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English Pages [1392] Year 1975
Montreal and London McGill-Queen's University Press 1975
© The Arctic Institute of North America
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 53-61783
ISBN 0 7735 9076 5 ISSN 0066-6947 Legal Deposit in third quarter 1975 Bibliotheque nationale de Quebec
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INTRODUCTION Volume 16 of the Arctic Bibliography ends this series of volumes by the Arctic Bibliography Project, initiated by the Arctic Institute of North America in 1947. The 16 volumes comprise titles and English abstracts of more than 108 000 books and papers, published in some 40 languages. All pertinent fields of science, technology and the arts have been included. Resources of the principal libraries of Canada and the United States have been utilized, as have some specialized collections abroad. A project of this scope would have been impossible without the working space and facilities made available by the Librarian of Congress and the generous assistance of his staff throughout the years. To them, one and all, we offer our thanks. Grateful acknowledgement is made also to the Librarian and staff of the U.S. Geological Survey, as well as the University of Washington in Seattle, for special working privileges offered to Project staff members for this final volume. To the staff, now dispersed, to the many scientists and linguists who have contributed to these volumes, and to the Editor Emeritus Marie Tremaine I express pleasure in our association and deep appreciation of their help. In particular, I wish to express my appreciation to David B. Washington, a loyal member of the staff since the early days of the Project, who has worked tirelessly on the preparation of the manuscript for all 16 volumes. In addition to preparation of the material for volume 16, the interval since the appearance of volume 15 has been occupied in part by adaptation to mechanization and in part by development of a storage bank of abstracted and indexed citations, from which volume 16 has been produced. We regret any inconvenience to users of the Bibliography. Washington, D.C. December 1974
Maret Martna Director, Arctic Bibliography Project
CONTENTS Introduction Journals cited in Arctic Bibliography, Vol. 16
Libraries cited in Arctic Bibliography, Vol. 16
Language symbols used in the Index
Director and Editor
emeritus *
Research analyst in exploration and development*
DR. L. ALAN EYRE, Research
analyst in Geography, Geology, Meteorology,
Oceanography* HANNA S. FIELDS,
Editorial assistant
Research analyst in Archeology, Anthropology,
Research analyst in Meteorology, Oceanography*
Research analyst in Scandinavian materials*
MARY C. GRIER, Research
analyst in Biology, Physiology, Geology*
Research analyst in Geography, Geology*
Research analyst in Geophysics *
Research analyst in Social Sciences, Zoology*
analyst in Geophysics, Engineering*
analyst in Geology *
Research analyst in Geography, Geomorphology,
t Deceased July 1972 * Part time staff
Administrative assistant
JOURNALS CITED IN V. 16 OF THE ARCTIC BIBLIOGRAPHY AIDJEX bulletin. Seattle, Wash Arbeger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historie. Kobenhavn Acta arctica. Kobenhavn Acta borealia. A. Scientia. Tromso Acta borealia. B. Humaniora. Tromso Acta endocrinologica. Kobenhavn Acta geographica. Paris Acta lapponica Fenniae. Rovaniemi Acta pathologica et microbiologica scandinavica. Kobenhavn Acta virologica. Praha Actuante economique. Montreal Advances in geophysics. N.Y. Akademiya nauk SSSR: Doklady Izvestiya. Fizika atmosfery i okeana Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya Izvestiya. Seriya geograficheskaya Izvestiya. Seriya geologicheskaya Vestnik Botanicheskiy institut: Novosti sistematiki vysshikh rasteniy Trudy: Seriya 5, Rastitel'noye syr'ye Gel'mintologicheskaya laboratoriya. Trudy Geologicheskiy institut. Trudy Institut arkheologii: Kratkiye soobshcheniya Materialy i issledovaniya po arkheologii SSSR Institut geografii: Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya Institut okeanologii. Trudy Karel'skiy filial, Petrozavodsk. Institut geologii. Trudy Komi filial, Syktyvkar. Institut geologii. Trudy
Mezhduvedomstvennyy geofizicheskiy komitet: Ionosfernyye issledovaniya Kosmicheskiye luchi Mineralogicheskiy muzey. Trudy Murmanskiy morskoy biologicheskiy institut. Trudy Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Izvestiya. Seriya biologicheskikh nauk. Novosibirsk Izvestiya. Seriya biologomeditsinskikh nauk. Novosibirsk Izvestiya. Seriya obshchestvennykh nauk. Novosibirsk Institut geografii Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doklady. Irkutsk Institute geologii i geofiziki. Trudy Novosibirsk Severo-Vostochnyy kompleksnyy nauchoissledovatel'skiy institut. Trudy. Magaden Ural'skiy filial, Sverdlovsk: Institut biologii. Trudy Institut geologii. Trudy Zoologicheskiy institut: Opredeliteli po faun SSSR Trudy Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiyev. Institut biologii yuzhnykh morey. Biologiya morya Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game. Informational leaflet Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals: Geochemical report Geologic report Alaska. University: Biological papers
Mineral Industry Research Laboratory. MIRL report Alaska construction and oil. Seattle, Wash Alaska industry. Anchorage Alaska medicine. Anchorage Alaska review of business and economic conditions. College Alberta. University. Boreal Institute. Occasional publication Alberta historical review. Edmonton Albertan geographer. Edmonton American anthropologist. Menasha, Wis American Association of Petroleum Geologists: Bulletin. Tulsa, Okla Memoir. Menasha, Wis American Dental Association Journal American Fisheries Society. Transactions American Geophysical Union. Geophysical monograph American journal of epidemiology. Baltimore American journal of human genetics. Baltimore American journal of physical anthropology. Philadelphia American journal of physiology. Boston American journal of science. New Haven, Conn American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. Baltimore American journal of veterinary research. Chicago American midland naturalist. Notre Dame, Ind American-Scandinavian review. N.Y. American scholar. N.Y. American Society of Civil Engineers: Construction Division. Journal Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division. Journal Waterways and Harbors Division. Journal x
American zoologist. Utica, N.Y. Anadyr'. Chukotskiy krayevedcheskiy muzey. Zapiski Annales botanici Fennici. Helsinki Annales de geographie. Paris Annales de parasitologie humaine et comparee. Paris Antarctic journal of the United States. Washington, D.C. Anthropologica. Ottawa Appalachia. Boston Arbetarskyddet. Stockholm Archives of environmental health. Chicago. Arctic. Montreal Arctic and alpine research. Boulder, Colo Arctic circular. Ottawa Arctic Institute of North America. Research papers Arkheologicheskiye otkrytiya. Moskva Arkhitektura SSSR. Moskva Arkkitehti. Helsinki Arts Canada. Toronto Astarte. Tromso Astronomicheskiy zhurnal. Moskva Atuagagdliutit: Gronlandsposten. Godthab Aufschluss. Gottingen Auk. Boston Avtomobil'nyye dorogi. Moskva Avtomobil'nyy transport. Moskva Baykal. Ulan-Ude Beaver. Winnipeg Bergen, Norway. Universitet: Arbok; matematisknaturvitenskapelig serie Biological bulletin. Boston Biologiya morya. See Akademiya nauk URSR Biuletyn peryglacjalny. Lodz Blyttia. Oslo Botanicheskiy zhurnal. Moskva Botanische Jahrbticher ftir Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte and Pflanzengeographie. Leipzig Botaniska notiser. Lund Bryologist. Brooklyn, N.Y. Building systems design. Brooklyn, N.Y.
Bulletin of Canadian petroleum geology. Calgary, Alta Byggeindustrien. Kobenhavn Byggekunst. Oslo Byggnadsindustrin. Stockholm Byulleten' eksperimental'noy biologii i meditsiny. Moskva Byulleten' vulkanologicheskikh stantsiy. Moskva C.I.L. Oval. (Canadian Industries, Ltd.) Toronto Cahiers de geographie de Quebec. Quebec, Que Cahiers oceanographiques. Paris California. University, Berkeley. Publications in zoology California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Proceedings Canada: Fisheries Research Board: Journal Technical report Geological Survey: Bulletin Memoir Paper Inland Waters Branch: Report series National Museums: Bulletin Publications in biological oceanography Wildlife Service: Report series Canadian alpine journal. Winnipeg Canadian audubon. Toronto Canadian cartographer. Toronto Canadian entomologist. Ottawa Canadian field-naturalist. Ottawa Canadian forces sentinel. Ottawa Canadian geographer. Toronto Canadian geographical journal. Ottawa Canadian geotechnical journal. Toronto Canadian historical review. Toronto Canadian journal of botany. Ottawa Canadian journal of earth sciences. Ottawa
Canadian journal of physics. Ottawa Canadian journal of public health. Toronto Canadian journal of zoology. Ottawa Canadian mineralogist. Toronto Canadian mining and metallurgical bulletin. Ottawa Canadian mining journal. Toronto Canadian petroleum. Don Mills, Ont Canadian review of sociology and anthropology. Calgary, Alta Cancer research. Chicago Cartographer. See Canadian cartographer Chemie der Erde. Jena Civil engineering. Easton, Pa Columbia University. Lamont Geological Observatory. Technical report Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Oxford Condor. Santa Clara, Calif Crustaceana. Leyden Current anthropology. Chicago Dansk folkemindesamling. Studier. Kobenhavn Dansk geologisk forening, Kobenhavn. Meddelelser Dansk ornithologisk forening, Kobenhavn. Tidsskrift Deep-sea research. London Denmark: Danmarks fiskeri- og havundersogelser. Skrifter Denmark. Gronlands Geologiske Undersogelse. See Greenland Deutsche hydrographische Zeitschrift. Hamburg Deutsche wissenschaftliche Kommission fur Meeresforschung, Berlin. Berichte Difillobotriozy. Moskva Doshkol'noye vospitaniye. Moskva Drottningholm, Sweden. Statens Undersoknings- och FOrsOlcsanstalt for Sotvattensfisket. Reports Druzhba narodov. Moskva Earth and planetary science letters. Amsterdam Ecology. Brooklyn, N.Y. xi
Economic geology. Lancaster, Pa Eiszeitalter and Gegenwart. Hannover Electrical world. N.Y. Engineering and contract record. Toronto Engineering and mining journal. N.Y. Engineering and science. Pasadena, Calif Engineering journal. Montreal Entomologicheskoye obozreniye. Leningrad Entomologisk tidskrift. Uppsala Environmental research. N.Y. Environmental science and technology. Washington, D.C. Europe & oil. Milchen Exploration review. London Explorers journal. N.Y. Fauna och flora. Uppsala Federation [of American Societies for Experimental Biology] proceedings. Baltimore Fennia. Helsinki Field and stream. St. Paul, Minn Finland: Geologinen Tutkimuslaitos. Bulletin Finlands natur. Helsinki Finska Vetenskaps-societeten, Helsinki. Commentationes physicomathematicae Fisken og havet. Bergen, Norway Fiskeritidskrift for Finland, ny serie. Helsinki Fiskets gang. Bergen, Norway Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal SSSR. Moskva Folia forestalia. Helsinki Folk. Kobenhavn Folkliv. Stockholm Forces Hydro-Quebec. Montreal Fornvannen. Stockholm Fysiografiska sallskapet, Lund. Forhandlingar Gazovaya promyshlennost'. Moskva Gazovoye delo. Moskva Geochemica et cosmochimica acta. London
Geodeziya i kartografiya. Moskva Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR: Doklady otdeleniy i komissiy. Leningrad Izvestiya. Moskva Komi filial, Syktyvkar. Izvestiya Otdeleniye meditsinskoy geografii. Doklady. Leningrad Geografiska annaler. Stockholm. Series A: Physical geography Geografiya v shkole. Moskva Geographical magazine. London Geographical review. N.Y. Geography. London Geokhimiya. Moskva Geologi. Helsinki Geological Association of Canada Special paper. Toronto Geological Society of America. Bulletin. Baltimore Geological Society of London. Proceedings Geologicheskaya izuchennost' SSSR. Moskva Geologiska foreningen, Stockholm. Forhandlingar Geologiya i geofizika. Novosibirsk Geologiya nefti i gaza. Moskva Geologiya rudnykh mestorozhdeniy. Moskva Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya. Moskva Geophysical journal. London GeoScience news. Pasadena, Calif Geotektonika. Moskva Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo. Moskva Gigiyena i sanitariya. Moskva Gornyy zhurnal. Moskva Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya. Moskva Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse: Bulletin. Kobenhavn Rapport. Kobenhavn Grenland. Charlottenlund Habitat. Ottawa Harvard University. Museum of Comparative Zoology Bulletin Health physics. N.Y. Helgolander wissenschaftliche
Meeresuntersuchungen Historisk tidsskrift. Kobenhavn Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Faculty of Fisheries. Bulletin Houille blanche. Grenoble Hungary. FOldtani Intezet. Evkiiniv. Budapest Hvalradet. Skrifter. Oslo Hydrobiologia. The Hague Independent petroleum monthly. Tulsa, Okla Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, N.Y. Proceedings International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology. Verhandlungen. Stuttgart International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Research bulletin. Dartmouth, N.S. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Annales biologiques. Kobenhavn Rapports et proces-verbaux des reunions. Kobenhavn International journal of biometeorology. Amsterdam International Oil Scouts Association, Austin, Tex. Yearbook International Volcanological Association. Bulletin volcanologique. Napoli Iskusstvo. Moskva Istoriya SSSR. Moskva Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy: Geologiya i razvedka. Moskva Tekhnologiya legkoy promyshlennosti.. Kiyev Jarnvagsteknik. Stockholm Japan: Science Council. Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan Mull. Reykjavik
Jorden runt. Stockholm Journal of animal ecology. Cambridge, Eng Journal of applied meteorology. Lancaster, Pa Journal of applied physiology. Washington, D.C. Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics. London Journal of geology. Chicago Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity. Kyoto Journal of geophysical research. Richmond, Va Journal of glaciology. Cambridge, Eng Journal of infectious diseases. Chicago Journal of mammalogy. Baltimore Journal of parasitology. N.Y. Journal of petroleum technology. Dallas, Tex Journal of soil science. Oxford Journal of terramechanics. Oxford Journal of the atmospheric sciences. Lancaster, Pa Journal of the West. Los Angeles Journal of wildlife management. Menasha, Wise Kandalakshskiy gosudarstvennyy zapovednik, Murmansk. Trudy Kardiologiya. Moskva Khudozhnik. Moskva Kobenhavn. Universitet. Mineralogisk-geologiske Museum. Communications geologiques Kora vyvetrivaniya. Moskva Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya. Moskva Krasnoyarsk. Nauchnoissledovatel'skiy institut po stroitel'stvu. Stroitel'stvo v rayonakh Vostochnoy Sibiri i Kraynego Severa Krasnoyarsk. Sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut. Trudy Krasnoyarsk. Sibirskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut. Trudy
Kul'tura i zhizn'. Moskva Kurturno-prosvetiter naya rabota. Moskva Lapidary journal. Los Angeles Laval Universite, Quebec. Centre d'etudes nordiques. Travaux divers Laval Universite, Quebec. Faculte des sciences. Departement de genie civil, section mecanique des glaces. Rapport Leningrad: Arkticheskiy i antarkticheskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut. Trudy See also Problemy Arktiki... Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy Gosudarstvennyy gidrologicheskiy institut. Trudy Gosudarstvennyy nauchnoissledovatel'skiy institut ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozyaystva. Izvestiya Gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut: Gertsenovskiye chteniya: Geografiya i geologiya Uchenyye zapiski Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut geologii Arktiki: Regional'naya geologiya Trudy Uchenyye zapiski. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya Tsentral'nyy nauchnoissledovatel'skiy institut rechnogo flota. Trudy Universitet. Vestnik Vsesoyuznyy geologicheskiy institut. Trudy. Moskva Vsesoyuznyy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy geologorazvedochnyy institut. Trudy
Lesnaya promyshlennost'. Moskva Lethaia. Oslo Life. Chicago Limnology and oceanography. Baltimore Lithos. Oslo Litologiya i poleznyye iskopayemyye. Moskva Living wilderness. Washington, D.C. McGill University, Montreal: Marine Sciences Centre Manuscript report Sub-Arctic Research Laboratory. Research papers Magyar Allami FOldtani Intezet see Hungary. FOldtami Intent Malacologia. Ann Arbor, Mich Marine biology. Berlin Marine observer. London Marine Technology Society Journal. Washington, D.C. Maritime sediments. Halifax, N.S. Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova. Kirovsk Meddelelser om Gronland. Kobenhavn Medical world news. N.Y. Meditsinskaya geografiya. Omsk Meditsinskaya parazitologiya i parazitarnyye bolezni. Moskva Meditsinskaya sestra. Moskva Mekhanizatsiya stroitel'stva. Moskva Merzlotnyye issledovaniya. Moskva Meteoritika. Moskva Meteorologiya i gidrologiya. Moskva Meteoiologische Rundschau. Berlin Micropaleontology. N.Y. Military engineer. Washington, D.C. Mineralogicheskiy sbornik. Lvov Mineralogiya i geokhimiya. Leningrad Mining engineer. N.Y. Morskoy flot. Moskva Moskovskoye obshchestvo ispytateley prirody. Byulleten'. Otdel geologicheskiy Moskva: Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad. Byulleten' Gosudarstvennyy okeanograficheskiy institut.
Trudy Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut aeroklimatologii. Trudy Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 4: geologiya Seriya 5: geografiya Seriya 6: biologiya, pochvovedeniye Mosquito news. New Brunswick, N.J. Murmansk. Polyarnyy nauchnoissledovatel'skiy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Trudy Murrelet. Seattle Musk-ox. Saskatoon, Sask Na Severe dal'nem. Magadan Na stroykakh Rossii. Moskva Narodnoye obrazovaniye. Moskva Narody Azii i Afriki. Moskva National geographic magazine. Washington, D.C. National parks magazine. Washington, D.C. National Research Council of Canada: Associate Committee on Soil and Snow Mechanics. Technical memorandum Division of Building Research. Technical paper Natural history. N.Y. Naturaliste canadien. Quebec, Que Nature. London Naturen. Bergen Naturens verden. Kobenhavn Natuur en techniek. Amsterdam Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly, Moskva. Biologicheskiye nauki Nauka i zhizn'. Moskva Nautical magazine. London Nautisk tidskrift. Stockholm Naval research. Washington, D.C. Neftegazovaya geologiya i geofizika. Moskva Neftyanoye khozyaystvo. Moskva Netherlands: Geologische Stichting.
Mededeelingen New scientist. London New York Academy of Sciences. Annals Nordic hydrology. Kobenhavn Nordisk betong. Stockholm Nordisk forum. Oslo Nordisk jarnbanetidskrift. Stockholm Nordisk udredningsserie. Stockholm Norrbottens lans hembygdsforening. Arsbok. Lulea Norrbottens lantmannablad. Lulea Norseman. Oslo Norsk entomologisk tidsskrift. Oslo Norsk geografisk tidsskrift. Oslo Norsk hvalfangst-tidende... Norwegian whaling gazette. Sandefjord Norsk luftmilitaert tidsskrift. Oslo Norsk natur. Oslo Norsk pelsdyrblad. Bergen, Norway Norsk skoleblad. Oslo Norsk Treteknisk institutt. Meddelelse. Oslo Norske turistforening, Oslo. Arbok Norske videnskabers selskab, Trondheim. Forhandlinger North. Ottawa Northwest science. Cheney, Wash Norveg. Oslo Norway: Fiskeridirektoratet: Arsberetning vedkommende Norges fiskerier... Skrifter. Serie havundersokelser. Reports on Norwegian fishery and marine investigations Geologiske undersokelse: Arbok Skrifter Norsk Polarinstitutt: Arbok Meddelelser Norske skogforsoksvaesenet: Meddelelser Nova Hedwigia Novosibirsk. Sibirskiy nauchno-
issledovatel'skiy institut geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy see under Sibirskiy... Nya Argus. Helsinki Nytt magasin for botanikk. Oslo Nytt magasin for zoologi. Oslo Ocean engineering. Long Island City, N.Y. Ocean industry. Houston, Tex Oceanographical magazine. Tokyo Oceanographical Society of Japan. Journal Oceanology international. Beverly Shores, Ind Oceans. San Diego, Calif Oecologia. Berlin Ogonek. Moskva Ohio State University, Columbus. Institute of Polar Studies. Report Oikos. Kobenhavn Oil and gas journal. Tulsa, Okla Oilweek. Calgary, Alta Okeanologiya. Moskva Okhrana truda i sotsial'noye strakhovaniye. Moskva Ontario field biologist. Toronto Oslo. Norsk Folkemuseum: By og bygd Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov. Moskva Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki. Moskva Ottar, Tromso Pacific historical review Glendale, Calif Pacific science. Honolulu Palaeobotanist. Lucknow Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology. Amsterdam Paleontologicheskiy zhurnal. Moskva Parazitologiya. Leningrad Pedobiologia. Jena Petroleum engineer. Dallas, Tex Petroleum today. N.Y. Pflagers Archiv fur die gesamte Physiologie. Bonn Physiological zoology. Chicago Pipeline construction. Houston, Tex Pipeline engineer international. xvi
Dallas, Tex Planovoye khozyaystvo. Moskva Pochvovedeniye. Moskva Polar notes; occasional publication of the Stefansson Collection. Hanover, N.H. Polar record. Cambridge, Eng Polarforschung. Kiel Pollen et spores. Paris Polyarnaya zvezda. Yakutsk Priroda. Leningrad Priroda i khozyaystvo Severa. Apatity, USSR Prirodnaya obstanovka i fauny proshlogo. Kiyev Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki. Leningrad Problemy botaniki. Moskva Problemy regional'nogo zimovedeniya. Chita, USSR Problemy Severa. Moskva Public works. N.Y. QST. West Hartford, Conn Queen's quarterly. Kingston, Ont Radiocarbon. New Haven, Conn Razvedka i okhrana nedr. Moskva Razvedochnaya geofizika. Moskva Rechnoy transport. Moskva Review of palaeobotany and palynology. Amsterdam Revue de geographie de Montreal Revue de l'Universite d'Ottawa Revue de micropaleontologie. Paris Royal Canadian Mounted Police quarterly. Ottawa Royal Engineers journal. Chatham, Eng Royal Meteorological Society, London. Quarterly journal Russkiy yazyk v natsional'noy shkole. Moskva Rybnoye khozyaystvo. Moskva Sameliv; Sarni aellin. Oslo Samiske samlinger. Oslo Scandia. Stockholm Scandinavian public library quarterly. Valby, Denmark Science. Washington, D.C. Science news. Washington, D.C. Scientific American. N.Y.
Sea frontiers. Coral Gables, Fla Seismological Society of America. Bulletin. Stanford, Calif Severo-Zapad Yevropeyskoy chasti SSSR. Leningrad Sibir' v period stroitel'stva sotsializma i perekhoda k kommunizmu; materialy po istorii Sibiri. Novosibirsk Sibirskiy geograficheskiy sbornik. Moskva Sibirskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy. Leningrad Sibirskiye ogni. Novosibirsk Sierra Club bulletin. San Francisco S kogeieren. Oslo S kogs- och :lantbruksakademien, Stockholm. Tidskrift S kogsagaren. Stockholm Smena. Moskva Sno og ski. Oslo Societas pro fauna et flora fennica, Helsinki. Memorandum Wart. Kobenhavn Soil science. New Brunswick, N.J. Soil Science Society of America. Proceedings Sotsialisticheskiy trud. Moskva Southern California Academy of Sciences, Los Angeles. Bulletin Sovetskaya arkheologiya. Moskva Sovetskaya etnografiya. Moskva Sovetskaya geologiya. Moskva Sovetskaya meditsina. Moskva Sovetskoye finno-ugrovedeniye. Tallinn Starshina-serzhant. Moskva Stavanger, Norway. Museet. Sterna Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov. Moskva Studia forestalia suecica. Stockholm Sudostroyeniye. Moskva Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, Helsinki Toimituksia. Annales. Ser. A. III:
Geologica-geographica Toimituksia. Anales. Ser. A. IV: Biologica Suomen kemistilehti. Helsinki Svensk geografisk arbok. Lund Svensk lantmateritidskrift. Stockholm. Svenska jarnvagstidningen. Stockholm Svenska landsmal och svenskt folkliv. Stockholm Svenska vagrdreningen, Stockholm. Tidskrift Svenska Vetenskapsakademien, Stockholm: Arsbok Handlingar Sveriges natur. Stockholm Sweden: Geologiska undersOkning. Ser. C. Avhandlingar och uppsatser, Arsbok Meteorologiska och hydrologiska institutet. Meddelanden Systematic zoology. Lawrence, Kans Tectonophysics. Amsterdam Teion kagaku [Low temperature science.] Sapporo, Japan Series A.: physical sciences Tekhnika i vooruzheniye. Moskva Tekhnika-molodezhi. Moskva Teknisk tidskrift. Stockholm Teknisk ukeblad. Oslo Tellus. Stockholm Terapevticheskiy•arkhiv. Moskva Terra. Helsinki Tidskrift i sjOvasendet. Karlskrona, Sweden Tidsskrift for hermetikindustri. Oslo Tidsskrift for kjemi, bergvesen og metallurgi. Oslo Tidsskrift for skogbruk. Oslo Till galls. Svenska Fjallsklubbens arsbok. Stockholm Today's health. Chicago Tokyo. Whale Research Institute. Scientific reports Tor. Uppsala Transportnoye stroitel'stvo. Moskva
Tsentral'naya aerologicheskaya observatoriya, Leningrad. Trudy Tsitologiya. Moskva Tyl i snabzheniye Sovetskikh Vooruzhennykh Sil. Moskva Umschau. Frankfurt am Main USSR: Gidrometeorologicheskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy tsentr. Leningrad. Trudy U.S.: Arctic Health Research Center, Anchorage. Report Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, N.H.: Cold regions science and engineering Research report Special report Technical report Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife: Resource publication Environmental Science Services Administration. Monthly weather review Fish and Wildlife Service. Fishery bulletin Geological Survey: Bulletin Circular Professional paper Reports, open file series National Museum: Proceedings Naval Oceanographic Office: Informal manuscript Special publications United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md. Proceedings Uppsala. Universitet. Geografiska Institutionen. Meddelanden Var fagelvarld. Stockholm Var. skola. Stockholm Veliger. Berkeley, Calif. Vestnik protivovozdushnoy oborony. Leningrad Veterinariya. Moskva
Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Izvestiya Vodosnabzheniye i sanitamaya tekhnika. Moskva Voprosy anthropologii. Moskva Voprosy ekonamiki. Moskva Voprosy geografii. Moskva Voprosy geografii Kamchatki. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Voprosy ikhtiologii. Moskva Voprosy istorii. Moskva Voprosy okhrany materinstva i detstva. Moskva Voprosy pitaniya. Moskva Voprosy virusologii. Moskva Voprosy yazykoznaniya. Moskva Vor viden. Kobenhavn Vsesoyuznoye botanicheskoye obshchestvo. Tomskoye otdeleniye. Izvestiya. Vsesoyuznoye mineralogicheskoye obshchestvo, Leningrad. Zapiski Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchnoissledovatel'skiy institut, Moskva. Trudy Vuoriteollisuus. Bergshanteringen. Helsinki Washington (State). University, Seattle: Publications in fisheries Dept. Of Oceanography: Special report Technical report Fisheries Research Institute: Circular Water and sewage works. Chicago Water Pollution Control Federation. Journal Water power. London Water research. N.Y. Weather. London Western miner. Vancouver, B.C. Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge, Eng. Report Wilson bulletin. Oberlin, Ohio Wisconsin. University, Dept. of Meteorology. Technical report
World oil. Houston, Tex. World petroleum. N.Y. Yankee. Dublin, N.H. Zapadno-Sibirskiy nauchnoissledovatel'skiy geologorazvedochnyy neftyanoy institut, Moskva. Trudy Zashchita rasteniy. Moskva Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Moskva Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Neue Folge. Berlin Zeitschrift fur Geophysik.
Braunschweig Zemlya i vselennaya. Moskva Zemlya Tyumenskaya. Tyumen, USSR Zhilishchnoye stroitel'stvo. Moskva Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. Moskva Zhurnal obshchey biologii. Moskva Zoologica; scientific contributions of the New York Zoological Society Zoologicheskiy zhurnal. Moskva Zoologisk revy. Stockholm
LIBRAIRIES cited in ARCTIC BIBLIOGRAPHY Vol. 16 CaMAI—Arctic Institute of North America, Montreal, Canada CaMM—McGill University, Montreal, Canada CaOG—Geological Survey, Ottawa CaON-B—National Research Council of Canada, Division of Building Research, Ottawa CaONA—Dept. of Indian and Northern Affairs, Ottawa CaOTY—York University, Toronto DGS—Geological Survey, Reston, Va. Di—Dept. of the Interior, Washington, D.C. DLC—Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
DNAL—National Agricultural Library, Washington, D.C. DN-HO—Naval Oceanographic Office, Suitland, Md. DN-SH—U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships, Washington, D.C. DNLM—National Library of Medicine, Washington, D.C. DSI—Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. DWB—Weather Bureau, changed to Atmospheric Sciences Library, Silver Spring, Md. MiU—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Mu—University of Maryland. College Park, Md. SPRI—Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, England WaU—Washington (State) University, Seattle
ARCTIC BIBLIOGRAPHY 101600 AAGAARD, K. and L.K. COACHEast Greenland current north of MAN. Denmark Strait, part 1. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.3, p.181-200, graphs, maps, tables) 49 refs. Part 2. (ibid no.4, p.267-90, graphs, maps) 21 refs. French and English summary. Deals primarily with data from cruises of the Edisto, summers 1964-65, and 1965 drift of Arlis II; supported by the Office of Naval Research through the Arctic Institute of North America. Pt I summarizes previously published papers on the East Greenland Current, notes some bathymetric features of the western Greenland Sea and its water masses, and discusses general features of the velocity field, mean velocities and volume transports of the current. Pt 2 gives more detailed data on the temperature/salinity distributions and movements of the polar water, which represents only a minor part of the total flow, but constitutes the upper layer of the East Greenland Current and mainly controls the ice distribution; the Atlantic intermediate water, the major component of the total transport, warmer than the other waters, whose westward movement from the West Spitsbergen current begins just north of 75°N, occurs over a wide range of latitude, probably to 80°N, with the depth of the layer decreasing westward. At about 73°N, warm water moves eastward in a cyclonic movement presumably associated with that of the polar water in the Jan Mayen Polar Current; warm water not involved in this movement continues southward near the continental slope at >200 m depths. The deep water (below 1500 m) underlying the Norwegian Sea gyre (S and SE of Jan Mayen) and Greenland Sea gyre (NE of Jan Mayen) can be differentiated by temperature, the one always warmer than -1°C, the other always colder. The deep water along the Greenland slope is either the Norwegian Sea or the transitional type; that of the Polar basin comes primarily from the Norwegian Sea. CaMAI, DLC. K. Temperature 101601 AAGAARD, variations in the Greenland Sea deep-water.
(Deep-sea research 1968. v.15, no.3, p.281-96, graphs, maps, table) Refs. Studies the deep-water temperatures of the Greenland Sea and the air temperatures at Jan Mayen. Since the last century, the deep-water temperatures in the Greenland and Norwegian Seas have been known to be below 0°C. During subpolar cyclones, in the latitudinal zone from 71° to 78°N, wintertime cooling is intensified and its effects cover larger and larger areas and reach to greater depths. The lowest recorded temperature (-1.12°C) was observed at 2000 m depth. Temperatures measured at Jan Mayen do not fully explain the coldness of DLC. the deep waters. R. Skogtraernes 101602 AAHEIM, frosetting 1966. (Tidsskrift for skogbruk 1967. v.75, no.3, p.33I-40, graphs, maps, tables) In Norwegian. Title tr.: The 1966 forest-tree seed setting. Summarizes weather conditions in relation to conifer seed development throughout Norway, with temperature graphs, elevation and precipitation tables, incl such for Dividal and Karasjok in the north. Quality of seed development for spruce and scotch pine is mapped; it was poor in the northern part of the country. A similar report appears annually in this journal. DLC.
101603 AHMAN, R. Palsstudier i Nord(Svensk geografisk arsbok 1967. v.43, norge. p.258-61, illus) 5 refs. In Swedish. Title tr.: Palsa studies in north Norway. Reports on C-14 datings of samples collected in 1966 from a palsa bog at Karlebotn in the inner part of Varangerfjorden. The bottom stratum at 110 cm dates from about 5570 BC. that at 20 cm 1570 BC, and the surface stratum is estimated as formed about 700-600 BC. Some 1963-67 observations of the minerogenic core of a nearby palsa in which the turf layer had been damaged by fire are also included. This core was well preserved at the end of the five yr. CaMAI, DLC.
101604 AAMOT, H.W.C.
Buoyancy stabilized hot point drill for glacier studies. Hanover, N.H., 1968. 5 p. illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab. Technical report no.215) Describes a small drill capable of producing plumb holes and the buoyancy stabilization feature, for use in temperate ice where refreezing of the melt water is not a problem. A vertical attitude of the drill and plumb hole is ensured by using a heavy hot point and a light upper section which floats in the surrounding melt water. Two methods to prevent refreezing of the melt water are proposed to permit drilling in cold ice and to assure continued access to CaMAI, DLC. the hole.
101605 AAMOT, H.W.C. Instrumented probes for deep glacial investigations. Hanover, N.H. 1968. 6 p. illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab. Technical report no.210) 9 refs. Describes thermal probes which consist of a hot point for melt penetration, internally stored conductors as a surface link, a reservoir extension to keep the dielectric fluid filling at a level above the internal components and an instrument package. These probes are non-recoverable vehicles designed to carry instrumentation payloads to any depth in polar ice sheets by melt penetration. The Philberth probe was tested in Greenland. The pendulum probe is a further development with increased performance and versatility. CaMAI, DLC. 101606 AAREFJORD, F. and S. SKRESLET. Frozen up Littorina saxatilis Olivi in the icefoot in Spitsbergen. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969. p.240-41, illus) 4 refs. Contains summer 1966 observations in Sergattet on the northwest coast of Spitsbergen. The presence of the snails indicates that they survived in the ice during Sept 1965-July 1966. Their minimum ambient temperature during the wintering is not known but the influence of the ice and snow cover and of the sea probably kept the temperature beneath the ice higher than that of the air. CaMAI, DLC.
101607 AAREFJORD, F. and S. SKRESLET. A recent find of Pyrolofusus deformis Reeve (Prosobranchia) in Svalbard waters. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969. p.166-70, map, tables, graph, illus) 6 refs. Reports 12 species and two egg capsules of this gastropod found in 1966 in Bjernhamna in Sergattet at 6-15 m depth. No current was observed. Previous finds of Pyrolofusus deformis were at 40-176 m. The water masses in Sergattet are weakly stratified with salinity 33.3-34%0 at ten m depth. The July-Aug temperature ranged 1-6.5°C. The capsules contained
a white and a yellow component, the latter conCaMAI, DLC. sisting of 0.2 mm eggs.
AAREFJORD, F., see also No. 107332. 101608 AARSETH, B. Grunnleggende konferanse om det praktiske skolearbeid i sameomradene i Norden. (Norsk skoleblad 1965. v.29, no.38, p.1526-29) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Conference on practical school work in the Lappish regions in Norden. Reviews the first internordic meeting for teachers in the Lappish regions, sponsored by the Nordic Lappish Council, held at Masi, Finnmark in Aug 1965 and attended by Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish representatives. Orientation, language, methods, teacher training, etc were considered, as was teaching about the Lapps in other schools of the country. The Lappish vocabulary is rich in terms of nature and native culture, but poor in terms of modern technology, scientific developments, and abstract concepts. These deficiencies should be made good. Some dialect terms are not generally understood. A common written language should be adopted. DLC. 101609 AARSETH, B.
Det samiske spraks stilling i ungdomsskolen. (Norsk skoleblad 1965. v.29, no.27, p.1159-61, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Position of the Lappish language in the general school. Discusses the pros and cons of teaching Lappish in the continuation school system. Instruction in the fundamentals of the mother tongue is important in intellectual development, and bilingual pupils learn additional languages more readily. At the 9-yr school in Karasjok, Lappish language and culture are required studies, though the principal teaching language is Norwegian. Lappish history, music, customs, and traditions are taught, and practical courses in reindeer husbandry given. DLC.
101610 AARSETH, B. Status og framtidsperspektiver i norsk reindrift. (Sameliv 1964-66. no.6, p.114-47, illus, tables) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Present status and future prospects of Norwegian reindeer husbandry. The herds are estimated at about 200,000 head, the domesticated stocks worth about 40 million Norwegian kroner and the annual yield about 10 million. Finnmark in 1965 had some 121,620 reindeer and 1578 nomadic Lapps up from about 75,000 and 900 respectively at the turn of the century and considered the maximum that the county can sustain. 12.5% of this stock belong to non-nomadic Lapps. A nomadic Lapp family can maintain a reasonable living standard with a herd of about 300. Some of the problems in the husbandry are discussed. Better education and training facilities for Lapps are recommended, as is reservation
of the ranges for nomadic Lapps. Intensified research is needed, also improvement in administration and in co-op organization. MH. 101611 AARTOLAHTI, T. and A. KULMALA. Talven 1968-69 varillinen lumi Suomessa. (Terra 1969. v.81, no.3, p.98-104, maps, tables) 10 refs. In Finnish. English summary. Title tr.: Dust-stained snow of the winter 1968-69 in Finland. Snow stained red by dust carried organic matter, including pollen, which indicated the dust originated from the steppes of southern Russia. This conclusion was supported by meteorological records. Long-distance transport of pollen, of which these two occurrences are good evidence, may have played a significant role in the accumulation of pollen found in late glacial deposits. CaMAI, DLC. 101612 AARTOLAHTI, T. Ober die Einwanderung and die Verhaufigung der Fichte in Finnland. (Annales botanici fennici 1966. v.3, no.3, p.368-79, map, illus) Approx 70 refs. In German. Title tr.: The immigration and occurrence of Norway spruce in Finland. Reviews the penetration of this most recent forest species and traces its spread northward by C-14 dating of pollen profiles. More than 20 localities in arctic Finland are dated between 5500 and 1900 BP. The sites are mapped, and possible reasons for the late appearance of the species are considered. DLC. AASEN, K., see No. 107778. Fin landsfragan, 101613 ASTROM, S.E. en Norrlands-fraga i stort. (Nya argus 1966. v.59, no.5, p.59-61, map, table) In Swedish. Title tr.: The Finland question, a Norrland question on a large scale. Reviews the distribution of land population, and industrial development in Finland. An effort to subsidize and colonize the northern region for agriculture is unwise, as it is in Swedish Norrland. Rather develop the central region for industry, the good land of the south for agriculture, and the northern region for its forest, mineral. or other resources. DLC. 101614 ABAKUMOV, S.A. Otlozheniya nizhney gruppy kompleksa Gekla-khuk na poluostrove Nyu-Frisland. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po geologii Shiptsbergena 1965. p.93-101, map, illus) Title tr.: The lower group 2 refs. In Russian. of the Hecla Hoek complex in Ny Friesland Peninsula. Presents a stratigraphic scheme of this part of the Hecla Hoek succession, which includes the Austfjorden, Finnlandveggen, Harkerbreen and Planetfjell(?) series and describes the divi-
sions, some with further subdivision. Further data to No 45442 are offered. DGS. 101615 ABDEL'-MALEK, S.A. Pitaniye molodi trekhigloy kolyushki (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) v Kandalakshskom zalive Belogo morya. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1968. v.8, no.2, p.294-302, graphs, tables) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Feeding of the young three-spine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) in Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea. In summers 1961-62, six groups of larvae, differing morphologically and in manner of feeding, were distinguished. They eat the same food as the adults, with the exception of fish eggs and larvae. The groups correspond to developmental stages B„ C„ C„ D„ D, and E. Their postembryonal development is more like that of perch than of carp. DLC. ABDULIN, A.A., see No. 107288. 101616 ABDULLIN, LA. 0 kavernoznosti verkhneyurskikh porod produktivnogo gorizonta Shaimskogo neftenosnogo rayona. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.179, no.2, p.434-36, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cavernous porosity of Upper Jurassic rocks in the productive zone of the Shaim oil-bearing region. Defines in a section of this zone an independent subgroup of reservoir rocks with cavernous porosity. The caverns are described as to dimensions, content and other features. Their origin is attributed to leaching by groundwater. Their importance for oil accumulation is noted. DLC. 101617 ABELE, G. and others. Design criteria for snow runways. Hanover, N.H. 1968. 36 p. graphs, tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab. Technical report no. 212) 39 refs. Other authors: R.O. Ramseier and A.F. Wuori. Sintering and strength increase with decreasing temperature are two distinct temperature-dependent processes which affect the physical properties of snow. The rate of strength increase and the ultimate strength of snow may be greatly increased by mechanical agitation or depth processing followed immediately by surface compaction. After construction is completed, the natural process of sintering or strengthening must proceed for some time before aircraft operations can begin. Correlates the mechanical properties of processed snow with its wheel-load supporting capacity. Gives strength profiles to be expected from certain snow processing and compaction procedures and compares them with required strength profiles for various types of wheeled vehicles and aircraft. Discussions by L.W. Gold, E.H. Moser and M. Mellor, with reply by the authors, are 3
appended, as are tabulated field test data. CaMAI, DLC.
with Upper Cambrian deposits from other DLC. regions of the Urals.
A.N. 101616 ABEL'SKIY, A.M. and Vyyavleniye i analiz LASTOCHKIN. obraznykh rel'yefoobrazuyushchikh deformatsiy na osnove metoda napravlennogo summirovaniya s odnovremennoy chastotnoy firtratsiyey, na primere severo-vostoka Sibirskoy platformy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.14, p.101-104, Title tr.: Identification and illus) In Russian. analysis of undulatory relief-forming deformations on the basis of a statistical summation method, with examples from the northeastern Siberian platform. Describes the method and reviews the results of analyses of the present relief in the Anabar, Olenek and other regions. Three systems of undulatory relief-forming deformations are recognized, and a relationship is noted between the drainage patterns and the distribution of linear tectonic elements of the relief. From analysis of the data many local structurally controlled relief elements are identified and their connection with fault structures CaMAI, DLC. indicated.
E.A. Primeneniye 101622 ABLOGIN, obobshchennoy metodiki dlya rascheta svaynykh rostverkov opor mostov v usloviyakh vechnoy merzloty. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1971. no.6, p.39-40, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Use of a generalized method for calculating pile grillage foundations for bridge supports in permafrost conditions. Discusses a method to estimate gratings on piles inserted into permafrost of different consistency and physical-mechanical state. Diagrams are given of fastening the piles into a homogeneous permafrost and into permafrost with an upper layer of clay underlain by frozen sand. Specific features of the work with bridge piles in permafrost indicates the feasibility of estimating the pile foundation parameters in hard and plastic permafrost by the generalized DLC. method.
Nomad 101619 ABERCROMBIE, T.J. in Alaska's outback. (National geographic magazine 1969. v.135, no.4, p.540-67, map, illus) Describes such activities as walrus hunting, reindeer herding, gold panning and salmon fishing observed during travel with a bush pilot CaMAI, DLC. from Naknek. 101620 ABISKO. (Var skola 1961. v.19, no.3, p.115-16, map, illus) In Swedish. Describes remarkable aspects of the park by Lake Tornetrask in northwest Sweden, beside the railway built in 1903. The area is noted for the rich variety of its flora. Elevations of some prominences are given, as are dates when the midnight sun is above the horizon. DLC. K 101621 ABLIZIN, B.D. and others. stratigrafii verkhnego dokembriya zapadnogo sklona Severnogo Urala. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1969. ser. geol. no.9. p.I08-113, graph, map) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.M. Kurbatskiy and I.N. Krylov. Title tr.: Upper Cambrian stratigraphy on the western slope of Northern Urals. Presents a preliminary stratigraphic scheme for the Upper Cambrian deposits of the Upper Pechora-Isovskiy anticlinorium in the Vishera basin. Four local series, the Moyvinskaya, Isherimskaya, Velsovskaya and Chuvalskaya, are defined and their distribution, composition, thickness, etc described. They are correlated 4
Westward 101623 ABRAHAMSON, J.D. Alaska, the native economy and its resource base. Anchorage, Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska 1968. 209 p. graphs, maps, tables. 125 refs. Describes the land and sea resources of Alaskan natives in the area from the Arctic Ocean south to the Aleutians and west approx 150°W. The harvesting activities are emphasized. The state of the resources and need for conservation are discussed, as are recommendations for aiding the transition from the traditional hunting-fishing to a cashbased and market-oriented economy. The fish (especially salmon), mammal and waterfowl resources in six regions are outlined. The reindeer industry, forage problems, and status of community, government and privatelyowned native herds are described. Research and training, guidance in slaughtering, processing and marketing are required, and the need for federal inspection is discussed. Appendices deal with native employment in mineral prospecting and mining, regional mineral resources, the Fennoscandian Lapp reindeer industries, etc. DI. 101624 ABRAMEYKO, L.R. Hydrological conditions in the Norwegian Sea and the Greenland Sea in 1965. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Armies biologiques 1965 pub 1967. v.22, p.1517, graphs) Water temperatures in several branches of the Norwegian, East Icelandic and Irminger Currents indicate that 1965 was among the coldest years in the Norwegian and Greenland seas. Throughout the year, the East Icelandic Current was characterized by increased velocities and lowest temperatures. DLC.
101625 ABRAMOV, B.S. Biostratigrafiya kamennougol'nykh otlozheniy Sette-Dabana, yuzhnoye Verkhoyan'ye. Moskva, Nauka 1970. 178 p. maps, illus. Approx 90 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: The biostratigraphy of Carboniferous deposits of Sette-Daban, southern Verkhoyansk region. An extensive monograph on the carboniferous stratigraphy and brachiopod fauna of this mountain range, based on author's comprehensive collection of materials. A continuous section of Carboniferous deposits is established for the first time in the Sette-Daban and a complete stratigraphic column is compiled. Several new species and genera are included among DLC. the 104 brachiopods described. L.N. 101626 ABRAMOVA, Rannemelovaya flora Zhiganskogo i prilegayushchikh rayonov Lenskogo basseyna. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no/9, p.36-57, map, table, illus) 34 Title tr.: Early Cretaceous refs. In Russian. flora of Zhigansk and adjacent regions of the Lena basin. Describes systematically several recent plants, four of them new species and 19 already known in the literature. The new species are determined by the leaf epidermis. Two plant assemblages are represented, one typical of the lower Lower Cretaceous in the Zhigansk region may be correlated with the Neocomian, and the other upper Lower Cretaceous with the Aptian-Albian in the northern and southern DLC. areas of the Lena coal basin. 101627 ABRAMOVA, T.G. and V.N. Rayonirovaniye bolot KIRYUSHKIN. Arkhangel'skoy oblasti. (Severo-Zapad Yevropeyskoy chasti SSSR 1968. no.6, p.81113, graphs, map, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Zoning of the marshes of Arkhangel'sk Province. Notes the widespread development of marshes in this province as due to high atmospheric precipitation and low evaporation, the low relief, low permeability of the underlying rocks, etc. Marsh distribution is discussed. Marshes occur more densely in large depressions filled with glacial lake, fluvioglacial and alluvial deposits. In some areas high moors constitute 60-85% of the area. Three zones of marshes are recognized according to vegetation cover. Some twenty marsh regions are distinguished and each is briefly characterized. DLC. Novyy tip 101628 ABRAMOVA, Z.A. orudiy v paleolite Yeniseya. (AN SSSR. Inst. arkheologii. Kratkiye soobshcheniya 1972. Title no.131, p.82-86, illus) Ref. In Russian. tr.: A new type of tool in the Yenisey paleolithic.
Discusses the flaking technique and use of large core tools with occasionally retouched working edges found at Kokorevo on the upper Yenisey. S.N. Astakhov's hypothesis that the axe developed later from the adze, No 93697, is disputed. A chopping tool discovered in 1961 as well as several others found subsequently in the 2nd and 3rd horizons of the site are undubitably axes with a typical axe head and bifacially retouched cutting edge. CaMAI, DLC. Children's 101629 ABRAMOWITZ, J. dental program for American Indians. (American Dental Association. Journal 1970. v.81, no.2, p.395-405, graphs, illus) 11 refs. A comprehensive review of the US Public Health Service, Indian Health Service program for Indians, Eskimos and Aleuts, since 1913. The people, the problem, training of subsidiary personnel, fluoridation, care of children, research and development, community participation, and data evaluation are discussed, with other pertinent trends in the Arctic. Photographs and statistical tables for 1968 are included. List of references to various US arctic DLC. services is appended. ABRASHEV, K.K., see No. 104831. ABZAYEV, I.A., see Nos. 102264, 107939. ACKERMAN, B.F., see ACKLEY, S., see 104921.
No. 105641.
Nos. 104165, 104168,
Opyt 101630 ADAM, N.V. and others. postroyeniya geomagnitnoy karty po dannym ISZ. (Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya 1966. v.4, no.3, p.463-68, maps, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N.P. Ben'kova and L.O. Tyurmina. Title tr.: An attempt to make a geomagnetic map from artificial earth-satellite data. Describes the process of preparing a map of total intensity of the magnetic field at 400 km over the USSR approx 42° - 65°N using records of the 1958 satellite. The resultant isodynamic chart is found to agree satisfactorily with such prepared from surface and aeromagnetic surveys. The location of the East Siberian anomaly is established as is the distribution of the geomagnetic field throughout EurasiaDLC. 101631 ADAMENKO, V.N. Osobennosti izmeneniya sostavlyayushchikh teplovogo balansa v prostranstve i vo vremeni; po materialam nablyudeniy na lednike IGAN na Polyarnom Urale. (Vsesoyuznyy glyatsiologicheskiy simpozium, 3rd, Frunze, 1965. Frunze, lzd-vo Him 1968. p.75-83, graphs) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Changes of heat balance components in space and time, accord5
ing to observations on the IGAN Glacier in the Polar Urals. Reports an IGY study. Changes of heat loss during ablation are determined largely by spatial and temporal fluctuations of the turbulent flow of heat and moisture. DLC. 101632 ADAMS, C.E. Geology of Norwegian Sea cores. Seattle 1967. 60 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. MS thesis, Univ of Washington 1967. 29 refs. Describes bottom sediments collected during a summer 1963 USS Edisto cruise and discusses their composition and distribution in relation to prevailing and late glacial oceanographic conditions. Nine cores were analyzed for color, structure, general composition, grainsize distribution, CaCQ, and organic carbon content, and one core for radiocarbon dates. Gray clay of glacial marine origin, the material which was ice-transported, is a lute Pleistocene deposit. Brown clay of similar origin occurs between the gray clay and surface layer of foraminiferal lutite and is gradational between the two. Two types of volcanic glass were present in cores near Iceland and Jan Mayen. Deposition of a graded layer in one core may have been by a turbidity current, but more likely followed mass slumping. Among other conclusions, the gray-brown clay boundary is thought to mark the end-Pleistocene climatic change, the Pleistocene sedimentation rate to have been several times greater than it is now and the water movement in the eastern half of the sea to have been north-south in contrast to the present south-north current. Wa U-FO. 101633 ADAMS, L Census of the gray whale 1966-67. (Norske hvalfangst-tidende 1968. v.57, no.2, p.41-43, graphs) Reports a count about seven mi south of Monterey, 27 Nov 1966 - 17 Feb 1967, of an estimated population of 18,300. This is higher than earlier results and probably more accurate. DLC. 101634 ADAMS, W.P. and J.A.A. JONES. Crystallography of ice on Knob Lake. (McGill Univ. Sub-arctic Research Lab. Research paper 1967. no.23, p.I08-117, graph, illus) 13 refs. Gives a brief account of a pilot study begun Apr 1966 using a simple improvised polariscope to photograph and study thin sections of ice cut from Knob Lake. The growth of lake ice is outlined as introduction to descriptive notes for nine plates illustrating crystal structure and texture of black ice, white ice and their interface during growth and decay near breakup. CaMAI, DLC. 101635 ADAMS, W.P. Note on the pressure pillow method of snow measurement. 6
(McGill Univ. Sub-arctic Research Lab. Research paper 1967. no.23, p.94-97, illus) 5 refs. Recommends the installation of a snow pillow close to the middle of the existing snow course at Knob Lake to test the technique of measurement. Preparation of the site and coordination of the new method with the continuing research program are outlined. CaMAI, DLC. 101636 ADELMAN, M.A. Alaska North Slope discoveries and world petroleum supplies and costs. (In: Change in Alaska. 1970. p.23-40, tables) Defines the terms reserves, proved reserves, oil-in-place, pools, fields and structures. Total world supply and production 1938-68 is reviewed noting geographic shifts in supply. The new oil provinces are opened rapidly only when they offer a cheaper supply; the older provinces have always had enough oil and still do but the cost rises. The finding, development and risk costs of Prudhoe Bay oil are discussed in the context of the world industry and a set of cost estimates for Alaska oil in its various potential markets is given. CaMAI, DGS. ADELMAN, M.A., see also ADKINSON, W.L., see
No. 101701.
No. 103650.
101637 ADROV, M.M. Vliyaniye zimney vertikal'noy tsirkulyatsii na biogidrokhirnicheskiy rezhim pridonnykh vod Barentseva morya. (Murmansk. Polyarnyy n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Trudy 1968. no.23, p.116-37, graphs, maps, tables) 16 Title tr.: refs. In Russian. English summary. Influence of winter vertical circulation upon the biohydrochemical regime of the bottom waters of the Barents Sea. Discusses aeration of surface waters by waves and presents data from 1955-1966 studies concerning the influence of vertical circulation on temperature and oxygen content at various levels and areas of the Barents Sea. Proves that winter vertical circulation has a negative influence on 0, content of bottom waters. Heat convection, when correlated with vertical circulation, can be an indicator of 0, content brought from the surface. DLC. AEGERTER, S., see No. 106691. 101638 AFANSENKO, V.YE. and A.B. CHIZHOV. Nekotoryye dannyye po dinamike solenykh podzemnykh vod kriozony Botuobinskogo almazonosnogo rayona. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1968. no.8, p.123-28, tables) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some data on the
dynamics of saline groundwater in the cryozone of the Botuobuya diamond region. Discusses the dynamics of highly mineralized, negative temperature (C°) groundwater. The Moscow State University's (MGU) borehole no 3, drilled about 50 km south of Mirnyy, is 536 m deep. Saline water was encountered at a depth of 225 m; at 305 m the water level in the borehole rose abruptly. Highly mineralized sodium chloride water occurred (water temperatures below 0°C) in the MGU boreholes no 2 and 15 drilled into the Upper Cambrian strata in the Vilyuy valley. Results of the study are DLC. given in a table. AFANASENKO, V.YE., see also
2. 105029.
AFANAS'YEV, A.I., see No. 108103. 101639 AFANAS'YEV, A.P. and others. Mikrospory i vodorosli karbona v kaolinovykh glinakh formatsii kory vyvetrivaniya Kol'skogo poluostrova. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.194, no.2, p.430-31) 9 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.S. Likhachev and V.K. Teteryuk. Title tr.: Carboniferous microspores and algae in kaolin clays of a weathering crust on Kola Peninsula. Reports a palynological study of kaolin clays in the contact zone between gneiss-granites and nepheline syenites of the Lovozero massif. Lower-Middle Carboniferous microspores were found, as were algae, plant tissues and fungi. The ways in which these spores and plant remains accumulated in the kaolin clays are discussed. DLC. AFANAS'YEV, A.P., see also Nos. 105937, 101938, 105359. 101640 AFANAS'YEV, B.G. and others. 0 roli elektrolitov v protsesse akklimatizatsii v usloviyakh Zapolyar'ya. (In: Akklimatizatsiya i krayevaya patologiya...1970. p.18-19) In Russian. Other authors: M.N. Bazhenov, O.I. Bundyuk, V.A. Zhestovskiy and M.D. Lebedev. Title tr.: The role of electrolytes in the acclimatization process in the Arctic. Concentration of sodium in serum and in erythrocytes, and of potassium in erythrocytes, is considerably higher in persons living permanently in a cold climate, than in the temperate zone. This is probably due to the higher level of metabolic processes in acclimatized persons. DLC. 101641 AFANAS'YEV, B.V. and others. Skhema formirovaniya Kovdorskogo massiva ul'traosnovnykh shchelochnykh porod. (Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geologiya i razvedka 1970. no.11, p.83-89, map) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: B.1. Sulimov and V.I. Ternovoy. Title tr.: Scheme of the
formation of the Kovdor massif of ultramafic alkalic rocks. The main magmatic and metasomatic complexes were formed in the following order: olivinites, alkalic rocks of the melteigite-urtite series, skarn-like metasomatites of early postmagmatic stage, phlogopite-bearing metasomatites, a complex of essentially magnetite rocks, feldspar ijolites and nepheline syenites, carbonatite complex, and dikes of nephelinites and melanephelinites. DLC. AFANAS'YEV, B.V., see also No. 104704. 101642 AFANAS'YEV, V. Talant, eto dlya lyudey. (Narodnoye obrazovaniye 1968. no.11, p.76) In Russian. Title tr.: Talent is for the people. Sketches the career of the Yakut bone carver Semen Pesterev and describes some of his work and that of his pupils, made popular by exhibits in the USSR and abroad. DLC. 101643 AFANAS'YEV, V. Uchitel'-metodist. (Russkiy yazyk v natsional'noy shkole 1969. no.5, p.59-60, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Teacher-methodologist. Sketch of V. N. Danilov, a Russian language specialist active in Yakutia since 1930. He developed the first methodological system for teaching Russian in Yakut schools. His textbooks and teaching programs are discussed. DLC. 101644 AFANAS'YEV, V. Yakutskiy kostorez. (Khudozhnik 1969. v.11, no.10, p.2-3, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Yakut bone-carver. Sketch of T.V. Ammosov, born in 1912, in the Use-Aldan District, with illus of his bone and ivory carvings. DLC. 101645 AFANAS'YEV, V.A. and M.V. SHUMOV. Kletochnoye pushnoye zverovodstvo na Kraynem Severe. (Problemy Severa 1968. no.13, p.153-59, illus) In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Fur ranching in the Far North. Surveys the development of fur ranching in various countries, incl Canada and US, and describes in some detail this industry as distinct from fur hunting in the Soviet Far North. It has developed mainly in economically advanced regions where sources of feed are the waste products from meat, dairy, fish, whaling, and silk industries. By 1966, the fur ranching output reached nearly 84% (in currency) of gross national fur production; 80% of all ranch-reared pelts were produced in the RSFSR, chiefly by specialized state and collective farms. From viewpoint of fur ranching, the Far North is divided into two 7
zones; one is the coastal region along ice-free seas with well-developed fisheries and yearround trawler fishing: Murmansk Kamchatka, and parts of Magadan Provinces; the other zone is the continental North incl the Arctic Ocean coast without an advanced fishing industry. Typical fur-ranching units of the first zone are described as equipped with animal sheds, large refrigeration facilities, and mechanized feed-preparation kitchens. Breeding concentrates on mink and the blue arctic fox. Competition for fish meal between fur ranches and fish canneries is indicated. The fur ranching type of universal shed built on extended concrete columns with aboveground floor level is described. In the continental North zone, with about 200 fur ranches, an important by-product is involvement of the indigenous population in socially useful work and the transformation of nomadic or semi-nomadic way of life into a CaMAI, DLC. settled one. 101646 AFANAS'YEVA, L.T. and others.
O svyazi geomagnitnykh pul'satsiy tipa Pi2 s parametrami avroral'noy zony. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1970. v.10, no.4, p.756-58, graphs, illus) 12 refs. In Russian. Other authors: O.M. Raspopov, R.V. Shchepetnov, V.K. Koshelevskiy and M.D. Nazarov. Title tr.: Relationship between the Pit type of geomagnetic pulsations and auroral-zone parameters. Analyzes the relationship of the parameters of these irregular geomagnetic pulsations to auroral zone morphology. The Pi2 time period t is found to depend upon the position of the southern boundary of the auroral zone. The auroral zone position was obtained from the 1GY data of the Murmansk, Chelyuskin, and Verkhoyansk stations, and the Pit pulsation data from standard tellurograms obtained at the Lovozero, Chelyuskin, and Alma-Ata stations. Correlations are established between the Pi2 geomagnetic pulsations and the auroral zone parameters, also between the direction of the main axis of Pit ellipse of polarization, and the azimuths of the auroral arcs. The mechanism of Pit generation is explained by a blob of plasma from the tail of the magnetosphere arriving at the auroral zone, and subsequent precipitation of the corpuscles responsible for the bay-like disturbances of the geomagnetic DLC. field. 101647 AFANAS'YEVA, N.S. and V.A. Magmaticheskiye diapiry FARADZHEV. Penzhinskogo sinklinoriya, Severo-Vostok SSSR. (Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geologiya i razvedka 1969. no.8, Title tr.: p.15-21, maps) 6 refs. In Russian. Magmatic diapirs of the Penzhina synclinorium, northeastern USSR. Magmatic diapirs are mostly found 8
between the Orlovka River in the Anadyr basin and the Chernaya in the Penzhina basin. Three groups of these anticlinal folds are briefly characterized and typical structures are described and illus. The associated anticlines may be prospective for oil and gas. DLC. 101648 AFANAS'YEVA, R.F. and others. Nekotoryye pokazateli teplovogo sostoyaniya cheloveka pri okhlazhdenii razlichnoy intensivnosti. (Gigiyena i sanitariya 1969. v.34, no.10, p.3I-35, graph, tables) Refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: V.I. KriTitle tr.: Certain chagin and S.G. Okuneva. indexes of the thermal state of man at various intensity of cooling. Investigates the extent of heat emission by the surface of the human body at air temperatures 35 to -10°C. 20-40 min after the first measurement, the heat emission decreases due to a decrease in the blood flow to the extremities, i.e. spasm of peripheral vessels. This decrease is 20-21% at 10°C, 15-17% at 5° and 0°, and 8-14% at -5° and -10°C. This process slows the growth of body heat loss 15-20% but does not prevent it. Data on the pulse, blood pressure and temperature of the skin at the varDLC. ying external temperatures are given. Biostratigrafiya 101649 AFITSKIY, A.I. triasovykh i yurSkikh otlozheniy basseyna reki Bol'shoy Anyuy, Zapadnaya Chukotka. Moskva, Nauka 1970. 152 p. illus. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Severo-Vostochnyy kompleksnyy n.-issl. inst. Trudy no.26) Approx 150 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biostratigraphy of Triassic and Jurassic deposits of the Bol'shoy Anyuy River basin, western Chukotka. Presents the first systematic description of the biostratigraphy of these deposits. Paleontological data are given for the detailed stratigraphic separation of the Mesozoic deposits from the Ladinian stage of the Triassic to the Callovian of the Jurassic. Correlation of the sections is made with other regions of the USSR and elsewhere. A systematic description is offered for the fossil fauna, mostly cephalopod and bivalve molluscs. Special attention is paid to the Norian and Rhaetic stages. DLC. 101650 AFITSKIY, A.I. and B.F. PALYMTektonicheskoye razvitiye pozdneSKIY. mezozoyskikh okrainnykh vpadin Chukotki. (In: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po tektonike Sibiri...Mezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p.68-73) In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonic development of the late Mesozoic marginal depressions of Chukotka. The structural position of these depressions at the junction of Mesozoic fold complexes with the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt determined the specific character of their tectonic development. Molasse
deposits accumulated in both the early and late stages of tectonic activity. Knowledge of the formation and growth of the depressions enables one to understand the transition to a new phase of tectonic activity in western DLC. Chukotka.
101651 AFONINA, R.G. and YA.I. FEL'DSHTEYN. Magnitnaya aktivnost' v vysokikh shirotakh severnogo polushariya v period maksimuma i minimuma solnechnogo tsikla. (AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyy geofizicheskiy komitet. Polyamyye siyaniya 1968. no.17, p.139-65, graphs, tables, illus) 33 refs. In RusTitle tr.: Magnetic sian. English summary. activity at high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere during the periods of maximum and minimum of the solar cycle. Discusses the space-time regularities in geomagnetic activity of various levels of planetary disturbances in the IGY-IQSY period, using the equivalent ranges of K (three-hourly) geomagnetic indices obtained at 22 incl 16 northerly stations. It was found that at the corrected geomag lat 70°N or higher, geomagnetic activity remains at a high level also in the years of the minimum of the solar activity cycle; the region of max values of the mean three-hourly equivalent geomagnetic amplitude in 70°N is oval in form and located at higher latitudes by day and lower by night; with the increase of the planetary geomagnetic index K„, the region of max disturbance is shifted to lower latitudes, but in all cases its oval form is preserved. The displacement of the oval is noted to agree well with the dynamics of the auroral belt, and oval form to be more clearly expressed in summer DLC. than in winter.
101652 AFONINA, R.G. and YA.I. FEL'D0 forme ekvivalentnoy SHTEYN. tokovoy sistemy polyamykh geomagnitnykh vozmushcheniy. (Geomagnetizm aeronomiya 1969. v.9, no.1, p.176-79, illus) 8 Tide tr.: The form of an refs. In Russian. equivalent current system of polar geomagnetic disturbances. Discusses an equivalent electric current system in which one westerly-oriented electric jet occupies all longitudes at the latitudes of the auroral zone oval. Data of three located on the same geomagnetic meridian pairs of stations (Dikson-Chelyuskin, Uelen-Barrow, and Ft Churchill-Baker Lake) were used to analyze changes in the direction of the electric vectors to determine the system which best represents the global polar magnetic disturbance. The proposed one-vortex current system is found to DLC. agree best with the observation data.
101653 AFONINA, R.G. and YA.I. FEL'DSHTEYN. Polyarnyye magnitnyye vozmushcheniya i vtorzheniye energichnykh chastits v
ionosferu. (Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya 1968. v.6, no.1, p.150-53, illus) 24 refs. In RusTitle tr.: Polar magnetic disturbances sian. and invasion of the ionosphere by high-energy particles. Discusses the basic statistical regularities in the occurrence of polar geomagnetic disturbances, using data of the IGY winter season when 77 bay-like disturbances recorded at 15 stations in >60°N geomag lat were investigated. Isolines of the frequency of positive and negative bays of >150 and of the equivalent electric current system of a polar geomagnetic disturbance are given. This equivalent current system may serve as a basis for calculating electric fields on a global scale. DLC.
101654 AGAPITOV, Di and V.V. IVANOV. Istoriya tektonicheskogo razvitiya Penzhinsko-Anadyrskogo rayona v pozdnem mezozoye i kaynozoye. (Geotektonika 1969, Title no.1, p.68-82, maps) Refs. In Russian. m: Tectonic history of the Penzhina-Anadyr region in the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic. On the basis of geologic-geophysical investigation and new data on stratigraphy and tectonics, the tectonic history of the region is outlined. Development of the geosyncline is divided into three main stages, and each is analyzed. Internal zonation of the region is discussed. DLC.
101655 AGAPITOV, Di and others. Novyye dannyye o neftegazonosnosti Anadyrskoy vpadiny na Chukotke, po rezul'tatam bureniya pervoy opornoy skvazhiny. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1969. ser. geol. no.7, p.135-37, map) In Russian. Other authors: Yu.K. Burlin and I. Ye. Drabkin. Title tr.: New data on the oil and gas prospects of the Anadyr depression in Chukotka. Reviews various types of investigation and presents a structural scheme of the Anadyr depression. An exploratory well drilled on 8 Oct 1967 and some data from it are summarized. Samples tested and depth, porosity, gas permeability etc are reported. Content of methane, ethane, propane, etc is given. Neogene deposits may be productive. DLC. 101656 AGESHIN, P.N. and others.
Protonnyye vspyshki 7 iyulya, 2 sentyabrya 1966 g. i 28 yanvarya 1967 g. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1969. v.9, no.3, p.538-40, graphs, table) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.V. Bayarevich, Yu.I. Stozhkov, A.N. Charakhch'yan and T.N. Charakhch'yan. Title tr.: Proton flares of 7 July and 2 September 1966, and 28 January 1967. Reports the results of cosmic ray measurements in the stratosphere over Murmansk and Mirnyy (Antarctica) comparing the proton intensity at Murmansk with that in the strato-
sphere over Kiruna, and with data of the neutron monitor at Ft Churchill. The variations in the proton emission intensity is discussed, and their average free path until diffusion is found to be of the order of 10- cm, being independent of the particle impulse. The relationship between chromospheric flares in the sun, and the proton emission intensity is shown. DLC. 101657 AGEYEV, K.S. and others. Usloviya formirovaniya rossypey olova v predelakh akvatorii Van'kinoy guby, more Laptevykh. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.368-70) In Russian. Other authors: S.I. Andreyev, N.P. Semenov, and Yu.A. Li. Title tr.: Conditions of tin placer formation in and near Van'kina Bay, Laptev Sea. Characterizes the geologic conditions of the region. It has two genetic types of tin placers, one eluvial-diluvial overlain by silty sandstone, the other beach placers. A third type is the marine placers in the central part of the bay. The beach placers in the vicinity of the Natin River may be of commercial interest and should be further investigated. DLC. 101658 AGROV, N.V. Doroga v Nadym. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1971. v.16, no.8, p.11) In Russian. Title tr.: The road to Nadym. Describes the problems of weather and terrain in establishing access to Nadym, about 300 km from the Labytnangi railhead, for construction crews to make a winter road between the two points. DLC. 101659 AHLEN, I. Notes on four rare bird species on Spitsbergen. (Var fagelvarld 1967. v.26, no.1, p.1-5, illus) Refs. Swedish summary. Reports on 1962 and 1964 fieldwork of the Lund University Svalbard Expedition. The buff-breasted sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis, the lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus, the common murre Uria aalge, and the garden warbler Sylvia borin were found; date and location, the bird's activity, condition, and appearance are noted. DLC. 101660 AHLMANN, H. and C. LEIJONHUFVUD. Underground machinery and equipment at Kiruna. (Canadian mining journal 1968. v.89, no.5, p.58-62, graph, illus) Mechanization since 1959 at this iron mine in northern Sweden has increased production from >5000 to >13,000 metric tons of rock/man/yr. Automatic components and systems for drilling and loading are in progress. An ammonium nitrate plus oil charging truck, locomotive, two types of loaders and five types of drilling equipment are described and illus. DGS. 10
101661 AHTI, T. and others. Vegetation zones and their sections in northwestern Europe. (Annales botanici fennici 1968. v.5, no.3, p.I69-211, maps, table) Approx 210 refs. Other authors: L. Hamet-Ahti and J. Jalas. Discusses factors in developing a workable geobotanical classification and applies the result to the area of northwestern Europe. Besides latitudinal and altituJinal zonation, bioclimatically a third dimension, oceanic vs continental is a primary factor. Phytogeographic divisions are mainly bioclimatic (climatic, biotic, zonal) or edaphic-topographic (azonal, provincial) or floristic, or are mixtures of the three. Climatic criteria such as rainfall, temperature means and sums, length of growing season, etc, site exposure, and areal dimensions are considered. Whether a classification can be made applicable to both lower and higher latitudes is uncertain. The concept of a cold zone at sea level in high latitudes and rising vertically as a belt in progressively lower latitudes may be a solution. Older ambiguous terms are discussed and adoption of more precise nomenclature is suggested. Finally, the zones and sections for northwestern Europe are mapped and tabulated. DLC. AHTI, T., see also No. 107822. 101662 AHVENAINEN, J. Some contributions to the question of Dutch traders in Lapland and Russia at the end of the sixteenth century. Rovaniemi, Lapin Tutkimusseura 1967. 53 p. map, tables. (Acta lapponica Fenniae 6; also pub as Studia historica Jyvaskylaensia 5) Approx 75 refs. Dutch trade with Russia via the northern route was begun by a company founded in 1577. The Russians traded furs and hides, fats, especially seal-oil, dried or salted fish, livestock products, hemp, flax, tar and pitch. The Dutch merchants traded foodstuffs and spices, chemicals, medical supplies, metals, etc. Probably 1020 Dutch vessels were engaged in this traffic, estimated to range 800-3200 ton/yr one way. It increased in the early 17th century when grain was brought from Russia by this route. CaMAI, NNC. AIDJEX LAKE WILDERNESS CONFERENCE, 21-22 June 1971 see No. 108038. 101663 AIDJEX. Working Group on Numerical Modeling and Analysis Third working session held on November 13 and 14, 1970, at the University of Washington. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.5, p.55-58) Gives the program and summarizes discussions of air stress from pressure maps, time-dependent Ekman layer, ice acceleration, processing remote sensing data, interaction of ice strain and heat balance,
mass balance equation, ice as a continuum or not, space and time scales on which strain measurements should be made, finding a constitutive law and interpretation of stress and strain data. A list of participants is appended. CaMAI,' DN-HO.
the main and Iwo satellite camps. CaMAI, DN-HO. AIRLIE SYMPOSIUM, 1966, 101884.
AIZAWA, H., see No. 104687. 101664 AIDJEX STAFF. Bibliography on pack ice kinsmatics and mechanical behavior. (AIDJEX bulletin 1970. no.2, p.61-65) Lists 50 references to papers published 1902-1970. CaMAI, DN-HO. 101665 AIDJEX STAFF. Bibliography on water stress on the under-ice surface. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.4, p.54-55) Lists 19 references published 1960-1970. CaMAI, DN-HO. 101666 AIDJEX STAFF. 1971 pilot study summaries. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.5, p.37-46, illus) Describes the planned programs of the CRREL-USCG field programs, air stress, energy and momentum exchange (Arctic Submarine Laboratory, San Diego, Calif), synoptic hydrographic measurements and detailed water-stress measurements (University of Washington), and comparative hydrographic activities (Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory), during the 1971 AIDJEX pilot studies from ice floes in Beaufort Sea. CaMAI, DN-HO. 101667 AIDJEX STAFF. Scientific operations of the 1972 AIDJEX pilot study. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.1 I, p.25-30) The I Mar - 30 Apr 1972 field program is the most ambitious in the series of pilot studies preceding the main 1975 experiment. The array of three manned and five unmanned data buoy stations centered ---400 km north of Point Barrow, Alaska, and the scientific program are briefly described. Fundamental questions to be resolved are: strain, geostrophic flow in the ocean, water and air stresses, heat budget and radiation, remote sensing, ocean tilt and acceleration, and testing ERTS data platforms and several IRLS data transmitters. Tabulated data on the 23 projects and their investigators, institutions and funding agencies, are appended. CaMAI, DN-HO. 101668 AIDJEX STAFF. Station positions, azimuths, weather 1972; AIDJEX pilot study, preliminary data. (AIDJEX bulletin 1972. no.14, p.63-69 text, 135 tables, graphs, map, illus) Notes recording methods and procedures for latitude and longitude, azimuth, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction, air temperature, sky cover and satellite positioning, that precede Mar-Apr tabulated data from
101669 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Akademik Andrey Aleksandrovich Grigor'yev, 1883-1968. (Its: lzvestiya 1968, ser. geog. no.6, p.5-9) In Russian. Title tr.: Academician Andrey Aleksandrovich Grigor'yev, 18831968. Obituary of this noted geographer, explorer of Soviet arctic regions, Yakutia and other areas, and long-time leader of the Academy of ' Sciences' Institute of Geography. DLC. 101670 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Darnevostochnyy filial. Geologicheskiy Institut. Voprosy geologii, petrologii i metallogeny metamorficheskikh kompleksov Vostoka SSSR. Vladivostok 1968. 129 p. table. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of the geology, petrology and metallogeny of metamorphic complexes of eastern USSR. Contains 61 papers, of which 11 are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: A.I. Baykov and V.N. Luk'yanov, N.L. Dobretsov and L.G. Ponomareva, M.L. Gel'man, S.Z. Gorbachev and others, N.A. Khramov and others, M. M. Lebedev, A.F. Marchenko, M.A. Mishkin and V.S. Shkodzinskiy, V.V. Otochkin, I.A. Sidorchuk and L.L. German, and I.A. Tararin. DLC. 101671 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Geologicheskiy institut i Institut okeanologii. Tektonicheskaya karta Tikhookeanskogo segmenta Zemli; Tectonic map of the Pacific segment of the earth. Moskva 1970. 6 col sheets approx 43 1/2" x 33" each. Refs. Legends in Russian and English. Editors: Yu.M. Pushcharovskiy and G.B. Udintsev. Distinguishes the various orogenies and structural features by region. Massifs in the orogenic and geosynclinal region of the circum-Pacific tectonic belt are indicated, as are thalassocratons and the oceanic active belt of the Pacific Ocean floor, also resonance-tectonic structures and faults. An inset map shows locaDGS. tions of Pacific seamounts. 101672 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Institut geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy, Novaya Zemlya: obshcheye opisaniye issledovaniy. Moskva 1962. 74 p. maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. By O.P. Chizhov and N.M. Svatkov. Title tr.: Data on the glaciological investigations, Novaya Zemlya: general description of the investigations. Outlines the organization, logistics and per11
sonnel of the 19-man party from the Academy of Sciences' Institute of Geography, which carried out IGY studies on Novaya Zemlya in 1957-1959. The arrangement of the work at the two stations on Shokal'skogo Glacier, instrumentation, etc are described. Meteorological observations, measurements of snow accumulation and temperature, firn and ice, ground temperature, firn and ice structure and ice movement were made. Day-to-day activities of the party are included, as is a list of the publications and one of geographic names. Scientific reports from the glaciological party's work are abstracted in this Bibliography as No 6954769552. CaMAI, DLC. AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. okeanologii., see No.101671.
101683 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Karel'skiy filial. Institut geologii. Geologiya slyudyanykh mestorozhdeniy Karelii i Kol'skogo poluostrova, metodika ikh razvedki i promyshlennoye ispol'zovaniye slyudy. Petrozavodsk, Karel'skoye knizhnoye izd-vo 1969. 210 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Its: Trudy no.4) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geology of the micaceous deposits of Karelia and Kola Peninsula, prospecting methods and industrial development. Contains 18 papers of which 13 are abstracted in this . Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: B.Ya. Alekseyev, G.M. Arutyunov, P.P. Borovikov and T.S. Ignat'yeva, L.L. Grodnitskiy (2 papers), T.A. Lutkovskaya and V.A. Konshin (2 papers), N.D. Malov, G.P. Safronova, G.P. Safronova and M.B. Rayevskaya, M.M. Stenar', V.S. Stepanov and N.A. Voyenushkina, and O.I. Volodichev. DLC. 101674 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Kol'skiy filial. Gornometallurgicheskiy institut. Fizika i tekhnologiya razrabotki nedr. Moskva, Nauka 1965. 135 p. graphs, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Physics and technology of mine development. Contains 23 papers, 17 of which are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: S.P. Alekhichev and G.V. Kalabin, S.P. Alekhichev and others (2 papers), Yu.I. Anistratov and V.V. Istomin, LI Baron and A.V. Klyuchnikov, N.S. Bulychev and others, V.V. Gushchin and others, L.A. Puchkov and S.P. Alekhichev, Yu.A. Shashmurin and V.D. Lukovskiy, M.I. Shiman and V.A. Antonenko, G.N. Sirotyuk and N.I. Markova, V.M. Sukhodrev and G.S. Torochkov, I.A. Turchaninov (2 papers), N.Z. Tyn'yanov and others (2 papers), and V.A. Tyuremnov. DLC. 101675 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Komi filial. Institut geologic. Biostratigrafiya paleo12
zoya severo-vostoka Yevropeyskoy chasti SSSR. Syktyvkar 1967. 94 p. map, tables, illus. (Its: Trudy no.6) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Paleozoic biostratigraphy of the northeast European part of the USSR. Contains five papers on the fauna and flora of the Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian deposits of the area, all abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: L.A. Fefilova, N.V. Kalashnikov, Z.P. Mikhaylova, V.A. Molin and M.I. Murav'yeva, and V.S. DLC. Tsyganko. 101676 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po kompleksnym issledovaniyam zemnoy kory i verkhney mantii. Glubinnoye stroyeniye Urala. Moskva, Nauka 1968. 334 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Depth structure of the Urals. Collection of 45 papers including two on the Northern Urals abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: I.D. SoboDLC. lev and Yu.A. Yezhov. 101677 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po tektonike Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Mezozoyskiy tektogenez. Magadan 1971. 318 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. In Russian. Title tr.: Mesozoic tectogenesis. Contains 53 papers presented at the seventh session of the Scientific Council on Tectonics of Siberia and the Far East in Aug-Sept 1969 at Magadan. Thirty-three papers of northern interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: A.I. Afitskiy and B.F. Palymskiy, Yu.V. Arkhipov and others, V.F. Belyy, S.G. Byalobzheskiy and O.N. Ivanov, A.D. Chekhov, B.M. Chikov, R.O. Galabala, N.A. Gerasimova and others, F.G. Gurari and others, S.I. Gurvich and others, V.V. 1vanov, L.I. Izmaylov and A.D. Chekhov, Yu.G. Kobylyanskiy and I.M. Migovich, A.V. Korobitsyn, L.L. Krasnyy, P.K. Kulikov and M.Ya. Rudkevich, V.M. Lebedev and others, B.I. Mal'kov, V.M. Merzlyakov, V.M. Merzlyakov and others, A.A. Mezhvilk, I.M. Migovich and V.P. Pokhialaynen, A.P. Milov, G.Ye. Nekrasov and others, N.I. Otnyukov and G.V. Korobkov, B.F. Palymskiy, Ye.A Radkevich, V.K. Sadakov, V.N. Sholpo, T.N. Spizharskiy, S.M. Til'man, M.L. Verba, S.D. Voznesenskiy DLC. and N.G. Mannafov. 101678 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Otdekniye nauk o Zemle. Stroyeniye i razvitiye zemnoy kory na Sovetskom Dal'nem Vostoke. Moskva, Nauka 1969. 162 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structure and development of the earth's crust in the Soviet Far East. Contains 12 papers on geophysical investigations of the earth's crust. Five are abstracted
in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: S.A. Fedotov and others E.E. Fotiadi and others, (2 papers), I.P. Kartashov and others, and L.I. Krasnyy and B.A.Andreyev. DLC. 101679 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Stratigrafiya mezozoya i kay-
nozoya sredney Sibiri. Novosibirsk, Nauka 1967. 192 p. maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphy of central Siberia. Collection of 21 papers, ten of them abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: S.V. Artamonova and others, T.F. Balabanova, R.A. Bidzhiyev, R.O. Galabala and B.N. Leonov (2 papers), V.M. Lebedev and others, M.S. Mesezhnikov, V.N. Saks and Yu.V. Teslenko, Yu.L. Slastenov, and DLC. V.P. Vladimirovich and others. 101680 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Institut geologii geofiziki.
Chetvertichnaya geologiya i geomorfologiya Sibiri. Novosibirsk 1962. 177 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Its: Trudy, no.27) Refs. In Russian. Editor: V.N. Saks. Title tr.: Quaternary geology and geomorphology of Siberia. Contains 13 papers, eight of arctic interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors names, viz: S.A. Arkhipov and Kh.A. Kink, Yu.P. Baranova, S.F. Biske, V.I. Gudina and A.V. Gol'bert, O.V. Kashmenskaya and Z.M. Khvorostova, Z.M. Khvorostova and O.V. Kashmenskaya, V.A. Nikolayev, and A.P. DLC. Puminov. 101681 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Institut geologii i geofiziki.
Mezozoyskiye morskiye fauny Severa i Dal'nego Vostoka SSSR i ikh stratigraficheskoye znacheniye. Moskva, Nauka 1968. 156 p. graphs, tables, illus. (Its: Trudy no.48) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mezozoic marine faunas of the Soviet North and Far East and their stratigraphic significance. Contains 13 papers, 11 of which are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: V.A. Basov, R.T. Goduntsov and others, Ye.F. Ivanova, T.I. Nal'nyayeva, V.N. Saks and T.I. Nal'nyayeva, V.N. Saks and others, N.I. Shul'gina, R.V. Tcys and others, M.N. Vavilov, Ye.S. Yershova and S.V. Meledina, and V.A. Zakharov. CaMAI, DLC. AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoye see otdeleniye. Institut geologii i geofiziki., No. 107628. 101682 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Severo-Vostochnyy kompleksnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut.
Inotseramy yury i mela Severo-Vostoka SSSR. Magadan 1969. 191 p. graphs, tables, illus. (Its: Trudy no.32) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Jurassic and Cretaceous Inoceramus in the Soviet Northeast. Contains seven papers on these bivalve molluscs, six of which are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: Z.V. Koshelkina (3 papers), L.V. Milova, V.P. Pokhialaynen, and G.P. Terekhova. DLC. 101683 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Institut geologii. Geologiya i
petrologiya intruzivnykh trappov Sibirskoy platformy. Moskva, Nauka 1966. 260 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Editor: A.M. Vilenskiy. Title tr.: Geology and petrology of the trap intrusions of the Siberian platform. Contains 14 papers; 13 of arctic interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: G.I. Kavardin and I.N. Goryainov, L.I. Kravtsova, M.S. Mashchak and others, K.N. Nikishov and L.V. Nikishova, B.V. Oleynikov, G.N. Osipova, N.D. Pavlov, G.N. Staritsyna, Yu.R. Vasil'yev, A.M. Vilenskiy (3 papers), and V.V. Zolotukhin. DLC. 101684 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Institut geologii. Geologiya,
petrografiya i mineralogiya magmaticheskikh obrazovaniy severo-vostochnoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy. Moskva, Nauka 1970. 337 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geology, petrography and mineralogy of magmatic formations in the northeastern part of the Siberian platform. Contains 22 papers all of which are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: 1.P. [lupin, I.P. Ilupin and I.T. Kozlov, I.P. Ilupin and P.P. Levshov, I.P. llupin and N.P. Nagayeva, I.P. Ilupin and others, A.D. Khar'kiv and Yu.l. Mel'nik, A.F. Konstantinova and K.K. Abrashev, V.V. Koval'skiy and K.N. Nikishov, V.V. Koval'skiy and others, V.F. Krivonos and others, V.K. Marshintsev (3 papers), G.M. Muzyka and K.G. Chumirin, K.N. Nikishov and V .V . Gamyanina, A.A. Pankratov and Ye.D. Chernyy, A.I. Ponomarenko and A.A. Poturoyev, A.I. Ponomarenko and others, E.A. Shamshina and others, E.A. Shamshina and G.P. Mikhalev, M.N. Vasil'yeva, and A.M. Vilenskiy and B.V. Oleynikov. DLC. 101685 AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Institut geologii. Leno-Vilyuyskaya
neftegazonosnaya provintsiya. Moskva, Nauka 1969. 277 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus, approx 350 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: LenaVilyuy oil and gas province. Review of the search for oil and gas since 1950-51. Drilling of exploratory wells, seismic, 13
gravity and magnetic investigations are summarized. Results of oil and gas search are evaluated. In four parts, the volume contains 31 papers which are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: T.E. Baranova and others, A.V. Bubnov and others, A.P. Bunyakov and Yu.L. Slastenov, K.R. Chepikov and others, M.F. Chernykh and Yu.L. Slastenov, B.L. Dorman and M.I. Dorman, A.F. Fradkina, V.F. Kevvay and others, F. Sh. K hasanov, A. Ye. Kiselev, V.D. Matveyev, V.D. Matveyev and others, K.I. Mikulenko, K.B. Mokshantsev and others, S.S. Oksman, I.A. 011i, V.P. Pisakhovich and V.A. Gabeliya (2 papers), A.S. Ryzhkov and others, V.P. Semenov, V.P. Shabalin and V.D. Matveyev, V.P. Shabalin and L.A. Grubov, Yu.L. Slastenov and V.V. Tokin, A.Z. Solomon and others, Ye.G. Sorokina, A.A. Trofimuk and others (2 papers), M.K. Veynberg and others, O.P. Vyshemirskaya, V.S. Vyshemirskiy, and A.I. Yanis. DLC. 101686 AKASOFU, Si and C.I. MENG. Study of polar magnetic substorms. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.1, p.293313, graphs, map, table, illus) Refs. Discusses the isolated and intense polar magnetic substorm of 16 Dec 1964, examining its growth and decay from records of 73 incl 20 northern stations. The study is based on 5-min scaling of filmed records from World Data Center-A, and the distribution of geomagnetic disturbance vectors is used to examine the location and form of the actual current system of DLC. the substorm. AKASOFU, S.I., see also No. 103250. AKHMEROV, A., KH., see No. 106911. AKHMETOV, R.N., see No. 106172. and others. 101687 AKIMOV, A.P. Soderzhaniye urana v eklogitovykh vklyucheniyakh iz kimberlitovykh trubok. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.181, no.5, p.1245-48, tables) 9 refs. In Russian. Other authors: I.G. Berzina, M.Yu. Gurvich and B.G. Lutts. Title tr.: Uranium content in eclogitic xenoliths from kimberlite pipes. Reports a study of xenoliths from the Obnazhennaya and Slyudyanka pipes in Yakutia. Uranium concentration, chemical composition and major optical constants of the minerals and rocks from the xenoliths are given. These data can be utilized for calculation of the uranium balance in the DLC. earth's upper mantle and crust.
213 p. In Russian. Editor: N.P. Bychikhin. Title tr.: Acclimatization and regional pathology of man in the North. Transactions. Collection of some 100 papers presented at an interregional conference of northwestern provinces of the RSFSR held in Arkhangelsk, Oct-Nov 1969. Thirty of the more informative papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: B.G. Afanas'yev and others, N.A. Aleutskiy and O.N. Aleutskaya, T.I. Andronova and N.P. Neverova, I.V. Balyasnikova, R.V. Bannikova, R.V. Bannikova and L.S. Udalova, V.Ya. Belogorskiy and others, N.I. Bobrov and V.P. Tikhomirov, A.B. Vologzhaninov, A.N. Chernukho, M.M. Kantorovich, P.G. Knyazeva and V.P. Veselov, A.S. Kononov, R.V. Korel'skaya and Ye.A. Semenenko, S.A. Kuznetsova, A.S. Ladygina, V.Ya. Leont'yev, G.P. Lisitsa and A.I. Panteleyeva, O.N. Mezenova, M.I. Mochalova, N.P. Neverova and A.S. Kononov, N.P. Neverova and T.A. Andronova, G.N. Novozhiby, N.N. Shteling, A.M. Skorobogatova and others, Ye.V. Sorochenko, M.I. Starovoytova, GA. Suslonova and A.A. Yaroshenko, S.V. DLC. Turusinov, and A.P. Tyukina. 101689 AKRAMOVSKIY, I.I. Tektonicheskaya skhema basseyna r. Anadyr', severo-vostochnoye okonchaniye aziatskoy vetvi Tikhookeanskogo podvizhnogo poyasa. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.10, p.52-62, map, illus) 24 refs. In Russian. English sumTitle tr.: Tectonic scheme of the Anamary. dyr' River basin, northeastern terminus of the Asiatic arm of the Pacific mobile belt. Presents new tectonic and geologic maps of the region based on geologic and geophysical data, and a new interpretation of the tectonics of the region. The present tectonic plan is a result of a combination of structures of different age. The older Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous structures have a northwesterly orientation and the overlying structures of late Senonian-Cenozoic age have a northeasterly orientation. Structural connections of the Anadyr' basin with the Pacific mobile belt are discussed. DLC. Vodorosle101690 AKSENENKO, A. vaya promyshlennost' severnogo basseyna. (Rybnoye khozyaystvo 1970. v.46, no.11, p.11Title tr.: Seaweed industry 13) In Russian. in the Arctic basin. Discusses a decrease in the red algae genus Ahnfeltia of the Barents and White Seas in 1968 and notes its causes. Suggests the formation of a new combine in Arkhangel'sk and by scientifically improved methods to increase the production of special alginates, mannite, and DLC. agar. AKSENOV, M.P.,
No. 105757.
101691 AKSENOV, YE.M. and NS IGOLKINA. 0 vydelenii redkinskoy svity valdayskoy serii na severe Russkoy platformy. (Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geologiya i razvedka 1969. no.8, p.22-25) 18 refs. In Russian. Title Cr.: Definition of the Redkino suite of the Valday series in the north of the Russian platform. Reports studies of Sinian deposits at Arkhangelsk, Ust'-Pinega, Kotlas and Yarensk. Four subdivisions are described. The Redkino suite in the north can be correlated with the upper Valday series in the Moscow syneclise and other regions. DLC. 101692 AKSENOVA, V.D. and others. Vliyaniye erozionnogo sreza na raspredeleniye rossypey v zolotonosnykh zonakh YanoKolymskogo poyasa. (In: Vses. soveshchaniy e po geologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.274-78, map) In Russian. Other authors: P.O. Gcnkin and I.Ye. Drabkin. Title tr.: Influence of denudation on placer distribution in gold-bearing zones of the YanaKolyma belt. Formation of the placers took place during a period of intense denudation and erosion in the interval between the late Jurassic and the early Cretaceous. The placers are now buried at depths of 0.4-6 km, with the richest concentrations at depths of 2-4 km. DLC. AKSENOVA-PLOTNIKOVA, AS., see No. 101868. 101693 AKTSESSORNYYE MINERALY IZVERZHENNYKH POROD. Moskva. Nauka 1968. 331 p. graphs, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Accessory minerals in igneous rocks. Contains 56 articles, four of which are of arctic interest and are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: I.S. Ipat'yeva, T.A. Ivanova, Ye.D. Nadezhdina, and B.P. Zolotarev. DLC. ALASKA. 105299.
Dept. of Fish and Game see No.
101694 ALASKA. Dept. of Highways. Planning and Research Division. Alaska Peninsula crossing, socio-economic study. n. p. 1969.84, 57 p. maps, tables. Surveys the resources, economy and living conditions of Bristol Bay communities, the Alaska Peninsula from Katmai National Monument northward and the Lake Clark-Manilla region. An evaluation is offered on how their development may be aided by construction of a proposed highway across the base of the Peninsula. Present commercial and sport fisheries, big game and furbearers, minerals and prospective power sites are dealt with regionally,
as are population, standard of living, employment, and sea, air and road transportation. Appended are descriptions of 28 Bristol Bay villages, a survey of the area's resources and the actual and projected freight rates. The principal economic benefits of a highway would be opening up the Kasna Creek copper deposits, development of tourism, lowering of transportation costs during the Bristol Bay ice season. All these would help alleviate problems connected with Bristol Bay's overdependence on the seasonal salmon industry. DLC. 101695 ALASKA. Division of Lands. Annual report, 1968-1969. Anchorage, 1969-70, in progress. 2 nos. approx 70 p. each, graphs, maps, tables, illus. This Division of the Dept of Natural Resources deals with the management and use of forests; classification, appraisal, sales and leases of lands and management of school, univeristy (since 1960), mental health and borough lands; offshore protraction, land surveying and plotting under the Engineers section; sales, leases and prospecting permits for oil and gas, coal and other minerals; actions dealing with tide and submerged lands and water rights, sand, gravel, quarry rock, etc on or adjacent to these lands, sea boundary, floodplain and shore erosion studies and watershed experimentation, under the Water Resources section; planning, developing and maintaining a system of state parks and historic sites under the Parks and Recreation section. Each year's report on these activities has a statistical appendix. DOS. 101696 ALASKA. Division of Oil and Gas. Report for the year 1968. Anchorage, 1969, in progress. 98 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Reports the calendar yr activities and functions of the former Petroleum Branch, Division of Mines and Minerals (superseded 30 Aug 1968), the organization of the new Division and the regulatory work of the Oil and Gas Conservation Committee. The 13 oil and gas conservation orders issued are summarized in table I. The well records, incl electrical and formation logs, well samples and cores, maintained confidential for two yr, are listed, as are samples of 36 wells made available in 1968 and those to become public 1969. Oil and gas production accounting function is the basis for tax and royalty verification of state revenues, and projection of state income. Locations of active exploratory and development wells are given, also production statistics for eight oil fields and 19 gas fields; active petroleum companies are listed. DGS. ALASKA. Governor Egan, see No. 106045. 15
No. 107702.
101697 ALASKA. UNIVERSITY. Institute of Marine Sciences. Clay-organic & organicinorganic associations in aquatic environments, College, Alaska pt. I: Work in progress. 1969. 99 p. maps, tables, illus. Contains eight research reports and cruise reports of R/V Acona 1968. viz: LONGERICH, L.L. and D.W. HOOD. Trace element-organic associations in sea water, p.1-11, graph, 5 refs. Describes methods and discusses results of analyses for Zn, Cu and Na in Chukchi Sea water. There is evidence that the inorganic-organic complexes are necessary for solubility of some of the high molecular weight molecules. BURRELL, D.C. and C.M. HOSKIN. Geochemical investigations in Queen Inlet, SE Alaska, p.I2-14, maps, illus. Notes progress but no result of studies in an area which is an ideal environment for interaction of glacial sediment and fresh and marine water systems. CHOU, C. and D.C. BURRELL. Distribution of Ca and Mg in recent glacial sediments, p.I7-25, graphs, map, tables, 4 refs. Reports concentrations of these major ions in sediment interstitial water of Queen Inlet as the exchangeable fraction and the silicate structural content. ALI. S.A. and others. The zinc budget within an active glacial fiord, preliminary data, p.26-41, map, tables, illus, 3 refs. Gives salinity, pH, percent water contents and silt-clay size fractions of core samples and soluble zinc contents of core interstitial water from Queen Inlet of Glacier Bay. BURRELL, D.C. and L. GATTO Size fractionation of particulate sediments in Queen Inlet, S.E. Alaska, p.43-63, maps, tables, illus, 7 refs. In this uniglacial fiord, the characteristic • surface plume is a thin, dense suspension of sediment in a relatively cold freshwater lens. As mixing with the underlying warmer marine water progresses, the mean surface particulate sediment size decreases seaward. However, the subsurface size distribution is non-systematic. SHARMA, G.D. Size distribution of particulate matter in summer Chukchi Sea water, p.64.68, graphs, ref. Graphs show the data for material with 3-25 micron diam. The greatest mass occurs in surface layers to 10 m depth and the concentration of matter decreases with increasing depth, indicating that particles are primarily biomass. WALLEN, D.D. and D.C. BURRELL. Surface-meter distribution of major cations, p.69-75, graphs, ref. Southeast Alaska estuaries during seasons of high runoff show change in salinity ranging to 20% within the first m of depth. In some fiord estuaries large amounts of very fine silt or glacial flour is carried in the freshwater. This study is 16
pointed toward the evaluation of the exchange of cations on the suspended materials and the effect of the halocline on this process as the glacial flour slowly sinks through the density discontinuity. BURRELL, D.C. and D.W. HOOD. Trace metal analysis in the marine environment, p.76-83, tables, 7 refs. Gives tabulated data of Cu and Mn for deep profiles taken in the Arctic Ocean from T-3 ice island. Discussion concerns procedures and techniques. INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCES. Cruise reports R/V Acona, appendix C, maps, Gives the personnel, programs and station locations for cruise 074 in Reid Inlet and Glacier Bay, Rendu and Queen Inlets, Sept 16-21 and cruise 075 in North Dawes River and Endicott Arm, 23-27 Sept 1968. DGS. 101698 ALASKA. UNIVERSITY. Institute of Water Resources. Annual report, 1967-68. College, Alaska, 1967-68, in progress. 2 nos. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Reports programs, projects in progress, funding and state and federal interagency cooperation. Reports of completed projects are listed with publication references. DGS. ALASKA. UNIVERSITY. Institute of Water Resources, see also No. 106012. ALASKA UNIVERSITY. Mineral Industry Research Laboratory see No. 104112. 101699 ALASKA CONSTRUCTION & Putting slope rig-sites under windOIL. proof wraps. (Its: v.10, 1969, no.11, p.57, illus) Wind chill is the most serious hazard on the North Slope of Alaska in winter. Schneidler Industries, Inc of Seattle has developed an air structure in portable units, which will withstand a 100 mi/hr wind, -70°F temperature, and gas blowouts while protecting entire drilling derricks. Design features are described and DI. illus. ALASKA FEDERATION OF NATIVES see Nos. 108024, 108027. 101700 ALASKA GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. North Slope Stratigraphical Committee. Sag River Sandstone and Kuparuk River sands, two important subsurface units in the Prudhoe Bay field. (In: Geological Seminar on the North Slope of Alaska 1970. Proceedings, p. PI-P3, illus) Defines the sand (previously designated the Oxytoma formation) as the Sag River Sandstone, lying between the Jurassic Kingak Shale (above) and the Triassic Shublik Formation shales and limestones (below) in wells drilled in this oil field. The type section is in the
ARCO-Humble Sag River State no I well; it is considered late Triassic but may range into the early Jurassic. Kuparuk River sands is the informal name given to the interval containing several oil-productive sands at 6774-7054 ft depth in the Mobil-Phillips North Kuparuk State no I well. Oil-bearing sandstones within the interval have been designated the reservoir of the Kuparuk River Pool of the Prudhoe Bay field by the Alaska State Conservation Order no. 83-4, 12 Jan 1970. The interval is considered to be early Cretaceous in age. DGS. ALASKA SCIENCE CONFERENCE, 19th, 1968 see Nos. 107709, 107710. 101701 ALASKA SCIENCE CONFERENCE, 20th, College, .24-27 Aug 1969. Science in Alaska; proceedings. College, Alaska, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Alaska Division 1970. 425 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Editor: E.C. Viereck. The 1969 conference, chaired by Victor Fischer, was attended by nearly 1000 scholars, scientists, senior government officials and industry representatives. Two publications resulted, viz: a book, Change in Alaska,. qv, and the Proceedings, a collection of most of the papers presented, some in summary and abstract form. 36 of these appear separately in this Bibliography, under their authors' names*: Rogers, G.W. Summary of the conference, p.v-xii.
Petroleum development in the North Symposium: Economics of petroleum development FISHER, J. Alaska oil in historical perspective, p.3-5. ADELMAN, M.A. Significance of shifts in world oil supplies (abstract), p.5. LOVEJOY, W.F. The oil industry; its structure and regulation in Alaska and the lower 48 (abstract), p.6-7. ECKIS, R. Alaska oil in world markets (abstract), p.7.
Panel: Petroleum, politics and government *Engler, R. New frontiers for old. *Ikard, F. Petroleum industry relationship to government. *Thompson, A.R. Policy choices in petroleum legislation: Canada-Alaska comparisons.
Panel: Geological and exploration aspects of northern petroleum development GRYC, G. Geologic framework of the North Slope petroleum province (abstract), p.46-47. SWEET, J.M. Petroleum exploration in the north (abstract), p.48. *Burrell, H. The role of state agencies in petroleum exploration and development.
Panel: Engineering and transportation aspects of northern petroleum development *Wilson, L.F. Operational logistics.
*Henderson, D. Trans Alaska Pipeline system. S.B. Marine transport; the Northwest Passage project.
Social change and the native people ROGERS, G.W. Chairman remarks, p.8587. CONWAY, J. Changing the nation's ways (abstract), p.87-88. CHANCE, N. Directed change and northern peoples; suggested changes in light of past experience (abstract), p.88-89. *Jacobs, W.H. Imperatives for structural change in Alaska. *Hippler, A.E. Patterns of migration, urbanization and acculturation. *Wilson, M. Health status of the Alaskan native people. •Arnold, R.D. Characteristics of the economy of village Alaska... *Smith, V.L. The self-perception of the Alaskan native.
Panel: Government and the native people; the response to change DAVIS, N.Y. A village view of agencies (abstract), p.144-45. *Jones, D. Agency-community conflict. *Wolf, G. Native politics.
Panel: Cross-cultural education in the North *Fleshman, J.K. The effect of health on education of the Alaskan native child. *Rath, R.R. The cultural relevance of existing curricula in schools for Alaskan native pupils. *Orvik, J.M. Teacher characteristics applied to forecasting success in rural school teaching. RAY, C.K. Promising practices and programs for the culturally disadvantaged and their relevance for northern native people, p.194-205.
Impact of development on the environment Symposium: Man and the environment SCOTT, R.F. Effects of ecology on technological change (abstract), p.209-211. CALDWELL. L.K. Public policy for the environment (abstract), p.211.
Panel: Ecological impact of arctic development WEEDEN, R.B. Arctic oil and environmental degradation (abstract), p.212. HEMSTOCK, R.A. Impact of petroleum activities on arctic ecology (abstract), p.213. *Evans. C.D. Environmental effects of petroleum development in the Cook Inlet area.
Symposium: Environmental policies for the North WAYBURN, E. Conservationists' concern about arctic development (abstract), p.222-23. GALLOWAY, J.H. Petroleum industry policies for protecting the environment (abstract). p.223. *Glasgow, L.L. Federal responsibilities in the north: the North Slope task force. 17
Special symposium: Fisheries
Section: Resources development
*Kasahara, H. International aspects of Alaskan fisheries. *Comitini, S. Development of marine resources and regional economic growth in Alaska. CRUTCHFIELD, J. The Bristol Bay salmon fishery; a study of irrational conservation (abstract), p.249.
*Nelson, C.H. Potential development of heavy metal resources in the northern Bering Sea. LU, F.C.J. Applied operations research in petroleum resources development (abstract), p.376-77. ERICKSON, G. Alaska's petroleum resource policy; a crisis of direction (abstract), p.377. *Hedland, J.S. Economic considerations in oil and gas development. *Hakkila, J.O. The place of petroleum in Alaskan resource development. FRANCIS, K.E. Environmental adaptation and Alaskan development (abstract), p.394-95.
Special symposium: Planning communities in the North
FITZGERALD, J.H. Why, where, when and who of communities in the north (abstract), p.253-54. *Siemens, L.B. Some social and psychological influences. Section: Biology and agriculture *Schofield, E. and W.L. Hamilton. Proba-
ble damage to arctic ecosystems through airpollution effects on lichens. *Wookey, K.L. and others. Considerations involved in palatability of reindeer. WASHBURN, R.H. and R.A. DIETRICH. A preliminary report on warble control studies in reindeer (abstract), p.299-300. *Laughlin, W.M. and P.F. Martin. Effect of lime on lettuce, beet, and carrot growth at two fertilizer rates on homestead silt loam. Section: Geology
MUELLER, G. Geological aspects of the problem of origin of life (abstract), p.309. *Mayo, L.R. Classification and distribution of aufeis deposits, Brooks Range and Arctic Slope. *Stone, D.B. and C.P. Cameron. Paleomagnetic investigations in Alaska. Section: Physical aspects of arctic development
*Stehle, N.S. Protective coverings for snow, ice and frozen ground. *Trabant, D. and others. Physical-thermal processes in the seasonal snow cover of northern Alaska. *Kreitner, J.D. and C.S. Benson. The freezing cycle in a small turbulent stream. *Lewellen, R.I. and J. Brown. Man induced erosion on permafrost. Section: Medicine and health
MARROW, C.T. Changing profile of disease in interior and high latitude Alaska (abstract), p.335-36. NOBLE. G.R. and others. Viral and bacterial causes of pneumonia among Eskimo children of western Alaska (abstract), p.336. CLARK, P.S. and others. Influenza B epidemic Klawock, Alaska, 1969 (abstract), p.337. *Reinhard, K.R. Indirect economic costs of disease among Indians and Alaska natives. DEXTER, W.R. Psychological considerations of the arctic work situation; disinhibition and response topography (abstract), p.353-54. Duncan. I.W. Genetic engineering, p.35463. 18
Section: Special papers
ROWINSKI, L.J. The object record (abstract), p.396. WALLEN, J. The Alaska State Museum and cultural transition; a changing relationship (abstract), p.396-97. CLINE, M.S. Notes on the observed effects of a winter road upon the Nunamiut Eskimos of Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska, with predictions for their future (abstract), p.397-98. BLAND, L.L. Adult basic education needs assessment for the State of Alaska (abstract), p.398. Section: Oceanography and engineering
MATH1SEN, O.A. Assessment of fish populations by acoustical means (abstract), p.399. *Little, E.M. Internal waves in the Arctic Ocean at haloclines. CLASBY, R. and J.J. KELLEY. Self contained laboratories for field investigations (abstract), p.407-408. CLARK, L.K. Moon-light water for Nome (abstract), p.408. BERKEY, F.T. An educational television distribution network for Alaska (abstract), p.409. WALKER, G. and D.H. NORRIE. Northern transportation research at the University of Calgary (abstract), p.409-410. DEDIJER, S. A science policy for Alaska? p.413-24.11STEVENS, T. Congress and the north (abstract), p.425. CaMAI, DGS. ALASKA SCIENCE CONFERENCE, 20TH, 1969 see also No. 102798.
ALASKA SCIENCE CONFERENCE, 21st, College, 17-19 Aug, 1970, see No. 107703.
ALAVA, V., see No. 103368. ALBEE, P.R., see No. 102111. ALBERTA & NORTHWEST CHAMBER OF MINES, see No. 106044.
101702 ALBERTA HISTORICAL REVIEW. North-West Mounted Police: a brief history. (Its: v.15, 1967. no.3, p.1-7, illus) Based on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police report "An historical outline of the Force". CaMM. 101703 ALBRECHT, C.E. Circumpolar health-related problems. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no. I, p.3-5) Reports on the 1967 Symposium on Circumpolar Health-Related Problems, Univ of Alaska, 23-28 July, sponsored by the Arctic Institute of North America under a grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Speakers from Canada and the USA were joined by representatives from Denmark, Greenland, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the USSR. The papers presented related to pulmonary and virus diseases, zoonoses, environmental stresses on human behavior, physiology, anthropology, nutrition and hazardous contamination of the environment. CaMAI, DLC. 101704 ALBRECHT, C.E. Eradication of some arctic infectious diseases. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.66875) 16 refs. Advocates the development of programs for eradication of smallpox, poliomyelitis, measles, syphilis and tuberculosis from arctic and subarctic regions. The population is sparse there and results should be achieved in a relatively shorter time than elsewhere, though even in the Arctic eradication will take generations. The TB-control effort, very successful in Alaska, is described. DLC. ALBRECHT, C.E., see also No. 103526. 101705 ALBREKTSSON, T. and others. Ornitologisk inventering i Padjelanta nationalpark 1966, 1967 och 1968. (Fauna och flora 1969. v.64, no.1, p.20-30, illus) 43 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Other authors: R. Knape and M. Sandstrom. Title tr.: An inventory of birds in Padjelanta National Park in 1966, 1967 and 1968. Lists 47 species observed in this north Swedish national park, with some comments on frequency and nesting. DLC. 101706 ALDOSHIN, A.V. and M.A. GALKIN. Novyye dannyye o rtutonosnosti basseyna verkhnego techeniya r. Indigirki. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.1, p.I24-26, map) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on mercury occurrences in the upper Indigirka River basin. Reviews the mercury and cinnabar occurrences discovered in recent years. Three main
trends of mercury occurrences are defined, two of them good prospects for exploration. DLC. 101707 ALEKHICHEV, S.P. and others. Isporzovaniye energii svobodnoy strui dlya provetrivaniya rabochikh mest v kar'yerakh. (In: AN SSSR. Kol'skiy filial. Gornometallurgicheskiy inst. Fizika i tekhnologiya...1965, p.88-91, graphs, table, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Ye.G. Maksimov and V.I. Usynin. Title tr.: Utilization of free jet energy for ventilation of mine workings. Discusses the method of forced ventilation in the S.M. Kirov and Kaula mines, where gases from the transportation vehicles pollute the air. The concentration of poisonous gases and lack of natural ventilation caused 130 hr work stoppage at Kaula during the first quarter of 1962. Installation of ventilators forcing air through a converging conical nozzle was found practical for removing the gases. Air forced out of the nozzle with a 90 m/sec velocity moves in a spreading jet as far as 65 m where its velocity drops to 0.7 m/sec. A schematic drawing of the installation is given. DLC. 101708 ALEKHICHEV, S.P. and others. Kharakteristika sostoyaniya atmosfery na kar'yerakh Kol'skogo poluostrova. (In: AN SSSR. Kol'skiy filial. Gornometallurgicheskiy inst. Fizika i tekhnologiya...1965, p.81-88, tables) In Russian. Other authors: V.I. Usynin, Ye.G. Maksimov and Ye.K. Kustova. Title tr.: Atmospheric condition in open mines of the Kola Peninsula. Discusses pollution by dust and gases as found in 1963 in seven mines and considers preventive and remedial measures. Characteristics of dust dissemination during various production processes are tabulated. The formaldehyde, acrolein, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and oxygen content in the air of the 112 m deep Kaula mine, Pechenganikel' combine, is given. Blasting and ore loading are found to be the main agents of air contamination. DLC. 101709 ALEKHICHEV, S.P. and G.V. KALABIN. 0 formule dlya opredeleniya velichiny yestestvennoy tyagi na nagornykh rudnikakh. (In: AN SSSR. Kol'skiy filial. Gornometallurgicheskiy inst. Fizika i tekhnologiya...1965, p.128-31, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A formula for determining the strength of natural draft in upland mines. In the proposed formula, °C temperature inside and outside the mine, the difference in elevation between the mouth of an air-forcing drift and the blasting zone, and air weight by volume in kg/m' are represented, as is the mine temp in °K. Natural draft intensity in the Kirov apatite mine in the Khibiny was found by this formula to be 6.25, as compared with 19
6.1 as determined by the graphical-analytical DLC. method in use.
tion with optimum forecast verification are DLC. determined.
ALEKHICHEV, S.P., see also No. 106582.
101713 ALEKSANDROVA, N.M. and P.D. Shipovniki, dekorativnyye i BUKHARIN. vitaminoznyye rasteniya na Polyarnom Severe. (Moskva. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad. Byulleten' 1966. no.62, p.26-29, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Sweetbrier, decorative and vitamin-rich plants in the polar North. Tabulates dates of growth initiation, flowering, ripening, autumn color, and leaf fall, as well as yield and chemical composition of rose hips, for eight species adaptable to the Far North. Data are from observations in the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden at Kirovsk in 1964. DLC.
101710 ALEKHINA, A.F. Osokorniki poymy r.Obi. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdiye. Izvestiya 1970. ser biologicheskikh nauk no.2 (10), p.53-59, map, illus) 16 refs. In RusTitle tr.: Black poplar in the Ob floodsian. plain. Describes the poplars along 2600 km of the Ob basin with varied phytocenoses. Notes that black poplar, Populus nigra, growing in association with willows in various subzones extends to 61°20'N. Seven types of P. nigra. scattered along the river floodplain constitute a forest type. Propagation is mainly by seeds. Conifers are absent from geographical and ecological DLC. limits of the black poplar. 101711 ALEKSANDR, M.L. and V.V. KLISistema okhlazhdeniya energeticheMOV. skikh ustanovok ledokolov bez priyema vody iz-za borta. (Sudostroyeniye 1969. no.1, p.41-45, graphs, illus) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cooling system for icebreaker power plant without use of water from overside. Determines the area of application of a system of cooling which removes the heat outside by conduction through the board plating, and refers to the use of such a system in West and East Germany. Coefficients of heat conduction and efficiency of the water-refrigerated tank, permissible time for continuous running of the board-refrigerants, are discussed, as are improvements for intensification of heat exchange between the refrigerant and overside water by convection through the icebreaker plating. Formulas for calculating the cooling parameters are derived and presented in DLC. graphs. ALEKSANDROV, A.L., see No. 105483. L.V. 101712 ALEKSANDROVA, Otsenka MPCh po dannym VNZ i opravdyvayemost' dolgosrochnogo prognoza. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1968. v.8, no.3, Title tr.: p.591-92, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. Evaluation of MUF from oblique sounding data and verification of long-range forecasts. Compares the radio-wave reflection distances observed on the circular scanning indicator with the distances calculated on the basis of critical frequencies and effective altitudes at a median point between the Irkutsk vertical sounding station and those at Khabarovsk, Alma-Ata, Tomsk, and Noril'sk. Oblique sounding data reflections received through the F region of the ionosphere and the E, layer are considered. Directions of radio-signal propaga20
Nad101714 ALEKSANDROVA, V.D. zemnaya i podzemnaya massy rasteniy polyarnoy pustyni ostrova Zemlya Aleksandry, Zemlya Frantsa-losifa. (Problemy botaniki 1969. v.11, p.47-60, map, tables, illus) 33 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Surface and underground mass of vegetation on the Aleksandry Island desert (Zemlya Frantsa-losifa). The surface phytomass gathered from polygonal patches of soil between the rocks was 129 g/ne, and 29.2 g underground: lichens 51%, mosses 25%, flowering plants 23% and slimy lichens 1%. The polar desert phytocenosis is distinct from the arctic tundra cenoses. Comparisons and differences are tabulated. DLC. Vege101715 ALEKSANDROVA, V.D. tation of the tundra zones in the USSR and (In: Conference data about its productivity. on productivity...I969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.93-114, maps, tables, illus) 85 refs. Defines the zonal subdivisions of these tundra regions, with full documentation from mid19th century and a synoptic table. The polar desert, tundra and forest tundra zones are divided on the basis of floristic composition, the set of dominant and characteristic life forms and the structure of placoric (adequately drained upland habitats) communities on loam soil. Special communities on non-placoric habitats (places with excessive moisture, with longer than average snow cover, river valleys, etc) and on rocky and sandy ground further differentiate the zones and subzones. The productivity data of such tundra zone communities are presented. The regions in which most of the studies were made are Aleksandry Island in the Franz-Josef archipelago, Bol'shoy Lyakhovskiy Island in the New Siberian group, the Vorkuta region in Komi ASSR and the Koryak CaEUB. region. 101716 ALEKSANDROVA, YE.N. and V.V. KUZNETSOV. Differentsiatsiya muksuna r.Leny, 1: morfometricheskaya kharakteristika
chetyrekh form muksuna. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1970. ser 6: biologiya, pochvovedeniye v.25, no.4, p.I5-23, tables) 31 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Differentiation of Lena River muksun, 1: morphometric characteristics of four forms of muksun. The forms studied in 1961-65 on 535 specimens of Coregonus muksun were freshwater, large mouthed, small gill rakers and many gill rakers. Their morphometric differences are tabulated. The freshwater form is the most distinct. Similarities in other forms make clear-cut diagnostic differentiation difficult. One specimen could not be identified with any of the studied forms. DLC. ALEKSANDROVA, YE.N., 105122.
see also
101717 ALEKSANDROVSKAYA, E.K. Napryazheniya v plotine Krasnoyarskoy GES v periody stroitel'stva i vremennoy ekspluatatsii. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1971. v.41, no.4, p.19-25, graphs, illus) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stresses in the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power plant dam during its construction and provisional operation. Reports on the stresses in the concrete gravitational dam since 1962 as recorded by some 600 teletensometers embedded in the structure. Data are given on the formation of the temperature regime, and on the distribution of stresses at different zones of the dam before and during the filling of the water reservoir. Comparisons are made with the Mamakan and Bratsk dams. Control of the temperature - moisture variations in the concrete is recommended to strengthen the dam during its construction and periods of provisional operation. DLC. ALEKSANDROVSKAYA, E.K., see also No. 102361. 101718 ALEKSEYENKO, L.N. and N.A. FRANTSKEVICH. Luga Cherevkovskoy poymy Severnoy Dviny. 1: prirodnyye usloviya. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1968. v.23, no.24, p.135-46, graphs, illus) 28 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Meadows of the Cherevkovo flood plain of the Severnaya Dvina, I: indigenous conditions. Reports a study of this meadow region 2-5.6 km wide and 30-35 km long. The hydrological regime, soil-forming processes, and ecological conditions are analyzed, and other features are characterized. Man's influence in the formation of the meadows is also noted. DLC. 101719 ALEKSEYEV, B.YA. Printsipial'nyye voprosy metodiki razvedki i podscheta zapasov muskoviut glubokikh gorizonlov ekspluatiruyushchikhsya mestorozhdeniy Karelii. (AN SSSR. Karel'skiy filial. Inst.
geologii. Trudy 1969. no.4, p.157-71, tables) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Principal problems of exploration methods and calculation of muscovite reserves in deep horizons of working deposits in Karelia. The near-surface (50-100 m) muscovite deposits are already being worked, and development of the mica deposits at 300-500 m depth should begin soon. Methods and techniques are discussed for exploration of such deposits and for calculating their reserves.DLC. 101720 ALEKSEYEV, V.P. and others. Antropologicheskiye issledovaniya na Lene. (Sovetskaya etnografiya 1968. no.5, p.40-52, graph, tables) 22 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Yu.D. Benevolenskaya, 1.1. Gokhman, G.M. Davydova and V.K. Zhomova. Title tr.: Anthropological studies on the Lena River. Reports on summer 1966 fieldwork in the upper Lena basin, mainly around Kirensk, Vitim, and Olekminsk. Somatological, odontological, serological, etc tests were made on local Russian, Yakut, and mixed populations as part of a study of Russians long settled in Siberia to determine the extent of physical changes caused by ethnic mixing. Results were in accord with expected ethnic diversities, though all three groups showed considerable uniformity in taste sensitivity to phenylthiocarbamide and in the distribution of isoserological and odontological characteristics. Gene frequencies in the MN blood system were identical in the metis and Russian old-timers. No appreciable Europoid admixture was detected in Olekminsk Yakuts; Mongoloid traits in the Olekminsk Russians are of Buryat and Evenki Tungus rather than Yakut origin. DLC. 101721 ALEKSEYEV, V.P. K kraniologii aziatskikh eskimosov; materialy k etnogenezu. (Anadyr'. Chukotskiy krayevedcheskiy muzey. Zapiski 1967. no.4, p.22-26, table) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Craniology of Asiatic Eskimos; materials on ethnogenesis. Compares cranial specimens of modern Eskimos with ancient series excavated in Naukan in Chukotka, Ipiutak on Point Hope and Birnirk on Cape Barrow in Alaska, and in Greenland. Factors of adaptation, isolation, and foreign admixture responsible for differences in skull indices are discussed. Ancestral Eskimos were dolichocephalic lacking specialized features of the modern. The Eskimos entered the Bering Sea area and Alaska from East Asia rather than continental Siberia, and moved along the Pacific coast acquiring their specialized craniological traits by adaptation to northern ecological conditions. Adaptation intensified by extreme isolation played an essential role in the formation of the eastern and 21
Greenlandic Eskimos. Brachiocephalization and ethnic mixing with the Baykal anthropological type were instrumental in the development of the western and Asiatic groups. Features distinguishing Ipiutak skulls from the Birnirk, Tigara and modern Eskimo series are attributed to a Baykal-type element in Ipiutak, a formative element also encountered in the Paleosiberian and DLC. Tungus-speaking peoples of Siberia. 101722 ALEKSEYEV, V.P. Osobennosti patomorfologicheskoy kharakteristiki koronarnogo ateroskleroza u zhiteley Yakutska. (Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geogralli, 3rd. Leningrad 1968. Materialy, pt.1, p.87-91) In Russian. Title tr.: Pathomorphological characteristics of coronary atherosclerosis in the population of Yakutsk. Studies show substantial differences between the development of atherosclerosis in Yakuts and the immigrant population. Natives were found to be less prone to it and got it at an older age. DLC. 101723 ALEKSEYEV, V.P. Sovremennoye sostoyaniye kraniologicheskikh issledovaniy v rasovedcnii. (Voprosy antropologii 1968, no.30, p.17-37, maps, table) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Present state of cranial research in raciology. Reviews worldwide race-diagnostic studies and maps geographic distribution of selected craniometric indices of modern and preshistoric populations. The correlation of nose morphology and climate is discussed, among other topics. The exceedingly low nasal index characteristic for Eskimos and for the genetically unrelated Tierra del Fuego Indians of southern Argentina is considered a convergently developed adaptive trait in acclimatization. DLC. 101724 ALEKSEYEV, V.R. lzucheniye rezhima podzemnykh vod na territorii tsentral'noy chasti Yuzhnoy Yakutii. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.145-46) In Russian. Title tr.: A study of the groundwater regime in south-central Yakutia. Proposes a systematic method for investigation of the groundwater resources of the region, recommending study of the flow characteristics, composition, temperature and other characteristics as important exploration criteria. Areas of permafrost occurrence are noted. DLC. 101725 ALEKSEYEV, V.R. Mikhail Ivanovich Sumgin k 95-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. lzvestiya 1968. Title tr.: v.100, no.3, p.261-62) In Russian. 22
Mikhail Ivanovich Sumgin, on the 95th anniversary of his birth. Describes the life and scientific activity of this geographer, geologist and pioneer explorer DLC. of permafrost who died in 1942. 101726 ALEKSEYEV, V.R. 0 roli geobotanicheskikh kart pri izuchenii merzlykh porod. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst geografii Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doklady 1968. Title no.17, p.20-26, table, illus) In Russian. tr.: The role of geobotanical maps in the investigation of frozen rocks. In areas of permafrost, cryogenic processes frequently determine the species composition and dynamics of vegetation associations. Use of geobotanical maps for the study of permafrost in the Chul'man region of Southern Yakutia indicates that taliks can be located, soil temperature can be estimated, and the thickness of permafrost and of the layer of seasonal freezing and thawing can be determined. DLC. 101727 ALEKSEYEV, V.R. and I.G. ARTEMENKO. 0 sloye sezonnogo protaivaniya u nizhney granitsy mnogoletnemerzlykh gornykh porod: po nablyudeniyam v Yuzhnoy Yakutii. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. no.9, p.4I-46, Title tr.: graphs, table) 3 refs. In Russian. The layer of seasonal thawing at the base of permafrost, as observed in southern Yakutia. Discusses the deep seasonal freezing and thawing of various kinds of permafrost as they are affected by a lowering or rising ground water table. The ground water is considered to be a mobile accumulator of heat. Observations in the area of the Chul'makan and Kabakta coal deposits in 1962 and 1963 showed that such a fluctuating accumulator of heat substantially affects the temperature regime of the overlying layer, causing systematic phase transitions at the base of permafrost, and forming a second deep layer of seasonal thawing. DLC. 101728 ALEKSEYEV, V.R. Zonal'nyye cherty razvitiya nalednykh protsessov v predelakh SSSR. (Problemy regional'nogo zimovedeniya 1970. no.3, p.73-76) In Russian. Title tr.: Zonal features of the development of naled processes in the USSR. Considers three types of naleds. Spring naleds, seven to nine thousand in number, and considerably over 31 km' in ice volume are present in the Far Northeast and Yakutia. Ground naleds result from the freezing of water-bearing rocks underlain by permafrost. River naleds form on all rivers of northern Siberia and the Far East, and even on rivers in the temperate zone when temperatures are low and the geological structure of the valley and filtration properties of river bed deposits are conducive. DLC.
101729 ALEKSEYEV, V.V. Razvitiye energeticheskoy bazy promyshlennosti Vostochnoy Sibiri v period zaversheniya stroitel'stva sotsializma: 1938-1958 gg. (Sibir' v period stroitel'stva sotsializma i perekhoda k kommunizmu 1968. no.7, p.113-22, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Development of a power base for East Siberian industry in the concluding period of the construction of socialism: 1938-1958. Discusses the limitations of the numerous small power plants using wood, coal, and oil prior to the mid-1950's when Siberian water power resources became recognized. The demand for electricity during the war and postwar years is described, as is the construction and expansion of power stations, including those at Krasnoyarsk and Noril'sk, also several small stations in Yakut ASSR. Some data are given on kw output per station, labor and labor productivity, electrification of industries, etc. DLC. ALEKSEYEV, YE.YE., see No. 103405. ALEKSEYEVA, A.B., see No. 104737. 101730 ALEKSEYEVA, C.V. and others. Vliyaniye snezhnogo pokrova na glubinu sezonnogo promerzaniya i protaivaniya gruntov. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1971. v.16, no.12, p.7-9, graphs, table) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.A. Koshelev and N.Z. Gusev. Title tr.: Influence of snow cover on the depth of the seasonal freeze-thaw of the ground. Shows that in the presence of a sufficiently strong thermal effect of a pipeline on the adjacent ground, the snow cover has little influence on the temperature field formed by the pipeline, or on the size of the thaw zone. A diagram shows isotherms characterizing the temperature field around the 1420 mm diam pipeline at 1.6 m depth in 12 m thick permafrost, and carrying gas at 60°C in the Ukhta region, in the presence and absence of snow cover. DLC. ALEKSEYEVA, I.A., see No. 104565. ALEKSEYEVA, L.I., see No. 107852 ALEKSEYEVA, L.N., see No. 102194.
species of these brachiopods from own field study in the Sette-Daban and Tas-Khayakhtakh Ranges and part of the Omulevka Mts. Most of them are new, and three new genera are established in the Orthida, Rhynchonellida and Spiriferida. A detailed stratigraphic division of the Lower Devonian deposits of these regions is given. DLC. 101732 ALEKSEYEVA, R.YE. Novyye svoyeobraznyye nizhnedevonskiye spiriferidy, podotryad Athyrididina. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.187, no.5, p.1157-59, illus) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: New distinctive Lower Devonian spiriferids of the suborder Athyrididina. Describes Helenathyris plan n gen et sp, a brachiopod from the Cherskogo mountain system, Omulevka Mts and the Kolyma. Collected material, comparisons, internal structure, etc are described and illus. DLC 101733 ALEKSEYEVA, R.YE. and others. 0 vozraste nelyudimskoy svity Omulevskikh gor, Severo-Vostok SSSR. (Biostratigrafiya pogranichnykh otlozheniy silura i devona. Moskva, Nauka 1968. p.205-208) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.I. Sidyachenko and V.G. Khromykh. Title tr.: Age of the Nelyudimskaya suite of the Omulevka Mts, northeastern USSR. Discusses the age of this suite hitherto considered Upper Ludlovian-Lower Devonian. The sections of it and neighboring stratigraphic units are described in some detail and the fauna examined. The lower part of the suite is indicated by the fauna as probably Lower Devonian. DLC. 101734 ALEKSEYEVA, R.YE. Sibirispira, novyy rod otryada Atrypida. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.179, no.1, p.198-20I, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Sibirispira, a new genus of the order Atrypida. Describes this new genus of Silurian-Devonian brachiopod, represented by: Sibirispira inflata n sp. Diagnosis, comparisons, structure, and geologic and geographic distribution are given. Its internal structure is similar to gen Zygospira described by Hall. It is found in Northeast USSR, Sette-Daban Range and other areas. DLC.
ALEKSEYEVA, M.I., see No. 106265. ALEKSEYEVA, N.S., see No.106343. 101731 ALEKSEYEVA, R.YE. Brakhiopody i stratigrafiya nizhnego devona SeveroVostoka SSSR. Moskva, Nauka 1967. 162 p. tables, illus. Title tr.: The brachiopods and stratigraphy of the Lower Devonian of the Soviet Northeast. Describes systematically more than fifty
101735 ALEKSIUK, M. Metabolic adaptation of the beaver (Castor canadensis Kuhl) to the arctic energy regime. (Dissertation abstracts 1969. v.30, no.2, p.900-B). PhD thesis, Univ of British Columbia 1968. Microfilm may be ordered from the National Library of Canada, Ottawa. The Mackenzie Delta beaver has abundant food in summer and a limited store of cached saplings in winter. Growth was rapid in sum23
mer, but there was none in winter, and immature beavers showed winter weight loss. Fat was deposited in autumn, maintained during winter and mobilized in spring. Animals were lean in summer. Thyroid gland weights were high in summer and low in winter. Controlled experiments with California and arctic beavers supported hypotheses that the annual pattern of the arctic beavers is inherent, that the thyroid gland is the major effector of this pattern and that light intensity is the environmental factor that times the level of energy expendiDGS. ture to environmental conditions.
101736 ALEKSIUK, M. Scent-mound communication, territoriality, and population regulation in beaver (Castor canadensis Kuhl). (Journal of mammalogy 1968. v.49, no.4, p.75962) 9 refs. Reports 1965 observations of beaver colonies in the Mackenzie Delta, where prior population density studies showed one colony/mi2. Beavers construct 2-7 scent mounds/colony, made of mud piled up to 2 ft at the edge of the water. All age classes and both sexes visit them regularly to deposit mud and castoreum from the castor glands. The excited behavior of a large resident beaver to strange castoreum scent and the apparent rarity of fighting lead to the conclusion that the scent-mound communication system plays a major role in maintaining territorial rights. It is hypothesized that transient 2-yr olds who leave the parental colony in mid-June just prior to birth of young, are prevented by the scent-mound system from establishing new colonies, causing population DI. increase and food supply depletion. 101737 ALENDAL, E. Uvanlig sent fodt moskuskalv spiddet av moskusokse. (Naturen 1971. v.95, no.2, p.93-98, illus) In NorweTitle tr.: Unusually late-born musk-ox gian. calf impaled by a musk-ox. Reports on the late-July birth of musk-ox calf on the Dovre mountain range in Norway, and its killing a few days later by a bull during a horn-encounter with the cow. The bull had been recently defeated in struggle for herd mastery. Causative factors in the cow-bull struggle and its possible relation to the cow's breeding cycle are discussed. The calving period ranges Apr-mid June, according to observations in Canada and Greenland. DLC. Diatomei v allyuvial'nykh otlozheniyakh Yeniseya. (In: Iskopayemyye diatomovyye vodorosli SSSR. 1968. p.88-92, table, illus) Refs. In RusTitle tr.: Diatoms in alluvial deposits of sian. the Yenisey. Reports on collections taken from Krasnoyarsk downstream to Kazantsevo. The rheophile diatoms are listed, and planktonic,
benthonic, rheophile, and swamp forms are distinguished. Diatom analysis is made of both old and present alluvium of the Yenisey. Changes in the diatom flora are due to changes in ecological and geographic factors and the conditions of sedimentation DLC. and fossilization.
ALEUTSKAYA, O.N., see No. 101739. 101739 ALEUTSKIY, N.A. and O.N. ALEUTSKAYA. Nekotoryye osobennosti funktsii kozhnogo analizatora u zhiteley Kray(In: Akklimatizatsiya i krayenego Severa. vaya patologiya...1970. p.5-7) In Russian. Title tr.: Some peculiarities of skin sensor function in residents of the Far North. A definite functional change was observed. A sharp increase in the skin response to thermal irritation is evidently the result of lowered DLC. tolerance of heat.
No. 107297.
ALEYNIKOVA, V.A., see No. 105253. 101740 ALFORD, D. and C.M. KEELER. Stratigraphic studies of the winter snow layer (Arctic 1968. Mount Logan, St. Elias Range. v.21, no.4, p.245-54, graphs, map, table; correction, ibid 1969. v.22, no. I, p.79) 10 refs. French and Russian summary. A traverse of King Trench, which rises from Upper Ogilvie Glacier (2300 m) to King Col (4500 m) a distance of 16 km, Yukon Territory, was made for US Army CRREL, June 1965, to see if techniques of stratigraphic analysis of snow and firn could be successfully applied to studies of the alpine climate, as they have been on the Greenland ice sheet, Data on near-surface snow accumulation, temperature and density from eight pits along the traverse provide a climatological model which relates the variations in snow properties to localized topographic obstruction or enhancement of katabatic air drainage. Limited conclusions suggest directions for future study rather than for application to other large ranges or even other parts of St.Elias Range: topography may be the most important control in determining the areal distribution of nearsurface climatic elements in mountains; extrapolation of climatological parameters to mountain slopes from nearby valley stations or free-air soundings is not a valid approach; analysis of pertinent stratigraphic parameters of the alpine snow pack may be a useful approach to study of local mountain climates. Ca MAI, DLC.
ALGERMISSEN, S.T., see No. 104056.
101741 ALHA, A.R. Total leucocyte counts and lymphocyte percentages in Lapps determined in connection with an investigation of radioactivity in the spring of 1962. (Suomen kemistilehti 1962. v.35, no.I0B, p.205-206. graph, table) Ref. Summarizes results of clinico-chemical and hematological analyses of body liquids of randomly selected mature male and female Lapps from Karesuando, Inari, and Utsjoki. Leucocyte counts and lymphocyte percentages are tabulated. The reason for relative leucocytosis or lymphocytosis could be established by medical examination in many cases. Other physical complications were also diagnosed. The average body burden of Cs-137 in the Lapps corresponds to a radiation dose of less than 0.1 r/yr. DLC. ALI, S.A., see No. 101697. 101742 ALIMOV, V.A. and others. Nekotoryye rezul'taty issledovaniya neodnorodnoy stntktury polyarnoy ionosfery s pomoshch'yu priyema signalov ISZ na interferometry s raznymi bazami. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1970. v.10, no.1, p.28-33, graphs, illus) 5 refs. In Title tr.: Some results of investigaRussian. tions of the inhomogeneous structure of the polar ionosphere, using artificial satellite signal reception by interferometers with different bases. Presents the morphological characteristics of the amplitude fluctuations of satellite signals at 162 MHz at Loparskaya during July 1966 Mar 1967. About 500 signals were used in measuring the coefficient of modulation of the average diffraction pattern, and determining therefrom the spectrum of small size inhomogeneities in the electron concentration in the DLC. ionosphere in the polar region. Russko-skandi101743 AL1MOVA, T.A. nayskoye sotrudnichestvo uchenykh v arkticheskikh issledovaniyakh, konets XIX-nachalo XX v. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. Title tr.: Cooperno.35, p.86-91) In Russian. ation of Russian and Scandinavian scientists in arctic research in the late 19th to early 20th century. Reviews the contest for sovereignty over Spitsbergen; the German occupation of Bjernoya; the joint Swedish-Russian expedition of 1899-1901 to measure an arc of meridian (cf No. 11534-11535); investigations for fisheries, hunting, etc; the conference called by the Swedish Academy of Sciences 15 June DLC. 1899, etc. ALIMOVA, T.A., 107219.
see also
Nos. 107218,
ALIYEVA, M.A., see No. 105942.
101744 ALLAART, J.H. Basic and intermediate igneous activity and its relationships to the evolution of the Julianehab granite, south Greenland. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag 1967. 136 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Meddelelser om Gronland. v.175, no.1) 51 refs. Also pub as: Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Bulletin 1967. no.69. Reports results of summer 1961-63 field work in the west coastal area between Qaersuarssuk and Igaliko Fjord. Six granite varieties are present, probably mostly representing anatectic pre-Ketilidian basement. Three varieties belong to the first episode of Ketilidian plutonism; three younger varieties were generated during a second episode of basic and intermediate igneous activity. Deformation and emplacement of allochthonous granite bodies were followed by intrusion of pyroxene-bearing diorites and possibly some hypersthene gabbros in the margins and outside the granite bodies, and intrusion of synkinematic dikes mainly in the cores of the bodies. This episode is also marked by migmatization of basic and intermediate intrusives in a broad belt. Emplacement of leucocratic granites and passive remobilization of older granites followed by intrusion of diorites mark the latest phase of granite development. And finally there was intrusion of slightly metamorphosed tholeiitic dikes. CaMAI, DGS. 101745 ALLAART, J.H. Chronology and petrography of the Gardar dykes between Igaliko Fjord and Redekammen, South Greenland. Kobenhavn 1969. 26 p. maps, table, illus. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report no.25) 9 refs. Presents summary data on the composition and age relations of six groups of Precambrian dikes or dike swarms in a small area north of Igaliko Fjord and east of Redekammen, a ridge east of the llimaussaq intrusion in West Greenland. The dikes were emplaced throughout most of the Gardar period. Early Gardar dikes from lsortoq in the west to Igaliko Fjord exhibit a general anticlockwise change in trend. Variations in mineralization, especially across the wider dikes, sequential crystallization, and alteration products are noted. Probable chronology is discussed and tabulated. Location of the Hvalsey church ruins is shown on the appended map. DGS. 101746 ALLAART, J.H. Field investigations in the Julianehab granite on the nunataks north-west, north and east of Narssarssuaq, South Greenland. (Greenland. ,Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970 pub 1971. no.35, p.23-25) 2 refs. Reports on pre-Gardar rocks and Gardar dike swarms mapped on ca 900 km= of high mountainous terrain in the northwestern, 25
northern and eastern parts of the Narssarssuaq map sheet. Supracrustal gneisses and granodiorites are found widely distributed, with basic to intermediate intrusions. Age relations of the intrusives are not known. At least three swarms of Gardar dikes are known. DGS. 101747 ALLAART, J.H. Field investigations in the Ketilidian rocks of the Nanortalik — Tasermiut region. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970. no.28, p.3738, illus) Ref. Summarizes 1969 review of bedrock geology in the Ketilidian sedimentary basin between Tasermiut fiord and the northwestern boundary of the basin along Sondre Sermilik Fjord and the northwesternmost part of Sermersoq. The purpose was to check certain problems before finishing compilation of the Nanortalik sheet. Petrography, mineralogy, metamorphism, migmatization, and stratigraphy of the basin formations are considered, with additional remarks on basement rocks. Reference is made to previous account on the area, cf No 95165. DGS. 101748 ALLAART, J.H. Review of the work on the Precambrian basement (pre-Gardar) between Kobberminebugt and Frederiksdal, South Greenland. Kobenhavn 1964. 38 p. maps, tables, illus. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report no.1) 33 refs. Reports on 1956-64 geologic field study in the area between 60° and 61°30' N in Southwest Greenland. Review is made of earlier work from northeast of Ivigtut and southward through the study area. The granites, gneisses and supracrustal rocks are cut by a large number of basic or intermediate dikes, sheets and other intrusive bodies representing three different periods and separated from each other by episodes of plutonism. Correlation of the intrusives is attempted and field relationships of the various rocks are considered. Wegmann's earlier suggestion of widespread pre-Ketilidian basement, No 19255, has not been confirmed. It is almost certain that if a pre-Ketilidian basement is present in the area it has been considerably reconstituted. In the main it appears that his interpretation of only two cycles before the Gardar period is correct. DGS. 101749 ALLAN, R.I. and others. Poorly drained soils with permafrost in interior Alaska. (Soil Science Society of America. Proceedings 1969. v.33, no.4, p.599-605, graphs, map, tables, illus) 25 refs. Other authors: J. Brown and S. Rieger. Presents physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of five soils. They are shallowly thawed, with permafrost usually at or 50 Mev energy, using identical G-M counter telescopes, flown in satellites IMP I, II, Ill and OGO I are presented along with the differential spectrum studies obtained from balloon flights at Ft Churchill and from the satellites. The time behavior of the G-M counter data compared with those of the Deep River neutron monitor suggests that the radial gradient of cosmic rays near the earth could be much smaller than the —10% per astronomical unit obtained earlier. The solar modulations indicated seem to disagree with the diffusion coefficient proportional to the product of the velocity times the rigidity of the cosmic ray particle. DLC. 102012 BALESTA, S.T. Difraktsiya seysmicheskikh voln na ochage i stroyeniye i sostoyaniye veshchestva magmaticheskogo ochaga Avachinskogo vulkana. (Byulleten' vulkanologicheskikh stantsiy 1970. no.46, p.3-8, graphs) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Seismic diffraction and the structure of the magma chamber of the Avachinskiy Volcano. Reports on seismic investigations of the translucence of deep parts of the volcano. The method was worked out from seismic modeling of the magma chamber, and kinematic and dynamic features of diffracted waves in the shadow zone of the chamber studied. Dimensions of a cross-section of the chamber were determined and the viscosity of its rocks appraised. DLC. 102013 BALESTA, S.T. and A.I. FARBEROV. Seismic studies of Piip crater 69
break-through. (International Volcanological Association. Bulletin volcanologique 1968. v.32, no/, p.395-99, illus) Discusses the Apr 1967 study of this breakthrough which formed Oct-Dec 1966 on the northern flank of Klyuchevskiy Volcano. Highly sensitive seismic instruments were used, viz seismic prospecting station CC-2411 and seismic detectors HC-3, and the usefulness of seismic methods in the study of the structure of volcanic vents in adventive craters was established. An injection area of magmatic melt, 100 x 40 m in plan size, is identified with the upper part of the channel feeding the Piyp breakthrough. Longitudinal wave velocities V= 750850 m/sec are computed from parametric measurements on an incandescent lava flow. DGS. 102014 BALKWILL, H.R. and C.J. YORATH. Simpson Lake map-area, District of Mackenzie, 97B. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1970. 10 p. map, table, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 69-10) 13 refs. Reports results of 1968 Operation Norman investigations in the area 68-69°N l24-128°W, its eastern third part of the barren upland Horton Plateau, the rest in Anderson Plain with hummocky terrain and water-filled depressions, underlain by relatively thick and widespread drift. About 2000 ft of Cambrian, Ordovician and Devonian rocks are mapped from oldest to youngest as Ronning Group and Bear Rock, Hume and Hare Indian Formations. These strata are regionally overlapped by widespread, but poorly exposed Cretaceous elastic rocks with total thickness of approx 1500 ft comprising (oldest to youngest) the so-called Silty, Bentonitic and Bituminous zones. The rocks dip regionally west to northwest at small angles. Geologic map 16-1969, at 1:250,000 CaMAI, DGS. scale, is included. BALKWILL, H.R., 108590.
see also
Nos. 108589,
BALLANCE, W.C., see No. 108035. 102015 BALLIF, J.R. and D.E. JONES. Flares, Forbush decreases, and geomagnetic storms. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.14, p.3499-3511, graphs, table) Refs. Presents the evidence that geomagnetic storms and Forbush decreases can be accounted for by the effects of interplanetary corpuscular streams, and that flare-producing regions on the sun are closely related to the stream structure responsible for the cosmic-ray variations and the geomagnetic activity index Kp. Major cosmic-ray variations, particularly those observed at high latitudes, begin near the 70
time when a flare-producing region on the sun passes central meridian. Plots of the Alert and Deep River neutron monitor counts against the flare productivity of different solar regions DLC. were used. 102016 BALLIF, J.R. and D.E. JONES. Morphology of a solar-terrestrial event in March 1966. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.14, p.3512-16, graphs, illus) Refs. Analyzes the geomagnetic activity, anisotropy of solar particles over the energy range 0.6 to —100 Mev/nucleon, and the anisotropy of the Forbush decrease, as observed during the cosmic ray storm, 23-28 Mar 1966. The authors assumed the existence of a long-lived stream structure in the interplanetary magnetic field, and figured out the stream to have a uniform high-field core that passed the earth on 24 Mar. This form of the stream was found comDLC. patible with the results of the analysis. 102017 BALYASNIKOVA, I.V. 0 fiziologicheskom urovne vnutriglaznogo davleniya u zhiteley Severa. (In: Akklimatizatsiya i krayevaya patologiya...1970. p.19-20) In Russian. Title tr.: Physiological level of intraocular pressure in residents of the North. Tonometry was performed on 1000 men, aged 20 to over 60 yr old. Intraocular pressure of 16-26 mm Hg occurred in 98.4%; pressure was lower in people under 40 yr old, higher in those above 40. Pressure of 27 mm Hg among northerners was rare (1.6%). In residents of Arkhangel'sk Province, the pressure was within the high levels of normal. Pressure asymmetry of 2-4 mm Hg between the two eyes was rather frequent (32.7%); higher asymmetry was rare. DLC. 102018 BALYASNIKOVA, I.V. Osobennosti klinicheskogo techeniya glaukomy i yeye rasprostraneniye na Severe. (Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geografii, 3rd. Leningrad 1968. Materialy, pt.1, p.202-205) In Russian. Title tr.: Clinical course of glaucoma and its spread in the North. Examination of 75,525 persons in Arkhangel'sk Province in 1963-65 showed 1258 patients with glaucoma (1.6%). The incidence was similar to that in Moscow Province. The clinical course of glaucoma in the North was more severe because of the negative influence of climatic conditions upon the ocular vascular system. DLC. 102019 BAMBER, E.W. and others. Carboniferous and Permian stratigraphy of northeastern British Columbia. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1968. 25 p. map, tables, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-15) 34 refs. Other authors: G.C. Taylor and R.M. Procter.
Reports on Operation Liard 1963-65 studies of late Paleozoic rocks exposed in a long, narrow, sinuous belt subparallel with the Rocky Mts south of Liard River and northward along both flanks of the Caribou Range approx 57°60°N 123°30'4 26°W, also such rocks encountered in wells below adjacent plains. They are divided into five lithologic units from oldest to youngest, shales of the Besa River and Banff Formations, carbonate rocks of the Prophet, Pekisko, Shunda and Debolt Formations, sandstones and shales of the Stoddart and Mattson Formations, siltstone (mainly) of the Kindle and Lower Belloy Formations, and chert of the Fantastique and Upper Belloy Formations. The facies changes are diagrammed and surface and subsurface sections tabulated. CaMAI, DGS.. 102020 BAMBER, E.W. and M.S. BARSS. Stratigraphy and palynology of a Permian section, Tatonduk River, Yukon Territory. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 39 p. map, table, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-18) 45 refs. Describes one of the thickest (4874 ft) and most completely exposed Permian sections in northwest Yukon at 64°58'N I40°54'W. Four stratigraphic units are defined. A large variety of monosaccate, bisaccate and striate sporomorphs occur in the lower three units associated with a marine fauna. Data for the measured section are appended. CaMAI, DGS. BANDEEN, RA., see No. 101883. BANDEEN, W.R., see No. 106639. 102021 BANDI, H.G. Alaska; UrgeStuttgart, schichte, Geschichte, Gegenwart. W.Kohlhammer Verlag 1967. 148 p. maps, illus. 43 refs. In German. Title tr.: Alaska; prehistory, history, present. Outlines the general geography and physiography, and gives a brief synopsis of the Pleistocene land bridge phase, archeologic and other evidence of Asiatic, Indian and Eskimo, trans-Bering migrations and their various cultures. The eastward exploratory expansion of Russia through Siberia to the North American continent is sketched, Intl work of Bering, Shelekhov, Baranov, Rezanov and others in the 1819th century. Russian administration of Alaska, the natives and their cultures, and the American late 19th-century historical phase are described, as is 20th-century development stressing the plight of the native peoples. DGS. BANDURKIN, G.A., see No. 108672. BANERA, N.I., see No. 103437.
102022 BANFIELD, A.W.F. Whither wildlife resource management in the Northwest Territories? (In: Conference on productivity...I969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.207-209) Criticizes the regulations passed under the Game Ordinance by the Northwest Territories Council, which contravene Canadian Wildlife Service recommendations and research reports concerning the hunting of barren-ground grizzly bears, musk-oxen and caribou. The liberalized 1969 hunting regulation on caribou may result in its uncontrollable exploitation. CaEUB. 102023 BANISTER, R.K. Canadians perfect wintertime pipe laying. (Oil and gas journal 1967. v.65, no.39, p.166-76, illus) Describes methods, procedures, materials, timing of various phases of the job, also clothing and camp facilities for cold-weather pipelaying in muskeg from experience since 1960. Temperature effects on workers and equipment, both metals and tapes, are stated. Specific problems are dealt with in right-of-way preparation, grading, double-jointing, tapehandling, ditching, backhoe use, weighting and backfill. Equipment in on-site locations is illus. DGS. 102024 BANISTER, R.K. Winter pipeline construction problems in western Canada. (Canadian petroleum 1968. v.9, no.4, p.96-101, tables) Presents a paper given at the 10th International Gas Union Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 1967. Describes the difficulties met in summer on muskeg terrain, all of which are reduced or absent when the muskeg is frozen from approx Jan to Mar in northern Alberta. All phases of a construction job in the Rainbow Lake region are described: aerial photography of the line route taken in summer, clearing; starting in Jan 1966, right-of-way grading, ditching and laying, and welding of pipe, Intl details of rail and truck transport, numbers, ages, transporting, clothing, feeding and sheltering of work force, amount of fuel used, safety control and communications. DGS. 102025 BANKE, E.G. and S.D. SMITH. Turbulence measurements over ice at Cimp 200, 1971. (AIDJEX bulletin 1972. no.12, p.29-33, tables) 6 refs. Wind turbulence and drag coefficients in the near-ice layer at two sites on the ice floe at —74°N 131°W in Beaufort Sea, Mar 1971, were measured by a sonic anemometer, monitored by a six-track chart recorder and stored on analog magnetic tape. Tabulated results from a dozen 45-min and several four-six-hr tapes are presented. A thrust anemometer, intended for use, did not perform well at the 71
temperatures encountered. CaMAI, DN-HO. 102026 BANKS, P.M. and T.E. HOLZER. High-latitude plasma transport: the polar wind. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.26, p.6317-32, graphs, tables, illus) Refs. Develops and interprets models describing plasma transport in the polar ionosphere for a variety of conditions. The aim is to provide a qualitative understanding of the physical processes involved in the transport and their effect upon the parameters of electron concentration, ion composition, and ion transport speeds in polar regions. It is proposed that outward transport of ionospheric plasma takes place through the magnetospheric tail, with HHc of terrestrial origin evacuated into space with supersonic speeds at 2-7 x 10' cm-7 sec•' and 24 x 10' cm-2 sec' fluxes respectively, making the magnetospheric tail populated with proton/helium ions in a ratio of 100-400. Basic parameters that are used in obtaining the DLC. numerical results are presented. Arctic fox in 102727 BANNIKOV, A.G. the USSR; biological premises of productivity. (In: Conference on productivity...1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.121-30, tables) 34 refs. This fox roams from its tundra habitation northward on the ice to 88°N and south into the forest zone mainly in Oct-Nov to Mar-Apr, during the mass migrations every two-three years, and locally every year. Its geographical nonvariability in the mainland portion of its range is determined by seasonal migration; the separate subspecies on Bering and Mednyy Islands do not migrate. The directions, distances, pace, frequency participation and hazards of these migrations are discussed, as are the foxes' preferred habitats, denning, variable fecundity, sex ratios, natural enemies and diseases (rabies, parasites, etc). Data are given on annual variation in numbers, population density, actual productivity, also on the trapping industry, its regional and seasonal differences, methods and the artificial feeding of arctic CaEUB. foxes. 102028 BANNIKOVA, R.V. and L.S. UDAFizicheskoye razvitiye detey malykh LOVA narodnostey Kraynego Severa v Nenetskom natsional'nom okruge. (In: Akklimatizatsiya i krayevaya patologiya...1970. p.22-24) In RusTitle tr.: Physical development of sian. children of the so-called small peoples of the Far North in the Nenets National District. Reports on a study of 3480 children, 50.8% of them Nenets Samoyeds and Zyryans. The basic parameters in the newborn, nursery, preschool and school age children were determined separately for the Nenets and Zyryans 72
and for the Russians born in the district. Comparison of height and weight indices with data of children residing in cities in the south of European Russia, in Leningrad and Murmansk, showed that children of the so-called small peoples of the Far North are stockier and shorter as a result of ecological and climatic conditions and the aboriginal mode of life. DLC. Vliyaniya 102029 BANNIKOVA, R.V. nekotorykh zabolevaniy na srednyuyu prodolzhitel'nost' zhizni v usloviyakh Severa. (In: Akklimatizatsiya i krayevaya patologiya...1970. Title tr.: Influence of p.20-22) In Russian. certain illnesses upon average longevity in the North. Reports results of tabulated data, compiled in 1958-59, on the mortality rate and average longevity in Arkhangelsk city and of Nenets Samoyeds and Zyryans in the Nenets National District. In Arkhangel'sk city residents, cardiovascular diseases shortened the life span by 8.6 yr; malignant neoplasms by 3 yr, and pneumonia by 1.4 yr. Corresponding figures in the Nenets National District were 3, 1.5, and 0.67 yr for the Nenets and 4, 2.4, and 1.48 yr for Zyryans. DLC.
BARADULIN, V.A., see No. 104537. 102030 BARAGAR, W.R.A. The geochemistry of Coppermine River basalts. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 43 p. graphs, map, tables, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 69-44) 32 refs. Gives a progress report on 1966 fieldwork and subsequent laboratory analyses. The Coppermine River Group at approx 67°07'-46°N 114°-118°W is a succession of approx 10,000 ft of basalt flows overlain by 4000 ft of red sandstones and intercalated basalt flows. A number of copper prospects associated with faults that cut the lavas are mainly sulfides in veins and fractures. It appears that copper was first enriched by volatile transfer in the tops of flows before solidification. Long after, sulfurous hydrothermal solutions leached Cu from the tops and deposited it in favorable nearby environments. X-ray fluorescence, spectrographic and rapid chemical analyses for 13 major and 15 minor elements (data tabulated) show that the amount of devitrified glass decreases upward in the succession; silica, magnesia and potash decrease, whereas iron, manganese and titania increase; Cu, vanadium, scandium and zinc increase and Ni and chromium decrease upward. The intercalated flows show different chemical trends and probably had an independent origin. A geologic map at 1:250,000 scale accompanies the report. CaMAI, DGS.
102031 BARANENKOVA, AS. and N.S. Distribution of eggs, larvae KHOKHLINA. and adults of the Norway pout off north-western Norway and in the Barents Sea. (Int. Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et proces-verbaux 1968. v.158, p.90-100, graphs, maps, tables) 4 refs Trisopterus esmarkii adults and fry are found over a large area of Barents Sea in both warm and cold years when near-bottom temperature (7) is 0.6-6.5°C; more frequently at 150-300 m depths with T of 3-4°C. Eggs are found at a surface T of 4-7°C. Mass spawning off northwest Norway occurs end Mar-Apr. Mature fish are 11-29 cm long. Most larvae were observed in Apr-May. Their average sizes were 3.9 mm in Apr and 4.6 mm in May, with DLC. annual variation. 102032 BARANENKOVA, A.S. Issledovaniya PINRO po otsenke chislennosti i prichin urozhaynosti promyslovykh ryb Barentseva morya. (Murmansk. Polyarnyy n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Trudy 1968. no.23, p.193-216, graphs, tables) 105 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: PINRO research on estimation of stocks and causes of fishery productivity in Barents Sea. Discusses the results of a quantitative analysis of young cod and haddock carried out by PINRO (Polar Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography) scientists over many years whereby the stocks and catches can be predicted and the abundance of species estimated. DLC. 102033 BARANENKOVA, AS. and N.S. KHOKHLINA. Raspredeleniye chislennost' ikrinok i lichinok treski arktonorvezhskogo stada i sravnitel'nyye dannyye o vyzhivayemosti donnykh stadiy 0-gruppy v 1962-1965 gg. (Murmansk. Polyarnyy n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Trudy 1968. no.23, p.217-6I, maps, tables) 9 refs. In Russian. English Title tr.: Distribution and summary. quantity of cod eggs and larvae in ArctoNorwegian schools and comparative data on survival of the bottom schools of the 0-group in 1962-1965. Discusses drift of fish eggs and larvae from north Norwegian waters, and those of Barents Sea, Bjernoya and Spitsbergen. Regional, seasonal and annual differences in spawning are noted. Bottom fingerlings were abundant in Barents Sea, at Spitsbergen and Bjernoya. 1963 was the richest year for eggs, larvae and fingerDLC. lings. 102034 BARANENKOVA, A.S. and NS. Raspredeleniye ikrinok, KHOKHLINA. lichinok i vzrosloy esmarki u severo-zapadnogo
poberezh'ya Norvegii i v Barentsevom more. (Murmansk. Polyarnyy n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Trudy 1968. no.23, p.293-309, graphs, maps, tables) 4 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Distribution of eggs, larvae and adult pout along the northwest shores of Norway and Barents Sea. Adult pout are found in Barents Sea during warm and cold years at depths of 50-400 m, mostly at 150-300 m. Spawning along the northwest shores of Norway occurs Jan-June, most frequently during Mar-Apr. DLC. 102035 BARANOV, G.I. and others. K otsenke nulevoy poverkhnosti v Norvezhskom i Grenlandskom moryakh. (Leningrad. Arkticheskiy i antarkticheskiy n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1966. v.279, p.113-16, graph, map) 18 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.V. lzmaylov and GI Podol'skaya. Title tr.: Evaluation of the zero surface in the Norwegian and Greenland Seas. Computes the zero current surface along the 74°30' and 76°30'N profiles using one of the models P.S. Lineykin did for the north Atlantic. The isolines of the zero surface, and the 500 and 2000 m isobaths of these seas approx 62°-80°N, 20°W-20°E are given in a chart. The formation of bottom water in the Arctic Ocean was found to take place mainly in the winter season, while in the Weddell Sea, in the Antarctic, bottom water is formed the year DLC. around. 102036 BARANOV, V.K. and others. 0 verkhnepaleozoyskoy uglenosnoy formatsii severo-zapadnoy chasti Tungusskoy sineklizy. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1969. no.68, p.IO2-119, graph, map) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: O.A. Betekhtina and V.I. Budnikov. Title tr.: An upper Paleozoic coal-bearing formation in the northwestern part of the Tunguska syneclise. Describes and correlates sections of this formation in the Kureyka, Kulyumbe and Gorbiachin River basins. The Katskaya, Burguklinskaya, Petlyakinskaya and Degalinskaya suites are separated, briefly characterized as to lithologic-petrographic composition, thickness and fauna, and the subsuites indicated. The Permian mollusc genus Degeniella is represented by three new species. DLC. 102037 BARANOVA, T.E. and others. Kharakter raspredeleniya bitumoidov v mezozoyskikh i verkhnepaleozoyskikh otlozheniyakh Sredne-Vilyuyskoy razvedochnoy ploshchadi. (In: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd. Yakutskiy filial. Institut geologii. Leno-Vilyuyskaya neftegazonosnaya...1969. p.189-93, map) In Russian. Other authors: D.P. Sidorov and S.S. Filatov. Title tr.: Character of the distribution of bitumens in Mesozoic and upper 73
Paleozoic deposits in the central Vilyuy exploration area. Reports on the character of changes in the composition and content of bitumens in relation to their spatial distribution in a section of Permian, Triassic and Jurassic deposits. Analyses were made of 346 samples of sandstone, siltstone and argillite from ten exploratory wells. The amount of dispersed organic matter in Mesozoic and upper Paleozoic rocks ranges DLC. from 0.2-0.5 to 5-6%. lstoriya 102038 BARANOVA, YU.P. razvitiya rel'yefa Verkhoyanskoy gornoy oblasti. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1962. no.27, p.I18-41) 33 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Development of relief in the Verkhoyansk mountain province. Describes the development of relief from Permian-Triassic time. The Verkhoyansk province in the Cretaceous period is concluded to have been land with low, but well-defined relief. The change into mountainous country with primarily tectonic relief proceeded at the beginning of the late Cretaceous. Later relief development is analyzed noting tectonic movements, middle Pleistocene glaciation and other events. DLC. 102039 BARANOVA, YU.P. and others. Kaynozoy Severo-Vostoka SSSR. Novosibirsk, 1968. 123 p. graphs, maps, table. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1968. no.38) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: S.F. Biske, V.F. Goncharov, I.A. Kul'kova and A.S. Titkov. Title tr.: The Cenozoic of the northeastern USSR. From own studies of 1963-1966, the authors treat many problems of geomorphology, stratigraphy and the genesis of unconsolidated Cenozoic deposits, and paleogeography of the Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary of the region between the Lena and Bering Strait. The first of the three parts discusses the geomorphology; the second part, the stratigraphy of-continental deposits in Chukotka, the Cherskogo mountain system, Okhotsk coastal areas, lower Anadyr lowland, etc. The third part deals with paleogeography, including the distribution of lands and seas, climate, glaciations and DLC. vegetation. Nekotoryye 102040 BARANOVA, YU.P. osobennosti geomorfologicheskikh tsiklov orogennykh oblastey, na primere VerkhoyanoKolymskoy gornoy strany. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologii...1965. Materialy, v.2, 1968. p.348-54) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of the geomorphic cycles of orogenic provinces, as exemplified in the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma mountain country. Distinguishes three geomorphic cycles in the formation of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma 74
mountainous region. Each cycle is described, noting the age, and effects in mountain and relief formation. The separation of these geomorphic cycles may be adapted for the entire province of Pacific mobile belt, Koryak upland and Anyuy-Chukotka regions. DLC. 102041 BARANOVA, YU.P. and others. Novyye dannyye o miotsenovykh otlozheniyakh Mamontovoy gory na Aldane. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.193, no.5, p.1119-22) 15 refs. In Russian. Other authors: IA. Kul'kova, V.P. Nikitin and N.Ya. Shvareva. Title tr.: New data on the Miocene deposits of Mamontovaya Mountain on the Aldan. Reports 1967 investigations and lists the fossil flora of the Mamontovaya Gora and underlying Namskaya formations. The latter is confirmed as Lower Miocene and Mamontovaya Gora formation as Middle Miocene. DLC. 102042 BARANOVA, YU.P. and S.F. BISKE. 0 znachenii stratigraficheskikh i geomorfologicheskikh issledovaniy dlya sostavleniya neotektonicheskikh kart, na primere Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.3, p.3-11, illus) 17 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Importance of stratigraphic and geomorphic investigations for compilation of neotectonic maps as exemplified in Soviet Northeast. Discusses the types and patterns of neotectonic maps. The Verkhoyansk - Chukotka, Anadyr' - Koryak, and Okhotsk - Chukotka regions are characterized and their similarities and differences noted. Tectonic mapping should be based on stratigraphic data and hisDLC. tory of relief development. Soviet investi102043 BARANOVA, Z.P. gations on young haddock (0-3 age-groups) in the Barents Sea. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1964 pub 1966. v.21, p.9I-92, tables) The 1961 and 1960 yr-classes were good during autumn-winter 1963-64 in the southern part of the sea, the 1962 yr-class poor, and the 1963 yr-class moderate. In the northwestern area, i.e. the Svalbard and Bjernoya waters, the 1963 yr-class made up 70.7% of the total catch and was most numerous in the Spitsbergen area. Other yr-classes were very scarce. DLC. 102044 BARANOVA, Z.P. Soviet investigations on young haddock of the 0, I, II and Ill age-groups in the Barents Sea. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1966 pub 1968. v.23, p. I 08-109, tables) Young of the 1965 yr-class were almost absent in the southern Barents Sea area and very scarce in the Spitsbergen-Bjernoya area.
The total catch was lower than in previous years with the 1963 and 1964 yr-classes mainly represented and the 1963 yr-class somewhat more abundant in both areas. The 1962 yr-class was very poor. DLC. 102045 BARANOVA, Z.P. Soviet investigations on young haddock of the 0, I, II and III age-groups in the Barents Sea. (Int. Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1967-1969 pub 1968-70. v.24, p.102-103; v.25, p.124-25; v.26, p.138-39, tables) Presents 1966-69 tabulated data, collected during R/V Tuners, Nikopol and Melitopol cruises in different parts of the Barents Sea. The data show that the 1964 year class was of medium strength, the 1965-66 yr classes poor, the 1967 yr class somewhat better but low, and the 1968 0+ age group also low. Scarcity of young haddock in the Bjernoya-Spitsbergen DLC. area is noted. 102046 BARANOVA, Z.P. Soviet investigations on young haddock of the 0, I, II and III groups in the Barents Sea in 1964/65. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1965 pub 1967. v.22, p.92-94, tables) Notes a marked decrease from previous years in young haddock of all age groups in the autumn-winter 1964/65 in both the southern Barents Sea and Spitsbergen - Bjernoya areas. Haddock of the 0-group were found in small DLC. numbers in all the areas. BARANOVSKAYA, A.V., see No. 102180. 102047 BARANSKIY, L.N. Nekotoryye osobennosti polyarizatsii kolebaniy Pc„ svyazannyye s ikh volnovodnym rasprostraneniyem. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1970. v.10, no.1, p.114-18, graph, table) 8 refs. In Title tr.: Some peculiarities in Russian. polarization of Pcl pulsations associated with their waveguide propagation. Discusses and interprets several polarization effects, characteristic of this type of electromagnetic pulsations, from the point of view that the Pcl pulsations are propagated along an ionospheric waveguide centered in the F2layer. The study is based on 1966-67 data recorded simultaneously at an extensive network of stations in the USSR, incl Lovozero DLC. and Sogra. 102048 BARANSKIY, L.N. and others. 0 shirotnoy zavisimosti perioda i amplitudy ustoychivykh kolebaniy Pc 3-4. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1969. v.9, no.6, pi 128-29, graph, tables) 10 refs. In Russian. Other authors: O.V. Bol'shakova, L.A. Geller and B.N. Kazak. Title tr.: Latitudinal dependence
of the period and amplitude of stable Pc 3-4 pulsations. Investigates these geomagnetic pulsations to resolve the differences in interpretation by others of their type classification, and of the manner of their propagation. Simultaneous registration of short-period oscillations at Sogra, Borok, Ashkhabad, and at the Kerguelen-Sogra conjugate points were carried out in 19 Feb-2 Apr 1966, using an induction coil with a photoelectric fluxmeter. The mechanism and method are described. In each case, the change with latitude in the period of the Pc 3 was different but remained within the limits of the measurement error, i.e., there was no significant change with latitude. In all cases observed and analyzed, there was an increase in the amplitudes of the Pc 3 and Pc 4 pulsations. DLC. 102049 BARASH, M.S. Planktonnyye foraminifery v osadkakh Severnoy Atlantiki. Moskva, Nauka 1970. 102 p. maps, tables, illus. 65 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Planktonic foraminifers in sediments of the North Atlantic. Presents a detailed study based on 120 samples from the surface layer of the bottom. The area represented extends from the Faeroes Iceland Ridge and Wyville-Thomson Ridge south to 40°N and from the European coast west to Newfoundland. Subarctic, boreal and temperate zone types are recognized. The relationship between species and annual average surface-water temperature is established. Paleotemperature and stratigraphic division of Pleistocene sediments are also dealt with. DLC. 102050 BARASHKOVA, E.A. Nekotoryye dannyye o skorosti peredvizheniya veshchestv, soderzhashchikh C", po sloyevisschu Cladonia rangiferina (L.) Web. (Botanicheskiy zhurnal 1968. v.53, no.3, p.37879, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Some data on the rate of translocation of C-14-containing substances in the thallome of Cladonia rangiferina (L.) Web. Records experiments in 1964 at the Agricultural Institute of the Far North (Noril'sk) on field samples of reindeer moss. Translocation rates for sodium bicarbonate labelled with C14 in various parts of the thallome and through dead portions of the plant are tabulated and discussed. DLC. 102051 BARBER, F.G. Contribution to the oceanography of Hudson Bay. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1967. 69 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Canada. Dept of Energy, Mines and Resources. Marine Sciences Branch. Manuscript report series no.4) 75 refs. Describes the summer temperature (T), salinity (S), density and dissolved oxygen distribution in the Bay from limited data collected 75
during 1929-62 navigation seasons. The vertical distribution or structure of sigma-t (density), as derived from T/S data, closely follows that of S, as the T range over depth is small. The factors which determine the distribution are depth and current distribution, interaction at the . air/water interface, resultant water movement and ice formation and the influence of fresh water from land drainage and precipitation. The relative importance of an individual factor cannot be assessed without more data, but the free connection with the Atlantic Ocean, large runoff and mixing in Hudson Strait appear to be of first importance. Tentative freshwater and volume budgets, probable near-surface winter S distribution, and the 1961 icecover influence, are also discussed, as are a heat CaMA1, DLC. budget and a model. Oil spills in ice; 102052 BARBER, F.G. some cleanup options. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.4, p.285-86, illus) Reports measures used to dispose of a 367,000-gal diesel oil and gasoline spill in Deception Bay, Quebec (western Hudson Strait) after a slide of snow and water through a tank farm. The oil was pumped on sea ice and burned at a location away from the tank farm and tundra. CaMAI, DLC. 102053 BARBER, F.G. On the water of Tuktoyaktuk Harbour. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1968. 32 p. graphs, maps, tables. (Canada. Dept of Energy, Mines and Resources. Marine Sciences Branch. Manuscript report series no.9) 20 refs. Describes major features of the 1962-63 temperature and salinity data collected from the ice cover and aboard M /V Richardson in Kugmallit Bay and Tuktoyaktuk harbor in eastern Mackenzie Delta in connection with the operation of an air bubbler system. A rough winter energy budget of the water with and without an ice cover is given, water exchange between the bay and harbor due to summer estuarine and winter tidal mechanisms is suggested, and the significance of conditions in the seaward approach discussed. During the summer season ice and snow melt and runoff, an estuarine type of circulation occurs, comprising a seaward flow of a mixed fresh and salt water surface layer and a compensating subsurface salt water flow into the harbor. With an ice cover, a tidal effect brings freshwater from the bay into the harbor to increase the depth of a freshwater layer and to decrease the salinity at depth below an intense halocline. CaMAI, DLC. BARBER, F.G., see also No. 104280. 102054 BARCLAY, H.B. An Arab community in the Canadian Northwest: a prelimi76
nary discussion of the Lebanese community in Lac La Biche, Alberta. (Anthropologica 1968. v.10, no.2, p.143-56) Discusses the social and economic characteristics of this Lebanese Muslim community and its general adaptation and acculturation, using 1967 data from interviews with 20 male heads of household. Immigration figures, marriage customs and family patterns, and main occupations are considered. This group has found general acceptance and is distinguished by economic enterprise, freedom from crime and from dependence on welfare, and relative stability. CaMAI, DLC. Icing of 102055 BARDARSON, H.R. ships. (In: Symposium on drift ice...1969. Jokull 1969 pub 1970. v.9, p.107-120, graphs, table, illus) 10 refs. Discusses the factors which influence icing of ships from sea water spray, viz: air and water temperature, wind force, state of sea, size, design and freeboard of ship and ship's speed and course relative to wind and sea; describes German, British and Japanese researches on icing; reviews the losses of ships in 1959 and 1968; discusses the influence of icing on the stability of ships, including the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, London, intact stability criteria for fishing vessels with icing, and notes methods to reduce the danger of icing and equipment to remove ice. DGS. BARD1N, A.A., see No. 106604. 102056 BARKHATOV, B.P. Osnovnyye etapy tektonicheskogo razvitiya arkhipelaga Shpitsbergen. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1970. v.25, ser. geol. i geog. no.6, p.157-59) 9 Title tr.: refs. In Russian. English summary. The main stages of tectonic development of the Svalbard archipelago. Two periods of post-platform mountain building took place in Svalbard, one in the Silurian — Devonian and the other in the late Tertiary — Quaternary. The whole archipelago was subjected to a platform tectonic regime during the Caledonian period from roughly the beginning of the Wendian. Svalbard and possibly the East Greenland folded system cannot be considered part of the Caledonian system. The archipelago does not belong to the Caledonian belt of northern Europe, but to the epiDLC. Baykal orogenic province. Biostrati102057 BARKHATOVA, V.P. grafiya karbona i nizhney permi Severnogo Timana. Leningrad. Nauka 1970. 272 p. graphs, map, tables, illus. (Leningrad. Vses. neftyanoy n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyy inst. Trudy no.283) Approx 220 refs. In Russian.
Title tr.: Carboniferous and Lower Permian biostratigraphy in northern Timan. Presents detailed stratigraphic subdivisions of these formations, based on faunal data, especially foraminifers, bryozoans and brachiopods. The brachiopods are described and illus. Conclusions of general importance are given on the Permian-Carboniferous boundary and the volume of the Lower Permian. The monograph is based on author's 1935-47 fieldwork and other studies through 1966. DLC. 102058 BARKOVA, M.V. Palinologicheskoye obosnovaniye pozdneplioIsenovogo vozrasta otlozheniy severnoy chasti Yano-Indigirskoy nizmennosti, mys Svyatoy Nos. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.24, p.38-44, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Palynological substantiation of the age of late Pliocene deposits in the northern part of the Yana-Indigirka lowland, Cape Svyatoy Nos. Upper Pliocene palynological spectra are described. The percentage composition is given for the pollen and spores from outcrop no. 2001. Tree pollen predominates, indicating a warmer climate vegetation than at present. DLC. 102059 BARKOVA, M.V. Periglyatsial'naya rastitel'nost' epokhi zyryanskogo pokholodaniya rayona Yano-Indigirskoy nizmennosti. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.25, p.73-76, graphs) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Periglacial vegetation of the Zyryanka cooling epoch in the Yana-Indigirka lowland region. Reports vegetation spectra from three localities in the Yana-Indigirka basin. The spectra are similar and probably all of Zyryanka age. Artemisia, Gramineae, Caryophyllaceae and Chenopodiaceae, all herbaceous plants, predominate, suggesting that the sedimentation and climate were unfavorable for the development of forests. CaMAI, DLC. 102060 BARKOVA, M.V. Sporovo-pyl'tsevyye kompleksy iz otlozheniy dolednikovoy i pervoy lednikovoy epokh pozdnego pleystotsena Yano-Indigirskogo mezhdurech'ya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1971. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.31, p.73-85, map, tables) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Spore-pollen assemblages from deposits of the preglacial and first late Pleistocene glacial epochs in the Yana-Indigirka interfluve. Reports on spore-pollen assemblages from the fossiliferous Krest-Yuryakh and Oygos formations, on the basis of which the first is assigned to the preglacial and the latter to the
first glacial epoch of the late Pleistocene. From the differences in the composition of these assemblages trends in the change of vegetation in this area during the late Pleistocene are outlined. DLC. 102061 BARKOVA, M.V. Sporovo-pyl'tsevyye kompleksy srednepleystotsenovykh otlozheniy Yano-Indigirskoy nizmennosti. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya 1970, no.30, p.40-46, graphs) 5 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Middle Pleistocene sporepollen assemblages of the Yana-Indigirka lowland. The Middle Pleistocene marsh-delta and lake-lagoon facies are widespread in the lowland. From 1967 palynological studies the first and the second halves of the Middle Pleistocene are analyzed and comparisons made with other regions. Climatic changes and their effects on the vegetation are discussed. DLC. 102062 BARLOW, J.C. Rufous hummingbird in Ontario. (Canadian field-naturalist 1967. v.81, no.2, p.148-49) Notes the first record of the species in Ontario, obtained in Sept 1966 near Winisk, Kenora District. The known distribution of the species and possible reasons for the presence of this individual in the area are discussed. CaMAI, DLC. 102063 BARLOW, J.C. Status of the wood ibis, the fulvous tree duck and the wheatear in Ontario. (Canadian field-naturalist 1966. v.80, no.4, p.183-86, map) Refs. Known records for each are mapped, incl three northern locations for the Greenland wheatear. Early autumn dates suggest that they are fall migrants displaced from their traditional trans-Atlantic and western European route. CaMAI, DLC. 102064 BARMICH, M.YA. Bytovaya leksika kaninskogo govora nenetskogo yazyka. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. v.383, p.203-251) 7 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Colloquial vocabulary in the Kanin dialect of the Nenets language. Semantic study of over 400 words and word combinations in this Samoyed dialect of the Kanin Tundra. Housing and home furnishing, clothing, food, games, toys, etc are represented. The terminology is particularly rich as applied to clothing and the construction of the traditional tent (chum), its component parts, the processing and sewing of hide and bark used in its construction. DLC. 102065 BARNES, D.F. Gravity and other regional geophysical data from Northern Alaska. (In: Geological Seminar on the 77
North Slope of Alaska 1970. Proceedings, p.11120, graphs, maps) 24 refs. Summarizes the kind of geophysical data available as assembled by government personnel from the pioneer aeromagnetic survey of the Naval Petroleum Reserve No.4 in 1945-46. Features of the gravity and magnetic data are discussed with geologic interpretation, as feasible. DGS. BARNES, D.E., see also No. 102571. 102066 BARNES, P. Plastic flow, pressure melting and other mechanisms in the deformation of ice, I. Cambridge, England 1968. 173 p. illus Ph.D. thesis based on experiments on the hardness, sliding friction, and mechanical relaxation of ice at critical temperatures carried out in the Cavendish Laboratory, Univ of Cambridge. Hardness and friction results are divided into the creep 40.08 3)°C to -12°C and the pressure melting regimes 0°C to -(0.08 3)°C. A simple rolling friction apparatus was used to study mechanical relaxation effects of ice at frequencies of 10 cps and less in the -20 to -180°C range. Some of the unusual physical properties of ice relevant to the study are also SPRI. discussed. BARNES, P., see also No. 106746. 102067 BARNETT, D.M. Amendment and extension of tide gauge data analysis for Churchill, Manitoba. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.2, pt 2, p.626-27, table) 5 refs. Amends the land emergence rate at Churchill suggested previously (see No. 93809), to 1.3 ft/century with 95% confidence limits of 1.68 and 0.85 ft. This value is based on a polynomial regression analysis of tide gauge data for 1940-1968 using the linear function as the most satisfactory. DLC. 102068 BARON, L.I. and A.V. KLYUCHNIKOV. K voprosu o kolichestvennoy otsenke sherokhovatosti poverkhnostey gornykh vyrabotok. (In: AN SSSR. Kol'skiy filial. Gornometallurgicheskiy inst. Fizika i tekhnologiya...I965, p.22-31, graphs, tables, illus) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Quantitative evaluation of surface roughness in mine workings. Develops a formula for the determination of roughness on the basis of the measured mean amplitude H of the bumps and hollows produced on the walls and roof during a contour blasting and the mean sharpness coefficient, tan cc /2 as the ratio of HA, where is the mean pitch of the roughness. Four degrees of roughness are differentiated: even, slightly rough, rough, and very rough. The 78
Nittis-Kumuzh'ye and the Severonikel' mines DLC. represent the latter two. 102069 BARR, D.R. Climatological summary for 1966. (McGill Univ. Sub-arctic Research Lab. Research paper 1967. no.23, p.151-53, table) Gives tabulated monthly averages of mean and extreme temperatures, snow, rain, etc, recorded at the class A weather station of the Canada Dept of Transport operated by the McGill Univ Sub-arctic Research Laboratory CaMAI, DLC. at Schefferville, Quebec. 102070 BARR, K.G. Evidence for variations in upper mantle velocity in the Hudson Bay area. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 1969. no.68-53, p.365-76, graphs, maps, table) 5 refs. Concerning the Hudson Bay 1965 crustal seismic experiment, residuals from time-term solutions for arrivals at seismograph stations nearest the Bay show a strong dependence on ray path, which could not have been deduced from the temporary station data used to derive them because of the shot-station geometry. When the first arrival data was examined in light of the hypothesis that all of the residuals from a linear travel-time distance relation can be attributed to upper mantle velocity variations (opposite to the time-term approach), much of the data can be explained. Upper mantle velocity in the northern part of the Bay is 8.4-8.5 km/sec, significantly higher than the 8.1-8.3 km/sec elsewhere in the survey area. If the time-term models have ignored this effect they are probably in error at the northern end of the Bay. CaMAI, DGS. BARR, M., see No. 106514. 102071 BARR, W. and others. Devon Island programs 1967. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.1, p.44-50) 2 refs. Other authors: P.E. Barrett, DJ.T. Hussell, R.H. King and R.M. Koerner. The glaciology program on Sverdrup Glacier and the icecap is reported by Koerner noting the instrumentation and changes in density and profile of snow. Work on glacio-isostatic geomorphology (by W. Barr) dealt with raised marine features on coasts of NE Devon to Cape Parker on the E coast. Cored samples of peat, samples from 14 Greenland whale skulls, and seaweed deposits were collected for C-14 dating. Evidence is noted of a west-east tilt in the isostatic recovery of Devon, the east coast submerging under the eustatic sea-level rise. Periglacial geomorphology studies reported by R.H. King, included slope morphology and rates of development, soil formation, and the nature and mode of occurrence of patterned ground. Meteorological and microclimatic
investigations (instrumentation noted) facilitated a comparative study of the microenvironments of coastal lowlands, interior plateau and Truelove Valley. Work in ornithology (by D.J.T. Hussell) continued observations of breeding Lapland longspurs and snow buntings, abundance of jaegers and identification of 26 species. In the botany program, reported by P.E. Barrett, plant communities were analyzed in various environments and patterned ground features, incl bogs, wet tundras, raised beaches and snow patches. Transportation equipment used and photographic work are also stated. CaMAI, DLC. 102072 BARR, W. Structurally-controlled fluvioglacial erosion features near Schefferville, Quebec. (Cahiers de geographic de Quebec 1969. v.13, no.30, p.295-320, graphs, maps, table, illus) 61 refs. Reports summer 1964 fieldwork --30 mi southeast of the location of a late-Wisconsin ice disintegration center which coincided with an earlier dispersal center. The direction of the NNW-SSE flow of large-scale englacial meltwater was controlled by the englacial hydraulic gradient, controlled in turn by the ice surface gradient. When these englacial streams reached underlying Proterozoic metasediments showing a series of NW-SE-trending parallel folds and thrust faults, structurally controlled alignment of the meltwater channels resulted in generally straight channels aligned along the strike or along faults. Steeply pitching anticlines in slates however produced a striking series of subglacial arcuate channels in the Houston Mt area. In the Schefferville area, subglacial meltwater flow down a hillside at right angles to the strike and in the opposite direction to the dip, in zones of steeply dipping, well-bedded sediments, has produced the features referred to in the literature as vallons de gelivation and explained as largely periglacial in origin, cf No 44610, 48502, 62218. They are a special type of structurally controlled subglacial chute, in which there has been only slight periglacial modification of the original fluvioglacial form. CaMAI, DGS. 102073 BARRETT, P.E. and others. Devon Island programs 1968. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.2, p.158-60) Ref. Other authors: D.J.T. Hussell and I.M. Whillans. Reports activities of four field parties in June-Aug 1968: groups from McGill and Ohio State Univ began ice-movement studies on the icecap and Sverdrup Glacier: elevation and horizontal position surveys and gravity variations. Coastal lowland botanical studies were continued from 1967, incl vegetational analysis of 80 plant communities, their soils, ecosystems, microclimate, snow melt, and thaw rate and depth of active layer. Ornithological work
found the number of breeding longspurs and snow buntings .--.20% of those in 1967 probably due to a 10-12 day delay in snow melt; data were collected on clutch sizes, incubating and feeding activities and predation; increase in numbers of lemmings, nesting of longtailed jaegers, presence of snowy owls, parasitic jaegers and arctic foxes were also noted. CaMAI, DLC. BARRETT, P.E., see also No. 102071. 102074 BARRY, R.G. and S. FOGARASI. Climatology studies of Baffin Island, Northwest Territories. Ottawa 1968. 106 p. graphs, maps. (Canada. Inland Waters Branch. Technical bulletin no.13) 5 refs. Reports the main results of Sept 1966-June 1968 studies in a continuing investigation of the moisture sources for precipitation and synoptic climatology of events significant for snow accumulation/ablation; this is part of the Baffin Island Project of the Dept of Energy, Mines and Resources. The results are plotted on maps and profiles, p.7-106: vapor content and transport and mean surface pressures for overcast days, and days with >2 in. of snowfall. DGS. 102075 BARRY, R.G. Vapour flux divergence and moisture budget calculations for Labrador-Ungava. (Cahiers de geographic de Quebec 1968. v.12, no.25, p.91-102, graphs, maps, tables) 10 refs. French summary. Estimates the moisture budget using winter 1956/57 and 1957/58 aerological data. Two methods of estimating the vapor flux divergence between the surface and 500 mb are described. In one, the horizontal divergence is determined from separate maps of the flux components with reference to a latitude-longitude grid. Comparison of the resulting maps with the winter maps of mean monthly precipitation shows agreement in pattern although allowing for evaporation losses, the amounts appear generally too low except in the southeast. A detailed comparison of eddy flux divergence and precipitation minus evaporation estimates shows significant differences; the correspondence between aerological and surface estimates of precipitation minus evaporation in this region is not very satisfactory. CaMAI, DLC. 102076 BARRY, R.G. Variations in the content and flux of water-vapour over northeastern North America during two winter seasons. (Royal Meteorological Society. Quaterly journal 1967. v.93, no.398, p.535-43, graph, maps, tables) Refs. Reports the results of an investigation of the water vapor content and fluxes at various atmospheric pressure levels over Labrador79
Ungava and Hudson Bay for November-February periods of 1956-58. The distribution of the total and eddy vectors of water vapor transport between the ground and the 500 mb level is represented graphically. Considerable variations in vapor content were observed during the observation periods and the eddy component was found to determine the transport vector when the zonal airflow was disrupted. DLC. BARRY, R.G., see also 104968. 102077 BARRY, T.W. Observations on natural mortality and native use of eider ducks along the Beaufort Sea coast. (Canadian field naturalist 1968. v.82, no.2, p.140-44, table) 9 refs. Reports a 1964 survey of Somateria speciabilis starving in the Herschel—Prince Patrick Island region. Approx 100,000, about 10% of the normal number of migrants, starved to death as a result of bad ice conditions during the most severe season in recent history. Though eiders are hunted at Pt Barrow and Holman Island, the native kill is rarely more than 1% of the population. Other causes of mortality are predation by foxes, etc, and freezing-in before the young birds reach flight stage CaMAI, DGS. in autumn. 102078 BARS, YE.A. and L.N. NOSOVA. Gidrogeologicheskiye zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy Zapadnoy Sibiri. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.23-24) In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrogeologic factors controlling the distribution of oil and gas deposits in Western Siberia. Correlates the zoning of chemically different groundwaters in regional Jurassic and Cretaceous oil-bearing formations with the distribution and properties of the oil and gas. DLC. BARSDATE, R.J., see 205. 104230. BARSS, M.S., see No. 102020. 102079 BARTH, E.K. The circumpolar systematics of Larus argentatus and Larus fuscus with special reference to the Norwegian populations. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget 1968. 50 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Nytt magasin for zoologi. v.15, suppl. 1: Zoologiske museum, Oslo. Meddelelser no.86) 109 refs. Statistical data on mantle color, considered the most significant diagnostic criterion for subspecific division, indicates that the herring gull Larus argentatus argenteus is a valid subspecies in northwest Europe, incl all Fennoscandia; the so-called omissus ssp is a synonym. Although most of the yellow-legged herring gulls, particularly in Finland, seem characteris80
tic, the leg and eye-ring color is variable along all the Norwegian coast and pure L. a. cachinnans cannot be found as breeding birds. Of the lesser black-backed gulls L fuscus, L. f fuscus lives in northern Norway. Migrations, distribution, hybridization and genetic hypotheses are DGS. discussed. E.K. Gamle 102080 BARTH, fangstanlegg for rein i Rondane. (Norske turistforening. Arbok 1970. no.3, p.158-67, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Old reindeer traps in Rondane. Describes the location, structure and use of traps in the Rondane plateau of north-central Norway: pits concealed with branches and turf. The game are corralled toward the pit with long stone walls. Rock breastworks built along the migration routes to conceal hunters are also DLC. noted. Mantle colour as a 102081 BARTH, E.K. taxonomic feature in Larus argentatus and (Nytt magasin for zoologi Larus fuscus. 1965/66. v.13, p.56-82, graphs, maps, tables) 55 refs. The gray to black shades of these two gulls' mantles were measured by a reflectometer and converted into Munsell color values. Both species were collected from the Kola Peninsula across northern Norway and south to northwest Europe. The shift of color of Larus argentatus runs in a continuous dine from darkest in northern Norway to lightest on the Faeroes. Such a geographical dine is absent in L fuscus,• the darkest form is found both in the Baltic DOS. region and northern Norway. 102082 BARTH, E.K. Variation in the mantle colour of Larus argentatus and Larus (Norske videnfuscus; preliminary report. skabers selskab, Trondheim. Forhandlinger 1964. v.37, no.23, p.119-20, map) Reviews study of the color of gulls during the breeding and nesting season, based on Munsell numerical values. The herring gull, always gray, varies in color value from 5.1 in northern to 5.4 in southern Norway, 5.9 on the British Isles, and 6.0 on the Faroes. The lesser black-backed gull L. fuscus which has mean value of 2.3 throughout northern Norway, is DLC. also lighter farther south. BARTLETT, E.L., see No. 106045. 102083 BARTLEY, D.D. and B. MATTHEWS. A palaeobotanical investigation of postglacial deposits in the Sugluk area of northern Ungava, Quebec, Canada. (Review of palaeobotany and palynology 1969. v.9, no.1-2, p.45-6I, map, tables, illus) 16 refs. Pollen diagrams from peat deposits, mainly associated with raised beaches at the heads of
Kugluk Cove, Sugluk Inlet and Deception Bay and at Lac Faucon, indicate that northern Ungava Peninsula has been covered by treeless tundra since 3900 BP. Peat exposures were in river cut sections comprised of marine sands, peats and eolian sands. A climatic interpretation suggests a warm period with peat deposits approx 4000 and 2800 BP; cold period 28001600 BP with eolian sand at one site; warm, moist period, 1600-670 BP with peat; and a cold period with cessation of peat growth and development of sand dunes. The development of living Sphagnum appears to reflect climatic amelioration in this century. DGS. 102084 BARTLEY, D.D. Pollen analysis of surface samples of vegetation from arctic Quebec. (Pollen et spores 1967. v.9, no.1, p.101-105, table) 3 refs. French summary. Reports and discusses pollen data from living surface vegetation samples of Sphagnum or other moss polsters and lichens around Deception Bay and Sugluk. Most of the pollen falling in a tundra region derives from plants at or close to the fall point, thus surfaces only a few m apart can show great variations in pollen composition. Coniferous and alder pollen is blown into this region from forests 350-550 mi to the south. This indicates the danger of interpreting pollen diagrams from arctic regions without knowledge of the regional ecology or study of the stratigraphy. DGS. 102085 BARTONEK, J.C. and H.W. MURDY. Summer foods of lesser scaup in subarctic taiga. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.1, p.35-44, graphs, tables) 16 refs. French and Russian summaries. Reports on the food of 25 adult and 38 juvenile A ythya affinis, collected in June-Sept 1967 along the Yellowknife Highway north of Great Slave Lake. The vegetation, physiography and ponds of the area, the collecting and statistical methods are briefly described. Approx 99% of the scaup diet was animal material; juveniles in mid-summer fed on freeswimming organisms such as Chaoborinae (phantom midges) and Conchostraca (clam shrimps); in late summer they, as did adults in June, fed on bottom organisms such as amphipods, odonates and corixids. Seeds, copepods and cladocerans were seldom or never eaten. CaMAI, DLC. BARTONEK, J.C., see also No. 102562. 102086 BARTOSHINSKIY, Z.V. Ob osobennostyakh almazov iz nekotorykh kimberlitovykh tel so "stolbchatym" stroyeniyem. (Mineralogicheskiy sbornik 1968. v.22, no.1, p.54-58, tables) 10 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Features of diamonds
from some kimberlite bodies with columnar structure. Reports investigation of the crystal morphology, color, and photoluminescence of diamonds from several petrographic varieties of kimberlites in Yakutia. With the Aykhal, Dal'naya, and Udachnaya pipes as examples, it is shown that diamonds from kimberlite bodies with columnar structure are clearly different from the diamonds in pipes without such structure. DLC. 102087 BARTOSHINSKIY, Z.V. and M.A. GNEVUSHEV. Vneshnyaya simmetriya yakutskikh almazov i usloviya ikh kristallizatsii. (Vses. mineralogicheskoye o-vo. Zapiski 1969. v.98, no.5, p.560-67, table, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: External symmetry of Yakutian diamonds and their crystallization conditions. Describes and illus various forms of external symmetry in these crystals. They are of several types, the most common being compressed along one of the three major axes of symmetry. These diamonds crystallized in a semiliquid medium under oriented pressure. Crushing of diamond crystals under pressure is discussed. DLC. BARTOSHINSKIY, Z.V., 107409.
see also
102088 BARYSHNIKOVA, A.I. 0 pomoshchi nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii laboratoriyam sanepidstantsiy. (Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1969. v.13, no.4, p.24-26) In Russian. Title tr.: Aid to prophylactic and epidemiological station labs by the Epidemiology and Microbiology Research Institute. Reviews the 1963-1967 activities of this institute based on Khabarovsk, its supervision of epidemiological labs, coordination of research, seminars, and training of specialists assigned to Kamchatka, Magadan Province, DLC. Yakut ASSR, etc. Seismic magni102089 BASHAM, P.W. tudes of high-yield underground explosions. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.2, pt 1, p.531-34, graph) 5 refs. Comparison of the seismic magnitude of the high-yield underground nuclear explosion. Milrow in the Aleutian Islands, 2 Oct 1969, with those of the smaller 1965 Aleutian Long Shot and continental explosions at the Nevada Testing site, shows that the seismic magnitude of Milrow was 0.3 times larger than the continental explosions. The comparison also suggests that in the yield range near I megaton the yield exponent in the amplitude-yield relationship is significantly less than the value of unity 81
which applies for yields less than 100 kilotons. DLC. 102090 BASHARIN, A.K. and others. Stratigrafiya nizhnekembriyskikh otlozheniy mezhdurech'ya Yudoma-Belaya. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968, no.6, p.64-73) 40 refs. In Russian. Other authors: R.U. Ivashchenko, V.I. Korshunov and N.P. Meshkova. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of Lower Cambrian deposits of the Yudoma-Belaya interfiuve. Reports a 1962-64 study in the Yudoma, Maya, Allakh-Yun' and Belaya River basins in Yakutia. Age determinations are based on trilobite and hyolithid faunas. The Yudoma, variegated and Innikanskaya suites are defined and described in some detail, and correlated with other regions of the Siberian platform. DLC. 102091 BASHARIN, G.P. 0 poslednikh godakh zhizni A.I. Sofronova, 1928-1935. (Polyarnaya zvezda 1967. no.6, p.I09-117) 3 Title tr.: Last years of A.I. refs. In Russian. Sofronov, 1928-1935. Documented account of this Yakut writer and poet, arrested in 1927 for alleged antiSoviet conspiracy, and sentenced to five yr hard labor in the Solovetskiy concentration camp. His sentence was commuted to exile in Arkhangel'sk Province in 1928, later in Irkutsk. Released in 1933, he died of TB in 1935 in Yakutsk. Posthumous rehabilitation was rejected by the Supreme Court of Yakutia in 1962, but granted by the Supreme Court of the RSFSR in 1963. Excerpts are cited from SofroDLC. nov's poems and diary while in exile. BASHARINA, A.A., see No. 101832. V remennaya 102092 BASHKIROV, V.F. radiosvyaz' na zapolyarnom gazoprovode. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1969. v.14, no.6, Title tr.: Temporary p.4-5, illus) In Russian. radio communication along an arctic gas pipeline. On the 300 km Messoyakha-Noril'sk pipeline under construction, Noril'sk and Dudinka are the main radio stations, with local and long-distance telephone connections; Fakel and Messoyakha also have facilities, and there are some shortwave outfits along the line. DLC. 102093 BASHLAVIN, D.K. Selevoy pavodok v Verkhoyanskom khrebte. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik. ser. 5: geog. 1968. v.23, no.3, p.148-49) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: A mudflow in the Verkhoyansk Range. Describes the 23 July 1964 mudflow in the Sobopol River basin, a right tributary to the Lena. The geomorphic and hydrometeorologic 82
conditions are outlined and the development and progress of the mudfiow are described. DLC. and A.P. 102094 BASHTA, YU.I. KUDRYAN'. 0 prichinakh preobrazovaniy stratosfernoy tsirkulyatsii v Severnom polusharii v kholodnoye polugodiye. (Meteorologiya i gidrologiya 1968. no.7, p.40-46, graphs, Title tr.: Reasons table) 3 refs. In Russian. for stratospheric circulation transformations in the Northern Hemisphere during the cold half of the year. Discusses basic causes for the changes in the stratospheric pressure field at the AT300 and AT30 level. The wintertime circulation in the stratosphere is determined by the polar stratospheric cyclones and the change in thickness of the air layers between the 300 mb and 30 mb levels. The heights of these levels and the thicknesses of the air layer between them are tabulated for various dates in 1964 and 1965. The change of the AT30 height was frequently associated with an unexplained change in temperature. Comparison of the paths of tropospheric cyclones, and those of polar stratospheric cyclones indicated some similarity in translocaDLC. tion.
102095 BASKAKOV, G.A. and A.O. Sovremennyye vertikal'SHPAYKHER. nyye dvizheniya poberezh'ya Arkticheskikh (Leningrad. Arkticheskiy i antarktimorey. cheskiy n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1968. no.285, p.18995, graph, tables) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Recent vertical movements of the coasts of the Arctic seas. Investigations reveal that the coasts of the Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, and Chukchi Seas are rising, with the rate increasing from the Kara Sea toward the Chukchi Sea. The Bering Strait coast is subsiding. The coasts of the White and Barents Seas are rising slowly. The subsidence of the Bering Strait coast is such that it must be taken into consideration in DLC. planning hydraulic structures. BASKAKOV, YA.I., see No. 106540. BASKIN, L.M., see No. 106055. 102096 BASKOV, YE.A. Osnovnyye cherty gidrodinamiki i gidrogeokhimii mineral'nykh vod Vostochno-Sibirskoy artezianskoy oblasti. (In: Podzemnyye vody Sibiri...I97 I. p.128-35, map) 16 refs. In Russian. • Title tr.: Main features of the hydrodynamics and hydrogeochemistry of mineral waters of the eastern Siberian artesian province. Outlines the distribution and formation of the main types of mineral waters in the area between the Yenisey and Lena. The various types, of which 31 have been distinguished,
exhibit a close relationship with geologic structure and hydrodynamic conditions. Sedimentation and diagenetic processes exerted a considerable influence on the accumulation and composition of water masses in both the lower and upper groundwater levels. In places waters of the lower level migrate toward the surface along faults and become mixed with upper-level waters. DLC. 102097 BASKOV, YE.A. and others. Soderzhaniye tritiya i izotopnyy sostav geliya v nekotorykh vulkanicheskikh istochnikakh Kuril i Kamchatki. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.86) In Russian. Other authors: A.L. Devirts, I.L. Kamenskiy, S.N. Surikov and I.N. Tolstikhin. Title tr.: The tritium content and isotopic composition of helium in some volcanic springs of the Kurils and Kamchatka. Investigates the origin of the helium and tritium contents of the spring waters and concludes that the helium is of juvenile origin, derived from the mantle, rather than a decay product. DLC. 102098 BASKOV, YE.A. and S.N. SURIKOV. Strukturno-gidrogeologicheskiy analiz zakonomernostey razmeshcheniya mineral'nykh vod na Severo-Vostoke SSSR. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.56-57) In Russian. Title tr.: Structural and hydrogeologic analysis of the distribution pattern of mineral waters in the Soviet Northeast. Defines the various types of subsurface mineral waters of northeastern Siberia relative to their occurrence in artesian, intermontane and other basins and with reference to their distribution in permafrost zones. DLC. 102099 BASOV, V.A. and others. Novyye dannyye po stratigrafii yury Leno-Anabarskogo rayona. (In: Problemy paleontologicheskogo obosnovaniya...I967. p.74-94, graphs, map, table) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: L.S. Velikzhanina, N.M. Dzhinoridze, S.V. Meledina and T.I. Nal'nyayeva. Title tr.: New data on Jurassic stratigraphy of the LenaAnabar region. Reports a 1965-66 study of deposits in the Anabar Bay and lower Lena regions. Sections of the deposits (Toarcian-Callovian) are analyzed and correlated. Six fundamental horizons are established as Dactylioceras sp, Cranocephalires, Oppelia cf. aspidoides and various A rtocephalites, Cadoceras elatmae, Longaeviceras, and Cardioceras. DLC. 102100 BASOV, V.A. 0 sostave foraminifer v volzhskikh i berriasskikh otlozheniyakh Severa Sibiri i Arkticheskikh ostrovov. (In:
AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1968. no.48, p.108-141, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Composition of foraminifers in Volgian and Berriasian deposits in northern Siberia and on arctic islands. Presents tabulated data on Volgian and Berriasian foraminiferal zones and a scheme for correlation of foram assemblages at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the Yenisey, Kheta, Anabar, Olenek areas and in Spitsbergen and Franz-Josef Land. Describes species of Haplophragmoides, Boiarkaella, Nodosaria, Pseudonodosaria and Astacolus and the nature of the changes in the foraminiferal faunas at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. CaMAI, DLC. 102101 BASOV, V.A. and others. Zonal% noye raschleneniye verkhneyurskikh i nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy na myse Urdyuk-Khaya, p-ov Pakhsa, Anabarskiy zaliv. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.29, p.14-31, table, illus) 10 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Ye.F. Ivanova, V.N. Saks, NJ. Shul'gina, Ye.G. Yudovnyy and V.A. Zakharov. Title tr.: Zonal subdivision of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits on Cape Urdyuk-Khaya, Pakhsa Peninsula, Anabar Bay. In a continuous Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous section the following stages and substages are separated: Upper Oxfordian, Lower Kimmeridgian, Upper Kimmeridgian, Middle Volgian, Upper Volgian, Berriasian and Lower Valanginian. The boundary between Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous is drawn between the Chetaites cheme and Chetaites sibiricus zones. DLC. 102102 BASSINGER, B.G. Marine magnetic study in the northeast Chukchi Sea. (Journal of geophysical research 1968. v.73, no.2, p.683-87, maps) 9 refs. Reports results of 1961-62 magnetometer operations northwest of Alaska at approx 69° - 72°N 163° - 169°W, from the USC & GS Surveyor. To the west of about 165°30'W, a north-south trending magnetic feature with anomalies up to 450 gammas was mapped. This increase in magnetic intensity is interpreted as a shallowing of the basement surface that indicates a northward extension of the Tigara uplift rather than being related to the east-west trends of the Colville geosyncline. DGS. 102103 BASYE, D.E. Alaska, land of challenge. (Oil and gas journal 1969. v.67, no.32, p.105-132, maps, tables, illus) Describes the opening of the oil fields on the North Slope, the logistics problem, mechanical breakdowns due to the cold, water 83
shortage in winter, melted permafrost and wet tundra in summer, the types and cost of transportation, the camps, rigsites and drilling procedures in permafrost. Producing the 175185°F oil without melting the permafrost may require refrigeration and/or insulation techniques; offshore drilling and producing may require ice-resistant platforms, built-up gravel drilling-pad islands, or tunnelling beneath the shallow shelf sea. Moving the oil off the slope by pipelines or tankers is discussed, noting route surveys, soil tests, research on how pipe behaves under extreme weather conditions, the SS Manhattan project and the grounding of ice islands to serve as offshore ports. Ecologic studies of disrupted tundra are also discussed briefly. DGS. 102104 BASYE, D.E. Gigantic logistical effort jams N. Slope approaches. (Oil and gas journal 1969. v.67, no.31, p.77-81, map, illus) Discusses mass transportation to the North Slope of Alaska with 1000-t capacity barges. The 3000 mi trip, Seattle-Prudhoe Bay, requires 15-20 days to Bering Strait and about ten days for the 350 mi along the north coast, where the route is open for about six wk after ice breakup. The alternate water route via the Mackenzie River and Beaufort Sea coast is also noted. The river is usually open early July - late Sept for barges. Costs range from $84/t on the Mackenzie to $125-150/t on the Bering Sea route. A dock made of four sunken barges and an all-weather gravel road serve for unloading and transfer to storage at Prudhoe Bay. Airlifts moved about 100,000 t after freeze-up during Sept-May, from Anchorage or Fairbanks. The high costs, average $174/t were compensated by speed of delivery. The Fairbanks - N Slope ice road can be used for trucking only 3 mo/yr. It cost $350,000 to construct and maintenance may cost as much. Its destruction of the tundra may cause the 70 mi swath to become a gully or ravine. DGS. 102105 BASYE, D.E. Secrecy shroud lifts on giant Prudhoe Bay field. (Oil and gas journal 1969. v.67, no.47, p.49-54, map, illus) Reports on operators' testimony to the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Committee at Anchorage 13-14 Nov 1969. The general Prudhoe Bay region appears to have two distinct fields, one the 430,000 acre Prudhoe Bay field with three overlapping oil pools, and the other some 6 mi west. The Prudhoe Bay field extends about 40 mi E - W and 20 mi N - S; its three pools are Prudhoe Bay sand pool at 81008680 ft depth, Lisburne pool at 8785-10,450 ft on the field's eastern edge and the Kuparuk River pool at 6765-7060 ft depth. Some well data, reservoir characteristics, porosity and general geology of these beds are reported. 84
Well spacing, utilization and field rules are also DGS. summarized. 102106 BASYE, D.E. Thaw locks in North Slope operators. (Oil and gas journal 1969. v.67, no.32, p.75-77, map, table) Most operators cannot move rigs over the soft tundra during the arctic summer. Atlantic Richfield moved by helicopter and British Petroleum uses an estimated 60 mi network of all-weather roads built upon 5-7 ft of insulating gravel. The worst drilling problems in summer are melting permafrost and unconsolidated gravel which sloughs into the hole. DGS. 102107 BASYE, D.E. Winter drilling campaign dragging on North Slope. (Oil and gas journal 1969. v.67, no.50, p.27-30, map, illus) Reports drilling activity and notes techniques being developed for permafrost and tests to determine permafrost reaction to hot oil during the production operation. DGS. 102108 BATALIN, YU.P. Blochnost', osnovnoye usloviye sovershenstvovaniya obustroystva promyslov v Tyumenskoy oblasti. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1969. v.I4, no.3, p.I2- 15, table) In Russian. Title tr.: Blockassembly is the basic factor for improving industrial development in the Tyumen Province. Discusses the introduction of sets of construction materials, equipment and machinery assembled in blocks at the factory. Delivered to the construction site, these semi-assembled units can be erected at great savings in cost, time, labor, and material. This novel method of construction is used at Surgut, Nefteyugansk, and other oil and gas fields. It can be used in many types and phases of construction and excavation. Wider use of prefabricated units and block construction is suggested for several gas and oil fields of Western Siberia. DLC. 102109 BATALIN, YU.V. and others. Podzemnyye vody i gidrogeologicheskiye issledovaniya v Sibiri i na Dal'nem Vostoke v svyazi s prognozirovaniyem sodonosnosti SSSR. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.60-61) In Russian. Other authors: N.N. Ivanov and Ye.F. Stankevich. Title tr.: Groundwater and hydrogeologic investigations in Siberia and the Soviet Far East relative to estimation of the soda resources of the USSR. Summarizes data on the occurrence, conditions of formation and subsurface drainage of soda-rich groundwaters of various basins and depressions of the USSR. DLC. 102110 BATAYEVA, T.I. Osobennosti usloviy zhizni naseleniya Magadanskoy oblasti.
(In: Naseleniye i trudovyye resursy SeveroVostoka SSSR 1968. p.24-38, tables) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Characteristics of living conditions in Magadan Province. Describes living standards prevalent in this region and analyzes the actual volume of material consumption in light of "rational norms of objective needs". The analysis is based on study of four categories of goods and services: food, clothing, furnishings and household goods; housing and communal services; nonproductive expenses such as care of children, medical and cultural services, sports facilities, etc. The average diet generally includes sufficient amounts of protein-rich foods but is deficient in vitamins, due to underconsumption of vegetables, potatoes, fruits and berries. Yet even such basic foods as milk have to be imported into the area: in the Chukotsk National District, local cow herds provide milk for less than 1% of the population. Meat is mostly frozen and therefore less nutritious. Over 45% of all goods other than foodstuffs purchased by the local population is clothing, with a relatively minor pan of a family's budget going for home furnishings and household goods. This is due in part to existing housing problems, among them the temporary nature of housing facilities in mining areas, high cost of city apartments, preference given to new settlers, etc. Unsatisfactory living conditions including lack of recreational facilities, cause cadres turnover and drop in labor productivity. Finally, there is need for greater and better facilities for the care and education of children, especially those of preschool age, at the expense of better-paid parents if necessary. DLC. 102111 BATES, H.F. and P.R. ALBEE. Aspect sensitivity of F-layer I-IF backscatter (Journal of geophysical research echoes. 1970. v.75, no.1, p.165-70, graph, illus) 9 refs. High frequency backscatter echoes from the F ionospheric layer are studied by an indirect method to show that the usual simplifying assumption of strict aspect sensitivity, i.e. strict normality between wave vector and the geomagnetic field, is a good assumption. A simple method is developed to include ionospheric refraction quantitatively in obtaining an estimate of the maximum off-perpendicular angle from the geomagnetic field for which the ionospheric F-layer backscatter can occur. The Flayer aspect-sensitive radio-wave echoes recorded at College in 1965 are found to have originated within 5° of the perpendicular to the magnetic field, and the aspect-sensitive decrease in the backscatter cross-section to have been of the order of 5 db/degree in the 6DLC. 15 MHz region. 102112 BATES, H.F.
HF propagation
through the auroral curtain. (Journal of geophysical research 1970. v.75, no.1, p.143-51, graphs, illus) 16 refs. Studies whether high frequency signals propagating through the auroral curtain are blocked or strongly attenuated. The presence of the auroral curtain was established from multifrequency backscatter soundings made at College. Multifrequency forward-oblique transmissions were used as the radio signal. The method of the experiment and its equipment are described, and records on pairs of backscatter ionograms made every 20 min are presented. A strong auroral disturbance on the radio path was found not to affect appreciably the propagation of the IF mode on the ThuleCollege path until auroral absorption occurred. Blanketing by the auroral-E layer was also not DLC. observed. BATES, LE., see No 102302. 102113 BATIYEVA, I.D. and I.V. BEL'KOV. Formatsii granitoidov severovostochnoy chasti Baltiyskogo shchita. (In: Vulkanizm i tektogenez 1968. p.89-91) In Russian and English. Title tr.: Granitoid formations in the northeastern part of the Baltic Shield. These widespread granitoids were formed at different stages of geologic history and vary in nature and genesis. They belong to Archean and Lower and Middle Proterozoic tectonicmagmatic cycles. Those of each cycle are described and their absolute ages determined. DLC. 102114 BATIYEVA, 1.D. and I.V. BEL'KOV. Granitoidnyye formatsii Kol'skogo poluostrova. (In: Ocherki po petrologii, mineralogii i metallogenii granitov...I968. p.5143, graphs, maps, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Granitoid formations of Kola Peninsula. Geologic, petrographic, petrochemical and mineral-geochemical investigation indicates that these granitoids belong to three tectonicmagmatic cycles, Archean, lower Proterozoic and middle Proterozoic. Archean granodioritetonalite-plagiogranite is characteristic of the early nuclear stage of development of the earth's crust in the Baltic Shield region. This formation is subdivided into granodiorite, porphyry, diorite and granodiorite-plagiogranite, and facies of various depths are defined. Lower Proterozoic granitoids originated in the geosynclinal development of the Baltic Shield and are represented by gabbro-diorite-plagiogranite, anatectite-granite and metasomatic-porphyroblastic granite. The middle Proterozoic granitoids were formed in the subplatformic stage of development of the Baltic Shield and 85
are represented by alkaline granite-syenite. DLC.
and I.V. 102115 BATIYEVA, I.D. BEL'KOV. Voprosy metallogenii granitoidov severo-vostochnoy chasti Baltiyskogo (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyshchita. skogo...1971. p.78-91, table) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Metallogeny of the granitoids in the northeastern Baltic shield. Seven Precambrian granitoid complexes in Kola Peninsula are characterized relative to their petrography, chemistry and genesis. Types of mineralization genetically associated with these formations are defined, and paragenetic relationships are reviewed. Granitoids of magmatic origin are more favorable to the occurrence of ores than those of metasomatic DLC. origin.
BATIYEVA, I.D., see also No. 102167. 102116 BATTS, B.S. and K.J. FISCHLER. Historical data on the sockeye salmon runs to the Nushagak district, Bristol Bay, Alaska. Seattle 1967. 63 p. graphs. (Washington (State) University. Fisheries Research Institute. Circular no.67-10) 15 refs. Information from the literature on the weather, catch, escapement and timing for each year, 1890-1959 is presented by Batts; and Fischler summarizes 1924-45 Nushagak fishing regulations based on official records. Notes are included on ice conditions in the various river DLC. and lake systems in this district.
Nos. 104963,
102117 BATUYEV, B. 0 nekotorykh osobennostyakh Oktyabr'skoy revolyutsii v (In: Velikiy natsional'nykh rayonakh Sibiri. Oktyabr' i Vostochnaya Sibir' 1968. p.397-400) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: The October Revolution in the national districts of Siberia. Outlines the socio-economic and political situation in Siberia as a whole on the eve of the February 1917 so-called bourgeois-democratic revolution, and indicates the latter's effects upon subsequent developments in the region. Mensheviks, formerly in political exile in the area, carried influence with the local population and delayed establishment of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. Thus, in Yakutia a Committee of Public Safety was formed as a regional arm of the Provisional Government; it included Russians as well as Yakuts and other nationals. During 26 Mar 16 Apr 1917, the first free congress of Yakuts and of Russian peasants from the Yakutsk, Olekma, and Vilyuy districts was assembled at Yakutsk. With the departure of leading bolsheviks from Yakutsk and the weakening of bol86
shevik positions in civic organizations, their work among the local population diminished until the advent of the October Revolution. DLC.
102118 BATYREVA, O.V. Statisticheskiy prognoz prizemnogo davleniya na 1, 3, 5 dney. (Meteorologiya i gidrologiya 1969. no.7, p.5663, map, tables) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Statistical forecast for I, 3, 5 days of the atmospheric surface boundary layer pressure. Discusses an objective method for forecasting the pressure field of atmospheric surface boundary test sample of the layer. The forecasting procedure covers the European USSR and Western Siberia, including the arctic area. This method is based on the expansion of meteorological fields in respect to natural orthogonal components. The quantity of the so-called predictors in the regression equation is estimated with the distribution of the multi ple correlation coefficient taken into account. Test results indicate that this method satisfies DLC. forecasting requirements. BAUDOU, E., see No. 102308. 102119 BAUER, A. Le glacier de l'Eqe (Eqip sermia) mouvement et variations du front 1959. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag 1968. 21 p. graphs, maps,, tables, illus. (Meddelelser om Grenland. v.174, no.2) Refs. Expedition glaciologique internationale au Groenland, EGIG, 1957-1960. v.4, no.2. In French. English summary. Title tr.: Eqe Glacier (Eqip sermia) movement and frontal variations 1959. Presents the second of four reports on the 1959 work. The mean diurnal velocity of the glacier 5-9 July 1959 was 2m/24hr as compared to 3m/24hr in 1948-49, a difference in the order of magnitude of the inaccuracies of the 1959 measurements under unfavorable conditions. Successive positions of the front 1912-64 show advance to approx 1920 and retreat since that time. CaMAI, DGS. 102120 BAUER, A. Missions aeriennes de reconnaissance au Groenland 1957-1958; observations aeriennes et terrestres, exploitation des photographies aeriennes, determination des vitesses des glaciers velant dans Disko Bugt et Umanak Fjord. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzel 1968. 116 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Meddelelser om Grenland v.173, no.3) 28 refs. Expedition glaciologique internationale au Groenland EGIG, 1957-1960. v.2, no. 1. In French. English summary. Title tr.: Air reconnaissance flights in Greenland 1957-58; aerial and direct observations, use of aerial photographs, velocities of glaciers calving into Disko Bay and Umanak Fiord. Gives a detailed account of 1957-58
research in preparation for the main work of EGIG in 1959-60, viz: definition of the crevassed areas on the West Greenland ice sheet; delimitation of the catchment basin and velocity measurements of 20 glaciers between 68° 72°N and determination of the annual velocity of the ice sheet by photointerpretation of the intervals between large crevasses. A new technique is described for measuring the mean velocity at glacier fronts by repeated aerial photographs. The estimated solid discharge of the outflow glaciers of 90.± 10% km3/ice year is larger than previous estimates and supports the conclusion that the mass balance of the whole ice sheet is negative. Transverse velocity profiles show acceleration of flow towards glacier fronts where it reaches a maximum. CaMAI, DGS. 102121 BAUER, A. Mouvement et variation d'altitude de la zone d'ablation ouest, latitude moyenne 69°40'N, de l'Indlandsis du Groenland entre 1948 et 1959. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag 1968. 79 p. graphs, map, tables, illus. (Meddelelser om Gronland. v.174, no.1) Refs. Expedition glaciologique internationale au Groenland EGIG, 1957-1960. v.4, no.1. In French. English summary. Title tr.: Movement and variation of altitude of the western ablation zone, mean latitude 69°40'N, of the Greenland Inland Ice 1948-59. This first of four reports on 1959 work of the Coastal Glaciological Group of EGIG describes the methods used and the glaciological program: determination of velocity, variation of ablation zone altitude, distribution of ablation, accuracy of measurements and meltwater flow. The 1948-59 inland ice movement shows a linear increase from 18 m/yr at the west edge to 80 m/yr at the east end of a 40 km profile. An altitude variation which represents a reduction in water of 30 m/yr, although not strictly accurate, is of an order of magnitude which correlates with observations of the ice sheet negative balance. Observations of movements of the ice sheet frontal moraine indicates an advance of 1.5 m/yr despite regular thinning since 1912. CaMAI, DGS. BAUER, A., see also No. 102765. 102122 BAUER, G.W. Seals today, maybe. (Beaver 1969. v.300, no.3, p34-39, illus) Describes a mid-April seal hunt on which the author accompanied five Indian and Eskimo hunters from Fort George, N Quebec. CaMAI. 102123 BAULIN, V.V. and others. Geograficheskiye osobennosti mnogoletnemerzlykh porod v Zapadnoy Sibiri. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1968. ser. geog. no.6, p.64-70, map) Refs.
In Russian. Other authors: Ye.B. Belopukhova and G.I. Dubikov. Title tr.: Geographic features of permafrost in West Siberia. Explains the 1:5 million geocryologic map of West Siberia and compares it with others. Three zones differing in distribution, structure and thickness are recognized, the northern with continuous permafrost, the central zone with discontinuous, and the southern with relic permafrost. Ground ice, heaving hummocks, development of thermokarst and other associated features are also noted. DLC. 102124 BAULIN, V.V. Nekotoryye osobennosti kriogennogo stroyeniya i razvitiya akkumulyativnykh urovney na severe Zapadnoy Sibiri. (In: Vses_ soveshchaniye po geomorfologii...I965. Materialy, v.3, 1970. p.164-73, illus) 10 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Some features of the cryogenic structure and development of accumulation surfaces in the north of West Siberia. Reports 1960-64 investigations in the Ob, Irtysh and Yenisey valleys and also on the Taz, Yamal and Gydanskiy Peninsulas. The ice content of the unconsolidated deposits of these regions represents 60% or more of their total volume. Three main types of ground ice are briefly characterized: segregated, repeated-vein ice, and sheets or lenses of injection and segregated ice. Permafrost rocks of both syngenetic and epigenetic type of formation are described. Three zones are recognized in connection with present-day syngenetic freezing of alluvial, coastal and marine deposits. Freezing and thawing of rocks has also affected the development of different accumulation surfaces. DLC. 102125 BAULIN, V.V. and G.B. OSTRYY. O vliyanii tektoniki na rel'yef nizhney granitsy merzlykh porod. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologii...1965. Materialy, v.3, 1970. p.174-78, tables) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effects of tectonics on the relief of the lower limit of permafrost. Separates three zones of permafrost of different structure in the West Siberian region, monolithic permafrost in the north, a zone of two horizons of permafrost of which the lower one is relict, and zone of relict permafrost in the south. The position of the lower limit of permafrost in each zone is determined to a great extent by the tectonics of the region. Thus, investigating the thickness of permafrost by means of inexpensive electric logging, one can obtain data on the tectonic structure of the region. DLC. BAULIN, V.V., 103597.
see also
Nos. 101999,
102126 BAVINA, L.G. and V.V. ROMANOV. lspareniye s bolot bolotno-tayezhnoy 87
zony Zapadnoy Sibiri. (Leningrad. Gos. gidrologicheskiy inst. Trudy 1969. no.157, p.66Title 77, graphs, tables) 7 refs. In Russian. tr.: Evaporation from swamps in the swampy taiga zone of West Siberia. Reports on a 1965-66 study of heat balance and evaporation in the Shaim region of Tyumen Province. Data of heat balance on the swamp surface are tabulated. Seasonal evaporation in the central Ob basin, 52°-62°N, is 300-400 mm. The difference in evaporation values at the northern and southern limits is determined by the length of the vegetation period. In the summer months the value of evaporation from swamps is practically the DLC. same for the entire region. BAVRO, G.V., see No. 105588. BAYAREVICH, V.V., see No. 101656. and 102127 BAYBARODSKIKH, N.I. others. Raschleneniye yurskikh i melovykh otlozheniy v razrezakh skvazhin, proburennykh v Ust'-Yeniseyskoy sineklize v 1962-1967 godakh. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.12, p.5-24, graphs, map, table) In Title tr.: Subdivision of Jurassic Russian. and Cretaceous deposits in sections of wells drilled in the Ust'-Yenisey syneclise in 1962-67. Describes the stratigraphic scheme from analyses of cores from 30 wells. Division of the deposits into local series is based on geophysiDLC. cal and paleontologic data. BAYBARODSKIKH, NJ., 102666.
see also
morphism during alpine deformation and magDLC. matism. New North Slope 102129 BAYSE, D. wildcat slated. (Oil and gas journal 1969. v.67, no.15, p.156-57, map) Test drilling in the East Umiat prospect will be along the axis of the Umiat anticlinal trend between the US Navy Umiat oil field and BPSinclair East Umiat gas field. It is hoped to encounter oil at least 1000 ft deeper than that in the USN Petroleum Reserve no. 4, and thus below the permafrost level. DGS. 102130 BAZANOV, A.G. and A.A. GORTSEVSKIY. Bor'ba za vseobshcheye nachal'noye obucheniye 1930-1941 gg. (In: Prosveshcheniye na Kraynem Severe...1967. p.45-53, table) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Enforcement of a general elementary education, 1930-1941. Deals with the implementation of the law on compulsory education decreed in 1930 and promulgated in 1932 by the Committee of the North. Major obstacles from the start were: psychological problems of child adaptation to the confinement of boarding school life, linguistic barriers between native children and teachers unversed in aboriginal vernaculars, dependence on bilingual natives without teaching experience, school curricula unsuited to local needs, etc. Reorganization of the minorities school system in the late 1930's, introduction of new teaching methods and broader curricula geared to regional conditions, and particularly greatly expanded training projects for aboriginal teachers are credited with the success of the literacy program. DLC.
BAYFIELD, N., see No. 108356. 102128 BAYKOV, A.I. and V.N. LUK'YANOV. Medno-nikelevaya mineralizatsiya Sredinnogo Kamchalskogo massiva metamorficheskikh porod. (In: AN SSSR. Dal'nevostochnyy filial. Geol. inst. Voprosy geologii, petrologii i metallogenii...1968. p.118-20) In Russian. Title tr.: Copper-nickel mineralization in the central Kamchatka massif of metamorphic rocks. Reports results of a study of the geologic setting, genesis and occurrence of coppernickel sulfide ores in the southern part of this metamorphic complex. Ore types consist of dissemination, impregnation and vein deposits. The main ore minerals are pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and pentlandite. Mineralization was structurally controlled and due to magmatic liquation, partially hydrothermal processes. The host rocks are interpreted as pre-Cretaceous rocks, probably Jurassic in age that were subjected to both regional and contact meta88
Pervyye shagi 102131 BAZANOV, A.G. sovetskoy vlasti v oblasti stroitel'stva shkol 1917-1930 gg. (In: Prosveshcheniye na Kraynem Severe...1967. p.27-42, illus) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: First steps of the Soviet regime in the sphere of school construction 1917-30. Deals with the early phases of propagating education among northern minorities. Decrees of the 1920's and their application are reviewed noting some positive results of individual initiative. Problems of student enrolment, school curricula, teacher training programs are discussed as is the compilation of textbooks in native languages newly rendered into writing, etc. Some data are given on the number of cultural bases, boarding and day schools, and DLC. financing. 102132 BAZANOV, A.G. and G.S. GOR. (In: ProsveshcheV mire detskogo risunka. niye na Kraynem Severe...1967. p.119-27, illus)
5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: World of child drawings. Psychological study of the aboriginal child's ability to see and draw nature. His naive and realistic rendering of the essential, instinctive elimination of superfluous details, sense of color and composition, etc are discussed, and similarities with paleolithic cliff drawings noted. Examples are cited in the work of Tungus, Samoyed, Chukchi and Gold elementary DLC. school children. BAZHENOV, M.N., see No.101640. 102133 BAZHENOVA, T.K. and S.A. KASHCHENKO. Geokhimicheskaya kharakteristika nizhnepaleozoyskikh otlozheniy basseyna r.Maymechi, zapadnyy bort Anabarskoy anteklizy. (Sibirskiy n.-issl. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy 1968. no.78, ser. litologiya i geokhimiya, p.132-44. Title tr.: graphs, tables) Refs. In Russian. Geochemical characteristics of lower Paleozoic deposits of the Maymecha River basin, western edge of the Anabar anteclise. Describes the distribution of organic carbon, bitumen, iron, and sulfur in these deposits. Characteristics of composition and physical properties of bitumen, its mode of occurrence and relation with the enclosing rocks are stated. From the standpoint of oil-forming processes, the middle-Kyndyn subseries is one of the most promising. DLC. BAZHENOVA, T.K., see also Nos. 105259, 105681. Naveyannyye 102134 BAZHEVA, V.YA. ledniki rayona Russkoy Gavani, Novaya Zemlya. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografli. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika obsuzhdeniya 1965. no.I I, p.92-97, graphs, map, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Drift glaciers of the Russkaya Gavan' region, Novaya Zemlya. Describes the small, wind-driven glaciers on coastal cliffs, slopes of terraces and mountains, river valleys, and elsewhere on the west side of the northern island. Such glaciers may be up to 450 m long, 50 m wide and 20 m thick. Their structure, layering, position and other features are briefly noted. They exist not only in regions of present glaciation, but also in Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra, Yamal and elsewhere. CaMAI, DLC. 102135 BEAL, M.A. The floor of the Arctic Ocean, an interpretation based on echograms collected by U.S. Navy nuclear submarines, 1957-62. San Diego, Calif., US. Navy Electronics Laboratory 1966. 2 sheets. approx 45"x25" and 22"x 12-1 /2". Consists of a physiographic diagram with
an approx vertical exaggeration of 30 times horizontal, viewpoint 30° above projection plane, spot soundings in meters and indication of earthquake epicenters, 1955-64, accompanied by a reduced representation showing geographic names. DGS. Seasonal variation 102136 BEAL, M.A. (In: AINA. in sea level at Barrow, Alaska. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.327-41, graphs, maps, illus) 14 refs. Reports results of a part of the IGY worldwide seasonal sea-level study. The station was installed in 1955 at the end of a gravel spit at Eluitkak Pass, and the unfrozen chert gravel layer was used as a 'pipe' connecting the float well with waters of the pass under the ice. Details of the station, instruments and techniques used summer and winter are described and illus. The rapid migration of the spit into Elson Lagoon in 1955-59 is charted. Pre-IGY records showed a seasonal change at Barrow of 40 cm; during Feb-Oct 1958 it was 28 cm, and over a 30-mo period the max monthly variation was 43 cm in Mar-Aug 1957. About two-thirds of the seasonal variation is explained by specific volume changes (steric) in the coastal waters, the remainder by atmospheric pressure changes. Data from seven IGY arctic stations and older records from Vardo, Norway and Cape Dezhneva, USSR, show variation along the arctic coastlines of 27-65 cm. The low stand at all stations is during late winter (Mar or Apr), the high stand in the Pacific sector is Aug-Oct, in the Atlantic sector, Nov-Jan. CaMAI, DLC.
102137 BEAL, M.A. Use of light aircraft for oceanographic observations in the arctic ice pack. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.37-48, illus) 7 refs. Deals with operational techniques developed during Feb-late May 1958-60 using two single-engine ski-equipped light planes to transport equipment and men from the north coast of Alaska to locations 250 mi out on the pack ice and to 1500 m depths to collect oceanographic data. The planes used were the 2seat Champion, 4-place Aeronca Sedan, Cessna-180. Details of camping and scientific equipment, weights, loading, care of aircraft. and operations on the ice in taking observations are given. Eight rules to minimize the risks of flying over and landing on unprepared surfaces on the pack ice are stated, and examples are cited to illus the need for each. The best landing strips in the ice pack are the refrozen leads 1-3 ft thick. Use of light planes with US Navy P2V, C-47 and C-124 to help set up drifting station Charlie in 1959 is described. CaMAI, DLC. 89
102138 BEALS, E.W.
Vegetation of cottonwood forests of Kodiak Island. (Canadian field-naturalist 1966. v.80, no.3, p.166-71, tables, illus) Refs. Five stands dominated by Populus trichocarpa were sampled along the southeast coast of Kodiak Island, Alaska, in summer 1961. The wetter sites generally had fewer trees, more shrubs, and greater species diversity than the drier. Well-distributed rainfall has produced luxuriant vegetation of four strata, with abundant epiphytic mosses. CaMAI, DLC.
BEAUDIN, L.A., see No. 101883.
nets, removing large chunks of skin and blubber from the carcasses. Dl.
102143 BECK, B. and others. Occurrence of the harbour seal, Phoca vitulina, Linnaeus in the Thlewiaza River, N.W.T. (Canadian field-naturalist 1970. v.84, no.3, p.297-300, map, table, illus) 4 refs. Other authors: T.G. Smith and A.W. Mansfield. Five seals were seen Aug 20 - Sept 7, 1968 in Edehon Lake on the Thlewiaza River. An aerial survey of the river system showed that even though they might live in the lakes and river the year round, they are not isolated from the marine environment. CaMAI, DLC.
102139 BEAUDRY, P.H.
Pulmonary function survey of the Canadian Eastern Arctic Eskimo. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.524-28, tables) 14 refs. Reports on a summer 1966 survey aboard the CCGS' C.D. Howe in which the forced expiratory volume and the maximum midexpiratory flow rate were measured in >80% of the 3500 Eskimos in the Canadian Eastern Arctic. Values below the lower limits of normal were recorded in a large number and a great majority had values below the normal mean. This phenomenon was unrelated to family groups and to geography. Smoking, working conditions, repeated acute respiratory infections, previous pulmonary TB and exposure to burning seal oil soot in the atmosphere may be factors in the Eskimos' limited pulmonary function. DLC.
102140 BEAVER. Northwest Territories. (Its: v.301, 1970. no.1, p.42-47, map, illus) Presents, with brief accompanying text, photographs of people, scenery, flowers, etc. CaMAI.
BEAVER. Rupert house, 300 years old. (Irs: v.299, 1968. no.3, p.22-25, illus) A pictorial history, with brief text, of this Hudson's Bay Co trading post on James Bay, where trade with the Cree Indians is still important. CaMAI, DLC. 102142 BECK, B. and A.W. MANSFIELD. Observations on the Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus, in northern Baffin Island. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1969. v.26, no. I, p.143-45, table, illus) 5 refs. Report on 18 immature sharks captured in 1963-65, incidentally to study of narwhal biology. The sharks had been feeding on offal from the whaling project, on fish and seal meat discarded at the camp in Koluktoo Bay, two egg cases of arctic skate Raja hyperborea previously unrecorded from this locality. etc. The sharks attacked four narwhals and one beluga in the
102144 BECK, L.S.
Uranium developments in Saskatchewan, present and future. (Canadian mining journal 1967. v.88, no.4, p.126-29, maps) 4 refs. Describes the Precambrian geology of known uranium orebodies in the Athabasca region. Possibilities for further exploration connected with favorable structures in both the Stony Rapids and Beaverlodge linear belts are suggested. DGS.
BECKER, R.J., see No. 108182. BECKFORD, M.L., see No. 107290. 102145 BECKLUND, W.W. and M.L. WALKER. Taxonomy, hosts, and geographic distribution of the Setaria (Nematoda: Filarioidea) in the United States and Canada. (Journal of parasitology 1969. v.55, no.2, p.35968, table, illus) 12 refs. Discusses the intraspecific variation and gives a key to three North American species of this nematode, which infest the peritoneal cavity of ungulates. Distribution data are tabulated and incl the moose in Alaska, deer in British Columbia and caribou in the Northwest Territories. DLC.
102146 BEDARD, J. Histoire naturelle du gode, A Ica torda, L., dans le golfe SaintLaurent, province de Quebec, Canada. Ottawa 1969. 79 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Canada. Wildlife Service. Report series no.7) 112 refs. In French. English summary. Title tr.: Natural history of the razorbill, Alca torda, L., in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, province of Quebec, Canada. Reports on the breeding biology of the razor-billed auk on St Mary Islands as studied in summers 1962-63. Its northern limit in the western Atlantic was found to correspond closely to the Aug 4°C surface isotherm, which defines the northern limit of the so-called subarctic marine zone. After the breeding season, the birds disperse over the continental shelf, with only the most northerly populations
in the predictable pattern of a migration. Max attendance at the colony was in early July, with a small representation of the first-yr age group. Daily attendance reaches max around mid-day, but with peak of activity in late afternoon. The main patterns of social behavior are described, and an interpretation of the sound signals is proposed. The assiduity noted during incubation is related to a history of open-ledge nesting and a complex nest-relief ceremony. Incubation period for a sample of nine eggs was 36.9 ± 1.59 days. Thirty chicks stayed in the nest for 18.17 ± 1.46 days before leaving for the sea. Growth and survival of the chicks were followed over two yr; a marked decrease in weight occurs in the last 2-3 days at the nest. Survival rate for both egg and chick stage was relatively high at 66%. CaMAI, DLC. 102147 BEDARD, J. The nesting of the crested, least, and parakeet auklets on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. (Condor 1969. v.71, no.4, p.386-98, graphs, map, tables, illus) 8 refs. Reports a 1964-67 study of Aethia crislatella, A. pusilla and Cyclorrhynchus psittacula, with the colonies cataloged and nesting habitats described in detail. The size of rocks on talus slopes used as nesting habitats controls the local density of A. cristatella and A. pusilla, the latter dominates where rock size is small, the former where large boulders make up the slope. The less gregarious parakeet anklet nests in the less available pinnacle, ridge or cliff sites. In general, there is little overlap in nesting among the three species. DI. 102148 BEDARD, R. and H.P. THER. R1EN. Influence de la nutrition potassique sur la resistance au froid du fraisier et changements dans la composition minerale au cours de l'endurcissement. (Naturaliste canadien 1970. v.97, no.3, p.307-313, tables) Refs. In French. Title tr.: Influence of potassium feeding on resistance to cold in the strawberry plant, and changes in mineral composition during hardening. Potassium level significantly influenced the resistance of the strawberry to low temperatures. Total N, Na and Mn content of the leaves changed during hardening. CaMM. 102149 BEECHAM, A.W. ABC fault, Beaverlodge, Saskatchewan. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.5, p.1264-74, maps, illus) 12 refs. This is one of a few prominent faults in the Beaverlodge area which strikes northwest. It is a sinuous southwest dipping structure that can be traced from its junction with the Black Bay fault at Fredette Lake southeastward for about three mi to Beaverlodge Lake. Major and minor fractures along the ABC fault indicate a left-hand, normal oblique movement of the
fault, with a net slip of 12x 103 ft. The southwest side moved down and southeastward relative to the northeast side. Fault movements imply two main orientations of principal stresses, which apparently occurred at different stages in the uplift of a northeast-southwest elongated dome. The possibilities of uranium mineralization at mineable depths is noted. DLC. 102150 BEHLKE, C.E. Arctic engineering for the seventies: a philosophy. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.3, p.312-14) The Naval Arctic Research Lab at Barrow has been the base for productive studies of sea ice and pipelines in permafrost. It can offer the engineer a chance to do his fieldwork in the Arctic to solve challenging problems of housing design and construction, structural and power requirements, routings and oil spill difficulties of ships operating through the Northwest Passage, and basic work on physical and chemical properties of sea ice and its significance to shipping. CaMAI, DLC. BEHLKE, C.E., see also No. 108687. BEHNKE, R.J., see No.I06068 BEISTLINE, E.H., see No. 101883. BEKKER, M.G., see No. 101883. 102151 BEKKER, YU.R. and others. Vozrast glukonitovykh gorizontov i verkhney granitsy giperboreya vostochnoy chasti Baltiyskogo shchita. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.193 no.5, p.1123-26, graph, table) 7 refs. In Russian Other authors: V. Z. Negrutsa and N.I. Polevaya. Title tr.: The age of glauconite horizons and the upper boundary of the Hyperborean (Sinian) in the eastern part of the Baltic shield. Presents results of absolute K-Ar age determination of glauconites and cross-cutting diabases. Hyperborean deposits were studied in Sredniy and Rybachiy Peninsulas and Kil'din Island. Diabases of the Sredniy Peninsula fix the upper boundary of the Hyperborean. DLC. 102152 BEKLESHOVA, A.YU. and others. Arbovirusy, vydelennyye of ptich'ikh kleshchey Ceratixodes putus Pick-Cambr., sobrannykh v rayone Kraynego Severa. (Voprosy virusologii 1970. no.4, p.436-40, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: 1.1. Terskikh and V.A. Smirnov. Title tr.: Arbovirus recovered from avian ticks Ceratixodes punts Pick-Cambr. collected in areas of the Far North. Reports results of a 1967-69 study on the strains of virus obtained from avian ticks in Barents and White Sea shores and islands. All 91
life phases of ticks were investigated as found on birds and in natural soil, and also under temperature 0-4°C for two and a half years when the ticks were still viable and their eggs contained pathogenically active virus. Of the four isolated strains, two were identified with tick encephalitis virus and two with other pathogens. This is the first such study in the DLC. Far North. BELAND, R., see No. 104075. 102153 BELAYA, T.I. and V.D. FEDOROV. Issledovan iye sootnosheniya potreblennykh elemcntov razvivayushchimsya fitoplanktonom Belogo morya. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1970. ser 6: biologiya, pochvovedeniye v.25, no.1, p.63-69, graphs. tables) 15 refs. In RusTitle tr.: Relationship of elements used sian. by the developing White Sea phytoplankton. By controlled experiments during the 1968 vegetative season, it is proved that the weight relationship of the elements used in generation of organic substance is very close to that of the elements within the cells of the phytoplankton. DLC. 102154 BELENKIN, I.F. Razvitiye pechati v severnykh natsional'nykh okrugakh. (Istoriya SSSR 1968. v.12, no.3, p.I33-42) 37 Title tr.: Development of refs. In Russian. printing in the northern national districts. Describes the main stages in the evolution of book and periodical publishing in languages of natives of the North. Their reduction to writing based on the Latin alphabet, and the production of primers and elementary party-political manuals in the vernacular, also local newspapers in Russian with occasional text in the vernacular, was the first stage in 1931-35. Conversion to the Cyrillic alphabet and a great increase in publishing took place in the next five yr, with translations of Russian and Marxist classics, popular scientific and political literature, work of aboriginal essayists and poets in the vernacular, also folklore collections, etc. The post-war stage is marked by publication of dictionaries and resumed increase in translations and work of native writers; as more northern natives know some Russian, more Russian books are around and more local newspapers in Russian are appearing. In Chukotka however, two of the six local newspapers include material in Chukchi and Eskimo, and in the Yamal-Nenets National District, one of the nine newspapers changed from Russian to Nenets Samoyed in 1953. DLC. 102155 BELETSKIY, V.L. and P.V. KYRBASOV. Khimicheskiy sostav podzemnykh vod i gazov Aldanskogo kryla Yakut92
skogo artezianskogo basseyna kak pokazatel' usloviy vodoobmena. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.82) In Russian. Titk :r,: Chemical composition of groundwaters and gases of the Aldan flank of the Yakutsk artesian basin as an indicator of conditions of interchange of the waters. Correlates the chemical and hydrodynamic properties of the waters with a view to determining factors controlling chemical variation as a function of exchange processes, migration under pressure, and the presence of dissolved gases. DLC. 102156 BELEVICH, A.M. Diatomei verkhnekaynozoyskikh otlozheniy AnabaroOlenekskogo mezhdurech'ya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1971. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.31, p.86-91, tables) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Upper Cenozoic diatoms of the Anabar-Olenek interfiuve. Distinguishes late Pleistocene of the TazSanchugovo and Kazantsevo beds on the basis of the diatoms. Deposits of the second fluviatile terrace are subdivided into three and the Holocene deposits into two units. DLC. 102157 BELEVICH, A.M. K nakhodke morskikh neogenovykh diatomey v rayone myna Enmakay, severnoye poberczh'ye Chukotki. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.28, p.74-75) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A find of marine Neogene diatoms in the Cape Enmakay region on the north coast of Chukotka. Reports a marine Neogene diatom assemblage established for the northern Chukotka Peninsula. The find is of interest as marine Neogene deposits were hitherto unknown in this region. Physical-chemical conditions of the sedimentation basin are characterized. DLC. 102158 BELEVICH, A.M. 0 gidrologicheskom rezhime v pleystotsene tsentral'noy chasti Sovetskoy Arktiki po dannym issledovaniy diatomovykh. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.27, p.90-93) 15 refs. In Russian. Title fr.: Hydrological conditions in the Pleistocene of the central part of the Soviet Arctic according to the data of diatom studies. Stales the results of diatom analyses for clarification of some problems in the reconstruction of the hydrological regime in the Pleistocene from the lower Ob to the Yenisey. The freshwater basins prevailed over the marine bodies. Similarities are shown between the marine diatom assemblages of northern Siberia and those of European USSR. DLC .
102159 BELEVICH, A.M. and T.A. KUKLINA. Vidovoy sostav, stratigraficheskoye i paleogeograficheskoye znacheniye diatomovykh vodorosley iz chetvertichnykh otlozheniy severa Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti i sopredel'nykh rayonov. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya 1970. no.30, p.34.39) 21 refs. In Russian. English summary p.97. Title tr.: Species composition, stratigraphic and paleogeographic importance of diatom algae from Quaternary deposits in the north of the West Siberian lowland and adjacent regions. Characterizes the Tobol, Messo-Shirta, Taz-Sanchugovka, Kazantseva, Zyryanka, Karginskiy and Recent horizons of Quaternary deposits on the basis of diatom analysis. The marine transgressions in Tobol, Taz-Sanchugovka and Kazantseva times are discussed, as are climatic changes during Quaternary sedimentation. DLC.
102162 BELIKOV, M.P.
and others.
Zemlyanaya plotina s plastmassovoy protivofil'tratsionnoy zashchitoy v rayone vechnoy merzloty. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1968. v.38, no.10, p.20-22, graph, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: G.A. Panasenko and A.S. Antsiferov.Title tr.: Earth-fill dam with plastic seepage protection in permafrost area. Describes the construction of an earth-fill dam and its protection against filtration by covering the profusely seeping spots on its upstream slope and top with polyethylene sheets. The region has an annual average air temperature of -4.5 to -5.5°C and a -50°C minimum, a short cool summer, and light snow cover over permafrost. The polyethylene protection proved effective on the low head dam during its first year of operation. Some recommendations are offered on its use for 2-3 yr. DLC.
BEL'GOVSKAYA, I.V., see No. 104665.
102163 BELINSKIY, B.V. and SHTYREV. Razvitiyc transports.
BELIK, YU.P., see No. 104641.
Ekonomika i kul'tura...1968. p.96-I13, table) In Russian. Title tr.: Development of transport. Development of the transportation and supply system in northern Yakutia has favored the industrial and mining interests to the detriment of the rural population. Ways are discussed to improve inter- and intra-regional cargo and passenger service for individual administrative districts of the lower KolymaIndigirka, Yana, Lena-Olenek, and Anabar basins. Data are given on the volume and economics of air, river, and automotive land transport, and changes in the present pattern and guidelines for priority are recommended. Air routes, airports and aircraft are dealt with. Navigation on the Anabar and Olenek Rivers should be revived, dredging on the upper Kolyma increased, etc, and a rail-ship-planetruck system organized. The use of draft animals in the hunting, reindeer herding, and fishing industries is uneconomic and should be superseded by helicopters and tracked vehicles. DLC.
102160 BELIKOV, L.V.
Skazki o zhivotnykh v folklore narodnostey Severo-Vostoka Sibiri. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. v.383, p.109-130) Approx 40 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Animal tales in the folklore of the peoples of northeast Siberia. Discusses the mythological and socio-economic elements in animal tales of Chukchis, Koryaks, and Eskimos. The affinity in material and spiritual cultures of the first two and the influence of the Eskimos upon both from the earliest times are stressed. The complexity of the tales is analyzed as combining cosmogonic, magic and heroic elements with animistic beliefs, moral precepts, and features of hunting and fishing experience, and generally two protagonists: the victor and the vanquished. The former, though occasionally physically the weaker, is the cleverer and slyer of the two. DLC.
102161 BELIKOV, L.V.
V.G. Bogoraz kak sobiratel' i issledovatel' chukotskogo fork(Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. lora. Uchenyye zapiski 1967. v.353, p.80-89) 10 refs. Title tr.: V.G. Bogoraz as collecIn Russian. tor and student of Chukchi folklore. Discusses favorably Bogoraz's contributions to folklore research, though criticizing his romantic populist interest in mythology and religion rather than tales of socio-economic importance. His failure to differentiate folkloristic, ethnographic, and historical materials is DLC. also cited.
I.N. (In:
102164 BELINSKIY, B.V. Vodnyye resursy i vodosnabzheniye. (In: Ekonomika i kul'tura...1968. p.121-26) In Russian. Title tr.: Water resources and water supply. Evaluates the rational siting of new settlements in northern Yakutia from the hydrological point of view. Despite the great freshwater resources, most of the territory experiences water shortage in Oct-May when secondary rivers and lakes may be frozen to the bottom. Settlements planned along the Kolyma, Indigirka, Yana, and other large rivers are approved. For less favorable locations some alternate water supply sources are suggested:
construction of dams, artificial reservoirs, water DLC. towers and conduits, etc. 102165 BELITSKIY, I.A. and G.V. BUKIN. Pervaya nakhodka erionita v SSSR. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.I78, no.1, p.169-72, graph, tables) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: First find of erionite in the USSR. Reports this mineral found in a trap formation in the basin of the Nidym, a left tributary of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska. Its mode of occurrence, physical and optical properties are described. X-ray and spectral analyses and thermal tests are also presented. Comparison is DLC. made with erionite from Oregon. 102166 BEL'KOV, I.V. and A.P. DENISOV. Melinofan Sakharyokskogo shchelochnogo m assiva. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1968. no.6, p.221-24, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The meliphane of the Sakharyok alkalic massif. Reports a study of this rare beryllium-containing mineral from its second known locality. Its mode of occurrence, chemical formula and DLC. physical properties are given. Sostav 102167 BEL'KOV, I.V. and others. i svoystva aktsessornykh granatov iz granitov Kol'skogo poluostrova. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1969. no.7, p.82-89, tables) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: I.D. Batiyeva, L.G. Latysheva and V.V. Kolesnikova. Title tr.: Composition and properties of accessory garnets from Kola Peninsula granites. Composition and properties of accessory garnets are found to vary widely, mainly depending upon petrographic composition of the granites, which is affected by contamination and hybridism. Among granodiorites and quartz diorites, the pyrope-grossular-almandine type of garnet predominates; in other granites, other types of garnet. In aplites and pegmatites the properties of garnet approximate those of the accessory garnet of the parDLC. ent granites. BEL'KOV, I.V., 102114, 102115.
see also
Nos. 102113,
102168 BELL, F.H. and G. ST PIERRE. Seattle, Wash. 1970. 24 p. Pacific halibut. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (International Pacific Halibut Commission. Technical report no.6). Reviews the scientific and common names of Hippoglossus hippoglossus stenolepis, its morphology, distribution, reproduction, development, age, growth, size, food, migration and fishery. The Southeast Alaska Tlingits are among the tribes that used halibut and incorportated it into their folklore. The early and 94
recent commercial fishery vessels, gear, methods, fishing grounds, landing ports, labor relations, sharing of proceeds and marketing are described with useful illus and a few tabulated data. Definitions are given for terms used which are peculiar to the industry. CaMM, DSI. Preliminary notes on 102169 BELL, R.T. the. Proterozoic Hurwitz Group, Tavani (55K) and Kaminak Lake (55L) areas, District of Keewatin. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1968. 16 p. maps, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-36) 13 refs. Summarizes results of a continuing stratigraphic and sedimentological study of these Precambrian rocks which are largely confined to two down-folded and faulted belts in the region 62°-63°N 92°-96°W. Seven mappable units are described, all of which belong in the Aphebian Era of the Lower Proterozoic, 730 MY. Sedimcntological trends suggest that the southwest end of the Kaminak belt and the area southwest of the Kaminak Lake map area may be favorable for exploration for uraniferDGS. ous and possibly gold placer deposits. BELL, R.T., see also No. 106146. Arkhiv 102170 BELOBOROD'KO, V.L. russkoy tserkvi na Alyaske v biblioteke kongressa SShA. (Voprosy istorii 1969. v.44, no.8, p.189-92) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Archives of the Russian church of Alaska in the Library of Congress, USA. Reviews the collection noted in No 78352 and in The Pacific historical review 1933, v.2, no.3, p.72-84. The documents of 1772-1933 are birth, death, and marriage registers; confessional records; financial reports, diaries and travel journals of churchmen; and miscellaneous papers. The confessional records provide some census data on the Russian-Orthodox population, and the journals some information on life in the native settlements. DLC. 102171 BELOGORSKIY, V.YA. and others. O roste i razvitii detey i podrostkov v protsesse ikh akklimatizatsii k usloviyam Kol'skogo Zapolyar'ya. (In: Akklimatizatsiya i krayevaya patologiya...1970. p.24-26) In Russian. Other authors: F.G. Lapitskiy, M.P. Nemzer and Yu.A. Pogorelyy. Title tr.: Growth and development of children and teen-agers during their acclimatization in polar Kola Peninsula. Basic indices of growth and development were studied in 1964-69 in Murmansk, Kirovsk and Monchegorsk. Over 19,000 Russian children, 1-17 yr old, were examined: 92% were born in the north and 8% had lived in this area for 5-10 yr. No kind of disturbances connected with environmental conditions of the North were found in growth and development. The
basic indicators of physical and sexual development reflected typical developmental processes. DLC.
reappears when the temperature rises to above 13°C and stays from middle July to early Oct when it metamorphoses. DLC.
BELOGORSKIY, V.YA., 105174,105175, 105176.
BELOUSOVA, M.I., see No. 104546.
see also
BELOUSOVA, N.A., see No. 107433. BELOPUKHOVA, YE.B., see No. 102123. 102172 BELORUSOVA, ZH.M. 0 merzlotnykh formakh rel'yefa o. Bol'shogo Lyakhovskogo. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. Gertsenovskiye chteniya. Geografiya i geologiya 1966. no.19, p.I7-18) In Russian. Title tr.: Cryogenic forms of relief on Bol'shoy Lyakhovskiy Island. Notes the erosion-accumulative, abrasionaccumulative, and denudation types of relief on this main island of the New Siberian group. Most of the cryogenic relief forms occur on the lacustrine-alluvial plain. Cryogenic processes such as the forming of thermokarst, solifluction, and heaving are noted. DLC. BELOUSOV, A.F., see No. 106614. BELOUSOV, K.N., see No. 104651. 102173 BELOUSOVA, N.I. and V.D. TONKONOGOV. Nekotoryye eksperimental'nyye dannyye o vyvetrivanii vulkanicheskikh peplov Kamchatki. (Pochvovedeniye 1968. no.5, p.43-54, tables) 21 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Some experimental data on the weathering of volcanic ash from Kamchatka. Volcanic ash from Bezymyannyy, Mutnovskiy and Karymskiy Volcanoes was treated with fulvic acids extracted from forest litter. The nature of the ash to fulvic acid reaction depends on the mineral composition of the ash and the initial pH value of the fulvic acid. The role of volcanic ash in soil formation is briefly and tentatively dealt with. DLC. 102174 BELOUSOVA, S.P. Razvitiye Cyclops scutifer Sars i Daphnia cucullata Sars v ozere Azhabach'yem. (Vladivostok. Tikhookeanskiy n.-issl. inst. rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. lzvestiya 1970. v.78, p.187-94, tables) 13 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Development of Cyclops scutifer Sars and Daphnia cucullata Sara in Azhabach'ye Lake. Studies on this pelagic salmon food were conducted 1964-66. The monocyclic cyclops has five stages in its metamorphosis, and is encountered June to Sept. It hibernates as nauplii and/or 1I-IV copepods. Stage V copepods appear immediately after freezing and before breakup of the ice. The cladoceran Daphnia, a summer species with a short cycle, disappears before freeze-up and hibernates as an egg. It
102175 BELOV, G.A. and G.I. MONAKHOV. 0 taksonomicheskom polozhenii kamchatskogo sobolya (Manes zibellina camtschadalica Birula, 1918). (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 1970. v.49, no.7, p.1096-98, tables) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Taxonomic status of the Kamchatka sable (Manes zibellina camtschadalica Birula, 1918). Cites comparative morphologic data to sustain the validity of the subspecific status of the Kamchatka sable. The distinctive characteristics of this sable are attributed to its geographic isolation. DLC. 102176 BELOV, M.1. and O.V. OVSYANNIKOV. Novoye o Mangazeye. (Arkheologicheskiye otkrytiya 1969 pub 1970. p.213-I4) In Russian. Title tr.: New information on Mangazeya. Reports on 1968-69 fieldwork at this 1617th century fort and trading center on the Taz River. Excavations of the 1601 construction level of the Governor's house complex disclosed foundations for two buildings: two governors were the custom at the time. Parts of sea-going vessels and navigation instruments were found in test trenches. DLC. 102177 BELOV, M.I. Raskopki Mangazei. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.33, p.87-96, map, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Excavations at Mangazeya. Describes the first field season's archeological work at the site of the flourishing 1617th century trade center, on the steep right bank of the Taz River. A party of 12 Leningrad scientists surveyed and mapped the site in 1968, carried out geocryological and geomorphic studies, and found some 2000 artifacts in 1-1.5 m deep test trenches at 13 locations. The city plan has been partially worked out (as illus) from in situ timber remains. The excavations are to be continued in the 1969 and following summer seasons. DLC. 102178 BELOV, M.I. and O.V. OVSYANNIKOV. Raskopki Mangazei, nekotoryye itogi issledovaniya 1968-1969 gg. (Sovetskaya arkheologiya 1972. no. I, p.215-32, illus) Title 20 refs. In Russian. French summary. tr.: Excavations of Mangazeya, some results of the 1968-69 fieldwork. Reviews the exploration of this 17th century trading-post site since its discovery in the 95
1860's. Built as a military outpost and governor's mansion complex on the lower Taz River, it flourished for less than a century till it was supplanted by Turukhansk. The stratification of the site, the architecture and floor plans of the log buildings, and the artifacts remains, incl sea-going boats (kocha) and navigational instruments, are described. The good preservation of wood, leather and textiles is attributed to permafrost and to a stable temperature and humidity regime in the cultural horizons. CaMAI, DLC. 102179 BELOV,N.A.ancN.D.D1BNER.Rezur taty geologo-geomorfologicheskikh issledovaniy Arkticheskogo basseyna. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1968. no.28, p.94-111, maps, illus) 50 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Results of geological and geomorphological investigations of the Arctic Basin. Reviews investigations made by Soviet scientists over a 50 yr period on the bottom structure of the Arctic Ocean, beginning with the 1937 studies carried out from the first drifting station and on the icebreaker G. Sedov expedition. Principal discoveries reported include the existence of the Lomonosov and Mendeleyev ridges; other studies include the continental shelves of the Chukchi and Beaufort seas as well as the bottom sediments. Sediments, accumulated over an average of a thousand years, from 1.3 to 1.5 cm thick, consist of carbonates DLC. and metals. BELOV N.A., see also Nos. 105171, 108574, 108575. 102180 BELOV, N.P. and A.V. BARANOVSKAYA. Pochvy Murmanskoy oblasti. Leningrad, Nauka 1969. 147 p. tables, illus. Over 100 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Soils of Murmansk Province. Describes the structure, composition and geographic distribution of these soils from long-term study and the literature, and discusses their formation in relation to climate, geologic structure, parent rocks, relief and vegetation. Tundra, forest-tundra and northern taiga soils are characterized and their occurrence in 23 soil regions briefly described. DLC. BELOV N.V., see No. 107245. 102181 BELOV, V.I. and others. Rezul'taty oprobovaniya i issledovaniya skvazhin Vuktyl'skogo mestorozhdeniya. (Gazovoye delo 1970. no.5, p.23-26, graphs) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.V. Krugletskiy, N.A. Tyushev and S.V. Semukov. Title tr.: Results of sampling and study of borings in the Vuktyl deposit. Analyzes data from 14 borings in this gas field to determine its production characteristics. 96
Economic yields are found to be obtainable from all stratigraphic horizons of the Lower Permian - lower Carboniferous productive beds. Techniques for maximum yields are outlined, with particular reference to maintenance of DLC. drillhole permiability. BELOV V.I., see also Nos. 102259,104874. 102182 BELOV, V.P. Magnezial'nye skarny i flogopitovyye slyudity kiyskogo shchelochnogo massiva, Yeniseyskiy kryazh. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.189, no.2, p.39396, tables) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Magnesian skams and phlogopite rocks of the Kiya alkaline massif, Yenisey Ridge. The magnesian skams in this massif are spinel-forsterite rocks formed by bimetasomatic processes between nepheline syenites and dolomites. Phlogopite micas in these rocks were formed by replacement of spinel and forsterite in the postmagmatic stage. Phlogopite mineralization in the Kiya alkaline massif may DLC. have some economic importance. 102183 BELOV, V.P. 0 vozraste kilikeyskoy svity, Yeniseyskiy kryazh. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.189, no.1, p.135-38, map, table) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Age of the Kilikeya suite in the Yenisey Ridge. Five samples of rocks from the adjacent Kiya alkalic massif, tested by the K-Ar method, show absolute ages of 250-275 MY. The structurally similar Kilikeya suite is most probably of late Permian age, rather than Devonian, as previously thought. DLC. A.V. Morfologiya 102184 BELOVA, krovi molodi kety, vyrashchivayemoy v 1963 godu na Ura-gubskom rybovodnom zavode. (AN SSSR. Murmanskiy morskoy biologicheskiy inst. Trudy 1969. no.16 (20), p.64-71, tables) 26 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Blood morphology of young salmon grown in 1963 at Ura Bay fish hatchery. Salmon hatched from Oncorhynchus keg; eggs, brought from Sakhalin to this Murman hatchery, were subjected to temperature changes, hypoxia and starvation. Low temperatures, 1.5 - 3°C and below caused delayed hatching and had a negative effect on development of the young fish. During hypoxia, compensatory increase in erythrocytes appeared within a few days. Starvation brought on a general retardation of erythropoiesis. Deviations in blood morphology were observed during hemDLC. orrhaging in the head and body. BELYAEV, YU.I., see No. 106056. BELYAKOV G.D., see Nos. 102705, 102706, 102707.
L.N. Letneye 102085 BELYAKOV, opresneniye poverkhnostnykh vod morya, dinamika dreyfovogo techeniya i dvizheniye l'da v Arkticheskom basseyne. (Okeanologiya 1969. v.9, no.3, p.424-29, graphs, table) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Summer desalination of the surface water of the sea, dynamics of the drift current and ice movement in the Arctic Basin. Deals with the disturbance in the turbulent regime of the surface water caused by meltwater from drift ice. The resulting new stratification of fresh and salt water diminishes the turbulent exchange. Summer desalination also affects the dynamics and currents of drift ice. DLC. L.N. Nekotoryye 102186 BELYAKOV, osobennosti podlednykh dreyfovykh techeniy v more pokrytom l'dom. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.33, p.30-38, graphs, table) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of under-ice drift currents in an ice-covered sea. Reports the method and results of observations from drifting stations North Pole-8 in 1959-60 and North Pole- 12 in 1963-64, using BPV-2 Alekseyev system current recorders. Velocity and direction distribution of under-ice drift currents and the dependence of velocity on that of ice-drift at 5 m depth are shown. The deflection angle of the currents is to the right, like that of the ice-drift due to the Coriolis force, regardless of variations in rate of drift. The velocity and direction distribution of the under-ice drift current at different depths and the different ice drift velocities are given. Tabulated results show an under-ice current ranging from 5 x 103 to 1552 x 103 cm3/sec at ice drift DLC. velocities of 5 to 25 cm/sec. 102187 BELYAKOV, L.P. 0 granitse mezhdu proterozoyem i kembriyem na severozapadnom sklone Anabarskogo podnyatiya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.15, p.127-32, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Boundary between the Proterozoic and Cambrian on the northwestern slope of the Anabar uplift. There is disagreement on the boundary because of the absence of fauna and presence of unconformities. The Nemakit-Daldyn suite is described and attributed to the Wendian portion of the late Proterozoic. CaMAI, DLC. 102188 BELYAKOV, L.P. 0 predkembriyskikh razryvnykh narusheniyakh na severozapadnom kryle Anabarskoy anteklizy. (Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geologiya i razvedka 1968. no.10, p.137-38, illus) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Precambrian faults on the northwestern limb of the Anabar anteclise.
Presents a schematic map and describes this region. Proterozoic terrigenous and carbonate deposits with stratigraphic breaks and angular unconformities occur on Archean rock and are covered by Cambrian deposits. The Proterozoic rocks contain many faults, dikes, blocks and other structures revealing tectonic shift in PreDLC. cambrian time. 102189 BELYAKOV, L.P. and M.N. ZLOBIN. 0 proterozoyskikh effuzivakh na severo-zapadnom sklone Anabarskogo podnyatiya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.15, p.172-74, tables, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Proterozoic effusives on the northwestern slope of the Anabar uplift. Discusses the presence of these rocks in this region, describes them, and gives their mineralogic composition and results of spectral and chemical analyses. Formation of traps in the CaMAI, DLC. region is discussed. 102190 BELYAKOV, L.P. and others. Pozdneproterozoyskiye trappovyye intruzii (In: zapadnogo kryla Anabarskoy anteklizy. Geologiya i petrologiya...Sibirskoy platformy 1970. p.67-80, map, tables, illus) In Russian. Other authors: B.V. Gusev, Ye.S. Kuteynikov and L.V. Firsov. Title tr.: Late Proterozoic trap intrusions in the western limb of the Anabar anteclise. Reports a great quantity of late Proterozoic intrusive sheets and a discordant intrusion recognized in 1964-65 among traps long considered as Triassic. Their older age is indicated by their geologic position, geochronological and paleomagnetic investigations, and their petrographic features. Late Proterozoic traps have a wide distribution in the Anabar anteclise. DLC. 102191 BELYAKOVA, S.I. and others. Razvitiye polyarnoy bun. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1968. v.8, no.4, p.712-18, graphs, table, illus) 27 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S.A. Zaytseva and M.I. Pudovkin. title tr.: Development of a polar storm. Deals with the movements of auroral forms as a function of the phase of a polar disturbance. The data used were selected for 13 polar storms recorded at the Murmansk, Dikson, Tiksi, and Chelyuskin stations. The results indicate that there is a rapid shift of the auroral arcs toward the equator during the first phase of a polar storm, the auroral band widens at this time, and that a slight increase (10-15y) in the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field at the equator, approximately 1.5 hr prior to the commencement of a polar storm, is probably associated with an increase in pressure exerted by a solar corpuscular stream on the geomagnetosphere. DLC.
102192 BELYANINA, T.N. smelt populations in sub-arctic waters. (Int. Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et proces-verbaux 1968. v.158, p.74-79, graphs, tables) 39 refs. Osmerus eperlanus is distributed in coastal waters of the North Pacific and Atlantic and in arctic seas and lakes. It is important commercially and ecologically as a consumer of pelagic and nectobenthic crustaceans and as prey of cod and other fish, sea birds and mammals. The great variability of the growth rate, age-composition of the stock, etc, in separate populations is noted and such characteristics compared in smelt populations of the White Sea and eastward to the East DLC. Siberian coastal waters. 102193 BELYANKINA, M.N. and YE.A. DOLGINOV. Granitsy baykalid Yeniseyskogo kryazha i ikh polozheniye v tektonicheskoy strukture Tsentral'noy Sibiri. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1969. no.8, p.14-26, map) 43 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The boundaries of the Baikalides of the Yenisey Ridge and their position in the tectonic structure of Central Siberia. As a result of recent geophysical studies, the connection is clarified between the structure of the Siberian platform and the West Siberian platform. The Yenisey Ridge is characterized by a weakly differentiated and clearly negative gravitational field caused by thick buried granite-gneiss complexes. The earth's crust is 38-40 km thick here and is divided into a "granite" and a "basalt" layer. The geologic and geophysical data reveal the Baikalide structures of the Yenisey Ridge are different from Central Siberian stable structures. DLC. 102194 BELYAYEV, G.M. and others. Sravnitel'noye izucheniye dokembriyskikh granitoidov Aldanskogo shchita termolyuminestsentnym metodom. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.12, p.79-86, tables) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: L.N. Alekseyeva and V.K. Titov. Title tr.: Comparative study of Precambrian granitoids of the Aldan Shield by the thermoluminescent method. Reports a study of 15 Archean samples and 17 Proterozoic granites and pegmatites in the Timpton-Aldan interfiuve. Precambrian granitoids were formed in two magmatic cycles. Results of thermoluminescent investigation are tabulated. Contents of uranium and thorium are also noted. DLC. 102195 BELYAYEV, I.V. and others. Glubinnoye stroyeniye Anadyrskogo basseyna po geofizicheskim dannym. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.5, p.113-18, graph, map) 2 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: 98
Deep structure of the Anadyr basin according to geophysical data. Reports results of aeromagnetic, gravimetric and seismic investigations. A structural map of the basin is presented and the main structures are characterized. Some 30 local uplifts are identified with which oil and gas deposits may be associated. The most promising structures are noted. DLC. 102196 BELYAYEV, K.D. Novyye dannyye o strukture, geologii i metallogeny granulitovoy formatsii Kol'skogo poluostrova. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p.218-25, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the structure, geology and metallogeny of the Kola Peninsula granulites. Describes the field relations and results of a petrographic study of this granulite formation. The rock textures, mineral paragenesis and other features indicate the secondary character of the linear textures and the metamorphic genesis of the rock-forming minerals. The lower Proterozoic age of the granulites is established and they are noted as a possible source of rare metals, tin and tungsten. DLC. BELYAYEV, K.D., see also No. 106373. BELYAYEV, S.V., see Nos. 108612, 108613. 102197 BELYAYEV, V.V. K otsenke vliyaniya pirita na rezul'taty termicheskogo analiza. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1968. no.9, p.82-90, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Appraisal of the effects of pyrite on the results of thermal analysis. Reports a study of the mineral composition of southern Timan bauxites. The literature on the thermal characteristics of pyrite is found contradictory. Endothermal effects associated with its decomposition may be manifest when only 3% pyrite is present in the rock. The exothermal effect of pyrite oxidation is clearly observed at 550°C and higher. The degree of oxidation depends upon the test conditions. The loss of weight of pyrite is also noted. DLC. 102198 BELYAYEV, V.V. and I.S. SIDOROVA. Novyye dannyye o boksitonosnosti karbona Timana. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geol. Trudy 1970. no.10, p.61-68, graphs, map, tables, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the properties of bauxite in the Carboniferous of Timan. Bauxites, very similar to those of southern Timan, were found in the Veslyana-1 well on the western slope of Timan at depths of 10351037 m. The thermal and chemical properties and mineral composition of the bauxite are described. The main minerals of these rocks are kaolinite, boehmite and hydromica. Up to
now bauxite was not known in the western DLC. slope of Timan. 102199 BELYAYEV, V.V. 0 sostave i stroyenii bobovin v svyazi s genezisom yuzhnotimanskikh boksitov. (Litologiya i poleznyye iskopayemyye 1970. no.5, p.58-69, graphs, Title tr.: tables, illus) 10 refs. In Russian. The composition and structure of pisolitic nodules relative to the genesis of the bauxites in southern Timan. Presents results of comparative chemical investigation of these nodules and the matrix of the Visean bauxites. The data show that the nodules may be of terrigenous and authigenic origin. The origin of the bauxites is also disDLC. cussed. 102200 BELYAYEV, V.V. Termoanaliticheskiy metod kolichestvennogo opredeleniya mineralov v boksitakh. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geol. Trudy 1970. no.10, p.73-85, Title tr.: graphs, tables) 22 refs. In Russian. Thermal analysis for quantitative determination of minerals in bauxites. Describes the application of thermal analysis to bauxites of Southern Timan, including the determination of kaolinite, boehmite and DLC. gibbsite. BELYAYEV, V.V., see also No. 104496. K voprosu ob 102201 BELYAYEV, YU.I. okeanograficheskoy izuchennosti Mirovogo okeana. (Moskva. N.-issl. inst. aeroklimatologii. Trudy 1968. no.50, p.79-91, graph, maps, Title tr.: On the oceanotables) In Russian. graphic investigation of the world ocean. Reviews earlier works and discusses results of investigations. This study is noteworthy in that many oceanographic stations and observation points are used in the analysis: 2000 in the central part of the Arctic Ocean and many in the White, Barents, Bering, and Okhotsk Seas. Information is given on the volume of data dealing with deep hydrologic observations. Data storage methods are mentioned. The need of a central office for storing punched-card oceDLC. anographic data is emphasized. BELYAYEV, YU. I., see also
No. 106089.
102202 BELYAYEVA, LS. and G.M. PARPAROVA. 0 prirode nekarbonatnogo ugleroda izverzhennykh porod. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.1, p.22-27, table) 23 refs. In Title tr.: The nature of non-carboRussian. nate carbon in igneous rocks. Reports results of coal chemistry and petrography of the residual organic matter from a dolerite intrusion of Permian-Triassic age in the Nizhnyaya Tunguska region, a gabbro dolerite intrusion of Permian-Triassic
age in the Noril'sk region, and an ijolite-urtite intrusion of Permian-Carboniferous age from a Khibiny mine. Two types of organic matter are found and their possible formation is discussed. Both are associated with the organic matter of sedimentary rocks. DLC. 102203 BELYAYEVA, L.S. Organicheskoye veshchestvo doleritov Tungusskoy opornoy skvazhiny. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.182, no.3, p.655-58. tables) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Organic matter in dolerite from the Tunguska exploratory well. Reports a systematic investigation of 50 sedimentary and 26 igneous rock samples from a core of this well. Data on the bitumen and organic carbon are tabulated. The organic matter of dolerites is concluded to be, not a product of inorganic synthesis, but the result of migration into the igneous rocks from the surDLC. rounding sediments. 102204 BELYY, V.F. Glavnyye tipy vulkanicheskikh poyasov v oblastyakh mezozoy(In: skogo tektogeneza Vostochnoy Azii. AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po tektonike Si biri...M ezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p. I 68-77, map) In Russian. Title tr.: The principal types of volcanic belts in areas of Mesozoic tectogenesis in eastern Asia. Describes epigeosynclinal volcanic belts associated with Mesozoic structural complexes, particularly the Yana-Kolyma, MongoliaOkhotsk and Chukotka systems. Two subtypes of volcanic belts are distinguished: those associated with the zone of junction of regional geosynclinal complexes with ancient stable massifs and platforms, and those associated with zones of anticlinal uplift. The sequence and relationships of Jurassic-Cretaceous and DLC. Cenozoic volcanism are outlined.
102205 BELYY, V.F. Krayevyye vulkanicheskiye poyasa i geosinklinal'nyy protsess; na primere Okhotsko-Chukotskogo vulkanicheskogo poyasa. (In: Vulkanizm i tektogenez 1968. p.200-207, map, illus) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Marginal volEnglish summary. canic belts and the geosynclinal process; as exemplified by the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt. The Okhotsk-Chukotka belt, a tectonic type of marginal volcanic belt, separates Mesozoic and Cenozoic folded regions. Its outer zone is discordantly superimposed on the Mesozoics. Its inner zone has two subzones, one superimposed on Valanginian and Hauterivian-Barremian unfolded geosynclinal deposits of the Anadyr-Koryak system in the region of Cenozoic folding, and the other subzone between DLC. this and the outer zone. 99
V.F. 102206 BELYY, Okhotskochukotskiy i kazakhstanskiy krayevyye vulkanichesk iye poyasa. (In: Simpozium po vulkano-plutonicheskim formatsiyam...Materialy 1969. p.75-87, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Okhotsk-Chukotka and Kazakhstan marginal volcanic belts. Attempts an analysis of the history and structure of these marginal volcanic belts. The Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt is placed between Mesozoic and Cenozoic folding of northeast Asia, the Kazakhstan between the Caledonian and Variscan of the DzhungaroBalkhash folded system. Three stages, early Aptian-Turonian, Danian, and early Paleogene, are recognized in the development of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt. The Kazakhstan belt developed in the Devonian. Early development stages of both coincided with stages of terrigenous flysh sedimentation. The structures developed are also analyzed. DLC. 102207 BENDER, M.M. and others. University of Wisconsin radiocarbon dates, IV-VI. (Radiocarbon 1968. v.10, no.1, p.I61-68; no.2, p.473-78; 1969. v.11, no.1, p.228-35) Refs. Other authors: R.A. Bryson and D.A. Baerreis. Includes in pt. 4, dates for sedge peat or mud from Lynn Lake, Manitoba and Pelly Lake, Keewatin District; in pt. 5, for peat from Drainage Lake, Keewatin and Colville Lake, Mackenzie District and for shells from rocky tundra in Repulse Bay, Keewatin; in pt. 6, for wood peat at Keg River, Alberta, six samples of Colville Lake peat, mud at Pelly Lake and plant debris at Repulse Bay. DGS. 102208 BENDERIN, V.P. and B.K. NELIPOVICH. K voprosu ob epidemiologii dizenterii v usloviyakh zapolyarnogo goroda Vorkuty. (Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geografii, 3rd. Leningrad 1968. Materialy, p1.2, p.53-54) In Russian. Title tr.: Epidemiology of dysentery under conditions of the arctic city Vorkuta. Seasonal dysentery recurrence was connected with the children going to summer camps in the south. High incidence occurred in Sept to Feb; it began in Sept-Nov after the return of the younger children. Winter flareups have not been recorded although such possibility remains since the volume of useable water has diminished while the sewage contamination remains the same. DLC. 102209 BENDIX-ALMGREEN, S.E. Notes on the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary fish faunas of northern West Greenland. (Dansk geologisk forening. Meddelelser 1969. v.19, no.2, p.204-217) 39 refs. Danish summary. Preliminary discussion on results of study of rare finds by various expeditions since 1938. 100
Types of marine sediments containing the finds are noted. Species are identified. Comparisons are drawn with Dano-Scanian, north African, and eastern North American fauna. The investigation shows that in the Atlantic area, elasmobranchs arc of little value in drawing the DLC. Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. 102210 BENDIX-ALMGREEN, S.E. On the fin-structure of the upper Permian edestids from East Greenland. (Dansk geologisk forening. Meddelelser 1967. v.17, no. I, p.147-49, illus) Refs. Describes details of the fin and its probable muscle system and nerve supply of Fadenia crenulata. The fin is comprised of a thoracic and an abdominal division, reminiscent of many Arthrodira and recent rays and skates. DGS . 102211 BENDZ, M. Commuting and service travelling of forest workers in Sweden. Stockholm, Skogsheigskolan 1967. 39 p. graphs, map, tables. (Studia forestalia suecica no.38) Swedish summary. Reports on a 1964-65 study of forest workers' travel time to work and for essential services, as part of an effort to determine where housing for such area-bound workers should be located, or where forest labor should be encouraged to settle. Northern Sweden was divided into six parts for this sampling survey and statistical analysis. In the main categories, the worker in the northern interior of Norrland province spent the most time traveling, visited service centers less often, and was otherwise generally more inconvenienced by the problem of distance. DLC. 102212 BENEDIKTOV, YE.A. and others. Rezul'taty izmereniy velichiny regulyarnogo pogloshcheniya radiovoln v ionosfere v zone polyarnykh siyaniy. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1970. v.10, no.4, p.620-25, graphs, illus) 12 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.A. Dubkova and A.V. Tolmacheva. Title tr.: Results of measurements of the magnitude of regular radio wave absorption of the auroral zone of the ionosphere. Presents the results of measurements carried out at Loparskaya by radioastronomy methods of regular radio wave absorption in the auroral zone of the ionosphere. The diurnal and seasonal dependences of integral absorption are determined by the sun to the same degree as they are in the middle latitudes. DLC. BENEVOLENSKAYA, YU.D., 101720.
102213 BENGTSON, S.A. Breeding behaviour of the grey phalarope in West Spits-
bergen. (Var fagelvarld 1968. v.27, no. I, p.113, illus) Refs. Swedish summary. Discusses 1967 observations made in the Prins Karts Forland and Kongsfjorden areas, as part of a study of tundra ecology. Arrival time, courtship displays, nesting, molting, and food and feeding habits are noted. The female phalarope has the more elaborate plumage and initiates courtship displays. The male alone appeared to tend the young. Comparisons are made with the red-necked phalarope. DLC.
BENGTSSON, K., see No. 105460. BENJEY, W.G., see No. 104202. 102214 BENKO, YU.K.
0 prisposobitel'nykh svoystvakh populyatsii atlanticheskoskandinayskoy sel'di v usloviyakh kolebaniy chislennosti stada. (Murmansk. Polyarnyy n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Trudy 1968. no.23, p.478-99, graphs, maps, tables) 41 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Adjustment of the Atlantic Scandinavian herring population in fluctuation of schools. Reduction of the herring population results in decrease of feeding areas and extension of migration during the fattening period. The recruitment in 1962-1964 of 1959 year classes resulted in the formation of two groups with varying productivity, growth rate, dimensions, and different spawning and wintering areas and times. The spring catch in the Lofoten area has been successfully predicted. DLC.
102215 BEN'KOVA, N.P.
and others.
Dinamika magnitosopryazhennykh oblastey v sloye F 2 ionosfery. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1969. v.9, no.5, p.923-26, graphs) Ref. In Russian. Other authors: G.V. Bukin, L.Ye. Kolokolov, M. Lafeille, C. TaTeb and G.M. Faynot. Title tr.: Dynamics of magnetically conjugate regions in the F2 layer of the ionosphere. Computes the cross-correlation coefficients of the values of critical radio-frequency f.,F2 at geomagnetically-conjugate pairs: Kerguelenaircraft, -Arkhangersk, -Dvina, -Sogra, and various pairs in Arkhangel'skaya Oblast'. Data from surface stations and 25 aircraft flights in Sept-Oct 1966, during the Franco-Soviet experiment on the ionosphere state in geomagnetically conjugate regions were used. A positive correlation in the normal ionization of the F2 layer was established. A greater localization and instability of the F2 layer was found to exist in circumpolar geomag lat —60-64° during days of increased geomagnetic activity. DLC.
BEN'KOVA, N.P., see also No. 101630. 102216 BENNETT, G. and others.
ation Kapuskasing. Toronto 1967. 98 p. maps, tables, illus. (Ontario. Dept. of Mines. Miscellaneous paper MP 10) 49 refs. Other authors: D.D. Brown, P.T. George and E.J. Leahy. Reports on the first of a series of largescale, helicopter reconnaissance surveys by the Ontario Mines Dept, 15 May - 15 Sept 1966, in the region 49° - 51°N and from 84°W to the Quebec boundary. Geologic mapping was done by foot, canoe and Bell J-2 helicopter. The general and economic geology are described, with formation tables and geologic maps and sections. Base metal and related sulfide, nickel, gold, iron, lithium, molybdenum, carbonatite and niobium occurrences are stated. A section on industrial minerals, by G.R. Guillet, reports on large reserves of kaolin, fireclay, silica sand, lignite, gypsum, limestone, common clay, peat moss, sand and gravel, present in the region. DGS.
BENNETT, G., see also No. 101968. 102217 BENNETT, H.F.
An investigation into velocity anisotropy through measurements of ultrasonic wave velocities in snow and ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica. (Dissertation abstracts 1968. v.29, no.2, p.662B) Order no. 68-9055. PhD thesis, Wisconsin University 1968. 314 p. Discusses a study of velocity anisotropy in relation to petrofabric analyses of ice cores, the equipment design, measurement errors, techniques, procedures and background theory. A method is developed for calculating a theoretical velocity model from the petrofabric analyses to be used for testing the theory with field and laboratory observations. Near-surface snow measurements were made only in Antarctica. Good agreement is found between the model based on petrofabric ice core analyses and the observed seismic and ultrasonic shear wave velocity, but poorer agreement with compressional wave velocities. Acoustic birefringence is shown in the single ice crystal and in the Greenland ice sheet. The ice sheet displays varying degrees of anisotropy in three possible zones, a near-surface layer with marked transverse structural isotropy, an intermediate layer with slight transverse isotropy due to weak vertical crystal orientations, and deep layers with high degrees of anisotropy due to strong petrofabrics. DGS.
102218 BENNETT, J.D. Structural geology of the Saura region, Nordland. Oslo 1970. 58 p. maps, illus. (Norway. Geologiske undersokelse. Skrifter no.264) Refs. Describes the structural geology of this coastal region south of Bodo which forms part of the internal zone of the Caledonides. The two major rock divisions are a generally gneis101
sic group underlying the south and southeast of the region, and two metasedimentary groups in the northwest. Two broad phases of metamorphism are differentiated. Closely related deforepisodes mation structures of the F, and were refolded during the F3 stage into a synform plunging gently NE and having a thick, steeply dipping eastern limb. The synform controls the present structural grain. The structural evolution of the Saura region is ascribed to nappetectonics flanking a culmination of mobilized Precambrian basement to the northeast of the DOS. map area. 102219 BENNETT, R.G. Frost shatter and glacial erosion under the margins of Oster(Norsk geografisk tidsdalsisen, Svartisen. skrift 1968. v.22, no.3, p.209-213, illus) 7 refs. Subglacial observations on this north Norwegian glacier on two occasions, in winter 1965 and 1967, showed a marked increase in the amount of debris transported by the glacier over that carried in the summer. Frost shatter on the lee sides of rock steps in the immediate lee of the ice-rock contact was found to loosen fragments which the glacier could then pluck CaMAI, DLC. from the wall. B.G. Lateral 102220 BENNETT, benches of glacial valleys in the Svartisen area (Norsk geografisk tidsof north Norway. skrift 1967. v.21, no.4, p.254-68, map, illus) 34 refs. Discusses the formation of these benches from fieldwork notes made during various British expeditions. Some are structurally controlled, others are features of glacial and extra-glacial erosion. The larger benches were formed under conditions so various that no genetic classification is possible. CaMAI, DLC. 102221 BENNINGTON, K.O. Crystal and brine relationships in sea ice. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.181-87, illus) 11 refs. Univ of Washington. Dept of Atmospheric Sciences. Contrib. 142. Observations in this program for sea ice physics were made on drifting stations Charlie, Arlis I and Arlis IV and at the Arctic Research Laboratory at Barrow, Alaska. Early studies showed that variations in salinity of sea ice are not caused by precipitation of individual salts, only the total amount of salt varies. More recent work was to determine the magnitude of salinity variations and the mechanism of segregation. In young sea ice the variations are probably due to the mechanisms of original intrapment; higher salinities are found where crystal orientations form a structural trap. Two of the trap types appear controlled by crystal growth. Many of the brine drainage channels are inherited from the sea water system. Obser102
vation of the mutual influence of the drainage channel and the ice mass during aging requires at least 18 months continuous study on the same ice mass on a drifting station. CaMAI, DLC. 102222 BENOIT, G.R. and J. BORNSTEIN. Freezing and thawing effects on drainage. (Soil Science Society of America. Proceedings 1970. v.34, no.4, p.55I-57, graphs, tables) 22 refs. Reports results of laboratory studies on coarse and fine sand and soil to determine the effects of freeze-thaw on sloping land drainage, by finding the interrelations between structure and texture, ice formation rates and extent and drainage rates and magnitude. The magnitude of the short-term freeze-thaw effects on soil water retention and transmission is influenced by soil-aggregate size and stability and soilwater content during freezing. On a long-term basis, drainage that results in a consistently lower water content during freeze-thaw cycles may lead to a changed soil structure and thus a DGS. changed drainage requirement. 102223 BENSON, C.S. Glaciological studies on Mount Wrangell, Alaska, 1961. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.3, p.127-52, graphs, map, tables, illus) 19 refs. French and Russian summary. Measurements of temperature, density, hardness and stratigraphic profiles were made in the upper 10 m of the snow cover in the caldera and an adjacent snow-filled crater. Facies parameters calculated for the summit area, 4000-4300 m at 62°N, compare well with the same parameters near the dry-snow line on the Greenland ice sheet. This comparison is part of the purpose of the Mt Wrangell study within the framework of the 'hypothetical North Polar Ice Sheet', based on a concept that the Greenland ice sheet behaves as though it belonged to a much larger ice sheet, which is symmetrical about the North Pole. The mean annual temperature, based on the measurements at 10 m depth in the caldera and inactive craters, is -20°C. The mean annual value of accumulation in smooth central areas of the caledera is > 100 cm water equivalent. Velocity of surface movement in the caldera averages about 5 cm/day., or —20 m /yr.,. CaMAI, DLC. 102224 BENSON, C.S. Ice fog. (Engineering and science 1969. v.32, no.8, p.15-19, graph, illus) Ice fog is one of four major air pollution types. It is caused essentially by the type of temperature inversion which occurs at ground level when there is a net heat loss from the earth's surface by outgoing longwave radiation. The Fairbanks inversions are among the steep-
est in the world and last for weeks. The long dark period and the surrounding hills which provide wind protection are important factors in the strength and persistence of the surface inversions. Katabatic winds down the Tanana valley bring cold air which moves across the colder low-lying air, rather than flushing pollutants out of the city atmosphere. Data are cited on sources of the 4000 t/day of water vapor put into the atmosphere and the products of combustion processes introduced in addition. DLC. 102225 BENSON, C.S. The seasonal snow cover of arctic Alaska. (Washington, DC. 1969. 47 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Arctic Institute of North America. Research paper no. 51) 47 refs. Reports on field studies at stations on the North Slope, of which Atkasuk (Meade River), Barrow, Lake Noluck and Umiat were the main test areas over several yr in the 1960's. Arctic Slope snow consists of a hard, windpacked layer, sometimes a hard wind slab, overlying a coarse, low-density hoar layer. Its windswept sastrugi surface, on the nearly flat tundra, resembles the Greenland ice sheet surfaces. The snow cover lasts 8-9 mo. Drifts, often several km long, 20 m wide and 6-8 m deep, form at the edge of river banks and lake shores. Snow from Arctic and Pacific source areas can be distinguished by the greater abundance of heavy hydrogen and oxygen isotopes and higher electric conductivity of melt water from a Pacific snowfall. Evaporation from the tundra snow surface is complicated; it is intensified in the spring by 24-hr sunlight, air convection in the snow and irregularities caused by protruding vegetation. The snow cover of the Interior is also discussed and comparison made CaMAI. with the North Slope. BENSON, CS.,
see also
Nos. 102483,
Familiens 102226 BENTZON, A.W. okonomiske administration og ejendelenes tilhorsforhold i de vestgronlandske samfund, en retssociologisk undersegelse. Kobenhavn, Handelshojskolen 1968. 199 p. tables. Refs. In Danish. Title tr.: Family economy administration and legal conditions of ownership apportionment in the West Greenland society, a legal-sociological investigation. Reports on an investigation into ownership rights and economic responsibilities within the individual family, with a view to elucidating community mores, and to evaluating the possibility of applying the Danish law on legal aspects of marriage. Data are given on the economic activities of the family, individual ownership and rights of possession of household goods and personal acquisitions, division of labor and cooperation within the home, and
money requirements and responsibilities of wife, husband and other individuals sharing the home, including the major money outlays. Also considered are community practices in the dissolution of households and ownership in the case of separation, divorce, or death; inheritance under various circumstances of family and kinship; and the effects of the legal aspects in the course of community development. Some of the data and interview results are tabDLC. ulated. 102227 BERDAN, J.M.
and others.
