2 Maccabees According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation 9781463239756

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2 Maccabees According to the Syriac Peshitta Version with English Translation

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The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation

2 Maccabees

Ṣurath Kthobh

Editors George A. Kiraz Andreas Juckel

The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English Translation

2 Maccabees

English Translation by

Donald M. Walter Gillian English Translation by

Greenberg Text Prepared by

Philip Michael Forness

George A. Kiraz

Text Prepared by

Joseph Bali George Anton Kiraz


34 2022

Gorgias Press LLC, 954 River Road, Piscataway, NJ, 08854, USA www.gorgiaspress.com Copyright © 2022 by Gorgias Press LLC All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise without the prior written permission of Gorgias Press LLC.




ISBN 978-1-4632-0587-4

Printed in the United States of America

For my mother,

Who taught me curiosity. Philip Michael Forness

TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents .................................................................................... v Foreword to the Edition ....................................................................... vii By George A. Kiraz Making of the Text ................................................................................... vii Orthographic Diversions from Mosul ................................................. viii Text Organization ....................................................................................... x Acknowledgements ..................................................................................... x

Abbreviations........................................................................................... xi Translator’s Acknowledgments .......................................................... xiii Introduction to the Translation ........................................................... xv By Philip Michael Forness The Peshiṭta Translation of the Second Book of Maccabees ........... xv A Brief Outline of the Second Book of Maccabees ......................... xvii The Books of Maccabees in the Syriac Tradition: Liturgical Commemoration ............................................................................ xxi Translating the Peshiṭta Version of the Second Book of Maccabees .................................................................................... xxvii Comparison of the Peshiṭta with the Septuagint .............................. xxxi Noteworthy Readings ......................................................................... xxxvii

Appendix 1: Versification ................................................................... xliii Appendix 2: Variant Readings ............................................................ xlv Appendix 3: Names ................................................................................. li Parallel Greek and Syriac Proper Nouns ............................................... lii Replacement of Individual Letters .......................................................... lv Replacement of Words ............................................................................. lv Translations ................................................................................................ lvi

Appendix 4: Syriac Chapter Divisions ............................................... lvii Chapter Divisions of 2 Maccabees in West Syriac Pandect Manuscripts .................................................................................... lviii Chapter Divisions of 2 Maccabees in East Syriac Apocryphal Collections ...................................................................................... lviii

Bibliography ............................................................................................ lxi Text and Translation ............................................................................... 1 v


The primary objective of this edition is twofold: to provide a reliable text for scholars and students who are looking for a fully vocalized Syriac text, and to make available to religious communities, for whom this text is sacred, an English translation that can be used in various religious and cultural settings. As such, one had to navigate carefully between rigid scholarly principles and practical editorial choices. Making of the Text

The current edition provides a West Syriac version of the 1887–91 Peshiṭta Mosul text. 1 While the Mosul text was prepared based on second millennium manuscripts, its text is substantially attested by manuscripts belonging to the first millennium. As ancient MSS are hardly vocalized, our text relies on the vocalization of the Mosul edition. In addition to full vocalization, our text is supplemented with complete Rukkākhā and Quššāyā pointing and other orthographic markings, keeping in mind the general orthographic principles adopted by Pusey and Gwilliam in their 1901 Tetraeuangelium. 2 Hence, while the consonantal tier is substantially ancient, the vocalism and orthographic tiers are quite late. As the Mosul edition did not fully mark Rukkākhā and Quššāyā, these points were added and a regular expression 3 was applied to the text to Clemis Joseph David (ed.), The Syriac Bible According to the Mosul Edition, 3 volumes, with an introduction by Sebastian P. Brock (Piscataway, NJ, 2010), a reprint of the Mosul 1887–91 edition titled ‫ܨܘܪܬ ܟܬܒ ܐܝܟ ܡܦܩܬܐ ܕܡܬܩܪܝܐ ܦܫܝܛܬܐ‬. 2 P. E. Pusey and G. H. Gwilliam, Tetraeuangelium Sanctum, the Fourfold Holy Gospel in the Peshitta Syriac Version with Critical Apparatus, with an introduction by Andreas Juckel (Piscataway, NJ, 2003), a reprint of the 1901 edition. 3 In computing, a regular expression provides a mechanism with which strings of text can be matched with a search criterion. In most notations, a bracket expression matches a single character inside that bracket (e.g., [ab] matches a single a or b). The exclamation mark denotes negation. Hence, the expression [bgdkpt][!RQ] (where R and Q represent the 1



Foreword to the Edition

ensure that all bgādkpāt letters are marked. When the consonantal orthography, and in many cases the vocalic orthography, of East and West Syriac diverged, use was made of Lee’s 1823 edition 4 as well as linguistic resources including Audo, 5 Brockelmann, 6 Margoliouth, 7 and Smith. 8 As for Rukkākhā and Quššāyā pointing, analogies were made internally within other Mosul readings, and externally with the Pusey and Gwilliam New Testament text, making use of my Concordance 9 as a tool and the guidelines presented in my introduction to spirantization. 10 Unfortunately, 1–4 Maccabees are not included in the so-called ‘Syriac Masora,’ though outside the standard ‘Masora’ a short ‘Masoretic’ treatment of 1–3 Macc is extant on fol. 303rv of Ms 12/22 in the Syriac-orthodox Patriarchate (Damascus). The Mbaṭṭlānā and Marhṭānā were added systematically following current orthographic conventions, but the Mhaggyānā, Nāgudā, and Mṭappyānā, all ubiquitous in the Mosul text, were removed as they are alien to West Syriac orthography. 11 The text was collated directly against the Leiden text. Variants are given in Appendix 2. In cases of proper nouns, the vocalization largely reflects the Greek pronunciation; the Thesaurus Syriacus (ed. by R. Payne Smith) was regularly consulted. Where available, we followed the BFBSvolume of the Peshitta New Testament. This part of the work was done by Andreas Juckel. Orthographic Diversions from Mosul

In terms of the consonantal tier, the present text differs orthographically from the Mosul text in two ways. Firstly, it intentionally replaces early Syriac Rukkākhā and Quššāyā points, respectively) will match a single bgādkpāt letter that is not followed by a Rukkākhā or Quššāyā point. When this search fails, all bgādkpāt letters have been pointed (regardless of accuracy of course). 4 S. Lee, Vetus et Novum Testamentum Syriace (London, 1823). 5 T. Audo, ‫( ܣܝܡܬܐ ܕܠܫܢܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ‬Mosul, 1897). 6 C. Brockelmann, Lexicon Syriacum (2nd ed., 1928). 7 J. P. Smith (Mrs. Margoliouth), A Compendious Syriac Dictionary Founded upon the Thesaurus Syriacus (Oxford, 1903). 8 P. Smith, Thesaurus Syriacus (Oxford, 1879–1901). 9 G. A. Kiraz, A Computer Generated Concordance to the Syriac New Testament, 6 volumes (Leiden, 1993). 10 G. A. Kiraz, Introduction to Syriac Spirantization, Rukkâḵâ and Quššâyâ (Losser, 1995). 11 On these symbols, see C. J. David, Grammaire de la Langue Araméenne, 2 volumes, (Mosul, 2nd ed., 1896) §62, §67; G. Kiraz, Turrāṣ Mamllā, A Grammar of the Syriac Language, Volume I Orthography (Gorgias Press, 2012) §§205–208.

Foreword to the Edition


orthographic conventions, most of which are also preserved in the East Syriac Mosul text, with West Syriac ones. 12 Secondly, as one of the objectives of the present edition is to provide a functional text for religious communities, it was necessary to be systematic and to provide the reader with a standardized orthography. As for the vocalic tier, the present text differs from the Mosul text in a number of ways. ܿ ܰ E. Syr. ◌ܼ was generally converted to the corresponding W. Syr. ◌ except in lexemes where the E. and W. Syriac orthographies vary. In the ܳ ‫ ܺ� ܽܗ‬, Mosul always uses an E. Syr. ◌ܼܿ case of bdwl prefixes attaching to ‫ܘܕ ܐ‬ ܿ ܺ ܳ ‫ ܺܕ ܽܝܗ‬vs. M ‫ܝܗܘ ܵܕܐ‬ while here a W. Syr. ◌ is used as in ‫ܘܕ ܐ‬ ܼ ܳ ‫( ܼܕ‬1:1). ܵ E. Syr. ◌ was generally converted to W. Syr. ◌ except when followed ܰ ܵ̈ܿ by ‫ ܘ‬in which case it became ◌ ; e.g., E. Syr. ‫ ܼܥܒܕܘܗܝ‬vs. W. Syr. ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ̱ ‫ܰܥ ̈ܒ ܰܕ‬ (1:2). This also applies to nominal forms when followed by an enclitic demonstrative pronoun. ܶ E. Syr. ◌ܸ was generally converted to W. Syr. ◌ except in lexemes where the E. and W. orthographies vary. ܺ ܶ E. Syr. ◌ܹ was mapped to either ◌ or ◌ depending on the phonoܳ ‫ ܺܪ‬for M ‫( ܹܪ ܵܫܐ‬3:5). logical, morphological or lexical context; e.g. ‫ܝܫܐ‬ ܺ ܿ E. Syr. ‫ ܼܝ‬was converted to W. Syr. ‫◌ܝ‬, while E. Syr. ‫ ܘ‬and ‫ ܼܘ‬were ܽ collapsed into W. Syr. ‫◌ܘ‬. The choice was made to place the vowel on the consonant preceding the matres lectionis. Metathesis was applied to the sequence ‚V resulting in V‚. In C‚Vinitial stems prefixed with bdwl letters, this led to further vocalization changes on the prefixes The Mbaṭṭlānā was applied in the present text following the Pusey and Gwilliam tradition but with further extensions following contemporary orthographic conventions. It should be noted that the current orthographic conventions do not put a Mbaṭṭlānā under every single silent letter (e.g. the suffix ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ̱ not ‫ܘܗ ̱ܝ‬ ̱ ). On orthography, see L. Van Rompay, ‘Some Preliminary Remarks on the Origins of Classical Syriac as a Standard Language. The Syriac Version of Eusebius of Caesarea’s Ecclesiastical History’, in G. Goldenberg and S. Raz (eds.), Semitic and Cushitic Studies (Wiesbaden, 2004), 70–89; S. P. Brock, ‘Some Diachronic Features of Classical Syriac’, in M. F. J. Baasten and W. Th. Van Peursen (eds.), Hamlet on the Hill. Semitic and Greek Studies Presented to Professor T. Muraoka on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (Louvain, 2003), 95– 111. 12


Foreword to the Edition Only a few readings in Mosul were rejected: Here

ܺܳ ܳ 2:27.28 ‫ܕ�ܐܝܬ‬ ‫ܚ‬ ܶ̈ ܳ ݁ ܰ 3:24 (cf 14:21 in this list) ‫�ܒܫܐ‬ ܳ ‫�ܗ‬ 4:11 ‫ܘܡܝܶܐ‬ ̱ܽ ܺ ܳ ‫ܘܫ‬ 4:25 ‫ܝܚ ܳܢܐ‬ ܳ ܰܶ ܶ ܽ ‫ܘܥ‬ ܰ ̣ܰ ‫ܡܗܘܢ ܶܕܝܢ‬ 5:23 ‫ܫܒܩ �ܡܢ�ܘܣ‬ ܽ ‫ܐ�ܨܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‬ ܳ ‫ ܺܕܕ ܳ� ܽܢ‬... ‫�ܗܘܢ‬ ܺ ‫ܳܘ‬ 6:7 ‫ܘܣܘܣ‬ 7:37–38 10:12


14:21 14:24


ܽ ‫ܰܡ‬ ‫ܩܪܘܢ‬ ܳ ݁ ‫ܒܚ‬ ܽ ‫ܘܒܐ‬ ܶ ‫ܰ� ݁ ܳܒ ̈ܫܐ‬ ܳ ݁ ‫ܒܚ‬ ܽ ‫ܘܒܐ‬


ܺܳ ܰ ‫ܕ�ܐܝܬ‬ ‫ܚ‬ ܶ̈ ܳ ‫�ܒܫܐ‬ ݂ ‫ܽ�ܘ ̱ܗ ܳܡܝܶܐ‬ ܳ ‫ܘܫ‬ ܰ ‫ܝܚ ܳܢܐ‬

om by homoiotel.

om by homoiotel. 37

‫ܰܡ ܶܩ ܽܕܘܢ‬ ܳ ݂ ‫ܒܚ‬ ܽ ‫ܘܒܐ‬ ܶ ܳ ‫�ܒ ̈ܫܐ‬ ݂ ܳ ݂ ‫ܒܚ‬ ܽ ‫ܘܒܐ‬

Text Organization

On the division of the text, see below in Appendix 4. Acknowledgements

Andreas Juckel, my co-editor in the Ṣurath Kthob series, played a major role in setting the textual policies of the edition. I am personally grateful to my wife Christine and three children: Tabetha Gabriella, Sebastian Kenoro, and Lucian Nurono. It is hoped that the current edition will be a motivation for further texts and translations of the Syriac Biblical tradition, and will stimulate the use of the Peshiṭta in educational and religious settings.

ABBREVIATIONS ASV BCE CE cent. CSCO ed. e.g. et al. fl. lit. LXX M om ortho P PO PS pr rev. SI SS tr trans. vol.

American Standard Version (1901) Before the Common Era Common Era century Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium editor, edition exempli gratia and others flourished literally Septuagint Greek Text Mosul omit orthographic variant Peshiṭta Patrologia Orientalis Patrologia Syriaca places before revised Scriptores Iberici Scriptores Syri transposition translator volume


TRANSLATOR’S ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to George Kiraz and Andreas Juckel for entrusting me with the translation of the books of Maccabees in the Antioch Bible and for their many suggestions that have improved this volume. Robert Kitchen kindly read through a draft of the translation, and James Walters and James Hamrick offered feedback on the introduction. Jennifer Forness commented on several drafts of the whole volume and helped me persist through this long project. Melonie Schmierer-Lee expertly brought this work to completion at the production stage. My interest in the reception of the Maccabees in the Syriac tradition has its origins in my curiosity for questions about history, culture, and faith, all of which I learned from my mother, Mary Ann Forness. I dedicate this volume to her for the constant love that she has shown me and my sisters over the years.


INTRODUCTION TO THE TRANSLATION BY PHILIP MICHAEL FORNESS The Peshiṭta Translation of the Second Book of Maccabees

The Hebrew Bible was translated into Syriac during the second century CE. This translation became known as the Peshiṭta (‘simple’ or ‘ordinary’) version. The specific books included within the Peshiṭta Old Testament in the second century remain unknown, although they must have included the Pentateuch, the Latter Prophets, and the Psalms. The translation of other books, such as Ezra, Nehemiah, and 1–2 Chronicles, came at a later date. 1 The four books of Maccabees likewise were not part of the original Peshiṭta translation of the Old Testament. 2 The Second Book of Maccabees was written in Greek and contains a compilation of texts from the second century BCE. One of the texts was likely written in Aramaic originally, but it was translated into Greek in the final form of this work. 3 The first surviving witness to the Greek text of the Second Book of Maccabees appears in the Codex Alexandrinus from the See Bas ter Haar Romeny and Craig E. Morrison, ‘Peshitta,’ in Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage, ed. Sebastian P. Brock et al. (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2011), 326–331; M. P. Weitzman, The Syriac Version of the Old Testament, University of Cambridge Oriental Publications 56 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999). 2 For a brief take on the text of the Peshiṭta of the Second Book of Maccabees, see Serge Ruzer, ‘2 Maccabees: Syriac,’ in Textual History of the Bible, ed. Armin Lange (Leiden: Brill, 2020), doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/2452-4107_thb_COM_0210020300. While no sustained study of the dating of the Peshiṭta Second Book of Maccabees has appeared, two recent articles address this in relation to the First Book of Maccabees: Ignacio Carbajosa, ‘What Is the Relationship between the Two Ancient Syriac Peshitta Versions of 1 Maccabees? A New Proposal That Challenges the Classical Explanation,’ Aramaic Studies 18, no. 1 (2020): 64–98; Philip Michael Forness, ‘The First Book of Maccabees in Syriac: Dating and Context,’ Aramaic Studies 18, no. 1 (2020): 99–123. 3 2 Maccabees 1:1–10a seems to have been translated from an Aramaic original into Greek. See Jonathan A. Goldstein, 2 Maccabees, The Anchor Bible 41A (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1983), 139. 1



Introduction to the Translation

fourth century CE. 4 But a papyrus codex dated paleographically from the early to mid-fourth century contains a Sahidic Coptic translation of 2 Maccabees 5:27–7:41. 5 The Peshiṭta translation of the Second Book of Maccabees reflects a set of variant readings from the dominant Greek tradition which came to be associated with the figure Lucian of Antioch (d. 312 CE). 6 Thus, the Peshiṭta translation of the Second Book of Maccabees must have taken place after the Lucianic recension developed in the early fourth century. The Peshiṭta of the Second Book of Maccabees has a fairly stable textual tradition. Four manuscripts from the seventh or eighth century preserve this work in collections of the books of the Maccabees. 7 The later The next earliest Greek witness is from the eighth century. See Werner Kappler and Robert Hanhart, eds., Maccabaeorum liber II, Septuaginta: Vetus Testamentum Graecum auctoritate Societatis Literarum Gottingensis editum 9.2 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1959), 9–10. 5 The manuscript is London and Oslo, Schøyen Collection, 193. For an edition and translation of the text, see Edmund S. Meltzer and Hans-Gebhard Bethge, ‘The Jewish Martyrs: 2 Maccabees 5:27–7:41,’ in The Crosby-Schøyen Codex MS 193 in the Schøyen Collection, ed. James E. Goehring, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 521, Subsidia 85 (Leuven: Peeters, 1990), 88–133. For the dating of this codex and competing arguments about its formation and purpose, see Albert Pietersma and Susan Comstock, ‘Two More Pages of Crosby-Schøyen Codex MS 193: A Pachomian Easter Lectionary?,’ The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 48 (2011): 27–46; Brice C. Jones, ‘The Bodmer “Miscellaneous” Codex and the Crosby-Schøyen Codex MS 193: A New Proposal,’ Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism 8 (2011–2012): 9–20. 6 On Lucian, see Bruce M. Metzger, Chapters in the History of New Testament Textual Criticism, New Testament Tools and Studies 4 (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1963), 1–41. On the Lucianic Recension of the Old Testament, see Karen H. Jobes and Moisés Silva, Invitation to the Septuagint (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2000), 53–55; Emanuel Tov, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, 3rd rev. ed. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2011), 146–147. For the Greek witnesses to the Lucianic recension of 2 Maccabees, see Kappler and Hanhart, Maccabaeorum liber II, 18–24. On Lucianic readings in the Peshiṭta version of 2 Maccabees, see ibid., 29–31. 7 For a list of the manuscripts that contain the Second Book of Maccabees, see The Peshiṭta Institute Leiden, List of Old Testament Peshiṭta Manuscripts (Preliminary Issue) (Leiden: Brill, 1961), 110; The Peshiṭta Institute Leiden, ‘Peshiṭta Institute Communications VII: Fourth Supplement to the List of Old Testament Peshiṭta Manuscripts (Preliminary Issue),’ Vetus Testamentum 18, no. 1 (1968): 143; The Peshiṭta Institute Leiden, ‘Peshiṭta Institute Communications XIV: Fifth Supplement to the List of Old Testament Peshiṭta Manuscripts (Preliminary Issue),’ Vetus Testamentum 27, no. 4 (1977): 511. The sigla used to refer to manuscripts can be found in these publications. See also the discussion of these and 4

Introduction to the Translation


tradition divides into eastern and western recensions, which are already previewed in the early manuscripts. 8 Appendix 2 collates the Antioch Bible version with the critical edition published by the Peshiṭta Institute. 9 The text of the Second Book of Maccabees in the Mosul Bible — which serves as the base text for the Antioch Bible — reflects elements of both the eastern and western traditions. 10 The Antioch Bible version of the Second Book of Maccabees includes the standard modern chapters of this text as well as chapter divisions from the Syriac tradition. Appendix 4 identifies two sets of chapter numbers known in the Syriac tradition. The first derives from west Syriac manuscripts of the entire bible appearing as early as the fifteenth century that divide the four books of Maccabees into fifty-two consecutively numbered chapters. This set of chapter divisions appears in the text and translation below. The second comes from east Syriac apocryphal collections that date as early as the sixteenth century and begin with the first three books of Maccabees. These chapter divisions are indicated only in Appendix 4 below. A Brief Outline of the Second Book of Maccabees

In the second century BCE, the priestly family of Mattathias led a revolt that resulted in the relative independence of Judea from the Seleucid Empire. Mattathias’s descendants ruled Judea as kings and high priests from 142 to 63 BCE. While the First Book of Maccabees chronicles the revolt and the establishment of the Hasmoneans, the Second Book of Maccabees focuses on a series of attacks against the city of Jerusalem, the Jewish people, Jewish practices, and the temple in the early years of the revolt. 11 additional manuscripts in the introduction to the First Book of Maccabees in the Antioch Bible. 8 Angelo Penna, Konrad Dirk Jenner, and D. Bakker, eds., ‘1–2 Maccabees,’ in The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshiṭta Version, vol. 4.4 (Leiden: Brill, 2013), v. 9 Ibid., 141–203. 10 Just over half of the variant readings find support in manuscript 8a1 (92 out of 183), which usually matches the later eastern tradition (ibid., xiii), and two later eastern manuscripts, designated by the siglum 8a1fam (92 out of 183). At the same time, around the same number of variants reflect western manuscripts: 12a1 (84 out of 183), 15/14a1 (97 out of 183), 15a3 (92 out of 183), and the group designated as 12a1fam (80 out of 183). 11 The diaspora context in which 2 Maccabees was compiled may call the importance of the temple into question. See Daniel R. Schwartz, ‘Maccabees, Second Book of,’ in The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism, ed. John J. Collins (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2010), 906.


Introduction to the Translation

The Second Book of Maccabees consists of three texts: two letters and an epitome of a chronicle. It reached its final form sometime between 124 BCE — the date of the first letter — and 63 BCE, when the Romans under Pompey besieged Jerusalem. The work in its final form advocates and provides a rationale for two new festal celebrations: Hanukkah and Nicanor’s Day. 12 The Second Book of Maccabees contains six major divisions. The first section comprises two letters related to the celebration of feast days (1:1– 2:18). In the second section, the anonymous compiler describes the work’s purposes and sources (2:19–32). The following three sections narrate successive attacks against the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish people during the reigns of Seleucus IV Philopater (r. 187–175 BCE) in the third section (3:1–40), of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (r. 175–164 BCE) in the fourth section (4:1–10:9), and of Antiochus V Eupator (r. 164–162 BCE) and Demetrius I Soter (r. 162–150 BCE) in the fifth section (10:10–15:36). The sixth and final section contains a short epilogue by the compiler (15:37–39). A more detailed look at the contents of these sections will serve as a guide to readers unfamiliar with the work. The first two sections introduce the themes of the celebration of feasts and the Maccabean revolt. The first section comprises two letters that appear in reverse chronological order. In the first letter, which dates to 124 BCE, the Jews of Jerusalem and Judea encourage the Jews of Egypt to observe Hanukkah by linking it to the celebration of the festival of booths (1:1–10). 13 In the second letter, which dates to 164 BCE, the Jews of Jerusalem and Judea explain the origins of the feast and defend its practice to Aristobolus and the Jews of Egypt (1:10–2:18). 14 This letter narrates the death of Antiochus IV, who desecrated the temple, and identifies precedents for the celebration of the festival in past biblical figures. The second section begins without transition. Here the compiler of the Second On the debate over the original purpose of the work as it relates to its editing, see Robert Doran, 2 Maccabees: A Critical Commentary, Hermeneia (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2012), 1–3; Daniel R. Schwartz, 2 Maccabees, Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2008), 3–8. 13 On the connection between the festival of booths and Hanukkah, see Schwartz, 2 Maccabees, 143. The authenticity of this letter has been established since B. Bickermann, ‘Ein jüdischer Festbrief vom Jahre 124 v. Chr. (II Macc 1 1–9),’ Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche 32, no. 3 (1933): 233–254. 14 Serious doubts have been raised about the authenticity of this letter. See Goldstein, 2 Maccabees, 157–167. 12

Introduction to the Translation


Book of Maccabees describes the key events of the Maccabean revolt and names Judas Maccabaeus, Antiochus IV, the temple, and the city of Jerusalem as focal points in the narrative that follows (2:19–22). This section also identifies a five-volume work by an otherwise unknown Jason of Cyrene as the source material and offers a justification for abridging this work (2:23–32). The third section provides a short narrative of the first attack during the reign of Seleucus IV. A time of relative peace under the high priesthood of Onias is suddenly broken when a certain Simon falsely reports the vast wealth of the temple treasury. This action leads Seleucus IV to send an official named Heliodorus to inquire after the funds (3:1–12). God defends the temple in response to the prayers of the Jews of Jerusalem, and Heliodorus is defeated (3:13–30). After the high priest Onias prays for him, Heliodorus receives a vision and recognizes God’s power (3:31–40). This first attack establishes the central conflict between the faithful Jews of Jerusalem and those who attack their temple and their practices. The fourth section features a much longer account of an attack against the city of Jerusalem and the temple during the reign of Antiochus IV. The death of Seleucus IV and the rise of Antiochus IV allow Onias’s brother Jason to seize the high priesthood and introduce Greek customs (4:1–22). Menelaus, the brother of the former high priest Simon, forces Jason into exile, takes over as high priest, and has Onias killed (4:23–50). Upon hearing a false rumor that Antiochus IV died, Jason leads an army into Jerusalem and thereby provokes Antiochus to attack the city (5:1–14). Antiochus plunders the temple, suppresses Jewish practices, and offers sacrifices in the temple (5:15–6:11). The anonymous compiler frames these incidents as trials to reveal the faithful (6:12–17), which are exemplified in the martyrdoms of Eleazar (6:18–31) and a mother and her seven sons (7:1–42). Judas Maccabaeus then leads the revolt against Antiochus (8:1– 36). When God strikes Antiochus with a deadly illness, he repents of his actions and urges the Jews to support his son Antiochus V (9:1–29). This section concludes with the purification of the temple and the establishment of the feast of Hanukkah (10:1–9). The fifth section discusses several attacks against the Jewish people during the reigns of Antiochus V and Demetrius I. Since Antiochus V became the Seleucid ruler at a young age, the regional governor Lysias served as his regent. This dynastic shift brings into power individuals who actively oppose the Jews (10:10–13). Judas Maccabaeus must defend the


Introduction to the Translation

Jews in Idumea (10:14–23) and ward off the military general Timothy (10:24–38). A subsequent victory against Lysias leads to the negotiation of a peace treaty (11:1–38). 15 But the agreement was not universally followed, and Judas must again defend the Jews under attack in various regions (12:1– 46). Yet another battle with Antiochus V and Lysias leads to the death of the high priest Menelaus and the establishment of a treaty between Antiochus V and the Jews (13:1–26). Demetrius I then wrests rule from Antiochus V and sends the military leader Nicanor to kill Judas (14:1–15). Nicanor initially makes peace with Judas based on his reputation (14:16– 25), but then, at Demetrius’s command, seeks Judas at the temple (14:26– 36). When he does not find Judas, he goes after the elder Razis, who chooses to die by his own sword rather than be killed by Nicanor’s army (14:37–46). Encouraged by the high priest Onias and a vision of the prophet Jeremiah, Judas emerges victorious in a final battle against Nicanor. The Jews vow to commemorate this battle as Nicanor’s Day on the day before the festival of Purim or Mordecai’s Day (15:1–36). The sixth and final section returns to the voice of the compiler who emphasizes that after these events the Jews had control of the city of Jerusalem (15:37–39). The compilation of texts that became known as the Second Book of Maccabees emphasizes the importance of the city of Jerusalem and the temple during the Maccabean revolt. Historical details about internal conflicts in Judea that preceded the attacks on the city of Jerusalem appear in no other work. It represents several major currents of Second Temple and Hellenistic Jewish theological thought. It interprets contemporary events in light of the biblical past, features visions and a focus on the afterlife, provides models for martyrdom, and advocates for the celebration of new festivals. The seeming disjointed structure of the prefatory letters and the epitome are linked through their emphasis on the commemoration of feast days. Together it presents a distinct narrative that reflects the cultural fusion of Hellenistic Judaism during the second and first centuries BCE.

The military activities of Lysias are one of the very few features of the Peshiṭta of 2 Maccabees that have received scholarly attention. See Angelo Penna, ‘Le spedizioni di Lisia nella versione Peshiṭta,’ Studii Biblici Franciscani Liber Annuus 13 (1962–1963): 93–100. 15

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The Books of Maccabees in the Syriac Tradition: Liturgical Commemoration

The origins of the four books of Maccabees reside in Second Temple Judaism. But early Christian communities helped gather these works together as a collection and preserve them for later generations. 16 They had gained a certain status by the fourth and fifth centuries CE when they appeared in two of the great codices of the Greek bible. 17 It was in the same period that these narratives found a place in the Christian liturgical calendar. The figures of Eleazar as well as the mother and her seven sons from the Second and Fourth Books of Maccabees assumed a particularly prominent role in Christian liturgy. Their commemoration is attested in the Coptic, Latin, Greek, and Syriac traditions beginning in the fourth century CE. The evidence for the commemoration of the mother in the Syriac tradition — where she received the name Shmuni — has already been wellcharted. 18 This section will primarily focus on the commemoration of the Maccabees within liturgical settings in late antiquity and the perpetuation of this practice. 19 For the evidence for the ordering of 1 and 2 Maccabees before the great codices, see Christian Habicht, 2. Makkabäerbuch, Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit 1.3 (Gütersloh: Gerd Mohn, 1976), 169. 17 The Codex Alexandrinus contains 1–4 Maccabees, while the Codex Sinaiticus contains 1 and 4 Maccabees. For the lists of books in these manuscripts, see Lee Martin McDonald, The Biblical Canon: Its Origin, Transmission, and Authority (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2007), 442. 18 Witold Witakowski, ‘Mart(y) Shmuni, the Mother of the Maccabean Martyrs, in Syriac Tradition,’ in VI Symposium Syriacum 1992: University of Cambridge, Faculty of Divinity, 30 August–2 September 1992, ed. René Lavenant, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 247 (Rome: Pontificium Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, 1994), 153–168; Sebastian P. Brock, ‘Eleazar, Shmuni and Her Seven Sons in Syriac Tradition,’ in La mémoire des persécutions: Autour des livres des Maccabées, Collection de la Revue des Études Juives 56 (Leuven: Peeters, 2014), 329–336. Many of the sources cited below are also noted in these two studies. 19 A number of studies on the Christian appropriation of the Maccabees have appeared. On this development in general, see especially Albrecht Berger, ‘The Cult of the Maccabees in the Eastern Orthodox Church,’ in Dying for the Faith, Killing for the Faith: OldTestament Faith-Warriors (1 and 2 Maccabees) in Historical Perspective, ed. Gabriela Signori, Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History 206 (Leiden: Brill, 2012), 105–123; Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski, Christian Memories of the Maccabean Martyrs (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009); Gerard Rouwhorst, ‘The Cult of the Seven Maccabean Brothers and Their Mother in Christian Tradition,’ in Saints and Role Models in Judaism and Christianity, ed. Joshua Schwartz and Marcel Poorthuis, Jewish and Christian Perspectives 7 (Leiden: Brill, 2004), 183–204; Gerard Rouwhorst, ‘The Emergence of the Cult of the Maccabean Martyrs in Late Antique 16


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The Maccabees became models for martyrdom in the Syriac tradition in late antiquity. The Syriac author Aphrahat (fl. early 4th cent. CE) includes Judas Maccabaeus and his brothers, the mother and her sons, and Eleazar in a list of persecuted biblical figures.20 The Martyrdom of Simeon bar Ṣabba‘e, from the late fourth or early fifth century, uses the narrative of Judas Maccabaeus extensively in retelling the narrative of this celebrated saint. 21 Very brief allusions to the narrative of the Maccabees also appear across several genres, including hagiography, 22 historiography, 23 and homilies. 24 Christianity,’ in More than a Memory: The Discourse of Martyrdom and the Construction of Christian Identity in the History of Christianity, ed. Johan Leemans, Annua Nuntia Lovaniensia 51 (Leuven: Peeters, 2005), 81–96; Raphaëlle Ziadé, Les martyrs Maccabées de l’histoire juive au culte chrétien: Les homélies de Grégoire de Nazianze et de Jean Chrysostome, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 80 (Leiden: Brill, 2007). 20 Aphrahat, Demonstrations 21.22 (J. Parisot, Aphraatis sapientis Persae Demonstrationes, Patrologia Syriaca 1.1–2 [Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1894–1907], PS 1.1:988; Adam Lehto, trans., The Demonstrations of Aphrahat, the Persian Sage, Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies 27 [Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2010], 457–458). 21 Martyrdom of Simeon bar Ṣabba‘e 1–3, 5, 7–8 (Michael Kmosko, De vita et scriptis S. Simeon bar Sabba‘e, Patrologia Syriaca 1.2 [Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1907], 715–731; Kyle Smith, The Martyrdom and History of Blessed Simeon Bar Ṣabba‘e, Persian Martyr Acts in Syriac 3 [Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2014], 6–8, 12, 16–20). For an analysis of the use of Maccabees in this text, see Kyle Smith, ‘Constantine and Judah the Maccabee: History and Memory in the Acts of the Persian Martyrs,’ Journal for the Canadian Society for Syriac Studies 12 (2012): 23–26. 22 In addition to the Martyrdom of Simeon bar Ṣabba‘e, see the Acts of Jacob the Notarius (Paul Bedjan, ed., Acta martyrum et sanctorum [Paris: Harrassowitz, 1890–1897], 4:199). For this and the following reference, I am indebted to Joel Thomas Walker, The Legend of Mar Qardagh: Narrative and Christian Heroism in Late Antique Iraq, Transformation of the Classical Heritage 40 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006), 227, 298. 23 Chronicle of Arbela 3 (Peter Kawerau, ed. and trans, Die Chronik von Arbela, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 467–468, Scriptores Syri 199–200 [Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1985], CSCO 467, SS 199:9, CSCO 468, SS 200:27–28). The narrative of the Maccabees also had an influence on Armenian historiographical works: Robert W. Thomson, ‘The Maccabees in Early Armenian Historiography,’ Journal of Theological Studies, n.s., 26, no. 2 (1975): 329–341. 24 See, for example, Isaac of Antioch, Homily on the Faith (Gustav Bickell, ed., S. Isaaci Antiocheni, doctoris Syrorum opera omnia [Gießen, 1873], 1:158–160); Jacob of Serugh, Homily on the Commemoration of the Departed (Paul Bedjan, ed., Homiliae selectae Mar-Jacobi Sarugensis [Paris: Harrassowitz, 1905–1910], 1:544–545), and Homily on the Martyr Habib (Bedjan, Acta martyrum, 1:171); Simeon of Edessa, Homily on Daniel (Augustinus Kurz Fenz, Der Daniel-Memra des Simeon von Edessa, Heiligenkreuzer Studienreihe 1 [Heiligenkreuz: Heiligenkreuzer Verlag, 1980], 42–52; R. Köbert, ‘Zur Daniel-Abhandlung des Simeon von Edessa,’ Biblica 63, no. 1 [1982]: 73–76).

