially since the end of the Second World War. It is considered primarily of strategic and political importance. Expeditions since 1945 are reviewed as well as the construction of icebreakers, airfields, weather stations, military bases, radio stations, etc. Extensive mapping, exploration of the Northwest Passage and other activities are noted. DLC. 90200. NEFTEGAZOVAll GEOLOGIJA I GEOFIZIKA. StroitePstvo neftegazodo-
byvafashchel bazy v Zapadnol Sibiri, vazhnelshaa narodnokhozfalstvennata zadacha. (Its: no. 1, 1965, p. 3-4). In Russian. Title tr.: Construction of oil-gas extraction bases in West Siberia, most important task of the national economy. Notes discovery of 40 gas and oil deposits in Tyumen Province and means of their exploitation in the four main regions of Berezovo, Shaim, Surgut and Tazovskoye; also completion of the Igrim-Serov gas pipeline. Supply of gas to the Noril'sk industrial area, construction of the ShaimTyumen, and Surgut-Omsk pipelines for oil, also some other new projects are discussed. DLC. 90201. NEGOVSKII, V. A. Ozhivlenie organizma i iskusstvennalli gipotermiti. Moskva, Medgiz 1960. 302 p. tables, graphs, illus. About 1000 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Resuscitation and artificial hypothermia. Comprehensive study of the physiology, pathology and therapy of terminal states based on own decades of work; supplemented by a chapter on the role of hypothermia in resuscitation. Consecutive sections deal with some regularities in extinction and reestablishment of cardiovascular functions, and of respiration; oxidative and carbohydrate-phosphorus metabolism during terminus; reestablishment of central nervous functions after temporary circulatory arrest. Protracting clinical death with the aid of hypothermia, and clinical application of the complex method of resuscitation are also outlined. The chapter on hypothermia (p 151-205) deals with early Russian work, hypothermia as applied in medicine, survival of frozen tissues, extending life by hypothermia after bl oodless, cardiac resuscitation and other methods of resuscitation, etc. Hibernation and its process of awakening are also discussed. An English translation of this study, by B. Haigh was pub in 1962. DNLM. 90202. NEHER, H. V., and H. R. ANDERSON. Cosmic-ray intensity at Thule, Greenland, during 1962 and 1963 and a comparison with data from Mariner 2. (Journal of geophysical research 1964. v. 69, no. 5, p. 807-814, tables, graphs, illus.) 11 refs. Discusses results following the secular changes in primary cosmic ray intensity by balloon flight measurements at Thule. The flights in summers 1951, 1954-1963 usually extended over two weeks or more to minimize transient effects. Primary cosmic ray intensity increased 20% at high altitudes in
1961-1962, but only 7.5% in 1962-1963. From this difference, the solar activity minimum in 1964 or 1965 is expected to differ from that of 1953-1954. Comparing the Mariner-2 data received three weeks after the last balloon flight at Thule with the data recorded at Thule, a value of 21% is derived for the albedo effect at the top of the atmosphere at Thule. DLC.
raphers, botanists, archeologists, etc present. Most attention was given to papers of N. I. Apukhtin and M. E. Vigdorchik, both on Quaternary deposits of the area, but presenting different viewpoints. Apukhtin distinguishes three glacial periods and two interglacials, Vigdorchik a single glacial period with a series of stages and interstages. Other papers are also briefly reviewed. DLC.
NEIFAKH, S. A., see No. 86410. NEKHOROSHEVA, A. V., see No. 85769. 90203. NEIMAN, A. A. Kolichestvennoe raspredelenie bentosa na shel'fe ZapadnoT Kamchatki i nekotorye voprosy metodiki ego issledovani!. (Okeanologifa 1965. v. 5, no. 6, p. 1052-59, illus.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Quantitative distribution of benthos on the West Kamchatka shelf and some methodical problems of its investigation. Reports study of samples collected to 200 m depth at 70 stations by bottom dredger Okean, and at 53 stations by a prismatic dredger. Quantitative distribution of the benthos and its composition are outlined and mapped. Both dredgers are considered not quite suitable for benthos investigation DLC. and a new one is proposed. 90204. NEIMAN, A. A. Nekotorye zakonomernosti kolichestvennogo raspredelenifil bentosa na shel'fakh Severnol Pacsifiki. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morakogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1965. v. 57, p. 447-51, tables, map.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some regularities in the quantitative distribution of the benthos on the North Pacific shelf. Reviews early and recent Russian work in this area which enables one to discern some pattern of distribution, which is outlined, tabulated and illus on a map. In the subarctic and northern-boreal zones of this area vertical circulation in the fall-winter is strong, phytoplankton is rich and in consequence, the biomass of the benthos, large. DLC. NEIMAN, A. A., see also No. 92775. 90205. NEISHTADT, M. I. Soveshchanie po stratigrafii i paleogeografii chetvertichnogo perioda na territorii Severo-Zapada evrope!skol chasti RSFSR. (Akademilll nauk SSSR. Izvestil. 1964, ser. geog. no. 5, p. 121-23.) In Russian. Title tr.: A conference on the Quaternary stratigraphy and paleogeography in northwest European RSFSR. Notes the conference of 21-22 Apr 1964 in Leningrad, with over 200 geologists, geog-
90206. NEKRASOV, A. V. Raschet i analiz sutochnogo priliva v Norvezhskom i Grenlandskom morfakh. (Leningrad. Gidrometeorologicheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 20, p. 94-104, table, graphs, maps.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Estimate and analysis of the diurnal tide in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas. Confirms a predominance of the Arctic Ocean effect upon formation of the diurnal tide in these seas, by using different variants of Defant's method. Analysis of conditions in the sea basin indicates the diurnal tideforming force to be only slightly less than the force of pressure, hence (unlike the case of the semi-diurnal tide) it cannot be disregarded. From determined values of the tidal harmonic K,, the effect of the Coriolis force can be calculated. Results of the study are presented in a theoretical map of the K, DLC. tide. 90207. NEKRASOV, A. V. Raschet prilivnykh favlenil Norvezhskogo i Grenlandskogo morel (In: Konferenaifa po problems "Vzaimodelstvie atmosfery . . ." 1961. Materialy pub. 1964, p. 123-28, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Computation of tidal phenomena of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas. Calculates tides in these seas using the oceanic variant of W. Hansen's boundary values method. The region of calculated tides is divided into two parts by the 74°30' parallel, the critical latitude at which Hansen's formula leads to infinite values of tidal parameters and his method becomes inapplicable. The solution for the magnitude and time of tidal currents is obtained separately in the regions north and south of DLC. the critical latitude. 90208. NEKRASOV, I. A. Ledtanol pokrov ozera Ergytichyn. (Anadyr'. Chukotskil kraevedcheskil mum!. Zapiski 1962. no. 3, p. 8-10, graph, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ice cover on Lake E1'gygytgyn. Reports on the ice conditions of this lake
as observed during three months. Freeze-up begins in Sept and breakup ends in Aug. In colder years the ice remains throughout the entire year. Its thickness, hummocks, gas inclusions, temperature and other features are briefly characterized. Formation of cracks and ice behavior through the course of the seasons are briefly noted. DLC.
I. a.
90209. NEKRASOV, Intruzivnye kompleksy khrebta Polousnogo i Selennfakliskogo krfazha i ikh rudonosnost'. (In: Vses. petrograficheskoe soveshchanie 1958. Magmatizm i svanz' . . . 1960, p. 335-37.) In Russian. Title tr.: Intrusive complexes of the Polousnyy and Selennyakh Ridges and their ore-bearing properties. Notes the separation of four intrusive complexes which differ in age, petrochemical, petrographic, structural and metallogenic features. Each is briefly characterized. Two types, different in age, of rare metal, polymetallic and gold mineralization are distinguished as well as two types of polymetallic mineralization. DLC.
I. a.,
and others. 90210. NEKRASOV, O novom tips olovannogo orudenenifet v magnezial'nykh skarnakh Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (Geologifll rudnykh mestorozhdenil 1965. v. 7, no. 2, p. 50-62, tables, graph, illus.) Approx. 25 refs. In Russian. Other authors: E. N. Diman, A. A. Brovkin and L. V. Komar. Title tr.: On a new type of tin mineralization in magnesian skarns in northeastern USSR. Attempt is made to clarify the distribution features of tin in minerals of the ludwigitevonsenite series, according to 104 minerals collected in various deposits of the Northeast 1961-1963. From experimental and geologic data, physical-chemical conditions are analyzed under which tin can be extracted from hydrothermal solutions by iron-magnesium borates. A specific type of tin mineralization is established. DLC.
I. a.
90211. NEKRASOV, 0 prichine vozniknovenifa pursaaionnol zonarnosti na olovorudnykh mestorozhdenifakh severovostochnol fAkutii. (In: Symposium: problems of postmagmatic ore deposition, Prague 1963. v. 1, p. 126-31, map.) 9 refs. In Russian. English translation in Appendix to v. 1, p. 41-44. Title tr.: Causes of the origin of pulsation zoning in tin deposits of northeastern Yakutia. Notes that pulsation zoning found in many tin ore and tin-tungsten deposits of this region is clearly expressed especially in cassiterite-sulfide formations. A scheme of
the zonal structure in these ore fields is summarized and exemplified by the De putatskiy tin deposits. Three phases of magmatic activity are distinguished. The origin of this zoning is found to have been caused not by the pulsation activity of magmatic rocks, but by local changes in physico-chemical properties of ore-bearing DLC. solutions. 90212. NEKRASOV, I. fA. Rtutnoe orudenenie na severo-vostoke Akutii. (Sovetskafll geologjfa 1964, no. 1, p. 95-104, tables, maps, section.) 8 refs. In Russian: Title tr.: Mercury mineralization in northeastern Yakutia. Reports structural-mineralogic and geochemical investigations and reviews the distribution patterns and formation conditions of mercury mineralization in the TasKhayakhtakh, Polousnyy, Selennyakh Ridges and other areas. Features of the structure of the ore bodies and mineral composition of the ores are outlined. Mercury and antimony-mercury mineralization is controlled by zones of long-lasting fractures with depths to 15-25 km. Structural factors for the formation of ore bodies are described. Mineral complexes of tin-tungsten and mercury deposits are connected with various stages of a single postmagmatic process. DLC.
I. a.
90213. NEKRASOV, Zavisimost' tips olovilltmogo orudenenifa of uslovil obrazovanifa magmaticheskikh porod, na primere olovorudnykh mestorozhdenil Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (International Geological Congress 22nd, New Delhi 1964. Doklady sovetskikh geologov, problema 5, Problemy genezisa rud, p. 246-57, tables.) Approx. 45 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Dependence of the type of tin mineralization upon the formation conditions of magmatic rocks, as exemplied by the tin deposits of northeastern USSR. Reports a study of hydrothermal deposits in northeast Yakutia and the VerkhoyanskChukotka folded zone. The tin deposits demonstrate that the type of mineralization depends on the depth and place of the isolation of ore-bearing solutions and the mode of their saturation with metals. Cassiterite-quartz deposits are paragenetically connected with intrusions of granitoids, and cassiterite-sulfide deposits with dikes of diorite-porphyrite-lamprophyre series. DLC. 90214. NEKRASOVA, V. A., and V. N. STEPANOV. Meridional'nye gidrologicheskie razrezy okeanov po dannym MGG.
(Akademifil nauk SSSIt. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet. X razdel program:ay MGG: okeanologicheskie issledovanifi. Sbornik state! 1963. no. 8, p. 34-51, map, profiles.) 15 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Meridional hydrographic profiles of the oceans, from data of the IGY. Reports on seven profiles, three of them including arctic waters, viz: the Gulf of Alaska, the Aleutian waters—Bering Sea, and the waters off the southern tip of Greenland. Temperature, salinity, density, and 02 content are considered. These global data are compiled from both Russian and non-Russian expeditions during the preparatory period and the IGY itself. DLC. 90215. NELSON, C. M., and others. Histologic study of the effects of profound hypothermia on spinal cord of the dog. Fort Wainwright, Alaska 1965. 31 p. tables, graph. (US. Arctic Aeromedical Lab. TR 64 35.) 37 refs. Other authors: T. L. Peele, M. A. Lesage and W. C. Sealy. Reports study of material 2-219 days after cooling for one or two hr to core temperatures of 7.7-5° C. Changes in cord regions included slight to moderate chromatolysis, hyperchromic, pyknotic neurons, and most commonly, gliosis, more evident in the lumbar and sacral levels. CaMAL 90216. NELSON, H. Erik Ljungner, 21/5 1892-13/3 1954; invald 14/4 1948. (Fysiografiska sillskapet Lund. F8rhandlinger 1954. v. 24, p. *45-1'49, illus.) In Swedish. Title tr.: Erik Ljungner, 21 May 1892-13 March 1954, initiated 14 April 1948. Obituary of this Swedish geologistgeographer, noting his scientific activities, studies in glacier movement, glacial striae, climate, slope analysis in Lapland, etc. Another obit in Polar record May 1955, DGS. v. 7, no. 50, p. 431. NELSON, H. K., see Nos. 87701, 89828. 90217. NELSON, M. 0. Food habits of arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus, in Lake Aleknagik, Alaska. (Washington (State) Univ. College of Fisheries. Research in fisheries 1964 pub. 1965. Contribution no. 184, p. 10-12, table.) Reports a study of the summer diet of the most common among the larger fishes of this lake in southwest Alaska. Stomach contents of 1,178 specimens from different locations and periods are recorded. The diet was highly varied with sockeye young making up 22% by volume. DLC.
90218. NELSON, P. D. Psychological aspects of antarctic living. (Military medicine 1965. v. 130, no. 5, p. 485-89, illus.) Reviews this field with notes on climate and life in summer and winter. Personnel of stations, psychological stress during the winter, and work performance are outlined. Social adaptation, emotional composure, differences in adaptation at small and large stations, leadership are also considered. DLC. 90219. NELSON, S. J. Ordovician stratigraphy of northern Hudson Bay Lowland, Manitoba. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1964. 36 p. maps, sections, table, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Bulletin 108.) 19 refs. French summary. Describes the various Ordovician and Silurian rock groups and formations exposed on the Nelson, Churchill, North and South Knife Rivers, from the 1950- and 1951 field observations of four-man parties led by author. The known Ordovician strata of this area, approx 56° to 59° N, rest on Precambrian rocks and form an essentially conformable sequence of marine sedimentary carbonate rocks; type area is along the Churchill River. Silurian strata are found only on the Nelson River, and these are considered the type section of the Port Nelson Formation. Correlations are proposed with the Lake Winnipeg area and with the different parts of the Hudson Bay Lowland. Faunal lists are included based on author's and others' collections of fossils. DGS. 90220. NEMYSOVA, E. A. Slovoobrazovanie glagolov ust'-kazyrnskogo dialekta khantylskogo azyka. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheski! inst. Uchenye zapiski 1965. v. 269, p. 247-56.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Verb formation in the Ust'Kazym dialect of Ostyak. Except for phonetic divergencies, this northern dialect follows the major structural laws of Ostyak: suffixes with or without internal flexion of the root, verbal use of nouns, etc. DLC. 90221. NEMZER, M. P., and V. a. BELOGORSKIL K voprosu o gipovitaminoze D u deter doshkol'nogo vozrasta v uslovifikh Kralnego Severe. (Pediatric& 1963. v. 42, no. 9, p. 55-59.) 12 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Hypovitaminosis D in children of preschool age in the Far North. In 307 children aged 3-7 yr of Murmansk, residues of rickets were often found, as well
as cases of progressing and relapsing active rachitic processes. Protracted ultraviolet deficiency is considered as cause of D hypovitaminosis and prophylactic measures are recommended. DNLM. NEMZER, M. P., see also No. 85512. 90222. NENASHEV, N. I. Mezo-kalnozoIskil magmatizm i rudoobrazovanie Vostochnol flkutii. Moskva Izd-vo Nauka 1965. 168 p. tables, graphs, maps profiles. Approx. 100 refs. sian. in Rus Title tr.: Mesozoic-Cenozoic magmatism and ore formation in eastern Yakutia. Reports study of the petrography of igneous rocks and ore deposits in the western part of the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka folded zone, mainly in the Indigirka and Yana River basins. Attention is directed to Mesozoic and Cenozoic magmatic complexes, their absolute age, petrographic and petrochemical features, and ore formation. Absolute age of granitoids and ore bodies as determined by the K-Ar method is reported. Metallogenic specialization of the granitoids is analyzed. Their mineralogic composition is outlined; their alkaline and radioactive elements (uranium, thorium) described. Time, genesis and temperature of tin and gold deposit formation are evaluated. DLC. NEPOKLONOV, ft. A., see No. 85766. 90223. NEPOKOICHInKII, V. S. Osobennosti gradostroitel'nol praktiki v Noril'ske. (Problemy Severe 1964. no. 10, p. 102-111, illus.) In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Features of urban construction in Noril'sk. Notes the mean annual temperature of about —8° C, the winter min of —51° 0, wind of 6-7 misec average velocity, which pose great difficulties in construction, landscaping, etc in Noril'sk. Since 1954, their solution has been sought in the creation of microregions with residential buildings, utilities, schools, kindergartens, playgrounds mutually protective in their own microclimate. Block no. 29 in the Medvezhiy Ruchey mining settlement is completed; its microregion no. 1 (24 hectares), no. 6 (22.5 ha.) and no. 10, with a sports center at Lake Glubokoye are shown on plans and described in detail. Wind velocity in block no. 29 is said to be reduced by 60%. CaMAI, DLC. 90224. NEPOKOICHMKII, V. S. Planirovka i zastrolka Noril'ska. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom
proektirovaniffi. . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 4, p. 3-16.) In Russian. Title tr.: Planning and building system of Noril'sk. Reviews the twenty-odd yr experience of this mining community of 110,000 population built on permafrost. The climatic and geographic conditions of the region, and the present status of the city are described. The different methods tried in the planning and construction of domestic and community buildings, mine installations, etc are outlined, as are landscaping work and development of gardens. Methods of foundation building and the laying of utilities and communication lines are discussed. CaON-B. 90225. NERLICH, G. Goldgraber and Diamantensucher. Leipzig, Brockhaus 1965. 238 p. map, illus. In German. Title tr.: Gold diggers and diamond searchers. Illus account of a trip in Yakutia recalling historical events, pre-Soviet and recent expeditions, and describing industrial and economic growth, aboriginal cultural and social development. Communities visited include Mukhtuya and Mirnyy, Dudinka and Norilsk, Tiksi, Olekminsk, Yakutsk, the Kolyma gold mines, Oymyakon, with its reindeer and fur farming kolkhoz, the SuntarKhayata weather station, etc. The gold and diamond industries, ore mining and processing, reindeer and fur farming are sketched, as are acculturation and education, scientific research, etc. DLC. NERSESOVA, Z. A., see Nos. 88056, 92379. NESHEIM, A., see No. 90252. 90226. NESIS, K. N. Bioaenozy i biomassa bentosa N'infaundlendsko-Labradorskogo ralona. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1965. v. 57, p. 453-89, tables, graphs, maps.) Approx. 120 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biocenoses and biomass of the benthos in the Newfoundland-Labrador area. Comprehensive study of an area between roughly 40-60° N and down to 500 m depth, made during June-Sept 1959 and 1960. Consecutive sections deal with distribution of the biomass over the area and comparisons with conditions in Russian waters, biocenoses, their components and distribution; distribution according to way of feeding, zoogeographic aspects; vertical distribution, distribution as dependent on DLC. water masses. 90227. NESIS, K. N. Nekotorye voprosy pishchevol struktury morskogo bioaenoza.
(Okeanologifi 1965. v. 5, no. 4, p. 701714, tables.) 40 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some problems of the food structure of the marine biocenosis. Theoretical discussion dealing with the degree of composition of food biocenoses; the nexus between the food structure, type of biocenosis and biomass; feeding relations among the leading species of biocenoses; and the biological meaning of finding regularities DLC. in this problem. 90228. NESIS, K. N. Raspredelenie i pitanie molodi kal'mara Gonatus fabricii Licht. v Labradorskom i Norvezhskom morfakh. (Okeanologiet 1965. v. 5, no. 1, p. 134-41, table, graph, maps.) 42 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution and nutrition of young Gonatus fabricii Licht. in the Labrador and Norwegian Seas. Describes young specimens of this cephalopod mollusc, widely distributed in arctic seas and northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific. Its distribution in Labrador Sea and Davis Strait is reported from the 1963 data of expeditionary ships Akademik Knipovich and Novorossilsk, its distribution in the Norwegian Sea is based on literature data. The feeding of the Gonatus specimens is discussed, and the copepods, euphausiids and other organisms which make up the stomach content are listed. DLC. 90229. NESIS, K. N. Sovetskie issledovanifa bentosa N'filfaundlendsko-Labradorskogo promyslovogo ralona. (In: Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Sovetskie rybokhozfillstvennye . . . 1962, p. 219-25, maps.) In Russian. English summary. English translation of entire volume available. Title tr.: Soviet investigations of the benthos in the Newfoundland—Labrador fishing area. Offers preliminary report based on 800 samples collected in 1954 and 1958-1960. Areas influenced by the cold Labrador Current are clearly indicated; no effect of the cold water is noted on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland and Flemish Cap, however. Some 20 faunal complexes are distinguished in the benthos of the area DLC. 90230. NESIS, K. N. Tikhookeanskie elementy v bentose Severo-ZapadnoT Atlantiki. (In: Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Sovetskie rybokhozf!stvennye . . . 1962, p. 83-98, tables, maps.) 80 refs. In Russian. English summary. English translation of entire volume available. Title tr.: Pacific elements in the benthos of the northwest Atlantic.
Reports study of over a dozen species in Labrador, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia waters, which occur also in the northeast Pacific. They are common in shallow (to 150 m) waters but seem to avoid Atlantic waters. They are known not to exist in the North American Arctic. Author concludes that they penetrated from the Pacific in DLC. the Upper Pliocene. NESIS, K. N., see also No. 91574. NESNIE&NOVA, L. I., see Nos. 87264, 87266. 90231. NESTERENKO, G. V., and others. Differenairovannafa intruzifa trappov srednego techenifa r. Vilfufa'. (Geologifa i geofizika 1965, no. 7, p. 43-51, tables, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: ID. N. Kornakov and N. S. Avilova. Title tr.: Differentiated trap intrusion on the middle course of the Vilyuy River. Outlines the structure and composition of this weakly differentiated intrusion. Its petrochemistry and formation are analyzed. Autometasomatic and superposed hydrothermal alterations of basic rocks are shown to lead to the formation of gabbroDLO. teschenites. 90232. NESTERENKO, G. V., and L. P. FROLOVA. LitiX i rubidil v trappakh. (Geokhimifll 1965, no. 3, p. 343-47, tables.) 19 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Lithium and rubidium in traps. Reports their distribution in intrusive (dolerites, gabbro-dolerites) and effusive (basalts) rocks of the Siberian platform, including the Noril'sk region, Vilyuy basin and others. The Li content in dolerites is 0.0016% and in basalts 0.0012%; Rb: 0.0016% and 0.0027%. DLC. 90233. NESTERENKO, G. V., and others. Redkie elementy v trappakh SibirskoT platformy. (Geokhimifd, 1964, no. 10, p. 1015-21, tables, map.) 17 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: N. S. Avilova and N. P. Smirnova. Title tr.: Rare elements in the traps of the Siberian platform. Reports the presence of Cr, V, Ni, Co, Cu, Ba, and Sr in dolerites and basalts of the Siberian platform. The western and central parts are characterized by a higher, and the eastern by a lower content of nickel. Copper has a higher content in the Bakhta and the middle Podkamennaya Tunguska regions. Dolerites and basalts of the Siberian platform are compared with those DLC. of South Africa.
90234. NESTERENKO, G. V. VsesoMznoe soveshchanie po petrology trappov SibirskoT platformy. (Geolchimifit 1965, no. 10, p. 1266-67.) In Russian. Title tr.: All Union conference on the petrology of traps of the Siberian platform. Reports a 22-26 Mar 1965 conference in Leningrad at which about 50 papers were delivered and discussed. Some of them are summarized. Attention is given to coppernickel and iron deposits connected with trap magmatism. DLC. NESTERENKO, G. V., see also No. 88753. 90235. NESTEROV, I. I., and others. Opornye skvazhiny SSSR, Surgutskala opornala skvazhina, Tfiimenskafit oblast'. Leningrad, Izd-vo Nedra 1964. 188 p. tables, maps, sections. 29 refs. In Russian. Other authors: G. N. Perozio, 1-0. V. Braduchan, B. P. Stavi£skil and E. I. Nesterova. Title tr.: Key wells of the USSR, Surgut key well, Tyumen Province. This exploratory drill hole 4 km east of Surgut started 14 Jan and terminated 15 Nov 1961 is 3087.35 m deep. A section is described, stratigraphic and tectonic characteristics are analyzed, Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits reported in some detail. Hydrogeologic characteristics of the area are outlined, and groundwater is described. Oil and gas properties of the drilling are treated and main features are analyzed. Bitumens, organic carbon, gases, etc are described. Attention is directed to the Jurassic, Neocomian and Aptian deposits containing oil. Surgut is one of the most promising regions. DLC. NESTOROV, I. I., see also Nos. 85724, 87613. NESTEROVA, E. I., see No. 90235. NESTOROV, V. E., see No. 92731. NEUIMINA, L. D., see No. 87623. 90236. NEVEL, D. E. A semi-infinite plate on an elastic foundation. Hanover, N. H. 1965. 12 p. tables, graphs, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 136.) 7 refs. Presents the solution of the problem of a loaded semi-infinite plate on an elastic support, corresponding to the condition when a load is applied near the edge of a floating ice sheet. The differential equation is developed of an elastic, homogeneous, and isotropic plate acted upon by a concentrated load near the edge, free from forces and constraints. The max bending moment and
deflection of the ice sheet under the given boundary conditions of the ice plate are determined, representing max load capacity of the plate. DLC. NEVERRE, G., see No. 89655. 90237. NEVISON, T. 0., and others. Nutrition and fluid balance in high altitude mountaineering. (In: Symposia on arctic biology and medicine. Proceedings 1965, p. 343-63, tables.) 15 refs. Other authors: J. E. Roberts and W. W. Lackey. Describes adverse factors in high altitude mountaineering and arctic survival. Nutrition and fluid intake in high altitudes and their physiological aspects are discussed in detail. Serum specific gravity, changes in body weight and lean body mass and fat content are also considered. CaMAI. 90238. NEWELL, H. E., Jr., and others. Sounding rockets. New York, McGrawHill 1959. 341 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. Describes some modern rockets used in upper atmosphere and solar research; includes the Aerobee-Hi and the NikeCajun fired at Fort Churchill, also description and illus of the rocket range there, p 71-95, 190-219, 302-304; as well as the balloon-launched Rockoon, fired from the USCGC Eastwind and other ships off the Greenland coast, p 143-64. DWB. 90239. NEWFOUNDLAND. Dept. of Mines, Agriculture and Resources. Annual report for the year ended 31st March, 19611965. St. John's, Newfoundland, Dec. 1961-65. 5 v.: 93, 140, 183, 183, 167 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus.) Refs. Notes hydroelectric development at the Menihek plant of the Iron Ore Co of Canada and at Twin Falls, Labrador. Development of the large iron ore resources of Labrador is traced year by year, principally by the Iron Ore Co of Canada at Labrador City and Wabash Mining at Wabash City. Prospecting by British Newfoundland Exploration Ltd and Labrador Mining and Exploration was carried out at Ujotak, Aillik-Makkovik, Andre Lake and Colville Lake, all in Labrador. Quarrying of labradorite and prospecting for radioactive minerals north of Goose are noted. Fire protection services are extended to the Schefferville area as one-third million acres of trees were destroyed there by forest fire in 1964. The Dept operates a library of aerial photographs. D GS. 90240. NEWFOUNDLAND. Dept. of Mines, Agriculture and Resources. Annual 903
report for the year ended 31st March, 1962. 132 p. maps, tables, graphs, illus. St. John's 1962. Includes data for Labrador: timber inventory shows 10,709,600 acres of productive forest; numbers of small game such as ptarmigan, snipe, geese, ducks, etc are included in the Newfoundland data. A caribou census indicated ten thousand head in 1958; in 1960-61, 652 were killed in northern Labrador and 644 in southern. The numerous mineral development projects (mapped) include the Iron Ore Co of Canada, Ltd mines and exploration projects at the Quebec border near Schefferville, and a development at Labrador City; the Newfoundland and Labrador Corp Ltd construction program for Wabush Mines is noted, as is the Canadian Javelin Ltd geological studies and concentration and smelting tests in the Julienne Lake area. Also sketched are the mineral exploration activities British Newfoundland Exploration Ltd (BRINEX) at Nain, Ujutok River, Aillik, Shoal Lake (Makkovik) and Jay Lake; the Labrador Mining and Exploration Co Ltd exploration for iron ore in Wabush, Sawyer Lake, and the central Labrador iron area; the Rio Tinto Canadian Exploration Ltd drilling of test holes in a beryllium deposit 90 mi northwest of Goose Bay. Newfoundland accounts for 3.60% of the total Canadian mineral production. Iron ore production of the Iron Ore Co of Canada Ltd at Knob Lake, Carol Lake, and Wabush is discussed in some detail. DLC. NEZAMI, M., see No. 89103. 90241. NEZHIKHOVSKII, R. A. Raschety i prognozy stoke shugi i l'da v period zamerzanifa rek. (Leningrad. Gos. gidrologicheskil inst. Trudy 1963. no. 103, p. 3-40, tables, graphs.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Calculations and forecast of the discharge of sludge ice and of ice in the period of river freezing. Author analyzes available data of these phenomena on large and medium-size rivers. The types of ice moving downstream are also described. A method is proposed enabling one to determine the volume and weight of the ice discharge. It is based on coefficients of the ice cover and thickness, also in part on the hardness of the ice and the growth DLC. of the ice crust. 90242. NIAUSSAT, P. Adaptations diverses de la vie dans le froid. (Cahiers d'etudes biologiques 1963. no. 10, p. 2369.) 21 refs. In French. Title tr.: Various adaptations to life in the cold.
Comprehensive review on the survival of microbes, spores, etc at extremely low temperatures. Responses of higher organisms to cold, specifically of plants, insects, fishes, etc, are described. Behavior of homeotherms in cold environment, their physiological and other responses to cold are given. Hibernation and its physiology and biochemistry, thermoregulation in nonhibernators exposed to cold, its physiology and biochemistry are considered. Induced hypothermia and its application in medicine is discussed. DLC. 90243. NICHOLS, D. R. Permafrost in the Recent epoch. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 172-75, section.) 45 refs. Discusses occurrence of permafrost in the Copper River basin and adduces evidence that it is of Recent, post-glacial origin. As in many other arctic and subarctic areas, the Pleistocene ice sheets and preglacial lake which affected the basin insulated the ground from sub-freezing temperatures. Most of the present permafrost is therefore the result of relatively uniform growth during the Recent period in unfrozen Pleistocene and later sediments as a response to marginal sub-freezing mean temperatures. Possible evidence for some relic Pleistocene permafrost and fossil pingos is discussed and radiocarbon dates of present ice masses and frozen ground are given (2000-7000 BP). The basin now has permafrost to 55 in depth, with wedges, sheets and amorphous ice masses, but little patterned ground. CaMAI. NICHOLS, H., see No. 90710. 90244. NICHOLS, H. B. Sir Hubert Wilkins of the Nautilus. (Explorers journal 1964. v. 42, no. 4, p. 203-212, illus.) Biographical account of the Australianborn explorer who pioneered airplane flights over the arctic pack ice in 1926-1928 and submarine cruises under the ice with the Nautilus in 1930. DI. 90245. NICKEL, E. H., and E. MARK. Arfvedsonite and aegirine-augite from Seal Lake, Labrador. (Canadian mineralogist 1965. v. 8, no. 2, p. 185-97, tables.) 30 refs. Describes the chemical composition and optical and physical properties of these two minerals, the former comprising the dark bands in beryllium-bearing paragneiss, the latter, rare, occurring as a major constituent in a few samples. Optic angle 2V is —69° and —74°, specific gravity is 3.38 and 3.517, respectively. Both minerals are fine-
grained and nearly black. Evidence indicates that both were in equilibrium at the time of their formation. DLC. 90246. NICKEL, E. H., and others. Niobophyllite, the niobium analogue of astrophyllite; a new mineral from Seal Lake, Labrador. (Canadian mineralogist 1964. v. 8, no. 1, p. 40-52, graph, tables, illus.) 15 refs. Others authors: J. F. Rowland and D. J. Charette. Describes for the first time this brown, micaceous, alkaline syenite, with an unusual combination of composition and optical properties; so named because of its niobium content and its micaceous nature. Optical and physical determinations, also chemical composition, are compared with those of astrophyllite from Langesundfjord, Norway, and kupletskite from the Kola Peninsula in USSR. Optic angle 2V is --60°, +70° to +88°, and —70°, respectively; specific gravity 3.42, 3.3 to 3.4, and 3.20 to 3.23. The three minerals are similar in content of alkalis, alumina, silica, and water, though major differences exist in amounts of iron, titanium, manganese and niobium oxides present, niobophyllite being rich in iron and DLC. niobium. 90247. NICKELS, N. Churchill grain rush. (Imperial oilways 1965. v. 24, no. 1, p. 8-11, illus.) . Discusses trade at Churchill, Manitoba during the 90-day shipping season ending 15 Oct 1964. 21.5 million bu of wheat were shipped to European ports, also a small tonnage of nickel products from Thompson, and 50,000 t of fossil fuel products and unspecified freight. Whiskey, curling stones, window glass, confectionery, telephone equipment, and 9 million gal of arctic diesel fuel were off-loaded at Churchill. Storage, elevator, and berth facilities are described, and a brief sketch of the town's history and future prospects is given. CaOGB. NICKERSON, R. B., see No. 90964. 90248. NICKLE'S DAILY OIL BULLETIN. Operation "Santa Claus," oil industry's initial drilling in Arctic Islands set for this fall. (Its issue: June 16, 1961, p. 1-4, maps.) Presents announcement of the plan to drill a 10,000 ft hole at Winter Harbour, Melville Island, to obtain information on subsurface stratigraphy of this sedimentary basin, the $1 million cost to be shared by nine American and Canadian petroleum companies.. The Canadian Government is
to aid in the cost of airstrips, and roads to tide water. The rig to be used by Peter Bawden Drilling, Ltd is described. Maps show the drill site and the division of the Arctic Islands according to exploration permit rights of eleven companies, oil and gas locations in Canada, oil and gas exploration sites in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, and the geologic age of formations on Melville Island. SPRI. 90249. NIELSEN, E. T., and H. T. NIELSEN. Biologiske iagttagelser ved en solformOrkelse. (Naturens verden 1964. v. 48, no. 12, p. 365-81, graph, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: Biological observations during a solar eclipse. Reports comparison of reactions of insects and birds to changes during the July 1963 solar eclipse in Alaska and Maine. The observation site in Alaska was an open glade at Talkeetna where the path of the eclipse crossed the Anchorage-Fairbanks highway. Swarming mosquitoes and biting flies of Aedes, Culex, and Culicoides spp. were mainly observed. Ecological factors, temperatures, and length and time of totality and partial totality of eclipse are considered; also the predetermined normal pattern of twilight activity. The reactions are found connected with two variable factors: light intensity and length of period of its diminution, and the lapse-of-time factor in the species makeup as related to swarming and feeding. DLC. 90250. NIELSEN, F. Cultural development in Greenland. (North 1964. v. 11, no. 2, p. 4-9; no. 4, p. 31-37, illus.) Surveys Eskimo cultural production before white contact, and under European influence. Their legends and poetry, kayaks, dwellings, and domestic utensils, and social intercourse are described. Introduction by the Danes of the Christian religion, a written Greenlandic literature, teacher training colleges, literary societies, etc is discussed; cultural development shows increasing Danish influence, though somewhat offset by the Greenland Radio and Greenland folk high schools. CaMAI. NIELSEN, H. T., see No. 90249. 90251. NIELSEN, J. En duft of spaek. (Coinland 1965, no. 1, p. 27-36, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: A smell of blubber. Reminiscences on the Scorebysund region by a Danish doctor. DLC. 90252. NIELSEN, K., and A. NESHEIM. Lappisk ordbok, grunnet pa dialektene i
Polmak, Karasjok og Kautokeino. bd 5, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget Supplement. 1962. viii, 283, p. (Instituttet for samPublikamenlignende kulturforskning. sjoner, ser. B, Skrifter v. 17, no. 5.) In Norwegian and English. Title tr.: Lapp dictionary, based on the dialects of Polmak, Karasjok, and Kautokeino; v. 5 Supple.. ment. In sequence to No 12272, 60486. Final volume of this distionary, in two parts. Extracts from Leem's dictionary, p 1-92 consists of over 1,500 words compiled from Knud Leem's Finnmark Lappish Lexicon Lapponicum bipartitum, pars prima Lapponico-Danico-Latina, pub 1781. Addenda and corrigenda, p. 93-283, by A. Nesheim consists of some 4,000 alphabetically arranged words, supplementing the content of the first three volumes or amending the original interpretation of the Lappish words. Favorably reviewed and discussed by R. Jokinen in Finnisch-ugrische Forschungen 1965. v. 35, no. 3, p. 307-310. DLC. 90253. NIELSEN, L. E. Earthquakeinduced changes in Alaskan glaciers. (Journal of glaciology 1965. v. 5, no. 42, p. 86567, illus.) 7 refs. French and German summary. The epicenter of the Mar 1964 earthquake was near the Columbia, Yale, Valdez and Meares Glaciers. As studied on 8 June 1964 they revealed numerous rock avalanches which discharged from the surrounding mountains upon the glaciers. The ice falls became much more broken up than normal but the remainder of the surface of the glaciers was largely unchanged except for more open crevasses than before the earthDLC. quake. 90254. NIELSEN, N. Lange Koch, 5. juli 1892-5. juni 1965. (Geografisk tidsBiala 1965. v. 64, no. 2, p. xiii-xv.) 16 refs. In Danish. Title tr.: Lauge Koch, 5 July 1892-5 June 1965. Obituary of this noted Danish geologist whose main field of work was Greenland. He took part in Knud Rasmussen's second Thule expedition in 1916-1918, led the Jubilee Expedition to North Greenland in 1920-23, and many geology and survey expeditions to northeast Greenland during 1926-1938 and 1947-1959. A selective list DLC. of his works is appended. 90255. NIELSEN, T. W. Has canadiske eskimoer. (GrOnla.nd 1964, no. 7, p. 24151, tables, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: A visit to Canadian Eskimos. Greenland teacher gives impressions from
a trip in the Northwest Territories, particularly a visit to Broughton Island off eastern Baffin (67°35' N 63°50' W). The educational facilities are compared with those in Greenland. Regular schooling has existed here only a few years; there is no teaching of Eskimo; the Canadian teacher has many more outside duties than does the Greenland teacher. CaMAI, DLC. NIEMI, A., see No. 87656. NIFONTOV, M. A., see Nos. 86735, 88855. 90256. NIKANOROV, A. S., and I. I. MIKHAILOV. 0 temperaturakh obrazovanifit krupnokristallicheskogo muskovita v slfddonosnykh pegmatitakh. (Vses. mineralogicheskoe o-vo. Zapiski 1964. v. 93, no. 3, p. 273-80, graphs, illus.) 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the temperatures of coarse-crystal muscovite formation in micabearing pegmatites. The temperature when this muscovite forms varies significantly according to the opinions of different scientists. A laboratory study on the mica-bearing pegmatites of Kola Peninsula and Northern Karelia is reported, and the temperature of muscovite formation established by gas-fluid inclusions. Four types of muscovites are recognized, and the temperature of their formation varies within the 150-190° to 340-400° C range. DLC. 90257. NIKANOROV, A. S., and I. I. MIKHAiLOV. Temperatury obrazovanifil pegmatoidnykh struktur v shldonosnykh i keramicheskikh pegmatitov. (Geokhimi1 1964, no. 11, p. 1146-51, table, graphs, illus.) 15 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Formation temperatures of pegmatoid structures in mica-bearing and ceramic pegmatites. Reports the formation temperature of such rocks in Kola Peninsula and Northern Karelia to be 460-520° C as determined by DLC. the T. F. Barth method. NIKIFOROV, E. G., see Nos. 87593, 87597. 90258. NIKITIN, A. I. Izmenenie prizhiznennol okraski kletok pri gipotermii. (nitologifil 1964. v. 6, no. 2, p. 200-205, tables, illus.) Approx. 25 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Changes in vital staining of cells during hypothermia. Reports: in vivo experiments with mice. Paranecrotic changes were noted in various organs, with neutral red; thresholds of paranecrosis in liver, kidney, intestinal and bladder cells lay at rectal temperatures of
12-15° C; threshold of urinary epithelium at 5-9° C. DLC.
weather, specifically the water temperature, preceding and during spawning. DLC.
90259. NIKITIN, ID. V. Absolfatnyl vozrast slfildonosnykh pegmatitov Rekalatvy, Kol'skil poluostrov. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Lab. geologii dokembrifa. Trudy 1964. no. 19, p. 236-38, tables.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Absolute age of the mica-bearing pegmatites of Rekalatva, Kola Peninsula. Describes mica-bearing pegmatite veins of this area. Five types are distinguished according to mineralogic composition, texture, mica content, and intensity of metasomatic processes. Optical constants and specific weight are given. Absolute age of muscovite by the K-Ar method is 1750-1830 my. The Rb-Sr method used for biotite gave 1680 ± 170 my. DLC.
90262. NIKOLAEV, It. V. Priblizhennyl raschet tafzlniffi l'dov v vostochnoT chasti Vostochno-Sibirskogo morfa. (Leningrad. Arkticheskil i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1961. v. 256, p. 5-11, tables, graphs.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Approximate calculation of ice melting in the eastern part of the East Siberian Sea. Presents the equation q= Q (1- A)—E—LE± P based on N. N. Zubov's formula for quantity of heat q expended in melting, total radiation Q, albedo A of water surface, heat E lost in radiation, heat LE lost in evaporation, and turbulent heat exchange P with the atmosphere. The long range average of q in kcal/cm2 for June, July, and Aug are given in a table. The calculated values of ice melting in the region investigated are in satisfactory agreement with the values actually observed if fluctuations in the total radiation, and advection of atmospheric heat are taken into consideration. CaMAI, DLC.
90260. NIKITIN, M. M., and N. I. DEM'fINOV. 0 glubinnykh techenicalch Arkticheskogo basselna. (Okeanologica 1965. v. 5, no. 2, p. 261-63, table, map.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the deep currents of the Arctic Basin. Reports results of current measurements at the 750-1000 m horizon made from drifting ice in 29 points at various parts of the Arctic Basin. The BPV-2 self-registering current meter was used and astronomical observations made to establish position and determine direction of current. Map depicts the currents in the 750-1000 m layer. They are found to be insignificant, rarely exceeding 2.0 cm/sec. DLC. NIKITIN, V. P., see No. 89733. NIKITINA, A. S., see No. 85729. NIKITINA, N. A., see No. 86676. NIKOFOROV, L. P., see No. 86909. 90261. NIKOLAEV, I. I. 0 skhodstve kolebanil chislennosti vesennenerestufashchikh sel'deT severo-zapadnol Evropy. (Problemy ispoPzovanica promyslovykh resursov Belogo morta i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii 1963. no. 1, p. 87-97, graphs.) 46 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Similarities in fluctuation of numbers of spring-spawning herring in northwestern Europe. Comparison between the Baltic sprat and the Atlanto-Scandinavian and White Sea herring, based on data of 1920-1960. Alternations of rich and poor periods and their relationships are analyzed in detail. The main factor in these similarities and their synchronism was found to be the
90263. NIKOLAEV, N. A., and A. N. KURaCHIT. Metody stroitel'stva i konstrukaii fundamentov zhilykh, kuPturnobytovykh i promyshlennykh zdanil, primenfaffishchikhsia v Magadanskol oblasti. (In: Soveshchsnie-seminar po obmenu . . 1961. Sbornik trudov pub. 1962, p. 167-76.) In Russian. Title tr.: Methods of construction and design of foundations for domestic, community and industrial buildings in Magadanskaya Oblast'. Stresses the importance of choosing the right method for building foundations: preservation of frozen ground or preconstruction thawing. Climate and geocryological conditions in Magadanskaya Oblast' are described. Cases are noted in Magadan, Myaundzha, Artyk motor vehicle base in Yakutia, and other locations where insufficient consideration of the geocryology of sites led to the destruction of buildings. Various methods in the foundation construction for various types of buildings on permafrost of different characteristics are discussed, and recommendations are made of building practices for stable structures. DLC. 90264. NIKOLAEV, N. I. Neotektonika i ee vyrazhenie v strukture i rel'efe territorii SSSR. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat 1962. 392 p. tables, maps, graphs, illus. Approx. 850 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Recent tectonics as evidenced in the structure and relief of the USSR territory.
Extensive monograph on regional and theoretical problems in three parts. The first describes recent tectonic movements, their features and methods of investigation. The second deals with such movements in the USSR, with Kola Peninsula, the Urals, West Siberia, the Siberian platform, Kolyma-Indigirka plateau and other arctic areas included. The last part is concerned with the theoretical and practical significance of recent tectonic data for engineering, hydrogeology and the search for natural resources. DLC. 90265. NIKOLAEV, V. N. Arkticheskil refs. (Sovetskaa pechat', 1962, no. 1, p. 41-46, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Arctic voyage. Journalist describes in diary form the cruise of the atomic icebreaker Lenin 29 Sept-22 Nov 1961: leaving Murmansk, the Northern Sea Route round trip, the setting up of the North Pole-10 drifting station, Vil'kitskiy Strait in Nov ship convoy through ice, everyday work of the crew headed by Capt B. M. Sokolov. DLC. 90266. NIKOLAEV, V. N. Atom, l'dy. Moskva, Izd-vo "Molodafft Gvardifft" 1963. 272 p. illus. In Russian. Title tr.: Atom, men, ice. Recounts in some detail experience of the 1961 cruise of the Lenin described supra. DLC. 90267. NIKOLAEV, V. S., and V. V. BAULIN. Zavisimost' polozhenifa nizhnei poverkhnosti merzlykh porod of glubiny zaleganifa kristallicheskogo fundamenta. (In: Akademifit nauk SSSR. Inst. merzlotovedenifft. Geokriologicheskie uslovila . . 1964, p. 33-36, tables, map.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Dependence of position of lower surface of frozen rocks upon the depth at which the crystalline basement lies. Reports a study of drilling data in the Salekhard region, Muzhi and Yarudey uplifts, Nadym depression and adjacent regions. All these regions are in the taiga zone and thickness of permafrost ranges from 50 to 300-350 m. Analysis of this factual material indicates a connection between the lower surface of permafrost and the tectonic structure of the region. Investigation of the lower surface of permafrost may elucidate the relief of the roof of the crystalline basement. DLC. 90268. NIKOLAEVA, K. K. Gigienicheskie voprosy ochistki i obezvrezhivania otbrosov naselennykh melt zony tundry Kralnego Severe. (In: Gorbov, V. A. ed. Osnovnye
voprosy sanitarnoT Okhrany pochvy, Moskva 1965, p. 239-57, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Hygienic problems of cleaning and the purification of waste in settlements in the tundra zone of the Far North. Discusses climate, but especially insolation, in Vorkuta and Tiksi; their soil and permafrost; temperature and wind during decontamination experiments. The nature of waste in the two places is outlined, as is the street cleaning in summer and winter. Experiments (two kinds) in waste treatment, its bacteriological and mineralization processes, are described. Disposal by compost piles, and their chemical and sanitary DLC. aspects, are also considered. 90269. NIKOL'SKAIA, V. V. Osnovnye cherty stroeniQ Chuna-, Moncha- i Naylor,tundr. (In: Akademia nauk SSSR. KoPskil filial. Rel'ef i geologicheskoe . . . 1964, p. 55-62, map.) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Main features of the relief structure of the Chuna, Moncha, and Nyavka Tundras. Outlines the long denudating disintegration of Proterozoic tectonic structures and Quaternary glaciation as the principal factors which have effected the present relief of this mountainous region in southeastern Kola Peninsula. The geomorphic regions are briefly characterized and delineated on a map of the area. DLO. 90270. NIKOL'SKII, A. P. Causes of the asymmetry in the location of the auroral zone in the Arctic and Antarctic. p. 74-78 in NASA technical translation: NASA TT F-117, 1964, available from CFSTI, Springfield, Va. 22151. English translation of No 74350. DLC. 90271. NIKOL'SKII, A. P. 0 primenimosti osnovnykh vyvodov teorii Shtermera dlfa ob"rasnenifa nekotorykh zakonomernoste1 magnitnykh vozmushchenil v vysokikh shirotakh. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomit'a 1964. v. 4, no. 1, p. 141-50, graphs, map.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the applicability of basic conclusions of StOrmer's theory for explanation of certain regularities in magnetic disturbances at high latitudes. Examines daily irregular geomagnetic disturbances from the data of the drifting stations North Pole 2-8 during Nov 1950— Feb 1960, and the Tikhaya, Chelyuskin and 'leen stations. A fourth, after-midnight maximum in daily distribution of the irregular magnetic disturbances is disclosed. The spatial-temporal distribution of these irregularities as observed in high latitudes of the Arctic agrees well with
Stfirmer's classic theory, if the effective source of corpuscular emission is located in a certain region close to geomagnetic equator, and is displaced, on the average, 30° east of the sun. Apparently, the fluctuations of the momenta of the beginning of irregular disturbances are determined by the change in the position of this source of omission with respect to the earth. DLC.
the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologigues 1962 pub. 1964. v. 19, p. 9.) Reviews water temperature off the coasts of Greenland, in the Barents Sea (lower than in 1961) and off north Iceland (higher). Plankton was poorer; Sebastes and Gadus poutassou larvae were above average in areas studied. Fecundity of &bastes marinus was confirmed to be much higher than that of S. menlella of the same size. DLC.
90272. NIKOL'SKII, A. P. 0 sutochnom raspredelenii neregularnykh magnitnykh vozmushchenil na vysokoshirotnykh stanfsifakh i vostochnogo polusharll. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomifi 1964. v. 4, no. 5, p. 968-71, graphs.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Daily distribution of irregular magnetic disturbances at high latitude stations of the Western and the Eastern Hemispheres. Compares data of hourly values of magnetic activity recorded during IGY at Thule, Resolute Bay, Baker Lake, Ft. Churchill, and the drifting stations North Pole-6 at 72° N, North Pole-7 at 79° N mag lat, and at Dikson, Chelyuskin, and other magnetic observatories between Yakutsk and Tikhaya Bay. The comparison was made to ascertain hourly positions of maxima of irregular magnetic disturbances at different times of the year, and from these findings to clarify the interaction of solar corpuscular streams with the geomagnetic field. The daily distribution of irregular magnetic disturbances was found to be similar in form, intensity and in number of max, their hours of occurrence and relative intensity, in the two hemispheres, provided that the stations of comparison have similar conditions for invasion of solar DLC. corpuscles.
NIKOL'SKII, N. N., see No. 89226.
90273. NIKOL'SKII, A. P. Position of the second auroral zone and the relationship between aurorae in the morning and the magnetic disturbances. p. 43-50, in NASA technical translation: NASA TT F-117, 1964, available from CFSTI, Springfield, Va. 22151. English translation of No 74349. DLC. 90274. NIKOL'SKII, G. V. Distant northern seas. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologigues 1963 pub. 1965. v. 20, p. 9-10). Reviews temperature distribution in 1963 as compared with two preceding yr, plankton, quantity and quality, benthos, and DLC. redfish. 90275. NIKOL'SKII, G. V. Distant northern seas. (International Council for
90276. NIKONOV, A. A., and T. M. VOSTRUKHINA. K stratigrafii antropogena severo-vostochnoT chasti Kol'skogo (Akademi1. nauk SSSR. poluostrova. Doklady 1964. v. 158, no. 1, p. 104-107, tables, section.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the stratigraphy of the Anthropogene (Quaternary) in the northeastern part of Kola Peninsula. Reports a study in the Svyatonosskiy Bay region and lower Iokan'ga basin. Marine deposits about 34 m thick are analyzed and Spore-pollen molluscan fauna noted. analyses are given and interpreted. Three phases in developing vegetation and climate are distinguished. Faunal characteristics of interglacial deposits are presented. Petrographic composition of the upper moraine is The marine and interglacial outlined. deposits are concluded to belong to the boreal transgression and the upper lying moraine to the first stage of the last glaDLC. ciation. 90277. NIKONOV, A. A. Molodye i sovremennye tektonicheskie dvizhenifa zemnoT kory na Kol'skom poluostrove i v smezhnykh a nim ralonakh. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Izvestila 1965, ser. geog. no. 6, p. 40-47, tables, map.) 28 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Recent and present tectonic movements of the earth's crust in the Kola Peninsula and adjacent regions. Presents a map and interpretation of these movements. Recent movements occurred in the middle and late Holocene, about 7000 yr ago. Their amplitude and age are noted. They are epeirogenic in type and in Kola Peninsula have a positive sign. Differentiated block movements are also noted. Present tectonic movements are characDLC. terized as well. 90278. NIKONOV, A. A. Stratigrafifil i paleogeografifa verkhnego pleTsto&ena Kol'skogo poluostrova. (AkademiI nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 160, no. 3, p. 689-92.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Upper Pleistocene of Kola Peninsula.
Discusses the Upper Pleistocene history of the region characterized by alternation of Scandinavian glacial covers and marine transgressions. These events are correlated with the Russian Arctic and Russian plain, and the boreal transgression is found to correspond with Mikulino, Kazantseva, interglacial; the White Sea transgression with Karginskiy horizon; the next to last and last Scandinavian glaciation with Zyryanka and Sartan glaciations, etc. DLC.
1964. v. 8, no. 1, p. 20-23, tables.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Composition of crude oil of the northern Ob region. Presents analyses of oil from sandstone beds of Hauterivian, Barremian, Valanginian and Jurassic deposits in the Ust'Balyk, Surgut, Megion and other areas of Tyumen Province. Specific weight, content of sulfur, hydrocarbons, boiling point, and other features are tabulated. Paleogeographic conditions are noted under which these oils were formed. DLC.
90279. NIKONOV, A. A. Stratigrafifa i paleogeografifa verkhnego pleIstoaena Kol'skogo p-ova. (Moskovskoe o-vo ispytatelel prirody. Bfalleten' 1964. otd. geol. v. 39, no. 6, p. 150-51, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy and paleogeography of the upper Pleistocene of Kola Peninsula. Summarizes the glacial geology and the distribution of glacial deposits. Correlation is given of the stratigraphy of Pleistocene deposits of Kola Peninsula and those of the Soviet Arctic, the northwest of the Russian plain, and southern Fennoscandia. DLC.
NILSSON, I. M., see No. 88248.
90280. NIKONOV, V. F. Gazy neftfanykh mestorozhdenil Inmenskol oblasti. (Neftegazovafa geologifd, i geofizika 1965, no. 5, p. 10-13, tables, graph.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Gases of oil deposits of Tyumen Province. Reports the composition of gases studied in the Shaim, Surgut and Megion areas. Average composition of gases of productive oil deposits is of hydrocarbon character. Nitrogen content is about 0.05-2%, only in Ust'-Balyk and Surgut rising to 4-5%. Presence of CO2, methane and other components is noted. Composition of the gas depends upon that of the oil. DLC. 90281. NIKONOV, V. F. K voprosu o poiskakh zonal'nykh zalezhel v shirotnom Priob'e na primere Zapadno-Surgutskogo mestorozhdenifa nefti. (Neftegazovala geologifa. i geofizika 1965, no. 1, p. 14-16, table, graph, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Search of zonal pools in the latitude of the Ob region, as exemplified by the West Surgut oil deposits. Describes the West Surgut oil deposits found in the Hauterivian and Barremian stages. The structure of these deposits is diagrammed and interpreted. Grain size of oil-bed rocks is analyzed. The productive beds diminish in thickness toward the north. Further prospecting is discussed. DLC. 90282. NIKONOV, V. F. Sostav neftel shirotnogo Priob'fa. (Geologifit nefti i gaza
NIMNI, M. E., aee No. 85449. 90283. NINBURG, E. M. Parazitofauna Murmanskol gorbushi i ee osobennosti. (Murmansk. PolfarnA n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1963. no. 15, p. 57-66, tables, illus.) 29 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Parasite fauna of Murman pink salmon and its character. Describes 14 species of parasites found on fishes of different ages, and including a protozoan, trematodes, nematodes, cestodes, and copepods. Most of the parasites are innocuous intestinal forms, but infection is relatively common. DLC. NISBET, J., see No. 85332. NISHMARA, H., see No. 84825. 90284. NISHIMAE, S. All Japan Mount St. Elias Expedition, 1964. (American alpine journal 1965. v. 14, no. 2, p. 303-308, illus.) Ref. Describes ascents of three Alaskan peaks by a nine-man Japanese-American party in July 1964. Leaving Anchorage 3 July, the party made the third ascent of Mt St Elias on 17 July, two ascents of 13,810 ft Mt Newton on the 16-17th, the second ascent of a 12,800 ft peak on the 20th and returned to Anchorage by the 28th. Previous ascents of Mt St Elias were made by the Duke of Abruzzi's party in 1897 after a long arduous trip across the Malaspina Glacier, and by the Harvard Mountaineering Club in 1946 via the long south ridge; the B. N. Everett party in 1963, and a Sierra Club group in 1964 were turned back by storms and earthquakes. The Japanese expedition performed with less than 500 kg of gear and food and expenses of $1300 per man, in four weeks' time with air support. DLC. 90285. NISKANEN, R. A. Bibliografifa po probleme "Teoreticheskie osnovy raaional'nogo isporzovanifa, vosproizvodstva i povy-
shenia rybnykh i nerybnykh resursov Belogo morfa i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii". (Problemy ispol'zovani1 promyslovykh re. sursov Belogo morill i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii 1963. no. 1, p. 256-300.) In Russian. Title tr.: Bibliography to the problem "Theoretical bases of rational utilization, management and increase of the fish and other resources of the White Sea and the interior waters of Karelia." Lists some 900 Russian publications of 1950-1962 according to broad subject, e.g. general problems, hydrology and hydrochemistry, hydrobiology, ichthyology and fisheries, fish parasites, etc. DLC. 90286. NISSEN, A. L. En petrografiskmineralogisk undersOkelse i omrAdet syd for Majavann, spesielt granaters sammensetning under regional metamorfose. (Norway. Geologiske undersgskelse. Arbok 1964 pub. 1965, no. 234, p. 103-159, tables, graphs, maps, illus.) Approx. 50 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: A petrographic-mineralogic investigation in the area south of Majavann, especially composition of garnets under regional metamorphism. The area investigated is in the Norwegian Caledonian orogenic belt, south of Store Majavatn. The main rock types are: micagneisses and garnet-mica-schist, crystalline limestones, granodioritic-gneisses, amphibolites, tremolite-schists, peridotite, etc. Rocks of both sedimentary and magmatic origin were regionally metamorphosed during the Caledonian orogeny. An extensive investigation of the garnets was made as their composition is believed dependent upon the degree of metamorphism. DLC. 90287. NISSEN, K. Samekvinner som reingjetere. (Norske turistforening. Arbok 1963, p. 198-203, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Lappish girls as reindeer herders. Teen-aged girls sometimes watch reindeer herds at night in winter quarters and on migration routes. During the school year, the housewife remains in the village with the younger children and the daughter, beyond school age, goes with the father and shares the herder's work. DLC. NISSENBAUM, P. N., see No. 86914. 90288. NIZOVnEY, G. P. Rezul'taty ucheta molodi treski v BarenCsevom more v osenne-zimnil period 1963/64 g. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 14-17, tables, map.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Estimates of the young cod stock of the Barents Sea in the fall-winter of 1963-64.