Siluro-Devonian boundary in North America. (Geological Society of America. Bulletin 1969. v.80, no.11, p.2165-74, map) 60 refs. Other authors: D.E. Jackson, A.C. Lenz and R. Thorsteinsson. Discusses seven regions with emphasis on North American fossil occurrences that aid in correlation with European faunal successions in which this boundary is determined. Of these regions, the western and Arctic marine shelly faunas are most closely related to faunas of the Old World. The Yukon Territory, where the Siluro-Devonian boundary falls within the Prongs Creek Formation is discussed, as is the Queen Elizabeth and Ellesmere Islands, where it falls within the Devon Island and Cape Phillips Formations. DGS. BERDNIKOV, Al, see No. 106056. 102228 BERESNEV, V.S. and YU.I. LYAPIN. Zashchita kar'yera Korshunovskogo
GOKa of podzemnykh i poverkhnostnykh vod. (Gornyy zhurnal 1970. no.10, p.9-I2, illus) In Title tr.: Protection of the open-pit Russian. mine of the Korshunovo ore concentration combine from ground and surface water. Describes the hydrogeological setting of this site in the Angara basin, where mine flooding is caused by groundwater and infiltration from two streams near the iron-ore deposit. To protect the mine site from flooding, proposes that the Korshunikha River in the northeastern part of the site be confined in a concrete chute and that groundwater level be lowered by a series of borings and a drainage system be installed. A hydrogeological map of the area is DLC. included. BEREZANTSEV, YU.A., see No. 104933. Sel'skoye 102229 BEREZHNOY, A.YE. khozyaystvo Krasnoyarskogo kraya za 50 let. (Krasnoyarsk. Sel'skokhozyaystvennyy inst. Trudy 1968. v.19. p.6-16) In Russian. Title tr.: Fifty years of agriculture in Krasnoyarskiy Kray. Reviews the changes in agriculture since 1917. Notes the gradual increase in meat, milk. eggs and wool. Owing to the material technical 103
base, electrification, economic incentive, increase of branches and specializations, the increase of profitability on sovkhozes and kolkhozes is 500%. Discusses plans for added increase in grain and animal products by extending organizational methods. DLC. 102230 BEREZIN, V.P. Po zavetam Lenina. (Gornyy zhurnal 1970. no.4, p.9 I 96, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Lenin's legacy. Reviews gold mining activity of Dal'stroy in the Kolyma region from 1931 and Severovostokzoloto trust from 1957 east of the Lena and Aldan. Methods, equipment, productivity, and economic aspects of this trust's nonferrous metal mining are discussed. Gold, tin, and mercury deposits are to be developed on Chukchi Peninsula. Industrial reserves of placer gold have been found in the Omolon, Anadyr', Pil'khinkul' and Riveyem basins. DLC. 102231 BERG, E. Tilstandet i Finnmark og opptaket til ein laerarskule for Nord-Noreg. (Norsk skoleblad 1965. v.29, no.37, p.I472-80, illus) Refs. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Conditions in Finnmark and adoption of a teachers' training school for North Norway. Reviews development of the educational system of northern Norway 1739-1874, noting the work of Thomas von Westen, and particularly that of Peter Vogelius Deinboll from 1816 to his death in 1874. The introduction of schools under church leadership is outlined. The problems posed by the sparse population, the need for instruction leading to academic training, and government response are considered. DLC. 102232 BERG, E. Trist kapitel i Finnmarksoga. (Norsk skoleblad 1968. v.32, no.I9, p.789-91) In Norwegian. Title tr.: A sad chapter in the history of Finnmark. Reviews the substance of an unpublished manuscript by P.W. Deinboll who lived in Vadse 1816-24. It deals with economic conditions of the mid 16-19th century, the time of trade monopoly, and with later developments which led the way to the inclusion of Finnmark in the Norwegian kingdom. The founding of Vardo as a center of control. the fishing industry, Dutch expeditions, whaling off Svalbard. search for a northeast passage, etc are mentioned. The type of law and justice, credit, welfare, alcoholism, and other factors in Finnmark life are noted, and domestic and social conditions generally described. Deinboll and other churchmen after him did much to rouse concern in Norway about the welfare of its northernmost province. DLC. BERG, E., see also 103628, 104051. 104
Nos. 102767, 103627,
102233 BERG, G.A. Floraen i farger. 2.ed. Oslo, Aschehoug 1967. 179 p. illus. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Flora in color. Presents brief descriptions of more than 700 common Norwegian floral species, and illus of most in bloom. Many of them are common to arctic regions. The rare plants are not included. Aids to identification include an illus key of technical terms, a key to family type, Norwegian and Latin name indexes to illus. DLC. Froproduksjon i 102234 BERGAN, J. ddre furuskog i Troms og Finnmark. (Norway. Norske skogforsoksvesen. Meddelelser 1%7. v.23, no.85, p.411-43, graphs, map, tables, illus) Refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Seed production of mature Scotch pine stands in Troms and Finnmark. Reports on investigation of seeding habits of this important timber producer near the northern limit of its range. From sample stands in eight districts in arctic Norway, records were made of pollen, quantity and quality of seeds, loss of immature cones, and meteorological data. Results indicate that insufficient pollination is one of the most decisive factors in development of the seed crop. The time of seed fall seems to be highly correlated with seed quality. Well ripened seeds lead to wide dispersal in June, whereas poorer quality seeds fall during a longer period. Comparison is made with similar studies in Finland. DLC. BERGER, D.D., see No. 103298. 102235 BERGER, R.H. and J.A. BRODY. Reovirus antibody patterns in Alaska. (American journal of epidemiology 1967. v.86, no.3, p.724-35, graphs, map, tables) 11 refs. Presents data from a 1962-65 serological survey of inhabitants of Savoonga on St Lawrence Island, Barrow, Andreafsky in the lower Yukon region, and Anaktuvuk Pass; also of caribou of the Nelchina and Arctic Slope herds and birds at Kachemak Bay on Kenai Peninsula. Antibody patterns to reovirus I, 2 and 3 are reported. The antibody to reovirus 3 was the most prevalent, that to reovirus I the least. The unusually high antibody rates found to all three types indicate considerable virus activity in recent years, and the appearance of reovirus 3 at Anaktuvuk Pass indicates the progressive spread of this virus to remote areas. Reovirus 3 was most frequent among animal and bird sera, and the source of infection could have been man in only some of the cases. Methods for treatment of serum for hemagglutination tests are described. DLC. 102236 BERGER, T.S. Peculiarities in the distribution of cod in the Barents Sea and the Bear Island - Spitsbergen area in 1965. (International Council for the Exploration of
the Sea. Annales biologiques 1965 pub 1967. v.22, p.82-86, maps, graphs) Defines the vertical and geographic distribution of cod in these areas and correlates their movements with the complicated temperature conditions and food supplies. The cod may have withstood the cooling because of a relatively high fat content, 4.5-5.5% in the Jan-Feb DLC. 1966 wintering grounds. 102237 BERGER, T.S. and R.A. CHEREMSoviet investigations on young ISINA. redfish in the Barents Sea in 1964 and 1965. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1965 pub 1967. v.22, p.178-81, maps, tables) Ref The annual estimation of abundance of young redfish Sebastes marinus and S. mentella is made in Sept-Oct in the SpitsbergenBjerneya area and Jan-Feb in the southern Barents Sea. Any redfish 4-30 cm in length is classed as young by Soviet scientists. Concentrations were found off Spitsbergen, on western and southern slopes of the Bjorneya bank and in the Hopen Island area. In the western part of the southern Barents Sea, the largest concenDLC. trations in five years were present. T.S. Soviet 102238 BERGER, investigations on young redfish S. mentella and S. marinus in the Barents Sea in 1966/67. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1966 pub 1968. v.23, p.204-206, maps, tables) In the autumn-winter 1966/67 surveys, Sebastes mentella was distributed more to the south in the Spitsbergen-Bjerneya area, where 1963-64 yr-classes predominated and the 1965 yr-class was very low. In the southern Barents Sea, the 1966 yr-class of S. marinus was widely distributed eastward of a normal year distribution. During Dec-Jan they were eaten in great DLC. quantities by cod. Abundance 102239 BERGERUD, A.T. of forage on the winter range of Newfoundland caribou. (Canadian field-naturalist 1971. v.85, no.1, p.39-52, tables, diagrs, illus) 23 refs. Presents data on evergreen shrubs and terrestrial lichens at 22 locations, representing successional stages of vegetation following fires on former forest sites and in lichen woodlands, also on sub-alpine winter range used by caribou. The forage supply was found substantial and absolute shortage of food for caribou ruled out. Forest fires have increased the extent of winter range by altering closed-canopy forests to lichen woodlands or shrub - barrens, and prostrate sub-alpine spruce - fir thickets to CaMAI, DGS. lichen-shrub barrens. A.T. Past 102240 BERGERUD, abundance of willow ptarmigan on the Avalon
Peninsula of Newfoundland. (Canadian field-naturalist 1971. v.85, no. I, p.21-23, table, diagrs) 5 refs. From newspapers of 1843-1963, the high populations of this grouse are found to have occurred in 1909-10, 1925-26. 1929-31, 1940-41, CaMAI, DGS. 1950-51, and 1960-61. Fra det gamle Finn102241 BERGH, R. mark; Skoganvarre skole 1903-1908. (Norsk skoleblad 1968. v.32, no.21, p.882-84) In Norwegian. Title tr.: From old Finnmark; the Skoganvarre school, 1903-1908. Describes schools and education at the beginning of the 20th century in this northernmost county of Norway. There were dormitory or boarding schools from 1899, the Internat at Lakselv was ready in 1910, and during 19031908 a little school carried on at Skoganvarre between Lakselv and Karasjok. Trilingual problems, subjects taught, and general condiDLC. tions are discussed. Fra det gamle Finn102242 BERGH, R. mark, trollmannen fra Porsanger. (Norsk skoleblad 1968. v.32, no. 1 6, p.652-56, illus) In Title tr.: From the old FinnNorwegian. mark, the wizard from Porsanger. Lapps, Finns, and Norwegians lived in small, separate, scattered communities in Finnmark a century ago. Johan Kaaven, a Norwegian settler in a Lappish locality, became known for his leadership, and some legends DLC. which grew up around him are cited. Vegetations102243 BERGLUND, B.E. (Sverutvecklingen i Norden efter istiden. iges natur. Arsbok 1968. v.59, p.31-52, graphs, Title tr.: map, tables, illus) In Swedish. Development of vegetation in the Scandinavian North after the ice age. Traces the invasion of postglacial vegetation over the entire Scandinavian peninsula. From evidence of forest and other flora, particularly pollen diagrams and C-14 datings, some conclusions are drawn concerning temperature and humidity changes. Recent effects of man in DLC. changing the natural flora are noted. Historie om 102244 BERGSLAND, K. (Sameliv 1964trollskap fra vart arhundre. 66. no.6, p.5-10) In Norwegian and Lappish. Title tr.: A story of witchcraft from our century. A Lappish tale, recorded in 1938 in Karasjok, north Norway. It purports to describe MH. events at Inare 30 yr previously. Forecast102245 BERGTHORSSON, P. ing drift ice at Iceland by means of Jan Mayen (In: Symposium on drift air temperature. ice...1969. Jokull 1969 pub 1970. v.19, p.44-52, graphs, map, tables, illus) 5 refs. Detailed description of a forecasting 105
method, including a mathematical model and equations, with a brief discussion of ocean currents across the boundary of the East Greenland current and open sea. A correlation of ice incidence at Iceland with monthly temperatures (T) in Jan Mayen showed that Junee-Nov T, with Sept-Nov T weighted 50% over JunAug T, can be used to forecast ice in Icelandic waters in the following winter, spring and summer. DGS. BERKEY, F.T., see
No. 101701.
102246 BERKHOUT, A.W.J. and L.W. SOBCZAK. A preliminary investigation of gravity observations in the Somerset and Prince of Wales Islands. arctic Canada. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1967. 10 p. graphs, maps, tables. (Canada. Dominion Observatories Branch. Gravity map ser no.81) 12 refs. Describes the Bouguer anomaly field mapped on the basis of 1965 observations on the islands and correlates the anomalies with the regional geology. A series of north-trending highs and lows in the central and southern area are attributed to density variations in crystalline basement rocks; two local highs over western Prince of Wales Island are interpreted as indicating relatively near-surface basic intrusions. CaMAI, DGS. 102247 BERKOVSKIY, A.N. and others. 0 nekotorykh obshchikh aspektakh osnovnogo i ul'traosnovnogo magmatizma vostochnoy chasti Baltiyskogo shchita po geofizicheskim dannym. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...197 I. p.136-39, map) Ref. In Russian. Other authors: V.A. Dedeyev and K.O. Kratts. Title tr.: Some general aspects of mafic and ultramafic magmatism in the eastern Baltic shield according to geophysical data. Presents a map of deep faults and mafic and ultramafic massifs, prepared from aeromagnetic and gravity surveys. There are three groups prepared from these rocks differing in their metallogenic features. One group contains nickel, copper, and cobalt, another group iron and the third, iron and rare metals. DLC. 102248 BERKUTOVA, G.L. K izucheniyu merzlotno-gidrogeologicheskikh usloviy vedeniya podzemnykh gornykh rabot v rayone verkhov'yev r.Kolymy. (Magadan. Vses. n.issl. inst. zolota i redkikh metallov. Trudy 1965. v.24, p.235-62, tables, graphs, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A study of cryo-hydrogeological conditions of conducting underground mining in the upper Kolyma River region. Presents a detailed study of the Lazo mine, describing the climatic, geological, hydrological, and cryo-geological conditions of the region. Chemical characteristic of the subpermafrost water and influence of the 106
mine ventilation on the temperature regime of the workings are given in some detail. Cryo-hydrogeological exploration of the Kan'on mine and the Belova gold mine is also noted. DLC. 102249 BERLINER, F. Til trommedans i Angmagssalik. (Nya argus 1960. v.53, no.12, p.16-19) In Danish. Title tr.: At the drum dance in Angmagssalik. Resident meteorologist describes a gathering of Greenlanders in the schoolmaster's home, where the men gave solo performances of dancing, singing, etc. DLC. 102250 BERLYAND, T.G. Mezhsutochnaya izmenchivost' solnechnoy radiatsii v severnom polusharii. (Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy 1968. no.233, p.3-16, graphs, maps, tables) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Interdiurnal variability of solar radiation in the Northern Hemisphere. Determines the diurnal variability of solar radiation and the radiation budget of the Northern Hemisphere. using observational data collected at stations of the global actinometric network during 1957-66. The interdiurnal variation of solar radiation is studied for all climatic zones from 30° to 75°N. The diurnal variability of the total solar radiation is determined as being close to normal values in all zones. The variability maximum makes a positive shift in March. The distribution of total solar radiation is represented on maps. DLC . 102251 BERLYANT, A.M. Morfostrukturnyy analiz severa Russkoy platformy. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1969. ser. geog. noA, p.98-103, maps) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Morphostructural analysis of the north of the Russian platform. Correlation of recent and buried structural forms is based on paleotectonic analysis of the basement and sedimentary cover. Correlations in Arkhangel'sk Province, Kanin Peninsula, some White Sea areas, and parts of Komi ASSR are attempted. Two areal morphostructural types are defined and mapped: areas in which basement relief is reflected in the Late Quaternary structural forms and areas exhibiting an inverse relationship between Late Quaternary structural form and basement relief. The data are also represented on the accompanying maps. DLC. 102252 BERLYANT, A.M. Zakonomernosti v sootnoshenii noveyshikh i drevnikh tektonicheskikh struktur na severe Pechorskoy nizmennosti. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1969. no. 1 . p.1 15-20. maps) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Relationships between recent and ancient structures in the north of the Pechora depression.
Presents charts of recent tectonics and the relationships between recent and ancient structures, based on geological and geophysical studies. The main tectonic elements, locations of faults, intensity of movements and other features of recent tectonics are described and relationships with ancient tectonic structures are characterized, noting the degree of agreement or disagreement shown. DLC. 102253 BERMAN, 1.1. and V.A. TYUREMNOV. Kolichestvennaya otsenka svyazi fizi-
cheskikh polcy tsentral'noy chasti Kol'skogo poluostrova s proyavleniyami magmatizma. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p.305-311, table. illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Quantitative appraisal of the connection between the physical fields of the central part of Kola Peninsula and magmatic activity. Distinguishes four types of magnetic fields, characterized by differences in intensity of magnetization, and discusses their geologic interpretation with reference to the develop. ment of various magmatic complexes. The physical and compositional properties of rocks and their density and magnetic properties are summarized. Zonation of the magnetic field is determined not only by the composition of the rocks of large intrusions, but also by tectonic conditions. DLC.
Stress and wave patterns in soils subjected to dynamic loads. Hanover, N.H. 1967. 52 p. tables. illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab. Research report no. 120) Refs. Considers wave propagation in stratified soil from study of hodographs, the waves excited by sinusoidal or impact forces. Assuming the soil to be an isotropic, homogeneous, elastic half-space continuum comprising two layers, the decrease in displacement amplitudes with increase in distance from the force-exciting source is determined, and the phase velocities and the hodographs are analyzed. As snow and ice in cold regions are usually stratified, it is suggested that this method can be applied to snow and ice layers. CaMAI, DLC. 102256 BERNHARD, R.K.
Notes on the blue fox of Rat Island, Alaska. (Canadian fieldnaturalist 1969. v.83, no.4, p.404-405) Refs. Reports capture and tagging of 197 foxes in 1961-62 on Rat Island, and studies of whelping, feeding, movement and population. Denning was near beaches with the peak in June. Summer food items consisted mostly of amphipods and kelp fly pupae. The only apparent predator is the bald eagle. CaMAI, DLC. 102257 BERNS, V.D.
Ledokol'naya zveroboynaya artel' pomorov Zimnego berega Belogo morya. (Sovetskaya etnografiya 1968. no.5, p.I05-110) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The icebreaker hunting crew of Pomors of the Zimniy coast of the White Sea. Deals with the 1920-40 development of sea-mammal hunting by icebreaker along the northwest coast of this sea. In the early 1920's, operators rented icebreakers, hired some hunters and kept a percentage of the catch. In 1926, sealing became a cooperative enterprise yet wages were still figured on a discriminatory percentage basis. Radical changes followed collectivization initiated in 1930, and control of icebreaker sealing fell to the Osvobozhdeniye collective. Its operations are outlined: personnel selection, on-the-job training, socialist competitions which raised production, etc. Guaranteed wages were introduced in 1936, then recreational facilities, economic incentives, paid leave, better food, work clothing provided, etc. Women have been employed as service personnel since 1935, during wartime they had to replace the hunters, and they still work as active hunting-crew members. DLC. 102258 BERNSHTAM, T.A.
102254 BERMAN, YU.S. and YE.I. KAZARINOVA. Pervaya nakhodka agvilarita v
SSSR. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.183. no.6, p.1406-1409, graph, tables) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A new find of aguilarite in the USSR. Describes this rare silver selenide found in the Valunistyy gold-silver deposit in the northeastern part of the Chukotka-Okhotsk volcanic belt. Its mode of occurrence and its physical, X-ray, and other properties are given. Comparison is made with aguilarite discoveries elsewhere. DLC. Vtorichnyye kvartsity na Chukotke. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1969. no.3, p.143-48, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Secondary quartzites in Chukotka. Reports a 1964 study in the region of the Anadyr and right tributaries to the Kanchelan. The distribution and mode of occurrence of secondary quartzites in volcanic rocks are outlined. Alunite, alunite-kaolinite, alunite-diaspore-kaolinite, topaz and monoquartzites are characterized as to grain size and other features. Their age of 61-70 MY, origin, and association with gold mineralization are discussed. DLC.
102255 BERMAN, YUS.
BERMAN, YU.S., see also No 107272.
102259 BERNSHTEYN, M.A. and V.I. BELOV. 0 rezul'tatakh rabot po intensifi-
katsii dobychi gaza v Komi ASSR. (Gazovoye delo 1967. no.1, p.16-20, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Results of work on inten107
sification of gas production in Komi ASSR. Discusses methods of increasing the coefficient of gas yield, improving current gas output, and decreasing pressure drop in the productive zone. 63 tests during 1957-64 included perforation under pressure. hydraulic fracturing. and chemical treatment with hydrochloric acid. The results were encouraging, and the output of some drillholes increased substantially. e.g. from 2000 to 20,000 m '/day at the Nibely deposit. But use of these methods requires considerable preparatory work, special funding and equipment. Hydraulic sand-jet perforation is recommended. At the Kur'ya gas field its use increased the yield from 1000-1200 m Vday to a stable output of 38.000 m'/day on DLC. the fourth day after perforation. L Centrales maree-motrices. (Etudes sovietiques 1967. no.23 I, p.2) In French. Title tr.: Tidal power centers. Describes construction of the experimental tide-driven power-house at Kislaya Guba, on DLC. the coast of the White Sea.
acculturation. Research on cognitive skills indicates that Eskimos differ little from southern norms, and Indians and Metis are almost as high in perceptual development. Little work has been done on attitudes, values and motives. Four studies of Eskimos are examined to discover a homogeneity of personality traits across the northern regions, with conclusion that there is a "northern", panethnic adaptation of personality characteristics to traditional conditions of life in the North. In the process of acculturation cognitive skills become more like those of the west and a high level of spatial perceptual skills tends to increase. Most of the literature on psychological aspects of acculturation in the North concerns personality change. Topics which need psychologists' field work and research are stated. CaMAI, DS].
BERNSTEIN, W., see No. 108366.
Bedrock geol102261 BERRANGE., J.P. ogy of Vatnahverfi, Julianehhb district, South Greenland. Kobenhavn 1966. 49 p. graphs. maps, tables, illus. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report no.3) 19 refs. Describes petrology, structure and chronology of the Precambrian rocks. Except for the geosynclinal sedimentation on the pre-Ketilidian basement. all additions are plutonic and volcanic series with intervening folding, faulting, metamorphism and mineralization, through the Gardar group. Each phase is described and tabulated. Axial trends are explained. Search for minerals of economic value has disclosed no concentrations. There is low relief and paucity of outcrop. Nature of the overlying cover is not noted. The cover in valleys and on low hills has made this area a favored site for farming. It comprises the greater part of the region called Vatnahverfi by the early Norse settlers (11th to 15th centuries). Judging by the distribution of ruins it was a densely populated part of the country in Viking DGS. times. Psychological research in the North. (Anthropologica 1971. v.13, no. l /2, p.143-57) 48 refs. Reviews research among the northern native peoples, emphasizing the gaps. Four fields arc considered: perceptual and intellectual abilities, and potential for western education; attitudes, values and motives; evidence for a "northern" personality; changes in cognitive skills, attitudes and personality during
102262 BERRY, J.W.
102263 BERSON, G.L. and V.N. SMIRNOV. Osobennosti geologicheskogo stroye-
niya poluostrova Kamchatskiy mys v svyazi s yego polozheniyem na styke Kurilo-Kamchatskoy i Aleutskoy dug. (Leningrad. Vses. neftyanoy n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyy inst. Trudy 1967. no.254, p.182-98, graph, maps) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of the geologic structure of the Cape Kamchatka peninsula in relation to its position at the juncture of the Kuril-Kamchatka and the Aleutian arcs. From abundant data on the region, the authors conclude that Cape Kamchatka belongs to the Kamchatka geosynclinal system. while the Commander Islands are part of the Aleutian geosynclinal system. This is the only possible explanation for the different fold directions of the two areas. DLC. BERSON, G.L., see No. 103169.
Puti razvitiya i povysheniya effektivnosti ovoshchevodstva na Kraynem Severe. (Problemy Severa 1968. no.13. p.177-87, tables) In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Other authors: Ai Ivanovskiy, Sh.R. Saytburkhanov and I.A. Abzayev. Title tr.: Vegetable growing in the Far North and methods of increasing its efficiency. Stresses importance of fresh vegetables and potatoes to insure healthy, mineral-salt and vitamin-rich diet for the people of the Far North, and describes problems to be solved. Tables illustrate the relatively low yields/hectare of potatoes and vegetables, these yields depending more on methods of cultivation than on environmental conditions. Favorable natural factors for growing green crops are enumerated, e.g. daylight rich in active long-wave orange-red rays, abundance of dispersed light, high air transparency, and 102264 BERSON, G.Z. and others.
long periods of daylight in the first half of summer. Supplementing these favorable factors by better soil cultivation and advanced agricultural methods are advocated. Detrimental natural factors such as shortage of heat, moisture, and soil nutrients may be reduced by artificial heating of the soil and surface air, irrigation and sprinkling, and fertilizing. At present, the greater part of potatoes and vegetables used in the North is imported from more southerly regions, and some demand remains unsatisfied even in industrial centers. Integrated mechanization of all processes of potato and vegetable production is recommended, with equipment suitable for use in the North supplied. Use of chemical and bacterial fertilizers is recommended in addition to compost. Another recommendation is for improvement and increased construction of winter greenhouses for year-round operation, heating them with industrial waste heat, geothermal water, and natural gas, the last especially promising in Yakutia and northern Tyumen. CaMAI, DLC. Geologic and 102265 BERTHELSEN, A. structural studies around two geophysical anomalies in Troms, northern Norway. (Norway. Geologiske undersokelse. Skrifter 1967. no.247, p.57-77, maps, table, illus) Refs. Norwegian summary. The geology and structures of the Mauken and Divielva windows are outlined. Two formation names and one group name are suggested for the Precambrian supracrustal rocks of the Mauken window. Hyolithus zone sediments in autochthonous position along its southern margin show that the Caledonian thrusting exceeded 70 km. A magnetic anomaly in the Mauken window is explained by local concentrations of normally accessory magnetite in an antiformal hinge zone in sericite-chlorite schists. The relation between an E-W directed magnetic anomaly and the structures of the DGS. Divielva window are discussed. 102266 BERTHELSEN, A. and others. 19 p. On the so-called wild migmatites. maps, illus. (Kobenhavn. Universitet. Mineralogiske og geologiske museum. Communications geologiques 1962. no.125) Refs. Russian summary. Reprinted from Krystalinikum, contributions to the geology and petrology of crystalline complexes 1962. no.1, p.31-49 other authors: E. Bondesen and S.B. Jensen. Notes that an apparent lack of structural order in certain migmatic rocks in many cases is due to complex superimposition of individually ordered systems of structures. In three examples from the Precambrian of western and southwestern Greenland, detailed and regional structural analysis provides means of obtaining
an understanding of a very complex region. The examples also illus different types of superposed tectonics. DGS. 102267 BERTHELSEN, C. Dansk og canadisk eskimoundervisning. (Grenland 1967. no.3, p.89-94) In Danish. Title tr.: Danish and Canadian Eskimo education. Refers to an article by C.W. Hobart and C.S. Brant, qv, and comments mainly on the criticism that many teachers sent from Denmark arc employed at the smaller settlements in Greenland. This is due to the wishes of the parents that the children should learn Danish and to the shortage of native teachers competent in Danish. CaMAI, DLC. 102268 BERTHELSEN, C. Efter de syv pligtige skolear. (Grenland 1968. no.11, p.349-52) In Danish. Title tr.: After the seven compulsory school years. Discusses the option introduced in 1967 of three additional years at school in Greenland. At the end of the 1967-68 school year about 65% of the pupils elected to stay an eighth year. Pupils who elect a ninth year at present go to one of the three boarding schools in Greenland or go to Denmark; about 300 pupils are to take a ninth year in 1968-69. Facility for a tenth year has been set up in Godthab. CaMAI, DLC. 102269 BERTHOIS, L. Contribution a l'etude sedimentologique du Kangerdlugssuaq, cote ouest du Groenland. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag 1969. 185 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Meddelelser om Grenland. v.187, no.1) 44 refs. In French. English summary. Expedition Glaciologique Internationale au Title Groenland EGIG 1957-60. v.7, no.3. tr.: Contribution to a study of the sedimentology of Kangerdlugssuaq, west coast of Greenland. Reports results of a 1959 study of this fiord, using the German oceanographic research vessel Gauss. Extensive tabulated data are presented with discussion of the fiord waters and of the size and shape, mineralogy and lithology and chemical composition of the sediments. The higher pH and lower Ca values in the upper, less saline water are attributed to biological activity; those of dissolved O., and deuterium, to iceberg and glacier meltwater respectively. The decrease of the Mg:C1 ratio through water dilution is largely compensated by inland supply, less so in the case of the K:Cl, and not at all for the Ca:CI ratios. The disparities in usual distributional relationships of coarse, middle and fine fractions in the sediments are attributed to ice rafting and talus landslides. Rounding of particles is relatively slow. The prevailing influence of acid rocks and their minerals in sedimentation was con109
firmed by complete chemical analyses. The C:N ratio was high in the fiord, stemming from lignified plant remains on the bottom; values in Umanak fiord were more usual. CaMAI,DGS. BERTSCH, W., see No. 103303. BERZINA, I.G, see No. 101687. 102270 BERZINA, M.YA. Etnichesk iy sostav naseleniya Kanady, etno-statisticheskoye issledovaniye. (Sovetskaya etnografiya 1968. no. I, p.71-84, tables) 12 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Ethnic composition of the population of Canada, a statistical study. Includes some data of the 1961 census on aborigines: 208 thousand Indians and 12 thousand Eskimos; 166 thousand or 0.9% of the total population of Canada gave their mother tongue as Indian or Eskimo. DLC. 102271 BESCHEL, R.E. Diversity of tundra vegetation. (In: Conference on productivity...I969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.8592, graph, map, illus) Along a latitudinal macrogradient in the treeless Arctic, the vegetational control of environment decreases, the flora becomes poorer in species, and boreal and low arctic components give way to high arctic species; the relation of rooted to adnate species decreases and sexual reproduction of vascular plants drops across the arctic tundra-polar desert boundary. These biome changes do not occur uniformly with latitude but are modified and intensified in relation to regional macrorelief. A wide range of conditions within a few m2 create diversity, viz: patterned ground with variable substrate stability, wind erosion or deposition, active layer thickness, snow cover duration and height, regolith grain size and water table fluctuations. Appended diagrams and figures are samples of vegetation diversity in five areas along a westeast profile across Axel Heiberg and adjacent Ellesmere and Devon Islands at approx 79°30'N. CaEU B. BESCHEL, R.E., see also No. 102514. 102272 BESCHINSKIY, A.A. and A.A. Tekhniko-ekonomicheskiye BOROVOY. printsipy i napravleniya razvitiya gidroenergetiki v SSSR. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1968. v.38, no.8, p.6-11, tables) In Russian. Title fr.: Technical and economic principles and trends in water power development in the USSR. Reviews the development and the present status of hydroelectric power production in the seventeen economic regions of the USSR. The Northwestern, West Siberian, Far Eastern and 110
East Siberian regions have resources of 99, 144, 1009 and 848 billion kwh, respectively. In addition to the Irkutsk, Bratsk and Ust'-Ilimsk power plants on the Angara and the Krasnoyarsk and Sayanskoye on the Yenisey River, construction of power plants on the middle Yenisey and at Boguchany on the Angara are planned. Future plants on the lower Yenisey and on the Podkamennaya and Nizhnyaya Tunguska Rivers are considered, as is one on the lower Lena. DLC. 102273 BESKROVNYY, NS. 0 singeneticheskikh ozokeritakh i mal'takh v gidrotermal'nykh zhilakh kimberlitovoy trubki "Mir". (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.178, no.1, p.17981, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Syngenetic ozokerites and malthas in hydrothermal veins of the Mir kimberlite pipe. Describes ozocerite, maltha and asphalt in hydrothermally altered kimberlite. The forms and sequences of petroleum bitumens in hydrothermal veins indicate the presence of oil in mineralized hydrothermal solutions. DLC. BESPALAYA, YE.A., see No. 107644. 102274 BESPALYY, V.G. and others. 0 vozraste ermanovskoy svity vostochnogo poberezh'ya Penzhinskoy guby. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.1, p.123-29, graphs, illus) 19 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: F.S. Faynberg and R.I. Remizovskiy. Title tr.: Age of the Ermanovskaya series on the east coast of Penzhinskaya Bay. Reports on a section of continental deposits of the Ermanovskaya series and underlying marine deposits of the Etolonskaya series. By comparing the magnetic properties of the Ermanovskaya rocks with the paleomagnetic geochronological scale of the Pliocene-Pleistocene, the age of the upper limit of the section is established as about 3 MY, which corresponds to the Middle and lower Upper Pliocene. DLC. 102275 BESPALYY, V.G. and others. Osobennosti formirovaniya rossypey na uchastkakh dolin s povyshennoy moshchnost'yu allyuviya. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.182-89, illus) In Russian. Other authors: A.P. Valpeter, A.V. Lozhkin and G.F. Pavlov. Title tr.: Features of placer formation in valley areas with alluvium of great thickness. Reports a study of the Berelekh, lndigirka and various other river valleys in northeastern USSR. In a great many of them the alluvium is very thick, often anomalously thick and different in individual areas of a valley. Such areas frequently contain several beds of placers. The very thick alluvium is found in the parts of the valleys that have a positive balance of unconsolidated material. Changes in balance may origi-
nate from local deformation of slopes due to tectonic movements or as a result of sudden changes of climate. DLC. 102276 BESPALYY, V.G. and others. Pribrezhnyye rossypi Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.336-44. map) In Russian. Other authors: G.F. Pavlov and V.L. Sukhoroslov. Title tr.: Coastal placers of northeastern USSR. Discusses the regional geologic history with reference to the bearing on coastal and marine placers of the genesis and age of coasts and the direction and agents of material transport. The west coast of the Pacific Ocean, and the east and west coasts of the Sea of Okhotsk are treated in some detail. First attention should be directed to glacial and fluvioglacial deposits and to Pleistocene marine transgressions. DLC. 102277 BESPALYY, V.G. and G.YU. CHEREPANOV. Usloviya form i rovaniya pribrezhno-morskikh rossypey zolota Zapadnoy Kamchatki. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.358-65, map, illus) In Russian. Title Sr.: Conditions of formation of marine coastal gold placers in western Kamchatka. Describes abrasion and accumulation coasts, and analyzes the geomorphic structure of western Kamchatka. At present there are four placers exposed in this coastal area. They are briefly described. The gold-bearing potential of western Kamchatka is little known and further study is suggested. DLC. BESSARAB, V.V., see No. 102654. 102278 BEST, A. Mr. Arctic; an account of Vilhjalmur Stefansson. New York, McKay 1966. 185 p. map. illus. Refs. Traces Stefansson's life from his birth in 1879, on the west side of Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba, through school days and college in the US, his activity as an explorer of the Canadian Arctic Islands and the Arctic Ocean north of Alaska, his later life as an expert on travel and survival in cold environments. DLC. 102279 BEST, E.A. and P.J. ELDRIDGE. Range extension of flag rockfish Sebastodes rubrivinctus to Aleutian Islands. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1969. v.26, no.7, p.1955-56) 3 refs. Reports 12 specimens of this rockfish taken from 402 m depth southeast of Amchitka Island in Aug 1967, extending its known range westward I50°20'W - 179°27'E. DI. 102280 BEST, E.A. Recruitment investigations; trawl catch records eastern Bering Sea,
1968 and 1969. Seattle. Wash. 1969. 24 p. maps, tables. (International Pacific Halibut Commission. Technical report no.3) 2 refs. Reports on continuing annual surveys, cf infra. In 1968 they were broadened to discover the summer distribution of young halibut in the vicinity of St Matthew Island and made reconnaissance hauls for very young halibut in the Cape Sarichef - Port Moller inshore waters. The chartered trawler Harmony was used in 1968, the Tonquin in 1969. The late June bottom water temperatures of 0° - 1°C, near St Matthew Island, are too cold for this fish. The catch increased in warmer water near Nunivak Island. One- and two-yr-old, but no zero-yr halibut were caught in the Cape Sarichef - Port Moller shallows. CaMM, DSI. 102281 BEST, E.A. Recruitment investigations; trawl catch records Gulf of Alaska, 1967, 1968-1969. Seattle. Wash. 1969. 2 no: 32, 48 p. map, tables. (International Pacific Halibut Commission. Technical report no.2, 5) Refs. Reports on summer 1967-69 continuation of the survey from Cape Spencer to Unimak Pass, reported in No 96295. Offshore stations near Cape St Elias and off Cape Chiniak, Chirikof Island and Unimak Island, and inshore stations at Shelikof Bay. Icy Straits. Kayak Island, Alitak Bay and Unimak Island were monitored. The continuing program is designed to indicate changes in availability of young halibut arising from natural year-class strength fluctuations or the effects of foreign trawling which has greatly increased since the 1961-63 survey. The commercial otter-trawl vessels Don Edwards, Si Michael and Tonquin were chartered successively for the Gulf of Alaska survey, and the Harmony occupied the Unimak Island stations. CaMM, DSI. BETEKHTINA, 0.A., see No. 102036. 102282 BEVAN, D.E. and D.F. LALL. Timing, escapement distribution and catch, Kodiak Island salmon, 1964. Seattle, Wash. 1967. (Washington (State) University. Fisheries Research Institute. Circular no.67-13) Kodiak Island salmon packers have financed aerial surveys of escapement in streams since 1952; the surveys have been carried out by the Fisheries Research Institute of Seattle, and since 1959. jointly with the Alaska Dept of Fish and Game. The data reported are mainly on the pink salmon Oncorhynchus gor; buscha, the most important species in the area. It has a two-yr life span, hence comparisons for the even-yr runs are given; the 1964 estimates are based on 430 surveys in I July - 27 Sept covering 94 streams. The total 1964 escapement of 1.6 million to the Kodiak Island area was 111
17% greater than the even-yr average of 195262. DLC.
102283 BEWERSDORFF, A. and others. Persisting 24-sec periodicity in auroral X-rays interrupted by sudden geomagnetic impulses. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1968. v.30, no.8, p.1547-53, graphs) Refs. Other authors: G. Kremser and W. Riedler. Presents observations of a pulsating auroral X-ray event that displayed the unusual feature of a persistent regular intensity variation. The X-ray measurements were carried out at 10.3011.50 UT on 17 Sept 1963 from a balloon at the 7.5-mb level about 300 km SSE of Kiruna. Magnetograms taken at the same time show that the sequence of regular variations was interrupted by two sudden geomagnetic impulses, putting some restraints on the possible modulation mechanisms. DLC.
102284 BEYNON, D.R.V.
and others.
Geology of the Leirpollen area, Tanafjord, Finnmark. (Norway. Geologiske undersokelse. Skrifter 1967. no.247, p.7-17, maps) Refs. Norwegian summary. Other authors: G.R. Chapman, R.O. Ducharme and J.D. Roberts. Discusses identification of surface outcrops near the Tana River mouth. Stratigraphy, regional structure, fold axes, and geomorphology are outlined, and comparisons made with results of earlier mapping. The Leirpollen area shows a succession of elastic sediments 1150 m thick. The lowest 250 m comprises the upper part of the Older Sandstone Series; the remainder is in the Vestertana Group, placed in the Eocambrian, although the uppermost formation, the Breivik, may be of Lower Cambrian age. Mapping was done at 1:25 and 1:50 thousand scales. DGS.
102285 BEZNOSIKOV, A.F. and V.M. ZHILIN. Rezul'taty issledovaniya skvazhin Punginskogo mestorozhdeniya na gazokondensatnost'. (Gazovoye delo 1969. no.10, p.3-5, graph, table, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Results of an investigation of the gas condensate in Punga field boreholes. Indicates that the Punga gas reserves are approximately 40% less than previously estimated. 300 measurements made since 1966 do not bear out the previously determined gas condensability. Investigations were carried out to determine the feasibility of directly obtaining gasoline and winter diesel fuel at Punga. It was found that further study was required, but from the economic point of view, the deposit presently cannot be considered as the supply for plant operation. since reserves do not exceed 400,000 DLC.
102286 BEZNOSIKOV, YA.N. Kul'turnaya revolyutsiya v Komi ASSR. Moskva. 112
Nauka 1968. 295 p. tables. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cultural revolution in Komi ASSR.
In-depth study of cultural developments among Komi-Zyryans in this century. General and political education, schools and research institutes, rise of a national literature and arts, books and periodical press, etc are dealt with in three main periods: 1918-25, late 1920's-40, and the post World War II. The pre-Soviet era is also treated, mostly in contrast with progress after the Revolution. DLC.
BEZRUKOV, G.N., see No. 103028. 102287 BGATOV, V.I. and others.
Piroklasticheskiy material v ordovikskikh i siluriyskikh otlozheniyakh Sibirskoy platformy. (Sibirskiy n.-issl. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya 1969. Trudy no.91, p.22-28, illus) 9 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.V. Van and V.G. Matukhina. Title tr.: Pyroclastic material in Ordovician and Silurian deposits of the Siberian platform. Sedimentation of these deposits took place under repeated manifestations of volcanism. Three horizons arc distinguished with enrichment of pyroclastic material. Tuffs, tulfites and sedimentary rocks with admixture of ash material are widespread. Eight large cycles of sediDLC. mentation are briefly characterized.
102288 BGATOV, V.I. and V.P. KAZAR1NOV. Problema lateritnykh boksitov Sibiri. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.7, p.3-11) 14 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Lateritic bauxites)of Siberia. The formation of laterite was controlled by the tectonic regime, climate and character of the country rock. Favorable conditions for bauxite formation existed at the end of the Triassic, during the Aptian-Barremian and Turonian (Cretaceous) and in the Eocene. Pencplains capped with a weathered lateritic crust are known in the Siberian platform, Yenisey ridge, Aldan shield and other regions. DLC.
Analysis of aeromagnetic data over the Arctic Islands and continental shelf of Canada. Ottawa. Queen's Printer, 1968. 14 p. maps. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-44) 13 refs. Discusses the analytic methods used to interpret data covering part of the area 75°81°N 98° - 129°W. The major magnetic units indicate a basement high in various parts of the Queen Elizabeth Islands, widespread folding and faulting in the Arctic Basin, a deep linear trough trending north-south on the west of Ellef Ringnes Island and a deep sedimentary trough in the Arctic Ocean around 79°45'N 114°W. CaMAI, DGS.
102290 BIANCONI, F. and R. SAAGER. Reconnaissance mineral exploration in the Yukon Territory, Canada; a case history. (Schweizerische Mineralogische and Petrographische Mitteilungen 971. v.51, no.1, p.139-54, map, illus) Reports results of geochemical and airborne geophysical surveys in the Mount Nansen area at the southeast end of the Dawson Range, on the basis of which five areas of anomalous metal dispersion are defined. These are grouped into two distinct metal anomaly groups, one of which is associated exclusively with Tertiary, possibly late Mesozoic, porphyry intrusive bodies and is characterized by high copper and molybdenum values, together with low but distinct silver and antimony values. The other group is apparently not restricted to the porphyry bodies, but occurs in all the lithologic units of the area. It shows high lead, zinc and silver values and erratic distribution of molybdenum, antimony and nickel. DGS. 102291 BIANKI, V.V. and others. Ekologiya obyknovennoy gagi vo vnegnezdovoy period. (Kandalakshskiy gos. zapovednik. Trudy 1967. v.5, p.5-39, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 22 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.N. Karpovich, V.V. Makarov and I.P. Tatarinkova. Title tr.: Ecology of common eider duck during nesting. A study of several years up to 1962 in Kandalaksha Bay and region deals with the postnesting migration of males, their flight to places of molting, and their fall migration; molting of adult females and flight from the bay; adult distribution during winter, seasonal distribution of immature eiders, and spring migration. DLC. 102292 BIANKI, V.V. and V.N. KARPOVICH. Vliyaniye anomal'noy ledovitosti Belogo morya i Murmana v 1966 g. na ptits i mlekopitayushchikh. (Zoologicheskiy zh u rnal 1969. v.48, no.6, p.871-75, graphs) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Influence upon birds and mammals of anomalous freezing of the White Sea and the Murman coast in 1966. Barents Sea is usually ice free along the Murman coast, and the White Sea ice thaws in May-June. During the 1965/66 winter, anomalous atmospheric processes brought severe, continuous cold, 10-15° below average, lasting into late spring. Seals migrated south-east and many of their dead bodies were washed ashore; the bird population was disorganized and reduced by 25-28%; auks changed their nesting; predators, crossing over the ice bridge, reached the Sem' and Solovetskiy islands, previously free of them; walrus floated eastward on 5-6 m thick ice drifts, driven by winds;
White Sea bays and inlets thawed late. Life returned to normal the following year. DLC. 102293 BIBIKOVA, YE.V. and others. Vozrast kristallicheskogo osnovaniya severa Sibirskoy platformy i nekotoryye voprosy obrazovaniya proterozoyskikh slantsevykh tolshch Yeniseyskogo kryazha i Taymyra. (Geokhimiya 1968. no.6, p.733-36, tables) 4 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.M. Chayka and A.L. Polyakov. Title tr.: Age of the crystalline basement in the north of the Siberian platform and some problems concerning the formation of the Proterozoic shale strata of the Yenisey Ridge and Taymyr. Attempts an age determination of the weathering crust and Precambrian sedimentary formations. Proterozoic strata covering the crystalline basement of the Anabar shield are studied and the absolute age of zircons of the shield and of Taymyr are determined by the Pb-U-Th method. Plagiogneisses of the Anabar shield are also tested by the K-Ar method. DLC. BIBIKOVA, YE.V., 107967.
see also
Nos. 107966,
102294 BIDA, M.N. Ekspluatatsiya mashin na trasse Ukhta-Torzhok. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1969. v.14, no.2. p.29) In Russian. Title tr.: Use of mechanized equipment)on the Ukhta-Torzhok line. Describes an improvement in transporting triple-pipe sections for the gas pipeline being laid across a swamp. Special pans with rotating swivels were constructed and the pipes transported on the pans drawn by S-100 M-B, S100, and S-80 tractors. The labor force was increased from 3 to 6 men for each pipeline sector on the swamp and two maintenance teams of 4-5 men were added to prevent delays. DLC. 102295 BIDA, M.N. Produvka uchastka gazoprovoda Ukhta-Torzhok pri nizkikh ternperaturakh. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1969. v.14, no.5, p31) In Russian. Title tr.: Blow-through on a section of the Ukhta-Torzhok pipeline during low temperatures. Describes this operation on the 744-874 km sector of this Ukhta pipeline in a swamp area. Transportable air-compressors of 2400 m 3/hr productivity to be used for the blow-through were warmed to make them operable at the 30°to -35°C ambient temperature. The process of warming them is described. DLC. 102296 BIDZHIYEV, R.A. and others. Fosfority volzhskogo yarusa na severe Priverkhoyanskogo progiba. (Litologiya i poleznyye iskopayemyye 1968, no.2, p.51-61, graphs, map, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Other 113
authors: N.M. Koroleva and N.A. Solov'yeva. Title tr.: Phosphorites of the Volga stage in the north of the Verkhoyansk foredeep. Describes the distribution of Jurassic nodular phosphorites in the Lena, Molodo, Motorchuna, Syncha and other basins. The transport of phosphates on the so-called phosphate shelf was by deep-ocean currents and not by rivers from the continent. The widespread association in the Arctic of nodular phosphorites with glauconites in transgressive series enables definition of the Volgian boreal glauconite-phosphorite formation. DLC.
102297 BIDZHIYEV, R.A. and others.
verkhneyurskoy kore vyvetrivaniya v Zapadnom Verkhoyan'ye. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.184, no.1, p.I65-67, graphs) 2 refs. In Russian. Other authors: L.M. Natapov, N.B. Sibirtseva and M.N. Yegorova. Title tr.: Upper Jurassic weathering crust in the western Verkhoyansk region. Describes a 3.8-4.2 m thick section of weathering crust in the Sayata River basin. The chemical and mineral composition of the weathered rocks is characterized. This crust is important for determination of the age of associated deposits and for mineral exploration. DLC.
102298 BIDZHIYEV, R.A. 0 vozraste dzhaskoyskoy svity na severe Priverkhoyanskogo progiba. (In: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Stratigrafiya...sredney Sibiri 1967. p.73-78, graphs, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Age of the Dzhaskoy formation in the northern Verkhoyansk Trough. Reports study of this formation on the Lena, north of Zhigansk. It is divided into three parts. Spore-pollen analyses are presented and evaluated. The lower part of the formation is concluded to have been formed in the Bathonian, the upper part possibly in early DLC. Callovian.
102299 BIKKENINA, D.A. and A.I. SHAPIRO. Uglevodorodnyy sostav organicheskogo veshchestva porod kuonamskoy svity yuzhnogo sklona Anabarskoy anteklizy. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.185, no.4, p.909Title tr.: 912, tables) 5 refs. In Russian. Hydrocarbon composition of organic matter in the Kuonam suite on the southern slope of the Anabar anteclise. Reports a geochemical study of these Lower-Middle Cambrian rocks collected from two exposures in the Olenek region. The content and composition of the hydrocarbons are determined. The hydrocarbons in the bitumens of all the rocks are similar, indicating a single type of organic matter and an equal degree of transformation. The presence of syngenetic
gases and low-boiling hydrocarbons indicate DLC. syngenetic bitumens.
F.T. 0
sushchestvovanii Purovskogo khrebta v goteriv-barremskoye vremya. (Moskovskoye o-vo ispytateley prirody. Byulleten' 1969. otd. geol. v.44, no.1, p.37-55, maps) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Existence of the Pur ridge in Hauterivian-Barremian time. Many geologists have presumed a protrusion of the Paleozoic folded basement in the Pur River basin, beneath the upper horizons of the platformic cover. Results of lithologic and mineralogic investigation of Hauterivian and Barremian deposits in the middle Ob basin are evaluated, with the conclusion that the Pur ridge in fact existed and served as a source of erosion and mineral supply for the region. A new appraisal of Hauterivian and Barremian deposits for oil and gas accumulation is given. DLC.
102301 BIKKENINA, F.T.
0 terrigennomineralogicheskikh fatsiyakh goteriv-barrema Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti. (Moskovskoye o-vo ispytateley prirody. Byulleten' 1968. otd. geol. v.43, no.3, p.73-80, graphs, map, table) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Terrigenous-mineral facies of the Hauterivian and Barremian in the West Siberian lowland. Discusses the stability of terrigenous minerals with respect to long-distance transportation. Own study of their distribution in Hauterivian and Barremian deposits is reported and the relationship of mineral distribution to granulometric composition is noted. In clays the ore minerals anatase, mica and tourmaline predominate; in sandy rocks apatite, garnet and amphibole; epidote, zircon and sphene have max concentration in siltstones. Thus terrigenous-mineral fades are established. Sedimentation in the Hauterivian-Barremian was influenced by the Pur Ridge, which is now buried. DLC.
102302 BILELLO, M.A. and R.E. BATES. Ice thickness observations, North American Arctic and Subarctic 1964-65, 1965-66. Hanover, N.H. 1969. 130 p. maps, tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Special report no.43, pt. 4). In continuation of No 85624. The measurements are made on inland freshwater locations and land-fast sea ice at salt or brackish water sites in harbors, bays or river deltas. By the end of the winter 1965-66 there were 72 stations, 49 in Canada and 23 in Alaska. Eight of the 12 new Canadian stations are at or near the locks and canals of the St Lawrence River. CaMAI, DGS.
102303 BILELLO, M.A.
between climate and regional variations in snow-cover density in North America. Hanover, N.H. 1969. 20 p. graphs. maps, tables. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report no.267) 26 refs. Deals with snow of the arctic, subarctic and temperate zones on the basis of 2-11 yr data for nine locations in Canada, ten in Alaska, seven in the contiguous US, and one in West Greenland for the nonmelting period only. The stations include Barter I and Cape Lisburne, Fairbanks, Tata I ina , Galena, Utopia Creek. Naknek, and Anchorage. also the Pribilof Islands Northeast Cape in Alaska; Frobisher, Eureka, Resolute, Alert, Mould Bay and Isachsen, also Saglek and Goose Bay. in Canada; Sondrestrom in Greenland. A summary of the average seasonal snow density, air temperature and wind speed is given for all the stations, and full snow-density data shown in an appendix. CaMAI, DLC.
102304 BILELLO, M.A. Surface measurements of snow and ice for correlation with aircraft and satellite observations. Hanover, N.H. 1969. 1 I p. maps, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Special report no.127) 14 refs. A network of >100 stations to observe and record thickness of sea, lake and river ice and the properties of the snow cover was started, 1946, with five stations in the Canadian Arctic Islands. by the Meteorological Division, Canada, in cooperation with US agencies. The locations of stations, types of observations and equipment and some examples of information obtained are described. In the present early stage of development of such determinations as depth and physical properties of the snow cover and ice thickness by remote sensors, use of this existing network is suggested to correlate remote sensing data with actual surface conditions. CaMAI, DLC. 102305 BILLAUD, V.A.
Nitrogen fixation and the utilization of other inorganic nitrogen sources in a subarctic lake. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1968. v.25, no.10, p.2101-2110, graphs) 20 refs. Year-round measurements of instantaneous uptake rates of molecular nitrogen, ammonia and nitrate, using nitrogen compounds labeled with stable isotope "N. in Smith Lake in central Alaska, showed ammonia consistently the most important nitrogen source. Production of algae incl Chlamydomonas, Euglena, Chlorella and Mellamonas under the ice in May depended on ammonia accumulated during the winter. Immediately following surface ice melt, a second algal population almost entirely A nabaena flos-aquae developed and used ammonia, nitrate and molecular nitrogen simultaneously.
For the rest of the summer, uptake rates remained relatively low, with ammonia the most important nitrogen source; during the fall, nitrogen uptake briefly approached the magnitude of ammonia uptake. DI.
BILLINGS, G.K., see No. 104620. BILLINGS, R.F., see Nos. 107574, 107575.. 102306 BILLINGS, W.D. and H.A. MOONEY. Ecology of arctic and alpine plants. (Biological reviews 1968. v.43, no.4, p.48I-529, graphs, tables, illus) 173 refs. Reviews mainly 1950-68 literature on plant adaptation to arctic and alpine conditions. The problems of physiological adaptation to lowtemperature environments are discussed, viz.. seed dormancy and germination, seedling establishment, chlorophylls, photosynthesis and respiration, water availability and growth cycles. Tundra plants show rapid shoot growth after spring or early summer snow melt. The energy for this growth is supplied by carbohydrates and lipids stored in roots, rhizomes or bulbs. Environmental characteristics of arctic tundra at Barrow in Alaska, and an alpine tundra region in Colorado are compared in a table. Lichens have advantages over vascular plants in cold summer areas where highest daytime temperatures are close to rock- or soil-air interface, thus providing meltwater and permitting photosynthesis; low night temperatures do lichens no damage; they can absorb water quickly into the photosynthetic system; they lack roots, are long-lived perennials (up to 4500 yr in West Greenland), and have no need to produce new biomass each yr; they grow in favorable years and remain dormant through long periods of cold. Most of the tundra biomass increase is underground and protected from harvest by animals. But depletion of these reserves by disturbance is defeating since they are required for survival of the plants. DGS.
102307 BILTON, H.T. and D.H. SMITH. Scale characteristics of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) originating from small nursery areas of the Skeena River system. Nanaimo, BC 1969. 33 p. graphs, map, tables, illus. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Technical report no.133) 9 refs. Presents and discusses 1945-66 scale characteristics data of age 1 and 2 sockeye from 15 of some 50 lakes in this river system, not incl the Babine-Nilkitkwa lake system. The purpose is to see if the data are useful for describing growth patterns that may differ between individual salmon stocks, and therefore be used to identify such stocks as they pass through the commercial fishery. Some previously published data on the physical features of the lakes are also tabulated. It is concluded that there is
some possibility of providing a general separation of stocks and that variability of scale characters is greater within a year than from year to year. Some geographic anomalies in growth patterns appear to be related to environmental factors, notably lake-water temperature. DLC. 102308 BIORNSTAD, M. and E. BAUForskningsprojektet Norrlands tidiga DOU. (Fornv5nnen 1968. v.63. no.3. bebyggelse. p.178-85) In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: The research project on the early settlement of Norrland. Progress report on the aim and range, and the methods of a research group formed in 1966 (?) to investigate the prehistoric habitation of northern Sweden by archeological study of the area. DLC . 102309 BIOSTRATIGRAFIYA, FAUNA I FLORA KAYNOZOYA SEVERO-ZAPADNOV CHASTI TIKHOOKEANSKOGO PODVIZHNOGO POYASA. Moskva, Nauka 1969. 183 p. illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biostratigraphy, fauna and flora of the Cenozoic in the northwestern part of the Pacific mobile belt. Contains 31 papers, 14 of arctic interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: A.1. Chelebayeva, A.L. Chepalyga, A.V. Fursenko, Yu.B. Gladenkov, A.P. ll'ina, I.M. Khoreva, L.V. Krishtofovich, I.G. Pronina, B.A. Sal'nikov and others, M.Ya. Serova, V.S. Sheshukova-Poretskaya and A.I. Moiseyeva, V.N. Sinel'nikova (2 papers), and DLC. I.M. Siryk, qqv. 102310 BIRD, P.M. Studies of fallout (Archives of ''Cs in the Canadian North. environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.63138, graphs, map, tables) 11 refs. Cites results of a 1963-67 study by the Canadian Dept of National Health and Welfare's Radiation Protection Division. High concentrations of cesium-137 occur in caribou and reindeer and there is probably a geographic and a seasonal pattern in these levels. Levels in humans are highest in caribou-meat eaters and the levels fall well within the dose limit recommended. Caribou eaters can be much more significantly exposed than the average for the rest of the population. Further studies of the relationship between urinary Cs-137 concentraDLC. tions and body burdens are needed. 102311 BIRKELUND, T. Field mapping in Jurassic and lower Cretaceous sediments of Jameson Land and Milne Land. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970 pub 1971. no.35, p.41-43) 10 refs. Summarizes earlier work and 1970 field mapping of Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks on Milne Land and Jameson Land in the Scoresby 116
Sund region of East Greenland. Subdivisions of the succession are identified, and facies variations noted, with the lower divisions thinning toward the west. Conditions of sedimentation on crystalline basement and later rocks are discussed. Fossil sections, including ammonites, plants, spore, pollen, and trace fossils are DG S. briefly identified. 102312 BIRKELUND, T. and K. PERCHField mapping in Upper PalaeoNIELSEN. zoic and Mesozoic sediments of Scoresby Land and Jameson Land. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1969. no.I 9, p.53-57, table) 10 refs. Outlines the stratigraphy and lithology of Upper Paleozoic, Jurassic and Tertiary sedimentary formations of the Jameson Land basin in the Scoresby Sund region where correlations between geological maps in progress are being made. Upper Paleozoic exposures occur only in eastern and western parts of the basin, with a succession of Triassic to Upper Jurassic sediments lying above. Brief descriptions of the subdivisions in each formation include thickness, lithologic and faunal data. Tertiary intrusions and faults arc characterized. Quaternary plateau gravels and postglacial terraces, up to DLC. 70 m along the fiord, are reported. 102313 BIRKELUND, T. and K. PERCHNIELSEN. Field observations in upper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments of Scoresby Land and Jameson Land. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1969. no.21, p.2I-35, map, table, illus) 19 refs. Describes the stratigraphic sequence in an area south of 72°N and west of 22°W. Most of the formations are Triassic and Jurassic, for which some possible correlations outside the area are suggested. Some ammonite genera are identified. Several Tertiary dikes and sills are characterized. Faults, folds and flexures are probably Tertiary, the main faults following Paleozoic lineaments. Quaternary upland ground morainc and post-glacial marine terraces up to 70 m elevation were observed and pelecypods identified. CaMAI, DLC. 102314 BIRKELUND, T. Permian and Triassic of the Cape Stosch area, East Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1968, no.I5, p.78-82) 16 refs. Outlines work carried out in 1967 by seven members of American-Swiss and Danish parties. In this area five members of a marine Upper Permian series are more or less conformably overlain by Triassic beds, 500-700 m thick. Detailed observations of the PermianTriassic contact were hindered in most places by solifluction. Stratigraphic sections were measured and studied in detail; lithologic and faunal samples were collected for study. Identi-
fies fossils from several sites, among them a CaMAI, DLC. Lower Scythian locality. BIRKELUND, T., see also No. 103988. Fra Sval102315 BIRKENMAJER, K. bards dyreverden 16, on the Svalbard fauna 16; breeding place of ivory gull at Polakkfjellet revisited. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1966 pub 1968. p.164-65, illus) 3 refs. Reports six nests of Pagophila eburnea observed on this ridge in Spitsbergen in 1966 as against one in 1958. Four other localities where this bird was seen in 1966 are also mentioned. CaMAI, DLC. A. 102316 BIRKENMAJER, K. and On the fauna and age of the LOGAN. Cancrinella limestone (Permian) at Koperni(Norway. Norsk kusfjellet, Vestspitsbergen. Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969. p.28-45, map, table, illus) 20 refs. Presents a systematic description of 12 species of brachiopods collected in 1966, one of them Pugnoides svalbardensis, new to science. The age of this limestone formation in relation to others on Bjernoya and on Spitsbergen is CaMAI, DLC. discussed. 102317 BIRKESTEN, 0. and R. SMEDFiska pa fritid. Stockholm, Raben MAN. and Sjogren 1968. 151 p. illus. In Swedish. Tide tr.: Fishing in leisure time. Describes equipment, tactics, and methods in sport fishing. The life cycle, habitat, etc of fish found throughout Fennoscandia and other cold regions are outlined. A useful index is DLC. appended. 102318 BIRKLE, A.J. and W.W. LEOHow to handle oil-country tubular NARD. goods at low temperatures. (Oil and gas journal 1970. v.68, no.29, p.55-58, table, illus) 10 refs. Deals with factors affecting low-temperature behavior (brittle fracture failures) of steel, metallurgical selection, laboratory evaluations and results of fracture toughness tests, directed to the selection and use of steels for casing, tubDGS. ing and drill pipe. 102319 BIRMAN, I.B. and S.M. KONOVARaspredeleniye i migratsii v more LOV. lokal'nogo stada krasnoy Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum) Kuril'skogo ozera. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1968. v.8, no.4, p.728-36, map, table) 22 Tide tr.: Distribution and refs. In Russian. sea migration of a Kuril'skoye Lake school of the red salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum). Using parasite indicators, the migration of the salmon was studied during 1961-65. Descending from the lake the young are found
in Okhotsk Sea until mid-Oct. During the first winter they migrate 1000 miles to the Aleutian Islands; in spring they migrate 600 miles to the Commander Islands; they pass the second winter at the same place as the first. During the second spring they divide into two groups; one goes back to the lake for spawning, the other migrates to the Commander Islands and returns to the Aleutians for the winter. During the following summer it follows the route of the first group going to spawn after traveling DLC. about 4000 miles. Les regions naturelles 102320 BIROT, P. du globe. Paris, Masson 1970. 380 p. maps, Title tr.: The natural illus. Refs. In French. regions of the earth. Monograph on global physical geography organized primarily according to geologic history and present climate, considered as part of the paleoclimatic sequence. In six sections: the ancient basements of the tropical zone, the Paleozoic and Precambrian basements of the extratropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere, the Alpine system: Mediterranean and western Asia, the circumpacific region, polar region and the volcanic islands: Atlantic, Indian and Pacific. Geomorphic regions, bioclimatic zones, vegetation, drainage patterns and relief are briefly characterized for each section. DGS. 102321 BIRRELL, A. Fortunes of a misfit, Charles Horetzky. (Alberta historical review 1971. v.19, no.1, p.9-25, illus) 75 refs. Describes his activities exploring for the Canadian Pacific Railway, surveys 1871-80, in the Peace River country, north-central interior British Columbia, and in northern Ontario. He was a pioneer documentary photographer, and one of the first to use photography for topographic purposes in Canada. He traveled via the Peace and Parsnip River to McLeod Lake, overland to Hazelton, and up the Skeena and Wotsonqua Rivers, then followed the Nass to Salmon Cove, and by canoe to Port Simpson. His report included information on climate, topography, altitudes, mineral resources, soil conditions and the feasibility of railroad or road construction, and on a pass through the Rockies on the Pine River. His advocacy of a northern route for the Canadian Pacific Railway and subsequent disputes are noted. CaMM. DLC. BISHOP, R.J., see No. 107818. 102322 BISKE, G.S. 0 prirode poslelednikovogo podnyatiya Baltiyskogo shchita. (Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR. Izvestiya 1970. v.102, no.1, p.34-38) 33 refs. In RusTitle tr.: The nature of the post-glacial sian uplift of the Baltic Shield. 117
Numerous investigations indicate the postglacial uplift of the Baltic Shield. The coincidence of the center and max rate of uplift with the center of Quaternary continental glaciation was the main reason for presuming that the uplift was of glacial isostatic nature. Recent investigations indicate, however, that tectonic rather than isostatic movement was mainly responsible for the uplift. DLC.
102323 BISKE, S.F.
K voprosu o protsesse razvitiya termokarsta. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.6, p.I27-31) 15 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Process of thermokarst development. Reviews thermokarst development in central Yakutia, Eastern Siberia, the Chauna and Anadyr plains, Alaska, northern Canada, and elsewhere. Present knowledge of thermokarst is summarized. Investigations in Asia and America show that the severest climatic conditions do not prevent but instead are favorable to thermokarst formation. It can develop in any area in which thawing of ice accumulated in rocks results in formation of isolated water basins. DLC.
102324 BISKE, S.F. and I.A. KUL'KOVA. O vydelenii neogena v kontinental'noy formatsii kraynego severo-vostoka Azii. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.8, p.137-41, graph, map) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Defining the Neogene in the continental sequence of the Far Northeast of Asia. Reports a study of continental sandy clays and conglomerates in the superimposed basins at the boundary between the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt and the Anadyr-Koryak region of Cenozoic folding. Field observations and spore-pollen and carpological analyses indicate that the Koynatkhun stratum is Upper Oligocene (?)-Lower Miocene, the Pekul'neyveyem stratum is Lower and Middle Miocene, and the Osinovaya stratum Upper MioceneMiddle Pliocene. DLC.
102325 BISKE, S.F.
Ocherk istorii razvitiya rel'yefa Omolono-Chukotskoy oblasti. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1962. no.27, p.142-56) 44 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Outline of the development of relief in Omolon-Chukotka province. Describes the development of this wide region from Triassic time to the present. In the Triassic and Jurassic periods the region was occupied by the sea. In the late Jurassic local changes from a marine to continental regime are noted in the western part. In late Cretaceous time the entire province had emerged. The later history is also described noting tectonic movements, climatic fluctuations, transgressions, glaciations and other events. DLC.
BISKE, S.F., see also Nos. 102039, 102042. BISSON, J.L., see No. 107405. BITERMAN, I.M., see No. 108132. 102326 BITKIN,
G.V. Zemsnaryady novykh tipov dlya transportnogo stroitel'stva. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1970. v.20, no.1, p.24-25, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Dredges of new types for construction of transportation facilities. Describes the design of a new dredge in five units which can be transported by railroad to regions of Siberia and the Far East and assembled into a floating dredge. The central unit is 13 m long, 3.2 m wide, with a 2.5 m side, and weighs 20 t without the suction aggregate. The four side units are 10 m long, 3 m wide, also have 2.5 m sides and weigh 10 t each. Detailed description and length cross section schemes of the dredge are given. Hydraulic dredges were used effectively in construction of the Tyu• men'-Surgut railroad and their use can be economically justified for building transportation facilities. DLC.
102327 BIYANOV, G.F.
and others. Ledovaya pereprava dlya perebroski tyazhelykh gruzov v usloviyakh Kraynego Severa. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1971. v.41, no.8, p.45-48, map, table, illus) In Russian. Other authors: R.M. Kamenskiy and Yu.G. Pavlenko. Tide tr.: Ice crossing for heavy loads under conditions of the Far North. Describes the transport of 108 ton transformers along an 800 km winter road from Port Lensk to Aykhal, and across the Vilyuy River with an ice cover 1.4-1.6 m thick, during the winter of 1969-70. The bearing strength of the ice was calculated according to the elasticity theory for instantaneous load action. The river was 450 m wide at the crossing point, the ambient air temperature -23°C, and the ice temperature -7°C. The 47 t tractor, 108 t transformer and a trailer formed a train 30 m long. It moved across the ice bridge without any difficulty, but observations at nine points with a surveyor's level showed that the ice sagged 19 mm under the center of the load. It was concluded that under low winter temperature, ice cleared of snow increases in thickness naturally 1.5-2 cm/day, hence strengthening of the ice cover by engineering means is unnecessary. A photo of the train on the ice crossing is included. DLC.
102328 BJARVALL, A. and R. FRANZEN En inventering av landvertebratfaunan i Kvikkjokkdeltat, Tarradalen. (Fauna och flora 1967. no.2-3, p.49-57. table, illus) 9 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: An
inventory of the terrestrial vertebrate fauna in the Kvikkjokk delta, Tarra valley. Reports 1966 observations mostly on birds, incl a second record for Swedish Lapland of Carpodacus erythrinus. The two most common species were Phylloscopus trochilus and Fringing montifringilig. The area has favorable breeding biotopes; it is also an important restmg-place for migrants, particularly in the spring. DLC. BJELLAND, B., see No. 107830.
102329 BJORKE, S. Kautokeino barneskole, en grunnskole for samebarn. (Norsk skoleblad 1967. v.31, no.23, p.934-36, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Kautokeino school, an elementary school for Lappish children. Reviews the program, operation, etc of this school, which aims to prepare Lappish children to make their way as adults equally with othgr Norwegians. Teacher training, curricula, textbooks, problems of language, away-from-home living, handicapped pupils, etc are considered. Full-year instruction and a pre-school year are planned. Classes normally have 8-10 pupils. Lappish is the mother tongue of 85%, and 50% of the teachers are Lappish-speaking. Suitable textbooks in Lappish or Lappish and NorweDLC. gian are lacking. 102330 BJORKLUND, G.
Nord-Norges meierifolks forening gjennom 50 ar, 1916 - 28. oktober - 1966; utg. av Nord-Norges meierin. p. 1966. 38 p. illus. In Norfolks forening. Title tr.: North-Norway Dairymen's wegian. Association throughout fifty years; 1916 - 28 October - 1966. Reviews the development of the dairy industry in northern Norway, and the increase of local dairies from 1885; the most northerly is at Hammerfest. Technical and economic factors, training practices, and types of products are noted, as is the loss of facilities during two world wars. Leading members of the Association and notable events of its 50 yr are cited. DLC.
BJORLYKKE, H., see No. 107688. 102331 BJORLYKKE, K. Spor av gam(Naturen 1968. v.92, no.5, mel istid i Norge. Title p.259-69, maps, illus) In Norwegian. tr.: Trace of an ancient ice age in Norway. Describes an outcrop of Eocambrian conglomerate and glacial striae on underlying rock in the Karlebotn and Bigganjargga areas of Varanger Peninsula. The conglomerate, originally a glacial till, was preserved beneath successive rock deposits. Similar indicators of pre-Pleistocene glaciation are known in other DGS. landmasses.
102332 BJORLYKKE, K. and others. Studies on the latest Precambrian and Eocambrian rocks in Norway, no.3. latest Precambrian and Eocambrian stratigraphy of Norway. (Norway. Geologiske undersokelse. Skriftcr 1967. no.251, p.5-17. tables) Refs. Other authors: J.O. Englund and L.A. Kirkhusmo. Discusses the need for lithostratigraphical revision within these groups. A new nomenclature is tabulated for southern Norway, and the recognized formations in northern Norway, the Finnmark Group, are compared with those of the south. The 16 lithostratigraphical units of the Finnmark Group are briefly described and some type localities are given. DGS. 102333 BJORLYKKE, K.
Studies on the latest Precambrian and Eocambrian rocks in Norway, no. 4; the Eocambrian "Reusch moraine" at Bigganjargga and the geology around Varangerfjord, northern Norway. (Norway. Geologiske undersokelse. Skrifter 1967. no.251, p.18-44, graphs, maps, illus) Refs. Norwegian summary. Describes the sequence of deposition and nature of formations in the Bigganjargga region where the Eocambrian tillite has been found and is protected by law. It rests on a striated surface of sandstone which can be followed and correlated elsewhere. The palcoclimatic implications of the regional distribution of Eocambrian tillites are discussed, and it is concluded that the Eocambrian glaciation probably was more extensive than any other. DGS. 102334 BJORSSON, N.E. Eskimalconst. (Svenska Jarnvagstidningen 1969. v.56, no.2, Title tr.: Eskimo art. p.47, illus) In Swedish. Notes the graphic work done at Cape DorDLC. set, also work from Povungnituk.
102335 BJORNERT, R.
Logistic support (AIDJEX bulfor AIDJEX-71 pilot studies. letin 1971. no.5, p.47-51, map) With the cooperation of the Canadian Polar Continental Shelf Project, the 1971 AIDJEX studies will be made at Camp 200 on an ice floe —350 mi north of the main camp at Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, and three satellite camps. The personnel, amount and nature of equipment, housing facilities, fuel and airlifts are noted. The time schedule for the studies is stated. CaMAI, DN-HO.
102336 BJORNERT, R. and A. HEIBERG. Logistics plan for the 1972 AIDJEX pilot study. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.I I, p3143, graph, map, tables, illus) Logistics support will be staged through the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory, Point Barrow, Alaska. A main camp with —70 scientists and two satellite camps with three men each,
will be established —400 km north of Barrow. Describes the planned airlift operation, deployment of camps (plan of layout included), service flights, communications, medical service and evacuation. Tabulated data on materials and weights of the C-130 airlift from Barrow to main camp and of the Twin Otter airlift from main camp to each satellite camp, are appended. CaMAI, DN-HO. 102337 BJORNERT, R. Logistics report of the 1971 AIDJEX pilot study. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.8, p.33-36) The Canadian Polar Continental Shelf Project provided the major logistic support, incl ice camp equipment, food and one cook, and airlift from Tuktoyaktuk to ice floe Camp 200. The establishment, maintenance and evacuation of the AIDJEX project are described. CaMAI, DN-HO. BJORNERT, R., see also No. 104105. 102338 BJORNSSON, H. Sea ice conditions and the atmospheric circulation north of Iceland. (In: Symposium on drift ice...1969. JOkull 1969 pub 1970. v.19, p.11-17, map, illus) 10 refs. Notes that the position and strength of the Transpolar Drift and the Pacific Gyre in the Arctic Ocean, are determined by long range mean air-circulation: short-term variations superimposed on the long-term circulation affect the two drifts and the ice conditions in the East Greenland current. (See also Striibing, K., qv). Compares maps of monthly mean pressure at sea level and ice limits north of Iceland at the end of the months to show that an intensification of the Barents Sea low corresponds closely to the development of bad ice conditions on the north coast of Iceland. DGS. BLACK, D.J., see No. 106251. 102339 BLACK, R.F. Geology, especially geomorphology of Northern Alaska. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.3, p.283-99) 100 refs. Summarizes briefly the geologic setting and geomorphic features of the Brooks Range, Arctic Foothills and coastal plain, and reviews the Naval Arctic Research Labsponsored research in fields of geomorphology, oriented lakes, patterned ground, glacial geology, palynology, C-14 dating and shoreline, near-shore and shallow-water studies. Discussion of the status of geologic research and future role of NARL notes the large sums of money presently being spent on subsurface and geophysical research by oil companies, and suggests that NARL concentrate, rather, on studies of processes, the Pleistocene and the Precambrian. CaMAI, DLC. 120
Cartographic tech102340 BLACK, W.A. niques for mapping sea ice. (Canadian cartographer 1965. v.2, no.1, p.9-13, maps, illus) Describes techniques developed from a 1958-64 survey of icefields in the Gulf of St Lawrence and St Lawrence River. The icefields are shifted about by tidal currents, Coriolis force, and by winds and passing storms; the ice surface is therefore an unstable and often heaving mass. Characteristics of the icefields, type of ice, ice concentration, slopes, limits, etc were transferred to rough drafts on a scale of 1:1 mill, and a classification system established, graphically indicating ice types and concentration of ice fields. The final map is on 35 mi: I in. scale. DLC. 102341 BLACKADAR, R.G. Activities of the Geological Survey of Canada in the North, 1967. (Arctic circular 1968. v.18, no.1-2, p.I5-20) Reviews the work of fifteen field parties during 1967 in various parts of arctic Canada. Among the most significant projects were the following: the geology of Ellesmere Island; the boundary between the Slave and Churchill structural provinces; mapping of Ellef Ringnes Island (1" to 4 mi); Archaean geology of the Yellowknife area; reconnaissance mapping over large areas of Keewatin District; sedimentary rock strata beneath Melville Bay, Baffin Island; extensive exploration of the Hudson Bay lowland; and reconnaissance of northeastern Labrador-Ungava. Plans for work in 1968 are outlined. CaMAI. 102342 BLACKADAR, R.G. Geological reconnaissance, southern Baffin Island, District of Franklin. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1967. 32 p. maps. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 66-47) 13 refs. Reports on Operation Amadjuak, planned in 1963 and completed in 1965, for investigation of Baffin Island south of 66°N. The southwesterly inclined Hall and Frobisher Uplands dominate the region, which is bordered on the west by the southeastern part of Foxe Lowland, developed mostly on Paleozoic carbonates and shales with some crystalline rocks. The Precambrian rocks comprise a complexly folded succession of granite, migmatite and quartz-feldspar gneissic rocks and, especially southwest of Frobisher Bay, are interbedded with belts and bands of crystalline limestone, graphitic schist, quartzite and mafic schists and gneisses. Age determinations indicate an Aphebian age for the metamorphism of the gneissic complex, thus placing the region in the Churchill Structural Province. Fauna is reported from some 40 localities in sections of sedimentary rock outcrops along rivers and lakeshores in the Foxe Lowland. The
enclosing rocks are tentatively assigned to the Middle Ordovician. Geologic maps of Foxe Peninsula, Cumberland Sound, and Frobisher Bay. no.16-18, 1966, at 8 mi: 1 in. CaMAI, DGS. accompany the report. The distribution of pelagic fish in relation to hydrographic (Int. Counconditions in the Svalbard area. cil for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et proces-verbaux 1968. v.I58, p.7-10, maps table) 4 refs. The hydrographic system in this area is a balance between the Atlantic influence of the West Spitsbergen and North Cape Currents and the arctic influence of the Bear Island and East Spitsbergen Currents. The polar cod Boreogadus saida, an arctic species, and the blue whiting Micromesisflus poulassou, an Atlantic species, are the two most common pelagic fish. Data on the distribution, depth and surface and bottom water temperatures of stations for seven species are tabulated and their distribution outside this area briefly disDLC. cussed.
102343 BLACKER, R.W.
BLACKER, R.W., see also No. 107708. 102344 BLACKETT, R.F. and R.H. ARMCollection of two abnormal STRONG. Dolly Varden, one with two dorsal fins, the (Amerother with incomplete pigmentation. ican Fisheries Society. Transactions 1965. v.94, no.4, p.408-409, illus) 2 refs. The specimen with two dorsal fins, taken at Lake Eva on Baranof Island, is the first known record of this abnormality in a natural population of the species. The other trout lacked the lateral spots characteristic of the species and tended toward partial albinism. Both of these DLC. fish are described in detail. 102345 BLACKETT, R.F. Spawning behavior, fecundity, and early life history of anadromous Dolly Varden. Salvelinus malma (Walbaum) in southeastern Alaska. Juneau 1968. 85 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game. Research report no.6) 29 refs. Reports on 1964 studies in the Lake Eva system on Baranof Island, and 1965 studies in the non-lake Hood Bay Creek system on Admiralty Island. A lake system seems to be required for a wintering area, the non-lake system provides spawning and rearing habitat. Data are tabulated and graphically presented on maturity composition, ovary development and fecundity, the spawning habits, habitat and period (primarily in Oct), embryology and early life history. Methods and implications are discussed for management and recommendaDLC. tions given for further research.
BLACKETT, R.F., 101910.
see also
Nos, 101908,
F.K. Tales. 102346 BLACKWELL, (C.I.L. Oval 1969. v.38, no.4, p.14-I5, illus) Gives a brief account of the nature of Eskimo legends; relates the tale of the Sun and the Moon, and the tale of Day and Night. CaOGB. 102347 BLAGININ, V. U Khibinskikh (Na stroykakh Rossii 1969. v.10, no. I, gor. 2-page insert, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: In the Khibiny mountains. Photo-reportage on Apatity, an industrial center in the tundra of Kola Peninsula with the Kola Branch of the Academy of Sciences and a population of 40 thousand. Some data are given on housing, research institutes and students, etc also some general views of the town. DLC.
102348 BLAGOVESHCHENSKAYA, M.N. Kol'tsevyye dayki Tungusskoy sineklizy. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.194, no.5, p.1 14548, maps) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ring dikes of the Tunguska synelise. Describes ring dikes in Triassic and Permian deposits, the smaller 3-5 to 15-30 km in diam, the larger 60-100 km. Their distribution is described and illus, and their origin discussed. DLC.
102349 BLAGUL'KINA, V.A.
Petrokhi(Sovetsmicheskiye tipy kimberlitov Sibiri. kaya geologiya 1969. no.7, p.60-70, graphs, Title tr.: Petrotables) Refs. In Russian. chemical types of kimberlites in Siberia. Reports on the kimberlites of the Botuobuya, Alakit, Daldyn, Muna, Kotuy and other regions. There are three petrochemical types: slightly ferruginous and weakly alkaline, slightly ferruginous alkaline, and ferruginous alkaline. Each type is characterized as to content of olivine, xenoliths, dispersed and rare elements, etc. Differences are attributed to different depths of the original magma. The age, diamond-bearing properties and other features DLC. of the kimberlites are discussed.
BLAGUL'KINA, V.A., see also No. 106989. The Fairbanks halo 102350 BLAKE, J.R. (US. Environmental Sciof April 27, 1966. ence Services Administration. Monthly weather review 1966. v.94, no.10, p.599-604. illus) 21 refs. Describes a magnificent display of solar haloes and uses a photographic record of the anthelic arcs to compare them with two theories of the production of arcs. Such arcs depend on the type and orientation of ice crystals in a cloud and on the solar altitude h,. The tern perature range and interval of possible crystal
formation are inferred from the halo forms and compared with aerological data at the time of DGS. the display.
activities of Ra-226 in bone and muscle were small in comparison with Pb-210, Po-210 and Cs-137 concentrations. DGS.
102351 BLAKE, W. JR. Studies of glacial history in Arctic Canada, 1: Pumice, radiocarbon dates, and differential postglacial uplift in the eastern Queen Elizabeth Islands. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.2, pt 2, p.634-64, maps, tables, illus) 112 refs. Reports on recent finds of pumice on raised beaches of Ellesmere and Devon Islands and in archeological sites on Baffin Island, compares its appearance and chemical composition with that occurring in Greenland, Spitsbergen and Scandinavia and discusses the significance of differential postglacial uplift of the land relative to the sea in the eastern Queen Elizabeth Islands, as indicated by the elevation at which pumice and dated materials occur. In the eastern and central part of the archipelago there is a region where 25 m of uplift has occurred during the last 5000 yr. This region, including considerable areas that are now sea, is believed to have been covered by a major ice sheet during the last glaciation. Tabulated data on radiocarbon dates and the chemical composition of the pumice are given. DLC.
BLAND, LL, see No. 101701.
BLAKE, W., JR., 105439,106463.
see also
Nos. 105421,
102352 BLANCHARD, R.L. and J.B. MOORE. ""Pb and ""Po in tissues of some Alaskan residents as related to consumption of caribou or reindeer meat. (Health physics 1970. v.I8, no.2, p.127-34, tables) 26 refs. Comparison is made in the concentration of Pb-210 and Po-210 in tissues of Alaskans who eat caribou meat and those who do not. Only small differences were observed between the two groups. However, the levels of Po-210 were significantly higher in individuals who had eaten caribou meat a short time before death. DLC. 102353 BLANCHARD, R.L. and J.W. KEARNEY. Natural radioactivity and ' "Cs in Alaskan caribou and reindeer samples. (Environmental science & technology 1967. v.1, no.11, p.932-39, graphs, map, tables) 41 refs. Reports Po-210, Pb-210, Ra-226 and Cs-137 concentrations in bone, muscle and rumen content of samples collected, July 1965-Aug 1966 from 15 locations ranging as far north as Anaktuvuk Pass, west to Nunivak Island and east to the Copper Glacier near the Canadian border. Seasonal variations are noted. The Pb-210 content of bone did not vary seasonally, but increased with latitude and age. Except for animals one yr or less in age, the Po-210 and Pb210 activity ratio was near unity. The specific 122
102354 BLATTNER, P. Migmatite by partial fusion and short range hydrothermal transfer, British Columbia. (Schweizerische Mineralogische and Petrographische M itteilungen 1971. v.51, no. I, p.155-77, illus) German summary. Analyzes variations in the mineral chemistry of samples from a migmatite area 3.3 km east of Mt Odin in the Monashee Mountains. The data indicate migmatization of a compositionally similar preexisting rock mass by processes involving fusion that remained incomplete because of the limited supply of volatiles, hydrothermal transfer of cations accompanying release of volatiles during crystallization of hydrous quartzofeldspathic melts to surrounding gneiss, and adiabatic transfer of volatiles from crystallizing pegmatoid melts to newly forming granites. DGS. BLAYLOCK, D.M., see No. 108496. 102355 BLECH, 0. Perevozka trub samoletami iz Tyumeni v Nefteyugansk. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1969. v.14, no.6, p.27-28, table, illus) In Russian. Tide tr.: Air transportation of pipes from Tyumen' to Nefteyugansk. Describes the approx 650 km airlift of 2620 pipes of 720 mm diam, weighing 5240 t, and 750 t of other cargo by 11 AN-12's in 1969. The pipes were loaded in units of five. The method of loading the units aboard and stabilizing the load is described. The operation was completed in 62 days on a 24 hr schedule by seven teams, 36 men altogether. DLC. 102356 BLEE, J.J. and others. Sedimentological survey of Baffin Bay. (Maritime sediments 1968. v.4, no.1, p.4-6, map) 10 refs. Other authors: S.R. Baker and G.M. Friedman. Reports a summer 1967 survey aboard the US CGC Southwind, using a Loran A navigation system and radar and the ship's fathometer, making topographic traverses and taking 51 cores and grab samples. Analyses tentatively indicate that sediment distribution and deposition are highly complex and that with time, sediment transport and deposition by bottom currents and ice rafting have changed in location over most of the Baffin Bay area. DGS. 102357 BLIDING, C. A critical survey of European taxa in Ulvales, 2: Ulva, Ulvaria, Monostroma, Kornmannia. (Botaniska notiser 1968. v.121, no.4, p.535-629, illus) Refs.
Reviews the long study of living materials, also museum specimens of these green seaweeds. Delimitations of species on basis of anatomy and life history have been checked by cross-breeding experiments. Systematic descriptions of the taxa are given, incl two new species. Some of the species are found in Norwegian arctic waters, and some of the work was done at the Tromso Museum and biological station. DLC. 102358 BLINDHEIM, J. and others. Fiskeriundersokelser ved Ost- og Vest Gamland i april-mai 1969. (Fiskets gang 1969. v.55, no.33, p.556-57, map) Also pub in: Fisken og havet 1969. no.2, p.I-2. In Norwegian. English summary. Other authors: E. Bratberg and P. Dynes. Title tr.: Fishery investigations off East and West Greenland in April-May 1969. Summarizes observations in Greenland waters from mid-April to early May. In the upper 300 m the west coast water temperature was slightly lower than in 1961. Experimental fishing indicated few cod; they had finished spawning and had little food in their stomachs as compared to 1968 investigations. Few cod eggs were found. Investigations off East Greenland were prevented by pack ice. Whales and dolphins are enumerated. DLC. 102359 BLINDHEIM, J. Hydrographic investigations in the Irminger Sea in the years 1954-1964. (Norway. Fiskeridirektoratet. Skrifter. Ser. havundersokelser 1968. v.14, no.3, p.72-97, graphs, map, tables, illus) 16 refs. Reports and discusses July-Aug 1959 and Aug-Sept 1961-64 temperature/salinity observations by Norwegian Institute of Marine Research vessels in four hydrographic sections in this sea between Prins Christians Sund and Kap Dan and one section across Denmark Strait. 1954-63 data from Ocean Weather Station Alpha at 62°N 33°W are also included. Vertical and horizontal distribution of the water masses are identified: Atlantic water, T = 6-8°C, S = above 35%; Polar water, T = -1.7°C, S = 33.5%0 in its core but further south eroded by mixing and surface layer heated by summer solar radiation, when it is difficult to define, with an upper limit of S = 34.5%0; Arctic Bottom water, across Denmark Strait, T below 0°C, S = 34.92%0; Arctic Intermediate water, from a branch of the West Spitsbergen Current, T = 0-2°C, S = 34.8-35%0 north of Denmark Strait, in the Strait mixed with more Polar water so that T is near or below I °C, S below 34.9%0. In the central part of the Irminger Sea, the intermediate water forms a layer of min S at depths around 1000 m; T = 3.5°C, S = 34.88%. Deep water in the Sea, at depths 1500-2500 m, has a higher S than the intermediate water; at 2000 m depth, S is over 34.9%o; at the foot of the continental slope in
the Sea, T.= I-2°C, S = often below 34.9%. A close relationship was found between accumulated wind and mean S in different periods of observation at Station Alpha. DI. 102360 BLINDHEIM, J. and E. BRATBERG. Rapport om tokt til SydostGronland med F/F "Johan Hjort" i augustseptember 1962. (Fisken og havet 1963. no.5, p.4-6, 20-22, maps) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Report on a cruise to southeast Greenland with the Johan Hjort in Aug-Sept 1962. Reports on hydrographic studies in AugSept 1962 off Kap Farvel, Kap Dan, Kap Mosting, and between Kunerinak and Weather Ship A. Some temperatures are cited and the absence of sea ice between Farvel and Dan noted. In Aug-Sept 1963, five series of hydrographic soundings were made beginning on a line from Weather Ship A to Prins Christians Sund at 60°N and to Kap Edvard Holm near 68°N. Much sea ice, surface waters near 0°C, and 3-5°C at 200-500 m depth are noted. Between Kap Edvard Holm and Iceland the polar front was nearer Iceland, with temperatures near the freezing point for sea water. Data on cod and halibut were collected on both cruises. DI. 102361 BLINKOV, V.V. and others. Rezul'taty naturnykh issledovaniy napryazheniy v turbinnom vodovode Krasnoyarskoy GES. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1971. v.41, no.4, p.25-30, graphs, tables, illus) Ref. In Russian. Other authors: Yu.N. Gusev and E.K. Aleksandrovskaya. Title tr.: Results of field investigations of stresses in the turbine water conduit of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power plant. Describes the steel and reinforced concrete conduits supplying reservoir water to the turbines. Data on stress distribution and maximum stress in the conduits due to temperature variations and hydrostatic pressure are given as recorded with stress gauges and armature dynamometers. Comparisons are made with the estimated stresses on a model. The actual values of conduit stresses are found to be considerably lower than the official standards requirement based on a model. DLC. 102362 BLINOVA, YE.I. Vidovoy sostav i vertikal'noye raspredeleniye morskikh vodorosley v Penzhinskoy gube, Okhotskoye more. (Okeanologiya 1968. v.8, no.2, p.279-86, map, tables) 9 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Species composition and vertical distribution of seaweeds in Penzhina Bay, Sea of Okhotsk. Reports a 1965 study in the littoral and sublittoral zones of the Bay, using aqualung divers in the sublittoral. Four green, 16 brown and 29 123
red algal species were found. Vegetation is present only in the middle zone of the littoral, and the upper littoral zone is devoid of macrophytes. The predominant littoral species are: Fucus evanescens, Pylaialla litoralis, Ulva factuca, etc. By its algal flora, Penzhina Bay can be attributed to the upper boreal subzonc of DLC. the boreal zone. 102363 BLISS, L.C. Primary production (In: Conwithin arctic tundra ecosystems. ference on productivity...1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.77-85, tables) 25 refs. Reviews the literature on variations in primary (plant) production in the biologically fragile arctic tundra, as indicated by classic fluctuations in both lemming populations and their carnivore predators. Correlation of dry matter production with environmental parameters is difficult because of the slow growth rates of tundra plants and frequent change in weather. More data are needed on chlorophyll content, the leaf area index, rate of litter accumulation and decomposition and rate of underground production and decomposition. There is an urgent need for data on plant growth in relation to disturbance by road building, bulldozing, winter and summer caterCaEU B. pillar tractor traffic and fire. 102364 BLIX, A.S. and N.A. ORITSLAND. Forskriftene for avliving av sel vurdert etter elektrografisk registrering av hjerne- og hjerte(Fisken og havet 1970. no.2. p.39aktivitet. 40, illus) 2 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Current regulations for killing of seals evaluated by electrographic recordings of brain and heart activity. Norwegian sealing regulations include specifications of permissible implements and prescriptions for their use. Tests showed that a blow on the head with a steel hook produced an immediate disappearance of recorded brain activity and an instantaneous stopping of the somatic reflexes. Heart activity was recorded for a haft hour or longer, regardless of whether DLC. blood vessels were also cut. 102365 BLIX, E.S. Nesseby- og Polmakslekter. Oslo 1967. 252 p. (Samiske samlinger 1967. v.9) About 50 refs. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Nesseby and Polmak families. Presents a genealogical study of 107 Lapp families of these two localities in northern Norway, from the 17th century to the present day. CaMAI. BLOKHIN, YU.I., see No. 107164. 102366 BLOMBERG, B. Malmbanan. (Norrbottens !ails hembygdsffirening. Arsbok Title Cr.: 1968. p.11-16, illus) In Swedish. The ore railway. 124
Presents five linoleum cuts of the LuleaKiruna-Narvik railroad and its environs by an DLC. artist in Abisko. BLOOD, D.A., see No. 105216. 102367 BLOORE, R.L. In the main(Arts Canada 1969. v.26, no.6, p.36stream. 47, illus) Discusses Indian and Eskimo art forms, noting the interest roused by the exhibition Masterpieces of Indian and Eskimo Art which opened at the National Gallery of Canada in Nov 1969 and went on to Paris. The exhibition is criticized as a mixture of archeology, ethnology and primitive arts, whereas certain Northwest Coast Indian painted wooden carvings are fine works of art, comparable in form and quality with Egyptian, Aztec and medieval work. Canadian public collections have not yet reflected the growth of interest elsewhere in the CaMM, DLC. so-called primitive arts. BLOWES, J.H., see No. 102622. 102368 BLUMEL, W.D. Kleinkarst and Formen selektiver Erosion auf der Blomstrand(A ufsch luss NW-Spitzbergen. halvoya, 1971. v.22, no.5, p.149-63, map, illus) In GerTitle tr.: Microkarst and selective eroman. sion features on the Blomstrand peninsula, northwest Spitsbergen. Reports the occurrence of various types of coastal features formed as a result of solution, frost action and other exogenic processes. Development of microkarst is attributed to solution by surf spray in essentially fissure-free limestone that has subsequently been raised above the level of surf action. Zones of tectonic fissuring in Precambrian crystalline limestones of the Hecla Hoek formation have been the site of selective erosion. Frost action, surf erosion and removal of debris during periods of high water and storm floods are the principal agents responsible for formation of shallow depresDGS. sions, potholes and coves. 102369 BLUTHGEN, J. Problems of definition and geographical differentiation of the Subarctic with special regard to northern (In: Symposium on Ecology of the Europe. Subarctic Regions 1966. Proceedings pub 1970, p.11-33, maps, illus) 64 refs. French summary. The term Subarctic though primarily geographical is used also in other sciences with different connotations. The plantgeographical-ecological facts include also some climato-geographical, pedological and hydrological facts. Author proposes 23 theses for the definition and subdivision of the Subarctic. It is a belt between the arctic and middle latitudes comprising a marine and terrestrial part, both of which must be
defined. The marine part is confined to the water areas on both sides of polar convergences between polar and temperate sea water with seasonally shifting drift ice. The terrestrial part lies between the arctic discontinuous patch tundra and the economic forest limit of the boreal coniferous forest belt or taiga. The terrestrial Subarctic may be subdivided into a pararctic (pa) and a paraboreal (pb) subzone. Theses 5-23 define these and further subdivisions with regard to vegetation, climate (temperature, radiation balance, humidity, precipitation), snow cover, permafrost, solifluction and patterned ground, soil, the distribution of some of the animal and plant life, and man's influence. CaMAI, MdU. 102370 BLUMBERG, B.S. and others. Genetic studies on the Naskapi and Montagnais Indians of Schefferville, P.Q. (McGill Univ. Sub-arctic Research Lab. Research paper 1967. no.23, p.75-78) 8 refs. Other authors: L. Melartin and J.R. Martin. Summarizes 1962-65 biochemical genetic studies of polymorphic traits in blood from some 300 members of the two groups. The traits differ sufficiently to consider the populations as separate for genetic studies. A new inherited trait, Albumin Naskapi, was found. Several other traits (transferrin and lipoprotein variants) appeared in different and in some cases exceptional frequencies. These traits may be used in study of racial affinities. CaMAI, DLC. 102371 BLUMENSAADT, F. Sendagsmiddag over rek og lava fra Jan Mayen. (Norsk luftmilitaert tidsskrift 1970. v.21, no.9, p.231-34) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Sunday afternoon over smoke and lava from Jan Mayen. Reports on a volcanic outburst on Jan Mayen, as observed from a national guard airplane of the Andeya station: the steam cloud levelled off by strong wind, lava flow to the sea, etc. Buoys were dropped and data registered on seawater temperatures and noise of the eruption. Jan Mayen station personnel were evacuated by a second aircraft. DLC. BLUSSON, S.L., see No. 103560.
form podzemnogo I'da na severe. (In: Geografiya i geomorfologiya Azii 1969. p.I43-53, graphs, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geomorphic indications of the distribution of ground-ice sheets in the North. Reports field observations on the morphology of continuous large sheets of ground ice and their thawing in the Noril'sk region. The distribution of masses of ground ice was determined by forms of thermokarst lake depressions. The mechanism of thermokarst formation associated with sheet ice is described. DLC. 102373 BOBOV, N.G. Nckotoryye osobennosti rel'yefoobrazovaniya pri epigeneticheskom promerzanii rykhlykh porod. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologii...1965. Materialy, v.3, 1970. p.179-86, graphs, map, illus) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of relief formation associated with epigenetic freezing of unconsolidated rocks. Discusses ground ice and its effects on relief formation in northern USSR, according to 1963-64 observations in the Kayyerkan surface coal mine in the Norilsk region. Geocryologic map of the 3 km= area is presented and sections analyzed. The epigenetic ice is described in some detail as to its form, composition and structure. The formation of thermokarst lakes is outlined. DLC. 102374 BOBRIYEVICH, A.P. Obshchiye voprosy petrologii kimberlitov. (Problemy petrologii i geneticheskoy mineralogii. Moskva, Nauka 1969. v.1, p.208-215) Refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: General problems of the petrology of kimberlites. Discusses the formation of kimberlites from data of South Africa and Yakutia. Formation of the kimberlite magma is considered a result of local melting of the upper mantle 100-120 km deep. Diamonds crystallize in the protomagmatic stage simultaneously with such kimberlite minerals as forsterite, garnet-pyrope, chrome-spinels, etc. The rise of magma to the surface through abyssal fractures is accompanied by a break in the overlying deposits to form diatremes filled with eruptive breccia. The view of diamond formation having genesis in abyssal magma finds support in the more or less even distribution of diamonds with depth. DLC.
BLYUM, LA., see No. 102456. BOBROV, A.K., see No. 107605. BOBAKOV, L.N., see No. 102824. BOBKOV, M.F., see No. 103379. BOBKOV, YU.P., see Nos. 107250, 107251. 102372 BOBOV, N.G. Geomorfologicheskiye priznaki rasprostraneniya plastovykh
102375 BOBROV, N.I. 0 funktsional'nykh sdvigakh v organizme cheloveka pri adaptatsii k kholodu na Severe. (Problemy Severa 1970. no.14, p.35-41, tables) 4 refs. In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Physiological 125
adjustments in man during adaptation to arctic cold. In a study of heat losses by convection and radiation and of resistance to cold, tests were performed on 241 men, 20-24 yr old. Group 1 worked in open air with temperatures at -7 and -15°C, wind velocity 5-9 m /sec; group 2 had upper and lower extremities cooled for 30 minutes in water at 5°C. The magnitude of heat losses by convection and radiation is described as the heat flow density. Resistance to cold was determined by the subject's description of heat or cold sensation, by studying tactile cutaneous sensation, the sensory chronaxie (measurement of the excitability of nervous or muscular tissue), and by changes in the functional mobility of the retina. Results are tabulated and show that subjects with a long period of work in the North have higher resistance to cold, their sensory chronaxie indices were unchanged and the increase in area of projection of their blind spot was statistically insignificant after exposure to cold, in contradistinction to recent residents. This indicates that man develops acclimatization to cold and can maintain his working capacity under northern conditions. CaMAI, DLC. 102376 BOBROV, N.I. and V.P. TIKHOMIROV. 0 nekotorykh funktsional'nykh sdvigakh pri akklimatizatsii k usloviyam (In: Akklimatizatsiya i krayevaya Severa. Title patologiya...1970. p.35-37) In Russian. tr.: Functional changes during acclimatization in the North. An increase in the sympathico-adrenal tonus was revealed by blood tests of people after a 5-6 month stay in the North and is attributed to adverse climatic conditions. Climate-induced shortness of breath is also most pronounced in the early stage of acclimatization. This is attributable to a low oxygen content in arterial blood due to a lowasd oxygen pressure in the breathed-in air which is caused, in turn, by the low atmospheric pressure. DLC. Isporzo102377 BOCH, M.S. and others. vaniye aerosnimkov pri izuchenii rastitel'nosti (Problemy botaniki 1969. v.11, p.61tundr. 71, illus) 18 refs. In Russian. Other authors: SA. Gribova and A.Ye. Katenin. Title tr.: The use of aerial photography in studies of tundra vegetation. Small-scale photos show clearly the rivulets, rocks, and patches of larger vegetation. Large-scale photos show different shrubs, characteristics of ground vegetation DLC. and swamp complexes. 102378 BOCHARNIKOVA, A.I. and N.V. Bituminologicheskaya kharakUSTINOV. teristika pozdnemelovykh-miotsenovykh otlozheniy yugo-zapadnoy chasti Khatyrskogo 126
(Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii progiba. Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski. Regional'naya gaologiya 1970. no.I8, p.86-95, map, tables, illus) Title tr.: Bitumen 11 refs. In Russian. characteristics of late Cretaceous - Miocene deposits in the southwestern part of the Khatyrka trough. Reports on bitumens distributed throughout an entire section of these deposits in the Koryak Range area. The macroforms occur in sandstones, and in calcareous concretions and veins. Disseminated bitumens are represented by methane and aromatic compounds. The character of the distribution of the bitumens indicates their epigenetic origin. This entire complex of late Cretaceous-Miocene deposits has good oil and gas prospects. CaMAI, DLC. 102379 BOCHARNIKOVA, A.I. and N.M. Markiruyushchiye priznaki i VASIL'YEVA. gorizonty verkhnepaleozoyskikh uglenosnykh otlozheniy Talnakhskogo sul'fidnogo mestorozhdeniya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.12, p.47-58, graph, table, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distinctive characteristics and marker beds in the Upper Paleozoic coal-bearing sediments of the Talnakh sulfide deposit. Reports a 1964.65 study of the PermianCarboniferous section using 1120 samples from 22 cores. Grain size, color, type of bedding, marker beds, and paleontologic data were used for defining the local subdivisions of these DLC. strata. 102380 BOCHARNIKOVA, A.I. and N.M. VASIL'YEVA. Veshchestvennyy sostav verkhnepaleozoyskoy tolshchi Talnakhskogo mestorozhdeniya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.14, p.128-34, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Composition of the Upper Paleozoic of the Talnakh deposit. Reports a lithological investigation of the coal-bearing sediments in the Talnakh coppernickel deposit near Noril'sk. A 200-m section is divided into five local stratigraphic units, which are described noting their mineral composition, lithologic properties and some paleontologic CaMAI, DLC. features. 102381 BOCHAROVA, V.M. K voprosu ob ekhinokokkoze na Kamchatke. (Sbornik rabot vrachey Kamchatskoy oblasti. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy 1969. no.1, p.I28-31) In Russian. Title tr.: The problem of echinococcus in Kamchatka. The predominant form of echinococcus here is alveolar, the liver being affected in 85% of cases. 75% of aborigines who raise reindeer and handle products of hunting industry are
infected. Because of the difficulty in diagnosing the internal localization, a thorough case history is needed before surgical intervention. DLC. 102382 BOCHKAREV, VS. and F.Z. YAGOFAROVA. Novyye dannyye o vozraste skladchatogo fundamenta v rayone shirotnogo Priob'ya Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.181, no.3, p.676-78, map) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the age of folded basement along the east-west portion of the Ob River, West Siberian lowland. Nine boreholes in this region are examined and the discovered faunal and isotopic ages of the rocks are reported. The data confirm a Variscan age for basement in this region. DLC. 102383 BOCHKIN, AXE. and A.L. MUKOYED. K rupneyshiy gigant mira, ICrasnoyarskaya GES vstupila v stroy. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1970. v.40, no.4, p.15-22, illus) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The world's largest giant, the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station, is in operation. Outlines the organization, mechanization, and technology of the construction work, training of specialists, building the town of Divnogorsk, labor productivity, economy of funds, etc. As its tenth unit with a 50-thousand kw capacity is activated, the capacity of this power plant on the Yenisey above Krasnoyarsk rises to 5 million kw. So far it has produced 17 billion kwh and it is expected to have paid for its construction and maintenance by 1975. DLC. 102384 BOCHKIN, A.YE. and others. 0 sostoyanii plotiny Krasnoyarskoy GES v pervyye gody ekspluatatsii. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1971. v.41, no.4, p.12-I9, graphs, tables) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Ye.Ye. Liskun, A.P. Yepifanov, D.M. Kokot and S.N. Starshinov. Title tr.: Condition of the Krasnoyarsk power plant dam in its first years of operation. Describes construction features of the dam, and the cracks which formed in 1967-69. They were 2.8 - 53.9 m long and up to 2 mm wide, most of them vertical. The cementing of 1500 joints between concrete blocks of the dam, filling of the reservoir, and filtration counter-pressure work to prevent water filtering through the dam are described in some detail. Chronological observations of the dam and its foundation deformation during the three-yr period are given. Tensile stress of the dam, and elastic parameters of its concrete and the rock base are considered. The deformations are concluded to be of normal character. DLC. 102385 BOCHKOV, YU.A. and others. Osnovnyye zakonomernosti mnogoletnikh
kolebaniy temperatury vody Barentseva morya i ikh svyaz' s geofizicheskimi protsessami. (Murmansk. Polyarnyy n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Trudy 1968. no.23, p.104-115, graphs, tables) 28 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: E.I. Sarukhanyan and N.P. Smirnov. Title tr.: Regularities of water temperature fluctuations in Barents Sea and their connection with geophysical processes. Presents results of 1900-1963 studies on air and water temperatures at stations along the shores of Barents Sea. The coefficients between the longterm variations of 4, 7, 11 and 18-year cycles are correlated with cosmic and geophysical forces, solar activity and variations of the magnetic pole. These data are then correlated with water temperatures in the Barents Sea. DLC. 102386 BOCHER, T.W. Experimental and cytological studies on plant species; 11, North Atlantic tetraploids of the Campanula rotundifolia complex. (Annales botanici fennici 1966. v.3, no.3, p.287-98, tables, illus) 25 refs. Discusses systematic problems related to the reasoned classification of the Campanula rotundifolia aggregate. Emphasis on morphological-geographical principles is not consistent with division on a ploidy-level. In some cases chromosome numbers may be connected with main taxa and minor entities may be distinguished according to morphology, range and ecology. It is suggested that the rationale of description be restudied and probably revised. The table of field cultures includes species from southern and western Greenland and from Newfoundland. DLC. 102387 BOGGILD, J. Hygienic problems in Greenland. (Archives of environmental health 1969. v.18, no.1, p.138-43, table) Sanitation problems, aggravated by urban concentration of West Greenlanders are connected with water supply (mainly), sewerage, night soil disposal and dissemination of infectious diseases. The water supplies in Julianehhb, Egedesminde and Upernavik are discussed to illustrate the problems. Tabulated data of 1952-66 are given for the incidence of typhoid fever, paratyphoid type B, dysentery, acute gastroenteritis and acute epidemic hepatitis. Effective inspection of exported food is carried out by the Food Inspection Office, Copenhagen. DLC. 102388 BOGACHEV, A.I. and M.M. IAVROV. Magmaticheskiye kompleksy Severo-Karel'skoy sinklinornoy zony karelid. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p.184-90, map, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: 127
Magmatic complexes in the North Karelian synclinorium zone of the Karelides. Distinguishes the spilite-diabase, intrusivevolcanic, ultrabasite, differentiated gabbro-diabase, and granite complexes. The formation of the synclinorium zone took place in a single lower Proterozoic stage of geologic-tectonic development. The spilite-diabase and intrusive-volcanic complexes were formed during various stages in the formation of the zone. In the period of maximum submergence, differentiated mafic intrusions were emplaced. DLC.
zianskogo basseyna. (lzvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy 1969. Geologiya i razvedka no.10, p.90-96, maps, tables) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Dynamics of groundwater and brines in the Wendian-Moty complex of the Angara-Lena artesian basin. Describes the physiography, stratigraphy, structure and hydrogeology of the WendianMoty complex of sandstones and shales. This sequence, 500-1000 m thick, directly overlies crystalline basement. The presence of major faults is found to depress piezometric head in the waters and brines of this complex. DLC.
102389 BOGACHEV, A.1. and others.
Magmatizm i metallogeniya dokembriya Karehi. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p.37-45, graphs, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Precambrian magmatism and metallogeny of Karelia. Discusses the relation between the Tectonic regime and mineralization processes associated with the magmatic activity of the Karelide mafic and ultramafic complexes of the region. Four main phases of magmatic differentiation are distinguished in the Karelides, involving calcalkalic and tholeiitic magmas. The trends of the differentiation are briefly characterized. DLC. 102390 BOGACHEV, Ai and V.A. Nekotoryye cherty struktury i GORELOV.
orudeneniya Allarechenskogo sul'fidnogo medno-nikelevogo mestorozhdeniya. (Geologiya rudnykh mestorozhdeniy 1968. v.10, no.2, p.74-78, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of the structure and mineralization of the Allarechensk sulfide copper-nickel deposit. Describes the geologic structure in the Notozero Lake region of Kola Peninsula. The Allarechensk deposit in Archean rocks of the Kola series is associated spatially and genetically with two ultrabasic intrusions. Phenocryst ores in unaltered metamorphic rocks are described and compared with those of Pechenga and Monchegorsk. The formation of sulfide ores here took place in several stages. DLC. 0 vragakh semgi na verkhney Pechore. (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 1968. v.47, no.2, p.306-308, tables) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Salmon enemies in the upper Pechora. Study during the winter 1961/62 - 1963/64 showed burbot to be a predator of salmon. Sea trout in the Ilych river are a lesser predator. DLC.
102391 BOGAN, F.YE.
BOGATYREV, L.G., see No. 108121. 102392 BOGDANOV, G.YA. Dinamika
podzemnykh vod i rassolov v vendskomotskom komplekse Angara-Lenskogo arte128
102393 BOGDANOV, N.A. Nekotoryye
osobennosti tektoniki vostoka Koryakskogo nagor'ya. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.192, no.3, p.607-610, graph, map) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some tectonic features of the eastern Koryak upland. Notes problematic factors relating to the age and structural position of the Khatyrka anticlinorium and reports results of field studies in the Khatyrka basin. Although the Pikul'ney series is 7-10 km thick, stratigraphic subdivision is difficult. The series is Upper Jurassic - Valanginian in age, and consists mainly of graywackes and siliceous rocks. With reference to its structural position its extension into Alaska is noted. DLC. BOGDANOV, NA., see also No. 108531. 102394 BOGDANOV, V.I.
and others.
Opyt deshifrirovaniya aerofotosnimkov pri izuchenii tektonicheskikh narusheniy. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1968. ser. geog. no.6, p.99-105, illus) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: Yu.D. Khodotov, A.L. Kudlayeva and LI. Sorokina. Title tr.: Aerial photointerpretation in the study of faults. Reports a study in a part of the central Kola Peninsula of Archean gneisses and gneissic granites. Aerial photos clearly reveal regional fault block structure trending north and northwest. The faults are briefly characterized. Rose-diagrams are included. DLC. BOGDANOV, V.YE., see No. 104653. 102395 BOGDANOV, YU.B. and others.
Glubokometamorfizovannyye konglomeraty proterozoya Vostochnoy Karelii. (Litologiya i poleznyye iskopayemyye 1968. no.2, p.99-110, maps, illus) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.S. Voinov, A.P. Kazak and V.Z. Negrutsa. Title tr.: Deep-metamorphosed Proterozoic conglomerates of eastern Karelia. Describes the lithology and petrography of conglomerates of the Voron'ye Lake region. Their distribution, composition, conditions of occurrence, rhythmicity and formation conditions are discussed. DLC.
102396 BOGDANOV, YU.B. and others. Osnovnyye zakonomernosti dokembriyskogo vulkanizma vostochnoy chasti Baltiyskogo shchita. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p.45-56, graphs, maps, illus) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.S. Voinov and V.Z. Negrutsa. Title tr.: Main patterns of Precambrian volcanism in the eastern Baltic shield. Describes the geographic and stratigraphic distribution of the Precambrian volcanic strata and discusses the evolution of volcanism in relation to the regional tectonic history. The lack of uniformity in the development of volcanism is noted. DLC. 102397 BOGDANOVA, L.A. Petrograficheskaya kharakteristika ugley ListvyanskoVal'kovskogo mestorozhdeniya Noril'skogo rayona. (Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskiy inst. Trudy 1968. v.132, p.152-63, map, table. illus) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Petrographic characteristics of the Listvyanskiy-Val'kovskiy coal deposits in the Norilsk region. These coal-bearing deposits are of the Permian Shmidta and Kayyerkan series, and the upper three beds of the latter are of industrial thickness. Three petrogenetic types of coals are separated: semi-lustrous duroclarain, semi-dull clarodurain, and dull durain. Gellified, slightly fusainized lipoid microcomponents took part in the coal formation. Its metamorphism is also described. DLC. 102398 BOGDANOVA, T.L. 0 transpiratsii sosny v Komi ASSR. (Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR. Komi filial. lzvestiya 1970. v.2, no.3(13), p.75-77, graph, tables) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Transpiration of pine in Komi ASSR. Reports a study in a swampy pine forest where 420 tests were made on 32 trees. The results confirm that transpiration in pine depends on air temperature and solar radiation rather than on the condition of the tree. It is strongest in the 21-29°C range, somewhat slower at 7-20°C. On cloudless days it is 6090% higher than on cloudy days of the same air DLC. temperature. 102399 BOGDANOVA, YE.A. Fauna parazitov semgi (Salmo salar L.), kety (Oncorhynchus keta W.) i gorbushi (0. gorbuscha W.) na rybovodnykh zavodakh zapolyar'ya. (Leningrad. Gos. n.-issl. inst. ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozyaystva. Izvestiya 1967. v.63, p.173-88, tables) Approx 40 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Salmon parasites of Salmo solar L., Oncorhynchus keta W. and 0. gorbuscha W. at Kola Peninsula hatcheries. Examination at four hatcheries in Kola Peninsula, of more than 1100 salmon larvae,
fingerlings, parr and smolts during 1961-63, revealed 14 species of parasitic protozoans, fungi and molluscans. Data on their morphology, mode of occurrence, distribution and frequency are given. Prophylactic measures, reagents, solutions, baths, etc, are discussed, noting their efficacy and the safety limit for fish. This is the first study of this kind in Kola Peninsula. DLC. BOGDASHEV, V.A., see No. 105920. BOGDASHEVSKIY, B.I., see No. 103840. BOGOLYUBOV, A.N., see No. 103597. 102400 BOGOMOLOV, M.A. Nekotoryye osobennosti petrologii massivov tsentral'nogo tipa s dunitovym yadrom na Aldanskom shchite. (Metasomatizm i drugiye voprosy fiziko-khimicheskoy petrologii. Moskva, Nauka 1968. p.312-63, graphs, maps, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of the petrology of central-type massifs with dunite nuclei in the Aldan shield. Reports a study of the Konderskiy, Chadskiy and lnaglinskiy massifs, characterized by Upper Proterozoic dunite nuclei surrounded by Mesozoic intrusions of feldspar rocks. Each massif is analyzed by describing the petrology of ring intrusions. The main features of metasomatic alteration of dunites in the magmatic stage are described. Magmatic desilication is discussed. DLC. 102401 BOGOMYAGKOV, P.P. 0 nekotorykh osobennostyakh obrazovaniya rossypey zolota na primere mestorozhdeniy basseyna reki Debin. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.279-83, map, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of gold placer formation as exemplified in deposits of the Debin River basin. Gold is known to occur in dikes and quartzveins in this basin in Magadan Province. A series of alluvial placer deposits is briefly noted. A scheme is presented to show the transformation of placers. The work of erosion, development of terraces, grain size and purity of gold are briefly characterized. The Berelekh, Khudzhakh, Orotukan, and Kulu basins are indicated as potential regions for gold placers. DLC. 102402 BOGOMYAKOV, G.P. and others. Resursy i voprosy razvedki vod apt-senomanskikh otlozheniy v svyazi s ispol'zovaniyem ikh dlya podderzhaniya plastovogo davleniya na neftyanykh mestorozhdeniyakh Srednego Priob'ya. (In: Podzemnyye vody Sibiri...1971. p.208-213, tables) In Russian. Other authors: Yu.V. Makhnev, V.A. Nudner, A.D. Reznik 129
and B.P. Stavitskiy. Title tr.: Resources and problems of investigation relative to waters of Aptian-Cenomanian deposits with reference to their utilization for maintaining formational pressures in oil deposits of the middle Ob region. The general geologic and hydrogeologic characteristics of these Cretaceous deposits are reviewed. Exploitation of their groundwatcrs has depressed the water table in various areas and has lowered pressures in oil pools. The state of knowledge of the dynamics of the water regime and suggested directions of furDLC. ther study are outlined. 102403 BOGOV, A.V. Novyye vidy pozdnepermskikh pteridospermov ray?Dna Sredney Pechory. (Paleontologicheskiy zhurnal 1969. v.11, no.2, p.117-21, tables, illus) Title tr.: New species of Refs. In Russian. late Permian pteridosperms from the middle Pechora region. Reports the 1958-65 collection of Permian floras by Kazan Univ, with attention directed to gen Callipteris, of great stratigraphic importance. C. lanceolate and C. delimit:, and Odontopteris dombrovskayae n spp arc systematically described, with comparisons, leaf dimensions, geologic and geographic distribution. DLC. 102404 BOGOYAVLENSKAYA, G.YE. and E.N. ERLIKH. Polevoshpatovyye vklyucheniya osnovnogo sostava v kislykh piroklastakh sovremennykh vulkanov. (In: Ksenolity i gomeogennyye vklyucheniya. Moskva 1969. p.64-67, tables illus) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Feldspathic inclusions of basic composition in acid pyroclastics of present volcanoes. Reports an investigation of basic inclusions in acid pyroclastic deposits of caldera volcanoes of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. These inclusions represent crystalline phases that formed within a melt rather than as a product of assimilation processes. They are composed of some 70% basic plagioclase, olivine, minor amounts of pyroxene, and interstitial glass. DLC. 102405 BOGUCHAROV, A. Ispytaniye okeanom. (Druzhba narodov 1968. no.9, p.196-222) In Russian. Title tr.: Trial by ocean. Outlines experiences in oil prospecting in Siberia incl the Lena basin. A blowout of an exploratory well near Markovo in 1962 killed one of the workers, and forced evacuation of the camp till it was brought under control. DLC. 102406 BOGUSH, O.I. and O.V. YUFEREV. 0 granitse turneyskogo i vizeyskogo yarusov v Verkhoyan'ye. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.5, p.112-17, graphs) 10 res. In 130
Russian. Title tr.: Limits of the Tournaisian and Visean stages in the Verkhoyansk region. Analyzes and correlates Lower Carboniferous deposits in the northern Kharaulakh mountains. The sections are described layer by layer and the foraminifers are listed. Sedimentation conditions are discussed, and a proposal is given for the boundary between the Tournaisian and Visean stages. DLC. BOGUSH, 0.I., see also No. 105726. 102407 BOGUTA, K.K. Novaya turbellyariya Anaperus biaculeatus sp. n. (Turbellaria, Acoela) iz sublitorali Belogo morya. (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 1970. v.49, no.2, p.198-209, illus) 9 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: A new turbellarian, Anaperus biaculeatus n sp (Turbellaria, Acoela), from the White Sea sublittoral. Describes this new free-living flatworm from the sublittoral zone of Chupinskaya Bay. DLC. BOHNSACK, K.K., see No. 102790. BOHSE, H., see No. 102560. 102408 BOICE, R.C. and others. Oxygen capacities of four genera of Cetacea. (Norsk hvalfangst-tidende 1968. v.57, no.3, p.63-64, table) 19 refs. Other authors: C.E. Spier and R.L. Brownell, Jr. Oxygen capacities, hemoglobin concentrations and packed cell volumes were determined from the blood of three Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphins Tursiops truncatus, three Pacific striped dolphins Lagenorhynchus obliquidens, one killer whale Orcinus orca and one pygmy sperm whale Kogia. breviceps. The shallow water whales were found to have lower blood oxygen capacities than the pelagic or deep-diving species; and all had higher capacities than terrestrial mammals. DLC. 102409 BOIVIN, B. Enumeration des plantes du Canada: 1, Pal-aides, Fougeres, Coniferes; 2, Lignidees; 3-4, Herbicides; 5-6, Monopsides; 7, Résumé statistique et regions adjacentes. (Naturaliste canadien 1966-67. v.93, p.253-73, 371-437, 583-646, 989-1063; v.94, p.I31-57, 471-528, 625-55, map) Refs. In French. Title tr.: Enumeration of the plants of Canada: 1, vascular cryptogams, ferns, conifers; 2, gymnosperms; 3-4, angiosperms; 5-6, monocotyledons; 7, statistical summary and adjacent regions. Contribution towards a Canadian flora begun about 20 yr ago, enumerating species, varieties, forms and hybrids. The principal literature is given for most genera. For each taxon its distribution is summarized. CaMAI, DLC.
102410 BOIVIN, B. Notes sur les Betula. (Naturaliste canadien 1967. v.94, no.2, p.22931) In French. Title tr.: Notes on birches. Descriptions of Betula alba var. humilis, B. borealis and B. neoalaskana are given. Proper names are created for the nothomorphs of B. caerulea. B. kenaica and the American representatives of B. nano are reduced to varietal rank. CaMM, DLC. 102411 BOIVIN, B. Variations d'Acer negundo au Canada. (Naturaliste canadien 1966. v.93, no.6, p.959-62) In French. Title tr.: Varieties of box elder in Canada. Notes three geographical varieties of this maple in Canada, each with a decorative fruit color form. A key to the varieties, characters and distributions is given. CaMM, DLC.
11-yr solar activity cycles are divided into even and odd cycles. The meridional atmospheric processes in the Atlantic European sector and the Pacific American sector are defined by types which develop in the middle troposphere and form blocking anticyclones. None of these types of recurrence are related to sunspot activity, but are associated with the so-called M regions on the sun. Corpuscular emissions from these regions caused recurrent magnetic storms, whose maxima coincide with a decrease in solar activity. The maximal occurrence of sporadic storms coincides with the solar activity maximum. Cyclical curves of the global magnetic index Ikp are drawn and compared with the curves for the even and odd solar cycles. DLC. BOLOTOV, AS., see Nos. 101862, 107230.
102412 BOLDYREV, V. and K. IVANOVSKAYA. Zolotaya duga. (Polyarnaya zvezda 1967. no.3, p.55-79; no.4, p.55-87; no.5, p.65-79; no.6, p.43-65, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Gold arc. Semi-autobiographical essay by this husband-and-wife team on their geologic exploration in the Yana River region in the 1930's. The search for gold in Yakutia and the Far East since the 19th century, current mining and industrial projects, etc are also described. DLC. BOLGURTSEV, N.N., see No. 106499. Inzhenerno102413 BOLOTINA, N.M. geologicheskiye usloviya stroitel'stva Ust'Ilimskoy G ES. (G id rotekhn icheskoye stroitel'stvo 1970. v.40, no.8, p.8- I I, tables, illus) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Engineering-geology conditions of the Ust'11 i msk hydroelectric power station construction. The engineering geology of the site at the mouth of the Him, a right tributary of the Angara, and the layout of the hydrological system are similar to those of the Bratsk power plant. An engineering geology cross-section of the reservoir along the dam line is given. Filtration properties of the basement rocks of the dam are discussed. The construction materials required can be supplied almost entirely from DLC. local deposits. 102414 BOLOTINSKAYA, M.SH. and A.I. svyazi i povtoryayemosti 01). 0 meridional'nykh form atmosfernoy tsirkulyatsii s korpuskulyarnym izlucheniyem solntsa. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1969. no.31, Title tr.: p.31-35, graphs) 13 refs. In Russian. On the correlation between the recurrence of meridional forms of atmospheric circulation and the corpuscular emission of the sun. Analyzes the correlations between atmospheric circulation and solar activity cycles. The
102415 BOLSENGA, SJ. River ice jams. Detroit, Great Lakes Research Center 1968. 568 p. graphs, tables, illus. (US. Lake Survey. Research report 5-5) Refs. Summarizes the published literature on the ice jam mechanism and methods of prevention and removal, incl both discursive and mathematical treatment. Sections deal with general characteristics, formation, growth and decay mechanism; regional characteristics, North America, Eurasia; ice jam effects on water levels, on river bed; ice jam prevention and removal, forecasting; ice modification, breaking, dusting, thermal regime modification, surface and aerial explosives; river modification, retention and diversion structures, surging, channel modification. DGS. BOL'SHAKOVA, 0.V., see No. 102048. 102416 BOLTON, W.D. and R.W. MURRAY. An immunity study on a reindeer herd. (American journal of veterinary research 1964. v.25, no.109, p.1783-85) 4 refs. Interlingua summary A herd of Rangier tarandus, shipped by air from Alaska to New York in Sept 1953, was largely replaced after six died from acute pasteurellosis. Occasional losses during the next decade were mainly from internal parasitism with secondary infections in the lungs, as in the loss of II spring fawns in 1962. In a serologic study of 18 reindeer, of which five were from the original herd, there was no evidence of immunity to brucellosis, leptospirosis, Q fever, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, myxovirus para-influenza-3, and two strains of diarrhea virus. DLC. 102417 BOLTUNOV, V.A. 0 nekotorykh priznakakh, otlichayushchikh morennyye lednikovyye i morenopodobnyye lednikovomorskiye otlozheniya. na primere Shpitsber131
gena. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1969. ser. 4: geol. v.24, no.4, p.102-110, graphs, tables, illus) Title tr.: Some signs dis10 refs. In Russian. tinguishing glacial moraines from moraine-like glacial-marine deposits, as exemplified in Spitsbergen. Compares moraine deposits formed by modern glaciers of Spitsbergen with subaqueous moraines, iceberg deposits and ablation subaqueous moraines from the glaciers which flow immediately into Van Mijenijorden. The glacial-marine deposits are distinguished by their lower density, sharp lamination, more rounded fragmental material, and other characteristics. These characteristics are tabulated and briefly interpreted. The physical-chemical properties of moraines and glacial-marine DLC. deposits are analyzed. 102418 BOMBARDIER, J.L. Towards the Pole by ski-doo. (North 1968. v.15, no.5, p.38-41, map, illus) Recounts briefly the author's journey by ski-doo from Eureka to 83° 10'N, the closest to the North Pole reached by any self-propelled surface vehicle. Northward movement was prevented by extensive break-ups in the Arctic Ocean. Performance of the vehicle proved highly satisfactory, all the ski-doos functioning faultlessly despite extreme cold and many CaMAI. obstacles. BOND, J.J. see No. 107710. Nauch102419 BONDARCHUK, L.L. nyy kollokvium Belomorskoy biologicheskoy stantsii MGU, 8-9 avgusta 1969 g. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1970. ser 6: biologiya, pochvoveTitle deniye v.25, no.1, p.123-25) In Russian. tr.: Scientific colloquium at the White Sea Biological Station, Moscow State University, 8-9 Aug 1969. Summarizes the papers given at this meeting, organized by young natural scientists, to discuss the directions and results of 30 yr work, DLC. in which 65 biologists participated. 102420 BONDARENKO, A.T. and Di SAVRASOV. Ob elektroprovodnosti eklogitoy i kimberlitov trubok Yakutii pri vysokikh temperaturakh v svyazi s voprosami stroyeniya verkhney mantii. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.5, p.72-80, graphs, tables) 27 refs. In Title tr.: The electric conductivity Russian of eclogites and kimberlites of Yakutia pipes at high temperatures in connection with the structure of the upper mantle. Reports a study of electrical conductivity in xenoliths of eclogites, schists, and pyrope-bearing ultrabasic rocks at temperatures to 1200°C. From the experimental data a curve of electric conductivity distribution is constructed for the 132
Siberian platform to about 240 km depth. CaMAI, DLC. 102421 BONDARENKO, L.P. Alyumokremnistyye metasomatity v komplekse regional'no-meta morfizovannykh porod, Kol'skiy Ul'trametamorfizm i (In: poluostrov. metasomatoz...1966. p.88-99, tables, illus) 8 Title tr.: Alumosiliceous refs. In Russian. metasomatites in a complex of regionally metamorphosed rocks, Kola Peninsula. Deals with the petrology of hornblendegarnet-kyanite-quartz and sillimanite-quartz and describes the country rocks. Mineral analyses and associations indicate that these metasomatites are in the subgranulite facies. Their minerals are analyzed, and mineral associations characterized. Attribution of these metasomatites to the rocks of subgranulite facies of regional metamorphism is discussed. DLC. Palinolo102422 BONDARENKO, N.M. gicheskaya kharakteristika otlozheniy kampanskogo yarusa Ust'-Yeniseyskoy vpadiny. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.25, p.66-72, illus) Refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Palynological characteristics of the Campanian deposits in the Ust'-Yenisey depression. Reports palynological data from these deposits in the middle Bol'shaya Layda River basin. A fauna incl ammonite gen Baculites is also characteristic of these strata. Correlations of Campanian and underlying Santonian deposits with the Ust'-Yenisey and Khatanga depressions disclose similarities. CaMAI, DLC. 102423 BONDARENKO, N.M. Palinologicheskaya kharakteristika otlozheniy maastrikhtskogo yarusa Ust'-Yeniseyskoy vpadiny. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.26, p.74-78, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Palynological characteristics of Maestrichtian deposits in the Ust'-Yenisey depression. Reports and illus spore-pollen associations from five subsurface sections. The significant role of angiosperms is noted. DLC. 102424 BONDARENKO, N.M. Spory i pyl'tsa iz otlozheniy datskogo(?) yarusa Ust'Yeniseyskoy vpadiny i ikh stratigraficheskoye znacheniye. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.24, p.83-94, illus) Title tr.: Spores and pollen Refs. In Russian. from Danian(?) deposits of the Ust'-Yenisey depression and their stratigraphic importance. Analyzes samples from three drillholes on the banks of the Bol'shaya Kheta. The pollen
and spore assemblages are attributed to the Danian stage of the Upper Cretaceous. Characteristic angiosperm pollen enables distinction from plant associations of the Maestrichtian stage. Descriptions are given of the pollen of six species of flowering plants, three of them new. DLC. 102425 BONDARENKO, N.M. Znacheniye pyl'tsy Classopollis dlya stratigrafii yurskikh i melovykh otlozheniy zapadnoy chasti Yenisey-Khatangskogo progiba. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1971. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.31, p.34-38, graph, map, illus) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Significance of Classopollis pollen for the Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphy in the western part of the Yenisey-Khatanga trough. Pollen of this extinct conifer genus has hitherto been considered rare in Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of arctic Siberia. Evidence is presented however that it is fairly widespread in Mesozoic deposits of this region. Its stratigraphic importance is noted for the subdivision of Jurassic, especially Upper Jurassic deposits. DLC. 102426 BONDAREV, VI. and others. Ordovikskiye otlozheniya Taymyra. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.24, p.5-32, map, tables) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.Z. Burskiy, E.M. Krasikov Title tr.: Ordoviand L.V. Nekhorosheva. cian deposits of Taymyr. On the basis of development features of the Ordovician sedimentation basin, two structural-facies zones are recognized: the southern consists of thick carbonate rocks; the northern, which is thinner, consists of carbonate and clayey rocks. For each zone, an independent stratigraphic scheme is worked out. Lower, Middle and Upper Ordovician deposits are DLC. identified in both zones. 102427 BONDAREV, V.I. Stratigrafiya i kharakternyye brakhiopody ordovikskikh otlozheniy yuga Novoy Zemli, ostrova Vaygach i severnogo Pay-Khoya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1968. v.157, p.3144, maps, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy and characteristic brachiopods of the Ordovician deposits of southern Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach Island and northern Pay-Khoy. Outlines the distribution and conditions of occurrence of these deposits. A structural-facies regional zonation is evaluated. Typical sections of the deposits are described in detail for each zone and subzone, and correlations are made. The biostratigraphy of Lower, Middle and Upper Ordovician deposits is analyzed by hori-
zon, and horizon distribution, thickness and fauna are stated. The Ordovician deposits of Novaya Zemlya and the Pay-Khoy folded zone are compared with those of adjacent regions of the Soviet Arctic, Northern Europe and North America. The paleogeography of the deposits is also described. A systematic account of the brachiopods is added: 30 species and three subspecies in 22 genera, 17 families and four orders. One genus, 14 species and three subspecies are CaMAI, DLC. new. BONDAREV, V.I. see also No. 106792. 102428 BONDESEN, E. Field work in the Agto-Nordre Stromfjord region. (Greenland. Geologiske undersegelse. Report 1970. no.28, p.17-19) 4 refs. Reviews 1969 investigations, mostly by small boat in an area north of the outer part of Nordre Stremfjord, West Greenland and south of the fiord by helicopters. Activities included mapping, establishment of a structural crosssection and providing ground control for photogeological interpretation. Observations of various rock types, lithology, field relations and some structural features are briefly reported. DGS. 102429 BONDESEN, E. Research on the high-metamorphic complexes of the Agto area. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.20-23, map) 3 refs. Reports on mapping and study of a small area between Egedesminde and Holsteinsborg, West Greenland, in an effort to elucidate relations between the Isortoq granulite and Egedesminde amphibolite facies complexes. Large scale structures are to a great extent masked by agmatitites. The general structural pattern of the area is controlled by ENE trending fold axes, the main trend of the Nagssugtoqidian fold belt. Upper and lower structural levels suggest a history of synformal belts and intervening culminations. It is suggested that an older basement, represented by the lower structural level, and a younger cover, represented by the high grade metasedimentary sequence, existed in the area. It is not clear to what extent, if at all, these levels correspond to the two complexes which were originally distinguished mainly by differences in metamorphic facies. Extensive fossiliferous Quaternary marine deposits occur in the area up to 100 m DGS. above sea level. Research on the 102430 BONDESEN, E. high-metamorphic complexes of the Agto area. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1969. no.19, p.25-26) Reports on continuing study of this area. The rocks are mainly gneisses, amphibolites and metasediments, the latter two forming an 133
upper synform unit. The regional structure varies from south to north according to trend of fold axes and dip of axial planes. Important differences in content of the metasediments are noted. Dikes, rectilinear and faulted but not folded, and metamorphosed to granulite facies, occur only in regions of north-south trending structures; they may be interorogenic. CaMAI, DLC. Research on the 102431 BONDESEN, E. high-metamorphic complexes of the Agto area. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1968, no.15, p.19-21) 2 refs. Reports on 1967 geological mapping in this area of West Greenland to study bedrock relations between areas of contrasted tectonic development and style and metamorphic history and degree. Three main structural units are briefly described. At least three fold phases are recognized in the lower structures, as are rock varieties within the structures, several series of dikes, and a major thrust zone. Differences in appearance may indicate differences in age of the dikes, but their distribution corresponds to areal distribution of structural style and metamorphism, hence their metamorphic and deformational varieties may occupy the same position in the chronology of the area. None cut the metasediments of the upper crusCaMAI, DLC. tal division. BONDESEN, E., 107424, 108478.
see also
Nos. 102266,
102432 BONE, R.M. The Hudson Bay route. (Musk-ox 1967. no.1, p.40-42) Reports summer 1966 observations of port facilities and problems of arctic marine transportation, including ice conditions in the HudCaMAI. son Strait and Hudson Bay. Billions of bar102433 BONFANTE, J. rels at 50° below. (Life 1969. v.66, no.6, p.20-29, alms) Reports exploration activity by nine oil companies on the Arctic slope of Alaska. The Prudhoe Bay strike is described and estimates of reserves range from 5 to 20 billion bbl, sufficient to double US reserves. Problems of operation in low temperature and in isolated areas are mentioned, involving costs per well up to 4 million. Employment conditions for oil workers DLC. are briefly described. BONILLA, M.G., see No. 105500. 102434 BONNARD, L.F. Geologic d'un secteur shut entre les fjords de Sermiligfirssuk et Arsuk, SW du Groenland. Kobenhavn 1971. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report no.32) 34 refs. In French. English summary. Title tr.: 134
Geology of an area between Sermiligarssuk and Arsuk Fjords, southwest Greenland. Describes the geology as mapped within 60°-70°N 47°30'-49°30'W between Narsalik and Ivigtut. The area is underlain mainly by pre-Ketilidian rocks. These are described in detail. Tabulated data on modal composition and discussion of differentiation sequences and deformation chronology are included. Younger rocks (Ketilidian and Gardar) occur as locally developed small intrusive masses. Recent glacial features, viz: ground and local moraines, gravels, striae, polished surfaces, and border positions are noted, as are polygonal soil, solifluction, frost blocks, and debris in place. CaMAI, DGS. BONNER, F.M., see No. 107765. 102435 BONNEVIER, B. and others. Three-dimensional model current system for (Journal of geopolar magnetic substorms. physical research 1970. v.75, no.1, p.107-122, graphs, tables, illus) 22 refs. Other authors: R. Bostr6m and G. Rostoker. Proposes a model current system, in which magnetospheric and ionospheric sections are connected by electric currents flowing along the geomagnetic field lines, to represent the current system responsible for polar magnetic substorms. The model proposed is analyzed in terms of the elementary current loops. The calculated model predictions and observed perturbation patterns are compared, using data recorded in a north-south chain of stations, eight of which extend from Alert to NurmiAryl, in Finland, and three Russian stations farther south. With minor deviations, which suggest ionospheric and magnetospheric current systems still unaccounted for, the proposed model is found capable of explaining the gross features of the magnetic perturbation DLC. patterns observed. 102436 BORBRIDGE, J. J.R. Native organization and land rights as vehicles for change. (In: Change in Alaska. 1970. p.195-206) Alaskan natives developed regional organizations during the early 1960's to protect their interests apropos the state land selection provisions of the Statehood Act, the Atomic Energy Commission's Project Chariot at Pt Hope, plans for the Rampart Canyon dam, and the private leasing of oil and gas land tracts in Cook Inlet and the Arctic Slope. In Oct 1966 four Eskimo, one Aleut and three Indian associations joined together to create the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) for protection of land rights. The subsequent change of the regional organizations into corporations within the structure of the impending land claims settlement was important. The AFN relationship to land rights is discussed, incl the waiving of
litigation for the legislative approach. The basic legal issues are reviewed. The status of the natives in the economic community after landclaim settlement is also briefly considered. CaMAI, DGS. BORBRIDGE, J.,JR see also No 108027. BORDYUGOVA, A.G., see No. 108723. Ecology of Equise102437 BORG, P.J.V. turn palustre in Finland, with special reference to its role as a noxious weed. (Annales botanici fennici 1971. v.8, no.2, p.93-141, graphs, map, tables, illus) Approx 200 refs. Reports on a common noxious circumpolar weed found throughout Finland except possibly in the northernmost tip. It has adversely affected some farms in the north where cereal cultivation was usually not successful owing to frosts. Its appearance, growth habits, environmental qualities, rhizome development and spore germination are reviewed. Toxicity to cattle may result from its destruction of vitamin B„ or the acute poisoning caused by the palustrine alkaloid which acts as a nerve poison. DLC. Attempts at control are discussed. 102438 BORGEN, B.I. Analytical procedures used in the geochemical laboratory of the Survey. Kobenhavn 1967. 44 p. graphs, tables. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report no.10) 18 refs. Describes the routine for analysis of rocks and silicate minerals in the chemical laboratories of Greenland's Geological Survey. Principles behind the methods used are summarized; analytical accuracy is treated statistically, and meant as a guide and basis for more developed statistical studies. DGS. 102439 BORISENKO, L.F. and B.P. ZOLOTAREV. Elementy-primesi v titanomagnetite trappov i magnomagnetite mestorozhdeniy Tungusskoy sineklizy. (Geokhimiya 1969. no.I 2, p.1472-80. tables) 33 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Trace elements in titanomagnetite of traps and in the magnomagnetite of Tunguska syneclise deposits. Study of ore minerals spatially and genetically connected with traps of the Siberian platform shows that the trace element content in accessory titanomagnetite of dolerites is close to their content in titanomagnetite of basics and ultrabasics of the normal series. Concentrations of trace elements in the magnomagnetite of deposits differ markedly from those in the accessory titanomagnetite of dolerites. The content of rare and minor elements in magnomagnetite and in magnetite of hydrothermal and contact-metasomatic deposits of different magmatic formations are very similar, especially Ti, V, Cr, Mn. These data suggest that as a result of the action of emanations enriched in
chlorine, numerous magnomagnetite deposits were formed chiefly by Fe and Mg migration from the lower into the upper layers of the Siberian platform cover. DLC. 102440 BORISENKO, L.F. and others. Pervaya nakhodka kristallicheskoy V,0, v produktakh vulkanicheskikh izverzheniy Kamchatki. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.193, no.3, p.683-86, tables, illus) 21 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Ye.K. Serafimova, M.Ye. Kazakova and N.G. Shumyatskaya. Title tr.: First find of crystalline V20, in products of volcanic explosions in Kamchatka. Reports a study of eruptive rocks and fumarole gases of Bezymyannyy Volcano, where the crystalline V205 was found in walls of fractures. It was formed from gases at 500550°C. Its physical, chemical and X-ray properties are reported. Comparisons are made with other vanadium minerals of Oregon, Japan, etc. DLC. 102441 BORISENKOV, YE.P. V rabochey komissii po polyarnoy meteorologii. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.33, p.I43-44) In Russian. Title tr.: Working Commission on Polar Meteorology. Lists the members of the I5-man commission with Ye.P. Borisenkov as chairman, A.A. Girs his deputy, and L.A. Gavrilova scientific secretary. It is set up within the Bureau of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics of the Interdepartmental Geophysical Committee of the Academy of Sciences. Its planning and coordination of the work of several symposiums are cited. DLC. BORISENKOV, YE.P.„ 106463. BORISENOK, L.A., 103667.
see also No.
Nos. 103665,
BORISEVICH, I.V., see No. 104821. 102442 BORISKOVSKIY, P.I. K izucheniyu paleolita sovetskimi ark heologami. (AN SSSR. Inst. arkheologii. Kratkiye soobshcheniya 1969. no.I18, p.7-12) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of the paleolithic by Soviet scientists. Notes the discovery among others of late paleolithic sites in caves on the Pechora River, by B.1. Guslitser, and the excavation of the stratified Ushki site in Kamchatka Province, by N.N. Dikov. CaMAI, DLC . 102443 BORISKOVSKIY, P.I. K shestidesyatiletiyu A.P. Okladnikova. (Sovetskaya arkheologiya 1968. v.12, no.4, p.I57-60, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: A.P. Okladnikov's 60th birthday. 135
Biographical sketch of this foremost Soviet archeologist, born 3 Oct 1908 at Typta in Irkutsk Province. He started fieldwork while still a schoolboy in 1924 with the discovery of several stone age sites on the upper Lena. His expeditions through 1968 in Yakutia, Lake Baykal region, the Far East, etc, and his major publications are reviewed. Another tribute by I.S. Gurvich was pub in Sovetskaya etnografiya DLC. 1969, no. 2, p. 131-32.
facility explained. Climatic changes in the recent and remote past are discussed, and this project is claimed to recreate to some extent the moderate climate which once existed in the North. The components, causes, and laws of climatic changes are discussed, as are selected geophysical aspects of the project. Economic and other advantages of the project are cited and criticisms of it, cf No 85183, 86677, etc are DLC. taken into some account.
102444 BORISOV, B.L. Razvitiye administrativno-territoriarnogo deleniya Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka, 1937-1958 gg. (Sibir' v period stroitel'stva sotsializma i perekhoda k kommunizmu 1968. no.7, p.5-15, tables) 20 Title tr.: Developments in refs. In Russian. the administrative and territorial subdivision of Siberia and the Far East, 1937-58. Discusses economic, political, and demographic factors in the changes in zoning policy of provincial and urban districts, incl Tyumen, Krasnoyarsk, Magadan and Kamchatka Provinces, and Yakut ASSR. Subdivision of districts was intensified during the pre-war and World War II years. Urban and industrial growth fostered a population shift from rural to urban centers; formerly agricultural areas changed into industrial-agricultural districts. The number of towns increased during 1946-54 by 34% and workers' settlements by 55% though the RSFSR average was 16% and 30%, respectively. With the establishment of new state farms, in 1954-58, and consolidation of collective farms and rural districts, deputies to village soviets increased. The number of intra-urban districts was reduced in 1959, mainly for economic reasons; administrative considerations favored the creation of new provinces, incl Magadan in 1953, Kamchatka in 1956. DLC .
102446 BORISOV, P.M. Rabocheye soveshchaniye po probleme "Teplovaya melioratsiya severnykh shirot". (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1968. ser. geog. no.2, p.130-32) In Russian. Title tr.: Working conference on the question of thermal melioration of northern latitudes. Describes the 27-29 Nov 1967 meeting at the Institute of Geography, the fourth on transformation of climate. Geographers, geophysicists, geologists, glaciologists, oceanographers, etc representing 18 organizations, attended and the eight papers given are summarized. Effects of glaciers on climate, climatic fluctuations in the Arctic, water exchange between the Arctic Basin and the Atlantic and Pacific etc were considered. A broader conference on the problem is suggested. Also reported by O.P. Chizhov in AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya 1968. no.14, p.296-97. CaMAI, DLC.
102445 BORISOV, P.M. Mozhno li upravlyat' klimatom Arktiki? (Priroda 1967. v.56, no.12, p.63-73, graphs, maps, table, illus) Title tr.: Is climate control Refs. In Russian. of the arctic regions feasible? Outlines in some detail his proposal, cf No 49848, 77614, etc, to meliorate conditions in the Arctic Basin, explaining how the warm Atlantic surface water flowing into the Arctic Basin freezes because the ice-covered Basin is a culde-sac. A dam built across Bering Strait and a 145,000-280,000-km3/yr-capacity pumping facility, to pump water from the Arctic Basin into Pacific Ocean, would generate an AtlanticPacific current across the Basin. The Atlantic inflow would thus increase. The ice cover in the Arctic Basin would be cleared in three years, and climate improvement would ensue. Drift ice would pass into the Pacific across the dam. Construction of the 74-km long pre-stressed frost-resistant reinforced-concrete dam is described, and the feasibility of the pumping 136
102447 BORISOV, P.P. Problema vtorogodnichestva v shkolakh Yakutii i yeye sotsial'no-ekonomicheskiye osnovy; opyt sotsiologicheskogo issledovaniya. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. Uchenyye zapiski 1968..1i.342, p.239-59, tables) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The problem of grade repeating in the schools of Yakutia and its socio-economic roots; attempt at a sociological study. Discusses ecological, economic and geographic factors contributing to poor scholastic achievement. During 1952-64 an average of 14.1% students/yr were not promoted. With the harsh climate there is a high rate of illness; in 1964/65, for health reasons alone, 490 students dropped out of school. School buildings are poorly designed against cold and ill equipped, especially as to heating installations. Below -50°C, elementary schools, also many secondary schools, close because of insufficient heating. Poor transportation cuts down attendance by day students and seriously affects pre-school children, only 29% of whom go to kindergarten and nursery school. With these conditions children in the Far North start the school year several months late. Polytechnical programs are not suited to local requirements, rural schools lack industrial training equipment, and
the little mechanized agricultural trades require no specialized technical knowledge; hence interest in technology flags and the students fail. On-the-job training programs in collective and state farms require children to perform at adult levels and leave no time for homework etc. In Yakut schools, the language of instruction changes from Yakut, in the lower grades, to Russian in the upper. In Evenki schools, Tungus is used in elementary grades, with Yakut, then Russian substituted later. In ethnically mixed schools, parallel classes are needed, but this is almost impossible for small rural schools with only one or two teachers. These shortcomings are attributed to the centralized bureaucratic system of the Yakut Ministry of Education; its excessive paper work prevents regular inspection and makes for ignorance of DLC. local school needs. 102448 BORISOV, P.P. Problemy preodoleniya vtorogodnichestva. (Narodnoye obrazovaniye 1968. no.12, p.23-24) In Russian. Title tr.: How to do away with repeaters. Discusses the persistence of numerous failures among students in the Yakut school system. Antiquated instruction methods with emphasis on grammar and neglect of idiomatic Russian, insufficient vocabulary, etc are responsible, as the subjects taught in Russian are little understood. Lack of qualified teachers is the main problem. Some 40% of grade 5-10 teachers lack proper training, and many of the elementary school teachers know little Russian DLC. themselves. YU.I. and 102449 BORISOV, V.N. vody KUSTOV. Mineral'nyye (In: Soveshchar.Podkamennoy Tunguski. niye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.50) Title tr.: Mineral waters of PodIn Russian. kamennaya Tunguska River. Summarizes data on the occurrence and composition of sodium chloride-bearing waters issuing as springs on both banks of the river. Their occurrence is controlled mainly by trap DLC. intrusions and tectonic dislocations. 102450 BORISOV, V.N. Obsemenennost' CI. botulinum tipa E nedobrokachestvennoy ryby i myasa belukhi. (Gigiyena i sanitariya 1969. v.34, no.12, p.87-89) Refs. In Title tr.: Contamination by E type Russian. Cl botulism in low-quality fish and white whale meat. Appearance of this botulism in livestock on the farms of the Taymyr and Yamal-Nenets national districts was investigated, and traced to fish and beluga used as feed. The fish were caught in the lower Yenisey and Ob basins and the beluga from the Arctic ocean. The beluga meat contained E type CI botulism in 46 of the 227 cases tested, twice as much CI botulism as
the fish. In the fish the amount of contamination varied with species, but this was due to the conditions under which each species was caught, transported and stored. DLC. 102451 BORISOVA, YE.I. Kalendarnyye osobennosti voln kholoda i tepla v yanvare. (Moskva. Tsentral'nyy institut prognozov. Trudy 1967. no.150, p.6-16, graphs, tables) In Russian. Title Sr.: Calendar features of cold and warm waves in January. Deals with the temperature variations at Dikson where the long-term mean for Jan is -28°C. A drop in temperature to -38°C is considered a cold wave, and a rise to -18°C, a warm wave. The mean deviation of the January temperature is 5°C. Cold wave and warm wave criteria vary for individual places and by DLC. seasons. BORNSTEIN, J., see No. 102222. BORODAYEV, YU.S., see No. 106267. 102452 BORODAYEVSKIY, N.I. and others. Vtoraya konferentsiya po izucheniyu mestorozhdeniy zolota Sibiri. (Geologiya rudnykh mestorozhdeniy 1968. v.10, no.6, p.128-32) In Russian. Other authors: N.V. Petrovskaya and F.N. Shakhov. Title tr.: Second conference on the study of gold deposits of Siberia. Describes the 9-12 Apr 1968 meeting in Tomsk, at which 35 organizations were represented and over a hundred papers presented. The main papers are briefly characterized. Gold, geology, geochemistry, metallogeny, mineralogy, etc were considered. DLC. 102453 BORODIN, B.P. and others. Metodika i kratkiye rezul'taty neftegazopoiskovykh geofizicheskikh rabot na severe Krasno(Geologiya i geofizika 1969. yarskogo kraya. no.3, p.108-113, map) 3 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: V.N. Gurov, Title tr.: V.I. Mlotek and D.B. Tal'virskiy. Methods and brief results of geophysical oilgas prospecting in northern Kasnoyarsk Province. Describes new data on the tectonic structure of the Yenisey-Khatanga syneclise obtained from regional and detailed surveys by seismic and gravity measurements. Further application of these methods is discussed, and a plan presented for further studies to discover oil and gas deposits needed for the Noril'sk metallurgic combine. DLC. 102454 BORODIN, B.P. and others. Novyye dannyye o tektonike severa Krasnoyarskogo kraya v predelakh levoberezh'ya r. Yenisey. (Neftegazovaya geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.4, p.3-6, maps) 2 refs. In Russian. 137
Other authors: V.N. Gurov, V.I. Mlotek and D.B. Tal'virskiy. Title fr.: New data on tectonics in northern Krasnoyarsk Province along the left bank of the Yenisey River. Reports the 1966-67 discovery of three natural gas deposits. According to tectonics this area is in the western part of the large YeniseyKhatanga syneclise, consisting of thick Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits. Three main positive structures are defined by seismic survey, the Malokhetskiy arch and the Messoyakha and Verkhne-Tanamskiy anticlines. These structures are described, and the area's favorable prospects for oil and gas accumulation are DLC. emphasized. 102455 BORODIN, L.S. and V.S. GLADKIKH. Niobiy v shchelochnykh bazal'takh i bazal'toidakh. (Geokhimiya 1968. v.5, p.539-48, graphs, tables) 19 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Niobium in alkaline basaltsfand basaltoids. Describes the distribution of niobium in basalts and alkaline effusives of MaymechaKotuy province and Kuznetsk Alatau. The behavior of Nb during the differentiation of basalt magmas is analyzed. Both continental and oceanic alkaline-basalt series are characterized by an increase of niobium with increased magmatic differentiation and alkalinity of magma. The minimum Nb is in tholeiitic and subalkaline series, the maximum in continental rifteand carbonatite provinces. DLC. 0 102456 BORODIN, L.S. and others. srednem soderzhanii tantala i nekotorykh zakonomernostyakh yego raspredeleniya v shchelochnykh porodakh. (Geokhimiya 1969. no.I I, p.I331-41, graphs, tables) 15 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: Ye.D. Osokin and LA. Blyum. Title tr.: Average content of tantalum and some patterns of its distribution in alkaline rocks. Reports investigation of tantalum distribution in 80 massifs of alkaline rocks representing all the main alkaline provinces of the USSR, incl Kola Peninsula and Karelia, MaymechaKotuy province, the Aldan region, etc. The average Ta content is 8.10-4%.The highest contents are typical of alkaline ultrabasic and alkaline-basaltic rocks formed by differentiation of abyssal magmas; the lowest are typical of alkaline granitoids and potassic alkaline basaltoids formed by anatexis and palingenetic assimilaDLC. tion of magmas. BORODIN, L.S., see also No. 105307. 102457 BORODKIN, V. Zhilishche v (Zhilishchnoye rayonakh osvoyeniya Sibiri. stroitel'stvo 1971. v.14, no.4, p.18-19) In Russian. Title tr.: Dwellings in Siberian regions under development. 138
Discusses housing in resource towns, the size and upkeep of family units, etc. Buildings of prefabricated panel and block construction are recommended, as is the setting up of plants in West and East Siberia to produce the construction materials. Costs of their transportation from Tyumen, Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk for use at Surgut are cited to show the economy of locally DLC. produced materials. 102458 BORODULINA, O.D. Argentina silus in the Atlantic Ocean. (Int. Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et prodsverbaux 1968. v.158, p.54-57, graphs, table) 4 refs. The greater silver smelt or argentine is distributed in the warm zone of the Labrador Sea, along the west coast of Greenland to 62°30'N in Davis Strait and the east coast to 65°33'N, along the Norwegian coast, in southwest Barents Sea, and north with warm waters to southwest and west Spitsbergen. The age and growth of A. silus and morphological and ecological differences in local populations are briefly disDLC. cussed. 102459 BORODULINA, O.D. Taksonomiya i rasprostraneniye roda Leuroglossus (Voprosy ikhtiologii (Bathylagidae, Pisces). 1968. v.8, no.1, p.3-14, graphs, map, tables, illus) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Taxonomy and distribution of genus Leuroglossus (Bathylagidae, Pisces). Of the three species with meristic and morphologic differences inhabiting the Pacific Ocean, the northern species Leuroglossus stilbias occurs in the Bering and Okhotsk Seas and DLC. Gulf of Alaska. 102460 BORODYANSKIY, A.SH. and V.G. rossypi MILLER. Mnogosloynyye tretichnogo vozrasta v Kularskom zoloto: nosnom rayone, Yakutskaya ASSR. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1969. no.4, p.151-53, illus) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Multilayer Tertiary placers in the Kular gold-bearing region, Yakut ASSR. Discusses the group of gold placers found in 1966 in the vicinity of the Kular Ridge, covered by 70 m of unconsolidated deposits. The geomorphology, composition and stratigraphy of these deposits are briefly characterized. Multilayer gold placers may occur in connection with prolonged downcutting of river valleys and reworking of unconsolidated deposits. The presence of lignites over alluvial coastal-plain deposits may indicate multilayer gold placers. DLC. 102461 BORODYANSKIY, I.O. and others. Olovonosnyye rossypi Severo-Vostoka. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geologii rossypey 1969.
Problemy...1970. p.190-97) In Russian. Other authors: I.D. Vorona, I.Ye. Drabkin, S.F. Lugov and S.I. Gurvich. Title tr.: Tin-bearing placers of the Northeast. Describes these placers in northeastern Yakutia and Magadan Province. As a rule tin placers have a direct spatial relationship with primary sources of tin. Tin placers have been known in Yakutia for some time, and in recent years buried and marine placers have also been found. Some areas with tin placers and tin ore deposits are characterized. In Magadan Province the best prospects for tin placers are the Chaun, Amguema, upper Kolyma and central DLC. Chukotka regions. 102462 BOROVAYA, L.I. Thermal conditions in the Barents Sea in 1966. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1966 pub 1968. v.23, p.2933, maps, tables, illus) The distribution of surface and near-bottom temperatures and vertical sections, Nordkapp-Bjeirnoya, along 74°30'N east of Bjorneya and along the Kola meridian, are figured, incl the position of the ice edge in Apr and Oct. The thermal conditions in the Barents Sea in 1966 were as in the coldest years. DLC. 102463 BOROVIKOV, P.P. and T.S. IGNAT'YEVA. K voprosu o geokhimii granitnykh pegmatitov Karelo-KoI'skogo regi(AN SSSR. Karel'skiy filial. Inst. geoona. logii. Trudy 1969. no.4, p.124-33, tables, illus) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geochemistry of granite pegmatites of the Karelia-Kola region. Distinguishes four types of pegmatites as mica-bearing, Kola type, rare metallic, and ceramic. The mineralogy of pegmatites is analyzed by spectral analysis. Those with rare metallic mineralization have a high content of lithium, rubidium, cesium, beryllium, tantalum and niobium. Mica-bearing pegmatites characteristically have a high content of strontium, antimony, lanthanum and ytterbium. Thus the geochemical features of pegmatites can be used for their classification. DLC. BOROVOY, A.A., see No.102272. 102464 BORSHCHEVA, N.A. and V.V. PAVLOV. K voprosu o vozraste otlozheniy drevnikh dolin Anabaro-Olenekskogo mezhdurech'ya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.24, p.33-37, map) In Russian. Title tr.: The age of ancient valley deposits of the Anabar-Olenek interfluve. Reports results of palynological investigation of early Cretaceous deposits in the Choppo-Dzhelinde, Birekte, Usumun, and other river basins. Hitherto the age of these
deposits has not been clear, and it is of importance because search for diamond placers is in prospect. Detailed palynological characteristics are given for five spore-pollen assemblages, together with a brief description of the vegetation of the early Cretaceous epoch. DLC. 102465 BORSHCHEVA, N.A. and others. Permskiye otlozheniya basseyna reki Udzhi. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.15, p.122-26, graph) In Russian. Other authors: A.F. Dibner, I.B. Rubenchik and B.I. Rybakov. Title tr.: Permian deposits in the Udzha River basin. Reports a 1960-65 field study along this tributary to the Anabar in northwest Yakutia. Lower and Upper Permian deposits are recognized, and their lithology, thickness, minerals, pollen and spore assemblages, plant impressions, and other features are stated. Correlatives of the deposits are given and the paleogeographic conditions of their accumulation are summarized. CaMAI, DLC. 102466 BORSHCHEVA, N.A. Stroyeniye i istoriya formirovaniya drevnikh dolin Anabaro-Udzhinskogo mezhdurech'ya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.I 6, p.105-108, map, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Structure and development history of ancient valleys of the Anabar-Udzha interfluve. Notes the stages in development history as: peneplanation of relief at the beginning of the Cretaceous and formation of weathering crust, general uplift of the area and downcutting of south-flowing rivers, formation of new weathering crust in the late Cretaceous-Paleogene, and new downcutting of rivers at the end of the Miocene-beginning of the Pliocene. This development history is of importance for the paleogeomorphology of the late Mesozoic-Cenozoic and for the search for diamond and gold plaDLC. cers.
102467 BORUKAYEV, CH.B. and L.M. PARFENOV. 0 rabote VI sessii nauchnogo soveta po tektonike Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.6, p.138-41) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The work of the sixth meeting of the Scientific Council on the Tectonics of Siberia and the Far East. Reviews the 23-27 Dec 1968 meeting in Novosibirsk with more than 200 present, representing 45 institutions. About a hundred papers were delivered, many of them concerning northern regions. Principles of tectonic zoning and methods of compiling tectonic maps; recent maps, terminology, etc were on the program. DLC. 139
102468 BORUTSKIY, B.YE. and L.V. KOZYREVA. Nekotoryye mineralogicheskiye osobennosti polevykh shpatov iz iyoliturtitov Khibinskogo massiva. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1968. no.6, p.244-50, graphs, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some mineralogical features of feldspars from ijolite-urites of the Khibiny massif. Three varieties of feldspars in ijoliteurtites are distinguished: xenomorphic or allotriomorphic poikilo-crystals, lath feldspars, and feldspars in fine symplektitic intergrowths. Chemical, optical and X-ray data show that these are potash feldspars with anomalous optical orientation. DLC. 102469 BORUTSKIY, B.YE. and others. 0 meste barsanovita v evdialit-evkolitovom izomorfnom ryadu. (Vses. mineralogicheskoye o-vo. Zapiski 1968. v.97, no.4, p.451-60, graphs, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: N.1. Organova and Ye.S. Rudnitskaya. Title tr.: The place of barsanovite in the eudialyte-eucolite isomorphous series. Describes in some detail barsanovite first described by M.D. Dorfman and others as a new mineral from the Khibiny massif. The differences between barsanovite and eucolite are discussed and their chemical analyses and physical properties are examined. Barsanovite cannot be substantiated as an independent mineral species, but the name may be retained for a variety of eucolite. DLC.
described as to lithologic composition, fauna, etc. Eocene - early Oligocene faunal associations are shown to be quite different from North American faunas. The Stolbovskaya series is correlated with rocks of the Commander and Aleutian Islands and Kronotskiy DLC. Peninsula. E.B. 102472 BOSCH MA, H. and HAYNES. Occurrence of the rhizocephalan Briarosaccus callosus Boschma in the king crab Paralithodes camtschatica (Tilesius) in the northeast Pacific Ocean. (Crustaceana 1969. v.16, pt 1, p.97-98, illus) Refs. First record of this barnacle parasitic on king crab, noting the extension of its range from Bering Sea to southeastern Gulf of DLC. Alaska in Limestone Inlet.
102470 BORUTSKIY, B.YE. and YE.I. SEMENOV. Polevyye shpaty shchelochnogo massiva Ilimausak. (AN SSSR. Mineralogicheskiy muzey. Trudy 1969. no.19, p.3-11, tables, illus) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Feldspars of the llimaussaq alkaline massif. The alkali content, X-ray properties, optic angles, and orientation of optic indices are determined for alkali feldspars from various rock types of the massif. Two types of feldspars are recognized, microperthite and pure Kfeldspar. The maximum content of rubidium (0.24-0.40%) is characteristic of the youngest rocks; the older rocks have a low abundance. DLC.
102473 BOSTOCK, H.H. Clearwater Complex, New Quebec. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 63 p. map, tables, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Bulletin no.178) 32 refs. French, German and Russian summary Describes the Precambrian plutonic country rocks of the Clearwater Lake basins east of Richmond Gulf on Hudson Bay and the volcanic sequence progressing from early friable argillized breccia through coherent breccia to youngest quartz latite, which are intrusive in the plutonic rocks. Tabulated data for Niggli values, chemical analyses and statistical comparisons of country and volcanic rock analyses are appended. K-Ar age of the quartz latite is —300 MY (Pennsylvanian). The composition of the volcanic rocks and the progression from low to high temperature volcanic products is inconsistent with a meteorite impact origin. It is suggested that the west basin formed as a result of collapse after doming above a magma chamber; that maskelynite developed during successive contained explosions of volatiles along nearsurface fractures; major exhaust of volatiles along subradial fractures on the flanks of the dome initiated collapse. Volatiles were gradually replaced by magma erupting from arcuate conduits along a ring fault. The collapsed central block was uplifted by late resurgence. CaMAI, DGS.
102471 BORZUNOVA, G.P. and others. Paleogen poluostrova Kamchatskiy Mys, Vostochnaya Kamchatka. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1969. ser. geol. no.11, p.102-109) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.A. Seliverstov, M.Yu. Title tr.: The Khotin and M.N. Shapiro. Paleogene of the Kamchatskiy Cape peninsula, eastern Kamchatka. Reports 1965-66 geologic mapping in the area, and Paleogene deposits in a zone of conjunction of the Aleutian Islands arc and Kamchatka. The Stolbovskaya series 11-12 km thick is divided into four local strata, and each is
102474 ROSTOCK, H.H. Gold-arsenopyrite-loellingite-pyrrhotite deposits in amphibolite, Itchen Lake - Contwoyto Lake area, District of Mackenzie. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 1968. no.68-I, pt. B, p.72-76, illus) 4 refs. Describes the textural relations of arsenopyrite and loellingite, at the boundaries of which microscopic gold grains are present. Very little gold occurs at arsenopyrite-pyrrhotite boundaries and none at other sulfide boundaries. The iron sulfide bearing amphibolite which contains this mineralization is a map-
pable unit and appears to be equivalent to part of the volcanic succession at the base of the Yellowknife Group at Point Lake. For regional geology and further details on lithologies, see No 92443, 94167, 94444, 100757. CaMAI, DGS. Precambrian 102475 BOSTOCK, H.H. rocks of Deer River map-area, Manitoba, 54E, F, K, L. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 37 p. maps, tables, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 69-24) 32 refs. The area 57°-59°N 92°-96°W was mapped in Aug 1967 as part of Operation Winisk. This final report on the Precambrian rocks deals with the distribution, field relations, metamorphic grade and structural petrology of five units, viz: pre-granitic metamorphic, dioritic plutonic, granitic plutonic, hybrid and postgranitic metasedimentary rocks with mention of diabase dikes inferred from aeromagnetic anomaly patterns. Two occurrences of fluorite in granitic rocks are reported and a calcareous metasiltstone is described as bearing laminae of hyalophane and uvarovite with associated chromite. A geologic map at 1-1/2 million scale DGS. is included. Precambrian 102476 ROSTOCK, H.H. sedimentary rocks of the Hudson Bay Low(Canada. Geological Survey. Paper lands. 1969. no.68-53, p.206-14, maps, illus) 10 refs. Reconnaissance mapping during Operation Winisk, 1967, extended the known areas of these rocks in an east-west belt through Churchill and probably continuous below the Paleozoic cover to the west, and a narrow discontinuous southeast-trending belt from the Winisk River to near James Bay and an inlier on Aquatuk River. Similar rocks probably extend across the mouth ofJames Bay and west for some distance beyond the Winisk inlier. CaMA1, DGS. ROSTOCK, H.H., see also No. 106975. 102477 BOSTOCK, H.S. Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory, its drainage and allied problems, 115G and 115F E. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 19 p. maps, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 69-28) 11 refs. Discusses data on change of level and possibilities of drainage reversal available since 1952 when a drainage theory was published, cf No 20846. These data from air photos, mapping, etc suggest that Kluane Lake drained through Slims River valley into the Kaskawulsh River during the Hypsithermal rather than through Kluane River as now. The former outlet would have been closed only about 400 BP, when the Kaskawulsh Glacier reached its neoglacial maximum. The new and amended data con-
cern lake level, raised beaches, creek estuaries, lake depths and drowned forest. DGS. BOSTOCK„ H.S. see No. 102757. ROSTRUM, R., see No. 102435. 102478 BOSTROM, R.C. Ocean-ridge system in northwest America. (American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin 1967. v.51, no.9, p.1816-32, maps, illus) 102 refs. Notes two active tectonic systems affecting the earth's surface, one the chain of island arcs and arcuate mountain ranges which borders the Pacific Ocean, the other the ocean ridges, the continents in fewer which however of places. Both systems are the locus of basins favorable to hydrocarbon production and preservation. The northern extension of the East Pacific Rise, here considered, is a segment of the ocean-ridge system which enters the North American continent through the Gulf of California. Geologic and geophysical evidence indicates that the Rise strikes into the continent at the latitude of Yukon Territory, extends across the Territory, the Mackenzie Delta and traverses the Canadian Arctic Islands. During the Mesozoic, the Franklin Rise developed beneath what is now the Beaufort Sea as an extension of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. With the Tertiary development of the East Pacific Rise, the convection pattern shifted; the Franklin Rise extended into the Yukon Territory connecting the polar segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge with the East Pacific Rise. The Franklin Rise is the site of contemporary tectonism extending in a band from Chatham Strait, of Southeast Alaska, to Ellesmere Island. DGS. A.I. 102479 BOTKUNOV, Kolichestvennoye raspredeleniye ksenolitov vmeshchayushchikh porod v tele trubki "Mir". (In: Ksenolity i gomeogennyye vklyucheniya. Moskva 1969. p.59-63, illus) In Russian. Tide tr.: Quantitative distribution of xenoliths of enclosing rock in the Mir pipe. Presents statistical data on the distribution of xenoliths relative to types of kimberlite from investigation of core material from horizons at 295-265 m in the Mir pipe. Sedimentary rock xenoliths are principally associated with type I kimberlites and average 9.2%. Xenoliths of trap rock occur in type IV kimberlite and amount to 2.4%. Their spatial distribution is reported. Samples of eclogitic rocks among the xenoliths investigated contain diamonds, one of which included six crystals 0.5-2.5 mm in size. DLC. BOTKUNOV, A.I., see also No. 107408. 102480 BOULVA, J. and A. SIMARD. Presence du Salvelinus namaycush (Pisces: 141
Salmonidae) dans les eaux marines de I'Arctique occidental canadien. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1968. v.25, no.7, p.1501-1504, map, table) 6 refs. In French. Title tr.: The occurrence of Salvelinus namaycush in marine waters of the Western Canadian Arctic. Reports 1961-62 and 1965 collections aboard M/V Salvelinus, of gray trout from five stations in marine or brackish waters of the Eskimo Lakes and southeast Coronation Gulf regions of Mackenzie District. The stations are well above the 55°N parallel usually considered the northern limit for this trout. Its abundance in waters of 6-9%c salinity, its rarity in waters of S l0-12%o and its absence when S is CaMAI, Dl. ›.13960 are noted. BOURNS, T.K.R, see No. 106858. BOVYKIN, V.G., see No. 106588. BOWER, M., see No. 104214. BOWER, M.E., see Nos. 104239, 104240. 102481 BOWERS, M.C. and T.J. KOPODiscovery of Rhizomnium andrewsiaNEN. num in Finland and Norway. (Bryologist 1969. v.72, no.2, p.252-54) 22 refs. The high-arctic circumpolar moss is reported for the first time from Finnmark in northern Norway and the Oulanka National Park in the Kuusamo district of Finland. Features which distinguish it from Rhizomnium DLC. pseudopunctatum are not noted. 102482 BOWKETT, G. Fertilization pro(Alaska construction & oil ject underway. 1969. v.10, no.6, p.56-57, map) Reports a project, initiated in 1967 by the US Forest Service, was extended in May 1969 to a 1500-acre tract of second-growth timber at Thomas Bay near Petersburg in the Tongass National Forest, Southeast Alaska. The 100-yr maturation cycle of spruce and hemlock may be cut to 70 yr. To fertilize all cutover areas, 4000 lb of urea/yr will be needed in a decade, the urea to be supplied from the Collier Carbon and Chemical Co plant on Kenai PeninDI. sula. 102483 BOWLING, S.A. and others. Winter pressure systems and ice fog in Fairbanks, Alaska. (Journal of applied meteorology 1968. v.7, no.6, p.961-68, graphs, maps, tables) Refs. Other authors: T. Oh take and C.S. Benson. Investigates the conditions under which ice fog develops at Fairbanks and central Alaska. Cloud cover and relatively low pressure precede this fog; a rise in pressure and a break in the clouds cause a sharp temperature drop due 142
to radiational cooling. A normal ice fog event can be divided into: 1) a preliminary phase, during which the temp of the lower troposphere is falling, 2) the main phase, when ground temp is consistently low, and 3) the recovery phase, during which the ground temperature is rising. The preliminary and recovery phases are important in forecasting. During an ice fog event cold air moves across Alaska, iniDLC. tiating anticyclone development. Environmental 102484 BOWMAN, C.R. health program of the Alaska Area Native Health Service. (Alaska medicine 1969. v.11, no.4, p.I 28-29) Of the two components in the US Office of Environmental Health, the Environmental Health Services Branch provides advisory and consultative technical services to family and community groups connected with food and water supply, sanitation, vector control, waste disposal, accident prevention, etc. The Sanitation Facilities Construction Branch cooperates with native groups to build safe water-supply and waste-disposal systems. Figures are cited to stress the current inadequate level of funding and the numerous requests for village projects CaMAI, DNLM. which are unfulfilled. 102485 BOWMAN, T.E. and A. LONG. Relict populations of Drepanopus bungei and Limnocalanus macrurus grimaldii (Copepoda: Calanoida) from Ellesmere Island, N.W.T. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.3, p.172-80, graphs, maps, tables) 29 refs. French and Russian summary. Reports the occurrence of these two brackish-water copepods in the freshwater layer of Tuborg Lake, at the head of Antoinette Bay, one of the eastern extensions of the Nansen Sound-Greely Fiord system. Drepanopus bungei has been known previously only from the arctic coast of Siberia; it was also found in Disraeli Fiord on the north coast of Ellesmere Island. Tuborg Lake has been cut off from the Arctic Ocean for 3000 yr, hence these species are relict from a time when they were more widespread in the Arctic, probably owing to a generally lower salinity. The Tuborg Lake population of Limnocalanus macrurus grimaldii fits into the Linguist's "non-extreme grimaldii" category and has evolved only slightly, if at all, toward the macrurus form (with highly vaulted forehead). Remarks on the meromict layering and temperature/salinity profiles of the lake CaMAI, DLC. are included. BOYCHENKO, L.P., see No. 106697. Accident 102486 BOYD, D.L. and others. mortality in Alaska 1958-1962. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.1, p.101106, graph, map, tables) 11 refs Other authors:
J.E. Maynard and L.M. Hammes. Reports an analysis of causes and ethnic, temporal and geographic factors in accidental deaths of which Alaska has the highest rate in the US. Among the natives the rate is >3.5 times the national rate. The highest rate is among males, natives and native children of the rural interior. The chief causes for native deaths were drowning and fire, for non-natives, aircraft and motor-vehicle accidents and drowning. On the arctic coast, fire outranked drowning among natives. The high drowning rate results from the fact that much of the natives' travel, hunting and fishing is over water and sea ice. Substandard housing, inadequate heating and ventilating systems, also lack of fire-fighting equipment and sufficient water supply account for the high fire risk. DLC. 102487 BOYDE, A. and others. Sightings of Cetacea during the 1966 trans-Atlantic yacht race. (Norsk hvalfangst-tidende 1968. v.57, no.2, p.29-35, maps, tables) Other authors: S.G. Brown and S.J. Jones. Records some 80 sightings by 23 participants in this race from Bermuda via the north of Scotland to Denmark. Cetaceans were observed at intervals throughout the whole course of the race, the majority in 60-40°W. 43 of the sightings were of dolphins and porpoises, II of pilot whales, and four sperm whales. DLC. 102488 BOYER, D.S. The Canadian North: emerging giant. (National geographic magazine 1968. v.134, no.1, p.1-43, map, illus) Describes in popular style, 43 color illus, recent developments in this region, incl Portage Mountain hydroelectric project, Inuvik township, Thompson nickel mine, and exploration for oil. The variety of ethnic origins of immigrants to the region is stressed, and the concurrent problems of crime, alcoholism, etc, particularly among native peoples are indicated. The region is considered to possess vast potential in mineral fuels, recreation and other resources, but the dangers of reckelss exploitation are DLC. stressed. 102489 BOYKOV, A. Pechorskoye parokhodstvo rabotayet po-novomu. (Rechnoy transport 1969. no.9, p.19-20) In Russian. Title tr.: Pechora shipping works in a new fashion. Describes the reorganization of operations in accordance with the I Apr 1968 directive. The passenger-cargo plan was exceeded by 6.2%, general freight transportation increased 12.6% over 1967, rafted cargo 6.1%, etc. Labor productivity increased 16.9%. The 150,000 rubles profit in 1968 is 7.9% above requireDLC. ment.
102490 BOYLE, R.J. Ice glossary. San Diego, US. Navy Electronics Lab. 1965. 44 p. illus. Originally pub as part of the Laboratory's Sourcebook on submarine arctic operations
1964, this is a list of terms used in glaciology, arctic geology and arctic operations, prepared for submariners and drawn in part from previously pub glossaries. DOS. 102491 BOYLE, R.W. Geochemistry of silver and its deposits with notes on geochemical prospecting for the element. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1968. 264 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Bulletin no.160) over 600 refs. French summary. Monographic compilation of data on chemistry, mineralogy and geochemistry of silver, types, origin and secondary enrichment of silver deposits, and prospecting methods, based on 10-yr research and the extensive literature. The Redstone River area of Mackenzie District is an example of Kupferschiefer-type shale deposits; the Keno Hill — Galena Hill area in the Yukon of tri-zoned vein deposits, the upper oxidized, middle reduction and lower primary zones; the Great Bear Lake deposits of veins and stockworks in fracture and shear zones in a variety of rocks; the Torbrit, BC, mine at 55°N 129°W, of an orebody in a shear zone. DGS. 102492 BOYLE, R.W. The source of elements in epigenetic mineral deposits; a metallogenetic concept for prospecting. (Canadian mining journal 1969. v.90, no.4, p.104-107, tables, illus) 8 refs. Discusses factors in the concentration of epigenetic deposits Cu, Ag, Au, Zn, Sn, Pb, etc, viz: the source of the elements, mode of transportation, presence of suitable structures or chemically favorable rocks and a mechanism for precipitation. The underlying concept maintains that the elements in deposits are derived from the enclosing rock series and that they are concentrated mainly as a result of metamorphic processes, granitization or the action of deep-seated brines and groundwaters. In connection with the source of the metals, data are cited on trace and minor-element content of graphitic schist at Galena Hill in Yukon Territory, and Precambrian graphitic tuff, greenstones, quartz-feldspar porphyry and granodiorite at Yellowknife in Mackenzie District. DGS. 102493 BRAARUD, T. Species distribution in marine phytoplankton. (Oceanographical Society of Japan. Journal 1962. 20th anniversary vol, p.628-49, maps, table, illus) 97 refs. Discusses general phytoplankton distribution problems of flotation capacity and reproduction rate in relation to temperature, salinity, 143
density and light and nutrient supply, using specific examples found throughout the GreenDN-HO. land Sea.
102494 BRABB, E.E. and M. CHURKIN, JR. Age of Nation River Formation, EastCentral Alaska. (American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin 1969. v.53, no.2, p.430-33, map, table, illus) Refs. The age of this formation, assigned by five authors since 1908 to the Pennsylvanian (?) is reported with detailed evidence as Late Devonian, and greater harmony established between the geologic history of east-central Alaska and that of northern Alaska and the Yukon Territory. The Nation River Formation is similar in lithology to widespread Late Devonian formations in the Brooks Range and in the Yukon, whereas no comparable formations of Pennsylvanian age have been recognized. The Nation River Formation and its equivalents are associated with tectonic instability during the late Devonian, rather than a Pennsylvanian oroDG S. geny. Six new Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations in east-central Alaska. Washington, DC, 1969. 26 p. map, tables, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Bulletin 1274-I) 13 refs. Defines and describes some sedimentary rocks in the Kandik basin, along the AlaskaYukon border. Six of 25 new map units established in the Charley River and Eagle quadrangles are: Ford Lake Shale (Upper Devonian to Upper Mississippian), Step Conglomerate (Permian), Glenn Shale (Middle Triassic to Lower Cretaceous), and the Keenan Quartzite, Biederman Argillite, and Kathul Graywacke, the latter three within the Lower Cretaceous Kandik Group. Stratigraphic relations of the new formations are shown graphically and typical views illus. Type sections and areal distribution, age and stratigraphic relations and other features are presented, based on regional geologic mapping by the author, 1960-63 and M. Churkin, Jr., 1962-63. Small-scale map shows locations of sections discussed. Fossils from the Step Conglomerate and a Triassic faunal sequence in the vicinity of Nation are listed. DG S.
graphs, map, illus) 10 refs. Other authors: J.E. Evans, E.G. Joki, C.R. Moe and J.L. Hook. Simultaneous measurements of chargedparticle precipitation and ionospheric electron content were made in Nov 1965 as part of a coordinated auroral-zone experiment utilizing a low-altitude polar-orbiting satellite, College and Ft Yukon ground stations, and an instrumented B-17 aircraft. The satellite was equipped with particle and optical detectors and a three-frequency radio beacon, and electron contents were obtained by means of differential Doppler techniques. For the case described, the coordinated data were obtained in an aurorally active region throughout which the electron content exhibited several large peaks. Enhancements in the electron content were observed to correlate well with regions of increased particle fluxes, indicating, for this case, to what extent variations in the nighttime electron content below 200 km could be attributed to corpuscular radiation. Heights of regions of ionization deduced from the radio data agree well with those calculated on the DLC. basis of the particle flux parameters.
102495 BRABB, E.E.
BRABB, E.E., see also Nos. 102567, 102889. BRACE, L.H., see Nos. 103412, 105875. 102496 BRADBURY, J.N. and others. Simultaneous measurements of electron content and charged-particle precipitation in a (Journal of georegion of auroral activity. physical research 1968. v.73, no.7, p.2363-70,
BRADLEY, R.M., see No. 106317. 102497 BRADNER, M. Behind Order (Alaska construction & oil 1969. no. 4582. v.10, no.11, p.66-70, illus) Discusses the issue of Alaska Native land claims connected with Pulbic Land Order No. 4582, the US Dept of Interior Land Freeze of 17 Jan 1967. The basic features of land claims bills before Congress are summarized, as are the views of the Alaska Federation of Natives, DI. US Dept of Interior and State of Alaska. 102498 BRADNER, M. Life on the North Slope today. (Alaska construction & oil 1970. v.11, no.9, p.24-26, illus Compares the rough living conditions of earlier times with contemporary housing and industrial plants, made possible by jet aircraft and helicopter transport. Among other innovations claimed are safety inspectors to patrol the North Slope, codes for living quarters, firesafety programs, adherence to aviation regulations, and an effort to control and minimize ground operations and damage to the tundra and wildlife. DI. 102499 BRADNER, M. Return of the (Alaska construction & oil Arctic monster. 1969. v.10, no.11, p.36) Notes an overland vehicle used in 1955-56 for supply on the DEW Line. It is 16 ft wide, >300 ft long and consists of a locomotive powered by two 400-hp diesels, which drive electrical generators; these generators drive power units attached to each wheel of the locomotive and four 16 ft x42 ft trailers. It is considered for
supply operations on the Alaskan North Slope. DI. 102500 BRADNER, T. Industry speaks up: "Don't wreck Alaska." (Alaska construction & oil 1969. v.10, no.8, p.24-26, illus) Discusses conservation activity of North Slope oil operators, particularly the British Petroleum Co ecology team (personnel stated) surveying proposed Trans-Alaska pipeline mutes and studying test sites which represent different terrain types. Dietrich Pass on the eastern route is preferred to Anaktuvuk Pass for engineering reasons and because it would interfere less with caribou migration. DI. 102501 BRADNER, T. Petrochemicals, (Alaska constructhe plants go on stream. tion & oil 1969. v.10, no.6, p.20-24, illus) Discusses the processing, Japanese markets and shipping of the urea, ammonia and liquified natural gas produced in the petrochemical complex above Cook Inlet on the Kenai PeninDI. sula. 102502 BRADNER, T. Will the boom break Fairbanks? (Alaska construction & oil 1969. v.10, no.7, p.22-28, graphs, illus) Discusses inflation, with increase in rents and land values, shortage of housing etc; also the exodus of Univ of Alaska faculty members, students, military personnel and others who cannot afford the rising costs. The effects of North Slope development and its uncertainties are noted, incl prospective freight tonnages and mutes, employment, transportation, supplies and services, handling of pipe for the TransAlaska pipeline by the Alaska Railroad, etc. Some measures are cited to ease the difficulties for community, state and federal agencies. Dl. M.K. 102503 BRADSHAW, R. and WELLS. Multiple folding in the Sorfinnset area of northern Norway. (Norway. Geologiske undersokelse. Skrifter 1971. no.269, p.7273) 4 refs. Outlines the structural and metamorphic history of part of the Glomfjord nappe complex. The rocks, Cambrian and earlier, are characterized. F, deformation, F, sliding and folding, and identifiable F, structures are related to their effect on particular features of the complex. Directions of folding, axes and movements are explained. The study was reported more fully by M.K. Wells and R. Bradshaw, DGS. qv. BRADSHAW, R., see also No. 108399. 102504 BRADY, J.M. The reindeer industry in Alaska. College, Alaska 1968. 20 p. graph, maps, tables. (Alaska review of business and economic conditions v.5, no.3)
Reviews the history of reindeer in Alaska, summarizes difficulties of the program begun in 1967 and administered by the Alaska Reindeer Industry Advisory Committee, and discusses the future of the industry. The habits, movements, summer and winter range requirements, are outlined, as are factors in natural loss such as severe weather, caribou migration, predators, diseases, parasites and malnutrition. Herd and range management, slaughtering and processing, marketing and transportation are discussed, as is criticism of the role of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in administering the program. The text is given of the 1967 agreement between the State of Alaska, US Bureau of Indian Affairs and US Bureau of Land Management and a special report on the Nunivak Island reindeer herd. CaMAI, Dl. 102505 BRADY, T.T. Alaska's economy in 1967, 1968. College, Alaska 1968-1969. 16, 12 p. graphs, tables. (Alaska review of business and economic conditions, v.5, no.2, v.6, no.3) In continuation of No. 84941. The outstanding change in 1967 was a disastrous salmon season and fisheries dropping below minerals in production value; the large 1968 pink salmon catch among others redeemed the industry with a 160 million lb catch as compared to 29.2 million lb in 1967. Oil discoveries on the North Slope and a 97.3% increase in Cook Inlet oil production, with the high wholesale value in fisheries, dominated the 1968 economy. Forest products also increased so that the total wholesale product value for major resource production increased by 55.2% during 1968. The State's per capita income rose and continued to lead over that of the nation as a whole, but higher costs in Alaska continued to more than offset the higher income; the problem is compounded in rural areas where income is much below the average. CaMAI, DI. 102506 BRADY, T.T. Forest industry of Haines. College, Alaska 1969. 12 p. maps, tables, illus. (Alaska review of business and economic conditions v.6, no.4) Haines, at the upper end of Lynn Canal, is the terminus of the Haines Highway which joins the Alaska Highway system in Yukon Territory, and is a regular stop of the Alaska Ferry system. Stands of largely old-growth Sitka spruce, western hemlock and black cottonwood are prominent in the Haines forest area. Sawn cants (slabbed logs) for export to Japan brought a gross income of $380,000 in 1963 and $4.3 million in 1967. Forest acreages, ownership, annual cut estimates, timber exports and prices, costs of production, etc are discussed and data tabulated. Difficulties are noted in estimating potential annual cut for the 145
area because of wide variation of land ownership, accessibility, management policy, resource characters such as high proportion of old growth timber, and biological data on site, DI. growth and mortality. BRAND A. see No. 107868. BRANDBORG, S.M., see Nos. 104263, 105398. BRANDENBERGER, F., see No. 103995. Gensyn med Grim102507 BRANDT, P. land, godt begyndt men endnu ikke halvt fuldendt. (Gronland 1967. no.5, p.137-50, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: Greenland revisited, well begun but not yet half finished. Presents a journalist's impressions during a 1966 tour with the Danish Prime Minister and the Minister for Greenland. Changes since his stay in the country in 1953-58 are cited. The Greenlanders seem to have acquired a more positive attitude to the Danish influence and to making a contribution to society. Private enterprise is increasing. Great social improvements CaMAI, DLC. are noted. BRANT, C.S., see Nos. 104190, 104191. 102508 BRASLAVETS, K.M. 0 vremeni formirovaniya "kamchatskogo narechiya". (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. lzvestiya 1968. no.6, ser. obshchestvennykh nauk no.2, p.117Title tr.: Time of 20) 13 refs. In Russian. formation of the so-called Kamchatka patois. Deals with Russian colonization of Kamchatka and ,its effects on demographic changes. The small-pox epidemic of 1768-69 killed three quarters (5767) of the Kamchadal population, and the 1769-70 famine forced the rest to resettle on the Kamchatka River. Russian peasants, transferred there to develop agriculture, mixed with the Kamchadals and the mutual assimilation increased as the attempt at farming failed and the peasants took to the native hunting, fishing and gathering economy. Among the Kamchadals, who had been bilingual since the 1770's, Russian became the spoken language, but with some persisting phonetic peculiarities. This patois came to be used also by the Russian settlers and reached a definitive form in the early 19th century. Its distinctive features intensified in the course of the century and isolation gave rise to a number of local variants. At present, Russian new-comers far outnumber the Kamchadals and Russian old-timers, and the Kamchadal dialect is on the verge of extinction. DLC. 102509 BRASSARD, G.R. A contribution to the bryology of Melville Island, N.W.T. (Bryologist 1967. v.70, no.3, p.34751) 13 refs. 146
Lists with habitat data, 55 moss and seven liverwort species collected in 1965 approx 2 mi north of Bailey Point. The Brachythecium Irachypodium record is new for Canada. Scapania simmonsii was found with perianths which are described for the species for the first time. DLC. 102510 BRASSARD, G.R. and R.E. LONGTON. Flora and vegetation of Van Hauen Pass, northwestern Ellesmere Island. (Canadian field-naturalist 1970. v.84, no.4, p.357-64, map) 17 refs. Reports 80 spp and 1 variety of vascular plants from Van Hauen Pass, and compares the flora and vegetation with that in other northern parts of the island. Geum rossii, Epilobium arcticum and Potentilla pulchella var gracilicaulis are the most notable records. Sedge meadow, as well as both wet and dry heath, are widespread at Van Hauen Pass. CaMAI, DLC. 102511 BRASSARD, G.R. Leiocolea rutheana from the Northwest Territories, arctic Canada. (Bryologist 1968. v.71, no.4, p.370) Ref. The discovery of this hepatic in VanHauen Pass at 81°07'N 85°55'W, on northern Ellesmere Island, extends the known range of the species from arctic Alaska. DLC. 102512 BRASSARD, G.R. Mosses of northern Ellesmere Island, arctic Canada, I: ecology and phytogeography, with an analysis for the Queen Elizabeth Islands. (Bryologist 1971. v.74, no.3, p.233-81, graph, maps, tables, illus) 81 refs. Results of 1964, 1967 and 1969 collecting and study of other collections, reveal a diverse moss flora comprising 18 communities. Almost half the species are common or widespread, the remainder rare. There seems to be little correlation between fertility and commonness, and habitat restricts only a few species. The geographic distributions of the 233 Canadian high arctic moss species are documented for the Queen Elizabeth Islands. The regional physiography, geology, climate, vegetation and soils are briefly described, and discussion is given of the bryological and other evidence in support of the theory that parts of northern Ellesmere Island were ice-free refugia at least during the Wisconsin glaciation. DLC. 102513 BRASSARD, G.R. Mosses of northern Ellesmere Island, arctic Canada, 2: annotated list of the taxa. (Bryologist 1971. v.74, no.3, p.282-311, illus) 37 refs. Lists 151 species and four varieties in 71 genera, giving localities and number of specimens. Notes on distribution, abundance, habitats, altitudinal range and fertility are given for each taxon, and where appropriate, comments
on taxonomy, morphological variation, illus or keys. DLC. 102514 BRASSARD, G.R. and R.E. BESCHEL. Vascular flora of Tanquary Fiord, northern Ellesmere Island, NWT. (Canadian field-naturalist 1968. v.82, no.2, p.103-113) Refs. Lists 119 species in 52 genera and 20 families observed in 1964 and 1967. Two species, Eriophorum angustifolium and Juncus arcticus, are not previously known from Queen Elizabeth Islands. The range of other spp is extended N. CaMAI, DLC. 102515 BRATASH, V.P. and others. Otsenka produktivnosti peschanikov nizhnego triasa po dannym promyslovoy geofiziki. (Neftegazovaya geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.4, p.31-33, graphs) In Russian. Other authors: R.M. Zhokhova and I.A. Filimonov. Title tr.: Appraisal of the productivity of Lower Triassic sandstones according to geophysical well logs. Reports lateral well logs of deposits of the Vilyuy syneclise. The logging diagram is presented and interpreted. The clay content of the Lower Triassic sandstones varies widely, and the productivity of the seams cannot be determined by critical resistance. It is better estimated from drilling parameters and the mineralogical composition of the rock cement. A graph is presented. The discrepancy between the test results and well logs can possibly be explained by drilling effects on the productive horizons. DLC. BRATASH, V.P., see also No. 102621. 102516 BRATBERG, E. and P. DYNES. Rapport om tokt med F/F "Johan Hjort" til Vest-Greenland i april-mai 1968. (Fisken og havet 1968. no.3, p.1-2, map) Also pub in: Fiskets gang 1968, v.54, p.477-78. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Report on cruise of R/V Johan Hjort to West Greenland in April-May 1968. The cruise was made to map hydrographic conditions in Davis Strait 60°08' - 65°N, to determine distribution of cod, and collect materials for biological investigation of the cod stand. The notable temperature difference was so strong between the cold arctic and warmer Atlantic waters as to indicate influx of arctic water. Locations of negative temperatures are noted. Quantities of cod, the physical conditions, and whales sighted are stated. DLC. BRATBERG, E., 102360.
see also
Nos. 102358,
102517 BRATENKOVA, YES. and N.S. KOTELINA. Fenologicheskiye nablyudeniya nad lugovoy rastitel'nost'yu. (Geografi-
cheskoye o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. lzvestiya 1970. v.2, no.2(12), p.72-78, graphs, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Phenological observations on meadow vegetation. Describes 1954-63 observations in the Vychegda valley in a middle taiga subzone, and others since 1963 in valley of the Yun"yakha in the forest-tundra zone. The seven phenological stages during the vegetation period in northern meadows are characterized. They are affected by many factors such as weather, relief, flooding, etc, which shorten or prolong their duration. Phenological data are important for the collection of medicinal plants, and seed of fodder grasses, also for planning of harvesting, etc. DLC. 102518 BRATTSEV, A.P. Ispareniye s poverkhnosti sushi na territorii Yevropeyskogo Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Trudy 1967. no.15, p.49-64, graphs, map, tables) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Evaporation from the land surface in the Northeast of the European USSR. Analysis of the results from calculating the evaporation by both water balance and biological methods shows the results in good agreement. Map shows evaporation diminishing northward with the maximum in the southern part of the area. DLC. 102519 BRATTSEV, A.P. Klimaticheskoye rayonirovaniye Yevropeyskogo Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestiya 1970. v.2, no.2(12), p.47-53, map) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Climatic zoning of northeastern European USSR. This area extends north to the Barents Sea, east to the Urals, in the west to the Mezen'Pinega watershed and on down to the Vychegda and Luza river mouths. Characteristics are given of very cold, cold, moderately cold, moderately warm, and warm summers, and the area is divided into five such thermal belts and 17 regions. Each of these belts and regions is briefly characterized. DLC. 102520 BRATTSEV, A.P. Raschet ispareniya s poverkhnosti sushi po meteorologicheskim dannym. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Trudy 1967. no.15, p.89-97, maps, tables, graphs) 3 refs. In Russian, Title tr.: Calculation of evaporation from the land surface according to meteorological data. Describes a method of calculating this evaporation based on the atmospheric moisture deficit, and gives evaporation data for northeastern European USSR as derived from its meteorological stations with many years of record. Comparison is made with the method of calculating from the water balance. DLC. 147
102521 BRATTSEV, L.A. and V.A. VITYAZEVA. Novyye idei v proyektnykh resheniyakh po probleme perebroski stoka severnykh rek. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. lzvestiya 1970. v.2, no.2(12), p.3-8) In Russian. Title tr.: New ideas for solving the problem of diverting northern river discharge. The diversion of Pechora and Vychegda waters via the Kama-Volga into the Caspian Sea had been under consideration since 1927. During this time many changes have taken place in Komi ASSR which should be taken into account in working out the project. Flooding of areas which can be used for agriculture should be reduced. At first only Pechora water should be diverted, then later also Vychegda, etc. Some problems remain unsolved however, e.g. that of the fisheries; further studies are sugDLC. gested. BRAVER, YU.A., see No. 105358. BRAY, H., see No. 107032. 102522 BRAYTSEVA, O.A. and 1.S. YEVTEYEVA. Kolebaniya klimata i pleystotsenovyye oledeneniya na Kamchatke. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.5, p.16-22, Title tr.: graphs, table) 22 refs. In Russian. Fluctuations of climate and Pleistocene glaciations in Kamchatka. Reports a study of spore-pollen spectra in the central Kamchatka depression, the Plotnikova River basin, west Kamchatka lowland and elsewhere. Three epochs of climatic cooling separated by warm intervals are recognized, the latter two cooling epochs represented by two glaciations. Two phases of upper Pleistocene glaciation are distinguished. Some correlation between glaciations of Kamchatka and DLC. adjacent regions is considered. 102523 BRAYTSEVA, O.A. and other, Stratigrafiya chetvertichnykh otlozheniy i oledeneniya Kamchatki. Moskva, Nauka 1968. 227 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Other authors: I.V. Melekestsev, I.S. Title tr.: Yevteyeva and Ye.G. Lupikina. Stratigraphy of Quaternary deposits and the glaciation of Kamchatka. Collective work, representing many years' investigation of Quaternary geomorphology and stratigraphy in the central Kamchatka depression. The first part describes the stratigraphy of the very complete section of unconsolidated Quaternary deposits in the central depression. For each horizon defined, characteristic spore-pollen spectra and principal diatom associations are given. The climatic fluctuations of the period are noted. From maps and airphotos, the geomorphic structure of the depression is described, as well as tectonic movements. Pt 2 deals with problems of Qua148
ternary glaciations. Three groups of glacier advance are characterized, one in the middle and two in the late Pleistocene. Changes in DLC. vegetation are also considered. 102524 BRAZEL, A.J. Icefield Ranges climatology program St.Elias Mountains 1964; pt 2, presentation and analysis of radiation data; pt 3, presentation and analysis of ablation data. Washington, DC 1968. 69 p. graphs, map, tables, illus. (Arctic Institute of North America. Research paper 31-B) 34 refs. Summarizes results of the 1964 programs supplementary to No 89683. Radiation was recorded at base camp at the foot of the St Elias Range eastern flanks and at a station on a snowfield straddling the drainage divide of five of the longest glaciers outside the polar regions. The difference in receipt of incoming shortwave radiation at the two stations is due mainly to the difference in their elevations, 786 m and 2637 m. Cloud density and extent, surface types and albedo relations are also reflected in the data. Ablation on Seward Glacier expressed in loss of water from the glacier interface was 30 times more than at the divide station, a difference attributed to the warmer marine environment and lower elevation at CaMAI. Seward. 102525 BREDIN, W.F. Far West and Far North. (Alberta historical review 1971. v.19, no.3, p.8-21, illus) Reminiscences of working and trading in Alberta and British Columbia from 1877, a trip in 1896 with a cargo of trading goods down the Athabasca River via Fort McMurray and Fort Chipewyan, down Slave via Smith's Landing (now Fitzgerald), Fort Smith and Fort Resolution, across Great Slave Lake and down the Mackenzie. He opened a trading post near Fort Wrigley and returned to Athabasca Landing in Sept 1897. Events of the journey, individuals encountered en route, the Indians who traded at Wrigley, etc are described. CaMAI, DLC. 102526 BRENNEMAN, G. Battered child syndrome. (Alaska medicine 1968. v.10, no.4, p.175-78) 26 refs. Reviews the problem of battered children to inform physicians in Alaska of the syndrome's clinical aspects and the doctor's role in protecting the child's rights. Cases received at the Alaska Native Medical Center indicate that up to 59% of the children are under one yr of age and 90% are under three. Most of them have multiple problems such as undernourishment, related to abuse and neglect. Most of the families concerned are socially poorly integrated and have marital and financial difficulties. Battered children have a poor long-term prognosis, with high mortality, retardation and physical defects. The Alaska State law, which
calls for mandatory reporting of such cases, is quoted. Various opinions regarding such laws are discussed. Canada has been slower in enacting mandatory reporting laws than has the US. CaMAI, DNLM. 102527 BRESLAU, L.R. and others. Environmental research relevant to the development of arctic sea transportation. (Marine Technology Society. Journal 1970. v.4, no.5, p.19-43, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 47 refs. Other authors: J.D. Johnson, J.A. McIntosh and L.D. Farmer. Reviews the status of environmental research relevant to ice and weather conditions, currents, tides, daylight and ice freeze-up and breakup, directed toward determining the environment along the North American arctic transportation route, and characterizes the environment in relation to the designer of surface vessels, docking facilities, offshore platforms and ice floes for logistic use. The physical and mechanical properties, gross relief features and the dynamics of sea ice are discussed as the most relevant factors. In connection with the needs of the system operator, discusses the techniques of remote sensing, to provide the boundaries and some characteristics of sea ice and of the penetrometer for making spot thickness measurements. WaU-FO. BRESLAU, L.R., 104454.
month for establishment of stations, early Mar is best for locating good airstrips. For setting up stations an icebreaker is required during early Sept-Mid-Oct. The only two good routes for icebreakers north of Alaska are northward within 165-168°W between the Beaufort and Chukchi currents, or skirting the western shores of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago then westerly or northwesterly into the pack. CaMAI, DLC. BREWER, M.D., see No. 103469. 102530 BREWER, M.F. Rampart dam and natural resources development. (American Water Resources Conference 2d, Univ of Chicago, 20-22 Nov 1966. Proceedings. Urbana, Ill. p.96-109, tables) Refs. Reviews administrative and congressional actions in developing plans for this hydroelectric power project on the Yukon River in Alaska. Some of the reports on feasibility and ecological and economic consequences are analyzed in terms of cost comparisons, use of power, and impact on the economy. Author concludes that the economic justification for the cost and the large power production at this site depends on changes in Alaskan industry and general economy which are uncertain. DGS. BRIDGE, C.W., see No. 106189.
see also Nos.
102528 BREW, D.A. and A.B. FORD. Boundary Creek molybdenum-silver occurrence. (US. Geological Survey. Circular 1969. no.615, p.12-15, maps, table) Two molybdenite occurrences with local anomalous concentrations of silver were found in a dike-like body of iron-stained granodiorite and aplite. The body is >2 mi long and at least 2000 ft thick and cuts tonalite and related rocks approx 10 mi north of the Taku River and 5 mi west of the Alaska-British Columbia border. Chemical analyses are included. DOS. 102529 BREWER, M.C. New applications of old concepts of drifting station operations. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.23-28) Discusses practical details concerning the establishment, personnel, housing, aircraft support, airstrips, building, heating, equipment and amenities of the Arctic Research Laboratory drifting station Arlis 1, 12 Sept-ments, use of serviceable equipment and shelters, are given. The station was established by the icebreaker Burton Island, thereafter supported by Cessna-180 aircraft and paradrops from a Lockheed Lodestar, and it was evacuated with a DC-3 and two Cessnas. Apr is the preferred
102531 BRIDGWATER, D. and W.T. HARRY. Anorthosite xenoliths and plagioclase megacrysts in Precambrian intrusions of south Greenland. Kobenhaven, C.A. Reitzels Forlag 1968. 243 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Meddelelser om Gronland v.185, no.2) 140 refs. Danish and Russian summary. Also pub as: Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Bulletin 1968. no.77. Describes, in pt I, p. 9-67, the regional geologic setting, the distribution and age relationships between the feldspathic dikes and other Gardar intrusions, types and distribution of inclusions in Gardar hosts and the dikes in 29 localities, mostly south of Kobberminebugt, the Narssaq region or within the Igaliko intrusion. This represents the work of D. Bridgwater and of W.T. Harry who died in 1964. In pt 2, p 68-227, Bridgwater deals with the petrology and mineralogy of feldspathic inclusions in Gardar dikes, mineralogy of the feldspars and the petrology and emplacement of the Gardar feldspathic dikes, with extensive discussion and appendices describing the textural relationships seen in the Fe-Ti oxides from the anorthosites, methods and results of strontium and barium spectrographic and X-ray powder and single crystal studies, and methods used in plagioclase determinations. Xenoliths reach a max size of several thousand m: in plan. The majority are 149
granular anorthosites, composed of labradorite, olivine, Fe-Ti oxides and rare ortho- and clinopyroxenes. Xenoliths of laminated anorthosite, composed of labradorite, olivine and interstitial ilmenite and clinopyroxene, are found in gabbros from a restricted area close to younger syenite intrusions. Plagioclase megacrysts up to 2 m long range from labradorite to calcic oligoclase. Examples of bytownite were noted in one dike in small anorthositic aggregates with orthopyroxene and olivine. The megacrysts are commonly clear and glassy; some are black and show a smoky discoloration in thin section. The type of inclusion is clearly related to the host rock composition. Xenoliths and megacrysts are regarded as products of early crystallization of the same Gardar magmas that later gave rise to their hosts. The early removal of a large amount of plagioclase-forming material and the suggested upward concentration of alkalies are believed to be two of the major processes controlling the formation of the GarCaMAI, DGS. dar alkali rocks. 102532 BRIDGWATER, D. Compilation of K/Ar age determinations on rocks from Greenland carried out in 1969. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970. no.28, p.47-55) 12 refs. Presents K/Ar ages of 19 Precambrian and younger rock samples from all parts of Greenland. Basic dikes with excess argon, from the Frederikshab area, are discussed separately. It is proposed that caution be used in interpreting abnormally high K/Ar ages until their regional distribution and the reason for excess argon DGS. accumulation are better understood. 102533 BRIDGWATER, D. and K. GORMSEN. Geological reconnaissance of the Precambrian rocks of southeast Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1969. no.19, p.43-50, map) 3 refs. Outlines the structural units and geologic history of rocks between Mogens Heinesen Fjord (Kangerdlugsuatsiaq) and langmiut. Three main structural units are recognized: a central older gneiss block 62°35' - 64°15'N; a more northerly block affected by the eastern continuation of the Nagssugtoqidian orogeny, and a more southerly block affected by Ketilidian orogeny. The rocks so far mapped within the area of the two younger complexes (except for intrusives) are derived from an older basement complex. The rocks and structural forms of the older central area, and their present surface expressions, are briefly described. Near the margins of younger orogenies dike swarms and deformation are identified. Tertiary dikes between Angmagssalik and Umivik are noted. The reconnaissance was carried out over two field seasons using a 20-ft motor boat, which is feasible as far north as Kangerdlugssuaq; far150
ther north and south a large cutter is advisable. CaMAI, DLC. 102534 BRIDGWATER, D. Observations on the Precambrian rocks of Scandinavia and Labrador and their implications for the interpretation of the Precambrian of Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970. no.28, p.43-47) 6 refs. Summarizes 1969 studies of older basement rocks, corresponding to the pre-Ketilidian complexes of Greenland, last metamorphosed ca 2500 MY ago; rocks of the Svecofennid and Hudsonian fold belts corresponding to the Ketilidian and Nagssugtoqidian fold belts of Greenland, which were metamorphosed at some time between 1400 and 2000 MY ago; post-orogenic intrusions, lavas and sediments corresponding to the Gardar magmatism and sedimentation of South Greenland. General similarities both in types of sedimentation and in subsequent plutonic development of different parts of the shield are so marked that the various stages must mark fundamental changes in crustal environment. Early basement rocks and younger fold belts of the areas are compared, and suggestions made for possible comparative keys and suites in Greenland. DGS. 102535 BRIDGWATER, D. and others. Precambrian rapakivi suite and surrounding gneisses of the Kap Farvel area, south Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.52-54) Other authors: J. Sutton and J.S. Watterson. Characterizes the main geologic events in the development of a plutonic suite of basic, intermediate and granitic rocks, which closely resemble the Finnish rapakivi granite suite, and which occupy nearly 50% of the total area (ca 3000 km2) of the southern tip of Greenland. Migmatization, metamorphism facies, structural changes, stratigraphic levels, dike orientations, and minor relationships are noted. DGS. 102536 BRIDGWATER, D. and K. GORMSEN. Precambrian rocks of the Angmagssalik area, East Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1968, no.15, p.61-71, map) 2 refs. Describes exposed rocks 65° - 66°N from Kungmiut south to Koge Bugt, mapped in 1967. They are Precambrian gneisses with wide range of metamorphism and disturbance, a charnockite suite, and younger intrusives. Preliminary Rb/Sr age determinations suggest that in this area the last major plutonic event, intrusion of a late and posttectonic suite of noritic gabbros, diorites and granites, occurred 1600-1800 MY ago. It is assumed to have affected all the Precambrian rocks described from the Angmagssalik
district. This age corresponds to the Ketilidian of South Greenland and the Nagssugtoqidian of central West Greenland. Structures and petrology of the gneisses, metasediments and associated igneous rocks are outlined, probable historic sequences of several areas differentiated, and mineralogical indications discussed. The post-tectonic basic dikes, not examined in detail, have some mineralogical resemblances to rocks of the Gardar province of South. Greenland. CaMAI, DLC. 102537 BRIDGWATER, D. Preliminary investigations in south-east Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersegelse. Report 1966. no.I I, p.54-57) 5 refs. Reviews what is known of the geology of the southeast coast of Greenland, preparatory to planning the mapping program from Scoresby Sund to Kap Farvel. Material from previous expeditions is being examined and a provisional geologic map compiled. A program of isotopic determinations is in progress in order to help localize areas where future detailed mapping may be concentrated. In certain places where K /Ar and Rb/Sr ages seem to differ, partial reactivation of basement rock is suggested. Comparisons are made between the east coast and west coast, with the expectation that there may be continuous rock DGS. sequences.
competition, exposure, instability of ground surface, select dispersal conditions, and adjustment to non-human environments. DLC. 102540 BRINGEUS, N.A. Swedish ethnology before 1900. (Folkliv 1962/1963. v.26/27, p.20-39) 77 refs. Summarizes the development of comparative ethnology in Sweden and discusses aims and methods. Alien peoples, particularly Lapps, were of primary concern; study of the Swedish people and living traditions was and is still in a pre-formative state. The contributions and influence of various scholars are analyzed. The value of historic remains, literary works, legends, customs, language, etc are considered. DLC. 102541 BRINKMANN, A., JR. The identification and names of our fin whale species. (Norsk hvalfangst-tidende 1967. v.56, no.3, p.49-56) 6 refs. Reviews the systematic history of these whales, now considered six species as against about 27 a century ago. The identification process is discussed in some details as regards the five species present in Norwegian and adjacent waters, i.e. the humpback Megaptera novaeangliae, little piked whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata, the blue B. musculus, fin B. phyDLC. salus and the sei whale B. borealis. BRINKMANN, A., JR., see also No. 103271.
102538 BRIDGWATER, D. Routine K/Ar age determinations on rocks from Greenland carried out for GGU in 1970. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970 pub 1971. no.35, p.52-60) 15 refs. Reports K/Ar ages of twenty-seven miscellaneous rock samples from Greenland. Seven of the samples were from North Greenland, where Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks must have passed through one or more later regional thermal events, a fact not previously confirmed. Eight samples were from West Greenland and twelve samples were from southeast DGS. Greenland. BRIDGWATER, D., see also No. 101810. 102539 BRINC1C, P. Animal invasion of glacial and late glacial terrestrial environments in Scandinavia. (Oikos 1966. v.17, no.2, p.250-66, maps, tables, illus) Approx 70 refs. Russian summary. Reviews possibilities of biotic survival in areas where full glaciation occurred during the Pleistocene. Special reference is made to refuge areas in northern Scandinavia such as nunataks and to possible off-coastal periglacial sites of the western and arctic sections of Norway. Characteristics of the earliest plant and animal invaders and survivors are related to lack of
BRINTON, H.C., see No. 107765. BRITTON, D.M., see No. 106713. 102542 BRITTON, M.E. Administrative background of the developing program. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.29-35) Reviews the entry of the US Office of Naval Research into sponsoring of research through colleges, universities and other institutions, the development of a flexible contract system for promotion of research, solving problems of underfunded programs through the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory at Barrow, Alaska, and the attainment of aircraft for its work. A period is opening with competition for research money, static budgets and a shift to agency-oriented programs. The drifting stations fit into the need for expanding oceanographic CaMAI, DLC. research. 102543 BRITVINA, R.A. and YU.P. KOSHEL'KOV. 0 vozmozhnykh rayonakh i obshchey povtoryayemosti kvazigorizontal'nogo vozdukhoobmena mezhdu troposferoy i stratosferoy. (Tsentral'naya aerologicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy 1968. no.85, p.106116 maps) 15 refs. In Russian. English Title tr.: Possible regions and the summary. 151
general recurrence of quasi-horizontal air exchange between the troposphere and stratosphere. Studies indicate that under certain conditions tropospheric air masses may be translocated through the tropopause hiatus into the stratosphere from the high to the subtropical latitudes and vice versa. Three geographic regions are identified over which this phenomenon may occur; namely, northern Pacific between 65° and 70°N, north Atlantic, and the DLC. middle latitudes. 102544 BRITVINA, R.A. and YU.P. Vertikal'nyy sdvig vetra i KOSHEL'KOV. deformatsiya vozdushnykh mass v polyarnoy stratosfere. (Tsentral'naya aerologicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy 1968. no.85, p.131-39, graphs, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Vertical wind shear and the deformation of air masses in the polar stratosphere. Reports the results of all-season studies of air parcel trajectories carried out in 1961 and 1962 at the AT30 and AT100 levels above the Arctic region. Divergences in the trajectories of air parcels originating in the Arctic and their differences in latitudes and longitudes are given by seasons in tabular form. The existence of vertical wind shears in the stratosphere results in rapid deformation of the air masses in the lower stratosphere in all seasons, and the intensity of the air exchanges at the AT100 level is found to be greater than at the AT30 DLC. level. 102545 BRO, YE.G. and DS. SOROKOV. Znacheniye nekotorykh osobennostey stroyeniya produktivnoy tolshchi Messoyakhskogo gazovogo mestorozhdeniya dlya ratsional'noy razrabotki. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Regional'naya geologiya no.17, p.25-30, graphs, table, diagrs) In Russian. Title tr.: Importance of some structural features of the productive zone in the Messoyakha gas field for its rational exploitation. This field is on the left bank of the Yenisey, 220 km west of Noril'sk. The productive zone in the Dolganskiy formation has two bands, the upper more argillaceous than the lower. The DLC. productivity of both bands is noted. BRO, YE.G., see also No. 103703. Peel Sound Form102546 BROAD, D.S. ation (Devonian) of Prince of Wales and adjacent islands, a preliminary report. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.2, p.84-9l, maps) 8 ref's. Reports 1966-67 summer work in a longrange study by a Univ of Ottawa group. Discrete transitions between the laterally equivalent redbed-sandstone-carbonate facies 152
of the Peel Sound Formation were revealed and evidence is strengthened of the role of fluvial, lagoonal and marine environments, controlled by movements of the Boothia Arch, in this sequence. Vertebrate faunas found mainly in large but isolate faunules include cyathaspidids, pteraspidids, heterostraci, osteostraci, arthrodires and a few osteichthyes; they appear to be equivalent to fauna of Downtonian and Dittonian stages. CaMAI, DLC. 102547 BROCHU, M. Conditions de rentabilite de l'utilisation commerciale du passage du Nord-Ouest, de la mer de Beaufort et de l'ocean Glacial Arctique. (Actualite economique 1969. v.45, no.3, p.513-20) In French. Title tr.: Conditions for profit from the commercial use of the Northwest Passage, the Beaufort Sea, and the Arctic Ocean. If an oil carrier can make only two trips a year between North Alaska and the east coast of the United States by the northern route, oil might be stockpiled during the short season of relatively open ice, e.g. at Resolute or Thule. The problem should be treated at source however, with an attempt to melt the permanent pack ice of the Arctic Ocean and Beaufort Sea. The air-bubbling technique and the Bering Strait dam are considered, but the spreading of dark heat-absorbing particles over the ice is preferable. A trial could be made in limited areas during a few years and, if results warrant, it could be continued on a larger scale until the polar sea is opened. DLC. 102548 BROCHU, M. Expeditions motorisees au Nouveau-Quebec. (Forces Hydro-Quebec 1970. no.10, p.26-35, map, illus) 3 refs. In French. English, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish summary. Title tr.: Motorized expeditions in New Quebec. Describes, with illus, expeditions since 1965 with a view to developing a network of permanent roads in northern Quebec. The routes are shown on the map with three categories of priority. A program for future expeditions is outlined. Some of the problems likely to be encountered in the establishment of a road network are briefly reviewed. CaMU, DLC. 102549 BROCHU, M. Pour une geopolitique de l'Ocean glacial arctique. (Revue de geographie de Montreal 1971. v.25, no.2, p.109) In French. Title tr.: Toward the geopolitics of the Arctic Ocean. Advocates recognition of the Arctic Ocean as international waters, and international guarantees against their pollution; also immediate studies on their commercial use, and an international conference on prospects for melting the ice and for economic development. CaMAI, DLC.
102550 BROCHU, M.
Processus de deglacement du fjord de Maricourt au Nouveau-Quebec: description et interpretation. (Revue de geographie de Montreal 1971. v.25, no.1, p.43-52, map, tables) In French. Title tr.: The thawing process in Maricourt Fiord, New Quebec: description and interpretation. Presents June-July 1963 observations at this fiord in the Wakeham Bay area of Hudson Strait. It freezes solid throughout in winter, and in spring the ice begins disintegrating from the head of the fiord rather than the mouth, due to the turbulent meltwater of the rivers from the high plateau. The fiord ice disappears under influence of the tides at the mouth, but drift ice from the Strait is swept in for about a month; on 31 July 1963 its concentration in the central part of the fiord reached 10/10. Conditions are similar in Saglouc Fiord nearby and probably elsewhere. In such fiords port facilities should be built close to the head, and the mineral wealth of the interior plateaus warrants further study in this coastal region. CaMAI, DLC.
102551 BROCKAMP, B. and F. THYSSEN. Anwendung der barographisch-topographischen Kurve zur Bestimmung der Bewegung von Inlandeisen. (Polarforschung 1967. v.6, no.37, p.125-29, graph, table, illus) Refs. In German. English summary. Title tr.: Use of the barographic-topographic curve for determination of the movement of inland ice. The shifting of marked points relative to the fixed valleys and highlands of the inland ice surface could be determined from records of barometric pressure, registered in a moving vehicle. The method was used to ascertain the displacement of markers during the 1959 and 1967 profiles of the International Glaciological DLC. Expedition to Greenland.
BRODIE, P.F., see Nos. 107095, 107096. BRODNEV, M.M., see No. 108283. 102552 BRODY, H.
Indians on skid row; the role of alcohol and community in the adaptive process of Indian urban migrants. Ottawa 1971. 86 p. table. (Canada. Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Northern Science Research Group. NSRG 702) 39 refs. Reports on summer-autumn 1969 fieldwork in a prairie city studying the life style of Indian migrants. Cree, Blackfoot, Chipewyan, Sarcee, Hare, Slave, Iroquoian, Kootenayan, Northwest Coast tribes and Eskimos were represented in the community. Their sources of income and the nature of their drinking are treated in some detail. These migrants are displaced from mainstream economic opportunities and from traditional or pseudo-traditional
Indian life. Acceptance of white middle-class values is irrational. Standard arguments against persistent drinking have no meaning. The recurrent violence of skid row is explicable by analysis of Indian-white interaction. The most severe difficulties facing the Indian migrant are resolved in skid row as they are aggravated in the mainstream of urban life. Suggestions for relief of the difficulties and for some further CaMAI, DLC. research are offered.
102553 BRODY, J.A. and others.
Studies (Journal of of human brucellosis in Alaska. infectious diseases 1966. v.116, no.3, p.263-69, map, tables) 15 refs. Other authors: B.E. Huntley, T.M. Overfield and J.E. Maynard. Notes eight clinical human brucellosis cases documented in Eskimos of eight villages north of the Arctic Circle since 1959. The disease was not severe and there were no deaths or relapses. Serological surveys and skin test results support evidence that the caribou Rangifer tarandus is the source. Evidence indicates that contact with Brucella organisms is continuous and affects all age groups and both sexes CaTU, DN LM. approx equally.
BRODY, J.A., see also No. 102235. BROECKER, W.S., see No. 105340. 102554 BRONSTAD, K. and H. TREFALL. East-west movements of pulsating auroral-zone X-ray events. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1968. v.30, no.2, p.205-212, graphs, map) Refs. Presents the results of two sets of measurements made with balloon-borne Xray detectors of two pulsating, auroral zone electron precipitation events. Bremsstrahlung X-rays from precipitated electrons were recorded by Nal(TI) scintillation counters near the 10-mb level, using high-altitude balloons launched from Andenes and Alta during the night of 5-6 Aug 1964, and from Andenes, Tromso, and Alta on the night of 27-28 July 1965. Both events were observed between 07.00 and 09.00 LT, moving with velocities of 120 and 150 km/min from east to west along the auroral zone. The recordings of the X-ray pulsations, cosmic noise absorption, and geomagnetic variations made at Andenes, Tromso and Kiruna during the events are compared with magnetic recordings made about the same time at Barrow, Ft Yukon, College, Healy, and Kotzebue. The observed phenomena are interpreted to be the result of a spatially progressing pattern of electron precipitation. DLC. 102555 BROKANS, T.I. Kirpichnaya kladka mnogoetazhnogo doma v usloviyakh 153
Kraynego Severa. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1970. v.20, no.12, p.26-28, tables) In RusTitle tr.: Bricklaying in multistory sian. buildings under conditions of the Far North. Discusses the method of bricklaying at -25 to -40°C ambient temperature. Portland cement with added potassium carbonate or sodium nitrate is used between the courses; this enables the cement to settle and harden under low temperature. The method is exemplified in construction of a nine-story apartment house in Murmansk with solid brick walls 64 cm thick. Seven stories of the building were put up during the 1967/68 winter without any heating of the brick courses. Upon thawing, the masonry work done under strict control showed up to 1 mm settling/m wall height. Engineering measures were taken against deformation of the walls and the seven stories were completed according to schedule and official standards requirements. DLC. BROKX, P., see No. 103085. 102556 BROMLEY, R.G. and others. Preliminary results of mapping in the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments of Scoresby Land and Jameson Land. (Greenland. Geologiske undersegelse. Report 1970. no.30, p.17-30, maps, table, illus) 10 refs. Other authors: J. Bruun-Petersen and K. Perch-Nielsen. Summarizes the occurrence of Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks in this area. The oldest rocks are Upper Devonian sandstones and shales, underlying Carboniferous and Lower Permian mainly conglomerates and arkoses, and Upper Permian marine fossiliferous deposits. Twelve lithostratigraphic units are defined in Triassic and Jurassic beds, for which heavy mineral assemblages also were determined and mapped. Occurrences of well preserved, varied, and abundant trace fossils are briefly reviewed. Tertiary intrusives are noted and fault structures identified. CaMAI, DLC. BROMLEY, R.G., see also No. 107662. 102557 BRONSHTEYN, B.M. and A.S. KARPOVA. 0 svyazi magnitnykh anomaliy s zolotonosnost'yu; basseyn r. Kolymy. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.2, p.127-29) Title tr.: The connection Refs. In Russian. between magnetic anomalies and gold-bearing deposits, Kolyma River basin. Detailed aeromagnetic surveys in 1961-62 of the upper Kolyma basin indicate that 72% of gold placers lie within positive magnetic anomalies, although the anomalies occupy only 30% of the area. Placer gold is three times more likely than vein gold to be found within these anomalies. Detailed maps of magnetic anomalies should greatly enhance the efficiency of 154
gold prospecting, particularly where placers are DLC. covered by Quaternary alluvium. 102558 BROOD, K. and T. SODERNQIST. Dvargspary Emberiza pusilla ffir tredje gangen (Vat- ffigel varld funnen hackande i Sverige. 1967. v.26, no.3, p.266-68) In Swedish. English Title tr.: The little bunting summary. Emberiza pusilla found nesting for the third time in Sweden. Reports a June 1965 record of two breedings observed 25 km NNE Vittangi, Tome Lappmark, Swedish Lapland. The breedingground was dominated by spruce at the edge of a marsh, a biotope hitherto considered untypical of the species. Incubation time was 11.5 ± .5 days and the young remained in the nest for 67.5 days; 11 days from hatching, the young birds were about fledged, and after 23 days full-grown. Some notes are added on the song and call-notes of adults and nestlings, also on nestbuilding and breeding behavior. Both sexes DLC. appeared to brood. 102559 BROOKER, E.W. and D.W. HAYLEY. New look at the permafrost problem. (Oilweek 1970. v.21, no.37, p.47-52, illus) 7 refs. Defines permafrost, discusses the controlling factors of its decay and draws from literature of 1947-69, to indicate some of its aspects. Soil freezing, methods of site exploration, prevention of thaw in areas of continuous, and anticipation of thaw in areas of discontinuous permafrost are dealt with. Some special problems are cited: the large supply of gravel required for pipeline construction, housing for the labor force with water supply and waste disposal facilities, construction of access roads, airstrips, pipeline piling, pumping stations, etc. DGS. 102560 BROOKS, C.K. and H. BOHSE. New field investigations of the Ilimaussaq Geologiske kakortokite. (Greenland. undersegelse. Report 1969. no.19, p.41-42) 4 refs. Outlines 1968 geological studies, mapping and sampling near Kangerdluarssuk. The stratigraphy of the layered kakortokite was investigated to ascertain the mechanism of formation of this remarkable series of igneous cumulates of possible commercial value. Distinctive horizons are described and relationships to the augite syenite and lujavrites are noted. CaMAI, DLC. 102561 BROOKS, C.K. On the distribution of zirconium and hafnium in the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland. (Geochimica et cosmochimica acts 1969. v.33, no.3, p.357-74, graphs, tables) 44 refs. Determinations of Zr and Hf in representa-
tive rock samples and separated minerals from this intrusion show that in the successive residual liquids there was a marked increase in the Zr and Hf concentrations, with a slight but significant rise in the Zr/Hf ratio, similar to that normally found in alkalic rocks. This is attributed to a very low state of polymerization in these liquids, caused principally by a buildup of volatiles as crystallization proceeded, and to their chemical composition. DGS.
BROOKS, C.K., see also No. 106462. 102562 BROOKS, J.W. and others.
Environmental influences of oil and gas development in the Arctic Slope and Beaufort Sea. Washington, DC 1971. 24 p. table, illus. (US. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife. Resource publication no.96) 38 refs. Other authors: J.C. Bartonek, D.R. Klein, D.L. Spencer and A.S. Thayer. Notes the physiographic, climatic and permafrost features of northern Alaska and damages to the natural conditions from exploration parties in the region. Possible effects on the fishes, birds and mammals of expected pollution, increased hunting and surface structures connected with industrial development are discussed. Recommendations for avoiding or minimizing environmental and resource damage are advanced. The shallow shelf and pack ice in the Beaufort Sea present obstacles to oil development and transportation. The risk of serious environmental and resource damage warrants the imposition of high operational and safety standards and the strengthening of legal authority to promulgate and enforce DLC. essential regulations.
onset of darkness; the selection of highcalorie foods, primarily birch seeds; the ability to increase digestive efficiency at extreme low temperatures; a plumage with probably greater insulative value; and the ability to continue activities at very low light DSI-M. intensities.
102564 BROSCOE, A.J. and S. THOMSON. Observations on an alpine mudflow, Steele Creek, Yukon. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.2, p.219-29, graphs, maps, illus) 13 refs. Reports observations of a mudflow in an area of flat-topped steep-sided morainal terraces on a ridge above this creek in the St. Elias Range during a 2.19-in rainfall in 36 hr in July 1967. The flow emerged in pulses from a notch at the upper margin of the terrace surface and formed fronts 6-8 ft high. When these arcuate fronts broke, the mud flowed across the fan and through erosional notches to the valley floor. The stream deposited coarse bed load on the alluvial fan on the upper terrace, then cascaded down the notch. Undercutting of the notch caused periodic collapse of the morainic material, which controlled the pulsating nature of the mudflow. Flow particles ranged in size from colloids to 13 ft boulders. Pebbles included 70% locally derived lava and 18% granite from the moraine. Material finer than 2 microns was predominantly montmorillonite. Rain and runoff washed fine material from mudflow deposits, leaving a lag deposit similar to alluvial gravel. Botanical evidence indicates that mudflows occur at intervals of decades. DGS.
BROSGE, M.M., see No. 103650. BROOKS, J.W., see also No. 105298. Comparative adaptations of the Alaskan redpolls to the arc(Wilson bulletin 1968. v.80, tic environment. no.3, p.253-80, graphs, tables) 40 refs. Reports on controlled experiments with the hoary and common redpolls Acanthis hornemanni exilipes, and A. flammea flammea, captured at Umiat and Fairbanks in 1963, to investigate gross metabolic or bioenergetic relations of the birds to their arctic environment. A. hornemanni spends at least part of the winter at Anaktuvuk Pass and possibly even on the Arctic Slope; both species winter abundantly at Fairbanks and are considered arctic or subarctic permanent residents. The survival of so small a bird at such low temperatures is a result of adaptations, in comparison to nonarctic passerines, viz: a relatively higher rate and quantity of gross energy intake, owing, in part, to a croplike esophageal diverticulum which is filled with extra food just before
102563 BROOKS, WS.
102565 BROSGE, W.P. and others. Chemical analyses of stream sediment samples from the Sadlerochit-Jago Rivers area, Mt. Michelson and Demarcation Point quadrangles, Alaska. Washington, DC 1970. 44 p. map, tables, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Reports, open file series no.1400) 5 refs. Other authors: H.N. Reiser and M.B. Estlund. Gives tabulated, computer-programmed semiquantitative spectrographic analytical data, histograms and cumulative frequency distribution for all elements, and a statistical summary which includes geometric means and deviations for 144 stream samples in the area approx 69° - 69°35'N 143°15' - 145°30'W, which includes part of the Arctic National DGS. Wildlife Range. 102566 BROSGE, W.P. and LL. TAILLEUR. Depositional history of Northern Alaska. (In: Geological Seminar on the North Slope of Alaska 1970. Proceedings, p.D I-D18, maps, illus) 4 refs.
Summarizes the stratigraphy as recorded in the literature over some 25 yr. The thickness and facies of the pre-Mississippian and Mississippian — Tertiary rock systems are described as related to major structural features, viz: the Brooks Range geanticline, Colville geosyncline and Arctic Platform. Geologic maps and sections inns the field relations of the rock units. Discussion by J.K. Trigger suggests that a certain Permian limestone unit assigned to the Lisburne Group correlates rather with the Echooka Member of the Sadlerochit Formation. DGS. 102567 BROSGE, W.P.
and others.
Geologic interpretation of reconnaissance aeromagnetic survey of northeastern Alaska. Washington, DC 1970. 14 p. maps. (US. Geological Survey. Bulletin 1271-F) 39 refs. Other authors: E.E. Brabb and E.R. King. Divides the region 64° - 70°N 141° 148°30'W into five areas on the basis of a summer 1965 and earlier aeromagnetic surveys. The eastern Brooks Range, parts of the foothills, Arctic coastal plain and Porcupine Plateau compose area A, in which exposed rocks are chiefly Paleozoic sedimentary and lowgrade metamorphic, with low magnetic relief. All five areas and 12 specific anomalies are described. The Tintina fault zone, Ruby uplift and Kobuk Trench were traced for >100 mi; inferred north-trending faults and serpentine belts, which had not previously been identified by surface geologic methods, were revealed. Volcanic rocks probably extend far enough beneath the Yukon Flats to limit the size of a previously postulated Tertiary petroleum basin. Large magnetic anomalies in the YukonTanana upland suggest new possibilities for mineral deposits associated with ultramafic rocks. Geologic and aeromagnetic maps at 1:1 million scale and magnetic profiles indicating boundaries of magnetic rock units are provided under separate cover. DGS. 102586 BROSGE, W.P. and C.L. WHITTINGTON. Geology of the Umiat-Maybe
Creek region, Alaska; with Heavy-mineral studies of the Umiat-Maybe Creek region, by R.H. Morris. Exploration of Naval Petroleum Reserve no 4 and adjacent area, northern Alaska, 1944-53; part 3, areal geology. (US. Geological Survey. Professional paper 1966. no.303-H, p.501-638, maps, tables, illus) 47 refs. This 3000 mil region, 69°15' - 70°08'N 151°20' - 153°W lies principally in the Northern Foothills section of the Arctic Foothills province with roughly the northern quarter in the Arctic Coastal Plain province. It is bounded on the E and S by the Colville River and on the W by the Ikpikpuk River. Its geology as described is based on the work of 20 parties, 156
drilling of 20 wells, and many seismic traverses.
Umiat is the principal means of access to the entire region, an air transport center with a 5000-ft gravel airstrip. Cretaceous rocks of the Nanushuk and Colville groups are exposed and overlain by unconsolidated deposits of the Gubik formation (Pleistocene) and loess, terrace gravels, and alluvium. The stratigraphy records the northward advance of nonmarine sediments as the Cretaceous geosyncline was filled. Regional warping and local folding occurred during late Cretaceous time and folding of the Cretaceous rocks ensued during the Tertiary. The folds strike ENE to SE and axial planes dip steeply S. Most of the anticlines in the region have closure where the dominant east plunge is locally reversed_ Eleven test wells at Umiat outline a productive area of 50007000 acres with estimated oil reserves of 30-100 million barrels. CaMA I, DGS. 102569 BROSGE, W.P. and I.L. TAILLEUR. Isopach maps of upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks, northern Alaska. Washington, DC 1969. 10 p. maps (US. Geological Survey. Reports, open file series no.1243) Contains 10 maps compiled to provide data on rock volumes for a report on northern Alaska to the National Petroleum Council. The maps range from pre-Mississippian rocks to the Colville Group. Brief explanatory text is provided. Data for most rock units are scanty, requiring extrapolation and interpolation far beyond the data points. DLC. 102570 BROSGE, W.P. and others. Probable Permian age of the Rampart Group, central Alaska. Washington, DC 1969. 18 p. maps, tables, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Bulletin no. 1294-B) 14 refs. Other authors: M.A. Lanphere, H.N. Reiser and R.M. Chapman. This group of mainly volcanic rocks was assigned earlier to the Mississippian System because of bryozoans in a limestone bed thought to be in or below the Rampart. Study of new and old collections shows this limestone bed to be within the volcanic sequence and to be composed largely of pelecypod prisms, thus to resemble Permian(?) limestones of southwest Alaska. Horneblende from gabbro that seems to intrude the Rampart volcanic rocks near the fossil locality has a K-Ar age of 205 ± 6 MY (Triassic). Thus, the Rampart Group is considered to be Permian. DGS. 102571 BROSGE, W.P.
and others.
Selected references on the geology of northern and northeastern Alaska. Menlo Park, Calif., US. Geological Survey 1969. 25 p. Other authors: I.L. Tailleur and D.F. Barnes. Lists about 195 publications mostly of 195068 dealing with the stratigraphy and paleontol-
ogy, areal geology, oil and gas wells, faults and geophysics of Northern Alaska. Copies available from Alaskan Geology Branch, US. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo DGS. Park, Calif. 94025. BROSGE, W.P., 107720.
see also
Nos. 103934,
BROUGHTON, E., see No. 105870. 102572 BROWN, A.S. Aiyansh lava flow, British Columbia. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.6, p.1460-68, map, tables, illus) 4 refs. This high-iron, low-magnesium, alkali basalt lava flow is approx 220 yr old; it vented in a tributary valley of the Tseax River, flowed 14 mi to the Nass valley, spread out in a lava plain 6 mi long, forcing the river to the northern margin of the valley. The flow area is approx 15 mil, its volume approx 0.1 mi3. Its surface consists of pahoehoe, slab and block lava in a pattern related to slope. Piping and collapse were important about the margins of the lava plain. One main and several small cones of bombs and cinders in the vent area indicate that the eruption must have ended with a series of lava fountains and explosions. Chemical DGS. analyses are included. BROWN, A.W.A., see No. 102581. BROWN, D.D., see No. 102216. Effect of 102573 BROWN, J. and others. disturbance on permafrost terrain. Hanover, N.H. 1969. 13 p. map, tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Special report no.138) 10 refs. Other authors: W. Rickard and D. Vietor. Reports studies initiated in summer 1969 to evaluate the effects of man's presence and activities on the permafrost environment. The influence on vegetation and peat thickness on soils underlain 3 m suggests previous thaw features such as a lake. Buried peat at the base of the active layer and in permafrost gave radiocarbon ages ranging 60% of the Ni produced. Its metal to sulfur ratio is 64% Ni, 1.2% Fe, 34.7% S by microprobe analysis. The ore mineral assemblage also includes primary and secondary pyrite, a nickel-rich pentlandite (42% Ni), at least three types of variolite with variable Fe:Ni:Co ratios, minor chalcopyrite and traces of sperrylite (PtAs,), sphalerite, bornite and gersdorffite. DGS. 102623 BUCHANAN, R.D. and others. Ice core for a pervious earth dam 350 miles
north of the Arctic Circle. (Civil engineering 1966. v.36, no.12, pA8-50, graph, map, illus) Other authors: R.A. Dudley and H. Peoples. Describes the geologic setting, climatic and permafrost conditions, design and structural problems and construction of an earth dam with an impervious ice core, surrounded by a riprap of oil drums, on a secondary sand bar in Nerravak Lagoon, to provide a fresh water supply for the Eskimo village of Barrow, Alaska. After two yr the lagoon water is serving the hospital and school after desalinization. Within two more yr the water should be potable without desalinization. DGS. 102624 BUCHWALD, D.G. and J.R. NURSALL. Triaenophorus crassus in arctic lampreys of the Northwest Territories, Canada. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1969. v.26, no.8, p.2260-61) 4 refs. Records unencysted plerocercoids of this tapeworm from the coelom of Lampetra faponica from Great Slave Lake, a first host record. CaMAI, DI. 102625 BUCK, B.M. Arctic acoustic transmission loss and ambient noise. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.427-38, graphs, table) 5 refs. Beginning 1962, the General Motors Defense Research Laboratories measured transmission loss between drifting stations T3, Arlis HI, Arlis IV, and Polar Pack temporary stations and the icebreaker Staten Island. Deviations of the measured data on transmission loss from curves based on equations for divergence loss and reflection loss, were attributed to the effects of source, receiver and bottom depth, as explained. Ambient noise levels in the band 18.75-1200 Hz were measured in a continuous 3/day program beginning Apr 1965. Background noise in deep arctic water is attributed largely to ice activity; at low frequency, to gross ice movement, pressure ridging, from nearby to extreme distances; at mid-frequencies, to local ice-fissuring; and at high frequencies to thermal cracking of ice. LF noise is more dependent on remote ice activity than HF noise. Preliminary studies indicate no strong correlation between noise levels and wind or temperature. CaMAI, DLC. 102626 BUCK, B.M. and others. Remote automatic multipurpose station (RAMS). (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.7, p.37-44, illus) 7 refs. Other authors: R.P. Brumbach, Jr and W.P. Brown. Briefly discusses the basic elements of a system being developed by Delco Electronics Division, General Motors Corp, for gathering various types of underwater acoustic data. CaMAI, DN-HO. 165
ISO102627 BUCKLEY, J.D. and others. TOPES' radiocarbon measurements, VI. (Radiocarbon 1968. v.10, no.2, p.246-94) Refs. Other authors: M.A. Trautman and E.H Willis. Includes dates for wood, peal, organic debris, mosses or other plants from seven samples in a permafrost tunnel at Fairbanks, two from Fox 10 mi north, and six from the Barrow region in Alaska; also dates for elephant tusk, wood and charcoal from northern British Columbia; eight for peat or soils from northern Finland; 15 for shells or peat at various localities on Baffin Island; and for archeological samples from the Alaska Peninsula, northern Manitoba, Mackenzie and Keewatin Districts DGS. and Victoria Island. 102628 BUCKLEY, J.D. and E.H. WILLIS. ISOTOPES' radiocarbon measurements, 7. (Radiocarbon 1969. v.11, no. I, p.53-105) Refs. Includes dates for wood from various locations in Adams and Muir Inlets in Southeast Alaska, and for charcoal from archeological sites near Lake Minchumina on Nunivak Island and near Iliamna Lake, Alaska. DGS. 102629 BUCKLEY, J.T. Gradients of Ottawa, past and present outlet glaciers. Queen's Printer 1969. 13 p. graphs, tables, map. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 69-29) 16 refs. Reports on calculations of gradients for existing outlet glaciers that extend from interior icecaps or from headwalls in mountains to a fiord in southern and southeastern coastal Alaska, coastal Greenland, northeast Canadian Arctic islands areas and coastal Antarctica bordering the Ross Ice Shelf and Ross Sea. Results demonstrate a linear relationship between the overall length and the gradient of the glaciers. The method is applied to reconstruction of ice surfaces of former outlet glaciers in previously glaciated areas with an example drawn from Sam Ford Fiord, Baffin Island: some mountains seem to have functioned as nunataks but no conclusions can be drawn as to local icecaps on the high mountains. CaMAI, DGS. 102630 BUCKSAR, R.G. The Alaska Highway, background to decision. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.4, p.215-22, map, table) 8 refs. Construction of the Alaska Highway was considered as early as 1929. Interest was stimulated by Highway Associations at Fairbanks, and Dawson City; it increased after British Columbia and Alaskan officials began exchanges of information. Alaska adopted a memorial petitioning the US Congress to arrange conferences between representatives of the US and $12 mmission authorized by the US Congress functioned with their Canadian counterparts 1930-33. It recommended in 1935 construction with $2 mill from the US and $12 166
mill from Canada. Another joint commission was appointed in 1938 and a Permanent Joint Board on Defense established in 1940. In early 1942, $50 mill was authorized by the US Congress. In nine months and six days, the Alaska Highway was a reality at a cost of $139,794,567. CaMAI, DLC. 102631 BUCKSAR, R.G. The squatter (Arctic 1970. v.23, on the resource frontier. no.3, p.201-204, illus) II refs. The resource frontier is defined as beyond the agricultural fringe in Western Canada and on the Shield in the East. Five categories termed insular, partite, arterial, peripheral and bush squatters, create problems for government and the local population in health, hygiene, education, forest-fire control, poaching, pollution, etc. These squatters are natives and Euro-Canadians attracted by seasonal employment and without adequate housing. There is little control over their erection of structures, and conflict between unregulated settlement and community planning. There are few data on the origin, numbers, and location of squatters, on attitudes towards their relocation and on techniques of handling them. CaMA1, DLC. 102632 BUDANOV, G.F. and V.A. MOLIN. Tipy razrezov nizhnekazanskikh otlozheniy v severnykh rayonakh Russkoy platformy. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.183, no.5, p.114750, map) In Russian. Title tr.: Types of Lower Kazanian deposits in the northern Russian platform. Discusses the buried Lower Kazanian-Permian basin in the Mezen-Vychegda, Vym and other river basins. Southern (Vym) type and northern (Mezen) type sections are described, and the lithologies and faunas including molluscs and foraminifers are characterized. The Lower Kazanian basin and its sedimentation DLC. are briefly noted. 102633 BUDANTSEV, LYU. Pozdnemelovaya flora Vilyuyskoy vpadiny. (Botanicheskiy zhurnal 1968. v.53, no. I, p.3-16, map, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. English summary Title tr.: The late Cretaceous flora of the Vilyuy basin. Discusses four floral assemblages: early Cenomanian, late Cenomanian-Turonian, early Senonian, and late Senonian. The early Cenomanian flora retains an early Cretaceous aspect, and contrasts sharply with the late Cenomanian-Turonian assemblage. The early and late Senonian assemblages, on the other hand, are similar. About 90 species are listed; 24 new species, predominantly angiosperms, DLC. are described briefly and illus. BUDANTSEV, L.YU., see also No. 107690.
Uve102634 BUDILOV, V.K. and others. licheniye intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luchey ne svyazannoye s khromosfernymi vspyshkami. (AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyy geofizicheskiy komitet. Kosmicheskiye luchi 1969. no. II, p.26-28, graphs) 3 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: Ye.V. Kolomeyets and V.A. Likhoded. Title tr.: Increase in cosmic ray intensity unrelated to chromospheric flares. Analyzes 146 cases of this increase in the stratosphere as recorded at Murmansk and Moscow during 1957-65 and compared with the neutron component data of Deep River. Unusual cases of enhancement of cosmic ray intensity in the stratosphere were observed during a 5 Nov 1969 flight over Moscow and Murmansk and during a 4 Aug 1964 flight over Mirnyy and Moscow. The energy spectrum of the additional streams of particles, in cases unrelated to chromospheric flares, has a power DLC. of 1.5 on the power index. 102635 BUDINA, L.P. and A.A. YEROGeneticheskiye osobennosti derKHINA. novo podzolistykh gleyevatykh kholodnykh pochv so vtorym gumusovym gorizontom Krasnoyarskogo kraya. (Pochvovedeniye 1969. no.10, p.13-26, graph, tables) 21 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Genetic features of cold soddy-podzolic-gley soils with a second humus horizon in Krasnoyarsk Province. Describes the soils beneath a moss and grass cover in the dark coniferous forest of the western part of the Province, in the Bol'shaya and Malaya Kee River areas. These soils develop under the joint action of several processes, humus formation, podzolization, and gleyization. History of the development of soddy-podzolic-gley soils with a second humus horizon is closely related to the history of landscape formation in the postglacial period. DLC. 102636 BUDKER, P. and M.H. DU BUIT. On the stranding of a calf fin whale at Le Pouldu, South Brittany, France. (Norsk hvalfangst-tidende 1968. v.57, no.1, p.13-I6, map illus) 7 refs. Describes a newborn Balaenoptera physalus DLC. stranded in Jan 1967. 102637 BUDKER, P. Stranding of pilot whales Globicephala melaena (Trail!) on the coast of Normandy, France. (Norsk hvalfangst-tidende 1968. v.57, no.1, p.17-I9, maps, illus) 2 refs. Gives the size and sex of 16 whales stranded in a gale in Nov 1967. The remainder of the school succeeded in regaining deep DLC. water. 102638 BUD'KO, V.M.
primeneniye aerometodov dlya geologicheskogo kartirovaniya na Kol'skom poluostrove. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.6, p.131-38, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of aerial methods for geologic mapping in Kola Peninsula. Reviews the use of aerial photography and aeromagnetic survey in mapping this region since 1962. The two techniques are described and illus, their advantages and disadvantages cited, and their defects in use are noted. A combination of both aerial methods is recomDLC. mended. S.T. V liyaniye 102639 BUD'KOV, zimnikh usloviy na khozyaystvo Sos'vinskogo regional'nogo Priob'ya. (Problemy zimovedeniya 1970. no.3, p.141-43) In Russian. Title tr.: Influence of winter conditions on the economy of the Sos'va region of the Ob basin. Discusses the effects of the climate in the Berezovo region of the Severnaya Sos'va on logging and reforestation, fishing, agriculture, livestock and reindeer raising. The area has 200 days/yr at 0°C or below, an annual mean of -3.9°C, insular permafrost and snow cover mid-Oct to mid-May. There is a chronic labor shortage and lack of advanced technology which entail special planning for industry, land use, food and goods supply, etc. Transport is by river boat and railroad to the Ob station; thence winter road to DLC. settlements. 102640 BUDNIKOV, V.I. and N.V. MEL'Sopostavleniye razrezov permi NIKOV. tsentral'noy chasti Tungusskoy sineklizy, po materialam neftegazopoiskovogo bureniya. (Sibirskiy n.-issl. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy 1968. no.78, ser. litologiya i geokhimiya, p.160-64, graphs) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Correlation of Permian sections in the central part of the Tunguska syneclise, based on data from oil and gas test wells. Presents a correlation of Permian sections in the Allyunsk and Nizhnyaya Tunguska River basin. Lithologic units within sections are defined. An admixture of tuffaceous material is noted at the top of the sequence. Triassic deposits overlie the Upper Paleozoic section. DLC. 102641 BUDNIKOV, V.I. Strukturnofatsial'nyye zony verkhnepaleozoyskoy uglenosnoy formatsii Tungusskoy sineklizy. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.7, p.119-26, graphs, maps) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structural-facies zones of the upper Paleozoic coal-bearing formation of the Tunguska syneclise. Reports a 1963-67 study of the lithology, geochemistry and fades of these deposits. 167
Lagoon, lake, swamp and alluvial-delta facies are briefly characterized. Lithologic-paleogeographic schemes are presented and interpreted. The Central Tunguska uplift has great potential for oil, gas, bauxite and other minerals. DLC. BUDNIKOV, V.1., 103497.
see also
Nos. 102036,
102642 BUDYKO, M.I. The effect of solar radiation variations on the climate of the earth. (Tellus 1969. v.21, no.5, p.611-19, graphs) 20 refs. Russian summary. Secular variations in the mean temperature of the earth can be explained by variations in the short-wave radiation that reaches the surface. The influences of long-term radiation changes are being studied, especially the influence of changes of planetary albedo on glaciation. Comparatively small variations in atmospheric transparency could have caused the CaMAI, DLC. Quaternary glaciations. BUDZ, M.D., see No. 107940. 102643 RIMEL, J. Denudation and river erosion in the "zone of pronounced valley formation" on south-east Spitsbergen. (In: Symposium on Ecology of the Subarctic Regions 1966. Proceedings pub 1970, p.115-17) French summary. The German Stauferland-Expedition in 1959-60 found that the most active valley formation on earth takes place under the subpolar climatic conditions in the Barentseya region. Three essential causes account for the graded profiles and wide valley-bottoms, even with small rivers, viz: large amounts of coarse, mechanically weathered debris are transported from slopes to valley bottoms; with only a small absolute amount of precipitation, a very high run-off coefficient obtains during the few weeks of the spring melting period; within the reach of permafrost which dominates in the subpolar zone, vertical and headward erosion of rivers is facilitated to a degree not matched in any other climatic zone. CaMAI, MdU.
102644 BODEL, J. Hang- und Talbildung in Siidost-Spitzbergen. (Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart 1968. v.19, p.240-43) In German. Title tr.: Slope and valley formation in southeast Svalbard. Summarizes investigations of the Stauferland Expedition in 1957-1967 with attention directed to slope and valley formation under cold climatic conditions. Frost action, ice wedges, ice crusts, solifluction, etc, are characterized. Erosion and the slope-forming mechanism here should be termed "excessive valley-forming zone" as a new type of 168
climatically controlled zone of the earth. DLC. BUFE, C., see No. 102767. 102645 BUGGE, A. Ryene pa Kjerringoy handelssted i Nordland. (Oslo. Norsk folkemuseum. By og bygd 1966. v.19, p.69-76, illus) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Pile-woven rugs at the Kjerringoy trading post in Nordland. Describes woolen pile-woven rugs used as bedcovers in olden days in Norway. The large monograms in the pile, and the maker of the rugs, Mrs. Anna Zahl, 1801-1879, are noted. DLC. 102646 BUGGE, G.N. Bornesanatorier og bornehjem samt anden privat forsorg for gronlandske born i tiden 1920-1965. (Grenland 1966. no.8, p.257-74, tables, illus) About 30 refs. In Danish. Title tr.: Children's sanatoria and homes and other private child welfare work in Greenland in 1920-65. The organization of foster care for orphaned children in private homes was started on private initiative in the years after the first World War and was taken over in 1924 by Foreningen til Hjaelp for Grenlandske Bern (Association for Aid to Greenland Children). A sanatorium was opened in 1925 at Sukkertoppen, and others at Umanak 1929, Julianehab 1949, Jakobshavn 1954 and Angmagssalik 1957. These sanatoria have become general children's homes. The Gertrud Basics Minde Children's Home at Lichtenau in Nanortalik district was started on a modest scale by the clergyman Jens Chemnitz in 1937, and the Danish Red Cross also operates homes in Godthab since 1952, Egedesminde 1955 and Julianehab 1958. Altogether these homes accommodate 208 children. CaMAI, DLC. 102647 BUGGE, G.N. Det forste ministerbesog i Grenland, uddrag of Hedevig Bugge's beretning om indenrigsminister Sigurd Berg's besog i Godthab fra 13.-16. juni 1907. (Grenland 1967. no.I I, p.363-70, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: The first ministerial visit to Greenland, extracts from Hedevig Bugge's account of the visit by the Minister of the Interior, Sigurd Berg, to Godthab 13-16 June 1907. Account by the author's mother, wife of Konrad Bugge, the factor at Godthab 19071922. CaMAI, DLC. BUGGE, HEDEVIG, see No. 102647. BUGROVA, V.D., see No. 106958. 102648 BUKANOV, V.V. and others. Fizicheskiye svoystva khloritov kvartsevykh zhil Pripolyarnogo Urala. (AN SSSR. Komi
filial. Inst. geolgii. Trudy 1968. no.9, p.61-71, graphs, tables) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: K.B. Kepezhinskas and N.V. Arnautov. Title tr.: Physical properties of chlorites in the quartz veins of the Subpolar Urals. Presents tabulated data on the physical properties of these quartz veins. Five groups of chlorites are distinguished. According to genetic features, two types of crystal-bearing veins are recognized, those connected with plicative dislocations or with disjunctive distortions. DLC.
plants, leaves, stems, and roots of more than two dozen families of ferns, horsetails, trees, grasses, and flowering herbaceous plants, based on analyses of about 250 samples from known ore deposits. Analytical procedures are outlined, and the species composition is given for each of the families investigated. More than a dozen species are identified as strong Cu concentrators, with concentrations exceeding normal background values by more than 20 times. DLC. BUKHARIN, P.D., see also No. 101713.
102649 BUKANOV, V.V. and K.B. KEPEZHINSKAS. Khlority kvartsevykh zhil Pripolyarnogo Urala. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.2, p.41-46, tables) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Chlorites of English summary. quartz veins in Subpolar Urals. Presents new data from a chemical, optical and X-ray study. An attempt is made to generalize the results by means of statistical methods. The dependence of chlorite composition on the composition of the country rock DLC. and formation conditions is noted. 102650 BUKANOV, V.V. and T.A. KARYAICINA. Novyye dannyye po kristallomorfologii kvartsa. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1968. no.9, p.72-81, illus) Refs. Title tr.: New data on the morIn Russian. phology of quartz crystals. Of some seven hundred crystals from eight rock crystal pockets in the Subpolar Urals, 55% are bipyramid, 8% trapezohedral, and the rest of various other forms. The sculpture on the crystals is analyzed, and two types of vicinal DLC. forms are noted. 102651 BUKANOVA, V.A. and V.V. KHLYBOV. Primer endogennoy argillizatsii granitov okolo khrustalenosnykh gnezd. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1968. no.9, p.35-48, graphs, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Example of endogenic argillization of granites around rock crystal pockets. Reports a study of various rocks in the Urals and describes a typical section of argillized hornblende plagiogranites near rock crystal pockets. Argillization of granites proceeded under increasingly alkaline conditions. DLC. BUKANOVA, V.A., see also No. 102837. 102652 BUKHARIN, P.D. and others. Soderzhaniye medi v dikorastushchikh rasteniyakh Murmanskoy oblasti. (Moskva. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad. Byulleten' 1967. no.67, p.55-6I, tables) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N.N. Kolesnikov and M.F. Lyalina. Title tr.: Copper content in wild plants of the Murmanskaya Oblast'. Tabulates average Cu content for entire
102653 BUKIN, C.V. and G.I. GRIGOR'YEV. Nekotoryye rezul'taty nablyudeniy peremeshchayushchikhsya vozmushcheniy v Arkhangel'skoy oblasti. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1968. v.8, no.4, p.671-78, graphs, map) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some results of observations on traveling disturbances in Arkhangel'sk Province. Reports the results of vertical ionospheric sounding programs conducted in 1965-66 as a part of the joint Soviet-French project at the Kerguelen-Sogra magnetically conjugate points. In this investigation, observations were made at Sogra, Arkhangel'sk, and on a floating platform on the North Dvina River between Arkhangcl'sk and Velikiy Ustyug for the purpose of studying traveling electron concentration inhomogeneities. In 1966, data obtained at the permanent stations, Intl Murmansk and Salekhard were added. The true vertical velocity of the inhomogeneities was determined. The computed delay in time for the appearance of disturbances of an ionogram agreed with the experimentally determined time. DLC. BUKIN, G.V., see also Nos. 102165, 102215. BUKIN, V.L, 107069.
Nos. 107035, 103671,
102654 BUKREYEV, G.A. and V.V. BESSARAB. Stroitel'stvo nadzemnogo uchastka gazoprovoda Taas-Tumus - Yakutsk Pokrovsk. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1969. v.14, no.9, p.27-29, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Construction of the elevated section of the Tas-Tumus - Yakutsk - Pokrovsk gas pipeline. Describes construction of the 310 km long pipeline made of .529 mm diam steel pipes. Some 193 km of the line was laid elevated above ground on supports, 20 km in an embankment made on the ground, and 97 km in trenches underground. The elevated part of the pipeline was laid in a zigzag pattern, and in a straight line pattern with slightly bent compensators. Drilling of the holes for the supporting piles determined the pace of laying the pipeline. About 8000 m of drillholes was 169
required for pile supports. Bending of pipes was done on a UGT-7 rig. Preparation of the supports, their mounting on the line, laying the pipes are described, as is the cleaning and greasing the surface of the elevated pipes and blowing through the pipeline. Automotive transport and aircraft were used for the delivery of' pipes, supports, and other materials to the line. DLC. BUKSEFJORD PROJECT, 1972-1977, No. 106462. V.S. 0 102655 BULATOV, vozmozhnykh napravleniyakh transportirovaniya tyumenskogo gaza. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. lzvestiya 1971. ser. obshchestvennykh nauk no.1, p.37-45, maps, tables) Title tr.: Possible routes for Ref. In Russian. transporting Tyumen gas. Disputes the rationale in favoring the Nadym-Salekhard-Ukhta-Torzhok pipeline over a more southerly, mid-Urals route. The northern line, costing billions of rubles to build, would lie north of the major industrial centers and feed areas that could use only 60% of the gas potential and would require link-ups with the central Russia gas trunk line. The midUrals route, Nadym-Punga-Serov-Perm'-central Russia, would cost less to build because it is shorter and has less of a permafrost problem, further its maintenance will cost 4.5 million rubles/yr less and it will carry the gas directly to the main areas that need it. Its Punga-SerovPerm' stretch is already in operation and the Ukhta-Torzhok section of the Siyaniye Severa is nearing completion. Construction of the Punga-Nadym link should take priority over the northern Ukhta-Nadym. Data on cost of construction and maintenance, capital investment, total lengths of the two pipelines and the sections laid across permafrost areas are discussed and tabulated, as is comparative cost of gas to consumer by either route, etc, showing the advantages of the mid-Urals pipeline. DLC. 102656 BULATOVA, A.YU. Uchet molodi treski v rayonakh Labradora i N'yufaundlenda v 1961-1967 gg. (Murmansk. Polyarnyy n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Trudy 1968. no.23, p.262-78, graphs, maps, tables) 21 refs. In RusTitle tr.: Estimation sian. English summary. of young cod in the Labrador and Newfoundland regions. The constant abundance of cod in Labrador waters is attributed to uniform oceanographic conditions. The schools in the northern, cooler waters have more vertebrae, a slower growth rate and an earlier spawning season than the schools on the southern DLC. banks. 170
102657 BULGAKOVA, M.D. and others. Novyye dannyye o bazal'nykh konglomeratakh Verkhoyanskogo kompleksa, nizhniy karbon khr. Orulgan. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1969. ser. geol. no.9, p.6I-72, map, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: K.A. Lazebnik and L.S. Sukneva. Title 1st: New data on basal conglomerates of the Verkhoyansk complex, Lower Carboniferous of the Orulgan Range. Four genetic groups of rocks are defined according to source: I) ancient Proterozoic granitoids, greisens, metamorphosed quartzlike and greisen-like sandstones and quartzites; 2) black silicides and vein quartz; 3) various schists with a low degree of metamorphism; 4) a group of rocks connected with weathering of the underlying rocks. Tectonic activation of the region of the Orulgan Mts occurred in end Toumaisian-beginning Visean time. DLC. 102658 BULGAKOVA, YE.N. Issledovaniye vklyucheniy rasplava v porodoobrazuyushchikh mineralakh Chernogorskoy intruzii, Noril'skiy rayon. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.185, no.2, p.423-26, table, illus) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A study of melt inclusions in rock-forming minerals of the Chernaya Mountain intrusion, Noril'sk region. Reports a study of melt inclusions in clinopyroxene, plagioclase and olivine from various horizons of the intrusion. Two genetic types are recognized, primary and secondary. Primary inclusions in olivine may be divided into two groups, glassy and partly crystallized. Inclusions in clinopyroxene and plagioclase are also characterized. The temperature of crystallization of these minerals is noted. DLC. 102659 BULGAKOVA, YE.N. K genezisu gibridnykh porod differentsirovannoy trappovoy intruzii gory Chernoy. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.10, p.133-38, graphs, table) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Genesis of hybrid rocks in the differentiated trap intrusion of Chernaya mountain. From petrographic, mineralogical, chemical and morphostructural analyses these rocks of the Noril'sk region are considered to have been formed by assimilation of acid rocks followed by crystallization of magma. DLC. 102660 BULKIN, A.P. and YU.M. DOGAYEV. Effektivnost' maloy energetiki na Severe. (Problemy Severa 1968. no.I3, p.251-55, map, tables) 6 ref's. In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: The advantages of small power plants in the North. Discusses economic advantages of using small power plants, specifically the wind-driven electric power plants (VEU), in the Far North. Wind velocities of northern USSR are shown
in tables and map. Use of direct conversion systems such as thermal generators and fuel cells is also recommended. CaMAI, DLC.
shaft may be made of circular cross-section which is more stable than the rectangular timbering presently in use. DLC.
102661 BULL, C. 1978-1980 surge of the Sherman Glacier, south-central Alaska. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.4, pt.2, p.841-43, map) 4 refs. Predicts a surge of this glacier in the near future on the basis of observed changes in the mass balance and the movement regime subsequent to the 1964 Alaska earthquake, when one-third of the ablation area was covered by a debris sheet. CaMAI, DGS.
102664 BULYGINA, O.P. and others. Sostoyaniye izuchennosti i osnovnyye napravleniya gidrogeologicheskikh rabot na territorii Tyumenskoy oblasti na 1971-1975 gg. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.8-9) In Russian. Title tr.: Status and trends of hydrogeologic investigations in Tyumen Province in 1971-75. Reports on the successful results of hydrogeologic investigations for locating potable water supplies and on applications of hydrogeologic data in exploration for oil and metallic ores. A regional network of exploratory boreholes has been established for analysis of the groundwater regime, with reference to water-supply requirements and to construction engineering in the permafrost regions of the northern part of the province. DLC.
BULLARD, R.P. see No. 108022. 102662 BULLEN, R.S. New slant on pipeline testing. (Oilweek 1969. v.20, no.19, p.22-25, table, illus) Discusses problems and procedures of the Eskimo Division of Dresser Industries, with use of heated water for testing the Marten Hills 20in. main line of the Alberta Gas Trunk Line Co at -40°F temp. Winter testing entails high rates of equipment failure, hard driving conditions with ice and snow, collapsed housing due to snow or wind, and access difficulties due to blizzards or unseasonable melting; hours of daylight are reduced, and there is ice in valves and lines. Early spring breakup in muskeg is unpredictable from yr to yr. The main timeconsuming factors are test head installations, housing and heating of crossovers, and frequent compressor moves. The basic testing unit and typical crossover are illus. DGS. 102663 BULYCHEV, NS. and others. Vybor ratsional'noy konstruktsii krepi shakhtnogo stvola na Sopchinskom mestorozhdenii. (In: AN SSSR. Kol'skiy filial. Gomometallurgicheskiy inst. Fizika i tekhnologiya...1965, p.47-59, tables, illus) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: I.A. Turchaninov and E.V. Kaspar'yan. Title tr.: Choice of method for reinforcing the Sopchinskiy mine shaft. Presents results of a study of the mechanical properties of the country rocks. In finegrained pyroxenite, fissures range in length from a few to 10 m and in width from 1.3 mm to 1.5 cm. It was decided to replace the present wooden timbering of the shaft by strengthening it with concrete sprayed on the shaft walls under high pressure. The liquid concrete fills the fissures to a depth of several centimeters. The mixture begins to harden in 1.5 min; in 2 hr the concrete coating of the shaft walls has a strength of 50 kg/cm', in 24 hr 200-250 kg/cm', in a month 400-600 kg/cm'. Such a strong coating prevents the shaft walls from weathering, strengthens them, and is much lighter than the wooden timbering which hangs on the walls as an additional load. The
102665 BULYNNIKOVA, A.A. and others. Geologicheskoye stroyeniye i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Priyeniseyskoy chasti Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti. Moskva, Nedra 1968. 215 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Sibirskiy n.-issl. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy no.41) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.N. Rezapov, V.V. Puchkina and N.N. Storozhenko. Title tr.: Geologic structure and prospects for oil and gas west of the Yenisey in the West Siberian lowland. The area is separated into southern and northern parts and each is characterized by a specific lithologic-facies complex of Mesozoic deposits. The southern part on its south and east has outcrops of old rocks of the KuznetskAlatau, the Sayan and Yenisey Ridge. The northern part is bordered on its southeast by uplifts of the basement, on the west by the ObYenisey watershed and on the east by the Siberian platform. In the section of Mesozoic deposits, there are Jurassic and Cretaceous marine and coastal-marine deposits. Their lithologic and paleontologic characteristics are described. The strata developed in three structural stages. The Chulym-Yenisey and Turukhan regions are the most prospective for oil and gas. DLC. 102666 BULYNNIKOVA, A.A. and others. K stratigrafii verkhnemelovykh otlozheniy severo-vostochnoy chasti Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.7, p.25-32) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: N.I. Baybarodskikh, F.F. Vakhitov and Ye.P. Kolokol'tseva. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous deposits in 171
the northeastern part of the West Siberian lowland. Separates the Upper Cretaceous deposits into local stratigraphic units on the basis of borings and geologic mapping in the UseYenisey depression and the Turukhan-Yermakovo and Yeloguy regions. Each unit is described, noting lithology, thickness and characteristics. DLC. 102667 BULYNNIKOVA, A.A. and others. K stratigrafii yurskikh i nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy severo-vostochnykh rayonov ZapadnoSibirskoy nizmennosti. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.5, p.37-47, table) 9 refs. In Title tr.: Russian. English summary. Stratigraphy of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits in the northeast regions of the West Siberian lowland. Presents a new stratigraphic outline of these deposits, based on data from deep borings in the lower Yenisey, Turukhan and other regions. Previously defined subdivision into stages is noted. Each unit within the section is briefly described as to lithologic composition, thickness and paleontologic characteristics. DLC. 102668 BUNAK, V.V. Geno-geograficheskiye zony Vostochnoy Yevropy, vydelyayemyye po faktoram krovi A B 0. (Voprosy antropologii 1969. no.32, p.6-28, graph, maps, tables) 62 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Genegeographical zones of Eastern Europe according to A B 0 blood factors. Comparative study with data tabulated on ethnic and territorial distribution of blood groups and p, q, r factors in the USSR and Balto-Finnish populations, incl Kola Lapps, Zyryans and Nenets Samoyeds of Arkhangel'sk Province. West Siberian Samoyeds, Voguls, and Yukaghirs are also considered. Serological types are thought to have formed locally in neolithic or mesolithic times. Their present distribution (mapped) is ascribed to ethnic mingling and migration rather than to racial or geographic factors. DLC. BUNAK„ V.V., see No. 103396. 102669 BUNCE, J.A. Oceanographic cruise summary Baffin Bay - Davis Strait Labrador Sea, October 1969. Washington, DC 1970. 10 p. graphs, map, table. (US. Naval Oceanographic Office. Informal report no.7016) 3 refs. Reports on the oceanographic operations in support of the annual East Arctic Ice Forecast Program, aboard USCGC Westwind. Station locations extended from 53° - 78°N. Comparative temperature and salinity profiles for 1967, 1968 and 1969 are given. Temperatures were colder in the upper 40 m than were recorded in 172
1967-68. An exception to this trend was observed at the northernmost station where freezing had already begun on all three surveys. CaMAI, DN-HO. 102670 BUNCH, T.E. Some characteristics of selected minerals from craters. (In: Conference on Shock Metamorphism...pub 1968. p.413-32, graphs, illus) 48 refs. Reports on deformation microstructures observed in quartz, feldspar and mica of rock samples from meteorite impact craters and from a number of cryptoexplosion structures incl specimens from Clearwater Lakes, Lac Couture and Manicouagan in Quebec. They exhibit certain features that are considered due to shock loading and can be distinguished from those produced by tectonic processes. The rocks from Clearwater Lakes are considered to have been formed by meteorite impact, those from Lac Couture possibly so. DGS. BUNDYUK, 0.1., see No. 101640. 102671 BUNYAKOV, A.P. and YU.L. SLASTENOV. Geologicheskoye stroyeniye i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti yugo-vostochnogo borta Vilyuyskoy sineklizy. (In: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd. Yakutskiy filial. Institut geologii. Leno-Vilyuyskaya neftegazonosnaya...1969. p.108-114, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Geologic structure and oil and gas possibilities of the southeastern flank of the Vilyuy syneclise. Seismic investigations and exploratory drilling in the Kenkeme River region have provided information on subsurface stratigraphic and structural elements. Mesozoic and Paleozoic deposits are described noting their thickness, lithologic composition and oil and gas possibilities. Proterozoic deposits are also present, but their petroleum potential has not been studied. They form a thick sequence, wedging out toward the southwest. The Yudoma series in the overlying lower Cambrian deposits offers the most favorable prospects. DLC. 102672 BURAND, W.M. A geochemical investigation of stream sediments in the Elliott Highway area, Alaska. Juneau 1966. 16 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals. Geochemical report no I1) Reports results of a 1965 field study and chemical analyses of samples from the 250 mi2 area in the southwest part of the YukonTanana region. The source of much of its placer and lode gold and other metals are Mesozoic diorite and quartz-diorite and Tertiary monzonite and quartz-monzonite intrusions. Eighteen of 146 sediment samples contain anomalous amounts of Cu, Pb, Zn and Mo; one sample from the Tolovana
district showed 26 ppm Mo, the largest Mo content reported to date from geochemical investigations in the Yukon-Tanana region. DGS. 102673 BURAND, W.M. Geochemical investigations of selected areas in the YukonTanana region of Alaska 1965 and 1966. Fairbanks 1968. 51 p. graphs, maps, tables. (Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals. Geochemical report no.13) Refs. Reports on the types and field relations of rocks, mineral deposits and stream sediments analyses of the upper Tolovana River basin, and the Pedro Dome - Coffee Dome, Mastodon Dome - Porcupine Dome and Columbia Creek - O'Brien Creek areas within a 38,000 mi° Yukon-Tanana region. Only one of 77 stream sediment samples from the upper Tolovana had an anomalous amount of metal, 40 ppm copper. In Pedro Dome - Coffee Dome area where placer and lode gold were produced, sediment samples showed threshold values in ppm of copper 50, zinc 140, lead 40 and molybdenum 6. The Mastodon Dome Porcupine Dome area contains a gold-silver lode with small amounts of cassiterite; 18 of 145 stream sediment samples contained metals with threshold values, Cu 80, Zn 155, Pb 50, and Mo 6 ppm. Of the 84 samples from the Columbia Creek - O'Brien Creek area, 16 had anomalous amounts of metal, Cu 60, Zn 170, Pb 40, Mo 6, and Ni 115ppm. DGS. 102674 BURBA, A. Rybolovetskiy kolkhoz imeni Lenina Kamchatskoy oblasti. (Rybnoye khozyaystvo 1970. v.46, no.4, p.2425) In Russian. Title tr.: Lenin fishing kolkhoz in Kamchatka. Organized in 1960 out of small groups on the basis of economic incentive, it now commands a fleet with modern equipment. The annual catch increased from 190-200 thousand centners in 1960 to 872 thousand in 1969. DLC. 102675 BURCH, J.L. Low-energy electron fluxes at latitudes above the auroral zone. (Journal of geophysical research 1968. v.73, no.11, p.3585-91, graphs, illus) 14 refs. Preliminary analysis of data from satellite Aurora I launched 29 June 1967 at 2101 UT into a nearly circular orbit at 89.92° inclination. Results of the transit across the high-latitude boundary of auroral zones are analyzed. Sudden spectral softening and the onset of pronounced spatial and temporal anisotropy were observed in both north and south polar regions. Diurnal and spectral characteristics of the soft electron (6km on sea ice, but had worked to 40 km on the Ross Ice Shelf. The sea ice apparently has dielectric properties that caused reflections of the beam. In 1971, an improved model gave good strain measurements with ranges up to 10-20 km over sea ice. However, logistical costs for the required program would be high. The use of a ranging device which works with an unmanned remote station, such as laser, geodimeters and autotape, are suggested for the CaMAI, DN-HO. 1972 study. 102749 CAMPBELL, W.J. and A. RASMUSSEN. Latest experiments with ice rheology. (AIDJEX bulletin 1970. no.2, p.11-12) Describes numerical experiments from which general ice dynamics models have been developed, and in which the internal ice stress can be treated in several ways. A flow equation includes (in addition to an ice-stress term), air stress, Coriolis and skin drag water stress terms. The equations are not given. See also paper by CaMAI, DN-HO. Glen, J.W., ibid p.18-27. 102750 CAMPBELL, W.J. Remote sensing and ground truth investigations. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.5, p.11-23, illus) During the 1971 AIDJEX pilot experiment, remote sensing missions over the Beaufort Sea will be carried out by the NASA Convair 990, US Coast Guard Hercules and US Navy Birdseye Constellation. The CRREL-USGS ground truth investigations and the NASA-Ames Convair 990 plan, prepared for the Spacecraft Oceanography Center (SPOC) of NASA, are discussed and the schedules, instrumentation procedures and cooperating scientists are CaMAI, DN-HO. reported. 102751 CAMPBELL, W.I. Sea-ice (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stadynamics. tions 1968. p.I89-96, maps, table) 12 refs. Discusses the theoretical models created to explain ice drift, beginning with Nansen's in 1902. As data have increased, the models have become so complex that high-speed computers are required for the solutions. The forces considered over the years are wind stress, water stress, Coriolis force, internal ice stress, gra184
dient currents and boundary layer. An improved mathematical model, cf No 86041, is discussed in detail and the very few data on the theological properties of sea ice noted. The use of three manned drifting stations is projected for large space-scale pack-ice deformation measurements and a fourth station for shortscale measurements of great accuracy, necessary because the stress-strain curve of sea ice might possibly be a function of scale. CaMAI, DLC. 102752 CAMPBELL, W.J. and L.A. RASMUSSEN. Three dimensional surges and recoveries in a numerical glacier model. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.4, pt. 2, p.979-86, graphs, illus) Equations which are not based on perturbation analysis are integrated directly on a highspeed digital computer. The coefficient of each term in the flow equations is composed of physical parameters (gravity, density, viscosity); therefore, since no quantities such as ice velocities enter the equations, it is only necessary to specify an arbitrary bed configuration and a net-balance versus altitude curve to obtain a glacier solution. Steady-state glacier solutions are found for a variety of bed and lateral frictional values for valley and cirque beds. CaMAI, DGS. CAMPBELL, W.J., 108378,108497.
see also
Nos. 106275,
102753 CANADA. Canadian Hydrographic Service. Bathymetric chart: oceanic regions adjacent to Canada. 1:6,750,000. Ottawa 1971. I sheet approx 44-1/2" x 34-1/2". (No. 800-A). Covers the area, 08° - 180°W, including the North American Arctic Ocean, Greenland waters, Labrador Sea, Baffin Bay-Davis Strait, Canadian Arctic Islands waters, Hudson Bay and approaches, and Beaufort and Chukchi DGS. Seas. 102754 CANADA. Defence Research Establishment Pacific. Sono-drift-buoys. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.7, p.25-26) Briefly reports on the construction, installation and operation of sono-drift-buoys in Viscount Melville Sound and M'Clure Strait, Apr 1970. Buoy failure was 33% by end of June, 60% by mid-Aug and 80% by mid-Sept. The greatest losses occurred while there was still ten-tenths ice cover; buoys mounted in polar ice lasted longer than those in annual ice. CaMAI, DN-HO. 102755 CANADA. Dept. of Energy,. Mines and Resources. Principal mineral areas of Ottawa 1970. Canada. 1:7,603,200. 20th ed. I colored sheet approx 36"x 33". (Map 900A)
Indexes to principal producing areas Jan 1970, with names of operating companies involved in metallic and nonmetallic minerals and fuels (oil, gas, coal). Gives summarized 1969 data on mineral production in Canada and by provinces in each of the categories and of overall mineral production of Canada, 1953DGS. 69. Geologic regions are shown. CANADA. Dept. of Energy,. Mines and Resources, see also No. 104331. 102756 CANADA. Geological Survey. Contributions to Canadian paleontology. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 145 p. map, tables, illus. (Its: Bulletin no.182) Refs. French summary. Contains 11 short papers describing various groups of fossils important to correlation in the sedimentary basins of northern and western Canada, and therefore relevant to petroleum exploration. Eight of the papers are of arctic and subarctic interest and are abstracted under the author's names, viz: D.H. Collins, W.T. Dean, L.V. Hills and S. Wallace, D.E. Jackson and A.C. Lenz, D.C. McGregor, W.W. Nassichuk (2 papers), and C.A. Ross. CaMAI, DGS. 102757 CANADA. Geological Survey. Physiographic regions of Canada. 1:5,000,000. Ottawa, 1970. Colored map sheet approx. 46.5" X 42.5". Physiography comp by H.S. Bostock 1967; cartography by the Geological Survey of Canada 1969. Distinguishes the Shield and borderlands as first order divisions. The Shield is divided into five regions, the borderlands into 19 regions. The Shield regions fall into 44 divisions, the borderlands of arctic or subarctic interest into some 85 divisions. All or part of the Shield and 18 of the borderland regions are arctic or DGS. subarctic in extent. Geological Survey. 102758 CANADA. Report of activities, May-October 1967, November 1967 to March 1968. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1968. 230, 89 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Its: Paper 68-1, pt A-B) Refs. Reports progress of 189 projects, some 50 of them in the Middle North and arctic regions. The brief accounts by field officers include Operations Norman 1968 in Mackenzie District, Selwyn 1967 in the Yukon, Mackenzie District and British Columbia, Tomgat 1967 in northeastern Quebec and northern Labrador and Winisk 1967 in the Hudson Bay Lowland. The reports are grouped according to discipline, geochemistry, geophysics, petrology, etc, located on a small-scale map and indexed by CaMAL DGS. author and location.
CANADA. Geological Survey, see also No. 105439. Mineral Resources 102759 CANADA. Branch. Canadian minerals yearbook 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1966-70. 5v.: 744, 544, 582, 527, 555 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Its: Mineral report 11, 14, 15, 17, 18) In English and French. Presents general reviews of annual developments in the industry, separate chapters dealing with specific commodities, statistical tables not readily available elsewhere, and an index to companies. Principal mineral areas are shown on map 900A at 1 in:I20 mi in its 19th DGS. ed as of 1968. CANADA. National Film Board, see 106462, 106463.
CANADA. Wildlife Service, see Nos. 105436, 106317. CANADIAN COMMITTEE ON OCEANOGRAPHY. WORKING GROUP ON ICE IN NAVIGABLE WATERS, see No. 103210. CANADIAN CONFERENCE ON PERMAFROST, 3RD, CALGARY, ALTA, 14-15 JAN 1969. see No. 106046. 102760 CANADIAN FORCES SENTINEL. TAC big top. (Its: v.5, 1969. no.8, p.14-15, illus) Describes the Frankenstein Handley-Page Mark II air portable hangar, tested in Canada CaMM, DLC. in 1969. 102761 CANADIAN GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL. Power in pictures: Churchill Falls. (Its: v.78, 1969. no.2, p.54-61, map, illus) Shows the drainage area above the falls, present and planned river levels, various aspects of construction, a plastic model of the underground layout, and work on facilities for the work force and on the permanent commuCaMAI. nity. CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGY see No. 104287. 102762 CANADIAN MINING JOURNAL. Mid-Canada Development Corridor Conference; creating a "second" Canada. (Its: v.90, 1969. no.12, p.38-39) Notes the Mid-Canada Development Corridor Foundation sponsored by 12 Canadian universities, holding a year-long conference to examine the advisability of establishing a national policy and plan for the development of the Middle North. In the first session at Lakehead Univ in Aug 1969, industrialization, human and natural resources, transportation 185
and communication, human and environmental factors in urbanization, and financing and trade were discussed. The remarks on industrialization and on transportation and communication are briefly summarized. DGS. 102763 CANADIAN PETROLEUM. Canada has just scratched the surface of its petroleum potential. (Its: v.9, 1968, no.12, p.12-19, graphs, maps, table Reviews the Canadian position, the size of the western Canada and Arctic Islands-Mackenzie Delta sedimentary basins, the lag in exploratory drilling related to markets, the increasing interest in the Arctic, the federal government involvement in the oil industry, transportation, pipelines, offshore drilling and refinery size increase. DGS. CANNON, C.E., see No. 103399. 102764 CANNON, S. Cobalt comes to (Alaska medicine 1969. v.11, no.1, Alaska. p.26-28, illus) A Theratron 80 cobalt unit was installed in the Alaska Cobalt Center, a $75,000 facility adjoining Providence Hospital in Anchorage, and dedicated 14 Mar 1969. The unit was provided by a Washington/Alaska Regional Medical Program grant and the center, by community financial support and labor. It is to serve all Alaskans according to need, not ability to pay. CaMAI, DNLM. 102765 CARBONNELL, M. and A. BAUER. Exploitation des couvertures photographiques aeriennes repetees du front des glaciers velant dans Disko Bugt et Umanak Fjord, juin-juillet 1964; I, nouvelles mesures photogrammetriques de la vitesse superficielle des glaciers du Groenland; 2, acceleration de l'ecoulement des glaciers groenlandais vers leur front et determination de leur debit solide. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzel 1968. 78 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Meddelelser om Gronland v.173, no.5) Refs. Expedition glaciologique intemationale au Groenland E.G.1.G. 19571960, v.2, no.3. In French. English summary. Title tr.: Study of the repeated aerial photo coverage of the front of the glaciers calving into Disko Bay and Umanak Fjord, June-July 1964; 1, new photogrammetric measurements of the surface velocity of Greenland glaciers; 2, acceleration of Greenland glaciers' flow toward their front and determination of their solid discharge. Part 1 by Carbonnell shows the results of photogrammetric measurements on photographs of 16 glaciers incl velocities of many transverse profiles, the positions and heights of the fronts. The mean front velocity values for Jakobshavns Isbrae range 0.9-19.1 mi/24hr. Part 2 by Bauer interprets these results. The 186
solid discharge for the 20 glaciers studied is —100 km'/yr ±3%. The total discharge of outflow glaciers of the Greenland icecap is calculated to be 280 km '/yr; the negative balance of the ice sheet reaches -110 km3/yr of water which means a water layer of +0.3 mm/yr over all of the earth's seas. DGS. 102766 CARBYN, L.N. Overwintering birds observed along the Mackenzie-Great Slave Lake highways. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.4, p.294-97, map, table) 17 refs. The Rae and Heart Lake regions fall within the Hay River, Upper Mackenzie and northwestern transition sections of the transcontinental boreal forest region and mostly within the Canadian life zone. The subarctic climate is characterized by long cold winters, short warm summers and light precipitation. Of approx 105 bird species that breed in these areas, only 13 species overwinter. An annotated list of these species is given. CaMAI, DLC. 102767 CARDER, D.S. and others. Seismic wave arrivals from Longshot, 0° to 27°. (Seismological Society of America. Bulletin 1967. v.57, no.4, p.573-90, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 4 refs. Other authors: D. Tocher, C. Bufe, S.W. Stewart, J. Eisler and E. Berg. Discusses tabulated summarized data and figures of some representative records of seismic wave arrivals from the underground nuclear explosion on Amchitka Island in 1965. The records are from 27 locations in Alaska and two in Yukon Territory at distances between 2.6° - 26.6° from the Long Shot site. Among other conclusions, the estimated depth to the M discontinuity below the island chain is found to be 22-26 km depending on the choice of data; a steep gradient along the continuation of the Aleutian arc from central Alaska toward the southeast indicates a steep structural anomaly in the upper mantle. DGS. 102768 CARLSON, A.R. Design of floors for arctic shelters. (In: Symposium on cold regions engineering 1970. Proceedings pub 1971. v.2, p.449-59, graph, tables, illus) Discusses the problem of maintaining a healthy floor temperature in arctic homes, especially where the living area is raised above an unheated crawl space. Alternative methods of insulation and heating of the floor cavity are suggested. A formula is presented for obtaining the R-value of any section of unknown internal construction. CaMA1, DLC. CARLSON, R.F., see No. 104071. 102769 CARLSON, W.S. Ice survey by the U. S. Coast Guard. (Science, 17 Apr 1970. v.168, p.396-97, map) 5 refs. Reports a 1968 study of the glaciers in the
Nordost Bay and Disko Bay areas of West Greenland, principal sources of the icebergs that drift into the North Atlantic shipping lanes. Bench marks were established for nine of the glaciers for continuing work on iceberg production. Variations of the West Greenland outlet glaciers have been studied by Danish and other scientists since 1850. The annual iceberg production from all Greenland glaciers ranges from 150-215 km3 of water, of which West Greenland produces 87 km' ; for Jacobshavn Glacier alone, the estimate is 20 km' of ice. DGS. 102770 CARLSTROM, C.G. Measuring of squat in the fairway to the port of Lulea, north Sweden. (Conference on Coastal Engineering, 11th, London, 1968. Proceedings pub 1969. v.2, p.1499-1511, graphs, map, table, illus) 4 refs. Describes the procedures, method, equipment and preliminary results of photographically registering the sinkage of ships by means of a levelling instrument and combined camera equipment. The method requires sheltered water and solid positioning of the levelling instruments. The method was worked out to measure squat in a 7 nautical mi long fairway, much of it dredged, for the ore-loading terminal, built 1962-65 at Lulea, where the shipping season is normally seven mo, May-Dec. DGS. CARMACK, E.C., see No. 107832. CARPENTER, D.L., see No. 107765. CARR, D.L., see No. 107134. 102771 CARR, R.W. A case of orf (Ecthyma contagiosum; contagious pustular dermatitis) contracted by a human from a wild Alaskan mountain goat. (Alaska medicine 1968. v.10, no.2, p.75-77, illus) 12 refs. Describes this disease, a worldwide viral infection of sheep and goats that is secondarily transmitted to man's skin. The abnormalities in horns and skin of two afflicted mountain goats taken by a hunter in Southeast Alaska, and the month-long case of his hand lesion are described in detail, incl a pathologist's report. CaMAI, DNLM. CARR, W.I., see No. 108035. 102772 CARRIERE, G. Honorable Compagnie de la Baie-d'Hudson et les missions dans l'Ouest canadien. (Revue de l'Universite d'Ottawa 1966. v.36, no.1, p.I5-39: v.36, no.2, p.232-57) Refs. In French Title tr.: The Hudson's Bay Company and the missions in the Canadian west. Noting that reports of individual missionaries on the Company's attitude do not
necessarily give a true picture, turns to the correspondence of bishops and of senior officers of the Company. Quotations help to show that the Company was reasonably helpful and encouraging in its dealings with the missions and only rarely provided the Protestants with advantages over the Catholics. Evidence is provided for a number of Company policies: non-interference in religious matters, provision of help to the missions without creating petty difficulties, encouragement of temperance among the Indians, separation of missions of different faiths and restriction of the number of missions established in order to reduce the burden of the Company's resources. CaMM. 102773 CARRIGY, M.A. and N.M. SHORT. Evidence of shock metamorphism in rocks from the Steen River structure, Alberta. (In: Conference on Shock Metamorphism...pub 1968. p.367-78, map, table, illus) 3 refs. Reports on cores of shattered crystalline plutonic and pyroclastic rock recovered from a well drilled in a Precambrian horst beneath 600 ft of undisturbed Lower Cretaceous strata at 59°31'N 117°37'W in the Hay River valley. They are believed to have been produced by a violent shock event in early Cretaceous time. The stratigraphic sequence and the nature of the rocks are consistent with the hypothesis that the well penetrated an ancient crater. Insufficient data are available to determine whether the crater was produced by the impact of a meteorite or by an intracrustal explosion. A petrographic study of the shocked rocks, by N.M. Short, is appended. DGS. 102774 CARROTHERS, A.W.R. Some comments on human resources in the North. (In: Conference on productivity...1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.272-76) Discusses the work of the three-man commission appointed in 1965 to advise the Minister of Northern Affairs on the political development of the Northwest Territories. with regard also to its social and economic development. The commission's postulates and Aug 1966 recommendations are stated, Some of the latter have been implemented, e.g. those against division of the region (into Mackenzie and Nunassiaq) and on moving the capital to Yellowknife. Others dealt with territorial government structure, incl departments of economic development and finance, local government, education, welfare and social services, public works, justice, and lands and resources. Responsibility was transferred to Yellowknife for educational and welfare services and development of local government in the Mackenzie region in Apr 1969. Such services for the Eastern 187
Arctic are to go under the Northwest Territories government in 1970. The Commissioner is paid by and accountable to the Minister in Ottawa as distinct from the CaEUB. Territories residents. CARROTHERS, A.W.R., see also 106461
102775 CARRUTHERS, J.A. Present national parks and future needs in Canada. (In: Conference on productivity...1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.297-99) Ref. Among the present 19 national parks, there is none representing the vegetation zones of prairie grasslands, Pacific coast forest or arctic tundra. A park is proposed on the treeline near Great Slave Lake to include arctic tundra. Potential parks have been identified in the Kluane and Nahanni areas. Provincial reserves and parks and Territorial game and bird sanctuaries are preserving some ecosystems. A 7000 mil Polar Bear Provincial Park encompasses part of the Hudson - James Bay tundra in Ontario. The knowledge, experience and support of scientists and conservationists are needed to assess the landscape and bring pressure for creation of an adequate national parks system. CaEUB. 102776 CARSON, C.E. Radiocarbon dating of lacustrine strands in arctic Alaska. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.1, p.12-26, map, table, illus) 12 refs. French and Russian summary. Reports on 1958-64 studies of lacustrine processes and basin sequences in the Pt Barrow region. Lakes developed in the icerich late Pleistocene Gubik Formation are surrounded by two to four exposed and revegetated wave-cut shelves which suggest regional correlative cycles of piracy due to minor shifts in climate and eustatic level. Shelves exposed when lakes are intersected by tundra streams and drained, require 10-20 yr for revegetation in the present climate. Radiocarbon dates of samples from abandoned strands show the majority to be 1 yr the outer primary is rounded and the tip of Pg is only narrowly edged with brown. DI. 103287 ELLISTON, G.R. Student expeditions and glaciology. (Exploration review 1965. no.6, p.10-13) General and practical advice on the kinds of research that can be undertaken on glaciers, on factors likely to limit the work of university students, on raising financial and other support, etc. DLC. 103288 ELLITSGAARD-RASMUSSEN, K. General review of the Survey's activities in 1966. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.3-7, map) Itemizes the mapping program, publication of reports, economic mineral investigations, Quarternary research, collaboration with other institutions, contributions to international programs, organization and personnel of the Geological Survey of Greenland in 1966. Maps include scales from 1:5,000,000 to 1:100,000, and larger details for special areas; much general mapping is based on photo-geological interpretation. DGS. 103289 ELLITSGAARD-RASMUSSEN, K. General review of the Survey's activities in 1967. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1968, no.15, p.5-10, map) The Geological Survey of Greenland continued its mapping, investigation of mineral deposits of economic interest, and publication of results. Maps were compiled in support of
the 1:10,000,000 Geological Map of North America and the 1:2,500,000 Tectonic Map of Europe. Collaboration toward a metallogenic map of North America and a map of metamorphic belts of the world is also noted. Sheets finished and in progress covering West Greenland at 1:100,000 are listed. Economic geological investigations of the llimaussaq intrusion continued with improved instruments. Private and foreign economic geology surveys were given support. Quaternary studies continued. In the Scoresby Sund area a ship is to provide a mobile base with helicopter support for field parties. The area west and south of Angmagssalik is being investigated. The Survey's permanent staff of 19 is supplemented during field season by 18 geologists and 16 senior students, and there is a permanent supporting staff of 22 in Copenhagen. CaMAI, DLC. 103290 ELLITSGAARD-RASMUSSEN, K. General review of the Survey's activities in 1968. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1969. no.19, p.5-10, map) States the year's progress on geological mapping of Greenland. Regional maps at I: 1/2 million and district maps of 1:100,000 scale are being published for West Greenland. Economic studies and assistance for the exploration concessions to private companies have continued. Quaternary geologic mapping included moraines, former sea levels, glaciers in the Scoresby Sund, and permafrost in West Greenland. Vertical air photography was concentrated in the Scoresby Sund region. Survey parties doing fieldwork in East and West Greenland included 116 members together with 26 Greenlanders. Collaboration with other organizations, Danish and foreign, continued. CaMAI, DLC. 103291 ELLITSGAARD-RASMUSSEN, K. General review of the Survey' activities in 1969. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970. no.28, p.5-9, map) Reviews mapping progress, publication, expeditions, collaboration with other institutions, and organization and personnel of the Geological Survey of Greenland during 1969. Preparatory field work for four regional geological maps of West Greenland at 1:500,000 is completed, the maps to be published at the rate of one a year. The new geological map of Greenland at 1:2,500,000 is to be published in 1970, the Quaternary map on matching scale in 1970 or 1971. Metallogenic mapping and surveys of uranium, thorium, zirconium and oil shales continue. Expeditions, involving 117 persons, were mainly in the regions of Scoresby DGS. Sund and West Greenland. 103292 ELLITSGAARD-RASMUSSEN, K. General review of the Survey's activities in 269
1970. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970 pub 1971. no.35, p.5-9, maps) Reports that Greenland Geological Survey's 1970 activities include new map publications, continued regional and bedrock mapping, economic-geological, magnetic and gravity survey investigations, increasing numbers of exploratory mineral concessions, and provision of information to oil companies interested in petroleum prospects. Summer survey expeditions included 113 persons in both East and West Greenland supported by ships, helicopters, study stations, and international participation and cooperation. A new working unit dealing with economic-geological matters is to be DOS. enlarged. 103293 ELLITSGAARD-RASMUSSEN, K. Mineralefterforskningens stade i Orenland 1968. (Gronland 1968. no.4, p.97-110, map, Title tr.: The status of minillus) In Danish. eral search in Greenland in 1968. Geological surveys are carried out by Grenlands Geologiske Undersegelse and prospecting by private enterprise. The main points in the 1965 mining law are cited. The more important of the known mineral deposits are listed: marble, lead and zinc in the Marmorilik area, coal and natural gas on N0gssuaq and Disko, nickel indications on Disko, chrome at Fiskenaesset, and various minerals in south Greenland between Ivigtut and Narssarssuaq. Oil has not yet been found but conditions seem favorable on Nrigssuaq. A Mar 1968 map shows the areas where preliminary investigations, prospecting and mining are in progress. CaMAI, DLC. ELSEY, F.E., see No. 106149. ELTON, C.S. see No. 104059. 103294 EMBLETON, C. and C.A.M. KING. Glacial and periglacial geomorphology. London, Edward Arnold 1968. 608 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. Considers present-day glacial and periglacial landforms and processes of erosion and deposition along with Pleistocene features, offering significant and original contributions together with some assessment of glaciological research (exclusive of that in the USSR) during the previous decade, and with recent literature citations throughout. Pt 1 deals with the characteristics of present ice sheets and glaciers incl their physical nature, regimes and movements, with brief chapters on the ice ages, probable causes of glaciation and some of the important indirect effects, such as sea-level changes. Pt 2 describes the erosional work of glacier ice and meltwater, Intl cirques, U-shaped valleys and minor features. Pt 3 studies forms of glacial 270
and fluvioglacial deposition, Intl analysis of till fabrics, moraines and drumlins and landforms associated with glacial lakes. Pt 4 describes the periglacial processes and forms: permafrost, ground ice and associated features (earth hummocks, pingos, 'Aufeis' or naleds, thermokarst), patterned ground, solifluction, altiplanation, tors, blockfields and stone streams, nivation and periglacial wind action. Examples are drawn from Alaska, Baffin Island, Labrador, Greenland and Scandinavia, among others. The index is a guide to regions, glaciers, and features covered and to authors mentioned in DGS. the text. D. and 103295 EMELEUS, C.H. STEPHENSON. Field work between Tunugdliarfik and Tasiussaq. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970. no.28, p.30-32, map, table) 4 refs. Reports on a small area, ca 61°08'N 45°30'W, between Tasiussaq and Tunugdliarfik fjords in southwest Greenland. The total sinistral horizontal displacement across a local fault zone is 6-6.5 km. This is compared to a similar measured zone near South Qoroq Centre. Dike swarms make up 6-8.5% of the measured sections. Basic dikes are relatively rare in the area, feldspar dikes common, and alkaline dikes DGS. most abundant. EMELEUS, CH., see also No. 101809. 103296 EMMELIN, L Conservation in Sweden. (American-Scandinavian review 1971. v.59, no.3, p.245-49) Reviews the development of conservation from 1880 when A. E. Nordenskieild proposed the establishment of national parks. The Nature Conservancy Act of 1964 includes also protection of trees and access to open forests and meadows. Exploitation of nature for quarries, building, or other activity detrimental to the landscape is prohibited, as are advertising, billboards and other visual pollution. The 16 national parks in Sweden are briefly characterized, Intl Abisko, Sarek and Padjelanta in the North. Of the nature reserves in the mire and forest region, Sjaunja is the most important. DLC. 103297 EMSLIE, R.F. The geology of the Michikamau intrusion, Labrador, 13L, 231. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1970. 85 p. maps, tables, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-57) 27 refs. Describes the form, Precambrian setting, structure and certain features of the lithology of one of a group of large anorthositic intrusions in Labrador, based mainly on field observations. Studies of the petrography and rock and mineral analyses are in progress. The intrusion is approx 2000 mi° between 54°09-
50'N 54°35'-64°35'W; its max thickness is estimated to have been > 15 km. The main rock units are an olivine gabbro marginal zone, a thick, layered series of mainly troctolite and leucotroctolite, an anorthosite zone, an upper leucogabbro and gabbro zone, and a transgressive group of iron-rich differentiates. Rock textures and structures indicate the major role played by accumulation of crystals in the development of nearly all units. Layering is believed to have formed largely through the action of convection currents. Post-solidification deformation is limited to faulting, mostly vertical displacements on vertical or near-vertical faults, which have modified the original funnel or lopolith form of the intrusion. Included is a geologic map no 19-1968 in two sheets at lin:1 mi scale, also an exploded isometric block diagram showing some of the structural features of the intrusion. See also No 78531, 86810. DGS. 103298 ENDERSON, J.H. and D.D. BERGER. Chlorinated hydrocarbon residues in peregrines and their prey species from northern Canada. (Condor 1968. v.70, no.2, p.I49-53, table) 14 refs. Reports analyses for residues of organochlorine pesticides DDT, DDE, TDE, dieldrin and heptachlor epoxide in peregrine falcon fat and eggs, also in their prey species, the mew gull, arctic tern, spotted sandpiper, cliff swallow, Brewer's blackbird, yellowbellied sapsucker, Townsend's solitaire and Bohemian waxwing. The collections were made in June-July 1966 along the Peace, Slave and Mackenzie Rivers in Alberta and the Mackenzie District. The data indicate that adult peregrines carry high levels of residues acquired over a period of many months and that their eggs bear about twice the levels found in eggs from the stricken British peregrine population. The northern Canadian peregrines however appear to be reproducing normally. CaMAI, DI. 103299 ENDERSON, J.H. and others. Nesting performance and pesticide residues in Alaskan and Yukon peregrines in 1967. (Auk 1968. v.85, no.4, p.683-84) Refs. Other authors: D.G. Roseneau and L.G. Swartz. July-Aug 1967 observations of numbers of nests and fledglings along the Yukon and Porcupine Rivers in Alaska and Yukon Territory, compared to counts in earlier yr, indicate the falcons to be reproducing normally. The lowest pesticide residue value among four females was less than half of that found in Mackenzie River peregrines in 1966; the highest was greater DL than any recorded for this species. 103300 ENEBOE, P. Village medical aides, Alaska's unsung, unlicensed and unpro-
tected physicians. (Alaska medicine 1969. v.11, no.4, p.124-27) A Public Health Service program is urgently needed to improve the training and increase the number of these native health workers. In many cases they are isolated and undefended when unavoidable failure in a case rouses village censure. CaMAI, DNLM. 103301 ENEMAR, A. and B. SJOSTRAND. Strip survey as a complement to study area investigations in bird census work. (Var fagelvarld 1967. v.26, no.2, p.111-30, graphs, table, illus) Refs. Swedish summary. Reports on the limitations of the strip survey method of obtaining population data on birds in the subalpine birch forests of Swedish Lapland. The size and composition of the bird community changes during the census period. The audible count deviates from that of the original true community; it is not stable because it differs with weather conditions, time of day, and progress of the breeding cycle. Strip samples by different ornithologists vary. Methods of arriving at satisfactory evaluations are discussed. DLC. 103302 ENERSEN, O.D. Hvordan kjerer man med hund? (Till fjalls 1969-70. v.41-42, p.93-97, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: How does one handle sled dogs? Offers advice on suitable breeds of dog, type of sledge, harness and training of the dogs, etc. DLC. 103303 ENGELHARDT, W. von and others. Observations on quartz deformation in the breccias of West Clearwater Lake, Canada, and the Ries basin, Germany. (In: Conference on Shock Metamorphism... pub 1968. p.475-82, graphs, table, illus) 14 refs. Other authors: F. Horz, D. Stoffier and W. Bertsch. Distinguishes two principal types of planar elements in shocked quartz grains from West Clearwater Lake in Quebec: decorated and nondecorated. The former consist of planar arrangements of very small inclusions or cavities; the latter are not resolvable with the microscope. Quartz grains containing planar elements have reduced refractive indices, reduced birefringence and reduced density; the measurements extend over nearly the whole range between normal quartz and fused quartz glass. The planar elements in quartz are assumed to have been formed by plastic deformation and by nonconservative movements of dislocation lines under high shock pressures. DGS. 103304 ENGELL, J. and others. Beryllium mineralization in the Ilimaussaq intrusion, south Greenland, with description of a field beryllometer and chemical methods. Kobenhavn 1971. 40 p. graphs, maps, tables, 271
illus. (Greenland. Geologiske undersegelse. Report no.33; Contribution to the mineralogy of llimaussaq no.22) 33 refs. Other authors: J. Hansen, M. Jensen, H. Kunzendorf and L. Levborg. Minor quantities of beryllium minerals are widespread in hydrothermal veins in the peralkaline llimaussaq intrusion, and rich concentrations are known to occur in veins on the Taseq slope and in the Kvanefjeld area in the northern part of the intrusion. Ten beryllium minerals have been found so far, of which chkalovite is the most important. A field beryllometer based on the photoneutron method of beryllium determination is described. The instrument has a limit of detection of less than 10 ppm BeO; the effective measuring area is ca 40 cm'. Beryllium exhibits a log-normal distribution in the rocks of the area. CaMAI, DGS. ENGELMARK, T.B., see No. 106356. 103305 ENGINEERING AND CONTRACT RECORD. Arctic pipelining for 16,000 miles at $750,000 a mile. (Its: v.83, 1970. no.7, p.34-36, map, illus) The projected Mackenzie valley pipeline would be a 48-in diam, 16,000 mi line, financed totally by private, mostly by U.S. controlled, interests. The general route is Prudhoe Bay to Inuvik then up the Mackenzie valley, past Arctic Red River, Fort McPherson, Norman Wells, Wrigley, and Fort Simpson, thence south and east to Edmonton, across the Can-US border and on to Chicago. Types of tests for the feasibility of such a line are briefly noted; hot oil in 2-mi of pipeline at Inuvik, with viscosities, volumes and pressure under consideration, aerial surveying, soil analysis, and depth of permaDLC. frost.