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These few examples show the diverse ways that the narrative of the Maccabees had entered Syriac literature in late antiquity. A festal celebration for the Maccabean martyrs emerged as early as the fourth century. The first indication of this feast in the Syriac tradition appears in a list of feast days for martyrs preserved in a Syriac manuscript dating to 411 CE. This list assigns the date of August 1st to the commemoration of the mother and her seven sons. 25 Two lectionaries from the church of Jerusalem that date as early as the fifth century similarly include this liturgical commemoration. 26 But the celebration of the Maccabean martyrs must have emerged earlier. The Coptic manuscript mentioned above preserves an excerpt from the Second Book of Maccabees on the Jewish people who suffered under King Antiochus, including Eleazar, the mother, and her seven sons (5:27–7:41). The title assigned to this excerpt reads as follows: ‘The Jewish martyrs who lived under King Antiochus.’ 27 A homily that dates to 362 by Gregory of Nazianzus (329/330–c. 390 CE) in honor of Eleazar, the mother, and her seven sons also contains early evidence. 28 Likewise, the surviving works of John Chrysostom (340/350–407 CE), 29 Augustine of Hippo (c. 354– François Nau, Un Martyrologe et douze Ménologes syriaques, Patrologia Orientalis 10.1 (46) (Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1915), 19. 26 Armenian Lectionary of Jerusalem (417–439) 63 (Charles Renoux, ed. and trans., Le codex arménien Jérusalem 121, Patrologia Orientalis 35.1 (163), 36.2 (168) [Turnhout: Brepols, 1969– 1971], PO 36.2:353–354); Georgian Lectionary of Jerusalem, Fifth to Eighth Centuries 1119 (Michel Tarchnischvili, ed. and trans., Le grand lectionnaire de l’Église de Jérusalem, Ve–VIIIe siècle, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 188–189, 204–205, Scriptores Iberici 9–10, 13–14 [Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1959–1960], CSCO 204, SI 9:26, CSCO 205, SI 10:24). 27 Meltzer and Bethge, ‘The Jewish Martyrs,’ 88–89. 28 Gregory of Nazianzus, Oration 15 (Patrologia Graeca 35:912–933; Martha Vinson, trans., St. Gregory of Nazianzus: Select Orations, Fathers of the Church 107 [Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2003], 72–84). On this homily, see especially Martha Vinson, ‘Gregory Nazianzen’s Homily 15 and the Genesis of the Christian Cult of the Maccabean Martyrs,’ Byzantion 64, no. 1 (1994): 166–192. 29 John Chrysostom, Homily on Eleazar and the Seven Boys (Patrologia Graeca 63:523– 530; Antoine Wenger, ‘Restauration de l’Homélie de Chrysostome sur Eléazar et les sept frères Macchabées (PG 63.523–530),’ in Texte und Textkritik: Eine Aufsatzsammlung, ed. Jürgen Dummer, Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Altchristlichen Literatur 133 [Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1987], 599–604; Wendy Mayer and Bronwen Neil, trans., The Cult of the Saints: Select Homilies and Letters, Popular Patristics 31 [Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2006], 121–134), Homily 1 on the Maccabees (Patrologia Graeca 50:617–624; Mayer and Neil, The Cult of the Saints, 137–145), and Homily 2 on the Maccabees (Patrologia Graeca 50:623–626; Mayer and Neil, The Cult of the Saints, 148–153). 25


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430 CE), 30 and Gaudentius of Brescia (late 4th–early 5th cent. CE) each include homilies dedicated to the Maccabean martyrs, likely written for this liturgical feast. 31 In one of his homilies, Augustine remarks on a church dedicated to the Maccabees in the city of Antioch. 32 In fact, both a church in Antioch and a martyrium in the nearby suburb of Daphne are attested by the late fourth century. 33 A homily on the Maccabean martyrs by Severus of Antioch (c. 465–538 CE) delivered on August 1st, 514, perhaps in this church, shows the perpetuation of this feast throughout late antiquity. 34 Late antique Syriac literature attests to the widespread commemoration of the Maccabean martyrs. The homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus and Severus of Antioch on the Maccabees were translated into Syriac by the

Augustine of Hippo, Sermons 300 (Patrologia Latina 38:1376–1380; Edmund Hill, trans., Sermons, The Works of Saint Augustine III/1–10 [Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 1990–1995], III/8:277–281), 301 (Patrologia Latina 38:1380–1385; Hill, Sermons, III/8:283– 289), and 301A (Germain Morin, ed., Sancti Augustini sermones post Maurinos reperti, Miscellanea agostiniana 1 [Rome: Tipografia poliglotta vaticana, 1930], 81–89; Hill, Sermons, III/8:291– 299). These all seem to date to August 1st and range from before 400 to 417 CE (Éric Rebillard, ‘Sermones,’ in Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia, ed. Allan Fitzgerald [Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1999], 785; Hill, Sermons, III/1:158). 31 Gaudentius of Brescia, Homily on the Maccabean Martyrs (Ambroise Glück, S. Gaudentii Episcopi Brixiensis Tractatus, Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum 68 [Vienna: Hoelder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1936], 130–136; Stephen L. Boehrer, ‘Gaudentius of Brescia: Sermons and Letters’ [S.T.D. diss., The Catholic University of America, 1965], 177–184). 32 Augustine of Hippo, Sermon 300.6 (Patrologia Latina 38:1379; Hill, Sermons, III/8:280). 33 See Wendy Mayer and Pauline Allen, The Churches of Syrian Antioch (300–638 CE), Late Antique History and Religion 5 (Leuven: Peeters, 2012), 90–94. On this church in the context of the development of the commemoration of the Maccabees in Antioch, see Johannes Hahn, ‘The Veneration of the Maccabean Brothers in Fourth Century Antioch: Religious Competition, Martyrdom, and Innovation,’ in Dying for the Faith, Killing for the Faith Old-Testament Faith-Warriors (1 and 2 Maccabees) in Historical Perspective, ed. Gabriela Signori, Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History 206 (Leiden: Brill, 2012), 102–103. 34 Severus of Antioch’s Cathedral Homily 52 only survives in Syriac and has been published in two versions: one translation perhaps by Paul of Callinicum (d. 591 CE) (Robert Lubbock Bensly and W. Emery Barnes, The Fourth Book of Maccabees and Kindred Documents in Syriac [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1895], xxvii–xxxiv, ‫)ܥܘ–ܦܚ‬, and another by Jacob of Edessa (c. 640–708 CE) (Rubens Duval, ed. and trans., Les Homiliae cathedrales de Sévère d’Antioche: Homélies LII à LVII, Patrologia Orientalis 4.1 (15) [Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1906], 7–23). 30

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sixth and seventh centuries. 35 Further, a translation of two hymns for the commemoration of the Maccabees attributed to Severus of Antioch also appeared in the sixth century. 36 Works composed in Syriac also indicate the importance of the feast of the Maccabees. A hymn ascribed to Ephrem the Syrian (c. 306–373 CE) commemorates the mother and her seven sons. The hymn’s authenticity is in doubt. But its survival in a manuscript from the sixth or seventh century indicates that it circulated in late antiquity. 37 A homily ascribed to Jacob of Serugh (d. 520/521 CE) treats the same narrative, and at least one manuscript attests to its liturgical use at a later date. 38 Several later anonymous liturgical texts on the Maccabean martyrs suggest the continued importance of this feast day in the Syriac tradition. 39 The Syriac translation of Gregory of Nazianzus’s Oration 15 has been published (Bensly and Barnes, The Fourth Book, ‫)ܢܗ–ܥܕ‬. See footnote 34 above on the translation of Severus’s homily which only survives in Syriac. 36 Severus of Antioch, Hymns 149–150 (E. W. Brooks, ed. and trans., James of Edessa: The Hymns of Severus and Others, Patrologia Orientalis 6.1 (26), 7.5 (35) [Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1910–1911], PO 7.5:195–197). 37 Ephrem the Syrian, Hymn on the Sons of Shmuni (Edmund Beck, ed. and trans., Nachträge zu Ephraem Syrus, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 363–364, Scriptores Syri 159–160 [Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1975], CSCO 363, SS 159:15– 19, CSCO 364, SS 160:21–25). The manuscript is London, British Library, Add. 14592, on which see William Wright, Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum Acquired Since the Year 1838 (London, 1870–1872), 2:684–690. 38 Jacob of Serugh, Homily on the Maccabean Martyrs (Roger-Youssef Akhrass and Imad Syryany, eds., 160 Unpublished Homilies of Jacob of Serugh [Damascus: Department of Syriac Studies – Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate, 2017], 1:347–362). For a brief analysis of this homily, see Brock, ‘Eleazar,’ 331–336. Rome, Vatican Library, Borg. sir. 128, dated to 1720, has this homily on fol. 159r–170v and includes rubrics for liturgical use. For descriptions of this manuscript, see Addai Scher, ‘Notice sur les manuscrits syriaques du Musée Borgia aujourd’hui à la Bibliothèque Vaticane,’ Journal asiatique 10 (1909): 275–276; Kristian S. Heal, ‘Vatican Borgia Syriac 128: A New Description,’ Studia Syriaca: A Home for Syriac Studies Projects, accessed November 17, 2020, https://studiasyriaca.org/home/bav/vbs-128/. Further, the homily itself appears in Birmingham, University of Birmingham Special Collections, Mingana syr. 600, fol. 1v–15v, written in 1933 (Alphonse Mingana, Catalogue of the Mingana Collection of Manuscripts [Cambridge: W. Heffer, 1933–1939], 1:1142–1146). A rubric then indicates the beginning of another homily that stretches from fol. 15v–19r with the following title: ‘Next, another homily of Mar Jacob, the teacher’ ( ‫ܬܘܒ ܡܐܡܪܐ ܐܚܪܢܐ ܕܡܪܝ ܝܥܩܘܒ‬ ‫)ܡ�ܦܢܐ‬. The homily also relates to the Maccabees, and it appears to be an adaptation or reworking of the earlier homily. See the additions found only in this second homily, as noted by Akhrass and Syryany, 160 Unpublished Homilies, 1:360n20; 360n27; 362n336; 363n393. 39 See, for example, the Narrative on Mary, who is Shmuni, and Her Seven Victorious Sons (Bensly and Barnes, The Fourth Book, xxxv–xliv, ‫ܩܝܗ‬-‫)ܩܕ‬, the Anonymous Homily on the 35


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Lectionaries from the Syriac tradition show the continued presence of the Maccabean martyrs in liturgical settings after the late antique period. The commemoration of Eleazar, the mother, and her seven sons, became a part of the liturgical year in a diverse array of Syriac traditions: Chaldean, 40 Church of the East, 41 Maronite, 42 Rūm Orthodox (Melkite), 43 and Syriac Orthodox. 44 A dossier of texts for the commemoration of this day, preserved in a twentieth-century manuscript, indicates the types of resources available for commemorating the Maccabean martyrs. It includes two homilies attributed to Jacob of Serugh, a set of prayers in honor of the mother, and a brief hagiographical account of her life. 45 Liturgical commemorations, supported by such texts, have ensured that both laity and clergy learn the narrative of these martyrs. It has also encouraged the composition of new writings in their honor, which will be treated in the Maccabees (ibid., xlviii–lxxii, ‫ܩܢܕ‬-‫)ܩܟܥ‬, and the Prayers for Shmuni (Birmingham, Selly Oak College, Mingana syr. 600, fol. 19r–22v [Mingana, Catalogue, 1:1143]). Brock, ‘Eleazar,’ 330, suggests that the first work likely dates to the late twelfth century, the second to the twelfth or thirteenth century, and the third to the sixth century. For an analysis of the Anonymous Homily on the Maccabees, see Robin Darling Young, ‘The Anonymous Mēmrā on the Maccabees: Jewish Pseudepigraphon or Late Antique Festal Poem?,’ in Jews and Syriac Christians: Intersections across the First Millennium, ed. Aaron Michael Butts and Simcha Gross, Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism 180 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020), 321–335. 40 William F. Macomber, ‘The Chaldean Lectionary System of the Cathedral Church of Kokhe,’ Orientalia Christiana Periodica 33, no. 2 (1967): 511. 41 Arthur John Maclean, East Syrian Daily Offices (London, 1894), 274–275, 282. 42 Joseph-Marie Sauget, ‘Le Calendrier Maronite du manuscrit Vatican Syriaque 313,’ Orientalia Christiana Periodica 33, no. 1 (1967): 288–289. 43 Joseph-Marie Sauget, Premières recherches sur l’origine et les caractéristiques des synaxaires melkites (XIe–XVIIe siècles), Subsidia Hagiographica 45 (Brussels: Société des Bollandistes, 1969), 157. 44 Paul Peeters, ‘Le martyrologe de Rabban Sliba,’ Analecta Bollandiana 27 (1908): 190; Nau, Un Martyrologe, 34, 44, 52, 56, 96, 101, 106, 111, 123, 131, 132; Sebastian P. Brock, ‘A Calendar Attributed to Jacob of Edessa,’ Parole de l’Orient 1, no. 2 (1970): 417, 421. 45 Birmingham, Selly Oak College, Mingana syr. 600, fol. 1v–28v (Mingana, Catalogue, 1:1142–1143). The latter two texts are the Anonymous Homily on the Maccabees and the Prayers for Shmuni noted in footnote 39 above. This manuscript was written in 1933 for Alphonse Mingana and was itself likely never used liturgically, but the scribe notes that he drew on earlier manuscripts: Mingana, Catalogue, 1:1146. A liturgical rite for this festival can also be found in the East Syriac Ḥuḏrā: T. Darmo, Kṯāḇā ḏa-qḏam wa-ḏ-ḇāṯar wa-ḏ-ḥuḏrā wa-ḏ-ḵaškol waḏ-ḡazā w-qālā ḏ-ʿuḏrānē ʿam kṯāḇā ḏ-mazmorē (Thrissur: Mar Narsai Press, 1960), 3:344–376. Brock, ‘Eleazar,’ 330, suggests that a narrative poem found in this rite dates to the twelfth or thirteenth century.

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introduction to the next volume of the books of Maccabees in the Antioch Bible. Translating the Peshiṭta Version of the Second Book of Maccabees46

The translation technique adopted here is meant to serve the specific purposes of the present series. The English follows the guidelines for translating and annotating the text that have been set for the series. The following description clarifies the translation method according to a number of specific categories.

Dynamic equivalency. The English translation is intended to provide the contextually appropriate sense of the Peshiṭta in an idiomatic way. As such, it strives for dynamic rather than formal equivalence, regularly adapting the Syriac form to the norms of English idiom in a dynamic way, for the sake of providing the English reader with a meaning that is genuinely equivalent to that of the Syriac. This principle applies at different levels, beginning with the handling of single words and idiomatic phrases. For instance, a formally literal translation of the Syriac expression, ‘by the hand of’ would give the wrong sense. In English, the expressions ‘through’ or ‘by means of’ܰ ܰ ܶ ܺ ‫ܐܫܬ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܕ‬ capture the sense better: ‘as promised through the law’ (‫ܘܕܝ‬ ܳ ‫ܒܝܕ ܳܢ ܽܡ‬ ܰ ; 2 Maccabees 2:18). A dynamic handling of the forms yields a .‫ܘܣܐ‬ more equivalent meaning.

Translation unit. According to the priorities of dynamic equivalence, the translation does not follow a word-for-word or highly literal policy that adheres to form rather than sense. Yet it normally takes phrases and clauses as the primary sense units — rather than entire sentences or paragraphs, on the one hand, or words and partial words, on the other. This enables the translation to stay quite close to the wording and order of the original, while conveying its sense in proper English idiom. Contextual sensitivity. Words can have different meanings and functions, based on requirements or possibilities determined by their contexts, and depending on the norms of the language into which they are translated. In the English translation, context prescribes word choice, so that the same Syriac word may be translated differently in different places rather than rendered woodenly the same way every time. For example, the same Syriac ܰ ܺ word (‫ )ܐܩܝܡ‬is variously translated ‘appoint’ (3:14), ‘erect’ (4:12), ‘assure’

This section is adapted from the translation policy composed by Jeff Childers for the Gospel volumes in the Antioch Bible series. 46


Introduction to the Translation

(8:10), ‘establish’ (8:15), ‘determine’ (14:21), and so forth. Where more than one meaning for a word or phrase is plausible and would yield a sufficiently distinct sense — not simply a difference in style or vocabulary choice — the accompanying notes provide alternative translations, usually with brief explanations. The plausibility of legitimately different meanings is determined by the strength of historically grounded lexical data about a given word, the natural variety of meaning inherent in a particular term or grammatical form, and the requirements of the context. Several common Syriac conjunctions and particles also illustrate the importance of contextual sensitivity in making translation choices. Depending on the context, the ubiquitous Syriac conjunction w- (-‫ )ܘ‬has a wide range of meanings — ‘and,’ ‘but,’ ‘for,’ ‘or,’ ‘since,’ and so on. ܶ ) are very common; often translated Similarly, dên (‫ ) ܶܕܝܢ‬and gêr (‫ܓܝܪ‬ respectively ‘but/now’ and ‘for,’ each has a range of possible meanings and rhetorical functions. The function of the interjection hā (‫) ܳܗܐ‬, traditionally translated ‘behold!,’ may be best captured by any of several terms or phrases, or even none at all. The English does not translate such words woodenly, but uses various words to represent their meanings and function. Since Syriac idiom is replete with such terms in ways that often seem redundant or awkward in English, at times such words are left untranslated altogether in order to produce a smooth English text. Furthermore, since English prefers hypotactic structures over the parataxis common to Syriac, the translation often changes a flat (paratactic) coordination between clauses to create a subordinating (hypotactic) connection instead. For instance, ‘Judas went alone ܶto the elders and sought counsel with and ܶ them ܶ̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܶ ܽ ܰ ܽ ܶ ܰ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܰ ܰ ܽ said’ (.‫ ܘܐܬܡܠܟ ܥܡܗܘܢ ܘܐܡܪ‬.‫ܘܗ ̱ܝ �ܘܬ ܣܒܐ‬ ̱ ‫; ܺ� ܽܗܘܕ ܐ ܕܝܢ ܐ ܙܠ ܗܘ ܒ�ܚܘܕ‬ 2 Maccabees 13:13) becomes ‘Judas went alone to the elders and sought counsel with them, saying.’ Inclusive Language. It is the policy of the series to use gender inclusive language. Where the context indicates that a specific gender is meant, the translation retains grammatical gender. However, when the context indicates gender neutrality, the translation uses inclusive language. The Syriac word ‘sons’ (‫ ) ̈ܒ ܰ� ܳܝܐ‬serves as an example. In one context, this word refers only to males: ‘for although she saw her seven sons perish in one day’ ܰ ܳ̈ ܰ ܳ ‫ܒܝ‬ ܰ ‫ܝܗ ܳܕܐܒ ܺܕܝܢ‬ ̇ ܶ̈‫ܬ ܽܝܗܘܢ ܒܢ‬ ‫ ; ܰܕܟܕ ܳܚ ܳܙ�ܐ �ܫܒܥ‬2 Maccabees 7:20), referring (:‫ܘܡܐ ܰܚܕ‬ to the mother of the seven sons who are killed. But, in another context, it implies both males and females: ‘he asked and persuaded him to take a wife ܳܰ ܺ ‫; ܰܘܒ ܳܥܐ ܶܡܢܶܗ ܰܘ‬ ܶ ܶ‫ ܕܢܶ ܰܣܒ ܰܐܢ̱ܬ ܳܬ ܐ ܘܢ‬:‫ܝܣܗ‬ ܶ ‫ܐܦ‬ ‫ܥܒܕ‬ and to have children’ (.‫ܒ�ܝ̈ܐ‬ 2 Maccabees 14:25).

Introduction to the Translation


Explicit subjects and objects. Compared to English idiom, the Syriac often provides a veritable surplus of objects. However, at times the Syriac only implies an object that English idiom would prefer be made explicit. For instance, in 2 Maccabees 4:32, the Syriac reads: ‘Menelaus… stole someܳ ܰ of the golden ܰ instruments of the temple and gave to Andronicus’ (...‫ܶܡܢܶ�ܘܣ‬ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ‫ܓܢܒ ܶܡܢ ܳܡܐܢ̈ܶܐ ܰܕܕ‬ ܰ ‫ܗܒܐ‬ ܰ ). In such cases, the English ܰ �‫ܕܗܝܟ‬ .‫ܘ� ̱ܗܒ �ܢܕܪ ܺܘܢܝܩܘܣ‬ translation tacitly makes the object explicit: ‘gave them to Andronicus.’ On the other hand, an object or subject may be explicit but vague. This often happens when the Syriac does not specify the identity of a verb’s subject (e.g. ‘he’), or an object (e.g. ‘her’). The repetition of third-person subjects and objects can become confusing, especially in a running narrative. At such times, the English translation makes the identity of a subject or object clear — e.g. ‘Judas’ in place of ‘he’ or ‘him.’ These changes do not make the implicit explicit so much as they clarify what is vague; therefore, the changes are indicated by brackets or explained in accompanying notes.

Definiteness and indefiniteness. Syriac grammar does not always distinguish a ܳ ܰ ) may mean ‘the man’ or ‘a definite noun as such. For instance, gaḇrā (‫ܓܒܪ ܐ‬ man.’ The context guides translation choices in this area. At times, the numerical adjective ḥaḏ (‘one,’ ‫ ) ܰܚܕ‬simply marks a word as indefinite, rather than designating a specific quantity; in such instances, the indefinite ‘a/an’ is more satisfactory than ‘one.’ The Syriac may use the demonstrative pronouns ‘that/those’ or ‘this/these’ merely to indicate definiteness, rather than with full demonstrative force. When this is judged to be the case, the English translation uses the definite article (‘the’) rather than a pronoun. Hendiadys. At times the Syriac mentions two actions or things, linked by a conjunction, when only one is meant (hendiadys). A frequent occurrence is an expression such as the following: ‘one of them, who was their leader, ܽ ‫ܗܘܐ‬ ܽ ‫ܰܚܕ ܶܡ‬ ܳ ‫ܢܗܘܢ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܕ‬ ܳ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܺܪ‬ responded and said to the king as follows’ ( .‫ܝܫܐ‬ ܳ ܰ ‫ܐܡܪ‬ ܰ ‫ܥܢܐ ܶܘ‬ ܳ ; 2 Maccabees 7:2). Two verbs are paired to convey .‫�ܡ�ܟܐ ܳܗ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ‬ a single action. The English translation prefers dynamic rather than formal equivalence, giving the appropriate sense by using a single term: ‘one of them, who was their leader, responded to the king as follows.’

Untranslatable features. Some features of Syriac idiom cannot be properly captured by English idiom at all and therefore are not evident in the present English translation. They may mark syntax in ways that are untranslatable or simply involve structures that do not fit English. Examples of this include certain nuances between verb tenses and the so-called dativus ethicus, or pleonastic dative, whereby a particular prepositional phrase accompanies


Introduction to the Translation

the verb but does not essentially change its meaning. For example, in 2 Maccabees 14:26 the verb ‘went’ takes a pleonastic dative: ‘Alcimusܰ went to ܺ ‫�ܘܬ ܺܕ ܺܡ‬ ܺ ‫)ܐ‬. Syriac ܳ ‫ܛܪ ܳ�ܘܣ ܰܡ‬ ܳ ‫ ܶܐ ܰܙܠ� ܶܠܗ‬...‫ܝܡܘܣ‬ ܳ ‫�ܩ‬ King Demetrius’ (:‫�ܟܐ‬ very commonly uses anticipatory and resumptive pronominal suffixes in a manner that is not normal in English. For example, ‘the command of him, ܳ ‫ܕܡ‬ ܰ ‫ܘܩܕ ܢܶܗ‬ ܳ ‫ ; ܽܦ‬2 Maccabees 3:8) is simply translated as ‘the of the king’ (‫�ܟܐ‬ king’s command.’ Untranslatable features such as these are tacitly normalized according to English idiom. The Lord. In the Peshiṭta version of the Hebrew Bible, the term Māryā ܳ ‫) ܳܡ‬, ‘the Lord,’ represents the tetragram, the name of the Lord God. (‫ܪ�ܐ‬ Where this form occurs in the Peshiṭta text of the Second Book of Maccabees, the English translation uses the capitalized ‘the Lord’ ܳ throughout. By contrast, where the simple form mārā (‫ ) ܳܡܪ ܐ‬occurs, the English translates it as ‘lord.’

ܳ ‫ܺ� ܽܗ‬ Jew or Judean. The Greek term Ἰουδαῖος and its Syriac translation ‫ܘܕ ܳ�ܐ‬ present a major challenge. Modern translators have two options: ‘Jew’ or ‘Judean.’ The term ‘Jew’ bears strong religious connotations, while ‘Judean’ relates more to ethnicity and geography. The translation ‘Jew’ risks suggesting that modern categories of religion applied equally in antiquity, while the term ‘Judean’ may imply that practices called religious today did not cross cultures in antiquity. The books of the Maccabees have played a particularly important role in these debates. The translation of the Maccabees in the Antioch Bible regularly uses the term ‘Jew’ based on the conventions of English bible translation. But the present translator hopes that readers will keep the diverse meanings of this term in mind. 47

Names. According to the policy of the series, the present translation uses conventional English spellings for proper names rather than transliterations. These conventions are long-standing and find their justification in the norms for idiomatic translations of all types of source material and in traditional methods for rendering biblical names into English — though it 58F

For an accessible introduction to the debate, see Timothy Michael Law and Charles Halton, eds., ‘Jew and Judean: A Forum on Politics and Historiography in the Translation of Ancient Texts,’ Marginalia: Los Angeles Review of Books, August 26, 2014, https://marginalia.lareviewofbooks.org/jew-judean-forum/. A study on this debate in relation to the Second Book of Maccabees has recently appeared: Markus Öhler, ‘Judäer oder Juden? Die Debatte „Ethnos vs. Religion“ im Blick auf das 2. Makkabäerbuch,’ in Die Makkabäer, ed. Friedrich Avemarie et al., Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 382 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017), 157–185. 47

Introduction to the Translation


must be acknowledged that English conventions owe more to ancient Greek and Latin than Aramaic forms, as in the name ‘Joshua’ (rather than ‘Yeshua’). Furthermore, it should be noted that certain traditional name distinctions have become conventional even though they are without linguistic warrant and are inconsistent with sound translation methodology. For instance, the name ‘Judas’ and the region of ‘Judea’ are the same word ܳ ‫) ܺ� ܽܗ‬. Recognizing the limitations of this procedure, for the sake in Syriac (‫ܘܕ ܐ‬ of consistency the policy of the series is to use conventional English spellings. However, in the present translation, alternatives have been given for Syriac names that cannot be resolved into conventional English spellings. Thus, for example, Syria is used for Coelesyria, Bicrius is used for Bacchides, Batana is used for Ecbatana. Other names that have been altered are indicated in the notes and in Appendix 3.

The attributive genitive. Syriac commonly uses genitival phrases to describe the quality of a preceding noun. Dynamic equivalence in English (or Greek) prefers adjectival phrases, and this is how the translation usually renders ܳ ‫ܒܙ ܳܝܢܐ ܰܕܕ‬ ܰ ; 2 Maccabees 3:25) is them. For example, ‘with armor of gold’ (‫ܗܒܐ‬ ܽ ܰ translated as ‘with golden armor,’ and ‘instruments of holiness’ (‫; ܳܡܐܢ ̈ܝ ܩܘܕ ܳܫܐ‬ 2 Maccabees 5:16) is translated as ‘holy instruments.’ Biblical citations. The Second Book of Maccabees often quotes from and alludes to the Hebrew Bible. Citations and strong verbal allusions are put within quotes. The notes provide references to the sources of the citations.

Notes. In addition to providing biblical references, the notes that accompany the English translation define obscure terms, supply alternative meanings for some Syriac words and expressions, explain the literal wording behind certain translations, and clarify distinctions otherwise lost in English. Comparison of the Peshiṭta with the Septuagint

The Peshiṭta Syriac translation (= P) of the Second Book of Maccabees is based on the Lucianic recension of the Septuagint Greek text (= LXX). Many differences between the versions attest to the translators’ efforts to make the content intelligible in Syriac while freely rendering the Greek. A close comparison of the Peshiṭta and Septuagint versions of this work reveal differences due to the free style of translation: additions to lists of items or actions, specifications or omissions of names, transformations of subordinate clauses in Greek into separate sentences in Syriac, etc. Yet, some of these differences reflect the basic features of translation criticism: mistranslation, inner-Syriac corruptions, and deliberate changes. The three comparative lists included here note such differences when the Syriac


Introduction to the Translation

Peshiṭta cannot be explained by variant readings in the Greek manuscript tradition. They complement Appendix 3, which contains such comparison related to proper nouns. Conventional symbols from the Göttingen Septuagint are used and can be located in the critical edition. 48

Mistranslations 2:25

‘it might instruct their souls’. LXX ψυχαγωγίαν ‘pleasure’. P translates each of the two components of this word: ܶ ܽ ̈ ἄγειν ‘to lead’ as ‫‘ ܰܢܪܬ ܐ‬it might instruct’ and ψυχή ‘soul’ as ‫ܰܢܦ ܳܫܬܗܘܢ‬ ‘their souls’. P may have understood ψυχαγωγίαν as ‘guiding of the soul’ much as παιδαγωγία means ‘instruction’. But διδασκαλία ‘instruction’ is actually an antonym of ψυχαγωγίαν ‘pleasure’, as noted in Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, and Henry Stuart Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon, new rev. ed. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961), 2026. ܺ 2:32 ‫‘ ܰܫܦܝܪ‬good’. LXX εὐήθης ‘foolish’. The root of the Greek word εὐήθης ‘foolish’ does relate to a sense of good character, but here it means ‘simple-minded’.ܰ See ‘Noteworthy Readings’ below. ܰ ܶ ܺ �ܽ ‫‘ ܐ ݁ ܳܦ‬Apollonius… had become mad’. LXX ܰ ‫ܫܬ‬ ‫ ܡ‬...‫ܘ� ܳܝܘܣ‬ 4:4 ‫ܝܚܢ‬ Ἀπολλώνιον Μενεσθέως ‘Apollonius, son of Menestheus’. P renders the name of Apollonius’s father as though from μαίνεσθαι ‘to become mad’. Various forms of this verb are attested in Greek (106; 370 L' 46–52 58 311) and Latin (LaV) recensions. V q–130 ܰ ܶ 771; ܳ ܳ ܳ 4:6 ‫‘ ܶܒ�ܥܕ ܡܢ ܐ�ܗܐ‬apart from God’. LXX ἄνευ βασιλικῆς προνοίας ‘without the king’s attention’. The translators may have understood the adjective βασιλικῆς ‘the king’s’ as referring to God as king, as attested in early Christian literature (Lampe, A Patristic Greek Lexicon, 293). Seeܳ also the note on 4:11. ܳ ‫ܡܪܚ ܳܡ ܽܢܘܬ ܐ ܰܕ‬ ܰ ‫‘ ܰܒ‬through God’s mercy’. LXX φιλάνθρωπα 4:11 ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ‬ βασιλικά ‘the king’s concessions’. P renders φιλάνθρωπα ‘concessions’ as though φιλανθρωπία ‘love toward humanity’. This latter term assumed a more specific meaning of ‘divine love toward humanity’, as noted by G. W. H. Lampe, A Patristic Greek Lexicon (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961), 1476. On the translation of βασιλικά as referring to God, see the note to 4:6. ܽ ‘the ܰ king’s’ ܺ ܶ ̈ ܶ ܰ 4:39 ‫‘ ܶܘܐܬ ܰܟܢܫ ̱ܘ ܕܝܢ ܒܢܝ ܐܘܪܫܠܡ‬the people of Jerusalem gathered’. LXX Γενομένων δὲ πολλῶν ἱεροσυλημάτων ‘when many acts of sacrilege

ܽ ‫ܰܢܪܬܶ ܐ ܰܢ ̈ܦ ܳܫ‬ ‫ܬܗܘܢ‬


Kappler and Hanhart, Maccabaeorum liber II, 9–33.

Introduction to the Translation




6:1 6:5

8:20 8:20


had occurred’. P renders ἱεροσυλημάτων ‘acts of sacrilege’ as though ἱεροσολυμιτῶν ‘people of Jerusalem’. Several Greek manuscripts (V 236-19-62 106 771) share this reading with P. This may have prompted modifications to the verb, as discussed below in ‘Noteworthy Readings’. ܳ‫‘ ܰܓܒ ܳܪ ܐ ܰܚܕ ܰܛ ܳܡܐܐ ܰܘ ܺܢܕܝܕ ܐ‬a certain unclean and abominable man’. LXX τινὸς Αυρανοῦ ‘a certain Auranos’. The critical edition of the Greek suggests that P reflects a variant reading of Αυρανοῦ ‘Auranos’ as τυράννου ‘a tyrant’, which is also found in some Greek (V L' 311), Latin (La), and Armenian (Arm) versions. This word could carry the valence ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ofܳ lawlessness. ܳ ̈ ܰ ܳ ܺ ܰ ܶ ‫ܘܗ ܳܒܬܐ ܰܣ ܺܓܝ̈ܐܬ ܐ ܰܠܦܛܘ�ܡܐܘܣ‬ ‫‘ ܐܫܬܘܕܝ ̱ܗܘܐ ܡ‬he promised many gifts to Ptolemy’. LXX Greek ἐπηγγείλατο χρήματα ἱκανὰ τῷ Πτολεμαίῳ Δορυμένους ‘he promised a sufficient number of things to Ptolemy Dorymenes’. Some Greek (V L-542 55 771) and Latin (LaLXV) manuscripts have a form (δωροῦμενος) of the name Δορυμένους ‘Dorymenes’ that derives from the verb δωρεῖσθαι ‘to give as a present’. P seems to combine χρήματα ἱκανὰ ‘a sufficient number with δωροῦμενος ‘giving as a present’. ܶ̈ ܰ ܽ of things’ ܺ ܽ ܳ ‫‘ ܪܝܫܐ ܕܟ�ܗܘܢ ܛܡܐܐ‬leader of all the unclean’. LXX Μυσάρχην ‘the leader of the Mysians’ or ‘Mysarch’. P translates Μυσάρχην ‘the leader of the Mysians’ or ‘Mysarch’ as though a compound noun derived from μύσος ‘uncleanness’ and ἀρχή ‘authority’ or ‘leader’. This is a rare term in Greek, and has only recently been properly understood (Liddell, Scott, and Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon, 1156, 2091). ܶܳ ܺ ܳ ܰ ‫ܚܪ ܳܢܐ ܐܬ ܳ� ܳܝܐ‬ ̱‫‘ ܠܓܒܪ ܐ ܐ‬another Athenian man’. LXX γέροντα Ἀθηναῖον ‘old Athenian man’ or ‘Athenian senator’. P may have understood γέροντα as ἕτερον. ܽ ‘for offerings according to the law’. LXX τοῖς ܳ ‫ܠܦܘ� ܳܫܢܶܐ ܰܕܒ ܳܢ ܽܡ‬ ‫ܘܣܐ‬ ἀποδιεσταλμένοις ἀπὸ τῶν νόμων ‘for things forbidden according to the law’. P seems to understand the Greek τοῖς ἀποδιεσταλμένοις ‘for the things forbidden’ as ‘for things to be set apart’, thus ܽ ‘for offerings’. ܳ ‫ܠܦ‬ translating this phrase as ‫ܘ�ܫܢܶܐ‬ ܺ ܰ ܺ ‫‘ ܰܒܬ ܳܡܢܐܝܢ ܐ‬eighty thousand’; ‫ܠܦܝ̈ܢ‬ ܺ ‫‘ ܰܐܪܒ ܺܥܝܢ ܰܐ‬forty thousand’. ‫ܠܦܝ̈ܢ‬ LXX ὀκτακισχίλιοι ‘eight thousand’; τετρακισχιλίοις ‘four thousand’. these two sets of numbers. ܳ ܰ P mistranslates ܳ‫ܝ� ܽܙܥܘܪ ܐ‬ ܰ ܰ ܽ ܰ ‫‘ ܘܢܦܩ ̱ܘ ܥܠܝܗܘܢ ܒܚ‬they came out against them with a small army’. LXX τῶν Μακεδόνων ἀπορουμένων οἱ ἑξακισχίλιοι ‘when the Macedonians were hard pressed, six thousand’. For the number,


8:20 8:20 8:24 9:19

10:17 10:18 10:22 11:4 12:4 12:18

Introduction to the Translation other Greek versions have οἱ ὀκτακισχίλιοι ‘eight thousand’. P’s translation of the genitive absolute and the numeral is obscure. ܶ ‫‘ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ‬them’. LXX τὰς δώδεκα μυριάδας ‘the one hundred twenty thousand’. It is unclear why P chooses not to render the specific number. At the end of this verse, the LXX adds καὶ ὠφέλειαν πολλὴν ἔλαβον ‘and they took a great amount of booty’. Both P and the Armenian (Arm) version omit this part of the verse. ܽ ‫ܕܚ‬ ܰ ‘of their army’. LXX τῆς τοῦ Νικάνορος στρατιᾶς ‘of ‫ܝ�ܗܘܢ‬ Nicanor’s army’. It is unclear why P omits Nicanor’s name. ܽ ‫ܗܘܐ‬ ܰ ‫�ܟܘܢ‬ ܶ ܶ‫ܘ�ܡ ܳܢܐ ܢ‬ ܳ ‫ܘܚ‬ ܰ ‫ܘܠ‬ ܽ ‘and health be to you and your ‫ܒ�ܝ̈ ܽܟܘܢ‬ children’. The beginning of 9:20 in the LXX reads εἰ ἔρρωσθε, καὶ τὰ τέκνα καὶ τὰ ἴδια κατὰ γνώμην ἐστὶν ὑμῖν ‘If you and your children are well and your affairs are according to your intention’. Only the phrase ‘if you and your children are well’ εἰ ἔρρωσθε, καὶ τὰ τέκνα is reflected in P. The remainder of the text has not been translated. ܰ ܶ ܶ ܰ ‫‘ ܐܝܟ ܬܪܬܝܢ �ܒ ܳܘܢ‬about twenty thousand’. LXX οὐχ ἧττον τῶν δισμυρίων ‘no less than twenty thousand’. P does not accurately translate οὐχ ἧττον ‘no less than’. See also 10:18; 12:4; 14:4, 39; 15:27.ܰ ܺ ‫ܫܥܐ ܐ‬ ܳ ܶ‫‘ ܰܐܝܟ ܬ‬about nine thousand’. LXX οὐκ ἔλαττον τῶν ‫ܠܦܝ̈ܢ‬ ἐνακισχιλίων Greek ‘no less than nine thousand’. P does not accurately translate οὐκ ἔλαττον ‘no less than’. See also 10:17; 12:4; 14:4, 39; 15:27. ܶ ‫‘ ܰܘ‬the fortresses’. LXX τοὺς δύο πύργους ‘the two fortresses’. ‫�ܚ ̈ܣܢܶܐ‬ It is unclear why P omits the number of fortresses. ܺ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ̱ �ܰ ̈‫‘ ܦܝ‬his elephants’. LXX τοῖς ἐλέφασιν τοῖς ὀγδοήκοντα ‘eighty elephants’. ܶ ܰ ܰ It is unclear why P omits the number of elephants. ‫‘ ܐܝܟ ܡܐܬܝܢ‬about two hundred’. LXX οὐκ ἔλαττον τῶν διακοσίων Greek ‘no less than two hundred’. P does not accurately translate οὐκ ἔλαττον ‘no less than’. See also 10:17–18; 14:4, 39; 15:27. ݁ ‫‘ ܶܐ‬they found’. LXX οὐ κατέλαβον ‘they did not find’. P ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ̱ ‫ܫܟ ܽܚ‬ omits the negative particle οὐ, perhaps because the LXX has a negative adjective (ἄπρακτον ‘without accomplishing anything’) directly after this verb, thus seeming to form a double negative: καὶ Τιμόθεον μὲν ἐπὶ τῶν τόπων οὐ κατέλαβον ἄπρακτον τότε ἀπὸ τῶν τόπων ἐκλελυκότα ‘they did not find Timothy in these regions,

who by then had departed from these regions without accomplishing anything’.