Reports estimate based on experimental trawling from three vessels. Fishes of the age 0+ to 3+ are included, for different areas of the southern and northwestern parts of the Barents Sea. DLC. 90289. NIZOVfSEV, G. P. Soviet investigations in the Barents Sea on young cod of the 0, I, II and III age-groups. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1963 pub. 1965. v. 20, p. 117-18, tables.) Tabulates standard catches in southern and northwestern Barents Sea. Catches in winter 1962-63 were almost the same as in the previous winter. Data of each yr-class caught are compared with such for 19591962. DLC. 90290. NIZOVTIEV, G. P., and Z. P. BARANOVA. Soviet investigations on young haddock of age-groups 0, I, II and III in the Barents Sea. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1963 pub. 1965. v. 20, p. 118-19, tables.) Tabulates and compares with preceding three yr, the average catches in the central, coastal and western areas of this sea. In the whole area the 1960 and 1961 yr-classes were predominant. DLC. NIZOVfSEY, G. P., see also Nos. 85374, 85573. NOBLE, V. E., see No. 90945. NOE-NYGAARD, A., see No. 90970. 90291. NOERENBERG, W. H. Forecast research on 1964 Alaskan pink salmon fisheries. Juneau, Alaska 1964. 51 p. tables, graphs, maps. (Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game. Informational leaflet 36.) 16 refs. Reports study aimed at forecasting annual pink salmon runs in the Southeast Alaska, Prince William Sound (includes also chum forecast), Cook Inlet and Kodiak areas. It is assumed that forecasts within 20% of actual returns will enable more efficient management and harvest. The definition of optimum escapement, max sustained yield and the effects of logging are also studied DI. where possible. NOERENBERG, W. H., see also No. 84953. 90292. NOLAN, P. T. Captain Jack Crawford. (Alaska review 1964. v. 1, no. 2, p. 41-47.) Account of John Wallace Crawford, who participated in the Klondike gold rush of
1898 and wrote 'a play about it, Colonel Bob. This play is an autobiographical melodrama which appeared in 1908. DLC. NORBECK, E., see No. 88230. NORDAN, H. C., see No. 89524. 90293. NORDBERG, W., and H. PRESS. The Nimbus I meteorological satellite. (American Meteorological Society. Bulletin 1964. v. 45, no. 11, p. 684-87, illus.) Describes the various sensors carried by this spacecraft, observing cloud cover and cloud structure, and notes the main features of the dozen spacecraft subsystems, showing advances over Tiros engineering. Launched into a nearly polar orbit Aug 28, 1964, Nimbus I received commands from stations in North Carolina and Alaska, and provided nearly global coverage each day of its operation (to Sept 23) showing threedimensional cloud photography. An orbital strip depicts cloud cover along the 90° W meridian from Antarctica to the Arctic. DLC.
the Hornsund area, with some details on numbers, breeding and distribution of the pink-footed (Antler fabalis brachyrhynehus), barnacle (Branca leucopsis), and brent goose DLC. (B. bernicla hrota). 90296. NORDERHAUG, M. IsbjOrnen, ishavets naturvernproblem. (Sveriges natur. Arbok 1965. p. 100-106, graph, illus.) 3 refs. In Swedish. Title tr.: The polar bear, conservation problem of the Arctic Ocean. Describes the distribution of polar bears in circumpolar areas, approx population estimates and habits. Paucity of knowledge on this important mammal, its threatened extinction are noted, as are the need for a population census, research, and total protection. Its hunting is prohibited in the USSR, and an international program for research and conservation are under discussion. Current Norwegian policy in Svalbard is criticized. DNAL. 90297. NORDERHAUG, M. Norsk ornitologisk ekspedisjon til Spitsbergen 1962. (Stavanger. Museet. Sterna 1963. v. 5, no. 5, p. 184-89, illus.) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Norwegian ornithological expedition to Spitsbergen 1962. Summarizes its scientific work: 3135 birds of 11 species were banded, mainly little auks and barnacle geese. Abnormal summer conditions made an almost non-breeding year for gulls, terns, and geese. Food of the glaucous gull, breei ng biology and food of the little auk were studied and collections made of ectoparasites. DLC.
90294. NORDBERG, W. Rocket soundings in the mesosphere. (Astronautics and aeronautics 1964. v. 2, no. 5, p. 48-58, maps, graphs.) 29 refs. Outlines main features of the mesosphere above the stratosphere, below the thermosphere, and comprising the highest atmospheric region, 50-90 kin, where circulation in the meteorological sense has been observed. The three types of rocket vehicles, small, medium, and large, used for upperatmosphere exploration are noted, all three used in the US Meteorological Rocket Network, including the Aerobee, NikeCajun, and others fired from Fort Churchill, Man. A large seasonal temperature variation, and multiple temperature maxima in winter at Fort Churchill are indicated by recent soundings, as are a very strong cyclonic circulation up to 80 km over the entire winter hemisphere, and a systematic seasonal variation of pressure, temperature, and density at high latitudes. Comparison of Fort Churchill and Wallops Island (Virginia) data has confirmed most IGY findings, though some questions remain. DLC.
90298. NORDERHAUG, M. Observasjon av dvergfalk Falco columbarius, i Hornsund sommeren 1963. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 255.) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Observation of the pigeon hawk Falco columbarius at Hornsund in the summer of 1963. Presents the first record from Vestspitsbergen, those earlier from the area having been south of BjOrnOya. Favorable climatic conditions during the spring migration in Scandinavia may account for this bird's unusual occurrence so far north. DLC.
NORDBERG, W., see also No. 92750.
NORDERHAUG, M., see also No. 89139.
90295. NORDERHAUG, M. Geese studies in Vestspitsbergen 1963. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1963 pub. 1965, p. 255-57, illus.) Reports on work of a three-man party in
90299. NORDHAGEN, R. Om Anemone nemorosa L. ved Vads0 og andre norske plantefunn gjord av avdode sorenskriver Jakob Bredrup. (Blyttia 1964. v. 22, no. 2, p. 73-77.) In Norwegian.' Title tr.:
Anemone nemorosa L. near Vads0 and other plant finds made by the late secretary Jakob Bredrup. Explains occurrence of this species at Vads0 as a transplant with birch trees from Troms0, where it had been introduced and had naturalized, as it did also at Vestviigoy in Lofoten and SOmna in Nordland. It has a circumpolar limit near 68°7' N. Brief notes are included on four other finds by Bredrup who died in 1962. DLC. 90300. NORDHAGEN, R. Om Oxytropis lapponica (Wg) Gaud. og a deflexa (Pall.) DC. subsp. norvegica Nordh. (Svensk botanisk tidskrift 1964. v. 58, no. 1, p. 12966, tables, illus.) 44 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Reviews earlier accounts, beginning with the first records of these plants found in western Finnmark. Both species are described in some detail, including habitat with roots, and fruit. Ecology of habitats is also considered. DLC. 90301. NORDHAGEN, R. Taxonomiske og Okologiske studier over Saxifraga aizoon Jacq. i Norge. (Blyttia 1965. v. 23, no. 4, p. 145-62, tables, map, illus.) 13 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Taxonomic and ecological studies on Saxifraga aizoon in Norway. Discusses the taxonomy, ecology, and disjunctive distribution of the species in Norway. The earliest find was subsp Laestadii in 1825 near Sulitjelma, but the center of this saxifrage is on a lime-rich mica schist on Rosnevare mountain. The plant has feeble competitive power and never grows in closed plant communities. Some sixty associated species on Rosnevare are tabulated, and more than forty are identified as from a locality in south Norway. The northern subspecies is calcicolous and xerophilous. It is not morphologically identical with the southern species nor with the Greenland form. The question of its refuge during the ice age is raised. DLC. 90302. NORDISK JARNBANETIDSKRIFT. USA. (Its: v. 91, 1965. no. 12, p. 373-74, illus.) In Swedish. Summarizes transport operations of the Puget Sound—Alaska Van Lines ferry system between Seattle, Washington, and Whittier, Alaska. Five ferries carry 30-42 freight cars each and leave a terminus every third day. Two more ferries and departures every second day are planned. The new craft 400 x 76 ft with 20 ft depth are to carry 48 freight cars. At Whittier, the ferry connects with railways serving Anchorage,
the Matanuska and Tanana valley agricultural district, as well as the coal mining towns of Healy and Sutton, an area with two-thirds of Alaska's population. After earthquake damage to the Whittier landing site, cars were hoisted between ferry and railway by a crane in the harbor. DLC. 90303. NORDISK KONTAKT. Kirkenes et verdifullt ledd i samarbeidet NorgeFinnland. (Its: no. 15, Dec. 16, 1960, p. 827-28.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Kirkenes a worthwhile link in NorwegianFinnish cooperation. . Reports recommendation of the government Committee on Industry that a paper mill be built as planned in the Pasvik river valley 15 km from Kirkenes in northern Norway. It will foster development of the Inari-Kirkenes region and the IvaloKirkenes road, as well as the forest industry in Finland. Costa and labor are noted. DLC. 90304. NORDISK KONTAKT. Nordkalotten och Nordiska Wet. (Its: no. 5, 25 Mar 1960, p. 221-22.) In Swedish. Title tr.: The North Cap and the Nordic Council. Discusses the possibility of an admin istrative unit made up of the Swedish county of Norrbotten, Finland's county Lappi, and the three north Norwegian counties of Finnmark, Troms, and Nordland. Since the Nordic Council began functioning in 1957, common solutions are sought to common problems: a unified road net is needed along with improved rail and air ways. Water power, industry, and the Lapps' welfare are also of common concern. DLC. Einige NORDSTROM, G. 90305. Ergebnisse der Vogelberingung in Finnland in den Jahren 1913-1062, Tell 1. (Ornis fennica 1963. v. 40, no. 3, p. 81-124, tables, maps.) In German. Finnish summary. Title tr.: Some results of bird banding in Finland during 1913-1962, pt. L Reports on 50 yr activities in which throughout the country, including its Arctic areas, over 628,000 birds of 240 species were banded. Number, of birds banded, and returned, in each species are shown, as are the places of recoveries (with maps) including the Arctic, and total of recoveries DLC. per country. 90306. NORDSTROM, G. Finnische Wiederfunde im Ausland beringter Vogel. (Ornis fennica 1962. v. 39; no. 4, p. 131-51.) In German. Title tr.: Finnish recoveries of birds banded abroad.
Reports 369 recoveries belonging to 50 species with Anas crecca and A. platyrhynchos mainly represented. Both were banded in western Europe during their wintering sojourn. Dates and locations of banding and recapture are given, as is sex of bird. DSI.
and dates are given, followed by a list of recaptures arranged according to species. Straight-line distance, direction from banding place, and time between banding and recapture are presented for each bird. Numerous arctic dwellers are included (gulls, geese, ducks, etc). DLC.
90307. NORDSTROM, G., and G. LINDSTROM. Finnische Wiederfunde im Ausland beringter Vogel, 3. (Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Memorandum 1964-65 pub. 1965. v. 41, p. 87-109, maps.) In German. Title tr.: Finnish recoveries of birds banded abroad, 3. Lists wild ducks recovered in Finland, including Lapland, between those reported supra and the end of 1964. Eleven species with 431 specimens are recorded, most of them banded in northwestern. Europe, four in Russia, and one each in Germany, Norway, Switzerland and Czechoslovakia. The vast majority were the mallard Anas platyrhynchos and teal A. crecca. DLC.
90311. NORDSTROM, G. Die Vogelberingung In Finnland im Jahre 1963. (Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Memorandum 1964-65 pub. 1965. v. 41, p. 110238.) In German. Title tr.: Bird banding in Finland in 1963. Reports banding of over 81 thousand birds throughout the country, including the north, with list of banders, numbers of each species banded and location of each specimen (in taxonomic order) banded. DLC.
90308. NORDSTROM, G. Recoveries in Finland of birds ringed abroad. (Ornis fennica 1960. v. 37, no. 1-2, p. 28-36.) Finnish summary. Reports on birds recovered mainly during 1958-1959, including such banded in the Arctic. Of 40 species and 267 specimens recovered, 109 (38%) were teals, Anas crecca. Unusual recoveries are noted, and the other species briefly recorded. DLC. 90309. NORDSTROM, G. Die Vogelberingung in Finnland im Jahre 1959. (Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Memorandum 1959.-60 pub. 1961. no. 36, p. 32106.) In German. Title tr.: Bird banding in Finland during 1959. Reports 52,413 birds banded, a new record for this country. Location of banding (including arctic locations) and number of each species banded are noted. The greater part of the paper (p 42-105) is given to recaptures, grouped in species. Name and geographic co-ordinates of location of recapture, time elapsed since banding, distance and direction of assumed straight line flight, are given. Numerous species of geese and ducks are included. DLC. 90310. NORDSTROM, G. Die Vogelberingung in Finnland im Jahre 1961. (Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Memorandum 1962-63 pub. 1963. no. 39, p. 4-128.) In German. Title tr.: Bird banding in Finland during 1961. Reports on banding of 92,866 birds, as compared with 72,000 in 1960. Locations
90312. NORFORD, B. S. Reconnaissance of the Ordovician and Silurian rocks of northern Yukon Territory. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1964. 139 p. maps, sections, tables. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 63-39.) 17 refs. Presents field data and stratigraphic control made possible by fossil identification, based on 1962 mapping of Operation Porcupine. Stratigraphy is outlined; the Ordovician and Silurian rocks are believed to be marine, with sedimentation taking place from late Cambrian to early Devonian time. Principal unit is the Road River Formation; thick successions of dolomites and limestones are also present in other areas. Oil and gas prospects are good in the Eagle Plain area. Stratigraphic sections (24) are described and diagrammed. Faunal lists also are appended. DGS. 90313. NORIL'SK. Nauchno-issledovaterskit institut sel'skogo khoziaistva Krainego Severa. Materialy zonal'nogo nauchnometodicheskogo soveshchanifa rabotnikov nauchno-issledovatePskikh sel'skokhozfalstvennykh uchrezhdenil Krainego Severn, 11-14 fevralfa 1963. Norilsk 1963. 385 p. tables. Refs. (Its: Trudy v. 12.) In Russian. Title tr.: Proceedings of a regional conference on scientific methods and research work of agricultural institutions of the Far North, 11-14 February 1963. Presents, p 13-101, reports by the directors of the 1962-1963 work of the Agricultural Research Institute of the Far North (V. N. Andreev), the Murmansk and Magadan reindeer stations, the agricultural experiment stations of Nar'yan-Mar, Yamal, Khanty-Mansi, and the Tura field station. They cover research, training of workers, and field work. These reports serve to
introduce some forty papers delivered to the conference sections on reindeer raising, hunting, fur farming, veterinary science, animal husbandry and fodder production, vegetable growing, and agricultural economics. These papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: V. P. Afanas'ev, G. V. Artem'ev, P. A. Barashkova, S. T. Bondareva, E. K. Borozdin, N. 0. D'fachenko, M. I. Dobrotvorskafit, M. Kh. Geller (2 papers), M. P. Glushnev, G. D. akushkin (two papers), V. A. Kiselev, M. I. Klimontov, K. T. Korepanov, A. V. Korepanova, V. A. Kovakina, V. Z. Kozlovich (2 papers), N. A. Kratkovskil, P. K. Kuzakov (2 papers), A. Kh. Lalshev, B. V. Maslukhin, L. N. Michurin, L. R. Michurina, A. P. Polfakov, M. V. Polfinskafa, A. S. Ponomarev, 0. L. Rapoport (2 papers), P. A. Rochev, Sh. R. Saltburkhanov, D. V. Savel'ev (2 papers), Z. P. Savkina and T. V. Vakhtina, V. I. Shcherbakov, A. M. Silkov, V. D. Skrobov, V. A. Zabrodin. DNAL.
90316. NORINA, A. M. Gidrokhimicheskafil kharakteristika severnol chasti BarenCseva morfa. (Moskva. Gos. okeanograficheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 83, p. 24371, tables, graphs, maps.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrochemical character of the northern part of Barents Sea. Reviews earlier studies and outlines the hydrography of the area and methods of investigation. The horizontal and vertical distribution of 0, pH, alkalinity, phosphates, nitrates and nitrites, and silica is reported. Final section deals with diurnal fluctuation of some of these substances. DLC. NORMANN, CARL, see No. 91935. NORRBIN, J., see No. 86107. NORRIS, A. W., see No. 89563. NORRIS, D. K., see No. 86617. NORRIS, K. S., see No. 86725.
90314. NORIN, B. N. 0 sinuzial'nom slozhenii rastitel'nogo pokrova lesotundry. (Botanicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 50, no. 6, p. 745-64, tables, graphs.) 24 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Synusial structure of the plant cover in the forest tundra. Reports a study of conditions in European USSR, applying the method of description and treatment proposed by Chekanovskil It is concluded that the plants within each layer of the forest tundra form relatively independent associated groups. The smallest associations, called one-layer synusiae, represent elementary units of the plant cover. The span and exact limits of such units have not yet been determined. DLC. 90315. NORIN, B. N. Problema lesotundry i zadachi ee kompleksnogo staGionarnogo. izuchenifa. (Problemy Severs 1964. no. 8, p. 58-66.) 33 refs. In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Forest tundra and the tasks of its comprehensive study. Describes the forest-tundra field station founded in 1960 by the Botanical Institute's Laboratory of Vegetation in the Far North, near Sivomaskinskiy (66°40' N 62°35' E) in northeastern Komi ASSR on the edge of Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Its task is the study of all strata of vegetation: trees, bushes and moss-lichens, their interrelations and plant associations. Forest-tundra is discussed as a specific zone between taiga CaMAI, DLC. and tundra.
90317. NORSK HYALFANGST-TIDENDE. Oversikt over fangsten fra landstasjonene pa norske kysten 1964. Survey of whaling operations from land stations on the Norwegian coast 1964. (Its: v. 54, 1965. no. 1, p. 4-6, tables.) In Norwegian and English. Presents a Fiskeridepartementet, Fangstkontoret, Oslo, report of the catch at Steinshamn (62°47' N 6°29' E) and Trorns0: one blue, 38 fin, 47 sperm, one minke, and two bottlenose whales; 3,677 bbl oil, 552,324 kg meat, 138,400 kg whale meal, and, 2,774 kg liver produced. The 1964 small 'inhale fishery is reported ibid 1965, no 3, p 61-71: 144 vessels participated; 1,838 whales were caught in the coastal districts, 1,332 in Barents Sea, Svalbard, Shetland, Iceland and Jan Mayen waters; production and yield data are given; value of the catch was DLC. approx 9.8 million Norw kr. 90318. NORSKE TURISTFORENING. Turistforeninger, hytter og andre overnattingssteder i Finnmark og Troms. (Its: Arbok 1963, p. 196-97.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Tourist associations, huts and other overnight accommodation sites in Finnmark and Troms. Lists places with accommodations in tourist areas, on highways and streams, also agencies to provide information on availability, cost, etc. DLC. 90319. .NORTH. Crossing 60. (Its: v. 12, 1965. no. 1, p. 1-3, illus.)
Describes the extension of the Great Slave Lake Railway across the 60th parallel of latitude in the direction of Hay River, Mackenzie District, and the official ceremony conducted in commemoration on 29 Aug 1964. The plaque recording the event is CaMAI. illus. 90320. NORTH. Operation Boxtop. (Its: v. 11, 1984. no. 6, p. 8-11, illus.) Describes the RCAF annual resupply airlift to Alert, on Ellesmere Island. Two Hercules C130B airplanes make the 846 mi round trips from Thule, Greenland, working around the clock for two weeks. About three and a half million lbs of fuel and general cargo are transported in about 120 trips. Collapsible neoprene rubber tanks for airlifting the fuel are efficient and time saving. CaMAI. 90321. NORTH, H. E. T. Transient warm up of aircraft interiors. (Canadian aeronautics and space journal 1964. v. 10, no. 9, p. 289-91, graphs, tables.) 3 refs. Develops an approximate mathematical model to represent, the warming of an aircraft cabin in environments to —65° F. The model provides a basis for, aircraft heater selection in terms of time required to warm the cabin to a predetermined temperature. Weight and electric power requirements are noted to affect the choice of heater; an example is given of a 50,000 BTU/hr heater warming a single-engine bush aircraft to +36° F in 15 min with outside temperature of —65° F. DLC.
meeting 1962. Washington, D.C. 1963. 36 p. tables. Contains the proceedings and report of the standing scientific committee, list of participants and agenda. Summaries of the 1962 fur seal studies by Canada, Japan, USSR and United States are given as are the plans for 1963 investigations by the same countries. Administration report of the secretary to the meeting included. DLC. 90324. NORTHROP, J., and R. H. JOHNSON. Seismic waves recorded in the North Pacific from Flip. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 2, p. 31118, graphs, maps, illus.) 19 refs. Identifies two seismic events recorded on Flip, a floating instrument platform of the oceanographic experimental program of Sept 1963, as caused not by seaquakes on the ocean floor below Flip, but by two of the 12 shots fired in the Aleutian area on Sept 7 and 8. DLC. 90325. NORTHROP, J. T phases from 80 Alaskan earthquakes, March 28-31, 1964. (Seismological Society of America. Bulletin 1965. v. 55, no. 1, p. 59-63, map, section.) 6 refs. Describes the large T-phase signal received at Pt Sur, Calif, from the main shock of the Mar 1964 Alaskan earthquake; also additional T phases received from 80 aftershocks studied in the Kodiak Island region. Largest T phases were from hypocenters beneath the upper portion of the continental shelf. DGS.
90322. NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. Arctic communications; proceedings of the AGARD Ionospheric Research Committee 8th meeting, Athens, Greece. Edited by B. Landmark. Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press 1964. x, 297 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. (AGARDograph 78.) Refs. In English and French. Contains 23 papers presented, together with introduction, summary of discussions and concluding remarks, at the meeting held July 1963. Fifteen papers dealing entirely or in part with polar regions are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: M. Anastassiades and others, P. T. W. Baker, G. J. Bury, H. J. A. Chivers, D. G. Cooper, A. Egeland and W. Riedler, N. C. Gerson (2 papers), P. Halley and others, D. E. Hampton and A. S. Hill, J. R. Herman (2 papers), 0. Holt and B. Landmark, G. W. Jull, and G. Rose, qqv. DLC.
90326. NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. COMMISSIONER. Annual report 19641965. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1965. 41 p. tables. In sequence to No. 81706. Review, edited by J. J. Ootes, of activities to 31 Mar 1965 in the Council, archives, construction, corrections, co-operatives, education and vocational training, territorial finances, game, health, hospital insurance, housing, and liquor sales. Developments in mineral and timber resources, municipal affairs, societies, tourism, welfare, winter work projects, and Workmen's Compensation are also noted. Of special interest, was the completion of the Great Slave Lake Railway and the first shipments of lead-zinc ore from Pine Point in November. Vocational and apprentice training programs were expanded, data are appended. A commission is to study the economic, social and political prospect of the area. CaMAI.
90323. NORTH PACIFIC FUR SEAL COMMISSION. Proceedings of the 6th
90327. NORWAY. Geografiske oppmaling. Virksomhet i first 1964. Oslo 1965. 39 p.
tables, maps, illus. Beretning.) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Activities during the 'year 1964. Includes results of the gravimetric transfer between Oslo and Longyearbyen. The series of 87 baselines measured by tellurometer reached as far north as SolvAgtind110gtind in Nordland. High and low sealevel measurements are given for each of the five permanent gauges in arctic Norway. Progress charts are included for gravimetric, magnetic, astronomical and economic mapping, and the coverage of various series of topographic maps. DLC.
Iosifa. (Problemy Severa 1964. no. 8, tp. 247-53, table.) 7 refs. In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Soil algae of Franz Joseph Land. Reports own studies of algal samples collected in 1959 by V. D. Aleksandrova on Queen Alexandra I. Tabulated data are given on distribution of taxonomic types in polygonal, moss-polygonal and moss-lichenpolygonal polar deserts. Some eighty species are listed (Latin names) with notes on habitat. CaMAI, •DLC. NOVIKOV, A. S., see No. 91948.
90328. NOSOVA, E. K. Zooplankton zapadnogo poberezh'fit o. Shpigbergena. v 1958 g. (Materialy rybokhozalstvennykh issledovani! Severnogo basseTna 1904. no. 2, p. 53-58, maps.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Zooplankton in the western littoral of the island of Spitsbergen in 1958. Reports on collections made May-Oct: Calams finmarchicus was the leading form, with mass spawning in May 75°55'-76°40' N. At all times max biomass was noted on the continental slope. DLC. 90329. NOSOVA, L. I. Ocherk tundrovol i lesotundrovol rastitel'nosti mezhdluechta any i Omoloa, severnaa akutifit. (Hotsuicheskil zhurnal 1964. v. 49, no. 5, p. 661— 68, map, illus.) 31 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Outline of tundra and forest-tundra vegetation in the Yana-Omoloy interfluve, northern Yakutia. Reports on a summer 1959 survey of reindeer pastures in this area, with notes on its physiography, climate, the itinerary and earlier studies. Common plants of the forest tundra and tundra, ind their subzones are listed, and their frequency, habitats, geographic aspects, etc described. DLC.
90332. NOVIKOV, F. IA. K voprosu ekspluatagii shakhtnykh stvolov v merzlykh chetvertichnykh otlozheniakh Vorkutinskogo ugol'nogo mestorozhdenia. (In: Nauchno-tekhnicheskoe . . gornykh predpriatil 1959, p. 116-24, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Exploitation of mine shafts in the frozen Quaternary deposits of the Vorkuta coal deposits. Discusses some problems posed by these frozen deposits up to 117 m thick, the complicated hydrogeologic conditions, and presence of marshes on the surface. Thawing of the Quaternary deposits causes deformation and collapse of mine supports and surface installations. Deformations in two particular shafts are described in some detail, also some others less •so. Construction methods are reviewed to see how to avoid such deformations, and some recommendations given tentatively to maintain in its frozen state the ground near mine supports and foundations of surface installations. DLC.
NOTTARP, K., see also No. 87888.
90333. NOVIKOV, F. IA. 0 nagruzkakh na krep' shakhtnykh stvolov v merzlykh dispersnykh porodakh. (In: Akademia nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenia. Sovremennye voprosy . . . 1964, p. 203-209, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The loads on mine supports in frozen dispersed rocks. Discusses the deformation and disintegration of supports as observed in shafts of the Vorkuta coal mines. Causative factors are considered. Own hypothesis is that vertical pressuie from thawing rocks above the support is responsible, and this is demonstrated by results reported from experimental tests on a specially constructed model. Moisture insulation for walls, etc of the mine shaft is recommended. DLC.
90331. NOVICHKOVA-IVANOVA, L. N. 0 pochvennykh vodoroslakh Zemli Franaa-
90334. NOVIKOV, F. IA. Temperaturnyi rezhim gruntov pod gorashchimi terrikoni-
90330. NOTTARP, K. Elektronische Distanzmessung hoher Genauigkeit im Polargebiet. (Polarforschung 1963. v. 5, no. 33, p. 180-81.) 5 refs. In German. English summary. Title tr.: Electronic distance measurements of high acouracy in the polar regions. Notes the use of tellurometers in Greenland by the International Glaciological Expedition in 1959 (No 65177), and in the Antarctic 1962-63. Modification of the instruments for reliability and range are noted. DLC.
kami. (Akademig, nauk SSSR. Inst. merzlotovedenifi. Severnoe otd-ie. Trudy 1960. no. 1, p. 98-107, tables, profiles, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Temperature regime of the ground under burning waste heaps. Spontaneous combustion of waste heaps occurs in almost all shafts of the Vorkuta coal basin. They are described and their effects on the temperature regime of the ground is characterized. They foster deep thawing of permafrost not only beneath the smouldering waste itself but in adjacent areas as well. Alteration of the hydrogeologic conditions and chemical composition of the ground water is also reported. DLC. 90335. NOVIKOV, N. P. Osnovnye cherty biologii tikhookeanskogo belokorogo paltusa, Hippoglossus hippoglossus stenolepsis Schmidt, v Beringovom more. (Moskva. Vses. n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1964. v. 49, p. 167-207, tables, graphs, maps, illus.) 70 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Outline of the biology of Pacific halibut, H. hippoglossus stenolepsis Schmidt, in the Bering Sea. Reviews earlier studies of this fish in both American and Asian waters, and deals with its geographic distribution as related to temperature and currents. Size and weight in Bering Sea catches, age, rate of growth, and reproduction are reported, as are the diet, its composition, changes with seasons and age of the fish. Geographic distribution and migrations are considered with factors affecting them. Estimates are given of reserves. Proper organization of the fishery and reconnaissance is outlined. DLC. 90336. NOVIBOV, N. P. Syr'evye resursy materikovogo sklona severnol chasti Tikhogo okeana. (Rybnoe khozfarstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 8, p. 11-16, table, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Natural resources of the continental slope of the North Pacific. Reviews large-scale research, and fishing experiments of 1962-1964 at 300-1200 m depths in this area, including the Sea of Okhotsk and Aleutian waters. Eleven common fishes there are considered, their horizontal and vertical distribution, including subareas and seasons. Average size and weight, percentage in catches, shoaling and prospects for commercial exploitation are also discussed. DLC. NOVISOV, P. D., see No. 84810. 90337. NOVIKOV, P. I. Biologicheskie pokazateli, intensivnost' otlova i chislennost' stada semgi, Salmo salar L., r. Pechory v 1962 g. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1965. v. 5, 918
no. 1, p. 203-205, tables, graph.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biological indications of fishing intensity and size of salmon stock, Salmo salar L., in the Pechora River in 1962. Reviews intensity of catches since 1942 by general number of nets employed, weight and approx number of fish landed by individuals and in tots. On the basis of these data, number of fish reaching the spawning DLC. grounds is estimated. NOVIKOV, V. N., see No. 85800. 90338. NOVIKOVA, H. A. Proekt edind foneticheskol transkripaii dlia tungusoman'chzhurskikh azykov. Moskva-Leningrad 1961. 102 p. tables. 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Draft of a unified phonetic transcription for Tungus-Manchu languages. Presents two transliteration systems, one based on the Russian, the other on the Latin alphabet. Wide use is made of diacritic marks, phonetic signs, and altered letters to accommodate the different linguistic needs of Evenki, Lamut, Gilyak, Gold, Ul'chi, etc. DLC. 90339. NOVIKOVA, N. S. Nekotorye dannye o zhirnosti treski i pikshi Barenaeva moult. (Murmansk. PolfarnyI n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1963. no. 15, p. 149-62, tables, graphs.) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some data on the fatness of the Barents Sea cod and haddock. Study of the fatness index, i.e. the relative weight of the liver, in fishes of different length and at different seasons. The relation between fullness of stomach and fatness is also noted. Materials are also included from other areas and sources. DLC. 90340. NOVIKOVA, N. S. Nekotorye voprosy pitanifi i kormovogo povedenifi treski i pikshi Barenaeva morf6,. (Akademifa SSSR. Murmanakil morskol biologicheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 7 (11), p. 3-47, tables, graphs.) Approx. 85 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some problems of the feeding and feeding behavior of the Barents Sea cod and haddock. Reports investigations of several days' duration during falls and springs of 19591961 at ten stations of the coastal zone. Close to 70,000 fish were measured, over 7000 stomachs examined, and the contents qualitatively as well as quantitatively determined. The diurnal and long-term course of food-intake were also established. DLC.
90341. NOVIKOVA, N. S., and L. V. GERASIMOVA. 0 kolichestvennykh ekvivalentakh dlta polevogo analiza pitanifa treski. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Murmanskil morskol biologicheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 7(11), p. 68-78, tables, graphs.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Quantitative equivalents for field analysis of cod food. Comparative analysis of two methods of ascertaining the fullness of stomachs: by degrees (four), and by weighing. Some 1500 fish from different areas of the Barents Sea were examined, with consideration of season, size and weight of fish, degree of digestion, etc. DLC. 90342. NOVIKOVA, N. S. 0 roli grebnevikov v pitanii barencsevomorskikh treski i pikshi. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Murmanskil morskol biologicheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 7(11), p. 61-67, table, graph.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The role of Ctenophora in the diet of Barents Sea cod and haddock. Reports on investigations during the springs and falls of 1959-1961 in the coastal and western areas of this sea. It was found that despite the low nutritive value of ctenophores (95-98% water content in their bodies), they are consumed in considerable DLC. numbers by these fish. 90343. NOV IKOVA, N. S., and V. I. MIKHALKOVICH. Opyt mnogosutochnykh nablfildenil za pitaniem treski i pikshi Barenaeva morfa. (Murmansk. Polfarnyl n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khoz. i okeanografii. Trudy 1963. no. 15, p. 131-48, tables, graphs.) 33 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Long-term observations on the feeding of Barents Sea cod and haddock. Account of a study conducted at several stations, on fixed sizes of fishes caught by standard trawlings. The aim was to establish the diurnal variations in the quantity and kind of food taken, peak periods in feeding, etc. Stomach contents, degree of stomach fullness, and fatness of the fish served as guides in the study. DLC. NOVIKOVA, R. M., see No. 85697. 90344. NOVI'FSKAa, ID. E., and others. Vlifanie vlazhnosti pochvy i udobrenil na urozhal i nekotorye fiziologicheskie pokazateli sakharnol svekly. (Akadenilia nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Trudy 1964. no. 37, p. 87-97, tables.) 25 refs. In Russian. Other authors: L. A. Perminova and R. I. Volkova. Title tr.: The influence of soil moisture and of fertilizers on the yield and
some physiological indicators of sugar beet. Account of experiments under temperate and subarctic conditions. The beet requires fertilizer in all its phases of growth. Under northern conditions, best results were obtained with fertilizer applications 13 times larger than in temperate locations, and soil moisture 60% of full capacity. The (adverse) effects of 40% or 80% water content in the soil are also discussed. DLC. NOVIT—SKAa, It. E., see also No. 86645. 90345. NOVOFASTOVSKII, E. I. Promyslovye ispytanifit nesamokhodnol l'doburil'nol ustanovki i lebedki dlfa tfagi nevodov. (Rybnoe khozfalstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 11, p. 53-55, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Fishing trials with a non-locomotive icedrill and seine-winch. Describes construction, operation and trials with a drill capable of producing holes of 320 mm diam and 1 m deep. The machine, mounted on a sled is also used to pull in seine-nets. DLC. 90346. NOVOZHILOV, E. P. Rezul'taty zimnego kontrol'nogo lova stavnymi setfami i riazhami. (Rybnoe khozfaIstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 7, p. 54-56, graph, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Results of conservation winter fishing with set nets and traps. Reports on experiments in under-ice fishing during the 1962-63 and 1963-64 winters in Ob Bay. The aim was to capture noncommercial (small) fish. The nets proved not suitable as they caught also the young of valuable species; but the traps proved DLC. much better. NOVOZHILOV, N. I., see No. 90002. 90347. NOVSKAfi, A. I. Sinoptikoklimatologicheskoe issledovanie anomalil srednel mesfachnol temperatury vozdukha v aprele i oktfaibre nad Vostochnol Aziel. Dal'nevostochnyl n.-issl. (Vladivostok. gidrometeorologicheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 19, p. 138-53, tables, maps.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Synoptic-climatological investigation of anomalies of average monthly air temperature in April and October over Eastern Asia. Reports distribution features of temperature anomalies in Apr and Oct according to 1927-1959 data of 36 stations. Synoptic processes are analyzed and seven types established and characterized. Forecasting of temperature anomalies is discussed. Large temperature anomalies up to 6° C are found in Yakut ASS It and Magadan Province. DLC.
90348. NOWAK, J. IL, and G. MONSON. Black brant summering at Salton Sea. (Condor 1965. v. 67, no. 4, p. 357,) Notes own observations and such of others concerning the summering in this new area; in the interior of Southern California, it is in direct flight line north of the head of the Gulf of California. Earlier these birds used to winter on the Pacific coast of Lower California; in 1964 they were seen in large numbers on the Gulf. of California. DLC.
male rats and mice, which shows that under normal temperature conditions administration of cortisone reduced thyroid gland activity. Under cold-stress conditions, identical doses of cortisone intensified the DLC. activity of the thyroid.
NOWAK, W., see No. 85957.
90352. NUMEROV, K. D. Acclimatization of Barguzin sable in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and improvement of the fur of local sable. (In: Konferenrsifit po akklimatizaCaii zhivotnykh . . . 1966, p. 88-89, tables.) English translation of No 81740. DLC.
90349. NOWELL, N. W., and D. C. WHITE. Note on plasma magnesium in the cold-acclimated rat subjected to hypothermia. (Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 1964. v. 42, no. 5, p. 67980, table.) 7 refs. Acclimation to 4° C for 40-50 days had no effect upon the rise of plasma magnesium produced by subsequent hypothermia. In earlier work rats showed such a rise in the winter but not in the summer. This suggests that laboratory and outdoor (winter) acclimation are not identical processes. DLC.
90353. NUMEROV, K. D., and P. N. PAVLOV. Bobry v basselne Enisefa. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 44, no. 12, p. 1850-57, tables, illus.) 24 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Beavers in the Yenisey River basin. Reviews records on beaver in this area from the mid-18th century. It began to disappear in the mid-19th. Last remnants of the stock are noted. Its reintroduction since 1948 with dispersal over wide areas, is outlined, as is the present population of about 1300 in Krasnoyarsk Province. DLC.
90350. NOWROOZI, A. A. Eigenvibrations of the earth after the Alaskan earthquake. (Journal of geophysical research 1965. v. 70, no. 20, p. 5145-56, tables, graphs.) 19 refs. Computes free oscillations of the earth from recordings obtained at the Berkeley and Oroville seismographic stations after Alaskan earthquake of 28 Mar 1964. Torsional and spheroidal oscillation spectra are determined by harmonic analysis. Variations of the spherical amplitude of the oscillations indicated an azimuthal order number m =0. 15-20 peaks on the torsional and spheroidal spectra are found significant at the 95% confidence level. Absence of 0S12 mode in the spectrum of vertical motion indicates that the Oroville station was near a nodal line of the vertical component of the DLC. mode.
90354. NUMEROV, K. D. Ob izmenenifakh sobolel Eniselskol Sibiri po godam. (Zoologicheskil zhurnal 1964. v. 43, no. 4, p. 599-605, illus.) 16 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Changes in coloration of sable in Yenisey Siberia through the years. Study of 370,000 pelts from 1930 to 1962 showed long periods of darkening and lightening of the color pattern. These fluctuations took place over large areas with different conditions and are believed not to be due to human factors. DLC.
90351. NOZDRACHEV, A. D., and L. D. FEDOROVA. Vzaimootnoshenie kory nadpochechnikov i shchitovidnol zhelezy v norme i v uslovifakh kholodovogo stressa. (Bfalleten' eksperimentarnol biologii i mediainy 1964. v. 29, no. 2, p. 45-47, table.) 16 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Interrelationship of the adrenal cortex and the thyroid under normal and cold-stress conditions. Presents a gross and histological study of 920
90355. NUORTEVA, P. Forekomsten av asflugan Phormia terrae-novae R. D. i Finland. (Notulae entomologicae 1960. v. 40, no. 2, p. 38-45, graphs, maps, illus.) 8 refs. In Swedish. English summary Title tr.: Occurrence of the blowfly Phormia terrae-novae R. D. in Finland. Study revealed this species to be most dominant in the northern half of Finland. Females are also more abundant than males in the North. Factors possibly determining these conditions are discussed. Two adult generations exist, with one overwintering. DLC. 90356. NUORTEVA, P. A glacial relict not previously reported from the Finnish lake district, Corynosoma semerne Forssell, Acan-
thocephala. (Annales zoologici Fennici 1965. v. 2, no. 2, p. 140-41.) 13 refs. Numerous specimens (284) of Corynosoma strumosum and 28 C. semerne were found in the intestine of a ringed seal, a glacial relict living in the Finnish lake district. C. semerne has not been previously recorded in this area. DLC. 90357. NUORTEVA, P. Protocalliphora chrysorrhoea (Meig.) karptisen toukat toriniipiiiiskyn loisina. (Ornis fennica 1960. v. 37, no. 4, p. 122-24.) 4 refs. In Finnish. English summary. Title tr.: Protocalliphora chrysorrhoea (Meig.) larvae parasites of Riparia riparia in Finland. Notes that this very rare blowfly with only one certain record from the Palearctic region, has been collected many times in Finland, especially in the 19th century. In three cases from north Finland, the larvae were found to be blood-sucking ectoparasites DLC. of the swallow R. riparia. 90358. NURMINEN, M. Enchytraeid and lumbricid records, Oligochaeta, from Spitsbergen. (Annales zoologici Fennici 1965. v. 2, no. 1, p. 1-10, table, map, illus.) 18 refs. Synopsis including 27 species, with notes on synonyms, size, number of segments, anatomy, etc. Two of these worms are new: Lumbricillus magdalenae and L. nielseni. Only one earthworm, in a decomposed state, DLC. was found. 90359. NURMINEN, M. Enchytraeids, Oligochaeta, from northern Norway and western Lapland. (Annales zoologici Fennici 1965. v. 2, no. 1, p. 11-15, map, illus.) 12 refs. Records 20 species of these worms from northern Norway, 19 new for the area, and three species new for Finland. A new form Cognettia lapponica n sp from western Lapland is described in detail. , DLC. 90360. NURMINEN, M. Lumbricillus fennicus sp. n. and some other enchytraeids (Annales (Oligochaeta) from Finland. zoologici Fennici 1964. v. 1, no, 1, p. 48-51, table, map, illus.) 6 refs. Describes this new species from southern Finland, reports four species new to the country and supplies additional information on the distribution of seven enchytraeids, four of them from the Kuusamo and Kittilit (Pallasjiirvi) areas of northern Lapland. DLC. 90361. NUTT, D. C. Significance and techniques in the study of gas inclusions in
glaciers ice. (Polarforschung 1961. v. 5, no. 31, p. 82-87.) 26 refs. German summary. Defines the term gas inclusions and shows how they provide information on the conditions under which the ice was formed. Techniques of their investigation: extraction of the gas from ice, composition analysis, radiocarbon dating, etc are described; and their two sources are noted. Samples were obtained in 1958 from ten glaciers between Melville Bay and Brede Fjord in Greenland. The composition measurements showed the gas to be close to that of present-day atmosphere. DLC. NUTT, D. C., see also No. 91531. 90362. NYBAKKEN, B. H., and W. G. REEDER. A soil sequence from southwestern Umnak Island, Alaska. (Northwest science 1965. v. 39, no. 3, p. 104-117, map, graphs, tables.) 15 refs. Outlines results of a soils study near the ancient Aleut village site of Chaluka, as part of a Univ of Wisconsin comparative investigation of the ecology and prehistory of Konyag Eskimo and Aleut peoples. Main features of Umnak geography, geology, climate, and vegetation are sketched; detailed description is given of the three soil profiles examined .5 mi northeast of Nikolski village. The first of four major ash layers is typical of the area; the second shows results of slumping and solifluction, and the third effects of considerable wind erosion and some water erosion. Maximum dated age of the Chaluka materials is about 5000 yr; they indicate nearly continuous occupation of the site by resident Aleut populations; the stratified site, 16 ft deep, was thus deposited during the period represented on the first profile by horizons one and two. DLC. 90363. NYBO, E. Vern av norak natur omr&der som er fredet. (Norske turist, forening. Arbok 1962. p. 191-96.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Protection of Norwegian nature areas that are preserves. Lists, by province, the preserves, protected plants and animals, and lighthouse sites where birds are given protection. For most, the date when the preserve was established is given, for some the area as well. Five of the preserves are in Nordland, nine in Finnmark, two on Svalbard, and seven lighthouse bird preserves in North Norway. Two plants are fully protected in Varanger, year-round protection is provided for 18 birds and animals throughout Norway and coastal waters, 15 on Svalbard with more
during 10 June—Aug 20. The polar bear has year-round protection on Kong Karls Land, ptarmigan on BjcfrnOya, polar fox on Jan DLC. Mayen. 90364. NYBOM, 0. List of Finnish Trichoptera. Helsinki 1960. 56 p. maps. (Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Fauna fennica 6.) Reviews earlier studies of the caddis flies and gives a simple list of them according to areas, including "utterly northern" and northern species. The main record follows: some 180 species with notes on frequency, geographic occurrence, habitat, etc. Finally, tables summarize the number of species in each area and the distribution of each species over the areas. Indices of genera DLC. and species are appended. 90365. NYE, J. F. The frequency response of glaciers. (Journal of glaciology 1965. v. 5, no. 41, p. 567-87, table, graphs.) 8 refs. French and German summary. A method of integrating the differential equations for a fixed frequency was programmed for a high-speed digital computer. This provides a better way of finding the frequency response than the earlier method which used series approximations for high and low frequencies. Results are given for South Cascade Glacier in the State of Washington, United States and for Storglaciaren in Kebnekaise, Sweden. The response curves of the two glaciers are DLC. similar in shape. 90366. NYE, J. F. A numerical method of inferring the budget history of a glacier from its advance and retreat. (Journal of glaciology 1965. v. 5, no. 41, p. 589-607, table, graphs.) 8 refs. French and German summary. Linearized differential equations developed previously are used to compute a series of coefficients g (n). The g (n) calculated for South Cascade Glacier and for Storglaciaren are applied to their termini. The results indicate that the figures for the retreat during individual years are not sufficiently reliable for the annual net budget changes to be deduced with confidence. But the coarser features of the terminus records give net budget figures that agree well with the 9 yr or 10 yr means of recent observations. DLC. 90367. NYGREN, A., and E. AKERBERG. Studies in species and hybrid derivatives of Poa new to practical work. (Vetenskapssamh011et i Uppsala. Arsbok 1957. v. 1, p. 53-69, tables, graphs, map.) 16 refs.
Discusses: Poa pratensis the most important pasture grass of Sweden, and attempts to improve certain strains and related species by crossbreeding. It is characterized by subterranean stolons; its flowering biology and seed setting offer special possibilities for improvement, and a comprehensive scheme of species hybridization has been started. Breeding plots at seven stations include one at Bjeirkliden at 68°23' N. Several other species used in the experiments have qualities that are lower in P. pratensis. They are adaptable to Swedish ecological conditions. DLC. NYHOLM, E., see No. 86344. 90368. NYHOLM, E. S. Ecological observations on the geese of Spitsbergen. (Annales zoologici Fennici 1965. v. 2, no. 3, p. 197-207, tables, map, illus.) 7 refs. Reports studies of the pink-footed, brent, and barnacle goose, in 1960 and 1963-1965 in the Vestspitsbergen area. Nests and their locations, brood size, behavior esp. escaping distance, weight and body measurements, and enemies are considered. DLC. 90369. NYMAN, A. Aquatic vegetation of Lake Mantoj tirvi in Inari Lapland, Finland. (Turku. Yliopisto. Julkaisuja 1964. ser. A, II: biol.-geog. no. 32, p. 60-68, table, illus.) 4 refs. Describes this small lake in the central course of the Utsjoki River and its surroundings. The zonation of the higher plants is mainly considered and their species axe listed under two groups: helophytes (4) and hydrophytes (16), with notes on frequency, substrate, fertility, etc. CaMAI. 90370. NYSTROM, R. Bro Over Tome alv in Overtorna. (Svenska vagforeningen. Tidskrift 1965. v. 52, no. 10, p. 442-44, illus.) In Swedish. Title tr.: Bridge over Tome River at Overtomelt. Reports the Oct 1965 opening of the bridge between this Swedish town and Aavasaksa, Finland. Access highways were begun in 1950-51 when ice crossing was feasible. The bridge, 471 m long and 9 m wide, has seven 40 m spans and two 29 m bow-spans. Pilings are concrete, the superstructure is steel. The construction labor force averaged 60 men, and much of the work was done during winter seasons. Other bridges over the river, including one at Karesuando, are planned. DLC. 90371. OAKESHOTT, G. B. The Alaskan earthquake. (California. Division of Mines and Geology. Mineral Information Service
1964. v. 17, no. 7, p. 119-25, maps, illus.) 6 refs. Describes the major events and results of the 27 Mar 1964 earthquake which had a magnitude of 8.5 on the Richter scale. Epicenter was at 61.1° N 147.6° W just north of Prince William Sound and about 75 mi east of Anchorage. Most interesting geologic feature of the quake was the subsidence of a large crustal block to the west, and the uplift of another crustal block to the east of a fault zone or "hinge line" which trends SSW from the epicentral area. Though downward movement was six feet at Kodiak, and uplift was six-seven feet at Cordova, greatest damage was caused by secondary effects such as landslides, avalanches, and seismic sea waves. Implications of this quake for planning and construction in California are outlined. DGS. 90372. OBAYASHI, T., and Y. HAKURA. Enhanced ionization in the polar ionosphere caused by solar corpuscular emissions. (Japan. Radio Research Laboratories. Journal 1960. v. 7, no. 29, p. 27-66, tables, graphs, maps.) 45 refs. Analyzes the ionograms taken during solar eruptions, in an effort to determine the causes of auroras and radio blackouts, including those in the arctic and subarctic regions. Precipitation on the polar ionosphere of 10-100 Mev protons erupted by the sun during a flare results in polar radioblackouts without inducing any marked geomagnetic activity. With the onset of geomagnetic storm, the blackout region spreads from the polar cap to the auroral zone and further south, and is accompanied with peculiar increases in cosmic ray intensity during the main phase of the storm. This, and the spread of the blackout with the auroral zone shifting southwards is explained by a modified Stermer spiral precipitation theory. The energy spectrum of solar particles reveals that they have a suprathermal non-Maxwellian tail extending from a few Key up to relativistic energy range. Penetrating to the lower ionosphere, these high energy particles cause enhancement of solar cosmic rays, polar radio blackouts and aurora. DLC. 90373. OBAYASHI, T. Upper atmospheric disturbances due to high altitude nuclear explosions. (Planetary and space science 1963. v. 10, p. 47-63, tables, graphs, illus.) 44 refs. Surveys the upper atmospheric effects of mainly the detonations of Aug-Sept 1958 in the Pacific and South Atlantic, and nuclear tests of Oct 1961 in Novaya Zemlya. The
main results of the effects on airglow, aurora, ionosphere, radio waves propagation, trapped electrons, geomagnetism, shock and hydromagnetic waves are discussed. The theoretical interpretation of disturbance effects is offered with some degree of plausibility, and the significance of controlled nuclear experiment in the upper atmosphere is pointed out. DLC. 90374. OBAYASHI, T. Wide-spread ionospheric disturbances due to nuclear explosions during October 1961. (Japan. Science Council. Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan 1962. v. 16, no. 3, p. 334-40, graphs, illus.) 13 refs. Interprets the waves due to nuclear blasts on Novaya Zemlya as recorded at about 30 stations, including Sodankyla, Tromso and Kiruna. Time variation of the critical frequency of F2 ionospheric layer foF2, and the field strength of the DGP-862 transmitter (15.86 me/s) during the period of the explosions revealed an evidence of two different strong blast waves propagating through the ionosphere over several thousand kilometers at a speed of 700-1000 and 300 m/s. This travelling disturbance is interpreted as the propagation of a gravity DLC. wave. OBORIN, V. A., see No. 87459. 90375. O'BRIEN, B. J. Precipitation of energetic particles into the atmosphere. (In: Lockheed Research Symposium on Space Science 1964. Auroral phenomena 1965, p. 84-98, graphs, map.) 9 refs. Discusses measurement of these particles associated with auroras, using rocket- and satellite-borne instruments to study electron precipitation and X-ray formation from them. Latitude profile for 50-90% geomag lat is given for counting rates of Geiger tubes flown on rockoons to 100 km alt. A relation between Van Allen particles and precipitated particles of the same energy is DLC. established. 90376. O'BRIEN, H. W., and M. KUMAI. Electrically operated impactors for hydrometeor sampling. Hanover, N.H. 1965. 15 p. tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Technical report 170.) 12 refs. Presents a discussion of new electrically operated impactors for measurement of size and mass distribution of fog and cloud droplets as an important adjunct to studies of visibility and weather modification. Two models have been field tested at Point Barrow, Alaska and in Greenland since
1962. One, a flashbulb activated model, is suitable for remote multiple simultaneous sampling, though prone to occasional mechanical failure. The other,, a solenoid operated model, is almost failure-proof but requires considerably more electric current for operation than the flash type unit. Electrical specifications for each model are given in the appendix. Excellent pictures are included of water droplets collected in silicon oil of 15,000 centistokes at 25° C by solenoid valve impactors at vacuum gauge readings 28, 14, and 7 in Hg, and field use DLC. of the impactors is discussed. O'BRIEN, H. W., see also No. 88982. 90377. O'BRIEN, L. J. A method employed by the Canadian Army for mapping arctic areas with electronic computer assistance. (Canadian surveyor 1964. v. 18, no. 1, p. 22-33, map, graphs.) Describes the general features of this method for extending horizontal control by computer-assisted photogrammetry, and gives in some detail its application to the 1:250,000-scale mapping of Cornwallis Island; it enabled 20% time saving in production of the manuscript compared to the use of templates for control extension. Initial data consisted of position values for 18 ground survey points on the perimeter of the island, airborne profile recordings covering the island at nine-mi intervals, and air photography at 1:60,000 scale. Photogrammetric control was extended into each photo overlap by aerotriangulation in a Multiplex plotter concurrent with the plotting of topographic detail. Errors in the photogrammetric control coordinates were minimized by the use of an IBM 1620 computer. The topographic detail was then scaled to the adjusted control by photographic means. DLC. O'BRIEN, 0. V., see No. 84953. 90378. OBRUCHEV, S. V. Russkie pomory na Shpiaibergene v xv veke i chto napisal o nikh v 1493 g. nffirnbergskil vrach. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka" 1964. 143 p. maps, illus. 75 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Russian pomors on Spitsbergen in the 15th century, and what was written about them in 1493 by a Nuremberg physician. Expanded version of No 81761, affirming Russian hunting expeditions with winter camps on Grumant-Spitsbergen, citing Hieronymus Miinzer's letter and 15-16th century maps, of which six are reproduced and interpreted. DLC.
90379. OBRUCHEV, V. A. Dokembril Sibiri. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1963. v. 5, p. 223-55, table, map.) 11 refs. From: Stratigrafiffi SSSR v. 1, Dokembril SSSR, 1939. Title tr.: The Precambrian of Siberia. Reviews the 18th and early 19th century studies, those of 1836-1875, 1876-1900, and 1900-1939. Distribution of the Precambrian is given, noting the Taymyr, Anabar, Kolyma regions and other arctic areas. Precambrian tectonics is characterized. Archean and Proterozoic metamorphism is described. Development of Siberia in the Precambrian period is outlined, the mineral resources summarized. DLC. 90380. OBRUCHEV, V. A. Geologicheskil obzor Sibiri. Moskva, Gosizdat 1927. 360 p. maps, illus. 45 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geologic review of Siberia. Monograph dealing in turn with the geomorphic areas of Siberia, Precambrian, old Paleozoic (Cambrian and Silurian), Devonian, Neo-Paleozoic (Carboniferous and Permian), Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Quaternary, and tectonics. All arctic regions are included. Orogenic cycles are characterized: the Archean, Caledonian, Hercynian, Tyanshan-Permian, Mesozoic and Tertiary. A tectonic map of Siberia is included. The last chapter (p 295-335) on tectonics and orogenic cycles is reprinted in his Izbrannye truly 1963, v. 5, p. 71-103. DLC. 90381. OBRUCHEV, V. A. Izbrannye trudy. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk 1958-1963. 5 v. Approx. 400-500 p. each; tables, graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Selected works. Posthumous six-volume collection, mostly of his earlier out-of-print publications. Several papers of northern interest are abstracted supra and infra, and those treated in previous volumes of this Bibliography are indicated by number. v. 1, Eastern Mongolia, includes Obruchev's biography by E. V. Pavlovskil, qv. v. 2, China and Central Asia. v. 3, Geological review of the gold-bearing regions of Siberia, contains descriptions of East Siberian deposits, as well as those in southern districts of West Siberia and the Yenisey region north to the Podkamennaya Tunguska basin; also includes No 24783. v. 4, Problems of the metallogeny of gold, iron, and manganese in Siberia, includes Russian texts of No 12680-12681. v. 5, Geological outline of individual regions of Siberia; includes No 24780, excerpts from the German and Russian edi-
Lions of the Geology of Siberia, No 12677 and 41667, and chap 11 (on tectonics) of the Geological review of Siberia, supra. v. 6, Summarizing works on Siberian geology and general problems of geology (not yet seen). DLC. 90382. OBRUCHEV, V. A. Mestorozhdenifit zheleznykh i marganaevykh rud Sibiri i ikh promyshlennoe znachenie. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1963. v. 4, p. 327-53.) 50 refs. In Russian. Originally pub. in 1926. Title tr.: Iron and manganese ore deposits of Siberia and their productive value. Reviews these deposits including Yakut ASSR. Secondary iron ores, bog ores of various age are found in the Vilyuy, Yana, Kolyma and other river basins. The best prospects are in the Aldan gold-bearing region. DLC. 90383. OBRUCHEV, V. A. Molodost' rel'efa Sibiri. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1963. v. 5, p. 181-94.) 45 refs. In Russian. Originally pub. in 1936. Title tr.: Recent relief of Siberia. Reviews tectonic movements in Siberia since the Tertiary period, particularly in the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma region, Chukotka, Kamchatka and the Middle-Siberian platform. Amplitudes are estimated for some of the movements. DLC. 90384. OBRUCHEV, V. A. Novye zolotonosnye ra!ony Vostochnol Sibiri. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1961. v. 3, p. 417-83, maps.) 55 refs. In Russian. Reprinted from (Iornyl zhurnal 1924. v. 100, no. 1-8. Title tr.: New gold-bearing regions of Eastern Siberia. Describes the Okhotsk, Ayan, Aldan, Vilyuy, Gizhiga, Anadyr, and Chukotka gold-bearing regions. Orography and relief, geologic structure, mode of gold occurrences, economic conditions of exploitation, and other features are analyzed for each region and its main literature is given. DLC. 90385. OBRUCHEV, V. A. Ocherednye problemy geologii v Lenskom zolotonosnom raYone. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1963. v. 4, p. 148-54.) 6 refs. In Russian. Reprinted from: Sovelskagt geologia 1939. v. 9, no. 4-5. Title tr.: Current problems of geology in the Lena gold-bearing region. Though the Lena, Bodaybo, Vitim goldbearing regions have been under exploitation since 1846, many important geologic problems have not been solved. Several studies are proposed for the near future: gold fields, geologic survey of granite massifs, terrace placers, glaciological phenomena, hydrographic network, etc. DLC.