ENGLUND,10., see No. 102332. ENGSTROM, G., see No. 105674. Norge, en NATO103308 ENHOLM, K. Oslo, Pax forlag 1967. 155 p. In Norbase. Title tr.: Norway, a NATO base. wegian. Includes, p.94-100, a discussion of the focus of attention on northern Norway because of its location along the USSR border and because of possible pressures against Finland, also adjacent. Norway's restriction of foreign troops, the NATO bases, airfields, activities, and fleets in adjacent waters are renewed. DLC. ENTIN, A.R., see No. 108008. 103309 EPOV, O.G. and YE.V. STRIGACHEV. Olovyannoye orudeneniye v skarnakh Severo-Vostochnoy Yakutii. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968, no.6, p.137-40) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tin mineralization in skarns of northeastern Yakutia. Describes tin mineralization in the SechanYaoftakh granite batholith, Kolyma medial massif. Three groups of skarn rocks are defined according to their mineralogical composition and briefly characterized. Five stages in skarn formation are recognized. Cassiterite is the DLC. main tin mineral in these skarns. EPOV, 0.G., see also No. 108232. ERDMAN, J.A. see
No. 107113.
No. 104147.
103306 ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL. Churchill Copper Corp. Ltd. (Its: v.169, 1968. no.1, p.138) Reports that initial assay results from a property 80 mi west of Fort Nelson show a wighted average copper content of 8.05% in the first 62 ft of a raise above level no. I. This result is from muck samples taken from a point at which the raise fully entered the vein. DGS.
103310 ERICKSON, G.K. Alaska's College, Alaska 1968. 8 petroleum industry. p. graphs, illus. (Alaska review of business and economic conditions. v.5, no.1) Reviews oil resources, investment, exploration, development, pipelines, production, marketing and public policy as of the end of Jan 1968, therefore chiefly as to the Cook Inlet fields. Development is discussed in relation to preservation of the wilderness, injury to the fisheries and the threat of pollution. CaMAI, DI.
103307 ENGLER, R. New frontiers for old. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.8-I4) Raises questions about the political and social aspects of the development of petroleum in Alaska, indicating the pressures brought by desire for wealth on the part of Alaskans and for profit on the part of industry and its servants, and the power exerted by the petroleum industry over politicians, foreign policy, community law, the tax structure, and political
Alaska's 103311 ERICKSON, G.K. petroleum leasing policy, a crisis of direction. (In: Change in Alaska. 1970. p.100-111, tables) Refs. The value of the Prudhoe Bay acreage acquired by Atlantic Richfield, Humble and British Petroleum in 1965-67 is acknowledged by industry figures to be >360 times the amount spent to acquire it. Alaska's bonus bid leasing system obviously did not give a maximum state income in either the long or short
term. Firms bid less than full value on tracts because of the justifiable uncertainty felt in regard to Alaska's severance tax. Severance taxes and royalties are inefficient, overcharging some producers and undercharging others. Tabulated calculations show that at about the present level of tax, plus royalty, the oil companies' overall 20-yr rate of return on investment will be about 43%; and that the state's severance tax/royalty can be raised to 85-90% and still leave the oil companies >10% rate of return. The state must overhaul its leasing policy to eliminate or at least reduce the impact of tax uncertainty. CaMAI, DGS.. 103312 ERICKSON, G.K. Alaska's petroleum leasing policy. College, Alaska 1970. 12 p. graphs, maps, tables. (Alaska review of business and economic conditions v.7, no.3) Defends this policy, noting the State's interest in highest returns from publicly owned oil lands. Competitive and noncompetitive leasing laws and their administration are dealt with, as are the rate of learning in relation to the market, and timing lease sales in relation to immediate vs long-term revenue. Corridor or checkerboard leasing is discussed, with summary of the Alberta, Canada system. Severance tax and royalties are considered and Alaska compared with other states and foreign countries in terms of taxation stability. DI. ERICKSON, G.K., see also
No. 101701.
103313 ERICSON, D.B. and G. WOLLIN. Mikropalaeontologi. (Vor viden 1962-63. no.340, p.33-46, graphs, maps, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: MicropaleontolOgy. Outlines the role of fossils and microfossils, e.g. foraminifera as indicators of climate types, and their importance in search for oil. Rightand left-turning Globigerina pachyderma in the North Atlantic and the Arctic Basin are mapped and their indication of marine conditions DLC. in late Pleistocene time discussed.
1103, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: School in the mountains. Describes a natural history excursion by 21 6th and 7th class pupils to the island of Senja off Troms in northern Norway. DLC. 103316 ERIKSSON, 0. Current investigations into reindeer grazing in northern Sweden. (In: Conference on productivity...1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.155-59) Study of the productive capacity of winter and spring grazing grounds is acutely needed since the Swedish Lapps lost grazing grounds in Norway. Investigation began in the area north and east of the Torne River in 1967. Mapping, vegetation analyses, growth and succession studies, and standing crop determinations are being made, as are analyses of rumen samples and studies of the effect of snow condition on the winter grazing. CaEUB. 103317 ERIXON, S. Betesvandringar och flyttsystem. (Folkliv 1955/56 v.19/20, p.39-55) 39 refs. In Swedish. Title tr.: Animal migration and pattern of movement. Characterizes three migratory systems of animal culture, as nomadism, transhumance, and chalet life. Each varies with time and geographic location. Among the north European Lapps there was a transition from merely following and living off wild reindeer to a genuine animal nomadism. As community life in winter became possible, a semi-nomadism developed. Among the Swedish Lapps, the nomadic pattern became modified by a seasonal and fixed dairy activity. Generally women took a leading role in dairying activities in northern Sweden. DLC. 103318 ERLANDSSON, S. Catalogus Insectorum Sueciae; 19, Hymenoptera: Aculeata (Cleptidae, Chrysididae, Mutillidae, Myrmosidae, Thynnidae, Scoliidae, Tiphiidae, Sapygidae, Vespidac, Eumenidae). (Entomologisk tidskrift 1971. v.92, no.l/2, p.87-94, table) 20 refs. In Latin. Title tr.: Catalog of Swedish insects; 19, Hymenoptera: Aculeata (Cleptidae, etc). Lists occurrences of more than a hundred species of these wasps and ant families known in Sweden and adjacent countries, as determined mainly from museum collections in Stockholm and Lund. Species are tabulated to indicate geographic area of the find, incl five major sections of Lapland. DLC.
103314 ERIKSEN, H.K. Komagdalen nasjonalpark. (Norsk natur 1966. v.2, no.4, Title tr.: p.109-113, illus) In Norwegian. Komagdalen National Park. Describes this 260 km2 park on Varanger peninsula in northernmost Norway. Among its features of interest are a rich fauna and flora, a Lappish hunters' reindeer-trapping installation from the Middle Ages, a large recreational area, good fishing, and conservation incentives. DLC.
ERTE, YE.P., see No. 105606.
103315 ERIKSEN, H.K. Skole i (Norsk skoleblad 1968. v.32, no.26, p.1102-
103319 ERVIN, A.M. Conflicting styles of life in a northern Canadian town. (Arctic
ERLIKH, E.N., 102404, 105102.
Nos. 101943, 102000,
1969. v.22, no.2, p.90-105, map, tables, illus) 21 refs. French and Russian summary. Discusses observations made in Inuvik June-Oct 1966 as part of the Mackenzie Delta Research Project. The Delta natives find that the concentrated communities into which they are being relocated are transient-white oriented and dominated, lack connection with their former fishing-hunting-trapping economy. Indians, Eskimos, metis, northern-born whites and a few recently settled whites as a group have subordinate status to the transient whites who occupy the serviced area of Inuvik and maintain a separate socio-economic life style. The natives' difficulty of adjustment is attributed to their inherited culture with its values of indulgence and sharing, its derogation of conspicuous status-seeking, their habits of unscheduled work, independence, and general lack of job orientation resulting in absenteeism. The general frustration fosters heavy drinking at great social and economic cost, and the feeling of individual alienation. The economic and historical setting of the Delta region, population and age structure of its natives are dealt with, as are ethnic and life style factors in Inuvik. A town plan showing settlement patterns is CaMAI, DLC. included. 103320 ERV'YE, YU.G. Gazovyye mestorozhdeniya severa Tyumenskoy oblasti. (Gazovaya promyshlennost' 1966. v.11, no.3, Title tr.: p.I2-15, map, table) In Russian. Gas deposits in the north of Tyumen Province. Notes the discovery of 20 gas and 26 oil fields, and construction of the (grim-Serov gas pipeline and the Shaim-Tyumen and Ust'Balyk - Omsk oil pipelines. The Gubkinskoye, Zapolyamoye, and Novoportovskoye gas fields are described in some detail, with depths of occurrence, yield, gas properties, estimated reserves, etc. Despite the severe climatic conditions, lack of roads, and large areas of swamp, the gas and oil fields of northern Tyumen should be developed and integrated into the DLC. national economy. ERV'YE, YU.G., see also No. 101839. ERWIN, M. see Nos. 103933, 104703. 103321 ESCHER, A. and others. Nagssugtoqidian boundary and the deformation of the Kangamiut dyke swarm in the Sondre Stromfjord area. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970. no.28, p.2I-23) 2 refs. Other authors: J. Escher and J. Watterson. Reports on reconnaissance mapping in West Greenland to determine location and nature of the southern limit of Nagssugtoqidian orogenic activity. The area of some 10,000 km2, in the general region of Sendre Stromfjord, is briefly described. Contrary to 274
previous theories the boundary strikes NE-SW; it forms a zone ca 5 km wide in which retrogression of the granulite facies gneisses takes place, either abruptly, gradually, or in a series of shear zones. Mineralogical changes are clearly correlated to structural changes, the most dramatic of which is the change in strike of both the Kangamiut and an earlier dike swarm. Supracrustal rocks are found only north of the boundary. Both known occurrences are clearly cut by the Kangamiut dikes and must therefore be of pre-Nagssugtoqidian age. Post-dating all tectonic events are ultrabasic dikes and veins, some of which may include DGS. kimberlites. New geological 103322 ESCHER, A. reconnaissance mapping in the area between Nordre Stromfjord and Ikertoq Fjord. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.24-25) 3 refs. Summarizes main stratigraphic components in this area of West Greenland as recognized during 1965-1966 geological reconnaissance mapping for the 1:500 000 mapping project and from aerial photography interpretation. The lkertoq amphibolite complex, folded and refolded by two major phases of deformation, is separated from the Isortoq complex by a fault and shear zone that extends eastward to the inland ice. The lsortoq complex is divided into north and south units, which probably suffered the same two deformations, and a central unit showing an additional earlier deformation. The central unit may represent the pre-Nagssugtoqidian basement reworked by Nagssugtoqidian folding. Only one major folding affected the rocks of the inner part of Nordre Stromfjord. Between Ugssuit and the inland ice two large synclines were observed. The rocks are mainly quartzites, metavolcanics and semipelitic schists. No stratigraphical discordance could be found between these rocks and the underlying gneisses. DGS. 103323 ESCHER, A. and T.C.R. PULVERTAFT. Precambrian rocks of the Upernavik-Kraulshavn area 72° - 74°15'N, West Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1968, no.15, p.I1-14) 2 refs. Outlines the more apparent geologic features of this coastal region. A massive outcrop of granite >2500 km', emerges from beneath Tertiary basalts southeast of Proven and extends northeastward to Upernaviks Isstrom. Southeastward the granite is flanked by greywacke of the Nukaysak formation. Around and to the north of Upernavik are granulite facies gneisses grouped as red-brown and grey according to color of weathered surfaces. Petrology, contacts, metamorphism and structure are summarized for the two main bodies. K/Ar age determination on biotite from Uper-
navik gave 1680 ± 40 MY, indicating that these rocks belong to the Nagssugtoqidian mobile belt. CaMAI, DLC. ESCHER, J., see No. 103321. 103324 ESPLEY, G.H. Experience with permafrost in gold mining. (National Research Council of Canada. Technical memorandum 1969. no.96, p.59-64) 2 refs. The Giant Yellowknife Mines Ltd Giant Mines, on the north shore of Great Slave Lake adjacent to the mouth of the Yellowknife River, is located in the discontinuous zone with patchy and erratically distributed permafrost. The conditions have not required other than standard mining methods. With adequate ventilation, temperatures can be maintained sufficiently above the freezing point in permafrost areas to insure that water lines and broken muck piles do not freeze. Since 1951, some 140,000 tons arsenic trioxide dust have been stored in chambers cut in permafrost above the 250 ft level and completely dry. The chambers are sealed off from the underground workings by reinforced concrete bulkheads and are accessible only from the ground surface. During winter months, cold air is blown into the arsenic chambers to facilitate the return of permafrost into the mined areas. Author was queried as to danger of leakage and of thaw in the discussion of this paper. DGS. 103325 ESPMARK, Y. Abnormal migratory behaviour in Swedish reindeer. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.3, p.199-200) 5 refs. Attributes the failure of reindeer to return to summer ranges, after being trucked there 150-300 km from winter ranges, to destruction of the herds' social organization, the importance of uninterrupted learning of the migratory route, disorientation caused by unfamiliar winter areas, and a large proportion of inexperienced animals in the herds. CaMAI, DLC. 103326 ESSER, H.G. Adolf Erik Nordenskiold, ein Polarforscher finnischer Abstammung. (Polarforschung 1967. v.6, no.37, p.171) In German. Title tr.: Adolf Erik Nordenskiiild, a polar explorer of Finnish origin. Notes his birth in Helsinki and his work there, also some other data. DLC. ESTLUND, M.B., see No. 102565. 103327 ETLIS, M.M. Problemy psikhogigiyeny i formirovaniye postoyannogo naseleniya v rayonakh Kraynego Severa. (In: Naseleniye i trudovyye resursy Severo-Vostoka SSSR 1968. p.72-80) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of mental hygiene and the forma-
lion of permanent population in Far Northern regions. Adaptation to the harsh conditions prevail. ing in the Far North is an essential factor in creating a stable population. Problems of social and mental hygiene must be given greatest attention in order to facilitate such adaptation. To this end, author appeals to Union and RSFSR Health Ministries and psychiatric institutes to plan and organize systematic studies of the North from the viewpoint of mental hygiene, taking into account such factors as geography, climate, working and living conditions, biological and physiological specifics of life in Far North regions, solar radiation, demographic and socio-economic factors, etc. Lack of sunshine, rigors of a cold climate, hard manual labor, unsatisfactory living conditions, family conflicts, and the resulting increase in alcoholism are cited as causes leading to increase in psychopathic phenomena among inhabitants of the Far North. This in turn influences unfavorably the formation of a stable, permanent population. Among measures advocated to alleviate the situation, organization of a network of psychoneurological out-patient (as against in-patient) clinics is assigned the primary role. Increase in number of psychiatrists is also called for. Mental hygiene work of an educational nature is recommended both among adults and among school children. Quite frequently, people arriving in the Far North are persons who had previously lived through various conflicts in family, work, legal and other kinds of relations. Adaptation to new conditions takes place in such cases against a background of nervous exhaustion and instability, and is often complicated by long-standing habits of alcoholism. Upon entering into contact with morally unstable old-timers in the North, these people frequently end up as violators of the public order, psychotics, victims of alcohol addiction, etc. DLC. 103328 EVANS, C.D. Environmental effects of petroleum development in the Cook Inlet area. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.213-21) Notes the fish, big and small game animals and shore birds of the region and associated ranges and refuges; describes the environmental effects of geophysical exploration and oil drilling, production and transportation, of which the most important is the intensified use of all the wildlife incident to the growth of Kenai City from 778 in 1960 to 4500 today. Onshore use of heavy equipment has left trails, scarred hillsides and disturbed stream banks and beds that cause continuing erosion problems; pollution results from oil spills and gas flares; discharge of ammonia into the Inlet from an urea plant is being monitored to keep it below a level toxic to fish. These effects are 275
evaluated and needed laws and regulations disCaMAI, DGS. cussed in some detail. 103329 EVANS, D.S. The observations of a near monoenergetic flux of auroral elec(Journal of geophysical research 1968. trons. v.73, no.7, p.2315-23, graphs, illus) 21 refs. Discusses an instance of monoenergetic auroral electrons where a cylindrical curved plate electrostatic analyzer used in spectral measurements made with enough detail permitted certain conclusions on the characteristics of these electrons. The instrument package was launched from Ft Churchill on a Nike Tomahawk rocket on 8 Mar 1967 at 23.07 local time. The rocket penetrated through a widespread, rather bright aurora. The magnetometer at Ft Churchill registered insignificant fluctuations of 10-20y. The nearly monoenergetic beam of electrons observed in association with a breakup auroral display was about 4 Key and it was quite stable over a 150 sec period. The investigation suggests more than one mechanism to product these 4 Key electrons and the 100 Key electrons also seen in association with DLC. the aurora. EVANS, F.C., see No. 106048. EVANS, J.E., see No. 102496. 103330 EVANS, LC. and E.C. STONE. Access of solar protons into the polar cap: a (Journal persistent north-south asymmetry. of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.21, p.5127-31, graphs) Refs. Reports the observation of solar proton event from the OGO4 satellite launched into a low-altitude polar orbit with two cosmic-ray detector systems aboard. The access of 1.2 to 40 Mev protons into the high-latitude portion of the northern polar region, prior to the magnetic storm sudden commencement during the 2 Nov 1967 solar particle event was delayed by approx 20 hr. The access delay for 10 to 40 Mev protons at the same time was approx less than 1 hr in the southern polar region and at middle northern latitudes. The delayed access of the proton flux in the northern high-latitude region results probably from the diffusion of DLC. solar protons into the magnetotail. 103331 EVANS, R.J. Notes on a possible (AIDJEX constitutive law for arctic sea ice. bulletin 1970. no.2, p.13-17) Deals with the construction of an isotropic viscous model foi a flow law pertinent to arctic sea ice dynamics and due probably to interaction of separate ice sheets rather than to ice deformation itself. The model involves five equations, incl laws for compressible and incompressible cases. An isotropic constitutive law is proposed by considering such laws for 276
materials for which stress is postulated to be a function of strain and strain rate. CaMAI, DN-HO. 103332 EVERETT, B.N., JR. Summit of (Appalachia 1966. v.36, no.1, Mt. St. Elias. n. s. v.32, no.7, illus) Describes a six-man Harvard Mountaineering Club ascent of this 18,008-ft peak on the Alaska-Canada boundary, 30 July 1965. The ascent was made from a high camp at 15,000 ft under moderate-high wind and snowstorm DLC. conditions. 103333 EVERETT, K.R. Soil development in the Mould Bay and Isachsen Areas, Queen Elizabeth Islands, Northwest Territories, Canada. Columbus 1968. 75 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Ohio. State Univ. Institute of Polar Studies. Report 24) Refs. Presents results of a pedologic study on Prince Patrick and Ellef Ringnes Islands. The physiographic and climatic setting is outlined. In the Mould Bay area, Prince Patrick Island, two soil associations are recognizable, based on Mesozoic and Devonian sediments, and six drainage categories. Eleven profiles are described in detail, with chemical and physical properties tabulated. At Isachsen, Ellef Ringnes Island, a single soil association occurs, composed of four drainage categories. Details of six typical profiles are given. The soils on these islands are almost all polar desert soils, distinguishable from tundra soils farther south, some profiles of which are presented for comparative purposes. Salinization and calcification are, the dominant processes. Profile development is weak at Mould Bay and almost nonexistent at lsachsen. The influences of latitude and time are considered. Generalized soils maps are presented for each area, with detailed DGS. maps of specific localities. 103334 EVERNDEN, J.F. Identification of earthquakes and explosions by use of teleseismic data. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.15, p.3828-56, graphs, maps, tables) Refs. Presents a study of the criteria for achieving an order of magnitude discrimination between underground explosions and shallow-focus continental earthquakes. The basic problem is solved for explosions and earthquakes of magnitude 4-3/4 or greater, by using the gross difference between the two events as regards their relative generation of their short- and longperiod seismic waves. A table of 35 master earthquakes of the Kuril-Kamchatka area, and a table of locations of 17 nuclear test shots were used in the seismic analyses of these two kinds of seismic events. No method has yet been worked out for discrimination between the nat-
ural and artificial seismic phenomena of lowmagnitude events. DLC.
EVERNDEN, L.N., see No. 104626. 103335 EVONUK, E. Facilities for the study of arctic and subarctic biology. (Federation proceedings 1964. v.23, no.6, pt. I, p.I193-97, map) Describes the facilities and programs of four centers in Alaska: the Arctic Research Laboratory at Barrow, the US Air Force Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory at Fort Wainwright, the Arctic Health Research Center at Anchorage (now at College), the Institute of Arctic Biology, Univ of Alaska, at College; and one in Canada: the Inuvik Research Laboratory at Inuvik, NWT. DLC.
calculated stratospheric residence time of 1.6 yr is in good agreement with the value from direct measurements of Sr-90 content in the lower stratosphere. The interhemispheric mixing time appears to be about 3.3 yr. DLC.
103339 FAEGRI, K. Hvor godt er Norge utforsket? (Blyttia 1968. v.26, no.1, p.63-67, map) In Norwegian. Title tr.: How well is Norway explored? Discusses the omission from the 1964 edition of Flora europaea of several Norwegian floral sites, including some in the north. These omissions are identified using the UTM-grid quadrangle maps as a base, and some of the missing species are mentioned. DLC. 103340 FAEGRI,
103336 EWING, K. and others.
Waterspout on Kaskawulsh Glacier. (Journal of glaciology.1967. v.6, p.956-58, illus) Ref. Other authors: S. Loomis and R. Lougeay. Describes a 4-5 m high spout of water that lasted some 10 sec and had issued from a 7-8 cm wide fissure in the glacier surface, and the subsequent development of a moulin. An aspect of this moulin, not observed in others of the area, was an irregular pulsation of air from the mouth, carrying aloft a fine spray of water. DLC.
103337 EWING, M.E. and others.
Some unusual photographs in the Arctic Ocean. (Marine Technology Society. Journal 1969. v.3, no.1, p.41-44, illus) 3 refs. Other authors: K.L. Hunkins and E.M. Thomdike. Discusses photographs made with a nephelometer (rather than a bottom camera), which consists of a light source, a baffle and attenuator and a camera. The instrument is described and figured. Measurements with the nephelometer were first made at T-3 in 1965. Streaks on the film were diagnosed as caused by small phototropic organisms, probably the amphipod Parathemisto abyssorum present throughout the regions where the observations were made. DGS.
103338 FABIAN, P. and others.
Stratospheric residence time and interhemispheric mixing of strontium 90 from fallout in rain. (Journal of geophysical research 1968. v.73, no.12, p.3611-16, graphs, table, illus) 6 refs. Other authors: W.F. Libby and C.E. Palmer. Calculates this fallout as measured by the Health and Safety Laboratory worldwide network incl Fairbanks, Anchorage, Juneau, and Moosonee stations. From the downward slope of the Sr-90 concentration in rainwater, a combined residence time incl both interhemispheric exchange and transfer from stratosphere to troposphere is obtained. The
K. Note on the maritime forest limit in south-east Alaska. (Bergen, Norway. Univ. Arbok 1968. Matematisk-naturvitenskapelig serie no.5, 20 p. graphs, map, tables, illus) 21 refs. Reports on 1963 observation of the virgin coniferous forest in temperate, extreme oceanic position near Juneau, Alaska, to make comparisons of a maritime forest with the relatively treeless, west Norwegian coast. Temperature at 58°N, where the study was made compares to that in Norway near the Arctic Circle. On Yakobi Island there is a counterpart of the Norwegian strandflat. Study sites, climate, tree species, their growth rates, the meadows, plant communities, pollen and radiocarbon analyses, and relatively recent climate and vegetation changes are discussed. DLC.
103341 FAGERBERG, B. and P.H. FAHLSTROM. Crushing and grinding practice in Sweden. (Mining engineering 1969. v.21, no.10, p.61-65, graph, map, illus) Discusses the methods and the processes of grinding iron ore in Swedish mines incl the Kiruna ore concentration plant. The two-level method of underground crushing is described and illus. 20 million ton of ore per yr is crushed in five parallel crushing stations of 1000-1500 t/hr capacity installed at the 420 m main level. At the new 540 m level under construction, a single stage gyrator), crushing to 4 in. size will be tried out at a cost of 2 It& Crushing practices and equipment at Kiruna, Boliden, Malmberget, Laisvall (lead), Svappavaara, Nylund, Kristineberg, Aitik, and other mines are described. Rubber mill linings developed by Skega and Trelleborg are used, reducing the cost of screen plate wear by 87% from that of 10 mm thick perforated steel screen platesDLC.
FAHLSTROM, P.H., see No. 103341. 103342 FAHNESTOCK, R.K. ogy of the Slims River.
Morphol(In: Icefield Ranges
Research Project. Scientific results 1969. v.1, p.161-72, maps, tables, illus) 20 refs. Reports summer 1965 fieldwork which included measurements of valley train slope, stream discharge, size analyses of valley train materials, reconnaissance study of the form of the valley and a survey of valley cross sections. This river flows north from Kaskawulsh Glacier 14 mi to Kluane Lake, where it is building a delta. The discharge of the river ranged 0-20,000 ft3/sec. In an upstream zone of the valley train, 1-3 channels were cutting down in coarse gravel on a slope lower than that of the intermediate zone, where the river was multichanneled with considerable bed load transport and some deposition. Dust from the valley train blankets the surrounding countryside with loess. There has been a major decrease in discharge of Slims River and an increase in amount of blowing sediment, since 1967 when the Kaskawulsh Glacier drainage shifted subglacially to the Kaskawulsh River. CaMAI. 103343 FAHRIG, W.F. and D.L. JONES. Paleomagnetic evidence for the extent of Mackenzie igneous events. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.4, pt. 1, p.679-88, map, tables, illus) 18 refs. Previously published paleomagnetic data on north-northwesterly striking Mackenzie diabase dikes of middle Proterozoic (Helikian) age in Mackenzie District, on the Muskox Intrusion, the Coppermine River volcanic rocks and the Sudbury dikes indicated them to have been products of closely related igneous events. Paleomagnetic data are presented which suggest that the intrusion of extensive diabase sheets in the east arm of Great Slave Lake, and dikes in Melville Peninsula and Manitoba were also parts of these events. The mean paleomagnetic pole position for these related rocks is 3-1/2°N, 171°W with A„=4-1 /2°. The radioactive age for their formation is approx 1200 MY. All of these apparently related intrusive and extrusive igneous episodes may be referred to as Mackenzie igneous events. DGS. 103344 FAIRBRIDGE, R.W „editor. Encyclopedia of geomorphology. New York, Reinhold 1968. 1295 p. graphs, maps, tables. illus. (Encyclopedia of earth sciences series v.3) Refs. This volume includes several short but cogent articles on arctic phenomena, viz: MOORE, G.W. Arctic beaches, p.21-22, illus, 3 refs. Beach processes are controlled by the seasonal ice cover of the sea, with a fast ice shelf as protection, and by relatively weak surf in shelf seas of restricted fetch. A flat rampart of alternating ice and sediment forms in the fall prior to appearance of continuous sea ice; it is 278
called kaimoo by Eskimos and used as a sled trail. Widely spaced, straight ditches in the top of the seasonal thaw are ice wedges which formed in sediment at the back of prograding beach-ridge plains. A plain at Cape Krusenstern reflects six reversals of wind direction in the last 5000 yr. SATER, J.E. Arctic regions, p.22-28, maps, tables, 7 refs. The difficulties in defining these regions are cited, and some tabulated data given on approximate areas of the Arctic and Subarctic. Geologic, climatic and physiographic features of the Arctic are briefly characterized and comments added on the future of man's adaptation to the region. FAIRBRIDGE, R.W. Cryopedology, cryoturbation, cryonivation and cryoplanation, p.228-31, illus, 29 refs. Terms are defined and some of their European equivalents given as used in discussing various aspects of the glacial and periglacial landscape. Permafrost processes and effects are included. WILSON, L. Frost action, p.369-81, map, tables, illus, 37 refs. Describes and gives alternative terminology for frost action processes (cracking, heaving, etc), frozen ground (permafrost, pingos), patterned ground, erosional slope features and slope accumulations. FAIRBRIDGE, R.W. Ice thrusting, p.54648, illus, 21 refs. Mentions pressure ridges on shores of ice-covered lakes or seas caused by floating ice pressure and deals in more detail with effects of thrusting by continental ice. JAHN, A. Patterned ground, p.814-17, illus, 6 refs. Deals with sorted, nonsorted and icewedge polygons on flat surfaces, various forms of soil stripes, pingos and string bogs. LACHENBRUCH A.H. Permafrost, p.83339, graphs, map, illus, 13 refs. Defines the term and discusses the phenomenon from the thermal viewpoint. The geothermal conditions for permafrost formation, its depth, distribution, local variations caused by water bodies, hills and continental shelf sediments, also associated ground features are described, as are (briefly) the engineering problems caused. MULLER, F. Pingos, modern, p.845-47, illus. Distinguishes open pingos, in areas of discontinuous or thin permafrost with water circulating in the ground, and closed-system pingos in areas of continuous permafrost where permafrost advances into a lake system, freezing a confined mass of saturated soil. Pingo ice is characterized by translucent, large, simpleshaped crystals and by little or no inner structure. Most large pingos are hundreds to several thousand yr old. FAIRBRIDGE, R.W. Suffosion and tundra craters. p.1099-1100, 7 refs. Defines the phenomena in tundra produced by the pouring out of thaw water, accumulated between an uneven permafrost surface and a dry crust above, carrying silt and mud, which form conical
mounds. The term is of classical origin, suggesting erosion from below. Tundra craters and other examples are described. DYLIK, J. Thermokarst, p.I149-51, illus, 9 refs. Defines the term as a thermal process that leads to the melting of ground ice and therefore causes subsidence or caving of the soil and underlying sediments. Thermokarst is confined to permafrost areas and traces of thermokarst in ancient periglacial areas are evidence of the former existence of permafrost. Types of thermokarst development and topography are described. STRELKOV, S.A. Tundra landscape, p.1176-79, map, illus, 15 refs. Distinguishes the arctic, typical tundra and shrub tundra subzones, and mountain tundra. Tundra topography is determined by geological features, neotectonic movements, Quaternary history and recent climate. The worldwide distribution and associated thermokarst features of the tundra landscape are described. DGS. FALCONER, G., see No. 101813. 103345 FALK, B. Grans lanthushallsskola. (Norrbottens Iantmannablad 1964. no.4, p.97-99, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: The Gran rural home economics school. Reviews the curricula of this school from 1914, where both full and part-time students, 16 years and over, are trained in home economics, incl demonstrations, practical experience, care and management of mechanized equipment, etc. The school has its own farm with gardens, livestock, poultry, etc, and the school buildings include recreation, study and living areas. DLC. 103346 FALK, B. Strovtag; med utgangspunktfran Suorvabygget. (Norrbottens lam hemmbygdsforening. Arsbok 1968. p. 101-106, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: Incursion with the Suorva point of departure. Reviews wildlife and natural conditions about 1919-23, when the region in the upper Lule basin was little traversed except by seasonal migrants. It now has motor, helicopter and DLC. snowscooter traffic. 103347 FALK, H. Svunna kirunagestalter. Kiruna, FOrfattaren 1966. 74 p. In Swedish. Title tr.: Former residents of Kiruna. Presents sketches of 18 individuals active in the Kiruna area in the early part of this cenDLC. tury. 103348 FALK, H. Vi miittes i ett svunnet Kiruna. Kiruna, Forfattaren 1967. 70 p. In Title tr.: We met in the Kiruna of Swedish. long ago. Further sketches as in item above. DLC.
FALL'S, A.M., see No. 103271. FAM KHUNG, FI, see No. 106089. 103349 FAM VAN-CH and others. Issledovaniye geomagnitnykh pul'satsiy tipa Pc3 v magnitno-sopryazhennykh tochkakh. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1968. v.8, no.1, p.12024, graphs) 12 refs. In Russian. Other authors: B.M. Yanovskiy, A.A. Kovtun, O.M. Raspopov, V.A. Troitskaya and R. Shlish. Title tr.: Investigation of Pc3 type geomagnetic pulsations at magnetically conjugate points. Analyzes the behavior of the pulsations at magnetically conjugate stations Sogra and Kerguelen, using the data of continuous recording of the variations during Feb-Mar 1966. A good correspondence of generation time, form, period, and pulsation amplitude is shown at the two stations. The polarization of disturbance vectors of the pulsations was found to rotate in opposite directions. An exception to these observations of 180 pulsation pairs was 12 anomalous cases during 01-03 h UT, when the polarization vectors at both stations rotated in a counter-clockwise direction. A correspondence is noticed in the behavior of the Pc3 continuous type pulsations and that of Pit, the irregular type.. DLC. 103350 FARADZHEV, V.A.and others. K voprosu ob uskorennom geologicheskom kartirovanii. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.4, p.20-32) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Accelerated geologic mapping. Reports an attempt at medium scale (1:200,000) mapping in the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt and Koryak-Kamchatka folded zone, reducing the ground survey and using helicopters and airphoto interpretation extensively. The methods, organization, preparatory and laboratory work are described. The experiment proved very effective. Use of these maps for mineral prospecting is also discussed. DLC. FARADZHEV, V.A., see also No. 101647. 103351 FARAFONOV, M.M. and V.YE. CHERNOBRIVETS. Vydayushchiysya polyarnyy issledovatel'. (Sudostroyeniye 1967. no.5, p.75-77, illus) In Russian. Title Zr.: A prominent polar explorer. Sketch of G.Ya. Sedov, particularly his 1912-14 expedition with the Sv. Foka, a sailsteam bark built in 1870, 133.3 ft long, 15.6 ft wide, 273 t displacement, and speed to 7 knots with a 100 hp engine. His winterings on Novaya Zemlya and on Gukera Island in Franz Josef Land, his survey of the former, his sledge trip from Tikhaya Bay toward the Pole and his death are noted: cf. No. 13547. DLC. FARBEROV, Ai, see Nos. 102013, 105328. 279
FARMER, L.D., see No. 102527. 103352 FARENGOL'TS, I.V. Ledokol'noye issledovatel'skoye sudno "'Fudzhi". (Sudostroyeniye 1966. no.8, p.16-17, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: The icebreaking research vessel Fudji. Describes the Japanese antarctic expeditionary ship, its basic elements and characteristics, with a profile drawing. It accommodates a 182-man crew, 40 scientists, and three helicopters, and has a 15,000 mi sailing range. DLC. 103353 FARNER, D.S. Role of extreme changes in photoperiod in the annual cycles of birds and insects. (Federation proceedings 1964. v.23, no.6, pt. 1, p.1215-20, graphs, illus) 82 refs. Reviews the published literature on investigations made mainly at lower latitudes, drawing inferences as to arctic occurrences of the phenomena. From the data, the photoperiodic controls are assumed to be common among resident bird species and migrants from midtemperature latitudes. The increasing day length of spring is vital in timing gonad development, premigratory fattening and migration. Other factors such as ambient temperature appear to have only relatively minor modifying roles among migrants. In the case of insects, the induction of diapause by shorter daylengths in the fall, interacting with temperature, is widespread. Circadian (24-hr) cycles and photoperiodic controls also are discussed. DLC. 103354 FARRAR, G.L. Alaskan LNG to Japan nears reality. (Oil and gas journal 1969. v.67, no.3, p.28-30, illus) Reports progress on the 200 million Phillips Petroleum Co, Marathon Oil Co, Tokyo Electric Power Co and Tokyo Gas Co project for delivery of liquified natural gas from the Cook Inlet and Kenai gas fields in Alaska, to Negishi near Yokohama on Tokyo Bay. New construction includes plant and deepwater docking and loading facilities at Port Nikiski on Cook Inlet. LNG tankers Polar Alaska and Arctic Tokyo are also under construction in Swedish shipyards; they are the largest so far to be built, with a draft of 31 ft, requiring a dock 1200 ft offshore to have a 40-ft mean low-water depth; some details of design are given. Cold boxes weighing 250 and 320 t were unloaded during three successive high tides, 32-ft variation. DGS. FASTIE, W.G., see Nos. 105877,106231. 103355 FAULKNER, C. ACV and the North, a need for planned action. (In: Arctic Institute of North America. Arctic and Middle North transportation 1969. p.163-80, illus) 280
States environmental and resource-development factors in northern transportation and shows Bell Aerosystems Co types of air-cushion vehicles, evaluated for capability in cold weather and marshland environments. Total transport systems are charted for survey and support, container airlift and freighting, etc. CaMA1, DLC. FATKULIN, A.G., see No. 108250. 103356 FAVORIN, M. Birkarletraditionen, dicta eller konstruerad? (Scandia 1968. v.34, no.1, p.66-99) Refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: The Birkarlian tradition, real or inferred? Reviews the documented history of Swedish attempts to establish taxation rights in northern Lapland. Although the boundary between northern Sweden and Norway was commonly understood to be the watershed between Baltic and Atlantic drainage, Swedish representatives tried to establish taxation rights in the area where the Danes, then rulers of Norway, had district representatives. From the 13th century the Birkarlians, from Finland, had imposed tax on the Lapps. In the late 16th century the Danes had to withdraw from the Kola Peninsula, after which the traditional boundary between Norway and Russia was the eastern boundary of modern Finnmark, and taxation more strictly accompanied political dominance. The discussion concerns mainly the authenticity and interpretation of certain early docuDLC. ments. 103357 FAVORITE, F. Geostrophic and Sverdrup transports as indices of flow in the Gulf of Alaska. (Dissertation abstracts 1969. v.29, no.9, p.3422-B) Order no.69-4661. PhD thesis, Oregon State Univ. 1969.82 p. As a result of the intensification of winter cyclonic winds in the gulf, the relatively constant geostrophic circulation is not indicative of actual flow. The effects of various meteorological phenomena were eliminated from monthly mean sea level measurements for 1950-59, and the resulting height anomalies equated to monthly mean Sverdrup transports. The resulting linear relationship holds except in summer when it permits an estimate of the increase in recorded sea level due to runoff. During summer the geostrophic transport is a good indication of general flow, but during winter, the mass distribution does not adjust to the Sverdrup transport; the barostrophic flow is approx 1-1/2 times the geostrophic flow. Mean seasonal Sverdrup transport indicates maximum recirculation in the Alaska Gulf gyre during winter, a reduced but equal recirculation during summer and fall, but none during spring. This conflicts with currently held interpretations of flow in the Gulf of Alaska. DGS.
103358 FAY, F.H. and C. RAY. Influence of climate on the distribution of walruses, Odobenus rosmarus (Linnaeus), I: evidence from thermoregulatory behavior. (Zoologica 1968. v.53, no.1, p.1-18, graph, maps, tables, illus) 35 refs. Reports 1952-65 observations of walrus behavioral reactions to weather in the natural Arctic and Subarctic and 1957-63 data from the New York aquarium. Walruses can sleep in the water but usually haul out on the ice or land to sleep, mainly during the day and especially in spring and summer. Their sleeping posture regulates the surface area exposure, which is minimal in cold and maximal in warm weather. They seek sunshine, avoid high winds and heavy precipitation. This hauling out to sleep warms the peripheral tissues, which may require heat and inactivity for the molt, healing of wounds and development of the young. Given light winds, moderate sunshine and a cool damp bed, the average limits of thermal tolerance of adult Pacific walruses while resting in air seem to be -20° to + 15°C. DLC. 103359 FAY, F.H. and R.L. RAUSCH. Parasitic organisms in the blood of arvicoline rodents in Alaska. (Journal of parasitology 1969. v.55, no.6, p.1258-65, map, tables, illus) 19 refs. Reports some findings on identification, occurrence and geographic distribution of a Grahamella-like organism, trypanosomes and piroplasms from voles in southern and southeast Alaska. The tick Ixodes angustus is the vector of the piroplasms, which cause splenomegaly in the infected host. CaMAI, DLC. FAY, F.H., see also No. 106646. 103360 FAYNBERG, F.S. and others. 0 magnetizme tufogennykh obrazovaniy Sibirskoy platformy. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.5, p.138-42, graphs, illus, table) 2 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: V.V. Metallova and E.N. Lind. Title tr.: Magnetism of tuffaceous formations of the Siberian platform. Reports on a study of the magnetic properties of tuffs and volcanic fragmental material in deposits of the Angara region and in bank sections of the Ilimpeya and Nizhnyaya Tunguska Rivers. The rocks are characterized by stable thermoremanent magnetization. The data are not in agreement with current views on the redeposition of pyroclastic material by water and mudflows. DLC. 103361 FAYNBERG, F.S. and T.I. LIN'KOVA. Paleomagnitnaya kharakteristika rannechetvertichnykh otlozheniy Kamchatki. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.193, no.5, p.1140Title tr.: 42, graphs) 4 refs. In Russian.
Paleomagnetic characteristics of early Quaternary deposits of Kamchatka. Reports a study of the so-called blue clays of Kamchatka. All 33 samples examined have positive polarity of residual magnetization. The paleomagnetic characteristics of their stratum DLC. are of Pleistocene age. FAYNBERG, F.S., see also No. 102274. FAYNOT, G.M., see No. 102215. 103362 FEDIN, I.A. and others. noye drobleniye gornykh porod s pomoshch'yu vozdushno-ognestruynoy gorelki. (Gornyy zhurnal 1970. no.10, p.17-18, graphs, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Secondary breaking of rocks with an air-flame jet burner. Reports on breaking up oversize rocks 1.5 m long and pieces of iron ore 1.2 m long by sharp application of an air flame jet at 1700°K. The methods and process of the heating, and technical characteristics of the burner are given. Breaking up oversize pieces of sandstone by heat applied to the surface or in a drilled hole and the time requirement are also reported, as is the relation of the time required to the diameter of the drillhole in cracking sandstone and dolomite. This high temperature flame method as tried at the Korshunovskiy iron mine was found more effective and economical than secondary breaking by explosives, or by high frequency electric current. DLC. FEDINA, LP., see No. 107513. S.I. 103363 FEDORENKO, Vulkanicheskiye obrazovaniya severo-zapadnogo poberezh'ya Kamchatskogo zaliva. (Byulleten' vulkanologicheskikh stantsiy 1969. no.45, p.56-60, map, table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Volcanic features of the northwest coast of Kamchatka Bay. Reports briefly the characteristics of this new area of regional volcanism, emphasizing its tectonic position and the volcanic complex and age. The small volcanic features: lava domes, flows, and cones, are attributed to the zone of crushing. Geomorphic data indicate the volcanic features, in age sequences between terrace formations and valleys, as approx middle Pleistocene. Chemical analyses of the olivine basalts are presented. DLC. 103364 FEDORENKO, S.I. and K.A. SKRIPKO. Vulkany Kronotskogo rayona na Kamchatke. (In: Vulkany i izverzheniya...1969. p.98-121, map, table, illus) 8 refs. Title tr.: Volcanoes of the KroIn Russian. notskiy region on Kamchatka. Presents data on the tectonics of the region and stratigraphy of the Quaternary volcanic 281
complexes. There are four such complexes of different age: a lava plateau, a Middle-Upper Pleistocene complex of shield volcanoes, lava domes and flows and Lower and Upper Holocene complexes of volcanic cones, lava domes, extrusions and lava flows. Yuzhnyy and Severnyy Gamchen, Komarova, Kolkhoznyy, Malyy, Shmidta and other volcanoes of the DLC. region are briefly characterized.
103365 FEDOROV, A.I. Problemy izucheniya russkikh govorov Sibiri. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. lzvestiya 1968. no. 1 . ser. obshchestvennykh nauk no.1, p.95-100) 11 refs. Title tr.: Problems in the study In Russian. of Russian dialects of Siberia. Reviews study of the patois of old-time settlers. Scope and methods of fieldwork in the 1960's is described and unresolved linguistic problems discussed. Major criteria for the dialect differentiation are the pioneers' linguistic isolation, original peculiarities of their primarily north-Russian mother-dialects, and assimilation of idiomatic expressions borrowed from local Samoyed, Ob-Ugric, Tungus, Yakut, DLC. Paleosiberian, or other languages. FEDOROV, B.N., see No. 106168. FEDOROV, 1.P., see No. 108680. 103366 FEDOROV, K.N. K voprosu o vertikal'noy ustoychivosti temperaturnykh inversiy v okeane. (Okeanologiya 1969. v.9, no.1, p.I06-110, graphs) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Vertical stability English summary. of temperature inversions in the ocean. Discusses temperature inversion layers in the Atlantic and in the Sea of Okhotsk. The relationship between the rise of water temperature and salinity in these layers is shown to be a measure of their vertical stability. The character of this relationship is closely associated with the origin of the inversion layers. Inversion in the Okhotsk Sea is found in the lower comparatively cold intermediate layer which occurs in DLC. various places at different depths. 103367 FEDOROV, K.YE. Ovogenez i polovoy Isikl chernogo paltusa. (Murmansk. Polyarnyy n.-issl inst. morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Trudy 1968. no.23, p.425-51, graph, tables, illus) 36 refs. In RusTitle tr.: Ovogenesis sian. English summary. and sexual cycle in blue halibut. Cytomorphological analysis of the processes of ovogenesis in the blue halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides in Barents Sea, revealed four periods and six phases in the development of generative cells. The period of nuclear transformation when the size of the halibut is approx 20-110 cm does not differ 282
from similar stages of oocyte development in DLC. other species of fish. FEDOROV, L.V., see No. 105425. FEDOROV, M.V., see No. 106565. 103368 FEDOROV, V. and V. ALAVA. Traktor TB-1 na lesosechnykh rabotakh. (Lesnaya promyshlennost' 1969. v.49, no.5, p.89, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Use of the TB-1 tractor in lumbering operations. Describes the TB-1 tractor used mainly for gathering together felled trees in the KondoDLC. poga and Segezha forests of Karelia. 103369 FEDOROV, V.D. Dominiruyushchiye formy fitoplanktona Belogo morya. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.188, no.4, p.913Title tr.: 16, graphs, table) 2 refs. In Russian. The dominant forms of White Sea phytoplankton. Reports a 1968 study in the vegetation period (1 I Apr - 14 Oct) on the Karelian coast. Of the 52 species found in the phytoplankton, only 16 are considered dominant species. The predominant forms in spring are Thalassiosira, Fragilaria, and Nitzschia; gradually Sceletonema costatum becomes the dominating form in the biological summer, Nitzschia delicatissima at the end of summer, and Dinophysis norDLC. wegica in autumn. FEDOROV, V.D., see also No. 102153. V.I. 0 103370 FEDOROV, sushchestvovanii yedinogo kriteriya dlya opredeleniya temperatury nachala zamerzaniya glinistykh gruntov. (Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov 1968. v.10, no.1, p.35-36, graph, table) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A general criterion for determining the freezing point temperature of clayey ground. Develops a formula of the temperature, based on the plasticity and moisture of the ground. The calculated values of the freezing points of sandy loam, loam, and clay are compared in a table with the values of their freezing points as observed under natural conditions, and a satisfactory agreement is DLC. shown. FEDOROV, YU.V., see No. 103703. 103371 FEDOROVA, N.M. Temperaturnyy rezhim suglinistykh pochvo-gruntov vodorazdelov Sos'vinskogo Priob'ya Zapadnoy Sibiri i nekotoryye aspekty sovremennogo pochvoobrazovaniya. (Pochvovedeniye 1970. no.3, p.74-91, illus, tables) 29 refs. In Title Cr.: The Russian. English summary. temperature regime of the loamy soils of the
West Ob-Sos'va watershed and some aspects of present-day soil formation. Reports his 1964-65 hydrothermal investigations in the Konda, Severnaya and Malaya Sos'va River basins, 61-64°N. They have cold soils with shallow but prolonged freezing. They are regarded as a center of intensive cryogenesis. The low temperatures of soils during the period of positive air temperature and the lengthy period they are frozen are essential features of the natural conditions of the region. The ground temperature plays a major role in the formation of soil profiles, soil cover, and the appearance of the landscape generally. DLC. FEDOROVA, R.V., see No. 104900. FEDOROVA, S.G., see No. 106463. 103372 FEDOROVA, Z.P. Perenos soley cherez Beringov proliv v Chukotskoye more. (Okeanologiya 1968. v.8, no.1, p.49-54, graphs, tables) Ref. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Salt transfer through Bering Strait into the Chukchi Sea. On the basis of the salinity data from the western and eastern portions of the Cape Peyek - Cape Prince of Wales section, the relation between these areas was deduced, and from the relationship, mean salinity data for the entire section were established. The salt transfer is estimated on the basis of the data on water outflow. Annual and seasonal variations of salt transfer through Bering Strait are given according to 1941-65 observations. DLC. FEDOROVA, Z.P., see also No. 107217. 103373 FEDOROWSKI, J. The Lower Permian Tetracoralla and Tabulata from Treskelodden, Vesispitsbergen. Oslo, Norsk Polarinstitutt 1967. 44 p. map, illus. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Skrifter no.142) 27 refs. Describes 21 tetracoral species, seven of them new, and five Tabulate, one new, collected by S. Feyn and A. Heintz in 1949. In the foreword Heintz outlines the stratigraphic succession of the coral-bearing beds. CaMAI, DLC. 103374 FEDOSEYEV, O.G. Mostostroiteli Sibiri nabirayut tempy. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1970. v.20, no.6, p.34-35) In Russian. Title tr.: The bridge builders of Siberia increase their pace. Reviews activities of Mostostroy-2 trust including the overpass at Bratsk, a wharf at Dudinka, a bridge for the Tyumen'-Surgut railmad, bridges across the Norilka River, etc. Work projected through 1975 is also noted: all bridges for the Tyumen'-Surgut railroad, incl the span across the Ob, and those in the Surgut-Nizhnevartovskiy-Strezhevoy sector. DLC.
FEDOSEYEV, V.I., see No. 103739. 103375 FEDOSEYEVA, L.I. Na strazhe zdorov'ya detey. (Zdravookhraneniye i zdorov'ye naseleniya Murmanskoy oblasti. Murmansk 1968. p.64-78) In Russian. Title tr.: Child health care. Presents selected statistical data on child care improvement in Murmansk Province, 1965 over 1940. The number of hospital beds for non-infectious cases increased by 379%, and 209% for infectious diseases; the number of children in nurseries grew by 142%. Pediatric health facilities increased five fold, and the ratio of children per pediatrician decreased by 50%. DNLM. 103376 FEDOSEYEVA, S.A. Drevniye kul' tury Verkhnego Vilyuya. Moskva, Nauka 1968. 171 p. maps, illus. 148 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ancient cultures in the upper Vilyuy basin. Summarizes results of the 1959-63 survey of 23 habitation and burial sites in the area approx 63°-63°30'N 109°30c 112°15'E. Bones and artifacts are described from six representative sites: a burial complex, stratified camping sites, and a workshop. The cultural remains extend from the early neolithic to the early iron age, i.e. from the fourth millennium BC to the first AD. They show a basic continuity in the typology of tools and pottery, in racial identity, and a nomadic hunting economy with repetitive use of the same camping sites. Close cultural affinities between the so-called Katanga Mongoloids of the upper Vilyuy basin and coeval Cis-Baykal tribes may indicate genetic kinship. Moreover, ethnic similarities to Evenki Tungus tribes inhabiting the upper Vilyuy region till the 17th century AD suggest that from neolithic times, the upper Vilyuy basin lay within the area of formation and development of the northernmost Evenki groups. Certain traits in material culture affinal with sites in the Lena basin indicate contacts with Paleosiberians, probably Yukaghir tribes. Sporadic during the neolithic, these contacts grew in intensity from the bronze age probably due to the migration northward to the middle Lena of kindred Evenki tribes, displaced by the advance of Turkic and Mongolian peoples. DLC. FEDOTOV, A.I., see No. 107900. 103377 FEDOTOV, S.A. Dolgosrochnyy seysmicheskiy prognoz dlya Kurilo-Kainchatskoy zony. (In: Problema tsunami...1968. p.121-32, graphs, maps, table) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Long-range seismic forecasting for the Kuril-Kamchatka zone. Discusses earthquake prediction on the basis of data from occurrences between 1904283
1963. Areas of strong earthquakes in the zone are noted in particular. Comparison is made with Japanese earthquakes between 1897-1963. Earthquake forecasting of 70% accuracy is posDLC. tulated. On deep struc103378 FEDOTOV, S.A. ture, properties of the upper mantle, and volcanism of the Kuril-Kamchatka island arc (In: Symposium according to seismic data. on the Upper Mantle Project 1966 pub 1968. p.131-39, maps, illus) Refs. Presents seismic data for Kamchatka and the Commander Islands collected in 1961-64. Most Kamchatka earthquakes were found in the Pacific focal zone 100-150 km from the deep trench; the active volcano belt coincides with the earthquake region at focal depths 100200 km. S-wave screening in the magma chambers under volcanoes indicates that the Avacha volcano cluster magma chamber at 20-80 km depth is a column, 25 km in diam. P-wave velocity in the upper mantle under the Pacific Ocean between the Aleutian and Kuril-Kamchatka trenches is km/sec, under Kamchatka 7.7 km/sec; under the east Kamchatka active volcano belt it decreases locally to basaltic range (V, =7.2 km/sec) in the upper mantle at a depth near 70 km. Two earthquake belts originate at the Commander Islands; one extends south along the steep slope of the Aleutian Trench, the other extends in Bering Sea along the northern lifted block of submarine elevation on which the islands are situated. The most active seismic region is Bering Island, where one of the steepest slopes in the world, 7000 m depth 25 km from coast, is located. DGS. 103379 FEDOTOV, S.A. and others. Seysmichnost' Kamchatki i Komandorskikh ostrovov po dannym detanykh issledovaniy i yeye svyaz' s glubinnym stroyeniyem. (In: AN SSSR. Otd-iye nauk o Zemle. Stroyeniye i razvitiye zemnoy kory...1969. p.97-110, graphs, maps) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: P.I. Tokarev, I.P. Kuzin, A.M. Bagdasarova and M.F. Bobkov. Title tr.: The seismicity of Kamchatka and the Commander Islands and its connection with deep structure. Reports 1961-64 preliminary investigations. From the trench of the Kuril-Kamchatka belt to the focal zone at the ocean bottom, seismicity increases fourfold. In Kamchatka seismicity decreases westward. The earthquakes of Kamchatka differ in character from those in the Commanders. A connection is established between active volcanism and earthquakes at DLC. 100-200 km depth. 103380 FEDOTOV, V.S. lzgorodnyy (Problemy Severa 1968. no.13, vypas oleney. p.268-72) 7 refs. In Russian. English translation 284
available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Fenced reindeer pasturing. Describes recent extensive studies by the Murmansk Reindeer Husbandry Experiment Station on the use of fences as practiced by the Lapps of Kola Peninsula and as started by state farms in the Kandalaksha area in 1938-40. Fenced pasturing provides for better foraging, watering, and resting, reduces evidence of disease, especially necrobacillosis, leads to increase in animals' dressed weight. The herdsmen's work is eased, number of herders and costs are reduced. Fence methods and supervision of the fenced herd are noted, as is the fenced reindeer pasturing also practiced in Norway and Sweden. CaMAI, DLC. FEDOTOV, V.S., see also No. 107178. 103381 FEDOTOV, ZH.A. and N.N. Raspredeleniye elemenKOLESNIKOV. tov-primesey v ravnovesnykh mineral'nykh assotsiatsiyakh osnovnykh porod rayona Keyv. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1968. no.6, p.15-25, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of trace elements in equilibrium mineral associations of basic rocks of the Keyvy region. Presents results of quantitative-spectral analyses of copper, nickel, cobalt, chrome and vanadium in 62 monomineralic fractions of plagioclase, amphibole, chlorites, biotites, pyroxenes, garnets, magnetites and ilmenites, as well as 23 samples of orthoamphibolites, gabbro-diabases and gabbro-norites. Nickel, cobalt, chrome and vanadium in the minerals investigated are isomorphic replacements of magnesium, iron and aluminum. Copper is evenly distributed in rock-forming minerals. In biotite, the copper content is higher than in the coexisting minerals. DLC. FEDOTOV, ZH.A., see also No. 106541. K mineralo103382 FEDOTOVA, M.G. gii zony okisleniya sul'fidnykh medno-nikelevykh mestorozhdeniy Pechengi. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1968. no.6, p.45-49, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mineralogy of the oxidation zone of the Pechenga sulfide copper-nickel deposits. Describes the present zone of oxidation in these copper-nickel deposits, represented by fragmental ferruginous material 20 cm thick. The primary sulfide minerals are pyrrhotite, pentlandite, and chalcopyrite. Supergene minerals include retgersite and brochantite, as well as the ubiquitous limonite and goethite. DLC. 103383 FEDOTOVA, M.G. Serebro v polimetallicheskikh zhilakh Murmanskogo poberezh'ya. (Vses. mineralogicheskoye o-
vo. Zapiski 1969. v.98, no.2, p.227-30, graph, table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Silver in the polymetallic veins of the Murmansk coast. Describes silver-containing lead-zinc veins on the coast of Varanger Fjord west of Pechenga Bay. The content of silver in galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and barite is tabulated. More attention should be directed to DLC. the native silver in these veins.
S. Ekonomicheskiye osnovy organizatsii frakhtovoy raboty. (Morskoy flot 1968. v.28, no.3, p.15-16) In Russian. Title tr.: Economic bases for the organization of cargo transport. In order to lower costs, ships from White Sea and Murmansk harbors transport goods to and from Black Sea and tropical harbors in the winter months. DLC.
Anomalii v 103384 FEDYAKINA, N.I. rasprostranenii sverkhdlinnykh radiovoln nablyudayemyye v srednikh shirotakh. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.35, Title tr.: p.48-52, graph) 18 refs. In Russian. Anomalies in propagation of extra-long radiowaves, observed at middle latitudes. Analyzes information on the anomalies of very low frequency radiowave propagation on a line crossing the polar cap and/or the auroral zone, with emphasis on behavior of the waves during periods of ionospheric disturbances. The anomalous propagation of VLF radiowaves on the Rugby (England)-Rome line was investigated and correlated with the records of cosmic noise absorption at the Tiksi Bay station in Nov 1960 during polar cap absorption events. The analysis showed that the short duration variations in the GBR phase (auroral anomalies) coincided with the periods of auroral absorption at Tiksi. It was found that the anomalies, due to proton injection into the earth's atmosphere, are observed in the period when two or more geomagnetic storms follow DLC. one another.
FEL'DMAN, N.L., see No. 105486.
FEETHAM, W., see No. 103628. 103385 FEFILOVA, L.A. Nekotoryye paporotniki iz permskikh otlozheniy Pechor(In: AN SSSR. Komi filial. skogo Priural'ya. Inst. geol. Trudy 1967. no.6, p.56-76, illus) Title tr.: Some ferns from Refs. In Russian. the Permian deposits of the Pechora Cis-Urals. Describes Prynadaeopreris silovaensis, P.(?) alifera, P. Tchernovii emended n comb, and P. vorcutana, noting dimensions, diagnosis, collected material, comparisons, locality and age. DLC. Yevrameriy103386 FEFILOVA, L.A. skiye paporotniki v permskikh otlozheniyakh Pechorskogo Priural'ya. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.I83, no3, p.680-82, illus) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Euramerian ferns in Permian deposits of the Pechora Urals. Discusses the Permian flora of this region, particularly gen Oligocarpia and Orthotheca which are described in some detail. Oligocarpia permiana and Orthotheca petschorica are identified as new species. This Euramerican flora developed in a warm humid climate. DLC.
103387 FEL'DBAUM,
FEL'DSHTEYN, YA.1., 101652, 101653, 108649.
Nos. 101651,
FELSMAN, F.W., see No. 106684. 103388 FENIKSOVA, V.V.
lstoriya razvitiya vnelednikovoy zony Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti v pozdncm kaynozoye. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1970. v.13, no.1, p.28-47, maps, tables) 31 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Late Cenozoic history of the periglacial zone in the West Siberian lowland. There are three main stages in the development of this zone, early Pleistocene, Middle Pleistocene, and late Pleistocene - Holocene. Each stage is analyzed noting the tectonic movements, glaciations, relief development and climatic and paleogeographic changes. DLC.
103389 FENNO-SCANDINAVIAN ASSOCIATION OF DERMATOLOGY, 17th meeting, Copenhagen, 27-29 May 1965. Proceedings. Copenhagen, G. Asboe-Hansen and H. Schmidt 1966. 146 p. graphs, tables, illus. Contains 31 of the 57 papers presented at this meeting; three deal with northern people,
viz.. HEIJER, A. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in some families in northern Sweden, p. 27. Describes a case with all symptoms: hyperelasticity of the skin, hyperflexibility in several joints, etc. Four formes-frustes cases were found in one family. Diagnosis is fairly easy when all the symptoms are present but difficult in the more common formes-frustes cases. KARLTORP, N.A northern Swedish family with Darier's disease p. 28. Reports 13 cases in five consecutive generations of a family in a small Norrbotten village. All the cases first appeared during puberty. Clinical and histological features are noted. The victims are of low social level: three IQ-tested cases were 88, 83 and 76. LANGE, P.K. and others. Gonococcal complement fixation reaction (GR) in pulmonary patients in Greenland, p. 101-106, tables, 26 refs. Authors conclude from a 1959-63 study of some 1600 patients that positive gonococcal complement fixation reaction (GR), especially in patients with extensive chronic pulmonary
processes, ind TB, without anamnestic and clinical signs of gonorrhea, cannot be taken as evidence of present or previous gonorrhea. The rule that a strongly positive GR supports strongly the specificity of the reaction is not valid if the patient is suffering from a chronic pulmonary disease. DLC. FEODOT'YEV, K.M., see No. 106182. 103390 FEOKTISTOV, C.D. and others. O nakhodke garronita v SSSR. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.188, no.3, p.670-72, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Z.F. Ushchapovskaya and T.A. Lakhno. Title tr.: A find of garronite in the USSR. Describes this hydrothermal mineral, first reported from Ireland in 1955 and now found in the Angara basin. Its mode of occurrence, hardness of 4.5, specific weight of 2.17, optical constants, and chemical composition are given, and it is compared with analcite and levyne. DLC. 103391 FERDMAN, L.I. Metod izodef i yego tektonicheskaya interpretatsiya v predelakh Noril'skogo rayona severo-zapada Sibirskoy platformy. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologii...1965. Materialy, v.1, 1967. p.69-79, map, tables, illus) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Method of equal deformation and its tectonic interpretation in Norilsk region of the northwestern Siberian platform. Reports study of longitudinal profiles of rivers, incl the Yenisey, Dudinka, Fokina, Uboynaya, Khantayka, Noril'ka and Rybnaya. Analysis of deformation shown in 188 such profiles, revealed zones of present uplift and subsidence, contributed to the clarification of local morphostrucalres and indicated the position of faults. DLC. vozmo103392 FERDMAN, L.I. 0 zhnosti kolichestvennoy otsenki asimmetrii rechnykh dolin. (Strukturno-geomorfologicheskiye issledovaniya v Sibiri 1970. no.1, p.8490, maps, graph, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Possible quantitative appraisal of the asymmetry of river valleys. Reports a study of valleys in the Yenisey, Dudinka, Pyasina, Khantayka, Kureyka, and Severnaya basins on the northwest fringe of the Siberian platform. Some 147 transverse sections on 37 rivers are analyzed, and the, stable, unstable, and disordered asymmetries are characterized. A method of quantitative determination of the asymmetry is presented which enables tectonic analyses to be made of various areas of the crust and features of their development in time and space to be appraised. DLC. FERGUSON, J.H., see No. 103470. 286
FERNANDO, C.H., see No. 106170. 103393 FERRIANS, 0.1.„ JR. and others. Permafrost and related engineering problems in Alaska. Washington, DC. 1969. 37 p. maps, tables, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Professional paper no. 678) 28 refs. Other authors: R. Kachadoorian and G.W. Greene. Useful handbook dealing with the origin, thermal regime, areal distribution and thickness of permafrost, and related geomorphic features. Polygonal ground, stone nets, solifluction, thaw and thermokarst pits, thaw lakes, beaded drainage, pingos and muck deposits are characterized. A wide range of engineering problems is connected with frost heaving, subsidence caused by thawing of permafrost, soil creep or solifluction, landslides, and icing. For constructing on permafrost there are two basic methods. The active method is used where permafrost is thin and discontinuous or contains a relatively small amount of ice; the permafrost is thawed and if ground has sufficient bearing strength, construction proceeds in a normal way. The passive method, used in areas such as the North Slope, minimizes disturbance of the permafrost and thermal regime. Engineering problems of railroads, highways and roads, airfields, buildings, dams, telephone and power lines, pipelines and utilidors are discussed and DOS. a set of ten guidelines is offered. 103394 FESENKOV, V.G. Tungusskoye padeniye i svyazannyye s nim problemy. (Meteoritika 1968. no.28, p.107-113) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Tunguska fall and related problems. The nature of the meteoritic fall in 1908 should be examined on the basis of all phenomena connected with the meteorite combined, the widespread anomalous twilight, clouds of very fine dispersed particles, anomalous extinction in the atmosphere, the very fine globules of silicate and magnetite composition at the fall site, the height and energy of explosion, etc. The meteorite is presumed to have DLC. been the nucleus of a comet. 103395 FESENKOV, V.G. Tungusskoye yavleniye 1908 goda. (Zemlya i vselennaya 1968. v.4, no.3, p.4-10, graphs, illus) Refs. In Title tr.: Tunguska phenomenon of Russian. 1908. Presents a popular review of investigation of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite and of characteristic features of the phenomenon. The so-called white night over the area from Vanovara in the vicinity of the meteorite fall to the west coast of Ireland and south to the approx latitude of Bordeaux-Tashkent is noted. This anomalous illumination of the night sky on 30 June 1908 is explained by multiple reflection of scattered sunlight from the cosmic dust dissi-
pated by the meteorite at about 800 km altitude. The nature of the meteorite remains uncertain though many scientists consider it to DLC. have been a small comet. 103396 FETISOV, G.V. 0 fizicheskom razvitii i fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti detey shkol'nogo vozrasta malykh narodov Severa. (Voprosy antropologii 1968. no.28, p.106-115, graphs, tables) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Physical development and physical fitness of school-age children of northern minorities. Reports on anthropometric studies and gymnastic ability tests made in 1964 on 922 Dolgan boys aged 8-17 and girls 7-18 in boarding schools of the Taymyr National District. Correlation with A.G. Sukharev's data on Russian schoolchildren of Noril'sk (No 92141) and similar studies in cross-sections of rural RSFSR, show substantially lower development indices for the Dolgan children. Rates of growth and development and the boy/girl differentials agree with national averages. The substandard indices of the Dolgans may be caused by ethnic factors aggravated by adverse ecological conditions. Poor performance in gymnastics indicates need for better physical education programs in schools of the Far North. Appended is account by V.V. Bunak on the effects of climate and environment on physical development and on benefits of prophylactic measures. The 12-14 cm greater height of Russian 16-yr-olds born and raised in Noril'sk over the rural Dolgans of the same age is attributed to special hygiene programs introDLC. duced in the city schools.
1964 or 1965 and all were in full surge in 1966. CaMAI, DGS. FIELD, W.O., see also No. 104247. 103399 FIFE, J.A. and C.E. CANNON. How Anchorage, Alaska restored its water and sewerage systems after the earthquake of 1964. (Water and sewage works 1965. v.112, no.4, p.114-23, map, illus) Describes the municipal water and sewerage systems before and after the earthquake, the behavior of different types of materials and methods used for detecting damage. A city plan with overlay of the systems is figured. Authors assisted in the recovery effort as members of a team from Metcalf and Eddy, Consulting Engineers of Boston, Mass. DLC. 103400 FILANOVSKIY, V.YU. Problemy podgotovki nefti na promyslakh Zapadnoy Sibiri. (Neftyanoye khozyaystvo 1968. v.46, no.5, p.41-44, tables, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Preparation of oil in West Siberian oilfields. Discusses the preparation of water-free oil at the Ust'-Balyk, Megion, Zapadnyy Surgut and other oil fields. Physical and chemical properties of the oils and strata! waters are analyzed. The construction required is discussed. Utilization of the temperature of AptianAlbian-Cenomanian water should be considered. A non-ionic reagent is the only possible type to use. DLC. FILANOVSKIY, V.0 Y., see also 105607.
FETISOV, G.V., see also No. 107467. 103397 FETTER, V. Stoletiye rozhdeniya Alesha Grdlichki. (Vorposy antropologii 1969. no.33, p.6-8) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Centennial of the birth of Ales Hrdli6ka. Reviews his anthropological studies Intl his theory of an Asiatic origin of American Indians and supporting fieldwork in Alaska, the AleuDLC. tian and Commander Islands. 103398 FIELD, W.O. Current observations on three surges in Glacier Bay, Alaska, 1965-1968. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.4, pt.2, p.831-39, map, illus) 7 refs. Describes the surges of the Tyeen, Rendu and Carroll Glaciers and discusses the periodicity of surging in the Glacier Bay region. Within a 60 km radius there, at least 21 glacier systems have surged in this century: seven in 1908-16, and seven 1916-60, two of them twice; and seven during the 1960's. Although each of the three glaciers described has a different surge periodicity, they all began surging in
FILATOV, S.S., see
No. 102037.
V.G. and others. 103401 FILATOV, Geografiya infektsionnoy patologii Tyumenskoy oblasti; soobshcheniye I: Obzor territorial'nogo rasprostraneniya prirodnoochagovykh bolezney i gel'mintozov. (Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geografii, 3rd. Leningrad 1968. Materialy, pt.2, p.25-28) In Russian. Title tr.: Geographical distribution of infection pathology in Tyumen Province; communication I: Review of the territorial spread of disease foci and helminths. The study lists the infections and parasites in the province, cites major foci, and notes the frequency of disease occurrence in the tundra and forest-tundra. Q-fever affected 4.9% reindeer in the tundra and in the forest tundra, 31.8% of the larger animals. Toxoplasmosis occurred in all zones including the Far North. Tapeworm was ubiquitous along Ob and its tributaries and in places the infestation rate rose to 90%. DLC. 287
103402 FILICHEV, YU. Povrezhdeniye vintov v ledovykh usloviyakh. (Morskoy flot Title 1968. v.28, no.4, p.21-22) In Russian. fr.: Damage to ship screws under icy conditions. Screw breaks occur more often in icy nonarctic seas than in arctic seas, and are rare at low speeds. Means of prevention are disDLC. cussed. FILIMONOV, I.A., see No. 102515. FILIMONOV, P.M., see No. 108127. 103403 FILIMONOVA, A.N. 0 kharaktere raspredeleniya bituma v mezozoyskikh otl ozh en iy ak h Trek hozerno- M ulym' inskoy ploshchadi Zapadnoy Sibiri, po dannym lyu(In: Nefteprominestsentnoy mikroskopii. myslovaya geologiya...1970. p.59-62, illus) 2 Title tr.: Character of biturefs. In Russian. men distribution in Mesozoic deposits of Trekhozernyy-Mulym'ya area of West Siberia, according to luminescence microscopy data. Highest bitumen content is in the central, most elevated part of the TrekhozernyyMulym'ya area, where there are fine-grained, microporous, slightly cemented sandstones in the lower part of the Mesozoic deposits. In the little altered basement rocks the bitumen content is very low or absent. There is a fairly high bitumen content in the weathered crust of these rocks and the highest concentration in its upper horizons, immediately under the productive DLC. bed of the Abalakskiy series. 103404 FILIMONOVA, L.G. 0 vozmozhnosti geokhimicheskikh poiskov flogopitovykh mestorozhdeniy, na primere Aldanskogo shchita. (Geologiya rudnykh mestorozhdeniy 1970. v.12, no.2, p.116-22, graphs, table) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Possibility of geochemical prospecting for phlogopite deposits, as exemplified in the Aldan shield. In the Aldan shield there are widespread swampy forested areas in which detailed prospecting for phlogopite is difficult by geological and geophysical methods. Use of the secondary dispersion halos of fluorine, which amounts to 1-3% in phlogopite, makes searching much DLC. easier and less expensive. FILINA, S.I., see No. 104896. 103405 FILIPPOV, P.I. and YE.YE. ALEKSEYEV. Posledniye stranitsy zhizni i deyaternosti A.Ye. Kulakovskogo. (Polyarnaya zvezda 1967. no.2, p.110-14) In Russian. Title Last steps in the life and career of A.Ye. Kulakovskiy. Presents documents, newspaper items, and letters written in the mid-1920's by or about this Yakut writer. His linguistic and ethno288
graphic studies are noted, as are his socio-political activities incl a peaceable conclusion to a DLC. 1925 Tungus uprising in Oymyakon. 103406 FILIPPOVA, LI. Osobennosti srednedevonskikh otlozheniy Usinskogo podnyatiya i ikh neftenosnost'. (Neftegazovaya geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.9, p.8-10, graphs) In Russian. Title tr.: Features of Middle Devonian deposits of the Usa uplift and their oil contents. Describes a borehole in the Timan-Pechora province that yielded several tons/day of oil from the Middle Devonian at 2950-3300 m. The section encountered in the well, including Permian, Carboniferous and Devonian sediments, is presented and interpreted. In the Usa uplift the Upper Eifelian substage is absent. DLC. FILIPPOVA, LI., see also No. 102868. 103407 FILONOV, A.V. Profi laktika mikrotravm u rabochikh rybnoy promyshlennosti. (Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1969. v.13, no.11, p.16-19, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Prophylaxis of minor injuries in fish industry workers. Discusses ways to prevent occupational injuries and secondary infections from study in 1962-67 of about 2000 cases of suppurative lesions in three fish-processing plants in Kamchatka. Fish-bone punctures were the primary cause in 41.3% of the cases, cuts in 30%, and scratches 26.6%. Several disinfectant solutions, soaps, and ointments are described and use of rubber gloves recommended to reduce lesions. Data in % are given on illnesses and injuries requiring sick leave and on occurrence of injuries according to specialized work in fish processing. DLC. FINANSOV, V.N., see No. 106604. 103408 FINDLAY, B.F. The hydrological year 1965-66. (McGill Univ. Sub-arctic Research Lab. Research paper 1967. no.23, p. 118-30, graphs, tables) 20 refs. Presents tabulated data on precipitation, runoff and evapotranspiration for Knob Lake. Procedures, instrumentation, and methods for correcting and estimating total figures are discussed, as are unsolved problems of an imperfect water balance in Quebec - Labrador. CaMAI, DLC. 103409 FINDLAY, B.F. Precipitation in Northern Quebec and Labrador; an evaluation of measurement techniques. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.2, p.140-50, maps, tables) 19 refs. French and Russian summary. Deals with the systematic errors in climatic data produced by short-period and intermittent
records, positioning of isolines on small-scale maps, a station network with only 23 permanent, mostly coastal stations for a 1,450,000 km2 area, imperfect instruments and sampling techniques, and observational and recording errors, all of which apply to the LabradorUngava region. Indirect methods for adjusting precipitation gage data: snow surveying, stream gaging, interception and evapotranspiration calculations and watershed rain gage networks, are discussed. The results, which necessarily are only speculative, suggest a systematic annual error of 6 in. Ca MAI, DLC. FINDLAY, B.F., see also No. 105530. 103410 FINDLAY, D.C. and C.H. SMITH. Drilling for scientific purposes in Canada. (Tectonophysics 1965. v.2, no.4, p.247-57, graphs, map, tables, illus) 5 refs. Summarizes the drilling programs in meteorite craters and heat-flow studies as they relate to upper mantle studies. Factors in their design, equipment and instrumentation are exemplified in the Muskox drilling project. The geology and structure of this mafic-ultramafic stratiform intrusion are summarized in a block diagram. DGS. 103411 FINDLAY, D.C. The mineral industry of Yukon Territory and southwestern District of Mackenzie; 1967, 1968. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 131 p.; 71 p. tables. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-68, 6955) Refs. In continuation of No 95286. The 1964-66 decline in value of mineral production was reversed in 1967 mainly due to the initial coppergold-silver production from the New Imperial Mines Ltd., Little Chief mine near Whitehorse, asbestos production of the Cassiar Asbestos Corp Ltd.and higher prices for silver. Placer gold production continued to decline. In addition to data on load, placer and coal mining and exploration, the report on Geological Survey work includes a summary report on the Geologic, setting of the Faro, Vangorda and Swim base metal deposits, Anvil Range area, by D.J. Tempelman-Kluit, and a progress report on a Study of ultramafic rocks, .Yukon Territory, by D.F. Findlay. Table 1 gives representative 1967 rail, boat, truck, bus and air transportation costs for Yukon Territory. The 1968 review shows mineral production increased to approx 23.5 million from 15 million in 1967, mainly reflecting the first full year's asbestos production, and increase in Cu, which was offset by decrease in Ag-Pb-Zn. Production of gold, silver, tungsten and copper are also noted. Lode mining and exploration, placer mining and coal mining and exploration in each mining DGS. district are reviewed.
103412 FINDLAY, J.A. and others. Ionospheric and magnetic observations at 1000 kilometers during the geomagnetic storm and aurora of May 25-26, 1967. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.14, p.3705-12, graphs, map, table) Refs. Other authors: P.L. Dyson, L.H. Brace, A.J. Zmuda and W.E. Radford. Finds a correlation between electron temperature and concentration, and transverse geomagnetic field disturbances at 1000 km before, during, and after the storm and aurora, with visual observations of the aurora. Measurements were made with the Explorer-22 cylindrical electrostatic probe, and an magnetometer aboard the satellite. The observations covered the region about 5l°-75°N invariant lat centered in 60-100°W. The degree of correlation between the ground-based and satellite data shows a strong relation between the transverse magnetic disturbances and variations in the electron concentration at 1000 km and the visual aurora. DLC. 103413 FINGER, F.G. and R.M. MCINTURFF. Diurnal temperature range of the middle stratosphere. (Journal of the atmospheric sciences 1968. v.25, no.6, p.1116-28, graphs, maps, tables, illus) Refs. Attempts to determine empirically the diurnal air temperature range at 24-36 km altitude, using data from North American upper air stations, incl about two dozen in Canada and Alaska. Means of I2-hr temperature differences are obtained from successive radiosonde observations. With a technique for isolating effects of solar radiations on the radiosonde instrument, a model of the middle stratospheric daily temperature variation can be constructed. According to this model, the temperature reaches a max near sunset and a min near sunrise. The amplitude of the oscillation is found to increase with altitude between the 30 and 5 mb levels and to depend on latitude. Summertime variation of the diurnal temperature range for 30, 10, and 5 mb as a function of latitude is given in a diagram for 35-75°N. DLC. 103414 FINLAND. Metseintutkintuslaitos. Metsatilastollinen vuosikirja; Yearbook of forest statistics 1968. Helsinki 1969. 128 p. maps, tables. (Folia forestalia no.70) Refs. In Finnish and English. Presents the first of a series of official forestry data for Finland by districts, incl the two northernmost, Koillis-Suomi and Lappi. Forest, economic, seed-orchard and wage districts are mapped, as are natural regions of timber supply. Tables cover, by district, the forest land area, type of ownership and size of holdings, tree species, stock volume, growth rates, fellings, forest condition, nursery activities, regen289
eration and cultivation, fertilization, draining, cutting methods, roads, timber floating, forest improvement by owners, costs, financing, fires, industrial accidents, labor input and force, earnings, stumpage prices, productivity, consumption, total drain and forest balance, and DLC. value and distribution of exports. Aircraft maintenance 103415 FINN, B.B. (Canadian forces sentiin adverse climates. illus) nel 1967. v.3, no.5, Deals specifically with the problems of maintenance personnel in the Arctic. Heavy clothing and gloves reduce the technician's efficiency; he may minimize the effect of wind by spreading tarpaulins, moving the aircraft to the lee of a structure, or by building a shelter and ducting a Herman Nelson healer into the workspace; a parachute can be suspended over the work area, the top vent closed, and the output of a Herman Nelson heater ducted at the apex of the parachute, which will mushroom out. The hands can be kept warm as follows: the drawstring in the waist of the parka is tightened, and with the free hand in the duct of a Herman Nelson heater, the heat blows up that sleeve, across the chest and back, and out of the other sleeve over the working hand. CaMM, DLC. Vinterlek 103416 FINN, G. and others. pA kam i Sarek och Sulitelma. (Till flails 1968. v.40, p.I8-27, illus) In Swedish. Other Title authors: E. Rudberg and L. Ostlund. tr.: Winter play on crests in Sarek and Sulitelma. Impressions from a spring 1967 skiing trip in these north Swedish mountains; a dogdrawn sled was used to carry supplies. DLC. 103417 FIRBAS, W. Supernumerary bone in a skull of a brown bear from the Kamchatka Peninsula. (Journal of mammalogy 1968. v.49, no.4, p.775) Describes such a bone in a museum specimen of Ursus arctos beringianus from Kamchatka. This occurrence in a new geographic region discredits Long's theory that the extra bones appeared recently and that the condition is spreading along the coast of southern Alaska and strengthens his other theory that the bones DI. are prefrontals. Studies of mate103418 FIREMAN, E.L. (Antarctic journal of the rial in polar ice. United States 1968. v.3, no.6, p.250-52, illus) 12 refs. Reports and briefly discusses analyses of filtrates from >10 million liters of melted ice from two subsurface wells at Camp Century, Greenland. The particulates were mainly finegrained clay, illite, montmorillonite, magnetite, hematite, quartz and feldspar. The illite 290
appears to be windblown dust from continents, the heavy minerals to have an extraterrestrial component. The dissolved material contains a much higher concentration of Ni than the particulates and has a Ni/Co ratio of 17, which is close to that in meteorites. Isotope (AP",Be I", Ar" and rare-gas anomalies also were studied. DGS. FIRER, G.M., see No. 107859. Propaga103419 FIROUZABADI, A.H. tion of radio waves over ice with underlying (Dissertation abstracts 1968. v.28. sea water. no.11, p.4575-B) Order no.68-6524. PhD thesis, Maryland Univ 1967. 82 p. Analyzes the problem theoretically by using Maxwell's field equations and satisfying the appropriate conditions imposed by the various boundaries. A number of curves relating the ground wave attenuation and effective numerical distance for various temperatures, thicknesses of ice, and frequencies are obtained from which the electric field strength can be computed rapidly. A check of procedure against certain known operational conditions in the Baffin Bay area gave satisfactory results. Curves are also obtained for the apparent relative permittivity and apparent conductivity, as a function of frequency, for different ice temperatures, age, and thickness over sea water. DGS. YU.YA. 103420 FIRSOV, L.V. and LIVSHITS. Kaliy-argonovaya datirovka doleritov rayona Sassen-forda, Zapadnyy Shpitsbergen. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po stratigrafii Shpitsbergena 1967. p.178-84, map, tables) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Potassium-argon dating of dolerites of the Sassenfjord region, Spitsbergen. Presents results of 15 absolute age determinations of dolerites from steeply dipping intrusions, dikes and sills in Triassic and Upper Jurassic deposits. The values range 71-130 MY with an average of 100 MY. The main intrusion of Spitsbergen includes rocks of various DGS. age. 103421 FIRSOV, L.V. and S.S. SUKHORUKOVA. 0 "chetvertichnom" glaukonite melovogo vozrasta v nizov'ye Yeniseya. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.183, no.4, p.91417, table) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: "Quaternary" glauconite of Cretaceous age on the lower Yenisey. Suggests caution in applying age dating to authigenic minerals such as glauconite. Samples from Quaternary deposits of the lower Yenisey gave an age of 81 MY, or Upper Cretaceous, by the K-Ar method. This glauconite may have been redeposited. DLC.
103422 FIRSOV, L.V. 0 nekotoryk h fakticheskikh i ekstrapolirovannykh zakonomernostyakh granulyarnogo sostava zolota Yano-Kolymskogo poyasa. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.I I, p.44-54, graphs, tables) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some factual and extrapolated patterns of the granular composition of gold in the Yana-Kolyma belt. Discusses features of the granular composition of gold in lode and placer deposits. The general patterns of gold distribution according to fractions of grain size are explained. Extrapolation of these patterns for fine-grained, microscopic, and ultramicroscopic gold indicates that gold loss during placer formation may be up to 95% of the fine-grained particles. Recommendations are given for exploration and exploitation of gold placers. DLC. 103423 FIRSOV, L.V. Spornyye voprosy datirovki kompleksa giperbazit-granitovykh intruziy Aluchinskogo podnyatiya, Bol'shoy Anyuy. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1969. ser. geol. no.7, p3-9, graph, maps, table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Disputed problems in the dating of the ultrabasit-granitic intrusive complex of the Aluchin uplift, Bol'shoy Anyuy. Reviews unsettled questions of the geochronology and presents age determinations by K-Ar of igneous rocks of the Orlovka and Burgakhchan basins and the northern part of the Aluchin uplift. The 17 rock samples are described in some detail. Prolonged magmatism in the Mesozoic is established, as is the synchronism of granitoid magmatism with the intrusion of ultrabasites and gabbroids. DLC. 103424 FIRSOV, L.V. and N.L. DOBRETSOV. Vozrast glaukofanovogo metamorfizma severo-zapadnoy chasti tikhookeanskogo obramleniya. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.185, no.4, p.883-86, table) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The age of glaucophane metamorphism in the northwestern part of the Pacific border. Metamorphic rocks of the Penzhina Range in Kamchatka which can be attributed to facies and stages of glaucophane metamorphism are dated by the K-Ar method at 295-351 MY. They are compared with similar rocks of California and Oregon. Three stages of glaucophane metamorphism are defined, Middle Paleozoic and early and late Mesozoic. DLC. FIRSOV, LV., see also No. 102190. FIRSOVA, V.P., see No. 107395. FIRSTOV, P.P., see No. 107880. 103425 FISCHBUCH, N.R. Stratigraphy of the Devonian Swan Hills reef complexes of
central Alberta. (Dissertation abstracts 1968. v.29, no.4, p.1403-B-1404-B) Order no.68- 14,626. PhD thesis, Saskatchewan Univ. 1968. 510 p. Six discrete reef complexes of only slightly alterered carbonate rocks collectively form the Swan Hills Formation and are some of the most prolific petroleum reservoirs in Canada. They contain rich, well-preserved stromatoporoid faunas and associated fossils, incl ostracods. Nine separate stages of reef growth are recognized, each consisting of up to four main facies. Because stromatoporoid growth forms intergrade, and dendroid forms are genetically allied to both subspherical and tabular forms, it is proposed that growth form be considered of little importance for taxonomic purposes. A disconformity, representing a considerable time lapse, occurs between divisions 5 and 6. This hiatus doubtless contains the middle late DevoDGS. nian boundary. Air support of 103426 FISCHER, R.I. drifting stations, a decade of experience. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.8190) The Arctic Research Laboratory at Barrow in 1958 began to use four Cessna-180s and the much larger R4Ds, thereby introducing a new era in its air support for drift stations. The search for suitable drifting ice, the establishment, supplying and evacuation of stations Charlie, Arlis III III & IV, and Fletcher's Ice Island T-3, are described in some detail. Types of aircraft, agencies and companies participating, number of flights, loads carried, flight hours and airstrip conditions, accidents, etc are cited. Other aircraft in this work are US Navy P2V Neptune and Air Force C-47, C-54, C-123, C-124, the Alaska Airlines DC-4, Lockheed Lodestar (N 130V), Interior Airways C-46, RCAF C-130, the Wien Alaska Airlines DC-4 and Lockheed Constellation, Alaska Air CaMAI, DLC. National Guard C-1231. Comparative 103427 FISCHER, R.W. College, Alaska 1969. housing cost analysis. 16 p. tables (Alaska review of business and economic conditions, v.6, no.5) Analyzes data on total production costs of real estate in Anchorage and gives four case studies comparing real estate investment in a single-family residence, apartment house, shopping center and warehouse in Anchorage with similar investments in Seattle, Wash. Elements and factors in production cost such as land, plumbing, heating, etc, labor, materials, management are discussed with data tabulated, as is the cost of occupancy in each of the case studies, for Anchorage, Seattle and the national average. The cost of elements and cost of occupancy of the single-family residence are both approx 75% higher in Anchorage. When land, 291
which is lower in cost, is not counted, costs of production and occupancy in apartments are 37% and 49% higher; warehouse costs are 49% and 44% higher; and shopping center costs are 78% and 125% higher respectively in Anchorage. The typical figure for total housing cost in Anchorage is probably approx 50%over Seattle, while the usual adjustment in relative incomes DI. over those elsewhere in the US is 25%. FISCHLER, KJ., see No. 102116. FISCUS, CH., see No. 106701. FISHER H.D., see No. 104070. 103428 FISHER, J.L. Alaska oil in his(In: Change in Alaska. torical perspective. 1970. p.I5-22, maps) Traces the more significant steps in Alaska's economic history, noting successive pathways of economic exploitation from the 18th century Russian penetration, and the relatively shortterm benefits of each incursion. The growth of petroleum as a world resource is outlined, as is the international significance of petroleum development in Alaska. CaM Al, DGS.
confirmed by geological data, are noted at 610, DLC. 550, 490 and 440 MY. 103431 FISHMAN, M.V. and others. Osobennosti evolyutsii magmaticheskikh i metasomaticheskikh protsessov v yuzhnoy chasti Pechorskogo Urala. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1968. no.9, p.3-28, graphs, map, tables) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: B.A. Goldin and Ye.P. Kalinin. Title tr.: Features of the evolution of magmatic and metasomatic processes in the southern part of the Pechora Urals. Presents a schematic geologic map of this part of the Urals and analyzes two major stages of tectonic-magmatic development. One stage is manifested in the Baykal eugeosynclinal province; the other is characterized by miogeosynclinal conditions and is attributed to Caledonian-Variscan time. The formation of intrusive-magmatic complexes is analyzed, as are the composition and properties of the rock-forming minerals. The most intensive metasomatic alteration of granites is in the Man'-Khambo massif. DLC. FISHMAN, M.V., 104498, 108605.
see also
Nos. 103754,
FISHER, J.L., see also No. 101701 FISK, D.M., see No. 103696. FISHER, L.R., see No. 105741. 103429 FISHMAN, M.V. and B.A. GOLDIN. Apatit v magmaticheskikh gornykh porodakh Pripolyarnogo Urala. (In: Apatity 1968. p.278-81, table, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Apatite in magmatic rocks of the Subpolar Urals. Apatite is a characteristic accessory mineral in all intrusive rocks of this region, but the present state of investigation is only of mineralogical rather than economic significance. Formation of apatite took place in early stages of crystallization. It occurs in significant amounts in quartz veins and pegmatites intruding mafic rocks and biotite gneisses and also in metasomatically altered granitoids, gabbros, DLC. and diabases. 103430 FISHMAN, M.V. and others. Osnovnyye etapy magmatizma i metamorfizma v tsentral'noy zone Polyarnogo i Pripolyarnogo Urala. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Trudy 1969. no.13, p.7-25, tables. illus) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: N.P. Yushkin, B.A. Goldin and Ye.P. Kalinin. Title tr.: The main stages of magmatism and metamorphism in the central zone of the Polar9and Subpolar Urals. Reports absolute age determinations for 198 rock samples, 185 by the K-Ar method. Nine stages of magmatism and metamorphism are distinguished and each is briefly characterized. Culminations of basaltoid magmatism, 292
Supplement til FISKETS GANG. 103432 oversiktskart (no. 350) over Norsk sjokarter Dekka-, Consol-, Loran A karter. (Its: v.54, Title tr.: 1968. no.47, p.809) In Norwegian. Supplement to general map no. 350 on the Norwegian coastal maps, Decca, Consol, Loran A maps. Presents tabulations on 30 navigation and fisheries maps at scales of 1:200,000 to 1:1 million, with publication dates, electronic system(s) in use and station name and number. The stations range from northern Scotland, along the west and north Norwegian coast to DI. Rybachiy and Kanin Peninsulas. Toktprogram FISKETS GANG. 103433 1969. (Its: v.55, 1969. no.7, p.109-113, table) Title tr.: Cruise 1969. In Norwegian. Tabulates the period, area, cruise leader, and name of the five regular research vessels with schedules of several months, and 15 rented vessels for one-four month cruises. The cruise areas are mostly in waters of West and East Greenland, Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen, the Norwegian Sea, North Norway, the Barents Sea, and the Vesterisen region. Fish locations and quality, egg and larvae conditions, productivity, hydrography, currents, and plankton are to be investigated, as are several species of fish and crustaceans, cod parasites, also seal occurrence and ice conditions on Vesterisen. Some international cooperation is planned in the
Barents Sea region. A similar cruise program for 1963 is given in Fisken og havet 1963, no.5, p.23-25. DI. 103434 FISKETS GANG. Torskefisket pa Gronland er 44 prosent lavere enn i 1962. (Its: V.56, 1970. no.I9, p.351) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Cod fishing near Greenland is 44% lower than in 1962. Reports a 3% drop in 1968, continuing the decline from the record year of 1962. Landings along the West Greenland coast are summarized for cod, shrimp, salmon, wolffish (blenny) and halibut, all below previous years except shrimp and salmon. DI. FITCH, F.J., see No. 107633. FITZ-EARLE, M., see No. 105243. 103435 FITZGERALD, J.H. Alaska, the land and the people. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.I7, no.4, p.492-500, tables) 3 refs. With a view of how the land and resources of Alaska will be developed, author describes topography and climate, principal racial and linguistic groups, their numbers and distribution. The exploitation and reduction by conflict and disease of the Aleuts and the attrition of essential elements of the natives' natural resource base are noted, as is non-native settlement. Current problems of health, welfare and education of the now increasing native populaDLC. tions are discussed. J.H. 103436 FITZGERALD, Community development in harmony with the environment. (In: Arctic Institute of North America. Report on Alaskan ecology...1970. p.14-21) Discusses application of scientific knowledge and modern engineering practices to environmental problems in an inhospitable climate, stressing harmony with requirements of an environment in many ways fragile and delicate. The housing problem, and experience and techniques derived from other low temperature areas are reviewed as is the oil industry development along the North Alaska coast. Efforts to minimize change to the environment are cited. Large centers are not to be maintained long in this area because the work force required for oil production is smaller than that for the initial development. Expansion of hard mineral production in the next few decades, however, may require 5-7 thousand people in supporting communities; but such activity will -----___probably be in regions where terrain and cliate are better suited to building than the North Slope. Sound community development is needed to meet major changes expected in the native economy and way of life. Transpor-
tation, especially extension of the road system, is a major factor in future estimates. Author is community affairs manager of Atlantic Richfield Co. CaMAI. FITZGERALD, J.H. see also Nos. 101701, 101883. 103437 FIVEG, M.P. and N.I. BANERA. Paleogeografiya Kungurskogo solenakopleniya vostochnoy chasti Russkoy platformy i Predural'skogo progiba. (Litologiya i poleznyye iskopayemyye 1968. no.1, p.33-43, maps) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Palcogeography of Kungurian salt accumulation in the eastern part of the Russian platform and the cis-Ural depression. Describes the paleogeographic conditions under which these Permian salt-bearing strata formed, including Komi ASSR. The Kungurian epicontinental sea consisted of two basins. The northern basin was connected with open seas; the southern was a depression where under arid conditions the formation of halite, sylvinite, bischofite and other salts took place. DLC. 103438 FIZHENKO, V.V. and others. Osnovnyye cherty razvitiya intruzivnogo magmatizma zony sochleneniya belomorid i karelid, severnaya Kareliya. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p.64-69) 14 refs. In Russian. Other authors: K.A. Shurkin, V.V. Sidorenko, Yu.D. Pushkarev and V.M. Shemyakin. Title tr.: Development of intrusive magmatism in the Belomoride-Karelide contact zone in northern Karelia. Reviews the various types of Precambrian rock complexes occurring over a wide area extending from Panayarvi lake to Kem' river and relates their genesis to different stages of magmatism and later recrystallization under amphibolite, epidote-amphibolite, and greenstone facies conditions. Genesis of the magmas was associated not only with geosynclinal processes, but with crustal movements along deepseated regional block faults. In the zone of junction between Belomoride and Karelide structures, several types of granitoid massifs and a variety of mafic, ultramafic and alkalic complexes were developed. DLC. 103439 FJELDSA J. Ornitologiske notiser fra Andoya 1967. (Stavanger. Museet. Sterna 1969, v.8, no.5, p.252-56) In Title tr.: Norwegian. English summary. Ornithological notes from Andeya 1967. Describes the Dverberg bog area on the east side of this island off the northwest coast of Norway. It is proposed as a bird reserve, and the birds found there in July-Aug are stated. The climate, vegetation, open water, and elevations are briefly noted, and chemical analysis is 293
given of the water and its macroscopic fauna. 29 water and marsh birds were observed; some are identified and their movements characterDLC. ized. FJELLHEIM, P., see No. 105000. Northern 103440 FJERMEROS, B. community development in other lands; Scandinavian countries. (In: National Northern Development Conference 1967. Proceedings, p.78-82, illus) Deals with Finland, Sweden and Norway north of approx 65°N, i.e. Lapland, Norrbotten, Nordland, Troms and Finnmark respectively; and gives data on their areas, population and history, noting their people have long had the same constitutional status and local government system as the rest of their country. Measures taken to rehabilitate and rebuild after World War II damage are outlined. The North Norway Plan and similar efforts in Sweden and Finland included road building, air, land and sea communications, hydroelectric power development, support to farming, fishing, industry, housing and municipal works. Results are noted incl mining, manufacturing and transportation. CaEUB. 103441 FLEETWOOD, A. The chemical composition of the precipitation and surface water and its relation to evaporation on Bjorniiya Island, Norway. (Tellus 1969. v.21, no.1, p.113-26. graphs, map, tables, illus) Refs. Russian summary. In 1965, samples of lake and river waters and one sample of precipitation were taken to obtain information on the chemical release of different ions from various surfaces, and analyzed for chloride, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium and tritium, and the ion contents of the waters related to the various kinds of rocks nearby. In an attempt to calculate evaporation from the concentration of differentions, an approximate evaporation rate of 72% was found, corresponding to meteorological estimations. DLC. 103442 FLEISCHER, J. Inuit-partiet, blot et intermezzo? (Grenland 1967. no.11, p.345-48) In Danish. Title tr.: Is the Inuit party only an intermezzo? Outlines the political program of this party formed in Greenland in 1963. It advocates abolishing the salary differential between Greenlandic- and Danish-born employees. It favors Greenland being an economically integrated part of Denmark and has no plan of working for independence. CaMAI, DLC. 103443 FLEISCHER, J. Pastor Otto Rosing er dod. (Atuagagdliutit: Gronlandspos294
ten 1966. v.106, no. I, p.11) In Danish and Eskimo. Title tr.: The clergyman Otto Rosing is dead. Obituary of this Greenland clergyman 1896-1965; a son of Pastor Kristian Rosing, he grew up at Angmagssalik, served several West Greenland towns as well as Thule and Angmagssalik. Rosing, also an artist and writer, published an Eskimo ABC-book, several biographies, a history of Egedesminde and several novels with Greenland themes. CaMAI, DLC. 103444 FLEISCHER, R.L. and others. Age of the Manicouagan and Clearwater Lakes craters. (Geochimica et cosmochimica acts 1969. v.33, no.4, p.523-27, graphs, tables) Refs. Other authors: J.R.M. Viertl and P.B. Price. Fission-track dating and track-annealing studies on Manicouagan glass samples give an age of 208 (± 25) MY and suggest an ambient temperature of 60°C or slightly above for significant periods of time. Track-annealing studies show that most of the fission tracks had not been retained in a previously dated Clearwater Lakes glass sample and are consistent with a revised age of 100-330 MY. Thus the Clearwater Lakes craters are not contemporaneous DGS. with any known tektite fall. 103445 FLEMING, M.H. NOAA satellite resources available to AIDJEX. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.5, p.34-36) Explains the operations, recording and processing of data and remote sensing equipment of NOAA and NASA satellites of interest to AIDJEX. Although satellite data are difficult to relate to aircraft and surface observations because of the great difference in resolution, the imagery can be important in meteorological forecasting for aircraft missions, and as a record during the test periods. CaMAI, DN-HO. 103446 FLENSBORG, P. Gronlandske nedpengesedler. (Atuagagdliutit: Gronlandsposten 1967. v.107, no.I4, illus) In Danish and Eskimo. Title tr.: Greenland emergency money. Cites six issues of scrip and describes the five and ten-kroner notes issued at Julianehab in 1934, and the 50 and 100-kroner notes issued at Egedesminde in 1944. Similar emergency notes are known to have been issued at Godhavn in 1801, at Ivigtut in 1910 or 1916 and again about 1921-22, also later at Faeringehavn. CaMAI, DLC. 103447 FLEROV, G.B. and A.V. KOLOSKOV. Paleogenovaya subshchelochnaya formatsiya gabbro-siyenit-trakhiandezitovogo sostava. (In: Formatsii i fatsii...Kamchatki 1968. p.29-47, maps, table, illus) In Russian.
Title tr.: A Paleogene subalkaline formation of
gabbro-syenite-trachyandesite composition. In the Sredinnyy Range of Kamchatka is an unusual association of lower Tertiary volcanic and plutonic formations of basic and intermediate hyperalkaline composition. It represents differentiates of a single basalt magma. Metasomatic processes associated with the magmatic activity were responsible for ore concentration. Intrusive formations are represented by series of rocks from pyroxenites to quartz syenites. The geological, petrographic, mineralogical and chemical characteristics of magmatic and metasomatic formations are presented. These formations characterize the inversion stage of a geosynclinal structure of the island arc type. DLC. FLEROV, G.B., 108261, 108262.
see also
Nos. 104971,
FLEROV, LB., see No. 103163 103448 FLESHMAN, J.K. and others. Bronchiectasis in Alaska native children. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.517-23, graph, map, tables, illus) 12 refs. Other authors: J.F. Wilson and J.J. Cohen. US Public Health Service diagnoses in 1959, 1960-1966 of 100 95% of the annual Karluk River run. The ocean mortality estimates are compared with growth rate data to determine bulk changes of Karluk sockeye during ocean life. The results are discussed in terms of the effects of the high seas fishery on the potential yield in weight of sockeye taken DI. in the coastal fishery. FREDRIKSSON, S., see No. 101803. 103515 FREDSKILD, B. Den arktiske erken. (Naturens verden. Jan 1966, p.1-18,
illus) In Danish. Title tr.: The arctic wasteland. Describes natural conditions in northern Greenland, the climate, the plants and animals, and how the latter accommodate to the environment. The observations were made along Jorgen Bronland Fiord during the Danish Peary Land Expedition 1947-1950. Temperature, wind, precipitation, ice and snow cover, elevation of sun, and length of day condition the life of some hundred plant species and the six land mammals. The latter and the two permanent birds, ptarmigan and snowy owl change color, light in winter, darker in summer. Migratory birds nesting, butterflies, marine invertebrates, etc, are also noted. CaMAI, DLC. 103516 FREDSKILD, B. En naturvidenskabelig undersogelse of den tidligere boplads Sermermiut ved Jakobshavn. (Gronland 1968. no.1, p.23-32, graphs, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: An investigation of the former settlement of Sermermiut near Jakobshavn from the natural sciences viewpoint Outlines the 1953 and 1955 excavations by Danish Nationalmuseet at this West Greenland settlement, abandoned at the beginning of the 19th century. The vegetational character of the different peat layers is described and analyses of 22 pollen samples given. The sand and gravel that appeared when the land rose above sea level about 3500 yr ago became covered by grasses. The first settlement was by the Sarqaq people about 1500-1400 BC, and those remains represent the oldest in West Greenland. Crowberry and marsh tea spread over the grassy plain, supplanted in turn by dwarf birch and willow, finally the site became a bog. The grasses eventually reappeared and the Dorset people settled about 2000 yr ago. The vegetation cycle was repeated and bog developed again about 400 AD. The Thule Eskimo probably settled at Sermermiut between 1000 and 1200 AD. CaMAI, DLC. 103517 FREDSKILD, B. Nordboplanter, vikingernes ukrudt. (Naturens verden 1969. v.53, no.1/2, p.21-28, illus) 7 refs. In Danish. Title tr.: The Norsemen's plants, Viking's weeds. Discusses botanical species reputed to have been carried to Greenland by Norse settlers. Those possibly authentic must have been taken from either Iceland or Norway and must have had their original distribution area in Europe. They should not be found in northeastern North America, nor in parts of Greenland where Norsemen did not live. Reports on the subject are reviewed. In certain cases pollen analyses reveal earlier occupance, and annuals would have had poor chance for survival. For 305
several of the species discussed, Latin names are included. DLC. 103518 FREDSKILD, B. Postglacial standard pollendiagram from Peary Land, North Greenland. (Pollen et spores 1969. v.11, no.3, p.573-83, map, illus) 10 refs. French summary. Presents a conventional and a standard diagram giving results of analyses of the upper 30 cm of marine clay and overlying clayey chalk guttja which comprise the bottom sediments of Klareso lake bored during the Second Peary Land Expedition in 1963 under Eigil Knuth. An uplift curve of the Jorgen Bronlund Fjord area is based on C-14 dating of charcoal in paleo-Eskimo dwellings on raised beaches. The lake was isolated from this fiord approx 5000 BP, shortly after retreat of the glacier named for the fiord. A few centuries later long fiords were open during summers, the climate was more humid than today and vegetation fairly rich in individuals; driftwood washed ashore and paleo-eskimos hunted musk oxen. Approx 2500 BP the climate deteriorated, turned more arid and the vegetation changed into the present high-arctic desert. This lecture was given at the Eighth Congress of the International Association for Quaternary Research, Paris, 1969. DGS. 103519 FREEMAN, M.M.R. Eskimo thanking-acts in the Eastern Canadian Arctic. (Folk 1968. v.10, p.25-28) 9 refs. Describes this ceremonial act witnessed on the Belcher Islands in 1960 as a shrill vocalization sometimes accompanied by a short stamping dance. Similar expressions of gratitude after a successful hunt, difficult journey, etc have also been recorded among Eskimo groups of Greenland, Baffin Island, James Bay, and DLC. Labrador. 103520 FREEMAN, M.M.R. Significance of demographic changes occurring in the Canadian East Arctic. (Anthropologica 1971. v.13, no.1/2, p.215-36, tables) 35 refs. The population explosion in this area with accelerating demands for improved education, health, communication, housing, etc, precludes remedy of current economic situation. Decreasing fertility is a pre-condition for rational development programs in regions poor in capital. With progressively declining death rates, the birth rate has become the principal dynamic force in determining those population characteristics of most relevance to the outcome of social and economic development programs. Data of recent demographic changes in the Igloolik region and of the economic status of the indigenous labor force in 20 communities are tabulated, as are the sources of earned and unearned cash income in Baker Lake and 306
Lake Harbour. Statistics on housing and education show the present financial outlay inadequate to cope with the rate of population increase. Appendix deals with population limitation in relation to government policy and to development programs in the Northwest Territories. Active birth control programs are noted in the advanced countries of Europe and the US, a result of recognition of the relationship between poor health, large families and povCaMAI, DSI. erty. 103521 FREMOUW, E.J. and J.M. LANSINGER. Radio-star visibility fades in Alaska near solar minimum. (Journal of geophysical research 1968. v.73, no.11, p.356572, graphs, table, illus) 7 refs. Presents quantitative results for 49 visibility fades of Cassiopeia A as observed from College during 1965. A majority of the fades revealed ionospheric optical depths in excess of unity at 68 MHz frequency, with implication that multiple scattering is operative in the ionosphere. Quasi-periodicity was implied in most of the observations as judged from the measured autocorrelation functions, and in a few instances, the oscillatory nature of the autocorrelation functions was observed directly. A resume of the results is given in a table. DLC. 103522 FREMOUW, E.J. and J.M. LANSINGER. VHF refraction by visible auroral forms. (Journal of geophysical research 1968. v.73, no.9, p.3053-57, graphs, illus) 3 refs. Reports on two auroral refraction events, one on 20 Jan 1966 at 22.25-22.27, the other on 24 Jan 1966 at 20.57-21.01 (150° west meridian time) as recorded at College with a phase-step interferometer operating at 68 MHz on an eastwest base line of 220 m. The difference observed in these two radio-star refraction events is discussed. The difference is readily accounted for by the two wavefront-perturbation models, and appears to be directly related to a major difference in auroral conditions for the two events. They were probably caused by an ionospheric lens closely related to the auroral forms, although not precisely coincident DLC. with them. FRENCH, B.M., see No. 102928. 103523 FRENCH, H.M. Soil temperatures in the active layer, Beaufort Plain. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.4,' p.229-39, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 10 refs. French and Russian summary. Reports on summer 1968 fieldwork in this region of northwest Banks Island, where the some 200-ft thick, probably late Tertiary Beaufort Formation outcrops as unconsolidated sands and gravel with shale units. The plain is gently undulating and fluvially dissected, with
many asymmetric valleys having steeper slopes oriented to the southwest. The scant summer precipitation, temperature (T) and wind data are tabulated and discussed in connection with soil T measured on slopes of varying orientations. Absolute T values in the Beaufort materials are high relative to analogous arctic regions. The asymmetry of the valleys appears to be closely related to the distinctive microclimates on differently oriented slopes, as controlled by angle and azimuth of the sun and prevailing northwest winds. CaMAI, DLC. 103524 FRENZEL, B. The Pleistocene vegetation of northern Eurasia. (Science 16 Aug. 1968. v.161, p.637-49, maps, table) 36 refs. Discusses the problems encountered in attempting to reconstruct the vegetational and climatic conditions during the Pleistocene, the most important being the character of local climates. Within the framework of available data and the limitations indicated, a Pleistocene vegetational chronology is presented. A series of maps shows plant-geographic conditions throughout northern Eurasia incl the Far North at the end of the Pliocene, during the Praetiglian, at the height of the Saale glaciation, at the height of the Weichsel glaciation, during the Holstein interglacial, and during the Eemian interglacial. The history of the permafrost area is also analyzed and mapped. Distributions of various named genera (Tsuga,. Carya, Ilex, Vitis and others) are discussed and mapped, and some major problems of specific plant geography are briefly indicated. Present evidence indicates repeated changes between huge steppe areas governed by extremely cold, dry climates and humid temperate forests. DLC. 103525 FREYMAN, S. The nature of ice-sheet injury to forage plants. (Dissertation abstracts 1968. v.28, no.7, p.2690-B) PhD thesis, British Columbia thiiv 1967. Microfilm copy available from National Library of Canada, Ottawa. Under experimental ice covers, CO2 accumulated in soil up to 10% and was depleted to 20 km in maximum extent and to be oriented in the form of an oblate cylinder, slightly tilted from the vertical; its center lies approx 12 km southeast of Fairbanks. Focal depths ranged from near-surface to 25 km, mostly 9-16 km. The proposed faulting mechanism involves nearly equal components of right-lateral strike slip and normal faulting with northeast side downthrown on a system of sub-parallel faults striking N 40°W. The fault surface appears to be curved, dipping from near vertical close to the surface to less steep DOS. northeast dips at greater depths. A field 103628 GEDNEY, L. and others. report on the Rampart, Alaska, earthquake of October 29, 1968. (Seismological Society of America. Bulletin 1969. v.59, no.3, p.1421-23, map, illus) Other authors: E. Berg, H. Pulpan, J. Davies and W. Feetham. Describes briefly the effects of this shock as observed from a helicopter inspection and as told by residents. The epicenter was at 65.38°N 150.02°W, depth 30 km, magnitude 6 1/2 6 3/4. Cracks in lake and river ice, landslides, earth slumping and fissuring were widely distributed within a 20 km radius of the epicenter. The concentration of epicenters (incl aftershocks) near the intersection of Minook and Hunter Creeks and their strong north-south lineation strongly suggests that the quakes are associated with the Minook Valley rift. DGS. 103629 GEDNEY, L and others. Seismic refraction profiles of the ash flow in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Monument, Alaska. (Journal of geophysical research 1970. v.75, no.14, p.2619-24, graphs, map, illus) 8 refs. Other authors: C. Matteson and R.B. Forbes. Discusses two seismic refraction profiles across the pyroclastic flow deposited on the valley floor during the 1912 Katmai eruption. The P-wave seismic velocities within the flows were found to be 0.38-0.92 km/sec, as against the average P-wave velocities of 2.8 km/sec in the underlying bedrock, indicating considerable lateral variation in compaction and/or welding along the traverse lines. Max thickness of the pyroclastic flow along traverses across south and central branches of the valley were determined as 50 and 25 m respectively. Map shows distribution of the pyroclastic flow and location DLC. of the seismic profiles. GEDNEY, L., see also No. 104051. GEE, D.C., see No. 108345. 103630 GEIGER, S.R.
Distribution and
development of mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) from the Arctic Ocean and confluent seas. (Southern California Academy of Sciences. Bulletin 1969. v.68, no.2, p.103-111, graphs, maps) 15 refs. Reports on specimens mostly collected on the 1963 USCGC Northwind cruise over the Siberian continental shelf. Mysis litoralis, M. oculata and M. polaris often occurred together in neritic areas of the East Siberian and Laptev Seas, which are strongly influenced by river discharge. Only M. polaris and Boreomysis nobilis were found in the Arctic Ocean and adjacent ice-covered, deep-water areas. Two distinct groups of M. Mores and M. oculata with different body lengths and development of secondary sex characteristics, indicate that more than one yr is needed for maturation and that the breeding season is limited in Siberian seas. Size differences in M. litoralis juveniles from the East Siberian and Laptev Seas probably reflect different time lengths between spawning and collection rather than environmental differences between the two seas. CaMAI, DLC. 103631 GEIGER, S.R.
Size variation in
Metridia longa ,(Lubbock). (Some contem-
porary studies in marine science, ed by H. Barnes. London, Allen and Unwin 1966. p.33541, graph, map, table) 19 refs. Plankton collected by the nuclear submarine USS Skate in the Arctic Basin, Beaufort Sea and Canadian Arctic waters in July-Aug 1962 are used to demonstrate size variations in the copepod Metridia longa from different areas. The relation of these variations to differences between and within water masses is noted. DLC. GEIGER, S.R., see also No. 105940. Problemen kring 103632 GEIJER, P. malmbrottstyckena i Kirunas hangvaggsporfyr. Stockholm 1968. 34 p. illus. (Sweden. Geologiska undersokning. Ser. C. Avhandlingar och uppsatser. Arsbok. v.61, no.14 (629)) Refs. In Title tr.: ProbSwedish. English summary. lems concerning ore inclusions of the Kiruna hanging-wall porphyry. Iron ore within the hanging-wall porphyry is identical with ore of the main body, hence the early assumption that ore had been formed at the surface and earlier than the porphyry. Later observations show that all inclusions are in a belt 200-400 m thick, and that inclusions of older porphyries forming foot wall also occur within the belt. The whole is now interpreted as a pyroclastic flow, probably from a nowremoved, unknown ore body, although derivation from the Luossavaara ore body is possible. There are exceptions to the southeast for which no present explanation suffices. DGS. 323
GEIST, R.W., see No. 106821. GEIST, V., see No. 103085. GEKHMAN, A.S., see No. 107512. Perevozki 103633 GEKHTBARG, YE. gruzov. (Morskoy Rot 1967. v.27, no.10, p.6Title tr.: The transport of 7) In Russian. freight. Describes development of the USSR merchant marine and quantities of cargo carried since 1922, particularly via northern routes. DLC. 103634 GELETSYAN, G.G. Nekotoryye voprosy stratigrafii i sostava verkhnedokembriyskikh otlozheniy lgarskogo rayona. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970, no.3, p.95-99, table) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Stratigraphy and composition of Upper Precambrian deposits of the Igarka region. The Precambrian of this region comprises volcanic and sedimentary formations. Post-diagenetic processes, volcanism and weathering processes are described. Stratigraphic sequences and boundaries between individual DLC. strata are established.
east coast of Taygonos on the Magadan coast. The mode of occurrence, chemical and mineralogical composition are described for eclogite with Ca-Mg-Fe garnet, fassaite, and hornblende, which is characteristic of the hornblende-granulite facies of metamorphism. The eclogites came from ultrabasics in the deep part of the Mesozoic metamorphic zone. DLC.
103637 GEL'MAN, M.L. Osnovnyye osobennosti mezozoyskogo metamorfizma na Severo-Vostoke SSSR. (In: AN SSSR. Dal% nevostochnyy filial. Geol. inst. Voprosy geologii, petrologii i metallogenii...1968. p.63-65) In Russian. Title tr.: Principal characteristics of Mesozoic metamorphism in northeastern USSR. Describes the processes and products of late Mesozoic regional metamorphism, which was widespread in the Koryak — Kamchatka and Chukotka folded zones and less so in the Okhotsk-Chaun volcanic belt and YanaKolyma folded province. Metamorphism generally attained the amphibolite facies, but in places the effects varied depending on composition of the rocks, depth, and temperature-pressure conditions. DLC. GEL'MAN, M.L., see also No. 106075.
GELLER, LA., see No. 102048. and I.A. 103635 GEL'MAN, M.L. ZAGRUZINA. Mezozoyskiy magmatizm Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (In: Osobennosti magmatizma...Dal'nego Vostoka 1967. p.56-63) In Russian. Title tr.: Mesozoic magmatism in the Soviet Northeast. Describes late Mesozoic magmatism in the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt, the Yana-Kolyma and Chukotka geosynclinal systems. In the Yana-Kolyma geosynclinal system, large granitoid intrusions, small intrusions and volcanic and subvolcanic formations are distinguished. In the Chukotka folded system, granitoid magmatism occurred in two phases. In the OkhotskChukotka volcanic belt effusive activity was uninterrupted from Triassic to Paleogene and Quaternary time. According to absolute age data, granitoid magmatism began in the Yana-Kolyma folded system 155 MY, in Chukotka 140 MY and in the OkhotskChukotka volcanic belt 135 MY ago. DLC. 103636 GEL'MAN, M.L. and G.YE. NEKRASOV. Mezozoyskiye eklogity p-ova Taygonosa. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.12, p.32-39, graphs, map, table) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mesozoic eclogites of the Taygonos Peninsula. Reports a 1964 discovery of eclogites in the serpentinites of Cape Povorotnyy on the south324
103638 GEMBITSKIY, YE.V. and others. O techenii nekotervkh somaticheskikh zabolevaniy, svyazannykh s okhlazhdeniyem organizma, u novoselov Zapolyar'ya. (In: Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geografii, 3rd. Nozogeografiya...1968. p.50-52) In Russian. Other authors: N.R. Deryapa and F.A. Kolesnik. Title tr.: The course of some somatic illnesses, related to cooling of the organism, in new settlers of polar regions. Reports on clinical observations of acclimatization in immigrants hospitalized for pneumonia (940 cases), nephritis (179) and rheumatism (372 cases). The majority of all cases occurred during the first year of residence in the Arctic; in 90% of the pneumonia cases, the sickness was contracted in the winter and intermediate seasons. 66% of the pneumonia and 34% of the nephritis cases belonged to the focal type. Croupous pneumonia was rare. Twice as many cases of rheumatism were recorded in hospitals of the Arctic than those in the south, recidivistic forms occurred in 59% versus 8% in the south, and cases in the north were more severe: 2/3 with complications affecting heart or joints, and angina pectoris diagnosed in 80.7% of the cardiac cases. Previously acclimatized people or immigrants from climatically similar regions were less prone to cold-related ailments. DNLM.
GENCHEV, V.G., see No. 108690. 103639 GENDZWILL, D.J. Densities of Precambrian rocks of the Amisk Lake-Flin Flon area; a detailed study. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.5, p.1227-43, graphs, maps, tables) 11 refs. Reports and interprets density data for 1855 fresh bedrock samples from an approx 285 km2 area in east-central Saskatchewan, where a wide variety of igneous rocks are mostly in lower grades of metamorphism. Density depends primarily on the widely varying mineral composition of the rocks, their porosity being insignificant. Metamorphism has changed rock densities by alteration of some low density minerals to high, and vice versa. The measurements are used to indicate possible subdivisions of the Amisk Group of meta-volcanic rocks, and certain areas are recommended for mineral prospecting. There is evidence that some basic intrusions have increased their wall rock density by metamorphism. The Bouguer gravity field closely correlates with the densities of outcropping rocks. The shape and depth of some rock units are estimated from the gravity. All the outcropping rock units extend 20,000 mature Pacific salmon examined, included stocks from Copper River, Bristol Bay and Kodiak Island in Alaska, and Ozernaya River in Kamchatka. Frequencies of fusions or abnormalities were 2.8% in sockeyes, 3.3% in pinks and 2.9% in chums. This 333
incidence is too low to be serious in taxonomic or racial studies if abnormal specimens are merely eliminated. DLC. 103697 GILLINGSTAM, 14. Tva gestalter ur Nasafjalls historia: Abraham Carlberg den aldre och den yngre. (Norrbottens tans hembygdsfdrening. Arsbok 1968, p.213-18) Title tr.: Two personages Refs. In Swedish. from the history of Nasafjall: Abraham Carlberg, the elder and the younger. Describes the life and times of two men well known in early Lappmark history. The father, 1738-1803, was probably a marshal at the mines. The son, 1765-1824, apparently ran a hostel in Arjeplog and brought supplies by animal train from the Norwegian coast. DLC. 103698 GILYAROV, A.M. The zooplankton of arctic rock pools. (Oikos 1967. v.18, no.1, p.82-95, graph, tables, illus) 30 refs. Russian summary. Discusses the different zooplanktonic communities found in fresh, saline and brackish-water pools on coasts of islands in Barents and White Seas, exclusive of littoral pools regularly flooded by the tide. The saltwater pools have a harpacticoid fauna, with Harpacticus sp invariably occurring, sometimes associated with rotifer Proales sp. Freshwater pools contain a predominant cladoceran plankton. Brackish-water pools are characterized by a minimum of species, which is attributed to the unstable salinities of such pools, making more difficult the adjustment of organisms in the course of evolution. Closely related species usually inhabit different waterbodies. When such species live in the same pool they are of DLC. unequal dimensions. 103699 GILYAROVA, M.A. Stratigrafiya i struktura rayona Kuola-Yarvi - Pana-Yarvi. (Voprosy regional'noy geologii. Leningrad. Izd-vo Leningradskogo Universiteta 1968. p.3Title tr.: 31, map, illus) 12 refs. In Russian. Stratigraphy and structure of the KuolayarviPanayarvi region. Analyzes the stratigraphy and structure of this I 20x50 km area in northwestern Karelia. Volcanism in the area is discussed, and the Pechenga and Kuolayarvi regions are comDLC. pared. 103700 GILYAROVA, M.A. Stratigrafiya i struktury dokembriya Karelii i Kol'skogo poluostrova. Leningrad, Gos. Univ. 1972. 218 p. graph, maps, table, illus. 71 refs. In RusTitle tr.: Precambrian stratigraphy and sian. structure of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula. Describes and correlates sections in which the Imandra-Varzuga greenstone complex, Karelian and pre-Karelian rocks of eastern 334
Karelia, and pre-Karelian and Jatulian rocks of the northern Ladoga Lake region are exposed. Six sedimentary-volcanic sequences are distinguished, separated by unconformities and ranging from lower Archean to Riphean in age. Their stratigraphic and structural relationships are discussed in detail, with particular reference to pre-Karelian, Karelian and Gotlandian units. The term pre-Karelian has a double meaning. In the broad sense, it represents a stratigraphic unit consisting of deposits associated with the upper Archean structural stage, including Belomorsk and Kola gneisses. In the narrow sense, it is applied to volcanogenic sequences within the unit. Includes two geol maps (in pocket). DGS. 103701 GINSBURG, G.D. and G.A. IVANOVA. Geokhimicheskiye svyazi mineral'nykh vod s zalezhami uglevodorodov i gornymi porodami i nekotoryye ikh osobennosti v oblasti mnogoletney merzloty. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.45-46) In Russian. Title tr.: Geochemical relationships of mineral waters with hydrocarbon deposits and rocks, and some of their characteristics in the permafrost region. Reports the abundances of mineral and organic constituents of the waters with particular reference to concentrations under permafrost conditions. The specific dynamics of the geochemical behavior of these constituents can be used as criteria in prospecting for natural gas in permafrost regions. DLC. 103702 GINSBURG, G.D. 0 geotermicheskom gradiyente platformennykh oblastey (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geosevers Sibiri. logii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.13, p.167-74, map, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The geothermal gradient in platform regions of northern Siberia. Reports results of geothermal measurements in deep boreholes in 47 areas of Siberia. The data are tabulated and changes of the geothermal gradient are mapped. In Paleozoic carbonate and terrigenous-carbonate sequences the geothermal gradient does not exceed 2.5°C/100 m. Temperature fields are greatly affected by the regional structure. Increased temperature gradients (>33 C/100 m) are observed in positive structures such as the Severnaya Sos'va, Middle Ob, Kolpashevo and other anticlines. In the Noril'sk region the gradient is about 2.4°C/100 m. Movement of ground waters also affects the geothermal graDLC. dient. 103703 GINSBURG, G.D. and others. 0 podzemnykh vodakh Ust'-Yeniseyskoy vpadiny. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii
Arktiki. Gidrogeologiya Yeniseyskogo severa 1969. p.6-23, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 12 refs. In Russian. Other authors: G.A. Ivanova, M.Kh. Sapir, Ye.G. Bro and Yu.V. Fedorov. Title tr.: Groundwaters of Ust'-Yenisey depression. Presents data on the porosity, permeability and groundwater of Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits from 1962-68 exploratory drilling for oil and gas. The groundwater composition and its gas saturation are noted. Mineralization decreases with depth from 300 to 800 m, presumably due to the Pliocene-Quaternary paleogeographic conditions. Sodium waters are found in gas-bearing anticlinal structures. The bromine and iodine content is comparatively high in rocks of marine origin. High concentration of iodine in these deposits is significant for oil-gas prospecting. DGS. 103704 GINSBURG, Ob C.D. ispol'zovanii geotermicheskikh dannykh pri tektonicheskom rayonirovanii fundamenta Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity. (Gcologiya i geofizika 1969. no.10, p.133-36, tables) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of geothermal data in the tectonic zonation basement in the West Siberian platform. Describes the effects of lithology on geothermal gradient as exemplified in the northeastern part of the West Siberian plain, incl the Turukhansk and Norilsk regions. Geothermal data should not be used without taking account of the thermo-physical properties of the rocks. DLC. 103705 GINSBURG, G.D. Ob obrazovanii kristallogidratov prirodnykh gazov v nedrakh. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Gidrogeologiya Yeniseyskogo severa 1969. p.109-28, graphs, tables, illus) 27 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Formation of crystalline hydrates in natural gases at depth. From study of data from well logging and testing in the Ust'-Yenisey depression, crystalline hydrates have been found to occur in some beds down to depths of 1100-1300 m. Their formation process may be due to a decrease in permeability connected with the drilling process. Temperature, pressure, composition of gases and groundwater, porosity and permeability of rocks, and the type of gas pool are also factors in their formation. DGS. GINSBURG, G.D., see Nos. 105286, 108292. 103706 GIPP, V. Prevratit' Surgut v blagoustroyennyy gorod. (Na stroykakh Rossii 1969. v.10, no.2, p.28-29) In Russian. Title tr.: Surgut to become a well planned city. Describes plans for building five and ninestory large-panel housing for a population expected to increase from the present 30,000 to
130,000. Along with these apartment buildings, a construction industry base will be formed for production and assembly of 6 and 10 m reinforced concrete piles, large-size panels, socalled keramzit and industrial wood products, using maximum local raw materials. The industrial combine is in construction at a cost of 72 million rubles. Its reinforced concrete plant is to produce 100 thousand m of reinforced concrete per yr, and the large-panel housing construction plant is to provide for 140 thousand tn2 of floor space per yr. DLC. 103707 GIPSH, A.A. and G.G. KAPATURIN. 0 nekotorykh rezul'tatakh issledovaniya svyazi yestestvennoy radioaktivnosti i zol'nosti ugley Vorkutskogo mestorozhdeniya. (I zvestiya vysshikh uchebnyk h zavedeniy 1970. Geologiya i razvedka no.10, p.145-49, graph, tables, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some results of investigation of the connection between natural radioactivity and ash content in coals of the Vorkuta deposit. The natural radioactivity of Vorkuta coals depends directly on their ash content, and tends generally to increase from NW to SE. DLC. GIRENKO, S.C., see No. 104361. 103708 GITERMAN, LYE. and others. Osnovnyye etapy razvitiya rastitel'nosti Severnoy Azii v antropogene. Moskva, Nauka 1968. 271 p. graphs, tables, maps. (AN SSSR. Geologicheskiy inst. Trudy 1968. no. 177) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: L.V. Golubeva, Ye.D. Zaklinskaya, Ye.V. Koreneva, O.V. Matveyeva and L.A. Skiba. Title tr.: The main stages of vegetation development in northern Asia during the Anthropogene. Comprehensive account of Quaternary vegetation based on analysis of extensive palynological material. Spore-pollen spectra for more than 200 Quaternary sections are discussed and mapped. Vegetation maps for the interglacial and glacial stages are also given. The main zonal and provincial features of vegetation during various stages of the Quaternary are outlined and compared with Europe and North America. DLC. Norsk Polarinsti103709 GJELSVIK, T. tuns virksomhet i 1966. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1966 pub 1968. p.I41-61, maps) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: The activities of Norsk Polarinstitutt in 1966. States the fieldwork in Svalbard in hydrography, geodesy, geology, geophysics, biology and aerial photography, with 61 men, two vessels and a crew of 40. Norsk Polar Navigasjon A/S continued drilling for oil in the Gronfjorden area. Foreign expeditions, glaciological 335
work in Norway and the working-up of results are also briefly noted. CaMAI, DLC. 103710 GJELSVIK, T. Norsk Polarinstitutts virksomhet i 1967. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969. p. 206-227, map) In Norwegian. English summary p.22027. Title tr.: The activities of Norsk Polarinstitutt in 1967. Summarizes work of 16 field parties with 46 members and two vessels in May-Sept under headings of hydrography, topography-geodesy, geology, geophysics, biology, archeology and aerial reconnaissance. Work by other Norwegian and by foreign expeditions is noted as are glaciological studies in Norway. The workingup of data from earlier expeditions is also cited. The Storting passed a resolution to establish a new year-round scientific station at Ny-Alesund, and Norsk Polarinstitutt placed in charge of its construction and operation. CaMAI, DLC. Norsk vitenska103711 GJELSVIK, T. pelig helarsstasjon pa Svalbard. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969. Title tr.: Norwegian p.233) In Norwegian. year-round scientific station in Svalbard. Notes the 1967 Storting resolution to establish a scientific station at Ny-Alesund on Spitsbergen. The station is to be built and administered by Norsk Polarinstitutt. A committee appointed by the Norwegian Council for Scientific Research is to advise on research projects. Foreign scientists will be able to use the station. The magnetic station established by the Norwegian Institute for Cosmic Physics at Kapp Linnb in 1964 was moved to Ny-Alesund in 1966, and the seismic station run by the Seismic Observatory of the Univ of Bergen has also been CaMAI, DLC. moved there. 103712 GJESSING, G. Samerne i dagens Norge. (Jordens folk 1969. v.5, no.4, Title tr.: The p.156-59, illus) In Danish. Lapps in present-day Norway. States the main points of a lecture on the nature of the Lappish problem in Norway. It is not racial so much as economic and social. Without the stigma of colonialism, it resembles the problems of underprivileged and recently primitive people throughout the world. Harold Eidheim, No 50717, outlined the status of the individual Lapp, mentally capable but restricted by lack of linguistic skill, by desire to remain in his own environment, failure to be sufficiently competitive, and lack of opportunity and promotion. Overcoming these problems cannot solve his predicament where his home area is encroached upon by modern industry. etc. DLC. 336
103713 GLADENKOV, YU.B. and V.I. GRECHIN. Osobennosti form irovaniya vulkanogenno-osadochnykh tolshch neogena Vostochnoy Kamchatki, o. Karaginskiy. (Moskovskoye obshchestvo ispytateley prirody. Byulleten' 1969. otdel geologicheskiy v.44, no.5, p.72-81, graph, map) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Developments of Neogene volcanicsedimentary sequences on Karaginskiy Island, eastern Kamchatka. Describes the lithology and paleontology of two major sequences. Deposition took place on the marine shelf under fluctuating sedimentation conditions. Three sources of material are recognized: volcanic, erosional, and organic. DLC. 103714 GLADENKOV, YU.B. Sravnitel'naya biotsenologiya i troficheskaya zonal'nost' v stratigrafii paleogenovykh i neogenovykh otlozheniy Kamchatki. (In: Biostratigrafiya, fauna i flora kaynozoya... 1969. p.149-53) In Russian. Title tr.: Comparative biocenosis and trophic zonation in the stratigraphy of the Paleogene and Neogene deposits of Kamchatka. Deals with questions of paleogeography and facies correlation from an ecological viewpoint. The relationship is noted between stages in the formation of individual strata or suites, paleoclimatic zones and marine molluscan assemblages. The best indicators of paleoclimatic conditions are shallow-water molluscs in DLC. the upper part of the sublittoral. GLADKIKH, VS., see Nos. 102455, 105307. 103715 GLADKOV, V.P. Osobennosti gidrografii i gidrologicheskogo rezhima reki Nem. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Trudy 1967. no.I5, p.98-108, graphs, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of the hydrography and hydrology regime of the Nem River. Describes the physiographic features of the basin of this left tributary of the Vychegda and its climatic conditions. The Nem is about 260 km long with a 4226 km2 basin area. Its tributaries are listed and its water sources discussed. Chemical composition of the water is noted, as is its ice regime. Use of the Nem for timber floating is considered. DLC. N.I. 103716 GLADKOVA, Sintaksicheskaya funktsiya narechiy vremeni v evenkiyskom yazyke. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. Uchenyye zapiski 1967. v.353, p.208-16) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Syntactical function of adverbs of time in Evenki. Linguistic study of Tungus dialects spoken in the Evenki National District. Adverbs of time delimit the use of verb aspect, form, etc. DLC.
103717 GLADKOVA, N.I. Vyrazheniye kategorii prostranstva i vremeni v evenkiyskikh narechiyakh. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. v.383, p.177-90, tables) Approx 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Expression of the space and time category by Evenki adverbs. Analyzes the grammatical forms and functions of Evenki Tungus adverbs in expressing the philosophical space-time concept. DLC.
known 18th century scientist, who in 1736 led a French expedition to Lapland to measure the arc of the meridian, No 24244. In connection with an expedition to the equator, he was able to determine that the earth's surface flattened toward the Pole, thus confirming the effect of Newton's law on the shape of earth. Map shows the area between the Gulf of Bothnia and Kittis on the Tome River, where the arc of the meridian was measured. DLC.
103718 GLADKOVA, T.D. Chetyrekhpal'isevaya liniya u nekotorykh narodov SSSR. (Voprosy antropologii 1968. no.28, p.92-105, tables, illus) 26 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: occurrence of the four fingerline in some ethnic groups of the USSR. Reviews world-wide palm dermatoglyphics on the infrequency of a transversal groove formed by a merging of the Plica flexoria transversa proximalis with the P. t. distalis. Occurrence of this so-called fourfingerline in palm prints of Zyryans, Nenets and Sel'kup Samoyeds, Ostyaks and Voguls among others is discussed, with conclusion that results do not warrant the fourfingerline to be used as a morphological or taxonomic race diagnostic factor. DLC.
GLAVATSKIKH, S.F., see No. 106028.
103719 GLAGOLEVA, M.G. and L.I. SKRIPTUNOVA. Prognoz raspredeleniya temperatury vody po vertikali na primere Barentseva morya. (Moskva. Tsentral'nyy inst. prognozov. Trudy 1966. no.156, p.83-88, graphs, table) 5 refs. In Russian. tt Prediction of the vertical distribution of water temperature in the Barents Sea. Tests methods of evaluation and prediction using data from stations in the Barents Sea. Temperatures were measured at 10 m intervals down to 100 m; at 150 m; and at 200 m depth. Computed predictions of temperature distribution compared well with observations at corresponding depths. DLC. 103720 GLASGOW, L.L. Federal responsibilities in the North; the North Slope Task Force. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.224-31) Discusses the so-called stipulations for the Trans Alaska Pipeline System, issued by the US Dept of the Interior, qv, noting the state and federal agencies concerned in their drafting and some of the issues related to destruction of the terrain, native training, use of pesticides, disruption of animal migrations, oil spills, etc. CaMAI, DGS.
103722 GLAVINOVICH, P.S. Trace element copper distribution and areal geology in a portion of the Clearwater Mountains, Alaska. College, Alaska 1967. 55 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Alaska. Univ. Mineral Industry Research Laboratory. MIRL report no.10) 18 refs. In the 63°03'- 08'N 147°09'- 30'W area of the Clearwater Mts, outcrops consist of intercalated Triassic andesitic and basaltic flows and a few sedimentary rocks, all intruded by dikes and a small quartz-bearing diorite pluton. Uneven, weak - strong rock alteration, marked by gradational contacts is static thermal accompanied by solutions incl Mg, Al, Fe, Si0,, Ca, C, Cu, S and F1,0. There is no correlation between Cu content and metamorphic grade. The trace Cu content of all rocks is high (background of 1000 ppm) and from its distribution, appears to be syngenetic in origin. Small hydrothermal Cu deposits occur in east and northeast-trending shear zones on the north side of the area. The origin and structural control of the deposits indicate further exploration along the altered volcanic-sedimentary contact north of Windy Creek. DOS. 103723 GLAZACHEV, YA. Na zashchitu Belomor'ya. (Morskoy flot 1968. v.28, no.2, p.8, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: To the defense of the White Sea. Describes nationalization of the fleet at Murmansk and Arkhangel'sk in 1918. DLC. 103724 GLAZOV, YU.YA. Sistema lichnykh glagol'nykh morfov v tyurkskikh yazykakh. (Narody Azii i Afriki 1966. no.2, p.116-24, tables) Refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: System of pronominal verbal morphs in Turkic languages. Comparative linguistic study incl Yakut. DLC. GLAZUNOV, M.P., see No. 106240.
103721 GLASS, H.B. Maupertuis et glemt Beni. (Vor viden 1960-61. no.296, Title tr.: p.312-20, map, illus) In Danish. Maupertuis, a forgotten genius. Reviews the life and work of this little-
GLEBOV, V.F., see No. 107885. 103725 GLEDITSCH, K. Vinlandskartet. (Norsk geografisk tidsskrift 1967. v.21, no.2, 337
p.133-42, maps) 26 refs. In Norwegian. Title tr.: The Vinland map. Discusses the authenticity of this map pub in 1965, No 11829; finds no major objections to its authenticity, but considers further research CaMAI, DLC. required for certainty. 103726 GLEN, J.W. Thoughts on a viscous model for sea ice. (AIDJEX Bulletin 1970. no.2, p.18-27) 3 refs. With a view to forming a model for sea ice behavior with which future AIDJEX observations can be compared, discusses a modification of the viscous model, proposed by W. J. Campbell and A. Rasmussen (ibid, p.11-12). Elaborates on certain objections to the proposed model and proposes a physical viscous model based on the assumption that sea ice is viscous and that it has a viscous relation not only between shear stresses and shear strainrates, but also between "hydrostatic" (twodimensional) compressions and area changes. More general models are briefly discussed in which initial isotropy may still be assumed, even though the linear viscous model must be CaMAI, DN-HO. abandoned. 103727 GLINKA, K.D. Treatise on soil science. 4th (posthumous) ed, rev. Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1963. 674 p. graph, map, tables, illus. Refs. Widely-used monograph translated from the Russian classic, Pochvovedeniye, MoskvaLeningrad 1931, 612 p. (copy in DLC). Author dealt with the forms, the mechanical, petrographic and chemical composition, physical properties, classification, types and genesis of soils. Fossil soils are treated. The extensive chapter on soil zones of the USSR outlines among others the tundra and forest (podzolic) DLC. zones in arctic and subarctic regions. 103728 GLOTOV, V.YE. and others. 0 svyazi surfidnogo teletermal'nogo orudeneniya s bituminoznost'yu na primere KoryakskoKamchatskoy skladchatoy oblasti SeveroVostoka SSSR. (Litologiya i poleznyye iskopayemyye 1969. no.6, p.121-23, map) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: Ya.G. Moskvin and Ye.N. Kostylev. Title tr.: Association of telethermal sulfide mineralization with bitumens as exemplified by the KoryakKamchatka folded province in the Northeast of the USSR. Notes many cases where hydrothermal sulfides indicate oil fields. This association can be useful with geochemical and structural methods. Perhaps oil exploration in the Penzhina trough, Anadyr depression, Omolon DLC. massif, etc should be reconsidered. 103729 GLOVER, R. Early northern explorations. (In: National Northern Devel338
opment Conference 1967. Proceedings, p.2528) Notes the quest for the Northwest Passage and expeditions of Frobisher, Hudson, Hearne, Franklin, Rae, M'Clure, Larsen and others; also some place names which commemorate CaEUB. the explorers and their patrons. 103730 GLUKH, I.S. Gidroklimaticheskaya kharakteristika anomal'nykh po vodnosti let Zapadnoy Sibiri. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1968. ser. geog. no.1, p.100-109, graphs, table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A hydroclimatic characteristic of years of anomalous discharge in West Siberia. Deals with stream discharge in this wide area which includes zones of tundra, forest tundra, taiga, etc. Data of 1952, 1954, 1955 and 1956 as years of very low discharge, and of 1946, 1948, 1957, 1959 with unusually high discharge are analyzed by determining the elementary circulation mechanism. Years with low discharge are characterized by a notable frequency of meridional circulation, years with excessive discharge by a frequency of zonal circulation. DLC. 103731 GLUSHNEV, M.P. Opyt stroitel'stva merzlotnykh kholodil'nikov na Chukotke. (Problemy Severa 1968. no.13, p.263-65, illus) In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Experience in constructing permafrost cold storage in Chukotka. Surveys the work carried out in Chukotka to build permafrost cold storage facilities for hunting and fishing communities to store meat, fish, and animal feed. The layout is described of two types of such permafrost storage facilities used extensively in the Chukchi National District: the shaft type of 50-350 ton capacity, and the gallery-shaft type in which the gallery is cut into the side of a slope and connected to the surface by a shaft. Methods are stated for freezing and storing fresh meat and fish, also freshly cut meadow grass and shrubs to serve as green feed for fur-bearers. CaMAI, DLC. GLUSHNITSKIY, 0.T., see No 105726. 103732 GLYZIN, A.P. Iz opyta preduprezhdeniya poverkhnostnykh deformatsiy zemlyanogo polotna. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1970. v.20, no.11, p.4-5, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Preventing surface deformation of the subgrade. Discusses the improvement of the MGS300 seeding machine used along the Tyumen'Surgut railroad to strengthen the roadbed against washouts. Instead of the hydraulic method of mixing grass seed with superphosphate, saltpeter, and potassium in sawdust and
water, a mechanical method was introduced. The improved machine MGS-300 (m) seeded 8000 m2/shift, covering some 56,000 m2 at a DLC. saving of 22,608 rubles. 103733 GLYZIN, A.P. Sooruzheniye zemlyanogo polotna na Yelanskom bolote zhcleznodorozhnoy linii Tyumen'-Surgut. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1968. v.18, no.4, Title tr.: Construcp.4-5, illus) In Russian. tion of the subgrade for the Tyumen'-Surgut railroad line on the Yelan' swamp. Describes the methods and process of building the subgrade over 5 km of Yelan' swamp which ranged 2-3.5 m in depth. Construction of the railroad was started in 1966 and continues at present along a 209 km stretch with nine mechanized gangs at work. Their construction and transportation equipment is evaluated. The ground density in the embankment of the subgrade was regularly controlled by hydrostatic and weight methods. DLC. GNEVUSHEV, MA., see No. 102087. GOBAREV, L.A., see No. 106629. GODBY, EA., see No. 104240. AIDJEX 103734 GODDARD, W.B. medical and surgical report main camp, March-April 1972. (AIDJEX bulletin 1972. no.14, p.13-14) Concisely summarizes 27 of the 101 medical and 51 surgical cases treated 2 Mar - 26 Apr, when the AIDJEX camp held 25-80 people, with population peaking —7 Apr. Although use of alcohol was unsupervised, there was only one case of drunken behavior. No case of psychotic reaction or behavior was noted. A list of recommended medical and surgical supplies for a camp of 35 men for 60 days is available from the AIDJEX office upon request: 4059 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, Wa CaMAI, DN-HO. 98105. GODFREY, GA., see No. 105505. 103735 GODFREY, W.E. Canada's endangered birds. (Canadian field-naturalist 1970. v.84, no.1, p.24-26) Refs. Lists with annotations 10 spp Intl bald eagle, peregrine falcon, whooping crane and Eskimo curlew. CaMM, DLC. 103736 GODIN, G. Tides in the Labrador Sea, Davis Strait and Baffin Bay. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1966. 156 p. graphs, maps, tables. (Canada. Dept of Energy, Mines and Resources. Marine Sciences Branch. Manuscript report series no.2) 16 refs. Presents a theoretical study showing the tides in this area as induced mainly by those in
the Atlantic Ocean. The motion seems to be a standing wave which is interpreted as the perfect reflection of a travelling wave at the head of a sea. Since the basin shape suggested that linear motion should predominate, one-dimensional calculations were made of the semidiurnal (M, ) and diurnal (K,) constituents, which supported the general amplitude variation along the sea, with account taken of the diffuse reflection at the head. This study gave values for the mean currents across the sea, which were confirmed by two-dimensional calculations for M,. Semidiurnal currents at the mouth of Labrador Sea are of the order of 10 cm/sec, diurnal currents are insignificant throughout the sea except in Davis Strait. The maximum M, currents also are found in Davis Strait: approx 15 cm/sec. Cotidal charts for the elevation and transport per unit width and elements of the current ellipses are mapped. CaMAI, DLC. 103737 GODUNTSOV, R.T. and others. K faunisticheskoy kharakteristike triasovykh otlozheniy yugo-zapadnoy chasti Omolonskoy glyby. (In: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geogifiziki. Trudy 1968. no.48, p.I4-17) In Russian. Other authors: K.V. Simakov and V.M. Shevchenko. Title tr.: Faunal characteristics of Triassic deposits in the southwestern iprt of the Omolon block. Reports a 1962-63 field study in the Korkodon River basin. Three sections of the Anisian, Ladinian and Carnian deposits are described and their paleontological characteristics given. CaMAI, DLC. GOKSU, Y., see No. 106224. 103738 GOETTEL, F.A. and A.D. SUPER. The "Manhattan" tanker test. (Marine Technology Society. Journal 1970. v.4, no.5, p.60-68, illus) Discusses the support offered to this approx half scale model test in the natural environment, by the US Coast Guard and Canadian Department of Transport, viz: pretest observations of arctic operations and ice indoctrination schooling of the Manhattan senior officers, a sea ice physics program, monitoring of the route by US Navy Birdseye reconnaissance flights and establishjnent of a joint US-Canada Ice Central to which all reconnaissance and satellite data were fed to provide forecasts to the task force. The remote sensor equipment used on test-supportive aircraft is noted, as are the icebreakers provided by Canada and the US. The operational feasibility of tankers with necessary strength and power has been established. An economic analysis awaits technical test voyage data analysis. The economic feasibility of a tanker system is far from being determined. Discussion of specific aspects of 339
ice conditions and observation, in relation to ship design and research, by government and industry spokesmen W.I. Wittmann, W.E. Markham, W.D. Gray, C.F. Collins, V.R. Milano and L.R. Jacobsen, appears p.64-68. WaU-FO.
Outlines the lithology and paleontology of Berriasian and Lower Valanginian deposits in the Severnaya Sos'va basin. A zonation based on ammonites and facies is given, as well as a correlation with the central region of the West DLC. Siberian plain.
GOGINA, N.1., see No. 105303.
Tektono-sedi103742 GOL'BERT, A.V. mentatsionnyye kompleksy i formatsii platformennogo chekhla Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity. (Litologiya i poleznyye iskopayemyye 1968. no.5, p.68-83, graphs, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonic-sedimentation complexes and formations of the platform cover of the West Siberian platform. Formations and tectonic-sedimentation complexes of the Lower-Middle Jurassic, Upper Jurassic-Valanginian, Lower Cretaceous-Cenomanian, and Upper CretaceousPaleogene arc described for the region including Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk provDLC. inces.
103739 GOKHBERG, M.B. and others.
O pul'siruyushchikh siyaniyakh v sopryazhennykh tochkakh. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1970. v.10, no.2, p.367-70, graphs, illus) 9 refs. In Russian. Other authors: B.N. Kazak, O.M. Raspopov, V.K. Roldugin, V.A. Troitskaya and V.I. Fedoseyev. Title tr.: Pulsating auroras at conjugate points. Investigates the phenomenon of auroral agitation and irregular pulsations of Pil type, and degree of their synchronism at Sogra-Kerguelen, and other conjugate stations. A good correlation of high frequency pulsations was found for the Sogra-Kerguelen pair, but the pulsations observed at Sogra and Loparskaya did not correlate, indicating that the pulsations observed at these two stations are generated locally. The slow and even variations in aurora intensity of —0.5 hr period observed at Loparskaya, Apatity, Kem', and Sogra do not have the spatial correlation, although 1-3 min intensity variations occur almost simultaneously at DLC. all four stations. 103740 GOKHBERG, ZH.L. and others. Kontrol' vlagosoderzhaniya prirodnogo gaza v protsesse osushki. (Gazovoye delo 1972. no.8, p.22-24, graphs) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N.V. Podbornov and V.A. Ovchinnikova. Title tr.: Control of the moisture content of natural gas in the drying-process. Investigates the chromatographic method of the measurement of the moisture content of natural gas for the flow or release. Shows possible use of natural gas by a direct method of qualitative analysis where the concentration of water is - 0.5g/m3. The direct method accomplishes the essential control of the moisture content of the gas from the well and from the first dehydration stage. After the second dehydration stage the chromatographic method may be used to insure its reaction capability under the difficult climatic and natural environment DLC. of northwest Siberia. GOKHMAN, I.I., see No. 101720. 103741 GOL'BERT, A.V. and I.G. KLINovyye dannyye ob otlozheniyakh MOVA. berriasa i valanzhina Zapadnoy Sibiri. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.12, p.53-6I, Title tr.: graphs, tables) 9 refs. In Russian. New data on the Berriasian and Valanginian deposits of West Siberia. 340
Verkhneyur103743 GOL'BERT, A.V. sko-valanzh inskaya terrigenno-glaukonitovaya formatsiya Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.5, p.10-15, Title tr.: The maps) 7 refs. In Russian. Upper Jurassic-Valanginian terrigenous glauconitic formation of the West Siberian lowland. Describes this formation in the Polar Urals, Severnaya Sos'va and Turukhansk regions. Tectonic position, mode of occurrence, composition and relationship with adjacent formations are analyzed, as are the changes in lithofacies. The main distribution patterns of oolitic iron ores are outlined and DLC. their controlling factors noted. GOL'BERT, A.V., see also No. 103938. 103744 GOL'BRAYKH, I.G. Istoriya razvitiya i sovremennyy strukturnyy plan Botuobinskoy sedloviny v svyazi s otsenkoy perspektiv neftegazonosnosti. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1970. v.13, no.7, p.80-89, maps) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Development history and present structural plan of the Botuobuya anticline in connection with evaluation of its oil and gas prospects. Describes the geologic position and tectonics of the largest anticline in the Siberian platform. Regional geotectonic, structural, lithostratigraphic, hydrogeological and other factors are favorable for oil and DLC. gas accumulation. 103745 GOL'BRAYKH, I.G. and I.S. SPASSolonovatovodnyye peletsipody SICAYA. verkhnego paleozoya basseyna r.Vilyuy. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.185, no.5, p.1107Title tr.: Brackish1108) 5 refs. In Russian.
water pelecypods of the upper Paleozoic in the Vilyuy River basin. Reports a find of bivalve molluscs in the basin of the Chona, right tributary to the Vilyuy, incl Naiadites cf. kostomanovi, N. orbiculata, N. cf. miseri, N. angustus, N. obrutschevi and N. ex. gr. skoki. Two specimens are Myalina sp., considered Lower Permian. DLC. 103746 GOLD, L.W. Elastic and strength properties of fresh-water ice. (National Research Council of Canada. Assoc Committee on Geotechnical Research. Technical memorandum 1968. no.92, p.13-23, graphs, tables, illus) 29 refs. French summary. Reviews the published literature on elastic moduli, strength properties and yield strength of ice. Representative values are given for the ultimate strength of ice in shear, tension and compression. The failure behavior of ice during creep and constant load rate tests is discussed, as is the internal cracking activity that occurs during such tests. It is suggested that the failure behavior of ice in uniaxial tests can be explained on the basis of the behavior of imperfections associated with plastic deformation. Caution should be used when applying the results of uniaxial tests to biaxial and triaxial conditions encountered under field conditions. J.J. Jonas adds comment on the contrasting behavior of ice when internal cracking is prevented by the application of triaxial compressive stresses during deformation. CaMAI, DOS. 103747 GOLD, L.W. Ice pressure problem. (In: Ice seminar...1969, p.27-30, graphs) 12 refs. The engineer usually has control of only the last of four factors that determine the force ice will exert on a structure, viz: thickness, quality and structure of the ice cover, the relative motion between ice and structure, the properties of ice that control its response to stress, and the response of the structure to an imposed load. There is still insufficient data on the amount and nature of the force ice will exert and theoretical calculations of the maximum force must be based on theory which, at present, is inadequately developed. Current practice in estimating ice pressures, results of recent field observations and the deformation and strength properties of ice are noted. DGS. 103748 GOLD. L.W. Observations on the movement of ice at a bridge pier. (National Research Council of Canada. Assoc Committee on Geotechnical Research. Technical memorandum 1968. no.92, p.135-41, graph, table, illus) 2 refs. French summary. Photogrammetric observations showed that most of the movement was across-river rather than upstream or downstream and was appar-
ently related to the crack pattern that developed about the pier due to changes in water level. It is suggested that when cracks form on the underside of the cover they fill with water which freezes. Because of the resulting increase in area, a thrust is developed in the cover when the water returns to its original level. Flooding of the cover about the pier had a major influence on the characteristics of the ice adjacent to the pier. The photogrammetric aspects of study are described by M.C. Van Wijk, qv. CaMAI, DLC. 103749 GOLD, L.W. Process of failure in ice. (Canadian geotechnical journal 1970. v.7, no.4, p.405-13, graphs, illus) 15 refs. French summary. Deals with the failure behavior of columnar-grained ice, associated with the unidirectional freezing of lakes and rivers, during compressive creep and constant strain rate tests. The role of crack formation in ice deformation and failure, and its dependence on stress, time and strain are described. A marked change in creep behavior in the stress range of 10-12 kg/cm' is due to structure breakdown. A ductile-to-brittle transition occurs at a strain rate of approx 5x 10-' min-'. The upper yield stress in constant strain rate tests increases with increase in strain rate up to the ductile-tobrittle transition. DOS. GOLD, L.W., see also Nos. 101617, 106073, 106169. GOLD, L.W., see Nos. 104261,106040. GOLDBERG, E., see No. 106691. 103750 GOL'DBERG, I.S. and K.A. CHERNIKOV. 0 prirode bituminoznosti shchelochnykh i ul'traosnovnykh porod severa Sibirskoy platformy. (Geokhimiya 1968. no.4, p.476-82, tables) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Nature of the bitumens of alkaline and ultrabasic rocks in the northern part of the Siberian platform. Reports abundant bitumens of various composition associated with dikes and other intrusions of Maymecha-Kotuy rocks. Their secondary character is established. Two varieties arc noted: bitumens of the magmatic stage and those connected with late hydrothermal processes. Their present distribution and possible migration are discussed. DLC. 103751 GOL'DBURT, T.L. Yuvelirnyy khrizolit iz intruzii Kugda. (Vses. mineralogicheskoye o-vo. Zapiski 1969. v.98, no.4, p.498-502, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Gem chrysolite from the Kugda intrusion. 341
Describes the geologic position and composition of this intrusion in the Maymecha-Kotuy province of ultrabasic rocks. The chrysolite occurs in metasomatic clinohumite-serpophyte-phlogopite-olivine and phlogopite-olivine rocks. Structure of the veins and mode of occurrence, chemical composition, optical properties and possible economic value of the chrysolite are DLC. discussed. 103752 GOL'DFARB, YU.I. and P.O. GENK podrazdeleniyu flyuvial'nykh chetKIN. vertichnykh rossypey zolota po usloviyam obrazovaniya i geomorfologicheskomu polozheniyu. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po gcologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.256-66, Title tr.: Submap, table, illus) In Russian. division of fluvial Quaternary gold placers on the basis of formation conditions and geomorphic position. Reports a study of the structure of river valleys, alluvial deposits and gold placers in the Kolyma basin. There are two groups of fluvial placers, one river-bed and the other sheet flood. To the first group belong alluvial, diluvial, and fluvioglacial deposits; to the second, proluvial, part deltaic and part fluvioglacial deposits. The main factor for placer formation is river abrasion. The morphostructural position of placers is also characterized and their DLC. depths considered. 103753 GOL'DFARB, YU.I. and T.I. KAPVozrast pogrebennykh rossypey RANOVA. (In: Vses. zolota Malyk-Siyenskoy vpadiny. soveshchaniye po geologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.20I-208, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: The age of buried gold placers in the Malyk-Siyenya depression. This depression in the upper Kolyma basin is part of the Cherskogo mountain range system. Buried valleys of some creeks and their terraces are described, as are the morainic deposits. The age of the terraces and placers is discussed and concluded to be early middle DLC. Pleistocene. Cher103754 GOLDIN, B.A. and others. novit, novyy mineral (arsenat ittriya) s Pripolyarnogo Urala. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.179, no. I, p.187-89, table) 4 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N.P. Yushkin and M.V. Fishman. Title tr.: Chernovite, a new mineral (yttrium arsenate) from the Polar Urals. Reports this mineral YAs0,,, found in 1966 in the Polar Urals. Crystal forms, specific gravity, refractive index and X-ray powder pattern are given. Comparisons are made with xenotime from Norway. The mode of occurrence is DLC. noted. 103755 342
PUCHKOV. Magmaticheskiye formatsii i struktury baykalid Pripolyarnogo Urala. (Geotektonika 1970. no.6, p.30-41, graph, maps) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The magmatic formations and Baykalide structures in the Subpolar Urals. The central zone of the Subpolar Urals was formed as result of prolonged development in which epochs of quiet sedimentation and erosion alternated with epochs of folding and fracturing, accompanied by magmatism which led to reconstruction of the structural plane and deep structures. Attention is also given to the widespread development of granite-gneiss diapirs. DLC. GOLDIN, B.A., see also Nos. 103429, 103430, 103431, 104498, 108605.. 103756 GOLDINA, L.P. Deyatel'nost' Komi filiala Geograficheskogo obshchestva SSSR za 1966-1968 gg. (Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestiya 1970. v.2, no.2(12), p.144-46) In Russian. Title tr.: Activities of the Komi Branch of the Geographic Society of the USSR during 1966-1968. This branch with 184 members has a chapter in Vorkuta and one in Ukhta. It has sections on geomorphology and physical geography, biogeography, economic geography, and medical geography. Some of their activities are briefly stated. DLC. 103757 GOLDINA, L.P. Raspredeleniye ozer Bol'shezemel'skoy tundry, ikh chislennost' i proiskhozhdeniye. (Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestiya 1970. v.2, no.2 (12), p.115-17, table) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of lakes in the Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra, their number and origin. The distribution of these lakes is the result mainly of tectonic structure. There are more than six thousand with a combined area of over 1430 km"' in the Korotaikha, Adz'va, Seyda and Bol'shaya Rogovaya River basins. Lakes of glacial, thermokarst and other origins are briefly sketched. DLC. GOLDINA, L.P., see also No. 101864. 103758 GOLDMAN, C.R. Primary productivity and micro-nutrient limiting factors in some North American and New Zealand lakes. (Int. Assoc. of theoretical and applied limnology. Verhandlungen 1964. v.15, pt.l, p.365-74, graphs, tables) 7 refs. Reports on responses to micronutrient additions in four of six Alaskan salmon nursery lakes in summers 1961-62. Responses to molybdenum and trace-element mixture were evident in Lakes Aleknagik, Iliamna and Nerka, but Lake Brooks showed only trace-ele-
ment response. The influence of their tributary waters on the primary productivity of Brooks, Nerka and Black Lakes is noted. DLC. 103759 GOLEVA, G.A. and others. Geolchimiya termarnykh vod Kamchatki. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.39-40) In Russian. Other authors: I.A. Klimenko and V.A. Krivenkov. Title tr.: Geochemistry of the thermal waters of Kamchatka. The thermal waters of Kamchatka are divided into two groups. One consists of acid, high-temperature water, closely associated with contemporary volcanism, and contains traces of Cu, Zn, Hg, Pb, Li, B, Rb and As. The other is alkaline, with traces of W and Ge. DLC. GOLITSYNSKIY, D.M., see No. 105362. 103760 GOLIUS, Z.A. Fizicheskoye razvitiye novorozhdennykh; po materialam Chukotskogo natsional'nogo okruga. (Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1969. v.13, no.8, p.23-25, table) In Russian Title tr.: Physical development of neonates according to materials from the Chukchi National District. Presents tabulated data on weight, size, head and chest circumference of full-term single-birth neonates: 1180 of them Russian, 490 Chukchi, and 106 Eskimo, Chuvanets-Koryak, or Lamut-Tungus. Russian .babies scored slightly higher. than the aboriginals in every measurement, and the boys higher than the girls. Development indices of all the groups are considered satisfactory and better than the 1954 records by M.V. Gabova (No. 95416) in the Anadyr' region. Development indices of Russian neonates compare favorably with country-wide averages. DLC. 103761 GOLODKOVSKAYA, G.A. and L.M. DEMIDYUK. 0 znachenii tektonicheskikh struktur v formirovanii teplovogo sostoyaniya porod severo-zapadnoy okrainy Sibirskoy platformy. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Gidrogeologiya Yeniseyskogo severs 1969. Title p.96-100, table, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. tr.: Significance of tectonic structure in the formation of heat conditions of rocks on the northwestern margin of the Siberian platform. Presents an approximate calculation of the total heat flow with an estimate of the convective and conductive components for the Yenisey trough, Dudinka-Khantayka zone of uplift, Noril'sk syncline, Khantayka-Rybninskiy swell and the Tunguska syneclise. Areas of tectonic disturbance are the most significant. A definite connection is shown between the measure of heat flow and the distribution and thickness of DGS. the frozen zone in various structures.
103762 GOLODKOVSKAYA, N.A. and Ledniki Shvetsii i M.G. GROSVAL'D. byudzhet ikh massy za posledniye 20 let. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya 1968. no.14, p.278-84, graphs, table, illus) Title tr.: Swedish gla16 refs. In Russian. ciers and their mass budget for the last 20 years. Reviews studies of the distribution of some 287 glaciers in an area of 329 km2 , with reference to changes in their mass and relation of mass budget to the altitude of their accumulation zones. Includes data on Stor glacier. CaMAI, DLC. N.P. 103763 GOLOVANOV, Stromatolity rifeya rayona Merchison-forda, Severo-Vostochnaya Zemlya. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po stratigrafii Shpitsbergena 1967. p.6-20, illus) 20 refs.. In Russian. Title tr.: Riphean stromatolites from the Murchisonfjord region, Nordaustlandet. Describes five groups of stromatolites of the Riphean Hecla Hoek complex: Conophyton, Kussiella, Inseria, Gymnosolen and Tungussia. Four of the five forms are described for the first time Comparison, distribution, age, etc of each DGS. form are given. GOLOVANOV, N.P., see also No. 104944. 103764 GOLOVANOVA, S.I. and others. Geokhimicheskiye osobennosti verkhneproterozoyskikh i paleozoyskikh otlozheniy severnykh rayonov Russkoy platformy. v svyazi s otsenkoy perspektiv neftegazonosnosti. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1968. ser. geol. no.11, p.77-90, graphs, maps, tables) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: L.A. Pol'ster and M.S. Shleyfer. Title tr.: Geochemical features of upper Proterozoic and Paleozoic deposits in the northern regions of the Russian platform in relation to appraisal of oil and gas prospects. Discusses possibilities for oil and gas in Kareliya ASSR, Murmansk and Arkhangel'sk Provinces. Attention is directed to the Mezen' depression, where a systematic geochemical study of boreholes was made in 1962-66. Only preliminary conclusions can be drawn, but the Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous deposits contain all the signs for intensive generation of hydrocarbons. Of greatest interest is a middle Carboniferous-Lower Permian complex which has good reservoir properties. DLC. 103765 GOLOVCHENKO, A. and I. Remont korpusov zhelezobePRIMOST. tonnykh plavuchikh dokov na Severe. (Morskoy flot 1969. no.1, p.27-28) In Russian. Title tr.: Repair of hulls of reinforced concrete floating docks in the North. 343
Analyzes experience with a 6000 ton floating dock ten years in operation at the Murmansk shipyard. In the fourth year, scaling of the protective layer and initial stage of concrete destruction were discovered, and in the fourth and fifth yr, scaling of the building slip and destruction of the exposed concrete which substantially affected the reinforced concrete plate of the slip. Hairline cracks appeared on the side frames, then on deck carlings, cross bulkheads, etc. A new protective layer with an epoxy resin base applied to the scaled and fissured areas put the dock into a satisfactory operating condition again. DLC.
Reports observations from 1963 through 1965 on plants introduced into the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden at Kirovsk from more temperate regions of the USSR. Under the polar conditions of the Khibiny Range, dicyclic development as a rosette stage and flowering stage changes to the monocycle of a winter bud followed by a flowering shoot. Disappearance of the rosette stage in the open ground is a characteristic adaptive mechanism in plants subjected to an abbreviated growing season. Developmental differences in seedlings and root cuttings under outdoor and greenhouse conditions are shown graphically. DLC.
GOLOVIN, A.I., see No. 107961.
GOLOVKO, E.A., see No. 106344.
103766 GOLOVIN, V.A. Porodnoye rayonirovaniye sel'skokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh Tyumenskoy oblasti. (Zemlya Tyumenskaya 1965. no.4, p.93-98, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Dividing the livestock of Tyumen Province into zones according to breed. Discusses the nutritional needs, resistance, economic value, etc of high-quality breeds recommended by the CC CPSU Plenum of Feb 1964 and evaluates their suitability for the different vegetation and climate zones of the Province. The Kholmogory cattle being raised in the Khanty-Mansi and the Yamal-Nenets National Districts should be retained. The Romanov sheep are considered best for the fur-producing north. Inbreeding of crossed fine-fleeced and semi fine-fleeced sheep is recommended for all zones, as is selective breeding of several species of hogs with high meat DLC. and fat yields.
103769 GOLOVKOV, G.A. and others. Chir Coregonus nasus (Pallas) i perspektiva yego ispol'zovaniya v rybovodstve. (Leningrad. Gos. n.-issl. inst. ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozyaystva. Izvestiya 1967. v.63, p.41-56, tables) 17 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: V.M. Korovina, L.1. Lebedeva, A.A. Salazkin and V.V. Chernikova. Title tr.: Coregonus nasus (Pallas) and the prospects of its use in fish culture. Describes the 1959 collection and transportation of roe from a tributary of the Ob. The eggs were incubated and cultivated in ponds near Leningrad until 1964. This highly plastic plankton-feeder requires special food for its larvae; it grows rapidly; in three yr reaches 720-1880 g. Various precautionary measures are discussed. DLC.
103767 GOLOVK1N, B.N. Ob introduktsii na sever razlichnykh zhiznennykh form travyanistykh rasteniy. (Moskva. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad. Byulleten' 1966. no.62, p_37, table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Introduction into the North of various life forms of herbaceous plants. Presents statistical observations on 2762 species grown in the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden at Kirovsk during 1932-63. Data on vegetative growth, flowering, and seed formation are compared with earlier observations on natural plant associations in this region. Some differences are noted, and possible reasons discussed. Results support the conclusion that no single growth form is ideal for northern DLC. regions. 103768 GOLOVKINA, G.V. 0 vypadenii fazy rozetki u Centaurea montana L. (Moskva. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad. Byulleten' 1967. no.64, p.80-82, illus) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Disappearance of the rosette stage in Centaurea montana L. 344
GOLOVNYA, S.V., see No. 108258. 103770 GOLOVNYKH, F.I. and M.YE. STEPANOV. Razvitiye skotovodstva i konevodstva. (In: Ekonomika i kul'tura narodov severa Yakutii 1968. p.63-73) In Russian. 'Title tr.: Development of cattle and horse raising. Stresses the importance of cattle to the northern Yakutia population as a source of milk, milk products and of meat (beef and veal), which represents one-quarter of all meat production in the northern region of Yakutia. By Jan 1965, this region had just under 31,000 head of cattle, incl 13,000 cows. However, both meat and milk productivity is low, labor and feeding costs/unit of weight gain are economically too high, and fodder is inadequate, especially in winter. Insufficiency of milk supply and low fat content of milk (5.35% average) are other areas requiring definite improvement, especially in the tundra and forest-tundra zones. Better and wider utilization of pastures such as in the middle Kolyma region is recommended, along with improvement of breeding methods. Similar recommendations are made for horse raising for meat production. There
were over 28,000 horses in northern Yakutia in Jan 1965. Special recommendation is made for the improvement of horse-herdsmen's living DLC. and working conditions. GOLOVNYKH, F.I., see also No. 105783. 103771 GOLUBEV, B.G. Sravnitel'noye soderzhaniye margantsa i strontsiya v zubakh cheloveka v ryade rayonov Arkhangel'skoy (Priroda i khozyaystvo Severa. Apaoblasti. tity 1970. no.2, pt.l, p.280-83) In Russian. Title tr.: Comparative manganese and strontium content in human teeth in several districts of Arkhangel'sk Province. Milk teeth in 2-7 yr olds, permanent teeth in 10-40 yr olds, and carious and healthy teeth in persons 21-30 yr old were studied. Microelements were studied separately in enamel and dentine. Increased manganese was found in the enamel of healthy teeth in 7-yr old children and 31-40 yr old adults of Arkhangelsk city and in the 21-30 yr group in Nar'yan-Mar. Manganese was also found in carious teeth of the 21-30 yr group in Nar'yan-Mar and the Nyandoma District. Much strontium was found in the enamel and dentine of milk teeth and permanent teeth of 2-30 yr old residents of Arkhangelsk city. DLC. N.F. and 103772 GOLUBEVA, I.I. SMIRNOV. 0 paleogeografii i paleotektonicheskom razvitii Tungusskoy sineklizy i yeye obramleniya v pozdnem paleozoye. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.15, p.36-44, maps) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The paleogeography and paleotectonic development of the Tunguska syneclise and its borders in the late Paleozoic. Outlines the paleogeography of this synedisc from fieldwork in the Nizhnyaya Tunguska basin, studies of borehole data and the literature. Maps of the Middle-Upper Carboniferous, Lower Permian, and the Upper Permian are presented and the principal events of CaMAI, DLC. each epoch are described. GOLUBEVA, LP., see No. 108556. GOLUBEVA, L.V., see No. 103708. GOLUBEVA, N.V., see No. 107001. V.S. M ezozoy103773 GOLUBKOV, skaya gruppa formatsiy prirazlomnogo metasomatoza Yeniseyskoy rudnoy provintsii. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1970. v.162, no.2, p.23-49 graph, map, Title tr.: A Mesoillus) 28 refs. In Russian. zoic group of near-fault metasomatic formations in the Yenisey ore province. Describes a series of rocks of metasomatic
origin, localized in the upper part of the sedimentary-volcanic cover of the northwestern Siberian platform. Metasomatic silicate and ore rocks are associated spatially with a zone of regional deep-seated faults. This group was probably formed by a new surge of heat and magma in the concluding stage of a tectonicmagmatic cycle. DLC. 103774 GOLUBKOV, V.S. and G.I. KAVARDIN. Osnovy petrograficheskogo i metallogenicheskogo rayonirovaniya permotriasovykh endogennykh formatsiy severa Tungusskoy sineklizy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1970. v.162, no.2, p.5Title tr.: Bases 23, map) 33 refs. In Russian. of the petrographic and metallogenic regionalization of Permian-Triassic endogenous formations in the north of the Tunguska syneclise. Three magmatic formations, plateau basalt, ultrabasic and alkaline-ultrabasic, represented by effusive-explosive and intrusive facies, appeared in the Permian-Triassic epoch within the platform region including the northern part of the Tunguska syneclise due to tectonic activity. The character of the spatial development and the associated genetic ore deposits is determined by the fold and fault structures. Distinguishes three structural-facies zones, the Yenisey-Pyasina, Northern Tunguska and Noril'sk-Olenek, and the metallogenic provinces and ore regions. DLC. 103775 GOLUBKOV, V.S. Paleotektonicheskaya obstanovka formirovaniya pozdneproterozoyskikh i ranne-srednepaleozoyskikh formatsiy severo-zapada Sibirskoy platformy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.I4, p.66-82, maps) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Paleotectonics of late Proterozoic and early-middle Paleozoic formations in the northwest of the Siberian platform. Describes formations, series and groups, and reconstructs paleotectonic conditions for each, mostly illus by maps. Late. Proterozoic series or groups were formed in the marginal part of a platform slope, near the Yenisey pericratonic trough and far west of the Baykal geosyncline. In the early-middle Paleozoic six series are separated; to each of them there corresponds a sedimentation cycle of the middle stage of the platform cover. CaMAI, DLC. 103776 GOLUBKOV, V.S. and G.I. KAVARDIN. Problemy endogennoy metallogenii epokhi mezozoyskoy aktivizatsii severa Sibirskoy platformy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.13, p.32-50, map, table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of endogene metallogeny in the Mesozoic 345
epoch of activity in the north of the Siberian platform. Discusses the tectonic activity of platforms with respect to their metallogeny. In the lower Yenisey, Taymyr and Severnaya Zemlya not only Permian-Triassic but also Mesozoic metallogeny is known. Activity of the platform and basalt magmatism of these areas are outlined. The late Paleozoic-Triassic stage of tectonic activity is described and its metallogeny considered. Several ore provinces are defined: the northern Tunguska, Norilsk-Kotuy, eastern Taymyr and Taymyr-Severnaya Zemlya. They have an alkaline-femic type of metallogeny. The Mesozoic stage of activity and its metallogeny are also briefly characterized, and the western Tunguska and Byrranga ore provinces DLC. recognized. GOLUBKOV, VS., see also No. 104584. 103777 GOMOLYAKO, L.G. Vliyaniye meteorologicheskikh usloviy na urozhay i soderzhaniye sukhogo veshchestva v klubnyakh kartofelya. (Geograficheskoye ovo SSSR. Doklady otdeleniy i komissiy 1968. Title no.6, p.65-72, tables) Ref. In Russian. tr.: Influence of meteorological conditions upon the harvest and dry content in potato tubers. Presents the results of experiments performed on 42 varieties of potatoes, incl hybrids and those grown in Khibiny under various controlled conditions. Sufficient moisture is necessary for all varieties in all phases of growth. Insufficient warmth at the onset of vegetative growth has a negative effect throughout the season. Increased precipitation is sometimes beneficial. Low temp before harvesting reduces dry content; prolongation of harvest improves DLC. dry content. 103778 GONCHAROV, A.A. and F.M. IVAMorozostoykost' betonov razlichnoy NOV. prochnosti, nagruzhennykh szhatiyem. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1969. no.6, p.8-11, graphs, tables) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Frost hardiness of concretes of different strength, loaded by compression. Reports on studies at the Murmansk scientific research laboratory of various types of concretes loaded to different degrees of compression strength and tested for frost hardiness by thawing the samples in seawater. Results of the experiments are given in a table. Continuous compression strains up to the limit of microscopic fissure formation is found to increase concrete frost hardiness by the factor two; under strains above this limit the frost DLC. hardiness decreases. 103779 GONCHAROV, V.F. 0 perestroyke rechnoy seti basseynov Yany i Omo346
loya v neogen-chetvertichnoye vremya. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologif...1965. Materialy, v.2, 1968. p.355-64, map) 9 refs. In Title tr.: The rearrangement of the Russian. river net in the Yana and Omoloy basins in Neogene-Quaternary time. Describes this change in the Yana-Omoloy and tributaries system based on study of deposits and terraces, on geomorphic analysis and other data. The main factors in reconstruction of the river net were tectonic movements, glaciations, regressive erosion, etc. Only in the Holocene was the formation of the Yana-Omoboy river net completed and it was close to the present net. DLC. 103780 GONCHAROV, V.F. and I.A. KUL% Ob eotsenovom vozraste tastakhKOVA. skoy svity v Yano-lndigirskoy • nizmennosti. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.11, p.87-95, table, illus) 18 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Eocene age of the Tastakh series in the Yana-Indigirka lowland. Reports 1966 fieldwork in Taastaakh-Kyu yel' (Tastakh) Lake area. Results of palynological and paleobotanical investigations of the Tastakh deposits are summarized, on the basis of which they are dated as Eocene. These ancient lacustrine-alluvial plain deposits surDLC. vived erosional washouts. GONCHAROV, V.F., see also No. 102039. GONCHAROV, V.I., 106062, 107192.
Nos. 106029,
103781 GONCHAROV, YU.V. and V.N. MAKAROV. K mineralogii karbonatov Allarechenskogo nikelenosnogo intruziva. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1968. no.6, p.29-34, graphs, table, illus) Title tr.: Mineralogy of Refs. In Russian. carbonates from the Allarechensk nickel-bearing intrusive. Reports an investigation of sulfide-carbonate veins containing up to 80% carbonates. Optical, thermal, chemical and spectral data are given. Ankerite with varying iron content in the oldest veins is replaced by talc-calcite aggregates in younger predominantly chalcopyrite veins. Both ankerite and calcite are polysynthetically twinned as the result of tectonic DLC. stress. 103782 GONCHAROV, YU.V. 0 formakh nakhozhdeniya pentlandita v sul'fidnykh medno-nikelevykh rudakh Allarechenskogo mestorozhdeniya. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1968. no.6, p.5-9, illus) Title tr.: Forms of pentlanRefs. In Russian. dite in copper-nickel sulfide ores of the Allarechensk deposit.
Distinguishes five morphologic types of pentlandite: aggregates and irregular forms among other sulfides; laminated and lenticular intergrowths in pyrrhotite; large porphyroblasts; veins; and layers around pyrite veinlets. The last three types are described in some detail. The variety of forms is concluded to reflect complexity of ore formation; part of the pentlandite originated during metamorphism. DLC. 103783 GONCHAROVA, YE.YE. and others. lzmeneniye N(h)-profiley vo vremya polozhitel'nykh ionosfemykh vozmushcheniy v gody maksimuma i minimuma solnechnoy aktivnosti. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1970. v.10, no.3, p.547-49, graphs, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: R.A. Zevakina, Ye.V. Lavrova and L.A. Yudovich. Title tr.: The variation in N(h) profiles during positive ionospheric disturbances in the years of maximum and minimum solar activity. Studies the variation in the, profiles of electron concentration N, in terms of altitude h, over stations in 12°S - 80°N, incl Alert, Baker Lake, Churchill, drifting station North Pole-6, Kheysa Island, Dikson, and Tikhaya, during two positive disturbances observed 24-28 Feb 1958 in the period of max solar activity and 1415 Jan 1964 in the period of the minimum. An increased ionospheric absorption was observed simultaneously with the growth of ionization in the F ionospheric region in the auroral zones. DLC. 103784 GON'SHAKOVA, V.1. and . L.S. YEGOROV. Petrogeokhimicheskiye osobennosti ul'traosnovnykh-shchelochnykh porod Maymecha-Kotuyskoy provintsii. Moskva, Nauka 1968. 99 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Approx 80 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Petrographic and geochemical features of ultramafic alkalic rocks in Maymecha-Kotuy province. Reports data on igneous rocks localized in a small regionally faulted area. A wide variety of trace elements is represented in all series of the rocks. Three groups of elements are distinguished. Alkaline-ultrabasic magma, enriched in Na, K, Li, Zr, Pb, Mo, Sn and V, was the primary magma from which the meymechite-dunite-alkalic hyperbasite-ijolitemelteigite-syenite series formed. The magma is considered to have been independent of trap magma. DLC. 103785 GONZALEZ, R.J. Low-cost estimates for oil from North Slope misleading. (Oil and gas journal 1969. v.67, no.38, p.104105) Comments on the data, assumptions and conclusions of the preliminary working paper from the staff of the Cabinet Task Force on Oil
Import Controls, issued Aug 1969. They are considered misleading in terms of Prudhoe Bay oil competition in markets open to Middle East oil. DGS. 103786 GOODACRE, A.K. Systematic errors in the Decca navigation system used in Hudson Bay for the 1965 Oceanographic Project. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 1969. no.68-53, p.377-85, graphs, maps) 6 refs. Fixed errors of the order of 1-3 km are present in Decca positions in the central and eastern parts of Hudson Bay. The electronic navigation system is described, the evidence for errors presented, and their effect in the measurements made in the Bay discussed. CaMAI, DOS. GOODACRE, A.K., see also Nos. 107405, 108371. GOODERHAM, G.K. see No. 107709. GOR, G.S., see No. 102132. 103787 GOR, W.G. and O.V. LOBANOVA. K voprosu o vydelenii permskikh fatsial'nykh zon v Noril'skom rayone. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1970. v.162, no.2, p.209-213, graph, map) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Zonation of Permian facies in the Noril'sk region. Two zones are established on the basis of pelecypod plant and lithologic data. KayerkanFokina-Talnakh zone, in the western part of the region, is characterized by littoral, marine and lagoonal facies, while continental facies predominate in the Imangda zone, in the eastern part of the region. DLC. 103788 GOR, YU.G. and others. Voprosy korrelyatsii verkhnepermskikh otlozheniy severo-zapada Sibirskoy platformy. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.11, p.72-78, illus) 12 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: T.A. Divina and V.S. Starosel'tsev. Title tr.: Correlation problems of Upper Permian deposits in the northwestern Siberian platform. Reports the correlation of Upper Permian sections in the Noril'sk region and the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River basin. Difficulties were encountered because of changes in the plant assemblages. Data from Khantayskoye Lake are taken into consideration. Two separate local series are defined and correlated, the Kayyerkan and the Ambaminskaya. DLC. 103789 GOR, W.G. and others. Stratigrafiya verkhnepaleozoyskikh otlozheniy Talnakhskogo mestorozhdeniya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.21, 347
p.7-28, graph) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.S. Garskov and Yu.N. Sedykh. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of Upper Paleozoic sediments of the Talnakh deposit. Presents a stratigraphic subdivision of the Carboniferous and Permian deposits of this region based on paleontology, lithology, density, magnetic susceptibility and logging data. Five local series are described. DLC. 103790 GORBACHEV, B.F. and YU.K. K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii KRYLOV. boksitov Yuzhnogo Timana. (Litologiya i poleznyye iskopayemyye 1968. no.2, p.33-42, graphs, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Origin of the bauxites of southern Timan. Lower Carboniferous bauxite bands in this region consist of gray kaolinite, illite, and bauxite that formed on slopes of gentle paleoelevation. Before their deposition, the underbauxite clays were exposed to laterization on the elevations and kaolinization in swampy DLC. areas. 103791 GORBACHEV, S.Z.and others. 0 vzaimootnoshenii porod terrigenno-osadochnogo i metamorficheskogo kompleksov Sredin(In: AN SSSR nogo khrebta Kamchatki. Dal'nevostochnyy filial. Geol. inst. Voprosy geologii, petrologii i metallogenii...1968. p.1921) In Russian. Title tr.: The interrelation of the rocks of terrigenous-sedimentary and metamorphic complexes of the Sredinnyy Range of Kamchatka. Summarizes results of recent studies of the genesis and distribution of temgenous geosynclinal deposits and metamorphic and igneous rock complexes in this range. Granitic rocks associated with the metamorphic zone are products of metamorphism and granitizalion of a single Mesozoic folded geosynclinal DLC. complex. GORBACHEV, VS., see No. 106616. Geologiya i 103792 GORBUNOV, G.I. genezis sul'fidnykh medno-nikelevykh mestorozhdeniy Pechengi. Moskva, Nedra 1968. 352 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. In RusTitle tr.: Geology and genesis of the sian. Pechenga copper-nickel sulfide deposits. These deposits are very complex in their composition and genesis. A full description is presented for the first time, with detailed maps and diagrams. The geologic history is outlined, incl tectonics, magmatism and formation of the structure of the ore fields. From detailed investigation of the geologic conditions and the morphology, structure and composition of ore bodies, the general patterns of distribution and localization of the copper-nickel sulfide mineralization are clarified. Geologic, structural, mineral, petro348
graphic and geochemical features are analyzed and an attempt is made to explain the processes of ore formation in these deposits. The Alla-Akkayarvi ore field is also analyzed. Comparisons are made with the Sudbury area of Canada and similar deposits in Northern Manitoba. DLC. GORBUNOV, VS., see No. 105338. 103793 GORBUNOV, YE.F. Novyye usloviya oplaty truda rabotnikov predpriyatiy, organizatsiy i flota rybnoy promyshlennosti; spravochnik. Moskva, lzd-vo VN IRO 1961. 295 p. tables. In Russian. Title tr.: New wage scales for workers in fishery plants and the fishing fleet; a reference book. Describes changes in labor legislation and cites pertinent decrees of 1960-61. The new wage scales, revised work hours, days off, vacation with pay, overtime rates, etc are dealt with by type branch of industry and vessel without geographic subdivision. Regional differentials paid in the Far North and equivalent hardship areas are discussed, p. 114-21 and 154-57, and districts listed in order of diminishing increment. Pay differentials are scaled to the hardship classification of the operation area or the port registry of the vessel, with the higher of the two rates favored. The 100% max is assigned to the Chukchi National District, the Commanders, the Kurils, and the arctic islands except Dikson and the White Sea islands. The Evenki and Khanty-Mansi National Districts are in one of the lowest hardship categories, with only a 30% pay differential. DLC. 103794 GORBUNOV, YU.A. and V. Ispol'zovaniye dreyfuyushchikh MOROZ. radiovekh i DARMS v nauchnom obespechenii morskikh arkticheskikh operatsiy. (Morskoy flot 1968. v.28, no.7, p.28, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: The use of drifting radio stations and drifting automatic radiometeorological stations for scientific protection of Arctic marine operations. These two types of stations record and transmit air pressure and temperature, wind speed and direction and their own location, for DLC. use in predicting ice conditions. 103795 GORBUNOV, YU.A. and L.A. K issledovaniyu dinamiki TIMOKHOV. ['dm (AN SSSR. lzvestiya. Fizika atmosfery i okeana 1968. v.4. no.10, p.1086-91, Title tr.: graphs, tables) 7 refs. In Russian. Investigating the dynamics of ice. Reports on study of the wind drift of ice, based on data of a July 1965 airphoto survey over the Chukchi Sea. The vectors of the velocity of the ice drift and the rotation of single ice
pieces were obtained by processing the photographs. The distribution of drift velocities and of the ice rotation is very different. Several regularities in the hydrodynamic interaction between the drift and the rotation velocity are found. The intensity of the ice motion is characterized by the coefficient K. This coefficient depends upon the drift velocity and the ice condensation. The ice condensation depends upon external forces as wind and current, also upon the interaction between individual ice pieces. DLC.
1037% GORBUNOV, YU.A. 0 vozmozhnosti issledovaniya osobennostey dreyfa rdov s pomoshch'yu aerofotos"yemki. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1967. no.26, p.57-60, illus) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The possibility of investigating the drift of ice by means of airphoto survey. Reports on a July 1965 airborne survey of ice drift in arctic seas. By treating 127 airphotos taken on two flights, 550 drift vectors were obtained of different size floes in ice of varied compactness. Drift velocity was found to decrease with the increasing compactness of the ice. The influence of adjacent ice fields on the drift velocity of open ice between them is attributed to their hydrodynamic interaction. Results obtained in this survey indicate a definite advantage of the airphoto method of studying ice drift over the conventional instrumental method from fixed stations. DLC.
103797 GORBUNOV, YU.A. and K.1. CHUKANIN. Pereraspredeleniye I'dov v Vostochno-Sibirskom more pod vliyaniyem atmosfernykh protsessov. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.35, p.95-100, maps) In Russian. Title tr.: Redistribution of ice in the East Siberian Sea under the influence of atmospheric processes. Endeavors to determine the specific regions where an advection of cold air intensifies the horizontal contrasts of air temperature, and enhances the frontal separation between nontropical cyclonic vortexes leading to their development, and to formation of local baric patterns with winds of stable direction. The redistribution of sea ice depends mainly on such winds. The movement of cyclones from the Okhotsk and Bering Seas into the East Siberian Sea with prevailing southeasterly winds is considered. The movement of cyclones from the west in the area north of the East Siberian Sea forms these stable west and northwest winds. Cyclones moving from the Bering to Chukchi Sea produce winds of northerly bearing. Synoptic processes which lead to these baric and wind patterns are studied, and illus by meteorological charts of Asiatic USSR. Synoptic criteria of ice redistribution in the East Siberian Sea can be used in working out
several-day forecasts of weather and ice redisDLC. tribution in this sea.
103798 GORBUNOV, YU.A.
Vazhnyy faktor, obespechivayushchiy plavaniye sudov po naiboleye vygodnym putyam v arkticheskikh moryakh. (Morskoy flot 1966. v.26, no.6, p.21-22) In Russian. Title tr.: An important factor protecting navigation on the most efficient routes in Arctic seas. Shows the importance of long- and shortterm forecasts of ice conditions for economic shipping by northern routes. DLC.
103799 GORBUNOVA, L.M. and V.P. ZAKHAROV. Plotnost' i magnitnaya vospriimchivost' porod Pechengskogo rayona.
(In: Geologiya i glubinnoye stroyeniye...Baltiyskogo shchita. 1968. p.119-25, graphs, tables, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Density and magnetic susceptibility of rocks of the Pechenga region. Summarizes and tabulates data on the density and magnetic properties of the four sedimentary units and interlayered volcanic rocks of the Precambrian Pechenga formation. Similar data are also reported for rocks of the Tundra formation and for intrusive complexes associated with both formations. Diagrammatic plotting of the density data shows two distinct maxima. Local gravity anomalies are associated with gabbro-diabase intrusions. Both the sedimentary rocks of unit II of the Pechenga formation and the rocks of the volcanic layer capping the sediments are strongly magnetized relative to the other units in the sequence. Granites are essentially nonmagnetic. DLC.
GORBUSHINA, G.N., GORCHAKOVSKAYA, N.N., see No. 103664. 103664. 103800 GORCHAKOVSKIY,
Osnovnyye problemy istoricheskoy fitogeografii Urala. Sverdlovsk 1969. 286 p. maps, tables, illus. (AN SSSR. Urarskiy filial. Inst. ekologii rasteniy i zhivotnykh. Trudy no.66) Approx 325 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The principal problems of historical phytogeography of the Urals. Reviews the geologic development from the Tertiary to the present based on paleobotanical data. From north to south, phytogeography varies with ecology and the country rock. The northern Urals are characterized by limestone formations with a distinct flora. Along the Pechora, Ilych, Kozhim, Sos'va, Loz'va, Synya and other rivers, steep limestone cliffs protect richly variegated and some endemic vegetation. DLC.
103801 GORCHAKOVSKIY, P.L. others.
Sovremennoye sostoyaniye i per-
spektivy botanicheskikh issledovaniy na Urale. (Vses. botanicheskoye o-vo. Sverdlovskoye otdiye. Zapiski 1970. no.5, p.3-13) 38 refs. In Russian. Other authors: P.V. Lebedev and A.T. Mokronosov. Title tr.: Present state and perspectives of botanical research in the Urals. Discusses the development of botanical institutions in the Urals and the work of many noted scientists up to 1968. The formation of a botanical laboratory in Syktyvkar, Komi ASSR, is noted, with particular reference to research on the biocenosis of tundras, foresttundras, meadows, etc. Advocates the development of a botanical atlas for the Urals. DLC. 103802 GORCHAKOVSKIY, P.L. V.N. Sukachev i yego botanicheskiye issledovaniya na Urale: k 85-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya. (Vses. botanicheskoye o-vo. Sverdlovskoye otdiye. Zapiski 1966. no.4, p.201-205, map) Refs. Title tr.: V.N. Sukachev and his In Russian. botanical investigations in the Urals; for his 85th birthday. Recalls Sukachev's studies of the Polar and Central Urals, particularly his contributions to the 1909 Backlund expedition to the eastern D LC. slope of the Polar Urals. GORDEYEVA, G.I., 103598.
Nos. 103597,
GORDEYEVA, V.I., see No. 108318. 103803 GORDON, B.C. Bison antiquus from the Northwest Territories. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.2, p.132-33, table, illus) Ref. Reports craniometric data for a well-preserved posterior portion of a mature bison skull Intl the horn cores, which was found on the Liard River three mi above the Blackstone River mouth on the opposite shore in Mackenzie District. This is the most northerly recorded CaMAI, DLC. occurrence of Bison antiquus. 103804 GORDON, I.M. and Y AS. KON'. Gigiyenicheskiye voprosy pri proyektirovanii lokomotivnykh depo v rayonakh Kraynego Severa. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1971. Title tr.: no.7, p.26-27) Ref. In Russian. Problems of hygiene in designing locomotive sheds in regions of the Far North. Reports on the inspection of air pollution by hydrocarbon vapors, aerosols from welding manganese and lubricant aerosols in locomotive sheds of the Vorkuta, Pechora and other railroad stations. The heating and ventilation of locomotive sheds in the Far North pose special problems due to the inadmissible drop in temperature from 18° to -9°C when the gate is opened to let a locomotive in or out. The winter daylight duration of 3-4 hr/day requires efficient artificial illumination of the sheds. Roof skylights are considered useful for both 350
illumination and ventilation and are installed in the Pechora and Vorkuta depots, contrary to the official instructions and to what has been done at Noril'sk. DLC. GORDON, R.C., see No. 105991. GORDUS, A.A., see No. 103898. 103805 GOREL'CHIK, V.I. 0 roye zemletryaseniy v rayone vulkana Aag. (Byulleten' vulkanologicheskikh stantsiy 1969. no.45, p.32-38, graphs, table, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A cluster of earthquakes in the Aag Volcano region. Reports a series of 1 1 1 earthquakes in 65 hours during 10-13 Aug 1966 in this locality in Kamchatka. The character and frequency of the earthquakes are analyzed. The total energy of the entire series was 1.2 x 10'" erg. The hypocenters were at approx 5 km depth. Though not excluding the possibility of a tectonic origin, the author is inclined to connect the earthquakes with magmatic activity in the upper portions of the earth's crust. DLC. 103806 GOREL'CHIK, V.I. Raspredeleniye ochagov zemletryaseniy v rayone Avachinsko-Koryakskoy i Zhupanovskoy grupp vulkanov v 1964-1967 gg. (Byulleten' vulkanologicheskikh stantsiy 1970. no.46, p.9-14, graph, illus) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of earthquake foci in the region of the Avacha-Koryak and Zhupanova groups of volcanoes in 1964-67. Presents the main results of detailed seismic investigations of earthquake foci under these active volcanoes. A non-seismic area is established at 150-170 km depth. Around Zhupanova Volcano the earthquake distribution is somewhat different in character. DLC. 103807 GORELOV, A.A. Ob uchete gravitatsionnogo uplotneniya glinistykh porod pri paleotektonicheskom analize lokal'nykh podnyatiy. (Neftegazovaya geologiya i geofizika 1972. no.10, p.35-38, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Gravitational compaction of clayey rocks for paleotectonic analysis of local uplifts. Observes the gravitational changes resulting from the compaction of the clayey rocks within the limits of the Surgut uplift on the West Siberian platform, and shows that compaction results in the diminution of the thickness of the clayey rocks. Works out formulae to calculate the change in thickness. The Ust'Balyk uplift rocks show that the determination of the amplitude of uplift by the paleotectonic method without taking into account the condensation of the rocks results in underestimating their thickness. DGS. GORELOV, V.A., see No. 102390.
103808 GORINA, I.F. K ristallomorfologiya almazov Anabaro-Olenekskogo mezhdurech'ya. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.90107, tables, illus) 22 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Morphology of diamond crystals from the Anabar-Olendk River region. Presents a tabulated morphologic classification of diamonds based on investigations of diamonds from placer deposits and kimberlite pipes, carried out in the northeastern Siberian platform region during the past 20 years. The crystal morphology of each of the various types of crystals found in alluvial and terrace deposits of the Anabar-Olenek interfluve is described in detail. Data on the crystal form of a few samples from upper Pliocene and middle to upper Pleistocene deposits and from upper and lower Jurassic deposits are included. DGS. 103809 GORINA, I.F. Mineralotermometriya almazov. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.114-18, table) 22 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mineral thermometry of diamonds. Calculates the formation temperatures of diamonds from results of an investigation of the temperatures of piezohomogenization of diamonds containing garnet and other inclusions (from localities in Yakutia and the Urals). Three temperature intervals are defined. DGS. 103810 GORINA, I.F. 0 vozmozhnosti nakhozhdeniya almazonosnykh kim berlitovykh trubok v rayone Anabarskogo zaliva, more Laptevykh. (In: ,Leningrad. Nissl. .inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.134-36, table) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The possibility of occurrence of diamond-bearing kimberlite pipes in the Anabar Bay region, Laptev Sea. Alluvial diamonds from stream and beach deposits of the Anabar Bay area are classed into two groups on the basis of crystal morphology. The diamonds of one group are considered to have been derived from Cenozoic conglomerates. The diamonds of the second group exhibit characteristics diagnostic of kimberlites as their primary source, suggesting the possible occurrence of kimberlite pipes in the shelf zone of the Laptev Sea. DGS. GORINA, I.F., see also Nos. 108211, 108678. GOR'KOVA, A.I., see No. 104705. GORLOV, N.V., see No. 107967. GORMSEN, K., see Nos. 102533, 102535, 102536. GORNAYA, L.M., see No. 105080.
GORNOSTAYEV, YU.N., see No. 103936. GOROBETS, B.S., see No. 106502. GORODETSKAYA, LYE., see No. 106037. 103811 GORODETSKAYA, M.YE. and YU.A. MESHCHERYAKOV. Morfostrukturnyye elementy rel'yefa Zapadno-Sibirskoy ravniny i razmeshcheniye poleznykh iskopayemykh. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1968. ser. geog. no.3, p.40-49, maps. table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Morpho-structural relief elements of the West Siberian plain and the distribution of mineral resources. Analyzes the large relief elements caused mainly by tectonics, including the northern areas of this plain. Positive and negative categories of morpho-structures are defined, and a classification is given. Structural analyses are considered helpful for mineral searches. DLC. 103812 GORODETSKAYA, M.YE. and YE.M. NIKOLAYEVSKAYA. -0 novoy orograficheskoy skheme Zapadnoy Sibiri. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1969. ser. geog. no.3, p.132-35, Title tr.: A new oromap) Refs. In Russian. graphic scheme for West Siberia. Defines 18 orographic units on the basis of morphometric analysis. In the far northern regions are the lower Ob lowland, lower Yenisey lowland, Yenisey plain, Severnaya Sos'va and Poluy elevations, Nadym lowland, Surgut lowland, Turukhan lowland, etc. They are briefly characterized. DLC. 103813 GORODETSKAYA, M.YE. and YU.A. MESHCHERYAKOV. 0 zakonomernostyakh morfostruktumogo plana Zapadno-Sibirskoy ravniny. (Strukturnogeomorfologicheskiye issledovaniya v Sibiri 1970. no.1, p.25-31, map) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The patterns of a morphostructural plan of the West Siberian plain. Presents a scheme for zoning the plain, and analyzes its positive and negative morphostructures. Different levels of relief are characterized, and the orientation of its main elements is described. DLC. and 103814 GORODINSKIY, M.YE. YU.M. DOVGAL'. Strukturnoye polozheniye giperbazitov Zapadnoy Chukotki. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.7, p.26-35, maps, table, illus) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Structural position of the ultramafic rocks of western Chukotka. Describes the Aluchin ultramafic intrusive in the upper Bol'shoy Anyuy basin. Its tectonic position, morphology and petrology are given. Its Permian-Triassic age is established. A geomorphic analysis of the intrusive is reported and its present rising noted. DLC. 351
103815 GORODINSKIY, M.YE. and others. Zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya, osnovnyye tipy i vozrast rossypey zolota Zapadnoy ChuVses. soveshchaniye po geologii kolki. rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.284-91) In Russian. Other authors: A.I. Tolokol'nikov and Title tr.: Distribution pat0.Kh. Tsopanov. terns, main types and age of placer gold of western Chukotka. Placers occur in various geologic structures in the Anyuy folded zone of the Chukotka Mesozoic, the Anyuy-Oloy block and the Chukotka-Okhotsk volcanic belt. Most of them are associated with the Anyuy folded zone, and are of large dimensions, with gold of great purity. Their main ore sources are gold-quartz veins. The more economically important placers were DLC. formed in the Upper Pleistocene. 103816 GORODNITSKIY, A.M. and others. Geologo-geofizicheskiye issledovaniya v severo-vostochnoy chasti Penzhinskoy guby. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Regional'naya geologiya no.18, p.96-100, maps) In Russian. Other authors: Ye.G. Donets and V.Ye. Mel'nitskiy. Title tr.: Geologic-geophysical investigations in the northeastern part of Penzhinskaya Bay. Describes methods of hydromagnetic survey, gravimetric observations and electric profiling used in this arm of the Sea of Okhotsk. According to the results and to work on the adjacent land area, a tectonic scheme of the region is worked out and the main structural elements for the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt and the Koryak-Kamchatka .folded zone CaMAI, DLC. distinguished. GOROKHOV, SS., see No. 103028. GOROKHOVA, L.M., see No. 105256. 103817 GOROSHCHENKO, G.L. Tsirkon kak odin iz kriteriycv pervichnoy prirody porod granulitovoy formatsii Kol'skogo poluostrova. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.183, no.1, p.185-89, table, illus) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Zircon as one criterion of the primary nature of rocks in the granulite formation of Kola Peninsula. Reports a study of heavy fraction minerals in this formation with attention directed to zircon, its content, morphologic types, roundness of grains, and other features. It is a very stable mineral. The formation is a complex of deep metamorphosed primary-sedimentary rocks. DLC. GOROSHCHENKO, G.L., 107966.
see also
103818 GORSHKOV, G.S. and YU.M. Napravlennyy vzryv na vulkane DUBIK. 352
Vulkany i izverzheShiveluch. (In: niya...1969. p.3-37, graph, tables, illus) 40 refs. Title tr.: Directed explosion of In Russian. Shiveluch Volcano. A brief but extremely powerful eruption of Shiveluch occurred on 12 Nov 1964. This violent outburst assigned to the category of directed explosions was comparable in energy and geological effect to the catastrophic 30 Mar 1956 eruption of Bezymyannyy. A new crater 1.5 x 3.0 km and 700 m in depth was formed at the site of the explosion. Deposits from the eruption covered a 100 km= area; they were up to 50 m thick and 1.5 km' in volume. The kinetic energy was 1.102' erg. Other features DLC. are also described. Lednikovyye 103819 GORSHKOV, S.P. periody i rel'yef sushi. (Zemlya i vselennaya 1968. v.4, no.1, p.24-33, graphs, map, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Glacial periods and land relief. Presents a popular account of the glacial and interglacial periods and the interaction of tectonic and other forces during the Quaternary. The mechanism of glacier activity in Canada, Greenland, northern Europe, and Asia is outlined with attention particularly to Novaya Zemlya, Mid-Siberian plateau at the mouth of Podkamennaya Tunguska River, etc. Periglacial phenomena and changes in preglaDLC. cial relief are also discussed. 103820 GORSHKOV, S.P. 0 vremeni formirovaniya verkhnepleystotsenovykh ero(In: zionnykh vrezov v nizov'ye r. Yenisey. Verkhniy pleystotsen 1966. p.234-35) 7 refs. In Title tr.: The age of Upper PleistoRussian. cene vertical erosion in the lower course of the Yenisey River. Examines downcutting in the lower Yenisey which occurred during two phases of regression and concludes that the erosion occurred at the beginning of late Zyryanka and late Sartan DLC. time. GORSHKOV, V.1., see 101768, 101769, 108252.
103821 GORSHKOV, YU.N. and N.M. Issledovaniye svyazi riomeDENISENKO. tricheskogo pogloshcheniya s ionosferno-magnitnoy aktivnost'yu v avroral'noy zone. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1970. v.10, no.1, p.73-76, graphs, illus) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigation of the relation of riometric absorption to ionospheric magnetic activity in the auroral zone. Discusses daily and seasonal variations in cosmic noise absorption, and EK, with the ionospheric parameters of critical and minimum frequencies Af, and Of„,,,,, respectively, and with the planetary geomagnetic index EKT„
using the data of riometric and vertical sounding observations of the Cape Shmidta station. No correlation was found between cosmic noise absorption and Aff2 during winter season, but 0.28 correlation in summer. High linear correlation between the integral cosmic noise absorption, and Kp was found to satisfy the regression equation A 0.3+0.036 MIC„ w where A is the averaged daily mean value of the absorption. DLC. GORSHUNOV, YE.P., see No. 106477. 103822 GORSKIY, V.P. Tsiklicheskoye stroyeniye verkhnepermskikh otlozheniy sredney Pechory i nekotoryye zakonomernosti zameshcheniya serotsvetnykh fatsiy krasnotsvetnymi. (Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskiy inst. Trudy 1967. v.144, p.124-42, graph) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Cyclic structure of the Upper Permian deposits of the middle Pechora and some patterns of the replacement of gray by red facies. Discusses the factors controlling the rhythmic sedimentation responsible for the seven sedimentary cycles recognized in the upper Permian sequence. The paleogeographic setting exerts an important control on facies development, as well as tectonic and climatic factors. Each sedimentary cycle is characterized by distinctive fades. Stratigraphic subdivision based on cyclothems supplements the precision of biostratigraphic zonation. DLC. GORSKIY, V.P., see also No. 103967. 103823 GORSTKA, V.N. Kontaktovaya zona Khibinskogo shchelochnogo massiva; geologo-petrograficheskiye osobennosti, khimizm i petrologiya. Leningrad, Nauka 1971. 99 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Approx 90 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The contact zone of Khibiny alkaline massif; geologic and petrographic features, chemistry and petrology. This nepheline syenite massif in central Kola Peninsula is situated in contact between the Archean granite gneisses and greenstone formations of the Proterozoic Imandta-Varzuga series. A petrographic study of the mineral paragenesis shows fenitization of the gneisses of the massif. The fenitization zone is 70-100 m thick, the fenites 8-10 m thick. As a result of thermal metamorphism greenstones are converted into amphibole - pyroxene - plagioclase and pyroxene - plagioclase hornfels. Porosity and density of the contact formations and gas components are discussed, as are petrologic features of contact-metamorphic processes. An attempt is made to clarify the causes of various characteristic contact alterations. DLC. 103824 GORSTKA, V.N.
protsessov fenitizatsii gneysov v kontaktovom oreole Khibinskogo shchelochnogo massiva. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1969. no.7, p.131-40, graphs, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of gneiss fenitization processes in the contact aureole of the Khibiny alkaline massif. Reports a study of the mineral sequence and chemistry of rocks in the contact zone of this massif. Chemical analyses of the contact formations are given. Migration of sodium from the massif had the main role in the fenitization process, although migration of other components was also important. Diffusion phenomena are concluded to be most important in fenitization. DLC. GORTSEVSKIY, A.A., see No. 102130. 103825 GORYACHKINA, N.A. Ukoreneniye poluodrevesnevshikh cherenkov roz v zakrytom grunte. (Moskva. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad. Byulleten' 1966. no.62, p.35-38, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Rooting of semiwoody rose cuttings under cover. Reports experimental work at the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden (Kirovsk) in 1963. Cuttings of three species (Rosa pimpinellifolia, R. amblyotis, and R. excelsa) were rooted in containers filled with keramzit (a porous clay filler used in cement), termozit (a slag material), vermiculite, gravel, or sand. Comparisons of the various media at temperatures of 20-25° or 28-32°C under natural or artificial light showed that keramzit was the best medium at 20-25°C, vermiculite at 28-32°C. Artificial light accelerated rooting. DLC. 103826 GORYACHKINA, N.A. Vyrashchivaniye roz v Zapolyar'ye pri iskusstvennom osveshchenii. (Moskva. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad. Byulleten' 1967. no.64, p.30. 32, tables) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The cultivation of roses in the polar zone under artificial light. Records experiments carried out in 1964 and 1965 at the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden, Kirovsk. Growth of the polyantha rose variety Charles Bonnet in soil and in vermiculite was compared for daylight of 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 hours a day. Plants grown in the 16-hr photoperiod produced the most flowers and leaves; plants grown in uninterrupted light had fewer flowers and leaves, although they DLC. bloomed earlier. 103827 GORYAINOV, I.N. and O.M. Osobennosti stroyeniya NekongdoIL'IN. konskoy rudonosnoy intruzii. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1970. v.162, no.2, p.50-61, maps, tables, illus) 4 refs. Title tr.: Structural features of In Russian. the Nekongdokon ore-bearing intrusion. 353
From geologic and geophysical investigations two phases are identified in the process of emplacement of the differentiated Nekongdokon intrusion with which sulfide coppernickel mineralization is associated. The intrusion is layered in form. Two structural planes and lineation trends are defined in the quartz gabbro-dolerites. Interpretation of the magnetic survey suggests that an intrusive massif is 3-4 km thick. The intrusion is in the basin of the Yerachimo, a right tributary to DLC. the Nizhnyaya Tunguska. V.I. 103828 GORYAINOV, I.N. and Zakonomernosti raspredeleUSHAKOV. niya platiny i palladiya v bogatykh rudakh Talnakhskogo mestorozhdeniya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Regional'naya geologiya no.17, p.67-83, graphs, tables, diagrs.) 13 refs. In Title tr.: Patterns of platinum and Russian. palladium distribution in the rich ores of the Talnakh deposit. Reports a study of these deposits in the Noril'sk region, where platinum and palladium occur in two phases, finely and coarsely dispersed. Both elements have an association with copper and a strong association with nickel. DLC. GORYAINOV, I.N., see also No. 104585. 103829 GORYAINOV, P.M. and others. Zhedrity iz metamorficheskikh porod Kol'skogo poluostrova. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1969. no.7, p.167-72, illus) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: M.T. Kozlov and L.G. Latysheva. Title tr.: Gedrite from metamorphic rocks of Kola Peninsula. Describes a sample from supposedly lower Proterozoic rocks of the Imandra region, and another from Archean rocks of the Varzuga region. The two samples are identical on the basis of chemical and X-ray data. The formation of gedritic rocks is connected with regional DLC . metamorphism. 103830 GORYSHNIK, L.L. and others.
O polyarizatsii signalov avroral'nykh radiootrazheniy. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1969. v.9, no.5, p.873-79, graphs, illus) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Yu.A. Kravtsov, L.Ya. Tomashuk and B.F. Fomin. Title tr.: Polarization of auroral radio reflection signals. Evaluates the total variation of polarization of the signal at its diffusion in the polar atmosphere, and compares the values obtained with the results of experimental studies of the polarization of the signals of auroral radio reflections at Lovozero in 1963. The comparison showed good correspondence between the theoretical and the experimental values in the DLC. polarization variation. 354
GORYSHNIK, LL, see also No. 104957. GOSHEVA, T.D., see No. 102686. 103831 GOSTILOVSKAYA, Mshanki (Bryozoa) Cheshskoy guby Barentseva morya. (AN SSSR. Murmanskiy morskoy biologicheskiy inst. Trudy 1968. no.I7 (21), p.58-73, map, illus) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bryozoa in Cheshskaya Bay, Barents Sea. Describes 59 bryozoan species and varieties belonging to 35 genera recorded from this bay, 1900-1964. The habitat and distribution of the colonies are discussed. The fauna includes arctic, arctic-boreal and cosmopolitan species. DLC. 103832 GOTMAN, YA.D. 0 vozmozhnom otkrytii novogo tipa zolotorudnogo orudeneniya na Aldanskom shchite. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.7, p.134-36) In Russian. Title tr.: Possible discovery of a new type of gold mineralization in the Aldan shield. Reports a gold occurrence associated with copper-sulfide mineralization and quartz-barite veins in the El'konskiy hoist of the Aldan shield. The ore-bearing zones are characterized. Some independent gold ore deposits in zones of breccia and crushing are also menDLC. tioned. Further studies are suggested. GOTOVTSEV, 1.P., see No. 102881.
Soil-ice 103833 GOUGHNOUR, R.R. system and the shear strength of frozen soils. (Dissertation abstracts 1968. v.28, no.I2, p.5003-B--5004-B) Order No.68-7894. PhD thesis, Michigan State University 1967. 153 p. A study of the physical behavior of polycrystalline ice in compression for constant deformation rates and for time-dependent deformation, and observation of the effects on deformational behavior caused by the addition of soil particles to the ice matrix lead to an analysis which considers the overall soil-ice behavior in terms of their relative volume concentrations. Data were also obtained on the dependence of creep rates on absorbed energy, temperature, stress and ice density. At low volume concentrations of sand added to the ice matrix, increase in shear strength is a simple linear relation to the relative proportions of sand and ice. On reaching a critical volume concentration of sand particles, a sharp increase in shear strength occurs. Using results of constant axial strain-rate tests on the sandice samples, the effects of the several mechanisms on deformation rates are evaluated in DGS. terms of a stress factor. 103834 GOURDEAU, E.
education in the North. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.4, p.367-72) Reports the International Conference on Cross-Cultural Education in the North held in Montreal, 18-21 Aug 1969, with 150 specialists representing Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Norway, South America, Sweden, USA and USSR. Twenty reference background papers were circulated to participants and observers incl UNESCO before the conference. Educational programs for indigenous northern peoples have mainly failed to bring expected results. Various factors and future guidelines were discussed, the family, children, youth and adults and education, staff development, study courses and methods and technology. Some of the conclusions are summarized. CaMAI, DLC. 103835 GOVBERG, L.I. Raspredeleniye mollyuskov v tolshche golotsenovykh osadkov Belogo morya. (Okeanologiya 1970. v.10, no.5, p.837-46, map, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The distribution of molluscs in Holocene sediments of the White Sea. Reports study of sediment cores obtained at different localities in the marine basin. The origin of the molluscan population and its development are outlined. According to the distribution of the molluscs, four stages are recognized in the history of the basin. Regional differences in the faunal composition are clarified, and the molluscan assemblages are described according to area and horizon of occurrence. DLC. 103836 GOVORUKHA, L.S. Balans vneshnego massoobmena lednikov Severnoy Zemli. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.192, no.3, p.603-606, graph, table) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The mass budget of Severnaya Zemlya glaciers. Reports on 1965 investigations in continuation of 1962-63 work. Accumulation and ablation data are given for the glaciers and ice caps of the archipelago. Wastage generally is noted; the glaciers are estimated to lose on average 34.5 km3/yr. DLC. 103837 GOVORUKHA, L.S. and LI. NESTEROVSKIY. Nablyudeniya za poverkhnostnoy ablyatsiyey lednikovogo kupola na o. Kheysa, Zemlya Frantsa-losifa. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy 1965. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya no.11, p.258-59, graph) In Russian. Title tr.: Observations on surface ablation of the glacier dome on Kheysa Island, Franz Josef Land. Recent observations indicate that the dome Gidrografov under present climatic conditions is not being replenished. The limit of replenish-
ment is at 280-300 m elevation, and the top of the dome is only 240 m above sea level. Results of the latest (1964) measurements are reported and graphed. CaMAI, DLC. 103838 GOVORUKHA, L.S. Novyye glyalsiologicheskiye issledovaniya na Severnoy Zemle. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya 1966. no.12, p.50-52, map) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New glaciological investigations on Severnaya Zemlya. Summarizes Apr-Sept 1965 studies of the structure, ablation, budget, temperature relations and rate of movement of the shrinking glaciers and the regional meteorology and glacial geomorphology. CaMAI, DLC. 103839 GOVORUKHA, L.S. 0 tektonicheskoy strukture lednikov Severnoy Zemli. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.34, p.55-62, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonic structure of glaciers on Severnaya Zemlya. Analyzes cryotectonic survey data from the summer 1965 Glaciological Expedition of the Arctic and Antarctic Institute. The structures are found similar to those in the Franz Josef Land glaciers investigated during the IGY. Observations and tachymetric survey of edge structures in the Dezhnev, Al'banov, Vavilov, and Malyutka domes testify to basic regularities of the tectonic structure of cover glaciers independent of their geographic location. A detailed study of the Matusevich shelf glacier on Oktyabr'skoy Revolyutsii Island is given with a geomorphic map and photo-illus. DLC. 103840 GOVORUKHA, L.S. and B.I. BOGDASHEVSKIY. Osnovnyye cherty meteorologicheskogo i radiatsionnogo rezhima gornolednikovoy zony Byrranga. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. lzvestiya 1970. v.102, no.6, p.536-42, graphs, tables) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Main features of the meteorological and radiation regime of the Byrranga mountain-glacier zone. Reports summer 1967 observations, which found a period of ablation in progress due to the systematic effect of heat advection from the continent. Precipitation is estimated at 450-500 mm/yr. Frontal and advection radiation types of weather prevail in summer. Direct and absorbed radiation is characterized. The albedo is also noted. DLC. 103841 GOVORUKHA, L.S. Osnovnyye cherty morfologii i rezhima sovremennogo oledeneniya Taymyra. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.194, no.6, p.1389-92) 7 refs. In Russian. Title m: Main features of the morphology and regime of present glaciation of Taymyr. Reports 1967 study in the Byrranga Mts of 355
northwestern Taymyr. Ten larger, up to 5 km in length, and more than a hundred smaller glaciers were found in an approx 1350 km2 area. Both valley and corrie glaciers are represented. Their accumulation and ablation are characterized. They are now in a retreat stage, but there is evidence of two stages of past DLC. advances. 103842 GOVORUKHA, L.S. Osnovnyye faktory differentsiatsii prirodnykh usloviy morey i ostrovov Sovetskoy Arktiki. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1968. ser. geog. no.6, p.24-35) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The main factors for differentiating the natural conditions of seas and islands of the Soviet Arctic. Discusses the need for a uniform physiographic regionalization of the Soviet Arctic comprehending all its oceanic regions, seas and archipelagos. The existing schemes are reviewed and their inadequacies noted. Factors in regionalization are discussed such as sea bottoms, tectonic movements, flow of Atlantic and Pacific waters, drifting of ice, orographic and geomorphic factors, etc. No scheme is presented, but suggestions are given for such a DLC. comprehensive regionalization. 103843 GOVORUKHA, L.S. and M.G. Posledneye nastupaniye ledGROSVAL'D. nikov Severnoy Zemli. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya 1968. no.14, p.330-32, map) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Recent advance of Severnaya Zemlya glaciers. Discusses the course of change in the glaciation of the archipelago. A 1965 find of autochthonous organic material on Oktyabrskoy Revolyutsii Island is noted; it was mossy turf thawed out from the Vavilova ice dome. Radiocarbon dating of turf samples gave an age of approx 100 yr. This suggests a glacial advance at the turn of the 18-19th century. The present glaciers of Severnaya Zemlya are not relicts of the Pleistocene, but are of Holocene age. They show significant shrinkage as do glaciers elsewhere in arctic regions. CaMAI, DLC. 103844 GOVORUKHA, L.S. and N.M. Uzel sovremennogo oledeneniya POPOVA. v gorakh Byrranga, Vostochnyy Taymyr. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Izvestiya 1970. v.102, no.3, p.245-50, graph, map, table) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Major zone of present glaciation in the Byrranga Mountains, eastern Taymyr. Presents new data on the morphology of Taymyr glaciers from a 1967 glaciological expedition. In the elevated watershed zone of the Byrranga Range more than a hundred valley, through, and come glaciers were found. Morphologic characteristics are given for Tollya, Severnyy, Yuzhnyy, Neozhidannyy, 356
Kiry and Etalon glaciers. Some of them are mapped. DLC. 103845 GOVORUKHA, L.S. Voprosy glyatsiologicheskoy izuchennosti Sovetskoy Arktiki i osnovnyye osobennosti rezhima yeye oledeneniya. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Izvestiya 1968. v.100, no.1, p.27-37, graphs, -map) 40 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of glaciological investigation of the Soviet Arctic and the main features of its glaciation regime. Reviews the main results of fieldwork on Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land and Severnaya Zemlya, including IGY studies. The limits of the alimentation and firn zone range 200-700 m above sea level. Accumulation and ablation are analyzed. Degradation is observed in all arctic regions; there is an average annual ice shrinkage of 10-20 km3. DLC. Electrolytic conduc103846 COW, A.J. tivity of snow and glacier ice from Antarctica Hanover, N.H. 1968. 8 p. and Greenland. maps, graph, tables. (US. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab. Research report no.248) 14 refs. Data on the levels of contamination in snow on an ice sheet and evidence as to whether significant changes in chemical composition have occurred in the past, can provide diagnostic information on past patterns of atmospheric circulation and precipitation. Electrolytic conductivity is one of the simplest tests of the purity of snow. Test sampling sites on the Greenland Inland ice were Camp Century and the Inge Lehmann station. Data from deep cores, representing >400 yr at Inge Lehmann, showed no significant variations of conductivity with time, indicating that the content of dissolved solids has remained at a very low CaMAI, DLC. level for that time interval. Electrolytic conduc103847 GOW, A.J. tivity of snow and glacier ice from Antarctica and Greenland. (Journal of geophysical research 1968. v.73, no.12, p.3643-49, graph, maps, tables) 14 refs. Conductivity measurements have been made on snow and ice samples from pits and deep drill holes at a number of localities in Antarctica and Greenland. Conductivities of the order of 1-2µ mhos/cm only were recorded at the inland sites. Data from deep cores representing more than 400 yr of deposition at Inge Lehmann, Greenland, showed no significant DLC. variations of conductivity with time. Dis103848 GRACHEV, A.F. and others. simmetriya, general'naya cherta tektonicheskogo razvitiya Arktiki. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.192, no.4, p.860-61, map) In Russian. Other authors: R.M. Demenitskaya
and A.M. Karasik. Title tr.: Asymmetry, a general feature of the tectonic evolution of the Arctic. Summarizes the differences in structure between the western and eastern segments of the region. The western segment, comprising Canada, Greenland, northern Europe and western Siberia, is characterized by outcrops of Precambrian crystalline basement, a narrow shelf and a thin sedimentary cover, whereas the Precambrian basement is at great depth, the shelf is wide and the sedimentary cover is thick in the eastern segment, comprising eastern Siberia, Chukotka and Alaska. The western segment represents a stable continental structural plan whose development began in postPrecambrian time. Formation of the eastern segment began much later and reflects the development of oceanic-type structures. DLC. 103849 GRACHEV, A.F. and others. Legenda k karte noveyshey tektoniki Arktiki i Subarktiki v masshtabe 1:5 000 000. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologii... 1965. Materialy, v.1, 1967. p.I99-208, table, illus) 13 refs. In Russian. Other authors: M.T. Kiryushina and A.P. Puminov. Title tr.: Map legend of recent tectonics of the Arctic and Subarctic on a scale of 1:5,000,000. Presents the legend for a map to be compiled by the Institute of Geology of the Arctic. The main principles of such a legend are discussed and geostructural, mobile and relatively stable provinces are outlined. The North American Arctic will also be included. DLC. 103850 GRACHEV, A.F. and others. Sredinnyy Arkticheskiy khrebet i yego materikovoye prodolzheniye. (Geomorfologiya 1967. no.1, p.42-45, illus) Refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: R.M. Demenitskaya and A.M. Karasik. Title tr.: The mid-Arctic ridge and its continental continuation. Intensive investigation of mid-oceanic ridges has shown all to have a continuation on a continent. This regularity probably applies also to the recently discovered mid-arctic ridge designated the Gakkel Ridge by the USSR (Nansen Cordillera of the US Board on Geographic Names). The Moma-Zyryanka depression in the northeastern USSR is probably a continuation of the rift zone of the Gakkel DLC. Ridge. GRACHEVA, G.N., see No. 104656. 103851 GRACHEVA, O.N. and L.S. TEMIN. Rol' prikonturnykh skvazhin v razvedke i razrabotke gazovykh mestorozhdeniy severa Tyumenskoy oblasti. (Gazovaya promyshlennost' 1969. v.14, no.1, p.7-9, tables, Tide tr.: The role of nearillus) In Russian. contour drillholes in prospecting for and
exploiting gas fields in northern Tyumen Province. Evaluates the role of drillholes in Senonian deposits of platform type with 1-3° dips, containing a gas-bearing area of hundreds km2 and billions m' of natural gas. As exemplified in the southern dome of Gubkino, the Tazovo, and the Urengoy fields, a I km change of contour of the gas-bearing area alters its calculated natural gas reserve by only 4%. Near-contour drillholes are recommended for areas with gas reserves > 10 billion m to enable piezometric and other observations during development. DLC. 103852 GRAINGE, J.W. Arctic heated pipe water and waste water systems. (Water research 1969. v.3, no.1, p.47-71, graphs, map, tables, illus) 3 refs. Most communities in northern Canada lack sanitation services_ Haulage of water and waste is impractical. Piped systems are superior but difficult to design for small communities. Hampering factors in design and installation are severe winter weather, permafrost, swampland, widely separated buildings, high costs, and unsuitable terrain. Suggestions are offered for town planning: roads with a minimum 1% grade in directions of sewer flows; long rather than short roads and no culs-de-sac because of freezing problems; parks and sport fields outside serviced areas; community centers with halls, theater and other public facilities grouped to avoid wind-swept, snow-drifted squares. Multiple unit dwellings are recommended as less costly to build, heat and service. Residence lots should be kept small. Dogs should be kept in a community compound to avoid transmission of salmonellosis and echinococcosis. The essential principles of design for summer and small diameter heated piped systems are given. Appended, p 54-71, are research and design criteria, with plans, tabulated data on observed and calculated heat losses, electric energy needs and costs. DLC. 103853 GRAINGER, E.H. North American sea stars (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) from north Alaska to the Strait of Belle Isle. New York 1964. 5 plates: maps 25x16 in. 1 p. table. (American Geographical Society. Serial atlas of the marine environment, folio 5) Gives distributional data for 26 species recorded in the literature, with indication of water depths and substrate. The localities extend from Cape Lisburne - Pt Barrow in the Chukchi Sea, eastward through Canadian Arctic Islands waters, from northeasternmost Ellesmere to southern Labrador Sea and Hudson and James Bays. DGS. GRAM, T., see No. 104435. 357
I.S. 0 103854 GRAMBERG, vozmozhnosti ispol'zovaniya pogloshchennogo kompleksa glinistykh porod dlya paleogidrok(Leningrad. N.himicheskikh postroyeniy. issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1969. v.161, Title no.4, p.5-20, graph) Refs. In Russian tr.: The possibility of using sorption complexes of clayey rocks for paleohydrochemical reconstructions. Discusses the use of adsorbed cations of clayey rocks for reconstructing the salinity of the basins in which they formed. The connection between the composition of the adsorption complex and the composition and concentration of water in sedimentation basins is treated in some detail. This method is outlined as used since 1952 at the Institute of Geology of the Arctic and experimental data are reported. Effects of diagenesis on the composition of adsorption complexes is analyzed and examples are given from Arctic Ocean and Chukchi and Bering Seas bottom sediments, as well as clayey rocks in arctic regions. All the evidence confirms that the most remarkable changes in the composition of interstitial water and adsorption complexes occur in the later stages CaMAI, DLC. of diagenesis. 103855 GRAMBERT, 1.S. Obshchaya otsenka perspektiv neftegazonosnosti Sovetskogo Severa. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Regional'-naya geologiya no.17, p.10-13) In Russian. Title tr.: General appraisal of oil and gas prospects of the Soviet North. The searches made in recent decades leave no doubt that northern regions of the USSR are very rich in oil and gas. and the known deposits do not exhaust the possibilities. The Lena-Anabar and the northern part of the Verkhoyansk trough. the northern part of the Tunguska syneclise. and some Mesozoic-Cenozoic depressions of the Northeast are promising, as are, according to geophysical investigations; various offshore areas such as the Pechora and Barents-Kara platforms. Laptev block. Arctic platform. etc. Possibilities in Alaska and northern Canada are also noted. DLC. GRAM, T., see No. 104435. 103856 GRANT, A.C. and K.S. MANGeophysical investigations in CHESTER. the Ungava Bay - Hudson Strait region of northern Canada. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7. no.4. p.1062-76. maps. illus) Continuous seismic profiler surveys, made from the CSS Hudson, 1965, CCGS Labrador, 1966 and CCGS diberville, 1968. during the Hudson Bay Project of the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, have 358
defined the limits of the Paleozoic outlier in Ungava Bay. and indicate that similar rocks occur to the north beneath Hudson Strait. These surveys have also shown that the strata underlying Hudson Strait are down-warped to form a synclinal structure with its axis parallel to the bathymetric trend of the Strait. Extrapolations based upon the dips and thicknesses indicated on the seismic profiler records and on physiographic evidence, suggest that the southwestern side of Hudson Strait has been downfaulted relative to the block of Paleozoic strata in Ungava Bay. These postulated relationships are supported by aeromagnetic. sea-magnetometer and sea-gravimeter data from that region. A seismic and magnetic profile from Frobisher Bay indicates that a Paleozoic outlier occurs there as well. Although the submarine physiography of this region is primarily controlled by structure and secondarily modified by subaerial erosion, glacial erosion may DLC. account for local detail. Recent crustal 103857 GRANT, A.C. movements on the Labrador Shelf. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7. no.2, pt 2. p.571-75, map. illus) 6 refs. Outlines briefly the tentative results from seismic surveys carried out by the Atlantic Oceanographic Laboratory on the Labrador Continental Shelf. Prominent bathymetric features of the Labrador Shelf are the continuous channel parallel to the coast which separates the crystalline rocks of the inner shelf from the sedimentary rocks of the outer shelf. and troughs which transect the outer shelf. The maximum depth of the channel is more than 800 m. The relief of the channel is thought to be mainly the result of glacial erosion, but there is also evidence of structural disturbance DLC. associated with this feature. 103858 GRANT, A.C. Some aspects of the bedrock geology of Hudson Bay as interpreted from continuous seismic reflection profiles. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 1969. no.68-53. p.136-43. maps, illus) 5 refs. Reports results of the 1965 Hudson Bay Oceanographic Project which indicate that Paleozoic sedimentary rocks below the bay comprise a basin. Regional strike determinations indicate the basin is elongated northsouth. The major topographic trends reflect the bedrock structure: the western slope of the central shoal feature is a dip slope, the eastern side is an erosional escarpment truncating the westdipping beds. Bedrock structure appears to have controlled the development of Pleistocene drainage features, which were filled with drift CaMAI. DGS. during the Pleistocene. GRANT, A.C., see also
103859 GRANT, F.S. Two gravity profiles in the Manicouagan-Wabush area of westcentral Quebec. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1968. v.5, no.4, pt.1, p.895-906, graphs, maps) 3 refs. Reports on 1964 and 1966 gravity traverses along the Riviere aux Mans and Mushalagan River for closer investigation of the large negative Bouguer anomaly discovered in 1956 near the Grenville Front in this region. Both gravity profiles traversed the main negative feature and a large positive rise in the anomaly immediately south of the Grenville Front. There are few surface clues to the cause of these effects. From analysis of gravitational and aeromagnetic data one interpretation may be that the negative anomaly is caused by a deep infold of lighter, non-magnetic, possibly metasedimentary material quite near the surface, and that the positive rise is due to a slight increase in the average density within the intermediate zone of the Grenville crust. The map area of this study is 51° - 53°30'N 66° - 72°W. CaMAI, DGS.
bly underlain by late Cretaceous and older sedimentary rocks. prospective for oil, gas and coal. DGS. GRANTZ, A., see also Nos. 102915, 103610. 103862 GRASTY, R.L. and others. New K-Ar age determinations on rocks from the east coast of Labrador. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6. no.2. p.340-44. map, table) 8 refs. Other authors: J.C. Rucklidge and W.A. Elders. The K-Ar ages of dike rocks from Labrador coastal islands south from approx 54°45'N suggest in some cases that the Grenville Front passes out to sea along the north side of Groswater Bay. Two Grenville ages which occur north of this postulated boundary may be due either to igneous activity associated with the Grenville orogeny beyond the confines of the metamorphic belt. or to argon loss during mineral alteration. CaMAI. DGS. GRASTY, R.L., see also
103860 GRANTZ, A. and others. Chukchi Sea seismic reflection and magnetic profiles 1969. Washington DC 1970. 28 sheets. (US. Geological Survey. Reports. open file series no.1461) Ref. Other authors: W.F. Hanna and S.C. Wolf. Consists of two maps showing locations of seismic reflection profiles and total-intensity residual magnetic profiles obtained by USCGC Storis 28 Aug — 11 Sept 1969. and 25 sheets of seismic profiles. Explanatory text for the magnetic profiles are given on map 2. The tracks extend north from Bering Strait to Icy Cape. Alaska. thence west to Herald Shoal at approx 70°45'N 172°W. DGS. 103861 GRANTZ, A. and others. Reconnaissance geology of the Chukchi Sea as determined by acoustic and magnetic profiling. (In: Geological Seminar on the North Slope of
Alaska 1970. Proceedings. p.F I-F28. graphs, maps. illus) 15 refs. Other authors: S.C. Wolf. L.R. Breslau, T.C. Johnson and W.F. Hanna. Reports results of a joint US Coast Guard. US Geological Survey study using the CGC Storis 28 Aug — 11 Sept 1969. Seismic and magnetic profiles in the area south of the ice pack are interpreted in conjunction with neighboring onshore geology. Previously recognized eastern and western structural provinces extend north and west of the Lisburne Peninsula into the northern Chukchi Sea. Sparker profiles suggest that the western province is younger than the eastern and has cross-cut it. The Hope Basin in the southern part of the Sea is a flatfloored epicontinental sea filled to approx 3 km max depth with presumed Tertiary elastic rocks, possibly prospective for gas. coal, perhaps oil. The northern part of the Sea is proba-
No. 103591.
103863 GRAVES, M.E. Aircraft reports of cirriform clouds on certain high latitude routes and California to Honolulu. (Monthly weather review 1968. v.96, no.I I, p.809-812, maps, graphs) 12 refs. Examines high-level cloud reports from jet aircraft flying polar routes, particularly those over Davis Strait, Baffin Island, Hudson Bay and the Arctic Basin. The data show that nearly half of the clouds observed above 4 km in the Arctic were above mean tropopause height, and indicate cirrus in the stratosphere near the Pole a few times per month. New satellite-observing techniques for obtaining cirrus height measurements are considered feasible. DGS. 103864 GRAVIS, C.F. Asimmetrichnyye doliny na severe Sibiri na primere khr.Kular. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologii...1965. Materialy, v.3, 1970. p.218-27, map, illus) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Asymmetric valleys in the north of Siberia as exemplified in the Kular Mts. Discusses a type of asymmetric valley widespread in northern Siberia where it is characteristic of small rivers and creeks in areas of low-mountain relief. These valleys have a long gentle exposed slope and a short steep slope which is shaded. Such asymmetric valleys of the Kular Mts area are analyzed and their main features described. The asymmetry is more pronounced in latitudinal valleys than in submeridional valleys. The intensity of the slope processes is discussed in relation to climate, ground ice, etc. Evidence indicates that the formation of asymmetric valleys is directly connected with processes of solifluction. DLC. 359
103865 GRAY, D.R. The killing of a bull muskox by a single wolf. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.3, p.197-99, illus p.146) 2 refs Gives a detailed description of a 53-min contest between a male Canis lupus and a 5-6 yr old bull Ovibos moschatus wardi on Bathurst Island, 28 May 1968. The wolf's maneuvers succeeded in exhausting the muskox. The wolf returned to feed on the carcass for four days succeeding the kill, at least three more times during the summer and, accompanied by a female, fed on it briefly six times in June-Aug CaMAI, DLC. 1969.
in ice-covered water and reconnaissance submarines specially designed and equipped for marine geologic research are discussed, as are sea-bottom working systems and submarine tankers. Small, battery-powered submersibles like the International Hydrodynamics Co Ltd (Vancouver, B.C.) Pisces series I-V are noted; they have side-scanning radar, television cameras and arms to recover bottom samples, but are limited by their inability to surface through more than a thin ice cover. The formation of a Canadian Oceanography Institute was proposed at the end of the Conference. DGS.
103866 GRAY, E. Are airships the answer? (Oilweek 1970. v.21, no.38, p.3, 34) Comments on the economics and some physical problems posed by the use of giant dirigibles for gas transport from the arctic regions, as suggested by inventors in Germany DGS. and the US.
103870 GRAY, E. Manhattan odyssey, oil can move via NW passage. (Oilweek 1969. v.20, no.32, p.20-28, map, illus) Describes the 4500-mi voyage of SS Manhattan, Chester, Pa to Pt Barrow, 24 Aug-17 Sept 1969, with discussion of feasible transit of the Northwest Passage in relation to petroleum and mineral development in northern Alaska and Canada. The modifications of the ship prior to the voyage are stated incl installation of electronic gear and other equipment to measure ice thickness, strength, temperature and pressure effects. Icebreaking efficiency of the ship's bow, the size, horsepower and design requirements for future tankers, and the efficiency of highly sophisticated ice reconnaissance and navigation systems, are noted. Weather conditions, encounters with ice in Viscount Melville Sound, M'Clure and Prince of Wales Straits are described, as is the maneuvering of the Canadian icebreaker John A. Macdonald which enabled the Manhattan to complete the voyage. Observation of the tanker's performance indicates that much larger and more powerful tankers and conventional icebreakers are required, incl many such icebreakers for standby service, also improved ice reconnaissance and navigation, and more training and experience in techniques of handling ships in ice. DGS.
103867 GRAY, E. Canadian ice breaker rescues ice-trapped Manhattan tanker. (Oilweek 1969. v.20, no.30, p.23) Describes the 9 Sept 1969 difficulties of the SS Manhattan in 6-ft thick ice and later in 8-9 ft flat ice and 15-20 ft thick ridges in Viscount Melville Sound. At a speed of 6 knots, the tanker has the capability to break through 4050 ft thick ice ridges, but breakthrough from a standing stop was impossible without aid from the icebreaker John A. Macdonald. It is anticipated that five icebreakers at strategic points will be required for commercial operations in the Northwest Passage and others in the BeauDGS. fort Sea. 103868 GRAY, E. Great Canadian oil patch. Toronto, Maclean-Hunter 1970. 355 p. maps, illus. Reviews the history of the oil industry in Canada, with emphasis on the exploits and accomplishments, as well as the personalities, of various promoters. Factual data and legendDGS. ary anecdotes are included. Incentives key to con103869 GRAY, E. quering ice. (Oilweek 1969. v.20, no.I5, p.I8-23, map, illus) Summarizes some of the papers presented at the Man in Cold Water Conference Montreal 1969, sponsored by McGill Univ and Canada Dept of Industry Trade and Commerce. These papers deal with techniques, equipment and programs required for discovery and development of offshore resources in Canada in ice-covered waters. Permanent structures protected by rotating streamlined fronts to meet the ice in the Beaufort Sea Mackenzie Delta area, and artificial and natural ice islands used as drilling platforms are cited. Development of continuous echograms
103871 GRAY, E. No problems on Panarctic voyage. (Oilweek 1969. v.20, no.21, p.12-16, illus) Discusses the prospective voyage • of the small cargo vessel Chesley A. Crosbie from Montreal to a drilling site near Eureka in the northern Queen Elizabeth Islands and compares the trip with that of the Manhattan 1969. A prospective 11,000 ton sea-lift by Panarctic Oils Ltd to the Arctic Islands, costing $100-120/t is also noted, as are its vessels. DGS. 103872 GRAY, E. Panarctic hurdles big obstacles in developing the "last frontier". (Oilweek 1969. v.20, no.31, p.13-I8, illus) Outlines methods used by Panarctic Oils Ltd in its field operations in the Queen Eliza-
beth Islands, including a gas blowout in the first wildcat, adverse weather and ice conditions and transportation problems. The 1968 program was for a seismic survey, airlift of vehicles and equipment, and supply of fuel; in 1969 more seismic surveys, airlift of personnel, drilling rigs, etc and a larger sealift. The field season on Melville Island started Feb 2, and men, tractors, explosives, helicopters, etc were flown to Rea Pt, 120 mi from the drilling site. Two drillings and a proposed third are disDGS. cussed. 103873 GRAY, G.W., JR. and C.C. POWELL. Sex ratios and distribution of spawning king crabs in Alitak Bay, Kodiak Island, Alaska: Decapoda Anomura, Lithodidae. (Crustaceana 1966. v.10, no.3, p303-309, map, tables) Refs. German summary. Reports a May 1962 trawl survey to locate spawning areas, determine the relative abundance and distribution of juvenile and adult Paralithodes camtschatica of both sexes, and to investigate sex ratios, shellage and carapace length. Discussion and tabulated data are given. Alitak Bay has been a major producer since 1953 and older age classes of males have been heavily cropped. The sex ratio seems to be I old shelled male to 4.1 adult females. Young adult crabs were more widely distributed and had completed reproduction during DLC. Apr. 103874 GRAY, G.W., JR. Tag loss during ecdysis by the king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica (Tilesius). (American Fisheries Society. Transactions 1964. v.93, no.3, p.303304) 3 refs. Since 1954, large numbers of king crabs have been tagged to collect accurate data on growth, migration patterns, mortality, distribution and rate of commercial harvest, as required for management of the rapidly expanding fishery. Experiments to ascertain the number of tags lost indicate that loss of isthmus tags immediately prior to, during and following DLC. ecdysis is negligible. GRAY, W.D., see No. 103738. GRAYZER, M.I., see No. 101773. GRAZHDANSKA YA A VIA TSIYA. 103875 Zhizn' dvigatelya prodolzhayetsya. (Its: v.25, 1968, no.12, p.17, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: A runway de-icer. The TM-59B (thermal machine-59B) deicing machine shown in the figure was constructed by attaching a discarded aircraft jet engine AI-20 to a truck and adding a fanshaped duct with a long narrow slot at its end. The de-icer removes the ice crust, snow, and rime from concrete runways, taxi-ways, aprons,
etc. It has high productivity, reliability, and economic efficiency, and it has been in production since 1967. DLC. 103876 GREBENYUKOV, P.G. Opyt inzhenemo-geologicheskogo rayonirovaniya dlya nuzhd transportnogo stroitel'stva. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1968. v.18, no.11, p.38-40, graphs, tables, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Engineering geology for the needs of transportation construction. Discusses the preparation of engineering geology maps, testing the area from the viewpoint of construction on it, and as a source of construction materials. How unfavorable the main natural factors are to road and/or railroad construction is determined from experience in planning and construction under analogous conditions. A typical area of the West Siberian lowland is represented in an engineering geology survey map with two variants of a road through the area. The main natural factors which determine the complexity of road bed construction are the relief, dynamic processes, lithologic and hydrogeological conditions, and accessibility of construction materials. How unfavorable, may be determined by comparing the projected line with other railroad profiles incl the Tyumen-Surgut, whose breaking up of the relief is given in a diagram with the depth of the relief breakup shown in m, versus the volume of earthwork in thousands ma/running km. These criteria will lead to less expensive and quicker engineering geology surveys. DLC. GREBENYUKOV, P.G., see also No. 108263.
GREBZDY, E.I., see No. 107335. GRECHIN, V.I., see No. 103713. 103877 GRECHUKHIN, V.V. Zakonomernosti izmeneniya fizicheskikh svoystv uglenosnykh porod na ploshchadi Pechorskogo basseyna. (Razvedka i okhrana nedr 1970. v.36, no.10, p.38-42, maps) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Patterns of change in the physical properties of coal-bearing rocks in the Pechora basin area. Petrographic investigations indicate a regular decrease in porosity of the coal-bearing strata and increase in specific electric resistivity, density and speed of elastic wave propagation toward the eastern and northeastern borders of the basin. Regional and stratigraphic changes of the physical properties of the rocks and changes in coal rank are also considered. DLC. GREEN, D.C., see No. 103467. 361
103878 GREEN, L.H. Lode mining Ottawa 1968. potential of Yukon Territory. 28 p. maps, tables, (Canada. Geological Survey. Papers no.67-36) 62 refs Deals with the known mineral deposits, production statistics 1886-1966, and mineral potential. Showings and properties are mapped at 1:2 million, and 183 localities indicated for Ag, asbestos, Au, Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, gypsum, Mo, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, W, Zn and natural gas. An index to geologic maps of the Yukon Territory and adjacent area as of 1966 is given. The paper and map are based on those prepared for the Yukon Northern Resources Conference, CaMAI, DOS. Whitehorse, Mar 1966. 103879 GREEN, T.H. and K. JORDE. Geology of Moskenesoy, Lofoten, North Norway. (Norway. Geologiske undersokelse. Skrifter 1971. no.270, p.47-76 map, tables) Refs. Reports on geologic mapping of the most rugged of the Lofoten Islands. Overall structures were determined and samples collected for detailed petrographic and geochemical studies. The dominant basal rock type of the island is a porphyroblastic monzonitic gneiss with interbandings and gradations. Chemically it differs from the widespread mangerites occurring on other islands of Lofoten. A domed anorthosite structure in the core of an anticline is noted. Pegmatites representing the last recorded igneous event may be related to widespread retrograde metamorphism. Petrography of the rocks is reviewed and main structural and chemical nature characterized. DGS. GREENE, G.W., see No. 103393. 103...0 GREENHALGH, A. Resurrection of the Nonsuch. (Nautical magazine 1968. v.200, no.3, p.150-54) To mark the tricentenary of the Hudson's Bay Company, which was founded as a result of the 1668 voyage of the Nonsuch, a replica is being built in Appledore, north Devon. Comments on the probable cargo of the first ship and on the progress of the second are given. DLC. 103881 GREENLAND. Geologiske undersagelse. Report of activities, 1966. Kobenhavn 1966. 67 p. maps, tables, illus. (Its: Report no.1 I) Refs. Presents 24 summary reports, all of which are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: E. Bondesen, D. Bridgwater, D. Bridgwater and others, P.R. Dawes, K. Ellitsgaard-Rasmussen, A. Escher, M. Ghisler, J. Hansen, J. Hansen and B. Pulawski, G. Henderson, S.B. Jensen, H.F. Jepsen, M. Kelly, 0. Larsen, R. Macdonald, V.R. McGregor, K.R. Pedersen, V. Poulsen, T.C.R. Pulvertaft and 362
D.B. Clarke, D.H. Tarling, B.G.J. Upton, B. Walton (2 papers), and B.F. Windley. DGS. 103 2 GREENLAND. Geologiske undermdse. Report of activities, 1967. Kobenhavn 1968.91 p. maps, illus. (Its: Report no.15) Refs. Reports activities of the Geological Survey of Greenland in the form of 22 brief papers, Ellitsgaard-Rasmussen giving a general review of the year's work. All the papers are abstracted under their authors' names, viz: J.R. Andrews, T. Birkelund, E. Bondersen, D. Bridgwater and K. Gormsen, D.B. Clarke, P.R. Dawes, K. Ellitsgaard-Rasmussen, A. Escher and T.C.R. Pulvertaft, N. Henriksen and W.S. Watt, S.B. Jensen, V. Jensen, 0. Jorgensen, 0. Larsen and J. Moller, L. Levborg and J. Hansen, V.R. McGregor, O.B. Olesen, K.R. Pedersen (2 papers), P.B. Sorensen, J. Sutton and J. Watterson, A. Weidick, and B.F. Windley, qqv. CaMAI, DLC. 103883 GREENLAND. Geologiske tinders°. gel?. Report of activities, 1968. Kobenhavn 1969. 71 p. maps, tables, illus. (Its: Report no.19) Refs. Contains 21 summary reports of the main activities of the Greenland Geological Survey in 1968, Ellitsgaard-Rasmussen presenting a review of the Survey's work as a whole. Each report is abstracted in this Bibliography under the author's name, viz: J.R. Andrews, T. Birkelund and K. Perch-Nielsen, E. Bondesen, D. Bridgwater and K. Gormsen, C.K. Brooks and H. Bohse, P.R. Dawes, K. Ellitsgaard-Rasmussen, G. Henderson, N. Henriksen, S.B. Jensen, H.F. Jepsen, M. Kelly, R.S. Lambert and J.G. Simons, 0. Larsen, V.R. McGregor, O.B. Olesen and N. Reeh, A.K. Pedersen, A. Rosenkrantz, H. Sorensen, W.S. Watt, and A.S. Westergaard, qqv. CaMAI, DLC. 103884 GREENLAND. Geologiske undersogelse. Report of activities, 1969. Kobenhavn 1970. 58 p. maps, table, illus. (Its: Report no.28) Refs. Summarizes the 1969 activities of the Geological Survey of Greenland. Includes 19 brief papers, abstracted separately in this Bibliography under the authors' names, viz: J.A. Allaart, E Bondesen, D. Bridgwater (2 papers), P.R. Dawes (2 papers), K. Ellitsgaard-Rasmussen, C.H. Emeleus and D. Stephenson, A. Escher and others, G. Henderson, N. Henriksen, N. Henriksen and H.F. Jepsen, L. Larsen, B.L. Nielsen, K.R. Pedersen, K. Perch-Nielsen, P.B. Sorensen, B.G.J. Upton, and A. Weidick and N.W. Ten Brink. DGS. 103885 GREENLAND. Geologiske undersoReport of activities, 1970. Koben-
havn 1971. 62 p. maps, tables, illus. (Its: Report no.35) Refs. Contains 20 reports on field and laboratory work accomplished during 1970. The reports are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: J.H. Allaart, J.R. Andrews and others, T. Birkelund, D. Bridgwater, P.R. Dawes and N.J. Soper, A. Demin, K. Ellitsgaard-Rasmussen, T. Frisch, N. Hald, N. Henriksen, H.F. Jepsen, F. Kalsbeek, K. Klitten and O.B. Olesen, 0. Larsen (2 papers), B.L. Nielsen, H.K. Schemwandt, P. Sorensen, N.W. Ten Brink, and B.F. Windley.• DGS. 103886 GREENLAND. Geologiske undersogelse. Report on the 1969 Geological Expedition to Scoresby Sund, East Greenland. Kobenhavn 1970. 44p. graphs, maps, table, illus. (Its: Report no.30) Refs. Summarizes the extent of geological mapping done in East Greenland and presents four reports on the crystalline complex, Paleozoic and Mesozoic sediments, a basalt area, and glacial geology in the Scoresby Sund region. These reports are abstracted under their authors' names, viz: R.G. Bromley and others, S. Funder, N. Henriksen and A.K. Higgins, and W.S. Watt, qqv. CaMAI, DLC. 103887 GREENLAND. Geologiske undersogelse. Report on the 1970... Kobenhavn 1971. 59 p. maps, tables, illus. (Its: Report no.37) Refs. During the 1970 field season, geological teams mapped ca 6000 km' of the crystalline complex and ca 1200 km' of Mesozoic sediments in the Scoresby Sund region, East Greenland. Reports of observations and preliminary results in several locations are abstracted separately in this Bibliography under the authors' names, viz: J.D. Collinson, S. Funder (2 papers), E. Hakansson and others, B.T. Hansen and R.H. Steiger, N. Henriksen and A.K. Higgins, F. Surlyk and others, and W. Watt and M. Watt. DGS. GREENLAND. Geologiske undersogelse, see also No. 104142. 103888 GREK, 0. Ispolin na Yeniseye. Moskva, lzd. Sovetskaya Rossiya 1966. 302 p. illus. In Russian. Title tr.: A giant on the Yenisey. Recounts in prose and verse the events and day-to-day life during construction of Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power plant at Divnogorsk, and development of the town on the site of Shumikha village. Several of the articles deal with the role of the power plant in the economy of Siberia. DLC. 103889 GRENAGER, B. and E. BAARDSETH. Two-stage sampling method of esti-
mating seaweed quantities. (Int. Seaweed Symposium, 5th, Halifax Aug 25-28, 1965. Proceedings. Oxford 1966. p.129-35, map, tables, illus) 3 refs. Describes a new method used during the last five yr in Norway. The first stage is the selection, registering, counting and classifying of primary areas (with sides 0.25 nm) on Admiralty charts. After a secondary random selection, the chosen smaller unit squares are mapped and samples of seaweed cut and weighed. Estimates of means/square and of total seaweed tonnage in the district are then calculated. Stratification of squares according to shore length and degree of exposure to waves serve to reduce standard errors and locate harvestable quantities. DLC. 103890 GRENIER, P.E. and J. DUGAS. Mining exploration and development in Quebec, facts and incentives. (Canadian mining journal 1969. v.90, no.4, p.66-68, map) Areas of interest as shown by 1968 claims staked, include uranium in the Johan Beetz area of the lower North Shore of the St Lawrence, zinc-gold in McKenzie township, asbestos in Maizerets township, copper in Joutel township and Eastmain River area, uranium, copper and nickel in the Otish Mts, and nickel and copper in the Fort McKenzie district and Cape Smith - Wakeham Bay belt. New geophysical and geochemical services offered by the provincial government are noted. DGS. 103891 GRFSHNOVA, YE.V. and others. O vliyanii gidrometeorologicheskikh faktorov na effektivnost' promyshlenno-transportnogo osvoyeniya arkticheskikh rayonov Obskogo Severa. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.33, p.80-86) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: B.N. Kopylkov and V.G. Sukhova. Title tr.: Influence of hydrometeorological factors on the efficacy of industrial and transportation development of the arctic regions of the Ob North. Discusses ways to reduce the cost of developing a natural gas industry in northern Tyumen Province, where the reserves are estimated at more than 16 trillion m'. The quotas of oil and gas extraction for 1970 are cited as 20-25 million t and 16-26 billion m respectively. Production and costs of extraction and transportation from the Medvezh'ye, Urengoy and other gas deposits are estimated for 1975 and 1980, and this supply found cheaper than other fuels from other sources. Environmental factors to be coped with in maintaining extraction, treatment, and transport of the gas are stressed: the large area, its remoteness, severe climate, permafrost ground etc. Physical conditions in Gydan and Yamal Peninsulas are stated. The capital investment required is more than three times higher than in the temperate parts of the 363
country and about 2.5 times higher than in the Urals. Laying the pipeline and measures for reducing seasonal influences on continuous industrial and transportation operations are discussed, as is the reduction of idle time due to effects of low temperature on mechanized equipment and the workmen, considering that labor rates in this region are 4-5 times higher than in the central regions of the USSR. These factors are set forth to demonstrate the exceptional importance of a rational organization of hydrometeorological services in the region. They are fundamental for development and maintenance of the gas supply and further DLC. exploration of the area. 103892 GREVATT, P. A discussion of several automatic precipitation gauges at Schefferville. (McGill Univ. Sub-Arctic Research Laboratory. Research paper 1969. no.24, p.103-114, graphs, table, illus) 3 refs. Discusses the performances and problems due to low temperature of a 12-ft diam snow pillow, Fischer-Porter totalizing gage and tipping bucket rain gage with heater assembly as observed Oct 1966-Apr 1967 at Schefferville. The pillow was not fully filled with 315 gal of solution; until the slack was taken up by snow accumulation, the sensitivity was affected. The accumulation-rate sensitivity is approx 1.0 in./hr. Snow drifted off the pillow until a snow fence was built around it. Sensitivity could be increased by use of a 6-in. diam stilling well instead of the 12-in. The stilling well solution froze at times but the pillow solution remained unfrozen throughout the season. Battery trouble occurred in the Fischer-Porter gage due to extreme cold in the mid-winter months. Coldweather alkaline batteries gave better results. Periodic adjustments to the timing mechanism and punch assembly are necessary even in summer. The tipping bucket gage was unsatisfactory as a snow-measuring device; catch deficiencies appear to be caused by turbulence of air at the orifice and evaporation of melting precipitation from the orifice surface. CaMAI. 103893 GREYNER, G.R. and E.P. KRAYEV. Elektrifikatsiya byta v poselkakh gidroelektrostantsiy Murmanskoy oblasti. (Vodosnabzheniye i sanitarnaya tekhnika 1972. Title no.2, p.34-36, table, illus) In Russian. tr.: Electrification in the hydroelectric powerplant communities in Murmansk Province. Describes in some detail the housing at the Rayakoski power plant on the Patsoyoki River (Pasvikelv). The 270 inhabitants occupy ten two to six apartment buildings, six administrative and cultural-life buildings built by Finnish contractors, and six four-apartment buildings, a school and cafeteria of Norwegian construction. Construction details, the living space, electric heating and lighting and costs are 364
given. Lighting costs 2 kopeks/kwh, heating and hot water 20.4 kopeks/mo/m2 of living area, i.e. 5.51-6.46 rubles for the 27 m' and 31.71 rd2 apartments. DLC. GRIB, S.I., see No. 105008. 103894 GRIBBON, P.W.F. Distributional-type spectra in Greenland montane localities. (Botaniska notiser 1968. v.121, no.4, p.501-504, tables) Refs. Reports on study of vascular plants in the Angmagssalik, Sukkertoppen and Umanak areas to find variations in the biological distribution-type at selected altitudes. The species are classed in high-arctic, low-arctic, and nine other types depending on climatic and environmental differences. These divisions apply equally well for difference in altitude or latitude. Continental and oceanic situations are DLC. distinguished. GRIBBON, P.W.F., see also No. 106462. 103895 GRIBKOV, P.F. K sistematicheskomu polozheniyu kamchatskogo volka. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1970. no.6, p.144-47, tables) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Taxonomy of the Kamchatka wolf. Reviews previous studies and compares size, weight and cranial indices of male and female wolves of Kamchatka with those of the Taymyr, Yenisey basin and Krasnoyarsk Province. The wolf of southern regions of Kamchatka differs from Canis lupus albus and should be considered an independent subspecies: C. I. dybowski. DLC. 103896 GRIBKOV, P.F. Sostoyaniye pogolov'ya snezhnogo barana (Ovis nivicola) v tsentral'noy chasti Kamchatki. (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 1969. v.48, no.11, p.I716-21, tables) 10 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Population consistency of bighorn sheep (Ovis nivicola) in central Kamchatka. According to reports about a thousand sheep were taken annually, 1926-56, after which hunting the bighorn was prohibited. Since then their numbers have increased to an average of 9-11 sheep/10 km2. The sex ratio is 42.7 females to 42.1 males. The young comprise 15.2% of the population. DLC. GRIBOVA, S.A., see No. 102377. 103897 GRICE, R.H. Quaternary geology of the Grand Rapids area, Manitoba. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.3, p.853-57, maps, table, illus) 11 refs. Grand Rapids is at the Saskatchewan River mouth on the west side of Lake Winnipeg. Relict beaches and cliffs and abandoned spillway and stream channels
occur in the area. Much of the Paleozoic bedrock is covered by Quaternary deposits consisting of three or four Wisconsin tills interspersed and covered by glaciolacustrine silts and clays. The events are correlated with the final four episodes in the general history of Glacial Lake Agassiz and it appears that after substantial changes in the drainage pattern, the recent course of the lower Saskatchewan River developed during the DLC. last 8000 ± 250 yr. GRICHUK, V.P., see No. 108158. GRIEVE, R.A.F., see
No. 103591.
103898 GRIFFIN, J.B. and others. Obsidian samples from archaeological sites in northwestern Alaska, a preliminary report. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.2, p.152-56, tables) 9 refs. Other authors: G.A. Wright and A.A. Gordus. Reports the Na and Mn contents and Na/Mn ratios, determined by neutron activation analyses of 103 obsidian samples from the Onion Portage and nine related archeological sites. The occurrence and stratigraphic distribution are noted of four groups of obsidian distinguished by Mn content and Na/Mn ratio. Group B, the largest, appears in a complex with an age of 4000-3900 BC and in another of 1000-1700 AD, group A in complexes dating at 2600-2200 and 1500-500 BC, group C occurs 2200-1800 BC; and group D 400-1700 AD. There are at least four obsidian sources represented whose geographic locations are CaMAI, DLC . unknown. GRIFFIN, J.B., see also No. 102945. 103899 GRIFFIS, R. Genesis of a magnesite deposit, Deloro twp., Ontario. (Economic geology 1972. v.67, no.1, p.63-71, table, illus) 8 refs. Study on the petrography and geochemistry of a large talc-magnesite deposit near Timmins. Central section contains magnesite, talc, quartz and accessory iron oxides. Suggests assemblages represent various stages in progressive alteration of a serpentinite parent rock. Negligible amounts of magnesia were added or removed during the alteration. It is possible a little silica was removed during early stages of carbonatization. Volumetric changes due to carbonate alteration are minor; temperatures responsible for formation of the mineral assemblage of the deposit may have ranged DGS. between 150°-300°C. GRIFFITH, L.S., see No. 105494. 103900 GRIGORENKO, YU.N. Kharakteristika osnovnykh geostruktur Kamchatki v svyazi s prognozom neftegazonosnosti.
(Leningrad. Vses. neftyanoy n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyy inst. Trudy 1969. no.272, p.I15-37, Title tr.: Characgraph, maps) In Russian. terization of the major geostructures of Kamchatka with oil and gas prospects. Reports a genetic classification of troughs and depressions into six types. From paleotectonic analysis, classification of major troughs and other indications, five possible oil-gas basins are defined as the Okhotsk, central Kamchatka, Koryak-Kamchatka, eastern Kamchatka and the northeastern. Together there are prospective areas of 180-200 thousand km2. Suggestions for prospecting are DLC. given. 103901 GRIGORENKO, YU.N. and B.M. TARASOV. Kollektorskiye svoystva paleogenovykh otlozheniy Zapadnoy Kamchatki. (Leningrad. Vses. neftyanoy n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyy inst. Trudy 1967. no.254, p.229-61, graphs, maps, tables) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Reservoir properties of the Paleogene deposits of western Kamchatka. Reports several years of study of the lithology, petrography and reservoir properties of a lower Paleogene terrigenous formation. Permeability is sufficient for commercial accumulations and depends on cement content. Practical recommendations are given for prospecting for Tertiary reservoirs in this region. DLC. 103902 GRIGOROV, A.A. and V.A. OPALEVA-STEGANTSEVA. Serdechno-sosudistaya patologiya na Kraynem Severe. (Problemy Severa 1970. no. 14, p.8I-86, tables) 18 refs. In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Cardiovascular pathology in the Far North. In the Far North, the clinical course of hypertension is more severe than in middle latitudes; crises are accompanied by a sharp increase in arterial pressure, deterioration of vision and frequently by hemipareses, angina pectoris and cardiac asthma attacks. In persons who were ill before coming to the Arctic, the complications occurred during the first year; in those developing hypertonia while in the North, the complications increase in the measure of their stay in the North. The significance of meteorological factors is stressed as is the need for detection and treatment of initial stages and improved medical screening when selecting workers for the North. Data are drawn from Nord's& hospital records. CaMAI, DLC. 103903 GRIGOR'YEV, G.1. and V.P. DOKUCHAYEV. Generatsiya ionosfernykh vozmushcheniy peremennymi tokami polyarnykh shirot. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1969. v.9, no.4, p.650-54, graph) 18 refs. In 365
Title tr.: Generation of ionospheric Russian. disturbances by the variable currents of polar latitudes. Investigates the moving ionospheric disturbances which propagate toward the equator almost along meridians from both the northern and southern polar regions. These moving ionospheric disturbances are considered to be bound up with the propagation of internal gravitational waves in the atmosphere. The generation of gravitational waves of electric currents variable in time in the upper atmosphere of polar latitudes is hypothesized. Electric current in an isothermal atmosphere, ring-shaped, at:=e90-110 km alt and approx 2500 km radius is considered to be present in the external magnetic field directed along the line of gravity force near the geomagnetic poles, and is treated mathematically in elucidating the generation of the relativistic gravity waves which move the ionospheric disturbances from the poladlegions to the equator. DLC. GRIGOR'YEV, G.I., see No. 102653. GRIGOR'YEV, C.V., see No. 107486. 103904 GRIGOR'YEV, N.F. 0 sovremennom promerzanii porod v protsesse obmeleniya rek v rayonakh Yeniseyskogo severa. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Gidrogeologiya Yeniseyskogo severa 1969. p.106-108, graph, table) In Russian. Title tr.: Present freezing of rocks in process of river shoaling in the regionsthf the Yenisey North. In a cryogenic investigation on the lower Bol'shaya Kheta River the point of permafrost formation was fixed in a small area of the river bed. Beneath the abyssal part of the river, there is apparently a continuous talik, inside of which newly formed permafrost outcrops as a baffle plate. Shoaling of the river leads to a swift freezing of the water layer in autumn and this contributes to the freezing of the bottom sediments. The dynamics of permafrost formation are directly connected with the dynamics of the river bed processes. DGS.
103905 GRIGOR'YEV, N.P. Yurskiye otlozheniya Priangar'ya. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1969. ser. 4: geol. v.24, no.1, p.81-87, graphs, map) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Jurassic deposits of the Angara region. Reports a 1965-66 study on the middle and lower Angara, mainly from drillhole data. Sections on the left and right banks of the river are described, including their lithology, thickness and stratigraphic divisions. Two local units are defined and four spore-pollen associations described. The Jurassic facies are different on the left and right banksOaf the river. DLC. 103906 GRIGOR'YEV, V.N and others. 366
Konkretsii v boksitakh Severnogo Urala i Sredney Azii. (Litologiya i poleznyye iskopayemyye 1968. no.2, p.22-32, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: Ye.S. Gutkin and V.N. Dement'yev. Title tr.: Concretions in bauxites of the Northern Urals and central Asia. Diaspore concretions in Middle Carboniferous bauxites of western Uzbekistan and in Devonian bauxites of the Northern Urals originated during early diagenesis and have not been changed by later boehmitization or other processes. DLC.
103907 GRIGOR'YEV, V.N. and others. 0 proiskhozhdenii dolomitov yudomskogo kompleksa Sredney Sibiri. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.184, no.2, p.429-32, map) 15 refs. In Russian, Other authors: M.A. Semikhatov and S.N. Serebryakov. Title tr.: Origin of dolomites in the Yudoma complex of central Siberia. Describes Upper Precambrian dolomites widespread in the Aldan shield and Anabar massif. Primary chemogene and phytogene types predominate. They are not evaporitic, but formed under humid climatic conditions with intense chemical weathering of igneous and metamorphic rocks. DLC.
GRIGOR'YEVA, A.D., see No. 103616. 103908 GRIGOR'YEVA, L.V. 0 genezise shchelochnykh metasomatitov Severnoy Karelii. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1969. ser. geol. no.10, p.57-63, graphs, table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Genesis of alkaline metasomatites in northern Kareliya. Describes the alkaline metasomatites of the Panayarvi Lake region and current views concerning their genesis. From structural, petrochemical and geochemical criteria, a paragenetic association of alkaline metasomatites with intrusions of late leucocratic gabbro diabases is suggested. DLC.
Osobennosti proterozoyskogo effuzivnogo magmatizma Severnoy Karelii. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1969. ser. geol. no.3, p.42-55, graphs, map) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of Proterozoic effusive magmatism in northern Kareliya. Reports a several-year study of the Kuolayarvi and Panayarvi regions. Volcanic formations include basic and acidic effusives belonging to diabase, porphyry and molassecarbonate-diabase formations. Eruption of basic and acidic lavas took place along various faults. Petrochemically the volcanics belong to the normal series. Diabase is characteristic of the Panayarvi synclinorium; the porphyry includes quartz and dacite porphyry. Effusive diabases of the Kuolayarvi
synclinorium were formed after the metadiabase of the Panayarvi region and belong to a molasse-carbonate-diabase formation. DLC. 103910 GRIGOR'YEVA, L.V. Panayarvinskaya i Kuolayarvinskaya zony glubinnykh razlomov v Severnoy Karelii. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.5, p.35-45, map) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Panayarvi and Kuolayarvi zones of deep-seated faults in northern Kareliya. These zones are in the western part of the northern Karelia folded synclinal karelide. The Panayarvi zone takes in the region of ruptures of sublatitudinal strike. It is 5-15 km thick and 50 km long. It had four major phases of development which are briefly characterized. The Kuolayarvi zone in the marginal part of the Kuolayarvi synclinorium extends along the contact of Archean and Proterozoic formations and has a submeridional strike. It is 0.5 to 10 km thick and 80 km long. Its four phases of development are also defined. DLC. 103911 GRIM, M.S. and D.A. MCMANUS. A shallow seismic-profiling survey of the northern Bering Sea. (Washington (State) Univ. Department of Oceanography. Special report 1969. no.41, p.2-39, maps, illus) 14 refs. Documents the results of a summer 1967 survey from R/V Thomas G. Thompson in the area from the Yukon Delta westward to St. Lawrence Island and over the Chirikov Basin northward to Bering Strait and westward to approx 171°20'W. Reflections were recorded from five different horizons along 3900 km of track. The deepest reflector, which probably represents pre-Tertiary volcanic, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and some Tertiary volcanics, is overlain by a thick, faulted and gently folded layered sedimentary sequence. Their upper surface has been subaerially eroded in the western half of the sea but not in the eastern half. Near the Siberian coast, buried glacial deposits are indicated. An extensive Yukon River deposit of presumed late Quaternary age overlies the layered sediments near the Yukon Delta. Features of the present sea floor suggest both erosional and aggradational remains of former sea level stillstands. DGS. Inlet impound103912 GRIMAS, U. ments; an attempt to preserve littoral animals in regulated subarctic lakes. (Drottningholm, Sweden. Statens undersoknings- och forkiksanstalt for satvattensfisket. Reports 1965. no.46, p.22-30, tables, illus) 25 refs. Reports on impoundments with stable water levels at inlets of tributary streams in the regulated Swedish high mountain lake Knits*. The purpose is to improve fish production where artificial water level fluctuations caused a reduction in typical fish food bottom animals.
The bottom vegetation and water supply are noted and the faunal composition discussed. It is important to maintain for the fish some areas with littoral vegetation and organogenic bottoms, with a high density of bottom organisms and a balance of species within the fauna which agrees in main features with the conditions of the original littoral. DLC. 103913 GRIMAS, U. Short-term effect of artificial water-level fluctuations upon the littoral fauna of Lake Knits*, northern Sweden. (Drottningholm, Sweden. Statens undersoknings- och forsilksanstalt for stitvattensfisket. Report 1965. no.46, p.5-21, graphs, tables) 31 refs. Presents data on the bottom fauna of this subarctic, oligotrophic lake and discusses its quantitative and qualitative changes before and immediately after impoundment. Its composition differed from that of older regulated lakes. Within the littoral no depth zones are found with divergent and higher abundance of animal life, owing to a heavy reduction of bottom fauna which extends to areas not directly influenced by draining and freezing. The most important alteration of species balance was the negative effect on fish food organisms and most insect larvae. The littoral fauna, originally dominated by chironomids, changed into an oligachaete fauna. Among the factors discussed, structural bottom surface changes are considered quite important within the shortterm effect. DLC. 103914 GRIMELAND, A.M. Ringmerkingsresultater for sandluper. (Stavanger. Museet. Sterna 1967. v.7, no.8, p.361-68, map, tables) Refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Results from banding of sanderlings. Summarizes results of Norwegian banding of Crocethia alba, which nests in high arctic locations and migrates in large numbers in spring and fall via western Norway. Most recoveries were made in western Europe and northwest Africa. Two Greenland recoveries in June and July establish Greenland as a breeding area. DLC. 103915 GRINBERG, G.A. and K.B. MOKSHANTSEV. Magmatizm i tektonicheskoye razvitiye severo-zapadnoy chasti Tikhookeanskogo poyasa. (In: Vulkanizm i tektogenez 1968. p.86-87) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Magmatizm and tectonic development in the northwestern part of the Pacific belt. Examines the relationship between structural evolution and magmatism. Distribution patterns of formational and facies types of late Mesozoic granitoids in tectonic structures are described. In the development of the Northeast, there were four main stages with different tectonic and magmatic regimes. DLC. 367
and G.S. 103916 GRINBERG, I.N. Usloviya obespecheniya MIKHAYLOV. optimal'nogo rezhima raboty Olenegorskogo rudnika. (Gornyy zhumal 1970. no.6, p.1821, graph, tables) Ref. In Russian. Tide tr.: Conditions for securing the optimum work regime at the Olenegorsk mine. Describes methods of blasting in 1961-69, noting improvements in equipment, and increase in output of blasted rock from 4530 thousand ton in 1961 to 8354 thousand t in 1969. A formula is given for compensation of low extraction productivity during periods of blasting and preparatory work for ore transportation. The one-wk and the recommended twowk cycles between blasting are compared, with the latter shown to offer an estimated saving of DLC. 250 thousand rubles/yr. 103917 GRINKEVICH, 1.1. and A.A. MAICAROV. Opyt raboty Kol'skogo zverosovkhoza. (Problemy Severa 1968. no.13, p.165-71, illus) In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Experience of the Kola fur-ranching sovkhoz. Describes the organization and work methods of this state farm in western Kola Peninsula, one of the largest in RSFSR. It specializes in mink and blue arctic fox breeding, with a 1966 basic mink stock of 10,600 females and a commercial yield of a total of 45,399 pelts. Feeding and care of stock, breeding, rearing of young, etc Intl costs are stated. Successful operation of the farm is assured by a permanent staff, continuous raising of their qualifications through animal-breeding courses, financial incentives, good living standCaMAI, DLC. ards and cultural activities. 103918 GRIP, E. and R.V. RUSSELL. Two new boulders of orbicular rocks from the Skellefte district, northern Sweden. (Geologiska rOreningen, Stockholm. Forhandlingar 1971. v.93, pt 1, no.544, p.177-214, graphs, map, tables, illus) 41 refs. Describes the occurrence and probable history of these morainic boulders. Orbicular rock is rare and probably the conditions under which it can form are also uncommon. The original geologic position, petrography and mineralogy of each is considered. Age relationships of the development are reviewed. Core and shell portions are analyzed. Usually the original shell morphology has been at least partly erased by recrystallization. In one boulder found near a region of Jorn granite, the primary orbicule structure seems to correspond to the older granite of the area, i.e. Jorn granite, and the later migmatization is probably associated with the younger Revsund granite. The matrix of the other boulder, a medium-grained 368
hornblende granite, is similar to the Adak granite. Possibly this boulder was derived from DGS. the Adak massif. B. Ekipazh 103919 GRISHIN, parokhoda "Sovetskiy Soyuz" v bor'be za rentabel'nost'. (Morskoy flot 1966. v.26, no.2, p.10-11) In Russian. Title tr.: The crew of the steamer SovetskiySoyuz in a struggle for profitableness. The Sovetskiy Soyuz regularly transports passengers and cargo along the east coast of the USSR, making stops at Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Nagayevo, and Provideniya. Good service and programs of music and recreation are used to attract passengers. DLC. 103920 GRISHINA, L.A. and N.I. TODOROVA. Fraktsionnyy sostav gumusa pochv Taymyrskoy tundry. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1970. ser 6: biologiya, pochvovedeniye v.25, no.3, p.80-85, tables) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fractional composition of humus in soils of the Taymyr tundra. Studies in 1969 show humus to depend on the soil type and microorganisms. Mineralization favors the formation of humus with primary fulvic acid. The humic/fulvic acid ratio was 6:8 for the sectors analyzed. DLC. GRITSENKO, Ai, see Nos. 103986, 107902. GRITSENKO, V.G., see No. 102694. GRITSIK, V.V., see No. 108118. 103921 GRODNITSKIY, L.L. 0 vertikal'noy zonal'nosti v slyudonosnykh pegmatitakh Severnoy Karelii. (AN SSSR. Karel'skiy filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1969. Title no.4, p.116-23, illus) 18 refs. In Russian tr.: Vertical zonality in the mica-bearing pegmatites of northern Karelia. Reports a study of alteration in the composition and structure of pegmatites in relation to depth. Types 1, II, III and IV in author's classification, described infra, are analyzed and their alteration at various horizons is characterized. DLC. 103922 GRODNITSKIY, L.L. Teksturno-mineralogicheskaya klassifikatsiya slyudonosnykh pegmatitov Severnoy Karelii. (AN SSSR. Karel'skiy filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1969. no.4, p.99-I15, table, illus) 38 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Textural-mineralogical classification of mica-bearing pegmatites of northern Karelia. Reviews other classifications of pegmatites, and outlines the prerequisites for developing a new classification. Its systematic units are described: the structural-mineral complex, gen-
esis of pegmatites, their type, class, and age DLC. group, and depth of formation. 103923 GRONLA ND Landsmaend, medborgere, venner. (Its: 1967, no.10, p.313-17, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: Compatriots, fellow-citizens, friends. An extract from the speech of the first elected president opening the Greenland Provincial Council meeting of Sept 1967. The continuance of Greenland as an integral part of Denmark is stressed as is the need for Greenlanders to have a degree of self-government. CaMAI, DLC. 103924 GRONLAND VED EN MILEPAEL. Kobenhavn, Ministeriet for Gronland 1967.8 p. tables, illus. Refs. In Danish. Title tr.: Greenland at a milepost. Reviews the growth of Greenland from a fishing colony to part of Denmark with representatives in Parliament. Investments, new construction, social facilities, hospital services, industry, electric power, domestic water supply and other aspects of development are noted. Growth of population, and totals of income, occupations and products for 1965 are tabuDLC. lated. GROMOV, A.V., see No. 104975. Note on the north103925 GROSS, J.B. ward spreading of Mya arenaria Linnaeus in Alaska. (Veliger 1967. v.10, no.2, p.203) This clam is now living in concentrations in favorable mud and sand flats in Southeast Alaska waters, and was collected in Prince William Sound subsequent to the 1964 Alaska earthquake. The oldest specimen was in its sixth yr which indicates an arrival date of 1958. DLC. 103926 GROSVAL'D, M.G. and V.M. Mezhdunarodnyye vstrechi KOTLYAKOV. glyatsiologov v Shvetsii i Norvegii. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya 1968. no.14, p.I8-37, maps, table, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: International meetings of glaciologists in Sweden and Norway. Describes the meetings held 8-25 Aug 1967 at the Tarfala glaciological station in Swedish Lapland. The main topics were glacier budget, mass balance, heat balance and meltwater runoff. 27 scientists attended, representing 13 countries. Studied glaciers and other features are described. The 26 Aug - 3 Sept field trip to the glacier regions of Norway is also described. Briefly reported by the same authors in AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1968, ser geog. no.5, p.119-21. CaMAI, DLC. 103927 GROSVAL'D, M.G.
KOTLYAKOV. Present-day glaciers in the U.S.S.R. and some data on their mass balance. (Journal of glaciology 1969. v.8, no.52, p.9-22, graph, map, tables) Refs. French and German summaries. There are four major glacier regions in the USSR: the Atlantic-Arctic, Atlantic-Eurasian, East Siberia, and Pacific-Asian, and they may be divided into 19 separate glacier areas. All the glaciers in the country together cover some 81,900 km2. The main characteristics of the glacier regime, such as the elevation of the equilibrium line, the value of total accumulation there, the vertical gradients of net balance, etc, are estimated for the majority of the glacier areas, incl Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Polar Urals, and other arctic areas. In conclusion, some data on the present changes in glacier regime are given, as well as general information on glaciological studies carried on in the USSR. CaMAI, DLC. GROSVAL'D, M.G., see also 103843.
Nos. 103762,
103928 GROYSMAN, YA.M. Tektonika mezhdurech'ya Khantayki-Kureyki. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1970. v.162, no.2, p.171-86, map) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonics of the Khantayka-Kureyka interfiuve. Presents a tectonic scheme of the region. The upper Proterozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits are briefly characterized. Relationships of the western, central and eastern zones are discussed with reference to the tectonic features of each. The structural position of this region has been interpreted differently by different investigators. DLC. 103929 GRUBE, G.A. and R.S. MURPHY. Oxidation ditch works well in sub-Arctic climate. (Water & sewage works 1969. v.116, no.7, p.267-7I, graphs, table, illus) 5 refs. Describes the design and functioning of an oxidation-ditch activated sludge plant at College, Alaska, which has proved to be an efficient biological process and economical sewage treatment facility. The biological efficiency is apparently not inhibited by the low temperature, nor can mechanical troubles be attributed directly to the cold. Nitrate formation is inhibited when the ditch temperature falls below 12°C. Designing must ensure max heat retention to prevent mechanical equipment breakdown. DLC. GRUBOV, LA., see No. 107112. 103930 GRUSHEVOY, K. Kak my osvobozhdali Severnuyu Norvegiyu. (Kul'tura i zhizn' 1969. v.13, no.10, p.35-36, illus) In Rus369
sian. Title tr.: How we liberated Northern Norway. Describes Soviet operations in Oct 1944 against the German forces in Lapland and the battles for Petsamo (Pechenga), Kirkenes, etc. Author was a commanding officer and member of the War Council of the Karelian front in DLC. World War II. GRYAZNOV, GS., see No. 102689. 103931 GRYC, G. and LL. TAILLEUR. Availability of petrographic thin-section slides from Naval Petroleum Reserve No.4, supplement no.1: South Barrow test well no.2, South Barrow test well no.4, Avak test well no.1. Washington, D.C. 1969. 2 p. (U.S. Geological Survey. Reports, open files series no.1307) Reports that slides of 40 thin sections from the three wells and a set of rock chips from the apparent depths (listed) are available for shortterm loan from the Chief, Alaskan Mineral Resources Branch. U.S.G.S., 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, Calif. 94025. See also No. DGS. 70784, for information on the wells. 103932 GRYC, G. and I.L. TAILLEUR. Availability of petrographic thin-section slides from Naval Petroleum Reserve No.4: Simpson Test Well No.1, South Barrow Test Well No.3, Topagoruk Test Well No.1. Washington, DC 1969. 2 p. (US. Geological Survey. Reports, open file series no.1278) 3 refs. Reports preparation of a set of thin-section slides primarily from the pre-Cretaceous rocks in these three test wells in the northern part of the Reserve. Description of the wells is given in earlier papers, cf No 50307, 61210, 70784. At least 120 slides are available for short-term examination on request to: Chief, Alaskan Geology Branch, US Geological Survey, Menlo DGS. Park, Calif. 94025. 103933 GRYC, G. Geologic and geophysical investigations by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska in 1969. (American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin 1970. v.54, no.6, p.1079-83) Refs. Studies of bedrock exposed at the margins of possible petroleum provinces were made in the northeastern Brooks Range, Yakutat Bay area and St Lawrence Island. Other investigations dealt with metallic mineral deposits, environmental geology, regional mapping, geophysics and marine geology. The selected bibliography for 1969, comp by Margaret Erwin, lists some 90 Survey publications and 32 papers by Survey DGS. scientists pub elsewhere. Geologic 103934 GRYC, G. and others. framework of the "North Slope" petroleum province. Washington, DC 1969. 15 p. 370
maps, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Reports, open file series no. 1313) Paper presented at the 20th Alaskan Science Conference 1969. Other authors: I.L. Tailleur and W.P. Brosge. States briefly the tectonic and geomorphic character of the area north of Brooks Range, Alaska and outlines the history of geologic investigations. The history of the DevonianCretaceous sedimentation and structural control in this region are described, also the lithology, thicknesses and distribution (with isopach maps) of these rock groups. There are good source beds for petroleum-bearing zones in at least five Cretaceous horizons and one each in Jurassic, Triassic and late Paleozoic. DGS. 103935 GRYC, G. History of petroleum (In: Geoexploration in Northern Alaska. logical Seminar on the North Slope of Alaska 1970. Proceedings, p.C1-C10, maps, illus) 12 refs. Traces the course of geologic studies, 190165, noting pertinent reports and maps with emphasis on the 194453 exploration of Naval Petroleum Reserve No.4, and summarizes the geologic setting of the Brooks Range — Arctic Ocean region. DLC. GRYC, G., see also Nos. 101701, 104703. GUBERMAN, F.S., see No. 102846. 103936 GUBIN, M.F. and YU.N. GORNOSTAYEV. Raschet raboty ezhektora v sisteme tekhnicheskogo vodosnabzheniya agregatov ges. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1971. v.41, no.1, p.32-35, graphs, illus) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Calculation of the work of the ejector in the water supply system of a hydroelectric power plant. Calculates the geometric dimensions of the flow for maximum efficiency at standard parameters. Operational characteristics of the ejector are determined and changes in the flow rate and delivery head shown at different water levels at the head race and downstream. Ejectors are used successfully at the Bratsk, Ust'-Ilim, and other hydroelectric power plants. DLC. 103937 GUDINA, V.1. and KH.M. SAIDOVA. Biostratigraficheskaya zona Miliolinella pyriformis v chetvertichnykh otlozheniyakh Arktiki. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.185, no.5, p.1109-1111, illus) 12 refs. In Title tr.: Biostratigraphic zone of Russian. Miliolinella pyriformis in Quaternary deposits of the Arctic. Notes marine Quaternary deposits as widespread in northern Alaska, Canada, Iceland, European USSR, West and Central Siberia, and Chukotka. The foram Miliolinella pyriformis zone is discussed and its spatial distribution
noted including arctic areas of the USSR. Tapn gen et sp is described and illus. DLC.
panella arctica
103938 GUDINA, V.I. and A.V. GOL'BERT. Litologo-paleontologicheskiye issledovaniya tazovsko-sanchugovskikh otlozheniy basseyna r.Turukhan. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1962. no.27, p.90-101, illus) 22 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Lithological and paleontological investigation of the Taz-Sanchugovka deposits of the Turukhan River basin. Reports results of petrological, mineralogical and microfaunal investigation. Sections are described; three units are recognized. Development of transgressions was caused by tectonic movements. Genesis and stratigraphy of the deposits are briefly discussed. DLC. 103939 GUDINA, V.I. Morskoy pleystotsen sibirskikh ravnin; foraminifery Yeniseyskogo Severa. Moskva, Nauka 1969. 80 p. graphs, map, tables, illus. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy no.63) Refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Marine Pleistocene of the Siberian plains; foraminifers of the Yenisey North. Presents results of an investigation of forams of the Pleistocene in the northeastern part of West Siberia and the Taymyr lowland. Microfaunal characteristics of the deposits are given and the foram assemblages of the lower Ob and Yenisey North are compared. The stratigraphy and paleogeography of these regions in the Quaternary are outlined. Some 65 foram species are established, with 37 genera and 14 families represented. A scheme shows a correlation of Pleistocene deposits in the north of West Siberia. CaMAI, DLC. 103940 GUDINA, V.I. and others. Novyye dannyye o morskom pleystotsene Taymyrskoy nizmennosti. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.1, p.40-48, map, illus) 21 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N.A. Nuzhdina and S.L. Troitskiy. Title tr.: New data on the marine Pleistocene of the Taymyr lowland. Reports a 1963-66 study of Quatemary marine deposits in the basin of the Agapa, left tributary to the Pyasina. Three complexes diverse in age and differing in mollusc and foraminifera composition are described. Two new forms of forams Discorbis deplanatus and Elphidium excavatum boreale are described, with comparisons, distribution, age, and other features. DLC. GUDINA, V.1., see also No. 101895. GUDKOV, S.F., see No. 105144. GUDKOVA, SA., see No. 108292.