Introduction to the Translation 12:30


‘people of the city’. LXX οἱ Σκυθοπολῖται ‘people of Scythopolis’. P only translates the latter part of the Greek word (πολῖται), perhaps because the Syriac word for this city is not ܳ ܰ Scythopolis but ܰ ܳ ‫‘ ܒ ܳܝܫܢ‬Bayshan’. ܺ ܺ ̈ ܰ 13:15 ‫‘ ܬܠܬܐ ܐܠܦܝܢ ܓܒ�ܝܢ‬three thousand men’. LXX ἄνδρας δισχιλίους ‘two thousand men’. Some recensions have different numbers, but only P has this reading. ܺ ‫ܘܚ‬ ܰ ‫‘ ܰܒ‬in the one-hundred-fifty-first year’. LXX ὡς ܳ ‫ܡܫܝܢ ܰܘ‬ ܰ ‫ܫܢܬ ܳܡܐܐ‬ 14:4 ‫ܚܕ ܐ‬ πρώτῳ καὶ ἑκατοστῷ καὶ πεντηκοστῷ ἔτει ‘in about the onehundred-fifty-first year’. P does not translate ὡς ‘about’. See also 10:17–18; 12:4; ܰ 14:39; 15:27. ܶ ܳ ܰ 14:39 ‫‘ ܐܝܟ ܚܡܫܡܐܐ‬about five hundred’. LXX ὑπὲρ τοὺς πεντακοσίους ‘more than five hundred’. P does not accurately translate ὑπὲρ ‘more than’. also 10:17–18; 12:4;ܶ 14:4; 15:27. ܺ ܳ ܺ See ܰ ܶ ‫ܺܘ‬ ܽ .‫ܝܒܝܢ‬ ܺ ‫ܘܡܛ‬ ܶ ‫ܝܠܦ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥܠ‬ ܺ :‫ܘܕ ܐ‬ ܳ ‫ܕܒܝܬ ܺ� ܽܗ‬ ܺ ‫ܕܟܢ‬ 15:6 ‫ܝܪܐܝܬ‬ ‫ܘܗܘ ܰ�ܬ‬ .‫ܝܫܝܢ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ‬ ܰ ‫‘ ܶܡ‬he learned that Judas’s people were gathered and .‫ܬ� ܰܙܙ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ prepared, and he became especially angry’. LXX διεγνώκει κοινὸν τῶν περὶ τὸν Ἰούδαν συστήσασθαι τρόπαιον ‘[Nicanor] determined that he would erect a public monument of victory over Judas’s people’. P has a very free rendering of this part of the verse. ܰ ܺ ܳ ܺ ܰ ܳ ‫ܘܚ‬ ܰ ‫ܬܝܢ‬ ‫‘ ܐܝܟ ܬܠ‬about thirty-five thousand’. LXX οὐδὲν 15:27 ‫ܡܫܐ ܐܠܦܝ̈ܢ‬ ἧττον μυριάδων τριῶν καὶ πεντακισχιλίων ‘no less than thirty-five thousand’. P does not accurately translate οὐδὲν ἧττον ‘less than’. See also 10:17–18; 12:4; 14:4, 39.

ܳ ܺ ܰ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ܬܐ‬ ‫ܒܢ̈ܝ‬

Inner-Syriac Corruptions 1:7

‘from the kingdom to the holy land’. LXX ἀπὸ τῆς ἁγίας γῆς καὶ τῆς βασιλείας ‘from the holy land and from the kingdom’. P reverses the order of ‘kingdom’ and ‘holy land’. But a simple replacement of -‫‘ ܠ‬to’ for -‫‘ ܘ‬and’ would have resulted in the translation in P. This seems more likely to be a corruption introduced after the initial translation than a misunderstanding of the Greek text. ܳ ‫‘ ܳܣ ̈ܶܒܐ ܺܕ ܽܝܗ‬the elders of Judea’. LXX ἡ γερουσία καὶ Ἰούδας ‘the 1:10 ‫ܘܕ ܐ‬ elders and Judas’. It seems likely that the simple corruption of -‫ܘ‬ ‘and’ into -‫‘ ܕ‬that’ has occurred in P. As in 1:7, this likely occurred after the initial translation. ܰ ‘Singers’. LXX Ασιδαῖοι ‘Hasideans’. This proper noun is 14:6 ‫ܡܫ ̈ܒ ܳܚܢܶܐ‬ ̈ ܳ ‫‘ ܰܐ ܺܣ‬Hasideans’ in rendered in the emended Syriac text as ‫ܝܕ�ܶܐ‬ 1 Maccabees 2:42. R. Payne Smith, ed., Thesaurus Syriacus (Oxford, 1879), 2:4027, suggests that the sigma (σ) may have been read as an

ܳ ܺ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܽ ܰ ܶ ‫ܩܕܝܫܬܐ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܡ�ܟܘܬ ܐ �ܪܥܐ‬


Introduction to the Translation omicron (ο), so that the underlying Greek word could have been understood as ἀοιδοί ‘singers’.

Deliberate Changes introduced by the Peshiṭta 2:11

4:9 4:10 4:12 4:15 5:21




‘because a kid was not consumed as a sinoffering’. LXX Διὰ τὸ μὴ βεβρῶσθαι τὸ περὶ τῆς ἁμαρτίας ‘because the [offering] for sin was not consumed’. Unlike the LXX, P specifies what animal should be sacrificed. P draws on the requirements for sin offerings in Leviticus 4:23, 28; 5:6; 9:3, 23:19. ܶ‫‘ ܰܐܝܟ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣܐ ܰܕܝ ̈ܘ ܳ�ܝܐ‬according to the law of the Greeks’ does not appear in the LXX. This addition is unclear, but it may clarify that building was considered capitulation to Greek norms. ܳ ܽ ܰ a gymnasium ܶ ܳ ‫�ܪ‬ ‫ܢܦܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܥ� ܳܢܐ ܕܚ‬ ‘idolatrous thinking’. LXX τὸν Ἑλληνικὸν χαρακτῆρα ‘the Greek manner of living’. P specifies what is implied by the use of the adjective Ἑλληνικόν ‘Greek’. See also 4:15; 6:9; 11:24. ܳ ܽ ܰ ‫ܘܚܬܐ ܰܐ‬ ‫ܥܒܪ‬ ‫‘ ܰܘܬ ܶܚܝܬ ܡܫ‬and led them under an instrument [of punishment]’. LXX ὑποτάσσων ὑπὸ πέτασον ἤγαγεν ‘led them to wear the Greek hat’. The translators do not seem to have understood πέτασον ‘Greek hat’. In its place, they inserted a more familiar term. ܳ ܽ ܰ ‫ܢܦܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫‘ ܕܚ‬idolatrous’. LXX Ἑλληνικάς ‘Greek’. P specifies what is implied by the use of the adjective Ἑλληνικάς ‘Greek’. See also 4:10; 6:9. ܳ �‫ ܰܕ‬:‫ܒܫܘܒ ܳܗ ܶܪܗ‬ ܳ ‘in his ܽ ‫ܘܣ ܰܒܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ܰ ‫ ܰܘ‬:‫ܪܥܐ ܢܶܥܒ ܺܕ ̇ܝܗ ܰ� ܳܡܐ‬ .‫ܝܘܗܝ ܰ�ܒ ܳܫܐ‬ ̱ ‫�ܝ ܳܡܐ ܢܶܥܒ ܺܕ‬ pride, he thought that he could make the land sea and make the sea dry land’. LXX οἰόμενος ἀπὸ τῆς ὑπερηφανίας τὴν μὲν γῆν πλωτὴν καὶ τὸ πέλαγος πορευτὸν θέσθαι ‘thinking in [his] arrogance that he could make the earth sailable and the sea walkable’. P captures the meaning of πλωτήν ‘sailable’ and πορευτόν ‘walkable’ by substituting concrete See ‘Noteworthy Readings’ below. ܳ ܽ ܰ nouns. ܶ ‘to the mind of idolatry’. LXX ἐπὶ τὰ Ἑλληνικά ‘to ܳ ‫�ܪ‬ ‫ܢܦܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܥ� ܳܢܐ ܕܚ‬ Greek customs’. P specifies what is implied by the use of the adjectiveܶ Ἑλληνικά ‘Greek᾿. See also 4:10, 15; 11:24. ܳ ‫ܒܚ ̈ܶܝܐ ܽܕܢ‬ ܽ ‫ܕܡ‬ ܳ ‫�ܟܘܬܗ ܰܕ‬ ܰ ‫ܘܒܚܐ‬ ܽ ‫ܘܗܪ ܐ‬ ܳ ‫ܒܫ‬ ܰ ‘in the life of light in the glory ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ‬ of God’s kingdom’: LXX ἀενάου ζωῆς ὑπὸ διαθήκην θεοῦ ‘perpetual life under God’s covenant’. Ruzer, ‘2 Maccabees,’ suggests that the difference between P and the LXX hereܳ reflects the free ܽ translation style of P in which the context calls for ‫‘ ܰܡ�ܟܘܬ ܐ‬kingdom’ ܳ ‘covenant’. rather than a more literal translation such as ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܐ‬ ̈ ܺ ̈ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܳ ‫‘ ܠܝܗܘ ܕ�ܶܐ‬the Jews’; ‫‘ ܢܦܫܢ‬souls’. LXX Ἰουδαίων σωμάτων ‘Jewish bodies’; σώματα ‘bodies’. There does not seem to be a lexical reason

ܶ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܳ ‫ܬܐ ܶܟܠ� ܶܨ‬ ‫ܦܪ ܳ�ܐ ܰܕܚܛ ܳܗܐ‬ ‫ܕ� ܐ‬

Introduction to the Translation

10:30 11:2 11:24 12:31


that P would have failed to render σωμάτων ‘bodies’ in the first ̈ instance and translated σώματα ‘bodies’ as ‫‘ ܰܢܦ ܳܫܢ‬souls’. This translation may rather reflect the translators’ anthropology. ‫‘ ܘ ܰܢܝܙ̈ ܶܟܐ‬and javelins’ or ‘and meteors’. LXX κεραυνούς ‘thunderbolts’. P does not bring out the specificity of the Greek. This may have been a limitation in the vocabulary of the translators. ‫‘ � ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡܐ‬for the nations’. LXX Ἕλλησιν ‘for the Greeks’. P’s translation suggests a well-known contrast in Syriac between the ‫ܰܥ ܳܡܐ‬ ̱̈ ‫‘ ܰܥ‬the nations’. ‘the and ‫ܡ ܶܡܐ‬ ܳ ܽ nation’ ܰ ‘to idolatry’. LXX ἐπὶ τὰ Ἑλληνικά ‘to Greek customs’. P ‫�ܚܢܦܘܬ ܐ‬ specifies what is implied by the use of the adjective Ἑλληνικά ‘Greek’. See 4:10, 15; 6:9. ܶ ‫ܕܦ ܺܛ‬ ܰ ‫‘ ܰܥܕ ܺܥ ܳܐܕ ܐ‬festival of unleavened bread’. LXX τῆς τῶν ‫ܝ� ܐ‬ ἑβδομάδων ἑορτῆς ‘festival of weeks’. The two festivals mentioned in P and LXX are distinct (see Deuteronomy 16:3–4, 9–10, for example). The translators may have confused the festivals, or they may have replaced a lesser known festival with one that was more familiar to them.

Noteworthy Readings

The following list presents select readings from the Peshiṭta of the Second Book of Maccabees to demonstrate its use in text criticism and its distinct character. The first section discusses three readings that establish a connection between the Peshiṭta and the Lucianic recension of the Greek. The second section explores variant readings that are common to the Peshiṭta and non-Lucianic recensions. The third section considers three readings that are unique to the Peshiṭta version of the Second Book of Maccabees. They demonstrate both the difficulty of using the Peshiṭta for text critical purposes and the creativity of the translators when they encountered difficulties in the Greek.

Shared Readings with the Lucianic Text

The Peshiṭta of the Second Book of Maccabees reflects many elements of the Lucianic recension of the Greek text. The similarities between the Peshiṭta and the Lucianic recension are so numerous that they are only noted in select cases in the notes to the translation. The three readings discussed below have been selected to demonstrate different criteria that


Introduction to the Translation

have established the connection between the Peshiṭta of the Second Book of Maccabees and the Greek Lucianic recension. 49 2 Maccabees 1:31

ܽ ‫ ܰܕܢ ܺܣ‬:‫ܡܝܐ‬ ܳ ‫ ܦ ܰܩܕ ܰܢܚ‬:‫ܶܕܐܫܬ ܰܚܪ ̱ܘ‬ ‫ܝܡܘܢ‬

ܳ ܰ ܶܳ ܽ ܶ ̈ܶ ܰ ܰ ‫ܘܟܕ ܶܐ‬ ܰ ‫ܘܡܝ̈ܐ‬ ܳ ܳ ‫ܫܬܠ ܽܡ ̱ܘ ܕ ܳܒܚܐ ܺܘܩ ̈ܶܘ�ܒ ܰܢܐ‬ ܽ ܳ .‫ܰܘܢܚܕܪܘܢ ̇ܗ �ܕܘܟܬܐ ܒܟܐܦܐ ܪܘ�ܒܬܐ‬

When the sacrifices and offerings had been completed, Nehemiah commanded them to use up the remaining water and surround the place with large stones.

The majority text of the Greek reads ‘When the substance of the sacrifices had been consumed, Nehemiah commanded [them] to pour out the remaining water on the large stones’ (καθὼς δὲ ἀνηλώθη τὰ τῆς θυσίας,

καὶ τὸ περιλειπόμενον ὕδωρ ὁ Νεεμίας ἐκέλευσε λίθους μείζονας καταχεῖν.). But several Greek witnesses to the Lucianic text (L'–62 [64*] 311) add ‘the place’ (τοῦ τόπου). The Peshiṭta also includes this addition,

which changes the relationship between the water and the stones. 50 The presence of such additions forms a strong connection between the Peshiṭta text and the Lucianic recension. 2 Maccabees 2:21

ܶ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܶ ̈ ܰ ܰ ‫ ܰܪܕܦ ̱ܘ‬...‫ܬܐ‬ .‫ܘܒ ܰܕܪ ̱ܘ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܥ ̱ܡܡܐ ܕܐ�ܥ‬

… they pursued and scattered the peoples of [other] lands…

The majority text of the Greek reads ‘they pursued the barbarian masses’ (καὶ τὰ βάρβαρα πλήθη διώκειν). Many witnesses to the Lucianic recension (L 311) have ‘peoples’ (ἔθνη) rather than ‘masses’ (πλήθη). The Peshiṭta reflects the word choice in the Lucianic recension. 2 Maccabees 11:31

ܺ ‫ܡܗ‬ ܽ ܶ‫ܢ‬ ܰ ‫ܗܘܘܢ ܳܗ ܺܟܝܠ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‬ ‫�ܟܝܢ ܒ ܳܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܰܣܝ ܽܗܘܢ‬

Let the Jews then walk according to their laws…

The majority Greek text has ‘that the Jews [should] enjoy their own food and laws’ (χρῆσθαι τοὺς Ἰουδαίους τοῖς ἑαυτῶν δαπανήμασι καὶ For a fuller discussion of the relationship between the Peshiṭta of the Second Book of Maccabees and the Lucianic recension, see Kappler and Hanhart, Maccabaeorum liber II., 29–31. 50 For this interpretation, see ibid., 29. 49

Introduction to the Translation


νόμοις). But the Lucianic recension, as the Peshiṭta, omits ‘food and’ (δαπανήμασι καί). Such omissions form strong connections between the

Peshiṭta and the Lucianic recension.

Shared Readings with the Other Recensions of the Greek Text

Variant readings of the Peshiṭta of the Second Book of Maccabees occasionally agree with other versions of the Greek text against the Lucianic recension. Three selections are discussed below. The first exhibits one variant that supports an early witness to the Greek text. The second reflects a variant common to ancient translations. The third suggests a specific relationship between the Peshiṭta and an individual Greek manuscript. 2 Maccabees 1:7

ܰ ܶ ܶ ܶ ‫ܐܫܬ ܰܕܪ ܺܐ ܰ� ܳܣܘܢ ܰܘ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܕ‬

… after Jason and his companions were sent…

The majority Greek text has ‘from the time that Jason and his companions revolted’ (ἀφ᾽ οὗ ἀπέστη Ἰάσων καὶ οἱ μετ᾽ αὐτοῦ). Like the Peshiṭta, the eighth-century Codex Venutus (V) has ‘were sent’ (ἀπεστάλη). The Peshiṭta thus offers additional evidence for the otherwise unique reading preserved in the second earliest Greek witness. 2 Maccabees 6:28

ܶ ܶ ܶ ܰ ܳ ‫�ܫ�̈ ܶܕ ܐ ܽܘ� ̈ܘ‬ ܶ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ .‫�ܨ ܢܶܐ‬ ̱ �ܽ ‫ ܰܒܪ ܳܫܥܬܗ ܕ ܰܒܪ ̱ܘ ܰܘܐܝܬ‬:‫ܘܟܕ ܳܗܠܝܢ ܐ ܰܡܪ‬

When he had said these things, he was immediately led forth and brought to torments and punishments.

The majority Greek text has ‘When he had said such things, he immediately came to the rack’ (τοσαῦτα δὲ εἰπὼν ἐπὶ τὸ τύμπανον εὐθέως ἦλθεν). The Syriac translators use a third person plural active verb as a suppletive passive, which matches the use of a third person singular passive in other versions of the Greek text. Further, two Greek manuscripts (V 55) reflect the choice of verb in the Peshiṭta and have ‘was dragged’ (εἵλκετο). Similar variations occur in Latin translations. Some (LaLV) have ‘was dragged’ (trahebatur), while others (Larel) have ‘was led’ (deducatur or [de]ductus est). In this case, the Peshiṭta reflects a significant variant reading that disagrees with the Lucianic recension. 2 Maccabees 10:7

… they honored and gave thanks…

ܰ ‫ܡܫܒ ܺܚܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‬ ܰ ‫ܰܘ‬ ‫ܘܡܘ ܶܕܝܢ‬


Introduction to the Translation

The majority Greek text has ‘they offered hymns’ (ὕμνους ἀνέφερον). There are several variations on the majority text in Greek and in Latin translations. The Lucianic recension reads ‘they gave thanks’ (L 311; εὐχαριστοῦν) or ‘giving thanks’ (l; εὐχαριστούντες). But one tenth-century Greek manuscript (55) has two actions in this verse as the Peshiṭta: ‘they offered hymns, giving thanks’ (ὕμνους ἀνέφερον εὐχαριστούντες). The editors of the Greek critical edition consider whether this commonality connects the Peshiṭta to the particular Greek text preserved in this manuscript. But they conclude that the Peshiṭta here may merely reflect a free translation of the Lucianic recension. 51 The parallels between the Peshiṭta and this manuscript, though, suggest that it may be possible to understand more closely what the underlying Greek text behind the Peshiṭta is.

Unique Readings

The Peshiṭta of the Second Book of Maccabees contains a number of readings that do not appear in any other witness to the text. The first selection shows a mistranslation of a Greek word that alters the meaning of a sentence. The second shows how the Peshiṭta translators made an addition to accommodate a variant that obscured the meaning of a verse. The third shows the free translation style of the Peshiṭta translators. 2 Maccabees 2:32

ܳ ܺ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܶ ܽ ܺ ܰ ܳ :‫ܝܬܐ ܐ̱ ܳܢܫ ܰܢܣ ܶܓܐ ܢ ܰܚ ܶܘܐ ܰܘܢ ܺܦܝܣ‬ ‫ܘܠ ̇ܗ ܶܕܝܢ‬ ‫ܫܦ ܰܝܪ ܗܘ ܳ ܓܝܪ ܕ‬ ܺ ‫ܩܕ ܳܡ ܬ ܰܫܥ‬ ܺ ‫ܠܬ‬ ܳ ̈ ̇.‫ܢܡܠܝܗ‬ ‫ܫܥܝܬܐ ܒ ܳܦ ܺܣܝܩܬܐ‬

For it is good that someone, before the story, offer a long explanation and instruction and then tell the story in a concise manner.

This majority Greek text reads: ‘For it is foolish that someone go on at length before the story and thereby cut short the story’ (εὐήθης γὰρ τὸ μὲν πρὸ τῆς ἱστορίας πλεονάζειν, τὴν δὲ ἱστορίαν ἐπιτεμνεῖν.). The root of the Greek word ‘foolish’ (εὐήθης) does relate to a sense of good character, but here it means ‘simple-minded.’ P translates it literally, taking the prefix ܺ ܰ , and thereby misses the negative connotation that it bears in εὐ- as ‫ܫܦܝܪ‬ this sentence. The Peshiṭta text at this point directly contrasts the Greek.


Kappler and Hanhart, Maccabaeorum liber II, 31.

Introduction to the Translation 2 Maccabees 4:39


ܶ ‫ܶܐܬ ܰܟ ܰܢܫ ̱ܘ ܶܕܝܢ ܒ ܰܢ̈ܝ ܽܐܘ ܺܪ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‬

The people of Jerusalem gathered…

The majority Greek text has ‘When many acts of sacrilege had taken place…’ (Γενομένων δὲ πολλῶν ἱεροσυλημάτων). The Greek word for ‘acts of sacrilege’ (ἱεροσυλημάτων) resembles the word for ‘people of Jerusalem’ (ἱεροσολυμιτῶν). Several Greek manuscripts (V 236-19-62 106 771) share this reading with the Peshiṭta. But the Peshiṭta translators recognized that the Greek verb does not make sense in this sentence. So, they changed the verb to ‘gathered’ (‫ ) ܶܘܐܬ ܰܟ ܰܢܫ ̱ܘ‬in order to make the sentence coherent. 2 Maccabees 5:21

ܳ �ܰ ‫ ܕ‬:‫ܘ ܳܣ ܰܒܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒ ܽܫܘܒ ܳܗ ܶܪܗ‬ ܰ ‫ ܰܘ‬:‫ܪܥܐ ܢܶܥܒ ܺܕ ̇ܝܗ ܰ� ܳܡܐ‬ .‫ܘܗܝ ܰ�ܒ ܳܫܐ‬ ̱ ‫�ܝ ܳܡܐ ܢܶܥܒ ܺܕܝ‬

In his pride, he thought that he could make the land sea and make the sea dry land…

A literal translation of the Greek is: ‘thinking in [his] arrogance that he could make the earth sailable and the sea walkable’ (οἰόμενος ἀπὸ τῆς ὑπερηφανίας τὴν μὲν γῆν πλωτὴν καὶ τὸ πέλαγος πορευτὸν θέσθαι). The Peshiṭta version captures the sense of this passage accurately. But rather than searching for a phrase that captures the adjectives ‘sailable’ and ‘walkable,’ the Peshiṭta translators opted for a more concrete way of bringing out the meaning of the passage. This is characteristic of the free translation style of the Peshiṭta of the Second Book of Maccabees.

APPENDIX 1: VERSIFICATION Versification, the Mosul text compared with the Leiden edition. Leiden 1:13 2:2 2:28 4:49 6:5 9:20 10:20 12:45 13:8 13:23 14:6

Begins with Mosul Last three words of 1:12 Third word of 2:2 Sixteenth word of 2:28 Last sixteen words of 4:48 Tenth word of 6:5 Last four words of 9:19 Seventh word of 10:20 Includes all of 12:46 Fourth word of 13:8 Second word of 13:23 Fifth word of 14:6


APPENDIX 2: VARIANT READINGS The text of the Peshiṭta found in the Mosul Bible (= M) serves as the base text for the Antioch Bible. Differences between the Mosul edition and the critical edition produced by the Leiden Peshiṭta Institute (= L) are minor. This appendix collates the Peshiṭta of the Second Book of Maccabees from the Mosul Bible used in this volume with the Leiden critical edition. 1 The following table gives the variants of Mosul against Leiden. The fourth column indicates the support for the Mosul reading as follows: early first millennium up to and including the tenth century. late post tenth century (making use of the Leiden apparatus). no support Mosul’s reading is unique. Place



Support for M

1:8 1:8 1:11 1:28 2:2 2:13 2:14 2:18 2:20 2:21 2:25

‫ܕܡܠܟܘܬܗ‬ ‫ܘܐܘܩܕ‬ ‫ܘܐܫܕ‬ ‫ܪܘܪܒܐܝܬ‬ ‫ܠܢ‬ ‫ܕܝܗܒ‬ ̣ ̈ ‫ܒܟܬܒܐ ܐܦ‬ ‫ܟܠܗܘܢ‬ 1‫�ܬܪܐ‬ ‫ܐܦ‬ ‫ܥܠ‬ 1‫ܘ�ܝܠܝܢ‬

‫ܒܡܠܟܘܬܗ‬ ‫ܘܐܘܩܕܘ‬ ‫ܘܐܫܕܘ‬

early early no support early late late late late early late no support


pr waw om

̇ ‫ܕܝܗܒ‬

tr pr lāmadh

‫�ܬܪܗ‬ ‫ܕܝܢ‬ ‫ܥܡ‬ ‫ܕ�ܝܠܝܢ‬


The text editions of the Old Testament in S. Lee, ed., Vetus testamentum syriace (London, 1823) and Justin Perkins, ed., The Old Testament, Translated into Ancient and Modern Syriac (Urmia, 1852) do not include the four books of Maccabees. Thus, unlike other Old Testament volumes of the Antioch Bible, these versions are not collated in the table of variants. 1


xlvi Place

2:27 2:28 (L 2:27) 2:31 3:2 3:3 3:4 3:9 3:16 3:19 3:25 3:29 3:32 3:33 3:37 3:37 4:1 4:4 4:9 4:10 4:11 4:11 4:14 4:16 4:17 4:17 4:19 4:21 4:25 4:29 4:30 4:35 4:40 4:48 4:51 5:1 5:3 5:5

Appendix 2: Variant Readings Mosul


‫ܕܩܪܝܢ‬ ‫ܘܗܟܢܐ‬ ‫ܢܡܠܠ‬ ‫ܓܕܫ‬ ̣ ‫̣ܝܗܒ‬ ‫ܟܗܢܐ‬ ̈ ‫�ܒܝ‬ ‫ܟܗܢܐ‬ ̈ ‫ܠܪܒ‬ ‫ܟܗܢܐ‬ ‫ܠܫܘ�ܐ‬ �‫ܘܩ‬ ‫ܡܫܪܝ‬ ‫ܕܡܥܒܕܢܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܗܠܝܢ‬ ‫ܠܗܠܝܕܘܪܣ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‬ ̈ ‫ܗܘܝ‬ ‫ܒܝ̈ܫܬܗ‬ 2‫ܠܗ‬ ‫ܠܗ‬ 1‫ܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܦܘܠܚܢܐ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ܗܘܬ‬ ‫ܐܦ‬ ‫ܒܢܡܘܣܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ‬ ‫ܟ�ܙܒܢ‬ ̈ ‫ܠܢܦܩܬܐ‬ ‫̣ܕܗܘܐ‬ ̇ ‫ܡܠܒܫ‬ ‫ܡܢ�ܘܣ‬ ‫̣ܗܢܘܢ‬ ̈ ‫ܝܗܘܕܝܐ ܒܠܚܘܕ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܠܗ‬ ̇ �‫ܕܥܘ‬ ‫ܒܒܝܫܘܬܗ‬ ̇ ‫ܒܗܘ‬ ‫�ܟܫܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܗܝ‬


om waw

‫ܡܡܠܠ‬ ‫̇ܓܕܫ‬ ‫̇ܝܗܒ‬ seyāme

om seyāme om seyāme


�‫ܘܒܩ‬ ‫ܡܫܪܐ‬ ‫ܕܒܡܥܒܕܢܘܬܐ‬ ‫̇ܗܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܠܗ ܠܗܠܝܕܪܘܣ‬ pr waw om om seyāme om om seyāme

‫ܠܗ ܕܝܢ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ‬

seyāme pr bēth om seyāme

‫̇ܕܗܘܐ‬ ‫̇ܡܠܒܫ‬ pr waw

‫̣ܗܢܘܢ ̇ܗܢܘܢ‬ tr

‫ܗܘܐ ܠܗ ܕܝܢ‬ �‫ܕܥܘ‬ ̣ ‫ܒܒܝܫܬܗ‬ ‫ܒܗܢܐ‬ om seyāme om

Support for M early early early no support early early early no support late early early early early early early early late early late early early late late early early early no support early early early early late no support early early no support late

Appendix 2: Variant Readings Place

5:5 5:14 5:15 5:15 5:16 5:16 5:16 5:18 5:21 5:21 5:22 5:27 5:27 6:2 6:5 (L 6:4) 6:6 6:6 6:8 6:9 6:9 6:11 6:12 6:14 6:14 6:14 6:17 6:20 6:21 6:21 6:21 6:31 7:14 7:14 7:17 7:18 7:23



‫ܘܣܠܩ‬ �‫ܕܩܛ‬ ‫ܐܦ‬ ‫ܕܗܘ‬ ̇ ‫ܢܣܒ‬ ̇ ‫ܘܝܗܒ‬ ‫ܘܠܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܣܝ̈ܡܬܐ‬ ̇ ‫ܘܣܒܪ‬ ‫ܣܓܝ ܒܪܥܝܢܗ‬ 1‫ܗܘ‬ ‫ܠܘܬ ܡܕܒܪܐ‬ 3‫ܗܘܘ‬ ‫ܕܒܓܪܙܝܢ‬ �‫ܠܗܝܟ‬ 2‫ܗܘܐ‬ ̈ ‫ܥܕܥܐܕ ܐ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܘܢ‬ ‫ܘ�ܝܠܝܢ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܕܘܘܢܗ‬ ‫ܐܘܩܕ‬ ‫ܡܢ‬ ‫ܡܓܪ‬ ‫ܕܢܫܠܡܘܢ‬ ‫ܘ�ܚܪܝܬܐ‬ ‫ܣܦܩ‬ ̣ �‫ܘ‬ ‫ܒܝܬ‬ 1‫ܒܣܪܐ‬ ‫ܕܕܒܝܚܐ‬ ‫̣ܐܡܪ‬ ‫ܐ�̈ܕܝ‬ ̈ ‫ܕܚܝܐ‬ ‫ܗܫܐ‬ ‫ܕܚܛܝܢ‬ ̣ ‫ܬ�ܥܝܬܗܘܢ‬

‫ܘܢܣܠܩ‬ �‫ܒܩܛ‬ om

‫ܕܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܢܣܒ‬ ̣ ‫ܘܝܗܒ‬ ̣ ‫ܘܟܠܗ‬

om seyāme tr om

‫ܘܣܒܪ‬ ̣ om


‫ܕܒܓܙܪܝܢ‬ �‫ܠܓܘ ܗܝܟ‬ om

‫ܥܕܥܕܐ‬ ‫ܢܥܒܕܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܐܝܠܝܢ‬ ‫ܕܐܘܢܗ‬

pr waw pr dālath

‫ܗܟܝܠ ܡܢ‬ ‫ܥܕܡܐ ܕܢܫܠܡܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܠܚܪܬܐ‬ ̇ ‫ܣܦܩ‬ �‫ܕ‬ ‫ܒܝܢܬ‬ ‫ܒܣܪܐ ܕܕܒܚܐ‬ ‫ܕܕܒܚܐ‬ ‫̇ܐܡܪ‬ om

̈ ‫ܒܚܝܐ‬


‫ܕܚ̇ ܛܝܢ‬ ‫ܬ�ܥܝܬܗܘܢ‬ ̈ ‫ܘܡܚܫܒܬܗܘܢ‬

xlvii Support for M no support early early early early early early early early early no support early early early early early no support early early early early late early no support early early early no support no support no support no support early early no support early no support

xlviii Place 7:24 7:24 7:24 7:27 7:33 7:35 8:1 8:8 8:9 8:14 8:15 8:16 8:16 8:18 8:23 8:31 9:2 9:2 9:3 9:4 9:4 9:5 9:6 9:7 9:23 9:23 9:26 10:3 10:6 10:8 10:10 10:10 10:10 10:17 10:19 10:21 11:2

Appendix 2: Variant Readings Mosul

̈ ‫ܒܡ� ܒܠܚܘܕ‬ ̈ ‫ܒܡܘܡܬܐ ܣܓܝ̈ܐܬܐ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܘܐܝܢܩܬܟ‬ ‫ܘܡܪܕܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܥܕܟܝܠ�ܥܪܩܬ‬ ‫ܫ�ܒܬܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܢܨܚ‬ ‫ܕܩ�ܒܐ‬ ‫ܕܪܫܝܥܐ ܢܝܩܢܘܪ‬ ‫ܘܡܫܒܚܐ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ‬ ‫ܩܪܒܐ‬ ‫ܕܝܢ‬ ̇ ‫ܘܝܗܒ‬ ‫ܟܠܗ‬ ‫ܕܡܬܩܪܝܐ‬ 1‫ܟܕ‬ ‫ܒܛܢܢ‬ ‫ܕܥܒܕ‬ ̇ ‫ܒܗ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ‬ ‫ܕܒܫܢ̈ܕܐ‬ ‫ܢܪܗܛ‬ ‫ܗܢܘܢ‬ ‫ܕܣܠܩ‬ ̣ ‫ܥܗܕܝܢ‬ ‫ܘܩܘ�ܒܢܐ‬ ‫ܘܥܗܕܝܢ‬ ‫ܒܟܠܗ‬ 1‫ܥܠ‬ ‫ܕܪܫܝܥܐ‬ ‫ܒܩ�ܒܐ‬ ‫ܫܘ� ܐ‬ ‫ܥܡ‬ ‫̇ܡܢ‬ ‫ܡܥܡܪܐ‬


tr om seyāme

‫ܝܡܐ ܗܘܐ ܠܗ‬ ‫ܘܐܘܢܩܬܟ‬ ‫ܘܠܡܪܕܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܥܪܩ ܐܢܬ‬ om seyāme om om seyāme

‫ܕܢܝܩܢܘܪ‬ ‫ܘܫܒܝܚܐ‬ om seyāme om

pr lāmadh

‫ܘܝܗܒ‬ ̣

pr waw pr lāmadh

‫ܕܡܬܩܪܝܐ ܗܘܬ‬ ‫ܕܥܒܕܘ‬ ‫ܒܗ‬ ‫ܘܥܕ‬ ̈ ‫ܘܒܫܢܕܐ‬ ‫ܢܪܕܘܦ‬ om

̇ ‫ܕܣܠܩ‬ ‫ܥܗܝܕܝܢ‬

om seyāme om bēth pr ‫ܐܦ‬ om dālath om seyāme om seyāme



‫ܥܠ‬ ‫ܒܝܬ ܡܥܡܪܐ‬

Support for M early early early no support early early early early early early no support early early early early early early early early early early early no support early early early early no support early early early early early no support early no support no support

Appendix 2: Variant Readings Place 11:5 11:9 11:27 11:34 12:2 12:6 12:8 12:8 12:9 12:12 12:15 12:15 12:15 12:18 12:21 12:22 12:23 12:24 12:27 12:35 12:38 12:40 12:40 12:43 12:43 13:2 13:5 13:12 13:19 13:23 13:23 13:23 13:25 13:25 13:26 14:1 14:4


‫ܓܢܒ‬ ‫ܒܥܪܝ�ܝܬܐ‬ ‫ܥܡܐ‬ ‫ܡܢܝܠܝܘܣ‬ ‫ܕܝܐܪܘܢܝܡܘܣ‬ ‫ܐܘܩܕ‬ ‫ܐܪܓܫܘ‬ ‫ܕܗܠܝܢ‬ 2‫ܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܘܝܗܘܕܐ‬ ̈ ‫ܒܡܐܟܢܘܣ‬ ̈ ‫ܘܐܘܡܢܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܒܫܘ�ܐ‬ ‫ܠܗ‬ ‫ܢܫܝ̈ܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܐܬܚܙܝܬ‬ ‫ܘܩܛܠ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܘܟܢ̈ܫܐ‬ ‫ܘܢܓܕ‬ ‫ܘܐܬܘ‬ ̇ ‫ܕܦܩܕ‬ ‫ܢܬܢܛܪܘܢ‬ ‫ܟܠܗ ܥܡܐ‬ ‫ܘܙܕܝܩܐܝܬ‬ ̈ ‫ܥܡܡܐ‬ ‫ܘܐܝܬ‬ ‫ܫ�ܘܐ‬ ‫ܚܣܢܐ‬ ‫ܒܝܬ‬ ‫ܟܕ‬ ‫ܕܕܢܡܪܕ‬ ‫ܠܦܛܘܠܡܐܝܣ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܓܝܪ‬ ‫ܠܡܐܢܐ‬ ‫ܕܡܛܪܝܘܣ‬

Leiden om

‫ܒܥ�ܝܪܬܐ‬ ‫ܥܡܐ ܕܝܢ‬ ‫ܡܢܝܘܣ‬ pr waw

‫ܐܘܩܕܘ‬ ‫ܐܪܓܫ‬

om dālath om

‫ܝܗܘܕܐ ܕܝܢ‬ ̈ ‫ܘ‬ ‫ܡܐܟܢܣ‬

om seyāme om seyāme

‫ܠܗ ܕܝܢ‬ ‫( ܢܝܫܝ̈ܗܘܢ‬ortho?) ‫ܐܬܚܙܝܬ ܕܝܢ‬ om waw

om seyāme

‫ܐܝܬ ܗܘܘ‬ ‫ܘܢܓܝܕ‬ ‫ܘܐܬܐ‬ ‫ܕܦ ̣ܩܕ‬ ‫ܢܬܛܪܘܢ‬ tr

pr dālath

‫ܘܙܕܩܐܝܬ‬ ‫ܕܐܝܬ‬ ‫ܫܠܝܘ‬

seyāme pr dālath om dālath

‫ܘܗܦܟ ܟܕ‬

om om om lāmadh


‫ܕܡܛܪܝܘܣ ܡܠܟܐ‬

xlix Support for M early no support late no support no support early no support early early early early early early late no support no support early early early early early early late early no support early early early no support early early early no support late early no support early

l Place 14:6 14:15 14:17 14:17 14:18 14:27 14:28 14:38 14:43 14:43 14:43 14:45 15:4 15:8 15:11 15:18 15:19 15:20 15:30 15:35 15:36 15:37 15:39

Appendix 2: Variant Readings Mosul

̈ ‫ܡܫܒܚܢܐ‬ ‫̇ܦܪܩ‬ ‫ܗܘܘ‬ ‫ܐܬܪܗܒ‬ ‫ܘܒܕܡܐ‬ ‫ܥܠ‬ �‫ܕ‬ ‫ܚ�ܘܛܐ‬ ̈ ‫ܠܓܘ‬ ‫ܟܢܫܐ‬ ‫ܡܢ‬ ‫ܬܪܥܐ‬ ‫ܗܘ ܕܝܢ ܪܗܛ‬ ‫ܘܗܘ‬ ‫ܘܡܬܕܟܪ‬ ‫ܬܘܒ‬ ‫ܢܫܝ̈ܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܕܕܠܡܐ‬ ‫ܘܐܣܬܕܪ ܩܪܒܐ‬ ‫ܡܫܠܡ ܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܕܢܝܩܢܘܪ‬ ‫ܢܫܒܩܘܢܝܗܝ‬ ‫ܒܡܕܝܢܬܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܕܬܫܥܝܬܐ‬


̈ ‫ܡܫܒܚܐ‬ ‫̣ܦܪܩ‬ om

‫ܐܬܪܗܒܘ‬ ‫ܘܕܡܐ‬ ‫ܡܛܠ‬ �‫ܘ‬ ‫ܚܘܠܛܢܐ‬ tr

‫ܠܓܘ ܡܢ‬ seyāme

‫ܘܪܗܛ‬ ‫ܕܗܘ‬ ‫ܘܡܕܟܪ‬ om

‫( ܢܝܫܝ̈ܗܘܢ‬ortho?) om dālath

‫ܘܐܣܬܕܪܘ‬ ‫ܡܫܠܡܐ ܗܘܬ‬ ‫ܕܛܡܐܐ‬ ‫ܢܫܒܩܝܘܗܝ‬ seyāme seyāme

Support for M early no support early early early late early no support no support no support early early early early early no support early early early early early no support early

APPENDIX 3: NAMES The spelling of proper nouns in the Antioch Bible normally follows that of the American Standard Version (ASV) of 1901. However, a translation of the books of Maccabees was not published as part of the ASV. This volume aims to spell proper names in the spirit of the ASV by considering the spelling of names in other books in the ASV or examining subsequent translations of the books of the Maccabees. Yet some proper names in the Syriac are so distant from their Greek counterparts that they cannot be resolved into conventional English spellings. In these cases, alternatives have been used that reflect the Syriac. Footnotes identify these deviations throughout the translation. This appendix compares the proper nouns found in the Peshiṭta of the Second Book of Maccabees to those found in the Septuagint. It separates them into four categories. The first and largest category includes proper nouns that are identical or similar in the Peshiṭta and Septuagint. The second category includes nouns in which individual consonants have been changed, added, or deleted in the Syriac rendering of Greek proper nouns. The third category includes proper nouns that have been changed significantly. The fourth category includes proper nouns whose meanings have been translated from Greek into Syriac. Each entry includes four items: (1) the English rendering of the proper noun found in the translation, (2) a reference to the first occurrence of the proper noun in this form, (3) the Syriac version of the proper noun as it occurs in the text below, and (4) the Greek version of the proper noun. Some entries include the translation of the Greek proper noun. In addition to this appendix, readers may wish to consult an article on proper nouns in the First and Second Books of Maccabees by Angelo Penna as well as the data collected on this topic in the critical edition. 1 Angelo Penna, ‘I nomi propri dei primi due libri dei Maccabei nella Peshiṭta,’ Rivista degli studi orientali 40, no. 1 (1965): 13–41; Penna, Jenner, and Bakker, ‘1–2 Maccabees,’ xxxvi– xlvii. 1



Appendix 3: Names

Parallel Greek and Syriac Proper Nouns

Abraham (1:2) ‫ ܐ ݂ܒܪ ܳܗܡ‬forܰ Greek Αβρααμ ܽ ܳ Absalom (11:17) ܳܳ ‫ ܐ ݂ܒܫ�ܘܡ‬for Greek Αβεσσαλωμ Adar (15:36) ‫ ݂ܐܕܪ‬for Greek Αδαρ ܳ ‫ ܽܕ‬for Greek Οδολλαμ Adullam (12:38) ‫ܘ�ܡܐ‬ ܺ ‫ ܰܐ‬for Greek Ἄλκιμος ܳ ‫�ܩ‬ Alcimus (14:3) ‫ܝܡܘܣ‬ ܳ ‫ ܰܐ‬for Greek ἡ Αμμανῖτις Ammon (5:7) ‫ܪܥܐ ܹܕ ܰܥ ܽܡܘܢ‬ ܳ ‫ ܰܐ ݁ܢܕ ܳܪ ܺܘܢ‬for Greek Ἀνδρόνικος Andronicus (4:31) ‫ܝܩܘܣ‬ ܰ ܺ ܳ ‫ ܐ‬for Greek Ἀντιόχεια Antioch (4:33) ‫ܢܛܝ ݂ܟ ܰܝܐ‬ ̈ ܽ ‫ ܰܐ‬for Greek Ἀντιοχεῖς Antiochenes (4:9) ‫ܢܛ�ܘ ݂ ܳܟܝܶܐ‬ ܺ ܰ Antiochis (4:30) ‫ ܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ܟ ܰܝܐ‬for ܺ ܰ Greek Ἀντιοχίς Antiochus (1:14) ‫ ܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ‬for ܰ Greek Ἀντίοχος ܳ ܽ ܺ ܳ ݁ Apollonius (3:5) ‫ ܐܦ�ܘ�ܝܘܣ‬for Greek Ἀπολλώνιος ܳ ݂ ‫ ܰܥ‬for Greek Ἄραψ Arab (5:8) ‫ܪܒ ܳܝܐ‬ ܳ ܰ Aretas (5:8) ‫ ܐܪܛܐ‬for Greek Ἀρέτας ܳ ܺܰ ܳ ‫ܣܛܘ ݂ ܽܒ‬ Aristobolus (1:10) ‫ܘܠܘܣ‬ ‫ ܐܪ‬for Greek Ἀριστόβουλος ܰ ܺ ܰ Asia (3:3) ‫ ܐܣܝܐ‬for Greekܰ Ἀσία ݂ܶ ‫ ܐ‬for Greek Ἀτεργάτιος Atargatis (12:26) ‫ܛ‬ ܶ ܳ‫ܛܪܓ‬ ܳ ܳ Athenian (6:1) ‫ ܐ ݂ܬ�ܝܐ‬for Greek Ἀθηναῖος ܳ ܶ Benjamin (3:4) ‫ܢܝ ܶܡܝܢ‬ ܶ ܽ ‫ ܒ‬forܶ Greek Βενιαμιν Beth-zur (11:5) ‫ܝܬ ܫܘ� ܐ‬ ݂ ܶ ‫ ܒ‬for Greek Βαιθσούρ Callisthenes (8:33) ‫ܣܬ ܺܢܝܣ‬ ݂ �ܶ ‫ ܰܩ‬for Greek Καλλισθένης ܰ ܳ Carnaim (12:21) ‫ ܩܪܢܐ‬for Greek Κάρνιον ܳ Caspin (12:13) ‫ ܰܩ ݁ܨܦܐ‬for ܳ ܶ ܶ Greek Κασπιν Chaereas (10:32) ‫ ܟܪܐܘܣ‬for Greek Χαιρέας ܳ ݂ ‫ ܰܟ‬for Greek Χάραξ Charax (12:17) ‫ܪܟܐ‬ ܺ ܺ ܺ ܰ Cilicia (4:36) ‫ ܩܝܠ ܺܝܩ ܰܝܐ‬for Greek Κιλικία ܰ for Greek Κράτης Crates (4:29) ‫ܩܪܛܐܛܐ‬ ܳ ݁ ‫ ܽܩ‬for Greek Κύπριος Cypriot (4:29) ‫ܘܦܪ ܳ�ܐ‬ ܳ ݁ ‫ ܽܩ‬for Greek Κύπρος Cyprus (10:13) ‫ܘܦܪܘܣ‬ ܺ ܽ ܳ ܳ Cyrenian (2:23) ‫ ܩܘܪܝ�ܝܐ‬for Greek Κυρηναῖος Daphne (4:33) ‫ ܰܕ ݂ܦܢܶܐ‬for Greek Δάφνη David (2:13) ‫ ܰܕ ܺܘ ݂ܝܕ‬for Greek Δαυιδ ܺ Demetrius (1:7) ‫ ܺܕ ܺܡܛܪ ܳ�ܘܣ‬for Greek Δημήτριος ܽ ܰ Dessau (14:16) ‫ ܕܫܘ‬for Greek Δεσσαου ܳ ‫ ܺܕ ܳ� ܽܢ‬for Greek Διονυσίως Dionysius (6:7) ‫ܘܣܘܣ‬ ܳܶ ܺ ܽ Dositheus (12:19) ‫ܘܣ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܝܬ‬ ݂ ‫ ܕܘܣ‬for Greek Δωσίθεος ܳ ‫ ܶܐ ܺܠ‬for Greek Ελεάζαρ Eleazar (6:18) ‫ܝ� ܳܙܪ‬ ܽ Ephron (12:27) ‫ ܥܶ ݂ܦܪܘܢ‬for ܶGreek Εφρων ܰ ݂ ‫ ܐ ݁ ܺܦ‬for Greek Ἐπιφανής Epiphanes (2:20) ‫ܝܦ ܳܢܘܣ‬ ܺ Esdris (12:36) ‫ ܰܥܙܪܝ‬for Greek Εσδρίς

ܳ ܰ

Appendix 3: Names


Eupator (2:20) ‫ ܐ ݁ܘܦܛܘܪ‬for Greek ܶ Εὐπάτωρ ܳ ܺ ܳ ݁ Eupolemus (4:11) ‫ ܐܘܦܠܝܡܘܣ‬for Greek Εὐπόλεμος ܺ ‫ ܶܟ‬for Greek Ξένιος Friend of Strangers (6:2) ‫ܣ� ܳܝܘܣ‬ ܳܳ ܰ ܰ Galatian (8:20) ‫ ܓܠܛܝܐ‬for Greek Γαλάτης ܳ for Greek Γαζαρα Gazara (10:32) ‫ܓ ܳܙܪ‬ ܰ for Greek Γενναῖος Gennaeus (12:2) ‫ܓ ܺܢܝ‬ ܺ ܰ Gerizim (5:23) ‫ ܓܪܙܝܢ‬for Greek Αργαριζιν or Γαριζιν ܺ ݁ ‫ ܽܓ‬for Greek Γοργίας Gorgias (8:9) ‫ܘܪܓ ܰܝܐ‬ ܳ Hebrew (7:31) ‫ ܥܶ ݂ܒ ܳܪ�ܐ‬for Greek Ἑβραῖος ܺ ‫ ܶܗܓ ܽܡ‬for Greek Ἡγεμονίδης ܶ ݂ ‫ܘܢ‬ Hegemonides (13:24) ‫ܝܕܣ‬ ݂ ܳ ܳ ܳ Heliodorus (3:7) ‫ ܶܗ�� ݂ܕܘܪܣ‬for Greek Ἡλιόδωρος ܺ ܰ Hercules (4:19) ‫ ܶܗܪܩܠܝܣ‬for Greek Ἡρακλῆς ܳ ‫ ܶܚ ܰܙ‬for Greek Εζεκίας Hezekiah (15:22) ‫ܩܝܐ‬ ܳ ‫ �ܶ ܳܐܪ ܺܘܢ‬for Greek Ἱερώνυμος Hieronymus (12:2) ‫ܝܡܘܣ‬ Hyrcanus (3:11) ‫ ܺܗܝܪ ݁ ܰܟ ܳܢܘܣ‬for Greek Ὑρκανός ܳ ‫ ܰܐ݂ ܽܕ‬for Greek Ἰδουμαῖος Idumean (10:15) ܺ ‫ܘܡ ܳܝܐ‬ ܳ ‫ ܐ‬for Greek Ισαακ Isaac (1:2) ‫ܝܣܚܩ‬ ܶܳ ܺ Israel (1:25) ‫ܝܣܪܐܝܠ‬ ‫ ܐ‬for Greek Ισραηλ ܽ �ܰ for Greek Ιακωβ Jacob (1:2) ‫ܘܒ‬ ݂ ‫ܥܩ‬ Jamnia (12:8) ‫ ܰ� ܺܡ ܺܢܝܢ‬for Greek Ἰαμνεία Jason (2:23) ‫ ܐ ܰ� ܳܣܘܢ‬for ܶ Greek Ἰάσων ܰ ܳ Greek Ιερεμίας Jeremiah (2:1) ‫ ܐ ܪܡܝܐ‬for ܽ ‫ ܺܐ ܺܝܪ‬for Greek Ιεριχω Jericho (12:15) ‫ܝܚܘ‬ ܶ ܺ ܽ Jerusalem (1:1) ‫ ܐܘܪܫܠܡ‬for Greek Ἱεροσόλυμα ܳ ݂ ‫ ܺ� ܽܗ‬for Greek Ἰουδαῖος Jew (1:10) ‫ܘܕ ܳ�ܐ‬ ܳ ݂ ‫ ܺ� ܽܗ‬for Greek Ἰουδαῖος Jewish (1:1) ‫ܘܕ ܳ�ܐ‬ ܳ ܰ John (4:11) ‫ ܽ�ܘܚܢܢ‬for Greek Ιωάννης ܳ ܳ ܽ Jonathan (8:22) ‫ܘܢ ݂ܬܢ‬ � for Greek Ιωναθαν ܺ ݁ �ܽ for Greek Ἰόππη Joppa (4:21) ‫ܘܦܐ‬ ܶ �ܰ for Greek Ἰώσηφ Joseph (8:22) ‫ܘܣ ݂ܦ‬ Joshua (12:15) ܳ ‫ �ܶ ܽܫܘܥ‬for Greek Ιησοῦς Judaism (8:1) ‫ܘܬ ܐ‬ ݂ �ܽ ‫ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕ‬for Greek Ἰουδαϊσμός ܳ Judah (15:22) ‫ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ܘܕ ܐ‬for Greek Ἰουδαία ܳ ݂ ‫ ܺ� ܽܗ‬for Greek Ἰούδας Judas (2:14) ‫ܘܕ ܐ‬ ܳ ‫ ܰܐ‬for Greek ἡ χώρα τῆς Ἰουδαίας ܽ ‫ܪܥܐ ݂ ܺܕ‬ ܳ Judea (1:1) ‫ܝܗ ݂ܘܕ ܐ‬ ܳ ݂ ‫ ܺ� ܽܗ‬for Greek Ἰουδαία Judea (1:10) ‫ܘܕ ܐ‬ ܳ ‫ ܰܐ‬for Greek ἡ Ἰουδαϊκὴ τάξις ܳ ݂ ‫ܪܥܐ ܺܕ ܽܝܗ‬ Judea (13:21) ‫ܘܕ ܐ‬ ܳ ‫ ܰܐ‬for Greek Ἰουδαία ܳ ݂ ‫ܪܥܐ ܺܕ ܽܝܗ‬ Judea (14:14) ‫ܘܕ ܐ‬ ܺ ‫ ܰ� ܶܩ ݂ ܶܕ ܽܡ‬for Greek Λακεδαιμόνιοι (Lacedaemonians) Lacedaemonia (5:9) ‫ܘܢܐ‬ ܺ ‫ ܽܠ‬for Greek Λυσίας Lysias (10:11) ‫ܘܣ ܰܝܐܣ‬ ܺ ‫ ܽܠ‬for Greek Λυσίας Lysias (11:1) ‫ܘܣ ܳܝܘܣ‬

ܳ ܰ ܶ


Appendix 3: Names

ܺ ‫ ܠ‬for Greek Λυσίμαχος ܰ ‫ܘܣ‬ Lysimachus (4:29) ‫ܝܡ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ‬ ܰ ݁ ‫ ܰܡ‬for Greek Μακκαβαῖος Maccabaeus (2:19) ‫ܩܒܝ‬ ܳ ܽܶ ܰ ܳ Macedonian (8:20) ‫ܘ�ܝܐ‬ ܳ ܺ ݁ ‫ ܡ ܰܩ ݂ܕ‬for Greek Μακεδών Mattathias (14:19) ‫ܝܬܐ‬ ݂ ‫ ܡܬ‬for Greek Ματταθίας ܳ ‫ ܰܡ‬for Greek Μέμμιος Memmius (11:34) ‫ܘܣ‬ ܳ ܰ ܶ ‫ܡܝ‬ Menelaus (4:23) ‫ ܶܡܢ�ܘܣ‬for Greek Μενέλαος ܶ݁ ܰ Menestheus (4:21) ‫ܣܬ ܳ�ܘܣ‬ ‫ ܡܢ‬for Greek Μενεσθέας ܰ ܽ ݁ Mordecai (15:36) ‫ ܡܘܪܕܟܝ‬for Greek Μαρδοχαϊκός (Mordecai’s) ܶ ‫ ܽܡ‬for Greek Μωυσῆς Moses (1:29) ‫ܘܫܐ‬ Nanea (1:13) ‫ ܰ� ܺܢܝ‬for Greek Ναναία ܳ ‫ ܰܢܚ‬for Greek Νεεμίας Nehemiah (1:18) ‫ܡܝܐ‬ ܰ ‫ ܺܢ‬for Greek Νικάνωρ Nicanor (8:9) ‫ܝܩ ܳܢܘܪ‬ ܺ ݁ ‫ ܳܐ ܽܠ‬for Greek Ὀλύμπιος Olympian (6:2) ‫ܘܡܦ ܳܝܘܣ‬ ܺ ‫ ܽܚ‬for Greek Ονίας Onias (3:1) ‫ܘ� ܳܝܐ‬ ܳ ܰ Patroclus (8:9) ‫ ܦܛܪܩ�ܘܣ‬for Greek Πάτροκλος ܺ ܺ ܰ Pentecost (12:32) ‫ ܦܢ ܳܛ ܳܩܘܣܛܐ‬for Greek πεντηκοστή ܽ people of Mallus (4:30) ‫ ܡ� ̈ܘܛܝܶܐ‬for Greek Μαλλώτες ܳ ܳ ‫ܦܛ ̈ܘ‬ people of Ptolemais (13:25) ‫�ܡܝܶ ܰܐ‬ for Greek Πτολεμαεῖς ܳ ‫ ܛ‬for Greek Ταρσεῖς people of Tarsus (4:30) ‫�ܣܝܶܐ‬ ܶ ܳ Persia (1:12) ‫ ܦܪܣ‬for Greek Περσίς ܶ ܳ Persia (1:19) ‫ ܦܪܣ‬for Greek ἡ Περσική ܶ ܳ ܳ ‫ ܰܐ‬for Greek Περσίς Persia (9:21) ‫ܪܥܐ ݂ܕ ݁ܦܪܣ‬ ܳ ܺ ܺ Philip (5:22) ‫ ܦܝܠ ݁ܝܦܘܣ‬for Greek Φίλιππος ܳ ܳ ܺ Philometor (4:21) ‫ ܦܝ� ܶܡܛܘܪ‬for Greek Φιλομήτωρ ܺ ܺ ‫ ܽܦ‬for Greek Φοινίκη Phoenicia (3:5) ‫ܘܢܝܩܐ‬ ܽ Phrygian (5:22) ‫ܘܓ ܳܝܐ‬ Φρύξ ݂ܳ ‫ ܺܦܪ‬for ܺ Greek ܳ ݂ ‫ ܺܦܝܣ‬for Greek Ποσειδώνιος Posidonius (14:19) ‫ܝܣ‬ ‫ܘܢ‬ ‫ܝܕ‬ ܺ ܶ ܽ Ptolemais (13:24) ‫ܝܣ‬ ܳ ܶ ‫ܘ�ܡܐ‬ ܽ ‫ ܦܛ‬for Greek Πτολεμαΐς Ptolemy (1:10) ‫ ܦܛܘ�ܡܐܘܣ‬for Greek Πτολεμαῖος ܳ ܺ Quintus (11:34) ‫ܩܘܝܢܛܘܣ‬ for Greek Κόϊντος ݂ܶ for Greek Ραζις Razis (14:37) ‫ܪܓܫ‬ ܳ ݂ ‫ ܳܪ‬for Greek Ῥόδοκος Rhodocus (13:21) ‫ܘܕ ܳܩܘܣ‬ ܳ ‫ ܪ ܽ ̱ܗ‬for Greek Ῥωμαῖος Roman (4:11) ‫ܘܡ ܳܝܐ‬ ܺ ‫ ܳܫ‬for Greek Σαμάρεια Samaria (12:35) ‫ܡܪܝܢ‬ ܳ ܽ Scythians (4:47) ‫ ܣܩ ̈ܘ ݂ܬ�ܶܐ‬for Greek Σκύθες ܳ �ܶ ‫ ܶܣ‬for Greek Σέλευκος Seleucus (3:3) ‫ܘܩܘܣ‬ ܺ ܺ ‫ ܰܣ‬for Greek Σενναχηρειμ Sennacherib (8:19) ‫ܢܚܪ ݂ܝܒ‬ ܽ Simon (3:4) ‫ ܺܣܝܥܘܢ‬for Greek Σίμων ܽ ܶ for Greek Σίμων Simon (8:22) ‫ܫܡܥܘܢ‬ ܶ for Greek Σαλωμών ܽ ‫ܫܠ‬ Solomon (2:8) ‫ܝܡܘܢ‬ ܰ ݁ ‫ܘܣ‬ ܳ ‫ܝܦ‬ ܺ ‫ ܳܣ‬for Greek Σωσίπατρος Sosipater (12:19) ‫ܛܪܘܣ‬ ܽ

Appendix 3: Names

ܰ Sostratus (4:28) ‫ܘܣܛܪܛܘܣ‬ ‫ ܽܣ‬forܰ Greek Σώστρατος ܳ ܺ Tarsus or Tharseas (3:5)ܳ ‫ܘܣ‬ ܳ ܶ ‫ ܬܪܣܝ‬for Greek Θρασαίου (of Tharseas) ܳ Theodotus (14:19) ‫ܘܣ‬ ܰ ‫ ܬ ܐ ݂ܘܕܛ‬for Greek Θεόδοτος ܳ ܳ Thracian (12:35) ‫ܪܩܝܐ‬ ܳ ܶ ‫ ܳ ܬ‬forܺ Greek Θρᾷξ Timothy (8:30) ‫ܝܡ ݂ܬܐ ܺܘܣ‬ ‫ ܛ‬for Greek Τιμόθεος ܳ Titus (11:34) ‫ ܛ ܽܛܘܣ‬for Greek Τίτος ܺ ݁ ‫ ܛ‬for Greek Τωβίας Tobias (3:11) ‫ܘܒ ܳܝܐ‬ ܽ Toubiani (12:17) ‫ ܛ ̈ܘ ݂ܒ ܳ�ܢܶܐ‬for Greek Τουβιαηνοί Tyre (4:18) ‫ ܽܨܘܪ‬for Greek Τύρος ܳ Tyrian (4:48) ‫ ܽܨܘܪ ܳ�ܐ‬for Greek Τύριος Zacchaeus (10:19) ‫ ܰܙ ݁ ܰܟܝ‬for Greek Ζακχαῖος ܳ

Replacement of Individual Letters

ܳ ‫ ܰܒ‬for Greek Εκβάτανα (Ecbatana) Batana (9:3) ‫ܛܢܢ‬ ܺ ݁ ‫ ܺܒ‬for Greek Βακχίδης (Bachhides) Bicrius (8:30) ‫ܝܟܪ ܳ�ܘܣ‬ ܳ ܳ Gazara (13:24) ‫ ܓܙ ܪ ܐ‬for Greek Γερρηνῶν (of the people of Gerar) 2 ܽ Macron (10:12) ‫ ܰܡܩܪܘܢ‬for Greek Μάκρων (Macron) ܺ Manilius (11:34) ‫ ܰܡ ܺܢܝ� ܳܝܘܣ‬for Greek Μάνιος (Manius) ܺ ‫ ܽܡ‬for Greek Μωδεϊν (Modein) Moreim (13:14) ‫ܘܪܥܝܡ‬ ܽ ݂ ‫ ܰܪ‬for Greek Δημοφών (Demophon) Remophon (12:2) ‫ܡܦܘܢ‬ Replacement of Words

Aleppo (13:4) ‫ ܰܚܠ ݂ܒ‬for Greekܰ Βέροια (Beroea) ܺ �ܽ ‫ ܐ ݁ ܳܦ‬for Greek Ἀπολλοφάνης (Apollophanes) Apollonius (10:37) ‫ܘܣ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝ‬ ܰ ܳ ‫ ܐ‬for Greek Συριακός (Syriac or Syrian) Aramaic (15:36) ‫ܪܡ ܳܝܐ‬ ܳ Bayshan (12:29) ‫ ܰܒܝܫܢ‬for Greek Σκυθῶν πόλις (Scythopolis) ܶ Egypt (1:1) ‫ ܶܡ�ܪܝܢ‬for Greek Αἴγυπτος ܶ ‫ ܳܟ ܽܢܘܢ‬for Greek Χασελευ (Chislev) First Kanun (1:9) ‫ܩܕ ܶܡ‬ Greece (14:1) ‫ ܐ ܳ ܰܠܣ‬for Greek Τρίπολις (Tripolis) ܳ �ܰ for Greek Ἑλληνισμός Hellenism (4:13) ‫ܘܬ ܐ‬ ݂ ‫ܘ� ܽܝ‬ ܺ ܶ‫ ܒܥ‬for Greek Ζεύς (Zeus) Lord of Heaven (6:2) ‫ܠܫܡܝܢ‬ ܳ ‫ ܺܢ‬for Greek Ξανθικός (Xanthicus) Nisan (11:33) ‫ܝܣܢ‬ ܺ ܶ ܳ Second Teshri (11:21) ‫ ܬܫܪܝ ܐ̱ܚܪܝ‬for Greek Διὸς Κορινθίος (Dioscorinthius) ܺ Syria (3:5) ‫ ܽܣܘܪ ܰ�ܐ‬for Greek Κοίλη Συρία (Coelesyria)



The only form of this word appears in the genitive.



Appendix 3: Names


ܰ ‫ܡܕ‬ ܺ ݂ for Greek Περσέπολις Persepolis (9:2) ‫ܝܢ ݂ܬ ݁ܦܪܣ‬ ̈ ܶ ܰ for Greek Ασιδαῖοι (Hasideans)3 Singers (14:6) ‫ܡܫ ݁ܒ ܳܚܢܐ‬ ܶ ܳ



See pages xxxv–xxxvi above for a discussion of this translation.

APPENDIX 4: SYRIAC CHAPTER DIVISIONS Two distinct systems of chapter divisions are represented within Syriac manuscripts. First, western Syriac manuscripts of the entire bible beginning at least as early as the fifteenth century include a distinct set of chapter numbers. 1 This system divides the four books of Maccabees into fifty-two separate chapters, numbered from 1 to 19 (1 Maccabees), 20 to 35 (2 Maccabees), 36 to 42 (3 Maccabees), and 43 to 52 (4 Maccabees). This set of chapter divisions also appears in the text and translation below. Second, over ten manuscripts from the East Syriac tradition feature a standardized collection of texts that evidence a distinct system of chapter divisions for the first three books of Maccabees. 2 The First Book of Maccabees appears at the beginning of the collection and is divided into twenty-one chapters, numbered from 1 to 21. The Second and Third Book of Maccabees follow, and their chapters have two numbering systems. The first number counts the individual chapters in each book (from 1 to 18 for 2 Maccabees and from 1 to 8 for 3 Maccabees). The second number records the running tally of chapters in the collection as a whole (from 22 to 39 for 2 Maccabees and from 40 to 47 for 3 Maccabees). The numbering systems have been compared in five manuscripts from this set. 3 One of these five manuscripts, which dates to the nineteenth century, includes the chapter divisions known from the Walton polyglot printing for the First

Five manuscripts were consulted on these chapter numbers: Diyarbakır, Meryem Ana Kilisesi, 1/1 (DIYR 00002) (15a3); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Or. 141 (17a3) and Poc. 391 (17a4); Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Syr. 11 (15/14a1); Rome, Vatican Library, Sir. 7 (17a8). 2 The Peshiṭta Institute, List, 7, calls this group ‘Apocryphal books’ and assigns it the siglum ‘e.’ The books that appear in this collection are 1–3 Maccabees, 1–2 Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, Wisdom of Solomon, Judith, Esther, Susanna, the Epistle of Jeremiah, the Epistle of Baruch, and Baruch. 3 These are Alqosh, Chaldean Diocese, 22 (DCA 00022); Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Sachau 90 (17e1); Irbil, Chaldean Archdiocese, 3 (ACE 00003); London, British Library, Or. 4397 (19e1); Manchester, John Rylands Library, Rylands Syr. 3 ([19/]16e1). 1



Appendix 4: Syriac Chapter Divisions

and Second Books of Maccabees in addition to the distinctive East Syriac chapters. 4 Chapter Divisions of 2 Maccabees in West Syriac Pandect Manuscripts

20 - 1:1 21 - 2:19 22 - 3:18 23 - 4:11 24 - 4:40 (starting with ‫ܘܪܝܫܐ‬ 25 - 5:21 26 - 7:1 27 - 7:39 28 - 8:28 29 - 9:19 30 - 10:24 31 - 11:21 32 - 12:20 33 - 13:13 34 - 14:24 35 - 15:6 (starting with ‫ܝܗܘܕܐ‬

‫)ܗܘܐ ܠܗ ܡܥܕܪܢܐ‬

‫)ܘܝܠܦ ܗܘܐ ܥܠ ܕܒܝܬ‬

Chapter Divisions of 2 Maccabees in East Syriac Apocryphal Collections 1–22 - 1:1 2–23 - 2:4 (starting with ‫)ܟܕ ܕܝܢ ܢܦܩ ܠܛܘܪܐ‬ 3–24 - 3:1 4–25 - 3:31 5–26 - 4:21 6–27 - 4:48 7–28 - 5:23 (starting with ‫)ܐܢܛܝܟܘܣ ܕܝܢ ܐܝܬܘܗܝ ܗܘܐ‬ 8–29 - 6:28 (starting with ‫)ܘܟܕ ܗܠܝܢ ܐܡܪ‬ 9–30 - 7:26 10–31 - 8:16 11–32 - 9:7 12–33 - 10:8

4 This is London, British Library, Or. 4397 (19e1). 1–3 Maccabees are included in the Walton Polyglot: Brian Walton, ed., Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, 6 vols. (London, 1654–1657).

Appendix 4: Syriac Chapter Divisions 13–34 - 11:1 14–35 - 11:38 15–36 - 12:29 16–37 - 13:20 17–38 - 14:27 18–39 - 15:11 (starting with ‫ܠܗܘܢ‬

‫)ܘܐܫܬܥܝ ܗܘܐ‬


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They determined among them not to let this day become obscure, but to let this day be recognized by them on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month — Adar as it is called in Aramaic — one day before Mordecai’s day.

This is the way that it was concerning Nicanor and everything that happened in those days. From that time, the Hebrews maintained authority in their city. Let me then end my words. If they are arranged well and excellently, I have wished for this, but if insufficiently and poorly, let me be forgiven for this.

Just as if someone drinks wine alone or water by itself, they do not make the soul rejoice, but, if wine is mixed with water, it is mild and completes its blessing for those who drink it, so also the arrangement and composition of a word brings joy and delight to the hearing of those who read and study with care, seek, and ask. So, let the end of the words of the narrative be here. ENDED IS THE SECOND VOLUME OF MACCABEES






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Nicanor’s people waged war with harps, lyres, and the music of horns. Judas’s people attacked them with prayer and petition.

They waged war with their hands and prayed and cried out to God in their hearts. They attacked and slaughtered about 1 thirty-five thousand of them. They rejoiced and exulted about the help of God who was with them.

When they stopped and turned from war, while rejoicing, giving thanks, and honoring God, they learned that Nicanor had fallen in war with all the soldiers who were connected to him. Fear and disorder came through his army, but Judas’s people gave thanks and blessed the Lord in the language of [their] ancestors. That one, who in everything was handing his soul and body to all punishments for the people of his nation and city and who was joyously the military general of the people of his nation for all his days, commanded them to cut off Nicanor’s head and hand with his shoulder and bring them to Jerusalem.

When Maccabaeus came to Jerusalem, he summoned the people of his nation and the priests before the altar. He also sent and summoned the people in the citadel. He showed them the head of unclean Nicanor and the hand of the blasphemer which he had raised against the temple of God, the ruler of all, with pride and haughtiness.

He cut off the wicked one’s tongue from his head and severed it little by little. He said that it should be given to the birds. He then fastened his hand opposite the temple. Then everyone blessed the Lord, the heavenly one, and cried out, saying, “Honored are you Lord, who kept your place clean.”

He fixed Nicanor’s head in a high and recognized place on the citadel so that it would be visible to everyone and the deliverance of our God would be known.


‘about’: Greek ‘no less than’ (οὐδὲν ἧττον).


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬









‫݁ ܶ ܺ ܰ ܳ ݁ܶ ݁ ܺ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܶ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰܡܩ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܒܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܬ�ܐ ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ܟ��ܐ‪݂ .‬ܘܒܙܡܪܐ ݂ܕܩ� ܢ ݂‬ ‫ܟܗ ܕ ݂ܒܝ ݂ܬ ܢܝܩܢܘܪ ܕܝܢ ܒܩ ݂‬ ‫ܺܽ ܳ ܰ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦ� ̱ܘ ݁ܒ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܘ ܰ ݂ܘܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ �ܗ ݂ܘܕܐ ݂ܒܨܠ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ܒܥ ݂‬ ‫ܰܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܶ ܰ ܳ̈ ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ̈ ܽ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ــܘ ݂ܬ‬ ‫ܘܓܥܶܝــܢ‬ ‫ܟܙ ܰ ݂ܘܒܐܝ ݂ ܰܕܝ ـܗܘܢ ܡܩ ݂ܪܒ ܶܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܒ ܰ� ݁ܒــܘ ݂ܬܗ ܺܘܢ ܡܨܠܝــܢ ܰ ̱ܗܘܘ ݂ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘܐܪ ܺܡܝܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܛ� ̱ܘ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ ܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܬ ܳܠ ݂ܬܝܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝــܢ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ݂ܐܬ ݁ ܰܒ ܰܣܡـ ̱ܘ‬ ‫݂ ܳܘܕ� ̱ܘ ܰܥܠ ܽ�ܥ ݂ܘܕ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܰܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠܝܘ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܺ‬ ‫ܗܦ ݂ܟ ̱ܘ ܶܡـܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܚ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡـ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܳܒـܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܳܚ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܢ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫ ݁ܒ ܺܚܝــܢ � ܳ�ـ ܳܗܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ݁ ܳܦ� ̈ܶܚـܐ ܕ ܰܢ ܺܩ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢܘܪ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦܠ ݁ ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ� ܶ� ݂ܦ ̱ܘ ܰܥܠ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܳܒܐ‪ܰ :‬ܥܡ ݁ ܽܟ�ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܦܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܶܪ ݂ܟـ ̱ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ‪ܰ :‬ܐ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܕܝــܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ‪݁ .‬ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܟܛ ܘܗܘܐ ܙܘܥܐ ܘ ܳܪܗ ݂ܒܐ ݂ܒܡܫܪ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܒ ܶ� ܳܫ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳܐܒ ̈ܗ ݂ܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܶܫܗ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦܓ ܶܪܗ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܠ ܰܘ ݂ܦ ܰܩ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟܠ ܽܐ ̈ܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܨ ܢܶܐ‪:‬‬ ‫̱‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܺ ݁ܽ ܽ ܰ ̈ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ݁ ܰ ̈ ݁ ܰ̈ ܰ ܶ ܰ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܺܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫـܐ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܐܦܝ ܒܢܝ ܥܡܗ‪ :‬ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ܟ�ܗܘܢ ܝـܘܡ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܗ‪ .‬ܘܚ ݂ܕ�ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܕܩ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܰܢ̈ܝ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪݁ :‬ܕܢ ݂ܦܣܩܘܢ ܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܫܗ ݁ܕܢܝܩܢܘܪ ܘ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܕܗ ܥܡ ݁ܟ ݂ܬ ݁ܦـܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬܘܢ ܶܐ ܽܢܘܢ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܢ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ � ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‪ .‬ܩـ ܳ‬ ‫ـܪܐ ܰܠ ݂ܒ ܰ̈ܢـܝ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ ܰܘ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫� ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܐ ݂ܬ ܐ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫�ܟ ̈ܗܢܶـܐ ܩـ ݂ ܳـܕܡ ܰܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܚـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ܰܠ ݂ܒ ܰܢ̈ܝ ܶܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܕ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܫ ـܗ ݁ܕ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚ ـ ܺܘܝ ܶܐ ܽܢ ـܘܢ ܺܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢــܘܪ ܰܛ ܳܡ ـܐܐ‪ܺ :‬ܘܐܝـ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܰ‬ ‫ـܕܗ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܓ ݁ܕ ݂ ܳܦ ܳܢ ـܐ‪ܳ :‬ܗܝ ݁ ܰܕܐܪܺܝــܡ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫݁ ܽ ܳܳ ܰ ܳܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܩܒܠ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ ܶܠܗ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܽܠܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܕ ݁ ܽܟܠ‪ :‬ܒܫ ݂ܘܒܗܪܐ ܘ ݂ܒܪܡ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ ܐ ܺܚ ݂‬ ‫ܠܓ ܰܘ ݂ܦ ܰܣܩ ܶ� ܳܫ ܶܢـܗ ݁ܕ ܰܪ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫـܗ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘܩܛܥܶـܗ ܰܩ ܺܠܝــܠ ܰܩ ܺܠܝــܠ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܥـܐ ܶܡـܢ ܺܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܕܗ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܩ ݂ܒ ܳܥ ̇ܗ ܽܠ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܬܐ‪ܺ .‬ܘ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ�‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܕܢܶ ݂ܬܝ ܶܗ ݂ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܠܦܪ ݂‬ ‫ܘܓܥܶܝــܢ ܗ ܰܘܘ ܳܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܕܝܢ ݁ ܽܟ�ـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ݁ ܰܒ ܶܪ ݂ܟـ ̱ܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܡ ܳ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܕ ܳܗ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܝــܢ‪.‬‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܪ� ܰـܐ ܥܡـܘܪܐ ݂ܕܫܡܝـܐ‪݂ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܡ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܒܚ ܰܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ ܽܗܘ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ ݂ ܰܕܢܛܪ ݁ܬ ܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ݂ܟ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܟܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܗ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢܘܪ‪ܰ :‬ܩ ݂ܒܥܶܗ ݁ ܰܒ ݂ܐܬ ܳܪ ܐ ܳܪ ܳܡܐ ܺܘ ݂ ܺܝܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܗ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܕ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܪܕ ܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶܡـ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܥܐ ܽܠ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ ݁ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟܠ ܐ̱ ܳܢܫ‪ܺ .‬ܘ ݂ ܺܝܕܝܥ ݁ ܽܦܘܪ ܳܩܢܶܗ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܐ� ܰܗܢ‪.‬‬


Ch. 