90386. OBRUCHEV, V. A. Prirodnye vozmozhnosti di a razvitikt zolotopromyshlennosti SSSR. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1961. v. 3, p. 511-28, tables.) 11 refs. In Russian. Reprinted from: Vsesoffiznyl zolotopromyshlennyi s"ezd, 1st, Moskva, 1986. Zolotopromyshlennost' SSSR. Moskva, Promizdat 1927. Title tr.: Inherent possibilities for gold-mining development in the USSR. Reviews the distribution of gold placers and deposits as geologic factors that must be studied and restudied to bring new possibilities to recognition. Particularly the Yenisey region between the Angara. and Podkamennaya Tunguska, the Lena basin, Vilyuy region, and the Aldan are reviewed. Age of gold placers is discussed. Types of primary gold deposits are analyzed: contact type, hypothermal, epithermal, etc. Gold reserves in the USSR are estimated, and the Ural, Yenisey and Lena regions noted as the most promising. DLC. 90387. OBRUCHEV, V. A. Problems zolotonosnosti piritizirovannykh slanCsev Leno-Vitirnskogo rams. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1963. v. 4, p. 139-47, table.) 9 refs. In Russian. Reprinted from Problemy sovelskol geologii 1935, no. 1, Title tr.: Gold-bearing properties of pyritized schists of the Lens Vitim region. Considers this region lying mostly south of 600 N, its gold placers, primary gold deposits, previous studies and gold mining. It is not the quartz veins, but pyritized rocks of metamorphic series that have the best gold-bearing properties in this region. Areas are noted where further prospecting should be directed. DLC. 90388. OBRUCHEV, V. A. Verolatnye zapasy zolota v rossypi?tkh SSSR. (In his: Izbrannye trudy 1961. v. 3, p. 538-45.) 3 refs. In Russian. Reprinted from Akademita nauk SSSR. Izvestia, ser. geol. 1942, no. 3. Title tr.: Probable reserves of gold in placers in the USSR. Reviews such reserves mostly in the Ural and Siberia to which little attention has been given. Placers are distinguished as valley and channel placers, placers of terraces, placers of buried valleys, etc. Their distribution is outlined in the Lena and Vilyuy regions, middle Yenisey basin, Aldan basin and other areas. DLC. OBU, K., see No. 90461. 90389. OCHEV, V. G., and I. V. POLUBOTKO. Novye nakhodki ikhtiozavrov na Severo-Vostoke SSSR. azvestifil vysshikh
uchebnykh zavedenil. Geologifa i razvedka 1964, no. 7, p. 50-55, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New finds of ichthyosaur in northeastern USSR. Reports Middle Triassic ichthyosaur remains found in the Omolon, Burgagchan (tributary to the Korkodon) and Khivach River basins. A Shastasaurus? species of superfam Shastasauroidea is described in detail, along with gen Pessosaurus, CaliforDLC. nisaurus, etc. 90390. ODINEf, G. F. Rol' podzemnykh vod v pereraspredelenii, vynose glubinnogo tepla i formirovanii nizhnel poverkhnosti mnogoletnemerzlykh porod. (AkademilA nauk SSSR. Geologicheski! inst. Gidrogeotermicheskie uslovi1 verkhnikh chaste! zemnol kory, Moskva 1964, p. 107124, tables, sections.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Role of groundwater in the redistribution, evacuation of deep heat and formation of the lower surface of permafrost. Presents a generalized geologio-hydrogeologic section along the southwestern part of the Noril'sk trough, Igarka-Rybnaya anticlinorium and northwestern part of the Tungusskiy syncline. Data from drilling to 400 m depth are analyzed and ground waters are discussed as carriers of heat coming from deep layers of the earth's crust. Where ground water washes the lower surface of permafrost, the thickness of permafrost substantially decreases. A formula is presented for calculating the thawing of permafrost under geothermal DLC. heat. 90391. ODINfOV, M. M. Geologicheskie predposylki i perspektivy almazonosnosti ffigo-zapa.dnoT chasti Sibirskol platformy. (Sovetskafa geologifa 1965, no. 5, p. 71-82, table, map.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geological prerequisites and prospects for diamond-bearing deposits in the southwestern part of the Siberian platform. Discusses occurrences of kimberlite bodies with diamonds in this region, and distinguishes four areas, Vel'mo, TychanyChadobets, Chukaha-Mura and Biryusa, where kimberlite bodies are found. These kimberlites are older than those in Yakutia, possibly Devonian. Prospects for productive deposits of diamonds seem favorable. DLC. ODINfOVA, M. M., see No. 87643. 90392. ODNOVALOV, S. P., and M. V. TIMBAL. Osobennosti arkhitekturnykh reshenil naselennykh meet s iskusstvennym
mikroklimatom dlfa Arktiki. (Problemy Severs, 1964. no. 10, p. 93-101, illus.) In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Features of architectural solutions for population centers with artificial microclimate in the Arctic. Outlines the community plan which counteracts the hardships of long winter, low temperature, strong wind and drifting snow. Apartment buildings up to 15stories high, and circular or elliptical in shape are constructed with shops and utilities in the lower stories, winter gardens, and covered passageways from one building to another. CaMAI, DLC. 90393. ()LANDER, V. E. Astronomical azimuth determinations on trigonometrical stations in the years 1955-1959. Helsinki 1961. 14 p. tables, map. (Finland. Geodetiska institutet. Julkaisuja no. 54.) 8 refs. Reports establishment of six additional first-order triangulation stations in northern Finland to complete the currently planned net of L place stations. Methodology is summarized for determining point positions at night by measuring horizontal angle of the polar star, and time observations measured by the azimuth of a southerly star. Two of the stations are north of 67° N two north of 68°, and two beyond 69°. The surveying computations are tabulated for each station. DGS. 90394. OLANDER, V. R. Astronomische Azimutbestimmungen auf den Dreieckspunkten in den Jahren 1938-1952. Helsinki 1958. 90 p. tables, map. (Finland. Geodetiska institutet. Julkaisuja no. 50.) 15 refs. In German. Title tr.: Astronomical azimuth determinations for the triangulation stations in the years 1938-1952. Includes tables of astronomical observe, tions for several stations north of 65° N in Finland, incl Vennivaara 66°32' N with observations in 1948 and later, Pallastunturi 68°4' N 1951, and Yllastunturi 67°33' N 1951. Map shows the projected net extending well into Lapland. DLC. 90395. OLANDER, V. R. General list of astronomical azimuths observed in 19201959 in the primary triangulation net. Helsinki 1965. 47 p. map, graph, tables. (Finland. Geodetiska institutet. Julkaisuja no. 60.) 23 refs. Contains, in addition to the list proper, information on the organization, instruments, methods, star coordinates, reduction to the mean pole, revision of 1920-1926 calculations, the list of the azimuths, and
the accuracy of the observations. Data are given in six tables, representing measurements from 194 triangulation stations, 11 in northern Finland. DLC. 90396. OLANDER, V. R. Vergleichende Azimutbeobachtungen mit vier Instrumenten. Helsinki 1960. 48 p. tables. (Finland. Geodetiska institutet. Julkaisuja no. 52.) 12 refs. In German. Title tr.: Comparative azimuth observations with four instruments. Includes summary review, p 35-43, of the installation of the first-order triangulation station in Kuusamo in 1956. This was in preparation for the extension of that network to northern Finland. Instrumentation sites are described. Technical details of instruments and the survey are given, and DLC. data tabulated. 90397. OLANDER, V. R. Das Vergrfisserungsnetz der Basis in Kuusamo. (Finland. Geodetiska institutet. Julkaisuja 1959. no. 51, p. 26-40, tables.) 5 refs. In German. Title tr.: The extension net of the base in Kuusamo. Presents summary of triangulation extension in eastern Finnish Lapland. This net extends from 66° N 29° E northward and westward to join the west Lapland net. The 5 km baseline of the Kuusamo net is in two sections, 2 and 3 km, with a 170.5° angle. Instruments, signalling system, and mathematical data are noted. Seven observation points are coordinated. Four are described. DGS. 90398. OELSNER, C. Seismoakustik, eine neue Messmethode fur die Gletschermechanik. (Polarforschung 1965. v. 6, no. 35, p. 19-27, graphs, map, illus.) 17 refs. In German. Title tr.: Seismo-acoustics, a new method for study of glacier mechanics. Describes preliminary results of this method, used in American and Russian mining, as tried for 20 days by the German Spitsbergen Expedition 1964-65 in study of Lovenbreane in the Kongsfjorden area. The artificial elastic waves are concluded promising for glacier study. DLC. 90399. OSTBYE, E. Development of thermoregulation in relation to age and growth Lemmus in the Norwegian lemming. lemmus L. (Nytt magasin for zoologi 1964— 65. v. 12, p. 65-75, tables, graphs.) 15 refs. Temperature of 115 adult animals in the wild, showed a range of 36.5-39.5° C. Temperature of laboratory-raised lemmings showed a nearly even rise in body temperature at 4-18 days of age, from 33.4 to
38.7° C, where it remained relatively constant. Exposure to 2° C for 30 min produced no hypothermia in 11-13-day olds. At that age their eyes open and they begin to leave the nest and forage. DLC. OESTERREICH, N., see No. 90035. 90400. OSTREM, G., and 0. LIESTOL. Glasiologiske undersOkelser i Norge 1963. (Norsk geografisk tidsskrift 1961-62 pub. 1964. v. 18, no. 7-8, p. 281-340, tables, graphs, maps, illus.) 31 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Reprinted in: Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Meddelelser 1964, no. 90. Title tr.: Glaciological investigations in Norway in 1963. Contains the 1962-63 accumulation and ablation measurements from ten glaciers, including BlAisen at 68°21' N 17°52' E and Storsteinsfjellbreen (Storsteinsfjellet 68°14' N 17°52' E), with the complete mass budget calculated and graphed. Work on each glacier and methods used are stated in some detail. The material balance was negative in most cases. Also included are a new map of the glaciation limit in south Norway and firn line measurements on 34 individual glaciers in the same part of the country. Mapping of all Norwegian glaciers is in progress; the BlAmannsisen (67°15' N 16°07' E)—Sulitjelma area map sheet is included as example. The great difference between glaciated areas as depicted by topographic maps and by these new maps is due to retreat of the glaciers, poor quality of the old maps, also to the fact that Norwegian topographic maps do not distinguish between areas of permanent snow and real glaciers. DLC. 90401. OSTREM, G. Ice-cored moraines in the Kebnekajse area. (Biuletyn peryglacjalny 1962, no. 11, p. 271-78, maps, graphs, illus.) 13 refs. Air photographs of this area in northern Sweden disclosed that the size and shape of the moraines do not correspond to the size of the adjacent glaciers; very large moraines occurring beside small glaciers and vice versa. The shapes of the moraine ridges suggest that they consist of ice cores covered by relatively thin layers of morainic material. Seismic and electric resistivity measurements indicate ice cores in many moraines, and map of such features is included. Crystallographic analysis of core samples of buried ice prove it to have been formed from snow in situ not from glacier ice. DLC. 90402. OSTREM, G. Ice-cored moraines in Scandinavia. (Geografiska annaler 1964.
v. 46, no. 3, p. 282-337, maps, graphs, tables, illus.) 42 refs. Describes three methods of identifying these moraines in southern Norway, in the Kebnekaise region of northern Sweden, and on the Barnes Ice Cap on Baffin Island, viz: photointerpretation, field measurements, and laboratory analyses. Preliminary experiments in the Tarfala valley of Kebnekaise in 1959 proved the reliability of the geo-electrical-resistivity method; the following summers, extensive measurements were made there, using this as well as seismic, pit-digging, and drilling methods. Detailed mapping of moraine ridges was carried out for the Kebnekaise, Storsteinsfjell (near Narvik), and the BlamannsisenSulitjelma areas. Results indicate that these ice-cored moraines were formed during periods when the glacier was stationary or slowly advancing over the crest of an end moraine. Parts of the morainic material may be mixed with snow and may form over-saturated layers; such layers may also be formed by re-freezing of percolating water. A thick moraine cover insulates and conserves the buried snow-bank ice, under conditions more easily established by short, broad, inactive glaciers, in a continentaltype climate. DLC. 90403. OSTREM, G. Ice crystals from an ice-cored moraine on Baffin Island, N.W.T. (Geographical bulletin 1964. no. 22, p. 7279, map, table, illus.) 10 refs. Explains the technique used for study of ice-cored moraines, in 1962 and 1963 field work in north-central Baffin by the Canadian Geographical Branch. A pit was dug in one of the morainic ridges parallel to the western edge of the Barnes Ice Cap, at 70° N 74°20' W; results of crystallographic studies of the buried ice are given. Its striking difference in crystal size from the glacier ice at the margin of the icecap suggests that the buried ice is not an old deposit of the glacier. Similar investigations in Scandinavia indicate that such buried ice can originate from snowbanks. DLC. 90404. OSTREM, G. A method of measuring water discharge in turbulent streams. (Geographical bulletin 1964. no. 21, p. 2143, graphs, tables, illus.) 18 refs. Describes first use in glaciological or geomorphic research of a simple method of measuring water discharge in turbulent rivers, developed in Norway about 30 yr ago. This so-called relative salt-dilution method was used in 1963 in studies of the Lewis River at the northeast corner of the Barnes Ice Cap in connection with the
North-central Baffin Island Survey by the Geographical Branch of the Canadian Dept of Mines and Technical Surveys. The theory and procedures of this method are given in detail and necessary field equipment is listed. Other methods are outlined, including the float, Pitot tube, current meter, colorimetric, etc. Complete mixing of the brine with the river water, also water temperature variations, are important factors, as is correct use of the pipette. DLC. 90405. OSTREM, G. Problems of dating ice-cored moraines. (Geografiska annaler 1965. v. 47, ser. A, no. 1, p. 1-38, maps, graphs, tables, illus.) 30 refs. Discusses results of radiocarbon datings and of analyses of pollen found in buried ice, as compared with a series of tritium datings on recent snowbank ice, from moraines in Jotunheimen in southern Norway, and the Kebnekaise area of northwest Sweden. Errors were caused mainly by contamination, and some other methods of checking the datings are noted. Ground temperatures were observed in some of the moraines and formation of the insulating till layers was studied in connection with the preservation of buried ice. Results to date suggest the feasibility of the radiocarbon method for dating the ice in icecored moraine ridges, if the buried ice is old snow-bank ice and if the influence of contaminations can be determined. Pollen analysis can also be used for dating the ice, if the variation with time in the pollen spectrum is known for the area. A till cover a few m thick seems enough to preserve the ice cores, many of which now thinly covered by till, must have survived warm periods; thus the till cover is believed previously to have been thicker. Moraines studied in the Kebnekaise area were from Tarfalaglacitiren and Isfallsglaciaren. DLC. 90406. OSTVEDT, 0. J. Catch, effort and composition of the Norwegian winter herring fishery. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et proces-verbaux 1963. v. 154, p. 109-117, tables, graphs.) 6 refs. Discusses changes in this fishery in the postwar period and the decline of catches after 1957. It is concluded that the diminishing catches are a result of a shrinking spawning stock caused by low recruitment, and not due to increased fishing effort. A shift to more northerly spawning grounds, possibly less favorable to the brood, constitutes another unfavorable factor. DLC.
90407. OSTVEDT, 0. J. The migration of Norwegian herring to Icelandic waters and the environmental conditions in May-June, 1961-1964. (Norway. Fiskeridirektoratet. Skrifter. ser. havundersOkelser 1965. v. 13, no. 8, p. 29-47, graphs, maps.) 21 refs. Reports study of the area north to east of Iceland. Temperature was measured at standard depths down to 500 m; zooplankton was collected by vertical hauls from 0-50 m, herring was located by vertical and horizontal detection instruments and its migration thus outlined. DLC. OSTVEDT, 0. J., see also Nos. 86504, 86505. 90408. OVERLAND, H. Fram til Fauske. (V&A yrke 1958. v. 10, no. 3, p. 50-51, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Forward to Fauske. Describes the route of the railroad from Saltdal north to Fauske, tunnels, underpasses, and the terminal facilities at Bod0 are noted. DLC. 90409. OVERLAND, H. Nordlandsbanen en etappe videre. (WA yrke 1955. v. 7, no. 6, p. 74-75, -I-, illus.) In Norwegian. Title tr.: The NorcUand railway a stage farther. Reports construction progress when more than half the line from Mo to Bod0 had been laid with rails. Tunnel lengths, changes in elevation along the road bed, problems of safety, etc are noted. DLC. 90410. O'FARRELL, T. P. Home range and ecology of snowshoe hares in interior Alaska. (Journal of mammalogy 1965. v. 46, no. 3, p. 406-418, tables, map, graph.) 17 refs. Describes experiment in live-trapping in a. 160—acre area approx 64°50' N 147°50' W, to study the life pattern and size of the home range of Lepus americanus macfarlani Merriam. Home range size averaged 14.5 acres with no significant difference for males, females, or males during the breeding season. Animals appeared more trap-shy in winter. The autumnal molt begun in Aug was completed by Nov 1, the vernal: Mar—mid-June. The breeding season lasted from mid-Mar to late June; the young attained adult weight in 90-120 days. Mortality was caused by predators and by hypoglycemic shock; the latter, called shock disease, is frequent among juveniles in the 200-300 gm weight class just after weaning, death occurs in June—Aug. Vegetation, temperature variations, precipitation, etc in DLC. the Fairbanks area are noted.
90411. O'FARRELL, T. P. The rabbits of Middleton Island, Alaska. (Journal of mammalogy 1965. v. 46, no. 3, p. 525-27, table.) Reports on the acclimatization of Orrictolagus cuniculus from a survey in Feb 1961 when the four domestic rabbits, three females and one male, released in 1954 had produced an estimated population of 3,6003,700, mainly on the northern half of the island. Many animals use FAA and Air Force buildings for cover, burrowing under structures and tunneling out under the vegetation cover. Roots of grasses, sedges and umbellifers are preferred food; bark and shoots of woody plants are little damaged. The original rabbits were white, five color phases are represented in the present stock: white, grey, grizzled, red, black. Mortality is high, and the population controlled by DLC. climate and restricted cover. OGILVIE, M. A., see No. 89715. 90412. OGNEV, S. I. Ocherki ekologii mlekopitafilshchikh. Moskva, Izd-vo Moskovskogo o-va ispytatelel prirody 1951. 253 p. tables, illus. (Materialy k poznaniili fauny i flory SSSR. Otd. zoologicheskil v. 26(41).) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Outlines of the ecology of mammals. Reviews the history of mammalian ecology in Russia and its current problems, and presents a survey of Soviet mammals, the number of their species, their use or harm to man. Their adaptations to different ecological conditions are described: life underground, on the steppe or desert; adaptations to arboreal, crawling and gliding life, and to flight; adaptation to life in water, on high mountains, and to nocturnal life. Coloration and environmental effects on it are dealt with, also the influence of mammals on the environment, nests, burrows, etc; hibernation and estivation, molt, migration, distribution dynamics, social life, reproduction, development and growth, food. Practically all mammals of the far North are considered in one aspect or another, the seals, walrus, beluga, etc, polar bear, arctic fox, hare, beaver, reindeer, etc; and many are illus in black and white, or in color. DLC. 90413. OGORODOV, N. V., and N. N. KOZBEMAICA. Osobennosti geomorfologii Sredinnogo khrebta Kamchatki i ego (In: geomorfologicheskoe ralonirovanie. Akademie nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. vulkanologii. Chetvertichnyi vulkanizm .. 1965, p. 29-39, map.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geomorphic features of the Sredinnyy Range of Kamchatka and its geomorphic zoning.
Describes this central range about 900 km long and 40-130 km wide. Its tectonic structure, relief, volcanic activity and other features are discussed. A general plan of its geomorphic divisions is proposed and explained. The central massif and the central Kamchatka volcanic region are distinguished and divided into several zones. CaMAI. 90414. OGORODOV, N. V. Vulkanicheskil konus ftrzhnyl Cherpuk. (Akademiffi nauk SSSR. Lab. vulkanologii. Trudy 1962. no. 21, p. 45-49, map, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The volcanic cone Yuzhnyy Cherpuk. Describes this small cone of Ichinakiy volcano in the Sredinnyy Range of Kamchatka. Its lavas and pyroclastic material are characterized. Three groups of rocks are distinguished according to petrographic composition: olivine basalts, augite-hypersthene andesite-basalts, and hypersthene basalts. Their chemistry is described. History of Quaternary volcanism is sketched and Yuzhnyy Cherpuk shown to be of independent formation. DLC. OGORODOV, N. V., see also Nos. 88585, 90415. 90415. OGORODOVA, A. S., and N. V. OGORODOV. 0 raspredelenii rasseffinnykh elementov v nekotorykh chetvertichnykh lavakh Sredinnogo khrebta Kamchatki. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. vulkanologii. Sovremennyl vulkanizm .. Moskva 1964, p. 84-88, table.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of trace elements in some Quaternary lavas of Sredinnyy Ridge of Kamchatka. Reports results of a study of about 15 trace elements in Quaternary lavas of the Kozyrevka, Bystraya and Tigil' interfluves. Copper, cobalt, nickel, chromium, vanadium, titanium, etc are found in all the lavas. The gallium content is found above and, all the others below the abundance ratio in the lithosphere. This type of study is important for determination of lava age. DLC. 90416. OGORODOVA, A. S. Raspredelenie i povedenie gallica v sovremennykh vulkanicheskikh porodakh i porodakh, podvergshilchsfa metamorfizmu. (Bffilleten' vulkanologicheskikh stan(sil 1964. no. 38, p. 66-70, tables.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution and behavior of gallium in the recent volcanic rocks and in rocks affected by metamorphism. Recently extruded lavas of the lateral vents of Klyuchevskiy and Bezymyannyy
Volcanoes, and rocks affected by hydrothermal activities of Pauzhetka and Nizhnyaya Paratunka hot springs in Kamchatka and in areas of Ebeko Volcano in the Kurils, were studied by quantitative spectral analysis. Data on amount of gallium, ranging 0.0007-0.0032% in recent rocks and between 0.0003 and 0.0044% in rocks affected by hydrothermal activity, are tabulated and discussed. DLC. 90417. OGORODOVA, A. S. Raspredelenie rasseffinnykh elementov v chetvertichnykh lavakh i mineralakh Sredinnogo khrebta Kamchatki. (In: Akademiffi nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. vulkanologii. Chetvertichnyl vulkanizm . 1965, p. 98103, tables, graphs.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of trace elements in the Quaternary lavas and minerals in the Sredinnyy Range of Kamchatka. Reports a semi-quantitative study of 24 trace elements (Be, Pb, Co, Ni, Mo, Cr, Ba, Sr, Ti, and others) in over 500 samples of Quaternary lavas; 112 samples were tested for mercury and boron as well. Mercury was present in some but not all; boron was found in basalts and andesites. Distribution of the trace elements, is reported. CaMAI. 90418. OGUTI, T. Geomagnetic bay disturbance and simultaneous increase in ionospheric absorption of cosmic radio noise in the auroral zone. (Japan. Science Council. Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan 1963. v. 17, no. 4, p. 291301, table, graphs.) 9 refs. Studies ionospheric absorption of cosmic radio noise and associated geomagnetic disturbance. From analysis of data on these phenomena obtained at College for Pt Barrow, Ft Yukon, College, Farewell, and King Salmon, a systematic numerical relationship between the excessive absorption and the magnitude of geomagnetic disturbance was revealed to be in the ratio All/ AA ± 280 ± 50 7/db for the daytime. Graphical examples are given of the latitude profile of cosmic radio noise absorption over Alaska, the diurnal variation of ratio of geomagnetic disturbance magnitude to associated ionospheric absorption at College, and the correlation between daytime and nighttime ionospheric absorpl tion and geomagnetic disturbance at College. DLC. 90419. OGUTI, T. Inter-relations among the upper atmosphere disturbance phenomena in the auroral zone-II spiral pattern of the polar aeronomical disturbances. (Japan. Science Council. Report of lone-
sphere and space research in Japan 1962. v. 16, no. 4, p. 363-86, graphs, illus.) 38 refs. Summarizes spiral patterns of polar aeronomical disturbances, such as loci of geomagnetic activity, max occurrence of sporadic layer Es in the ionosphere and blackout, max appearance of ordinary green aurora, and auroral hydrogen emission. The physical origin of these spiral disturbance patterns is examined. Formation of a real spiral pattern is found to be a case of polar blackout, due to direct precipitation of energetic protons; the apparent spiral pattern of many other polar disturbances is concluded to be no more than a part of an elliptic or oval type locus considerably shifted towards the night side and caused by precipitation of a part of particles from those trapped in the cavity. DLC. 90420. OGUTI, T. Magnetospheric general circulations and current-systems of geomagnetic disturbance in high latitudes. (Japan. Science Council. Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan 1964. v. 18, no. 2, p. 109-121, graphs.) 16 refs. Examines a possibility of the electric field in the polar ionosphere as being responsible for the geomagnetic variation at the quiet stage of the storm SP' and disq turbance in daily variation, SD as being produced by general circulation of magnetospheric plasma. The general magnetospheric circulation of the fundamental mode would produce an electric field in the polar ionosphere which would be responsible for the current system corresponding to SP' the polar part of SC (sudden commencement) and the polar part of the initial stage of geomagnetic storms. The circulation of the second harmonic mode would result in an electric field which would produce SD electric current system. The magnetospheric plasma circulation depends on the orientation of the earth with respect to the solar wind. DLC.
Reviews the geology of potential oil and gas areas in northern Canada, including the Sverdrup Basin, Porcupine Basin, Eagle Plains, Peel Plateau and Plain, etc. Devonian and older Paleozoic rocks of Mackenzie District are correlated in a table. Similarities between geologic features of the Sverdrup Basin and those of the US Gulf Coastal Plain, improvements in exploration techniques, and expanding knowledge of the area, favor oil and gas development in the North. A 500-mile trip on the tug Radium Yellowknife towing nine barges, is described, noting navigation hazards of the Mackenzie River and Great Slave Lake. Construction of a winter road from Great Slave Lake to Fort Good Hope, and possibly Inuvik by Calgary Exploration Services is noted; it will double the length of the freighting season. DLC. 90422. OJAKANGAS, R. W. Petrography and sedimentation of the Precambrian Jatulian quartzites of Finland. Otaniemi 1965. 74 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. (Finland. Geologinen Tutkimuslaitos. Bulletin no. 214.) 89 refs. Presents results of a study of these quartzites, metamorphosed some 1800 MY, and widely distributed in the Karelian schist belt of eastern and northern Finland. The original sandstones had an initial distribution over an area of about 400,000 km2. They were mainly clayey orthoquartzites, clayey subarkoses and clayey arkoses. The clayey matrix has been recrystallized into mica; zircon is the only abundant nonopaque detrital heavy mineral; most other heavy minerals were formed during metamorphism. Source rocks were mainly granitic with indeterminate proportions of granites and gneisses. The various stages and factors in the sedimentation process are outlined; environmental conditions required for formation of the quartz-rich sands probably existed briefly; thus the remaining quartzites are about the same age. Half of the dozen sample areas are in northern Finland. DLC.
()GUT', T., see also No. 88361. O'HAGAN, R. M., see Nos. 88672, 91995. OHGA, A., see No. 85059. OHSUMI, S., see No. 90458. OHTHERE, see No. 91281. 90421. OIL WEEK. The North, last frontier for oil in North America. (Its: v. 15, 1964. no. 34, p. 32-56, maps, tables, illus.) 68 refs.
90423. OKLADNIKOV, A. P. Arkheologicheskie raskopki v ratone Khabarovska. (Voprosy geografii Dal'nego Vostoka 1963. no. 6, p. 255-82, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Archeological excavations in the Khabarovsk area. Describes 1959 finds shedding. light on Tungus ethnogenesis and diffusion: an Amur-Tungus culture of the first millennium BC and a Gold settlement of the 17th century AD. DLC.
90424. OKLADNIKOV, A. P. Drevnee poselenie v bukhte Pkhusun. (Akademifft nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Drevniafa Sibir' 1964, no. 1, p. 73-83, illus.) In Russian. English translation in Arctic anthropology 1965, v. 3, no. 1, p. 69-76. Title tr.: Ancient settlement in Pkhusun Bay. Describes the inventory of this neolithic site in the Maritime Province and compares it to analogous finds in the Lena and Kolyma basins. Cultural and ethnic links with the north are indicated and origin of the culture sought in the Continental neolithic of Yakutia. DLC. 90425. OKLADNIKOV, A. P. Mezoliticheskie nakhodki u sela Razdol'nogo v Primor'e, 1953-1963 gg. (AkademiM nauk SSSR. Inst. arkheologii. Materialy i issledovanifa po arkheologii SSSR 1965. v. 130, p. 62-65, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mesolithic finds near the village Razdol'noye in the Maritime Province, 1953-1963. Discusses mesolithic and paleolithic ties between the Maritime-Amur region and the New World. American finds are coeval or older than Siberian; Mongolian and Maritime sites contain traces of still older cultures. Initial occupation of America by Asiatic tribes in the upper Pleistocene is suggested: across the Soviet Far East and the Bering Strait area, following now submerged river basins and continental bridges. DLC.
Archeological and historical sequences are traced through some 15-20 thousand yr. Ties with Kamchatka and Magadan Province as far north as Chukotka are indicated and the importance of the Okhotsk-Amur region as cradle of Tungus and Paleosibetian cultures noted. Foreign interest in the area is indicated by footnote references to translations and reviews of Russian DLC. works. 90428. OKLADNIKOV, A. P. The Soviet Far East in antiquity: an archaeological and historical study of the Maritime Region of the U.S.S.R. Toronto, Univ. of Toronto Press 1965. 280 p. maps, illus. (Arctic Inst. of North America. Anthropology of the North: translations from Russian sources no. 6.) Approx. 150 refs. Translation of No 81797 by E. and S. Dunn and P. Tolstoy; edited by H. N. Michael. Author's work in the area since 1959 is reviewed in the editor's preface. DLC. OKLADNIKOV, A. P., see also Nos. 88516, (English translations of Nos. 36588, 53731) 89871. OKOLOV, V. F., see No. 85496. OKSALA, T., see No. 88323.
90426. OKLADNIKOV, A. P. Olen' zolotye roga. Leningrad, Izd-vo iskusstvo 1964. 239 p. map, illus. 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Deer with golden antlers. Popular account of the author's search for prehistoric cliff drawings including sites on the upper Angara and Lena Rivers. The stylistic changes in rendering animal and human figures, techniques for incising and coloring petroglyphs of the late paleolithic to 17-18th century Tungus are discussed. Religious and shamanistic scenes are interpreted according to cosmological myths and hunting rites of the Tungus, Yakuts, Samoyeds, etc. Ethnogenetic and historical clues are evaluated. DLC.
90429. OKSMAN, J., and E. KATAJA. Geophysical effects of nuclear explosions at Sodankylii. Helsinki 1962. 28 p. tables, graphs. (Suomalainen tiedeakatemia. Toimituksia ser. A. VI: Physics no. 115.) 13 refs. Presents detailed analyses of the seismic, microbarographic, ionospheric, and geomagnetic observations at Sodankylit following the Sept—Oct 1961 nuclear explosions on Novaya Zemlya about 1200 km distant. The original records are reproduced and discussed. Arrival time, speed and nature of ground waves, subsonic sound waves between ground and stratopause, ionospheric irregularities and gravitational effects are summarized. Analysis of world-wide ionospheric data, f-plots, and ionograms is necessary for a complete understanding of these phenomena. DGS.
90427. OKLADNIKOV, A. P. Sovetskil Dal'nil Vostok v svete novelshikh dostizhenil arkheologii. (Voprosy istorii 1964. v. 39, no. 1, p. 44-57.) 40 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Soviet Far East in the light of latest archeological finds. Summarizes results of field work since 1953 in the Amur and Maritime Provinces.
90430. OKSMAN, J., and M. KIVINEN. Ionospheric gravity waves caused by nuclear explosions. (Geophysics 1965. v. 9, no. 2, p. 119-29, graphs.) 11 refs. Reports ionospheric observations at Nurmijiirvi and Sodankylii, Finland, following the Russian nuclear test on Novaya Zemlya Sept 19, 1962. At Nurmijitrvi rapid
panorama recording was running on the day of the explosion, and ionograms at 80-sec intervals are available. A schematic ionogram illustrating the cusp-type disturbances is given. Striking ionospheric waves similar to but stronger than normal gravity waves were observed; four of these appeared to travel in the F region, causing concentrations and rarefactions in electron density. The observed period of the waves was 40 min and appeared to increase directly with distance from the site of the explosion. DLC. 90431. OKSMAN, J., and G. ROSE. Studies on the auroral ionosphere with the aid of vertical and oblique soundings combined with field strength measurements. Helsinki 1963. 24 p. graphs, map. (Suomalainen tiedeakatemia. Toimituksia ser. A. VI: Physica no. 138.) 12 refs. Field strength measurements of a continuous-wave transmitter in the KemiSodankyla (Finland) circuit are compared with similar measurements in two other circuits, as well as with vertical and oblique ionospheric pulse soundings at Sodankyla and Kemi respectively. The anomalous D-region winter absorption is shown to be higher in northern than southern latitudes. Other factors influencing the field strength in an auroral zone circuit are scattering from diffuse layers, moving gradients in the F ionization and moving Es patches at night. Besides D-region absorption, non-deviative losses in the E-region must be taken into account. The auroral zone absorption and polar cap absorption events are not considered in this study. DLC. 90432. OL', A. I. Ob 11-letnem aiklicheskom izmenenii ma.gnitnoI vozmushchennasti. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 16, p. 55-62, tables, graphs.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The 11-year cyclic change in magnetic disturbance. Discusses in some detail the planetary K-indices of a magnetic disturbance introduced and summarized by Bartels in 1938 and 1962 respectively. With the Bartels indices, the phenomena of aurora and magnetic disturbances were investigated for the 75-yr period 1885-1960. The auroras were found to exhibit a much sharper distinction between the anomalous and normal cycles than did the magnetic disturbances. Index z Kp was found to be a more universal index of a magnetic disturbance than a U-unit, characterizing the frequency and intensity of a storm. The ratio of summer day and night disturbances in polar regions follows the ratio of the Wolf
number to the storm frequency, Sc. A certain relationship exists between daily disturbances recorded at Cape Chelyuskin and Dikson Island. CaMAI, DLC. OL', A. I., see also No. 93214. OLDFIELD, E., see No. 84768. 90433. OLEINIKOV, B. V., and others. Nikel'geksagidrit novy1 mineral. (Vses. mineralogicheskoe o-vo. Zapiski 1965. v. 94, no. 5, p. 534-47, tables, graphs.) 17 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S. L. Shvaraev, N. T. Mandrikova and N. N. Olelnikova. Title tr.: Nickelhexahydrite, a new mineral. Describes a mineral found in 1959 in the Severnyy mine, Noril'sk I region. Its mode of occurrence, physical properties and chemical composition are described. It contains nickel, iron, magnesium and copper. X-ray, thermal and spectral analyses are also reported. This mineral is not a variety of retgersite. Its formation conditions are analyzed. DLC. OLEINIKOV, B. V., see also No. 93273. OLEINIKOVA, N. N., see No. 90433. 90434. OLEKHNIK, V. N. Sil'nye vetry po reke Lene of tAkutska do Tiksi. (Vladivostok. Dal'nevostochnyl n.-issl. gidrometeorologicheskil inst. Trudy 1965. no. 19, p. 99-119, tables, graph, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: Strong winds over the Lena River from Yakutsk to Tiksi. Reports an investigation of winds of 6 and more force on the Beaufort scale, based on analysis of data from the stations at Yakutsk, Batamay, Sangar, Zhigansk, Dzhardzhan, Kyusyar and Tiksi. Wind force and direction are reported in relation to the relief of area. From analysis of synoptic processes eight types of bark conditions are established which help the foreDLC. casting of strong winds. 90435. OLENEV, A. M. Ural i Novara' Zemlfa. Moskva, Izd-vo Mysl' 1965. 215 p. maps, illus. 67 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Ural and Novaya Zemlya. Gives a comprehensive account of this extensive area, describing the geologic structure, mineral resources, relief, climate, glaciation and permafrost, hydrography, soils, vegetation and animal life. The natural regions are distinguished as arctic tundra, taiga, forest-steppe, and steppe. Glacial northern Novaya Zemlya, and Vaygach Island, Yugorskiy Peninsula and
Pay-Khoy, the Polar Ural, and other areas are included. Appended are lists of animals, DLC. plants, and geographic names. 90436. OLENEV, V. G. K voprosu o prfamom i kosvennom vlifanu dikovanit na chislennost' pesaov. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Ural'skil filial. Inst. biologii. Trudy 1965. no. 38, p. 29-31.) In Russian. Title tr.: Direct and indirect effects of distemper on the number of arctic foxes. In a circumscribed area (the Yary hunting co-operative on Baydaratskaya Bay), with the number of foxes well known to the author, an epizootic broke out in Nov 1955 reducing the number by one quarter. A precipitous further drop in numbers took place in 1956 as nearly all females became sterile. DLC.
the Upper Pleistocene than at present due to glacial denudation. Effects of volcanoes on glaciated areas are also briefly summarized. DLC. 90439. OLMNIN, V. N. Nekotorye voprosy geomorfologii Karachatki, svfilzannye s geomorfologicheskim ralonirovaniem. (In: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. Prirodnye usloviR . . . 1963, p. 64-68, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some geomorphology problems of Kamchatka connected with geomorphic zoning. Reports a 1959-1960 study in the central Kamchatka depression and Avacha basin. Accumulative and other forms of relief studied are briefly characterized as to lake and river terraces, aqueo-glacial, lacustrine and volcanic deposits, their distribution and forms. DLC.
OLESEN, J. K., see No. 88236. 90437. OLESON, T. 3. Early voyages and northern approaches 1000-1632. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart 1963. 211 p. maps, illus. (Canadian centenary series no. 1.) Approx. 350 refs. Presents a chronological survey of the early history of the area now Canada. The first part briefly outlines possible western explorations by the Icelandic settlers of Greenland, based on the sagas. The second part sets forth the main thesis of the book: that the intermixture of Icelandic settlers (Tunnits) with the aborigines of Greenland and the Canadian Arctic (Skraelings of the Dorset culture) formed the Thule culture; it spread westward and from it all present Eskimos are descended. This theory, based extensively on the writings of Jon Duason, challenges a considerable body of archeological research. The third section shows the historical perspective of the Canadian Arctic in the medieval Europe and recounts the voyages of the Elizabethan explorers in search of the Northwest Passage. Reviewed by G. Rowley in Beaver summer 1964, p. 56. CaOGB. 90438. OLrUNIN, V. N. Drevnee oledenenie i molodol vulkanizm Kamchatki. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Izvestila 1965, ser. geog. no. 1, p. 79-84, map.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ancient glaciation and recent volcanism of Kamchatka. Reports on the geomorphic investigations in Kamchatka started in 1959. Their results on the distribution and forms of Upper Pleistocene glaciation are described and mapped. The glaciers and their direction particularly in the Sredinnyy Range are outlined. Present volcanoes were lower in
90440. OLIVER, D. R. A limnological investigation of a large arctic lake, Nettilling Lake, Baffin Island. (Arctic 1964. v. 17, no. 2, p. 69-83, map, tables.) 30 refs. Reports physical and chemical data obtained from a 1956 survey of this lake in south-central Baffin. Its geographical location, morphometry, ice, temperature, and transparency are outli ned, also its oxygen and mineral content. Fish, bottom fauna, and plankton crustaceans collected are listed, including some new to the Nearctic and some northernmost records. Thermal conditions in arctic lakes are discussed, as are differences between the two morphological regions of Nettilling, and restricted distributions of some of its organisms. DLC. 90441. OLIVER, D. R., and others. Studies on arctic insects: the Lake Hazen Project. (Canadian entomologist 1964. v. 96, no. 1-2, p. 138-39.) Other authors: P. S. Corbet and J. A. Downes. Also pub. as: Canada. Dept. of Agriculture. Entomology Research Inst. Studies on arctic insects no. 7. Notes on this location on northeast Ellesmere Island, the relative richness of fauna and flora in the area due to stable and favorable summer temperatures; entomological and other studies in the area; general DLC. aspects of the insect community. OLIVER, D. R., see also No. 91486: 90442. OLIVERIO, A., and L. STJARNE. Acceleration of noradrenalino turnover in the mouse heart by cold exposure. (Life sciences 1965. v. 4, no. 23, p. 2339-43, graph.) 14 refs.
Studies whether noradrenaline (NA) synthesis in mice exposed to cold can be accelerated by increased nerve activity. Since even the severest tolerable cold exposure accelerated the NA disappearance rate, at most 2- 3-fold, it is concluded that other stimulation is needed to produce maximum activity. DLC. 90443. OLLI, I. A. Nefteproizvodfashchie svity mezozoTskikh otlozhenil Vilffilskol sineklizy i Priverkholanskogo progiba. (Geologia i geofizika 1965, no. 5, p. 156-60.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Oil-producing series of Mesozoic deposits in the Vilyuy syneclise and Verkhoyansk downwarp. Reports study of the Mesozoic deposits by luminescence microscope: Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous are analyzed and the organic hydrocarbon, chloroform bitumen, density and permeability of rocks deMost prospective are the termined. deposits in the central part of the Vilyuy syneclise and Verkhoyansk downwarp. Oilproducing series are characterized. Large deposits of oil and gas are anticipated. DLC. 90444. OLLI, I. A. Primenenie 11ffininesGentnol mikroskopli dlI. vyfavlenita epigenetichnoT i singenetichnol bituminoznosti porod. (Geologifil i geofizika 1964, no. 12, p. 119-23.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of luminescent microscopy for the determination of the epigenetic and syngenetic bituminosity of rocks. Reports use of this method for study of Mesozoic marine and continental deposits of central Yakutia. Collecting of samples, use of luminescent microscopes, preparation of petrographic thin sections, and other techniques are described. The method is valuable for determining the migration of bitumens and prospects of oil occurrences. DLC. OLLSTEIN, R., see No. 87776. 90445. OLSEN, I. Den engelske sOofficer (Atuagagdliutit: Gronlandsir Nares. sposten 1964. v. 104, no. 9, p. 27.) In Danish and Eskimo. Title tr.: The British naval officer Sir George Nares. Biographical sketch of the leader of the British Arctic Expedition in 1875-1876 (No 12026A-12028). As a young officer Nares took part in the Franklin search on board the Resolute, and had charge of several hydrographio expeditions to various parts of the world, including the Antarctic. CaMAI, DLC.
90446. OLSEN, I. InspektOren, der standsede ulovlig, engelsk hvalfangst. (Atuagagdliutit: GrOnlandsposten 1964. v. 104, no. 16, p. 26-27.) In Danish and Eskimo. Title tr.: The inspector who stopped illegal English whaling. Biographical note on the Norwegian Borg° Johan Schultz, 1764-1826, inspector in North Greenland 1790-1797, who took effective measures against British whalers exploiting Greenlanders in trade and landing in Greenland without permission. Local whaling improved thereafter. Schultz founded several settlements to further trade and he had a medical officer appointed in the North forty yr before south Greenland had one. CaMAI, DLC. 90447. OLSEN, I. Det norske helle- og torskefiskeri ved GrOrdand begyndte at tage fart i 1924. (Atuagagdliutit: GrOnlandsposten 1963. v. 103, no. 1, p. 14-15.) In Danish and Eskimo. Title tr.: The Norwegian halibut and cod fisheries off Greenland began to expand in 1924. Reviews the 1924 patrol of West Greenland territorial waters by the Danish naval inspection vessel Islands Falk, which encountered and warned or arrested numerous Norwegian whalers and fishing vessels. Every summer since, except in the war years, an inspection vessel has been stationed in these waters. CaMAI, DLC. 90448. OLSEN, I. Saareren Jens Munk. (Atuagagdliutit: GrOnlandsposten 1964. v. 104, no. 19, p. 15, 28.) In Danish and Eskimo. Title tr.: The navigator Jens Munk. Biographical note on this Danish explorer who led several hunting expeditions to the Arctic Ocean and an expedition to Novaya Zemlya in 1610. He founded the first whaling company in Denmark in 1617. In 1619 he set out in search of a northwest passage. The party wintered at the mouth of Churchill River but only Munk and two others survived to return to Europe. Munk's account of the expedition was pub as Navigatio Septentrionalis, Copenhagen 1624, and translated into English in the Hakluyt Society's Publications no 97, London, 1897. CaMAI, DLC. 90449. OLSEN, I. SOulykker i gronlandske farvande. (Atuagagdliutit: GrOnlandsposten 1963. v. 103, no. 10, p. 20-21.) In Danish and Eskimo. Title tr.: Accidents at sea in Greenland waters. Contains account of some shipwrecks off West Greenland during 1723-1892. CaMAI, AI, DLC.
90450. OLSEN, J. Hvorfra stammer Jordens magnetisme? (Naturens verden 1964. v. 48, no. 12, p. 353-64, maps, illus.) In Danish. Title tr.: What is the origin of the earth's magnetism? Discusses evidence of change in the earth's magnetic field, the nature of its non-solid inner portion whose surface may be the basis of the magnetic field, and beds of clay, sandstone, and lava with magnetic particles variously oriented with respect to their age. Change in polarity from north to south requiring 10,000 yr, may have occurred five times since the beginning of Tertiary time. During the Permian there was no change in polarity, though there were reversals before and after. Factors in a theory to explain reversal of polarity are considered as are energy sources which activate changes in the magnetic field. Wandering of the astronomical North Pole may possibly be accounted for by the magnetic field having remained stable with respect to the earth's core while continental drift occurred at the surface. Investigations of the Upper Mantle Project are noted. DLC. 90451. OLSEN, J. C. Embryonic and alevin development of the sockeye salmon. (Washington (State) Univ. College of Fisheries. Research in fisheries 1963 pub. 1964. Contribution no. 166, p. 11-13, table, graph, illus.) Reports laboratory study of early Oncorhynchus nerka development under different temperature conditions. Findings are projected to development in Iliamna Lake where such study is not feasible under natural conditions. DLC. 90452. OLSEN, 0. W., and E. T. LYONS. Life cycle of Uncinaria lucasi Stiles, 1901 (Nematode: Ancylostomatidae) of fur seals, Callorhinus ursinus Linn., on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska. (Journal of parasitology 1965. v. 51, no. 5, p. 689-700, illus.) 17 refs. Reviews earlier studies and deals with the three life phases of these hookworms: the eggs and free-living third-stage larvae of the soil, the tissue phase, third-stage larvae living chiefly in the blubber of adult seals, and the intestinal phase of fourth-stage larvae, young and adult worms living in young pups. The avenues of infection are described. DLC. 90453. OLSEN, S. Abundance estimates of Barents Sea capelin. (Norway. Fiskeridirektoratet. Skrif ter. ser. havundersOkelser 1965. v. 13, no. 8, p. 76-82, tables, graphs.) 3 refs.
Attempts to estimate the decline in size of this capelin population, noted since 1961 through analysis of market and experimental catches. It is concluded that the magnitude of catch is mainly determined by the size of the stock. DLC. OLSEN, S., see also Nos. 86627, 86740. OL'SHANSKAIA, 0. L., see No. 92739. 90454. OLSON, D. P. Differential vulnerability of male and female canvasbacks to hunting. (North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 30th. Transactions 1965, p. 121-35, tables, graph, illus.) 13 refs. Reports observations on responses to decoys of some four thousand of these ducks, and as they flew over shooting passes in southern Manitoba during Sept-Oct 1960. Adult females and juveniles were markedly more vulnerable to hunting over decoys and over passes than males. The latter flew higher and crossed without turning; females and young circled more over the passes and generally were more active. These and some other differences caused an excess of male population. DLC. OLSSON, I. U., see No. 85667. 90455. OLTMAN, F., and others. Air University Library, and Arctic, Desert, Tropic Information Center . . . (Special Libraries Association. Geogr. and Map Division. Bulletin 1965. no. 59, p. 10-13.) Refs. 13-19th in a series on the libraries and literature of cold and cold regions. Contains brief outlines of library holdings, research activities, and publications of the USAF Air Univ Library, also the large collection of unpublished material at the ADTIC at Maxwell Field, Ala. A. Wagoner describes the IGY document file on the Arctic and Antarctic maintained at the National Academy of Sciences; M. C. Brewer the facilities and program of the Arctic Research Laboratory at Point Barrow, Alaska, a facility of the US Navy operated by the Univ of Alaska; E. S. Dodge the manuscripts and published material relating to early voyages in the Arctic and Antarctic at the Peabody Museum of Salem, Mass.; R. C. Stewart the mass of correspondence from explorers and scientists in the William Herbert Hobbs library of the Univ of Michigan; P. H. Johnson remarks on the Arctic and Antarctic resources in the library of the US Coast Guard Academy at New London, Conn. M. M. Ledden mentions the 350
volumes on the polar regions within the New York State Library of Albany. DLC. 90456. OMHOLT, A. Observations and experiments pertinent to auroral theories. (Planetary and space science 1963. v. 10, p. 247-62.) 90 refs. Reviews results of observations pertinent to theories of auroral primary particles in space. The types of proton aurora produced solely by protons, and the electron aurora produced largely by electrons are suggested; the latter considered responsible for the main auroral forms. Information on the properties of the aurora-producing impact particles is analyzed. Comparison of auroral display occurrences at the conjugate points College in Alaska and Macquarie Island in the Antarctic confirms the assumption of a general correlation between auroral appearances in the north and south, both indicating interaction phenomena between solar streams and the geomagnetic field. But the detailed mechanisms leading to the impact of fast particles at a particular point are probably not symmetric with respect to the equatorial geomagnetic plane. In the study of auroral dynamics, it is concluded that although storage of particles in the radiation belt is intimately connected with auroras, they are probably not due to particles stored for any length of time in the earth's magnetic field, except perhaps during strong geomagnetic disturbances. A close connection is suggested between pulsations in auroral emission and geomagnetic micropulsations as supported by photometer DLC. records at Troms0. 90457. OMHOLT, A. Optical effects of particles. (In: Symposium on High Latitude Particles and the Ionosphere 1964. Proceedings 1965, p. 213-20, table.) 15 refs. Reviews current theories for excitation of optical aurora classified as polar glow, high red arcs, proton, and electron auroras. The general excitation and ionization by fast particles in the air, and the relation between luminosity and ionization in auroras are discussed. The nature of the ionizationproducing particles, and the rate of ionization in the air forming the ionosphere, the height distribution of auroral luminosity in it, and the energy and the pitch-angle of protons in auroras are considered. Typical absolute intensities of important auroral DLC. emissions are given in a table. 90458. OMURA, H., and S. OHSUMI. A review of Japanese whale marking in the North Pacific to the end of 1962, with some
information on marking in the Antarctic. (Norsk hvalfangst-tidende 1964. v. 53, no. 4, p. 90-112, maps, tables.) 11 refs. During 1949-1962, 3,343 whales were marked and 282 recovered in the North Pacific. The migrations are shown. Rate of recapture was 8.4% for all species together though individual species varied: blue whale 20.8, fin 17.2, sei including Bryde's 14.2, humpback 3.8, and sperm whale 5.3%. The longest interval between marking and recovery was 13 yr and 22% were caught within one yr. Data are tabulated. DLC. 90459. ONDOH, T., and H. MAEDA. Geomagnetic-storm correlation between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. (Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity 1962. v. 14, no. 1, p. 22-32, tables, graphs.) 15 refs. Studies this correlation through observations at College, Big Delta, and Murmansk simultaneously in the northern and conjugate stations in the Southern Hemisphere. IGY data on the temporal and storm-to-storm variations in the correlation was used. For both cases, the closer the observed pair of stations are to their conjugate points in the auroral zone, the better correlation exists between them. The geomagnetic-storm correlation between such stations is very good, being independent of the storm magnitude and its local time commencement. These findings suggest that the distant geomagnetic field is almost symmetric with respect to the geomagnetic DLC. equatorial plane. 90460. ONDOH, T. Ionospheric absorption of cosmic radio noise and chorus at the auroral zone. (Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity 1963. v. 14, no. 3, p. 133-43, graphs.) 54 refs. Relates ionospheric absorption of cosmic radio noise to chorus intensity, and establishes diurnal variations in this relationship for five geomagnetically quiet days, and five disturbed days. The storm-time variations in the relationship are from the College station data of Sept 1959—Dec 1960 in days of no polar-cap absorption. Theoretical works and the absorption observations are compared with geomagnetic pulsations at the auroral zone, and the variations in the cosmic noise absorption concluded to result from a precipitation of charged particles into the auroral zone. The chorus increase may be caused by an intensity increase of the charged particles precipitated into the ionosphere. DLC.
90461. ONDOH, T., and others. Studies on pre-SC polar ionosphere and HF radio propagation over polar paths. (Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity 1964. v. 16, no. 3, p. 201-209, table, graphs, map.) 9 refs. Other authors: K. Obu and Y. Takenoshita. Examines storm-time variations of the WWV 20 Mc/s field at Hiraiso, Japan by analyzing some fifty geomagnetic storms of Aug 1957—Feb 1959, recorded along the Washington-Winnipeg, Fairbanks-Wakkanai-Hiraiso radio path. Auxiliary data from the College station was also used. An abnormal increase of field intensity of WWV 20 Mc/s appears during an interval from 12 hr before a sudden commencement (SC) storm to a few hours after it. The stormtime variation of foF2 (critical frequency in F2 ionospheric layer) deviation from the monthly median was found also to show pre-SC enhancement for the corresponding storm-time interval at Winnipeg and Fairbanks. This close relation between the increase of field intensity and f0F2 deviation as precursors of SC suggest that pre-SC intensity increase of high frequency polar path signal may be useful for radio warning, especially during periods of minimum solar DLC. activity. 90462. ONDOH, T. VLF emissions and geomagnetic disturbances at the auroral zone, part II; chorus increases and geomagnetic pulsations of the auroral zone. (Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity 1962. v. 14, no. 2, p. 86-92, graphs.) 27 refs. Shows that chorus intensity increases are often accompanied by weak geomagnetic disturbances, such as pulsations of 1-6 min period. The relation of these pulsations and the auroral activities to chorus increases were studied statistically by use of normaland rapid-run magnetograms, chorus activity indices, and auroral radar activity indices of July 1959-Dec 1960 at College. During this period 79 increases of chorus indices occurred under relatively quiet geomagnetic conditions after bay-like disturbances. Of these increases, 52 were associated with 1-6 min geomagnetic pulsation periods, and 11 with about 30 sec The chorus increase may be periods. generated by the eerenkov instability resulting from the penetration of charged solar particles of 10' cm/sec speed into the DLC. outer exosphere. 90463. O'NEEL, C. M. Latouche. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 7, p. 22-23, illus.) Describes this copper mining camp in the
Prince William Sound area of Alaska, where the author was employed as electrician from 1917. Mining operations, mostly under the Kennecott Copper Corp, started in 1899 and ended with exhaustion of the ore in 1930. Living and working conditions are noted, as are possibilities of using the abandoned buildings for tourism, etc. DI. 90464. ONENKO, S. N. Luca chislitel'noe nanaTskogo ffizyka. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie, Izvestiffi 1965, no. 9, p. 112-20, table.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Numerals in the Gold language. Morphological, semantic, and syntactic study of cardinal, ordinal, numerant, collective, distributive, etc numbers. DLC. 90465. ONISHCHENKO, B. A. Novye dannye o stroenii i vozraste otlozhenil BugchanskoT vpadiny v gornoT sisteme Cherskogo. (Geologiffi i geofizika 1964, no. 10, p. 123-29, map, section) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on structure and age of deposits of the Bugchan depression in Cherskogo mountain system. Describes structure and tectonics of this depression in the upper Artyk and Delyankir basins. According to genetic signs, material composition and spore-pollen spectra, three local stratigraphic units are distinguished and each is characterized. Their age is considered Upper Pliocene—Lower Quaternary, old glacial and interglacial. DLC. 90466. ONISHCHENKO, B. A. Novye materialy k stratigrafii chetvertichnykh otlozhenil gornoT sistemy Cherskogo. (Akanauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 162, no. 1, p. 161-63.) In Russian. Title tr.: New materials on stratigraphy of Quaternary deposits of Cherskogo mountain system. Describes these deposits in three local series, each of which is analyzed and the lithologic properties and spore-pollen spectra described. Alluvial deposits of some terraces are also treated. Relicts of Recent glaciation are noted. DLC. 90467. ONOKHIN, F. M. Tektonicheskie osobennosti stroenifi Kukisvumchorrskogo apatitovogo mestorozhdenifi i nekotorye voprosy poiskov apatitovykh rud. (Sovetskafil geologia 1965, no. 7, p. 48-62, map, sections, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonic features of the structure of the Kukisvumchorr apatite deposits and some problems of apatite ore prospecting. Reviews recent mining work and drillings to 200-450 m depth. Tectonic structure of these deposits is analyzed. Three stages of
upthrust tectonic movements are characterized. Seven structural-tectonic joints are distinguished. Prospecting for apatite deposits should be conducted along new lines, according to tectonic prerequisites. DLC. 90468. ONTARIO. Dept. of Mines. Ontario mineral map. Toronto 1963. Map sheet 41 x 44 in. (Its: Map 2024, revised to Dec. 1961.) Shows on a scale of 1 mi principal mines and mineral occurrences overprinted on the political and geological subdivisions of the province. Precambrian rocks of the Canadian Shield are shown as granitic, and as volcanic, sedimentary, and intrusive rocks. Most mineral deposits occur in the latter group. Gold in some northern localities, and gypsum near Moose River Crossing, etc, are indicated, though most Northern Ontario mineral deposits are undeveloped. DGS.