GUDKOVICH, Z.M., 106113.
Nos. 102709,
103941 GUGUTSIDZE, G.N. and G.P. PROTOD'YAKONOV. Stroitel'stvo opor mosta v slozhnykh merzlotno-gruntovykh usloviyakh. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1969. v.19, no.5, p.10-11, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Bridge pier construction under complex geocryological conditions. Discusses the construction of a 327 m long bridge for motor traffic in a region of continuous permafrost 100-200 m thick in Yakutia. The local climate is dry, sharply continental with air temperatures reaching -60°C. The river bed has thawed ground however at the sites of four of the piers. This complicates construction of the bridge, requiring some piers and abutments different in design and type from the others, as also their foundations, and piles. Longer spans are recommended, inasmuch as the most labor-consuming part of bridge construction is laying the foundations for the piers. A special study is required for the method of pile insertion into permafrost with intermediate thawed layers of disintegrated rock debris. The method tried was subsequently reported by Protod'yakonov and DLC. Gugutsidze, qv. GUGUTSIDZE, G.N., see also Nos. 106573, 106574. 103942 GUILE, P. The Smith-Guile panhead. (Exploration review 1963. no.4, p.37-38) Describes Peter Smith's idea to build a small mounting head by which a camera can be attached to an ice-axe for panoramic photography. The first model was lost with Smith on Beerenberg, Jan Mayen, in 1961. A later model built at Imperial College is now widely used. DLC. GUILLET, G.R., see No. 102216. 103943 GULIN, S.A. Zakonomernosti formirovaniya metasomaticheskoy zonal'nosti. Leningrad, Nedra 1972. 171 p. graphs, tables, illus. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy. v.169) In Russian. Tide tr.: Factors involved in metasomatic zoning. Examples from the central Taymyr Peninsula serve as a basis for formulating a theory of the processes and products of infiltration and replacement during metasomatism. The geochemical behavior of elements and thermodynamic conditions controlling zonation are discussed in particular. The formation of porphyroclastic fluorite-bearing carbonatites in the central part of the Byrranga mountains is interpreted 371
as a so-called explosive effect of alkalic DGS. metasomatic processes.
lected from Iliamna Lake and Lake Clark DLC. areas.
GULSON, B., see No. 101810.
GUNNEROD, T.B., see also No. 105719.
103944 GULYANITSKIY, YUA. Boksitovyye i vysokoglinozemistyye gliny i mineralogiya porod Yuzhnogo Timana. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1969. ser. geol. no.4, p.95-105, graphs, map, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bauxite and high-alumina clays and the mineralogy of the rocks of southern Timan. The southern Timan deposits include pure kaolin clays, kaolinitic argillites with insignificant free alumina, and bauxites of various quality in which the main mineral is boehmite. They were deposited in shallow continental basins with an active hydrodynamic regime and a supply of colloidal suspended matter. DLC.
GUPTA, J.C., see No. 102713.
GUL'YANTS, E.S., see No. 106914. GULYAYEV, G.P., see No. 103058. 103945 GULYAYEV, N. Obraznyy mir khudozhnika. (Polyarnaya zvezda 1967. no.6, p.103-108, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Graphic world of an artist. Discusses the style, choice of subject and linoleum-cut technique of the young Yakut artDLC. ist, A. Munkhalov. 103946 GUNDERSON, E.K.E. Mental health problems in Antarctica. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.55864, tables) 3 refs. Reports on 1963-65 field studies of emotional symptoms of men working at six antarctic stations, with the view that they may suggest research approaches for assessing mental health problems in similarly isolated groups in the Far North. Symptoms, such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, and irritability, were common and tended to increase during the winter months. Emotional adjustment depends on the man's specific job at the station and on the appropriateness of his psychological needs, personality traits and recreational interests for DLC. his particular role. GUNDOBIN, V.M., see No. 107104. 103947 GUNNEROD, T.B. Climatological observations, water level and water temperatures, Iliamna Lake, Alaska, 1966-1969. Seattle 1967-70. 4 no: 31, 37, 35 and 34 p. graphs, maps, tables. (Washington (State) University. Fisheries Research Institute. Circular no.67-I 1, 68-5, 69-8, 70-9) Refs. Continues a series of annual reports, begun in 1961 by W.H. Lenarz, qv, based on data col372
103948 GURARI, F.G. Litologo-geokhimicheskiye faktory formirovaniya i razmeshcheniya zalezhey nefti i gaza v mezozoyskikh otlozheniyakh Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity. (Sibirskiy n.-issl. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy 1968. no.78, ser. litologiya i geokhimiya, p.5-10) In Russian. Title tr.: Lithologic and geochemical factors in the formation and distribution of oil and gas pools in Mesozoic deposits of the West Siberian platform. Characterizes patterns in the distribution of these pools, describes genetic types of source and reservoir rocks, and appraises the productive horizons. Processes of secondary rock alteration are outlined, as is the distribution of organic matter and bitumen in Jurassic and Neocomian deposits. The genetic relation of hydrocarbons of dispersed organic matter and oil is noted, as are methods for appraising oil and gas reserves according to chemical data. DLC. 103949 GURARI, F.G. and others. 0 regionarnykh razmyvakh v mezozoyskikh otlozheniyakh Sibiri. (Sibirskiy n.-issl. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy 1969. no.89, p.13-20, illus) 27 refs. In Russian. Other authors: K.I. Mikulenko and L.Ya. Trushkova. Title tr.: Regional washouts in Mesozoic deposits of Siberia. Pre-middle Liassic, Callovian, Kim meridgian - Volgian, pre-Danian and post-Danian washouts occurred simultaneously or almost simultaneously throughout a large area of Siberia, incl the West Siberian platform, Taymyr and Verkhoyansk troughs and the Vilyuy syneclise. DLC. 103950 GURARI, F.G. and others. Osnovnyye cherty mezozoyskoy tektoniki Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity i krayevykh depressiy Sibirskoy platformy. (Sibirskiy n.-issl. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy 1969. no.89, p.3-12, maps) 26 refs. In Russian. Other authors: K.I. Mikulenko and K.B. Mokshantsev. Title tr.: Main features of Mesozoic tectonics of the West Siberian platform and marginal depressions of the Siberian platform. According to similarity in geologic development and direction of movement, the entire region may be divided in two large zones, the Yenisey part of the West Siberian platform, i.e. the northern and eastern areas of the Siberian platform, and the western half of the West Siberian platform. The great Koltogorsk-Uren-
goy fault separates these two zones. Periods of uplifts and regressions within one of them corresponded to stages of maximal submersions and transgressions within the other zone. DLC. 103951 GURARI, F.G. and others. Tektonika mezozoysko-kaynozoyskogo chekhla Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity. (In: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po tektoniki Sibiri...Mezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p.247-54) In Russian. Other authors: K.I. Mikulenko and V.S. Starosel'tsev. Title tr.: Tectonics of the MesozoicCenozoic cover of the West Siberian platform. Outlines the morphologic and structural history of the sequence of Jurassic — lower Cretaceous and younger deposits capping the platform basement. Regional uplifts and downwarps, as well as local uplifts are widely developed in the central part of the platform. These structures and the Yamal-Taz regional depresDLC. sion are briefly described. 103952 GURARIY, G.Z. Paleomagnitnyye issledovaniya verkhnekembriyskikh krasnotsvetnykh otlozheniy srednego techeniya r.Angary. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1969. ser. geol. no.6, p.69-74, graphs, table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Paleomagnetic investigations of Upper Cambrian red beds along the middle course of the Angara River. Reports a paleomagnetic study of 300 samples from the Evenki suite. The position of the paleomagnetic poles and correlation of paleomagnetic sections indicate that the Evenki and the upper Lena suite are of the same age. Calculation of the coordinates of the late Cambrian north magnetic pole confirms paleoclimatological evidence that at that time the present Siberian platform was in equatorial latitudes. DLC. 103953 GUREVICH, A.B. 0 svyazi uglenosnosti produktivnoy tolshchi severnoy chasti Tungusskogo basseyna s ritmichnost'yu osadkonakopleniya. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1970. ser. geologicheskaya no.2, p.128-33, graphs, tables) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The relationship between the occurrence of coal and rhythmic sedimentation in the productive coal measures of the northern part of the Tunguska Basin. Reports a detailed lithologic investigation of the productive coal measures in the Tunguska series of the Norilsk and Kotuy regions. From statistical analyses lagoonal, alluvial and lacustrine cycles are defined, and a quantitative relationship is established between the occurrence of coal and the thickness of the main members of the cyclic sequences. Such a relationship can be utilized for general appraisal of the occurrence of coal in little investigated DLC. areas of the Tunguska basin.
103954 GUREVICH, S.D. Naystrechu neraskrytoy krasote. (In: Prosveshcheniye na Kraynem Severe...I967. p.109-118, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Towards unrevealed beauty. Deals with folk dance choreography taught and promoted by F.T. Petrova. In 1935-41 she conducted classes at the Institute of the Peoples of the North in Leningrad. Since 1958 she has been going each summer to national districts of the North to rouse interest in folk dance, advise on choreography, etc. She formed the ChukchiEskimo, Nenets Samoyed, Koryak, Ostyak and Vogul, etc folk dance ensembles. DLC. 103955 GURINA, N.N. lzucheniye kamennogo veka na Kraynem Severe. (Arkheologicheskiye otkrytiya 1965 pub 1966. p.60-61) In Russian. Title tr.: Study of the stone age in the Far North. Preliminary report on fieldwork on Bol'shaya Motka and Tsyp-Navolok Bays of Rybachiy Peninsula on northwestern Kola, and at the Pasvikelv power plant construction site near Nikel'. The topography of the neolithic sites is sketched as are their stone artifacts. DLC. 103956 GURINA, N.N. Raboty Kol'skoy arkheologicheskoy ekspeditsii. (Arkheologicheskiye odcrytiya 1969 pub 1970. p.6-7) In Russian. Title tr.: Work of the Kola archeological expedition. Sketches the 1969 survey and test diggings of mesolithic and neolithic sites in northeastern and southern Kola Peninsula. Two 11-12th century Slavic burials found on the left bank of the Varzuga River opposite Kuzomen' are first evidence of Russian, probably Novgorod, settlement of Kola Peninsula in the Middle Ages. DLC. GURNETT, D.A., see No. 105970. GUROV, V.N., see Nos. 102453,102454. 103957 GUROVA, T.I. and others. Opyt primeneniya matematicheskoy statistiki pri izuchenii kollektorov nefti, Zapadnaya Sibir'. (Geologiya nefti i gaza 1968. v.12, no.6, p.3439, tables) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors: K.S. Kondrina, M.M. Potlova and A.E. Kontorovich. Title tr.: Practical application of mathematical statistics in study of oil reservoir rocks, West Siberia. Reports study of the reservoir rocks of Neocomian deposits in the Sovetskiy and Megion oil pools. Five classes of these rocks are distinguished and analyzed as to their permeability, porosity, grain size, density, cement and other properties. Their accumulation took place in a shallow marine epicontinental basin. Their epigenetic transformation is also discussed. The 373
use of mathematical statistics is considered of DLC. great value. 103958 GURTOVAYA, YE.YE. and S.L. palinologicheskoy TROITSKIY. K kharakteristike sangompanskikh otlozheniy (In: Neogenovyye i zapadnogo Yamala. chetvertichnyye otlozheniya...1968. p. I31-40, graph, map, table, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Palynological characteristics of the Sangompan deposits of western Yamal. Reports on the Upper Quaternary deposits in the Sangompan village region. Analysis of the palynological diagrams shows that when the middle and upper layers of these deposits were forming, the vegetation on the coast of the Sangompan sea was changing from mainly thin coniferous forest to forest-tundra. These forests developed in the latter half of the Kazantsevo interglacial. Seven phases are distinguished in the change of vegetation and DLC. each is briefly characterized. 103959 GURVICH, 1.S. Aleuty Koman(Sovetskaya etnografiya dorskikh ostrovov. 1970. no.5, p.I12-23, illus) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Aleuts of the Commander Islands. Ethnographic study based mainly on author's 1968 fieldwork on Bering Island. These Aleuts were relocated from other Bering Sea islands to the Commanders in the earlymid 19th century by the Russian-American Co. Their material culture, social and economic conditions are reviewed, and their acculturation Intl intermarriage with Russians, increasing bilingualism, etc, is noted. The population has shifted to the village of Nikol'skoye since the ban on seal hunting in the 1950's, and some emigration has diminished the numbers. In 1968, the Commander Islands had about 900 inhabitants including 321 Aleuts and 521 RusDLC. sians. 103960 GURVICH, I.S. Etnograficheskaya deyatel'nost' M.O. Levina na Okhotskom poberezh'ye v 1930-1932 gg.; k voprosu o metodike rannikh sovetskikh polevykh issledo(AN SSSR. Inst. etnografii. Trudy vaniy. Title 1968. v.94, p.110-21) 9 refs. In Russian. tr.: Ethnographic studies of M.G. Levin on the Okhotsk Sea coast in 1930-32; working methods in early Soviet fieldwork. Describes mainly on the basis of Levin's journal entries, his fieldwork among nomadic Lamut Tungus groups, setting up of the base at Nagayevo in Magadan Province, drafting of questionnaires, developing of study programs, etc. Levin's fluency in the Eveny Lamut speech helped him establish a rapport with the natives and win their friendly cooperation in answering questions, etc. His initial purpose to study current socio-economic problems developed into a much broader investigation, loci aborigi374
nal social structure, seasonal movements, and economic geography, housing of settled and nomadic groups, effects of collectivization on the traditional way of life, religious and shamanistic beliefs, medical lore and magic, also archeological work and anthropological studies of the Okhotsk Eveny and Evenki Tungus, CaMAI, DLC. Koryaks, and Russians. 103961 GURVICH, I.S. Osushchestvleniye leninskoy natsional'noy politiki u narodov Kraynego Severe SSSR. (Sovetskaya etnografiya 1970. no.1, p.15-34, illus) 60 refs. In Title tr.: ImpleRussian. English summary. mentation of Lenin's national policy among the peoples of the Far North. Considers the basic stages in the political and cultural development of the so-called small peoples of the Far North since the 1920's. Administrative reforms and collectivization, acculturation and education are discussed with particular attention to socio-economic development in the 1960's. The current endeavors to achieve a balance between aboriginal traditional and country-wide socialist cultural elements are noted. Changes in housing, clothing and way of life are dealt with, as are health programs, etc, and the present compliance with individual aboriginal food preferences. DLC. 103962 GURVICH, I.S. Sovjet-Sibirien. (Jordens folk 1970. v.6, no.4, p.352-60, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: Soviet Siberia. Reviews social development among native peoples of northern and eastern USSR since the Revolution. There are some 26 tribal groups in the taiga and tundra ranging from 25 thousand to ca 300 in number according to the 1959 census. Their advances in education, health, social and economic standards are cited as are new centers of culture and industry. The national districts and their role in the Soviet system are sketched as to development of cooperatives, collectives, administrative centers, etc, the training of individuals to become leaders among their own people, and encouragement DLC. of native arts, etc. GURVICH, I.S., see also No. 102443. GURVICH, M.YU., see No. 101687. 103963 GURVICH, S.I. and others. Novyy rayon rossypnoy olovonosnosti na Chukotke. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.185, no.5, p.112-14) 2 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S.F. Lugov, F.E. Struzhkov and V.B. Terent'yev. Title tr.: A new region of tin placers in Chukotka. Describes a new central Chukotka tin-bearing region extending 150 km along a deep fault trending northeast across the basins of the Pegtymel', Kuvet and Kusveyem Rivers. The tin
placers are of various genetic types, but the alluvial placers are most widespread. Besides cassiterite, ilmenite, leucoxene, zircon, magnetite, etc are also present. DLC. 103964 GURVICH, Si and others. Osobennosti razmeshcheniya olovyannogo orudeneniya Tsentral'noy Chukotki, (In: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po tektonike Sibiri...Mezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p.289-91) In Russian. Other authors: B.A. Kuleshov, F.E. Struzhkov and V.B. Terent'yev. Title tr.: Characteristics of the distribution of tin mineralization in central Chukotka. Discusses the genetic relationships of the tin mineralization with granitic intrusions and the structural control exerted by deep-seated faults in determining the spatial distribution of the intrusive masses and the localization of the mineralization. Transverse faults played the dominant role in the magmatic and metallogenic processes. DLC. GURVICH, S.I., see also No. 102461. GUSAROV, B.M., see No. 103663. 103965 GUSEV, A.A. and V.M. CHAYKA. Ekspluatatsiya DES zimoy. (Vestnik protivovozdushnoy oborony 1968. no.10, p.63-65, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Operation of diesel-electric power plants in winter. Describes ways to reduce the number of times diesel-electric power plants are started, also unproductive hours of operation. The latter is especially important in winter when prestarting temperatures must be maintained. It is recommended that water and oil temperature be held at 40-45°C in only one plant which is called the standby, and in a second, the substandby, the temperature be held at 20-25°C. Thus the standby is ready to operate at full load immediately and supply power while the sub-standby is warming up. The temperature of 20-25°C for the sub-standby is that specified in instructions for emergency starting. To maintain the prescribed temperatures, the standby is run until the temperature reaches 60-70°C; when it drops to 40-35°C, the standby is started again. The sub-standby is heated by an electric heater or by OV-65. An electric thermosiphon heater as illus is used in DLC. the cooling system to heat the water. 103966 GUSEV, B.V. Stratifikatsiya effuzivnykh tolshch severo-zapada Sibirskoy platformy po paleomagnitnym dannym. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1970. v.162, no.2, p.116-24, graphs, map, tables) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratification of effusive strata in the northwest of the Siberian platform according to paleomagnetic data. Reports investigation of some 50 sections of
volcanic beds in the Noril'sk-Kharayelakh region in the northern part of the Tunguska syneclise and Maymecha-Kotuy Province. Effusive traps in the Noril'sk-Kharayelakh trough and Tunguska syneclise, and tuffs, alkaline lavas and basalts in Maymecha-Kotuy Province, are early Triassic formations. Meymechites are of Middle Triassic age. The general duration of volcanic activity was not more than one million yr. DLC. GUSEV, B.V., see also No. 102190. GUSEV, N.A., see No. 107184. GUSEV, N.Z., see No. 101730. GUSEV, YU.N., see No. 102361. GUSEVA, A.N., see No. 108319. 103967 GUSEVA, YE.A. and V.P. GORSKIY. IC voprosu o vozraste morskikh uglenosnykh otlozheniy Pechorskogo ugol'nogo basseyna. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.189, no.3, p.595-96) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Age of marine coal-bearing deposits of the Pechora coal basin. Reports an intensive study of ostracod distribution in the Kozhim exploratory well. The ostracod zone is defined and correlated with sections of Vorkuta and Pay-Khoy. Artinskian and Kungurian deposits of the Pechora coal basin have a distinct ostracod fauna representing the Pechora paleobiogeographic province. DLC. 103968 GUSHCHENKO, I.I. Novyy proryv pobochnykh kraterov na sklone Klyuchevskogo vulkana. (Zemlya i vselennaya 1967. v.3, no.3, p.59) In Russian. Title tr.: A new eruption from parasitic craters on the slope of Klyuchevskiy Volcano. Describes the late 1966 eruption of this Kamchatka volcano: at 8 a.m. on 6 Oct, eight new craters formed in a line about 1 km long at 1800-2000 m alt. The highest ejected ash almost continuously; the lowest poured out basalt laya at 1050°C throughout the eruption, creating a fiery stream moving at 300-400 m/hr. By the end of Nov the lava stream extended 10 km. The ejected lava was estimated at 60-100 million m3, and 10-20 million m' of ash and slag were dispersed over a 20 x 30 km area. The eruption ceased 27 Dec 1966. . DLC. 103969 GUSHCHIN, N.YA. Pobeda kolkhoznogo stroya i korennyye izmeneniya sotsial'noy struktury sibirskoy derevni. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. lzvestiya 1971. no.1, ser obshchestvennykh nauk no.1, p.57-64, tables) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The vic375
tory of the collective farm system and the fundamental changes in the social structure of the Siberian village. Presents some 1926 and 1939 census data which include the rural and urban population of Krasnoyarsk Province, the number of workers and employees, collective farmers, craftsmen in cooperatives, and independent farmers and craftsmen; also the number of kolkhoz and sovkhoz members by occupation in 1936 and the level of education of kolkhoz members in 1939. The steady increase in literacy and skilled workers among the rural population is attribDLC. uted to collectivization. 103970 GUSHCHIN, V.V. and others. lspytaniya zaryadnykh agregatov na kombinate "Apatit". (Gomyy zhurnal 1970. no.9, p.41-43, tables, illus) In Russian. Other authors: V.G. Kolesnikov, Yu.L. Odrov, G.S. Torochkov and S.Z. Sokolov. Title tr.: Tests of blasting charges for aggregates at the Apatit Combine. Discusses comparative field tests of seven explosives at the Kirovsk, Yukspor, and Rasvuinchorr underground apatite mines in 1969. Drillholes of 105, 145, 214, and 243 mm diam were used for the charges. Conditions and results are given in a table, and methods of charging shown in two diagrams. More than 1000 t of field-prepared igdanite explosives were used to break down 2968 thousand t of ore; three of those tested were selected for further exploitation. Their use should reduce labor costs and save an estimated 500 thousand rubles in 1970. DLC. 103971 GUSHCHIN, V.V. and others. Opredeleniye optimal'nykh razmerov vypusknykh otverstiy v dnishche bloka. (In: AN SSSR. Kol'skiy filial. Gornometallurgicheskiy inst. Fizika i tekhnologiya...1965, p.98-102, graphs, tables) In Russian. Other authors: P.L. Osatilenko and Yu.l. Dudin. Title tr.: Determination of optimum size in discharge openings at the bottom of the block. Estimates the cost of discharging mineral from the magazine of the workings to transportation level. Observation at the S.M. Kirov mines block 17/18, +419m horizon showed an optimum ore discharge at a 5.5 - 6 m' opening for output up to 160-180 t ore/mine blast. A further increase in ore output by increasing the size of the opening was shown to be ineffective. PLC. 103972 GUS'KOV, A.S. and V.G. KHODAKOV. Osobennosti formirovaniya veshchestvennogo balansa lednikov Polyarnogo Urala v 1964/65 byudzhetnom godu. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya 1966. no. I 2, p.265-67, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Features of the mass balance of Polar Ural gla376
tiers in the 1964-65 budget year. Reports observations continuing from the IGY on water balance, meteorology, actinometry, etc. Data are tabulated on the water balance in the Bol'shaya Khadata basin and mass balance of IGAN and Obrucheva Glaciers. Accumulation, ablation, and temperature regime of these glaciers during the 1964-65 CaMAI, DLC. period are characterized. 103973 GUS'KOV, A.S. Set' na Polyarnom Urale 21 iyunya 1965 g. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy 1968. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya no.14, p.320-22, graph) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mudflow in the Polar Urals on 21 June 1965. Describes this mudflow along a glacial creek of IGAN glacier, right tributary to the Bol'shaya Khodata River. The meteorologic conditions are described. The mudflow, including snow and stones up to 2 m diam, proceeded noisily at about 20 km /hr and produced waves up to 15 m high. Unconsolidated material on steep slopes, and masses of thawing snow are favorable for such mudflows. CaMAI, DLC. 103974 GUS'KOV, A.S. and V.G. KHODAKOV. Veshchestvennyy balans lednikov Polyarnogo Urala v 1963/64 byudzhetnom godu. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya 1965. no.11, p.253-54, table) In Russian. Title tr.: Mass balance of Polar Ural glaciers in the 1963/64 budget year. Presents tabulated data on the IGAN and Obrucheva Glaciers from 1957-58 to 1963-64. Accumulation and ablation vary significantly from year to year. Meteorological data for 1963-64 indicate a negative mass balance for these glaciers. CaMAI, DLC. 103975 GUS'KOV, A.S. Veshchestvennyy balans lednikov Polyarnogo Urala v 1965/66 byudzhetnom godu. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografli. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya 1968. no.14, p.301-303, tables, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Mass balance of Polar Ural glaciers in the 1965-66 budget year. Reports 1966 observations of glacier fluctuation. Components of the mass balance of IGAN and Obrucheva Glaciers were measured and meteorological and actinometric observations made. Comparison with other years shows a positive balance in 1966 for the first CaMAI, DLC. time. 103976 GUSLITSER, B.I. and V.I. ICANIVETS. Paleoliticheskiye stoyanki na Pechore. (Simpozium po voprosam stratigrafii i periodizatsii paleolita Vostochnoy i Tsentral'noy Yevropy, Moscow and Vladimir
1963. Stratigrafiya i periodizaisiya paleolita Vostochnoy i Tsentral'noy Yevropy. Moskva, Nauka 1965. p.86-103, table, illus) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Paleolithic sites on the Pechora River. Describes and tabulates over 1500 animal bones discovered in multilayered deposits, averaging 2.5-3.5 m deep, in the Medvezh'ya cave in the upper Pechora foothills of the Northern Urals as reported in No 71933. The approx 1.5 m thick cultural layer belongs to the late paleolithic so-called mammoth complex with typical upper Pleistocene fauna. A cold forest-steppe environment is inferred from palynological analysis. Cultural remains found in clusters indicate absence of solifluction. The over 700 flint artifacts are mostly spalls and lamellar blades and scrapers without secondary retouch. They are dated to the late Solutrean or early Magdalenian by correlation with Mal'ta and Afontova Gora II sites. The middle or late paleolithic - Byzovaya site (No 87638) on the middle Pechora north of 65°N is also mentioned among others, but its cultural remains, only 15 flint artifacts, and the lack of pollen and spores preclude exact dating. The polar bear bones found indicate marine transgression. Initial peopling of the Cis-Ural North was probably during the Riss-Wfirrn interglacial, with retreat during the Wfirm III glacial, and repeopling at the end of the Pleistocene - early Holocene. The Medvezh'ya site belongs to the DLC. interstadial Wfirm II-III. GUSTAFSON, E.T., see No. 106712. 103977 GUSTAFSSON, M. External and internal irradiation of Swedish reindeer breeders 1950-1970. (Health physics 1969. v.17, no.1, p.19-34, graphs, map, tables) 88 refs. The "'Cs body burden of two Lapp communities was surveyed in June 1967 by a sensitive gamma-radiation dosimeter. The total external radiation amounted to 67 mrad/yr; the external radiation from fallout during 1950-70 is calculated to be about 55 mrad/yr, an average increase of 4% over the natural external radiation. The radiation from fallout, dominated by a contribution of 700 mrad from "'Cs, reaches 760 mrad during the 20-year period. DLC. 103978 GUSTAVSON, M. The Caledonian mountain chain of the southern Troms and Ofoten areas, pt 2: Caledonian rocks of eigneous origin. Oslo, Universitets forlaget 1969. 110 p. maps, tables, illus. (Norway. Geologiske undersokelse. Skrifter no.261) Refs. Describes these metamorphosed rocks from studies after 1959-64 fieldwork, cf No 95871. On megascopic and microscopic appearance, chemistry, and field relations, the rocks are separated into two groups whose age and geologic
history differ. The older rocks, affected by progressive regional metamorphism during the Caledonian orogeny, represent the initial Caledonian magmatism, and belong largely to the geosynclinal stage. The other group, little altered by metamorphism, is thought to be late-tectonic or post-tectonic in relation to the strongest deformation of the area, but. older than the last fold movements. Petrography, metamorphism. occurrence, chemistry and field relations of sub-groups of the rocks are discussed in some detail and their genetic relations outlined. Comparisons are made between the two groups, with those of other parts of the Scandinavian Caledonides, and with alpine ophiolites. DGS. 103979 GUTHRIE, R.D. Paleoecology of a late Pleistocene small mammal community from interior Alaska. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.4, p.223-44, graph, map, table, illus) 38 refs. French and Russian summary. The material was recovered from exposures, mostly mine cuts through the silt, to reach auriferous gravels at five localities near Fairbanks. The age range of the silts is mainly early Illinoian - present. The vole Microtus gre7 galfs predominates in the fossil assemblage, indicating a habitat above tree line with welldrained soils. M. gregalis, Citellus undulates and Dicrostonyx torquatus are not now found in the area however, and their extinction is attributed to a rapid reduction of a preferred habitat at the end of the Wisconsin glaciation. Evidence from large mammalian fossils indicates that tree line was lowered at least 300 m during the Wisconsin phase and that most of the large mammals were grazers. This supports the small mammalian indications that welldrained alpine meadow expanded down almost to the river flats in interior Alaska during the last two glaciations. The distribution changes and extinction of the small mammals are discussed in relation to the intercontinental communities and interchanges within the Beringian refugium in eastern Siberia and Alaska. CaMAI, DLC. 103980 GUTHRIE, R.D. Paleoecology of the large-mammal community in interior Alaska during the late Pleistocene. (American midland naturalist 1968. v.79, no.2, p.34663, table, illus) 43 refs. Studies four fossil assemblages from the late Pleistocene sediments near Fairbanks, Alaska, emphasizing the structure, composition, habitat, and pattern of subsequent extinction of the community. All four faunas were composed predominantly of grazers. Bison, horse, and mammoth were the most common species. Many component species of this complex community became extinct near the close of the Wisconsin glaciation, leaving 377
the comparatively depauperate community that exists in Alaska today. The high percentage of grazers in the fossil community suggests that interior Alaska was a grassland environment during the late Pleistocene. DLC. GUTHRIE, RD., see also No. 104248. 103981 GUTKIN, YE.S. and YU.M. RODCHENKO. Formatsii i fatsii boksitonosnykh otlozheniy Severoural'skogo basseyna. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.5, p.21-34, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Formations and facies of bauxite-bearing deposits in the Northern Urals basin. The Northern Urals bauxite region extends from the Vagran River north to the Shegul'tan. There are three bauxite-bearing regions, the Northern Urals, the Ivdel' and the Karpinskiy. The pyroclastic formation and the carbonate formation in these regions are defined, and the bauxites are attributed to the latter. Its four DLC. main facies are described. GUTKIN, YE.S., see also No. 103906. 103982 GUTS, P.M. and others. 0 rezul'tatakh serologicheskoy razvedki na likhoradku KU na Kamchatke v 1961-1968 gg. (Virusologicheskiye issledovaniya na Dal'nem Vostoke. Vladivostok 1969, p.15-16) In Russian. Other authors: N.S. Yermakova and A.S. Vanenkova. Title tr.: The results of serological survey for Q fever in Kamchatka in 1961-1968. Serological tests were performed for Q fever on 1861 humans, 669 large animals, 309 reindeer, 366 rodents, 50 birds, and 9 others. All results were negative. Only in three human serums were antibodies against Rickettsia burnettii found. DLC. 103983 GUZHAVINA, L. Tseny na produktsiyu rybnoy promyshlennosti. (Planovoye khozyaystvo 1968. v.45, no.11, p.81-83, table) In Russian. Title tr.: Prices of fishing industry products. Discusses ways to raise the profit margin of fish processing and canning plants in the Far East, incl Kamchatka. In 1966 about 44% of Kamchatka food-fish concerns and 33% of the canneries operated at a loss. A major cause is price control applied uniformly throughout the country regardless of differences in local production costs. Pricing standards should make allowances for concerns operating under ecological or technological disadvantages. DLC. 103984 GVIZD', D.1. Ekran iruyushcheye vliyaniye trappov na anomal'noye magnitnoye pole struktur fundamenta. (Leningrad. N.issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.12, p.204378
208) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Screening effects of traprock on the anomalous magnetic field of basement structure. Reports an aeromagnetic survey in the northern part of the Siberian platform. Volcanic traprock composing the upper part of the section has a high magnetic permeability, thus has probably caused no screening effect. DLC. 103985 GVOZDETSKIY, N.A. and N.I. MIKHAYLOV. Fizicheskaya geografiya SSSR, Aziatskaya chast'. 2. izd., ispray. i dop. Moskva, lad. Mysl' 1970. 543 p. maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Physical geography of the USSR, Asiatic part. 2d ed. Revised edition of No 79199, useful indexes of the flora, fauna, and geographic names are included, and the literature references, among other features, have been brought up to date. DLC. 103986 GVOZDEV, B.P. and others. 0 razrabotke effektivnogo vysokoproizvoditel'nogo separatsionnogo oborudovaniya dlya gazovykh i gazokondensatnykh promyslov. (Gazovoye delo 1968. no.7, p.25-29, graph, table) 8 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.I. Gritsenko, G.L. Diadimov and L.M. Sarkisyan. Title tr.: Designing an effective high-productivity separation apparatus for gas and gas-condensate extraction. Discusses the need to improve the apparatus for separating the liquid from streams of gas and gas-condensate. A prospective increase of gas yield in Tyumen to 2-5 million m'/day will render present separators inadequate. Two types of gas-liquid separator are suggested; one is a section of horizontal pipe. At its opening, suspended droplets entering with the gas stream are converted into a liquid film. The other is a battery of separators, their combined capacity sufficient to handle 5-10 times their individual capacity. DLC. 103987 GVOZDEVA, N. Tsentral'naya ploshchad' goroda. (Na stroykakh Rossii 1969. v.10, no.1, p.35-36, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: The central square of the city. Describes the plan for reconstructing the central part of Murmansk with an open plaza where demonstrations, mass meetings, national holiday celebrations, etc may take place. A 19story hotel with accommodation for 1014, civic and commercial buildings are to surround the square. Their general arrangement, architectural features and occupants are noted. DLC. 103988 HAKANSSON, E. and others. Preliminary results of mapping the upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous sediments of Milne Land. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1971, no.37, p.32-41, maps) 7 refs. Other authors: T. Birkelund, C. Heinberg and P. Willumsen.
Of the earlier established lithological divisions in eastern Milne Land in the Scoresby Sund region of East Greenland, only the Charcot Bugt sandstone and the Hartz Fjeld sandstone are satisfactory formational names; the sequence between these is here provisionally called the shale and glauconite series. The stratigraphic series is reviewed, beginning with the Jurassic which overlies rocks belonging to the East Greenland Caledonian fold belt. Only minor faults occur; sediments dip slightly southeastward. Over a portion of the mapped area, plateau basalts rest on what appears to be a very irregular erosion surface. DGS. 103989 HAKANSSON, S. University of Lund radiocarbon dates II. (Radiocarbon 1969. v.11, no.2, p.430-50) Refs. Includes dates for 12 lake sediment samples and two peat samples from Abisko and ten from Vassijaure in Sweden; and pLat from bittsfjord and Bussesund in Norway. DGS. 103990 HAAPANEN, A. Project MAR i Finland. (Finlands natur 1968. v.27, p.2528, map, table, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: The MAR Project in Finland. Outlines the work for birds by Finnish members of the Conservation and Management of Temperate Marshes and Wetlands (MAR) Project, sponsored by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Waterfowl species seen in Finland are mostly feeding and resting migrants or winterers. The Project is concerned with suitable locations. Its main sites for both fresh- and salt-water species are mapped. The importance of the wildlife refuge near Sodankyla is noted. DLC. 103991 HAARLOV, N. Arthropoda (Acarina, Diptera) from subfossil layers in West Greenland. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag 1967. 17 p. map, tables, illus. (Meddelelser om Gronland. v.184, no.3) 32 refs. Identifies chitinous arthropod remains from a section of peat which represents about 2000 yr from approx 1500 BC; the fossils were collected in 1955 from a swamp on the site of Sermermiut near Jakobshavn. The species represented have a present arctic or arctic-northern distribution and are ecologically connected with bogs and humid heaths. The method used yielded material dominated by relatively large and solidly sclerotinized species, without the juvenile and small species which usually occur in large numbers. Species of eight oribatid mite genera are dealt with, also one of Eugantasus associated with specifically indeterminate acalypterate Diptera, a few of which belong to the Agromyzidae. Three of the mite species are new records for Greenland. CaMAI, DGS. 103992 HAARTMAN, L von. Nesting
habits of Finnish birds, 1: Passeriformes. Helsinki 1969. 187 p. (Finska vetenskapssocieteten. Commentationes biologicae v.32) Refs. Describes the nesting habits, nest, clutch size, egg-laying, incubation, and nestling periods for about a hundred species identified by common and Latin names. Average dates for ringing nestlings at latitudes to 70°N provide clues to differences in dates of the nesting seasons. A latin-name index is appended. DGS. 103993 HAAS, J.E. Lessons for coping with disaster. (In: National Research Council. Committee on the Alaska Earthquake. The great Alaska earthquake; human ecology. 1970. p.39-51, illus) 4 refs. States recommendations of. the research team from the Ohio State University Disaster Research Center based on 17 months' observations following the 1964 earthquake. Specific and detailed suggestions are offered for coping with problems confronting a community in the first hours and days after a disaster. These problems are classified as communication, coordination, plans and resources. The suggestions include directions for individual personal safety in response to warnings of building collapse or flooding, coordination, use and types of communication systems, search and rescue work, organization and functions at the community level, planning and preparation for the general problems of any community in face of a disaster. DGS. HAAS, J.E., see also 106151, 108608.
Nos. 106045, 106150,
103994 HAAS, S.B. Marine transport, the Northwest Passage project. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.76-81) Discusses the considerations and activities which led Humble Oil and Refining Co to conduct the test of the feasibility of tanker transport of crude oil from the North Slope to the eastern US via the Northwest Passage and briefly describes the conversion of SS Manhattan, the type of personnel carried, air ice reconnaissance provided and measures for data analysis. Concurrent studies of marine terminal concepts relative to ice islands and land-fast ice on the North Slope and harbor facilities behind Herschel Island are mentioned. CaMAI. DGS. 103995 HAEFELI, R. and F. BRANDENBERGER. Rheologisch-glaziologische Untersuchungen im Firngebiet des Gronl5ndischen Inlandeises. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag 1968. 340 p. graphs, map, tables. illus. (Meddelelser om Grondland v.I77, no.1) 66 refs. Expedition glaciologique internationale au Groenland EGIG 1957-1960. v.5, no.2. In 379
Title tr.: RheoGerman. English summary. logic and glaciologic investigations in the firn region of the Greenland Inland Ice. Reports the results of EGIG 1957-60 investigations of ramming resistance, shear strength, viscosity and deformation under its own weight and under artificial loading, of the firn in place, mainly at Jarl-Joset station. Pt I deals with methods, apparatus, instrumentation and results of direct measurements; IA 2 offers a preliminary glaciological evaluation of the results, among others the viscosity properties of the relatively fluid polar firn above the polar ice, glaciologic interpretation of the west-east profile and the displacement measurements. A fundamental fact emerges. viz for any given point on the firn surface, with no climatic change, the density and all other properties of firn are a function of the depth below the firn surface of the point. i.e. they are independent of time. Therefore, the temporal changes of these firn properties are controlled by climatic CaMAL DGS. changes.
103996 HAM ET-AHTI, L. and V. VIRRANKOSKI. Chromosome numbers of some (Annales vascular plants of north Finland. botanici Fennici 1970. v.7, no.2, p.177-81. illus) 25 refs. Presents chromosome counts for 15 taxa, with locations where found, comparative notes, and comments on other counts elsewhere. DLC.
103997 HAMET-AHTI, L and V. VIRRANKOSKI. Cytotaxonomic notes on some monocotyledons of Alaska and northern British Columbia. (Annales botanici Fennici 1971. v.8, no.2, p.156-59, illus) 29 refs. Reports chromosome numbers and characteristics of a sedge, several rushes, a grass and DLC. sites where collected in 1967.
see also see
No. 101661.
No. 104040.
103998 HAGEN, G. Ulykkesforsikringen
103999 HAGNER, M. Pohjoismainen (Arkkitehti 1972. no.6. p.22puukaupunki. 25. maps, illus) In Finnish. English and SwedTitle tr.: Northern wooden ish summary. towns. Reports on a joint research project of the countries of northwestern Europe, sponsored by the International Council of Monuments and Sites. Its main interest is the preservation of selected towns with substantial numbers of pre-1920 wooden buildings. After an initial inventory, a joint meeting was held at Sandefjord in Norway, with 200 participants. A series of 29 reports is to be published. A resolution was passed that state loans made for new buildings be made available also for the preservation of the older wooden structures. Of the towns cited, eight are in North Norway and several at the northern end of the Gulf of Bothnia. DLC. 104000 HAGNER, S. Cone crop fluctuations in Scots pine and Norway spruce; an investigation based on the cone counts carried out by the National Forest Survey in the years 1954-1962 and on the reports submitted by Forest Service rangers on the cone setting in the years 1909-1961. Stockholm, Skogshogskolan 1965. 21 p. graphs. maps, tables. (Studia forestalia suecica no.33) Refs. Swedish summary. The national surveys compare crops for various years and parts of the country, and the rangers give subjective estimates for a specific district. Sampling methods, cone-counting practices, and diameter classes of trees are stated, and the two systems compared in their overlapping dates. In the north, five poor years usually occur between the years of good cone setting in Scots pine, but as many as 12 consecutive poor years have been recorded. The corresponding periods for Norway spruce are 7 and 11 yr respectively. In the north, good cone setting is not associated with good seed quality, which widens the range of variation. DLC.
104001 HAGSAND, E.
(Nordisk fOrsakrings tidskrift i Gronland. Title 1962. v.42, no.4, p.265-72) In Danish. tr.: Accident insurance in Greenland. Describes the program activated in 1962 for employed and self-employed Greenland residents. With its sparsely populated districts, relatively few medical doctors, and fishing from small craft the main means of livelihood, conditions in Greenland differ greatly from those in Denmark and changes are required in the insurance program. Basis for computations of costs and payments, insurance regulations. and administration are summarized. Danish personnel temporarily in Greenland remain under DLC. the Denmark insurance program.
Engmotimotejen, en nyhet for Norrland. (Norrbottens Iantmannablad 1966. no.2, p.27-29, tables) In Swedish. Tide tr.: Engmo timothy, new for Norrland. Discusses experiments with grasses for hay crops in northern Sweden, and Engmo, a variety of high quality developed in Troinso, northern Norway. The first cutting of Engmo gave better yields than the favorite Swedish varieties, but second growth was relatively poorer. It appears to overwinter better than the Swedish timothy, however, and is recommended for inland and upland locations, where winters are hardest and ice develops on fields. DLC.
HAGGE, D.E., see No. 102011.
Indirect evi-
dente of daytime aurora at conjugate points. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1968. v.30, no.9, p.1649-55. graphs, table) Refs. Discusses the opposite solar illumination conditions at the conjugates Macquarie Island and Kotzebue, which permit a study of the daytime cosmic noise absorption events associated with visual aurora displays. The mean absorption ratio, derived from the related auroral absorption events for these conjugates, varies throughout the year, reaching its minimum during the northern summer. The average time lag between the associated events is related to the mean absorption ratio. The method discussed enables study of the motion of the daytime aurora over large distances, using a chain of riometers and all-sky cameras at several conDLC. jugate points in the two hemispheres. 104003 HAJNAL, Z. A two-layer model for the earth's crust under Hudson Bay. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 1969. no.68-53, p.326-36, graphs, map, table, illus) 16 refs. The present interpretation of the primary and some significant correlatable later arrival data from the east-west line of the 1965 Hudson Bay crustal seismic experiment reveals both an intermediate and the Mohoroviai'c discontinuities. Both show significant structural relief and a gentle decrease in depth from west to east, interrupted by a significant high just west of Gilmour Island. All field and computed CaMAI, DGS. data are tabulated. 104004 HAKKILA, J.O. Place of petroleum in Alaskan resource development. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.391-94) Petroleum has functioned as a catalyst for regional growth; however, before Alaskan growth and American economic growth become synonymous, oil will need to react favorably with agriculture, transportation and the rest of private enterprise to make this a leading region of the country. CaMAI, DGS. 104005 HAKULINEN, K. Alueellisia laskelmia Suomen vfiestosta 1910-60. (Terra 1968. v.80, no.4, p.128-41, graph, maps) 18 refs. Title tr.: Calculations of populaIn Finnish. tion distribution in Finland 1910-60. The position of the mean point and index of concentration for 1910-60 and the regional density in 1960 are discussed and mapped. CaMAI, DGS. 104006 HALD, N. Investigation of the igneous rocks on Hareeen and western Nfigssuaq, West Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970 pub 1971. no.35, p.11-13) 7 refs. Summarizes preliminary interpretations of petrology and stratigraphy of Tertiary basalt
lavas on Hareeen and nearby mainland localities near Disko, West Greenland. Main types of lavas are a lower olivine porphyry formation and an upper, chiefly plagioclase porphyry formation. The two formations are separated by a NNE-striking fault. Both pahoehoe and as lavas are found. Sedimentary layers including a 1-m-thick coal seam are interbedded with the basalts. Overlying late glacial, well sorted layers of clay, sand, gravel, and conglomerate are noted. DOS . 104007 HALL, A.B. Breeding birds of an East Greenland valley 1962. (Dansk omithologisk forening. Tidsskrift 1966. v.60, no.4, p.175-85, maps, tables, illus) Refs. Danish summary. Reports on July-Sept observations in southern Scoresby Land by members of the Oxford Univ Expedition to East Greenland. 29 species were seen, of which 14 were breeding, and four others probably breeding in or near the area. The significance of meadow pipits and Lapland buntings is discussed in connection with the warming climate and adequate vegetation. The golden plover are ascribed to the race Pluvialis apricaria apricaria. Brief accounts are given of the other birds. DLC. 104008 HALL, A.B. and G.P. ARNOLD. Brief observations on a pair of red-throated divers, Gavia stellate, nesting in East Greenland. (Dansk ornithologisk forening. Tidsskrift 1966. v.60, no.3, p.141-45, graph, table) Refs. Dansih summary. Describes activities of adults and two chicks at a nest site 71°23'N 24°25'W in southern Scoresby Land. The observations, mainly from a blind, concerned care of the young recently hatched at the nest and the feeding of fish to the young when they approached the water. Attitude toward various birds flying overhead is also noted. DLC. 104009 HALL, D.H. A seismic-isostatic analysis of crustal data from Hudson Bay. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 1969. no.68-53, p.337-64, graphs, illus) 25 refs. Describes a set of calculations to compare crustal seismic sections isostatically without reference to gravity data. When applied to interpretation of the 1965 seismic results of Hudson Bay and the surrounding areas, these methods indicated that the depth of compensation is probably near 60 km; that the crustal section along lat 60° has a block structure with blocks not in mutual isostatic equilibrium; the west and central part of the Bay is in equilibrium with the Precambrian Shield area south and west of the Bay; the extreme western part of the Bay north of 58°N and a narrow, northsouth block at 86°W are isostatically "light"; a 200-km wide block running southwest from Mansel Island is "heavy". CaMAI, DOS. 381
104010 HALL, ES.,, JR. Avian remains from the Kangiguksuk site, northern Alaska. (Condor 1969. v.71, no.1, p.76-77, table) 6 refs. The site at the confluence of Kangiguksuk Creek and Noatak River in the Brooks Range was a single house inhabited by an Eskimo family for approx 4 yr around 1578 AD (dendrochronologic analysis of house post). Bird remains found include red-throated and arctic loon, whistling swan, rough-legged hawk, falcon, willow ptarmigan, common raven and gull (or tern). Methods of hunting and probable uses of birds by these Eskimos are discussed. The ptarmigan was the primary bird hunted and most probably was captured with snares and nets. DI. 104011 HALL, E.S.„ JR. "Iron dog" in northern Alaska. (Anthropologica 1971. v.13, no.I/2, p.237-54, tables) 10 refs. Deals with the introduction of the snowmobile to Noatak village, its effects on the native culture, and changes still to come. The two original Eskimo groups, the Naupaktomiut and Noatagmiut, who inhabit the region, are noted, as are the course of acculturation 1850-1965, and the seasonal round of the subsistence economy activities in the mid-1960's when the snowmobile was introduced. By 1968 there were 19 in the village. The cost and maintenance of the machines tie the villagers more closely to a wage economy. A new technology is learned; changes made in the gear for winter trips; a special low, side sled for towing behind the snowmobile; less use of dogs; of 36 families using 48 snowmobiles, only 20 still keep dogs. Reversing traditional Eskimo practice women may become the primary dog handlers. As the dog population declines, large supplies of feed need not be caught and stored. Hunting trips are simplified as two or more hunters travel together on separate machines, and the hunt takes about two days instead of 5-15. The caribou are chased down into a valley,and shot as they struggle uphill, and six carcasses are a snowmobile sled load. The yearly caribou kill will probably increase, tW salmon and moose take decline and stocks increase. With increased traffic between villages, marriage and resident patterns, spread of diseases, will change. Despite its adaptation to the local environment and hunting patterns, the snowmobile is accelerating the trend to westernization. It affords anthropologists the opportunity to study the change caused by a single technological advance. CaMAI, DSI. 104012 HALL, G.M. Wilderness Conference wrap-up. (Sierra Club bulletin 1969. v.54, no.4, p.5-7, illus) Summarizes comments to the 11th Biennial Wilderness Conference in Mar 1969, concerning the destruction of marketable timber in Southeast Alaska, of which the US Forest Serv382
ice plans to cut 98%, incl finest stands of oldgrowth forest. Sales of approx 4,150,000 acres in the last five yr are noted. Destruction of the tundra by the oil prospecting and development on the North Slope is also noted. DI. HALL, J., see No. 104270. HALL, J.K., see No. 108497. HALL, WS. see No. 101883. 104013 HALLAP, V. Yedinichnyye dvoynyye smychnyye v finno-ugorskikh yazykakh. (Sovetskoye finno-ugrovedeniye 1969. v.5, no.2, p.89-102) Approx 40 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Single and geminate stops in Finno-Ugric languages. Comparative phonological study of intervocalic consonants, incl Lappish. DLC. 104014 HALLMAN, A. Loner det sig att plantera skog? (Norrbottens lantmannablad 1965. no.6, p.112-13, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: Does it pay to plant forest? Discusses the economy of replanting newly cut forest land with seedlings. Natural regeneration entails a 10% loss of growing time and profits. Figures are adapted to conditions in northern Sweden where the higher latitude and elevation must be taken into account. DLC. 104015 HALLWORTH, R. Last flowers on earth. Maidstone, Angley Book Co. 1967. l67p. map, illus. Unofficial account of the Royal Navy East Greenland Expedition in July-Aug 1966, a 12man party led by Lt-Cdr C.M. Stocken for exploration in Schweizerland, north of Kungmint, also botanical and geological collecting in the area. Rock climbing, problems of supply and movement in the difficult mountain and glacier environment, and information generally on the area are summarized. Loss of the leader and one other of the party due to accidents is noted. Stocken's plant collection was taken to Leicester Univ, England. DLC. 104016 HALMOS, E.E.,, JR. Permafrost will be a key factor in arctic pipelining. (Pipeline engineer international 1969. v.41, no.13, p.44, 48-49, map, illus) Deals briefly with the vertical and geographic distribution of permafrost in North America, types of its formation and balance of temperature variations and its freeze-thaw behavior. Section drawings of above-ground utilidors and insulated water lines are given. DI. 104017 HAMAR, G. Platysolenites antiquissimus Eichw. (Vermes) from the Lower Cambrian of northern Norway. (Norway. Geologiske undersokelse. Skrifter 1967. no.249, pt.2, p.89-95, illus) Refs.
Describes fossils occurring in a reddishbrown shale belonging to the lower part of the Lower Cambrian in the Dividal Group, and in a green shale of the Breivik Formation of the Vestertana Group. The fauna were evidently worms, the original tube flexible and helicalshaped. A new diagnosis is given for the genus, which is tentatively assigned to fam Serpulidae Burmeister. DGS. 104018 HAMELIN, L.E. De Winnipeg au Keewatin, ['excursion de l'A.C.G. (Revue de geographic de Montreal 1971. v.25, No. I, p.89-94, illus) 7 refs. In French. Title tr.: From Winnipeg to Keewatin, the Canadian Association of Geographers' field trip. Reviews this 5-12 June 1970 field trip with comment on the Thompson nickel-mining development and the hydroelectric power plant on the Nelson River. The principal aspects of the economic and human geography of Northern Manitoba were observed and, in Keewatin, the arctic relief and vegetation, shore ice, and communities of Eskimo Point and Rankin Inlet. Data are given on the geomorphology and glaciology of Hudson Bay. The distinction is stressed between periglacial phenomena occurring in organic formations and those which have developed mainly out of mineral matter, the latter to be observed from Churchill to Rankin, the former found mainly in the Hudson Bay Lowlands between Gillam and Churchill, predominantly groups of palsas and vegetative networks. Some hydrographic patterns developed on organic matter, string bogs etc are illus, as are fluvial features, thermokarst topography and ice wedge polygons_ Shore ice, drifting ice, and polynyas are noted as seen from the air. CaMAI, DLC. 104019 HAMELIN, L.E. Le glaciel de lakoutie, en Siberie nordique. (Cahiers de geographic de Quebec 1969. v.13, no.29, p.205216, map, illus) 8 refs. In French. Title tr.: Floating river ice of Yakutia in northern Siberia. Describes the river banks and the role of river ice in their formation and the modeling of their relief, as observed along the Lena at the confluence of the Aldan and along the Aldan below Amga in summer 1969. Among the general mechanisms of regional ice work, author notes the great ice thickness, irregular stream courses, jams and breakups, seasonal highwater levels, entrenched valleys, supply of material to the banks, etc. The principal form discussed is termed bechevnik, the terrace exposed after high water, which is reworked by floating ice. Terraces of erosion and of accumulation are distinguished and some 20 of their minor relief forms described in categories of denudation and erosion, protection, accumulation, and reworked forms. CaMAI. DGS.
and A. 104020 HAMELIN, L.E. "L'Hudsonie", programme de CAILLEUX. recherches au Centre d'etudes nordiques de rUniversite Laval. (Cahiers de geographic de Quebec 1968. v.I2, no.26, p.277-82, map, Title tr.: The Hudson illus) Refs. In French. Bay project, research program of the Centre &etudes nordiques, Laval University. This 10-yr multidisciplinary research program initiated in 1967-68 is to define the degree of habitability of the principal environments on the east coast of Hudson Bay. The results are to be utilized in educational, administrative. and economic planning for the natives of the area. Systematic studies in ecology, biology. anthropology, and earth sciences are under way. The study area extends from James Bay to Foxe Peninsula on Baffin Island. CaMAI, DLC. 104021 HAMELIN, L.E. Un indice circumpolaire. (Annales de geographic 1968. v.77, no.422, p.414-30, map, tables) 50 refs. In French. English summary. Title tr.: A circumpolar index. Proposes a new quantitative polar index based on ten criteria: latitude, number of days with temperature above 42°F, negative thermal index, types of ice, precipitation, vegetation cover, accessibility other than by air, air services, population, and economic activity. Each criterion is valued at 100 polar values (VAPO). The southern limit of the northern region is placed at the 200 VAPO line. From south to north, a latitudinal regional pattern of four subdivisions, Pre-North, Middle North, Far North and Extreme North, are separated by the 500 and 800 VA PO lines. The major part of the Arctic Ocean and Greenland are in the Extreme North; two thirds of Alaska and the USSR and all of non-temperate Scandinavia can be classed as Middle North. CaMAI, DGS. 104022 HAMELIN, L.E. Nord canadien oil es-tu? (Forces Hydro-Quebec 1970_ no.10, p.36-41, map, table, illus) 4 refs. In French. English, German, Italian, Russian and Title tr.: Canadian Spanish summary. North, where are you? Discusses the definition of the Canadian North and related concepts of arctic and polar, indicating the general vagueness of terminology and of the concepts. A map is presented showing four zones, pre-north, middle north, far north and extreme north, based on an index termed VAPO (valeur polaire) which takes ten physical and social factors into account. The pole theoretically has a value of 1000 VAPO, and a value to 200 is required for northern. VAPO values are tabulated for 22 sites, 18 of CaMU, DLC. them settlements in Canada. HAMELIN, L.E., see also No. 102731. 383
104023 HAMILTON, T.D. Glacial geology of the lower Alatna valley, Brooks Range, Alaska. (Geological Society of America. Special paper 1969. no.123, p.I81-223, maps, tables, illus) 21 refs. In: United States contributions to Quaternary Research. Papers prep on the occasion of the 8th Congress of the International Association for Quaternary Research, Paris, France, 1969. Each of three major glaciations in this valley is marked by a separate set of glacial facets along the flanks of the upper valley and by a distinct drift sheet farther south. The oldest episode is correlated with an Illinoian ice advance farther west. During the Kobuk glaciation, ice advanced to a maximum position beyond the Alatna valley mouth and later readvanced. Radiocarbon analyses have provided neither precise nor closely limiting ages for this phase: it may be late Illinoian or early Wisconsin in age. The Itkillik glaciation left moraines representing four stages, the Siruk Creek, Chebanika, Helpmejack and Rangefront drifts. All are assigned to the late Wisconsin on the basis of slight postglacial modification of the drift, correlations with dated Itkillik events elsewhere, and radiocarbon dates from Alatna valley. DGS. HAMILTON, T.D. see also No. 101789. 104024 HAMILTON, W.L. M icropartide deposition on polar ice sheets. (Dissertation abstracts 1969. v.30, no.4, p.1754-B) Order no.69- 15,924. PhD thesis, Ohio State Univ 1969. 130 p. Also pub in: Ohio State Univ. Institute of Polar Studies. Report no. 29 (77 p.) Studies of >0.6 micron diam microparticles of water-insoluble, natural dust deposited on the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. Their variation in kind, concentration and size distribution mostly results from seasonal and regional differences in temperature and precipitation rate. Some of these particles are active as nuclei in the formation of snow, others are scavenged (swept) from the atmosphere by falling snow. The effects of temperature on nucleation and of atmospheric dust concentration controlled by the precipitation rate, on scavenging, lead to seasonal patterns of deposition. This pattern in several-hundred-yr-old Greenland ice shows a spring maximum, sumDGS. mer minimum and fall peaks. HAMILTON, W.L., see also No 107034. 104025 HAMMARLIN, N. Arbetarskydd i aktiv samverkan over hela landet. (Arbetarskyddet 1963. v.51, no.2, p.40-4I, map) In Title tr.: Concurrence in workers' Swedish. protection throughout the country. Summarizes the plan for occupational protection on which the Swedish construction association and the construction workers asso384
ciation have agreed. The country • is to be divided into 14 districts, three of them include the northern and mountain regions. Each district is to have a central office and personnel to provide information and training, to assist local committees in labor interests, job detail and financial matters. Working conditions are expected to be improved more readily under DLC. this plan. 104026 HAMMER, M. Some oribatids from Kodiak Island near Alaska. Kobenhavn 1967. 25p. tables, illus. (Acta arctica no.14) 11 refs. Describes 25 species collected in five arctic and four subarctic localities in 1962. The importance of this unglaciated refuge for the oribatid fauna remains inconclusive. CaMAI, DLC. HAMMES, L.M., see No. 102486. 104027 HANCOCK, D. David Hancock reports on the Bald Eagle Research Project. (Canadian audubon 1966. v.28, no.3, p.88-92, illus) Reviews effect of pesticides, establishment of bald eagle preserves, human disturbance during study of the birds, and the need for more research before a constructive management program can be devised. An intensive study in remote coastal British Columbia and Alaska, where the eagle has been relatively undisturbed, is briefly reported. CaMM. 104028 HANCOCK, D. West coast eagle survey. (Canadian audubon 1965. v.27, no.2, p.37-41, illus) Presents preliminary notes on the author's study of the bald eagles on the coast of British Columbia. To evaluate suspected general decline and reduced nesting success, the same biological factors must be examined in disturbed populations and in the relatively healthy and undisturbed eagle population of remote BC. Eagle-watchers keep daily records of feeding, observations and numbers of eagles seen. CaMM. Early 104029 HANDFIELD, R.C. Cambrian coral-like fossils from the northern cordillera of western Canada. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.4, pt.1, p.782-85, maps, illus) 7 refs. Reports on Tabulaconus kordeae n gen n sp, from the Sekwi formation in the Mackenzie Mts of MacKenzie District and the Atan Group in the Cassiar Mts of British Columbia. It consists of small, conical shells with a layered external wall and abundant tabulae. It is placed in fam Gastroconidae previously known only from Siberia. Its early Cambrian age is based on associated archeocyathids and triloDGS. bites.
104030 HANDFIELD, R.C. Sekwi Formation, a new Lower Cambrian formation in the southern Mackenzie Mountains, District of Ottawa, Mackenzie (95 L, 105 I, 105 P). Queen's Printer 1968. 23 p. map, table, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-47). 12 refs. Proposes this name for a distinct fossiliferous carbonate unit that outcrops in a northwest-trending belt, 160 x 60 mi, near the boundary between Mackenzie and Selwyn Mts. At the type section in the• Sekwi Range, 63°33'N 128°44'W, the formation consists of 2525 ft of orange and gray weathering limestone, dolostone and sandy dolostone. Eastward the formation changes fades to sandstone, southwestward to argillite and shale. Early Cambrian trilobites and archaeocyathids are found throughout the formation. CaMAI, DGS. 104031 HANKINSON, F.C. Petrographic evaluation of coking potential of College, selected Alaskan coals and blends. Alaska 1965. 35 p. graph, tables, illus. (Alaska, Univ. Mineral Industry Research Laboratory. MIRL Report no.3) 22 refs. Petrographic examination of mine coals from four Matanuska Valley mines gives data on the preparation and coking, and indicates the strength characteristics of certain Alaska coals. The inert percentages of these coals and blends are below those required for optimum coking conditions. All coals from this valley are rich in vitrinite and low in inertinite macerals. Coherent coke products may be made by blending Lower Castle Mountain coal with non-coking high volatile bituminous seams of DGS. Matanuska Valley. 104032 HANNA, C.D. Fossil diatoms from the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea, Alaska. (California Academy of Sciences. Proceedings 1970. v.37, no.5, p.I67-234, maps, illus) 47 refs. Study of material from 11 localities on St Paul (mainly) and St George Islands collected during 1916-62 by various individuals. The samples are all from sedimentary country rock exposed in coastal cliffs along the volcanic islands, except some silty sand from one 400-ft well. Some of the most common species of diatoms are extinct; the flora confirms the Pliocene age of the sediments based on the molluscan fauna (DaII, 1899, 1919). The assemblage of some 56 diatom sp includes three described as new. Three silicoflagellate sp, incl Mesocena corona n sp, and one Ebriata, Ebriopsis antiqua, also DGS. are reported. HANNA, W.V., see Nos. 103860, 103861. 104033 HANNELL, F.G. Research pro-
jects at Resolute. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.1, p.4244) 2 refs. States the summer 1967 work of the Arctic Research Group of McMaster Univ Geography Dept on coastal geomorphology, soils, and subsurface microclimatology. Both raised shorelines and modern beach forms and processes were studied. The pedologists sought to identify the field properties and physical characteristics of surface materials in a selected area of polar desert environment and to measure the degree of chemical weathering. Microclimatic measurements of temperatures at various soil depths and modification experiments showed that polyethylene greenhouses can raise temperatures 26 to 8°F at the surface to 12 in depth. CaMAI, DLC. and R.H. 104034 HANSEN, B.T. STEIGER. Geochronology of the Scoresby Sund area; progress report 1: Rb/Sr mineral ages. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1971, no.37, p.55-57, table) 2 refs. Reports Rb/Sr datings of rocks collected by field geologists in the Scoresby Sund region, East Greenland. The age determinations were carried out at the Institut fur Kristallographie and Petrographie of the EidgenOssische Techftische Hochschule in Zurich. Ages range from 1154 ± 25 to 395 ± 5 MY. Each rock type is briefly described. DGS. 104035 HANSEN, H.H. Klaedt i skind. (Jordens folk 1968. v.4, no. I, p.208-211, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: Clad in skins. Notes adoption of the West European style of dress by the peoples throughout the world, and cites the Eskimo skin costume as a work of art well adapted to its use. Eskimos of both sexes dress in trousers, boots, hooded jackets, and mittens. Each wears two thicknesses of clothing, the inner with fur side in and the outer with fur side out. The garments fit over one another in a way to allow ventilation and leave the body dry and warm even during hard physical labor. Though this dress is disappearing in Greenland it is still in use by the northDLC. erly Eskimos of Canada and Alaska. 104036 HANSEN, J. Report on the survey of beryllium, niobium, uranium and thorium mineralization in the Ilimaussaq complex, south Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.47-49, tables) Relates mineralogical occurrence of these four minerals to hydrothermal veins and host rock of the llimaussaq alkaline intrusive, south Greenland. Chemical analyses of beryllium and niobium are tabulated. Detailed study shows that the uranium-thorium mineralization on the Kvanefjeld plateau is greater than ear385
lier suggested. Survey of water supply for ore flotation has begun as part of the International Hydrological Decade Program. The scintillation counter and other instruments are DGS. described. 104037 HANSEN, J. Study of the radioactive veins containing rare-earth minerals in the area surrounding the llimaussaq alkaline intrusion in south Greenland; Contribution to Kobenthe mineralogy of Ilimaussaq no.12. havn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag 1968. 47 p. maps, graphs, tables, illus) (Meddelelser om Gronland. v.181, no.8) 48 refs. Russian summary. Also pub as: Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Bulletin no.76. Reports field studies of radioactivity and laboratory work on petrography, mineralogy with autoradiography, and differential thermal, thermoluminescence and chemical analyses. Describes six types of radioactive veins containing the rare-earth minerals monazite and bastnaside, found in tension joints in Precambrian sandstone, granite, lavas and dikes on the east side of the intrusion. The veins were found in several phases at shallow depth and low temp. The radioactivity is mainly due to thorium but occasionally the uranium content is higher. Th ranges to 60-4500 ppm, U 17-1500 ppm. The Th/U ratio ranges 0.1-57.2. The radioactivity is mainly connected with pigmentary material, thorite, thorianite, monazite and bastnasite. Chemical, X-ray fluorescence and spectrochemical analyses are given for the variDGS. ous vein types. 104038 HANSEN, J. and B. PULAWSKI. Water balance in Narssaq river valley. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.50-51) Reports on hydrologic work begun in 1965 in the Narssaq River valley, southern Greenland, with a view to the possible use of the river water flotation of uranium-thorium ores at Kvanefjeld. The 12-km-long river is fed by a local glacier with no connection to the inland ice. The drainage area is ca 30 km°. The work comprises determination of the glacier, and hydrologic budgets, river discharge, survey of the lakes which feed the tributaries, precipitation, temperature, humidity, visibility, wind strength and direction, and chemistry of the DGS. water. HANSEN, J., see also Nos. 103289, 103304,
105415, 107424, 107390. 104039 HANSEN, K. Analyses of soil profiles in dwarf-shrub vegetation in south Greenland. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag 1969. 33 p. map, tables, illus. (Meddelelser om Gronland. v.178, no.5) 31 refs. Reports on the 1965 research of the Green-
land Botanical Survey: physical and chemical analyses of individual layers in 13 soil profiles at three stations in 61°38' - 62°05'N 48°34' 49°W. The vertical variation of organic matter, particle size, pH, conductivity, exchangeable K, Na, Ca, Mg, Mn, P, Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb are found to depend on soil material (gneiss or diabase) and distance of station from the outer coast (relative amount of precipitation). Betula glandulosa, Salix glauca callicarpaea and Vaccinium uliginosum microphyllum are common at all three stations; high frequencies of continental species and low frequencies of oceanic species characterized the one farthest from the outer coast, an opposite distribution at the one nearest the coast and medium frequencies at the intermediate station, indicating precipitaDGS. tion values.
104040 HANSEN, K. and K. HAGEMANN. Microthermic measurements in arctic vegetation with a transistor-probe and integrating Cu-voltameter. (Oikos 1967. v.I8, no.1, p.14-24, graphs, tables, illus) 19 refs. Russian summary. Describes the circuit and construction of a portable, inexpensive instrument for longperiod measurement and recording of microclimatic mean temperatures. The probe consists of a small germanium-transistor. The 0-current, a logarithmic function of temperature, is amplified in a silicon-transistor and integrated in a Cu-voltmeter. The method of calibration and calculating integral and mean temperatures is explained. July-Aug 1965 tests made in the bottom layer of various types of vegetation in southern West Greenland showed an error of only 0.2-0.4°C. Mean temperatures ranged 37.2°C in open scrub on a dry slope with southern exposure, to 17°C in a moor near a DLC. brook. 104041 HANSEN, P. Industrie!l utnyttelse av den rode dypvannsreken, 2: levende og fersk ravare. (Tidsskrift for hermetikindustri 1968. v.54, no.3, p.87-88, tables) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Industrial utilization of red deep-sea prawns, 2: live and fresh raw materials. Discusses the effects of improper handling of North Greenland prawns, which should be chilled to -1°C for preservation in unprocessed form. Experiments with whole prawns, or prawn tails, show that dipping in Aureomycin solution reduces the bacteria count; tails keep better than whole prawns, psychrophile bacteria are destroyed during industrial processing. Chemical investigations and taste samplings were made to determine effects of changes in the total volatile base and breakdown of proteins. Effects of delay in processing, retention of moisture, and value of product are shown. DLC.
104042 HANSEN, P.M. Cod fry and small cod; cod investigations in coastal waters and on the offshore banks of West Greenland in 1964. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1964 pub 1966. v.21, p.72-77, graphs, maps, table, illus) Reports catches of cod eggs and larvae better than in previous years in the Godthab region but very poor in Davis Strait, probably due to late heating of water masses. Results of measurements and otoliths for cod age composition and of tagging experiments are graphed and tabulated. The 1960 yr-class predominates both on banks and in inshore waters of the northern sections; in the southern district the 1957 yr-class is best represented on banks and the 1956 yr-class in inshore waters. DLC. 104043 HANSEN, P.M. Danish hydrographical observations in West Greenland waters 1966. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1966 pub 1968. v.23, p.20) At the entrance to Godthabs Fjord, winter temperatures were above, and later in the year, normal. In Davis Strait west of Fylla Bank, north of Store Hellefiske Bank and in Disko Bay, summer temperatures were above normal. DLC. 104044 HANSEN, P.M. Danish investigations on cod in West Greenland waters 1966. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1966 pub 1968. v.23, p.98-101, graphs, maps) Larvae catches in July indicate that the 1966 yr-class will be rather poor. Age and size of commercial stocks are decreasing with the intensive trawl fishery. A rich yr-class has its maximum in the catches at about 5 yr; there is a rapid decrease when 7-8 yr old and 9-yr old are so few as to be unimportant. A large percentage of the recaptured cod, tagged in 195966, have been taken in West Greenland waters. DLC. 104045 HANSEN, P.M. Danish investigations on redfish in the Godthab Fjord with a note on tagging of other fishes off Greenland in 1964. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1964 pub 1966. v.21, p.172, table) Reports length frequencies, 5-40 cm, of redfish Sebastes caught in the fiord and 92 recaptures of redfish tagged in 19.60-64. Numbers of Greenland halibut, spotted wolffish, haddock and herring tagged are noted. DLC. 104046 HANSEN, P.M. Danish observations of porbeagles at Greenland. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.
Annales biologiques 1964 pub 1966. v.21, p.175) Reports the catching for the first time in Greenland waters, in Sept 1964, of two of these sharks, Lamna nasus. One was 2.2 m in length, with stomach containing arctic char, salmon and porpoise meat. The other weighed 83 kg. DLC. 104047 HANSEN, P.M. Danish observations on Crustacea in West Greenland waters 1966. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1966 pub 1968. v.23, p.214) Notes good trawl catches of crab in some places of Disko Bay and prawn occurrences above normal, perhaps due to high bottom temperatures. The deep-sea prawn fishery continued to increase. DLC. 104048 HANSEN, P.M. Danish observations on halibut, catfish, capelin, lumpsucker and redfish in West Greenland waters 1966. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1966 pub 1968. v.23, p.204) The Greenland halibut catch declined from 3000 ton in 1965 to 2500 t in 1966; the catfish catch decreased with only about 1700 t; capelin remained steady at 1357 t; 579 t of lumpsucker roe for caviar represents about double that of 1965; 177 redfish were tagged in GodthAbs Fjord. DLC. 104049 HANSEN, P.M. Danish research on Atlantic salmon in West Greenland waters 1966. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1966 pub 1968. v.23, p.198) The Greenlanders' gill-net fishery in coastal waters netted 1250 ton, Faroese vessel using drift nets took 70 t. Poor weather conditions cut down the fishing in Nov-Dec. 728 salmon were tagged in inshore waters and the 130 recaptured had been tagged in Canada, England, Scotland and US. DLC. 104050 HANSON, A.M. Critique of ice station support. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.107-112) Compares the support of station Alpha on an ice floe with that of Arlis H on an ice island incl direct logistic support, heavy equipment, communication, camp layout and personnel. Flights, construction and maintenance of runways on Alpha, power problems with the two Caterpillar D-31 I electric generators, also some small generators for emergency use, are dealt with in some detail. Building orientation relative to scientific accomplishment, the ratio of scientific personnel to support personnel and liaison between the two groups are stated. As communication is essential to morale, ham 387
radio facilities are recommended for all driftCaMAI, DLC. ing stations. 104051 HANSON, K. and others. Seismic refraction profile and crustal structure in central interior Alaska. (Seismological Society of America. Bulletin 1968. v.58, no.5, p.165765, graphs, map, tables) 12 refs. Other authors: E. Berg and L. Gedney. Reports an unreversed seismic refraction profile from south to north across the Tanana basin, obtained in winter 1966-67 from several small chemical explosions in an open pit coal mine near Suntrana. P and S waves were observed out to 217 km from the shot point. A four-layer crustal model is presented to explain the first and later prominent seismic phases. The P velocities range from 3.67 km/sec in the sedimentary surface layer to an apparent value of 8.83 km/sec in the upper mantle. The M discontinuity is assumed to dip south under the Alaska Range, from a depth of 32 km at Fairbanks to approx 48 km under the shot point. DGS. 104052 HANSON, W.C. Effective halftimes of radionuclides in Alaskan lichens and Eskimos. (In: Symposium on radioecology 1967 pub 1969. Proceedings, p.627-34, graphs, tables, illus) 7 refs. Reports partly controlled experimental study, 1964-66, of effective half-times of fallout radionuclides on sample lichen plots and a selected group of Eskimos at Anaktuvuk Pass. The lichens were sprinkled with strontium or cesium and then sampled at specified times. The human studies were based on excreta measurements from people temporarily on a diet free from caribou or DaII sheep products. Results of the study are described, but complexities in the study allow only general concluDNLM. sions. 104053 HANSON, W.C. Fallout radionuclides in Alaskan food chains. (American journal of veterinary research 1966. v.27, no.' 16, p.359-66, graphs, map, tables) 16 refs. A 1959-65 study of northern Alaskan ecosystems showed Sr-90, 1-131 and Cs-137 to be the most important fallout radionuclides from a public health viewpoint. 1-131 is of transitory, Sr-90 and Cs-137 are of long-range importance. Max values of 1-131 in caribou thyroid glands occurred —2 months after a major series of nuclear tests; Alaskan samples peaked about six days earlier and at —one-half the levels of samples from Colorado deer. Concentrations of Sr-90 in caribou bone were three-four times those in lichens and —1000 times those in caribou flesh. Cs-137 in lichens doubled 1962-64, possibly due to above-average precipitation. The Cs-I37:Sr-90 ratio in lichens was 7:1, in caribou flesh 800:1. Cs-137 in caribou 388
flesh changed from maximum in winter, when lichens were the diet, to minimum in summer when green forage was. In summers 1962-64 max amounts occurred in Anaktuvuk Pass Eskimos, medium in river and coastal Eskimos and minimum in Little Diomede Eskimos and Fort Yukon Indians, in direct proportion to the caribou or reindeer consumption. The seasonal cycle of the Anaktuvuk Pass Eskimos is reflected in their consumption of spring- and DLC. fall-killed caribou. 104054 HANSON, W.C. Fallout radionuclides in northern Alaskan ecosystems. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.639-48, graphs, map, table) 32 refs. Summarizes results of 1959-67 studies of routes, rates and amounts of Sr-90 and Cs-137 in northwest Alaska. Seasonal measurements of the two nuclides in all trophic levels of the lichen-herbivore-man, wolf food chain showed an increase of Cs-137 by a factor of two at each successive trophic level. A definite seasonal cycle of Cs-137 in the biota indicates their close relationship to the environment and the simple structure of the arctic ecosystem. Sr-90 is more mobile in lichens and tends to be blocked from appreciable transfer to carnivores by accumulation in the bones rather than the muscle and soft parts of the caribou or reindeer, and therefore is less important than Cs-137. Appreciable amounts of fallout radionuclides will remain in Alaskan biota for several yr. The radiation exposure is not now, nor expected to be, hazardous. DLC. 104055 HANTSCHKE, F.E. Osteophytosis in the vertebral column in a number of aboriginal American Indian populations; a descriptive study in paleopathology. (Dissertation abstracts 1969. v.29, no.9, p.3170-B) Order no.69-4737. PhD thesis, Indiana Univ, 1968. 203 p. Deals with the sexual incidence and degree of osteophytosis on the upper and lower vertebral bodies of 545 skeletons from archeologic sites in the Western Hemisphere, incl Pt Barrow and Umnak Island in Alaska. The groups lived under varying ecological conditions and spanned the period 3000 BC to pre-contact time. Older males of 51-60 yr of the Alaskan groups showed a more advanced stage of the condition and higher incidence than females. Diet as a factor in degree of the disease seems inconclusive. Data showed that the 54 PreAleuts and the 32 Pt Barrow Eskimos had a lower incidence and lesser involvement of osteophytosis than did groups of coastal Brazil. Hereditary patterns and individual metabolic variations seemed to be more important than certain ecological conditions. DGS. HARAKAL, J.E., see Nos. 108434,108435.
HARDING, G., see No. 103205. 104056 HARDING, S.T. and S.T. ALGERMISSEN. Focal mechanism of the Prince William Sound, Alaska, earthquake of March 28, 1964. (Seismological Society of America. Bulletin 1969. v.59, no.2, p.799-811, graphs, tables, illus) 21 refs. Notes two differing interpretations of the nature of the focal mechanism given in the literature. Two nodal planes for P are determined, one using a combination of P-wave first motion and S-wave polarization data, and the other for S-wave data alone. Two mechanism solutions for the main shock are possible: right lateral faulting which strikes northeast, or left lateral faulting which strikes northwest. Both possible fault planes dip steeply. DGS. 104057 HARDMAN, W.H. • Relationships of halibut stocks in Bering Sea as indicaSeattle, ted by age and size composition. Wash. 1969. 11 p. graphs, map, tables. (International Pacific Halibut Commission. Technical report no.4) 5 refs. Comparison of size and age composition data of the halibut from different grounds in Bering Sea supports direct tagging evidence. Both indicate that little intermingling occurs between grounds, or at least that such interchange is slow and incomplete except for seasonal movements between deep and shoal waters. Similarities in composition between other grounds and in year-class strength throughout the wide range of Bering Sea halibut suggest that common survival conditions may prevail. The location of nine fishing CaMM, DSI. grounds are shown on a map. 104058 HARDMAN, W.H. The size, age and sex composition of North American setline catches of halibut (Hippoglassus hippoglossus stenolepis) in Bering Sea, 1964-1970. Seattle, Wash. 1970. 31 p. graphs, map, tables. (International Pacific Halibut Commission. Technical report no.8) 11 refs. Presents data in extension of a report series begun in 1964 (cf. No. 95013). Appendices give the number of halibut per unit effort by age, average weight at each age and the number of fish according to 5-cm length classes in setline landing samples from various commercial fishing grounds in the Bering Sea. The Polaris ground north of Fox Islands serves as an indicator of the regional stock condition. Fishing by the North American fleet from 1956, together with the Japanese fishery from 1963, has decimated the halibut population. It has failed to recover despite curtailed allowable removals since 1965. Restoration of overfished sections by migration of older year classes from more distant grounds will be slow and recruitment of
younger fish is probably being affected by trawl DLC. operations. 104059 HARDY, A. Charles Elton's (Journal of animal influence in ecology. ecology 1968. v.37, no.1, p.3-8, illus) Introduction to a special number of the journal in honor of Charles Elton on his retirement. Reference is made to his fieldwork on Oxford University expeditions to Spitsbergen in 1921, 1923, and 1924, and to his major work Voles, mice and lemmings .(see No. 95099). DLC. HARDY, J.D., see No. 103564. 104060 HARE, F.K. The Arctic. (Royal Meteorological Society. Quarterly journal 1968. v.94, no.402, p.439-59, graphs, map, tables, illus) 64 refs. Presidential address before the Society, 24 Apr 1968. Reviews advances made since 1951 in knowledge of low-level, surface and subsurface arctic meteorology and the inter-related vegetation zones and land and sea ice of arctic and subarctic areas. CaMAI, DGS. 104061 HARE, F.K. Atmospheric circulation and arctic meteorology. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.3, p.185-94, graphs, maps) 25 refs. Reviews advances since 1954 in knowledge of tropospheric and stratospheric circulations: in the former, the nature, distribution and effects of an arctic jet stream and arctic front; and in the stratosphere and mesosphere, the startling discovery of a powerful stratospheric ridge over or west of Alaska (No 63579), which deforms the stratospheric polar-night westerlies up to at least 55 km. CaMAI, DLC. HARE, F.K., see also No. 107705. 104062 HARINGTON, C.R. A Pleistocene muskox Symbos from Dease Lake, British Columbia. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1968. v.5, no.5, p.1161-65, map, table, illus) 21 refs. Redescribes a cranial fragment, exposed by receding floodwaters of a small stream near Dease Lake, which may have been transported some distance. It is the first provincial record of this large muskox, previously reported in western Yukon and southeastern Saskatchewan, Alaska and central US. Symbos was adapted to a warmer environment than Ovibos. perhaps a steppe or parkland. CaMAI, DGS. 104063 HARINGTON, C.R. Pleistocene muskox (Ovibos moschatus) from gravels of Illinoian age near Nome, Alaska. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.5, p.1326-31, map, table, illus) 11 refs. Describes and discusses a musk ox cranial 389
fragment from Illinoian outwash gravels near Nome. The cranium is referable to Ovibos moschatus, which survives in Canada and Greenland. The specimen indicates that musk oxen were present in Alaska during the Middle DLC. Pleistocene. Pleistocene 104064 HARINGTON, C.R. remains of the lion-like cat Panthera atrox from the Yukon Territory and northern Alaska. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.5, p.1277-88, map, tables, illus) 43 refs. Describes skull and forelimb fragments of this large, extinct cat from the interface of muck and gravel units at Quartz Creek, forelimb fragments from Dominion Creek, both in the Dawson region of Yukon Territory, and a maxillary fragment from Pleistocene deposits on the Kaolak River, near the arctic coast in Alaska. These are first records of the species for Canada, and the Alaska find extends its known northward range. It has been reported in approx 26 localities from Alaska to Peru and may have migrated from Eurasia just before the Sangamon interglacial. Comparative biometric data indicate that Panthera atrox, the Eurasian "cave lion" P. leo spelaea, and the large Chinese cat P. youngi are conspecific. DGS. HARINGTON, C.R., see also Nos. 102955, 105489. 104065 HARJUNPAA, T. The Lutherans in Russian Alaska. (Pacific historical review 1968. v.37, no.2, p.123-46) Refs. Sketches the 16th-17th century Lutheran church in Russia, and from mss and published accounts traces Lutherans who entered the service of the Russian American Co from 1818, incl three governors, the Estonian F.P. von Wrangell 1830-35, A.A. Etholen 1840-45 and J.H. Furuhjelm 1859-64, both from Finland. The founding of a Lutheran congregation in Sitka is associated with Governor Etholen. The first pastor was Uno Cygnaeus 1810-88, who served during 1840-45 and was succeeded by Gabriel Plathan 1809-1887 and Georg Gustaf Winter 1817-83. Life in Sitka, social and educational work and ministerial activities of these men are described. Rev. Winter left Alaska in 1865 before the transfer of the territory to the US, and there is no evidence that any Lutheran services were held after his departure. The old Lutheran property in Sitka was condemned DI. and demolished in 1888. HARLAND, W.B., see Nos. 106462,108345. HARLING, W.R., see No. 108420. 104066 HARRINGTON, L 390
Hot springs
of western Canada. (Canadian geographical journal 1970. v.80, no.2, p.52-61, illus) This account includes descriptions of springs near Liard Crossing at Mile 497 of the Alaska Highway; on the N bank of the Takhini River, 17 mi N of Whitehorse in the Yukon; near Little Kalsas Lake as it drains into the Macmillan River; beside the Tatonduk River just before it flows into Alaska near Eagle; at Painted Cliffs and at the Rabbitkettle River, on the South Nahanni; and in the Flat River ValCaMAI, DLC. ley, NWT. 104067 HARRINGTON, L. Thompson, Manitoba, suburbia in the bush. (Canadian geographical journal 1970. v.81, no.5, p.154-63, illus) Describes the advantages and disadvantages of the town created 400 mi N of Winnipeg by the International Nickel Co of Canada Ltd. CaMAI, DLC. HARRIS, D.P., see No. 105441. 104068 HARRISON, A.E. Glacial activity preceding the 1956 Muldrow Glacier surge in Alaska. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.4, pt.2, p.1001-1007, maps, illus) 6 refs. This paper was given at the Symposium on Surging Glaciers in Banff, Alberta, 6-8 June 1968. Photographic evidence is presented and discussed that a normal wave of ice was progressing down this glacier on Mt McKinley prior to the surge. Ice thickening began before 1947 with a wave motion of approx 250 m/yr in 1948-52. Progress may have slowed after 1952, for the ice opposite McGonagall Pass thickened spectacularly only after 1954. Aerial and ground photos suggest that several small tributaries were rejuvenated just before the surge occurred. These observations indicate the possibility of climatic synchronism in the Alaskan Range and elsewhere in North America. CaMAI, DGS. HARRISON, A.H. see No. 104149. HARRISON, CG.A., see No. 103502. HARRISON, G.S. see No. 106463. HARRISON, J.M. see No. 101883. HARRISS, R.C., see No. 105509. HARRY, W.T., see No. 102531. 104069 HART, J.F. Oil rush on the North Slope of Alaska. (Geography 1970. v.55, no.4 (249), p.448-51) Reviews briefly the physical geography of the area, and the growth of oil companies'
interest in it, and discusses in general terms the prospects and problems associated with future development of its petroleum resources. Location of potential markets and transportation routes are outlined, and the general effects of the TAPS pipeline briefly discussed. DLC. 104070 HART, J.S. and H.D. FISHER. Question of adaptations to polar environments in marine mammals. (Federation proceedings 1964. v.23, no.6, pt. 1, p.1207-1214, graphs, tables) 55 refs. Reviews the functional attributes of marine mammals that deviate from those of land mammals drawing fully from the published literature, and discusses water balance and nutrition, respiration and circulation and, particularly, temperature regulation of seals and whales. The structural modifications involved in the functional adaptations of these mammals to the polar environment are shown. DLC. HART,
see No. 107711.
104071 HARTMAN, C.W. and R.F. CARLSON. Bibliography of arctic water resources. College, Alaska 1970. 344p.+ 194 unnumb p. (Alaska. Univ. Institute of Water Resources. Report no. IWR- II) Consists of a keyword listing (p 1-344) for 2978 citations (194 unnumbered p) selected for relevance to the nature of the land-based water cycle in arctic and subarctic Alaska, exclusive of Southeast Alaska and of material primarily concerned with the mechanical aspects of permafrost and oceanographic data. References dealing with glaciology, water supply and waste disposal were not specifically searched but were included when available. References to material on arctic Canada, Greenland, Fennoscandia and the USSR are included. DGS. HARTMAN, W.L., see No. 104096. HARTT, A.C., see No. 106842. HARTWELL, A.D., see No. 105930. 104072 HARTWELL, A.S. Airphoto analysis of ice deformation in the Beaufort Sea, March 1971. (AIDJEX bulletin 1972. no.13, p.1-33, graphs, maps, illus) 6 refs. Aerial photographs were obtained by NASA Convair 990 and US Navy NAVOCEANO NC-121 k during 11-23 May 1971 overflights of the Canadian Polar Continental Shelf Project Camp 200 on an ice floe, then located at 73°45'N 130°15'W. The approx time, direction and magnitude of deformational motion was determined by combining observations of the changes in features related to ice deformation, such as leads, fractures and
pressure ridges, and mesoscale measurements of strains and strain rates on the ice. During this period a series of compressions, extensions and shearing motions occurred, producing numerous changes in ice morphology. The entire area was apparently under considerable lateral constraint with no observable rotation or rounding of floes. No leads wider than —150 m were present. Shearing motion along one individual lead of up to 280 m was documented by the photographs. Relative motion along shear zones was nearly always dextral or right lateral in accord with the clockwise rotation of CaMAI, DN-HO. the Pacific Gyral. 104073 HARWOOD, T.A. Remote sensing of ice in navigable waters. (In: Ice seminar...1969, p.95-104, map, illus) 8 refs. Discusses briefly the potential of photogrammetry, infra-red imagery and spectrometry, radar imagery (SLAR - sideways looking radars), micro-wave imagery, laser altimetry, ultra high frequency reflectivity (scatterometers), seismic methods and weather satellites for measurement of ice surfaces, thickness, types and temperature. Discusses requirements of a remote sensing system to provide ice thickness for navigational purposes and the concentration, volume (ridging, thickness and leads), drift, ambient temperature of the ice and sea surfaces, and wind over the ice, for ice forecasting, and gives the minimum configuration. DGS. HARWOOD, T.A. see also No. 106046. 104074 HASEGAWA, H.S. and K. WHITHAM. Theoretical response of a seismograph at Yellowknife, Northwest Territories to an underground explosion at the Nevada test site. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.3, p.517-20, illus) 9 refs. Compares the theoretical response of the short-period, vertical-component seismograph at Yellowknife to such an explosion with a real seismogram. The prime contributors to complexity are probably due to complex crustal reverberations at the Nevada Test Site, different phase arrivals and signal-generated noise at Yellowknife. DGS. 104075 HASHIMOTO, T. and R. BELAND. Low- to medium-grade metamorphism in silicate iron-formations of the Cape Smith belt, New Quebec. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1968. v.5, no.4, pt. 1, p.881-93, graph, maps, tables, illus) 19 refs. French summary. Reports on four iron-rich silicate assemblages studied near Laflamme Lake and Grunerite Lake in the eastern part of the belt. All these rocks contain quartz, magnetite, and some calcite; they are composed mostly of two 391
or more of the silicates stillpnomelane, minnesotaite, iron chlorite, grunerite, almandite and biotite. An isothermal phase diagram of the system A1,03-Fe,0,-Fe0-Mg0-Si0,- H 2O is constructed for the upper part of the greenschist facies of metamorphism. Speculation based on this diagram and on experimental data is offered on the sequence of reactions leading to the assemblages observed and on the possibility of finding mineral assemblages representing invariant points in metamorphosed iron-formations. CaMAI, DGS. 104076 HATTERSLEY-SMITH, G. and others. Density stratified lakes in northern Ellesmere Island. (Nature 1970. v.225, no.5227, p.55-56, graphs, map, table) 9 refs. Other authors: J.E. Keys, H. Serson and J.E. Mielke. Describes density stratification, observed in May 1969, of seven lakes along the north coast of Ellesmere Island. All are the result of glacial overdeepening followed by uplift that trapped sea water in fiord bottoms. The lakes are virtually fresh in the upper 5-10 m, showing a gradual rise in salinity towards the bottom. Calculated values of density for various depths show them to be highly stable. Radiochemical analyses of the relict seawater may provide a means of assessing the rate of land emergence over the past few thousand DLC. years. 104077 HATTERSLEY-SMITH, G. Glacial features of Tanquary Fiord and adjoining areas of northern Ellesmere Island, N.W.T. (Journal of glaciology 1969. v.8, no.52, p.23-50, maps, illus) Refs. French and German summaries. The former ice cover of northern Ellesmere is confirmed as much more extensive than the present, though the age of max glaciation is not known. In the Tanquary Fiord area, the conclusion is based on bathymetric data indicating considerable overdeepening of fiords, morphology of main valleys, and presence of moraines, erratics and glacial lake deposits at high levels. The fiord became free of glacial ice and peat was forming in the valleys at least 6500 yr ago. A long period of river erosion followed the main retreat of the ice. Within the last 4000 yr, glaciers advanced to re-occupy V-shaped valleys, and small icecaps were probably regenerated. In the last 900 yr, there has been little change in the terminal position of most major CaMAI, DLC. glaciers. 104078 HATTERSLEY-SMITH, G. Recent observations on the surging Otto Glacier, Ellesmere Island. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.4, pt.2, p.883-89, map, illus) 10 refs. Aerial photos made in 1950-59 show that 392
this tide-water glacier at the head of Otto Fiord in northwestern Ellesmere started to surge within that period with a terminus advance of approx 3 km as a floating ice tongue. A further advance of 2-3 km is revealed by 1964 photos. A bedrock topographic map of the lower 15 km of the glacier shows a subglacial ridge halfway across it and > 125 m above sea level. This could cause a rapid decrease of thickness downstream and lead to a change from compressive to extending flow and to the development of stress instabilities capable of initiating a surge. CaMAI, DGS. HAUG, A., see No. 107830. 104079 HAUGE, E. Araneae from northern Norway. (Norsk entomologisk tidsskrift 1971. v.18, no. I, p.25-28) 21 refs. Lists 33 species of spiders with brief descriptions and locations where collected on Lyngen Peninsula and near Tromso. For most the distribution in Norway is little known, for some this is probably their northernmost in Norway. DLC. 104080 HAUGE, E. Six species of spiders (Araneae) new to Norway. (Norsk entomologisk tidsskrift 1969. v.16, no.1, p.1-8, table, illus) 15 refs. Presents some systematic data on arachnids found in the ground cover of birch forest in Ankenes some 30 km south of Narvik, in sumDLC. mers 1966-68. 104081 HAUGE, M. Regional central libraries in Norway. (Scandinavian public library quarterly 1968. v.1, no.4, p.194-212, tables, illus) Includes central libraries in the three northem counties of Finnmark, Troms and Nordland. The first in the North was organized in 1939, a cooperative system of the Tromso public library, the Tromso Museum library, and the agricultural library at the Hold Experimental Farm near Tromso. Administration, finance, functions and service of central libraries throughout the country are stated. They serve small local libraries including such in schools, colleges, etc. Northern Norway is noted as especially active in the arrangement of travelDLC. ing exhibitions and lecture tours. 104082 HAUGE, S. Zoonoses in northern Fenno-Scandia. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.609-613, tables) 29 refs. Deals with the distribution, incidence, hosts of trichinososis, diphyllobothriasis, echinococcis, brucellosis, tularemia and salmonellosis in arctic Norway, Sweden and Finland, and in Svalbard. The eradication or control measures of these diseases are also stated. The polar bear,
polar fox and dog are principal hosts of Trichinella spinalis and other Trichinae. The dog and reindeer are the main source of the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus. Diphyllobothrium latum (broad or fish tapeworm) is an important human parasite in Finland. Its life cycle includes copepod, plankton-eating fish, humans and other fish-eating mammals as dog, fox, swine, etc. Brucellosis in reindeer occurs in northern USSR but has not been recorded in Scandinavia. Tularemia has never been diagnosed for certainty in northern Norway, but it is found in the south. Official meat inspection eradicated bovine tuberculosis in Fennoscandia over a decade ago. Salmonellosis is rare in humans and domestic animals in this region. Rabies does not exist, but it is feared in northern Fennoscandia; compulsory vaccination of dogs is enforced in Finland along the Soviet frontier, as it is in Greenland. DLC. 104083 HAUGEN, D.P. Experimental arctic data buoy. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.7, p.27-35, graph, illus) Gives a general description of an arctic data buoy being developed for the National Data Buoy Project by the University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory. The buoy is intended for prolonged unattended operation periods on the drifting pack ice. It will have a system to measure atmospheric pressure and temperature and will utilize an Interrogation, Recording and Location System (IRLS) for location by, and data telemetry to, a Nimbus satellite. CaMAI, DH-HO. 104084 HAUTAMAKI, L. Interprovincial migration and the non-linear interaction hypothesis. Helsinki 1971. 13 p. map, tables. (Fennia v.102) 5 refs. Reports development of a model to explain the flows of migration between administrative provinces in Finland in 1966. The interaction hypothesis, which is briefly explained, was inadequate. Both absolute and standardized migration were considered with non-linear models. A solution was reached by stepwise regression analysis; a realistic formula is discussed. Income levels, standards of living, characteristics of the regions, and distances are considered; language factors and unemployment were not, but could have been added. The model has simplicity and efficiency. The flows of migration, which are mapped, include those of the administrative regions of the north. DLC. 104085 HAVSTEEN-MIKKELSEN, A. Det glemte samfund. (Grenland 1967. no.6, p.205-208, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: The forgotten community. Describes a community center at the settlement of Kap Hope, East Greenland, built on
the initiative of Ejnar Mikkelsen. CaMAI, DLC. HAWKES, I., see No. 105491. 104086 HAWKSWORTH, D.L. Lichens from Tugtilik, East Greenland. (Bryologist 1968. v.71, no. I, p.52-54) 4 refs. Lists 31 species, two varieties and one form of lichens collected from three sites within the area 65°25'-66°20'N 34°48'-35°02'W, by a member of the University of Newcastle-uponTyne Expedition to East Greenland 1967. DLC. 104087 HAWLEY, C.C. and others. Geochemical data on the south ore zone, White Mountain mine and on the gold content of other mercury ores, southwestern Alaska. (US. Geological Survey. Circular 1969. no.615, p.16-20, maps, tables) Other authors: E.E. Martinez and J. Marinenko. The mercury ores of southwestern Alaska generally contain only trace amounts of gold or are gold free. In a new sample from the south ore zone of the White Mt mercury mine, 0.03 ppm of gold was detected and it exists in near crustal-background to anomalous amounts in at least six other widely scattered prospects in the area. One sample from the Cinnabar Creek mine contained >0.10 ppm gold, but there was none or it was below detection in three samples from the Red Devil mercury mine. The fault gouge in the main vein, south ore zone has anomalous amounts of Ti, As, Sb, B, Cr and Zr. Similar compositions of fault gouge elsewhere in the region may be a guide to mineralized areas. Chemical analyses are included. DGS. 104088 HAWLEY, C.C. and A.L. CLARK. Geochemical maps of an area northwest of the Chulitna River, central Alaska Range. Washington, DC 1969. 4 p. graphs, maps, table. (US. Geological Survey. Reports, open file ser no.1249) 4 refs. Shows on six maps local anomalous concentrations of gold, silver, arsenic, copper, zinc, and lead found in the area. Most of these stream-sediment samples can be correlated with either known or newly discovered deposits or occurrences described in the author's Results of geological and geochemical investigations in an area northwest of the Chulitna River, infra. Geochemical data on the six elements are tabulated and discussed briefly. DGS. 104089 HAWLEY, C.C. and others. Results of geological and geochemical investigations in an area northwest of the Chulitna River, central Alaska Range. Washington, DC 1969. 19 p. maps, tables. (US. Geological 393
Survey. Circular no.617) 6 refs. Other authors: A.L. Clark, M.A. Herdrick and S.H.B. Clark. The northeast-trending area approx 63°63°20'N 149°15'-150°W contains faulted sedimentary and volcanic rock units of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age and elongate intrusive bodies. Serpentinites locally contain abnormal, as much as 0.5% concentrations of Ni, have one newly identified occurrence of chromite, and are hosts to small epigenetic lodes containing Cu, Au and Ag. Other epigenetic concentrations of Cu or other metals occur in interlayered basalt and limestone at Partin and Canyon Creeks and in porphyry near Costello Creek. Tin occurs in greisen on upper Ohio Creek, along Canyon Creek and at a site near Long Creek. Rocks containing Ag, Pb and Zn crop out near Lookout Mt. Anomalous concentrations of gold and/or other metals are recorded in Long, Coal, Shotgun and McCallie Creeks. Whole rock and stream sediment analyses are included as are one general geologic map and seven locality maps showing concentraDGS. tions. HAWLEY, CC., see also No. 102892. 104090 HAWRYSZKO, J.W. Pipelines for northern Canada. (North 1969. v.16, no.3, p.55-59, illus) Discusses oil, gas and solids pipelines in general terms, noting their history, sizes, costs, safety standards, detection of leaks, phased construction and future prospects for northern CaMAI, DGS. Canada. 104091 HAWTHORN, H.B. Survival of (Anthropologica 1971. v.13, small societies. no.1/2, p.63-84) 24 refs. Discusses the directions, scope and net result of cultural change in the small communities associated with Indian reserves. From a socio-economic study of 35 bands and other data, author summarizes some of the changes deemed permanent. Change is continuous, farreaching, and its directions can be ascertained. The adaptations so far have increased the similarity of the small communities to the national community. Anthropologists working among Indians must do so at the Indians' behest. Their work will be justified according to their assessment of the direction of change and their provision of sound guidelines for action. CaMAI, DSI. 104092 HAYCOCK, M. Northern scenes. (Beaver 1969. v.300, no.2, p.I7-20, illus) Presents four scenes: Lac Rouvier, north of Great Bear Lake, an abandoned Indian village on Great Slave Lake, St. Mary's Channel of Lake Athabasca, and northern lights over Great Slave Lake, painted by this mineralogist 394
who accompanied A.Y. Jackson on many CaMAI. painting expeditions. HAYLEY, D.W., see No. 102559. 104093 HAYMAN, C.R. Comparison of tuberculosis control in Alaska and the District of Columbia. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.662-64, graph, table) 3 refs. Alaska formerly had the highest TB incidence and death rate in the US. During the 1950-60's, however, this was remarkably reduced by the screening of whole villages for infection, using the tuberculin test and administering isoniazid to the positive reactors as a prophylaxis. In addition, certain mildly diseased patients were treated at home after or DLC. while awaiting short hospitalization. HAYNES, E.B., see also No. 102472. 104094 HAYNES, E.B. and G.C. POWELL. Preliminary report on the Alaska sea scallop fishery exploration, biology, and commercial Juneau 1968. 12 p. graphs, map, processing. tables, illus. (Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game. Informational leaflet no.125) 4 refs. Summarizes results of a Jan 1968 cruise of the fishing vessel Virginia Santos during which the biology of Patinopecten caurinus was studied. Data were collected on size, sexual maturity and shell height/meat weight relationship. Statistics on catches, locations and quantity of scallops during exploratory cruises in the Gulf of Alaska in 1953-64 are tabulated. Commercially prepared Kodiak scallop packs when compared with East Coast packs were inferior in size uniformity, color and cleanliness, but these disadvantages can be corrected by experience. Results from a survey of the Lituya Bay area, Cook Inlet and off Kodiak Island, begun in Apr 1968 with the fishing vessel Viking CaMAI, DLC. Queen, are encouraging. 104095 HAYWARD, J.S. and others. Possible role of brown fat as a source of heat during arousal from hibernation. (New York Academy of Sciences. Annals 1965. v.131, no.1, p.441-46, graph, illus) 20 refs. Other authors: C.P. Lyman and C.R. Taylor. To elucidate the question of the relative quantitative importance of brown fat and the heart as contributors to warming from hibernation, fine needle thermocouples were implanted in the aortic arch and brown fat of the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) and in the brown fat of the golden-mantled ground squirrel (Citellus lateralis), and their arousal temperatures measured. The bat aroused rapidly, warming from 8° - 36°C in —25 min; the ground squirrel required 90 min. Within two min of the initial disturbance, the brown fat
temperature of the bat increased rapidly to surpass that of the heart. This did not occur in the ground squirrel. Evaluation of the amount of heat contributed by brown fat in situ relative to the total required for arousal is required for ultimate assessment of the thermogenic importance of brown fat, and such data are not yet available. DLC. HAZELTON, R.D., see No. 105560. 104096 HEARD, W.R. and W.L. HARTMAN. Pygmy whitefish Prosopium coulteri in the Naknek River system, southwest Alaska. (US. Fish and Wildlife Service. Fishery bulletin 1966. v.65, no.3, p.555-79, graphs, map, tables, illus) 33 refs. This species, which is widely distributed in lakes of the Naknek system, Bristol Bay, was studied in detail in South Bay Naknek Lake and in Brooks Lake. Length frequency distributions from other lakes were intermediate between an age V 163-mm female from South Bay and an age III 83-mm female from Brooks Lake. Dipteran insects were the principal food of the South Bay, and crustacean plankton that of the Brooks Lake population. Growth and insect consumption correlated positively. Spawning occurs in Nov-Dec, apparently only at night. Both sexes mature earlier in Brooks Lake where slow growth, low fecundity and short life are in part compensated by a low mortality from fertilized egg to maturity. The wide range of populations in the Naknek system probably reflects adaptive responses of a highly plastic species to the wide variety of environments found in the different lakes. DI. 104097 HEDENER, L Nyforvary av nordkalottlitteratur; Valikoima pohjoiskalottikirjallisuutta. (Norrbottens fans hembygdsfOrening. Arsbok 1968. p.245-60) In Swedish and Finnish. Title tr.: New acquisitions in North Cap libraries. Lists recent acquisitions in the libraries of Lulea, Malmberget, Narvik, Rovaniemi, and Tromso. The titles are arranged by subject, and the holding libraries designated by initial. The first title is Arctic Bibliography, available at all the libraries except Narvik. DLC. 104098 HEDLAND, J.S. Economic considerations in oil and gas development. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.378-90, tables) 3 refs. The supervising attorney of Alaska Legal Services Corp asks whether the public is getting a fair share of the wealth generated by exploitation of public resources, and what policies will increase its share to the maximum? Competitive bidding procedures are reviewed, the elimination of potential competition by mergers and joint ventures noted, and it is con-
cluded that the viability of the low royalty-high bonus approach presently in effect is questionable. Suggests the use of competitive royalties or profit sharing which would gear state revenue to production or profitability. CaMAI, DGS. 104099 HEDLAND, J.S. Public interest and competitive leasing of state oil and gas lands. (In: Change in Alaska. 1970. p.90-99, table) Refs. The supervising attorney for Alaska Legal Services Corp deals with whether the public is getting a fair share of the wealth from exploitation of public resources and how it can get its max share. Questions are raised as to the viability of the low royalty — high bonus approach in effect. It is suggested that the state should adopt a scheme under which state revenue is geared to production of profitability through the use of competitive royalties or profit sharing. This would eliminate the problems of a low state marginal economic cost, and of industry underestimates of land values, or a shortage in the money supply which prohibits large initial outlays for bonuses. The profit-sharing system also reduces risks of noncompetitiveness and inadequate state assessment of land values because of the relative ease in setting refusal prices. CaMAI, DGS. 104100 HEDQVIST, K.J. Neue DiprionArt aus Nord-Schweden. (Entomologisk tidskrift 1967. v.88, no.1-2, p.72-75, illus) In German. Title tr.: A new Diprion species from north Sweden. Presents a preliminary description of Diprion butovitschi n sp, a sawfly found in 1958 and again in 1959 in Norrbotten province. Dimensions and identifying features are sysDLC. tematically noted. 104101 HEDSTROM, L. New species of Dolichopus (Dipt., Dolichopodidae) from Sweden. (Entomologisk tidskrift 1966. v.87, no.1-2, p.56-59, illus) Systematic description of Dolichopus lancearius n sp, from a female specimen found in 1960 at a eutrophic tarn in Vuollerim, near Jokkmokk, and a male specimen found in 1964 by the Storsvedmyran marsh pool near Ovanaker. Marsh vegetation and other insects at the sites are identified but the typical habitat of the species cannot yet be stated. DLC. 104102 HEDSTROM, L. Some species of Dolichopodidae (Dipt.) new to Sweden. (Entomologisk tidskrift 1966. v.87, no.3-4, p.113-17, illus) Refs. Includes Xiphandrium albifrons Zett., collected at Nuolja in Swedish Lapland. DLC. 104103 HEEZEN, B.C. and G.L. JOHN395
SON. Alaskan submarine cables, a struggle with a harsh environment. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.4, p.413-24, maps, table, illus) 11 refs. French and Russian summary. Reviews the laying, repair and maintenance of telegraph and cable systems, at one time 86 submarine cables, between Puget Sound and Alaska 1901-60. Failures due to entanglement by whales, bruising and mauling by anchors and fishing trawls and various destructive effects of geologic agents on the sea floor are noted. In straits on the continental shelf and upper continental slope, cable failures are attributed primarily to chafe by bottom currents and, off the mouths of major streams, to turbidity currents and gravitational slides. Cable repair data for 1903-58 are tabulated, showing reported causes. Some cables at depths of 1000-1500 fathoms on the continental margin cross at least 40 major canyons, but have never failed because of turbidity currents; this indicates a lapse of 2000, possibly 5000 yr since such currents occurred in this region. CaMAI, DLC. HEEZEN, B.C., see also No. 104451. HEFLINGER, C.F., see No. 108025. HEGBLOM, E.R., see No. 106680. 104104 HEGGSTAD, K.M. Atomdrevne undervannstankskip kan vaere et lonnsomt alternativ for oljetransport i islagte farvann. (Teknisk ukeblad 1970. v.117, no.7, p.30-31, maps, illus) Refs. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Atomic-powered submarine tanker may be a profitable alternative for oil transport in icecovered seas. Reviews transport problems of Alaska's oil to east coast of US, and to Europe, by pipeline, icebreaker-tanker, or submarine tanker. Tonnage, necessary fuel load, distances, land to be crossed by pipeline, elevations, etc are considered. Underwater routes proposed are the Northwest Passage from the Point Barrow area to a transfer off-loading port on Greenland's west coast, or via the North Pole to Iceland or Tromso. The power form used might be any of several varieties. Costs and weights and useful lifetime are summarized. DLC. 104105 HEIBERG, A. and R. BJORNERT. Operations and logistics support 1972 AIDJEX pilot study. (AIDJEX bulletin 1972. no.I4, p.1-11, graphs, tables, illus) The 25 Feb - 29 Apr main camp (Jump Suit), was located on an ice floe at 75°22.9'N 147°41.6'W in Beaufort Sea, satellite camps, Blue Dog at 75°29.4'N 151°52'W, and Brass Monkey at 76°12.5'N 149°9'W. The camp deployment (incl occupancy chart and plan), organization and operation, air support (incl 396
graphical and tabulated data on aircraft, flight activity and fuel consumption) and camp evacuation, are described. CaMAI, DN-HO. HEIBERG, A., see also No. 102336. HEIJER, A., see No. 103389. 104106 HEIKKILA, H. and P. KALLIO. On the problem of sub-arctic basidiolichens, II. (McGill Univ. Sub-Arctic Research Laboratory. Research paper 1969. no.24, p.33-4I) 15 refs. Reports new finds of the lichens Botrydina vulgarls and Coriscium viride associated with the agarics Omphalina ericetorum, 0. luteovitellina, 0. velutina or 0. luteolilacina, in Spitsbergen, Finland, Norway, Siberia, Canada and the Barrow region of Alaska. The circumpolar distribution of these basidiolichens as hitherto assumed is thus confirmed. CaMAI. 104107 HEILMAN, P.E. Relationship of availability of phosphorus and cations to forest succession and bog formation in interior Alaska. (Ecology 1968. v.49, no.2, p.331-36, graph, tables) 10 refs. The progression of forest to bog on the north slopes of hills in the Fairbanks region takes only a few tree-generations. The rapid decline of forest productivity corresponds with decline in P and K levels in the foliage. These levels seem to be deficient in sphagnum soils. Mg levels show a slight decrease but are sufficient even in deeper soils. Ca, Mn and Zn are at adequate levels on all stages. Although concentrations of nutrients in mineral and organic soils are about the same, the total quantities of available and exchangeable P, K and Mg are consistently lower in sphagnum soils. The reduction in availability of these nutrients appears to be due to the greater depth of their distribution and the increasing coldness of soils as moss accumulates. Radiocarbon dates show the accumulation of 18-28 in. of sphagnum peat in 70 cm DLC. thick. HEPPNER, J.P., see No. 108405. HERBERT, C.F. see No. 104112. 104149 HERBERT, W. Trans-polar journey, formula for an expedition, 16 months on arctic ice. (Geographical magazine 1970. v.42, no.8, p.567-76, map, illus) Reviews the support and march plans proposed by A.H. Harrison for a polar expedition in 1909, and describes the formula used to cross the 3090 km of pack ice between Pt Barrow, Alaska and Svalbard Feb 1968 - May 1969, by four men and four dog teams, supplied by air drops and radio and satellite information on the weather and ice conditions. The text is accompanied by photos showing oblique and ground views of the ice floes, pressure ridges, mush ice-belt, cracks, hummocks DLC. and polar bears. HERDRICK, M.A., see No. 104089. Hydrographic 104150 HERMANN, F. conditions off West Greenland in 1964. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1964 pub 1966. v.21, p.16-19, graphs, map) July 1964 data on temperature and salinity from surface to bottom in five sections off West Greenland 61° - 70°N are shown on vertical diagrams, with a few remarks. After relatively strong winter cooling, temp was about normal by May. Unusually high temp >50 were measured in the core of the Irminger Current in the deeper layers off the western slope of the banks as far as 65°N. The investigations were made by M/C Adolf Jensen, M/C Tornaq and R/V DLC. Dana. 104151 HERNES, I. Geologiske kartlegning av Norge. (Tidsskrift for kjemi, bergvesen og metallurgi 1969. v.29, no.4, p.94-96, Title tr.: map, illus) 5 refs. In Norwegian. The geologic mapping of Norway. Reviews plans for compiling and producing topographic and geologic maps of Norway in cooperation with NATO. The earlier, incom404
plete map series at scales of 1:250,000 and 1:100,000 are summarized. The new topographic series has a scale of 1:50,000, large enough for use in base mapping for geologic detail. In addition, data on the maps is being systematized and published as a catalog, which contains also data from unpublished journals and manuscript maps in the archives of the Norwegian geological survey. DGS. 104152 HERON, G.A. Seven species of Eurytemora (Copepoda) from northwestern North America (Crustaceana 1964. v.7, no.3, p.199-211, map, table, illus) Refs. German summary. Reports: Eurytemora herdmani and E. pacifica from offshore stations in Chukchi Sea and Kotzebue Sound and lagoons in the Pt Hope Cape Krusenstern region. E. raboti, E. americana, E. gracilicauda, E. composita and E. foveola appeared only in lagoons and inlets. Surface salinity data for 19 Aug - I Sept 1959 are tabulated. DLC. 104153 HERREID, G. Geological and geochemical investigations southwest of Farewell, Alaska. College 1968. 24 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals. Geologic report no.26) 5 refs. Reports on summer 1966 geologic mapping and stream sediment sampling in an uninhabited area just south of the Farewell fault, in the Kuskokwim headwater region, roughly 62°15'N 154° I5'W. The early Paleozoic slatelimestone and Middle (?) Paleozoic massive limestone are folded, faulted, intruded by granitoid stocks and cut by numerous andesite, keratophyre and rhyolite dikes. The physiography, various rock types, folding and faults are described. Stream sediments in the upper Middle Fork Kuskokwim drainage contain scattered Ni, Cu, Mo and Zn anomalies associated with diabase dikes and/or black slate in, and marginal to, the silicified aureole around the large granitoid stock at the head of that stream. One small Ni-bearing pyrrhotite deposit is associated with diabase in this area. A geologic map at approx I in: I mi, and tabulated data on Cu, Zn, Pb, Mo and Ni contents of stream sediments are included. DGS. 104154 HERREID, G. Progress report on the geology and geochemistry of the Sinuk area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska. College 1968. 13p. maps, tables. (Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals. Geologic report no.29) 2 refs. Reports, in continuation of No 87835, 1966 fieldwork, geochemical data for 1965 and 1966 work, and the geology as mapped to date at I in : I mi in the region 64°35' - 64°52'N 165°30'W. The Aurora Creek zinc deposit discovered in 1966 is at least 7000 ft long and still
open to the north. It seems to represent lenticular zones of silicification and dolomitization with associated pyrite, sphalerite and minor galena and chalcopyrite, possibly controlled by faults in the schist. Details are shown on a small-scale map. DGS.
free sales of malt and spirits in 1955. In 1959-65 imports of spirits rose 48.6-205.3 thousand liters, wine 120.3-192.9 thousand liters, and beer 3-8.6 million half-bottles. Restrictive measures were recommended at the meeting in 1966 and some have been introduced. CaMAI, DLC.
104155 HERSHBERGER, H.M. Ever try to build an octopus? (Alaska construction & oil 1969. v.10, no.6, p.50-55, illus) Describes a petroleum platform maintenance barge, 180-ft long, 60-ft wide, with a 160-ft long crane on deck with 200-ton lifting capacity. It is said to have the finest diving equipment and personnel in Alaska. All anchors, winches, cables, drums and other machinery are recessed deep below deck and monitored by remote-controlled, close-circuit television from the control room topside. Living quarters are provided for 48 workers to accommodate two-shift schedules. Other features of Platform Maintenance, Inc's Octopus are also noted. Construction of the barge in Jan-June 1968 is outlined and the services to Cook Inlet operators are described. DI.
104159 HERTZ, 0. Plant utilization in a West Greenland hunting community. (Folk 1968. v.10, p.37-44, illus) Describes some thirty plants with their Latin and common English names, their occurrence and uses as food, fuel, insulation, etc. The data were collected from Eskimo informants in 1966 during an ethnological investigation in the Upernavik District by the Danish National Museum and the Univ of Copenhagen, the author participating. DLC.
104156 HERSHBERGER, H.M. Sewage contracts, $40 million inwaste treatment before 1980. (Afaska construction & oil 1969. v.10, no.5, p.28-32) Notes a Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Dept study found that >12 million gallons of raw sewage is dumped daily with access to streams, beaches and the general groundwater supply; that >16% of wells tested have overt fecal contamination, etc. The Borough program calls for a sanitary trunk network and interceptor sewers with a primary waste treatment plant of a 34-million gal/day capacity and a deepwater ocean outfall extending into Knik Arm off Point Woronzof to a depth of 50 ft. Construction of the system requires about 10 yr. Estimated costs and phases of construction are discussed. DI. 104157 HERTLING, Aedruelighedeskommissionen. (Grenland 1968. no.8, p.225-28) In Danish. Title tn: The Temperance Commission. This nine-member commission was set up in 1966 to investigate alcohol consumption in Greenland and its effects, also to suggest means of reducing both. Its working program is outlined, incl its efforts for the rationing of alcohol. CaMAI, DLC. 104158 HERTLING, J. Grenlands landsrad og spiritussen. (Grenland 1968. no.7, p.193-98, tables, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: The Greenland Provincial Council and the alcohol question. Summarizes discussion of this problem at the council meetings since the introduction of
104160 HESSLER, V.P. Critique and evaluation of drifting station operation, Arlis III and Arlis IV. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.101-106) Recommends drifting stations as ideal sites for telluric, geomagnetic and auroral studies, as there is virtually no nearby activity to interfere with the scientific program. The size of the station, the scientific equipment and other gear are conditioned by the necessity of using light planes for evacuation. The establishment of Arlis Ill and IV, using the Arctic Research Laboratory's R4D and two Cessna-180s, is described. The camp arrangement, Arlis IV buildings, power supply by a 3-kw Onan diesel, and difficulties with communications because of the ionospheric skip distances are noted. Heat, water and sanitary .facilities, food and cooking, conveniences and sanitation about the camp are indicated. Carpenter, diesel and electronic kits were supplied; a sabre saw, small electric drill, stapler, and a hair drier to clear the mirror of the all-sky camera also proved useful. A difference in the ice activity at far distances from shore is noted. CaMAI, DLC. 104161 HESSLER, V.P. Polar ionospheric research. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.3, p.200-213, graphs, map, illus) 22 refs. Defines the ionosphere and describes its three horizontal layers or regions, distinguished by physical characteristics and ionization processes: as quiet D, E and F regions and as disturbed D, E and F regions when there is a disturbed sun (sunspot magma). Representative research techniques are characterized: all-sky camera, auroral spectroscopy, ionosonde, riometer, VHF forward scatter, auroral radar, whistlers, balloons and rockets. Some of the research problems are: the magnetospheric model, auroral theory, and the polar substorm. Programs needed include routine recording, a polar meridian net and experiments utilizing 405
satellites and rockets, all of which can use support of the Naval Arctic Research Barrow, Alaska. Laboratory at CaMAI, DLC.
types and the corrosive effect of each on mild steel, stainless steel, red brass, copper and aluCaMAI, DLC. minum is indicated.
104162 HESSLER, V.P. Telluric, geomagnetic, and auroral activity on arctic drifting College, Alaska stations and at Pt. Barrow. 1970. 169 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Alaska. Univ. Geophysical Institute. UAG R-212) 36 refs. Final report giving scalings of hourly range in telluric current activity for Pt Barrow Aug 1961 - Dec 1965, and similar scalings for 2-4 mo data-recording periods for drifting station, C, Arlis I and Arlis III. Studies of the diurnal variation of this activity with respect to the auroral oval show good correlation, but suggest need for more study. The relative amplitude of telluric activity at College, Barrow and drifting station C is in the order of 13 to 5 to 1. Normalrun magnetograms for approx one month each of the C and Arlis I stations are presented, as are simultaneous N-S, E-W, H and D traces for several polar substorms. The telluric current in the sea is generally aligned with so-called systems of auroral arcs but major differences occur. The electric (E) and magnetic (H) field intensity disturbance at the sea surface begins when the auroral arc arrives at the zenith, but max amplitude occurs only when the auroral arc reaches its northernmost limit of travel. DGS.
104165 HIBLER, W.D., III and others. Mesoscale strain measurements on the Beaufort Sea pack ice, AIDJEX 1971. (AIDJEX bulletin 1972. no.13, p.35-76, graphs, map, illus) 20 refs. Other authors: W.F. Weeks, S. Ackley and A. Kovacs. Describes the difficulties in laying out an ice strain array on and near the Camp 200 floe at —73°45'N 130°15'W, to measure the lateral transfer of stress, called the internal ice stress, which is one of the least understood forces currently included in the momentum equation. The deformation of a strain triangle located on first-year ice was observed over a two-week period in Mar. Short-term (^ 6 hr) divergence rates showed values up to .29x 10-3 hr 1, while long-term (1 day or more) rates varied between .04 and .08x 10-3 hr'. The observed shearing motion agreed with the shear pattern expected in the Pacific Gyre. Studies of fracture (lead and crack) orientations in the vicinity of the strain triangle indicated reasonable correlations with the strain-rate ellipse orientation. A qualitative relation is suggested between the fracture density and the long-term divergence rate. Correlations were also observed between the divergence of the wind field as computed from the surface pressure field and the ice divergence. CaMAI, DN-HO.
104163 HESSLER, V.P. Telluric, geomagnetic, and auroral studies on arctic drifting stations. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.377-94, graphs, illus) 10 refs. Reviews studies made on the drifting stations Charlie, Arlis I, III, and IV, and presents selected data, report of full data and extensive analysis being in preparation. Floebased drifting stations are uniquely suited to telluric current studies, ice islands less so because the electrodes must be installed at the edge of the island and the mass of saltfree glacier ice constitutes the type of conductivity anomaly encountered in a landCaMAI, DLC. based operation.
104166 HIBLER, W.D. III and L.A. LE SCHACK. Power spectrum analysis of ice ridges. (AIDJEX bulletin 1970. no.2, p.6670, graphs) 2 refs. Gives a brief formal description of the power spectrum procedure for an analysis technique which can be applied with laser and under ice sonar profiles, to determine preferred ridge spacings and the amount of ice exhibiting a given periodicity. Dominant ridge spacings may be of interest for dynamical ice modeling. The power spectrum technique can also be used for possibly identifying different ice types by their characteristic frequencies. CaMAI, DN-HO.
HEYBORNE, R.L., see No. 107765.
104167 HIBLER, W.D., III and others. Statistical aspects of sea-ice ridge distributions. (AIDJEX bulletin 1972. no.I2, p.I17-62, graphs, map) 14 refs. Other authors: W.F. Weeks and SJ. Mock. A theoretical distribution function for pressure ridge sail heights and keel depths is derived from fundamental assumptions about the randomness of the ridges. In addition, it is shown that the distribution function for ridge spacings (distance between ridges) can also be predicted from the assumption of spatially random occurrence. The suggested distribution
104164 HEYWARD, H.L. Study of corrosive rates of selected Alaskan ground waters. (In: Symposium on cold regions engineering 1970. Proceedings pub 1971. v.2, p.602-620, graphs, tables, illus) 2 refs. Presents data from seven localities in Alaska on the corrosive properties of groundwatbr, which pose major problems for water supply in the state. Methods of analysis are described, and the results tabulated and discussed. Water samples are divided into three 406
functions are, in form, negative exponentials of the ridge depth (or height) squared and the ridge spacing respectively. Extremely good fits were achieved to extensive data collected from sonar profiles of the lower surface of the pack ice and to laser profiles as well as visual roughness data from the upper ice surface. Using these models it is possible to completely characterize the ridging, in a one-dimensional sense, by two parameters: N ithe mean number of ridges per unit length, and h, the mean ridge depth (or height), A linear correlation exists between N and h. This suggests that maps showing the distribution of N or a pack-ice covered ocean may be used to statistically characterize both the spacing and the height distribution' of the ridges. CaMAI, DN-HO.
construction, life span, causes of failure and efficacy of treatment in low temperature of septic tank systems. Results show that systems installed using US Federal Housing Administration standards have a life expectancy of 6.5 yr in Fairbanks and 10 yr in Anchorage. Maintenance of the system depends on a large amount of heat from the domestic hot water; sludge decomposes more slowly at low temperatures requiring more frequent cleaning of septic tanks. Thawing of permafrost results in settling of the tanks and rupture of sewer pipes, thus foundations for tanks are indicated. Design of the sewage pit is a significant cause of failure; a narrow trench is suggested rather than rectangular pit. DLC.
104168 HIBLER, W.D. II and others. Top and bottom roughness of a multiyear ice floe. (AIDJEX bulletin 1972. no.13, p.77-9I, graphs, table, illus) 9 refs. Other authors: S. Ackley, W.F. Weeks and A. Kovacs. Reports a preliminary study of the freeboard-to-draft correlation problem in multiyear ice and of the snow surface — true ice surface relationship. This is of interest because remote sensing techniques, using laser profilometry, record the snow surface elevation, not the true ice surface. It was shown that the snow cover, although it attenuates the roughness amplitude of the ice surface, does not cover it completely. In general, the snow surface variance is lower by a factor of 1/3 to 1/4 than the ice surface variance. The correlation between snow and ice surface roughness is >8 m for long, and 200 species, about half of them belonging to Cosmarium. The collections were made in freshwater habitats in the Cape Thompson, Barrow, Umiat and Lake Peters areas during the 1965 Japanese Microbiological Expedition to the Alaskan Arctic. The habitat and circumpolar distribution of each of the taxa are given. One new species and some dozen new varieties or forms are described. CaMAI, DLC. A comparative 104179 HISDAL, V. study of the spectral composition of the zenith (Norway. Norsk Polarinstisky radiation. tutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969. p.7-27, tables, graphs, illus) 14 refs. Russian summary.
Discusses 1964 and 1966 measurements made in Spitsbergen and Oslo, using a grating monochromator with a photo-multiplier tube as a detector. To reduce the number of factors influencing the spectral distribution, only measurements referring to a completely clear sky, or a completely overcast sky, and to a solar altitude close to 30° are considered. The spectral curves show several characteristic dips which may be traced back either to solar Fraunhofer lines or to selective absorption in the earth's atmosphere. The considerable differences found between some of the spectral distributions are assumed to be partly due to typical regional inequalities with regard to the factors determining the atmospheric scattering conditions at the individual stations. CaMAI, DLC. 104180 HISDAL, V. Weather in Svalbard in 1966. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1966 pub 1968. p.I38-40, table) Day-by-day account. Table shows monthly mean temperatures for Isfjord Radio and their deviation from the 1947-65 means. During most months the 1966 temperatures were below average. CaMAI, DLC. 104181 HISDAL, V. The weather in Svalbard in 1967. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969. p. 19 I -93, table) Summarizes month-by-month the prevalent types of weather in this generally cool year. Monthly mean temperatures at lsfjord Radio and deviation from the 1947-66 mean are tabulated. CaMAI, DLC. 104182 HITCHON, B. Rock volume and pore volume data for plains regions of western Canada sedimentary basin between latitudes 49° and 60°N. (American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin 1968. v.52, no.12, p.2318-23, map, tables, illus) 9 refs. Comments briefly on tabulated data on rock volumes, and pore volumes within sandstone, shale, dolomite, limestone and evaporites, computed for 28 stratigraphic units. The average basin porosity is 11.8% with more than half the pore volume present in Mesozoic shale beds which comprise only 38% of the total DGS. basin fill. HITCHON, B., see also No. 105325. 104183 HJARNES, J. Gronland ved en milepael. (Jordens folk 1969. v.5, no.4, p.I74-75, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: Greenland at a milepost. Summarizes improvements in conditions after 1950 in health, occupations, education and other forms of measuring human progress. Since the change in Greenland's status the Danes have done much to provide work oppor-
tunity and foster higher standards. They form the upper social and economic class. The real need in Greenland is elimination of the distinction between Greenlandic workers and Danish administrators by providing equal economic and social opportunity. Some comparative figures are given. DLC. 104184 HJELLE, A. Comparison of chemical and modal analyses of granitic rocks from Svalbard. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969. p.230-32, tables) 2 refs. Reports approximate chemical compositions of 48 samples computed from modal analyses, and comparison with ten of the samples analyzed chemically. The modal method is subject to only small errors for most of the oxides concerned. Some oxide percentages, e.g. FeO and K20 may show differences when compared to the new chemical analyses. The computed analyses may be improved, however, by better methods and/or more careful point counting, especially of the slabs. CaMAI, DLC. 104185 HJELLE, A. Stratigraphical correlation of Hecla Hoek successions north and south of Bellsund. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969. p.46-51, map, table) 9 refs. Contains a comparison of Hecla Hoek stratigraphy in two localities in Spitsbergen: one at Konglomeratfjellet south of Recherchefjorden in Bellsund, and the other north and northwest of Kapp Martin on the north side of Bellsund. The rocks are tillite conglomerate, quartzite, phyllite, volcanic rocks, calcareous rocks and quartzite conglomerate, all of late Precambrian age. A stratigraphical correlation is suggested between the two localities. CaMAI, DLC. 104186 TIJOHLMAN, B. 1 Karesuando. (Norrbottens tans hembygdsf'o'rening. Arsbok 1968. p.165-70, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: In Karesuando. Reviews progress in the preservation of historic sites, a dwelling of Laestadius' pupil Johan Raatama, old burial grounds, Lappish but sites, etc, supervised by the Norrbotten Museum. DLC. 104187 HJORTH, L Bland kamrater. (Norrbottens lans hembygdsforening. Arsbok 1968. p.229-44) In Swedish. Title tr.: Among comrades. Presents selections from the diary of a school teacher in Norrbotten, describing individuals, the general scale of living, accepted customs, travel experiences, etc. DLC. 104188 HJORTH, L Kvinnan i samhallet, Lina Hjorth berattar vidare. (Norrbot409
tens Idris hembygdsforening. Arsbok 1966. p.143-68) In Swedish. Title tr.: Woman in the community; Lina Hjorth continues her reminiscences. Continues (in sequence to No 87862) her account of life in the mining town of Kiruna, north Sweden, during the first part of this cenDNAL. tury. 104189 HOARE, J.M. and W.H. CONDON. Geologic map of the Hooper Bay quadrangle, Alaska. Washington, DC 1968. 4 p. map 1:250,000, table. (US. Geological Survey. Miscellaneous geological investigations. Map no.I-523) 12 refs. Bedrock exposed in the area 61° - 62°N 165° - I68°W, consists of Cretaceous sandstone and siltstone, a late Cretaceous granodiorite pluton containing several northwest-trending lineaments, and Quaternary basalt. Surficial deposits, mapped largely through aerial photointerpretation, are most fluvial, old coastalplain and deltaic deposits, which locally have been reworked by ocean currents and wind to DGS. form beaches, bars, spits and dunes. HOARE, J.M., see also No. 106301. 104190 HOBART, C.W. and C.S. BRANT. Dansk og canadisk eskimoundervisning: en sammenligning. (Gronland 1967. no.2, p.3354, map, illus) 14 refs. In Danish. Title tr.: Danish and Canadian Eskimo education, a comparison. Revised and extended version, translated into Danish, of the lecture "Socio-cultural conditions and consequences of native education in the Arctic; a cross-national comparison" given at the 64th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association in Denver, Colorado, on 20 Nov 1965, and pub as infra. Comments were made by C. Berthelsen, qv. CaMAI, DLC. 104191 HOBART, C.W. and C.S. BRANT. Eskimo education, Danish and Canadian, a comparison. (Canadian review of sociology and anthropology 1966. v.3, no.2, p.47-66) Refs. Based mainly on data gathered in the Mackenzie District in 1963 and 1964, and in Greenland in 1965. A provisional typology is suggested with explaining cultural replacement, an attempt to replace the traditional culture with a modern one in a short period, cultural continuity, to preserve basic features of the traditional culture, and cultural synthesis, the introduction of change on a continuing, planned basis. The Greenland educational system has been one of cultural continuity, shifting recently toward cultural synthesis, and the Canadian system one of cultural replacement, with a few recent 410
tendencies toward cultural synthesis. The transition in Greenland, accelerated in the past decade, has had some disruptive effects, but the administration has utilized social research in the modification of policies and programs. In Canada, a policy of cultural synthesis seems problematic. The two systems have differential effects in terms of cultural and personal integrity, and their future development will have profound consequences for the cultural and economic evolution of Greenland and arctic Canada. CaMM. 104192 HOBART, C.W. Influence of the school on acculturation with special reference (Alberta. Univ. Boreal Instito Greenland. tute. Occasional publication 1968, no.4, p.4363) 11 refs. Analyzes the social psychology of acculturation with emphasis on the effects on self-regard, identity feelings, values and motivations, the kind of educational system offered and resultant student behavior. The systems in Mackenzie District and Greenland are compared. Most Eskimo school children have no pre-school experience in the physical facilities, language, food, fellow students, patterning of relationships, time schedules, disciplines, motivations, or curriculum content of the school. The children early lose appreciation of their parents, home communities and way of life. Hence, though conformist or criminal behavior is rare, there is evidence of conflict, retreatist and apathetic, inactive adjustments. The pre-1955 Greenland school system was in contrast with that of the Canadian North. But with the economic and technological changes after World War II, the school system was changed with emphasis on the Danish language and upper-grade training. Rather than a crash program to improve native teachers, large numbers of young Danes were introduced (up to 300 by 1965). A stratification of Greenland society may result, with the Greenlanders in the unskilled and semi-skilled occupations and becoming CaMAI, MiU. increasingly impoverished. HOBBLE, J.E., see No. 106756. 104193 HOBSON, G.D. and H.A. MACAULAY. Seismic reconnaissance survey of the Athabasca formation, Alberta and Saskatchewan, part of 74. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 23 p. graphs, maps, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 69-18) 22 refs. Reports results of summer 1963 and winter 1968 refraction and reflection seismic reconnaissance surveys in the approx 40,000 mil area 57°15' - 59°15'N 104° - 110°45'W, east and south of Lake Athabasca. The
conventional seismic refraction and hammer seismic reflection instrumentation and field operations are discussed in some detail. The refraction survey shows that the Athabasca sedimentary rocks are >5000 ft thick. Basement structural trends are recognized and related to known geological features. The regional topography of the basement rocks has been determined but the spacing of data is too great to indicate local basement relief which may be considerable. CaMAI, DGS. 104194 HOBSON, G.D. Seismic refraction results from the Hudson Bay region. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 1969. no.68-53, p.227-46, graphs, maps, illus) 9 refs. Results of seismic surveys, onshore in Manitoba 1963 and Ontario 1964 and marine in Hudson Bay 1965 are discussed in relation to the mapped geology, cf A.W. Norris, qv. Basement depths in Hudson Bay and extent of the sedimentary basin are mapped; cross-sections across the bay and lowlands in Manitoba and Ontario show strata divided on the basis of refraction seismic velocities; data on velocity ranges and lithology are tabulated. The thickness of sediments overlying the Precambrian basement is calculated to be —4000 ft. CaMAI, DGS. HOBSON, C.D., see also No. 103247. 104195 HOCHBAUM, H.A. Churchill, a pattern for the future? (In: Conference on productivity...I969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.269-71) 3 refs. Describes the townsite as surrounded by dumps of trash, refuse and discarded equipment. Random extraction of gravel for construction has damaged the nearby terrain. Pollutants, vandalism and wildlife destruction in other localities are also cited. Regulations and their enforcement for wilderness behavior and resource use are urgently required. CaEUB. 104196 HOCHSTEIN, M. Electrical resistivity measurements on ice sheets. (Journal of glaciology 1967. v.6, no.47, p.62333, graphs, tables) Refs. French and German summaries. Notes measurements by the International Glaciological Expedition to Greenland in 1959 and the US Antarctic Research Programs in 1961-62 and 1962-63. The electrical resistivity of firn and ice of ice sheets is a function of the "base" resistivity, the contact resistance between the grains, and the temperature. At greater depths, temperature is the predominant influence, and observed resistivity curves can be explained by temperature variations which agree partly with the theories of heat conduction in ice sheets. CaMAI, DLC.
104197 HOCK, R.J. Analysis of Gloger's rule. (Hvalradet. Skrifter 1965. no.48, p.21426, graphs, table) 26 refs. Gloger's is one of three rules cited by ecologists, as having a bearing on physiological response to cold. It states that homoiotherms in northern areas tend to be white or to exhibit seasonal dichromatism to reduce radiation of heat to the environment. Gloger (1833) did not propose a rule, but he believed that white coloration found in northern areas was due to the weakening effect of cold. The so-called rule is shown to be invalid, however, by observation of percentages of arctic animals and birds showing color dichromatism and by experimental data on metabolic rates, pelage insulation and infrared emissivities of white and dark arctic homoiotherms. White coloration does not reduce heat loss and is of no thermoregulatory value in cold areas. It may be useful as protective coloration and may be genetically selected. DI. 104198 HOCK, R.J. and V. COTTINI. Mammals of the Little Susitna valley, Alaska. (American midland naturalist 1966. v.76, no.2, p.325-39, graphs, map, table) 17 refs. Dscusses a 1950-54 study of this area in the Talkeetna Mts, from 445 to 1185 m in altitude. Annual cycles of vegetation, climate and mammal occurrence are considered and five vegetative zones are noted. Thirty species of mammals, including the caribou, no longer present, are recorded. The Arctic ground squirrel and hoary marmot were objects of special study. DLC. 104199 HOCKING, B. Insect-flower associations in the high Arctic with special reference to nectar. (Oikos 1968. v.19, no.2, p.359-87, graphs, map, tables) 22 refs. Studies in arctic insects no.34 of the Canadian Dept of Agriculture's Entomology Research Institute. Russian summary. Records nectar concentration and vol/day of 37 flowering plants at Lake Hazen on Ellesmere Island as observed in summers 1963, 1966-67. Nectar production per unit area was much less than that recorded some years earlier at Churchill, but the yield in mg sugar/flower/day was higher at Lake Hazen. Flowers compete for pollinators rather than vice versa. Important thermal increments may be obtained by black insects from heliotropic flowers e.g. Dryas, Papaver which focus sunlight falling on them in the germ cell region. The 184 plant-insect associations reported fall into several categories: ambush 6, basking 4, flying over 20, hidden in 20, courtship behavior 1, nectar feeding 23, ovipositing 2, pollen feeding or collecting 12, and resting on or uncertain 96. Flowers are important aggregation centers or insect populations in the Arctic. DLC. 411
104200 HODGKINSON, J. Reconnaissance seismic and magnetometer surveys in Hudson Bay, Canada. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 1969. no.68-53, p.247-69, graphs, maps, illus) 3 refs. Presents results of the 1965 refraction survey over a part of Hudson Bay, in the form of a structure map on a deep refractor. Comparison of this map with one of depth-to-basement estimates from an aerial magnetometer survey shows the magnetic basement to be 1500-3000 ft deeper than the deep refractor. Correlation of refraction results in the bay and on the coast indicates that the deep refractor is an Ordovician limestone. Interpretation of the results of the seismic and magnetometer surveys indicate that the sedimentary section beneath Hudson Bay is > 8000 ft thick. Field procedures, instrumentation, computation procedures and problems encountered in reflection CaMAI, DGS. shooting are discussed. HODGSON, J.H.,
see No. 107706.
Karplanter fra Vest104201 HOEG, H.I. spitsbergen 1966. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1966 pub 1968. p.120-24, map) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Vascular plants from Spitsbergen 1966. Lists 79 species collected in five localities on CaMAI, DLC. the west coast. 104202 HOEFS, M. and W.G. BENJEY. Park in perpetual planning: the Kluane Park Reserve, Yukon. (Canadian field-naturalist 1971. v.85, no.3, p.261-65, map, illus) 28 refs. Describes physical features, vegetation and wildlife of the Kluane Game Sanctuary in southwest Yukon, from the White River south to the British Columbia border, and from the Alaska and Haines Highways west to the Alaska border. It was declared a National Park Reserve in Dec 1942, but the Yukon mineral industry opposes the withdrawal of lands from their potential use, hence the area of the• Reserve has been whittled down and extractive industries proceed without restriction within the Reserve. Yukon residents are preparing a petition to have the Park estalished, and public action is advocated to induce the federal govCaMA1, DGS. ernment to do so. 104203 HOGLUND, N.H. and E. LANSGREN. Studier over Laplandsuglen i Sverige. (Naturens verden. Jan 1968. p.11-16, Title tr.: Studies of the illus) In Danish. Lapland owl in Sweden. Reports observation of 19 nesting pairs of Strix nebulosa lapponica near the Arctic Circle in Norrbotten. Regardless of the biotope, an abandoned nest was selected and 1-9 eggs laid, with 3-6 the average. The routines and timing in care and rearing of the young, their rate of 412
increase in weight, etc are stated. Rodents were the chief food, and in short supply apparently as only one or two young from a clutch survived to maturity. DLC. 104204 HOHN, E.O. The birds of the Chesterfield Inlet, District of Keewatin, N.W.T., Canada. (Canadian field-naturalist 1968. v.82, no-4, p.244-62, maps, tables, illus) Refs. Records observations May 27-July 22, 1967, at Rankin Inlet, Wag and Promise Islands, Fairway Island, Lake Ikalukarjuk, Lake Ayaratulik, Sachpik Island, Rockhouse Island and Cape Silumiut. The local list, on the basis of the information presented here and that previously published, stands at 71 species, 22 spp of proven breeding birds; four ssp which probably breed regularly but have not yet been proved to do so; 24 spp of spring and fall transients, post-breeding-season wanderers, or winter visitors; and eleven spp of vagrants. Sixteen of the species were added to the list as a result CaMAI, DLC. of this study. 104205 HOHN, E.O. Eskimo bird names at Chesterfield Inlet and Baker Lake, Keewatin, Northwest Territories. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.1, p.72-76, tables, illus) 9 refs. Lists 48 names in English, Latin and Eskimo. Krakok, Koluar and Kchlaiyuk, of the tribe Boas, called Kinepitu or Agutit, were the Eskimo informants, and explanations of the basic meaning of the native names was provided by Father E. Fafard, OMI. The pronunciation and system of orthography used, are noted. This material was gathered incidentally in the course of a May-July 1967 field trip. CaMAI. DLC. 104206 - HOHN, E.O Field notes on mammals of the Chesterfield Inlet District of Keewatin. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.1, p.49-51, map) 4 refs. Presents an annotated list of species observed and/or collected 27 May - 21 July 1967. Included are polar bear, shorttail weasel, arctic and red fox, gray wolf, lynx, saddleback, hooded and bearded seal, walrus, arctic ground squirrel, brown and Hudson Bay collared lemming, northern redback vole, arctic hare, barren-ground caribou, and bowhead and white whales. Common, Latin and Eskimo names are given. Eskimo names are also given for the black bear, wolverine, muskox, killer whale and narwhal, none of them seen or recently reported. CaMAI, DLC. 104207 HOHN, E.O. Observations on the breeding behaviour of phalaropes. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.1, p.40-41) 5 refs. Red and northern phalaropes Phalaropus fulicarius and P. lobatus appeared at sea 13
June 1967 at Chesterfield Inlet. Nesting took place on the mainland by P. lobatus and by both species on Promise and Fairway Islands, in the absence of territorial behavior by red phalaropes and in association with colonially breeding arctic terns Sterna paradisaea. Instances of display and mating are noted as is the departure of females after egg-laying, on night of 9-10 July. 17 new records of local avifauna are given, also proof of breeding of the Canada goose, pintail, sandhill crane, black guillemot and savannah sparrow, the breeding status of which was uncertain or unknown. CaMAI, DLC. 104208 HOHN, E.O. Some observations on the breeding of northern phalaropes at Scammon Bay, Alaska. (Auk 1968. v.85, no.2, p.316-17) The females of Lobipes lobatus arrived in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region in midMay at least one week ahead of the males. They nest on the sedge grass marshlands, in alder-willow scrub zone and heath-covered slopes above the Askinuk Mts. Observations of mating, absence of territorialism, nests, size of Butches and male incubating behavior and spinning are noted. DLC. 104209 HOJER, E.W. Skogen i vart landskap. (Sveriges natur. Arsbok 1969. v.60, p.53-63, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: The forest in our landscape. Reviews the status of national forests and efforts to set aside the forest area of the northern upland. The area is uneconomic for lumbering, but it could serve as a nature preserve, and a locality for mountaineering tourism. DLC. 104210 HOEKSTRA, P. Water movement and freezing pressures. (Soil Science Society of America. Proceedings 1969. v.33, no.4, p.512-18, graphs, table, illus) 14 refs. Deals with the value and behavior of pressures, which develop when cylindrical columns of saturated soils are frozen unidirectionally under conditions of constant volume with an open water supply at the warm side. If water can migrate in the frozen soil and ice lenses grow behind the freezing front, the value of the pressure depends on the temperature at the ice lens. This process occurs in clayey soils, the pressure being theoretically limited by the phase transition ice 1 - water. Values of 100 atm have been measured. Where ice lenses form at the freezing front in the absence of water migration, the pressure reaches a constant value of 0.2 atm for sand soil and 3 atm for silt soil. Thermodynamic models proposed in explanation of these phenomena are also DGS. discussed. HORZ, F., see No 103303.
HOFFMAN, B.L.P., see No. 104248 104211 HOFFMAN, E.G. and R.M. YANCEY. Ellobiopsidae of Alaskan coastal waters. (Pacific science 1966. v.20, no.1, p.70-78, illus) 13 refs. Records the occurrence of Thalassomyces fagei, T. capillosus and Ellobiopsis chattoni, parasitic on a euphausid, caridean and copepod respectively, in Kachemak Bay, Cook Inlet and/or Orca Bay, Prince William Sound, Auke Bay, and Lynn Canal. The ranges of all three species are thus extended to Alaskan waters; this is the first North Pacific record of T. fagei , and E. chattoni. The farthest north prior record for T. capillosus was Coos Bay, Ore. The developmental stages of T. fagei are described and its seasonal distribution discussed. Metridia longa (copepod) is a new host for E. chattoni. DLC. 104212 HOFFMAN, P.F. Proterozoic paleocurrents and depositional history of the East Arm fold belt, Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.3, p.441-62, maps, table, illus) 26 refs The nearly 40,000 ft of unmetamorphosed Aphebian (and possibly lowermost Helikian) sedimentary and volcanic rocks exposed in this area, is an erosional remnant of an Appalachian-type geosynclinal complex with a NNW depositional strike. Paleocurrent, stratigraphic and sedimentological data indicate a depositional history of the complex involving a double transgressive, pre-orogenic miogeosyncline receiving sediment from a distant cratonic source to the ENE; a regressive, synorogenic exogeosyncline (elastic wedge) with sediment supplied from rapidly uplifted tectonic lands to the WSW; and a continental, post-orogenic taphrogeosyncline (down-faulted intermontaine trough) which received sediment locally from block-fault scarps within the East Arm area. Facies predictions based on this model provide criteria for establishing stratigraphic correlation and contiguity between this and other Aphebian sequences in the northwestern DGS. Canadian Shield. 104213 HOFFMAN, P.F. Stratigraphy of the Lower Proterozoic (Aphebian), Great Slave supergroup, east arm of Great Slave Lake, District of Mackenzie. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1968. 93 p. maps, tables, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-42) 26 refs. Reports results of 1966-67 fieldwork and introduces a revised and expanded stratigraphic nomenclature for the rocks formerly called the Great Slave Group. They are raised to supergroup status, divided into four groups, each with four formations, which are defined. Their thickness, distribution, lithology, contact 413
relations and origin are discussed and 18 type sections described (p. 53-93). The supergroup comprises >50,000 ft of unmetamorphosed Precambrian sedimentary and volcanic rocks occurring in a fold belt 180 mi long and 60 mi wide which consists of an asymmetric, canoeshaped synclinorium upon which a Precambrian graben was superimposed. DGS. 104214 HOFFMANN, H.J. and G.D. JACKSON. Precambrian (Aphebian) microfossils from Belcher Islands, Hudson Bay. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.5, p.1137-44, map, illus) 22 refs. Reports for the first time a small assemblage of primitive microscopic fossils from the lower part of the Belcher Group. The microbiota include chains and clumps of bacteria, filamentous and spheroidal structures of probable algal or fungal affinities and a variety of isolated and clustered spheroids and other structures of probable biologic origin. The structures, >1600 MY old, occur in a black chert associated with thick dolomite beds considered early Proterozoic in age. A summary of the stratigraphy and geologic history of the Belcher Group, based on Jackson's report, No 65440, is included with a generalized stratigraphic column. CaMAI, DGS. 104215 HOGNESTAD, P.T. Centrolophus niger. Gmelin and Centrolophus britannicus Gunther (Stromateidae) in north Norway. Tromso 1968. 9 p. graph, map, tables, illus. (Astarte no.29) 8 refs. The black ruff Centrolophus niger and Cornish blackfish C. britannicus have been recorded from northern waters only beginning 1963. C. niger_ is a North Atlantic pelagic species. Tabulated data on these records and biometric data are given and briefly discussed. DGS. 104216 HOGNESTAD, P.T. Forekomst av egg og yngel av fisk i Nord-Norske kyst- og bankfarvann i mai og juni 1967. (Fiskets gang 1969. v.55, no.1, p.10-12, graphs, maps, tables, illus) Ref. Also pub in: Fisken og havet 1969. no.1, p.1-3. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Distribution of egg and young of fish in northern Norwegian coastal and bank waters in May and June 1967. Reports results of plankton hauls in the upper 75 m between Traena and Sorely. For cod, haddock, herring, redfish and capelin, the variations in egg and larvae distribution and abundance are given, also their growth stage, and conclusions on spawning season conditions. DLC. 104217 HOGNESTAD, P.T. Forekomst av fiskelarver i Nord-Norske kyst- og bankfarvann varen 1968. (Fiskets gang 1969. v.55, 414
no.4, p.58-61, graph, maps, tables, illus) 2 refs. Fisken og havet 1969. no.1, p.1114. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Distribution of fish larvae in northern Norwegian coastal and bank waters in the spring of 1968. Summarizes findings from several 1968 surveys for fish larvae in northern Norwegian coastal waters. Cancentrations of cod, herring, redfish and capelin larvae are compared with the patterns of 1967, and some conclusions drawn as to hatching periods and larvae growth, spawning areas, and lengths of spawning periods. DLC.
Also pub in:
104218 HOGNESTAD, P.T. Observations on polar cod in the Barents Sea. (Int. Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et procts-verbaux 1968. v.158, p.126-30, graphs, maps, tables) 10 refs. Material from 1956-66 cruises of Norwegian research vessels and published data show that Boreogadus saida occurs in all but the southwestern part of Barents Sea and in waters south and west of Spitsbergen. During autumn and winter, shoals migrate towards the east coast of Barents Sea for spawning during the first months of the year. It is now generally agreed that B. saida spawns along the ice-border. Outside the spawning season the polar cod seems to prefer temperatures below zero. Its main food item is the copepod Calanus finmarchicus. Size, growth and maturity data are briefly discussed. DLC. 104219 HOGNESTAD, P.T. On Bramidae and Pteraclinidae with special reference to the distribution in northern waters. Tromso 1968. 15 p. maps, tables, illus. (Astarte no.34) 26 refs. The two specimens of Taractes raschii, one of Brama raii and 29 of Pterycombus brama recorded off northern Norway up to 1968, seem to represent bathypelagic species from warmer parts of the North Atlantic. They probably migrated northward through the Faroe-Shetland channel and followed the main current branches to northern Norway. DGS. 104220 HOGNESTAD, P.T. Polar cod Lep. in Norwegian waters. Tromso 1968. 4 p. map, illus. (Astarte no.31) 3 refs. Reports the taking of an adult male polar cod in a bottom trawl net in Osterbotn, the innermost part of Porsangenfjord in Nov 1967. This is a first record west of 35°E in Barents Sea. The species frequents areas with subzero temperatures, spawns during the first month of the year mainly along the ice border, and its young age-groups are found mainly along the Spitsbergen coasts. Its principal food is Calanus finmarchicus. DGS. Boreogadus saida
104221 HOGNESTAD, P.T. Smasild- og feitsildtokt med F/F "0.0. Sars" i tiden 18. oktober til 7. november 1962. (Fisken og havet 1963. no.5, p.1-3, graphs, maps, illus) Refs. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Small herring and fat herring cruise with the G.O. Sars 18 Oct- 7 Nov 1962. Reviews the cruise plan for biological and scientific studies of immature herring types in the Barents Sea and on banks off the north Norwegian coast. The 1960 class appeared more abundant than the 1959 or 1961. Temperature, hydrography, and water plankton data were recorded. Underwater photography was tried. DI. 104222 HOGNESTAD, P.T. Smasildundersekelser i Nord-Norge med F/F "Asterias" hasten 1959. (Norway. Fiskeridirektoratet. Arsberetning vedkommende Norges fiskerier 1959 pub 1961. no.9, p.31-43, graphs, maps) In Norwegian. rule tr.: Investigations of immature herring in northern Norway by the Asterias during the fall of 1959. Describes studies aboard the Tromso marine biological station vessel between Harstad and Porsanger, particularly on two types of fish under one year of age. The fish which had lived in the fjords were smaller and weighed less than those which moved in from the sea in the fall, and fat content was 1-2% in the fjord fish, 12-14% in the sea schools. Hence fall fishing should await the fall migration from the sea. The fish descend to deep water as the surface cools in the fall, but whether they follow plankton or are directly affected by the temperature is unknown. Salt content of the fjord waters varies with the freshwater influx and with the greater inflow from the sea during onshore winds. The effects of these changes need study, as do the variations within a fjord and between fjords. DLC. HOGNESTAD, P.T., see also No. 103166. 104223 HOHLE, P. Norsk tindesport gjennom hundre ar. (Norske turistforening. Arbok 1968, p.86-99, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Norwegian mountain climbing over a century. Includes references to the first ascent of Stetind in Tysfjord, and of Geita, Trakta, and Kloklcetind on the Lofotens, in 1910 by Alf B. Bryn, C.W. Rubenson and F. Scheldrup. The first winter climb of Geita was by A.R. Heen in 1956, and of Stetind in 1963 by R. Haibakk, K.F. Baastad, and A. Naess. Since the war Norwegian climbers have been active on Greenland and Svalbard. DLC. 104224 HOK, J.R. Reconnaissance of tractor trails and related phenomena on the
north slope of Alaska. n.p., US. Bureau of Land Management 1969. 66 p. maps, illus. Describes areas investigated in a summer 1969 reconnaissance of long-range effects of tracked vehicles on arctic tundra landscape. The sample sites within the Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4 are Cape Simpson, Umiat and Knifeblade - Wolf Creek - Square Lake and, beyond, Gubik and Toolik. The 77 accompanying photos illustrate the importance and interrelationships of season, degree of disturbance, soil moisture content and topography and their effects on erosion. The samples include a high percentage of bladed summer trails made by heavy tractors. A scarcity of weasel and bombardier tracks suggests that limited use of these broad-tracked, light personnel carriers does not generally cause long-lasting disturbance. To repair or minimize damage is generally beyond the powers of vegetation; the most certain means for limiting environment damage is prevention, rather than rehabilitation. CaMAI, WaU-Forest. ROLAND, H.R., see No. 106453. 104225 HOLGERSEN, H. Landsplan for fuglereservater. (Stavanger. Museet. Sterna 1968. v.8, no.1, p.27-29) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Nationwide plan for bird preserves. Lists 20 localities in Norway recommended as bird sanctuaries, seven of them in the three northern counties. Wetland, coastal, bird-rock, etc sites are included. DLC. 104226 HOLGERSEN, H. Stavanger Museums gjenfunn 1966. (Stavanger. Museet. Sterna 1968. v.8, no.3, p.111-39) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Stavanger Museum recoveries 1966. Lists important recoveries of more than 70 species of birds banded in Norway, many of them either banded or recovered in the northern counties or on Spitsbergen. DLC. HOLLAND, C., see No. 106463. 104227 HOLLIDAY, D.W. Basal sediments of the Nordenskialdbreen formation, middle Carboniferous, on the southwest coast of Braggerhalvaya, Spitsbergen. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1966 pub 1968. p.99-104, map, illus) 7 refs. The carbonate rocks of this formation indicate a marine transgression into Braggerhalvoya during the Middle Carboniferous. Terrigenous elastics at the base of the formation which are locally bound by calcareous algae and contain lenses of algal limestone, are considered to represent an early intertidal phase in this transgression. Except in the north of the section, a coral 415
biostrome developed in shallow open sea conditions and dominated by Chaetetes radians and Campophyllum kiaeri, overlies the basal conglomerate and is in its turn overlain by limestone and dolomite. Similar deposits occur at the base of the Nordenskioldbreen formation elsewhere in Broggerhalvoya. CaMAI, DLC. Ice-sheet surges 104228 HOLLIN, J.T. and the geological record. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.4, pt.2, p.903910, illus) Deals with evidence from the geologic record for and against past surges in the Gondwanaland, Antarctic and Laurentide ice sheets. CaMAI, DGS.
Threatened 104229 HOLLOWAY, C.W. vertebrates in northern circumpolar regions. (In: Conference on productivity... 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.175-92) 58 refs. Member of the Survival Service Commission of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) reports on the status of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fishes that spend all or part of their life cycle in the Arctic. The IUCN classifies threatened species as endangered, rare, depleted or indeterminate. Distribution, major threats to survival and current status and protection in the Arctic are given for the species cited. Major problems in their survival and possible corrective action are discussed. Threatened throughout their world range are: fin, blue, humpback and Greenland right whales, barren-ground grizzly and polar bears, Atlantic walrus, Novaya Zemlya reindeer, Siberian white crane, Eskimo curlew and Hudsonian godwit. In addition, eight mammals and 13 birds are endangered nationally. The major hazards are over-exploitation and modiCaEUB. fication of the environment. 104230 HOLM-HANSEN, 0. and others. Ciliate red tide at Barrow, Alaska. (Marine biology 1970. v.7, no.1, p.37-46, graphs, map, tables, illus) 35 refs. Other authors: F.J.R. Taylor and R.J. Barsdate. Reports the first observed occurrence in the Arctic Ocean of red water along the coast from 35 km southwest of Barrow village to the Point, 7 Sept 1968. It was caused by a 100-150 s ciliate of enigmatic taxonomic position, autotrophic and containing chlorophyll a. Neither morphologic study nor chemical analysis revealed the pigmented endosymbionts. Dissolved inorganic nutrients and trace metals concentrations in red water' and adjacent clear water are discussed relative to the hydrographic conditions in this area of Chukchi Sea. The red tide ciliate contained approx 51% pro416
tein, 33% lipid, 8% carbohydrate, 0.2% chloroDSI. phyll a and 1.2% DNA. 104231 HOLMES, G.W. and H.L. FOSTER. Geology of the Johnson River area, Alaska. Washington DC 1968. 49 p. maps, tables, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Bulletin 1249) 31 refs. Contains a general account of the physical geography, and the bedrock and surficial geology of this 710 mi2 area in east-central Alaska, about 150 mi southeast of Fairbanks. The short, broad Johnson River flows north from the Alaska Range into the Tanana. The vegetation, topography, and geology of this area are representative of the entire eastern interior region of Alaska. Boreal forest and upland tundra cover the region, which has a continental subarctic climate, and is in the zone of discontinuous permafrost. Topographic units include the Yukon-Tanana upland, the Tanana-Kuskokwim and Northway-Tanacross lowlands, and the Alaska Range. Geologic features are mapped on a scale of I in: 1 mi. Bedrock is composed mostly of metamorphic and igneous rocks, ranging in age from possibly Precambrian to Tertiary, Intense Pleistocene glaciation of the Alaska Range produced a variety of glacial forms. Two main advances have been identified, with considerable eolian activity during and immediately following them besides extensive evidence of frost action. Phenomena of Recent age possibly reflect climatic fluctuations since the last major glaciation, although some important elements in the landscape do not appear to reflect climatic events so distinctly as glaciations or related phenomena. Field studies were made chiefly in the summers of 1957 and 1960. Mapping was done mainly on foot, with several traverses by automobile along the Alaska Highway, by boat along the Tanana, and reconnaissance was carried out by light aircraft and helicopter. DGS. 104232 HOLMES, R.T. A dovekie on the Pribilof Islands. (Condor 1968. v.70, no.1, p.86) Plautus alle was first recorded in Alaska in 1935 near Pt Barrow; it was seen in 1965 on St Lawrence and Little Diomede Islands; and the author reports it seen in July 1958 on St George Island. Several St George natives indicated that a few dovekies were seen there every year. Therefore it can be accepted as a regular although uncommon inhabitant of Bering Sea DI. islands. and F.A. 104233 HOLMES, R.T. Food overlap among coexisting PITELKA. sandpipers on northern Alaskan tundra. (Systematic zoology 1968. v.17, no.3, p.305-18, graphs, tables, illus) 16 refs. Reports summer 1959-63 studies of four
common species of Calidris (alpina, pusillus and fuscicollis), which make up the larger part of the insectivore fauna in the low wet grass-sedge tundra of the Barrow area. These species differ in body and beak sizes, amount and direction of sexual dimorphism and geographic distribution in Northern Alaska. Their diets overlap broadly and consist mainly of chironomid and tipulid larvae and diptera imagos. The impact on food supply is heaviest in July-early Aug, when young birds are actively growing. The main relief to intraand inter-specific competition is the early migratory departure of adults of three of the four species. Data on time trends in breeding habitat and diet, composition and percent overlap of diets of adult and young birds are tabulated and/or graphically presented. CaMAI, DLC. Arktis, Sve104234 HOLMQUIST, C. rige. (Fauna och flora 1969. v.64, no.2, p.7486, map, illus) 30 refs. In Swedish. English Tide tr.: The Arctic, Sweden. summary. From four summers' limnological work in Alaska, author questions the validity of current theories regarding glacial relicts in Scandinavia. Insufficient knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of many species due to faulty techniques and to arbitrary selection of localities is cited. Examples are given of new records of marine invertebrates established by applying DLC. suitable techniques, etc. Fran organi104235 HOLMQVIST, E. sationskonferensen i Skelleftea 25-26/1-69. (Svenska jamvagstidningen 1969. v.56, no.3, Title tr.: From the p.I0-11, illus) In Swedish. organization conference in Skelleftea, 25-26 January 1969. Summarizes activities of delegates of the northernmost branch of the trade union congress at its early 1969 meeting. Approx 20 members met for discussion of the current DLC. organization and functional matters. Opplevelser pa 104236 HOLMSEN, G. mine tre sommerekspedisjoner til "No Man's Land". (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1966 pub 1968. p.48-75, illus) In Norwegian. English summary. Title Sr.: Experiences during my three summer expeditions to "No Man's Land". His first of these expeditions to Spitsbergen was in 1908 with Adolf Hoel, to stake a claim to a coal deposit discovered by Hoel the previous year, and to collect fossils. In 1909, with five companions, he visited the area between Isfjorden and Bellsund to look for coal deposits. His third expedition was in 1912 to investigate occurrences of fossil ice. The primitive conditions and traveling facilities are described. CaMAI, DLC.
104237 HOLOWAYCHUK, N. and others. Strontium-90 content of soils near Cape Thompson, Alaska. (Soil science 1969. v.107, no.2, p.137-44, map, tables, illus) II refs. Other authors: P.L. Gersper and L.P. Wilding. Reports results of 1961-64 sampling at 14 sites on the Ogotoruk Creek watershed and Sr90 measurements. The Sr-90 content increased >2.5 times during the four yr. No consistent correlation between soil characteristics and Sr90 accumulation was evident; poorly drained soils had a higher average content than better drained soils. The most important single factor affecting redistribution of fission products in this region may be deposition of wind-transported debris, mainly eroded plant material. DGS. HOLZER, T.E., see No. 102026. 104238 HONIGMANN, J.J. Formation of Mackenzie Delta frontier culture. (Anthropologica 1971. v.13, no.1 /2, p.185-92) 7 refs. Notes the two ways of life in Inuvik: the middle-class North American culture of the civil servants and the frontier culture of the native people, who have a variety of outdoor activities, break with some norms and conventions of mainstream life, and though not utterly lawless, do constitute a contraculture. During the early contact period which ended about 1865 for the Indians and 1890 for the Eskimos, the natives began the exchange of an economically independent life for a symbiotic relationship with the larger society. Economic prosperity and intense cultural assimilation followed, as did the advent of such contracultural elements as alcohol, spree drinking, drunken aggression, consensual marriage, etc, with the arrival of gold miners and trappers. Thus the contracultural aspects of this frontier culture were set in the Delta by the 1940's, though common elsewhere in the North. The collapse of trapping and move to Inuvik have greatly affected the lives of the native people, but the frontier culture and its contracultural elements persist, probably because the growth of southern control fosters greater native solidarity, especially as the town is divided into two neighborhoods with unequal housing and town services. Frontier culture, especially with contracultural elements acquires a new meaning, symbolically marking off the identity of the native from the civil servant community. CaMAI, DSI. HONNEGGER, H.W., see No. 106093. HOOD, D.W., see No. 101697. 104239 HOOD, P.J. and others.
Hudson 417
Bay Project 1965, aeromagnetic surveys. (Maritime sediments 1966. v.2, no.2, p.81-83, map) Other authors: P. Sawatsky and M.E. Bower. Reports briefly on a July-Aug 1965 Canadian Geological Survey and National Aeronautical Establishment survey of a central Hudson Bay area, about 60 mi north-northeast of Cape Churchill. Intense magnetic anomalies >5000 gammas) were observed there at 300 ft depth from bodies presumed to be magnetic iron at a minimum depth of 800 ft. Preliminary plots indicate a magnetic zone approx 14 x 5 mi in DGS. size. and others. 104240 HOOD, P.J. Magnetic surveys in Hudson Bay, 1965 Oceanographic Project. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 1969. no.68-53, p.272-91, graphs, maps, illus) 17 refs. Other authors: M. Bower and E.A. Godby. Describes the procedures and instrumentation of the aeromagnetic survey of the central part of the Bay, discusses the quality of the results incl analog and digitally filtered data, and interprets the results. Depth-to-basement on the main anomalies is —8000 ft. The northeast-striking Owl River magnetic high continues into the Bay, bends to an east- and then to a southeast-strike. There is indication that the Cape Smith-Wakeham Bay belt of basic rocks extends into the Ottawa Islands. Two large magnetic anomalies, due to iron formation, lie on the extension of the Manitounuk group of basalt and sedimentary rocks occurring on CaMAI, DGS. Hopewell Islands.
trout with two adipose fins. (American Fisheries Society. Transactions 1959. v.88, no.1, p.73) A 10.5 in. (fork length) specimen of Salvellnus malma caught in a stream —25 mi NE of Homer, Alaska in Aug 1954, had a second adipose fin behind and slightly to the right of the normal fin. Each fin seemed to be normal in every respect. DLC. HOPE, E.R., see No. 107714. 104243 HOPKINS, T.L. Zooplankton standing crops in the Arctic Basin. (Limnology and oceanography 1969. v.14, no.1, p.8085, graphs, map) 24 refs. Reports estimates drawn from samples taken from Fletcher's Ice Island T-3 north of Alaska and Arlis II in the Eurasia basin north of Greenland. Over 80% of the biomass was copepods; Calanus averaged half the biomass in the upper 1500 m. A July-Aug biomass increase in T-3 samples, and Mar-Jan increase in Arlis 11 samples were indicated in 0-100 m. Average biomass concentrations for the three principal water masses were 0.62 mg dry wt/m3 for the arctic surface layer 0-200 m, 0.14 mg/m3 for the Atlantic layer 200-900 m, and 0.04 mg/m' for the arctic deep water>900 m. The total biomass in the central Arctic was estimated at 1-2x 10' metric t dry wt. There is some evidence that photosynthesis alone cannot meet the metabolic demands of the zooplankton biomass in the central Arctic Basin. DGS.
HOOD, P.J., see also No. 103247.
HOQUE, M., see No. 108350.
104241 HOOK, J.L. Morphology of auroral zone radiowave absorption in the Alaska sector. (Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 1968. v.30, no.7, p.I341-51, graphs, table, illus) Refs. Derives particle precipitation patterns in the auroral zone using riometric data of radio wave absorption at about 30 Mc/s from the Farewell, Healy, College, Ft Yukon, and Barrow stations. The data of 1958-64 show that absorption decreases by a factor of two from the sunspot max to min. During this period of declining solar activity, the center of the auroral absorption zone moved from approx 65°N to 66.5°N geomag lat. The spatial and temporal morpholology of auroral absorption during this period are investigated, and the gross characteristics of the hard component of electron precipitation and its relation to recent models DLC. of the magnetosphere are shown.
104244 HORNER, R.A. Phytoplankton studies in coastal waters near Barrow, Alaska. (Dissertation abstracts 1969. v.30, no.5, p.2050B) PhD thesis Univ of Washington, Seattle 1969. 281 p. Deals with the standing stock and succession of phytoplankton during the openwater period, mid-July to early Oct. During a first maximum, before and during ice breakup, Phaeocystis pouchetti is the dominant species, accompanied by small colorless flagellates and some diatoms. A second and lower max occurs from early or mid-Aug into Sept, when diatoms and small flagellates are dominant. Dinoflagellates are in larger numbers, but not as a "bloom". Changes in species composition about the end of Aug may indicate a third, or autumn community; of late fall-winter phytoplankton populations nothing is known. Factors that affect the succession are light, temperature (range -1.6 to +7.2°C), nutrients, salinity (ranges 4 to nearly 33%o), and zooplankton. Light, temperature and salinity seem not to be
HOOK, J.L., see also No. 102496. 104242 HOOPES, D.T. Dolly varden 418
critical; nitrate, phosphate and silicate concentrations are greatest before the spring ice breakup, decline during the summer, and show some regeneration by fall. The effects of zooplankton in the area are not known. Variations in the succession pattern may be caused by advection, movement of water masses, changes in time of ice breakup or fall storm pattern and high summer winds. DGS. 104245 HORSTED, S.A. Rejeforekomsterne i Davisstraedet. (Gronland 1969. no.5, p.129-44, map, table, graphs, illus) 10 refs. In Danish. Title tr.: Shrimp occurrence in Davis Strait. Describes investigations in 1963, 1964, 1966 and 1968-69 in the Disko-Godthab area. Large stocks of Pandalus borealis were found which could be exploited though the catches would fluctuate in size. The stocks outside the archipelagos off Disko Bugt and off the Sukkertoppen and Godthab districts might also be of economic importance but much larger vessels would be required, and 1200-1500 m long trawl wires as the shrimp are at greater depth than in offshore waters. Echo sounders and possibly radar would also be required. CaMAI, DLC.
104248 HOSKIN, C.M. and others. Pleistocene, Holocene and Recent bird gastroliths from interior Alaska. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.1, p.I4-23, graphs, illus) 17 refs. French and Russian summary. Other authors: R.D. Guthrie and B.L.P. Hoffman. Describes and discusses the origin of polished and rounded grains of quartz, secondary quartz, and chert from (probably) Holocene loess of Easter Egg Hill near Livengood townsite, peat on the Nenana Road, and redeposited Wisconsin loess from the Eva Creek Mine and Ready Bullion Creek Mine at 64°51'N 148°02'W. The association of these grains with dull, angular grains of the same materials rules out soil or solifluction abrasion in place. Gizzard-bearing birds such as ptarmigan and grouse in Alaska produce glossy polish on their gizzard stones (gastroliths) comparable to that of the Pleistocene and Holocene gastroliths; the polish and roundness of the stones in living birds are more pronounced in late winter. Because the modal size classes of ancient and Recent polished gastroliths do not coincide, some of the ancient gastroliths are believed to have been produced by birds not now living in interior Alaska. CaMAI, DLC. HOSKIN, C.M., see also No. 101697.
104246 HORSTEN, H. Borne- og ungdomsforsorg i Gronland. (Gronland 1967. no.3, p.65-80, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: Welfare services for children and young people in Greenland. Reviews the current organization and recommends improvements based on a 1965 survey by a team of experts. The Danish law of 1964 should be adapted to Greenland conditions. The reforms proposed mainly concern administration and the building of additional day nurseries, nursery schools, and other facilities. More trained Greenlanders should be employed in the work and a training center to this end should be established. CaMAI, DLC. HORTON, T.F., see No. 105641.
104247 HORVATH, E.V. and W.O. FIELD. References to glacier surges in North America. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.4, pt. 2, p.845-51) 62 refs. Lists reported glacier surges, publications on them and on discussions of their causes and dynamics. The references were assembled from sources in the American Geographical Society, incl World Data Center A: Glaciology. Footnotes indicate surges reported but without published accounts. The references are listed under names of the glaciers which are grouped by mountain ranges, subdivided according to drainage basins. CaMAI, DGS.
104249 HOSLEY, E.H. The Kolchan, delineation of a new northern Athapaskan Indian group. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.1, p.6I1, maps) 15 refs. French and Russian summary. Proposes that a group of inhabitants of the upper Kuskokwim River in Alaska be designated the Kolchan. They are concentrated primarily in Nikolai Village with one extended family at Telida 50 mi north. Earlier considered a division of the Ingalik (cf No. 72242), archeological and ethnographic study shows them to be an independent geographical, cultural and linguistic entity. They differ markedly from the Ingalik on the Yukon River in their social organization, which most closely resembles the Athapaskan groups to the north and east, the Tanana and Tanaina. Their linguistics are not easily classified. Following the decimation of the caribou in the 1920's, the Kolchan subsistence base has focused more on fishing, trapping and wage labor. As a group they tend to be conservative and remain one of the least acculturated groups in interior Alaska. CaMAI, DLC. 104250 HOSSEINIE, F. The ecology and reproductive cytology of Daphnia middendorfliana Fischer (Cladocera) from the Arctic. (Dissertation abstracts 1967. v.27, no.10, p.3714-15-B) Order no.67-3678. PhD thesis, Indiana Univ 1966. 92 p. 419
Laboratory-cultured Daphnia from tundra ponds on Pt Barrow, Alaska, at 20°-22°C and in continuous fluorescent light, with the alga Chlorella as food, produced no males. The species was shown able to produce viable ephippial eggs parthenogenetically. The concentration of algal cells at which Daphnia had the highest survival rate was approx 5x 10' cells/ml. A synthetic medium (FT-40) was made after study of the pond chemistry and what was toxic to Daphnia. In this medium D. middendorffiana grew rapidly, reproduced vigorously (incl males) and had a low mortality DGS. rate. HOUSTON, CS., see No. 106626. Norske elvenamn, 104251 HOVDA, P. eit tillegg tit 0. Rygh "Norske elvenavne". Oslo, Universitetsforlaget 1966. 134 p. map. Title tr.: Norwegian Refs. In Norwegian. river names, a supplement to 0. Rygh's "Norwegian river names". Deals with some 200 root forms in Norwegian hydronymics, their etymology, variants, and locations. Their derivation from Old Norse, from landscape features, stream characteristics, etc is explained. An index of approx 800 names is appended. See also Rygh, 0. Norske elvenavne in this Bibliography. DLC. 104252 HOWER, G.L. and A.B. MAKHIFurther comparison of spread-F and JANI. (Jourbackscatter sounder measurements. nal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.14, p.3723-25, graphs, table) Refs. Compares so-called field-aligned irregularities in the ionization density of the F ionospheric layer, by using simultaneous radar and spread-F data on an hourly rather than a monthly basis, and by means of a more detailed ray-path calculation, along the 2000 km path between Washington State Univ and Ft Churchill. The results are found consistent with the conclusion that the radar echoes arise from the same ionospheric irregularity regions DLC. as that in which spread-F is detected. 104253 HOWIE, R.D. and J.V. HILL. Developments in eastern Canada in 1970. (American Assoc of Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin 1971. v.55, no.7, p.966-80, tables, illus) Approx 115 refs. Reports that in the Hudson Bay region industry and various government agencies completed 15.25 crew-months of combined geologic and geophysical work. Two stratigraphic test holes were completed near Pen Island, south shore of Hudson Bay, Ontario and southeast of Churchill, Manitoba, each reaching depths of about 1400 ft. Land holdings declined from 135, 513, 171 acres in 1969 420
to 132, 977, 613 acres. Interest in the Atlantic continental shelf off Quebec continued. DGS. KICiftung and Ver104254 HUBNER, H. erzung im Grubegebiet Adak, Nordschweden. Stockholm 1967. 12 p. map, illus. (Sweden. Geologiska undersokning. Ser. C. Avhandlingar och uppsatser. Arsbok v.61, no.13 (628)) Title Refs. In German. English summary. tr.: Cleavage and ore mineralization in the Nylund mining area, northern Sweden. Presents results of a mineralogic study in an attempt to characterize the structure of sulfide ore bodies by systematic measurements of the ore veins. The main structural feature of the Nylund area is a dome, around which rock sequences are more or less concentrically developed with the oldest rocks in the center. Secondary features are zoned veins, shear joints, and schistosity, probably representing DGS. later pressure conditions.
104255 HUGGERT, L and S.O. ULEFORS. Anteckningar om svenska Coleoptera. (Entomologisk tidskrift 1971. v.92, no.1/2, p.54-65, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: Notes on Swedish Coleoptera. Lists about fifty species of beetles with location and time of year found, sex and maturity of specimens, and their soil and water habitat. Many are from arctic Sweden. Some were taken from clumps of frozen soil as they fell apart when thawing. DLC. HUGHES, B., see No. 106691. 104256 HUGHES, O.L. and others. Glacial limits and flow patterns, Yukon Territory, south of 65 degrees north latitude. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 9 p. map. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-34) 16 refs Other authors: R.B. Campbell, J.E. Muller and J.O. Wheeler. Presents a map and notes summarizing current knowledge of successive Pleistocene advances of Cordilleran ice sheets into the interior of the Yukon Territory and of valley glaciers in the St Elias, Wernecke and Ogilvie Mts. The tentative chronological scheme is mainly based on comparative geomorphology. Moraines and other ice-marginal features mark a late-Wisconsin McConnell advance and a more extensive early-Wisconsin Reid advance; indistinct forms indicate one or more older and still more extensive advances. During the McConnell advance, the ice sheet moved as two lobes, a north and northwest-flowing Cassiar lobe and a northwest and west-flowing Selwyn lobe, with which mountain valley glaciers merged. Only glaciers of the western Ogilvie Mts remained independent. CaMAI, DGS.
104257 HUGHES, O.L. Incidental observations on Quaternary crustal movements, central Yukon Territory. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.2, pt 2, p.569) Ref. Notes thrust structures on high bedrock benches in the Tintina Trench vicinity, near Dawson, with fault planes dipping WSW away from the NW-trending Trench. They suggest late Pliocene or early Pleistocene activity. Early Pleistocene or later upwarp is suggested by bedrock terraces of as much as 800 ft along the Yukon River. DLC. HUGHES, 0.L., see also No. 107789. 104258 HUIKARI, 0. and P. JUVONEN. Tyomenekki metsaojituksessa. Helsinki 1970. 22 p. map, tables (Folia forestalia no.79) 10 refs. In Finnish. English summary Title tr.: Labor consumption in forest drainage operations. Compares the labor required for draining woodlots by plow and by excavator. Supervision, maintenance, and follow-up time and costs are included. The data are tabulated by region, incl northern Finland. For all phases of the work, the labor requirement decreased from south to north. Drainage operations in privately-owned forests required more work than those performed in state forests. DLC. 104259 HULTBLAD, F. Overgang fran nomadism till agrar bosattning i Jokkmokks socken. 451 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Uppsala. Univ. Geografiska Institutionen. Meddelanden 1968. Ser A no.230) Refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Transition from nomadism to agrarian settlement in Jokkmokk parish. Summarizes the history of Lappish settlement in northern Sweden as represented in Jokkmokk parish. Attempts of the Swedes to colonize Lapland from the latter 17th century are outlined. The role of geographic location, climate, fishing, reindeer husbandry, agriculture, mining, and forestry in the economy is described. Differences and changes in the Lappish communities, size of population, sizes of herds, and degrees of nomadism are indicated. Migration routes from the various sections of the parish are mapped. Effects of taxation are noted, taxed lands and owners identified. Contact with Scandinavian livestock raising, particularly sheep and goats, is said to have started the Lapps in reindeer breeding. It is noted also that adoption of Nordic names emanated from the Norwegian coastal region, and that localities with a high frequency of Nordic names have a high number of reindeer per household. Seven extensive appendices are added, mostly presenting data and comment on land holdings, settlement and population. DLC.
104260 HULTgN, E. Alaska, en biogeografisk knutpunkt. (Fauna och flora 1969. v.64, no.5-6, p.282-90, maps) In Swedish. Title tr.: Alaska, a biogeographical key area. Discusses Alaska's significance for the exchange of animals and plants between the Old and the New World and as a glacial refuge area. Based mainly on The Bering land bridge,. ed. by D.M. Hopkins, No. 96153. DLC. 104261 HULTEN, E. Flora of Alaska and neighboring territories; a manual of the vascular plants. Stanford, Calif., Stanford Univ Press 1968. 1008 p. maps, illus. Refs. Describes and figures some 1974 plant taxa belonging to 1559 species, 412 genera and 89 families, which occur in Alaska, Yukon Territory, parts of the Northwest Territories (mainly the Mackenzie delta region) and British Columbia (between the Yukon and Southeast Alaska) and also the Chukchi Peninsula. Each description is accompanied by a range map for this area and a circumpolar range map of the taxon. Introduction includes an outline of the climatic variation, ecologic regions and geologic features of the area (which spans 20° of latitude and 132° of longitude), also the history of Beringia (based on No 96153); the history of plant collection and taxonomic problems connected with the great morphologic variation of the Alaskan taxa are stated. Master keys for families and genera precede the main descriptive part of the book and artificial, analytical, dichotomous keys are supplied for genera comprising two or more taxa. A glossary of botanical terms, bibliography, and indexes to common and Latin names are appended. Reviewed by L. Constance in Science, 25 Oct 1968, v.162, p.449-50; by P.S. in Blyttia 1969. no.3, p.18284. In Norwegian. DLC. 104262 HULTIN, L. Nyordning inom .lantbruksundervisningen. (Norrbottens lantmannablad 1964. no.4, p.100-103, maps, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: New regulations in agricultural education. Describes courses in agricultural schools open to pupils of 16 yr or over on completion of nine grades of general school training; also courses for farmers, 25 yr old or over, with practical experience. Special courses are given in business economy, animal husbandry, machine maintenance, etc. Work at the Gran School is outlined. DLC. 104263 Our "way out" ice islands off Alaska. (Its: v.8, 1969. no.3, p.8-9, illus) Reports a study of two ice islands grounded some 20 mi off Prudhoe Bay in a positon to serve as mooring and terminal points for tankers. They are only about 115 ft thick (indicating 421
an extended drift since they broke off the north Ellesmere Island shelf), so water, is sprayed over them to increase the thickness. CaMAI. The prehis104264 HUMPHREY, R.L. tory of the Utukok River region, arctic Alaska; early fluted point tradition with Old World (Current anthropology 1966. relationships. v.7, no.5, p.586-88, map, illus) 16 refs. Reports on 1965-66 fieldwork along a 100mi stretch of the upper Utukok, visiting 23 sites, 19 of them new. Some 600 finished artifacts and thousands of flakes were recovered from the surface and thin topsoil layer. Typological comparisons with Eurasian and Alaskan materials indicate at least six distinctive cultural components from 12,000 BC or earlier, to late prehistoric Eskimo. The earliest Utukok assemblage, designated Driftwood Creek complex, has blanks for fluted points, channel flakes, and a Clovis type fluted projectile point in association with blade tools similar to the Aurignacian industry of the Old World and upper paleolithic implements of Mal'ta on the Angara River in Siberia. This complex thus suggests a northern origin for the Paleo-Indian fluting technique and the Utukok River region a major migration route from Siberia across the Bering Strait to the North American interior. DLC. Panarctic 104265 HUMPHREYS, V. program taxes metal of man & machine. (Oilweek 1968. v.19, no.11, p.35-36, illus) Describes preparations, especially transport by helicopter, truck, and light aircraft, for a sixmonth preliminary seismic program for Panarctic Oils Ltd on Melville Island. Equipment is described: a cylindrical recording cab, three turbine-powered helicopters, and a fixedDOS. wing aircraft. Arctic geophy104266 HUNKINS, K.L. sics. (Arctic 1969. v22, no.3, p.225-32, graphs, maps) 22 refs. The modern phase of geophysical research began at Barrow in 1944 with exploration of Naval Petroleum Reserve No.4. The asymmetric sedimentary basin below the Arctic coastal plain was discovered and defined, using gravity, magnetic and seismic methods. A regional gravity survey, which revealed a large negative Bouguer anomaly over the Brooks Range, was extended seaward and indicated an extension of the Range beneath the Chukchi Sea to join with the Chukchi-Anadyr fold belt of Siberia. A marine geophysical program began on drifting station ARLIS 11 in 1961 and continued on T-3 ice island, to study configuration and sedimentation of the Arctic Basin floor drifting over the Lomonosov Ridge, Alpha Cordillera, Wrangel Abyssal Plain and Siberia Abyssal Plain. Experiments were run to measure 422
seismic noise on the ocean floor, modified gravity waves were interpreted as ocean swell modified by the influence of the pack ice. Since 1963, using a precision depth recorder, soundings from T-3, other drifting stations and nuclear submarines form the basis for present concepts of Arctic Ocean shape and structure. The Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge is seismically active and along it sea-floor spreading is believed to be taking place at present. More geophysical data are needed to decide the CaMAI, DLC. merit of this concept. K.L. Geomorphic 104267 HUNKINS, (In: AINA. provinces of the Arctic Ocean. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.365-76, maps, illus) 18 refs. Describes and interprets the major erosional and depositional features shown on a new geomorphic map of the Canadian-Alaskan side of the Arctic Ocean, based on precision depth recorder data mainly from drifting stations T-3 and Arlis II, with some from nuclear submarines Nautilus and Skate and older soundings. The sedimentary processes in the ocean are interpreted in terms of turbidity currents. Features described are: the continental margin, composed of shelf, slope and rise and the Chukchi and Beaufort (marginal) Plateaus; the basin traversed by the Lomonosov Ridge and Alpha Cordillera (formerly Alpha Rise); the Chukchi and Northwind Caps which are topographic highs north and east of Chukchi Plateau. The Herald and Barrow Canyons cross the Chukchi Shelf; Mackenzie Canyon and many others (not shown) cross the Canadian Shelf; four abyssal plains are arranged in steplike pairs, the largest being the Canada Abyssal Plain into which sediments are transported largely from the Canadian Continental Rise with some possibly from the Chukchi Abyssal Plain via Charlie Gap; beyond the Alpha Cordillera, the Siberia Abyssal Plain is fed from the Wrangel Abyssal Plain via Arlis Gap. Differences in microrelief forms, photographed on Alpha Cordillera and Canada Abyssal Plain with a Thorndike deep-sea camera from T-3, are described and attributed to different rates of sedimentation, the one very slow, the other by turbidity currents and fast. CaMAI, DLC. Lamont meas104268 HUNKINS, K.L. urements of water stress and ocean currents. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.4, p.44-47) During 1971 AIDJEX studies, stress on the ice pack caused by water on the underside of the ice due to drag, which tends to retard the wind-driven ice, will be assessed. Emphasis will be on developing techniques for evaluating form and friction drag beneath different types of ice. Water stress will be determined by the Ekman spiral method using a vertical string of Savonius rotor current meters.It is hoped to
have a prototype of a hot-semiconductor or hot-wire current meter for measuring water stress by the eddy flux method. CaMAI, DN-HO. Lamont ocean 104269 HUNKINS, K.L. current program. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.8, p.15-19, table) Narrates the 3 Mar - 7 Apr 1971 activities of a two-man party studying upper ocean dynamics on the ice floe Camp 200 in the Beaufort Sea. The buildings, instrument setup, celestial navigation (tabulated data included), station drift and unusual current flow during a small storm and during periods when the ice was essentially stationary, are reported. CaMAI, DN-HO. 104270 HUNKINS, K.L. and J. HALL. Navigation of Fletcher's Ice Island T-3. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.7, p.47-58, graphs, maps, tables) 6 refs. Deals with three systems used on the ice island beginning in 1967. Describes the three Fortran reduction programs, with which all T-3 celestial sights have been recomputed, to prepare the T-3 1962-70 drift track. Also describes the US Navy navigation satellite system, which uses a set of AN/SRN-9 integral Doppler equipment. It is independent of cloud cover and provides many more fixes per day in high latitudes than does celestial navigation. Explains the computer program WDP (wind derived positions) based upon an assumption made by F. Nansen from the Fram drift, that ice drift was —1/50 the wind speed in a direction 28-30° to the right of the wind (Northern Hemisphere). The deviation angle and speed factor are calculated by the computer and used with observed winds to compute intermediate positions. CaMAI, DN-HO. 104271 HUNKINS, K.L. and others. Nepheloid layers and bottom currents in the Arctic ocean. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.28, p.6995-7008, graphs, maps, tables, illus) Refs. Other authors: E.M. Thorndike and G. Mathieu. Reports on measurements of the quantity and distribution of suspended material in the ocean. The 51 profiles of light scattering made in the Arctic Basin 1965-69 from Fletcher's Ice Island (T-3) with a marine nephelometer, show the quantities of suspended sediments and organic matter at different depths and locations. The location of nephelometer stations over Alpha Cordillera, Canada Abyssal Plain, Northwind Ridge, and Northward Abyssal Plain are shown on a chart. The ocean-water clarity in general is found to increase with depth, the max clarity for all the nephelometer stations being at 1.2-1.6 km depth over ocean depths of 1.7-2.4 km. DLC.
104272 HUNKINS, K.L. Water stress and ocean current measurements at Camp 200. (AIDJEX bulletin 1972. no.12, p.35-60, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 9 refs. The 1971 Lamont program was designed to measure the drag produced on ice floes by friction with the water beneath them. A further aim was an understanding of the regime of ocean currents in the upper layers which might affect pack ice motion. Current observations were made at Camp 200 in Beaufort Sea, with meters fixed to inverted masts at depths of 5, 7, 11, 19, 32 and 75 m below sea level. Ten profiles were made at more closely spaced intervals with a current meter lowered by hand. A roughness length of 0.15 cm was found for the ice underside corresponding to a drag coefficient of 0.0076 at a level 1 m below the ice. A weak boundary current just below the ice appeared during periods in which the ice was almost motionless. The boundary current was 5 m to 20 m thick with a maximum speed of about 5 cm/sec. It is suggested that these are local currents associated with brine produced by sea ice freezing on the bottom. CaMAI, DN-HO. HUNKINS, K.L. 103452, 108497.
see also
Nos. 103337,
104273 HUNSUCKER, R.D. HF propagation effects at high latitudes. (QST 1967. v.51, no.2, p.16-19, graphs, map, illus) Discusses geomagnetic and ionospheric relationships in auroral areas to high-frequency radio communications. Daily, seasonal and sunspot-cycle variations are explained. Reasons for degradation or improvement of signal-tonoise ratios are outlined, and variations from great-circle propagation described. Distortions to be expected are summarized for specific HF bands. DLC. HUNT, A.D., see No. 101883. 104274 HUNT, W.R. New arctic era. (Explorers journal 1970. v.48, no.1, p.63-68, illus) Reviews generally the history of man's search for commercial gain in the Far North, present technological resources for solving problems connected with distance and cold climate, and engineering problems connected with ice, permafrost, ice fog, water supply and equipment maintenance. DI. 104275 HUNTER, G.T. Postglacial uplift at Fort Albany, James Bay. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.2, pt 1, p.54748) 3 refs. Geomorphic evidence from 1967 airphoto interpretation studies at Fort Albany, James Bay, and historic evidence support the postgla423
cial uplift estimates for the Cape Henrietta Maria region (see Webber, P.J. er aL , qv). Changes in the position of Fort Albany since its establishment in 1674-79 and in the Albany River mouth, mapped by Samuel Hearne in 1774, together with evidence of coastal plain emergence, and phytoecologic drainage system characteristics, make it appear that present emergence is at a rate of 3-4 ft/century. DLC. HUNTER, J.A., see No. 105795. 104276 HUNTLEY, B.E. and others. Survey of brucellosis in Alaska. (Journal of infectious diseases 1963. v.112, no.1, p.100-106., maps, tables) 5 refs. Other authors: R.N. Philip and J.E. Maynard. Reports isolation of a Brucella strain which is pathogenic to man, from the caribou Rangier tarandus. Serological evidence indicates that brucellosis is prevalent among the natives who are dependent on the caribou for food. The cultural and antigenic characteristics of the isolated organism suggest a closer relationship to Brucella melitensis than to either B. suis or B. CaTU, DNLM. abortus. HUNTLEY, B.E., see also No. 102553. 104277 HUOVILA, S. Some features of the microclimate within hilly regions in Finland. (In: Symposium on Ecology of the Subarctic Regions 1966. Proceedings pub 1970, p.63-66, graphs, table) 5 refs. French summary. The competing influence of Atlantic Ocean and continental airmasses creates great daily and annual climatic variations in Finland; the annual variation of screen temperature can be >80°C in northern, and >70°C in southern parts. Solar radiation in summer and winter at different latitudes, and that received by surfaces of different slopes and directions differs markedly in amount. In a hilly region, on clear, calm nights, the relative temperature of a point is determined by its relative height; the coldest air flows into pits and valleys and the warmest is at hilltops. Cooling during clear nights causes ample fog and dew in valleys. The effect of hills on precipitation distribution is not yet CaMAI, MdU. fully understood. HUSSELL, D.J.T., see Nos. 102071, 102073. Finland, the land 104278 HUSTICH, I. and the people. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.476-79) The arctic coast of northern Europe was probably populated before southern Finland. Finnish Lapland lies mainly south of the 50°F July isotherm; barley can be cultivated almost up to the forest limit. Of the 220,000 Lapland inhabitants, approx 90,000 live above the Arctic Circle. Only 3% of these are Lapps and they 424
are incorporated into the Finnish society. The early colonization has resulted in the creation of small, favorable, independent communities. Lapland is still economically underdeveloped, but health conditions, on the whole, are not less developed in the north than in the south of Finland. DLC. On the study of 104279 HUSTICH, 1. the ecology of subarctic vegetation. (In: Symposium on Ecology of the Subarctic Regions 1966. Proceedings pub 1970, p.235-40) 22 refs. French summary. Defines the Subarctic in the phytogeographic sense as the forest tundra: the narrow or very broad in Siberia and Canada, ecotone between the polar tree line and the boreal forest proper. Pending a commonly accepted definition, the significant criteria of subarctic plant ecology are the short growing season, the great annual variation in growth caused by the annual variations in temperature rather than precipitation, the duration of the snow cover and the light climate, a factor which varies so much within the subarctic region that it is not a typical feature. Because of the circumpolar uniformity of this region, studies in one part may be applied to others. The forest tundra is more than a simple transition belt from boreal forest to the Arctic; it is a biocenological entity in itself. The role of the International Biological Programme is noted, as is the need for international cooperation in adopting a phytoecological classification and in the study of productivity in the Subarctic. CaMAI, MdU. 104280 HUYER, A. and F.G. BARBER. A heat budget of the water in Barrow Strait for 1962. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1970. 43 p. graphs, maps, tables. (Canada. Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Marine Sciences Branch. Manuscript report series no.12) 61 refs. Discusses what is known of the ice cover, ice transport, breakup and the oceanographic consequences, p 2-10. Air temperatures, shortwave radiation absorption, sensible heat flux, albedo, winds, currents and tides are factors considered. A complete ice cover in the Strait during Nov-May is presumed. Appendix p 1743 gives details of the energy budget. Attempts to estimate the monthly means of each of the terms in the heat budget equation. Data are not available to estimate heat storage, hence the advected heat. The balance obtained is limited by uncertainties in each term of the budget; these are discussed to some extent. Each of the surface heat fluxes depends on the ice cover so the error of the balance depends partly on the accuracy of ice concentration estimates. CaMAI, DN-HO.
104281 HVARFNER, H. I n trod uktion. (Noffbottens laps hembygdsfOrening. Arsbok Title tr.: Introduction. 1968. p.9) In Swedish. Introduces a volume of articles and illus on the mining region of Norrbotten with chronology of events from 1630 when the first operations began at Nasafjfill. DLC. 104282 HVARFNER, H. Kring tre Norrbottens-kartor. (Folkliv 1960-1961. v.24-25, Title tr.: p.31-39, maps) 13 refs. In Swedish. On three Norrbotten maps. Discusses unusual types of outbuilding construction in rural areas of northern Sweden, which will be affected by current plans for modernization and development. Three maps of a proposed series on extant sites of cultural interest are presented. Barn and storehouse construction of logs or sawn timber, with vertical or slanted walls, and some with bowed walls and pyramidal roofs are mapped. Their origin, Swedish, Finnish, or from the White Sea region, is compared to the geographic location, dates of settlement and development of the area, and relation to former mining activity. It is suggested that these building types may represent a conservative element in the culture and have neither functional nor ecoDLC. nomic origins. HYSLOP, C.T.W., see No. 106148. Rannansiir104283 HYVARINEN, H. tyminen h uippuvuorill a. (Geologi 1967. v.19, no.9-10, p.109-111, graph, map, illus) 6 Title tr.: refs. In Finnish. English summary. Shoreline displacement. Describes work in progress on bottom sediment cores collected in lakes at elevations up to 200 m near Kinnvika in northern Nordaustlandet in 1966, during the Stockholm Univ Svalbard Expedition. C-14 datings are in preparation. The pumice layer, marine and lacustrine deposits, and general NE-SW trends of uplift are considered. DGS. 104284 HYVARINEN, H. Trullvatnet: a Flandrian stratigraphical site near Murchinsonfjorden Nordaustlandet, Spitsbergen. (Geografiska annaler 1969. Ser. A: physical geography. v.51, no.I-2, p.42-45, graphs, maps, illus) 14 refs. During the Stockholm University Svalbard Expedition of 1966, a 3-m core was collected from Trullvatnet, a lake, I m above sea level. The sediments were deposited over a range of about 7000 years and show two marine-lacustrine contacts in the lower portion. Renewed connection with the sea of this basin between 5500± 140 and 4745± 120 years ago, followed by final isolation, suggests an interruption in the general sinking of this shoreline. CaMAI, DGS.
105200 LARSEN, T. Isbjernundersokelser i Canada hasten 1967. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969. p.238-39, illus) Ref. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Polar bear investigations in Canada in the autumn of 1967. Notes his participation in the Canadian Wildlife Service investigations, initiated in 1961. In nine days, five bears were trapped by foot-snares, a safe method which could also be used in Svalbard. CaMAI, DLC. IBATULLIN, MS., see No. 106632. 104285 IBRAGIMOV, L.SH. Usloviya formirovaniya produktivnoy tolshchi v Shaimo-Berezovskoy zone Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti. (In: Neftepromyslovaya geologiya...1970. p.52-58, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Formation conditions of the productive stratum in the Shaim-Berezovo zone of the West Siberian lowland. There are four regions with a productive oil stratum. The textural and structural features of the rocks indicate changing conditions of sedimentation. The reservoir properties of rocks of both the Tyumen and the Abalakskiy series deteriorate from west to east with the regional subsidence of the basement. The source of the oil was the eastern slope of the Urals and adjacent large structures. DLC. 104286 ICE PRESSURES AGAINST STRUCTURES. Proceedings of a Conference held at Laval University, Quebec, 10-11 Nov 1966. Sponsored by the Subcommittee on Snow and Ice, NRC Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research. With the papers and discussion presented at the Seminar on Ice Formation on Lakes and Rivers. Ottawa 1968. 247 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research. Technical memorandum no.92; NRC no.9851) Refs. Compilers; L.W. Gold and G.P. Williams. Introductory statement on the scope of the problem in Canada, by R.F. Legget and L.W. Gold is followed by 22 papers and statements presented together with three papers from the Seminar on Ice Formation sponsored by the Canadian National Committee of the International Hydrologic Decade. Sixteen of these papers are abstracted in this bibliography under the authors' names, viz: C.E. Deslauriers, M. Drouin, G.E. Frankenstein, L.W. Gold (2 papers), G.R. Kendall, A.S. Krausz, B. Michel (2 papers), C. Neill and others, D.E. Nevel, J. Nuttall and L.W. Gold, H.R. Peyton, M.C. Van Wijk, W.F. Weeks and A. Assur, and G.P. Williams. CaMAI, DLC. 104287 ICE SEMINAR; a conference sponsored by the Petroleum Society of, C.I.M., Cal425
gary, Alberta, May 6-7, 1968. Papers. 110 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Special volume no.10, 1969) Refs. Presents 13 papers on recent technology, science, and experience in the field of ice conditions, with special application to the oil industry and its needs connected with offshore drilling in ice-laden waters and the exploration for oil off the coasts of eastern and arctic Canada and in Hudson Bay. Eleven of these papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: Archibald, D.C. Intense storm tracks over Hudson Bay... Dunbar, M. A glossary of ice terms. Gold, L.W. The ice pressure problem. Harwood, T.A. Remote sensing of ice... Ince, S. ...design of air bubblers for melting ice. Kivisild, H.R. Ice impact on marine structures. Lindsay, D.G. Ice distribution in the Queen Elizabeth Islands. Markham, W.E. ...ice in Canadian coastal waters. Murray, J.E. ...icebergs in the North Atlantic Ocean. Pounder, E.R. Strength and growth rates of sea ice. Stewart, J. Canadian Coast Guard icebreaking. DGS. 104288 ICEFIELD RANGES RESEARCH PROJECT. Scientific results, v. 1. New York and Montreal, American Geographical Society and Arctic Institute of North America 1969. 224 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Editors: V.C. Bushnell, R.H. Ragle. This project, under the institutional sponsorship of the Arctic Institute of North America and American Geographical Society, began its first field season in 1961. The initial volume of results contains reports of field work performed 1961-65. Of the 19 papers, foursappear for the first time, and are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: Introduction, by W.A. Wood, p.3-I3, discusses the goals, locale, logistic planning and selection and testing of equipment for the Project. Exploration meteorology in the St. Elias Mountains, by J.M. Havens and D.E. Saarela, p.17-22. See No.87768. Summer temperature relationships along a transect in the St. Elias Mountains, by M.G. Marcus, p.23-3I, qv. The summer climate of the St. Elias Mountains region, by B. Taylor-Barge, p.33-49, qv. *Wagner, W.P. Description and evolution of snow and ice features... *Wagner, W.P. Snow facies and stratigraphy on the Kaskawulsh Glacier. 426
0"/016 ratios in snow and ice of the Hubbard and Kaskawulsh Glaciers, by D.S. Macpherson and H.R. Krouse, p.63-73. See No.97765 High snowfields of the St. Elias Mountains, by E. Grew and M. Mellor, p.75-88. See No.87540. Geophysical measurements on the Kaskawulsh and Hubbard Glaciers, by G.K.C. Clarke, p.89-106. See No.94595. *Nelson, D.E. Radar soundings of glaciers in the Icefield Ranges. An examination and analysis of the formation of transverse crevasses, Kaskawulsh Glacier, by G. Holdsworth, p.109-125. See No.87891. Surface velocity measurements on the Kaskawulsh Glacier, by H.H. Brecher, p. 127-43. See No.94205. Moulins on Kaskawulsh Glacier, by G. Dewart, p.145-46, qv. Water-spout on Kaskawulsh Glacier, by K. Ewing and others, p.147-48, qv. Kluane Lake, its drainage and allied problems... by H.S. Bostock, p.149-60. qv. *Fahnestock, R.K. Morphology of the Slims River. Neoglacial chronology, northeastern St. Elias Mountains, by G.H. Denton and M. Stuiver, p.I73-86. See No.9483 I. Late-Pleistocene fluctuations of Kaskawulsh Glacier, by H.W. Borns, Jr. and R.P. Goldthwait, p.187-96. See No.94I56. Late Pleistocene glacial stratigraphy and chronology, northwestern St. Elias Mountains, by G.H. Denton and M. Stuiver, p.197-217. See No.94830. Age of a widespread layer of volcanic ash in the southwestern Yukon, by M. Stuiver and others, p.219-20. See No.92125. CaMAI. ICEFIELD RANGES RESEARCH PROJECT, 1961-, see also Nos. 103342, 104288, 107768, 108323, 108324. IDES, E.Y., see No. 107868. 104289 IDYLL, C.P. Incredible salmon. (National geographic magazine 1968. v.134, no.2, p.195-219, map, illus) Ref. Reviews in popular style, with 31 color illus, current knowledge of the habits and ecology of various species of salmon. Research carried out on salmon in Alaska is described, indicating that native spawning streams are recognized by the salmon's ability to detect odors diluted to one part in a billion. Problems of decline and conservation are discussed. A world map shows range and migration routes of various species. DLC. 104290 IFANOVA, V.V. Nekotoryye rannepermskiye Chonetidae Pechorskogo bas-
seyna. (Paleontologicheskiy zhurnal 1968. v.10, no.3, p.29-33) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some early Permian Chonetidae of the Pechora basin. Describes the new brachiopod genus A rctochonetes represented by A. postartiensis (Ustritsky) and A. transitionis (Krotow). Dyoros vorkutanus n sp from the Vorkuta region is also described. DLC. IGARASHI, H., see No. 107722. 104291 IGNATENKO, I.V. and B.N. NORIN. Dinamika pyatnistykh tundr vostochnoyevropeyskogo Severa. (Problemy botaniki 1969. v.11, p.72-90, graph, maps, tables, illus) 40 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Dynamics of spotted tundra in the East European North. Characterizes the denuded patches caused by crystallization of ice in the soil and other subzonal factors in Bol'shezemel'skaya tundra. DLC. 104292 IGNATENKO, I.V. 0 pochvakh pyatnistykh tundr vostochno-yevropeyskogo Severa. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Doklady otdeleniy i komissiy 1969 pub 1970. no.13, p.88-106, tables) 32 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Spotted tundra soils of the East European North. Discusses the formation of bare spots, typical of the arctic tundra, ranging in size from a square decimeter to 1.5-2 m2, and interspersed with covered areas. The common genetic factors are cracking, poor drainage, wind, solifluclion on permafrost, corrasion, erosion, and ground frost effects. Sparse vegetation is comDLC. mon to them all. 104293 IGNATENKO, I.V. Pochvy kustarnikovoy tundry i izmeneniye ikh svoystv pri osvoyenii. (Pochvovedeniye 1969. no.6, p.12-27, tables) 28 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Soils of the scrub tundra and changes in their properties with cultivation. Reports a 1962 study in the Vorkuta region of virgin soils and some cultivated for 3-8 yr. The climate of the region is characterized. Mechanical and chemical analyses are given of soils under dwarf arctic birch with lichen moss vegetation, etc. These soils have a clearly expressed eluvial character. Under cultivation their properties change, however, and they become more acid and have a high iron content and unfavorable physical properties. DLC. 104294 IGNAT'YEV, M.A. and A.YA. RYVLIN. Eksperimental'nyye issledovaniya ledovykh kachestv sudov v naturnykh usloviyakh. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.33, p.119-23, graphs) In Russian. Title tr.: Experimental investigations under natural
conditions of the ice-navigating properties of ships. Discusses field tests of the physical and mechanical properties of ice and of ship performance in ice, from those with the steamer Malygin. in 1933-37 and the icebreaker Sibir' in 1939 to the current systematic field tests of icebreakers and ice-breaking cargo vessels. Ice penetration, maneuverability, and strength of the hull are considered, as are power and speed (turns) of propellers, mooring and dynamometric properties, performance of the ship efficiency systems, etc, also the process of ship wedging in ice. Oscillograms of ship and ice parameters, ice navigability, and ice-strength of the hull are given. DLC. 104295 IGNAT'YEV, M.A. Predokhraneniye grebnykh vintov of ledovykh povrezhdeniy. (Morskoy flot 1967. v.27, no.2, p.23-24, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Protection of screw propellers against ice damage. Describes how propellers can be damaged in the ice of arctic seas when the icebreaker is moving backward. In order to avoid damage the icebreaker should turn using a forward motion; any transit from backward to forward motion must be done after a complete stop. DLC. 104296 IGNAT'YEV, M.A. Raschet prochnosti lopastey grebnykh vintov ledokolov i sudov ledovogo plavaniya. (Sudostroyeniye 1964. no.1, p.5-7, graph, tables, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. Title-tr.: Calculation of the strength of propeller blades of icebreakers and vessels for ice navigation. Develops formulas for calculating the blade strength, from the oscillograms obtained in the process of tests in arctic ice of icebreakers Moskva, Severnyy Polyus, and Kapitan Voronin, and electric propulsion diesel ship Lena. Some specifications of the vessels are given. Characteristics of the strength of propeller blades of ice-navigating ships Sibir' and Krasin are also noted. DLC. IGNATTEVA, TS., see No. 102463. IGOLKINA, N.S., see No. 101691. 104297 IGOSHINA, K.N. 0 vidakh roda Trollius L. na Polyamom Urale. (Botanicheskiy zhurnal 1968. v.53, no.6, p.779-95, map, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: On species of the genus Trollius L. in the Polar Urals. Establishes the wide distribution of Trollius aperlus throughout the Polar Urals. It is apparently the product of hybridization between T. europaeus and T. asiaticus, which are uncommon and occur only as aberrant forms. Ranges 427
of variations in floral elements of these three species are tabulated and compared. DLC. 104298 EMMA, T. and T. NAGATA. Constitution of polar magnetic disturbances. (Japan. Science Council. Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan 1968. v.22, no.I /2, p.1-24, graphs, tables, illus) Refs. Investigates characteristics of the elements of a polar disturbance field D„ and their dynamics during polar geomagnetic storms. The main currents of a D, are found to be the SP , consisting of two current vortices in the polar region without a noticeable enhancement of current flow along the auroral zone, and the westward AEJ. The structure of polar magnetic disturbances is discussed, the data analyzed consisting of 8-9 Sept 1958 magnetograms from 18 Northern and 11 Southern Hemisphere stations. Examples of polar magnetic disturbances are given on magnetogram reproductions. DLC. 104299 HAMA, T. and others. Worldwide geomagnetic change preceding the onset of auroral electrojet. (Japan. Science Council. Report of ionosphere and space research in Japan 1968. v.22, no.3, p.161-72, graphs, table) Refs. Other authors: N. Fukushima and Y. Kamide. Describes the characteristics of AEJ-precursors, analyzing 55 examples of geomagnetic variation before the onset of individual AEI's, with data from Thule, Godhavn, Baker Lake, Murchison Bay, Tiksi, Barrow, College, Churchill and Kiruna among other stations. These characteristics are summarized in a table, and compared with those of sudden storm commencements, and sudden geomagnetic impulses. A geostationary ATS-1 satellite detects a simultaneous increase in the horizontal component of the magnetosphere. The observed phenomena suggest an inward-surging of plasma flow from the magnetospheric tail before the onset of an isolated AEJ. DLC. 104300 IKARD, F. Petroleum industry relationship to government. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.14-21) Cites the enormous costs and investments by the oil industry in Alaska and deplores federal policies concerning tax depletion, and the oil import control program. Notes the increasing oil consumption in the USA and role of Alaskan oil potential in meeting demands, with the warning that the industry will not develop North Slope oil if federal and state policies do not meet its demands. Suggests the benefits to the Alaska State economy and reassures the conservationists that early mistakes which resulted in environmental degradation will not CaMAI, DOS. be repeated. 428
V.A. and 104301 IKORSKIY, S.V. PRIPACHKIN. 0 nekotorykh osobennostyakh raspredeleniya uglevodorodnykh gazov v intruzivnykh kompleksakh Khibinskogo Problemy magmatizma massiva. (In: Baltiyskogo...1971. p.283-88, graph, table, illus) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrocarbon gas distribution in intrusive complexes of the Khibiny massif. Rocks with relatively high natural gas content form an inner and an outer arched band. Metasomatic alteration of the alkaline rocks and concentration of natural gas in them seem to be the result of postmagmatic metamorphism. DLC. 104302 IL'CHENKO, L.N. Akritarkhi pozdnego dokembriya i rannego kembriya severo-zapada Sibirskoy platformy, Noril'skiy rayon. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1971. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.31, p.5-12, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Late Precambrian and early Cambrian acritarchs of the northwest Siberian platform, Norilsk region. Reports a study of 121 rock samples, of which 106 contained these microfossils. Acritarch complexes are described from the Upper Riphean Rybninskiy suite, Lower Vendian Gremyakinskiy suite, Upper Vendian Polbanskiy suite, and lower Cambrian Krasnoporozhskiy suite. Some specimens are described and illus. DLC. IL'CHENKO, L.N., see also No. 108288. 104303 IL'IN, N.I. and others. 0 metodike sostavleniya karty prognoza mestorozhdeniy islandskogo shpata po rayonu Sibirskoy platformy. (Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskiy inst. Trudy 1969. v.147, p.24-60) 11 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.V. Skropyshev and Ye.V. Nastasiyenko. Title tr.: Methods of compilation of a map of Iceland spar deposits in the Siberian platform region. Describes the method and criteria used for compilation of the first general map of Iceland spar deposits of the platform, including both areas of known occurrence and areas of possible occurrence. A structural map was used as the base. The tectonic, magmatic, and lithologic-stratigraphic prerequisites of occurrence are discussed. Specific reference is made to areas of possible occurrence in trap-rock regions. Areas with favorable possibilities are indicated by special symbols. DLC. IL'IN, NY., see No. 103457. IL'IN, 0.M., see Nos. 103827,108154. 104304 IL'IN, YU.I.
Elementy-primesi v
muskovitakh iz polevoshpatovykh pegmatitov rayona Porosozera. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1968. no.6, p.181-88, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Element admixtures in muscovites from feldspathic pegmatites of the Porosozero Lake region. The cement admixtures Li, Rb, Cs, Be, Ta, etc are in general more concentrated in muscovites from albitized pegmatites than in muscovites from unaltered pegmatites of this region. Data on the element-admixture content in muscovites can be used for appraising the mineralogy of pegmatites. DLC. 104305 IL'INA, A.P. 0 znachenii gastropod dlya izucheniya stratigrafii neogena Kamchatki i Sakhalina. (In: Biostratigrafiya, fauna i flora kaynozoya...I969. p.99-101) In Russian. Title tr.: Importance of gastropods for investigation of Neogene stratigraphy in Kamchatka and Sakhalin Island. Reviews the distribution of some 160 gastropod species from Paleogene and Neogene deposits of Kamchatka and Sakhalin, Intl 112 in Kamchatka. Eocene-Oligocene, lowerLower Middle Miocene, upper Middle Miocene—Middle Pliocene and Upper Pliocene assemblages are briefly characterized. DLC. IL'INA, I.M., see No. 104368. 104306 IL'INA, I.S. and YU S. TOLCHEL'NBCOV. Basseyn r. Bol'shogo Salyma, pochvennogeobotanicheskiy ocherk. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geografii Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doklady 1968. no.18, p.1121, graph, table) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Bol'shoy Salym River basin, a soil-geobotanical outline. Gives a general description of this region south of the middle Ob and east of the Irtysh, and its natural conditions. The gentle massifs of the interfluve, the second terrace, first terrace, and floodplain, etc are described and their soils and vegetation are characterized. DLC. 104307 IL'INA, I.S. Kartografirovaniye rastitel'nosti poymy r.Obi na otrezke KhantyMansiysk-Nizhnevartovskoye. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geografii Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doklady 1968. no.17, p.12-19, illus) 16 refs. In Russian Title tr.: Mapping the vegetation of the Ob River floodplain from Khanty-Mansiysk to Nizhnevartovskiy. Four ecological surfaces in the floodplain are distinguished according to elevation. Methods, process, legend, etc used in their mapping are outlined. Content of the map is discussed. The marsh-meadow and submerged valley, the meadow, the willow-brush, and the forest vegetation are defined and briefly characterized. DLC.
104308 IL'INA, V.I. Klimat zapadnoy i sredney Sibiri v ranneyurskuyu epokhu po palinologicheskim dannym. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.10, p.I0-17) 34 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The climate in West and Middle Siberia in the early Jurassic epoch according to palynological data. Describes the climatic changes of early Jurassic time in this broad region including the Vilyuy syneclise and some other arctic areas. In the early Liassic and first half of the Pliensbachian, the climate was warm and humid. Toward the end of the Domerian it became warmer and by the early and middle Toarcian almost tropical conditions prevailed. The trend changed and at the end of early Jurassic the climate became colder. Palynology, fauna, lithology and other features of the epoch are cited. DLC. 104309 IL'INA, V.I. Palinologicheskaya kharakteristika yurskikh otlozheniy Sibiri. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1971. no.138, p.6-51, table, illus) Approx 160 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Palynological characteristics of Jurassic deposits of Siberia. Results of own and others' work on this region Intl arctic areas are given. Pollen and spore assemblages from the marine deposits are dated by diagnostic faunas of the early Liassic, Pliensbachian, Toarcian, Aalenian, Bajocian, Bathonian, Callovian, Oxfordian, Kimmeridgian and Volgian synchronous continental rocks of different parts of the region. These assemblages are correlated. DLC. 104310 IL'INA, V.I. Sporovo-pyl'tsevyye kompleksy nizhneyurskikh otlozheniy srednego techeniya reki Vilyuya. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1969. no.91, p.70-87, graphs, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Spore-pollen assemblages of Lower Jurassic deposits on the middle Vilyuy River. Reports on pollen and spores from six outcrops in the Vilyuy and Markha basins. Assemblages from the end of the early Liassic to late Toarcian are analyzed. At the end of the early Liassic and lower Pliensbachian, the climate was warm and humid, and even warmer in the Domerian. The early and the first half of the middle Toarcian was still warm, almost tropical, but with the end of the middle Toarcian, a gradual cooling began and increased in the late Toarcian. DLC. IL'INA, V.I., see also No. 105938. 104311 'LUPIN, I.P. and others. K voprosu o granitsakh termina "kimberlit". (In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Inst. geologii. Geologiya, petrografiya...Sibirskoy platformy 429
1970. p.I03-115, tables) 25 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.A. Pankratov and Ye.D. Chernyy. Title tr.: Delimitation of the term kimberlite. In the absence of a generally accepted definition of kimberlite, the term is appraised on the basis of the main geologic features of the kimberlites in Yakutia: occurrence in the form of explosion pipes, dikes and veins; concentration of pipes in a limited area; formation of breccias in the upper horizons of the kimberlite bodies; potassium predominating over sodium; the presence of pyrope and picroilmenite, etc. DLC. 104312 ILUPIN, I.P. and N.P. NAGAYKhrom i nikel' v il'menite iz kimberliEVA. (In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. tov Yakutii. Inst. geologii. Geologiya, petrografiya...Sibirskoy platformy 1970. p.288-300, tables, illus) Tide tr.: Chromium and 7 refs. In Russian. nickel in ilmenite from kimberlites of Yakutia. The Cr and Ni content has been determined by quantitative spectrographic analysis of more than 220 samples. Cr averages 0.032DLC. 1.47% and Ni 0.028-0.223%. 104313 ILUPIN, I.P. Nekotoryye osobennosti khimicheskogo sostava il'menitov iz (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. kimberlitov. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...197 I. Title tr.: Characp.85-89, illus) In Russian. teristics of the chemical composition of ilmenite from kimberlites. Reports results of chemical and spectrographic analyses of ilmenite inclusions and nodules from kimberlite pipes in the DaldynAlakit region, Yakutia. Samples from the southern part of the region show higher MgO contents than those from the northern part. The nickel contents exhibit a quantitative relationship with the chromium contents, and the vanadium content with the iron oxide content. DGS. 104314 ILUPIN, I.P. 0 nekotorykh osobennostyakh khimicheskogo sostava kimberlitov. (In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Inst. geologii. Geologiya, petrografiya...Sibirskoy platformy 1970. p.267-80, graph, tables) 13 Title tr.: Some features of refs. In Russian. the chemical composition of kimberlites. Discusses the Fe,O.,:FeO ratio in the kimberlites of Yakutia. The effects of admixtures of xenoliths of the enclosing rocks on the chemical composition is also considered. The main factors affecting the degree of oxidation of iron in kimberlites are sulfidization and limonitization. In the Zimnyaya pipe of the upper Muna region the predominant ferric oxide (Fe,0,:Fe0 = 3.36) is associated with the presence of maghemite. The xenolith content of enclosing carbonate rocks in the major430
ity of kimberlite bodies does not exceed 20%. DLC. 104315 ILUPIN, I.P. 0 soderzhanii natriya i kaliya v kimberlitakh Yakutii. (lzvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy 1968. Geologiya i razvedka no.10, p.43-47, tables) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Content of sodium and potassium in kimberlites of Yakutia. Some analyses have erroneously shown K in excess of Na. New data from the Daldyn and Alakit regions clearly indicate the Na content greater than the K. An attempt is made to explain the error as due to the method of selecting the material. The predominance of sodium over potassium in the Daldyn and Alakit samples is considered a significant feaDLC. ture of kimberlites. 0 104316 ILUPIN, I.P. and others. sostave i genezise kelifitovykh obolochek na granate-pirope v kimberlitakh Yakutii. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.16, p.45-52, graphs, tables) 37 refs. In Russian. Other authors: P.P. Levshov and V.S. Rovsha. Title tr.: Composition and genesis of kelyphitic rims on garnet-pyrope in kimberlites of Yakutia. Reports a study of the corona around grains of pyrope in kimberlites, also grains of pyrope in inclusions of ultrabasites in kimberlites. Results are presented of X-ray analyses and optical investigation of 15 samples, thermal analyses of four, and chemical analyses of two. The main components of the kelyphitic rims are mica, chlorite and sometimes serpentine, magnetite, calcite, and dolomite. The corona around violet garnet always contains chromeDLC. spinellids. 0 zavisimosti 104317 ILUPIN, I.P. mezhdu sostavom nekotorykh pervichnykh mineralov i khimicheskim sostavom kimberli(Vses. mineralogicheskoye otov Yakutii. vo. Zapiski 1969. v.98, no.5, p.574-78) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Relation between the composition of some primary minerals and the chemical composition of Yakutia kimberlites. Presents data on contents of titanium, iron, magnesium and chromium in Yakutia kimberlites; also in ilmenites and pyropes of kimberlites. The coefficient of correlation of the Mg, Fe and Cr20 content in ilmenite, pyrope and kimberlites is calculated, and some doubts are expressed on the Fe:Ti relationship in kimberDLC. lites. 104318 !LUPIN, I.P. and P.P. LEVSHOV. Primeneniye rentgenometricheskogo analiza dlya izucheniya osnovnoy massy kimberlitov. In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Inst. geologii. Geologiya, petrografiya...Sibirskoy platformy
1970. p.301-307, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of X-ray analysis for investigation of the ground mass of kimberlites. Presents results of X-ray and chemical analyses, and petrographic studies of kimberlite samples from five pipes in Yakutia. The X-ray powder diagrams distinguish the carbonates, serpentine, mica, perovskite and magnetite. Xray analysis gives important data to supplement other tests on the composition and degree of crystallization of the ground mass of kimberlites. DLC. 104319 ILUPIN, I.P. Soderzhaniye fosfora i sery v kimberlitakh Yalcutii. (Geokhimiya 1970. no.9, p.1042-52, graphs, tables) 18 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Phosphorus and sulfur content in kimberlites of Yakutia. Presents the average P and S content of the kimberlite of individual regions and pipes. A positive correlation of P with calcium and a negative correlation of S with titanium are shown. The influence of material from country rocks, i.e. the Lower Paleozoic sedimentary stratum, increases the CaO: P205 ratio in kimberlites. The unique character of the Kuoyka region kimberlites is emphasized. Features of their chemical composition give them an intermediate position between kimberlites of other fields of Yakutia and stony meteorites. DLC. 104320 ILUPIN, I.P. and V.F. KRIVONOS. Tsirkon i apatit, sputniki almaza v shlikhakh. (lzvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy 1968. Geologiya i razvedka no.8, p.47-49, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Zircon and apatite, accessory minerals of diamond in thin sections. Studies of Yakutia diamonds indicate that zircon and apatite should be included among the accessory minerals. Zircon is present in 1-5 mm grains. Mode of occurrence, chemical analyses, and other features are described for both zircon and apatite. These minerals are frequently found in northern Yakutia, zircon especially in the Mir kimberlite pipe. DLC. 104321 ILUPIN, I.P. and I.T. KOZLOV. Tsirkon v kimberlitakh. (In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Inst. geologii. Geologiya, petrografiya...Sibirskoy platforrny 1970. p.25466, tables) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Zircon in kimberlites. Reports a study of zircon in kimberlites of the Muna, Olenek, Anabar and other regions of Yakutia, where it rarely exceeds 0.001%. It forms oval grains with a rough surface, measuring from a fraction of a mm to 3 mm, and rarely to 15 mm in length. The grains are usually translucent, some colorless, some pale-pink or light brownish-orange. The ratio of Zr:Hf in kimberlite zircons fluctuates between 33-51, in
zircons from carbonite pipes 61-70. Specific weight and other properties are stated. DLC. [LUPIN, I.P., see also Nos. 104642, 104990, 106828, 106829.
104322 ILVESSALO, Y. Metsikoiden luontainen kehitys- ja puuntuottokyky PohjoisLapin kivennaismailla; Natural development and yield capacity of forest stands on mineral soils in northern Lapland. Helsinki, Suomen Metsatieteellinen Seura 1970. 43 p. map, tables, graphs. (Acta forestalia fennica v.108) 44 refs. In Finnish. English summary. Reports on a study of 107 sample plots north of about 68°N. The plots were mainly Scotch pine stands. Of the three types, Empetrum-Myrtillus-Cladina, Ericacea-Cladina, and Cladina, the first showed most rapid stand development and highest wood production, the third was least productive. Scotch pine was established as the most suitable tree species for the conditions of northern Lapland. DLC. IL'YENKO, V.I., see No. 107398. ILYUKHIN, V.V., see No. 107245. IMAO, N., see No. 105571. 104323 IMKHANITSKAYA, N.N. K voprosu o dostovernosti nakhodok Sassafras v melovykh otlozheniyakh Sovetskogo Soyuza. (Botanicheskiy zhurnal 1968. v.53, no.5, p.63952, map, table, illus) Refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The problem of authenticity of Sassafras occurrences in the Cretaceous deposits of the USSR. Revises species previously assigned to the genus Sassafras. All the leaf imprints studied are reassigned to other genera, including the new genus Sachalinella. S. kolymensis (Krysht.) Imch. comb. n., from the Zyryanka River region of the Kolyma basin, is described. DLC. 104324 INCE, S. Guide to the design of air bubblers for melting ice. (In: Ice seminar... 1969, p.19-21, graphs) 5 refs. Gives simple working rules for the practicing engineer to use in designing installations, noting that the results given are approximate due to the gross assumptions and similarity criteria used in the derivation of the formulae and the lack of sufficient observational data. However, the procedure outlined may be useful in estimating the order of magnitude of the air supply and power requirements, once information is available about the atmospheric and oceanic environment. DGS. 104325 INDEPENDENT PETROLEUM MONTHLY. North Slope keeps Canadians in. a stew. (Its: v.40, 1969. no. I, p.28) 431
Discusses the proposed 1600-mi, 42-in pipeline over relatively flat terrain from Prudhoe Bay east to Mackenzie Delta and south to Edmonton. It is supposed to carry 1.5 million bbl/day. Its cost is estimated at $650 million, in contrast to $900 million estimated as cost for the DGS. 800-mi, 48-in. Trans-Alaska line.
104326 INDOLEVA, N.N.
K voprosu otsenki resursov podzemnykh vod mezhgornykh vpadin v oblasti razvitiya kriolitozony. In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.102-103) In Russian. Title tr.: Evaluation of the groundwater resources of intermontane depressions in regions of development of frozen zones. Discusses the occurrence and accumulation of groundwaters in sand and gravel layers that are subject to freezing in graben-type depressions and in other intermontane basins of folded regions. Relationships with persistent DLC. permafrost zones are noted.
104327 INENLIKEY, P.I.
and others.
Yazyki i pis'mennost' malykh narodnostey Severa. (In: Prosveshcheniye na Kraynem Severe...I967. p.61-68) 4 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S.N. Onenko and Ye.I. Rombandeyeva. Title tr.: Languages of the small peoples of the North and their rendition to writing. Deals with research and development of writing for Paleosiberian and Ural-Altaic languages. An All-Union committee for the drive on illiteracy and the Committee of the North were established in 1924. In 1925, the first group of aborigines enrolled in the newly organized northern section of the workers' college (rabfak) at the Univ of Leningrad. Paleosiberian, Tungus-Manchu, and Finno-Ugric - Samoyed language units were set up within the ethnographic dept of the university, and the first class graduated in 1926. Dialect studies closely linked with the new territorial zoning were begun so that the vernacular dialect best suited to become the basic language of each people could be selected. Unsurmountable divergencies in Vogul dialects forced the recognition of three literary dialects. First to be rendered into writing and used as vehicle of instruction were the Tungus languages: Evenki in 1926, Eveny Lamut and Gold in 1927. By the early 1930's, alphabets initially based on Latin letters were devised for Vogul, Ostyak, Nenets Samoyed, Chukchi, Koryak, and Eskimo. Participation of aborigines in linguistic research and teacher training programs are stressed. The educational role of cultural bases and travelling schools is discussed noting in particular the first such school in Chukotka opened in 1932 on the reindeer collective farm near Lorino. DLC.
104328 INGERSOLL, W.T. Lands of change; four parks in Alaska. (Journal of the West 1968. v.7, no.2, p.173-92, illus) 73 refs. Outlines the changes in the Glacier Bay and Katmai National Monuments, Mt McKinley National Park and Sitka National Monument. All these parks were established when a planned park system scarcely existed; each had its own advocates. The variations in glacier movements in Glacier Bay and the 1912 eruptions in the Mt Katmai area created natural fields for geologic, biologic and environmental studies. Mt McKinley has great beauty and the area is a valuable game range, whose protection was secured by the creation of a park. In the Silica National Monument the native culture has disDLC. appeared during the century. 104329 INGLIS, G.E.
Yellowknife's golden golf marathon. (Canadian geographical journal 1968. v.76, no.6, p.206-209, illus) Describes the Yellowknife golf course and the 24 hr continuous marathon game played on it in June. Since it proved impossible to grow a mat of grass, the greens are sand saturated with heavy bunker oil, while the fairways are loose, foot-deep sand with patches of caribou moss. CaMAI, DLC.
104330 INGRAM, R.G. and others. Pilot study of ice drift in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.23, p.5453-59, graphs, map, table) 7 refs. Other authors: O.M. Johannessen and E.R. Pounder. Reports a study using a toroidal buoy with a radio beacon installed on 1 Mar 1967 on a floe off the Gaspe coast. The floe drifted southeast, and was recovered 7 May south of the Magdalen Islands. The drift due to the wind stress is calculated and the difference between the theoretical drift and the observed drift is assumed to result from surface current. The analysis indicates that the internal ice stress should be taken into account in future models. Hourly observations in the ice drift vector indicate that the floe is affected by the tidal current. DLC. INK, D.A.,
No. 107032.
NOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 7th, Moscow 1964,
see No. 1051 INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL UNION see No. 107705. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS, 23r4 Prague, 1968 see No. 108305. INTERNATIONAL HYDROLOGIC DECADE. Canadian National Commitee seeNo. 104286. INTERNATIONAL OIL SCOUTS ASSOCIATION, see No. 106560. 104331 INTERNATIONAL PEAT CONGRESS, 3d Quebec, 18-23 August, 1968. c/87 Proceedings...Comptes rendus... Ottawa, Dept of Energy, Mines and Resources, and National Research Council of Canada, 1968? 405 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. French summary. This congress devoted to the science, engineering, production and uses of peat, drew over 200 participants from countries of northern Europe, the USSR, Canada and the US. The 74 papers, edited by C. Lafleur and J. Butler, reflect significant progress in the state of knowledge and technology since the first congress in Dublin, 1954 and the second in Leningrad, 1963. Eleven of the papers deal with arctic or subarctic areas and are abstracted separately under the authors' names, viz: Brown, R.J.E. Occurrence of permafrost in Canadian peatlands. Day, J.H. The classification of organic soils in Canada. Dew, D.A. Agricultural potential of peat soils in Alberta. Hemstock, R.A. Transportation over muskeg. Korpijaakko, E.O. and N.W. Radforth. Development of certain patterned ground in muskeg as interpreted from aerial photographs. MacFarlane, I.C. Strength and deformation tests on frozen peat. Matveyev, A.M. and others. Patterns of geographical distribution and integrated development of peat resources. Pritchard, T. Project TELMA... Radforth, J.R. and P.H. Roe. Computer modelling of tracked vehicles on muskeg. Salmi, M. Development of palsas in Finnish Lapland. Sellmann, P.V. Properties and distribution of two characteristic peat environments in DGS. Alaska. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AGE RELATIONS IN HIGH GRADE META-
MORPHIC TERRAINS, 1967, see 103649.
INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE ECOLOGY AND REVEGETATION OF DRASTICALLY DISTRUBED AREAS, Pennsee No. sylvania State Univ, 3-16 Aug 1969, . 107803. INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR THE CONSERVATION OF NATURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES see Nos. 102916, 102927, 104229. 104332 IORDANISHVILI, YE.K. and V.N. SOKOLOV. Perekhod cherez zapadnyy Shpitsbergen. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. lzvestiya 1970. v.102, no.4, p.407-408) In Title tr.: Across western Svalbard. Russian. Describes a I5-day 170 km trip by a fiveman party in Aug 1969 from Johnstonbukta at the head of Storfjorden via Kvitbreen to Adolfbukta in Billefjorden; 12 glaciers were crossed DLC. en route. N.L. 104333 IOSIFOVICH, Organizatsiya proizvodstva ovoshchey otkrytogo i zakrytogo grunta. (In: Problemy razvitiya...Magadanskoy oblasti 1969. v.3, p.74Title tr.: Development of 78) In Russian. vegetable growing in the open and by greenhousing. Notes the better nutritional value of vegetables locally grown and discusses the economic aspects of vegetable production in Magadan Province. Hothouses and hotbeds, their construction and heating, care of seedlings, soils, etc are discussed, as are fertilizers and cabbage crop yields with data for the Kolyma basin, Tauyskaya Bay region and the Magadan experiment station. Utilization of solar radiation is DLC. stressed. 104334 IPAT'YEVA, I.S. Aktsessornyye mineraly granitoidov Verkhne-Indigirskogo rayona, vostochnaya Yakutiya. Aktsessomyye mineraly izverzhennykh porod 1968. Title tr.: Accesp.173-80, tables) In Russian. sory minerals of granitoids of the upper Indigirka region, eastern Yakutia. Reports distribution of accessory minerals in large granitoid intrusives and also in small stock-like granitoid bodies and dikes of basic, medium and acid composition (in the central part of In'yali-Debin synclinorium). Accessory minerals of early, later and final stages of crystallization can be distinguished. The content of early magmatic accessory minerals (zircon, ilmenite, apatite) decreases in later stages of cystallization. A direct genetic connection is established between gold mineralization and granite intrusions. DLC. 433
104335 IRISH, E.J.W. Structure of the northern foothills and eastern mountain ranges, Alberta and British Columbia, between latitudes 53°15' and 57°20'. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1968. 38p. maps, tables, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Bulletin no.I68) 45 refs. French summary. Gives a general account of the deformation in regions where folds and thrust faults involve Paleozoic - Tertiary strata, based on stratigraphic studies and geologic mapping from 1944. The folds and faults in British Columbia - 58°N 121° - 124°W are described in some detail. Large masses of strata have moved relatively northeast on southwest-dipping faults with mainly contemporary folding. Geologic DGS. formation tables are included. 104336 IRVINE, T.N. The Duke Island ultramafic complex, Southeastern Alaska. (In: Wyllie, P.J. Ultramafic and related rocks...1967. p.84-97, graphs, map, table, illus) Refs. The ultramafic rocks of Duke and nearby Kelp Islands are essentially composed of olivine, clinopyroxene (diopsidic augite) and hornblende. They are younger than the slightly altered gabbroic rocks which underlie much of the islands, and show unusual and spectacular development of gravitational layering. Petrographic, mineralogic, chemical and structural features of these rocks show that the complex stems from at least two intrusions of liquid magma that were forcibly emplaced and crystallized in place. Chemical and modal analyses, ternary diagrams, and CIPW norms are DLC. included. 104337 IRVINE, T.N. and C.H. SMITH. The ultramafic rocks of the Muskox Intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada. (In: Wyllie, P.J. Ultramafic and related rocks...1967. p.3849, graphs, map, illus) Refs. The principal structural units of this body of ultramafic, gabbroic and granophyric rocks in Mackenzie District are its feeder dike, two lower marginal zones and a layered series, comprising 42 contrasting layers ranging 101100 ft in thickness, about 6000 ft in all. The layered series has a large proportion of ultramafic olivine-rich rocks and at least 25 cycles of layer repetition. Each of these cyclic units probably reflects a renewal of the magma composition by introduction of fresh liquid in place of that which had partially crystallized. A large gravity anomaly north of the exposed part of the intrusion may indicate the position of a major feeder system, and possibly a reservoir from which magma periodically flowed southDLC. ward. 104338 IRVING, L Adaptations of native populations to cold. (Archives of 434
environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.59294, illus) Natural adaptation of people and animals in the Arctic is enabled by the protective insulation of fur and the faculty of allowing extremities and even whole body surfaces to become cold while maintaining sensitivity and integration with the warm interior through nerves and circulation. According to race or experience, men are unequal in respect to temperature regulation. DLC. 104339 IRVING, L. Progress of research in zoology through the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.3, p.32732) 15 refs. Traces the course of zoological, and related anthropological, physiological and health research by various explorers and scientists at Barrow, beginning with the First International Polar Year, 1881-83. The aid of Eskimo knowledge is cited. Bird and human migration through the Brooks Range and on the arctic slope, marine life, and facets of Eskimo adaptation have been studied. The contribution of the NARL to the background for the rapid social and economic development in arctic Alaska is stressed. CaMAI, DLC. 104340 IRVING, L. Temperature regulation of large arctic land mammals. (Federation proceedings 1964. v.23, no.6, pt. 1, p.1198-1201, graphs, illus) 8 refs. Indicates the importance of body size and insulation as influences on endurable animal heat loss and on food requirements of large arctic mammals. The large temporal and anatomical variation in tissue temperature and the reducing effect of cooling upon rate and velocity functions in tissues are discussed. Besides fur, insulation is obtained by cold skin and a thermal gradient through tissue. Cooling causes frequency of impulse transmission to decline and sharply limits the signalling capacity by frequency modulation in the cold nerve, yet arctic dogs with cold footpads and caribou with cold hooves are nimble and swift in winter. DLC. IRVING, L., see also Nos. 108365, 108406, 108408, 108409. 104341 IRVING, W.N. Upper Pleistocene archaeology in Old Crow Flats, Yukon Territory (Arctic circular 1968. v.17, no.2, p.18-19) Refs. Reports discovery during fieldwork 1965-67 of a toothed flesher and other human artifacts, together with remains of 17 Pleistocene mammals, seven of which are now extinct. Although dating evidence is not yet unequivocal, the author believes the reworked midden material predates 20,000 BP. CaMAI.
IRZHAK, YE.L, see No. 103156. 104342 ISAAC, J.D. Army reactors. (Royal engineers journal 1964. v.78, no.1, p.5464, table, illus) 18 refs. Reviews the US Army Nuclear Power Program and its reactors, noting second-generation systems. These military reactors are compared with the conventional means of power generation used in the British Army. Possible advances in the reactor field and their effect on military reactors are stated. Details on five installed reactors, incl those at Fort Greely in Alaska, Camp Century in Greenland, and McMurdo Sound in Antarctica. DGS. 104343 ISAAC, M. Funny, I'm still looking for that place. (Anthropologica 1971. v.13, no.1/2, p.23-36) Describes experiences as a young Indian from Restigouche in search of a role in life: at business college in Montreal, meeting people, beginning to analyze life on the reservation. His return to the reservation to edit a newspaper and struggle for Indian representation on the school board, his move to British Columbia on a scholarship for the Canadian Indian Workshop, his work for the Company of Young Canadians and disillusionment by their limited objectivity, etc. He was always short of money, felt frustration, abandoned city life and returned to the reservation. CaMAI, DSI. ISACHENKO, A.G., see No. 106714. 104344 ISAKSON, E. Fagelutrotning pa Vastgremland. (Fauna och flora 1970. v.65, no.6, p.247-52, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: Extermination of birds in West Greenland. Reports some impressions from a summer 1970 canoe trip in the Upernavik district. The bird life is endangered as existing hunting regulations are quite inadequate and widely disreDLC. garded as well.
104345 ISAKSSON, 0. Kenai eller jamvag; det Norrbottniska bergsbrukets kommunikationsproblem. (Norrbottens lans hembygdsforening. Arsbok 1966. p.25-40) 15 refs. In Swedish. Title tr.: Canal or railway; the transport problem of the mining industry in Norrbotten. Reviews efforts to solve these problems in north Sweden from the 17th century till the first railway line was opened in 1887. Attention is directed to various 19th century projects for the use of the river systems supplemented by canals; none came to realization because of inadequate technical knowledge and economic resources. DNA L. ISAYEV, YE.I., see No. 103621.
104346 ISAYEVA, L.I. and M.A. KRAUSH. Poverkhnosti vyravnivaniya Sredne-Sibirskogo ploskogor'ya. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1969. ser. geog. no.4, p.I20-25, map) Refs. In Russian Title tr.: Peneplanation surfaces of the Middle Siberian upland. Discusses disputed problems concerning peneplains in the Krasnoyarsk region, the Nizhnyaya Tunguska, Bakhta, Chuna and other basins. The number of peneplanation surfaces, their origin, the effects of traps and the age of peneplanation are considered. The remains of three old peneplanation surfaces are present in the Middle Siberian upland, the oldest, of early Triassic age, at 500-1000 m. The most widely developed peneplain is AptianAlbian. DLC. 104347 ISHIDA, T. Rupture and vibrations of sea ice sheets. (Intl. Conf. Low Temp Science 1966. Proceedings 1967. Physics of snow and ice. v.1, pt.!, p.551-56, graphs, illus) 2 refs. Vibrations which occur when a sea-ice beam deflects and breaks during flexural loading, appear to be related to the internal cracking of the ice. The load rate of I kg/cm= x sec appears to be a threshold value for flexural strength, and the appearance of cracking varies with direction of the applied force. The number and magnitude of vibrations are high in the stress ranges 0.3, 0.7, and 1.3 kg/cm 2, and cracks are apt to occur when the stress at the joint of the beam reaches the same valuesDGS. DIATOMO 104348 ISKOPAYEMYYE VYYE VODOROSLI SSSR. Moskva, Nauka 1968. 136 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Title tr.: Fossil diatom Refs. In Russian. algae in the USSR. Contains 25 papers on the paleoecology and stratigraphy of diatoms of various geological ages. Seven articles are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: Z.V. Aleshinskaya, O.S. Korotkevich, Loseva, Ye.G Lupikina, L.G. Pintmova, N.V. Rubina and V.S. Sheshukova-Poretskaya.DLC. 104349 ISKRITSKIY, N.A. Ekonomicheskaya effektivnost' primeneniya kovdorskogo vermikulita v ograzhdayushchikh stroitel'nykh (Geologiya, svoystva i prikonstruktsiyakh. meneniye vermikulita. Leningrad, Nauka 1967. Title tr.: p.84-88, tables) 4 refs. In Russian. Economic efficiency of using Kovdor vermiculite as insulation in buildings. Discusses the use of vermiculite as a thermal insulation filler in wall panels of housing and other constructions in Murmansk Province. The thermal and mechanical properties of vermiculite are stated, as is the quantity required in the 1970 housing program for about 300,000m2 floor 435
space. A table shows features of three-layer wall panels for apartment buildings with vermiculite and other fillers. The vermiculite compared with the others represents a saving of 2 million rubles in construction of 400,000m2 of floor space. Hydrophlogopite and hydromica are recommended where fillings of greater elastic properties are DLC. required. ISLER, R.C., see No. 105877. 104350 ISRAEL, M.H. Cosmic-ray electrons between 12 Mev and 1 Gev in 1967. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.19, p.4701-13, graphs, tables, illus) Refs. Presents measurements of the electron spectrum with special attention to the low end of this interval (90% at depths of 2-6 m on bottom slopes of 15-25°. The eggs are probably aerated by wind currents and seiches. Approx 6.8% of eggs collected were infertile. Features favorable to egg and fry survival are the unscoured bottom, rock protection and immediate access to a large food supply upon hatching. Hazards are fish predation on eggs, freezing and ultraviolet radiation in shallow water, and smothering of eggs where egg density is high or algal growth heavy. CaMAI, DI. 104618 KERB, J.W. Today's topography and tectonics in northeastern Canada. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.2, pt.2, p.570) Distribution of glaciers on Baffin Island and Greenland is such that a narrow high coastal belt separates the glaciers from the seas. This is probably due to isostatic forces resulting from crustal thinning as Baffin Island and Greenland drifted apart. It is suggested that Greenland is surrounded by high land and has an interior ice-filled basin, mainly because it is surrounded by rifted coasts on which this process of crustal thinning and isostatic compensaDLC. tion occurred. KERSWILL, C.J., see No. 105641. 104619 KERZHNER, I.M. and K.F. SEDYKH. K faune poluzhestkokrylykh Hemiptera (Heteroptera) Yuzhnogo Timana. (Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestiya 1970. v.2, no.3(13), p.95-100, Title tr.: Fauna of table) 5 refs. In Russian. the true bugs Hemiptera (Heteroptera) of the southern Timan area. Reports on collections made in 1946-65 in the Ukhta region and elsewhere, more than seven thousand specimens. 137 species in 19 families are listed, almost half in fam Miridae. Their distribution, and trans-palearctic, holarctic, boreal, etc forms are dealt with. DLC. 104620 KESLER, S.E. and others. Direction of flow of mineralizing solutions at Pine Point, N.W.T. (Economic geology 1972. v.67, no.1, p.19-24, illus, table) 19 refs. Other authors: R.E. Stoiber and G.K. Billings. States that the horizontal asymmetry of single crystal aggregates in flat-floored vugs indicates that solution movement during sulfide deposition took place in both directions along a course trending N 50°E (parallel to Presqu'ile barrier complex) and along courses SE of that trend. This solution movement was controlled
in part by local joint system. Abundance of paragenetically early botryoidal sphalerite aggregates and skeletal galena in high-grade ore "plums" suggests that sulfide precipitation occurred when moving solutions contacted isolated sulfur-rich areas or patches of sulfatereducing bacteria. DGS. 104621 KESTER, D.R. and R.M. PYTKOWICZ. Oxygen saturation in the surface waters of the northeast Pacific Ocean. (Journal of geophysical research 1968. v.73, no.16, p.5421-24, maps) 24 refs. Deals with northeast Pacific waters up to 60°N and in approx 110-180°W. The great differences in saturation between winter and summer conditions are related to photosynthesis, warming of the surface waters, and upwelling. The assumption that under a standard atmosphere these surface waters are saturated with oxygen is found valid within a few percent during the winter. DLC. 104622 KETCHUM, R.D., J and W.I. WITTMANN. Role of drifting stations in sea-ice prediction studies. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.167-79, illus) Presents samples and interpretations of infrared imagery data collected by US Naval . Oceanographic Office in 1964. The daylight mission I of Arctic Basin Airborne Remote Sensing (ABARS) in Apr, covered the Arctic Basin and Baffin Bay, simultaneously using an infrared scanner and conventional aerial photography and collecting ground truth data (incl surface temperature) by a field party at Drifting Station Arlis H. In Oct, ABARS II made infrared overflights in night conditions, again with a field party operating on Arlis II. The infrared system cannot be used effectively during adverse weather conditions; a radar capability is necessary. A sample of side-looking radar imagery (US Army CRREL) is shown. These two systems make it possible to map pack-ice deformation features. The causes and mechanics of sea-ice deformation are discussed. Three AN GMT-5 (XAN-1) automatic weather stations (described) are to be used to establish observation control of a pack-ice area for dynamic studies of deformation. The continuing need for manned drifting stations is stressed. CaMAI, DLC. 104623 KETSKIY SBORNIK: LINGVISTIKA. Moskva, Glavnaya redaktsiya Vostochnoy literatury 1968. 336 p. tables. Refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Studia ketica: Linguistics. First volume of planned series on the Ket Yeniseians, containing: IVANOV, V.V. and others. The Kets, their language, culture and history, p.5-14. A review of ethnographic studies, folklore, etc.
VERNER, G.K. Consonant phone system in the Sym dialect, p.15-25, 5 refs. SEGAL, D.M. Phonology of Ket, p. 26-74, 24 refs. A tabulated study of the Pakulikha patois, one of the southern dialects. KREYNOVICH, Ye.A. Verb forms expressing action (p. 75-138, 6 refs) and Grammatical indicators of noun gender in Ket verbs (p. 139-95, 15 refs) are chapters written for but not included in his book Glagol, ketskogo yazyka,, Leningrad 1968; an errata list of that book is given on p. 195. USPENSKIY, B.A. The Ket verb system, p. 196-228, 15 refs. Discusses functions of transitive and intransitive verbs and the morphemic structure of verb forms. TOPOROV, V.N. and T.V. TSIV'YAN. Study of Ket nouns, p. 229-46, 4 refs. Report on the current status of research. DUL'ZON, A.P. Ket postpositions, p. 24750. A semantic analysis of 29 suffixes and their variants. DUL'ZON, A.P. Ket adverbs, p. 250-61. Discusses their function and morphology. TSIV'YAN, T.V. Compound words in Ket, p. 262-76, 9 refs. A study based mainly on K. Donner's Ketica, No. 39577. TOPOROV, V.N. Materials for a comparative historical study of phonetics in Yeniseian languages: linguistic elements held in common with Ariny Yeniseian, pt I, p. 277-330, 30 refs. Phonetic study of this Yeniseian language, extinct since the early 18th century, with a glossary of some 350 words Comparative transliteration tables for Ket Yeniseian are appended, p. 331-32, 6 refs. DLC. 104624 KEVAN, P.G. and J.D. SHORTHOUSE. Behavioural thermoregulation by high arctic butterflies. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.4, p.268-79, graphs, tables, illus) 31 refs. French and Russian summary. Also issued as Studies on arctic insects, no.44, Entomological Research Institute, Canada Dept of Agriculture. Reports summer 1967-68 observations and experimental temperature measurements made at Hazen and Gilman Camps, northern Ellesmere Island, on Colias hecla, Boloria chariclea and B. polaris, Lycaena feildeni and Plebius aquilo. In order to utilize direct insolation to increase their body temperatures, they selected basking substrates and precisely oriented their wings with respect to the sun. High arctic butterflies are most often found in warm, relatively windless, sheltered places where on sunny days they fly in the warmest air close to the ground. Their wing morphology, venation, color, hairiness and physiology are briefly discussed. CaMAI, DLC. 104625 KEVAN, P.G.
A national park 479
for the Northwest Territories -- continued. (Canadian field-naturalist 1970. v.84, no.1, p.65-66) Refs. Reports on the public hearings held in Yellowknife, 24 June 1969, on the proposed National Park on the east arm of Great Slave Lake, describing the clash between mining interests and those of conservationists. CaMM, DLC. 104626 KEVAN, P.G. and L.N. EVERNDEN. A national park for the Northwest Territories, the east arm of Great Slave Lake and Artillery Lake. (Canadian field-naturalist 1969. v.83, no.2, p.169-72, map) Describes scenery, geology, aquatic life, avifauna, mammals, botany and history of the CaMM, DLC. proposed park site. KEVAN, P.G., see also No. 102927. Oso104627 KEVVAY, V.F. and others. bennosti osvoyeniya gazonosnykh plastov v usloviyakh razvitiya zony mnogoletnemerzlykh (In: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd. porod. Yakutskiy filial. Institut geologii. Leno-Vilyuyskaya neftegazonosnaya...1969. p.235-38, graphs) In Russian. Other authors: Yu.A. Peremyshtsev and V.P. Pisakhovich. Title tr.: Features of exploitation of gas-bearing strata under permafrost conditions. The formation of hydrates in gas wells is discussed with reference to measures for preventing their formation. Data on temperatures, well depths, and other factors involved in the formation of the hydrates are reported. DLC. 104628 KEYES, D.E. Arctic and sub(In: arctic road construction techniques. Symposium on cold regions engineering 1970. Proceedings pub 1971. v.1, p.119-54, table, illus) Emphasizes that roads to and in the Arctic Slope region of Alaska must be built to serve oil companies, mineral developers, tourists, and others. Designs are presented to show that a dependable roadbed can be constructed at economical cost. Formulas are introduced for calculation of heat transfer so that the road foundation can be maintained in a frozen condition. Various types of foundation are considered, viz: gravel, gravel roadbed over silt active layer, gravel filled subcut, three-inch wood poles over mat, three-inch wood poles over 2 ft gravel on permafrost, one-inch manufactured insulation over 2 ft gravel on permafrost. A number of cost savings are examined, and the obtaining of soils data as a preliminary is suggested. It is also stressed that the mat should be preserved as far as possible and when available the insulating properties of trees CaMAI, DLC. can be utilized. 480
104629 KEYS, J. and S.D. SMITH. Frictional resistance to a ship's passage through converging ice. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.4, p.284-85) 5 refs. Presents formulae to estimate the pressure developed in a converging ice field and to calculate the resulting frictional resistance to a ship attempting to navigate through such ice. The icebreaker-tanker Manhattan is used as an example. It is shown that the power necessary to navigate in ice which is failing in compresCaMAI, DLC. sion would be prohibitive. KEYS, J., see also No. 108497. KEYS, J.E., see No. 104076. 104630 KEYSLER, H.D. Investigations on the stocks of Argentina silus in the waters off Norway, Iceland and Newfoundland. (Int. Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et proces-verbaux 1968. v.158, p.58-64, graphs, tables) 3 refs. Best catches of the greater silver smelt during 1965-66 cruises were off southwest Iceland and in the Norwegian Sea. Its most preferred depth is 300-600 m, preferred water temperatures 4-8°C. Data are given and discussed on length and age composition, growth, onset of maturity (mostly age-group IV-VI and average length of 27-32 cm for Norway and 31-36 cm for Iceland), spawning time, fecundity, morphological differences between stocks, lengthDLC. weight coefficient and food. 104631 KEYZIK, P.P. Fundamenty ruslovykh opor na burovykh i zabivnykh svayakh. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1971. no.6, p.I2-14, Title tr.: Piles driven into illus) In Russian. the river bed or inserted in drilled holes for foundation of abutments. Compares two methods of putting in piles to support a bridge of three spans, 27+ 55+ 27 m, at a site in West Siberia with a temperature range of -53° to +35°C. The reinforced concrete piles 35 x 35 cm in cross-section and 14 m long were tested for bearing capacity and cost of installation by each method. Drilling the hole and inserting the pile cost less than the DLC. pile-driving did. 104632 KHAFIZOV, F.Z. Nekotoryye osobennosti geologicheskogo stroyeniya i neftenosnost' produktivnogo plasta BV8 NizhneVartovskogo svoda. (Geologiya nefti i gaza 1969. v.13, no.2, p.42-45, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of the geologic structure and oil-bearing properties of the BV8 productive bed of the Nizhnevartovskiy arch. Notes ten oil deposits found in this area of south-central Tyumen, the largest in the By. sandy bed. Its lithology and thickness are analyzed, and the structure of the cap rock
described. The yield of oil is given. Further exploration of the bed is under way. DLC. 104633 KHALFINA, N.A. Baykal'skiy element v verkhnechetvertichnykh (karginskikh) rechnykh otlozheniyakh nizov'yev Yeniseya. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.I84, no.4, p.933-34, graphs) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Baykalian element in upper Quaternary (Karginskiy) fluvial deposits in the lower Yenisey region. Describes a section of these deposits in the Malaya Kheta basin. Attention is directed to diatom algae, particularly Gyrosima baicalensis Sky.; ten other Baykalian species are noted. The stratigraphy of the Karginskiy horizon is interpreted. Baykalian elements are represented not only by diatom algae, but also by molluscs, etc. DLC. KHALYMBADZHA, 1.G., see No. 107588. 104634 KHAMTSOV, V.G. Statistika i geografiya balantidiaza. (Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geografli, 3rd. Leningrad 1968. Materialy, pt.2, p.112-15) In Russian. Title tr.: Statistics and geography of balantidiasis. Studies show a wide distribution of balantidiasis in the USSR. However, in northern regions of Murmansk and Arkhangesk Provinces and the northern Urals, no balantidiasis of any kind was found despite exhaustive investigations. DLC. 104635 KHANENKO, B.I. Razvitiye zdravookhraneniya Krasnoyarskogo kraya za 50 let Sovetskoy vlasti. (Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1968. v.12, no.1, p.6-10) In Russian. Title tr.: Developments in public health in Krasnoyarsk Province during the 50 years of Soviet rule. Comparative statistical report on medical personnel and hospital facilities. In 1923 Krasnoyarsk Province had one physician per 13,355 people and one hospital bed per 830; in 1966, the ratios were 1:570 and 1:96 respectively. In 1955, the Evenki National District had eight hospitals with altogether 150 beds, TB sanatoria with 70 beds, also 22 physicians, etc. In the Taymyr National District in 1967, there were 19 hospitals, 22 first-aid and maternity clinics, two epidemiological control stations, seven drug dispensaries, also 109 physicians and 385 other health workers incl 30 and 122 respectively in rural areas. Hospital beds averaged 20 per 1000 population; 18 per 1000 in rural Taymyr and 21 per 1000 in Dudinka. DLC. KHANIN, A.A., see Nos. 104790, 107350. 104636 KHARCHENKO, G.I. 0 stroyenii tufogennoy tolshchi i nachale eksplozivnoy
deyatel'nosti v severo-zapadnoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.4, p.20-28, graphs, illus) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structure of the tuff sequence and the beginning of explosive activity in the northwestern part of the Siberian platform. Reviews different opinions on the beginning of volcanic activity in this area. Sections of the Ambamaya suite of the Tunguska series in the Noril'sk region are described, and the conclusion is drawn that tuffaceous rocks began to form in this area in the middle or beginning of the second half of the Upper Permian. DLC. 104637 KHARCHENKO, YU.I. Vozmozhnyye korennyye istochniki allyuvial'nykh rossypey zolota Tsentral'noy i Yuzhnoy Kamchatki. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.138-46, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Possible primary sources of alluvial gold placers in central and southern Kamchatka. Most of the gold in known placers of these regions .originated from eroded Paleozoic-Mesozoic and Upper Cretaceous strata containing numerous gold-bearing intrusive bodies, dikes, quartz veins, etc. Characteristic associations of minerals in primary sources and in placers are gold, tourmaline, sheelite, garnets, pyrite, hematite, etc. DLC. KHARCHENKO, YU.I., 101874.
see also No.
KHARITONOV, V.A., see No. 105008. 104638 KHAR'KIV, A.D. and YU.M. MEL'NIK. Drevnyaya kora vyvetrivaniya kimberlitovykh porod trubki "Imeni XXIII s"ezda KPSS"; Malo-Botuobinskiy almazonosnyy rayon. (In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Inst. geologii. Geologiya, petrografiya...Sibirskoy platformy 1970. p.230-46, graph, tables, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Old weathering crust of kimberlite rocks of the 23rd Congress of the Communist Party of the USSR pipe in the Ochchuguy-Botuobuya diamond-bearing region. The position of this crust below terrigenous Lower Jurassic rocks, establishes the Triassic age of the weathering. Describes the petrographic features of fresh and weathered kimberlite and identifies montmorillonite, hydromica, metahalloysite and siderite in the weathered layer. DLC. 104639 KHAR'KIV, A.D. Fenitizirovannyye ksenolity eklogitopodobnykh porod iz kimberlitov trubki "Komsomol'skaya", Verkhne-Munskiy rayon. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1969. ser. geol. no.4, p.I38-40, table) Refs. 481
Title tr.: Fenitized xenoliths of In Russian. eclogite-like rocks from the Komsomol'skaya kimberlite pipe, upper Muna region. Describes xenoliths which have undergone intensive alkaline metasomatism-fenitization. Chemical analyses of the eclogite-like rocks are given. Fenitized xenoliths of such rocks are very rare and the fragments studied are only 24 cm in size. Their mineral components: potash feldspar, garnet, monoclinic pyroxene and hornblende, are described. The conclusion is drawn that such xenoliths are brought up from deep kimberlite magma in already finished DLC. form. N.S. and 104640 KHAR'KIV, A.D. Khrom i titan v granaMAKOVSKAYA. takh iz kimberlitov Yakutii. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.193, no.1, p.173-76, tables) 11 Title tr.: Chromium and refs. In Russian. titanium in garnets from Yakutia kimberlites. Statistical study of Cr20, and TiO2 contents and their ratios. The following regions are identified: Aldan, Malaya Botuobuya, DaldynAlakit, and three northern regions: the upper Muna and the middle and lower Olenek. Particularly low TiO2 contents and very high Cr,03:TiO, ratios are distinctive of the Aldan region. Aldan pipes lacking diamonds and other minerals characteristic of kimberlites are DLC. probably composed of alkalic basalt. 104641 KHAR'KIV, A.D. and others. 0 nakhodke "kuboidov" piropa na Sibirskoy platforme. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.7, p.117-21, table, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: Yu.P. Bell and I.P. Ilupin. Tide tr.: Finds of so-called cubic pyrope in the Siberian platform. Reports finds of pyrope with convex cube faces in alluvial deposits of the Ebeleekh River basin and in a weathered kimberlite pipe in the Malaya Botuobuya basin. Since such cubes and abundant similarly sculptured pyrope grains are not present in unweathered kimberlites, they are considered to have been formed by DLC. secondary processes.
104642 KHAR'KIV, A.D. and I.P. ILUPIN. 0 nakhodke pentlandita v kimberlitovoy umbke "Komsomol'skaya". (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.4, p.108-110, table) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A find of pentlandite in the Komsomol'skaya kimberlite pipe. Describes this find in the Muna kimberlite field of Yakutia, in enstatite. Microscopic study, spectral and X-ray analyses are reported. Formation of the pentlandite is presumed to have taken place simultaneously with that of the enstatite, at depth and before the kimberDLC. lite was formed. 482
KHAR'KIV, AD., 107413.
see also
Nos. 106849,
Razryvnaya 104643 KHASANOV, F.SH. tektonika i voprosy razvitiya severnoy chasti Predverkhoyanskogo progiba v svyazi s otsen(In: AN koy perspektiv neftegazonosnosti. SSSR. Sibirskoye otd. Yakutskiy filial. Institut geologii. Leno-Vilyuyskaya neftegazonosnaya...1969. p. 129-34, map) In Russian. Title tr.: Fracture tectonics and the development of the northern part of the Verkhoyansk foreland trough, with reference to oil and gas possibilities. Fractures of various types are observed in all structural zones of this area. A sketch map showing their trends is presented and interpreted. Some of these fracture zones, especially those in the lower Lena River region between Siktyakh and Tit-Ary, are briefly described. Their possible role in the development of oil DLC. and gas-bearing structures is noted. 104644 KHAYKIN, A.B. and M. SYUDinamika grebnoy elektricheskoy BAYEV. ustanovki ledokola "Kiyev" pri rabote vo rdakh. (Morskoy fiot 1969. no.4, p.25-27, Title tr.: Dynamics of graphs) In Russian. the icebreaker Kiyev's electric propeller performance in ice. Describes the installation, and its two regulation systems. Results of tests carried out in the Arctic are illus by three oscillograms, showing the installation's performance in broken hummocky ice. An 11% decrease in the rotation velocity was recorded during the generally successful test, which may increase its wear and DLC. result in excessive fuel requirements. Matematiche104645 KHAYKIN„ A.B. skoye modelirovaniye rezhima vzaimodeystviya grebnogo vinta so rdom. (Sudostroyeniye 1964. no.3, p.32-36, graphs) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mathematical modelling of the regime of propeller action - ice interaction. Develops a system of differential equations representing the optimal characteristics of an icebreaker's electrical propulsion installation in conformity with the electrical power plant of the icebreaker Moskva. A block-scheme of an electronic model of the installation is derived from the initial system of differential equations. Oscillograms from field tests with the Moskva are compared with those obtained from the electronic model, and the comparison shows that the mathematical model represents correctly the icebreaker's performance in ice. DLC. 104646 KHAYKIN, A.B. and V.YA. Raschet staticheskikh kharakYAGODKIN (Sudoteristik GEU ledokol'nykh sudov.
stroyeniye 1966. no.1, p.57-60, graphs, table) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Calculation of the statistical characteristics of the electrical propulsion installation of icebreaking vessels. These characteristics include changes of the resistance moment to the propeller's rotation in terms of its rotation speed, as well as the mechanical characteristics of the propeller motor during these changes. Performance characteristics of the propulsion installation of the icebreakers Lenin, Kapitan Voronin, Moskva, and Leningrad are derived and given in graphs. The correctness of the curves derived has been confirmed in the Lenin's navigation of arctic DLC. waters. 104647 KHAYTSER, L.L. 0 kaolinizatsii rakovin v permskikh otlozheniyakh Pechorskogo basseyna. (Litologiya i poleznyye iskopayemyye 1970. no.5, p.157-59, illus) In Title tr.: The kaolinization of shells Russian. in Permian deposits of the Pechora basin. Lower Permian coal-bearing strata contain kaolinized valves and fragments of brachiopods, pelecypods, gastropods, bryozoans and other marine faunal remains. The concentraDLC. tion of the kaolinite is discussed. KHDOSHOYANTS, E.YE., see No. 103681. 104648 KHIMIYA, GENEZIS I KARTOGRAFIYA POCHV. Moskva, Nauka 1968. 232 p. graphs, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The chemistry, genesis and cartography of soils. Contains 53 previously unpublished papers read at the 3rd Delegate's Congress of Soil Scientists of the USSR. Seven of them are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: I.B. Archegova and A.N. Tsypanova, L.N. Frolova, Ye.N. Rudneva and others, A.S. Sharova and others, V.O. Targul'yan, L.A. Varfolomeyev, and I.V. ZaboDLC. yeva. 104649 KHIT', G.L. Materialy po dermatoglifike russkikh Sibiri. (Sovetskaya etnografiya 1969. no.3, p.65-73, graphs, tables) Title 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. tr.: Materials on the dermatoglyphs of Russians in Siberia. Tabulated study of finger and palm prints of some 650 Russians of Krasnoyarsk Province and Yakutia, descendants of 17-18th century colonists mostly from north Russia. Comparisons with north Russian, Evenki Tungus, and . Yakut groups show a strong diagnostic similarity between the first and the Russian groups of Siberia. There seems to have been little intermarriage with Siberian aborigines, though traces of mingling are evident in certain deviDLC. ant traits. '
104650 KHITARYAN, M.G. Trudovoye i politekhnicheskoye obucheniye v shkolakh Zapadnoy Sibiri i Zaural'ya v period mezhdu XIX i XX s"yezdami partii. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. Uchenyye zapiski Title 1967. v.299, p.4-37) Refs. In Russian. tr.: Labor and polytechnical training in schools of West Siberia and the Trans-Urals region between the 19th and 20th Party Congresses. Deals with the expansion of workshop and on the job training in secondary schools, including Tyumen. Work and study programs 1952-56, and extra-curricular employment in industry and agriculture are described. DLC. 104651 KHITROVA, R.M. and K.N. Palinologicheskoye obosnoBELOUSOV. vaniye stratigraficheskogo raschleneniya neogenovykh - nizhnechetvertichnykh otlozheniy yuzhnoy okrainy Yano-Indigirskoy nizmennosti. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1971. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.31, p.51-57, map, table, illus) 2 Title tr.: refs. In Russian. English summary. The stratigraphic division of Neogene-Lower Quaternary deposits on the southern margin of the Yana-Indigirka lowland, using palynologic data. According to pollen and spore data, Upper Tertiary - Lower Quaternary deposits are present in the Allaykha, Khroma and Bertlakh River basins. Their detailed subdivision is presented. Late Miocene-early Pliocene, Pliocene, late Pliocene-early Quaternary, and early Quaternary pollen and spore assemblages are disDLC. tinguished. KHLEBNIKOV, P.I., see No. 103182. 104652 KHLEBOVICH, 1.A. and V.I. CHUDNOVA. Opyt kompleksnogo izucheniya i otsenki zdorov'ya naseleniya v svyazi s osobennostyami yego formirovaniya. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geografii Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doklady 1968. no.20, p.4653) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of the people's health and its appraisal in relation to features of building the population. Describes a recent survey to determine any health factors pertinent to the high mobility of labor in new industrial developments in northern Tyumen; the population of old settlements with a traditional economy in the KhantyMansi National District was used as control. Changes in the diet, living and working conditions were recorded as well as general health data, and frequency of sickness in workers and their families before and after relocation. The morbidity rate was found to be directly related to the degree of physiological adaptation to the harsh environment. Acclimatization depended largely on the degree of similarity between the environmental, social and economic conditions 483
of the former places of domicile and those of the new site. The survey also dealt with health problems of the indigenous populations: endemic sicknesses, helminthoses, chronic infections, pathology, etc. DLC. 104653 KHLEBOVICH, V.V. and others. Evrigalinnost' i osmoregulyatsiya belomorskikh Mysts oculata i M. litoralis (Crustacea, Mysidacea). (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 1970. v.49, no.7, p.1085-88, graphs, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: V.Ye. Bogdanov and V.G. Kuz'mina. Title tr.: Osmoregulation in the euryhaline White Sea Mysis oculata and M. litoralis (Crustacea, Mysidacea). The osmotic pressure and hemolymph regulation in varying salinities of old and young mysids were studied under controlled procedures. Graphs show decrease of somatic resistance at 10%0 salinity, with resistance remaining higher in Mysis litoralis than in M. acute:la. In low salinity, the survival rate of M. litoralis was much higher, indicating the possibility of a fresh-water existence. DLC. 104654 KHLEBOVICH, V.V. Osmoticheskaya regulyatsiya trekhigloy kolyushki Gasterosteus aculeatus L. v vode razlichnoy solenosti. (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 1968. v.47, no.4, p.591-94, graphs) 13 refs. In RusTitle tr.: Osmotic sian. English summary. regulation in the three-spine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus L. in waters of different salinity. At the White Sea Biological Station in 1965, fish from the sea and from freshwater lakes were placed in water with salinities ranging from 2-25%0 for 5-17 days at 10-13°C. Plots are constructed showing the results of the experiment. DLC. 104655 KHLOBYSTIN, L.P. Issledovaniya na severe Zapadnoy Sibiri. (Arkheologicheskiye otkrytiya 1966 pub 1967, p.I47-49) In Russian. Title tr.: Fieldwork in the North of West Siberia. Preliminary report on archeological surveys in 1966. In southern Yamal Peninsula, over 20 sites of the second millennium BC were discovered near Yarsale village, numerous surface finds including hole-comb pottery and bronze globules were made in the Khadytayakha basin and Eskimoid crescent-shaped stone scrapers collected in several iron age sites on the west shore of Lake Yarroto. Fieldwork in KhantyMansi National District on the Ob near Seliyarovo and in the Yukonda and Konda basins disclosed sites mostly of the turn of the Christian era. DLC. 104656 KHLOBYSTIN, L.P. and G.N. GRACHEVA. Issledovaniya v tsentral'noy 484
chasti Taymyra. (Arkheologicheskiye otkrytiya 1969 pub 1970. p.192-93) In Russian. Title tr.: Fieldwork in central Taymyr. Reports discovery of 22 sites on the Avam and Dudypta Rivers, mostly seasonal hunting and fishing camps containing stone and bronze artifacts. Some of the finds, particularly arrow Points and their mode of attachment to the shafts are affinal to techniques used in Yakutia during the bronze age. Survey of numerous Nganasan Samoyed and Dolgan graves provided new data on funerary rites, etc. Research among local inhabitants yielded information on the probable location of camping sites and burials of the legendary Syupsya people, supposedly Chukchis. DLC. KHLOBYSTIN, L.P., see also No. 104870. 104657 KHLONOVA, A.F. Palinologicheskaya kharakteristika melovykh otlozheniy Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1971. no.138, p.52-151, illus) Approx 250 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Palynological characteristics of Cretaceous deposits of Siberia and the Far East. Reviews the palynological literature on these regions in some detail, Intl their arctic parts. Neocomian, Aptian-Albian, Cenomanian-Turonian, Coniacian-Santonian-Campanian, and Maestrichtian-Danian pollen and spore assemblages are characterized. The main features of the synchronous pollen and spore assemblages of the regions are given, as are the local and provincial differences. DLC. 104658 KHLYBOV, V.V. Glinistyye mineraly triasa basseyna r.B.Syni, Pechorskoye Priural'ye. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geol. Trudy 1970. no.10, p.69-72, graphs) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Triassic clay minerals of Bol'shaya Synya river basin, Pechora Urals. Describes Triassic rocks of this region and reports X-ray studies of the clay minerals. The clays are polymineralic and contain hydromica, kaolinite, montmorillonite, hydromica-montmorillonite, chlorite and dioctahedral chloritevermiculite. DLC. KHLYBOV, V.V., 104763.
see also
Nos. 102651,
104659 KHMELEVSKOY, I.F. Formirovaniye temperatur verkhney tolshchi Novozemel'skogo lednikovogo pokrova v svyazi s izmeneniyami usloviy l'do-obrazovaniya. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya 1966. no.I2, p.276-78, graph) In Russian. Title tr.: Temperature of the upper layer of the Novaya Zemlya ice cover in relation to changes in conditions of ice-formation.
Notes that in Novaya Zemlya ice cover changes in alimentation and ice formation are associated with short-term climatic changes. For 30 yr, feeding of the glaciers proceeded by ice. From the 1940's to the 1950's firn formation was observed. From the 1950's there has been significant snow accumulation and thawing, and infiltration-ice formation. CaMAI, DLC. 104660 KHMELININ, M.F. and others. Rykhleniye merzlykh gruntov navesnym rykhlitelem na traktore DET-250. (Mekhanizatsiya stroitel'stva 1968. no.1, p.8, table, illus) In Russian. Other authors: V.P. Mogutin and Ye.l. Limanovskiy. Title tr.: Loosening of frozen soils with the DET-250 tractor-mounted ripper. The RM-2 ripper is produced for the D-384 bulldozer using a DET-250 tractor base. The output of the ripper is 920 m3 in soils frozen to 0.6-0.7 m depth and 410 m3 on solidly-frozen soils. The bulldozer on the tractor base is capable of working, in single shift, about 700 m3 of frozen group III soil, preworked by the ripper moving the soil 40 m. The hydraulic system of the ripper is directly connected with the DLC. hydraulic system of the tractor. 104661 KHODAKOV, V.G. Ob ozernoy stadii degradatsii karovykh lednikov. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya Title tr.: 1966. no.12, p.261-62) In Russian. The lake stage of cirque glacier degradation. Describes conversion of cirque glaciers into cirque lakes as observed in the Polar Urals. 1953 and 1958 aerial photos of Koval'skogo Glacier are compared, showing its degradation to a cirque lake. The rate is calculated. This phenomenon is frequent in the Polar Urals. CaMAI, DLC. KHODAKOVA, V.I., see No. 104935. KHODAKOV, V.G., 103974.
Nos. 103972,
No. 102394.
KHODZHA-AKHMEDOV, CH.L., see No. 105009. U nas na 104662 KHODZHER, G. Amure. (Sibirskiye ogni 1968. v.47, no.7, p.135-46) In Russian. Title tr.: Our Amur. Autobiographic essay by this Gold writer depicting present-day life on collective farms and in towns, cultural and economic progress since the 1920's. Gold participation in guerrilla activities during the Civil War, service in the Red Army in World War II, and contributions in the field of arts and letters are described. DLC.
KHOKHLINA, N.S., 102033,102034.
Nos. 102031,
104663 KHOKHLOVA, YES. Zooplankton ozer sistemy Kanent"yavr-Kolgiyavr. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Doklady otdeleniy i komissiy 1968 pub 1969. no.9, p.96-103, Title tr.: Zootables) 7 refs. In Russian. plankton of the Kanent'yavr-Kol'yavr lake system. Describes the zooplankton of these lakes in northwest Kola peninsula as studied in 1960. Species composition in Kanent'yavr is given in three groups: Rotatoria, Cladocera and Copepoda. Their quantity and biomass of zooplankton are stated. The rotatorians predominate and the species Kellicottia longispina is found in all the lakes. Distribution of the copepods and cladocerans is also described. The zooplankton in these lakes is poor in species and quantity. Productivity is best in Kanent'yavr which has 15 species and 0.9 g/m3 biomass. DLC. 104664 KHOKHUTKIN, I.M. Nekotoryye dannyye o malakofaune Yamal'skogo i Tazovskogo poluostrovov. (AN SSSR. Ural'skiy filial. Inst. biologii. Trudy 1966. Title tr.: no.49, p.65-66) 5 refs. In Russian. Some data on the mollusca of the Yamal and Taz peninsulas. Indicates the habitats of 26 marine, estuarine, littoral, bog, and freshwater molluscan species which occur in the Ob and Taz gulfs and stream basins. Of the 13 freshwater species, four belong to the northern Siberian group, others are widely distributed. DLC. and 104665 KHOLMYANSKIY, M.A. Klassifikatsiya, razmeshcheniye i others. elektricheskiye svoystva mnogoletnemerzlykh gornykh porod na territorii Sovetskoy Arktiki. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Regional'naya geologiya no.18, p.I01-105, map) 10 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S.M. Larin and 1.V. Bel'govskaya. Title tr.: Classification, distribution and electric properties of permafrost rocks in the Soviet Arctic. On the basis of a genetic-textural and cryogenic classification, and the spatial distribution of permafrost, its electric properties are given for the first time. Permafrost rocks are divided into three groups: frozen, frosty, and cooled. In the Soviet Arctic there are five geocryological zones and 16 regions. For each zone, information is given on the temperature, the thickness and character of the distribution of its permafrost and mineralization of its groundwater. The resistance of all types of rocks of the cryozone is reviewed, as is the scope and character of its change of temperature, and the lithological structure of rocks. A map at 1:5 million 485
scale shows the average longitudinal resistance of the rocks. CaMAI, DLC. KHOLMYANSKIY, M.A., 108154.
see also
KHOLODKOV, IN., see No. 108637. 104666 KHOL'TSMAN, A.V. Snizheniye zabolevayemosti tuberkulezom v Kamchatskoy oblasti. (Sbornik rabot vrachey Kamchatskoy oblasti. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy 1969. Tide tr.: Decrease no.1, p.95-97) In Russian. in tuberculosis infection in Kamchatka Province. The number of TB beds in 1959 was 163; in 1964 there were 534 beds. The number of medical phthysiatrists increased to 60, 24 of whom are in villages. Both TB incidence and death rate have also been reduced in the Koryak National District. Incidence of TB meningitis decreased from 33 in 1957 to 2 in 1964. Cases of TB of the bone decreased 5 times; fistulous forms in joints had disappeared. Childhood TB is decreasing annually: in towns from 38.8% in 1960 to 27.6% in 1964; in rural areas, from 45.6% to 37.2%. In the last two years no TB was DLC. found among animals. 104667 KHOMCHENKO, S.1. Fenologicheskoye kartografirovaniye pri kompleksnom izuchenii landshaftov; prodolzhitel'nost' vegetatsii berezy v Zapadnoy Sibiri. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geografii Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doklady 1968. no. 17, p.35-39, Title tr.: Phenomaps) 13 refs. In Russian. logical mapping for comprehensive landscape investigation; the duration of birch vegetation in West Siberia. Reports study of Betula alba in the region 54-61°N with 112 phenological stations. Its average vegetation period ranges from 120-130 days in the south to 60-70 days in the north. Explanatory maps are included. Comparison is made with other regions. The rate of phenological data in agriculture, forestry and landscape study is noted. DLC. 104668 KHOMENKO, A.V. Osnovnyye cherty tektonicheskogo razvitiya tsentral'noy (Sibirskiy n.chasti Tungusskoy sineklizy. issl. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy 1969. v.89, p.121-24, map) 6 refs. Title tr.: Main features of tecIn Russian. tonic development in the central part of the Tunguska syneclise. The structure of the central part of the syneclise was formed in three main stages, the middle and late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic. These stages are characterized noting their speDLC. cific structural complexes. KHOMENKO, A.V., see also No. 105260. 486
104669 KHOMENTOVSKIY, V.V. and others. 0 yudomskom komplekse Sibiri. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.3, p.25-33, graphs) 19 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.Yu. Shenfil' and M.S. Yakshin. Title tr.: Yudoma complex in Siberia. Describes the stratigraphy and correlation of this complex in the Aldan shield, Baykal region; Yenisey Ridge, Anabar massif, Olenek uplift, Kharaulakh Mts and elsewhere. It is substantiated by historical geology, radiological and paleontological data. Its tectonic and sedimentation conditions are briefly discussed. The complex is attributed to the Precambrian sysDLC. tem. L.S. 104670 KHOMICHEVSKAYA, Osobennosti razvitiya poligonal'nykh form rel'yefa na primere Yeniseyskogo Severa. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologii...1965. Materialy, v.3, 1970. p.201-211, table, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Development of polygonal forms of relief, as exemplified by the Yenisey North. Evaluates the literature concerning polygonal relief in the lower Yenisey region. Its types, stages of development and forms are characterized. The question of the origin of hummocky DLC. relief is still not answered. KHOMUTOVA, N.V., see No. 108542. 104671 KHOMYAKOV, A.P. and others. Novyye dannyye o keldyshite. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.189, no.1, p.166-68, tables) Ref. In Russian. Other authors: M.Ye. Kazakova and A.A. Voronkov. Title tr.: New data on keldyshite. Reports a 1966 find in the Lovozero massif of Kola Peninsula of a mineral first described by V.I. Gerasimovskiy (No 71647). Its physical and optical properties are the same as described earlier. Its chemical composition is analyzed, and the presence of calcium and absence of potassium in water noted. Other data indicate that the 1966 find may be a modification of keldyshite or an independent mineral species. DLC. 104672 KHOREVA, I.M. Foraminifery iz chetvertichnykh otlozheniy zapadnykh beregov Beringova morya. (In: Biostratigrafiya, fauna i flora kaynozoya...I969. p.114-17) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Foraminifers from Quaternary deposits on the west coasts of the Bering Sea. Quaternary foraminiferal associations of Chukotka and Karaginskiy Island are assigned to the Pinakul', Kresta and Val'katlen zones, which were previously established on the basis of the molluscan fauna, and named for three marine terraces at 120-80 m, 60 m and 30-25 m altitudes, respectively. The forams indicate
cold-water conditions, as do associated arctic and arctic-boreal diatoms and molluscs. DLC. 104673 KHOROSHEVA, O.V. 0 dolgotnom dreyfe avroral'noy ionizatsii. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1970. v.10, no.6, p.1031-1036, graphs, illus) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Longitudinal drift of auroral ionization. Analyzes the views supported by some investigators that the initial injection of the source of auroral ionization occurs only at the midnight meridian, and that there is a subsequent longitudinal drift. The author shows that the time lag in the passage of the phenomena at different northern stations can be explained by the latitudinal shift of the disturbance region during its development, by the nonuniformity of its structure, and by changes in the spectrum of the charged particles responsible for the geomagnetic substorm. The reported regular lag in the occurrence of auroral absorption bays can be explained by the asymmetry of the region of hard electron capture. DLC. 104674 KHOROSHEVA, O.V. and L.A. DARCHIYEVA. 0 razvitii polyarnoy bun. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1970. v.10, no.2, p.295-99, graphs, illus) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Development of polar storms. Analyzes geomagnetic field and auroral data obtained at the Barrow, College, Murchison Bay, Murmansk, Ft Churchill and other stations to show that a polar storm develops simultaneously over the entire polar oval, thereby negating the theory of a temporal shift in polar geomagnetic storm development on different meridians. Such an apparent shift is considered to originate from an incorrect determination of the moment of the storm's comDLC. mencement.
104676 KHRAMOV, N.A. and others. Miotsenovyye metamorficheskiye porody o. Karaginskogo. (In: AN SSSR. Dal'nevostochnyy filial. Geol. inst. Voprosy geologii, petrologii i metallogenii...1968. p.27-28) In Russian. Other authors: I.V. Florenskiy and M.M. Lebedev. Title tr.: Miocene metamorphic rocks of Karaginskiy Island. Describes the outcrops, composition and other features of metamorphosed rocks in the contact zone of ultramafic intrusions of this island off east-central Kamchatka. The pelecypod fauna of associated sedimentary-volcanogenic deposits suggests that the metamorphic rocks were originally Miocene geosynclinal formations. DLC. 104677 KHRAMOVA, A.P. Plethopeltoides Khramova gen. n. iz otlozheniy verkhnego kembriya severa Sibirskoy platformy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.21, p.44-49, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Plethopeltoides Khramova n gen from Upper Cambrian deposits in the north of the Siberian platform. Describes a new genus of trilobite found in the basin of the upper Olenek and tributaries. Material, comparisons and measurements are reported. The genus is represented by P. stenorhachis Kobayashi 1943 and P. elegans n sp. DLC. 104678 KHRENOV, P.M. Vtoraya vulkanologicheskaya stazhirovka na Kamchatke. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.7, p.142-44) In Russian. Title tr.: The second volcanological seminar on Kamchatka. Describes the activities of this seminar held 1-25 Sept 1969 incl field trips to Avacha and the Klyuchevskiy group of volcanoes, hot springs, etc. Papers delivered are noted. DLC.
KHOROSHILOV, V.A., see No. 107083. KHOTIN, M.YU., see Nos. 102471, 103137, 105677. 104675 KHOTINA, M.1. Khimicheskiy sostav vezuviana s zonal'nym i sektorial'nym (Vses. stroyeniyem iz Noril'skogo rayona. mineralogicheskoye o-vo. Zapiski 1968. v.97, no.5, p.627-30, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The chemical composition of vesuvianite with zonal and sectorial structure from the Noril'sk district. Describes vesuvianite found in metasomatic rocks of the Talnakh ore province and associated with colorless grossular, calcite, apophyllite and pyrite. A chemical analysis is presented. Apparently such a structure of vesuvianite depends upon various admixtures, in this case on a high content of iron and DLC. titanium.
104679 KHROMYKH, V.G. Stromatoporoidei iz srednedevonskikh otlozheniy Omolonskogo massiva. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1969. no.68, p.29-37) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stromatoporoidea from Middle Devonian deposits of the Omolon massif. Presents systematic descriptions of Givetian forms collected in the Talalakh River basin. The stromatoporoids are represented by eight genera of which one is new; eleven species are described, six of them new. DLC. KHROMYKH, V.G., see also No. 101733. 104680 KHRUPOVA, A. Tak nachinayetsya Ust'-Ilimskaya. (Na stroykakh Rossii 1969. v.10, no.5, inside front cover, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Construction of the UseHim power station has begun.
Photocoverage of the dam under construction at the confluence of the him and Angara Rivers: earthwork on the face of Tolstyy Mys cliff, excavation and rockfill at the dam site, etc. A workers' settlement with 9-12-story apartment buildings is also under construction. DLC.
zons of the deposits are recognized and their lithology, structure and texture characterized. On the basis of spore-pollen and paleo-carpological studies, the age of the two upper horizons is established as late Quaternary. The stratigraphic position of the four lower horizons is not precisely determined. DLC.
KHRUTSKIY, S.F., see No. 105029.
104684 KHVOROSTOVA, Z.M. Geomorfologiya basseyna verkhov'yev r. Kolymy. Novosibirsk, Nauka 1970. I98p. graphs, maps, table, illus. Approx 300 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geomorphology of the upper reaches of the Kolyma River basin. Deals with the peneplanation plane, morphostructural and morphosculptural features of the area, geomorphic zoning and relief development history. The last had four stages: the first geosynclinal in the Carboniferous - late Jurassic; the next orogenic, early Cretaceous - Senonian; then stabilization of tectonic movements and regional peneplanation, Danian - Eocene; and recent tectonic mountain formation, Oligocene to the present. The main geomorphic features of the region originated in the recent tectonic stage. In the regional moderate protrusion of the Yana-Kolyma folded area, deformation and dissection of the Danian - Paleogene peneplanation plane took place, the oldest elements of relief. DLC.
KHRYACHKOV, N.I., see No. 106230. KHUDOLEYEV, F.I., see No. 107337. KHUDOLOZHKIN, V.O., see No. 108632. 104681 KHUDOVEKOV, B. Paketam i konteyneram shirokuyu dorogu. (Morskoy flot 1967. v.27, 'no.2, p.11-12, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Wide use of crates and containers. Describes the packing and crating of goods in the port of Arkhangel'sk prior to the opening of the navigation season. Special containers were used for vegetables to be transported to the harbor Dudinka for the Noril'sk factory complex. Bricks for buildings in northern regions are the most frequent cargo at Arkhangel'sk; they are loaded with a special gripping device. DLC. KHUDYAKOV, 0.F., 106642.
Nos. 104873,
104682 KHUKHLAYEV, G.A. Stroitel'stvo kamenno-zemlyanoy plotiny Serebryanskoy ges v Zapolyar'ye. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1969. no.8, p.4-10, tables, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Construction of stone-and-earth dam of the Serebryanskaya hydroelectric power plant in the arctic region. Describes in some detail the cascade of two power plants under construction approx 69°N 35°30'E in Kola Peninsula on the lower Voron'ya River which flows from Lovozero Lake into the Barents Sea. Plant no 1 is in the Serebryanskiy Rapids area and no 2 at the Bol'shoy Padun Rapids. The capacity, dimensions, etc, of the dams are stated. The method of building the dams of morainic fill at air temperature down to -38°C is discussed in detail; 280,000 m3 of fill were used for the installation of plant no I in the winter of 1967-68. DLC. 104683 KHVOROSTOVA, Z.M. and others. Chetvertichnyye otlozheniya Ongkachanskogo razreza v verkhov'yakh r.Kolymy. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.1, p.49-57, graphs) 2 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.N. Smirnova and V.P. Nikitin. Title tr.: Quaternary deposits of the Ongkachan section on the upper Kolyma River. Describes this section at the 52 m terrace of the Ongkachan, Ayan-Yuryakh basin. Six hori488
104685 KHVOROSTOVA, Z.M. and O.V. KASHMENSKAYA. Nekotoryye voprosy chetvertichnogo oledeneniya v verkhov'yakh rek Kolymy i Indigirki. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1962. no.27, p.157-70, maps) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some problems of Quaternary glaciation on the upper Kolyma and Indigirka Rivers. Reviews earlier work and current differences of opinion. Three planation surfaces are recognized in the region and briefly characterized. The problem of erratic boulders is analyzed. A scheme is presented to elucidate glacial activity in the El'gi River basin. There were two glaciations in the regions, one in the Middle, the other in the late Quaternary; their effects on relief formation are outlined. Four belts of moraines are considered to represent four stages of the later glaciation. DLC. KHVOROSTOVA, Z.M., 104568, 104569.
see also
KIDD, DJ., see No. 105641. 104686 KIENLE, J. Gravity survey in the general area of the Katmai National Monument, Alaska. (Dissertation abstracts 1969.
v.30, no.4, p.1830-B) Order no.69-17,057. PhD thesis, Alaska Univ 1969. 163 p. Presents the principal gravity data from summer 1965-67 surveys and discusses simple and complete Bouguer and free-air anomaly maps in terms of the regional crustal structure and near-surface geology. Anomalies in a Katmai--Kodiak Island section indicate a continental margin type crust with an average depth to Moho of 32 km. Density contrasts in the upper crust and near-surface geology, that clearly reflect Mesozoic and Cenozoic structural trends, explain most local variations in Bouguer gravity values in Katmai. The first estimates of the thickness and volume of the 1912 ash flow by geophysical means give a flow volume of 3.8 km3. DGS. 104687 KIGOSHI, K. and others. Gakushuin natural radiocarbon measurements, VII. (Radiocarbon 1969. v.11, no.2, p.295325) Refs. Other authors: H. Aizawa and N. Suzuki. Includes C-14 dates for charcoal, wood, bones, skins, charred fat and other organic materials from archeological sites on the Porcupine River in Yukon Territory, Victoria Island in Franklin District, Fisherman Lake and the east end of Great Slave Lake in Mackenzie District, the Nanook, Closure and Tanfield sites on Baffin Island and sites near the MacBride River and Southern Indian Lake in northern Manitoba. DGS. KILBURN, K., see No. 106730. KILGOUR, R.I., see No. 106046. 104688 KILINA, L.I. and others. Osnovnyye cherty geokhimii i litologii aldanskogo yarusa severo-zapadnoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy. (Sibirskiy n.-isst. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy 1968. no.78, ser. litologiya i geokhimiya p.116-31, maps, tables) 12 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.E. Kontorovich, L.D. Malyusko, V.Ye. Savitskiy and B.B. Shishkin. Title tr.: Main features of the geochemistry and lithology of the Aldan stage in the northwestern part of the Siberian platform. Describes facies and geochemical characteristics of Lower Cambrian (Aldan stage) deposits as studied in the Igarka, Noril'sk, and Turukhan regions. The geochemistry of their iron group elements, alkali-earth elements, sulfur, and organic carbon is reported, and lithology of the rocks described. The terrigenous material is concluded to have been derived from central regions of the Tunguska syneclise. DLC. KILINA, LI., see also No. 106377. KIM, CHUN UN, see No. 107733.