When Judas’s companions heard these words, they were comforted by the good words and were greatly empowered. For [the words] were able to empower, increase, make those who heard them mighty, and bring to completion the souls of the youth. They determined in their souls not to trust in the terrors and preparations of war, but to be strengthened in all might and to give themselves over to punishment with a full mind for the sake of the holy city, the holy temple, and the whole sanctuary.

As for their wives, children, brothers, and kin, they were a little less concerned, as their great suffering and concern was for the sake of the holy temple.

The battle and suffering experienced by those 1 who remained in the city was not slight, for they were afraid and suffering from the trouble of war.

While all of them waited for the coming judgment, they approached and the war was drawn up against them. The elephants were prepared and stood in their lines, and the cavalry were armed and stood in their places.

When Judas Maccabaeus saw their ranks, the strength of the enemies’ army, their armaments, and the preparation of the elephants’ savagery, he raised his hands to heaven. He prayed and cried out to God who performed wonders and great deeds, for he knew that victory does not come in battle through arms but by the one who wishes to give victory.

He spoke, as he was praying and petitioning, in this manner, “You, Lord, sent your angel in the days of King Hezekiah of Judah, and he slaughtered one hundred eighty-five thousand in the camp of Sennacherib. 2

Now, powerful and heavenly one, send a good angel before us, and let him cast down and release trembling, terror, and disorder on them.

By the might and greatness of your arm, let those fall who came against your holy nation with blasphemy.” Judas ended with these words. 1 2

‘experienced by those’: lit. ‘which those had’. See 2 Kings 19:35–36; Isaiah 37:36.


‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬

‫ܶ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ ܺܕ ܽܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ̈ܡ�‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܒ ܰܝܐܘ ݁ܒ ܶܡ ܰ�ܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ ܰܫ ݁ ܺܦܝ ܳ� ݂ܬ ܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ̱ܘ ܳ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܚ ݂ܒ� ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܢܚ ̈ܝ ܳܠـܢ ܰܘܢـܘ� ݂ ܳܒܢ ܰܘ ܰܢܥ ̈ܫ ܳܢـܢ � ܶ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܚ ܰܝ� ̱ܘ ܛـ ݂ܒ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ̈ܫ ݁ܟ ܳܚـܢ ̱ܗ ܰ ̈ܘܝ ݁ ܶܓܝــܪ ݁ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ܰ ܳ ܰ ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܳܫ ܺ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܥ�ܝ̈ ܶܡـܐ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܚ ܰܫ ݂ܒـ ̱ܘ ݁ܒ ܰܢ ݂ ̈ܦ ܳܫـ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪݁ :‬ܕ�‬ ‫ܡܥܝܢ �ܗܝܢ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܢܓܡ�ܢ ܢ ݂ܦܫـ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܶ ݁ܬ ݁ ܰܬ ݂ܟ ܽ�ܘܢ ܰܥܠ ܶܣ ݂ܕ ܶ�ܐ ܘ ܽ�ـ ̈ܘ ݁ ܳܬ ݂ ܶܕ ܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܢـܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܳܒـܐ‪ .‬ܐ � ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟـܠ� ݁ܓܢ̱ܒـܪ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ݁ ܽ ܰ ܽ ܽ ܳ ܳ ݁ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܰ݁ ܰ ̈ ܺ ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ـܬܐ ܩܕܝܫـ‬ ‫ܘܢܬܠܘܢ ܢ ݂ܦܫܗܘܢ �ܘ�ܨ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܒܪܥ�ܢܐ ܡ�ܝܐ ܥܠ ܐܦܝ ݂‬ ‫ܝܫܐ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ܰܐ ݁ ܰܦ ̈ܝ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ ܳ� ܰܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܡ ݁‬ ‫ܩܕ ܳܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ݁ ܽܟ ܶܠܗ ݁ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰܥܠ ܢܶ ܰܫ ̈ܝـ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ ܶܓܝــܪ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܰ� ̈ܝـ ܽܗܘܢ ܰܘ ܰܐܚ ̈ܝـ ܽܗܘܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫ� ݂ ܳܒـ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡـ ݁ ܶܕܡ ܽܗܘ ݂ܒ ܺܨܝــܪ‬ ‫ܳ� ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܨܦܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪ܰ .‬ܚ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܗܘܢ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘ� ݂ܦ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܰ :‬ܥܠ ܰܐ ݁ ܰܦ ̈ܝ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ ܳ� ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪̱ �ܳ :‬ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽܙܥܘܪ ܰܐ ܽܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܐ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܕ ݂ ܳܦܫ ̱ܘ ̱ܗܘܘ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܘܚ ܳܫܐ ݂ ܺܕܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܫܝܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ܽ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܳܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܨ ݂ ܰܝܕܝܗܘܢ‪݁ .‬ܕ݂ܕ�ܡܐ ܢ ݂ܕܚ�ܘܢ ܘܢ ݂ܬ ݁ܒ�ܪܘܢ ܡܢ ݂ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬ ܰܕܪ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟــ ݂ܕ ݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫�ــܗܘܢ ܡ ܰܣ ݁ ܶܟܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫�ܕ ܳܝܢــܐ ݂ܕ ܳܗ ܶܘܐ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬ ܰܩ ܰܪ ݂ܒــ ̱ܘ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܳܒــܐ‬ ‫ܣــ ݁ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܡ ̱ܘ ݁ ܺܦܝ̈� ݂ܒ ܶܣ ݂ܕ ܰ� ܽܝܗܘܢ‪ܳ .‬ܐ ݂ܦ ݁ ܰܦ ܳ� ܶܫܐ ܶܐ ݁ ܰܙܕ ܰ�ܢ ̱ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܒ� ܽܗܘܢ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ݁ܐܬ ܰܛ ܰܝ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܽܠ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܡـ ̱ܘ‬ ‫݁ܒ ݂ ܽܕ ̈ܘ ݁ܟ ܳܝ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܰܡܩ ݁ ܰܒܝ ܶܣ ݂ܕ ܰ� ܽܝܗܘܢ‪ܽ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܚܝــ� ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒܥܶ� ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܶܒـܐ‪ :‬ܘ ܽܥـ ݁ܘܬ ݂ ܳܕ ܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݂ܕ ܰܙ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܰܠ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝـܐ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘ� ݂ ܳܒܐ ݂ܕ ܰܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܨ ܺܠـܝ ܰܘ ݂ܓ ܳܥـܐ‬ ‫ܝܚ ܽܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܺܦܝ̈�‪ :‬ܐܪܺܝܡ ܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ܰ ܰ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ݁ܬ݂ܕܡ ܳ� ݂ܬ ܐ ܰܘ ݂ܓ ݂ ܰܒ� ܳܘ ݂ܬ ܐ‪ܳ .‬ܝ ݂ ܰܕܥ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܶܓܝܪ‪݁ :‬ܕ� ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܳܙ ݂ ܽܟ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫�ܘܬ ܐ�ܗܐ‪ :‬ܗܘ ܕ ݂‬ ‫݂ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܶܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܽ ܳ ܶ ܶ݁ܶ ܳܽ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܒ ݂ܬ ݂ܟܬܘܫܐ ݂ܒܙܝܢܐ‪ .‬ܐ � ܐܢ �ܡܢ ܕܗܘ � ݂ܒܐ ݂ܕܢܬܠ ܙ ݂ܟ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܡܨ ܶ� ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܐ ܰܡܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ‪ܰ .‬ܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ ܰܫـ ݁ ܰܕ ݁ܪܬ ܰܡ� ݂ ܳܟـ ݂ܟ ݁ܒ ܰ�ـ ̈ܘ ܳܡ ݂ܬܗ‬ ‫݁ ܶ ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ܳ ܺ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܰ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬܗ ݁ܕ ܰܣ ܺ‬ ‫ܢܚ ܺܪܝـ ݂ـܒ‪ܳ :‬ܡـܐܐ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܳܡ ܺܢܐܝـܢ‬ ‫ܕܚܙܩܝܐ ܡ�ܟܐ ݂ܕܝــܗ ݂ܘܕܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܩܛـܠ ܒܡܫܪܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܚ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܥ ܽܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܬ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ܰ :‬ܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܰܡ ܰ� ݂ ܳܟـܐ ܳܛ ݂ ܳܒـܐ ܩـ ݂ ܳـܕܡ ܰܐ ݁ ܰܦ ̈ܝـܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܳܫܐ ܰܚ‬ ‫ܪܡـܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܥܬܐ ܘܪܗ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܘܙ ݂‬ ‫ܫܪܐ ݂ܒ ܽܗܘܢ ݂ܪܬ ݂‬ ‫ܶܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܽܥܘܫܢܶܗ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܰܪ ݁ ܽܒـ ݂ܘܬܶܗ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܕ ܳܪ ܳܥـ ݂ܟ ܢܶ ݁ܦ ܽ�ـܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ܽܢـܘܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܽܓ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂ ܳܦـܐ ܐ ݂ܬܘ ܰܥـܠ� ܰܥ ܳܡـ ݂ܟ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܰܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ‪ܺ .‬ܘ ܽܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ̈ܡ� ܰܫ ܶܠܡ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

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He instructed them in the law and the prophets and reminded them of the mighty acts and battles that they had accomplished before. He empowered and encouraged them. He awoke fury and zeal in them, while he also was exhibiting to them the wickedness of the nations and that they had broken oaths.

Judas armed and girded each of them, not with swords and shields but with good words of comfort, encouragement, and power. He told them of a vision that he had seen and that was deemed worthy to be accepted and believed. When they heard it, they all rejoiced.

This is the narrative of the vision that he saw. He saw the priest Onias, who was a fine and good man, whose countenance was modest, who was humble by nature, whose word was mild and noble, and who had been instructed from his youth in all that was good and right for the covenant. In his vision, he saw this one, stretching out his hands 1 and praying for the whole nation of the Jews. Afterwards, a man appeared to him in good old age and great praise. His appearance was outstanding and remarkable beauty was upon him. Onias responded and said about him, “This is the prophet Jeremiah, the friend of his brothers, who petitions, supplicates, and prays greatly on behalf of the nation and the holy city.”

Jeremiah stretched out his right hand and gave a golden lance to Judas. Then he said to him, “Receive this lance as a gift from God so that you might strike and break all your enemies with it.”


‘stretching out his hands’: lit. ‘his hands were stretched out’.




‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܒܝ̈ܶܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܰܡ ݂ܕ ݁ ܰܟـܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܶܡܢ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݁ܪܬܶ ܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ݁ܓ ݂ ܰܒـ� ܳܘ ݂ܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܶܝܠ ܶܐ ܽܢܘܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܝܡ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܓ ̈ܘ ܢܶܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡܢ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘ� ݁ ܶܒ ݂ܒ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ݁ ܽ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ݁ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܽܪܘܫܥـ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܚـ ܶܘܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܬܐ ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܛ� ܳܢـܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܐܥܝܪ ܒܗܘܢ ܚ ݂‬ ‫݁ ܰ ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰܥ ̈ܡ ܶܡܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܡܝܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܛ� ܳ‬ ‫ܛܠܡ ̱ܘ ܒܡܘܡ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܶܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫�ܚـ ݂ܕ ܰܚـ ݂ܕ ܶܡܢـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܺ�ـ ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪݂ �ܳ :‬ܒ ܽ� ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܶܙܩ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘܙ�ܶܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܚـܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܰܣ ݁ܟـ ܶ�ܐ‪ :‬ܐ � ݂ܒ ̈ܡـ�‬ ‫ܽ ܽ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ̈ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܽ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܛ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ݁ܬ ݂ܘܒ ܶܚـ ܳܙܘܐ‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ܺܥܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �ـ‬ ‫ܝܠܬܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪ .‬ܘ‬ ‫ܘ�ܐܐ ܰܘ݂ܕ ܽܠܘ ݁ ܳܒ ݂ ܳܒܐ ܰܘ݂ܕ ܰܚ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܫܘܐ �ܡ ݂ܬܩ ݁ܒ�ܘ ܘ�ܡ ݂ܬܗܝܡܢܘ‪݂ .‬ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܫܡܥ ̱ܘ ܐ ݂ܬ ݁ܒܣܡ ̱ܘ ݁ܟ�ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ ܶ ̇ ܳ ݁ܶ ݁ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝـܐ ݂ ܳܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ܳܗ݂ ܶܕܐ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ܕ ܶܚ ܳܙܘܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܝܬܝܗ ̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ ܕܝܢ ܬܫܥ ܳ ݂‬ ‫ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܗܢـܐ‪ܺ ݁ :‬ܕܐܝـ ݂ܬ ̱‬ ‫ܘܛ ݂ ܳܒܐ‪ܽ .‬‬ ‫ܘܩـ ݂ܘܒ ̱ܠ ܶܗ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ ܰܫ ݁ ܺܦܝܪܐܳ‬ ‫ܘܒ ݂ܟ ܳ� ܶܢـܗ ܰܡ ݁ ܺܟܝـ ݂ـܟ ̱ܗܘܐ‪ܳ.‬‬ ‫ܢܟـ ݂ܦ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ܽ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݂ܶ‬ ‫݀‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܠܬܗ ܒܣܝܡـܐ ̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ ܘ�ܐ�ـܐ‪ .‬ܘܡـܢ ܛ�ܝـ ݂ܘܬܗ ݂ܪܕ ܐ ̱ܗܘܐ‪ .‬ܒ ݂ܟـܠ ܕܙ ݂ܕܩـܢ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ ݁ܰ ݁ ܺ ̈ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܘܡــܨ �‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ ܰܫ ݁ܦܝ�ܢ ܠܩܝܡܐ‪ .‬ܠܗ �ܗܢܐ ݂ܒܚܙܘܐ ܚــܙ ܐ‪ :‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܦܫܝ�ـܢ ܐܝـ ݂ܕ ̱‬ ‫ܰܥܠ ݁ ܽܟ ܶܠܗ ܰܥ ܳܡܐ ݂ ܺܕܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ ܰ݁ ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܬ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܝــܪܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܪܟــܢ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬܚــ ܺܙܝ ܶܠــܗ ݁ܓ ݂ܒــܪܐ ܚــ ݂ܕ ܒܣܝܒــ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܫܦ‬ ‫݂ܘܬ ݂ܘܒ ܡــܢ ܒ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ܽ ݁ ܳ ܰ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܫܒܘܚܬܐ ܪܒ ݂‬ ‫ܡܝـ ݁ܬܪܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܚـ ܳـܙ ݂ܬܗ‪ .‬ܘܪ ݁ ܽܒـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ܳ� ܽܐ�ـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ ܺܕܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥ� ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܐ ܶܘܐ ܰܡܪ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܝܐ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܢܐ ܽܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪݁ .‬ܕ ܳܗ ܰܢܘ ܶܐ ܰܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܒ ܳܝܐ ܳܪ ܶܚܡ ܐ ܰܚـܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓـܝ ݂ ܳܒܥܶـܐ‬ ‫ܥ� ܰ ̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܨ � ܰܥܠ ܐ ݁ ܰܦ ̈ܝ ܰܥ ܳܡܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ܰܫ ݂ܦ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ܬܐ ܩܕ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ݂‬ ‫ܡܝܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ܺܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܡܚܐ ݂ܕ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܒܐ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܦ ܰܫܛ ܰ� ܺܡܝܢܶܗ ܶܐ ܰܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܽܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܶ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܚـܐ ݂ܘܬܶ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܒـܪ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟ�ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܶܡܢ ܰܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ̇ܗ ݁ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܰܩ ݁ ܶܒܠ ݂ܗܕܐ ܪܘܡܚܐ ܡܘܗ ݂ܒ ݂‬ ‫݁ܒܥܶ� ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܰܒ ݁ܝܟ‪.‬‬


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Nicanor heard and learned that Judas’s people were near Samaria. He determined that on the day of rest, the sabbath, he would attack them suddenly 1 with many people. The Jews were subjected by him to much punishment and said to him, “Do not act in this way and destroy with severity unworthy people. Rather give praise for the great and holy day which is honored by the maker and creator of all.” The wicked and unclean one asked if there was a powerful one in heaven who had made a commandment regarding the day of the Sabbath.

They answered, “It is the living Lord. He is the powerful one in heaven. He commanded that the day of the sabbath be kept.” The unclean and wicked one answered, “Even I am powerful on the earth for I command you to take arms and to perform the king’s tasks.” But he did not finish making his unclean thought. Nicanor was lifted and raised up in much pride.

He learned that Judas’s people were gathered and prepared, and he became especially angry. 2

Judas Maccabaeus hoped and trusted entirely that God would bring him salvation.

He comforted and said to those with him, “Do not be afraid of the crowds of the nations that are coming against you.” He reminded them of and recalled the acts of help that had come from heaven previously. Thus, he said, “Look and wait for the victory that is coming to you from God, the ruler of all.” ‘suddenly’ reflects the Lucianic recension. The Lucianic recension has ‘with speechlessness’ (μετὰ ἀφασίας). The set Syriac phrase ‘suddenly’ literally translates as ‘from silence’.


2 The Greek states that Nicanor ‘determined that he would erect a public monument of victory over Judas’s people’ (διεγνώκει κοινὸν τῶν περὶ τὸν Ἰούδαν συστήσασθαι τρόπαιον).


‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬













‫ܨܚ ܠܗ‬






‫ܺ ܽ ܳ ݁ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܬܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢܘܪ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰܥـܠ� ݁ ܶܓܢ̱ـ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܫܡـܥ ܺܘܝ ܶܠـ ݂ܦ ܰܥـܠ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒܝـ ݂‬ ‫ـܬ �ـܗ ݂ܘܕܐ‪ :‬ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܰ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܫ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܡـܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ :‬ܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܪܝܢ‪ܶ .‬ܘܐ ݂ܬ ܰܪ ܺܥܝ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܶܡـܢ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫�ܝـܐ‬ ‫ܘܡـܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳܢܝ ܳܚـܐ ݂ܕܫܒـ ݂‬ ‫݂ܒ ܰܥ ܳܡܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝܐܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘ�ܨ ܳܢܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝܐܐ‪ܳ .‬ܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܡ ݂ܬܪ ܶܡܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܠܗ‪ܽ ݁ .‬ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܠـܗ‪� .‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܶ ܰ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܶܳ ܰ ݁ ܶ ݁ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܝ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܬܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡـܐ‬ ‫ܝܬ ��ܢܫܐ ݂ܕ� ܫܘܝܢ‪ .‬ܐ � ܗ ݂ܒ ܬܫܒ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ‪݂ :‬ܘܬܘܒ ݂ܕ ܩ‬ ‫ܫܝܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܐ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܝ ܰܩܪ ܶܡܢ ܳܥ ݂ ܽܒ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܽܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ�ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽܟܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܶ ݁ܶ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠܬ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܒ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ܕ ݂ ܰܦ ܶܩ ݂ܕ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܰܚ ݂‬ ‫ܪܫܝܥܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܘܛܡܐܐ ܫܐܠ‪ :‬ܕܐܢ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ� ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܕ ܰܫ ݁ܒ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ ܰܚ ܳܝـܐ‪ܽ .‬‬ ‫ܥܢـܘ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܶܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܬ ܳܢـܐ‬ ‫ܘ�ـܘ ܰܚ ݂‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ ̱ܘ ܶܠـܗ‪ .‬ܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ـܬ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ܽ .‬‬ ‫ܢܛܪ ܰ� ܳ‬ ‫݂ ܰܒ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܕ ܰܫ ݁ܒ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗܘ ݂ܦܩ ݂ܕ ܕܢ ݂ܬ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܛ ܳܡܐܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܬ ܳܢܐ ܐ̱ ܳܢـܐ ܰܥـܠ ܰܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܢܐ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܥܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܥـܐ‪݁ .‬ܕ ݂ ܳܦ ܶܩـ ݂ܕ ܐ̱ ܳܢـܐ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪ܳ .‬ܘ ݂ܐܦ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܰܚ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܽ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ ݁ܕ ݂ܬܶܣ ݂ ܽܒܘܢ ܰܙܝ ܳܢܐ‪݂ :‬ܘܬܶ ݁ܥܒـ ݂ ܽܕܘܢ ܶ� ݂ ̈ܒـ ܳܘ ݂ܬܶܗ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ‪ .‬ܘ� ܐ ݂ܬ ݁ܟ ܺܠـܝ ݂ܕ� ܢܶܣ ܽܥـܘܪ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܺ ܶ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ ܛ ܰܡ ݂ܐܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܬܪܥ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܰܩܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽܗܘ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢܘܪ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ܺܪܝܡ ݁ܒ ܽܫ ݂ܘܒ ܳܗ ܳܪܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝܐܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡ‬ ‫ܺ ܺ‬ ‫ܺ ܽ ܳ ݁ܰ ܺ ܺ ܶܽ ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܺܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܒܝــܢ‪ܽ .‬‬ ‫ܡܛ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ـܬ‬ ‫ܝܬ �ܗ ݂ܘܕܐ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܟܢܝܫܝܢ ܐܢܘܢ‪ .‬ܘ‬ ‫ܝܠ ݂ܦ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥܠ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܘܗܘ ܰ� ݁ܬ ܳܝܪܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܰ� ܰܙܙ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳܥ ݂ ܶܒـ ݂ܕ ܶܠـܗ ܐ ܳ�ـ ܳܗܐ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ‪ :‬ܡ ܰܣ ݁ ܰܒܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ݂ ܺܟܝܠ ܡܫ‬ ‫�ܡ ܳܢܐ ݂‬ ‫݂ ܽܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܩ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܡܒ ܰܝܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܳܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ‪݁ .‬ܕ� ܢܶ ݂ܕܚ ܽ�ـܘܢ ܶܡـܢ ݁ ܶܟܢ̈ ܶܫـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡـܐ ݂ ܳܕ ݂ܐܬܝـܢ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܡܥ ̱ ܶ ݂ܗܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܩܕܝــܡ ݁ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݁ܬ݁ܕ ݂ ܰܟܪ ݁ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ܽܥ ݂ܘܕ ܳ� ܢܶܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡܢ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܗܘܘ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘ�ܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܶܡܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܐ ܰܡܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪݁ .‬ܕ ܽܚܘܪ ̱ܘ ܘ ܰܣ ݁ ܰܟܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܙ ݂ ܽܟ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ܳܗ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟـܘܢ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܕ ݁ ܽܟܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܡܢ ܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ ܐ ܺܚ ݂‬


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He was previously under judgment, when mixing with the nation of the Jews was not allowed, for he yielded his life and his body with all prayers and petitions for the sake of the practice 1 of Judaism.

Nicanor, because he wished to show his hatred for the Jews, sent about 2 five hundred of his soldiers to seize him.

He said, “When I seize this one, I will cause great weeping for the Jews.”

When the crowd came and surrounded his courtyard, they sought to open the doors and set them on fire. When he saw that they had drawn near to seize him, he drew his sword and struck his own stomach, because he wished to die freely and not be handed over to wicked and iniquitous people and have them lessen the honor of his old age. His strike was not successful because of the haste and disorder. When the crowds entered inside from the door of the courtyard, he leapt up and went up the wall bravely and powerfully. He then threw himself in the middle of the crowds. Upon seeing him, they immediately moved and made room.

While he was still alive and kindled with zealous fury, he leapt up and stood, with much blood being poured out from him, since his wounds were severe. He ran and crossed through the whole crowd. He then stood on a high stone. He was completely wallowing in blood, and he brought out his intestines. He held them with both hands and showed them to the nation. He prayed, petitioned, and called on the one who had authority over life and the spirit to give them back to him. Then he departed the world.

1 2

‘practice’ or ‘life’ or ‘manner of life’. ‘about’: Greek ‘more than’ (ὑπέρ).




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‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܓܝܪ ܶܡܢ ܩ ݂ ܺܕܝܡ ݁ܒ ݂ ܺܕ ܳܝܢܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘ� ܳܫ ݂ ܶܒܩ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܰܚ ܽ�ܘܛـܐ ݂ܒ ܰܥ ܳܡـܐ‬ ‫ܠܚ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݀‬ ‫̈‬ ‫̈‬ ‫�ܡܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܶܫܗ ݂ܘܦܓܪܗ ݁ܒ ݂ܟܠ ܰ‬ ‫ܺܕܝ ܽܗܘ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪ܰ .‬ܡܫ ܳ‬ ‫�ܨ�ܘܢ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒ�ـ ܳܘܢ‪ܰ :‬ܥـܠ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂ ܰ݁ ܰ ̈ ݂ ݁ܽ ܳ ܶ ܺ ܽ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܝ ܕ ݂ܘܒ�ܐ ݂ܕܝܗ ݂ܘܕ� ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܠܛ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܠـܗ ܰܥـܡ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ ܶ�ـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢܘܪ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܡܛܠ ݁ܕ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕ ܰ� ܰܘ݂ܕܥ ܶܣܢܶ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ݂ ܺܕ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܐ ݂ܝܟ ܰܚ ܶܡܫ ܳܡܐܐ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܳܦ� ܰܚܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܚܕ ܳܘܢܝ ̱ܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܶܐ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ܺܠܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡ ܐ ܰܡܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܶܓܝܪ‪݁ :‬ܕ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܩܬܐ ܪܒ ݂‬ ‫�ܗ ܳܢܐ ܐ ܽܚ ݂ܘܕ‪ .‬ܥ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܡܐ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܐ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ݂ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܫܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚ ݂ܕ ܽܪ ̇‬ ‫�ܕ ݁ܪܬܗ‪ܳ ݁ :‬ܒܥܶܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ܕܢܶ ݂ܦ ݁ܬ ܽܚـܘܢ ݁ܬ� ܶܥـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘܢـܘܩ ݂ ܽܕܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܗ ݂‬ ‫ܫܩـܠ ܰܣ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܚܕ ܳܘܢܝـ ̱ܗܝ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܶܐ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ܒ ܽܢܘ ܳܪܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܽܗܘ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ܒـ ̱ܘ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܦـܐ ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܚـܐ‬ ‫݂ܒ ݂ ܰܟܪ ܶܣܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܶ ܰ ܰ ܳܶ‬ ‫ܳܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ـܬ ܽ‬ ‫ܢܡ ـ ݂ܘܬ‪ܳ :‬ܘ� ܢܶ ݁‬ ‫�� ـ ̈ܘ�‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܬ ܶܠ ـܡ ��ܫܝܥ ـܐ ܘ‬ ‫ܡܒ ܶܡܛ ـܠ ܺ ݁ܕ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒ ـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕ ܺ ܶܚܐܪܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰܢܨ ܽ‬ ‫ܥܪܘܢ ܐ ܳܝܩ ܳܪܐ ݂ܕ ܰܣ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܒ ݂ܘܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ݀ ܽ ܶ‬ ‫ܽ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܥ� ̱ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓܘ ݁ ܶܟܢ̈ ܶܫܐ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫ܡܚ ݂ܘܬܗ ܶܡܛܠ ܣܘܪܗ ݂ܒܐ ܘܪܗ ݂ܝܒ‬ ‫ܡܓ ܘ� ܥܢ ݂ܬ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ـܬ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ‪ :‬ܘܫـ ݂ ܳـܕܐ‬ ‫ܝܠܬܢܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܘܚ ݂‬ ‫ܪܥܐ ݂ܕ݂ ܳܕܪܬ ܐ‪ :‬ܫܘܪ ܘܣܠܩ ܠـܗ �ܫـܘܪܐ ݂ܰܓܢ̱ ݁ܒܪܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܶܫܗ ܶܡ ܰ‬ ‫ܨܥ ݂ܬ ݁ ܶܟܢ̈ ܶܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ ݁ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܬܗ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙܘ‪ܰ :‬ܫ ܺܢܝܘ ܘ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܕ ܘܗܢܘܢ ܕܝܢ ܒܪ ܫ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܘܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܬܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܛ� ܳܢܐ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܡܗ ܘ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܡ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܥܕ ݁ ܺܟܝܠ ܰܚܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܘ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܓ ܰܘܙܠ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒܚ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳܪ ݂ ܶܕܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡܢܶܗ ݁ܕ ܳܡܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝـܐܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ܽܛـܠ ݁ܕ ܰܩ ̈ܫ ܳܝـܢ ̱ܗ ܰ ̈ܘܝ ܰܡ ̈ܚـ ܳܘ ݂ܬܗ‪ܽ .‬ܗܘ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܗܛ‬ ‫ܽ ܶ ܰ ݁ܶ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܡܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܥ ݂ܒ ܶܪܗ ݂‬ ‫�ܟܠܗ ܗܘ ܟܢܫܐ‪ .‬ܘܩܡ ܥܠ ܟ ݂ܐܦܐ ݂‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܪ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ̈ ܶ ܰ ܶܽ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܡܘ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܬ� ݁ ܰܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܗܝــܢ‬ ‫ܡܦ� ݁ ܰܦܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܽܟ ܶܠܗ ݁ ܰܒ ݂ܕ ܳܡܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݁ܐܦܩ ܡ�ܘ ̱ܗܝ‪ .‬ܘܐܚ ݂ܕ ܐܢـܘܢ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܘܨ ܺܠܝ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܳܥـܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘܩـ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܘ ܰܚ ܺܘܝ ܰ‬ ‫ـܪܐ �ـ ܰ‬ ‫�ܥ ܳܡܐ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ـܗܘ ݁ܕ ܰܫ ܺܠܝــܛ ܰܥـܠ ܰܚ ̈ܶܝـܐ‬ ‫ܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰ ܽ ܳ ܽ‬ ‫ܶ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܝܕܝܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܠ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦܩ ܶܡܢ ܳܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦܢܶܐ ܶܐ ܽܢܘܢ ܶܠܗ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܘܗ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚܐ‪݁ .‬ܕ ݂ܬ ݂ܘܒ ܢ‬ ‫�ܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ܪ‬


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When Maccabaeus saw that Nicanor’s countenance toward him was not as before but was becoming dark and was changing from what it always had been, he perceived that he had indeed turned against him. He gathered with him not a few people from his nation and departed from Nicanor.

When [Nicanor] learned that Judas had made preparations and had been girded with his army, he entered the great and holy temple. As the priests were standing and making offerings, he said to them, “Give Judas to me.” They swore and said to him, “We have not seen him. We do not know where he is.”

He raised his hand against the temple and swore as follows, “If you do not hand over Judas bound, I will make this temple of God like the desert, throw down the altar, and build in its place a magnificent temple to Dionysius.” After he had said all these things, he departed. The priests stretched out their hands to the heavenly one and asked and prayed to him who had been an ally to his nation at all times. They said, “You, Lord of all, who need nothing, were pleased to choose a place for your temple and to set up your tent among us.

Now, holy Lord of all the holy ones, guard forever this place and undefiled house, for it has been cleansed at this time. Shut the mouth of every iniquitous person.” 1

A man whose name was Razis from the elders of Jerusalem had words spoken against him 2 to Nicanor: that he was a man who loves the city and his name was very good. Because of his good and mild thought, he was called father of the Jews.

1 ‘shut the mouth of every iniquitous person’: lit. ‘shut every mouth of iniquitous people’. 2

‘had words spoken against him’: lit. ‘was spoken against’.










‫ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܺ ܰܳ ݁ܳ ܺ ܰ ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܠ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܗܝܢ ܐ ݁ ܰܦـܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ �ـ ܳـܘ ݂ܬܗ ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ݁ܕ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫ܝܬ‬ ‫ܚܙܝ ̱ܗܝ �ܢܝܩܢܘܪ‪ :‬ܕ� ܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܺ ܳ ܰ ܰ ̈ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ ܽ ܰ ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܺ‬ ‫ܚ� ݂ ܽܦـܘ‬ ‫�ܙܒـܢ‪ :‬ܐܣ ݁ܬ ݁ ܰܟـܠ‪ .‬ܕܡ‬ ‫ܩܕܝܡ‪ .‬ܐ � ݂ܟܡܝ�ܢ ܘܡܫܚ� ݂ܦܢ ܡـܢ ܕ ݂ܒ ݂ܟ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܚܠ ݂ܦ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܢܶܫ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ ܶܡܢ ݁ܒ ܰܢ̈ܝ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ � ܽܙܥـܘ ܺ�ܝܢ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܫ ܺܢـܝ ܶܠـܗ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܥ� ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܢܗ ܡܢ ܢܝܩܢܘܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܺܝ ݂ ܰܕܥ ݁ ܶܕ ݁ܐܬܛ ܰܝـ ݂ܒ ܺ�ـ ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܚـ ܰܙܩ ݁ܒ ܰܚ ܶ‬ ‫� ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠـܗ‪ܰ :‬ܥـܠ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗ ݁ܝܟـ� ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒـܐ‬ ‫ܝܡܝܢ ݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶܐ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟ ݂ܕ ܳܩ ܺ‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܩ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܒܝــܢ ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒ ܶܢـܐ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘ ܰܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰܗ ݂ܒـ ̱ܘ ܺܠـܝ‬ ‫ܺܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܳ� ܶܡܝܢ ܗ ܰܘܘ ܳܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܝــܢ ܶܠـܗ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳ� ܚـ ܶـܙ ܐ ܰܠـܢ‪ܳ .‬ܘ� ܳ� ݂ܕ ܺܥܝــܢ ܚ ܰܢـܢ ܰܐ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܟـܐ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢـܐ‪ܶ ݁ .‬ܕ ܳܐ� ݂ ܰܬܫ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܡـܐ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟـ ܳ�‪ܺ :‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܡـ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܕܗ ܽܠـ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓ ܰܘܐܪܺܝܡ ܺܐ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܢܝ ̱ܗܝ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܗ ܳܢ ـܐ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ ـ ܳ� ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܺܠܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܰܟ ـ ݂ܕ ݁ܦ ݂ ܺܟܝــܪ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ܰܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ـ ܳܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ� ـ ܳܗܐ ܐ ݁ܥܒ ݂ ܺܕܝ ـ ܳ ̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܽ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܗ � ݂ ܺܕ ܳ� ܽܢܘ ܳܣܘܣ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ� ܺܝ ݂ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܥܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܚܐ ܐܣ ܽܚ ݂ܘܦ‪ .‬ܘ ݂ܐܒܢܐ ݂ܒ ݂ܕܘܟ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܠܕ ܘ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܶܐ ܰܡܪ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ݁ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫�ܗܝܢ‪ܰ :‬ܫ ܺܢܝ‪ܳ ݁ .‬ܟ ̈ܗܢܶܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܦ ܰܪܣ ̱ܘ ܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕܝـ ܽܗܘܢ �ـ ܳـܘ ݂ܬ ܳܥ ܽܡـܘ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫ܡܥ ݁ܕ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ ܰ‬ ‫�ܙܒܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܨ ܶܠܝܢ ܶܡܢ ܰܗܘ ݁ܕ ܽܗܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ܳ ݂ :‬‬ ‫݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܥ ܶܡܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܶ ܳ ܺ ܰ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܶ ܺ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܗ ܰܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ܕ ݂ܬ ݂ܓ ݁ ܶܒـܐ ܳܠـ ݂ܟ‬ ‫�ܛܒ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽܟܠ‪݁ .‬ܕ ܰܥܠ ܡܕܡ � ܣܢܝܩ ܐܢ̱ܬ‪ :‬ܐܢ̱ܬ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܳ ݁ ܰ ܶ ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܬ ܪ ܐ �ܗܝܟܠ ݂ܟ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܬܫܪܐ ܫ ݂ܟ‬ ‫ܝܢܬ ݂ܟ ݁ ܰܒ ܳܝܢ ݂ܬܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܰ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽܟܠ ܰܩ ݁ ܺܕ�̈ ܶܫܐ‪ܰ :‬ܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ ܰܢ ܰܛܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ ܰܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܳܫܐ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‬ ‫�ܥ ܰܠܡ �ܗܢܐ ܐ ݂ܬ ܪ ܐ ܘ� ݂ܒܝـ‬ ‫ܳ ܽ ܳ ݁ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܶ ݁ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܺ ܰ ܽ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܽ ݁ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܳ̈ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܕ� ܛܘ�ܫܐ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܒܗܢܐ ܙ ݂ܒܢܐ ܐܬ ܕ ܟܝ‪ .‬ܘܣ ݂ܟܘܪ ܕܝܢ ܟܠ ܦܘܡܐ ݂ܕ�ܘ�‪.‬‬ ‫ܪܓـܫ‪ܶ :‬ܡـܢ ܳܣ ̈ܶܒـܐ ܽܕܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܙ ݁ ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ܰܚـ ݂ܕ ݁ ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠـܡ‪ܶ .‬ܐ ݂ܬܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡـܗ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܺ‬ ‫ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ � ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ ܰܫ ݁ ܺܦܝــܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ـ ݁ܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥ�‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢܘܪ‪݁ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܰܪܳܐ ̱ܗܘ ݁ܕܪ ܶܚـܡ ݂‬ ‫ܘ� ݁ܬ ܳܝܪܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ ݁ܰ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܬܐ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܐ ݂ ܳܒܐ ݂ ܺܕܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܬܗ ܛ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܘܒܣ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ‪ .‬ܘܡܛܠ�ܬܪܥ ݂‬


Ch. 


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When Judas heard this, he took counsel with the nation. They at the same time thought and saw that they were words of peace. He yielded to make peace with him.

They determined on which day they would see each other. Armed soldiers surrounded each of them.

Judas commanded his army to gird themselves with their arms and to stand ready at the places where they always feared that sudden treachery could arise. They regarded each other with much peace, and they spoke harmonious words. Nicanor was in Jerusalem and did nothing evil. He released the nations that had gathered to him.

He held Judas with much love, and he was with him at all times with a bright countenance. He asked and persuaded him to take a wife and to have children. He took a wife and participated in the world.

When he saw the love and peace that Nicanor and Judas had with each other, Alcimus went to King Demetrius and told him about Nicanor, “He has become a stranger to your kingdom and all your affairs. For he made Judas, who is an enemy of your kingdom, his associate and friend.”