For domestic buildings, prefabricated walls with thermal insulation and walls with the built-in window are recommended to lower cost. The recommended window area is 10-20% of the floor area. The exteriors should be painted in strong contrasting colors, and the interior in soft light tones, to reduce psychological tensions. Beams and wall joints of prefabricated buildings must withstand wind pressure up to 600 kg/me. DLC.
90469. ONTARIO. Dept. of Mines. Review of the Ontario Department of Mines 1963, 1964, 1965. Toronto 1964, 1965, 1968. 139, 156, 165 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. Refs. Annual review in two parts, one of the mining industry in pt 1, and the other of the activities of several units of the Department. Four of the seven gold mines in the Red Lake-Pickle Crow region showed increased production in 1963, though total provincial gold production declined each year. Department services include provincial mine rescue competitions at Red Lake; three geological field parties were working in Northern Ontario. DGS.
90471. ONUFRIEV, V. K., and others. Nekotorye osobennosti arkhitekturnykh i konstruktivnykh reshenil zdanil poliknykh stanfeil i vysokoshirotnykh ekspediaionnykh baz. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovania . . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 4, p. 90-105, illus.) In Russian. Other authors: A. I. Kostrov, K. V. Stepanov, V. N. Zigern-Korn and V. I. Rybakova. Title tr.: Certain architectural and structural design features of polar station buildings and high latitude expedition bases. Presents architectural and structural data on an eight-apartment building, a hostel for 10-20 persons, and an experimental dwelling unit of arbolite, all suited to arctic and antarctic conditions. A ratio of 1:1 (square) and 1:1.5 are recommended for length and width of the buildings as giving 5-9% economy on fuel. Planning of the interior layout, problems of natural and artificial illumination, structural variants and enclosing structures, construction of windows and outer doors, heating, ventilation, water supply, and sanitation are considered. CaON-B.
90470. ONUFRIEV, V. Konstruktivnye i arkhitekturnye osobennosti zhilykh zdanil. (Na strolkakh Rossii 1964. v. 5, no. 2, p. 23-24, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Structural and architectural features of domestic buildings. Notes the complexity and difficulty of building in the Far North because of the working season of only 1.5-2 mo a yr, spotty distribution of building sites, foundations in frozen ground and solid rock, high cost of transportation at 25-150 rubles/ton and labor at 3-10 times the wages in central USSR, as well as overhead expenses for sanitation, snow protection, etc. In designing housing for such regions special attention is required, as fire is very dangerous at low temperatures in isolated localities. Extra facilities and comforts are required in living quarters to compensate for the deficiency in ultraviolet radiation and the ill effects of monotonous landscape, polar night, etc.
90472. OORT, A. H. The climatology of the lower stratosphere during the IGY and its implications for the regime of circulation. (Archiv far Meteorologie, Geophysik and Bioklimatologie 1965. ser. A, v. 14, no. 3, p. 243-78, graphs, tables.) 36 refs. French and German summary. Presents observational data (cf infra) to establish a theory on the general circulation of the lower stratosphere, viz radiosonde observations of July 1957—June 1958 from nearly 240 selected Northern Hemisphere stations, at the 100, 50, and 30-mb levels. Time-mean values of the horizontal and vertical wind components, the temperature, and the height of the isobaric level, together with their variations, are computed for each station, the values plotted on polar maps, the maps analyzed, and gridpoints read at every 5° of lat and 10° of long from the equator to 80° N. Three-monthly mean statistics show that the large-scale eddies in
the 200 mb-30 mb layer transport both heat and momentum against the mean northsouth gradients of the respective parameters. There is no apparent source of energy for these eddies in situ and these stratospheric eddies must be maintained by interaction with adjacent layer circulation systems, probably in the troposphere. Comparison is made between the transport of angular momentum and heat by transient eddies in the lower and upper troposphere DLC. and the lower stratosphere. 90473. OORT, A. H. Direct measurement of the meridional circulation in the stratosphere during the IGY. (Archiv fur Meteorologic, Geophysik and Bioklimatologie 1964. ser. A, v. 14, no. 2, p. 131-48, maps, sections, tables.) 16 refs. French and German summary. Describes basic data, procedures used, and preliminary results of this study in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Planetary Circulations Project. Final results are given in the report supra. DLC. OOTES, J. J., see No. 90326. 90474. OPHEIM, M. Epagoge rneldi, species nova, from arctic Norway; notes on the Norwegian Tortricidae I, Lepidoptera. (Norsk entomologisk tidsskrift 1964. v. 12, no. 5-8, p. 179-82, illus.) 5 refs. Describes a male of a highly probable new moth, collected in Finnmark beyond 70° N. Related forms with their records and distribution are also considered. DLC. 90475. OPLESNINA, R. N. Prognoz vsplyvaemosti torfa pri zatoplenii Martitlshevskogo bolota. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestifil 1965. no. 10, p. 110-16, tables, map.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Forecast of flotation of peat under flooding of Martyushevskoye bog. Describes this 129 km° bog in the PechoraSevernaya Mylva interfluve. The climate and botanical characteristics are outlined, and chemical analysis is given. The peat is described in detail. Creation of the Ust'Voya water reservoir will flood this bog and the peat deposits will undergo flotation. DLC. 90476. ORANGE, M. The Bishop's band. (North 1964. v. 11, no. 6, p. 12-15, illus.) Describes the Grandin College Band, organized at Fort Smith, Mackenzie District by Bishop Fiche, who taught its members, mostly Indians, to play their instruments. Life at the college, construction of a new CaMAI. dormitory, etc are noted.
ORDWAY, J. F., see No. 85913. ORGANOVA, N. I., see No. 88707. ORLOFF, M. J., see No. 87674. 90477. ORLOV, F. B., and P. M. MALAKHOVETI. Luchshie sroki poseva khvolnykh na Severe. (Lesnoe khozelstvo 1965. v. 18, no. 12, p. 53-55, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: The best time for sowing conifers in the North. Reports 1961-1962 trials at a forest experimental farm in Arkhangel'sk Province, where seed was sown every 15 days May 15-Sept 1. Best results were from pine and spruce sown mid-June to end-July. DLC. ORLOV, F. B., see also No. 88733. 90478. ORLOV, ID. L., and B. I. PROKOPCHUK. Almazy iz ruslovykh otlozhenil r. Motorchuny, Prilenskaa almazonosnafa oblast'. (Akademifit nauk SSSR. Mineralogicheskil muzel. Trudy 1965. no. 16, p. 155-65, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Diamonds from the fluvial deposits of Motorchuna River, Lena diamond-bearing province. Reports a crystallographic study with five varieties of these diamonds distinguished and characterized: the colorless diamonds with an aureate-yellow tint; the diamonds, with bright-yellow, orange-yellow, greenishyellow and brown color; the cloudy opallike diamonds with milky-gray, black, yellow-greenish, and brown color; the darkgray and black diamonds; the polycrystalline growths of irregular form and grayish or grayish-cinnamon color. Luminescence properties of these diamonds are also briefly discussed. DLC. 90479. ORLOV, lb. I., and A. F. KARPEVICH. On the introduction of the commercial crab Paralithodes camtschatica Tilesins, into the Barents Sea. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et procbs-verbaux 1962 pub. 1965. v. 156, p. 59-61.) 2 refs. Describes the life history of the Bering Sea king crab, and the new habitat in the Barents Sea chosen for its transplantation, the many years of trials in transporting females from the Pacific, and in transporting and releasing young and hatched eggs into the Barents Sea. The first successful exDLC. periment was made in 1960. 90480. ORLOV, ft. L. Raznovidnosti kristallov i polikristallicheskikh srostkov almazov. (Akademiill nauk SSSR. Mine-
ralogicheskil muse!. Trudy 1965, no. 16, p. 141-54, tables, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Varieties of crystals and polycrystalline growths of diamonds. Classifies varieties of diamond crystals and crystalline growths according to form of growth, character of structure, light, luminescence properties and other features. Ten varieties of diamond crystals are distinguished and each is described and illus. Diamonds of Yakutia are frequently cited as examples. DLC. 90481. ORLOV, re. V. Mekhanizirovannyl ledovyl bur. (Leningrad. Gos. gidrologicheskil inst. Trudy 1963. no. 106, p. 13942, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Mechanical ice drill. Describes an electric drill capable of boring through ice up to 2 m thick. Drilling holes of 70 mm diam through ice 48-72 cm thick took 10-18 sec, 100 mm diam holes 30-80 sec. DLC.
of heat loss as computed by methods established for moderate climate areas should be increased for permafrost areas south of 60° N by 5.5%, by 6.5% between 60° N and the Arctic Circle, and north of that by 8%. CaMAI, DLC. 90484. ORLOV, V. A., and B. N. LEUS. K voprosu ob elektrifikaii byta v raTonakh Kralnego Severa. (Problemy Severs 1964. no. 10, p. 207-211, table, illus.) In Russian. Translation available from National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Electrification of housing in areas of the Far North. Discusses community warm water supply by electricity. Water heating for the individual apartment or house is considered, and the cost in Krasnoyarsk, Arkagala, Magadan and other areas is compared with that of coal heating. Methods of heating the water by electricity are outlined and advantages of contact and cable heating are CaMAI, DLC. noted.
90482. ORLOV, V. A. K voprosu o teplopotreblenii naselennykh meat v ralonakh rasprostranenha vechnomerzlykh gruntov. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytorn proektirovanifa . . . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 3, p. 22-34, tables, graphs, map.) In Russian. Title tr.: Heat consumption in settlements in permafrost regions. Discusses the relationship between the volume of heated buildings and weather harshness, i.e. the effect of outside temperature and wind speed upon maintenance of 18° C average inside during the three coldest months of the year. Observations at Noril'sk are used for calculating heat loss by buildings under different wind speeds and air temperatures. The absence of insolation effect during winter months is taken into consideration by adding 10% heat loss for buildings north and 8% for such south of 60° N lat. A graph for determination of external air infiltration into buildings is given in terms of weather harshness. CaONA.
90485. ORLOV, V. A. Primenenie elektricheskol energii dila bytovykh nuzhd. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu . . . 1961. Sbornik trudov pub. 1962, p. 217-21.) In Russian. Title tr.: Use of electricity for domestic purposes. Outlines the estimated requirement for household consumption in the Far North and Far East, including electric heating of living quarters and water. One to one-anda-half kwh/person is projected, 60-70% of it for heating housing, 20-25% for heating water. Present consumption in these regions is barely 12% of the optimum. A four-story 32-unit apartment building of serial type 447 S at Krasnoyarsk is used for pilot study of the efficiency of the electric installations, consumption rate and load distribution of electric power. Refrigerators centrally controlled and the Freon refrigerant system in the building are included. DLC.
90483. ORLOV, V. A. K voprosu o teplosnabzhenii naselennykh mest v raTonakh rasprostranenifa vechnomerzlykh gruntov. (Problemy Severs 1964. no. 10, p. 188-206, tables, illus.) In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Heat supply for settlements in areas of permafrost. Discusses heating systems using electricity, hot water or steam, taking into account the experience of Vorkuta, Noril'sk, Yakutsk, Mirnyy and Magadan. The amount
90486. ORLOV, V. I. 0 vozmozhnom podtoplenii severnykh ralonov ZapadnoSibirskol ravniny. (Problemy Severa 1965. no. 9, p. 235-49, maps, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Possible inundation of the northern regions of the West Siberian plain. Due to the continental climate, flat country, abundant ground water and loose deposits, these regions develop marshes on an unprecedented scale. Their reclamation is considered in two alternatives: one is systematic drainage of the groundwater; the other is construction of the lower Ob hydro-
electric station with a large reservoir. The latter by raising ground water level would turn the entire lower Ob area into marsh, with scattered islands of dry ground. Economic consequences of such an extent of marsh are pointed out and need to take it into account before planning is stressed. DLC. 90487. ORLOV, V. I. Osvoenie ZapadnoSibirskol ravniny. (Priroda 1965. v. 54, no. 5, p. 79-85, maps, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Exploitation of the West Siberian lowland. Discusses the topographic surveys of the middle Ob basin made with a view to future development of the region. Air photos are interpreted on schematic colored hachure maps depicting the physiography and vegetation: different stages of swamp formation, secondary lakes, erosion features, forest types, etc. Such maps are used in calculating the effect of drainage or flooding on the plant cover, in designing drainage systems for localities flooded in hydraulic engineering projects. They aid selection of lumbering sites, of areas for reforestation, of locations for peat extraction, other industrial and agricultural enterprises, and for roads, DLC. bridges, etc. 90488. ORLOV, V. N. SredniT vertikal'nyl gradient naprfazhennosti T normal'nogo geomagnitnogo polfa. (Geologifa i geofizika 1965, no. 5, p. 108-110, maps.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: The mean vertical gradient of stress T of the normal geomagnetic field. Reports on vertical gradients up to 15,000 km altitude over the region 85° S-85° N as evaluated at the Academy of Sciences' Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radiowaves, using spherical harmonic analysis and summation of six harmonics. The computed values were plotted in 7/km for 0-50 km alt. The vertical gradient values were found to be 367/km in the south and 30y/km in the north polar area; the geomagnetic equatorial band shows smaller values however, 8-157/ km. At 10,000-15,000 km the calculated vertical gradients are similar to those obtained by assuming the presence of a dipole. DLC. 90489. ORLOV,W. 0. K raschetu puchinistosti gruntov osnovanil pri proektirovanii meroprifiltiT protiv vypuchivanifa fundamentov. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Sovremeanye voprosy ... 1964, p. 186-93.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Estimates of
frost-heaving of the ground base in designing measures against heaving of foundations. Analyzes the cryogenic heaving of ground, and derives formulas for the tangential and normal components of the heaving force acting upon round, square, and quadrangular foundation plates. The estimates of heaving forces, and safe depth for laying a foundation are made on the assumption that ice formation in moist ground, and the heat expenditure in this process take place in the zone of freezing, and a definite value of temperature gradient in it, that conditions a dynamically balanced relationship of liquid water in the zone between the thawed and frozen ground. The obtained theoretical determination of heaving forces enables foundations to be laid at lesser depth in many cases, hence at substantial economy. DLC. 90490. ORLOV, V. 0. 0 raschete sil moroznogo puchenia gruntov. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanifa . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 2, p. 4154.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Estimation of the forces of frost heaving of ground. Develops a theory by which these forces can be determined prior to construction in regions of permafrost and deep seasonal freezing. The process of heaving is considered according to the hydrothermic potentials of the ground. As these change, the groundwater phases change, contributing to its migration. Beginning with the premise that the quantity of water in a layer of freezing ground depends on initial moisture and other physical-mechanical properties of the ground, as well as on the temperature regime under which the freezing process takes place, author derives formulas for the force which prevents foundation piles of various cross-section and anchoring systems from heaving with the heaving ground around it. These considerations formed the basis of the instructions for foundations on frost-heaving ground issued by the Igarka geocryological research station. CaON A. ORLOV, V. 0., see also No. 85314. ORLOV, V. P., see Nos. 84769, 86026. 90491. ORLOVA, E. P. Amulety (Akademill nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Drevnfaffi, Sibir' 1964, no. 1, p. 223-40, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Gilyak amulets. Sketches the animistic beliefs, spirit worship, shamanistic rites, etc practiced to the early 20th century by Gilyaks in the
Amur and Sakhalin areas. Magic, healthrestoring, and protective amulets collected by V. N. Vasil'ev and others in 1906-1912 are described, and their specific powers, care, DLC. feeding, etc discussed. 90492. ORLOVA, E. P. Chukotskala, kor&kskala, eskimosskara, aleutskafa reznee, kost'. Novosibirsk 1964. 111 p. illus. Approx. 75 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Chukchi, Koryak, Eskimo and Aleut bone carvings. Presents illus (67 plates) of carvings in the State Ethnographic Museum of the peoples of the USSR. Text analyzes the style of each of these four peoples, and gives information on each carving as to provenance, theme, ethnographic description, etc. The carvings are mostly work of the 17- early 20th century; some recent Chukchi carvings from the Uelen workshop are also included. DLC. 90493. ORLOVA, E. P. Nozhi gilffikov. (Akademiffi nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Drevniala Sibir' 1964, no. 1, p. 215-22, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Gilyak knives. Describes some 900 knives collected by the author in 1956-1957 and by V. N. Vasil'ev and G. A. Borisov in 1909-1910 among Gilyaks of the lower Amur region and Sakhalin Island. Specialized types are considered: women's knives for various stages of salmon processing, for skinning, fleshing, garment making, etc, men's knives for different hunting and wood working purposes. All derive from the 19- early 20th century and have fallen into disuse since introduction of the collective farm system in DLC. 1930. ORLOVA, M. P., see No. 88963. 90494. ORLOVA, V. V. Climate of the USSR, issue 4, western Siberia. WrightPatterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Air Force Systems Command 1964. 389 p. maps, graphs, tables. English translation of No 74541. CaMAI. 90495. ORLOVA, Z. V. Sporovo-pyraevye spektry allf wife sovremennykh rechnykh poim Zapadnol Chukotki i ikh stratigraficheskoe znachenie. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 154, no. 2, p. 344-47, illus.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Spore-pollen spectra of alluvium of present floodplains of rivers in western Chukotka and their stratigraphic importance. Reports results on 12 sections of deposits in the Ichuveyem, Keveyem, Itauchuvan
(Rauchua) and other river valleys. The six kinds of spore-pollen spectra found are described, and the predominant plants noted. Two spectra represent a warmer climate than the present, two others a colder and humid climate, and two a cold dry climate. Holocene deposits therefore can be divided according to climatic conditions into three different horizons, as has been done already by others for thi s area, using different approaches. DLC. 90496. ORNATSKAa, T. I. Russkaid pesnI na Vashke. (Lstoriko-filologicheskil sbornik 1963. no. 8, p. 161-73.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Russian songs on the Vashka River. Discusses the Zyryans' rendering of north Russian ballads and epic songs in Russian, a tongue otherwise unfamiliar to them. It was observed by a field party studying folklore traditions along this Mezen' tributary in the Uda District of Komi ASSR. DLC. OROWAN, E., see No. 91556. 90497. ORR, N. W. M. Dog nutrition on antarctic expeditions. (Journal of physic). logy 1963. v. 165, no. 1, p. 51P.) 3 refs. Produces figures on the caloric value of pemmican and a new ration called Nutrican, seal meat and blubber; and on the energy requirements of huskies at work and rest. DLC. ORRELL, R. F., see Nos. 86480, 92565. 90498. ORTNER, 3., and W. RIEDLER. On the longitudinal extent of auroral ionization. (In: Symposium on High Latitude Particles and the Ionosphere 1964. Proceedings 1965, p. 247-55, graphs.) 9 refs. Discusses the auroral type of riometer absorption and geomagnetic disturbance events of 1959 at Kiruna. Comparison is made with observations at the Byrd, Antarctica magnetic station: 80% of the absorption events observed at Kiruna were also observed at Byrd. Auroral absorption events are also analyzed as observed at Kiruna and at Cape Jones on James Bay. All the 24 smooth-type absorption events of cosmic radio noise at Kiruna during 1962 are analyzed. The latitude dependence of this type of absorption as studied in Aug 1962 at Longyearbyen, Troms0, Kiruna, and KronogArd, showed total blackouts at auroral zone stations at 0700 and 0800 hr local time of Aug 29, with min frequency values still increasing at Lycksele. Little evidence was found that morning absorption events are caused by protons; observations
suggest that the group of auroral type absorption events are caused by precipitation of energetic electrons. DLC. ORVIG, S., see Nos. 92879, 92881. 90499. OSBORNE, A. April in Nome. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 4, p. 22-26, illus.) Presents about 25 photographs with descriptive captions of this northwest Alaskan town: its buildings, snowdrifts, people in Eskimo winter clothing, also the 1964 Dog Derby, and Eskimo dances. DI. 90500. OSBORNE, A. William E. Beltz State Vocational School. (Alaska sportsman 1965. v. 31, no. 5, p. 22-23, illus.) Discusses this school recently completed at Nome, to train local Eskimos for employment in bush airfield service, arts and crafts, engine repair, and as engineering aides. About a hundred trainees are enrolled. The courses are of 12-36 wk duration. DI.
90503. OSIPENKO, I., and G. GORaCHEV. Perevozka pilomaterialov v paketakh na Enisee. (Recluaol transport 1964. v. 23, no. 6, p. 15-16, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Transportation of lumber in bales on the Yenisey. Proposes to improve loading operations by baling lumber with steel tape. Loading by the bale would utilize mechanical equipment to full capacity, eliminate manual labor and reduce it 50-60% in transshipping from river to sea-going boats. In 1962-63 experiments on the Yenisey transporting lumber from the Maklakovo and NovoYeniseysk combines to Igarka, 100,000 raa was moved, 12,500 m3 in tight bales, and 85,000 m3 in storage-dried bales. Loading efficiency increased 4.1 times, cost fell 86 kopeks/ma; in re-loading, efficiency increased 5.7 times, cost fell 18 kopeks/m3. Baled lumber can be loaded in five layers to 7.5 m total height without endangering the stability of the barge. DLC. OSIPOV, B. A., see No. 85781.
90501. OSBORNE, C. The Yakutat blanket. (U.S. Bureau of American Ethnology. Bulletin 1964. no. 192, p. 187-99, illus.) Reports on remains of a blanket recovered from a shaman's grave on Knight Island, Yakutat Bay during 1952 field work of F. de Laguna, qv. The twined goat wool yarns, weaving technique, geometric design, etc are described and compared to similar Chilkat and other Northwest Coast textiles of the late 18th century. DST. OSBORNE, F. F., see No. 91301. 90502. OSCHINSKY, L. The most ancient Eskimos. Ottawa, Canadian Research Centre for Anthropology, Univ. of Ottawa 1964. 112 p. map, tables, illus. Over 160 refs. Craniometric study of Dorset remains excavated by W. E. Taylor on Pamiok Island, Payne Bay, and on Mansel and Sugluk Islands, Hudson Bay (No 66146, 67240). Facial indices, dental and morphological data are tabulated and compared with prehistoric and modern Eskimos, Indians, and Siberian aborigines. Mansel Island material is incontrovertibly Eskimo, the Payne Bay skull also incorporates other Arctic Mongoloid traits. The poor condition of the Sugluk Island mandible precludes incontrovertible identification. The Dorset are considered Eskimo with no evidence of DLC. Indian admixture. OSHEROVICH, A. L., see No. 92733.
90504. OSIPOVA, G. U. Pitanie navagi v ralone Belomorskol biostanaii MGU, Velikafa Salma. (Problemy ispoPzovanica promyslovykh resursov Belogo morfa i vnutrennikh vodoemov Karelii 1963. no. 1, p. 126-33, tables, graphs, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The diet of saffron cod in the area of the Moscow University Biological Station, Velikaya Salma. Reports on material collected in June— Sept 1959 and 1960 and during spawning (Jan—Feb) of 1960. Age composition of the studied fish, changes in diet with season and age, and competition with other fishes are analyzed and discussed. Velikaya Salma Strait, the site of this station, is near the head of Kandalaksha Bay in the White Sea. DLC. 90505. OSIPOVA, Z. V. Ob odnom iz sposobov obrabotki rezul'tatov mineralogicheskogo analiza tazhelol frakaii osadochnykh porod. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regionarnafa geologifit no. 7, p. 230-32, table.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: A method of working out results of mineralogical analysis of heavy fractions of sedimentary rocks. Notes a new approach in such analysis by reckoning heavy fraction and grain size of the rock. It is used for determining epidote in Lena region deposits. Quantitative content of minerals according to fractions enable the direction and source of dispersed material to be determined. DLC.
90506. OSIPOVA, Z. V., and V. A. BASOV. Stratigrafifa i litologifa otlozhenil volzhskogo iarusa Anabaro-Lenskogo mezhdurech' fa v svfazi s ikh almazonosnost'fll. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1965. Regionarnafil geologia no. 7, p. 171-91, map, sections.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy and lithology of Volga stage deposits in the Anabar-Lena interfluve and their diamondbearing properties. Describes and correlates sections of Upper Jurassic Volga stage deposits, using belemnites, ammonites and foraminifers for the The deposits stratigraphic separation. consist mostly of conglomerates, gritstones, sandstones, siltstones, etc. Their lithology and mineralogy is outlined with special attention to diamond possibilities. In the Anabar region the prospects are insignificant, but in Lena region there are possibilities of diamond placers. DLC. 90507. OSSIANNILSSON, F. Anmarkningar och tillagg till Sveriges hemipterfauna; hemipterologiska notiser viii. (Opuscula entomologica 1961. v. 26, no. 3, p. 22834, illus.) 25 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Notes on, and additions to the hemipterous fauna of Sweden; hemipterological notes 8. Corrections in the Swedish list of these insects made necessary by recent taxonomic revisions. Some 15 forms are affected, one third of them occurring also in arctic areas. DLC. 90508. OSSIANNILSSON, F. Bidrag till kannedomen om svenska bladloppor: Hemiptera Homoptera, Psylloidea. (Opuscula entomologica 1963. v. 28, no. 3, p. 201-204.) 8 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Contribution to the knowledge of Swedish psyllids: Hemiptera Homoptera, Psylloidea. Deals with nine species of these jumping plant lice, their distribution (several in northern Sweden), hosts, synonyms, etc. DLC. OSSIANNILSSON, F., see also No. 89310. OSTAPIRK, E. D., see No. 91008. 90509. OSTENSO, N. A., and others. The bottom topography of Gulkana Glacier, Alaska Range, Alaska. (Journal of glaciology 1965. v. 5, no. 41, p. 651-60, table, maps, profiles.) 18 refs. French and German summary. Other authors: P. V. Sellmann and T. L. Pews. Also issued as Contribution no 152 of the Geophysics and
Polar Research Center, Univ of Wisconsin. Reports a gravimetric survey consisting of 42 stations to determine the bottom topography of this glacier. Its main tongue was found to occupy a complex valley composed essentially of two parallel channels separated by a medial ridge which extends southward from rock bastions in the accumulation zone. At mid-glacier, the ice thickness is 223 m in the larger eastern channel, 130 m in the western. The medial ridge degenerates down-glacier probably disappearing within 2 km of the glacier terminus. DLC. 90510. OSTENSO, N. A. The Geophysical and Polar Research Center, University of Wisconsin. (Special Libraries Association. Geog. and Map Division. Bulletin 1963. no. 54, p. 13-16, illus.) Fourth in a series on the libraries and literature of cold and cold regions. Outlines the organization, facilities including a small specialized library, and publications of this institute, located on the outskirts of Madison, Wis. It has a translation program which since 1959 publishes English versions of articles in Russian, and six other DLC. languages. 90511. OSTENSO, N. A., and others. Gravity investigations from ice island Arlis 2, Arctic Ocean. (American Geophysical Union. Transactions 1965. v. 46, no. 1, p. 233.) 2 refs. Other authors: S. L. Den Hartog and D. J. Black. Reports data which suggest that the consolidated ocean floor is covered by lowdensity turbidity flows from off the continental slope. A submarine valley filled with low density sediments is indicated on the edge of the Chukchi Shelf. DLC. 90512. OSTENSO, N. A. Physiography and structure of the Arctic Ocean Basin. (American Geophysical Union. Transactions 1963. v. 44, no. 2, p. 637-48, maps.) DLC. Condensed version of No. 64563. 90513. OSTENSO, N. A., and P. E. PARKS, Jr. Seaborne magnetic measurements in the Chukchi Sea. Madison, Wis. 1964. 31 p. maps, tables, illus. (Wisconsin. Univ. Geophysical and Polar Research Center. Research report no. 64-5.) 26 refs. Reviews briefly previous work on the Chukchi Sea, and outlines its bottom topography, showing the main features on maps. Geophysical investigations are summarized and planned research is noted. Aeromagnetic flights were made in 1963 and 1964; increased emphasis has been placed on gravity surveys since 1962; and results of a
1963 seismic refraction program agree with 1961 findings. Sea-bottom gravity measurements and sub-bottom profiling are planned for the Chukchi Sea in 1964 from the USCGS Northwind, concentrating on the submarine valleys dissecting the continental margin and the mid-Chukchi Sea anomaly. Special attention is given to the Wisconsin Univ magnetic program from the Northwind 1962 and comparison is made with the airCaMAI. borne survey 1960-1963. OSTENSO, N. A., see aiso Nos. 90990, 92558. OSTENSON, B. T., see No. 92548§33. OSTERKAMP, T. E., see No. 87879. 90514. OSTRENKO, S. Vozvrashchat' teplokhody posle vesennego zavoza cherez Beloe more i BBK. (Rechnol transport 1964. v. 23, no. 5, p. 46.) In Russian. Title tr.: Diesel ships after spring trips should return through the White Sea and White Sea—Baltic Canal. Proposes re-routing these vessels after delivering cargo up the smaller northern rivers of European Russia. In 1963, five of them and ten tankers reached their home port badly damaged while being towed down the Sukhona River. Repairs took up to 40 days, and were very costly. The return trip by sea and canal is recommended to avoid such damage and expense. DLC. 90515. OSTROUMOV, A. A. 0 nakhozhdenii shchuki i drugikh presnovodnykh ryb Anadyrskogo zoogeograficheskogo okruga v vodoemakh Kamchatki. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1964. v. 4, no. 2, p. 385-86.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Occurrence of pike and other freshwater fishes of the Anadyr zoogeographic area in Kamchatkan waters. - Notes earlier stories of the presence of Esox Lucius in these waters, and own verification. A single species from the Tymlat River is described, and its growth rate reconstructed. DLC. 90516. OSTROUMOV, A. G. Eshche o skorosti poleta krokhalel. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 129.) In Russian. Title tr.: Further note on the speed of the merganser's flight. Reports 1964 observations by helicopter in Kamchatka: Mergus merganser has a flight limit not of 80 km/Ir but more than 100 DLC. km/hr. 90517. OSTROUMOV, A. G. Krasnaffi reki Kamchatki, arabach. (Voprosy geo-
grafii Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 35-41, table.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Sockeye salmon of Kamchatka River, arabach. Reviews some literature on Oncorhynchus nerka (locally called arabach) and reports observations of 1953-1963 on its spawning grounds. Their location, nature of bottoms, and characteristics of the arabach race are considered. DLC. 90518. OSTROUMOV, A. G. 0 proizrastanii kedrovogo stlanika i rfabiny na kamennykh berezakh. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1965. no. 3, p. 127-29, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Growth of dwarf cedar and ash on Betula ermani. Describes growth of a small specimen of cedar in a fork of an old birch, also presents a photograph of a four-yr old ash, growing in the fork of another old birch. Similar cases are recorded. DLC. 90519. OSTROUMOV, A. G. 0 skorosti poleta krokhalel. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1964. no. 2, p. 117, table.) In Russian. Title tr.: On the velocity of the flight of mergansers. Reports some data on American and redbreasted mergansers as observed by helicopter in 1961 in the Kamchatka River basin. The rate of some other Kamchatka birds' flight is also noted from literature data. DLC. 90520. OSTROUMOV, A. G. Vikhr'mikromerch'. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1964. no. 2, p. 116-17.) In Russian. Title tr.: A whirlwind microwaterspout. Describes this phenomenon as observed 18 July 1962 at Nachikinskoye Lake, Kamchatka. Effects on the lake water are noted and the circumstances under which they occur are discussed. DLC. 90521. OSTROUMOV, A. G. Vlifficut li termal'nye istochniki na temperaturu vody v osnovnom rusle reki Kamchatki? (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1963. no. 1, p. 71-75.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Do thermal springs affect the water temperature in the main channel of Kamchatka River? Notes the opinion persisting in some works, that the thermal springs, numerous in this river basin, affect water temperature and ice conditions of the main stream. Discharge of the Kamchatka River, and not the flow of the springs, is analyzed. From comparison of these data and calculations made for source waters of the Shchapina and other tributaries, it is concluded that
the warm and hot springs have no influence upon the temperature of the main stream. In the tributaries, they have only some local effects; and they have no visible effects whatever on the ice cover of the Kamchatka River. DLC. OSTROUMOV, A. G., see also Nos. 89002, 89003. 90522. OSTROUSRKO, T. S. K faune i biologii krovososushchik.h komarov i mokre&ov Intinskogo ralona Komi ASSR. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestife 1965. no. 10, p. 128-31.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fauna and biology of blood-sucking mosquitoes and gnats of the Iota District, Komi ASSR. Notes earlier studies, lack of such for the Komi ASSR and lists mosquitoes and punkies collected during three summers. Climate, vegetation, overwintering, habitats and distribution are dealt with, as are feeding activities and temperatures favoring DLC. them. 90523. OSTROVSKAa, L. A. Ekonomicheskafa oCeenka vnedrenifil novol tekhniki, mekhanizaaii i avtomatizaaii v rybnol promyshlennosti Severe, 1966-1970 gg. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 128-34, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Economic assessment of introducing new techniques, mechanization and automation into northern fisheries in 1966-1970. Outlines advances planned in fishing vessels and shore plants for the next five yr. Freezing installations on trawlers alone should, by 1970, increase production by 11.5%, reduce actual cost by the same amount and the cost of production of a ton DLC. of fish by 79%. 90524. OSTRYI, G. B. Nekotorye voprosy razvitia neftanoi promyshlennosti Zapadnol Sibiri. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Izvestia 1965, no. 5, p. 116-18, map.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Some problems bearing on the development of the oil industry in West Siberia. Discusses the planned construction of the lower Ob (Salekhard) power station. The flood zone is to cover 90% of the known natural gas and 30% of the surveyed oil fields. The shallow basin and its silty bottom would interfere with drilling by the method commonly used. Development costs would be more than double, and for 3-5 yr, while flooding is in progress, operations would be suspended. Comparative data on producDLC. tion costs are included.
90525. OSTRYi, G. B., and L. A. GRICRUK. Ob intensivnom proavlenii mezozolskogo tektogeneza v basselne reki Turukhana. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenye zapiski 1964. Regional'nail geologila no. 2, p. 198-205, maps, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Intensive manifestation of Mesozoic tectogenesis in the Turukhan River basin. Reviews studies of this problem and interprets seismic prospecting of the region. Tectonic disturbances are described. An active show of disjunctive tectonics in local structures of the Mesozoic cover is reported and briefly characterized. DLC. 90526. OSTRYf, G. B. Treshchinovatye porody mezozo1skogo chekhla ZapadnoSibirskol nizmennosti. (Akademica nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 162, no. 2, p. 411-13, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fractured rocks of the Mesozoic mantle of the West Siberian lowland. Reports a 1964 study in the Ob-Irtysh interfluve and along the Ob where in 15 areas fracturing of Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits has taken place. The great number of fractures is discussed, their types distinguished and illus. Max width of the fractures is 3.5-4 mm. Fracturing is significant for determining reservoir properties of rocks. DLC. OSTRYI, G. B., see also Nos. 87238, 90157. 90527. O'SULLIVAN, J. B. Geochemistry (In: of permafrost, Barrow, Alaska. International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 30-37, tables, graphs, map.) 10 refs. Reports investigations into the salinity of permafrost in this area. Data obtained by analysis of individual ions and measurement of the solution conductance are tabulated and graphed. The methods and problems of analysis and evaluation of data are described in detail. The physics of freezing of a sediment saturated with sea water and the various factors affecting salinity are discussed. It is concluded that the salinity of the permafrost is the result of rapid freezing of the marine sediments following coastal CaMAI. emergence. 90528. O'SULLIVAN, J. B. Quaternary geology of the Arctic Coastal Plain, northern Alaska. Ames, Iowa 1961. 191 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus. 58 refs. Ph.D. thesis to Iowa State Univ. Summarizes the stratigraphy and geologic history of the Quaternary sediments in this area north of approx 69°30' N with the
Arctic Ocean on the north and west, and the Sagavanirktok River on the east. The distribution, relationships, and depositional environments of these sediments are described, mainly from 1957-1959 field work; and the main physiographic features of Northern Alaska are depicted, to show the relation between topography and underlying structure. The term Gubik Formation should be retained to indicate the Quaternary marine and associated sediments of the coastal plain and their lateral equivalents within the foothills; the Foothill Silt Surface and the Ikpikpuk Formation are also favored as names of distinct units. DGS.
Tests the validity of three hypotheses on a sample of 50 societies including the Chukchis, Yakuts, Tlingit and Montagnais Indians. Feuding occurs more frequently in societies with two different indices of fraternal interest groups: patrilocal residence and polygyny. Societies at the lowest political level have both feuding and warfare or neither; societies with a higher level of political integration suppress feuding while at war. Frequent feuding and continual war characterize the Chukchis and Tlingits; infrequent feuding and rare warfare are typical for Yakuts; the Montagnais know neither blood revenge nor war. DSI.
90529. OSWALT, W. H. Guiding culture change among Alaskan Eskimos. (America indigene 1961. v. 21, no. 1, p. 65-83.) Spanish summary. Discusses directed acculturation from field work of 1948-1957 in the YukonKuskokwim area, as a guide for administrators or field workers engaged in innovational community programs. Background in the Russian and early American periods is sketched, noting the West Alaskan Eskimos' eagerness for change in the socio-economic as well as spiritual field. The mechanisms of planning on the administrative and village levels are discussed: consultation with village Eskimos, missionaries, officials, social workers and anthropologists; study of local problems; programs compatible with aboriginal traditions and geared to economic needs. Criteria for selection of field personnel and test village are stated, as are some problems to be anticipated. DSI.
90532. OTTOSON, D. The effects of temperature on the isolated muscle spindle. (Journal of physiology 1965. v. 180, no. 3, p. 636-48, graphs.) 16 refs. Reports experiment of isolated frog spindles at temperatures of 0-45° C. Number of impulses to a given test stretch increased at 3-30° C. Action potentials decreased in amplitude with rising temperature and the amplitude of the receptor potentials behaved similarly. The dynamic component of the receptor potential, etc are also considered. DLC.
90530. OSWALT, W. H. The Kuskokwim River drainage, Alaska, an annotated bibliography. College 1965. 73 p. (Alaska. Univ. Anthropological papers v. 13, no. 1.) 10 refs. Lists by author with own comments, 483 works of the 1820's-1964; unpub materials, journal and news articles, government reports, and monographs are included. Ethnography, history, geology, geography, ecology, public health and medicine are represented. Materials on the Russian period derive mostly from v. 1-5 of Documents relative to the history of Alaska at AkU and DLC. DSI. OTT, K., see No. 92123. 90531. OTTERBEIN, K. F. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth: a cross-cultural study of feuding. (American anthropologist 1965. v. 67, no. 6, pt. 1, p. 1470-82, tables.) 13 refs.
90533. OUELLETTE, R., and others. Effet du froid sur le testicule endocrinien: chronologie des &Tenements. (Revue canedienne de biologie 1965. v. 24, no. 1, p. 7-21, tables, graphs, illus.) 52 refs. In French. Other authors: H. J. Perrault and L. P. Dugal. Title tr.: Effect of cold on the endocrine testis, chronology of events. Histological and histochemical study of testicles from rats exposed to —5° C. Successive events showed distinct phases, reminiscent of the three stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome, with indications of a testis-pituitary interaction. DLC. 90534. OUGH, J. P. Exploring Canada's polar continental shelf. (North 1964. v. 11, no. 1, p. 24-30, map, illus.) Photo-reportage of the investigation initiated by the Canadian Government in 1959 to determine the extent, characteristics and resources of the continental shelf off its Arctic Islands. CaMAI. 90535. OUGH, J. P. Flying geologists map the north. (North 1964. v. 11, no. 6, p. 18-23, map, illus.) Photostory of the Canadian Geological Survey airborne mapping operations since 1952. About 20,000 mi2 of territory is covered annually, significantly more than by surface mapping. Survey of the unmapped
areas, about one-third of Canada, is to be completed by 1970. CaMAI.
OVERFIELD, T., see No. 85880. OVERTON, A., see No. 91447.
90536. OVCHINNIKOV, I. M. Nekotorye osobennosti fsirkulfasii vod v zalive Alaska. (Akademilit nauk SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyl geofizicheskil komitet, X razdel programmy MGG: okeanologicheskie issledovanifil. Sbornik statel 1963, no. 8, p. 67-75, maps.) 13 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Some features of water circulation in the Gulf of Alaska. Presents dynamic charts of the gulf as compiled from the data of Canadian, American and Russian oceanographic surveys in 1949, 1956, 1957 and 1958. A cyclonic circular flow is traced in the southwestern, not the central part, as previously assumed. In the northeastern part of the gulf, an anticyclonic circular flow is established which in certain years forms a strong current extending along the coast from the Alexander Archipelago down to Vancouver Island. DLC. 90537. OVCHINNIKOV, I. M. Problemy kompleksnogo obogashchenfia rud. (Akaderail?). nauk SSSR. Vestnik 1965. v. 35, no. 8, p. 92-93.) In Russian. Title tr.: Multi-purpose ore concentration. Reports a session of the Academy's Scientific Council on Physical-Chemical Problems of Mineral Concentration at the Kola Branch of the Academy 5-10 Apr 1965, the main address by I. N. Plaksin. New methods for crushing and pulverizing the ores, and for concentrating copper-nickel ores, and automation of processes were stressed and a Concentration Section was set up in the Mining-Metallurgical Institute of the Kola Branch. DLC. 90538. OVCHINNIKOV, R. V. Pis'ma A. R. Nordenshel'da v Russkoe geograficheskoe obshchestvo. (Skandinayskil sbornik 1959. v. 4, p. 47-55, illus.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A. E. Nordenskiold's letters to the Russian Geographic Society. Presents five letters of 1880-1893 to Baron F. R. Osten-Saken recently discovered. Given in Russian translation with annotations, they deal, among other, with Nordenskiold's interest in 17th century cartography of Siberia. One letter (with a facsimile of the French original) mentions a map of Siberia and the Far East drawn in 1667 by order of the Tobol'sk military governor P. I. Godunov. A copy of this map made by Swedish diplomats in 1663, was smuggled to Sweden. DLC. OVCHINNIKOVA, L. L, see No. 87046.
90539. OVStANKIN, E. I. Iz istorii bol'shevistskol pechatnol propagandy v gody grazhdanskol volny 1918-1920 gg. (Arkhangel'sk. Gos. pedagogicheskil inst. Uchenye zapiski 1964. no. 16, p. 75-109.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bolshevik printed propaganda during the Civil War years, 1918-1920. Discusses ideological warfare and the disruptive influence of communist propaganda upon Allied rank and file of the Northern Front. Leaflets, documents, and press releases circulated in Russia, English, and French, calls to international brotherhood and workers' uprisings against capitalist oppressors are dealt with, as well as appeals to the population of Arkhangel'sk Province to rid itself of foreign occupiers. DLC. 90540. OVSaNNIKOV, A. N. 0joerevode tokonesushchego kabelia distan&ionnykh okeanograficheskikh priborov cherez volnopribolnufa zonu. (Meteorologifa' i gidrologifa 1964, no. 2, p. 54-55, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Carrying a live cable from distant oceanographic devices through a zone of breakers. Methods of laying a current-carrying cable across a coastal area lashed by heavy breakers were suggested by several observatories. The Murmansk method, designed by B. P. Kudlo, comprises a heavy anchorsegment, a long rod of 8-12 mm diem connecting the anchor with the coast, and a DLC. tower. 90541. OVSIINNIKOVA, N. D. Khronika rabochego dvizhenifa v zolotopromyshlennosti Vostochnol Sibiri s 1861 do 1905 g. (Irkutsk. Univ. Trudy 1961. v. 29, p. 14361.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Survey of the labor movement in the gold industry of East Siberia 1861-1905. Presents excerpts from archival documents and topical studies on labor problems, demonstrations, strikes, etc, including the Lena, Olekma, and Vitim gold mines. DLC. 90542. OVSaNNIKOVA, N. D. Proniknovenie inostrannogo kapitala v zolotopromyshlennost' Vostochnol Sibiri vo vtoroI polovine xix-nachale xx vv. (Irkutsk. Univ. Trudy 1961. v. 29, p. 185-203, table.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Penetration of foreign capital into the gold industry of East Siberia in the second half of the 19early 20th century. Deals with foreign investments in Siberian
gold mines. The Lena Goldfields Ltd, the Yakutsk Explorers Ltd surveying Chukotka, and the syndicates in the Olekma fields represented British interests. American financiers controlled the North-East Siberian Co operating in Chukotka and developed the abortive project to link Alaska and Siberia by railroad. French, Belgian, and German businessmen were active in the Sea of Okhotsk region, Amur, etc. DLC.
90546. OWRE, 0. T. The first record of the king eider, Somateria apeciabilis (Linnaeus), and the occurrence of other anseriformes in Florida. (Auk 1962. v. 79, no. 2, p. 270-71.) Notes an emaciated, immature male of this arctic-circumpolar species found on the beach of Marco Island, on 15 Apr 1961. Its DLC. stomach contained local food. OWREN, L., see No. 85423.
90543. OVSEDKOVA, N. I. Moniezioz olenel Chukotki. (Serskokhozeistvennoe proizvodstvo Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka 1965, no. 2, p. 25.) In Russian. Title tr.: Monieziasis of reindeer in Chukotka. Notes 56.5-73.2% of the herds affected and calf mortality of five thousand in 1962. Infestation begins through the larval stage of this tapeworm in the tick, during spring and summer. Change of pasture and a daily dose of 100 cm3 copper sulfate solution mixed with 20 gin Glauber's salt are recommended. DLC. 90544. OVSrUKOVA, N. I. 0 germintakh Chukotki. (Anadyr'. Chukotskil kraevedcheskil muzel. Zapiski 1962. no. 3, p. 1112.) In Russian. Title tr.: Helminths of Chukotka. Lists nine species of tapeworms, eight nematodes, and one acanthocephalan observed since 1958 in the carcasses of 204 fur bearers and 700 butchered reindeer. Most of the foxes were infected with Trichinella spiralis and Tozasearis leonina, over half of the reindeer with Echinococcus granulosus. The local reindeer industry employs 1,975 people; in 1960, its 247 herds contained 402,011 reindeer; their high rate of infection is stressed as cause for concern. DLC. OVSI'UKOVA, N. I., see also Nos. 88832, 88835. OWENS, J. C., see No. 87824. 90545. OWENS, W. H. Developing Canada's arctic harbours. (Nautical magazine 1962. v. 187, no. 2, p. 72-74.) Discusses the annual Eastern Arctic Patrol organized by the Dept of Transport. During July—Oct its vessels with icebreaker escort resupply weather stations, air bases, Eskimo settlements, etc from southern Hudson Bay to northern Ellesmere Island. Port facilities of Frobisher Bay, refuelling base for international civil aircraft, and those of the grain port of Churchill, are discussed in some detail; they are the only two Canadian arctic ports with deep-water berthing and shore-handling facilities. DLC.
90547. OXENSTIERNA, E. C. G., greve. The Norsemen. Translated and edited by C. Hutter. Greenwich, Conn. New York Graphic Soc. Publishers 1965. Originally pub. in Swedish as Sd lade Vikingarna, Stockholm 1959 (copy in DLC.) 320 maps, illus. 60 refs. Profusely illus account for general readers of the 9-12th century Viking era. Seafaring exploits in the North, establishment of the Osterbygden and Vesterbygden settlements in Greenland, voyages of Eric the Red and his sons Leif and Thorvald, the discovery of America, etc are described p 245-63. The skralingar are considered Indians, the Kensington Stone of Minnesota a fraud, and so-called Viking burial remains on Lake Nipigon, Ontario are considered Norwegian of a later date. H. Ingstad's excavations in 1961 at L'Anse an Meadow on northern Newfoundland and its identification as a Viking site (No 79568) are discussed p 258-60 and the radiocarbon datings of charcoal noted as within the Viking era. DLC. 90548. OZEROVA, N. A., and 0. G. UNANOVA. 0 raspredelenii rtuti v lavakh delstvuldshchikh vulkanov Kamchatki i Kuril'skikh ostrovov. (Geologif?t rudnykh mestorozhdenil 1965. v. 7, no. 1, p. 58-74, tables, graphs, map.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On mercury distribution in the lavas of active volcanoes in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. Reports the average content of mercury in lavas of active volcanoes as 6.6 x 104%, close to the ratio of its abundance in the earth's crust. Mercury content is given for the Klyuchevskaya group and the Ploskiy, Tolbachik, Sheveluch, Bezymyannyy and Karymskiy volcanoes in Kamchatka. Content of mercury in the lava is found to depend upon the geostructural features of the zone in which the volcano is located. DLC. OZHIGANOV, V., see No. 88920. 90549. PAASONEN, H. Ostjakische grammatikalische Aufzeichnungen nach den
Dialekten an der Konda and am Jugan. (Suomalais-ugrilainen seura. Aikakauskirja 1965. v. 66, no. 2, p. 1-96, tables.) In German. Title tr.: Grammatical notes on Ostyak based on the Konda and Yugan dialects. Revised, newly transliterated, and pub by E. Vertes. Linguistic study based on 1900-1901 fieldwork along the middle Ob tributaries: Konda, Bol'shoy and Malyy Yugan. Paasonen's Finno-Ugric studies are reviewed by R. Ravila, ibid, no 1, p 1-13, and his publications, incl a dozen on ObUgric, are listed by M. Kahla, ibid, no 5, p 1-10. DLC. 90550. PACKER, J. G. Chromosome numbers and taxonomic notes on western Canada and arctic plants. (Canadian journal of botany 1964. v. 42, no. 4, p. 47394, table, illus.) 87 refs. Discusses the use of biosystematics in taxonomy, the lack of which in Canadian studies makes comparison with northwestern European species difficult. Chromosome numbers, obtained by use of sectioning and squash techniques, are presented for 102 higher plant species collected at Jasper National Park in Alberta, and from Richardson Mts of Mackenzie District (Nunassiaq). A six-page table lists the species with notes on chromosome numbers and source of material, previous chromosome counts and their sources. Twenty-five species of immediate taxonomic interest are discussed in detail. Camera lucida drawings at X2000 approx show the chromosomes in 32 species. DLC. PACKER, J. G., see also No. 88255. 90551. PADDOCK, M. W. Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research. (Special Libraries Association. Geog. and Map Division. Bulletin 1963. no. 54, p. 16-18, illus.) 7 refs. Fifth in a series on the libraries and literature of cold and cold regions. Describes facilities at Boulder, Colo. and at Science Lodge Mountain Research Station, 25 mi away at 9500 ft elevation, for acclimatization studies and testing specialized clothing, equipment, and vehicles. Research programs, publications, seminars, are noted, as is the small but specialized DLC. library. PARN, S., see No. 92440. 90552. PAGAVA, S. T. 0 sovmestnom analize teplovogo sostolanifit okeana i profiessov v atmosfere. (Meteor°logifa i
gidrologifit 1965, no. 7, p. 11-19,, table, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: Combined analysis of the thermal state of the ocean and processes in the atmosphere. Some features of atmospheric circulation in the winter of 1964-65 are examined to prove the importance of a complex analysis of microprocesses taking place in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere. The maps of the geopotential mean values of 500 mb for 1965 and 1963, of the mean temperatures at a 100 mb level for 1965 and 1962, and the 14m maps for Jan 1965 and Dec 1962 are constructed and analyzed. The maps of the mean temperatures for a 100 mb level for Dec 1962 and Jan 1965 cover the entire arctic region. The data show that the existence in Jan 1965 of stable distribution of temperature differences, positives in the east and negatives in the west, was responsible for the formation of an anticyclone. It is also observed that a combination of certain baric and thermal conditions in the troposphere and the surface layer of the ocean leads to the formation of the analogous macroprocesses. DLO. 90553. PAGAVA, S. T. Ob ispazovanii dannykh nabhuidenil v stratosfere pri analize estestvennykh sinopticheskikh sezonov. (Meteorologifa i gidrologlia 1964, no. 11, p. 23-26, maps.) In Russian. Title tr.: Utilization of stratospheric observational data for the analysis of natural synoptic seasons. Discusses briefly the basic principles of weather forecasting suggested by Mul'tranovskil more than 50 yr ago and outlines work in forecasting prior to 1963. Study of daily H,,, Hioo and H,,, magnitudes over the arctic region during 1963 and 1964, shows that weather forecasting can be based on certain factors connecting some arctic stratospheric characteristics during the transition from winter cold to warmth and the general characteristic spring in European Russia and Western Siberia. DLC. PAGE, N., see No. 88649. PAGE, R., see No. 84953. 90554. PAGE, W. B. Arctic water supply and wind energy. (In: International Conference on Permafrost 1963. Proceedings pub. 1966, p. 434-35, table.) 13 refs. Reviews various practices to keep water fluid in water systems of arctic communities, particularly heat energy supplied by electric power and discusses the possibilities of using
wind energy to generate the electricity. In high latitudes, major heat losses occur during months when mean wind velocity is high. At such times max production of heat energy could be expected from wind rotor generators. Barrow, Alaska records for 10 yr show mean wind speed of 10-14 mph and 37% of the observations in the 13-24 mph range. Calculations are made on the basis of a 50 ft diam rotor electric generator which indicate that a wind speed of 10 mph would provide sufficient heat to replace heat losses from an insulated storage reservoir and provide a surplus of about 13,000 Btu/ hr for other uses such as a sewage system. CaMAI. PAGE, W. B., see also No. 93014. 90555. PAGOL'SKII, N. N. Novye dannye o paleogenovykh otlozhenifakh csentralind chasti Korfalskogo nagor'fa. (Akademifil nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 163, no. 6, p. 1459-62, map.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on Paleogene deposits in the central part of the Koryak upland. Reports 1959-1964 field study in the Apuka, Pakhacha, Bol'shoy Kuybiveyem and other river basins. As a result, the Paleogene deposits are identified and their age, lithology and distribution described. They are divided into three series and each is described noting distribution, composition, thickness, fauna and flora. DLC. 90556. PAIGE, R. A. Advance of Walsh Glacier. (Journal of glaciology 1965. v. 5, no. 42, p. 876-78, maps.) Ref. Reports observations in 1952 and Aug 1964 on this 160 mi2 glacier in the St Elias Range 60°55' N 140°15'-141°15' W. In 1952 the terminus was stagnant and consisted of hills and pinnacles of ice covered with 2-4 ft of moraines. In 1964 the terminal area was a maze of chaotic seracs and crevasses. The terminus had pushed out and over-ridden Logan Glacier. Its advance may be related to the earthquake of 27 Mar 1964. DLC. PAIGE, R. A., see also No. 84953. 90557. PAIN, S. A. The way north; men, mines and minerals being some account of the curious history of the ancient route between North Bay and Hudson Bay in Ontario. Toronto, Ryerson Press 1964. 249 p. map, illus. 14 refs. Outlines from documentary sources and personal experience, activities in the region south of James Bay roughly 46-51° N. The fur trade, the De Troyes expedition of 1686
and the dominant role of the Hudson's Bay Co are reviewed. The development of lumbering and mining, leading to permanent settlement are described. The building of the Ontario Northland Railway and the port of Moosonee are mentioned. The hydro-electric power plants on the rivers draining to Hudson Bay are discussed in the context of power resources. DLC. 90558. PAINE, R. Herding and husbandry. (Folk 1964. v. 6, pt. 1, p. 83-88.) 4 refs. Analyzes these two basic aspects of reindeer management as practiced by Finnmark Lapps of the Kautokeino Rural District, Norway. In 1959, they included some 800 reindeer raisers whose stock totalled about 45,000 head. The semi-annual drive to and from the range was 100-200 km. Herding: day-to-day work en route and on the range, and husbandry: an aggregation of economic factors, are viewed as complementary, requiring different managerial qualities and entailing different social relations. Herding is done by adult men or occasionally women, as equal partners regardless of wealth. In husbandry, status is implicit, according to size of family herd; authority rests with the head of the family. Good reindeer management materializes in stock increase; therefore the husbandman holds crucial status in this society. DLC. 90559. PAINE, R. The nature of ownership in pre-war Coast Lapps settlements. (Ethnos 1964. v. 29, no. 1-2, p. 121-30.) 6 refs. Study of property rights in the 1900-1940 period based on materials collected in the 1950's among informants in West Finnmark, Norway. The fishing settlements, dwellings, use of out-fields and meadows, awarding of beach-share, social relations, etc are described. Except for the homestead, usufruct prevailed over absolute ownership. Need could justify possession, ownership depended mainly on use, and prolonged use of a borrowed object could lead to transfer of ownership. Abuse was regulated by ecological dependence of the individual on his neighbors and by moral sanctions. The merchant's control of the economic situation is considered partly responsible for restriction of ownership rights to usufruct. Current changes under the influence of Norwegian law and secularization of Coastal Lappish society are noted: unqualified ownership of land, fencing of property, land deeds, heightened value of money in social relations, etc. DLC
90560. PAINTAL, A. S. Block of conduction in mammalian myelinated nerve fibres by low temperatures. (Journal of physiology 1965. v. 180, p. 1-19, table, graphs.) 13 refs. Study in vivo on filaments from the vagus, saphenus and cervical sympathetic nerves of cats. It was found that conduction is blocked in all myelinated nerve fiber at about the same temperature, 7.6-9.1° C. Presence of natural discharge, tension or pressure, raised the blocking temperature. DLC. 90561. PAINTAL, A. S. Effects of temperature on conduction in single vagal and saphenous myelinated nerve fibres of the cat. (Journal of physiology 1965. v. 180, no. 1, p. 20-49, table, graphs.) 27 refs. Account of in vivo studies using immersion cooling. Lowering of temperature affected slow and fast fibers alike. The Q10 was unrelated to conduction velocity, and averaged 4.8 between 8° and 18° C. Minimum conduction velocity before blocking was 2.5% of normal. Velocities of consecutive impulses, recovery rates, refractory periods, etc at lowered temperature are also discussed. DLC. PAINTER, G. D., see No. 91829. PAINTER, R., see No. 87743. PAIR, C. H., see No. 84952. PAITSON, L., see No. 84952. PAKHLO,
fA. R., see No. 89898.