104689 KIM, M.V. Ratsional'nyye sposoby fundamentostroyeniya na vechnomerzlykh gruntakh, iz opyta stroitel'stva Noril'skogo kombinata. (Osnovaniya, fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov 1967. v.9, no.5, p.29-32, Title tr.: Rational illus) 13 refs. In Russian. methods of foundation building on permafrost, from construction experience of the Noril'sk Combine. Reviews the development of foundation construction for metallurgical, concentration, and power plants, the local mining industry and housing, using the four methods recommended by the NiTU118-54 and SN-91-60 official standards. Advantages and disadvantages of different methods are discussed, and pile foundations favored as the most economical and expedient. Construction processes of various pile foundations are described, and improvements recommended for work in Eastern Siberia and the Far North. DLC. 104690 KIM, M.V. Stroitel'stvo zdaniy na svaynykh fundamentakh pri slozhnykh merzlotno-gruntovykh usloviyakh. (Krasnoyarsk. N.-issl. inst. po stroitel'stvu. Stroitel'stvo v rayonakh Vostochnoy Sibiri i Kraynego Severa 1970. no.I 6, p.144-62, graphs, tables, illus) 9 ref's. In Russian. Title tr.: Construction of buildings on pile foundations under complex geocryological conditions. Discusses the making of the piles and setting them into the permafrost for foundations at Noril'sk, where 230 brick buildings representing 425 thousand m2 floor area, and over a hundred large panel buildings of about 250 thousand m2 floor area have been built during the last decade. Engineering difficulties in foundation construction in the sectors where the permafrost had a temperature above -2°C are described and specially designed piles are recommended. DLC. 104691 KIM, W.S. and K. ROBERSON. On the use of otoliths of sockeye salmon for age determination. (Washington (State) Univ. Publications in fisheries 1968. v.3, p.14968, tables, illus) 24 refs. Sagittae from young salmon in freshwater nursery areas, adult salmon caught in an estuary and spawned-out dead salmon from the spawning grounds all showed hyaline and opaque zones. Freshwater growth zones are called rings and the marine growth zones are termed bands. The opaque rings and bands represent the summer and fall growth period. In age interpretation, the hyaline rings and bands are counted as annuli (annual zones). The hyaline nucleus is not counted. Comparisons of otolith readings with scale readings for the same fish in a commercial fishery sample and with freshwater scale reading and length for the same fish in a spawning ground sample, 489
proved the reliability of sagittae as a substitute WaU-FO. for sample scales in age studies.
KIND, N.V., see also No. 108158. KING, C.A.M., see No. 103294.
104692 KIM, YE.P. and L.P. TSVETKOV. Mineralogicheskiye osobennosti i genezis Polyanskogo rtutnogo mestorozhdeniya na Chukotke. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.1, p.I25-35, graphs, map, tables, illus) Refs. Title tr.: Mineralogical features In Russian. and genesis of the Polyanskoye mercury deposit in Chukotka. Describes the geologic structure of this deposit. The mercury mineralization is found in the central block. Ore bodies are of various morphologic types. Some thirty hypogene and supergene minerals are described. Six processes of mineral formation are recognized. Though the Polyanskoye deposit differs from others of the Northeast, they also have common feaDLC. tures. 0 sootno104693 KIM, YE.P. and others. shenii proyavleniy rtutnoy mineralizatsii i neftegazonosnosti na territorii AnadyrskoKoryakskogo regiona. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.179, no.5, p.I 175-77, map) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Ya.G. Moskvin and V.A. Titov. Title tr.: Correlation between the occurrence of oil-gas and mercury mineralization in the Anadyr-Koryak region. Reports a geologic investigation in the northern part of the Koryak upland and the lower Anadyr basin. The geologic structure of the region is characterized, the mercury mineralization and oil and gas occurrence are described, and their close spatial connection is pointed out. Both are linked with deep faults. DLC.
KING, E.R., see No. 102567. KING, H.G.R. see No. 106463. 104695 KING, R.H. Periglaciation on Devon Island, N.W.T. (Dissertation abstracts 1969. v.30, no.5, p.2246-B) Order no.69-18,651. PhD thesis, Saskatchewan Univ 1969. 512 p. The northeast coastal fringe, peripheral to the icecap, is a periglacial region, the landscape is polygenetic however, and composed largely of relict features. The interior plateau is a late Tertiary subaerial erosion surface which has been uplifted and dissected. The coastal lowlands represent in part the exhumed sub-Paleozoic surface upon which Paleozoic sediments were deposited. Pleistocene ice modification of valleys included spur truncation and creation of hanging tributaries. Melt-water channels were created during glacial recession. The sea transgressed the coastal lowlands at this time to a limit of 246 ft. A series of raised beaches was formed by the regressing sea after isostatic uplift exceeded the eustatic sea-level rise 94507000 yr BP. Uplift continued to a total of 348 ft and now appears to have reached equilibrium. Present-day processes include solifiuction, mass movement, patterned ground development and soil formation. Eight soil types are distinguished which form a catenary sequence in the coastal lowlands. DGS . KING, R.H., see also No. 102071.
KIM, YE.P., see also No. 101973.
KINK, KH.A., see No. 101892.
104694 KIND, N.V.and others. Novyye materialy po absolyutnoy khronologii verkhnepleystotsenovykh oledeneniy Sibiri po dannym C". (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.184, no.6, Title tr.: p.1387-90, illus) 16 refs. In Russian. New data on the absolute chronology of upper Pleistocene glaciations of Siberia, according to C-14 data. Reports recent dating of deposits in the Ust'-Port, Noril'sk and Malaya Kheta regions. The Zyryanka glaciation was more than 30 thousand yr, and the Sartan 24-10 thousand yr ago. Karginskiy interglacial deposits are also determined and the duration of this period is discussed. A new interpretation is given of the Karginskiy interglacial complex, i.e. the entire period from Zyryanka to Sartan glaciation, with several phases of warming and cooling. The C-14 data are correlated and found in agreement with North America and Europe, confirming the synchrony of climatic changes throughout the Northern Hemisphere. DLC.
KIREYEV, A.D., see 101912.
104696 KIRICHENKO, L.A. 0 kamennougol'nykh porodakh severo-vostochnoy chasti Kol'skogo poluostrova. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.194, no.1, p.159-62) 4 refs. In Title tr.: Carboniferous rocks in the Russian. northeast of Kola Peninsula. Describes Carboniferous rocks distributed in the Kharlovka basin in the southern Kontozero Lake region. The Kontozero series is up to 800 m thick. Lower and upper complexes of this series are distinguished and characterized. The Kontozero series does not have analogs in the Baltic Shield and is comparable only with sections in the Oslo graben. DLC. 104697 KIRICHKOVA, A.I. and YU.L. SLASTENOV. K stratigrafii kontinental'nykh otlozheniy apta i al'ba Predverkhoyanskogo progiba i Vilyuyskoy sineklizy. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.181, no.1, p.171-74) 7
Title tr.: Stratigraphy of refs. In Russian. continental Aptian and Albian deposits of the Verkhoyansk trough and the Vilyuy syneclise. Reports study of numerous sections of Lower Cretaceous deposits and collection of fossil floras of the Albian and upper Aptian. The Elcsenyakh, Khatyryk, and Boskhin series are defined and their lithologic composition, thickness, distribution and floras described. DLC. R.I. and 104698 KIRILLOV, A.S. RYZHOVA. K geokhimii redkozemel'nykh elementov v karbonatitakh Karelo-Kol'skoy provintsii. (Mineralogiya i geokhimiya. Sbomik statey 1968. no.3, p.87-97, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geochemistry of rare earth elements in carbonatites of the KareliaKola province. Reports a study in the Kovdor, Vuoriyarvi and Sallan-Latvi massifs. Two main groups, calcium carbonatites and magnesian-ferruginous-calcium carbonatites, are defined. The average content of rare earths and yttrium in their rock-forming and accessory minerals is established. The variation of rare earths and yttrium according to massif and rock is outlined. Most favorable for concentration of rare earths apparently are those massifs and structural zones where phosphate mineralization was little developed in the early stages of carDLC. bonatite formation. 104699 KIRILLOV, A.S. and YE.D. PRUDNIKOV. K geokhimii shchelochnykh elementov v karbonatitakh Karelo-Kol'skoy provintsii. (Mineralogiya i geokhimiya. Sbornik statey 1968. no.3, p.122-27, tables) Tide tr.: Geochemistry of Refs. In Russian. alkaline elements in carbonatites of the Karelia-Kola province. Presents preliminary results of investigation of the distribution of the alkaline elements (cf supra). The content of Na20 and K20 in the accessory and secondary minerals is tabulated. The Na and K vary significantly. Li, Rb and Cs distribution is also analyzed. The variation of alkaline minerals according to massif and stage of carbonate formation and their- differentiaDLC. tion are outlined. Opyt prirod104700 KIRILLOV, M.V. nogo rayonirovaniya sredney Sibiri po pochvenno-erozionnym faktoram. (In: Geografiya i geomorfologiya Azii 1969. p.45-55) Refs. Title tr.: Natural regionalization In Russian. of central Siberia, based on soil-erosion factors. Discusses the zoning of Krasnoyarskiy Kray and Tuvinskaya ASSR. The main provinces characterized are Taymyr, central and West Siberia, Altay-Sayan and intermontane depressions, which are subdivided into 25 districts, and described with emphasis on soil
types and depth, relief, temperature, precipitation, solifluction and cultivation in relation to soil erosion. Some recommendations are offered for the Minusinsk district, where soil erosion is severe. DLC. 104701 KIRILLOV, V.A. K voprosu ob elektroprovodnosti gornykh porod v usloviya k mnogoletnemerzloy tolshchi. (Magadan. Vses. n.-issl. inst. zolota i redkikh metallov. Trudy 1965. v.24, p.274-88, graphs, tables, illus) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Electrical conductivity of rocks in permafrost strata. Reviews investigations of electrical conductivity of permafrost rocks in terms of temperature variation with time and depth. Conductivity variations are found to depend directly on granulometric composition, moisture, and molecular ' capacity of water retention in the permafrost, and on the degree of groundwater mineralization. The conclusion is based on 1957-60 fieldwork in the middle Kolyma basin with a continuous permafrost zone 240-280 m thick. DLC. 104702 KIRKBY, M.J. and A.V. KIRKBY. Erosion and deposition on a beach raised by the 1964 earthquake, Montague Island, Alaska. Washington, DC 1969. 41 p. graphs. maps, tables, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Professional paper 543-H) 8 refs. Quantitative study of geomorphic modifications of uplifted coastal features on one of the outermost islands of Prince William Sound, where uplift ranged 100 t force.The pipe-welding base is illus, and a scheme given of the disposition of welding equipment on a site between two swamps, and of the operation of blow-off of the pipeline. The manufacture of mobile pipe-welding 521
bases, and their use under conditions of the North are recommended. DLC. 104893 KORYAKIN, A.S. Nekotoryye itogi izucheniya proterozoyskikh kor vyvetrivaniya Karelii. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1970. ser. geol. no.9, p.100-109, tables, illus) 17 refs. In Title tr.: Some results of a study of Russian. Proterozoic weathering crusts in Karelia. Middle Proterozoic weathering crusts, originally kaolinitic but now metamorphosed to quartz-sericite rocks, overlie ancient plagiogranites in the region of Segozero Lake. Iron oxide distribution in the weathered layers indicates the presence of considerable free oxygen in the middle Proterozoic atmosphere. DLC. 104894 KORYAKIN, VS. and L.S. TROITSKIY. Osriovnyye zakonomernosti sovremennogo oledeneniya Shpitsbergena. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya 1969. no. 15, p.101-111, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 28 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The- main regularities of the present glaciation of Spitsbergen. Summarizes 1965-66 and 1967 fieldwork. Snow-measurement surveys in Nordenskifild Land showed a great accumulation on the outer as compared with the central part of the peninsula. The decrease -in precipitation toward the center causes intense glaciation on the periphery. Alimentation ranges from 350450 m on the west coast to 700-800 m in the center; it is lowest on the east coast, 200-250 m, and in the far south of the island, 100-150 m. DLC. KORYAKIN, VS., 108697.
see also
Nos. 108696,
104895 KORYTOVA, V.I.- Ukazatel' statey i zametok, pomeshchennykh v "Yezhegodnikakh" Tobol'skogo gubernskogo muzeya v vypuskakh [-XXIX, 1893-1918 gg. (Zemlya Tyumenskaya 1965. no.4, p.130-57) In Russian. Title tr.: Index of essays and notes published in the yearbooks of the Tobol'sk Province museum, nos.1-29 for 1893-1918. Lists in chronological order some 400 titles featured in the journal of the regional museum of the present Tyumen Province. Almost one half are of northern interest and include ethnographic and folkloristic studies of Ostyaks and Voguls, travel reports, meteorological observations, botanical materials, descriptions of DLC. museum collections, etc. 104896 KORZH, M.V. and S.I. FILINA. K voprosu o klassifikatsii peschanykh porod yury Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti. Geologiya i neftegazonosnost'...Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti 1968. p.69-72, table) 6 refs. In 522
Russian. Title tr.: Classification of the Jurassic sandy rocks of the West Siberian lowland. Presents a classification of these rocks in four groups: monomineral (quartz), bimineral (potassium feldspar, quartz), polymineral, and polymictic. Samples from Tyumen Province are included. DLC. 104897 KORZH, M.V. Petrografo-mineralogicheskaya kharakteristika yurskikh otlozheniy Salymskogo rayona Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti (In: Geologiya i neftegazonosnost'... Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti 1968. Title p.34-41, graphs, illus) 4 refs. In Russian tr.: Petrographic and mineralogical characteristics of Jurassic deposits of the Salym region of the West Siberian lowland. Describes Lower, Middle and Upper Jurassic deposits uncovered by several drillings, voting their lithological composition, petrography and mineralogical composition. The Upper Jurassic deposits are divided into Callovian (?), Oxfordian, Kimmeridgian and Volgian stages. These deposits of the Salym region are very similar to the Ust'-Balyk Jurassic section. DLC. 104898 KORZHUYEV, S.S. and 'YU.A. MESHCHERYAKOV. Issledovatel' neizvedannykh stran; S.V. Obluchev kak geograf i geomorfolog. (In: Geografiya i geomorfologiya Azii 1969. p.9-15) In Russian. Title tr.: Investigator of unknown regions; S.V. Obruchev as a geographer and geomorphologist. Describes the life and scientific activity of this well-known arctic geographer. His studies in southern Timan, Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya, the Angara region, discovery of I.D. Cherskogo Range, his work in Chukotka and other parts of northeast Asia are outlined, as are his investigations elsewhere in the USSR. His expeditions are briefly summarized, and over a hundred of his publications in the fields of geography and geomorphology are listed. DLC. 104899 KORZHUYEV, S.S. Morfostruktura i noveyshiye dvizheniya Yakutii. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologii...1965. Materialy, v.2, 1968. p.225-34) 27 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Morphostructure and recent movements of Yakutia. Describes recent tectonic movements and the morphostructures formed by them. The main types are accumulative plains of relative subsidence, plains of insignificant subsidence, erosion plains of insignificant recent uplifts, plateaus, volcanic plateaus, highlands, folded medium mountains, folded block medium mountains, graben-like intermontane depressions, etc. DLC. 104900 KORZHUYEV, S.S. and R.V. FEDOROVA. 0 vozraste doliny proryva
Nizhney Leny. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologii...1965. Materialy, v.3, 1970. p.250-63, maps, tables, illus) 16 refs. In RusTitle tr.: Age of the break of the lower sian. Lena valley. Describes the sudden change of the valley north of Kyusyur where the Lena abandons the Verkhoyansk trough and forms a narrow gateway in the Kharaulakh Mts. A geomorphic scheme of this area is presented and interpretation given. The Chekurovka mammoth, Elephas primigenius Blum, was found on the first terrace above the floodplain, and from analyses of spore-pollen from the site, it is concluded that the break took place in postglacial time. DLC. 104901 KORZHUYEV, SS. Rol' Kolymskogo sredinnogo massiva v formirovanii morfostruktury severo-vostochnoy Azii. (In: Geografiya i geomorfologiya Azii 1969. p.74-80) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The role of the Kolyma median massif in formation of morphostructures in northeast Asia. Describes the formation of morphostructures in relation to the Paleozoic-Mesozoic development of this massif, noting its stable character from early Paleozoic time, middlePaleozoic folding, intensive block faulting during the upper Mesozoic orogeny and large-scale younger fracturing. The major relief elements are outlined, such as highlands, mountain ranges, folded block mountains, etc, and the overall and regional contemporary morphostructures are briefly noted in relation to the important role played by the massif. DLC. 104902 KOSAREV, M.F. Nekotoryye voprosy etnicheskoy istorii Zapadnoy Sibiri v epokhu bronzy. (Sovetskaya arkheologiya 1972. no.2, p.81-95, map, illus) 60 refs. In Russian. French summary. Title tr.: Some problems of the ethnic history of West Siberia in the bronze age. Discusses cultural changes in the Ob-Irtysh region on the basis of linguistic and archeological evidence, mainly pottery ornamentation traditions. There are two main ethnic components, Ugric and Samoyed, and their origin, migration patterns, and cultural and ethnic mixing processes are analyzed. The theory of the Samoyeds' Sayan origin is rejected in favor of a homeland west of the Urals. Their sojourn in the Sayan region was only an episode in their complex early migration history. CaMAI, DLC. 104903 KOSAREV, M.F. 0 prichinakh i sotsial'nykh posledstviyakh drevnikh migratsiy v Zapadnoy Sibiri. (Sovetskaya arkheologiya 1972. no.4, p.I9-27) Approx 30 refs. In Title tr.: Causes Russian. French summary.
and social consequences of ancient migrations in West Siberia. Discusses the role of ecological and socioeconomic factors in population displacement in the Ob basin on the basis of ethnographic and folkloristic studies. Early migrations were caused partly by the disparity between a slow development of production forces and a rapid population growth in an area capable of supporting a limited number of people, and partly by the tendency of economically and socially superior groups to replace the inferior. Thus, culturally more advanced pastoral tribes with a developed social organization displaced loosely knit aboriginal hunting groups into less hospitable areas. Climatic change also affected migration. Acute drought at the turn of the first millennium BC led to a northward movement of southern pastoral tribes, but they succumbed when the climate cooled and humidity rose. They were replaced or assimilated by southward-moving northern tribes with a hunting and fishing economy better suited to the climatic and ecological conditions. Forest fires which destroyed the ecological balance and epidemics were also factors in population change. Thus the virtual extinction of the Yukaghirs in recent centuries created a vacuum which was filled by Tungus expanding their territory. An important result of migration was the creation of new ethnic groups induced by laws of exogamic marriage of the Ob-Ugrian, Samoyeds, and Tungus. CaMAI, DLC. KOSHCHEYEV, V.S., see No. 105588. KOSHELEV, AA., see No. 101730. KOSHELEVSKIY, V.K., see No. 101646. 104904 KOSHELKINA, Z.V. Inotseramy yury Okhotskogo poberezh'ya, Zapadnogo i Vostochnogo Prikolym'ya i Koryakskogo nagor'ya. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. SeveroVostochnyy kompleksnyy n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1969. no.32, p.14-117, graphs, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Jurassic Inoceramus of the Okhotsk coast, the western and eastern Kolyma regions and the Koryak upland. Gives an extensive account of some 43 species of these molluscs, widely distributed in sections of the Toarcian (?), Bajocian (?), Bathonian, and Callovian stages. Retroceramus n gen in fam Inoceramidae is recognized. All the species, most of them new, are described noting collected material, shell dimensions, comparisons, age and geographic distribution. DLC. 104905 KOSHELKINA, Z.V. Novyye dannyye po stratigrafii yurskikh otlozheniy basseyna reki Anadyr'. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Severo-Vostochnyy komplelcs523
nyy n.-issl inst. Trudy 1969. no.32, p.I73-76) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on Jurassic stratigraphy in the Anadyr River basin. Reports a 1968 study from which Aalenian, Bajocian and Lower Callovian deposits are identified on the right bank of the Anadyr, and their lithology and fauna characterized. On the left bank Aalenian and Bathonian (?) are noted. DLC . 104906 KOSHELKINA, Z.V. Obshchaya kharakteristika i morfologiya rakoviny roda Retroceramus. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdiye. Severo-Vostochnyy kompleksnyy n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1969. no.32, p.5-13, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: General characterization and morphology of the shell of gen Retroceramus. Describes Retroceramus shell form, sculpture, microscopic structure and other features. The stratigraphic distribution of this mollusc is outlined. It is found in the Borshoy Anyuy, Kamchatka, Verkhoyansk, and other areas of the northeastern USSR. DLC. KOSHEL'KOV, YU.P., 102544.
Nos. 102543,
KOS'KO, M.K., see No. 106618. 104907 KOSLOWSKI, G. W MO-Eisnomenklatur. (Deutsche hydrographische Zeitschrift 1969. v.22, no.6, p.256-67) 2 refs. In German and English. Title tr.: The WMO ice terminology. Presents the German version of the World Meteorological Organization, Maritime Meteorology Commission's Ice nomenclature of 1967. Some 150 sea ice terms are listed in sections under forms of occurrence, development, motion and deformation processes, surface features, melting stages, land origin, sky and air indications, and terms related to surface shipping and submarine navigation. An alphabetical listing of all the terms follows. English terms precede their German equivalent. DLC. 104908 KOSMACHEV, K.P. Izucheniye form khozyaystvennykh yavleniy s tsel'yu razrabotki naiboleye ratsional'nykh priyemov osvoyeniya tayezhnykh territoriy. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geografii Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. Doklady 1968. no.19, p.5462, graph, map, tables) 23 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Study of forms of economic phenomena with the aim of working out rational ways for developing taiga regions. With reference to experience extending arable land in central Yakutia, author shows that study of the forms of economic phenomena is important for solving the problems of cultivating new areas. The program takes two direc524
tions, viz: practical efforts to enlarge the area of arable land; and investigation of the components of geographic media. In this investigation, geographers and cartographers play an important role. Attention must be directed to the economic phenomena most suitable for DLC. local conditions. 104909 KOSMORTOV, V.A. Dinamika nakopleniya urozhaya klubney kartofelya v usloviyakh tsentral'noy chasti Komi ASSR. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Trudy 1968. no.17, pt.2, p.53-64, graphs, tables) 15 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: The increase of potato crops under conditions of central Komi ASSR. Discusses the planting, growth and development of tops and tubers of several varieties DLC. of potatoes. 104910 KOSMORTOV, V.A. Prodvizheniye kul'tury kartofelya v otdalennyye rayony Komi ASSR. (Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestiya 1970. v.2, no.2(12) p.121-23, table) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Advances of potato cultivation to remote regions of Komi ASSR. Reviews the development of agriculture in Komi, and introduction of potato cultivation, which became extensive only at the turn of the 20th century. The post-Revolution period is discussed, especially acclimatization of the potato north of the Arctic Circle. Data are given for the 1943-49 yields at Novyy Bor sovkhoz in the Ust'-Tsil'ma District; they average 81.4 centner, or 8140 kg, per hectare, except an early variety "Rannyya rosa" which DLC. produced 202.5 ct/ha. 104911 KOSOV, B.F. and G.S. KONSTANTINOVA. Intensivnost' rosta ovragov v osvaivayemykh rayonakh severa Zapadnoy Sibiri. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1969. ser. 5: geog. v.24, no.1, p.46-51, map, table, illus) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Intensity of ravine growth in developing regions in the north of West Siberia. Presents data on changes in the length of the ravine network during 1949-67 in the Salekhard area and in 1965-67 around the village of Salemal to the northeast. The origin and development of ravines in permafrost regions such as northwest Siberia are mainly conditioned by thermokarst and thermo-erosion processes. The rate at which the ravines grow is in direct relation to the content of ice in the ground and its rate of thawing. Ravine control can be achieved by preservation of the DLC. ground ice. 104912 KOSTAREV, V.L. Vosproizvodstvo zapasov i perspektivy promysla lososey v rekakh Magadanskoy oblasti. (In: Problemy razvitiya...Magadanskoy oblasti 1969. v.3, p.24-
28) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Renewal of reserves and salmon fishing prospects in the rivers of Magadan Province. The four species of salmon to be found in Magadan rivers, chum the principal one, are concentrated in three main fishing districts: Tauyskiy, Gizhiginskiy (rivers discharging into Shelikhova Bay) and Beringovskiy (rivers discharging from the mainland into the Bering Sea). The first accounted for 49% of salmon catch in 1946-60, the second 34`•6, the third about 17%. In 1961-67, Gizhiginskiy district was first with 40%. The chum catch and reserves remained stable in 1946-56, then began to decline along the north shore of the Sea of Okhotsk from 1957 on. The Bering fishing district was an exception, showing in 1965-67 an increase over 1946-56. Author discusses various abiotic and biotic factors in the rate of natural reproduction of the salmon, and indicates the importance of climatic and hydrological conditions prevailing in the Soviet Northeast. The decline of salmon reserves in Magadan rivers is ascribed mainly to intensive Japanese salmon fishing in the open sea; it is recommended that the Soviet-Japanese Commission on Fishing take steps to limit this activity. DLC. 104913 KOSTER, F. and H. BAADSGAARD. On the geology and geochronology of northwestern Saskatchewan, I: Tazin Lake region. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.3, p.919-30, map, tables, illus) 42 refs. This region at 59°30'-60°N 108°45'4 10°W north of Lake Athabasca, contains two comparatively rigid stable complexes, the Northeastern basement and the Western granodiorite complexes, separated by an arcuate belt of metasedimentary and gneissic rocks in which mylonitization, folding and faulting are common. Twenty new radiometric age determinations by the K-Ar method on biotite and amphibole of the granodiorite-diorite series average 2370 ±40 MY. The Western granodiorite complex was intruded 1900 MY ago; one sample of the metasedimentary and gneissic belt indicates an apparent K-Ar age of 1800 MY. DLC. 104914 KOSTIN, A. Dorozhniki Komi Leninskomy yubileyu. (Avtomobil'nyye dorogi 1970. v.33, no.2, p.2-3, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Road workers of Komi and the Lenin anniversary. Describes three new road construction projects, one 118 km, another 137 km, and the third restoring the 180 km gravel road between Knyazhpogost and Ukhta. A 700 km throughway is planned in the next 5-7 yr to connect Murashi, Syktyvkar and Ukhta. The Vizinga-
Koygorodok road should be opened to motor traffic by Apr 1970, shortening the distance to DLC. Syktyvkar by 40 km. 104915 KOSTIN, V.A. Granitoidnyye formatsii Tsentral'no-Murmanskogo bloka. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. Title p.97-104, table, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. tr.: Granitoid formations of the central Murmansk block. Presents a scheme of granitoid development in the Voron'ya River basin in the western part of this block. Granitoid rocks developed during a long and triple-phased granitization of hypersthene diorites in late Archean and early Proterozoic time. DLC. KOSTYLEV, YE.N., see No. 103728. 104916 KOSTYUK, V.P. and L.I. PANINA. 0 temperaturnykh usloviyakh kristallizatsii shchelochnykh porod Gulinskoy intruzii. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970, v.194, no.4, p.91921) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Temperature conditions of alkalic rock crystallization in the Gulya intrusion. Reports mineral thermometry of nepheline-containing rocks of the Gulya intrusion, Maymecha river basin, Krasnoyarsk Province. Special attention is given to biotite-nepheline peridotite. All of the rock-forming minerals contain high-temperature inclusions homogenizing at temperatures above 1000°C. Metasomatic processes were unimportant in the formation of these nepheline-containing rocks. DLC. KOSUKHIN, A.D., see No. 106604. KOTELINA, N.S., see No. 102517. KOTENKO, L.A., see Nos. 106358,106359. 104917 KOTLYAKOV, V.M. and O.P. CHIZHOV. Tretiy obshchesoyuznyy glyatsiologicheskiy simpozium. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy 1966. no.12, p.3-32, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: The third All-Union glaciological symposium. Reports in some detail this Aug-Sept 1965 meeting in Kirgiziya, with more than 150 participants. The 89 papers delivered are listed and summarized. Resolutions adopted on further studies are cited. CaMAI, DLC. KOTLYAKOV, V.M., see also Nos. 103926, 103927. 104918 KOTLYAR, S.G. Osnovnyye tipy struktur, magmatizm i metallogeniya YanoKolymskoy skladchatoy sistemy. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.10, p.59-73, maps, 525
Tide tr.: The main tables) Refs. In Russian. types of structures, magmatism and metallogeny of the Yana-Kolyma folded system. Various types of structural-fades zones differ in the character of late Mesozoic magmatism and metallogeny. In the more mobile parts of Mesozoic geosynclinal troughs are lineal anticlinal zones containing granitoid intrusions with rare-metal deposits. In the less mobile parts of these troughs gold mineralization is observed. Anticlinal uplifts originating in Mesozoic troughs are characterized by faults intersecting folded structures and localizing hypabyssal bodies connected with sulfide-cassiDLC. terite and lead-zinc mineralization. 104919 KOTLYAROV, I.I. Lesa Magadanskoy oblasti i ikh regional'noye znacheniye (In: Prov razvitii proizvoditel'nykh sil. blemy razvitiya...Magadanskoy oblasti 1969. v3, p.79-85, tables) 5 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Forests of Magadan Province and their regional importance in the development of productive powers. The localized character of industrial development in Magadan due to widely scattered mining deposits and absence of roads in the 1930-40's caused dependence on the local forests for construction and fuel needs. Subsequent road construction has enabled non-wood construction materials to be brought in, and coal mining developed in the 1950's, so the local lumber operations which were depleting timber reserves near industrial centers have declined, and timber production has dropped from a peak of 3.5 million m3 in 1940 to 500600 thousand m3/yr since 1956. This meets only 50-60% of the requirement. The most economic sources for import are evaluated. Data on Magadan lumber production by industry in 1966 and the expected 1970-80 consumption are tabulated. Forest conservation is discussed as important for climate control, soil preservation and hydrology, wildlife habitat, etc. DLC. KOTSYUBINSKIY, N.N., see No. 108674. 104920 KOVACS, A. and R.O. RAMSEIER. Effect of solar radiation on processed snow in engineering construction. Hanover, N.H. 1968. 23 p. graphs, tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab. Technical report no.213) 7 refs. Discusses results of a summer 1965 study at Camp Century, Greenland, using Peter snow miller processed snow. The effect of short term (less than 2 weeks) solar radiation on the strength of this in situ processed snow was insignificant. Under the environmental conditions at Camp Century, such a snow deposit can achieve, in 45 days, 90-95% of the unconfined compressive strength of natural snow of CaMAI, DLC. comparable density at -9°C. 526
Study of 104921 KOVACS, A. and others. a multiyear pressure ridge in the Beaufort Sea. (AIDJEX bulletin 1972. no.12, p.17-28, graphs, illus) 12 refs. Other authors: W.F. Weeks, S. Ackley and W.D. Hibler, Three transverse profiles across a large pressure ridge are presented. The ridge sail extended 4 m above sea level and the ridge keel 13 m below. The cross sections of the ridge keel can be described as roughly semicircular. This suggests that form drag coefficients for flow transverse to the long axes of multiyear ridges may be high ( — 1.0). The ridge ice is massive. All the interblock voids that initially existed in the ridge at the time of its formation have been completely ice filled. Salinity, temperature and brine-volume profiles show that much of the ridge ice has a low salinity and is quite strong. These observations and icebreaker experience indicate that multiyear ridges should be avoided if possible. CaMAI, DN-HO. 104922 KOVACS, A. and others. Variation of some mechanical properties of polar snow, Camp Century, Greenland. Hanover, N.H. 1969. 33 p. graphs, tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab. Research report no.276) 20 refs. Other authors: W.F. Weeks and F. Michitti. Reports and analyzes results of a large number of measurements of the unconfined compressive strength of polar snow at this station, where it was possible to obtain samples with densities varying over essentially the complete natural density range for polar snow and ice. The variations of the static Young's modulus and the ring tensile strength of the snow CaMAI, DLC. and ice were also studied. KOVACS, A., see also Nos. 104165, 104168, 108377. KOVAL'CHUK, LA., see No. 103663. KOVALENKO, M.F., see No. 107014. 104923 KOVALEV, A. GOELRO i arkhitektura energeticheskikh sooruzheniy. (Arkhitektura SSSR 1970. v.38, no.4, p.40-45, Title tr.: State Commission illus) In Russian. on the Electrification of the Republic and the architecture of power plant construction. Reviews hydroelectric power plants built or under construction during the 50 yr period since the Commission's plan was adopted. Dams and water reservoirs of several power plants are illus, incl Ust'-Ilim and Bratsk. Constructions of the 7-million kw Osinovsk and Nizhnyaya-Tunguska power plants in the Angara-Yenisey Cascade is noted as are plans DLC. for tidal power stations.
104924 KOVALEV, G.N. and others. 0 svyazi mezhdu nekotorymi fiziko-khimicheskimi parametrami Nalachevskikh gidroterm. (Byulleten' vulkanologicheskikh stantsiy 1969. no.45, p.39-47, graph, table, illus) In Russian. Other authors: L.A. Komkova and Yu.P. Masurenkov. Title tr.: Relationship between some physical-chemical parameters of the Nalycheva hydrotherms. Reports a study in the Nalychdva River basin in southeastern Kamchatka, to show the possibility of correlating various physical and chemical parameters in connection with hydrothermal mineral formation. A gas survey was made, a geological profile was constructed, and thermometric and electric surveys were made. Chemical content of the thermal waters was analyzed, and their pH and Eh determined. The results from this work are evaluated in respect to mineral formation. DLC. KOVALEVSKIY, YE.P., see No. 102693. 104925 KOVAL'SKIY, M.B. and YU.N. MASYUCHENKO. Na stroitel'stve vtorykh putey Belomorsk-Apatity. (Transportnoye stroiterstvo 1970. v.20, no.3, p.4-5) In Russian. Tide tr.: Construction of the Belomorsk-Apatity second tracks. Reports on work to make this a double track railway line. The organization of the construction and progress in the track laying are stated. The track laying is mechanized; 25 m links are assembled at the base, and laid by a P13-3 rig. Earth fill for embankments and road metal are brought to the construction site mainly by rolling stock on the operating first track. The second track is to be completed by the end of 1971. DLC. KOVAL'SKIY, M.B., see also No. 106938. 104926 KOVAL'SKIY, V.V. and others. K voprosu o probleme svyazi almazonosnosti kimberlitov s ikh veshchestvennym sostavom. (In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Inst. geologii. Geologiya, petrografiya...Sibirskoy platformy 1970. p.48-63, map, illus) 20 refs. In Russian. Other authors: K.N. Nikishov and G.V. Zol'nikov. Title tr.: The relation between diamond content of kimberlites and their composition. From a statistical analysis of the diamond content of kimberlites, the author attempts unsuccessfully to show a connection between the diamond content and the kimberlite composition. DLC. 104927 KOVAL'SKIY, V.V. and K.N. NIKISHOV. Nekotoryye voprosy genezisa ksenolitov v kimberlitakh. (In: Ksenolity i gomeogennyye vklyucheniya. Moskva 1969. p.51-58, tables) 20 refs. In Russian. Title Sr: .
Problems relating to the genesis of xenoliths in kimberlites. Xenoliths of deep-seated metamorphic and magmatic rocks in kimberlite breccias represent material derived from basement and higher levels. The view that garnet•peridotite inclusions in kimberlite breccias of the Yakutia diamond province represent material derived from the upper mantle is controversial as are conclusions concerning the composition of the upper mantle based on investigation of such xenoliths. DLC. 104928 KOVAL'SKIY, V.V. and K.N. NIKISHOV. Zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya i formirovaniya intruzivnykh kimberlitoVykh tel severnoy chasti Yakutskoy almazonosnoy provintsii. (In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Inst. geologii. Geologiya, petrografiya...Sibirskoy platformy 1970. p.16-32, map, tables, illus) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution patterns and formation of intrusive kimberlite bodies in the northern part of the Yakutia diamond-bearing province. Describes features of the distribution, morphology and composition of intrusive kimberlite bodies in the eastern part of the Anabar anteclise. Formation of intrusive bodies took place in the early stages of magmatic activity and preceded the formation of kimberlite DLC. Pipes. KOVAL'SKIY, V.V., see also No. 107124. KOVTUN, A.A., see Nos. 103349, 104715. 104929 KOVTUN, A.S. K voprosu o kollektorakh yuzhnogo kryla Anabarskoy anteklizy. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.5, p.123-27, tables) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Reservoir rocks in the southern limb of the Anabar anteclise. Reviews oil occurrence and the porosity and permeability of lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks of this region. Pore-fracture types of reservoir rocks are concluded to be characteristic of all sections of the sedimentary cover. The strata are defined in which accumulation of oil is possible under favorable conditions. DLC. KOZHEMYAKA, N.N., see No. 104759. 104930 KOZHEVNIKOV, N.P. and others. Stereotopograficheskaya s"yemka ravninnykh tundrovykh i tayezhno-bolotnykh rayonov v masshtabe 1:25 000. (Geodeziya i kartografiya 1969. no.2, p.45-52, graph) In Russian. Other authors: K.N. Gertsenova and A.G. Vanin. Title tr.: Stereotopographic survey of lowland tundra and swampy taiga regions at 1:25,000 scale. Discusses the technology of stereotopographic mapping generally, outlining the 527
methods and instruments used. For this typically northern and difficult terrain however, a new technology has been developed. For such regions within a first-order geodetic net, the coordinates of the centers for projected airphotos of framework routes are determined by aircraft-radio telemeter. For regions with dense water basins, the technique is based on twofold airphotos. Where there are geodetic bases of normal density still another technique is used. All three are described and compared, for DLC. accuracy, speed, and cost. 104931 KOZHUKHOV, YU.V. Russkiye krest'yane Vostochnoy Sibiri v pervoy polovine Leningrad. lzd-vo XIX veka, 1800-1861. Leningradskogo univ. 1967. 383 p. tables. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. UcheTitle nyye zapiski v.356) Refs. In Russian. tr.: Russian peasants of East Siberia in the first half of the 19th century: 1800-1861. Socio-economic study in colonization, including the agriculture zones of the present Krasnoyarsk and Magadan Provinces and Yakutia. Inconsistencies in tsarist policies toward the settlement of Siberia by free indentured peasants, forced relocation of serfs, monopolistic control of trade by rich peasants, etc are analyzed. Administration, land ownership, dynamics of field and animal husbandry, agricultural production and marketing, hunting and fishing, mining and prospecting, taxation in cash and kind, social and economic differentiations, and the way of life of poor and wealthy peasants are discussed in turn. The theory of an early rise of capitalism in East Siberia, defended in the 1950's, is disputed. DLC. KOZIN, N.P., see No. 101868. 0 104932 KOZLOV, A.L. and others. vybore ratsional'nogo metoda razrabotki Vuktyl'skogo gazokondensatnogo mestorozhdeniya. t (Gazovoye delo 1970. no.6, p.7-9, table) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Selection of a rational method of working the Vuktyl gas condensate deposit. Discusses methods for maintaining formational pressure during exploitation of the gas condensate deposit, including gas injection and DLC. water drive. 104933 KOZLOV, D.P. and YU.A. BEREZANTSEV. Obnaruzheniye trikhinelleza u morzha na territorii Sovetskogo Soyuza. (AN SSSR. Gel'mintologicheskaya laboratoriya. Trudy 1968. v.19, p.86-89, illus) 20 refs. In Title tr.: Finding of Trichinella in a Russian. walrus on Soviet territory. During the past two decades, intensive work on trichinellosis in arctic mammals was conducted by the Danish, English, American, 528
Canadian and Soviet scientists. Summarizes data on infestation of seals, walrus and whales recorded from various arctic waters. Dead bodies of land animals, especially dogs, floating down, may be devoured by sea mammals. Crabs feeding on offal may transmit the parasite to sea animals. A heavy infestation was found in foxes and dogs on a fur farm in Chukotka. Here, blue fox was 86.6% silver fox. 83.3%, dogs 72.7%, and wild polar fox only 18.8% infested. The farm animals were fed meat only from sea animals and internal organs of reindeer. Study of 10 seals in the vicinity was negative. Trichinella was found in one walrus, which is a first for the USSR. Invasiveness in the various muscles was found to be least in the diaphragm. DLC. KOZLOV, G.A., see
No. 107787.
KOZLOV, G.V., see No. 108284. KOZLOV, I.T., see No. 104321. KOZLOV, M.T,, see Nos. 103829, 108616. KOZLOV, V.V., see No. 101921. KOZLOV, YE.K., see No. 106373. KOZLOVA, G.E., see No. 105803. 104934 KOZLOVA, M.I. Osobennosti geologicheskogo stroyeniya i neftegazonosnosti Nizhne-Vartovskogo svoda Srednego Priob'ya. (In: Geologiya i neftegazonosnost'...ZapadnoSibirskoy nizmennosti 1968. p.24-33, graphs, Title tr.: Geologic map) 6 refs. In Russian. structure and oil-gas-bearing properties of the Nizhnevartovskiy arch of the middle Ob region. Outlines the stratigraphy and tectonics of this 50,000 km' regional uplift. The crystalline basement is covered by the Chulym suite, dated as Upper Triassic - Upper Jurassic. The oil deposits are not only in the central part of the arch (the Severo-Pokurskiy, Vatinskiy and Megion fields), but also in the margins. The drilled wells are reviewed and the oil and gas occurrences are described. Further prospecting is summarized. DLC.
KOZLOVSKIY, A.D., see No. 107866. 104935 KOZMINSKAYA, I.F. and others. Epidemiologicheskoye znacheniye zagryazneniya vodoyemov yaytsami difillobotriid na severe Krasnoyarskogo kraya. (Voprosy sanitarnoy gel'mintologii. Moskva 1968. p.14149) In Russian. Other authors: M.A. Ustinovich and V.I. Khodakova. Title tr.: Epidemiological significance of water body pollution by diphyl-
lobothrium eggs in the north of Krasnoyarsk Province. In 1957-60, a 70-100% pollution with diphyllobothrium was recorded at Munduyskoye and Nalim'ye lakes. Along the banks of the Yenisey, it was 19.2%. Analysis of 148 water and soil samples showed that pollution of the Yenisey and the lakes took place, mainly in spring during thawing and flooding, when untreated waste was washed down from latrines and septic tanks. In summer it was less except for pollution by pier and ship latrines. At the Munduyskoye Lake washout of contaminated shore areas continues the year round, which makes the lake a diphyllobothrium breeding place. DNLM. Razvitiye 104936 KOZULIN, A.N. neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti Komi ASSR. (Gazovoye delo 1970. no.4, p.7-10) II refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Development of the oil and gas industry of Komi ASSR. Reviews exploration and prospecting for oil and gas in the Ukhta and southern Timan regions from 1745 when F.S. Pryadunov, a prospector from Arkhangel'sk set up a little refinery on the Ukhta River. The deposits, their discovery, development, etc, and transportation problems are treated in some detail, incl the Vuktyl gas condensate discoveries. DLC. KOZYREV, V.D., see No. 105295. 104937 KOZYREV, V.S. Skorostnyye neodnorodnosti zony mnogoletney merzloty i ikh vliyaniye na seysmicheskuyu zapis' na primere Yakutii. (Neftegazovaya geologiya i geofizika 1972. no.10, p.28-35, graphs, illus) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Velocity of seismic waves of heterogeneous zones of permafrost and their influence on seismograms as exemplified in Yakutia. Gives results of study of the distribution of longitudinal wave velocities in the upper permafrost zone in parts of the Vilyuy syneclise. Deduces the types of frequencies characterizing velocities from depths. Shows steps in the modification of the velocities in horizontal directions. Describes the complex observations and the working out of the reflecting horizons in relation to the heterogeneities of permafrost. DGS. 104938 KOZYREVA, L.V. and N.A. IVAPolevyye shpaty shchelochnykh NOVA. siyenitov Kurginskogo massiva. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1969. no.7, p.126-30, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Feldspars of alkaline syenites of the Kurga massif. Rock-forming feldspars of this massif in the Lovozero area are represented by plagioclase and potash feldspars with a large content of
perthite. There are two groups, feldspar phenocrysts and feldspars of the main mass of rocks. Data are given on the optical orientation, physical properties and chemical composition. DLC. KOZYREVA, L.V, see also No. 102468. 104939 KRAMER, A. Notes on the winter ecology of the mule and white-tailed deer in the Cypress Hills, Alberta. (Canadian fieldnaturalist 1971. v.85, no.2, p.141-45) 19 refs. During a behavioral study on these populations, the whitetails were observed to favor the open prairie over the forest cover in the exceptionally cold January of 1969. Although their metabolism was able to compensate for the heat loss during that time, the apparent avoidance of cover needs explanation, and it is suggested that coyotes may be less dangerous for deer in the open. While Oct and Nov were free of snow in 1968 and had a relatively thin snow in 1969, the number of deer observed, especially whitetails, was smaller in 1969, although the population size seemed unchanged. Crusted snow and an "overshooting" behavioral adaptation may have caused an early movement to winter range. The lack of territoriality in gen Odocoileus (mule deer and white-tailed deer) may be related to potential instability of the environment during the rutting season, as opposed to the situation in roe deer. CaMAI, DGS. 104940 KRAFT, S. Pomorhandelen pa Nordnorge under 1800-talets fOrra Tromso 1968. 117 p. tables. (Acta borealia. B. Humaniora no.9) Refs. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Pomor trade with North Norway during the first half of the 19th century. Reviews the late 18th century trade, and describes in some detail that between Finnmark and the Russian White Sea area in the early 19th century. During the Napoleonic war with the Skagerrak area blockaded by the British, regular maritime trade developed, and some of the Russian grain shipped via the northern route in 1808 is reported to have reached southern Norway. Several trading firms, their managers and commodities are dealt with. The maritime Russian (Pomor) population, estimated at 200 thousand, and its trading activity are reviewed from Russian source material. Data on exports, vessels, cargos, destination, and firms and individuals engaged in the trade 1835-39 are tabulated. CaMAI, DLC. 104941 KRAKOVSKAYA, A.I. and P.I. TSYGANKOV. Avtomobil'no-passazhirskiy ledokol'nyy parom. (Sudostroyeniye 1968. no.9, p.3-4, illus) In Russian. Title Sr.: Com529
bination passenger-and-car ferry of the icebreaker type. Describes two ferries being built in the Leningrad shipyard for year-round operation in the Baltic Sea regions which get ice-covered in winter. The vessels carry 12 loaded trucks and 390 passengers incl 90 standees. They have a drive-on drive-off deck and a two-tier superstructure. They are 55.2 m long, have a 11.3 m beam and their molded depth is 6.2 m. They have a 1300 t displacement fully loaded, 4.6 m draft and a speed of 14 knots. They have a 300hp diesel-electric propulsion engine and a crew of 28. The hull at the waterline is specially plated to break ice. The vessels can travel through continuous 60 cm thick ice at about 12 knots and through broken ice at 7-13 knots. The compartments are individually watertight. The vessels have four passenger cabins with air conditioning and heating. The high maneuverability and cruising quality of the ships is assured by a twin-shaft propeller system, a forward taxiing device of the waterscrew type and a single rudder. Mooring can be done forward DLC. or aft. KRAKOVSKIY, YU.S., see No. 107118. KRAPU, G.L., see No. 108397.. N.I. Voprosy 104942 KRASHIN, metodiki resheniya na ABM zadach po otsenke ekspluatatsionnykh zapasov mestorozhdeniy termal'nykh podzemnykh vod, na primere Paratunskogo mestorozhdeniya Kamchatki. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.154) In Russian. Title tr.: Analog computer methods for estimation of the exploitable reserves of thermal groundwaters, with occurrences in the Paratunka area, Kamchatka, as an example. Formulates the criteria for construction of filtration and heat exchange models for the groundwater regime in areas of subsurface thermal waters. Processing of data for thermal waters in alluvial sediments of the Paratunka River is cited as an example of yield and temperature change during exploitation. DLC. KRASHKEVICH, YE.P., see No. 108245. KRASIKOV, E.M., see No. 102426. 104943 KRASIKOVA, V.A. Materialy po biologii siga-val'ka (Coregonus cylindraceus (Pallas et Pennandt) iz Noril'skoy ozemo-rechnoy sistemy. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1968. v.8, no.2, p.377-80, tables) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biology of the round whitefish (Coregonus cylindraceus (Pallas et Pennandt) in the Noril'sk river-lake system. This benthophagous fish inhabits small, cascading, fast flowing rivers and lakes. Its 530
annual growth varies from 1-4 cm and its food intake 40-200 g. Males mature at 5+ yrs, females at 6 +, absolute fertility at 6 + to 10 + yrs with 4.6-14.3 thousand eggs. It spawns annually in Sept-Oct at water temperature of DLC. 0°C. KRASILOVA, I.N., see No. 106852. 104944 KRASIL'SHCHIKOV, A.A. and others. K stratigrafii verkhneproterozoyskikh otlozheniy rayona Merchison-F'orda; Severo-Vostochnaya Zemlya. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po geologii Shpitsbergena 1965. p.IO2-11, table, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N.P. Golovanov and V.Ye. Mil'shteyn. Title tr.: Upper Proterozoic stratigraphy of the Murchisonfjord region, Nordaustlandet. Describes briefly the lithologic facies and stratigraphic sequence of the Murchison Bay series divided into six suites. A columnar section is presented and stromatolites, oncolites DGS. and catagraphs identified and illus. A.A. 104945 KRASIL'SHCHIKOV, Kaledonskiye intruzii arkhipelaga Shpitsbergen. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.16, p.62-68, map, table) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Caledonian intrusions of the Svalbard archipelago. Reports on his 1962-68 investigations. The Caledonian intrusive complex includes intrusive bodies of the Precambrian - lower Paleozoic sedimentary-metamorphic formation, dated by the radiological method at 420-340 MY. Massive granites, granitoid dikes, and small subalkaline bodies are present. The formation of the granites is presumed to be a result of ultrametamorphism of Precambrian DLC. gneiss complexes. A.A. 104946 KRASIL'SHCHIKOV, Nekotoryye osobennosti geologicheskogo razvitiya severnoy chasti arkhipelaga Shpitsbergen. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po geologii Shpitsbergena 1965. p.29-44, graph, map, table) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of the geological development in the northern part of the Svalbard archipelago. Reports 1962-64 fieldwork in Smeerenburgfjorden on Danskoya, in Bockfjorden and elsewhere. A scheme of the distribution of Precambrian and lower Paleozoic deposits is presented. K-Ar determinations of some rocks indicate 355-455 MY, corresponding approximately to the end of the Ordovician — the end of the Silurian. Some suggestions are made in regard to the structural plan and geologic development of the northern part of DGS. the archipelago.
A.A. 104947 KRASIL'SHCHIKOV, Skhema stratigrafii dokembriya - nizhnego paleozoya arkhipelaga Shpitsbergen. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.194, no.5, p.1153-56, Title tr.: Stratimap) 18 refs. In Russian. graphic sequence of the Precambrian - lower Paleozoic of the Svalbard archipelago. Reviews the stratigraphy of Precambrian lower Paleozoic complexes of metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, of which the greater part is known as the Hecla Hoek formation. Lower-middle(?) Proterozoic, upper Proterozoic and lower Paleozoic deposits are analyzed, and their composition, distribution, thickness, and stratigraphic subdivisions are outlined. The proposed stratigraphic scheme reveals that the Precambrian - lower Paleozoic deposits of Svalbard resemble strata of the same age in Eastern Greenland and the western slope of the Urals. DLC.
are indicated by regional magnetic and gravity anomalies. DLC. 104950 KRASNYY, L.L. Tektonika Ilin'Tasskoy zony, Yano-Kolymskaya sistema. (In: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po tektonike Sibiri...Mezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p.298301) In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonics of the Ilin'-Tasskaya zone, Yana-Kolyma system. Describes the structural features of this zone in the Zyryanka depression. Many of the features suggest that the zone is a geosynclinaltype structure whose formation began at the end of the Jurassic and culminated with development of alpine-type structural relief in the Tertiary. Formation of potentially important mineral deposits may have accompanied the tectonic activity. DLC. KRASNYY, M.L., see No. 1079 KRASOVITSKIY, R.V., see No. 107320.
104948 KRASIL'SHCHIKOV, A.A. Tillitopodobnyye porody S eve ro-Vostoch noy Zemli. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po stratigrafii Shpitsbergena 1967. p.36-62, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tillite-like rocks of Nordaustlandet. Describes the Sveanor series in Nordaustlandet considered by previous investigators to be Eocambrian marine tillites. The Sveanor, the underlying Backaberg and overlying Klackberg are combined as the Gotia Peninsula series of possibly Wendian age. The lower division of the Sveanor is light gray quartzite-like sandstones and the upper quartz sandstones and silistones. Tectonic movement had an important role in the formation of the tillitelike rocks of Sveanor series. DGS. KRASIL'SHCHIKOV, A.A., 103002,107438.
see also
104949 KRASNYY, L.I. and B.A. ANDREYEV. Geologicheskoye stroyeniye, glubinnyye struktury i istoriya razvitiya severozapadnoy chasti Tikhookeanskogo podvizhnogo poyasa. (In: AN SSSR. Otd-iye nauk o Zemle. Stroyeniye i razvitiye zemnoy kory...1969. p.33-42, maps) In Russian. Title tr.: Geologic structure, deep structures and development history of the northwestern part of the Pacific mobile belt. In the eastern USSR four large block structures (geoblocks) are characterized by specific geologic features and reflected in geophysical properties. In the continental part of the region with typical continental crust, there are the Aldan-Stanovoy, Yana-Chukotka, and AmurUssuri geoblocks. In the oceanic province, there is the Okhotsk-Anadyr geoblock, characterized by transitional crust. Block structures
104951 KRASOVSKIY, F.V. and Z.S. LUKASHENKO. Materialy izucheniya immunologicheskoy struktury naseleniya v otnoshenii kleshchevogo entsefalita po razlichnym landshaftnym zonam Krasnoyarskogo kraya. (Voprosy infekisionnoy patologii. Omsk 1970. no.2, p.43-44) In Russian. Title tr.: A study of data on the immunological structure of the population in relation to tickborne encephalitis in various landscape zones of Krasnoyark Province. Several thousand samples of blood serum were tested for tick encephalitis. 77% of the lumbermen and 57% of the kolkhoz farmers in the southern taiga who frequented the forest, were positive. In the forest-steppe zone 100% of the kolkhoz farmers and 86% of those in the workers' settlements were positive. Children 415 yr old gave similar results for both zones (17% and 19%). The adults from the foreststeppe zone were 47% positive; from the southern taiga, 35%. In both zones there was a direct correlation between immune reaction and the frequency of the tick attacks. DLC. 104952 KRATTS, K.O. and others. Granitoobrazovaniye v rannem dokembrii Baltiyskogo shchita; geokhimicheskiy aspekt. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1970. ser. geol. no.5, p.3-11, graphs, maps, tables) 15 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S.B. Lobach-Zhuchenko and V.P. Chekulayev. Title tr.: Granite formation in the early Precambrian of the Baltic Shield; geochemical aspect. Describes problems of granitoid formation in this shield. Several epochs of granite formation are distinguished on the basis of absolute ages, determined by Rb - Sr and U-Pb-Th isochronous methods. Major-element contents of granitoids of various ages are compared. An 531
attempt is made to identify regional trends in chemical changes for the granitoids in the eastern part of the Baltic Shield. DLC. KRATTS, K.O., 103045.
see also
Nos. 102247,
KRAUSH, M.A., see No. 104346. KRAUSKOPF, K.B., see No. 106045. 104953 KRAUSZ, A.S. Plastic deformation of fresh-water ice. (National Research Council of Canada. Assoc Committee on Geotechnical Research. Technical memorandum 1968. no.92, p.5-12, graphs, tables, illus) 14 refs. French summary. Presents results of laboratory experiments, and discusses the creep behavior of columnargrained and snow ice in tension, compression, bending and shear, emphasizing the effect of the crystal structure. Data are given as obtained in repeated loading tests to illustrate the significance of the deformation history on the creep properties of ice. The effect of variable stress as well as non-uniform and complex stress fields on the plastic deformation process are briefly reviewed. The relationship between strain rate, creep time, stress and temperature CaMAI, DGS. are given. KRAVCHENKO, E.V., see No. 108671. KRAVCHENKO, G.M., see No. 104551. KRAVCHENKO, L.M., see No. 105921. KRAVCHENKO, M.P., see No. 108671. 104954 KRAVCHENKO, P.YA. and others. Nositel'stvo vozbuditeley bryushnogo tifa i opistorkhoz. (Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii 1970. v.47, no.1, p.18-21, map, table) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: B.A. Zamotin, V.I. Prokopenko and A.A. Klimshin. Title tr.: Typhoid carriers and opisthorchiasis. Reports 1967 studies on 2160 chronic carriers of typhoid fever organisms. 75.4% of them had a history of opisthorchiasis infection, and only 11% were free from previous infection. In Khanty-Mansi district 89% of carriers had a history of opisthorchiasis. In a Tyumen workers' settlement 3.2% of carriers were not DLC. infected with opisthorchiasis. KRAVCHENKO, YU.V., see No. 103496. 104955 KRAVCHINSKIY, A.YA. Paleogeografiya verkhnego paleozoya Sibirskoy platformy i prilegayushchikh oblastey. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1969. no.4, p.46-57, maps, table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Paleogeog532
raphy of the upper Paleozoic of the Siberian platform and adjacent areas. Analyzes the paleostructure and lithofacies of these deposits incl arctic areas. The main features of the flora and fauna are outlined; paleomagnetism is also characterized. All indicate that in the late Paleozoic, the Siberian platform was in high latitudes; glaciation was present, and it was synchronous with the glaciDLC. ation of Gondwana. 104956 KRAVCHINSKIY, ANA. Peremeshcheniye Sibirskoy platformy po paleomagnitnym i paleoklimaticheskim dannym. (Geotektonika 1970. no.6, p.77-87, maps, table, illus) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Displacement of the Siberian platform according to paleomagnetic and paleoclimatic data. Shows that during Wendian-Paleozoic time the Siberian platform was displaced from semiequatorial latitudes to the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. The displacement was irregular; epochs of rapid displacement alterDLC. nated with periods of quiescence. KRAVETS, V.S., see No. 105803. KRAVTSOV, A.G., see No. 102830. KRAVTSOV, V.F., see No 107057. 104957 KRAVTSOV, YU.A. and L.L. GORYSHNIK. Korrelyatsionnaya teoriya rasseyaniya radiovoln v polyamoy ionosfere. (Geomagnitizm i aeronomiya 1969. v.9, no.2, p.279-85, graphs) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Correlation theory of radiowave dispersion in the polar ionosphere. Derives expressions for the statistical investigation of the spatial-time correlation function of auroral radioreflection signals, with the principal special characteristics of the polar ionosphere and the transmission and reception of signal pulses taken into account. DLC. KRAVTSOV, YU.A., see also No. 103830.
104958 KRAVTSOVA, LI. Nomenklatura i klassifikatsiya intruzivnykh trappov Sibirskoy platformy. (In: Geologiya i petrologiya...Sibirskoy platformy 1970. p.25-33, table) In Russian. 711k tr.: Nomenclature and classification of intrusive traps of the Siberian platform. The nomenclature and the separation of petrographic species and varieties is based on the quantitative relationship of the main rock-forming minerals, which reflects the petrochemistry. The genetic classification of intrusive rocks is based on their composition DLC. and structural and textural features.
104959 KRAVTSOVA, L.I. and others. Novyye dannyye po trappovomu magmatizmu severo-vostochnogo borta Tungusskoy sine(Leningrad. N.klizy i yego rudonosnosti. issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.14, p.18-27, graphs, table) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: G.N. Staritsyna and Yu.I. Tomanovskaya. Title tr.: New data on trap magmatism on the northeastern margin of the Tunguska syneclise and its ore-bearing properties. Reports a new study of this region with a widely distributed trap formation occurring in Paleozoic and Lower Triassic deposits of various lithologic compositions. The spatial development of intrusive traps is controlled by zones of tectonic disturbance. Non-differentiated and differentiated intrusions are analyzed. Chemistry of the traps is characterized. Geologicpetrochemical data indicate that this region is not to be ruled out as prospective for copper and nickel. CaMAI, DLC. 104960 KRAVTSOVA, LL Zakonomernosti evolyutsii trappovogo magmatiima Kureyskogo rayona; severo-zapad Sibirskoy platformy. (In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Inst. geologii. Geologiya i petrologiya...1966. p.43-65, tables, illus) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Patterns of the evolution of trap magmatism of the Kureyka region; northwestern Siberian platform. Reviews the diversity of intrusive traps of this region in relation to its tectonic development, the main distribution patterns of the intrusions, the causes of diversity of magmatic formations, and trends of magma evolution. Ore-bearing differentiated intrusions containing vein sulfide mineralization are characterized by relatively higher magnesia than iron DLC. oxide content. KRAVTSOVA, LI., see also No. 108187. KRAYEV, E.P., see No. 103893. 104961 KRAYEVAYA, T.S. Nekotoryye osobennosti nakopleniya i pereotlozheniya pemz piroklasticheskikh potokov v pribrezhnomorskikh usloviyakh. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1970. no.6, p.119-22, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of the accumulation and redeposition of the pumice of pyroclastic flows under coastal-marine conditions. Describes pyroclastic flows of Kamchatka volcanoes such as Bezymyannyy, Shiveluch, Karym, etc. In all cases the deposition of juvenile material took place in subaerial conditions. The deposition and remaking of pyroclastic flows in Kamchatka are compared with such in the coastal-marine conditions of Kunashir Island in the Kurils. There pumice flows were
deposited in the shallow-sea zone and produced marine facies which are described. DLC. 104962 KRAYEVAYA, T.S. and V.N. OLYUNIN. Proiskhozdeniye lednikovogo kholmisto-kotlovinnogo rel'yefa Kamchatki. (In: Geografiya i geomorfologiya Azii 1969. p.192-204, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The origin of the glacial hillocky-kettle relief of Kamchatka. Describes features of the relief and structure of the deposits in the Studenaya and Pakhchi River valleys. Three types of hillocky-kettle relief are briefly characterized. Twelve varieties of moraines, fiuvioglacial deposits and their interbedding with pyroclastic material are noted. Hillocky-kettle relief is found to be mostly kames. DLC. 104963 KRAYNOV, S.R. and others. 0 geokhimicheskikh diapazonakh migratsii titana v podzemnykh vodakh. (Litologiya i poleznyye iskopayemyye 1970. no.4, p.133-39, graphs, tables) 17 refs. In Russian. Other authors: 1.V. Baturinskaya and V.M. Zharikova. Title tr.: Geochemical ranges of titanium migration in groundwaters. Presents geochemical data for Ti in acid, alkaline and neutral waters of the Kola Peninsula (Lovozero, Khibiny, Kovdor, Vuori-Yarvi massif) and the Urals. In the supergene zone both acid and alkaline waters are favorable for Ti migration; minimum Ti mobility is characteristic of approximately neutral waters. DLC. 104964 KRAYNOV, S.R. and L.G. LOGINOVA. 0 geokhimii redkozemel'nykh elementov (Ce, La, Yb) i ittriya v shchelochnykh vodakh Lovozerskogo massiva. (Litologiya i poleznyye iskopayemyye 1968. no.5, p.107-111, graphs, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geochemistry of rare earth elements (Ce, La, Yb) and yttrium in alkaline waters of the Lovozero massif. Presents tabulated data on these elements in groundwaters of the massif. Together they reach 500-661 mcg/1. Their maximal content is in alkaline waters with pH>8. Their migration is described. DLC. 104965 KRAYNOV, S.R. and others. 0 sushchestvovanii v glubokikh gorizontakh Lovozerskogo massiva ftor-silikatnykh rassolov s rezkoshchelochnoy pH 12 reaktsiyey. (Geokhimiya 1969. no.7, p.791-96, graphs, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary Other authors: A.N. Mer'kov, N.G. Petrova, I.V. Baturinskaya and V.M. Zharikova. Title tr.: The presence of fluorine-silicate brines with strong alkaline pH 12 reaction in deep horizons of the Lovozero massif. The waters of deep alkaline-silicate rocks are characterized by strong alkaline reactions 533
(pH 12) and high contents of fluorine (to 10-15 g/1) and silica (10-13 g/l). In the formation of these waters, the dissolution of villiaumite is of great importance. Besides fluorine and silica, the waters contain aluminum, titanium, niobium, copper and other elements. DLC. 104966 KRAYNOV, S.R. Ob intensivnosti migratsii niobiya v podzemnykh vodakh massivov shchelochnykh porod, v svyazi s yego kontsentrirovaniyem v korakh vyvetrivaniya etikh massivov. (Geokhimiya 1969. no.10, p.1248-57, graphs, tables) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The intensity of English summary. niobium migration in groundwaters of alkalic massifs, in connection with its concentration in the weathering crust of these massifs. Reports a study of the chemical composition of groundwaters of the Lovozero, Vuori-Yarvi, and Afrikanda massifs of Kola Peninsula and some in the Urals. Forms of niobium occurrences in these waters and investigation of niobium precipitation from natural waters in new supergene formations indicate that the maximum migration ability of niobium is typical of the waters of agpaitic nepheline-syenites, and the minimum ability typical of waters of DLC. carbonatites. 104967 KRAYNOV, S.R. Osobennosti rasprostraneniya i formy migratsii redkikh elementov-gidrolizatov Nb, TR, Be v prirodnykh vodakh s shchelochnoy reaktsiyey. (Geokhimiya 1968. no.3, p.342-54, graphs, tables) 22 refs. in Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Distribution features and forms of migration of rare-element hydrolyzates of Nb, TR and Be in natural waters with alkaline reaction. Discusses the migration ability of niobium, rare earth elements and beryllium in alkaline waters of the Lovozero massif and elsewhere. The Nb content in natural waters increases with increase of alkalinity, carbonation and fluorine content The rare earth element content increases with increasing pH. Beryllium however, migrates poorly in alkaline waters. DLC. 104968 KREBS, J.S. and R.G. BARRY. Arctic front and the tundra-taiga boundary in (Geographical review 1970. v.60, Eurasia. no.4, p.548-54, maps, tables) 20 refs. Attempts to test the theories of R.A. Bryson on the link between the Arctic Front and the taiga-tundra boundary to the Eurasia continent, No 94270, etc. The data on vegetation was obtained from Soviet sources, and a threefold classification adopted: tundra, forest-tundra ecotone and taiga. Movements of fronts and air masses were obtained from 1:63 million ESSA charts for July 1952-56. Results are map534
ped and interpreted: the apparent near coincidence of the tundra-taiga boundary and the median location of the Arctic Front is striking. These findings appear to confirm Bryson's hypothesis. CaMAI, DLC. and others. 104969 KREISSL, J.F. Advanced waste treatment and Alaska's North Slope. (In: Symposium on cold regions engineering 1970. Proceedings pub 1971. v.2, p.647-89, graphs, tables, illus) 26 refs. Other authors: S.E. Clark, J.M. Cohen and A.J. Alter. Reviews problems of water supply and waste disposal in this region. A camp of 300 men will require $48-$640-worth of water daily just to flush toilets. Various treatment alternatives are presented and experimental facilities described. Some control techniques are evaluated and results of these presented. A particular experimental physical-chemical package plant is examined and its performance critically assessed. Full field operations cannot yet be evaluated but initial indications appear favorable. Details of the plant, its specifications and data on performance are tabulated and illus. A useful bibliography of technical papers is appended. CaMAI, DLC.
104970 KREITNER, J.D. and C.S. BENSON. Freezing cycle in a small turbulent stream [abstract]. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.332-33) . Describes the formation of aufeis when discharge through channels, constructed by freezing, causes enough pressure so that water breaks out through cracks in the ice or along the stream margin and flows out onto the ice surface. By late winter the total ice thickness exceeds the original water depth by a factor of 5 or more. CaMAI, DGS. 104971 KREMENETSKIY, A.A. and others. Opyt statisticheskogo izucheniya aktsessomykh tsirkonov iz verkhnemelovykh-tretichnykh granitoidov Tsentral'noy Kamchatki. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.5, p.I08-112, graphs, tables) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: O.N. Volynets, A.V. Koloskov, G.B. Flerov and N.L. Shilin. Title tr.: An attempt at a statistical study of accessory zircons from Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary granitoids of central Kamchatka. Reports a study of zircon in Upper Cretaceous - Paleogene gabbro-plagiogranite and Miocene gabbro-granodiorite formations. Its crystallo-morphological features are described and comparisons given. The possibility is considered of utilizing these specific features for correlation of magmatic formations. DLC. 104972 KREMS, A.YA. Nauchnoye obosnovaniye perspektiv gazonosnosti TimanoPechorskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii.
(Geologiya nefti i gaza 1968. v.12, no.3, p.2933, map) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Scientific substantiation of probable gas occurrence in the Timan-Pechora oil and gas-bearing province. Analyzes five geological factors favorable for the accumulation of oil and gas in this province: it once bordered the pre-Devonian Ural geosynclinal sea; the transgressions and regressions of Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian seas; its analogy in geologic development with the Volga - Ural province in the Mesozoic era; the presence of deep, large and mobile depressions; the proximity of the gasrich Pechora coal basin. Recent studies are evaluated and reserves of gas estimated. DLC. 104973 KREMS, A.YA., and others. Timano-Pechorskaya neftegazonosnaya provintsiya, odin iz rezervov gazosnabzheniya Severo-Zapada Yevropeyskoy chasti SSSR. (Gazovaya promyshlennost' 1966. v.11, no.1, p.16-18, map) In Russian. Other authors: F.A. Trebin, M.Sh. Modelevskiy, S.I. Yelovnikov Title tr.: The Timanand N.I. Litvinenko. Pechora oil-gas-bearing province, one of the reserves of the gas supply of the European northwest of the USSR. Summarizes recent developments in the oldest oil-gas-bearing province of the USSR: the 1959-63 increase in search and in new and deep drillings, the discovery of Zapadnyy Tebuk light oil, and positive results on new finds of natural gas in Permian, Carboniferous and Devonian deposits. The Aranets area was discovered in 1964 with the first gas show at 700 m depth. By 1971 the Middle Pechora gas reserves may be up to 200 billion m'. Methods of gas and oil exploration are discussed. The Tazovo-Novyy Port pipeline is considered. DLC. KREMS, A.YA., 104873.
see also
Nos. 101838,
KREMSER, G., see No. 102283. 104974 KRENDELEV, F.P. and A.G. LUCHKO. Pervaya nakhodka dokembriyskikh medistykh konglomeratov sul'fidnogo tipa. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.181, no.5, p.1236-37, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: First discovery of Precambrian cupreous conglomerates of sulfide type. Reports an ore occurrence with minerals of copper in the Kyllakh area on the right bank of the Aldan River. The conglomerates are 1.2-1.4 m thick. Bornite and chalcopyrite predominate among the sulfides. Spectral analyses of the cupreous deposits are presented. Origin of the DLC. mineralization is discussed. 104975 KRESTIN, YE.M. and A.V. GRO-
MOV. 0 kharaktere raspredeleniya letuchikh komponentov vnutri i okolo trappovykh intruziy. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1969. ser. geol. no.11, p.63-68, graphs) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Character of the distribution of volatile components within and near trap intrusions. Determines, by decrepitation, the volatiles and their distribution pattern in minerals of the gabbro dolerites of nickel-bearing intrusions and enclosing rocks, as exemplified in the Kureyka and Talnakh regions. The main factor determining the behavior of volatiles in magmatic chambers is the closed or open state of the chambers. It is suggested that the majority of trap intrusions have crystallized in closed systems. DLC. 104976 KRESTIN, YE.M. 0 tverdosti pirrotinov iz medno-nikelevykh rud severozapada Sibirskoy platformy. (Vses. mineralogicheskoye o-vo. Zapiski 1968. v.97, no.5, p.652-54, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hardness of pyrrhotites from copper-nickel ores in the northwest of the Siberian platform. Notes that the monosulfide of iron is one of the main minerals of copper-nickel ores and is represented by three varieties: monoclinic and hexagonal pyrrhotites and troilite. The microhardness of samples from the Kureyka region is tabulated. DLC. 104977 KRESTIN, YE.M. Petrologiya i zakonomernosti razvitiya effuzivnogo trappovogo magmatizma Kureyskogo rayona, severozapad Sibirskoy platformy. (Moskovskoye o-vo ispytateley prirody. Byulleten' 1968. otd. geol. v.43, no.2, p.97-103, graphs, tables) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Petrology and patterns of trap magmatism development in the Kureyka region, in the northwest of the Siberian platform. Distinguishes six tectonic-magmatic phases in the volcanic development of this region of Krasnoyarsk Province. The difference in structure between individual phases enables one to judge the direction of processes of deep differentiation of magma and the general direction of trap magmatism development. DLC. 104978 KRETZ, R. Study of pegmatite bodies and enclosing rocks, Yellowknife-Beaulieu region, District of Mackenzie. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1968. 112 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Bulletin no. 159) 103 refs. French summary. Presents field and laboratory data on pegmatite masses in a principal mineral-producing area and draws inferences regarding their mode of formation. Understanding of the pegmatite-forming process assists prospecting for rare but strategic minerals. Pegmatite bodies occur in muscovite-biotite granite plutons of 535
2550 MY and in biotite, cordierite and garnetbearing schists that form broad aureoles around the plutons. The size and direction of steep dips of most of the pegmatite dikes in the Sparrow Lake granite pluton suggest that they are fracture-controlled dilation dikes. Tourmaline, beryl and spudomene in the dikes occur at progressively greater distances from the pluton. Within dikes, mineral distribution is normally irregular and composition variable. Most of the bodies consist of quartz, albite, potash feldspar and muscovite, some contain beryllium, lithium and niobium-tantalum minerals. The pegmatite and muscovite-biotite granite appear DGS. to derive from a common source. 104979 KRETZ, R. Variation in the composition of muscovite and albite in a pegmatite dike near Yellowknife. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.5, p.1219-35, graphs, tables, illus) 29 refs. Regular and irregular variations were found in the concentration of elements in muscovite and albite in relation to the distance from margin to center of a pegmatite dike 27 mi northeast of Yellowknife, Mackenzie District. The Mg content of muscovite increases towards the center, Fe decreases and Li varies irregularly. The Na and K distribution among muscovite, albite and K-feldspar is considered in relation to mineral reactions and phase equilibrium. Comparison with experimental data indicates that the pegmatite specimens attained DLC. near-equilibrium at --450°C. KREYER, V.G., see No. 106999. 104980 KREYNOVICH, YEA. Glagol ketskogo yazyka. Leningrad, Nauka 1968. 283p. tables. Approx 40 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ket verb. Basic linguistic study of the Ket-Yeniseian verb: structure, morphology, evolution of compound types, etc. Reviewed by I.O. Gelsadze in Voprosy yazykoznaniya 1969, no.6, p.138-43. DLC. 104981 KREYNOVICH, YEA. Ob izuchenii yazyka symskikh ketov. (Voprosy yazykoznaniya 1969. v.18, no.2, p.84-95, tables) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Study of the Sym Ket language. Comparative morphological study of the Sym and Imbatskiy Ket-Yeniseian dialects. Determinative morphemes used in kinship terDLC. minology are also considered. KREYNOVICH, YEA., see also No. 104623. KRICHAGIN, V.1., see No. 101648. KRIMIGIS, S.M., see No. 103535. 536
104982 KRINSKIY, S. Proyekty poselkov dlya Severa dolzhny byt' real'nymi. (Na stroykakh Rossii 1969. v.10, no.12, p.30-31, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Plans of settlements for the North must be realistic. Discusses the problem of drawing workers to the new industrial areas in the North, and establishing a stable work force. Suitable living conditions are considered the solution to the problem, and the planning of Aykhal and Deputatskiy described and illus as good examples. A closed system community plan with controlled microclimate is recommended. Construction industry centers should be set up in the northern region to supply housing and other building in the developing areas. DLC. 104983 KRISA, B. Contribution to the taxonomy of the genus Pyrola L. in North America. (Botanische Jahrbilcher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte and Pflanzengeographic 1966. v.85, no.4, p.612-37, graphs, maps, illus) 29 refs. German summary. Discusses systematic problems of Pyrola speciation. By a quantitative analysis of morphological features, differential values were ascertained for the determination of diagnostic features on the speciation level. The feature values were measured on herbarium material and results are indicated. The geographic variability of the North American taxa covered Pyrola californica, P. bracteata, P. asarifolia, ssp asarifolia and P. asarifolia ssp americana, DLC. all represented in the North. L.V. 104984 KRISHTOFOVICH, Mollyuski miotsenovykh otlozheniy vostochnoy Kamchatki. (Leningrad. Vses. neftyanoy n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyy inst. Trudy 1969. no.268. Paleontologicheskiy sbornik 4, p.I72-227, map, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Molluscs of Miocene deposits in eastern Kamchatka. Reviews earlier investigations and discusses a stratigraphic scheme for the Kronotskiy and Usr-Kamchatsk region. Four series of Miocene deposits are defined as the Bogachevskaya, Tyushevskaya, Goryachiye Klyuchi, and the Kronotskaya. Systematic descriptions are given of about 26 bivalve molluscs and four gastropods, many of them new. The faunas of the defined series are analyzed. DLC. 104985 KRISHTOFOVICH, L.V. Provintsial'naya stratigraficheskaya skhema morskikh paleogenovykh i neogenovykh otlozheniy severo-zapadnoy chasti Tikhookeanskoy oblasti. (In: Biostratigrafiya, fauna i flora kaynozoya...1969. p.26-34, table) In Russian. Title tr.: A stratigraphic scheme of marine Paleogene and Neogene deposits of the northwestern Pacific province.
Presents additional data on the phylogeny and geographic and stratigraphic distribution of the brachiopod and pelecypod faunas used in the accompanying biostratigraphic scheme of the Tertiary formations of east and west Kamchatka, the Olyutorskiy-Irpinskiy region and Commander Islands. Similar faunas of Alaska are correlated. See also No 73132. DLC. 104986 KRIST, M.O. Opyt bureniya skvazhin v usloviyakh Zapadnoy Sibiri. (Neftyanoye khozyaystvo 1969. v.47, no.7, p.17-19) In Russian. Title tr.: Well drilling in West Siberia. Summarizes drilling activities from 1965, the Shaim and Surgut developments in particular. Organization of the work, its rate and costs, the techniques and bits used are considered. Transportation of equipment, railroad construction, low temperature at the drilling sites, etc. are discussed. Hydraulic excavators are also noted. DLC. KRIST, M.O., see also No. 106007. 104987 KRISTENSEN, K. Reinflytting i Finnmark. (Norske turistforening. Arbok 1970. no.3, p.117-21, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Reindeer migration in Finnmark. Describes 25-yr changes in the Lappish migration with reindeer. Lapps do not herd but follow the reindeer from the upland winter pastures to the north coastal region with green forage, fewer insects and cooler weather. With development of the road network in the Scandinavian North, the reindeer migrate as usual, but the herders and family go by car after school closes, usually to a summer home on the north coast. In winter the herders follow the reindeer on snowscooters; there are no longer any reindeer sleds or pack animals. DLC. 104988 KRISTENSEN, K. Reinraidetur. (Norske turistforening. Arbok 1970. no.3, Title tr.: p.112-16, illus) In Norwegian. Reindeer caravan tour. Describes a trip by reindeer sleds to Kautokeino where Lapps congregate to celebrate Easter. The trip is part of a regular tour of the Norwegian Tourist Association, with busing and skiing to the starting point of the reindeer trek with Lapps in charge. It is an area where there are few winter tourists and the travelers stayed at the boarding school at Kautokeino. DLC. 104989 KRISTIANSEN, J. Flagellates from Finnish Lapland. (Botanisk tidsskrift 1964. v.59, no.4, p.315-33, illus) Refs. Reports an investigation of the flagellate flora of 13 lakes, tarns, etc in the vicinity of the Kevo Subarctic Research Station of the Univ
of Turku. All the waters are acid, pH 5.5-6.4, actual values (total range 4.6-7.1), and poor in electrolytes, conductivity 9-36 p.mho. In most localities the macroflora is scanty. The phytoplankton consists mainly of desmids, diatoms, and flagellates. The 31 forms of flagellates (Chrysophyceae 23, Dinophyceae 3, Chlorophyceae 5) are briefly described, with previous records from Lapland. 21 of the taxa are new for Mali, and 18 new for Finnish Lapland. DLC. KRIVENKOV, V.A., see No. 103759. KRIVOLUTSKIY, D.A., see No. 106602. 104990 KRIVONOS, V.F. and others. Novyye metody otsenki vozrasta kimberlitov na primere Prilenskoy oblasti. (In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Inst. geologii. Geologiya, petrografiya...Sibirskoy platformy 1970. p.67-75, graph, map, tables) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: I.P. (lupin and D.I. Savrasov. Title tr.: New methods for estimating the age of kimberlites as exemplified in the Lena region. The presence of trap xenoliths, psammitic material, and plant remains in these kimberlites permitted paleomagnetic, mineralogical and palynological methods to be used to determine their age. All these methods together with others known earlier, indicate the kimberlite pipes were intruded at the end of the Lower Liassic. Pipes of Paleozoic and Upper Jurassic age are also known in the region. DLC. KRIVONOS, V.F., see also No. 104320. KRIVONOSOVA, N.M., see No. 105759. 104991 KRIVORUCHKO, O.N. 0 sotsialisticheskom osvoyenii severnykh rayonov Dal'nego Vostoka. (Istoriya SSSR 1968. v.12, no.3, p.111-24) 44 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Socialist development of the northern districts of the Far East. Comprehensive review of the economic rehabilitation of Kamchatka and Chukotka in 1923-26. The devastation of the region by civil war and exploitation of natural resources by allied interventionists are sketched. Soviet policy to prevent the secession of the provinces, break economic dependence on Japanese and American capital, avert famine, and organize a functioning system of supply and development are described. Emergency steps like the trade agreement with the Hudson's Bay Co in 1923 and the lease of fishing concessions to Japan assured survival in 1923-24 but threatened Soviet control of the Far East. Special agencies operated by the Dal'revkom (Far Eastern Revolutionary Committee), Dal'torg and other branches of State commerce organizations were set up. Their success in developing the fishing 537
and fur trades, also reindeer and Kamchatka DLC. lumber industries are stressed. KRIVOSHE1N, B.L., see No 104875. 104992 KRIVOSHEY, M.I. Laboratornoye opredeleniye granits i urovnya zatopleniya berega v rayone g. Ust'-Kamchatska pri nakatyvanii voln tsunami. (In: Problema tsunami...1968. p.184-97, graphs, tables, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Laboratory determination of the limit and flood level caused by tsunamis along the coast in the region of the town of Ust'-Kamchatsk. Reports a laboratory study based on analysis of three scale models. The experimental data showed that factors other than height of the wave exerted substantial effects on the rate of flooding. The data permit calculation of the rate of flooding under various heights of wave DLC. crest, as well as the wave periods. 104993 KRIVOSHEYEV, V.M. Vodnaya eroziya na territorii Komi ASSR. (Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestiya 1970. v.2, no.2(12), p.108-111) 2 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Water erosion in Komi ASSR. Describes erosion processes as observed on automobile road near Voy-Vozh, on the Vychegda-Izhma watershed, in the Soyva basin, and elsewhere in Komi. Pothole and gully erosion forms were seen. Erosion processes are more in evidence in development areas, around towns and lumbering sites, along roads, etc. Countermeasures are needed. DLC. 104994 KRIVOSHEYEV, V.YA. Raspredeleniye broma i ioda v podzemnykh vodakh Yuzhnogo Timana. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.193, no.2, p.441-44, graphs, tables) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of bromine and iodine in the groundwaters of southern Timan. The distribution of Br in groundwater depends on the following factors: chemical composition of the water, mineralization, calcium content, degree of metamorphism of the water, depth of occurrence and conditions of water exchange. Iodine distribution depends on mineralization, depth of occurrence and the complexity of hydrogeologic conditions. The is biogenous; organic solution is required for its DLC. enrichment. 104995 KRIVULINA, YU.A. K voprosu o razvitii doliny r.Leny, nizhneye techeniye, v Vses. sovekaynozoyskoye vremya. shchaniye po geomorfologii...1965. Materialy, v.3, 1970. p.273-81) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Valley development of the lower Lena River in Cenozoic time. Describes development of the Lena valley 538
from the confluence of the Dzhardzhan down to the sea. The age of the valley is still a disputed question. It is clear that it existed in Paleogene-Neogene time. The location of the river mouth also has various interpretations. Tectonic movements are considered. The valley of the Molodo River is described as possibly DLC. part of the old Lena valley. 104996 KRIVYY, M.I. Organizatsiya rabot na odnom iz uchastkov nefteprovoda Aleksandrovskoye-Anzhero-Sudzhensk. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1971. v.16, no.5, p.33, map, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Work on a section of the Aleksandrovskoye-AnzheroSudzhensk oil pipeline. Describes the layout of assembly lines and welding points in construction of the pipeline across a swampy area with many small streams in the middle Ob valley. Waterborne transport of the 1220 mm pipe enabled progress before freeze-up. Welding processes are described. DLC. KRIZHANOVSKIY, S., see No. 104782. 104997 KROEKER, J.D. Permafrost presents mechanical challenges. (Building systems design 1970. v.67, no.5, p.I7-22, map, illus) 4 refs. Introduces discussion of construction in permafrost with notes on its distribution and depths in Alaska, incl data for Barrow, Kotzebue and Umiat. Various types of pilings reaching into stable permafrost are described, as are methods used for freeze-back after drilling, for raised structures, slabs on the surface requiring refrigeration of the active layer and/or stable permafrost, also for utilities systems above or underground. Eight elevation section drawings illus the methods. Floor levels should be elevated above the tundra wherever feasible and the specific conditions of the permafrost should be established by test holes at least five times the depth of the active layer. The holes should be spaced at no more than 50-ft intervals if ice lenses are present, and temperatures from surface to bottom should be recorded at 10-ft intervals by test drilling on the proposed conDLC. struction site. 104998 KROG, H. Dactylina madreporijamb in Alaska. (Bryologist 1970. v.73, no.3, p.628-30) 6 refs. Reports an isolated population of this lichen found growing abundantly in depressions and crevices on Noluck Mt at 2800 ft in the Brooks Range. The disjunct distribution and rarity of this species in the Beringia region are noted. There is one other Alaska record of the species at Teller Mission on Seward PeninDLC. sula but it needs further verification.
104999 KROG, H. The macrolichens of Alaska. Oslo 1968. 180 p. maps, tables, illus. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Skrilter no.144) Over 250 refs. Surveys the macrolichens mainly on the basis of 1950-57 collections in various areas, incl the Bering Strait area but not the Arctic Slope. The list comprises 326 species, over 60 of them new to Alaska. The distribution of each species in Alaska is noted and the circumpolar distribution discussed in relation to preQuaternary climates, the Bering land bridge and possible ice-free refuges during Pleistocene glaciation. The major part of the flora is composed of species belonging to flora-elements dating back to or beyond the Tertiary. Eleven new species or subspecies are described and four new combinations are made. CaMAI, DGS. KROG, H., see also No. 107113. 105000 KROG, J. and others. Vasomotor responses in the growing antlers of the reindeer, Rangifer tarandus. (Nature 1969. v.223, no.520I, p.99-100, graphs) Ref. Other authors: O.B. Reite and P. Fjellheim. Adrenaline, noradrenaline, histamine, and sorotonin all produced a marked increase in perfusion pressure in antlers, indicating vasoconstriction. The vascular beds of the antlers respond to biogenic amines in a way similar to blood vessels in the legs. The establishment of vasomotor control seems to follow, with some delay, the outgrowth of the vessels themselves. There was no evidence that antlers have any thermoregulatory function. DLC. 105001 KROGH, K. Observasjoner indre Finnmarksvidda. (Stavanger. Museet. Sterna 1967. v.7, no.8, p.360) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Observations on the inner Finnmark Plateau. Identifies with location several species of birds in addition to those reported earlier by Knut Hove, from the northernmost upland of Norway, No 96165. DLC. KROGH, K., see No. 102985. 105002 KROGIUS, F.V. Raschet deli lokal'nykh stad v obshchem stade krasnoy Oncorhynchus nerka (Walb.) basseyna r. Kamchatki. (Voprosy ikhtiologii 1968. v.8, no.6, Title tr.: p.979-84, tables) 2 refs. In Russian. Estimation of the proportion of local schools within the general population of the red salmon Oncorhynchus nerka . (W alb.) in the Kamchatka River basin. Upon returning from the sea, each of the many schools enters its own native spawning place. A method is proposed to differentiate them in order to determine their growth and to
measure the increment and note the peripheral character of scales during the freshwater period. DLC. 105003 KROPACHEV, A.P. and M.N. VAVILOV. 0 noriyskikh otlozheniyakh khrebta Orulgan. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.191, no.1, p.174-76) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Norian sediments of the Orulgan Range. Describes sandstones and siltstones discovered in the Karadan river basin in 1968. Organic remains reveal that these elastics, up to 630 m thick, are mainly of Norian age; their upper strata are of late Norian-Rhaetian(?) age. DLC. 105004 KROSBY, H.P. Diplomacy of the Petsamo question and Finnish-German relations. (Scandia 1965. v.31, no.2, p.291330; ibid 1966, v.32, no.1, p.169-211) The first part of this study deals with the period Mar-Dec 1940 and reviews the role of the Petsamo area nickel mines in Finnish foreign policy after the end of the Winter War. Its importance as indicated in published Finnish and German documents and in captured and unpublished German documents is noted. Its background role in Finnish-German, FinnishSoviet, and German-Soviet relations, and in German troop concentration in northern, Norway is discussed. Pt 2, Jan-June 1941 continues the summary of Finnish-Soviet negotiation. Initially Germany's interest in Finland was primarily economic; later it became strategic. German records make it possible to trace the Petsamo question from June 1941 until Finland's surrender in late summer 1944. British and Canadian records are also noted. DLC. 105005 KROSBY, H.P. Finland, Germany, and the Soviet Union,1940-1941; the Petsamo dispute. Madison, Wisc. Univ of Wisconsin Press 1968. 276 p. maps. Over 200 refs. Finnish translation pub in Helsinki, Kirjayhtyma 1966. Deals with Finnish and to some extent German foreign policy, during the crucial year 1940-41 in World War II, and with the role of the Petsamo area in the development of the German-Finnish alliance. Soviet foreign policy of the time is not considered. The ice-free harbor of Liinahamari, development of the arctic highway in Finland together with the increase in industry and traffic are discussed. The nickel mined and their importance in diplomacy are dealt with particularly when northern Norway was devastated by German occupation in 194445. DLC. 105006 KROTOV, V.A. Problemy ekonomicheskogo rayonirovaniya Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. 539
Izvestiya 1969. no.6. ser. obshchestvennykh nauk no.2, p.3-11, map, table) In Russian. Title in: Problems of economic zoning of Siberia and the Far East. Reviews the industrial development of the 1960's and asks for a revision of the 1960-61 economic zoning. A division of Asiatic Russia into seven zones is suggested, three of them including northern districts: Tyumen Province in the Ob-Irtysh zone, Krasnoyarsk Province in the Angara-Yenisey zone, Kamchatka in the Pacific zone, and Yakutia with Magadan Province to form the north-eastern zone. Industries best suited to the resources of each zone are discussed noting also agricultural specialization of each, reindeer herding and hunting in northern sectors, etc. Capital investments, demographic and agricultural data for 1966 are tabulated. The rationale behind the new zoning is considered in agreement with economic prognoses till 1980 DLC. or longer. KRUGLETSKIY, V.V., see No. 102181. KRUPENNIKOV, V.A., see No. 104594. KRUPICKA, J., see Nos. 102703, 102704. 105007 KRUPITSA, K.K. Institut stroitelyam Sibiri i Kraynego Severa. (Krasnoyarsk. N.-issl. inst. po stroitel'stvu. Stroitel'stvo v rayonakh Vostochnoy Sibiri i Kraynego Severa 1970. no. I 6, p.5-18) In Russian. Title tr.: Institute for the builders of Siberia and the Far North. Organization and activities of the institute are described from its establishment in 1959 through 1968. Results of its work are outlined, particularly in foundation engineering, construction physics, materials, equipment, mechanization and technology. Construction-assembly work is expected to have increased five-six-fold by 1980 over that DLC. of 1965. 105008 KRUPITSA, K.K. and others. Osobennosti fundamentostroyeniya v rayonakh Vostochnoy Sibiri. (Krasnoyarsk. N.-issl. inst. po stroitel'stvu. Stroitel'stvo v rayonakh Vostochnoy Sibiri i Kraynego Severa. Sbornik 1969. no.12, p.3-I 1) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.A. Kharitonov, A.A. Konovalov and S.I. Grib. Title tr.: Special features of foundation construction in regions of Eastern Siberia. Discusses the construction of building foundations in the zone of continuous permafrost from the Noril'sk-Yakutsk line north to the coast, in regions of insular permafrost north of the Igarka-Bodaybo-Chita traverse, and in the regions of deep seasonal ground freezing, with isolated islands of permafrost farther south. High seismicity conditions in eastern Siberia, 540
and their effects on foundation construction are considered. Suggestions are given on how to cope with the physiographic, seismic and geological peculiarities in construction. Foundations on piles are recommended, as are methods of improving counter-seismic engineering. DLC. 105009 KRUPITSKAYA, T.M. and CH.L. KHODZHA-AKHMEDOV. Proflli elektronnoy plotnosti v nizhney ionosfere v periody pogloshcheniy tipa zony siyaniy. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1968. v.8, no.1, p.57-61, graphs) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Electron density profiles in the lower ionosphere during periods of auroral zone absorption. Computes vertical profiles of the ionization and radio-wave absorption in the ionosphere. The height-dependence of electron collision frequency, determined from rocket measurements and riometric data for the absorption at frequencies of 22.9, 32.0 and 48.3 MHz at Dikson Island at altitudes of 30-40 to 100 km, indicated that maximum radio-wave absorption was measured 26 Mar 1965 at Dikson, at a time when absorption was also observed at Amderma and Cape Chelyuskin at an altitude of 60-70 km and the electron density was DLC. 7 X 103 to 2 x 104 electron/cm•'. KRUPITSKAYA, T.M., see also No. 101935. KRUPKIN, B.N., see No. 108077. 105010 KRUTOYARSKIY, M.A. Fotolyuminestsentnyye assotsiatsii almazov Anabaro-Olenekskogo mezhdurech'ya. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...197 I. p.108-113, tables, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tn: Photoluminescence associations of diamonds from the Anabar-Olenek interfluve. Distinguishes four types of fluorescent, non-fluorescent, or phosphorescent associations, two of which are generally characteristic of diamonds from kimberlites of the pyropediamond subfacies of Yakutia. The other two are generally characteristic of diamonds from the kimberlite subfacies in which pyrope predominates over diamond. DG S. 105011 KRUTULEVSKIY, 0. and G. RYABININA. Dayte, pozhaluysta, solntse. (Doshkol'noye vospitaniye 1968. v.41, no.6, p.108-109) In Russian. Title tr.: Please, give us sunlight. Appeals to the health dept of the Nenets National District to provide summer camps in the south for the 300 nursery and kindergarten children of Amderma. About one hundred leave the island with their parents, the remainder stay behind deprived of direly needed sunshine, fresh fruit and
vegetables. In the 10-month long winters and cool summers, children rarely stay outdoors and respiratory diseases have become DLC. endemic in pre-school institutions. 105012 KRYLOV, I.N. and I.G. SHAPOVALOVA. 0 rasprostranenii stromatolitov katayskogo kompleksa v rifeyskikh otlozheniyakh Urala i Sibiri. (In: Stratigrafiya i paleontologiya proterozoya...1970. p.47-56, Title tr.: Distables, illus) Refs. In Russian. tribution of stromatolites of the Katayskiy complex in Riphean deposits of the Urals and Siberia. Reports a 1965-68 study Intl the Turukhansk and Sette-Daban regions, with special attention to the Katayskiy stromatolites, mainly Baicalia maica Nuzhn., Inzeria tiomusi Kryl., Jurusania cylindrica Kryl., Confragosia confragosp Semikh. and Tungussia confusa Semikh. Their stratigraphic position is discussed. This complex is considered independent and attribDLC. uted to the upper Riphean. 0 105013 KRYLOV, I.N. and others. stromatolitovykh kompleksakh srednego rifeya. (AN SSSR. Doltlady 1968. v.181, no.2, p.42629, illus) 13 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S.V. Nuzhnov and 1.G. Shapovalova. Title tr.: Stromatolite associations of the middle Riphean. Reports a 1965-67 study on the western slope of the Anabar massif, Turukhan uplift, Verkhoyansk region, Yenisey Ridge, Southern Urals and elsewhere. Three stromatolite associDLC. ations are distinguished. 105014 KRYLOV, I.N. Stromatolity gruppy Jacutophyton Schapovalova v sredneri(In: feyskikh otlozheniyakh Urala i Sibiri. paleontologiya Stratigrafiya i proterozoya...1970. p.36-46, illus) Refs. In RusTitle tr.: Stromatolites of the Jacutosian. phyton Schapovalova group from middle Riphean deposits of the Urals and Siberia. From a 1965-68 study (see supra) the broad distribution of this group is noted. The bioherms of the stromatolites are described, and the stratigraphic position discussed. The independence of Jacutophyton from other groups DLC. of stromatolites is noted. KRYLOV, 1.N.,
see also
No. 101621.
No. 108229.
No. 103790.
No. 105785.
0 105015 KRYLOVA, M.D. and others. zakonomernostyakh raspredeleniya skandiya mezhdu mineralami metamorficheskikh porod.
(Geokhimiya 1970. no.10, p.1183-93, graphs, tables) 26 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: V.B. Dagelayskiy and K.V. Orlovskaya. Title tr.: The patterns of scandium distribution in minerals of metamorphic rocks. Reports on scandium in minerals of Precambrian metamorphic rocks of the Aldan Shield, Kola Peninsula, Karelia, and other regions. Garnets, amphiboles, pyroxenes and micas are the main bearers of scandium. Its content in biotites and garnets varies inversely with the degree of metamorphism. In amphiboles an opposite tendency is noted. It is suggested that the scandium ions may be present in octahedral and in tetrahedral coordinations. DLC. 105016 KRYUCHKOV, V.V. Pochvy kraynego severa nado berech. (Priroda 1968. no.12, p.72-74, illus) In Russian. English translation by E.R. Hope, Canadian Defence Research Board 1969, T523 R. A translation is also appended to (copy at CaMAI) J. Brown and others' paper The effect of disturbance..., Title tr.: Necessity of soil conservation in qv. the Far North. The Omoloy-Kolyma Primorskaya plain in Yakut ASSR consists mainly of lacustrine-alluvial deposits, maintained by 50-60% permafrost in the upper 50-100 m of soil. Should the permafrost thaw, the ground surface would fall below sea level in large areas. No permanent earth roads are practical in arctic and subarctic permafrost regions, and a trail may be used only a few times, as thermokarst develops wherever the sod is disturbed. Fire in the northeastern Siberian tundra and taiga ultimately caused reduction of the seasonal thaw depth, recession of the tree line, and creation of large areas of so-called pyrogenic tundra. Subsequent to fire, the change in albedo may cause a deeper thaw the first summer when late summer rains increase the soil moisture. Such a saturated layer thaws very slowly the following summer, grass grows, the active layer diminishes in thickness and soil temperature DLC. decreases. 105017 KRYUCHKOV, V.V. Rol' morfologii landshaftov v bezlesii tundry Tazovskogo p-ova. (Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR. Izvestiya 1970. v.IO2, no.6, p.528-35, Title tr.: The maps, illus) 9 refs. In Russian. role of morphology in the treeless tundra of the Tazovskiy Peninsula. This peninsula belongs to the treeless tundra subzone in which the vegetative period and air temperature are minimal for large shrub and tree growth, and the ground conditions have an adverse influence. The peninsula has ten landscape types, on positive and negative tectonic structures, on marine terraces and in river valleys. Their vegetation and soils are 541
described. Conditions favorable for larch are discussed. The landscapes suitable for artificial planting are in the river valleys or on the positive tectonic structures. Study of the landscape morphology helps to determine the areas suitable for tree planting. DLC. 105018 KRYUCHKOV, V.V. Severnaya granitsa lesa i landshafty Zapadnogo Taymyra. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1969. ser. geog. no.6, p.74-84, graph, map, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian Title tr.: The northern limit of forest and the landscapes of western Taymyr. Reports a 1967 field study of the treeless tundra as represented by two natural regional complexes of facies, areas and landscapes, viz: the Yenisey-Pyasina morainic hilly plain and the Pur-Pyasina morainic hilly plain. Both landscapes are analyzed as to heat balance, air temperature, evaporation, wind regime, soils temperature, vegetation, etc, and their boundaries are delineated. The northern limit of the larch thin forest and some southern limits of trees and landscapes are also indicated. In the subzone of the relatively treeless terrace, buried and dead stems of larch and other wood can be observed, giving material for two contradictory concepts of the tundra advancing on the forest and the forest advancing on the tunDLC. dra. 105019 KRYUKOV, V.D. Podprudnyye ozernyye obrazovaniya i ikh svyaz' s poslednim gorno-dolinnym oledeneniyem na severozapade Sredne-Sibirskogo ploskogor'ya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.16, p.109-113, graphs, map) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Dammed-lake deposits and their connection with the last mountainvalley glaciation in the northwest of the central Siberian upland. For Quaternary deposits attention is directed to paleogeography and glacial activity. Deposits in the upper reaches of some valleys at 200-500 m absolute elevation represent lacustrine-alluvial deposits of dammed-lake basins. The formation mechanism of these basins is discussed. DLC. KRYUKOVA, Z.S., see No. 107193. 105020 KSENOLITY I GOMEOGENNYYE VKLYUCHENIYA; materialy simpoziuma 1967 g. Moskva, Nauka 1969. 107 p. tables, graphs, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Xenoliths and homogeneous inclusions; materials of a symposium, 1967. Contains 12 papers presented at the First Soviet Symposium on Xenoliths, held in Novosibirsk in May 1967; nine of these of arctic and subarctic interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: G.Ye. 542
Bogoyavlenskaya and E.N. Erlikh, A.I. Botkunov, B.V. Ivanov, V.V. Koval'skiy and K.N. Nikishov, A.I. Levykin and A.I. Farberov, Yu.P. Masurenkov and others, Yu.P. Masurenkov and O.B. Selyangin, K.A. Skripko and E.I. Grebzdy, and V.A. Yermakov and A.V. Koloskov. DLC. 105021 KSENZOV, N.A. Nekotoryye dannyye po ikhtiofaune basseyna r.Purnach, pritok Ponoya. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Doklady otdeleniy i komissiy 1968 pub 1969. no.9, p.I93-98, map, tables) 5 refs. In Title tr.: Some data on the ichthyoRussian fauna of the Purnach River basin, tributary to the Ponoy. Reports a 4-18 Aug 1964 study of fishes of these waters in easternmost Kola Peninsula. Lake Pumach is described, its salmon Salmo salar and S. trutta, pike Esox lucius, whitefish, etc are characterized and the fishery possibilities of its basin are estimated. The lake basin is of interest for its productivity. DLC. KUBLANOVSKIY, L.B., see No. 107230. 105022 KUBLITSKIY, G. Gostepriimnyy Taymyr. (Druzhba narodov 1968. no.10, p.193-208) In Russian. Title tr.: Hospitable Taymyr. Describes trip from Krasnoyarsk down the Yenisey to Dudinka aboard the motor vessel Valeriy Chkalov and by rail to Noril'sk. Talks with the Evenki Tungus ethnographer Vasiliy N. Uvachan who reminisces on his youth in the Evenki National District. The river ports Igarka and Dudinka, Noril'sk and Tal'nakh, the new development at the Tal'nakh mines, are described. DLC. 105023 KUBLITSKIY, G. Khodili my na Pyasinu... (Sibirskiye ogni 1968. v.47, no.12, p.127-39) In Russian. Title Cr.: As we journeyed to the Pyasina... Recalls his first arctic assignment in 1936 as reporter aboard the Krasnoyarskiy rabochiy, lead ship of a freighter and barge caravan loaded with building materials for Noril'sk then under construction. The journey led down the Yenisey and the Yenisey Bay to Dikson Island, through the ice-infested Kara Sea with the help of the icebreaker, Sibiryakov., then up the shallow and treacherous Pyasina River to Pyasina Lake and the site of the future Noril'sk. Most of the 460-man crew was evacuated by plane to Dudinka; 40 boats and 120 men stayed behind. Travel impressions, the busy Igarka port, Dudinka still an overgrown village, Dikson Island, etc are described. DLC. 105024 KUBOTA, J. and others. Mineral composition of herbage browsed by moose in Alaska. (Journal of wildlife management
1970, v.34, no.3, p.565-69, graph, map, table) 12 refs. Other authors: S. Rieger and V.A. Lazar. Reports a study made on the Kenai lowland in the Cook Inlet-Susitna region and on northeastern Kodiak Island. Sites were located to represent various groups of soils, range of wetness conditions and lithologies that affect nutrient availability for plants. Data are tabulated and briefly discussed on the macronutrient (N,P,S,K,Ca) and trace element (Co, Cu, Zn, Mn and Mo) composition of grasses and sedges, forbs, horsetail, and of leaves and twigs of willow, aspen and birches as browse plants. The food quality is highest in summer when leaves of browse plants, herbaceous plants and grasses are available and lowest in winter when food is limited to twigs. These differences due to seasonal availability were larger than those due to soil differences. DI. KUBYNINA, Z.I., see No. 101861. 105025 KUC, M. Plants from the nunataks of Tore!! Land, Vestspitsbergen. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969, p.73-78, maps) 3 refs. Identifies plants collected by K. Birkenmajer in 1966: 23 mosses and 19 vascular plants. Geobotanical characteristics of the nunatak moss flora are outlined and distribution of the mosses shown on maps of the archipelago. CaMAI, DLC. 105026 KUCZYNSKI, A. Opisaniye Sibiri XVIII v.: materialy L. Senitskogo o sibirskikh aborigenakh i ikh kul'ture. (Sovetskaya etnografiya 1972. no. I, p.31-38) 23 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: An 18th century description of Siberia: L. Sienicki's notes on Siberian aborigines and their culture. Deals with a little-known work "Document...on the pagan sects of Muscovy" pub in Vilno in 1754 by Ludwik Sienicki, a Polish colonel taken prisoner by the Russians in 1707 and exiled to Yakutsk until 1722. The ethnographic parts of this narrative, though sometimes inaccurate and fanciful, are of great value as an unbiased description of aboriginal ways of life practically untouched•by acculturation. The material and spiritual cultures of the Zyryans, Ostyaks and Voguls, Nenets Samoyeds and Evenki Tungus, whom he met on his journey, and the Yakuts among whom he spent most of his exile are described. Their religious beliefs, hunting and bear rites, shamanism, hunting and fishing, reindeer husbandry and fur tax, clothing and diet are dealt with. Some information is also given on the Yukaghirs, Chukchis, Koryaks and Kamchadals, from his encounters in Yakutsk with their envoys and traders. A more detailed analysis of
this work by A. Kuczynski has been pub in Polish in Etnografia polska .1970, v.14, no.1, p.75102 with illus and a map of Sienicki's route across Siberia and the 18th century distribution CaMAI, DLC. of indigenous tribes. KUDASHEV, YU.D., see No. 102004. KUDLAYEVA, A.L., see No. 102394. KUDRIN-ABAGINSKIY, A.G., 105046.
KUDRYAN', A.P., see No. 102094. 105027 KUDRYAVTSEV, V.A. and V.V. SMIRNOV. K metodike merzlotnykh issledovaniy dlya tseley srednemasshtabnoy s"yemki; na primere rayons g.Mimogo. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. no.9, p.15960) In Russian. Title tr.: Methods of cryological investigations for the purpose of medium scale mapping, as exemplified in the city of Mirnyy region. Lists briefly factors involved in carrying out these studies. Analyses of the radiation and heat balances, with components determined for half-period warming, are adjudged to be of maximum importance. The method used to calculate the mean annual ground temperature describes both the thermal and thermodynamic conditions which favor the formation and continued existence of permafrost layers. DLC. 105028 KUDRYAVTSEV, V.A. and E.D. YERSHOV. Klassifikatsionnaya skhema priyemov po napravlennomu izmeneniyu merzlotnykh usloviy. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. no.9, p.155-57) In Russian. Title tr.: • Classification scheme of processes used in changing frozen ground conditions. Summarizes a paper which proposes and presents a four-group classification scheme of processes involved in changing frozen ground conditions: 1) processes regulating surface heat exchange; 2) processes regulating heat exchange in the ground by alteration of the compositon and properties of the meliorated grounds; 3) processes changing the heat budget and thermal state of the meliorated grounds through utilization of supplemental heat sources and fluxes; 4) processes regulating temperature conditions in the grounds under the meliorated layer. DLC. 105029 KUDRYAVTSEV, V.A. and others. Merzlotno-gidrogeologicheskoye rayonirovaniye Deputatskogo rudnogo uzla i otsenka resursov podzemnykh vod. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.108-109) In Russian. Other authors: N.N. Romanovskiy, V.Ye. Afanasenko and S.F. Khrutskiy. Title tr.: Cryo-hydrogeologic 543
zonation of Deputatskiy ore district, and estimation of groundwater resources. Defines four zones relative to differences in geologic structure and thickness of the permafrost zone. The permafrost zone ranges from 150 to 700-800 m in thickness in the district. DLC. 105030 KUDRYAVTSEV, V.A. 0 nauchnoy rabote kafedry merzlotovedeniya v 1967 godu. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. no.9, p.144-45) In Russian. Title tr.: Scientific work of the Cryology Department [Moscow State University] in 1967. Summarizes a paper which itemizes four major categories of permafrost research carried out in 1967 by the Cryology Department of the Moscow State University: 1) Regional cryopedological-hydrogeological and engineering geological studies in permafrost and methods of executing the corresponding small-, medium-, and large-scale surveys (made a small-scale survey of one area in Yakutia); 2) Studies of the thermophysical and thermodynamic regularities of freezing and thawing processes, computer modeling of these processes, and the use of electronic computers; 3) Study of the physical, physicochemical and mechanical characteristics of frozen, thawing and freezing rocks; and 4) the application of geophysical methods in and the development of new methods of investigating permafrost. DLC. V.A. 0 105031 KUDRYAVTSEV, soderzhanii prognoza izmeneniya merzlotnoinzhenemo-geologicheskikh usloviy v svyazi s khozyaystvennym osvoyeniyem territorii pri s"yemke masshtabov 1:200.000 i 1:500.000. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. no.9, p.76-78) In Russian. Title tr.: The content of a forecast of changes in geocryological-engineering conditions resulting from the development of a territory when mapping on scales of 1:200,000 and 1:500,000. Lists the types of data needed on smallscale maps and in related reports which are to be used in predicting changes in permafrost areas brought about by the economic development of the Yakutia area, i.e. snow cover, vegetation, lithology of rocks and sediments, amount of soil, rock and permafrost moisture, slope steepness and exposure, ground and surface water, character of terrain relief, and population density. Possible changes in permafrost conditions which might be brought about by engineering projects are to be estimated in a supplemental report or shown on the maps by DLC. detailed symbols. 105032 KUDRYAVTSEV, V.A. and others. Osobennosti formirovaniya merzlotnykh usloviy Aldano-Timptonskogo mezhdurech'ya. 544
(Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1969. ser. 4: geol. v.24, no.3, p.16-23, tables) 9 refs. In Russian. Other authors: K.A. Kondrat'yeva and N.I. Trash. Title tr.: Features of the formation of cryogenic conditions in the Aldan-Timpton interfluve. The main feature of the cryogenic conditions of this region is their heterogeneity. The discontinuity of permafrost, its depth, annual temperature, seasonal thawing and freezing, all show marked variations. The main causative factors are analyzed, such as the snow cover, vegetation, hydrogeologic and geologic conditions, groundwater, relief, etc. The natural conditions vary somewhat from region to region, and the importance of individual factors changes. These changes are reflected in the cryogenic conditions. DLC. 105033 KUDRYAVTSEV, V.A.and others. Osobennosti inzhenemo-geologicheskikh issledovaniy pri kompleksnoy merzlotno-gidrologicheskoy i inzhenerno-geologicheskoy s"yemke v oblasti rasprostraneniya mnogoletnemerzlykh porod. (Moskva. Univ. Metodika kompleksnoy merzlotno-geologicheskoy s"yemki masshtabov 1:200 000 i 1:500 000. Moskva 1970. p.265-99, illus) 45 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Special features of engineering and geological investigations for multidiscipline permafrosthydrogeological and engineering geological surveys in areas of permafrost. Summarizes the results of long-term experience gained in carrying out multidiscipline earth sciences and related engineering investigations in various types of permafrost areas located in different types of geological and geomorphological areas of the Soviet Union. Emphasis is on problems associated with the compilation of these data in forms appropriate for inclusion on 1:200,000 and 1:500,000 maps designed for optimum use in the planning and development of the economy in various permafrost areas. The topics covered include recommendations for studying: I) mechanical properties of the geological structures, frozen or non-frozen, groundwater, cryogenic processes, and the changes in time of all of the above; 2) the relief and its relation to tectonics, the nature of the regolith and its relation to the geological structures, present relief-forming processes, terrain accessibility and workability; 3) conditions under which freezing takes place; 4) the hydrogeological conditions, and 5) the geological and engineering geological processes and phenomena. Other major aspects of the paper include: the basic procedures and methods used in the laboratory and in the field to study a total area; study of the engineering geological properties of permafrost and methods of determining moisture content, ice content, and weights by volume; specific aspects of
permafrost-engineering geology investigations in different types of geological structures and zonal conditions (ancient crystalline massifs and shields, platforms covered with thick unconsolidated deposits, folded mountain areas); and general schemes for the organization of research designed for predicting changes in the permafrost and engineering geology conditions, which affect the economic utilization and development of the various types of areas. DLC. 105034 KUDRYAVTSEV, V.A. and others. Osobennosti merzlotno-inzhenerno-geologicheskikh issledovaniy v razlichnykh geostrukturnykh i zonal'nykh usloviyakh oblasti rasprostraneniya mnogoletnemerzlykh porod. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. no.9, p.17-29) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: K.A. Kondrat'yeva and N.I. Trush. Title tr.: Characteristics of geocryological engineering investigations under various geostructural and zonal conditions in a perennially frozen region. Discusses the regional and zonal factors involved in solving the principal problems encountered in carrying out geocryological engineering studies in perennially frozen areas as they occur in such major geological structures as ancient crystalline massifs and shields, platforms covered with thick loosely-consolidated cover deposits, and fold mountains. A general discussion is given of the significance of the relationships of fractures; joint, fold and fault systems; lithology; degrees of cementation and weathering; and local relief to various types of permafrost areas and different kinds of engineering projects. Reconnaissance and exploratory procedures are recommended for specific types of geological structures and permafrost. Specific mention is made of the Aldan shield, the Anabar massif, and the West Siberian shield. DLC. 105035 KUDRYAVTSEV, V.A. and others. Osobennosti metodiki melkomasshtabnykh inzhenerno-geologicheskikh issledovaniy v oblasti mnogoletney merzloty, na primere Aldano-Timptonskogo mezhdurech'ya Yuzhnoy Yalcutii. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1968. no.8, p.3-16) 12 refs. In Russian. Other authors: N.I. Trush and K.A. Kondrat'yeva. Title tr.: Special features of methods of small-scale engineering-geological investigations in permafrost regions; the Aldan-Timpton interfluve of southern Yakutia as an example. Discusses the principal aspects of methods used by the Moscow State University in carrying out engineering-geological surveys in this permafrost area of Yakutia. The discussion encompasses structural geological, geomorphological, hydrogeological and other engineering surveys, their interrelationships, methods of
investigation and their sequence of application. DLC. 105036 KUDRYAVTSEV, V.A. and E.D. YERSHOV. Printsipy upravleniya merzlotnym protsessom. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. no.9, p.147-55, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Operational principles involving freezing processes. Summarizes a paper which describes and systematizes the data required and the procedures to be followed in investigating frozen-ground processes. Five charts are presented for each of the following six sections of operations: 1) microregionalization in terms of physico-geographical and geological conditions (compilation of microregion maps); 2) mechanisms involved in the formation and development of frozen ground and permafrost and their characteristics as functions of a set of natural conditions and of each element of the geological-geographical medium; 3) frozen ground conditions and the mechanisms producing them and the development of each of the identified frozen ground microregions; 4) probable changes in natural conditons in the process of the economic development of an area (as induced by different kinds of engineering operations) and anticipated changes (prediction) in frozen grounds; 5) measures for making appropriate changes in frozen ground conditions within each of the identified microregions; and 6) formulation of a melioration project with appropriate changes in frozen ground conditions, regionalization of an area for purposes of water and heat melioration of frozen grounds and the characteristics of natural conditions which may occur after the melioration is accomplished. DLC. 105037 KUDRYAVTSEV, V.A. Vliyaniye infirtratsii teplykh letnikh osadkov na temperaturnyy rezhim, sezonnoye promerzaniye i protaivaniye i na godovyye teplooboroty gruntov. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1967. no.7, p.27-29) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effect of the infiltration of warm summer precipitation on the heat budget, seasonal freezing and thawing, and on the annual heat exchange in ground. Proposes a formula for calculating the effect of the infiltration of warm summer precipitation into frozen ground: At = V(t p -t„)1/XT where At is the difference in temperature in the layer of seasonally frozen or thawed ground. Temperature at the bottom of this layer is respectively higher or lower than at the surface of the ground. V is the amount of infiltrating summer precipitation in kg/m2, t, is temperature of the precipitation, and tg that of the ground, is depth of the 545
freezing or thawing, A is the reduced coefficient of thermal conductivity of the ground in kcal/m.hr.degree, and T is the number of hours per year. The proposed formula shows that the warming effect of 300 mm summer precipitation can result in raising the temperature of the active layer in permafrost regions by 1.5 to 2°C, but not by 4 to 6°C as estimated by other DLC. investigators. KUDRYAVTSEV, V.A., see also No. 106172. and others. 105038 KUJALA, N.F. Radioisotope measurements of the viscera of Pacific salmon. (In: Symposium on radioecology 1967 pub 1969. Proceedings, p.440-49, map, tables, illus) 21 refs. Other authors: I.L. Larsen and C.L. Osterberg. Pacific salmon concentrate certain gammaemitting radionuclides ("Zn, "Mn, "K, and Cs-137) in their viscera. In some cases the pattern of concentration seems related to the position of the freshwater plume_ of the Columbia River, a well-known source of "'Zn in the northeast Pacific Ocean. In southeastern Alaskan waters there was a distinct difference in relative abundance of "Zn and "Mn in salmon. Manganese-54 was the dominant isotope in salmon of northern Alaskan waters and "'Zn was more prominent in the spectra of fishes from Canadian and contiguous United States waters. Concentrations of radionuclides differ with species and stocks of salmon. The chinook and coho salmon, which feed more on small fishes than the sockeye, accumulated the highest concentrations of 'Zn, 5"Mn and Cs137. On the other hand, the sockeye, feeding on a lower trophic level, had low radioactivity, with "Mn the dominant radionuclide, some "Zn and no Cs-137. The chum and pink salmon examined most nearly resemble the sockeye in radioactivity. Ocean food habits and migratory pathways both appear relevant to the levels of artificially produced gamma-emitters in the viscera of salmon. DNLM. 105039 KUJALA, V. Frequenzverhaltnisse der Waldpflanzen in Finnland. (Suomalainen tiedeakatemia. Sitzungsberichte 1964 pub 1966, p.161-74, maps) In German. Title tr.: Frequency relations of forest plants in Finland. Discusses flora inventories over all Finland and the means by which their results can be related to other natural science information where independent species are found. Brief summaries are given of 11 groups of flora, their growth sites, and some notes on site characteristics. Distribution is mapped for 17 species, including the typically arctic Calluna vulgaris, Arctostaphylos alpina, Tofieldia pusilla, Nephroma arcticum, and Empetrum nigrum DLC.
105040 KUJANSUU, R. Lapin maaperastA ja maaperageologisista tutkimuksista malminetsinnan kannalta. (Geologi 1969. v.21, no.9, p.149-54, maps, illus) 11 refs. In Finnish. English summary. Title tr.: Quaternary geological surveys in Lapland related to prospecting. Discusses the increased importance of geochemical prospecting in northern Finland and use of Quaternary geological surveys to localize the search. Prospecting includes search for geochemical anomalies, and a well devised geologic map should reveal the genetics of surficial deposits. The basic requirements of such a map and some of its interpretations are summarized. DGS. 105041 KUJANSUU, R. Palsoista ilmakuvatulkinnan valossa. (Geologi 1969. v.21, no.1, p.1-4, illus) Refs. In Finnish. English summary. Title tr.: Fractures in palsas, permanently frozen peat hummocks. Summarizes a study of aerial photos of palsas in bogland of the Enontekio region of northern Finland. Four types are recognized which are believed to represent phases in the splitting and melting down of originally large palsa sheets. The types could be due to some kind of fractures or holes resulting from differential melting. DGS. 105042 KUKHARENKO, A.A. and others. Shchelochnyye gabbroidy Karelii, Yeletozerskiy massiv, petrologiya, mineralogiya, geokhimiya. Leningrad, Izd-vo Leningradskogo Univ 1969. 184 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Other authors:. M.P. Orlova and E.A. Bagdasarov. Title tr.: Petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry of alkalic gabbroids of the Yeletozerskiy massif, Karelia. Monographic account of the Proterozoic alkalic gabbroid rocks of the Karelia-Kola Peninsula region based on the multiphase Yeletozerskiy intrusion. The inner structure and formation sequences of this massif are reviewed. Features of the mineral and chemical composition of the main rock series are delineated. Alkalic metasomatites, distribution patterns and rare elements in the rock series, their geochemical interrelation, etc are described. The petrology and genesis of the alkalic gabbroids are analyzed. DLC. 105043 KUKHAREV, N.M. Karst Dvinsko-Mezen'skogo mezhdurech'ya. (Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy 1968. Geologiya i razvedka no.12, p.78-85, maps, table, Title tr.: Karst of the Mtn) In Russian. Dvina-Mezen' interfluve. Describes the White Sea neck and Severnaya Dvina Bay area as a specific plateau with different forms of karst. The widespread limestones of the Upper Carboni-
ferous and gypsum-dolomite strata facilitate karst development. Karst lakes, fields, cavities, and other forms are described and mapped. Some measures against karst, especially for construction purposes, are DLC. noted. 105044 KUKLEY, L.N. 0 neodnokratnykh proyavleniyakh tektonicheskikh deformatsiy belomorskikh gneysov, vyyavlennykh pri izuchenii vnutrenney struktury Rikolatvinskoy skladki. (Geotektonika 1968. no.5, p.25-37, illus) Refs. In Russian. English summary Title tr.: Repeated tectonic deformation of the White Sea gneisses revealed in study of the internal structure of the Rikolatva fold. Describes the tectonic structure of a gigantic agmatite within the hinge of a fold in Archean migmatized gneisses in the Kuropta River basin of Kola Peninsula. Analysis of the spatial position of its features indicates that the agmatite originated in an earlier folded structure. Two stages of migmatization are noted. DLC. KUKLIN, A.P., see No. 101973. KUKLINA, T.A., see No. 102159. KUKOSH, T.G., see No. 107886. 105045 KUKUSHKINA, R.S. and others. Dinamika zony polyarnykh siyaniy i rasprostraneniye radiovoln v vysokikh shirotakh. (Geomagnitizm i aeronomiya 1969. v.9, no.2, p.294-98, graphs, maps) 9 refs. In Russian. Other authors: M.I. Pudovkin and C.V. Starkov. Title tr.: Dynamics of the zone of polar auroras and radio-wave propagation in the high latitudes. Discusses the propagation of radiowaves at 8, 12, and 16 MHz frequencies over the 6000 km between Murmansk and Annapolis, Md. A slant-range-sounding method was used in determining the signal passage probability. From the variation of propagation of waves of different frequency, the character of radio reflection was established, and the ionosphere parameters at different intensities Q of geomagnetic disturbances were evaluated. The curves of the passage probability against Q values are given for Loparskaya and College stations. Analysis of the curves for 12, 8, and 16 MHz corroborates the discontinuity of the DLC. auroral zone during morning hours.
tion, style, etc are discussed by the author, a known Yakut poet himself. Four poems by Kudrin-Abaginskiy are appended, p.1 16-17. DLC. 105047 KULAKHMETOV, N. KH. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti yursko-nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy basseyna r.Taz, sever oblasti. (Neftegazovaya Tyumenskoy geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.7, p.3-8, graph, map, tables) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Prospects for oil and gas in Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Taz River basin, northern Tyumen Province. Reviews earlier appraisals of the area, and describes the occurrence of oil and gas noting depths, yield, etc. Results from four deep well drillings in 1961-67 are evaluated with reference to Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits. Correlations are given of Jurassic deposits of the Taz and the middle Ob regions. Cretaceous deposits are also analyzed and mineralization of water, gas permeability, yield, pressure, chemical composition etc are stated. The drilled wells disclose very good prospects for oil and gas accumulation, and more exploration work may prove the Taz basin as promising as the middle Ob region. DLC. 105048 KULAKOV, A.P. 0 chetvertichnoy istorii Okhotskogo morya i yego pribrezhnykh territoriy. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologii...1965. Materialy, v.2, 1968. Title tr.: p.339-47, map) 38 refs. In Russian. Quaternary history of the Okhotsk Sea and its coastal regions. Reports a study of marine terraces in the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka and Sakhalin. On the western, eastern and southern edges of this sea terraces at 200-250, 80-120, 50-60, 30-40 m and lower elevations can be traced. A scheme of the change in the boundaries of the Okhotsk sea in Quaternary time is presented. The sea is shown to have existed as a large structure of the earth's crust in pre-Quaternary time. Its development in the Quaternary should be considered as a continuation of older stages of its DLC. geologic history. KULAKOV, YU.N., see No. 1065%. KULESHOV, A.A., see No. 105119. KULESHOV, B.A., see No. 103964. KULESHOVA, 0.N., see No. 108067.
105046 KULACHIKOV, S.R. Pevets Yalcutskoy vesny. (Polyarnaya zvezda 1967. no.1, p.112-15, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Song writer of the Yakut spring. Tribute to A.G. Kudrin-Abaginskiy, a Yakut poet who died in a hunting accident in 1960 at the age of 53. His poetic genre, allitera-
105049 KULIK, I.L. K ekologii vodyanoy polevki (Arvicola terrestris) v poymakh severnykh rek. (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 1968. v.47, no.6, p.954-58, maps, tables) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Contribution to the ecology of the water vole (Arvi547
cola terrestris) in fioodplains of northern rivers. A 1959 study in the plains along the middle course of the Vychegda River and its tributary Vym' shows the regional vole population to be very scanty (1/km2), to be widely dispersed and DLC. to migrate considerably. 105050 KULIKOV, M.I. K istorii kollektivizatsii na Chukotke. (Istoriya SSSR 1968. v.12, no.3, p.124-33) 31 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Collectivization in Chukotka. Deals with the preliminary phase leading to full collectivization in the 1930's. Unlike other regions, Soviet policy for Chukotka made allowance for aboriginal social structure and used the communal system traditions as a basis for the cooperative and, eventually, collective form of production. In the late 1920's, Chukotka was inhabited by 11,000 Chukchis and 1300 Eveny Lamut-Tungus in settled and nomadic groups and about 2000 settled Eskimos and Yukaghirs. The traditional economic unit of fishers was the baidar crew, that of nomadic reindeer herders, the pasturing team or camp unit. Production was based on collective labor. This element of the traditional economic association was used to form so-called primary cooperative production cells which were combined, in turn, into economic collectives, i.e. kolkhozes. The gradual disappearance of antiquated socio-economic structures and their replacement by socialist cooperative and later collective forms, changes in profit sharing traditions, introduction of wage labor, state subsidies and credits allotted for the development of communal economy along prescribed lines, etc are discussed with selected statistical DLC. data. 105051 KULIKOV, N.N. Raspredeleniye osnovnykh khimicheskikh komponentov v donnykh otlozheniyakh Karskogo morya. (Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR. Izvestiya 1970. v.102, no.3, p.220-33, maps) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of main chemical components in bottom deposits of the Kara Sea. Discusses the distribution and percent occurrences of iron, manganese, calcium carbonate, phosphorus, soluble silicic acid and organic carbon. Physiographic, biological and geological factors in their accumulation are appraised. DLC. KULIKOV, N.N., 105172, 105173.
see also
Nos. 105171,
105052 KULIKOV, N.V. Navesnoye ustroystvo k traktoru dlya perevozki sektsiy diametrom 1220 mm po trasse Ukhta-Torzhok. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1969. v.14, no.5, p.30, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: A suspension attachment to the tractor for transporting 548
1220 mm-diameter sections for the Ukhta-Torzhok pipeline. Describes the 400 kg device invented by V.R. Dorofeyev and the author and installed on S-100B and T-100MB tractors. It enables a tractor to transport the pipe section across swamps at >2 km/hr. Two tractors with a section loaded on a trailer hitherto made 1.5-2 km/hr, but equipped with the attachment they make up to 4 km/hr. The device can be used for seven months of the year in Apr-Nov and enables a saving of 10,000 rubles/yr for every pair of tractors thus equipped. DLC. 105053 KULIKOV, P.K. Fundament Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity v Shaimsko-Krasnoleninskom neftenosnom rayone. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.6, p.76-88, maps) Refs. In Russian. Titk tr.: Basement of the West Siberian platform in the Shaim-Krasnoleninskaya oil-bearing region. Presents a map of the basement of this region as worked out from geophysical studies and 270 deep drillings which reached the basement. The folded basement consists of Precambrian, Paleozoic and Triassic formations represented by sedimentary, volcanic, intrusive and metamorphosed rocks. Its main tectonic structure is characterized. Structural planes of the basement and sedimentary cover are compared and the distribution of oil pools is evaluated. DLC. 105054 KULIKOV, P.K. and B.S. POGORELOV. Geologicheskoye stroyeniye skladchatogo fundamenta v Shaimskom neftenosnom rayone Zapadnoy Sibiri i yego svyaz' so strukturami chekhla. (Geologiya nefti i gaza 1968. v.12, no.6, p.44-47, map) In Russian. Title tr.: The geologic structure of the folded basement in the Shaim oil-bearing region of West Siberia and its connection with structures of the cover. Presents a map of the basement of this region whose geosynclinal structure according to age of folding and magmatism is typically Hercynian. The tectonic structure of the basement was formed in two stages, Silurian - early Devonian and late Paleozoic, and greatly affected the structures of the sedimentary cover. DLC. 105055 KULIKOV, P.K. 0 genezise struktur pokrovnogo kompleksa ZapadnoSibirskogo neftegazonosnogo basseyna. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.181, no.2, p.43032, map) 12 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: The genesis of structures of the cover complex of the West Siberian oil-gas-bearing basin. Presents a zonation of West Siberia according to types of structures of the Jurassic-Cretaceous-Paleogene cover complex, based on gravity and magnetic data. Genetic
and morphologic features of the structures are shown to have a significant influence on processes of oil and gas formation and therefore on the direction of prospecting DLC. work. 105056 KULIKOV, P.K. 0 proiskhozhdenii Zapadno-Sibirskogo sedimentatsionnogo basseyna i yego vnytrennikh struktur. (Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy 1970. Geologiya i razvedka no.3, p.3-10, illus) 32 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Origin of the West Siberian sedimentation basin and its internal structures. Discusses the origin of this basin in respect to the isostatic hypothesis of the development of the earth's crust. Four stages are recognized in the tectonic development of West Siberia; each is briefly characterized. The peculiar genesis of the West Siberian sedimentation regime imposed its stamp on the formation and development of its internal structures. These strucDLC. tures are briefly noted. 105057 KULIKOV, P.K. and B.S. POGORELOV. Stroyeniye fundamenta ZapadnoSibirskoy plity v Berezovskom gazonosnom rayone. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1969. no.11, Title Ira p.43-52, maps) 9 refs. In Russian. Structure of the basement of the West Siberian platform in the Berezovo gas-bearing region. The basement of the region is composed of Precambrian, Paleozoic and Triassic rocks of various composition. According to the age of folding and closing of geosynclinal magmatism, the basement is of Hercynian age and is part of the Ural folded system. The structural plan of the platformic Mesozoic-Cenozoic cover is inherited from the late Paleozoic tectonic stage. Effects of Triassic dislocations and deep faults on the formation of the platformic structure are DLC. also evident. 105058 KULIKOV, P.K. and M.YA. RUDKEVICH. Tektonika Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity. (In: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po tektonike Sibiri...Mezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p.244-47) In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonics of the West Siberian platform. Interprets the structure of this platform as the product of superimposition of younger structural elements on preexisting elements of the Urals-Tyan'shan fold belt. Many structural features of the Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary reflect older subsurface structures. Partial basification of crustal material and rift faulting in the Triassic were probably among the principal processes responsible for initiating development of structures that culminated in formation of a regional platform-type feature. DLC. 105059 KULIKOV, YU.G. Optimal'naya vysota nasypi dlya sokhraneniya grunta osno-
vaniya v merzlom sostoyanii. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1968. v.18, no.10, p.35-37, graphs, illus) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Optimum height of an embankment to keep the base in a frozen state. Uses analytic methods for estimating the depth of thawing in the base of an embankment constructed for railroad bed on permafrost. Cases of such thawing are observed under embankments up to 3-4 m high due to change in heat exchange resulting from disturbance of the vegetation cover, or because of evaporation, insolation, condensation, surface albedo, or due to the effects of surface and groundwater. Under certain assumptions, formulas are derived for optimal . heights of embankments composed of frozen ground, and composed of thawed ground. DLC. 105060 KULIKOV, W.S. and V.YE. MIL'SHTEYN. K voprosu o sootnoshenii verkhneproterozoyskikh i nizhnekembriyskikh otlozheniy na reke Yeniseye, v rayone ostrova Plakhinskogo, severneye goroda Igarki. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no. 15, p.117-21, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Relationship of the upper Proterozoic and Lower Cambrian deposits on the Yenisey River in the Plakhino Island region north of Igarka. Repoits a 1964-65 field study and collection of new stratigraphic material. The upper member of the upper Proterozoic deposits is temgenous-carbonate rock differing in lithologic composition from the over and underlying strata. It contains katagraphs, oncolites and plant microfossils characteristic of a VendianYudoma complex. Carbonate strata of the Lower Cambrian overlie these deposits. CaMAI, DLC. 105061 KULIKOV, YU.S. and B.I. LETOV. K voprosu o stratigraficheskom polozhenii medvezh'inskoy svity verkhnego proterozoya v Igarskom rayone. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no. 12, p.201-204, map) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The stratigraphic position of the Medvezh'inskaya suite of the upper Proterozoic in the Igarka region. Reviews cross-sections of this suite on both banks of the Yenisey in the Igarka region. It is found to consist of two stratigraphic horizons which differ in age, one attributed to the lower part of the upper Ludovskaya beds and the other to the upper part of the Gubinskaya beds. DLC. 105062 KULIKOV, YU.S. Karst i psevdokarst na severo-zapade Sredne-Sibirskogo ploskogor'ya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regio549
nal'naya geologiya no. 16, p.174-75) In Russian. Title tr.: Karst and pseudokarst in the northwest of the central Siberian upland. Karst and pseudokarst relief forms are prevalent in the carbonate rocks of the Yenisey, Severnaya, Nizhnyaya Tunguska, and Khantayka River basins, and are expressed as residual hilly relief forms. This should be taken into consideration in planning construction of oil and gas pipelines, roads, and other installaDLC. tions. 105063 KULIKOV, YU.S. and B.1. LETOV. Novyye dannyye o verkhneproterozoyskikh obrazovaniyakh Igarskogo rayons. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1970. v.162, no.2, p.192-209, graph, illus) 10 refs. In Title tr.: New data on Upper ProRussian. terozoic formations of the Igarka region. Reports data from a 1964-65 survey. The oldest Upper Proterozoic deposits of the Igarka region are represented by the Ludovskaya series, which is underlain at 1-2 km depth by the crystalline basement. This series is divided into two units on the basis of various microfossil plant associations. DLC. KULIKOV, YU.S., 104377,104378.
see also
Nos. 103168,
105064 KULINICH, L.YA. Dve novyye plagiostomidy (Turbellaria, Prolecithophora) iz Beringova morya. (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 1970. v.49, no.11, p.I614-23, illus) 5 refs. In Title tr.: Two Russian. English summary. new plagiostomids (Turbellaria, Prolecithophora) from the Bering Sea. Describes Plagiastomum providensiensis n sp, and Plagiostomum hedgpethi behringensis n ssp from Provideniya Bay, Bering Sea. P. providensiensis is closely related to the California species of which P. hedgpeothi behringensis is a subspecies. DLC. 105065 KULISH, YEA. Rezhim kisloroda v atmosfere Aldanskogo arkheya. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.191, no.4, p.921-23) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Oxygen regime of the Aldan Archean atmosphere. Reports a study of oxidation-reduction in Archean sediments based on 221 analyses of Fe20:,:Fe0 ratios. The presence of a high degree of Fe oxidation as compared with deeply buried magmatic rocks, wide variations in FeA:Fe0 ratios and evidence of photophiIons organisms indicate that in the Aldan region the Archean atmosphere contained impressive quantities of free oxygen. DLC. 105066 KULIYEV, A.M. and others. Podgotovka gaza k dal'nemu transportu v usloviyakh Kraynego Severa. (Gazovaya promyshlennost' 1969. v.14, no.11, p.17-19, 550
graphs, tables) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: R.M. Musayev, A.M. Rasulov and R.D. Novruzova. Title tr.: Preparation of gas for long-distance transportation under conditions of the Far North. Determines thickness of the layer of natural gas hydrates in pipelines of 500, 1200, and 2500 mm diam under negative ambient temperature to -60°C. The volume of the hydrate formed in the pipe at negative temperature is calculated and graphed for the 0 to -60°C temperature range. Experiments in the Tyumen gas fields indicate it unnecessary to dry the gas to the dew point temperature of negative 50-60°C; negative 25-30°C is sufficient for its normal transportation by the trunk pipelines. DLC. 105067 KUL'KOVA, 1.A. Pyl'tsa Pistillipollenites McGregorii Rouse, 1962 v eotsenovykh otlozheniyakh Yakutii, (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.182, no.6, p.I410-12, illus) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The pollen of Pismcgregorti Rouse 1962, in Eocene deposits of Yakutia. Reports a study of spore-pollen assemblages of Paleogene deposits on the shore of Tastakh Lake and other areas of the lower Indigirka. Spore-pollen assemblages of the Tastakh series are outlined, with attention directed to gen Pistillipollenites, first described in the Burrard formation in British Columbia. It indicates the connection and the extent of the Paleogene flora of Siberia and North America. DLC. KUL'KOVA, I.A., see also 102041, 102324, 103780.
Nos. 102039,
KULMALA, A., see No. 101611. 105068 KUMAI, M. and J.D. RUSSELL. Attenuation and backscattering of infrared radiation by ice fog and water fog. Hanover, N.H. 1969. 7 p. graphs, tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 264) Refs. Presents measurements of these effects in ice fog at Fairbanks, Alaska, which can cause extinction of the infrared beam in a guidance system. The minimum attenuation coefficients and backscattering functions of ice fog were found to be at 9.7p wavelength in six observed wavelengths from 2.21.t to 10.91. Calculations of the same parameters in water fog showed the minimum value to be 80p and within the same order of magnitude. Results are tabulated. CaMAI, DLC. 105069 KUMAI, M. Formation and reduction of ice fog. Hanover, N.H. 1969. 21 p. graphs, map, tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab. Research report no. 235) 3 refs.
Reports results of 1962-64 studies of the amount and extent of air pollution and ice fog in the Fairbanks, Alaska area, with special emphasis on reducing ice fog by decreasing the water vapor being emitted into the air, chiefly by Fort Wainwright and Eielson Air Force Base installations. The high aerosol concentration around Fairbanks is due primarily to the burning of low grade coal for heat and power. The some 350,000 kg water vapor emitted by such coal on a day when the temperature is -40°C, condenses on the aerosols and produces ice fog. Anthracite or semi-bituminous coal would reduce the vapor output to 1/5 of the amount produced by low grade coal. Water vapor from cooling ponds can be reduced by freezing their surfaces. CaMAI, DLC. 105070 KUMAI, M. Hexagonal and cubic ice at low temperatures. (Journal of glaciology 1968. v.7, no.49, p.95-108, graphs, tables, illus) Refs. French and German summaries. The formation of these forms of ice was studied by use of a cold stage in an electron microscope in the -90° to -180°C range. Ice crystal specimens were made on cold substrates, viz collodion film, gold foil, or copper grid on the specimen holder of the cold stage; and the hexagon found to form at -90° to -100°C. At -100°C to -130°C both hexagonal and cubic forms were detected, from 130° to -160°C only cubic, and below -160°C minute crystals of cubic ice. No transformation of the structural form of ice from hexagonal to cubic or cubic to hexagonal occurred when the temperature of the specimen varied in the range -90° to -160°C. The lattice constants of hexagonal and cubic ice, and the coefficient of thermal DLC. expansion of ice were calculated.
105072 KUMINOVA, A.V. Nekotoryye voprosy izucheniya rastitel'nogo pokrova v svyazi s rabotami po Mezhdunarodnoy Biologicheskoy programme. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Izvestiya 1968. no. 5. Ser. biologomeditsinskikh nauk no.1, p.9-13) In Russian. Title tr.: The study of vegetation in connection with the International Biological Program. To achieve biological progress a consistent, detailed study of the complex processes of biocenosis is advocated. The component structural and dynamic factors and their interactions as well as identification of species is mandatory to integrated ecology. Detailed maps of vegetative cover indicating further exploitation of zones for pastures, hayfields and tillage would lead to maximal use of the organic world. The above theoretic considerations should enter into the planning program in Siberia. DLC. 105073 KUMMEL, B. Ammonoids of the late Scythian, Lower Triassic. (Harvard Univ. Museum of Comparative Zoology. Bulletin 1969. v.137, no.3, p.311-701, graphs, map, tables, illus) 154 refs. The ammonoid fauna from the late Scythian Prohungarites zone consists of 65 genera and 154 species, the largest number of genera in the Tethyan region, only 30% as many occur in the Arctic. The Olenek and Kolyma Rivers, Svalbard, Ellesmere and northeastern British Columbia are among the 17 regions where ammonoid faunas are known. Nordophiceras pseudosimplex n sp from the Olenek basin is among the new taxa described in the systematic section of the report. Discussion and tabulated data on the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of these ammonoids are included. MH. KUNITSYN, L.F., see No. 103224. KUNREUTHER, H.C., see No. 106045.
Microspherules in 105071 KUMAI, M. snow and ice-fog crystals. Hanover, N.H. 1969. 10 p. graphs, tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab. Research report no.245) 29 refs. Reports results of electron microscope studies of spherules found in snow crystals from Greenland and ice-fog crystals and furnaceproduced fly ash fallout from Fairbanks Alaska. Fourteen spherules 0.1 - I.5ti in radius were found among the natural snow crystals; nine among ice-fog crystals. Spherules similar to those found in ice-fog residues were found in fly ash fallout. The study indicated that 110 million kwh /yr. There are no hydroelectric stations, no large thermal power stations; the predominant type is the diesel-powered station, with a smaller number powered by steam turbines. Rural electrification in this region started about 1950 with five small stations. In the following 15 yr, their number increased 28 times to 140 rural power stations in 1965, their capacity increased 69 times, their yearly production 117 times. Still, rural stations are but a minor part of Yakutia's power supply system. Authors point out the lack of centralization in power production and distribution, the relatively small size of each station (average capacity 26.5 kw), lack of adequate repair and maintenance bases, and dependence on high-cost importation of oil from great distances, as areas requiring substantial improvement. Heat is now provided mostly by coal and wood; modernization such as central heating and use of new types of fuel,
incl gas, requires changes in the planning and type of new settlements. Analysis is made of prospects for a more efficient organization of power and heat supply in several districts of northern Yakutia such as the upper. middle, and lower Kolyma, Bulun, Zhigansk, Indigirka, etc. DLC.
49 development wells were drilled. Oil production increased from 74,313,431 bbls in 1969 to 86,614,083 bbls in 1970, a 13% increase. Gas output rose 47% from 148,992,263 to 219,949,190 Mcf. DGS.
105339 LI, P.F. and others. Kontinental'nyye otlozheniya paleogena i neogena vostochnogo sklona Urala i Zaural'ya. (Leningrad. Vses. geologicheskiy inst. Trudy 1967. v.I44, p.143-57, illus) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.S. Pevzner and L.A. Panova. Title tr.: Continental Paleogene and Neogene deposits on the eastern slope of the Urals and Trans-Urals. Reviews results of recent investigations to determine individual stratigraphic units. Three Oligocene units are defined in the Paleogene. The Neogene is represented by the lower and middle Miocene Aralian series, the middle and upper Miocene Zhilanda series, and the Pliocene Kustanay series. Lithologic characteristics and spore and pollen assemblages of the various units are noted in particular. DLC.
LIBERMAN, V.M., see No. 105119.
LIBBY, W.F., see No. 103338,
105342 LICHTI-FEDEROVICH, S. and J.C. RITCHIE. Contemporary pollen spectra in central Canada; 2, the forest-grassland transition in Manitoba. (Pollen et spores 1965. v.7, no.1, p.63-87, maps, tables. illus) 30 refs. French summary. Analyses of some 70 atmospheric and lake sediment pollen and spore samples confirm the possibility that distinct landform-vegetation regions can be characterized in terms of pollen spectra and permit a direct comparison of contemporary with late Pleistocene spectra. One station was in the main boreal forest - lowlands type in the Hudson Bay Lowland, and seven were in the upland type, north and west of Lake Winnipeg. DGS.
LI, H., see No. 106275. 105340 LI, Y.H. and others.
Degree of saturation of CaCO, in the oceans. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.23. p.5507-25, graphs. map. tables) Refs Other authors: T. Takahashi and W.S. Broecker. Measures the partial pressure of Co, gas and the total content of dissolved inorganic CO., in seawater, calculating the saturation degree of CaCO, in the Pacific and Atlantic. The marked decrease of the CaCO, content in the bottom sediments at depths >3500 m in the Pacific and 4500 m in the Atlantic appears to reflect a transition of the seawater from saturation to undersaturation with respect to calcite. The distribution of pCO3 at the in-situ temperature and I bar total pressure in the Atlantic and Pacific, and in the Arctic Ocean is given as a function of depth. DLC.
LI, YU. A., see No. 101657. 105341 LIAN, E.B. Developments in Alaska in 1970. (American Assoc of Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin 1971. v.55. no.7. p.943-57. tables, illus) Approx 190 refs. Most significant development was the start of a statewide exploration decline brought about by the Federal land grant freeze and the delay in building the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Forecast outlook is for a decline in exploratory drilling and geophysical activity until the foregoing problems are settled. Only 28 wildcat wells were drilled. Geophysical activity remained about the same at 128 crew-months and surface geology crew-months at 46. Only
105343 LID, J. Blomsterboka. Oslo. Norske Samlaget 1966. 199 p. illus. In Norwegian. Title tr.: The flower book. Presents system of plant identification by use of dichotomous key, common and scientific names, illustrations, and brief description for plant family recognition. Intended for use in the 9-grade school. Instructive generally, the flora is described and illus with line drawings on facing pages. Some 350 species are treated, incl spore plants, flowering forms, trees, fungi, algae and lichens. Latin names indexes are DLC. appended. 105344 LID, J. Synedria of twenty vascular plants from Svalbard. (Botanische Jahrbticher rtir Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte and Pflanzengeographie 1967. v.86. p.481-93. tables) 5 refs. German summary. During the 1924 Norwegian Spitsbergen expedition sample squares were selected on the basis of a single species and the plant and animal associations (synedria) were analyzed. In the plant aspect of the synedria, bryophyte and lichen representations are incomplete. For each of the 20 species selected for study. the identified associates are tabulated by squares whose geographic locations are recorded. Species range from ten to more than fifty within the synedria. DLC. 105345 LIDEGAARD, M.
Det gadder Gronland. Kobenhavn. Schultz 1968. 241 p. Title graphs, maps, tables. Refs. In Danish. tr.: It concerns Greenland. Presents a broad orientation in the problem
of the Denmark-Greenland association. Its history is reviewed. The public institutions, technical development, occupations and economy, and the people of Greenland are described. with attention directed to features which hamper the integration of this former colonial people into the advanced European society of Denmark, and which affect Greenland's wellbeing and future. The limitations of the Greenlandic language is discussed as a handicap to Greenlanders for participation in Danish life. DLC. 105346 LIDEGAARD, M. Gronlandske portraetter. (Gronland 1967. no.5, p.I57-65; Title tr.: no.I 2, p.399-406) In Danish. Greenland portraits. Biographical sketch of Arnarsak, a Greenland woman, who aided Poul Egede in missionary work at Christianshab in 1736-40, and in the translation of the Bible which has influenced development of Greenlandic. Arnarsak visited Denmark in 1740-41 and continued missionary work in various places in Greenland for several decades. The last contemporary reference to her was in 1788. The second article deals with Frederik Bertelsen 1750-1828, an untrained missionary worker, son of a Danish father and an Eskimo mother, who lived as a Greenlander. He contributed to the maintenance of orthodoxy and order during outbreaks of religious hysteria and, in 1815. he CaMAI, DLC. was ordained priest. Hans Hendrik 105347 LIDEGAARD, M. fra Fiskenaesset. (Gamland 1968. no.8, Title tr.: Hans p.249-56, illus) In Danish. Hendrik from Fiskenaesset. Biographical sketch of this West Greenland Eskimo, 1834-89, noting his role in the expeditions Kane 1853-54, Hayes 1860-61, Hall 187173, and Nares in 1875-76. Includes quotations from Hendrik's reminiscences as translated into CaMAI, DLC. Danish by Rink, No 14616. 105348 LIDEN, K. Radionuklidackum uleringen i lay- och mossvegetation samt naringskedjan lav-ren-manniska. (Suomen kemistilehti 1966. v.39, no.2A, p.18-28, graphs, Title tr.: map, table) Refs. In Swedish. Accumulation of radionuclides in lichens and mosses in the food chain lichen-reindeer-man. Reports on study of cesium levels in the atmosphere, especially 1961-64, in precipitation, in vegetation from the reindeer ranges of northern Fennoscandia, and the level of contamination in Lappish men in arctic Norway and Sweden. Other chemical components and their radiation levels are also graphed. Fe-55 studies are considered separately and compared to Cs-I37 in reindeer blood and meat. Natural dosages of radioactivity are compared as to somatic/biologic effects with the condi594
tions resulting from testing of nuclear weapons. DLC. Unter der 105349 LIDMAN, H.G.O. Mitternachtssonne. Stuttgart, Verlag Fritz Title Ifland 1968. 176 p. illus. In German. tr.: Under the midnight sun. Describes experiences while sport fishing for brown trout, cod, salmon, and other large fish in waters of arctic Fennoscandia. DLC. 105350 LIE, U. Variations in the quantity of zooplankton and the propagation of Calanus finmarchicus at Station "M" in the Norwegian Sea 1959-1966. (Norway. Fiskeridirektoratet. Skrifter, Ser. havundersokelser 1968. v.14, no.3, p.121-28, graphs) 14refs. Reports study of 805 plankton samples collected by personnel of Polarfront I and Polarfront II at this weather-ship station in the core of the North Atlantic Current, Jan 1959-Sept 1966 fi-om 25-0, 100-0 and 600-100 m depths. Monthly mean volumes of zooplankton, their averages and density in the different depth layers, and percentage distribution of males. females, and copepodite stages I-V of Calanus finmarchicus are illus. Large seasonal and annual variations occurred in zooplankton volumes from the 100-0 m layer, but those from the 600-100 m layer were fairly constant. Zooplankton densities were very small in the 600100 m layer, but the 100-25 and 25-0 m layers showed dense, concentrations during Apr-Aug. C. finmarchicus spawned in Apr and a second spawning of minor importance occurred JulySept. DI. 105351 LIED, F. Erfaringer of fremtidsperspektiver i vart romforskningsprogram. (Naturen 1969. v.93, no.4, p.195-207, map, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Experiences and future perspectives in our space research program. Reviews Norway's place in the development and operation of space research. Northern Norway is well located for study of auroras. The main auroral instrument station is at Tromso. The rocket launching site on Andoya, and telemetric stations at Tromso and at Ny Alesund on Svalbard are also noted. Plans for international cooperation are briefly stated. DGS. 105352 LIESTOL, 0. Bremalinger i 1967. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969. p.183-90, maps. tables, graphs) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Glacier measurements in 1967. Reports Norsk Polarinstitutt mass balance measurements in 1966-67 on Storbreen, Hardangerjokulen and Store Supphellebre in southern Norway and Austre Broggerbreane in Spitsbergen. Measurements on ten glaciers by
Norges Vassdrags- og Elektrisitetsvesen are included in one table. Ice front variations as measured for 13 glaciers showed eight of them receding and five advancing. CaMAI, DLC. 105353 LIESTOL, 0. Bremalinger i Norge i 1966. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1966 pub 1968. p.132-37, graphs, maps. table) In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Glacier measurements in Norway in 1966. 1965-66 measurements on Storbreen showed a negative balance of 61 g/cm': accumulation 125 g/cm=, ablation 186 g/cm2. The corresponding figures for Hardangerjekulen were 64 g/cm=, 160 g/cm=, and 224 g/cm2. In both cases accumulation is below normal and ablation above normal. Mass balance data are tabulated for 11 glaciers, incl those two, all with a negative balance. Ice front variations are shown for ten glaciers of which seven are in retreat. CaMAI, DLC. 105354 LIESTOL, 0. Glacier surges in West Spitsbergen. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.4, pt.2, p.895-97, graphs, illus) 2 refs. Surges constitute a common form of glacier advance in Spitsbergen. Ten of the best documented surges are noted. Negri Glacier in inner Storfjord advanced approx 12 km in 1935-36. Observations on Finsterwalder Glacier in Bellsund indicate that the ice flow is too small to maintain a steady-state slope; at intervals of the order of 100 yr, the glacier will balance this build-up by surging. A sheet of refrozen meltwater in front of a small surging glacier in Dickson Valley is possibly generated by a surge. CaMAI, DGS. 105355 LIESTOL, 0. Storbreen glacier in Jotunheimen, Norway. Oslo 1967. 63 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Skrifter no.141) 33refs. Reviews his work on this glacier in central Norway during 1949-65. The mean accumulation was 136 g/cm2, mean ablation 168 g/cm2, thus the budget -32 g/cm'. An attempt to calculate the mass balance for earlier years from meteorological station records is in good agreement with calculations from photogrammetric maps. The estimated volume change for the period 1936-51 is -914 g/cm" as against -870 g/cm= measured on the maps. Summer 1955 observations show that radiation accounted for 54%, convection 32% and condensation 14% of the ablation. A map showing the height of the firnline in Jotunheimen and south Norway and a brief account of velocity measurements are included. Final chapter deals with sediment load measurements, which the results show depending to a high degree on the discharge
during the preceding day and on the time of day and year that the measurements are taken. CaMAI, DLC. 105356 LIKENS, G.E. and P.L. JOHNSON. Limnological reconnaissance in interior Alaska. Hanover, N.H. 1968. 41 p. graphs, map, tables. illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab. Research report no.239) 47 refs. Reports 1964-65 chemical, physical and biological measurements in about 40 lakes and other aquatic environments (creeks, rivers, springs) mainly in the Tanana and Yukon drainages. Lake waters generally were very alkaline with Ca, Mg, Na and bicarbonate ions dominant; sulfate and Mg concentrations in several lakes were over the limit for potable water. Lakes in the Arctic Ocean drainage gave lower Ca, Mg, K and bicarbonate values, but higher Na and chloride values. In - unfrozen lakes a considerable net amount of heat flows from the water to the underlying sediments annually. There was wide variation in light penetration (extinction coefficients of 0.46/m 3.57/m). A relatively high carbon fixation rate (764 mg C/m '/day) was measured in C-I4 experiments. Nutrients are inferred to be the probable limiting factor for primary production in these lakes. CaMAI, DLC. 105357 LIKENS, G.E. and P.L. JOHNSON. Measurements of background radiation in aquatic habitats in Alaska. (In: Symposium on radioecology 1967 pub 1969. Proceedings, p.319-28, map, tables,, illus) 21 refs. Measurements of ionizing radiation, made during 1965 in 9 lakes, three rivers, one hot springs area and adjacent substrates in Alaska, indicated that the background • radiation in these habitats varied greatly. The lakes were characterized by a small amount of ionizing radiation at mid-depths and increasing quantities near the air and sediment boundaries. Moreover, the radioactivity of the sediments near shore was up to 3.2 times as high as the sediment values near the center. This pattern of background radiation has been relatively consistent in natural lakes of diverse geographic areas; hence, a model for background radiation in freshwater lakes is proposed. Variations in this model were a function of local differences in geologic substrates and input of allochthonous materials. The radioactivity from sediments in ponds of the Arctic tundra was due to naturally occurring radionuclides. DN LM. 105358 LIKHACHEV, A.P. and YU.A. BRAUER. 0 termicheskoy ustoychivosti pentlandita. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.186, no.5, p.I160-62, table) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Thermal stability of pentlandite. 595
Discusses a study of samples from the Norilsk and Talnakh regions, in which pentlandite changes to new compounds of iron, nickel and sulfur at 250-300°C. Heat tests by DLC. others have given similar results. and A.P. nakhodka dolednikovykh kaolinovykh glin na Kol'skom poluostrove. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1969. no.9, p.116-20, graphs, tables, illus) 10 refs. In Title tr.: A new discovery of Russian preglacial kaolin clays in Kola Peninsula. Reports the 1967 discovery under Quaternary glacial deposits in Luyavrurt (Lovozerskiye Tundry) of kaolin clays attributed to weathering. Their composition, mode of occurrence, grain size, heat tests and chemical composition are analyzed. These clays can be used in making ceramics and may be significant in DLC. the search for ancient placers.
LIKHACHEV, AS., see also No. 101639. 105360 LIKHACHEV, M.A. 0 vliyanii magnitnogo polya na dolgotnoye raspredeleniye srednegodovoy kharakteristiki ionizatsii sloya F2. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1970. v.I0, no.2, p.338-40, graph. table) 2 refs. Title tr.: Influence of the magIn Russian. netic field on the longitudinal distribution of the mean annual characteristic of Fl-layer ionization. Analyzes the characteristics of the distribution using critical frequency values of F2,,,, ionospheric layer, recorded at 18 stations, incl Ft Churchill, Lycksele, and Provideniye Bay for 1957-67. The mean level of ionization at the max F2 layer at the same geographic latitude is found to be lower at the stations closest to the north magnetic pole. The magnitude of this effect depends on the mean annual level of DLC. solar activity. 105361 LIKHANOV, B.N. Prirodnyye (In: Geousloviya Turukhanskogo kraya. grafiya i geomorfologiya Azii 1969. p.21-44, Title tr.: map, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Natural features of the Turukhansk area. The main natural subdivisions of this region are the forest tundra in the north and the northern and central taiga. The influence of geologic, geomorphic and climatic factors on the formation of natural processes is reviewed. Describes the vegetation and defines 16 physiographic regions within the West Siberian lowDLC. land and plateau. LIKHODED, V.A., see No. 102634. LILLESTRAND, R.L., see No. 108372. 105362 LIMANOV, YU. 596
and others.
Issiedovaniye metodom modelirovaniya proyavleniya gornogo davleniya na podzemnyye gidrotekhnicheskiye sooruzheniya, raspolozhennyyc v vechnomerzlykh gornykh porodakh. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1971. v.41, no.10, p.18-22, graphs) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: G.Ya. Gevirts and D.M. Golitsynskiy. Title tr.: Model study of rock pressure effect on underground hydrotechnical construction in permafrost rock. Investigates the behavior of permafrost rock thawed over a tunnel, by means of a model, its materials equivalent to the natural layers of the permafrost rock. The method proposed gives a sufficient degree of similitude to the actual processes. Rock pressure value and deformation in the thaw zone are found to depend on the depth of the zone, degree of jointing in the rock, the volume of ground ice or icy material filling the jointing and cementing the blocks of the rock massif, and on the size of the tunnel cross-section. Diagrams are given of rock pressure value against the variation of these parameters. Crystalline calcium chloride (CaCI.z6H..0) or its mixture with other materials is suggested to simulate ice in DLC. the model.
LIMANOVSKIY, YE.I., see No. 104660. Forste ars teaterundervisning i Norges nordligste ungdomsskole (Norsk skoaysluttet med kjempeflott revy. leblad 1967. v.31, no.27, p.I067, illus) In NorTitle tr.: The first year's course in wegian. theatrical education in Norway's northernmost junior high school closes with a spectacular revue. Notes the success of the course in theatrical training, new to the area. It included acting, DLC. production, scenery, etc.
105363 LIND, A.S.
LIND, E.N., see No. 103360. 105364 LIND, P. Sverige i Canada. (Jorden runt 1969. v.4I, no.I2, p.925-29, illus) Title tr.: Sweden in Canada. In Swedish. Reviews Swedish connections and interests in Canada from Viking activities to modern industrial development. Included are two photos of the Viking settlement site at L'Anse au Meadow on Cape Bauld, Newfoundland, and comments on a plan to erect a Canadian historDLC. ical monument at the site. 105365 LINDBERG, K. and B. RING. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Flora des Njuonjevare-Gebietes, Tome Lappmark, Nordschwe(Botaniska notiser 1969. v.I22, no.2, den. p.284-93, maps, illus) 19 refs. In German. EngTitle tr.: Contribution to the lish summary. knowledge of the flora of the Njuonjesvare district, Tome Lappmark, northern Sweden.
Reports on 1963 and 1965 investigation of vascular plants in an area northwest of Lake Tornetrask. incl Mt Njuonjesvare at 1140 m elevation, and its environs. The vegetation in alpine and subalpine areas is summarized, with localities listed for some species. The only known occurrence in the area of Calluna vulgaris is noted. DLC.
105366 LINDHE, U. Undersokning av parlugglans Aegolius funereus bytesval i SV Lappland. (V& fagelvarld 1966. v.25, no.1, p.40-48, graphs, map, table, illus) Refs. In SweTitle tr.: An investidish. English summary. gation of the choice of prey of Tengmalm's owl in southwest Lapland. Reports a 1964 study of eight nesting sites along the Ume valley in Lycksele Lappmark. The remains of kills collected represented the period from the beginning of incubation to departure of the young. They were mostly rodents but included some birds; percentage of the various species differed from place to place. All the significant species are identified, the rodent determinations based on the jaw, the DLC. birds on claws and bill. 105367 LINDHOLM, A. and F. SVARTHOLM Epiphyseal destruction following (Archives of environmental health frostbite. 1968. v.17, no.4, p.681-84, illus) 12 refs. Describes three cases of epiphyseal destruction 12-18 mo after frostbite of the fingers, in 2-1/2. 6 and I 2-yr old children. Subsequently all had no discomfort and showed no or only slight intolerance to cold. In contrast to the effects of frostbite in fingers of adults, there is no local sweating, jiaraesthesia, pain or espeDLC. cially vulnerable skin.
105368 LINDHOLM, A. and S. LANTTO. Hydatid disease in northern Sweden. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4. p.685-88, graphs) 10 refs. Describes the methods and discusses the results of fall 1966 and spring 1967 investigations in a mainly Lappish reindeer-breeding community in the district of some 48,000 people served by the Gtillivare hospital. Intracutaneous sensitivity (Casoni) tests were made on 260 of the approx 1300 Lapps, and most reacting cases were given the complement fixation test. X-ray examination of chest and abdomen was made in certain cases, and special angiographic examinations of others. Only 13 cases of hydatid disease were diagnosed during a decade and 16 cases are known among the non-reindeer-breeding population. Therefore, a high incidence of positive Casoni tests indicates that some are false. It is important to read them after 24 hr and up to seven days later. There appears to be no increase in prevalence of the disease with age. The Casoni test seems
to be a useful screening method, but in a suspected case, all diagnostic methods available should be used. DLC.
105369 LINDSAY, D.G. Ice distribution (In: Ice in the Queen Elizabeth Islands. seminar...1969, p.45-60, graphs, maps, tables) 65 ref's. Introduces the description of ice conditions with notes on the need for interpretation of air temperature and ice thickness curves, and of the relationship between ice thickness and the generalized navigation seasons for certain areas in these waters; gives a general description of the bearing strength of ice, with curves derived from the Zubov, 1943, equation, and outlines the possible sources of error in curves based on measurements recorded close to shore in small and sheltered bays such as Cambridge Bay, Mould Bay, Resolute Bay, Arctic Bay. Eureka, Isachsen and Alert. The most important conclusion which can be drawn from the data of the 1961-68 Polar Continental Shelf Project, and older published sources, is the extreme seasonal variation. Ice years are classified as good. bad or average; a detailed account of the breakup and movement, and the extent of open water is given for each ice year type. The breakup, movement and freeze-up of ice in Lancaster Sound, Barrow Strait, Wellington Channel, Viscount Melville, Jones and Eureka Sounds and Norwegian Bay are then described in detail, accompanied by tabulated data on area in km2 of ice imported, exported. ablated or formed during summer 1966. DGS. LINDSAY, D.C., see also No. 108497. LINDSEY, C.C., see No. 105561. 105370 LINDSTROM, T.
Char and whitefish recruitment in north Swedish lake reservoirs. (Drottningholm. Sweden. Statens undersokning.s- och forsoksanstalt for sotvattensfisket. Reports 1965. no.46, p.124-40. graphs. tables) 49 ref's. Discusses recruitment models for storage type lake reservoirs from inferential evidence. Year-class abundance estimates are offered with evaluation of sources of error due to lack of knowledge of life histories and estimates of young-fish abundance and of abundance of exploited size categories. Recruitment estimates for Lakes Kultsjon and Jormsjon in Sweden and Limingen in Norway are included. DLC.
105371 LINDSTROM, T. Infer skordetrosksasongen. (Norrbottens lantmannablad 1964. no.5, p.123-25. illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: In the grain-threshing season. Credits the recently increased acreage of grain in Norrbotten county. Sweden, to the
spreading practice of mechanically drying the grain. This is generally a cooperative activity among neighboring farmers, and cold air is used. Warm-air drying is done at the larger installations. Costs and machine maintenance are briefly outlined. Local leaders and opportunities for instruction and discussion are noted. DLC. 105372 LINDSTROM, T. On the importance of growth and spawning-site ecology of whitefish (Coregonus) for the survival of the young. (Drottningholm, Sweden. Statens undersOknings- och FOrsoksanstalt For sotvattensfisket. Reports 1967. no.47, p.I28-46, graphs, map, tables) 28 refs. Discusses the interspecific differences, which depend on either selective or interactive segregation, between populations of Coregonus lavaretus, C. pidschian, C. peled and/or C. nasus which occur together (sympatric) in lakes and streams of the Skellefte and Ume River systems in northern Sweden. Intraspecific genetic differentiation between allopatric populations is also dealt with. Data on growth parameters and size at maturity are given and DLC. spawning-site segregation discussed. 105373 LINDSTROM, T. Planlaggning ffir ensilering, pt 1. (Norrbottens lantmannablad 1964. no.2, pt.36-38, table, illus) In Title tr.: Planning for ensilage, pt Swedish. I. Considers sizes, types and capacity of silos for ensilaging hay for winter use as green fodder in northernmost Sweden. Vertical round and horizontal rectangular types are evaluated; the carrying capacity of the farm is correlated with the economic size of the silo. Tabulated data correlate size and capacity of round silos to number of cattle to be fed. Pt 2-3 of the study deal with nonarctic areas. DLC. 105374 LINDSTROM, R.D. Gas-turbine (Oil and gas journal engines in the Arctic. 1970. v.68. no.8, p.101-107, illus) Discusses installation, preventive maintenance in the field, and operation of gas-turbine power plants. widely used in Cook Inlet, the North Slope and at Barrow, Alaska, and in northern Canada. Such an engine has a higher maximum continuous horsepower output when inlet air is cold and dense, than when at a higher temperature. The engine has a generally easy start-up and acceptance of full load without a warm-up period. The power plant has a light-weight compact size and relatively vibration-free operation. DG S.
(Canadian ascents and various expeditions. alpine journal 1968. v.51, p.213-16) Lists three peaks climbed in the St Elias Mountains Icefield Ranges, seven on Baffin Island. etc. Most were first ascents. taking place DG S. in July-Aug 1967. 105376 LIN'KOVA, T.I. 0 polozhenii zany obratnoy magnitnoy polyarnosti v glubo(Geologiya i geofikovodnykh osadkakh. zika 1969. no.3, p.l 17-21, graphs. table) 6 refs. Title tr.: PosiIn Russian. English summary. tion of a zone of reversed magnetization in deep-sea sediments. Presents results of a paleomagnetic investigation of Pliocene-Pleistocene bottom sediments in the Arctic Ocean, the Laptev. East Siberian, and Chukchi Seas and elsewhere in the earth's oceans. The distribution of the reversed magnetization zone is noted. The age DLC. of its upper boundary is 0.7 MY. LIN'KOVA, T.l., see also No. 103361. 105377 LINNMAN, N. Nagra skalbaggsfynd. (Entomologisk tidskrift 1965. v.86, no.I-2. p.24-27) In Swedish. Title tr.: Some beetle finds. Reports new Swedish finds representing additions to the 1960 catalog of Coleoptera. Scientific name, date and place of find, and site characteristics are given. A score or more of these species were observed in Swedish LapDLC. land. 105378 LIPKOV, L.Z. Osobennosti interpretatsii aeromagnitnykh dannykh v oblastyakh sploshnogo razvitiya effuzivnykh trappov: na primere basseyna ozera Dyupkun. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski. Regional'naya geologiya 1970. no.18. p.129-34, map. illus) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of the interpretation of aeromagnetic data in areas of continuous development of effusive traps, as exemplified by the Dyupkun Lake basin. Clarifies the anomalous magnetic field in the middle part of this basin in north-central Krasnoyarsk Province. There is a positive anomaly in its eastern part and a gradual increase level of stress from northwest to southeast. The essential feature of interpreting the magnetic field in conditions of trap development is to correlate it with the tectonic strucCaMAI, DLC. ture of the region. LIPKOV, L.Z., see also No. 107527. LIPOVKA, A.V., see No. 104812.
LI N DT-M U EH LEM A N N, C., see 106691.
105375 LINKE, D.G. New (Canadian) 598
Puti dal'neyshego raz105379 LIPP, 1.1. vitiya serskogo i promyslovogo khozyaystva narodnostey Severa. (In: Problemy razi-
tiya...Magadanskoy oblasti 1969. v.3, p.86-91. table) In Russian. Title tr.: Direction of future development in agriculture, hunting and fishing of the peoples of the North. Describes and tabulates the 1954-66 income of the 35 kolkhozcs and nine reindeer sovkhozes employing most of the Chukchi, Eskimo, Lamut Tungus, and Koryak population of Magadan Province. All the sovkhozcs and 25 of the kolkhozes are in the Chukchi National District. Reindeer husbandry, by far the most profitable industry in the Province, accounted for 61% of kolkhoz-sovkhoz income in 1966, fisheries 3-4 km depth, a refractive boundary velocity of 6.5-66.5 km/sec was traced. At 8-10 km depth the seismic boundary velocity was 6.8 - 6.9 km/sec. The Moho surface was found at 30-32 km depth. DLC. I.S. 105391 LITVINENKO, I.V. and LENINA. Nekotoryye rezul'taty izucheniya seysmorazvedkoy glubinnogo stroyeniya Pechengskoy struktury. (In: Geologiya i glubinnoye stroyeniye...Baltiyskogo shchita. 1968. p.139-47, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some results of a seismic survey investigation of the deep structure of the Pechenga structure. Comparison of seismic sections and structural schemes reveals the existence of a complicated trough, filled with effusive-sedimentary formations of the Pechenga series, All sections throughout the Pechenga structure have a imbricate structure. Tectonic disturbances are DLC. characterized. 105392 LITVINENKO, I.V. 0 nekotorykh rezul'tatakh izucheniya glubinnykh razrezov zemnoy kory razlichnykh strukturnofatsial'nykh zon Kol'skogo poluostrova i Karelii. (In: Geologiya i glubinnoye stroyeniye...Baltiyskogo shchita. 1968. p.185-90.
Title tr.: Results of illus) 9 refs. In Russian. investigation of deep crustal sections of various structural facies zones in the Kola Peninsula and Karelia. Distinguishes two types of seismic boundaries in geophysical logging profiles across northern Karelia and the Kola Peninsula. The first type generally occurs at depth intervals of 10-15 and 30-40 km and reflects a layered crustal structure. The second-type boundary is steeply dipping and occurs at depths below 10 km. The structure of the crust clearly reflects faulting in the upper part. Below the Proterozoic volcanic rocks at depth in the faulted crustal blocks. seismic velocities indicate the presence of DLC. Archean granites.
105395 LITVINOV, A.YA. Skarnirovaniye i amfibolizatsiya vo vmeshchayushchey tolshche Olenegorskogo mestorozhdeniya zhe(Sovetskaya geologiya lezistykh kvartsitov. 1970. v.13. no.5, p.55-68, graph, tables, illus) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Skarning and amphibolization in country rocks of the Olenegorsk ferruginous quartzite deposits. Describes the zones of skarn and amphibolite production in these deposits. These rocks have mainly pyroxenite composition and are the end products of metasomatic alteration of biotite gneisses. Metasomatic processes in country rocks took place under the effects of heat of intrusion. The mechanism of metasomatic change of the initial biotite gneisses is discussed. DLC.
105396 LITVINOV, V. Budnichnoye 105393 LITVINENKO, I.V.
Osobennosti glubinnogo razreza zemnoy kory severo-zapadnoy chasti Kol'skogo poluostrova i yuzhnoy chasti Barentseva morya. (In: Geologiya i glubinnoye stroyeniye...Baltiyskogo shchita. 1968. p.90-95) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of a deep section of the earth's crust in the northwestern part of Kola Peninsula and the southern part of Barents Sea. Along a regional profile >350 km in the sea and 200 km on the peninsula toward the Pechenga River — Lovno Lake — Pados Tundra, a section of the crust was investigated by deep seismic soundings. Two blocks are distinguished, each dividing into small blocks. On land, in addition to the Moho surface, seismic boundaries are distinguished at 3-8. 10-15. and 20-25 km depths. DLC.
LITVINENKO, Ni, see No. 104973. 105394 LITVINOV, A.YA. Opredeleniye summarnoy vlazhnosti tolstoshlirovykh merzlykh gruntov v pole. (Osnovaniya. fundamenty i mekhanika gruntov 1966. v.8, no.3. p.18-19, graph) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Determination of total water content of frozen grounds with macrolayers of ice. Presents recommendations for determining the weight ratio of water (ice, liquid water, and water vapor) to the dry weight, in frozen ground with ice layers >10 mm and 5-10 mm thick, and with grid-like structure and an ice grid of >10 cm mesh diam. A formula is derives for the total moisture of the ground in % from ice-volume inclusion, % water content between ice layers, and the porosity coefficient according to that of permafrost foams and sandy foams found in Yakutia, Jurassic siltstones in the Chita region, and dusty loarns along the lower Yenisey. The use of this formula for large-mesh grid in cryogenic ground structures is explained. DLC.
bogatyrstvo: k 50-letiyu Semena Danilova. (Sibirskiye ogni 1967. v.46, no.4. p.164-66) In Russian. Title tr.: Everyday heroism: Semen Danilov 50 years old. Reviews the work of this contemporary Yakut poet. Noted, in particular. is his recurrent theme of the nameless rank-and-file labor hero likened to the legendary heroes of ancient DLC. Yakut olonkho ballads.
105397 LITVINOV, V. Mir sovremennika, prozvuchayshiy stikhami: k pyatidesyatiletiyu Semena Danilova. (Polyarnaya zvezda 1967. no.2. p.94-97. illus) In Russian. Title tr.: World of its witness echoed in verse: Semen Danilov 50 years old. Reviews the literary works of this Yakut lyric poet. stressing their traditional and patriotic character. Major milestones of his life are noted and his autobiographical poem "Encounter with conscience" appended, p 98109. DLC. 105398 LIVING WILDERNESS. TransAlaska oil pipeline. (Its: v.33. 1969. no.107. p.34-35) Reports 12 questions raised by S.M. Brandborg, executive director of the Wilderness Society, in a 16 Oct 1969 statement to the US. Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs concerning the Secretary of the Interior's request for a modification of the land freeze order in Alaska. Public Order No 4582. The questions relate to the need for scientific research, adequate planning. controls and policing to avoid environmental degradation. and for rational development of Alaska's natural resources, including scenic. DI. wildlife and wilderness resources. 105399 LIVINGSTONE, F.C. New hovercraft. (Military engineer 1968. v.60. no.398, p.426-28. illus) Describes some of the features of a series of 601
GEM (Ground-effect machines), the SR-N4. SR-N5. SR-N6 and SR-N7. Arctic tests of the SR-N6 in Canada and Finland are noted. DGS. 105400 LIVSHITS, L.S. and A.S. RAKHTrebovaniya k svoystvam staley MANOV. (Stroitel'stvo gazo- i nefteprovodnykh trub. truboprovodov 1971. v.16, no.5, p.16-I8, tables) Title tr.: Requirements in 3 refs. In Russian. the properties of steel for gas- and oil-pipeline. Discusses the requirements in pipe to withstand operating conditions underground at -10°C. and above ground to -60°C. Data arc given on shock viscosity of 13 brands of steel pipe from 520 mm diam and 7 mm wall thickness to 1420 mm diam and 19 mm wall thickness. under 55. 64. and 75 kg/cm' pressure. The shock-viscosity of indexes tabulated enable the conditions of pipe breakdown to be determined, and operation of the pipeline to be kept DLC. within the safety limits indicated. LIVSHITS, LS., see also No. 104390. Paleogeno105401 LIVSHITS, YU.YA. vyye otlozheniya Zemli Nordenshel'da: Zapad(In: Leningrad. N.-issl. nyy Shpitsbergen. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy pc) geologii Shpitsbergena 1965. p.I85-208. graph. map. Title tr.: tables, illus) 21 refs. In Russian. Paleogene deposits of Nordenskiiild Land. Spitsbergen. Presents stratigraphic schemes of these Lower Tertiary beds in the central part of the island as worked out by others and from own 1962-64 fieldwork between Isfjorden and Van Keulenljorden. Paleogene and Eocene deposits are described, a new map presented and sections correlated. From preliminary study of the fossils, especially molluscs, some changes are made in the stratigraphy. Cyclic sedimentation is noted and discussed. Oil and gas possibilities DGS. are mentioned. Tek ton ika 105402 LIVSHITS, YU.YA. tsentral'noy chasti Zapadnogo Shpitsbergena. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po geologii Shpitsbergena 1965. Title p.55-70, map. illus) 23 refs. In Russian. tr.: Tectonics of the central part of Spitsbergen. Reviews the development of the MesozoicCenozoic deposits between Isfjorden and Van Keulenfjorden in the area of Nordenskiold Land and western Nathorst Land. A tectonic scheme of the central part of the island is presented and interpreted with special attention directed to faulting and development of folds. DLC. Tretichnyye 105403 LIVSHITS, YU.YA. otlozheniya zapadnoy chasti Ark hipelaga (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. Shpitsbergen. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po stratigrafii Shpitsbergena 1967. p.I85-204. graphs. maps. 602
tables, illus) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tertiary deposits in the western part of the Svalbard archipelago. Describes the Tertiary deposits of Prins Karls Forland and Cape Renardodden. Five series. together more than 1500m thick, are distinguished on the island, and near the cape two series more than 400 m thick. From the flora and spore-pollen assemblages. the Tertiary beds on Prins Karl are considered Eocene (possibly Oligocene). and near Renardodden, Oligocene-Miocene(?). DGS. LIVSHITS, YU.YA., see also 103420, 107438, 108070.
Nos. 102698,
105404 LIZINSKIY, M.D. Skorost' rasprostraneniya prodol'nykh uprugikh voln v osadochno-vulkanogennykh i metamorficheskikh porodakh Pechengskogo rayona vblizi dnevnoy poverkhnosti. (In: Geologiya i glubinnoye stroyeniye...Baltiyskogo shchita. 1968. p.I26-29) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Velocity of propagation of longitudinal elastic waves in near-surface sedimentary-volcanic and metamorphic rocks of the Pechenga region. Discusses and tabulates velocity values obtained for rocks of the Precambrian Pechenga formation based on data from hand specimens and borings. Significant velocity changes were found at the boundaries and within the formation. These serve as a basis for seismic zonation of the section. DLC. 105405 LLIBOUTRY, L. Contribution a la theorie des ondes glaciaires. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6. no.4. pt.2, p.943-53. graphs. table. illus) 20 refs. In French. Title tr.: Contribution to a glacier surge theory. Surges result from warming of a cold glacier following an unusual snow cover and formation of a temperate basal layer. or from the fact that two values of sliding velocity correspond to a single value of the friction. For increasing sliding velocities the friction goes through a maximum then a minimum: thus for one value of friction. two stable and one unstable value of velocity can exist. CaMAI. DGS 105406 LLIBOUTRY, L. Steady-state temperatures at the bottom of ice sheets and computation of the bottom ice flow law from the surface profile. (Journal of glaciology 1968. v.7. no.51. p.363-76. graphs. tables) Refs. French and German summaries. Notes a solution for the steady flow of a cold ice sheet which takes account of the heat released by deformation. As this strain heating increases the strain velocity. the bottom temperature may be unstable. A set of five equations with five unknowns is given. which allows the surface profile and the bottom temperature to
be computed step-by-step by an iterative process. This has been done by computer for three different models of ice sheets, and in each case with three distinct values of the constant B in Glen's ice flow law. It was found in every case that steady-state temperature profiles could not be computed beyond a moderate distance from the ice divide. The correct value of B for bottom ice may be deduced from the actual surface profile. At the bottom of the Greenland ice sheet. 13A---2.18 bar- year- ' which is about 13 times larger than that for most alpine glaciers. DLC.
ingrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.26, p.38-51, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: I.M. Malovetskaya and V.M. Petrenko. Title tr.: Substantiation of the age of the lower part of the volcanic sequence of the Tunguska syneclise according to pelecypods. Describes systematically 13 species of pelecypods collected mostly in the Nizhnyaya Tunguska region in 1960-67. Seven of the forms are new. The age of the deposits is concluded to be late Permian. DLC.
105407 LLOYD, T. Environmental requirements. (In: National Northern
LOBANOVA, 0.V., see also No. 103787.
Development Conference 1967. Proceedings, p.I37-42) Cites his observations in northern Eurasia of continuing urbanization and loss of northern residents and suggests long-range planning for the Canadian North, viz: a comprehensive and integrated sea, land and air transportation system; urban communities with up-to-date facilities and encouragement of people to move to them; education and training to fit people for permanent living and livelihood in the North; elimination of illiteracy; incentives to younger residents, incl social and related services and grants for advanced education. Local community self-government with organization of trading and housing cooperatives is recommended, as are incentives to industry for a sound economic basis of an urbanized North, greater funding of non-governmental research, and the building of public support for expanded northern development. CaEUB.
105410 LOBOV, MI.,
LLOYD, T., see also No. 101883. LOBACH-ZHUCHENKO, S.B., 104952.
105408 LOBACHEVSKIY, I.V. 0 prirode gravitatsionnogo polya Angaro-Lenskogo mezhdurech'ya. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.10, p.I03-105, graph) 3 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Nature of the gravity field of the Angara-Lena interfluve. Characterizes the deep portion of the earth's crust using data obtained with the Zemlya apparatus. The earth crust and upper mantle of the interfluve are layered. Crystalline basement 2-3 km thick is at 10-15 km depth. The boundary of the granite layer and Mohorovidie surface are also determined. Isostatic compensation in this part of the Siberian platform needs further investigation. DLC. 105409 LOBANOVA, O.V. and others. Obosnovaniye vozrasta nizhney chasti vulkanogennoy tolshchi Tungusskoy sineklizy po plastinchatozhabernym mollyuskam. (Len-
Vezdekhody GAZ-47 v usloviyakh Severa. (Geodeziya i kartografiya 1968. no.4, p.40-42, table) In Russian. The GAZ-47 vehicle under Tithe northern conditions. Describes the vehicle used since 1961 in the tundra and forest tundra for transporting geodetic survey parties and their equipment mostly during Apr-Sept. It is slow, however, and in 1964 an amphibious vehicle, the K-61, was introduced, but it was not a success. An attempt was made in 1963 to use the GAZ-47 and an ATL tractor with a metallic sledge but this also was later abandoned. The so-called "all-terrain" seems to be the most suitable vehicle for the North and cost is in its favor. DLC.
105411 LOBUNETS, N.YE.
TARASOV. Izucheniye i vozmozhnosti osvoyeniya basseyna Penzhiny. (Izucheniye i osvoyeniye rek Dal'nego Vostoka. Moskva, Nauka 1969. p.176-82, map, table, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Investigation and possible utilization of the Penzhina basin. Describes this river basin about 700 km in length and 73,500 kmfll2 - in area. The river's main tributaries are the Oklan, Belaya, Kondyreva and Shayboveyem. The rate of flow, depth, water temperature and other features are noted. The discharge of these rivers is stated and their use for energy production, fishDLC. eries, transportation is discussed.
105412 LOCKWOOD, J.A. and W.R. WEBBER. Cosmic-ray intensity variations on January 26-27, 1968. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.24, p.5599-5610, graphs) Refs. Reports on the Forbush decrease of 26 Jan 1968 which was about 4.5% at the Mt Washington neutron monitor. Hourly average counting rates normalized to 100 are given for the 21-24 Jan 1968 average at 18 stations, incl Thule, Ft Churchill, Inuvik, Goose Bay, Calgary, and Deep River. The cosmic-ray data from the Pioneer-8 spacecraft detector were compared with such of the worldwide network of the cosmic-
ray neutron monitors. The rigidity dependence of the Forbush decrease was found different from that of the 11-yr solar modulation, and the east-west and north-south anisotropies in the cosmic-ray flux apparently developed before the first discontinuity of the interplanetary magnetic field passed the earth at 1400 UT DLC. on 26 Jan. 105413 LOKEN, O.H. Evidence of surges on the Barnes Ice Cap, Baffin Island. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.4, pt.2, p.899-901, map) 2 refs. Study of detailed topographic maps shows that the trend of the surface contours generally conforms to the outline of the icecap. In an area near Generator Lake on the south and near Blanchfield Lake on the west, however, lower contour lines bulge out towards the ice margin, but higher on the icecap the contours curve in the opposite direction. This suggests mass transfer from a higher reservoir to the lower part of the icecap. Moraine patterns adjacent to the icecap show that the ice margin in the two areas has recently advanced in contrast to the general retreat in adjacent areas. The discussion indicates that the surge occurred prior to 1950 and after the formation of the. old moraines some 700-800 BP. CaMAI, DGS. LOKEN, 0.11., see also No. 106462. 105414 LOTMARKER, T. Studies on planktonic crustacea in thirteen lakes in north Sweden. (Drottningholm, Sweden. Statens undersOknings- och ro'rsOksanstalt for sotvattensfisket. Reports 1964. no.45, p.113-89, graphs, maps, tables) 58 refs. Discusses the composition and structure of copepod and cladoceran communities, their vertical distribution and annual cycles in six regulated, i.e. water level controlled, and seven unregulated lakes approx 63-66°N in JAmtland and VAsterbotten. All the lakes are oligotrophic. Data on their altitude, area, depth, volume and ice formation and freeze-up dates are tabulated. Eleven species each of copepods and cladocerans were found. During June-Sept the mean number of copepod species was 3.2, of cladoceran species, 4.8. The dominant species on any one occasion seldom represented less than 50% of all the copepods or the cladocerans. In lakes where Diaptomus dominated over Cyclops, it was always D. graciloides. Some crustaceans migrate down at midnight and rise at dawn. Variations in annual cycles of the same species between lakes and within one lake are discussed. The very low quantity of Daphnia cristata cristata in these lakes may be attributed to the water temperatures; its parthenogenetic development begins only at 8°C. There was no evidence that crustaceans were 604
more abundant in the plankton of regulated DLC. than of unregulated lakes. 105415 LOVBORG, L and J. HANSEN. Prospecting instruments used in the survey of uranium-thorium and beryllium in the Ilimaussaq intrusion, South Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1968, no.15, p.53-58) 8 refs. Describes instruments designed in 1965-67 under the authors' direction, two for use in search of each element. The portable beryllometers differ in that one is used for fast scanning of veins, the other has higher sensitivity. Weight of each is noted, and biological shield used to protect users evaluated. Work with these instruments has been concentrated on the Taseq slope in the northwest part of the intrusion where beryllium and niobium mineralizations are common. A digital geigercounter and a portable spectrometer used in the uraniumthorium search are also noted. The lujavrites, in which U-Th and Nb mineralizations are most common, make up several km2 of the area; radioactivity is strongest where lujavrites are in the roof of the intrusion. CaMAI, DLC. LOVBORG, L, see also No. 103304. 105416 LOEWE, F. The temperature see-saw between western Greenland and Europe. (Weather 1966. v.21, no.7, p.241-46, maps, tables) 10 refs. Very warm winters in Greenland frequently coincide with cold ones in Europe, whereas cold conditions in Greenland are balanced by warm conditions in Europe, an alternation of temperature deviations first noted 200 years ago and reviewed by the author in 1937 (see No 10298). It is suggested that the same conditions still apply, and the records are brought up DLC. to date. 105417 LOFGREN, G. and W.F. WEEKS. Effect of growth parameters on substructure spacing in NaCI ice crystals. Hanover, N.H. 1969. 17 p. graphs, tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab. Research report no.195) 32 refs. Single crystals of sea and NaCl ice have a characteristic cellular substructure consisting of evenly spaced ice platelets or cells separated by small angle grain boundaries. Because ice exhibits only extremely limited solid solution with the salts in seawater and because these ice platelets form regular protuberances on the icewater interface during ice growth, the salt in sea ice is present as liquid inclusions trapped along these substructures, which therefore are important in determining the mechanical properties of ice. The effect of growth velocity and solute concentration on the cellular substruc-
ture that develops in NaCI ice is studied in the range 3 x 104 to 10-' cm/sec and 1 to 100% respectively. The substructure is the result of the formation of a constitutionally supercooled zone in the liquid ahead of the advancing interface. Experimental procedures and results are discussed. CaMAI, DLC. LOGAN, A., see No. 102316. 105418 LOGINOV, G.A. and M.I. PUDOVKIN. Dinamika magnitno-ionosfernykh vozmushcheniy v zone polyarnykh siyaniy. (AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvennyy geofizicheskiy komitet. Polyamyye siyaniya. Sbornik statey 1968. no.17, p.111-15, graphs, table) 15 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Dynamics of magnetic ionospheric disturbances in the auroral zone. Compares daytime geomagnetic ionospheric disturbances observed at Lovozero, Loparskaya and Apatity stations, Murmansk Province, with corresponding phenomena at College and Kotzebue stations, Alaska, in FebMar 1964. Lag times for absorption bays and geomagnetic bays differ, which suggests that regions of enhanced ionization may not coincide spatially with electric currents in the ionoDLC. sphere. LOGINOVA, LG., see No. 104964. LOHM, U., see No. 103267. LOKKI, J., see No. 107491. 105419 LOKTIONOV, S.P. Nekotoryye zakonomemosti raspredeleniya vanadiya v sovremennykh osadkakh Barentseva morya. (Geokhimicheskiy sbornik 1968. no.3, p.138-44, Title tr.: map, tables) 11 refs. In Russian. Some patterns of vanadium distribution in present sediments of the Barents Sea. Reports on the 1963-65 collections of bottom sediments by the Tunets, Professor Mesyatsev, and Persey 2. Vanadium distribution in 136 samples taken at 42 stations was studied by spectral methods. Results are described and mapped. The highest concentration of this element (0.02-0.025%) is found to be in the continental slope and western trench, the deepest DLC. areas of the sea. LOMACHENKOV, V.S., see No. 106596. LOMEYKO, YE.I., see No. 104821. 105420 LOMONOSOV, I.S. and others. Mineral'nyye vody Sibirskoy platformy. (In: Podzemnyye vody Sibiri...1971. p.135-67, map, tables) 27 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S.V. Lysak and Ye.V. Pinneker. Title fr.: The mineral waters of the Siberian platform.
Reviews patterns of the distribution of mineral waters of varying composition in the platform part of Eastern Siberia. They are divided into groups, classes and types, on the basis of mineralization, the gas, ionic salt, and traceelement contents, and physical properties. The geologic and hydrogeologic conditions controlling the distribution of the water are outlined. Special attention is given to the chemistry of the waters and prospects for their utilization in medical therapy and for industrial purposes. DLC. LONDON, E.YE., see No. 104888. 105421 LONDON, J.A. and others. Geological Survey of Canada radiocarbon dates, 8. (Radiocarbon 1969. v.11, no. I, p.22-42, table) Refs. Also pub as: Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 69-2, Pt. B. Other authors: R. Wilmeth and W. Blake, Jr. Includes dates for charcoal or bone from archeological sites in British Columbia at 550 15'N 127°36'W, Porcupine River bank in Yukon Territory, Sugluk, Baffin, Victoria and Banks Islands, and at the Punyik Pt site in the DGS. Brooks Range of Alaska. LONG, A., see Nos. 102485, 105818. 105422 LONG-RANGE POLAR OBJECTIVES CONFERENCE, Easton„ Md, 4-6 Mar Proceedings. Washington, DC, 1968. c/87 US. Dept. of Transportation 1968. 135 p. graphs, maps, illus. Reports on a conference called by the US. Dept of Transportation for background information and the 5-10 and 10-50-yr polar economic and scientific objectives of government agencies, their transportation and support requirements and expected benefits. Main emphasis was on arctic Alaska and contiguous sea areas. Of the 17 contributions 13 are of arctic interest, viz: pt. 1. TYREE, D.M. and H. BADER. A summary report, p. 1-13. pt. 2. ARMSTRONG, F. Regional economic development, p. 14-16. Development of oil, minerals, fisheries, wood pulp, or indigenous peoples, tourism and recreation, all will require expanded icebreaker capability, railroads, highways, radio and, possibly, submersible vehicles. POTTER, N. Resource development, p. 1719. Support of exploration for minerals in the interior and on the continental shelf is important and will require improvement of transportation facilities as mentioned above. CLARK, H.W. Economic support activities, p. 20-22. Cites studies, published and in progress, on air, sea and highway transporta605
tion, notes the need for more port facilities, the feasibility and costs of pipelines. The need of transportation by the Public Health Service to serve the people, and possible future development: monorail system, interior waterways, incl rivers, canals and locks, and air cushion vehicles. QUAM, L.O. Scientific program development, p. 23-26. Immediate needs for transportation, support of arctic research include: a frozen-in barge or ship (obsolete icebreakers?), icebreakers, helicopters, and C130-type airplanes for drifting stations, submarines and smaller submersible craft for oceanographic research, also surface vehicles and heavy, light or STOL aircraft for land research. LEWIS, P. Scientific operations support, p. 27-30. At present, the Naval Arctic Research Station at Barrow, Alaska, drifting stations, and a frozen-in barge or ship will be the main US stations. For the future, predicts: smaller nuclear submersibles, underwater structures to house scientists, to be resupplied by submarine, automatic data-collecting stations, barge canals to transport tundra agricultural products, and helicopter support for mapping control. WILIMOVSKY, NJ. Scientific field operations, p. 31-36. Emphasizes the need for long-range budget commitments to strengthen projects (problems of personnel, training, planning and transportation); an increased effort in the Arctic Ocean and seas as indispensable to study of world climate and changes; exploitation of the riches of the continental shelf and the use of ice as inexpensive platforms. Notes the aircraft support which is required and the need for various types of ice stations and additional laboratories, such as use of DEW Line stations and a station to support studies in the Eurasian basin, Greenland Sea or Svalbard. Pt. 3. Guest speakers COSGROVE, J.E. Economic Development Administration programs in Alaska, p. 44-47. A Presidential Executive Order, issued 28 Dec 1967, established a federal advisory committee on economic development, chaired by the Secretary of Commerce, with ten, agency or department heads in the executive branch of the government, among them the chairman of the Federal Field Committee for Development Planning. Committees to plan native housing, native hiring, training and education, health and transportation in Alaska, have been activated. HIBBARD, W.R., JR. The outlook for arctic Alaska minerals, p. 48-51. Rich mineral resources in Alaska are not drawing investment capital because of high costs of transportation, equipment, operation and labor. Mining of a large copper deposit 200 mi east of Kotzebue 606
on the Kobuk River may not be economically feasible with transportation limited to airplanes, road trucks and river barges. The Bureau of Mines is developing tools and techniques for accurate location and evaluation of permafrost placers and offshore placers. A BuMines Arctic Mining Research Laboratory, established May 1967, on Douglas Island near Juneau, and the Marine Minerals Technology Center (Tiburon, Calif.) research vessel, Virginia City are concerned in this work. FLETCHER, J.O. The polar oceans and world climate, p. 55-84. Discusses the physical explanation of the influence of pack ice on climate-forming processes. Although the discussion largely deals with the Antarctic, the variation in thickness of the arctic pack ice with a decrease of about 1/3 during 1890-1940, the reversal of this warming since 1940, and the possible effects of an ice-free Arctic Ocean are noted. WHITE, R.M. ESSA activities in the polar regions, p. 113-19. The work of this agency includes measuring and predicting the ionosphere, meteorologic and weather observation (in joint operation with Canada), maintenance of geomagnetic and seismologic observatories, a tsunami warning system, operation of a station for weather data read-out from the ESSA satellite, geodetic field work, nautical charting, hydrographic surveying and topographic mapping of the shelves by survey and research vessels. FITZGERALD, J.H. Economic development in Alaska, p. 120-23. At present, the coastal fringes of Southeast Alaska around to the end of the Alaska peninsula are the developed and growing regions. Prospects for development of resources on the continental shelf in the Bering Sea and northward are being explored. The transportation problem therefore is largely a matter of maritime transport. Railroads will be required to open the south slope of the Brooks Range and move the ores and oils which are known to occur there. BALCHEN, B. The Arctic, present and future, p. 124-28. In the aerospace age the North Pole is the world's center. Climatic changes tending toward an ice-free Arctic Ocean need to be studied. Our science and technology must be used in preparation for meeting the problems of subsistence and new modes of transportation posed by larger numbers of people, development of resources, and national defense. CaMAI. LONGERICH, L.L., see No. 101697. LONGTON, LE., see No. 102510. LONN, G., see No 104471. LOOMIS, S., see No. 103336.
105423 LOPATIN, B.G. and A.N. VISHNEVSKIY. 0 nizhneproterozoyskikh zhil'nykh granitoidakh na Anabarskom shchite. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.180, no.4, p.94143, map, table) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Lower Proterozoic vein granitoids in the Anabar shield. Reports discovery of veins of pegmatoid granites and pegmatites in zones of repeated metamorphism. Two epochs of granite formation are recognized for the Anabar shield. The age of the granitoids is discussed. Repeated metamorphism occurred at the end of the lower Proterozoic. Lower Proterozoic granites differ from Archean alaskites in massive texture and other features. DLC.
i ledyanykh lavin. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya 1966. no.12, p.32-42, table, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: International symposium on snow and ice avalanches. Describes the meeting of 5-10 Apr 1965 in Davos, Switzerland. About a hundred scientists were present, representing 17 countries, the larger delegations from Switzerland, Austria, the USSR, France and the US. Some fifty papers (briefly summarized) were delivered on methods and instruments, stability of snow on slopes, mechanism of avalanche formation, meteorological conditions, forecasting, etc. DLC.
105424 LOPATIN, B.G. and V.N. GERASIMOV. 0 strukturno-opticheskikh tipakh kaliyevykh polevykh shpatov iz granitoidov Anabarskogo shchita. (Vses. mineralogicheskoye o-vo. Zapiski 1968. v.97, no.1, p.99104, graphs, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structural-optical types of K-feldspars from granitoid rocks of the Anabar shield. Presents detailed descriptions of 12 samples of K-feldspars from various granitoids and similar rocks of this shield. The geologic position and characteristics of the rocks are analyzed. X-ray and chemical methods of their investigation are summarized. The composition and properties of K-feldspars are outlined, and the temperature of formation determined. The evolution of granitoids of the Anabar shield is discussed. Content of BaO in the feldspars is considered a criterion of paleotemperature. DLC.
105427 LOSEVA, E.I. Diatomei iz pleystotsenovykh otlozheniy Pritiman'ya. (In: lskopayemyye diatomovyye vodorosli SSSR 1968. p.74-80, graph, map) Refs. In Russian Title tr.: Diatoms from Pleistocene deposits of the Timan Ridge region. Reports on collections from the Peza, Kosma, Sula and other river basins. Diatoms from the Mikulino boreal, the north (Odintsovo interglacial) transgression, the lake Odintsovo interglacial, and boulders of the Moscow horizon are described. Paleogeographic conditions are analyzed. In the Odintsovo interglacial, transgression was dominant in the north, a freshwater basin in the south, and the climate was at least as warm as at present. The Moscow glacial period was unfavorable for development of a diatom flora. In the Mikulino interglacial, the climate was warmer. DLC.
105425 LOPATIN, B.G. and L.V. FEDOROV. 0 znachenii magnitnoy vospriimchivosti piroksenovykh gneysov dlya raschleneniya metamorficheskikh tolshch Anabarskogo shchita. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.2, p.94-100, graphs, tables) 7 refs. In Title tr.: Importance of the Russian. magnetic susceptibility of pyroxene gneisses for separating the metamorphic strata of the Anabar shield. Proves the possibility of using data on the magnetic susceptibility of bipyroxene and hypersthene plagiogneisses and gneisses as criteria for attributing them to various series. The dependence of magnetic susceptibility upon the content of magnetite is established. The different physico-chemical conditions of the Upper Anabar and Khapchansk series are concluded to have caused their differences in DLC. ferric and ferrous iron distribution.
105428 LOSEVA, E.I. Simpozium po probleme "Kaynozoyskaya istoriya Polyarnogo basseyna i yeye vliyaniye na razvitiye landshaftov severnykh territoriy". (Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestiya 1970. v.2, no.2(12), p.I 40-41) In Russian. Title tr.: Symposium on the Cenozoic history of the Polar Basin and the development of landscapes in northern areas. Reports the 1-6 Apr 1966 meeting in Leningrad of some three hundred scientists from 46 organizations. The Arctic Basin, Quaternary paleogeography, transgressions and regressions, fauna and flora and related problems were discussed. DLC. LOSEVA, E.I., see also No. 104528. LOSEVA, LE., see No. 103457. LOSHCHILOV, V.S., see No. 102709.
LORD, LH., see No. 106858.
LOSKAMP, A.N., see No. 104111.
105426 LOSEV, K.S. Mezhdunarodnyy simpozium po nauchnym aspektam snezhnykh
L.I. 105429 LOSKUTOV, A.V. and K voprosu o prirode POLEZHAYEVA. 607
khibinskikh karbotserov. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1968. no.6 p.276-81, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The nature of the Khibiny carbocers. Describes a recent find of this mineral known hitherto also from Khibiny, and presents results of its X-ray and chemical investigations. Amorphous and crystalline components are noted and in the crystalline phase calcite and thorianite are determined. Comparison is made of the literature data on carburan, thuDLC. cholite and carbocer. LOSKUTOV, A.V., see also No. 108671. 105430 LOTSPEICH, F.B. Impact of road construction on water quality management in Alaska. (In: Symposium on cold regions engineering 1970. Proceedings pub 1971. v.2, p.571-601, illus) 14 refs. Reviews the criteria for selecting routes and engineering roads in the arctic environment, particularly as damage is easily done to the total ecology. Use of remote sensing to avoid problem areas, following ridge lines, proper stream crossings, intensive materials-sampling program in advance of construction, avoidance of seepage areas and proper maintenance are all urged as important safeguards. Much damage is done by personnel during construction, and complete understanding from designer to equipment operator must exist on proper procedure to minimize environmental damage. Improper culvert construction prevents fish spawning, and other hazards include massive icings, and trash pile-ups where bridges are improperly designed.. Several good and bad designs and their effects are illus. Refs include several manuals and guides to road construcCaMAI, DLC. tion in permafrost. 105431 LOTZ, J. The Canadian Research Centre for Anthropology. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.1, p.41-42) The Centre was founded in the early 1950's at the Univ of Ottawa, and became part of St Paul Univ, federated with the Univ of Ottawa. Its work in the Middle North and Arctic in social science and community development in frontier areas and among traditional peoples is noted, as are its publications incl the journal Anthropologica beginning in 1955. CaMAI, DLC . Land problems and 105432 LOTZ, J. people problems, the Eskimo as conservationist. (In: Conference on productivity...1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.276-83) Comments on the gulf between the academic research on Canadian Eskimos and any realistic solutions to the latter's practical problems. Eskimos are not likely to become a labor source for mining and other machine-based 608
industry. Author proposes that young Eskimos be trained in skills of conservation and similar CaEUB. pursuits. 105433 LOTZ, J. Social science research and northern development. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.4, p.29I-94) 10 refs. Notes that the northern Indians and Eskimos in Canada are still poor and depressed despite the money and effort invested in the North. Various types of scientific fieldwork and development activities, their negative effects and some positive achievements are cited. Recommendations are made. CaMAI, DLC. What is the real prob105434 LOTZ, J. lem of northern development? (Canadian mining journal 1968. v.89, no.7, p.50-54, illus) The real problem is the creation of the right conditions in northern settlements to attract and hold a mainly skilled labor force. This requires planning around the family rather than the bunkhouse man, for housing, schools, outside trips every six mo for the women, health facilities incl water supply and sewage disposal. Well-planned towns, participation of workers in planning and operations and adequate recreation facilities are discussed, as are the training and utilization of indigenous peoCaMAI, DGS. ples. LOTZ, J., see also No. 105435. LOTZ, 105435 LOTZ, P. and J. Pilot non commander, essays in memory of Diamond Jenness. Ottawa 1971. 323 p. maps, tables, illus. (Anthropologica, v.13, no.I/2, special issue) Contains 16 papers, introduced by H.B. Collins: Diamond Jenness, an appreciation, p.9-12. Summary statement of Jenness's contribution to arctic anthropology, beginning in 1913 with his work on the Copper and the North Alaskan Eskimos, noting his profound influence on the study of Eskimo prehistory, his work on Indian ethnology, history and economy. The value of his last years of research is stressed; they were devoted to an exhaustive study of the economic status of present-day Eskimos and their chances of survival in the changed North American environment. LOTZ, J. Introduction, p.15-22. A personal appreciation of Diamond Jenness, describing a visit with him at his cottage in the Gatineau in 1969. The great value of Jenness' anthropological work derives from his having lived with the Indians and Eskimos, respecting their ways and understanding their validity. While he was completing his last years' study of Eskimo administration, there was some pressure to put aside or alter the ms lest it embarrass government. The range of the essays in this dedicatory
volume is noted. They are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: J.W. Berry, H.B. Collins, J. Cruikshank, M.M.R. Freeman, E.S. Hall, Jr., H.B. Hawthorn, J.J. Honigman, M. Isaac, R. Pearson, R. Ridington, G.W. Rogers, D. Savoie, D.G. Smith, B.G. Trigger, J. Usher, P. Usher, qqv. CaMAI, DSI. LOUGEAY, R., see No. 103336. 105436 LOUGHREY, A.G. and J.P. KELSALL. Ecology and population dynamics of the barren-ground caribou in Canada. (In: Symposium on Ecology of the Subarctic Regions 1966. Proceedings pub 1970, p.275-80) 17 refs. French summary. Summarizes results of 1950-62 research mainly by the Canadian Wildlife Service, on the annual cycle, movements, food habits, reproductive physiology and population dynamics of Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus, whose range extends from the northern prairie provinces to the Arctic Ocean and from the Mackenzie River to Hudson Bay. Primitive herds estimated at 2-3 million had decreased to 668,000 and 279,000 according to 1949 and 1955 aerial survey counts. Excessive kill by man and destruction of winter pastures by fire are probably the main causes of this population decline. Further studies are in progress to provide a basis for a regional caribou management plan. CaMAI, MdU. 105437 LOVEJOY, W.F. Oil industry, its structure and regulation in Alaska and other states. (In: Change in Alaska. 1970. p.49-62) The US petroleum industry comprises firms ranging in size from international operators to part-owners in individual wells. Some firms are vertically integrated from the exploration and production to the retail marketing stage; others operate only at One stage. Costs are so high in Alaska that only giant companies can afford to compete; and the benefits and liabilities inherent in the relative absence of the so-called independents are noted. The fairly broad, simple oil and gas conservation statute is applauded as are the regulations providing for compulsory unitization of producing oil and gas. The difficulties arising from marketdemand prorationing systems, which have been used in other states, are discussed, stressing their built-in inducements to overdrill. The production and marketing of Alaska oil and the national oil import policy are also dealt CaMAI, DGS. with. LOVEJOY, W.F., see also No. 101701. 105438 LOVELIUS, O.L. Floristicheskiye nakhodki v gorakh Putorana, Vostochnaya Sibir'. (AN SSSR. Botanicheskiy inst.
Novosti sistematiki vysshikh rasteniy 1969. v.6, p.273-75) In Russian. Title tr.: Flora discoveries in Putorana mountains, eastern Siberia. Records the occurrence of seven plants in various localities of these mountains in the Yenisey region. They are new to the mountains and/or to the Krasnoyarsk region; they include Philippsia concinna, Carex williamsll, Calamagrostis holmii, Saxifraga .tenuis, Polemonium pulchellum, Saussurea pseudoangustifolia, and Pachypleurum schischkinii. Their specific ecological distribution is noted. DLC. 105439 LOWDON, J.A. and W. BLAKE Geological Survey of Canada radiocarbon dates, VII. (Radiocarbon 1968. v.10, no.2, p.207-245, tables) Refs. Also pub as: Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 1968-2, pt. B. Includes, p 228-43, some 19 dates for wood, peat, silt, gyttja, charcoal and ash from various sites in Yukon Territory; eight for shells from various localities in Northwest Territories, five for shells or organic debris in Northern Quebec and Labrador; 12 for shells or organic debris from Baffin Island; two for whalebone and shells from Ellesmere; and 14 for shells or organic debris from Bathurst, Melville and other Queen Elizabeth Islands. DGS. LOZHKIN, A.V., see No. 102275. 105440 LOZOVSKIY, V.R. and others. Novyye dannyye o vozraste verkhney chasti pestrotsvetnykh triasovykh otlozheniy basseynov rek Luzy, Vychegdy i Mezeni. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.183, no.3, p.668-71) 15 refs. In Russian Other authors: V.I. Rozanov and M.K. Kyunttsel'. Title tr.: New data on the age of the upper part of the Triassic red beds in the Luza, Vychegda and Mezen' River basins. Reports widespread development of the Baskunchak series of Triassic deposits in these basins. Study of the fish and reptile remains, and of pollen and spores enables them to be attributed to the Middle Triassic. DLC. 105441 LU, F.C.J. and others. Known and potential mineral resources Seward Peninsula, Alaska. College, Alaska 1968. 107 p. graphs, maps, tables. (Alaska, Univ. Mineral Industry Research Laboratory. MIRL report no.18) Approx 156 refs. Other authors: L.E. Heiner and D.P. Harris. Two-part report to the US Army Corps of Engineers, prepared in summer 1968 and based on published US Geological Survey and Bureau of Mines literature and unpublished works of the Alaska Division of Mines and Minerals. Pt 1, p. 1-59, gives tabulated data on regional mineral occurrences and claim activities, and a historical review and production statistics on gold, silver platinum, tin, tungsten, 609
copper, lead, antimony, arsenic, beryllium, molybdenum, bismuth, uranium and radioactive minerals, mica and graphite. Pt 2 is an evaluation of potential mineral resources by geostatistics and computer simulation. DGS. LU, F.C.J., see also Nos. 101701, 104112. LUCHKO, A.G., see No. 104974. LUDWIG, A.C., see No. 102986. 105442 Liitken, E. Bird life on Bjornoya 1965. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969. p.151-65, table, illus) 6 refs. Reports observations of his seven-man Danish ornithological party led by author. A systematic account is given of 37 species. CaMAI, DLC. 105443 LUGOV, S.F. Osobennosti mineral'nogo sostava vol'framitovykh mestorozhdeniy Tsentral'noy Chukotki. (Vses. soveshchaniye po mineralogii, geokhimii, genezisu i vozmozhnosti kompleksnogo ispol'zovaniya vol'framitovykh mestorozhdeniy SSSR. 1st, Leningradskiy universitet 1965. Leningrad, Izd. Leningr. univ-ta 1967. p.33-41) 6 refs. In Russian. Title In: Features of the mineral composition of the wolframite deposits of central Chukotka. Notes the wide distribution of tungsten ores in this region: lul'tin, Svetlyy, Zavetnyy, Changal'skiy, Solnechnyy, Lazurnyy, Kekurnyy, etc. The principal geological structures are described. The mineral composition of the tungsten ores is given and the zonation of the deposits noted. DLC. LUGOV, S.F., see also Nos. 102461, 103963. 105444 LUGOVOY, P.N. Osobennosti geokriologicheskikh usloviy gornykh stran. Moskva, Nauka 1970. 135 p. graphs, map, tables, illus. Approx 170 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of the geocryological conditions of mountainous regions. Monograph on the mountain country of northeastern USSR. Spatial changes of heat exchange in the lithosphde - soil - atmosphere system are outlined. Features of the frozen strata in mountains are described. Factors in heat exchange are analyzed. The seasonal freezing and thawing of ground is characterized. Geocryological conditions in the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma region, Middle Siberia, central Yakutia and other permafrost and frozen ground areas are described. DLC. 105445 LUKASHENKO, N.P. Comparative biologic and pathologic studies of Alveococcus multilocularis. (Archives of envi610
ronmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.676-80) 23 refs. Reports on studies of the etiological role of human alveolar hydatid disease in the USSR, comparison of chromosomes of Alveococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus and the comparative histological development of larval cysts in man and other mammals. Alveococcosis caused by this tapeworm takes a severe course with primary tumor formation in the liver and metastases in the brain, lungs and other organs. The focal distribution of this hydatid disease in East and West Siberia, St Lawrence Island, Alaska and northern Canada is determined by ecological conditions suitable for the transmission of the parasite between arctic fox, red fox and domestic dogs. Domestic ungulates are evidently a biological deadlock for the parasite and play practically no role in the epidemiology of this disease in man. DLC. 105446 LUKASHENKO, N.P. and others. O prirodnykh ochagakh al'veokokkoza v Magadanskoy oblasti. (Meditsinskaya parezitologiya i parazitarnyye bolezni 1970. v.39, no.4, p.437-42) In Russian. English summary. Other authors: N.S. Ivchenko and A.G. Vol'fson. Title tr.: Natural foci of alveococcosis in Magadan Province. Reports on the numbers and percentages of infection in polar fox, red fox and dogs in the Severo-Evenskiy and five regions of the Chukchi National District. Also reported are 137 human cases, in 1954-1957, among the Chukchis, Eveny Lamut Tungus, Eskimos, and Koryaks, ages 19-40 and 10.2% children. It is supposed that human infection in Magadan Province occurs mainly in children. Further studies are needed to determine the intermediary host and the source and means of infection. DLC. 105447 LUKASHENKO, N.P. and others. 0 trikhinelleze zhivotnykh na Chukotke. (Meditsinskaya parazitologiya i parazitarnyye bolezni 1970. v.39, no.6, p.682-87) In Russian. English summary. Other authors: A.G. Vol'fson, V.V. Istomin and V.Yu. Chernov. Title tr.: Animal trichinellosis in Chukotka. During 1960-68, 1439 mammals belonging to 12 species were examined in regions of the Chukchi National District and the SeveroEvenskiy region of the Magadan Province. Trichinella larvae were found in 236 mammals; in 44.8% of caged blue fox; 18.2% white fox; 17.5% red fox; 12.1% dogs, and in one brown bear. Squirrels and domestic pigs were not infected. The high percentage in the caged foxes leads to the conclusion that the source of infection is the walrus and other pennipedia DLC. which are fed to the caged animals. LUKASHENKO, ZS., see No. 104951.
LUKASHOV, A.D., see No. 103045. 105448 LUKINA, L.V. Chetyre oriyentatsii dug polyarnykh siyaniy. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1970. v.10, no.5, p.847-53, graphs, illus) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The four orientations of auroral arcs. Discusses the spatial and diurnal distribution of auroral arc orientation at Kheysa Island, Cape Chelyuskina, Dikson Island, Murmansk, etc in 1963-66, also Mirnyy in the Antarctic Apr-Oct 1965. Auroras in the polar areas are found to have four orientations, forming two instantaneous zones, one spiral-shaped for b and c type auroras, unwinding in opposite directions according to universal time; the other circular for a and d types on the nighttime side of the earth, in latitudes of the highest auroral frequency belt, according to local time. The behavior of the arc orientation was found to depend on the types of solar activity. DLC. LUKOVSKIY, V.D., see No. 107136. LUK'YANOV, V.N., see No. 102128. 105449 LUMSDEN, H.G. Status of the sandhill crane in northern Ontario. (Canadian field-naturalist 1971. v.85, no.4, p.285-93, map, tables, illus) 18 refs. Reports on aerial observations, interviews with Indians, and various earlier records, with locations of crane observations indicated on map. Sandhill cranes are widely distributed in the post-glacial, marine submerged area of the Hudson Bay lowlands. Two nests were found in 1969 in the Kinoje Lake area about 54 mi northwest of Moosonee. The incubation period of one clutch of eggs collected when fresh and hatched in an incubator was about 27 days. The northern Ontario breeding population is referable to Grus canadensis rowani. The little brown crane G. c. canadensis has occurred on migration in Ontario but does not breed there. CaMAI, DGS. LUNDAHL, G., see No. 106136. 105450 LUNDBERG, A.S. En miljard pa nio ar. (Byggnadsindustrin 1964. v.34, no.5, p.1265, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: A billion in nine years. Summarizes new capital investment of the Swedish mining company which operates the iron mines of the Kiruna region, builds an ore installation near Lulea, and enlarges the capacity of the Narvik harbor. During 1957-65 production and transport capacity increased from near 13 to approx 25 billion t/yr. Lesser investments in additional railway trackage and improved ore processing are also noted. DLC.
105451 LUNDBERG, S. Bidrag till kartnedom om svenska skalbaggar, 9. (Entomologisk tidskrift 1966. v.87, no. I -2, p.50-55, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: Contribution to the knowledge of Swedish beetles, 9. Discusses observations of beetles already known to some parts of Sweden. Included are six species new to specified northern localities, with dates, locations, and environmental notes. DLC. 105452 LUNDBERG, S. Bidrag till kAnnedom om svenska skalbaggar, 11. (Entomologisk tidskrift 1968. v.89, no.3/4, p.242-47, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: Contribution to knowledge of Swedish beetles, 11. Reports observation of beetle species, mainly in the Kalix region of northern Sweden. Biotope, site, and previous finds are cited. It is noted that Elaphrus lapponicus Gyll. overwinters in the imago state. DLC. 105453 LUNDBERG, S. Bidrag till kAnnedom om svenska skalbaggar, 12. (Entomologisk tidskrift 1969. v.90, no.3/4, p.217-24) In Swedish. Title tr.: Contribution to knowledge of Swedish beetles, 12. Lists more than 20 species with date and locality of find, nearly half in arctic areas of Sweden. For some the type of site and vegetation are also stated. DLC. 105454 LUNDBERG, S. Nagra for Sverige nya skalbaggar, 2. (Entomologisk tidskrift 1969. v.90, no.3/4, p.213-16) In Swedish. Title tr.: Some beetles new for Sweden, 2. Reports 11 species, of which seven were found at locations in arctic Sweden. For each the site and occurrence are summarized. Several were previously reported from Norway or Finland. DLC. 105455 LUNDBLAD, 0. Sven Ekman. (Entomologisk tidskrift 1964. v.85, no.1-2, p.13, illus) In Swedish. Reviews the scientific activity of this Swedish zoologist which began and ended with studies in the mountain area of Swedish Lapland. His range of interest was broad, extending from larvae to mammals and from limnology to land and sea fauna distribution. DLC. 105456 LUNDEVALL, C.F. Hayssulan nordnorsk hackfagel. (Fauna och flora 1963 pub 1969. v.63, no.6, p.214-16, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: The gannet breeding in north Norway. Presents mainly 1968 observations in Finnmark. Gannet have been breeding in Syltefjord DLC. in recent years. 105457 LUNDEVALL, C.F. Nagot om Nordens maskroser. (Fauna och flora 1970. 611
v.65, no.5, p.186-96, maps, table, illus) 29 refs. In Swedish. Title tr.: Note on the dandelions of Scandinavia. Offers systematic comments on Taraxacum flora based on the literature and study of a number of collections from various sources. About 900 well defined taxa are known from Scandinavia, some 550 of which belong to the DLC. section Vulgaria. 105458 LUNDGREN, K.O. Skogsfolk pa debattrik norrlandsexkursion. (Skogsagaren 1969. v.45, no.9, p.I8-19, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: Forestry people on a controversial excursion in Norrland. Reports on a two-day meeting with some 200 participants. Topics discussed included ownership problems, growth, productive area, foreign tree species, economic operation, and mechanization. Much of the interest was in the direction of future policy. DLC. 105459 LUNDQVIST, J. Glista Lundqvist, 24.3.1894 - 30.6.1967. (Geologiska foreningen, Stockholm. Forhandlingar 1968. v.90, no.533, pt.2, p.153-74, illus) In Swedish. Summarizes the scientific activity and contributions of this Swedish geologist, peat and mapping specialist, who contributed much to the knowledge of Swedish Lapland. More than 150 of his publications are listed. DGS. K. and 105460 LUNDQVIST, J. BENGTSSON. Red snow; a meteorological and pollen-analytical study of longtransported material from snowfalls in Sweden. (Geologiska fOreningen, Stockholm. Forhandlingar 1970. v.92, pt 3, no.542, p.288-301, maps, tables, illus) 9 refs. Reports results of pollen-analysis study of red snows in southern Sweden, 1968-69. The pollen correlates well with flora in southern Russia where violent storms prevailed at the time, and from which the red substance probably originated. The frequency of similar meteorological conditions can have direct effects on pollen analysis findings elsewhere, and may have been still greater in late-glacial time. Maps of vegetation zonation show similar treeless and polar alpine regions in northwestern Europe, the Alps, and Caucasus regions. Such pollen transportation may also influence invasion of new species of microorganisms into DGS. more recently deglaciated areas. 105461 LUNDSTROM, J. Utbildning fOr skogsbrukare. (Norrbottens lantmannablad 1966. no.4, p.59-60, map, illus) In SwedTitle Sr.: Training for foresters. ish. Reviews a recent brochure on courses in the forestry schools at Arvidsjaur, Tvaraselet, Tarengo and Bjorkfors in Norrbotten county, Sweden. Courses are provided in technical training, 612
labor practices, economics, management and private ownership problems for regular students, ages 16-20; special courses and seminars are also arranged for experienced men in DLC. selected localities. LUNIN, E.B., see Nos. 106091, 106439. 105462 LUPIKINA, YE.G. K kharakteristike pliotsenovoy i pleystotsenovoy diatomovoy flory Tigil'skogo rayona Zapadnoy (In: Iskopayemyye diatomoKamchatki. vyye vodorosli SSSR 1968. p.41-44) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Characteristics of the Pliocene and Pleistocene diatom flora of the Tigil' region of western Kamchatka. Reports preliminary results of investigation of a Neogene continental diatom flora. Over 400 taxa, incl seven new, are known in the upper and lower horizons of the Ermanovskiy and Enemtenskiy series. Some assemblages in various horizons are briefly characterized. The diatom assemblage of the Enemtenskiy deposits is 93% arctic-boreal species, inhabitants of both oligotrophic and dystrophic water basins. DLC. LUPIKINA, YE.G., 108625.
see also
Nos. 102523,
105463 LUR'YE, M.A. Zaseleniye stvolovymi vreditelyami yelovogo valezhnika v yuzhnoy podzone taygi yevropeyskoy chasti SSSR. (Moskovskoye o-vo ispytateley prirody. Otd. biologicheskiy. Byulleten' 1968. v.73, no.6, p.35-46, illus, table) Refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The colonization of spruce brushwood by trunk pests in the southern taiga subzone of the European USSR. The year-by-year colonization of these pests is described and depicted in four diagrams, each representing a different species of spruce or forest condition. Conditions determining the insect species present in the brushwood at a particular period after the tree has fallen include the time of year when the tree fell, the time elapsed since the tree fell, changes in the substrate condition, e.g. biochemical composition, structure, and moisture content, the tree position in relation to the ground, the thickness of the trunk, and ecological conditions. A list of trunk pests is also given. DLC. 105464 LUTHER, H. Rolf Leo Gronblad. 8 p. illus. (Finska vetenskapssocieteten. Arsbok 1964-65 pub 1966. v.43, no.1, section C) In Swedish. Eulogizes a well-known amateur Finnish algae specialist, whose profession was dentistry. His 48 articles include a major work on Lapland and papers on Greenland and Siberia. DLC.
105465 LUTKOVSKAYA, T.A. and V.A. KONSHIN. Nauchnyye osnovy otsenki prognoznykh zapasov muskovita po regionu Severo-Zapada SSSR. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.3, p.78-88, map, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Scientific basis for estimating predicted reserves of muscovite in the northwest of the USSR. Reviews the formation history of the Kola, White Sea area, and Karelia structural provinces. Structural, magmatic and lithologic-stratigraphic factors in the distribution of muscovite deposits are analyzed. Regional metamorphism is described. Appraisal is given of the distribution patterns of muscovite deposits. The best prospects are in the White Sea structural-formation zone. DLC. 105466 LUTKOVSKAYA, T.A. and V.A. KONSHIN. Osadochnyye i osadochnovulkanogennyye formatsii, intruzivnyye i mineral'nyye kompleksy v Belomorskoy struktumo-formatsionnoy zone. (AN SSSR. Karel'skiy filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1969. no.4, p.24-37, maps) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Sedimentary and sedimentary-volcanic formations, intrusive and mineral complexes in the White Sea structural formation zone. Traces stages of subsidence, differential crustal movements, uplift and block faulting in the structural zone of the Karelia-Kola region that is characterized by the occurrence of significant mica deposits. Details of the depositional relationships of sedimentary and 'volcanic rocks and the characteristics of intrusive masses are summarized, as well as data on the DLC. occurrence of the mica-rich areas. 105467 LUTKOVSKAYA, T.A. and V.A. KONSHIN. Zakonomernosti razmeshcheniya mestorozhdeniy muskovita v Karelo-Kol'skom regione. (AN SSSR. Karel'skiy filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1969. no.4, p.5-23, map) Title tr.: Distribution 32 refs. In Russian. patterns of muscovite deposits in the KareliaKola region. These deposits are confined to the White Sea structural-facies zone. The structural, magmatic and litho-stratigraphic factors, which determine their distribution, are analyzed. Where they are in the most favorable combination, prospects are good for finding mica-bearing pegmatites. The middle Yena basin and Chupa-Loukhi, among other regions, are noted DLC. as good for prospecting. 105468 LUTOSHKIN, L.A. and I.T. VDOVIN. K voprosu o fosforno-kal'tsiyevom obmene u lits, prozhivayushchikh v severnykh rayonakh strany. (Voprosy pitaniya 1969. v.28, no.6, p.62-65, tables) 9 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Phosphorus and calcium metabolism in residents of the North.
Reports 200 cases of delayed callus formation in long bone fractures in newcomers to the North. In bone, there is a decrease of both calcium and phosphorus and in whole blood, a decrease of calcium and relative increase of phosphorus. The longer the stay in the North the wider this discrepancy becomes. Insufficient solar radiation and lack of vitamin D is the cause. Whole milk diet ameliorates this condition somewhat. DLC. 105469 Lurrs, B.G. and L.N. KOPANEVA. Pirop-sapfirinovaya poroda Anabarskogo massiva i usloviya yeye metamorfizma. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.179, no.5, p.1200Title 1202, graph, table) 9 refs. In Russian. Pyrope-sapphirine rock of the Anabar massif and conditions of its metamorphism. Describes high alumina rock of the granulite facies consisting of pyrope, sapphirine, sillimanite, hypersthene, cordierite and biotite. These minerals are described. Chemical analyses of this rock are also given. The conditions of metamorphism are characterized, noting 12 kb pressure, 950°C temperature and 35-40 km depth. DLC. LUTTS, B.G., see also No. 101687. 105470 LUZGIN, V.YE. Neolit i bronzovyy vek v doline r.Izhma. (Arkheologicheskiye otkrytiya 1966 pub 1967. p.11-12) In Russian. Title tr.: Neolithic and bronze ages in the Izhma basin. Preliminary report on excavations at the future Ust'-Izhma power station site. An early neolithic complex at Chernoborskaya III marks a transition stage between the late mesolithic finds in the Vychegda and Pechora basins and sites affinal to the late neolithic Kama River culture. DLC. 105471 LUZGIN, V.YE. Pervaya razvedka na tsentral'nom Timane. (Arkheologicheskiye otkrytiya 1969 pub 1970. p.9-10) In Russian. Title tr.: First survey on central Timan. Reports 1969 fieldwork in the Yamozero lake area and adjacent basin of the Pizhma, a left tributary to the lower Pechora in Komi ASSR. Two large stratified sites were found on the south shore of the lake near the Pizhma headwaters. They contained rich assemblages of artifacts dating from the neolithic to the Middle Ages. An early bronze age site on the west shore of Yamozero and five bronze and early iron age camp sites in the Pizhma valley were also surveyed. DLC. 105472 L'VOV, YU.A. and YE.F. TARUNINA. Rastitel'nost' bolot basseyna reki Kondy. (Vses. botanicheskoye o-vo. Tomskoye otd-iye. Izvestiya 1964. v.5, p.89-97, 613
graphs, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bog vegetation of the Konda River basin. Divides this region of the southwestern Tyumen Province into five subregions: the terraces common to the Konda and Irtysh Rivers, the terraces along the Konda only, the Pel'typ area, the upper Konda, and the Pelym-Konda interfiuve. Observations in 1958 of this very swampy region showed the predominance of upland-bog plant associations. The region as a whole and its subregions are characterized botanically and compared with other regions in the middle taiga zone. Profiles of peat from several upland bogs show changes in vegetation, ash content, and degree of decomposition. DLC. 105473 L'VUTIN, I.G. Pritsepnoye ustroystvo lyzhi-samosvala dlya perevozki gruzov. (Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki 1968. no.30, p.166-67, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Coupling device of a ski dump truck for transporting loads. The device contains a traction frame, made of two arms hinged to the ski at one end and to the tractor with the other as illus. To increase the dumping angle of the ski during unloading, there is a flexible rod between the arms of the traction frame; its point of fixation to the ski is below the hinged fixation ends of the arms of the traction frame and the point of fixation to the axis of the hinged joint of the coupling device with the tractor is correspondingly DLC. higher. LYAKHOVA, L.N., see No. 108658.
elucidate the formation and circulation of deep waters. Salinity, potential temperature and potential density for the bottom waters at 2900 m depth are given for the world ocean. Those parameters for the shallowest waters relate to Denmark Strait. The potential temperature is considered that of a water sample after an adiabatic rise to the sea surface. It is low in the Norwegian and the arctic seas. The salinity is high in the Alaskan basin of the arctic sea, and in the Norwegian and Greenland basins it is found to be 34.91%0. The potential density is that which a water sample would attain rising adiabatically to the sea surface. It is highest in the Arctic Ocean and Norwegian Sea. Characteristics of the Atlantic Ocean are studied using data of stations in the arctic region. The vertical distribution of temperature and density is DLC. also investigated. LYSAK, S.V., see No. 105420. 105476 LYSEN, K. Nya skolorterna, andamalsenliga lokaler fOr larare och elever i Kalix. (Tidning fo'r Sveriges laroverk 1962. v.62, no.12, p.450-51, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: The new school locations, suitable locations for teachers and pupils in Kalix. Describes the local situation in a northern Swedish commune where new forest industry is the dominant activity. Its three central schools and several special-purpose schools are noted. The history of the school system and plans including modernization and housing for teachers are outlined. In the same journal 1962 v.62 no.10, p.360-61, and no.11, p.404-405, the school situations in Jokkmokk and Civerkalix DLC. respectively are treated.
LYALINA, M.F., see No. 102652. LYSENIN, G.P., see No. 104888. LYAPIN, YU.I., see No. 102228. 105474 LYE, K.A. Dryopteris abbreviata (DC.) Newman i Norge. (Blyttia 1969. v.27, no.3, p.125-31, illus) Refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Dryopteris abbreviata (DC.) Newman in Norway. Discusses the present distribution of this fern in Norway, with two of the five recorded sites in Nordland county. The identifications are tentative, as the Norwegian material on the DLC . group is in need of revision. LYFTINGSMO, E., see No. 107319. LYMAN, C.P., see No. 104095. 105475 LYNN, R.I. and J.L. REID. Characteristics and circulation of deep and abyssal waters. (Deep-sea research 1968. v.15, no.5, p.577-98, graphs, maps, tables) Refs. Reexamines the deep and abyssal potential temperature and salinity of the world ocean to 614
105477 LYTKIN, V.I. K voprosu o konechnykh glasnykh finno-ugorskogo. prayazyka. (Sovetskoye finno-ugrovedeniye 1968. v.4, no.4, p.233-38) 11 refs. In Russian. German summary. Title tr.: End vowels in the ancestral Finno-Ugric language. Comparative study of Finno-Ugric word stems ending in a and e, a feature best preserved in west Lappish dialects and in Finnish. DLC. 105478 LYTKIN, V.I. Labializovannyye glasnyye srednego ryada v permskikh yazykakh. (Voprosy yazykoznaniya 1968. v.17. no.1, p.85-94, illus) 36 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Labialized middle vowels in Permian languages. Comparative phonological study including Zyryan and its dialects. Middle vowels, a characteristic feature of Permian languages, are considered to be of non-Finno-Ugric origin. DLC.
105479 LYTKIN, V.I. Ob oglasovkakh sovykh slovoobrazovatel'nykh suffiksov sushchestvitel'nykh v permskikh yazykakh. (Sovetskoye finno-ugrovedeniye 1969. v.5, no.2, p.115-26) Refs. In Russian. German summary. Title tr.: Vocalism of noun-building suffixes in s in Permian languages. Morphological and phonological study of Zyryan and kindred languages. DLC. LYU-DO-FUN, F.N., see No. 107788. 105480 LYUBAVIN, L.M. and E.V. MUROVA. Kompleksnaya aeroelektromagnitnaya s"yemka pri geologicheskom kartirovanii na Kol'skom poluostrove. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1969. no.2, p.110-18, graphs, maps) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Combined airborne electromagnetic survey for geologic mapping on Kola Peninsula. Reports on a 1600 km2 area in the Notozero Lake and Sal'nyye Tundry region where the survey was made to prove its importance for geologic mapping. Archean and Proterozoic rocks of the crystalline basement were studied and good results obtained for determining tectonic structures and geologic formations, and for the compilation of tectonic maps. DLC. 105481 LYUBIMOV, B.P. and YU.V. MUDROV. Krupnomasshtabnoye kriogeomorfologicheskoye kartirovaniye. (In: Nauchno-tekhn. konf. po kartografii. Voprosy... Irkutsk 1968. p.22-24) In Russian. Title tr.: Large-scale cryogeomorphic mapping. Discusses this type of mapping as an independent type of work. The legend represents six main types of cryogenic relief which are described and divided into subtypes, species and subspecies. This type of map is suited to the Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra, and to the northern part of West Siberia, the Yenisey North, etc. DLC. LYUBIMOV, B.P., see also No. 104814. 105482 LYUBIMOVA, YE.A. and B.G. POLYAK. Heat flow map of Eurasia. (American Geophysical Union. Geophysical monograph 1969. no.13, p.82-88, maps, table) 7 refs. The text accompanying the map describes the amount, quality, and geographic distribution of the heat flow. The material is classified and the more prominent anomalies noted. A tentative geological-geophysical interpretation is given. Among the 400 estimations are such for points in northern Sweden, Kola Peninsula, Yakutia north of 60°N and Kamchatka. Heat flow results correlate well with major geologic features, Precambrian shields in the Kola region and Yakutia, Mesozoic folded regions in Yakutia and Caledonian folded regions in
Kamchatka and Cenozoic volcanism in eastern Kamchatka. DGS. 105483 LYUBIMOVA, YEA. and others. Teplovoy potok cherez dno Arkticheskogo basseyna v rayone khrebta Lomonosova. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.184, no.2, p.403-405, graph, map, table) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: G.A. Tomara and A.L. Aleksandrov. Title tr.: Heat flow across the bottom of the Arctic Basin in the region of the Lomonosov Ridge. Reports results of 19 heat flow measurements from the drifting station North Pole-15. Method, instruments and techniques are described. Tabulated data show coordinates, temperature gradient, heat conductivity and heat flow. The average heat flow is 1.96 ± 0.23 X 10' cal/cm= sec. DLC. 105484 LYUBOVNYY, V. V krayu Yakutskom. (Okhrana truda i sotsial'noye strakhovaniye 1969. v.12, no.1, p.42-43, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: In Yakutia. Criticizes the slow implementation of industrial safety and health measures, also the .high rate of absenteeism, infringements of the temporary disability, sick leave, etc regulations. The main cause is inadequate medical services; doctors and specialists are in short supply because of the high turnover among young graduates due to poor housing and social conditions, obsolete laboratory equipment, delays in hospital construction, etc. DLC. LYUL'KO, V.A., see No. 108129. 105485 LYUTKEVICH, YE.M. 0 vozraste uglenosnykh otlozheniy Tungusskogo, Taymyrskogo i Kuznetskogo basseynov. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1968. v.23, no.24, p.93-101) 22 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Age of coal-bearing deposits of the Tunguska, Taymyr and Kuznetsk basins. Reviews disputed questions of the age and stratigraphy of these deposits. Their flora and fauna are analyzed, and no paleontological foundation found for considering the coalbearing sediments as Carboniferous. None of the floras of the Tunguska and Kuznetsk basin coal-bearing sediments have Carboniferous associations. Possibly these deposits are Lower and Upper Permian as considered originally. DLC. 105486 LYUTOVA, M.I. and others. lzmeneniye temperaturnoy ustoychivosti kletok morskikh vodorosley v zavisimosti of temperaturnykh usloviy sredy. (Tsitologiya 1968. v.10, no. 12, p.1538-45, graph, tables) 25 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: N.L. Fel'dman and V.P. Drobyshev. Title tr.: 615
Changes in the cellular thermoresistance of marine algae under the influence of environmental temperature. Experiments on algae obtained from Barents and White Seas and contiguous waters show that their thermoresistance changes with changing environment, both natural and artifiDLC. cial. 105487 MAACK, A. Ett polygonliknande monster. (Svensk geografisk arsbok 1966. Title v.42, p.188-91, illus) 3 refs. In Swedish. tr.: A polygon-like pattern. Describes a phenomenon at the mouth of Storelven in inner Laksefjord of north Norway, as studied in 1966. The pattern is composed of rounded polygons made up of a combination of irregular lines consisting of stone stripes 1-2 m wide and about 0.5 m high. This pattern occurs on the two lowest raised terraces and in the present delta. It may have been formed in the shallow delta by the opposing forces of current and sea, particularly at high tide and possibly reinforced by ice pressure. CaMAI, DLC. 105488 MAARLEVELD, G.C. Frost mounds, a summary of the literature of the past decade. (Netherlands. Geologische Stichting. Mededelingen 1965. n. s. no.17, p.720, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 51 refs. Earth mounds or pingos include the Mackenzie type (Russian: bulgunnyakh), East Greenland type (Russian: gidrolakkolit) and the bugor (Swedish). The palsa, mainly in Finland, is in flat terrain with peat bogs and is distinguished from pingos. All occur as periglacial phenomena in permafrost terrain of the Northern Hemisphere. The literature on these small hills deals with their types, composition, relation of occurrence with topography, vegetation and climate and their formation processes, disDGS. appearance and age. MAARLEVELD, G.C., see also No. 103238. MASEIDE, K., see No. 103263. 105489 MCALLISTER, D.E. and C.R. HARINGTON. Pleistocene grayling Thymallus from Yukon, Canada. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.5, p.I185-90, maps, table, illus) 25 refs. Describes eleven cycloid fish scales or scale fragments with scalloped anterior margins, from Pleistocene beds in the Old Crow area, associated with shells which were radiocarbon dated at 32,400 ± 770 BP. These scales of Thymallus arcticus provide the first fossil record of the genus and of the subfamily Thymallinae for North America and confirm previous suggestions that this species survived the Wisconsin glaciation in 616
the Beringian refugium. Associated fauna and flora suggest that the graylings lived in a cool, shallow lake with wet meadow habitat DGS. and coniferous trees nearby. 105490 MCALPINE, J.F. and J.E.H. MARTIN. Canadian amber. (Beaver 1969. v.300, no.1, p.28-37, map, illus) Describes varieties found in the world, and maps occurrences of Canadian amber in relation to interior seas and floodplains that existed when it was being produced. Although it occurs in many places in Alaska and Canada, the amber from Cedar Lake, Manitoba, is the richest and biologically the most important, containing many insect fossils. A dam has now inundated this area. Too little is known about the insects in Canadian amber to draw definite conclusions about their paleoecology and enviCaMAI. ronment. 105491 MCANERNEY, J. and others. Blasting frozen ground with compressed air. (National Research Council of Canada. Technical memorandum 1969. no.96, p.39-58, illus) 6 refs. Other authors: I. Hawkes and W. Quinn. Tests were carried out on five sites at Fox, near Fairbanks, Alaska, to evaluate the possible advantages of using compressed air rather than chemical explosives as a method of ground fragmentation. The tests showed that for purposes of tunneling in frozen silt and trenching in frozen ground, airblasting is apparently an efficient technique. For purposes of surface ripping, however, airblasting was DGS. found to have limitations. 105492 MACARTHUR, R.S. Educational potential of northern Canadian native pupils. (Alberta. Univ. Boreal Institute. Occasional publications 1968, no.4, p.73-81, tables) 13 ref's. Outlines a model of the nature and development of intellectual abilities. Data are presented on the intellectual potential and differential abilities of Mackenzie District Eskimo and Indian-Metis pupils in relation to their white classmates. Six psychosocial influences are noted which affect development of various cognitive abilities in different cultures. A large proportion of native pupils of early school age have the general potential for full participation, but native teenagers tend to slip behind whites in most cognitive abilities, especially those of a verbal comprehension nature. The youths need help by improvement of influences toward achievement motivation, initiative and curiosity, conceptual stimuli, also in language, health and nutrition. The International Biological Programme, International Study of Eskimos is briefly described and the Canadian team CaMAI, MiU. studies indicated.
MACAULAY, H.A., see No. 104193. MCCAIG, I.W., see No. 106402. 105493 MCCALLUM, K.J. and J. WITTENBERG. University of Saskatchewan radiocarbon dates, 5. (Radiocarbon 1968. v.10, no.2, p.365-78) Refs. Includes dates for peat and wood from Slave River delta, wood from Garry Island and for a bone from Banks Island, the last >34,000 yr. DGS. 105494 MCCAMIS, J.G. and L.S. GRIFFITH. Middle Devonian fades relations, Zama area, Alberta. (American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin 1968. v.52, no.10, p.1899-1924, maps, tables, illus) 8 refs. Postulates the geologic history of this portion of the Middle Devonian Black Creek basin, from the late Elk Point deposition until the removal of Black Creek salt during late Devonian time. Stratigraphy of the Elk Point Group and the Slave Point Formation in the Zama area is discussed, and reservoir properties tabulated for the productive units. Stratigraphic cross sections illustrate lithologic variations, and maps show geologic conditions during several periods of Middle Devonian time. The thickest production zone consists of 228 ft in the combined Zama and Keg River reservoir; the Bistcho member contains the best gas reservoir in the area. The Zama area, discovered in 1966, is in northwestern Alberta 45 mi NNE of the Rainbow field and about 200 mi NNW of the town of Peace River. DGS. 105495 MCCASKIE, R.G. A specimen of the black-throated green warbler from Alaska. (Auk 1968. v.85, no.2, p.320) Identifies a skin of an adult male Dendroica virens, collected on Chichagof Island 1941 and at that time inaccurately identified as a Townsend warbler. This appears to be a first Alaskan record and the westernmost occurrence for D. virens. DLC. 105496 MCCASLIN, J.C. Names are in from the north. (Oil and gas journal 1970. v.68, no.23, p.155, table) Gives a stratigraphic name table to be used by geologists on the Arctic Slope. It is the result of work by the North Slope Stratigraphic Committee, Alaska Geological Society. A more detailed statement of units and boundaries is to appear later. DGS. MCCLAIN, E.P., see No. 108497. MCCLOY, J.M., see No. 108336. 105497 MCCOLLUM, R.W. Hepatitis as
it relates to the Arctic. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.529-36, graphs, table) 13 refs. Infectious hepatitis has reached the previously isolated arctic populations with recent changes in the living, communication and transportation systems. Of six local epidemics in Alaska during 1955-63, that in Kotzebue was traced to contaminated water; in the others, the virus was transmitted by personal contact. The high attack rates appear to be related to low immunity, crowded living and to personal and family hygienic conditions rather than to community sanitation. With the threat of commonsource epidemics, however, special engineering considerations are required in extension of community water and sanitation facilities. DLC. 105498 MCCONNELL, J.G. The economics of seal hunting in three Keewatin settlements. (Musk-ox 1969. no.5, p.49-50) Reports research in May and June 1968 at Whale Cove, Rankin Inlet and Chesterfield Inlet. The study is concerned with the seal population, relation of the seal harvest to other factors, and trends within the economy of the settlements. CaMAI. 105499 MCCONNELL, M.P. Potential for, and impact of tourism in the Northwest Territories. (In: Conference on productivity...I 969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.291-96, table) Reviews the expansion of the industry during 1959-68, from approx 600 to 9000 travellers, with expenditures of $350 thousand to three million dollars. Air tourists in 1968 were 89% from the US, auto tourists were 54% Canadian and 42% US. Per capita expenditures of the two classes were $520 for air, $35 for auto. Because of lack of roads, air travel has the real potential. The impact on employment and earnings is cited and the social impact discussed in terms of the residents, particularly the indigenous people in small communities. Impact on the natural environment is also considered, damage to camp sites, sport fish stocks, and game. Five main elements of a sound development pattern are stated. CaEUB. MCCOURT, G.B., see No. 106537. MCCRACKEN, K.G., see No. 108149. 105500 MCCULLOCH, DS. and M.G. BONILLA. Railroad damage in the Alaska earthquake. (American Society of Civil Engineers. Proceedings. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division 1967. v.93, no.5, p.89-100, graphs, illus) Describes and discusses design control of damage to bridges and embankments caused 617
by the mobilization of wet unconsolidated water-laid sediments in diverse physiographic situations. Permanent horizontal displacements of such sediments toward depressions such as canals and streams affected sections to depths of 10-30 ft. The net compression of all bridges ranged up to 20 in. and, together with skewing, accompanied horizontal offsetting. Piles in stream centers were moved vertically upward. Evidence of repetitive endways pounding suggests transient horizontal displacement. Ground cracks probably formed by tension or shear failure, and by interaction of linear• fills and the unconsolidated sediments. Settling of embankments was caused by loss of bearing DGS. strength of the sediments. Report 105501 MCCUTCHEON, D. from Kotzebue, building boom, Drift Inn. (Alaska construction & oil 1970. v.11, no.9, p.62-64, illus) Describes construction and accommodation features of a privately built three-story hotel, also ten Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Housing Improvement Program houses at Kotzebue. The B1A houses were built under a contract to the Alaska Native Brotherhood. Seven more are to be built at both Stebbins and Unalakleet and five at Elim in 1970-71. Recipients of the houses make up part of the labor force and DI. give 200 hr of labor. Coal min105502 MCCUTCHEON, S. (Alaska construction & oil 1969. ing history. v.10, no.2, p.16-20, illus) Lignitic or sub-bituminous coal was first mined by the Russian-American Co near Chugachik Bay in the Cook Inlet region. In 1851 the American Russian Company of San Francisco entered the field but found that shipment of ice to San Francisco was more profitable. They built the first railroad in Alaska on Kodiak Island, 16 yr before the Alaska Purchase. Various companies' mining efforts and exploration in Southeast Alaska, Alaska Peninsula, Yukon River valley, North Slope and the Matanuska coal field are traced. The company which produced in this region closed down subsequent to installation of natural gas in Anchorage and military establishments in 1967. With discovery of oil and gas on the North Slope, the future of coal mining in the Tanana valley is dark. When pipeline construction DI. begins, Fairbanks can be served easily. 105503 MCDIARMID, I.B. and others. Dawn-dusk asymmetries in the outer radiation (Journal of zone at magnetically quiet times. geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.14, p.355460, graphs) Refs. Other authors: J.R. Burrows and M.D. Wilson. Reports an experiment to detect effects of a dawn-to-dusk electric field of the type implied 618
by recent models of plasma convection in the magnetosphere. A requirement was to examine the outer-zone steady state, avoiding local time dependent effects of non-adiabatic acceleration processes. Data were obtained from energetic particle observations by seven charged particle detectors aboard the Alouette-2 satellite launched 29 Nov 1965 to a near-polar orbit of 502 km perigee, 2982 km apogee, 79.8° inclination, and 121.4 min period. Three magnetically quiet periods were selected by noting times when the satellite was near the dawn-dusk meridian, and outer-zone intensities underwent a relatively steady decay. A dawn-dusk intensity difference was measured as a function of high invariant latitude, and the implications are discussed in terms of magnetospheric electric field and other possible mechanisms. Passes of the satellite recorded at telemetry stations in Alaska, Canada, and England were used in the DLC. study. MCDIARMID, LB., see also 108424.
Nos. 108423,
105504 MCDONALD, B.C. Glacial and interglacial stratigraphy, Hudson Bay Lowland. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 1969. no.68-53, p.78-99, map, table, illus) 25 refs. Reports 1967 Operation Winisk study of Quaternary beds exposed in river sections in the area approx 50°-60°N 78°-96°W. Sections of marine beds, peat and stream deposits occur widely between glacial tills. These interglacial marine strata and marine shell fragments in tills, west of 86°W, indicate that the Hudson Bay depression was occupied by a sea at least as early as Sangamon time. Two tills, locally separated by proglacial lake sand and silt, postdate the interglacial. Freshwater sediments overlie the upper till but underlie sediments of postglacial Tyrrell Sea in the southeast and northwest lowland and may represent northern extensions of glacial lakes Barlow-Ojibway and Agassiz, respectively. A postglacial lake phase is absent in the central lowland and locally there is evidence that the Tyrrell Sea was in contact with the receding glacier. CaMAI, DGS. MCDONALD, F.B., see No. 102011. MACDONALD, J.A. 106148.
Nos. 101883,
MACDONALD, J.G., see No. 105184. 105505 MACDONALD, M. and others. Pushing back the northern frontier. (Canadian geographical journal 1968. v.77, no.5, p.142-53, map, illus) Other authors: H.W. Walker and G.A. Godfrey. Reviews the development since 1958 of
radio and television services in the Canadian Arctic. These now include 29 stations, a shortwave service to the high Arctic, special programs in English, French, Indian and Eskimo languages and "Frontier Package", a limited television system commenced in 1967. This principally serves mining communities in the sub-Arctic. The proposed development of lowpowered FM radio stations serving isolated arctic communities is also briefly discussed. A space satellite system may eventually provide the same television service as to other parts of Canada. The preparation of specifically arctic feature programs is outlined. CaMAI, DLC. 105506 MACDONALD, N. Seattle, Vancouver, and the Klondike. (Canadian historical review 1968. v.49, no.3, p.234-46) Discusses the rivalry between the two cities for the Klondike trade. Seattle had experience, business contacts and regular shipping facilities for trade with Alaska well before the gold rush started. Campaigns conducted by businessmen in both cities to capture the trade are described. The gold rush affected the urban growth of west coast communities, but its influence should not be overestimated. DLC. 105507 MACDONALD, R. Petrological studies of some alkalic and peralkalic dyke rocks from the Tugtutoq-Narssaq area. (Greenland. Geologiske undersegelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.44-47) 2 refs. Summarizes research in an area of major Gardar intrusions of southwestern Greenland, where dike swarms display an apparently continuous series of rock types from basic microsyenite to peralkalic microgranites (comendites). Essential mineral components of several rock types in the series are identified. Some aberrant acid rocks are noted. The quartzose rock —invariably include feldspar phenocrysts; except for sparse apatite phenocrysts the microsyenites appear to have been intruded in an almost wholly liquid condition. Pyroxenes appear to have been unstable over a considerable temperature range. DGS. 105508 MCDOUGALL, H. Water bombers protect Canadian forests. (Canadian geographical journal 1968. v.77, no.2, p.38-45, illus) Describes the development of aerial firefighting. Early experiments in the US primarily involved landplanes, but floatplanes or flying boats with water tanks installed were more suitable to Canadian conditions, because of the abundant lakes and rivers from which waterborne aircraft could be flown. The various types of aircraft and equipment are described, and recent trends in research, including the use
of chemicals with water, are reviewed. CaMAI, DLC. MACDOUGALL, H.M. see No. 101883. 105509 MACDOUGALL, J.D. and R.C. HARRISS. Geochemistry of an arctic watershed. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.2, p.305-315, maps, tables) 30 refs. Describes the methods used and gives results of -a mineralogical and geochemical study of Recent sediments in Fitzwilliam Strait and Marie Bay, and soils from adjacent source areas of Melville, Prince Patrick and Eglinton Islands. X-ray supported by chemical analyses indicate no major diagenetic changes in the marine environment. Cation-exchange reactions are important. The general chemistry of the sediments is similar to that of other nearshore sediments. Among trace elements Cu, Ni and Co exhibit small concentrations relative to pelagic clays; Cr and V concentrations are similar to those of deep-sea sediments. The Mn content is low, but the calculated accumulation rate is greater than that in many manganese nodules. The low Mn content of the soils suggests that the Mn in the sediments is not of local origin. Little or no boron is taken up by the terrestrial clays as they enter the marine water in this polar region. New data are presented for Hg, Pd and Au in near-shore sediments: the values are 30, 2.1 and 2.7 ppb respectively. CaMAI, DGS. 105510 MACDUFF, A. Through the eyes of a potter. (Beaver 1969. v.299, no.4, p.1415, illus) Describes a terracotta pot made by an Eskimo of Rankin Inlet. CaMAI. 105511 MCEWAN, E.H. Hematological studies of barren-ground caribou. (Canadian journal of zoology 1968. v.46, no.5, p.1031-36, tables) 32 refs. Erythrocyte, hemoglobin, packed-cell volumes, and total and differential leucocyte counts from the whole blood and plasma of wild caribou collected at Beverly Lake, NWT, are compared with those of captive caribou maintained on a high plane of nutrition. Mean corpuscular hemoglobin of lactating female caribou, about 30%, differed from the normal value of 34%, suggesting that some wild caribou may suffer from hypochromic anemia. Plasma electrolytes and calcium and phosphorus levels were slightly lower in wild than in captive caribou. Blood urea nitrogen level was about 28% higher in captive than in wild caribou because of differences in protein intake. DLC. 105512 MACEWAN, J.W.G. Nationhood. (In: National Northern Development Conference 1967. Proceedings, p.74-77) 619
Lieut Gov of Alberta cites achievements in exploration of the North and describes presentday life, and the natural resources in some of its regions. The need for Canadians to understand, occupy and develop their north is stressed. CaEUB. 105513 MACFARLANE, I.0 Strength and deformation tests on frozen peat. (In: Int. Peat Congress, 3d, 1968. Proceedings, p.143-49, graphs, tables, illus) 9 refs. French summary. Describes procedures and reports results of axial compression tests on frozen fibrous peat samples which indicate that a load applied to frozen peat will cause it to react in a time dependent manner, as for inorganic soils. Unconfined compression tests show a quite high strength that varies inversely with the temperature. The rate of load application shows a higher rate of strain resulting in a higher strength. The highest strengths and lowest strains were found in those samples tested parallel to the natural bedding plane of the peat. For a testing temperature of -9.5°C the average unconfined strength varied from 40 kg/cm' at 1%/min strain rate to to 47 kg/cm' at 2%/min strain rate. At -15.5°C the average unconfined compressive strength at a strain rate of 2%/min was 55.5 kg/cm'. These values are in the order of 350-400 times the unconfined compressive strength of unfrozen peat. DG S. MACFARLANE, I.C., see MCGILL, D.A., see
No. 106047.
No. 108022.
105514 MCGILL UNIVERSITY. Marine Sciences Centre. Annual report 1966, 1967. Montreal 1967, 1968. 28, 34p. Refs. Reports research during 1966-67 by scientists and personnel of the center on the energy budget of the Arctic, particularly the energy exchange between sea and atmosphere; sea-ice physics; ice drift; and various marine and ice phenomena of the Arctic Ocean. Zooplankton in Baffin Island, beluga in Cumberland Sound, chaetognaths in the Barents Sea, ringed seal in the eastern Arctic, and benthonic fauna of the Nansen Sound area are among the major biologic studies reviewed. A major project was inaugurated in 1967 to make an extended study of the North Water in Smith Sound. Publications of the Centre and its staff members are listed in each report: 30 in 1966, 21 in 1967: CaMAI. MCGILL UNIVERSITY. Marine Sciences Centre, see also No. 108497. 105515 MCGILL UNIVERSITY. Sub-arctic Research Laboratory. Annual report 1965-66, 620
field research in Labrador-Ungava. Montreal 1967. 168 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Its: Research paper no.23) Refs. Presents, in sequence to No 97735, reports on research in progress, a note on the Laboratory organization and functions, and a classified list of its 1957-66 publications. The reports are abstracted separately under the authors' names, viz: Adams, W.P. A note on the pressure pillow method of snow measurement. Adams, W.P. and J.A.A. Jones. Crystallography of ice on Knob Lake. Barr, D.R. Climatological summary for 1966. Blumberg, B.S. and others. Genetic studies on the Naskapi and Montagnais Indians of Schefferville, PQ. Dyke, A.P. The arctic char fishery in northern Labrador. Dyke, A.P. A brief comparative analysis of four years climatological records... Dyke, A.P. Extreme temperature in the Knob Lake area. Dyke, A.P. A note on the spelling of the word "Nascaupi". Dyke, A.P. The population of John Lake (Nascaupi) Reserve. Dyke, A.P. Wind speeds in the Knob Lake • area. Findlay, B. The hydrological year 19651966. Jones, J.A.A. Ice year 1965-66. Jones, J.A.A. A reconnaissance note on some raised beaches in northern Labrador. Matthews, B. Late Quaternary events in northern Ungava. Rogerson, R.J. Snow research at Knob Lake... Rogerson, R.J. A study of the post-glacial emergence of the south shore of Hudson Strait. CaMAI, DLC. 105516 MCGOWAN, J.D. Starvation of Alaskan ruffed and sharp-tailed grouse caused (Auk 1969. v.86, no. I, p.142-43) by icing. Reports on the death of grouse in the Minto village area of central Alaska in late Jan 1968. It is attributed to their food supply being cut off by about one-half in ice coating on the vegetation which lasted for five weeks. This heavy icing followed rainfall caused by warm moist air brought in by storms from the south and DI. west. 105517 MCGREGOR, D.C. Devonian plant fossils of the genera Kryshtofovichia, Nikitinsporites, and Archaeoperisaccus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Bulletin 1969. no.182, p.91106, illus) 43 refs. French summary. Gives data on structure and occurrence of dispersal microspores of Archaeoperisaccus from Devonian localities in northern and arctic
Canada, the USSR and elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere. Evidence is cited that these dispersed spores may represent the microspores of Kryskofovichia while the isolated megaspores Nikitinsporites from Frasnian rocks of Ellesmere Island may be the megaspores of that genus. DGS. 105518 MACGREGOR, J.G. Peace River looks north. (Habitat 1967. v.10, no.36, p.128-33, illus) Describes Peace River, its history, setting CaMM. and links with the North. 105519 MCGREGOR, V.R. Early Precambrian geology of the Godthab area. (Greenland. Geologiske undersegelse. Report 1969. no.19, p.28-30) 4 refs. Discusses rock types, their metamorphic history, deformation, intrusions, inclusions, mineral associations, structure, folding phases, CaMAI, DLC. and age determinations. 105520 MCGREGOR, V.R. Field evidence of very old Precambrian rocks in the Godthab area, West Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1968, no.15, p.31-35) 6 refs. Reports 1966-67 field studies which indicate this area to have been through at least one period of igneous activity earlier than that which ended about 2600-2700 MY. An important swarm of basic dikes called the Ameralik dikes and recognized for 120 km along the strike and 30 km across the strike provides a key to the history of the area. Explanations are given for the view that rocks cut by these dikes belong to a reworked basement within the preNagssugtoqidian, Pre-Ketilidian complex, and that there may have been a period of igneous activity after the intrusion of the Ameralik dikes but before deposition of the supracrustals. There is evidence of tensional deformation associated with granitic plutons and related pegmatites. If the 2700 MY figure represents cooling after that intrusion, the pegmatites may be considered older, and the intruded rocks as old as the Lower Katarchean rocks of Kola CaMAI, DLC. Peninsula, 3600-3660 MY. 105521 MCGREGOR, V.R. Migmatization and deformation in Ameralik, Godthab Commune, West Greenland, and their effect on a swarm of basic dykes. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.29-3 I) Ref. Basic dikes intruded this area after at least one period of folding and granite formation. Succeeding migmatization and deformation were followed by some local reactivity; then by broad folding and emplacement of syntectonic granites and pegmatites, later by the Qorqut granite and its associated dikes and by younger
faulting and intrusion of dolerite and lamprophyre dikes. K/Ar dating of a pegmatite dike cutting the Qorqut granite suggests that the youngest plutonic rocks of the AmeralikGodthabsfjord region were formed about 1810 DGS. MY ago. 105522 MCILWRAITH, T.F. Bibliography of Canadian anthropology for 1961-62. Ottawa 1967. (Canada. National Museums. Bulletin no.204, anthropological ser. no.70, p. 191-217) Lists 215 items in alphabetical order by author, with a brief abstract of each. About half are of Arctic interest. CaMAI. 105523 MACINNES, C.D. Long-eared owl at Churchill, Manitoba. (Canadian field-naturalist 1971. v.85, no.4, p.327) 2 refs. Notes a male Asio otus collected on 1 Sept 1966 about 4 mi east of Fort Churchill, a new CaMAI, DGS. record for the area. MCINNIS, J.B., see No. 105641. 105524 MCINNIS, L. He's there to block end runs. (Canadian forces sentinel 1969. v.5, no.2, p.10-13, illus) Describes the role of Allied Command Europe Mobile Force (Land), designed in 1961 to protect the flanks of NATO and commanded by a Canadian, Maj-Gen Gilles Turcot; notes the part played by Canada in winter warfare exercises in Norway. CaMM. 105525 MCINNIS, L.F. Frontier assault. (Canadian forces sentinel 1967. v.3, no.4, p.6-9, illus) Describes an exercise in Alaska from 1-10 Feb 1967, designed to evaluate new equipment, test practicability of joint US-Canadian exercises in the Far North, and modernize procedures for warfare under Arctic conditions. CaMM. MCINTOSH, J.A., see Nos. 102527,104454. MCINTURFF, R.M., see No. 103413. 105526 MCINTYRE, D.B. Impact metamorphism at Clearwater Lake, Quebec. (In: Conference on Shock Metamorphism...pub 1968, p.363-66, illus) 3 refs. Presents photomicrographs of granitic microbreccias and other rocks collected in 1958 on islands in this lake; they exhibit features that are considered evidence of impact metaDGS. morphism. 105527 MACK, G. and K. ROM. Hvor kan jeg fiske i Norge? Oslo, Gyldendal 1962. 256 p. maps, illus. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Where can I fish in Norway. 621
Summarizes by counties information assembled over a period of years on freshwater sport fishing, together with some legal considerations. For each county individual parishes, lake groups, or stream basins are discussed, with suggestions for travel within the area, accommodations, type of fishing, choice of equipment, fishing site, species generally found, etc. Though information is meager for northern Norway sport-fishing possibilities are DLC. good. 105528 MACK, G. Trout fishing in Norway. (Landslaget for reiselivet i Norge. Bergen, Norway Travel Association 1958. p.60-96, illus) Presents information on lakes, rivers, and streams where trout and other sport fish are found. Weather, types of water, regional data, regulations and local information are given by district. For northern Norway, the principal towns are cited with notes on accommodations and local waters: The Finnmark plateau has virgin fishing waters. Glacier-fed streams proDLC. vide continuous stream flow. 105529 MCKAY, A.R. Practical heat transfer calculations for arctic engineers. (In: Symposium on cold regions engineering 1970. Proceedings pub 1971. v.1, p.12-32, graphs, illus) 12 refs. Presents mathematical approaches and equations considered useful in typical engineering situations affected by conditions of freeze-thaw. Steady-state equations are viewed as inappropriate for the arctic environment, since time-dependent boundary conditions are involved. Non-linear equations based on unsteady-state conditions may now be solved by modern computers, at least by approximation. Some solutions of typical insulation problems, in particular of road surfaces, are CaMAI, DLC. explained and graphed. Cli105530 MCKAY, G.A. and others. matic perspective of tundra areas. (In: Conference on productivity...1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.I0-33, graphs, maps, tables) 34 refs. Other authors: B.F. Findlay and H.A. Thompson. Describes the climatic controls which operate in the Arctic in terms of the climate they produce. Dominative factors are the character of solar energy input, nature of immediate and adjacent surfaces, weather systems and topography. A series of circumpolar charts depict daily total solar radiation for June, percent frequency of cyclonic radiation for June, percent frequency of cyclonic centers and principal storm tracks in Aug and Feb, air temperatures, annual precipitation, number of snow-cover days, depth of late winter snow cover and winds >11 mps (24 mph) Dec-Feb. Winter is 622
the favored season for travel when sea ice and land are firm, but extreme cold, driving winds and blowing snow limit human winter activity on the tundra. Storms in all seasons are most severe near the sea coasts. Escape to microclimatic environments is essential to the existence of plants and animals. Disturbance of the delicate balance of such environments can be serious: removal of tall vegetation results in increased winds and shallower snow cover thus changing the thermal regime near and in the CaEUB. ground. 105531 MACKAY, 1. and G. POWER. Age and growth of round whitefish Prosopium cylindraceum from Ungava. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1968. v.25, no.4, p.657-66, graph, tables) 11 refs. French summary. Reports a study of 370 specimens of this food fish from the Koksoak River system and 61 from the George River at Helen Falls in the Ungava region of northern Quebec. They show similar slow growth in length and weight at a constant rate. This is in contrast to the Great Lakes population which approaches the upper size limit rapidly within the first three yr, after which growth is slow. The maturing age of the Ungava males and females was 4+yr and 3+ yr, respectively. Because of their slow growth and small average size, these Ungava fish, although abundant, are of no commercial CaMAI, DI. interest. 105532 MACKAY, J.R. Disturbances to the tundra and forest tundra environment of the western Arctic. (Canadian geotechnical journal 1970. v.7, no.4, p.420-32, graph, table, illus) 20 refs. French summary. Discusses topographic consequences of tundra damage such as caused by bulldozing of seismic lines and firebreaks, and gives general guidelines for field prediction of potential damage. The study area was along the coast from the Alaska-Yukon boundary to Franklin Bay at 126°W. Distinguishes between thermokarst subsidence which is the dominant result of man-induced disturbances and thermal erosion. The typical disturbance results in a deepening of the active layer. This effect together with data on ice content of the affected permafrost make it possible to predict the amount of thermokarst subsidence which will occur. Ground disturbance by fire at Inuvik, vegetation trampled by a dog and seepage down a walking trail in an ice-wedge area at Garry Island, Mackenzie District, is illustrated and discussed. All types of tundra polygon terrain are potential disturbance areas. Extensive regions, Mackenzie Delta—Fort Good Hope, have ice-wedge terrain with ice wedges not apparent in aerial photos or on the ground. They may be closely spaced, so there is a
chance of disturbance for any poorly designed linear construction feature such as a road or pipeline. DGS. 105533 MACKAY, J.R. Lateral mixing of the Liard and Mackenzie rivers downstream from their confluence. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.1, p.111-24, graphs, map, tables) 13 refs. Measurements of temperature, transparency, turbidity, conductivity and Na and CI concentration of water samples from cross sections about 30 mi apart for 300 mi downstream from the confluence of these two rivers show that the waters were not yet fully mixed. The cold Mackenzie River transports little suspended material where it issues from Great Slave Lake; the Liard River debouches into the Mackenzie at'mile 205 as a warm, roily, chocolate brown, drift-laden river. The slow mixing rate has practical implications when pollutants are considered. The long distance required for mixing may be more common in large broad DLC. rivers than is generally realized. 105534 MACKAY, J.R. The Mackenzie Delta. (Canadian geographical journal 1969. v.78, no.5, p.146-55, map, illus) Paraphrased account of a talk given to the Royal Canadian Geographical Society on the arctic and subarctic environment of the Mackenzie River and its delta. The breakup of the river ice and permafrost phenomena such as ice-wedges, pingos, ground ice and thermal erosion are touched upon. Population is treated historically in relation to this environment, and some present and future human problems are cited. If the search for oil proves successful, the area may enter a new economic and social phase. CaMAI, DLC. MACKAY, J.R., see also
No. 103189.
105535 MCKENCHNIE, N.D. The mineral industry in British Columbia. (Canadian geolographical journal 1969. v.76, no.3, p.76-89, map, illus) Traces the history of the industry and discusses production of coal, petroleum and natural gas, lead-zinc, copper, molybdenum, iron, silver, gold, miscellaneous metals and industrial minerals. The principal mineral deposits CaMAI, DLC. are mapped. MCKEE, R., see No. 103470. Glacial his105536 MCKENZIE, G.D. tory of Adams Inlet, Southeastern Alaska. (Dissertation abstracts 1969. v.30, no.1, p.260B) Order no.69-11,676. PhD thesis, Ohio State Univ 1968. 227 p. This inlet is in the Chilkat-Baranof Mts in the east part of Glacier Bay National Monu-
ment. The depositional sequence and conditions, composition and dates, where known, of seven formations are described. From oldest to youngest, these are Granite Canyon Till, Forest Creek glaciomarine sediments, Van Horn Formation, Adams lacustrine-till complex, Berg gravel and sand, Glacier Bay drift and Seal River gravel. Wood at the top of Forest Creek Formation is dated at approx 10,940 BP, the Glacier Bay Formation was deposited in the early 19th century. Ice-contact deposits such as eskers, kames and pitted outwash are common. Buried ice is present in parts of the Inlet. DGS. 105537 MCKENZIE, C.D. Some properties and age of volcanic ash in Glacier Bay National Monument. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.1, p.46-49, maps, table) 6 refs. Also pub as: Ohio State Univ. Inst. of Polar Studies. Contribution no.166. Volcanic ash occurs in a 12-m thick section of gravels, silt and sand, exposed on both sides of Granite Canyon in the eastern part of the Monument. C-14 dates on wood from nearby marine deposits indicate an age for the ash of approx 11,000 BP. Mount Edgecumbe near Sitka may have been the source. Results of granulometric, petrographic and chemical analyses are reported. The ash was deposited in a near-shore marine environment as part of the Forest Creek Formation. CaMAI, DLC. McKEOWON, F.A., see No. 108035. 105538 MAC10EVETT, E.M., JR. and G. Analyses of outcrop and stream PLAFKER. sediment samples from the Yakutat and Mt. St. Elias quadrangles, Alaska. Washington, DC 1969. 2 p. map, tables. (US. Geological Survey. Reports, open file ser. no.1215 Lists semiquantitative spectrographic analyses of rocks, mineralized rocks, altered zones, veins, and sediments collected during a reconnaissance geochemical survey of parts of these two quadrangles in Southeast Alaska. The analytical results provide background geochemical data for the rocks of the region and indicate minor anomalous concentrations of many metals. Map shows generalized geology and the sample locations. Tables give analyses of samples collected in 1967 and 1968 separately. The anomalous concentrations of metals and their economic implications are not discussed. The only mining in the region is periodic smallscale attempts to exploit the beach sands for their• gold content. The analytical results could be utilized in any systematic prospecting and in provenance and similar geologic studies. DGS. 105539 MACKEVETT, E.M„ JR. and J.G. SMITH. Distribution of gold, copper and some other metals in the McCarthy B-4 and B623
5 quadrangles, Alaska. Washington, DC 1968. 25 p. maps, tables. (US. Geological Survey. Circular no.604) 6 refs. Describes the geology, gives the results of stream-sediment and rock analyses, and indicates the distribution of previously known and new metal deposits in the area 61°15' - 30'N 142°07' - 52'W, which includes parts of the southern Wrangell Mts and the contiguous Chitina valley. Cu, Au, Ag, Sb, Mo and As are the main mineral commodities, and there are minor anomalous concentrations of many other metals, notably tungsten associated with Sb DGS. deposits. MACKEVETT, E.M. JR., see also 106437.
105540 MCLAREN, I.A. Population and production ecology of zooplankton in Ogac Lake, a landlocked fiord on Baffin Island. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1969. v.26, no.6, p.1485-1559, graphs, tables, illus) 48 refs. Describes the life cycle, population dynamics, vertical distribution, growth and production of the copepods Pseudocalanus minutus and Oithona similis, the chaetognath Sagitta elegans and the medusa A glantha digit*. Some other zooplanktons and planktonic larvae are also dealt with briefly. The marked seasonality of the lake means that controls of population size and growth occur when there is an excess of food; there is little support for the theory that vertical migration is adapted to control growth and development and to maximize rates of increase in thermally stratified waters; there is evidence of the overriding influence of temperature on body size of zooplankters: smaller in warmer water. Overall zooplankton production is approx IgC/rne/yr; and production/biomass ratios average approx 3:1, but vary so widely that the ratios cannot be considered "physiological" or determinate for a species or a system. CaMAI, DI. 105541 MCLAREN, I.A. Primary production and nutrients in Ogac Lake, a landlocked fiord on Baffin Island. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1969. v.26, no.6, p.1561-76, graphs, table) 10 refs. Reports and discusses summer 1962 measurements of chlorophyll, oxygen, phosphate, nitrate and nitrite in this strongly stratified (meromictic) lake and results of experiments with fertilized polyethylene columns which were set between the fresh surface and anoxic depth of the middle basin of the lake. Primary production was approx 12 g/m2 in this basin during 1962. Production was limited by available N, probably largely by amount of nitrate available at winter's end. Production was 624
mainly concentrated in narrow strata, one descending from near the surface in June to occupy nutrient-rich deep water in summer, and another developing at the halocline in summer, possibly sustained by nutrients from biota, killed by freshening of the lake water in 1962. CaMAI, Dl. 105542 MCLARNEY, W.O. Intra-stream movement, feeding habits, and population of the coastrange sculpin Coitus aleuticus in relation to eggs of the pink salmon Oncorhynchus (Dissertation abstracts gorbuscha in Alaska. 1968. v.28, no.12, p.5247-B--5248-B) Order no.68-7668. PhD Thesis, Michigan Univ 1967. 142 p. 1965 upstream movement of sculpins in Sashin Creek began when the first salmon appeared and was controlled chiefly by stream flow, which displaced sculpins during freshets and had an effect on salmon, salmon eggs and dissolved 0, concentration. As salmon population density increased, sculpins sought areas less used by spawning salmon; those in parts of the stream above and below the principal salmon spawning area did not join in the upstream movement. Principal food of sculpins is Trichoptera and Plecoptera larvae and salmon eggs, the last preferred and consumed as late as Nov 3. Sculpin population estimates ranged > 9000-34,000 yr, suggesting that muskoxen were on Banks Island at the height of the Wisconsin glaciation or earlier. Conflicting views concerning the existence of a Wisconsin refugium on this island are discussed; the evidence suggests that such did exist isolated from Beringia and from any in the northern islands. CaMAI, DLC.
105576 MAHER, J.C. and W.M. TROLLMAN. Geological literature on the North Slope of Alaska. Tulsa, Okla. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1970. 133 p. maps. Lists geologic papers, file reports and maps pub prior to 1 Nov 1969, also oceanographic reports on the adjacent continental shelf, and a few items on adjacent Yukon Territory. The papers, etc deal with petroleum geology, exploration and development, but not primarily with mining operations. A simple subject index and a list of serials are included. DGS.
105579 MAHER, W.J. and D.N. NETTLESHIP. The pintail (Anas acuta) breeding at latitude 82°N on Ellesmere Island, N.W.T., Canada. (Auk 1968. v.85, no.2, p.320-21) Reports observation of a pair of pintail ducks 11-19 June 1966 and subsequent appearance of the female with nine young on 13 July near Camp Hazen at 81°49'N. This extends the breeding record of the species 700 mi. There was no evidence that any of the brood survived. It is possible that this pair were from an European population. DI.
MAHER, J.C., see also No. 103650. 105577 MAHER, W.J. Ecology of the long-tailed jaeger at Lake Hawn, Ellesmere Island. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.2, p.112-29, graph, maps, tables) 23 refs. French and Russian summary. Reports on 1966 studies of breeding density, timing, chick growth and food habits of Stercorarius longicaudus near the northern margin of its extensive range (60°N on Hudson Bay to 83°N) where it is free of competition from the pomarine and parasitic jaegers. The great variation in breeding of the long-tailed jaeger is related to lemming populations, which provide >90% of the jaegers' food; clutch size also appears to be adjusted to food supply. This smaller jaeger species adapts to the High Arctic with its efficient use of lemming highs which may not be very great and its use of insect prey, especially by the chicks. Fledgling time is approx three wk, one week less than the larger jaegers. Egg-laying dates vary widely between years and within populations. Juvenile birds, mainly snow buntings and shore birds make up most of the other vertebrate prey. A description of the Camp Hazen environment and a comparison of the long-tailed jaegers with north Alaska populations are included. CaMAI, DLC. 630
105580 MAHER, W.J. The pomarine jaeger as a brown lemming predator in northern Alaska. (Wilson bulletin 1970. v.82, no.2, p.130-57, graphs, map, tables) 23 refs. Discusses the food habits, nesting density, and reproductive success of the Stercorarius pomarinus population through a complete fiveseason lemming cycle in 1956-60, as observed at Barrow (mainly), Pitt Point, Wainwright and Cape Sabine. When jaegers breed, at least 80% of their food supply is lemmings with birds the next most important component. But lemmings occur in 40-yr old; two had dysenteric symptoms. The strain(s) of this organism in the Loon Lake area seem to be particularly virulent. Results of the two surveys show that sanitary standards are a decisive factor in limiting the spread of amebiasis and similar infections. CaMAI, DNLM. 105762 MEEROVITCH, E. and R.D.P. EATON. Outbreak of amebiasis among Indians in northwestern Saskatchewan, Canada. (American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 1965. v.14, no.5, p.719-23, tables) 15 refs. Approx 70% of the 178 Indians from the Loon Lake, Ministikwan and Bighead Reserves studied in Aug 1964, were infected with intestinal protozoa, 31% with Entamoeba histolytica. At least four Indians died from amebiasis in 1959-64. The virulence of these infections cannot be explained. The very high rate of parasitism is a result of the poor sanitary standards in the Indian reserves. There were no signs of cestode or nematode infections. DLC. 105763 MEGILL, L.R. and others. Oxygen atmospheric and infrared atmospheric bands in the aurora. (Journal of geophysical research 1970. v.75, no.25, p.4775-85, illus) 20 refs. Other authors: A.M. Despain, D.J. Baker and K.D. Baker. Reports measurements from two Aerobee rockets flown from Ft Churchill on 21 and 30 Mar 1969 at 04.53 and 03.33 GMT, respectively. The photometric instrumentation is described and results discussed, arriving at possible excitation mechanisms of auroral radiation 02(1 .6,q). Energy sources other than the primary particles are concluded to contribute to the excitation. Possibly electric polarization field across the aurora heats the ambient electrons in the arc, which in turn excite 03 molecular electronic states. DLC. 105764 MEIER, M.F. and A. POST. What are glacier surges? (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.4, pt. 2, p.807817, graphs, map, table, illus) 7 refs. Some 204 glaciers have been identified in western North America, which surge in periods of approx 15 to >100 yr. During the active phase, ice flow rates may range approx 150 m/yr to >6 km/yr and horizontal displacements may range from 11 km. Glaciers of all shapes, sizes and longitudinal profiles can surge and no unusual "ice dams" or bedrock constrictions are evident. Surges occur in many different climatic, tectonic and geologic environments, but only in certain areas, mainly in the Alaska, eastern Wrangell and St Elias mountains. Three types of surging glaciers are defined according to size, displace-
ment and flow rates. All types have an inherent instability which is self-triggered at regular intervals, but an additional and unknown mechanism produces the very high flow rates of the large-to-moderate-sized glaciers with large displacements (type I. Examples are drawn from Alaska, British Columbia and CaMAI, DGS. Yukon Territory. 105765 MELAMED, V.G. Matematicheskaya postanovka i algoritm resheniya zadachi o teplo- i massoobmene vo vlazhnykh tonkodispersnykh gruntakh pri nalichii fazovykh prevrashcheniy. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. no.9, p.79-89) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mathematical formulation and algorithm for solving the problem of heat- and massexchange in moist finely-dispersed grounds with phase transitions present. Presents solutions for systems of equations describing heat- and mass-transfer in fully-dispersed, moisture-bearing frozen ground, in which there is a mobile phase boundary between the frozen and melting zones. Three cases are considered: 1) monotonic freezing, 2) formation of ice intercalations, and 3) thawing of the frozen bed, with upward migration of meltwater. Four assumptions are made: I) the moisture is mobile only in the liquid phase, 2) there is no migration of moisture in the frozen zone, and 3) in the monotonic freezing process the moisture at the phase boundary with the melt zone is considered to be invariant in time and is assumed to equal some critical moisture that is close to the lower plasticity limit, and 4) the deformation of skeletal structure during the phase transition process and the dependence of ground characteristics are not taken into account. DLC. 105766 MELAMED, V.G. 0 primenimosti avtomodel'nogo resheniya zadachi o promerzanii s uchetom migratsii vlagi v real'nykh usloviyakh. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. no.9, p.100-105) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Applicability of an automodel solution of the freezing problem, in which the migration of moisture under real conditions is taken into account. Analyzes the results of investigations by the author (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya, no. 6, 1966, no. 7, 1967, no. 9, 1969, and by Fel'dman no. 9, 1969) and others indicating that the use of the automodel solution of ground-freezing problems in which the migration of actual ground moisture is taken into account, has limited applicability. The principal limiting conditions are seen as including: 1) the necessity for knowing the constant value of moisture at the mobile phase boundary, 2) the requirement that the potential of the forces acting on the moisture at each point in the ground be a unique function of the moisture content, and 3) 661
the requirement that determinations must be made of the moisture that equals the heaving (caused by the formation of ice) threshold, as a function of the heat- and mass-exchange characteristics of the medium. The author concludes that use of the automodel solution of the freezing problems, with the migration of moisture toward the mobile front taken into account, is possible only under the specific conditions obtaining when massive or infrequent microstructures of cryogenic texture are formed DLC. in the freezing process. 105767 MELAMED, V.G. Resheniye zadachi o promerzanii tonkodispersnykh gruntov s uchetom migratsii vlagi k frontu promerzaniya. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. Tide tr.: no.9, p.90-99) 10 refs. In Russian. Solution of the problem of the freezing of finely-dispersed grounds with moisture migration toward the freezing front taken into account. Presents an automodel solution for the problem of the freezing of finely-dispersed ground, in which the migration of moisture toward the freezing front and the onset of phase transitions having a spectrum of negative temperatures are taken into account. The basic assumptions are that in the frozen zone the mass-exchange is negligibly small and that at the mobile boundary the moisture from the melting zone is constant in time and is somewhat in excess of the unfrozen moisture at the temperature at which the phase transition is initiated (here assumed to equal zero). DLC. 105768 MELANDER, 0. Sulitelmas glaciarer. (Till fjalls 1969-70. v.41-42, p.I16-23, tables, illus) In Swedish. Tide tr.: The glaciers of Sulitelma. There are six glaciers in the Swedish part of this mountain massif, three of which cover 36 km' of the 38 km' total ice-covered area. In 1898 these three glaciers covered 52 km' according to J. Westman's measurements, cf No 19342. Thus they have receded considerably: Stuorrajekna 950 m during 1908-1957. Recent measurements show Salajekna to have receded an average of 12 m/yr during 1965-68 and 17 m in 1968-70. Earlier investigations in the area are reviewed from G. Wahlenberg's in DLC. 1807. MELARTIN, L., see No. 102370. 50 aret for 105769 MELDGAARD, J. Knud Rasmussens 5. Thule ekspedition. (Naturens verden 1971. v.55, no.6/7, p.225-32, Title tr.: The 50-year map, illus) In Danish. observance of Knud Rasmussen's Fifth Thule Expedition. Reviews Rasmussen's longest and most important expedition, cf No 14199, 17665, etc. 662
His companions and the route across arctic North America are indicated, as are the events of July 1921 - Sept 1924 when he reached Bering Strait. His documentary materials and reports from the expedition are also mentioned. DLC. 105770 MELDGAARD, J. Nordboerne i Gronland, en vikingebygds historie. Kobenhavn, Munksgaards forlag 1965. 107 p. Refs. In Danish. Title tr.: The Norsemen in Greenland, history of a Viking settlement. Reviews documentary and archeological evidence that throws light on the later history of the medieval Norsemen in West Greenland. Ruins of more than 200 dwellings, churches, etc in the Julianehab region and 70 near Godthab are noted, only a few of them thoroughly investigated. The culture, religion, civil life, animal husbandry, farm buildings and water supply of the settlement are discussed, and the causes of the settlers' disappearance DLC. are considered. Nordboernes 105771 MELDGAARD, J. Vesterbygd med bemaerkninger om Stensnacs domkirke, Hop og tingstedet. (Gronland 1966. no.12, p.40I-412, map, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: The Vesterbygd of the Norsemen with comments on Stensnaes cathedral, Hop and the Thing meeting-place. Describes a 1966 trip with two companions to investigate ruins found by R. Bjergmose in Kangiussaq Fjord, West Greenland. The ruins, claimed to be those of the cathedral, are probably the remains of a shed for sheep and goats. The ruins at the supposed Thing meeting place are shown to be a previously known storeCaMAI, DLC. house. 105772 MELEDINA, S.V. Novyy rod sredneyurskikh arkticheskikh ammonitov. (In: Problemy paleontologicheskogo obosnovaniya...1967. p.103-109, table, illus) Refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: A new genus of Middle Jurassic ammonites of the Arctic. Gives a correlation of Bajocian and Bathonian stages of the Arctic, the Anabar region, Western Europe, East Greenland, northern Canada and Alaska. The new genus Boreiocephalites is erected, with B. pseudoboreas n sp as the type. The material, systematics, affinities, biometrics, and other features are reported. The ammonite is found in the Anabir Bay DLC. region. 105773 MELEDINA, S.V. Sredneyu rskiye boreal'nyye ammonity Sibiri i ikh stratigraficheskoye znacheniye. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.183, no.2, p.416-19, illus) 21 Title tr.: Middle Jurassic refs. In Russian. boreal ammonites of Siberia and their stratigraphic importance.
Outlines the Bajocian and Bathonian ammonite zones of Siberia; defines the zones of Normaniies, Boreiocephalites pseudoborealis, Cranocephalites vulgarly, Araocephalites elegans, and Arcticoceras hock Some comparisons are made with ammonites of Greenland, Canada, Alaska and Europe. The Siberian samples are from the Nordvik, Anabar and Lena regions. DLC. MELEDINA, S.V., 106942,108577.
see also
Nos. 102099,
MELEKESTSEV, I.V., see 102523. MELENTTEV, R.N., see No. 103048. 105774 MELENrYEV, L.A. Energetika Vostochnoy Sibiri za 50 let i perspektivy yeye razvitiya. (In: Velikiy Oktyabr' i Vostochnaya Sibir' 1968. p.1 15-24) In Russian. Title tr.: Fifty years of the East Siberian power industry, and its development prospects. Outlines the development to 1966 of various electrification plans and regional or unified power-supply systems introduced in the Soviet Union since Oct 1917 and discusses in some detail current progress in harnessing the power resources of such Siberian rivers as the Angara, Yenisey and Lena. On the Angara, four hydroelectric power stations built or now under construction will generate over 60 billion kwh. On the Yenisey, four stations, when completed, will generate 100 billion kwh. On the Lena, it is technically possible to obtain 150 billion kwh of electric power. The Unified Electric Power System, incl both East and West Siberia, is based on a number of thermal and hydroelectric stations tied into a powerline network over 2000 km long, carrying a 500,000 v current. DLC. 105775 MELIN, R. Hydrological regions in Scandinavia and Finland. (Nordic hydrology 1970. v.1, no.1, p.5-37, graphs, maps, tables) 21 refs. Presents a study of the regime, regional distribution and long-term variations in river discharge in the Fennoscandian peninsula. Regime analysis is based on monthly means and average annual discharge over a 30-yr period. The arctic area is within nival highland and lowland regimes. Regional distributions based on mean discharges for 1931-60 are grouped for four areas, loci the arctic sea and inland parts of the north cap, and the Scandinavian high mountain district. Variations in discharge are analyzed for 10- and 30-yr mean discharges in percentages of the mean discharge for the 1911-60 period. Relations between discharge, precipitation and temperature are discussed. The geographic character of the several sections of the area is demonstrated
in analyses of the hydrological conditions. DLC. 105776 MELLEN, R.H. and C.T. MILNER. Ice island revisited. (QST 1961. v.45, no.2, p.40-43, map, illus) Refs. Describes instruments, housed equipment, antenna field, living experiences and VHF contacts on T3 off Alaska. Communications openings appeared to correlate with aurora and solar time changes, but as location changes occurred the expected reflection zones were not found, either because local conditions differed or because ionospheric conditions affected contacts with locations farther south. Winter outdoor problems with fuel oil, cold generators, etc are noted. Partial breakup of T3 occurred while the party occupied the island. DLC. 105777 MELLEN, R.H. Underwater sound in the Arctic Ocean. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.419-26, graphs, illus) Ref. Presents results of acoustic studies of effects related to the ice cover made from various drifting stations (not named) during 1958-62, cf No 89717. The theory and procedures used in preparing an ice roughness K spectrum are discussed, typical arctic ambient spectra are shown in which noise produced by thermal cracking of ice is a factor. CaMAI, DLC. 105778 MELLOR, M. Foundations and subsurface structures in snow. Hanover, N.H. 1969. 55 p. graphs, illus. (US. Army Cold regions Research & Engineering Laboratory. Cold regions science and engineering monograph no. III-A2c) 31 refs. Describes and gives design principles for various types of foundations suitable for use in deep snow. Dependence of settlement rate on heaving pressure, size and shape of foundation, snow temperature and snow density is analyzed and field data from test procedures for foundation design outlined. In treating the design of tunnels, shafts and subsurface structures in very deep snow, the distributions of stress, strain and displacement in polar ice sheets are first obtained analytically. Gives observed patterns of deformation for a variety of excavations and deformable structures and methods of analysis. Discusses the loading of restraining structures and gives notes on the monitoring and maintenance of subsurface structures. Examples are drawn from Greenland and Antarctica. CaMAI, DLC 105779 MELLOR, M. Methods of building on permanent snowfields. Hanover, N.H. 1968. 43 p. illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Cold regions science and engineering monograph 111-A2a) 14 refs. 663
Reviews the state-of-the-art for icecap construction and describes methods as a basis for future design. Construction problems are noted and diagrams, plans, cross sections and/or photos included. Eskimo snowhouse, snowcaves of the 1930-31 Wegener Expedition to Greenland and of the US Army, subsurface but of the Expeditions polaires franoises are dealt with, as are snow blockhouse, large-diam metal tubes, tunnels, pits and trenches dug and roofed by use of the Swiss Peter snowmiller, in which prefabricated barracks, workshops and offices are erected for Camp Century in North Greenland. Composite buildings surmounted by radar towers elevated 19 ft above the snow surface on columns with hydraulic jacks to permit lifting and leveling were made for the DEW line DYE-2 and DYE-3. Milled snow domes cast over inflatable forms over which melted snow was blown by a Peter miller, surface construction of prefabricated huts and a small research station consisting of a buried Jamesway but and excavated storage and work area in the Antarctic are dealt with. Technical details are given of radar stations N-33, N-34 in North Greenland. Prefabricated panel buildings in steel tubes have wooden chambers which showed no distress in 12 yr of burial in US SIPRE excavations and undersnow Camp Fistclench, the DEW Line and Camp Century, the French stations, Centrale, Dumont and Jarl-Joset, all in Greenland. American, Russian, French, Norwegian, South African, Belgian and British Antarctic stations are also CaMAI, DLC. described in varying detail. 105780 MELLOR, M. Utilities on permanent snowflelds. Hanover, N.H. 1969. 37 p. graphs, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Cold regions science and engineering monograph no. IIIA2d) 46 refs. Describes water' supply, waste disposal, heating, ventilating and fire protection at installations built on polar ice sheets, with detailed treatment of actual systems in Greenland and Antarctica. Discusses energy requirements, consumption rates, water quality and treatment, techniques and equipment for melting snow and ice, and water distribution systems; sewage and sewage sinks, latrines, garbage, trash and radioactive waste disposal; heating load, heat losses and insulation, energy sources and heating systems; air demands, intakes and exhausts, ventilation of undersnow tunnels and carbon monoxide problems. Specific guides to fire protection consider the factors of lack of water and prevailing low temperatures in polar regions where fire is a CaMAI, DLC. fairly common occurrence. MELLOR M. see No. 101617. 664
MEL'NIK, A.P., see No. 104888. MEL'NIK, YU.M., see Nos. 104638, 106849. 105781 MEL'NIKOV, A.V. I nnokentiy Georgiyevich Nikolayev, k 80-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.14, p.I75-76, illus) Title tr.: Innokentiy GeorgiyeIn Russian. vich Nikolayev, the 80th anniversary of his birth. Outlines the scientific activity of this geologist and mineralogist, born in 1888. From 1933 he worked in the Arctic Institute, investigated the Lena region, Kharaulakh Mt, Koryak upland, etc, participated in development of the Northern Sea Route, and had some 85 works published, six of them after his death in 1943. CaMAI, DLC. 105782 MEL'NIKO, B.D. and A.F. POPADICH. Vozrastnyye vzaimootnosheniya rudnykh i khrustalenosnykh zhil Orulganskogo antiklinoriya. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1969. no.5, p.127-29, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Age relationships of ore and crystal-bearing veins in the Orulgan anticlinorium. In the Permian-Carboniferous deposits there are two groups of hydrothermal formations, crystal-bearing quartz bodies and ores of rare-metal veins. The age of crystal-bearing veins is determined by structural position and considered upper Kimmeridgian. DLC. MEL'NIKOV, N.V., 105260.