When the king heard the slander of the enemy, he grew very hot with anger and wrote to Nicanor harshly about his friendship with Judas. He commanded him to seize and bind Maccabaeus 1 and to send him at once to Antioch. When Nicanor heard the letter, he became impaired and greatly grieved. For he did not want to turn against Judas, a man who had committed no wrong.

But he was not able to resist the king’s command, and he considered on what pretense he might seize him.


‘to seize and bind Maccabaeus’: lit. ‘to seize Maccabaeus bound’.


‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܓ‬ ‫ܨܚ ܠܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܙ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܛ‬

‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܰܟ ـ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ـܥ ܺ� ـ ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬ ܰܡ ܰܠ ـ ݂ܟ ܰܥ ـܡ ܰܥ ܳܡ ـܐ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܚ ܰܫ ݂ܒ ـ ̱ܘ ܐ ݂ܟܚ ـ ݂ ܳܕܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘܚـ ܰـܙܘ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡܐ ܶܐܢ ܶܝܢ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ݂ܐܬܪ ܺܡܝ ݂ܕܢܶܥ ݁ ܶܒ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ ܳ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܶܡ ܰ�ܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪݁ :‬ܟ ܺܪ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫�ܚـ ݂ܕ ܰܚـ ݂ܕ ܶܡܢـ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܝܢܐ ܰ� ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܺܐܩܝܡ ̱ܘ ݁ܕ ݂ ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܢܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܚܙܘܢ ܰܚ ݂ܕ � ܰܚ ݂ܕ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‬ ‫ܶܠܗ ܰ� ݁ ܳܒ ̈ܶܫܐ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܙ ܺܝܢܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܰ‬ ‫�ܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܘ ܳܩ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܠܗ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܽܙܩܘܢ ݁ܒ ܰܙ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܛ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܢܗܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫݁ܦ ܰܩ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܒܝـܢ‬ ‫ܝܡܝــܢ ܘ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܰܳ ܳ ܰ ܶ ݁ ܰ ܺ ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܝܛܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ‪݁ .‬ܕ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܘܡ ܶܡـܢ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܐܬ �ܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܩܢ‬ ‫�ܝـܐ‬ ‫�ܡܐ ܶܡـܢ ܡـ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܶ ݂ܟ ܳ� ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙܘ ܰܚ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫�ܚ ݂ܕ ݁ܒܫ�ܡܐ ܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝܐܐ‪ .‬ܘܡܠ ̱ܘ ܡ� ݂ܕ ܰܫܝܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢܘܪ ݁ ܽܒܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ܕ ݂ ܺܒܝــܫ ܳ� ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ� ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡـܐ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ‬ ‫ܘ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕܐ ݂ܬ ݁ܟܢܫ ̱ܘ ̱ܗܘܘ �ܘ ݂ܬܗ‪ :‬ܫܪܐ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܺ ܽ ܳ ܽ ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ ݁ܒ ݂ ܽܟ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܙܒـܢ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܺܐܚܶ ݂‬ ‫ܝܕ ̱ܗܘܐ ܳ ܠܗ ܠܝܗ ݂ܘܕܐ ݂ܒܚܘܒܐ ܣܓܝܐܐ‪ .‬ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ̱‬ ‫݁ ܰܒܐ ݁ ̈ܦܐ ܰܢ ܺܗܝ ܳ� ݂ܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘܒ ܳܥ ـܐ ܶܡܢܶ ـܗ ܰܘ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܐܦܝ ܶܣ ـܗ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܶ ܰܣ ـ ݂ܒ ܰܐܢ ̱ـ ݁ܬ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ܘܢܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒ ـ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܰ�ܝ̈ ـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘܢ ܰܣ ـ ݂ܒ ܐܢ ̱ـ ݁ܬ ݂ܬ ܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܘܐܫܬܘܬ ݂ܦ ܒܥ�ܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܐ ܺ‬ ‫ـܬ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫�ܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܚـ ܳـܙ ܐ ܽܚ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰܚـ ݂ܕ ܰܥـܡ ܰܚـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܘܒـܐ ܘܫ‬ ‫�ܡـܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ ܺܕܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢܘܪ ܺ‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ݁ ܺܕ ܺܡ ܺ‬ ‫ܛܪ ܳ�ܘܣ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫� ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܰܙܠ ܶ�ܠܗ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܠܗ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ݂ܟ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫�ܟ� ܶܗܝــܢ ܶ� ݂ ̈ܒـ ܳܘ ݂ ܳܬ ݂ܟ‪ܺ .‬ܠܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢܘܪ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܠـܗ ܽܢ ݂ܘܟ ܳܪ ܳ�ـܐ �ܡ�ܟـ‬ ‫ـܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ݁ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܠܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܳܒܐ ݂ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟ ݂ܘܬ ݂ܟ‪ܰ :‬ܫ ݁ܘܬ ݂ ܳܦܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ܒܥܶ ݁‬ ‫ܘܚ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ ܰܥ ݂ܒ ݁ ܶܕܗ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܓܝܪ ܗܘ ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ̱‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܪܨܗ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܒܥܶ ݁ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܰ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܶܡ ݂ ܰܐܟ� ܰܩ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܓـ ܳܙ ܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝـܐܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܕ ݂ܒ ݂ܒ ܶـܐ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܬ ܰܚܡـ ݂ܬ ݁ܒܪ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܒ � ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܝܐܝـ ݂ܬ ܰܥـܠ ܳܪ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢـܘܪ ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡـ ݂ܘܬܗ ݁ܕ ܰܥـܡ ܺ�ـ ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܦ ܰܩـ ݂ܕ ݁ܕ ܶܠـܗ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܟ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܺܟܝܐ‪ܰ.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫� ܰܡ ݁‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܒܥ ݂ܰܓܠ �‬ ‫ܩܒܝ ܟ ݂ܕ ܦ ݂ܟܝܪ ܢܐܚ ݂ܘܕ‪ :‬ܘܢܫ ݁ܕܪܝ ̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܶ ܺ ܰ ܳ ܶ ܰ ݁ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܬ ܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ݁‬ ‫ܫܬ ܺܪܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܘ ݁ܐܬ ݁ܬ ܺܥܝܩ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ‪݁ .‬ܕ� ܳ� ݂ ܶܒـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܫܡܥ ܕܝܢ ܢܝܩܢܘܪ ܐ ݁ܓ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܠ ݂ܦ ܰܥܠ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܓ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ � ܐܣ ݁ ܶܟܠ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܕܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܕ ܢܶܗ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟ ـܐ‪ܶ � :‬ܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܟ ـܚ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܰܘ݂ܕܢܶܥـ ܶـ� ܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ݁ ܽܦ ـ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܬ ܰܪܥܶ ـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ݂ ܰܒܐܝـ ݁ ܳـܕܐ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܬܐ ܢܶ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥ ݂‬ ‫ܐܚܕܝ ̱‬


Ch. 

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You, king, who have learned these things, take the burden of our land and of the wretched and poor people of our nation as you have mercy toward all people.

For as long as Judas is alive, it is not possible for there to be peace in our land.” When the king heard these words from him, immediately the friends of the king, because of their enmity 1 for Judas, kindled Demetrius’s fury against him.

King Demetrius immediately summoned Nicanor, who had been appointed the leader of the elephants, as governor. After giving him a letter, he sent him out.

He commanded him to have Judas killed, to scatter those with him, and to set up Alcimus in the chief priesthood of the great and honored temple.

The nations which had fled from Judea came and joined Nicanor. They took delight and rejoiced in the punishment and distress that Judas’s people would have. When Judas’s people heard about Nicanor’s arrival and the nations’ plot, they threw dust on their heads and cried out and prayed before the one who at all times had been their ally and at all times delivers his inheritance openly.

Judas commanded them to gird themselves with their arms, and immediately they departed and met them in the village named Dessau.

Judas’s brother Simon suddenly attacked Nicanor, but, because they had come hastily against him, he was terrified of him.

But when Nicanor heard of the strength of Judas’s people and their victories and how they would hand themselves over 2 for the sake of their nation and their place, he did not wish to make a decision through murders or blood.

But he sent Posidonius, Theodotus, and Mattathias to offer and receive favor. 1 2

‘of their enmity’: lit. ‘they had enmity’.

‘they would hand themselves over’: lit. ‘their life would be handed over’.




‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ݂ ܺܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܰܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܢـܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝ� ݂ܦ ݁ܬ ܳܗ ܶܠܝــܢ‪ܰ :‬ܣـ ݂ܒ ܰܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܪܥـܢ ݂ ܰܘܕ ݂ܒ ̈ܢـܝ ܰܥ ܰܡـܢ ݁ ܳܕ ܰܘ ܳ ̈�ـܐ‬ ‫ܰ ܳܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܳ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ܒ ܰ� ̈� ܳܢ ܳܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܒܝ̈ ܶܫܐ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܟ ܳܡܐ ݂ ܺܕ ݂‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ܳܠ ݂ܟ ܡܪܚܡܢ ݂‬ ‫ܐܪܥܢ‪ܶ �ܳ :‬ܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܫ ܳ� ܳܡܐ ݂ ܰܒ ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܽܟܠ ݁ܟ ܳܡܐ ܶܓܝܪ ݁ ܺܕ ܽܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܰܚܝ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܶܡܢܶܗ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܬܗ ܐ ݂ܦ ܳ� ܰ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ̈ܡ�‪ܰ ݁ ܳ :‬ܒܪ ܳܫ ݂‬ ‫ܚܡـ ̱‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܽ ܳ ݁ܰ ܽ ̇ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ܒܥܶ ݁‬ ‫ـܬܗ‬ ‫ܠܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܽܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܥܡ �ـܗ ݂ܘܕܐ‪ :‬ܓܘܙܠـܘܗ �ܚܡـ ݂‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ݁ ܺܕ ݂‬ ‫݁ܕ݂ ܺܕ ܺܡ ܺ‬ ‫ܛܪ ܳ�ܘܣ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥ� ̱‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ݂ ܺܕ ܺܡ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܬܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܛܪ ܳ�ܘܣ � ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢܘܪ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܝܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒܐ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܒ ܶܪ ܫ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܺܦܝ̈�‪ܺ :‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒܪ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܘ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ܠܗ ܐ ݁ܓ� ݂ܬ ܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫ ݁ܕܪܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܢܶܩ ܺ‬ ‫ܛܠܝܘܗܝ‪ܰ .‬ܘ� ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕܗ ݁ܕ ܶܠܗ ܺܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ ܰܦ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܒ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܐ ܽܢـܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪݂ :‬‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫݁ܶ ܺ ݁ ܰ݁ܽ ݁ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ� ܺ‬ ‫�ܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ� ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒܐ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫ ݁ܒ ܳܚܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܡܘܣ ܕܝܢ ܢܩܝܡ ܒܪ ܒ ݂ܘܬ ܟܗܢ ݂‬ ‫ܳܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܥ ̈ܡ ܶܡܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܪܩ ̱ܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡܢ ܰܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚܠܛܝــܢ ܰܥـܡ‬ ‫ܪܥܐ ݂ ܺܕ ܽܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ـܬ ̱ܗܘܐܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ـܬܐ ݂ܕܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܝܩܢ ـܘܪ‪ .‬ܘܡ ݂ܬܒܣܡܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܘܚ ݂ܕܝــܢ ܥ ـܠ ܐܘ�ܨ ܢ ـܐ ܘܥܩـ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰܠ ݂ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬܗ ݁ܕ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢـܘܪ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܡ� ܽܢـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܘܥـܠ ܡܪ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܺ�ـ ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܰܥـܠ ܡ ݂ܐܬܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ̱ܘ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܝـ ܽ‬ ‫݂ܕ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡܐ‪ :‬ܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܓܥܶܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܪܡܝܘ ܰܥ ݂ܦ ܳܪܐ ܰܥـܠ ܺ� ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܡܨ ܶܠܝــܢ‪ :‬ܩـ ݂ ܳـܕܡ ܰܗܘ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܽ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ݁ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܽ ܰ ܰ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫�ܙܒܢ ܽܗܘ ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ ܳܦ ܶܪܩ ܳ� ݁ܪܬ ݂ܘܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܙܒܢ ݁ܓ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܡܥܕܪ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ܟ ݂‬ ‫�ܝܐ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬܗ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܦ ܰܩـ ݂ܕ ܺ�ـ ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܽܙܩـܘܢ ݁ܒ ܰܙܝܢـ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܩ�ـ ̱ܘ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ܰܐܪܥـ ̱ܘ ܐ ܽܢـܘܢ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪݂ .‬ܘܒـܪ ܫܥـ ݂‬ ‫݁ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ̇ܗ ݁ ܰܕ ܽܫܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܒܩܪ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܶܫ ܽ‬ ‫�ܝܐ ܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ ܺܕ ܽܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܢ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܥܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܐ ܽܚ‬ ‫ܘܡܛـܠ‬ ‫ܪܡܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥܠ ܺܢܝ ܰܩ ܳܢܘܪ‪.‬‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܰ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶܐ ܰܙܠ ̱ܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬܪ ܶܗ ݂ܒ ܶܡܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܡܣ ݂‬ ‫ܪܗܒܐ ݂‬ ‫ܥ� ̱‬ ‫ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ ܺ� ـ ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢ ـܘܪ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ݁ ܰܟ ـ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥ ـܠ‬ ‫ܫܡ ـܥ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥ ـܠ� ݁ ܰܓܢ̱ ݁ ܳܒ ـ ܽܪ ݂ܘܬ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒܝـ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ�ܨ̈ ܳܚ ܰܢܝ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܰ ݂ :‬ܘܕ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫�ܡܐ ܰܢ ݂ܦܫ ܽܗܘܢ ܰܥܠ ܰܐ ݁ ܰܦ ̈ܝ ܰܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܳܢܐ ܰܡܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ ܰܘ ݂ܐܬܪ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܶ ݂ �ܳ � :‬ܒـܐ‬ ‫ܘܒ ݂ܕ ܳܡܐ ܢܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ̈ܶܩܛ ܶ�‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ݁ ܺܕ ܳܝܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܶܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳ� ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܬܠ ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫�ܦܝ ܺܣ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫�ܡ ܰܣـ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ‪� :‬ܡ‬ ‫ܠܬܐ ݂ ܳܘܕܛܘܣ ܘ�ܡܬ ݂‬ ‫ܝܕ ܺܘܢܝܣ ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܰ� ܺܡ ܳܝܢܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter 

 

After three years, it came to Judas’s people [that] Demetrius, son of Seleucus, had entered the harbor of Greece 1 with a large and mighty army with him, which was very well armed,

so that he might seize the whole land, for he had slaughtered Antiochus and his steward Lysias. Alcimus, who had previously been chief priest and became entirely unclean in the times of mixing, considered and saw that there was no hope for him in any way and that he was not even able to approach the altar.

He went to Demetrius in the one-hundred-fifty-first year, 2 bringing him a golden crown, golden palm, and the branches of palm-trees from the temple with them. On that day he was at rest.

But when Alcimus found a place for his boldness and iniquity, Demetrius called him to a meeting. He asked him, “Through what thought or plot are the Jews growing so strong?”

He answered, “Those who are called ‘Singers’ 3 among the Jews, over whom Judas Maccabaeus was appointed, are rebelling, inciting, and being strengthened for war. They will not let the kingdom be at peace. For this reason I have also abandoned the praise of my ancestors which is the chief priesthood. I have now have come for the second time before you,

because I am taking care to bear the burden of the king’s affairs and secondly for the sake of the people of our nation. I see the haughtiness and pride of those about whom I spoke previously, how they are harrassing our nation and are not allowing it to be at rest for even a little while.


‘of Greece’: Greek ‘in Tripolis’ (κατὰ Τρίπολιν).

161 BCE. ‘in the one-hundred-fifty-first’: Greek ‘in about the one-hundred-fiftyfirst’ (ὡς πρώτῳ καὶ ἑκατοστῷ καὶ πεντηκοστῷ).


3 ‘Singers’: Greek ‘Hasideans’ (Ασιδαῖοι). See Payne Smith, Thesaurus Syriacus, 2:4027.


‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬


















‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ݁ܬ ܳܠـ ݂ܬ ܺ‬ ‫ـܬ‬ ‫ܫ� ̈ܝـܢ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬ ܐ ܰܥـ ܺܠ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܡܢ ܒ ـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶܣ ܶ� ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‬ ‫ܘܩܘܣ ܰܥܠ � ܺܡ ܳܐܢܐ ݂ ܶܕ ܰܐܠܣ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟ ݂ܕ ܐ ݂‬ ‫݁ܰ ܰܰ ܰ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟ ݂ܕ ܡܙ�ܢ ܪ ݂‬ ‫ܘܪܒܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܐܚܕ ̇ܝܗ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܪܥܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ܽܛܠ ݁ܕ ܰܩ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟ ܳܠ ̇ܗ ܰܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ܰܘܠ ܽ ܺ‬ ‫݁ܕܢܶ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܛܠܗ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܝܘܣ ܰܪ ݁ܒ‬ ‫݁ܰ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܒ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܩܕܝܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܐ� ܺܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܪ ݁ܒ ݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܕ ܶܡܢ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܛܡـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ‪:‬‬ ‫ܡܫ� ܳܡ ܳܢܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰ̈ܶ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܛ ܳܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܰܫ ݂ܒ ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶܠܗ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܦ‬ ‫ܒܙ ݂ܒܢܐ ݂ܕܚܘ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܽܟܠ ݁ܦ ܽܪܘܣ � ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫� ݂ܕܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܩ ܰܪ ݂ܒ �ܘ ݂ܬ ܡ ݂ܕܒܚܐ ܡܫܟܚ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ݁ ܺܕ ܺܡ ܺ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܰܙܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܝܢ ܰܘܚـ ݂ ܳـܕܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܛܪ ܳ�ܘܣ ݁ ܰܒ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܢ ݂ܬ ܳܡܐܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܘܒـܠ ܶ�ܠـܗ ݁ܟ ܺܠܝــ�‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ݁ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܗܒܐ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܠܬܐ ݂ܕ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܕ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ ܰܣ ̈ܘ ݁ ܶܟܐ ݂ܕ݂ ܶܕ ̈ܩ� ܶܡܢ ݁ܕ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ�‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ܰܗܘ ܰ�ܘ ܳܡـܐ‬ ‫ܗܒܐ‪ .‬ܘܫܒ ݂‬ ‫݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܒ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫�ܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ܶܠـܗ ܰܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ ܶܐ ܺ‬ ‫�� ܳܘ ܽܠـ ݂ܘܬܶܗ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܝܡـܘܣ‪ܰ � :‬ܡ ܳܪ ܽܚـ ݂ܘܬܶܗ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܶܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫�ܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪܝـ ̱ܗܝ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ܳ ܰ ܺ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܺܕ ܺܡ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܫ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܠــܗ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܛܪ ܳ�ــܘܣ ܰ‬ ‫�ܡ ݁ܘܬ ݂ ܳܒــܐ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܝــܬܐ ܐܘ‬ ‫ܐܡــܪ ܠــܗ ܕ ݂ܒܐܝــܕܐ ݂ܬܪܥ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ݂ܬ ܰܥ ܺ‬ ‫ܫܢܝܢ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܚܫ ݂ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܠܗ ܳܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܫ ݁ ̈ܒ ܳܚ ܶܢـܐ ݂ ܺܕܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ ܶ�ـܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܢܐ ܽܗܘ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪܝܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒܝـ ݂ـܕ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢܝܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܓܝܢ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ‪ܶ :‬ܗ ܽܢܘܢ ܳܡ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܥ ܺ‬ ‫ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܪܕܝܢ ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܳܒܐ‪ :‬ܘ� ܳܫ ݂ܒ ܺܩܝــܢ ܳܠـ ̇ܗ‬ ‫ܡܓ ݂ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ ܳܒ ̇ܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܡ�ܟ ݂‬ ‫ܰ݁ ܽ ݁ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܶ ܶ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܽ ݁ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ̈ ݁ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܝـ ̇‬ ‫ܶܡܛ‬ ‫ܗܢـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ـܗ ܪܒـ ݂ܘܬ ܟ‬ ‫ܠ ܗܢܐ ܐ ݂ ܶܦ ܐܢܐ ܫ ݂ܒܩ ݂ܬ ܬܫܒـܘܚܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܐܒـܗܝ ܕܐ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܐ ܶܐ ݂ ܺܬܝ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܬ ݁ܪܬܝܢ ܰܙ ݂ ̈ܒ ܺܢܝܢ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܰܡ ݁ܝܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ݁ܕ ܳ� ܶ� ݂ܦ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܰܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܢܐ ݂ܕ ܶ� ݂ ̈ܒ ܳܘ ݂ܬܶܗ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܩܝܠ ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ ܰܛ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪݂ ܰ .‬ܘܕ ݂ܬ ݁ܪܬܝܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܡܛܠ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܰܢ̈ܝ ܰܥ ܰܡܢ ݁ ܺܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܢ‪ܳ .‬ܚܙ ܐ ܐ̱ܢܐ ܶܓܝܪ ܪܡ ݂ܘܬܗܘܢ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܫ ݂ܘܒܗܪܗܘܢ ݁ܕܗܠܝܢ ݁ܕܡـܢ ܩ ݂ ܺܕܝــܡ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܳܢܐ ܳܫ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܪ ݂ܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܩܝܢ ܶܠܗ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܽ‬ ‫�ܥ ܰܡܢ‪ :‬ܘ� ܳܫ ݂ܒ ܺܩܝܢ ܶܠܗ ܐ ݂ܦ� ܰܩ ܺܠܝܠ‬ ‫݁ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܝ ܳܚܐ‪.‬‬


‫ܺ�ـ ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܺܕ ܺܡ ܺ‬ ‫ܛܪ ܳ�ـܘܣ ݁ ܰܒـܪ‬ ‫ܰܚܝـ ܳـ� ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝـܐܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥ ܺܫܝ ܳܢـܐ‪.‬‬

Ch. 

     

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The king, when he tasted and saw the strength and courage of the Jews, wished to subdue them through cunning and deceit.

He sent a post against Beth-zur, the fortress of the Jews. Τhey fought against it, but they were conquered and greatly reduced. Judas sent provisions to those who were dwelling in the fortresses.

But Rhodocus went from Judea and revealed their secret to their enemies. After he had visited, they found and killed him. The king returned and came to Beth-zur. He showed it favor and took it.

He departed and went against Judas’s people. He fought with them and was conquered. Then, thinking that Philip who was managing the affairs in Antioch wished to rebel against him, he made peace with the Jews and became subject to them. He swore an oath to them and established friendship with them. He made offerings and honored the temple greatly. He also showed mercy on the place.

He received Maccabaeus with much love and left Hegemonides as governor from Ptolemais to Gazara. 1

He went to Ptolemais, and the people of Ptolemais were grieved over the covenant that he had established with them. They became greatly infuriated with him and wished to break the covenant that he had established with them. Lysias approached before the judgment seat and a spirit came to them. He persuaded and appeased them. He went from there to Antioch. Thus were the journey and arrival of the king.


‘Gazara’: Greek ‘the people of Gerar’ (Γερρηνῶν).


‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܘ‬

‫ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܒ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ܰܓܢ̱ ݁ ܳܒ ܽܪ ݂ܘܬ ܽܗܘܢ ܰܘ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܛܥܶܡ ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܒܘ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ ܺܕܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ ܶ�ـܐ‪ܶ ݂ �ܳ :‬ܒـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫݂ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܡ ܽܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒܢܶ ݂ܟ� ܢܶ ݂ܟ ݁ ܽܒܘܫ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܕ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ ܶ ܶ ܳ ܺ ܽ ̈ ܳ ܶ ܶ ݁ܰ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܬܫـ ̱ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ـܬ ܫـܘ�ܐ ܚܣܢـܐ ݂ܕܝܗܘ ݂ܕ�ـܐ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܐܬܟ‬ ‫ܘ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܰܡܛ ݁ܪܬ ܐ ܰܥـܠ ݁ ܶܒܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܥ�ـ ̱‬ ‫ܶܘ ݁ܐܙܕ ݂ ܺܟܝܘ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ݁ ܰܒ ܰ�ܪ ̱ܘ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܡ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܐ ܳܣ ܳܢܐ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܳ� ݂ܬ ݁ ܺܒܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ܒ ݂ܰܓܘ ܶܚ ̈ܣܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ ܳܪ ݂ ܳܘܕ ܳܩܘܣ ܶܡܢ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܥܐ ݂ ܺܕ ܽܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘܓـ� ܐ̱ ܳܪ ܽܙܗܘܢ ܰܠ ݂ܒܥܶ� ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܰܒܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܦ ܰܩـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܐܫܟ ܽܚܘܗܝ ܰ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܩܛ� ̱‬ ‫ܶܘ ݁ ̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܳ�ܐ ݂ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܽܫܘ�ܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ܰ� ܺܡ ܳܝܢܐ ܰܘܢ ܰܣ ݂ܒ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܰܥܠ ݁ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܺ ܽ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܫ ܰܥܡـ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬ �ܗ ݂ܘܕܐ‪ .‬ܘܐ ݂ܬܟـ‬ ‫ܫܩܠ ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ ܰ�ܥܠ ݁ ܶܒ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܶܘ ݁ܐܙܕ ݂ ܺܟـܝ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܳܣ ݂ ܰܒـܪ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܠ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥܠ ݂ ܺܦ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܦܘܣ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܺܟ ܰܝـܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂ܕܢܶܡـ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܩـܡ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܠـܗ � ݂ܒـܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܒܐ‬ ‫ـܪ݂ܕ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܽ ̈ܳ ܶ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ܕ ܫ�ܡـܐ ܥـܡ �ܗܘ ݂ܕ�ـܐ‪ .‬ܘܐܫܬܥܒـ ݂ܕ �ــܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܘܝܡـܐ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ � ݂ܒـܐ‪ .‬ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܥ�ـ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘ�ܩـ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܡ ـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܪ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܺܐܩܝ ـܡ ܰܥܡـ ܽ‬ ‫�ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܩ ـ ܶܪ ݂ܒ ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒܢܶ ـܐ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ـܪܗ �ܗܝܟ ـ�‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰܪ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܦ ܰܥܠ ܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ ܰܪ ܶܚܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܪܒܐ ݂‬ ‫ܩܒــܝ ܰܩ ݁ܒ ܶܠــܗ ݁ܒ ܽܚ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ� ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒــܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝــܐܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒــܩ ܺܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫــܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳܪ ܳܢــܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡــܢ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܠܓ ܳܙܪ ܶ‬ ‫݁ܦ ܳܛ ܶ‬ ‫�ܗܓ ܽܡ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܢ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܘ�ܡܐܝܣ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ݂ܳ‬ ‫ܝܕܣ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܘܡ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ܺܥ ܺ‬ ‫ܘ�ܡܐܺܝܣ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ ܰ�ܠ ݂ܦ ܳܛ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܩܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ܦ ܳܛ ̈ܘ� ܳܡܝܶܐ ܰܥܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܺܐܩܝــܡ‬ ‫ܰ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܬܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰ‬ ‫̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥ ܽ‬ ‫ـܬ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܘ� ݂ ܶܒܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ܕܢܶܫـ ܽـܪܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܪܘ ݂‬ ‫ܪܒܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܘܡ ݂ܬܚ ݂‬ ‫ܥ�ـ ̱‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܺܐܩܝܡ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܚـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ݁ ܺܒܝܡ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܦܩ ܽ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ܒ ܽܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܐܦܝـܣ ܶܐ ܽܢـܘܢ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܽܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܝܘܣ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫ ܶܝـܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܶ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܺܟ ܰܝ ـܐ‪ܳ .‬ܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢ ـܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ݁ ܶܓܝــܪ ܽܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܐ ܽܢ ـܘܢ‪݂ .‬ܘܕ ݂ܒ ـܪ ܡ ـܢ ܬܡ ـܢ �‬ ‫ـܬܗ‬ ‫ܘܪܚ ـܗ ܘܡ ݂ܐܬܝـ ݂‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 








 

The king’s arrival and plot were revealed to Judas. He commanded the nation to be awake with prayer day and night, to cry out to God so that he might help them and deliver them now and at every time from the nations — those that were wishing to separate them from the law, from the place, and from the holy temple — and not to abandon the nation, which for a short time was restored and at peace, so that it would be subjected to wicked and uncircumcised nations.

All of them prayed and cried out in this way asking the merciful God with great weeping, while fasting for three days, laying on their faces incessantly, and crying out. After three days, Judas asked them and encouraged them to eat. Judas went alone to the elders and sought counsel with them, saying, “Before the king’s army enters Judea and they subdue and prevail over the city, let us come out to act and secure everything through God’s help.”

He placed the governance in the hands of God, the creator of the world. He asked those with him to fight bravely and to hand themselves over to the point of death for the sake of the law, temple, city, place, and people. He gathered the whole army and they prepared for Moreim. 1 He gave those with him a sign of God’s deliverance and led select, powerful youth with him. He went to the camp and attacked the king’s courtyard at night. He slaughtered about three thousand men2 there. He harassed and cast down the leader of the elephants with all its preparation. They filled the whole army with terror and trouble and then returned from there with gladness and joy.

When it was about to become light, they acted in this way because of the power and help of the Lord who was protecting them.

1 2

‘Moreim’: Greek ‘Modein’ (Μωδεϊν).

‘three thousand men’: Greek ‘two thousand men’ (ἄνδρας δισχιλίους).


‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫ܨܚ ܠܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬

‫ܰ ܰ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܺ ܽ ܳ ܶ ܶ ݁ܰ ܰ ݀ ܶ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܬܗ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶܩـ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫�ܥ ܳܡـܐ‬ ‫ـܬܗ ܘܡܚܫ ݂ܒـ‬ ‫ܠܝܗ ݂ܘܕܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܐ ݂ܬܓ ܳ�ܝ ݂ܬ ܡ ݂ܐܬܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܰ ݁ ܰ ܽܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݂ܕܢܶ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ܺܥܝ ܽܪܘܢ ݁ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܨܠ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ ܺܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܡ ܳܡܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒ� ܳܝܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ݂ܓܥܘܢ �ܘ ݂ܬ ܐ�ܗܐ ݂ܕܢ�ـܕܪ ܐܢـܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܘܢܶ ݁ܦ ܽܪܘܩ ܶܐ ܽܢܘܢ ܳܗ ܳܫܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܙܒܢ ܶܡܢ ܐ ݂ ܳܝܕܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡـܢ ܰܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ܕ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܝܢ ݁ܕ ܰܢܪܚ ܽܩܘܢ ܶܐ ܽܢـܘܢ ܶܡـܢ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣـܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡـܢ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟـ ܳ� ܰܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫�ܥ ܳܡܐ ܰܗܘ ݁ܕ ܰܩ ܺܠܝܠ ܰܙ ݂ܒ ܳܢـܐ ܶܐ ݂ܬ ܰܪ ܰܘܚ ܶܘ ݁ܐܬ ݁ܬ ܺ�ܝــܚ‪ �ܳ :‬ܢܶ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܕܢ‬ ‫ܫܒܩܝـ ̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫� ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡܐ ܰ� ܺܫܝܥܶܐ ܘ ܽܥܘ��‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܨ ܺܠܝܘ ܰܘܓ ܰܥـܘ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ܰܥـܘ ܶܡـܢ ܰܐ ܳ�ـ ܳܗܐ ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡ ܳܢـܐ ݂ ܰܒ ݂ܒ ݂ ܳܟـ ݂ܬܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ ݁ ܰ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫�ܘܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰܝ ̈ܘ ܺܡܝܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ݂ܕ ܳ� ܰܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܡܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‬ ‫ܝܐܬ ܐ‪ .‬ܟ ݂ܕ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ܽܝܗܘܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܒܨܘܡܐ ݂ܬܠ ݂‬ ‫ܣܓ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰܝـ ̈ܘ ܺܡܝܢ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܳܥـܐ ܶܡܢـ ܽ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܺ�ـ ܽܗ ݂ܘܕܐ‪ܳ:‬‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܓܥܝܢ‪ .‬ܘܡܢ ܒـ ݂ܬܪ ܬܠـ ݂‬ ‫ܥܠ ܐܶܦܝܗܘܢ ݂‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܰܝܐ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ܕܢܶ ݂ܐܟ ܽ�ܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ܳܣ ݂ ̈ܶܒـܐ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܡ ܰܠـ ݂ܟ ܰܥܡـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܚ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܐ ܰܙܠ ܽܗܘ ݂ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܕ ̱‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ݁ܕ�ܶ ܽܥܘܠ ܰܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܨܘܢ ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܗ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܺܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ݂ܟ ݁ܒ ܽܫܘܢ ܘܢܶ ݂ܬ ܽ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܶܡܢ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠـ ̇ܗ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܺ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܗܝܢ ܶ� ݂ ̈ܒ ܳܘ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ݂ܒ ܽܥ ݂ܘܕ ܳܪ ܢܶܗ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ :‬ܢܶ ݁ ܽܦܘܩ ܘܢܶܣ ܽܥܘܪ ܰܘܢ ݂ܬ ܶܩܢ ݁ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱‬ ‫ܰ݁ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫�ܡـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ܳܥـܐ ܶܡـܢ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘ�ـܗ ݁ܕ ܳܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪ܺ ݁ .‬ܒܐ ̈ܝـ ݂ ܰܕܝ ܰܐ ܳ�ـ ܳܗܐ ݂ ܳܒ ܽܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ‬ ‫ܡܕܒܪ ܢـ‬ ‫ܘ ܳܣ ܳܡ ̇ܗ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܢܶ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ݁ܬ ܽܫܘܢ ܰܘܢܫ ܽ‬ ‫�ܡܘܢ ܰܢ ݂ܦܫ ܽܗܘܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ � ܰܡـ ݁ܘܬ ܐ‪ܰ :‬ܥـܠ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪݁ :‬ܕ ݂ܰܓܢ̱ ݁ ܳܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܢܶܫ ݁ ܽܟ ܶܠـܗ ܰܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰܘ ݂ܐܬ ܳܪ ܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܰܢ̈ܝ ܰܥ ܳܡܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܰܐ ݁ ܰܦ ̈ܝ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠـܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܗ ݁ܝܟ�‪ :‬ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱‬ ‫ܶܘ ݁ܐܬ ܰܛ ܰܝ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ݁ܒ ܽܡ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪܥܝܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ ܰ�ܗ ݂ܒ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܩܢܶܗ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ ܳܐ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽܦـ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ�ـ ܳܗܐ‪݂ ܰ .‬ܘܕ ݂ ܰܒـܪ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ ܰ‬ ‫ܥ�ܝ̈ ܶܡـܐ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫݁ܳ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬܢـܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‪ .‬ܘܐܪܡـܝ ݂ܒ� ܳܝـܐ ܥ ـܠ ܕܪܬܗ‬ ‫ܡܓ ݁ܒܝـܐ‪ :‬ܘ ܰܐܙܠ�ܥـܠ ܡܫܪܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰܚ ̈ܝ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘܩܛܠ� ݁ܬ ܳܡܢ ܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܬ ܳܠ ݂ܬܐ ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝــܢ ݁ ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܺ�ܝــܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ� ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒـܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܺܦ ̈ܝـ� ܰܥـܡ‬ ‫ܫܚܩ ܰܘ ܺ‬ ‫݁ ܽܟ ܶܠܗ ܽܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ� ݂ ܳܒܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܐܪܡܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܰܽ ̇ ܽ ܳ ̇ ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܓܘܫ ܳܝܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܰܙ ݂ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܦ ݂ܟ ̱ܘ ܶܡܢ ݁ܬ ܳܡܢ ݁ܒ ݂ ܽܒܘ ܳܣ ܳܡܐ‬ ‫ܘܡ�ܘܗ ݂‬ ‫�ܟܠܗ ܡܫܪ ݂‬ ‫ܘܥܬܐ ܘ ݂ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܰܚ ݂ ܽܕ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢـܐ ܶܡ ܽܛـܠ ܰܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠـܗ ܽ‬ ‫݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰܩ ܺܪܝـ ݂ـܒ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ݁ܕܢܶܢـ ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܪ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܥـ ݂ܘܕ ܳܪ ܢܶܗ ݁ܕ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܛܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܕܡ‬ ‫‪‬‬

Ch. 

Chapter 

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In the one-hundred-forty-ninth year, 1 Antiochus Eupator came against the Jews. 2

With him was Lysias, who had been appointed over his affairs, and with him there was an army, comprised of many nations, 3 one hundred ten thousand foot soldiers, five thousand three hundred cavalry, twenty-two elephants, and three hundred chariots that were girded with shields for war.

Menelaus went and joined them. He asked and supplicated Antiochus to go ahead for the overthrow of his place and of the people of his city — not for the sake of helping them but because he anticipated that he would rise in the magistracy.

But the Lord, the King of Kings, awoke Antiochus’s fury against the condemnable Menelaus, because Lysias had informed him that [Menelaus] was the cause of all the wicked deeds. He commanded them to bring him to Aleppo 4 and to do away with him there.

There was a fifty-cubit high tower there which was full of ashes, which had rims, and by which one is efficiently conveyed [downward].

They imprisoned there anyone who violated the temple and who performed all manner of wicked deeds. The condemnable and wicked one died through this punishment. Menelaus was not even worthy to be buried in the earth.

He received repayment justly because he had done wicked things to the altar where the holy fire and ashes are. For this reason, he received death through ashes.

The king was still in a fury and stubborn in his mind toward the Jews. He was planning to do many wicked things to them — even more than his father. 1

163 BCE.


‘army, comprised of many nations’: lit. ‘army, many nations’.