90562. PAKHOMOV, A. S., and A. I. FILIPPENKOV. Osobennosti massovol otbolki treshchinovatykh rud v zazhatol srede na rudnike ZapolfarnyT. (In: Akademifi nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Teplovye i mekhanicheskie . 1965, p. 220-29, tables, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: Features of mass breaking of fractured ores in a clamped medium at Zapolyarnyy mine. Discusses a new type of blasting which consists of blasting the ore face in a working 80% filled with broken ore. Introduction of this method resulted in economy on explosives, reduction of oversize lumping, more labor output (36 to 45 t/shift), less ore debeneficiation and loss, for which data of 1959-1962 are tabulated. DLC. 90563. PAKHORUKOV, V. I. 0 rezul'tatakh gidrologicheskikh nablfudenil v Datskom prolive v sentfabre-dekabre 1964 g. (Materialy rybokhozialstvennykh issle-
dovanil Severnogo basselna 1965. no. 5, p. 99-102, table, graphs.) In Russian. Title tr.: Results of hydrographic observations in the Denmark Strait, September-October 1964. Study of temperature distribution showed a considerable strengthening of the northern and eastern branch of the Irminger Current. The East Iceland Current weakened towards the end of 1964. DLC. 90564. PAKHORUKOV, V. I., and V. V. PENIN. Okeanograficheskie issledovanifi v Norvezhskom i Grenlandskom morfakh v ifane 1963 goda. (Materialy rybokhozfalstvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 2, p. 111-14.) In Russian. Title tr.: Oceanographic investigations of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas in June 1963. Preliminary report of investigations of five vessels during 1-16 June on 16 stations and profiles between 60°35' and 78° N. In addition to temperature and salinity, 02, P, Si and N were determined. DLC. 90565. PAKHORUKOV, V. I. Osobennosti gidrologicheskikh uslovil v Datskom prolive osen'fa 1963 goda. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 94-98, graphs, maps.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrographic conditions of Denmark Strait, fall 1963. Reports on surface currents west of Iceland and temperatures west and north of it to some 500 m depth, as studied on the seventh cruise of R/V Akademik Knipovich. Comparisons are made with data from the DLC. fourth cruise. 90566. PAKHORUKOV, V. I., and V. V. PENIN. Sovetskie okeanograficheskie issledovanifa Norvezbskogo i Grenlandskogo morel v nine 1964 g. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 90-93, table, map, sections.) In Russian. Title tr.: Soviet oceanographic investigations of the Norwegian and Greenland Seas in June 1964. Reports on a survey made 4-20 June by four vessels, between the Faroe-Shetland channel and 76°30' N along 13 standard oceanographic sections. Only the temperature of water masses and of currents is DLC. considered. PAKHORUKOV, V. I., see also No. 84987. 90567. PAKHTUSOVA, N. A. 0 graniae permi i triasa v basselne Severna Dviny. (Materialy po geologii i poleznym iskopaemym Severo-Zapada RSFSR 1962. no.
3, p. 3-18, illus.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the limits of the Permian and Triassic in Severnaya Dvina basin. Describes a geologic cross-section having foraminifer, brachiopod, ostracod and other fauna. The Permogor'ye subseries is found to consist of deposits of the Tartarian stage of Permian as well as Triassic deposits. The Tartarian deposits are referred to the Severnaya Dvina subseries. The Triassic deposits of Vetluzhskaya series are divided into Buzuluk and Zheshart subseries. DLC. 90568. PALAD'KO, V. V. Vybor optimal'nol konstrukrsii elektricheskikh sredstv izmereni1 temperatury gruntov pri geotekhnicheskikh issledovanirakh. (Akaderail& nauk SSSR. Inst. merzlotovedenifi, Severnoe otd-ie. Trudy 1960. no. 1, p. 120-34, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Selection of the best constructed electric means for ground temperature measurements in geotechnical investigations. Outlines the requirements for precise measurement of temperature in frozen ground. The electric resistance thermometer and thermoelectric instruments are discussed as to their construction, precision, measurement techniques, and other features. Thermistors and thermocouples used by the Institute of Geocryology of the USSR are described in some detail and depicted. Some potentiometers are recommended depending upon the accuracy desired. DLC. 90569. PALAGINA, V. V. Leksika sannotelezhnogo promysla v govorakh Tomskol oblasti. (Tomsk. Univ. Trudy 1960. v. 153, p. 99-103.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Sled and cart vocabulary in dialects of Tomsk Province. Etymological study of local Russian terminology. Many terms dealing with its hunting and fishing aspects are of Ostyak, Ket-Yeniseian, etc origin, especially in the northern part of the Province. Some names of specific sled types or parts are taken from north Russian dialects, others are localisms typical for most Siberian speech. Unlike agricultural terminology, the dialectal sledand-cart vocabulary has not changed since the 18-19th centuries. DLC. 90570. PALE!, I. P. Osnovnye cherty tektoniki Baltilskogo shchita. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Geologicheskil inst. Trudy 1963. no. 92, p. 11-34, table, map, illus.) 50 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The main tectonic features of the Baltic shield. Outlines the tectonics of this shield root Finland and northern Sweden, Kola Penin-
sula and Karelia. For division of the Precambrian, structural position of strata and their lith ologio-petrographic composition are used, as is the absolute, age of the rocks. Stratigraphy of the Archean and Proterozoic is outlined. The Jotnian platformic cover and the Karelides are analyzed, noting their distribution and tectonic features. Older tectonic complexes are also characterized, the White Sea, i.e. Belomorides, and the Saamides, the oldest tectonic complex named after the Lapps DLC. (saamy). PALE!, I. P., see also No. 89212. 90571. PALEN, V. W. Alaskan switching system aids air travel communications. (Signal 1964. v. 19, no. 1, p. 51-52.) Describes equipment and operating techniques in use since Sept 1963 on the automatic Norelco ES-3 message switching system at Anchorage. This unit joins some 25 other ES switching systems in the worldwide aeronautical fixed telecommunications network, and through the White Alice system connects all Alaskan air traffic communication stations to the worldwide network. About a hundred remote stations in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest can send messages to every major traffic center in the world; the new installation also serves the airlines operating in Alaska. Four steps are recommended to achieve complete automation, depending upon the message load. DLC. 90572. PALIfYN, N. D., and others. Magnitnoe pole Zapadnykh Keiv i opyt ego ispol'zovanifit dlfa geologicheskoT s"emki. (In: USSR. Gos. geol. komitet. Razrabotka . . . 1963, p. 16-52, table, maps, graphs.) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A. V. Dolivo-Dobrovol'skil and r C. V. Podol'skil. Title tr.: The magnetic field of the Zapadnyye Keyvy and an attempt to utilize it for geologic survey. Reports an aerial magnetic survey in 1958 at 1:25,000 scale. Archean, Paleozoic and Cenozoic rocks are described according to geologic interpretation of the magnetic field. Physical-geologic analysis is made of the ten most characteristic areas distinguished on the map of the magnetic field. Geomorphology and geologic structure of each area are described. This type of survey is found of great importance for geologic mapping. DLC. 90573. PALIfSYN, N. D., and others. Priroda aeromagnitnykh anomalil evity porosozero. (In: USSR. Gos. geol. komitet.
Razrabotka ... 1963, p. 53-66, map, graph.) 2 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A. V. Dolivo-Dobrovol'skil and fit V. Podorskil. Title tr.: The nature of aerial magnetic anomalies of the Porosozero series. Reports on a 1960 aerial magnetic survey and others earlier in the Voron'ya RiverLake Kolmozero (Kolm'yavr) region to clarify the geologic structure of the Porosozero series, consisting of metamorphized sedimentary-volcanic rocks. Four types of magnetic anomalies are established and interpreted. Quartz-magnetite-amphibole rocks are discovered and their position determined. DLC. 90574. PALIT-BYN, N. D., and B. I. KOSHECHKIN. Profavlenifa razryvnoT tektoniki v &entral'nol chasti Kol'skogo poluostrova i vozmozhnosti ee izuchenifi na osnove aerometodov. (In: USSR, Gos. geol. komitet. Razrabotka . .. 1963, p. 6782, map, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Manifestation of fault tectonics in the central part of Kola Peninsula and possibilities of their investigation by aerial methods. Reports results of aerial photointerpretation in the Voron'ya, Kharlovka, Vostochnaya Lithe basins and other regions. Dislocations with a break in continuity are established and their extent and directions are reported and diagrammed. Main systems of fractures are established as of northwest-southeastern strike, northeastsouthwestern strike, and of meridional DLC. direction. 90575. PALM, T. Die schwedischen Arten der Gattung Geodromicus Redtb. mit Beschreibung einer neuen Art, Col. Staphylinidae. (Opuscula entomologica 1981. v. 26, no. 1-2, p. 153-57, illus.) 6 refs. In German. Title tr.: Swedish species of the genus Geodromicus Redtb. with description of a new species, Col. Staphylinidae. Describes four species of rove beetles, two of them of arctic occurrence, and one Geodromicus hoejeri n sp, new. Key to Swedish forms, locations of finds and'of type material, habitats and distribution are DLC. considered.
Cesium-137 content in the summer of 1964 showed the highest body burden in adults at the village of Anaktuvuk Pass, averaging 1280 nanocuries. This is an increase of 100% over the previous year and 200% over 1962. The highest found in a native in 1964 was 2.4 microcuries. Sodium22 was found in urine of Eskimos and subsequently in their bodies and in reindeer or caribou meat. DLC. 90577. PALMER, H. E., and others. Radioactivity measurements in Alaskan Eskimos in 1963. (Science, May 15, 1964. v. 144, p. 859-60, table.) 4 refs. Other authors: W. C. Hanson, B. I. Griffin and D. M. Fleming. Reports on whole body measurements of Eskimos from five villages above the Arctic Circle, made in the summer of 1963. Adults of the village at Anaktuvuk Pass showed the highest average body burden, 628 nanocuries of cesium-137, a 50% increase over the previous summer. The maximum burden found was 1.24 microcuries. DLC. 90578. PALMER, H. E., and W. C. ROESCH. A shadow shield whole-body counter. (Health physics 1965. v. 11, no. 11, p. 1213-19, table, graphs, illus.) 17 refs. Describes a transportable, economical whole-body counter, its assembling and working. Since 1962 the counter has been used in the North mostly on Eskimos. Its operation there outdoors, is also described. DLC. PALMER, H. E., see also Nos. 85460, 87714, 87716, 87717, 92548 01. 90579. PALMGREN, P. The distribution of the Finnish bird fauna. (International Ornithological Congress, 12th, 1958. Proceedings pub. 1960. v. 2, p. 586-91.) Discusses the latitudinal zonation of Finland, the arctic bird fauna, its cyclical character and limits of occurrence; birds of the tundra-taiga transitional zone, and more southerly areas. Disappearance Of northern species from old habitats due to warmer climate and man's activity, is noted. DLC.
PALMAR, T., see No. 92990. PAL1VIEIRA, R. A. R., see No. 85322. 90576. PALMER, H. E., and others. Radioactivity measured in Alaskan natives, 1962-1964. (Science, Feb. 5, 1965. v. 147, p. 620-21, table.) 5 refs. Other autlwrs: W. C. Hanson, B. I. Griffin and L. A. Braby.
90580. PALMGREN, P. Die Spinnenfauna der Gegend von Kilpisjarvi in Lappland. Helsinki 1965. 70 p. tables, graphs, map, illus. (Acta zoologica fennica 110.) 11 refs. In German. Title tr.: The spider fauna of the Kilpisjarvi region in Lapland. Lists about 170 species studied north of Lake 'Kilpisjarvi in 1943 and 1959-1962.
The different biotopes are described and their characteristic spider faunas noted. DLC. 90581. PAL'iSEVICH, L. P. Ekonomika etazhnosti zhilol zastrotki v uslovietkh (In: SoveshchanieKralnego Severe. seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanii . . . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 1, p. 84-97, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: Economics of the number of stories for domestic buildings under conditions of the Far North. Considers the economic and technical problems of building dwellings in permafrost regions in order to clarify how many stories they should have and fulfill economic requirements. Wooden structures of onetwo floors are considered undesirable because of the construction costs as well as utilization of space. In Noril'sk and Vorkuta four-five story buildings predominate but some of six-seven floors are under construction. Proposals are made for buildings of 12-15 floors and more. Lowerand higher-rise structures are evaluated, especially those in the 2-9 floor range. Buildings of either four-five or of nine are found best for the Far North. CaONA. 90582. PALISEVICH, L. P. Problema etazhnosti zhilol zastrolki naselennykh mest Kralnego Severe. (Problemy Severe 1964. no. 10, p. 84-92, tables.) In Russian. Title tr.: The number of stories in domestic buildings of settlements in the Far North. The wooden, one-two story house, formerly considered normal for the Far North, has proved inadequate for protection against the low temperature, strong wind and snow of the arctic regions. Only large, multistoried buildings can provide the safety and comfort of the inhabitants. The optimal number of stories is not yet established, but studies in Norilsk by the Construction Research Institute indicate the nine-story building the most economic and efficient for arctic stress. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. CaMAI, DLC. 90583. PAL'fYN, A. A. 0 zashchite kozhi gipertonicheskimi rastvorami glidkozy pri zamorazhivanii. (EksperimentaPnafa khirurgifa i anesteziologifa 1965. v. 10, no. 3, p. 61-65, table, graphs, illus.) 14 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Protecting the skin with hypertonic solutions of glucose during freezing. Rabbit skin impregnated with 10-40% solutions of glucose, frozen to —196° C and thawed at different rates took well in autografts. Possibilities of practical application of the method are suggested. DNLM.
90584. PANASENKO, G. D. SeYsmicheskie osobennosti severo-vostochno! chasti BaltiLskogo shchita. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. MezhduvedomstvennyI geofizicheski! komitet. Selsmicheskie issledovanig. Sbornik state! 1965. no. 6, p. 5-22, tables, graphs, map, section.) 32 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Seismic features of the northeastern part of the Baltic shield. Summarizes results of investigations along the Kola Peninsula coast from Sredniy Poluostrov to the Mezen' estuary from the Kovdozero lowland through Kandalakaha Bay to the Severnaya. Dvina River mouth, along the main transverse fault of the Peninsula, and along the line Oulu-UkhtaKem'. The greatest earthquake magnitude from 1891 through the IGY was 5.2. Territorial distribution of epicenters is determined in a general way, showing 40 mg per rat and day. In choline-deficient rats, fatty infiltration in the liver occurred at methionine intakes 4 me/s), and positive and negative deviations (over 20%) of critical frequency, fo of F2 layer from the medians. The anomalous changes in foF2 in the summer hemisphere are found less frequent and less extensive than in the winter hemisphere, according to data of 33 Northern, incl a score of arctic and subarctic, and 12 of Southern Hemisphere stations. An anomalous absorption observed simultaneously in both these hemispheres, appears earlier and spreads over a much greater space in the summer than in the winter hemisphere. Regions of Bs with high maximum frequencies are more stable, and occupy greater space in the Northern Hemisphere. The variations are explained either by the action of magnetohydrodynamic waves on the ionosphere, or by penetration of solar corpuscles (protons) into the polar cap. DLC. ZEVAKINA, R. A., see also No. 89993. 93198. ZEZINA, G. B., and N. I. TARASOV. K faune usonogikh rakov Cirripedia thoracica Severnogo Ledovitogo okeana, V. (Leningrad. ArkticheskiI i antarkticheskil n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1964. v. 259, p. 299-40, tables, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title
tr.: Barnacle fauna Cirripedia thoracica of the Arctic Ocean, 5. Describes six species of goose barnacles and rock barnacles collected in 1955-1957, with data on location and depth of find, temperature and substrate. Some ecological and biogeographic remarks are included. Three earlier papers in this series were listed as No 17430-17432 in this Bibliography; the fourth pub in Problemy Arktiki 1945, no 4 has not been seen. CaMAI, DLC. ZEZIN, R. B., see No. 87046. 93199. ZHABIN, A. G., and G. E. CHEREPIVSKAa. Dalki karbonatitov v svffini s ul'traosnovnym-shchelochnym elf uzivnym magmatizmom. (Akademifi nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 160, p. 200-203, tables, illus.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Carbonatite dikes in connection with ultrabasie-alkaline effusive magmatism. Describes the carbonatite dikes of the Maymecha-Kotuy petrographic province. Their mineralogic and chemical composition, thickness, contacts with enclosing rocks, texture and other features are characterized. Their content of Nb, Zr, TR, Sr, Be, Ba and other rare elements is noted. Formation of carbonatite dikes is discussed. DLC. 93200. ZHABIN, A. G., and others. KarCaiostronaianity v svfazi a postmagmaticheskim mineralo-obrazovaniem v kompleksakh shchelochnykh porod. (In: Moskva. Inst. mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhinaii redkikh elementov. Petrologifa' ... 1965, p. 282-87, tables, graphs, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A. P. Khomfakov, Z. T. Kataeva and N. S. Gorokhova. Title tr.: Calciostrontianites in postmagmatic mineral formation of alkaline rock complexes. Describes properties and mode of occurrence of this mineral in the Ural, southern Siberia and the Kotuy River basin, and compares it with calciostrontianite from Wise County, Virginia. Chemical composition and heat tests are also compared. DLC. 93201. ZHABIN, A. G. 0 stroenii i posledovatel'nosti formirovanifi Gulinskogo kompleksa dunitov, ul'traosnovnykh i ul'traosnovnykh-shchelochnykh lay, shchelochnykh porod i karbonatitov. (In: Moskva. Inst. mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov. Petrologifil . 1965, p. 159-92, maps, sections, illus.) 22 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structure and
formation of the Gulya complex of dunites, ultrabasic and ultrabasic-alkaline lavas, alkaline rocks and carbonatites. Reviews earlier studies of the Gulya intrusion and analyzes its configuration and formation sequences. Rocks composing the complex, dunites, periodites, alkaline ultrabasic rocks, etc are described, as is the internal structure of the intrusion. The Gulya intrusion is not typical of intrusions of ultrabasic alkaline rocks, it differs in form, assemblage and sequences of rock formation. It could be called a field of DLC. dunites. 93202. ZHABIN, A. G., and G. E. CHEREPIVSKAla. Reomorficheskie zhily rasplavlennogo peschanika, fenitizirovannogo peschanika i dalki tufopeschanikov iz Malmecha-KotuIskol magmaticheskol pro-. PolfArnol Sibiri. (Akademia. nauk SSSR. Doldady 1964. v. 156, no. 4, p. 851-54, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Rheomorphic veins of liquefied sandstone, fenitized sandstone and dikes of tuffa-sandstones from Maymecha-Kotuy magmatic province of polar Siberia. Presents a petrographic description of rheomorphic phenomena and elastic dikes of this region. Partial liquefaction of sandstones around a dolerite sill is described as is the subsequent injection of veins in this sill. Rheomorphic veins of fenitized sandstone in dikes of nephelinites also are dealt with. The third case treated is plutonic and non-plutonic elastic dikes of tuffssandstones in Triassic lavas and sedimentary carbonate rocks of Cambrian age. DLC. ZHABEN, A. G., see also No. 89118. 93203. ZHARKIKH, A. I., and I. I. LUKIN. Vstalat novostrolki. (In: 10 let MagadanskoT . 1963, p. 111-47, table, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Buildings arise. Describes 1953-1962 capital investment, progress and plans through 1964 in urban and rural construction and the building materials industry of Magadan Province as a whole, also individual towns or plants. Through the mid-1950's, wood was the prime construction material, except for a few brick houses in Magadan city. High transport costs and low industrialization kept construction costs some 2.5-3 times above the country-wide average, even after the introduction, in 1956, of reinforced concrete-block building. New labor, time, and money-saving materials and construction methods are discussed. Problems set
by permafrost and climatic conditions are discussed for excavation work and foundations, sewage lines, plumbing, electric conduits, etc. Good test results of prefabricated concrete blocks, fiberglass, etc are noted, as are techniques for preserving the permafrost, success with pile foundations at Pevek, Anadyr, Magadan, etc. Some ten thousand people are employed in the building industry on Chukotka. DLC. 93204. ZHARKOV, D. S. Biblioteki politicheskikh ssyl'nykh VostochnoI Sibiri, 1890-1917 gg. (Ulan Ude. VostochnoSibirskil bibliotechnyl inst. Trudy 1962. no. 1, p. 176-220.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Libraries of political exiles in East Siberia, 1890-1917. Describes libraries assembled in prisons and private houses in Yakutia, Yenisey and Irkutsk Provinces. Acquisition and handling of books prohibited by tsarist authorities, clandestine publication and dissemination of subversive literature among the local population, etc are discussed. The organization, financing, and administration of major libraries are dealt with, e.g. in Yakutsk, Vilyuysk, Sredne-Kolymsk, Olekminak, Verkhoyansk, and Turukhansk. DLC. 93205. ZHARKOV, M. A., and V. V. KHOMENTOVSKIi. Osnovnye voprosy stratigrafii nizhnego kembrie, i vends raga Sibirskol platformy v svazi s solenosnost'fa. (Moskovskoe o-vo ispytatelel prirody. Bftllleten' 1965. otd. geol. v. 40, no. 1, p. 100118, tables, map.) 31 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Main stratigraphic problems of the Lower Cambrian and Wendian in the south of the Siberian platform in connection with its salinity. Presents a critical approach to the stratigraphic division of Lower Cambrian and Wendian (Sinian) deposits, distributed south of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska and Vilyuy. A new stratigraphic scheme is offered dividing the Lower Cambrian into six horizons and the Wendian into four. The marine basin with normal salinity is DLC. characterized. 93206. ZHARKOV, M. A., and A. L. IANSHIN. Soveshchanie po rezul'tatam i napravlenifa poiskovykh rabot na kalilnye soli v VostochnoT Sibiri. (Geologia i geofizika 1965, no. 10, p. 141 49.) In Russian. Title tr.: Conference on the results and direction of prospecting for potassium salts in Eastern Siberia. Reviews the conference of 11-14 May 1965, noting participating institutions and
papers delivered. Distribution of potassium salts, especially in the southern part of the Siberian platform and the Irkutsk cirque, is outlined as are tasks of further exploraDLC. tions. ZHDANKO, T. A., see No. 92411. ZHDANOV, A. A., see No. 92829. ZHDANOV, ft. IA., see No. 88036. 93207. ZHDANOV, V. V. 0 dvukh tipakh zemnol kory bez "granitnogo" sloa na severe Baltitskogo shchita. (Sovetskafa geologifa 1965, no. 5, p. 101-111, map.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On two types of earth's crust without a granite layer in the northern part of the Baltic shield. Reviews recent geologic and geophysical studies in the western part of Kola Peninsula with special attention to deep seismic In Russian Lapland, two soundings. structures of the earth's crust are distinguished which have no granite layer. Their history of development is unusual. Disappearance of the granite layer in the Lapland deep block is connected with its long uplift and erosion of rocks. In the Pechenga trough, the granite layer is displaced by a thick stratum of basic DLC. effusives. ZHDANOVA, A. A., see No. 93145. 93208. ZHEREWFSOV, L. N. K istorii (Istorikonarodnogo zhiliqhcha komi. filologicheskil sbornik 1960. no. 6, p. 68-88, illus.) Approx. 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Evolution of the Zyryan dwelling. The gable-type pit-house and low hunting but with conical, mono- , or double-pitch roof to the ground prevailed from the 2nd millennium BC to the 1st millennium AD when the above-ground log cabin with monopitch roof began to appear. The low, long, windowless log cabin of the 10-12th centuries AD became more compact and higher, house and farm buildings grouped around an open court, later under one roof, and by the 18th century became the typical Zyryan housing complex with roofed yard. The houses have heated (winter) and unheated (summer) sections in a single story built over a high storage basement, with bath-house and farm buildings grouped around. The settlement pattern changed from dispersed to a cluster-type village with 19th century building regulations. The north Russian two-story house with a hall separating storage from living area became popular at the turn of the century, especially
in the Izhma-Pechora basin. Most of these house types are discussed as to construction, interior division, etc with illus and floor DLC. plans. 93209. ZHESTKOVA, T. N., and others. K voprosu formirovanifa l'distykh gorizontoy v epigeneticheskikh merzlykh tolshchalch. (Akadenaila nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 156, no. 3, p. 558-60, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: G. M. Fel'dman, I. E. Dukhin and P. F. Shveasov. Title tr.: Formation of ice horizons in epigenetic frozen strata. Reports study of marine Quaternary deposits of Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Grain size data and chemical and mineralogle analyses indicate that these strata make a single genetic unit, lithologically homogeneous. Within the strata, three horizons are established with higher content of ice. These horizons are at 15-20,40-45 and 70-75 m depths. Their presence is explained by local cooling and warming intervals throughout a long period of time. Calculation of these phenomena are given. DLC. 93210. ZHESTKOVA, T. N. Osnovnye tipy tekstur merzlykh chetvertichnykh otlozhenil Vorkutakogo ugol'nogo mestorozhdenifa. (Akademila nauk SSSR. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Sevemoe otd-ie. Trudy 1960. no. 1, p. 39-45, illus.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Main types of fabric of frozen Quaternary deposits of the Vorkuta coal field. Reports study of lower moraine and fluvioglacial, lacustrine-boggy deposits of various lithologic types. A cross-section of such deposits in shaft no 32 of the field is analyzed and each layer described as to composition, thickness, ice content, and fabric. The prevailing types of fabric are bedded and reticulated structures. Primary, relict, and other types of structures are also noted. DLC. 93211. ZHESTKOVA, T. N. Sostav i stroenie sezonnopromerzafashchego i sezonnoottaivafashchego slofa porod v Vorkutskom ralone. (Merzlotnye issledovaniQ 1964. no. 4, p. 292-300, tables.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Composition and structure of the seasonal freeze-thaw layer in the Vorkuta region. Notes the insular distribution of permafrost in this region and presence of a freezethaw layer consisting mostly of covering loams. These kerns are analyzed and their mechanical and mineralogic composition, specific weight, porosity, structure and
texture, moisture, ice inclusions and other features are described. The thickness and processes of freezing and thawing, and the syngenetic type of freezing of loams are also briefly noted. DLC. 93212. ZHIGALOV, L. N. Magnitnaill aktivnost' v vostochnom sektore Antarktidy. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1965. no. 19, p. 45-53, table, graphs.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Magnetic activity in eastern sector of the Antarctic. Magnetic activity observed in 19571958 at four antarctic stations is plotted and critically discussed. Comparison with data from the Arctic shows that the daily magnetic activities in the eastern Antarctic and the western Arctic are identical in form for tat 83-840, but substantially different at Pionerskaya and North Pole-7 stations in the eastern Antarctic and Arctic respectively. CaMAI, DLC. 93213. ZHIGALOV, L. N. Magnitnye vblizi geomagnitnykh polfllsov. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 18, p. 68-77, table, graphs.) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Magnetic variations near geomagnetic poles. Review article covering critically the data given in 19 recent papers, Russian and foreign, with five conclusions offered. Inclination variation data are of value for evaluations of magnetic activity. The Vostok and Thule stations show magnetic activity maxima during daytime. The magnitudes of the maxima vary, as the mean daily activities at the station under consideration. Comparison of the data obtained at these two stations indicates the non-uniformity of corpuscular streams. Characteristics of daily activity are the same on quiet and stormy days. CaMAI, DLC. 93214. ZHIGALOVA, N. N., and A. I. OL'. Vysokoshirotnye bukhtoobraznye vozmushchenifll geomagnitnogo pain. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1964. no. 15, p. 69-73, graphs.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: High-latitude bay-like disturbances of the geomagnetic field. Discusses briefly earlier work and analyzes the data collected by the North Pole-3, -4, and -6 drifting stations and by the Thule station. The observed magnetic magnitudes are plotted in gammas according to time of observation. They show that bay-like disturbances are not constant in time and that physical nature of these disturbances in the subarctic region is different from that in the high latitudes. CaMAI, DLC.
93215. ZHIGUL'SKII, A. A. Eksperimentarnye issledovanifll soprotivlenifll merzlogo grunta sdvigu po bokovol poverkhnosti i szhatifll pod toraom svai. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu opytom proektirovanifll . 1962 pub. 1963. v. 2, p. 77-91, table, graphs, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Experimental investigations of frozen ground resistance to the shear on the side surface, and under the butt of a pile. Reports results of investigations at Yakutsk during 1957-1961 on the role of the pile butt in the transfer of load pressure to the ground. Duration of the load action, character of pile deformation, temperature, aggregate condition of permafrost and of the layer of seasonal thawing were taken into account. The effect of the form of the pile cross-section upon its bearing capacity is evaluated. Actual values of tangential stresses along the pile length are determined as is their distribution under different loads and at different deformation stages of the pile. CaONA. 93216. ZHIGUL'SKII, A. A. Soprotivlenie merzlogo grunta pod torCsom svai. (In: Akademitll nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifll. Prochnost' 1963, p. 208-218, tables, graphs.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Resistance of frozen ground under the butt of a pile. Presents results of long term studies of the interaction between a pile foundation and permafrost. An instrumented pilemeter of reinforced concrete was installed in place of a regular pile in the foundation of a four-story building erected in Yakutsk in 1957-1959. The granulometric composition, moisture, and volumetric weight of the ground at the experimental site are given, as is a graph of frozen ground 1957-1960 beneath the pile butt. Many natural factors were found to affect the resistance both to shear on the sides of the pile and to compression under its butt end. During the most unfavorable months of Sept—Nov when resistance to shear is lowest at Yakutsk, it dropped to 0.8 kg/cm2, and under the butt resistance reached 12.6 km/cm2. These studies indicate that the load on the pile can be increased to 15 kg/ cm2 from the 7 kg/cm2 allowed in the standard specifications. DLC. 93217. ZHILINA, T. I., and N. A. KOLEGOVA. Nekotorye osobennosti govora obskikh komi: ss. Muzhi i Shuryshkary. (Istoriko-filologicheskil sbornik 1960. no. 6, p. 152-70.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some characteristics of Ob Zyryan speech: Muzhi and Shuryshkary villages.
Linguistic study based on field trips in 1959 to the southwest part of the YamalNenets National District. Phonetic, morphological, and semantic changes are traced in this subdialect of the Izhma (Pechora basin) Zyryans who moved east across the Urals over a long period mainly 1840-1930, to escape the hoof-and-mouth epidemics killing off their reindeer. These two villages are west of the lower Ob River. Muzhi has 341 Zyryan homesteads; Shuryshkary has a mixed population of 752 Ostyaks, 121 Zyryans, also some Nenets Samoyeds and Russians. Their kolkhoz economy is based on the reindeer industry and fishing. Cultural facilities, etc of both villages are DLC. described. ZHILKIN, V. B., see No. 88087. 93218. ZHILTSOV, L. M. Atomnafft lodka idet k polfli.su. (Starshina-Serzhant 1963, no. 3, p. 6-7, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Atomic vessel sails to the Pole. Captain of the atomic submarine Lenindescribes a (1962?) cruise skit under the ice to the North Pole. Earlier Soviet arctic submarine expeditions are also DLC. noted. 93219. ZHILTSOVA, L. A. Vesnfanki, Plecoptera, Karelii. (In: Akademifd. nauk SSSR. Karel'skil filial. Inst. biologii. Fauna ozer ... 1965, p. 200-205.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Plecoptera of Karelia. Discusses earlier studies on local stoneflies and their value as fish food; the 18 species definitely known from Karelia are listed with notes on occurrence, habitats, and emergence periods. Some 18 additional forms possibly occurring in this area and their zoogeographic aspects are also noted. DLC. 93220. ZHIVILOVA, L. Transportnoe ispol'zovanie severnykh rek Kanady. (Rechno1 transport 1964. v. 23, no. 5, p. 49-50, map.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of northern rivers in Canada for transportation. Describes, mostly from No 75111, the Mackenzie as comparable to the northern river systems in the USSR. The basin 1.7 million km2 in area includes a number of large lakes and rivers forming a unique transportation system. The main route extends 2700 km from the railroad junction at Waterways to the arctic port Tuktoyaktuk. The navigation conditions are complex, requiring skilled personnel, and shallow draught, increased engine power, and sea-
going rig. For various parts of the system, the navigation period is noted. Over half of the vessels belong to the Northern Transportation Co, which in 1962 had 100 steel barges, 26 diesel tu and a few Air motorships for coastwise traffic. compressors at Tuktoyaktuk releasing air from pipes laid on the bottom near the pier keep water from freezing even at temperatures —37° C. DLC. 93221. ZHIZHINA, M. S. Raspredelenie tabulkit i geliolitid v karbonatnykh otlozhenifilkh ordovika i silura Talmyra. (Vses. simpozium po izuchenifd iskopaemykh korallov, 1st 1963. Trudy, Moskva 1965, no. 1, p. 10-13, map.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of tabulate corals and heliolithids in Ordovician and Silurian carbonate deposits of Taymyr. Describes these deposits in the Tareya, Nizhnyaya Taymyra and other river basins. Middle and Upper Ordovician are described according to stratigraphic divisions. Tabulate corals are identified, heliolithids and some other fauna are noted. Coral fauna of the Silurian deposits is different, and is also listed according to stratigraphic units. DLC. 93222. ZHIZHINA, M. S. Stratigrafifi karbonatnykh otlozhenil silura ftentral'nogo Talmyra. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1965. v. 145, p. 67-75, map, sections, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of the Silurian carbonate deposits of central Taymyr. Reports a study in the Tareya and Nizhnyaya Taymyra River basins. Llandoverian, Wenlockian and lower Ludlovian deposits of the Lower and Upper Silurian are described, noting their distribution, thickness, lithologic properties and other features. A stratigraphic division is made according to tabulate, gastropod, brachiopod and other fauna, and the described sections are correlated. DLC. 93223. ZHIZHINA, M. S. Tabulfity ordovika Talmyra. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Nauchnye zapiski 1965. Paleontologifli i biostratigrafifa no. 10, p. 64-78, table, illus.) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ordovician tabulate corals of Taymyr. Describes systematically eight new tabulate corals of gen Nyctopora Nicholson 1879, viz: N. canaliculata, N. convexotabulata, N. concavotabulata, N. costata, N. granulomurails and N. vulgaris. DLC.
93224. ZHORNIT1KAa, M. a. Narodnye tan* evenov i evenkov akutskof ABBR. (Sovetskaf?t etnografifft 1964, no. 2, p. 116-22.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Folk dances of the Eveny and Evenki of the Yakut ASSR. Study based on 1960 field work in kolkhozes of the Aldan, Timpton, Moma, and Tompo Districts. Traditional round and chain dances and animal (reindeer, bird) impersonations are described. Dances were filmed, voice accompaniments taped, and over 200 knowledgeable people of different age groups interviewed. Lyrics of several songs are given in the original language and Russian translation. The Evenki Tungus adopted Yakut dances, the Lamuts retained their own. No musical instruments are used; the dances are accompanied by voice CaMAI, DLC. of a singer, caller, etc. 93225. ZHUIKOVA, I. V. Osobennosti rosta i opredelenie vozrasta nekotorykh rastenil Khibin. (Problemy Severa 1964. no. 8, p. 118-29, illus.) 27 refs. In Russian. English translation available from National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Title tr.: Features of growth and age determination of some plants in Khibiny. Reports studies at several sites of these mountain tundras to ascertain the influence of growth processes on the morphological Three species of structure of plants. Vaccinium, Salix polaris, Arctous alpina, Saxifraga opposilifolia, Sibbaldia procumbens, and Potentilla crantzii were observed under various conditions; their morphology at different ages is described. Their rate of growth is found to be retarded under the severe conditions of the Arctic, but their CaMAI, DLC. life span increased. 93226. ZHUK-POCHEKUTOV, K. A., and others. Assoaiaifil, shchelochnykh bazal'toidov-bazal'tov MaImecha-KotulskoI vulkano-plutonicheskol formaaii. (In: Moskva. Inst. mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov. Petrologifa ... 1965, p. 5-90, tables, graphs, maps, sections, illus.) Approx. 46 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V. S. Gladkikh and L. N. Leont'ev. Title tr.: Association of the alkaline basaltoid-basalts of the Maymecha-Kotuy volcanic and plutonic formations. Outlines the geology and petrography of the Maymecha-Kotuy province, unique in the USSR for its intrusive also effusive series of alkaline ultrabasic rocks analogous to the classic alkaline province of East Africa. Gulya pluton is analyzed, its composition and formation processes de-
scribed. So-called meymechites, hitherto considered intrusive rocks, are recognized by the author as an effusive stratum. Metasomatic alteration of rocks of volcanic formations is described and petrochemical analysis of the effusive rocks is given. DLC. ZHUK-POCHEKUTOV, K. A., see also Nos. 87340, 89256. 93227. ZHUKOV, N. I. Nekotorye immunobiologicheskie reakaii pri konvek@ionnom i radiaaionnom okhlazhdenii. (Bfulleten' eksperimental'nol biologii i mediainy 1964. v. 29, no. 8, p. 101-105, table, graphs.) 15 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Some immunobiological reactions in convection and radiation cooling. Account of experiments with rabbits, using the opsonophagocytic activity as index of immunological reactivity. It is shown that the latter became more depressed by cooling through radiation than by cooling through convection. DLC. 93228. ZHUKOV, V. F., and I. L MIKHAUCHENKO. Itogi pervykh issledovanil po uprochnenifll Vorkutskikh pokrovnykh suglinkov elektrokhimicheskim sposoborn. (In: Moskva. N.-issl. inst. osnovanil i podzemnykh sooruzhenil. Kriogennye prorsessy ... 1965, p. 68-79, tables, graphs, illus.) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Results of the first investigations to stabilize the Vorkuta covering barns by electrochemical means. Reports work of 1960-1962 on strengthening loams under laboratory and field conditions. The tests showed that methods used under temperate climatic conditions do not give positive results in the North. Electrochemical strengthening with application of CaCl2 and Ca(011)2 was found not to decrease, but rather to increase the ground dispersibility. Strengthening without the addition of chemical matter was CaMAI. found to be most effective. 93229. ZHUKOV, V. F. M. L Sumgin i razvitie sovetskogo merzlotovedenifa. (In: Akademila nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifit. Sovremennye voprosy ... 1964, p. 35-38.) In Russian. Title tr.: M. I. Sumgin and the development of Soviet geocryology. Reviews the role of M. I. Sumgin, stressing his practical observation of permafrost on the Baykal-Amur railroad at Yakutsk, Vorkuta, Igarka, and other places. His ideas in promoting research in geocryology, educating cadres of specialists, his practical solving of problems, etc are noted. DLO.
93230. ZHUKOV, V. F. Sovremennye zadachi predpostroechnogo protaivanifa i uprochnenifit vechnomerzlykh gruntov. (In: Soveshchanie-seminar po obmenu proektirovania ... 1962 pub. 1963. v. 2, p. 3-11.) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Present-day tasks in preconstruction thawing and strengthening of permafrost ground. Considers methods of the improving engineering characteristics of frozen ground after thaw under part of a building, the ground temperature near 0° C, the permafrost layer thin, and the building constructed for a wet industrial process, and under other difficult engineering conditions. From experience at Vorkuta a program of study and methods are proposed. The process of inserting foundation piles into thawed ground, and ways to reduce the labor and materials required are the main problems to be solved for general adoption of this method. CaONA. 93231. ZHUKOV, V. M. Osnovnye cherty struktury klimata v pogodakh raznykh fiziko-geograficheskikh ralonov fuzhnol chasti poluostrova Kamchatki. (In: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy. Prirodnye usloviG, ... 1963, p. 69-87, tables, graphs, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Main features of the climatic structure of weather in the various physical-geographic regions of the southern part of Kamchatka Peninsula. Reports the radiation conditions of the area: monthly, annual and seasonal changes of solar radiation are outlined and data given for Petropavlovsk, Klyuchi, Cape Lopatka, and other stations. Atmospheric circulation is analyzed according to seasons. Relief effects on local weather is treated in some detail. Western and eastern coasts are considered, and seasonal changes noted in temperature, precipitation, wind direction and other features. DLC. 93232. ZHUKOVA, A. Romantika tundry. (Khudozhnik 1964. v. 6, no. 2, p. 25-29, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Romanticism of the tundra. Describes an exhibit of the Russian painter D. K. Sveshnikov depicting Nenets Samoyeds of the Malozemel'akaya and Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundras. Present-day life of reindeer herders as seen in the paintings is discussed. DLC. ZHUKOVA, A. N., see No. 92893. 93233. ZHUKOVA, P. G. Kariologia nekotorykh vidov Compositae v Polfarnoapilskom botanicheskom sadu. (Botani-
cheskil zhurnal 1964. v. 49, no. 11, p. 1656-59.) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Karyology of some forms of Compositae in the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden. Reports study of chromosome numbers in several dozens of species introduced into this central Kola Peninsula area. One of the aims of the investigation was to determine whether acclimatization affects the chromosomal apparatus of the introduced plants. DLC. 93234. ZHUKOVA, P. G. Kariologicheskeet kharakteristika nekotorykh vidov rastenil ostrova Vrangelfa. (Botanicheskil zhurnal 1965. v. 50, no. 9, p. 1320-22, table.) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Karyological characteristics of some plant species on Vrangel Island. Notes the high number (160) of vascular plant species in the area, also the isolated and endemic forms. Number of chromosomes is reported for 34 species, nine of them studied for the first time. Exceptional numbers of chromosomes within local forms and such in other areas are indicated. DLC. 93235. ZHUKOVSKIi, ie. S. Analiz padenifa prodol'nogo profilfa rek i ego znachenie pri poiskakh tektonicheskikh strukturnykh form. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1965. v. 20, no. 6, p. 135-41, tables, maps.) 17 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Analysis of the incline of the linear profile of rivers and its importance in the search for tectonic structural forms. Reports a study of gradients of river channels in the Anabar-Khatanga interfluve. The streams are divided into six categories and their gradients measured in cm/km. The resultant data are used in interpretation of recent tectonic movements and structural forms. DLC. 93236. ZHUKOVSKII, ID. S. Osobennosti geomorfologicheskogo stroenifa doliny r. Olenek. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1964. v. 19, no. 18, p. 77-87, table, map.) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Features of the geomorphic structure of the Olenek River valley. Describes this 2325 km river of northwest Yakutia, and its valley some 246,000 km2 in area. The upper reaches from headwaters to Arga-Sala, the middle course down to Pur, and the lower part from Pur to the Laptev Sea are treated in turn, especially in respect to terrace development DLC. and tectonic structure.
93237. ZHULINA, E. M. Izmenenie kharakteristik radiosvfazi s Csiklom solnechnol aktivnosti. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomi2 1965. v. 5, no. 6, p. 1115-17, graphs, map.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Variation in the characteristics of radiocommunication with the cycle of solar activity. Analyzes reception data of the radio-. signal from Washington, D. C. and Hawaii at Ottawa, Resolute Bay, and Ft Churchill during 1957-1959 and 1961-1963 the periods respectively of the max and the abatement in solar activity. Radiofrequencies of 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 Mc/sec were emitted by WWV and 5, 10, 15 Mc/sec by WWVH, both signals passing through the auroral zone. Optimal frequencies are indicated for winter and summer seasons of both periods. The worst reception was during winter nights at DLC. min solar activity. ZHURAVLEV, R. S., see No. 88894. ZHURAVLEV, V. S., see Nos. 89022, 89755. 93238. ZHURAVLEVA, I. T., and others. Arkheoaiaty Sibiri, dvustennye arkheoGiaty. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 132 p. tables, graphs, maps, illus. Approx. 75 refs. In Russian. Other authors: K. N. Konillshkov and A. 1D. Rozanov. Title tr.: Archeocyathids of Siberia, doublewalled archeocyathids. Comprehensive study complementing No 84656. Author describes the stratigraphic position, geographic distribution, ecology, morphology, biology and systematics of double-walled Cambrian archeocyathids. Special attention is given to the systematic description: some 50 treated and well illus belong to suborders Capsulocyathina, Dokidocyathina and Putapacyathina, in fain Bicyathidae and Tabulacyathidae. They were collected in the Siberian platform, Sayan-Altay province, the Ural, and other DLC. regions. 93239. ZHURAVLEVA, I. T., and others. 0 raschlenenii Atdabanskogo gorizonta nizhnego kembrife Sibirskol platformy. (Geologifil i geofizika 1965, no. 9, p. 137-40, table.) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors: L. N. Repina and V. V. Khomentovskil. Title tr.: Subdivision of the At-Daban horizon of the Lower Cambrian in the Siberian platform. Reports collection of new material on trilobites and archeocyathids, and division
of this horizon into two, the At-Daban and Taryn, with a listing of the fauna of each. DLC. 93240. ZHURAVLEVA, I. T., and V. I. Stratigrafita nizhnego KORSHUNOV. kembrifil Kharaulakhskikh gor. (GeologiI i geofizika 1965, no. 11, p. 45-55, sections.) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of the Lower Cambrian of the Kharaulakh Mountains. Reports a 1962 study with many crosssections examined and archeocyathid fauna determined. The characteristics of archeocyathid complexes are stated which enable the correlation of Lower Cambrian deposits. It is established that there is no regional discontinuity between late Precambrian and early Cambrian in the northeastern part of the Siberian platform and no discontinuity in the second half of the Lower DLC. Cambrian. 93241. ZHURAVLEVA, Z. A. Onkolity katagrafii rifefa. i nizhnego kembrii Sibiri i ikh stratigraficheskoe znachenie. Moskva, Izd-vo Nauka 1964. 73 p. tables, illus. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Geologicheskil inst. Trudy no. 114.) Approx. 65 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Riphean and Lower Cambrian oncolites and catagraphs of Siberia and their stratigraphic importance. Outlines the study and the nature of these small algal-like bodies. The difference between oncolites and oolites is noted. Oncolites and catagraphs are described, their groups and many new forms pointed out. Their vertical distribution in Upper Precambrian and Lower Cambrian deposits of the Aldan shield, Turukhansk region, Anabar massif, Olenek uplift and Kharaulakh Mts is outlined and their complexes delineated. These problematic organisms are of importance for the stratigraphic DLC. division of old strata. 93242. ZHURAVLEVA, Z. A. Onkolity i katagrafii v rifee i kembrii Vostochnoi Sibiri i ikh stratigraficheskoe znachenie. (Akademii nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 158, no. 2, p. 348-51.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Oncolites and catagraphs of the Riphean and Cambrian of Eastern Siberia and their stratigraphic importance. Describes these microscopic and problematical organic remains, carbonatic concretions, and products of algae and bacterial life, as studied in deposits in the northwestern slopes of the Aldan shield, Anabar massif, Turukhansk region, Kharaulakh Mts, and other areas. Eight oncolite and catagraph complexes are distinguished ac-
cording to groups and forms, and a stratigraphic division of the Riphean and Cambrian is established. These organisms can be used for correlation and separation DLC. of Precambrian deposits as well.
93243. ZHUROV, H. IA., and D. A. SERGEEV. Drevnie skul'pturnye izobra(Anadyr'. Chukotskil zhenifit kitov. kraevedcheskil muzel. Zapiski 1962. no. 3, p. 21-24, illus.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ancient whale sculptures. Describes a hoard of animistic wooden amulets in the shape of whales discovered in 1961 near Seshan, Chukotka. They are considered of Asiatic Eskimo or Chukchi craftsmanship; some show daub of graphite, held powerful by Eskimos. No dating is attempted. Whale cults and festivals are discussed; that by Naukan Eskimos in 1935 the last known. The importance of whaling formerly in the economy of maritime Chukchis and Asiatic Eskimos is noted. DLC.
93244. ZfAT'KOVA, L. K. Platy' plenum Geomorfologicheskol komissii. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Izvestila 1965, ser. geog. no. 4, p. 136-38.) In Russian. Title tr.: Fifth plenum of the Geomorphological Commission. Reviews the meeting of 6-10 Apr 1965 in Novosibirsk, with some 250 specialists present, and 116 papers delivered. Decisions of the conference include work in Western Siberia, Yakutia and the Soviet Far East. A map of recent tectonics is to be compiled for the sea bottom of the Arctic and Subarctic. Discovery of the Talnakh deposits is considered as major achievement of practical importance. DLC.
93245. ZIBAREV, V. A. Pervye meroprifatifa kommunisticheskol partii i Sovetskogo gosudarvstva po okazanifa pomoshchi malym narodnostfam Severn v ekonomicheskom i kul'turnom razvitii. (Sibir' i DarniT Vostok v period vosstanovIenifa narodnogo khozfaTstva 1964. no. 3, p. 203-225, tables.) Approx. 35 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Initial measures of the Communist party and the Soviet government to foster the economic and cultural development of the small peoples of the North. Describes rehabilitation acts of the 1920's. Aborigines were exempted from labor conscription, taxes and levies reduced or abolished, long-term credits granted and outstanding debts to private merchants cancelled. Fisheries were nationalized, previously contracted fishing and hunting concessions annulled, and exclusive exploitation rights accorded to the indigenous
population. Hunting and fishing equipment supplies were improved, private fur trade abolished, and speculators and marauders prosecuted. The establishment of consumer and producer cooperatives, organization of medical and veterinary control, opening of boarding schools, and the spread of party-political indoctrination are considered prime agents in the socio-economic and cultural evolution of the northern and Far Eastern minorities. DLC. ZIETZ, I., see No. 88564.
ZIGERN-KORN, V. N., see No. 90471. 93246. ZILANOV, V. K. 0 pishchevol konkurenali putassu i sel'di v Norvezhskom more. (Materialy rybokhoz. issledovanil Severnogo basselna 1964. no. 4, p. 45-48, tables, graph.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Food competition between Gadus poutassou and herring in the Norwegian Sea. Reports on 1961 and 1963 investigations showing a great similarity between the diet of this cod and of herring. Since the areas of their distribution are identical and G (or Micromesistius) poutassou is fairly common and voracious, it is considered a food competitor of herring. DLC.
93247. ZILANOV, V. K. 0 podkhodakh, raspredelenii, nereste sel'di v ralone Lofoten i putfakh ee otkhoda v 1964 godu. (Materialy rybokhozfatstvennykh issledovanil Severnogo basseTna 1965. no. 5, p. 43-51, tables, graphs, map.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Approaches, distribution and spawning of herring in the Lofoten area and their return routes in 1964. Reports Feb-Apr investigations of several Russian vessels, with information on periods of shoreward and off-shore herring migrations, their directions and rate, size composition and degree of maturity in the catch, stomach contents, water temperatures, and fishery. DLC.
93248. ZILANOV, V. K. Raspredelenie putassu i perspektivy ee promysla v Norvezhskom more. (Rybnoe khoz1Jstvo 1965. v. 41, no. 4, p. 10-12, graphs, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of Micromesistius poulassou and its fishery prospects in the Norwegian Sea. Discusses the distribution of this deepsea cod, its spawning and shoaling, ascent into upper (30-300 m) water, attraction by artificial light, etc. Catches (with herring) and their size composition are noted, as are possibilities of developing this fishery. DLC.
93249. ZIL'BER, M. E. 0 nakhodkakh organicheskikh ostatkov v porodakh Prikhibinskol chasti Imandra-Varzugskogo sinklinoria. (In: Akademifil nauk SSSR. Korskil filial. Magmatizm i geologifil 1963, p. 185-88, illus.) In Russian. Title tr.: Find of organic remains in rocks of the Khibiny part of Imandra-Varzuga synclinorium. Reports a 1957-1959 investigation and division of the Imandra-Varzuga stratum in the Tundra, Imandra-Varzuga, and Umba series. Fauna and flora consisting of radiolarians and blue-green algae are identified and stratigraphic position disDGS. cussed. 93250. ZIL'BERBORD, A. F. za proavleniem polzuchesti merzlykh korennykh porod v podzemnykh vyrabotkakh. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenia. Prochnost' . .. 1963, p. 177-85, graphs, illus.) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Observations of creep manifested by frozen bedrock in underground workings. Discusses experience at the DzhebarikiKhaya and the Sangar coal mines of Yakut ASSR. The massif in which the mining is done has a temperature of —4.5 to —5.5° C, and the roof rocks are composed mostly of siltstone. A dozen blocks with total working area of about 18,000 m' were studied, and deformation found 4-5 times slower in the frozen than the unfrozen siltstone, permitting greater (up to 10 m) roof exposure. It was also noticed that frozen bedrock roofs of working caves sag DLC. less than those in unfrozen rock. 93251. ZIL'BERBORD, A. F. 0 protaivanii gornykh porod vokrug podzemnykh vyrabotok. (In: Akademifii nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenlik. Teplovye proaessy v merzlykh ... 1964, p. 81-85, table.) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Thawing of rocks around underground workings. Compares the thawing circle calculated by the hydrointegration method and by mathematical analysis using a differential equation of thermal conductivity or empirical data. Conditions in the Vorkuta and Sangar coal mines, and mica mines in Yakutia are considered in connection with formulas proposed earlier by others and their application to calculation of thawing in rock around shafts at Allakh-Yun', and Sangar. The comparison shows that the extent of thawing determined by the hydrointegration method for mines with harmonic variations of air temperature agrees well
with the observed values of thawing. The approximation method by analysis was found to lead to a minimum error of +3540%x. Calculation of the thawing circle therefore, gives its extent exaggerated unless a computer is used in the numerical analysis, and the law of air temperature variation in DLC. the mine is known. 93252. ZIL'BERBORD, A. F. 0 vyvetrivanii merzlykh korennykh porod v podzemnykh vyrabotkakh. (In: Akademifil nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotoveSovremennye voprosy ... 1964. denifit. p. 194-202, graph, illus.) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Weathering of frozen bedrock in underground mines. Reports extensive weathering of the bedrock walls in the Sangar and Kangalassy coal mines in Yakutia. The daily and annual temperature changes, frost action, disintegration of the rock and deformation of the walls are described. To protect the walls, it is recommended to regulate the heat regime in the shafts by diminishing their air temperature fluctuation, reducing the zone of thawing, and using insulation DLC. material. 93253. ZIL'BERBORD, A. F. Teplovol rezhim glubokikh shakht, razrabatyvalushchikh mnogoletnemerzlye rossypnye mestorozhdeniffi. (In: Akademiffi nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedeniiii. Teplovye i melchanicheskie ... 1965, p. 18-26, graphs.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Thermal regime of deep mines, being worked in a placer deposit in permafrost. Discusses the ventilation of gold placer mines to 100 m depth in Yakut ASSR and Magadanskaya Oblast'. They require an air inflow of 400-1000 m'/min for purposes of safety and health, but the regulations require preservation of the natural temperature of the permafrost. From study of conditions at Allakh-Yun' in Yakut ASSR, three different modes of ventilation are suggested: a continuous air inflow of 660 ma/min, a 660 m'/min inflow for some time after blasting, then reduced to 100 m'/min for the remainder of the shift. The third method is to install conditioning units to raise the temperature of the inflowing air in winter to —20° C, and to lower it during summer to 4° C; this is considered the most advantageous from both sanitary and DLC. engineering points of view. 93254. ZIL'BERBORD, A. F. Teplovol rezhim shakht v oblasti rasprostranenifi mnogoletnemerzlykh gornykh porod. Mosk-
va, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 1963. 95 p. tables, graphs, illus. 75 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Thermal regime of mines in permafrost regions. Discusses observations of 1958-1961 in the Sanger, Dzhebariki-Khaya, Chul'man, Kangalassy and Sogo mines in Yakutia. Analytic estimates of the temperature fields in them and the model method of hydraulic analogies are examined. Results are generalized with emphasis on establishing a relationship between temperature and stability of the rock massif of the mine working. Characteristics of the permafrost, features of the thermal regime, and its regulation in mines in permafrost rock by using ice are discussed at length along with the thermophysical background of such operations. The purpose of this study is prognosis and regulation of the temperature field in permafrost mines (mostly coal and gold), and establishing normal working air condiDLC. tions in them.
merzlotovedenifa. Teplovye i mekhanicheskie ... 1965, p. 157-66, illus.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The effect of frozen rock structure on the manifestation of underground pressure in working deep placers. Reports a study of the formation conditions of typical cryogenic textures in the Allakh-Yun' region to establish their effect on the character of roof deformation in excavations in Quaternary permafrost. The texture of dispersed sediments covering the productive layer, is considered as any of four genetic complexes: buried alluvium, lake, glacial, or slope sediments. It is analyzed with regard to a mine at the Khatyn-Uryakh deposit and with regard to the accumulation and freezing of Quaternary deposits along three brooks in the Allakh-Yun' region. Pliant timbering is suggested for creeping roof structures, and rigid timbering for mine roofs in monolithic, lake-glacial deposits. DLC.