Nos. 102640,
105733 MEL'NIKOV, V.G. and others. Sovremennoye sostoyaniye razvitiya proizvoditel'nykh sil severnykh rayonov Yakutskoy ASSR. (In: Ekonomika i kul'tura...1968, p.13-23) In Russian. Other authors: Ye.G. Title tr.: PresYegorov and F.I. Golovnykh. ent stage of development of the forces of production in the northern districts of Yakut ASSR. In pt I, Industry, p.13-18, V.G. Mel'nikov and Ye.G. Yegorov list mineral resources of each district, noting size and quality of deposits, active mines, exploratory surveys, etc. Most of the labor is hired on the outside, only a negligible percentage are aborigines. Substantial reliance on native labor is considered essential for rational industrial development, but large-scale hiring of aborigines is rejected as disruptive of their traditional occupations. Coordination of the industrial and agricultural labor market and interchange of workers is recommended to relieve shortages and provide work for seasonally idled rural workers. In pt 2, Agriculture and traditional trades, p18-23, F.I. Golovnykh deals with the 19 state farms
created in 1960 to replace collective farms. They supply 78% of the fish, 73% of the fur, 25% of the meat, and 9.5% of the milk production of Yakutia. Industry production and returns are given for the four ecological zones: coastal tundra, western forest tundra, northeastern mountainous taiga, and the Indigirka-Kolyma lake-and-valley zone. Reindeer husbandry and fishing predominate in the tundra and taiga zones with subsidiary horse raising in the latter and some fur farming in the former; cattle, dairy, and fur farming in the Kolyma-Indigirka region.DLC. MEL'NIKOVA, S.A., 107737.
see Nos. 103138,
MEL'NITSKIY, V.YE., see No. 103816. MENARD, H.W., see No. 102806. 105784 MENG, C.I. Variation of the magnetopause position with substorm activity. (Journal of geophysical research 1970. v.75, no.16, p.3252-54, illus) 11 refs. Compares the locations of the magnetopause near the noon meridian as observed by IMP-2 satellite, with the polar substorm activity indicated by the AE hourly index, an improvement of earlier studies based on Kp and ap geomagnetic indices. The hourly average values of AE index used were compiled by T.N. Davis and colleagues and pub in Scientific reports of Alaska Univ Geophysical Institute for the period from IGY to 1964. A distended magnetosphere is believed to be associated with geomagnetic quiet conditons of low AE. When polar substorms are in progress, the magnetosphere is in a compressed condition. DLC. MENG, C.I., see also No. 101686. MENG, M.S., see No. 108410. 105785 MENNER, V.V. and others. 0 korrelyatsii srednedevonskikh otlozheniy Sibirskoy platformy. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.193, no.6, p.1360-63, map) 9 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.K. Krylova, K.Ye. Kolodeznikov and G.S. Fradkin. Title tr.: Correlation of Middle Devonian deposits of the Siberian platform. Middle Devonian deposits are widely distributed in the Tunguska and Vilyuy syneclises, Rybinsk and Kansk-Taseyevo depressions, Sette-Daban and Dzhardzhan uplifts, and Khatanga trough. Comparison of sections makes clear the great similarity of late Eifelian and Givetian history of sedimentation in various regions of the platform. It also shows that in the Siberian as in the Russian and North American platforms, there was a large strati-
graphic unconformity in the lower Middle Devonian. DLC. MENNER, V.V., 102821.
see also
Nos. 101920,
105786 MENOVSHCHIKOV, G.A. V eskimosskoy shkole. (In: Prosveshcheniye na Kraynem Severe...I967. p.56-60, illus) In Russian. Titk tr.: In an Eskimo school. Excerpt from author's essay "First steps" pub in 1936 (not seen). His arrival in Sireniki in Aug 1932 as newly appointed teacher, remodelling of the school house, parents' meeting, and students' return to class are described. Teaching difficulties at that time are discussed: the curriculum and vocabulary devised for Russian schools had to be adapted to local conditions; a provisional vernacular alphabet had to be developed on the spot as the first primers in Eskimo reached Chukotka only a year later; teachers unversed in Eskimo grammar had no textbooks as linguistic studies had not yet been published, etc. DLC. 105787 MEN'SHIKOV, V.I. Struktura vod Tikhogo okeana, omyvayushchikh yugovostochnoye poberezh'ye Kamchatki. (Voprosy geograffi Kamchatki 1970. no.6, p.6873, graphs, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structure of the Pacific Ocean waters washing the southeast coast of Kamchatka. Distinguishes six water masses in the Commander Islands - Kamchatka region: coastal, surface, cold intermediate, warm intermediate, deep-water and near-bottom water mass. Each is briefly characterized noting its hydrological and hydrochemical features such as pH, salinity, temperature, etc. DLC. 105788 MEN'SHIKOV, YU.F. Zdorov'ye naseleniya Kol'skogo poluostrova. (Zdravookhraneniye i zdorov'ye naseleniya Murmanskoy oblasti. Murmansk 1968. p.100129) In Russian. Title tr.: The health of the population in Kola Peninsula. The population of Murmansk Province is made up primarily of immigrants from the temperate zone who are adversely affected by the harsh meteorological conditions: high humidity and abrupt changes in air temperature and atmospheric pressure. The larger proportion of acclimatized old timers among the immigrant population in 1965 over 1958 has influenced the health profile of the Province. Pneumonia cases fell from 88.6 to 75.4/1,000 pop. Gastritis and nephritis decreased, while gall bladder diseases and diabetes are on the rise. There is a decrease in disorders of the nervous system and an increase in vascular diseases of the central nervous system. Influenza and respiratory diseases are still rampant and hypervitaminosis C is frequent among new665
comers. Cases of hypertonia and atherosclerosis in Lapps and Zyryans show a marked DNLM. decline. MEN'SHIKOV, YU.P., see No. 104704. 105789 MEN'SHIKOVA, YE.N. 0 dinamike nekotorykh pokazateley akusherskoy pomoshchi na Kol'skom poluostrove. (Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1968. Title tr.: v.12, no.5, p.12-13) Ref. In Russian. Dynamics of some indices in obstetrical care on Kola Peninsula. Presents some data on pre-natal care and infant mortality in Murmansk Province. In the last 15 yr, regular medical check-ups of women prior to the 3rd month of pregnancy rose from 30 to 65.9% in urban and 37.1 to 85% in rural areas. Infant mortality from pneumonia in 1966 was one-third that of 1956 and deaths from birth injuries fell from 8.4%0 to 2.6%0. To the expansion of gynecological and obstetrical clinics in the Province, development of health stations at the Severonikel' combine and particularly to work of the Murmansk gynecological center are due the success in early diagnosis and 100% hospitalization rate of women with strong pregnancy complications. Since 1956, fifty midwives and forty-five midwife-gynecologists have graduated at the Murmansk center. DLC.
Bezymyannogo i Katmai. (In: Vulkany i izverzheniya...I969. p.78-81, table) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fumarole gases of pyroclastic flows of Bezymyannyy and Katmai volcanoes. Analysis of these fumarole gases indicates that the eruptive mechanism and the source of the fumaroles of both volcanoes are similar. Differences in the composition of the gases associated with initial and final stages of eruption are explained as due to compositional variations of the magma. DLC. 105793 MENYAYLOV, I.A. Povedeniye gazoobraznykh sery i khlora vo vremya dvizheniya piroklasticheskikh potokov vulkana (Byulleten' vulkanologicheBezymyannogo. skikh stantsiy 1968. no.44, p.49-51, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Behavior of gaseous sulfur and chlorine at the time of movement of pyroclastic flows from Bezymyannyy Volcano. In the process of formation and movement of pyroclastic flows gases are differentiated according to specific weight. The lighter gases, e.g. chlorine are characteristic of the upper parts of the flows, and the heavier sulfur gases of lower parts. There should also be a similar differentiation according to specific weight for other volatile matter such as CO and CO„ H„ etc. DLC. MENYAYLOV, I.A., see also No. 103187.
105790 MENSHUTKIN, V.V. and YU. YA. KISLYAKOV. Model'noye issledovaniye Ozernoy. (Rybnoye promysla krasnoy khozyaystvo 1968. v.44, no.4, p.86-88, graphs, Title tr.: Model table, illus) In Russian. study of the sockeye industry in the Ozernaya River. Presents a computer model for this salmon fishery. This species spawns in Kuril'skoye Lake and migrates to the Sea of Okhotsk off DLC. the west coast of Kamchatka. 105791 MENYAYLENKO, P.A. 0 srednefranskikh otlozheniyakh perekhodnoy zony fatsiy Srednego i Yuzhnogo Timana. (lzvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy 1969. Geologiya i razvedka no.2, p.16-23, tables) 13 refs. Title tr.: Middle Frasnian In Russian. deposits in the transition facies zone of middle and southern Timan. Gives further (to No 98033) descriptions of Middle Frasnian marine deposits of the Yeshmesskiy region and compares them with the middle and southern Timan sections of the same deposits. Three layers, the Rudkinskiy at 477.0-471.7 m, Semilukskiy at 471.7-458.5 m, and Alatyrskiy at 458.7-424.8 m, are described, DLC. noting the lithology and fauna. 105792 MENYAYLOV, I.A. Fumarol'nyye gazy piroklasticheskikh potokov vulkanov 666
105794 MERCER, F.G. Black magic. (Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Quarterly 1967. v.32, no.4, p.42-44) Describes an episode in Labrador in 1935. Two charms--the inflated intestine of a seal and a raven's claw--were used by an Eskimo as protection against possible harm from the spirit associated with a corpse. CaMAI. MERCK, C.H. see No. 107868. 105795 MEREU, R.F. and J.A. HUNTER. Crustal and upper mantle structure under the Canadian Shield from Project Early Rise data. (Seismological Society of America. Bulletin 1969. v.59, no.1, p.147-65, graphs, map, tables, illus) 28 refs. The 39 Lake Superior shots made by this 1966 seismic experiment were recorded along a 1500 km line north-northwest across the Canadian Shield and 300-600 km north and northeast. The seismic line from Port Arthur to the Baralzon Lake area northwest of Churchill near the 60°N parallel, crossed the geologic boundary between the Superior and Churchill structural provinces. Travel time data are given in full and the detailed analysis described and discussed. The residuals showed that the Mohorovi& discontinuity is relatively horizontal at a depth of 30-35 km under the Superior
province, under the younger Churchill province it is >40 km; the 50 km thick crust under Lake Superior is not extensive. Very weak amplitudes in the 10°42.4° distance range followed by a large amplitude indicate that there may be a slight decrease in P-wave velocity at a depth of 95 km. DGS. 105796 MEREU, R.F. Curvature effects on Hudson Bay and Project Early Rise seismic refraction results. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 1969. no.68-53, p.315-25, map, table, illus) 9 refs. Discusses results of major seismic experiments to study the crust and upper mantle structure under the Canadian Shield, viz: 1965 in Hudson Bay and Project Early Rise, 1966, when shots set off in Lake Superior were recorded, among many others, along a line across the Superior-Churchill structural boundary to Baralzon Lake, Manitoba. One station at Fort Churchill tied in with the Hudson Bay experiment. The Mohorovidie discontinuity depth profile from the two experiments is compared. The Superior-Churchill line shows that the boundary between these two provinces is deep-seated. The earth crust under the Superior province is relatively flat at 30-35 km, that under the Churchill province is 5-10 km thicker. The boundary, which is poorly defined under Hudson Bay near the surface, may be well marked at depth. Ca MAI, DGS. 105797 MERILAINEN, K. Taka-Lapin suurtektoonisista rakenteista. (Geologi 1970. v.22, no.9-10, p.139-44, maps) 9 refs. In Finnish. English summary. Title tr.: Large-scale tectonic structures of northernmost Lapland. Reports analysis of tectonic structure based on surface studies of topography, dip, schistosity and distribution of peat deposits. Bedrock blocks of 30-50 km diameter appear to approximate the average thickness of the Precambrian crust in Finland. Block structures are accentuated on the maps by observable fault and rupture lines and zones, and partly deduced from the location of peat deposits. DGS. MER'KOV, A.N., see No. 104965. MERKUR'YEVA, A.P., see No. 106179. MERRILL, C.L., see No. 106148. 105798 MERZLYAKOV, V.M. K probleme struktur osnovaniya Verkhoyano-Chukotskoy skladchatoy oblasti. (In: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po tektonike Sibiri...Mezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p.162-67, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Structure of the basement of the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka fold province. The basement below the Mesozoic structural complexes of this province is heterogene-
ous. It comprises both Archean-Proterozoic and Paleozoic geosynclinal structures. The basement of ancient median massifs such as the Okhotsk and Kolyma massifs is composed of Precambrian fold complexes; the basement of the Chukotka and Yana-Kolyma fold systems consists mainly of Paleozoic complexes. DLC. 105799 MERZLYAKOV, V.M. 0 rudokontroliruyushchikh strukturakh Tas-Kystabytskogo olovorudnogo rayona, Severo-Vostok SSSR. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.183, no.4, p.905-906, map) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ore-controlling structures of the TasKystabyt tin-bearing region, northeastern USSR. This region is in the southern part of the Sarycheva Range, the watershed between the Kolyma and Indigirka headwaters. The structure is described, and the distribution of Middle and Upper Triassic deposits up to 4600 m thick is noted. Three systems of faults are defined. DLC. 105800 MERZLYAKOV, V.M. and others. Sostoyaniye problemy sredinnykh massivov Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (In: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po tektonike Sibiri...Mezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p.131-43) In Russian. Other authors: M.1. Terekhov and S.M. Til'man. Title D..: Status of the problem of the median massifs of northeastern USSR. Notes the variety of opinions on the structure, nature, size, and age of median massifs. Their classification is discussed. The distinctive characteristics of pre-Riphean and Paleozoic massifs are defined and applied to an analysis of the pre-Riphean Omolon, Okhotsk, and Eskimosskiy massifs and the Paleozoic Kolyma, Yablonskiy and Yeropol'skiy massifs. DLC. MERZLYAKOV, V.M., see also No. 107839. 105801 MESEZHNIKOV, M.S. Novaya ammonitovaya zona verkhnego oksforda i polozheniye granitsy oksforda i kimeridzha v Severnoy Sibiri. (In: Problemy paleontologicheskogo obosnovaniya... 1967. p.110-30, table, illus) Refs. In Russian. Tick tr.: A new ammonite zone of the upper Oxfordian and the position of the boundary between the Oxfordian and the Kimmeridgian in northern Siberia. In the Levaya Boyarka section the uppermost zone of the Oxfordian is indicated by Amoeboceras ravni, which can be compared with the Ringsteadia pseudocordata zone of England. Some ammonites of gen Amoeboceras and Ringsteadia are described, among them new species. The Amoeboceras ram! zone is also found in the Maymecha River basin, 667
Novaya Zemlya and Spitsbergen. The boundary between the Oxfordian and the Kimmeridgian in northern Siberia can be found in a zone analogous to the pseudocordata zone. DLC. 105802 MESEZHNIKOV, MS. 0 vozmozhnosti zonal'nogo raschleneniya verkhnego kimeridzha Severnoy Sibiri. (In: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Stratigrafiya...sredney Sibiri 1967. p.79-85, table) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The possibility of a zonal subdivision of the Upper Kimmeridgian in northern Siberia. Reports a 1964 find of Aulacostephanus and other arctic cardioceratid ammonites in the Taymyr lowland, Levaya Boyarka River basin. The faunal zones are defined and correlated with analogous zones in Greenland, Svalbard, DLC. and Franz Josef Land. 105803 MESEZHNIKOV, MS. and others. Pervyye nakhodki nizhnekimeridzhskikh otlozheniy v Timano-Ural'skoy oblasti. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.191, no.1, p.177-80, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.A. Zakharov, G.E. Kozlova, V.S. Kravets and S.P. Yalcovleva. Title tr.: Discovery of Lower Kimmeridgian deposits in the Timan-Ural region. Describes cross-sections of deposits in the left banks of the Pizhma and Izhma Rivers, and lists the mollusc, foraminifer and radiolarian faunas. Lower Kimmeridgian deposits appear to be widespread in the Timan-Ural province. The occurrence of a series of West Siberian foraminifers and Stichocorys aff. haeckelii (Pantanelli) indicate a connection between the Pechora and West Siberian basins DLC. in Kimmeridgian time. 105804 MESEZHNIKOV, M.S. 4onal'noye podrazdeleniye nizhnego kimeridzha Arktiki. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.178, no.4, p.912-15, table) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Zonal subdivision of the lower Kimmeridgian of the Arctic. Analytes ammonites of the arctic regions and defines three zones of the lower Kimmeridgian: Pictonia involuta, Rasenia borealis and Amoeboceras kitchini. Their distribution and characteristic ammonites are noted. Two large regions are recognized as independent zoogeographic provinces, Greenland-Khatanga and DLC. Taymyr-Canada. MESEZHNIKOV, MS., 106942,106944, 106945.
see also
MESHCHERYAKOV, YU.A., 103811, 103813, 104898.
MESHKOVA, N.P., see No. 102090. METALLOVA, V.V., see No. 103360. 668
and others. 105805 METER, • YE.B. UI'voshpinel' v titanomagnetite iz orudenelogo piroksenita Sal'nykh tundr. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1968. no.6, p.35-38, table, illus) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: Yu.N. Yakovlev and L.A. Vinogradov. Title Cr.: Ulvospinel in titanomagnetite from the mineralized pyroxenite of the Sal'nyye tundras. Presents a mineralogical description of this mineral and a possible genetic interpretation of the structures. Comparative data are given on the differences in reflecting capacity of ulvfispinel, magnetite and ilmenite, and on the solubility of these minerals in hydrochloric acid. Brief etching of ulvospinel in concentrated hydrochloric acid shows no effect, but it dissolves completely if etching is prolonged, as does magnetite. Ilmenite under these condiDLC. tions remains insoluble.
METZGER, P.H,, see No. 102896. MEYER, K.F., see No. 103255. 105806 MEYER, M.E. Identification and virulence studies of Brucella strains isolated from Eskimos and reindeer in Alaska, Canada, and Russia. (American journal of veterinary research 1966. v.27, no. 116, p.353-58, tables) 22 refs. Strains of Brucella from arctic regions of these countries have been variously identified hitherto as B. melitensis, B. suis of various types, and B. rangiferi. Examination of all these strains simultaneously by internationally accepted methods shows them to be indistinguishable. It is recommended that they be classified as Brucella suis, type 4. The reaction of guinea pigs to inoculation with two of them indicates that these strains are virulent, conDLC. trary to previous reports.
105807 MEYER, M.E. Species identity and epidemiology of Brucella strains isolated from Alaskan Eskimos. (Journal of infectious diseases 1964. v.114, no.2, p.169-73, tables) 22 refs. Gives evidence to support the view that the Brucella organisms isolated from Alaskan Eskimos by B.E. Huntley and others, qv, are B. suis and recommends that they be classified as B. suis type 4. The initial source of infection in Alaskan caribou was the reindeer imported from Siberia in 1891. CaTU, DNLM. 105808 MEZENOVA, O.N. Ob. urovne askorbinovoy kisloty v grudnom moloke zhenshchin Arkhangel'ska. (In: Akklimatizatsiya i krayevaya patologiya...1970. p.I15-16) In Russian. Title tr.: Ascorbic acid content in the milk of lactating women in Arkhangel'sk.
The amount of ascorbic acid in breast milk was generally within normal averages in autumn, but fell to very low levels in spring, frequently falling far below standards. The low vitamin C content in breast milk of mothers with pneumonia-prone children indicate the possible role of C-hypovitaminosis in the development of this disease. DLC. MEZHETSKIY, A.A., see No. 108282. MEZHOBLASTNAYA KONFERENTSIYA SEVERO-ZAPADNYKH OBLASTEY RSFSR Po akklimatizatsii i krayevoy patologii cheloveka na severe, Arkhangelsk 1969, see No. 101688. 105809 MEZHVILK, A.A. Osobennosti razvitiya Verkhoyanskoy miogeosinklinali. (In: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po tektonike Sibiri...Mezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p.36-43) In Russian. Tide tr.: Characteristics of the development of the Verkhoyansk miogeosyncline. Traces the history of crustal deformation and sedimentation within the miogeosyncline from early Carboniferous to Jurassic time. Basement fault blocks exerted considerable control on the intensity of folding. Formation of the Verkhoyansk trough took place in the upper Paleozoic under conditions of predominantly west-east compression. Development of the foreland trough began in the Jurassic under east-west compression and continued into the DLC. Cretaceous. 105810 MIALL, A.D. Continental marine transition in the Devonian of Prince of Wales Island, Northwest Territories. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.1, p.125-44, graphs, maps, table, illus) 57 refs. The Devonian Peel Sound Formation of this island is an example of coastal alluvial plain sedimentation with a well-developed marine equivalent. A gradation is traced from coarse conglomerates near the source area, the Boothia uplift, which was probably a linear mountain chain at the time, through red sandstones to gray, non-marine elastics to marine carbonates. The litho- and/or biofacies, sedimentary structures, provenance of elastic materials and depositional environments are described for the various fades, other than the conglomerates. A geologic formation table of Prince of Wales and Somerset Islands is included. DLC. 105811 MIALL, A.D. New Lower Devonian rock unit in the Canadian Arctic Islands. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.3, p.1027-29, illus) 8 refs. Vertebrate fossils from elastic rocks of the Peel Sound Formation on north central Prince
of Wales Island indicate that rocks as young as Emsian may be present, contrary to the statement of A.R. Ormiston that Siegenian-Emsian carbonate sediments on the northwestern part of the island are the youngest rocks present. (See Ormiston, A.R., qv). A revised cross-section through the northern part of the island shows Ormiston's carbonates as a facies variation of the Peel Sound Formation, which rests on the underlying Read Bay Formation with a generally gradational contact, not a regional DLC. unconformity. MIALL, A.D., see also No. 102546. 105812 MICHEL, B. and C. TRIQUET. Bibliographie de la mecanique des glaces de rivieres et de lacs. Quebec 1967. 267 unnumb leaves. (Laval. Univ. Faculte des sciences. Departement de genie civil, Section mecanique des glaces. Rapport S-10) In French and English. Tide tr.: Bibliography of river and lake ice mechanics. A classified list of approx 1350 papers and books, published mainly in the 20th century through 1965, dealing with the physical and mechanical properties, ice problems in hydraulic structures and formation and breakup of river and lake ice. CaMAI. 105813 MICHEL, B. Ice covers in rivers. (National Research Council .of Canada. Assoc Committee on Geotechnical Research. Technical memorandum 1968. no.92, p.23I-47, graphs, table, illus) 16 refs. French summary. Reviews the more recent knowledge on the formation of ice covers. Methods of measuring the various parameters affecting the ice conditions are considered, as are surveys of river ice and snow covers, the computing of backwater curves underneath ice covers, and the gaging of strearnflow during the winter. The formation and evolution of ice covers are described and analyzed. Extensive discussion of the paper includes A. Gagnon's disagreement with the author's views on criteira for the progression of ice covers. CaMAI, DGS. 105814 MICHEL, B. Ice pressure on engineering structures. Hanover, N.H. 1970. 71 p. graphs, tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Cold regions science and engineering monograph III-B lb) 85 refs. Summarizes the existing knowledge on forces exerted by an expanding ice sheet, impact forces of ice on structures, and vertical forces exerted by ice on hydraulic structures, incl mathematical computations. A section on icebreakers touches upon their characteristics with emphasis on icebreakers in navigable rivers and lakes, and discusses the mechanics of icebreaking. Ice models, their laws of complete 669
similitude, the two types, one representing only the hydrodynamic behavior of ice, the other for studying the collapse of an ice sheet and their practical limitations are also discussed. DGS. 105815 MICHEL, B. Thrust exerted by an unconsolidated ice cover on a boom. (National Research Council of Canada. Assoc Committee on Geotechnical Research. Technical memorandum 1968. no.92, p.163-70, graphs, illus) 13 refs. French summary. Theoretical discussion of the forces acting on an unconsolidated ice cover held in position by a boom. Equations are developed for calculating the hydrodynamic force on the front edge of the cover and the tangential forces due to the weight of the cover, the flow of the water and the wind. The theory shows that the force on the boom will not increase indefinitely with the upstream length of the cover and that there is a critical discharge which, if exceeded, will cause the icefield to become unstable, break up and pass under the boom. DGS.
105817 MIECZKOWSKI, A. Geography of tourism and outdoor recreation of northern Manitoba. (Musk-ox 1968. no.3, p.39-42, illus) Describes opportunities for fishermen, hunters and family tourists, and the favorable prospects for attracting visitors from the US as well as Canada, provided part of the heavy east-west interprovincial traffic can be channelled to a south-north direction. CaMAI. 105818 MIELKE, J.E. and A. LONG. Smithsonian Institution radiocarbon measurements, 5. (Radiocarbon 1969. v.11, no.1, p.163-82, tables) Refs. Includes C-14 dates for driftwood, mud, marine shells, peat or bone from Disraeli Fiord, Tanquary Fiord, various lakes and mouth of Macdonald River on Ellesmere Island, and from the Fairbanks region, Lost Chicken Creek and Canyon Creek in Alaska. DGS. MIELKE, J.E., see also No. 104076.
MICHEL, B., see also No. 106073. MICHIGAN. UNIVERSITY, 106048.
see No.
MICHITTL F., see No. 104922. 105816 MICHURINA, L.R. Puti povysheniya ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti kletochnogo zverovodstva na severe Tyumenskoy oblasti i Krasnoyarskogo kraya. (Problemy Severa 1968. no.13, p.160-64, tables) 5 refs. In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Title tr.: Ways of increasCouncil, Ottawa. ing the efficiency of fur ranching in the north of Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk Provinces. Describes development of fur ranching in northern Tyumen and in Krasnoyarsk Province, with a table showing stocks of red fox, arctic fox, and mink in Yamalo-Nenets, Khanty-Mansi, Evenki and Taymyr National Districts as of Jan 1966. The main problem is poor organization of feed supply which includes low-grade fish and fish scraps as well as by-products of slaughtered reindeer meat. According to Soviet and foreign experiments, a meat-fish ration for arctic fox and mink can contain up to 80% fish without affecting reproduction of stock and quality of pelts. Feed costs in fur ranching reach 60-70% of total production costs, going as high as 80% in the Far North. Recommendations are given for feed supply improvement, greater use of white whale and ringed seal meat and of vitamin Crich wild greens. Author also advocates improvement of fur ranchers' living and workCaMAI, DLC. ing conditions. 670
105819 MIETTINEN, J.K. Enrichment of radioactivity by arctic ecosystmes in Finnish Lapland. (In: Symposium on radioecology 1967 pub 1969. Proceedings, p.23-31, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 14 refs. 1961-67 study of radioactive materials in Lapland. For reindeer herding Finnish Lapps, and a control group of southern Finns, body burdens of Cs-137 were determined by whole body counting and of 55Fe and "To by radiochemical analysis of blood samples. Whole body burdens of the southern population are of the same order as in the western peoples in general, Lapps contain about 50 times more Cs-137 and 10 times more 55Fe and 21To due to special ecological factors, mainly the food chains lichen to reindeer meat to man, and for Cs-137 also, fresh fish to man and flooded riverside pastures to cow's milk to man. DNLM. MIGLIACCIO, R.R., see No. 106814. 105820 MIGOVICH, I.M. and V.P. POKHIALAYNEN. Tektonicheskoye razvitiye Penzhinsko-Anadyrskoy skladchatoy zony. (In: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po tektonike Sibiri...Mezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p.196201) In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonic development of the Penzhina-Anadyr fold zone. Outlines the sequence of tectonic events, inversion of relief and other crustal processes resulting in formation of this fold zone. The main tectonic processes responsible for isolation of the zone as an independent fold structure took place in Albian-early Cenomanian (Cretaceous) time. Analogous fold structures, of similar composition and age relationships,
are widely developed in the northern half of the Pacific belt. DLC. MIGOVICH, I.M., see also No. 104754. MIKHALEV, G.P., see Nos. 107124, 107125. 105821 MIKHALEV, V.I. The character of ice formation on Spitsbergen Glaciers. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Arbok 1967 pub 1969. p.129-38, map, graphs) 14 refs. Russian summary. Distinguishes four ice formation zones on the glaciers of Svalbard: the cold and the warm firn zones, the firn-ice zone and the zone of ice feeding. A fifth snow-ice zone is assumed to exist on the slopes of the highest mountains in the eastern part of Spitsbergen. CaMAI, DLC. 105822 MIKHALEV, V.I. Glyatsiologicheskaya zonal'nost' na Shpitsbergene. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografii. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya 1968. no.14, p.97-102, map, graphs) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Glacial zonation on Svalbard. Discusses ice formation on the glaciers of Svalbard as considered by other scientists and reports own observations in 1966 on Holtedahl plateau. Four zones of ice formation are recognized, viz: cold firn, warm firn, fim-ice, and an ice-feeding zone. CaMAI, DLC. 105823 MIKHALEVA, V.M. and V.I. PERFIL'YEVA. 0 novom vide roda Polygonum
L. iz Yakutii. (Novosti sistematiki vysshikh rasteniy 1968. p.99-103, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: New species of genus Polygonum L. in Yakutia. A perennial knotgrass, collected in the upper Amga River region, is identified as: Polygonum amgense V. Mich et V. Perf. n sp (sect. Aconogonon Meissn.). P. amgense is closely related to P. tripterocarpum, which has not been recorded in the region where P. amgense is found. DLC. 105824 MIKHAYLOV, A. Puteshestviye
na Komandory. (Narodnoye obrazovaniye 1968. no.8, 4 p. insert between p.80 and 81, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Trip to the Commander Islands. Photoreportage of an excursion to Bering Island aboard the motor vessel Uglegorsk by sixth graders from Petropavlovsk-na-Kamchatke. Visits to a seal rookery on Cape Yushina, the fur farm in Nikol'skoye, the Aleut museum, etc, are described. DLC. 105825 MIKHAYLOV, A.N. Khronologiya vazhneyshikh sobytiy v oblasti meteorologii, gidrologii, okeanologii, issledovaniy Arktiki
i Antarktiki za 50 let, 1917-1967 gg. (Meteorologiya i gidrologiya za 50 let Sovetskoy vlasti. Leningrad 1967. p.250-77) In Russian. Title tr.: Chronology of the main events in meteorology, hydrology and oceanology research of the Arctic and Antarctic during 1917-1967. Useful reference list Intl notes on the main arctic expeditions, drifting stations, conferences, establishment of institutions, etc. DLC. 105826 MIKHAYLOV, D.A. and V.S. BYKOVA. Metasomaticheskiye sfen i ortit
diopsidovykh porod Aldanskogo shchita. (In: Ul'trametamorfizm i metasomatoz...1966. p.77-87, tables, illus) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Metasomatic sphene and orthite of diopside rocks of the Aldan shield. Analyzes sphene and orthite in metasomatic diopside veins. Their presence indicates that transfer and deposition took place after the iron-magnesian-calcium metasomatism, as did that of some elements and rare earths. The presence of sphene and orthite in metasomatic rocks depends not only upon the presence of rare earths and titanium in solutions but possibly upon a sufficient quantity of calcium. DLC. 105827 MIKHAYLOV, D.A.
0 nekotorykh osobennostyakh formirovaniya struktur metasomatitov v arkheye Aldana. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.7, p.138-46, illus) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some formation features of the structure of metasomatites in the Archean of the Aldan. Describes metasomatic diopside, diopsideamphibole and diopside-phlogopite rocks, particularly their orbicular structure which is illus. The dependence of the morphology of orbicular metasomatites upon the structure of the enclosing rocks is noted. From the geologic position of orbicular rocks, their formation in specific periods of the metasomatic process can be established. DLC. 105828 MIKHAYLOV, D.A. and D.A. MINEYEV. Raspredeleniye lantanoidov v
aktsessornykh mineralakh diopsidovykh metasomatitov Aldana. (Regional'nyy metamorfizm i metamorfogennoye rudoobrazovaniye. Leningrad, Nauka 1970. p.222-33, graphs, tables, illus) Refs.In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of lanthanoids in accessory minerals of diopside metasomatites of Aldan. Describes results of investigation of the Ianthanoid contents of kyanite, apatite, allanite and calcite in Precambrian diopside dike rocks of metasomatic origin. Concludes that concentration of rare earth elements increases from the peripheral zone toward the center of the dikes, confirming earlier conclusions on the migration of the elements during iron-magnesium-calcium metasomatism. DLC. 671
MIKHAYLOV, D.A., see also No. 105318. MIKHAYLOV, G.S., see No. 103916.
conditions of deposit formation are summarized. The lithostratigraphic divisions are correlated with the biostratigraphic divisions. DLC.
MIKHAYLOV, LI., see No. 106111. 105829 MIKHAYLOV, M.N. Nachalo issledovaniya severa; raboty Geograficheskogo instituta na Korskom poluostrove v 1920-1925 gg. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1970. v.25, ser. geol. i geog. no.12, p.156-58) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The beginning of investigations of the North, the work of the Geographical Institute on Kola Peninsula in 1920-25. Describes the. botanical, soil, geological, zoogeographic, hydrobiological and other studies, citing the expeditionary leaders and personnel, also some published results from fieldwork. DLC. MIKHAYLOV, N.I., see No. 103985. 105830' MIKHAYLOV, N.N. 0 shel'fe i materilcovom sklone Severnogo Ledovitogo okeana. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.I4, p.118-21, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The shelf and the continental slope of the Arctic Ocean. Notes the connection between the character of shelves and continental slopes in various parts of the world and the sedimentation regime and hydrographic systems. From recent geophysical and bathymetric data, the structure of oceanic bottom is presumed to differ west and east of the Lomonosov Ridge. To the west is crust of oceanic type; to the east, the ocean bottom is submerged continent. The position is defined of a zone of active faults north of the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas. A scheme is offered of the shifting of matter in the upper mantle beneath the Arctic Ocean bottom. CaMAI, DLC. 105831 MIKHAYLOV, YU.A. Paleogidrologicheskiye i paleotektonicheskiye rekonstruktsii i litostratigraficheskoye raschleneniye opomogo razreza. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.26, p.5-8, table) In Russian. Title tr.: A paleohydrological and paleotectonic reconstruction and lithostratigraphic division of a reference section. Reports a detailed lithological investigation of Carboniferous deposits of eastern Taymyr and their definition as strata, substrata and beds. Characteristic features of strata and substrata are shown to be determined by the tectonic regime, and the features of beds by paleohydrologic conditions and the sedimentation regime. The 672
105832 MIKHAYLOV, YU.A. and others. Verkhnepermskiye ledovo-morskiye otlozheniya Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.I90, no.5, p.I184-87, graph) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.I. Ustritskiy, G.Ye. Chernyak and G.P. Yayshits. Title tr.: Upper Permian glaciomarine deposits in the Soviet Northeast. Describes a section of these deposits as studied in 1968 in the Omolon massif, Russkaya and Kegali River basins and elsewhere. According to the lithology they are similar to the present coastal deposits of the Barents and Kara Seas. The action of the ice is well established. The deposits are of Kazanian age. Their wide distribution in the Soviet Northeast and their absence in other arctic regions confirms the ,view that in Permian time the North Pole was in the region of northeastern USSR. DLC. 105833 MIKHAYLOVA, Z.P. Verkhnekamennougol'nyye fuzulinidy gryady Chernysheva i zapadnogo sklona Severnogo Urala. (In: AN SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geol. Trudy 1967. no.6, p.29-55, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Upper Carboniferous fusulinids of Chernysheva Ridge and the western slope of the Northern Urals. Describes protozoan fusulinids of the Gzhel' stage of the Upper Carboniferous. The stage is divided into four zones, the zone of Obsoletes obsoletus and Protriticites sp., the Tritidies montiparus zone, the zone of Triticites arcticus and T. acutus, and the Triticites rossicus zone. About 30 forms are described, some DLC. of them new species. MIKHEICHEV, AS., see No. 104514. 105834 MIKHEYENKO, V.I. Gipergennoye okremneniye kimberlita trubki Moskvichka. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.187, no.5, p.1124-27, table, illus) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Supergene silicification of the Moskvichka kimberlite pipe. Describes this 180 x 160 m kimberlite pipe in the Morkoka River basin. Its intensive silicification to 11 m depth is noted. The silicification of kimberlite and hydration of iron oxide took place at the end of the Pliocene or in the early Pleistocene as the result of supergene infiltration and metasomatism by saturated siliDLC. con and oxygen of surface waters. 105835 MIKHEYENKO, V.I. Mekhanizm obrazovaniya polosatoy tekstury techeniya v kimberlite. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.179, no.1, p.194-97, graph, table, illus)
12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The formation mechanism of banded flow structure in kimberlite. Discusses the fabrics of igneous and sedimentary rocks. Banding in kimberlite rocks is considered with the Aeromagnitnaya kimberlite pipe of the Daldyn region as an example. The banded structure of kimberlite rock is described and an attempt is made to explain this phenomenon. It is suggested that the banding was formed by the plastic flow of serpophite-serpentine. DLC. 105836 MIKHEYENKO, V.I. `Novyye dannyye o genezise i vozraste trappov na vostoke Tungusskoy sineklizy. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.11, p.132-36, illus) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: New data on the genesis and age of traps in the eastern Tunguska syneclise. Reports a field study in Morkoka River basin, from which these traps are found to be basalts, and the age of deposits as determined by floral and faunal remains to be Upper Permian - Lower Triassic. The watershed gravels are probably sediments of old turbulent streams and not lacustrine sediments as shown on maps. DLC. 105837 MIKHEYENKO, V.I. and N.I. NENASHEV. Novyye dannyye o vozraste kimberlitovoy trubki "Mir". (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.5, p.117-21, tables) 14 refs. In Russian Title tr.: New data on the age of the Mir kimberlite pipe. This kimberlite pipe, originally considered Triassic and later pre-Middle Carboniferous, is reported from recent data as Middle and Upper Triassic. DLC. 105838 MIKHEYENKO, V.I. and others. Valun almazonosnogo eklogita iz kimberlita trubki Mir. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.190, no.6, p.1440-43, illus) 19 refs. In Russian. Other authors: B.M. Vladimirov, N.I. Nenashev and Ye.B. Sel'disheva. Tide tr.: A diamond-bearing eclogite boulder from the Mir kimberlite pipe. Reports the first find in 1967 of a large xenolith of diamond-bearing eclogite. It is a typical boulder ellipsoid in form with axes 15x10x6 cm. On its surface are five 1-3 mm diamonds. The eclogite consists of garnet and pyroxene. Its chemical properties are described and the formation conditions discussed. DLC. 105839 MIKKELSEN, E. Nekrolog: Iver P. Iversen 24. august 1884 - 17. januar 1968. (Grnnland 1968. no.4, p.127-28, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: Obituary: Iver P. Iversen 24 Aug 1884 - 17 Jan 1968. Biographical note on this Danish chief engineer, participant in Mikkelsen's Alabama
expedition to northeast Greenland in 1909-12. The two were marooned in the area for two winters before being rescued. CaMAI, DLC. 105840 MIKKELSEN, S. Final scientific report; the electron content in the auroral and mid-latitude region. Kobenhavn, Meteorologisk Institut 1969. 13 p.-F 10 unnumb p. graphs, maps, tables. (Denmark. Meteorologisk Institut. Geofysiske meddelelser R-10) 17 refs. Presents the measurements of the electron number density in the auroral and mid-latitude ionosphere from the records on 40 and 41 MHz from the polar satellite Explorer 22, during Feb 1966 - June 1968. The variation of the Faraday rotation is easily seen when the satellite passes over Narssarssuaq, thus the absolute value of the rotation between the satellite and the station can be determined by comparing the unmodulated linearly polarized signal on the two frequencies. As the Faraday rotation is related to the total vertical electron content between the satellite and the station, the comparative data enable determination of the electron concentration in the auroral zone. DLC. 105841 MIKOLA, P. Forests and forestry in subarctic regions. (In: Symposium on Ecology of the Subarctic Regions 1966. Proceedings pub 1970, p.295-302) 44 refs. French summary. The forest tundra extends in a 300-800-km belt along the northern margin of the boreal forest; the total area of subarctic forests is estimated to be approx 2.5-3 million km2. These forests contain a considerable wood reserve, hitherto mainly unexploited commercially because of remoteness, small and widely scattered population, poor communication and transportation, severe climate and the small size and poor quality of the trees. Economic use and subarctic forest management are limited by the uncertainty of natural reproduction of trees under the existing climatic conditions. Experiments and studies made in Fennoscandia on artificial reforestation and laws to protect the forests from destructive cutting are described. CaMAI, MdU. 105842 MIKOLAYEV, A.N. Rasprostraneniye blizorukosti sredi shkol'nikov razlichnykh prirodnykh zon SSSR. (Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geografii, 3rd. Leningrad 1968. Materialy, pt.1, p.207-209) In Russian. Titk tr.: Myopia among school children in different latitudinal zones of the USSR. One of the causes of nearsightedness is insufficient lighting for study during the school years. Myopia in 10th graders of Kirovsk, Murmansk Province, was observed in 34.5% of the tested children, while only 18.6% were similarly affected in the Crimea. DLC. 673
Drevniye 105843 MIKULENKO, K.I. podvodnyye opolzni i svyazannyye s nimi obrazovaniya v otlozheniyakh Ob'-Irtyshskogo mezhdurech'ya. (Sibirskiy n.-issl. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy 1968. no.78. ser. litologiya i geokhimiya, p.22Title 35, graphs, diagrs.) 21 refs. In Russian. tr.: Ancient submarine slides and associated slump features in deposits of the Ob-Irtysh interfluve. Classifies and describes the distribution patterns of submarine slides in Mesozoic deposits of the area. The seismogenic nature of these DLC. phenomena is shown. 105844 MIKULENKO, K.I. and G.B. Opolznevyye obrazovaniya v OSTRYY. mezozoyskikh otlozheniyakh Zapadno-Sibir(Litologiya i poleznyye skoy nizmennosti. iskopayemyye 1968. no.5, p.I11-17, graphs, Title maps, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. tr.: Slide in Mesozoic deposits of the West Siberian lowland. Describes flow structures in rocks of Jurassic and Cretaceous age in this extensive lowland which includes Tyumen Province. Four large rhythms in the rocks are distinguished, each beginning with deposits of a transgressive cycle and ending with a regressive one. Submarine settling is recognized and the deformation described and illus. Possible causes are discussed and Mesozoic earthquakes considered the most DLC. probable. Podvodno105845 MIKULENKO, K.I. opolznevyye obrazovaniya v neftegazonosnykh otlozheniyakh Vilyuyskoy sineklizy i Predver(In: AN SSSR. Sibirkhoyanskogo progiba. skoye otd. Yakutskiy filial. Institut geologii. Leno-Vilyuyskaya neftegazonosnaya...1969. Title tr.: Submap.65-71, illus) In Russian. rine landslide formations in oil-gas-bearing deposits of the Vilyuy syneclise and the Verkhoyansk foreland trough. Describes ancient submarine landslides and their effects as studied in cores and in natural outcrops. According to morphological features and conditions of formation, several groups of landslide masses are recognized: slide structures, flow structures, elastic dikes, and turbidity flow sediments. These are described in some detail, noting their importance in paleotectonic, paleographic and oil and gas investigations. DLC. MIKULENKO, K.I., see also Nos. 103949, 103950,103951. Inflow of river 105846 MIKULSKI, Z. water to the Baltic Sea in the period 1951-1960. (Nordic hydrology 1970. v.1, no.4, p.216-27, graph, map, tables) 19 refs. 674
Map of the Baltic drainage basin shows the Gulf of Bothnia rivers keyed by number to a table listing their basins with area, and m3/sec and 1/sec/km2 flow. A graph shows seasonal flow from this area comparative to other parts of the Baltic basin. DLC. 105847 MIKUMO, T. Atmospheric pressure waves and tectonic deformation associated with the Alaskan earthquake of March 28, 1964. (Journal of geophysical research 1968. v.73, no.6, p.2009-2025, graphs, tables, illus) 20 refs. Atmospheric pressure disturbances with periods as long as 14 min were recorded at five stations along the Pacific coast and at College in Alaska after this earthquake. The phase and group velocities of the disturbances are consistent with those so far observed in atmospheric nuclear explosions and with theoretical dispersion curves for acoustic-gravity waves. These velocities and field observation of the tectonic deformations in the epicentral region suggest that the pressure disturbances might have been caused by the rapid vertical ground displacement at the source area. Theoretical barograms appropriate to the Berkeley station are constructed on the basis of reasonable estimates for the source dimension, the amount of uplift and subsidence, and the time rate of the displacement, taking the atmospheric and instrumental responses into account. Agreement between general features of the observed and theoretical barograms appears sufficient to support this generation hypothesis, suggesting a possible range for the time rate of the surface tectonic deformation. DLC. 105848 MIKUSHEV, A.K. Sud'by fol'klornoy traditsii izhemskikh komi v basseyne r.Usy. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. lzvestiya 1970. v.2, no.3 (13), p.49-54) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fate of the folklore tradition of the lzhma Zyryans in the Usa River basin. Study of effects of ethnic displacement on the survival of oral lore and traditions, based mainly on 1960 and 1967-68 fieldwork. The dynamic 18-19th century migrations of the Izhma River Komi-Zyryans to the Usa and other tributaries of the Pechora, to the Kola Peninsula, Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra, and regions beyond the Urals brought them in contact with local autochthonous tribes. The degree of cultural influence exerted by these tribes upon the immigrants varied greatly. In the Usa basin, the Izhma Zyryans settled among Nenets Samoyeds, and the mingling of their two cultures gave rise to a new folklore tradition with a dominant Nenets element. lzhma Zyryan traditions survived mainly in rituals and games but left few traces in the folk DLC. epos.
105849 MILAN, F.A. Demographic study of an Eskimo village on the North Slope of Alaska. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.2, p.82-99, graphs, tables) 45 refs. French and Russian summary. Presents data on the 308 Eskimos of Wainwright obtained in July-Aug 1968 by a team under auspices of the US International Biological Programme. The genealogical data and reproductive histories taken from 47 women informants reveal high fecundity, twin-birth rate and infant mortality, also a marked differential survival of children: 20% of the women were responsible for 47% of the living offspring. The group median age was 16.1 yr; 67 were hybrids. Mortality rates have declined with improved health care and hygienic measures. Recent introduction of birth control will make the birth rate, rather than survival, the determinant of genetic content of succeeding generations. CaMAI, DLC. 105850 MILAN, F.A. International study of Eskimos. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.3, p.12326, illus) Describes a five-yr program beginning 1968 as part of the International Biological Programme. Multi-disciplinary teams from Canada, Denmark, France and the US are to study Eskimo citizens at Wainwright in Alaska, Igloolik in Canada, and Upernavik and Angmagssalik in Greenland. The US program is mainly concerned with the mechanisms of human adaptation to environmental extremes and to urbanization. General research categories set up by planning conferences in 1967 are: general health and performance, child growth, genetics, behavior, ecology and prehistory. Financial and logistic support and personnel for the American, Canadian and Danish programs are noted. CaMAI, DLC.
grad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Regional'naya geologiya no.I 7, p.96-103, tables) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Facies and diamond-bearing prospects of the Kuonamka region kimberlites. Kimberlites of the Bol'shaya Kuonamka region of northwestern Yakutia are known to belong to the pyrope and partly to the diamond subfacies; study of 97 new sample areas confirms this. The different content of diamonds in kimberlites of various pipes, fields and regions is explained according to a hypothesis based on analyses of the chemical and fades factors of diamonds. DLC. 105853 MILASHEV, V.A. Fatsial'naya prinadlezhnost' kimberlitov i perspektivy almazonosnosti severo-vostochnoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.155-57, table) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Facies and diamond possibilities of kimberlites of the northeastern part of the Siberian platform. Notes that kimberlites in some areas of occurrence are characterized by a diamondpyrope subfacies, in others by a pyrope subfacies. With a view to their importance as exploration criteria, major characteristics of eight kimberlite fields in the northeastern Siberian platform in which the diamondpyrope subfacies is developed, and four fields whose kimberlites belong to the pyrope subfacies are discussed. Among the characteristics discussed are the comagmatic rock assemblages of the fields, the form, Mesozoic ages and size of the kimberlite bodies, the morphologic types of the diamonds of the diamond-pyrope subfacies, and the average contents of Fe, Ti, Cr, Al and K. DGS.
MILANO, V.R., see No. 103738. 105851 MILASHEV, V.A. Faktory lokalizatsii kimberlitov. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.48-56, maps, illus) 22 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Factors controlling the spatial distribution of kimberlites. Reviews geologic processes responsible for emplacement of kimberlite intrusive masses, with examples from the Siberian platfrom region. The kimberlite bodies exhibit a subparallel linear distribution pattern. Upper mantle convection, basement faults and regional subfacies zonation are considered the principal factors controlling localization of the intrusions. DOS. 105852 MILASHEV, V.A. Fatsial'naya prinadlezhnost' i perspektivy almazonosnosti kimberlitov Kuonamkskogo rayona. (Lenin-
105854 MILASHEV, V.A. and YU.I. TOMANOVSKAYA. K voprosu ob utochnenii termina "kimberlit" i klassifikatsii kimberlitovykh porod kaynotipnogo oblika. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.57-61, tables) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of definition of the term kimberlite and classification of cenotypal kimberlitic rocks. Discusses problems of petrographic definition and classification of the wide variety of porphyritic ultramafic and alkalic rock types to which the term kimberlite is generally assigned. It is noted that pyrope and diamond are accessory rather than rock-forming minerals, and are therefore not petrographic taxonomic criteria although they are diagnostic of high-pressure conditions of genesis. A tabulated classification scheme accompanies the discussion. DGS. 675
105855 MILASHEV, V.A. and others. Kimberlitovyye polya severo-vostochnoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.5-42, map, illus) 12 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S.M. Tabunov and Yu.I. Tomanovskaya. Title tr.: Kimberlite areas in the northeastern part of the Siberian platform. Summarizes the geologic, petrographic and chemical characteristics of kimberlite pipes and dikes in 13 areas of occurrence. Chemical data for the kimberlites and associated picritic porphyrites and detailed data on the morphology of the ultramafic intrusion masses are included. Both a diamond-pyrope and a pyrope subfacies are present. The diamond content of the rocks decreases from south to north, as a function of the petrographic and chemical composition of the rocks, time of emplacement of the intrusions, and the size of the diatreme. DGS. 105856 MILASHEV, V.A. Kimberlity i blizkiye k nim porody Kuonamkskogo rayona, severo-vostochnaya chast' Sibirskoy platformy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.13, p.5-3I, map, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Kimberlites and associated rocks of the Kuonamka region in the northeastern part of the Siberian platform. Reports a 1966-67 study, and gives the distribution, forms, and dimensions of diatremes and dikes. Alkaline basaltoids are younger than kimberlites and picritic porphyries. Petrographic characteristics of kimberlites and picritic rocks are described. The main features of the ultrabasic volcanism of the Kuonamka region are summarized. DLC. 105857 MILASHEV, V.A. Petrokhimiya kimberlitov i blizkikh k nim porod Kuonamkskogo rayona, severo-vostochnaya chast' Sibirskoy platformy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.16, p.30-44, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Chemistry of kimberlites and associated rocks of the Kuonamka region in the northeastern part of the Siberian platform. Reports investigations of kimberlite, picritic and almost totally carbonatized rocks, conditionally attributed to a group of alkaline basaltoids, in the Bol'shaya Kuonamka region of northwestern Yakutia. Average content of iron, titanium, chromium, aluminum, potassium, sodium and phosphorus is given for 140 volcanic pipes and dikes. Kimberlites and picritic porphyries have a greater content of Ti, Cr, Fe and Al, and less Na and P than alkaline basalDLC. toids. 105858 MILASHEV, V.A. Potentsial'naya almazonosnost' kimberlitov severo-vosto676
chnoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.I48-54, tables) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Diamond possibilities of the kimberlites of the northeastern part of the Siberian platform. Formulates criteria and equations as exploration guides for determining the presence or absence of diamonds in kimberlite pipes, based on general conclusions drawn from a study of the chemistry of more than 250 samples from diatremes and ultramafic dikes of various kimberlite fields of the northeastern Siberian platform. DGS. 105859 MILASHEV, V.A. Prichiny raskhozhdeniya rezul'tatov opredeleniya absolyutnogo vozrasta kimberlitov s geologicheskimi dannymi o vremeni ikh obrazovaniya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.12, p.181-88) Refs..In Russian. Title tr.: Causes of the discrepancy between the results of absolute age determination of kimberlites and geologic data on the time of their formation. The consistently overstated absolute age of kimberlites as compared with geologic data on the time of their formation cannot be explained by casual error. The discrepancy derives from both primary and secondary causes. Among the primary is the role played by compression of radiogenic argon in the crystal lattice of minerals. The secondary causes are explained by postmagmatic processes. The K-Ar method of absolute age determination is considered ineffective for kimberlites. DLC. 105860 MILASHEV, V.A. Problemy kimberlitoobrazovaniya i verkhney mantii Zemli. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.I 2, p.158-70, maps, table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Kimberlite formation and the upper mantle of the earth. Summarizes the last 12 years' kimberlite investigations in the Siberian platform. Comparison is made with the kimberlites of Africa. A direct relation between kimberlites and the upper mantle is established. The temporal and spatial evolution of the upper mantle is outlined. The rate of development of kimberlite volcanism in the Daldyn-Alakit, Olenek and other regions is estimated. DLC. 105861 MILASHEV, V.A. and YU.I. TOMANOVSKAYA. Proyavleniya shchelochno-ultraosnovnogo magmatizma v pribrezhnoy chasti morya Laptevykh. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.127-33, tables, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Products of
alkalic-ultramafic magmatism in nearshore areas of the Laptev Sea. Picrite, melanephelinite, analcimite and melteigite found as pebbles and boulders in Cenozoic littoral deposits of the Laptev Sea were probably derived from a source in the offshore shelf zone. The various rock types are described. Their occurrence supports the theory of the presence of a kimberlite province in the region. DGS.
Bennett dam at the upper end of the Peace River canyon, site I with a proposed lower dam at the lower end of the canyon and the 500 kv transmission lines to the lower mainland of British Columbia. The geographic and geologic setting are dealt with, as are construction problems, costs, and labor relations. Winter 1964-65 experience with winterizing the exposed surface of the core zone of the dam proved this precaution unnecessary. DGS.
105862 MILASHEV, V.A. Zakonomernosti stroyeniya Tsentral'no-Sibirskoy kimberlitovoy provintsii kak otrazheniye protsessov evolyutsii verkhney mantii i veroyatnyy sostav substrata. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.4347, maps, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Characteristics of the structure of the central Siberian kimberlite province as a reflection of uppei• mantle processes and probable composition of the subcrust. Concludes• that the concentric zonal structure of the kimberlite province and the evidence of decreased volcanic activity in the peripheral relative to the central zone support the conclusion that genesis of the kimberlites was related to convection currents in the mantle. Fusion and crystallization processes are discussed with reference to the chemical composition of the kimberlite parent magma DOS. and mantle material.
105865 MILEYKOVSKIY, S.A. Distribution of pelagic larvae of bottom invertebrates of the Norwegian and Barents Seas. (Marine biology 1968. v.1, no.3, p.161-67, maps) 39 refs. Reports on a study of some 3700 plankton samples collected during 1958-61 in all seasons. It indicates that distribution of pelagic larvae, juvenile and epitokous stages of shallow shelf bottom invertebrates is largely determined by the distribution of their parental forms. The effects of Greenland (Norwegian) Sea currents is limited. This dependence of larval distribution on that of adults in the benthos appears to be the case in all shallow regions of the world oceans. DSI.
105863 MILASHEV, V.A. Zavisimost' fotolyuminestsentsii almazov of khimicheskogo sostava kimberlitov. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.119-22, table, illus) 12 refs. In Title tr.: Relation between the phoRussian. toluminescence of diamonds and the chemical composition of kimberlites. Correlates the intensity of luminescence of diamonds with the significant major-element contents and Fe/Ti ratios of kimberlites of various localities in Yakutia. A definite relationship is confirmed, indicating that the luminescence of diamonds from placers may be a criterion in exploration for kimberlite source rocks. Data for diamonds and kimberlites from the various localities are DGS. tabulated. MILASHIN, A.P., see No. 104770. MILASHINA, K.G., see No. 104885. 105864 MILES, W.F. The Peace River Project from feasibility report to first power output. (Engineering journal, Montreal, 1969. v.52, no.10, p.I2-24, maps, illus) Gives a brief history of the project and general description of its principal components, the Portage Mt Development with the W.A.C.
105866 MILEYKOVSKIY, S.A. Razmnozheniye morskoy zvezdy Asterias Rubens L. v Belom, Barentsevom, Norvezhskom i drugikh yevropeyskikh moryakh. (Okeanologiya 1968. v.8, no.4, p.693-704, graph, tables) 53 refs. In Russian. English summary Title tr.: Breeding of the starfish Asterias rubens L. in the White, Barents, Norwegian and other European seas. Reports study of breeding and larval development of Asterias rubens with summary of the data on the local population of 17 regions. Of the three so-called reproductive physiological races, differing in the temperature at which spawning begins, two which begin spawning at 3.5-4.5°C and at 6.5-9.0°C are true temperature reproductive physiological races, whereas the third which inhabits brackish water in the southern Baltic, begins spawning at 13-15°C in response to low salinity. The general ecological patterns of A. rubens spawning are analyzed. DLC. 105867 MILEYKOVSKIY, S.A. Seasonal and daily dynamics in pelagic larvae of marine bottom invertebrates in nearshore waters of Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea. (Marine biology 1970. v.5, no.3, p.180-94, graphs, tables) 119 refs. Studies of changes in abundance of planktonic larvae in Velikaya Salma, the shallow, narrow sound between inner and outer Kandalaksha Bay, show that the population dynamics of larvae reflect seasonal, lunar and daily (tidal) spawning rhythms of bottom inverte677
brates with pelagic development. Melting of the solid winter ice-cover proceeds late Apr late May; tidal-mixing prevents thermal stratification throughout the whole year; surface water temperatures in June-Aug range 6° 20°C; there is very little variation in salinity at DSI. any time: it ranges 24.7 - 27%o. 105868 MILITEYEVA, A.I. Petrokhimiya i osobennosti differentsiatsii intruzivnykh trappov Tyumenskogo rayona. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1969. ser. geol. no.10, p.40-56, graphs, map, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Petrochemistry and differentiation features of intrusive traps of the Tyumen region. Presents a short geologic characterization of the region and structure of the intrusion. Trap sills, for which the absolute age as determined by the K-Ar method is Upper Permian - Lower Triassic, are found at depths of 1857.5-1996.0, 1982.8-2112.0, and 2300.0-2508.0 m in sedimentary-pyroclastic deposits. The upper and lower intrusive sheets of the Yarskaya well consist of fine to medium coarse troctolite dolerites. The Tyumen intrusive sheet has a layered structure and consists of troctolite dolerites, gabbro dolerites, and fine-grained dolerites. The different rocks are considered a result of the evolution of trap melt in the process of crystallization. Chemically the Tyumen traps are similar to Lower Mesozoic dolerites of the DLC. Turgay trough. 105869 MILLER, A.P. Biochemical bases of psychrophily in microorganisms. College, Univ of Alaska, Inst of Water Resources 1967. 35 p. graphs, tables. 49 refs. Draws from the published literature on approaches taken to discover the biochemical bases for cold-loving microorganisms' ability to grow at very low temperatures and to do so at rates comparable to those of mesophiles at higher temperatures. A simple thermochemical reaction rate theory did not give the expected answer; the temperature at which the temperature coefficient Q10 values and energies of activation are greatly increased are lower in the psychrophiles than in mesophiles. Theories based on the study of mesophiles subjected to extreme cold have shown that it is not valid to extrapolate data so obtained to the psychrophilic situation. Biological waste treatment in northern regions may not be as difficult as supCaMAI. posed. 105870 MILLER, F.L. and E. BROUGHUnusual display of territorial aggresTON. siveness by sandhill cranes Grus canadensis (Canadian field-naturalist 1971. v.85, Linn& no.1, p.66-67) Reports on behavior of a pair of sandhill cranes repeatedly successful in driving a barren-ground caribou off their nesting territory, 678
where her calf had died. The observations were made during a study of the causes of mortality in these calves in central Keewatin in June 1970. CaMAI, DGS.
105871 MILLER, H.W. and others. Distribution and mortality of Saskatchewanbanded white-fronted geese. (North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, 33rd, Houston, Tex, 11-13 Mar 1968. Transactions. Washington, DC 1968. p.101-119, graphs, maps, tables) 43 refs. Other authors: A. Dzubin and J.T. Sweet. Summarizes results of a southern Saskatchewan banding program in support of studies of decreasing Anser albifrons populations. Recovery records indicate two populations. One, breeding in southwestern Alaska generally south of 64°N, is oriented to the Pacific flyway. The other, breeding in northern Alaska and Canada generally north of 64°N is oriented to the Canadian Prairie Provinces and the Central and Mississippi flyways. DLC. MILLER, JA., see No. 107633. 105872 MILLER, J.M. Pile foundations in thermally fragile frozen soils. (In: Symposium on cold regions engineering 1970. Proceedings pub 1971. v.1, p.34-72, graphs, illus) 7 refs. Analyzes theoretically the thermodynamics of pile construction in permafrost and explains the practical application of basic principles on site with graphs and illus. Causes of failure are outlined and preventive measures indicated. The special case of the refrigerated thermopile is described. A particular example of such a pile, the ESRO antennae at Fairbanks, is discussed in detail and its performance critically evaluated. CaMAI, DLC.
105873 MILLER, J.R. and G.G. SHEPHERD. Rocket measurements of H Beta production in a hydrogen aurora. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.21, p.4987-97, graphs) Refs. Reports the results of a Black Brant rocket AAD-I1-106, launched from Ft Churchill early on a quiet evening into a proton aurora 19 Nov 1966. The HP integrated vertical volume emission rate profile, obtained with a two-channel photometer as a function of altitude, is combined with proton measurements above 30 Key to determine the proton energy spectrum. A result consistent with accepted Doppler profile shapes was obtained by altering significantly the best estimate of the HP production cross section. The energy spectrum was found to cut off sharply below 25 Key, and may have a second energy component of a few Key. DLC.
105874 MILLER, L.K. Temperaturedependent characteristics of peripheral nerves exposed to different thermal conditions in the same animal. (Canadian journal of zoology 1970. v.48, no.1, p.75-81, graphs, tables) 10 refs. Beavers taken near Fairbanks, Alaska, were killed and temperature characteristics of certain of their nerves compared. Caudal nerves often exposed to temperatures of 0°C, invariably conducted action potential until freezing at about -5°C. Tibial nerves, which encounter less severe cooling, ceased conducting at 0°C and phrenic nerves, accustomed only to deep body temperature, failed at 4.5°C. These results furnish additional proof of cold adaptation in peripheral nerves of mammals living in cold climates. DLC. 105875 MILLER, N.J. and L.H. BRACE. Some winter characteristics of the northern high-latitude ionosphere. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.24, p.5752-62, graphs) Refs. Presents observations of the winter diurnal behavior of electron concentration (Ne) and temperature (T) at 1000 km alt above 50°N, during the solar activity minimum I Nov 1965 12 Feb 1966. The measurements were made in the Explorer-22 Langmuir probe experiment. The data are represented by contours of constant N. and T„ on local time coordinates and geomag lat, to provide a synoptic view of the time-averaged solar quiet-time ionization structure of the high latitude ionosphere. Possible ionization sources consistent with the observed ionization patterns are considered. DLC. 105876 MILLER, O.K., J.R. Notes on gastromycetes of the Yukon Territory and adjacent Alaska. (Canadian journal of botany 1969. v.47, no.2, p.247-50, illus) Refs. Cyathus in the Nidulariales and seven species representing five genera of Lycoperdales-Battarrea, Calbovista, Calvatia, Lyeoperdon, and Tulostoma-- were collected during summer 1967 in the St Elias Mountains, near Kluane Lake, in the Alaska Range, and near Juneau. For each species of these puffball fungi, descriptions and notes on habitat and distribution are given. DS!. 105877 MILLER, R.E. and others. Rocket studies of far-ultraviolet radiation in an aurora. (Journal of geophysical research 1968. v.73, no.11, p.3353-65, graphs, tables) 23 refs. Other authors: W.G. Fastie and R.C. Isler. Presents results of the third auroral rocket probe experiment which identified and measured auroral radiation intensities in the wavelength region 1050-2200 A at 90-160 km altitude using an Aerobee rocket launched from Ft Churchill 18 Feb 1965. The rocket data and performance are summarized.
Altitude profiles for several spectral features and the primary electron flux are given, and correlations among the various auroral farultraviolet radiation observations are discussed. The hydrogen-Lyman-« radiation at 1216 A is found to be independent of altitude and yaw angle, and has an intensity of about 500 rayleighs; it is interpreted to be the well-known night-sky Lyman cx radiation. DLC. 105878 MILLER, T.P. and L.A. ANDERSON. Airborne radioactivity and total intensity magnetic survey of the southern Kobuk-Selawik Lowland, western Alaska. Washington, DC 1969. 6 p. graphs, maps. (US. Geological Survey. Reports, open file series no.I262) 3 refs. Reports a 1968 survey of a 1320 mi' area and indicates the size, shape. and distribution of its several poorly exposed nepheline syenite intrusive complexes. These rocks commonly include mangetite-rich rock types resulting in associated magnetic and radioactivity anomalies, and are of economic interest because of the mineral deposits found associated with them elsewhere. Anomalous amounts of molybdenum, uranium, and silver have been found in a nepheline syenite bearing stock near Granite Mountain 60 mi south of this lowland. Eight maps at 1 in: 1 mi show rock types, and graphs show magnetic anomalies. DGS.
105879 MILLER, T.P. and R.L. ELLIOTT. Metalliferous deposits near Granite Mountain, eastern Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Washington, DC 1969. 19 p. maps, tables. (US. Geological Survey. Circular no. 614) 12 refs. Reports summer 1968 field investigations and results of rock, stream-sediment and soil analyses in the area centering at approx 65°30'N 161°17'W. New lead, zinc and silver deposits were found in a large altered zone near Quartz Creek west of Granite Mt and new molybdenum, bismuth and silver deposits were found in association with a previously reported occurence of uranium, copper, lead and zinc minerals in the upper Peace River drainage northeast of the mountain. Both groups of deposits are associated spatially with felsic plutonic rocks and occur near the western edge of a late Mesozoic volcanic plutonic rock province. Further investigation is warranted. DGS. 105880 MILLER, V.G. Antropogenovyye oledeneniya v basseyne reki El'gi i ikh vliyaniye na protsessy rossypeobrazovaniya. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.213-14) In Russian. Tide tr.: Quaternary glaciations in the El'gi River basin and their effects on placer formation processes. 679
This basin was the site of threefold glaciation, and the trough valleys which suffered repeated glacial scouring are not likely to have gold placers. In the lateral tributaries of the trough valleys however, it is possible that multilayered placers may exist. DLC. MILLER, V.G., see also 102460. MILLEST, R.H., see No. 105641. 105881 MILLS, W. Arctic refuge. (Sierra Club bulletin 1970. v.55, no.4, p.4-7, illus Presents colored photos of moose, Dalfs sheep, caribou, grizzly bear, snow buntings and snowy owl, accompanied by a brief description of the extent of the Arctic National Wildlife Range in northeast Alaska. The destruction wrought by unsupervised oil exploration in the DI. area is stressed.
as to remain effective while it is pressed up under the sea ice. CaMAI, DLC. 105884 MILNE, A.R. Transition from moving to fast ice in western Viscount Melville Sound. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.1, p.45-46, map, illus) 2 refs. Reports the ability to differentiate between noise generated by ice in motion and that under shore-fast ice from underwater noise recorded by a remote instrument package (RIP) installed in the sea bottom south of Melville Island, Aug 1967-Aug 1968. Strip chart records of both ice types are shown, that for fast ice with wind speed and air temperatures at Mould Bay, Prince Patrick Island. Contrary to expectations, the ice cover was frequently in motion during Dec. Little correlation existed between the wind speed and the existence of motion. CaMAI, DLC. MILNE, A.R., see also No. 105641.
105882 MILNE, A.R. and J.H. CANTON. Diurnal variations in underwater noise beneath springtime sea-ice. (Nature 1969. v.221, no.5183, p.851-52, map, illus) 7 refs. Underwater ambient noise in ice-covered seas may show a dependence on air temperature particularly striking in spring. Measurements of underwater noise were made on the sea bottom at the west end of Viscount Melville Sound and plotted against ground temperatures recorded at nearby Mould Bay. Sea ice contracts with cooling and cracks: as temperatures rise, the ice surface expands and cracking activity ceases with transition from tensile to compressive stresses. Noise in water under ice in conditions of cooling is the summation of many pressure waveforms from ice-cracking impulses. Short-term measurements of this type of noise and spectrum analysis of single isolated pressure-pulses show that the expected peak of noise pressure spectral density lies in DLC. the 100-500 Hz frequency band. 105883 MILNE, A.R. Small research submarine in the Arctic. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.1, p.69-70, map) Describes the two-man undersea work boat, Pisces I, produced by International Hydrodynamics Co Ltd of Vancouver, B.C. The 15,000 lb vessel normally operates to depths of 1800 ft. With the CCGS Labrador as a mother ship in Canadian Arctic Islands waters Aug-Sept 1968, the submarine made dives in ice-covered seas with no problems in launching and retrieval by the Labrador when wave or swell height did not exceed 3 ft. Photos were made in the exceptionally clear water, but those of the underside of sea ice were disappointing, as were attempts to observe mammals in relation to their underwater sounds. Homing and communication devices must be so located on the submersible 680
105885 MILNE, W.G. and others. Canadian seismicity and microearthquake research in Canada. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.2, pt 2, p.591-601, graph, maps) 21 refs. Other authors: W.E.T. Smith and G.C. Rogers. Discusses the study, instrumentation and expression of seismicity involved in the production of seismic zoning maps of Canada, data for which has been collected at first order standard seismic stations, including 12 in arctic and subarctic regions. Earthquakes of magnitude have occurred in Baffin Island and along the Alaskan coast near the northern British Columbia boundary among other areas. Most of the Yukon Territory falls into the highest risk zone and there have been several quakes with epicenters near the Mackenzie River mouth. Microearthquake activity near Mt Edziza, northwest British Columbia, may be associated with moving magma beneath this volcano. DLC. 105886 MILNE, W.G. and A.G. DAVENPORT. Distribution of earthquake risk in Canada. (Seismological Society of America. Bulletin 1969. v.59, no.2, p.729-54, graphs, maps, tables) 15 refs. Gives a statistical description of the amplitudes of earthquake shocks that can be expected, based on calculations carried out on earthquakes in Canada over approx a 60yr period beginning 1899. Peak acceleration is used as the basic parameter in the definition of earthquake susceptibility. The application of results of regionalization to the prediction of structural behavior is outlined in the final section. Major earthquake activity has been on the Pacific coast of British Columbia and southwest Yukon Territory as
well as the St Lawrence valley. A few strong quakes have occurred in the Arctic but this study does not include them. The central part of Canada is free of significant earthquake activity. DGS. 105887 MILNE, W.G. Snipe Lake, Alberta earthquake of March 8, 1970. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.6, p.1564-67, maps) An earthquake of magnitude 5.1 occurred at an unusual location; the most probable position for the epicenter is at 55° ± 0.1N 116.5° ± 0.1 W. This is an area where oil and gas are produced and where there are no known previous earthquakes. No change appears to be needed for the seismic probability map of the 1970 National Building Code of Canada. DLC. MILNER, C.T., see No. 105776. 105888 MILOSLAVSKAYA, N.M. Ob otsutstvii Thyasira fiexuosa (Montagu) (Ungulinidae, Bivalvia, Mollusca) v faune morey Kraynego Severa. (Zoologicheskiy zhumal 1970. v.49, no.5, p.785-86) 11 refs. In Russian. English summary. Tide tr.: Absence of Thyasira flexuosa (Montagu) (Ungulinidae, Bivalvia, Mollusca) in the fauna of the far north seas. Thyasira gouldi and Th. equalis have repeatedly been described erroneously as variants of Thyasira flexuosa. They are prevalent in all arctic seas from the Barents to the Chukchi Sea. Because of their small size, the published drawings of these clams have been inadequate. DLC. 105889 MILOV, A.P. 0 vliyanii tektonicheskikh usloviy na osobennosti pozdnemezozoyskogo granitoidnogo magmatizma Chukotki. (In: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po tektonike Sibiri...Mezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p.291-95) In Russian. Title tr.: Effects of tectonic conditions on late Mesozoic granitoid magmatism in Chukotka. Reviews the petrologic characteristics of biotite-amphibole granitoids of Chukotka, which demonstrate that they developed under near-surface conditions in a relatively short time interval. Structural features Of the earth's crust and tectonic conditions controlled localization of the granitoid masses and various facets of the petrogenetic process. DLC. 105890 MILOVA, L.V. Novyye ranneyurskiye dvustvorchatyye mollyuski basseyna reki Bol'shogo Anyuya. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Severo-Vostochnyy kompleksnyy n.-issl inst. Trudy 1969. no.32, p.177-89, graphs, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.:
New early Jurassic bivalve molluscs of the Bol'shoy Anyuy River basin. Reports stratigraphic investigations of 1962, in which with an ammonite assemblage representatives of molluscan gen Lima and Chlamys were found. Eight forms are described, the majority of them new species. Their stratigraphic position, geographic distribution, comparisons, and other features are described and illus. DLC . .105891 MILOVIDOVA, L.S. Parazitnaya mikoflora kul'turnykh i dikorastushchikh bobovykh v Tomskoy oblasti. (Vses. botanicheskoye o-vo. Tomskoye otd-iye. lzvestiya 1964. v.5, p.77-84, tables) Refs. In Russian Title tr.: Parasitic mycoflora of cultivated and wild legumes in the Tomsk Province. Records 35 genera and 59 species of parasitic fungi infesting peas, clover, and beans. More than half are Fungi imperfecti. Species causing disease on cultivated and on wild legumes are listed separately; seasonal changes in the mycoflora are discussed. DLC. MIL'SHTEYN, AN., see No. 102003. 105892 MIL'SHTEYN, V.YE. and others. Mikrofitolity iz otlozheniy verkhnego kembriya - nizhnego ordovika severo-zapada Sibirskoy platformy i ikh stratigraficheskoye znacheniye. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.21, p.82-110, graph, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.A. Datsenko and N.P. Lazaienko. Title tr.: Microphytoliths from Upper Cambrian--Lower Ordovician deposits of the northwest of the Siberian platform and their stratigraphic importance. Reports a study of Upper Cambrian deposits in the Kulyumbe River basin, with attention directed to microflora, problematical microorganisms of unclear systematic position and microphytoliths. Microphytoliths are represented by the Radiosus Zhuravleva group with eight new forms and the Nubecularites Maslov group with three new forms. DLC. 105893 MIL'SHTEYN, V.YE. Novyye formy onkolitov iz dokembriyskikh otlozheniy Shpitsbergena. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po stratigrafii Shpitsbergena 1967. p.21-35, illus) Refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Precambrian deposits of Svalbard. Describes Osagiafrislandica and 0. svalbardica found in association with stromatolites and acritarchs in Precambrian localities of Spitsbergen and Nordaustlandet. Dolomites of the 0. frislandica locality are dated as Riphean; those of the 0. svalbardica locality as Vendian. DGS. 681
105894 MIL'SHTEYN, V.YE. 0 vozraste dolomitov Medvezh'inskoy svity dokembriya v Igarskom rayone. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1970. v.162, no.2, p.231-32) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Age of dolomites in the Precambrian Medvezh'inskaya series of the Igarka region. Discovery of oncolites and katagraphs in Medvezh'inskaya dolomites on the left bank of Yenisey, opposite Plakhino Island, indicates an Upper Proterozoic age for the dolomites. DLC. MIL'SHTEYN, V.YE., see also Nos. 103009, 103168, 104944, 105060. Arctic walk. 105895 MILTON, J.P. (Natural history 1969. v.78, no.5, p.44.53, map, illus) Presents excerpts from his journal of a summer 1967 trip (cf infra) from Last Lake near Sheenjek River across the arctic divide of the Brooks Range to Barter Island, Beaufort Sea. Emphasis is on the Arctic National Wildlife Range and the threat to the environment posed by oil and gas development on the Arctic Slope. Colored photos enhance the text. DLC. Nameless valleys, 105896 MILTON, J.P. shining mountains; the record of an expedition into the vanishing wilderness of Alaska's Brooks Range. New York, Walker 1970. xxiii, 195 p. illus. 59 refs. Journal of a 22 July _ 26 Aug 1967 foot journey from Last (Ambresvajun) Lake on the upper Sheenjek River across the high mountain divide and open tundra to Barter Island. Earlier exploration of the Brooks Range, the Arctic National Wildlife Range, the environmental threat of activities associated with North Slope oil exploitation and concern of the Eskimos are briefly discussed in the introduction. The diary describes the terrain and waters traversed, plant (with sketches) and animal life, weather, the three-man camps and food. The party lodged at Kaktovik village on the north coast of Barter Island. Daily life there and the Eskimos' adaptation to ecologic changes pursuant to DEW Line construction are discussed. Excellent photographs accompany the text. DGS. Paleogeo105897 MILYUKOVA, N.N. grafiya severnogo Predural'ya i Zaural'ya v chetvertichnoye vremya. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1968. ser. geog. no.3, p.83-89) Refs. In Title tr.: Paleogeography of the Russian. northern Cis-Urals and Trans-Urals in the Quaternary period. Discusses the transgressions and regressions of the polar basin into the regions of the present Bol'shezemel'skaya and Malozemel'skaya Tundras, the Pechora basin, and similar areas in Siberia. Sections of these transgressions and 682
regressions are analyzed and their faunas characterized. River terraces are examined as is the paleogeography generally of these regions. Relief formation and sedimentation indicate the fluctuations of level of the polar basinDLC. 105898 MINAKOV, F.V. Svyaz' apatitovykh mestorozhdeniy s iyolit-urtitovoy intruziyey Khibinskogo massiva. (In: Apatity 1968. p.85-91) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The relation of apatite deposits with the ijoliteurtite intrusion of the Khibiny massif. Three subphases are distinguished in the genetic history of this intrusion, relative to the principal stage of apatite mineralization. Characteristic structural features of each subphase are defined. Apatite ores are genetically associated with massive urtites of the second subphase, and with the middle magmatic stage of the Khibiny massif. DLC. 105899 MINENKO, N.A. K voprosu o rasselenii i rodovom sostave narodov Nizhnego Priob'ya v XVIII v. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Izvestiya 1969. no.6. ser obshchestvennykh nauk no.2, p.79-85, table) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution and sib affiliation of peoples of the lower Ob in the 18th century. Reconstructs population changes in the Berezovo and Surgut districts on the basis of historical documents and tax records. A gradual westward expansion of Voguls forced displacement of Ostyaks north and northeastward, and the Ostyaks in turn pushed back the Nenets and Enets Samoyeds. Further pressure on the Enets developed from the south by Sel'kup Samoyeds moving into the upper Taz basin to escape encroachment by Ostyaks and Russian settlers. Strong assimilation processes are also revealed: Ostyaks by Voguls and Nenets, Enets by Nenets, and Sel'kups by Ostyaks. Three ethnic territorial units emerged by the end of the 18th century. The area north of 65°N from the Urals to Taz Bay or the Gydan Peninsula belonged to the Nenets. A mixed SamoyedUgrian population with a dominant Ostyak element lived in the so-called Eastern territory located in the Surgut area of the middle Ob Intl the upper and middle reaches of the rivers from the Nadym to the Taz. The Western territory from Salekhard to the confluence of the Ob and Irtysh was primarily the Ostyak and Vogul domain. DLC. 105900 MINERVIN, A.V. Lessovyye porody doliny r. Obi v yeye nizhnem i srednem techenii. (Fiziko-mekhanicheskiye svoystva i voprosy formirovaniya lessovykh porod Sibiri. Moskva, Nauka 1968. p.135-43) Refs. In RusTitle tr.: Loessial deposits of the Ob sian. River valley on its lower and middle course.
Describes these rocks in watershed areas and above-plain terraces, called cover loams or cover formations. Their areal distribution in the Berezovo-Surgut and Voronovo-Kolpashevo areas was studied and their engineeringgeology characteristics are described. Their thickness, texture, mineralogical composition and other features are briefly noted. DLC. MINEVICH, A.YA., see No. 107415. MINEYEV, D.A., see Nos. 105828, 106959. 105901 MINION, L.D. Caribou Eskimos. (Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Quarterly 1970. v.35, no.4, p.36) An RCMP corporal characterizes this people of the Barren Lands west of Hudson Bay: their social organization, adjustment to their environment, behavior, character and physique. CaMAI. MIN'KOVICH, L.V., see No. 105972. 105902 MINODA, T. and K. OSAWA. Plankton in the sonic scattering layer in the Okhotsk Sea, summer 1963. (Hokkaido Univ. Faculty of Fisheries. Bulletin 1967. v.18, no.1, p.9-19, graphs, maps, illus) 16 refs. In Japanese. English summary, table and captions. The sonic scattering layer in Aug 1963 over the southwest Kamchatka shelf was usually at the lower part of the thermocline, at 20-60 m depth in daytime and near surface at night, and the largest mixed zooplankton biomass was associated with it. Small copepods were concentrated at the thermocline in daytime, their downward migration probably blocked by the thermocline. The larger copepod Metridia padfica descended below the thermocline by day and joined the species responsible for the scattering layer at night. Large plankters such as euphausiids are not responsible for the scattering layer in shallow shelf waters. DI. 105903 MIRKIN, G.R. Strukturno-tektonicheskiy analiz raspredeleniya gustoty megatreshchin. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.8, p.47-57, graphs, maps) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structural-tectonic analysis of the distribution of megafracture density. Discusses the development of fracture analysis as an exploration method used by Russian and foreign scientists, and describes own observations on the density of megafractures in the middle Ob region and the Vilyuy syneclise. The method is found important for tectonic zoning. DLC. MIRKIN, M.I., see Nos. 102718,107435. MIRONCHEV, YU., P., see No. 108105.
105904 MIROPOL'SKIY, V.P. Ostrava i ostrovityane. (Sibirskiye ogni 1968. v.47, no.8, p.118-23) In Russian. Title tr.: Islands and islanders. Description of the social and economic developments on the Commander Islands by the secretary of the Aleut District Party Committee. The discovery of the islands, their settlement by Aleuts relocated by the Russian-American Co in 1826, ruthless killing of fur seals and exploitation of Aleuts in colonial times, etc are sketched. The rehabilitation of the sealing trade after the creation of the National Aleut District in 1930 and particularly since the sealing control convention of 1957 are reviewed. Improved living standards of Aleuts in Mednyy and Bering Islands are described with selected statistical data on trade and supply, health, education, etc. The island sovkhoz, established in 1932 on the basis of unconfined polar fox breeding, has been reorganized as a combine with penned fur farming. Local fisheries were developed to solve feeding problems and new fur animals introduced: mink in 1961 and blue fox in 1966. DLC. MIROPOL'SKIY, V.P., see also No. 108295. 105905 MIROSHNIKOV, L.D. Tikhookeanskiy podvizhnyy poyas; regional'naya sistema mezozoysko-kaynozoyskikh neftegazonosnykh provintsiy na vostoke SSSR. (Leningrad. Vses. neftyanoy n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyy inst. Trudy 1969. no.272, p.99-114, map) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: The Pacific mobile belt, regional system of MesozoicCenozoic oil-gas-bearing provinces in the east of the USSR. Reviews the current state of geologic knowledge of the Pacific mobile belt. In its northwestern segment seven oil-gas-bearing provinces are known, the East Siberian, Verkhoyansk-Kolyma, and Far East continental, the Japan, Okhotsk, Bering, and Chukchi Seas. Each is briefly described. For obtaining oil and gas from this part of the USSR, development of large-scale search is required. DLC. 105906 MIRSKAYA, D.D. Petrologiya metabazitov rayona Keyv, Kol'skiy poluostrov. Leningrad, Nauka 1968. 167 p. graphs, tables, illus. Approx 110 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The petrology of metabasites of Keyvy region, Kola Peninsula. The monograph is a summary on mafic and ultramafic rocks of this region which have been folded and metamorphosed under amphibolite-facies conditions. Describes geology, petrography and chemistry of various rock types. The geologic history of the region is analyzed. The Keyvy metabasites are compared with similar 683
igneous rocks of adjacent regions. Particular attention is paid to theoretical problems: differentiation of magma, mechanism of intrusion, role of volatile components of magma on formation of intrusive and exocontact rocks. Contact-metasomatic effects of basic intrusion on various crystalline schists and gneisses are noted, as well as associated metallogenic procDLC. esses. MIRSKAYA, D.D., see also No. 108616. K.N. Opyt 105907 MISEVICH, sostavleniya karty "khozyaystvennyye tipy rasseleniya"; na primere Khanty-Mansiyskogo natsional'nogo okruga. (In: Nauchno-tekhn. konf. po kartografii. Voprosy... Irkutsk 1968. p.110-12) In Russian. Title tr.: Attempt at compiling a map of economic types of settlement, as exemplified in the Khanty-Mansi National District. Describes compilation of a map of town and rural settlement on the basis of the principal occupation of the population in industry, agriculture, traditional means of livelihood, etc. Seasonally occupied sites are also marked. Three types of settlement are characterized as industrial, agricultural, and as fur-farming, DLC. hunting and fishing.
Petrology of the oldest metamorphic complex of Taygonos Peninsula. This complex in northwest Kamchatka consists of amphibole gneisses, hypersthene gneisses, and garnet-biotite gneisses. They are DLC. briefly characterized. 105910 MISHKIN, MA. and others. Novyye dannyye po petrologii metamorficheskogo kompleksa poluostrova Taygonos. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.184, no.5, p.116568, tables) 10 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.S. Shkodzinskiy and Ye.A. Lagovskaya. Title tr.: New data on the petrology of the Taygonos Peninsula metamorphic complex. Three sequences are recognized in this complex, bipyroxene gneisses, garnet gneisses, and amphibole gneisses. Processes of regional, retrograde and contact metamorphism are outlined. Two groups of rocks, gneisses high in alumina and poor in calcium, and eclogitic basic crystalline schists, are treated in some detail, particularly their mineral and chemical composition. The Taygonos metamorphic complex is compared with the Aldan and Anabar DLC. Archean complexes. MISHNINA, T.A., see No. 108292. MISNER, F., see No. 105641.
MISHCHENKO, V.F., see No. 104891. 105908 MISHIMA, S. and K. SHIMAZAK'. On the diurnal change of salmon catch by the gill-net in the Okhotsk Sea. (Hokkaido Univ. Faculty of Fisheries. Bulletin 1969. v.20, no.1, p.5-21, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 11 refs. July 1967 fishing operations off southwest Kamchatka indicate a predominant sockeye salmon catch at the surface during the day, but minimal at night. The chum, pink and coho salmon were caught at every fishing time. Larger chum appear after sunrise, smaller at night; pinks predominate both after sunset and before sunrise. At the same station and in different localities, the movement of the various species of salmon was congruous. The temporary decrease in catch at night is attributed to disturbance in the swimming directions and slowing of fish movement. A relationship between diurnal movement of salmon and the internal wave phenomenon is suggested. DI. MISHIMA, S., see also No. 107197. 105909 MISHKIN, M.A. and V.S. SHKODZINSKIY. K petrologii drevneyshego metamorficheskogo kompleksa p-ova Taygonos. (In: AN SSSR. Dal'nevostochnyy filial. Geol. inst. Voprosy geologii, petrologii i metallogenii...1%8. p.90-91) In Russian. Title tr.: 684
105911 MITCHELL, E. Faunal succession of extinct North Pacific marine mammals. (Norsk hvalfangst-tidende 1966. v.55, no.3, p.47-60, illus) Desmostylians, cetotheres, squalodonts, long-beaked porpoises, otter-like carnivores and sea lion-like pinnipeds are thought to have occupied the eastern North Pacific in the early Miocene. They all persisted into the middle Miocene with the addition of short-beaked porpoises and dolphins, sperm whales and diversified cetotheres. By the late Miocene, however, the desmostylians, cetotheres, squalodonts, long-beaked porpoises and some archaic sea lions emigrated or became extinct, and the evolutionary origin or immigration of balaenopterine whales, modern types of sea lions, fur seals, walruses, more advanced-type porpoises and dolphins, sea cows and elephant seals took place. The sea otter was probably the latest major addition to the North Pacific fauna. In general, phyletic evolution in place characterized the late Oligocene, early and middle Miocene in the eastern North Pacific, whereas the change in fauna from middle to late Miocene and later may be attributed to a DLC. faunal shift or migration. 105812 MITCHELL, E.D. Balaenopterine or finner whales. (Baleen whales, in eastern North Pacific and arctic waters; comp.
by A. Seed. Seattle, Wash., Pacific Search 1972. p.24-30, illus) Describes the differences in size and position of the dorsal fin, breathing behavior, depth of diving and feeding, visible head ridges, body size, pigmentation, migration, herding behavior, age and population estimates, acoustic behavior, eyesight and ectoparasites of this group of baleen whales which frequent the Pacific coast of North America, and, except for the blue whale, are found in Bering Sea. The genus Balaenoptera, in order of decreasing size, includes the blue B. musculus, the fin B. physalus, the sei B. borealis, Bryde's B. edeni and the minke or little piked B. acutorostrata and B. CaMAI, WaU-FO. bonaerensis. 105913 MITCHELL, R. Acorus calamus. (Beaver 1968. v.298, no.4, p.24-26, illus The root of the sweet flag was used as medicine by the Cree Indians in Manitoba. A letter from G.J. Guttormsson dated 1965 describes the way of life of the Indians who lived on the west shore of Lake Winnipeg and gives a vivid impression of the meeting of Indian and European cultures. CaMAI. 105914 MITLYANSKAYA, T.B. Chukotskiye kostorezy. (Kul'tura i zhizn' 1969. v.13, no.12, p.24-25, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Chukchi bone carvers. Photo-reportage on the current output of the Chukchi-Eskimo workshop at Uelen in Chukotka. Bone carving is still done by men, engraving now by women only. Leading artists are named, their work illus, its style, composition, etc discussed. DLC. MITLYANSKAYA, T.B., see No. 104543. MITROFANOV, A.M., see No. 101868. MITROFANOV, F.P., see 107249.
Nos. 107248,
105915 MITROFANOV, VI. Morfologicheskiye osobennosti Bryobia borealis (Acariformes, Tetranychoidea). (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 1970. v.49, no.8, p.1248-51, table, inns) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Morphological characteristics of Bryobia borealis (Acariformes, Tetranychoidea). Defines the distinguishing characteristics of the Murmansk Bryobia and describes the females of Bryobia borealis and B. alpina. Tabulates population distinctions. DLC. 105916 MITROKHIN, V.U. and others. Vodoyemy Khanty-Mansiyskogo natsional'nogo okruga i ikh rol' v epidemiologii opistorkhoza. (Zemlya Tyumenskaya 1965. no.4, p.99-101) In Russian. Other authors: V .S. Myasoyedov and S.F. Nikonov. Title tr.: Water bod-
ies of the Khanty-Mansi National District and their role in opisthorchosis epidemiology. Notes the dependence of this trematode on certain carp species and on the mollusc Bithynia leachi. Water chemistry of the marshy floodplains which cover most of the District is particularly suited for the propagation of B. leachi. Examination of some 3300 molluscs revealed an uneven infestation by opisthorchis larvae, greatest in molluscs from water bodies with a highly developed fishing industry. Tests conducted in 1958-62 by epidemiological stations showed Khanty-Mansiysk, a carp fishing center, to have the largest rate of trematode infestation in people: 1445/10,000 population. Comparisons between infestation rates of wild versus domesticated animals confirmed the suspected importance of man in spreading parasite invasions: 91% of the cats and 68% of the dogs examined in the District were afflicted, also 3.2% of foxes in fur farms, while infestation of wild furbearers was almost nil. DLC. MITROPOL'SKIY, A.N., see No. 108674. 105917 MITROSHIN, M.I. Bitumoproyavleniya v basseyne shirotnogo otrezka ozera Dyupkun, istoki reki Kureyki. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.12, p.214-17, map, table) In Russian. Title tr.: Bitumen occurrence in the basin of the latitudinal segment of Lake Dyupkun, headwaters of the Kureyka River. Reports hydrochemical, geologic and geophysical studies in this region conducted 196566. Analysis of factual material shows presence of oil and gas, favorable conditions of oil and gas pools, and reservoir rocks. DLC. 105918 MITROSHIN, M.I. Nefteproyavleniya v basseyne srednego techeniya r.Severnoy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1970. v.162, no.2, p.224-31, maps, table) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Oil manifestations in the middle Severnaya River basin. Reports the 1963 discovery on this right tributary of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska of oil in amygdaloidal basalts of the Lower Triassic Tutonchana suite. Direct and indirect signs of oil and gas, favorable conditions for oil pool formation, and the presence of reservoir rocks indicate that this region is highly prospective for oil and gas. DLC. 105919 MITROSHIN, Mi. and L.G. SUKHOV. Osobennosti stroyeniya i formirovaniya sharovykh lay i gialoklastitov na zapade Tungusskoy sineklizy. (Leningrad. N.-isst. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.16, p.79-86, table, illus) 5 refs. In Russian Title tr.: Fea685
tures of the structure and formation of pillow lavas and hyaloclastites in the west of the Tunguska syneclise. Pillow lavas and hyaloclastites in the Nizhnyaya Tunguska, Tutonchana, Severnaya, and Kureyka basins are attributed to volcanic strata of Triassic age. The pillow lavas consist of separate beds of small and large pillows. Formation of globular lava and hyaloclastites are associated with the presence of aqueous media. Their physical parameters, chemical composition and petrographic features are DLC. stated.
105920 MIZEROV, B.V.
and others.
Noveyshiye tektonicheskiye dvizheniya Ob'Yeniseyskogo mezhdurech'ya i ikh rol' v formirovanii rel'yefa. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologii...1965. Materialy, v.3, 1970. p.29-42, maps, tables) 10 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.A. Bogdashev and G.F. Kuznetsova. Title tr.: Recent tectonic movements in the Ob-Yenisey interfluve and their role in relief formation. Reports a special geomorphic study of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic cover of this region. Two zones of uplifts and three zones of subsidence are described in some detail. The greatest reconstruction of relief occurred between the Neogene and Quaternary periods. Tectonic movements greatly affected geomorphic structure, relief development and configuration of DLC. the drainage nets.
105921 MIZINOV, N.V. and others. Tyumenskoye mestorozhdeniye promyshlennykh (In: Podzemnyye vody termal'nykh vod. Sibiri...1971. p.125-28, map) In Russian. Other authors: L.M. Kravchenko, V.L. Nedochetova and N.P. Dyadyuk. Title tr.: Tyumen deposits of industrial thermal waters. Recent prospecting in the southwestern part of the West Siberian lowland has disclosed deposits of industrial thermal waters in Tyumen with the largest reserves in the country. The main water-bearing horizons are concentrated in Cretaceous (Hauterivian-Barremian) deposits. The chemical composition, gas saturation, and temperature of these groundwaters DLC. are characterized. MLOTEK, V.I., see Nos. 102453, 102454, 107727. 105922 MOAR, J. Bush pilot era. (In: National Northern Development Conference 1967. Proceedings, p.29-36) Gives an account of the contributions to northern development made by former RCAF pilots in early mineral exploration, transportation, aerial mapping and in search and rescue operations; and calls for inexpensive emergency landing strips in the North, giving data
on costs, need, use, equipment and facilities. CaEUB. A. Lonnkrogamas 105923 MOBERG, paradis. (Norrbottens Inns hembygdsrorening. Arsbok 1968. p.119-56, table, illus) Refs. In Swedish. Title tr.: The unlicensed liquor shop keepers' paradise. Reviews illicit liquor sales in the Gfillivare area, prior to 1910, and the local residents' opposition to them. The nearby mining settlement of Malmberget was then known as the illicit liquor dispensers' paradise. Social conditions in the area, liquor prohibition in Lapland and its enforcement, scurvy and social diseases, are sketched, as are railway building and development of the early mining settlements into DLC. modern towns.
105924 MOBERG, A. Malmbanan. (Norrbottens !fins hembygdsforening. Arsbok Title 1968. p.49-78, illus) Refs. In Swedish. tr.: The ore railway. Reviews the interest, proposals and building of the railway to transport iron ore from the Kiruna area. Though a terminal port on the Gulf of Bothnia was favored originally, Norwegian influence was decisive and the line was built to the ice-free port of Narvik. Types and power of engines, tunnels and their ventilation, the outlay for electrifying the line in 1910, its capacity, and ore deliveries are discussed. DLC. 105925 MOCHALOVA, M.I. 0 parametrakh gemodinamiki v protsesse akklimatizatsii (In: Akklicheloveka na Kraynem Severe. matizatsiya i krayevaya patologiya...1970. p.120-21) In Russian. Title tr.: Parameters of human hemodynamics during acclimatization in the Far North. During the first year in the Far North, the individual developed bradycardia, lowering of the systolic and increase in diastolic pressure and of the central dynamic arterial pressure, peripheral vascular resistance, and an increase DLC. in blood flow. 105926. MOCHANOV, W.A. Drevneyshiye etapy zaseleniya Severo-Vostochnoy Azii i Alyaski; k voprosu o pervonachal'nykh migratsiyakh cheloveka v Ameriku. (Sovetskaya etnografiya 1969. no.l, p.79-86) Approx. Title 30 refs. In Russian. English summary. tr.: Oldest stages in the settlement of Northeast Asia and Alaska; the problem of the initial migrations of man to America. Distinguishes three major phases in PaleoIndian migration and discusses their cultural roots on the basis of recent excavations in Yakutia and the Soviet Far East. With the northward retreat of the mammoth and associated upper Pleistocene fauna, paleo-
lithic big-game hunters of Central Asia penetrated Yakutia and Chukotka. Ancestral Paleo-Indians first crossed the Bering land bridge during the Zyryanka glacial 35-30 thousand yr ago, and the movement intensified during the interglacial climatic optimum of 30-22 thousand yr ago. The bifacial chipping technique common to Paleo-Indians and some upper paleolithic groups in Siberia is used as diagnostic criterion. Its roots are traced to a LevalloisMousterian variant in Central Asia whose terminal phase, in Siberia, may possibly be the upper paleolithic complex discovered in 1967 in the Dyuktay cave on the Aldan River, and described by Mochanov infra. In the New World this tradition eventually gave rise to Paleo-Indian cultures of the SandiaClovis type. The second migration stage 2210 thousand yr ago is associated with the diffusion of the so-called Ikhine culture named for its representative site at about 63°N on the lower Aldan River. Its characteristic feature is an elongated wedgelike core tool or core scraper. In Alaska such tools were found in sites belonging to the Northwestern microblade tradition. The third migration phase 10-6 thousand yr ago corresponds to the so-called Sumnagin culture which spread from the Aldan-LenaVilyuy basins to Chukotka. Its most striking feature is the occurrence of microblades alongside massive chopping and scraping tools. The Driftwood Creek complex of the Utukok River, described by R.L. Humphrey qv, is seen as its Alaskan variant. CaMAI, DLC. 105927 MOCHANOV, YU.A. Dyuktayskaya verkhnepaleoliticheskaya kul'tura i nekotoryye aspekty yeye genezisa. (Sovetskaya arkheologiya 1969. v.13, no.4, p.235-39, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Upper Paleolithic Dyuktay culture and some aspects of its genesis. Preliminary report on 1967 excavations in a stratified cave near the mouth of the Dyuktay, right tributary to the middle Aldan River, Yakut ASSR. Some 10,000 flint tools associated with mammoth and other upper Pleistocene animal bones were found in a cultural horizon corresponding to the alluvial deposits of the first flood terrace of the Aldan River. A coal sample from a middle layer of this horizon yielded a radiocarbon date of 13,070 ± 90 years BP. Dominant tool types include disc and wedge-like cores, Levallois-type nuclei, bifacial spear heads, massive crescent-shaped scrapers and microblades. No relevant differences were discovered between tools in superimposed strata of this culture horizon. The complex, including also some surface finds stratigraphically linked to the first and second flood ter-
races of the Aldan of upper Pleistocene age, has been named the Dyuktay culture. It represents a unique upper paleolithic tradition of northeast Siberia unrelated to any known coeval Siberian culture. Its closest links are to middle paleolithic sites of Central Asia estimated as 35-40,000 yr old and to Paleo-Indian cultures of the Sandia, Clovis and Lerma stages in southern North America dated to 10-20,000 yr BP. The Dyuktay and Paleo-Indian cultures may represent separate branches of a yet undiscovered common cultural stock. DLC. MOCHANOV, YU.A., see also No. 108156. 105928 MOCK, S.J. Snow accumulation studies on the Thule Peninsula, Greenland. Hanover, N.H. 1968. 22p. graphs, maps, tables. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Research report 238) Refs. Reports studies relating accumulation rates to elevation, climatic parameters and bedrock profile. A predictive model was tested. Radar and seismic profiling, spirit leveling and barometric altimetry provided a basic data net, snow stakes and marker boards being used to measure accumulation. Local accumulation patterns are analyzed and wave features are demonstrably related to subsurface topography, although present flow theory seems inadequate to account for observed profiles. Maps showing surface elevation, subsurface elevation and mean annual accumulation are presented. CaMAI, DLC. 105929 MOCK, S.J. Snow accumulation studies on the Thule peninsula, Greenland, (Journal of glaciology 1968. v.7, no.49, p.59-76, graphs, maps, tables) Refs. French and German summary. Data from stake measurements, marked boards and pits along a 136 km trail across this sector of the ice sheet were used to determine regional and local distribution of snow accumulation. General decrease from 37 g/cm= in the SE to 29 g/cm= in the NW is complicated by local variations of as much as 15 g/cm= . On a regional scale, trend surfaces of mean annual accumulation can be predicted from a model using distance from moisture source and elevation as independent parameters. A series of step or wave-like features break the smooth profile of the ice sheet and cause profound changes in accumulation rates on a local scale. The accumulation pattern over these features can be predicted from surface slope and departure from regional elevation. DLC. 105930 MOCK, S.J. and others. Spatial aspects of pressure ridge statistics. (AIDJEX bulletin 1972. no.12, p.93-115, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 7 refs. Other authors: A.D. Hartwell and W.D. Hibler, Ill. 687
The spatial aspects of sea ice pressure ridge statistics have been examined by a census of all ridges in each of three small areas in the Arctic Basin. A model which predicts random orientation of ridges can be rejected at the 0.05 level of significance in each study area. Measurements of ridge spacings generally confirm the usefulness and validity of probability density function, P(x) dx = tte-jux dx, 'where x is the distance between adjacent ridges andµ is the population parameter. The estimator, 1.4 varies as a function of direction within the study areas, but a mean value, p, is shown to be related to the ridge density (total length of ridges per unit area) by the simple equation s= 2 R1).sr CaMAI, DN-HO. MOCK, S.J., see also No. 104167. MODELEVSJCIY, M.SH., see Nos. 104973, 105321. T.L. 105931 MODZALEVSKAYA, Rannedevonskiye Athyridacea (brakhiopody) (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Taymyra. Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.25, p.21-27, illus, table) Title tr.: Early Devonian Refs. In Russian. Athyridacea brachiopods of Taymyr. Describes brachiopods of the Tareya River basin in central Taymyr as represented by two genera, Musleospira of fam Musleospiridae and Protathyris of fam Athyrididae. There is general agreement on the systematic position of gen Musleospira, but gen Protathyris is variously interpreted. Musleospira is represented by M. ventricosa Hall. Gen Protathyris Kozlowski 1929 is represented by P. tarejensis n sp CaMAI, DLC. described for the first time. MODZALEVSKAYA, T.L., 106114.
see also
see No.
MOE, CR., see No. 102496. 105932 MOE, D. Pollen analysis of an occurrence of elm in Beiam, Nordland county, northern Norway. Bergen 1970. 21 p. map, illus. (Bergen, Norway. Univ. Arbok. Maternatisk-naturvitenskapelig serie no.2) 31 refs. Reports on study of pollen profiles from Beiarn and Skjerstad in Nordland, northern Norway. The profiles are tentatively correlated with postglacial climatic regimes and with zoning systems of other authors. The geologic settings, elevations, hydrological conditions, climate and dominant plant assemblages of sites are described and comparisons are drawn with present conditions. The rare occurrence of Ulmus glabra 688
pollen is believed to be accidental and due to long distance wind transport. The elm, which still grows in Beiarn, may have been introduced in the late 16th or 17th century. DLC. 105933 MOE, D. Post-glacial immigration of Picea abies into Fennoscandia. (Botaniska notiser 1970. v.123, no. I,. p.61-66, map) 26 refs. Evaluates the use of spruce pollen finds in determining climatic conditions in particular locations. The continuous immigration of Picea abies is shown to have been not synchronous in Norway and Sweden around 500 BC. This conclusion is drawn from a distribution map made with the aid of chronological datings. It modifies northern Fennoscandian post-glacial vegeDLC. tational history. 105934 MOE, D. Verdens nordligste almeforekomst i Beiarn, Nordland. (Naturen 1971. v.95, no.7, p.441-46, graphs, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: The world's northernmost occurrence of elm in Beiam, Nordland. Reports on a small stand of elm thriving on a south-facing slope near sea level at 67°N. .Pollen analysis indicates its age as three-four hundred yr. It was probably planted in the 17th century by settlers from southern Norway to supply fodder. It should be protected against DLC. encroachment of spruce. 105935 MOLLEN, G.U. Bruk av angstskrik for skremming av fugler pa flyplasser. (Norsk luftmilitaert tidsskrift 1971. v.22, no.2, p.35-42, graph, table, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Use of cry-of-terror for frightening birds from airfields. Reviews experiments with devices to rid the Bodo air station of birds which flock by the thousands to the airfield and pose a hazard to aircraft landing and takeoff. Of the score or so species represented, each reacted to its own species' cry of terror and disregarded all others. The cries were recorded and replayed mechanically with loudspeaker attachments. Effective distances and wind direction are explained. DLC. MOLLER, F., see No. 106639. MOLLER, J., see No. 105196. 105936 MOEN, A.D. Report of NASA Convair 990 remote-sensing missions over AIDJEX site, March 9-16, 1971. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.8, p.9-12). Narrates the activities leading to, and during, five remote-sensing flights by this aircraft based at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. The flights demonstrated the Convair 990 remotesensing platform, photographed ice, shoreline
and tundra with an RC-8 camera and provided observations for 15 scientists, a list of whom is given. CaMA1, DN-HO. 105937 MOGILEVSKIY, YE.L. Stroitel'stvo liniy elektroperedachi napryazheniyem do 35 kv v rayonakh Kraynego Severa. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1971. no.10, p.8-9, tables, illus) In Russian. Tide tr.: Construction of up to 35 kv electric transmission lines in regions of the Far North. Sketches experience of working on power installations under conditions of low temperature, high wind, snow drift, etc. Most of the transmission lines in the North are built on pine or mostly larch supports. The practice of sinking the wooden support into a reinforced concrete base has been introduced on the Noril'sk, Yakutsk, and some other lines in recent years. Technical and economic indexes of installing the supports in permafrost, and DLC. the construction costs are tabulated. 105938 MOGUCHEVA, N.K. and V.I. IL'INA. Novyy rod paporotnikov iz nizhnego triasa Tungusskoy sineklizy. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.6, p.132-35, illus) 7 Tide tr.: A new fern genus refs. In Russian. from the Lower Triassic of the Tunguska syneclise. On the basis of sterile and spore-bearing leaves and spores, Eleganopteris n gen is described as represented by E. tripinnata n sp. Diagnosis and description are given, as is the location of the find near Khantayskoye Lake. The systematic position is not established. DLC. MOGUTIN, V.P., see No. 104660. 105939 MOHN, S.F. and J. TEIGE. Cesium-137 concentrations in Norwegian lynx and wolverine. (Nytt magasin for zoologi 1968. v.16, no.2, p.50-52, graph, map, tables) 12 refs. Norwegian summary. Muscle tissue taken in Jan-June showed average cesium-137 concentrations of 86 nCi/kg and 54 nCi/kg in lynx and wolverine respectively. These relatively high values seem to be connected with consumption of cesium137-contaminated reindeer, which periodically represent an essential part of the lynx and DGS. wolverine diet.
along the North Alaskan shelf in LCMs, in the Bering and Chukchi Seas from R/V Hugh M. Smith, to the New Siberian Islands by icebreaker Northwin4 by automatic plankton samplers on submarines Seadragon and Skate in the high Arctic, and from drifting stations T3, Arlis I and Arlis II. The materials are being worked up at the Univ of Southern California; a tabulated list shows biologists concerned and reports in print so far. The results are briefly discussed, group by group with special reference to their vertical, horizontal and seasonal distribution. CaMAI, DLC. 105941 MOHR, J.L. Marine biology. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.3, p.265-82) 51 refs. Analyzes critically Naval Arctic Research Laboratory studies of the continental shelf organisms, beginning 1948, and those of the deep basin plankton and bottom organisms, beginning 1952. Because of many factors, the scope of work has been limited and mainly devoted to inventory taking. What remains to be done is noted with specific suggestions for future development; systematics, microscopy, ecology and animal behavior, embryology and life cycles, physiology and biochemistry of marine forms, and study of marine fishes and mammals on the shelf are treated in turn. CaMAI, DLC. 105942 MOISEYENKO, U.I. and others. Vliyaniye vlazhnosti na teploprovodnost' gornykh porod. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970, no.7, p.114-16, graphs, table) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: L.S. Sokolova and M.A. Aliyeva. Title tr.: The influence of water content on the thermal conductivity of rock. Reports on the dependence of the thermal conductivity of sedimentary and some igneous rocks upon water content and porosity, as investigated in Kamchatka and the Ust'-Balyk region of Tyumen Province. In sedimentary rocks porosity ranges 11.2-28.4%. Thermal conductivity in igneous rocks, e.g. olivinite, gabbro, and diorite, does not change after saturation. But the coefficient of increase for sedimentary rocks was significant in some samples after wetting up to 90%, though for most of the samples after saturation the increase was up to 30%. DLC. MOISEYEV, A.A., see No. 106632.
105940 MOHR, J.L. and S.R. GEIGER. Arctic Basin faunal precis; animals taken mainly from arctic drifting stations and their significance for biogeography and water-mass (In: AINA. Arctic drifting starecognition. tions 1968. p.297-313, maps, tables, illus) 51 refs. Reports on the 1952-65 collections of invertebrates (mainly), fishes and cetaceans, made
105943 MOISEYEV, K.A. and K.A. VAR LAMOVA. Mal'va na Severe pri raznykh srokakh poseva. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Trudy 1968. no.17, pt 2, p.21-28, tables, illus) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mallow in the north under different planting periods. Discusses the economy of mallow as fodder, its growth, harvesting, etc. To fight noxious 689
weeds, late planting is used after double plowing which kills the weeds and produces good crops. DLC. 105944 MOISEYEV, KA. and K.A. VARLAMOVA. 0 nekotorykh agropriyemakh polucheniya vysokikh urozhayev ogurtsov na Severe. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Trudy 1968. no.17, pt 2, p.65-74, graphs, tables) 31 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Agricultural methods to obtain high cucumber crops in the north. Presents the results of chemical and thermal treatment of the seed and planting and transplanting to obtain a good crop. DLC. MOISEYEVA, Ai, see No. 107171. MOKRONOSOV, A.T., see No. 103801. 105945 MOKSHANTSEV, K.B. Glubinnoye stroyeniye vostochnoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy i prilegayushchikh skladchatykh sooruzheniy Verkhoyano-Chukotskoy oblasti. Moskva, Nauka 1968. 172 p. graphs, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Deep structure of the eastern part of the Siberian platform and adjacent folded structures of the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka province. Collective work, a sequel to No 89996, with emphasis on the deep structure of the earth's crust inaccessible by conventional geologic methods. A scheme of the relief of crystalline basement is presented encompassing the eastern part of the Siberian platform and the southern half of the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka folded province. Schemes of the relief of the Conrad and the Mohorovi& discontinuity are given. Methods for determination of these divisions of the earth's crust are described in some detail. The structural elements of the platformic cover and its relationship to deep structure are reviewed. Deep faults are described according to age and depth. An outline is given of the tectonic development of the Yakut ASSR region in the Precambrian and the lower and middle Paleozoic. DLC. K.B. and 105946 MOKSHANTSEV, others. Tektonicheskoye rayonirovaniye neftegazonosnoy Leno-Vilyuyskoy provintsii. (In: AN SSSR. Sibiskoye otd. Yakutskiy filal. Institut geologii. LenoVilyuyskaya neftegazonosnaya...1969. p.72-94, graphs, map, illus) In Russian. Tide tr.: Tectonic zonation of the Lena-Vilyuy oil and gas province. Four structural stages are distinguished relative to the corresponding phases of tectonic development: Upper Proterozoic-Wendian, Lower and Middle Carboniferous. Lower and Upper Cretaceous. and Cenozoic. The Vilyuy syneclise is analyzed and its extent and structures are characterized. The northern and 690
southern flanks are described. The Verk hoyansk foredeep is also analyzed. DLC. MOKSHANTSEV, K.B., 103915,103950.
see also
105947 MOLAUG, I. Venner langs stien. Stavanger, Stavanger Aftenblad 1967. 127 p. illus. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Friends along the path. Presents illus and brief descriptions of 60 common plants, with Norwegian names. Characteristic features for recognition, habitat, hisDLC. tory, etc, are given. 105948 MOLAUG, S. Hvalfangst pa 1600-tallets Svalbard. Oslo 1968. 44 p. illus. (Norway. Norsk Polarinstitutt. Meddelelser no.97) 7 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Whaling in Svalbard in the 17th century. Describes finds excavated in 1966 at a site on Smeerenburgfjorden, probably the English whaling factory Fairhaven. The two brick fireplaces had three iron beams serving as a grill, with an iron ring placed on the grill as a base for the boiler. Fragments of tools and clothing were found in the neighborhood. The whalers apparently wore leather shoes with straps, woolen stockings, wide trousers of roughly woven worsted, tied under the knee, jacket, shirt and a knitted cap or a leather hat. Some other investigated sites are briefly mentioned. CaMAI DLC. 105949 MOLCHANOVA, T.V. Strukturnoye polozheniye mezozoyskikh granitoidov v rayone zapadnoy okrainy Kolymskogo sredinnogo massiva. (Geotektonika 1968. no.5, p.47-61, graphs, table, illus) Refs. In Russian. English summary Title tr.: Structural position of Mesozoic granitoids in the western margin of the Kolyma median massif. Describes Mesozoic granites forming large gently dipping interformational and interstratal bodies. The magmatic material was supplied along major faults separating the median massif from the Mesozoic orogenic zone. This shows that the formation of the granites took DLC. place in a late orogenic stage. MOLEVA, VA., see No. 106165. 105950 MOLIN, V.A. and M.I. MURAV'VEVA. Palinologicheskaya kharakteristika ufimskikh otlozheniy v Zapadnom Pritiman'ye. (In: AN SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geol. Trudy 1967. no.6, p.77-94, map, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Palynological characteristics of the Ufimskiy deposits west of the Timan Ridge. Reports on Upper Permian(?) Ufimskiy samples from boreholes in the Mezen' and
Vychegda basins and from outcrops in the Mezen' and Vym' basins. A typical Ufimskiy section is divided into three cycles, and each is analyzed for its spore-pollen assemblages. Comparison is made with Permian assemblages of other European regions. Illus are appended. DLC. 105951 MOLIN, V.A. Vodnyy put' cherez poluostrov Kanin po sisteme rek ChizhaChesha. (Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestiya 1970. v.2, no.2(12), p.111-15, map, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A waterway across Kanin Peninsula by the Chizha and Chesha River system. Use of these rivers for navigation may have begun in the 15-16th centuries to shorten the trade route between Arkhangel'sk and Mangazeya. Up to the 17th century Kanin appeared on maps as an island not a peninsula and the rivers were shown as a strait. Documented travel by these rivers dates from 1848, and the author's trip in 1962 is described in some detail, incl alternative routes within the river system. This river system is heavily overgrown and silted. Clearing and dredging are needed. DLC. MOLIN, V.A., see also No. 102632. 105952 MOLLOY, A. Arctic Ocean and marine science in the North Polar region. (Oceans 1969. v.1, no.2, p.66-77, maps, illus) Refs. Presents a brief history of exploration and postwar (WW II) research, describes the sea ice cover and indicates the status of contemporary research on bottom features, physical oceanography, marine biology and continental shelf. DGS. MOLODYKH, 1.1., see No. 107872. MONAKHOV, GI., see No. 102175. 105953 MONEY, P.L. The Wollaston Lake fold-belt system, Saskatchewan-Manitoba. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1968. v.5, no.6, p.I489-1504, maps, tables) 45 refs. Reports on the stratigraphy, structure, metamorphic grade, mineralization and magnetic anomalies in this fold-belt system which trends northeast in the region 55°30'-60°N 99°30' - 102°W. The belts, formed during the Hudsonian orogeny approx 1750 MY consist of tightly to isoclinally folded metasedimentary and metavolcanic and migmatitic rocks, bounded by older and younger granitic rocks. The metamorphic rocks belong to distinct lithologic assemblages assigned locally to the Daly Lake, Meyers Lake and Sandfly Lake Groups. The rocks have undergone regional
metamorphism of the andalusite-sillimanite or low pressure intermediate type and in general now belong to the amphibolite facies. Widespread syngenetic (?) base-metal mineral deposits may be of future economic importance. Major magnetic anomalies, where coincident with the fold-belt system, are probably attributable to coarse disseminated magnetite and ilmenite in the constituent metamorphic rocks. CaMAI, DGS. 105954 MONGER, J.W.H. Stratigraphy and structure of Upper Paleozoic rocks, northeast Dease Lake map-area, British Columbia, 104J. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 41 p. graph, map, tables, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-48) 31 refs. Reports observations during the 1966 mapping at 1:125,000 of the area 58°30' - 59°N 130° - 131°W in which Pennsylvanian and Permian rocks are most common. The Cache Creek Group consists of at least 5000 ft of mostly chert and pelite with interbedded volcanic sandstones and limestones toward the top of the Kedanda Formation; 3000 to 3 million acres by the end of June. 1969 had the worst forest fire season since 1957. Smoke from various fires, and its drift, are apparent on the satDGS. ellite mosaic. PARPAROVA, G.M., 108288.
Nos. 102202,
106299 PATRUNOV, D.K. Geneticheskiye tipy nizhnedevonskikh karbonatnykh porod i ikh raspredeleniye v razrezakh na yuge Novoy Zemli. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1968. v.157, p.170-206, graphs) Refs. In Russian Title tr.: Genetic types of Lower Devonian carbonate rocks and their distribution in sections on southern Novaya Zemlya. According to lithologic properties, the Lower Devonian deposits are recognized in six genetic types, viz: chemogenic dolomites and 747
limestones, biochemogenic limestones, bioclastic limestones, biogenic limestones, displaced rocks, and schist-forming rocks. In the Kamenka Bay horizon chemogenic dolomites predominate. In the Morzhovaya horizon chemogenic dolomites and limestones, and biochemogenic limestones are the most important. The Val'neva horizon has a wide distribution of bioclastic limestones. CaMAI, DLC. 106300 PATRUNOV, D.K. Litologicheskoye obosnovaniye stratigraficheskogo raschleneniya nizhnedevonskikh otlozheniy v tareyskom opornom razreze. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.22, p.36-43, graphs) In Russian. Title tr.: Lithologic substantiation of the stratigraphic definition of Lower Devonian deposits in the Tareya exploratory section. Gneisses and clayey dolomites gradually change into limestones with various normal marine fauna in this section. These rocks were formed in conditions of lagoons transferring into the open sea. The stratigraphic layers defined represent stages of sedimentation. Tectonic activity is also noted. DLC.
Analyzes the main stages of development of this trough, the largest platform structure in the archipelago. The occurrence and thicknesses of Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits in various parts of the trough are discussed. The trough formed in a major zone. Four cycles in the development of the platform are described. DGS. 106303 PAVLOV, A.V. and A.G. VOYTSEKHOVSKAYA. 0 fosforitonosnosti nizhneyurskikh otlozheniy Olenekskogo rayona. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no. 12, p.115-20, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Phosphorite-bearing properties of Lower Jurassic deposits of the Olenek region. Presents the petrographic mineralogical and chemical characteristics of three phosphorite horizons in the Pliensbachian deposits in the Lena-Anabar depression. Two phosphate rock types are distinguished, a phosphate-clayey rock with a high SiO, and A120, content, low FeO and a P205 content of 12.57% and a phosphate-clayey-carbonate rock with high CO, and FeO contents and a P20, content of 4.57DLC. 11.83%.
PATRUNOV, D.K., see also No. 102827. 106301 PATTON, W.W., JR. and J.M. HOARE. The Kaltag fault, west-central Alaska. (U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 1968. no.600-D, p.D147-53, graph, maps, illus) 10 refs. Reconnaissance geologic mapping of this fault, which has been traced for 275 mi from Norton Sound to Tanana, indicates that 40-80 mi of right-lateral offset may have occurred since Cretaceous time. Air photos reveal evidence of recent activity over nearly its entire length and local drainage offset of up to 1.5 mi. The Kaltag is regarded as a probable strike-slip fault on the basis of its straight trend, parallelism with known and suspected strike-slip faults of southwestern Alaska, and the evidence of major lateral dislocation. DGS.
106304 PAVLOV, A.V. and others. Plotnost' i magnitnaya vospriimchivost' yurskomelovykh otlozheniy Leno-Anabarskogo progiba. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.13, p.175-88, tables) Ref. In Russian. Other authors: V.P. Shuplyakova and L.V. Vozhakova. Title tr.: Density and magnetic susceptibility of Jurassic-Cretaceous deposits of the Lena-Anabar trough. Reports measurements of the density of 550 rock samples and the magnetic properties of 660. Both density and magnetic susceptibility are found to vary systematically. Density is primarily a function of the composition of the rocks and their porosity. Magnetization is mainly due to the presence of magnetite and DLC. siderite.
PATTON, W.W., JR., see also No. 103610.
PAVLOV, A.V., see also No. 102696.
PAVLENKO, YU.G., see No. 102327.
106305 PAVLOV, D.I. Ob uchastii khlora v endogennoy mineralizatsii kimberlitov. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.3, p.133-34, table) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Chlorine participation in the endogenous mineralization of kimberlites. In the Mir pipe the chlorine content is up to 0.83%, and in seven determinations it averaged 0.28%, i.e. 20 times the usual abundance in igneous rocks. Hence it is concluded that chlorine participates in endogenous mineralization in kimberlites. DLC.
PAVLIDIS, YU.A., see No. 105760. 106302 PAVLOV, A.V. and V.N. SOKOLOV. K istorii formirovaniya i razvitiya Zapadno-Shpitsbergenskogo progiba. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po geologii Shpitsbergena 1965. p.45-54, table) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: History of the formation and development of the Spitsbergen trough. 748
106306 PAVLOV, G.F. and N.A. SHILO. Prostranstvennoye razmeshcheniye olovonosnykh rossypey Severo-Vostoka i ikh svyaz' s korennymi istochnikami. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.80-96, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Spatial distribution of tin placers in the Northeast and their relationship to their original sources. Tin mineralization is known in the YanaKolyma and Chukotka folded systems and the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt. The regional distribution of tin placers is outlined and various types of primary cassiterite ore deposits are characterized. DLC. PAVLOV, G.F., 102276.
see also
Nos. 102275,
ferentiated dolerites characterize the fifth phase. DLC. 106309 PAVLOV, V.A. Nekotoryye osobennosti skapolito-magnetitovykh rud na mestorozhdeniyakh Aldana. (In: Redkometal'nost'...osadochnykh kompleksov 1969. p.7998, graph, map, table, illus) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of scapolite-magnetite ores in the Aldan deposits. Presents the geological and petrographic characteristics of one type of these ores in the Aldan iron ore province. Specific features of their mineral composition are described and processes of metamorphism analyzed. Scapolite-magnetite ores may be attributed to a definite stratigraphic complex, like magnetite-serpentine-diopside ores. Accessory minerals of these ores include rare earths. DLC.
PAVLOV, G.V., see No. 104824. 106307 PAVLOV, L.G. Zakonomernosti formirovaniya vulkanogennogo kompleksa rayona ozer Keta i Dyupkun, severo-zapadnaya chast' Sibirskoy platformy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.15, p.97-101, graph) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Patterns of a volcanic complex in the Keta and Dyupkun Lakes region, the northwestern part of the Siberian platform. Discusses the formation of the volcanic complex with respect to tectonic-magmatic cyclical frequency. There are two multiphased stages of volcanic activity which differ in character of volcanism and composition of products. CaMAI, DLC. PAVLOV, L.P., see No. 108604.
106308 PAVLOV, N.D. Strukturno-geologicheskiye osobennosti nekotorykh differentsirovannykh intruziy verkhov'yev basseynov rek Vilyuya i Oleneka. (In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Inst. geologii. Geologiya i petrologiya...1966. p.29-42, illus) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structural and geologic features of some differentiated intrusions in the upper Vilyuy and Olenek River basins. The distribution of these trap intrusions in space and time is associated with the development of fold and fault structures. The main mass of the intrusions occurs on the flanks of the Vilyuy-Mogda domal uplift. Five phases of magmatic activity are distinguished. The initial phase began at the end of the Carboniferous and the beginning of the Permian. Following a Permo-Triassic phase, during which lavas and tuffs were emplaced, three phases of lower Triassic magmatism occurred. Both differentiated and weakly differentiated masses were formed in the third and fourth phases. Undif-
106310 PAVLOV, V.V. K voprosu o palinologicheskom obosnovanii granitsy verkhneyurskikh i nizhnemelovykh morskikh otlozheniy basseyna reki Khety, Khatangskaya vpadina. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.25, p.5-8, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Palynological substantiation of the boundaries of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits in the Kheta River basin, Khatanga depression. Presents a palynological study of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits previously divided into zones by ammonites. Six palynological assemblages are recognized and described in detail. Differences are shown clearly between the spore-pollen assemblages of the upper substage of the Volgian stage and the Berriasian, and similarities between those of the Berriasian and Lower Valanginian. CaMAI, DLC. 106311 PAVLOV, V.V. Palinologicheskoye obosnovaniye granitsy verkhneyurskikh i nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy na myse UrdyukKhaya, p-ov Pakhsa, Anabarskiy zaliv. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.29, p.32-35) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Palynological evidence of the Upper Jurassic — Lower Cretaceous boundary on Cape Urdyuk-Khaya, Nordvik Peninsula, Anabar Bay. Reports on a palynological study of some Volgian and Lower Cretaceous marine transition beds which are unique in the Siberian North. Spore-pollen assemblages of the Volgian, Berriasian and Valanginian stages are analyzed. The validity of drawing the Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous boundary between the Chetaites chetae and Chetaites sibiricus zones is confirmed. DLC. 749
PAVLOV, V.V., see also Nos. 102464, 108181.
ence of an upper substage of the Volgian is recDGS. ognized in Svalbard for the first time.
106312 PAVLOV, YU.A. and A.YU. YUNOV. 0 moshchnosti zemnoy kory na Kamchatke. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.191, no.1, p.194-96, map) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Thickness of the earth's crust on Kamchatka. Presents a map of the crustal thickness in Kamchatka ranging 24-33 km as indicated by geophysical investigations. On the eastern side the crustal thickness is 24-30 km, and it increases westerly to 32-33 km in the central DLC. part of the peninsula.
106315 PCHELINA, T.M. Stratigrafiya i osobennosti veshchestvennogo sostava mezozoyskikh otlozheniy tsentral'noy chasti Zapadnogo Shpitsbergena. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po geologii Shpitsbergena 1965. p.127-48, map, illus) 5refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Stratigraphy and composition of Mesozoic deposits in the central part of Spitsbergen. Describes and correlates Mesozoic formations studied in 1962 in Cape Festningsodden, Sassenfjorden and Van Keulenfjorden. Lower, Middle and Upper Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous sequences are subdivided and their lithologic and faunal facies described. DGS.
PAVLOVA, M.A., see No. 106372. PAVLOVA, N.N., see No. 108571.
PCHELINA, T.M., see also No. 104847. PAYETTE, S., see No. 106827. PEARCE, D.C., see No. 108338. 106313 PCHELINA, T.M. Mezozoyskiye otlozheniya rayona Van-Keylen-f'orda, Zapadnyy Shpitsbergen. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po geologii Shpitsbergena 1965. p.149-73, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mesozoic formations of Van Keulenfjorden, Spitsbergen. Describes the lithology and stratigraphy of an uninterrupted Lower Triassic — Middle Cretaceous succession in this region, using material collected in 1963. Ammonite, pelecypod and spore-pollen assemblages are identified. A columnar section illustrates subdivisions of all major units with lithofaunal, floral and thickness data. The Middle and Upper Triassic are more clearly defined and the presence of the Hauterivian in central Spitsbergen conDGS. firmed. 106314 PCHELINA, T.M. Stratigrafiya i nekotoryye osobennosti veshchestvennogo sostava mezozoyskikh otlozheniy yuzhnykh i vostochnykh rayonov Zapadnogo Shpitsbergena. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po stratigrafii Shpitsbergena 1967. p.121-58, graphs, map) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The stratigraphy and composition of Mesozoic deposits of the southern and eastern regions of Spitsbergen. Describes the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous strata of these regions from lithologic and stratigraphic investigations in 1965-66. In Serkapp Land the presence of Lower and Middle Triassic is established for the first time. Analysis of faunal and lithologic facies indicates unstable tectonic conditions during the Lower-Middle Jurassic, and though the beds are not very thick their formation extended from the Pliensbachian to early Aalenian and possibly to the Bajocian-Bathonian. The pres750
PEARCE, T., see No. 106148. 106316 PEARSE, C.R. Athabasca tar sands. (Canadian geographical journal 1968. v.76, no.1, p.2-9, maps, illus) Reviews the history and development of this resource from its discovery to the attainment of full production at the first plant near Fort McMurray in 1967. The geological formation is described, and reserves are estimated at 626 billion bbl, over half of which is recoverable, a total equal to all the proven resources of petroleum in the free world. Mining and extraction processes are described and illus, and problems of labor supply and personnel training are discussed. 100,000 tons of sand are processed daily by a hot-water flotation process. Japanese interest has been growing and a project is envisaged for a solids transmission pipeline to Prince Rupert, B.C. The future of the resource is assessed, particularly in relation to competition from conventional oil sources. CaMAI, DLC. 106317 PEARSON, A.M. and others. Evaluation of phencyclidine hydrochloride and other drugs for immobilizing grizzly and black bears. (Journal of wildlife management 1968. v.32, no.3, p.532-37, graph, table) 14 refs. Other authors: R.M. Bradley and R.T. McLaughlin. Reports on a 1965-67 Canadian Wildlife Service study of Ursus arctos and U. americanus in southwestern Yukon Territory. The average dosage of anectine (succinylcholine chloride) for successful immobilization of grizzlies was found to be 0.18 mg/lb body weight (range 0.12-0.25) and of black bears 0.19 (range 0.09-0.25). With nembutal (sodium pentobarbital) the dosage was 6.75 mg/lb body
weight; with surital (sodium thiamylal) 8.43 mg/lb body weight. With a new drug, sernylan (phencyclidine hydrochloride), the optimum dosages for both bears were 0.6-0.9 mg/lb body weight; 0.41 mg/lb body weight successfully immobilized, but is close to minimal strength, whereas 1.51 mg/lb body weight was not mortal, thus indicating a wide tolerance range to the new drug. DI. PEARSON, A.M., see also No. 105216. 106318 PEARSON, R. Rocher River, Northwest Territories. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.2, p.156-58) This small trapping center, —10 mi south of Great Slave Lake had a population of 130 in 1956, and about 38 in 1968. The local potential resource industries include commercial fishing, hunting and trapping, and the soil and climate are conducive to garden agriculture; but for their development the community requires a school to attract families with children, new housing, sanitation facilities, road improvement, a landing strip, also improved communications as it has only one radio-telephone at present. CaMAI, DLC . 106319 PEARSON, R. Settlement patterns and subarctic development: the south Mackenzie, N.W.T. (Anthropologica 1971. v.13, no.1/2, p.255-70, map, tables) 25 refs. Deals with settlement policies which inhibit full use of this region's potential for keeping pace with population growth in the North. The area considered is a sub-region of the Great Slave Lake region, and it includes Forts Providence, Resolution and Smith, Hay River and Pine Point. It is the most economically developed part of the NWT as a mining and a transportation-communication center. The future of Fort Smith is uncertain, a key settlement until recently when transportation developments bypassed it, and Yellowknife was chosen as the territorial capital. Wage employment, housing, educational and social services are causing population to shift into Forts Providence and Resolution. Both had high unemployment and under-employment levels in 1968 and a native population with a high ratio of working-age adults to children. There has been no effort to attract the unemployed to Hay River or Pine Point, which have comparatively large amounts of job-creating capital, but they are the only two settlements in the area in which natives are a numerical minority. If the present policy of encouraging natives in poverty to remain in Forts Providence and Resolution is a mistake, perhaps Hay River should be designated as a long-term growth center and Pine Point with a finite economic resource base, as a short-term growth center. CaMAI, DSI.
PEC, K., see No. 108442. PECK, J.W., see No. 108086. 106320 PEDEN, A.E.
New cottid fish,
Nautichthys robustus, from Alaska and British
Columbia. Ottawa 1970. 10 p. tables, illus. (Canada. National Museum of Natural Sciences. Publications in biological oceanography no.2) II refs. French summary. Describes this new fish species on the basis of eight known specimens from Aleutain Islands and Queen Charlotte Islands waters. It is distinguished from other Nautichthys sp by pointed head spines and 21 or fewer soft dorsal rays. An area of sympatry is suggested for N. robustus and N. pribilovius from Attu Island to the Gulf of Alaska; in this area, N. robustus may inhabit shallower water than its closely related sibling. CaMAI, DLC. PEDEN, A.E., see also No. 108453. 106321 PEDERSEN, A. Hvad bruger narhvalen sin stodtand til? (Vor viden 196364. no.379, p.700-706, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: What does the narwhal use his tusk for? Describes this large cetacean frequently found near Greenland. The adult male is about 6 m in length and has a spirally twisted tusk about 2-1/2 m long, the spiral invariably leftturning. The tusk, generally smooth at the end, is valued for the ivory. The tusk may possibly be used in competition with other whales, for breaking ice, or for stirring up bottom food, etc. Its function, if any, is not evident. DLC. 106322 PEDERSEN, A. Jaerven. (Vor viden 1965-66, no.393, p.45-50, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: The wolverine. Notes beliefs and folklore about this widely feared mammal, Gulo gulo, considered the reindeer's worst predator. Its life habits and circumpolar status are outlined. DLC. 106323 PEDERSEN, A. Klapmydsen. (Gronland 1966. no.10, p,345-50, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: The hooded seal. Outlines the biology of Cystophora cristata. It appears in Greenland waters during AprJune and after molting in Denmark Strait returns to Greenland till mid-August. Formerly it was hunted extensively, particularly in the spring, and at the end of the 1920's, five-six thousand/yr were killed. The present catch is 400-600/yr in southwest Greenland and 150300 up the west coast. In 1958-59, 360 were killed in southeast Greenland. The decline of the stock is due to changing climate and to over-exploitation. The hooded seal is now protected during its stay in the molting area. CaMAI, DLC. 751
Preliminary 106324 PEDERSEN, A.K. notes on the Tertiary lavas of northern Disko. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1969. no.19, p.2I-24) 5 refs. Reports on 1968 reconnaissance mapping and sampling of lavas, with special attention to those contaminated by reaction with pre-Tertiary sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Petrography, mineralogy, and chemistry are characterized for various types of lava. CaMAI, DLC. 106325 PEDERSEN, K.R. Angiospermous leaves from the Lower Cretaceous Kome Formation of northern West Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1968, no.15, p.17-18) 3 refs. Preliminary report on resampling and restudy of plant fossils, spore and pollen to establish the stratigraphic position of this formation. The 1967 find of angiospermous leaves in situ, together with normal Kome plant fossils, confirms the Lower Cretaceous age of the formation. It is briefly described as it occurs on the north side of Nugssuaq Peninsula between CaMAI, DLC. Ikorfat and Kfik. Fossils of 106326 PEDERSEN, K.R. Precambrian age from south-west Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1968, no.15, p.51-53) 5 refs. Summarizes continued search in 1967 in parts of southern Graenseland and Arsuk 0, northeast and southwest of Ivigtut respectively. In the Ketilidian fold belt some metamorphic areas contain both macroscopic and microscopic fossil structures, 1700-2000 MY in age. Several types of structures are recognized from a yellow dolomite just above the basal conglomerate layers. They should be referred to the Lower Zig Zag Land formation rather than to Graenseso formation as previously mapped. Additional finds of possible organic origin in the Rendesten formation are noted. Depositional conditions are considered, noting the evidence of organic activity during the time of CaMAI, DLC. Ketilidian sedimentation. Late Precam106327 PEDERSEN, K.R. brian microfossils from Peary Land. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970. no.28, p.16-17) 2 refs. Summarizes a preliminary study of black chert, collected in 1968 from the southern part of Peary Land, which has revealed several types of fossils, some of which resemble plant microfossils. The chert belongs to a dolomite series lying between Riphean tillite and Lower Cambrian dolomite. A filamentous microfossil shows close affinity to the genus Eomycetopsis described from the late Precambrian of Australia. A globular form is related to colonies of the genus Myxococcoides. Too little material has 752
been collected for full organo-chemical investiDGS. gations. Precambrian 106328 PEDERSEN, K.R. fossils from the Ketilidian of south-west Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.40-41) Ref. Summarizes results of search for Precambrian fossils in the low-grade metamorphic Ketilidian rocks in the Graenseland-Midternaes area northeast of Ivigtut, Southwest Greenland. The best preserved fossil, Vallenia erlingi . Raunsgaard Pedersen (No 94145), occurs at the same stratigraphic position as in former finds, possibly indicating a very restricted occurrence in the sequence. Other types of structures of possible organic origin DGS. are noted. 106329 PEDERSEN, K.R. and J. LAM. Precambrian organic compounds from the Ketilidian of south-west Greenland, pt 1. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag 1968. 16 p. graphs, maps. (Meddelelser om Gronland. v.185, no.5) 17 refs. Also pub as: Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Bulletin 1968. no.74. Reports on chemical examination of coalgraphite, which with graphitic shale separates the lower from upper pillow lava members in the Foselv Formation in the Sortis Group of Graenseland northeast of Ivigtut, between Arsuk and Sermiligirssuk Fjords, centering southeast of 61°30'N 48°W. The presence is disclosed of monoterpenoid compounds, normal and branched paraffins and methyl esters. All of these compounds indicate an advanced biological activity; the meter-thick coal-graphite layer must be the result of a large-scale accumulation of organic material 1800-2000 CaMAI, DGS. MY. PEDERSEN, K.R., 10766/
see also
Nos. 105145,
Growth rates of 106330 PEGAU, R.E. important reindeer forage lichens on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.4, p.255-59, tables) 9 refs. French and Russian summary. Cladonia alpestris, C. rangiferina and C. sylvatica may comprise 75-90% of all lichens eaten by reindeer. Their growth rates must be known to determine the carrying capacity, rates of recovery and patterns for rotational grazing of reindeer rangelands. Data from two sites near Nome and a third near Koyuk show the annual linear rates of growth of these three species to be 5.0, 5.3 and 5A mm respectively. These averages exceed those of northern Canada and some areas in the USSR. C. rangiferina reaches the podetium renewal period in 5.9 yr, or in almost half the time required by the other two CaMAI, DLC. species.
106331 PEIPONEN, V.A. Animal activity patterns under subarctic summer conditions. (In: Symposium on Ecology of the Subarctic Regions 1966. Proceedings pub 1970, p.281-87, graphs, table) 24 refs. French summary. Deals with the food and feeding activity of passerine birds and microtine rodents as studied in summers 1954-58 and 1964-65 at the Kilpispirvi Biological Station in Finland; 18 species of birds and five of rodents were observed. Only in three rodents is the feeding activity during the light period arhythmically divided into a 24-hr period. All the others have a clear daily rhythm in food activity. In the diurnal birds, the continuous-feeding rest occurs in some species symmetrically around midnight, in some in the late evening, in most species however, towards or only in the early morning hours. Besides light, the temperature and probably the relative humidity regulate the activities, largely by availability of food. Adaptation to subarctic conditions in nocturnal rodents is reflected in the fact that the peak of their activity period does not occur at midnight in the light summer. CaMAI, MdU.
the upper 10-15 m of the limnetic zone at night and remained either in deep midlake water or near the lake's shelf area bottom in the day. A more rapid growth of fry in the lake's eastern end during early summer presumably was due to early-season crowding near major spawning beds in the western end. Growth rates evened out in the lake areas in the late season when fry were more uniformly distributed. WaU-FO. 106334 PELLETIER, B.R. and A.C. GRANT. Hudson Bay Project. (Maritime sediments 1966. v.2, no. I, p.30-31) 3 refs. Indicates the types of marine geologic work done by the project with M/V Theta 1961, and M/V Theron and CSS Hudson 1965, and summarizes results of bathymetric, bottom sediment and bedrock studies. Sub-bottom profiling using the seismic reflection method is noted by A.C. Grant. DGS.
106332 PELIKH, G.I. 0 metode nauchnoy klassifikatsii sibirskikh petroglifov. (Sovetskaya etnografiya 1968. no.3, p.68-76) 42 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: On the method of a scientific classification of Siberian petroglyphs. Takes issue with A.A. Formozov, on his criticism of Okladnikov's classification and dating of Lena and Angara (No 67201, 98731) cliff drawings. Methods of comparative typological and chronological classification used by Okladnikov are considered the most fruitful forms of research. DLC.
106335 PELLETIER, B.R. Sedimentation in arctic waters of the western Queen Elizabeth Islands, District of Franklin, Canada. (Maritme sediments 1967. v.3, no.4, p.90-99, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 19 refs. Gives a preliminary report of continuing studies of sedimentation in lacustrine, fluvial, inshore deltaic and non-deltaic, channel and offshore marine environments, under direction of the Polar Continental Shelf Project. Deals with the mechanical properties, dispersal of clay minerals, analyses of elements, distribution of major oxides and comparative environmental studies of pH, carbonate and organic carbon. The sediments' mechanical properties vary with distance of sedimentary transport; offshore variation is related to topographic features and ocean currents. Very little diagenetic effect on sediments is shown by the dispersal pattern of clay minerals and comparative variation of the major metallic oxides from river and deltaic sediments. DGS.
106333 PELLA, J.J. Distribution and growth of sockeye salmon fry in Lake Aleknagik, Alaska, during the summer of 1962. (Washington (State) Univ. Publications in fisheries 1968. v.3, p.45-111, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 24 refs. Three types of sampling gear, a beach seine and otter trawl in the littoral zone and a tow net with an echosounder in the limnetic zone, were used to measure changes in abundance of the sockeye fry in this Nushagak district lake, Bristol Bay, Alaska. Dispersing from the area of highest population density near the major spawning ground toward less dense areas in early summer, the fry remained near shore in shallow water and in midsummer occupied near-shore deeper water in the day and strayed into the limnetic zone in small numbers at night. In late summer, large numbers stayed in
106336 PELLETIER, B.R. Submarine physiography, bottom sediments, and models of sediment transport in Hudson Bay. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 1969. no.68-53, p.100-135, graph, maps, illus) 16 refs. Describes the bottom water mass and analyzes the bathymetric and bottom sediment data from cruises of the Theta 1961, and of the Hudson and Theron during the 1965 Hudson Bay Oceanographic Project. The bottom physiography is primarily controlled by bedrock structure and lithology and secondarily by prePleistocene subaerial erosion. Water temperatures and dissolved 0, decrease and salinity increases from shore to the deep center of the Bay. Ice-rafted sediments are ubiquitous but most common in nearshore areas. Currents move counterclockwise around the Bay and the ice drifts with them. Exclusive of ice-rafted sed-
PELEKIS, L.L., see No. 106240.
iments, the normal marine sequence of elastic sediments is present with coarse material near shore grading finer seaward to clays in the central deeps. CO, content is lowest in the eastern and western parts but high in the central Bay especially in the north. Organic carbon content is highest in deep parts generally. Models of sedimentary transport, based on lithological ratios, topographic depth zones and transporting agents show the influence of ice-rafting over all energy zones and topographic environments. Recalculation of plot of the lithologic ratios in relation to the energy zones, omitting the ice-rafted debris, shows the dispersal pattern of the sediment approx that found on a hypothetical sea floor underlying zones of simiCaMAI, DGS. lar hydrodynamic vigor. Submersible 106337 PELLETIER, B.R. Pisces feasibility study in the Canadian Arctic. (Maritime sediments 1968. v.4, no.2, p.69-72, map, illus) 2 refs. This submersible, owned and operated by 'Hydrodynamics International of Vancouver, B.C. made a series of dives in Aug-Sept 1968 operating from CCGS Labrador in Viscount Melville and Lancaster Sounds, Pond Inlet and other northeast Baffin Island waters. Design and operational features of the 7-ton vessel are described, as are the launching technique, and the built-in and special equipment used for geologic sampling, photography, sonar navigation, sea-floor mapping, marine biological and DGS. oceanographic observations. PELLETIER, B.R., see also No. 103247. How to con106338 PELLETIER, J.C. duct seismic operations in "hardwater". (Oilweek 1970. v.21, no.12, p.39-42, map, tables, illus) Discusses ice conditions in Canadian arctic shipping routes as observed in summer/fall 1969 under Operation Polarquest to gain knowledge for design of seismic ships in icecovered areas. The breakup and behavior of the ice in Beaufort Sea, Prince of Wales Strait and Viscount Melville Sound are discussed, as are the basic variables affecting operation: percentage of ice coverage, ice type, thickness and pressure. The use of aerial scouting and maps are also dealt with. Defines three type areas: standard seismic ship operations feasible with icebreaker support, ice-strengthened vessels required, and unnavigable as shown on map. Length of operating season is indicated with supporting data. Ship and seismic gear specifiDLC. cations are given. 106339 PENIN, V.V. and L.R. SOLONITSYNA. Water temperature of the Norwegian Current in 1966. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biolo754
gigues 1966 pub 1968. v.23, p.27-29, graph, tables) Reports the monthly negative temperature anomalies in the current incl sections along 65°45', 67°30', 69°20', and 72°50'N. DLC. PEOPLES, H., see No. 102623. PEPPAR, J., see No. 108453. 106340 PERCH-NIELSEN, K. Field mapping in Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments of Jameson Land, Scoresby Land and Werner Bjerge. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970. no.28, p.42-43) 4 refs. Reviews briefly 1969 field studies in East Greenland by three two-man parties. Exposures of Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic and Jurassic sediments are characterized. A large collection of Middle Jurassic trace fossils was made by one party. Correlation of lithologic units was difficult near Werner Bjerge, a Tertiary massif. Study of sills and dikes in the surrounding sediments has been started. DGS. PERCH-NIELSEN, K., 102312, 102313, 102556.
see also
106341 PEREDAR'YENKO, G. Preodolevaya snezhnyye zanosy. (Tyl i snabzheniye Sovetskikh vooruzhennykh sil 1969. v.29, no.1, p.25-29, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Overcoming snow drifts. Describes the winter field training of army rear-area units in Siberia, incl supplying combat units with fuel at -40°C air temp, during snow storms, over 0.7-1.0 m snow drifts and ice-covered roads. Simultaneous refueling of two tanks is illus. DLC. PEREKREST, 1.1., see No. 107866. PEREL'TSVAYG, M.O., see No. 105336. PEREMYSHTSEV, YU.A., see No. 104627. 106342 PEREMYSLOV, A. Segodnya i zavtra Surguta; zametki arkhitektora. (Sibirskiye ogni 1967. v.46, no.6, p.I30-36) In Russian. Titk tr.: Surgut today and tomorrow, notes of an architect. Discusses general problems of urban planning and housing construction in the North, both essential to relieve the labor shortage and ensure a stable population in developing areas. Ecological, social and economic factors should be considered in the choice of town sites and housing types. Foremost is the problem of job security. Additional employment opportunities should be created in localities with a limited industrial future and boom periods requiring a
large labor force. The current practice of natural growth as exemplified by Surgut, an oil town on the middle Ob River in Tyumen Province, is criticized. It starts with temporary housing in wanigans, then log cabins, and gradual relocation to one- or two-story apartment buildings for only a fraction of the residents. Living conditions are substandard, social facilities inadequate, construction costs high. Timber for the buildings strips the local forests and requires expensive freighting to and from dis- • tant sawmills. Planned communities like the Aykhal project for the Yakut diamond fields, though still in the blue-print stage, is considered optimal. It plans prefabricated 5 to 9-story apartment houses for a fixed population (5500 in Aykhal), schools and nurseries, a hospital and maternity clinic, recreational facilities, shopping mart, etc, all interconnected by roofed galleries. A similar project is envisaged for Surgut which should become the seat for the entire oil industry of Tyumen Province. Smaller satellite towns should be built near the actual exploitation sites, and settlements with hotel-like accommodations provided in outlying areas for surveyors, etc on short-term DLC. assignments. 106343 PEREVERZEV, V.N. and N.S. Protsessy ammonifikatsii i ALEKSEYEVA. nitrifikatsii v torfyano-bolotnykh pochvakh Kol'skogo poluostrova. (Pochvovedeniye 1969. no.12, p.73-82, tables) 9 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Ammonification and nitrification processes in the peat-bog soils of Kola Peninsula. Cultivation of the Kola peat-bog soils is said to increase their nitrificative capacity. Under the conditions of low temperatures (-5 to 0°C) and high moisture, ammonification and nitrification are suppressed. Early application of organic matter which has a close C:N ratio immobilizes the mineral nitrogen, and further nitrate accumulation depends on the DLC. C:N ratio of the introduced materials. 106344 PEREVERZEV, V.N. and E.A. GOLOVKO. Vliyaniya okul'turivaniya na fiziko-khimicheskiye svoystva i biologicheskuyu aktivnost' torfyano-bolotnykh pochv. (Pochvovedeniya 1968. no.3, p.60-69, tables) 19 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Effects of cultivation on the physical-chemical properties and biological activity of peat-bog soils. Reports study in Industriya state farm of Kola Peninsula. Prolonged cultivation has been found to lead to considerable acidity and deficiency of mobile calcium and magnesium in these soils. Cultivation fosters the development of microorganisms assimilating mineral nitrogen. In virgin and cultivated soils, the highest fermentive activity is in the uppermost layer,
rich in fresh organic matter. In cultivated peat soils of lowland and transition type, a decrease of various enzymes, urease, protease catalase, and invertase muertase occurs. DLC. PEREVERZEVA, E.V., see No. 106265. 106345 PEREVOZCHIKOVA, V.A. and A.V. SINITSYN. Svyaz' tektoniki i magmatizma na primere karelid vostochnoy chasti Baltiyskogo shchita. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p.24-31, table) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Connection between tectonics and magmatism as exemplified by the Karelides in the eastern Baltic shield. Describes the main structural patterns, morphology, and development of the folded belts in Karelia and Kola Peninsula. Four stages are distinguished in the development of the geosynclinal belts of the Karelides. During the pre-inversion stage, there occurred intensive subsidence and filling of depressions with volcanites and to a lesser extent sedimentary formations; the second stage involved formation of the Karelides accompanied by mafic, ultramafic and alkaline intrusions; the inversion took place under conditions of differentiated movement; the fourth stage was accompanied by intrusions of mafic and ultramafic rocks. DLC. PERFILOVA, A.P., see No. 107205. 106346 PERFIL'YEV, A.S. Osobennosti tektoniki Severa Urala. Moskva, 1968. 221 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (AN SSSR. Geologicheskiy inst. Trudy no. 182) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonic features of the Northern Urals. Monograph based on the structural form method analyzing the tectonics of the northern parts of the Urals. The history of their geologic studies is summarized. The main features of structure of the Sob' transverse uplift are described, with attention to the stratigraphy of geosynclinal deposits, morphology of structures, intrusive formations and features of metamorphism. The main tectonic features of the Northern Urals are analyzed, with attention to the structural-fades zones, elements of the structural plan, eugeosynclinal and miogeosynclinal zones, correlation of Uralides and Preuralides. The ore manifestations are characterized. Structural control of the mineral resources is noted. DLC. PERFIL'YEVA, V.I., see No. /105823. 106347 PERGAMENT, M.A. Biostratigrafiya i inotseramy turon-kon'yakskikh otlozheniy Tikhookeanskikh rayonov SSSR. Moskva, Nauka 1971. 202 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (AN SSSR. Geologicheskiy inst. 755
Trudy no.212) Approx 120 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biostratigraphy and Inoceramus of Turonian-Coniacian deposits of the Pacific regions of the USSR. A monographic account of this group which is important for Cretaceous stratigraphy in Kamchatka, the Anadyr region and Sakhalin. Regional Rutonian-Coniacian biozones are defined and correlated with analogous divisions in the US, Canada, Japan, Germany, the Caucasus and northern Siberia. The phylogenetic relations of Inoceramus species of the Turonian and the Coniacian are reviewed. DLC.
106351 PERLOV, V.L. Puti sozdaniya prochnoy kormovoy bazy dlya zhivotnovodstva. (In: Problemy razvitiya...Magadanskoy oblasti 1969.. v.3, p.69-73, table) In Russian. Tide tr.: Ways to create a stable fodder source for livestock. Magadan Province has 8000 hectares, 90% of its area under cultivation, in forage crops which average 60 centner/ha; hay from meadows and pastures averages 4-6 centner/ha. Soils, fertilizers, recommended crops are discussed, as is development of seed hardy for DLC. Magadan conditions.
106348 PERGAMENT, M.A. Zonal'nyye podrazdeleniya meta severo-vostoka Azii i sopostavleniye s amerikanskoy i yevropeyskoy shkalami. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1969. ser geol. no.4, p.106-119, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title t1: Zonal differentiation of the Cretaceous in northeastern Asia correlated with American and European scales. Attempt is made to work out stratigraphic schemes according to distribution of mollusc fauna: Aucella, Inoceramus, ammonites, etc, for Lower and Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Soviet Northeast, Alaska, Canada, United States, Japan and Western Europe. Zones, stages and substages are discussed. Besides endemic, provincial species of molluscs, global species also are noted, which enable a single and detailed stratigraphic scheme to be developed for all these regions. DLC.
106352 PERL'SHTEYN, G.Z. and V.V. SMIRNOV. K voprosu ob opredelenii raschetnykh temperatur mnogoletnemerzlykh gruntov v zone zadelki svaynykh fundamentov. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1967. no.7, p.57-62, table) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Estimating permafrost temperatures in the zone into which pile foundations are driven. Discusses the calculations required to determine the temperature, in this case, of the i-th layer of frozen ground (U,), as recommended in the RSN- 14-62 Instructions. U, is determined from a predetermined value t* (time when maximum heat accumulates in the selected range of frozen ground depths). Analytically computed estimated temperatures U, are useful supplements to field measurements, and for predicting ground temperatures at the DLC. bases of pile foundations.
106349 PERKIN, R.G. and E.R. WALKER. Salinity calculations from in situ measurements. (AIDJEX bulletin 1972. no.13, p.115-25, graph, tables) 6 refs. An approximation of the salinity-conductivity relationship suitable for use on a small programmable electronic calculator is presented. The equations represent numerical fits to experimental data, with pressure corrections. For temperatures from freezing to +20°C, salinities from 4%o - 40%0 and pressures to 1700 db, the error with respect to the data fitted is less than ±0.01%0. While intended for use with in situ salinometers in the Arctic, the equations may prove useful for others working in cool CaMAI, DN-HO. estuarine waters.
PERMYAKOV, RS., see No. 105119.
106350 PERKINS, P.J. Communication sounds of finback whales. (Norsk hvalfangst-tidende 1966. v.55, no.10, p.199-200, illus) 6 refs. Reports on sounds emitted by Balaenoptera physalus as studied east of Bermuda in 1964: chirps, and whistles with frequency ranges 1500-2500 Hz, occasionally reaching 5000 Hz. Their duration ranged 600 millisec. Very weak and intermittent echo-location DLC. clicks were also recorded. 756
106353 PERSOZ, F. Evolution plutonique et structurale de la presqu'ile d'Akuliaruseq, Groenland meridional. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag 1969. 202 p. maps, tables, illus. (Meddelelser om Gronland. v.175, no.3) 105 refs. In French. English summary. Also pub as: Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Bulletin no.72. Title tr.: The plutonic and structural evolution of the Akuliaruseq Peninsula, south Greenland. Describes the rock types and the regional structures in a northeast-trending area roughly 60°30'-50'N 45°-46°W. About 75% of it consists of Precambrian granites and gneisses resting on an unexposed preKetilidian basement. During Ketilidian, Kuanitic and Sanerutian periods, there occurred high-grade metamorphism, three periods of basic intrusion, deformation and igneous activity, intrusions of gabbroicgranodioritic dikes and development of pegmatites. The Gardar period is represented by several generations of dolerite dikes and faulting. Geologic, structural and tectonic maps, 1:40,000, are appended. CaMAI, DGS.
106354 PERSSON, B. Turist i Sydgronland. (Naturens verden 1969. v.53, no.11/12, p.335-39, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: Tourist in south Greenland. Reviews impressions of the NarssarssuaqBrattahlid region from a tourist-group visit in 1968. Landscape and various ice forms are described; birds, flowers and fish are cited by Latin names. Of native animals only the hare and fox were seen. The former US military base at Narssarssuaq is mentioned rather critically though recognized as useful accommodation for tourists and a source of income for Greenlanders. DLC. PERSSON, B., see also No. 101804. PERSSON, H., see No. 107113. 106355 PERSSON, L. and D. CHRISTENSSON. Endoparasiter hos rodrav i Sverige. (Zoologisk revy 1971. v.33, no.1/2, p.17-28, map, tables, illus) 25 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Endoparasites in red foxes in Sweden. Reports a 1968-69 investigation of the wild red foxes Vulpes vulpes, nearly one-fifth of the specimens from northern Lapland. Some 16 species of parasites were found in them, the numbers of each species showed no significant differences according to sex and age range of the host, except for greater incidence of lungworm in the younger foxes. Geographic distribution of the more common species is tabulated, showing the ascarid Toxascaris leonina was more common in the north. Foxes in Sweden may be an important reservoir for many parasites. DLC. 106356 PERSSON, S. and T.B. ENGELMARK. Bidrag till kAnnedom om skalbaggsfaunan i Lule Lappmark, I. (Entomologisk tidskrift 1965. v.86, no.3-4, p.267-70) Refs. In Swedish. Title tr.: Contribution to the knowledge on beetles in Lule Lappmark, I. Reports on more than 60 beetles found in Jokkmokk parish in 1963-64 which were not cited from Lule Lappmark in Ccualogits coleopterum Fennoscandiae et Daniae, Lund 1960. Locations and dates of finds are noted, with comment on habitat. DLC. 106357 PERSSON, S. Sigara fallenoidea (Hungerford), en for Sverige ny corixid, jamte nagra andra sallsyntare Heteroptera funna i Jokkmokkstrakten. (Entomologisk tidskrift 1966. v.87, no.1-2, p.72-75, illus) Refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Sigara fallenoidea (Hungerford), a corixid new to Sweden, and some other uncommon Heteroptera found in the Jokkmokk region.
Summarizes northern Swedish finds of true bug species not generally common to Sweden. The water boatman Sigara fallenoidea first described from Selkirk, Manitoba, in Canada, and its habitat are discussed in some detail. It has also been found in northern Finland. According to one report it is a glacial relict. A find of S. (Arctocorisa) germari (Fieb.) in the same locality extends the known northern limit of that species some 150 km. DLC. PERTTU, K., see No. 106184. 106358 PERYSHKIN, YE.1. and others. Opredeleniye ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti raboty peredvizhnykh mekhanizirovannykh kolonn pri vozvedenii poselkov stroiteley v rayonakh Kraynego Severa. (Krasnoyarsk. N.-issl. inst. po stroitel'stvu. Stroitel'stvo v rayonakh Vostochnoy Sibiri i Kraynego Severa 1970. no.I6, p.44-54, illus) In Russian. Other authors: V.T. Ozhiganov, L.A. Kotenko and V.S. Koposhko. Title tr.: Determination of the economic effectiveness of mobile mechanized construction squads in putting up settlements for builders in Far North regions. Analyzes the organization and structure of the outfits which erect prefabricated housing for 500 workers in undeveloped and sparsely populated areas with inadequate or no industrial centers. The performance efficiency and cost of construction by mobile mechanized squads and by separate building agencies are compared and evaluated. Suggestions are given for improving the construction effectiveness. DLC. 106359 PERYSHKIN, YE.I. and others. Tekhnicheskoye osnashcheniye stroitel'nykh organizatsiy Severa. (Krasnoyarsk. N.-issl. inst. po stroitel'stvu. Stroitel'stvo v rayonakh Vostochnoy Sibiri i Kraynego Severa 1970. no.16, p.55-69, graphs, map, table) In Russian. Other authors: V.T. Ozhiganov, L.A. Kotenko, V.S. Koposhko and Yu.M. Donnikov. Titk tr.: Technical equipment of building organizations of the North. Discusses the operations of mobile mechanized construction squads in the region where Krasnoyarsklespromstroy construction trust operates, approx 48-73°N 8I-105°E. Performance under the management of construction administration boards, and by separate mobile mechanized construction squads is analyzed. The volume of construction erected by the squads doubled in 1968 what it was in 1965; but there was no such growth in construction under the Igarstroy construction management. A list is given of 58 items of mobile mechanized squad equipment in quantities for 2.0-2.5, and 3.54.0 million ruble projects. A schematic map 757
shows locations of their construction sites. DLC. 106360 PESCHANSKIY, I.S. Breaking the Russian ice. (New scientist 13 Mar 1969. v.41, p.574, illus) Gives some data on dusting, mentions the bubbler system for melting or preventing formation of ice in inland waters and announces the development of two ice-cutters in the USSR. One is for rivers, reservoirs and canals with ice thickness not >0.5 m. The other is for unbroken ice up to 2 m thick. The principle involves making longitudinal cuts by mechanical or hydraulic means before the ice is actually broDGS. ken up. PESKOV, YE.G., see No. 108140. 106361 PESTOVA, P. Dye vstrechi s gazom. (Polyarnaya zvezda 1967. no.4, p.95Title tr.: Two visits to a gas 102) In Russian. region. Describes her trip in 1956 to the recently discovered gas deposits at Promyshlennyy near the mouth of the Vilyuy, and her return there in 1967. A 300-km pipeline is under construcDLC. tion, to transport the gas to Yakutsk. 106362 PETAJAN, J.H. Changes in rat ventral caudal nerve conduction velocity during cold exposure. (American journal of physiology 1968. v.214, no.1, p.130-32, graphs, illus) 6 refs. A study of the relation between conduction velocity and tail temperatures of live rats, previously adapted to 2° and 5°C, shows a decrease in velocity most noticeable at warmer temperatures, above 20°C. Continued cold exposure results in recovery of the nerve function to the normal state. Impairment in function and subsequent recovery may be part of DLC. the adaptation process. 106363 PETAJAN, J.H. Pathophysiological aspects of human adjustment to cold. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.595-98) Non-natives exposed to intermittent though severe cold due to insufficient protective clothing, often develop a cold sensitivity which becomes more severe each winter. Measurements of extremity temperatures of children after a recess period and on arrival at school, during 0° to -30°C winter temperatures disclosed severe cooling. Cases of adults with the cold-numb-hand syndrome, neuropathic effects and frostbite are described. Rules and frostbite are described. Rules for preventing frostbite DLC. injury are given. 106364 PETAJAN, J.H. and others. Plasma creatine phosphokinase changes 758
induced by freezing injury and adaptation to cold. (Journal of applied physiology 1969. v.27, no.4, p.528-30, graph, table) 16 refs. Other authors: M.T. Vogwill and M.B. Murray. Loss of muscle fiber structure is associated with an elevated plasma creatine phosphokinase (CPK). At the Arctic Health Research Center at College, Alaska, experimental freezing injury was produced in the anesthetized rat leg by immersion in liquid nitrogen and the CPK levels were measured at intervals up to 48 hr after thawing. Levels of CPK activity were also determined in cold-acclimated rats to find evidence of muscle damage during cold exposure. Significant increases were shown in plasma CPK activity following either prolonged exposure to cold or freezing injury, indicating destruction or severe alteration of the muscle fibers and/or sarcolemma. CaMAI, DLC. 106365 PETAJAN, J.H. Prevention and College, Alaska 1969. treatment of frostbite. 3 p. (US. Arctic Health Research Center. Report no.103) Advises on proper clothing to maintain adequate circulation in extremities and exposed body surfaces, and on carrying such clothes in case of emergencies. Predisposing factors are stated: body weight, drugs, smoking, as are recognition (bright red skin followed by white patches), and treatment. CaMAI. 106366 PETELIN, V.P. Sostav agglyutinirovannogo materials rakovin nekotorykh sovremennykh foraminifer. (Okeanologiya 1970. v.10, no.1, p.63-75 map, tables) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Composition of the agglutinated material of some recent foraminifer shells. Reports on grain size and mineralogical composition of agglutinated material used by 99 genera of forams from 45 stations in the northwest Pacific incl Bering Sea and coastal areas of Kamchatka. The mineralogical composition and grain size varies considerably, showing a wide range in selectivity. An attempt is made to establish a method for estimating the degree of selectivity. The results of the study can be used in systematic description of lower forams and to determine the conditions DLC. of sedimentation. PETERMAN, Z.E., see No 107980.
106367 PETERSEN, E.V. NASA flight • program (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.5, p.26-29). Gives a personnel roster, equipment installation and flight schedule information and a list of aircraft arctic survival clothing required during the 1971 Convair 990 Meteorology-AIDJEX expedition from Moffet Field, Calif, to Eielson
Air Force Base, Alaska, and flights over Beaufort Sea. CaMAI, KN-HO. 106368 PETERSEN, G.H. Distribution of Ba!anus balanoides L. and Littorina saxatilis, Olivi, var. groenlandica, Mencke in northern West Greenland, with some remarks on some causative factors. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag 1962. 42 p. maps, illus. (Meddelelser om Gronland. v.159, no.9) Refs. Describes patterns in areal distribution of both species in the Godhavn, Disko Bugt, Umanak and Upernavik regions, with reference to pertinent ecological factors which may be of influence. The distribution of the barnacle is controlled by conditions operating when the larvae are settling. Salinity is most important, temperature subordinate. Larvae are attracted by populations of adults and by small pits. The periwinkle has winter refuges in crevices in the tidal zone and migrate according to the season; they are sensitive to and avoid freshwater. It is emphasized that there is no connection between the distribution of the barnacle and the occurrence of sea ice or icefoot. The formation and development of the icefoot is described, p 36-40. CaMA1, DGS. PETERSEN, 0.V., see No. 101781. 106369 PETERSEN, R. Efter et dodsfald i Angmagssalik. (Jordens folk 1968. v.4, no.2, p.242-45, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: After a death in Angmagssalik. Describes pre-Christian burial customs and beliefs among the East Greenland Eskimos: the soul's departure from the body and later finding abode in a namesake, taboos, mourning, etc. DLC. Forsomte born? 106370 PETERSEN, R. (Jordens folk 1970. v.6, no.2, p.248, illus) In Danish. Tide tr.: Neglected children? States the plight of some children in Angmagssalik, East Greenland. The traditional several-generation family is disappearing due to changing conditions. Illegitimacy is common and the unwed mother may have no home for her children. Half of the population is under 14 DLC. yr of age. 106371 PETERSEN, R. Overtryk i Angmagssalik. (Jordens folk 1970. v.6, no.2, p.24I-47, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: Excess pressure in Angmagssalik. The mid-winter occurrence of a wind from the inland ice down a narrow valley to a low pressure system offshore ruined many of the homes in the exposed area of this East Greenland village. This down wind from the inland ice, called piteraq, is distinguished from nerqajilq, a rain storm coming in from the sea.
Both are typical East Greenland weather types. In considering the rehabilitation of the homeless in Angmagssalik, questions of the site and type of housing, the local economy prospects of the hunting industry or other means of livelihood, health service and schooling are discussed, as is the question of younger people moving to West Greenland and adapting to its DLC. more advanced economy. 106372 PETERSIL'YE, I.A. and others. Novyye dannyye o sostave organicheskogo veshchestva v porodakh i mineralakh Khibinskogo massiva i kharaktere yego izmeneniya pri povyshennykh temperaturakh. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1969. no.7, p.203-209, graphs, table) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: M.A. Pavlova and V.T. Malashkina. True tr.: New data on the composition of organic matter in rocks and minerals of the Khibiny massif and on the character of its change at high temperatures. Reports investigation of the isotopic composition of carbon, hydrocarbon gases and bitumen in these rocks and minerals. Experimental data are given on the heating of natural bitumen within closed pores of rocks and enclosed in minerals of trachytoid khibinite. Investigation of the isotopic composition of hydrocarbon gases in rocks and minerals shows them enriched by isotopic C-13.90 hr heat tests at 400° and 600°C were made of bitumen enclosures in trachytoid khibinites. Prior to heating, the bitumen contained paraffin, oil and aromatic hydrocarbons. After heating at 400°C, only the aromatic hydrocarbons remained, and at 600°C these also disappeared. DLC. 106373 PETERSIL'YE, I.A. and others. Proyavleniye azotisto-uglevodorodnykh gazov v ul'traosnovnykh porodakh massiva Sopcha Monchegorskogo plutona, Kol'skiy poluostrov. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.194, no.5, p.119093, maps, tables) 2 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Ye.K. Kozlov, K.D. Belyayev, V.V. Sholokhnev and V.S. Dokuchayeva. Title tr.: Nitrous-hydrocarbon gases in ultramafic rocks of the Sopcha massif of the Monchegorsk pluton, Kola Peninsula. Describes the geologic structure of this massif and the occurrence of nitrous-hydrocarbon gas in drillholes. The gases evidently migrated into the massif substantially later than its consolidation. They differ in composition from volcanic gases and resemble those of some gas and oil deposits. Gas analyses are included. DLC. PETERSIL'YE, I.A., see also No. 103574. 106374 PETERSON, D.L. Alaska Village Electric Cooperative. (In: Symposium 759
on cold regions engineering 1970. Proceedings pub 1971. v.2, p.524-35) Describes the formation and operations of the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Inc, a private cooperative organized to provide rural electrification programs. Examples are given of the inadequacy of Alaskan village electricity supplies and the financial structure of small village utilities. The provision of power for 59 rural villages by the cooperative is outlined, and both financial and engineering aspects detailed. Frost action on underground cable has proved a major problem and the need for automated equipment to cut costs is stressed. This type of cooperative is considered a feasible and important solution to the problem of providing power for remote rural areas. CaMA1, DLC. 106375 PETERSON, D.N. Glaciological investigations on the Casement Glacier, South(Dissertation abstracts 1969. east Alaska. v.30, no.4, p.1765-1766B) Order no. 69-15,947. PhD thesis, Ohio State Univ 1969. 196 p. Reports on summer 1965-67 investigations with surface velocity measurements, determination of mass budget, calculation of englacial velocities, also short-term heat-balance studies and investigations in an ice tunnel of variations in slip rate and the mechanics of basal sliding. DGS. PETERSON, A.A., see No. 102787. 106376 PETOCZ, R.G. Biostratigraphy and Lower Permian Fusulinidae of the upper Delta River area, east central Alaska Range. (Dissertation abstracts 1969. v.30, no.5, p.2255B) Order no.69-17,058 PhD thesis, Alaska Univ 1968. 292 p. Describes three members of the Mankomen Formation and 18, ten of them new and eight unidentified, fusulinid species belonging to Pseudofusulinella, Eoparafusulina and Schwagerina. The fauna is divided into six assemblage zones which collectively represent late Asselian - middle Artinskian. Correlations are suggested between the Alaska Range section and Kuiu Islartd of Southeast Alaska, northwest Alaska, northwest Yukon Territory, Grinnell Peninsula of Devon Island, northeast Greenland, Spitsbergen, and the Ural region of the USSR. DGS. L.I. 106377 PETRAKOV, V.U. and KILINA. Fatsii i paleogeografiya nizhnepaleozoyskikh otlozheniy Turukhanskogo rayona. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.1, p.64-74, Title tr.: Facies maps) 14 refs. In Russian. and paleogeography of Lower Paleozoic deposits of the Turukhansk region. Presents detailed analyses for CambrianOrdovician deposits. Three facies zones are 760
defined on the basis of the salinity of the sedimentation basins: a southeastern zone with high water salinity, a western with transitional type, and a northwestern zone with approx normal salinity. A transfer of terrigenous material from the central Tunguska uplift into central parts of the DLC. Tunguska syneclise is suggested. 106378 PETRASCHECK, W.E. Erzhoffigkeit Gronlands im Lichteder Kontinentalverschiebung. (Erzmetall 1971. v. 24, no. 6, p. 257-60, sketch map) In German. Title tr.: The ore possibilities of Greenland in the light of continental drift. 106379 PETRENKO, A.A. and V.V. YANOVSKIY. Trudovyye resursy Chukotskogo natsional'nogo okruga. (In: Naseleniye i trudovyye resursy Severo-Vostoka SSSR 1968. p.115-21, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Labor resources of the Chukchi National District. Climate and geography limit human ability for adaptation in Chukotka: at least two-three yr are needed for full physical adaptation. Other limiting factors are transport difficulties and only seasonal access to navigation. The principal industry is mining of non-ferrous metals such as gold, tin, tungsten. In spite of the sparseness of the population, 0.1 person /km', its total has increased 2.4 times during 1954-65, with urban population growing twice as fast. Almost half of the District's population belongs to the 20-34 age group. Here as in the Magadan Province generally the main problem is to stabilize the population, to reduce the high level of migration and the ensuing cadres turnover: experienced, trained people rarely stay in Chukotka longer than three years. Estimates in the 1966-70 five-yr plan were that the population of Chukchi National District by 1970 would have increased to some 115,000 persons as against 77,600 in Jan 1965. DLC. PETRENKO, V.M., see No. 105409. PETRIKOVA, M.N., see No. 103457. PETROLEUM ALUMINUM INDUSTRY ARCTIC TECHNOLOGICAL CONFERENCE, Calgary, Alia, 24-25 Nov 1970, see No. 101750. 106380 PETROLEUM ENGINEER INTERNATIONAL. Logistics tactics unique but goals are familiar. (Its: v.42, 1970. no.1, p.98-100, illus) To move heavy equipment in summer on the North Slope of Alaska, Atlantic Richfield has used a Rowan Drilling Co rig packaged for helicopter in 20,000-lb units. In winter, tracked Athey wagons, which carry heavy beams
extended through a derrick substructure, can tow an entire derrick without dismantling. The caterpillar tractor train, though expensive, is the only means of travel in some terrain, weather, etc conditions. Costs are compared for permanent all-weather roads, air freight, and rail-barge, either via the Mackenzie River or Bering Sea. DGS. 106381 PETROLEUM ENGINEER INTERNATIONAL. Permafrost hides support problems. (Its: v.42, 1970. no.1, p.76 -i-, illus) Reports some road construction practices and experiments tried to mitigate the effect on permafrost of producing hot fluids from oil wells on the North Slope, Alaska. For roads, five-ft thick layers of snow- and ice-free gravel are laid on top of the frozen tundra and consolidated by vehicular traffic. Rigs are set on timber piles (diagram and structural details given), or on gravel mats. Effects of the hot oil in wells are mitigated by outer casing strings to absorb or withstand stresses imposed by subsidence, insulation of the space between the oil and outer casings, and insulation plus refrigerating inside the outer casing. DGS. PETROLEUM SOCIETY OF C.I.M. No. 104287.
PETROSYAN, N.M., see No. 102710.
Analyses and the nature of the space-time variability in air temperature above the north Atlantic Ocean are discussed for a latitudinal belt from 40° to 65°N. Data from nine weather ships for the period 1948-62 are presented in tables, graphs and charts. The amplitudes of changes are small: for example, the mean change in temperature from day to day does not exceed 1°C north of the 50°N parallel in August. Data include the variability of mean monthly and mean daily atmospheric temperatures in Feb, May, Aug and Nov; deviations for each ship from the mean values for 194862; the mean absolute and maximum interannual variability of air temperature in Feb; the mean absolute and max interannual variability of air temperature in a year, etc. CaMAI, DLC. 106384 PETROV, P.A. Vilyuisk encephalitis in the Yakut Republic, U.S.S.R. (American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 1970. v.19, no. I, p.146-50) 26 refs. Presents the clinical aspects of this primary chronic infection of the nervous system, occurring mainly among the local Vilyuysk population, and known for several generations. In either acute or chronic form, syndromes of diffuse meningo-encephalitis, dementia-schizophrenia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are recognized. It occurs sporadically and independent of the season of the year, affects chiefly adults and is more frequent in women than men. The etiology of the disease remains unsettled. DLC.
106382 PETROV, A.I. Drevniye razlomy vostochnoy chasti Baltiyskogo shchita i dvizheniya po nim. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.191, no.2, p.418-21, map) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ancient fractures in the eastern part of the Baltic Shield and movements along them. Describes Precambrian fractures of Kola Peninsula and Karelia according to recent geological and geophysical investigations, fieldwork and airphoto interpretation. The fractures in the eastern part of the shield form systems with strike azimuth of 295-305°, 320-330°, 340345°, 355-0°, 25-30°, 45-50°, 65-70°, and 8590°. The oldest movements were in fractures of northeastern strike, azimuth 45-50°, in the Murmansk and Karelian blocks. The stage of movements which followed is given according to fractures of NW strike. Precambrian fractures had an important role in the development of structures in the upper part of the earth's crust. DLC.
106385 PETROV, P.A. and A.I. VLADIMIRTSEV. Vilyuyskiy entsefalit, entsefalomiyelit. (Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geografii, 3rd. Leningrad 1968. Materialy, pt.2, p.139-41) In Russian. Title tr.: Vilyuy encephalitis, encephalomyelitis. Although found predominantly in the region of the Vilyuy River, the virus causing encephalomyelitis occurred throughout Yakutia, regardless of season. Infection followed a lowering of resistance by physical exertion. It is possible that the virus exists in man as saprophytic symbiant. Virus recovered from cerebrospinal fluid and from feces was related to the Mengo virus and encephalomyocarditis. It should therefore be referred to the group of panencephalitides. DLC.
106383 PETROV, L.S. lzmenchivose temperatury vozdukha v sevemoy chasti Atlanticheskogo okeana. (Moskva. Gos_ okeanograficheskiy inst. Trudy 1967. no.91, p.115-26, maps, tables, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Variability of atmospheric temperature in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean.
106386 PETROV, V.G. Arkheyskiye (?) porody severnoy poloviny Yeniseyskogo kryazha. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.11, p.61-67, map, illus) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Archean (?) rocks in the northern half of the Yenisey Ridge Reports the 1965-67 geologic mapping in the Chirimba River basin, and gives data on 761
the composition and distribution of metamorphic rocks of granulite facies, now defined for the first time in the eastern slope of the northern half of the Yenisey Ridge. Petrographic composition and geologic conditions suggest an Archean age for these rocks. DLC. 106387 PETROV, V.G. Novyye dannyye o rasprostranenii v Yeniseyskom kryazhe dokembriyskikh osadochnykh zheleznykh rud. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1969. no.5, p.119-22, map, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the distribution of Precambrian sedimentary iron ore in the Yenisey Ridge. Reports a 1967 discovery in the Sosnovka series of the Middle Proterozoic in the Bol'shoy Pit basin: iron ore of sedimentary genesis and consisting of hematite psephites and conglomerates. The occurrence and a lithologic-stratigraphic section of this ore are described, and the mineralogical composition and other features are given. Similarity to the Angara-Pit ore-bearing basin is noted. DLC. 106388 PETROV, V.G. 0 vzaimootnoshenii penchenginskoy i kordinskoy svit proterozoya v severnoy chasti Yeniseyskogo kryazha. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.9, p.61-69, graphs, map, illus) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Relationship of the Penchenga and Korda series of the Proterozoic in the northern part of the Yenisey Ridge. Reviews previous studies and questions in dispute, and reports own field studies in 196167. The presence of a large structural unconformity was disclosed on the boundary of the Korda and Penchenga series. Author also concludes that there was a thick crust of chemical weathering in the Yenisey Ridge at the end of Lower Proterozoic. DLC. 106389 PETROV, V.I. Osobennosti rosta molodnyaka ondatry, Ondatra zibethica, na severe. (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 1969. v.48, no.9, p.I419-20, graph, table) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Growth characteristics of the young muskrat (Ondatra zibethica) in the north. The young muskrat born 20-25 June in Noril'sk and Turukhansk gain weight twice as fast as those in the south. Before the advent of winter the animal is well developed and fully prepared to cope with the northern climate. Tabulated data on the growth rate increase from south to north are included. DLC. PETROV, V.N., see No. 107902. PETROV, V.P., see No. 103646. 106390 PETROV, V.S. Sovremennaya sorfatamaya deyatel'nost' vulkana Kizimen. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1970. no.6, 762
p.124-29, tables) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Present solfataric activity of Kizimen Volcano. Activity of the crater of this volcano in eastern Kamchatka is attributed to structural factors associated with weakened areas and zones. Gas samples include water vapor; carbonic acid gas containing hydrogen sulfide and sometimes methane predominates. The temperature of the solfataric area fell from 98 to 91°C in 196467 and that of the main solfatara from 270 to 240°C. Some changes in the chemical composition of the gases also occurred. DLC. PETROV, YU.N., see No. 101896. PETROVA, A.A., see No. 104715. PETROVA, N.G., see No. 104965. 106391 PETROVA-BYTOVA, T.F. Na stsene, narodnyy tanets. (Kul'tumo-prosvetitel'naya rabota 1969. v.30, no.5, p.45-47, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Folkdance on stage. Problems of choreographing folkdances for the stage without impairing their originality are analyzed by the director of the choreography class of the peoples of the North at the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. Traditional rhythms and movements characteristic of Tungus, Chukchi, Koryak and Kamchadal dances are discussed. DLC. 106392 PETROVA-BYTOVA, T.F. Tantsy narodov Severo. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Izvestiya 1969. no.11, ser. obshchestvennykh nauk no.3, p.126-27) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Dances of the people of the North. Reviews the program of the Koryak national song and dance ensemble performed in Moscow in 1966. Naturalistic and folkloristic elements in these dances are noted, also in the dances of Ul'chi and Evenki Tungus, Gold, and Kamchadal troupes. DLC. 106393 PETROVSKAYA, A.N. and others. Mineral'naya priroda i obmennaya yemkost' glinistogo veshchestva v otlozheniyakh surgutskoy svity shirotnogo Priob'ya. (In: Neftepromyslovaya geologiya...1970. p.12-28, graphs, tables) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.I. Volodchenkova and K.M. Makarochkina. Title tr.: Mineral nature and exchange capacity of clayey materials in the Surgut series deposits throughout the width of the Ob region. Clayey material in Lower Cretaceous petroliferous rocks consists mostly of hydromica with admixtures of chlorite, kaolinite, and beidellite. The exchange capacity of these rocks does not exceed 24-25 mg eqv/100 g clay matter. The cations of the absorption complex are distributed in this order:
Na.>Ca2+ >Mg2+ >K*. The negative effects of clay minerals on the reservoir properties of the rocks are considered insignificant. DLC. PETROVSKAYA, N.V., see No. 102452. On the 106394 PETRUSHEVSKIY, B.A. nature of the conjugation zone between the (In: Asiatic continent and the Pacific Ocean. Symposium on the Upper Mantle Project 1966 pub 1968. p.460-65, maps) 16 refs. The conjugation or transition zone is a wide belt between the real continent and the Pacific Ocean proper, with an evolutionary history independent of either. The NE part of this zone includes Kamchatka, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma region. During Paleozoic-Mesozoic time, development of this zone was controlled by deep local processes. A highly complicated and in places disturbed evolution at the end of the Mesozoic and especially during the Cenozoic, included an advance of the Pacific Ocean onto the Asiatic continent, accompanied by intensive basaltic volcanism and, in Upper Tertiary — Quaternary time, vertical tectonic movements. DGS. Mesozoic and 106395 PETRYK, A.A. Tertiary stratigraphy at Lake Hazen, northern Ellesmere Island, District of Franklin. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 51p. map, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-17) 7 refs. Reports results of 1965 studies Operation Grant Land in an area of about 90 mil along the northwest shore of Lake Hazen, centering on 81°55'N 70°301V. An apparently conformable sequence of rather uniformly sandy and weakly indurated Triassic-Cretaceous rocks, 6000-8000 ft thick, are overlain with a probable angular unconformity by at least 500 ft of coalbearing Tertiary sandstone, siltstone and shale. The beds are tentatively correlated with analogous beds on Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island. Data of nine Mesozoic and eleven Tertiary measured sections are appended. A I in:1 mi geologic map accompanies the text. CaMAI, DGS. 106396 PETTERSSON, 0. For yttervaggars utformning vasentliga klimatfragor och funktionskray. (Nordisk betong 1964. v.8, no.2, p.121-46, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 21 Title tr.: refs. In Swedish. English summary. Climatic factors and functional requirements in exterior wall design. Evaluates these factors in relation to human requirements and reactions to indoor climates. Temperature, humidity, air-flow rate, radiation, sound and noise are discussed in relation to physiological and psychological responses. Outdoor climate data are used in illustrative examples, and economic considerations are
summarized. Maps depict annual amounts of wind-driven rain for all Norway, and distribution of sunshine hours and solar irradiation incident on a horizontal plane over all Sweden. On none of these maps are the data consistently related to latitude. DLC. PEVZNER, M.A., see No. 108221. PEVZNER, VS., see No. 105339. 106397 PEWS, T.L. Permafrost and vegetation on flood-plains of subarctic rivers (Alaska); a summary. (In: Symposium on Ecology of Subarctic Regions 1966. Proceedings pub 1970, p.141-42) In English and French. Distinguishes four phases on major flood plains, the youngest a linear phase with distinct linear lakes parallel to the river, no integration of drainage, large deciduous trees, permafrost absent or low, no large masses of ground ice; an advanced linear phase has distinct linear lakes, some segmentation, large coniferous trees, slightly higher permafrost table, no large masses of ground ice; the coalescent phase has coalescing linear lakes generally at an angle to the river, coniferous trees, some tundra, high permafrost table, and no large masses of ground ice; the scalloped phase is the oldest with irregularly shaped lakes with scalloped borders, integrated drainage, stunted coniferous trees, much tundra, very high permafrost table and much ground ice. CaMAI, MdU. PEW, IA., see Nos. 104449, 106252. 106398 PEYTON, H.R. Arctic engineering. (Journal of petroleum technology 1970. v.22, p.1076-82, map, illus) 9 refs. Reviews problems raised by disturbance of the tenuous balance of natural forces in the Far North, especially permafrost regions. Pertinent data drawn from the published literature illustrate examples of the action-reaction between engineering structures and the various forms of ice in permafrost, its depth, seasonal thaw and frost heave. Thermal design, predetermined thaw, ice fog, air pollution, water supply and waste disposal are briefly discussed. DGS. 106399 PEYTON, H.R. Ice and marine structures; pt.1, the magnitude of ice forces involved in design. (Ocean industry 1968. v.3, no.3, p.40-44, illus) Outlines the problems connected with the effects of ice on marine structures as encountered in Cook Inlet, and cites four examples to demonstrate the solutions to some of the problems. Lateral forces on offshore oil drilling platforms may reach 15 million lb at elevations varying with the tide, ranging 35 ft or more. The structural simplicity of the monopod for 763
use in depths of 100 ft or less is the best design to date. A shoreside dock located where ice moves generally parallel to the beach and in only one direction, uses "ice breakers", or tubes, at a 40° angle to the horizontal, bracing out from the vertical tubes, to produce bending failure of the ice sheets. Close spacing of the structural elements is precluded in such cases, to prevent ice bridging from tube to tube. The dock at Anchorage is in a protected location and deep water, where predominant ice forces are vertical. Closely spaced piling provides for formation of a contiguous ice mass which may be thawed free due to heat conduction along the length of the piling, and then float up and down with the tide. The only recent failure of a major structure due to ice loads was an extension to this dock: the piles were too widely spaced so that ice masses were separate about each and bent some single piles. When ice masses thawed free in the spring the entire weight of the mass at low tide was supported by the steel lateral bracing pile. Failures occurred when racking of the ice mass broke the concrete piling free of the relatively light cap, both elastic and permanent bending occurred in the bracing pile, and the cap was fractured due to joint rotation between the bracing pile and the DOS. cap. Ice and marine 106400 PEYTON, H.R. (Ocean structures; pt.2, sea ice properties. industry 1968. v.3, no.9, p.59-65, graphs, illus) 13 refs. In view of the fact that sea ice strength is a function of ice salinity, a geometric model of the growth of ice is shown indicating the entrapment of brine between platelets. The upper surface and all other depths become less saline with time as the ice sheet thickens. So ice strength is a function of depth and time among other factors. Simplified and empirical expressions are given for calculating the actual value of the relative brine volume, necessary to predict sea ice strength. This brine volume shows a large and non-linear variation with temperature. The greater loading effect is produced by low rather than high ice speed, with which oscillating-type failure of piles also is associated. The ice types: fine grained, medium grained, center, and bottom, each with its own initial salinity, are all found in the Arctic Ocean, and must be taken into consideration. DGS. Ice and marine 106401 PEYTON, H.R. structures; pt.3, the importance of design alternatives. (Ocean industry 1968. v.3, no.12, p.51-60, graphs, illus) 2 refs. Discusses environmental factors in areas of sea ice. Two examples are analyzed, with unworkable alternatives included to bring out some popular niisconceptions. A small boat 764
harbor in an estuary, on an unprotected beach with tidal currents parallel to beach and reversing with each tide, ice thickness of 2 ft, floes up to 2000 ft, and frequent strong onshore winds, is best served by a dock structure with solid skirting of piles in the tidal range but open piling below low tide to provide water flow under the dock to sweep ice from the lee side. For a permanent offshore drilling platform with fourlegged substructure, the design must take into account the compressive strength of ice (equations given in pt 2 of this series of articles), rate of loading, strength variation with depth of ice, and pressure ridge loading. As an alternative, a conical section of the leg within the tidal range is suggested to fail an ice sheet by bending. The nature of such failure is described and equations for solving design problems are given. DGS. 106402 PEYTON, H.R. Sea ice forces. (National Research Council of Canada. Assoc Committee on Geotechnical Research. Technical memorandum 1968. no.92, p.117-23, graphs, illus) 3 refs. French summary. Describes the measurements made to establish design criteria for drilling platforms constructed in Cook Inlet, Alaska. Field and model studies showed that the ice failed by the crushing mode when forced past the circular legs of the platforms. The frequency of —1 cycle/sec of vibration associated with the ice load is considered to be determined primarily by ice properties rather than the natural vibration frequency of the structure. Field and laboratory results show that for high rates of loading, the load on the platform legs decreases with increasing rate of loading. I.W. McCaig and J. Cowley add that this decrease in strength can hardly continue indefinitely, and that there is no obvious way to demonstrate from present evidence that at much higher loading rates the apparent strength could not increase again. DGS. 106403 PEYTON, H.R. Sea-ice strength, effects of load rates and salt reinforcement. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.197216, graphs, tables, illus) 8 refs. Deals with the mechanical and structural properties of sea ice relevant to evaluation of the lateral sea-ice forces, based on data from tests in Alaska at the Arctic Research Laboratory, Barrow, at Anchorage and Cook Inlet. Mathematical analyses of compressional and tensile stress-strain data for ice of all petrofabric types (cf No 82065) and solidsalt-reinforced ice are given. The loading angle and loading rate parameters of strength are noted and strength-loading rate curves shown. Some figures expressing oscillatory compression failure are also given. The
frequency of the oscillating force at very low ice velocities and moderate load rates is independent of the structural resonant frequency, but the frequency of force at high velocities and ultra-high load rates, is dependent upon it. Data available are considered sufficient for planning, data gathering and analysis of certain aspects of drifting station behavior and performance. CaMAI, DLC. 106404 PEYTON, H.R. Thermal design in permafrost soils. (National Research Council of Canada. Technical memorandum 1969. no.96, p.85-I 19, illus) 5 refs. Steady-state heat-flow calculations are cited as a basis for determination of the thermal regime and solution of design problems in permafrost environments. Included among the examples cited is the calculation of thaw-basin geometry under buildings, around pipelines, DGS. and under roads and airfields. PEYTON, L.J., 108409.
108406, 108408,
ing, organization and marketing of local industries, rehabilitation centers for the sick, etc, are noted. CaMAI. 106407 PHILLIPS, T.J. Appendicitis associated with Shigella sonnei infection. (Alaska medicine 1969. v.11, no.2, p.74-76) 8 refs. Reports two cases of acute appendicitis during a spring 1968 outbreak of Shigella dysentery in Sitka. They indicate that Shigella infection in the appendix may occur with acute appendicitis, though records of such an association are extremely rare. CaMAI, DNLM. 106408 PHINNEY, D.E. and J. LECHNER.
Studies of adult Chignik sockeye salmon in 1967. Juneau 1969. 43 p. graphs, tables. (Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game. Informational leaflet no.130) 7 refs. Continues the study started by M.L. Dahlberg and D.E. Phinney, on the discrete Black Lake and Chignik Lake sockeye stocks, which comprise the Chignik, Alaska, run. CaMAI, DLC.
PHILIP, R.N., see No. 104276. PHINNEY, D.E., see also No. 102982.
Manitoba 196869 progress in exploration. (Canadian mining journal 1969. v.90, no.4, p.58-62, map, table) 12 refs. The $208 million value of mineral production in 1968 is a gain of ›. 11% over that of 1967, with nickel, copper, petroleum and zinc leading. Developments in the Thompson nickel belt, Snow Lake, Flin Flon, Lynn Lake and elsewhere north of 53°N are described with notes on the various geologic settings. New areas of exploration were extended southsouthwest of Pakwa and Kiski Lakes, in the Cochrane and Putahow Rivers region and at the confluence of the Hayes and Fox Rivers. Promising possibilities in grcenstone belts of the Fox River, Gods Lake - Island Lake and Cobham River areas are discussed at some DGS. length. 106405 PHILLIPS, K.A.
The Arctic: its (Queen's quarterly 1959. human resources. v.66. no.4, p.564-74) Takes a brief look at the problems of the Canadian Eskimos. The arrival of the semipermanent or permanently established white man threatened traditional society, culture and natural economy without providing the benefits of white civilization in exchange. The development of mining and transportation industries in recent years has enabled the Eskimo to work as the white man's equal and has introduced the element of choice of career. Current efforts to repair the neglect of previous generations through schools, vocational train106406 PHILLIPS, R.A.J.
PICHE, W.T., see No. 107390. PICHUGINA, G.K., see No. 108532. PICKERSGILL, J.W., see
106409 PIDGAYKO,
No. 101883.
Kratkaya biologo-produktsionnaya kharakteristika vodoyemov Severo-Zapada SSSR. (Leningrad. Gos. n.-issl. inst. ozernogo i rechnogo rybnogo khozyaystva. lzvestiya 1968. v.67, p.205-228, map, tables) Approx 100 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: A brief characterization of the biologic productivity of water bodies in the northwestern USSR. From north to south, the oligotrophic and humic lakes of Kareliya and the Kola Peninsula together with northern relict species diminish. In the south, the plant life, plankton, benthos, insects and other fauna are more varied and abundant. Tabulates data on the biomass in the Murmansk Province lakes and suggests enriching them by the introduction of crustaceans. DLC. Alaska in 1867 as viewed from Victoria. (Queen's quarterly 1967. v.74, no.4, p.666-73) Reviews newspaper reaction in Victoria, BC, to news of the sale of Alaska to the US, and early visits by Victoria residents to Sitka. CaMAI. 106410 PIERCE, R.A.
106411 PIERCE, R.A. A note on Ivan Petroff and the Far Northwest. (Journal of the West 1964. v.3, no.4, p.436-40) 6 refs. Amplifies M.B. Sherwood's paper, No 82902, with quotes from the 19 Nov 1892 issue of the San Francisco wave examining Petroffs career in the aftermath of his discharge for fraud by the U.S. Census Bureau of Alaska. An appreciative comment by Sherwood, A note on DLC. the Petrol". note, is appended.
106412 PIIROLA, J. Frost-sorted block concentrations in western lnari, Finnish LapHelsinki 1969. 35 p. graphs, table, land. illus. (Fennia v.99, no.2) 27 refs. Elucidates the effect of gradient, exposure and elevation of slopes upon various frostsorted concentrations of blocks and ground patterns characterizing them. Groundwater conditions may favor frost action which is capable of breaking up plant cover. In the pine-forest zone are boulder depressions in which ground frost sorts boulders in both horizontal and vertical directions. On flat summits of barren fells, plant cover is broken by block pits, boulder depressions and sorted nets of rock fragments. On slopes of fells there occur block streams and sorted stripes. As slopes become steeper, the ground covered by blocks increases in extent. Block fields occur in a zone of subalpine mountain birch forest and in tracts of barren fells with 7-25° gradients. On northeastern and eastern flanks of fells, the lowest block fields lie at 275-300 m elevation, on other slopes slightly higher. Areas of block fields on northeast and east slopes are broader than on those sloping in other directions. CaMAI, DLC. 106413 PIKE, G.C. Whaling in the north (Canadian geoPacific, the end of an era. graphical journal 1968. v.76, no.4, p.I28-37, map, illus) Reviews briefly the history of whaling as a commercial industry, emphasizing the repetitive pattern of over-exploitation, depletion, search for new locations and species and lack of long-term resource conservation. The increasing Japanese and Soviet operations in the north Pacific Ocean, Aleutian waters and the Bering Sea during the 1960's followed depletion of the Antarctic waters. Map shows areas exploited in 1965, chiefly for sperm, fin and sei whales. In that year, seven pelagic factory ships were operating, and more than 27,000 whales were killed in 1966. Early exhaustion of the resource is anticipated, owing to inadequate control over the annual catch. CaMAI, DLC. 106414 PILAND, V.M. 21st century city (In: Symposium on cold regions
for people
engineering 1970. Proceedings pub 1971. v.2, p.417-24) Describes the plan and development stages of Seward's Success, a commercial and residential community designed for a 3200 acre site across the Knik Arm from Anchorage. Based upon the most modern designs, and with yearround climate control and free of air pollution, it will be linked with Anchorage by monorail and automatic "monocabs" carrying up to six people. The shopping mall, hotel and other facilities are described; the plan envisages an ultimate population of 50,000 over the next 20 yr. CaMAI, DLC.
PILOYAN, G.O., see No. 103147. 106415 PIMENOV, M.G. Osobennosti vozobnovleniya dal'nevostochnykh vidov roda Angelica L. (AN SSSR. Botanicheskiy inst. Trudy 1968. ser. 5, Rastitel'noye syr'ye, no.15, p.123-28, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Regenerative characteristics of Far Eastern species of the genus Angelica L. Reports several types of reproduction in the 14 species known for this area, which includes the Okhotsk region and Kamchatka. A gradation is noted from monocarpic types with one flowering stalk through types with a main flowering stalk and later side shoots which also produce seed, types with several main flowering stalks, and types with side shoots that form their own roots and live on after the parent plant, to types that actually produce runners. Both experiments and field observations indicate that even normally monocarpic types can produce secondary flowering shoots. The progressive evolutional transition from tap roots through branched and spreading root systems to runners is discussed. DLC. 106416 PIMLOTT, D.H. The 1967 seal hunt. (Canadian audubon 1967. v.29, no.2, p.41-43, 70, map, illus) Presents observations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Proposals have been submitted by the Canadian Audubon Society to the Minister of Fisheries, the Norwegian Government and IUCN, for preservation of the seals. Unless such measures are adopted, the Front seal population could cease to exist as a biological entity by 1980. CaMM, DLC. 106417 PIMLOTT, D.H.
Seals and seal(Canadian auduing in the north Atlantic. bon 1966. v.28, no.2, p.33-40, map, illus) Notes publications on the subject in Canadian audubon from 1960 on, and summarizes the history of public interest in sealing. The 1966 hunt in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, observed by humane societies and the Canadian audubon, is described. The life history,
range, approx breeding areas and methods of calculating populations and mortality of seals are reviewed. The history and future of the sealing industry are discussed. Both harp and hood seals are currently being over-hunted. Protection under jurisdiction of ICNAF and establishing a quota level will permit the endangered herds to recover. The text of the statement made in the House of Commons on March 15, 1966 by the Minister of Fisheries is reproduced in full. CaMM, DLC. 106418 PIMLOTT, D.H. Wilderness in Canada. (Living wilderness 1968. v.32, no.I 03, p.5-21, map, tables, illus) Refs. Discusses problems of wilderness designation and preservation in Canada, with list of parks and wilderness areas. Map shows limits of Polar Bear Provincial Park, northern Ontario, on shore of Hudson Bay, the second DLC. largest wilderness park in Canada. 106419 PINAYEVA, N.I. Redkiye paragenezisy v porodakh kolchedannoy formatsii Severnoy Karelii. (Regional'nyy metamorfizm i metamorfogennoye rudoobrazovaniye. Leningrad, Nauka 1970. p.117-23, tables, illus) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Rare parageneses in rocks of the pyrite formation of northern Karelia. Describes some features of magnesian metasomatism associated with sulfide ore mineralization in the Baltic Shield region. The pyrite ore of certain zones in the eastern part of the shield is attributed to the high-pressure metamorphism responsible for development of quartzite and unusual kyanite-staurolite-hornblende-garnet-plagioclase-quartz mineral associations. Paragenetic analysis of these rocks shows that high activity of MgO in an acid environment played a major role in their development. DLC. 106420 PINCHAK, A.C. Avalanche activity on the Vaughan Lewis Icefall, Alaska. (Journal of glaciology 1968. v.7, no.51, p.44148, graphs, table) Refs. French and German summary. Reports 1967 observations on this glacier in the Coast Mts, Southeast Alaska. The magnitude, time and location of each ice fall recorded are analyzed. An inverse relationship is found between relative frequency and the magnitude of the avalanches. A significant diurnal variation in avalanche rate is noted. During the early morning the rate reached a maximum, and there was no secondary increase in the avalanche frequency during the evening cooling period. The data indicate that a given ice fall results in an increased probability of an ice fall shortly thereafter. After approx 4 min the effect of a given avalanche no longer correlates with succeeding avalanches. DLC.
106421 PINCHUK, L.YA. Morfologiya i genezis Beyenchime-Salaatinskoy vpadiny, po dannym aerofotogeomorfologichcskogo analiza. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.123-26, illus) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Morphology and genesis of the Beyenchime-Salata basin, based on geomorphic analysis of aerial photographs. Concludes that the basin, a craterlike feature in Cambrian limestones on the northwest slope of the Olenek uplift, may represent the surface expression of a kimberlite pipe. Exploration for diamonds in the area is recommended. DGS. PINCHUK, L.YA., see also No. 108678. 106422 PINIGIN, A.F. Geografiya brutselleza severnykh olency v Sibiri. (Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geografii, 3rd. Leningrad 1968. Materialy, pt.2, p.61-62) In Russian. Title tr.: Geographical spread of brucellosis in reindeer in Siberia. Two groups of foci harboring reindeer brucellosis are clearly distinguishable; a southern, and a northern, comprising Tyumen, Magadan and Kamchatka Provinces, Yakut ASSR, etc. Study of 113 strains of brucellae obtained from reindeer from various regions proved identical. DLC. 106423 PINNEKER, YE.V. and B.I. PISARSKIY. 0 deyatel'nosti komissii po izucheniyu podzemnykh vod Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.2, p.151-52) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Activities of the Commission for the study of groundwaters in Siberia and the Far East. Reviews its 1959-69 planning and coordinating of work, organizing of conferences, training of specialists, etc. DLC. PINNEKER, YE.V., see also No. 105420. PINUS, G.V., see Nos. 108145, 108146. 106424 PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION. Rainbow pipe line extensions; winter and spring construction. (Its: v.22, 1967. no.8, p.19-25+, illus) Reports the various stages of construction of pipelines in northwest Alberta, with work done in non-muskeg, pure muskeg from very soft to completely fluid, pnd permafrost ground, also at stream crossings. Techniques and equipment used under the various climat-induced ground conditions are described. DI. 106425 PIPPY, J.H.C. Preliminary report on parasites as biological tags in Atlantic 767
salmon Salmo salar; 1, Investigations 1966 to 1968. St. Andrews, NB 1969. 44+23 p. graphs, maps, tables. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Technical report no. 134) 42 refs. Reports on continuing investigations of salmon parasites potentially useful in determining the continental origin of salmon fished off West Greenland. An annotated list is given of the some 36 parasites recovered from salmon on both sides of the Atlantic and in Greenland; their distribution and abundance in Atlantic salmon are tabulated. Interpretation of the data as to the use of some of the parasitic species as biological markers conforms with published data on Atlantic salmon migrations. DLC. 106426 PIROGOV, V. and 0. YEFRERasshireniye l'got rabotnikam MOVA. Kraynego Severa. (Sotsialisticheskiy trud 1968. v.13, no.1, p.9I-96) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Broadening of benefits for workers in the Far North. Reviews legislation covering wages and fringe benefits in hardship areas since 1923 and discusses the 1967 decree in force Jan 1968. The extras, suspended during World War II, were resumed in 1945 and curtailed in 1960. The new laws on employment in the North raise hardship increments and pensions, provide special benefits to working mothers and seasonally employed members of workers' families. Paid leave for study, travel and housing allowances are available. Retirement age in the North is lowered five yr to 55 for men and 50 for women. The new pay differentials, staggering of in-step increases, and length of service to attain max pay levels are scaled to regional hardship levels. The Chukchi, Koryak and Aleut National Districts, the North-Eveny District of Magadan Province and arctic islands excepting the White Sea Islands are classed as maximum hardship regions. Differentials for these regions are raised to a max of 100% of the monthly base pay, or of the first 300 rubles/mo, accruing in semi-annual 10% raises over a 5-yr period. The 1960 law allowed for an increment of 80% of the first 240 rubles/mo staggered over six yr. In other parts of the Far North, hardship differentials are raised from 60 to 80% accruing in semiannual 10% raises over the first three yr, then annually for two yr. A 50% increment of the first 150 rubles/mo staggered over three yr is paid in the so-called areas equated with the Far North. The classification of hardship areas is expanded: the Far . North zone to include southern sections of the Evenki and Yamal-Nenets National Districts with Salekhard, the North-Yenisey and southern part of the Turukhansk Districts in Krasnoyarsk 768
Province, central and southern Yakutia, the Katanga District of Irkutsk Province, and the Ayan-Maya District of Khabarovsk Province. The Pinega District of Arkhangel'sk Province is added to the areas equated with the Far DLC. North. PIROZHNIKOV, L.P., see No. 107485. Diatomei v 106427 PIRUMOVA, L.G. chetvertichnykh otlozheniyakh severa YanoIndigirskoy nizmennosti i ostrova Bol'shogo (In: Iskopayemyye diatomoLyakhovskogo. vyye vodorosli SSSR 1968. p.80-83, graph) Title tr.: Diatoms in QuaRefs. In Russian. ternary deposits of the northern Yana-Indigirka lowland and Bol'shoy Lyakhovskiy Island. Three diatom assemblages are distinguished according to the genetic type of the deposit. The analyses indicate climatic change. During the formation of early Quaternary deposits and lake facies, and middle Quaternary continental shoal facies, the climate was possibly warmer than at present. Facies of the lower floodplain and lower seacoast had a climate close to the present, and those of the high floodplain were formed under severe conditions. These facies have arctic and arctic-boreal DLC. species of diatoms and reveined ice. 106428 PISAKHOVICH, V.P. and V.A. Kharakteristika GABELIYA. pronitsayemosti produktivnykh plastov po dannym ispytaniya skvazhin Sredne-Vilyuy(In: AN SSSR. skogo mestorozhdeniya. Sibirskoye otd. Yakutskiy filial. Institut geologii. Leno-Vilyuyskaya neftegazonosnaTitle ya...1969. p.233-35, tables) In Russian. tr.: Permeability characteristics of the productive beds according to test-well data from the Sredne-Vilyuysk deposits. Coefficients of permeability of gas-bearing lower Triassic beds are discussed and tabuDLC. lated. 106429 PISAKHOVICH, V.P. and V.A. Rezul'taty issledovaniya konGABELIYA. densata gazovykh mestorozhdeniy tsentral'noy chasti Vilyuyskov sineklizy. (In: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd. Yakutskiy filial. Institut geologii. Leno-Vilyuyskaya neftegazonosnaya...1969. Title tr.: p.194-200, tables) In Russian. Results of an investigation of condensate from gas deposits in the central part of the Vilyuy syneclise. Reports a study of the composition and other characteristics of the gas condensate obtained from the Sredne-Vilyuysk, Ust'Vilyuy and Badaranskiy gas pools. Seepage of condensate which was found to increase with the depth of the pools is explained as due to increase in quantity of heavy hydrocarbons in
the gases. The possibility of obtaining benzine from these condensates is noted. DLC. PISAKHOVICH, V.P., see also No. 104627. PISARSKIY, B.I., see No. 106423. 106430 PISSART, A. Polygones de fente de gel de rile Prince Patrick, Arctique Canadien 76° lat. N. (Biuletyn peryglacjalny 1968. no.17, p.171-80, illus) 4 refs. In French. English summary. Title tr.: Frost-fissure polygons of Prince Patrick Island in the Canadian Arctic at 76°N. Describes the various forms and structure of these polygons formed by ice wedges, mineral soil wedges, and by sand-and-ice wedges developed under present-day climatic conditions. Sections through several of these structures are described. The type of polygon developed appears to be due primarily to the grain size of the soil and its moisture during the summer. DLC.
require ecologists, physiologists, taxonomists, climatologists, geomorphologists, pediologists and others to understand the tundra habitat and its populations as a total system. The complexity is illustrated by a flow diagram for energy and nutrients in tundra ecosystems and of the energy cycle in the biosphere, with comments on specific problems. Little is known about decomposition processes or life cycles of insects upon which birds feed; more quantitative observation and measurement of vegetation, the base of the food web, is needed. Factors and strategies which influence diversity of animal species in the tundra are discussed. Need to deal with ecology of the normal tundra is crucial, for with discovery of oil in northern Alaska, there is need to deal with a damaged tundra. CaMAI, DLC. PITELKA, F.A., 104233.
see also
Nos. 102577,
PITKEVICH, V.T., see No. 106935. 106431 PISSART, A. Role geomorphologigue du vent dans la region de Mould Bay, Ile Prince Patrick, N.W.T., Canada. (Zeitschrift fiir Geomorphologie 1966. n. ser. v.10, no.3, p.226-36, illus) 7 refs. In French. German and English summary. Title tr.: The importance of wind in the geomorphology of the Mould Bay area, Prince Patrick Island, NWT. Wind action is relatively unimportant in the area studied mainly due to the absence of strong winds. Wind-polished pebbles are rare, wind-facetted pebbles are absent and there is a general lack of deflation surfaces. The presence of niveo-eofian deposits indicates some deflation on snow-free hill tops in winter and on valley floors of braided streams. The deposits occasionally form sandy trains or cover tundra polygons immediately bordering certain floodplains. The results of wind action always appear in combination with snow. Translated into English in: Nelson, J.G. and M.J. Chambers, editors. Geomorphology 1969. p.333-40. DGS. 106432 PITELKA, F.A. Ecological studies on the Alaskan Arctic slope. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.3, p.333-40, graph) 11 refs. Considers the tundra, or terrestrial environment and animal ecology primarily, citing the prime role of the Naval Arctic Research Lab at Barrow since 1947, in making the North Arctic Slope and adjacent waters one of the best-known sectors of the Arctic. The International Biological Program includes analysis of ecosystems and human adaptability, which demand study in the Arctic, where tundra, a low temperature extreme among ecosystem-types on the land, has a special importance. Future work will
106433 PITUL'KO, V.M. and N.A. SHILO. Voprosy geokhimii merzlotnykh landshaftov i poiski rudnykh mestorozhdeniy. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.11, p.21-28) 35 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geochemistry of permafrost landscapes and prospecting for ore deposits. Reviews the status of study of the main geochemical components of landscapes such as weathering crust, oxidation zone of ore deposits, soil, groundwater, and the biosphere in relation to conditions of the Far North. Chemical processes have an essential role in cryogen weathering and the formation of exogenous deposits of economic significance. Multi-purpose investigations are required in landscape chemistry in regions of permafrost. Methods may be worked out in common for the geochemical prospecting of ore deposits and for solving problems of the recent continental lithogenesis. DLC. PITZL, G., see No. 101952. PIVOVAROV, V.G., see No. 106245. PIVOVAROVA, N.B., see No. 106245. 106434 PIVOVAROVA, Z.I. Oblucheniye sten zdaniy solnechnoy radiatsiyey v razlichnykh geograficheskikh rayonakh. (Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy 1969. no.250, p.23-49, graphs, maps, tables) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The irradiation of house walls by solar radiation in different geographic regions. Total solar radiation incl direct, diffused, and that reflected from the ground, is investi769
gated throughout the USSR for July, January and the period of maximum radiation at each data point. The following points in the North are included: Mys Chelyuskin, Dikson, Verkhoyanskhoyansk, Okhotsk, PetropavlovskKamchatskiy, Turukhansk and Arkhangel'sk. The coefficient K is introduced for the transfer of radiation from a horizontal to a vertical surface; K is computed for north, east, south, and west walls. Using the computed coefficients, the total solar radiation is computed for all walls and its distribution in the USSR is mapped. DLC. 106435 PLAFKER, G. and others. Effects of the earthquake of March 27, 1964 on various communities. Washington, DC 1969. 50 p. maps, tables, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Professional paper 542-G) 33 refs. Other authors: R. Kachadoorian, E.B. Eckel and L.R. Mayo. Describes the damage, principally from waves, vertical tectonic movements and seismic vibration to communities in and on the coastal belt east of Prince William Sound, Kenai Peninsula, western Cook Inlet and the Alaska Peninsula and inland communities of Fairbanks, Palmer and the Matanuska Valley and Sutton. Synoptic data on principle causes of damage, deaths, population, etc, for some 65 communities are tabulated. In sequence to No. 87709, 88308, 86321, 101235, 97450, 96513, this is the final chapter of The Alaska earthquake March 27, 1964;• effects on communities. DGS. 106436 PLAFKER, G. Holocene (Recent) vertical displacements in coastal south central Alaska: a possible approach to prediction. (United States-Japan Conference on Research Related to Earthquake Prediction. 2d, Palisades, N.Y. June 1966. Proceedings, p.29-31, map) 5 refs. Cites evidence of prior long and short-term uplift or subsidence in the deformation zones effected by the 1964 Alaska earthquake, and suggests that detailed studies of shoreline features be made to determine regional patterns of long-term vertical displacements within the range of C-14 dating methods, recurrence intervals of previous tectonic displacements and rate, duration and areal extent of recent movements. This may lead to useful prediction techniques in coastal Alaska since they can roughly define broad areas of relative susceptibility to future major tectonic displacements. DGS. 106437 PLAFKER, G. and E.M. MACKEYLIT, JR. Mafic and ultramafic rocks from a layered pluton at Mount Fairweather, Alaska. Washington, DC 1969. 10 p. map, table, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Reports, open file ser. no.1254) 5 refs. 770
Outlines results of reconnaissance mapping in the Fairweather Range of Southeast Alaska. A layered mafic and ultramafic pluton, the Fairweather pluton, underlies much of the area. Most of the pluton consists of mafic rocks, and it is probably a source for ilmenite, magnetite, platinum, and other heavy minerals found as placer beach deposits along the adjacent Gulf of Alaska coast. A 1968 geochemical sampling program in the Yakutat quadrangle and adjacent areas disclosed float of mafic and ultramafic rocks in glacial moraines. These rocks were traced to a previously undescribed small layered pluton at Mt Fairweather. This pluton has possible economic significance because of its ultramafic rocks containing chromite, nickel, copper, and platinum-group metals. The general setting of the pluton is given, as are results of petrologic and chemical analyses of float rock samples derived from it. DGS. 106438 PLAFKER, G. Tectonics of the March 27, 1964 Alaska earthquake. Washington, DC 1969. 74 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Professional paper 542-I) 132 refs. Ninth chapter in this paper on the regional effects of the earthquake. The seismicity, the range, distribution and time and rate of vertical and horizontal displacements are described with emphasis on the Montague Island faults, the tectonic setting within the Aleutian Arc, the pre-Recent tectonic history of south-central Alaska and the mechanism of the earthquake. Nine maps are given in the text, with folding maps of the regional ground defomation at 1:2 million scale and that in the Prince William Sound region at 1:500,000. Many photographs illus the text, and the tabulated data include tide-gage, seismic sea-wave, horizontal displacements, comparative earthquake deformation and radiocarbon dates. DGS. PLAFKER, G., 105538.
see also
Nos. 104453,
PLATONENKOVA, L.N., see Nos. 105389, 105390. 106439 PLATONOV, V.A. and others. Stratigrafiya i litologicheskiye osobennosti otlozheniy verkhnego devona Noril'skogo rayona. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Regional'naya geologiya no.18, p.56-67, map, tables, illus) 6 refs. In Russian Other authors: E.B. Lunin and Ye.I. Markelova. Title tr.: Stratigraphy and lithological features of the Upper Devonian deposits of the Noril'sk region. Divides these 500-800 m thick deposits into five local units, of which three have characteristic types of sections, carbonate and sulfide-car-
bonate. A stratigraphic division is proposed; it is based on a layer-by-layer description of these sections, their paleontological and microfaunal characteristics. The distribution of small chemical elements is also outlined. Minerals of heavy and light fractions are also analyzed. Lithological and stratigraphic investigation gives a new division of these deposits, determines the material composition of the rocks, and contributes to the search for useful minerals. CaMAI, DLC. 106440 PLATONOV, V.A. Zhivetskiye i verkhnedevonskiye foraminifery Noril'skogo rayona. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.28, p.47-60, map, tables, illus) 40 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Givetian and Upper Devonian foraminifers of the Noril'sk region. Describes foram assemblages in a section from the Upper Givetian to the Lower Tournaisian. Four are recognized and briefly characterized. 14 species in eight genera are systematically described. By shape of the shell, gen Earlandia is proposed to be divided into E. perparva, E. elegans, and E. vulgaris. DLC. PLATONOV, V.A., see also No. 106091. PLATONOV, V.G., see No. 107398.
Far East and in the Soviet Union as a whole, categorized in terms of known and potentially exploitable occurrences. In Siberia and the Far East, the known reserves are insufficient for present demands, and further investigations are recommended of both the groundwater aquifers and of occurrences of mineral waters suitable for development of health resorts. DLC. 106443 PLOTNIKOV, N.N. Gel'mintozy naseleniya rayonov Kraynego Severa i bor'ba s nimi. (Problemy Severa 1970. no.14, p.8793) 40 ref. In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title Helminthiasis among the inhabitants of the Far North and its control. Diphyllobothriases infestations with tapeworms are the most common helminthiases, especially among new settlers eating raw fish taken from waters polluted by human defecation. The intensity varies from almost imperceptible illness to pernicious anemia. Infection with opisthorchiasis also occurs from eating raw fish. Its symptoms and successful treatment with Chloxyl are described. Taeniarhynchiasis, trichinosis and alveolar echinococcosis are also encountered. Elimination of foci by rigid epidemiologic examination, indoctrination of hygienic measures and prompt therapy of patients are to be applied to all varieties of helminths. CaMAI, DLC.
PLETCHER, F.T., see No. 104613. 106441 PLITKIN, G.A. Prostranstvennye izmeneniya elementov vodnogo i teplovogo balansov Zapadno-Sibirskoy ravniny. (Leningrad. Gos. gidrologicheskiy inst. Trudy 1969. no.157, p.34-65, maps, tables) 48 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Spatial variations of the components of the water and heat balances of the West Siberian lowland. Presents new charts depicting the annual values of precipitation, runoff, total evaporation and runoff coefficients. Features of the compilation of charts and the spatial distribution of these components in water balance are reviewed. Mean annual values of radiation balance, and heat loss by evaporation and snow thawing are calculated for the natural zones and subzones of the lowland, as is the heat exchange between the ground, its surface and land and the atmosphere. DLC. 106442 PLOTNIKOV, N.I. Resursy podzemnylch vod Sibiri i ikh rol' v narodnom khozyaystve. (In: Podzemnyye vody Sibiri...1971. p.14-19, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Groundwater resources of Siberia and their role in the national economy. Gives a comparative appraisal of the groundwater reserves in Siberia and the Soviet
106444 PLOTNIKOV, V.M. and A.G. BRUSSE. Propusk raskhodov r. Khantayki vo vremya stroitel'stva cherez greben' kamennonabrosnoy plotiny Ust'-Khantayskoy GES. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1971. v.41, no.11, p.5-7, illus) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Passing of the Khantayka River high-water discharge over the crest of the rockfill dam during construction of the Ust'-Khantayka hydroelectric power plant. Proposes a new method of passing the 10,000-12,000 m3/sec peak discharge of this river at 12-17 m water level amplitude and specific flow rate of 70-75 m'/sec per linear meter of the dam length. Instead of the flood water being stored in temporary reservoirs and cofferdams built, the flood water can be discharged across the crest of the partially erected dam, by strengthening the spillway to prevent damage to the dam and lower pond structures. The strengthening measures and technique are explained, and preparations to meet the flood were ready by June 1968. The overflow of the flood began 17 June 1968 and continued for 106 days. When the flow reached 6700 m'/sec and maximum specific discharge 66.7 re/sec, some deformations occured in the strengthening structures and the water jet from the dam formed a pit in the lower pond. This method of 771
letting the peak discharge of the river flow over the crest of the unfinished dam was carried out as proposed, and it saved about 5 million DLC. rubles.
Analysis of six pasture lichens showed trace amounts of Mn, Co, Ni, V, Mo, Sn and Pb. Some lichens are selective for particular trace elements. Potapov pastures have proportionally DLC. higher amounts of lead.
PLYAKIN, A.M., see No. 104764. PLYASHKEVICH, L.N., see No. 103163. PLYASKINA, R.A., see No. 102006. 106445 POBEDIMOVA, YE.G. Obzor roda Cochlearia L., 1. (AN SSSR. Botanicheskiy inst. Novosti sistematiki vysshikh rasteniy 1969. v.6, p.67-106, maps, illus) 104 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Review of genus Cochlearia L., 1. Gives systematic descriptions of these circumpolar arctic and alpine crucifers and discusses their history, morphology, cytology, hybridization, distribution and economic significance. Includes a key to the 23 species. Nonpolar species were studied from dried herbarium material, but field studies of Cochlearia arctica, C. groenlandica and C. anglica were made on Kola Peninsula. Their circumpolar distribution and that of C. polaris from Franz Josef Land is shown on map and discussed. DLC. POBEREZHSKIY, V.A., see No. 106483. PODBORNOV, N.V., see No. 103740. 106446 PODKORYTOV, F.M. Soderzhaniye nekotorykh mikroelementov v lishaynikakh i organizme severnogo olenya v zimniy period. (Krasnoyarsk. Sel'skokhozyaystvennyy inst. Trudy 1968. v.20, p.101-106, tables. 27 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Trace elements content in the lichens and in the organs of reindeer during winter. Analysis of lichens taken from pastures showed trace amounts of Mn, Co, Ni, V, Mo, and Pb. In reindeer organs and tissues Mn, Co, Ni, V, Mo and Pb were identified. The liver accumulates Mo and Mn; the kidney, Mn, Mo and V; spleen, Mn and V; and hair, Mn, Ni, Mo and V. Lead is uniformly distributed in DLC. organs and tissues. 106447 PODKORYTOV, F.M. Soderzhaniye nekotorykh mikroelementov v osnovnykh vidakh lishaynikov olen'ikh pastbishch Potapovskogo opytno-proizvodstvennogo khozyaystva Taymyrskogo natsional'nogo okruga. (Krasnoyarsk. Sel'skokhozyaystvennyy inst. Trudy 1968. v.20, p.95-100, table.) 32 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Trace element content in the principal lichen species of reindeer pastures in the Potapovskiy experimental-industrial economic unit, Taymyr National District. 772
106448 PODLESNYY, A.V. Itogi akklimatizatsii ryb v ozerakh Krasnoyarskogo kraya. (Rybnoye khozyaystvo 1969. v.45, no.6, p.16-18) In Russian. Title tr.: Results of acclimatization of fish in lakes of Krasnoyarskiy Kray. Reports on work begun in 1931 and continued with interruptions until 1964. Analyzes the food requirements, especially for the young. Whitefish are best acclimatized by stocking fry and planting from the spawn, with suitable spawning places provided. DLC. PODOLSKAYA, G.I., see No. 102035. 106449 PODOL'SKIY, YU.V. 0 putyakh kristallizatsii i vtorichnykh mineralakh v shchelochnykh granitakh tsentral'noy chasti Kol'skogo poluostrova. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.178, no.4, p.921-24, graph) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Crystallization trends and secondary minerals in alkalic granites of the central part of Kola Peninsula. Reports a mineralogical study of the stages of crystallization of intrusive granite and the character of secondary processes in alkalic rock complexes of Zapadnyye Keyvy. Three samples are analyzed and modal data are reported. Secondary processes are shown to have played an important role. In aegirine granites and in granite dikes these processes resulted in formation of authigenic minerals; in leucocratic granites they caused recrystallization of quartz. DLC. PODOL'SKIY, YU.V., see also No. 103609. 106450 PODZEMNYYE VODY SHIM I DAL'NEGO VOSTOKA. Moskva, Nauka 1971. 248 p. maps, tables, illus. Refs. In RusTitle tr.: Groundwaters of Siberia and sian. the Far East. Contains 38 papers presented at a Sept 1967 conference, 13 of which are of northern interest and are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: Ye.A. Baskov, G.P. Bogomyakov and others, I.S. Lomonosov and others, F.A. Makarenko and others, N.V. Mizinov and others, V.A. Nudner and A.D. Reznik, N.I. Plotnikov, O.I. Pokryshevskiy and V.A. Korobeynikov, V.A. Shub, B.P. Stavitskiy and V.M. Matusevich, G.A. Tolstikov and T.G. Kukosh, V.I. Yelizarov and G.A. Tolstikov, DLC. and I.K. Zaytsev. POE, P.H., see No. 101795.
POGORELOV, B.S., 105057,106937.
see Nos. 105054,
POGORELYY, YU.A, see No. 102171. 106451 POGREBITSKIY, YU.YE. Ostrova Taymyrskogo melkovod'ya. (In: Geologiya SSSR 1970. v.26, p.208-226, maps, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Islands of the Taymyr shallows. Describes the geology of the islands in Pyasinskiy Gulf and the Nordenshel'da archipelago off western Taymyr Peninsula. The Precambrian, Archean, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Cretaceous and Quaternary stratigraphy is described, the magmatism and formations of mica and subalkalic granites, trap rocks and syenites are outlined and the tectonics summarized. DLC. 106452 POHJANPALO, J. EilispaivAn Petsamo. (Terra 1969. v.81, no.3, p.201-206, map, illus) In Finnish. English summary. Title tr.: The Petsamo of yesterday. Description and brief history of a region promised Finland by Russia in 1864 but surrendered only in 1920. In 1931, the economic and cultural development of the region was further stimulated by completion of a highway from Rovaniemi to the port of Liinahamari on Petsamo fiord. Discovery of nickel in 1923 led to mining. When Petsamo was ceded to the Soviet Union in 1944, ore production was about 350,000 tons/yr. The importance of the highway to Finland during the first part of World War II is emphasized. When communication by way of the Baltic Sea was cut off, as many as 1500 trucks were carrying goods between the arctic port and Rovaniemi. CaMAI, DLC. F.J. Kingiktorsuak 106453 POHL, inscription; a posthumous entry by Hjahnar R. Holand into the cryptographic controversy. (American-Scandinavian review 1968. v.56, no.4, p.386-96, illus) 7 refs. Discusses the runic inscription on stone found in 1824 on this island in the Upernavik region of northwest Greenland near 73°N. Various interpretations of the rune are analyzed; that by Holand, explained in some detail, has the rune carved and the stone in situ in 1291. DLC. 106454 POHORECKY, Z.S. and T.E.H. JONES. Prehistoric rock art studies in the Precambrian Shield and Europe. (Musk-ox 1968. no.3, p.51-55, illus) In 1967 the authors visited caves and rock shelters containing prehistoric rupestral art in France and Spain, and have concluded that the study of rock art elsewhere in the world is essential to the understanding of the cultural
bases of Precambrian Shield pictographs. Future directions of research on pictographs in the Dept of Anthropology and Archaeology at the Univ of Saskatchewan are discussed. CaMAI. 106455 POIRIER, J. Les toponymes amerindiens encore en usage dans la nomenclature du Quebec. (Revue de geographie de Montreal 1968. v.22, no.2, p.133-38, Title tr.: Amerindian topomap) In French. nyms still in local use in Quebec's nomenclature. A number of Amerindian toponyms have not yet appeared on maps, particularly in the region of Abitibi, Mistassini, and New Quebec, and on the North Shore of the Gulf of St Lawrence. They should be retained for their usefulness and scientific value. Their form and orthography should allow accurate pronunciation and interpretation. CaMAI. 106456 POKHIALAYNEN, V.P. Neokomskiye inotseramy Anadyrsko-Koryakskoy skladchatoy oblasti. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Severo-Vostochnyy kompleksnyy n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1969. no.32, p.124-58, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title Sr.: Neocomian Inoceramus of the AnadyrKoryak folded province. Presents systematic descriptions of 22 species of these molluscs from collections made in western Kamchatka, the Mungal' uplift and elsewhere; 16 of the species are new, four already known in the literature, and two forms not determined because of insufficient material. Comparisons are made with Neocomian Inoceramus of Europe, Asia and America. DLC. POKHIALAYNEN, V.P., see also 105820.
106457 POKROVSKIY, D. Teknisk revolution i Sovjets inre *Art. (Nautisk tidskrift 1968. v.61, no.1, p.13-18, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: Technical revolution in Soviet inland water transport. Describes the development and use of ports, waterways and shipping throughout the country. Facilities and plans for transport by hovercraft and shallow-draft freighters, and utilization of the major rivers and harbors in the north are noted, the vessels of the river fleet to connect with ships of the Northern Sea Route. There are more than 140,000 km of navigable canals and streams at present. DLC. POKROVSKIY, G.M., see No. 105302. 106458 POKROVSKIY, S.D. and others. Sostoyaniye izuchennosti magmatizma Karelii i Kol'skogo poluostrova. (In: Problemy 773
magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p.5-10) In Russian. Other authors: A.V. Sinitsyn and Ye.V. Tolmacheva. Tide tr.: Status of the investigation of magmatism in Karelia and Kola Peninsula. There are three main stages in these investigations, the pre-Revolutionary stage was prospecting with discoveries of copper, lead-zinc ores and silver. The post-Revolutionary stage had a complex character with discoveries of pegmatites, apatite, lovchorrite, copper-nickel ores, micas, garnet and kyanite. The third stage has involved systematic planning. All three phases are characterized and the principal scientists, their organizations and their published DLC. works are cited. YE.V. 106459 POKROVSKIY, Zolotonosnost' sredne-verkhnekembriyskikh otlozheniy v yugo-zapadnoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.11, p.115-20, graph, map) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Gold-bearing properties of middle Upper Cambrian deposits in the southwestern part of the Siberian platform. Describes Evenki series of Upper Cambrian deposits in the Podkamennaya Tunguska and Angara interfiuve. Gold placers and extensive prospects in this region are noted. Gold-bearing properties of Upper Cambrian deposits are DLC. regional in character. 106460 POKRYSHEVSKIY, O.I. and V.A. KOROBEYNIKOV. Sostoyaniye i perspektivy dal'neyshikh gidrogeologicheskikh issledo(In: vaniy. v Sibiri i na Dal'nem Vostoke. Podzemnyye vody Sibiri...1971. p.3-7) In RusTide tr.: Status and goals of further sian. hydrogeologic investigations in Siberia and the Soviet Far East. Notes the increase in groundwater reconnaissance in 1966-70 over 1961-65. New data have been obtained on the geologic setting of aquifers, the occurrence of mineral and thermal waters and other hydrogeologic features. Further investigations, including field mapping, are recommended, as well as accumulation of more data for calculating reserves. DLC.
106461 POLAR RECORD. Alexbow, an unconventional principle of icebreaking. (Its: v.14, 1968. no.89, p.228-29, illus) Reports the development by Alexbow Ltd, Ottawa, of an icebreaking device designed like a snow plow with its forward protruding point under water and ice, ending in a long snout or "splitter blade". The effect is to force the floating ice upward to break it. Tests made in Lake Ontario, with ice 30.5 - 35.5 cm thick, snow cover of about 15 cm, and air temperature -1° to -7°C, gave results which compared favora774
bly with those of a conventional icebreaker. CaMAI, DLC.
Fieldwork POLAR RECORD. 106462 (Its: v.14-16, 1968-72, no.88-102) summary. Northern Sea Route 1968: new icebreakers in service and under construction, navigation season, D.A. Butorin's voyage in the Shchel'ya, film on the Italia rescue, etc (no. 94, p. 51-52); Stockholm University Svalbard Expedition July-Aug 1966, under G. Hoppe and V. Schytt, investigates eastern parts of the archipelago, ice-covered during the last glaciation, and possible connection between the Scandinavian ice sheet and the icecaps on European arctic islands (no. 88, p. 41-43, map); Cambridge Spitsbergen Expedition, a 19man party led by R.H. Wallis, carried out geological investigations, magnetic and gravity surveys in northern and western areas of the island in summer 1967, and in 1968 a larger party under P.I. Maton continued and extended the studies; W.T. Horsfield led the eight-man expedition in 1969, and three parties under N.B. Harland, G.S. Bou1ton and D.G. Smith were in the field in 1971 (no. 88, p. 43-45; no. 91, p. 492-94; no. 96, p. 331; no. 100, p. 63-64); Dutch Botanical East Greenland Expedition, a three-man party from the State University of Utrecht, made a preliminary survey in 1966, and further study and collections in 196869 in the Angmagssalik area (no. 88, p. 45; no.99, p. 921, refs); British Trans-Arctic Expedition 1966-69: tests of equipment, etc, were made by a threeman party which wintered 1966-67 at Qanaq, sledged from northwest Greenland across Ellesmere west and south to Axel Heiberg, Meighen and Devon Islands; the main expedition, a four-man party under W.W. Herbert left Point Barrow, Alaska 24 Feb 1968 by sledge, reached the North Pole on 5 Apr 1969, and the islands of Svalbard in June (no. 88, p. 45-46; no. 92, p. 647-48; no. 93, p. 819); Baffin Island Project of the Geographical Branch of the Canadian Dept of Energy, Mines and Resources, initiated in 1961, carried out fieldwork May-Aug 1966, under O.H. Luken; geomorphic, glaciological-hydrological, geological, and nunatak studies were made, and continued in 1967, with the submarine geomorphology survey extended (no. 88, p. 46-47 and no. 91, p. 490-92); Plaisted Polar expedition, a ten-man party under Ralph Plaisted attempted a mechanized sled trip from Eureka to the North Pole MarApr 1967 and achieved about one-third the distance; in 1968 another attempt based on Ward Hunt Island was made with success (no. 88, p. 47 and no. 90, p. 339-40);
Construction of buildings of a new British station at Halley Bay in the Antarctic described and illus (no. 88, p. 53); St Andrews University Greenland projects 1938-67, informative summary by H.I. Dreyer and P.W.F. Gribbon of the geological studies, mountaineering and ancillary activities and a list of main published results (no. 89, p. 187-90, map, 24 refs); Norwegian work in Svalbard in biology, geology, geophysics, glaciology, hydrography, and topography-geodesy by field parties of 65 in 1965 and 61 in 1966 (no. 89, p. 190-91); Polar Continental Shelf Project of the Canadian Dept of Energy Mines and Resources initiated in 1959: operations of 1966 and 1967 (no. 89, p. 192-94 and no. 92, p. 63841); Operation Hazen-Tanquary of the Canadian Defence Research Board: scientific activities based on these two field stations on northern Ellesmere in 1967 and 1968 with personnel and some published results (no. 89, p. 194-97, 10 refs. and no. 92, p. 646-47); Oil exploration in Spitsbergen 1967 by American, Russian and Norwegian diminished with no commercial occurrences found, but new claims and drillings noted (no. 89, p. 197); The Ob'-Irtysh Complex Expedition of the Institute of Geography of Siberia and the Far East has 180-man field parties each year since 1964 making studies in physical geography incl mapping, population and settlement, and food production in the northern part of West Siberia (no. 90, p. 327-28); Danish investigations in Greenland in archeology, ethnography, zoology, botany, geodesy, geology, meteorology and geophysics 1964-65, also studies of Universitetets Arktiske Station personnel in the Disko Bugt area, and work at the magnetic and ionospheric stations (no. 90, p. 328-31; and no. 92, p. 637-38); Fishing surveys in the Barents and eastern part of the Norwegian Sea 1965-67 by Russian, Norwegian and British vessels under auspices of the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (no. 90, p. 331); Northern Sea Route 1967 incl icebreakers on escort duty, navigation period, foreign shipping invited with rates stated for icebreaker and pilot service, USCG Edisto and East wind turned back from Soviet waters, Soviet shipping, icebreaker Murmansk under construction, new hydrographic survey vessel Petr Pakhtusov (no. 90, p. 332-33); Franklin search project by Canadian Armed Forces personnel and a civilian observer party 4-25 Aug 1967 studied several coastal areas for traces of the lost 1845 expedition and for evidence of Eskimo settlement; logistics included scuba diving (no. 90, p. 33236, map); US Oceanographic Office and Coast Guard
cruises in Greenland and Norwegian Seas by USCG Spar in 1966 and Mariposa in northern Labrador Sea 1967 obtained information on deep-sea features and origin of the sea floor (no. 90, p. 337, 2 refs); Alaska Dept of Fish and Game tagged and earmarked 31 polar bears on the ice off Pt Barrow in Apr 1967 (no. 90, p. 338); International Glaciological Expedition to Greenland (EGIG) activities, scientific personnel and logistics in 1967 (no. 90, p. 338-39); Soviet drifting stations North Pole-13, -15, 16, -17, their setting up, resupply mission, etc, 1966-68 (no. 91, p. 489); Arkhangel'sk - Mangazeya, a small-boat trip by two men in 1967 (no. 91, p. 489-90); University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne expedition, a ten-man party in the Angmagssalik Fiord and Tugtilik areas of East Greenland July-Aug 1967 (no. 91, p. 490); D. Humphreys Trans-Arctic expedition, aborted project for a Ward Hunt Island North Pole sled trip by a four-man party, I 96768 (no. 91, p. 492); Cambridge Greenland Expedition 1968-70, geological investigations in the Gauss Halves region of East Greenland by 10-12-man parties under P.F. Friend in three summer sojourns reported by the leader (no. 91, p. 494; no. 94; p. 54, no. 97, p. 526-27); Harp seal studies in the White Sea, field parties under L.A. Popov made counts, markings, behavior observations, underwater-sound recordings, etc, on the ice in the breeding season Mar 1966-68, Toros 1-3 (no. 92, p. 638); Project Blue Ice and Operation Blue Trek, seismic noise characteristics on the Greenland ice sheet and other studies at Inge Lehman station 1966-67, and a traverse between Thule and the station July-Aug 1967, under R.A. Lenton, qv (no. 92, p. 641); Baffin Bay - North Water Project, organization, principal investigators and problems for study in this relatively open-water area of Smith Sound, and the 1967, 1968 and planned 1969 field programs (no. 92, p. 641-43); International Ice Patrol survey of eight West Greenland glaciers and oceanographic work in the fiords and Davis Strait by USCGC Eastwin4 July 1968 (no. 92, p. 643-44); Panarctic Oils Ltd, a consortium of 20 private corporations and the Canadian government, its organization and 3 yr program for surveys and drillings of 17 wells in the Queen Elizabeth Islands, and 1968 fieldwork in logistics and surveys; 1969 fieldwork in surveys and drilling at two sites on Melville Island, sinking of the Alexbow-equipped barge Learmouth; 1970 fieldwork drilling on Melville, Ellef and Amund Ringnes and King Christian Islands, gas discoveries on the first and last, blowout on the last, plans for 1971 (no. 92, p. 64.4-46; no. 95, p. 185; no. 99, p. 921-25); 775
Simpson expedition to the North Pole, a three-man party's foot journey Feb-Apr 1968 from Ward Hunt Island under H.W. Simpson to make physiological studies; after 145 km travel the party returned because of radio failure (no. 93, p. 820); Crossing of the Greenland ice sheet JulyAug 1968 by a five-man Japanese party from the Nihon University Alpine Club (no. 94, p. 53); Soviet drifting stations; in 1968-69 North Pole- 16, and -17 continued, North Pole-18 was set up on an ice island northwest of Vrangelya Island; in 1969-70, North Pole-17, -18 continued, North Pole-19 and -20 were established. Their leaders, drift, resupply, etc, are noted, as is work for a ship equipped to replace the drifting-ice stations (no. 94, p. 53; no. 98, p. 723); Joint Services Expedition to North Peary Land, a 12-man party under Major J.D.C. Peacock made surveys, etc, north of Frederick E. Hyde Fjord in May-Sept 1969, in advanced training for service expeditionary personnel (no. 94, p. 54-55); Oil developments in Alaska 1969-70; 22 wells in the Prudhoe Bay area found oil, five oil pools are noted (no. 95, p. 185-86); Norske-Cambridge Svalbard Expedition commissioned by Norske Fina, reported by W.B. Harland who led the scientific work in July-Sept 1969 in several areas of eastern Svalbard to assess the petroleum potential (no. 96, p. 331-32); Birmingham University East Greenland Expeditions of 1967, 1969 and 1970 led and reported by A.E. Wright to investigate Precambrian rocks in the Angmagssalik district (no. 97, p. 523); Netherlands Spitsbergen Expedition, a four-man party under P. Oosterveld on Edgeoya Aug 1968-Sept 1969 tagged polar bears, also made reindeer and bird studies (no. 97, p. 523-24); US Geological Survey studies in the Chukchi Sea with the USCGC Storis in 1969 and USCGC Glacier 1970 (no. 97, p. 524); Canadian Oceanographic Expedition, reported by P. Wadhams, circumnavigated North and South America in the icebreaker Hudson Nov 1969-Oct 1970, entered Bering Sea in Aug, carried out surveys in Beaufort and Baffin Bay, etc (no. 97, p. 524-26); Cambridge Staunings Alper Expedition, a ten-man party under K.J. Miller to Ivar Baardsan (formerly Roslin) Gletcher July-Sept 1970; its main project was to measure the depth of the glacier by echo-sounding with a modified radio altimeter SCR7 18 (no. 98, p. 723-24, illus); British Jostedals expedition, a 16-man party in the Jostedalsbreen area of northern Norway in Aug 1970; parachute landings under hazardous conditions, and some scientific work were 776
carried out (no. 98, p. 724); US - Canadian project, Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment, AIDJEX: N. Untersteiner reports plan for a 1972-73 study of the largescale response of sea ice to its environment, using an array of manned and unmanned drifting stations, airborne surveys, submarine, etc (no. 98, p. 725-27, refs); Capture of narwhals in Canadian Arctic Islands waters for the Vancouver BC aquarium in 1970 (no. 99, p. 922-23); HMS Dreadnought, a British nuclear-powered submarine, made echo-soundings of the ice canopy from ice edge to the North Pole in 1-7°E, and diesel patrol submarine HMS Oracle at ice edge northwest of Spitsbergen with echo sounders recorded ocean wave profiles with the pack ice, Mar 1971 (no. 99, p. 923); Anglo-Danish Trans-Greenland Expedition Apr-July 1971, a four-man party made a manhauling traverse of the ice sheet from the Kangerdlugssuatsiaq area westward to Nagssuaq (no. 100, p. 63); Polish Spitsbergen Expedition (Polska wyprawa na Spitsbergen), a six and an eightman party in summers 1970 and 1971, respectively, under S. Baranowski, made observations and measurements on Werenskioldbreen and Hansbreen and geomorphic studies nearby; these are the first of the four or five field trips planned (no. 101, p. 261); Nordisk Mineselskab A/S Expedition to the Kangerdlugssuaq area. C.K. Brooks reports on a four-man reconnaissance trip in summer 1970 and investigations and logistics of a party of 11 in 1971 (no. 101, p. 261-62); Buksefjord Project reported by B. Chadwick, a mapping and research program with fieldwork in summers 1972-77 in this fiord area 50 km south of Godthab. It is supported by the Greenland Geological Survey, University of Exeter and Natural Environment Research Council, and supervised by K. Coe and B. Chadwick. Among its results is to be the Survey's map 63 V I Nord (Buksefjord) at 1:100,000 (no. 101, p. 262-63); Tokai University Canadian Arctic Research Expedition was initiated in 1970 as a five-year program; 1970 and 1971 Japanese student parties visited the Cambridge Bay area (no. 102, p. 411-12). CaMAI, DLC. 106463 POLAR Notes. RECORD. (Its: v.14-16, 1968-72, no.88-102) Summary account is given of the following: International Whaling Commission 19-23rd meetings 1967-71 (no. 88, p. 65; no. 91, p. 509; no. 94, p. 57; no. 100, p. 73); North Pacific fur seals; 1964 Protocol amending Interim Convention on Conservation, text of articles; Protocol extended six yr (no. 88, p. 65-67; no. 97, p. 537);/ Finland-USSR frontier crossing point
established on the road between Lapland and Murmansk with Rajajooseppi the Finnish post, Lotta the Russian (no. 88, p. 67); Centre d'etudes glaciologiques des regions arctiques et antarctiques (CEGRAA) established in Paris by Expeditions Polaires Francaises (no. 88, p. 67); Permafrost thickness at 19 localities in the Arctic tabulated from No 95051 (no. 88, p. 68); Five-year (1966-70) development plan for Greenland in fisheries, education, housing, social service (no. 88, p. 69); Canadian Eskimo Art Council formed in 1967 replacing the 1959 advisory group and the 1961 committee (no. 88, p. 70); Arctic research institutions in Western Europe, a directory by P.H. Wood, qv (no. 88, p. 72); J.B. Charcot, photograph taken 20 Aug 1936 (no. 88, facing p. 74); Arctic Biological Station opened in 1965 at Ste Anne de Bellevue, Quebec, by the Fisheries Research Board of Canada (no. 88, p. 70); Arctic Bibliography Project 1947-67 (no. 88, p. 70-71); Soviet decree of 26 Sept 1967 on wages and work incentives for labor in northern USSR; emended and amplified in: Boundaries of "the Far North" and "localities equated to the Far North" in the USSR (no. 89, p. 215-17, map, and no. 93, p. 838-40, map); see under SotsialLnicheskiy trud in this Bibliography; Greenland constitution, summary of changes made 1955-67 (no. 89, p. 217-18); Carrothers report on development of government in the Northwest Territories of Canada, summary of the recommendations (no. 89, p. 218-19); Glaciology in the Arctic, a review prepared by the Glaciology Panel, Committee on Polar Research, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, and pub in American Geophysical Union Transactions 1967, v. 48, p. 759-67 (no. 89, p. 219-27); Ice fog, summarized from paper by C.S. Benson, qv (no. 89, p. 228); Alexbow, icebreaking device to be fitted to the bow of a vessel to force floating ice upwards, its operation, test results in lake ice 1967 and arctic sea ice trials 1968 (no. 89, p. 228-29 & illus and no. 92, p. 685); Magnetic reversal patterns in Iceland and the Arctic Ocean (no. 90, p. 343, refs.); Ice-dusting experiments to increase the rate of melting of ice, summarized from a paper by G.P. Williams pub in National Research Council of Canada, Division of Building Research, Technical paper no. 239 (no. 90, p. 344-45, refs.); National Northern Research Conference, Saskatoon 1967 (by D. Judd), and Whitehorse 1968, with 69 scientists present and 11 University centers of northern studies represented at
the first, 12 centers at the second; direction and coordination of research, role of universities and government, finances, etc (no. 90, p. 346-47 and no. 92, p. 682); Flora North America (FNA) project organized in 1966 to prepare a manual of vascular plants of Greenland and North America north of Mexico, under American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington, in International Biological Programme (no. 90, p. 348); Mackenzie Delta Research Project initiated in 1965 to investigate problems of the natives related to resource development in Mackenzie District (no. 90, p. 348-49); Trans-Arctic commercial flights: eight airlines' services between Europe and North America or Japan, terminals stated (no. 90, p. 349-50, map; no. 93, p. 842; no. 96, p. 344-45 & map); US National Archives' Center for Polar Archives opened in Sept 1967 (no. 90, p. 351); Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Louis S. St Laurent in service 1968, her dimensions, gear, facilities, etc (no. 90, p. 351); Continental drift symposia 1967 (no. 90, p. 358-59); Institute for Northern Affairs in the University of Saskatchewan establishes its Arctic Research and Training Centre at Rankin Inlet, on west Hudson Bay (no. 90, p. 359); Arctic Institute of North America: Study of northern transportation, by G.W. Rogers, a new approach (no. 91, p. 510-11); IUCN: Working Meeting of Polar Bear Specialists, Switzerland 1968 and 1970; Canada, Denmark, Norway, US and USSR reporting, and a permanent coordinating committee, the Polar Bear Group set up under auspices of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and National Resources (no. 91, p. 511-13; no. 96, p. 34849); Arctic sea ice studies with the aid of polarorbiting satellites, the US National Environmental Satellite Center activities, US Navy birdseye flights and other arctic programs (no. 91, p. 513-14); US federal expenditure on arctic research, summary of the report by G.A. Doumani, qv (no. 91, p. 51417); Inflatable boats used by the Cambridge Greenland Expedition 1968 (no. 91, p. 518 & illus); US aircraft with hydrogen-bomb load crashed off West Greenland 1968 (no. 91, p. 518-19); Mischief built in Cardiff 1906, lost off Jan Mayen 1968, voyages of H.W. Tilman 1954-68 (no. 91, p. 519); Chronological list of arctic and subarctic expeditions in process of compilation by Alan Cooke, Scott Polar Research Institute (no. 91, p. 520-21); 777
Scott Polar Research Institute building has a new wing (no. 91, p. 521 & illus); Commission for Problems of the North set up by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences USSR to coordinate interests of institutions concerned with food production in the North (no. 92, p. 676-77); Arctic Institute of North America proposes a current abstract service (no. 92, p. 678-79); Ice charts of the British Meteorological Office, a Marine Division service since 1959 cover the seasonally freezing marine areas of the Northern Hemisphere incl the Great Lakes, but excepting the SE Bering and three more southerly seas; chart data, distribution, and ICEFAX broadcast (no. 92, p. 680); International Study of Eskimos in the Human Adaptability Program of the IBP, a five-yr study by Canada, Denmark, France and US; research categories, 1968 fieldwork and personnel (no. 92, p. 680-82); Fisheries Advisory Committee of seven members (listed) set up in 1967 to advise on fisheries resources management in the Northwest Territories (no. 92, p. 682); Oil discovery at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska 1968 (no. 92, p. 683-84); Northern fur seals Callorhinus ursinus breeding in California (no. 92, p. 684 & illus); Admiral Richard E. Byrd Polar Center established in Boston 1968 to assemble collections, conduct studies, aid research, etc on arctic and antarctic regions (no. 92, p. 685); Economics of shipping in polar seas, by J. Clausen of the J. Lauritzen Lines: corrections and emendations to article, by T.A. Sherman, in the previous issue of this journal (no. 92, p. 687-88); Regulations affecting foreign scientists and explorers in Iceland issued 25 Mar 1968 (no. 93, p. 829-31); Synoptic climatological stations (75) in Iceland (no. 93, p. 831-32, map); Main glaciers (37) of Iceland (no. 93, p. 833, maP); Nature reserves in northern USSR (no. 93, p. 836-37, refs); Ice jams on Soviet rivers from paper by Ye.G. Popov, qv (no. 93, p. 837-38); United Kingdom Committee of Inquiry into Trawler Safety: interim report 1968 (no. 93, p. 840-41); Arctic herbarium at Lancaster University, England (no. 93, p. 841-42); The Churchill Falls power project, Labrador (no. 93, p. 842-44, map & illus); Third Canadian Conference on Permafrost, Calgary 1969, qv, with list of 15 papers delivered (no. 93, p. 84445); Sealskins and the Eskimo economy, by A. Stevenson (no. 93, p. 845-47); Exhumation of the remains of Charles Francis Hall 1968 (no. 93, p. 847-48); 778
Transportation facilities in Northern Alaska and the Western Canadian Arctic (no. 94, p. 57-59); SS Manhattan 1969 arctic reconnaissance voyage (no. 94, p. 60-61, illus); Sir John Ross 1777-1856: archival material in the Scott Polar Research Institute, by G. Rowley (no. 94, p. 61-62); Geographical engineering in the North by D.C. Foote: dams, power plants, stream diversion, nuclear explosions, etc (no. 94, p. 62-64, map); Netsilik Eskimos: nine ethnographic films issued by National Film Board of Canada (no. 94, p. 64-69 & 4 illus); Whaling from shore stations in Iceland 1883-1968 (no. 94, p. 69-70) cf No 88290; Atlantic salmon fisheries off West Greenland (no. 94, p. 70-71); The Middle North in Canada: summary of two conferences in 1969, by D. Judd (no. 94, p. 72-73); US Interagency Arctic Research Coordinating Committee (no. 94, p. 73); US Naval Oceanographic Office satellite ice observation program (no. 94, p. 73-74, chart); Norsk hvalfangst tidende ceases publication (no. 94, p. 74); Ostrov Kheysa (no. 94, p. 74-75); Yukon Territory studies: review of three reports, by D. Judd (no. 95, p. 189-92); US National Science Foundation: reorganization 1969 (no. 95, p. 193); Harp seal fisheries in the northwest Atlantic: limitation 1970 (no. 95, p. 193); Nordic Council for Arctic Medical Research (no. 95, p. 194); US Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, AFCRL Geopole Observatory, Greenland (no. 95, p. 194-95); Northern Sea Route 1969-71 (no. 95, p. 195-96; no. 98, p. 744-45; no. 102, p. 421-22); Arctic Research and Training Centre, Institute for Northern Studies, University of Saskatchewan, by R.G. Williamson (no. 95, p. 196); Explosion of a nuclear weapon at Amchitka Island, Alaska 1969 (no. 95, p. 197); Kevo Subarctic Research Station, by T.E. Armstrong (no. 95, p".- 198-99); Avalanche rescue beacon, SKADI marketed by Lawtronics, Buffalo, NY (no. 95, p. 198); Regional wage differentials in Alaska, northern Canada and northern USSR 1966: construction worker in Fairbanks, Yellowknife and Yakutsk areas, by T.E. Armstrong (no. 96, p. 339-41); Reindeer husbandry in Magadanskaya Oblast' (no. 96, p. 342-43); De-icing apparatus for ships: pneumatic de-icing system adapted by Palmer Aero Products Ltd, Leyland, Lanes, England (no. 96, p. 343-44);
Place names in Svalbard: Vestspitsbergen changed to Spitsbergen (no. 96, p. 345-46); New Polar Research Center, National Science Museum, Tokyo (no. 96, p. 346); Musk-oxen breeding in Britain, first since Pleistocene (no. 96, p. 346); Government of the Northwest Territories, implementation of the 1966 Carrothers report in 1969-70 (no. 96, p. 346-47); International Biological Programme Canadian Committee: Tundra panel of its Terrestrial Conservation Subcommittee, by A.H. Macpherson (no. 96, p. 347); Canadian Wildlife Service, Administrative Committee for Polar Bear Research and Management (no. 96, p. 347-48); Polar Bear Provincial Park, wildlife reserve established along northwest James Bay - southwest Hudson Bay (no. 96, p. 349); Alaskan national wildlife refuges: 18 listed with descriptions (no. 96, p. 349-52, map, illus); Research on potential ecological effects of oil developments in Northern Alaska: 1970-71 project sponsored by US National Science Foundation (no. 96, p. 352); Winter road in Northern Alaska 1969-70: construction Livengood-Prudhoe Bay, traffic, freight rates, etc (no. 96, p. 352-55, map); SS Manhattan 1970 arctic voyage, by C.W.M. Swithinbank (no. 96, p. 355-56); Volcanic activity on Jan Mayen 1970 (no. 97, p. 534-35); Control of salmon fishing in North Atlantic waters: regulations approved by the NEAFC and ICNAF effective Jan 1970 (no. 97, p. 53536); Conservation legislation for northern Canada 1969-70, by D. Judd: inland waters of the Yukon, arctic sea waters pollution, Arctic Land Use Research, oil and gas pipeline corridor (no. 97, p. 537-39); Canadian arctic waters anti-pollution package, by D. Wilkes: effects of 1970 Bill C202 (no. 97, p. 540-43); British royal tour in northern Canada 1970 (no. 97, p. 543); Hudson's Bay Co moves headquarters from London to Winnipeg (no. 97, p. 544); Regional subdivisions of Alaska, by T.E. Armstrong: proposes 24 districts in five major areas for library classification purposes (no. 97, p. 544-46, map); University of Alaska research institutions, by T.E. Armstrong: lists ten institutes, laboratories, etc, noting their functions, budgets, publications (no. 97, p. 546-48); Composite satellite pictures of the polar regions, by C.W.M. Swithinbank (no. 98, p. 743-44, illus, 5 refs); Soviet floating power stations (no. 98, p. 745); Geological map of Greenland (no. 98, p. 746);
Norwegian musk-ox farm, Norsk Moskus A/S established at Bardu in 1969 (no. 98, p. 746); National Wildlife Range re-introduced on the mainland at Barter Island, Feather River, Cape Thompson, etc (no. 98, p. 747); Wild reindeer in Iceland: vicissitudes and current status of the stock introduced from Norway in the late 18th century (no. 98, p. 748); Arctic Institute of North America's Man in the North Project 1970-73 in the Mackenzie Delta area directed by Eric Gourdeau (no. 98, p. 748-49); Alaska Communication System sold, by G.S. Harrison: becomes RCA Alaska Communications, Inc: RCA Alscom (no. 98, p. 749-51); Soviet proposal for a polar meteorological program within the framework of the Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP) sponsored by the International Council of Scientific Unions and the World Meteorological Organization, by A.F. Treshnikov and Ye.P. Borisenkov (no. 99, p. 927-31, refs); Horse herding for meat in Yakut ASSR, by V.N. Andreyev (no. 99, p. 931-33); International Sea Ice Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland 1971, by P. Wadhams (no. 99, p. 933-34); Information booklets on Greenland: three in English published by Gronlands Geologiske Undersogelse 1969-70, and a guide to ports in Danish pub 1970 by Det Kongelige SokortArkiv, Kobenhavn (no. 99, p. 934); Norwegian Reindeer Research Institute: Statens Reinforsok, at Harstad on Hinney (no. 99, p. 934-35); New Soviet under-ice fishing equipment (no. 99, p. 935); New school built at Frobisher Bay: construction described (no. 99, p. 935-36); Canadian Forces Northern Region, by R.M. Withers: military activities in Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories (no. 99, p. 937); Conference on the Arctic Ocean at Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire 1971, by T.E. Armstrong (no. 100, p. 76-77); Colloquy on northern library resources at Edmonton, Alberta 16-18 June 1971, by H.G.R. King (no. 100, p. 77-78); Institutions of the Academy of the USSR concerned with northern Siberia: the Far Eastern Science Center setup at Vladivostok in 1970, recent developments in the institutions at Yakutsk and Irkutsk (no. 100, p. 78-79); English translations of Russian scientific publications, by T.E. Armstrong: 14 scientific journals in cover-to-cover translation cited for relevance to polar research and sources of information stated (no. 100, p. 79-80); International Conference on the Biology of Whales 10-12 June 1971 organized by the IBP 779
Marine Mammal Council (no. 100, p. 74-75); Regulations for the hunting of polar bears in the Norwegian Arctic 1970: text in English translation (no. 100, p. 81); Mining regulations in Greenland as enacted in 1965, and amended 1969, also mining concessions and prospecting licenses granted by the Ministry for Greenland to July 1971 listed and located on map: texts in English translation (no. 100, p. 81-90, map); Quaternary map of Greenland, by W.S. Watt (no. 100, p. 91); New geographical field station, Sermilikstationen, opened by the University of Kobenhavn in 1970 on Angmagssalik 0, East Greenland (no. 100, p. 92); National parks in Swedish Lapland: seven listed, briefly described and located on map (no. 100, p. 92-93, map); Ice conditions in the Arctic Ocean over the last three million years, by P.F. Friend (no. 100, p. 94); US withdrawal from joint weather stations in the Canadian Arctic (no. 100, p. 94-95); Major iron deposits on Melville Peninsula, NWT (no. 100, p. 95); New ice island in the Beaufort Sea (no. 100, p. 95-96); Geographical distribution of ice worms (no. 100, p. 96); McGill University - National Health and Welfare Baffin Zone Project, by D.G. Cameron: McGill Faculty of Medicine personnel to assist in health services, the zone composed of Melville Peninsula, Southampton Island, Baffin Island and southern Ellesmere (no. 100, p. 9798); Panarctic Oils Ltd. gas-well fire on King Christian Island extinguished 1971 (no. 100, p. 98-100, diagr); Fr Herman missionary to Aleuts from 1794 till 1837 was proclaimed a saint of the Orthodox Church Aug 1970 (no. 100, p. 100); New sea-ice nomenclature: WMO sea-ice nomenclature, terminology, codes, and illustrated glossary, Geneva 1970, reviewed by T.C. Pullen (no. 101, p. 279-80); Soviet census 1970: tables give the population of administrative districts and seven cities in the North, and the northern peoples in thousands (no. 101, p. 265-66); Ninth Soviet five-year plan 1971-75: section on workers' pay and allowances in the North (no. 101, p. 266); Symposium on climatic changes in arctic areas during the last 10,000 years held in Finnish Lapland Oct 1971, by W. Blake, Jr (no. 101, p. 267); Operation Cannikin 1971 (no. 101, p. 26768); Canadian-Norwegian agreement on sealing and conservation of seal stocks in the northwest Atlantic ratified 1971, English text given; limits 780
on Norwegian cod fishing in Canadian waters cited; Canadian Dept of the Environment report on seal stocks conservation (no. 101, p. 268-71); Sir Wm.E. Parry's barrel organ, by C. Holland and F.F. Hill: organ used on expeditions in the Canadian Arctic 1819-23 described as restored for the Scott Polar Research Institute (no. 102, p. 413-14, illus); Amundsen's Gjea returned to Norway after 66 years in San Francisco (no. 102, p. 415-16); Polar Star new US Coast Guard icebreaker under construction (no. 102, p. 416); Professor Zubov, Soviet research vessel, described by P. Wadhams (no. 102, p. 417); Soviet maritime jurisdiction in the Arctic, by W.E. Butler: comment on a 1971 law on breadth of USSR territorial waters, and text in English translation of the 1971 statute on the Administration of the Northern Sea Route attached to the Ministry of the Marine Fleet (no. 102, p. 418-21); Soviet drifting stations North Pole-16, -18, 19, -20, their programs, leaders, routes, resupply, evacuation, etc, 1970-72; North Pole-21 established northeast of Vrangelya Island in May 1972 (no. 102, p. 422-23); Russians in Alaska before 1867, summary by T.E. Armstrong of S.G. Fedorova's Russkoye naseleniye Alyaski i Kalifomii: konets XVIII veka - 1867 g. Moskva, Nauka 1971. 276 p. maps, illus (no. 102, p. 423-24); Tourism in Canada's Northwest Territories (no. 102, p. 424-26); New national parks for northern Canada: Kluane, Nahanni, Baffin Island, also areas under consideration, historical sites (no. 102, p. 426-29, maps); New refrigerator for use in cold climates, by P.R. Johnson: a freezer-storage system developed at the University of Alaska and installed at Savoonga on St Lawrence Island (no. 102, p. 429-33, diagrs); US Endangered Species Conservation Act 1969: critical comment and selective list of 21 of the species (no. 102, p. 433-34). CaMAI, DLC. Obituaries. 106464 POLAR RECORD. (Its: v.14-16, 1968-72, no.88-102) Included are items on: Otto A.H. Abs 1891-1966, medical doctor who served at the Barentsburg coal mine in Spitsbergen, 1921-26, and published extensively on disease in arctic areas (no. 88, p. 75); Anna Mikhaylovna Astakhova 1886-1971, folklorist who collected in northwestern European USSR, mostly northern variants of old Russian songs and tales (no. 101, p. 281); Tom Fredrik Weiby Barth 1899-1971, geologist, authority on igneous rock formation and director of the Mineralogisk Geologisk Museum, Oslo (no. 102, p. 445);
Alan Thomas Belcher 1903-1966, executive director of the Arctic Institute of North America 1957-60, who was a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police from age 16 till he retired as its Deputy Commissioner (no. 88, p. 75); Robert Bentham, geologist who died in 1968, made explorations and surveys on Ellesmere Island with the Oxford University expedition of 1935-36, and on a return sojourn 1936-38 (no. 92, p. 689) Thomas Erik Berg 1933-1969, geologist who worked on permafrost and patterned ground in Antarctica and Alberta, took part in the 196768 Steele Glacier Expedition to the Yukon (no. 95, p. 221-22); Roland Ernest Beschel 1928-1971, geobotanist who made field studies in Greenland, northern Canada and USSR, developed lichenometry as a dating method, etc (no. 100, p. 107); Vitally Ivanovich Bodylevskiy 1898-1968, geologist who made notable contributions to the stratigraphy and paleontology of the Jurassic and Cretaceous in northern USSR (no. 95, p. 223); Veniamin Grigor'yevich Bogorov 1904-1971, marine biologist and oceanographer who worked extensively in the Soviet arctic seas, one of the founders of the Institute of Oceanology, first professor of the geography of polar lands at Moscow University (no. 101, p. 281); Bernhard Brockamp 1902-1968, geophysicist noted for his work with the Deutsche Gronland-Expedition Alfred Wegener 1930-31 and the International Glaciological Expedition to Greenland (EGIG) 1957- (no. 94, p. 77-78); Graham Peter Bromley 1926-1967, businessman and explorer, resident of Yellowknife who was drowned in a descent by canoe, of Back River in Keewatin District (no. 90, p. 361); Ian David Calder 1935-1967, dentist of Yellowknife whose practice covered Eskimo and some Indian communities in the NWT; he was drowned with Bromley in the canoe accident on Back River (no. 90, p. 361); James Cantley 1896-1969, had a unique understanding of economic conditions in the Canadian North and among the Eskimos, having served the Hudson's Bay Co, Baffin Trading Co, then the Canadian Dept of Resources and Development 1913-56 (no. 98, p. 761); Frederick Spencer Chapman 1907-1971, mountaineer and explorer who took part in the British Arctic Air Route Expedition 1930-31 and Watkin's East Greenland Expedition 1932-33, both to East Greenland (no. 100, p. 107); Sydney Chapman 1888-1970, authority on geomagnetism, auroras, ionospheric phenomena, one of the principal organizers of the IGY, and in his later years active at the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska (no. 97, p. 553-54); Helge Christensen 1912-1957, head of Gron-
lands Radio for two yr and active in journalism in and about Greenland in the 1950's (no. 89, p. 232); Richard L Cruzon who died in Apr 1970 aged 72, commanded a naval cruise in 1945 making navigational and weather observations in arctic areas (no. 97, p. 554); Richard John Cyriax 1885-1967, noted for his research on Franklin's 1845 expedition lost in the Canadian Arctic (no. 88, p. 75); Sloan Danehower submarine and salvage expert who died in 1967 aged 82 yr; he was second-in-command in Sir Hubert Wilkins' attempt to penetrate the Arctic Basin with the submarine Nautilus in 1931 (no. 90, p. 361); Louis Ernest Charles "Bill" Davies 1909-1972, the Dept of National Health and Welfare medical officer among Indians and Eskimos of the Mackenzie and Western Arctic (no. 102, p. 445); Georgiy Frantsevich Debets 1905-1969, Russian anthropologist and archeologist who made extensive studies of many peoples of Western and Eastern Siberia and Kamchatka (no. 94, p. 78); Georgiy Petrovich Dement yev died in Apr 1969 age 71, a leading ornithologist of the USSR (no. 102, p. 445-46); Boris Osipovich Dolgikh died in Dec 1971 age 67, ethnographer who for over forty-odd years carried out research on many of the peoples of northern Siberia (no. 102, p. 446); Amor Prince Dyke, geographer who died in May 1970, carried out research in northern Quebec and Labrador and from 1968 worked on the latter area for the Newfoundland government (no. 96, p. 359); Boris L'vovich Dzerdzeyevskiy 1898-1971, meteorologist, authority on atmospheric circulation in the North and former head of the weather service of the Northern Sea Route Administration (no. 101, p. 281); Robert John Fischer of Barrow Air Service, killed in 1968 aged 37 yr; well known pilot for survey and scientific parties and supply missions in the Arctic Basin, Alaska and northern Canada (no. 92, p. 689-90); James Maxwell McConnell Fisher 1912-1970, ornithologist and wildlife conservationist who took part in the Oxford University Expedition to Spitsbergen 1933 and subsequently worked on several northern bird species (no. 98, p. 76364); Lord Florey 1898-1968, medical officer on the Oxford University Arctic Expedition 1924 to Spitsbergen and Nordaustlandet (no. 90, p. 362); Don Charles Foote 1931-1969, geographer who carried out intensive fieldwork on the ecology and Eskimo economy in northwest Alaska (no. 94, p. 78-79); Leonard John Gadman 1916-1971, who tested equipment for the Polar Division of the Naval 781
Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, Calif, working in Greenland, Ward Hunt Island, Alaska, Antarctica (no. 100, p. 109); Geoffrey Malcolm Gathorne-Hardy 1878-1972, specialist on Norway and Norse discoveries who made a journey with Hesketh Prichard through the northern Labrador Peninsula in 1910 (no. 102, p. 447); John Schelderup Giaever 1901-1970, active from 1930 in Greenland, Svalbard, northern Norway, etc, as hunter, administrator and officer of the Norsk Polarinstitutt (no. 98, p. 764-65); Michael Graham 1888-1972, fisheries research specialist on cod who fostered the construction and research program of the R/V Ernest Holt in the Bjernoya-Spitsbergen region (no. 102, p. 448); Carl M. Hansen skipper who died in 1968 aged 75 yr; he took part in the Maud expedition along the Northeast Passage under Amundsen 1918-21 (no. 91, p. 523); George William Holmes 1922-1970, glacial geologist with the US Geological Survey who carried out work in Alaska and Greenland (no. 97, p. 555); Frank Illingworth 1908-1972, journalist and traveler who wrote and broadcast on northern European, Canadian and Alaskan topics (no. 102, p. 448-49); David Irwin 1911-1970, who made a journey from Alaska across northern Canada to Baker Lake in 1933-35 (no. 99, p. 937); Iver P. Iversen died in 1968 aged 84 yr; he accompanied Ejnar Mikkelsen in the Alabama expedition to northeast Greenland 1909-1912 (no. 90, p. 362); Diamond Jenness 1886-1969, authority on the Eskimos and Indians of Canada who took part in the Canadian Arctic expedition of 19131918, carried out field studies in many areas of Canada and Alaska, and made basic contributions to archeology, ethnology and the administration of Eskimo affairs (no. 96, p. 361-62); Ernest F. Jessen died in 1971 aged 80, Alaskan newspaperman, founder of Jessens weekly (no. 101, p. 281-82); Rockwell Kent 1882-1971, artist who recorded in books and art his travels in Alaska, Labrador, Greenland, etc (no. 102, p. 449); Ernst Teodorovich Krenkel' 1903-1971, explorer and radio specialist, active in the Arctic from 1924 till the first Drifting Ice Floe Expedition 1937-38 and thereafter in scientific institutions concerned with the North (no. 101, p. 282); Sergey Dmitriyevich Lappo died in July 1972 age 76, he was active from the 1920's in hydrographic work, navigation conditions, shipping, etc, in the Soviet arctic seas (no. 102, p. 450); Ernest de Koven Leffingwell 1876-1971, took part in the Baldwin-Ziegler Polar Expedition 1901-02 and with Mikkelsen formed the AngloAmerican Expedition in 1906 to northern 782
Alaska where Leffingwell worked till 1913 producing the classic study, The Canning River region (no. 101, p. 282-83); Thomas Charles Lethbridge died in Oct 1971 age 70, archeologist who took part in the Wordie Expedition to North West Greenland and the Canadian Arctic 1937 (no. 102, p. 450-52); Kristoffer Lynge 1894-1967, editor active in radio and government affairs in Greenland (no. 92, p. 690); Donald Baxter MacMillan 1874-1970, explorer and navigator who took part in the Peary Expedition 1908-1909 to the North Pole, led the Crocker Land Expedition 1913-1917 and during 1921-1957, except for the war period, he made regular training and research trips to Labrador, Baffin, Greenland, etc (no. 102, p. 452-53); Arthur Eugene Malloy 1927-1972, marine cartographer known for his arctic submarine research and bathymetric survey work in the North Atlantic (no. 102, p. 453); Alan John Marshall zoologist who died in 1967 aged 56 yr; he led the Oxford University Expedition to Jan Mayen in 1947 (no. 88, p. 78); Therkel Mathiassen 1892-1967, distinguished archeologist known for his work on Eskimos, with the Fifth Thule Expedition in Canada and subsequently in Greenland (no. 89, p. 233); Ejnar Mikkelsen 1880-1971, veteran of several classic arctic expeditions, founder of the Scoresbysund settlement, Inspektor for Ostgronland (no. 100, p. 109-110 & illus); Hirobumi Oura 1921-1969, director of the Institute of Low Temperature Studies at Hokkaido University (no. 95, p. 224); 1937-1969, Richard Spencer Peterson authority on the biology and behavior of pinnipeds (no. 100, p. 1 1 I); Boris Ivanovich Piyp 1906-1966, volcanologist identified with investigations in Kamchatka (no. 90, p. 362); Ernest Frederick Reif 1888-1970, physicist who took part in the Merton College (Oxford) Expedition to Spitsbergen in 1923 and the 1924 Oxford University Arctic Expedition to Spitsbergen and Nordaustlandet (no. 95, p. 224); Harry W. Ross died in Dec 1969 aged 78; he participated in Sir Hubert Wilkins' submarine Nautilus trip in 1931, an attempt at under-ice exploration north of Spitsbergen (no. 97, p. 556); Jacques Rousseau 1905-1970, director of the Jardin botanique de Montreal who made extensive studies of the plant life, native peoples, geography, etc, of the northern Quebec-Labrador peninsula (no. 97, p. 55657); Johan Tidemand Ruud Marine biologist who died in Jan 1970 aged 66, known for his contributions to whaling, oceanographic work in Norwegian waters, participation in the
1929 0st expedition in Denmark Strait, etc (no. 97, p. 558); John Riddoch Rymill 1905-1968, who took part in the British Arctic Air Route Expedition to Greenland 1930-31 (no. 91, p. 524); Kenneth Stuart Sandford 1899-1971, geologist, took part in the Oxford University Arctic Expedition 1924 to Nordaustlandet and subsequently worked extensively on Svalbard geology (no. 101, p. 284); Paul Allman Siple 1908-1968, geographer and antarctic explorer, active in polar research and logistics for nearly 40 yr; he developed the wind-chill scale (no. 93, p. 851-59); E.J. Slijper, 1907-1968, Dutch zoologist, authority on the biology of cetaceans, who was active in the International Whaling Commission (no. 94, p. 79); Thor Solberg who died in 1967? aged 73 yr; he made a successful flight New York to Oslo via Labrador and Greenland in 1935 (no. 88, p. 79); John Campbell Sproule 1905-1970, geologist and oil specialist of Calgary, Alta, active in formation of Panarctic Oils Ltd (no. 97, p. 559); Sir Geof frey Summers 1891-1972, engineer and mountaineer took part in the Merton College (Oxford) Arctic Expedition to Spitsbergen 1923 (no. 101, p. 284-85); Walter Edmund Clyde Todd 1874-1969, authority on the avifauna of the QuebecLabrador peninsula who participated in many of the Carnegie Museum (Pittsburgh) expeditions to the area 1901-1958 (no. 96, p. 361); Felid Trojani 1897-1971, aeronautical engineer who took part in Nobile's expedition to the North Pole with the airship Italia (no. 101, p. 285); Glafira Makar'yevna Vasilevich 1895-1971, ethnologist and authority in the culture of the Evenki Tungus of Siberia (no. 101, p. 286); Roland Henry Winfield 1910-1970, aviation physiologist who took part in the Aries flights 1945 and Exercise Musk-ox 1946 (no. 98, p. 762-63); Lev Aleksandrovich Zenkevich died in June 1970 aged 81, marine biologist noted for his work on the seas of the USSR (no. 99, p. CaMAI, DLC. 938). 106465 POLAR RECORD. Transportation facilities in northern Alaska and the Western Canadian Arctic. (Its: v.15, 1970. no.94, p.57-59, map) Summarizes data from a series of papers on northern oilfield transport pub 3 Mar 1969 in Oi!week qv. Fairbanks is the road- and railhead for northern Alaska and most northerly airport for planes of any size. Shipping goes
through Bering Strait to Prudhoe Bay. A 875km winter Oct-Mar haul road opened in Feb 1968, Fairbanks-Anaktuvuk Pass-Sagwon, a 510 day trip for heavily loaded trucks, and the cost is $100-240/t. There are permanent airstrips at Barrow, Barter Island and Sagwon. Air time Fairbanks-Sagwon is 70 min, and unloading in 15 min is facilitated by pre-packing in modular units. In Canada, Hay River is the roadhead, Pine Point the railhead. Winter roads are the approx 1440-km Calex Mackenzie valley road parallel to the river, Fort Providence-Inuvik and the Buyers Transport Road, YellowknifeCoppermine. Charges are on a sliding scale depending on the number of contract users, and free to local transporters. The summer barge route from Fort Smith and Hay River to Inuvik costs $88/t/mi as against 150 via Bering Strait. There are yr-round airstrips at Rea Point and Sherard Bay on Melville Island. DGS. 106466 POLETAYEV, B.D. and others. Novyye dannyye o strukture severo-vostochnogo okonchaniya Russkoy platformy i prilegayushchey chasti Predural'skogo krayeVogo progiba. (Geotektonika 1968. no.5, p.72-75, maps) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.N. Rozenberg and V.I. Yatsuk. Title tr.: New data on the structure of the northeastern edge of the Russian platform and the adjacent part of the Cis-Ural marginal trough. Reports a study of the gravity and magnetic fields of the Pechora coal basin and Cis-Ural marginal trough. A new tectonic map of the area is presented and briefly interpreted. DLC. POLETAYEV, B.D., see also No 106848. POLEVAYA, N.I., see No. 102151. 106467 POLEVOY, B.P. Commemorating the three hundredth anniversary of the "Godunov map" of Siberia. (Canadian cartographer 1971. v.8, no.1, p.19-26) 30 refs. Discusses the origin, context, fate and significance of the cartographic work of Petr Ivanovich Godunov, an army man of Tobol'sk. His 1667 general map and a gazetteer, together with a number of detailed river route maps that are listed in the gazetteer but have not survived, actually constituted an atlas of Siberia. The general schematic map was the first to give some impression of Siberia as a whole to the shores of the Pacific; the route maps showed the chief routes throughout Siberia primarily by river and contained information on distances between individual points. CaMAI, DLC. 106468 POLEVOY, B.P. 0 Pogyche, Pokhache; o samom rannem russkom izvestii, otnosyashchemsya k sovremennoy Kamchatskoy oblasti. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 783
1970. no.6, p.82-86) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Pogycha, Pokhacha; the earliest Russian reference to the present Kamchatka region. Examines Russian documents in the Yakutsk archives mentioning Kamchatka some three years prior to its discovery by Semen Dezhnev in 1648. Yukaghir hunters subject to the Russian fur tax ( yasak) told of a river called Pogycha supposed to be rich in sable, but inaccessible to the Yukaghirs as it flowed through the territory of hostile Koryak tribes. Comparative etymological analysis of similar aboriginal toponyms in eastern Siberia supports an identification of the Pogycha as the Pakhacha, a river emptying into Olyutorskiy DLC. Bay in northeast Kamchatka. 106469 POLEVOY, B.P. and A.M. RFSHETOV. V.K. Arsen'yev kak etnograf. (Sovetskaya etnograflya 1972. no.4, p.74-87, illus) Refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: V.K. Arsen'yev as ethnographer. Tribute to this Russian explorer of the Far East, b. 1872 in St Petersburg, d. 1930 in Vladivostok. His life and fieldwork since 1900 among the aborigines of the Amur and Ussuri regions and his mostly unpublished studies of the Udegeyets, Oroki and Orochi Tungus are described. The application of his research by the Soviet regime to demographic zoning and his pioneer filming of documentaries on aboCaMAI, DLC. rigines is noted. POLEZHAYEVA, L.1., see No. 105429. 106470 POLIKARPOV, V.A. and YE.D. KONNIKOV. Olenevodstvo. (In: Ekonomika i kul'tura...1968. p.28-42, table) In Russian. Title tr.: Reindeer husbandry. Deals with the reindeer industry of northern Yakutia, with 313,200 head in 1964: representing 87% of the stock, 68% of the meat production of all Yakutia. Three ecological zones and their sovkhozes are cited. The coastal tundra raises 47% of the northern herds, mainly for meat; the mountain tundra, 44% for meat and transport; and the taiga zone, 9% primarily for transport. Summer and winter herding, ranges and feed supplements are evaluated. Labor, living conditions, rotation of herders, etc are discussed. Change from nomadic to settlement mode of life is considered feasible without adverse effects on the industry. DLC. 106471 POLIN, A.K. Predvaritel'nyye dannyye ob okolozhil'nykh oreolakh slyudonosnykh pegmatitov, na primere odnogo iz mestorozhdeniy Severnoy Karelii. (Vses. mineralogicheskoye o-vo. Zapiski 1970. v.99, no.5, p.564-74, graphs, tables, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Preliminary data on wall784
rock aureoles of mica pegmatites, as exemplified in Northern Karelian deposits. Reports a study of changes in the mineral composition of gneisses, their chemical composition and their minerals and the latter's alteration when the gneisses are in contact with pegmatite veins of various types. The gneisses of these deposits and wall-rock aureoles were developed under conditions of retrograde metamorphism. Intensive alteration of the gneisses enclosing the pegmatite veins was associated with the last phase of pegmatite formation. DLC. 106472 POLISHCHIJK, P.N. Ekonomika proizvodstva sovkhozov i kolkhozov Severnogo Zaural'ya. Moskva 1969. 247 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. In Russian. Title tr.: Production economics of state and collective farms of northern Transural, i.e. Tyumen Province, Khanty-Mansiy and Yamal-Nenets National Districts. Describes geographic distribution and specialization of agricultural production in the area, with detailed data through 1967, incl yields, investments, labor, etc. Growth of grain production and profitability is discussed, the 1965-67 results showing 32% increase in centner/hectare yield as compared with the previous three-yr period. Main reasons given are intensification of agricultural technology, growing mechanization, improvement of transport, greater electric energy supply, and wider use of fertilizers. Separate chapters deal with production economics of milk and dairy products, meat (including beef, pork, mutton, reindeer meat, and poultry), wool, eggs, potatoes, vegetables, and fruit gardening. Special emphasis is given to land improvement techniques as essential to agricultural progress. DLC. POL'K1N, YA.L, see Nos. 101942, 101943, 107891. 106473 POLOKHOV, V.P. and O.N. VOLYNETS. Daykovyy kompleks i orudeneniye rayona Kirganikskogo perevala, Sredinnyy khrebet Kamchatki. (In: Formatsii i fatsii...Kamchatki 1968. p.141-74, tables, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Dike complex and mineralization of the Kirganik Pass region, Sredinnyy Range of Kamchatka. Reports a detailed investigation on the upper reaches of the Kirganik River. Formation of hydrothermal zones and ore deposits of various types is connected to magmatic formations of several ages. Copper veinlet-phenocryst mineralization is genetically connected with Paleogene alkaline volcanism, coppermolybdenum with Miocene intrusions of granitoids, and polymetallic ore with subvolcanic
bodies of granodiorite porphyry of Pliocene age. DLC. 106474 POLOZHIY, A.V. Florogeneticheskiy analiz srednesibirskikh Astragalov. (Vses. botanicheskoye o-vo. Tomskoye otd-iye. lzvestiya 1964. v.5, p.61-75, graphs, illus) Refs. In Russian Title tr.: Phytogenetic analysis of the Central Siberian Astragalys flora. Analyzes 41 species of milk vetch belonging to six subgenera and numerous sections according to temperature and moisture requirements, geographic distribution, and morphology. On the basis of these data, the probable Quaternary development of modem Siberian species from ancient Chinese-Himalayan and Central Asian forms is outlined, and the major centers of dispersal are identified. DLC. POLOZOVA, A.N., see No. 104565. 106475 POLOZOVA, L.G. and B.I. SAZONOV. 0 vozmozhnoy prichine sovremennogo potepleniya klimata. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1968. ser. geog. no.4, p.99-105, graphs, map) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A possible cause of the modem climatic warming. Discusses the warming trend in the present century as demonstrated by Atlantic water temperatures, decreased ice in the northern seas, glacier retreats, etc. The largest rise in annual temperature, as recorded at northern stations of the Atlantic sector and especially in Greenland and as reported in the literature, occurred in 1930. The regions of greatest warming are found to coincide generally with those of geomagnetic pole position. The 80-90year period of solar activity is also taken into DLC. consideration. POL'STER, LA., see No. 103764. POLTAVSKIY, V.P., see No. 105738. POLTEV, N.F., see Nos. 103597,103598. 106476 POLUNINA, YE. Pesni Taymyrskoy tundry. (Kul'turno-prosvetitel'naya rabota 1969. v.30, no.6, p.29, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Songs of the Taymyr tundra. Deals with recreational activities at the community center (krasnyy chum).of Novorybnoye on the lower Khatanga River in Krasnoyarsk Province. Saturday-night socials with shows, song and dance ensembles, movies, etc. also farewell parties for Dolgan and Samoyed DLC. draftees are described. 106477 POLUSHKIN, A.S. and others. K metodike razvedki gazovykh zalezhey s neftyanoy otorochkoy Nadym - Tazovskogo mezhdurech'ya Tyumenskoy oblasti. (Geo-
logiya nefti i gaza 1968. v.12, no.4, p.16-19, tables, illus) In Russian. Other authors: Ye.P. Gorshunov, OA. Remeyev and V.I. Konyukhov. Title m: Methods of exploring gas pools with oil fringe in the Nadym - Taz interfiuve of Tyumen Province. Describes the geologic structure of gas pools with marginal oil deposits in Cenomanian deposits of the Taz area. A combination of geological and geophysical investigations located the gas-containing part of the pool and the oil fringe. Their reserves are appraised, and suggestions offered for search for analogous deposits. DLC. POLUZ'YAN, ZH.A., see No. 105751. POLYAK, B.G., see Nos. 10548Z 105584. 106478 POLYAK, E.A. Geologicheskoye stroyeniye Pechengskoy strukturnoy zony. (In: Geologiya i glubinnoye stroyeniye...Baltiyskogo shchita. 1968. p.111-18) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geological structure of the Pechenga structural zone. Presents data from recent geological and geophysical investigations and aerial photography. A new stratigraphic scheme is presented which differs from the published scheme in having a more detailed division of stratigraphic units. The tectonics of the region is analyzed, and attention is given to the folded forms and dislocations with a break in discontinuity. Two structural stages are characterized. DLC. POLYAKOV, A.I., see No. 103671. POLYAKOV, A.L., see No. 102293. 106479 POLYAKOV, K.I. Pirokseny i amfiboly iyolit-urtitov Khibinskogo massiva. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1969. no.7, p.108-119, graphs, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title Pyroxenes and amphiboles of ijolite-urtites of the Khibiny massif. Presents new material on rock-forming pyroxenes and amphiboles of ijolite-urtites enclosed in apatite-nephelines. The pyroxenes are attributed to the isomorphic series: diopside-hedenbergite-aegirite. From an early subphase of ijolites to a later phase of juvite formation, the pyroxenes gradually increase in the aegirite component. The alkaline amphiboles are represented by magnesian and ferruginous varieties and considered secondary minerals. Their composition and properties are determined by the properties and composition of the original pyroxenes. DLC. POLYAKOV, V., see No. 102819. 785
106480 POLYANSKIY, R.P. Sozdaniye sverkhmoshchnykh gazoprovodov, vazhnaya narodnokhozyaystvennaya zadacha. (Gazovaya promyshlennost' 1968. v.13, no.1, p.23-25, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Super pipelines for gas, an important problem of national economy. Discusses the gas deposits at Gubkino, Zapolyarnoye and Urengoy with estimated reserves of 350, 1500, and 1700 billion m', respectively. The gas debit development will run to 3-5 million m3/day, and transportation to large industrial centers of the USSR will require pipelines up to 2520 mm diam. Construction of 2020 and 2520 mm pipe of steel grades specific for the usual and for the northern regions of the country, and ultimate strength 55 kg/mm' is discussed. The production of the pipes is considered, and the laying of the pipeline through rough terrain and in permafrost is discussed. The construction term period for the pipeline should not exceed 5 yr. By that time the industrial and utility organizations should be ready for distribution of gas to consumers. DLC.
part of the Anabar antecise filled with kimberlite and carbonatite breccias, as well as mafic tuff lavas. One such pipe occurs in metamorphic rocks of the Anabar massif. Some inclusions are dated as late Triassic and early Jurassic indicating the presence of a sedimenDLC. tary cover on the massif.
106481 T. IB POLYARNAYA ZVEZDA. Vilyuy rabotayet na kommunizm. (Its: no.6, 1967. p.71-76, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Vilyuy works for communism. Photo-reportage on the opening ceremonies, 7 Oct 1967, of the Vilyuy power station. The ground-clearing and road-building operations begun in 1960, excavation and dam construction work started in 1962, completed power station units and project plans are described. A unique feature is the 600-ton segmented water-gate, claimed to be the world's first. Chemyshevskiy, the workers' settlement, approx 63°N 112°30'E, has grown into a town of 12 thousand with paved streets and bus service. Two-story I2-unit apartment buildings with water heating systems are at the center. There are several elementary and one secondary school, a night school for construction engineering, recreation and shopping facilities, a 75-bed hospital, a clinic, etc. DLC.
PONOMARENKO, A.I., 105701.
POMERANTZ, M.A., see No. 103199. POMEROY, P., see No. 107063. 106482 PONOMARENKO, A.I. and A.A. POTUROYEV. 0 vklyucheniyakh osadochnykh porod v brekchiyakh i tufolavakh eruptivnykh apparatov Anabarskogo massiva. (In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Inst. geologii. Geologiya, petrografiya Sibirskoy platformy 1970. p.64-66) In Russian. Title tr.: Inclusions of sedimentary rock in breccias and tuff lavas in the eruptive complex of the Anabar massif. There are numerous vents in the central 786
106483 PONOMARENKO, A.I. and others. Proyavleniye kimberlitovogo magmatizma na yuzhnom sklone Anabarskogo podnyatiya. (In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Inst. geologii. Geologiya, petrografiya...Sibirskoy platformy 1970. p.33-47, map, table) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.A. Pankratov and V.A. Poberezhskiy. Title tr.: Occurrence of kimberlite magmatism in the southern slope of the Anabar uplift. The Kuranakh kimberlite field among Lower and Middle Cambrian carbonate rocks on this slope was investigated in 1967 and 12 kimberlite bodies found. Chemical analyses of the kimberlite rocks are given. The tentative age of the kimberlites is late Lower Triassic. DLC. see also No.
106484 PONOMARENKO, LYA. Pitaniye, biologicheskiye pokazateli i vyzhivayemost' "donnoy" molodi treski Barentseva morya. (Murmansk. Polyamyy n.-issl. insi morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Trudy 1968. no.23, p.279-92, graphs) 36 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Feeding, biological indicators and survival of young cod in Barents Sea. Death of cod larvae resulting from inadequate food supply accounts for low populations. The survival is estimated by counting the 1-yr and then the 2-3-yr-olds taken during a similar period 1956-65. The 1-yr cod and the survivors are measured, weighed, degree of fatness determined, condition of internal organs studied, and contents analyzed. Where the Euphausiacea Thysanoessa inermis in warm, and Tit_ raschii in cold years, are abundant the young are well nourished. Abundance of fingerlings promises good stocks. Temperature DLC. affects only the linear growth. 106485 PONOMARENKO, V.P. Migratsii sayki v Sovetskom sektore Arktiki. (Murmansk. Polyarnyy n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Trudy 1968. no.23, p.500-512, maps, illus) 49 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Migration of the polar cod in the Soviet Arctic. Boreogadus saida has a circumpolar distribution. In fall the polar cod migrate shoreward to spawn under the ice near the bottom. They feed on shrimp, crustaceans, smaller fish, even
their own species, and marine vegetation. They themselves are the prey of birds and the white whale. They are short-lived and thus far are of little commercial value, but may be developed because of their abundance. DLC. 106486 PONOMARENKO, V.P. Some data on the distribution and migrations of polar cod in the seas of the Soviet Arctic. (Int. Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et proces-verbaux 1968. v.158, p.13135, maps) 15 refs. Boreogadus saida is abundant and important in the food chains of arctic seas from Barents to Bering Seas. This species has adapted to life near the ice-edge where masses of phytoand zooplankton develop and where no food competitors are present in similar abundance. There are two or three and probably more stocks with different feeding and spawning areas and migration routes. That in the Barents - Kara Seas is the most abundant; its seasonal distribution and migration there are presented schematically. The Laptev Sea has a local stock in addition to polar cod migrating from Kara Sea. The East Siberian Sea may have a local stock; mass arrivals from Chukchi Sea are known. Polar cod from this stock winter in southern Chukchi Sea and in the cold waters of the Bering Sea. DLC. 106487 PONOMARENKO, V.P. Soviet investigations on the Lofoten and Barents Sea cod in 1969. (Int. Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1969 pub 1970. v.26, p.120-23, tables) Comments on tabulated length, age and specific weight data of cod caught in the Bjernoya-Spitsbergen, northwest Norwegian coastal, and southern Barents Sea waters. The bulk of the trawl catches consisted of 1963-64 yr classes and substantial numbers of 1962 yr class. The 1965-66 yr classes were represented by very few and those showed the lowest specific weight for the past decade, indicating poor recruitment of young cod to the 1970 commercial catch. DLC. 106488 PONOMARENKO, V.P. Vliyaniye promysla na velichinu zapasa i chislennost' popolneniya treski Barentseva morya. (Murmansk. Polyarnyy n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Trudy 1968. no.23, p.310-62, graphs, tables) 181 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The influence of the fishery on the size of reserves and stocking of Barents Sea cod. Considers the intensity of fishing and depletion of reserves. Observes that second spawners, age 13-17 yr, produce more viable and better stock. Suggests limiting the taking of cod over 12 yrs of age in order to replenish the reserves with good stock. DLC.