‘the Jews’: Greek ‘Judea’ (τὴν Ἰουδαίαν).

4 ‘Aleppo’: Greek ‘Beroea’ (Βέροιαν). Beroea is the Greek name for the city of Aleppo.


‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬



















‫ܝܓ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܒ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܢ ݂ܬ ܳܡܐܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܘ ݁‬ ‫ܘܦܛܘܪ ܰܥܠ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܪܒ ܺܥܝܢ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܰܫܥ ܐ ݂ܬ ܐ ܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ ܽܠܘ ܺܣ ܳܝܘܣ ܰܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ـܬ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ ܰܚܝــ�‪:‬‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܝܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥـܠ ܶ� ݂ ̈ܒـ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ܐ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܶܐܐ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܡܫـܐ ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝــܢ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܳܠـ ݂ܬ ܳܡـܐܐ‬ ‫ܚܕܥܶܣ ܶ�ܐ � ݁ܒـ ܳܘܢ � ݂ܓ ܳ� ܶܝـܐ‪ :‬ܘܚ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ ܰܦ ܳ� ܺܫܝܢ‪ :‬ܘܥܶܣ ܺܪܝܢ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܶܪܝܢ ݁ ܺܦܝ̈ ܺܠܝܢ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡ� ݁ܟ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܬ ܳܠ ݂ܬ ܳܡـܐܐ ݂ ܰܕ ̈ܡ ܰܚܙ ܳܩـܢ ݁ ܰܒ ̈ܡ ݂ܰܓ ܶܢـܐ‬ ‫ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܳܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܶܡ ܶܢــ ܰ�ܳܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ܶܐ ܰܙܠ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܠــܛ ܰܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܡــܗܘܢ‪ܳ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܒ ܶܥــܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡــܢ ܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟــܘܣ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ܰܫــ ݂ܦ ܶܠــܗ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܺܢــ ܰܐܙܠ ܰ�ܥــܠ ܽܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕ ̱ܝܢــ ݁ܬܗ‪ :‬ܘ�‬ ‫ܘܚ ݂ ܳܦــܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܐܬ ܪܗ ݂ ܰܘܕ ݂ܒ ̈ܢــܝ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ܽ ݁ܰ ܰ ݁ ܶ ܳ ܺ ܰ ܰ ܽ ݁ ܺ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܝܫ ܽܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܥ ݂ܘܕ ܳܪ ܽܢܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܡܛܠ ܕܡܣܟܐ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܕܢܐܙܠ ܘܢܩܘܡ ܒܪ‬ ‫ܰܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܪ� ـܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܗ ݁ ܰܕܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟ ـܘܣ ܰܥ ـܠ ܶܡܢܶ ـ�ܘܣ‬ ‫ܡܠ ـ ݂ܟ ܰܡ ̈� ݁ ܶܟ ـܐ‪ :‬ܐ ܺܥܝــܪ ܚܡـ ݂‬ ‫݁ ܽ ܽ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܚ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܕܥܶ ـܗ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܒ ـܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ܽܛ ـܠ ݁ ܰܕ ݁‬ ‫�ܗܝــܢ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܝ ـܘܣ‪ :‬ܕܗܘ� ـܘ ܥܠـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ܺ ̈ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܦ ܰܩ ݂ܕ ݁ܕ ܰܢ ݁ܘܒ ܽ� ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܝ ̱ܗܝ ܰ‬ ‫�ܚ ܳܠ ݂ܒ‪݂ .‬ܘܬ ܳܡܢ ܰܢ ݁ܘܒ ݂ ܽܕ ܳܘܢܝ ̱ܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܒܝܫ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݁ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܰ ܺ ̈ ݁ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ـ� ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ـܬ ̱ܗ ̈ܘܝ‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܬܡܢ ܡ ݂ܓ ݁ܕ� ݂ܕܚܡܫܝܢ ܐܡܝܢ‪ :‬ܕܡـ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܛܡـܐ‪ܺ .‬ܘܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ܺ ̈ ܶ ܽ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܡ ܽܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܶܡ ݂ܬܢ ݁ ܶܓ ݂ܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܗ ݁ܓܝ ݂ܓ�‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܚ ܶܠܨ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ ܳ� ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܕܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫�ܥ ݂ ܽܒ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ ܰܬ ܳܡܢ ܰܠ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܝܢ ݁ ܺܒܝ̈ ܳܫ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܚ ݂ܒ ܽܫ ̱‬ ‫ܝܒܐ ܘ ܰܪ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܒـܪ ݁ ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܚ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܬ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܥܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܳ� ܶܐܫ ݁ܬ ܺܘܝ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܳ� ݂ܕܢܶ ݂ܬ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܪܥـܐ‬ ‫ܝܩܐ ܺܡ ݂‬ ‫ܰܳ‬ ‫ܶܡܢܶ�ܘܣ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ ܺ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܩ ݁ ܶܒܠ ݁ ܽܦ ܳ‬ ‫�ܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܚـܐ ܰܐ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟـܐ‬ ‫ܘܪ� ܳܢـܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡܛـܠ ݁ ܰܕܣ ܰܥـܪ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒܝܫـ‬ ‫݂ܘܟܐܢܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ̱ܗܘܐ ܢܘܪܐ ܩ ݁ܕܝܫܬܐ‪ :‬ܘܩܛܡܐ‪ .‬ܘܡܛܠ ܗܢܐ ݂ܒܩܛܡܐ ܩ ݁ܒܠ ܡܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ ܺܕ ݂‬ ‫݁ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܳ ܶ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܥ� ܳܢܐ ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܬܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܒ ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܝܐ ܰܥܠ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ݁ ܺܟܝܠ ܒܚ‬ ‫ܝܬ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܡ�ܟܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܐ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܽ ݁ ܺ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܺ ܳ̈ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܺ ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܰܫ ݂ܒ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕܢܣܥܘܪ �ܗܘܢ ܒܝܫ ݂ܬܐ ܣܓܝ ݂ܐܬ ܐ‪� .‬ܬܝܪ ܡܢ ܐ ݂ܒ ̱‬


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Esdris’s people had been waging war and committing slaughter more and more. Judas cried out to the powerful Lord to be their ally. He led the way for them.

While singing praises in the tune of [their] ancestors, he began to slaughter them. Gorgias’s people were conquered and fled.

Judas and his army departed from there and came to the city of Adullam. When the sabbath approached, they kept it holy according to their custom. They kept the sabbath in their place. On the next day, they came to Judas and said, “Let us take and bury the bodies of those who fell in the graves of their ancestors.”

Under the garments of each of them it was discovered that they were hiding gold from the idols of Jamnia, from those that the law commands Jews not to keep. It became known and believed by all that they had fallen on this account.

Everyone blessed and gave thanks for the just judgment of God who brought out and revealed in the open these things that were hidden.

All of them began to pray and to ask God that the sin might not be counted for them at all. But mighty Judas asked and supplicated the whole people to watch over themselves and to be guarded from sins. He said to them, “Look! Before your eyes, you have seen what happened to these people.” He made the whole nation donate silver, collecting three thousand 1 pieces of silver. 2 He sent them to Jerusalem so that they might make offerings for their sake. He acted justly and righteously for the hope of the resurrection from the dead. For if he were not waiting and expecting the resurrection from the dead, this would be foolishness and folly that someone would pray and make offerings on behalf of the dead. He was looking for and waiting for the wages, hope, and rest that is prepared for those who fall asleep in righteousness. For this reason, he sent for them to make atonement for the sins of those who had fallen asleep.

1 2

‘three thousand’ reflects the Lucianic recension. ‘pieces of silver’: lit. ‘silver’.













‫ܺ ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܡܩ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܒܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܡܩ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܛܠܝܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܓ ܳܥܐ ܺ�ـ ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ �ـ ܳـܘ ݂ܬ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܥܙܪܝ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰ� ݁ܬ ܳܝܪܐ ݂‬ ‫ܠܘ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܠܬ ܳܢܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܥ ݁ܕ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ܽܗܘ ܥ ܰܠܝ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ܒ ܰܩ ݂ܕ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܡܪ ܳ�ܐ ܰܚ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ݁ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ̈ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܰ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܙ ݁ ܰܟـ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܩܛ ܽ�ـܘ ݂ܒـ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܙ ܰܡـܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܫܒܚـ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܒܩـ� ݂ܕ ݂ܐܒـܗ ݂ܬ ܐ‪ .‬ܘܫـܪܝ ܠ‬ ‫ܘܪܓ ܰܝܐ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ ܽܓ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܪܩ ̱ܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܘܐܙ ݁ܕ ݂ ܺܟܝܘ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܠܚ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܬܘ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܩܠ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܰܬ ܳܡܢ ܺ�ـ ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܽܗܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ـ‬ ‫ܘ�ܡـܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܠـܗ‪ .‬ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ ݀ ݁ܶ ܰ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܫܒ ݂ܬ ̱ܘ ܰܥܠ ݁ ܽܕ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܝ ݂ܕ ܽܗܘܢ ܶܐ ݂ܬ ܰܩ ݁ ܰܕܫ ̱ܘ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ :‬ܐ ݂ܝܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܪܒ ݂ܬ ܕܝܢ ܫܒ ݂‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܳܢܐ‪ܶ .‬ܐ ݂ ܰܬܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܝ ܳ‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܠܛ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ̱ܘ ܶܠܗ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܶܣ ݂ ܽܒܘܢ ܘܢܶ ݁‬ ‫ܩܒ ܽܪܘܢ ݁ ܰܦ ݂ܓ ܶ�ܐ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫݂ܕ ܳܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦ� ̱ܘ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܰܩ ݂ܒ ܶ�ܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳܐܒ ܰܗ�̈ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܡ ܶܘ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫�ܒ ̈ܘ ܶܫܐ ݂ܕܐ̱ ܳܢܫ ܐ̱ ܳܢܫ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܛ ܶܫܝــܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܐܫܟܚ ̱ܘ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܬ ܶܚ‬ ‫ܗܒـܐ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܢܝܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܢ ܳܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ܕ ݂ ܳܦ ܶܩ ݂ܕ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣܐ ܺܠܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ ܶ�ـܐ ݂ܕ ܳ� ܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܢܛـ ܽـܪܘܢ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܟ ܶ�ܐ ݂ܕ ܰ� ܺ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܦ݂‬ ‫ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ܰ ݀ ܶ ܰ ܰ ݀ ܳܶ ܽ ܽ ݁ ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫�ܟ�ܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܕܡܛܠ ܗ݂ܕܐ ̱ܗܘ ݂�ܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܢܦ� ̱ܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܐܬ� ݂ܕܥ ݂ܬ ܘ ݂ܐܬܗܝܡܢ ݂ܬ ݂ܗܕܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܡܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ‪ܰ .‬ܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܘܕܝܘ ܰܥܠ ݁ ܺܕܝܢܶܗ ݁ ܺܟ ܳܐܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ ܰܒ ܶܪ ݂ܟ ̱ܘ ܰܘ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܰܕܡܛ ̈ܫ ܳܝܢ‪ܽ :‬ܗܘ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܡܚ ܶܘܐ ݂ܒ ܶܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܨ ܳ� ܽܝܘ ܰܘ� ܶܡ ݂ܒ ܳܥܐ ܶܡܢ ܰܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ ݂ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܫ ܺܪܝܘ ܰܠ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܒ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪݁ .‬ܕ� ܶܡܛܠ ܳܗ݂ ܶܕܐ ݂ܬ ݂ܬ ݁ܟـ ݂ܬ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ‪ܽ �ܺ .‬ܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܓܢ̱ ݁ ܳܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ ܳܒܥܶܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܘ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ܰܫـ ݂ܦ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܚܛܝ ݂ܬܐ ܡܫ�ܡܢ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܛܪܘܢ ܰܢܦܫ ܽܗܘܢ ܘܢܶ ݁ ܰܙܕ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܚܛ ̈ܶܗܐ‪ܳ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳܗܐ‬ ‫ܗܪܘܢ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫݁ ܽܟ ܶܠܗ ܰܥ ܳܡܐ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܶ ܽ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬܘܢ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ ܰܕ ܓ ݂ ܰܕܫ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܰ� ̈� ܰܢܝ ݁ ܽܟܘܢ ܚܙ‬ ‫�ܗ ܶܠܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܓ ܰܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܡܝ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܥـܠ ݁ ܽܟ ܶܠـܗ ܰܥ ܳܡـܐ‪݁ .‬ܕܢܶ ݁ܬ ܽܠـܘܢ ݁ ܶܟܣ ݁ ܳܦـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܓ ݂ ܳܒـܐ ݂ܬ ܳܠـ ݂ܬܐ ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝــܢ‬ ‫ܺ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܶܟܣ ݁ ܳܦ ـܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܰܫ ـ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠ ـܡ ݁ ܰܕ ܰܢܩ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ـܬ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܪܒ ـܘܢ ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒܢܶ ـܐ ܰܥ ـܠ ܐ ݁ ܰܦܝ̈ ـ ܽܗܘܢ‪݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ܳܐܢܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ ̈ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ ܰܕܩ ܳܝ ݁‬ ‫ܝܬ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܡܝ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܬܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰܘܙ ݁ ܺܕ ܳܝܩܐ ݂‬ ‫ܺ ̈ ܶ ݁ ܰ݁ܺ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ ܰ ݁ ܶ ܳ ܰ ܰ ݁ ܰ ܰ ܳ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܡܝ ݂ܬܐ‪ :‬ܦܟܝـ‬ ‫ܡܕ ܐܠܘ� ݂ܓܝܪ ܕܡܣܟܐ ̱ܗܘܐ ܘܡܣܒܪ ܠܩܝ‬ ‫ܡܬܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ݀ ܳܶ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܠ ݂ܦ ܺܡܝ̈ ݂ܬܐ ܐ̱ ܳܢܫ ܰܢܨ � ܰܘ ܰܢܩܪ ݂ܒ ܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ ܗ݂ܕܐ ܘܫܛܝ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܰ ݁ܶ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܬ ݂ܝܕ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܳܫ ݂ܟ ݁ ܺܒܝــܢ‬ ‫ܡܗ ܚܐܪ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܓܝܪ ܘܡܣܟܐ‪݂ � :‬ܓܪܐ ܘ�ܣ ݂ܒܪܐ ܘܢܝܚܐ ݂ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܰܙ ݁ ܺܕ ܽܝܩ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܚܛ ܰܗ�̈ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ܕ ܳܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܘ ܘ ܶܡܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ݁ ܰܕ ܰܢܚ ܽܣܘܢ ܰܥܠ‬ ‫ܫܟ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

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Judas Maccabaeus came out against the place called Carnaim and Atargatis. He slaughtered twenty-five thousand there.

After these were conquered and slaughtered, Judas was flanked by his army. He went against Ephron, a mighty city in which Lysias lived along with crowds of many nations. The mighty youths fought powerfully on its walls with arrows, javelins, and all instruments of war. Judas’s people prayed and cried out to God who was able with power to shatter and break the whole strength of [their] enemies. He handed over the city into their hands. They entered and subdued it. They slaughtered about twenty-five thousand in it.

From there, they marched and went to Bayshan, 1 which is about six hundred stadia away from Jerusalem. But the Jews who lived there confessed that the people of the city 2 had made peace with them and held them in their honor.

They received the blessing of Judas’s people and met them with peace. From there they came to Jerusalem to celebrate the festival of unleavened bread. 3 After Pentecost, they went against Gorgias, the governor of the Idumeans.

He came out against them with three thousand foot soldiers and four hundred cavalry. When they began to wage war, some of the Idumeans fell quickly.

Dositheus, one of the Toubiani, 4 a rider and warrior, seized Gorgias by his cloak. He dragged and brought him by force because he wished to bring the condemned one alive. But one of his soldiers, a Thracian man stood against him and struck him on his shoulder, severing it. So Gorgias fled and went to Samaria. 5 1 2 3

‘Bayshan’: Greek ‘Scythopolis’ (Σκυθῶν πόλιν).

‘the people of the city’: Greek ‘people of Scythopolis’ (οἱ Σκυθοπολῖται).

‘festival of unleavened bread’: Greek ‘festival of weeks’ (τῆς τῶν ἑβδομάδων


‘one of the Toubiani’: Greek ‘one of Bacenor’s people’ (τις τῶν τοῦ Βακήνορος). The reading ‘Toubiani’ appears in other Greek recensions. 4

‘Samaria’ reflects the Lucianic recension. Other Greek versions have ‘Marisa’ (Μαρισα).









‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܢܦܩ ܰܥܠ ܰܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܟܘ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܩ ܳܪܢܐ ܰܘܐ ݂ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܛܠ�‬ ‫ܛܪܓܛ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܬ ܳܡܢ ܥܶܣ ܺܪܝܢ ܘܚ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݁ ܶܕ ݁ܐܙܕ ݂ ܺܟܝܘ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܩ ܰܛ� ̱ܘ‪ܶ .‬ܐ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܰܙܩ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܰܥـܡ ܰܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠـܗ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܰܐܙܠ‬ ‫ܟܙ ܘܡܢ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܝـܘܣ‪ܶ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ ܰܥ ܺܫܝܢ ݁ܬܐ ݂ܕ ܳܥ ܰܡܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܳܒ ̇ܗ ܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܥܠ�ܥܶ ݂ܦܪܘܢ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܟܢ̈ ܶܫـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡـܐ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܶܐܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ݁ܬ ܺܫܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܥـܠ ܽܫـܘ� ̇ܝܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܝܠܬ ܳܢܐ ݂‬ ‫ܥ�ܝ̈ ܶܡܐ ܰܥ ܺܫ ̈�ܢܶܐ‪ܰ :‬ܚ ݂‬ ‫݁ܒ ܶܓܐ ܶ� ܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܰܢܝܙ̈ ݂ ܶܟܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ܳܡܐ ܢܰ̈ܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܳܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܡ� ܐ ݂ܒ ܰܚܝــ� ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ‪ܰ :‬ܨ ܺܠܝܘ ܰܘܓ ܰܥܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫�ܡ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܚـܩ‬ ‫ܟܚ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ ̇ ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫�ܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܒܪ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟ ܶܠܗ ܽܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ ݂ ܺܒܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕܝـ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒܥܶ� ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܶܒܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘܐܫ�ܡܗ ܠ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܥ� ̱ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܒ ܽܫ ̇‬ ‫ܘܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܫܐ ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܩܛ� ̱ܘ ݁ ܳܒ ̇ܗ ܐ ݂ܝܟ ܥܶܣ ܺܪܝܢ ܘܚ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܢ‪݁ .‬ܕ ܰܪ ܺܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ݁ ܰܬ ܳܡܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܟܛ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܩ� ̱ܘ ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ ̱ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܩـܐ ܶܡـܢ ܐܘ ܺܪܫ ܶܠـܡ ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ܶܫ ݂ܬ ܳܡـܐܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐ ̈ܤܛ ݂ ܰܕ ܳܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܠ ܰܘ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ـ ݁ܬܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓـܝ‬ ‫ܐܘܕܝܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ݂ܕ ܳ� ݂ܬ ݁ ܺܒܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܳܒ ̇ܗ ܰܥـܠ ݁ܒ ̈ܢـܝ ݂‬ ‫ܝܕܝܢ ݁ ܺܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܩ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܚܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ܺܐܚ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰܐܪܥـ ̱ܘ ܶܐ ܽܢـܘܢ ݁ ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫� ܘ ܰܩ ݁ ܶܒ� ̱ܘ ܰܛ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܡـܢ ݁ܬ ܳܡـܢ ܐ ݂ܬܘ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܒ ݂ܘܬ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ܥܒ ݂ ܽܕܘܢ ܰܥ ݂ܕ ܺܥ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܕ ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰܦܛܝ ܶ�ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ ݁ ܶ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪܓ ܰܝܐ ܺܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܩܘܤ ܺܛܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܰܙܠ ̱ܘ ܰܥܠ� ݁ ܽܓ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܽܐܕ ̈ܘ ܳܡܝܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܒ ܘܡܢ ܒ ݂ܬܪ ܦ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܽ ݁ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ ܶ�ܓ ܳ�ܝܶܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܪܒܥ ܳܡܐܐ ݂ ܰܦ ܳ� ܺܫܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܓ ܢ ݂ ܰܦܩ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܥܠܝܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܒ ݂ܬܠ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܽܒܘ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫�ܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܕ ܘ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰܫ ܺܪܝܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦ� ̱ܘ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ ܰܩ ܺܠܝܠ ܶܡܢ ܐ݂ ܽܕ ̈ܘ ܳܡܝܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܽ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܬ ܳܢܐ‪ܰ :‬ܐ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܓ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܳܐܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܡܢ ܽܛ ̈ܘ ݂ܒ ܳ�ܢܶܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܦ ܳܪ ܳܫܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܓ ܰܝـܐ‬ ‫ܘܓ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ ܰܚ ܳ ݂‬ ‫ܠܗ ܕܘܣ ݂‬ ‫ܚܕܗ ݂ܽ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݁‬ ‫ܝܕܝܢ ݁ ܺܕܝܠܗ‪ܳ :‬ܘܢ ܶܓ ݂ܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰ‬ ‫݂ ܰܒ ݂ܟ ܰ� ܺܡ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܠܗ ݁ܒ ܰܚܝ�‪ܶ .‬ܡܛܠ ݁ܕ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܩܒܠ ܰܚ ݂ܕ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܳܦ ܰ‬ ‫�ܚܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ ݁ ܰܓ ݂ܒـ ܳܪܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪܩ ܳܝـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܚܝ ܢ‬ ‫ܝܒܐ‪ .‬ܘܐܣ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܠܡܚ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬܝ ̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܡܚܝ ̱ܗܝ ܥܠ ܟ ݂ܬܦܗ‪ :‬ܘܩܛܥ ̇ܗ‪ .‬ܘܥܪܩ ݁ ܽܓ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪܓܝܐ ܘܐܙܠ �ܫܡܪܝܢ‪.‬‬


Ch. 






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They found 1 Timothy in the region without an army. He was ineffective 2 because he did not have an army with him. But he had left a post in a very mighty fortress.

Dositheus and Sosipater, generals from Maccabaeus’s people, went and slaughtered those who were left by Timothy in the fortresses, more than ten thousand men. Maccabaeus gathered the army with him and divided them into divisions. He appointed leaders over each of the divisions. He went against Timothy who had come against them with an army of one hundred twenty thousand foot soldiers and two thousand five hundred cavalry.

When Timothy heard about Judas’s people, he sent their women, their children, and all of their belongings to the village called Carnaim, because the village was hard and impenetrable and was not able to be subdued or plundered suddenly, for its entrances were narrow on all sides.

When the first army of Judas was seen, fear and terror fell on [their] enemies through the will of God, the ruler of all, who had been revealed to them. They all gave way to flee, and they were fleeing, each in his own way. One by one they went and ascended. One was being pierced by another, and their limbs were being struck, for their swords were sharpened. Judas pursued after them vigorously and slaughtered the wicked. He slaughtered about thirty thousand men.

Timothy fell into the hands of Dositheus and Sosipater’s people, and they seized him. He asked and supplicated them to release him alive, because — as for them — he had many of their brothers and kin.

He promised them that he would release them alive. They were put to shame by him for the sake of their brothers’ lives, and they released him alive.

1 2

‘they found’: Greek ‘they did not find’ (οὐ κατέλαβον). ‘he was ineffective’: lit. ‘his hands were weak’.


‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫ܨܚ ܠܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬

‫݁ܰ ܰ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܶܳ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݁‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܠܛ‬ ‫ܐܫܟ ܽܚ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܡ ݂ܬܐܘܣ ݁ ܶܒܗ ݁ ܰܒ ݂ܐܬ ܳܪ ܐ ݂ܕ� ܺܚܝܠ‪ :‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܡ�‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܫܠـܢ ܐ ̈ܝـ ݂ ܰܕ ̱‬ ‫ܶ ܽ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܰ ܶ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܝ�‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܛܠ ܕܠܝܬ ̱ܗܘܐ ܥܡܗ ܚ‬ ‫ܝܩܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܶܠܗ ܰܡܛ ݁ܪܬ ܐ ݂ܒ ܶܚܣ ܳܢـܐ ܰܚـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥ ܺܫ ܳܝܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݁ܽ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܳܐܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܘ ܳܣܘ ܺܣ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳ� ܢܶܐ ܘ ܺ� ܶ‬ ‫ܛܪܘܣ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ‪ .‬ܐ ܰܙܠ ̱ܘ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܡ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܶܡܢ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܕܘܣ ݂‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܶܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܶ ̈ ܶ ܰ݁ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒܝܩܝܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܠܗ ܠܛܝܡـ ݂ܬܐܘܣ ܒܚܣܢـܐ‪� :‬ܬܝــܪ ܡـܢ‬ ‫ܘܩܛ� ̱ܘ �ܗܢܘܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܥܶܣ ܳܪܐ ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ ݁ ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܺ�ܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ݁ܶ ݁ܰ ܶ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝ� ݂ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܡ�ـ ܳ ̈ܘܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶܠܓ ܶܐ ܽܢـܘܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܡ�ـ ܳ ̈ܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܺܐܩܝــܡ ܺ� ܶ‬ ‫ܝܫـܐ‬ ‫ܡܩܒܝ ܕܝܢ ܟܢܫ ܚ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܰܥ ـܠ ݁ ܽܟ ـܠ ܚـ ݂ ܳـܕܐ ܚـ ݂ ܳـܕܐ ܶܡ ـܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܡ� ـܘ ݂ܬ ܐ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ܰܐܙܠ ܰ�ܥ ـܠ ܛܝ ܳܡ ـ ݂ܬܐܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܐ ݂ܬ ܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܰ ܽ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܰ ܶ ܶ ܶ݁ ܳ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝ� ݂ܕ ܶ�ܓ ܳ�ܝܶܐ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳ� ܶܫܐ ݂ܬ ܶܪܝܢ ܰܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝــܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܶܡـܫ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܗܘܢ ܒ ݂ܬܪܬܥܣ�ܐ � ܒܘܢ ܚ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳܡܐܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ ܶܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ܰ :‬ܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܢܶ ܰܫܝ̈ ܽܗܘܢ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܰ�ܝ̈ ܽܗܘܢ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܫܡܥ ܛ‬ ‫ܘܟ ܳܠ ̇ܗ‬ ‫ܝܡ ݂ܬܐܘܣ ܰܥܠ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܶ ܽ ݁ ܰ ܳ ܳ ݀ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܚܣ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ� ܳ ܰܩ ݁ܪܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܠܩܪ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ܕܡ ݂ܬܩܪ�ܐ ܩܪܢܐ‪ .‬ܡܛܠ ܕܩܫܝܐ ̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ ܩܪ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫�ܡ ݂ܬ ݁ܟ ݂ ܳܒ ܽܫـܘ ܰܐܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܟ ܳܚܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܓܠ ܶܡ ݁‬ ‫ܘ� ݂ܰ‬ ‫�ܡ ݂ܬ ݁ܒـ ܳܙ ܽܙܘ‪ܶ .‬ܡܛـܠ ݁ ܰܕ ܺܐܠ ܺܝܨܝــܢ‬ ‫̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܡܥ̈ ܳ�ܢܶܝ ̇ܗ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܶܤܛ ܶ� ̇ܝܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ܰ ܰ ݀ ݁ܶ ܰ ܺ ܶ ܰ ܳ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ݂ ܺܕܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ :‬ܢܶ ݂ܦ ܰܠـ ݂ ݀‬ ‫ـܬܐ‬ ‫ـܬܗ ܩ ݂ܕܡܝـ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ܘܙܘܥـ ݂‬ ‫ܬ ݁ ܶܕܚܠـ ݂‬ ‫݂ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܐ ݂ܬܚܙ� ݂ܬ ܕܝܢ ܡܫܪܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰܥـܠ ݁ܒܥܶ� ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܶܒ ـܐ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܶ� ݂ܒ ܳ� ܶܢـܗ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ� ـ ܳܗܐ ܐ ܺܚܝـ ݂ـܕ ݁ܟ ـܠ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬ ݁ܓܠـܝ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܛܪܗ ܳܥ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܪܩ‪ .‬ܘܐ ܳܢܫ ܠ ܶܤ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܩܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪ܰ .‬ܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫�ܡ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ ܰܚـ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܰܚـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܳܐ ܺܙܠܝــܢ ܗ ܰܘܘ ܘ ܳܣ ܺ‬ ‫ܬ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܚܝــܢ‬ ‫�ܩܝــܢ‪ :‬ܘ ܰܚ ـ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ـܢ ܰܚ ـ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ݁ܬ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܓ ܺܫܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܘܡܣ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܺ ܺ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫̈‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܰܗ ݁ ܳܕܡܝܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܡܛܠ ܕܣ�ܦܝܗܘܢ ܫܡܝܛܝܢ ̱ܗܘܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ ܽ ݁ܰ ܺ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܩܛـܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܒـ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ܒ ܰ� ܺܫܝܥܶـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܬ‪ .‬ܘ‬ ‫ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܪ ݂ ܶܕ ݂ܦ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܪܗܘܢ ܬܩ ݂‬ ‫ܝܦܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܛܠ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܒ ܽܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܬ ܳܠ ݂ܬ � ݁ܒ ܳܘܢ ݁ ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܶ�ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬ ܳܐܘܣ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܘ ݂ ܶܕܝــــܢ ܺܛ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ ݁ ܽܕ ܺ‬ ‫ـܬܐܘܣ‬ ‫ܢܦــ ـܠ ݁ ܺܒܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕܝــ ـ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒܝـــ ݂‬ ‫ܝܡــ ـ ݂‬ ‫ܘܣܝـــ ݂‬ ‫ܘ ܳܣـܘ ܺܣ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܦ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܘ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ܰܫـ ݂ܦ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡܢـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ܳ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܛܪܘܣ ܰܘܐܚـ ݁ ܽـܕ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫݁ ܰ ܰ ݁ ܺ ̈ܶ ܶ ܽ ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܫܒ ܽܩ ܳ‬ ‫݁ܕܢܶ ݁‬ ‫ـܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܘܢܝ ̱ܗܝ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰܚܝ‪ .‬ܘ ܶܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛـܠ ܕ�ܣܓܝـܐܐ ܡܢـ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܐ ̈ܶܚܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒܢ̈ܝ ܰܫ ݁ܪܒ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܨ ݂ ܰܝܕ ̱‬ ‫ܽ ݁ܰ ݁ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܽ ܶ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܘ ݂ܕܝــܢ ܐܫـ‬ ‫ܪܦـܐ ܐ ܽܢـܘܢ ݁ ܰܟـ ݂ܕ ܰܚ ܺܝܝــܢ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܒـ ܶܗ ݂ܬ ̱ܘ ܶܡܢܶـܗ‬ ‫ܘܕܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �ــܗܘܢ ܕܢ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ܰܚ ̈ܶܝܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰܐܚ ̈ܝܗܘܢ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ܟ ݂ܕ ܰܚܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫ ݂ܒܩ ̱‬ ‫‪‬‬

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He went there at night and burned their harbor with all that was in it, so that the brilliance of the burning fire was visible even in Jerusalem, two hundred forty stadia away. From there they separated themselves by about nine stadia and went against Timothy. About five thousand1 Arab foot soldiers and five hundred cavalry attacked them.

After the war and great battle had happened, Judas’s people were victorious because of the help of God who was with them. When the desert-dwellers were conquered, they asked Judas to show them favor, promising him that they would give them pasture land.

Judas thought that they might be useful to him for many things and yielded so that he might have peace with them. When they accepted his favor, they went to their tents. Judas attacked a strong city that was encircled and armed with its walls. Many nations were dwelling in it, and its name was Caspin.

Its inhabitants trusted in the firmness of its walls and in the large amount of arms that they stored within it. They were excessively conceited, and they blasphemed and disgraced Judas’s people. They spoke impure words to them, which were not right.

Judas’s people prayed and cried out to God, the powerful one of the worlds, to that one who without stones, siege engines, and the skills of people, had knocked down the walls of Jericho in the days of Joshua. 2 They approached and rushed against the walls as animals, and they tore down its wall. They subdued the city through the will of God. They slaughtered many within it so that the lake which was near them, being about two stadia across, was entirely mixed with blood. They departed from there, went about seven hundred fifty stadia, and entered Charax, to the Jews who are called Toubiani.

1 2

‘about five thousand’ reflects the Lucianic recension. See Joshua 6:1–27.




‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬

‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܕܗ ܰ� ܺܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳܡܢ ݁ܒ ܺ� ܳܝܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘܐ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܐܢܗܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܥـܡ ܽ ݁ ܽܟـܠ ܶܡـ ݁ ܶܕܡ ܶ ݁ ܺܕܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ� ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ � ܺ‬ ‫ܗܪܐ ܕ ܽܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܕ ܰ� ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܗ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‪ܰ .‬ܡ ݂ܐܬܝܢ ܰܘ ݁‬ ‫ܐܪܒ ܺܥܝܢ‬ ‫݂ ܶ ܶܒܗ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܕܢܶ ݂ܬܚ ܶܙ ܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܙ ݂‬ ‫ܐ ̈ܤ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܛܕ ܳܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܶܳ‬ ‫ܪܚܩ ̱ܘ ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܬܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܰܬ ܳܡܢ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܥـܐ ܶܐ ̈ܤܛـ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡـ ݂ܬܐܘܣ‪.‬‬ ‫ـܕ ܳܘܢ‪ܳ .‬ܘ ܺܐܙ ̱ܠܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܥـܠ ܛ‬ ‫ܐܪܡܝܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ ܰܥ� ݂ ܳܒܝܶܐ ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ ܰܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ ܶ� ݂ܓ ܳ�ܝܶܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܶܡܫ ܳܡܐܐ ݂ ܰܦ ܳ� ܺܫܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܳܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬ ݂ܟ ݁ ܽܬ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܶܡ ܽܛـܠ ܽ�ܥ ݂ܘܕ ܳܪ ܳܢـܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ�ـ ܳܗܐ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܪ ݁ ܳܒܐ‪ܰ ݂ :‬ܙܟܘ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܟ ݂ܕ ܗܘܐ ܩܪ ݂ܒܐ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ܺܽ ܳ ܶ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܰܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܐ ݁ܙܕ ݂ܟܝܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ� ܢܐ‪݁ :‬ܒܥܝܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܡܢ �ܗ ݂ܘܕܐ ݂ܕܢـܬܠ �ــܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ ݁ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܡܝܢܐ‪ .‬ܟ ݂ܕ ܡ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܠܗ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ܬ ܽܠܘܢ ܐ ݂ܦ ݁ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫�� ݂ ̈ܒـ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳ ̈ܝـ ݂ܐܬ ܐ‪ܶ .‬ܘܐ ݂ܬܪ ܺܡـܝ ݂ܕܢܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܚܝܢ ܐ ܽܢـܘܢ ܶܠـܗ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܺܘ ܽܝܗܘ݂ ܳܕܐ ܶܐ ݂ܬ ܰܪ ܺܥܝ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܰܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܩ� ̱ܘ ܰ� ܺܡ ܳܝܢܐ‪ܶ .‬ܐ ܰܙܠ ̱ܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܡ ̈ܫ ݁ܟ ܰܢܝ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܐ ܺ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂ܟ ܺܪܝ ݂ ܳܟـܐ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܥܫܝܢـ‬ ‫ܡܚ ܳܙܩـܐ ݂ܒ ܽܫـܘ� ̇ܝܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ܬܐ ݂‬ ‫ܪܡܝ ܰܥܠ ݂‬ ‫ܫܡ ̇ܗ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܩ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܥ ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܳܒ ̇ܗ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܶܐܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܨܦܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܥܠ ܽܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܥ ܽܡܘ ܶ� ̇ܝܗ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܬ ݂ ܺܟ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܽܪܗܘܢ ݁ܕ ܽܫـܘ ܶ� ̇ܝܗ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܥـܠ ܰܙ ܳܝܢـܐ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܺ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶܡ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ܺܪ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝܐܐ ݂ܕ ܺܣܝܡ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܡܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܓ ݁ܕ ݂ ܺܦܝــܢ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ܒ ݂ܰܓ ܳܘ ̇ܗ‪݁ �ܰ .‬ܬ ܳܝܪܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ ̈ܶ ܶ ܰ ̈ ݁ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ܳ .‬ܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܨ ܺ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ .‬ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ܕ�‬ ‫ܐܡܪܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ �ــܗܘܢ ܡـ� ܛ�ܦـ ݂‬ ‫ܥܪܝܢ ܰܠ ݂ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܳܙ ݂ ̈ܕ ܳܩܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܬ ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ ܳܥ ̈� ܶܡܐ‪� :‬ـ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܨ ܺܠܝܘ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܓ ܰܥܘ‬ ‫݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ‬ ‫ـܗܘ ݁ ܰ ݂ܕܕ�‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ ܰܚ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫�ܫـܘ ܶ� ̇ܝܗ ݁ ܺܕ ܺ‬ ‫݂ܒ ݂ ܺܟܐ ݂ ̈ܦܐ ܰܘ݂ܕ ܳ� ݂ܒ ܰܡ ݂ ܺܐܟ ܰ� ̈ܘܣ ܽܘܐ ̈ܘ ܳܡܢ ܳܘ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܰܢ̈ܝ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫـܐ‪ :‬ܣ ܰܚـ ݂ܦ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܝܪ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܚـܘ‬ ‫ܰ̈ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܗ ݁ܕ�ܶ ܽܫܘܥ‪ܶ .‬ܘܐܬ ܰܩ ܰܪ ݂ܒܘ ܶܘ ݁ܐܬ ܰܛ ܺܪܝــܘ ݁ܒ ܽܫـܘ ܶ�ܐ ܰܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ܰܚ ̈�ـ ܳܘ ܳܬ ܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܰܣ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ‫݂ܒ�ܘܡ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܚܦـ ̱‬ ‫�ܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܪ ̇ܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ݁ ܳ ݁ ܶ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛ�ـ ̱ܘ ݁ ܳܒـ ̇ܗ � ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ̈ܝܶـܐܐ‪ܰ .‬ܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܒ ܽܫ ̇‬ ‫ܘܗ ܠ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ܬܐ‪ .‬ܒ� ݂ܒ�ܢـܗ ܕܐ�ـܗܐ‪ :‬ܘܩ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢـܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܒܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܬܐ ݂ܕ ܰܩ ܺܪ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪ܺ ݁ :‬ܕܐܝ ݂ܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܳܒ ̇ܗ ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܬ ܶܪܝܢ ܶܐ ̈ܤܛـ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ـܕ ܳܘܢ‪݁ :‬ܬ ݂ܬ ̱ܡـ ܶܙ ݂ܓ‬ ‫݂ܕ� ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁ ܽܟ ܳܠ ̇ܗ ܒ ݂ܕܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫܝــܢ ܶܐ ̈ܤܛـ ݂ ܰܕ ܳܘܢ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܫܩ� ̱ܘ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܰܬ ܳܡܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܰܐܙܠـ ̱ܘ ܰܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܫܒـܥ ܳܡـܐܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥ�ـ ̱ܘ‬ ‫ܳ ܺܽ ̈ܳܶ ܳܽ ݁ ܶ ܶ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪܝܢ ܛ ̈ܘ ݂ܒ ܳ�ܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܪܟܐ �ܘ ݂ܬ �ܗܘ ݂ܕ�ܐ ܗܢܘܢ ܕܡ ݂ܬ‬


Ch. 