93255. ZIL'BERBORD, A. F. Vlifanie prirodnykh faktorov na uslovifa podzemnol razrabotki poleznykh iskopaemykh v oblasti vechnoT merzloty. (In: Akademi1 nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Teplovye i mekhanicheskie 1965, p. 182-93, illus.) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effect of natural factors on conditions of the underground working of useful minerals in regions of permafrost. Classifies conditions of mineral extraction according to climatic and geological factors, and cryo-hydrogeological conditions, such as the distribution, composition, thickness, texture, and temperature regime of the permafrost massif; the interaction of frozen rock with ground water, heaving, naleds, and solifluction. Four types of relationship between distribution of commercial mineral deposits and permafrost are described: the entire deposit contained in permafrost as in Tiksi Bay, Dzhebariki-Khaya, and middle Aldan regions; the deposit situated in both permafrost and unfrozen rock, as the Sangar, Arkagala, Ege-Khaya, and Noril'sk deposits; a third type in regions of insular permafrost distribution, e.g. the Aldan crystalline shield, Vitim-Olekma, Transbaykal, and the Far East; and the situation in which almost all the useful minerals are found under the permafrost layer as exemplified by the Vorkuta region. DLC.
ZIL'BERBORD, A. F., see also No. 85933.
93256. ZIL'BERBORD, A. F., and G. F. Vlifanie stroenifa merzlykh GRAVIS. porod na profavlenifa gornogo davlenila pri razrabotke glubokikh rossype!. (In: Akademita nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst.
93257. ZIMAKOV, B. M., and M. V. STEPANOV. Nefteprofavlenil v Vorkutskom uglenosnom ralone Pechorskogo basselna. (Sovetskafa geologifa 1965, no. 3, p. 125-27, table, profile.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Oil occurrences in the Vorkuta coal-bearing region of the Pechora basin. Reports the 1962-1964 discovery of liquid hydrocarbons in Permian deposits at 822 m depth. Physical and chemical properties of the hydrocarbons are reported. Occurrence of gases is also noted. It is not clarified as yet however, whether the liquid hydrocarbons occur in the coal-bearing stratum through carbonification of its organic matter or through migration of hydrocarbons from greater depths. Sources and prospects of Vorkuta oil are still not explored. DLC. 93258. ZIMAKOV, B. M., and V. STEPANOV. 0 nefteprofavlenifikh v uglenosnol tolshche i perspektivakh neftenosnosti Vorkutskogo ra!ona. (Izvestifit vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenil. Geologia i razvedka 1965, no. 7, p. 57-64, table, section.) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A show of oil in the coal-bearing stratum and prospects for oil in the Vorkuta region. Reports an oil seepage in 1963 at 822 m depth. About 50-60 liter were collected and the properties are described. Gases and bitumens are also analyzed. Two possibilities are considered in accounting for the presence of this oil: the carbonifica-
tion of organic matter in coal-bearing strata, the accumulation and ablation of the glacier or migration of oil from greater depths. are analyzed. Snow accumulation depends Prospects for oil in the Vorkuta region are not only on precipitation, but also upon not promising, but judgment can only be relief, velocity, and direction of wind. made after some deep drilling in certain Seasonal accumulation and thawing are areas. DLC. outlined. The role of snow in the material balance of glacier is also considered. DLC. ZIMKIN, A. V., see No. 85221. ZINGER, E. M., see also No. 85248. 93259. ZIMNY, M. L., and S. TAYLOR. Cardiac metabolism in the hypothermic 93262. ZINGG, W., and J. A. HILDES. ground squirrel and rat. (American journal Cold injury in civil disaster. (Canadian of physiology 1965. v. 208, no. 6, p. 1247-52, nurse 1963. v. 59, no. 1, p. 53-57.) 13 refs. tables, illus.) 25 refs. Outlines rescue operations for a disaster Biochemical and electrocardiographic occurring in winter, with discussion of studies of the two forms, cooled to a similar symptoms, rewarming techniques, prophylevel, indicate that in the squirrel metabolic laxis and management of mass casualties. integrity of the heart muscle cells and Hypothermia as a therapeutic measure is membrane potential are maintained during also noted. DNLM. hypothermia. In the rat however, conduction difficulties appear at 20-15° C; disrup- 93263. ZINGG, NV., and J. A. HILDES. tion of the mitochondrial apparatus is Lesions c,ausees par le froid dans un desastre thought to account for the biochemical and civil. (Union medical° du Canada 1962. DLC. v. 91, no. 12, p. 1499-1505.) 23 refs. In ECG problems in the rat. French. Title tr.: Injuries caused by cold 93260. ZINGER, E. M., and V. S. KO- in a civil disaster. RfAKIN. 0 sovremennom oledenenii Defines degrees of cold injury and outSevernol Zemli. (Geograficheskoe o-vo lines successive steps in mass rescue. HypoSSSR. Izvestifa 1964. v. 96, no. 6, p. 471- thermia, prevention of cold injuries and 79, graphs.) 23 refs. In Russian. Title mass treatment of victims are dealt with, tr.: On present glaciation of Severnaya viz: first aid in light and serious cases, advance center for treatment, hospital Zemlya. DNLM. Reviews previous investigations and own treatment, incl prognosis, etc. work in. Aug—Sept 1962. Attention is directed to the morphology of present ZINOV'EV, A. G., see No. 84873. glaciation on Bol'shevik, Oktyabr'skaya Revolyutsiya, and Komsomolets Islands. ZINOV'EV, E. SH., see No. 85766. Character and types of glaciation are discussed as are specific glaciers like Akade- ZIPKIN, I., see No. 87770. miya nauk, Universitetskiy; • Rusanova, Glaciation ZMZIN, N. I., see Nos. 93275,93279. Mushketova, and others. increases from south to north. Mountain and valley glaciers are lacking, and the 93264. ZLOTIN, V. V. Opyt organizaCaii glaciers generally are shrinking. Their rabot po prolozhenifa poligonometrii 1 alimentation is characterized. The present klassa v tundre. (Geodezifa, i kartografifa glaciation of Severnaya Zemlya is considered 1964, no. 9, p. 17-21, illus.) In Russian. recent, having formed at the end of the Title tr.: Organization of work for laying Holocene. Comparison is made with out polygonation of the first order in the Novaya. Zemlya, Franz Joseph Land and tundra. DLC. other arctic areas. Reports linear, angular and astronomical measurements completed in 1963 for 93261. ZINGER, E. M., and V. S. KO- establishing four links of first order polyRrAKIN. Snezhnyl pokrov v basselne gonation above the Arctic Circle. The short lednika Shokal'skogo na Novol Zemle. field season, frequent periods of poor (In: Akademi0. nauk SSSR. Inst. geografii. visibility, few population centers, and other Teplovol i vodnyl .. 1065, p. 118-41, tundra conditions are reviewed. All the tables, graphs.) 35 refs. In Russian. Title working units were combined at the outset tr.: Snow cover in the Shokal'skogo Glacier into a single party of 30 men. The distribution of work among them is described as basin on Novaya Zemlya. Reports a 1957-1959 study in connection are the instruments used, helicopter transwith the IGY program. Formation features, port, and the operations carried out. This structure and evolution of the snow cover in organization of work proved successful and
it is recommended for northeastern tundra DLC. regions of the USSR. 93265. ZLOTIN, V. V., and A. A. GEN ME. Radiodal'nomernye izmerena v gornotaezhnykh raionakh. (Geodezifa i kartograffl, 1965, no. 7, p. 3-13, tables, graphs.) In Title tr.: Radio-telemetric Russian. measurements in mountain-taiga regions. Reviews the accuracy of such measurements according to 1964 investigations in Yakutia and Altay. For Yakutia tellurometer and telemeter were used in constructing the geodetic network in mountain-taiga. Radio-telemetric measurements are better when high and continuous cloudiness and moderate wind obtain but not in conditions of changing cloudiness and strong wind. Morning and evening hours are considered better than midday. Other conditions for DLC. accuracy are also noted. 93266. ZOL'NIKOV, G. V., and V. K. MARSHRTnEV. Gidrotermal'nafft stadia serpentinizafsii kimberlitov v trubke "Mir." (GeologiE., i geofizika 1965, no. 5, p. 149-53, table, illus.) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrothermal stage of kimberlite serpentinization in the Mir pipe. Reports a petrographic study of this kimberlite pipe in the Malaya Botuobuya basin, Yakut ASSR. Two generations of serpentine are recognized, the first from autometamorphic, the second from hydrothermal serpentinization. The later serpentine is described as occurring in grains up to 25 x 20 mm. Serpophyte and chrysolite are also described. DLC. 93267. ZOL'NIKOV, G. V., and V. K. MARSHIN1EV. Plastinchatyl iz trubki "Mir." (Geologia i geofizika 1965, no. 1, p. 165-69, tables, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Foliated calcite from the Mir kimberlite pipe. Report analysis of thin sections of this pipe in the Malaya Botuobuya River basin in Yakut ASSR. Mode of occurrence of the foliated calcite is described. Mineralogic composition and chemical analysis are DLC. tabulated. 93268. ZOLOTAR', I. A. Raschet promersanifa i velichiny puchenifa grunta s uchetom migraCsii vlagi. (In: Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. merzlotovedenifa. Proisessy teplo- i massoobmena _1965, p. 19-25, graphs.) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Calculation of frost penetration and the value of frost-heaving with moisture migration considered. Presents a system of differential equations
and boundary conditions for them to solve engineering problems of heat and moisture exchange in frozen ground, without resorting to electronic computers. Analysis of the problems and the method of their solution are reported. Results of solutions are given in a nomogram. Theoretical values for the depth of frost penetration versus time thus obtained are found to be slightly exaggerated when compared with fieldobserved values. This is because the initial porosity of the ground was disregarded. DLC. 93269. ZOLOTAREVA, I. M. Antropologicheskoe issledovanie dolgan. (Sovetskaa etnografia 1965. no. 3, p. 27-39, tables.) 13 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Anthropological study of the Dolgans. Presents a comparative morphological and somatological analysis from a 1961 study of 106 males and 133 females in the Avam and Khatanga Districts of Taymyr Peninsula. Despite closeness to the Yakuts generally, they exhibit differences attributed to an ancient racial substrate: large brachiocephalic skull, facial flatness, salient straight nose, below-average body height, light pigmentation, etc. The Dolgans are considered an archaic group of Yakutized Tungus, possibly remnants of the original occupants of the north of Central Siberia: the central Asiatic variant of the North Siberian Mongoloids. This type is characteristic for the Nganasan Samoyeds and is traceable among the Evenki Tungus of the lower Yenisey basin. DLC. 93270. ZOLOTAREVA, I. M. Blood group distribution of the peoples of northern Siberia. (Arctic anthropology 1965. v. 3, no. 1, p. 26-33, tables.) 20 refs. Presented at the Int Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 1964. Two major types are recognized from 1959-1962 field work in the Kolyma tundra: the so-called Inner-Siberian type is characteristic of Yakuts, Tungus, and Buryats: group 0 is dominant, B frequent, M prevails over N. The arctic type includes Yukaghirs, Chukchis, Asiatic Eskimos and, to a lesser extent, the Nenets, Enets, and Nganasan Samoyeds: group A prevails over all, frequency of B is low, that of N equal or greater than M. English translation edited by C. F. Merbs. CaMAI, DSI. 93271. ZOLOTOV, A. V. 0 termicheskol ionizaisii ionosfery udarnol volnol Tungusskogo vzryva 1908 g. (Geomagnetism i
aaronomig 1965. v. 5, no. 3, p. 584-85, table.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Thermal ionization of the ionosphere by the shock-wave of Tunguska explosion in 1908. Challenges earlier determinations and interpretations of geomagnetic effects produced by the flight and explosion of the meteorite. Shock-wave action is ruled out because at its assumed temperature of approx 6,000° K, an unrealistic velocity of 3600 km/sec should have been produced. Further: no ionization of the ionosphere should be expected if one assumes a realistic shock-wave velocity at 330 m/sec, as the wave (weak) would have a temperature of not more than 250-300° K; no significant ionization can be produced at this temperature; etc. DLC.
93274. ZOLOTUKHIN, V. V. 0 predva ritel'nykh rezul'tatakh primenenlla mikrostrukturnogo analiza k issledovanifll differenairovannoI intruzli Noril'sk I. (Akademia nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1963. no. 15, p. 107-112, illus.) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Preliminary results of using microstructural analysis for investigation of the Noril'sk I differentiated intrusion. As result of such analysis, the oriented structure is concluded to be present in all differentiates of gabbro-diabases of the Noril'sk I intrusion. Part of the cleavage joints are well connected with the traces of magma flow and are of endosynkinematic nature. Tectonics of differentiated intrusions of gabbro-diabases are briefly interpreted. DLC.
93272. ZOLOTUKHIN, V. V. Mineralogifa reakaionnykh obrazovanil v rudakh NoriPska. (Akademifll nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1965. no. 31, p. 129-77, tables, illus.) 19 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Mineralogy of reaction formations in Noril'sk ores. Presents a detailed mineralogic description and paragenetic analysis of a hightemperature complex of reaction minerals, in ore-bearing horizons of the Noril'sk intrusion: brown biotite, brown hornblende, garnet, plagioclase, etc. The high-temperature metasomatic stage is subdivided into: a higher temperature part when CaO is still an inert component and FeO—a mobile ore, and a not-so-high temperature part when the functions of these two components change. Besides the reaction minerals, precipitated minerals also are revealed in the intrusion. DLC.
93275. ZOLOTUKHIN, V. V., and others. O vysokozhelezistom purapelliite (lotrite) iz Noril'skogo ralona i novol diagramme dlia (Akademifil nauk SSSR. pumpelliitov. Doklady 1965. v. 165, no. 5, p. 1156-59, tables, graph.) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors: ru. R. Vasil'ev and N. I. Zillzin. Title tr.: A high-ferriferous pumpellyite (lotrite) from the Noril'sk region and new diagram for pumpellyites. Describes the mode of occurrence, optical properties, pleochroism, and other features of a variety of pumpellyite found in andesine diabases of Noril'sk I. Chemical analyses and a crystallo-chemical formula are also given. The Noril'sk pumpellyite is compared with finds elsewhere including Calumet, Michigan. The presence of rare elements in high-ferriferous pumpellyite is DLC. noted.
93273. ZOLOTUKHIN, V. V., and B. V. OLEiNIKOV. 0 kislykh gibridnykh porodakh s r. Gorbiachin. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1963. no. 15, p. 80-106, tables, graphs, illus.) 19 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: On acid hybrid rocks from Gorbiachin River basin. Describes the mode of occurrence of diorite pegmatites and other acid rocks of this region. Their microscopic characteristics are outlined. Their main minerals are plagioclase, microclinic pyroxene, green hornblende, biotite, orthoclase, quartz; and their secondary minerals apatite, zircon, sphene and titanomagnetite. All are described. Petrochemical features of diorite-pegmatites are analyzed. Genesis of these rocks is discussed. DLC.
93276. ZOLOTUKHIN, V. V. Ob infirtraaionno-metasomatichesko/ mikrozonal'nosti v ekzokontaktovykh "brekchievykh (Akademifll nauk rudakh" Noril'ska. SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 154, no. 1, p. 114-17, table.) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Infiltration-metasomatic micro-zonality in exocontact brecciated ores of Noril'sk. Discusses the origin of the sulfide formation in the Noril'sk I intrusion considered by others to have been formed by liquation. Sulfide veinlets and ore breccia from the Yuzhnyy mine are analyzed, noting the mineralogic composition and prevailing micro-zonation. It is concluded that exocontact brecciated ores and chalcopyrite veins in the area of scam manifestation in this mine represent copper-nickel deposits of infiltration-metasomatic origin. DLC.
93277. ZOLOTUKHIN, V. V. Ob osobennostfakh raspredelenifa nikelfa v intruzii Noril'sk I. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 162, no. 6, p. 1390-93, graph.) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of nickel distribution in the Noril'sk I intrusion. Maximum nickel content in this intrusion is found in contact of the picrite horizon with higher- and lower-lying rocks. Liquation and multiphase hypotheses are not recognized and a new explanation is proposed. Silicate nickel is considered the main source of the sulfide nickel of the intrusion. A complex variation diagram is compiled for the ore-bearing and nickel distribution is shown. DLC. 93278. ZOLOTUKHIN, V. V. Reakaionnye obrazovanica v rudakh Noril'ska i problems vkraplennogo sul'fidnogo orudenenifa gabbro-doleritov. (Akademica nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 154, no. 3, p. 600-603, table, graph.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Synantetic formations in Noril'sk ores and the problem of disseminated sulfide mineralization in gabbro-dolerites. Reports the presence of synantetic margins frequently found in disseminated sulfides of pentlandite-chalcopyrite-pyrrhotine composition. The synantetic margin consists of biotite, hornblende, garnet, etc. The association of high temperature synantetic minerals with sulfides is discussed. Large drop-like sulfide phenocrysts in picritic gabbro-dolerite and taxitic gabbrodolerites are considered and their mode of occurrence is outlined. Process of mineralization of disseminated sulfides is described. DLC. 93279. ZOLOTUKHIN, V. V., and others. Vysokozhelezistafa raznovidnost' prenita i nova's', diagramma dila prenitov. (Akademita nauk SSSR. Doklady 1965. v. 164, no. 6, p. 1390-93, tables, gra_phs.) 11 refs. : Mi. R. Vasil'ev In Russian. Other authors and N. I. ZitIzin. Title tr.: A high-ferriferous variety of prehnite and a new prohnites diagram. Reports a mineralogic study of prelmite collected in the Noril'sk region, where it is widely distributed in gabbro-dolerite intrusions as well as the related altered rocks of exocontacts. Results of chemical analyses, mineral associations and other properties are reported. This high-ferriferous variety at Noril'sk is treated in some detail. A new diagram for the composition of prehnit,es is offered. DLC. 93280. ZONENSHAIN, L. P. Nizhnemelovaa uglenosnafa molassa Priverkhofanskogo 1406
kraevogo progiba. (Sovetskafa geologifa 1964, no. 10, p. 154-55.) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Lower Cretaceous coal-bearing molasse of the Verkhoyansk foredeep. Describes these deposits, 4000 m thick, in the Sobopol-Mengkere interfluve near Zhigansk. Their color, composition and other features are briefly stated. Two types of obliquely laminated layers are outlined. DLC. 93281. ZONENSHAIN, L. P. 0 nesoglasifilkh vnutri Verkhofanskogo kompleksa. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Izvestifil 1964, ser. geol. no. 4, p. 90-94, illus.) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On unconformities within the Verkhoyansk complex. Discusses the stratigraphy of this complex, a series of similar terrigenous deposits 12-15 km thick and from the Middle Carboniferous through the Lower Cretaceous in age. Own 1962 studies are reported from which two unconformities are established, one Lower, the other Upper Triassic. Both are described. They are not local phenomenons, but possibly regional, and of importance for the entire slope of the western Verkhoyansk Ridge. DLC. 93282. ZONENSHAIN, L. P., and I. M. SBORSHCFIIICOV. Petrostrukturnyl analiz nekotorykh skladok Zapadnogo Verkholan'ta. (Geotektonika 1965, no. 4, p. 92-105, map, illus.) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Petrofabric analysis of some folds of the western Verkhoyansk region. Demonstrates the possibility of using petrofabric analysis to clarify the formation mechanism of concrete folds and the general field of stress. When used in two anticlinal folds in the Sobopol River region, this analysis established that a competent fold was formed as a result of deformation of a longitudinal bend and that formation of an incompetent fold was caused by two stages: DLC. shear and subsequent bend. 93283. ZONENSHAIN, L. P. Tektonika i analiz skladchatosti Verkholan'fa,. (Geotektonika 1965, no. 2, p. 58-78, map, illus.) Approx. 42 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonics and analysis of folding in the Verkhoyansk region. Presents and interprets a structuraltectonic plan of the western Verkhoyansk region. Linear and block foldings are recognized, the former corresponding to relatively stable areas of the pre-Upper Paleozoic basement, the latter to more Folded structures were mobile areas. formed as result of vertical displacement of basement blocks as well as result of hori-
zontal compression. Effects of ,horizontal movements appear more impressive than those of vertical. DLC. 93284. ZOTIN, M. I. Nikolai Nikolaevich Zubov. (Letopis' Severa 1964. v. 4, p. 208-211, illus.) 30 refs. In Russian. Biographical sketch of this outstanding oceanographer, glaciologist and explorer, who died in 1960. His main expeditions to the Arctic, and his role in developing ice reconnaissance on the Northern Sea Route are stressed, and the list of his principal scientific publications are cited. CalVIAI, DLC. 93285. ZUBAKOV, V. A. KorrelfaEifa oledenenil i plelstoCsenovykh morskikh transgressil arkticheskol chasti VostochnoI Sibiri i severo-zapadnol chasti Severnol Ameriki. (Sovetskafa geologifa 1965, no. 6, p. 54-75, tables.) Approx. 50 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Correlation of glaciations and Pleistocene marine transgressions in the arctic part of Eastern Siberia and the northwestern part of North America. Presents study of cores from Yenisey Siberia, the Vilyuy basin, mountains of the Soviet Northeast, Chukotka, bottom sediments of the northeast Pacific, and Alaska. In all these cores, climatic changes are recognized, with five phases of cooling and ice formation (glaciations) and four phases of warming, i.e. deglaciations. Also in all six cores, the two last glaciations are linked with regressions of the sea and last two interglacials with transgressions of the sea. Three large stages in Pleistocene history DLC. are distinguished.
Arktiki. Trudy 1965. v. 143, p. 353-59.) 69 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: General maps of the Quaternary deposits of North America. Reviews the 1958 Glacial map of Canada (No 51142), the Glacial map of the United States east of the Rocky Moulitaina at 1:1,750,000 scale pub by the Geological Society of America in 1959, and the Sur*jai geology investigations map 1-357 at 1:1,584,000 scale pub by the US Geological Survey in 1963. DLC. 93288. ZUBAKOV, V. A. Plelstoaenovoe oledenenie Severnogo polusharia, statika kriosfery. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1965. v. 143, p. 243-68, table, maps.) 69 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Pleistocene glaciation of the Northern Hemisphere, statics of the cryosphere. Suggests a broader and cryogenic approach to glaciation. It can be subdivided into four types: ground type with drift ice, marine type with floating ice, near-shore marine type with transition ice, and underground type with stagnant ice. A new classification of cryogenic formations is suggested and characterized. A Paleo-cryologic zoning of the Northern Hemisphere is presented, with a European, Ural-Baykal, Pamir-Tibet, Canadian, Labrador-Greenland, and two other provinces. Spatial differences of the cryosphere are analyzed according to atmospheric circulation and orographic conditions. DLC. ZUBAREVA, E. L., see No. 92420. ZUBIN, M. I., see No. 91723.
93286. ZUBAKOV, V. A. Lednikovafa' istorifa'. Alffiki v svete problem geokhronologii pleistoaena. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Izvestifa 1965, ser. geog. no. 3, p. 3-17, tables, map.) 41 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The glacial history of Alaska in the light of Pleistocene geochronology. Summarizes American postwar literature and cartographic materials on Pleistocene deposits of Alaska. Patterns of their spatial distribution are outlined, their stratigraphy analyzed. A correlation is presented of glacial events in Alaska and those of Chukotka, Yenisey Siberia and bottom sediments of the Pacific. Problems of Pleistocene chronology and methods advanced by American scientists are discussed. DLC. 93287. ZUBAKOV, V. A. Obzornye karty chetvertichnykh otlozhenll Severnol Ameriki. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii
93289. ZUBKOV, A. I. Osnovnye zadachi geografii. (In: Leningrad. Univ. SeveroZapad evropeTskol chasti SSSR 1963, p. 38.) In Russian. Title tr.: The main tasks in geography. The North and Northwest of the USSR consists of four administrative regions: Leningrad, Komi ASSR, Murmansk Province and the Northwestern region containing Karelia and Arkhangel'sk Province. Certain tasks for geographers are summarized such as economic and agricultural zoning, landscape studies, mapping, etc. Tasks in geomorphology, hydrology, oceanology, geo-chronology, etc are also briefly summarized, as are studies needed in. the Arctic and Antarctic, e.g. on sea ice and icebergs, drifts, bottom sediments, climatological problems and others. DLC. ZUBOV, N. M., see No. 87404.
93290. ZUBOV, S. M. Fizicheskal geografila SSSR, regional'nyT obzor; chest' 1, fiziko-geograficheskoe ralonirovanie SSSR: Evropelska.6. chest' SSSR, Kavkaz. Minsk, Izd-vo Vyashaat. shkola 1965. 364 p. maps, illus. Approx. 275 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Physical geography of the USSR, a regional review; part 1, physical geographic zoning of the USSR: the European part of the USSR, the Caucasus. Textbook for upper schools. Some 15 regions in the USSR are recognized for zoning purposes. The eastern European region, as described, includes the ice, tundra, forest tundra, and forest zones, among others. Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Komi ASSR are included in this region as are Novaya Zemlya, the Ural, etc. DLC. 93291. ZUBOV, V. Na dalekom meridiane. (Obshchestvennoe pitanie 1965, no. 10, p. 27.) In Russian. Title tr.: On a far meridian. Outlines activities of the health resort at Talaya hot springs in Magadan Province. It has accommodation and restorative facilities for 300 guests, also an excellent kitchen. Its 25th anniversary was celeDLC. brated in Aug 1965. 93292. ZUEVA, K. D. Nalichie profiessa smoltifika&ii u gorbushi, Oncorhyncus gorbuscha (Walb.) pri otsutstvii stadii "Parr." (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1965. v. 5, no. 2, p. 324-30, illus.) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Presence of a "smoltification" process in the pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Walb. in the absence of the "parr" stage. Describes the changes and physiology at the time when different species of salmon fry turn into smolts. Features of pigmentation development in the pink salmon as one of the phenomena of "smoltification" are discussed, as is the characteristic condition of the thyroid prior to the seaward migration of both pink and chum salmon. DLC. 93293. ZUMBERGE, J. H., and C. W. M. SWITHINBANK. The dynamics of ice shelves. 35 p. typescript, graphs, map, sections. 51 refs. Outlines the physical characteristics of ice shelves and discusses their function as geologic agents of erosion, transportation and sedimentation. The calving of tabular icebergs from them is mentioned. Emphasis is on Antarctic examples but reference is made to the shelves of Ellesmere Island, northeast Greenland and Franz Joseph Land. DWB. ZVEREV, S. M., see No. 87465.
ZVEREV, S. P., see No. 84922. 93294. ZVEREVA, 0. S. Drevnee ozero Donty v doline Vychegdy. (Geograficheskoe o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestifa 1965. no. 10, p. 80-92, tables, map, illus.) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Old Lake Donty in the Vychegda valley. Describes the geographic features of this lake, 1200 hectares in area. Mineralization of its water is reported. Vegetation, plankton and benthos are analyzed: 27 higher plants, more than 150 algae, about 100 invertebrates. Ichthyofauna is also reported; the fishing value of the lake is very limited. DLC. 93295. ZVEREVA, 0. S. Kormovye resursy ryb v vodoemakh Komi ASSR. (Leningrad. Gos. n.-issl. inst. ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khoz. Izvestifa 1964. v. 57, p. 25-31, tables.) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Food sources of fish in the freshwaters of Komi ASSR. Reviews numbers of main animal groups, mainly benthonic, serving as potential food of fishes. The rivers Pechora, Vychegda and Usa and their different sectors (ten) are considered in detail as to biomass of the benthos, number of individuals per m' and their relationship to the ice cover. DLC. 93296. ZVEREVA, 0. S., and others. Sistema reliktovykh ozer v Borshezeme11skip! tundre. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Doklady 1964. v. 155, no. 2, p. 677-79.) 17 refs. In Russian. Other authors: M. V. GeCsen and V. K. Iz"fZrova. Title tr.: A system of relict lakes on the Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. Describes the so-called Vashutkiny Lakes about 80 km' in area in the northeastern part of the tundra. Their geologic history, hydrography and the ice cover of over nine months duration are discussed. Their chemistry, higher plants, plankton, and benthos are considered, as is their productivity which is high. DLC. 93297. ZVONAREV, I. N. Pfatoe soveshchanie MezhduvedomstvennoT koordinaaionnoT komissii po probleme "Zakonomemosti razmeshchenifa, iskopaemykh uglel v zemnol kore." (Geologi1 i geofizika 1964, no. 11, p. 155-57.) In Russian. Title tr.: The fifth session of the interdepartmental coordinating commission on the problem of the regularities of distribution of fossil coals in the earth's crust. Reviews this meeting in Apr 1964 of 40 or more representatives of geologic organizations. Work in 1962-1963 and plans for
1964-1965 were discussed. The 34 papers presented included some on coals of Yakutia, Aldan basin, Noril'sk, Tungusskiy basin, etc. DLC. 93298. ZWIAUER, H. Anthropologische Probleme des nordOstlichen Nordamerika. (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Anthropologic. Tagungsbericht 1956 pub. 1957. v. 5, p. 132-35.) 13 refs. In German. Title tr.: Anthropological problems of northeastern North America. Discusses the "specialized" type of Eskimos reaching from Greenland to Alaska, and the more "generalized," occupying the center of this area, with morphological relations to the Algonkin and Athapaskan Indians. The possibility is discussed that these two types represent early anthropological conditions in the Eastern Arctic, as surmised by H. B. Collins on the basis of art relicts, (cf No 21277). DLC. ZYBIN, K. 85755, 85756.
see Nos. 85752, 85753,
ZYKOV, I. D., see No. 86412. 93299. ZYKOV, S. I., and others. Vozrast drevneTshikh forma@iT Kol'skogo poluostrova. (Geokhimiia 1964, no. 4, p. 307-314, tables, maps.) 13 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: A. I. Tugarinov, I. V. Bel'kov and E. V. Bibikova. Title
tr.: Age of the oldest formations of Kola Peninsula. Reports results of age determination by the Pb-U-Th method of accessory minerals (zircons, monazites, etc) taken from the oldest formations of Kola Peninsula. Two main epochs of magmatism are estimated: 2800 my and 1900 my. Preliminary results obtained earlier for the same rocks by the K-Ar method, viz about 300-3600 my, are considered doubtful and in need of reexamination. DLC. ZYKOV, S. I., see also No. 85617. 93300. ZYKOV, S. S. Voprosy razvitif gorodov Sibiri. (Akademifa nauk SSSR. Sibirskoe otd-ie. Izvestifa 1964, no. 1, p. 63-69, table.) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of urban development in Siberia. Notes the utilization of potential labor reserves hampered by over-population of large towns and by family, home and homestead pre-empting the woman power. New industry in small towns, employment for women, workers' settlements near industrial centers, etc are considered as means of relieving community congestion. Supply and housing problems, planning of small and medium-sized towns, advantages of industrial decentralization, etc are discussed. In 1960, the urban population of Krasnoyarskiy Kray was 75.9% in 16 towns, 24.1% in 48 workers' settlements; Yakut ASSR however had 43.7% in seven towns and 56.3% in 39 settlements. DLC.
LANGUAGE SYMBOLS ATTACHED TO TITLES IN INDEX Titles of all publications indexed in this volume are represented by key words in English, regardless of the language of their text. The latter is indicated by a single letter following the publication date. B—Bulgarian Ch—Chukchi Cz—Czech D—Danish Du—Dutch E—English Es—Eskimo Est—Estonian F—French Fi—Finnish G—German Go—Gold Gr—Greek H—Hungarian He—Hebrew I—Italian Ic—Icelandic J—Japanese
L—Latin La—Latvian Li—Lithuanian Lp—Lappish N—Norwegian P—Polish Port—Portuguese R—Russian Ro—Romanian Swedish Sa—Samoyed S-C---Serbo-Croatian Sp—Spanish T—Tungus U—Ukrainian Y—Yiddish Ya—Yakut Z—Zyryan
*—Basic work
INDEX Abisko (pop. pi., Scandinavia & Finland; 88°20' N. 18°61' E.) & region. Liszka. Faraday rotation. 1065. E. 89336 Lort•Phillips. Sledge journey. 1963. E. 89413 Rudberg. Abisko symposium. 1982. E. 91320 Rudberg. Gaol morph flails. 1982. E. 91321 Rudberg. Mass movement slopes. 1962. E. 91323 Sandberg. Lit Tonsetritsk. 1964. S. 91446 Acclimatization. Abramov. Helminthe sables. 1959. R. 84750 Adrov. Barents pink salmon. 1963. R. 84786 Andreev. Asiatic plants Khibiny. 1964. R, E. 85069 Asahina. Diapausing pupa. 1965. J. 85207 Asahina. Frost resist caterpillar. 1984. J. 85208 Asbelev. Pink salmon Barents. 1968. B. 85252 Azbelev. Pink salmon Kola. 1964. R. 85254 Azbelev. Salmon Barents White. 1983. R. 85253 Baker. Plasma esterase activity. 1964. B. 85304 Bakelitataskit Predators salmon. 1984. R. 85313 Bakshtanskii. Survival salmon. 1985. E. 85309 Bakshtanskil. Young salmon. 1963. R. 85810 Bannikov. Pechora-Ilych wildlife. 1964. R. 85350 Barnett. Mice at -3° C. 1985. B. 85395 Baumber. Oxidation. 1965. B. 85445 Berry. Endotoxin-poisoned mice. 1965. E. 85592 Berry. Tolerance endotoxin. 1965. B. 85594 Blatt. Tissue LDH cold exposure. 1965. E. 86671 Bobrov. Skin vessels cooling. 1965. R. 85698 Borisov. Fisheries invest hist. 1984. R. 85789 Bournique. Diet temp growth. 1985. F. 85810 Bournique. Lipids rich diets. 1984. F. 85809 Brandt. Soviet studies. 1984. R. 85837 Budd. Effects exercise wet cold. 1985. E. 85931 Cavanagh. Acolim fingers. 1064. E. 86102 Chaffee. Bioahem brown fat. 1964. E. 86112 Chaffee. Chem thermoreg sparrow. 1984. E. 86113 Chaffee. Cold acclim myoglobin. 1965. E. 86114 Chaffee. RNA DNA. 1985. E. 86115 Chernikova. Physiol whitefish. 1964. R. 86185 Chevillard. Fat protein diet. 1964. F. 86204 Chevillard. Weight organs temp. 1084. F. 86206 Chusov. Skin temp restoration. 1964. R. 86259 Conf acclim animals. 1986. E. 88698 Cottle. Clearance thyroid. 1984. B. 86316 Darnley. Hunting & yield. 1963. R. 86388 DaniahayskiL Work acclim man. 1965. R. 86403 Davydov. Muskrat. 1983. R. 86436 Davydov. Muskrat Yakutia. 1988. E. 86435 Denyea. Serum total lipid cold. 1985. E. 86485 Derrapa. Man. 1965. R. 86489 Derilpa. hied care on exped. 1965. R. 86488 Downes. Adaptations insects. 1965. E. 86620 Findikyan. Cold stress. 1965. E. 86995 Fleming. Spleen. 1965. B. 87028 Galkina. Transport eggs salmon. 1984. R. 87181 GemmilL Sodium pentobarbital. 1985. E. 87236 Genkel'. Cultivated plants. 1959. R. 87240 Gerke. Muskrat Noril'sk Lakes. 1963. R. 87276
Girling. Metab nude 10° C. 1964. E. 87318 GriCsevskall. Pink salmon. 1903. R. 87660 Guseva. Biochem oxidat process. 1905. R. 87631 Hart. Season acclim wild rats. 1903. E. 87742 Ildroux. Thyroid secretion. 1965. E. 87826 Himms-Hagen. Lipid metab cold. 1985. E. 87850 Hinnant. Genotypic adapt man. 1964. E. 87853 Holloway. Glucagon & 01 rats. 1964. E. 87895 Honda. Cold- & warm-adapted. 1985. B. 87910 Hsieh. BMR cold-adapted rate. 1963. E. 87931 Ioganzen. Acclim animals. 1966. E. 88069 fDdkin. Ichthyology. 1982. R. 88107 JanskS,. Liver metb rata. 1984. E. 88218 Rang. Energy mtb & temp ama. 1965. E. 88362 Kaplin. Beyond polar circle. 1984. E. 88371 Karpevich. Transplant Sell. 1965. R. 88404 Rinne. T&8 marine fauna. 1963-64. E. 88570 Klicka. Hormone. 1965. E. 88617 Korchagina. Bio-morphol plants. 1964. R. 88738 Korsakov. Results muskrat. 1966. B. 88773 Kolifabinskif. Vaccination. 1964. R. 88814 Larsen. Physiol environ plants. 1984. E. 89134 Le Blanc. Noradrenaline cold. 1964. E. 89194 Le Blanc. Thermal balance amine. 1964. E. 89195 Lomax. Brain temp. 1964. B. 89399 Marakov. Sea otter pop. 1986. E. 89679 Marcus. Cold peripheral blood. 1964. B. 89686 Marcus. Coxsackie B virus. 1964. E. 89685 Maslow. Periodic sharp cooling. 1965. R. 89745 Men'shikov. Digestive diseases. 1964. R. 89838 Men'shikov. Human morbidity. 1985. R. 89837 Milan. Arctic Antarctic. 1984. E. 89902 Millington. Physiol cold. 1883. E. 89923 Mitchell. Fast feed & release FFA. 1964. E. 89963 Miys. Cold stress & virus. 1965. E. 89978 Morrison. Body temp aborigine. 1905. B. 90037 Mukhomedifitrov. Salmon. 1963. R. 90085 Nagasaka. Adapt cooling. 1986. E. 90143 Nagasaka. Noradrenal cooling. 1965. E. 90142 Nasimovich. Land mammals. 1966. B. 90169 Nowell. Plasma magnesium. 1964. E. 90349 Numerov. Beaver Yenisey basin. 1985. R. 90353 Numerov. Sable Krasnoyarsk. 1966. E. 90352 O'FarrelL Rabbits Middleton I. 1985. E. 90411 Orlov. King crab Barents. 1085. E. 90479 Ouellette. Endocrine testis. 1985. F. 90533 Pankratov. Victory salmon. 1980. R. 90590 Patkin. Fatty acid synthesis. 1984. B. 90626 Pavlovic-Hournac. Cold & mtb rate. 1983. F. 90660 Peraov. Pink salmon Barents. 1966. R. 90713 Petajan. Cooling arm hand. 1905. E. 90780 Pohl. Temp reg hamster. 1965. E. 90835 Pohl. Thermoreg hibernator. 1965. E. 90836 Polar-Alpine Bot Gdn grasses. 1904. R. 90897 Portet. Rectal temp & metab. 1884. F. 90943 Portet. Var weight mtb organs. 1964. F. 90944 Precht. Role blood temp adapt. 1965. G. 90971 Profeenko. Wheat rye. 1965. R. 91008
Accilmatbration--Condnued Prycbodko. Isolation & low temp. 1964. E. 91014 Rand. Tail rat. 1065. E. 91074 Ruegamer. a-GPD & thyroxine. 1904. E. 91335 Sakai. Frost woody plant. 1964-85. J. 91409 Sakun. Gametogen pink salmon. 1965. R. 91418 Salt. Insect cold-hardiness. 1964. E. 91435 Semenov. Fur animals. 1960. E. 91565 Sergeov. Hardiness plants. 1965. R. 91597 Shastin. Soviet med invest. 1965. R. 91644 Shur& Land without sunset. 1964. R. 91733 Single. Oxygen hardening plants. 1964. E. 91796 Smirnov. Biol young salmon. 1965. R. 91874 Smith. Brown adipose tissue. 1984. E. 91905 Sobel. Endocrine changes. 1965. E. 91915 Sullivan. European pine sawfly. 1965. E. 92151 Sundene. Laminaria transplants. 1964. R. 92155 Taylor. Cold exposure hands. 1965. E. 92278 Terumoto. Freeze tubers. 1065. J. 92310 Therriault. Mtb carnitine. 1965. E. 92322 Tikhomirov. Reap changes. 1964. R. 92349 Tri-service conf stress. 1962. E. 92461 Tumanov. Wheat -196° vitrification. 1965. R. 92507 Uspenakil. Reacelim snow goose. 1966. E. 92599 Wilson. Human adaptation. 1065. E. 93043 Wyndham. Caucasian & Bantu. 1964. E. 93095 Wyndham. Ethnic differences. 1964. E. 93094 Wyndham. Physiol reactions cold. 1964. E. 93098 Wyndham. Reactions cold Bushmen. 1964. E. 93896 Zhukova. Karyology Compositae. 1964. R. 93233 Acculturation. Abs. Diet Eskimos. 1961. G. 84759 Akad n. Peoples Europe. 1985. R. 84849 Anokhin. Culture Lapps. 1962. R. 85102 Anokhin. Kola Lapp family. 1903. R. 85104 Armstrong. Admin N peoples. 1968. E. 85182 Armstrong. Ruse settlement N. 1985. E. 85185 Balikci. 2 Eskimo groups. 1064. E. 85326 Balikal. Eskimos Labrador. 1964. F. 85327 Berreman. Aleut acculturation. 1964. E. 85588 Hotting. Siberian morning. 1965. E. 86800 Brown. Hare Indians. 1985. E. 85892 Chance. Eskimo N Alaska. 1986. E. 86127 Chance. Personality adjustment. 1965. E. 86125 Chance. Role govt Eskimos. 1964. B. 86126 ChistfAkov. Soviets Magadan. 1963. R. 86226 Cohen. Dependency Chipewyan. 1964. E. 86273 Dean. Greenland without Eskimos. 1964. O. 86454 Doge. W Greenland. 1965. G. 80456 Dunn. Talks with ethnographers. 1965. E. 86685 Dunning. Eskimo polygyny. 1902. E. 86687 Ellie. Missionary & Indian. 1964. E. 86793 Fainberg. Eskimos Aleuts. 1964. R. 86897 Fainberg. Eskimos & future. 1963. R, B. 86899 Foote. Am whalemen Alaska. 1964. E. 87059 Freeman. Kayak complex. 1964. E. 87102 Fried. Contact & consequences. 1964. E. 87112 Fried. Urbanization ecol NWT. 1964. E. 87113 Gaillard. Frenchmen in Can. 1964. F. 87163 Gilborg. Thule 25 yr. 1984. D. 87297 Gjessing. Sea Lapps. 1960. E. 87331 Graburn. Linguistic Ungava. 1965. E. 87488 Gradov. Rural aeon. 1963. R. 87494 Gubser. Nunamiut Eskimos. 1965. E. 87589 Gurvich. Transition socialism. 1964. R. 87624 HansegArd. Sea & rat Lapps. 1985. E. 87697 Harper. Caribou Eskimos Kazan. 1964. E. 87734 Harper. Friendly Montagnaia. 1964. E. 87735 Honigmann. Eskimo deviance. 1965. E. 87914 Honigmann. Eskimo townsmen. 1065. E. 87911 Honigmann. Eskimos. 1965. E. 87913 Hughes. Eskimos people Siberia. 1964. E. 87938 Jenness. Admin Eskimos. 1966. E. 88226 Jennesa. Eskimo admin Can. 1964. E. 88227 Kalinov. Chukotka Vrangelya. 1956. R. 88330 Kashtanov. Humanity Magadan. 1063. R. 88419 Kearns. Resource analysis Minto. 1966. E. 88446
Khalzanov. Cadres intelligentsia. 1965. R. 88495 Kilvert. Rankin Inlet. 1965. E. 88553 Kleivan. Case studies. 1964. E. 88612 Konitzky. Cultural change Eskimo. 1903. G. 88704 Lar'kin. Orochi. 1964. R. 89131 Laahov. Settlement problems. 1964. R. 89142 McClellan. N Am. 1964. E. 89508 McGee. Indians Labrador Pen. 1964. E. 89531 McKennan. Chandalar Kutchin. 1965. E. 8955G Malaurie. Human & econ problems. 1965.F. 89643 Martijn. Eskimo carving. 1904. E. 89728 Mikhallovskii. New life Lapps. 1957. R. 89891 Milan. Eskimo Wainwright. 1964. E. 89900 Nielsen. Develop Greenland. 1964. E. 90250 Oawalt. Guiding culture change. 1981. E. 90529 Parker. Ethnic identity. 1964. E. 90602 Petersen. Hunting Greenlanders. 1965. E. 90737 Rogers. Fur trade govt Indian. 1964. E. 91233 Rogers. Hunting Mistassini. 1963. E. 91234 Rogers. Leadership Indians. 1965. E. 91236 Rousseau. Human problems Can. 1964. E. 91297 Ryan. Eskimo pencil drawings. 1965. E. 91356 Selitrennik. Kolkhoz Chukotka. 1965. R. 91557 Sergeev. Communist develop. 1964. R. 91599 Sloborlin. Metis culture contact. 1964. E. 91862 Slunga. Finnish pop Norrbotten. 1985. S. 91863 &damson. Food habits. 1960. E. 92064 Stmkach. Eton rehabilitation. 1965. R. 92105 ToLstov. Trends ethnog. 1964. R. 92411 Tugolukov. Changes Evenki life. 1965. R. 92503 US AEC. C Thompson. 1966. E. 92548 §35. 36 US. Alaska aboriginal culture. 1962. E. 92669 Usher. Holman Coppermine. 1965. E. 92590 Vallee. Co-op & community Can. 1964. E. 92641 VanStono. Religious change. 1964. E. 92650 VanStone. Snowdrift Indiana. 1985. E. 92649 Vdovin. Hist & ethnog Chukchis. 1985. R. 9269G Vorren. Lappish settlement. 1963. N. 92863 Waagstein. Dr at Ilulisat. 1059. D. 92904 Williamson. Moravian mission. 1964. E. 93031 Zibarev. Develop small peoples. 1964. R. 93245 Achayvayam (river & basin, Kamchatakaya Oblast'; 60°58' N. 170°19'E.). Ageev. Relief Koryak upland. 1984. R. 84816 Andreev. Geophys mercury. 1965. R. 85071 Ditmar. Maestrichtian deposits. 1965. R. 86532 Acoustical phenomena. Hankins. Shallow-water. 1963. E. 87958 Maeda. Polar night mesosphere. 1963. E. 89587 Marsh. Sound propagation. 1903. E. 89717 Webb. Sonic structure. 1963. E. 92957 Adair Canyon (submarine valley, Aleutian waters; 51°30' N. 177° W.). Perry. Bathymetry. 1965. E. 90710 Administration & government - Alaska. Agranat. 1867-1917 Am rule. 1962. R. 84822 Hester. Vital Statistics Bureau. 1084. E. 88488 Kneass. Flogging Sheep Camp. 1964. E. 88633 Lantis. Admin N peoples. 1966. E. 89116 Sherwood. Hooch Osprey affair. 1965. E. 91685 Swap. Capital relocation. 1964. E. 92205 Administration & government-Canada Brochu. Reorganization New Quebec. 1964. F. 85873 *Can. 1963-65 govt activity N. 1964-66. E. 86044 Can. Royal Cora Govt Organ. 1963. E. 86069 Fingland. Admin. °omit changes. 1906. E. 87001 Fingland. Yukon & NWT. 1964. E. 87002 Jenness. Eskimo admin. 1984. E. 88227 Jenness. Eskimo Labrador. 1965. E. 88228 Jenness. Eskimos. 1966. E. 88226 Lantis. Admin N peoples. 1966. E. 89116 NWT. Commissioner report. 1965. E. 90326 Administration & government-Greenland. Allard. Greenland. 1065. F. 85013 Brun. Retrospect. 1965. D. 85917 Budtz. Sledge patrols. 1963. E. 85936