106489 PONOMAREV, V.V. Mekhanizatsiya sel'skokhozyaystvennogo i promyslovogo proizvodstva Magadanskoy oblasti. (In: Problemy razvitiya...Magadanskoy oblasti 1969. v.3, p.53-57) In Russian. Title tr.: Mechanization of agriculture, fishing and hunting in Magadan Province. Describes the status of the technology in 1967, noting types of machinery used in crop cultivation, dairying, chicken and fur farming, fishing and sea-mammal hunting, also electric power production and consumption. Mechanization is limited, manual labor widely used in livestock raising and truck farming, mechanical equipment is on the decrease because of shortage of trained operators, poor management and lack of repair facilities. Productivity is low generally. Problems of automation, particularly hard to resolve in the reindeer industry, are discussed. DLC. PONOMAREVA, L.G., see No. 103126. 106490 PONT, A.C. Some Muscidae (Diptera) from Lake Tarraure, Lule Lappmark, Sweden, with notes on collecting in other parts of Scandinavia. (Entomologisk tidskrift 1971. v.92, no.1/2, p.100-I22, maps) II refs. Reports on Jul-Aug 1962 collections at 500 m and above in the birch zone west of Sarek National Park and northwest of Kvikkjokk, an almost virgin territory. Terrain, exposures, vegetation, changing water levels, and ecological zones are characterized. The >1500 specimens represent 70 species, on which brief notes are given; 29 are new to Lule Lappmark. Appended is a list of Muscidae collected in Sweden and Norway en route to and from Lake Tarraure; some are new records. DLC. PONTECORVO, G., see No. 102960. POPADICH, A.F., see No. 105782. 106491 POPLAVSKAYA, M.D. Yurskaya fauna iz Karabashskoy skvazhiny 3-P Kondinskogo rayona Tyumenskoy oblasti. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.8, p.135-37, illus) In Russian. English summary Title tr.: Jurassic fauna from the Karabash 3-P borehole in the Konda region of Tyumen Province. This fauna consists of ammonites, pelecypods and foraminifers. Fossiliferous Callovian, Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian sediments are defined. The section is interesting because of the rich fauna and it may be considered a reference section by, its correlation with adjacent areas. DLC. 106492 POPOV, A.I. Predmet i osnovnoye soderzhaniye kriolitologii. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. no.9, p.145-47) In 787
Russian. Title tr.: The subject and scope of cryolithology. Summarizes a paper in which the term cryolithology is defined; identifies two main categories of underground ice and evaluates their significance from the point of view of cryolithological genesis; defines the role of precipitation and soil freezing as diagenetic or elluvial processes; classifies cryogenic rocks as cryolites (ice), cryolithites (ice-bearing polymineralic rocks), and cryoeluviites (cryogenically weathered rocks); states that evidence of cryolithogenesis is either epigenetic or syngenetic; defines cryogenic lithification in terms of diagenetic and weathering processes; gives a three-stage permafrost diagenesis scheme and a cryoelluvial process scheme; evaluates the value of temperature data in the freezing and frozen layers; defines the zonal climatic nature of cryolithogenesis in northern Eurasia; gives a three-zone classification of regional cryolithogenic complexes; and recommends the combination of zonal and regional cryolithogenesis schemes to serve as the basis for regionalizing cryolithogenetic processes. DLC. POPOV, VA., see Nos. 108612, 108613. 106493 POPOV, V.E. and N.YE. UDALOVA. Puti povysheniya effektivnosti kapital'nykh vlozheniy v narodnoye khozyaystvo Sibiri. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. lzvestiya 1969. no.6, ser. obshchestvennykh nauk no.2, p.12-15, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Ways to increase the effectiveness of capital investments in the national economy of Siberia. Comparative study of construction costs and amortization of capital investment in industrial development of West and East Siberia versus south-central districts. Data for 1966 are given for cost of housing and railroad construction, work tempo, investment returns, etc. All compare unfavorably with the national and south Siberian averages, e.g. one m2 of housing costs 180 rubles in Salekhard, 299 in Noril'sk, and 371 in Yakutsk versus 113-137 rubles in the south. Construction of pipelines in Tyumen Province is 1.5 times higher than in European Russia and railroads 4-5 higher, ranging from 420 thousand and 1.4 million rubles/km. Suggestions for improvement deal primarily with bringing down cost of construction material by abandoning local production in favor of importing from large industrial concerns in the south, by use of prefabricated sections made of light-weight synthetics, aluminum, etc. DLC. and A.P. 106494 POPOV, V.V. Materialy k zoologo-paraziZUYEVSKIY. tologicheskoy kharakteristike Tyumenskoy oblasti. (Zemlya Tyumenskaya 1965. no.4, p.102-112, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: 788
Data for a zoo-parasitological evaluation of Tyumen Province. Presents results of 1953-63 studies by the department of infectious diseases of the Tyumen epidemiological station. The distribution of mammals and arthropod insects responsible for tularemia, tick-borne encephalitis, leptospirosis, and similar endemic infections is discussed, particularly with regard to the current development of northern districts extremely high in natural disease foci. The occurrence of 37 species of rodents, hares, and insectivores, also 126 species of ticks, fleas and horse-flies is tabulated by vegetation zones, incl the tundra, forest tundra and three taiga subzones: 30 mammal and 91 of the insect species occur in one or more of these northern zones. DLC. 106495 POPOV, YE.G. Zatory I'da i problema bor'by s nimi. (Meteorologiya i gidrologiya 1968. no.8, p.52-60) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ice jams and problems of dealing with them. Discusses the types of ice jams, conditions of their formation in rivers, and their prevention or elimination. There are three types: river-bed jams which form at the borders of fast ice or in slow streams; estuarine jams at river mouths; and backwater jams in the broad shallow reaches of the stream. Estuarine jams are especially typical of the Lena and the Severnaya Dvina. Ice jams can be prevented by regulation of river channels or by accelerating the melting process. Their breakup can be accomplished by bombing or icebreakers. DLC. POPOV, YU.N., see No. 108231. 106496 POPOVA, A.V. Vzaimodeystviye cheloveka i prirody v usloviyakh goroda Noril'ska. (Mezhduvedomstvennoye soveshchaniye po geografii naseleniya, 2nd, 1967. Materialy. Moskva 1968. no.2, p.137-40, 161-70) In Russian. Title tr.: Interrelation between nature and man in Noril'sk. Respiratory diseases are frequent in Noril'sk due to its harsh climate and abrupt changes in weather, affliction being particularly strong in chronic patients. The morbidity rate rises before and during blizzards and gales and is affected by changes in barometric pressure. The largest number of cases occur in spring, at the end of the polar night, the least in AugSept. DLC. 106497 POPOVA, L.L. Sporovopyl'tsevyye kompleksy iz verkhnemelovykh otlozheniy v srednem techenii reki Solenoy, Ust'-Yeniseyskiy rayon. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.21, p.36-39) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Spore-pollen
associations from Upper Cretaceous deposits of the middle Solenaya River, Ust'-Yenisey region. Describes three associations of these deposits, which are considered MaestrichtianDanian(?) in age and compares them with deposits in other parts of the Ust'-Yenisey region. DLC. POPOVA, N.M., see Nos. 10200, 103844. POPOVTSEVA, A.A., see No. 104761. 106498 POPUGAYEVA, L.A. Samotsvety Yakutii. (Razvedka i okhrana nedr 1968. v.34, no.12, p.8-10, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Gemstones of Yakutia. Notes their possible uses and directs attention to the transparent minerals of kimberlites such as chrysolite, pyrope, etc which can be derived from the waste of enriched diamond concentrates. Lustrous chalcedonies associated with traps of the Siberian platform are also mentioned among others. DLC. 106499 POROTOVA, G.A. and N.N. BOLGURTSEV. Glubinnoye stroyeniye vostochnoy chasti Baltiyskogo kristallicheskogo shchita i nekotoryye voprosy svyazi s nim magmatizma. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p. 16-24, map) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Deep structure of the eastern Baltic crystalline shield and some problems of magmatism. In this part of the shield, characterized by block structures, the Mohorovidie discontinuity is clearly defined. A stable granulite basite surface is overlain by a granitic layer. A series of abyssal magmatic rocks of various age and composition occupy contact zones of crustal blocks. Thick accumulations of magmatically altered mafic effusives are noted. DLC. PORSILD, A.E., see Nos. 102918, 105994, 105995. 106500 PORTENKO, L.A. Zoologicheskiye uchastki severo-vostochnoy okonechnosti Azii na osnove rasprostraneniya ptits. (AN SSSR. Zoologicheskiy inst. Trudy 1970. v.47, p.182-204, map, tables) 32 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Zoological subdivisions of northeast Asia based on the distribution of birds. The arctic region comprises the arctic desert, incl the ice and Vrangelya Island, and tundra provinces. The tundra includes east and west Chukotka, Anadyr coastal and alpine sections. The Siberian region, comprising the forest tundra and taiga provinces, includes the Koryak uplands and Kamchatka alpine zone, Anadyr valley and taiga east of the Yenisey. The sections and subsections are distinguished
by their bird populations, members of which are listed. DLC. PORTER, J.W., see No. 103547. 106501 PORTMANN, J.P. Some superficial deposits within the map sheet Adventdalen, Vestspitsbergen. Oslo 1969. 16 p. tables, graphs, illus. (Norsk Polarinstitutt. Meddelelser no.98) 6 refs. Describes four exposures in some detail, illustrating the glacial and post-glacial formations, based on observations during Norsk Polarinstitutt's summer 1961 expedition. The relevant maps on 1:100,000 scale are Topografisk kart over Svalbard, blad C9, Adventdalen, pub by Norges Geografiske Oppmaling in 1950, and Geologisk kart, Svalbard, blad C9G, Adventdalen, pub by Norsk Polarinstitutt in 1964. CaMAI. 106502 PORTNOV, A.M. and B.S. GOROLyumineasentsiya apatita iz razlichBETS. nykh tipov gornykh porod. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.184, no.1, p.199-202, graphs, table) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Luminescence of apatite from various types of rock. Reports on over a hundred apatite samples collected in Kola Peninsula, Karelia, the Polar Urals and other regions. Four types of luminescence spectra are defined for carbonatites and basic and ultrabasic rocks, alkaline rocks, granitoids, metasomatic and metamorphic rocks. Each type is described. Distribution of rare earths and manganese in apatites from various DLC. deposits is also reported. POSAZHENNIKOV, K.P., see No. 101832. POSOKHOV, YE.V., see No. 105108. 106503 POSPELOV, V.P. Materialy po geografii infektsionnykh i parazitarnykh bolezney Krasnoyarskogo kraya. (In: Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geografii, 3rd. Nozogeografiya...1968. p.191-92) In Russian. Title tr.: Geographical data on infectious and parasitic diseases in Krasnoyarsk Province. Bioclimatic diversity is responsible for the geographic distribution of different infections and parasitic invasions. Tick encephalitis is limited to the taiga and forest-steppe zones. Tularemia foci in northern Krasnoyarsk Province are found mainly near Lake Pyasino on Taymyr Peninsula and in the Turukhansk District in the lower Yenisey basin. Helminth invasions, especially diphyllobothriasis are widespread in the lower Yenisey and the lake regions of the Evenki and Taymyr National Districts. Diphyllobothrium dendriticum is carried to man through its host fish, salmonidae, mainly when the fish is eaten 789
raw or frozen as done by aborigines. In Yessey, Evenki National District, with a predominantly Yakut population, 75% of the DNLM. inhabitants were infected. 106504 POSPELOV, V.P. 0 medikogeograficheskoy otsenke nekotorykh prirodnykh i sotsial'no-ekonomicheskikh usloviy Krasnoyarskogo kraya. (Severo-Kavkazskoye nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geografii, 2nd. Geograficheskaya sreda i zdorov'ye naseleniya. Nal'chik 1970. Title tr.: Medico-geop.289-91) In Russian. graphical evaluation of some natural and socio-economic conditions in Krasnoyarsk Province. In the Taymyr and Evenki National Districts there is a high incidence of croupous and bronchial pneumonia, especially in children. Newcomers are prone to photic ophthalmia and acclimatization neuroses. Endemic goiter is frequent in the Angara taiga. Midges and other blood-sucking insects infest the tundra, forest DLC. tundra and taiga zones. 106505 POSPELOV, YE.M. Geograficheskiye karty i toponimicheskiye etimologii. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. lzvestiya 1970. v.102, no.3, p.283-85) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geographic maps and toponymic etymology. Speculates on the origin of the name Kandalaksha, a bay of the White Sea. Its second component laksha is derived from a Karelian or Finnish word meaning corner or bay, but there are several possibilities for kanda, incl the Zyryan word for pine tree, Karelian bear, and Lappish for reindeer. Zyryan and Finnish roots of the name Kholmogory for a town in Arkhangelsk Province are also noted. DLC. 106506 POSPELOVA, G.A. and V.N. Nekotoryye rezul'taty paleomagnitSAKS. nykh issledovaniy mezozoya i kaynozoya Sibiri. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.2, p.I2-21, graph, map) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some results of paleomagnetic investigations of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Siberia. Reviews recent studies incl such in the Anabar, Khatanga, Northern Urals and other arctic areas. Attention is given to the methods and instruments for weakly magnetic sedimentary rocks, to history of the magnetic field in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, and to practical utilization methods of paleomagnetism in stratigraphy, geochronology and paleogeography. DLC. POSPELOVA, L.N., 10741Z 107414.
Nos. 107409,
106507 POST, A. Walsh Glacier surge, 1966 observations. (Journal of glaciology 790
1967. v.6, no.47, p.763-65, illus) Refs. Notes that this glacier in the St Elias Mts surged during 1961.65, with max movement of about 10,050 m during that interval. 1966 aerial photos show the surge continuing, with greatest changes in the terminal region. Increased activity of the other glaciers in the vicinity is also CaMAI, DLC. noted. POST, A., see also No. 105764. 106508 POSTNOV, I.S. Primeneniye landshaftno-geokhimicheskogo metoda pri interpretatsii rezul'tatov litokhimicheskogo oprobovaniya v Noril'skom rayone. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no. I 2, p.121-33, graphs, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of the landscape-geochemical method for interpreting results of lithochemical sampling in the Noril'sk region. Reports on the 1962-65 searches for coppernickel deposits in which lithochemical sampling was done to locate dispersion halos and landscape-geochemical maps were compiled. Elements of the landscapes such as eluvial, near-surface ground water and subaqueous features were defined and the distribution of chemical elements such as copper, nickel, cobalt, zinc, etc determined. The method is found of value. DLC. 106509 POSTOLAKIY, A.I. Razmernovesovaya i vozrastnaya struktura treski labradorskogo stada. (Murmansk. Polyarnyy n.-issl. inst. morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. Trudy 1968. no.23, p.363-69, graphs, tables) 16 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Size, weight, and age composition of Labrador cod. Between 1960-66, the exploitation of cod was greatly increased, more than twice that of 1959, especially the small and medium size. DLC. 106510 POTAPOV, 1. "Sovetskiy Dal'niy Vostok". (Khudozhnik 1967. v.9, no.10, p.22-23, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: "The Soviet Far East". Reviews this art exhibit organized in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Soviet Revolution. Exhibits include paintings and linoleum cuts by Tungus and Yakuts, bone carvings by Chukchi artists, etc. DLC. 106511 POTAPOV, 1. Yakutskiye k hudozhniki segodnya. (Iskusstvo 1969. v.32, no.3, p.20-24, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Yakut artists of today. Reviews a graphic art and bone-carving exhibit in Moscow in 1968. The predominance of epic and social subjects, modernistic treatment of traditional and folkloristic elements,
stylization, etc are discussed. The work of individual artists is analyzed and some illus. DLC. 106512 POTAPOV, R.L. Sravnitel'nyy obzor dikush (rody Falcipennis i Canachites, Tetraonidae) Azii i Severnoy Ameriki. (AN SSSR. Zoologicheskiy inst. Trudy 1970. v.47, p.205-235, map, tables, illus) 47 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Comparative survey of spruce grouse genera Fakipennis and Canachites (Tetraonidae) of Asia and North America. Fakipennis falcipennis occurs in southernmost Magadan Province, Canachites canadensis throughout much of continental Canada and central Alaska and C. franklity in British Columbia and Southeast Alaska. A comparative study of their food habits, mating rituals, nesting, rearing of chicks, morphology and phylogeny leads to a reclassification in which Canachites is reduced to a subgenus of Fakipennis to incl the species canadettsis and franklint and the subgenus Falcipennis is erected to incl the species fakipennis. DLC. POTAPOV, S.V., see Nos. 104517, 104519. 106513 POTAP'YEV, S.V. Stroyeniye poverkhnosti skladchatogo fundamenta tsentral'noy chasti Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity po seysmicheskim dannym. (In: Regional'nyye geofizicheskiye issledovaniya...1967. p.32-48, graphs, maps) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structure of the surface of the folded basement in the central part of the West Siberian platform according to seismic data. Presents seismic data for West Siberia including some parts of Tyumen Province. A scheme of the basement relief is presented with first, second and third order structures indicated. DLC. POTLOVA, M.M., see No. 103957. 106514 POTTER, L.D. and M. BARR. Cesium-I37 concentrations in Alaskan arctic tundra vegetation, 1967. (Arctic and alpine research 1969. v.1, no.3, p.147-53, table, illus) 8 refs. Reports on samples of the entire vegetation at sites in Anaktuvuk Pass and nearby Brooks Range, collected Aug 1967. The Cs-137 measurements confirm that the max rate of buildup of the nuclides was past, following increases in 1962-65. The lower Cs-I37 concentrations in caribou during the summer relate to the forage consisting of new growth of herbs, grass, sedge, and the twig and leaf growth of deciduous shrubs. The high Cs-137 content of lichenheath-type cover is related to evergreen habit, slow growth rate, long life, aerial absorption and physiographic site. Species of vegetation type on thy, exposed slopes had higher Cs-137 counts than those on wet, lower slopes, which
are snow-covered for part of the year. Tabulated data for species and vegetation types are included. Ca MAI, DGS. 106515 POTTER, W.E. and L.J. CAHILL Electric and magnetic field measurements near an auroral electrojet. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.21, p.5159-60, graphs) Refs. Presents the initial results from a NikeTomahawk sounding rocket flight on 3 May 1968, launched from Ft Churchill to investigate the relations between visible auroras, magnetic field, and ionospheric electric currents. The ground-level magnetogram from Ft Churchill indicated that a negative bay started at about 0441 UT, half an hour before the launch. The record of magnetic field magnitude showed a feature of special interest, a large positive spike near 96 km on the upward leg of the flight. A localized current was detected by the rocket magnetometer that could be associated with the auroral form directly overhead at Ft Churchill at the time of the flight. DLC. POTUROYEV, A.A., see No. 106482. 106516 POULSEN, V. Atlantic Middle Cambrian fauna from North Greenland. (Lethaia 1969. v.2, no.1, p.1-14, map, illus) Refs. Describes fauna from Nyeboes Land, dominated by agnostid trilobites and belonging to the Atlantic province. Zones of Plychagnostus punctuosus and Jincella brachymetopa are indicated. The distribution of the Middle Cambrian fauna is briefly discussed. DGS. 106517 POULSEN, V. Gronlands geologi: palaeozoikum. Kobenhavn, Kobenhavns Universitets Fond til Tilvejebringelse of Laeremidler 1967. 99 p. maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Danish. Title tr.: The geology of Greenland: the Paleozoic. Basic text for college preparatory examinations summarizing the known Paleozoic formations in Greenland with tables of the geologic time divisions. Each formation is described as to areal extent, nature of formation, thickness, fossils, and relationships to other formations. The Paleozoic of Greenland occurs mainly in three regions: in the north along both east and west coasts, with a central hiatus, hence considered as northeast Greenland and northwest Greenland; the third region is central East Greenland between Clavering 0 and Nordost Fjord, Scoresby Land. Outcrops probably occur elsewhere, such as that recently found at a small site near Sukkertoppen. DLC. 106518 POULSEN, V. Occurrence of Lower Palaeozoic rocks within the Precambrian terrain near Sukkertoppen. (Green791
land. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.26) Reports 1965 find of a breccia outcrop composed of Precambrian crystallines and lower Paleozoic fossiliferous sedimentaries, 50 km due east of Sukkertoppen, West Greenland. It is suggested that the breccia filled a late Ordovician fissure and represents an erosional remnant which provides a DGS. glimpse of post-Precambrian history. 106519 POULSEN, V. Ordovician at Sukkertoppen. (Dansk geologisk forening. Meddelelser 1967. v.17, no.1, p.146) Notes the occurrence of a breccia about 50 km due east of Sukkertoppen in West Greenland. Possibly near the close of the Ordovician, a fissure opened along a 60° strike in the Precambrian. The fissure was filled with debris from surrounding Paleozoic beds (fossils identified), after which the beds were removed by erosion, leaving the breccia protected within DGS. the fissure. 106520 POULSEN, V. Sandstones of the Precambrian Eriksfjord formation in South Greenland. Kobenhavn 1964. 16 p. map, table, illus. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report no.2) 4 refs. The Precambrian continental sandstones in the Julianehab district, Greenland, are discussed with regard to distribution, lithology, structures, and origin. The sandstonefvolcanics sequence, which was included as part of the Gardar formation by Wegmann, 1938, No. 19255, is established as a separate formation the Eriksfjord Formation. The formation is divided into six members, and a tentative correlation between the now separate sandstone areas is presented. DGS. POULSSON, J.A., see No. 107319. 106521 POULTER, T.C. The affectionate walrus. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.4, p.438, illus) Walrus has been hunted for many years but the young, which weigh —120 lb from birth to one yr of age, show almost no fear of man. They climb all over a man, even mature walrus up to 1500 lb. Underwater recordings of their sounds are hard to obtain, because the hydrophone is taken into the mouth or played with CaMA, DLC. in the flippers. 106522 POULTER, T.C. Vocalization of the gray whales in Laguna Ojo de Liebre (Scammon's Lagoon), Baja California, Mexico. (Norsk hvalfangst-tidende 1968. v.57, no.3, p.53-62, illus) 16 refs. Reports on recordings of sounds from Eschrichtius gibbosus in 1967. The whales were found to be very vocal, particularly the mother792
young combination. Whales' sounds are believed to have been masked by the background noise of the snapping shrimp in previous investigations. As the two sounds occupy different frequencies, it was possible to filter out a large portion of the shrimp signals. DLC. 106523 POUNDER, E.R. and M.P. LANGLEBEN. Acoustic attenuation in sea ice. Montreal, McGill Univ. 1968. 18 p. graphs, illus. (McGill University. Macdonald Physics Laboratory. Ice research project. Report S-14) This interim report describes the methods and gives preliminary results of laboratory tests on slabs of artificial seawater ice and field observations made 1966 and 1967 at Tanquary Fiord, Ellesmere Island. Results of measurements agree quite well on the pattern of attenuation with frequency, although the numerical values differ somewhat between different samples of ice. Field results showed that attenuation was very small below 25 kHz, rose approx linearly (with log frequency) from there to about 6 db m-1 at 150 kHz, jumped abruptly to 54 db in"' at 200 kHz and then increased very slowly to about 56 db m'' at 500 kHz. The large increase between 150 and 200 kHz is attributed to increased scattering as the wavelength of sound decreases to the typical transverse dimension of a sea ice crystal of about 2 to 3 cm. See also final report Acoustic attenuation...1970 in this Bibliography under Langleben, M.P. and E.R. Pounder. CaMAI, DN-Sh. 106524 POUNDER, E.R. Physics of ice. New York, Pergamon Press 1965. 151 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (The Commonwealth and International Library. Geophysics Division) Refs. Contains descriptions of freezing, occurrence and classification of ice, properties and structure of sea ice, ice drift, and control measures by chemicals, icebreakers, air bubbling, explosives; this part is suitable for anyone with a high school background in science. More technical chapters follow on the crystallography, mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of ice and the growth and decay of ice DLC. cover. 106525 POUNDER, E.R. Strength and growth rates of sea ice. (In: Ice seminar...1969, p.73-76, graph, tables, illus) 4 refs. Reviews the mechanical properties of pure ice, incl ultimate tensile, shear and compressive strengths and their variabilities. Similar figures cannot be given for sea ice, all properties of which vary with the temperature and salinity of the ice. A combination of the two gives a useful single parameter called the brine volume. Predictions of the date of the onset of freezing,
maximum thickness of ice, breakup date, etc, can be made most accurately from climatological data. Where such data are unavailable, use can be made of a modification of Stefan's law which states that the thickness of growing ice is proportional to the square root of the freezing exposure, which is the cumulated total of degree-days below the freezing point of sea water. This permits the use of climatological data on air temperatures at locations where no ice measurements have been made. Includes tabulated data on safe ice thicknesses for aircraft, tracked vehicles, motor toboggan and man (at rest). DGS.
Isle. Local and regional bathymetric and distributional data are given for all species. Some systematic revisions are introduced and Stomachetosella hincksii n sp is described. Eight of the species are new records for arctic Canada and six of these are new for arctic North America. In the zoogeographical discussion, three main distribution types are recognized: pan-arctic, boreal pan-arctic and Atlantic-arctic. The majority of the species transgress surface waters of both arctic and subarctic zones. The arctic bryozoan fauna is impoverished in indigenous taxa relative to that of the antarctic region. CaMAI, Dl.
POUNDER, ER., see also 105162, 105163, 105641.
106529 POWER, G. Salmon of Ungava Bay. Montreal 1969. 72 p. graphs, map, tables, illus. (Arctic Inst. of North America. Technical paper no.22) 70 refs. Reports progress of a study, initiated in 1955, of salmon stocks in the Ungava Bay drainage system, which is the northeastern extent of their breeding range. Most salmon spawn in the George, Whale and Koksoak Rivers. These streams are described, incl their limnologic and hydrologic features. Problems of age determination in salmon are discussed and data given on parr growth, smolt metamorphosis and migration, age, size and growth of smolts and adult salmon. Their upstream migration, spawning areas and reproductive potential are dealt with, as are salmon kelts, weight-length relationships, diet, parasites, sex ratios and some taxonomic details. CaMAI.
Nos. 104330,
106526 POWELL, G.C. Growth of king crabs in the vicinity of Kodiak Island, Alaska. Juneau 1967. 106 p. graphs, map, tables, illus. (Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game. Informational leaflet no. 92) 14 refs. Presents results of 1954-61 studies of Paralithodes camtschatica molting, growth, size and age relationships from the post-larval stage to adulthood. Juveniles' carapace length increased at a rate of 24%/molt, to 100 mm at the end of 5 yr, when they attained puberty. Adult females molt annually. Males molt annually until 143 mm in length at age 7-8 yr, then a small proportion molt biennially. With increase in size, biennial molting becomes more prevalent and triennial and quadrennial molting begins. Most males are at least 169 mm long by age 10 and molt once biennially during this time. CaMAI, DLC. 106527 POWELL, G.C. Tagged king crab recaptured six years after release in the North Pacific. (American Fisheries Society. Transactions 1965. v.94, no.1, p.95) 2 refs. A male king crab Paralithodes camtschatica of sublegal size and estimated 7 yr old when tagged and released in Oct 1957, was recovered Feb 1964, 20 mi seaward from Kalsin Bay of Kodiak Island, the area of release. Size increase across the shell was almost 4 in and weight increase was >12 lb. This is the longest lapse between tagging and recovery reported for this species. DLC. POWELL, G.C., 104094.
see also
Nos. 103873,
106528 POWELL, N.A. Bryozoa (Polyzoa) of arctic Canada. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1968. v.25, no.11, p.2269-2320, maps, tables, illus) 116 refs. Analyzes the distribution of 93 species of bryozoans collected in 1947-65 by M/V Calanus and M/V Salvelinus in waters from the Beaufort Sea east to the Strait of Belle
POWER, G., see also No. 105531. 106530 POWERS, C.F. Some aspects of the oceanography of Little Port Walter Estuary, Baranof Island, Alaska. (US. Fish and Wildlife Service. Fishery bulletin 1963. v.63, no.1, p.143-64, graphs, maps, tables) 10 refs. Reports Apr-Aug 1959 observations of water circulation and exchange, flushing, and distribution of temperature, salinity, transparency and dissolved oxygen; also air temperature, precipitation and wind velocities (during cruises only). Estimated runoff and water temperature are given for Sashin Creek which drains into the head of the estuary. The inner of two estuary basins has the structural and 3-layered circulatory features of a fiord. The shallow, top-layer circulation and flushing time correlated with stream discharge. Total inner-outer basin water exchange varied in magnitude with the monthly tide range and freshwater runoff and responded somewhat to wind. DI. 106531 POZDEYEV, V.S. Seysmorazvedochnyye raboty na Zapadnom Shpitsbergene. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po geologii Shpitsbergena 1965. 793
p.285-92, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Seismic surveying on Spitsbergen. Reports on reflection seismic surveys of 1962 and 1963-64. Describes the instruments and methods used, gives marine and surface measurements for Storfjorden, Isfjorden, Van Mijenfjorden and Reindalen, including characteristic seismograms for Isfjorden, Van Mijenfjorden and Reindalen and discusses interpretation of the results. Upper Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Lower Tertiary units, the deep structure of Spitsbergen and tectonic DGS. dislocations are briefly noted. 106532 POZDNEV, A. Na poberezh'ye Ledovitogo okeana. (Rechnoy transport 1969. no.1, inside back cover, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: On the coast of the Actic Ocean. Photo reportage on port activities and radio station operations at Tiksi Bay near the mouth of the Lena, the terminal point of the Lena steamship line, 4000 km downstream from the DLC. port of Osetrovo.
106535 PRAG, P. comp. Mountain holidays in Norway. Oslo, Norwegian Travel Association 1963. 200 p. map, illus. Lists more than 700 peaks and other climbs in Norway, Bjeirneya, and Svalbard, with notes for alpinists. Information is given on seasons, accommodations, rock cave exploring, clothing and equipment, permits, regulations, maps, etc. DLC. 106536 PRASOLOV, E.M. and I.N. TOLSTIKHIN. Izotopnyy sostav geliya i argona (Geokhiiz mikrovklyucheniy v rischorrite. miya 1969. no.2, p.231-34, graphs, table) 8 refs. Title tr.: Isotopic composition of In Russian. helium and argon from microinclusions in rischorrite. Presents a first attempt at isotopic analysis of He and Ar from gas-liquid microinclusions in rischorrite of the Khibiny massif. Data on He'', He', AR" and Ar''' are tabulated. Three hypotheses are discussed regarding the origin of AO". The use of argon for absolute age DLC. determination is considered.
POZDNYAKOV, A.A., see No. 104544. POZDNYAKOVA, LYE., see No. 103603. 106533 PO2ERA, J. Tunguska, lyubov' moya. (Druzhba narodov 1968. no.1, p.147Title tr.: Tunguska, my love. 71) In Russian. A Lithuanian essayist describes his trip in early spring by reindeer sledge and ski-plane through the Evenki National District: visits to the hunters' village Nakanna and the district seat Tura, life in reindeer herders' camps, breaking into harness of semi-wild animals, etc. DLC. POZHARITSKAYA, LK., see No. 102010. 106534 POZNANSKIY, V. Tragediya na (Sibirskiye ogni 1968. v.47, no.11, Olekme. Title tr.: Tragedy on p.141-43) In Russian. the Olekma River. Deals with an episode of the Civil War, when a 35-man guerrilla party under N.N. Yakovlev set out in Sept 1918 from Zeya in the Amur region doss-country for Krasnoyarsk to reorganize Tsentrosibir as a command headquarters. Hungry and exhausted, the party broke up near Timpton, and Yakovlev with 17 men pressed on. A nomad Orochon Tungus group agreed to bring them by reindeer to Olekminsk, but about a hundred km from the town , on 1 Nov, they were ambushed by a White Russian military party. DLC. POZNYAK, LI., see No. 101856.
POZNYAK, V.O., see Nos. 102808,108622. 794
G.B. 106537 PRATHER, R.W. and MCCOURT. Geology of gas accumulations in Paleozoic rocks of Alberta Plains. (American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Memoir 1968. v.2, no.9, p.1238-84, maps, tables, illus) 18 refs. Paleozoic rocks of the Alberta plains contain >40% of Canada's known natural gas resources, or 18.5 trillion cu ft of indicated reserves. These rocks are predominantly shelf Carbonates, limy marine shale and evaporites. They dip southwestward on the eastern flank of the Alberta syncline and form a >5000 ft thick wedge near the Rocky Mts foothills and thin to the outcrop in the northeastern corner of the province. The major reservoirs are Devonian and Mississippian organic and clastic carbonates which form three types of stratigraphic traps, viz reefs, lithological pinchouts and unconformity traps. Descriptions of regional and gas field stratigraphy, structure and traps are accompanied by geologic formation tables, cross sections, isopach and structural contour maps, lithological and mechanical logs and DGS. tabulated discovery data. 106538 PRAVOTOROVA, YE.P. Syr'yevyye resursy morskogo rybolovstva v vodakh Magadanskoy oblasti i puti ikh ispol'zovaniya. (In: Problemy razvitiya...Magadanskoy oblasti 1969. v.3, p.5-10, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Marine fishing resources in waters of Magadan Province and ways for utilizing them. Describes resources of the Okhotsk and Bering Seas with 1950-65 data on the major commercial fish, sea-mammal and crustacean catch and seaweed harvesting. Fishing conditions and the main commercial species of the
northern and eastern parts of the Okhotsk and the western and southeastern Bering Sea are discussed. Herring ranks first with a catch of 34 million centner/yr. Deep sea trawling shows promise. The overfishing hazard requires stricter controls for seal, salmon, plaice, and crabs, also Gizhiga Bay herring. Development of shrimp and mollusc fisheries, more efficient methods of kelp harvesting, exploitation of new fishing grounds, deep-sea and bottom trawling are recommended. DLC. 106539 PRAWITZ, G. Odlingsgransen. (Svensk lantmateritidskrift 1968. v.60, no.1, p.40-47, map) Refs. In Swedish. Title tr.: The limit of cultivation. Discusses problems with the immigration of non-Lapps into Lapland, and the idea that a limit should be set to the colonization area with Lappish rights restricting use of the upland, or that such a differentiation should be determined by land survey. Determination of the uplands boundary in the several parishes is traced; only Karesuando parish is entirely above the limit. DLC. 106540 PRAZDNIKOV, YE.V. and YA.I. BASKAKOV. Vyzhivayemost' ikry semgi posle obrabotki malakhitovoy zelen'yu i peniisillinom. (AN SSSR. Murmanskiy morskoy biologicheskiy inst. Trudy 1969. no.16 (20), p.60-63, table) 18 refs. In Russian. Title Sr.: Survival of salmon eggs after treatment with malachite green and penicillin. Experiments at Taybola fish hatchery, Murmansk, showed that treatment of eggs with a 1:20,000 solution of malachite green had a deleterious effect, while a solution of 1:200,000, for 30 minutes, retards saprolegnia, but may cause deformation of the spine in the larvae. Penicillin, 3 mill units/liter of water, has no effect on saprolegnia, but increases the survival of roe, and has no deleterious effects on egg development. It affects not only the microflora but also the morphological processes of the young salmon. The importance of investigating the interaction of the spawn and surrounding microflora and also the influence of malachite green and penicillin upon the formative and immunological processes, is shown. DLC. PREBENSEN, K., see No. 102871. 106541 PREDOVSKIY, A.A. and others. Evolyutsiya .sostava bazit-giperbazitovykh porod i yeye rot' v formirovanii medno-nikelevogo orudeneniya Pechengi. (In: Problemy magmatizm a Baltiyskogo...1971. p.166-76, graphs, tables, illus) 14 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.A. Zhangurov and Zh.A. Fedotov. Titk tr.: Compositional evolution of the maficultramafic rocks and its role in the coppernickel mineralization of Pechenga.
From geologic and geochemical investigation of >450 samples, two sources of magmatic material are reported as shallow mafic and deeper mafic-ultramafic. The former supplied material for the volcanic activity of Pechenga time, the latter, the magma of the differentiated nickel-bearing intrusions. There were four stages in the evolution of the mafic-ultramafic rocks. The deepest transformation, with which the copper-nickel mineralization and differentiated intrusives are associated, took place in the fourth stage. DLC. 106542 PREDOVSKIY, A.A. and A.A. ZHANGUROV. Mikrokaverny v olivinovykh porodakh Pechengskogo rayona. (Materialy po mineralogii Kol'skogo poluostrova 1968. no.6, p.39-44, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Microcavities in olivine rocks of the Pechenga region. Describes for the first time microcavities in altered pyroxenite. olivinite, and peridotite. They are spheroidal in form, ranging 0.20-0.6 mm in size, and are filled with products of altered pyroxene and olivine crystals. Their dimensions, character of development, and composition of their filling indicate their connection with the pre-ore alteration of the rocks. The origin of microcavities coincides with the serpentinization of rocks. DLC. PREDOVSKIY, A.A., see also No. 108617. 106543 PREOBRAZHENSKAYA, N.N. and others. Nekotoryye pokazateli fizicheskogo razvitiya shkol'nikov Kraynego Severa. (Nauchnaya konferentsiya po voprosam vozrastnoy morfologii, fiziologii i biokhimii, 9th, Moskva 1969. Materialy. Moskva 1969. v.2, pt.2, p.140-41) In Russian. Other authors: A.P. Rodina and A.N. Nikolayev. Title tr.: Some indices of physical development in school children living in the Far North. Summary report on development tests in 1967 on 2632 practically healthy boys and girls, 8-18 yr old, resident in the Arctic for three yr or longer. Comparisons with data recorded in 1937-57 show considerable increase in height and earlier onset of puberty. DLC.
106544 PREOBRAZHENSKIY, B.V. Pozdneordovikskiye desmidoporidy Omulevskikh gor, basseyn r. Kolymy. (Paleontologicheskiy zhurnal 1968. v.10, no.4, p.89-93, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tn: Late Ordovician Desmidoporidae of the Omulevka Mountains, Kolyma River basin. Reports a study of tabulate corals, with Schizolites n gen in lam Desmidoporidae, represented by. Sch. floriformis n sp, which is systematically described noting collected material, geographic and geologic distribution, etc. DLC.
PREOBRAZHENSKIY, B.V., see also No. PRINGLE, I., see No. 106049. 103184. PRIOR, J.W., see No. 104608. PRESCOTT, W., see No. 104603. PRIPACHKIN, V.A., see No. 104301. 106545 PREUSS, N.O. Ornitologiske undersegelser i Vestgrenland sommeren 1965. (Grenland 1968. no.7, p.206-215, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: Ornithological investigations in West Greenland in the summer of 1965. Reports on observations of a five-man party at Sarqaq and in the Upernavik district. 95 breeding pairs of 12 different species were noted in the Sarqaq area, wheatear, snow bunting and Lapland bunting the most common. The guillemots on the bird cliff at Kap Shackleton (Eskimo name Agparssuit) were estimated at a million pairs. Various other birds observed in the Upernavik district are noted: about 1500 eider nests were counted on Ederfugleeerne off Kraulshavn, puffins have increased during the last 30 yr and large numbers of cormorant colonies were seen. CaMAI, DLC. 106546 PRICE, L.W. Collapse of solifiuction lobes as a factor in vegetating blockfields. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.4, p.395-402, map, illus) 9 refs. French and Russian summary. In the Ruby Mt area of southwestern Yukon, tongues and islands of vegetation occur in certain blockfields, which through normal processes develop soil and vegetation only very slowly, due to lack of near-surface water and great diurnal temperature extremes during summer. The collapse occurs when the lobes move from the meadow onto the steeper slope of the blockfield where composition of vegetation changes and where there is a deeper active layer. Once collapsed, they flow downslope transporting clumps of vegetation which may establish themselves along the mud-flow channel or levee. Thus certain arctic and alpine slopes are vegetated more quickly than would otherwise be possible. CaMAI, DLC.
106548 PRISYAGINA, L.A. Immunologicheskaya struktura naseleniya v predgornotayezhnom ochage kleshchevogo entsefalita v zone stroitel'stva Krasnoyarskoy GES posle provedeniya protivokleshchevykh meropriyatiy. (Meditsinskaya parazitologiya i parazitarnyye bolezni 1968. v.37, no.5, p.591-95, table) Refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Immunological structure of the population in a foothill-taiga focus of tickborne encephalitis in the construction zone of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station after tick extermination. After 10 yr of annual tick extermination, only 4.2% of the people had hemagglutinationinhibiting antibodies, as compared with an average 30% of the population before the program began. The percentage of people with antibodies increased with age from 0.9% among children under 10 to 5.2% for 11-15 yr olds and 6.9% for adults. DLC. 106549 PRITCHARD, T. International scientific co-operation in conservation with special reference to peatlands. (In: Symposium on Ecology of the Subarctic Regions 1966. Proceedings pub 1970, p.349-50) Notes the interest in conserving representative examples of wetlands for research in ecology and other environmental sciences. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and International Biological Programme (IBP) are particularly concerned. Three programs of recent years are cited, viz: Project Mars for wetlands of ornithological importance, Project Aqua dealing with inland waters and operated by the Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL), IUCN and IBP/Finland, and Project Telma also known as Project Peatland. The aim of all such projects is to prepare world lists of important sites. CaMAI, MdU.
PRICE, P.B., see No. 103444. PRIMOST, I., see No. 103765. 106547 PRINADA, V.D. Iskopayemaya flora korvunchanskoy svity, basseyn reki Nizhney Tunguski. Moskva, Nauka 1970. 88 p. illus. Refs. In Russian. Tale tr.: Fossil flora of the Korvunchan formation, Nizhnyaya Tunguska River basin. Presents a monographic account of the old mesophytic flora of Siberia. This flora consisted of ferns, horsetails, cycadophytes, conifers, etc, of Triassic age. 39 species are described and illus, about 20 of them new. DLC. 796
106550 PRITCHARD, T. Project TELMA - International co-operation in the conservation of peatlands for scientific research and education and for the protection of their wild-life. (In: Int. Peat Congress, 3d, 1968. Proceedings, p.355-57) French summary. This project was initiated at a Commission on Ecology, International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) meeting, Lucerne, Switzerland, July 1966, during the 9th general assembly of the Union. It is co-sponsored by the International Biological Programme (IBP) and has since developed as an inter-sectional operation
involving the Conservation of Terrestrial Communities (CT) section and the Productivity of Terrestrial Communities (PT) section of IBP. The project involves a first stage, TELMA 1, concerned with preparation of a handbook listing world peatland sites of scientific importance and an overlapping second stage to encourage further communication and collaboration among scientists in the task of conservation and developing studies in productivity and bioenergetics. TELMA 1 began June 1967 at an international meeting held by courtesy of the British Nature Conservancy, Attingham Park, England and Bangor, Wales, sponsored by UNESCO, IBP and IUCN. Criteria for the conservation of peatlands, their classification based on morphological and phytosociological approaches and preparation of a handbook are briefly discussed. DGS. 106551 PRITULA, YU.A. Vostochnaya Sibir', novaya neftegazonosnaya provintsiya SSSR. (Leningrad. Vses. neftyanoy n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyy inst. Trudy 1969. no.272, p.84-98, map) In Russian. Title tr.: Eastern Siberia, a new oil-gas-bearing province of the USSR. Presents a brief historical outline of oil and gas investigations in Krasnoyarsk Province and Yakut ASSR and the present state of knowledge. The geologic structure is reviewed in relation to oil and gas accumulation. Characteristics of oil and gas pools are stated, as are prospective oil-gas areas. Prerequisites for starting new oil and gas development centers are also discussed. DLC. PRIVALOVA,LA., see No.107206.
106552 PRIVALOVSKAYA, G.A. Nekotoryye osobennosti formirovaniya vnutrenney territoriarno-proizvodstvennoy struktury Srednego Priob'ya. (Voprosy geografii 1970. v.80, p.231-41, tables) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of formation of the inner regional and industrial structure of the middle Ob basin. Discusses industrial site and settlement patterns for the current and later stages of development. The industrial and the settlement sites are distinct; workers live in towns and are transported daily to the development site. Support and supply, repair, administrative and port installations, etc, are located in the towns. There is weekly communication between the industrial enterprises. In this region oil usually opens development of an area. The second stage has support industries, more oil deposits exploited, and a new pattern of settlement. Expansion of the rail and mechanized transDLC. port road net follows.
106553 PROBLEMA TSUNAMI, Voprosy obrazovaniya i rasprostraneniya morskikh razrushitel'nykh voln of zemletryaseniy i ikh operativnyy prognoz. Moskva, Nauka 1968. 237 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tsunamis, questions of the formation and distribution of destructive sea waves caused by earthquakes and their prediction. Presents 16 papers, five of arctic interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: V.N. Aver'yanova, S.A. Fedotov, M.I. Krivoshey, and S.L. Solov'yev (two papers). DLC. 106554 PROBLEMY MAGMATIZMA BALTIYSKOGO SHCHITA. Leningrad, Nauka 1971. 372 p. graphs, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Magmatism of the Baltic Shield. Contains 56 papers presented at the 28-31 May 1968 Regional Petrographic Conference at the Geological Inst. of the Kola Branch of the Academy of Sciences. Forty-four of these papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: I.D. Batiyeva and I.V. K.D. Belyayev, A.N. Berkovskiy and others, I.I. Berman and V.A. Tyuremnov, A.I. Bogachev and M.M. Lavrov, A.I. Bogachev and others, Yu.B. Bogdanov and others, I.V. Bussen and A.S. Sakharov, I.V. Davidenko, V.Ye. Dinisenko, M.I. Dubrovskiy, V.V. Fizhenko and others, A.V. Galakhov, S.V. Ikorskiy and V.A. Pripachkin, V.I. KochnevPervukhov, V.A. Kononova and Ye.V. Sveshnikova, V.A. Kostin, A.V. Lapin, I.V. Litvinenko and others, V.A. Maslenikov, A.Yu. Odinets, I.P. Pan'shin, V.A. Perevozchikova and A.V. Sinitsyn, S.D. Pokrovskiy and others, G.A. Porotova and N.N. Bolgurtsev, A.A. Predovskiy and others, Yu.D. Pushkarev, Ye.V. Sharkov, K.A. Shurkin and F.P. Mitrofanov, V.D. Slyusarev, V.A. Sokolov and others, E.M. Spiridonov, S.N. Suslova, V.M. Temyakin and K.A. Shurkin, V.R. Vetrin, A.N. Vinogradov, L.A. Vinogradov, G.V. Vinogradova, M.P. Volarovich and others, M.M. Yeflmov, V.G. Zagorodnyy and others, S.I. Zak and B.A. Yudin, S.I. Zak and V.S. Laney, and V.V. Zhdanov and others. DLC. 106555 PROBLEMY PALEONTOLOGICHESKOGO OBOSNOVANIYA DETAL'NOY STRATIGRAFII MEZOZOYA SIBIR1 I DAL'NEGO VOSTOKA. Leningrad, Nauka 1967. 179 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Paleontologic basis for the detailed stratigraphy of the Mesozoic of Siberia and the Far East. Presents ten papers describing new species and forms of ammonites and belemnites, correlating the profiles of this area with others in the Soviet Union, and presenting a new classifi797
cation scheme for Jurassic and Cretaceous belemnites. Nine of the papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: V.A. Basov and others, AA. Dagis (2 papers), A.A. Dagis and A.S. Dagis, S.V. Meledina, M.S. Mesezhnikov, V.N. Saks and T.I. Nal'nyayeva, N.I. Shul'gina, and V.A. DLC. Zakharov and Ye.G. Yudovnyy. 106556 PROBLEMY RAZVITIYA PROIZVODITEL'NYKH SIL MAGADANSKOY OBLASTI. Materialy soveshchaniya, v.3. Magadan 1969. 103 p. tables. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Development of the productive powers of Magadan Province. Proceedings, v.3. Contains 16 papers on fishing and seamammal hunting, agriculture, forest industry, fur farming, hunting and trapping, presented at this conference. All the papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: V.N. Andreyev and M.I. Papemov, V.I. Dzodzikov, N.L. losifovich, N.I. Kondaurov, V.L. Kostarev, I.I. Kotlyarov, Z.M. Kuz'mina, I.I. Lipp, V.L. Perlov, V.V. Ponomarev, Ye.P. Pravotorova, N.G. Shibin, Yu.A. Shilin, A.P. Shustov, M.I. Tatarchenkov and G.V. Zaytsev, DLC. and B.V. Tyurnin. 106557 PROBLEMY SEVERA. Trud i zdorov'ye cheloveka na Kraynem Severe. Moskva, Nauka 1970. 219 p. graphs, tables, illus. (Its: no.14) Refs. In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Work and health of man in the Far North. Contains 25 papers, 23 of which are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names: D.A. Astrinskiy and S.M. Navasardov, A.P. Avtsyn and E.E. Kenig, N.I. Bobrov, L.A. Chubukov, G.M. Danishevskiy, N.R. Deryapa and .M.Ya. Spivak, A.A. Grigorov and V.A. ,Opaleva-Stegantseva, G.Ye. Izmaylov, Ye.G. Mazina, G.A. Orlov and N.P. Bychikhin, N.N. Plotnikov, A.T. Pshonik, Zh.Zh. Rapoport, G.N. Serdyukovskaya and I.D. Dubinskaya, S.V. Shirskiy, S.V. Slavin, L.F. Tulyalcova, L.F. Tulyakova and G.A. Antropov, A.F. Tur, V.I. Vashkov and others, Ye.l. Vorontsova, V.V. Yefremov, and A.N. Zaytsev. CaMAI, DLC. 106558 PROBLEMY SEVERA. Ukaz Prezidiuma Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR o rasshirenii l'got dlya lits, rabotayushchikh v rayonakh Kraynego Severa i v mestnostyakh, priravnennykh k rayonam Kraynego. Severa. (Its: 1968, no.I3, p.5-6) In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Edict of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, USSR, concerning the expansion of allowances paid to people employed in regions 798
of the Far North and in areas equated to the Far North. Text of edict issued 26 Sept 1967 to go into effect 1 Jan 1968 amending and expanding that of 10 Feb 1960 to create greater material incentives for all workers and administrative personnel of government cooperatives and public enterprises, establishments and organizations in the Far North. The edict provides a ID% increase in salary after first six months and 10% increases for each subsequent six months of work in the Chukchi National District, North Evenki District, and Aleut District of Kamchatka, as well as on arctic islands and seas, except in the White Sea. Maximum increment in these regions is increased to 100% of basic pay or to 300 rubles per month. The edict also provides for new but slightly smaller increments in other regions of the Far North and those equated to such regions. Duration of labor contracts giving these rights is reduced CaMAI, DLC. from five to three yr. 106559 PROBLEMY TEKTONICHESKIKH DVIZHENIY I NOVEYSHIKH STRUKTUR ZEMNOY KORY. Moskva, Nauka 1968. 226 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonic movements and recent structures of the earth's crust. Contains 31 papers to be presented at the 8th INQUA Congress in Paris, 30 Aug - 5 Sept 1969. Three of the papers are of arctic interest and are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: O.V. Kashmenskaya and Z.M. Khvorostova, A.P. Levina, and Yu.G. DLC. Namestnikov. PROCTER, R.M., see No. 102019. 106560 PROCTOR, M.R. Alaska oil & gas development 1969. (International Oil Scouts Association. Yearbook 1970. v.40, partl, p.14-20, maps, tables) Summarizes, p. 17, the 69 well completions of which 24 were exploratory and 45 development wells, the latter all in Cook Inlet. Exploratory drilling, suspended wells, leasing, history of the North Slope exploration, the Sept 1969 leasing and the oil and gas income are al.So stated. The remainder of the text deals with geologic formation tables: Paleozoic section in the Shainin Lake area of the North Slope, Alaska Peninsula, Gulf of Alaska province and Anchorage basin; location maps and tabulated DGS. data on drilling and leases. 106561 PROKHOROV, V.S. Materials on the ecology of capelin in the Barents Sea. (Int. Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et proces-verbaux 1968. v.158, p.2331, maps, tables) 34 refs. Material collected in 1953-63 by Polar
Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (PINRO) vessels and the 194959 cod-feeding analyses by PINRO scientists are the bases for discussion of capelin reproduction, length, age, growth rate, time of first sexual maturity, feeding and migrations, and the structure of capelin population. The effect of peculiarities of capelin distribution on the behavior and migrations of commercial bottom fish in Barents Sea is noted and possibilities of wider exploitation of capelin estimated. DLC. PROKHOROV, V.S., see also No. 103575. 106562 PROKOPCHUK, B.I. and G.F. DORGANOV. 0 zavisimostyakh mezhdu soderzhaniyami almazov i moshchnostyami allyuviya v ruslovykh rossypyakh. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1970. v.13, no.9, p.96-106, tables, illus) 9 refs. In Russian Title tr.: Relationships between diamond content and alluvial thickness in stream placers. Reports an investigation on the Ebelyakh, Motorchuna and Molodo Rivers in the northeastern part of the Siberian platform. The diamond content was found to be inversely proportional to alluvium thickness. In thick alluvium the most diamonds occur near the main stream channel or at the top of the deposit. The largest diamonds are found near the main channel in the thinnest alluvium. DLC.
106563 PROKOPCHUK, B.I. and others. Pervaya nakhodka reliktov otlozheniy karbonovogo vozrasta v basseyne r. Anabar, Zapadnaya Yakutiya. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.193, no.5, p.1137-39, map) 8 refs. In Russian. Other authors: E.G. Sochneva and V.A. Skosyrev. Title tr.: First find of Carboniferous boulders in the Anabar River basin, western Yakutia. Describes large boulders of dense conglomerates of unknown source. Geological, paleontological and palynological data indicate them to be of Carboniferous age. These conglomerates contain picroilmenite and pyrope, minerals associated with diamonds, and the ilmenite is of kimberlite genesis. Therefore these conglomerates may lead to the finding of diamonds. DLC.
Discusses the new ideological trends and socio-political consciousness introduced into Yakut literature in the 1920's by the Yakut writer A.P. Oyunskiy and developed by his successors. Major works in contemporary Yakut literature are reviewed and some methodological and thematic shortcomings criticized. DLC. 106565 PRONIN, A.A. and others. Aktivnyy krater vulkana Ploskiy Tolbachik v 19651966 gg. (Byulleten' vulkanologicheskikh stantsiy 1970. no.46, p.26-28, table) In Russian. Other authors: Ye.K. Serafimova and M.V. Fedorov. Tide tr.: The active crater of Ploskiy Tolbachik Volcano in 1965-66. The active crater is 200-250 m in diameter. Its two volcanic necks are described; fumarole temperature is noted. The chemical composition of the gases and water extracts from the crater rocks is reported. The volcano's activity in 1965 and 1966 is summarized. DLC. 106566 PRONIN, A.G. Rayonirovaniye rek Komi ASSR po stoku nanosov. (SeveroZapad Yevropeyskoy chasti SSSR 1968. no.6, p.52-65, graphs, map, tables) In Russian. Title fr.: The zoning of Komi ASSR rivers according to discharge of detritus. Discusses stream erosion and the formation of detritus. The turbidity of Komi rivers ranges 10-80 g/m4. The lower turbidity is associated with the forestation, low relief, swamping, etc. Seven hydrological regions are defined, and the rate of turbidity and other features stated for each. The granulometric composition of the detritus is outlined and its seasonal discharge is calculated for some of the rivers. DLC.
Nos. 104954,
106567 PRONINA, I.G. Eotsenovyye mollyuski poluostrova Kamchatskiy mys, vostochnoye poberezh'ye Kamchatki. (In: Biostratigrafiya, fauna i flora kaynozoya...I969. p.73-84, illus) 10 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Eocene molluscs of Cape Kamchatskiy, east coast of Kamchatka. The Vereshchagina River suite is shown to be of middle Upper Eocene age on the basis of the molluscs collected. The deposits are correlated with those of California and Washington State. Eight new molluscan species are described: Nucula insolita, Nuculana ignota, Yoldia (Portlandella) atomata, Glycymeris advenus, Variamussium kamtschaticum, Plicatula kanuschatica, Venericardia bistrovi, and Miltha (Pseudomiltha) karntschatica. DLC.
106564 PROKOP'YEV, YU. and G. SYR& MYATNIKOV. Literatura rozhdennaya Oktyabrem. (Polyarnaya zvezda 1967. no.2, p.122-28) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Literature born of the October Revolution.
106568 PRONINA, I.G. Kharaktemyye faunisticheskiye kompleksy mollyuskov iz tretichnykh otlozheniy ll'pinskogo p-va Kamchatki. (Leningrad. Vses. neftyanoy n.-issl. geologorazvedochnyy inst. Trudy 1967. no.254, p.145-56, table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.:
PROKOPCHUK, B.I., see also No. 103508. PROKOPENKO, V.I., 106175.
Characteristic Tertiary molluscan assemblages of the Il'pinskiy Peninsula, Kamchatka. Reviews the stratigraphic division of Paleogene and Neogene deposits in the collection by D.S. Nesvit, qv. Molluscan assemblages for each stratigraphic unit are described and compared with other regions of Kamchatka and North America. The age of the stratigraphic DLC. units is established. 106569 PROPP, L.N. 0 sezonnoy dinamike vitamina B12 i izmenchivosti fitoplanktona v Dal'nezelenetskoy gube Barentseva morya. (Okeanologiya 1970. v.10, no.5, p.851-57, graphs, tables) 19 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The seasonal dynamitt of B-12 vitamin and phytoplankton variability in Zelenetskaya Bay of the Barents Sea. These first data on the seasonal dynamics of B-12 were obtained by the microbiological method, and the monthly average for the surface to the 32-36 m near-bottom layers showed two maxima, 2.16 ng/1. in Feb and 1.92 ng/l. in late Sept-early Oct. A simultaneous determination of phytoplankton numbers and species composition and their comparison with content of the vitamin confirmed the possible ecological role of B-12 and its control of algae succesDLC. sion. 106570 PROSHCHENKO, YE.G. and N.I. NENASHEV. Geologicheskaya interpretatsiya radiogennogo vozrasta porod Tommotskoy slozhnoy gabbro-siyenitovoy intruzii. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1969. ser. geol. no.12, p.26-32, graph, map, table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geologic interpretation of the radiological age of rocks of the Tommot composite gabbro-syenite intrusion. Reviews and correlates geologic data and results of absolute age determination of rocks of the composite pyroxenite-syenite-granite massif. Sixteen samples of the principal rocks and rock-forming minerals were dated by potassium-argon, lead and helium methods: 359-338 MY is reported for the ultramafic and mafic rocks and 238-223 MY for subalkalic and alkalic syenites, granosyenites and granites. DLC. 106571 PROSVESHCHENIYE NA KRAYNEM SEVERE. Leningrad, Prosveshcheniye 1967. 226 p. illus (Sbornik v pomoshch'uchitelyu shkol Kraynego Severa, no.15) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Education in the Far North. Teacher's aid containing informative papers on teaching experience and school operation in the Nenets, Taymyr, Evenki, etc National Districts; also tales and poems by aboriginal authors in Russian translation. Eleven 3-7 page essays describe the lives and 800
careers of the first Nenets Samoyed teacher I.P. Vyucheyskiy, the writer and folklore collector Anton Pyrerka, the Ostyak philologist Nikolay Tereshkin, the Vogul poet Yuvan Shestalov and Yevdokiya Rombandeyeva - a fisherman's daughter who became an authority on FinnoUgric linguistics, the Chukchi writer Yuriy Rytkheu, historian Nikolay Korav'ye and philologist Petr Inenlikey, the Gilyak ethnographer Chuner Taksami, and the Gold writers Sulungu Onenko and Akim Samar. Eleven other papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: V.A. Avrorin, A.G. Bazanov (3 papers), S.D. Gurevich, P.I. Inenlikey, Ye.A. Kuzakova, G.A. Menovshchikov, V.N. Uvachan, and M.G. Voskoboynikov (2 papers). Appended is an index of some three hundred papers featured in the 15 issues of this journal, pub 1949-67, and a note on the professional status of 28 conDLC. tributors. G.P. 106572 PROTOD'YAKONOV, Buroobsadnoy sposob pogruzheniya svay-obolochek v vechnomerzlyy grunt. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1970. no.8, p.11-13, illus) In Russian. Titk tr.: Drill-and-drive method of inserting pile casings into permafrost. Describes the method used by road builders in Magadan Province. A pipe pile is driven into the drill hole which is drilled simultaneously through the pipe opening. The pipe, which serves as a casing pipe during the drilling, is left in the ground as a supporting construction. Reinforced concrete pipes of 450 mm overall diam and 51.5 mm thick wall prepared of type 300 concrete by centrifuge are used in Magadan Province, and piles of 600 mm overall diam and 100 mm thick wall of type 400 concrete are used in Yakut ASSR. The hollow pile is filled with lean concrete or an inert hydrophobic mixture. This method is especially suitable for installing pile foundations to support a high horizontal load such as a bridge, pipeline, DLC. and bulkhead support. 106573 PROTOD'YAKONOV, G.P. and G.N. GUGUTSIDZE. Ispytaniye svay na stroitel'stve avtodorozhnogo mosta. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1970. v.20, no.12, p.41) In Russian. Tide tr.: Test of piles at a highway bridge construction site. Reports on a test of four reinforced concrete piles frozen in permafrost alluvial deposits, two of them prismatic 35x35 cm in cross-section and 12 m long, and the other two casing-piles of 60 cm overall diam and 12 cm thick wall. The prismatic piles were installed in preliminary drilled holes, and the casing-piles were driven into the ground by the drive-and-drill method. The upper parts of the piles were metal-jacketed to the limit of permafrost. The test analysis showed the
ultimate static load resistance to be 225 and 290 t on the prismatic, and 310 and 350 t on the casing piles, i.e. several times greater than the construction standards requirement. DLC. 106574 PROTOD'YAKONOV, G.P. and G.N. GUGUTSIDZE. Pogruzheniye svay v slozhnykh merzlotno-gruntovykh usloviyakh. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1969. v.19, no.11, p.10-12, table, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Pile insertion under complex geocryological conditions. Outlines the method and describes the process of inserting the piles for the bridge in Yakutia previously described by Gugutsidze and Protod'yakonov, qv. Reinforced-concrete piles 35 x 35 cm in cross-section and 12 m long, and experimental reinforced-concrete tubular piles 12 m long with 12 cm thick wall were used. Both types of piles were found to be successful in the permafrost ground described in the earlier paper. DLC. PROTOD'YAKONOV, G.P., see also Nos. 103941,107204. T.N. 106575 PROTSVETALOVA, Berrias Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti. (Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geologiya i razvedka 1970. no.11, p.55-60, illus) 7 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: The Berriasian of the West Siberian lowland. This stage of the Lower Cretaceous in the lowland is still in dispute, and an attempt is made to analyze a section from the eastern slope of the Northern Urals to the Ob valley east of Khanty-Mansiysk. The Berriasian deposits represent a single stage of sedimentation. The lower border is lithologically the more distinct and agrees with the outwash surface. A biostratigraphic method alone is insufficient. DLC. 106576 PROTSVETALOVA, T.N. and NS. LAGUTENKOVA. 0 sledakh vulkanicheskoy deyatel'nosti v otlozheniyakh neokoma Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti. (Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy 1968. Geologiya i razvedka no.10, p.135-36, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Signs of volcanic activity in Neocomian deposits of the West Siberian plain. Study of the Neocomian deposits of the Malyy Atlym, Berezovo and other regions disclosed ash and other volcanic substances. In the Berezovo well at 1440-1442 m depth, altered phorphyry is found. Its mode of occurrence is described. This indicates that in early Cretaceous time, there occurred an outflow of .magma of acid composition. A possible region of origin of this magma may be Franz Josef Land. DLC.
PROTSVETALOVA, T.N., 106985,106986.
see also
106577 PROVODNIKOV, L.YA. Razlomy fundamenta Zapadno-Sibirskoy epigertsinskoy plity. (In: Kaynozoy Zapadnoy Sibiri 1968. p.108-113, map) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The basement faults of the West Siberian epi-Hercynian platform. Presents a scheme of the faults and tectonic zoning of the pre-Jurassic folded basement based on gravity and magnetic anomalies. There are four groups of fault zones: submeridional, northwest, northeast and sublatitudinal. Some faults of Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk Provinces are included. DLC. 106578 PROZOROVICH, G.E. and O.G. ZARIPOV. Sravnitel'nyy analiz epigeneticheskikh preobrazovaniy v terrigennykh kollektorakh neftenosnykh gorizontov Russkoy platformy i Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity. (Litologiya i poleznyye iskopayemyye 1970. no.4, p.121-31, graphs) 22 refs. In Russian. Title fr.: Comparative analysis of epigenetic variations in terrigenous reservoir rocks of oil-bearing horizons of the Russian and West Siberian platforms. Qualitative and quantitative differences are noted in the content of epigenetic minerals in water-bearing and oil-bearing reservoir rocks of the Russian and the West Siberian platforms as exemplified by the Ust'-Balyk, Megion and other deposits. The epigenetic differences reveal conditions and time of oil pool formation. DLC. PRUDNIKOV, YE.D., see No. 104699. 106579 PRUITT, W.O., JR. Some aspects of the interrelationships of permafrost and tundra biotic communities. (In: Conference on productivity...1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.3341) 28 refs. Draws on Canadian, American, Fennoscandian and Soviet literature to show how climatic and vegetational history, recent climate, present vegetation, substratum, topography, solifluction and animal activity interact in forming the complex, dynamic permafrost system. Mean annual air temperature and snow cover are the most important factors affecting the genesis of permafrost. Vegetation-permafrost interactions are discussed at length. Man's activities in disturbance of tundra and foresttundra by vehicles, and of formation of water bodies by damming, flooding, etc, are cited, as are the effects upon animals of the moisture and impenetrability of permafrost. Palsas are mentioned as providing refuge for small mammals and feeding places for caribou. The limitations of present knowledge and need for research on permafrost are stressed. CaEUB. 801
106580 PRUITT, W.O., JR. Some eco(In: Symposium on logical aspects of snow. Ecology of the Subarctic Regions 1966. Proceedings pub 1970, p.83-99, graphs, map, tables, illus) 57 refs. French summary. Describes in detail the snow of the interior Alaska taiga as little affected during winter by incoming solar radiation or wind and as piling up loose and fluffy to be modified only by heat and moisture rising through it from the soil. The taiga mammals' behavior and adaption to the snow cover is discussed, as is the important ecologic role of snow in relation to the cultures of man in the North, and the ecologic aspects of snow that collects on trees (qali). The hard, wind-moved tundra snow cover consists of partides not picked up by the wind, those that are wind-worked into a hard mass, also the snow moving in the air or on the snow surface and sometimes the top snow layer itself which form drifts. The chronologic development and changing forms of drifts are described. In dealing with the reaction of animals to tundra snow, author presents a snow index which expresses a rough approximation of the relative ecological values of total amount of cover, its thickness and density. Throughout the text, Eskimo, Indian, Russian and other terms are defined and used where appropriate. CaMAI, MdU. PRUSS, YU.V., see No. 103158. 106581 PSHONIIC, A.T. Rol' dinamicheskogo stereotipa v protsesse akklimatizatsii cheloveka na Kraynem Severe. (Problemy Severa 1970. no.14, p.16-25) 23 refs. In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Title tr.: The role of Council, Ottawa. dynamic stereotype in human acclimatization in the Far North. The dynamic stereotype (DS) is defined as representing a balanced, classified and homogeneous arrangement of all the conditioned and unconditioned processes reflected in the cortex. Its content and formation mechanism are discussed. The acclimatization of animals and man shows fundamental differences based on the social and occupational character of man and his environment. These characters of man are responsible for the more complex structure of the DS forming the basis for his acclimatization. The DS is formed by the unity and interaction of cortical regulation and selfregulation. The basic formation mechanism is nervous-reflex in character. The hypoflexia and areflexia during the initial period of acclimatization result from the process of external inhibition of reflex activity which has a protective value. This inhibition is based on a mechanism of elevation of the sensitivity threshold of cutaneous and other types of sensation, and is a 802
feature of normal acclimatization of healthy persons. Under unfavorable work and living conditions and/or weakened nervous system, dysadaptational neuroses take place attended disturbances. various visceral by CaMAI, DLC. PUCHKINA, V.V., see No. 102665. 106582 PUCHKOV, L.A. and S.P. ALEKHICHEV. Opredeleniye aerodinamicheskikh parametrov zon obrushennykh porod putem natumykh eksperimentov. (In: AN SSSR. Kol'skiy filial. Gornometallurgicheskiy inst. Fizika i tekhnologiya...1965, p.I18-24, graphs, table, illus) 2 refs. In Russian.. Title tr.: Determination of aerodynamic parameters of broken rock zones by full-scale experiments. Studies the filtration of air through the broken-rock material at the Yukspor mines. The pressure difference h at the air intake and outflow points of ore and rock layer was measured, and air flow was found to be subject to the h. R'Q-1-R"Q2, where Q is the quantity of air passing through the layer, R' is linear aerodynamic resistance to the air passing through the layer, and R" is quadratic air resistance of the layer medium. DLC. 106583 PUCHKOV, V.N. and N.I. TIMONIN. Nekotoryye cherty tektoniki Pripolyarnogo Urala i gryady Chemysheva, otrazhayushchiyesya na aerofotosnimkakh. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1968. no.8, p.40-49, map) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some features of the tectonics of the Polar Urals and Chernysheva Ridge, as represented on airphotos. Presents a structural map of the Polar Urals and southern part of Chernysheva Ridge based on aerial photography. Three zones are defined according to the character of the relief: a western ridge-like zone, a mountain zone and an eastern ridge-like zone. Various structures of these zones are described. DLC. 106584 PUCHKOV, V.N. 0 kharaktere kontaktov granitoidnogo massiva Man'Khambo s okruzhayushchimi metamorficheskimi porodami. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1968. no.8, p.50-54, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The character of the contacts of the Man'-Khambo granitoid massif with the surrounding metamorphic rocks. Reports a 1964 study of this massif in the northern part of the Northern Urals. Contacts between granitoids and the enclosing metamorphic rocks at four sites are described in some detail as to their lithology, composition, banding and other features. The rocks surrounding the. granites are defined as pregranitic for the older and postgranitic for the more recent. DLC.
106585 PUCHKOV, V.N. and N.I. TIMONIN. 0 tektonicheskoy obuslovlennosti konfiguratsii doliny r.Pechory. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. lzvestiya 1970. v.2. no.2(12) p.102-104. map) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonics of the Pechora River valley configuration. Presents a scheme of various structural elements of the Pechora valley. A relatiohship between the direction of individual sectors of the valley and structural elements of the region is noted. The literature on this phenomenon is DLC. evaluated. PUCHKOV, V.N., 104496, 104499.
see also
Nos. 103755,
S.V. 106586 PUCHKOVSKIY, Podvizhnost' i sostav naseleniya burozubok (Insectivora, Soricidae) v tayge Onezhskogo poluostrova. (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 1969. v.48, - no.10, p.1544-51, tables) 31 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Migration and population structure of the shrew (Soricidae, lnsectivora) in the Onezhskiy Peninsula taiga. Two biotopes characterize the northern taiga: areas inhabited by large shrews which migrate very little, and interspersed localities occupied by small migratory shrews. Juvenile females may remain in their original biotope or turn nomadic and seek a new suitable place. The males are more migratory, especially in winter. Tables show the percentage of species DLC. and biotopes. 106587 PUDOVKIN, M.I. and O.I. SHUK teorii polyamykh bur'. (GeoMILOV. magnetizm i aeronomiya 1968. v.8, no.6, p.1072-77, graphs) 31 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: On the theory of polar storms. Carries out the numerical integration of equations of the movement of charged particles in the crossed uniform electric and dipole magnetic fields in the earth's magnetosphere. Position of the auroral zone, daily variation of the auroral arc azimuths, energy of precipitating particles, and electron and proton velocities along auroral arcs are calculated. The results enable explanation of many features in the process of polar storms, and are in agreement with experimental data. The electric field in the ionosphere is considered not related to the injection of corpuscular streams, and can be DLC. explained by ionospheric winds. PUDOVKIN, A4.I., see also Nos. 102191, 103186, 105045, 105418, 108652. 106588 PUGACHEV, K.I. and V.G. BOVYStroitel'stvo v Tyumenskoy oblasti. KIN. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1966. v.11, no.2, p.6-9) In Russian. Tide tr.: Construction in Tyumen Province.
Summarizes the 1965 construction and assembly work at the Shaim, Surgut, UseBalyk and Megion oil and gas fields. Almost double the amount of work is planned for 1966. It includes development of gas at Pokhromskiye, and in the Yamal-Nenets National District. Improving and expediting pipeline construction and mining development are discussed. DLC. 106589 PUK, P.S. 0 granitsakh i vremeni formirovaniya Ust'-Yeniseyskoy sineklizy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.13, p.247-51, maps) Refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: The boundaries and time of formation of the Ust'-Yenisey syneclise. These features of the Ust'-Yenisey depression are still open questions. The attempt to unite it with the Khatanga depression into a single syneclise is considered a failure. The Ust'-Yenisey, a 200,000 km2 area, should be called not a depression, but a syneclise. DLC. 106590 PUK, P..S. 0 vozraste skladchatogo fundamenta Ust'-Yeniseyskoy sineklizy v svyazi s yeye neftegazonosnost'yu. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya gcologiya no.13. p.251-55) Refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Age of the folded basement of the Ust'-Yenisey syncdisc in relation to its oil-gas prospects. The age of the folded basement is still in dispute, but geologic and geophysical investigations indicate a Baykalian age. Gas and oil searches therefore should be directed not only to Mesozoic deposits, from which productive gas is obtained, but also to all the Paleozoic DLC. deposits. PULAWSKI, B., see No. 104038. 106591 PULLEN, T.C. We smashed the Northwest Passage. (Petroleum today 1970. v.11. no.1, p.41I. map. illus; also pub in Oceans 1970. v.3, no.1, p.16-21, map, illus) The Canadian representative on the 25 Aug - 8 Nov 1969 SS Manhattan voyage, DelawareHalifax-Thule-Lancaster Sound-Barrow StraitPrince of Wales Strait-Beaufort Sea-Pt Barrow and return, describes encounters with the icebergs in Baffin Bay. ice floes and polar bears across Parry Channel. inpenetrable ice-ridged floes in McClure Strait and weather conditions throughout the trip. DG S. PULLEN, T.C., see also 107590.
Nos. 106463,
106592 PULLIAINEN, E. Aktuellt om rovdjuren. (Finlands natur 1968. v.27, p.2829, illus) In Swedish. Tide tr.: Data on predatory animals. Summarizes recent counts: no wolverines were reported in Finland during the past year; 803
about 40 wolves were killed, half of them in the Inari area; there is open hunting for both these animals. Lynx is protected in 1968; bears are of great interest; there are few of these two in DLC. Lapland. 106593 PULLIAINEN, E. and others. Digestibility of blueberry stems (Vaccinium myrtillus) and cowberries (Vaccinium vitisidaea) in the willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus). Helsinki 1968. 14 p. tables, illus. (Suomalainen tiedeakatemia. Toimituksia. Annales. Ser. A. IV: Biologica no.126) 21 refs. Other authors: L. Paloheimo and L. Syrjala. Reports tests on confined birds from Kittila in Finnish Lapland with the two foods most important to ptarmigan and willow grouse in spring, summer and autumn. Digestibility ratings are given in some detail. DLC. PULPAN, H., see No. 103628. 106594 PULVERTAFT, T.C.R. and D.B. CLARKE. New mapping on Svartenhuk peninsula. (Greenland. Geologiske undersegelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.15-17) 3 refs. Characterizes rocks in an area of the greatest thickness of Tertiary lavas in West Greenland. Mapping was necessary for suitable representation on the Survey's series of 1:500 000 sheets, and for comparison with Tertiary lavas on the east coast of Baffin Island, of importance in connection with continental drift studies in the North Atlantic and in Canadian-Danish collaboration in the study of the Wegener Fault between northern Greenland and Ellesmere Island. Relationships and nature of the lava flows, a sequence ca 8 km thick, are summarized. Intercalated sediments include arkosic sandstones and thin coal horizons. Adjacent rocks range in age from Precambrian to the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. DGS. Nos. PULVERTAFT, T.C.R., see also 103323,104132. Pokrovnyye 106595 PUMINOV, A.P. obrazovaniya Anabaro-Lenskogo mezhdurech'ya. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1962. no.27, p.102117, map, tables, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Mk tr.: Cover deposits of the Anabar-Lena interfluve. Describes formations mostly as developed in flat watersheds and elsewhere at different levels. Sections of the deposits are described and their granulometric and mineralogic composition is analyzed. Older and younger divisions are defined. A large part of the cover is found to be genetically connected with periglacial deposits of the Zyryanka glaciation. DLC. 106596 PUMINOV, A.P. and others. Severoyevraziatskiy vdol'beregovoy progib i 804
yego vliyaniye na formirovaniye poberezhiy: na primere severnykh beregov Chukotskogo poluostrova. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski. Regional'naya geologiya 1970. no. 18, p.41-45, maps) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Yu.N. Kulakov and V.S. Lomachenkov. Title tr.: The north Eurasian coastal trough and its influence on coast formation as exemplified by the northern coasts of the Chukotka Peninsula. The geological and geomorphic features of the coast of Chukotka between Capes Shmidta and Vankarem reveal the control exerted by crustal movements, especially of the northern Asiatic coastal trough, in their formation and development. In the Lower and Middle Pleistocene negative movements predominated. In the second part of the Pleistocene the effect of the coastal trough on coast development weakened. CaMA I, DLC. PUMINOV, A.P., see also No. 103849. 106597 PURTOV, P.C. K voprosu opredeleniya ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti razvitiya gazovoy promyshlennosti Tyumenskoy oblasti. (Gazovoye delo 1972. no.8, p.38-41, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Economic effectiveness of the development of the gas industry of the Tyumen Province. States that the average investment has been in excess of 600 million rubles annually in oil, gas, and timber industries, the oil and gas reserves being sufficient to produce 500 to 600 billion m3 of gas per year. The capital investment in the gas industry (centered in the Salekhard-Taz region) is further broken down as 85.7% in transportation, storage, etc; 11% in production, and 3.3% in geological prospecting. After noting the difficult geographical conditions of the Far North, a three stage investment program in supporting industries and activities is charted. DLC. PUSHCHAROVSKIY, YU.M., 101671.
106598 PUSHKAREV, L. and others. Provodka sudov vo Pdakh s pomoshch'yu ledokolov. (Rechnoy transport 1969. no.10, p.3738, table, illus) In Russian. Other authors: V. Tronin and Yu. Sandakov. Title tr.: Transit of vessels through ice with the aid of icebreakers. Discusses methods of convoying river boats through ice-covered waters and suggests changes in the construction of the vessels to improve their performance in ice navigation. DLC. 106599 PUSHKAREV, YU.D. Znacheniye printsipa obratnoy svyazi K-Ar-metoda i metodov struktumoy petrologii pri geologogeokhronologicheskikh issledovaniyakh; na
primere giperstensoderzhashchikh granitoidov severnoy Karelii. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p.291-98, graph, tables, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Significance of the principle of the inverse relationship between the potassium-argon method and methods of structural petrology for geologic-geochronologic investigations, as exemplified by hypersthene-bearing granitoids of northern Karelia. Analyzes the Topozero granitoid intrusion relative to its genetic history and relationships, and reviews absolute age determinations derived by the K-Ar method. Discordant ages due to loss of argon, differences in the capability of retention of Ar in biotite and amphibole, and other factors responsible for differences in age determinations are discussed. Combination of the data with data obtained by structural petrologic analyses results in more reliable conclusions. DLC. PUSHKAREV, YU.D., see also No. 103438. 106600 PUSHKIN, A.F. Donnyye soobshchestva Cheshskoy guby. (AN SSSR. Murmanskiy morskoy biologicheskiy inst. Trudy 1968. no.17 (21), p.48-57, map, tables) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Bottom communities in Cheshskaya Bay. The bottom of this bay may consist of rock, gravel, sand, silt and/or mud, each influencing the kind of flora and fauna. Defines five communities and tabulates data on their composition, biomass, types of food and the percentage of the general biomass. Lists 17 species of algae and some 165 invertebrate species found in the bay. The flora and fauna are mainly subarctic with some boreal elements during summer. DLC. PUSTYNTSEV, V.I., see No. 107413. 106601 PUTINTSEVA, A.P. 0 proizvodstvennoy leksike gorinskikh nanay, samagirov. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. v.383, p.252-70, tables) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Production and trades vocabulary of the Gorin Golds or Samagirs.
Comparative linguistic study of the hunting, herding and fishing terminology based mainly on 1967 fieldwork in the Goryun River region of Amur Province. Close affinity to the related Evenki Tungus language is noted. DLC. 106602 PUZACHENKO, YU.G. and D.A. ICRIVOLUTSKIY. Zoogeograficheskiye zametki o pantsirnykh kleshchakh severa Evenkii. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1968. ser. 5: geog. v.23, no.2, p.99-102, tables) 3 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Zoo-
geographic notes on the oribatid mites of northern Evenkiya. Mites of superfam Oribatoidea are one of the most numerous groups of soil microfauna. They inhabit all types of soils and are a good subject for biogeographic and ecological research. They were studied in the tundra, forest-tundra and taiga zones of the Umnym Range in northern Siberia. Of the 24 species collected there, Eremaeus translamellatus, Peloribates canadensis, Sphaerozetes arcticus, and Diapterobates variabilis were found in the Palearctic for the first time. DLC. 106603 PUZANKOV, YU.M. and L.I. ANDRYUSHAYEV. Prostranstvenno-statisticheskiy analiz raspredeleniya obshchey radioaktivnosti gornykh porod Yuzhnoy Kamchatki. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.9, p.115-16, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Statistical analysis of the distribution of general radioactivity of rocks in southern Kamchatka. Reports a radiometric survey which showed max values of average radioactivity and dispersion to be associated with rocks of the metamorphic complex. Distribution of cinnabar and gold is briefly noted. This type of study is said to be of value for study of the earth's crust, structural tectonics, and metallogeny. DLC. 106604 P'YANKOV, V.M. and others. Geologicheskoye stroyeniye i zapasy gaza Punginskogo mestorozhdeniya po novym dannym. (Neftegazovaya geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.10, p.12-15, illus) In Russian. Other authors: V.N. Finansov, A.D. Kosukhin and A.A. Bardin. Title tr.: Geologic structure and gas reserves of the Punga field according to new data. Describes this field in the Malaya Sos'va Basin, Berezovo region of Tyumen Province. A structural map of the Punga area according to 58 recent exploratory boreholes is presented and bed P is described. Three structures are defined. A preliminary estimate of the gas reserves is 50.7 billion m3. DLC. 106605 P'YAVCHENKO, N.I. Otrazheniye sovremennogo sostava lesov v retsentnykh pyl'tsevykh spektrakh. (Botanicheskiy zhurnal 1968. v.53, no.2, p.174-89, graphs, map, tables) Refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Reflection of present forest composition in recent pollen spectra. Interprets data gathered from the nearsurface layer of peat bogs at more than 20 localities in the Ob-Yenisey region of western and central Siberia. Ratios between pollen spectra and actual generic composition vary considerably among other regions in the middle and northern taiga and forest tundra. Pollen spectra reflect the actual vegetation 805
present only in certain instances, and should be used with caution. Forest vegetation is consistently over-represented with respect to herbaceous plants. DLC. PYTKOWICZ, R.M., see No. 104621. 106606 QST. The Bowdoin's last voyage. (Its: v.43, 1959. no.6, p.73, illus) Reports the schooner Bowdoin on its last trip: to the Sea Museum at Mystic, Conn, and reviews the work of radio operator Don Mix on its first voyage north in 1923. Working on a wave length of 220 m, a short wave at that time, he was able to communicate only during the dark period. Had he got down to 100 m, he could have kept in contact with other ham operators during daylight also. His equipment is illus. DLC. 106607 QUAM, L.O. Station Charlie. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.1721) 2 refs. Reviews the planning and cooperation among various services in the establishment of this drifting station in Apr 1959, after the abandonment of station Alpha. Charlie was called Alpha II by the Alaska Air Command. Participants, air-support activities, six agencies' research programs in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, and the station's evacuation on 14 Jan 1960, are chronicled. CaMAI, DLC. 106608 QUAN, S.F. Isolation of a strain of Pasteurella pseudotubereulosis from Alaska identified as Pasteurella pestis, an immunofluorescent false positive. (American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 1965. v.14, no.3, p.424-32, tables, illus) 26 refs. A gram-negative, bipolar-staining rod, isolated from a snoeshoe hare Lepus americanus taken in Matanuska Valley in Sept 1962, was identified and reported to the World Health Organization as Pasteurella pestis, the plague bacterium, which had never been reported from Alaska. Subsequently the organism was shown to be a strain of P. pseudotuberculosis type I B which possesses an antigenic substance closely related to the Fraction I antigen of P. penis This raised a question as to the current emphasis in differentiating between these two bacterial species on the presence or absence of Fraction I. DLC. QUINN, W., see No. 105491. 106609 QUIROZ, R.S. The warming of the upper stratosphere in February 1966 and the associated structure of the mesosphere. (US. Environmental Science Services Administration. Monthly weather review 1969. v.97, no.8, p.541-52, graphs, table) 36 refs. 806
Describes a major warming above the 10mb level in Feb 1966 with the aid of rocket data from the Kheysa Island station on Franz Josef Land and from Fort Churchill, Manitoba. A temperature increase of 85°C at a 32 km altitude is deduced at Kheysa Island preceded by a record wind of nearly 400 kt (at 39 km), as verified through thermal wind computations. Vertical motions reaching 60 cm sec' are calculated from the thermodynamic equation. Rocket soundings to the mesopause at the two stations indicate that the warming was part of an event that also affected the mesosphere. DGS. 106610 RAABEN, M.YE. and V.YE. ZABRODIN. K biostratigraficheskoy kharakteristike verkhnego rifeya Arktiki. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.184, no.3, p.676-79, illus) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Biostratigraphic characteristics of the upper Riphean in the Arctic. Describes the upper Riphean deposits of Svalbard by analyzing sections of the Hecla Hoek formation, Bjernoya, and others. The description is based on identification of algae, microphytoliths, stromatolites, oncolites and other paleontologic remains. The Svalbard deposits are correlated with those of the Urals and other areas. Some new oncolites and stromatolites are systematically described. DLC. 106611 RAAFLAUB, E.G. Believe it or not. (Royal Canadian Mounted Police Quaterly 1970. v.35, no.3, p.33-36, illus) Describes the remarkable rescue by helicopter of a bush pilot who crashed into a cliff on Mount John Jay, Alaska, in Oct 1968. CaMAI. 106612 RABIKHANUKAYEVA, YES. Litologicheskaya kharakteristika otlozheniy ordovika zapadnoy okrainy Sibirskoy platformy. (Moskovskoye o-vo ispytateley prirody. Byulleten' 1968. otd. geol. v.43, no.2, p.104-119, maps, illus) 27 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Lithologic characteristics of Ordovician deposits on the western margin of the Siberian platform. Reports a 1962-65 study in the Novil'sk, Kulyumbe and Podkamennaya Tunguska regions. Carbonate, clayey-carbonate, terrigenous sandy-silty and argillite rocks are defined. Attention is directed to the facies of Ordovician deposits and their changes; sedimentation conditions are analyzed. During the formation of these deposits, there was a single basin and an arid climate. DLC. 106613 RABIKHANUKAYEVA, YE.S. 0 kremnistykh obrazovaniyakh v karbonatnykh porodakh ordovika i silura severo-zapadnoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy. (Geologiya i
geofizika 1970. no.5, p.48-52) 18 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Siliceous formations in Ordovician and Silurian carbonate rocks in the northwest part of the Siberian platform. Describes deposits in the Kureyka, Kulyumbe and Noril'sk regions, and discusses the presence of silica in carbonate rocks. It occurs as lenses and isolated pockets. The silica is concluded to have been supplied by detrital DLC. quartz grains during diagenesis. 106614 RABIKHANUKAYEVA, YE.S. and A.F. BELOUSOV. 0 nakhodke vulkanogennogo materiala v ordovike Severo-Zapada Sibirskoy platformy. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.9, p.115-18, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Find of volcanic material in the Ordovician in the northwest of the Siberian platform. Reports a lithologic investigation of Ordovician deposits in the Kulyumbe River basin. Microscopic study disclosed siliceous pseudomorphs of volcanic rock fragments which are described in some detail. The data indicate volDLC. canic activity in Ordovician time. 106615 RABIKHANUKAYEVA, YES. 0 rastvorenii oblomochnykh zeren kvartsa i pereraspredelenii kremnezema v ordovikskikh i siluriyskikh karbonatnykh porodakh severozapadnoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.190, no.5, p.1207-1209) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Solution of elastic quartz grains and silica redistribution in Ordovician and Silurian carbonate rocks in the northwestern part of the Siberian platform. Reports a study in the Sukhaya Tunguska, Kureyka, and Kulyumbe basins and the Noril'sk region, which disclosed a predominance of feldspars over quartz in Lower Ordovician and Silurian carbonate rocks. It was not due to sedimentation conditions, but to diagenetic and epigenetic solution of elastic quartz grains which were the source of the silica. DLC. K 106616 RABOTNOV, V.T. and others. stratigrafii verkhnego dokembriya srednego techeniya r. Kolymy. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.194, no.5, p.1157-60, graph) 9 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.A. Komar, L.I. Narozhnykh, and V.F. Gorbachev. Title tr.: Upper Precambrian stratigraphy on the middle Kolyma River. Presents the stratigraphy of these deposits based on the Ethology, stromatolites and microphytolites and correlation with similar deposits of the Uchur-Maya region. The Middle-Upper Riphean and Lower Cambrian deposits of the middle Kolyma region are also DLC. recognized.
106617 RACHEVSK1Y, B.S. and others. Nekotoryye dannyye po soprotivleniyu merzlykh gornykh porod teplovomu udaru. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. no.9, p.1061 1 1, graphs) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Ye.P. Shusherina and A.A. Ananyan. Title tr.: Some data on the resistance of frozen rocks to the impact of heat. Describes the experimental procedures and gives the results of experiments carried out by the Cryology Department of the Moscow State University and the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Industrial Gas in order to estimate the magnitudes of the temperature strains in frozen rocks which are abruptly cooled. Samples of ice and frozen sand and clay were placed in an AKhK-4M nitrogencooled chamber in which the temperature could be lowered to -180°C. A brass cylinder, serving as the heat exchanger was installed in the chamber. Rock temperatures were automatically controlled electronically. Some of the experimental data were checked by ultrasonic methods. The results of the experiments indicated that the magnitudes of the strains registered depended on the rock compositions, the sands being more resistant to the impact of heat than the frozen clay, and the ice being the least resistant. Maximum strains did not appear immediately after the cooling process started, their inception also being a function of rock composition. DLC. RACHKOV, V.S., see No. 107221. RADAKOV, D.V., see No. 106130. RADCHENKO, G.P., see No. 108231. 106618 RADCHENKO, N.S. and M.K. KOS'KO. 0 subshchelochnykh bazal'toidakh v yuzhnoy chasti Kotyalcskogo nagor'ya. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.178, no.5, p.117578, map, table) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Subalkaline basaltoids in the southern part of the Koryak upland. Describes the structure and age of a volcanic-sedimentary rock assemblage. Among the subalkaline effusives most characteristic are analcite basalts which are described. Trachybasalts and other rocks are also noted. These subalkaline rocks are more widespread, than hitherto known. Chemical analysis of some are DLC. given. 106619 RADCHENKO, V.G. Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti v Komi ASSR. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1971. v.16, no.3, Title tr.: Developp.28-30, illus) In Russian. ment of the gas industry in Komi ASSR. Deals with the Vuktyl gas-condensate field and the Vuktyl-Ukhta-Torzhok pipeline. Gas delivery to the Cherepovets metallurgical 807
plants began in 1969, and somewhat later to Moscow and Leningrad. By the end of 1971) delivery rose to 22-23 million m'/day. Development plans, housing construction, etc, are also noted. DLC. 106620 RADCLIFFE, D. and F.A. CAMPBELL. Beryl from Birch Portage, Saskatchewan. (Canadian mineralogist 1966. v.8, pt. 4, p.493-505, graph, map, tables, illus) 17 refs. Beryl occurs in dikelike bodies in Precambrian country rock just west of a north-south wrench fault, the Sturgeon Weir Fault System west of the Birch Portage Indian Reservation. The beryl pegmatites consist of quartz, feldspar and beryl, with accessory spessartite, muscovite, biotite, apatite and magnetite; modal analyses are given. The unit cell parameters, specific gravity, refractive indices and chemical composition of yellow and green beryl are given, as are X-ray diffraction data and chemical analyses of three beryl crystals and 12 pegmatitic and aplitic rocks. The study suggests that two and perhaps three distinct classes of beryl exist. DGS. 106621 RADD, F.J. and D.H. OERTLE. Melting point behaviour of glacier ice. (Nature 1968. v.218, no.5148, p.I242, graph) 3 refs. Presents a diagram showing the effects of pressure on depression of the freezing point of ice with unconfined water. The diagram may be projected to glacier ice 8-10 thousand ft thick. Data show that the melting point of ice is a linear function of pressure, as suggested by a modified Clapeyron-type derivation, wherein the ice is under pressure but the contact water is unconfined. The data also suggest that melting points at the base, along the sides, and on the length of a glacier are variable and depend on local pressures; an equilibrium point cannot be specified for a point in the base of a glacier where the water is unconfined unless the pressure for the point is also given. Authors suggest that the basic pressure-fusion equation they offer might be applied to precise measurements of heat fusion. DLC. RADFORD, W.E., see No. 103412. 106622 RADFORTH, J.R. and P.H. ROE. Computer modelling of tracked vehicles on muskeg. (In: Int. Peat Congress, 3d, 1968. Proceedings, p.65-68, graphs, illus) Refs. French summary. Describes a hybrid computer technique which has been developed for simulating the vertical and pitching motion of a tracked vehicle travelling over rough ground. This terrain-vehicle simulation technique involves the combined use of an analog computer (expressing vehicle design parameters) and a 808
digital computer and digital-to-analog converter (expressing and converting terrain profile measurements). Its use considerably reduces problems of vehicle suspension design. Further development of the model by incorporation of the velocities and displacements of the ground surface as it is loaded by vehicle weight will probably not only enhance optimization of designs but will permit prediction of the behavior of muskeg surfaces under load. DGS. RADFORTH, N.W., see No. 104884. RADKEVICH, S.YE., see No. 101999. 106623 RADKEVICH, YE.A. 0 konferentsii po metamorficheskim kompleksam Tikhookeanskogo poyasa. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.3, p.138-40) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Conference on the metamorphic complexes of the Pacific belt. Summary account of the 13-17 May 1968 conference at Vladivostok. It concentrated on three topics: the oldest metamorphic complexes of the continental part of the Pacific belt, their stratigraphy and tectonics; features of the metamorphism of young folded zones; the petrology, geochemistry and ore-bearing properties of old formations. The principal papers are reviewed. Magadan and Kamchatka Provinces are included. DLC. 106624 RADKEVICH, YE.A. Polozheniye granitnykh intruziy v mezozoyskikh strukturakh Tikhookeanskogo poyasa. (In: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy covet po tektonike Sibiri ...Mezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p.259-68, maps) In Russian. Title tr.: Position of granite intrusions in Mesozoic structures of the Pacific belt. Defines the structural level and spatial distribution of the granitic intrusions with reference to factors controlling their genesis and emplacement and conditions resulting in the development of ore zones. In some areas the intrusions are associated with concentric and radial fault systems; in others their distribution reflects controls exerted by transverse faults. Genetic relationships with deep-seated crustal movements, possibly also with mantle processes, at different times under different conditions account for differences in the present distribution pattern. In some areas, associated ore zones reflect reactivation of preexisting structures and remobilization of preexisting ores. DLC. 106625 RADOK, U. Deposition and erosion of snow by the wind. Hanover, N.H. 1968. 23 p. graphs, tables. (US. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab. Research report no.230) Refs.
Summarizes theories of uniform and nonuniform drifting snow with emphasis on drift transport as a function of wind velocity. The snow drift process requires a mobile surface layer of saltating particles, with a self-regulating thickness depending on surface stress, not on the snow concentration in the free air stream. In contrast to sand or silt, saltation and suspension drift of snow occur side by side and the latter reaches predominance as the wind velocity rises through the most common range of surface values. Theory and evidence indicate that deposition or erosion occurs on a snow surface during drift primarily as a result of mass flux convergence or divergence in the free air stream. This implies that the associated vertical mass flux penetrates the saltation layer which moves up or down with the snow surface. CaMAI, DLC. RADZEVICH, N.A., see No. 103609. 106626 RAGLE, R.H. and others. lcefield Ranges Research Project 1969. (Arctic 1970. v.23, no.1, p.55-60) Other authors: M.G. Marcus and C.S. Houston. Reports on the mid-May - early Sept 1969 IRRP season with 65 scientists and others in the field, and work carried out in glaciology, geophysics, physical geography, botany, zoology, archeology and physiology. Work on Fox, Kaskawulsh, and Steele glaciers, and on one rock glacier is summarized. Archeologic sites in the Gladstone Lakes region are noted. A hematological, blood chemical and plasma protein study of grizzly and black bears was initiated, soil sampling, ice-cored moraine and supraglacial stream studies were made in Chitistone Pass, and climatological, ice and snow studies on Mount Logan. High altitude effects on man's brain, eye and kidney circulation were studied, comparison made of Lasix and Diamox mountain-sickness medications, and observations were made of troop ability to operate at high altitude without acclimatization. Diamox was found far superior to Lasix. CaMAI, DLC. RAGLE, R.H., see also Nos. 104288, 108492. 106627 RAGOZIN, D.A. and G.K. SUKHANOV. Use-Ilimskaya gidroelektrostantsiya na r. Angare. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1970. v.40, no.8, p.1-7, tables, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Use-Ilimsk hydroelectric station on the Angara River. Conditions of the plant construction, disposition of installations, their volume and methods of erection are stated. Comparisons are made with the Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, SayanShushenskoye power plants, also six others in the US and one in Switzerland. The Ust'-Ilimsk plant is to go into operation in 1975. A con-
struction and assembling work schedule is given. DLC. 106628 RAJAN, V. New size of power giant. (C.I.L. Oval 1968. v.37, no.1, p.18-19, illus) Describes construction on the Churchill Falls power project in Labrador, transportation difficulties, workers' facilities, and plans for the permanent community. CaOGB. 1RAICHILIN, V.K., see No. 103664. 106629 RAKHMANOV, A.S. and others. Svarochno-montazhnyye raboty na trasse Ust'Balyk—Omsk. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1966. v.11, no.5, p.11-13, illus) In Russian.. Other authors: Ye.M. Rogova, F.L. Sitskaya and LA. Gobarev. Title tr.: Welding-assembly work on the Ust'-Balyk--Omsk line. Discusses the safety measures in transportation of single pipes and pipeline sections to the Ust'-Balyk oil trunk pipeline, and their laying, joining and welding. From experience during the 1965-66 winter with air temperature below -40°C, plans for the 1966-67 construction season are discussed. Magnetographic control of welding quality is recommended, and a selection of frost-resistant metals for parts of equipment affected by low temperature is suggested. DLC. RAKHMANOV, AS., see also No. 105400. 106630 RAMASASTRY, J. and E.J. WALSH. Conjugate echoes observed by Alouette 2 topside sounder at the longitudes of Singapore. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.24, p.5665-74, graphs, map, illus) Refs. Reports on the high rate of conjugate echo occurrence observed according to the 1966 topsounder ionograms from the equatorial and mid-latitude stations, and from high-latitude stations of Ottawa, College, Resolute Bay, Tromso, and the South Atlantic. The Aloueue2 topside sounder data are found useful in studying high frequency conjugate ducting. The high occurrence rate of conjugate echoes at the longitude of Singapore and the tendency of conjugate echo ionograms to occur in a sequence are two new observations useful for understanding the physical mechanism responsible for the formation of field-aligned irregularities in the magnetosphere. DLC. 106631 RAMPTON, V.N. Neoglacial fluctuations of the Natazhat and Klutlan glaciers, Yukon Territory, Canada. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.5, p.1236-63, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 31 refs. Both of these surging glaciers at the northern edge of the Icefield Ranges in the St. Elias 809
Mts have massive ice-cored Neoglacial morainic complexes extending down-valley from their ice termini. Changes in the geomorphic, pedologic, limnologic, vegetational, dendrochronologic and lichenometric characteristics across the morainic complexes indicate at least six Klutlan Glacier and four Natazhat Glacier moraines. Lichenometric, dendrochronologic and C-14 dating of the individual moraines shows that most were constructed within the last 550 yr, although both glaciers have been relatively inactive near their termini since 1947. It is believed that the initial Neoglacial advance of the Natazhat Glacier near its Neoglacial maximum occurred ~3300 BP, and that of the Klutlan Glacier ~1520 BP. The large number of moraines, constructed since 550 BP indicates that this period has been the coolest part of Neoglacial time. Moraine construction has not been continuous and it is probable that short intervals marked by warm summers, like the last 30 yr, have occurred. DLC. RAMSEIER, R.O., see Nos. 101617, 104920. 106632 RAMZAYEV, P.V. and others. Radioekologicheskiye parametry tsepochki olen'-chelovek. lishaynik-severnyy (Gigiyena i sanitariya 1970. v.35, no.6, p.38-42, tables) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Other authors: M.N. Troitskaya, M.S. Ibatullin, A.A. Moiseyev, A.I. Nizhnikov and LM. Dmitriyev. Title tr.: Radioecological parameters in the lichen-reindeer-man chain. From 1961-66 studies along the coast of the Arctic Ocean from Chukotka to Kola Peninsula, the degree of transmission of radionuclides, especially Cs-137 in the lichenreindeer-man food chain is determined. Once the degree of contamination of lichen is known, it is possible to predict the degree of transmission to man. The need of further study of contaminated soils and lichens is DLC. noted. RANGIUS, L., see No. 106140.
arrivals. In the Gaspe area an upper-mantle compressional value of 8.75 ± 0.20km/sec for an unreversed profile was determined. Assuming the crustal P-wave velocity to be &AS km/sec, the depth to the Moho is 51.8 km ± 10%. is evidence of no major difference in velocity and depth on the North Shore relative to the South Shore of the St Lawrence. CaMAI, DGS. RANNIE, W.F., see No. 106189. 106634 RAO, P.D. Distribution of certain minor elements in Alaskan coals. College, Alaska 1968. 47 p. tables. (Alaska. Univ. Mineral Industry Research Laboratory. MIRL report no.15) 10 refs. Reports results of quantitative spectrochemical analyses for Pb, Ga, Cu, Ba, Be, Ni, Ti, V, Zr, Co, Cr, Ge and Sn in coal samples from Kukpowruk on the North Slope, and from Jarvis Creek, Nenana, Matanuska, Kenai and Bering River coal fields. Gold and silver were found up to several parts per million in certain Nenana coals and silver in the Chickaloon coals of Matanuska. The distribution of minor elements between organic and inorganic phases of the coals was studied by sink-floating DGS. 41 samples. 106635 RAO, P.D. Washability characteristics of low-volatile bituminous coal from Bering River field, Alaska. College, Alaska 1969. 40 p. graphs, tables. (Alaska, Univ. Mineral Industry Research Laboratory. MIRL report no.21) 5 refs. Gives size analyses and ash distribution and sink-float data for two samples of Leeper Creek coal in five mesh sizes studied at specific gravities ranging 1.29 - 1.55. Results show that the coals can be upgraded to an ash content as low as 2% with the conventional cyclone heavy media process. A product containing 10 m /sec, and icing becomes very rapid below -4°C in wind >10 m/sec. The distribution of these rates of icing is charted for the Okhotsk and Bering Seas and DLC. Gulf of Alaska. SHELDON, R.P., see No. 103650. SHEMYAKIN, V.M., see No. 103438. SHENFIL', V.YU., see No. 104669. 107164 SHEN'KMAN, B.M. and YU.I. BLOKHIN. Podzemnyy stok v basseyne vodokhranilishcha Ust'-Ilimskoy GES. (In:
Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.106-107) In Russian. Title tr.: Groundwater discharge in the reservoir basin of the Ust'-Ilimsk hydroelectric power station. Summarizes data on the groundwater regime in an area of some 50,000 km2 in the Angara-Ilim drainage network, with reference to sources of potable water supply. Subsurface structures play an important role in controlling the occurrence of significant groundwater yields. Surface waters are subject to increasing pollution by industrial and urban waste. DLC. 107165 SHEN'KMAN, B.M. Sul'fatnyye natriyevyye vody severnoy chasti Angara-Lenskogo artezianskogo basseyna. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.49-50) In Russian. Title tr.: Sodium-sulfate waters of the northern Angara-Lena artesian basin. Presents results of a systematic study of groundwaters in Ordovician deposits of the basin that are characterized by significant contents of sodium sulfate as distinct from calcium-sulfate and sodium-chloride waters of over- and underlying strata. Genesis of the sodium-sulfate waters is attributed to cation exchange between calcium-sulfate waters and the host rock. DLC. SHEPHERD, G.G., see No. 105873. 107166 SHERGINA, YU.P. and S.S. SHKORBATOV. Izotopnyy sostav bora v nikelenosnykh i beznikelevykh massivakh ul'traosnovnykh i osnovnykh porod Kol'skogo poluostrova. (Geokhimiya 1970. no.2, p.211-16, graph, tables) 12 refs. In Russian. Tie tr.: Isotopic composition of boron in nickel-bearing and nickel-free massifs of ultramafic and mafic rocks of the Kola Peninsula. Investigations in the Monchegorsk, Lovozero and Pechenga regions have shown a substantial difference in the isotopic composition of boron of presumably ore-free and of nickel-bearing massifs. Intrusions with coppernickel mineralization have a lower B''/B '° ratio than other massifs. This allows isotopic variations of boron to be used as criteria in searches for copper-nickel sulfide ores. DLC. SHERGINA, YU.P., see also No. 107205. 107167 SHERMADINI, V.I. Materialy o razvitii zdravookhraneniya na Kol'skom poluostrove. (Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1969. v.13, no.5, p.21-23) In Russian. Title tr.: Materials on developments in public health care on Kola Peninsula. Cites some data showing Soviet accomplishments versus tsarist times. This area has 55 hospitals with 8797 beds, 120.9 beds/10,000 population, and 2793 medical 895
doctors, 34/10,000. There are also some 500 field clinics, public-health and first-aid stations, maternity clinics, etc, also 14 epidemiological control stations. DLC.
SHERWOOD, N.G., see No. 101788.
SHERMAN, TA., see No. 106463.
YE.M. 107168 SHERSHAKOVA, Formirovaniye rabochey sily novykh promyshlennykh predpriyatiy Magadana. Naseleniye i trudovyye resursy Severo-Vostoka SSSR 1968. p.122-28, table) In Russian. Title tr.: Formation of labor force in new industrial enterprises of the city of Magadan. Analysis based on a study of seven new industrial enterprises activated in 1963-65. Over 72% of the workers hired were men, mostly from other Magadan enterprises. About one-fifth came from other urban centers of Magadan Province, and close to one-quarter came from outside the Province. About onethird of those hired by the new enterprises came from the Chukchi National District which itself suffers from labor shortage. Almost 41% of the new enterprise workers belonged to the 20-29 age group, with a predominance among them of people from outside Magadan Province. Older workers tended to be local inhabitants, with close to 60% having no less than five years of work experience in Magadan Province. Workers from outside the Province tended to be higher-skilled individuals, single or with small families. Author advocates organizational and educational measures to reduce reliance on imported labor and to develop local labor resources on a provincial, city, district, and village basis. DLC.
107171 SHESHUKOVA PORETSKAYA, V.S. and A.I. IVIOISEYEVA. Sostoyaniye izuchennosti dialomovykh vodorosley kaynozoya severo-zapadnoy chasti Tikhookeanskoy oblasti i perspektivy dal'neyshikh issledovaniy. (In: Biostratigrafiya, fauna i flora kaynozoya...1969. p.37-43) 54 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Status of knowledge of Cenozoic diatom algae in the northwestern part of the Pacific region and the outlook for further research. Reviews studies of marine diatoms in Tertiary and Quaternary deposits of the Anadyr region, Chukotka, Kamchatka, etc, also sediments of adjacent seas. Specific tasks in further research are noted. DLC.
SHERWOOD, M.B., see No. 106411. 107170 SHESHUKOVA - PORETSKAYA, Morskiye diatomei neogenovykh otlozheniy Dal'nego Vostoka. (In: Iskopayemyye diatomovyye vodorosli SSSR 1968. Title tr.: p.26-32, tables) Refs. In Russian. Marine diatoms of the Neogene deposits of the Far East. Presents a study of marine and brackishwater forms from Sakhalin Island, Kamchatka and the Anadyr region. Five stages in their development history are briefly described. The oldest are those of the Anadyr region. This flora gives new data on the systematic composition, morphologic variation, and development history of Tertiary diatom algae of the Far DLC. Eastern seas.
SHESTAKOV, YU.N., see No. 107562. 107169 SHERWOOD, G.A. Behavior of family groups of Canada geese. (North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 1967. Transactions, p.340-55, illus) 16 refs. Reports on a 1962-65 study of Brania canadensis maxima at the Seney National Wildlife Refuge, upper Michigan. Full data are summarized as follows: a productive pair could be developed in a few hours in older, acquainted geese; pair bonds were permanent during both members' lifetime; pairing took place on the nesting grounds; ganders raised the brood after death of the goose; yearlings frequently returned to the nesting grounds with their parents, or rejoined them after the nesting season; brood mates retained strong ties well into the second year; about 75% of 2-yr-old females nested and contributed approx 33% of the hatch; these females attempted to nest near their natal home; and brood mixing occurred with 2-yr-old females the most vulnerable in losing their goslings to older, aggresive pairs. DI. 896
107172 SHESTERIKOV, N.P. Otsenka koeffitsiyenta teploprovodnosti snega kosvennym metodom. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.35, p.92-94, graph) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Evaluation of the thermal conductivity coefficient of snow by indirect method. Determines the thermal coefficient of snow covering ice at 12 stations in the Kara, Laptev and East Siberian Seas. The coefficient was calculated from the observed rate of ice growth under the snow cover. The values obtained turned out to be 1.5-2.0 times higher than those obtained in the Arctic by earlier investigators. The mean thermal conductivity coefficient of ice used in the formula for determining that of the snow was found to be overestimated, making the standard value of the latter lower than it should be, and the values found in this investigation approx correct. DLC. Prom er107173 SHESTERIKOV, N.P. zaniye mnogoletnikh l'dov. (Problemy Ark-
tiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.33, p.39-45, graphs) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Freezing of old ice. Presents an analytical method of determining the temperature decrease in the sea ice that remains unmelted during the summer and subsequently freezes and grows in thickness during the following winter. Approx values are given for solar radiation absorbed by the ice during the summer, the character of temperature change in ice with depth, and the nomograms for calculating temperature at the snow-ice boundary, and for approx determination of ice growth in terms of ambient air temp. The theoretical results are found to agree satisfactorily with the values of time duration of old ice freezing as observed at drifting stations. DLC.
107174 SHESTOV, D.B. and F.A. MOVSESYAN. Nekotoryye voprosy proyektirovaniya i stroitel'stva bol'nits v usloviyakh Kraynego Severa. (Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1968. v.12, no.9, p.25-29, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Some matters to be considered in planning and building hospitals in the Far North. Discusses optimum size and design of hospitals for the ecological and demographic conditions of the North. With its low population density and poor transportation, numerous small hospitals in the 25-100 bed range are required except for industrial agglomerates and settlements of 20-70 thousand which warrant 400-600 bed facilities. Compact circular or rectangular 3-7 story buildings are favored; they allow max use of daylight, and min exposure to wind. A ward about 15 m wide is considered best for control of heat loss. With separate block buildings, heated connecting passageways are essential to preclude exposure of patients. Central covered yards, indoor gardens and recreation facilities should be part of the building compound. Daylight and ultraviolet lamps should be used to compensate for paucity of sunlight; e.g. in Noril'sk, the dark period lasts 23% of the year, overcast and foggy days average 200 and 40-50/yr, respectively. Provisions for indoor transfer of patients from or into ambulance, architectural snow-control features, etc are also noted. Standard room size approved in the USSR, 7m' with 21m° of air per patient, is inadequate in the rarefied and oxygen-poor atmosphere of the Arctic. DLC. SHEVALDIN, LYE., see No. 105607. SHEVCHENKO, V.K., see No. 108558. SHEVCHENKO, V.M., see No. 103737. SHEVELEV, I.P., see No. 107239.
107175 SHEVTSOV, A.M. and A.N. SAKHAROV. Proyektirovaniye i stroitel'stvo malykh naselennykh punktov v sel'skokhozyaystvennykh promyslovykh rayonakh Kraynego Severa. (Problemy Severa 1968. no.13, p.256-62, tables, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Design and construction of small settlements in agricultural and hunting and fishing regions of the Far North. Discusses the techniques and economy of constructing small settlements for people engaged in agriculture, hunting, and fishing in the Far North, where special standards for design are required by the presence of permafrost and generally severe climate: winter temperatures to -56°C, winds up to 40 m /sec. For settlements of 250-1000 inhabitants in remote areas, particularly for primary-industry bases and factories operated by 30-50 resident workers, very light, easily transportable factory-produced building components requiring a minimum of labor and machinery assembly should be used. Many modern types of material can be utilized, such as aluminum alloys, polymeric materials such as fiber glass and wood products, as well as foam plastic or mineral wool for insulation. Wood, however, still remains the most economical building material in the Far North. Comparative indices for various types of wooden houses of Canadian design (No 64176) are tabulated. Standards of dwellings are briefly described, as worked out on the basis of instructions given to Gosstroy in 1964 for development of such projects through the State Institute for the Design of Rural Housing and Civil Construction (Giprosel'stroy Institute). CaMAI, DLC. 107176 SHEVTSOV, V.S. Otobrazheniye merzlotnykh obrazovaniy na topograficheskikh kartakh. (Geodeziya i kartografiya 1968. no.10, p.55-58) In Russian. Title tr.: Representation of cryogenic formations on topographic maps. Describes features of the permafrost regions of the USSR, pingos, thermokarst, peat hummocks, solifluction, solifluction terraces, naleds, ground ice, thermal erosion, and glacial landforms. Their representation on topographic maps is suggested as having scientific value and practical importance. DLC. 107177 SHEVYREV, L.T. Neotektonika basseyna reki Oklan, Severnoye Priokhot'ye. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1970. no.6, p.116-18) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Recent tectonics of the Oklan River basin, northern Okhotsk region. This region has been very little investigated and opinions about it vary. Its relief development from the Oligocene to the Holocene is 897
summarized, as is the forming of planation surDLC. faces and tectonic movements.
107178 SHEYMOVICH, V.S. and others. Chetvertichnyye lavovyye potoki liparitov vulkana Chashakondzha. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1970. no.6, p.115-16, illus) In Russian. Other authors: V.S. Fedotov, M.G. Patoka Title tr.: Quaternary and G.N. Yevseyev. liparite lava flows of Chashakondzha Volcano. Describes liparite flows on this predominantly andesitic stratovolcano near the headwaters of Bol'shoy Tigil' and Voron'ya Rivers in Kamchatka Peninsula. One such flow is about 12 km2 in area and is petallike in form. It was extruded during final stages of volcanism and is composed mainly of transparent glass with subordinate amounts of plagioclase. DLC. 107179 SHEYMOVICH, V.S. Rol' i mesto ignimbritov v stroyenii vulkanogennykh tolshch kaynozoya Kamchatki. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.12, p.47-55, map, table) 17 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Role and place of ignimbrites in the structure of Cenozoic volcanic strata of Kamchatka. lgnimbrite-forming eruptions played an important role in the Cenozoic volcanism of Kamchatka. Ignimbrites formed during almost all stages of the period of volcanism, but the regional formation of ignimbrite sheets is limed to the end of the middle Miocene, upper Pliocene and middle Quaternary. A brief description of ignimbrite sheets is given as is the typical chemical composition of ignimbrites DLC. of various ages. SHEYNMANN, YU.M., see No. 106956.
107180 SHIBIN, N.G.
Razvitiye i razmcshcheniye obrabatyvayushchey hazy rybnoy promyshlennosti. (In: Problemy razvitiya ...Magadanskoy oblasti 1969. v.3, p.11-15) In Title tr.: Development and siting of Russian. the working base of the fishing industry. Describes the industry's progress since the creation of the Magadan Fishery Trust in 1954, yearly production reaching 800,000 centners by 1969, due mainly to improvement of the Sea of Okhotsk herring catch. The fishing fleet requires new refrigerator, freezer, and factory ships, tow barges, and trawlers. Parallel need for repair facilities is stressed, with the recommendation to put the Marchekansk shipbuilding plant in Nagayeva Bay at the exclusive disposal of the Magadan fishing fleet for servicing and repairs. With additional processing, salting and canning plants being established, a continuing supply of specialists and cadres for factory ships and shore installations is recommended through creation of technical educational facilities in DLC. Magadan.
Activity cycles of snowy owls at Barrow, Alaska. (Murrelet 1969. v.50, no.2, p.14-16, graphs, tables) Ref. Reports a summer 1967 study of captive and tundra owls during periods of 24-hr continuous daylight. The captive owls were on a definite cycle with greatest activity 9 pm-8 am; tundra owls were rather active throughout the 24-hr period. The low lemming count in 1967 may have necessitated continuous activity for CaMAI. the tundra owls to find food.
107181 SHIELDS, M.
SHIKHOBALOVA, N.P., see No. 107338. 107182 SHIKHORINA, K.M. 0 prirode bazal'tov Maymecha-Kotuyskoy provintsii. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no. 14, p.35-44, graphs,' tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Nature of the basalts of Maymecha-Kotuy province. A diagram method has been used for estimating the chemical composition of these basalts, but the results have not been satisfactory. The Maymecha-Kotuy province was compared with basalts of the northwestern part of the Siberian platform. Effusives of these regions have differing compositions. Those in the northwest of the platform are tholeiitic basalts; Maymecha-Kotuy province has olivine basalts. DLC.
SHILIN,A.I., see Nos. 106083, 108647. 107183 SHILIN, B.V. and YE.YA. ICARIZHENSKIY. lnfrakrasnaya aeros"yemka pri izuchenii ledyanogo pokrova. (Okeanologiya 1970. v.I0, no.5, p.888-92, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Infrared air photography for study of the ice cover. Describes this method and gives some examples of its first use by Russians on sea ice. More data can be obtained with this than with other air-photo methods, enabling determination of the thickness and age of ice, the charting of cracks covered with young ice and snow, and the estimating of the relative age of cracks and hummocks. The new method is promising for ice patrol and research work. DLC.
107184 SHILIN, B.V. and N.A. GUSEV. Teplovaya aeros"yemka vulkanov Kamchatki. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1969. no.5, p.139-47, table, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr: Thermal aerial survey of Kamchatka volcanoes. Reports thermal meastrements of these volcanoes by infrared rays. Data obtained in the fall of 1967 are reported for Ebeko, Mutnovskiy, Avacha and others. The infrared survey in conjunction with aerial photography is found to be a new and effective method for investigation of volcanic foci, thermal waters, fumaroles, etc. Comparisons are made with
similar surveys in the Hawaiian islands, the Philippines, and elsewhere. DLC. 107185 SHILIN, N.L. and O.N. VOLYNETS. Formatsiya gabbro-plagiogranitov verkhnemelovogo - paleogenovogo vozrasta. (In: Formatsii i fatsii...Kamchatki 1968. p.9-28, maps, tables, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: The formation of gabbro-plagiogranite of Upper Cretaceous - Paleogene age. Describes intrusive rocks about 5000 km= in area of the Sredinnyy Range of Kamchatka. The formation is syntectonic and was formed in the Laramie stage of folding. Two types of intrusives are described. Petrographic, mineralogical and petrochemical characteristics of the formation are given. Its original magmatic fusion was hybrid in character, and deep hybridization had a specially important role in rocks of the first type. Assimilation in the intrusive chambers was not significant for massifs of the second type, and even less so for those of the first. DLC. 107186 SHILIN, N.L. Zoloto v porodakh Tsentral'noy Kamchatki. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1968. no.11, p.69-76, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Gold in the rocks of central Kamchatka. Reports a geochemical study of gold distribution in intrusive, subvolcanic, volcanic-sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Data are tabulated on about 400 samples. Magmatic formations of the Anavgay series and a gabbro-granodiorite formation of Miocene age contain more gold than the other formations studied. DLC. SHILIN, N.L., see also Nos. 104971, 108261, 108262. 107187 SHILIN, YU.A. Perspektivy rybokhozyaystvennogo izucheniya i ispol'zovaniya vnutrennikh vodoyemov Magadanskoy oblasti. (In: Problemy razvitiya...Magadanskoy oblasti 1969. v.3, p.35-39, table) 15 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Outlook for the study and utilization of lakes and rivers of Magadan Province from the viewpoint of the fishing/processing industry. Magadan rivers total 1,193,397 km in length, its 178,648 lakes cover an area equal to 1,856,000 hectares. These inland waters are classified in relation to the basins of four seas, the East Siberian, Chukchi, Bering, and Okhotsk, and are extremely rich in various species of fish. Author gives average figures by species for yearly-catch in specific river and lake basins and discusses the phenomenon of lower reproduction rates of the fish population in the inland waters of the Far North. This fact calls for a scientifically designed exploitation plan coupled with measures conducive to a
renewal and growth of fish reserves. A 1968-72 comprehensive study is to be carried out in the middle Kolyma basin and in the basin of the Malyy and Bol'shoy Anyuy, and similar studies are planned for the Anadyr and for the rivers emptying into Chaun Bay. The Kolyma is one of the richest freshwater fishing basins in the northeast, with a yearly catch of 14-18,000 centners which could go higher if exploitation were more efficient. At present, for instance, a substantial part of the yearly catch is used to feed sled dogs and fur-farm animals, or as fishing bait. Recommendations are advanced for the improvement of Kolyma fishing resources by transferring the responsibility from the Siberian Fisheries Administration to the Magadan Fishery Trust, which should benefit the entire Magadan economy and that of Yakut ASSR. DLC. 1071 SHILO, N.A. Kompleksnyye issledovaniya na Severo-Vostoke. (AN SSSR. Vestnik 1968. v.38, no.3, p.94-98, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Complex research in the Northeast. The North-Eastern Complex Scientific Research Institute of Magadan, established in 1959, has a broad research program ranging from science to the humanities. A significant part of the Institute's research is related to problems associated with the development of Siberian natural resources. DLC. 107189 SHILO, N.A. Nekotoryye problemy korennoy i rossypnoy zolotonosnosti. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.2, p.3-11) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Some problems of primary and placer gold. Reviews some problems of gold geology still unsolved, though of theoretical and practical significance. Causes of gold migration and concentration in various structural-formation zones are analyzed. The composition of goldore deposits changes in the direction from the Yana-Kolyma Mesozoic folded system to the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt. Attention is given to problems of placer formation postorogenic development of folded zones. DLC. 107190 SHILO, N.A. and YU.V. SHUMILOV. 0 dinamike i postsedimentatsionnom preobrazovanii allyuviya v subpolyarnykh usloviyakh. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.6, p.3-11, graphs, tables) 14 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The dynamics and postsedimentary transformation of alluvium under subpolar conditions. The most important genetic type of continental deposit in the Soviet Northeast is alluvium. The main feature of alluvial deposits in the river valleys is cementation by clay and ice inclusions. From study of the physiographic conditions and their effects on processes of 899
continental lithogenesis, some specific features of alluvium dynamics in the subpolar zone are recognized. Attention is directed to these features in the formation of gold placers. It is suggested that the epialluvial or cryolithogenic stage in the geologic history of placers be defined. Attention is also given to the role of permafrost in the formation of subpolar alluDLC. vial deposits. 107191 SHILO, N.A. Problemy geologii rossypey. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970, no.1, p.145-48) In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of placer geology. Describes the 1969 conference in Magadan with about 300 present and 87 papers delivered. Magadan Province, Yakutia, the Polar Urals, and Kamchatka were among the areas considered. A brief summary of some of the DLC. papers is included. 107192 SHILO, N.A. and others. Zolotorudnyye formatsii severo-vostoka SSSR. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.188, no.4, p.901904, map) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.A. Sidorov, V.I. Nayborodin and V.I. Goncharov. Title tr.: Gold-ore formations of the Soviet Northeast. In the Verkhoyansk-Chukotka and Koryak Kamchatka folded provinces and the Okhotsk Chukotka volcanic belt, gold-quartz, gold-rare metals, gold-silver and gold-sulfide are the main gold-ore formations. Each is described as to distribution, composition, gold mineralization, mineral composition and other features. DLC. SHILO, NA., see also Nos. 106306, 106433. SHILOV, I.K., see No. 107260. 107193 SHILOV, YU.S. and Z.S. KRYUKOVA. 0 prognoznykh zapasakh gaza nedr Nadym-Tazovskogo mezhdurech'ya Zapadnoy Sibiri. (Geologiya nefti i gaza 1969. v.13, no.9, p.1-5, map, table, illus) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Probable reserves of gas in the Nadytn - Taz interfluve of West Siberia. Reviews the area between 73° and 81°E from 63°N north to the Ob and Taz Bays. To estimate the gas reserves in groundwater in the Hauterivian and Cenomanian deposits, the gas saturation was investigated. The results are reported and, for the Nadym - Taz interfluve, the estimated reserves are 45 trillion m'. DLC. 107194 SHILYAYEVA, L.M. Gel'm ini y pesta i ikh vozdeystviye populaysiyu khozhaina v Nenetskom natsional'nom okruge. (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 1968. v.47, no.3, p.33I-36, graphs, tables) 17 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Hehninths in the 900
arctic fox and their influence upon the host population in the Nenets National District. Examination of 443 animals, annually 1957-65, showed helminth infestation of foxes to be connected with the abundance of murid rodents and the number of young and underfed animals. DLC. 107195 SHIMAN, M.I. and V.A. ANTONENKO. K raschetu nagruzki na krep' gorizontal'nykh vyrabotok v zone tektonicheskikh narusheniy. (In: AN SSSR. Kol'skiy filial. Gornometallurgicheskiy inst. Fizika i tekhnologiya...1965, p.44-46, graphs) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Calculation of load on the timbering of horizontal workings in a zone of tectonic disturbances. Discusses the formulas used and points out that the effects of tectonic disturbances at intersections of mine workings are not taken into account, although timbering deformation and rock falls are more frequent in such sections. Measurements of more than 50 rock falls in the S.M. Kirov mines show the height of fall in these zones to be 2-1/2 times greater than elsewhere. An improved formula for the determination of fall heights at these intersections with faults is proposed. The curve of the height plotted against the half-width of the workings in the tectonically disturbed zone confirms the improvement. DLC. 107196 SHIMARAYEV, V.N. Stroyeniye zemnoy kory Vostochno-Sibirskogo i Chukotskogo morey po aeromagnitnym dannym. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.16, p.26-29, graphs, map) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The structure of the earth's crust under the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas according to aeromagnetic data. Discusses interpretation methods of an aeromagnetic survey of the abyssal structure of the shelf of these seas. Discontinuities in the crust are identified by calculating the depths of the tops and bottoms of magnetically anomalous bodies. A columnar section illustrates the heterogeneity of the earth's crust under these seas. DLC. SHIMARAYEV, V.N., see also No. 108248. 107197 SHIMAZAICI, K. and S. MISHIMA. On the diurnal change of the feeding activity of salmon in the Okhotsk Sea. (Hokkaido Univ. Faculty of Fisheries. Bulletin 1969. v.20, no.2, p.82-93, graphs, map, tables) 10 refs. In Japanese. English summary, tables and captions. Discusses the pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha and chum 0. keta caught at hourly intervals off southwest Kamchatka July 1967, with concomitant surface and 10-m depth
plankton tows. The change of the average feeding indices (ratio of wet weight stomach content to body weight) indicated high values after sunset and sunrise and quite low values during midday and midnight. Fish, squid and amphipods were the dominant food: amphipod higher in the evening, fish larvae and squid eaten mainly before and after sunrise. Planktonic food was relatively scarce during the day and abundant at night. DI. SHIMAZAKI, K., see also No. 105908. SHIROKOV, V.A., see Nos. 107878, 107879. 107198 SHIROKOV, V.M. Itogi izucheniya vliyaniya vodokhranilishch na poberezh'ya. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1969. no.3, p.55-56)' In Russian. Title tr.: Results of study of the effects of water reservoirs on their shores. Notes some 84 papers presented at a meeting at Akademgorodok 28-30 Oct 1968, on the shore formation of large artificial water reservoirs such as at Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, etc. Features of the hydrodynamic regime of the littoral zones, prediction of changes in them, strengthening and stabilizing the shorelines etc were discussed. DLC. 107199 SHIROKOV, YU.A. Chukotskoeskimosskaya reznaya kost' v Anadyrskom muzeye, katalog. (Anadyr. Chukotskiy krayevedcheskiy muzey. Zapiski 1967. no.4, p.38-52, illus) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Chukchi and Eskimo bone carvings in the Anadyr' Museum, a catalog. Lists with descriptive notes and 24 photos, sculptures and engravings in the Chukchi Regional Museum in Anadyr'; five are late 19th century, and eighty produced 1940-65 in the Uelen workshop. Carving techniques, style, group composition, etc are discussed, mythological subjects explained, and some information given on the artists. DLC. 107200 SHIRSKIY, S.V. Nekotoryye materialy po fiziologii akklimatizatsii detey k usloviyam Kraynego Severa. (Problemy Severn 1970. no.14, p.42-47) In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Physiology of acclimatization of children to Far North conditions. Vascular and respiratory reflexes in 386 school children (aged 10-17 yr) in Noril'sk and Volochanka, Taymyr National District, showed changes commensurate with the length of stay in the North. During the first 2-3 yr there is inhibition of vascular and respiratory reflexes; there are seasonal fluctuations in the reflex activity corresponding to length of daylight
variations; the type of higher nervous activity and social and domestic conditions play an important role in acclimatization; the reflex activity of children born in the North or with long residency, is close to that of indigenous children. During acclimatization the reflex activity of children changes; there is a decrease in the strength of excitation to a certain level and increase in sensitivity thresholds to specific stimuli as reflected in a decrease in the mean magnitude of the vascular response; normalization of the excitation-inhibition relationship after the first acclimatization period; and development of inertia and sluggishness of responses. The new state of higher nervous activity, formed during acclimatization, corresponds to the strong, balanced, inert type. CaMAI, DLC. 107201 SHISHIGIN, S.I. Kavernoznost' porod neftenosnogo gorizonta Shaimskogo rayona i yeye rol' v formirovanii yemkosti kollektora. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.1, p.56-63, graphs, table, illus) 7 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Cavernous rocks of the oil-bearing horizon of the Shaim region and their role in the formation of reservoirs. Describes cavities in Upper Jurassic oilbearing rocks of this region. They are isometric, slit-like and cylindrical in form and range from several mm to several cm in size. The cavities significantly increase the capacity of these DLC. reservoir rocks. 107202 SHISHIGIN, S.I. Korrelyatsionnyye zavisimosti kollektorskikh svoystv peschano-alevritovykh porod neokoma Srednego Priob'ya s soderzhaniyem v nikh tsementa. (Geologiya nefti i gaza 1969. v.13, no.9, p.2023, graphs, tables) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Correlative relationship of the reservoir properties of Neocomian sandy-silty rocks of the middle Ob' region with their cement content. Elucidates the connection between the permeability and porosity of these Cretaceous rocks in the Surgut and Nizhne-Vartovskiy upwarps, with particular reference to the effect of the cement content. The reservoir properties are a function of the cement content and are of practical importance. DLC. SHISHKIN, B.B., see Nos. 104688, 108284. SHISHKOV, A.I., see No. 105087. SHISHKOV, YU.F., see No. 102841. 107203 SHIYATOV, S.C. Vremya rasseivaniya semyan listvennitsy sibirskoy v severo-zapadnoy chasti areala i rol' etogo faktora vo vzaimootnoshenii lesa i tundry. 901
(Vses. botanicheskoye o-vo. Sverdlovskoye otdiye. Zapiski 1966. no.4, p.109-113, tables) Refs. Title tr.: Time of seed dispersal In Russian. in the Siberian larch in the northwest part of its range and the role of this factor in the relationship of forest and tundra. Reports data gathered during 1960-62 in the Sob' river basin of the Polar Urals. The boundary between sparse forest and tundra here is almost entirely Larix siberica. Several factors combine to restrict tree distribution. Seeds fall from cones the July or August after ripening, much later than at lower latitudes; since they do not fall on snow their dispersal by wind is greatly reduced. Winds, melt water, and rain water all tend to transport the seed into forested areas rather than onto the tundra. Because of the very short growing season, some seed doesn't germinate the same summer it falls. Loss of viability and destruction of seed are much greater than at lower latitudes due to the very long time between ripening and germination. The effects of cyclic climatic fluctuations on the tree line are also discussed. DLC. SHKATOV, YE.P., see Nos. 107073, 107079, 107080. 107204 SHKLOVSKIY, M.YA. and G.P. PROTOD'YAKONOV. Opyt stroitel'stva fundamentov opor v usloviyakh vechnoy merzloty. (Avtomobil'nyye dorogi 1970. v.33, no.9, p.17-18, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Construction of foundation supports under permafrost conditions. Describes the design and construction of a nine-span bridge 327 m long on the Bol'shoy Never - Yakutsk highway. Geocryologica 1 characteristics of the ground under the bridgesupporting structures are given, showing the temperature regime of the two-layer permafrost. Defects in the original design of the bridge are cited. Experimental drillholes for the support piles and test of the piles' stability and bearing capacity under 500 t pressure are reported, as are the type of piles and method of insertion of them into the ground in the final DLC. design of the bridge. SHKLYAROV, N.D., 108126.
Nos. 108125,
SHKODZINSKIY, VS., see Nos. 105909, 105910, 108188. SHKOLA, I.V., see No. 104880. SHKOLL', YE. D., see No. 105594. 107205 SHKORBATOV, S.S. and others. Geofizicheskiye i geokhimicheskiye issledovaniya pri poiskakh medno-nikelevykh sul'fidnykh mestorozhdeniy v Monchegorskom ray902
one. (Razvedka i okhrana nedr 1970. v.36, no.8, p.41-43, graph, illus) 3 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.P. Perfilova and Yu.P. Shergina. Title tr.: Geophysical and geochemical investigations in the search for copper-nickel sulfide deposits in the Monchegorsk region. Reports gravimetric, magnetic and hydrogeochemical surveys of the west side of Lake Monche in Kola Peninsula. A new type of mineralization is disclosed, and is considered to improve the economic prospects of the region. These methods proved to be effective despite the complicated geologic conditions and presDLC. ence of Quaternary glacial deposits. SHKORBATOV, S.S., see also No. 107166. SHKURKO, M.D., see No. 104885. SHLEYFER, MS., see Nos. 103764, 106034. SHLISH, R., see No. 103349. 107206 SHLYAKHTINA, A.P. and others. Karta modulya T napryazhennosti zemnogo magnitnogo polya epokhi 1965 g. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1968. v.8, no.1, p.128-36, maps) 54 refs. In Russian. Other authors: L.A. Privalova and T.Ye. Medvedeva. Title tr.: Map of the intensity modulus T of the geomagnetic field for the 1965 epoch. Discusses the recent data used in compiling a 1:50 million map of geomagnetic field intensity for the 1965 epoch, those provided by surveys carried out by the US Naval Oceanographic Office during Project MAGNET representing the largest volume of data at survey altitudes of 0.5-6.0 km and with 80% of the observations made at an average elevation of 2 km. The reduced map shows that the coverage is worldwide except for the USSR, is limited for the Scandinavian countries but includes Greenland, and part of the Barents and Beaufort Seas. Soviet T maps are compared with those made in other countries. In the northern polar zone the average estimated reliability is —3 DLC. millioersteds. 107207 SHLYAKOV, R.N. Novaya sektsiya roda Lophozia Dum. emend. Loeske. (AN SSSR. Botanicheskiy inst. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rasteniy 1970. v.7, p.324-33, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A new section of genus Lophozia Dum. emend. Loeske. After publication of his 1969 paper on the liverwort, Lophozia murmanica Kaal., author received samples under different names. Many were found to be Lophozia from hitherto unreported locations in northern USSR, Scandinavia and East and North Greenland. On the basis of its ecology, leaf formation, lipid bodies, spores, etc, L
murmanica is placed in a separate section, Lophozia (subgen Lophozia ) sectio murmaDLC. nicae Schljak n sect. 107208 SHLYAKOV, R.N. 0 sistematicheskom polozhenii pechenochnika Lophozia murmanica Kaal. (AN SSSR. Botanicheskiy inst. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rasteniy 1969. v.6, p.241-45, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Title Sr.: Systematic position of the liverwort Lophozia murmanica Kaal. Compares this species from the Khibiny mountains with Lophozia wenzelii, and species of the subgenus Massula, to establish its separate identity. L murmanica grows on wet places in the tundra zone, mountain tundra belt and arctic desert and is recorded from the Kola and northern Chukotka Peninsulas and Ellesmere Island. DLC. SHLYKOVA, N.L., see No. 104544. 107209 SHNEYER, V.S. Prilivnaya variatsiya geomagnitnogo polya na o. Kheysa, Zemlya Frantsa-losifa. (AN URSR, Kiyev. Mors'kyy hidrofizychnyy inst. Trudy 1968. v.40, p.46-49, graph) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tidal variation of the geomagnetic field on Kheysa Island, Franz Josef Land. Shows that a field induced by marine tidal currents is superimposed on the Z component of the earth's magnetic field. Although tidal variation on Kheysa Island is small as compared with SD variations, it may reach rather large values when tidal currents are rapid and where geometric and electrical parameters of a strait are favorable. These variations must be taken into account when investigations are made of diurnal variation of the geomagnetic field along coasts of tidal seas. DLC. SHOCK METAMORPHISM OF NATURAL MATERIALS see No. 102928.
movements of the orogenic phase, whereas in the Verkhoyansk region they diminished gradually and were succeeded by stages of platform development. DLC. 107211 SHOOK, D.C. Alaska Native Community Health Aide Training. (Alaska medicine 1969. v.11, no.2, p.62-63) Describes the 10-wk course projected by this US Public Health Service training program. Candidates are selected by the Village Councils. There are no specific educational requirements but literacy, good standing among the villagers, and ability to attend training classes are desirable. CaMAI, DNLM. 107212 SHORNIKOV, M. V.I. Lenin i Sibir'. (Sibirskiye ogni 1967. v.46, no.10, p.141-54) Refs. In Russian. Title Sr.: V.I. Lenin and Siberia. Describes Lenin's long-term projects for the economic and social development of Siberia including the North. His revolutionary activi. ties while in political exile in Siberia, Civil War strategy in the Far East, administrative and relief programs in the early 1920's, etc are reviewed. DLC. 107213 SHORNIKOV, YE.I. Acetabulastoma, novyy rod ostrakod, ektoparazitov Amphipoda. (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 1970. v.49, no.8, p.1132-43, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Acetabulastoma, a new genus of ostracods, parasites of Amphipoda. Describes five species of the new genus Acetabulastoma, which is found in the littoral zones of polar basin shores. These ostracods are parasitic on the ventral side, or in the incubation chambers of some hosts; their eggs are laid in the branchial vesicles of Amphipoda. The spread is by contact. DLC. SHORT, J.M., see No. 105986.
SHOLOKHNEV, V.V., see No. 106373. SHORT, N.M., see Nos. 102773, 102928. SHOLPO, L.YE., see No. 104758. SHORTHOUSE, J.D., see No. 104624. 107210 SHOLPO, V.N. Sravnitel'nyy analiz morfologii i usloviy obrazovaniya skladchatosti Verkhoyan'ya i Kavkaza. (In: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy sovet po tektonike Sibiri ...Mezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p.21-28, graphs, maps) In Russian. Title tr.: Comparative analysis of the morphology and conditions of folding in Verkhoyansk and the Caucasus. Discusses the similarities and differences in structure of these two widely separated areas. The intensity of deformation increased from the periphery to the axial zone of folding in both regions. Geosynclinal processes in the Caucasus culminated in large-scale crustal
107214 SHPAYKHER, A.O. Advektsiya atlanticheskikh i tikhookeanskikh vod kak faktor izmeneniy klimata Arkticheskogo basseyna. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1969. ser. geog. no.3, p.29-38, graphs, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Advection of Atlantic and Pacific waters as a factor in changes of climate in the Arctic Basin. Discusses the influence of Atlantic and Pacific warm waters on hydrological regime of the Arctic Basin and open seas. Their influence on the annual changes of deep and surface water temperature of the Basin, ice conditions, ice cover and atmospheric circulation is con903
firmed. Calculation of all of these interrelationships offers great possibilities for methods of DLC. long-term forecasting. 107215 SHPAYKHER, A.O. G idrologicheskiye osobennosti ozera Taborg, Zemlya Elsmira. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.34, p.99-105, map, tables) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrological features of Lake Tuborg, Ellesmere Island. Presents the results of hydrological observations of the lake by a 1963 party, and subsequent measurements of its temperature and salinity in 1966, 1967. The lake is 20 km long, 1-3 km wide, and had a max depth of 130 m in 1967. Its surface is 9 m above sea level, its area is about 46 million m2, and summer discharge is approx 46 million m3. Temperature and salinity of the lake for 1963, 1966, and 1967 are given in a table, showing the gradual average temperature change from 3.95°C to 3.69°C at 5-50 m depth, and a sudden temperature drop to 1.34°C at 56 m with corresponding changes in the salinity from 0.24% to 24.857:0, and in water density from 1.00202 to 1.020098. The mean multi-year air temperature, wind velocity, and cloudiness recorded at Alert, and the elements of heat balance, ice thawing, and water heating DLC. in the lake are given. 107216 SHPAYKHER, A.O. and Z.S. VANKINA. K voprosu o geliogeofizicheskoy obuslovlennosti variatsiy gidrometeorologicheskogo rezhima Sevemogo Ledovitogo okeana. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.34, p.20-29, tables, illus) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The heliogeophysical nature of the variations in hydrometeorological regime of the Arctic Ocean. Discusses the correlations of the annual mean magnetic disturbance index and the solar corpuscular injection into the earth's atmosphere with forms of atmospheric circulation, discharge of Atlantic and Pacific waters into the Arctic Basin, and heat transfer from seas into the atmosphere. There is a close correlation between planetary magnetic disturbance and the E, W, and M forms of atmospheric circulation displaced by 3 yr. Solar corpuscular radiation induces formation of eastern and meridional atmospheric circulation, and these atmospheric processes influence the warmwater Row into the Arctic Ocean. Data on solar corpuscular radiation, and the geomagnetic index may be used in the long-term forecasting of meteorological and hydrological processes. DLC:. 107217 SHPAYKHER, A.O. and Z.P. FEDOROVA. Kolebaniya temperatury vody Karskogo morya v techeniye poslednikh desyatiletiy. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.33, p.13-22, graphs, maps, tables) 20 904
refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Temperature variations of Kara Sea water during recent decades. Discusses background features of the influx of heat and salts from Atlantic into the arctic waters. Data are given on the flow of Atlantic water northward between Spitsbergen and Greenland 1952-65, variation in the flow of water, heat, and salts from the Atlantic into the Arctic Basin 1952-68, winter anomalies in Kara Sea temperature and salinity, average Jan-Mar air temperature, the difference between 195766 and 1947-56 thickness of ice growth for the end of May at ten polar stations, and differences in monthly mean values of the ratio of ice-covered to open-water area in the Kara Sea. The mid-1950's cooling of the Greenland and Norwegian seawaters is concluded to have DLC. now penetrated the Arctic Basin. 107218 SHPAYKHER, A.O. and others. L'dovaya obstanovka i morskiye perevozki v Amerikanskoy Arktike v navigatsiyu 1966 g. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1968. no.28, p.125-30, table, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.I. Smimov and T.A. Alimova. Title tr.: Ice conditions and sea transport in the American Arctic in the 1966 navigation season. The ice cover in the sea straits was up to 143 cm thick in Jan. Negative temperature anomalies occurred in the Canadian archipelago in Mar. The increase of ice thickness computed from data of degree days of frost by Zubov's method coincided with observational data in Hudson Bay. Discrepancies were greater in narrow straits where the ice was snow-covered. Ice lay along the north Alaska coast to 15 mi offshore at the beginning of July, and beyond the shore ice there was pack ice. Old ice was observed in the Canadian archipelago throughout the summer. Navigation is possible with the use of icebreakers and helicopters. Ice reconnaisDLC. sance is used to aid navigation. 107219 SHPAYKHER, A.O. and others. Navigatsiya v vodakh Amerikansko-Kanadskoy Arktiki i yeye nauchno-operativnoye obespecheniye. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1967. no.26, p.77-84, graph, tables) 12 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.I. Smimov and T.A. Alimova. Title tr.: Navigation in the waters of the American-Canadian Arctic and its scientific and operational support. Reviews the development of hydrometeorological service to navigation from 1944 to its present status and that of transportation from the Gulf of Alaska and the north Alaskan coast through the Canadian Arctic Islands waters to the Gulf of St Lawrence and the east coast of Greenland. Specifications are given of ten icebreakers of the Canadian Coast Guard and their 16 ice-navigating supply and service
ships. 36 hr to 150 day ice and weather forecasts are given. DLC. 107220 SHPAYKHER, A.O. and others. O tochnosti srednikh znacheniy temperatury vody v Arkticheskom basseyne. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1967. no.26, p.35-38, table) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: I.A. Dyubkin and Yu.B. Konstantinov. Title tr.: The accuracy of the mean water temperature values in the Arctic Basin. Investigates whether the data of episodic observations can be combined with data from multiple series observations, to determine how significant single-observation data could be in evaluating water temperature in the Central Arctic. Several long series of measurements by the North Pole-10 drifting station are used and their statistically calculated results compared with sporadic individual observations. Authors conclude that with a probability factor 0.95, the episodic determinations give correct values with an accuracy of ± 0.08°C. CaMAI, DLC. 107221 SHPAYKHER, A.O. and others. Tem p e rat u rno-so lenostnyy e kharakteristiki poverkhnostnykh vod razvodiy Arkticheskogo basseyna. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1968. no.28, p.35-41, graph, tables) 7 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Yu.B. Konstantinov and V.S. Rachkov. Title tr.: Temperature and salinity characteristics of the surface waters of polynyas in the Arctic Bashi. Reports temperature and salinity measurements made 5 July - 22 Aug 1965 by drifting station North Pole-14 at 15 cm intervals of depth in open water between ice fields. The measurements indicate that during the seven wk period the water beneath the ice absorbed 220 cal/cm'. This amount of heat can raise the temperature of a 25 m layer of water by 0.08°C. The salinity beneath the ice cover changed markedly during the observation period. Meltwater from thawing ice remains on the sea surface and does not mix with the sea water. DLC. SHPAYKHER, A.O., see also Nos. 102095, 106112, 107415. SHPETNYY, A.P., see No. 107793. SHPINDLER, A.Z., see No. 106860. 107222 SHPOLYANSKAYA, N.A. Osobennosti vechnoy i sezonnoy merzloty Zapadnoy Sibiri. (Moskva. Univ. Vestnik 1969. ser. 5: geog. v.24, no.3, p.88-94, maps, tables) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Features of the perennially and seasonally frozen rocks of West Siberia. Presents two maps of Tyumen Province, one depicting the temperature and thickness of
permafrost, the other seasonal thawing and freezing. Three provinces are characterized, one of continuous present and old permafrost, one of discontinuous, and the third of deep old permafrost. Changes of permafrost in relation to relief, and lithologic properties of rocks are also discussed. DLC. 107223 SHPUNT, B.R. G eneticheskiye tipy proyavleniya zolota v severo-vostochnoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy. (Leningrad. N.issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Regional'naya geologiya no.18, p.5-14, maps, tables, illus) 14 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Genetic types of gold occurence in the northeastern part of the Siberian platform. In this region gold is associated with magmatic complexes of various ages, among them Lower-Middle Proterozoic granitoid intrusions, Lower Paleozoic(?) magmatic bodies of alkalicultramafic composition, Lower Triassic intrusions of trap rock, Cretaceous effusives, and dikes of andesitic composition. Areas with good prospects for gold deposits are the Anabar, Udzha, Anabar-Olenek, Popigay, etc. CaMAI, DLC. 107224 SHPUNT, B.R. K metodike poiskovogo oprobovaniya chetvertichnykh rossypey Anabaro-Olenekskogo mezhdurech'ya, soderzhashchikh zoloto, almazy i platinu. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.15, p.171-72) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Method for exploratory sampling of the Quaternary placers of the Anabar-Olenek interfiuve containing gold, diamonds and platinum. Reports a combined method for sampling the placers for all three minerals. CaMAI, DLC. 107225 SHPUNT, B.R. Platinovyye mineraly chetvertichnykh otlozheniy AnabaroOlenekskogo mezhdurech'ya. (Geologiya rudnykh mestorozhdeniy 1970. v.12, no.2, p.123-26, map, table, illus) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Platinum minerals in Quaternary deposits in the Anabar-Olenek interfluve. Reports a study of Middle - Upper Quaternary deposits in the Buolkalakh, KhatygynYuelete and Kangalas-Yuelete River basins. Max concentration of metals is found in lowest part of the section composed of ferruginated coarse gravel. As the platinum minerals content increases, so does the quantity of chromite, spinel, pyroxenes, magnetite, gold, diamonds, pyrope, picroilmenite. X-ray analyses of the platinum minerals are given. Their extensive transport is indicated by their roundness. DLC. 107226 SHREVE, R.L. Migration of air bubbles, vapor figures, and brine pockets in ice 905
under a temperature gradient. (Journal of geophysical research 1967. v.72, no.16, p.40934100, graphs) 23 refs. Derives equations for the migration speed and direction of these inclusions which normally migrate slowly toward the warmer temperatures by melting or sublimation on the warm wall and refreezing on the cool wall. Their speed is proportional to the magnitude of the temperature and composition, shape and orientation of the fluid-filled cavity. The migration is part of a complex group of processes which effect the freshening of sea ice, cause new snow to become coarse-grained and impermeable, bubbly glacier ice to become foliated and in places clear and glacier crystals to become as pure as CO3-free double-distilled water. Computed velocities show only fair agreement with experimental cases of air bubbles, much poorer agreement of discoidal vapor figures, and fairly good for spherical brine pockets at temperatures a few degrees or more below freezing. Possible explanations of DLC. the discrepancies are offered. 107227 SHTEKH, G.I. Stroyeniye zemnoy kory Verkhoyanskogo megantiklinoriya i prilegayushchey chasti Sibirskoy platformy. (In: Regional'nyye geofizicheskiye issledovaniya...1967. p.9-3I, graphs, maps. Title tr.: Structure illus) 21 refs. In Rusilan. of the earth's crust in the Verkhoyansk anticlinorium and adjacent parts of the Siberian platform. Reports a gravimetric investigation. Methods for construction of the Conrad and Mohorovicic discontinuities are explained. The structure of the crust is described, noting structure of the relief of the crystalline basement where four large elements, the Verkhoyansk foredeep, Vilyuy trough, Anabar and Aldan blocks, are distinguished. Smaller structures also are analyzed. Maps are presented for the structure of the Conrad and Moho surfaces. DLC. 107228 SHTEL1NG, N.N. K voprosu o vliyaniyakh klimaticheskikh usloviy Kraynego Severa na funktsional'noye sostoyaniye organizma cheloveka pri khronicheskom obluchenii energiyey sverkhvysokoy chastoty. (In: Akklimatizatsiya i krayevaya patologiya...1970. p.192-94) In Russian. Title tr.: Influence of climatic conditions of the Far North upon the functions of the human organism subjected to chronic irradiation by energy of ultra-high frequency. Research was conducted on 69 subjects, 2936 yr old, working with ultra-high frequency generators: 42 men in the Arctic and 27 in the temperate zone. Among the findings were instances of vegetodystonia, hypotonia, bradycardia, myocardial changes in EKG, lower oxy906
genation of blood. Changes in optical, sensory and motor chronaxy in workers in the Far North were 1.8 times more frequent than in the DLC. control group. 107229 SHTIPEL'MAN, M. Razrabotki proyektov rayonnoy planirovki. (Na stroykakh Rossii 1969. v.10, no.9, p.27-29) In Russian. Title tr.: Developments in regional planning projects. Discusses problems in economic and demographic planning for distribution of industrial centers in six regions of the RSFSR, incl the northwest region, which includes Komi and Kareliya ASSR, Murmansk and Arkhangel'sk Provinces. Plans for this region are noted. Problems of the distribution of new industry, transport in relation to national economy objectives were resolved on considerations of the availability of labor, raw materials, power, and other resources, as well as on efficiency of DLC. production. 107230 SHTURMIN, A.B. and others. Vidy razrusheniy truboprovoda i vozmozhnost' ikh distantsionnogo obnaruzheniya. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1971. v.16, no.4, p.1819, graph) 5 refs. In Russian. Other authors: L.B. Kublanovskiy and A.S. Bolotov. Title tr.: Types of pipeline breakdown and the possibility of their remote identification. Discusses steel fracture of pipes in gas, oil and water pipelines due to external effects or deterioration of the mechanical properties of the pipe steel. A formula is derived for determining when the crack opens and the rate of its DLC. spreading. SHTYREV, I.N., see No. 102163. 107231 SHUB, V.A. Klassifikatsiya mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopayemykh Krasnoyarskogo kraya po gidrogeologicheskim usloviyam. (In: Podzemnyye vody Sibiri...1971. p.222-29, tables) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A classification of economic mineral deposits in Krasnoyarsk Province on the basis of hydrogeologic conditions. Groups the various metallic and nonmetallic mineral occurrences of the province into classes based on the complexity of their hydrogeologic setting. The base level of erosion, depth of permafrost, and groundwater flow are important criteria for establishing the classification, particularly in view of their significance during mining operations. DLC. 107232 SHUB, V.A. and V.R. SEYLOVA. Problema pit'yevogo vodosnabzheniya gorodov Krasnoyarskogo kraya za schet podzemnykh vodoistochnikov. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.I25) In Russian. Title tr.: The problem of potable water
supplies for cities of Krasnoyarsk Province from groundwater sources. Reviews the possibility of obtaining uncontaminated water from subsurface Jurassic and Cambrian deposits of the region as a substitute or supplement to supplies obtained from surface and nearsurface waters now being polluted in several localities. The problem of locating subsurface karst waters is noted. DLC. 107233 SHUBENIN, N.G. and M.YE. KOROLEV. K voprosu poiskov mestorozhdeniy presnykh podzemnykh vod v Yeniseyskom kryazhe. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.112) In Russian. Title tr.: Problems of exploration for fresh groundwaters in the Yenisey Ridge. Summarizes data on the occurrence of groundwaters in Precambrian basement rocks of the ridge and in small artesian basins recently discovered at several localities in Paleozoic and younger sedimentary rocks. The artesian waters are a potential source of significant supplies. The waters in the Precambrian DLC. rocks are subordinate in quantity. SHUBINA, V.N., see No. 107455. SHUGUROVA, N.A., see No. 102000. 107234 SHUKHOV, A. Nekotoryye osobennosti primeneniya RLS v rechnom sudovozhdenii. (Rechnoy transport 1969. no.1, p.47, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Some specific features of using the Radar System in river navigation. Discusses the use of the Radar System maps which help in translating the fixed circles of actual distances on the maps of the river from the image on the radar screen. Two diagrams are presented to exemplify river navigation by radar with and without the fixed circles of actual distances. The use of these aids when the latter one is made for a recommended course, would permit two-way navigation on the Tobol'sk - Khanty-Mansiysk - Salekhard run with the exception of a few hazardous secDLC. tors of the course. SHUKOLYUKOV, YU.A., see No. 105318. 107235 SHULEYKIN, V.V. Plavuchiy morskoy nauchnyy institut i plavaniya "Perseya". (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1970. Fizika atmosfery i okeana v.6, no.4, p.334-51, graphs, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Floating scientific marine institute and voyages of the Persey. Describes development of deep sea research in the USSR. The first scientific floating research institute was the ship Persey (192241), built for hydrographic and hydrologic investigations of arctic seas. Its base ports were Arkhangelsk and Polyarnyy. Persey investi-
gated the White Sea and Barents Sea as far as 80°N, and later the Kara Sea in conjunction with R/V Taymyr. Taymyr also investigated the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago and the Laptev Sea. CaMAI, DLC. SHUL'GA, V.A., see No. 102688. 107236 SHUL'GINA, N.I. Ammonity roda Chetaites iz pogranichnykh sloyev yury i mela Sibiri. (In: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdiye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1968. n.48, p.101-107, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ammonites of gen Chetaites from the JurassicCretaceous boundary beds of Siberia. Redescribes the genus Chetaites and two species C. chetae (type species) and C. sibiricus on the basis of Kheta River material collected since 1962 when they were first described. These species mark the uppermost Volgian (Jurassic) and lowermost Berriasian (Cretaceous) respectively, in northern Siberia. CaMA1, DLC. 107237 SHUL'GINA, N.I. Titonskiye ammonity Severnoy Sibiri. (In: Problemy paleontologich eskogo obosnovan iya...1967. p.131-77, map, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Portlandian ammonites of northern Siberia. Reviews the distribution of Upper Jurassic ammonites in the Khatanga River basin. A scheme is presented correlating the upper part of the Volgian stage of the Russian platform, northern Siberia, and central and southern Europe, according to the ammonite fauna. Systematic descriptions of the ammonites are given; more than ten are described, most of them new. DLC. SHUL'GINA, N.I., see also Nos. 102101, 106941, 106942, 106944, 106945. 107238 SHUL'TS, G.E. Intrazonal'nyye fenologicheskiye paralleli; yug i sever lesnoy zony. (Botanicheskiy zhurnal 1967. v.52, no.8, p.I069-84, graph, tables) Refs. In Russian. English summary Title tr.: Intrazonal phenologic parallels, south and north of the forest zone. Compares phenologic observations over many years in the southern taiga zone near Leningrad and the northern taiga zone in the Murmansk Province. Dates of initiation of bloom and ripening of fruit for numerous species of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, mainly compiled from the literature, are tabulated. Several patterns of developmental differences between northern and southern races or DLC. species are identified. SHULYATIN, 0.G., 107374.
Nos. 107373, 907
107239 SHUMAKHER, R.E. and I.P. SHEVELEV. Fizicheskoye razvitiye shkol'nikov g.Syktyvkara, Komi ASSR, po materialam obsledovaniya 1967-1968 gg. (Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1969. v.13, no.3, p.32-34, table) In Russian. Title tr.: Physical development of school children of the town of Syktyvkar, Komi ASSR, 1967-68 survey data. Presents tabulated data on size, weight and chest girth of 5252 boys and girls 8-16 yr old, 48.9% Zyryans. The latter's physical and physiological development in puberty agrees with all-Union averages, also with observations on Zyryan children living in Arkhangel'sk Province. DLC. 107240 SHUMIKHIN, G.S. Tyumenskiy oblastnoy institut usovershenstvovaniya uchiteley i yego rabota s pedagogicheskimi kadrami v gody semiletki. (Zemlya Tyumenskaya 1965. no.4, p.I24-29) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tyumen Provincial Institute for the Advancement of Teachers and its work with teaching staffs in the course of the seven-year plan. Describes the revised curricula and expanded programs introduced by the institute in 1960 in accordance with the school reform law passed by the 22nd Party Congress in Dec 1958. Attention is directed to schools for natives of the Far North. Conferences, seminars and refresher courses for teachers were started in 1958 in the Khanty-Mansi and Yamal-Nenets Districts. In 1958-60 some four hundred teachers and supervisors attended courses in Khanty-Mansiysk alone. DLC. SHUMILOV, 0.1., see Nos. 103173, 103186, 106587. 107241 SHUMILOV, YU.V. K voprosu o kolichestvennoy otsenke protsessov rossypeobrazovaniya. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.12532, graphs, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Quantitative analysis of placer formation processes. Discusses the physical, geochemical, hydrologic and hydrodynamic processes in all stages *of placer formation. The gold placers of the Malyy Anyuy are used as examples. Granulometric profiles of quartz veins are compared with those of gold placers. The development of valleys, stream velocities, composition of alluvium, and dimensions and form of gold grains are also considered. DLC. SHUMILOV, YU.V., see also No. 107190. 107242 SHUMILOVA, L.V. K kharakteristike rastitel'nosti severnoy chasti Sredne-Sibirskogo ploskogor'ya. (Vses. botanicheskoye o-vo. Tomskoye otd-iye. Izvestiya 1964. v.5, p.3- I I) Refs. In Russian. Title 908
tr.: Characterization of vegetation in the northern part of the Central Siberian Plateau. Describes the vegetation zones and plant associations of the taiga and tundra in the northern Krasnoyarskiy Kray, from the Yenisey valley on the west to the 100th meridian on the east, and from the Nizhnyaya Tunguska river on the south to the northern edge of the Central Siberian Plateau. Interrelations between the horizontal zonal pattern from south to north and the vertical zonation from valleys to peaks are discussed; the underlying bedrock, soils, and geomorphology of the DLC. region are briefly outlined. Karta bolot 107243 SHUMILOVA, L.V. (In: Nauchnov atlase Tyumenskoy oblasti. tekhn. konf. po kartografii. Voprosy...Irkutsk 1968. p.17-19) In Russian. Title tr.: Map of swamps in the atlas of Tyumen Province. Describes the map's legend in which groups of swamps are represented as eutrophic, mesotrophic, microtrophic and oligotrophic. Swamps of arctic-mineral and peat-mineral composition are also briefly characterized. The DLC. map is to be pub at 1:4 million scale. Materialy 107244 SHUMILOVA, YE.V. k litologo-mineralogicheskoy kharakteristike chetvertichnykh otlozheniy Ust'-Yeniseyskogo rayona. (In: Neogenovyye i chetvertichnyye otlozheniya...1968. p.I 12-3 I, graphs, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Lithological and mineralogical characteristics of the Quaternary deposits of the Ust'-Yenisey region. Recent studies and literature data on the mineral composition of light and heavy fractions of these deposits indicate two source regions of the material. One is the Mesozoic of the Ust'-Yenisey depression, the other the traps of the Middle Siberian upland. From investigation of typomorphic features of minerals and the degree of their alteration, fine differences are distinguished in the mineral composition of rocks of the Sanchugovo and Kazantsevo horizons and their paleogeographic conditions. Redeposition of Mesozoic rocks is concluded to have had a significant effect on the distribution of minerals in Quaternary deposits. DLC. SHUMOV, M.V., see 101645. 107245 SHUMYATSKAYA, N.G. and others. Kristallicheskaya struktura tundrita. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.185, no.6, p.128992, tables, illus) Ref. In Russian. Other authors: V.V. Ilyukhin, A.A. Voronkov and N.V. Belov. Title tr.: The crystal structure of tundrite. Describes this titanium silicate of rare earths discovered in the Lovozero alkaline massif, its chemical analysis, triclinic crystals, and structure. DLC.
see also
Nekotoryye 107246 SHUNTOV, V.P. zakonomernosti v raspredelenii al'batrosov (Tubinares, Diomedeidae) v severnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana. (Zoologicheskiy zhumal 1968. v.47, no.7, p.1054-64, maps) 37 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Distribution pattern of albatross (Tubinares, Diomedeidae) in the northern Pacific. Reports observation of 800 of the dark-blue albatross Diomedea immutabilis•and 1370 of the black-leg D. nigripes during 1959-67. Their distribution is outlined. D. nigripes is seen in Alaskan and Aleutian waters only in late summer and fall. The D. immutabilis courses from Kamchatka to the western shores of Alaska and from the Aleutian Islands eastward along the southern shores of Alaska. They congregate DLC. in biologically productive waters. SHUPLYAKOVA, V.P., see No. 106304. 107247 SHURKIN, K.A. Glavnyye cherty geologicheskogo stroyeniya i razvitiya vostochnoy chasti Baltiyskogo shchita. (In: Geologiya i glubinnoye stroyeniye... Baltiyskogo shchita. 1968. p.5-59, map) 176 refs. Title tr.: The main features of In Russian. geologic structure and development of the eastern part of the Baltic shield. Concise account of the structure of Karelia and Kola Peninsula according to the present state of knowledge. The stratigraphy, tectonics, metamorphism and magmatism of the geosynclinal-folded stage of the Lower Precambrian belomorids (Archean) and the early karelids (Lower Proterozoic) are described. Development into platform is also outlined. Place and time of formation of magmatic formations of various composition are given, as is the history of development of the main structural provinces. Author adds own interpretation of the formation of some DLC. rock complexes and geologic events. 107248 SHURKIN, K.A. and F.P. MITROMagmatizm Baltiyskogo shchita i FANOV. fundamenta severnoy chasti Russkoy plity. (AN SSSR. lzvestiya 1970. ser. geol. no.5, p. 1222) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The magmatism of the Baltic Shield and basement of the northern part of the Russian platform. Reports on magmatism in the northern part of European USSR by presenting a series of patterns in the development of igneous and ultrametamorphic formations, connected with definite stages of structural development from Archean to Upper Paleozoic. Distinguishes 34 complexes according to their composition and time and conditions of formation. DLC.
107249 SHURKIN, K.A. and F.P. MITROFANOV. Magmatogennyye ul'trametagennye kompleksy vostochnoy chasti Baltiyskogo shchita i ikh korrelyatsiya na osnove printsipov formatsionnogo analiza. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p.10-16 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Magmatogenic and ultrametagenic complexes in the eastern part of the Baltic shield and their correlation on the basis of formation analysis. In the geological history of the Baltic shield four stages are distinguished in the develop. ment of the earth's crust and termed progeosynclinal, proto-geosynclinal, stabilization and platform stages. Folded ultrametagenic granitoids and migmatites with subordinate drusy rocks, charnockites and hypersthene gneissdiorites are characteristics of the first stage; of the second: leptide, and spilite keratophyric formations. In the stabilization stage, folding was concluded and formation of volcanic-plutonic complexes took place. The platform stage included three tectonic cycles. DLC. SHURKIN, K.A., 107783.
see also
Nos. 103438,
107250 SHUSHERINA, YE.P. and YU.P. Issledovaniye mekhanicheskikh BOBKOV. svoystv merzlykh gruntov pri nizkikh otritsatel'nykh temperaturakh of -10 do -55°C. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1968. no.8, p.27988, graphs, tables) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Mechanical properties of frozen ground at low negative temperatures from -10 to -55°C. Reports preliminary results of an investigation carried out at -10°, -20°, -40°, and -55°C, with a wide range of moisture, in samples of sandy loams and clays subjected to unilateral short-term compression. Methods used and conditions of the experiments are described. Mechanical properties of the samples used are given in a table, and the results of the investigation are presented in graphs. The strength of frozen ground subjected to compression was found to depend on grain size and moisture content. DLC. 107251 SHUSHERINA, YE.P. and YU.P. BOBKOV. 0 vliyanii vlazhnosti merzlykh gruntov na ikh prochnost'. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. no.9, p.122-37, graphs, tables) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Influence of the moisture content of frozen grounds on their strength. Presents a detailed summary of the results obtained in experimental investigations carried out by members of the Cryopedology Department of the Moscow State University and staff members of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Industrial Gas to determine the dependence of the mechanical strength of frozen grounds on their moisture content in a 909
wide temperature range. The experiments utilized cylindrical samples (36 mm in diameter and 85-86 mm high) of pure ice and totally-saturated sandy loarns, barns and clays. Shortperiod unilateral loads were applied with ZDMK 30 t equipment manufactured in the German Democratic Republic, at temperatures of -10, -20, -40, and -55°4t at a rate of 20 kg/cm' per min. Analysis of the experimental data shows that, in the total saturation state, and with the application of short-term loads, the character of the dependence of the resistance of the various samples to unilateral compression on their moisture content is essentially independent of grain size. DLC. SHUSHERINA, YE.P., see also No. 106617. SHUSTEF, V.N.; see No. 102718. 107252 SHUSTER, B.I. Promysel ryby na Verkhne-Tulomskom vodokhranilishche. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Doklady otdeleniy i komissiy 1968 pub 1969. no.9, p.173-92, graphs, map, tables) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fishery in the upper Tuloma water reservoir. Describes construction of the hydroelectric power station on the upper Tuloma in Kola Peninsula, and the effects on fish such as the salmon Salmo solar, trout S. truita, S. t. morpha lacustris, Salvelinus lepechini, whitefish Corego-. nus albula, pike Esox Lucius, perch Perca fluvialis, etc. Construction of the water reservoir resulted in complete elimination of the whitefish, but conditions for pike and perch seem somewhat better. Recommendations are given for improvement of the fishery. DLC. 107253 SHUSTER, J.A. Laboratory testing and characterization of permafrost for foundation uses. (In: Symposium on cold regions engineering 1970. Proceedings pub 1971. v.1, p.73-118, graphs, illus) 17 refs. Describes techniques and equipment used for testing permafrost to characterize its potential performance as a foundation material. The procedures are designed to enable a laboratory technician to conduct the tests in a soil laboratory with refrigeration facilities for sample preparation. The equipment required is described and illus. Six tests are outlined under two main headings: strength and creep deformation tests, Intl shear, compression and cohesion tests; volume change tests, Intl triaxial and uniaxial thaw-consolidation tests, and a uniaxial heave test upon freezing. Temperature regulation during testing is considered an important factor in maintaining accuracy of results. CaMAI, DLC. 107254 SHUSTOV, A.P. Sostoyaniye zapasov lastonogikh i kitoobraznykh v vodakh 910
Magadanskoy oblasti i perspektivy ikh protnysla. (In: Problemy razvitiya...Magadanskoy oblasti 1969. v.3, p.29-34) 12 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Existing reserves of pinnipeds and cetaceans in the waters of Magadan Province, and prospects for their harvesting. Discusses principally the reserves, reproduction, and hunting of four main species of seals, as well as of walrus, off Chukotka and along the shores of the Okhotsk and Bering Seas. A drastic reorganization of sea-mammal hunting is recommended in order to maintain a healthy rate of natural reproduction and ageclass balance, especially through reduction of adult seal hunting. The importance of walrus hunting in the economy of Chukotka collective farms is described. Noteworthy is the growth of walrus herds in the area and as far south as Kamchatka. Another important element in this economy is whaling, mainly of the gray whale which is protected and regulated by international convention. DLC. SHUSTOVA, LYE., 107950.
Nos. 104740,
SHUVALOVA, N.I., see No. 106069. SHVAREVA, N.YA., see No. 102041. 107255 SHVARTS, S.S. and others. Metod morfofiziologicheskikh indikatorov v ekologii nazemnykh pozvonochnykh. Sverdlovsk 1968. 387 p. graphs, tables, illus. (AN SSSR. Ural'skiy filial. Inst. ekologii rasteniy i zhivotnykh. Trudy no.58) Approx 560 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V .S.Smimov and L.N. Dobrinskiy. Title tr.: Method of morphophysiological indicators in the ecology of terrestrial vertebrates. A quantitative statistical study analyzing the organic, structural, systemic and functional changes in relation to individual development, geography, ecology and food. The derived coefficients are diagnostic indicators for the species. The most noted change in the arctic mammals and birds is a marked prolongation of gastrointestinal tract, especially the cecal part, enabling their subsistence on low-quality food. DLC. SHVARTSEV, S.L., see No. 106218. SHVEDOV, N.A., see No. 108231. 107256 SHVEDOV, W.V. Novyye transportnyye mashiny dlya truboprovodnogo stroitel'stva. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1966. v.11, no.4, p.15-I8, tables, illsu) In Russian. Title tr.: New transport machines for the pipeline-laying industry. Presents technical characteristics of heavyduty trucks for pipe sections 10 t in weight.
In 1963-65 production began of ZIL-135 type vehicles for 10-25 t loads, which were fieldtested in Jan and Mar 1965 in the ShaimTyumen' pipeline construction area on the Tyumen'-Uray and Sos'va-Uray routes. This model is to be used for the Ust'-Balyk Omsk trunk pipeline. DLC. 107257 SHYER, TS.A. Ob otsenke uvlazhneniya sten pri kosykh dozhdyakh. (Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy 1969. no.246, p.122-29, graph, tables, illus) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Estimation of wall wetting during slanting rain. The amount of wetting of vertical walls depends on the amount of rainfall, wind velocity, and recurrent wind shift to the same direction during the rain. The angle of rainfall against a wall can be computed from wind velocity. Maps of slanting rain were prepared by the Main Geophysical Observatory from measurements at stations in the European USSR, of which 10 are in the North. About one third of total precipitation in the European USSR above 55°N falls against walls, 70% of this on the Barents Sea coast. The percentage of rain water in slanting rain striking walls, recurrence of wind speeds of 6-15 m /sec, wind direction, etc are tabulated. CaMAI, DLC. 107258 SHYER, TS.A. and G.F. IVLEVA. Prodolzhitel'nost' perioda s tverdymi i smeshannymi osadkami na territorii SSSR. (Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy 1963. no.149, p.72-80, graphs, map, tables) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Duration of the period with solid and mixed precipitation in the USSR. Discusses the causes of transition to mixed precipitation. An attempt was made to identify the beginning and end of solid precipitation and the temperature conditions at that time. The USSR was divided into areas 5° in latitude and 10° in longitude, and the beginning and end of the solid precipitation period was determined for each area. The area was considered one of solid precipitation whenever the mean diurnal temperature was above the freezing point for less than five days during a month. A table shows the period of solid precipitation by decade and the mean temperatures during this period. On the Taymyr peninsula temperature differences from decade to decade were particularly notable. North of 70°N and in the Kolyma basin the average temperature during the period of solid precipitation was -4°C. Decades with mixed precipitation are tabulated separately. DLC. 107259 SHVETS, V. Novyye serii zhilykh domov dlya Murmanska. (Na stroykakh Rossii 1969. v.10, no.1, p.32-35, illus) In
Russian. Title tr.: New series of apartment houses for Murmansk. Describes the housing project plan for five and nine-story buildings with up to 108 apartments per building. Brick and large-panel structures are designed specifically for climatic conditions of Murmansk. Front elevation, architecture, construction details, and internal arrangement are described. One nine-story building is occupied and three other buildings are under construction.. DLC. 107260 SHVETS, V.M. and others. Organicheskiye veshchestva v solenykh vodakh i rassolakh Angaro-Lenskogo artezianskogo basseyna. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.90-91) In Russian. Other authors: Ye.L. Bykova, I.K. Shilov, A.A. Smirnova and V.S. Zolotareva. Title tr.: Organic matter in saline waters and brines of the Angara-Lena artesian basin. Presents a summary of the results of chromatographic and infrared spectrographic analyses of mineralized groundwaters in subsurface aquifers and in oil and gasbearing zones. Data on the contents of organic matter are significant not only for interpreting the origin of the waters but also as a guide in oil and gas exploration. DLC. 107261 SHVETS, V.M. and YU.B. SELETSKIY. Organicheskiye veshchestva v termal'nykh vodakh Yuzhnoy Kamchatki. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.182, no.2, p.44144, graphs, table) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Organic matter in the thermal waters of southern Kamchatka. Reports tabulated data of the organic matter in the sulfur-hydrogen-carbon dioxide, nitrogen-carbon dioxide, and nitrogen hot springs. The latter two types contain 41.6 mg/I. and 35.4 mg/l. respectively. The data indicate an infiltration origin of thermal waters of Kamchatka. DLC. 107262 SHVETSOV, P.F. Fizicheskoye vyvetrivaniye sezonnoprotaivayushchikh korennykh porod v otkosakh Kraynego Severa. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologii...1965. Materialy, v.1, 1967. p.171-77, illus) 29 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The physical weathering of seasonally thawing bedrock in scarps of the Far North. According to the duration and intensity of weathering, distinguishes four weathering stages in the upper part of the lithosphere: the seasonal thaw layer; the 6-20 m layer of permafrost with annual changes of temperature; the middle 10-30 m layer with 5-6 and 9-14 yr temperature cycles; and the lower stage with 100 and 1000-yr of temperature changes. The intensity of thermal weathering is discussed. Considers the prevention of weathering of 911
quarries by using a peat cover or shading with synthetic material. DLC. 107263 SHVETSOV, P.F. K planu issledovaniy Subarktiki dlya sozdaniya nauchnykh osnov preobrazovaniya i prognoza izmeneniy yeye prirody. (Geograficheskoye obshchestvo SSSR. Izvestiya 1970. v.102, no.5, p.417-21) In Russian. Tide tr.: Plan for investigating the Subarctic to establish scientific criteria for transformation and prognosis of its nature changes. The subarctic region has natural and mineral resources in abundance, but there is little real information on its conditions, and little coordination in planning and carrying out research. A special institute for subarctic studies is suggested to conduct work in the physiography of the region, its geobotany, zoogeography, geocryology, etc. DLC. 107264 SHVETSOV, P.F. Vechnaya merzlota, vrag ili drug? (Kul'tura i zhizn' 1966. v.10, no.12, p.40-42, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Permafrost, friend or foe? Discusses positive and negative aspects of permafrost. Its impermeability prevents precipitation from penetrating it, hence the upper soil layer of 50-60 cm depth remains moist even in the arid region of central Yakutia, thus aiding plant cultivation. Adverse effects on construction derive less from the permanently frozen substrate than from periodic freeze-thaw of the active layer. Some of the problems and their solution are exemplified from Noril'sk and Vorkuta. DLC. 107265 SHVETSOV, P.F. Zakonomernosti gidrogeotermicheskikh protsessov na Kraynem Severe i Severo-Vostoke SSSR. Moskva, Nauka 1968. 112 p. tables, illus. Refs. In Russian Title tr.: Regularities of hydrothermal processes in the Soviet Far North and Northeast. Describes processes of heat exchange and water exchange in the atmosphere-soil-lithosphere system and their effects on thickness of permafrost. Chapters deal in turn with the history and origin of hydrothermal phenomena in the Far North, including terminology; conditions of water exchange in the lithosphere-soilatmosphere and lithosphere-water systems in the region with frozen subsoil; mass- and energy exchange in the formation of seasonally freezing water-bearing strata, massifs and veins, physiographic and geologic patterns in the distribution of exogenous continuous taliks. DLC. 107266 SHVETSOVA, I.V. 0 leykoksene smeshannogo rutil-anatazovogo sostava. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.194, no.3, p.679912
82, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Leucoxene of mixed rutile-anatase composition. Reports a mineralogical study of leucoxene from titanium deposits of southern Timan. Titanium dioxide in single leucoxene grains is represented by sagenitic rutile or by anatase, or both. The mode of occurrence of leucoxene is described, and the presence of leucoxene of rutile-anatase composition is discussed. DLC. SHVYRYAYEV, V.A., see No. 107918. SIBGATULLIN, V.G., see No. 107727. 107267 SIBIRSKIYE OGNI. Poeziya, rozhdennaya Oktyabrem. (Its: v.46, 1967. no.11, p.63-71) In Russian. Title tr.: Poetry fostered by the October Revolution. Includes poems by Ostyak, Vogul, Yakut, Gold, and Samoyed poets praising the Soviet way of life. DLC. SIBIRTSEVA, N.B., see No. 102297. SYCHEV, P.M., see No. 107988. 107268 SIDORCHUK, I.A. and L.L. GERMAN. 0 vzaimootnosheniyakh faunisticheski okharakterizovannykh verkhnemelovykh otlozheniy s metamorficheskimi obrazovaniyami problematichnogo vozrasta, na primere Ganal'skogo khrebta. (In: AN SSSR. Dal'nevostochnyy filial. Geol. inst. Voprosy geologii,petrologii i metallogenii...1968. p.23-24) In Russian. Title tr.: Correlation of paleontologically dated Upper Cretaceous deposits with metamorphic formations of problematic age, as exemplified by the Ganal'skiye Vostryaki Range. A comparative study shows that metamorphic rocks of this mountain range, the Sredinnyy Range and other regions of Kamchatka are not metamorphosed equivalents of Upper Cretaceous fossiliferous deposits, with which they are in unconformable tectonic contact. DLC. 107269 SIDORENKO, A.V. and S.A. SIDORENKO. 0 rasprostranennosti predpolozhitel'no biogennogo ugleroda v dokembrii. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.183, no.1, p.181-84, tables) 27 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Distribution of presumed biogenetic carbon in the Precambrian. Discusses the abundance of living matter in the oldest periods of the earth. The Upper Archean-Lower Proterozoic Keyvy series of Kola Peninsula is taken as an example, and data are tabulated on the carbon content of the rocks. Some varieties of the rocks show a significantly high carbon content. Comparisons are made with data of similar rocks elsewhere, with conclusion that in regard to
the free elementary carbon many Precambrian primary-sedimentary rocks differ but little from post-Cambrian rocks. DLC. 107270 SIDORENKO, A.V. and V.A. OZHOGIN. Primeneniye aerofotos"yemki dlya opredeleniya pervichnogo genezisa g,lubokometamorfizovannykh shchelochnykh porod Kol'skogo poluostrova. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.180, no.3, p.687-90, maps) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of aerial photo survey for determining the primary genesis of deep metamorphosed alkaline rocks of Kola Peninsula. Reports a study of alkaline granites of the Upper Ponoy massif where the survey was carried out in two areas and maps compiled. The primary genesis of these rocks had special attention and accessory minerals were investigated. Airphotos are of great use for this type of study. DLC. SIDORENKO, A.V., see also No. 103657. 107271 SIDORENKO, I.V. Sovremennyye migratsionnyye svyazi naseleniya Magadanskoy oblasti. (In: Naseleniye i trudovyye resursy Severo-Vostoka SSSR 1968. p.95-103) In Russian. Title tr.: Contemporary migration ties of the Magadan Province population. The Magadan population comprises principally settlers from other parts of the country; the aboriginal population of the Province constitutes only 6% of total. The major influx is from RSFSR, mainly from northern Caucasus, Siberia, and the Far East, with the last contributing close fo 72% of settlers coming from the Asian part of RSFSR. Other Union republics contribute only one-fifth of all settlers coming to Magadan. Turnover is high: in 1964, 44% of all those leaving the Susuman and Bilibin districts of Magadan had lived there less than one year. About one-half of all settlers who had come to Magadan from other areas and left the Province in 1964 went back to their places of birth and previous residence. Least inclined to do so were settlers in the 40-49 age group. Generally, the high level of migration leads to high turnover of cadres in the Magadan economy: 1.5 higher than RSFSR average, and 2.5 higher than in central USSR. About one-third of those quitting on their own do so to improve their working and living conditions, to obtain higher pay, better housing, etc. Improvement in these areas is essential to securing greater influx of labor to Magadan from regions with excess DLC. labor resources. SIDORENKO, I.V., see also 106058.
Nos. 104550,
SIDORENKO, S.A., see No. 107269.
SIDORENKO, V.V., see No. 103438. 107272 SIDOROV, A.A. and others. K probleme vozrasta subvulkanicheskogo zolotoserebryanogo orudeneniya na Severo-Vostoke SSSR. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1970. v.13, no.8, p.77-85, tables) 10 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Yu.S. Berman and V.I. Nayborodin. Title tr.: Age of subvolcanic gold-silver mineralization in the Soviet Northeast. Geological position, paleobotanical characteristics, and data on the absolute age of the volcanic rocks enclosing gold-silver mineralization are considered, and the conclusion is drawn that the gold-silver mineralization of the Okhotsk - Chukotka volcanic belt is Upper Cretaceous - Lower Paleogene in age. Migration of the mineralization is also discussed. DLC. 107273 SIDOROV, A.A. and V.I. NAYBORODIN. 0 tipakh zoloto-serebryanykh mestorozhdeniy v Okhotsko-Chukotskom vulkanogennom poyase. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.181, no.1, p.188-91, table) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Types of gold-silver deposits in the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt. Three types are described, gold-pyrargyrite, gold-argentite and gold-sphalerite-galena. Development of these and other types depends mainly on the composition of the enclosing rocks, ore-controlling structures, and structure of the basement of the volcanic belt. DLC. SIDOROV, A.A., 107192.
see also
Nos. 101975,
SIDOROV, D.P., see No. 102037. SIDOROVA, I.S., see No. 102198. 107274 SIDYACHENKO, A.I. Graptolity i stratigrafiya nizhnesiluriyskikh otlozheniy Omulevskikh gor i khrebta Tas-Khayakhtakh. (Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy 1968. Geologiya i razvedka no.4, p.21-29, tables) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Graptolites and stratigraphy of Lower Silurian deposits of the Omulevskiye Mountains and Tas-Khayakhtakh Range. Reviews the stratigraphy of Lower Silurian deposits of various localities having the same petrographic composition and similar geologic structure. The lower part consists of terrigenous-carbonate rocks rich in graptolites. Their stratigraphic distribution is outlined and local biostratigraphic division is given. Correlation is made with Lower Silurian deposits of the Kolyma massif, Great Britain, Canada, and elsewhere. Between northeastern USSR and North America there was no connection in 913
Silurian time, but there was between North DLC. America and Europe. 107275 SIDYACHENKO, A.I. and others. Stratigraflya devonskikh otlozheniy Prikolymskogo podnyatiya. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1970. v.13, no.12, p.83-94, table, illus) 17 refs. Title tr.: Stratigraphy of DevoIn Russian. nian deposits of the Kolyma uplift. Reviews earlier work and own 1967-68 investigations. Several stratigraphic units are distinguished in these Devonian deposits, a dolomite stratum, EI'genek, Sakha, Yarkhodon suites and the Kamenka Burgaliyskaya series. Each represents a large stage of sedimentation of different age, as substantiated by brachiopod, trilobite, foraminifer and other fauna. DLC.
tukunskaya differentiated nickel-bearing intrusion. Reports the 1967 find of this 900 km2, 200-400 m thick intrusion in the basin of the Malaya Romanikha, a right tributary of the Kheta River. The intrusion, rhythmically layered into nine horizons, consists of six varieties of gabbro-dolerites. Its chemical composition is analyzed. Rocks of the uppermost horizon contain 3.42% and the lowest one 11.16% magnesium oxide. The ores are impregnation pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, pentlandite, titanomagnetite, pyrite and marcasite in olivine and troctolite gabbro dolerites. The content of nickel, platinum, palladium, gold and rhodium is also noted. DLC. SIGUNOV, P.N., see also No. 107527.
SIDYACHENKO, A.I., see also No. 101733. 107276 SIEMENS, L.B. Some social and psychological influences. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.254-67) 4 refs. Describes the formation of the Center for Settlement Studies, Manitoba Univ 1967, the scope of its program to date and the significance of its interdisciplinary approach, and briefly reviews the factors considered as influential in conditioning life in frontier communities of Canada. CaMAI, DGS. 107277 SIGGERUD, T. Vulkanutbruddet pa Jan Mayen hasten 1970. (Naturen 1971. v.95, no.8/9, p.451-73, maps, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Volcanic eruption on Jan Mayen during the autumn of 1970. Describes the nature and course of this volcanic activity from air, land, sea, and satellite observations and seismographic records. In 1970, eruption occurred on the east slope of Mt Beerenburg, where craters developed along a linear rift and lava flowed downslope into the sea, and added about 3 km' to the island's landmass. New mapping is needed to determine the apparent rise of nearby submerged areas and of the scientific station on the southern end of the island. The activity is related to proximity of the mid-Atlantic ridge and to the widening of the Atlantic Ocean through geologic time. Volcanic ash distribution, the mineral and chemical nature of the erupted material, lava temperatures, and possibility of future activity are noted. DLC. 107278 SIGUNOV, P.N. Khungtukunskaya differentsirovannaya nikelenosnay a intruziya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regionarna) a geologiya no.16, p.53-61, graphs, maps, tables, illus) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: The Khung914
107279 SIKES, R.K. Arctic rabies. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.622-26, graphs, tables) 10 refs. Reviews the incidence of rabies in the Far North, mainly a disease of sled dogs and foxes. Research for improving rabies control and improvements in antirabies vaccines are outlined. Recent rabies epizootics in some areas are attributed to the increase in the wildlife population pursuant to the post-World War II drop in fur prices. Eskimos exposed to dogs and foxes in Alaska, Greenland and the Northwest Territories should be given preexposure immunization. DLC. 107280 SILER, D.H. Report on the abundance and age composition of sockeye salmon in sampled spawning grounds in the Wood River lakes, 1968 and 1969. Seattle 1970. 40 p. map, tables. (Washington (State) Univ. Fisheries Research Institute. Circular no.70-4) 2 refs. Summarizes data from spawning surveys during 1950-69 in 24 areas of this Bristol Bay, Alaska, district, which include creeks, rivers and lake beaches. The lakes are south-north: Aleknagik, Lower and Upper Nerka, Little Togiak, Beverley and Kulik. The 1968-69 age determinations are based entirely on otolith readings. Percentage age compositions of Nushagak catches for certain years in the 191245 period are appended. DLC. SILER, D.H., see also No. 106771. 107281 SILLS, I. Fedtsten i Thule, en usaedvanlig rejseoplevelse med Thule-eskimoerne i 1965-67. (Gronland 1968. no.2, p.5054, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: Soapstone at Thule; an unusual travelling experience with the Thule Eskimos in 1965-67. Describes a trip to a steatite deposit at Uvkusigssaq just north of the Pitugfik glacier
approx 76°15'N 69°W, northwest Greenland, to fetch material for carving. CaMAI, DLC. 107282 SILLS, I. Thom Inn, slaedetrafik i Melville Bugten anno 1968. (Granland 1968. no.10, p.312-I6, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: Thom Island, sled traffic in Melville Bay in 1968. Describes a trip with Eskimo guides across Melville Bay from Djaevelens Tommelfinger to Savigsivik. Impressions of Thorns Island and a meeting with travellers en route to Upernavik are noted. The 350 km sled route across the bay is covered in three to twelve days depending on conditions. There are some trips every year in May and June. CaMAI, DLC. SILKOV, A.M., see No. 108646. SILVERIN, B., see No. 101803. SIM, A.A., see No. 108095. 107283 SIMAKOV, A.S. Dinamika nakopleniya osadkov Verkhoyanskogo kompleksa. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.11, p.151-55, graph, map) In Russian. English summary. Title tn: Dynamics of deposition of the Verkhoyansk complex. Reports an investigation of the thickness and sedimentation of the Verkhoyansk complex from the Okhotsk coast north to the Seymchan River. Sections of the Lower Permian, Lower and Middle Triassic and Jurassic deposits are analyzed. Regular alternation of subsidence and uplift during the late Paleozoic and early-middle Mesozoic are characterized. Volcanic effects in the more mobile parts of the marine basin are noted. Tectonic changes are outlined as significant for paleogeographic reconstruction. DLC. 107284 SIMAKOV, K.V. 0 kharaktere tektonicheskikh dvizheniy sredne-pozdnekamennougol'nogo vremeni na territorii Tsentral'nogo Prikolym'ya. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.7, p.129-32) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The character of tectonic movements in middle-late Carboniferous time in the central Kolyma region. Describes middle and late Carboniferous deposits recently discovered in this and adjacent areas, with the conclusion that the tectonic movements between the middle and late Carboniferous were not accompanied by fold-forming processes. The mild nature of DLC. the tectonic movements is noted. SIMAKOV, K.V., 103737.
see also Nos. 103663,
107285 SIMANOVICH, LM. 0 metamorfizme oblomochnogo kvartsa segozerskikh
kvartsitov, Kareliya. (AN SSSR. Doldady 1969. v.187, no.4, p.871-83, table, illus) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tn: Metamorphism of the detrital quartz of Segozero quartzites, Karelia. Describes quartzites from the south shore of Segozero Lake, consisting mainly of quartz and muscovite. The structure of these quartzites is characterized. Mineral inclusions and signs of inclusions are analyzed and the data tabulated. Significant effects of metamorphism are noted. DLC. SIMARD, A., see No. 102480. SIMARD, B., see No. 103073. 107286 SIMONENKO, T.N. Relation of magnetic anomalies to topography and geology in the USSR. (American Geophysical Union. Geophysical monograph 1969. no. 13, The earth's crust and upper mantle, p.415-21, maps) 6 refs. Deals with the relation between the anomalies and structure in areas where folded basements are exposed or are near the surface. These include northern Karelia, Kola Peninsula, Timan upland, Polar Ural, the Siberian platforms, Anabar Shield, Verkhoyansk Mts, Yana syncline zone, Kolyma zone, OkhotskChaun volcanic belt, Chukotka folded area, Kamchatka-Penzhinsk depressions and the Koryak upland. Anticinorium zones are characterized by close to normal fields; synclinoritim zones with highly magnetic intrusive and effusive rocks show increased fields; zones of crustal fractures accompanied by basic and ultrabasic intrusions show intensive local anomalies. DGS. SIMONS, J.G., see No. 105149.
107287 SIMONSEN, P. and G.S. MUNCH. Guldfundet fra Kongsvik i Nord-Norge. (Arboger for nordisk oldkyndighed og historic 1969 pub 1970. p.127-32) In Danish. English summary. Title tr.: The gold hoard from Kongsvik in northern Norway. Reviews in some detail the records of the important store of gold objects found in 1740 at Kongsvik between Narvik and Harstad in northern Norway, a find which may date back to the Migration Period. There are no objects in any Norwegian museum corresponding to some of them, but there are figures fitting descriptions of some in the Danish National Museum. These are possibly either of the Migration Period or the Bronze Age. Clarification of the age would assist in other identification. DLC. SIMONSEN, P., see also No. 106001. 915
107288 SIMPOZIUM PO VULKANOPLUTONICHESKIM FORMATSIYAM I IKH RUDONOSNOSTI, 2n4 Alma-Ata 1966. Materialy. Alma-Ata, Nauka 1969. 254 p. graphs, tables, maps, illus. Refs. In Russian. Editor: A.A. Abdulin. Title tr.: Symposium on volcanic-plutonic formations and their ore deposits. Presents 55 papers, three of which are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: V.F. Belyy, L.N. Leont'yev DLC. and others, and K.N. Rudich. 107289 SIMPSON, D.W. and D.K.F. WATTIE. Role and impact of the educational program in the process of change in Canadian Eskimo communities. (Alberta. Univ. Boreal Institute. Occasional publication 1968, no.4, p.1-42, tables, illus) 25 refs. Deals with the effects of the program initiated in 1955 throughout the North exclusive of Ontario and Labrador. Prior to 1955, 83% of the school age population lacked educational facilities, in 1968, 17%. Eskimo children attend school regularly and have some English language proficiency; about half of them are considered functionally literate in the northern setting. Vocational education program provides occupational training for wage employment, and a housing education program aids adults in the acceleration of urban life, with low rental housing, need for wage employment, etc. Adult education reinforces the children's learning process, and fosters harmony in the family and community. Data are appended on enrolment, age-grade distribution, educational objectives, curricula, adult education materials, vocational program and centers, numbers of trainees, etc. CaMAI, SINAMATI, M.E., see No. 107559. SINCLAIR, A.J., see No. 108435. 107290 SINCLAIR, S. and others. Physical and economic organization of the fisheries of the District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories. Ottawa 1967. 70 p. maps, tables, illus. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Bulletin 158) Refs. Other authors: S. Trachtenberg and M.L. Beckford. Describes the fisheries of Great Slave Lake and adjacent waters, 1958-64, emphasizing the role of commercial fishermen and their relationships with fish-buying companies. (A second part of the report, containing conclusions and recommendations, is for distribution only to officials associated with fishery management and development in the NWT). The Mackenzie District's commercial fishery dates back to 1945 when operations were confined to Great Slave Lake. Total landings in 1945 were ca 1-1/2 mil916
lion lb, incl some 1 mil lb of trout. By 1949 total landings of all spp were 9.4 mil lb: 5.75 mil lb whitefish, 3.25 mil lb trout, 0.4 mil lb inconnu and pike. Catches of whitefish and trout approximated the quotas only in 1949; from then to 1957, landings of these two spp declined. From 1957-63, landings fluctuated between 5.75 and 6.24 mil lb. In 1961 commercial fishing on a controlled basis was extended to other lakes. From 1945-50 the number of fish-buying companies increased from one to thirteen, after 1950 declined to four major buyers. During the period 1958-63 an average of 400 commercial fishing licenses was issued annually. One quarter to one third of the fishermen operated their own or company-owned craft and equipment, the rest were employed on a wage basis. 1950-63 investment in fishing craft and equipment on Great Slave Lake showed much fluctuation; total investments were greater for summers than for winters, with the peaks in 1955, 1957 and 1963. There was an increase in numbers of craft and carriers, but numbers of men operating the craft declined. More than half the sellers grossed only $2000 or less per season; more than half this group had gross sales of less than $500. Less than 25% of all sellers had gross sales of $5000 or more. The recent increase in sport fishing activity benefits employment and incomes. There are three appendices: A provides a brief description of commercial fishing on Nueltin and Windy Lakes in the Keewatin, B tabulates landings, landed values and quotas on lakes other than Great Slave, 1957-58 to 1963-64, and C shows a specimen sales slip. CaMAI, DLC. SINDEYEV, AS., see No. 108018. 107291 SINEL'NIKOVA, V.N. Nekotoryye voprosy sistematiki pektinid. (In: Biostratigrafiya, fauna i flora kaynozoya...1969. p.84-94, illus) 17 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some questions in the systematics of Pectinidae. Discusses the structure of the hinge apparatus of these pelecypods. Illus are given and compared. Mizuhopecten slodkewirschi n sp is described; it was found in the Tigil' region of Kamchatka and is Upper Miocene in age. DLC. 107292 SINEL'NIKOVA, V.N. Pliotsen Zapadnoy Kamchatki. (In: Biostratigrafiya, fauna i flora kaynozoya...1969. p.63-65, table) In Russian. Title tr.: The Pliocene of western Kamchatka. Reports on a 1965 study of the Enemten suite in the Tigil' region. The 55 species of identified pelecypods and gastropods are listed. Finds of Fortipecten kenyoshiensis (Chinzei) and Anadara (A.) trilineata trilineata (Conrad)
indicate that the Enemten suite is of pre-Upper Pliocene age. DLC. SINEL'NIKOVA, V.N., see also No. 103180. 107293 SINITSKIY, V.A. Velikiy Oktyabr' i natsional'noye stroitel'stvo v Vostochnoy Sibiri; Yakutiya. (In: Velikiy Oktyabr' i Vostochnaya Sibir' 1968. p.433-40) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: The Great October Revolution and national development in Eastern Siberia, Yakutia. Describes the economic, social, political, and cultural progress achieved in the Yakut ASSR during 1922-66. Growth rate of heavy industry doubled that of the USSR as a whole. Electric power production totaled 738.9 million kwh in 1966. Natural gas is being developed and used for urban and industrial purposes. In 1965, 36 million passengers used public transportation, incl railroads. Small kolkhozes have been consolidated into 45 large collective and 51 state farms, with substantial growth of agricultural mechanization, over 3000 tractors vs 712 in 1953. The number of schools in Yakut ASSR has grown to 745, with a total student body of 149,000, and by 15 Jan 1966, some 5600 native Yakut specialists with higher education were employed in the economy, as were 9700 with specialized secondary education. By early 1967, the republic had 270 hospitals, 310 outpatient clinics and polyclinics, served by 1488 doctors and 6964 trained medical personnel. DLC. 107294 SINITSYN, A.V. and V.G. KUSHEV. 0 devonskoy trappovoy formatsii Timano-Kol'skogo regiona. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.178, no.5, p.1168-70) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Devonian trap formation of the Timan-Kola region. Notes a connection in geologic development between northeast Kola Peninsula and the Kanin-Timan region. Dolerites and basalts observed on the northeast coast of Kola and in the Kanin-Timan region belong to the same trap formation. Possible concentration of mineral resources such as diamonds, etc is discussed. DLC. 107295 SINITSYN, A.V. and L.A. YERMOLAYEVA. 0 perspektivakh zolotonosnosti yugo-vostochnoy chasti Baltiyskogo shchita. (Razvedka i okhrana nedr 1970. v.36, no.5, p. I4, maps) In Russian. Tide tr.: Gold prospects in the southeastern part of the Baltic shield. Presents an outline of the gold-bearing properties of Quaternary deposits in this region of Karelia based on study of heavy concentrates. The gold occurs as irregular flakes and granules 0.1-0.3 mm in size. Possible primary gold deposits are discussed in terms of further
search for both primary and placer deposits and a study of gold-bearing properties of the sedimentary cover of the Russian platform in the zone of its juncture with the Baltic shield is suggested. DLC. 107296 SINITSYN, A.V. Sarioliyskiye konglomeraty oz. Voloma i problema Sarioliya v dokembrii Karelii. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.189, no.2, p.381-84, map) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Sarioli conglomerates of Lake Voloma and the Sarioli problem in the Karelian Precambrian. Reports a detailed investigation of the upper Proterozoic deposits in the Voloma and Tikshozero lake areas in 1966-67. These conglomerates are up to 150 m thick. Their composition varies substantially from the basement rocks. The conglomerates in the Tikshozero and the Voloma structures are described and correlated. Their formation processes are not clear and the question of their stratigraphic definition is raised. DLC. SINITSYN, A.V., 106458.
see also
Nos. 106345,
SINKO, M., see No. 107541. 107297 SINOTIN, V.I. and S.M. ALEYNIKOV. Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye soveshchaniye po voprosam bor'by s zatorami i zazhorami l'da. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1969. no.3, p.56-58) In Russian. Title tr.: Scientific and technical conference on control of ice obstruction and ice jams. Reviews the conference of 25-28 June 1968 in Leningrad, noting six general and 29 special reports presented, incl some on rivers of Siberia and Northwestern USSR. DLC. 107298 SINYAKOVA, G.N. K voprosu o vozraste produktivnogo gorizonta Tazovskogo i Purovskogo neftegazonosnykh rayonov Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti. (Neftegazovaya geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.8, p.9-11) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Age of the productive horizon in the Tazovo and Pur oil and gas-bearing regions of the West Siberian lowland. Defines the Cenomanian and Turonian stratigraphy on the basis of foraminiferal assemblages. The upper part of the Pokur series is found to be of the same age as the Ninuluk formation in Northern Alaska. DLC. 107299 SINYURIN, YU.N. K voprosu ob ispol'zovanii sputnikovoy ledovoy informatsii. (Meteorologiya i gidrologiya 1969. no.8, p.94-96, maps, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: The utilization of satellite ice information. Describes the method of transferring data from satellite photographs onto maps of ice 917
conditions in arctic seas. Satellite photographs are distorted by perspective, especially near the horizon. This distortion can be corrected by using a special circular template and rotating ruler with divisions for determining the perspective correction. Maps prepared by the circle and ruler method were compared with those prepared from aerial survey data. Discrepancies were insignificant and can be explained DLC. by ice drift. SIPAROVA, 'W.A., 105390.
Nos. 105389,
107300 SIREN, G. Remarks on current silvicultural research in the Subarctic of Finland. (In: Symposium on Ecology of the Subarctic Regions 1966. Proceedings pub 1970, p.343-48, graphs, maps, illus) French summary. 1953-64 research in experimental areas and studies at the Aksujarvi ecological station near the tree line show that larger-rooted plants survive and grow better; reduction of the needle mass by half does not harm the plant's ability to grow. In mechanized planting a narrow crown is not disadvantageous; in conventional planting at least two-thirds of the root should be below the soil surface, but plants will tolerate burial to the base of the youngest whorl. Care in planting is more important than the method used. Plants survive better if planted when dormant; hybrids produced by the cross of trees of northern with southern provenance show superior growth although the scatter is wide. Seeding is less successful than planting and natural regeneration is easy to obtain after seed year. Since the 16th century the tree line has retreated, in places some 30 km. The dominant stress factor at the forest limit is scarcity of energy; light is sufficient but cannot be used because of low temperatures which prevail CaMAI, MdU. even in June. 107301 SIRIN, A.N. 0 sootnoshenii tsentral'nogo i areal'nogo vulkanizma, na primere vulkana Ploskogo i shlakovykh konusov Klyuchevskogo dola na Kamchatke. Moskva, Nauka 1968. 196 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Titk tr.: Correlation of central and areal volcanism, as exemplified by Ploskiy Volcano and slag cones of the Klyuchevskiy trough in Kamchatka. Monograph in two parts, the first describing the geologic structure and formation history of Ploskiy Volcano, the geomorphology, structure and tectonics, the petrography and petrochemistry of the lavas, and history of the volcano's activity. The Ploskiy is a central type volcano and its regime of activity is characterized. In in 2, more than 600 slag cones of Klyuchevskiy Volcano are described. Its excentric activity is analyzed, and the structure, types and genesis of the slag cones are stated. The evolution of its 918
excentric activity and methods for age determination of the slag cones are discussed. The lava is of two types and their differences in petrography and petrochemistry are noted. Klyuchevskiy has peripheral centers. Ploskiy was DLC. fed from deep magmatic basins. 107302 SIROTYUK, G.N. and N.I. MARKOVA. Otsenka stereofotogrammetricheskogo metoda zamera estestvennykh treshchin v kar'yerakh. (In: AN SSSR. Kol'skiy filial. Gornometallurgicheskiy inst. Fizika i tekhnologiya...1965. p.I5-22, tables, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Evaluation of stereophotogrammetry for measuring natural fractures in open-cut mines. Examines the applicability of this method in mines where in apatite extraction the country rock is broken down by drillhole charges of explosives. The stereophotograms obtained in situ at the S.M. Kirov mines are analyzed, giving the dip angle, and the azimuth of the dip, determining thereby the space orientation of rock fracturing. A comparison with compass measurements of rock fracturing at the Zhdanovo quarry shows that the deviation of the stereophotogrammetric determinations from compass determinations are more than twice greater for azimuth angles than for dip angles. DLC. This difference is not explained. 107303 SIRYK, I.M. 0 sostoyanii i zadachakh biostratigraficheskikh issledovaniy na Vostoke strany. (In: Biostratigrafiya, fauna i flora kaynozoya...1969. p.7-10) In Russian. Title tr.: Biostratigraphic investigations in the east of the country. Reviews paleontologic-stratigraphic investigation in the Far East, incl Magadan Province and Kamchatka. The limited extent of the work so far and shortcomings in substantiation of stratigraphic divisions are noted, as is the paucity of laboratories and scientists. Published monographs on Cenozoic biostratigraphy, fauna and flora are few, and there is little general acceptance of methods, etc. Several recommendations are offered for improving further studies. DLC. 107304 SISKO, R.K. Geomorfologicheskaya kharakteristika o. Stolbovogo, Novosibirskiye ostrova. (Leningrad. Arkticheskiy i antarkticheskiy n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1968. no.285, p.123-42, graph, map, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geomorphologic characterization of Stolbovoy Island, New Siberian Islands. Stolbovoy Island is the westernmost member of the New Siberian archipelago, with an area of more than 300 km'. Cretaceous sands and clays underlie various Quaternary formations, which are described in detail. The geologic evolution of the island is traced, and seven geomorphic zones are recognized: the
western gullied meadowland, the eastern gullied meadowland, the western low-ridged lowland, the eastern low-ridged lowland, the coastal lowland, the northern tableland, and the southern range. DLC. 107305 SISKO, ILK. Odinnadtsataya nauchnaya konferentsiya po issledovaniyu beregov. (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.33, p.140-42) In Russian. Title tr.: The eleventh scientific coastal conference. Reviews the regular conference of the Shores and Deltas Section of the Oceanographic Commission of the Academy of Sciences at Sochi, 18-25 Apr 1969. Of some 150 papers presented about fifty dealt with the geomorphology and physiography of seacoast zones, nine in the Arctic. DLC. 107306 SITOV, V.I. Tysyacha kilometrov podvodnykh perekhodov. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1972. v.17, no.1, p.10-13, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: 1000 km transit underwater. Outlines the 1971-75 underwater pipeline construction planned for the Ob, Kazym, Pechora, Vychegda, etc, in Tyumen and Komi, and the Messoyakha-Noril'sk gas pipeline across the Yenisey. Developments in management and technology are cited. DLC. SITSKAYA, F.L., see No. 106629. SIVANBAYEV, A., see No. 104782. 107307 SIVERTSEN, G. 5-dagars veke ikkje noko problem, men nok av vanskelege oppgaver i sma og grisgrendte kommunar. (Norsk skoleblad 1969. v.33, no.13, p.526-28, map, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: The fiveday week is not much of a problem, but difficult enough in small and sparsely-populated communes. Reports on interviews in the northern districts of Saltdal and Beiarn. In general, school courses are planned on a six-day week; but free Saturdays are favored for rest, recreation and family life, especially where the children travel a distance to school, or board at the school during the week. Finances, religious education, etc are also cited. DLC.
107308 SIVTSEV-OMOLLON, D.K. 0 yakutskom olonkho. (Polyarnaya zvezda 1967. no.3, p.111-14) In Russian. Title tr.: The Yakut heroic epic. Literary analysis of this traditional Yakut epos. Written in 1940, the essay defends the positive aspects of folklore against the then popular attacks on the olonkho as a survival of DLC. objectionable feudalism.
107309 SJOBERG, K. Fgglar pa Varangerhalvon juli 1969. (Fauna och flora 1970. v.65, no.2, p.55-61, illus) 19 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Birds on the Varanger Peninsula July 1969. Describes the different types of habitat and lists about 80 species observed in Finnmark, North Norway. DLC. 107310 SJOGREN, B. Sovjets gylne skin. (Norsk pelsdyrblad 1968. v.42, no.5, p.220-21, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: The Soviet's golden skin. Reviews the export of the sable marten of Siberia from 1594. It was down to 5000 skins by 1914 and the animal eliminated from many areas. By 1956 export reached 68,500 skins. Sable are now raised in fur farms and exported only as skins and finished goods. Their distribution, life cycle, mating and gestation peculiarities, and experiments with artificial daylight are outlined. NAL. 107311 SJOGREN, H. Om skogsplantering pa nedlagda odlingar. (Norrbottens lantmannablad 1965. no.3, p.47-55, map, table, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: Forest planting on abandoned fields. Discusses the establishment of young forest on abandoned farm areas, from some experience in the Pite section of northern Sweden. Seedling conifers should be planted as soon as possible, preferably on land from which the topsoil, with root mats, has been removed. The absence of grass and weed roots and seed enables seedlings to grow with little competition. Also, the barer surface is less apt to be inhabited by voles and other rodents which gnaw bark and twigs. Furrow planting is described. Tabulated results of experimental plantings indicate soil and vegetation types, surface treatment, tree variety planted, survival rates and DLC. conditions, and general observations. SJOSTRAND, B., see No. 103301. 107312 SKAERBO, 0. Havneforholdene i Gronland. (Sofart 1968. v.19, no.4, p.1819) In Danish. Title tr.: Port conditions in Greenland. Reviews improvements since 1950 and plans to 1975. The earliest quays were built for Julianehab, Godthab, and Egedesminde. Improvements are outlined for a dozen other settlements on the west coast and for Kungmiut on the east coast where there is a large fishing quay and fish-processing plant. Quay accommodations, warehousing, lighter service and lighter-sized shipping containers are discussed, as well as facilities for local craft and fishing vessels which need oil, water, and other services. Harsh weather, a normal tide range of 5-6 m, harbor depths, calving ice tongues, 919
wind-driven ice, and other problems make technical support important and all construction costly. DLC.
dures to refine the technique further are also explained. All equations, vector diagrams, tabulated data and the modified chart are shown. CaMAI, DLC.
SKALATSKIY, N.I., see No. 102694. SKILES, F.L., see also No. 107085. SKALIGEROV, V.N., see No. 107483. 107313 SKAVINSKIY, YU.V. and others. K rasprostraneniyu toksoplazmoza v razlichnykh geograficheskikh zonakh Krasnoyarskogo kraya. (Nauchnoye soveshchaniye pa problemam meditsinskoy geografii, 3rd. Leningrad 1968. Materialy, pt.l, p.166-67). In Russian. Other authors: A.I. Bychkova and N.I. Zakharov. Title tr.: Spread of toxoplasmosis in various geographical zones of Krasnoyarsk Province. 1917 animals and 5140 people were tested by intradermal method for toxoplasmosis. In the northern part of the province, 5.1% of the reindeer were affected; in the central part, 16.4% of the cattle and 29.9% dogs. Toxoplasmosis is ubiquitous in all climatogeographical zones; it is less frequent in children in the Far North presumably because of minimal contact DNLM. with the source of infection. 107314 SKERDZHEV, A.I. Avtomobil'samosval gruzopod"yemnost'yu 60t dlya rayonov. (Avtomobil'naya severnykh promyshlennost' 1970. v.36, no.4, p.42, illus) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A 60-ton dump truck for northern regions. Describes the truck designed and manufactured by the French firm Berlier according to specifications of several countries, incl USSR, for operation in the +50°to -60°C temperature range. It is made of frost-resistant steel, plastics, and rubber, and has separate heating systems for starting the motor, and for heating the truck in motion. The truck has passed a ilireemonth test in the USSR. Its specifications are given, with a detailed diagram of the heating DLC. system for operation at -20°to -60°C. SKIBA, L.A., see No. 103708. 107315 SKILES, F.L. Empirical wind drift of sea ice. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.239-52, graphs, map, tables) 5 refs. To forecast ice drift at any point, the current vector and wind-drift vector must he known. The US Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Sea Ice Branch tested a previously prepared graphical conversion of geostrophic wind to ice drift on the drift of Arlis I, with poor results. The derivation of the empirical relationship of geostrophic wind to ice drift used by NAVOCEANO is described. Its 1958 current chart of the Arctic Ocean was modified, using the derived winddrift relation. Proce920
107316 SKILKIN, B.I. Novaya karta rel'yefa dna Tikhogo okeana. (Zemlya i vselennaya 1966. v.2, no.1, p.77-78, map) In Russian. Title tr.: New map of the Pacific Ocean relief. Describes in general terms the survey and mapping of the Pacific Ocean bottom mainly by USSR and US expeditions during the IGY. This detailed bathymetric map includes geophysical, geomorphic, geotectonic, seismological, volcanological, geochemical and other data. It is published on six sheets at 1:10 million scale, on the pseudo-cylindrical sinusoidal projection developed by Urmayev. Illus shows a northerly section of the map including parts of the Okhotsk and Bering Seas and of the Kamchatka, Aleutian and Kuril areas. DLC. 107317 SKINNER, R. Geology of Sioux Lookout map-area, Ontario, a part of the Superior Province of the Precambrian Shield, 52 .1. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 10 p. map. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-45) 26 refs. Describes the area 50°-51°N 90°-92°W where glacial till is underlain almost entirely by Archean granitic intrusives and gneisses which enclose highly folded and faulted Keewatin and Timiskaming-type migmatites, incl the Savant Group. The subdivisions and structures of this group are emphasized. Keewatin-type greenstones contain gold, base metal and lithium showings, the Timiskaming-type rocks contain three iron deposits and few base metal showings. DGS. 107318 SKJENNEBERG, S. and L SLAGSVOLD. Rein driften og dens naturgrunnlag. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget 1968. 332 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Over 200 refs. In Norwegian. Tide tr.: The reindeer industry and its natural basis. Comprehensive work to serve as a basis for future research and experimentation in the Norwegian reindeer industry. A phylogenetic table of circumpolar reindeer is traced from the common Rangier of the glacial period, and systematic descriptions are summarized. The life cycle and biological characteristics are outlined, as are the food supply and seasonal needs, types of pasturage and feelling practices. The principal fodder plants are cited and their chemical compositions given. Diet deficiencies, disease, parasites, infections, nervous system problems, etc are dealt with, and predators noted. Special attention is given to improve-
ment of meat quality, slaughter, sale, and profitability, and to by-products as raw materials for handicrafts and manufacture. Economics is discussed generally, on the herd basis, and in relation to increased production, problem areas, cooperation, and organization. The reindeer economy is weighed in comparison with beef stock, to forestry, river basin regulation, and other ownership and use of land. The industry in other northern countries and the reindeer-raising people of Eurasia are briefly noted. DLC. 107319 SKJENNEBERG, S. Rein og reindrift. Lesjaskog, Fjell-Nytt 1965. 326 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Reindeer and the reindeer industry. Presents a basic account of reindeer, their maintenance, food, illnesses, pests and general well-being; the reindeer industry past and present; and practical reindeer husbandry with modern methods of herd handling and care, transport, production, and economics. The work is intended as the text book in Lappish secondary schools where reindeer husbandry is • a regular course. This industry is considered viable and a continuing way of life in an area where little else provides a livelihood. This industry in the USSR, Finland, Sweden, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and Scotland is briefly reviewed, and the total reindeer population of some 2.5 million head is estimated by country. Fishing is noted as a suitable secondary occupation to herding. Essential knowledge and good practices in the care and handling of the animals from birth to marketing are treated in detail. Training and care of the working reindeer and herd dogs, range administration and the rights of others such as foresters are dealt with. Reindeer migrations and the itinerant life of the herdsmen are discussed. Some direction is given in crafts and the production of reindeer-based articles for the tourist trade, the retail market. A chapter on the range is contributed by Erling Lyftingsmo, who lists more than 90 Norwegian plant species eaten by reindeer, of which about 25% are essentially seasonal. Nutrition is discussed in detail along with resulting growth rates. A section on clothing is contributed by Jens A. Poulsson. The work is reviewed in Norsk skoleblad 1965, v.29, no.18, p.728, 754. DLC. 107320 SKLADNEV, M.F. and others. Kompleksnyye nauchnyye issledovaniya v SSSR v oblasti gidroenergeticheskogo stroitel'stva. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1970. v.40, no.12, p.10-18, illus) II refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.I. Sevast'yanov, N.S. Rozanov and R.V. Krasovitskiy. Title tr.: Inter-disciplinary research in the field of hydropower development in the USSR.
Reviews research for hydrotechnical and hydroelectric power construction under the State Commission for the electrification of Russia plan prior to and after World War 11. Power plants throughout USSR are cited and illus, incl Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Mamakan, Vilyuy, Khantayka, and other power plants in Siberia and the Far North. The importance of the Commissions' program and its results are discussed. DLC. SKLYAROV, G.A., see No. 107131. 107321 Fine resultat av dei forste plantefelta pa Helgeland. (Its: v.55, 1968. no.12, p.35, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Excellent results of the first tree farm in Helgeland. Notes successful growing of spruce in the Leirfjord area, Nordland. A ten-year planting program was begun in 1907 on some 21 hectares, with thinning from 1928. Tree increment, cutting volume, and value are cited. DLC. 107322 SKOGEN, A. Suaeda maritima, Atriplex littoralis and Myosotis palustris in SfirVaranger, northernmost Norway. (Astarte 1969. v.2, no.1-2, p.35-39, maps, table) 15 refs. Notes new records from a 1965 study of marsh and shore vegetation. S. maritima in the Neidenelv estuary is 4° north of the previous northernmost record; A. littoralis found along the high-tide mark on coarse sand in the Munkelv estuary is 300 km east of its nearest known locality; M. palustris along a Neidenelv tributary is about 1° north of the nearest known locality. The first two plants were probably dispersed to these localities by ocean curDGS. rents, M. palustris probably by birds. 107323 SKOGSIGA REN. Skogsbruksomrade vid polcirkeln. (Its: v.40, 1964. no.8, p.185-86, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: The forestry region above the Arctic Circle. Summarizes lumbering practices in the Tornedal region of Sweden, mostly by the timberlot owners. The development of community roads and mechanized hauling has made the industry profitable, with the cutting by the timber owners, hauling by tractor owners, and year-round work feasible. Notes are also given, p 183-85, on the Norrbotten forestry association, pulp and saw mills, cellulose fabrication, local youth in lumbering, and the equipment, performance and value of an individual's mechanized operation in Overcome& DLC. 107324 SKOKOVA, N.N. 0 faktorakh, opredelyayushchikh sostoyaniye populyatsii tupikov v gnezdovoy period. (Kandalakshskiy gos. zapovednik. Trudy 1967. no.5, p.15577, maps, tables, illus) 23 refs. In Russian. Title Sr.: Factors deterrnining the population status of puffins during nesting. 921
Some birds taken during emergence from nest holes for feeding, 1958-62, were previously banded. The puffin Fratercula arctica appears in the Aynovskiye islands during last ten days of Apr and in nesting colonies during the first half of May. Each of the pair sits on the single egg 6-8 hrs, when they change for food. The young emerge fully feathered when 38-45 days old. Massive flight from burrows to open sea occurs in mid Aug. After fishing the puffins fly about to dry feathers before entering the burrows. When attacked by predator birds (there are no quadruped predators on the islands) the puffin flies into his burrow of long interconnections. One area of 25 m2 had 33 entrances with 25 nesting chambers. When transplanted, 83% of these birds returned to their colonies under peat or between rocks. Their colonies have existed on the Aynovskiye islands for 120-150 yr. A complete change in population occurs in 20 yrs. DLC. SKOKOVA, N.N., see also No. 104772. SKOMOROVSKIY, YA.Z., see No. 104891. 107325 SKOOG, R.O. Ecology of the caribou Raneer tarandus grand in Alaska. (Dissertation abstracts 1969. v.30, no.3, p.1416B). PhD thesis, Univ of California, Berkeley 1968. 720 p. Reports a 1952-64 study, particularly of the Nelchina herd, south-central Alaska, one of the 11 herds in the six regional subpopulations in the state, which had 600 thousand caribou exclusive of calves in 1964. A center of habitation in each region supports the main herd and is the focus for population buildup and dispersal. A herd is defined as any group which uses one calving area repeatedly over the years. Historically there is evidence of considerable flux of animals between all regions. Migrations become accentuated at densities of 5-10 caribou/mi2. The most important range vegetation types in the Nelchina region are dwarf birch, dwarf heath, sedge meadow and willow. Few areas are overgrazed and abundant year-round forage remains. Males comprise 50-55% of the herds during the first two yr and 23% from 10 yr on. Rutting activity peaks in early Oct, calving in late May. Calves comprise about 21% of the herd each Oct, an average 40% die during the first year, the majority (70%) during June-Oct. Among the animals older than calves, mortality is about 14%/yr, of which hunters account for 8%, wolf predation 2% and other causes 4%. During the study period, yearling production averaged 22% and the max annual increase under natural conditions (i.e. disregarding hunter losses) is estimated at 20%. Weather, predation and emigration are 922
considered the main factors controlling the DGS. Alaskan caribou population. M.A. 107326 SKOROBOGATOV, Geografiya rasprostraneniya ostrykh vospalitel'nykh zabolevaniy organov mochevoy sistemy v usloviyakh Kraynego Severa i rol' klimaticheskikh faktorov v ikh proiskhozhdenii. (Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geografii, 3rd.-Leningrad 1968. Materialy, pt.1, p.198-202) In Russian. Title tr.: Geographical distribution of acute infections of the urinary system under conditions of the Far North and the role of climatic factors in their development. Analysis of data from Murmansk, Arkhangel'sk, Krasnoyarsk and Magadan Provinces, Karelia and Komi ASSR, the Yamal-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi National Districts showed 60.99 cases of acute urinary infection per 10 thousand of population. In northern Yakutia the rate of acute pyelonephritis and cystitis was much higher than in the center and south. Immigrants suffered most (76%); indigenous peoples suffered less; and no cases were recorded for the so-called small peoples of the North. 93.5% of recrudescence occurred during the coldest season. DNLM. 107327 SKOROBOGATOVA, A.M. and others. 0 znachenii nekotorykh faktorov polyarnykh rayonov dlya formirovaniya protsessov adaptatsii. (In: Akklimatizatsiya i krayevaya patologiya...1970. p.I68-69) In Russian. Title tr.: Significance of regional polar factors in the development of adaptation processes. The study includes data from the Antarctic and the Central Arctic Basin, and on experimental tests in a cold chamber. The parameters for this study on adaptation in a group of 112 include change in arterial tension, pulse rate, plethysmogram, skin temperature, etc. Most pronounced changes were experienced by newcomers or those returning after an absence of 5-6 yr, also by men with high arterial tension. A lessened sensitivity to low temperature and a disturbance of balance between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic regulation of cardio-vascular function were also observed. DLC. 107328 SKOROKHODOV, M. Pesni tundry. (Kul'tura i zhizn' 1966. v.10, no.2, p.20-22) In Russian. Title tr.: Songs of the tundra. Recounts several episodes from the life of D. Butorin, a Nenets Samoyed fisher and seamammal hunter who devised a steel-wire net for beluga hunting. Its advantages over conventional seines are stated. It is now used at sea by commercial sealing and whaling vessels out of Arkhangelsk. DLC.
107329 SKOROPISTSEVA, L.YE. Pozdnepaleozoyskiye morskiye lilii sovetskoy i zarubezhnoy Arktiki. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.25, p.30-57, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Late Paleozoic crinoids of the Soviet and foreign Arctic. Describes crinoids of the western Verkhoyansk region, Orulgan and Kharaulakh Ranges, Taymyr Peninsula, Novaya Zemlya and Svalbard. The morphology of 32 species belonging to eight genera is described; 17 of the species are new. Five crinoid assemblages are briefly characterized. Upper Paleozoic crinoid distribution in various regions of the Arctic is discussed. The columnals can be used in correlation of sections and for establishing age. CaMAI, DLC. SKOSYREV, V.A., see No. 106563. 107330 SKOTARENKO, V.V. Analiz noveyshikh tektonicheskikh dvizheniy na osnove izucheniya form sklonov, na primere yugo-vostochnoy Yakutii. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.179, no.5, p.1189-92, map) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Analysis of recent tectonic movements on the basis of study of slope forms, as exemplified in southeastern Yakutia. Reports a morphologic study in the Aldan Maya - Uchur and Yudoma River basins. The steepness of the slopes is analyzed, taking climate, resistance of rocks and relief development into consideration. A map of slope forms is presented and interpreted. Slope forms thus studied may aid significantly an understanding of recent tectonic movements. DLC. 107331 SKOV, 0. and E. BRUN. Flytningen of Thule, Eske Bruns kommentar hertil. (Gronland 1966, no.11, p.397-400, illus) In The removal of Thule, Danish. Title Eske Brun's comment. Replies to No 94266, stating that the move from Thule to Qanaq took place in 1953, and that some of the inhabitants wished to postpone or cancel the move. Eske Brun comments that no information to this effect reached the ministry which in any case had no authority to force anybody to move against his will. CaMAI, DLC. SKOVORODKIN, N.V., see No. 104797. 107332 SKRESLET, S. and E AAREFJORD. Acclimatization to cold in man induced by frequent scuba diving in cold water. (Journal of applied physiology 1968. v.24, no.2, p.177-81, graphs, table) 10 refs. Tests of three divers over a 45-day period in summer 1966, during a Norsk Polarinstitutt
Expedition in Svalbard showed that a seasonal cold adaptation of a complex nature may occur during repeated diving. From an unacclimatized stage at which cold stress is met by a metabolic response, insulative acclimatization is established after an intermediate stage which is attributed to habituation of the central nervous system. When cold exposures are discontinued, the acquired acclimatization disappears rather quickly. DLC. 107333 SKRESLET, S. Ecosystem of the arctic lake Nordlaguna, Jan Mayen Island, 1: general features and hydrography. (Astarte 1969. v.2, no.1-2, p.27-34, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 13 refs. Reports June-Aug 1963 and July 1965 hydrographic fieldwork in this land-locked 38.5-m deep lake. The climate and geomorphic features of Jan Mayen and the topography of Nordlaguna are described. In 1963 there was no thermal stratification of the lake; in 1965 temperatures were lower and the water body had three layers, conductivity was significantly higher, and the changes with depth followed those of chlorinity and hardness, and temperature. The presence of salt in the lake water is important to the stratification; influx of seawater during storms occurs irregularly. The marked decrease of 0, with depth in 1965 is attributed to phytoplankton photosynthesis, as are decrease in PO, and transparency. The PO, originates from bird droppings. These observations were made in the course of fieldwork for author's thesis to the Univ of Oslo: The biology and relation to the ecosystem of the landlocked trout Salvelinus alpinus L. (In Norwegian). DGS. 107334 SKRESLET, S. and E. BRUN. On the reproduction of Chlamys islandica (0.F. Muller) and its relation to depth and temperature. (Astarte 1969. v.2, no.1-2, p.1-6, graphs, map, table) 9 refs. Reports a July 1967-Aug 1968 study of the reproductive cycle of the Iceland scallop in Ballsfjord south of Tromso. Bathymetric, tidal and temperature data are figured. The gonad index (gonad wt/remaining soft parts) increased slowly during fall and winter. In 1968 the main increase took place during Mar-June and most of the scallops spawned 5-13 July. No difference in onset of spawning with depth was observed. Temperature variations were pronounced at full moon, coinciding with the spawning period, and may have induced the spawning. DGS. SKRESLET, S., 101607.
see also
Nos. 101606,
107335 SKRIPKO, K.A. and E.I. GREBZDY. Khimicheskiy sostav mineralov 923
peridotitovykh vklyucheniy v produktakh izverzheniya vulkana Avacha. (In: Ksenolity i gomeogennyye vklyucheniya. Moskva 1969. p.30-35, tables) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Chemical composition of peridotite inclusions in pyroclastics of the Avacha volcano. Describes the distribution of major and trace elements in coexisting olivine and pyroxene of peridotite inclusions occurring in significant amounts in pyroclastics of the volcano. Temperatures of mineral formation are calculated from results of experimental investigations of the systems forsterite-fayalite-Si02 and DLC. enstatite-diopside. SKRIPKO, K.A., see also No. 103364. 107336 SKRIPTUNOVA, L.I. 0 prognoze temperatury vody v severo-zapadnoy chasti Atlanticheskogo okeana. (USSR. Gidrometeorologicheskiy n.-issl. tsentr. Trudy 1967. no.3, p.32-39, map, table) 7 refs. In Russian Title tr.: Forecast of water temperature in the northwest Atlantic. Discusses method of estimating nonperiodic ocean temperature variation from given baric conditions up to approx 65°N. Forecasting accuracy of the vertical temperature distribution in the region is analyzed, taking into consideration the absorbed and effective radiation, heat loss by evaporation, turbulent heat exchange with the atmosphere, and heat transport by the turbulent mixing with currents and DLC. by convection. SKRIPTUNOVA, L.I., see also No. 103719. 107337 SKROBOV, V.D. and F.I. KHUDOOkhotnichiy promysel na Yamale i LEYEV. puti povysheniya yego produktivnosti. (Problemy Severa 1968. no.13, p.121-27, tables, illus) 5 refs. In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, Title National Research Council, Ottawa. tr.: The hunting industry on Yamal and ways of increasing its productivity. Describes the Yamal-Nenets National District's natural wealth in fur-bearing and game animals, of which there are 22 species, the principal among them being the arctic fox, squirrel, common fox, ermine, and muskrat. The indigenous population of Nenets, Khanty, Sel'kups have been engaging in hunting for centuries; at present, there are only over 1500 fur hunters in the District, which is divided into three subzones: high arctic tundra 15.5% of the area, northern tundra 29.9%, and southern tundra 54.6%. Hunting ranges are rated according to the density of fur-bearers and classified in five value categories; the first three, very good. good, satisfactory, totaling 54.2% of the area and 90% of the pelt production (in rubles). A 924
1961 survey of the fur-hearers has served as a basis for hunting management. The decrease in number of hunters from three thousand in 1938 to 1540 in 1964 is due to greater work opportunities in industry, transport, cultural activities, etc, and indicates the lack of young hunters. To increase the fur harvest, the number of hunters and their productivity should increase 10-12%/yr. Improvement of transport, equipment, feed, trapping methods, etc is CaM AI, DLC. advocated. SKROPYSHEV, A.V., see No. 104303. and N.P. 107338 SKRYABIN, K.I. 25 let gel'mintologiSHIKHOBALOVA. cheskoy laboratorii Akademii Nauk SSSR. (AN SSSR. Gel'mintologicheskaya laboratoriya. Trudy 1968. v.19, p.5-15, table) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Twenty five years of the Helminthological Laboratory, Academy of Sciences, USSR; results of activity and current problems. Reviews the growth of this laboratory to an organization of 2.5 thousand scientists. The various divisions are listed and their connections with medicine, veterinary medicine, fisheries industry, agriculture and natural sciences are shown. New divisions, their heads and coworkers are listed. The broad range of publications on new helminth material and its classification is indicated as is the Laboratory's role in cooperation with international organizations and commissions dealing with actual problems. DLC. Nizinnyye 107339 SKRYNNIKOVA, I.N. torfyanyye pochvy Yevropeyskoy chasti SSSR i puti povysheniya ikh plodorodiya pri melioratsii i osvoyenii. (Pochvovedeniye 1969. no.9, p.I8-32, graphs, tables, illus) 17 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Marshy peat soils of the European USSR and ways to increase their fertility by melioration and cultivation. Notes the widespread distribution of these soils in Karelia, Kola Peninsula, West Siberia, Arkhangel'sk Province and elsewhere. The development of peat soils to a high degree of fertility requires various measures for regulation of the water and the air regime and various methods of agricultural technology. DLC. Herring tagging 107340 SKUD, B.E. experiments in southeastern Alaska. (US. Fish and Wildlife Service. Fishery bulletin 1963. v.63, no.1, p.19-32, graphs, maps, tables) 10 refs. Reports on a study of 1934-37 tagging as an aid in the further tagging needed because of changes in fishing areas, alleged depletion of herring populations and the exclusion of herring from the International North Pacific Fish-
cries Treaty. There was evidence of extensive movement and intermingling of stocks in the Sitka and Craig areas. The extent of migrations increased with age of the fish. Total mortality increased with each year of recovery. A general decline in fishing effort was apparent during this period. It is concluded that natural mortality increases with age. DI. SKUF'IN, P.K., see No. 108616. SKUJA, H., see No. 107113. 107341 SKUNCKE, F. Renkatastrof orsakad av Overutnyttjande av ett gott vinterbete, ett observandum for svensk renskotsel. (Zoologisk revy 1968. v.30, no.3 /4, p.105-112, graph, tables) Refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: A reindeer catastrophe caused by overuse of a good winter pasture, a case to be observed by the Swedish reindeer management. Reviews reports (by D. R. Klein, qv) on the St.Matthew Island reindeer herd in the 1963-64 winter and as a warning to Swedish reindeer interests. Severe overgrazing of the lichen pastures caused lack of food and the starvation that killed the main part of the herd. DLC. 107342 SKUNCKE, F. Reindeer ecology and management in Sweden. College, Alaska 1969. 82 p. graphs, map, tables, illus. (Alaska. University. Biological papers no.8) 47 refs. Summary of his work as research director for Lappvlsendets Renforskning, the Lapp Administration Reindeer Research Program 1951-63, translated by Nigel Reeves 1966, and edited by D.R. Klein. Reindeer husbandry in Norrland is by law restricted to Lapps. Settlement, industrialisation and the road and railway systems have so encroached upon range land that only about three thousand Lapps are currently occupied in reindeer raising. The herding is carried out in 50 samesitas (lappsitas) in specific range areas in 62-69°N. Since 1951 the Lapp Reindeer Research Institute has developed a uniform scale for evaluating the seasonal pastures, and this is described. Genetic and economic factors in reindeer husbandry, pasture capacities, and air-survey methods for pasture areas have been worked out, reindeer-meat production improved and technical procedures established in the wild and controlled-herd management. Plant communities containing lichens and other species are discussed in relation to the life mode and food requirement of forest and high-mountain (tundra) reindeer and to forest management. CaMAI, DLC . 107343 SKURATENKO, A.V. Spory nekotorykh novykh vidov semeystv Davallia-
ceae i Aspidiaceae iz verkhnego mela - paleogena Zapadnoy Sibiri. (Paleontologicheskiy zhurnal 1968. v.10, no.1, p.115-21, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Spores of some new species of Davalliaceae and Aspidiaceae from the Upper Cretaceous - Paleogene of West Siberia. Describes systematically spores of Nephrolepis penduliformis, N. favosa and N. sibirica of fern fam Davalliaceae, and A thyrium crenatiforme, A. granulatum, Dryopteris crispula and D. fragrantiformis of fam Aspidiaceae; illus of the spores are included. DLC. SLADEN, B.K., see No. 103255. SLADEN, W.J.L., see No. 103255. SLAGSVOLD, L., see No. 107318. 107344 SLASTENOV, YU.L. and V.V. TOKIN. Novyye dannyye po stratigrafii nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy Sangarskogo unglenosnogo rayona. (In: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd. Yakutskiy filial. Institut geologii. Leno-Vilyuyskaya neftegazonosnaya...1969. p.42-48, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Sangar coal-bearing region. Defines four Lower Cretaceous series on the basis of plant impressions, pollen and spores, and heavy mineral fractions in borings from this central part of Yakutia, viz: the Batylykhskaya, Eksenyakhskaya, Khatyrykhskaya and Boskhinskaya series. The first of these series is divided into two subseries. The boundary with the upper Jurassic has not yet been clearly defined. DLC. 107345 SLASTENOV, YU.L. Stratigrafiya yurskikh i nizhnemelovykh otlozheniy yuzhnoy chasti Priverkhoyanskogo progiba. (In: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Stratigrafiya...sredney Sibiri 1967. p.66-72) In Russian. Title in: Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy in the southern part of the Verkhoyansk Trough. In this region, all divisions of the Jurassic and Cretaceous are represented. Those in the Lepiske, Chochuma, Tumara basins and elsewhere are analyzed and subdivided into local stratigraphic units according to the faunal data. The Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary is described. DLC. SLASTENOV, YU.L., see also Nos. 102671, 102847, 104697,106912. 107346 SLAUGHTER, C.W. and H.R. SAMIDE. Spring breakup of the Delta River, Alaska. Hanover, N.H. 1971. 33p. map, tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Special report 155) 12 refs. 925
Consists of nine pages of text accompanied by 81 photographs showing the sequence of breakup at several points along the river. The breakup of this braided river, spring 1967, involved a gradual development of open-water channels from headwaters to mouth. Using mean daily air temperature values at Big Delta, near the mouth of the river, an accumulation of 30 positive degree-days (°F) above 32°F, prior to the first observation of continuous open water from headwaters to mouth, was indicated; using maximum daily air temperatures, a corresponding value of 224 degree-days was indicated. Includes discussion of the date, unsafe for man, included each year in the July issue of Climatological Data, Alaska .(ESSA). CaMAI, DGS. 107347 SLAVIN, B.YE. and others. Osobennosti osusheniya vodoobil'nykh tonneley v rayonakh s surovym klimatom. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1970. v.20, no.3, p.18-19, graph, illus) In Russian. Other authors: Yu.N. Trefyalcov and V.N. Korolev. Tide tr.: Draining of flooded tunnels in regions with severe climate. Discusses the facing and drainage of a 2 km railroad tunnel constructed 50-60 yr ago in a part of western USSR with a continental climate, winter period of 200 days, low temperature to -50°C, annual precipitation over 900 mm, and snow cover >2.5 m thick. Inflow of water into the tunnel reaches 3000 Willi. Inspection in 1966 showed 24 unfrozen leaks through the walls and eight still active by winter end. As a result, naleds formed in an 800 m stretch in the central part of the tunnel which necessitated removal of 500 m' of ice in winter 1966/67 and more than 800 m3 in winter 1967/68. Only five out of 88 drainage channels, cleared in the fall of 1967, drained off 0.6-1.1 liter/sec, 57 drained a little, and 26 stayed dry. Complete insulation of the tunnel facing, drilling of drainage holes through the walls, with branched drillholes for water capture, and additions to the wall concrete for sealing are recommended as measures to prevent naled DLC. formation. 107348 SLAVIN, S.V. Perspektivy razvitiya proizvoditel'nykh sil Aziatskogo Severa i problema cheloveka. (Problemy Severa 1970. no.14, p.1-5) 10 refs. In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Prospects of the development of the factors of production in the Asiatic North and the problem of man. Discusses the importance of human acclimatization in the development of natural resources and the role of science in the protection of health in the North. Briefly sketches the range of mineral, power, fishery, forest and 926
plant resources and secondary industries in the North and notes problems in providing a qualified labor force, in view of the present high migration rate. The state of workers' health, with special regard to their ability to acclimate, is of first importance and provision of sanitary and hygienic conditions, proper nutrition and appropriate housing, welfare and recreation facilities is essential. New expeditionary and rotational methods of construction and management are described, which must be based on medical and sociological investigations. CaMAI, DLC. SLEIPTSOV-SHEVLEVICH, B.A., see No. 108251 107349 SLESSERS, M. Soviet studies in the northward movement of birds. (Arctic 1968. v.21, no.3, p.201-204, map) 17 refs. The warming of the Arctic, especially in the Eurasian sector, has been pronounced since the 1920's. The tundra moves into the arctic desert, the taiga into the tundra, and along with this the mammals, birds and plants extend northward. Study of these changes in zoogeographical boundaries by Soviet scientists shows that some birds have extended their ranges up to 130 mi northward, the willow warbler, meadow pipit, fieldfare and willow ptarmigan to 69°50'N on Vaygach Island, 74°N Novaya Zemlya. From more southerly ranges the house sparrow has extended from 61° to 70°N, the chaffinch and rook 700 km from Krasnoyarsk to Komsa, the black woodpecker, coal tit, whooper swan and merganser 200-400 km in the Yenisey taiga. The fieldfare, eastern hermit thrush and robin are now established in Greenland, the gadwall in southern Alaska. CaMAI, DLC .
107350 SLIVKOV, V.I. and others. Kharakteristika produktivnoy tolshchi Vuktyl'skogo gazokondensatnogo mestorozhdeniya. (Gazovoye delo 1970. no.5, p.6-9, graphs, table) In Russian. Other authors: V.A. Leshchenko, N.A. Rulev, A.A. Khanin and K.I. Bagrintseva. Title tr.: Characteristics of the productive strata of the Vuktyl gas-condensate deposit. Presents results of a comprehensive study of the geology with a profile along a line of drillholes showing the gas concentrate distribution in Permian and Carboniferous strata at approx 2500-3500 m depth. Carboniferous reservoir rocks, of porous, fractured, and mixed type, are divided into four stratigraphic members according to lithological and reservoir properties. DLC. SLIVKOV, V.I., see also No. 106698.
107351 SLUCHANKO, N.A. Svarka provolokoy diametrom 3 mm pod smes'yu keramicheskogo i plavlenogo flyusa. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1969. v.14, no.1, p.26-27, table) In Russian. Title tr.: Welding with 3 mm diameter wire under a mixture of ceramic and melted fluxes. Reports briefly an automatic welding of gas-pipeline joints, using 3 mm solder wire instead of the 2 mm wire used previously. A test of the innovation was made on the 1220 mm pipes in Ukhta-Torzhok line, using the 3 mm solder wire of SV-08GA brand, under mechanically mixed fluxes AN-348A and KVS19M in one-to-one ratio. The new method was found to be 40% more productive than the old one, required less labor, and reduced the flux expenditure by 15-20%, and welded seam quality met the standard requirements. DLC. 107352 SLUKIN, A.D. Kora vyvetrivaniya doleritov i boksity Chadobetskogo podnyatiya. (Kora vyvetrivaniya 1970. no.11, p.81-107, graph, map, table, illus) 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Weathering crust of dolerites and bauxites of the Chadobets uplift. Gives a detailed account of the petrography and geochemistry of the weathering crust of these dolerites, incl metasomatic laterites. The bauxite-bearing deposits and bauxites in karst depressions are analyzed. Kaolin clays and bauxite clays are described noting their mineralogical composition, heat tests, etc. Genesis of the bauxites, migration of bauxite-forming components, temperature, etc are discussed. DLC. 107353 SLUKIN, A.D. Krupnyye kristally kaolinita iz kory vyvetrivaniya shchelochnykh ul'traosnovnykh porod Chadobetskogo podnyatiya. (Kora vyvetrivaniya 1968. no.10, p.I60-66, graph, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Large crystals of kaolinite from weathering crusts of alkalic ultramafic rocks of the Chadobets uplift. Describes the mode of occurrence and physical properties of kaolinite in crystals up to 1.5 x 0.5 cm. Data from microscopic, chemical, thermal, X-ray and electron-diffraction studies are given. Loss of water occurs at 585°C. DLC. 107354 SLYUSAREV, V.D. 0 roli matematicheskikh metodov pri vydelenii magmaticheskikh kompleksov; na primere sinklinoriya Vetrenyy poyas. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p.318-27, illus) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Role of mathematical methods for distinguishing magmatic complexes, with examples from the synclinorium of the Vetrenyy Poyas Mts. Describes the method and results of statistical analysis of magmatic rock samples in order to define different types of mafic and ultra-
mafic complexes, trends of magmatic differentiation, and associated mineralization processes. DLC. 107355 SMART, D.F. and others. Daily variation of trajectory-derived high-latitude cutoff rigidities in a model magnetosphere. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.19, p.4731-38, graphs) Refs. Other authors: M.A. Shea and R. Gall. Calculates the vertical geomagnetic cutoff rigidity at invariant latitudes 60-75° along the 260° meridian for eight different local times, using a model of the magnetosphere represented by a six-degree expansion of the internal field combined with external sources due to currents in the tail and the magnetosphere, and utilizing the trajectory-tracing procedure. A projection in the north-south magnetospheric plane of the orbits of 0.06-Gv electrons arriving vertically at Ft Churchill for noon and midnight is presented in a diagram, and discussed. At high latitudes balloon experiments are found to record re-entrant electron albedo during the daytime and extraterrestrial electrons at night. DLC. 107356 SMED, J. Monthly anomalies of the surface temperature in areas of the northern North Atlantic in 1965. (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Annales biologiques 1965 pub 1967. v.22, p.1415, maps, table) The areas include the waters of Denmark Strait and West Greenland to 70°N. The surface temperature anomalies were evaluated using grand monthly means for the period 1876-1915. During 1965 there was a clear predominance of positive anomalies; the averages for the year were in West Greenland 0.9, southern Greenland waters 1.1 and in Denmark DLC. Strait 1.6. 107357 SMEDLEY, S.C. and M.C. SEIForecast of 1967-1968 pink salmon BEL. runs in Southeastern Alaska. Juneau 19671968. 15, 17 p. graphs, maps, tables. (Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game. Informational leaflet no.103, 118) Refs. Describes the methods and discusses accuracy and the limitations inherent in the absence of a sufficient body of data. Results are reported of the 3d-4th series of pink salmon fry samples taken from streams, spring 1966-1967. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha lives only two yr and spawns but once, so even- and odd-yr populations are genetically distinct and data for the two cycles may not be combined. Because of the limited pre-emergent data, the forecasts were partially based on escapement-return relationships found in 1960-66. Southeast Alaska consists of two biologically separate parts, between which there is very little mixing 927
of salmon stocks. The forecasts were for a relatively poor year in 1967, approx 9-10 mill and CaMAI, DLC. for 27.7 mill in 1968. SMEDMAN, R., see No. 102317. Viljelmien peltoalan 107358 SMEDS, H. alueellinen vaihtelu Suomessa. (Terra 1966. v.78, no.2, p.98-102, graphs, maps) 10 refs. In Finnish. English summary. Title tr.: Regional variations in size classes of agricultural holdings in Finland. General pattern and size distribution of agricultural holdings in Finland has remained unchanged since 1929/30, owing to the interaction of several contrary factors, among them the division of holdings, on the one hand, and the clearance of new arable lands, especially in north and east Finland, on the other. Change of mean arable area of holdings is mapped and a tendency towards an increase in mean size is observed in northern Finland. DLC. Almazy Aykhala. SMENA. (Its: v.44, 1967. no.1, p.4-6, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Aykhal diamonds. Sketches development of diamond mining and the mining town of Aykhal about 600 km north of Mirnyy in Yakutia. DLC.
Cretaceous floras of Chandler-Colville region, Alaska: stratigraphy and preliminary floristics. (American Association of, Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin 1969. v.53, no.3, p.482-502, maps, tables) 25 refs. Reports the physical stratigraphic relations of sequences of florules, collected summers 1964 and 1966, from 55 localities in the Northern Foothills section, north of the Brooks Range, approx 68°50'-69°30'N 151°25'-154°W. The lower part of the section (about 4700 ft) contains the Nanushuk Group (middle Albian - early Cenomanian), the upper part (about 5100 ft), the Colville Group (Turonian-Maestrichtian?). Seven plant megafossil zones are distinguished, of which five occur in the Kuk River section and several appear to correlate with similar units in the Soviet Arctic and Greenland. These sequential floral records with their marine intercalations may be reliable for correlations of analogous plant-bearing nonmarine beds throughout arctic regions. DGS.
107362 SMILEY, C.J.
SMENA. Tyumen', neftyanaya derzhava. (Its: v.44, 1967. no.7, p.I0-17, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Tyumen, oil country. Sketch of the discovery and development of the long-sought oil and gas deposits of Tyumen province. DL.C. 107360
Greenland halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walb.); biology and exploitation in Greenland waters. (Denmark. Danmarks flskeri- og havundersogelser. Meddelelser 1969. v.6, no.4, p.79-148, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 48 refs. Monographic presentation of post-World War 11 Danish investigations of Greenland fisheries, supplemented with data from earlier research, incl that of the International Commission for North Atlantic Fisheries, journals of the Tjalfe 1908-1909, Dana 1925 and Godthaab 1928 expeditions and personal journals. This species is widely distributed in Atlantic and Pacific arctic-subarctic waters, but is absent in the arctic region. It occurs in Greenland waters from Smith Sound in the west to the Angmagssalik district, East Greenland and is most frequent in inshore areas with rich prawn (Pandalus borealis) stocks. The current state of knowledge concerning its fluctuations, reproduction, age and growth, size distribution, food and predators, nutrition, migrations and fishery is summarized. DLC. 107361 SMIDT, E.L.B.
107363 SMILEY, C.J. Floral zones and correlations of Cretaceous Kukpowruk and Corwin Formations, northwestern Alaska. (American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Bulletin 1969. v.53, no.10, p.2079-93, maps, tables) 17 refs. Describes Cretaceous fossils, mainly plant megafossils, from 140 localities in the Kukpowruk River - Corwin Bluff areas. Correlations by plant megafossil zones suggest an early Albian to possibly Cenomanian age for these two formations. Floral records in the type section of the Corwin Formation show three sequential stages. Plants in upper Corwin beds along the Kukpowruk River represent a flower zone younger than the zones in the type section at Corwin Bluff. Other zones are also identified. DGS. 107364 SMIRNOV, A.F. Ludnaya paliya ozer Kanent"yavr i Bol'shoy Kolgiyavr. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Doklady otdeleniy i komissiy 1968 pub 1969. no.9, p.110-26, tables) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Loach in the Kanent'yavr and Bol'shoy Kol'yavr lakes. Notes that 18 species of fishes have been recorded for these lakes on the Kola Peninsula, and discusses the distribution, age, morphometric data and biologic features of Salvelinus lepechini as found in the different DLC. lakes.
0 losose ozera Imandra. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Doklady otdeleniy i komissiy 1968 pub 1969. no.9, p.167-72, tables) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The salmon of Lake lmandra. Reports on a biometric study of the salmon in 1967, giving a table of the morphological
107365 SMIRNOV, A.F.
characters. The growth rate, the small population, and measures for its increase are discussed. DLC. 107366 SMIRNOV, A.F. Rybokhozyaystvennaya otsenka ozera Kanent"yavr i meropriyatiya po rekonstruktsii yego ikhtiofanny. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Doklady otdeleniy i komissiy 1968 pub 1969. no.9, p.155-66, tables) 25 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Fishery appraisal of Kanent'yavr Lake and measures for the reconstruction of its ichthyofauna. The physiographic, hydrochemical, and hydrologic conditions and productivity of this lake in central Kola Peninsula are considered suitable for salmon and whitefish fishery. Measures for improving the fish stocks are discussed such as increasing the catch of perch, burbot, and pike, and developing the supply of typical plankton. Biological conditions for the salmonids are discussed, as is the utilization of the lake for the fishery. DLC. SMIRNOV, A.L., see No. 103168. SMIRNOV, A.N., see No. 108505. 107367 SMIRNOV, G.I. Protomagmaticheskaya stadiya mineraloobrazovaniya v kimberlitakh. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.12, p.14-21) 24 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Protomagmatic stage of mineral formation in kimberlites. Discusses in general the abyssal mineral formation of kimberlites as exemplified in Yakutia. There are two stages of crystallization, different in space and time, one characterized by the formation of olivine, chrompicotite, violet-red pyrope, diamond, and under favorable conditions enstatite and diopside. The other stage takes place under conditions of lower pressure and greater alkalinity and forms orange-red pyrope, picroilmenite, phlogopite, DLC. and apatite. 107368 SMIRNOV, K.K. Na rubezhe dvukh pyatiletok. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1971. v.16, no.1, p.1-3) In Russian. Title tr.: On the boundary between two Five-Year Plans. Reviews the development of the natural gas industry and its status as the 1966-70 program ends and the 1971-75 begins. During the previous, 1961-65, plan a dozen or more gas pipelines Intl the Vuktyl Ukhta, Ukhta — Torzhok, Messoyakha Noril'sk went into operation, as did five oil pipelines Intl the Ust'-Balyk — Omsk, Aleksandrovskoye — Nizhne Vartovskiy — Ust'-Balyk. The 1020 mm diam pipes laid before 1966 are superseded by 1220 mm diam used on the Ukhta — Torzhok, etc and
by 1420 mm diam on the Nadym — Ukhta pipeline under construction. Improvements in equipment, oil and gas field development and construction are noted. Use of 2520 mm diam pipe for gas is planned. DLC. 107369 SMIRNOV, K.K. Zadachi i perspektivy novogo goda. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1969. v.14, no.1, p.1-4) In Russian. Title tr.: Undertakings and prospects for the new year. Outlines progress in the natural gas industry in 1968. Some 4000 km pipelines and mains were laid or planned, about 1500 km in Komi ASSR, and Arkhangel'sk and Vologda Provinces, and construction was started on the world's northernmost pipeline, the Messoyakha-Noril'sk. Achievements and failures in the industry are noted, as is construction on the Ukhta-Torzhok pipeline, and that planned for a 2.5 in diam line in northern Tyumen. DLC. 107370 SMIRNOV, L.P. Drevniye kory vyvetrivaniya severnoy okrainy Anabarskogo shchita. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.12, p.59-78, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ancient weathering crusts along the northern margin of the Anabar shield. Reports a 1961-65 study from which early Proterozoic and early Cretaceous weathering crusts are distinguished and described in detail. Characteristic profiles from the weathering of biotite-garnet gneisses and pyroxene gneisses are given. The mineralogy and mineral-forming processes are outlined. Catalytic granulation of plagioclases, their deoxidation, and the transformation of chlorites in the weathering process are described. The kaolin type of weathering is affirmed. DLC. SMIRNOV, L.V., see No. 107661. 107371 SMIRNOV, M.F. Stroyeniye Noril'skikh nikelenosnykh intruziy i geneticheskiye tipy ikh sul'fidnykh rud. Moskva, Nedra 1966. 59 p. maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structure of the Noril'sk nickel-bearing intrusions and the genetic types of their sulfide ores. Describes the formation conditions of intrusions of the Noril'sk region. Structural features of the formation of the ore-bearing intrusions are analyzed and magmatism, stratigraphy and age relations of the intrusions are discussed. A new interpretation is offered of the mechanism of intrusion and associated sulfide copper-nickel mineralization. The ore-bearing intrusion is considered for the first time as a subvolcanic mass whose pseudo-stratification is the product of successive injections of magma. The structure 929
and the chemical and mineral compositon of the Noril'sk I intrusion ore zone are defined. Two genetic types of sulfide ores are recognized, metasomatic and hydrothermal. DLC. SMIRNOV, N.F., see Nos. 103066, 103772. SMIRNOV, N.P., see Nos. 102385, 105602, 106991. SMIRNOV, V.A., see No. 102152. 107372 SMIRNOV, V.I. K voprosu o razrabotke metodov kratkosrochnogo prognozirovaniya prokhodimosti ledokolov v splochennykh rdakh. (Problemy Arktiki i Aniarktiki 1968. no.29, p.64-69, graphs) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Developing methods for short-range forecast of the passability of icebreakers through pack ice. Formulas are developed to express the passability of an icebreaker through pack ice depending upon characteristic parameters of the icebreaker and properties of the ice. Navigation is possible when the passability index is greater than the ice property index. Icebreakers are classified as linear, auxiliary and harbor; the passability indices are determined for each DLC. class. SMIRNOV, V.I., 107219.
see also
Nos. 107218,
metamorphism of Proterozoic deposits of Taymyr. Recent studies of these deposits in central and western Taymyr revealed zones of regional metamorphism from the sericite-chloritic subfades of the greenschist facies to the sillimanite-almandine subfacies of the amphibolite facies. Garnet is found in garnet-muscovite, staurolite-almandine and sillimanite-almandine metamorphic zones. Chemical analyses of garnet from metapelitic rocks show that as the degree of metamorphism increases, there is a regular increase of pyrope and decrease of spessartite. DLC. 107375 SMIRNOV, V.N. Novyye dannyye o zolotonosnosti Avekovskogo podnyatiya, Magadanskaya oblast'. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.12, p.117-21, illus) 3 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: New data on the gold-bearing Avekova uplift, Magadan Province. Reports on the character of gold ore and placers on the Avekova uplift in the northern part of the Taygonos Peninsula. The connections of gold ore occurrences with biotite granite intrusions and of gold placers with Neogene peneplanation are reviewed. Criteria and areas for placer gold prospecting are stated. DLC. SMIRNOV, V.N., see also No. 102263. SMIRNOV, V.S., see Nos. 104875, 107255.
107373 SMIRNOV, V.N. and O.G. SHUK voprosu ob etapnosti proyavleLYATIN. niya dokembriyskogo regional'nogo metamorfizma i urtrametamorfizma na Tsentral'nom (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Taymyre. Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.16, p.96-100) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The stages of Precambrian metamorphism and ultrametamorphism in central Taymyr. Reports on metamorphic zones as studied recently in Taymyr. Two stages of regional metamorphism and ultrametamorphism are recognized. In the first, early Proterozoic stage, sedimentary formations changed locally into greenschists. In the second, middle Proterozoic stage, metamorphism proceeded at different depths and manifested itself in migmatization and granitization. DLC. O.G. 107374 SMIRNOV, V.N. and SHULYATIN. Nekotoryye zakonomernosti izmeneniya sostava granatov pri zonal'nom metamorfizme proterozoyskikh otlozheniy Taymyra. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.16, p.92-95, tables) 9 refs. In Title tr.: Some patterns in Russian. compositional changes of garnet under zonal 930
SMIRNOV, V.V., see Nos. 103597, 103598, 105027,106352. SMIRNOV, YA.B., see No. 105584. SMIRNOV, YU.V., see No. 102693. SMIRNOVA, A.A., see No. 107260. 107376 SMIRNOVA, A I. Perenos tepla techeniyami v Severnoy Atlantike. (Okeanologiya 1970. v.10, no.1, p.30-37, maps) 12 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Heat transfer by currents in the North Atlantic. Reports method used for computing the advective heat transfer from temperature distribution and current velocities. A preliminary estimate was made of the terms in the equation of heat balance in water and a formula obtained for computing advection. It was determined in the 0-200 m layer for 5° squares. Temperature and current velocity fields were derived from average long-term data. Charts show the distribution of the seasonal advection averages in the North Atlantic. DLC. SMIRNOVA, A.I., see also No. 107861. SMIRNOVA, A.N., see No. 104683.
SMIRNOVA, G.YA., see No. 106872. M.A. 107377 SMIRNOVA, Rannedevonskiye tabulyaty tareyskogo opornogo razreza. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.22, p.56-88, Title tr.: Early illus) Refs. In Russian. Devonian tabulate corals of the Tareya reference section. Presents systematic descriptions and illus of 14 species of these corals, 12 of them new. Five genera are represented, Favosites, Squameofavosites, Emmonsia, Striatopora, and Alveolites, of fam Favositidae and Alveolitidae. The Tabulata associations defined are of importance for defining Lower Devonian deposits, determining the boundary between Lower and Middle Devonian and for comparing tabulate associations Intl the Taymyr and the Northeast. DLC. SMIRNOVA, M.A., see also No. 102830. 107378 SMIRNOVA, N.N. and others. Opyt opredeleniya teploprovodnosti rykhlykh gornykh porod v polevykh usloviyakh metodom zonda. (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1966. no.6, p.207-214, tables, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. Other authors: Ye.V. Moskvina and A.A. Ananyan. Title Sr.: Determining the heat conductivity of unconsolidated rocks under field conditions, using the probe method. Describes the theory and method of preparing a cylindrical electric probe to be used in field studies of the heat conductivity of unconsolidated sediments. Examples are given which describe investigations of the alluvial and talus deposits along the banks and flood plains of the Ugokhan River. The results of grain-size analyses of 12 samples are given in one table, and the heat conductivity determined in the field for 13 samples of varying compositions; comparison with determinations of the same samples in a laboratory are given in another DLC. table. SMIRNOVA, N.P., see No. 101756. 107379 SMITH, A.W. Alaskan prospect. (National Parks magazine 1969. v.43, no.264, p.2) Advocates a program of protection of Alaskan natural resources, citing the threat to the environment of the projected oil pipeline, oil spill destruction of waterfowl, overhunting of bears, overcutting of forests and disappearance DI. of the American eagle. SMITH, C.H., see Nos. 103410, 104337. 107380 SMITH, D.A. Above the Arctic Circle. (American scholar 1970. v.39, no.3, p.434-44, illus)
Describes US Coast Guard cutter Southwind and its activities during the 1969 International Ice Patrol Glacier and Oceanographic Survey off West Greenland between Upernavik and Kap York. College and Coast Guard trainees were included in the personnel. The nature of ice and glacier movement, appearance of Gade Glacier, etc are noted. The survey included determination of distances in relation to newly established triangulation control points, also water depths, chemistry and temperatures. Resurvey is planned after a 3-yr DLC. interval. Implications of 107381 SMITH, D.C. pluralism for social change programs in a Canadian arctic community. (Anthropologica 1971. v.13, no.1/2, p.193-214) 27 refs. Analyzes the social culture of the Mackenzie Delta people and states the implications of its structure in relation to social change. Theories of pluralism are discussed, poverty and social marginality defined specifying their relations to plural systems. The Delta social system conforms to an anthropological model of pluralism, the encroachment of white settlement having disrupted the native social system, depriving the people of an alternative way of life and positive identity in the society in which they become a part; mobility between the indigenous and settler sections is limited and the white settlers control the means of power. There is a line of social cleavage: a native-identified, sub-culturally differentiated multi-ethnic way of life derived from that of the fur-trade era is separated from an outsider-identified way of life differing little from that of southern Canadians. The relationship between outsiders and natives is essentially that of administrators and administered; the political mechanisms of the newcomers are forms with which natives cannot positively identify, so they cannot compete effectively within them or in opposition. The native people are considered inferior in many contexts both by themselves and by outsiders. The relationship is shown between native marginality and three characteristics of the culture of poverty--matrifocality, immediate gratification, and alcohol. To improve the situation the legal status of Indians and Eskimos must be clarified, and anthropologists must see to it that knowledge and information about the social system are disseminated Ca MAI, DSI. among them. SMITH, D.H., see No. 1102307. SMITH, D.S., see No. 104629. A taximetric 107382 SMITH, D.W. study of Vaccinium in northeastern Ontario. (Canadian journal of botany 1969. v.47, no.11, p.1747-59, graphs, table) 20 refs. 931
Species of so-called lowbush blueberries exhibit extreme polymorphism, which makes delimitation of species, varieties, and forms difficult with conventional taxonomic procedures. Analysis by computer of 45 characters from samples taken from three locations permitted the estimation of similarity among individual specimens by the calculation of "taxonomic distance" and the preparation of hierarchic dendrograms. Two phenon levels were selected for each dendrogram, one to indicate species, the other to indicate variety. The successes and limitations of this method of numerical approach to taxonomy are discussed. CaMAI, DLC. 107383 SMITH, E.C. Role of Naval Petroleum Reserve No.4 on the North Slope. (In: Arctic Institute of North America. Report on Alaskan ecology...1970. p.22-28) Reviews the history of the Reserve, emphasizing the continued need for a reserve of oil in case of national emergency. The oil industry on the North Slope will probably develop faster if the market is not glutted by public lands for leasing. The price of oil will achieve greater stability and government can expect greater revenues if lands are offered for leasing at the appropriate time. CaMAI. 107384 SMITH, J.D. AIDJEX oceanographic investigations. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.4, p.1-7) AIDJEX 1971 investigations will seek to determine the stress on the underside of the ice from its roughness and the relative currents and study the under-ice boundary layer. The theoretical considerations in the boundary layer studies are discussed. CaMAI, DN-HO.
snow with a density of 0.42-0.88 g/cm3 at Camp Century, Greenland. Presents the complex dynamic Young's and shear moduli, loss factor and Poisson's ratio and demonstrates a frequency dependence of the moduli and its effect on the computation of Poisson's ratio. Considerable scatter is exhibited in the loss factor measurements; however, indications are that the loss factors have negligible effect on CaMAI, DLC. the modulus computations. 107387 SMITH, P.A.W. Glacial geomorphology of the Saglek Fiord area of northeast Labrador. (McGill Univ. Sub-Arctic Research Laboratory. Research papers 1969. no.24, p.I15-23, graph, maps) 23 refs Gives some preliminary conclusions drawn from summer 1967 study of the glacial, lateglacial and postglacial history of an area between investigated centers in northernmost Labrador and the Kaumajet Mts and NainOkak areas. The Saglek area was totally covered by east- and southeast-flowing continental ice of the Tomgat glaciation. The final Saglek phase left well-developed lateral moraines on the south side of Ugjoktok Fiord. Its max vertical extent was 2020 ft; stillstands of ice downwasting are indicated at 1700-1750 and 900-950 ft; in its final stages, ice movement was restricted to the Nakvak valley. Three terraces on either side of this valley and five strandlines in the Saglek area are analyzed. CaMAI.
SMITH, J.G., see No. 105539.
107388 SMITH, P.A.W. Rainfall - runoff investigations in a small catchment near Schefferville, Quebec. (McGill Univ. Sub-Arctic Research Laboratory. Research papers 1969. no.24, p.96-102, map, tables) 3 refs. Reports a summer 1966 study of a 0.8 mil catchment drained by a 2d-order stream which empties into Knob Lake on the west shore. Aim was to assess the parameters affecting rainfall catch in the area and help elucidate the complex rainfall-runoff relationship. Catch deficiencies in rain gages placed at various sites are attributed mainly to wind and associated turbulence caused by microrelief, with local slope and degree of exposure also considered. Qualitative evidence of important infiltration and groundwater discharge is presented. Detailed quantitative work is required to understand the water balance. CaMAI.
SMITH, LS., see No. 106842.
SMITH, S.D., see Nos. 102025, 108497.
107386 SMITH, N. Determining the dynamic properties of snow and ice by forced vibration. Hanover, N.H., 1969. graphs, tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab. Technical report 216) 6 refs. Describes the equipment, procedures and data analysis and gives the results of tests on
SMITH, T.G., see No. 102143.
107385 SMITH, J.D. 1971 AIDJEX water stress pilot studies. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.4, p.42-43) States the goals, procedures and projects planned for the 1971 AIDJEX studies at Camp 200 and two satellite hydrographic stations. CaMAI, DN-HO. SMITH, J.D. see also Nos. 102909, 102910, 102911, 103452.
SMITH, V.C., see No. 105986. 107389 SMITH, V.L. Self-perception of the Alaskan native. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p. 13443)
Most of the natives have a distorted or partial concept of life outside, having been exposed to it by photographic aids. They want the material advantages afforded by technology and are aware that they are not being educated to obtain them. The native still retains an underlying sense of social solidarity with the people of his group and village, language and inheritance; few natives have left Alaska. The concept of sharing is giving way to individualism, family responsibility and solidarity are rapidly shifting, and the native language is rapidly disappearing. The Alaskan natives see themselves adrift, wondering what lies ahead. CaMAI, DGS. 107390 SMITH, W.E.T. and others. A microearthquake swarm in 1965 near Mould Bay, N.W.T., Canada. (Seismological Society of America. Bulletin 1968. v.58, no.6, p.1991-2011, graphs, map, illus) 26 refs. Other authors: K. Whitham and W.T. Nell& Reports analysis of the hypocentral volume, magnitude-frequency relationship and magnitude-energy relation of a swarm, so extremely localized in space and time as to be recorded well on the Canadian standard network seismic station at Mould Bay on Prince Patrick Island and a US Air Force small-aperture array, NPNT: North Pole Northwest Territories, a few hundred meters north of the station. Measurements from both define a hypocentral region 15 km from Mould Bay, near a northsouth fault, known to have been active in the late Tertiary or later. The estimated depth of the swarm is in the basement complex, OrdoviDGS. cian or older. SMITH, W.E.T., see also No. 105885.
107391 SMITH, W.H. A geochemical investigation of a portion of the Fortymile District, east central Alaska. College 1968. 17 p. map, tables, graphs. (Alaska. Division of Mines and Minerals. Geochemical report no.16) 3 refs. Gives tabulated data on copper, zinc, lead, molybdenum and nickel concentrations in stream sediments of the southwest portion of this district, an area in and near the Chicken mining camp, incl drainage of Chicken, Lost Chicken, Franklin, Ingle, Wall Street, Fortyfive Pup and Buckskin Creeks, also portions of Mosquito and South Forks of Fortymile River. Brief notes on the physiography, geology, gold and other mineral deposits and three anomalous areas, accompany the tables and freDGS. quency concentration graphs. SMITH, W.H., see also No. 103214.
107392 SMITH, W.J. International Ice Patrol. (Oceanology 1968. v.3, no.4, p.37, illus) Defines the functions of this service and notes the problems in finding and accurately locating the bergs and the oceanographic features of the patrol area and predicting the iceberg drift and deterioration. Shortcomings in use of microwave radiometers and radar for the search and effects of strong currents are noted. DN-Sh. 107393 SMOLENTSEV, W.K. and N.I. ZENKOV. Rayonirovaniye Zapadno-Sibirskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii po usloviyam khozyaystvenno-pit'yevogo vodosnabzheniya naselennykh punktov. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.133-34) In Russian. Title Sr.: Zonation of the West Siberian oil and gas province relative to the domestic potable water supply of population centers. Discusses the distribution of the groundwater resources of the region in the light of an anticipated increased demand by 1980 some 25 times greater than present consumption. Three north-south zones are distinguished, each requiring different methods and criteria of exploration, particularly with reference to the presence or absence of permafrost and its depth and thickness. The freshwater resources of the northern zone have been the least develDLC. oped. 107394 SMOLINA, T. Zolotaya Kolyma. (Sibirskiye ogni 1967. v.46, no.4, p.130-40) In Russian. Title tr.: Golden Kolyma. The Magadan radio's correspondent in Susuman presents gold mining operations in the Kolyma basin in interviews with project heads, engineers, veteran geologists like S.D. Rakovskiy, etc and in recall of discovery, surveys and exploitation by Dal'stroy in the 1920's-40's. The simple jet pump abandoned in the 1940's for sophisticated gold washers has been recently reintroduced, as a cheaper and more efficient device. DLC. 107395 SMOLONOGOV, YE.P. and V.P. FIRSOVA. Lesorastitel'nyye usloviya i pochvy vozvyshennosti Lyulin-Vor. (AN SSSR. Ural'skiy filial. Inst. biologii. Trudy 1966. no.55, p3-21, tables, illus) 6 refs. In RusTitle tr.: Forest growing conditions and sian. soils of the Lyulin-Vor ridge. Presents results of 1964 investigations in this northeastern Transural region, 100 km east of the Urals, extending for 250 km to the Severnaya Sos'va River, where severe and humid climatic conditions influence slow forest growth. Excessively moist acidic and shallow sandy clay soils are developed above a podzol and gley-podzol substrate. The conditions 933
influencing forest growth in this area of the taiga subzone are divided into three groups according to relief and hydrologic regime. The vegetation, tree measurements and mechanical and chemical analyses of soils in each group DLC. are described. 107396 SMOLYAK, A.V. Etnograficheskiye dannyye ob obryadakh Iozhnykh pogrebeniy u narodov Nizhnego Amura. (Sovetskaya arkheologiya 1969. v.I3, no.3, p.262-64) In Russian. Title tr.: Ethnographic data on pseudo-burial rites among lower Amur River peoples. Describes cenotaph burials and associated rites practiced till after World War II by Golds and Ul'chi Tungus. Case histories collected in 1958-65 from local informants are given. In cenotaph burials, a puppet was interred in lieu of the missing corpse and ritual meals, etc followed with toasts to the deceased. The religious origin of these traditions is discussed: a, belief in the soul of the deceased dwelling among kin prior to final descent to the netherworld. CaMAI, DLC. 107397 SMORODINTSEV, A.A. and othLive vaccines against influenza, adenoers. viruses, measles, and mumps. (Archives of environmental health 1969. v.18, no.1, p.105114, graphs, tables) 16 refs. Discusses advances in influenza vaccination techniques since 1937, when active immunization, based on a live attenuated vaccine introduced directly into the respiratory tract, was proposed. Experience with monovalent or combined live attenuated adenoviral vaccine, used by oral-enteric means, has shown it to be safe, effective and convenient for mass application, especially by simultaneous introduction with live influenza vaccine. Rates are cited on the effectiveness of the "Leningrad-16" measles virus strain during the last decade and on that of live mumps vaccine used since 1954. Results of immunization programs have proven the possibility of large-scale use of combined immunization with bivalent live vaccine from measles and mumps strains for simultaneous elimination of both these children's diseases. DLC. 107398 SMORODINTSEV, A.A. and others. New approach to development of live vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis. (Archives of environmental health 1969. v.18, no.1, p.96-104, tables) 12 refs. Other authors: A.V. Dubov, V.I. Il'yenko and V.G. Platonov. In subarctic Eurasian regions the tick-borne encephalitis area corresponds with forest distribution of Ixodes ricinus in western zones and I. persulcatus in eastern zones. I. persulcatus occurs also in southern Kamchatka and Alaska. Studies of the biological properties of 934
naturally circulating encephalitis viruses revealed three groups differing in the degree of their virulence for experimental animals. Experiments using naturally attenuated strains of the least virulent group were made on volunteers to obtain a safe and effective live vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis and other arbovirus diseases. Results indicate the advisability of using naturally occurring virus strains isolated from arthropods in areas of low actual disease incidence, rather than from highly virulent strains. DLC. SMYLIE, D.E., see No. 105658. SMYTH, C.S., see No. 105549. SNELSON, S, see No. 107717. 107399 SNEZHKO, 0. Primeneniye poristogo ventiliruyemogo sloya pod polami zdaniy v rayonakh vechnoy merzloty. (Na stroykakh Rossii 1969. v.10, no.3, p.29-31, table, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Use of a porous ventilation layer under floors in permafrost regions. Proposes the filling of subfloor space with dry sand, slag, foam concrete, and other thermo-insulating materials and installing a one kw suction fan for each 500-700 m' of floor to draw air through the porous layer. In passing through the porous filler, the outside air is warmed only 5-10°C from -35°C or lower outside temperature. Thus, the cold porous filler layer screens and prevents permafrost under the building from thawing. The proposed method is nearly three times more economical than that of preventing the permafrost from thawing by making a ventilated basement or cooling the subfloor filler by ventilation pipes. This method is used in constructions at Yakutsk. DLC. 107400 SNYDER, H.L. Preliminary mining and construction planning of the Churchill Falls Project. (Canadian mining and metallurgical bulletin 1968. v.61, no.674, p.751-57, graphs, illus) First of a projected series of papers on different phases of this power project operation in Labrador; gives a general outline, with plans, sketches and photographs, of the dimensions, functions and excavation plans for the shafts, tunnels, powerhouse and ventilation system. DGS. 107401 SNYDER, R. Forest products use in Alaska arctic petroleum development. College, Alaska 1970. 11 p. map, tables, illus. (Alaska review of business and economic conditions, v.7, no.2) Wood products have been used on the North Slope as piling support for drilling rigs
and, with gravel, to isolate the permafrost from heated superstructures. The use varies from site to site because of adverse ground conditions, instability, potential flooding, etc. Its use has declined for both exploratory and production drilling, and no estimates have been made of piling for pipeline supports, housing or other construction. Hardwood is preferred for skids to lay segments of pipeline. Alaska paper birch is the only local wood of suitable strength and hardness. Costs of transportation to the North Slope via winter road, ocean or river barge and air are compared. North Slope development requires larger logs, and the interior Alaska wood has little or no local market to absorb the smaller-size products. When there is an allweather road to the North Slope, transport will cease to be a disadvantage to producers within the state. DLC. 107402 SNYDER, R.E. Novel proposals and offshore production. (World oil 1970. v.171, no. I, p.109-112, illus) 2 refs. Includes, p.112, some descriptive notes with illus on a conical platform design for shallow (to 100 ft.) arctic coastal waters where ice is a major problem. The device is proposed by Sante Fe-Pomeroy, Inc. The ice conditions cited are ice sheets 6-10 ft thick, rafted ice up to 15 ft thick, pile-up caused by ice breakup against immovable ice, shorelines or other obstructions, pressure ridges with heights to 27 ft and depths to 140 ft, icebergs and ice islands, not common in water $900 million. Exploration in other parts of the state declined from 1968. The first offshore well was drilled in the Gulf of Alaska. Increase in production of oil was 12% and of gas 47%. Maps show locations of exploratory wells in the North Slope and Cook Inlet basin. DOS. 107491 SORSA, M. and others. Variability of essential oil components in Chrysanthemum vulgare L in Finland. Helsinki 1968. 13 p. graphs, map, table. (Suomalainen tiedealcatemia. Toimituksia. Annales. Ser A IV: Biologica no. 135) 10 refs. Other authors: M.v. Schantz, J. Lokki and K. Forsen. Describes results of gas chromatographic studies carried out with use of a Perkin Elmer M 800 analyzer for separating plant oil components. They were isolated and identified by comparing their infra-red spectra with those of known components; 25-32 components in the chromatogram from a flower head. The Chrysanthemum vulgare specimens were taken from all parts of Finland. The most frequent oil component is camphor (mean: 24.8%), and it is significantly greater in northern Finland. The commonest component in central Europe, thujone, is almost absent in Lapland. Mean percentages of all the oil components are graphed, and tabulated for ten different biogeographical regions. DLC. SORSA, M., see also No. 108224. 107492 SOSIPATROVA, G.P. Foraminifery starostinskoy svity Shpitsbergena. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.27, p.46-79, tables, illus) 29 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Foraminifers from the Starostin formation of Spitsbergen. Presents systematic descriptions of Permian forams from Cape Starostin, Spitsbergen. The 39 species represent ten genera and two families; one genus, Gerkeina n gen, and 25 species are new. DLC. 107493 SOSIPATROVA, G.P. Verkhnepaleozoyskiye foraminifery Shpitsbergena. 948
Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po stratigrafli Shpitsbergena 1967. p.94-120, maps, table, illus) 21 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Upper Paleozoic foraminifers of Svalbard. Describes for the first time 12 foram assemblages, characterizing the Middle and Upper Carboniferous and . Permian. Correlates the microfaunas with analogous assemblages of the Russian platform and the sub-Urals. The forams are listed and zoned as in the Russian platDGS. form.
107494 SOSNITSIUY, V.I. K izucheniyu geografii nekotorykh zoonozov s prirodnoy ochagovost'yu v Arkhangel'skoy oblasti. (Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geografii, 3rd. Leningrad 1968. Materialy, pt.2, p.17-18) In Russian. Title tr.: Geographical distribution of some zoonoses in natural foci of Arkhangelsk Province. This study presents a map of the distribution of tularemia, tick encephalitis, hemorrhagic nephroso-nephritis, rabies, diphyllobothriasis, echinococcosis, alveococcosis, Q fever, toxoplasmosis, and listerosis in Arkhangelsk Province. It sets their known boundaries and epidemiological sites along rivers, estuaries, gulfs and lakes. On the basis of serological examinations, the study claims that many organisms can extend further north beyond the taigas. However, alveococcosis, Q fever, toxoplasmosis, and listerosis are predominant in tundra zones. DNLM. SOSUNOV, G.M., see No. 103158. 107495 SOTSIALISTICHESKIY TRUD. Dopolnitel'nyye otpuska za nepreryvnyy stazh raboty. (Its: v.14, 1969. no.12, p.145-48) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Length of service for leave bonus. Explains the application of a Nov 1967 Ming allowing supplementary leave to workers for uninterrupted employment in the mining, construction, heavy industry, etc. In the Far North and other hardship areas, workers earn the extra leave at the rate of 2 days/yr after two yr to max 9 days/yr after five yr continuous service. The three days' compensatory leave allowed for the first two yr of work in hardship areas is cancelled by the country-wide Sept 1967 increase of leave from 12 to 15 days/yr. DLC. 107496 SOTSIALISTICHESKIY TRUD. Rayonnyye koeffitsiyenty k zarabotnoy plate. (Its: v.13, 1968. no.5, p.138-42) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Regional differentials on wages. Discusses the extension of regionally scaled hardship benefits to territories, reclassified as northern hardship areas by the labor compen-
sation decree of 1967, and to industries not previously covered. Workers' eligibility for pay differentials is set forth according to branch of industry, category and region of employment. DLC. SOULE, F.M. see No 108022. 107497 SOUTHER, J.G. Volcanism and its relationship to recent crustal movements in the Canadian Cordillera. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.2, pt 2, p.553-68, maps, illus) 45 refs. Compressive folding, thrusting and transcurrent fault movement have occurred during late Tertiary and, Recent times in parts of southeast Alaska and southern Yukon. East of the line joining the Denali, Queen Charlotte and San Andreas fault systems, the compressive deformation and transcurrent faulting ceased in the Canadian Cordillera by late Eocene time or earlier and was followed by a period of crustal relaxation that has continued to the present. The relaxation was accompanied by acid volcanism, block faulting and high-level intrusion of granitic plutons and dike swarms. Explosive eruptions that characterized early Tertiary volcanism were followed in late Miocene and Pliocene times by quiet outpouring of plateau basalt in central British Columbia and later, during Pleistocene and Recent times, by construction of nearly 150 DLC. cinder cones and stratovolcanoes. 107498 SOUTHERN, H.N. Studium over evolution hos fugle. (Vor viden 19591960. no.271, p.332-42, map, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: A study of evolution in birds. Discusses the occurrence and significance of select mutation in coloring or other aspect among birds. The arctic skua population has a greater percentage with white collar and breast in far northern regions. Map shows percentage DLC. ranges in the circumpolar areas. 107499 SOVESHCHANIYE PO PODZEMNYM VODAM SIBIRI I DAL'NEGO VOSTOKA, 6th, Khabarovsk, Sept-Oct 1970. Materialy. Irkutsk 1970. 163 p. table. In Russian. Title tr.: Conference on the groundwaters of Siberia and the Far East Transactions. Contains summaries of 142 papers of which 33 deal with northern parts of the territory and are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: V.R. Alekseyev, B.Ye. Antypko and others, Ye.A. Bars and L.N. Nosova, Ye.A. Baskov and others, Ye. A. Baskov and S.N. Surikov, Yu. V. Batalin and others, V.L. Beletskiy and P.V. Kyrbasov, V.N. Borisov and Yu.I. Kustov, O.P. Bulygina and others, N.I. Diyuk and M.G. Kapustina, S.M. Fotiyev, G.D. Ginsburg and G.A. Ivanova,
G.A. Goleva and others, N.N. Indoleva, K.P. Karavanov, G.1. Klimov and K.A. Chernyavskaya, R.S. Kononova, N.I. Krashin, V.A. Kudryavtsev and others, V.V. Nikitina, I.I. Roginets, B.M. Shen'kman and Yu.1. Blokhin, B.M. Shen'kman, V.A. Shub and V.R. Seylova, N.G. Shubenin and M.Ye. Korolev, V.M. Shvels and others, V.G. Tkachuk and I.I. Molodykh, Yu.K. Smolentsev and N.I. Zenkov, O.N. Tolstikhin and others, G.A. Tolstikov and others, Z.G. Ustinova, V.I. Vozhov, and D.V. Yefimova. DLC. 107500 SOVETSKAYA ETNOGRAFIYA. Aleksey Vladimirovich Yefimov. (Its: no.1, 1972, p.195-97, illus) In Russian. Obituary of this Soviet historian, 18961971, listing some 40 of his major publications incl studies on the history of Russian polar expeditions and 17-18th century exploration of Siberia and Alaska. CaMAI, DLC. 107501 SOVETSKAYA ETNOGRAFIYA. Boris Osipovich Dolgikh. (Its: no.2, 1972, p.176-79, illus) In Russian. Obituary of this prominent Soviet ethnographer, d. 31 Dec 1971. His scientific career and fieldwork in north Siberia are reviewed. Fifty-four of his major publications on northern aborigines are listed. CaMAI, DLC. 107502 SOVETSKAYA ETNOGRAFIYA. Mikhail Mikhaylovich Gerasimov. (Its: no.5, 1970, p.171-73, illus) In Russian. Obituary of this Soviet anthropologist, 1907-1970, known for his fieldwork at the late paleolithic site Mal'ta in the Angara basin, his craniological studies and reconstruction of facial features of prehistoric man, etc. Twentytwo of his publications are listed. DLC. 107503 SOVETSKAYA ETNOGRAFIYA. Sergey Aleksandrovich Tokarev; k 70-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya. (Its: no.6, 1969. p.145-46) In Russian. Title tr.: S. A. Tokarev's 70th birthday. Tribute to this prominent Soviet ethnographer, noting his scientific career, major publications, etc incl studies of northern aborigines. CaMAI, DLC. SOVIET SYMPOSIUM ON XENOLITHS, Novosibirsk, 1967, see No. 105020. SPASSKAYA, I.S., see No. 103745. 107504 SPEIRS, J.M. Birds of Ontario's coniferous forest region. (Canadian audubon 1969. v.31, no.2, p.38-45, tables, illus) Describes summer and winter bird populations, based on roadside counts, Christmas counts, and counts of breeding species in various sample plots. Factors, particularly vegeta949
Lion, affecting local abundance of bird species DOS. are discussed. SPEKTOR, V.B., see No. 101896. 107505 SPELLER, S.W. Arctic fox attacks on molting Canada geese. (Canadian field-naturalist 1969. v.83, no.1, p.62) Describes two kills of Canada geese by arcCaMAI, DLC. tic foxes in Keewatin. 107506 SPENCER, D.L. and C.J. LENSINK. The muskox of Nunivak Island, Alaska. (Journal of wildlife management 1970. v.34, no.1, p.1-15, graph, map, tables, illus) 14 refs. The herd of 31 musk-oxen from Greenland, established 1935-36, fluctuated in size until 1947 when there were 49 animals. The herd has since shown a nearly constant annual increase of 16%, with the number of calves averaging 19% of the total population. This indicates the maturity of many cows that are bred when two yr old and subsequently calve each yr. A climatically sharply limited winter range is fully used by the present herd. The basic herd must be maintained at numbers which winter range DI. can support. SPENCER, D.L., see also No. 102562. The 107507 SPENCER, R.F. and others. native Americans. New York, Harper & Row 1965. 539 p. maps, illus. Approx 900 refs. Broad study of prehistory and ethnology, incl Alaskan and Canadian Eskimos, and the Slave, Dogrib, Yellowknife, Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, Naskapi and Montagnais Indians, DLC. by R.F. Spencer and J.D. Jennings. 107508 SPIDCHENKO, A.N. lzmenchivast' gidrologicheskikh usloviy v Norvezhskom more po nablyudeniyam korablya pogody "M". (Okeanologiya 1970. v.10, no.6, p.96367, graphs) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Variability of hydrological conditions in the Norwegian Sea according to weather-ship M observations. Temperature and salinity variability at different depths is analyzed. Mean square deviation computed from the data are grouped by month for 1949-62. Max temperature and salinity variability occurs in the 200-400 m layer and variability of salinity also in the surface layer during May-Sept. The latter max can be accounted for by the greater activity of the East Iceland Current in summer and in DLC. autumn. SPIER, C.E., see No. 102408. SPIGER, RJ., see No. 102905. 950
SPIKER, E., see No 105691. 107509 SPINK, J. Historic Eskimo awareness of past changes in sea level. (Musk-ox 1969. no.5, p.37-40, map) Refs. Quotes from legends about floods and subsequent retreat of water among Arctic coast tribes. Certain place names, in addition, appear to have become inaccurate descriptions of local conditions because of sea-level changes. CaMAI. 107510 SPIRIDONOV, E.M. Anortozitovaya tendentsiya magmaticheskoy differentsiatsii. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p.162-66, table, illus) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Anorthositization trend in magmatic differentiation. This trend in differentiation of mafic and ultramafic magmas is exemplified in the rocks of the Monchegorsk, Gremyakha-Vyrmes, Noril'sk and other regions. In series of such rocks, the bonds between the major and minor rock-forming elements are essentially different DLC. in character. SPIRIDONOV, M.A., see Nos. 105632,105633.
107511 SPIRIDONOV, V.V. Ratsional'nyye sistemy prokladki truboprovodov v Zapadnoy Sibiri i na Kraynem Severe. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1966. v.11, no.4, p.8-14, illus) In Russian. Tide tr.: Effective systems of pipeline laying in Western Siberia and the Far North. Discusses specific features of pipeline construction under diverse climatic and hydrometeorological conditions. Underground, surface, and elevated pipelines in firm, swampy, permafrost, and rocky ground are considered. Factors to be considered are the type of the pipeline (trunk, branch, permanent, temporary, etc), its technological parameters, and the product it is to transport, the climatic, hydrological and frozen-ground conditions, also the availability of local construction materials, the seasonal requirement in work, etc. DLC. 107512 SPIRIDONOV, V.V. and A.S. GEKHMAN. Utochnennaya metodika rascheta opor severnykh gazoprovodov na vetrovyye vozdeystviya. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1969. v.14, no.5, p.36-37, graphs) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: More accurate methods for calculating wind effects on the supports of northern gas pipelines. Proposes corrections to the SNiP II-A.11-62 official instructions on calculating wind effects on various constructions, taking into account the seasonal variation of wind speed, and the dynamics of thawing and freezing of the active layer beneath the construction. Wind effects
are analyzed along sectors of the line of construction of the Messoyakha-Noril'sk pipeline, which passes through permafrost areas, with the pipes laid elevated on pile supports. The wind pressure given in the instructions as 45-55 kg/m2 for constructions in Norilsk area was found of rare occurrence. The figures can be reduced by 30-40%. DLC. SPIRIN, S.L., see No. 106297. 107513 SPIRO, N.S. and I.P. FEDINA. Guminovyye kisloty v osadochnykh porodakh. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.16, p.128-34, graphs, tables) 3 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: The humic acids in sedimentary rocks. Reports a study of the stage of coagulation and the optical constants of humic acids separated from Jurassic and Cretaceous sedimentary rocks and coals of different ranks. The samples were collected in the central sector of the Soviet Arctic. The data are correlated with the degree of metamorphism of the coals and the depositional facies of the sedimentary rocks. DLC. 107514 SPIRO, N.S. Pogloshchennyy kompleks morskikh otlozheniy, adsorbtsiya ionov; teoreticheskiye i eksperimental'nyye zavisimosti. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1969. v.161, no.4, p.21-67, graphs, maps, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Sorption complex in marine deposits, adsorption of ions; theoretical and experimental relations. Reviews the adsorption of cations from water solutions in clays, as studied at the Institute of Geology of the Arctic since 1952. Theoretical laws of cation adsorption are discussed, and results given of investigation of present marine deposits of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, East Siberian, Chukchi, and Bering Seas, etc. An equation is proposed for calculating the composition of solutions according to that of the adsorption complex; it has given satisfactory results. The character of change in the concentration of single cations in an adsorption complex and interstitial solutions is described. According to the average composition of the adsorption complex of various epochs, the seawater composition is arrived at, and genetic diagrams are worked out for the Paleozoic and Mesozoic. Gradual changes of seawater are shown to take place from era to era, with a clear difference in the transition from Paleozoic to Mesozoic. Critical appraisal is given of the proposed method, which is considered of value for mineral searches. CaMAI, DLC. SPIRO, NS., see also No. 102999.