Administration & government-Scandinavia & Finland. Nordisk kontakt. N Cap. 1980. S. 90304 Pehrson. Lapp decision making. 1955. E. 90691 Slunga. Finnish pop Norrbotten. 1965. S. 91863 Administration & government-USSR. Afanas'ev. Riches NE. 1963. R. 84798 Akad a. 1918-20 Karelia. 1984. R. 84862 Arkhangelsk. Hist papers. 1962. R. 85169 Armstrong. Admin N peoples. 1988. E. 85182 Armstrong. Russ settlement N. 1965. E. 85185 ButsinskiL Settlement Siberia. 1889. R. 86006 Dmitriev. Postwar Murmansk. 1959. R. 86540 Field. Admin coast changes. 1966. B. 86978 ipkhimenko. Soviets Eveny. 1085. R. 88112 Ivanov. Econ backwardness. 1961. R. 88149 Karelian State Archives guide. 1063. R. 88395 Komi. Divide Komi. 1929. R. 88688 Korzhikhina. Govt Yakutia. 1965. R. 88774 Korzhikhina. Yakut AM. 1964. R. 88775 Kuzakov. National districts. 1964. R. 89038 Sera. Nationalities policy Far E. 1983. E. 91561 Sergeev. Communist develop. 1964. R. 91599 Vdovin. Hist & ethnog Chukchis. 1065. R. 92696 Zibarev. Develop small peoples. 1964. R. 93245 Admiral Scheer (German cruiser). Belov. Op Wunderland. 1962. R. 85525 Admiralty Island (Southeast Alaska; 57°40' N. 134°20' W.). Lathram. Reconn geol. 1965. E. 89147 Loney. Stratig petrog. 1964. E. 89402 Loney. Structural analysis. 1985. E. 89403 Adycha (river & basin, Yakut ASSR; 88°13' N. 134°41' E.). RozhIcov. Gerd metallogeny. 1964. R. 91308 Adz'va (river & basin, Komi ASSR; 60°36' N. 59°22' E.). Goldina. Thermal regime tundra. 1985. E. 87385 Aerial mapping. Aerogeol Trust. Cool survey. 1964. R. 92894 Bird. Space photo & geog uses. 1964. E. 85638 Clarke. Polar flight. 1964. E. 86265 Dibner. Glaciation. 1962. E. 86518 Gamble. Photo coverage Can. 1904. E. 87185 Grant& Simeonof I. 1962. E. 87512 Hood. Aeromag survey. 1965. E. 87917 Karo. Aircraft for surveyor. 1965. E. 88400 Koltovekil. Air photos map NE. 1964. ft. 88679 Lauerma. Ipornat dome. 1064. E. 89149 Leighty. Engineer info. 1982. E. 89209 Morrison. Earth from space. 1985. E. 90034 Orley. Exploit W Siberia. 1985. R. 90487 Ough. Flying geologists. 1984. E. 90535 Pomeroy. Recognition rocks. 1964. E. 90881 Thomas. Sunshine data. 1983. E. 92329 Aerial navigation. Clarke. Polar flight. 1964. E. 86265 Klemperer. Solar eclipse. 1964. E. 88615 Willdey. Hydrog survey. 1064. E. 93019 Aerial reconnaissance. Atwell. Aerial census wolves. 1964. E. 85223 Avgevich. Air photo sea ice. 1962. E. 85242 Avgevich. Sea ice. 1904. R. 85241 Can. Manual ice reconn. 1964. E. 86067 Can. 1963 aerial ice °beery. 1983-65. E. 86060 Dibner. Glaciation. 1962. E. 86518 Edwards. Far N rang survey. 1905. E. 86731 Fletcher. Soil reconn Can. 1964. E. 87038 Gudilin. Deposits tundra. 1965. R. 87590 Heinsohn. Geol Yukon Flats. 1964. E. 87788 Judge. Microwave radiometry. 1985. E. 88296 McFadden. Lake ice & climate. 1965. E. 89526 MacKay. 1984 breakup Mackenzie. 1965. E. 89561 McLerran. Crevasse detection. 1965. E. 89568 McLermn. Infrared ice reconn. 1985. E. 89569 Moisan. Caribou N Quebec. 1064. F. 89995 Munro. Caribou Yukon. 1953. E. 90095 Peterson. Lake temp Can. 1965. E. 90746
Post. Earthquake glaciers. 1965. E. 90949 Rempel. Laser terrain profiler. 1985. E. 91150 Semenov. Estimate fur stock. 1963. R. 91563 Sinifi. Aerial census caribou. 1964. E. 91797 Stevenson. Leaf R map area. 1965. E. 92088 Symposium antarctic logistics. 1963. E. 92221 Timerev. Rad & albedo aircraft. 1985. R. 92356 Tomlinson. Photointerpretation. 1962. E. 92416 USSR. Survey geol geophys. 1963. R. 92537 US AEC. C Thompson. 1966. E. 92548 133 Valfilkla. Landscape zones. 1965. R. 92638 Aerial seeding. Hicks. Whiteout studies. 1965. E. 87841 Aerial supply. EPF. Op plan exped. 1963. E. 86887 EPF. Packing for airdrop. 1983. E. 86888 Kennedy. Armor Polar Strike. 1965. E. 88470 North. Op Boxtop. 1964. E. 90320 Aeronautics. Aviaaita. Yakutia. 1984. R. 87527 Huitfeldt. Distant horizons. 1049. N. 87942 Palen. Alaskan switch system. 1964. E. 90571 Aeronomy. AMS. Venus Flytrap. 1965. E. 85037 Bykov. Numerical anal data. 1965. R. 86023 Can. 1962-65 arctic summary. 1903-66. E. 86061 Danilov. Cosmic ray var. 1965. R. 86384 Fogle. Noctilucent clouds. 1905. E. 87053 Calgerov. Aerol polar regions. 1964. ft, E. 87161 Cubanova. Distrib sera! stations. 1965. R. 87588 Haurwitz. Noctilucent clouds. 1984. E. 87763 Leningrad. 1960-61 N Pole 8-9. 1964. R. 89222 Leningrad. Soundings atmos. 1962. R. 89225 Liberman. Geopotential field. 1005. R. 89293 Nee. Density variability. 1965. E. 90197 Oguti. Spiral pattern disturb. 1982. E. 90419 Roldugin. Uniform aurora aro. 1965. R, E. 91264 Schilling. Mesopause height. 1965. E. 91515 Smirnov. Current SD-whirls. 1965. R, E. 91877 Titus. 1951-60 air Can. 1985. E. 92370 Vernov. Outer rad belt. 1964. R. 92731 Aerosols. Bullrich. Atmoa Greenland. 1983. E. 85957 Kumai. Ice fog nuclei. 1064-85. E. 88982 Afognak Bay (Gulf of Alaska; 58°02' N. 152°45' W.). Clark. Incised figurine tablets. 1964. E. 86262 Afrikanda (pop. pl., Murmanskaya Oblast'; 67°27' N. 32°46' E.) & region. Anikeev. Ore crushing. 1965. R. 85093 Kukharenko. Rare-earth elements. 1964. R. 88961 Petersil'e. Gas igneous rock. 1964. R. 90738 Rimskafa-Korsakova. Baddeleyite. 1964. R. 91189 Sergeev. Rare elements aureoles. 1084. R. 91595 Ultrabasic & alkaline rocks. 1985. R. 88320 Volotovskafa. Petrograph prov. 1960. R. 92846 Agattu Island (Aleutian Islands; 52°20' N. 173°36' E.). Jones. Sea otters Near I. 1985. E. 88283 Agriculture-Alaska Aamodt. Agrie research. 1964. E. 84740 Alaska rev. Agriculture. 1964. E. 84942 Brooks. Matanuska valley. 1965. E. 85887 Burris. Fences against game. 1905. E. 85980 Cade. Potatoes vegetables. 1965. E. 86029 Chastain. Alaska land. 1964. E. 86146 Hill. Farming Tanana. 1964. E. 87845 1963 Alaskan Science Conf Proc. 1984. E. 84952 Agriculture-Canada Carder. NW climate plant growth. 190.5. E. 86087 Biaya. Limits ecumene E Can. 1964. F. 85615 Brochu. Reorganization New Quebec. 1964. F. 85873 Dermine. Clay belt. 1985. E. 86492 Fidler. Greenup time N. 1965. E. 86977 Agriculture-Scandinavia & Finland Alestalo. Field crops Finland. 1965. C. 85005 Dahl. Co-op meobanization. 1963. N. 86365
Agriculture-Scandinavia and Finland-Continued Fogelberg. Land use Finland. 1965. G. 87051 Hveding. Leiknes. 1959. N. 87967 Kurkela. Farm productivity. 1964. Fi. 89010 Maki. Land taxation Finland. 1964. S. 89590 Valmari. Night frost Finland. 1985. E. 92642 Varjo. Finnish farm. 1985. E, Fi. 92652 Agriculture-USSR. Akad n. NW RSFSR. 1964. R. 84858 Artem'ev. Vegetable growing. 1963. R. 85200 Artem'ev. Veg hothouses. 1963. R. 85199 Brodnev. Wages collectives. 1963. R. 85877 Chernykh. Bee keeping Yamal. 1965. R. 88198 Chertov. Resource develop NW. 1984. R. 86203 Dydina. Perennial grasses. 1963. R. 86701 Filippova. Regressing tundra. 1963. R. 86991 Garkusha. Soil science. 1963. R. 87201 Genkel'. Cold resistance. 1959. R. 87240 Gorokhov. 7-yr plan Magadan. 1960. R. 87457 Gorokhova. Ob-Irtysh. 1965. R. 87458 Gradov. Agric Magadan. 1983. R. 87494 Grigor'eva. For productivity. 1965. R. 87553 Irina. Deep tilling of soil. 1964. R. 88028 Ivanovskil Farming Far N. 1963. R. 88183 Kaplin. Beyond polar circle. 1964. E. 88371 Kaphak. Soils forest-tundra. 1963. R. 88373 Kbantimer. Forage Komi. 1964. R, E. 88497 Klopov. Effect Ob dam. 1965. R. 88628 Komi ABBR. 40 yr statistics. 1961. R. 88689 Komoedov. Chukotka. 1962. R. 88692 Kononov. Soil depressions. 1965. R. 88705 Korepanov. Feed production. 1963. R. 88743 Korepanova. Potato selection. 1963. R. 88744 Kosmachev. Agric Yakut. 1964. R. 88787 Kovfazin_ Evenki Nat Dist. 1963. R. 88823 Kozlovich. Cash wages. 1903. R. 88842 Kozlovich. Economics plan. 1963. R. 88840 Kozlovich. Production cost. 1963. R. 88841 Kuzakov. Socialization. 1963. R. 89039 Mitrofanov. Reclaim tundra. 1963. R. 89968 Nazarchuk. Magadan cabbage. 1985. R. 90187 Noril'sk. Agric Research Inst. 1963. R. 90313 Polishchuk. Agric Research Inst. 1965. R. 90868 Potapova. Red microclimate. 1963. R. 90959 Safronov. Yakut agriculture. 1965. R. 91391 Saliburichanov. Chickweed. 1963. R. 91405 Savkina. Chem improve grass. 1063. R. 91491 Savkina. Hay field floodplain. 1963. R. 91490 Shaltan. New agric center. 1965. R. 91624 Shcherbakov. Fodder land. 1963. R. 91664 ShIffikova. Weeds Murmansk. 1964. R, E. 91706 Smith. Siberia. 1965. E. 91893 Tarasov. N Yenisey. 1965. R, E. 92263 Timofeev. Perennial grasses, 1963. R. 92361 TCOmenuiev. Floodplain Ob. 1965. R. 92372 Trofimov. Develop European N. 1961. R. 92454 'nekhanskit Frosts Kamchatka. 1963. R. 92483 Tyumen'. 30 yr Yamal-Nentsy dist. 1960. R. 92524 Vashurin. Potato Kamchatka. 1965. R. 92661 Yakut ABBR. Statistical handbk. 1964. R. 93102 Zairseva. Improved turnip. 1985. R. 93141 Zakraan. Photosynthesis crop. 1961. R. 93155 Ahtell Creek (Alaska; 62°42' N. 143°57' W.). Richter. Geol min deposits. 1964. E. 91178 Air bases, fields and ports. Aviarsild. Oil & aviation. 1065. R. 87526 Can army. Eskimos train. 1984. E. 86073 Easton. Snow-compaction equip. 1964. E. 86723 Engineering news. Thule. 1983. E. 86817 Evtikhiev. Construct permafrost. 1964. R, R. 86877 Kirkpatrick. Military construct. 1965. E. 88579 Minsk. Snow ice removal. 1964. E. 89941 Moon. Soviet-Nonv relations. 1964. E. 90014 Moser. Compacted snow. 1964. E. 90044 Moser. Ice snow runways. 1963. E. 90045 Nefedov. Can Arctic Islands. 1964. R. 90199 Porkhaev. Bed road airfield. 1965. E. 90933
Rimakafa-Korsakova. Construct N. 1904. R, E. 91191 US. Polar port. 1958. E. 92543 Air-bubbling systems. Dembinski. Port Cartier. 1962. E. 86465 Petrov. Non-freeze aquatoria. 1964. R. 90757 sass 51928, 52629, 53518, 54804, 61195, 62302, 63804, 66088, 66746, 67097, 69962, 70327, 71021, 71091, 72359, 74231, 74932, 75476, 76562, 76563, 79562, 81548, 82797. Air cushion vehicles. See also Hovercraft, Hydrofoil Cooper. Can N. 1965. E. 86304 Dubnie. Min develop N Can. 1965. E. 86656 Engineering. Air-cushioned truck. 1902. E. 86812 Engineering. Plan Hovercraft. 1963. E. 86814 Marsden. Communications. 1960. E. 89716 Pixie. Oilfield develop. 1964. E. 90802 Sickles. ACV transport. 1965. E. 91760 Air temperature. Akad n. Glacial Khibiny. 1962. R. 84854 Aldoshina. Forecast ice. 1964. E. 84972 Are. Thermal denudation cliff. 1965. R. 85165 Arnold. Degree-day totals. 1964. E. 85186 Barnett. Temp in McGill Lab. 1964. E. 85394 Bates. Define cold regions. 1966. E. 85435 Belov. Rad thermodynamics atmos. 1965. R. 85530 Bezuglafil. Temp inversions NE. 1965. R. 85608 Bilello. Predict river lake ice. 1964. E. 85625 Dila°. River ice prediction. 1964. E. 85623 Blokh. Cosmic ray effects. 1964. E. 85687 Boldyrov. Temp humidity. 1965. R. 85743 Bolotinskalit. Mar roast. 1965. R. 85747 Bolotinskaffl Monthly feast. 196.5. R. 85748 Borisenkov. Numerical feast. 1965. R. 85779 Borisenkov. Seasonal features. 1964. R. 85781 Brown. Permafrost Can. 1966. E. 85905 Burova. Height temp tropopause. 1965. R. 85978 Chikovekil. Temp sea ice. 1981. R. 86214 Chirkov. Cosmic rays storms. 1964. R. 86215 Chirkov. Ionization burets. 1965. R. 86220 Craig. Velocity divergence. 1965. E. 86330 Cudbird. Averages Can. 1964. E. 86345 Cudbird. Means extremes Can. 1965. E. 86346 Heat mine workings. 1964. R. 86511 Dolgin. Arctic Antarctic. 1964. E. 86571 Dolgin. Atmos Arctic 0. 1966. E. 86567 Dolgin. Winters without nuclei. 1964. R. 86566 Donina. Diurnal course. 1965. R. 86583 Dydina. 3-10 day forecast. 1964. R. 86699 Efimov. Atmos showers. 1965. R. 86735 Egorova. Water vapor tropos. 1965. R. 86758 Evans. Frost depth estimation. 1965. E. 86859 Filippov. Air temp & wind. 1963. R. 86989 Galgerov. Atmos cire. 1963. R. 87162 Gire. Macrooire method f'cast. 1965. R. 87320 Gotaas. Radiative cooling. 1965. E. 87472 Hamilton. Trends Alaska. 1985. E. 87690 Riedel. 1983 weather Svalbard. 1965. E. 87858 Ivanov. Epochs hydrometeorol. 1964. R. 88152 Izotov. Effect forests. 1965. R. 88199 Johansen. Land sea influence. 1958. E. 88245 Julian. Correlations pressures. 1963. E. 88297 Kagan. Interact sea ice atmos. 1965. R. 88315 Kays. Vertical motions stratos. 1965. E. 88435 Kostarov. Yield young chum. 1964. R. 88794 Krnail'nikov. Atmos showers. 1962. R. 88855 Kursanova. Climate Commanders. 1962. R. 89015 Lackey. Predict frequency. 1965. E. 89083 Langway. Accumulation t icecap. 1961. E. 89112 Leningrad. 1959-60 N Pole 6, 8. 1964. R. 89220 Leningrad. 1960-61 N Pole 8-9. 1984. R. 89221 Leningrad. 1960-61 N Pole 8.9. 1964. R. 89222 Leningrad. Soundings atmos. 1962. R. 89225 Lthkhov. Relief sea Kamchatka. 1983. R. 89289 Marcus. Juneau Ice Field. 1964. E. 89682 Mulffirchik. Heat auroral zone. 1963. E. 90088 Novskafe. Anomalies E Asia. 1965. R. 90347 Orley. Heat consump permafrost. 1963. R. 90482
Orlova. Climate W Siberia. 1964. E. 90494 Panov. Heat exchange sea. 1961. R. 90595 Payette. 80° W mean cross sec. 1964. E. 30667 Petrov. Abrupt warming stratus. 1964. R. 90754 Pivovarova. Direct solar md. 1965. R. 90807 Pogosffin. Change stratosphere. 1981. R. 90833 Pogosian. Ciro stratosphere. 1964. R. 90831 Pogosam. Evol jet currents. 1061. R. 90830 Prik. Pressure temp IGY. 1964. R. 90984 Ragozina. F'cast Sept. 1965. R. 91064 Rfazanova. Stratos processes. 1965. R. 91169 Rauch. Diurnal var winter. 1965. F. 91291 Ryzhakov. 10 mo eke & rcast. 1965. R. 91376 Sspozhnikova. Temp -50°C. 1962. R. 91459 Shafer. Season var cosmic rays. 1964. R. 91620 Shakhov. Mines permafrost. 1965. R. 91625 Sharova. Pressure & temp anom. 1985. R. 91642 Shear. Polar marine climate. 1964. E. 91671 Shimizu. Firn Kaskawulsh. 1965. E. 91698 Shishkov. Atmos circ & hydroL 1965. R. 91703 Skripin. Daily var cosmic ray. 1965. R. 91843 Skumtova. Meteorol rockets. 1964. R. 91853 Stepanova. Central Arctic. 1965. E. 92083 Thompson. N Can freeze thaw index. 1966. E. 92332 Tffisto. Effect cosmic rays. 1964. E. 92339 US. Atlas mean mo temp. 1964. E. 92546 Valerianova. N Atlantic IGY. 1964. R. 92634 Veprov. Temp mines Norilsk. 1962. R. 92725 Vinje. Cooling power Nom. 1965. E. 92768 Vinogradov. June feast. 1965. R. 92776 VowinckeL Heat budget. 1965. E. 92879 Watt. Ion distrib Alouette. 1965. B. 92951 Webb. Noctilucent clouds. 1985. E. 92956 Williams. Regions freeze thaw. 1904. E. 93024 Willmore. Probe techniques. 1965. E. 93035 Zav'ffilova. Divergence norm. 1965. R. 93182 Zhukov. Phys regions Kamchatka. 1963. R. 93231 Zil'berbord. Thaw rock, 1964. R. 93251 Airglow. Davis. Lat & season var. 1965. E. 86427 Davis. Lat season var night. 1964. E. 86426 Davis. TV photo aurorae. 1985. B. 86428 Hampson. Airglow studies CARDE. 1964. E. 87693 KrasovskiL Auroras & airglow. 1964. R. 88865 Mal'ko. Brightness. 1964. R. 89847 World data centre B catalog. 1962-64. It, E. 89954 Airplanes, airships Alekseeva. Airships. 1965. R. 85000 Appleman. Visibility. 1964. E. 85140 EPF. Transport facilities. 1963. E. 86885 Edwards. Far N mag survey. 1965. E. 86731 Karo. Aircraft for surveyor. 1965. E. 88400 Leningrad. Soundings atmos. 1962. R. 89226 Luzheakit Problems. 1985. R. 89475 Marsden. Communications. 1968. E. 89716 Nat N Develop Conf. 1964. E. 90173 North. Warm interiors. 1964. E. 90321 Stallabrass. Adhesion ice. 1963. E. 92037 Symposium antarctic logistics. 1963. E. 92221 US. Support for science. 1985. E. 92572 Akademgorodok (pop. pl. & science center, USSR; approx. 55°02' N. 82°55' E.). Irinin. Shopping center. 1965. R. 88072 Polar record. News. 1964-85. E. 90841 Akademii, Tundra (Vrangelya, Ostrov; 71°28' N. 179° W.). Velizhanin. Vertebrates VrangeL 1965. R. 92712 Akademita. nauk SSSR. Dadykin. Guidelines. 1961. R. 86357 Sisakfitn. Achievements. 1965. R. 91810 Stipa. Finno-Ugric studies. 1064. 0. 92093 Suzfamov. Research vessels. 1965. R. 92178 Vinogradov, Earth Sciences. 1964. R. 92773 Akademita nauk SSSR. Botanleheskft Institut. Laboratorifa rastltel'nosti Kraffiego Severs. Norio. Forest-tundra field stn. 1964. R, E. 90315 Petrovskil. Far N Veg Lab, 1964. R, E. 90763
Akadendfa nauk SSSR. KoPskil filial. Polffirnyi geofizIcheskil Institut, Murmanak. Pomanskil Coal cosmic rays. 1964. R. 90879 Akademitit nauk SSSR. MurmansId1 morsko/ biologlebeskil Institut. Kamshilov. Murmansk biol Inst. 1964. R. 88354 Akademifa nauk SSSIa. Muse/ antropologli I Otnografli. Ivanov. Ainu bear carvings. 1964. R. 88150 Lffipunova. Aleut bidarkas. 1964. R. 89292 Potapov. Museum. 1964. R. 90957 Stanfakovich. Museum. 1964. R. 92040 Taksami. Gilyak gift. 1964. R. 92245 Akademlfa nauk SSSR. Slhlrskoe otdelenle. Lavront'ev. Science East. 1964. R. 89155 Polevot rust geog Sibiri. 1965. R. 90852 Rabotnov. Cold resistance corn. 1965. R. 91048 Sokolov. Palcontol Siberian Br. 1965. R. 91942 Akhomten (river & basin, Kamchatskaya Oblast'; 52°24' N. 158°24' E.). Shemovich. Thermal springs. 1964. R. 91678 Akhtaranda (river & basin, Yakut ASSR; 63°03' N. 112°15' E.). Tolstykh. New cordaltaleans. 1985. R. 92412 Aklavik (pop. pl., Mackenzie District; 68°12' N. 135° W.) & region. Collins. Long way. 1964. E. 86283 Frebold. Jurassic faunas. 1964. E. 87096 Akpatok Island (Northwest Territories; 60°25' N. 68° W.). Langley. 1931 exped. 1965. E. 89111 Maid Island (Aleutian Islands; 52°45' N. 173°54' E.). Jones. Sea otters Near I. 1985. E. 88283 Alakanuk (pop. p1., Alaska; 62°41' N. 164°37' W.). Parker. Acculturation. 1964. E. 90602 Alakit (river & basin, Yakut ASSR; 87°08' N. 109°54' E.). Ilupin. Kelyphite diamonds. 1965. R. 88032 Kudrfavaev. Nb kimberlites. 1964. R. 88957 Alakurttl (pop. pl., Murrnanskaya Oblast'; 86°57' N. 30°18' E.) & region. Kalita. Pegmatites. 1981. R. 88332 Alfingorssuaq (island, West Greenland, approx. 60°50' N. 48°10' W.). Harry. Precambrian basement. 1964. E. 87741 Alaska (regional section no. 10 on index map). Agranat. Prewar & World War II. 1964. R. 84821 Air digest. Alaskan Air Command. 1964. E. 84830 Air force. Alaskan Air Command. 1965. E. 84831 Akad n. Atlas discoveries. 1984. R. 84847 Armstrong. Russ settlement N. 1965. E. 85185 Baird. Polar world. 1964. E. 85298 Balog. Northland Mardi Gras. 1960. E. 85341 Baltzo. Summer Pribilofs. 1905. E. 85342 Barry. Two planes. 1964. E. 85397 Baxter. Our land. 1964-65. E. 85451 Bell. Shushana rush. 1984. E. 85506 Beriot. 1780-1850 voyages. 1982. F. 85581 Botts. Klondike photographer. 1964. E. 85605 Bioscience. Arctic biology. 1984. E. 85636 Boon. Kirkby. 1965. E. 85776 Brandley. McKinley cameraman. 1964. E. 85834 Brann. Bibliog Sheldon Jackson. 1952. E. 85840 Brooks. Matanuska valley. 1965. E. 85887 Buake. Wm Kin3ura. 1985. E. 85991 Caldwell. Communications. 1964. E. 86031 Carlson. Wilderness. 1962. S. 86088 Carter. McKinley Range exped. 1981. E, 86095 CherniGyn. Ivan Kuskov. 1962. R. 86186 Davis. Alaska reminiscences. 1964-65. E. 86422 Davis. Katalla Cordova. 1985. E. 86423 Efimov. Discovery Am. 1984. R. 86734 Fedorova. Russ settlements. 1984. R. 86931 Fish. Alaska photos. 1965. E. 87014 Foote. Bibliog native pop. 1964. E. 87060 Goetze. First ascents Hayes. 1965. E. 87376 Hansen. Innovation architecture. 1964. E. 87699 Henry, Jam Yukon. 1965. E. 87817
Alaska-Continued Harms. Iditarod Ruby. 1965. E. 87825 Hinckley. Sheldon Jackson. 1965. E. 87851 ' a. 1965. E. 87897 Holmes. Minehumin Jackson. Reindeer Siberia. 1953. E. 88208 Jenkinson, Yukon R missions. 1965. E. 88225 Kuprifanov. Study of N abroad. 1965. R. 88992 Lantis. Admin N peoples. 1966. E. 89116 Lanes. Alaska. 1965. E. 89115 MoCutcheon. Cover Alaska. 1964. E. 89517 MeCutcheon. Cruise Kobuk. 1964. E. 89516 McLean. Computers surveyors. 1964. E. 89666 Malach. Old Ft Kearny. 1964. E. 89637 Marsden. Resources communications. 1966. E. 89716 Meissner. Wilderness. 1963. G. 89800 Merkheev. Geog names. 1961. R. 89810 Murphy. Bering. 1962. E. 90113 1963 Alaskan Science Conf Proc. 1964. E. 84952 1964 Alaskan Science Conf Proc. 1965. E. 84953 1965 Alaskan Science Conf Proc. 1966. E. 84954 Oswalt. Kuskokwim bibliog. 1965. E. 90530 Pdwd. Phys environ. 1965. E. 90769 Philippe. Military research. 1965. E. 90774 Raudenbush. Canoe down Yukon. 1984. E. 91091 Rich. Arctic disarmament. 1964. E. 91172 Rieger. Cryorthods soil ear. 1965. E. 91185 Ryan. Clum in Alaska. 1965. E. 91354 Schlesier. Settlement N Am. 1965. G. 91517 Senft. Camp cookery. 1964. E. 91580 Sherwood. 1865-1000 explor. 1965. E. 91686 Stone. Fringe settlement zones. 1968. E. 92102 Miff& Regional landscape. 1966. E. 92520 US. Alaska hist 1741-1910. 1961. E. 92570 US. Arctic Aeromed Lab pub. 1966. E. 92542 Volkl. Russ Pacific empire. 1965. R. 92817 Wyatt. Indigenous material art. 1965. E. 93093 Yocom. Wildlife & Rampart dam. 1964. E. 93115 Alaska-Administration & government. Agranat. 1887-1917 Am rule. 1962. R. 84822 Alaska's health. 5 yr statehood. 1965. E. 84958 Chastain. Alaska land. 1964. E. 86146 Cooley. State land policy. 1965. E. 86299 Hester. Vital Statistics Bureau. 1964. E. 88488 Lanes. Admin N peoples. 1966. E. 89116 Swap. Capital relocation. 1964. E. 92205 Alaska-Agriculture. Aamodt. Agric research. 1964. E. 84740 Alaska rev. Agriculture. 1964. E. 84942 Bruemmer. Muskoxen. 1964. E. 85915 Burris. Fences against game. 1065. E. 85980 Cade. Potatoes vegetables. 1965. E. 86029 HilL Farming Tanana. 1964. E. 87845 Laughlin. Oat growth yield. 1964. E. 89151 Laughlin. Soils B potatoes. 1965. E. 89150 Matthiessen. Ovibos moscholus. 1968. B. 89763 Ward. Introd reindeer. 1956. E. 92930 Wright. Cattle ranch. 1964. B. 93090 Alaska-Anthropology, archeology. Ackerman. Lichens chert. 1964. E. 84763 Alaska pub. Eskimo life. 1964. E. 84940 Alexan. Raising children. 1965. E. 85007 Alexan. Tyonek people eat. 1965. E. 85006 Bandi. Eskimo prehist. 1965. G. 85343 Birket-Smith. Potlatch. 1964. E. 85643 Bosch-Gimpera. Prehist Am. 1961. G. 85802 Chard. Situla ware. 1964. E. 86135 Clark. Incised figurine tablets. 1964. E. 86262 Collins. Arctic subarctic. 1964. E. 86281 Connelly. Walrus skin boat. 1065. E. 86290 de Laguna. Yakutat Tlingit. 1965. E. 86464 FaTnherg. Eskimos Aleuts. 1964. R, E. 86897 Fa1nberg. Eskimos & future. 1963. R. 86899 Giddings. Areheol Denbigh. 1984. E. 87293 Giddings. Cross-dating. 1966. E. 87294 Giddings. Eskimos & Indians. 1065. E. 87295 Griffin. Ceramic complexes. 1964. E. 87547 Henry. Koyukon verbs. 1965. E. 87815 Keithahn. Chief's copper. 1964. E. 88455
Kent. Archon' NW Kenai. 1964. E. 88471 Konitzky. Cultural change Eskimo. 1963. G. 88704 Koranda, Songs Eskimos. 1964. E. 88737 Loyens. Koyukon feast for dead. 1964. E. 89427 McClellan. Culture contacts. 1964. E. 89508 Malwraitb. Bib Can anthrop. 1964. E. 89545 MacNeish. Peopling New World. 1964. E. 89575 Oswalt. Guiding culture change. 1961. E. 90529 Parker. Acculturation. 1964. E. 90602 Rogers. Athapaskan type knife. 1965. E. 91232 Sturdevant. Carving by Eskimos. 1964. E. 92127 Townsend. Artifacts Mama. 1964. E. 92431 US. Alaska aboriginal culture. 1962. E. 92569 VanStone. Religious change. 1964. E. 92650 Vaudrin. Chickadee legend. 1964. E. 92687 Whitten. Eskimo see structure. 1964. E. 93005 Wormington. Flaking techniques. 1062. E. 93087 Alaska-Birds. Bunko. Native swans. 1964. B. 85348 Barry. Brant Ross emperor. 1964. E. 85399 Clarke. Mallards. 1964. E. 86266 Einarsen. Black brunt. 1065. E. 86765 Hansen. Honkers. 1964. E. 87701 Hensel. Nesting bald eagle. 1964. E. 87818 Hohn. Yukon delta. 1965. E. 87890 Johnsgard. Biol spectacled eider. 1964. E. 88253 Jones. Age group counts brunt. 1964. E. 88281 Kenyon. Birds Pribilof I. 1965. E. 88472 Kenyon. Whooper swans. 1983. E. 88475 King. Lipid reserves sparrows. 1965. E. 88566 McKinney. Spring behavior eiders. 1965. E. 89561 Manning. Long-tailed jaeger. 1964. E. 89671 Murie. Mt McKinley Nat Park. 1963. E. 90104 Sibley. Hybrids Anatidac. 1938. E. 91759 Smith. N watersheds & deltas. 1964. E. 91907 Troyer. Nesting bald eagles. 1965. E. 92466A Vaurie. Non-Passeriformes. 1965. E. 92690 Weeden. Rock ptarmigan. 1965. B. 92963 Weeden. Wandering tattlers. 1965. E. 92964 Wellein. Waterfowl tundra. 1964. B. 92982 White. Add records interior. 1964. E. 93001 White. Gyrfalcon. 1065. E. 93002 Williamson. Distrib godwit. 1964. E. 93028 Williamson. Distrib overwinter. 1065. E. 93029 Wotton. Birds Yukon Delta. 1965. E. 93089 Yocom. Redhead. 1985. E. 93113 Yocom. Starlings Ft Yukon. 1963. E. 93114 Alaska-Botany. Allen. N-fixing plant assoc. 1964. E. 85014 Bowden. Elymus sibiricus. 1961. B. 85813 Cash. Alaskan fungi. 1953. E. 86100 Florin. Conifer taxad distrib. 1963. E. 87045 Gjaerevoll. Bot White Mts 2. 1964. E. 87324 Heller. Wild flowers. 1966. E. 87804 Hilliard. Chrysophyceae. 1963. E. 87849 Hodgson. Elvmordeum hybrid. 1965. E. 87872 Hultdn. Flora & veg Scammon B. 1962. E. 87943 Mitchell. Hybrid Gramineae. 1964. E. 89966 Mitchell. Two grass hybrids. 1965. E. 89967 Moore. Chromosome Carex. 1984. E. 90018 Persson. Bryophytes. 1962. E. 90717 Porsild. Plants new N Am. 1964. E. 90937 Shacklette. Bryophytes minerals. 1965. E. 91616 Shacklette. Liverwort. hydrosere. 1965. E. 91617 Alaska-Construction. Alter. Sanitary engineering. 1966. E. 85023 Boyd. Army research. 1965. E. 85819 Cernick. Newsletter. 1961. E. 86106 Charest. Penetration piles. 1965. E. 86139 Crory. Pile foundations. 1965. E. 86340 Crory. Pile foundations. 1966. E. 86341 Kirkpatrick. Military construct. 1065. E. 88579 Linell. Timber piles permafrost. 1962. E. 89326 Lobacz. Buildings permafrost. 1966. E. 89370 Long. Thermopile. 1066. E. 89405 Martin. Bldg materials. 1965. E. 89730 Mel'nikov. Construct foundations. 1062. R. 89824 Philleo. Guides engineering. 1066. E. 90775
Pihlainen. Practice muskeg. 1965. E. 90782 Reed. Frost thrust on piles. 1965. E. 91131 Rice. Econ insulation bldg. 1964. E. 91170 Rice. Hess Creek dam. 1966. E. 91171 Schaem. Structural design. 1965. E. 91496 Wik. Housing natives. 1965. E. 93014 Alaska-Earthquakes. Alaska. Earthquake. 1964. E. 84935 Alaska sportsman. Earthquake. 1964. E. 84950 Alaska's health. Earthquake. 1964. E. 84959 Arkhangerskafa. .L5 waves. 1961. R. 85170 Ben-Menahem. Source mechanism. 1963. E. 85544 Berg. 1964 earthquake. 1965. E. 85555 Bolt. Seismic air waves. 1964. E. 85757 Coulter. Effects Valdez. 1966. E. 86321 Davies. Ionospheric effects. 1965. E. 86419 Deisher. Seward. 1964. E. 86461 Donn. Ground-coupled air waves. 1964. E. 86585 Donn. Remote seiche. 1964. E. 86584 Duynslager. Water supply. 1965. E. 86693 Engineering geol Anchorage. 1964. E. 86815 Farley. Sea invasion Seldovia. 1965. E. 86906 Feld. Structural damage. 1965. E. 86943 *Fisher. Great earthquake. 1965. E. 87016 Fortier. Providence liosp. 1964. E. 87068 Graves. Earthquake. 1964. E. 87521 Hackman. Post-earthquake photos. 1965. E. 87653 Hanna. Biol effects. 1964. E. 87696 Hansen. Effects Anchorage. 1965. E. 87709 Huseby. Damage hospital. 1966. E. 87963 Jensen. Effect on fishery. 1964. E. 88232 Johansen. Toll fisheries. 1964. E. 88244 Johnson. Native Hospital. 1964. E. 88264 Jordan. Aftershocks Rat I. 1905. E. 88292 Kachadoorian. Effects Whittier. 1965. B. 88308 Keers. Kodiak. 1964. E. 88452 Kennedy. Alaska terror. 1965. E. 88466 Landis. Salmon homing. 1985. E. 89104 Langdon. Psychiatric aspects. 1964. E. 8910E Leonard. Ionospheric disturb. 1995. E. 89245 McGowan. Emergency service. 1964. E. 89541 Malloy. Crustal uplift. 1964. E. 89653 Miller. Damage Texas wells. 1964. E. 89922 Miller. Glaciomorph effects. 1986. E. 89917 Miller. Restless earth. 1964. E. 89918 Mills. Emergency med. 1964. E. 89925 Nielsen. Changes glaciers. 1965. E. 90253 1964 Alaskan Science Conf Proc. 1965. E. 84953 Northrop. 7' phases 80 quakes. 1965. E. 60325 Nowroozi. Eigenvibrations. 1965. E. 90350 Oakeshott. Alaskan earthquake. 1964. E. 90371 Plafker. Tectonic deform. 1965. B. 90808 Plafker. Tectonic deformation. 1965. E. 90809 Post. Advance glaciers. 1965. E. 90949 Press. Vertical extent fault. 1965. E. 90977 Eagles. Effects on glaciers. 1965. E. 91059 Reinanitz. Deltaic sediments. 1965. E. 91143 Rogers. Earthquake & econ. 1965. E. 91238 Savage. Stopping phase. 1965. E. 91470 SavarenskiL Earthquake. 1964. R. 91474 Savarenskil. Rayleigh waves. 1964. R. 91473 Sawyer. Alaska earthquake. 1964. E. 91495 Schaff. Earthquakes. 1964. E. 91497 Schmidt. Landslides Anchorage. 1985. E. 91524 Shannon. Anchorage soil studies. 1964. E. 91632 Spaeth. Mar '64 tsunami tide stns. 1965. E. 92006 Stacey. Vector magnetometer. 1965. E. 92034 Stanley. High water. 1965. E. 92043 Stauder. S-wave project. 1964. E. 92053 Thomas. Alaskan family. 1964. E. 92330 Tillotson. Earthquakes. 1964. E. 92350 Townshend. 1964 intensity. 1965. E. 92432 US. 1962-63 earthquakes. 1964-65. E. 92556 US. Prelim rept. 1964. E. 92554 US. Tsunami warning system. 1965. E. 92555 Waller. Effects water supplies. 1965. E. 92921
Walsh. Postmortem earthquake. 1964. E. 92923 Walsh. Post-quake reconstruction. 1964. E. 92924 Wilson. Effects hospitals. 1964. E. 93041 Alaska-Economic and social conditions. Alaska rev. Anchorage. 1905. E. 84944 ',Alaska review business. 1964. E. 84941 Alaska rev. Impact earthquake. 1964. E. 84946 Alaska's health. Anti-poverty Act. 1964. E. 84956 Alaska's health. Juvenile offenses. 1964. E. 84961 Butrico. Environ problems. 1960. B. 86005 Craig. Rehab. 1966. E. 86329 Haglund. Econ geog Nome. 1988. E. 87663 Hammes. Housing Yukon Kuskokwim. 1965. E. 87692 Kearns. Resource analysis Minto. 1965. E. 88446 Matthews. Rural residents. 1964. E. 89762 Rogers. Earthquake & econ. 1965. E. 91238 Rogers. Impact earthquake. 1965. E. 91240 Saroff. Barrow project. 1965. E. 91463 US. Investment opportunities. 1965. E. 92500 Alaska-Education. Alaska. Plan for rural areas. 1963. E. 84937 Alaska. Scholarship info. 1964. E. 84932 Alaska's health. Training program. 1965. E. 84964 Alaska's health. Woodworking shop. 1964.E. 84966 Blain. Retardation. 1964. E. 85664 Callaway. Early learning. 1966. E. 86036 Carney. Bibliog Eskimo educ. 1965. E. 86090 Crevensten. Geophys Inst. 1966. E. 86338 Eakin. Peace Corps & student. 1984. E. 86719 Harrison. Health aides. 1965. B. 87740 Lantis. Admin N peoples. 1966. E. 89116 Osborne. Vocational school. 1965. B. 90500 US. Teach Alaska. 1959. E. 92563 Alaska-Electric power. Cooke. Rampart dam proposal. 1964. E. 86298 Hickey. Power native villages. 1964. E. 87839 Wood. Ramparts. 1964. B. 93072 Alaska-Fisheries. Alaska rev. Fisheries indite. 1965. B. 84943 Alverson. Foreign fisheries. 1966. E. 85033 Armstrong. Dolly Vanden. 1985. E. 85181 Armstrong. Dolly Vardens. 1065. E. 85180 Aspinwall. Fertilize blackfish. 1964. E. 85212 Berg. Distrib production. 1966. E. 85671 Burgner. Net sockeye. 1964. E. 85968 Burgnor. Productivity Tikchik. 1965. E. 85967 Demory. Spawn ground catalog. 1964. E. 86480 Donaldson. Morphol Iliamna. 1964. B. 86580 Hartman. Homing of sockeye. 1964. E. 87744 Hartman. Mass spawn sockeye. 1964. B. 87743 Johansen. Earthquake toll. 1964. E. 88244 Johnson. Regulate fishermen. 1964. E. 88262 Kasahara. Pacific salmon catch. 1963. E. 88411 Kerns. Sockeye production. 1964. E. 88482 Kerns. Sockeye spawning. 1965. E. 88481 Kinne. Native canneries. 1904. E. 88569 McNeil. Salmon spawn beds. 1964. E. 89574 McPhail. Geog var stickleback. 1963. E. 89578 McRea. Sport prospects. 1965. E. 89583 Marriott. 1963 red salmon. 1965. E. 89714 Mathison. Juvenile red salmon. 1964. E. 89752 Mathisen. Timing sockeye run. 1965. E. 89753 Mattson. Chum resources. 1962. E. 89766 Meehan. Red salmon. 1964. E. 89796 Monahan. Fishtrap. 1965. E. 90011 Morrow. First record trout-perch. 1965. E. 90039 Morrow. Pike pop. 1964. E. 90040 Narver. Chignik sockeye. 1984. E. 90165 Narver. Chignik sockeye. 1965. B. 90164 Nelson. Food arctic char. 1965. E. 90217 Noerenberg. 1964 Feast salmon. 1964. E. 90291 Olsen. Embryo alevin sockeye. 1964. E. 90451 Quest. Scuba census fish pop. 1964. E. 91041 Raleigh. Summer net plankton. 1963. E. 91070 Rogers. Pygmy whitefish. 1964. E. 91231 Royce. Pink salmon fluctuate. 1962. E. 91302 Shapley. Sediment in creek. 1964. E. 91639 Swanson. Codfish cohoes. 1964. E. 92204
Alaska-Fisheries-Continued Thompson. Fecundity char. 1959. B. 92334 Thorsteinson. Earthquake effects. 1965. E. 92338 Tyler. Kodiak salmon feast. 1965. E. 92522 Tyler. Salmon abundance. 1984. E. 92521 US AEC. C Thompson. 1966. E. 92548 $31,36 US. Program research services. 1963. B. 92551 US. Sea lion op. 1984. E. 92552 Wolf. Market study bottomfish. 1965. E. 93067 Yancey. King Salmon Cook Inlet. 1963. B. 98105 Alaska-Forests & wood Industry. Alaska rev. Wood products undue. 1964. B. 84949 Barrows. Lightning fires. 1960. E. 85396 Funsoh. Temp precip interior. 1984. E. 87134 Hardy. Forest fires. 1963. B. 87725 Johnson. Hughes fire. 1964. E. 88263 Schmiege. Fecundity budworm. 1965. E. 91627 Werner. White spruce seed loss. 1964. E. 92987 Alaska-Geology, mining. Alaska. Min report 1961-65. E. 84936 Alaska rev. Coal industry. 1965. E. 84945 Alaska rev. Gold mining. 1965. E. 84947 Alaska rev. Petroleum indus. 1964. B. 84948 Avdelko. Lower Cretaceous. 1964. R. 85231 Beistline. Placer raining. 1966. E. 85479 Bolton. Trilobites U Silurian. 1965. B. 85759 Bordet. Katmai. 1963. F. 85777 Button. Kennecott. 1965. E. 86007 Church. Patterned ground. 1965. E. 86255 Churkin. Biostratig E-central. 1965. E. 86257 Cobb. Placer gold. 1964. E. 86272 Condon. Map Prince Wm Sd. 1965. E. 86288 Detterman. Stream sediment. 1965. E. 86498 Dietz. Sediments shelves. 1964. E. 86524 Donn. Origin ice ages. 1965. B. 86586 Dorr. Lack Tertiary vertebrates. 1964. E. 86613 Duncan. Oil shales. 1965. E. 86682 Feth. Saline ground water. 1965. E. 86971 Foster. Rotary drill igneous. 1966. E. 87069 Gage. Glacial sequences. 1965. E. 87159 Grants. Alaska earthquake. 1964. E. 87511 Grants. Matanuska Formation. 1964. E. 87513 Grants. Simeonof I. 1962. E. 87512 Hackman. Post-earthquake photos. 1965. E. 87653 Hansen. Effects quake. 1965. E. 87709 Herreid. Bear Cr Seward. 1965. E. 87830 Herreid. Geol Bluff area. 1965. E. 87831 Herreid. Geol geochem Sinuk. 1966. B. 87835 Herreid. Nellie Juan R Kenai. 1965. E. 87827 Herreid. Nixon Fork. 1966. E. 87829 Herreid. Omilak-Otter Cr. 1965. E. 87834 Hill. Petroleum Cook Inlet. 1964. E. 87846 Holmes. Map Mt Hayes quad. 1986. E. 87899 Hopkins. Quat transgressions. 1965. R. 87919 Imlay. Faunal differentiation. 1965. E. 88033 Irvine. Ultmmafio complex Duke. 1963. E. 88074 Jones. Cretaceous McCarthy. 1964. E. 88277 Kachadoorian. Quake Whittier. 1965. E. 88308 Karlstrom. Climatology. 1965. R. 88398 Kaufman. Denali-McLaren R. 1964. E. 88429 Long. Marginal permafrost. 1965. B. 89404 Lorain. Rock in box. 1965. E. 89409 MoCutehoon. Coal indus. 1964. E. 89513 Morklin. Chukotka. 1964. R. 89844 Nassichuk. Permian ammonoids. 1985. E. 90171 Oakeshott. Alaskan earthquake. 1964. E. 90371 O'NeeL Latouche. 1965. E. 90463 Pearson. Lake born. 1960. E. 90675 Pergament. Cenomanian stage. 1965. R. 90704 Pergament. Inoceramus. 1965. R. 90703 Post. Earthquake advance. 1965. E. 90949 Pushcharovskil. Oil gas. 1965. R. 91028 Pushcharovskil. Tectonic zoning. 1964. R. 91029 Puzanova. Gold. 1964. R. 91037 Reed. Magnetite Iliamna. 1965. E. 91127 Reeder. Willow Cr mining dist. 1965. E. 91135 Reger. Yardang Flint stn. 1964. E. 91137 Repenning. Pleistocene Tofty. 1964. E. 91155
Richards. Bibliog Quat shorelines. 1965. E. 91173 Richter. Ahtell Cr. 1964. E. 91178 Richter. Paint R Iliamna. 1965. E. 91179 Richter. Portage Cr-Susitna R. 1964. E. 91180 Rose. Amphitheatre Mts. 1966. E. 91274 Rose. Chroraite rocks Eklutna. 1966. E. 91273 Rose. Midas mine Valdez. 1985. E. 91272 Rose. Rainy Cr. 1965. E. 91271 Ross. Ordovician trilobites. 1965. E. 91283 Ryder. Valley fire & ice. 1964. E. 91366 Sainsbury. Fluorite beryllium. 1965. E. 91400 Sainsbury. York Mts. 1985. E. 91398 Sandner. Meteorites. 1962. O. 91451 Shacklette. Bryophytes minerals. 1865. E. 91616 Stearns. Geol physiog. 1965. E. 92058 US. Min & water resources. 1964. B. 92567 Wahrhaftig. Physiog divisions. 1965. E. 92913 Westermann. Ammonites Wide B. 1964. E. 92992 Wolff. Prospecting. 1964. E. 93069 World oil. Offshore activity. 1965. E. 93086 Zubakov. Maps Quat. 1965. R. 93287 Zubakov. Pleistocene geocheon. 1966. R. 93286 Zubakov. Transgressions. 1966. R. 93285 Alaska-Geomorphology. Black. 1959-63 periglacial studies. 1964. E. 85659 Burns. Pingos Yukon-Kuskolcwira. 1964. E. 85974 Everett. Measure mass-wasting. 1966. E. 86867 Holmes. Distrib age pingos. 1966. E. 87898 Jahn. Geog problems. 1961. P. 88213 Kaplina. Cryogen slope process. 1965. R. 88372 Pewe. Ice wedges class distrib. 1966. E. 90767 Schenk. Origin string bogs. 1966. E. 91508 Alaska-Geophysical Investigations. Akasofu. Attenuation ionosphere. 1985. E. 84908 Akasofu. Polar eleetrojet. 1965. E. 84914 Akasofu. Ring current Van A belts. 1961. E. 84915 Akasofu. Surges loops aurora. 1965. B. 84911 Alaska. 20 July 1963 eclipse. 1964. E. 84938 Anderson. Aug 67 cosmic ray. 1964. E. 85055 Anderson. X-rays auroral zone. 1965. E. 85054 Ansari. Absorp cosmic noise. 1964. B. 85107 Ansari. Daytime absorp. 1985. E. 85108 Bally. Electron precip mesosph. 1965. E. 85292 Barcus. Electron precip. 1965. E. 85386 Barcus. Energetic electrons aurora. 1965. E. 85385 Barcus. 75 sec periodicity X-rays. 1966. E. 85387 Barnes. Program gravity. 1965. E. 85392 Barnes. Tests ground water. 1964. E. 85391 Basler. Radiowave absorp. 1964. E. 85423 Bates. Es clouds HF backscatter. 1965. E. 85433 Bates. Hf/Vhf forward soundings. 1964. E. 85430 Bates. High lat vlf propagation. 1964. E. 85431 Bates. Oblique ionograms. 1964. E. 85427 Bates. Tracking aurora by sounder. 1965. E. 85434 Bates. Var auroral belt. 1965. E. 85428 Bates. VII phase var College. 1965. E. 85429 Belon. TV auroral research. 1965. E. 85514 Berkey. Types absorp events. 1964. E. 85582 Besprozvannafa. Distrib absorp. 1965. R. 85600 Bowling. Sudden impulses geomag. 1965. E. 85816 Brown. Auroral luminosity. 1965. E. 85908 Brown. Electron precip. 1965. E. 85909 Brown. X-rays conjugate. 1985. B. 85907 Chapman. Noctilucent clouds. 1965. Sp., E. 86132 DeWitt. Magnetospherie plasma. 1965. E. 86508 Dorman. Changes cosmic rays. 1965. R. 86597 Evans. Coord measure auroras. 1966. E. 86863 Goddard. Sounding equipment. 1965. E. 87367 Haurwitz. Mag asymmetries. 1965. E. 87764 Heacoek. Pearl micropuisations. 1965. E. 87775 Hunsucker. Absorp hf path. 1964. E. 87959 Hunsucker. Electron density. 1965. E. 87960 Irwin. Astronomers visit. 1963. E. 88075 Johansen. Comments on Ansari. 1965. E. 88247 Kaneda. Auroral radar echoes. 1964. E. 88361 Kashprovskii. Ground propagation. 1965. R. 88418
Kato. Polarization pc5. 1964. E. 88426 Kitamura. SSC onset time. 1963. B. 88598 Kuz'min. Flares cosmic rays. 1965. R. 89055 Lange-Hesse. Cosmic ray precip. 1965. E. 89109 Leadabrand. Elestromag aurora. 1965. E. 89179 Little. Cosmic radio noise. 1064. E. 89345 Marko. Let drift aurora. 1965. R, E. 89649 Meng. Aurora & polar mag storm. 1966. E. 89829 Oguti. Cosmic radio noise. 1963. E. 90418 Omholt. Auroral theories. 1963. B. 90456 Ondoh. Absorp noise e4 chorus. 1963. E. 90460 Ondoh. Chorus increases. 1982. B. 90462 Parthasarathy. Covariation. 1964. B. 90617 Parthasarathy. Radio noise. 1964. E. 90618 Parthasarathy. Radiowave absorp. 1965. B. 90614 Parthasarathy. Radiowave absorp. 1065. E. 90616 Parthasarathy. Radiowave absorp. 196.5. E. 90619 Parthasarathy. Recomb D-region. 1965. E. 90615 Pfotzer. Measure solar protons. 1965. R. 90773 Reid. Ions effects particles. 1965. E. 91139 Riendl. Logistics geophys op. 1965. B. 91186 Romick. Auroral luminosity. 1964. E. 91260 Rosenberg. Auroral luminosity. 1965. E. 91276 Sato. Structures SC. 1962. E. 91465 Sharp. Low energy electrons. 1964. R. 91643 Smith. Ions solar eclipse. 1965. B. 91904 Stringer. Let auroras. 1965. E. 92118 Swift. Auroral breakup. 196.5. E. 92207 Tapley. Hydromag emissions. 1905. E. 92297 Tokuda. Chorus bursts msg. 1982. E. 92398 Watt. Ion distrib temp Alouotte. 1065. E. 92951 Webber. Time var cosmic rays. 1962. E. 92959 Wescott. Conjugaoy auroral zone. 1965. E. 92989 Wescott. Solar induced phenol= 1964. E. 92988 Alaska-Glaciers. Balog. Glaciers. 1964. E. 85340 Lliboutry, Supereavitation. 1964. E. 89367 Mercer. Fjord g fire limit. 1061. R. 89841 Mercer. G var Patagonia. 1065. E. 89840 Mercer. Regime firm limit. 1961. E. 89839 Miller. Taku evaluation. 1983. E. 89919 Nielson. Earthquake changes. 1065. E. 00253 Ostenso. Bottom topography. 1965. E. 90509 Rutter. Foliation Gulkana. 1965. E. 91363 Voloshina. Heat balance glaciers. 1965. R. 92845 Alaska-Hunting. Alaska sportsman. Planning hunt. 1065. B. 84951 Brooks. Big game outlook. 1965. E. 85889 Int meeting polar bear. 1965. B. 88067 MoCutcheon. Walrus hunters. 1965. E. 89515 Alaska-Hydrology. Berwick. Floods SW. 1964. E. 85598 Donaldson. P content Tijuana. 1965. E. 86581. Duncan. Spillway design Rampart. 1964. E. 86688 Elsenhuth. Index records. 1965. E. 86767 Feulner. Galleries ground water. 1964. B. 86972 Love. Quality surface waters. 1965. B. 89425 US. Min & water resources. 1964. E. 92567 Williams. Groundwater bibliog. 1965. E. 93022 Alaska-Industry, trade. Alaska. 1965-75 tourism. 1965. E. 84939 *Alaska review business. 1964. E. 84941 Beasly. Cement markets. 1985. E. 85459 Edmondson. Alaskan camper. 1985. E. 86780 Hakala. Recreation info service. 1064. E. 87666 Little. Native indus NW. 1963. B. 89344 US AEC. C Thompson. 1986. E. 92548 433,36 Vdovin. Trade contacts Siberia. 1964. R. 92697 Alaska-Literature. Autor. Alaskan poetry. 1964. B. 85227 Dixon. Margaret Mielke. 1965. B. 86537 Jennings. Jack London's code. 1964. E. 88229 Lawton. F&S Machetanz. 1965. E. 89170 Nolan. Capt Jack Crawford. 1964. E. 90292 Petersen. Frank Brink. 1964. E. 90734 Weld. Charles J Kelm. 1964. E. 93063 Alaska-Maps & mapping. Ferrians. Permafrost. 1985. E. 86965 Finsterwalder. Mt McKinley. 1962-63. G. 87004
Holmes. Gaol Mt Hayes quad. 1985. E. 87809 Pow& Phys environ. 1965. B. 90769 Van Zandt. Cadastral survey. 1063. E. 92651 Alaska-Meteorology, climate. Benson. Ice fog. 1968. E. 85547 Benson. Low temp air pollution. 1965. E. 85548 Bilello. Ice thickness. 1964-66. E. 85624 Craig. Velocity divergence. 1965. E. 86330 Fogle. Noctilucent clouds. 1965. E. 87052 Fogle. Noctilucent clouds. 1965. B. 87053 Freeman. Snow course network. 1964. B. 87103 Funsch. Temp preoip interior. 1964. E. 87134 Gotaaa. Suspended ice crystals radiative cooling. 1965. E. 87472 Hamilton. Fluctuations trends. 1965. E. 87690 Henry. Preoip & Rampart dam. 1965. E. 87816 Kays. Vertical motions stratos. 1965. E. 88435 Kumai. Ice fog Fairbanks. 1964-65. E. 88982 McAlister. Rampart reservoir. 1964. E. 89502 Miller. 2-10 day precip 2-100 yr. 1985. E. 89914 Putout ' s. Weather patterns. 1966. B. 91033 Sawyer. Bi-polar stmtos cire. 1964. E. 91494 US. Barrage balloons. E. 92580 US. Climatic stations. E. 92579 US. Data Tiros V-VIII. 1964-65. E. 92576 US. 1951-60 dim summary. 1985. B. 92577 US. 1961-65 olimatol data. 1961-66. E. 92578 Walker. Analysis normal precip. 1964. E. 92916 Weber. Wind coastal passes. 1964. E. 92960 Williams. Regions freeze thaw. 1964. E. 93024 Work. Accuracy snow surveys. 1965. E. 93084 Alaska-Mountains, mountaineering. Ahrens. New route Mt McKinley. 1964. E. 84757 Bergen. Arrigetch. 1965. E. 85572 Carter. Mt Foraker's SE ridge. 1964. E. 86096 Davis. Unelimbed ruts. 1964. B. 86431 Gmoser. Wickersham Wall ascent. 1964. E. 87365 Goodwin. Ordeal Mt Russell. 1964. E. 87422 Beeman. McKinley Hunter. 1964. E. 87881 Nishimae. Mt St Elias Exped. 1065. E. 90284 Read. E Buttress McKinley. 1964. E. 91119 Terray. Mt Huntington. 1965. E. 92306 Welsch. Moose's Tooth. 1965. E. 92985 Alaska-Permafrost. Aitken. Frost heave surcharge. 1986. E. 84832 Benninghoff. Veg frost soils. 1966. E. 85546 Dylik. Pleistocene permafrost. 1983. P. 86702 Ferrians. Permafrost map. 1965. E. 86965 Lange. Refrigerate drill fluid. 1966. E. 89107 Legget. Permafrost N Am. 1906. E. 89206 Livingston. Penetration bomb. 1965. E. 89363 McCoy. Excavation frozen ground. 1965. E. 89611 Nichols. Permafrost Recent. 1066. B. 90243 P6w6. Ice wedges. 1962. E. 90768 US. CRREL Symposium. 1964. E. 92544 Veisman. Ice wedges. 1985. R. 92705 Viereck. Spruce Mt McKinley. 1965. E. 92758 Williams. Groundwater. 1966. E. 93023 Alaska-Populated places. Balcom. Ghost towns. 1965. E. 85324 Matthew. Tanana. 1964. E. 89761 Morrison. 42 yr Dillingham. 1964. S. 90036 Osborne. April Nome. 1965. E. 90499 Pedersen. Homer. 1960. E. 90688 Ray. Kauwerak. 1964. E. 91105 Ray. 19 o settlement pattern. 1964. E. 91106 Reeder. Knik. 1964. E. 91134 Roguszka. Cordova. 1964. E. 91250 Rychetnik. King Island. 1964. B. 91363 Sims. Manley Hot Springs. 1965. B. 91794 Alaska-Public health, disease. Alaska's health. Accident toll. 1965. E. 84955 Alaska's health. Eye glasses program. 1965. E. 84957 Alaska's health. 5 yr statehood. 1965. E. 84958 Alaska's health. Hoonah day center. 1965. E. 84960 Alaska's health. Rabies dogs cats. 1964. E. 84965
Alaska-Public health, disease--Continued AlaskaThealth. Role nurses. 1965. H. 84963 Alaska's health. Services available. 1964. E. 84962 Albrecht. Obsery health. 1065. E. 84968 Alter. Common sense. 1965. E. 85021 Anderson. Harborview Home. 1964. E. 85053 Baumgartner. Human waste. 1084. E. 85448 Baumgartner. Water pollution. 1984. E. 85447 Beady. Cs-137 Eskimo hair. 1065. E. 85460 Beltz. Pub health nurse. 1965. E. 85535 Blain. Mental health. 1964. E. 85664 Brody. Draining ears Eskimos. 1965. E. 85880 Brody. Ears hearing loss. 1084. E. 85882 Brody. Measles vaccine. 1984. E. 85881 Butler. Enterio pathogens dogs. 1964. E. 86001 Davis. Cold weather footgear. 1065 . E. 86430 Drobny. Waste disposal. 1966. B. 86637 Fraser. Alaska TB rate. 1065. E. 87090 Fraser. Private physician TB. 1965. E. 87091 Fraser. TB Alaska. 1965. E. 87093 Fraser. TB control. 1966. E. 87092 Hanson. Iodine-131 caribou. 1963. E. 87715 Harrison. Village aides. 1905. E. 87740 Hayes. Child Study Center. 1985. E. 87773 Heidersdorf. Radiation harmful. 1085. E. 87779 Heidersdorf. Radiological. 1960. E. 87778 Hein. Vascular surgery. 1965. E. 87785 Hickey. Elea power villages. 1984. E. 87839 Hilliard. Sewage oxidation. 1965. E. 87848 Hughes. Arctic Health Research. 1964. E. 87939 Hungate. Radionuclides Eskimos. 1965. E. 87956 Johnson. Lung cancer. 1965. E. 88259 Jones. Accident mortality. 1900. E, 88284 Justice. Respiratory epidemic. 1965. E. 88303 Keefer. Sheehan's syndrome. 1964. E. 88450 Krantz. Hearing loss. 1965. E. 88852 Lantis. Admin N peoples. 1086. E. 89116 Lesh. Child Bureau programs. 1065. E. 89264 Manning. Performance stress. 1963. E. 89672 Marcher. Water supply. 1965. E. 89680 Mathur. Water sewerage. 1964. E. 89754 Milan. Anti-exposure suits. 1085. E. 89901 Milan. Footgear. 1965. E. 89904 Milan. Survival suit. 1965. E. 89903 Mills. Frostbite. 1064. E. 89924 Mills. Frostbite. 1964. E. 89926 Palmer. Whole-body counter. 1065. E. 90578 Ransom. Do-it-yourself Dr. 1064. E. 91077 Ray. Mental health clinics. 1965. E. 91108 Reid. Meningococcus Barrow. 1065. E. 91138 Rogers. Survival rations. 1085. E. 91246 Schnee. Immunization disease. 1964. E. 91530 Shepard. Pub H lab. 1964. E. 91681 Smith. 1983 oral cancer survey. 1964. E. 91908 Smith. Radiation hazard. 1985. E. 91895 Spartz. Food stamp program. 1065. E. 92009 Symposia arctic biol & med. 1984. E. 92219 Symposia arctic biol & med. 1065. E. 92220 US. Eskimos Indians Aleute. 1063. E. 92574 Use. Mental health planning. 1965. E. 92589 Vaughan. Austere diet. 1905. E. 92688 Williams. Functions Lab. 1965. E. 93026 Wilson. Sewage oxidation pond. 1005. E. 93046 Alaska-Transportation. Alaska. Avalanche study. 1063. E. 84933 Alaska. Highway improvement. 1963. B. 84934 Barry. Wings North. 1985. E. 85398 Davies. Valdez trail. 1965. E. 86417 Evans. Traffic 40th state. 1082. E. 86862 Jones. Accident mortality. 1980. E. 88284 Karo. Aircraft for surveyor. 1985. E. 88400 Kennedy. Armor Polar Strike. 1085. E. 88470 Larson. Yukon riverboat. 1965. E. 89140 Nordiek Jarnbaneticlarift. 1965. S. 90302 Palen. Switching system. 1084. E. 90571 Bearden. Outboard river boats. 1960. E. 91121 Reed. Rainy Pass dog team. 1065. E. 91128 Rogers. Journey Iditarod. 1984. E. 01230
US. Army transport arctic op. 1958. E. 92563 Vdrt yrke. Alaska Railroad. 1961. N. 92616 Alaska-Water supply. Alter. Plan management. 1964. E. 85022 Baumgartner. Color waters. 1964. E. 85446 Clark. Sanitation military op. 1965. E. 86264 George. Water supply drainage. 1966. E. 87250 Hubbs. Water supply systems. 1966. E. 87936 Sargent. Systems permafrost. 1966. E. 91460 Tisdel. Groundwater permafrost. 1964. E. 92369 Alaska-Zoology. Atwell. Aerial census wolves. 1964. E. 85223 Ball. New Cryobius. 1963. E. 85331 Berry. Alaskan moose. 1965. E. 85595 B6dvarsson. New Collembola. 1960. E. 85711 Burns. Two mink pop. 1984. E. 85973 Dubois. Strigeides trematodo. 1960. F. 86657 Dubois. Trematode crane. 1964. E. 86658 Erickson. Mixed litter bear. 1964. E. 86833 Evans. Mesostimnatid mites. 1955. E. 86860 Folk. Telemeter physiol bear. 1965. E. 87057 Fowler. Iliamna zooplankton. 1965. E. 87076 Haftorn. Grizzly family. 1960. N. 87660 Hopla. Fleas mosquitoes. 1965. E. 87920 Kessel. Breeding Rana syloatica. 1965. E. 88487 Klein. Postglacial mammals. 1985. E. 88610 Lent. Tolerance grizzly wolf. 1964. E. 89240 Lindroth. Ground beetles. 1961. E. 89319 N1cCutcheon. Alaska moose. 1965. E. 89514 Maher. Growth bunting longspur. 1964. E. 89601 Manning. Age polar bear. 1964. B. 89670 Nielsen. Biol obsery eclipse. 1964. 13. 90249 O'Farrell. Home range hares. 1965. E. 90410 O'Farrell. Rabbits Middleton I. 1965. E. 90411 Powell. Aggregations crabs. 1965. E. 90964 Reeder. Big brown bat. 1965. E. 91136 Schmid. GrammotauHus. 1984. E. 91520 Schmidt. Acanthocephala. 1985. E. 91521 Schmidt. Aeanthocephala ducks. 1905. E. 91523 Schmidt. New worm Larus. 1965. E. 91522 Scudder. Fulgomorpha. 1964. E. 91548 Siniff. Aerial census caribou. 1964. B. 91797 Smetana. Rove beetles. 1964. E. 91867 Sommerman. Activities Culiseta. 1964. E. 91977 Tjeder. Crane flies. 1983. E. 92384 Trapp. Vocal sound hares. 1965. B. 92438 Troyer. Kodiak bear pop. 1964. E. 92467 Tuthill. Molluscs glacier. 1963. E. 92519 Washburn. Bird cherry aphid. 1966. E. 92938 Washburn. Distrib bumblebees. 1964. E. 92939 Washburn. Grasshoppers. 1965. E. 92940 Watson. Fish wildlife resources. 1964. E. 92949 Weller. Distrib redhead. 1984. E. 92983 Williamson. New cestode thrush. 1965. E. 93030 Wold. Bison Big Delta. 1965. E. 93064 Alaska, Gulf of (regional section no. 11 on index map). Allen. Freedom seas. 1904. E. 85015 Alverson. Foreign fisheries. 1986. E. 85033 Alverson. Latent resources. 1964. E. 85032 Amos. Asian & N Am pink salmon. 1963. E. 85039 Aratakafa. Sound velocity. 1965. R. 85153 Arsen'ev. Currents. 1963. R. 85194 Barsukov. Limits Sebaetes. 1965. R. 85405 Barsukov. Variability perch. 1964. R. 85406 Bartlett. Set conf 1985 address. 1966. E. 85411 Bortnikov. Sediments shelf. 1964. R. 85801 Bortnikov. Shelf relief. 1964. R. 85800 Bright, Porbeagle Cook Inlet. 1960. E. 85857 Brinton. Distrib euphauthids. 1962. E. 85863 Brodskil. Var & taxon Calanus. 1965. R. 85879 Bruovich. Biogen elements. 1964. R. 85916 Butler. Isopod Holophrtaus. 1964. E. 86002 Coast & shallow water conf. 1982. E. 90172 Dodimead. Oceanog Pacific. 1903. E. 86554 Favorite. 1958 salmon distrib. 1963. E. 86913 Fiscus. 1963 fur seal invest. 1965. E. 87013 Forrester. Embryonic develop cod. 1964. E. 87065 Gershanovich. Geomorph zonation. 1965. R. 87280
Gerahanovich. Marine geol. 1965. R. 87282 Gershanovieh. Organic matter. 1905. R. 87279 Gershanovich. Sediments. 1964. R. 87283 Hartt. Salmon tagging. 1964. E. 87745 Hartt. Salmon tagging. 1965. E. 87746 Hicks. Land emergence. 1965. E. 87842 Kesabara. Salmon catch. 1963. E. 88411 Klefe. Mortara° ohem comp. 1964. R. 88608 Koblena-Mishke. Primary prod. 1963. R. 88643 Laevastu. Heat exchange. 1985. E. 89084 LeBrasseur. Blue shark. 1964. E. 89196 McPhail. New ronquil. 1965. B. 89579 Malloy. Seafloor upheaval. 1965. E. 89654 Manner. Vertical distrib salmon. 1904. E. 89676 Margolis. Indicators sockeye. 1963. E. 89695 /vIuromfiev. TSD. 1963. R. 90112 Nayudu. Ash deposit. 1964. E. 90186 Neave. Migrations salmon. 1964. E. 90195 Nekrasova. Hydrog profiles. 1963. R. 90214 Ovchirmikov. Water elm. 1963. R. 90536 Panfilova. T-S distrib. 1965. R. 90588 Peter. Strad Aleutian Trench. 1965. E. 90732 Pfeiffer. Olfactory salmon. 1963. B. 90771 Plalchotnik. Hydro' character. 1964. R. 90810 Plakhotnik. Water temp. 1964. R. 90811 Ponomareva. Euphausiids. 1963. R. 90900 Prater. Demersal fishes. 1964. E. 91013 Quast. Pacific bonito. 1964. E. 91040 Radzikhovskaffi. Structural traits. 1965. R. 91058 Reid. Ciro PO4-P zooplankton. 1962. E. 91141 Ricker. Salmon growth mortality. 1964. E. 91182 Saidova. Distrib bottom foram. 1964. R. 91397 Schantz. Origin poison clams. 1964. E. 91498 Shialikov. Atmos sire & regime. 1965. R. 91703 Shvetsov. Distrib bottom fauna. 1964. R. 91694 Sokolova. Feed groups benthos. 1964. R. 91956 Sorkina. Synoptic processes. 1963. R. 91983 Tully. Temp structure. 1964. E. 92506 Uda- Oceanog subarctic Pacific. 1963. E. 82528 Van Mieghem. Circ stratosphere. 1963. E. 92647 Wilimovsky. Lit salmon. 1957. E. 93017 Alaska, Northern (regional section no. 9 on index map). Alaska res. Petroleum indus. 1964. E. 84948 Bading. Two in Arctic. 1964. B. 85276 Baker. Adsorption equilibria. 1964. E. 85305 Bills. Seal hunt. 1964. E. 85634 Cash. Anaktuvuk Pass. 1964. B. 86099 Chaffin. Wilderness. 1965. E. 86116 Fitch. Seismic arrival times. 1964. E. 87024 Foote. Am whalemen. 1964. E. 87059 Hehaericks. Last new land. 1965. B. 87806 Jahn. Geog problems. 1961. P. 88213 Kelley. COs & COs atmos. 1966. E. 88460 Kelley. CO2 Barrow. 1964-66. E. 88459 Lieske. Radiation ice. 1965. E. 89301 Little. Feasible native indus. 1963. B. 89344 Murie. Explore Sheenjek. 1960. E. 90105 Marie. On Lobo. 1957. E. 90106 Page. Water supply wind energy. 1966. E. 90554 Rychetnik. Dining along coast. 1964. E. 91362 Stefansson. Autobiography. 1964. E. 92063 Stehle. Studies sea ice. 1964. E. 92068 Stroschein. Automated and stn. 1065. E. 92121 US AEC. Environ C Thompson. 1966. E. 92548 US AEC. Proj Chariot. 1962. E. 92549 Weeks. Adis II. 1965. E. 92965 Wilson. Color removal waters. 1965. E. 93045 Alaska, Northern-Anthropology, archeology. Atamian. Anaktuvuk mask. 1965. E. 85216 Chance. Eskimo integration. 1966. E. 86127 Chance. Role govt Eskimos. 1964. E. 86126 Foote. Bibliog native pop. 1964. E. 87060 Gubser. Nunamiut Eskimos. 1965. E. 87589 Heim. Far N outboarding. 1960. B. 88453 McKennan. Chandalar Kutchin. 1965. E. 89556 Milan. Acculturation Eskimo. 1964. B. 89990 Paneak. We hunt to live. 1960. E. 90585 Porter. Antiquity Anaktuvuk. 1964. E. 90942 Ray. Baskets Kobuk Eskimos. 1965. E. 91104
Schlesier. Archeol exped. 1904. G. 91518 Sehlesier. Projectile points. 1984. G. 91516 Slobodin. Metis culture contact. 1964. E. 91862 US AEC. C Thompson. 1968. E. 92548 $34 VanStone. Religious change. 1964. E. 92650 Wilmsen. Flake tools. 1964. E. 93037 Alaska, Northern-Botany. Hobble. Primary product lakes. 1964. E. 87864 Johnson. Plant ecol permafrost. 1966. E. 88254 Johnson. Polyploidy & environ. 1985. E. 88255 Persson. Bryophytes. 1962. E. 90717 Porsild. Plants new N Am. 1964. E. 90937 Prescott. Limnol Malikpuk. 1065. B. 90976 Alaska, Northern-Geology. soils. Bernard. Soil temp Barrow. 1964. B. 85585 Black. Gubik Formation. 1964. E. 85658 Brown. Ice-wedge chem. 1966. E. 85894 Brown. Pedo-ecol Barrow. 1965. E. 85895 Brown. Radiocarbon dating. 1965. E. 85896 Brown. Well drained soils. 1964. E. 85897 Chapman. Geol Killik-Etivluk. 1064. E. 86180 Coast & shallow water cord. 1962. E. 90172 Colinvaux. Origin ice ages. 1964. B. 8627G Currey. Valley asymmetry. 1964. E. 86349 Fernald. Geol Kobuk. 1964. E. 86963 Hume. Effects beach borrow. 1964. E. 87953 Humo. Sea-level changes Barrow. 1985. E. 87955 Jones. Cretaceous fossils. 1964. B. 88278 MacNamara. Soils. 1964. E. 89573 O'Sullivan. Arctic Coastal Plain. 1061. E. 90528 O'Sullivan. Geoehem permafrost. 1968. E. 90527 Porter. Glacial chronol. 1964. E. 90941 Rex. Beaches Barrow. 1984. B. 91162 Runnells. Anthraxolite dolomite. 1965. B. 91339 Sable. Gaol Rornanzof Mts. 1965. B. 91384 Sainsbury. Marino platform. 1965. E. 91399 Scott. Freeze thaw depth soils. 1968. R. 91544 Sellmann. Coring frozen ground. 1985. E. 91559 Tedrow. Genesis organic soils. 1065. E. 92285 Tedrow. Quat events. 1964. B. 92287 Tourtelot. Oil yield shale. 1965. E. 92429 Walker. Erosion Colville R. 1964. E. 92918 Walker. Ice wedge bank erosion. 1966. E. 92917 Alaska. Northern-Public health. Boyd. Bacteria in permafrost. 1964. E. 85820 Boyd. Water supply sewage. 1965. E. 85821 Hanson. Ca-137 N Alaska. 1864. E. 87714 Hanson. Radioactivity Eskimos. 1964. E. 87716 Hanson. Seasonal cycle Cs-137. 1965. E. 87717 Palmer. 1983 radioactivity. 1964. E. 90577 Palmer. Radioactivity natives. 1965. E. 90576 Rickard. Radionuclides tundra. 1965. E. 91181 Watson. 1959-61 Sr-90. 1964. E. 92947 Alaska, Northern-Zoology. Dahl. Trichocera arctica N Am. 1960. E. 86363 Dubois. New trematode Fake. 1965. E. 86659 Elwell. Polar bears. 1965. B. 86801 Folk. Physiol squirrel 1964. B. 87056 Given. Cumacea. 1965. E. 87323 Holmquist. Amphipod gen. 1965. E. 87902 Kennedy. Walrus. 1965. E. 98467 Lent. Rutting behavior caribou. 1905. E. 89241 LON& Grizzly bear. 1963-64. N. 89387 Matsudo. N sp Heliochona. 1965. E. 89757 Marie. Grizzly bear. 1957. E. 90107 Ray. Jackson & reindeer. 1965. E. 91107 Ward. Introd reindeer. 1950. E. 92930 Alaska, Southeast (regional section no. 12 on index
map). Ackerman. Incised pebbles. 1965. B. 84762 Agathon. Wild bear & goose. 1965. E. 84814 Alaska rco. Wood products indus. 1964. E. 84949 Baxter. Chilkoot Trail. 1964. E. 85450 Beckey. West of Stikine. 1965. E. 85472 Betts. Dreamer who lost. 1964. E. 85604 de Laguna. Archeol Yakutat. 1964. E. 86463 Freed. Faunal remains Knight I. 1964. E. 87101 Haack. Forest cruise data. 1965. E. 87648 Hamelin. Juneau Glaciol Inst. 1964. F. 87685
Alaska. Southeast-Continued Harris. Subalpine fir. 1965. E. 87788 Hohn. Indian art analysis form. 1965. E. 87896 Hopping. N Am /pa. 1963. E. 87922 Justice. Cancer screening. 1964. B. 88302 Kimmey. Disease survey. 1957. B. 88563 Klein. Ecol deer range. 1965. B. 88609 Klein. Postglacial mammals. 1965. E. 88610 Kneass. Flogging Sheep Camp. 1984. E. 88633 Kohrt. Logging championship. 1965. E. 88657 Lotz. Chilcoot trafi. 1965. E. 89418 Lots. Ferry system. 1964. E. 89420 McFarland. 1877-78 letters. 1957. B. 89527 Marcus. Climate-glacier studies. 1064. E. 89682 Merriam. Wolves Coronation. 1905. E. 89847 Miller. Field inst glaciol. 1966. E. 89916 Osborne. Yakutat blanket. 1964. E. 90501 Paul. Changing order. 1964. E. 90630 Paul. Stronger than Goliath. 1965. B. 90631 Price. Wastage Casement GI. 1964. E. 90983 Rodgers. Logging camp. 1965. E. 91219 Rogers. Human factor econ. 1984. E. 91239 Sherwood. Hooch Osprey affair. 1965. E. 91685 Stewart. Birds. 1964. E. 92090 Swarth. Origins fauna. 1936. B. 92206 Walker. Taira Harbor. 1964. B. 92920 Welch. Fool Muir Inlet. 1965. E. 92981 Alaska, Southeast-Fisheries. Finger. King salmon sport catch. 1965. E. 87000 Kinne. Native salmon canneries. 1964. E. 88569 McNeiL Salmon spawn beds. 1984. B. 89574 Noerenberg. 1964 feast salmon. 1984. B. 90291 Shapley. Sediment in creek. 1064. E. 91639 Sheridan. Salmon escapements. 1962. B. 91683 Sheridan. Spawning riffle. 1962. E. 91684 Sparks. Shellfish toxicity. 1964. E. 92008 Sparks. Shellfish toxicity. 1965. E. 92007 Swanson. Codfish whom 1964. E. 92204 US. Stream catalog. 1963. E. 92565 Alaska, Southeast-Geology. Ben-Menahem. Source mechanism. 1963. E. 85544 Berg. Geochem stream sediments. 1964. E. 85556 Hamelin. Periglacial Juneau. 1984. F. 87686 Herreid. Geol Dry Pass. 1964. E. 87832 Herreid. Hollis Pr Wales I. 1906. B. 87828 Herreid. Niblack Anchorage. 1964. B. 87833 Hicks. Land emergence . 1965. E. 87842 Lathram. Chatham Bar fault. 1964. E. 89146 Loney. Pybus-Gambier. 1965. E. 89403 MaoKevett. Sumduce copper zinc. 1964. E. 89559 Miller. Himalaya Coast Ranges. 1966. E. 89920 Pomeroy. Air photos rocks. 1964. E. 90881 Price. Casement Glacier. 1905. E. 90982 Richter. Knight I. 1965. E. 91177 Alaska. Dept. of Health and Welfare. Alaska's health. 5 yr statehood. 1965. E. 84958 Belmont. Emergency services. 1965. E. 86510 Lash. Children's Bureau. 1966. E. 89284 Williams. Functions Lab. 1965. E. 93026 Alaska. University. Bioscience. Arctic biology. 1964. E. 85636 Crevensten. Geophys Inst. 1986. E. 86338 Saroff. Barrow project. 1985. E. 91463 Wyss. Geophys Inst. 1965. B. 98100 Alaska Brotherhood. US. Alaska hist 1741-1910. 1961. E. 92570 Alaska Highway. .See also Northwest Highway System. Holmes. Geol roconn. 1965. E. 87900 Thomson. Icings. 1966. B. 92336 Alaska Native Industries Cooperative Association. US AEC. C Thompson. 1966. E. 92548 136 Alaska Peninsula (Alaska; 57° N. 158° W.). Dumond. Prehist. 1964. E. 86673 Jones. Age group counts brant. 1984. E. 88281 Narver. Chignik sockeye. 1965. E. 90164 Seat. Camp cookery. 1964. E. 91580 Westerman. Ammonites Wide B. 1984. E. 92992
Alaska purchase, 1867 US. Alaska hist 1741-1910. 1961. E. 92570 Alaska Railroad. Alaska rev. Impact earthquake. 1964. B. 84946 McCuttheon. Coal indus. 1964. B. 89513 Vdrt prke. Alaska Railroad. 1961. N. 92616 Alaska Range (ats.; 59°45'-62° N. 141°-156° W.). Carter. Mt Foraker's SE ridge. 1964. B. 86096 Goetze. First ascents Hayes. 1965. E. 87376 Goodwin. Ordeal Mt Russell. 1964. E. 87422 Hoeman. McKinley Hunter. 1964. E. 87881 Reed. Rainy Pass dog team. 1965. E. 91128 Terray. Mt Huntington. 1965. B. 92306 Alatna (river & basin, Northern Alaska; 66°34' N. 152°37' W.). Chaffin. Wilderness. 1965. E. 86116 Alazeya (rirer & basin, Yakut ASSR; 70°51' N. 153°34' E.). Antonov. Typo ice regime. 1964. R. 85122 Albany (river & basin, Northern Ontario; 52°17' N. 81°31' W.). Can. Surface water data. 1964-65. E. 86056 Kenyon. Old House. 1965. E. 88477 McEwen. Peatland. 1964. B. 89525 Alberta. University. Boreal Institute. Longley. Boreal Inst. 1904. B. 89406 Alcohol, alcoholism. Baeza. Notes rations. 1963. E. 85278 Can. 1963-66 rept health NWT. 1964-67. E. 86051 Dewey. Systemic effect. 1965. E. 86506 Foote. Am whalemen Alaska. 1964. E. 87059 Honigmann. Eskimo deviance. 1965. E. 87914 Honigmann. Eskimos. 1965. E. 87913 La Grange. Support small exped. 1963. E. 89086 Leung. Drugs low temp. 1965. E. 89271 MacGregor. Hypothermia ethanol. 1965. E. 89542 Sherwood. Hooch Osprey affair. 1985. E. 91685 Ure. Mental health Alaska. 1965. E. 92589 Aldan (river & basin, Yakut ASSR; 63°28' N. 129°35' E.). Akad n. Petrography A shield. 1964. R. 84844 Andreev. Lebodinyy mine. 1965. R. 85073 Belfilvskil. Geol geomorph. 1964. R. 85491 Geol placers. 1961. R. 85626 Bilibin. Gold deposits. 1981. R. 85630 Bilibin. Motallogeny. 1961. R. 85631 Blagovolin. Karst develop. 1965. R. 85663 Bofarskafa. Veg Aldan Quat. 1964. R. 85734 Borovifskil. Solubility gold. 1965. R. 85795 Chizhov. Cryogen mining region. 1964. R. 86231 Chizhov. Or water permafrost. 1964. R. 86232 Drugova. Metamorph granulite. 1984. R. 86646 Egorov. Al, Fe, Ma in plants hay. 1984. R. 86750 EI'f8nov. Kimberlites Aldan. 1964. R. 86774 EpshteTn. Class permafrost. 1964. R. 86822 Epshteln. Cryogen regime karst. 1964. R. 88823 Filimonova. Taiga soils. 1985. R. 86982 Firsay. Ago phlogopite. 1985. R. 87008 Gerasimov. Cryogenic soils. 1965. R. 87253 Gordeeva. Unfrozen rock. 1064. R. 87432 IGikson. Form carbonatites. 1964. R. 88091 Ivanov. Richterite-asbestos. 1965. R. 88135 Kazanskil. Archean faults. 1965. R. 88443 Khatylaev. Aldan gold indus. 1964. R. 88506 KhruGicll. Paleogeog bald mt. 1964. R. 88536 KhruGkil. Tectonics permafrost. 1964. R. 88537 KiGul. Geochron intrusions. 1964. R. 88600 Kondrat'eva. Goobot survey. 1964. R. 88695 Krasnov. Tectonics A shield. 1964. R, E. 88860 Krasnuehkin. Karat caverns. 1964. R. 88863 Lugovol. Karst frozen strata. 1964. R. 89438 Michael. Geomorph translations. 1964. E. 89871 MokshanGov. Tectonics. 1964. R. 89996 Narozhnykh. Organic remains. 1965. R. 90163 Obruchev. Gold-bearing regions. 1961. R. 90384 Pavlova. Form groundwater. 1964. R. 90659 Podlinfitev. Geog mica Indus. 1964. R. 90825 Prfakhin. Groundwater mining. 1964. R. 90980
Prfitithin. Supra-permafrost water. 1965. R. 90979 Rogov. Tinaksite. 1905. R. 81249 Romanova. Dialeoto Tungus. 1964. R. 91257 Shvecsov. Phlogopite Aldan. 1982. R. 81754 $idorova. Paleomag Maya. 1964. R. 91766 Smith. Siberia. 1965. E. 91893 Elmul'skil. Dislocations cryogen. 1964. R. 91910 Sudovikov. Geo' petrol. 1905. R. 92134 Trash. Cryogen valleys. 1984. R. 82470 Trush. Engineer gaol maps. 1964. R. 92468 Trash. Permafrost karst. 1964. R. 92469 Vangengetm. Elk. 1965. R. 92645 Vel'mina. Hydrogeol Yakutia. 1964. E. 92717 Zhuravlova. Oncolites catagraphs. 1964. R. 93241 Aleknagik, Lake (Alaska; 59°17' N. 158°37' W.). Aspinwall Fertilize blackfish. 1964. E. 85212 Nelson. Food arctic char. 1965. E. 90217 Aleksandry, Zemlya (island, Zemlya Frantsa-Iosifa; 80° 45' N. 48° E.). Novichkova-Ivnnova. Soil a/gae.1964. R,E. 90331 Alert (polar station, Ellesmere Island; 82°29' N. 02°15' W.). Can. 1062-05 metoorol. 1963-06. E. 80061 Darker. 1961-62 mag °beery. 1964. E. 88407 Evans. 1963 mag observ. 1965. E. 86858 Ichikawa. Seismo records. 1965. E. 88014 Jackson. Vertical profile wind. 1965. B. 88204 Julian. Pressures temps. 1963. E. 88297 North. Op Boxtop. 1984. E. 90320 Radforth. Muskeg N Am. 1965. E. 91053 Rikitake. Anomaly geomag var. 1964. E. 91188 Staib. Skis N Pole. 1965. B. 92036 Aleutian Basin (Bering Sea; 53°52' N. 177°37' W.). Shor. Structure. 1864. E. 91714 Aleutian Islands (regional section 7W. 7 on index map). Akad n. Atlas discoveries. 1964. R. 84847 Arkhangel'skafiL Seismic waves. 1981. R. 85170 Bandi. Eskimo prehish 1985. G. 85343 Berreman. Aleut acculturation. 1964. E. 85588 Hatch. Aleutian campaign. 1963. E. 87758 ICsikson. Volcanic belts. 1965. R. 88094 Jones. Breeding pop geese. 1963. E. 88282 Jones. Sea otters Near I. 1965. E. 88283 Jordan. Aftershocks Rat I. 1985. E. 88292 Kenyon. Birds Amchitka. 1961. E. 88473 Kenyon. Whooper swans. 1963. E. 88476 Kitaoka. Stratospheric arc. 1063. B. 88699 Northrop. Seismic waves Flip. 1965. E. 80324 Nybakken. Soil sequence Umnak. 1985. E. 90362 Shear. Polar merino climate. 1964. E. 91671 Speranakil. Wind field stratus. 1965. R. 92023 Stauder. S-wave project. 1064. B. 92053 Stauder. S-wave studies. 1963. E. 92054 US. Alaska aboriginal culture. 1962. E. 92569 IV construction. Long Shot. 1065. E. 92994 Aleutian National Wildlife Refugo (preserve, Aleutian Islands; 51° N. 179° W.). Kenyon. Birds Amchitka. 1901. E. 88473 Aleutian Ridge (submarine ridge, Aleutian waters; 52°-513° N. 164°478° W.). Ewing. Struct hist Bering Sea. 1965. E. 86881 Shor. Structure. 1964. E. 91714 Aleutian Trench (oceanic deep, Gulf of Alaska west from Yakutat Bay to the western edge of Aleutian waters). Gershanovich. Geomorph zonation. 1965. R. 87280 Peter. Geol structure. 1965. B. 90732 Plafker. Tectonic deform. 1005. E. 90808 US. Tsunami warning system. 1965. E. 92555 Aleutian waters (regional section no. 8 on index map). Allen. Freedom seas. 1064. E. 85015 Amos. Asian & N Am pink salmon. 1963. E. 85039 Arsen'ov. Currents. 1983. R. 85194 Arsen'ov. Tagging whales. 1965. R. 86190 Bartlett. Set conf 1965 address. 1966. E. 85411 Brinton. Distrib euphausiids. 1962. E. 85863 Callaway. Summer 57 conditions. 1963. E. 86035
Coast & shallow water cont. 1962. E. 90172 Dodhnead. Oceanog Pacific. 1963. E. 86564 Favorite. 1956 salmon distrib. 1903. E. 86913 Fiscus. 1963 fur seal invest. 1985. E. 87018 Gershanovich. Geomorph zonation. 1965. R. 87280 Gershanovich. Invest Zhanchug. 1904. R. 87281 Hartt. 1956-60 pink salmon. 1962. E. 87747 Hartt. Salmon tagging. 1964. E. 87745 Hartt. Salmon tagging. 1985. E. 87746 Hubbard. New records fishes. 1965. E. 87934 Kenyon. Food harbor seals. 1965. E. 88474 Kenyon. Sea otter. 1984. D. 88476 Koblenfa-Mishke. Primary prod. 1963. R. 88643 McKenzie. Wreck Tahoma. 1964. E. 89558 McPhail New ronquil. 1965. E. 89579 Mosher. Racial analysis salmon. 1963. B. 90048 Muromcsev. TSD. 1983. R. 90112 Nekrasova. Hydrog profiles. 1963. R. 90214 Novikov. Resources slope. 1965. R. 90336 Panfilova. T-S distrib. 1965. R. 90588 Perry. Bathymetry Adak Canyon. 1005. E. 90710 Ponomarova. Euphauaiids. 1963. R. 90900 Reed. Alaska Stream. 1965. E. 91133 Reid. Cite PO4-P zooplankton. 1962. E. 91141 Ricker. Salmon growth mortality. 1964. B. 91182 Sokolova. Feed groups benthos. 1964. R. 91956 Tully. Temp structure. 1964. B. 82506 Uda. Oceanog subarctic Pacific. 1983. B. 92528 US. Sea lion op. 1064. E. 92552 Wilimovaky. Inshore fish. 1964. B. 93018 Wilimovsky. Lit salmon. 1957. E. 93017 Aleuts. Akad n. Atlas discoveries. 1984. R. 84847 Akad n. Peoples of Siberia. 1963. E. 84860 Avdeev. Aleut masks. 1964. G. 85230 Baumann. Dual sex lore. 1955. (1. 85443 Befu. Kinship terms. 1964. B. 85476 Befu. Prehist culture Okhotsk. 1964. B. 86477 Bergeland. Morphol syntax. 1984. E. 85580 Berreman. Acculturation. 1964. B. 85588 Birket-Smith. Potlatch. 1904. B. 85643 Brody. Ears hearing loss. 1964. E. 85882 Brody. Measles vaccine. 1964. E. 85881 Dumond. Eskaleutian prehist. 1965. B. 86674 Feinberg. Eskimos & future. 1963. R. 86899 Feinberg. Social structure. 1064. R. 86897 Guseva. Depth fosse canine. 1964. R. 87630 Jennings. Prehist man. 1964. E. 88230 Kozyreva. Neolithic Sakhalin. 1064. R. 88848 Lib.punova. Riderless. 1984. R. 89292 Loriot. Bibliog lang. 1964. E. 89412 Meissner. Wilderness Alaska. 1963. G. 89800 Menovshchikov. Eskimo parallels. 1960. R. 89834 Menovshchikov. Grammar Aleut. 1964. R. 89836 Menovshchikov. Language. 1965. R. 89836 Moore. Symbolic filiation. 1984. E. 90019 Narovehatov. Distant Mednyy. 1965. R. 90162 1963 Alaskan Science Conf Proc. 1964. E. 84952 1964 Alaskan Scienco Conf Proc. 1965. E. 84953 Nybakken. Soil sequence Umnak. 1965. E. 90362 Orlova. Bone carvings. 1964. R. 90492 Oswalt. Kuskokwim bibliog. 1905. E. 90530 Ransom. Do-it-yourself Dr. 1964. E. 91077 Roberts. Oaths ordeals power. 1965. E. 91207 Starif'ukovich. Anthrop museum. 1964. R. 82040 Swadesh. Linguistic overview. 1984. E. 92200 US. Alaska aboriginal culture. 1962. E. 92569 US. Sea lion op. 1964. E. 92552 Ure. Mental health Alaska. 1965. E. 92589 Voegelin. Extinction languages. 1965. E. 92815 Voegelin. Languages native Am. 1964. E. 92816 Algae. Apollonio. Chlorophyll ice. 1965. E. 85138 Barashkov. Fouling by algae. 1965. R. 85379 Barashkov. Growth Laminaria. 1964. R. 85880 Blinova. Macrophyto Murman. 1084. R. 85681 Blinova. Reserves Mormon. 1064. R. 85682 Blinova. Utilizable Murman. 1965. R. 85680
Algae-Continued Bufilnov. K radioactivity. 1064. R. 85943 Cedercreutz. Oedogoniaceae. 1965. G. 86104 Coast & shallow water cont. 1962. B. 90172 Getup. Methods study seaweeds. 1963. R. 87237 H8.rme. Stromatolite structures. 1964. E. 87659 Hilliard. Chrysophyceae Alaska. 1063. E. 87849 Hilliard. Sewage oxidation. 1965. E. 87848 Hydrobiol Soc. Seaweed stocks. 1964. R. 92888 Kadaner. Kelp nutritive. 1965. R. 88312 Kashkin. Phaeoeystia pouchetii. 1964. R. 88414 Khallov. Discharge organic matter. 1964. R. 88490 Kilezhenko. Trace elements. 1964. R. 88551 Kireeva. Resources Soviet seas. 1965. R. 88571 Kupias. Blue-green a Lapland. 1964. B. 88989 Lye. Algal gametophyte. 1965. N. 89483 Novichkova-Ivanova. Fr Joseph L. 1964. R, E. 90331 Prescott. Limnol Malikpuk. 1965. E. 90978 Quennerstedt. Major rivers Sw. 1965. E. 91043 RcukhilMnen. Biol Barents. 1965. R. 91293 Salmi Quat sediments Lapland. 1963. E. 91427 Strel'nikova. Diatomic algae. 1965. R. 92113 Bandana. Laminaria transplants. 1964. R. 92155 Terumoto. Freeze dry red alga. 1985. J. 92307 Terumoto. Frost resistance. 1964. J. 92308 Terumoto. Frost resistance. 1964. J. 92309 Terumoto. Reap lake ball. 1965. J. 92311 US AEC. C Thompson. 1966. B. 92548 §16 Vasireva. Blue-green Yakutsk. 1965. R. 92671 Vozzhinakaa. Distrib Kamchatka. 1965. R. 92885 Allakh- Ynn' (river & basin, Yakut ASSR; 60°36' N. 134°56' E.). Bilibin. Geomorph gold region. 1961. R. 85627 Bilibin. Gold deposits. 1961. R. 85630 Bilibin. Now type glacier. 1936. R. 85632 Coughlin. Can space program. 1065. E. 86317 Zil'berbord. Frozen rock pressure deep placers. 1985. R. 93256 Zirberbord. Thermal regime. 1965. R. 93253 Alpha Rise (submarine ridge, Arctic Basin). See Mendeleova, Khrebet. Altitudes. Gerke. 1959 altimetrie EGIG. 1961. G. 87275 MSlzer. Greenland icecap. 1964. G. 89598 Aluminum. Engineering news. Al pipe. 1962. E. 86816 Vassalotti. Pipeline. 1964. E. 92682 Ambarnaya (river & basin, Krasnoyarskiy Kray; 59°56' N. 79°02' E.). Ashenkampf. Supply Kayyerkan. 1963. R. 85210 Amchitka Island (Aleutian Islands; 51°32' N. 179° E.). Kenyon. Birds. 1961. E. 88473 Kenyon. Food harbor seals. 1965. E. 88474 Kenyon. Whooper swans. 1963. E. 88475 W construction. Long Shot. 1965. E. 92994 Amderma (pop. pl. & polar station, Arkhangel'skaya Oblast'; 69°45' N. 61°39' E.) & region. BarvinskiL Bldga coast islands. 1063. R. 85413 FecIfilkova. Winter precip. 1965. R. 86917 Gavrilova. Fronts high lat. 1965. R. 87221 Murzin. Radio beacon coords. 1961. R. 90117 Pavlov. Foundations. 1962. R. 90649 Pavlov. Heat exchange ground. 1965. R. 90647 Sheikin. Ground temp at depth. 1963. R. 91676 Tomirdiaro. Permafrost. 1963. R. 92415 Velli. Saline permafrost. 1963. R. 92715 Valli. Var temp permafrost. 1983. R. 92714 Amga (river & basin, Yakut ASSR; 62°38' N. 134°32' E.). Chistlitkov. Water resources. 1964. R. 86225 Egorov. Al, Fe, Mn in plants hay. 1964. R. 86750 Egorov. Microelements livestock. 1964. R. 86752 Egorov. Microelements veg. 1964. R. 86751 Egorov. Zn, 1, F plants. 1964. R. 86753 Gavrilova. Mo fodder. 1984. R. 87225
Grigoeeva. Boron plants. 1964. R. 87552 Kurilflik. Co meadow plants. 1964. R. 89008 Kuvaev. Polygon steppe Amga. 1964. R. 89033 Polonskafa. Cu plants. 1964. R. 90873 Potapov. Carbohydrates fodder. 1064. R. 90958 SivGeva. Nat conditions. 1966. R. 91814 Amguyema (pop. pl., Magadanskaya Oblast'; 86° 58' N. 179°16' W.). Kudrfilkov. Ice wedges. 1065. R. 88943 Ammonites. Sea Molluscs, Fossil. Amphibians. Kessel. Breed Rana &steatite. 1985. E. 88487 Swarth. Origins Sitkan diet. 1936. E. 92206 Terent'ev. Key. 1965. B. 92300 Toporkova. Ecol frog Ural. 1985. R. 92420 Amphibious vehicles & craft. Bouffort. VB-40 polar vehicle. 1064. F. 85807 Oavrilov. GAZ47. 1961. R. 87216 AtnphIpoda. See Crustaceans. Amphitheatre Mt. (Northern Alaska; 88°19' N. 162°34' W.). Rose. GeoL 1966. E. 91274 Amundsen Gulf (Canadian Arctic Islands waters; 71° N. 124° W.). Can oceanog data. 1964. E. 86084 Hill. 1963 ice cond. 1965. B. 87847 Anabar (river & basin, Yakut MISR; 73°08' N. 113°36' E.). Antonov. Type ice regime. 1964. R. 85122 Bikkenina. Bitumens. 1964. R. 85622 Bofitrskil. Thermokarst. 1964. R. 85735 Komar. Gaol hist Precambrian. 1965. R. 88685 LeTpaig. Formation structures. 1964. R. 89210 Lopatin. Alkali-earth ayenites. 1965. R. 89408 LutG. Charnockito ser. 1964. R. 89466 Lut(. Petrol granulite facies. 1964. R. 89467 Mil'shtetn. Oncolithi Catagraphia. 1965. R. 89933 Miroahnikov. Karst. 1964. R. 89952 Mitt. Genesis age peat bogs. 1963. R. 89977 Mitt. Morphol coast. 1964. R. 89976 MokshanGev. Tectonics. 1964. R. 89996 Osipova. Volga stage deposits. 1965. R. 90506 Rodin. Phosphate Mesozoic. 1964. R. 91221 Verona& Jurassic Cretaceous. 1962. R. 92866 Zhukovski!. River gradient. 1965. R. 93235 Zhuravleva. Riphean & Cambrian. 1964. R. 93242 Anabarskly Zallv (bay, Laptovykh More; 73°42' N. 114° E.). Moskalenko. Biol arctic cod. 1964. R. 90051 Anadyr' (pop. pl., Magadanskaya Oblast'; 64°45' N. 177°29' E.). Brazhnik. Correspondence courses. 1965. R. 85847 Komissarov. Composite roofs. 1064. R. 88690 Anadyr' (river & basin, Magadanskaya Oblast'; 64°54' N. 176°13' E.). Avdetko. Lower Cretaceous. 1964. R. 85231 Bely!. Lower Cretaceous. 1965. R. 85536 Bychkov. Monolia systematics. 1964. R. 86014 Ivanov. Bitumen Mesozoic. 1964. R. 88157 Karavaeva. Tundra gley soil. 1964. R. 88392 Kostylev. Anadyr oil gas. 1963. R. 88804 Nckmsov. Ice E1'gygytgyn. 1962. R. 90208 Ostroumov. Pike. 1984. R. 90515 Pergament. Inocemm Cretaceous. 1965. R. 90702 Tarkhova. Collection fauna. 1962. R. 92269 US. 1962 Northwind. 1964. E. 92558 Vthilrin. Cryogenic Quat. 1964. R. 92897 Vtf4rin. Geocryol Markovo. 1064. R. 92896 Anaktuvnk (river & basin, Northern Alaska; 69°32' N. 151°30' W.). Porter. Glacial chronol 1964. E. 90941 Anaktuvnk Pass (Northern Alaska; 68°08' N. 151° 45' W.). Atamian. Aoaktuvuk mask. 1965. E. 85216 Cash. Anaktuvuk Pass. 1964. E. 85099 Gubser. Nunamiut Eskimos. 1965. E. 87589 Hanson. Radioactivity & food. 1964. E. 87716 Hanson. Seasonal cycle Cs-137. 1065. E. 87717 Palmer. 1963 radioactivity. 1964. E. 90677
Palmer. Radioactivity natives. 1965. E. 90676 Smith. Thermogen adipose tissue. 1969. E. 91905 Porter. Antiquity man. 1964. E. 90942 Smith. Thermoreg & brown fat. 1064. E. 91906 Schlesier. Archeol awed. 1964. G. 91518 Squires. Pagurus sp. 1984. E. 92032 Wilmsen. Flake tools. 1964. E. 93037 Stoeckel. Adrenal hibernator. 1904. F. 92099 Svetovidov. Differences Eleginus. 1065. R. 92197 Anastasil, Bnkhta (bay, Bering Sea; 61°22' N. 172° 55' E.). Tanno. Frost sawily. 1964-05. J. 92258 Svatkov. Glaciers. 1985. R. 92181 Tenor. Muskozen. 1965. E. 92296 Turner. Right whale skeleton. 1913. B. 92518 Anatomy, incl. microscopic anatomy and histology. Vikhireva-Vasillova. Grasses. 1984. R, E. 92761 Artimo. Redup hind leg lemming. 1965. E. 85202 Vlastovaltil. Child develop scale. 1969. R. 92812 Belkin. Eared seal. 1964. R. 85498 Walter. Comp invest jaegers. 1982. G. 92925 Bergerud. Mandible sex caribou. 1964. E. 85579 Woodhead. Changes cod endocrine. 1965. E. Betesheva. Morphol stomach whales. 1904. R. 93079 85603 Wyndham. Reaction cold Bushmen. 1984. E. Bobritutkil. Key mammals USSR. 1965. R. 85694 93096 Boice. Cross-sections dolphin. 1964. E. 85736 Wyndham. Reactions cold females. 1964. B. 93097 Bol'ahakov. Geog var organs voles. 1965. R. 85750 Brothwell. Non-metrical characters. 1959. E. Anava (river & basin, Kamchatskaya Oblast'; 56° 85890 21' N. 156°30' E.). Caldwell. Tusk twinning walrus. 1964. E. 86030 Guziev. Alkaline basaltoids. 1904. R. 87644 Chapskil. Greenland seal. 1963. R. 86133 Anchorage (pop. pt., Alaska; 61°13' N. 149°53' W.). Chelcanovskalit. Oligochaetes. 1962. R. 86154 Alaska review business. 1964. E. 84941 ChernOvskii. Ovis nitricola. 1964. R. 86180 Alaska rev. Econ community. 1065. E. 84944 Craig. Histol repro(' fur seal. 1064. E. 86324 Alaska sportsman. Alaska earthquake. 1984. E. Dawkins. Brown adipose tissue. 1964. E. 86440 84950 Dawkins. Brown adipose tissue. 1065. E. 86441 Alaska's health. Earthquake. 1964. E. 84959 Dement'ev. Gyrfalcons. 1951. R. 86472 Balog. Northland Mardi Gras. 1960. B. 85341 Dobrinskaa. Variability fish. 1965. R. 86547 Beasly. Cement markets. 1965. E. 85459 Donhoffer. Thermoreg heat prod. 1965. E. 86582 Cederstrom. Groundwater. 1964. E. 86105 Davies. Effects earthquake. 1965. E. 86419 Eberhardt. Newborn gray whales. 1964. E. 86725 Duynelager. Water supply. 1965. B. 86693 Egorov. Ungulates Yakutia. 1965. R. 86757 Engineering geol earthquake. 1964. E. 86815 Engstrom. Cone retina gadide. 1961. E. 86819 Evans. fen during solar eclipse. 1965. E. 86864 Fraser. Hearing in cetaceans. 1954. E. 87088 Evans. Traffic 49th state. 1962. E. 86862 Froehlich. Feeding mayfly. 1964. E. 87123 Fuse. Hypophysia fur seal. 1939. G. 87137 Feld. Structural damage. 1965. E. 86943 Fuse. Mammdlary body fur seal. 1939. O. 87136 Fogle. Noctilucent clouds. 1965. E. 87052 Fortier. Providence Hosp. 1964. E. 87068 Golikov. Gastropod Neptune°. 1963. R. 87396 Grants. Alaska earthquake. 1964. E. 87511 Grodums. Brown fat freezing. 1963. E. 87561 Graves. Earthquake. 1964. E. 87521 Hanstrom. Cetacean hypophysis. 1044. G. 87718 Hansen. Effects quake. 1965. E. 87709 Hartweg. Dental faults. 1965. F. 87749 Hansen. Innovation architecture. 1064. E. 87699 Hartweg. Teeth Eskimos Ungava. 1065. F. 87748 Hayes. Child Study Center. 1965. E. 87773 Hubba. Greenland halibut. 1964. E. 87935 Hughes. Arctic Health Research. 1064. E. 87939 Ivanov. Posterior Pogonophora. 1964. R. 88125 Huseby. Quake damage hospital. 1966. E. 87963 Jacobs. Retino-hypothalamio. 1964. E. 88210 Johnson. Native HospitaL 1964. E. 88264 JUSSilft. Icimeumonidae Kevo. 1065. E. 88300 Langdon. Psychiatric aspects. 1964. E. 89106 Kaftanovskli. Alciform birds. 1951. R. 88314 McCutcheon. Cover Alaska. 1984. E. 89517 Kojima. Freeze erythrocytes. 1965. J. 88659 McGowan. Emergency service. 1964. E. 89541 Korchagina. Introduced plants. 1965. R. 88739 Martin. Bldg materials. 1905. E. 89730 Krebs. Cyclic var lemming. 1964. E. 88879 Mills. Emergency med. 1064. B. 89925 KuzneGov. Biol crustaceans. 1964. R. 89071 Palen. Switching system. 1964. E. 90571 Kuznetsov. Bird Bud= gaimardi. 1963. R. 89073 Ray. Mental health clinics. 1965. E. 91108 Lindroth. Ground beetles. 1981. E. 89319 Reeder. Knik. 1964. E. 91134 Ling. Sweat glands seal. 1965. E. 89328 Rice. Econ insulation bldg. 1964. E. 91170 L0ken. Social wasps Norw. 1064. E. 89379 Rogers. Earthquake & econ. 1065. E. 91238 Lundblad. Water mites &v. 1962. G. 89451 Rose. Geol chromite rocks. 1906. E. 91273 Luyet. Ice distrib tissues. 1064. E. 89470 Schaff. Earthquakes. 1964. E. 91497 MacPherson. Cheek lemming. 1965. E. 89582 Schmidt. Landslides. 1965. E. 91524 Makridio. Wolverine. 1064. R. 89616 Makushok. Nematonurus app. 1064. R. 89636 Shannon. Soil studies. 1964. E. 91632 Sommerman. Activities Culiseta. 1964. E. 91977 Mankevich. Cod otoliths. 1962. R, E. 89666 Thomas. Alaskan family. 1964. E. 92330 Manning. Age polar bear. 1964. E. 89670 Townahend. Intensity earthquake. 1965. E. 92432 Marshall. Fish polar seas. 1964. E. 89719 Um Mental health planning. 1965. E. 92589 Michurin. Morphol reindeer. 1965, 1967. R, E. Wailer. Effects water supplies. 1965. E. 92921 89874 Walsh. Post-quake reconstruction. 1964. E. 92924 Muzhehintrin. Teeth seal. 1064. R. 90119 Wilson. Effects hospitals. 1964. E. 93041 Nelson. Effect hypotherm. 1965. E. 90215 Anchorage Fur Rendezvous (festival). Parrish. Atlantic herring. 1965. E. 90610 Balog. Northland Mardi Gras. 1060. E. 85341 Pavlinin. Martens. 1965. R. 90646 Perry. Polar bear. 1966. E. 90709 AndOya (island, Scandinavia & Finland; 69°08' N. Pfeiffer. Olfactory organ. 1963. E. 90771 15°54' E.). Pilleri. Brain eel whale. 1965. E. 90790 Bates. Hf/vhf forward soundings. 1964. E. 85430 Pilleri Morphol eye beluga. 1964. G. 90791 Bates. Oblique ionograms. 1964. E. 85427 Portet. Var weight mtb organs. 1964. F. 90944 Jespersen. Electron density. 1965. B. 88236 Riedler. Electron spectrometer. 1965. E. 91184 Russ. Fish taxon eggs larvae. 1949. R. 91089 Skovli. Beta-spectrometer. 1965. E. 91833 Rikhter. Var morphol redfisb. 1964. R. 91187 SOraas. Charged particles. 1965. E. 91931 Roast. Physeter Mesophodon Calif. 1964. E. 91227 Winekler. Project Pocibo. 1965. E. 93048 Sack. Musk oz calf. 1965, E. 91385 Schaffer. Hair pattern seals. 1984. E. 91503 Andreev, Aleksandr IgnaCevich, 1887-1959. Sehreider. Ecol heat reg. 1904. E. 91532 Letopis' Sacra. Andreev. 1962. R. 89267
Angara (river & basin, Krasnoyarskiy Kray; 58°06' N. 93° E.). Abramova. Paleolithic site. 1962. R. 84755 Anatol'eva. Limit Precambrian. 1964. R. 85050 Below. Geog veg. 1964. R. 85524 Bofitrakafil. Veg Quat. 1961. R. 85733 Ermolova. Paleolithic fauna. 1963. R. 86845 Gimmerfarb. Phosphorite. 1985. R. 87306 Gorbachev. Soils. 1964. R. 87426 Gotlib. Ice thermal conditions. 1964. R. 87473 Irihkhina. Stratig Carbonif. 1964. R. 88031 Karpevich. Transplant fish. 1065. R. 88404 Kibal'chich. Pollution test. 1965. R. 88546 Kuz'min. Soil form traps. 1964. R. 89057 Okladnikov. Rock painting. 1904. R. 90426 Pinneker. Brines Angara-Lena. 1963. R. 90799 Skryrnik. Fissure vein ice. 1965. R. 91847 Timofeeva. Tick encephalitis. 1961. R. 92362 Vologdin. Cyanophyta. 1965. R. 92844 Angmagssalik (pop. pl., East Greenland; 05°36' N. 37°38' W.) & region. Fabricius. Ice observ. 1985. E. 86889 Zavatti. Clouds. 1964. 1. 93176 Zavatti. Housing. 1964. I. 93174 Angoon (pop. pl., Alaska, Southeast; 57°31' N. 134°35' W.). Kinne. Native canneries. 1964. E. 88569 Aniak (pop. pl., Alaska; 61°45' N. 159°40' W.). Burns. Two mink pop. 1964. R. 85973 Anlvayam (river & basin, Kamchatakaya Oblast'; 61°06' N. 172°03' E.). Kos'ko. Cretaceous. 1985. R. 88784 Anthropology. See also names of ethnic groups: Aleuts, Chukchis, Dolgans, Eskimos, Gilyaks, Golds, Indians, Kamchadals, Koryaks, Lapps, Ostyaks, Samoyeds, Tungus, Vogula, Yakuts, Yeniseians, Yukaghire, Zyryans; also Paleosiberians, Ural-Altaic peoples. Akad n. Ethnic hist Russ. 1985. R. 84851 *Akad n. Peoples of Siberia. 1963. B. 84850 Alekseev. Crank! Asiatic Eskimo. 1984. E. 84993 Alekseev. Craniol Orochis. 1065. R, E. 84994 Edifier. Ethnog research USSR. 1983. R. 85497 Birket-Smith. Paths culture. 1948. D, E. 85645 Compton. First Americans. 1963. E. 86286 Damdinov. Origin Khamnigans. 1962. E. 86378 Debea Palooanthrop N Eurasia. 1002. P. 86445 Dege. W Greenland. 1965. G. 88456 Dolgikh. Ethnog joroblems. 1964. R. 86564 Formozov. Debete. 1965. R. 87083 Gladkova. Dermatoglyphs. 1964. R. 87344 Graburn. Eskimo kin terminol. 1964. E. 87489 Guseva. Depth loess caning. 1964. R. 87630 Leningrad Museum Ethnog. 1959. R. 89231 Levin. Old Eskimo crania 1062. R. 89278 Liptak. Ethnogenesis terminol. 1963. G. 89331 McKennan. Phys Tanana Kutchin. 1964, E. 89557 Potapov. Museum anthrop. 1964. R. 90957 Ryehkov. Serology Siberia. 1985. R. 91364 Schreider. Ecol heat reg. 1964. E. 91532 SjSdin. Nordic bibliog. 1984. S. 91816 Spiro. Context meaning. 1985. E. 92025 Spiro. Typology ow structure. 1985. E. 92026 Sue. Pre-school Hare Indians. 1985. E. 92135 Vasirev. Dolgikh. 1964. R. 92669 Vitov. Russ N. 1964. R. 92797 Zolotareva. Anthrop Dolgans. 1985. R. 93269 Zwiauer. Problems N Am. 1957. G. 93298 Anti-freeze. Akad n. Materials low temps. 1963. E. 84884 Anyuy (river & basin). See Bol'ehoy Anyuy. Apatit, Hombinat. *Golovanov. Apatit Combine. 1985. R. 87401 Golovanov. Apatit Combine plant. 1965. R. 87400 Kuleshov. Mines. 1985. R. 88973 Apatite. Abramov. Cutting ore. 1985. R. 84751 Bovykin. Fertilizer plant. 1964. R. 85812
Evaiovich. Concentration plant. 1965. R. 86873 Foreman. Tietta. 1985. R. 86968 Golovanov. Apatit Combine. 1965. R. 87401 Grachev. Rotary drill. 1904. R. 87490 Infant'ev. Heart Khibiny. 1964. R. 88037 Kuleshov. Deep ore chutes. 1964. R. 88972 Kuleshov. Mines. 1065. R. 88973 Markey. Rock bursting mine. 1965. R. 89712 Merkina. Transport Kola. 1984. R. 89843 Pazavin. Timbering mines. 1064. R. 90670 Tamkin. Concrete condensers. 1984. R. 92255 Valltikka. Bread-giving stone. 1964. R. 92639 Apatity (pop. pl., Murmanakaya Oblast'; 67°34' N. 33°22' E.) & region. Afanits'ev. Weathered crust. 1963. R. 84788 Bondarev. Dust concentr plants. 1965. ft. 85765 Franrsuz. Stratus cosmic rays. 1905. R. 87084 Golovanov. Apatit Combine. 1965. R. 87401 Lazutin. Cosmic rays sun. 1965. R. 89178 Pomanakil. Cont cosmic rays. 1984. R. 90879 Shchutskii. Insulation mines. 1964. R. 91669 Appleton, Sir Edward Victor, 1892-1965. Polar record. Obits. 1964-85. E. 90843 Apuka (riser & basin, Kamchatakaya Oblast'; 60° 27' N. 169°36' E.). Kos'ko. Trachyandesite. 1965. R. 88785 PagorskiL Paleogene. 1965. R. 90555 Arachnids. Aksenenko. Ectoparasites mammals. 1982. R. 84923 Bebr. Spiders Murman. 1964. R. 85475 Buckle. Nearctic: Xysticue. 1964. E. 85927 Butenko. Mite parasite divers. 1984. R. 85998 Chant. Phytoseiva Acarina. 1985. E. 86128 Dalenius. Oribatei microclim. 1963. B. 86372 Dalenius. Oribatei Tornetrilsk. 1963. E. 86374 Dalenius. TornetrAsk. 1962. E. 86373 Dunaeva. Foci tularemia Komi. 1964. R. 86676 Evans. Mesostigmatid mites. 1955. E. 86860 Huhta. Spiders forests Finland. 1965. B. 87941 fAnkovakafA. Hydracarina. 1965. R. 87995 J parasitology. Nasal mites. 1985. E. 88295 Karppinen. Oribatids Finland. 1961. G. 88409 Knfazova. Age comp ticks. 1964. R. 88684 Kolomlof. Parasites egger. 1982. R. 88677 Oribatid mites. 1965. R. 88907 Lehtinen. Phalangids Lapland. 1964. E. 89207 Lindqvist. Cliffs Lapland. 1964. E. 89317 Lundblad. Water mites Sw. 1982. G. 89451 Luzhkov. Ectoparasites lemming. 1964. R. 89477 McAlpine. Eliot Ringnos. 1965. E. 89505 McAlpine. NW Q Elizabeth. 1064. E. 89504 Palnagren. Spiders Lapland. 1965. G. 90580 Rerberg. Foci tick encephalitis. 1950. R. 91156 US AEC. C Thompson. 1966. B. 92548 L21 Vershinskil. Taiga encephalitis. 1962. R. 92741 Violovich. Gamasid mites. 1963. R. 92789 Wahlgren. Zoocecidia Norrland. 1963. S. 92912 Archeology. Band'. Eskimo prehist. 1985. G. 85343 Befu. Prehist culture Okhotsk. 1964. E. 85477 Bosoh-Gimpera. Prehist Am. 1061. G. 86802 Collins. Arctic subarctic. 1964. B. 86281 Dumond. Eskaloutian prehist. 1985. R. 86674 Farmer. Prehist migration route. 1984. E. 86907 KuzneGov. Origin snow igloo. 1964. R. 89068 MaeNeisb. Peopling Now World. 1964. E. 89575 Okladnikov. Mesolithic finds. 1965. R. 90425 Ridley. Burins. 1984. E. 91183 Schlesier. Projectile points. 1064. G. 91516 Schlesier. Settlement N Am. 1065. G. 91517 Wilmsen. Flake tools. 1964. E. 93037 Wormington. Flaking techniques. 1982. E. 93087 Wormington. Flaking techniques, 1984. E. 93088 Archeology-Alaska. Ackerman. Incised pebbles. 1965. B. 84762 Ackerman. Lichens chart. 1964. E. 84763 Avdeev. Aleut masks. 1984. G. 85230 Chard. Situla ware. 1964. B. 86135
Clark. Incised figurine tablets. 1964. E. 86262 do Laguna. Archeol Yakutat. 1984. E. 86463 Dumond. Prehist SW. 1964. E. 86673 Freed. Faunal remains Knight I. 1964. E. 87101 Giddings. Archeol Denbigh. 1984. E. 87299 Giddings. Cross-dating. 1966. E. 87294 Giddings. Eskimos & Indians. 1065. E. 87295 Griffin. Ceramic complexes. 1964. E. 87547 Josselyn. Interpret raised beaches. 1985. E. 88294 Kent. Survey NW Kenai. 1904. E. 88471 Osborne. Yakutat blanket. 1984. B. 90501 Porter. Antiquity Anaktuvuk. 1964. B. 90942 Reger. Yardang Flint stn. 1964. E. 91187 Schlesier. Brooks Range. 1964. G. 91518 Swindler. Skull fragments. 1964. E. 92208 Townsend. Artifacts Mamas. 1084. E. 92431 US AEC. C Thompson. 1966. E. 92548 §34 US. Alaska aboriginal culture. 1982. B. 92569 Archeology-Canada. Anokhin. Who discovered Am? 1965. R. 85103 Harp. Boreal Archaic culture. 1984. E. 87733 Harp. Nfld Dorset Eskimos. 1964. B. 87732 Jones. Norse Atlantic saga. 1964. E. 88280 Kenyon. Old House Albany. 1985. E. 88477 Lowther. Prehist Sparbo. 1985. B. 89426 McGill Univ. Pleistocene. 1962. B. 89538 McIlivraith. Bib Can anthrop. 1964. E. 89545 Mowat. Westviking. 1965. E. 90075 Munn. Wineland voyages. 1948. E. 90094 Oschinsky. Dorset Eskimo. 1964. B. 90502 Oxenstierna. Norsemen. 1985. E. 90547 Phillips Acad. Invest Yukon. 1964. E. 90776 Rousseliare. Paleo-Fekimo. 1964. B. 91299 Taylor. Archeol survey. 1984. E. 92281 Taylor. 1963 survey. 1964. E. 92283 Taylor. Prehist Quebec Labrador. 1964. E. 92282 Archeology-Greenland. Bjdrgmose. Vesterbygden. 1965. D. 85654 Krogh. Church at Brattablid. 1983-65. D. 88913 Larsen. Danish Museum. 1965. E. 89132 Vebaek. Norse homestead. 1964. D. 92700 Zavatti. Clouds. 1984. I. 93176 Archeology-Scandinavia & Finland. Brox. Rubbish heaps house sites. 1965. N. 85914 DebeGs. Anthrop type Finland. 1964. R. 86444 Ehrhardt. Old cult stones Inari. 1964. E. 86759 Gaustad. Archeol Rana. 1964. N. 87210 nallgren. Lappish graves. 1961. S. 87681 Holmqviat. Lapp ornament. 1935. B. 87903 Luho. Mesolithic stone age. 1961. G. 89439 Menke& Wild reindeer hunt. 1953. N. 89665 Munch. Sites asbestos ceramic. 1962. N. 90091 Siiriainen. Kemijarvi. 1984. Fi. 91770 Simonsen. Antiquities. 1957. N. 91790 Simonsen. Bibliog N Norw. 1964. N. 91787 Simonsen. New finds stone age. 1956. N. 91789 Simonsen. Tool Norw stone age. 1964. N. 91788 Sjdvold. Antiquities. 1952. N. 91820 Archeology-Svalbard. Tegengren. Walrus ivory trade. 1962. G. 92288 Archeology-USSR. Abramova. Paleolithic site. 1962. R. 84755 Akad n. Bibliog 1018-1940. 1965. R. 84837 Akad n. Essays hist. 1956. R. 84866 Akad n. New methods. 1963. R. 84846 Alekseev. Craniol Asiatic Eskimo. 1984. E. 84993 Alekseev. Craniol Orochi. 1964. R, B. 84994 Andreev. Finds Chunya. 1964. R. 85068 Andreev. Neolithic sites. 1985. R. 85067 Andreev. P Tunguska. 1984. R. 85066 Arutfanov. Burials Chukotka. 1962. R. 85204 Arutftnov. Cemeteries Chukotka. 1964. E. 85203 Bader. Paleolithic Urals. 1905. E. 85274 Belfaeva. Forum scientists. 1065. R. 85484 Brfasov. Tribes neolithic. 1961. E. 85868 Burdov. Ancient culture Yamal. 1965. R. 85961 Burov. Burials Vychegda. 1063. R. 85976 Burov. 1963 survey Use Kulom. 1965. R. 85975
Burov. Peat bogs. 1004. R. 85977 Chard. Field work NE Asia. 1984. E. 86187 Chard. Neolithic culture areas. 1961. E. 86136 Chard. Soviet 014 dates. 1985. E. 86138 CherneQov. Formation Uralians. 1963. R. 86177 Chernov. Sites Usa Pechora. 1984. R. 86189 Dikov. Forefathers Eskimos. 1965. R. 86526 Ermolova. Paleolithic CIs-Baykal. 1963. R. 86845 Findeiaen. Sea Lapps 600 BC. 1981. G. 86994 Frolov. Mathematics paloolithic. 1965. R. 87124 Gorovol. Hist Urals. 1983. R. 87459 GusliGrer. Caves Pechora UraL 1965. R. 87637 Guslifier. Paleolithic site. 1905. R. 87638 Hartwig. N Asiatic peoples. 1959. G. 87750 KaniveG. Finds Rusanov. 1963. R. 88364 KaniveEt Kanin cave. 1964. R. 88366 Kanivea. Metallurgy N UraL 1964. R. 88863 '