107515 SPITZ, A.L. A method for plotting all-sky camera data in geomagnetic coordinates. Washington, DC 1968. 49 p. illus. (Arctic Institute of North America. Research paper no.43) 6 refs. The need for this new procedure arose during analysis of all-sky camera data in a conjugate point experiment where the geomagnetic position of an auroral form is of much more interest than it would be for a synoptic analysis of data in only one hemisphere. The method may also find use as a tool in studies of auroral morphology. A complete listing of the program for doing the computations and plotting which was written in FORTRAN IV for the OS 360 FORTRAN IV G compiler, with all computations and plots performed on an IBM 360/50 computer and its associated EAI 3500 Dataplotter, is given in an appendix. CaMAI . SPIVAK, M.YA., see No. 103070. 107516 SPIZHARSKIY, T.N. Struktura Severo-Vostoka i Dal'nego Vostoka Sovetskogo Soyuza i tektonicheskiye rezhimy sozdayshiye yeye. (In: AN SSSR. Nauchnyy covet po tektonike Sibiri...Mezozoyskiy tektogenez 1971. p.13-21, map) In Russian. Title tr.: Structure of the Soviet Northeast and Far East and tectonic conditions of its development. Analyzes the sequence of stages in the geosynclinal history and processes of folding in this region. Differences in the structures produced reflect complex crustal movements, varying in duration and spatial relationships. Cycles of tectonic activity and related magmatism are outlined. DLC. 107517 SPROULE, J.C. Permafrost problems in oil and gas exploration and production. (National Research Council of Canada. Technical memorandum 1969. no.96, p.129-41, illus) 3 refs. The scarcity of water and other problems of geologic and geophysical field investigations, exploratory drilling problems, and production and related pipeline problems are discussed, with particular reference to those local variations and characteristics of permafrost that are controlled by surface geology. Most of these problems have been or are in the process of being solved. In order to eliminate obstacles to oil and mineral development, however, a solution to the problem of the relation of permaDGS. frost to agriculture must be found. 107518 SPURR, S.H. Alaska's economic Rampart. (North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, 31st, Pittsburgh, Pa., 14-16 Mar 1966. Transactions. Washington, DC 1966. p.448-53) Summarizes the 1966 report of the Rampart Dam - Alaska Economic Development Project, 951
undertaken by the School of Natural Resources, Univ of Michigan, sponsored by the National Resources Council of America and directed by S.H. Spurr. The first problem is provision of low-cost gas-fueled electric energy to most Alaskans in the near future. Over 60% of the population live in the Railbelt area and most growth will occur there. Rampart would provide eight times more power than needed in the next 20 yr, it would not be in full production until the year 2000. Second, to attract power-intensive electroprocess industries to Southeast Alaska the project that best fulfills the requirements is the Yukon-Taiya diversion of the upper Yukon. Moreover, a Rampart Dam would cause a catastrophic loss of migratory waterfowl, reduction in other bird and mammal resources and a complete cessation of the salmon runs that now pass the dam site. DLC. 107519 SQUIRES, H.J. Decapod Crustacea from the Queen Elizabeth and nearby islands in 1962. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1968. v.25, no.2, p.347-62, graphs, maps, tables) 13 refs. Reports some results of five summer surveys in the waters of the arctic islands. Notes are given on the frequency, distribution, size, maturity, egg diameters, embryo development and food of ten species of hippolytid and crangonid shrimps, of which 1221 specimens were collected. Sizes and maturity status of the specimens indicated some variability in the adaptation of different species to the low temperature environment. Detritus and phytobenthos were the main food items, though foraminifers or crustaceans were preferred by some species. CaMAI, DI.
Greenland Sea to depths >800 fathoms. Their occurrence may possibly be attributed to the somewhat protected Norwegian Sea basin, absence of mechanical disturbance of the sediments, deep-water Tripylea that live below the depth of rapid silica dissolution, surplus silica introduced by volcanic activity and low bottom temperatures and high bottom salinities. The systematic section includes description of DGS. Cadium bullatum n sp. Regional commu107522 STAHL, J.E. nity planning in sparsely populated areas. (Alberta. Univ. Boreal Institute. Occasional publication 1968, no.6, p.23-29) 3 refs. Presents a tentative decision-making model that provides guidelines to research in problems of community planning in low population areas. Of three classes of settlement: based on renewable resource, on nonrenewable or extractive resource, and on service or governmental activities, only the second is dealt with. If a well-established center in reasonable proximity can be assumed, decisions concerning onsite development are only on such options as workers' day shelters and watchman's facilities, dormitories for temporary workers who dwell with their families in the established center, and permanent on-site housing for workers and families. A simple model makes explicit the cost relationships relevant to planning. CaMAI, MiU. STAKHEVICH, YA.L., see No. 104583.
107520 STABLER, R.M. and others. Blood parasites in rock ptarmigan from Eagle Summit, Alaska. (Journal of parasitology 1967. v.53, no.6, p.1297) Other authors: N.J. Kitzmiller and R.B. Weeden. Notes the incidence of Leucocytozoon, Trypanosoma and/or microfilariae in blood of the rock ptarmigan Lagopus mucus and adult willow ptarmigan, L lagopus, collected northeast of Fairbanks in May-Aug 1965. DLC.
107523 STAL'MAKOVA, G.A. 0 donnoy faune vodoyemov sistemy ozer Kanent"yavr-Kolgiyavr. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Doklady otdeleniy i komissiy 1968 pub 1969. no.9, p.104-109, tables) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Aquatic bottom fauna of the Kanent'yavr-Kol'yavr lake system. A July-Aug 1966 study showed that the benthos in these lakes along the Teribarka River tributaries consists of 50-98% chironomid larvae, 30% oligochaetes, and 20% molluscs. Leeches, beetles, and a relict crustacean, Pontoporeia affinis, are also present. Mud bottoms are preferred over sand in these lakes. The average biomass in the system is 3.4g/m2. DLC.
STACEY, F.D., see No. 107126.
STANISLAVYUK, V.L., see No. 102841.
107521 STADUM, C.J. and H.Y. LING. Tripylean Radiolaria in deep-sea sediments of the Norwegian Sea. (Micropaleontology 1969. v.15, no.4, p.481-89, maps, tables, illus) 25 refs. Reports on six species of this radiolarian suborder with opaline silica shells from sediment cores collected by the USS Edisto in 1963. Formerly considered as rarely preserved, they are restricted in general occurrence in the
107524 STANKEVICH, YE.F. Sushchestvuyet-li "Bol'shezemel'skiy khrebet"? (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. lzvestiya 1969. v.101, no.5, p.465-68) 34 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Is there a Bol'shezemel'skiy Range? Reviews the geographic and geologic literature on the existence of a mountain range over all the northern part of the Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. The more recent studies confirm that there is no mountain range but that these hills
were built by marine transgression and oscillating movements. DLC. STANKEVICH, YE.F., see also No. 102109. 107525 STANLEY, A.D. Observations of the surge of Steele Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.4, pt.2, p.819-30, maps, tables, illus) 22 refs. For part of 1966, this glacier in the Icefield Ranges of the St Elias Mts advanced at a rate of >500 m/mo; by early 1968 the flow rate was less than one tenth of the maximum. Most of the 35-km long main trunk surface was a chaotic jumble of ice blocks, spires and pinnacles, but large structures outlined by surface moraine were preserved; most had been displaced 8 km by Aug 1967. Preliminary measurements indicate that structures were displaced similar distances doWn the glacier's length and suggest that most of the glacier moved forward as a block. The surge has not been correlated with any local earthquake activity and there is no evidence of a short-term climatic change. The movement is attributed to critical dynamic conditions within the glacier, possibly facilitated by increased amounts of water along the ice-bedrock CaMAI, DGS. contact. 107526 STANLEY, G. Anomalous Dregion partial reflections after high-yield nuclear detonations. (Journal of geophysical research 1968. v.73, no.13, p.4430-33, graphs, table, illus) 5 refs. Examines ionograms taken at College 10-29 Nov 1961, disclosing the presence of anomalous partial radiowave reflections from the ionosphere at very low virtual heights during large nuclear detonations on Novaya Zemlya. Although the anomalous reflections are clearly shown, ionograms from ten other ionosonde stations in 45.4-71.3°N in the Western Hemisphere for Oct 1961-Dec 1962 disclose no low ionosphere radiowave echoes that could be DLC. attributed to nuclear debris. STARITSYNA, G.N., see also Nos. 104959, 108187. 107527 STARITSYNA, G.N. and others. Novyye nakhodki sul'fidnykh medno-nikelevykh rud na severo-vostochnoy okraine Tungusskoy sineklizy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski. Regional'nays geologiya 1970. no.18, p.15-18) 2 refs. In Russian. Other authors: A.N. Tarakhovskiy, L.Z. Lipkov and P.N. Sigunov. Title tr.: New finds of copper-nickel sulfide ores in the northeastern margin of the Tunguska syneclise.
A medium-scale geologic survey in 1969 in the Pravaya Boyarka and Baty-Yuryakh basin region disclosed a new ore-bearing magmatic rock. There are many differentiated intrusions which differ in inner structure and composition. Phenocrysts, vein-phenocrysts and continuous copper-nickel ores are present. The sulfide mineralization is attributed to multiple zones of tectonic disclocation. A tectonic structure of submeridional direction controls trap magmatism and the genetically associated sulfide copper-nickel mineralization. CaMAI, DLC. 107528 STARITSYNA, G.N. 0 formirovanii Verkhne-Oroktinskoy intruzii; severozapad Sibirskoy platformy. (In: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Inst. geologii. Geologiya i petrologiya...1966. p.156-70, graphs, map, table, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Formation of the Verkhne-Oroktinskiy intrusion; northwest Siberian platform. Describes the geologic setting, composition and genetic history of this trap intrusion emplaced in Silurian sandstones and shales of the upper Orokta River region in the Kulyumbe-Brus interfluve. The mineral and chemical composition of the various types of dolerite represented in the intrusion is discussed, as well as conditions of formation of the intrusion. Differentiation is attributed to crystal fractionation rather than gravitational settling. DLC. 107529 STARITSYNA, G.N. Petrogeneticheskiye intruzivnyye ryady trappov severozapada Sibirskoy platformy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1970. v.162, no.2, p.78-96, map, table) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: A petrogenetic intrusive trap series in the northwestern part of the Siberian platform. Discusses development of trap magmatism in the Gorbiachin, Kureyka and Noril'sk regions. A petrogenetic series of intrusions formed in three stages. The intrusions differ in their geologic-tectonic conditions of formation, chemical composition of the rocks, character of postmagmatic activity, and the trend of magmatic differentiation. Tectonic processes played the main role in differentiation at depth. Sulfide copper nickel mineralization is associated with the first and second intrusive stages. Differentiated intrusions of the third stage contain magnetite mineralization and dispersed sulfide impregnations. DLC. 107530 STARITSYNA, G.N. Rudonosnost' trappov severo-vostochnogo borta Tungusskoy sineklizy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Regional'naya geologiya no.17, p.84-95, map, tables, illus) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ore953
bearing trap rocks on the northeastern margin of the Tunguska syneclise. Reports the discovery of a new nickel-bearing subprovince. The mineralization is genetically related to intrusive trap-rock magmatism and is structurally controlled by a major fault separating two chemically distinct rock areas. The southern is characterized by the occurrence of iron-rich, nickel-poor intrusions. Differentiated intrusions occur widely in the northern area, the Maymecha region. They contain copper-nickel sulfide impregnations and veins that are of potential economic signifiDLC. cance. STARKOV, G.M., see No. 107144. 107531 STARKOV, G.V. Vysoty siyaniy v polyamoy shapke. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1968. v.8, no.1, p.36-4l, graphs) 24 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Auroral heights in the polar cap. Reports on the attitudinal distribution of auroras as determined from askafilms taken at the Pyramiden and Murchison Bay stations in Svalbard. Most of the 250 auroras thus examined are found between 145-180 km high, having maxima at 150 and 175 km, as compared with auroral altitude of approx 82-130 km at the instantaneous auroral zone, the so-called Fritz zone, with maxima at 100-115 km high. The auroras were represented by comparatively weak arches of rays and bands, whose altitude was decreased as their brightness increased. A dependence of the energy of injected particles upon the planetary geomagnetic index K is found to be similar to that in the Fritz zone. The ratio of the polar to Fritz zone energies is found to be independent of Kp value. The average integral brightness of auroras on the night-side of the Fritz zone must be one order higher than the brightness on the DLC. day-side region.
STARKOV, G.V., see also No. 105045. STARODUBOV, G.S., see No. 108129. STAROSEL'SKIY, V.I., 108105.
Nos. 101839,
107532 STAROSEL'TSEV, V.S. and I.N. SULIMOV. 0 strukture fundamenta Priyeniseyskoy zony Zapadno-Sibirskoy epigertsinskoy plity. (Sibirskiy n.-issl. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy 1969. no.89, p.81-87) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The basement structure in the Yenisey zone of the West Siberian epi-Hercynian platform. From investigation of cores from drilled wells, the basement of the eastern margin of the West Siberian platform north of the Yeni954
sey Ridge is concluded to be a zone of late Riphean folds of the Baykal-Sayan-Yenisey folded belt, extending in a submeridional DLC. direction along the Yenisey. Nos. STAROSEL'TSEV, V.S., see also 103788, 103951, 105259, 105260, 106217. 107533 STAROVOYTOVA, M.L K voprosu o sravnitel'noy kharakteristike funktsional'nogo sostoyaniya nervnoy sistemy v protsesse akklimatizatsii v vostochnom i zapadnom sektore Yevropeyskoy Arktiki. (In: Akklimatizatsiya i krayevaya patologiya... 1970. p.176-78) In Russian. Title tr.: Comparative characteristics of the functional state of the nervous system during acclimatization in the eastern and western sectors of the European Arctic. Research was conducted in the city of Murmansk and the small and remote village of Amderma, Murmansk Province. All subjects were 19-20 yr old, had come from temperate zones and were placed under similar living conditions. During acclimatization, some of the otherwise healthy individuals experienced headaches, palpitations, vertigo, etc. Their working capacity was reduced; they were drowsy during the daytime and sleepless at night; some showed signs of irritability and depressions which they had not experienced before. These changes in the mental and physical state of health were more frequent and severe among those in Amderma than they were for those in Murmansk. DLC. STARSHINOV, S.N., see No. 102384. 107534 STARTSEV, V.A. Energotekhnologicheskoye ispol'zovaniye yaregskikh neftenosnykh peschanikov. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Trudy 1967. no.15, p.109-116, tables) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Use of the Yarega oil-bearing sandstones for power production. Describes these sandstones in Komi ASSR and the characteristics of their oil deposits. Comparison is made with the Athabasca tar sands in western Canada. Various ways of exploitation and their cost are discussed and compared to costs of using other fuels. In spite of depth of the sandstones (130-250 m) and the severe climate, the cost of electric power production based on these sandstones would be 10% less than by use of coal. DLC. 107535 STAUDER, W. Mechanism of the Rat Island earthquake sequence of February 4, 1965, with relation to island arcs and seafloor spreading. (Journal of geophysical research 1968. v.73, no.12, p.3847-58, maps, tables, illus) 11 refs. Studies the focal mechanism of the main shock and the 14 larger aftershocks of this
earthquake of 7-3/4-8 magnitude that occurred near Amchitka Island in the Aleutians on Feb 4, 1965 at 05 h 01 min 23.8 sec GMT. Focal mechanism solutions are presented and results discussed, with an index map showing the location and distribution of quakes on Rat Island and with mechanism diagrams for the larger ones of the sequence. Individual focal mechanism diagram, and 14 diagram pairs for the Pwave and the S-wave solutions of the focal mechanism are given in an appendix, in order to elucidate the quality and consistency of the data used in the solutions. DLC. STAUFFER, M.R., see No. 108350. 107536 STAVITSKIY, B.P. and V.M. MATUSEVICH. Paleogidrogeologiya Zapadno-Sibirskogo artezianskogo basseyna. (In: Podzemnyye vody Sibiri...1971. p.93-101, maps) 14 refs. In Russian. Title Paleohydrogeology of the West Siberian artesian basin. Reconstructs the pattern of the drainage basin at different periods between the beginning of the Jurassic and the late Cretaceous, with reference to the genetic relationship of the present artesian basin with hydrogeologic cycles and the hydrodynamic system of the geologic past. The present-day chemical zonation of the groundwaters is another index of the history of development of the basin, particularly of the transgressions of the sea and the flow and accumulation of pore and infiltration waters. Vertical crustal movements played an important role. DLC. STAVITSKIY, B.P., see also No. 102402. 107537 STAVTSEV, A.L. 0 nekotorykh svyazyakh magmatizma i rudoobrazovaniya s tektonikoy na vostoke Aldanskogo shchita i v Yuzhnom Verkhoyan'ye. (Geotektonika 1968. no.5, p.38-46, map) Refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Some relationships of magmatism and mineralization to tectonics in the east of the Aldan shield and in southern Verkhoyansk region. Describes lineal sublatitudinal zones of faults. They play a decisive role in the spatial distribution of intrusive formations. All occurrences of Proterozoic and Mesozoic magmatism are essentially confined to these fault zones. They are also of importance in exogenic ore mineralization. DLC. STAVTSEV, A.L., see also No. 108554. STEBBINS, L.L., see No. 103549. 107538 STEELE, D.H. and P. BRUNEL. Collections of amphipods of the genus A nonyx, mainly from the Atlantic and arctic coasts of North America. St. John's, Nfld, 1968. 73 p.
tables. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Technical report no.47) Lists specimens of Anonyx nugax, A. pacificus, A. sarsi, A. laticoxae, A. lilljeborgi, A. ochoticus and A. debruyni, examined in 15 Canadian, west European and/or American museums. Position and depth of the station, date and collector (expedition, ship or individual) are stated, as is the museum where specimen(s) may be found. In addition to collections from the entire Canadian coastline, a few are included from Alaskan waters, Sea of Okhotsk, Greenland and Svalbard waters, and the Barents and Kara DLC. Seas. 107539 STEELE, D.H. New species of the genus Anonyx (Amphipoda) from the Barents Sea. (Crustaceana 1967. v.13, pt.3, p.257-64, illus) 2 refs. French summary. Describes Anonyx bispinosus n sp on the basis of British Museum material collected off the east coast of Kolguyev Island, Barents Sea. DLC. 107540 STEEN, A. Hugvending. (Norveg 1968. v.13, p.73-92) 39 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Love potions, charms, etc. Describes various objects etc used by early Norwegians and by Lapps in directing or averting affection. Natural objects and spirits of the DLC. dead were also employed. STEFANOV, YU.M., see No. 103138. 107541 STEFANSSON, E. and M. SINKO. FOrsok med tallprovenienser med sarskild hansyn till norrlandska hojdlagen. Stockholm, Skogshogskolan 1967. 108 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Studia forestalia suecica no.47) Refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Trial plantings with Scots pine of various origins with special regard to high altitude areas of Norrland. Reviews an experiment begun on selected sites near weather stations in different representative parts of northern to middle Sweden, with part of the planting material from northern Norrland. Weevil, snow blight, and weather damage caused some loss, but the main loss of young growth was due to abrupt transfer to harsher climate, which weakened plant resistance to many hazards. These are reviewed. The northern planting materials are found to have better growth capacity. Principles for transferring nursery stock and seed are outlined and the need for development of seed DLC. orchards noted. 107542 STEFFENSEN, E. Vaeret i 1970. (Naturen 1971. v.95, no.4, p.I95-214, maps) In Norwegian. Title tr.: The weather in 1970. 955
Scandinavian weather was characterized by wide variation and rapid change in atmospheric circulation, and by extremes of short or long period. The monthly summaries incl northern Norway, also maps and illus of weather patterns covering Fennoscandia and the northern North Atlantic to southeast Greenland and southern Spitsbergen. DLC. 107543 STEHLE, N.S. Protective coverings for snow, ice and frozen ground. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.319-28, illus) 10 refs. Summarizes data on suitability, relative costs and applications of gravel, sawdust, urethane foam, wood, concrete, canvas, chipped ice, and snow as materials for protecting polar ice, snow or permafrost areas from deterioration and ablation under warm temperature and high solar radiation conditions. Chipped ice 13 the easiest to produce and most economical to use. Areas can be made usable for roads, runways and camps through good drainage, proper construction and adequate maintenance. CaMAI, DGS.
107545 STEIN, D.E. Highway construction in Alaska. (Civil engineering 1967. v.37, no.11, p.40-42, illus) Gives a general picture of road building problems in Southeast Alaska, the Kenai Peninsula-Anchorage-Palmer region, interior valleys and North Slope, in relation to the varied topography and climate, permafrost, muskeg, limited building materials and high costs. Solutions to some specific situations, e.g. frost heave of bridge piles, freezing of culvert drainage and DGS. icing of highways are briefly noted. 107546 STEIN, K.P.S. and others. Tuberculosis in Greenland. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.501-506, graphs, tables) 4 refs. Other authors: P.K. Lange, U. Gad and E. Wilbek. Outlines the approach since World War II to the eradication of TB in West Greenland, where it has long been the most serious health problem. An intensive campaign was launched in the 1950's, with BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) vaccination, mass examination, hospitalization, chemotherapy and a chemoprophylaxis trial. A central registration of cases was also initiated. During 1955-65 the incidence was reduced by 90%, but the rate is still high, 20 times that in Denmark. DLC.
107544 STEHLE, N.S. Snow movement, drift control for surface (at-grade) camps. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.2, p.112-19, table, illus) 9 refs. French and Russian summary. Snowdrift studies made 1962-67 around an unprotected building and clusters of buildings at the US Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory camp on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, show that surface camps eventually become snow covered. Drift control measures to increase the usefulness and life of such camps are: 1) orient the buildings 45° to the summer storm wind with the long axis parallel to the winter storm wind where these directions are 45° apart, where not, approach this arrangement as closely as possible; 2) place buildings far enough apart to avoid coalescence of drift (25 times the height); 3) treat equipment and material as a separate line of buildings for the same reason; 4) erect buildings on mobile foundations to move them easily when drift becomes a problem; 5) leave enough room for easy clearing of snow (60 ft needed by sizes 4 or 8 snow tractor). Small camps should be elevated on snow platforms when 5000 yd3 or less of snow are required; platform to be —4 ft above snow surface for a 2-yr life in a region with snow accumulation of 1 ft or less/yr (the greater the accumulation the higher the platform). Because drift increases downwind of such an area, other buildings or supplies must not be closer than 10-30 times the height of the obstruction downwind (length of drift is at least 10 times the height of obstruction). CaMAI, DLC.
107548 STEINRUD, D. Nordlandslaerarar moues til storstemne i Bodo. (Norsk skoleblad 1968. v.32, no.43, p.1607) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Nordland teachers meet for general election in Bode. Reviews the Sept 1968 meeting of the county teachers: their problems of selective subject matter, involvement of the pupil, need for school law revision, paucity of funds for teaching tools as compared with amounts spent for school buildings, etc. DLC.
STEIGER, R.H., see No. 104034.
STEKLOV, A.A., see No 107852.
STEINBOCK, M., see No. 108149. 107547 STEINMANN, A.P. Comment peut-on etre Esquimau en 1970? (Forces Hydro-Quebec 1970. no.10, p.13-25, illus) In French. English, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish summaries. Title tr.: Being an Eskimo in 1970. Discusses in question and answer form the Eskimos' problems of adaptation, acculturation and economic change: their nomadism and language, successful social and economic aid, preservation of their cultural heritage and technological skills. The land right issue is referred to, as is the right to participate in the natural resources discovered in the North. CaMU, DLC.
107549 STELLANDER, 0.
Nytt funn av
Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot i Nord-Norge.
(Blyttia 1969. v.27, no.3, p.174-77, map) Refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: New find of Codium fragile (Sur.) Hariot in North Norway. Reports the find in an inlet on Rebbenesey 70°03'N 18°47'E in northern Troms, of an algal species previously unknown in northern Norway beyond Rest (67°33'N) in the Lofotens. The physical nature of its location is summarized, and the main elements of a considerable vegetation cover nearby are identified. DLC. 107550 STAN, I. Finnische Wiederfunde im Ausland beringter Vogel, 5. (Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Memoranda 1970. v.46, p.60-79) In German. Title Sr.: Foreign recoveries of birds banded in Finland. Identifies birds banded in Finland and recaptured elsewhere since 1967: 352 in 55 species. Both bandings and recoveries in northern locations are included. CaMAI, DLC. 107551 STEN, I. Vogelberingung in Finnland im Jahre 1966. (Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Memoranda 1968. v.44, p.54215) In German. Title tr.: Bird banding in Finland during the year 1966. Presents comprehensive records of 136,860 bandings with number in each of 201 species. A list of some 370 individuals is given with their localities and number of bandings. Recoveries from earlier Finnish bandings are also recorded: 3249 in 139 species, with place and date of recovery and time between that and banding. Many of the records are from northern locations. CaMAI, DLC. 107552 STAN, L Vogelberingung in Finnland im Jahre 1967. (Societas pro fauna et flora fennica. Memoranda 1969. v.45, p.63154) In German. Title tr.: Bird banding in Finland during the year 1967. Presents comprehensive records for this year when 138,016 bandings were made. Individual banders, their localities and number of birds are listed, as are 109 species and the number banded. Recoveries from Finnish bandings, 2327 in 130 species are also reported with place and date of recovery and time between that and the banding. Many of the records are from northern locations. CaMAI, DLC. STEN, TA., see No. 103263. 107553 STENAR', M.M. Belomorskaya seriya arkheya Kemsko-Belomorskogo rayona, Zapadnoye Belomor'ye. (AN SSSR. Karel'skiy filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1969. no.4, p.3848) 33 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The
Archean White Sea series of the Kem'_White Sea area, western White Sea region. Reports an investigation of the stratigraphy, tectonics and regional metamorphism of this series 6500-8000 m thick. It is divided into four local series and each is described. Three large regional structures are characterized. The series is found to have undergone several stages of regional metamorphism and to be polymetamorphic formations. DLC. 107554 STENAR', M.M. and O.I. VOLODICHEV. K voprosu o reliktovoy granulitovoy fatsii regional'nogo metamorfizma v Zapadnom Belomor'ye. (Regional'nyy metamorfizm i metamorfogennoye rudoobrazovaniye. Leningrad Nauka 1970. p.137-42, table, illus) Approx 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Granulite-facies relicts of regional metamorphism in western White Sea region. Petrographic studies revealed the presence of garnets containing up to 34% pyrope and other evidence of metamorphism under granulite:facies conditions in the Von'ga and Kuzema interfiuve and elsewhere. Later retrograde metamorphism, mainly under amphibolite-facies conditions, obliterated many granulite-facies features. Relicts indicate development of the granulite facies during an early stage of regional metamorphism of the geosynclinal Precambrian White DLC. Sea complex. 107555 STENBORG, T. Glacier drainage connected with ice structures. (Geografiska annaler 1968. ser.A; physical geography v.50, no.1, p.25-53, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 60 refs. Investigates surface drainage and structural patterns over the upper layers of Mikkaglaciaren, northern Sweden, during 1962-66, as background for a study of internal glacier drainage infra. The distribution of crevasses determines the location of vertical drainage, including glacier mills. The formation and development of observed glacier mills and related features are described, both in local environmental characteristics and in relation to time. There is an obliquely transverse deflection of the upper parts of sub-surface drainage courses, which suggests the probability of drainage toward the lateral margins of the glacier in the lower reaches of internal drainage courses. CaMAI, DLC. 107556 STENBORG, T. Studies of the internal drainage of glaciers. (Geografiska annaler 1969. ser. A: physical geography v.51, no.1-2, p.13-41, graphs, maps, illus) 46 refs. The internal drainage of Mikkaglaciaren, Sweden, was found, by means of salt injections, to occur in two separate systems in semi-lateral positions that corresponded to areas of cre957
vasses seen, on the surface of the glacier, to have different strike directions. The relative amounts of ablation of different areas could be co-ordinated with the discharge in corresponding frontal streams. The drainage model devised for Mikkaglaciaren appears to be applicable also to Storglaciaren. Summaries of investigations and conclusions concerning the two glaciers are presented, with some discussion of methods, on the physical possibilities of drainage penetration and the development of internal drainage courses, and on the general applicability of the drainage model. CaMAI, DLC. 107557 STENSETH, C. Nasonovia altaensis n. sp. (Homoptera, Aphididae) on Thalictrum rariflorum Fr. (Norsk entomologisk tidsskrift 1969. v.16, no.1, p.29-32, illus) 4 refs. Describes apterous and alate viviparous females, oviparous female and alate male of this new aphid species found in the inflorescences and top leaves of the meadow rue ThalicIrum rariflorum Fr. in the Aronnes area of Alta in Finnmark, Norway. DLC. 107558 STENSIO, E. Anatomical studies on the arthrodiran head, pt I. 419 p. tables, illus. (Svenska Vetenskapsakademien. Handlingar 1963. v.9, no.2) Refs. Presents a detailed anatomical study on the heads of Silurian-Carboniferous fossils of creatures resembling true fishes. In the Devonian they spread all over the world, and have been found in the arctic region. Pt 1 has sections on geological and geographical distribution, the organization of the Arthrodira, the anatomy of the head in the Dolichothoraci, Coccosteomorphi and Pachyosteomorphi, with a taxonomic appendix. Pt 2 in preparation is to deal with the remaining arthrodires. DLC. 107559 STEPANOV, A.I. and M.E. SINAMATI. Nekotoryye zakonomernosti v rasprostranenii kollektorov produktivnykh gorizontov na territorii Salymskogo i Surgutskogo neftenosnykh rayonov. (Neftegazovaya geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.11, p.10-14, map, illus) In Russian. title tr.: Some patterns in the distribution of the reservoirs of productive horizons in the Salym and Surgut oil-bearing regions. Reports discovery of 37 oil and 29 gas deposits in the West Siberian lowland. The oil-bearing regions are confined to large platformic positive structures of the first and second order. Comparison of a section of Valanginian, Hauterivian and Barremian deposits is made and changes in thickness and lithology are noted. The pinching out of some horizons is described and this should 958
be taken into consideration in further DLC. prospecting. 107560 STEPANOV, G.I. and R.V. BYLINSKIY. Osnovnyye strukturnofatsial'nyye zony Taymyrskoy rannemezozoyskoy skladchatoy oblasti. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.13, p.97-125, maps, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Main structural-facies zones of the Taymyr early Mesozoic folded province. Defines four structural-facies zones, viz: North, Middle, South, and cis-Taymyr. Their distribution, stratigraphy and tectonic structure are outlined. These zones are divided according to long-term tectonic geosutures differing from typical deep faults. Structural complexes, DLC. stages and substages are defined. STEPANOV, G.I., 102727.
see also
No. 102724,
107561 STEPANOV, I.S. Asimmetriya dolin i rossypnyye mestorozhdeniya, na primere Visherskogo almazonosnogo rayona. (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Izvestiya 1970. v.102, no.2, p.I57-59, graphs) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Asymmetry of valleys and placer deposits, as exemplified in the Vishera diamond-bearing region. Discusses symmetrical and asymmetrical types of valleys in this region, the asymmetry possibly caused by recent tectonic movements. Diamonds are mainly found in valley placers of Holocene age, and the occurrence of diamonds is directly connected with the valley DLC. asymmetry. 107562 STEPANOV, I.S. and others. Novyye dannyye ob otlozheniyakh nizhnego devona na zapadnom sklone Severnogo Urala. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.182, no.5, p.116770) 8 refs. In Russian. Other authors: G.N. Sychkin and Yu.N. Shestakov. Title tr.: New data on Lower Devonian deposits in the westem slope of the Northern Urals. Describes a section of Lower Devonian deposits discovered in 1967 in the basins of the Yaz'va and the Akchim, a left tributary of the Vishera. Their age and thickness are not very clear due to poor exposure. Plant remains and fish imprints preserved in the beds were collected. DLC. STEPANOV, M.YE., see No. 103770. 107563 STEPANOV, N.N. Istoricheskiy put' malykh narodov Kraynego Severa. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. Uchenyye zapiski 1967. v.353, p.3-28) 40 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Historical path of the small peoples of the Far North.
Reviews the cultural and socio-economic evolution of northern aborigines under Russian administration, in particular Soviet reforms since the 1920's. Basic policies, national territorial zoning, and consolidation of clans and tribal groups into ethnically and linguistically united nationalities are discussed, as is their integration into Soviet political life. Collectivization, and agricultural technology, industrial development, acculturation and rise of an autochthonous intelligentsia, etc are dealt with. DLC. 107564 STEPANOV, N.N. V.G. Bogoraz kak istorik narodov Dal'nego Vostoka. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. Uchenyye zapiski 1967. v.353, p.71-79) 15 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: V.G. Bogoraz as historian of the peoples of the Far East. Presents a positive evaluation of Bogoraz's pioneer studies in Chukchi history and his theories on the ethnic origin of Eskimos and Paleosiberian tribes. His work The Chukchis, No. 1876, is considered a prime historical source and an objective account of Russian colonial policy in Chukotka. DLC. 107565 STEPANOV, V.N. 0 spetsificheskikh osobennostyakh vertikal'noy tsirkulyatsii vod Arkticheskogo basseyna. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.187, no.1, p.187-89, Title tr.: graph, map) 6 refs. In Russian. Specific features of vertical water circulation in the Arctic Basin. A meridional section was taken across the entire Arctic Basin from Spitsbergen to the North Pole to Alaska, and a calculation of vertical circulation made, using an equation including current velocity along the meridian, coefficient of turbulent vertical diffusion, temperature and salinity. Despite the use of limited data, a very clear relationship between water circulation and the bottom of the Basin, the role of the Lomonosov Ridge separating water and fauna of the Atlantic and Pacific provinces of the Basin and other features are disclosed. DLC. 107566 STEPANOV, V.S. and N.A. VOYENUSHKINA. Perspektivy slyudonosnosti belomorskikh obrazovaniy Kemskogo rayona KASSR. (AN SSSR. Karel'skiy filial. Inst. geologii. Trudy 1969. no.4, p.58-66, map) Ref. Title tr.: The prospects for mica In Russian. occurrences in the Belomoride complex of the Kem' region of Kareliya ASSR. Reports the 1961-65 geologic mapping of this region. Mica-bearing pegmatite veins are associated with high-alumina rocks, mainly gneisses with a significant content of garnet and kyanite. The geology of the region is analyzed with reference to areas considered favorDLC. able for mica exploration.
107567 STEPANOV, YU.V. Stepen' metamorfizma ugol'nykh vklyucheniy kak pokazatel' paleogeograficheskikh usloviy. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.184, no.6, p.I39597, graph, map) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Degree of metamorphism of coal inclusions as an indicator of paleogeographic conditions. Reports a study of Permian coal-bearing rocks of the Pechora basin covered with unconsolidated deposits containing fragments of coal. The degree of metamorphism of these coal fragments was investigated, based on the reflectance of vitrinite. A schematic map of the metamorphism of Permian coals is presented and the paleogeographic conditions of Cenozoic deposits are interpreted. This method is considered applicable not only for paleogeography but also for recent tectonics and for coal exploration. DLC. STEPANOVA, A.A., see No. 108684. STEPANOVA,
see No. 102726.
107568 STEPANOVA-KARTAVENKO, N.T. Afilloforovyye griby Urala. Sverdlovsk 1967. 293 p. maps. illus. (AN SSSR. Ural'skiy filial. Inst. ekologii rasteniy i zhivotnykh. Trudy no.50) Approx 120 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Aphyllous fungi of the Urals. This descriptive compendium contains a short history of the Ural mycoflora, and a review of fungi and their distribution as controlled by altitude and ecological conditions. It contains a key to the species and indicates their substratum and habitat. It describes many species of different families occurring in the vicinity of the Loz'va and Pelym rivers, and the Chistop mountain range of the Polar Urals. Includes 45 distributional maps. DLC. 107569 STEPAN'YANTS, S.D. Sifonofory morey SSSR i severnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana. Leningrad, Nauka 1967. 216p. tables, illus. (AN SSSR. Zoologicheskiy inst. Opredeliteli po faune SSSR no.96) Some 300 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Siphonophora of Soviet seas and North Pacific. A comprehensive systematic treatise on this order of Hydrozoa, which is distributed in all seas of the Soviet Union where normal salinity conditions (33-35%0) are found, and also in the Soviet sector of the Arctic Basin. Up to now, siphonophores are not recorded from the East Siberian Sea, perhaps due to the low salinity, or to insufficient knowledge of those waters. Chapters on the morphology, life cycles and growth, origin and evolution, distribution and methods of study, introduce the systematic section which includes descriptions of the new subfamily Monophynae of the fam Diphyidae 959
and several new genera, species and subspecies. DLC. 107570 STEPHENS, F.H. Impressive silver developments, revival at Great Bear Lake. (Western miner 1968. v.41, no.8, p.2834, illus) Describes progress from 1964 in the Echo Bay Mines Ltd, highly successful silver mine at Port Radium. A silver-copper vein being worked contains enough copper to cover transportation cost, and high-grade uranium-silver ore is being stockpiled. Shipments are made principally in winter by truck-trailer units. Exploration of the Terra Mining and Explorations Ltd claims on Camsell River, near the lake, has found silver, copper, cobalt-bismuth ores. Drilling by two other companies elsewhere on the Camsell River is also described. DGS. 107571 STEPHENS, F.H. A visit to Smithers; mining boom in Omineca. (Western miner 1968. v.41, no.8, p.22-26, map) Reports on Granisle Copper Ltd mine and mill on Copper Island in Babine Lake, silver exploration near Moricetown, copper-silver, gold-bearing veins and silver-lead-zinc properties in the surrounding region. The growth and development of Smithers is noted as a modern town of 3600 people with highway, air and rail DGS. transportation. 107572 STEPHENS, F.H. Yukon's newest producer, Arctic Gold and Silver Mines. (Western miner 1968, v.41, no.9, p.22-34, maps, illus) Describes the properties of Arctic Gold and Silver Mines Ltd, a few miles south of Carcross on the north and east flanks of Montana Mt just north of the British Columbia boundary, where the gold-silver mine and mill were opened 10 Aug 1968. The vein ores, with estimated reserves of 254,920 t, assaying 0.668 oz gold and 19.82 oz silver, are concentrated, sent by rail to Skagway, Alaska, shipped to North Vancouver and thence to Sweden for smelting DGS. and refining. 107573 STEPHENS, F.R. Forest ecosystem on a glacier in Alaska. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.4, p.441-44, maps, table, illus) 6 refs. The ecosystem on the snout of Kushtaka Glacier, a branch of the Martin River Glacier about 60 mi ESE of Cordova has reached the developmental stage when spruce forest has almost eliminated the alder from the site. Mosses carpet the forest floor. A 55 ft spruce was found to be 65 yr old when felled. A profile through the 36-in. soil layer on the ice is described. Similar brush and forest growth occurs on many glaciers in coastal Alaska. Superglacial vegetation on stagnant ice of the 960
Wisconsin glaciation may have been the seed sources for much newly deglaciated land. CaMAI, DLC. 107574 STEPHENS, F.R. and others. The muskegs of southeast Alaska and their diminished extent. (Northwest science 1970. v.44, no.2, p.123-30, maps, tables, illus) 8 refs. Other authors: C.R. Gass and R.F. Billings. Results of US Forest Service soil surveys in the Tongass National Forest from 1961 show that its muskegs vary in depth, composition and vegetative relations. Organic soil depth ranges 40 ft. Wet organic soils fall into four groups, the Kogish, Kina, Staney, and the Maybeso and Kaikli series. Only the last group supports forest vegetation; the others are muskeg. The favored topography, soil characteristics and vegetative cover of each soil group are described. Muskegs are much less extensive now than they were sometime after major Pleistocene deglaciation. A list of 37 plant species with common and Latin names is included. DGS. 107575 STEPHENS, F.R. and R.F. BILLINGS. Plant communities of a tide-influenced meadow on Chichagof Island, Alaska. (Northwest science 1967. v.41, no.4, p.178-83, graph, maps, tables, illus) Reports a June 1965 study of meadows in the Kadashan watershed which found three major plant communities in a pattern common to tide-influenced meadows of Southeast Alaska. Waterfowl, deer, brown and black bear and many of the smaller birds and animals feed on these meadow plants. The distribution of the communities is dependent on elevation (frequency and duration of tidal inundation) and on associated soil characteristics; data are given. The sedge Carex lyngbyei cryptocarpa community is the lowest and most homogeneous; the mountain hairgrass Deschampsia atropurpurea community is the most variable; the highest meadow community dominated by beach ryegrass Elymus mollis is the most vigorous. The 12 plant species encountered in the meadows are listed. DGS. STEPHENSON, D., see No. 103295. 107576 STERLING, T. and A. DZUBIN. Canada goose molt migrations to the Northwest Territories. (North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 1967. Transactions p.355-73, maps, table) 67 refs. Uses data from extensive 1963-66 aerial surveys, specimen collections and trapped samples to document the summer movements of Branca canadensis maxima (mainly) from breeding grounds to Mackenzie and Keewatin Districts tundra to molt on stream and lake shorelines of the Thelon, Back, Dubawnt, Kazan and
Quoich river systems. Molting geese were always associated with sand beaches and sedge meadows which were flooded in spring; the flightless period was about 25-30 days, its timing directly affected by ice breakup. Only the subadult and nonbreeding or unsuccessfully nesting adults participate; there appears to be fidelity to molting sites during and in subsequent seasons; human activity seems to cause desertion of sites and this suggests the need for sanctuaries; the estimated molting population is approx 30,000 in an area 60° - 66°N. 96° 106°W. DI. STEVENS, T., see No. 101701. 107577 STEVENSON, A. Whalers' wait. (North 1968. v.15, no.5, p.24-31, map, illus) Recounts discovery of Herschel Island, Canada, by Sir John Franklin and its subsequent utilization as a wintering place and base for whaling operations. The mixed composition of the crews, incl Europeans, Asiatics and Cape Verde Negroes, and their influence upon the life, health and morals of the local Eskimos are discussed. General aspects of arctic whales and whaling are also considered. DLC. STEVENSON, A., see also Nos. 106148, 106463. 107578 STEVENSON, I.M. Lac Bride and Winokapau Lake map-areas, Newfoundland and Quebec, I3D, 13E. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 16 p. maps. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 67-69) II refs. Reports results of 1967 mapping 1:253,440 of contiguous areas at 52° - 54°N 62° - 64°W. The topography, drainage and glacial geology are briefly described and Precambrian rock types, metamorphism and structure dealt with at some length. The rocks are mainly a sequence of paragneisses and granitic gneisses with metamorphic facies ranging from greenschist to granulite facies, intruded by gabbroic rocks which locally grade into anorthosite. They are complexly folded and faulted throughout. As elsewhere in the Grenville province, metamorphism appears to follow no regional pattern. No mineralization of economic importance was recognized. CaMAI, DGS. 107579 STEWART, C.R. and G. KEMMTZ, JR. New tools, techniques used in Alaska big holes. (World oil 1968. v.166, no.2, p.66-71, illus) Describes rigs, drilling tools and an airassisted reverse circulating technique to improve hole cleaning and minimize mud pump requirements, being used to drill 60- and 90-in. diam holes on Amchitka Island for the US Atomic Energy Commission. DGS.
107580 STEWART, J. Canadian Coast Guard icebreaking. (In: Ice seminar... 1969, p.22-26, illus) Notes the various classes of icebreakers used in the St Lawrence River and Canadian Arctic waters since 1900. Techniques and maneuvers used in freeing ships are described; the different types of ice and their relation to icebreaking efficiency of icebreakers are noted. Thirteen figures show ice conditions and ship maneuvers. DGS. 107581 STEWART, K.J. Mineral development in the Atlantic provinces. (Canadian geographical journal 1968. v.77, no.6, p.178-95, map, tables, illus) Includes an account of Labrador's contribution to Newfoundland's mineral industry, iron ore mines operated by Iron Ore Co of Canada and by Wabush Mines, an affiliate of Steel Co of Canada. CaMAI. STEWART, S.W., see No. 102767. 107582 STIRLING, D. A sight record of the wheatear in British Columbia. (Canadian field-naturalist 1971. v.85, no.3, p.258) Reports Oenanthe oenanthe seen in Oct 1970 at Patricia Bay, 20 mi north of Victoria, apparently the first sight record for BC of a species which breeds in Alaska and the Yukon, Baffin and Ellesmere Islands, northernmost Quebec, and Labrador. Existing records for lower latitudes in Canada hitherto have been from Ontario and Quebec. CaMAL, DGS. STOFFLER, D., see No. 103303. 107583 STOP-BOWITZ, C. A contribution to our knowledge of the systematics and zoogeography of Norwegian earthworms, Annelida Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae. (Nytt magasin for zoologi 1969. v.17, no.2, p.169-280, maps, illus) 119 refs. French and Esperanto summary. Presents for each of the 18 lumbricid species found in Norway, a description, remarks on systematics, and a list of recorded Norwegian localities, also survey of known distribution elsewhere in the world and details of the biology and ecology of the species. Keys to fresh and preserved adult, and immature and adult living specimens are provided. Nine species are distributed in northern Norway. Possible immigration lines and survival of the ice age are discussed. As all of the species have been reported from North America or Greenland, the existence of a land connection across the North Atlantic in more or less remote time is suggested. DGS. STOIBER, R.E., see No. 104620. 961
STOLARIK, J.D., see No. 108405. 107584 STOLOV, H.L. Search for tropospheric responses to chromospheric flares. (Journal of the atmospheric sciences 1968. v.25, no.1, p.126-32, graphs, table) Refs. Studies the surface atmospheric pressures for periods before and after chromospheric solar flares by the superposed epoch method for 31 North American stations incl Goose Bay, Ft Chimo, Frobisher, Thule, Churchill, Resolute, Juneau, Norman Wells, and Barrow. The individual analyses show no statistically significant pressure departures following the flares. No evidence is found for claims that atmospheric pressure responses to flares are amplified with increasing latitude, or that continental and coastal stations exhibit different responses. The composite curve for North American stations shows no statistically significant departures and does not verify the composite curve of previous investigators. Chromospheric flares with and without polar cap events of radiowave absorption are found indistinguishable with reference to surface atmospheric pressure in the polar cap region. DLC. STOLWIJK,
see No. 103564.
107585 STONE, D.B. and C.P. CAMERON. Paleomagnetic investigations in Alaska. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.311-18) 9 refs. Defines and relates the paleomagnetic method to the interpretation of large-scale tectonic structures in Alaska and to the study of relative crustal block movements in the North Pacific. Though the number of sites analyzed are insufficient, the first indications are that the Aleutian Chain has moved further into the Pacific since the Miocene. This is compatible with the relative movements required by the ocean floor spreading concept. CaMAI, DGS. STONE, D.B., see also No. 102736. STONE, EC., see No. 103330. STONELEY, R. see No. 105133. 107586 STORA, N. Massffingst av spfAgel i Nordeurasien, en etnologisk undersokning av fangstmetoderna. Turku, 1968. 333 p. maps, illus. (Turku, Finland. Akademi. Acta...Humaniora v.34, no.2) Refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Mass capture of waterfowl in northern Eurasia, an ethnological study of methods. Outlines the history of catching waterfowl, mainly in arctic and subarctic areas. Situations for and the means of catching birds on land or water, especially molting or young ducks and geese, and capture in flight by collapsible 962
flightnets are dealt with. Implements and situations are described, and practices of various peoples differentiated. The study covers the northern circumpolar area in general, with specific examples from Fennoscandia, the Bothnian-Baltic waters, Kolguyev, northern Siberia, and Greenland. Literary sources are discussed and the economic importance of the activity is DLC. considered. 107587 STORMER, C.D. Cold concrete. Hanover, N.H. 1970. 27 p. graphs, tables, illus. (US. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab. Technical report 220) 27 refs. Describes salt solutions, mixing, molding and curing, compression and freeze-thaw experiments with cold concrete at temperatures down to 14°F. Results are compared with published data from the USSR. The technique of using large amounts of CaCL 2 and NaCL as accelerators and freezing point depressants, is promising as a cold-weather concreting method, but much more research and experimentation is required on durability, corrosion of reinforcement, impermeability, sulfate resistance, flexural and tensile strength, good bonding between concrete and steel, time effects, etc before complete confidence in cold concrete can be achieved. Russian values, hitherto considered questionable, are shown to be CaMAI. probably correct. and 107588 STOROZHENKO, LYE. 0 prirode magnitnykh anomaliy others. ahnazonosnykh ploshchadey Severnogo Urala. (Razvedka i okhrana nedr 1970. v.36, no.3, p.45-51, graphs, illus) 9 refs. In Russian. Other authors: I.G. Khalymbadzha and B.Ya. Chaim,. Title tr.: The nature of magnetic anomalies of diamondiferous areas in the Northern Urals. In the Vishera diamond-bearing region, two types of magnetic anomalies are distinguished, one attributed to karst phenomena and the other to subalkalic magmatic bodies. Both types are described as to form, magnetic intensity, and other features, and a geologic interpretation is given. Ural kimberlites are considered a possible source of diamonds, though more geologic and geophysical work is required. DLC. STOROZHENKO, N.N., see No. 102665. 107589 STOROZHEVA, M.M. 0 polozhenii yuzhnoy granitsy severotayezhnoy podzony na vostochnom sklone Ural'skogo khrebta. (Vses. botanicheskoye o-vo. Sverdlovskoye otd-iye. Zapiski 1966. no.4, p.65-73, map, table) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The position of the southern boundary of the northern taiga subzone on the eastern slope of the Ural Range.
Moves this boundary southward from its currently accepted position at about 63°N to about 60°N. The plant associations of this region are discussed and a plant list is given. DLC. 107590 STORRS, A.H.G. and T.C. PULLEN. S.S. Manhattan in arctic waters. (Canadian geographical journal 1970. v.80, no.5, p.166-81, map, illus) Defines first-yr ice which grows to —7 ft thickness during Oct-June, and prevails in the Canadian Eastern Arctic (east of Resolute), and multi-yr ice, often up to 10-ft thick and harder as result of desalinization; the latter type prevails in Viscount Melville Sound, M'Clure Strait and in the Beaufort Sea, where it forms pressure ridges under action of wind and currents. The Manhattan's design, her redesign and outfitting for transit of these waters are described, as is her use as a halfscale model of the icebreaker-tanker theoretically required to cope with year-round passage through the Canadian Arctic waters. Her summer 1969 voyage to North Alsaka is described, with photographs of ice rubble, ice floe, pancake ice, iceberg, and icebreaker maneuvers. The ice reconnaissance and icebreaker requirements, also the navigational aids, and charting of these waters needed for safe passage of the 26-30 tankers anticipated are briefly discussed. Both authors participated in the 1969 voyage, Rear-Adm Storrs aboard the Canadian icebreaker John A. Macdonald and Capt Pullen aboard the Manhattan as Canadian observer. CaMAI, DLC. 107591 STORVANG, A. Barkdyrets historie. (Vor viden 1965. no.392, p.726-30, map, illus) In Danish. Title tr.: History of the bark animal. Reviews G.V. Steller's accounts of large sea mammals sighted near Bering Island ca 1742, cf No 37594, 37598. He called them bark animals because of their unusually thick, barklike hide. The common seacow, a herbivore, is described. Steller's seacow has been considered extinct, but the sighting of several 6-8 m long animals in western Bering Sea off Cape Navarin by a Russian party is noted. DLC. 107592 STOTT, D.F. Cretaceous stratigraphy between Tetsa and La Biche Rivers, northeastern British Columbia. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1968. 41 p. map, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper no.68- 14) 27 refs. Describes Operation Liard 1964-65 observations of lithologic variations of thick successions of marine shales and sandstones north of Tetsa River and establishes regional relationships with adjacent parts of Alberta and Mackenzie District. The six formations of the
Lower Cretaceous Fort St John Group and three Upper Cretaceous formations are described. Descriptions of measured sections of the Garbutt and Scatter Formations in the Toad River map area and of the Sikanni and Dunvegan Formations in the Tuchodi Lakes map area are appended. CaMAI, DGS. 107593 STOTT, D.F. Ellef Ringnes Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 44 p. map. (Canada. Geological Survey. Papers no.68-16) 55 refs. Reports 1967 fieldwork and geologic mapping at lin:4mi, of Ellef Ringnes and nearby Thor Islands, westernmost of the Sverdrup group in the Queen Elizabeths. Isachsen, site of a weather station on northwest Ellef Ringnes, its accessibility and facilities, the climate, flora, fauna of the region, its exploration, physical features and glaciation are briefly described. An exposition of the bedrock geology is given. Intensely deformed early Carboniferous anhydrite and gypsum, occurring also in cores of diapirs, are succeeded by some 8000 ft or more of marine limestones, shales, sandstones, siltstones and mudstones, ranging in age from Middle Carboniferous to Tertiary, intercalated by non-marine sandstones of early and late Cretaceous and early Tertiary ages. All of these rocks are deformed by broad, shallow, northwest- to north-trending folds with diapirs at culminations of major anticlines. In the northern part of the island, there is a well-developed system of northeast-trending faults and Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous formations are intruded by dikes and sills of diabase, basalt and, gabbro. Excellent oil and gas possibilities are connected with the presence of diapirs. CaMAI, DGS. 107594 STOTT, D.F. Fernie and Minnes strata north of Peace River, foothills of northeastern British Columbia. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 132 p. maps, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 67-19, part B). Gives stratigraphic information (in continuation of No. 100408) from 23 sections measured in these early Jurassic - early Cretaceous strata that outcrop approx 56°32' - 57°30'N 122°46' - 123°35W. The data are accompanied by location and distribution maps and columnar sections. DGS. 107595 STOTT, D.F. The Gething Formation at Peace River canyon, British Columbia. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 30 p. table, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-28) 6 refs. Reports Aug 1968 fieldwork on a section along the western wall of the canyon downstream from the Bennett Dam site, where this coal-bearing Lower Cretaceous formation was 963
found to be >1600 ft thick. Description of a measured section at 56°01'N 121°14W is CaMAI, DGS. appended, p. 12-30. STOTT, D.E., see also Nos. 107763, 107764. STOZHKOV, YU.I., see No. 101656. 107596 STRAKACH, YU.B. K metodike izucheniya sovremennykh etnokhingvisticheskikh protessov, po materialam sotsiologo-lingvisticheskogo obsledovaniya narodov Ob'-Yeniseyskogo Severa. (Sovetskaya etnografiya 1969. no.4, p.3-13, tables) 6 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Methods for the study of present-day ethno-linguistic trends, according to data of a socio-linguistic survey of the peoples of the OU. Yenisey North. Discusses methods used in analyzing answers to a 1967-68 questionnaire for the survey of over 7500 Dolgans, Evenki Tungus, Ket Yeniseians, Ostyaks, Samoyeds, Voguls, Yakuts, and Zyryans in northern Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk Provinces. Data on mother tongue, knowledge of Russian, and preferred handling of the ethnic vernacular in school are tabulated by ethnic group for ethnically pure and mixed families. The majority, over 90% in ethnically pure households of most groups, considered their ethnic vernacular as mother tongue. Only Sel'kup Samoyeds showed a tangible leaning toward Russian as a first language: 44% in ethnically pure and 63% in mixed families. Preferences varied from group to group on use of the ethnic vernacular in kindergarten and elementary schools as vehicle of instruction or as a separately taught subject. Many individuals left that question unanswered, but all recognized the importance of studying Russian. In addition to linguistic data, the survey provided incidentally demographic DLC. and sociological information. 107597 STRAKACH, YU.B. K probleme lokalizatsii kul'tury. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Izvestiya 1968. no.1, ser. obshchestvennykh nauk no.1, p.61-67) 18 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Localization of a culture, an attempt to define an historical and ethnographic province. Criticizes the current zoning and evaluates the principal points of a different division, exemplifying it in a proposed zone to be called Northwest Siberia or the Ob-Yenisey North. This ethnographic province would consist of the area north of 56°N from the eastern slopes of the Urals to the Khatanga basin. Geographic, demographic and economic criteria justifying such a division are discussed: similarity in the natives' traditional occupational skills and in current industrial developments, territorial contiguity and identical natural resources, 964
etc. The population of the area is a racial conglomerate of Mongoloid peoples with some Europoid admixture. The aboriginal substrate of proto-Ugrians and proto-Yukaghirs sustained Samoyed, Ugrian, Tungus, and Ket Yeniseian migrations in prehistoric times and since the 16th century, penetration by Europoid Zyryans and Russians and Mongoloid Yakuts and Dolgans. Russian immigration since the 1930's has been mainly to urban centers, hardly affecting the ethnic balance of rural areas. The unity of this zone expressed in uniform trends in economic and industrial development throughout warrants its being made a single territorial-administrative unit. DLC. 107598 STRAKHOV, L.G. 0 vertikal'noy zonal'nosti zhelezorudnykh mestorozhdeniy Angaro-Ilimskogo tipa. (Geologiya rudnykh mestorozhdeniy 1968. v.10, no.1, p.102-107, graphs, table, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Vertical zonation of iron-ore deposits of the Angara-Ilim type. Describes depths of formation, age, composition, and other features of this type of iron ore. The vertical zonation present is described noting the content of some microelements. The presence of copper and strontium increases inversely with the depth of ore formation. The geologic structure of some deposits is characterized. The relationship Fe2O3:FeO regularly increases toward the surface. DLC. 107599 STRAKHOV, N.M. and LL. NESTEROVA. 0 vliyanii vulkanizma na geokhimiyu morskikh otlozheniy na primere Okhotskogo morya. (Vses. litologicheskoye soveshchaniye, 7th, Moskva 1965. Materialy 1968. p.223-52, graphs, maps, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Effects of volcanism on the geochemistry of marine deposits, as exemplified in the Sea of Okhotsk. Presents maps of Fe, Mn, P, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Mo, and W distribution in con-calcareous deposits with authigenic silicon removed. The more mobile of these elements, Co, Ni, Mo and Cu, move from the coastal area of the sea and concentrate in pelagic deposits. All these elements in the northwest Okhotsk coastal sands and coarse-grained siltstones which receive no volcanic material, are compared with those of the zone near the Kurils. The volcanic material of the latter is shown due to the zone's proximity to numerous volcanoes. In general, volcanism is found to play no very important role in the geochemistry of the Okhotsk marine sediments. DLC. 107600 STRAND, A. Koleopterologiske bidrag 14. (Norsk entomologisk tidsskrift 1969. v.16, no.1, p.17-22, illus) 15 refs. In Norwegian. German summary. Title tr.: Coleopterological contribution 14.
Summarizes general information on 28 species of beetles observed in various locations in Norway, several of them in the north. Atomaria strandi C. Johnson, new to Norway, was found on Bronnoya, as was Longitarsus reichei All. DLC. 107601 STRAND, A. Simplocaria metallica Sturm new to Svalbard (Col., Byrrhidae). (Norsk entomologisk tidsskrift 1969. v.16, no.1, p.23-24) 6 refs. Reports find of a partly decomposed beetle east of Ny-Alesund in Svalbard. Author considers this Simplocaria specimen to be S. metalIlea, although it differs from that species in puncturation of pronotum and elytra. DLC. 107602 STRAND, L. Arringindekser for gran og furu. (Tidsskrift for skogbruk 1967. v.75, no.3, p.341-51, graphs, tables) Refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Annual ring indexes for Norway spruce and Scotch pine. Reports on an attempt to develop an annual ring index for a series of trees at several locations in various elevations and latitudes. Sampling was done as far north as Saltfjellet in Nordland county. The investigation was based on collections made over 15 yr, 1949-63, with temperature and precipitation data available. Two basic conclusions are drawn. The number of trees sampled must be of magnitude 1000 in order that the standard error be 80 fm depth, rising for a short time at night, but rarely surfacing. More than 1000 fish were tagged; 430 t caught and salted. Feeding, temperature and weather conditions are noted. An Iceland fishing fleet cooperated in the venture. DI. 107617 STROITEL'STVO TRUBOPROVODOV. Osnovnyye tekhnicheskiye problemy v stroitel'stve predpriyatiy gazovoy promyshlennosti. (Its: v.14, 1969. no.3, p.1-3) In
Russian. Titk b'.: Basic technical problems in gas industry construction. Reviews the rapid development of this industry in 1959-68, and analyzes some technological problems associated with the 2.5 m diam pipelines introduced into the gas transportation system of the country. Natural gas lines increased from 18,000 km in 1959 to 56,000 km in 1968, with the pipe diameter increasing from 326 mm on the Saratov-Moscow line to 1220 mm on the Ukhta-Torzhok line. Complications in laying 2.5 m diam pipe through rugged terrain, swamps, and permafrost areas under severe climatic conditions in the littlepopulated, roadless regions of the Siberian North are discussed. Some measures are suggested for coping with these difficulties. DLC. 107618 STROITEL'STVO TRUBOPROVODOV. Povysheniye zarabotnoy platy stroiteley i rabotnikov promyshlennosti stroymaterialov. (Its: v.14, 1969. no.3, p.3) In Russian. Title tr.: Wage increases in the construction and the construction materials industries. Lists the effective dates by area without specifying any rate of increase. In the Far North and hardship regions equated to the Far North, the increases are to become effective on DLC. 1 Feb 1969. 107619 STROITEL'STVO TRUBOPROVODOV. Samyy sevemyy v mire gazoprovod. (Its: v.14, 1969. no. 12, inside cover, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: The world's northernmost gas main. Presents illus of various features of the Messoyakha-Noril'sk pipeline construction. A sketch of the route and environs is included. DLC. 107620 STROITEL'STVO TRUBOPROVODOV. Sistema sevemykh gazoprovodov. (Its: v.14, 1969. no.4, inside cover, map),In Russian. Title tr.: The northern gas pipeline system. Sketch map of gas pipelines in operation, under construction and planned, incl northern European USSR and West Siberia. The Vuktyl-Syktyvkar-Rybinsk and BerezovoIgrim-Nizhniy Tagil pipelines are completed. Planned branches of the main Nadym-IntaUkhta pipeline are to carry gas to Arkhangel'sk and Murmansk, etc. A pipeline is also to connect the Urengoy and Medvezh'ye gas deposits with the main DLC. pipeline at Nadym. 107621 STROIUNOV, V.N. Stroitel'stvu portov na sibirskikh rekakh, progressivnyye konstruktsii i peredovuyu tekhnologiyu. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1970. v.20, no.5, p.17-19, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Modern 967
construction methods and advanced technology for building ports on Siberian rivers. Recommends a type of construction for wharfage of reinforced concrete sections giving specifications of the parts and the assembling and installation equipment. Prefabricated reinforced concrete parts are assembled into sections at the construction site, and installed with a truck, caterpillar, and railroad and trestle cranes. This method of building port installations increases labor productivity and saves time. The cost is 34-40% less than that of the DLC. crib pier quay of the port of Yakutsk. 107622 STROKKENES, H. Dryppsteinsgrottene i Rana. (Naturens verden. July 1966. p.193-205, map, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Dripstone grottoes in Rana. Describes an area of limestone occurrence near the Arctic Circle in Norway, where karst topography, disappearing streams, and grottoes several km in length are abundant. Several of the caves have fine exhibits of stalactites, stalagmites, underground lakes and waterfalls. Some, with bone, horn, and other remains. reveal former animal occupance. Recent speleological expeditions in the area are noted and the variety of necessary equipment indicated. Only the most easily accessible grottoes have been explored. Probably a hundred or more DLC. are still uninvestigated. 107623 STROSS, R.G. Photoperiod control of diapause in Daphnia, 2; induction of winter diapause in the Arctic. (Biological bulletin 1969. v.136, no.2, p.264-73, graphs) 18 refs. Pt 1 of this study does not deal with the Arctic. Reports a 1967 study at Barrow, Alaska. Overwintering embryos, still in their egg pods, were transferred to the laboratory from a nearby pool on June 15, and the reproductive cycle of Daphnia middendorffiana was examined in Imikpuk, Ikroavik and Sungoroak lakes. In constant temperatures and standardized culture density, the reproductive shift is controlled by daylength with a critical photoperiod of 22 hr light per day at intensity 2 (L:D 22:2) at 12°C. There is some evidence that temperature, rather than density of population, may be a factor interacting with the photoperCaMAI, DLC. iod. 107624 STROSS, R.G. and D.A. KANGAS. Reproductive cycle of Daphnia in an arctic pool. (Ecology 1969. v.50, no.3, p.457-60, graphs, table) 15 refs. Measurements of the cladoceran Daphnia middendorffiana population development, 16 June - 9 Aug 1967, in a pool near Imikpuk Lake in Northern Alaska, showed that the reproductive cycle of Daphnia is essentially the same in the pool and the lake (cf No 39644), 968
although the pool warms more rapidly and has twice the number of day-degrees above 0°C. An overwintering generation produces one brood of young before shifting to produce broods of embryos which enter diapause. In the pool, the reproductive shift occurs in midJuly rather than in late Aug. The restriction of population growth to one brood in the warmer pool and colder lake illustrates the theory that arctic temperature influences productivity by controlling life cycle rather than by restricting DGS. rates of matabolism. 107625 STOYENIYE ZEMNOY KORY YAKUTII I ZAKONOMERNOSTI RAZMESHCHENIYA POLEZNYKH ISKOPAYEMYKH. Moskva, Nauka 1969. 376 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structure of the earth's crust of Yakutia and distribution patterns of mineral resources. Presents an informative collective monograph on the last ten years' investigations. In the first section, on the structure of the earth's crust, the tectonics of the Siberian platform and the Verkhoyansk - Chukodca folded province are described. The stratigraphy of the region is analyzed from Archean to Cenozoic. Stages of magmatism and metamorphism are outlined. The main magmatic formations, granitoid, trap and kimberlite formations, are analyzed. In the second section, on patterns of mineral resources, the oil-gas provinces such as the Lena-Vilyuy, Lena-Aldan and Anabar are reviewed. The Tunguska, Lena, western Verkhoyansk, southern Yakutia, Zyryanka, and lower Aldan coal-bearing basins are described. The gold-bearing formation of eastern Yakutia is characterized. Data on tin, tungsten, mercury and other ores are outlined, as well as those for nonmetallic ores and placer deposits, especially DLC. gold placers. 107626 STROBING, K. Eisdrift im Nordpolarmeer. (Umschau 1968. v.68, no.21, p.662-63, maps) 3 refs. In German. Title tr.: Drift of ice in the Arctic Ocean. Two largely independent drift systems are recognized in the Arctic Ocean. The transpolar drift current carries ice from the region between the New Siberian Islands and Vrangel'ya Island to the Greenland Sea in 2-3 yr. There, it joins the drift southward in the East Greenland Current. On the North American side of the Arctic Ocean, a more-or-less closed anticyclonal drift system carries the ice in a cycle requiring 3-10 yr depending on the radius of its path. Both systems are controlled by rather stable centers of atmospheric circulation, which occasionally shift and cause ice from one of the drift systems to feed into the other, thus affecting the amount of ice in East Greenland drift. Consequently the drift at the boundary
between the two systems is important for longrange fore-casting of ice in the East Greenland DGS. Current. K. Ober 107627 STRUBING, Zusammenhang zwischen der Eisfiihrung des Ostgronlandstroms and der atmosphiirischen Zirkulation fiber dem Nordpolarmeer. (Deutsche hydrographische Zeitschrift 1967. v.20, no.6, p.257-65, graphs, maps, table) 11 refs. In German. English and French summary. Tide tr.: On the relation between the ice transport of the East Greenland Current and the atmospheric circulation over the Arctic Ocean. The Arctic Ocean ice drift, which is largely influenced by atmospheric circulation, affects the ice transport in the East Greenland Current. Comparison of the mean expansion of that current's ice belt, 65° - 70°N in Apr-Aug, with the long term mean, disclosed that 194952 were heavy and 1957-58 and 1960-61 were light ice years. A comparison of single values with synchronous atmospheric pressure values indicates that years with a greater/smaller amount of ice in the current were preceded by a wind-produced influx of ice from/into the Pacific gyral into/from the strongly/weakly developed Transpolar Drift stream. This may also be derived from the varying frequency of distinct types of atmospheric circulation during DLC. the two periods investigated. 107628 STRUKTURNO-GEOMORFOLOGICHESKIYE ISSLEDOVANIYA V SIBIRL Novosibirsk, Nauka 1970. 183 P. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Its: no.1) Refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Structural and geomorphic investigations in Siberia. This first number in a new series pub by the Inst. of Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences contains twenty papers; nine of them of northern interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: L.I. Ferdman, M.Ye. Gorodetskaya and Yu.A. Meshcheryakov, G.F. Kuznetsova and M.V. Tolkachev, A.N. Lastochkin, V.V. Zhukov and I.P. Fedorov, L.K. Zyat'kova (2 papers), L.K. Zyat'kova and G.F. Kuznetsova, and L.K. Zyat'kova and DLC. E.L. Yakimenko. 107629 STRUZHKOV, F.E. and V.B. TERENT'YEV. Otlichitel'nyye cherty olovonosnosti Tsentral'noy Chukotki. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1969. no.10, p.69-77, illus) 5 Title tr.: Distinctive fearefs. In Russian. tures of the tin-bearing structures of central Chukotka. Describes the Kuul', Palyavaam, and Rauchuan structures with extensive tin mineralization, noting the mode of occurrence and type of mineralization. Genetically and spatially tin
mineralization is associated with granitoid intrusions. The role of deep faults in the mineralization is discussed. The Palyavaam synclinorium and Kuul' anticlinorium have the best prospects. Attention is given also to placers of tin. DLC. STRUZHKOV, F.E., see also Nos. 103963, 103964, 107641. 107630 STUDE, D.L. High alumina cement solves permafrost cementing problems. (Petroleum engineer international 1969. v.41, no.10, p.64-66, graphs, illus) Data from laboratory model studies and field experience indicate that Fondu cement systems are the most reliable for North Slope cementing in permafrost. With a 50:50 FonduFlyash system, the temperature at the cementice interface remains at or below freezing and will set to adequate compressive strengths and attain adequate bond strength when placed in a 15°F environment. Pertinent data and recommended placement techniques are given. DGS. STUDIES ON THE HELMINTH FAUNA OF ALASKA, VOL. XLIV see No. 106646. 107631 STUIVER, M. Yale natural radiocarbon measurements 9. (Radiocarbon 1969. v.11, no.2, p.545-658) Refs. Includes dates for shells from various sites on Tingin Fiord, Cape Hooper, Kangok Fiord, Loozie Bay, Cape Henry Kater, Cape Christian, Cape Aston and Middle Ingsuin Fiord of eastern Baffin Island; for charcoal from an archeological site 2 mi south of the head of Deception Bay in Northern Quebec; shells from four sites on raised beaches of Devon Island; for wood, peat, and various organic layers in terminal moraines, outwash bodies, bogs or loess near Kaskawulsh, Donjek and FoxHazard Glaciers, Silver and Outpost Creeks, or Kluane Lake, NE and N flank of the St. Elias Range in Yukon Territory; for peat and shells from Mesters Vig in East Greenland; for organic matter, wood and moss in a series of samples from White River valley, N flank of the Wrangell and St. Elias Mts in Alaska; for mud or peat from St. Paul and St. George Islands; peat from Imuruk Lake, Seward Peninsula, and wood and peat from a permafrost sea cliff at Elephant Pt, Kotzebue Sound in Alaska. DGS. STUPAKOV, V.P., see No. 108105. 107632 STUPNIKOVA, N.I. and others. Radiologicheskiy vozrast pegmatitovykh zhil Severnoy Karelii. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1970. Ser. geol. no.4, p.85-103, graphs, tables) 45 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S.I. Zykov 969
and K.K. Zhirov. Title tr.: Radiological age of pegmatite veins in northern Karelia. Reviews absolute age determination methods and presents results for 67 accessory radioactive minerals from pegmatites and their calculated age values. The absolute age of these pegmatite veins as established by the lead DLC. isotope method is 1795 MY. STUPNIKOVA, NJ., see also No. 103670. Age of 107633 STURT, B.A. and others. alkaline rocks from West Finnmark, northern Norway, and their bearing on the dating of the Caledonian orogeny. (Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 1967. v.47, no.3, p.255-73, graph, map, tables) Refs. Other authors: J.A. Miller and F.J. Fitch. Reports on 27 new K-Ar age determinations on alkaline rocks from Serey, Seiland, and Stjerney. They fall into two major groups, 480-491 MY and 384-420 MY, considered to correspond to two major phases of the CaledoDGS. nian orogeny. STURT B.A. see also No. 106049. 107634 SUDA, Y. and G.W. ARGUS. Chromosome numbers of some North American arctic and boreal Salix. (Canadian journal of botany 1969. v.47, no.6, p.859-62) 17 refs. Reports on 12 species collected 1966 in Northern Alaska and Yukon Territory. Habitats on the North Slope of Alaska include Salix thicket on the edge of Meade River, wet tundra at Umiat, turfy and tussock tundra at Cape Beaufort, old coastal beach at Cape Thompson DGS. and beach ridge at Barrow. SUDAKOV, L.A., see No. 102707. SUDAR, R.B., see also No. 105331. 107635 SUDARIKOV, V.YE. 0 geograficheskorn rasprostranenii trematod otryada Strigeidida. (AN SSSR. Gel'mintologicheskaya laboratoriya. Trudy 1968. v.19, p.186-200, tables) 36 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geographical distribution of trematodes of the order Strigeidida. These parasites of birds, reptiles and mammals are distributed throughout the world, except for the Antarctic. Notes that the parasite found in northern deltas, tundras and estuaries has usually been introduced by a host from the south. The most northern record of the species Diplostomum spathaceum, in a black-headed gull, is at Bezymyannaya Bay, Novaya Zemlya. DLC. 107636 SUDOSTROYENIYE. "Avrora" na Arkhangel'skom reyde. (Its: no.8, 1967. 970
Title tr.: The Avrora p.64, illus) In Russian. in the Arkhangel'sk roadstead. Notes the courtesy visit of the training ships Avrora and Komsomolets of the Baltic fleet to Murmansk and Arkhangel'sk in July 1925. The visit was in tribute to an Arkhangel'sk Komsomol's effort and influence since 1922 to raise funds for naval construction. In the same journal 1968, no. 1 1, p. 70, Yu. F. Tarasyuk amends this account with information on these vessels' trip in 1924 and 1930 also to Arkhangel'sk. DLC. SUDOVIKOV, N.G., see No. 108017. SUFFEL, G.G., see Nos. 103006,105958. 107637 SUKHACHEV, A.I. and K.I. KATAYA. Kovdorskiy gornoobogatitel'nyy kombinat. (Gornyy zhurnal 1970. no.8, p.17-21, map, table, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Kovdor ore-concentration combine. Describes the local geology, mineral deposits and mining technology, and the production of this combine on the Verkhnyaya Kovdora River in southwest Kola Peninsula. The combine began operations in 1964, with an output of 6 million ton of raw ore and 2.4 of concentrate a yr; its 1965-69 production has been 18% DLC. above that. SUKHANOV, G.K., see No. 106627. I.V. 0 107638 SUKHANOVA, nekotorykh rzhavchinnykh gribakh v lesakh Arkhangel'skoy oblasti. (Moskovskoye o-vo ispytateley prirody. Byulleten' 1968. Otd. biologicheskiy v.73, no.6, p.113-17, tables) Refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Certain rust fungi in the forests of Arkhangelsk Province. Lists fungus species and the trees they affect. Most important are Chrysomyxa ledi and Thekopsora padi on spruce, and Coleosporium sp on pine. These fungal diseases may be responsible for stunting and destruction of cerDLC. tain tree species. SUKHANOVA, YEA., 108130.
Nos. 107057,
107639 SUKHODREV, V.M. and G.S. TOROCHKOV. Pnevmoudarnoye bureniye vzryvnykh skvazhin na apatitovom rudnike im. S.M. Kirova. (In: AN SSSR. Kol'skiy filial. Gornometallurgicheskiy inst. Fizika i tekhnologiya...1965, p.109-113, graphs, tables) 3 refs. In Russian. Title Sr.: Pneumatic-shock drilling of blast holes at the S.M. Kirov apatite mines. Analyzes performance of the rotary drilling rigs: BA-100-P1, BSPA-3, P- II, and NKR-100. Their technical features are described and their performance compared, showing the NKR-100
to be the most effective for drilling in apatitenepheline ores. Its optimum performance is at 120-140 rpm with 600-750 kg force on the axis. The noise levels of these drills, 117 db at 5 m chisel depth and 122-125 db at 3 m depth, are DLC. above the permitted 90 db. 107640 SUKHODROVSKIY, V.L. Razvitiye vzglyadov S.V. Obrucheva na proiskhozhdeniye nagornykh terras. (In: Geografiya i geomorfologiya Azii 1969. p.130-42, illus) Refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Development of S.V. Obruchev's views on the origin of altiplanation terraces. Analyzes the opinions of Russian scientists concerning the origin of altiplanation terraces observed mostly in mountainous arctic areas. There is no commonly accepted answer to the question as yet. Two groups of opinion are recognized. One of them, that of S.V. Obruchev, explains altiplanation terraces as caused by reduction and flattening of slope surfaces by solifluction, freeze and thaw, subnival deflation DLC. and related processes. 107641 SUKHOROSLOV, V.L. and F.E. STRUZHKOV. Novyy tip zolotykh rossypey Chukotki. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. p.36667) In Russian. Tide tr.: A new type of gold placer in Chukotka. Describes coastal marine placers divided into beach and bench facies in Ryveyem Creek. The Cenozoic history of the region is briefly characterized. Favorable areas are noted to search for coastal marine placers on the Chukotka and East Siberian seacoasts. DLC SUKHOROSLOV, V.L., 102276.
see also No.
107642 SUKHORUKOV, YU.G. 0 regional'noy zonal'nosti v razmeshchenii nekotorykh polemykh iskopayemykh v predelakh Verkhoyanskogo megantiklinoriya. (Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy 1969. Geologiya i razvedka no.8, p.52-56, map) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Regional zonation in the distribution of some mineral resources within the Verkhoyansk meganticlinorium. The Verkhoyansk geosynclinal province is characterized by little magmatism. Two complexes of intrusive rocks are defined, sills and dikes of Permian-Triassic diabase and small intrusives of granitoids. The Verkhoyansk meganticlinorium can be separated into three large structural zones, western, central and eastern, and these are characterized. The western zone has no mineralization. In the other two the mineral resources are the result of structural, magmatic and metamorphic factors, which are outlined. The cassiterite-sulfide
formation in the Arkachan basin is the most important. DLC. 107643 SUKHORUKOVA, E.V. Nekotoryye osobennosti formy raspredeleniya ionizatsii v polyamoy ionosfere. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1969. v.9, no.2, p.264-68, graphs, tables) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some special features in the form of ionization distribution in the polar ionosphere. Discusses the vertical variation 1-1„, of ionized gas at various ionospheric levels. The values of H,„ calculated from the ionograms obtained at Murmansk for quiet days, assuming a parabolic form of the layer at maximum, and a Chapman ionization distribution, are found to differ by 10%. The dependence of H„„ on the level of the formation of the layer maximum is demonstrated. The mean electron-ion temperatures at different altitudes are given. DLC. SUKHORUKOVA, S.S., see No. 103421. 107644 SUKHOV, L.G. and YEA. BESPALAYA. 0 datirovke otdel'nykh etapov trappovogo vulkanizma na zapade Tungusskoy sineklizy. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.14, p.28-34, tables) Refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Dating individual stages of trap volcanism in the west of the Tunguska syneclise. Reports material on the biostratigraphy and cyclic frequency of volcanism of this area. From analysis of paleontological data the time of individual stages of trap volcanism can be determined. Nine paleontological regional horizons are separated, and shown to have been formed from the end of the late Permian to beginning of the middle(?) Triassic. CaMAI, DLC. 107645 SUKHOV, L.G. and T.G. DOROSHEVSKAYA. Usloviya obrazovaniya trappov i svyazannogo s nimi orudeneniya v basseyne r. Tutonchany. (Leningrad. N.issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy 1970. v.162, no.2, p.149-66, graphs, tables) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Conditions of trap formation and associated mineralization in the Tutonchana River basin. Presents chemical data on various groups of basalts of differentiated and undifferentiated intrusions. On the basis of these properties, the mineralogic composition and structural features of the trap bodies, the differentiation and crystallization of the parent basalt magma are outlined. The main factors affecting differentiation are temperature, pressure, distribution of components in liquid state, and mobility of alkalis and volatiles. The mineralization is 971
genetically related to the intrusive activity. DLC. SUKHOV, LG., 105919.
see also
Nos. 103157,
SUKHOVA, V.G., see No. 103891. SUKNEVA, L.S., see No. 102657. SULIMOV, B.I., see No. 101641. 107646 SULIMOV, I.N.and others. 0 paleotektonike zapadnoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy v paleozoye i mezozoye. (Sibirskiy n.issl. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy 1969. no.89, p.88-114, maps, table) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Paleotectonics of the western part of the Siberian platform in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic. States the characteristics of the main part of the Riphean structural zone of this region from Vendian time in the early Paleozoic through the Jurassic period. Twelve paleotectonic schemes compiled by a generally accepted method are presented, each for a separate geologic time span. DLC. 107647 SULIMOV, I.N. 0 struktumofatsial'nykh zonakh nizhnego paleozoya na zapade Sibirskoy platformy. (Geologiya geofizika 1969. no.11, p. 117-22) 7 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Structural and facies zones of the lower Paleozoic in the west of the Siberian platform. Summarizes characteristics of these zones including the Igarka-Kheta regional subsidence and Anabar anteclise. Sedimentary formations of the western part of the Siberian platform and structures of its boundary are analyzed, beginning with the late Precambrian and ending with the Ordovician. DLC. SULIMOV, I.N., see also No. 107532. 107648 SULLIVAN, J.W. Fairbanks; an economic profile. College, Alaska 1970. 19 p. tables. (Alaska review of business and economic conditions. v.7, no.1) Examines the historical and present economic structure of this non-industrial city, with a 1968 estimated population of 45,300 incl outlying areas and 8920 military personnel. Tabulated data and discussion deal with population in 1960-68, air transportation 1953-68, gold production 1940-68, civilian workforce 196168, non-agricultural employment and payroll by industry 1963-68. State government employment and enrollment of school children 196268 are also given. Property tax rates in selected US communities and slates 1966, average retail prices of 40 selected items in 13 Alaskan cities compared with Seattle are shown, as are esti972
mated family income and financial data such as debt, revenues, budget, etc for Northstar Borough of Fairbanks. CaMAI, DI. 107649 SULLIVAN, J.W. Personal income patterns in Alaska. College, Alaska 1969. 12 p. tables. (Alaska review of business and economic conditions, v.6, no. I). Compares personal income in Alaska for 1961-67 to that in the US as a whole, and analyzes the distribution of income in the industries by racial-cultural groups and between urban and rural residents. Related statistics for cost of living, retail prices and for unemployment insurance and welfare payments are tabulated. Actual buying power per person and living standards are not improving in rural areas although steadily so in large urban centers, thus increasing disparities in living standards. Almost all victims of poverty in both urban and rural areas are non-whites, chiefly Eskimos, Indians or Aleuts. CaMAI, Dl. SUNDNES, G., see No. 104532. 107650 SUNDSTROM, E. Gellivarebanans stora malmtagslok. (Jamvags-teknik 1964. v.32, no.6, p.145-48, table, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: The Gallivare railway's large ore-train locomotives. Describes construction problems and early engines on the Swedish-Norwegian railway built to Narvik 1884-91. Engines are identified, and weights, dimensions, wheel numbers, and other information are given for those in service up to the time of railway electrification. DLC.
107651 SUOMINEN, J. Plant cover of Finnish railway embankments and the ecology of their species. (Annales botanici fennici 1969. v.6, no.3, p.183-235, graphs, map, tables, illus) Approx 100 refs. Presents a detailed study of the response of plant cover to the variable characteristics of railway embankments, which are usually coarse-grained, dry, acid soil, poor in nutrients. The selective care and management of embankments, their different exposures, heights, surroundings, age and latitude are considered. The character of sample plots and their floral species are summarized, their mean cover and frequency values tabulated. In general old embankments have xerothermic vegetation on high south-facing slopes, heath-forest vegetation on north slopes, and mesic grassland vegetation on low embankments. Changes with latitude, land use, and other variations are noted. Some of the embankments sampled are in arctic Finland. DLC. SUPER, A.D., see No. 103738.
107652 SUPRUNENKO, O.I. and G.P. DEKIN. Ob osobennostyakh gravitatsionnogo polya Yuzhnoy Kamchatki. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.181, no.4, p.956-59, map) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Features of the gravity field of southern Kamchatka. Reports recent regional gravimetric studies. A scheme of the distribution of high gravity gradients and residual anomalies is presented and geologic interpretation given. The complexity of the gravity field is noted, as is a transition zone between the Asian continent and the Pacific, and the intensive fracturing of DLC. the earth's crust. 107653 SUPRUNENKO, O.I. and G.P. DEKIN. Subshirotnyye razlomy Vostochnoy Kamchatki. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.180, no.6, p.1442-45, map, illus) 7 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Sublalitudinal faults of eastern Kamchatka. Describes faults trending nearly E-W detected by gravity and aeromagnetic surveys in three zones 5-10 km wide and about 100 km long. The presence of such faults in relation to the spatial distribution of volcanoes is noted. DLC. 107654 SUPRUNENKO, O.I. Vazhneyshiye razlomy tsentral'noy chasti Vostochnoy Kamchatki. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1970. v.192, no.3, p.619-22, map) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The major faults in the central part of eastern Kamchatka. Identifies, maps and interprets fault systems, longitudinal and transverse, in relation to the strike of the major structural and orographic elements. Transverse faults play an important role in the distribution of volcanoes in central and eastern Kamchatka and the systems as a whole reveal the regional block strucDLC. ture. SUPRUNENKO, 0.1., see also No. 101806. SURIKOV, S.N., see Nos. 102097,102098. 107655 SURINA, N.P. Geologiya dayek ul'traosnovnykh-shchelochnykh porod Maymecha-Kotuyskogo rayona. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.10, p.13-22, map, illus) 6 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geology of dikes of ultramafic alkalic rocks of the MaymechaKotuy region. This region is characterized by numerous dikes of ultramafic alkalic rocks. Augitite and limburgite dikes were formed first and are associated with flows of alkaline basaltoids. The main stage of dike formation of picrite, augitite, limburgite, nepheinite, etc is connected with intrusions of central type. After the dosing stage of magmatism of the Maymecha-
Kotuy region, dikes of kimberlites were DLC. intruded. SURINA, N.P., see also No. 108537. 107656 SURKHASKO, YU.YU. Ob istoriko-etnicheskoy tipologii karel'skoy svad'by. (Sovetskaya etnografiya 1972. no.4, p.102-107, maps) 9 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Historical and ethnic typology of the Karelian wedding. Deals with traditional elements in wedding ritual observed at the turn of the 20th century, incl North Karelian and White Sea variants. Courtship, bridal headdress and hair braiding, wedding songs and ceremonies with magic rites rooted in ancestor worship, etc, are described for the northern type. Differences in the middle and south Karelian rituals are ascribed to stronger historical and ethnic ties with Russians CaMAI, DLC. and Finns. SURKOV, S.S., see No. 106131. 107657 SURKOV, V.S. Geotektonicheskoye rayonirovaniye fundamenta ZapadnoSibirskoy plity. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.8, p.34-46, map) Refs. In Russian. Title nt: Geotectonic regionalization of the basement of the West Siberian platform. Based on geologic-geophysical criteria of structural zones, a new scheme is given of the internal structure of folded systems of the West Siberian platform and its mountain borders. The northern areas of Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk Provinces are included. Different features in the development of the folded systems are shown, as are specifics of the reflection of various structures of the basement in anomalous geophysical fields. Graben-rifts of Triassic age in the basement are noted. DLC.
107658 SURKOV, V.S. Osobennosti razvitiya struktur fundamenta Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity na stadii molodoy platformy. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1968. no.12, p.44-55, graphs, maps) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The structural development of the basement in the West Siberian platform during the young platform stage. Describes features in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic cover of the platform which were inherited from basement structures. The most intensive and persistent inherited dislocations in the cover are found over basement structures formed in the upper Paleozoic. Basement of geosynclinal type is reflected in Hercynian structural zones and basement of block type in older structures. A new scheme of classifying structures of the platform cover is offered; it includes the northern areas of Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk Provinces. DLC. 973
107659 SURKOV, V.S. and others. Stroyeniye promezhutochnogo struktumogo yarusa Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1969. no.5, p.104-108, map) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: O.G. Zhero and L.F. Umantsev. Tide tr.: Structure of the intermediate structural stage of the West Siberian platform. Presents a schematic map of this stage of the platform, incl northern areas of Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk Provinces. The intermediate stage is a structural complex of relatively slightly dislocated and slightly metamorphosed formations between the folded basement and the base of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic platformic cover. The thickness, structures, and geologic position of the intermediate stage are characterized in relation to oil and gas accumulation. DLC. 107660 SURKOV, V.S. Tektonicheskoye rayonirovaniye mezo-kaynozoyskogo platformennogo chekhla Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1970, v.13, no.4, p.80-89, map) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Tectonic regionalization of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic platformic cover of the West Siberian platform. Confirms the morphogenic classification of platformic structures, and presents new data on the tectonic structure of the platformic cover. The effects of the structures of various type and age of basement upon the formation of structures of the cover are reviewed. Prospecting for DLC. oil and gas is discussed. 107661 SURKOV, V.S. and others. Tektonika dokembriyskikh obrazovaniy fundamenta Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity. (Sibirskiy n.-issl. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy 1969. no.89, p.75-80, map) I() refs. In Russian. Other authors: O.G. Zhero and L.V. Smirnov. Title tr.: Tectonics of the Precambrian formations of the basement of the West Siberian platform. Describes the general tectonic plan of Precambrian folded complexes in the present basement structure of this platform, and indicates the regions where the basement was formed by Precambrian consolidation of DLC. folded systems. 107662 SURLYK, F. and others. Preliminary account of the mapping of the Mesozoic formations of south-east Jameson Land. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1971, no.37, p.24-32, map, table) 15 refs. Other authors: R.G. Bromley, U. Asgaard. and K.R. Pedersen. Summarizes 1970 fieldwork on the west side of Hurry Fjord, Jameson Land, in the eastern Scoresby Sund region of East Greenland. A special study was made of the paleobotany of the Kap Stewart, the ichnology of the Neill 974
Klinter, and the stratigraphy of the Kap Biot, Vardeldeft, Hareelv and Raukelv formations which overlie the Neill Klinter Formation. The sequence ranges in age from Triassic to Cretaceous. A geologic formation table gives lithostratigraphic divisions, approximate thicknesses and data on depositional environments. DGS. 107663 SUSLONOVA, G.A. and A.A. YAROSHENKO. Sostoyaniye slizistoy obolochki polosti rta i soderzhaniye vilaminov C, B1, B2u cheloveka v usloviyakh Zapolyar'ya. (In: Akklimatizatsiya i krayevaya patologiya...1970. p.178-80, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Condition of the oral mucous membrane and the vitamin C, B„ and B, content of man in the Arctic. Newcomers to the Far North, coming from middle and southern latitudes of the Soviet Union, suffer frequently from infections of the oral mucous membranes due to a lowered vitamin C, B, and B, content in the organism. The vitamin C content in their blood plasma stays within the lower normal level. The level of vitamins B1 and B2 in urine decreases with continued stay in the North. DLC. 107664 SUSLOVA, S.N. K stratigrafli karelid severo-zapadnoy chasti Kol'skogo poluostrova. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.188, no.1, p.187-90, map) 8 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Stratigraphy of the Karelides in the northwestern part of Kola Peninsula. Reports a study of the so-called Tundra series in the Kaskama and Shuort mountains and adjacent regions. Its structure and stratigraphy are outlined. Its Tal'ya and Kaskama suites are defined, and their composition and development are characterized. The series' age is tentatively established as lower Proterozoic. DLC. S.N. N ekotoryye 107665 SUSLOVA, voprosy genezisa giperstenovykh dioritov na Kol'skom poluostrove. (In: Problemy magmatizma Baltiyskogo...1971. p.232-37, graph, tables, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Genesis of the hypersthene diorites in Kola Peninsula. Characterizes the ultrametamorphic mafic crystalline schists and amphibolites of the Lotta region. During an early metasomatic stage, rocks of diorite and granodiorite composition were produced, and in a second stage altered to chamockites. From the composition of these rocks it is concluded that they were not intrusive, but products of ultrametamorphism. DLC. SUTHERLAND, D.S., see No. 106891. 107666 SUTTON, J. and J. WATTERSON. Flat-lying metamorphic complex and related
igneous rocks of the Kap Farvel area. (Greenland. Geologiske undersegelse. Report 1968, no.15, p.58-60) Ref. Summarizes structural relations of rocks mapped on 1:100,000 scale over a 7000 km2 area east of Frederiksdal extending 90 km north from the southern tip of Greenland to the north side of Lindenows Fjord. No crystalline basement rocks have been recognized in the presumably Ketilidian sequence, several km thick, of high-grade crystallines derived from predominantly clastic sediments. The metamorphic complex is remarkable for its flat-lying structure. With areas adjacent to the west, these rocks define a gentle dome ca 100 km wide. A locally discordant subhorizontal granodiorite sheet provides a datum for division between upper and lower rock series. Degrees of metamorphism, some folding, younger igneous rocks, zones of veins, a rapakivi suite, mineral facies, and local collapse structure are among features marking the chronological sequence. CaMAI, DLC. SUTTON, J., see also No. 102535. 107667 SUTTON, R.W. Bird finding in Manitoba. (Canadian audubon 1962. v.24, no.2, p.10-14, map, illus) Surveys climate and types of habitat, and discusses in general terms those species which the casual bird observer may reasonably expect to find. Some localities representative of the major types of habitat--boreal forest, lowlands, grassland, tundra forest and tundra are mapped. CaMAI. 107668 SUZDAL'SKIY, O.V. Formirovaniye i stratigraficheskoye znacheniye kompleksov mollyuskov morskogo pozdnego kaynozoya Zapadnoy Sibiri. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.26, p.80-88, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Formation and stratigraphic significance of late Cenozoic marine mollusc assemblages in West Siberia. These mollusc assemblages are connected with the migration of Pacific and Atlantic species and their isolation with specific habitation conditions. Their zoographic composition and relation to water salinity enable their definition in assemblages. Two, the Kazantsevo and preKazantsevo, are of stratigraphic importance; the others help to establish the paleohydrological regime of the old continental basin. DLC. 107669 SUZDAL'SKIY, O.V. Ispol'zovaniye sostava pogloshchennogo kompleksa i trudnorastvorimykh coley v fatsial'nom analize pozdnego kaynozoya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.13, p.205-222,
graphs, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Utilization of the composition of the absorption complex and of difficultly soluble salts in facies analyses of the late Cenozoic. Reviews some geochemical methods for facies analyses of Pliocene, Pleistocene and Holocene deposits in the north of West Siberia. Results of 147 analyses of exchange bases and 138 analyses of difficultly soluble salts are reported. Appraisal is given of MgO:CaO in the composition of these salts and the content of chlorine in alcohol-water extractions. The possibility is pointed out of utilizing the composition of difficulty soluble salts for the interpretation of paleogeographic conditions of sedimentation. DLC. 107670 SUZDAL'SKIY, O.V. Ispol'zovaniye stratigraficheskoy klassifikatsii pri izuchenii pozdnego kaynozoya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.21, p.40-43, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Utilization of stratigraphic classification to study the late Cenozoic. Each stratigraphic construction needs an individual approach. Separation of the units should be based upon a typical section of rocks. A regional scheme of zones of PliocenePleistocene transgressions in the north of West Siberia is presented and briefly interpreted. DLC. 107671 SUZDAL'SKIY, O.V. Osadki beregovoy zony v pleystotsene severo-vostoka Zapadnoy Sibiri. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Regional'naya geologiya no.15, p.141-48, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Pleistocene sediments of the coastal zone in the West Siberian northeast. Reports a study in the Yangoda River basin and adjacent areas. The sediment complex of the shore zone of the ancient basin is distinguished and described in some detail. The facies of active beach, bottom beach with inshore shoal, shore drainage, and bench are CaMAI, DLC. described and illus. 107672 SUZDAL'SKIY, O.V. Simpozium po probleme "Kaynozoyskaya istoriya Polyarnogo basseyna i yeye vliyaniye na razvitiye landshaftov severnykh territoriy." (Geograficheskoye o-vo SSSR. Izvestiya 1969. v.101, no.4, p.390-91) Ip Russian. Title tr.: Symposium on the Cenozoic history of the polar basin and its effects on the development of the landscapes of northern regions. Reports this 1-6 Apr 1968 meeting in Leningrad, with representatives of 46 scientific organizations present and 102 papers delivered. Biogeography, climatology, glaciology, geology, paleontology and permafrost were the 975
main topics of discussion. Some papers are briefly summarized, the more urgent questions for further consideration are cited. DLC.
need for measures to meet the Greenlanders' sense of justice are stressed throughout. CaMAI, DGS.
SUZUKI, N., see No 104687.
107676 SVEISTRUP, P.P. Oplosningen of Gronlandsministeriet. (Gronland 1966. no.9, p.313-18) In Danish. Title tr.: The dissolution of the Ministry for Greenland. Comments on the decision to divide the administration of Greenland among different Danish government departments. The new arrangement may have advantages but it may not allow attention to be given to specific Greenland conditions as well as before. CaMAI, DLC.
107673 SVARICHEVSKAYA, Z.A. and others. Pamyati professora M.A. Lavrovoy. (Leningrad. Univ. Vestnik 1970. v.25, ser. geol. i geog. no.12, p.167-68) In Russian. Other authors: N.G. Zagorskaya and O.M. Znamenskaya. Title t,: In memory of Prof. M.A. Lavrova_ Obituary of Mariya Alekseyevna Lavrova, noting her work on the geology and geography of Novaya Zemlya, Kola Peninsula, and other arctic regions. Born 27 Mar 1887, she died 1 May 1969. DLC. SVARTHOLM„ F., see No. 105338. 107674 SVATKOV, N.M. Sovremennoye oledeneniye khrebta Malinovskogo. (AN SSSR. Inst. geografli. Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy. Khronika, obsuzhdeniya 1969. no.15, p.111-19, map, tables, illus) 5 refs. In Russian. English summary. Tide Zr.: The present glaciation of Malinovskogo Range. Reports a study incl use of aerial photos of this southern part of the Pylgingskogo Mts in northern Kamchatka. Some 209 glaciers were found with a total area of 34.36 km, incl individual glaciers of 0.01 km or more. Their main features are described and dimensions of their main parameters stated. The results are compared with those of M.1. Malykh, No 53090. DLC. SVATKOV, N.M., see also No. 101672. 107675 SVEISTRUP, P.P. Economy of Greenland. Kobenhavn, C.A. Reitzels Forlag 1967. 218p. (Meddelelser om Gronland. v.182, no.1) 9 refs. Focuses on problems in the development of the Greenland economy. For 11 yr Greenland has been politically part of the Danish kingdom, represented in the Folketing and with legislation in many respects similar to that for Denmark. Discussion and planning should now be in terms of the whole man rather than just the economic man. Differences in understanding of certain concepts on the part of people with different languages are considered, e.g. profitableness and welfare. Goals, monopoly or competition, evaluation, financial means, climate and productivity are discussed, as are salaries, wages and the influence of race differences on the economy. Political administration, municipal self-government, education and economic fluctuations are also dealt with, among other subjects. The Danish people's long held values in regard to the Greenlanders and the 976
SVENDSEN, A.S., see No. 108351. 107677 SVENKO, G. Vatslav Seroshevskiy i yego trudy o yakutakh. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Izvestiya 1969. no.1, ser. obshchestvennykh nauk no.1, p.74-78) Approx 30 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Waclaw Sieroszewski and his works on Yakuts. Biographical sketch of this Polish writer and political activist, exiled in 1880 to Yakutia. His ethnographic, geographical, botanical etc studies are reviewed, particularly his book Yakuty, No.26192. DLC. 107678 SVENSK-NORSKA RENBETESKOMMISSIONEN AV 1964. Betfinkande. Stockholm, Norstedt 1967. 475 p. graphs, maps, tables. In Swedish. Title tr.: SwedishNorwegian Reindeer Range Commission of 1964. Considerations. Presents a comprehensive and detailed discussion of the factors affecting the reindeer husbandry and continued cooperation between the two countries. In two parts, the first deals with conditions as they have developed to 1965; the second with the specific goals for Lappish reindeer husbandry and measures to avoid problems of international concern. Traffic over the boundary in both directions and its regulation are considered from the first agreement in 1751. Specific agreements regulate the origin, right, area available, and designation of eligible Lapps. Detailed descriptions by county and commune are given for the mandated area, its people, economics and development. The natural capabilities of various parts of the area as related to the nutritional and biological needs of the animals are considered from various viewpoints. Limiting factors of the pasturage, both natural and man-made, are evaluated. The economy of the industry is described as a whole and as it concerns the individual owner. Modern research into pasture and its limitations is reviewed. The various forms of reindeer husbandry and their development
are compared. The extensive tabular data include reindeer numbers, size of herd and variations from one settlement to another over the years, number of herder families, acreage by use in communes, etc. The survey of research includes the practical economy of feeding and growth, optimum slaughtering condition, care and use of animal products, merchandising, etc. Pt 2 deals mainly with the general economic and social goals of the reindeer Lapp segment of society, and rationalization of economic means of improvement. Proposals and evaluations for individual villages and reindeer-raising districts are summarized. Measures are suggested to avoid problems in respect to the other country as the various phases of occupation by the migrating herds take place. DLC. 107679 SVENSKA JARNVAGSTIDNINGEN.SVENSKA JARNVAGSTIDNINGEN. Distriktskansli i Umed. (Its: v.56, 1969. no.3, p.13, map, illus) In Swedish. Title tn: District office in Umea. Reports on increase of membership in the State employees organization generally and of that expected to July 1969 in Norrland specifically. This district covers almost half of Sweden but has only 10% of the national membership. The commissioner of this new district office expects increase of job opportunities and DLC. increased membership. 107680 SVENSKA JARNVAGSTIDNINGEN.SVENSKA JARNVAGSTIDNINGEN. Jokkmokks marknad. (Its: v.56, 1969. no.1, p.44-45, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: The Jokkmokk fair. Describes the Lappish winter festival at Jokkmokk, its deliberative and social origin, and development of trading. Now it offers a great variety of commercial and artistic goods, with traders from all over Sweden, Lapps from all over Lapland, and permanent buildings, etc. DLC. 107681 SVENSKA VA GFORENINGENTransportstod for Norrland. (Its: Tidskrift 1970. v.57,no.4, p.156) In Swedish. Title tr.: Transport support for Norrland. Outlines a plan for immediate government support of haulage 300 km or more in northern Sweden by rail or road of fully or partly fabricated goods, and excludes ore, metals, partly fabricated iron and steel, forest raw materials, oil and gasoline. A three-yr research study has been commissioned to develop a transport policy based on tax structures and actual costs. DLC. 107682 SVENSKA VA GFORENINGEN. Vagfbreningen beg* extra vfigpengar till
Norrland. (Its: Tidskrift 1970. v.57, no.1, p.8-9) In Swedish. Title tr.: The Highway Association wants extra highway funds for Norrland. Discusses funds for road building in 197074, and plans and policies as they affect this large northern county of Sweden. Roads are needed for transport of both goods and people. Income is needed by those trying to remain in the sparsely settled areas, and work is required for labor let off water-power projects. Both construction and maintenance services should be funded. DLC. 107683 SVENSSON, H. Frozen-ground morphology of northeastemmost Norway. (In: Symposium on Ecology of the Subarctic Regions 1966. Proceedings pub 1970, p.161-68, illus) 18 refs. French summary. Fieldwork in Finnish Lapland and northern Norway in 1961, used aerial photography to locate permafrost features. The most frequent form is the palsa. The exterior form, soil structure and thermal regime of palsas in the Varanger district are described. Their max height is 7 m, lowest situation is at 16 m elevation and 100 m from the sea shore; many are surrounded by water termed pals lag; their peat cover is always dissected by fissures which permits erosion of the peat; sand with some gravel and sporadic stones composes the minerogenic top soil below the peat; the permafrost surface is approx conformable to the palsa surface; the ice content is 71.1-73.3% of the dry soil. Temperatures >0°C occur only in the uppermost peat layer and only during summer and early fall: from 1 m depth downward is permafrost. In some plateau areas, low flat hillocks and their degeneration stage, small ring-ridged circular lakes of 15-35 m diam occur. The mounds are clay and silt, with no peat cover. They may be transitional forms to pingos. Fossil icewedge polygons occur on raised deltas or marine terraces on the coast and on fluvioglacial deposits in the interior. Provisional C-14 dates for their lowest peat layers are 4400 ± 90 and 4890 ± 70 BP. CaMAI, MdU. 107684 SVENSSON, P.O. Growth of nymphs of stream living stoneflies (Plecoptera) in northern Sweden. (Oikos 1966. v.17, p.197-206, graphs, tables, illus) 8 refs. Russian summary. The stonefly fauna of three oligotrophic streams with almost no organic pollution, tributary to the Skellefte River in northeastern Sweden was studied. Total body length, width of head capsule, and length of pronotum were measured. The correlation between these three measurements was good, except in two species, viz: Nemoura avicularis and Diura nanseni. The findings were generally in agreement with those of Brinck (No 20905). Retardation of 977
growth in autumn and a quiescent period in winter were established in all species. Resumption of growth in spring started for some before the ice had started to melt. DLC. 107685 SVENSSON, S. Hackningsbiologiska studier i en koloni av backsvala, Riparia riparia, vid Ammamtis ar 1968. (Val. figelvarld 1969. v.28, no.3/4, p.236-40, graphs, table, illus) 4 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Title tr.: Studies on the breeding biology of the bank swallow Riparia riparia in a colony near Ammamas in 1968. Reports on the nests of about 60 pairs of these birds in the subalpine birch forest zone at 550-600 m, as observed with a mirror and battery-powered lamp on a meter-long rod. The burrows ranged 40-70 cm deep, average 58 cm. Clutch averaged 4.8 eggs, with six or three occurring in a few. Incubation period was typically 16-17 days. When the study, 11 June-14 July, ended, only a few, probably deserted, unhatched clutches remained. The birds were studied by color marking of their bodies. Their preferred food hunting area was at a river delta DLC. 6 km from the colony. SVENSSON,
S., see also No.
and G. 107686 SVENSSON, T.G. ANDERSSON. Sameme og det svenske samfund. (Jordens folk 1968. v.4, no.4, Title tr.: The p.373-75, illus) In Danish. Lapps and the Swedish community. Lapps in the Karesuando and Jukkasjiirvi sections of northern Sweden have travel routes and rights from the Swedish lowland, where they winter, to the Norwegian boundary on the upland, where they summer. Over the years grazing lands have been reduced; tourism, more outdoor life, and other local interests encroach upon their routes and rights, e.g. the Kiruna mining interests threaten the Rautasvuoma trail. The growth since 1950 of the Lappish League and its policies and problems are outlined. The League has increased its effectiveness and, in Oct 1968, was to draft its reply to an official proposal for a new reindeer law and a new political structure to govern the area. DLC. Glomfjord salpe107687 SVERAM, T. terfabrikker. (Byggekunst 1970. v.52, no.1, p.36-37, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Glomfjord nitrate plant. Describes this new installation 20 km north of the Arctic Circle and 50 km southwest of Bodo, mainly laboratory and office space, but adaptable to other use and later expansion. Wall types, utilities and layout are explained. Full prefabrication was ruled out because of high transportation cost. Concrete was mixed 978
on the site and wood products were used in some walls, and for acoustical absorption. Roof covering includes two layers of tar board. Interior decorative materials and colors are also noted. DLC. SVERBILOVA, T.V., see No. 107070. 107688 SVERDRUP, T.L. and others. Uran og thorium i Norge. (Norway. Geologiske undersokelse. Skrifter 1967. no.250A, p.531, graph, map, table) Refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Other authors: D. Thorkildsen and H. Bjorlykke. Title tr.: Uranium and thorium in Norway. Reviews what is known of these elements in Norway. The types of rocks in which each is found are described, as are the known localities, Intl three in Troms. Nearly 50 minerals in Norway containing more than 0.1% U and/or Th are tabulated. DGS. 107689 SVERDRUP, T.L. Yttrofluoriteyttrocerite-cerfluorite in Norwegian pegmatites; Contributions to the mineralogy of Norway no.37. (Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 1968. v.48, no.4, p.245-52, map, tables) Refs. Discusses the occurrence of rare earth materials, mainly those found in pegmatite veins in Nordland. Chemical analyses and Xray data are presented. Rare earths in fluorite may vary in type and amount within any one pegmatite body. DGS. 107690 SVESHNIKOVA, I.N. and LYU. BUDANTSEV. Iskopayemyye flory Arktiki, 1: Paleozoyskiye i mezozoyskiye flory Zapadnogo Shpitsbergena, Zemli Frantsa-Iosifa i ostrova Novaya Sibir'. Leningrad. Nauka 1969. 129 p. maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title in: Fossil flora of the Arctic, 1: Paleozoic and Mesozoic flora of Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land and Novaya Sibir' Island. Presents the first volume of a report on 1959-67 collections of plant remains in the islands named and in Kamchatka. It deals with early Carboniferous and late Cretaceous floras. In Spitsbergen, the early Carboniferous vegetation was that of a warm temperate forest. Comparison with the Carboniferous floras of Eurasia indicates that the character of the paleoclimatic and paleofloristic zonation was already established, and that the early Cretaceous Neocomian flora may be attributed to the long geographic isolation of the island. The Franz Josef Land flora of Aptian-Albian age is characterized. The late Cretaceous TuroMan flora of Novaya Sibir' Island amounts to more than forty species, now extinct, in which angiosperms and conifers predominate. This flora shows a close affinity with the late
Cretaceous flora of Alaska and northwest Canada. DLC. SVESHNHCOVA, YEN, 108661.
see Nos. 104819,
107691 SVETLOV, I.I. Forecasting cod distribution at West Greenland by means of water temperature. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Research bulletin 1970. no.7, p.15-18, graphs, table) 4 refs. Uses the water temperatures from Fyllas Banke for July 1953-66 and from Godthab Fjord 1953-61, as an index of environmental conditions, and otter-trawl catches in each statistical division of the North Atlantic subarea I, expressed as a percentage of the total annual catch in the subarea, as an index of the distribution of cod. Equations for five prognostic relationships show correlation coefficients varying from 0.68 to -0.96. Relationships obtained from an analysis of available data confirm that with increasing water temperature, cod in West Greenland waters migrate northward; with decreasing water temperature, cod are distributed far to the south. The same is probably true also for the Labrador area. The equations provide a means of forecasting from 2-6 mo and up to 1 yr in advance, the location of the best areas for scouting cod. CaMAI, DLC. SVETOV, A.P., see No. 107436. 107692 SVINUKHOV, G.V. and others. O prognoze anomalii sredney mesyachnoy temperatury vozdukha i osadkov na Dal'nem Vostoke v zimniye mesyatsy. (Problemy regional'nogo zimovedeniya 1970. no.3, p.8-9) In Russian. Other authors: T.I. Vorob'yeva and Ye.V. Nikolayeva. Title tr.: Forecast of the monthly mean air temperature and precipitation anomaly in the winter months in the Far East. Determines the extreme warm and cold of Dec-Feb 1900-67 by analyzing the monthly mean air temperature anomalies from records of 22 stations incl those on Kamchatka and the Okhotsk coastal area. The inertial asynchronous correlation between the anomaly of the monthly mean of warm and cold Dec-Feb, and the anomaly of the monthly mean temperatures of the 11 preceding months was determined. The synchronous and asynchronous correlations of the three months, and the temperature anomalies of nine centers of atmospheric activity are examined for use in the physical-statistical method of forecasting winter-month temperature and precipitation. DLC. 107693 SVYATLOVSKIY, A.YE. Noveyshaya tektonika Kamchatici i yeye rol' v formi-
rovanii geotermal'nykh mestorozhdeniy. (In: Vses. soveshchaniye po geomorfologii...1965. Materialy, v.2, 1968. p.270-77, maps, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Recent tectonics of Kamchatka and their role in the formation of geothermal deposits. Analyzes the recent tectonic movements and their effects on the formation of various structures. The history of volcanic activity in Quaternary time is characterized. At the end of Pliocene-Pleistocene there were three volcanic belts, which are described. Volcanic activity has extended to the present time and is connected with the formation of the volcanic-tectonic uplifts and depression to which the artesian water systems and sources of geothermal energy are confined. DLC. 107694 SVYATLOVSKIY, A.YE. Ocherk istorii chetvertichnogo vulkanizma i tektoniki Kamchatki. Moskva, Nauka 1967. 219 p. maps, tables, illus. Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Outline of the history of the Quaternary volcanism and tectonics of Kamchatka. Describes general patterns of the relationship of volcanism and tectonics in the recent volcanism of Kamchatka. The greatest forces of tectonic movements and volcanism are observed on the periphery of the Pacific Ocean where the formation of the continental crust took place in connection with the flow of deep matter and heat energy. Pacific marine troughs and island chains represent present geosynclinal provinces and foster polycyclic tectonic-magmatic development. The connection of subaqueous volcanism with Kuril-Kamchatka tectonic structure is analyzed. Structure and history of volcanism in the central Kamchatka depression is also analyzed, and the morphology of volcanic formations characterized. Interpretations of geophysical data are given. Volcanic effusives do not occur in presently sinking depressions. A genetic classification of the volcanoes is given as old Quaternary, preglacial - lower Pleistocene, middle upper Pleistocene and DLC. Holocene. 107695 SWANSTON, D.N. Late-Pleistocene glacial sequence from Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.1, p.25-33, maps, illus) 8 refs. French and Russian summary. Describes two tills exposed in the Maybeso Creek valley on the east coast of the island, differing in stratigraphic position and degree of weathering. The younger is blue-gray, compacted and weathered to 3 ft depth; the older is coarse, leached and with a particle surface oxidation that suggests it is a remnant of the B horizon of a fossil till soil truncated by advance of the glacier that deposited the younger till. Such a twofold division of glacial deposits is 979
found elsewhere in Southeast Alaska and may represent advances of the Wisconsin glaciation. Four recessional moraines of the younger till mark stillstands during the final retreat of the CaMAI, DLC. last glacier. 107696 SWARTZ, L.G. Distribution and movements of birds in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. (Pacific science 1967. v.21, no.3, p.33247, graphs, maps) 22 refs. Discusses the distribution, abundance and movements of 29 species of birds seen from the Brown Bear, during a 1960 cruise Cape Thompson-Nome. The list includes loons, fulmars, shearwaters, cormorants, old squaws, common and speckled eiders, sandpipers, one dowitcher, phaleropes, various sp of jaegers, glaucous, herring and Sabine's gulls, kittiwakes, arctic terns, two sp of murres, guile. mots, murrelets, three sp of auklets, two sp of puffins, yellow wagtails and a doubtful record DLC. of a water pipit. 107697 SWARTZ, L.G. Reconnaissance of the distribution and abundance of Schistosomatium douthitti, a possible human disease agent in surface waters in Alaska. College, Univ of Alaska, Institute of Water Resources 1967 pub 1968. 16 p. tables. 8 refs. Discusses results of June-Oct 1967 studies of this blood fluke in lakes and ponds of the Fairbanks area, Anchorage and the Alaska Range near the Denali Highway. The fluke is well established in the Fairbanks region and probably exists throughout interior Alaska. Its life cycle is probably sustained mostly in small mammals, especially in the meadow vole Microtus pennsylvanicus and the red-backed vole Clethrionomys rutilus. The infection certainly overwinters in the mammal host but probably also survives in the snail host under CaMAI. the ice. SWARTZ, LG., see also No. 103299. SWEET, J.M., see No. 101701. SWEET, J.T., see No. 105871. 107698 SWINTON, G. Interpretations of Arctic experience. (Beaver 1969. v.300, no.1, p.19-23, illus) Presents, without text, five examples of this artist's work, interpreting his feelings travelling CaMAI. in the eastern Arctic. 107699 SWITHINBANK, C.W.M. Northwest Passage trade route by supertanker. (Geographical magazine 1970. v.42, no.7, p.478-90, maps, table, illus) Describes the 20 Sept - 12 Nov 1969 trip of the remodeled icebreaker-tanker Manhattan from New York via Thule, Lancaster Sound, 980
Barrow Strait, Viscount Melville Sound and Prince of Wales Strait, to Pt Barrow and return. The new dimensions, equipment and power/weight ratio of the Manhattan are discussed in relation to her performance and in comparison to the icebreakers Louis S. St-Lautent, John A. MacDonald and Staten Island Colored photos show the ship's interior and deck, also long view in ice fields. CaMAI, DGS. SWITHINBANK, C.W.M. see also No. 106463. 107700 SWITZER, G. Russia, no.2 in diamonds. (Lapidary journal 1970. v.23, no.11, p.I516-19, table, illus) Reviews world production of diamonds, with several African countries high in production, and Russia claiming second place now and first place by 1972. Its main finds are in Yakutia. Cold conditions and industrial problems are noted. Five separate concentrations of kimberlite pipes have been located on the Siberian upland, and important alluvial deposits DLC. are known. 107701 SYCHEV, P.M. Anomalii sily tyazhesti i prichiny vertikal'nykh dvizheniy zemnoy kory v zone perekhoda of Aziatskogo kontinenta k Tikhomu okeanu. (Geotektonika 1969. no. I, p.13-25, graph, map) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Gravity anomalies and causes of vertical movements of the earth's crust in the transition zone between the Asiatic continent and the Pacific Ocean. Analyzes the distribution of gravity anomalies, character of vertical movements and isostatic conditions of the earth's crust in this zone. Contrasting vertical movements seem to be caused by various factors. In some cases the load of accumulated deposits leads to downwarping in certain areas. In other cases subcrustal processes induce oscillating movements. The leading process in the upper mantle is presumed to be gravity differentiation of subcrusDLC. tal matter. SYCHEV, P.M. see also No. 107988.
SYCHKIN, G.N., see No. 107562. SYKES, LR., see No. 107875. SYMPOSIUM ARCTIC DRIFTING STATIONS, 1966. see No. 101884. 107702 SYMPOSIUM DEDICATION US. NAVAL ARCTIC RESEARCH LABORATORY, Fairbanks, Alaska, 9-12 April 1969. Proceedings. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.3, p.172-
364, graphs, maps, tables, illus) Refs. Editors: A.P.B. Monson and J.E. Sater. The symposium, cosponsored by the Arctic Institute of North America, US Office of Naval Operations and the Univ of Alaska, was held in connection with the dedication of a new facility at 22 yr old Naval Arctic Research Laboratory at Barrow, Alaska. Following an introduction by T.B. Owen are the 17 papers presented, describing the major scientific work at the Lab; these are abstracted in this Bibliography under the authors' names, viz: C.E. Behlke, R.F. Black, D.L. Clark, L.K. Coachman, G.E. Folk, Jr ., R.A. Frosch, F.K. Hare, V.P. Hessler, K.L. Hunkim, L. Irving, P.L. Johnson, H. Kutschale, A.H. Lachenbruch and B.V. Marshall, J.L. Mohr, F.A. Pitelka, J.C. Reed, and N. CaMAI, DLC. Untersteiner. 107703 SYMPOSIUM ON COLD REGIONS ENGINEERING, College, Alaska, Proceedings. College, Aug 17-19, 1970. Alaska Section, American Society of Civil Engineers 1971. 2v.:731 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. Editor: J.L. Burdick. This symposium held in conjunction with the 21st Alaska Science Conference comprises 47 full papers, summaries and abstracts of papers with a short foreword by the editor. Under the impetus of rapid development in the Far North, particularly the Arctic Slope of Alaska, and the need to develop new and economic solutions to the difficult environmental problems of the region, the symposium papers cover buildings and other construction on permafrost, roads, harbors, airfields, pipelines, drainage, water supply, sewage and waste treatment, civic design, utilities and both the physical and human factors in development in cold regions. Thirty-two full papers are abstracted in the Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: N.B. Brown, W.H. Butler, G.R. Burt, A.R. Carlson, J.M. Childers, E. Crittenden, W. Fuller, J.A. Gerwig, H.L. Heyward, P. Johnson, D.E. Keyes, G.R. Knight, G.R. Knight and A.C. Condo, J.F. Kreissl and others, H.R. Lee, F.B. Lotspeich, A.R. McKay, J.M. Miller, E.H. Moser, Jr., E. Muller and others, G. Norwood, F. Nyman and M. Gallagher, T.J. O'Brien, D.L. Peterson, V.M. Piland, S.C. Reed and A.W. Crowther, E.R. Sanders, J.A. Shuster, W. Tobiasson, M.J. Turner, C.C. Vining, and W.G. Williams. CaMAI, DLC. 107704 SYMPOSIUM ON DRIFT ICE AND CLIMATE, Reykjavik 1969. Lectures and discussion. Reykjavik 1970. 160 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Jokull 1969. v.19) Presents an abridged version, in English, of 21 of the 30 papers given at the symposium, 27 Jan - 7 Feb 1969, under the auspices of the Geoscience Society, the Glaciological Society, the Oceanographic Department and the
Meteorological Office and pub in Icelandic as Haffsinn (Reykjavik, Ammenna bokafelagi8 1969. 552 p.) Eight of these papers deal with conditions in the Greenland Sea and East Greenland current or are of general interest to arctic research and are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: H.R. Rirdarson, P. Bergthersson, H. Bjornson, T. Einarsson, J. Jackobsson, B.H. Jonsson, T. DGS. Karlsson, and S.A. Malmberg. 107705 SYMPOSIUM ON ECOLOGY OF THE SUBARCTIC REGIONS, Helsinki, 25 Proceedings. Paris, July - 3 Aug 1966. Unesco 1970. 364 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. In English or French, with summaries in the alternate language. Reviewed by F.K. Hare in Geographical review July 1971, p.470-71. The symposium was organized by the Government of Finland and Unesco in cooperation with the International Geographical Union and was held in Otaniemi near Helsinki. Among points arising from the discussions was the need for establishing protected control areas, for international treaties protecting migratory birds, whales, seals, etc, and for a better understanding of cyclic fluctuations of subarctic mammals and birds, the prime problem of boreal terrestrial ecology. The symposium had sections on subarctic definition, meteorology, snow cover as an ecological factor, weathering and geomorphic processes, permafrost as an ecological factor, main features of soil-forming processes, ecology of subarctic vegetation and of the fauna, and conservation of nature and rational use of renewable natural resources. Of the 36 papers presented, 30 are abstracted under their authors' names, viz: J. Blfithgen, R.J.E. Brown, J. Budd, I.M. Dolgin, E. Ehlers, A.N. Formozov, S. Huovila, I. Hustich, A. Jahn, P.L. Johnson, R. Kalliola, A.G. Loughrey and J.P. Kelsall, J. Malaurie, P. Mikola, H. Odin and K. Perttu, V.A. Peiponen, T.L. Pewe, W.O. Pruitt, Jr., T. Pritchard, A. Rapp, R. Ruuhijirvi, M. Salmi, R. Sarvas, E. Schenk (2 papers), G. Siren, H. Svensson, J.C.F. Tedrow, B.A. Tikhomirov, and L.A. Viereck. CaMAI, MdU. 107706 SYMPOSIUM ON RECENT CRUSTAL MOVEMENTS, Ottawa, 18-19 Mar 1969. Papers. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.2, pt.2, p.553-734, graphs, maps, tables, illus) Refs. Contains a foreword, by J.H. Hodgson and 17 papers, among which those dealing with northern regions, include four on Post-Tertiary tectonism, by A.C. Grant, O.L. Hughes, J.W. Kerr and J.G. Souther; two on Measurement, seismicity and engineering implications, by D.M. Barnett and W.G. Milne and others; three on Postglacial uplift and tilting, by J.T. Andrews, W. Blake, Jr., and R.I. Walcott; and a Panel 981
discussion on isostasy, by A.L. Bloom, W.S. Broecker, M.D. Crittendon, Jr., and R.I. Walcott. Each of the papers is abstracted in this Bibliography under their author's name. DLC. 107707 SYMPOSIUM ON REMOTE SENSING IN POLAR REGIONS, Easton, Maryland, 1968. Report; highlights of a symposium held under the auspices of the Arctic Institute of North America with financial support of the U.S. Office of Naval Research, Army Office of the Chief of Research and Development, National Science Foundation and Geological Survey. Washington, DC, Arctic Institute of North America 1968.66 p. Reports the discussion, conclusions and recommendations of its seven panels, viz: The Ionosphere, upper atmosphere and atmosphere. The core of the atmosphere problem is radiation and the heat balance, especially in polar heat sinks. Information is needed on cloud-top and surface temperatures, the distribution of water vapor and the energy exchange between ice and open water. The upper atmosphere discussion dealt with acoustic waves and their use in auroral zone studies. Other sources of acoustic waves include wind blowing over high ridges and volcanic eruptions. Data are needed on the incoming particle flux that creates the ionosphere, how electrons recombine with ions and how to measure vertical and horizontal motion; measurement of the electron profile, of composition and temperatures and their changes, of gravitational and tidal forces and magnetic and electrical fields. Physical oceanography is largely concerned with sea ice, its extent on a global scale, the area of open water within ice fields, and sea ice morphology, albedo and movement. Biological oceanography. Since the maximum penetration of water is about 300 ft and viewing a marine animal from below rather than above is easier, remote sensing will probably use submersible "satellites". Sensing by chetnical, electromagnetic and thermal detection may not prove useful, but detection by sound is most important for marine animals; other possibilities are the animals' odors and bioelectricity. Earth resources, geomorphology, glaciology and permafrost. Discusses the applicability of aerial photography, satellite imagery and the various types of remote sensing to reconnaissance geologic mapping, arctic soils, dynamics of sea ice, the snow cover, energy-balance studies, mass balance of icecaps and the development of techniques for sensing water pollution, river freeze-up and breakup, permafrost and emerged strand lines. Terrestrial biology. Present techniques should be applied and new methods devised to obtain data on numbers, distribution and movement of warm-blooded animals; plants in relation to 982
diurnal and seasonal cycles; aerobiology, incl atmospheric dispersal of pollen, spores, bacteria, viruses, small insects and gasses, such as CO„ SO2 and ozone; range conditions for caribou management, large bird colonies, total biomass of forests, grasslands and tundra and the local-energy environment to use in studies of cold stress on organisms. Applications to development. Studies in progress are cited, as are projected experiments using satellite platform programming, new techniques and equipment. Summary. CaMAI. SYMPOSIUM ON SURGING GLACIERS, Banff, Alta, 6-8 June 1968, see No. 104068. 107708 SYMPOSIUM ON THE ECOLOGY OF PELAGIC FISH SPECIES IN ARCTIC WATERS AND ADJACENT SEAS, Copenhagen, 30 Sept-1 Oct 1966. Reports. Copenhagen, A.F. Host & fils 1968. 148 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Int. Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et proces-verbaux des reunions, v.158) Refs. Editor: R.W. Blacker. This symposium was attended by experts from Baltic and North Sea member countries, Canada, US, and from international fisheries and marine research organizations. The species dealt with are of secondary interest to commercial fisheries, but they form an important link in the regional food chains and their direct value to the fisheries is expected to develop. The 21 papers, four verbal reports and two synopses prepared for FAO are given in nine sections, each with discussion; 18 of the papers deal with fishes in arctic-subarctic waters and are abstracted under their authors' names, viz: General distribution Blacker, R.W. The distribution of pelagic fish in relation to hydrographic conditions in the Svalbard area. Capelin Corlett, J. Capelin in the north-western Barents Sea. Olsen, S. Some results of the Norwegian capelin investigations, 1960-1965. Prokhorov, V.S. Materials on the ecology of capelin. Kanneworff, P. Preliminary results and some problems concerning capelin investigations in Greenland. Templeman, W. Review of some aspects of capelin biology in the Canadian area. Greater silver smelt Borodulina, O.D. Argentina silus in the Atlantic Ocean. Keysler, H.D. Investigations on the stocks of Argentina silus in the waters off Norway, Iceland and Newfoundland. Smelt
Belyanina, T.N. Dynamics of smelt populations in sub-arctic waters. Norway pout Baranenkova, A.S. and N.S. Khokhlina. Distribution of eggs, larvae and adults of the Norway pout off north-western Norway and in the Barents Sea. Lahn-Johannessen, J. Some observations on Norway pout and blue whiting in ICES subareas I and II. Blue whiting Zilanov, V.K. Some data on the biology of Micromesistius poutassou (Risso) in the northeast Atlantic. Zilanov, V.K. Occurrence of Micromesistius poutassou (Risso) larvae in the Norwegian Sea in June 1961. Polar cod Hognestad, P.T. Observations on polar cod in the Barents Sea. Ponomarenko, V.P. Some data on the distribution and migrations of polar cod in the seas of the Soviet Arctic. Rass, T.S. Spawning and development of polar cod. Navaga Anukhina, A.M. Population dynamics of White Sea navaga. General biology Nikol'skiy, G.V. and D.V. Radakov. Food interrelations of pelagic fish in the northern DLC. seas.
introduction by J.J. Bond. The papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under the authors' names, viz: G. Anders, A.E. Hippler, KJ. Rea, and J.E. Stahl. CaMAI, MiU. 107711 SYMPOSIUM ON THE UPPER MANTLE PROJECT, Tokyo, August 1966. Crust and upper mantle of the Pacific area. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union 1968. 522 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (International Upper Mantle Project. Scientific report no.15. American Geophysical Union. Geophysical monograph 12. National Research Council. Publication 1687) Refs. Editors: L. Knopoff, C.L. Drake and P.J. Hart. Contains 41 papers based on those given during the Symposium. It was sponsored by the International Upper Mantle Committee, set up jointly by the IUGG and the International Union of Geological Sciences to coordinate the Upper Mantle Project, an international program of research on the solid earth sponsored by the International Council of Scientific Unions. Five of the papers deal with arctic or subarctic regions and are abstracted separately in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: S.A. Fedotov, R.E. Folinsbee and others, A.G. Gaynanov, B.A. Petrushevskiy, and I.K. Tuyezov and others. DGS. SYNGAYEVSKAYA, T.P., see No. 104784. SYRJALA,L, see No. 106593.
107709 SYMPOSIUM ON THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN A SPECIALIZED ENVIRONMENTAL MILIEU, Whitehorse, 28-30 Aug 1968. Proceedings...presented at the 19th Alaska Science Conference. Edmonton 1968. 81 p. tables, illus. (Alberta. Univ. Boreal Institute. Occasional publication no.4) Refs. Contains four papers concerning language, curricula, teacher training and education of the northern peoples in Canada, with an introduction by G.K. Gooderham. The papers are abstracted in this Bibliography under the authors' names, viz: F. Darnell, C.W. Hobart, R.S. MacArthur, and D.W. Simpson and CaMAI, MiU. D.K.F. Wattie. 107710 SYMPOSIUM ON THE HIGHER LATITUDES OF NORTH AMERICA; SOCIO-ECONOMIC STUDIES IN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Whitehorse, 28-30 Aug 1968. Proceedings...presented at the 19th Alaska Science Conference. Edmonton 1968. 37p. (Alberta. Univ. Boreal Institute. Occasional publication no.6) Refs. Contains four papers which deal with the specialized and atypical growth characteristics of widely separated communities in the North from several economic viewpoints and in relation to changing social conditions, with an
107712 SYRJAMAKI„ J. Diet patterns of swarming and other activities of two arctic Dipterans, Chironomidae and Trichoceridae, on Spitsbergen. (Oikos 1968. v.19, no.2, p.250-58, graphs) 18 refs. Russian summary. Reports studies in an open tundra meadow at Longyearbyen in July 1966. Micrometeorological measurements and observation of dipteran activity patterns revealed distinct diet periodicity in the chironomid Smittia extrema, with virtually no activity around midnight and highest degrees of activity during the rest of the 24-hr period, subject to cessation only in strong wind. No periodicity was shown in swarming activity of Trichocera borealis, which occurred around the clock given suitable wind conditions. DLC. SYROMYATNIKOV, G., see No. 106564. 107713 SYROMYATNIKOV, N.A. Ob uralo-altayskom sloye drevneyaponskogo yazyka. (Narody Azii i Afriki 1967. no.2, p.117-30) 23 refs. In Russian. English summary p.251-52 Title tr.: A Ural-Altaic stratum of ancient Japanese. Etymological study of about one hundred Japanese words attributed to a Ural-Altaic 983
substrate and common to Eveny and Evenki DLC. Tungus, Zyryan, etc.
size of contemporaneous diatremes within a DGS. given field.
SYSOYEV, V.A., see Nos. 104887,108074.
TABUNOV, S.M., see also No. 105855.
SYUBAYEV, M., see No. 104644.
TAIEB, C., see No. 102215.
107714 TABATA, T. Research on prevention of ship icing. Ottawa, Defence Research Board 1968. 12 p. graphs, illus. (Its: Defence Scientific Information Service T 95 J) 9 refs. Translation by E.R. Hope from the author's ms Report to Hokkaido Prefectural Government. Topside icing of ships may occur when sea spray or sea surface fog (arctic smoke) freezes on the ship's structure. Procedures of experimental laboratory and at-sea studies are described and diagramatically illustrated. Within the range of air temperatures down to -15°C and wind velocities up to 20 m /sec, icing increases as the temperature falls and the wind rises; it may start at -2°C, wind velocity 10 m/sec. Anti-icing mats are effective for preventing icing and easing ice removal; rubber. coated canvas gives good anti-icing results; anti-icing paint requires further study. On fishing vessels, ice usually must be removed every 3-6 hr. Also suggested, without experimental testing, is the use of electrically heated radio aerials and radar antennae, and anti-icing greases for rotating parts of radars and other mechanically complicated structures. CaMAI.
TAGGART, C., see No. 108497.
107715 TABUNOV, S.M. K voprosu o svyazi kimberlitovogo vulkanizma s razryvnymi narusheniyami v zemnoy kore. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.62-64, table) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The relation of kimberlitic volcanism with crustal fractures. Examines the problem of the influence of disjunctive fractures on the distribution of kimberlite masses, citing quantitative data on masses showing structural control relative to the total of known occurrence in various kimberlite fields of the northeastern Siberian platform region. A definite relationship between structural control and occurrence could be established with certainty for only DGS. less than 30 percent. 107716 TABUNOV, S.M. Razmery i almazonosnost' kimberlitovykh diatrem. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geol. Arktiki. Kimberlitovyy vulkanizm...1971. p.144-47, table, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Size and diamond content of kimberlite diatremes. Correlates the diamond content with the size of diatremes in various kimberlite fields of the northeast Siberian platform. Statistical analysis of the data shows a relative reduction in the diamond content with decrease in the 984
107717 TAILLEUR, I.L. and S. SNELSON. Large-scale flat thrusts in the Brooks Range orogen, Northern Alaska. (Geological Society of America. Special papers 1968. no.101, p.217 The complex geologic structures in the Nuka—Etivluk Rivers region, west-central North Slope, represent three stratigraphic sequences, originally deposited in separate basins, later displaced and superposed along large-scale flat thrusts and subsequently deformed at their present locations. The total dislocation required adds up to >75 mi. DGS. 107718 TAILLEUR, I.L. Rifting speculation on the geology of Alaska's North Slope. (Oil and gas journal 1969. v.67, no.39, p.128-30, maps) Suggests the possibility that continental rifting drifting have operated in the Amerasian Arctic, based on evidence in Alaska, Arctic Canada and neighboring parts of the Arctic Basin and shelf seas. The idea postulates rotation of northern Alaska out of the Canada Basin in post-Triassic time, and the southeastward drift of the Siberian shelf into Alaska. Paleogeographic and palinspastic maps illus DGS. the text. 107719 TAILLEUR, I.L. Speculations on North Slope geology. (Oil and gas journal 1969. v.67, no.38, p.215-26, maps) Summarizes the geologic development as sedimentation off land to the north into an ancient province, termed the Arctic Alaska basin, which covered most of the region in Devonian - Jurassic time. Formation of a tectonic welt, which later became the Brooks Range fold belt, began in the Jurassic and had developed into a volcanic province by the early Cretaceous, later to be uplifted with large-scale foreshortening and depression of flanking foredeeps. The Colville geosyncline developed on the shoreward part of the Arctic Alaska basin and was filled during the late Cretaceous, to be deformed by the subsequent Brooks Range orogen. The rocks of the Brooks Range, foothills and coastal plain are characterized and their relationship with those of the Canadian arctic regions noted. Descriptions of the stratigraphy, large-scale thrusts and a hypothetical restoration of the tectonic units in the western Brooks Range follow. DGS.
107720 TAILLEUR, LL. and W.P. BROSGE. Tectonic history of Northern Alaska. (In: Geological Seminar on the North Slope of Alaska 1970. Proceedings, p.E IE20, maps, illus) 10 refs. Reviews descriptions of large-scale horizontal dislocations, deflections at either end of the Brooks Range and the problematic Nuka Formation. Speculations are offered that the Siberian-Chukchi shelf has drifted southeastward and Northern Alaska and the Canadian Arctic Islands rifted apart and rotated out of the Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean. The pre-Middle Devonian — Tertiary palinspastic tectonic record of the region is traced and illus with 22 paleogeographic maps representing possible location of the rocks when the tectonic events took place. DGS. TAILLEUR, I.L., see also Nos. 102566, 102569, 102571, 103931, 103932, 103934. 107721 TAKAHASHI, T. and G. WAKAHAMA. Study of Mendenhall Glacier ice in Alaska; electric conductivity of glacier ice; liquid water in the temperate glacier. (Teion kagaku 1970. ser. A, no.28, p.105-111, graphs, illus) 9 refs. In Japanese. English summary. Calculates the electric conductivity of single ice crystals sampled in May 1968 across the lower glacier face. The vertical profile of electric conductivity is described as measured in a drill core. Ice sampled at a high flow-velocity site had a higher electric conductivity than that at a low-velocity site. The vertical electric conductivity profile distinguished three ice layers, with a fine-grained ice layer having low electric conductivity. The calculated permeability coefficient of percolating water in the glacier is 6 x 104 cm/sec. DLC. TAKAHASHI, T., see also No. 105340. 107722 TAKAMA, K. and others. Lipids of Alaska pollack Theragra chalcogramma. (Hokkaido Univ. Faculty of Fisheries. Bulletin 1966. v.17, no.3, p.133-38, graphs, tables, illus) 5 refs. In Japanese. English summary, tables and captions. Other authors: K. Zama and H. Igarashi. Describes procedures and gives results of a detailed analysis of the lipid classes sterolester, triglyceride, free fatty acid, phospholipid, lecithin, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine. DI. 107723 TAKSAMI, CH.M. Izrneneniye sotsiarnogo sostava malykh narodov Dal'nego Vostoka. (Sovetskaya etnografiya 1970. no.2, p.69-78, table) 18 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Changes in the social structuring of the small peoples of the Far East.
Discusses changes in traditional occupations brought about by collectivization and later by industrialization among the AmurTungus aborigines: Evenki, Gilyaks, Golds, UPchi, etc, who number about 11 thousand on the mainland and 1200 on Sakhalin Island. Over 20% of the indigenous population are industrial or sovkhoz workers; about 10% have civic administrative or teaching jobs. The urban population rises as the rural declines and the formation of an intelligentsia stratum is evident. DLC. 107724 TAKSAMI, CH.M. Nekotoryye voprosy fol'klora i iskusstva nivkhov. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. v.383, p.I38-51) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Contribution to folklore and art of the Gilyaks. Reviews ethnographic fieldwork since the early 20th century and discusses the legends and heroic tales, animal and fairy tales, songs, riddles, proverbs, and shaman songs of this people. Modern songs and traditional ones still in use are noted and four are cited in Russian translation. Gilyak sculpture and applied arts are described and recent publications cited. DLC. 107725 TAKSAMI, CH.M. Ustanovleniye sovetskoy vlasti i organizatsiya Sovetov sredi nivkhov. (Leningrad. Gos. pedagogicheskiy inst. Uchenyye zapiski 1967. v.353, p.29-49) Approx. 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Establishment of Soviet rule and organization of Soviets among the Gilyaks. Deals with political events of the 1918 1930's in the Amur region and Sakhalin Island. Gilyak aid to Russian guerrillas fighting Japanese occupation forces, and activity of Revolutionary Committees in Gilyak settlements are sketched, as are Soviet administrative and economic reforms introduced in the 1920's, etc. The establishment of mixed Russian-Gilyak kolkhozes furthered Gilyak acculturation and political consciousness. Gilyak participation in regional administration, social and economic developments, progress in education, etc are dealt with. DLC. TALDYKINA, KS., see 103178.
Nos. 103177,
107726 TALMADGE, R.R. Notes on the Mollusca of Prince William Sound, Alaska. (Veliger 1966. v.9, no.1, p.82-86; no.2, p.236-38, illus) Refs. Presents annotated lists of gastropods arranged by orders and families, with emphasis on extension of published ranges, ecology and abundances rather than on taxonomy. The collections were made in June-July 1965 using the research craft Montague to move about the 985
islands, channels and bays of Prince William DLC. Sound.
problem of a woman in command of a vessel in DLC. such circumstances is recognized.
107727 TAL'VIRSKIY, D.B. and others. Vydeleniye diz"yunktivnykh narusheniy po geofizicheskim dannym v predelakh YeniseyKhatangskogo progiba. (Neftegazovaya geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.4, p.27-31, map) In Russian. Other authors: V.I. Mlotek and V.G. Sibgatullin. Title tr.: Identifies tectonic dislocations on the basis of geophysical data from the Yenisey-Khatanga trough. Describes dislocations at depth, revealed by gravity and seismic measurements and coring, such as faults, flexures, etc. Disturbances of the Paleozoic complex are discussed in relation to the thickness of the Jurassic-Cretaceous deposits and to the formation of Yenisey-Khatanga trough structures. The presence of permafrost DLC. is indicated by seismic soundings.
107731 TARAKANOV, L.V. 0 geotektonicheskoy pozitsii Vaygacha. (lzvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy 1970. Geologiya i razvedka no.9, p.28-36, maps, graphs) 20 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The geotectonic position of Vaygach Island. Geologic mapping in 1963-64 indicates three tectonic complexes: the pre-Ordovician, the Middle-Upper Ordovician, and the top Ordovician — Lower Permian. These three complexes are analyzed. Reconstruction of Paleozoic events indicates that Vaygach and the entire Novaya Zemlya — Pay Khoy province should be attributed not to the Urals, but to the Arctic province of Paleozoic tectogenesis. DLC.
TAL'VIRSKIY, D.B., see also Nos. 102453, 102454. TAMANOVA, S.V., see No. 105173. 107728 TAMBS-LYCHE, H. Notes on the distribution of some arctic spiders, 1: some spiders from Spitsbergen. (Tromso 1967. 13 p. (Astarte no.28)) Refs. The notes include records of spiders from Spitsbergen, northeast Greenland, northern DGS. Norway and Bjornoya. 107729 TANAYEV, S.P. Osobennosti promyslovykh zimovarnykh skopleniy sel'di v vostochnoy chasti Beringova morya. (Rybnoye khozyaystvo 1970. v.46, no.11, p.911, graph, maps) In Russian. Title tr.: Characteristics of winter herring concentration in the eastern Bering Sea. Studies in 1961-69 showed a concentration of herring from Nov to Mar at 58°20' 59°10'N 172°30 - 174°E at 100-125 m depth in water temperatures ranging from 3-3.5°C to 0.5-1°C. The herring breed near Alaskan shores. Hydrometeorological conditions can change the area of concentration; when continuous southerly winds warm the water, the schools migrate eastward to cooler waters. DLC. 107730 TANDBERG, R.S. Miss Louise A. Boyd og hennes ekspedisjon i 1928 for %Acing etter Roald Amundsen. Oslo 1966. 10 p. Refs. In Norwegian. Title tr.: Miss Louise A. Boyd and her expedition in 1928 in the search for Roald Amundsen. Reviews briefly Miss Boyd's arctic expeditions and her participation in the search for Amundsen in the Svalbard region. At the time he disappeared she was at Tromso to lead a private expedition to East Greenland. The 986
107732 TARAKANOV, L.V. 0 stratigrafli ordovika i silura Vaygacha. (Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy 1969. Geologiya i razvedka no.6, p.36-44, table) 23 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Ordovician and Silurian stratigraphy of Vaygach Island. Reports a 1963-64 study based on a faunal collection of tabulate and rugose corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, nautiloids, trilobites, etc. Some of the 31 forms of bryozoans are new. The biostratigraphic dating has too many contradictory features to provide criteria for accurate stratigraphic division, and there is no evidence for separation of the Lower Ordovician on DLC. Vaygach Island. 107733 TARAKANOV, R.Z. and CHUN UN KIM. 0 defitsite skorosti prodol'nykh voln v slaboseysmichnoy chasti Kurilo-Kamchatskoy fokal'noy zony. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1969. v.186, no.2, p.415-18, graphs, table) 8 refs. In Russian. Title Sr.: The deficit in velocity of the longitudinal waves in the weakly seismic part of the Kuril-Kamchatka focal zone. Reports study of 54 earthquakes of 0-100 km focus on Hokkaido as registered at the Petropavlovsk seismic station in 1952-64. They fall into three groups. The average delay of the longitudinal waves is 6.1 ± 0.5 sec, and the decrease in wave velocity is 0.26 ± 0.03 km/sec. An attempt is made to explain these phenomena. DLC. TARAKANOV, R.Z., see also No. 107988. TARAKHOVSKIY, A.N., see Nos. 105296, 107527. 107734 TARARIN, I.A. Metamorficheskaya zonal'nost' Sredinnogo khrebta Kamchatki. (In: AN SSSR. Darnevostochnyy
filial. Geol. inst. Voprosy geologii, petrologii i metallogenii...1968. p.83-84) In Russian. Title tr.: Metamorphic zonation in the Sredinnyy Range in Kamchatka. The metamorphic zonation in this range resembles the zoning in Scotland, northern Michigan and elsewhere. Five zones are distinguished on the basis of metamorphic grade and mineral parageneses. The mineral associations of typical rocks of each zone are summarized. DLC. 107735 TARASENKO, T.V. Morfogeneticheskiye tipy rtutnykh mestorozhdeniy Koryakskogo nagor'ya. (Sovetskaya geologiya 1970. v.13, no.6, p.136-40, map, table) In Russian. Tide tr.: Morphogenetic types of mercury deposits of the Koryak upland. Notes some 140 mercury 'ore localities in the upland. These are classed into three groups, as mercury, antimony-mercury, and antimony-arsenic-mercury ores, and their mode of occurrence is discussed. Three genetic types of orebodies are defined, together with their subtypes. The ores of the Koryak upland and Kamchatka represent a single mercury province. Favorable exploration areas are noted. DLC. 107736 TARASENKO, T.V. Novyye dannyye o postepennykh perekhodakh mezhdu verkhnemelovymi i paleogenovymi otlozheniyami v Olyutorskom progibe. (Voprosy geografii Kamchatki 1970. no.6, p.108-112) In Russian. Title tr.: New data on the gradual transition between Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits in the Olyutorskiy trough. Reports a 1962 investigation along the upper Vivnik River in the Koryak Range. A stratigraphic description is given of the Khakin suite, which comprises a succession of conglomerates and sandstones, red-brown siltstones and sandstones, silicic rocks, tuffiteshale, and shale. DLC. 107737 TARASENKO, T.V. and others. Raschleneniye i obosnovaniye vozrasta verkhnemelovykh i nizhnepaleogennovykh otlozheniy khrebta Mayni Kakyyne; Koryakskoye nagor'ye. (AN SSSR. Izvestiya 1970. ser. geol. no.11, p.139-46, map, graph) 8 refs. In Russian. Other authors: S.A. Mel'nikova and M.Ya. Serova. Tide tr.: Subdivision and age substantiation of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleogene deposits of the Mayni Kakyyne Range, Koryak upland. Separates the Upper Cretaceous, Donlan — Lower Paleocene, Upper Paleocene and Eocene — Oligocene deposits in a section of the volcanic-terrigenous strata of the Koryak upland, according to paleontological data. The Upper Paleocene deposits are characterized by a planktonic complex of foraminifers of the
Globigerina nano — Acarinina primitiva zone, the Dothan — Paleocene by forams of the Rzehakina epigona zone, and the Upper Cretaceous deposits by Inoceramus. DLC. 107738 TARASEVICH, MN. Pishchevyye svyazi kashalotov v sevemoy chasti Tikhogo okeana. (Zoologicheskiy zhumal 1968. v.47, no.4, p.595-601, graphs, tables) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Tide tr.: Sperm whale food chain in the northern Pacific. Examination of the stomach contents of 33 female and 141 male sperm whales in 1963-64 in the Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian waters and Bering Sea revealed 16 species of squid, two species of octopus and five species of fish. The male dives deep and feeds on abyssal cephalopods and fish. The female, not a deep diver, feeds on warm-water forms. In the Gulf of Alaska the variety of food on which the males feed is greater in springtime than in summer. Variety of food depends on region and time of the year. DLC. TARASEVICH, S.I., see No. 105117. TARASHCHAN, A.N., see No. 104820. 107739 TARASOV, A.V. Rol' tektoniki v formirovanii rud Noril'skogo mestorozhdeniya. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.12, p.97-114, map, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title v.: The role of tectonics in ore formation of the Noril'sk deposits. Shows the active role of tectonics in the formation of some types of ores. The main types of ores are briefly described as continuous sulfide, vein, breccia and breccialike, phenocryst, and vein-phenocryst. A textural-structural analysis of copper-nickel ores is given. The development of orecontrolling structures actively affects the mineral zonation of ore bodies. DLC. 107740 TARASOV, A.V. Struktumyy kontrol' medno-nikelevogo orudeneniya na mestorozhdenii Noril'sk I. (Geologiya i geofizika 1968. no.5, p.39-49, illus) 12 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Structural control of coppernickel mineralization in the Noril'sk I deposit. Four main stages are defined in the formation history of the structure of this deposit, viz: early pre-intrusive, pre-ore, the stage of ore formation, and the post-ore stage. The main ore-controlling structures are described. In the formation of all such structures, the main role is played by tectonic dislocations originating in pre-intrusive time. DLC. TARASOV, B.M., see No. 103901. 987
107741 TARASOV, G.A. Lentochnyye gliny v otlozheniyakh Kil'dinskogo proliva v Barentsevom more. (AN SSSR. Doklady 1968. v.179, no.3, p.684-85, graph, illus) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Varved clays in the Kil'din Strait deposits in the Barents Sea. Reports a 1966 study at a relict lake on Kil'din Island. At a depth of 70-80 m, a horizon of varved clays 25-30 cm thick was discovered. Analysis of cores is given, noting yearly rhythms, summer and winter layers, etc; the DLC. age is estimated at 11,000-8,000 yr. 107742 TARASOV, L.A. Fizicheskoye razvitiye shkol'nikov Murmanska v 1965 g. (Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1968. v.12, no.6, p.32-34, tables) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Physical development of school children in Murmansk in 1965. Notes a general increase in height, weight, and chest circumference since 1961. Girls in the 11-14 yr group are taller, heavier and have a broader chest than boys, indicating an acceleration of the maturation process from about eight yr of age. The boys' growth and development indices begin to exceed those of girls at DLC. the age of 14. 107743 TARASOV, L.A. and N.P. LISINA. Pronitsayemost' kozhnykh kapillyarov u moledezhi Zapolyar'ya. (Gigiyena i sanitariya 1970. v.35, no.6, p.90-91, tables) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Permeability of cutaneous capillaries in arctic youths. Reports and tabulates results of 1966 spring and fall tests of 272 girl students and of 62 girls spending their vacations in southern climates. A definite difference in capillary permeability was found. The experiment repeated in 1967, using an ultraviolet lamp, showed an increased resistance. Girls who were on vitamin C rich diet showed similar reaction. DLC. 107744 TARASOV, L.A. Razvitiye dvizheniy u vospitannikov detskikh sadov Kraynego Severa. (Doshkol'noye vospitaniye 1969. v.42, no.7, p.3843, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Development of motive skills in kindergarten pupils in the Far North. Discusses effects of sprinting, jumping, and throwing on the physical development, metabolism, etc of children. Data on the muscular activity, coordination of leg and arm movements, rythmicity, and motion dynamics in 4-7 yr olds of Murmansk are tabulated by age and sex. Performance and skill increase with age and are higher in boys than girls. DLC. 107745 TARASOV, L.S. and C.V. NESTERENKO. Novoye o magmatizme Baltiyskogo shchita. (Geokhimiya 1968. no.10, p.1277-79) In Russian. Tide tr.: New data on the magmatism of the Baltic shield. 988
Reports a petrographic conference May 2931 at Apatity in Kola Peninsula, with 167 present from 25 organizations. The main papers on seismic, aeromagnetic, gravimetric, petrographic and other studies are briefly noted. DLC. TARASOV, V.K., see No. 105411. 107746 TARASOVA, I.V. Opyt opredeleniya modulya deformatsii porod v vertikal'nykh skvazhinakh. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1969. v.39, no.5, p.55-56, graph, table) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Determining the deformation modulus of rocks in vertical drillholes. Discusses the method and results of measurements of the modulus in a 43.75 m deep drilling at the junction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plant project dam with the left bank of Yenisey River. The hole was drilled at the water level of the river, and was filled with water. The measurement was done mostly by 10 cm steps in depth, with step variations up to 225 cm, using a P-76B pressiometer. To 20 m depth, the average value of the modulus was E=3.15 x 10' kg/cm', for 2044 m the value was 5.24 x 105 kg/cm'. Detailed values of the modulus from 10 to 43.75 m for actinolitic and plagioclasic-sericitic quartzose rocks are given in a table. DLC. 107747 TARASOVA, L Na Kraynem Severe. (Doshkol'noye vospitaniye 1969. v.42, no.8, p.50-52) In-Russian. Title tr.: In the Far North. Presents data on pre-school facilities, enrolment, and teaching staffs in northern national districts. In the Khanty-Mansi there are 208 kindergartens, with 14,000 children loci 1200 Ostyaks and Voguls; in the Yamal-Nenets 57 kindergartens and nurseries, ten in the Nenets, and 20 in the Taymyr National Districts. The Koryak National District has > 1500 native children in kindergarten, and the Evenki 1000. Some data are given also on sanitarium-nurseries and on numbers of native teachers DLC. employed. TARASYUK, YU.F., see No. 107636. B.I. Geologiche107748 TARBAYEV, skoye stroyeniye i neftegazonosnost' K horeyverskoy vpadiny. (Neftegazovaya geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.11, p.19-22, map, table, illus) In Russian Title tr.: Geologic structure and oil-gas-bearing properties of the Khoreyver depression. Reports on drilling and seismic investigations in this depression in the NE of the Timan - Pechora oil-gas province, and presents a structural map and geologic section of the deposit. Prospects for oil and gas accumulation
are discussed and some favorable structures noted. DLC. TAREYEVA, A.M., see No. 102866. 107749 TARGUL'YAN, V.O. Podzoloobrazovaniye na massivnokristallicheskikh i polimiktovykh peschanykh porodakh v kholodnykh gumidnykh oblastyakh. (In: Khimiya, genezis i kartografiya pochv...1968. p.62-67) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Podzol formation on massive crystalline and polymict sandy rocks in cold humid areas. Describes these soils in the southern tundra, forest tundra and taiga of Kola Peninsula, the Polar Urals, West Siberia, the Aldan uplift, Canada, Alaska, and elsewhere. In cold humid regions, podzolic Al - Fe humus soils form on dissected plains and mountain watersheds composed of quartz-bearing crystalline and sandy-loamy rocks. These soils form under the influence of cold climate and tundra-taiga oligotrophic vegetation and have specific moisture, thermal, mineral and chemical properties. DLC. 107750 TARGULYAN, YU.O. Sposoby pogruzheniya svay v merzlyye grunty na trasse Sever-Tsentr. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1969. v.14, no.4, p.30-33, tables, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Methods of pile insertion into frozen ground on the North-Central Line. Discusses four methods: insertion into drillholes, into thawed ground, into drillholes of a diameter smaller than the pile, and by forcing the pile into the frozen ground without preliminary preparation of the latter. For permafrost areas along the North-Central gas pipeline, pile insertion into a drilled hole, hammering the pile into the ground and a combination of these two methods are discussed. DLC. TARGULYAN, YU.0„ see also No. 108576. 107751 TABLING, D.H. Remanent magnetic directions of some dykes from southern West Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersegelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.36-37) Describes tests made on oriented samples of dikes to see if paleomagnetic methods could be used to distinguish their ages. Samples from late Phanerozoic diabase and Gardar dikes were tested. Results show that in Gardar samples mean remanent magnetization is very shallow and westerly, although scatter between site directions is large; that of much younger diabase dikes has a mean northerly direction, and is steep and positively inclined, which relates to a dike swarm in the Ivigtut area. DGS. TARUNINA, YE.F., see No. 105472.
107752 TASH, J.C. Zooplankton of fresh and brackish waters of the Cape Thompson area, northern Alaska. (Hydrobiologia 1971. v.38, no.1, p.93-121, graphs, map, tables, illus) 30 refs. German summary. Presents data on life cycles of some species of zooplankton found in fresh and brackish waters, based on samples of copepods and cladocerans, collected from ice-free and ice-covered waters in connection with Project Chariot (No 92548, # 16). The freshwater habitats are lakes and pools, and the brackish are lagoons and coastal pools. Relatively complete seasonal development cycles are presented for Holopedium gibberum, Daphnia middendorffiana, Heterocope septentrionalis, Eurytemora canadensis, E. gracilicauda, Limnocalanus johanseni, Diaptomus pribilofensis, D. arcticus, Cyclops magnus, and C. scutifer. Only the last named showed winter growth; the others had growth cycles during early summer or throughout the summer and fall. DGS. TASH, J.C., see also No. 108470. 107753 TASSONYI, E.J. Subsurface geology, lower Mackenzie River and Anderson River area, District of Mackenzie. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 207 p. maps, tables, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-25) 176 refs. Deals with the area north of 64°N between the Canadian Shield and Yukon Territory. The study is based on well samples, cores and mechanical logs of exploratory wells drilled prior to Mar 1961 and on the literature. The stratigraphy of pre-Devonian, Devonian, Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks is described and the economic (mainly oil and gas) potential of each formation is examined. None of the wells has reached the Precambrian basement, only two have penetrated Cambrian rocks, no complete Cretaceous section has been drilled and adequate fossil control for detailed time-correlation is lacking. Oil and gas are being produced only from the reef member of the Ramparts Formation although other formations have productive potential. The text is accompanied by one structural and four stratigraphic crosssections and a log of the abandoned Richfield Oil Corp. Grandview Hills No.1 well at 67°06'N 130°52W; this drilling penetrated the Upper Devonian Imperial Formation to the lower member of the Ordovician/Silurian Ronning Formation, a total depth of 6555 ft. CaMAI, DGS. 107754 TAST, J. Influence of the root vole, Microtus oeconomus (Pallas), upon the habitat selection of the field vole, Microtus agrestis (L.), in northern Finland. Helsinki 1968. 23p. graphs, tables, illus. (Suomalainen 989
tiedeakatemia. Toimituksia; Annales. ser A. IV: Biologica no.136) 17 refs. Compares the ecology and habitat of the field vole in northern Finland with those of the root vole which is the stronger, and with the lemming which inhabits the alpine region. In years when root voles are fewer, field voles spread widely in the forest, but when root vole numbers are high, the field voles are restricted in number and range. If lemming numbers are also high, the field voles are even fewer. Habitats, ecology, and numbers of field voles must therefore be considered with respect to the other two species. In northern Finland, root voles have a longer breeding season and larger litters than do the field voles. Typical habitats DLC. of each are characterized. 107755 TATARCHENKOV, M.I. and G.V. ZAYTSEV. Sel'skokhozyaystvennyye resursy, perspektivy razvitiya i razmeshcheniya sel'skogo khozyaystva. (In: Problemy razvitiya...Magadanskoy oblasti 1969. v.3, p.43-52. tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Agricultural resources, prospects for agricultural development and expansion. Presents 1968 data on agriculture and livestock raising and the economic geography of Magadan Province. Only 0.01% of its 119 million hectares are under cultivation, 66% is tundra, 14% sparse larch growth, 9% forest, 4.4% bog and 0.4% is in meadows, which are rich in fodder plants, but their siting obstructs harvesting which averages 1-1.5 centner/ha /yr. The province is divided by climate and soil conditions into three zones: the maritime along the Sea of Okhotsk, the central or Srednekanskiy comprising the Kolyma basin, and the northern comprising the Chukchi National District. The economic potential of each zone is evaluated and the acreage, location and agricultural activity of the eleven kolkhozes and 47 sovkhozes are discussed. The reindeer industry leads with its 739,000 head incl 595,000 in Chukotka. Dairying, chicken- and fur-fanning, fur-bearer and sea-mammal hunting, fishing, and potato growing are also practiced, but all at a loss. Causes of poor production are analyzed; improvement in organization and development DI.C. of virgin lands are advocated. TATARINKOVA,
see No. 102291.
107756 TATARINOV, K.V. Temperaturnyye napryazheniya v oporakh mosta. (Transportnoye stroitel'stvo 1971. no.8, p.45, illus) 3 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Temperature stresses in bridge supports. Investigates the formation of cracks in four types of bridge supports due to temperature difference between the atmosphere at -50°C, the water at 0°C. Tensile stresses apparently are independent of the geometry of the sup990
ports, and concentrate mainly in the zone of the water level, and somewhat above it on the DLC. surface and inside the supports. 107757 TATARINOV, S.F. 0 mekhanicheskom i mineralogicheskom sostave podzolistykh illyuvial'no-gumusovykh pochv na suglinkakh. (Pochvovedeniye 1968. no.9, p.126-31, tables) 4 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Mechanical and mineralogical composition of podzolic illuvial-humus soils on loams. Describes a soil section in the vicinity of Arkhangel'sk. Analyses of the mechanical and mineralogical composition are given. These soils, developed under conditions of periglacial thin forest and permafrost, have been subjected to deep changes in composition and properties. The thickness of the upper layer and presence of chalcedony serve as means for determining the depth of past permafrost. DLC. TATISHCHEV, V.N. see No. 107868. 107758 TAUBER, H. Copenhagen radiocarbon dates, 9. (Radiocarbon 1968. v.10, no.2, p.295-327) Refs. Includes 11 dates for geologic sites' shells and marine or freshwater deposits, and eight for archeologic sites in West and North Greenland; eight for archeologic sites in northwest Alaska and eight in Northern Alaska; also four for archeologic sites on Ellesmere Island. DGS. 107759 TAVROVSKIY, V.A. Nekotoryye problemy razvitiya pushnogo promysla v Yakutii. (Problemy Severa 1968. no.13, p.110-16) 6 refs. In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Some problems in the development of the fur industry in Yakutia. Describes the fur hunting industry in Yakutia by principal species of fur-bearers: squirrel, arctic fox, blue hare, ermine, Siberian ferret, red fox, muskrat, sable. Profitability is its basic problem, compounded by uneven development of various sectors of the northern economy and a drop in the number of hunters in recent years. From 10 thousand hunters in Yakutia in the 1950's, their number decreased to 4600 in all state and collective farms by 1965. Recruiting hunters among the young people is difficult. The fur industry thus depends upon the middle-aged and old people. Gradual urbanization of life contributes to this situation. Yakut fur industry also suffers from lack of capital investment and a lag in technical progress. Measures are recommended to spur development and greater profitability of the industry, especially
through increase of prices paid for pelts, improvement of transport means for hunters, better equipment, etc. CaMAI, DLC. 107760 TAYBASHEV, V.N. Nekotoryye novyye prochnostnyye i teplovyye kharakteristiki mnogoletnemerzlykh shchebenistnykh i galechnykh gruntov. (Magadan. Vses. n.issl. inst. zolota i redkikh metallov. Trudy 1965. v.24, p.2-42, graphs, tables, illus) 18 refs. In Russian. Tide tr.: Some new strength and thermal characteristics of frozen detrital material and gravelly soils. Reports on a 1963 investigation of this frozen terrain in the Tenke River region of the upper Kolyma basin. Gives values of their mechanical properties, heat conductivity coefficient and electric resistivity. Their resistance to compression depends upon the duration of load, temperature, and moisture. DLC.
Queen's Printer 1968. 23 p. map. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-13) 28 refs. Reports Operation Liard 1964-65 field observations in the map area 58-59°N 122124°W, which lies mainly within the Interior Plains but, in the southwest corner, includes part of the Rocky Mts Foothills where folds are the dominant structures and control the physiography. A succession of sedimentary late Devonian — late Cretaceous formations, 10,800 ft thick, are described with measured sections of the Mississippian and Permian strata. A geologic map at 1 in : 4 mi scale is included. CaMAI, DGS. 107764 TAYLOR, G.C. and D.F. STOTT. Maxhamish Lake, British Columbia, 94-0. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1968. 23 p. map. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-12) 17 refs.
TAYLOR, C.R., see No. 104095. 107761 TAYLOR, F.C. and M.R. DENCE. Probable meteorite origin for Mistastin Lake, Labrador. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.1, p.39-45, maps, illus) 6 refs. This lake is roughly circular and 8-10 mi across, with a large arcuate and a few smaller islands near its center. A meteorite impact origin is indicated by shock metamorphism features and fracturing of anorthosite and adamellite on the central island and of inclusions in flat-lying igneous rocks on the western shore. The crater had an original diameter of approx 20 km and an age by whole-rock K-Ar determination of 202 ± 25 CaMAI, DGS. MY. 107762 TAYLOR, F.C. Reconnaissance geology of a part of the Precambrian Shield, northeastern Quebec and northern Labrador, 14L(N-1/2), 14M, 23P(W-1/2), 24B, G, J, I, P, 25A. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1969. 13 p. map. Reports results of field observations during Operation Tomgat 1967 reconnaissance mapping in parts of the area 55° - 61°N 62° 68°W. All the exposed bedrock is Proterozoic with the exception of a narrow zone of Archean gneiss that extends from Saglek to Trout Trap Fiord on the Labrador coast. Notes to accompany the geologic map at 1:500,000 describe 27 rock units, the northwest to northnorthwest trending structural elements and the regional physiography. CaMAI, DGS. TAYLOR, F.J.R., see No. 104230. 107763 TAYLOR, G.C. and D.F. STOTT. Fort Nelson, British Columbia, 94J. Ottawa,
Reports Operation Liard 1964-65 fieldwork in the map area 59° - 60°N 122°- 124°W. Sedimentary Mississippian - late Cretaceous strata >9000 ft thick are described. The area lies wholly within the Interior Plains physiographic province and much of it is nearly flat ground covered by muskeg and small lakes. The bedrock has been faulted and folded however, and structures described are similar to those of more mountainous areas to west and north. Measured sections of the Cretaceous formations and a geologic map at I in: 4 mi scale are included. CaMAI, DGS. TAYLOR, G.C., 106892.
see also
Nos. 102019,
107765 TAYLOR, ILA., JR. and others. Ion depletion in the high-latitude exosphere; simultaneous OGO 2 observations of the light ion trough and the VLF cutoff. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no.14, p.351728, graphs, map, illus) Refs. Other authors: H.C. Brinton, D.L. Carpenter, F.M. Bonner and R.L. Heybome. Reports the results of simultaneous observations of positive ion composition, very low radio frequency (VLF) earth-to-satellite transmission, and whistlers, from the OGO-2 satellite, launched 14 Oct 1965, into a near polar dawn-dusk orbit with a 415 km perigee and 1525 km apogee. The combined evidence of the light ion depletion and VLF cutoff obtained over Alaska and near the antarctic regions further identifies the plasmapause as the often abrupt boundary of the plasmasphere. The abruptness of the light ion trough suggests the possibility that the mechanism responsible for the depletion results under certain conditions in a sharply defined heating and upward expansion of the lower atmosphere. DLC. 991
107766 TAYLOR, H.P., JR. The zoned ultramafic complexes of Southeastern Alaska. (In: Wyllie, P.J. Ultramafic and related rocks...1967. p.97-121, graphs, maps, tables, illus) Refs. Describes the zonal arrangement, mineralogic-textural features, and chemical compositions with analyses, also the contact relationships between ultramafic units and with enveloping older gabbroic rocks and metamorphic/metasomatic aureoles; the latter are characteristic of the ultramafic complexes that lie along a 350-mi belt parallel to major structural features of Southeast Alaska. Comparison is made with similar complexes in the Ural Mts. The complexes are early Cretaceous. Further details are given of major complexes which occur on Duke Island, Percy and Blashke Islands, just east of Union Bay, Kane Peak, Port Snettisham, Klukwan and elsewhere. Field and experimental evidence is discussed, which suggests that the zoned complexes were formed by a combination of fractional crystallization and multiple intrusion of ultramafic magmas. DLC. TAYLOR, J.M., see No. 108315. W.E., JR. Arctic 107767 TAYLOR, (In: National Northern Development dawn. Conference 1967. Proceedings, p.21-24, illus) Sketches the cultural evolution of northern Eskimos and Indians from the Ice age through the Thule culture to their contact with Europeans. During these thousands of years, small bands of seasonally nomadic hunters and fishermen made a precise ecological adjustment to a slowly changing and very restrictive environCaEU B. ment. 107768 TAYLOR-BARGE, B. Summer climate of the St. Elias Mountains region. Montreal 1969. 265 p. graphs, maps, tables. (Arctic Institute of North America. Research paper no.53) 35 refs. Analyzes summer 1963-65 climatological data in the mountains, collected as part of the Icefield Ranges Research Project, along with climatic records of permanent weather stations in the mountain margins, e.g. Yakutat and Whitehorse, and examines several particular synoptic situations (1965) and geostrophic flow over the study area (1964-65). From these are developed a summer transmountain climatic profile and synoptic climatology of the St Elias Mts region. Among other results, defines a climatic divide between the Divide and Kaskawulsh stations on the continental slope; notes that the two major processes are radiative heating and cooling, which are responsible for continental summer heating which in turn results in convective cloud and precipitation, etc; 992
mountain to glacier temperature differences which in turn influence the wind and temperature regimes; and nunatak to ice station temperature differences. The factors determining the climate of the area can be separated into CaMAI, DLC. three scales of influence. 107769 TEAL, J.J., JR. Operation musk ox 1969. (American-Scandinavian review 1970. v.58, no. I, p.10-23, illus) Recounts activities on a journey from Bardu in Troms county of Norway to the Kejser Franz Josephs Fjord area of East Greenland and return, and in the capture and transport to Bardu of 25 musk ox calves as the start of a herd under management of the Institute of Northern Agricultural Research. The sea voyage, pack ice, and navigation are sketched, as are the calf capturing techniques, and general ecological problems of the North. Author deals with these problems also in Domesticating the musk ox, pub in Saturday DLC. review 1972, v.55, no.24, p.52-56, illus. C.C. 107770 TEDROW, J.C.F. and THOMPSON. Chemical composition of polar soils. (Biuletyn peryglacjalny 1969. no.18, p.169-81, tables, illus) 9 refs. Adopts the division of soil zones as Arctic Brown between the tree line and high arctic, Polar Desert coextensive with the high arctic, and Cold Desert in Antarctica. Soils of the high arctic have many features in common with those of temperate deserts. Profiles are described of Arctic Brown soil on glacial drift at approx 68°29'N 156°15'W in Northern Alaska and on sandstone of Prince Patrick Island, also of Polar Desert soil on carbonatebearing sandstone and a fluvioglacial deposit of the same island. Comparative data of physical and chemical properties and chemical composition, incl trace elements, are tabulated. The parent material appears to control traceelement distribution in the zonal soils of polar DGS. regions. 107771 TEDROW, J.C.F. Pedogenic gradients of the polar regions. (Journal of soil science 1968. v.19, no.1, p.197-204, table, illus) 28 refs. Divides the soils of these regions into three zones: Arctic Brown, Polar Desert, and Cold Desert (the last represented by the ice-free sectors of Antarctica). The zones are broad and diffuse; well-drained soils of the southern sectors of the Arctic Brown zone have embryonic podzolic affinities, whereas soils of the northern parts of this zone exhibit a low temperature calcification process related to a cold steppe condition. Vascular plants form a continuous mat in the Arctic Brown zone but within the Polar Desert zone they are patchy or lacking. Algae and diatoms appear to be the main con-
tributors to soil organic matter in the Polar Desert zone. These three zones are sectors of a pedogenic gradient. From the northern fringes of the forested land, to colder climates, precipitation decreases, organic matter content of the soil decreases, and soil pH values tend to increase. Alkaline reactions are common in Polar Desert soils. Tundra and bog soils dominate areally in the main tundra belt but are confined to the swales and depressions in the High Arctic. Both tundra and bog soils tend to have higher pH values as one progresses to CaMAI, DLC. colder, drier climates. 107772 TEDROW, J.C.F. and others. Soils of Prince Patrick Island. Washington, DC 1968. 82 p. maps, tables, illus. (Arctic Institute of North America. Research paper no.44) 28 refs. Other authors: P.F. Bruggemann and G.F. Walton. Genetic soils on this high-arctic island, in decreasing abundance, are: polar desert characterized by a desert pavement and a poorly defined A-B-C horizon sequence, upland and meadow tundra confined mainly to lower positions and comparatively shallow-developed, and bog. Organic matter in polar desert soils appears to be contributed largely by algae. Clay minerals consist of an illite-vermiculitemontmorillonite mixed-layer mineral, vermiculite, illite, kaolinite, and clay-size quartz with vermiculite concentrated at the surface. Buried organic matter from two tundra soils yielded C-14 dates of 5600 and 8460 yr BP; it contained Salix, Cyperaceae, Gramineae, Picea, Alms and other pollen. An annotated list of 84 plant species from Mould Bay is appended. CaMAI. 107773 TEDROW, J.C.F. Soils of the subarctic regions. (In: Symposium on Ecology of the Subarctic Regions 1966. Proceedings pub 1970, p.189-205, maps, tables, illus) 89 refs. French summary. Defines the Subarctic as those regions between the northern boundary of continuous forest and the line marking the northern extension of conifers. The soils of subarctic Alaska, Canada, Fennoscandia and the USSR are described, with reference to the published literature. None of the generalized soil classifications for the northern regions has been adequately tested for adaptability on a circumpolar basis. Two Russian schemes are summarized in tables. Few if any subarctic soil properties are unique to the region; there is a tendency for a thicker organic mat to form under the forested conditions and there is a slowly changing north-south pedogenic gradient. The greatest podzolic potential exists in Fennoscandia and possibly Labrador, in the northern forest fringes and some parts of the tundra proper;
podzol soils are widespread in the western Siberian Subarctic. Solonetzic and bog soils CaMAI, MdU. are briefly noted. 107774 TEDROW, J.C.F. Thaw lakes, thaw sinks and soils in northern Alaska. (Biuletyn peryglacjalny 1969. no.20, p.337-44, graph, map, illus) 10 refs. In the Umiat region and just south of the heavily braided Colville River, eolian silts, some 30' thick, mantle an old terrace. In the continuous permafrost zone, thaw sinks and thaw lakes now occupy about one half of the landscape. Many of the lakes lie in the floors of older lakes that have been drained by headward erosion of Kutchik River tributaries and permafrost thaw processes. Recurrence of the draining leaves secondary lake floors so that thaw lakes exist at several stepped levels. In places, these lakes are cutting into banks while infilling other sectors and thus are slowly migrating. The eolian silts originally were almost organic-free, but sediments on lake floors become more organic as they are reworked and redeposited. Upland tundra soils mantle the eolian silts but meadow tundra and bog soils have developed at lower levels that have sluggish drainage and are wetter. DGS. TEIGE, J., see No. 105939. I.K. and 107775 TEKUNOV, V.S. KABANOVA. Itogi mezhoblastnogo soveshchaniya po meditsinskomu obsluzhivaniyu narodnostey Kraynego Severa. (Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii 1969. v.13, no.6, p.45-46) In Russian. Title tr.: Report on the Interprovincial conference on public health services to minorities of the Far North. Summarizes proceedings of this 13-15 Nov 1968 conference at Tyumen devoted mainly to TB control measures. Hospital beds in the seven national districts have increased since 1957 for tubercular cases 3.2 fold, surgical 2.2, infectious diseases, childrens' somatic and gynecological 3 fold, therapeutic over 50%. DLC. TELEG1N, N.P., see No. 106129. 107776 TELESHEV, V.I. and N.G. SEMEna NOV. Gidroelektrostantsiya r.Mamakane. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1968. v.38, no.5, p.1-4, graph, table, illus) In Russian. Titk tr.: Hydroelectric power plant on the Mamakan River. Describes the construction conditions and the structural design of the first large power plant built in a permafrost region. Construction started in Oct 1956 on this left tributary of the Vitim, and the plant was set in permanent operation in Sept 1966. During construction 993
the air temperature ranged from -52.4 to +34.8°C. Meteorological, hydrological, and geological conditions at the site are given. The dam type is treated in some detail, with a plan of the main structures, and drawings of the spillway, water intake, and the power plant building. A type of gravity dam was selected, which required extraction of 158,000 m3 soft ground and 133,000 m3 of rock and the laying of 246,000 m3 of concrete and reinforced conDLC. crete. TELFSHOVA, R.L., see No. 106829. 107777 TELEZHENKO, V.P. and others. Nekotoryye osobennosti dinamicheskikh kharakteristik otrazhennykh voln na Use-Balykskom mestorozhdenii nefti. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.2, p.83-91, tables, illus) 10 Title tr.: refs. In Russian. English summary. Dynamic characteristics of reflected waves in the Ust'-Balyk oil deposits. Reports the results of 1964-65 reflection seismic prospecting along two profiles. The thickness, permeability and porosity of the sandstone beds are described. Compound seismograms are presented and interpreted, and reasons are given for the anomalous behavior DLC. of amplitude ratios in the deposits. Radhuset 107778 TELJE, A. and others. Mo i Rana. (Byggekunst 1970. v.52, no.6, p.218-24, illus) In Norwegian. Other authors: F.A.S. Torp and K. Aasen. Title tr.: The Mo i Rana town hall. Describes the architectural features of the building erected in two stages. It is composed of three 18 x 18 m blocks, 2, 3, and 5 stories high with a clock tower, elevators, utilities, washrooms, etc in tower-like structures joining the three, and unifying the design. Five types of concrete were used in the exterior. The simplicity, solidity and functional aspects of the building are considered expressive of the fastgrowing industrial city. In addition to administrative off►ces, it contains a community hall, movie theater, library. Interior layout with floor plans and furnishings are described. DLC. TEMIN, LS., see Nos. 103851, 108143. D.J. 107779 TEMPELMAN-KLUIT, Re-examination of pseudoleucite from Spotted Fawn Creek, west-central Yukon. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1969. v.6, no.1, p.55-62, map, graph, tables, illus) 12 refs. Reports petrologic, chemical and experimental data for pseudoleucite from the southern edge and near the center of the Tombstone batholith. They indicate that natural pseudoleucite probably results from subsolidus breakdown of leucite under water pressure and that 994
the space provided by this breakdown results in influx of the fluid phase that accomplishes partial removal of potash, enrichment in soda and addition of water. Tabulated data for the chemical analyses and a quartz-nepheline-kalsilite ternary diagram are given. Spotted Fawn Creek is tributary to Little Twelve Mile River in the Yukon River basin. CaMAI, DGS. 107780 TEMPELMAN-KLUIT, D.J. Relationship between sulfide grain size and metamorphic grade of host rocks in some strata-bound pyritic ores. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.5, p.1339-45, graphs, tables) 7 refs. In a beginning study to set this relationship on a quantitative basis, data were requested from geologists who have studied or are studying strata-bound sulfide deposits enclosed in metamorphosed silicate host rocks. Of the 18 responses, three concern Yukon Territory and one northern Norway deposits. Data are summarized in a table and analyzed in a series of diagrams. The data show that sulfide grain size differs markedly between deposits; average sulfide grain size, and that of pyrite especially, is generally higher in highly metamorphosed than in less metamorphosed rocks; the degree of correlation between sulfide grain size in ore and metamorphic grade of host rocks in terms of index minerals is similar to that between silicate grain size in host rocks and metamorphic grade of host rocks; and that the proportion of pyrite is generally lower and that of pyrrhotite higher in deposits enclosed by highly metamorphosed, than in less metamorphosed strata. DLC. TEMPELMAN-KLUIT, D.J., see also 103411.
107781 TEMPLEMAN, W. Experimental snella fishing for cod, Gadus morhua L., on West Greenland Bank, August 1965, and comparison of a snella and otter-trawl catch of cod from the same locality of Store Hellefiske Bank. (International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries. Research bulletin 1969. no.6, p.53-64, tables, illus) 14 refs. Snella fishing originated in Norway and is now a common method used in Greenland as well as Norway, the Faroes and Iceland. The rubber bait handline gear consists of the snella, a hand reel, a monofilament nylon line, a leader, usually of somewhat smaller monofilament nylon line, a lead or iron weight of 1.4-1.8 kg and above this, hooks with rubber-worm bait. An experiment carried out on the West Greenland Bank to compare the numbers, weight and length of cod caught by no.10, 11, and 12 size hooks as part of the snella gear, is reported. The smallest hook (no.10) caught the greatest number and total weights. There was
no significant difference in the average lengths of fish caught by the three hooks. A line with three hooks caught fewer numbers and less weight than lines with six hooks. On Store Hellefiske Bank, longer fish were caught by the snella gear, when the catch of the otter trawl with the codend lined by small mesh was modified for selection by meshes of approx 130-mmdouble manila. In snella fishing, cod catches were much less at water temperatures of 1.25° 2.2°C than at 2.4° - 5.3°C. CaMAI, DLC. 107782 TEMPLEMAN, W. Review of some aspects of capelin biology in the Canadian area of the north-west Atlantic. (Int. Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Rapports et procts-verbaux 1968. v.158, p.41-53, graph, table, illus) 39 refs. Reviews the literature on distribution, spawning, size and sex, age and growth, parasites, abundance and predators of the capelin in Hudson Bay, Labrador Sea and southward. Work on the problems of length measurement, vertebral numbers, and age reading and validation of this and other North Atlantic capelin DLC. populations is also considered. 107783 TEMYAKIN, V.M. and K.A. SHURKIN. Chamokitovyye kompleksy vostochnoy chasti Baltiyskogo shchita. (In: Problemy magm a tizm a Baltiyskogo...1971. p.225-31, graphs, illus) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Charnockite complexes in the eastern Baltic shield. Discusses the nomenclature and origin of charnockites and their petrographic features, mineral paragenesis and chemical composition. In a genetic classification of these rocks, magmatic and ultrametamorphic groups are distinDLC. guished. 107184 TEN BRINK, N.W Continued investigations of Quaternary deposits in the area bounded by Sondre Stromfjord, the Inland ice, and the Sukkertoppen ice cap. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970 pub 1971. no.35, p.13-17, map) 4 refs. The abandoned shorelines in this area, centering at approx 66°40'N 51°W, are noted, as are their elevations which appear to rise progressively from east to west. Marine shells, other organic materials and lake sediment cores were collected for C-14 dating and pollen analysis. Lichenometric surveys were made to estimate age of moraines, but microclimatic variations may make this effort ineffective. Available dates on marine shells, in the 6000 + BP range, vary rather widely in elevation and location. Mapping of glacial deposits DGS. is in progress. TEN BRINK, N.W, see also No. 108390.
TENER, J.S. see No. 102927. 107785 TENGNER, S. Akkamassivet. (Till fjalls 1967. v.39, p.64-67, map, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: The Akavare massif. General description of this north Swedish mountain massif, listing the summits with elevation and first ascents where known, passes, glaciers, streams and suitable camping sites. A 1958 airphoto and a map drawn on its basis are included. DLC. 107786 TENGNER, S. Fjtillen kring Sulitelma. (Till (jails 1969-70. v.41-42, p.108-109, map, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: The mountains around Sulitelma. Contains a 1958 airphoto of the Swedish part of this north Scandinavian mountain massif, and a 1970 map drawn by Tore Abrahamsson on the basis of airphotos. DLC. 107787 TEODOROVICH, V.L. and G.A. KOZLOV. 0 mekhanizme povrezhdeniya kletok krovi v protsesse medlennogo i bystrogo zamorazhivaniya. (Tsitologiya 1968. v.10, no.10, p.1288-97, graphs, illus) Refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Mechanism of blood cell damage during slow and quick freezing. Cell damage is related to relaxation of the crystalline microstructure formed in blood as freezing progresses. The relaxation phenomenon is a transition from a primary polycrystalline microstructure, characterized by dendritic crystal forms, to the final stage of complete crystallization in the freezing system. Blood cells are damaged, not so much mechanically, but chemically, by the influence of highly concentrated solutions of electrolytes near the surface of growing crystals and very diluted electrolytes near the surfaces of melting crystals. DLC. 107788 TEPLYAKOV, YE.A. and F.N. LYU-DO-FUN. Novyye dannyye o neftegazonosnosti tsentral'noy chasti Surgutskogo svoda v svyazi s otkrytiyem Fedorovskogo neftegazovogo mestorozhdeniya. (N eftegazovaya geologiya i geofizika 1972. no.10, p.3-10, maps, tables, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: New data about the oil and gas possibilities of the central part of the Surgut uplift in connection with the opening of the Fedorovskiy oil and gas deposit. Describes the Fedorovskiy oil and gas deposit discovered in 1971 north of Surgut and the Nizhnevartovskiy — Ust'-Balyk Omsk pipeline. Neocomian (Lower Cretaceous) beds of 3000 m thickness contain horizons AS., AS2_6, BS„ BS., and BSI°, the last named containing 80% of the oil reserves of this type of deposit. The beds consist of terrigenous sandy-clay platform deposits. A 995
geological cross section, structural map and tables showing the average composition of the oil and condensate are given. The Fedorovskiy deposit confirms the high productive prospects claimed for the Surgut DGS. uplift. 107789 TERASMAE, J. and O.L. HUGHES. Late Wisconsinan chronology and history of vegetation in the Ogilvie Mountains, Yukon Territory, Canada. (Palaeobotanist 1966. v.15, no.1-2, p.235-42, map, illus) 20 refs. Presented in the Quaternary Palynology Section meeting at the Special Session of the Palaeobotanical Society held at the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow, India, Dec 1964. Describes briefly the physiographic features, climate and vegetation of a region in the southwestern Ogilvie Mts from the North Fork Pass, at the headwaters of the North Klondike River, north to Chapman Lake and northwest to Gill Lake, where moraines of three major advances and retreats of valley glaciers were recognized (cf No 101056). Palynological studies of cores from sites at the two lakes, and radiocarbon dating are used to confirm the chronology of the complex moraine sequence. The youngest of the glacial episodes appears to have culminated prior to 10,000-12,900 BP. DGS. 107790 TERASMAE, J. Notes on Quaternary palaeoecological problems in the Yukon Territory, and adjacent regions. Ottawa, Queen's Printer 1967. 12 p. map. (Canada. Geological Survey. Papers no.67-46) 51 refs. Presented at the Pacific Palynology Symposium, 1 I th Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo 1966 and slightly revised to include recent discoveries. The Yukon and Mackenzie River lowland are important problem areas in that northern Yukon remained largely unglaciated and served as a plant and animal refugium during the Quaternary. The problems are similar to those of Alaska and extend to and beyond the Bering land bridge. The evidence on ecology and climatic changes in late-Quaternary time, drawn from the American and Canadian literature, is evaluated in a regional context. The evidence indicates that human migration from Asia could have reached the Yukon and gone southward some 14,000 yr ago. CaMAI, DGS. 107791 TERASMAE, J. Recent pollen deposition in the northeastern District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories, Canada. (Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 1967. v.3, no.1, p.I7-27, map, table, illus) 10 refs. Pollen-spore assemblages from surface 996
samples of peat, soil and lake sediments in the Bathurst Inlet - MacAlpine Lake region reflect local vegetation and contain a significant pine and spruce pollen component from a distant source. This tundra area lies 200-250 mi north of the tree line. Peat studies indicate that the meteorological factors influencing long-distance pollen dispersal have not changed essentially for 2000 yr and that peat deposition has been extensive for only about that long. DGS. 107792 TERASMAE, J. Some problems of the Quaternary palynology in the western mainland region of the Canadian Arctic. Ottawa, Queens Printer 1968. 26 p. map, table, illus. (Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 68-23) 78 refs. The problems in this region center around lower pollen production, pollen dispersal, deposition and preservation. To achieve meaningful paleoecological and paleoclimatological reconstructions, palynological interpretations must be integrated with evidence from glaciology, Quaternary geology, climatology, dendrochronology, geobotany and ecology. A late Wisconsin and postglacial pollen diagram from Chapman Lake in Yukon Territory and one from postglacial deposits at Gordon Bay of Bathurst Inlet in Mackenzie District are interpreted in terms of Quaternary and postglacial environmental changes in the Arctic. CaMAI, DGS. 107793 TEREKHOV, M.I. and A.P. SHPETNYY. Nizhnepermskiye otlozheniya Omolonskogo massiva. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.28, p.16-24, map, table) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Lower Permian deposits of the Omolon massif. Reviews the main sections of these deposits. Significant facies changes are deduced from analyses of their interrelation with the overlying and underlying rocks, lithologic features and faunal composition. Comparison is made between the Verkhoyansk and Spitsbergen Lower Permian and an Artinskian-Kungurian age is suggested for these deposits of the °molt:in massif. DLC. TEREKHOV, M.I., see also No. 105800. 107794 TEREKHOVA, G.P. 0 nizhney zone senomanskogo yarusa melovoy sistemy v Anadyrsko-Koryakskoy oblasti. (AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otd-iye. Severo-Vostochnyy kompleksnyy n.-issl. inst. Trudy 1969. no.32, p.16371, tables) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The lower zone of the Cenomanian stage of the Cretaceous system in Anadyr-Koryak province. Reports 1965-66 fieldwork in the Mayn River region. Sections of these deposits are characterized lithologically and faunally. Ino-
ceramus aff. crippsi and Desmoceras kossmati are considered most typical of the lower Cenomanian. I. subovatus, I. subovatus aequalis n ssp and other Inoceramus sp are also common. DLC.
in Nenets, Enets, Nganasan, and Sel'kup. DLC. TERESHKOV, G.M., see No. 107921.
107799 TERMAN, I.A. Perspektivy 107795 TERENT'YEV, V.B. Primene- osvoyeniya unikal'nykh gidroenergoresursov niye magnitorazvedki pri poiskakh olovorud- Angary i Yeniseya. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye (Razvedka i okhrana nykh mestorozhdeniy. stroitel'stvo 1971. v.41, no.1, p.1-5, tables, illus) nedr 1970. v.36, no.10, p.55-56, illus) 3 refs. In In Russian. Tide tr.: Prospects for developRussian. Title tr.: Use of magnetic surveys ment of the unique hydropower resources of the Angara and Yenisey Rivers. in the search for tin ores. Notes the Pyrkakay tin-bearing zone in Outlines the power resources of these river central Chukotka. Stockwork zones of basins. They have a power potential of 600 bilsubmeridional strike and composed of lion kwh /yr, of which 50% can be converted quartz-cassiterite-sulfide ores are of economic into electric energy. The Nizhnyaya Tunguska, importance. A magnetic survey was made in Yenisey, Angara, and Podkamennaya Tunthe Pervonacharnoye deposits of this zone to guska Rivers with ten power plants produce investigate the magnetic properties of the electric energy at a 1.80-5.40 times cheaper rate enclosing rocks and ores. The tin-bearing than the other hydroelectric power stations in deposits have a higher magnetization due to the USSR. Photos show the Bratsk, Krasnothe presence of pyrrhotite. DLC. yarsk, and Sayano-Shushensk power plants. Hydropower development in the interests of TERENT'YEV, V.B., see also Nos. 103963, the national economy is discussed in relation to 103964,107629. seven more power plants projected or under construction in the Yenisey basin. DLC. TERENTTEVA, M.V., see No. 103179. TERNOVOY, V.I., see No. 101641. 107796 TERESHCHENKO, N.M. Imennoye skazuyemoye v samodiyskikh yazykakh. TERSKIKH, LI., see No. 102152. (Sovetskoye finno-ugrovedeniye 1969. v.5, no.4, p.287-97) 10 refs. In Russian. English sum- 107800 TERZIYEV, F.S. Usloviya obraTide tr.: The predicate nominative in zovaniya morskikh tumanov tips pareniya pri mary. razlichnykh formakh atmosfernoy tsirkulyatsii. Samoyed languages. Comparative study of grammar and syntax (Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 1970. no.35, in Nenets, Enets, Nganasan, and Sel'kup p.40-47, graphs, maps, tables) 2 refs. In RusSamoyed. The simple predicate consisting of sian. Title tr.: Formation conditions of soarone nominative is most common in Nenets, ing type sea fog under different forms of and the compound predicate, a combination of atmospheric circulation. nominal and verbal forms, is predominant in Analyzes cases of fall in air temperature DLC. and the probability of consequent formation of Sel'kup. this fog under westerly, easterly, and meri107797 TERESHCHENKO, N.M. Ob dional forms of circulation as observed in Kola osnovnykh ponyatiyakh idiomatiki v nenets- Bay near Murmansk in 1945-67. The probabilkom yazyke. (Sovetskoye finno-ugrovede- ity of fog formation under these atmospheric niye 1969. v.5, no.1, p.77-82) 3 refs. In Russian. circulation forms is given for Oct-Apr. The Tide tr.: Some basic con- relationship between the forms of atmospheric English summary. cepts on idiomatic phraseology in Nenets. circulation and this sea fog formation along the Semantic study of Nenets Samoyed idioms, Kola Peninsula coastal zones enable the foremany of which are used in otherwise incompat- casting of high or low probability of frequency ible contextual combinations and should be of the fog, and the taking of precautionary DLC. measures for navigation, ptc. DLC. regarded as figurative turns of speech. N.M. 107798 TERESHCHENKO, Strukturnyye osobennosti voprositel'nykh i vosklitsatel'nykh predlozheniy v samodiyskikh yazykakh. (Sovetskoye finno-ugrovedeniye 1969. v.5, no.3, p.195-202) In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Structural features of interrogative and exclamatory sentences in Samoyed languages. Comparative study of the syntax, morphology, and intonation of emotional phraseology
TERZIYEV, F.S., see also No. 101998. TESLENKO, YU.V., see No. 106943. TETERYUK, V.K., see No. 101639. Oprede107801 TEYS, R.V. and others. leniya pozdneyurskikh i rannemelovykh paleotemperatur po izotopnomu sostavu kisloroda v rostrakh belemnitov. (In: AN SSSR. Sibir997
skoye otd-iye. Inst. geologii i geofiziki. Trudy 1968. n.48, p.51-57, graphs, tables) Refs. In Russian. Other authors: D.P. Naydin and V.N. Saks. Title tr.: Determination of late Jurassic and early Cretaceous paleotemperatures by the isotopic composition of oxygen in belemnite rostra. Reports on the average annual temperatures as determined in 124 rostra from Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) - Lower Hauterivian (Lower Cretaceous) localities in the Lena, Anabar, and Kheta basins of northern Siberia, in European USSR, and in Poland. A layer-bylayer determination was also made of seasonal paleotemperatures from three rostra from north central Siberia and from the Pechora basin. A gradual increase of average annual temperature is established from the end of the Middle Jurassic to late Volgian. The temperature evidently decreased in late Volgian and early Berriasian time, and increased again at CaMAI, DLC. the end of the Berriasian. THAYER, AS., see No. 102562. THERRIEN, H.P., see No. 102148. 107802 THIERET, J.W. Botanical survey along the Yellowknife Highway, Northwest Territories, Canada; 1: catalogue of the flora, 2: vegetation. (SIDA contributions to botany 1963-1964. v.1, no.3, p.117-70, map; no.4, p.187-239, tables, illus) 41 refs. Presents an annotated catalog arranged alphabetically by families of some 560 species of algae, lichens, bryophytes and vascular plants collected in various habitats of the northern great plains and Canadian Shield provinces during summer 1958-62 surveys along this highway between Enterprise on the Hay River and Yellowknife. Their distributional, phenological, life-form and other data are given. In pt 2, the vegetation is described in forests, rock outcrops, lakes and rivers, marl and gypsite deposits, strands and islands, sand plains and soil, noting particularly its disturbance by human activities and by fire. The grassland vegetation of the region was dealt DLC. with in No 62049. 107803 THIRGOOD, J.V. Land disturbance and revegetation in Canada. (Canadian mining journal 1969. v.90, no.12, p.33-37, illus) Paper presented at the NATO sponsored International Symposium on the Ecology and Revegetation of Drastically Disturbed Areas, Pennsylvania State Univ, 3-16 Aug 1969. Deals with environmental degradation, pollution and land abuse associated with mining and measures to restore good conditions. Regulatory processes are little developed, though reclamation legislation in Alberta and British Columbia is noted. Special problems con998
nected with permafrost in the North and oil exploration on the Interior Plains are included in the discussion. DGS. 107804 THORN, !E.G. Norrlandsk vallodling, 2: resultat av en vallinventering 19591961. Stockholm 1967. 57 p. graphs, map, tables. (Skogs- och lantbruksakademien. Tidskrift 1967. Supplement 7) Refs. In Swedish. English summary. Tide tr.: Grassland cultivation in Norrland, 2: results of a grassland inventory 1959-1961. Reports on a northern Swedish survey for comparison with an earlier inventory to improve knowledge of the botanical stand. Samplings were made and proportions of timothy, clover, self-sown grasses and weeds determined. Size of farms, weather conditions, and age of the meadows are noted. Importance of grasslands in the North is emphasized. The gradual return of seeded clover and timothy fields to self-seeding grasses is verified, and weed problems described. The main self-seeding grasses and weeds are cited. Lower yields in northern Sweden are attributed to changing of the botanical stand as the meadows age and to sparing use of fertilizers. DLC. 107805 THORNBLAD, H. Malmbanan, Sveriges guldader. (Svenska jiirnvagstidningen 1969. v.56, no.4, p.8-10, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: The ore railway, Sweden's golden exploit. Reports on the work of the Kiruna-Narvik single-track railway, its heavy track and its income to Sweden, and to Norway which owns 39 kin of the line. Only 20% of the Lapland ore goes toward Lulea. The Norbotten ironworks there process 700,000 t/yr. Sea traffic, railway cars, ore loading and temperature problems are also noted. DLC. 107806 THOM, B.G. Permafrost in the Knob Lake iron mining region. (National Research Council of Canada. Technical memorandum 1969. no.96, p.9-20, graphs, map, illus) 5 refs. In this region of Quebec, the Iron Ore Co of Canada used seismic and resistivity surveys to determine depths to bedrock, water table and upper permafrost table for purposes of exploration. Test drilling may show signs of permafrost; coring was not successful. Temperature measurements with thermocouple cables in drill holes were widely used. To test correlation between snow depth and permafrost, snow courses were established across areas where thermocouple cables were located. Snow depth and density varies with relief, aspect and vegetation. Thick permafrost (200 ft) is probable in areas with 1200 lakes, to Cook Inlet on Kenai Peninsula. It has a subarctic climate, with freeze-up in late Oct and breakup in Apr. It has —7500 moose, also Dall sheep, mountain goats, brown and black bears, smaller fur-bearers and 168 species of birds. Hunting, fishing, camping and air access regulations are noted. CaMAI, DI. 1036
108034 US. Fish and Wildlife Service. Reconnaissance report on the impact on fish and wildlife resources of the North Slope oil development, the Trans Alaska Pipeline System, and the marine terminal sites. Juneau, Alaska 1970. 60 p. maps, illus. Reports a summer 1969 survey of fish and wildlife habitats along the route of the proposed oil pipeline, the North Slope oilfields, Beaufort Sea coast and the tankship terminal site near Valdez on Prince William Sound. Climate, permafrost, and vegetation are outlined. The rivers, estuaries and lakes used by ducks, geese and shore birds and by sport and native fishermen are dealt with, as are the ranges used by caribou, reindeer, moose, the grizzly, black and brown bears, also the wolf, mountain goat and mountain sheep; habitats of the fast-disappearing bald eagle and polar bear, the polar fox, seal, whale, sea otter and marine fishes. Problems of erosion and siltation are discussed, also barriers to fish and mammal migrations, damage to spawning areas or fish, entrapment of fish and fauna, and overkill by hunting and fishing. Thermal pollution, improper disposal of waste, and oil pollution are also treated. 24 photos of landscapes and damage in the area are included. CaMAI, DI.
108035 US. Geological Survey. Geologic and hydrologic effects of the Milrow event, Amchitka Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Denver, Colo. 1970. 76 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. Refs. Presents the principal factual data from studies of the effects of an underground nuclear explosion of approx I megaton, fired 2 Oct 1969 on the eastern half of the island. Many of the data are preliminary and analysis incomplete. MORRIS, R.H. and L.M. GARD. Visible geological effects, p. 3-17. Describes faults, rockfalls, slumps, soil and turf disruptions, massive natural landslides. McKEOWN, F.A. and others. Ground displacement measurements, p. 18-43. Gives data on level-line survey and strain and tilt determinations. NICHOLS, T.C., JR. and F.T. LEE. Stress determinations made on Amchitka before and after the Milrow event, p. 44-50. BALLANCE, W.C. and W.W. DUDLEY Hydrologic effects, p. 51-65. Reports water geysers as far away as 1300 m, along streams, across lakes and along the beach on the Pacific side; tilting of lakes in a subsidence area within approx 875 ft of the explosion site; changes in stream flow; no radionuclide contaminants in water samples near the site. Presumed subsurface effects include changes in water level in the chimney area, formation of a groundwater cone of depression around the chimney and mixing of radioactive contaminants with water
in the chimney; groundwater pressure responses in holes and a well near Anchorage. VON HEUNE, R. and W.J. CARR. Summary of marine geophysical studies, p. 66-71. Interprets data from pre- and post-test seismic reflection, fathometer and proton precession magnetometer surveys around Amchitka to delineate submarine faults and large bodies of unstable sediments. A nuclear test might trigger movement along faults and slumping of sediments, both of which events would generate large tsunamis. The data make the possibility of causing large submarine slumps by an underground nuclear explosion seem remote. DGS. 108036 US. Naval Oceanographic Office. Oceanographic cruise summary Baffin BayDavis Strait-Labrador sea, summer 1968. 7 p. graphs, map, table. (Its: Informal oceanographic manuscript reports 1969. IR no.69-37) Summarizes briefly oceanographic cruise of USCGC Eastwind during which 59 previously established stations were reoccupied and temperature, bathymetry and salinity measurements recorded. Data are filed at the National Oceanographic Data Center, ref 311353. Eight graphs compare temperature and salinity profiles with those obtained by USCGC Edisto in DLC. 1967. US. Geological Survey, see also No. 103650. US. Library of Congress, see No. 102170. 108037 US. Naval Oceanographic Office. Some results of an oceanographic survey in the northern Greenland Sea, summer 1964. 49 p. graphs, maps, tables. (Its: Technical report 1968. TR 202) Refs. Presents a detailed report of an oceanographic survey in this area carried out during 1964 by USS Edisto. Data on bathymetry, climate, ice conditions, tides, salinity, temperature, water chemistry, and currents are summarized and graphed. Several current schemes of previous investigators are reviewed and compared with data obtained on this survey. Charts of hprizontal and vertical distribution of various parameters are presented. The significance of the survey data is discussed in detail, particularly in reference to currents and the interrelations of the three water bodies present: Polar, Arctic Bottom, and Atlantic. The center of the East Greenland Current appeared to be farther east (approx 3°W) than previously observed, possibly due to a large scale temporal variation. Gyres were also somewho differently located. The West Spitsbergen Current was not well developed. High oxygen saturation values were found at all depths; micronutrient concentrations were
low in shallow layers, particularly in Polar water, and generally increased with depth. Water from the N Atlantic is shown to be the primary component of all the waters in the northern Greenland Sea. Minimum bottom water temperatures proved to be warmer than at the beginning of the century. DLC. US. Navy Electronics Laboratory, see 102473, 102490.
US. Office of Naval Research, see 101884, 107702.
UNITED STATES CONTRIBUTIONS TO QUATERNARY RESEARCH, 1969, see No. 104023. 108038 UNTERSTEINER, N. and J.O. FLETCHER. AIDJEX planning conference. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.9, p.1-34, illus) Gives a condensed account of a conference convened at the University of Washington Lake Wilderness Conference Center, 21-22 June 1971, to review recent progress toward AIDJEX scientific goals and to discuss 1972 pilot experiment plans. The 81 participants representing Canadian and US federal agencies, universities and industry, are listed. Minutes of AIDJEX science and technology sections, a summary of 1972 plans, notes on Canadian projects and 1972 logistic and operational plans, are accompanied by a description of the new CaMAI, DN-HO. AIDJEX organization. 108039 UNTERSTEINER, N. and G.A. MAYKUT. Arctic sea ice. (Naval research 1969. v.22, no.5, p.12-23, graphs, tables) 20 refs. Presents results of a thermodynamic model which describes growth and decay of sea ice. Based on empirically-determined values for the major fluxes, diagrams show actual and hypothetical variations in albedo, snow cover and long-wave emissivity. Trends in the thickness of the ice cover are stated to be unknown, and the proposed hypothesis that the Arctic Ocean might be substantially ice-free by 1985 is considered an unfounded conjecture. DLC. 108040 UNTERSTEINER, N. Meteorology and physics of sea ice in the Arctic, a summary of studies carried out in Project Husky. (In: AINA. Arctic drifting stations 1968. p.14954) 36 refs. Comments on the work under this project active on every drifting station since IGY station Alpha 1957; the resulting reports pub and in press are listed. Scope of the work includes solar short-wave and atmospheric long-wave 1037
radiation, micro-oceanography, i.e. temperature/salinity data and supercooled water under the ice, heat and mass budgets of sea ice, sea- and freshwater-ice crystallography, a numerical calculation of sea level rise to be expected from the given field of wind stress, and scattering of roughness parameters of sea ice. Investigations in progress are listed. CaMAI, DLC.
Considers ultrabasic outcrops north of Narssaq, 60°54'N 46°W, and on Tugtut6q Island, 60°50'N 46°35W, in Southwest Greenland. All are associated with large olivine gabbro intrusions, which are believed to be older. The deduced mineral paragenesis, zoning and reaction relationships include rapid, largely adiabatic crystallization with rapid loss DGS. of volatiles.
108041 UNTERSTEINER, N. Safety precautions on the ice. (AIDJEX bulletin 1971. no.11, p.43) Notes directives concerning explosives, rifles and pistols on the 1972 ice floe camp. It is requested that handguns not be brought. Rifles will be supplied for protection against polar bears. CaMAI, DN-HO.
108045 UPTON, L.F.S. The wreck of the Eldorado. (Beaver 1968. v.299, no.2, p.2731, map, illus) Relates the story of a ship chartered by Paris furriers to set up trading posts at the mouths of rivers emptying into Hudson Bay. She was wrecked near Fort George in 1903 and the 47 people on board journeyed 270 mi through James Bay and along the Moose and Abitibi Rivers, aided only by a few Indians and Hudson's Bay Co officials. All survived. CaMAI, DLC.
108042 UNTERSTEINER, N. Sea ice and heat budget. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.3, p.195-99) 10 refs. Since the Apr 1957 occupation of the first long-term US drifting station on sea ice, much has been learned about the properties of sea ice as a material. Properties of large, composite sheets of natural sea ice are still to be defined, however, because of need for accurate knowledge of strength, roughness and albedo, among other parameters. In explanation of the ice cover, studies have been made of energy fluxes, radiative fluxes, albedos, wind and water flow profiles in boundary layers, air and ice temperature profiles and evaporation of condensation. There remain unresolved and complex questions concerning the circumstances under which the present ice cover could change. CaMAI, DLC. UNTERSTEINER, N. see also Nos. 103452, 105744,106462. 108043 UPTON, Basic rocks of the Gardar igneous province. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970. no.28, p.26-29) 8 refs. Presents summary description of unmetamorphosed dolerite dikes within the Precambrian basement, on the basis of 1969 field study in the area 60°30' - 61°30'N 45°15' - 48°45W, southwest Greenland. They are probably 14001000 MY old, younger than the latest regional metamorphic event but either older than or contemporaneous with such igneous complexes as Ilfinaussaq and KfingnAt. These dikes and regional lavas indicate the major role played by basic magmatism in the evolution of the Gardar alkaline province. DOS. 108044 UPTON, B.G.J. Ultrabasic intrusives from Narssaq and Tugtut6q. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.41-44) 4 refs. 1038
108046 URALOV, N.S. Sezonnyye izmeneniya ledovykh usloviy u yuzhnykh beregov Grenlandii. (Moskva. Gos. okeanograficheskiy inst. Trudy 1967. no.91, p.3-31, graphs, map, tables) 31 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Seasonal changes of ice conditions along the southern shore of Greenland. Discusses seasonal changes in drift ice and the dimensions and rate of shift of the ice belt. Data for the investigation are taken from Danish publications. Ice conditions near Greenland depend on the heat balance of the sea water and on the drifting polar ice coming from the Arctic Basin. The belt of polar ice is translocated from 71°N to the southwestern shores of the island and returns to 71°N. The speed of drift is variable depending upon location and year. Width of the ice belt is maximal in March and April and minimal in Sept and Oct. CaMAI, DLC. 108047 URAL'SKOYE PETROGRAFICHESKOYE SOVESHCHANIYE, 2n4 Sverdlovsk 1969. Magmaticheskiye formatsii, metamorfizm, metallogeniya Urala; ul'trabazity. Sverdlovsk 1969. 291 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (Bs: Trudy v.2) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Magmatic formations, metamorphism and metallogeny of the Urals; ultramafic rocks. Contains 34 papers, two of northern interest are abstracted in this Bibliography under their authors' names, viz: S.V. Moskaleva, and A.A. Savel'yev and G.N. Savel'yeva. DLC. 108048 URINSON, G.S. Ekonomicheskiy analiz razvitiya gazodobyvayushchey promyshlennosti SSSR. (Gazovoye delo 1967. no.11, p.46-53, tables) 2 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Economic analysis of the development of gas-extracting industry of the USSR.
Discusses the dynamics of natural gas extraction during 1940-66 from drillholes at deposits throughout the country incl Komi ASSR and Tyumen Province. The operating wells number 2343 with 94 in Komi and 14 in Tyumen at the beginning of 1967. Economic indices of the 1966 extraction show these two having the highest costs of the 13 gas-producing regions, viz 2.61 and 5.59 rubles/1000 m' gas and Uzbek SSR at 0.23 rubles/1000 m the lowest DLC. in cost. 108049 URVANTSEV, N.N. Geologotektonicheskiye osobennosti form irovaniya medno-nikelevykh rud Noril'ska. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Regional'naya geologiya no.17, p.39-55, tables) 48 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Geologic-tectonic features of Noril'sk coppernickel ore formation: The sulfide ores of Noril'sk and Talnakh were formed by fusion, not solution, as evidenced by the presence of banded lead-zinc ore. Refusion took place at temperatures not lower than 1100°C. Sulfide fusion originated not at the present site of the Noril'sk and Talnakh differentiated intrusion, but at a deeper focus of 10-15 km depth. Tectonic effects of the DLC. formation of the ores are discussed. 108050 URVANTSEV, N.N. Na Severnoy Zemle. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologicheskoye izd. 1969. 244 p. maps, tables, illus. In Russian. Title tr.: On Severnaya Zemlya. Describes the 1930-32 expedition of his four-man party. Their meteorological and magnetic work, tide measurements, topographic and geologic surveys, geomorphic and glaciological investigations are graphically depicted. Five extensive sled trips with dogs were made, at least 5000 km in all. Komsomolets, Oktyabr'skoy Revolyutsii and Bolshevik Islands are described in some detail. DLC. Noril'sk, 108051 URVANTSEV, N.N. istoriya otkrytiya i osvoyeniya medno-nikelevykh rud Sibirskogo Severa. Moskva, Nedra 1969. 88 p. map, illus. In Russian. Title tr.: Noril'sk, history of the discovery and development of the copper-nickel ores of the Siberian North. Describes the first stage of the conquest of the Yenisey-Lena North during the 12-17th centuries. The geographic exploration of the Noril'sk region in the 18-19th centuries is briefly summarized, and the initial efforts towards its development in 1919-34 are outlined. The decision to establish a metallurgical combine was made in 1935, and two yr later the construction of a railroad from Dudinka to Noril'sk was completed. The next yr experimental metallurgical mining was begun and in 1939 small and in 1942 large factories built. In
1960 rich copper-nickel deposits were discovered at Talnakh Creek some 25 km from Norilsk. The entire development is described in detail, noting the personnel of various field parties, construction projects, etc. The book includes, p 5-15, an account by A.A. Vakar of Urvantsev's role in the exploration of the Noril'sk mineral resources from 1919. His numerous expeditions, topographic surveys, publications, and other activities are described, and the discoveries of copper-nickel deposits, searches for coal, the means of transportation, etc are summarized. Urvantsev's studies of Severnaya Zemlya, Taymyr Peninsula, etc to 1934 are also sketched. Since 1956 he has been with the Institute of Geology of the Arctic, and the activities in this institute are also briefly noted. DLC. URVANTSEVA, N.N., see No. 105284. USHAKOV, V.I., see Nos. 103828, 106054. USHCHAPOVSKAYA, Z.F., 103390.
see No.
108052 USHER, J. Long slumbering offspring of Adam, the evangelical approach to the Tsimshian. (Anthropologica 1971. v.13, no1/2, p.37-6I) 80 refs. Describes the work of William Duncan among the Tsimshian, Indians on the coast of British Columbia, which led to the establishment of the Metlakatla mission. The study focuses on his preliminary work at Fort Simpson, a trade center and meeting place of tribes. In 1857 it became the base of the first protestant missionary to the Indians of the area, under auspices of the Church Missionary Society. Duncan's letters are cited to indicate sociological as well as theological views of his work, his disapproval of certain customs of the Tsimshian, interest in their economy, mode of thought, traditions, etc. His school was a major influence. He foresaw the disintegration of Simpson as a fort and prompted the Tsimshian to establish a model village elsewhere. Influenced by social problems fostered by the Fraser River gold rush, 50 Tsimshian left Fort Simpson in May 1862 to establish a new settlement at Metlakatla. CaMAI, DS!. 108053 USHER, P. Canadian Western Arctic, a century of change. (Anthropologica 1971. v.13, no.I/2, p.169-83, map) 32 refs. Traces the history of the population of the Mackenzie Delta. Distribution and numbers of the native groups are given as estimated by explorers and traders 1826-57, e.g. the five distinct groups of Mackenzie Eskimos, all essentially sea-orientated, propably totaled about 2500. Changes began with the advent of American whalers who reached Herschel Island in 1039
1890 and were followed by Alaskan Eskimos, from whom the Mackenzie people learned trapping and became acquainted with the white fox trade, orientated to a market economy and dependent on the white man. Disease reduced the population, and after the 1902 epidemic it was about 400. A 1913-23 wave of Alaskan immigrants reversed this decline, and trade improved, the Mackenzie people remained between Herschel and Baillie, hunting and trapping on the coast, and the Alaskans occupied the Delta. A third group, some of the Alaskans and offspring of the whalers, proved mobile and resourceful; the trapping frontier expanded, but overtrapping forced a retreat of the Eskimos to Tuktoyaktuk and the Delta; trapping still flourished on Banks Island that had 51 Eskimos in 1941; a small group persists at Paulatuk on the coast and some Copper Eskimos have moved into the area. Construction of the DEW line and the town of Inuvik in the 1950's provided jobs and the population is mostly urbanized now; projects of government have proved more destructive of the traditional native life than the previous CaMAI, DSI. century of contact. 108054 USHER, P.J. and M. CHURCH. On the relationship of weight, length and girth of the ringed seal Pusa hispida of the Canadian Arctic. (Arctic 1969. v.22, no.2, p.120-29, graphs, tables) 8 refs. French and Russian summary. Analyzes the relationships between the standard length, max girth, axillary girth and blubber thickness of 73 ringed seals, 71 of them taken at Sachs Harbour, Aug-Sept 1966. Data for the 61 seals from SW Baffin Island first studied by MacLaren, No 53026, are reanalyzed to determine which relationships give the most reliable prediction of weight. A formula using length and max girth as factors is the most precise, and the best single indicator is girth. Tables showing the relationship between weight, length and girth, as derived from two of the six formulas presented are given supra. CaMAI, DLC. 108055 USOV, V.A. Voprosy formirovaniya mnogoletnemerzlykh tolshch v oblasti morskoy akkumulyatsii [ abs . (Merzlotnyye issledovaniya 1969. no.9, p.157-58) In Russian. Title tr.: The formation of permafrost layers in a region of marine aggradation. Discusses the problem of subaqueous marine permafrost in the shelf deposits of the shallow areas of the Arctic seas. The freezing of subaqueous deposits is most likely within the boundaries of "lagoon-glacial" formations in the peripheral coastal freezing zone. Three zones in which marine aggradation occurs are identified, with permafrost occurrence being possible in each zone. The author's investiga1040
Lions of the cryogenic structure of the marine sediments have made identification of freezing types and cryogenic structures in two of the zones possible (subaqueous and subaerial deposits of coastal shoals, and shoals located near deep water areas). Special attention to epigenetic freezing of sea-bottom sediments is recommended, as illustrated by examples studied in the Vorkuta and Karelia regions. DLC. USOVA, L.I., see No. 106791. USPENSKAYA, YE.I., see No. 102712. USPENSKIY, B.M. see No. 104623. 108056 USPENSKIY, S.M. Problems and forms of fauna conservation in the Soviet Arctic and Subarctic. (In: Conference on productivity...1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.199-207) 35 refs. In connection with the need for protection of northern species, author notes some biotic and abiotic environmental features pertinent to the variation in abundance of lemmings and other species, northward expansion of plants and animals during climatic changes, and the influence of man and growing urbanization in the Soviet North. Hunting and conservation laws and regulations since 1921 are cited, as are preserves and measure of recovery of some species resulting from them. A brief report is given of Soviet research and protective regulations of the polar bear population. CaEUB. USPENSKIY, S.M., see also No. 106265. USTINOV, N.V., see No. 102378. USTINOV, V.I., see No. 103243. 108057 USTINOVA, Z.G. Osnovnyye zadachi izucheniya osobennostey rezhima podzemnykh vod na territorii kriolitozony i real'nyye vozmozhnosti Bch resheniya. (In: Soveshchaniye po podzemnym vodam Sibiri 1970. p.144) In Russian. Title tr.: Main problems in the study of the characteristics of the groundwater regime in permafrost areas and possibilities of their solution. Summarizes data on the control exerted by the thickness, depth and other characteristics of the permafrost layer on the movement of ground water and the development of aquifers, with particular reference to application of hydrogeologic investigations in Vorkuta, Noril'sk, Yakutsk and northeastern Asiatic USSR. DLC. USTINOVICH, M.A., 104935,
Nos. 102814,
108058 USTRITSKIY, V.I. Biostratigrafiya verkhnego paleozoya Arktiki. Lenin-
grad, Nedra 1971. 279 p. tables, illus. (Leningrad. n.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Trudy v.164) 400 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Upper Paleozoic biostratigraphy of the Arctic. Outlines the Carboniferous and Permian biostratigraphy of the Urals and Russian platform, Pechora basin, Vaygach and Novaya Zemlya, Svalbard, Greenland, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Taymyr Peninsula, the Nordvik region, Verkhoyansk Range, Orulgan Range, the Okhotsk, Kolyma and Omolon massifs, Vrangelya Island and other more southerly areas. The stratigraphic divisions are based on foraminifer, ammonoid, brachiopod and pelecypod faunas. CaMAI, DLC. 108059 USTRITSKIY, V.I. Osnovnyye cherty stratigrafii i paleogeografii verkhnego paleozoya Shpitsbergena. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po stratigrafii Shpitsbergena 1967. p.71-93, graphs, maps) 44 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Main features of the upper Paleozoic stratigraphy and paleogeography of Svalbard. Reviews recent foreign and Russian studies. Based on the brachiopods, foraminifera, corals, pelecypods, and other fauna, the Middle and Upper Carboniferous, Lower and Upper Permian deposits are analyzed and their stratigraphy and paleogeography are summarized. Correlation of the main sections of the upper Paleozoic deposits is presented. DGS. 108060 USTRITSKIY, V.I. Zoogeografiya pozdnepaleozoyskikh morey Sibiri i Arktiki. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1970. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.29, p.58-77, table) Approx 50 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Zoogeography of the late Paleozoic seas of Siberia and the Arctic. Discusses the natural laws of faunal distribution in the shelf seas. The main factor is climatic zonation. The largest long-term divisions in this zonation should be called biogeographic regions, it is suggested; and the term provinces should designate smaller units which recur from time to time and correspond to semi-isolated basins or to regional junctions and are characterized by mixed faunal assemblages. On the basis of lithological and paleogeographic maps of the USSR, author offers a biogeographical classification of the late Paleozoic DLC. marine basins. USTRITSKIY, V.I., see also Nos. 102696, 105832,106792. 108061 USTSELEMOVA, M. Yakutsk vchera i segodnya. (Polyarnaya zvezda 1967. no.5, p.84-88, illus) In Russian. Title tr.: Yakutsk yesterday and today.
Photo-reportage on the present-day city and as it was before the Revolution. Representative buildings and streets are described and illus with photos of both periods. DLC. USYNIN, V.1., see Nos. 101707, 101708. UTKIN, V.D., see No. 108103. 108062 UTKIN, V.V. Tekhnologicheskaya svyaz' gazovoy promyshlennosti v devyatoy pyatiletke. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1971. v.16, no.6, p.16-17) In Russian. Title tr.: Technological communication of the gas industry in the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Describes the cable, and radio-relay (RRL) communication lines built in 1966-70, incl the RRL of the Vuktyl — Ukhta, Tas-Tumus Yakutsk, Messoyakha — Noril'sk pipelines and the cable line under construction at the Ukhta — Torzhok pipeline. Construction method, power supply, and operation of the RRL are sketched. It is to be installed also on the Nadym — Punga pipeline. DLC. UTOCHKINA, N.P., 103227,103228.
Nos. 103226,
108063 UVACHAN, V.N. Velikaya Oktyabr'skaya sotsialisticheskaya revolyutsiya i malyye narody Severa. (In: Prosveshcheniye na Kraynem Severe...1967. p.7-23, illus) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: October Revolution and the small peoples of the North. Review of administrative reforms, 1919-67, by the first secretary of the Communist Party of the Evenki National District. Summaries of major decrees and party directives are given and their implementation discussed. The industrial development of the North is sketched and the socio-economic and cultural progress of northern minorities in the USSR contrasted with the plight of American aborigines. DLC. 108064 VAAG, O.V. Sledy proyavleniya pozdnepaleozoyskogo vulkanizma v basseyne r.Podkamennoy Tunguski. (Sibirskiy n.-issl. inst. geologii, geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya 1969. Trudy no.91, p.73-78, map, illus) 11 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Traces of late Paleozoic volcanism in the Podkamennaya Tunguska River basin. Volcanic activity began in late Carboniferous time in this basin and continued sporadically, culminating in the early Permian and concluding in the late Permian. The quantity of volcanic elastic material is greatest in zones of tectonic activity. DLC. 108065 VADER, W. Occurrence of Hemioniscus balani (Sp. Bate) in northern Nor1041
way (Isopoda, Cryptoniscidae). Tromso 1968. 3 p. (Astarte no.30) 6 refs. Reports a number of finds of the epicaridean isopod, parasitic in the mantle cavity of several species of barnacles, off western Troms. This extends its northern distribution by about 10°. Adult females with embryos were among the samples, indicating that in certain years at least, Hemioniscus can complete its life cycle in northern waters. DGS. 108066 VAGVOLGYI, A. and L.V. HILLS. Microflora of the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, northeast Alberta. (Bulletin of Canadian petroleum geology 1969. v.17, no.2, p.154-81, map, tables, illus) 18 refs. Spores and pollen from an exploratory boring are diagnostic of an early to early Middle Albian age for this formation. A lower zone, of continental origin, contains only the microflora, an upper zone contains microplankton and is considered brackish in origin. Tsugaepollenites radiostriatus n sp is described. DGS. VAIL, F.L., see No. 105955. VAKAR, A.A. see No. 108051. 108067 VAKAR, V.A. and O.N. KULESHOVA. Istoriya geologicheskikh issledovaniy. (In: Geologiya SSSR 1970. v.26, p.9-26) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The history of geological investigations. Reviews exploration and research in the Soviet Arctic islands: Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach, Kolguyev, Franz Josef Land, Viktoriya, Severnaya Zemlya, Novosibirskiye, De-Longa, Medvezhiy, Vrangelya and Geral'd Islands, and of the bottom sediments, geology and geomorphology of the shelf seas and adjacent Arctic Basin. DLC. VAKHITOV, F.F., see No. 102666. 108068 VAKULENKO, AS. Palinologicheskaya kharakteristika miotsenovykh otlozheniy zapadnoy chasti Khatyrskogo progiba, Koryakskoye nagor'ye. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1969. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.28, p.67-73, tables, illus) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Palynological characteristics of Miocene deposits in the western part of the Khatyrka trough, Koryak upland. Describes spore-pollen assemblages in the Mallenskaya formation (lower Miocene) and the Undal-Umenskaya (middle-upper Miocene). A reconstruction of the vegetation and climatic conditions at the time of deposit accumulation is attempted. DLC. 108069 VAKULENKO, A.S. Palinologicheskaya kharakteristika nizhnekaynozoyskikh 1042
otlozheniy nizov'yev reki Indigirki. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.21, p. I 11-19, tables, illus) Refs. In Russian: Tide tr.: Palynological characteristics of lower Cenozoic deposits on the lower Indigirka River. Describes outcrops on the south shore of Taastaakh Lake and the right bank of the Berelekh River, particularly their palynological characteristics. The age of these deposits is discussed. They resemble the Tertiary deposits of the New Siberian Islands. DLC. 108070 VAKULENKO, A.S. and YU.YA. LIVSHITS. Palinologicheskaya kharakteristika paleogenovykh otlozheniy Shpitsbergena. (Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1971. Paleontologiya i biostratigrafiya no.31, p.39-50, map, tables, illus) 10 refs. In Russian. English summary. Tide tr.: Palynological characteristics of the Paleogene deposits of Svalbard. Paleogene deposits are widespread in• the archipelago, have their main development in the southern part of Spitsbergen. Their geological and palynological investigation is reported, and the stratigraphic units characterized. Palynological assemblages of the Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene are distinguished. DLC. 108071 VALERIANOVA, M.A. and YE.I. SERYAKOV. 0 mnogoletnikh izmeneniyakh v sisteme okean-atmosfera. (Okeanologiya 1970. v.10, no.5, p.750-56, maps, tables) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Long-term variations in the ocean-atmosphere system. Reviews variations of the atmospheric circulation, heat balance and water temperature in the North Atlantic incl Greenland and Norwegian Seas. Basic distribution types of the monthly averages of pressure fields, heat balance components and surface water temperatures are discussed. The different types of atmospheric circulation are found to correspond to quite definite fields of various heat balance components and water temperature. The patterns established are shown to be of use for dependable forecasts of the thermal state of the individual parts of the region. DLC. VALEUR, H.H., see No. 108497. 108072 VALITSKIY, B.V. and I.I. ROGINETS. Gidrogeologicheskiye usloviya mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopayemykh v Noril'skom rayone. (Leningrad. N.issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Uchenyye zapiski 1968. Regional'naya geologiya no.12, p.189200, tables) In Russian. Title tr.: Hydrogeologic conditions of mineral resource deposits in the Norilsk region.
Notes the copper-nickel, coal and construction materials exploitation in the Noril'sk I and Talnakh regions. Groundwaters of the Quaternary Tunguska series and intrusives are analyzed and their depth, discharge, seasonal changes and other features given. Effects of permafrost on groundwater distribution are noted. A scheme is presented for hydrogeologic zoning of the Noril'sk deposits. A prognosis of water inflow for the year 1970-71 is offered and recommendations for drainage of the deposits DLC. are considered. 108073 VALJUS, S. Tornion kaupungintalo. (Arkkitehti 1972. no.3, p.55, illus) In Finnish. English and Swedish summary. Tide tr.: Tornio town hall. Reports on the plan based on the design accepted in 1970, a ten-story office building to be built in the first stage, and a lower structure for town council assembly room, library and auditorium in the second stage. The office building is to have 5290 m2 floor space. It is to be supported by a reinforced concrete pillarslab system, and have light interior walls, a steel frame structure, and a facade of white Lapp marble. There is to be an air-circulatory DLC. central heating system. 108074 VAL'KOV, A.K. V.A. and SYSOYEV. Angustiokreidy kembriya Sibiri. (In: Stratigrafiya i paleontologiya proterozoya...1970. p.94-100, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Angustiochreidae of the Cambrian of Siberia. Describes a new Cambrian order, Angustiochreidae, incl new families, genera and species, as found in the Anabar and Aldan basins and other areas of Siberia. DLC. 108075 VAL'KOV, A.K. Hyolithida Amginskogo yarusa srednego kembriya severovostoka Sibirskoy platformy. (In: Stratigrafiya i paleontologiya proterozoya...1970. p.71-90, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Hyolithida of the Middle Cambrian Amga stage in the northeast of the Siberian platform. Presents detailed data on sections of these deposits in the Bol'shaya and Malaya Kuonamka River basins. The sections are correlated. Systematic description is given of 15 new species in four genera, three of them new.DLC. 108076 VAL'KOV, A.K. 0 drevneyshikh sloyakh nizhnego kembriya severo-vostoka Sibirskoy platformy (In: Stratigrafiya i paleontologiya proterozoya...1970. p.91-93, illus) Refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Oldest layers of the Lower Cambrian in the northeast of the Siberian platform. Reports a 1964-68 study in the Anabar River basin. Below the Oelandiella korobkovi-
Anabarella plana zone, lie older layers with Angustiochreidae and a separate zone of AcuDLC. leochreidae. 108077 VAL'KOVSKIY, L.V. and others. Sooruzheniye podvodnogo perekhoda cherez Yenisey. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1969. v.14, no.9, p.25-26, table, illus) In Russian. Other authors: A.I. Sezin, Yu.F. Moryakov and B.N. Krupkin. Title tr.: Construction of an underwater crossing of the Yenisey. Describes the laying of the MessoyakhaNoril'sk gas pipeline across the river in six 370 m long sections. The construction and assembling work was carried out on the left bank after a hydraulic test of the pipe. The insulation was done under an ambient air temperature of -40° to -50°C. The line was cut at 8-10 to 20 m depth in the river bottom and the pipe dragged by steel cable through the 2.0-2.3 m thick ice-cover and into the trench. The process is described in some detail, as is the two-bar BR-000-00 machine installed on the base of a T-100M tractor used for cutting holes in the open-water areas in the ice. DLC. 108078 VALLEE, F.G. Eskimo theories of mental illness in the Hudson Bay region. (Anthropologica 1966. v.8, no.1, p.53-83) Refs. Reports on a six-week survey carried out in 1963 in communities on the E side of Hudson Bay, from Great Whale River to Hudson Strait. Procedures adopted to build up 31 case histories are discussed. A variety of mental disorders, besides the hysterical type, have probably been common for at least three generations. Four patterns of symptoms are distinguished and cases are described: epilepsy (qiirsurtuq), simple conversion hysteria, compulsive withdrawal with acute melancholy (qissaatuq), and manic depression with paranoia (quajimaillituq). The last two are the chief topic of this paper. In cases of withdrawal, treatment features support of the patient in familiar surroundings, but a paranoiac who is likely to harm others as well as himself is treated in many ways as a nonperson. The modern practice of handing the paranoiac over to the Whites when the strain on the group becomes intolerable, with the message that he is not wanted back, may be the functional equivalent of abandonment or killing in earlier times. Aggression and paranoid ideation, the use of the religious idiom in folk theories of mental illness, and incorporation and rejection as means of control are discussed. CaMAI. 108079 VALLEE, F.G. Stresses of change and mental health among the Canadian Eskimos. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.565-70) 12 refs. Discusses social environmental stresses affecting mental illness from the viewpoint that 1043
the relationship of psychological strain and psychopathology to geographic and climatic stresses has been overemphasized. Manic depression is tentatively concluded to be most common among young, particularly unmarried men, hysteria (conversion hysteria) among young unmarried women, extreme passive depression among young adult married women and middle-aged men, alcoholism and chronic hitting-out among men who aspire to whitedominated positions and status without means for fulfillment. Aspects of the social environment likely to affect mental health are discussed as discontinuity with abrupt change, incongruence between aspirations and the means of achieving them, between the demands of a person's two roles, and between one status identity and another that a person is expected to adopt. Communal and personal chronic crises are distinguished as predictable sources of stress, e.g. settlement epidemics as communal, separation as personal. Cultural thought models of Eskimos and their ways of explaining things should be taken into account in research. Constructive criticism is offered on features of the mental health program planned for the Northwest Territories. DLC.
108080 VALOVA, G.P. Osobennosti ochagov leptospirozov i ikh proyavleniya v Zapolyar'ye Zapadnoy Sibiri. (In: Nauchnoye soveshchaniye po problemam meditsinskoy geografii, 3rd. Nozogeografiya...1968. p.129-31) In Russian. Title tr.: Leptospirosis foci and their occurrence in the West Siberian arctic. Study based on 1967-68 fieldwork in the tundra and forest tundra zones of Tyumen Province. The immunological status of aborigines and long-time resident immigrants inferred from 1397 blood serum tests showed 30% immune to leptospirosis. Microbiological tests on 2593 small mammals indicate active enzootic foci in the lower Ob, Taz and Pur basins. Leptospira grippotyphosa was obtained in 15 cultures from voles. Antibodies for L. ballum, L. javanica, L. grippotyphosa, and L. autumnalis were found in cattle, dogs and domestic reindeer. Infection in some reindeer herds was 43.5-64.8%. A particularly high susceptibility to leptospirosis was exhibited by 1-2 months old calves. The much higher immunity ratio in 7-14 yr old aborigines than in immigrant children indicates that the disease is usually contracted in childhood. The highest rate of immunity was recorded among aboriginal herders and women. Leptospirosis is transmitted mainly through the consumption or handling of raw reindeer meat and in drinking water. DNLM. 108081 VALPETER, A.P. and N.M. DAVIDENKO. Kriterii svyazi rossypey s koren1044
(In: Vses. soveshchaniye nymi istochnikami. po geologii rossypey 1969. Problemy...1970. Title tr.: Critep.116-24, tables) In Russian. ria of the relationship of placers to primary sources. The type and composition of the source rocks can be determined from placers. The chemical composition of placers of the Anyuy folded zone and trace element abundances of placers in western Chukotka are discussed, and the results of spectrographic analyses are tabuDLC. lated. VALPETER, A.P., see also No. 102275. 108082 VAN, A.V. and R.G. MATUKHIN. Produkty eksplozivnogo vulkanizma v devonskikh otlozheniyakh severo-zapada Sibirskoy (Sibirskiy n.-issl. inst. geologii, platformy. geofiziki i mineral'nogo syr'ya. Trudy 1969. no.91, p.79-84, map, table) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Products of explosive volcanism in Devonian of the northwestern Siberian platform. Presents evidence of the occurrence of volcanic elastic rocks in Lower and Middle Devonian deposits in the Kureyka and Kulyumbe basins and the Noril'sk region, confirmed by detailed petrographic and chemical study. Tuffaceous microfelsites and silicic rocks are DLC. described. VAN, A.V., see also No. 102287.
108083 VAN DEN STEENHOVEN, G. Ennadai Lake people 1955. (Beaver 1968. v.298, no.4, p.12-18, illus) Describes the author's stay in an Eskimo camp on the NE shore of Ennadai Lake in summer 1955. Individual Eskimos and their activities, such as hunting, children's games, singing and dancing, and drum-making are described. These Ahiarmiut caribou hunters were inland nomads; they have now ceased to exist as a Barren Grounds band. CaMAI, DLC. VANENKOVA, AS., see No. 103982.
VANIN, A.G., see No. 104930. 108084 VAN ROOYEN, C.E Serologic surveys of arctic populations and some virus diseases of interest. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.547-54) 55 refs. Reviews some accomplishments of serological surveys in arctic climates. Certain aspects of virus infections are cited with emphasis on pediatrics. Arboviruses, psittacosis, influenza, adenovirus, parainfluenza, picornaviruses and Coxsackie are dealt with, as are respiratory syncytial virus, rhinoviruses, reoviruses, entero-
viruses and birth anomalies of suspected viral origin, such as cytomegalic inclusion disease, DLC. infectious hepatitis and measles. VAN STEENBURGH, W.E. see No. 101883. 108085 VANSTONE, J.W. and W.H. OSWALT. Russkoye naslediye na Alyaske, perspektivy etnograficheskogo izucheniya. (Sovetskaya etnografiya 1968. no.2, p.128-31) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: The Russian heritage in Alaska, perspectives of ethnographic research. Discusses for Soviet readers the methods and scope of American research. Cultural change in the early stages of contact must be studied for understanding of the background culture of present-day Eskimos of southwest Alaska. The authors' work and publications on Russian sources are noted. 1963-66 fieldwork in the Kuskokwim and Nushagak basins, Clark Lake, etc, and excavation of Russian buildings, etc are described. The site of the Russian American Co post Kolmakof on the Kuskokwim with both Russian and American occupation horizons is expected to elucidate cultural changes. The Russian heritage is evident among the Eskimos in some words and personal names of Russian origin, in perpetuation of the Orthodox Church, etc. CaMAI, DLC. 108086 VAN WHYE, G.L and J.W. PECK. Limnological survey of Paxson and Summit Lakes in interior Alaska, with special reference to the lake trout and lake whitefish. Juneau 1968. 40 p. graphs, maps, tables, (Alaska. Dept. of Fish and Game. Informational leaflet no.124) 4 refs. The two lakes are at the head of the Gulkana River in the Copper River basin, southcentral Alaska. The limnological conditions (morphometry, temperature, transparency, chemistry and plankton) indicate that Paxson Lake, below tree line, is more productive than is Summit Lake, above 3000 ft. Except for the lake whitefish, all fishes found in Paxson Lake also occur in Summit Lake. Lake trout grow faster in Paxson than in Summit Lake, their growth rate to age V apparently is correlated to the relatively greater invertebrate fauna in Paxson Lake and from age V-X, when they feed on small fish, to the larger numbers of salmon fry and smolts. Lower water temperatures during the June-Oct ice-free period also were responsible for slower growth in Summit Lake. CaMAI, DLC. 108087 VAN WIJK, M.0 Use of photogrammetry for measuring the movement of ice covers. (National Research Council of Canada. Assoc Committee on Geotechnical Research. Technical memorandum 1968. no.92, p.131-34, illus) Ref. French summary.
Describes the method, field installation and accuracy of observations of ice movements about a river bridge pier. The actual observations are reported by L.W. Gold, qv. CaMAI, DGS. 108088 VARENTSOV, M.I. and others. Tektonika i neftegazonosnost' Khanty-Mansiyskoy vpadiny. (In: Geologiya i neftegazonosnost'...Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti 1968. p.5-23, graph, map, illus) 17 refs. In Russian. Other authors: E.V. Volkov and Z.N. Yushinskaya. Title tr.: Tectonics and petroleum prospects of the Khanty-Mansiysk depression. Describes this wide depression 115,000 km' in area in the Ob and Irtysh basins; it is a platformic structure of syneclise type, filled by Jurassic and Cretaceous marine and continental deposits. The three main stages in its development are Precambrian, Paleozoic and the Mesozoic-Cenozoic platform. Zones of uplift and subsidence are distinguished in the platform cover. The most active growth of local structure and the formation of oil and gas deposits are connected with Jurassic and Cretaceous sedimentation. The inner part of the depression is highly prospective for oil and gas. DLC. 108089 VARFOLOMEYEV, L.A. Izmeneniye sostava gumusa v srednetayezhnykh podzolistykh pochvakh v svyazi s vyrubkoy lesa i sel'skokhozyaystvennym osvoyeniyem. (In: Khimiya, genezis i kartografiya...pochv 1968. p.22-25, table) Ref. In Russian. Title tr.: Changes in the humus composition of middle-taiga podzolic soils in relation to forest cutting and agricultural use. Reports a study of illuvial-humus podzolic and soddy - weak podzolic soils in the Plesetsk region of Arkhangel'sk Province. Podzol formation in these soils is shown to be uninterrupted by cutting in forested areas and cultivation in cleared areas. Changes of humus are expressed in the degree of the soddy and cultural-accumulative process. In soddy - weak podzolic soil, calcium humus forms. DLC. 108090 VARLAMOV, V.S. Problema formirovaniya Ob'-Irtyshskogo rayonnogo proizvodstvennogo kompleksa. (Voprosy geografli 1970. v.80, p.158-74) 13 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Formation of the Ob-Irtysh regional productive complex. Discusses the natural resources of this region and its integration into the national economy. The main development problems are considered, such as a building industry, construction materials, transport, power, food supply, labor resources, etc. The locally available manpower is insufficient for the planned indus1045
trial development of the region. Recruitment of an efficient labor force is considered in relation to per capita cost for housing and job requirements, choice of settlement sites and urban DLC. planning. VARLAMOVA, K.A., 105944.
Nos. 105943,
108091 VARNES, DJ. Stability of the west slope of Government Hill Port Area of Anchorage, Alaska. Washington, DC, 1969. 61 p. graphs, maps, tables, illus. (US Geological Survey. Bulletin 1258-D) 28 refs. Evaluates the stability of gravel-capped bluffs of Bootlegger Cove clay under static and seismic conditions. The engineering geology of Government Hill and the effects of the 1964 earthquake are outlined. Topographic and geologic environments indicate that further industrial development should proceed with caution. DGS. 108092 VARSANOF'YEVA, V.A. Zhiznennyy put' Aleksandra Aleksandrovicha Chemova. (AN SSSR. Komi filial. Inst. geol. Trudy 1970. no.10, p.3-9) In Russian. Title tr.: Life of Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Chemov. Describes the life and scientific career of this famous geologist, noted for his investigations in the Pechora region, the Urals, PayDLC. Khoy and Komi ASSR. VARYUKHINA, LM., 102792.
Nos. 102791,
108093 VASHCHILOV, YU.YA. K interpretatsii geologicheskikh protsessov v zonakh glubinnykh razlomov Vostoka, po geofizicheskim dannym. (Geologiya i geofizika 1970. no.12, p.94-100, graphs) 8 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Interpretation of geologic processes in deep fault zones of the East according to geophysical data. Cites analyses of gravimetric data from deep fault zones of the Kolyma, Chukotka, Kamchatka and other regions. Effects of deep faults on the earth's interior, tectonic-magmatic phenomena, and vertical and horizontal shiftDLC. ing of blocks are considered. YU.YA. 108094 VASHCHILOV, Morfologiya i tektonicheskoye polozheniye nekotorykh magmaticheskikh tel kraynego severo-vostoka SSSR po geofizicheskim dannym. (Moskovskoye o-vo ispytateley prirody. Byulleten' 1968. otd. geol. v.43, no.5, p.92-100, illus) 16 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Morphology and tectonic position of some magmatic bodies of the Far Northeast of the USSR, according to geophysical data. 1046
Reports the quantitative interpretation of geophysical observations at outcrops of various magmatic formations, mostly in Magadan Province. The data derived on form and tectonic position of the magmatic formations are compared with geological data. Effusives, upper Mesozoic granites, upper Mesozoic granodiorites and ultrabasic intrusions are analyzed_ Origin of the magmatic bodies is connected with deep DLC. faults. 108095 VASHCHILOV, YU.YA. and A.A. SIM. Ob opredelenii polozheniya nizhney kromki namagnichennykh porod v Zapadnoy Sibiri. (Geologiya i geofizika 1969. no.3, p.83-90, graph, map, tables) 8 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Determination of the position of the lower edge of magnetized rocks in West Siberia. Describes methods and some results of locating the depth of the lower boundaries of magnetized masses. A scheme is presented depicting the zones of lineal magnetic anomalies including the arctic areas of Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk Provinces. In Gydanskaya Bay the lower boundary of magnetized rocks is at 29 km depth, in Taz River basin at 28 km. DLC. 108096 VASHKOV, Viand others. Gnus v neftegazonosnykh rayonakh Zapadnoy Sibiri i opyt organizatsii bor'by s nim. (Problemy Severa 1970. no.14, p.172-85, graphs, illus) 13 refs. In Russian. English translation available from the National Science Library, National Research Council, Ottawa. Title tr.: Insect pests in oil and gas regions of western Siberia and experience in controlling them. Insecticides and repellants are used for protection against the >150 species of blood-sucking insects in tundra and taiga zones. The life cycles varying in relation to ecology, the incidence and control measures of mosquitoes, midges, blackflies and horseflies are discussed. Specific insecticides and repellants, methods of spraying, timing of treatment and the organization of a control service, with laboratories, under the Tyumen Oil and Gas Producing CaMAI, DLC. Industry, are described. 108097 VASIL'CHENKO, N.V.and others. 0 submillimetrovoy i infrakrasnoy prozrachnosti atmosfery na polyuse kholoda. (Astronomicheskiy zhumal 1967. v.44, no.4, p.897-900, graph, tables) 3 refs. In Russian. English summary. Title tr.: Submillimeter and infrared transmittance of the atmosphere at the cold pole. Deals with the tranparency of the atmosphere in winter to waves of A= 0.2-0.3 mm. The atmospheric transmission coefficient for this wavelength is about 0.15 in winter at the north
cold pole near Oymyakon, Yakutia. The air temperature during observation was about -60°C. The quantity of water vapor in the atmosphere, determined to be about 4.10' g/cm2, shows that improvement of air transparency in winter at the cold pole is small. The observations are presented in a table. DLC. 108098 VASILENKO, V.P. Spetsializatsiya sel'skokhozyaystvennogo proizvodstva v rayonakh yevropeyskogo Severo-Vostoka SSSR. (Geograflcheskoye o-vo SSSR. Komi filial. Izvestiya 1970. v.2, n.2,(12), p.36-40) 4 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Agricultural specialization in the Northeast of European USSR. In pre-Revolution times general farming was common in Komi with grain growing and livestock predominant. After the Revolution and especially since collectivization, more specialization has developed as suited to the natural conditions and economic requirements. The three agricultural zones in Komi ASSR are briefly characterized, noting how the kolkhozes and sovkhozes have concentrated their interest: in meat and dairy production in the southern and central zones, and in reindeer industry in the northern zone. DLC.
Edgeoya and Barentsnya is also described. DGS. 108101 VASIL'YEV, A.F. Osnovnyye vyvody is 40-letnego opyta ispol'zovaniya morennykh gruntov v gidrotekhnicheskom stroitel'stve Kol'skogo poluostrova i Karelii. (Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo 1969. no.8, p.2-4, tables) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tn: Main conclusions from 40 years' experience using morainic deposits for hydraulic constructions in Kola Peninsula and Karelia. Describes construction of earth dams with morainic material even in very cold weather. Colmatage of the rubble skirt is used successfully for complete liquidation of water filtration through the dam. This method was first used for a power plant dam on the Niva River, and since 1950 in construction of almost all hydroelectric power plants in Murmansk Province and Karelia. In 1962-63 the securing of slopes and channel bottom in morainic deposits automatically by the action of the flow of water through them was used successfully in construction of Upper Tuloma power plant. DLC.
108099 VASILEVICH, G.M. The horse in Evenki folklore. (Central Asiatic journal 1965. v.10, no.3/4, p.320-32) 10 refs. Discusses the ethnographic implications of legends about the horse as pack and riding animal among Evenki Tungus hunters and reindeer herders of the Podkamennaya and Nizhnyaya Tunguska, upper Lena and Amur basins. They show horse raising to have been a part of ancient Tungus culture. Some features in the structure and recital of these legends are common to Turkic and Mongol-speaking neighbors also, but this is considered coincidental due to similar traditions and inter-ethnic contact rather than direct borrowing. This paper was presented at the 7th meeting of the Permanent International Conference held 29 Aug - 3 Sept 1964 in Oosterbeek, near Arnhem, Holland. DLC.
108102 VASIL'YEV, K.N. Nekotoryye kharakteristiki vertikal'nykh peremeshcheniy ionizirovannykh obrazovaniy. (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya 1968. v.8, no.1, p.178-80, graphs) 10 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Some characteristics of vertical displacements of ionized formations. Studies the frequency of displacements, their duration, apparent velocity, etc, using data recorded at Tiksi, among other locations. Displacement duration is found to be mostly 310 min, a few 10-20 min and, occasionally, more than an hour, maximal quasi-period of vertical displacements is 10-40 min, their horizontal dimension —50-100 km; their apparent velocity values during the day range 50-500 m/s or more, —100-250 m/s in spring and summer, —180-340 m/s in fall and winter. The variation of average apparent velocities of vertical displacements with geomag lat is given for seven stations, incl Kheysa Island. DLC.
N.D. 0 108100 VASILEVSKAYA, novykh nakhodkakh iskopayemoy flory v arkhipelage Shpitsbergen. (In: Leningrad. N.-issl. inst. geologii Arktiki. Materialy po geologii Shpitsbergena 1965. p.209-221. map) 19 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: New finds of fossil flora in the Svalbard archipelago. Presents notes on prant impressions collected in various regions in 1962-64 by the Institute of Geology of the Arctic field parties. The composition and embedment conditions of mostly Triassic flora are analyzed. The richest flora is from the Isfjorden area. That from
108103 VASIL'YEV, N.P. and others. Sooruzheniye nefteprovoda AleksandrovskoyeAnzhero-Sudzhensk. (Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov 1971. v.16, no.1, p.13-15, illus) In Russian. Other authors: A.I. Afanas'yev and V.D. Utkin. Title tn: Building the Aleksandrovskoye-Anzhero-Sudzhensk oil pipeline. Describes the construction of this first 1220 m diam, 850 km long pipeline, 765 m of it in forests. The route crosses the Vasyugan, Parabel and Ob Rivers, and the pipe is to be laid 2.2 m underground. Methods used where the route crosses a railroad, motor road and other obsta1047
des are stated. Details of the pipeline assembly, insulation and anchoring, transportation of pipes and construction equipment are considered. This pipeline when completed will link together the Siberian oil pipeline systems. Illus shows the unloading of the 1220 mm diam DLC. pipes by a floating crane. 108104 VASIL'YEV, V.G. and others. 0 proiskhozhdenii prirodnogo gaza mestorozhdeniy severa Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti. (Geologiya nefti i gaza 1970. v.14, no.4, p.2024, tables) 14 refs. In Russian. Other authors: V.I. Yermakov, V.S. Lebedev, N.N. Nemchenko and A.S. Rovenskaya. Title tr.: Origin of natural gas from deposits in the north of the West Siberian lowland. Natural gas samples were taken from the Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous and Upper Cretaceous deposits in more than a dozen gas fields and two gas-oil fields. They were kept under their initial pressure conditions and analyzed using a model MI-1305 mass spectrometer. The gas composition and C"/C" ratios are discussed as evidence of the origin of gas fields in the north of the West Siberian lowland. DLC. 108105 VASIL'YEV, V.G. and others. Otsenka prognoznykh zapasov etana, propana + butana i kondensata v SSSR. (Gazovaya promyshlennost' 1969. v.14, no.8, p.1-4, tables) In Russian. Other authors: Yu. P. Mironchev, V.I. Starosel'skiy and V.P. Stupakov. Title tr.: Evaluation of predicted reserves of ethane, propane+ butane, and condensate in the USSR. Gives values for ethane, and propane + butane effective 1 Jan 1968 for the 14 federated republics, incl the European RSFSR, Eastern and Westen Siberia, and the Far East; and values for condensate in Tyumen, Yakutia, Komi and 11 other regions. The total predicted reserves for the USSR are 2380 billion m' ethane, 3190 million t propane+ butane, and 4860 million t condensate. Distribution by geographic and stratigraphic location and by depth are given. DLC. 108106 VASIL'YEV, V.G. Razvitiye poiskovo-razvedochnykh rabot na gaz v SSSR. (Gazovaya promyshlennost' 1969. v.14, no.3, p.46, graph, tables) In Russian. Title Sr.: Development of prospecting for gas in the USSR. Outlines the status of prospecting, and the estimated reserves according to administrative and industrial regions of the country. Of 9.4 trillion m" of gas reserves accounted for in 570 localities of the USSR, the Komi ASSR, Tytimenskaya Oblast', Krasnoyarskiy Kray, and Yakut ASSR known reserves on 1 Jan 1970 are estimated at 8718.0, 5871.7, 126.0 and 800.0 billion respectively. A table shows reserves at 1048
23 individual deposits. Prospecting to date indicates 77.7% of the natural gas discovered is at 1-3 km depth, 15.5% less than 1 km, and DLC. 6.9% deeper than 3 km. 108107 VASIL'YEV, V.G. Uspekhi poiskovo-razvedochnykh rabot na gaz i zadachi po uskorennoy podgotovke mestorozhdeniy k razrabotke. (Gazovaya promyshlennost' 1968. v.13, no.1, p.13-18, table) In Russian. Title tr.: Progress in gas exploration and tasks for speeding up development of the deposits. Sums up the results of 1966-67 activity. The known gas reserves were more than doubled from 3565.9 to 7753 billion m' in 548 deposits, 14 of which are estimated to have more than 100 billion m' each, and 32 others with reserves in the 30-100 billion ma range. The great Urengoy, Zapolyamoye, Gubkino, Tazovo, Medvezh'ye and Nadym deposits in Tyumen are noted, as are the reserves at Vuktyl in Komi ASSR and the Middle Vilyuy region of Yakutia. The gas reserves for 1967 and 1968 are tabulated for 28 administrative divisions of the country, incl Yakutia, Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk and Tomsk Provinces and Krasnoyarskiy Kray. Prospecting and development of the Urengoy and Zapolyarnoye deposits, with some 2.6 trillion and 1.5 trillion m', respectively, are described in detail. The Vuktyl reserve of gas-condensate is evaluated at 200 billion m3. Its daily production of 500,000 m' will be delivered by a 1220 mm pipeline to the western regions of the country at the rate of 15 billion m'/yr. Ten trillion m' of natural gas is considered to be stored in the regions of the Bol'shezemel'skaya Tundra. The Messoyakha deposits east of Tazovskaya Bay are appraised at approx 60 billion m', and the deep drillings in this region are expected to lead to discoveries in the regions of the Yenisey-Khatanga syneclise. Reserves in the Lena-Vilyuy region are estimated at one trillion m3. General schemes are being prepared for the 10-15 yr development of the gas-bearing area. DLC. VASIL'YEV, V.G., see also No. 101839. 108108 VASIL'YEV, V.I. Siirtya, legenda ili real'nost? (Sovetskaya etnografiya 1970. no.1, p.151-58) 5 refs. In Russian. Title tr.: Siirtya, legend or fact. Reviews tales of a legendary aboriginal people, current among Enets and Nenets Samoyeds. Records of 16-17th century explorers mentioning non-Samoyed people living in coastal regions of the Russian European and Siberian North are analyzed and V.N. Chernetsov's hypothesis, No 34120, revived. In the 4-3rd millennia BC this whole area was inhabited by one ethnically undifferentiated neolithic people bearing striking affinities in material culture to
Chukchis, Eskimos, and Kamchadal-Itermens. Subsequently, they divided into a western or ancestral-Lappish and an eastern ancestral-Yukaghir branch, and were overrun by conquering Samoyed groups. Remnants of the original inhabitants may have survived to a recent past and were seen by explorers. DLC. 108109 VASIL'YEV, YA.T. and Z.M. DMITRIYEVA. Naseleniye i naselennyye punkty. (In: Ekonomika i kul'tura...1968, p.23-27) In Russian. Title tr.: Population and populated places. Reports 20% of the population of Yakutia is in the northern part: 122,400, its increase 2.5 fold in 1939-65; newcomers represent 61.4% , ethnic breakdown of the native population is given. The newcomers live mainly in industrial centers, natives and Russian old-timers in rural parts. Population density and distribution data are given. Replacement of collective farms by state farms in 1960 and village consolidation programs reduced settlements from 1063 to 326 in 1959-65; 7.3% have >1000 inhabitants but the majority 50 Key was flown into a moderate auroral storm at Ft Churchill to 360 km altitude. The alpha:proton ratios of energies of about 50 Key ranged 0.060.30 with an average of 0.18, or at least 0.15 during one-minute periods of flight. The ratio value suggests that "thermalization" of solar wind particles produces alphas and protons of equal velocity rather than equal energy distriDLC. butions. 108424 WHALEN, B.A. and I.B. MCDIARMID. Temporal behavior of energetic particle precipitation during an auroral substorm. (Journal of geophysical research 1970. v.75, no.1, p.123-32, graphs, illus) 13 refs. Describes results from two rocket experiments launched from Ft Churchill Research Range into the breakup and post-breakup phases of an auroral substorm. The onset of energization was observed coincident with the passing of the leading edge of a series of northward-propagating auroral arcs. The most intense and energetic electron precipitation was found to occur at the northern edge of the auroral bulge. Both electrons and protons are accelerated during the substorm, the mechanism energizing electrons being greater than that of protons in the same energy range of DLC. E>30 Key. 108425 WHALLEY, G. Coppermine martyrdom. (Queen's quarterly 1959. v.66, no.4, p.591-610) Two Oblate Fathers, Jean-Baptiste Rouviere and Guillaume Le Roux, were killed by Eskimos on the Coppermine River while trying to establish a mission to the Coronation Gulf Eskimos. A series of letters written by Father Rouviere to his superiors and other documents record the events over a period of more than two years leading to their death in Oct 1913. CaMAI. Notes on a leg108426 WHALLEY, G. end. (Queen's quarterly 1969. v.76, no.4, p.613-34) A postscript designed to throw more light on the subject of the book The legend of John CaMAI. Hornby (cf No 84381). Glacier J.O. 108427 WHEELER, research in Canada 1967. (Canadian alpine journal 1968. v.51, p.228-32) Summarizes portions of the National Research Council Sub-committee on Glaciers
report, noting long-term studies of the mass, energy and water balance of selected glaciers, maps produced, two pilot studies for the IHD Glacier Inventory, and studies of glacier surges. Also noted are seven projects in the Yukon, six in the Arctic, and two on Ellesmere Island. DGS. WHEELER, J.0., see also No. 104256. WHILLANS, LM., see No. 102073. 108428 WHff AKER, I. Coffee-drinking and visiting ceremonial among the Karesuando Lapps. (Svenska landsmal och svenskt folkliv 1970. v.93, no.1-4 (294), p.36-40) 10 refs. Describes customs observed at the Lapp village of Lainiovuoma in Karesuando parish, northern Sweden, on various occasions in 195154. Visitors incl members of the same village were invariably offered a meal preceded and followed by coffee, which could not be declined without causing offense. This ceremonial hospitality is probably associated with the need to reaffirm continuing corporate ties among members of the cooperative herding unit, as these units have relatively loose social ties and endure on a basis of concensus and tacit contract. DLC. 108429 WHITE, B. Geological reconnaissance of OldereidhalvOya, Porsangerfjord, Finnmark, northern Norway. (Norsk geologisk tidsskrifl 1968. v.48, no.3, p.187-200, maps, tables) Refs. The name Hamnbukt Sandstone Formation is proposed for the sequence of shallow-water sandstones, shales, and conglomerates found on the peninsula Oldereidneset at the head of Porsangen fjord. This formation is thrust over a thin layer of autochthonous Hyolithes zone rocks which in turn lie unconformably upon the crystalline basement. The formation is cut by olivine-dolerite intrusives which postdate its folding, but predate its thrusting. The absence of fossils indicates a Precambrian age. Comparisons with other Precambrian sedimentary sequences of Finnmark show that no lithostratigraphic correlation is yet possible. DLC. 108430 WHITE, B. Porsanger sandstone formation and subjacent rocks in the Lakselv district, Finnmark, northern Norway. (Norway. Geologiske undersekelse. Arbok 1967. no.255, p.59-85, graphs, maps, illus) Refs Discusses the geology of an area at the south end of Porsangen fjord, where the Porsanger sandstone, probably of Precambrian age, forms an imbricate thrust mass between the Precambrian Basement Complex and an allochthonous nappe of "Caledonian" metamorphic rocks. The Porsanger formation is separated from the basement by a thin sequence 1099
of autochthonous "Hyolithes Zone" sediments. Characteristic features, petrology and stratigraphic succession of the sandstone are considered in detail. DGS. Future northern 108431 WHITE, C.E. developments. (In: National Northern Development Conference 1967. Proceedings, p.46-56, map, illus) Deals with northern Canada as the area north of a line from Stewart, BC, through Red Lake, Ont, to 50°N, and from there to the Gulf of St Lawrence. Comparative data of 1955 and 1967 are given for railways, roads, water and air transportation, communications and the metallic and non-metallic mineral resources, incl brief mention of oil, gas and coal; the more important mines are listed, incl those closed CaEU B. down. 108432 WHITE, C.M. Biosystematics of the North American peregrine falcons. (Dissertation abstracts 1969. v.30, no.1, p.445-B) Order no.69-3499. PhD thesis, Utah Univ 1968. 211 p. Falco peregrinus probably spread into North America via the Bering land bridge in the Pliocene. In Pleistocene time its populations became isolated in various refugia and evolved in place. The largest birds in the northern areas come from the Aleutian Islands, the smallest from the arctic tundra. Those from northern cold, dry regions are relatively pale in color. Sexes are dimorphic, females being the larger. In general the northern populations are migratory, southern sedentar'. The Aleutian Islands population is non-migratory however. and has an early breeding cycle, as do southern peregrines. Birds of arctic migrant populations are lighter wing-loaded and have relatively more attenuated wings than birds in other regions. This presumably reflects the migratory movements. DGS. 108433 WHITE, C.M. Diagnosis and relationships of the North American tundrainhabiting peregrine falcons. (Auk 1968. v.85, no.2, p.179-91, table) 24 refs. Discusses the distinctions and distribution of three groups of Falco peregrinus: the large, dark populations of the humid Pacific coast and Aleutians, those of continental North America which, though variable, are richly pigmented with rufous, and the arctic-subarctic tundra populations which are small, pale and highly migratory. These tundra-inhabiting falcons are described as F.p. tundrius n ssp. They breed in the tundra biome from about 77°N south to the treeline, east to the Whale River mouth in Canada and Sukkertoppen - Thule in Greenland, west to Cape Prince of Wales in Alaska. Along southern limits intergrading characters occur. Further data are given in 1100
interspecific relations, migration and recorded occurrences. DI. 108434 WHITE, W.H. and others. Potassium-argon ages of some ore deposits in British Columbia. (Canadian mining and metallurgical bulletin 1968. v.61, no.679, p.1326-34, graph, maps, table, illus) 20 refs. Also pub as: Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Transactions 1968. v.71, p.363-71. Other authors: J.E. Harakal and N.C. Carter. The 21 ore deposits sampled fall into four age groups: 165-205 MY, approx 140, approx 100, and 44-55 MY. The Endako molybdenum deposit is Upper Jurassic (group 2). Of the 12 deposits in the youngest group, ten are located on or north of 54°N. These deposits have similar geological environments, with successive magmatic and hydrothermal events closely intermingled in time and space. They do not fit existing ore deposit classifications. Therefore it is proposed that these epigenetic deposits which can be shown by radiometric and/or geologic evidence to be coeval with genetically related magmatism, be designated as paramagmatic deposits. DOS. 108435 WHITE, W.H. and others. Potassium-argon ages of Topley intrusions near Endako, British Columbia. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1970. v.7, no.4, p.1172-78, maps, tables) 10 refs. Other authors: A.J. Sinclair, J.E. Harakal and K.M. Dawson. Most of the 25 K-Ar ages obtained from presumably related granitic rocks in the area centering at 54°N 125°W, cluster around 138 MY but some are as old as 155 MY, and one is only 114 MY. These data might indicate either one protracted perhaps intermittent magmatic event culminating in early Upper Jurassic time or three separate and unrelated events. In either case the isotopic age is some 40 MY less than the age assigned to the Topley intrusions on a basis of apprently good geological evidence. DLC. 108436 WHITEHEAD, W. Canada 1967. (Canadian audubon 1967. v.29, no.4, p.105118, illus) Discusses the use made of Canada's waters, land and forests, incl prospects for northern development. CaMM. 108437 WHITEHEAD, W. Canada 1967, part 2. (Canadian audubon 1967. v.29, no.5, p.144-59, graph, illus) Discusses use and abuse of fish and fur, parks and wildlife. CaMM. 108438 WHITELEY, W.H. Establishment of the Moravian mission in Labrador and British policy, 1763-83. (Canadian historical review 1964. v.45, no.1, p.29-50)
Describes the efforts of Jens Haven to establish missions. He was encouraged by Governor Palliser, whose aim was to expand British fishery and restrict French fishing operations in Newfoundland and Labrador. A land grant in 1769 to the Moravians in Esquimaux Bay derived from repeated petitions, from the fact that continuing conflict between Eskimos and Europeans was having adverse effects on trade and fishery, and from the presence in England of captive Eskimos who testified to the good influence that Moravians could have on them. The Brethren established enduring mission posts with congregations of Christianized EskiDLC. mos. 108439 WHITHAM, K. Anomalies in geomagnetic variations in the Arctic Archipelago of Canada. (Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity 1964. v.15, no.4, p.227-40, graphs, tables) 7 refs. Abstract reported in No. 79605. Reports on field studies and simple potential and spectral response analyses which confirm the existence of a gross conductor in the upper mantle that has been offered by others in explanation of the anomaly at Alert on Ellesmere Island. The models to account for this anomaly seem not capable of explaining the response asymmetries. The extent of the conductor is required to be very large and the temperature required, at a comparatively shallow depth, appears difficult to reconcile with a stable area. Concerning the absence of shorterperiod vertical field magnetic variations in the anomaly at Mould Bay on Prince Patrick Island, assuming a sheet conductor at depth, it was estimated earlier that a 10-20 km thick layer with a conductivity near 10-" emu is required near the bottom of the crust or in the upper mantle. The assumptions in deriving this explanation are outlined and theoretical curves offered which appear to justify the neglect of reasonable conductivity above and below the DGS. anomalous layer. WHITHAM, K., 107390.
see also
Nos. 104074,
WHITTINGTON, C.L., see No. 102568. Giants of the 108440 WHYARD, F. North. (North 1968. v.15, no.5, p.18-21, illus) Describes the three new mining developments of Clinton Creek, Keno Hill and Anvil Mine, all in Yukon Terr. From Clinton Creek, near Dawson, 100 lb bags of asbestos are trucked to Whitehorse, then transported to Vancouver by rail and sea. Isolation and consequent high labor turnover are mentioned as serious problems. The displaced gold dredge workers provide the steadiest labor. At the Elsa
silver mine of United Keno Hill, the new shaft is expected to yield 200 tons of ore daily in 1969. The Anvil mine at Faro is a $61 million investment which expects a production of $40 million worth of lead-zinc-silver. This huge development has required a costly infrastructure of new roads, $11 million investment by White Pass RR for equipment and is bringing $200 million of government and private funds to DLC. an area with only 18,000 people. 108441 WIBORG, K.F. Utbredelse av haneskjell Chlamys islandica Muller pa Bjernoybankene. (Fisken og havet 1970. no.2, p.23-29, graphs, maps, tables, illus) 6 refs. In Norwegian. English summary. Title tr.: Distribution of the scallop Chlamys islandica Muller on the Bjernoya banks. Reports on 1968 and 1969 surveys for the Iceland scallop in the Bjernoya-Hopen area where it is widely distributed. Dimensions, age determinations, growth rate, quality of edible portion and size of catch at several locations are noted. Economic exploitation of the beds would be difficult because of the geographic position, severe climate and rough bottom conDLC. ditions. WIBORG, K.F., see also No. 103164. A 108442 WICKENS, A.J. and K. PEC. crust-mantle profile from Mould Bay, Canada (Seismological Society to Tucson, Arizona. of America. Bulletin 1968. v.58, no.6, p.182131, graphs, map, illus) 10 refs. Long-wave phase velocities were determined for five adjacent segments of a 5000 km great circle path which included the Mould Bay, Coppermine, Yellowknife and Edmonton stations in Canada. Mean-phase velocity curves were obtained from curves based on reciprocal data. Significant differences in structure between different provinces of the Precambrian shield were indicated by crustal and upper DGS. mantle models obtained. Skadegorelse pa 108443 WIERSMA, N. grankott och dens betydelse for Norrlands granfriitillgang. (Norrbottens lantmannablad 1966. no.2, p.19-22, map, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: Damage to spruce cones and its significance for Norrland's spruce seed supply. Discusses the problem of producing adequate seed for forest needs in northern Sweden. Insects, weather, and fungi are the main causes for poor fruiting. The eight most common and harmful insects are described. DLC. Navigering Over Nor108444 WIESE, R. datlanten pa enbart radiopejlingar. (Nautisk tidskrift 1967. v.60, no.6, p.221-27, graphs, map, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: Navigating over the North Atlantic by radio bearings only. 1101
Explains the Plath system of radio navigation and its application to North Atlantic shipping lanes. Of arctic interest are the Loran C stations on Angissoq off the southern tip of Greenland, and Cape Race on Newfoundland, both of which operate on 100 kHz, in agreement with international radio frequency regulations. The practice of navigation and mapping of location with the system, and its practical uses, are discussed. DLC. 108445 WIGGINS, V.D. Two Lower Cretaceous dinofiagellate species from Alaska. (Micropaleontology 1969. v.15, no.2, p.145-50, map, illus) 14 refs. Emends gen Omatia and describes 0. butticula n sp. A new genus Herendeenia is erected for H. pisciformis, which is removed from the gen Omatia. These two microfossil species were recovered from the Herendeen Limestone and equivalent strata on the Alaska Peninsula. DGS. 108446 WIIG, A. Gullgraving i Karasjok. (Sameliv 1964-66. no.6, p.106-13, illus) In Norwegian. Title tr.: Gold-digging in Karasjok. Gold was discovered in Karasjok in 1866, and some panning was done along various rivers prior to World War 1 and during the 1930's, but the deposits have proved unprofitable. MH. 108447 WIIG, M. Bruer; Nord Norge utbuggingen. (Teknisk.ukeblad 1969. v.116, no.20, p.642-44, map, illus) In Norwegian. Tide tr.: Bridges, developments in North Norway. Summarizes plans for road and highway bridge building on a communal and intercommunal basis, with loans to cover part of the cost. Highway 19 running the length of the Lofoten Islands chain, with inland connections, is cited. Several bridges up to 910 m long with high spans for ships' passage are replacing ferries. Girder construction with reinforced concrete base is common. Expected costs and completion DLC. dates are given. 108448 WIJKMAN, B. SJ linjeradio. (Nordisk jarnbane tidskrift. Stockholm 1971. v.97, no.3, p.87-90, map, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: Si (Swedish railways) line radio. Reviews the progress and operation of radio installation along lines of the Swedish railway system, initiated with the development of radio operation service on the ore line from Kiruna northward to the Norwegian boundary. Choice of locations for additional sections depends on rational need and advantage as economy allows. The line segments, relay stations, controls and aspects of practical use are 1102
discussed. The radio frequency range is identified as the 450 MHz band. DLC. 108449 WIK, M. Aktuellt frbn Robacksdalen. (Norrbottens Iantmannablad 1966. no.4, p.68-69, illus) In Swedish. Tide tr.: News from Robacksdalen. Notes that the agricultural research station at Umea is forcing potatoes in early spring by outdoor planting under transparent plastic tents, where light and temperature conditions of various length promote sprouting. Another experiment, the chemical spraying of weeds in green fodder rape, was only partly successful. DLC. 108450 WIK, M., ed. Norrlandsk vaxtodling 1967. (Norrbottens lantmannablad 1967. no.3, p.1-32, graphs, maps. tables, illus) In Swedish. Title tr.: 1967 crop cultivation in Norrland. Presents recommendations for the seeding, care, and management of crops in the four northern counties of Sweden. Plant nutrition, seed selection, and weed control are dealt with, as are meadow grasses, late green fodder, grains, and potatoes. Approved varieties are characterized. Planting techniques, diseases, pests, overwintering capabilities, fertilizers, and harvesting methods are noted. DLC. 108451 WIKLUND, C. Inomhusodling av makaongarilen. (Zoologisk revy 1971. v.33, no.1-2, p.35-42, illus) 5 refs. In Swedish. English summary. Tide tr.: Indoor breeding of the swallowtail butterfly. Reports on the successful caging, feeding, breeding, and rearing of the common European species Papilio machaon L., the only representative of this tropical genus in Sweden. It is found throughout arctic continental lands except Greenland. The life cycle, semi-synthetic diet, and female fertility are discussed. In free life its eggs are deposited in June, mainly on the strand angelica, Angelica archangelica DLC. liitoralis, and a related marsh herb. WILBEK, E., see No. 107546. WILDERNESS SOCIETY, see Nos. 104263, 105398. WILDING, L.P., see No. 104237. 108452 WILES, M. Possible effects of the harbour seal bounty on codworm infestations of Atlantic cod in the Gulf of St Lawrence, the Strait of Belle Isle, and the Labrador Sea. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Journal 1968. v.25, no.12, p.2749-53, map, table) 10 refs.
Reports on the infestation of this commercial fish Gadus morhua by larvae of the nematode Porrocaecum, probably P. decipiens in 1947-53 and 1966-67. Comparison shows an increase in percent of cod infested and number of worms/100 cod from Labrador Sea, an area of low codworm infestation. Removal of harbor seals, a known vector of the nematode is discussed, with conclusion that bounty kills of this seal will have little effect; it is known to be the least important vector relative to gray and CaMAI, DI. harp seals. 108453 WILIMOVSKY, N.J. and others. Systematics of six demersal fishes of the North Pacific Ocean. Nanaimo, B.C. 1967. 95 p. tables. (Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Technical report no. 34) Refs. Other authors: A. E. Peden and J. Peppar. Presents data on the distribution, synonymy and variability of the arrowtooth flounders (Atheresthes), rock soles (Lepidopsetla), pollock (Theragra), Pacific cod (Gadus), flathead soles (Hippoglossoides) and a shortspine channel rock fish (Sebastolobus) in the Okhotsk and Bering Seas, Aleutian waters, Gulf of Alaska, Southeast Alaska and northern British Columbia waters among others, to throw light on the nature of the stocks of these groundfish. DLC. WILKES, D., see No. 106463. Phytoplankton 108454 WILLEN, T. from Bjorneya, Svalbard. (Nytt magasin for botanikk 1970. v.17, no.1, p.17-24, maps, table) 9 refs. Reports the species composition and total phytoplankton cell volume of samples from 13 lakes collected during 21 May - 3 June 1965 by the Stockholm Univ Svalbard Expedition. All the lakes were ice-covered and. water temperatures ranged 0.2-2.8°C, hence total volume values were low. Depth, physical and chemical data for the lakes are tabulated. Krillvatnet, a shallow lake with a marked chemical stratification and a phytoplankton composition deviating from the other waters, is probably manured by birds. None of the lakes showed lack of oxyDGS. gen at the date of sampling. Freeze-up and 108455 WILLIAMS, G.P. (National break-up of fresh water lakes. Research Council of Canada. Assoc Committee on Geotechnical Research. Technical memorandum 1968. no.92, p.203-215, graphs, illus) 18 refs. French summary. Deals with the ice, often termed sheet ice, that forms under relatively still water conditions on smaller lakes, slow-moving rivers and sheltered harbours. Background information is given for the fall cooling or freeze-up, ice growth or midwinter,and ice melting or spring breakup periods. A relationship is shown
between mean daily air temperature and water temperature which can be used for predicting the time when ice will first form. A formula is presented by which ice growth rates can be estimated by considering snow depth, air temperature and initial ice thickness; formulas for estimating the rate of lake ice melting are outlined. CaMAI, DGS. WILLIAMS, G.P., see also 106463.
Nos. 104286,
108456 WILLIAMS, J.R. Ground water in the permafrost regions of Alaska. Washington, DC 1970. 83 p. maps, tables, illus. (US. Geological Survey. Professional paper 696) 270 refs. Gives a general summary of the origin and history of permafrost. Factors in its local configuration are discussed such as differences in climate, vegetation, topography, hydrology (ocean, lakes, rivers, groundwater, glaciers) and geology; and the relation of permafrost noted to the recharge, discharge, movement and storage of groundwater. Four Alaskan environments are characterized and located on map: alluvium of flood plains, terraces and fans in major valleys and of upland and mountain valleys; deposits of coastal lowlands; glacial and glaciolacustrine deposits of the interior valleys; and bedrock of uplands and mountains. For each of these environments, data are given on the occurrence of groundwater. Its quality is discussed, although no study of the chemical quality was included in the investigation. DOS. 108457 WILLIAMS, J.R. Review of water resources of the Umiat area, Northern Alaska. Washington, DC 1970. 8 p. maps, tables. (US. Geological Survey. Circular 636) 11 refs. Assembles data from earlier studies as part of a compilation on groundwater occurrence in permafrost regions. Surface water from the Colville River, tributary creeks and lakes is abundant in summer but limited in winter by reduced stream flow and freeze-up of lakes. Fresh groundwater is available in alluvium and upper bedrock where flow of heat from river and lakes, not frozen to the bottom, melts restricted zones in the permafrost. Water in bedrock below permafrost 750-1055 ft depth, is DLC. brackish or saline. WILLIAMS, N., JR., see No. 107062. Ice distribution 108458 WILLIAMS, P.J. in permafrost profiles. (Canadian journal of earth sciences 1968. v.5, no.6, p.1381-86, graphs, illus) 11 refs. Results of laboratory analyses, using the air intrusion procedure, of soil samples from deep drill holes in permafrost in the 1103
Mackenzie Delta area, are compared with ice occurrences as observed in the field. It is noted that conventional grain-size criteria are not appropriate for the prediction of occurrence of frost heave at depths > a few meters. The distribution (or absence) of ice accumulation and frost heave at depth in silty soils is in accordance with predictions based on air intrusion values. The distribution of ice segregations in compressible clayrich materials is explainable, if allowance is made for the slow migration of unfrozen water that is in such frozen materials over periods of many years. Demonstrates the depth effect of limiting ice lensing and moisture accumulation in permafrost. DGS. 108459 WILLIAMS, R.I. The freezing resistance of intertidal mollusks. (Dissertation abstracts 1969. v.29, no.11, p.4449-B) Order no.69-7644. PhD thesis, Maryland Univ 1968. 100 p. The common mussel Mytilus edulis tolerates freezing in normally saline sea water down to -I0°C, whereas Venus mercenaria can tolerate tissue freezing only down to -6°C. Both species are isosmotic with sea water. While V. mercenaria and sea water showed very similar freezing curves, M. edulis behaved as though about 18% of its cellular water were osmotically inactive. This bound water allows the cells to maintain a higher hydration at a given water vapor pressure. In both species 66% of the water is removed from tissues at the point of injury despite temperature difference at which injury occurs. Adaptation to change in osmotic concentration of sea water changes the freezing-resistance limit. Osmotic adjustment and freezing resistance are concluded to be independent adaptations. DGS. 108460 WILLIAMS, W.G. Development and use of plastic foam insulation to prevent frost action damage to transportation facilities. (In: Symposium on cold regions engineering 1970. Proceedings pub 1971. v.1, p.227-76, graph, tables, illus) 3 refs. Reports on use of styrofoam for insulation in highway, railway and airport construction since basic research began in 1959. Specific projects installed to 1967 are listed. Evaluation is continuing of a test section of the Edgerton Highway near Chitina where styrofoam was laid over permafrost. The laying of styrofoam as insulating bed for the Kotzebue, Alaska, airport runway and taxiways is described and illus. Details of insulated utility lines, which allow installation at shallow depth without danger of freezing, are also presented. CaMAI, DLC. WILLIAMS, W.T., see No. 108194. 1104
108461 WILLIAMSON, R.G. Canadian Arctic, sociocultural change. (Archives of environmental health 1968. v.17, no.4, p.48491) Traces the course of acculturation among the Canadian Eskimos from the 16th century in hunting traditions and beliefs, in new patterns of time usage patterned to wage-earning, new modes of dwelling and consumption, adaptation to the work performance and values of a competitive society. Health services for Canadian Eskimos have been inadequate. The family unit has been broken by hospitalization in distant centers, by migration in search of wage employment, housing or security from starvation. Federal and territorial government efforts are described; the indigenous people should be drawn more into the planning. Effects of breakdown in family-oriented Eskimo values are noted. The generation gap is considerable, as nearly 60% of the some 10,000 Eskimos are DLC. 16 yr or under in age. WILLIAMSON, R.G., see also No. 106463. WILLIS, E.H., see Nos. 102627, 102628. WILLUMSEN, P., see No. 103988. WILMETH, R., see No. 105421. WILSON, A.N., JR., see No. 108466. 108462 WILSON, C. Notes on the climate of Poste-de-la-Baleine, Quebec. Quebec 1968. 93 p. maps, tables. (Laval Univ. Centre d'etudes nordiques. Travaux divers no.24) Refs. Presents, with a brief commentary, climatological data for Great Whale River on the E shore of Hudson Bay. The statistics were drawn mainly from listings already summarized and pub elsewhere, from unpub material provided by the Canadian Meteorological Branch, and from data abstracted and analyzed at Laval Univ for a climatic atlas of Quebec. The climatic summary is preceded by an introduction to the site and position of the settlement and a short discussion of the three principal climatic controls in the area: Hudson Bay, the upper trough in the general tropospheric circulation over E North America, and the nature of the land surface. CaMAI. 108463 WILSON, C.R. and R.B. FORBES. Infrasonic waves from Alaskan volcanic eruptions. (Journal of geophysical research 1969. v.74, no. I 8, p.451 I-22, graphs, tables) 9 refs. Reports study of explosive eruptions of Redoubt and Trident Volcanoes, which were found by triangulation to be the source of infrasonic waves received at College and Palmer during 1967-68. These waves propa-
gated via the lower and upper atmospheric sound channels. For an assumed sound speed of 313 m/sec, the average values of the elevation angles for the infrasound rays were 20° and 43° for the lower and upper channels, respectively. The signal velocity from College to Palmer ranged 275-289 m/sec, depending on the mesospheric wind structure. DLC. WILSON, C.R., see also No. 101845, 101847.
108466 WILSON, J.A. and A.N. WILSON Cold injury, report of an unusual case. (Alaska medicine 1968. v.I0, no.4, p.172-74, illus) Outlines the case history of a survivor of a 79-hr burial in the 17 Feb 1965 avalanche at Granduc mining camp in northern British Columbia. The rescued man was taken to Ketchikan, Alaska. His injury from cold exposure, immediate treatment, incl use of a portable hyperbaric oxygen tank, and subsequent physical therapy are described. CaMA1,DNLM.
WILSON, G.W., see No. 101883. 108464 WILSON, H.M. Alaskan outlook, great but frustrating. (Oil and gas journal 1970. v.68, no.32, p.103-146, maps, illus) Reports the costs of inactivity due to forced delay in construction of the trans Alaska pipeline and haul roads between Fairbanks and the North Slope. Viewpoints of Alaskans, oil companies, and contractors are stated. A unitized effort of companies in the Prudhoe field is noted, as is the start of a production unit for the western part of the field by British Petroleum Alaska, Inc. Research is noted on safety design, effects of down-hole heat on permafrost, flow lines, gathering centers, automation, power and environment protection. Current exploratory and development drilling, and prospects on federal lands and offshore are sketched. State legislation on taxation, data disclosure, and violation of regulations is discussed, as are the revision of regulations by the Alaska Oil and Gas Division, notably against gas flaring, and the proposed gas pipelines from the North Slope via Canada. Special sections are included on: the 6-mi 48"-56" steel pipeline laid north of Fairbanks in the mid-20's to carry water, which the Trans Alaska Pipelines System (TAPS) claims has not damaged the tundra or thawed the permafrost, p.104105; the Alaska Dept of Labor and City of Anchorage effort to stop migration into Alaska, p.109; the research on effect of heat on permafrost of varying degrees of wetness and on grasses and other plants to grow in soil disDGS. turbed in laying the pipeline, p.146.
H.M. Geophysical 108465 WILSON, crews poised to swarm offshore Alaska. (Oil and gas journal 1969. v.67, no.16, p.39-42, map) Reports the companies, combines, vessels and areas of the summer 1969 seismic reconnaissances and other investigations in the Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea and Beaufort Sea. The Pacific Seal (Digicon) and Grebe (Geophysical Services Inc) were frozen in and overwintered at Tuktoyaktuk in the Mackenzie Delta. The economics of this experiment are briefly disDGS. cussed.
108467 WILSON, J.A. and M.W. NELSON. History of the development of oversnow vehicles. (Western Snow Conference, 36th, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, 16-18 Apr 1968. Proceedings, p.9-18, illus) Describes the mechanical aspects of some 30 vehicles beginning with a modified model T Ford, put on the market, 1922. The machines are categorized as prototypes, metal tracks, double belt tracks, single belt tracks and propeller driven. Illustrations are arranged chronologically. DGS. WILSON, J.F., see No. 103448. WILSON, L, see
No. 103344.
108468 WILSON, L.F. Operational logistics. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.58-60) Discusses the surface, air and water transportation of fuel, drilling rigs, and material stock to the Prudhoe Bay region, and indicates the elusive nature of cost comparisons, which are subject to delicate timing relative to the seasonal climatic conditions and the work requirements. CaMAI, DGS. Health status of 108469 WILSON, M. the Alaskan native people. (In: Alaska Science Conference 1969. Proceedings pub 1970, p.108-115) The director of the Alaskan Native Medical Center traces the history of health services, notes the present system, briefly discusses the major diseases and concludes that medical effort alone cannot resolve non-medical issues of housing, sanitation, education, economic development and community organization, which are the basis for much of the major health disparities of the native people. Alaska is the only state without a single comprehensive community mental health center. The native people suffer much infectious illness, high rates of serious accidents, heavy burdens of disabilCaMAI. DGS. ity and premature death. WILSON, M.D., see No. 105503.
WILSON M.R., see Nos. 106043, 106049. 1105
108470 WILSON, M.S. and J.C. TASH. Euryhaline copepod genus Eurytemora in fresh and brackish waters of the Cape Thompson region, Chukchi Sea, Alaska. (US. National Museum. Proceedings 1966. v.118, no.3534, p.553-76, tables, illus) 17 refs. Reports on six species collected during the 1959-61 investigations of the US Atomic Energy Commission Project Chariot (No 92548), and two species from other collections. E. arctica n sp is fully described from adults, though its immature copepodid stages were previously known. The inland lakes, pools and ponds and coastal lagoons surveyed N and S of the cape and 11 mi inland are briefly characterized. Distribution of the eight species elsewhere in Alaska and NE Asia is discussed; they represent about half the known species of gen Eurytemora and nearly all.those known for Alaska or North America. CaMAI, DLC. 108471 WILSON, R. Abortion, repeal of Alaska law? (Alaska medicine 1969. v.11, no.3, p.105-107) 4 refs. Presents the position of the Alaska State Medical Association, advocating removal of legal restrictions to abortion by physicians in Alaska. Appended are some of the comments for and against abortion given in answers to a questionnaire circulated among some 300 physicians in Alaska. CaMAI, DNLM. 108472 WILSON, R.W. An oil editor from the lower 48 sees Alaska at its hottest, if you mean oil. (Independent petroleum monthly 1969. v.39, no.10, p.10-12, illus) Comments on the extremely high cost of operation and the objections on the part of Alaskans to skilled labor being brought in from DGS. outside the state. 108473 WILSON, W.R. Skyhook. (Naval research 1969. v.22, no.12, p.22-25, illus) Notes the completion of the tenth successful year of high-altitude balloon-borne research, the operation at the Churchill Research Range named Skyhook Churchill. The 1969 program is described: the 15 mil-ft' balloon, a single-cell model made by Winzen Research Inc, performed flawlessly and a new super-cooled magnet was used; 20 successful flights were made, there was one balloon failure, 22 payloads were recovered and much high-altitude research data collected. CaMAI, DOS. WILSON, W.R., see also No. 103051. WINCKLER, J.R., see No. 104525. 108474 WINDLEY, B.F. Anorthosites and polymetamorphism between Ravns Store 1106
and Sukkertoppen, West Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersegelse. Report 1966. no.11, p.27-29) 2 refs. Summarizes results of 1964-66 geological mapping for the 1:500 000 project in the general region, 63°30'-64°N, in West Greenland. The main structural and metamorphic features along this section of the pre-Ketilidian fold belt are characterized. Layered anorthosites in the Fiskenaesset region have formed by gravitational crystallization under nonorogenic conditions. In certain areas the rocks have retained their granulite facies assemblages in sections characterized by amphibolite facies. West of Nordland migmatization was responsible for higher-grade granulite facies. The three major periods of migmatization which are distinguishable in the Godthabsfjord region are differentiated. DGS. 108475 WINDLEY, B.F. Evolution of the early Precambrian basement complex of southern West Greenland. (Geological Association of Canada. Special paper 1969. no.5, p.155-61, maps, tables, illus) 21 refs. Summarizes results of a 1964-67 study of the area between Sukkertoppen and Ravns Store where two major tectono-metamorphic groups are distinguished: basement and linear belts. There is evidence in this basement complex of three plutonic periods of metamorphism and deformation separated by cratogenic periods of basic dike intrusion and supracrustal deposition. The main characteristics of this three-fold division are formation of basement with relict layered stratiform suites, 3210-3000 MY, granulite fades; formation of linear belts with relict greenschists, 2710-2410 MY, amphibolite facies; and greenschist facies metamorphism and post-tectonic granite, 1940-1820 MY. DGS. 108476 WINDLEY, B.F. New field relations from the early Precambrian of West Greenland. (Greenland. Geologiske undersegelse. Report 1968, no.15, p.27-31) 4 refs. Summarizes 1967 observations in several localities mainly between Ravns Store and Sukkertoppen. Anorthosites, chromite-rich sequences, sapphirine, early granulite metamorphism, amphibolite gneisses and certain dikes are recorded. All regions of southern West Greenland, excepting Godthabsijord and Ravns Store, seem to have the same three-fold sequence: layered calcic anorthosites followed by chronologically equivalent granulite, then amphibolite metamorphism with age determinations of 2520 and 2610 MY. The history of rocks within and near the area is briefly characterized. An intense swarm of dikes in the Alangua region near Sukkertoppen are younger than the Kangamiut dikes, which appear to
reflect changes from stable conditions of initial intrusion to stress as the central layers of wider CaMAI, DLC. dikes crystallized. 108477 WINDLEY, B.F. Precambrian geology of the Sfirdloq area, South Greenland. Kobenhavn 1966. 49 p. maps, illus. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report no.5) 24 refs. Describes bedrock geology in an area ca 60°30' - 60°45'N, 45°05' - 46°15'W, along the southwest coast of Greenland. Most of the investigation (1960-62) was done along the icepolished, lichen-free coasts of islands and peninsulas, with little on the lichen-covered inland. Geology of area is divided on a chronological basis into two plutonic periods, preceded, separated and followed by basic dike intrusion. All rocks are Precambrian except certain dolerite dikes that may be Tertiary. Geological units are classified as early gneisses, formed in Ketilidian time, and Akia and Iliverdleq granites, which were formed by reactivation of the gneisses in Sanerutian time. The Akia granite grades conformably into the earlier gneisses. One of the distinctions between early gneiss and later granite is the appearance of certain basic dikes. Deformational history and development of the area have been worked out on a chronological basis, with particular attention given to structural complexities of the early gneisses and the successive intrusive and deformation of the basic dikes. Dating is related to discordances, inclusions, magmatization and other time markers. Standard nomenclature is used for purposes of regional conformation. DGS.
that has been well preserved in the conformable layers of metamorphosed anorthosite in the Fiskenaesset region, West Greenland. Major and minor units of the stratigraphy, rock types, and the pattern of distribution of mineralization zones are explained. Differences in Fe enrichment, location of chromitites with respect to the garnet-bearing zone, position of sapphirine-bearing rocks, and the distribution of metals such as platinum are systematically related to the basic stratigraphy of the anorthosite. The original basin shape of the complex was flattened into an isoclinal syncline and then refolded and metamorphosed twice. It is suggested that the Fiskenaesset complex is the layered, deep-level root zone of a vast lopolith,as is also the case with many similar anorthosite and ophitic gabbro complexes that are common throughout the Precambrian of Greenland. CaMAI, DGS.
108478 WINDLEY, B.F. and others. Some border relations between supracrustal and infracrustal rocks in south-west Greenland. Kobenhavn 1966. 43 p. maps, illus. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report no.9) 32 refs. Other authors: N. Henriksen, A.K. Higgins, E. Bondesen and S.B. Jensen. Describes three types of boundaries between Precambrian supracrustal and infracrustal rocks in southwest Greenland. In the Ravns Store area a largely volcanic series, possibly equivalent in age to the Tartoq Group, passes downward into the underlying gneisses via a transitional migmatite front. In the northern part of the Ivigtut region, a major unconformity separates Ketilidian supracrustal rocks from Pre-Ketilidian gneisses and Tartoq Group rocks.. Southward the boundary is a fault conDGS. tact in many places.
108480 WINDLEY, B.F. Superposed deformations of the Ketilidian gneisses in Sfirdloq area, south Greenland. Kobenhavn, C.A.Reitzels Forlag 1966. 55 p. maps, table, illus. (Meddelelser om Gronland v.179, no.3) 34 refs. Also pub in: Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Bulletin 1966, no.64. Describes the structural evolution of the Ketilidian (Precambrian) fold belt directly south of Julianehhb in a 640 km' area comprised of three main peninsulas and approx 270 islands with SArdloq village in the southwest corner. Much of the area has intercalated horizons of homogeneous, veined and banded gneisses, which were deformed during the Ketilidian orogeny by three phases of folding F, - F,. F, is in the form of mesoscopic intrafolial folds in varying states of preservation within the regional foliation S,. F, produced meso- and macroscopic folds that have a shallow NE and SW plunge, where unaffected by the third folding. Characteristic F, structures, asymmetric, similar, disharmonic folds with curviplanar axial planes but constantly oriented axes, were formed under syn-migmatization and amphibolite facies conditions. Crystallization of constituent minerals under syn- to postkinematic conditions outlasted the deformation. F, folds have a constant orientation with vertical axial planes and plunge variably to NW or SE; they are in the form of a macroscopic buckling of the S, foliation formed under post-migmatization and epidote-amphibolite facies conditions. CaMAI, DGS.
108479 WINDLEY, B.F. Stratigraphy of the Fiskenaesset anorthosite complex. (Greenland. Geologiske undersogelse. Report 1970 pub 1971. no.35, p.19-21, map) 3 refs. Outlines the primary stratigraphic sequence
108481 WINDOM, H.L. Atmospheric dust records in permanent icefields, implications to marine sedimentation. (Geological Society of America. Bulletin 1969. v.80, no.5, p.761-82, graphs, maps, tables) 48 refs. 1107
Reports a study to consider wind transport of material to marine sediments by extrapolation from data on dust fallout recorded in permanent snowfields. Of the snowfields selected, two sites in Greenland represent Northern Hemisphere polar easterlies and one site in the St. Elias Range in Yukon Territory, Northern Hemisphere westerlies wind systems. Components from local and global sources are distinguished by semiquantitative mineralogical and size analyses of the dust. Accumulation rates, measured by lead-210 geochronology, range 0.1-1.0 mm/10' yr. It is not clear what areas, if any, of the ice-covered Arctic Ocean sediments are supplied with eolian material, but comparison of the