Chapter 

 

When these things had taken place, Lysias departed and went to the king. The Jews returned to their work and labor.

But the governors who were in certain regions, Timothy and Apollonius son of Gennaeus, Hieronymus 1 and Remophon, 2 and along with these Nicanor of the Cypriots, 3 did not allow them to be at rest and peace. The people of Joppa performed a wicked act in this way: They demanded that the Jews among them sit, with their wives and children, on light boats, as though there was neither enmity nor strife between them.

But all the people of the city were plotting together. [The Jews] assented to these things, as they wished to have peace, and there was no one who thought anything of this. 4 They went up and sat down, but [the people of the city] approached and drowned about two hundred 5 [of them] in the sea.

When Judas heard about the awful, wicked deed that happened among the people of his nation, he took charge of the people with him.

He prayed and called out to God, the judge of truth, and he came out against the murderers of their brothers. He burned their harbor at night with the ships that were in it. They slaughtered those who remained in them. When the people of the city perceived this, they shut the gates. He turned and came back, because he was seeking to go against them again and thinking that he might uproot Joppa with its inhabitants.

But then they also perceived that the people of Jamnia wished to act in this way toward the Jews who were dwelling there. 1 2 3 4 5

‘Hieronymus’: this word is preceded by ‘of’ or ‘for’ or ‘because’ (‫)ܕ‬. ‘Remophon’: Greek ‘Demophon’ (Δημοφῶν).

‘Nicanor of the Cypriots’: lit. ‘and Nicanor, and with them the Cypriots’.

‘thought anything of this’: lit. ‘put anything in mind’.

‘about two hundred’: Greek ‘no less than two hundred’ (οὐκ ἔλαττον τῶν



‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬


















‫ܫܩـܠ� ܽܠܘ ܺܣ ܳܝـܘܣ ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ �ـ ܳـܘ ݂ܬ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܗ ܰ ̈ܘܝ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ̈ܶܡ ܶ�‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫�ܟـܐ‪ܺ .‬ܘܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ ܶ�ـܐ‬ ‫ܘ�ܚ ܽ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ ܰܘ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐ ݂ܬ ݁ܦ ܺܢܝܘ ܰܥܠ ݁ ܽܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ܰܳ ܳ ܺ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܬ ܳܐܘܣ ܰܘ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫ܺ� ܶ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳ� ܢܶܐ ݂ ܺܕܐܝـ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝـܘܣ ݁ ܰܒـܪ‬ ‫ـܬ ̱ܗܘܘ ܒـ ݂ܐܬ �ܘ ݂ܬ ܐ‪ :‬ܛܝܡـ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܓ ܺܢܝ‪ܺ ݁ :‬ܕ�ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܘܣ‪ :‬ܘ ܰܪ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܦـܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥܡـ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢـܘܪ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܐܪ ܺܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܽܩ ݁ܘܦ ܳ� ܶ�ـܐ‪ܳ � :‬ܫ ݂ܒ ܺܩܝــܢ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ܕܢܶ ܽ‬ ‫̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܽ‬ ‫ܫ�ܘܢ ܘܢܶ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ܺ� ܽ‬ ‫ܝܚܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫܥـܐ ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܰܢ̈ܝ ܽ� ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܽܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܝܣـ ̱ܘ ܺܠܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ ܶ�ـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥܡـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܦܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ ܺ‬ ‫݁ ܶ݁ ܽ ܰ ܶܰ ̈ܽ ܰ ܰ ̈ܽ ݁ ܰ ܽ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰܚـ ݂ܕ ܰܥـܡ‬ ‫ܕܢܬ ݂ܒܘܢ ܥܡ ܢܫܝܗܘܢ ܘ ݂ܒ�ܝܗܘܢ ܒܩ‬ ‫ܪܩܘ�ܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟ ݂ܕ � ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰܚ ݂ܕ‪݂ �ܳ :‬ܒܥܶ ݁‬ ‫ܠܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܽܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪ .‬ܘ� ܰܡ ܽܨ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳ� ܶܐ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܰܫ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰܐ ݂ܟܚ ݂ ܳܕܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܐ�ܛܒܝܘ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ‪ :‬ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ݁ܕ ܳܗܐ ܰܠـܡ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ܒܢ̈ܝ ܡ ݂ܕܝܢ̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫ� ܰܡܐ ̱ܗܘ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ܥܒ ݂ ܽܕܘܢ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܠܝ ݁ܬ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܡ ܳܣܡ ݁ܒ ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܥ� ܳܢـܐ ܶܡـ ݁ ܶܕܡ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘܥ� ̱ܘ ܘܛ ݁ ܰܒܥ ̱ܘ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ܒ ݂ܰܓܘ ܰ� ܳܡܐ ܐ ݂ܝܟ ܰܡ ݂ܐܬܝܢ ܰܢ ݂ ̈ܦ ܳܫܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܣ ܶ�ܩ ̱ܘ ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܽ ܳ ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܬܐ ܘ ܽܪ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܥܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܫܡܥ �ܗ ݂ܘܕܐ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ ܰܒ ݂ ̈ܒ ܰܢܝ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪݁ :‬ܦ ܰܩ ݂ܕ �� ܳܢ ܳܫܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܽ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܰܥـܠ ܳܩܛـ ̈ܘ� ݂ ܰܕ ܰܐܚ ̈ܝـ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܨ ܺܠܝ ܰܘ ݂ܓ ܳܥܐ �ܘ ݂ܬ ܐ�ܗܐ ݂ܕ�ܢـܐ ݂ܕܩـ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫̈ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ܗ ̈ܘܝ ݁ ܶܒܗ‪ .‬ܘ� ܶ‬ ‫ܘ� ܺܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܶܕܐ ݁‬ ‫ܫܬ ݂ ܰܟܚـ ̱ܘ‬ ‫ܐܢܗܘܢ ܐܘ ܶ ܶܩ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ� ܳܝܐ‪ܰ .‬ܥܡ ܐܠ ݂ܦܐ ݂ ܺܕ ݂ ̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܶܗܝܢ ܰܩܛ� ̱ܘ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܰܚـ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ݁ ܰܬ� ܶܥـܐ‪ܽ .‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܐ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܦـ ݂ܟ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܶܠـܗ‪ܶ .‬ܡܛـܠ‬ ‫ܪܓܫ ̱ܘ ݁ܒܢ̈ܝ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱‬ ‫ـܗ � ܽܝ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫݁ܕ ݂ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ݁ ܳܒܥܶܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕ ܺܢ ܰܐܙܠ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫�ܥܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܰܫـ ݂ܒ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕܢܶܥܩ ܺܪܝـ ̇‬ ‫ܘܦـܐ ܰܥـܡ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ� ݁ܬ ݂ ܶܒܝ̈ ̇ܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܪܓܫ ̱ܘ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ‪ܳ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂ܐܦ ݁ܕ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܰ� ܺ‬ ‫ܡܢܝــܢ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ݂ܟـ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܐ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫�ܒـܘ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ܥܒـ ݂ ܽܕܘܢ ܺܠܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ ܶ�ـܐ‬ ‫ܳ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܪܝܢ ݁ܬ ܳܡܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܕܥ‬


Ch. 

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Be well. In the one-hundred-forty-eighth year, 1 on the fifteenth of Nisan.” 2

The Romans sent a letter to the Jews, which was written as follows, “Quintus Memmius and Titus Manilius, 3 elders of the Romans to the gathering of Jews: Peace. Concerning all that Lysias, the king’s kinsman, has granted you, we also give our consent.

Concerning all that he also has said to the king about you, send people so that these things are done for you and so that we might bring you rest in all that you wish, for we are seeking to come to Antioch. But make haste then to send people to us so that they might inform us how you are. In the one-hundred-forty-eighth year, 4 on the fifteenth of Nisan.” 5


164 BCE.


‘Manilius’: Greek ‘Manius’ (Μάνιος). Other Syriac versions match the Greek.

2 4 5

‘Nisan’: Greek ‘Xanthicus’ (Ξανθικοῦ). 164 BCE.

‘Nisan’: Greek ‘Xanthicus’ (Ξανθικοῦ).


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫ܰ ݁ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬܘܢ ܺ‬ ‫ܚܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܡܝܢ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܒ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܪܒ ܺܥܝܢ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܳܡܢܶܐ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܰܚ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܢ ݂ܬ ܳܡܐܐ ܰܘ ݁‬ ‫ܠܓ ܗܘ‬ ‫ܡܫܥܶܣ ܳܪܐ ݂ܒ ܺܢܝ ܳܣܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܺܽ ̈ܳܶ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܠܕ ܰܫـ ݁ ܰܕܪ ̱ܘ ܳܐ ݂ܦ � ܽ ̱ܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܳ‬ ‫ܩܘܝܢܛ ـܘܣ‬ ‫ܝܒ ـܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡܝܶ ـܐ ܐ ݁ ܰܓـ ݁ܪܬ ܐ �ــܘ ݂ܬ �ܗܘ ݂ܕ�ـܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܟ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܘܛ ܳܛܘܣ ܰܡ ܺܢ ܺ‬ ‫ܢܫܐ ݂ ܺܕܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡܝܶܐ‪ܶ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܝ� ܳܝܘܣ ܳܣ ݂ ̈ܶܒܐ ݂ܕ� ܽ ̱ܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܝܘܣ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܒܩ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܝܘܣ ݁ ܰܒܪ ݁ ܶܓܢ ܶܣܗ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ ܽܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܠܗ ܰܥܠ ݁ ܽܟܠ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪ܳ :‬ܐ ݂ܦ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܢـܢ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫�ܛܒܝܢ ܚ ܰܢܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ � ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܠܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ݁ ܽܟܠ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ݁ ܶܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟܘܢ‪ܰ :‬ܫـ ݁ ܰܕܪ ̱ܘ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫـܐ ݂ܕܢܶܣ ݁ܬܥـ ܳ�ܢ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫݂ܽ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ‪݂ ܰ :‬ܘܕܢܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ ܳܢܝ ܳܚܐ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ܶܡـ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ܕ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܝــܢ ܐܢ ̱ـ ݁ܬܘܢ‪ܶ .‬ܡܛـܠ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܳܗܐ ݂ ܳܒܥܶܝܢ ܚ ܰܢܢ ݁ܕ ܺܢ ݂ܐܬ ܐ �ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܺܟ ܰܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܳ ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܽ ܳ ݁ܰ ݁ ܰ ܳ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܙ ܐ � ܐܣ ݁ܬ ܰܪܗ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ܳܗ ݂ ܺܟܝܠ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܬ ܰܫ ݁ܕܪܘܢ �ܘ ݂ܬܢ ܐ̱ܢܫܐ‪ :‬ܕܢܘܕܥܘܢܢ ܕܐܝܟܢܐ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܠܚ ݁ ܰܒ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܪܒ ܺܥܝܢ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܳܡܢܶܐ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܰܚ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܢ ݂ܬ ܳܡܐܐ ܰܘ ݁‬ ‫ܡܫܥܶܣ ܳܪܐ ݂ܒ ܺܢܝ ܳܣܢ‪.‬‬


Ch.  XXXI

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In the one-hundred-forty-eighth year, 1 on the twenty-fourth of Second Teshri.” 2

The king’s letter came which was written as follows, “King Antiochus to my brother Lysias: Peace.

Because my father has departed for the gods, I want our kingdom to be without trouble. For this reason, I have written about the care of the Jews.

Since we heard about them, that they do not wish to yield to the mind of my father to idolatry 3 but desire to persist in their own laws and, for this reason, are requesting to be allowed [to keep] their laws,

we desired that this nation be without trouble and fear, that their temple be given to them, and that they lead their lives and walk according to the laws and customs of their ancestors. You are doing well if you send to them and show them favor, for when they see our thinking toward them, they will rejoice and be at rest in all their deeds.” To the nation of the Jews, the letter of the king was written as follows, “King Antiochus to the elders of Jews and the rest of the Jews: Peace. May you be healthy 4 as we desire. We ourselves are well.

Menelaus informed us about you, that you desire to be at rest in your actions and deeds and to follow your laws. We have shown you favor, and we have forgiven [your] folly until the end of the month of Nisan. 5

Let the Jews then walk according to their laws as before, 6 and let no one harass any of them about anything that has happened. I have sent Menelaus to inform you of these things. 1

164 BCE.


‘idolatry’: Greek ‘Greek customs’ (τὰ Ἑλληνικά).

2 4 5 6

‘Second Teshri’: Greek ‘Dioscorinthius’ (Διὸς Κορινθίου). ‘may you be healthy’: lit. ‘let health be’.

‘Nisan’: Greek ‘Xanthicus’ (Ξανθικοῦ).

On this verse, see Introduction, Noteworthy Readings.


‫ܨܚ ܠܐ‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬






‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫݁ܰ ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܺ ܰ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ ݁ ܳ ܶ ܺ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܬ ܺ‬ ‫ܫܪܝ ܐ̱ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟܐ ܒܫܢ ݂ܬ ܡܐܐ ܘܐܪܒܥܝܢ ܘ ݂ܬܡܢܐ‪ :‬ܒܐܪܒܥܐ ܘܥܣܪܝܢ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݀ ܶ ݁ܰ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܠ ܽ ܺ‬ ‫ܟܒ ܐ ݂ܬ ݂ܬ ܐܓܪܬܗ ܕܡ�ܟܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܟ ݂ܬ ݂ܝܒܐ ܗ ݂ܟܢܐ‪ .‬ܐ‬ ‫ـܝ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܝܘܣ ܐܚـ ̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܽ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܰ ܺ ܳ ܰ ܳ ̈ܶ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܶ ݁ ܶ ܶ ܰ ݁ ܽ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬܢ ݁ܕ ܳ� ݂ܽ‬ ‫ܘܫܝـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܟܓ ܡܛܠ ܕܐܫܬܢܝ ܐ ݂ܒ ̱ܝ ��ܗܐ‪݂ � :‬ܒܐ ܳ ܐ̱ܢܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܕ ݂ܬܗܘܐ ܡ�ܟـ ݂‬ ‫ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܶܟܬ ݁ ܶܒܬ ܰܥܠ ܰ� ܺܨ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܦ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ ܺܕܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ ܶܳ‬ ‫�ܒܘ ݁ܕܢܶ ݂ܬܪ ܽܡܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡܥܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ݁ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ ݁ܕ ܳ� ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪ .‬ܐ �‬ ‫ܥ�ܢܶܗ ݁ ܳܕ ݂ܐܒ ̱ܝ �ܚ‬ ‫݁ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܽܛـܠ ܳܗ ܳܢـܐ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݂ܒ ܽܩـܘܢ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫݂ܒ ܳܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܰܣܝ ܽܗܘܢ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܝܢ ݁ ܰܕ ܰܢܩ ܽܘܘܢ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܡܦ ܺ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܝܣܝــܢ‪ :‬ܕܢ‬ ‫ܳܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܰܣ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ݁ܶ ܶ ܳܳ ܰܳ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܶ ܺ‬ ‫ܬܝ ܶܗ ݂ܒ ܽ‬ ‫�‬ ‫ܕ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܡ‬ ‫ܥ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܢ‬ ‫ܗ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܗܘ‬ ‫ܢ‬ ‫ܕ‬ ‫ܝܢ‬ ‫�ܒ‬ ‫ܢ‬ ‫ܚܢ‬ ‫ܦ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܟܗ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܫܓܘܫܝܐ‪݂ .‬ܘܕ� ݂ܕܚܠ ݂ܬܐ‪ .‬ܘܢ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ ܐ ݂ܝܟ ܢܡܘܣܐ ܘܥ� ݂ܕܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܐܒܗ�ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܝܟ�ܗܘܢ ܘܢܬ݁ܕܒܪܘܢ ܘܢܗ ݂‬ ‫ܟܘ ܰܫ ݁ ܺܦܝܪ ܳܗ ݂ ܺܟܝܠ ܳ�ܥ ݂ ܶܒ ݂ܕ ܰܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ‪ܶ .‬ܐܢ ݁ܬ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ �ـ ܳـܘ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ ݂ܘܬܶ ݁ܬܶܠ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰ� ܺܡ ܳܝܢـܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ݂ ܰܟـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܢܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܗܘܘܢ ݁ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܚܙܘܢ ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܘܢ‬ ‫�ܥܒ ݂ ܰܕ�̈ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܚܐ ݂‬ ‫ܥ� ܰܢܢ ݁ ܰܕ� ܳܘ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܚ ݂ܕ ܳ�ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ݀ ܶ ܰ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܺ ܽ ̈ܳܶ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܳ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢـܐ‪ .‬ܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟـܘܣ‬ ‫ܝܒـܐ ̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ݁ܓـ‬ ‫ܟܙ ܘ�ܘ ݂ܬ ܥܡܐ ݂ܕܝܗܘ ݂ܕ�ـܐ‪ :‬ܟ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪ܳ � :‬ܣ ݂ ̈ܒܐ ݂ ܺܕܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ܘ�ܫܪܟܐ ݂ܕܝܗܘ ݂ܕ�ܐ‪ :‬ܫ�ܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ܳܡܐ ݂ܕ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒ ܰܝܢܢ‪ܳ .‬ܐ ݂ܦ ܚ ܰܢܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܺ‬ ‫ܚܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܘ�ܡ ܳܢܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܝܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܟܚ ܽ‬ ‫ܚܢܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܠ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܟܛ ܰܐ ݁ܘܕ ܰܥܢ ܶܡܢܶ ܰ�ܳܘܣ ܰ‬ ‫�ܝـܐ ݂ܬܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܟܘܢ‪݁ .‬ܕ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܝܢ ܐܢ ̱ـ ݁ ܽܬܘܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܘܢ‪݁ :‬ܒ ݂ ܽܦ ̈ܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܚ ܰܢܝ ݁ ܽܟـܘܢ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ ܰܕ ̈ܝ ݁ ܽܟܘܢ‪݂ .‬ܘܬܶ ݁ܬ ݁ ܰܕ ݁ܒ ܽܪܘܢ ݁ܒ ܳܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܰܣ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܒ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܢܢ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒܢ ܰ� ܺܡ ܳܝܢܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܠ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܰ‬ ‫ܘ� ܶܡܗ ݁ܕ ܺܢܝ ܳܣܢ ܰ� ܳ‬ ‫ܫܒܩܢ ܰܣ ݂ ̈ܟ� ܳܘ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܪܚܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܗ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫� ܢܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܗܘܘܢ ܳܗ ݂ ܺܟܝܠ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ܰ‬ ‫�ܟܝܢ ݁ܒ ܳܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܰܣܝ ܽܗܘܢ ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܕ ܶܡـܢ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܩܕܝــܡ‪ .‬ܘܐ̱ ܳܢـܫ �‬ ‫ܰܢ ܰܗܪ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܚ ݂ܕ ܶܡܢ ܽܗܘܢ ܰܥܠ ݁ ܽܟܠ ݂ ܽ�ܒܘ ݂ ܺܕ ݂‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܰܫ ݁ܕ ܶܪ ݂ܬ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ � ܶܡܢܶ ܰ�ܳܘܣ ݁ܕ ܰܢ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܟܘܢ ܶܗܢܶܝܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ‪.‬‬


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Immediately all of them raised their voice and blessed the merciful God in heaven. They were confirmed and strengthened in their souls, that they would not only overthrow the people alone but even the wild animals, and that they would throw down the iron walls. They went out confidently, believing that God would be merciful to them and would be [their] ally.

They ran as lions against their enemies, and they threw down about eleven thousand along with one thousand six hundred cavalry. The rest fled. Many of them, being struck, fled naked, and Lysias also in great shame escaped, while fleeing.

Since Lysias was a man of understanding, he considered what had happened to him. Thinking about it, he said, “The Hebrews cannot be conquered because the strong God [came] to their aid.” So he sent for them. He sought to establish a friendship with them and said, “Let us pressure the king also to be their friend.”

Maccabaeus heeded all that Lysias requested, because he wanted them to be allies. The king granted everything that Maccabaeus had written and sent to Lysias concerning the Jews. The letter that Lysias wrote to the Jews was as follows, “Lysias to the gathering of Jews: Peace. John and Absalom, whom you sent, have given us the letter. They sought what was written in it.

I have spoken that which was necessary for me to bring and say to the king. He has granted that which is appropriate for him to grant. If then you maintain friendship with us, on my account you will receive all manner of blessings. 1

Concerning those things about which you sent, I have now written and sent [a letter] so that everything might be for you as you wished.

‘on my account you will receive all manner of blessings’: lit. ‘I will become for you a reason for all manner of blessings’.





‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝـܐ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܰܐܪܺܝܡ ̱ܘ ܳܩ ܽ‬ ‫ܥܬܗ ݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܶܪ ݂ܟ ̱ܘ ܰ� ܳ�ـ ܳܗܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܚܡ ܳܢـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܘܒܪ ܫ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ܰܪܪ ̱ܘ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܚ ܰܝ� ̱ܘ ݁ܒ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܳܫ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪݁ .‬ܕ� ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫�ܚ ݂ܘܕ ܰܠ ݂ܒܢ̈ܝ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫـܐ ܢܶ ݁‬ ‫ܗܓ ܽܡـܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘ‬ ‫ܰ ̈ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܳܳ ܳ ܰ ܽ ܶ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܚܦܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ � ܐ ݂ܦ �ܚ�ܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܒܥܪܝ�� ݂ܬܐ‪ .‬ܘ�ܫܘ�ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܦܪܙ� ܢܣ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫�ــܗܘܢ ܰܐ ܳ�ــ ܳܗܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܗ ܺ‬ ‫ܝ�ܺܝــ ݂ܬ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܟــ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܡ ܳܢــܐ‬ ‫ܝܡܢܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܳܗ ܶܘܐ‬ ‫ܳܘ ܺܐܙ ̱ܠܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܬ ݂ܟ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܥ ݁ܕ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܪܡܝــܘ ܶܡܢـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܗܛ �ܘ ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ܰܐ� ܰܝ ܳܘ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ܰܥܠ ݁ܒܥܶ� ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܰܒܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܕܥ ܰܣـܪ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܘܫ ݂ܬ ܳܡܐܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܰܫ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟܐ ݂ ܰܕܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܢܶܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳ� ܶܫܐ ܐ ܶܠ ݂ܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܪܩ ̱ܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܛـܠ‪ܳ .‬ܐ ݂ܦ ܽܗܘ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ܽܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܶܐܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܡܢ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܝـܘܣ‪:‬‬ ‫ܡܡ ܶܚܝܢ ܥܪܩ ̱ܘ ܥ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܶ ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܐܬ ܐ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܳ� ܶܪܩ ܐ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܦ ܰܠܛ‪.‬‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܒܗܬ ݂ܬ ܐ ܣܓ ݂‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܝܘܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܽܠ ܺ‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ܰܗܘܢܶܗ‪ :‬ܪ ܳܢܐ ݂ܒ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ܕ ܰܓ ݂ܕ ܶܫܗ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܪ ܺܥܝ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪:‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ ܬ ܺܩ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܦܐ ݂ܒ ܽܥ ݂ܘܕ ܳܪ ܽܢܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܘ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܨ ݂ ܰܝܕ ܽܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܕ� ܶܡ ݁ܙܕ ݂ ܶܟܝܢ ܥܶ ݂ܒ��ܶܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡܛܠ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ ܶ ݁ܶ ܰ ܽ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܢܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܳܕ ݂ܐܦ � ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܠܘܨ ݁ܕܢܶـ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪ܳ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‬ ‫݂ܘܒܥܐ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܕܢܥܒ ݂ܕ ܥܡܗܘܢ ܪܚܡ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܳܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܒܝ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܒـܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟܠ ܶܡـ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܳܥـܐ ܽܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܝـܘܣ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ܽܛـܠ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܐܬܪ ܺܡܝ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝــܢ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܶ ݁ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܥ ݁ܕ ܳ�ܢ ܶܗܢܶܝܢ ܢܶܗ ̈ܘ ܳ�ܢ‪ܽ ݂ .‬‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ ܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܒ ܘ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܝܘܣ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫ܘܟܠ ܡܕܡ ܕ ݂ܟ ݂‬ ‫ܫܒܩ � ܽܗܘܢ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ̈ ݁ ܶ ܶ ݁ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܝܘܣ ܺܠܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢـܐ‪ܽ .‬ܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܒ ܽܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܝـܘܣ‬ ‫ܝܗܝܢ ̱ܗܘܝ ܕܝܢ ܐܓ� ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܟ‬ ‫ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫�ܟܢܫܐ ݂ܕܝܗܘ ݂ܕ�ܐ‪ :‬ܫܠܡ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܽ ݁ܶ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܫܬ݁ ܰܕܪ ̱ܘ ܶܡܢ ܶܨ ݂ ܰܝܕ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܟܘܢ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ܐ ݁ܓ ܳ� ݂ܬ ܐ‪ܳ ݂ .‬‬ ‫�ܘܚܢܢ ܘ ݂ܐܒܫ�ܘܡ ܕ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܟ ݂ܬ ݂ܝܒ ݁ܒ ܶܗܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܟـܐ‪ܶ .‬ܐܡـ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ � ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ـܪ ݂ܬ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ܒܥܶܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܶܕ ܰܐܩ ܶܪ ݂ܒ ܺܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡـ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ܕ ܳܙ ݂ ܶܕܩ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫݂ܕܢܶ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܒܘܩ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒܩ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ ܶ ܽ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ܰܡـܢ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫�ܗܝــܢ‬ ‫�ܟـܘܢ ܥܠـ ݂‬ ‫ܐܳܢ ܽܗܘ ܳܗ ݂ ܺܟܝــܠ ܕ ݂ܬܛــܪܘܢ ܪܚܡـ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܛ ݂ ̈ܒ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݁ܶ ݁ܰ ܰ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫ ݁ܕ ܶܪ ݂ܬ‪݁ :‬ܕ ݂ ܽܟܠ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܬܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܗܐ ݂ ܶܟ ݂ܬ ݁ ܶܒ ݂ܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ܗܠܝܢ ܕܝܢ ܕܫܠ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܳ ܶ ݁ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܝܟ ܕ� ݂ܒ‬ ‫‪‬‬

Ch. 

Chapter 

 

After a short time, when Lysias, the guardian of the king and his kinsman, heard all that happened, he grew infuriated and very bitter.

He gathered an army of more than eighty thousand and many cavalry. He then came against the Jews and thought that he might make the city a dwelling place for the nations, 1 that he might garner contributions of silver for the temple as for the rest of the temples of idols, and that he might dissolve and repudiate the chief priesthood.

He did not remember and set before his eyes the greatness and judgment of God but rather became arrogant and conceited, trusting in his army of tens of thousands, thousands of cavalry, and his elephants. 2 He entered Judea and approached Beth-zur. He camped in a certain great village which was about ten thousand and five 3 stadia from Jerusalem. He began to press against it.

When Maccabaeus’s people heard that he had started plundering and pillaging the fortresses, they asked the Lord with weeping and tears to send a good angel for the deliverance of Israel.

Maccabaeus took up his arms first and incited and encouraged his companions also to help their brothers who were cast down in the punishment of the enemies. They all went courageously at the same time.

When they came up near Jerusalem, their leader appeared in white apparel, riding a horse and clothed with golden arms. He was shining and lifted up in his armor before them.


‘for the nations’: Greek ‘for the Greeks’ (Ἕλλησιν).


‘ten thousand and five’ reflects some recensions. Others have ‘five’ (πέντε)


‘his elephants’: Greek ‘eighty elephants’ (τοῖς ἐλέφασιν τοῖς ὀγδοήκοντα).


‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬

















‫ܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳܝܘܣ ܰܐ ݁ ܺܦܛ ܳܪ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܦܗ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܩ ܺܠܝܠ ܰܙ ݂ܒ ܳܢܐ‪ܽ :‬ܠ ܺ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܪ ݁ ܶܓܢ ܶܣـܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܡܢ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ݁ܒ ݂ܟܠ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܰܡ ݂ܬ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܡ ܰ‬ ‫ܪܡܪ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ܰ݁ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬܝܪ ܶܡܢ ݁ܬ ܳܡ ܺܢܐܝܢ ܰܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ ܰܚܝـ ܳـ�‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳ� ܶܫـܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ̈ܝـܐܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫݂ܘܟܢܫ �‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ ܢܶ ݁ܥܒ ݂ ܺܕ ̇ܝܗ ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܰܫ ݂ܒ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕ ܰܠ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܡܪܐ � ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰ ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܶܟܣ ݁ ܳܦ ـܐ ܰܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ܰܫ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ‬ ‫ـܬ ݁ܦ ݂ܬ ݂ܟ ـ ܶ�ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܪܟ ـܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܶܒܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܕ ݂ܓ ݂ܒܝ ـ ݂‬ ‫�ܗ ݁ܝܟ ـ� ܢܶ ݁ܥܒ ݂ ܺܳܕܝ ـ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ܰ݁ܽ ݁ܳ ܽ ܶ ܶ ܰ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܘ�ܪ ܒ ݂ܘܬ ܟܗܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܢܫܪܐ ܘ ݂ܢܒܛܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ݁ ܽ ܶ ܺ ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܶ ݁ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܘ� ܶܐ ݁ܬ݁ܕ ݂ ܰܟܪ ܘ ܳܣܡ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܰ� ̈� ܰܢ‬ ‫ܫܬܥــ� ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܪܒ ݂ܘܬܗ ݂ܘܕܝܢܗ ܕܐ�ـܗܐ‪ .‬ܐ � ܡ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫̈ ܶ ܰܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܥܠ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݁ܬܬ ܪܝܡ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܬ ݂ܟܝܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥܠ � ݁ܒ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ܰܚܝܠܗ‪ܰ :‬ܘܐܠ ݂ܦܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܦ� ܰܫ ̱‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܦܝ̈ ܰ� ̱‬ ‫ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܽܫܘ ܶ�ܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ� ܺܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ܚـ ݂ ܳـܕܐ‬ ‫ܫܪܐ ܶ ܰܥـܠ ܩܪܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܩ ܰܪ ݂ܒ ܽ ܰܥܠ� ݁ ܶܓܢ̱ ݁ܒ ݁ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܩܐ ܗ ܳܘܬ ݀ ܶܡܢ ܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܛܕ ܳܘܢ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܡܫܐ ܐ ̈ܤ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܝܟ ܶܪ ݁ ܽܒܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫـ ܺܪܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܪ ݁ܒ ݂ܬܐ‪݁ :‬ܕܪ ܺܚ ܳ ̱ ݂‬ ‫�ܡ ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܠܨ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ ݁ܕ ܰܫ ܺܪܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܳܒܐܶܙ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ̱ܘ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ‬ ‫ܘܫ ݂ ܶܒܐ ܶܚ ̈ܣܢܶܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܒ ݂ܒ ݂ ܳܟ ݂ܬܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ݂ ܶܕ ̈ܡܥܶـܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ ܳ ܶ ݁ܺ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݂ ܳܒܥܶܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡܢ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܣܪܐܝܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܦܘܪܩܢܗ ܕ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕܢ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܰܡ� ݂ ܳܟܐ ܛ ݂ ܳܒܐ ݂‬ ‫ܘ� ݁ ܶܒ ـ ݂ܒ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܓ ـ ܶܪܓ ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܕܡ ܽܗܘ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘܢ ܰܣ ـ ݂ܒ ܽܠ ـ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ‫�ܚ ݂ܒ ـ� ̱‬ ‫ܩܒ ـܝ ܰܙܝܢ ـܗ‪݂ ݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ܰܢܥــ ݁ܕ ܽܪܘܢ ܰ� ܰܚ ̈ܝــ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܡܝــܢ ݁ ܽܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘ�ܨ ܳܢــܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒܥܶ� ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܶܒــܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܐܟܚــ ݂ ܳܕܐ ݂ ܽܟ�ــ ܽܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܺ ܳܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܐ ܺܙ ̱ܠܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫�ܒ ݂ܝܒܐ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܥܕ ݁ ܺܟܝ ـܠ ܰ�ܥ ـܠ� ݁ ܶܓܢ ـܒ ܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳܪܢـ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܠ ـܡ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬܚ ـ ܺܙܝ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ـ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫̱ ݂‬ ‫݁ ܰܒ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܒܫ ݁ܒ ܰܙ ܳܝܢܐ ݂ ݂ܕ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܝܐ‪ :‬ܘ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܶܚ ܳܘ ܳܪܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟ ݂ܕ ݂ ܺܪܟ ݂ܝܒ ܰܥܠ ܽܣܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܒܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ܰܙ ܶܝܢـܗ‬ ‫ܰܡ ݂ܒ ܶܪܩ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܢ ݂ܝܦ ܶܨ ݂ ܰܝܕܝ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

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They found Timothy, hiding in a well, and they killed him and his brother Chaereas there along with Apollonius. 1

When they had done these things, they blessed God with praises and thanksgiving, who had shown grace to Israel greatly and had granted it victory.


‘Apollonius’: Greek ‘Apollophanes’ (Ἀπολλοφάνην).




‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܐ ܰܚ ݂ܕ‪ܽ ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܡܛ ܰܫܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܒ ܽܓ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ܳܐܘܣ ܶܐ ݁‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ܬ ܳܡܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܠܙ ܘ ܰܠܛܝܡ ݂‬ ‫ܘܩܛ� ̱‬ ‫ܫܟ ܽܚ ̱‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ܟܪܐܘܣ ܘ� ݁ܦ� ܺ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܘܣ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ� ܽܚ ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܶ ݁ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܰ ̈݁ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܒ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܠܚ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܳܗ ܶܠܝــܢ‪ :‬ܒ ݂ܬܫܒܚـ ݂ܬܐ ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܘܕ�ـ‬ ‫ܪܟܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ � ܳ�ـ ܳܗܐ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܝܣܪܐܝܠ‪ :‬ܘ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ܶܠܗ ܳܙ ݂ ܽܟ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ܛܝܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܥܡ ܐ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݂‬ ‫ܕܪ ݂‬ ‫ܘܪܒܐ ݂‬


Ch. 




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When the next day came and the sun dawned, the two sides began to wage war. One side trusted in the Lord God, that he would bring them victory and deliverance, the other side in the leaders of their army.

When the war became great and mighty, five riders appeared from heaven, who were noble and honorable, before their enemies. Their horses were bridled with gold, and they were helping the Jews.

They held Judas Maccabaeus between them and covered him with the side of their armor. They guarded him from every blow, and they cast arrows and javelins 1 at their enemies. When they saw these things, their eyes were blinded and all of their power was vanquished. They slaughtered twenty-five thousand 2 foot soldiers and six hundred cavalry.

Timothy fled to the fortress called Gazara which was rugged and very mighty and was the prison of Chaereas, who had previously had become general there. Maccabaeus’s people with confidence besieged the fortress for four days.

Those who remained in it, because they were confident in its might and fortifications disgraced and blasphemed greatly against Judas Maccabaeus’s people. They said unclean and abominable words to them.

When [the time] drew near for the light to come on the fifth day, twenty of the youth who were with Maccabaeus were clothed with zeal and were kindled with fury because of their blasphemy. They ran against the fortress and were leaping strongly as infuriated animals. They slaughtered everyone who came upon them.

Others also leapt up and went up and burned those in the fortresses. They grasped fire and burned the blasphemers alive. Others broke down the gates. Thus they entered the city and subdued it.

1 2

‘javelins’ or ‘meteors’: Greek ‘thunderbolts’ (κεραυνούς). ‘twenty-five thousand’ reflects the Lucianic recension.





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‫�ܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܚ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ‪ܰ :‬ܫ ܺܪܝܘ ݁ܬ ܰ�ܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܣ ܶܠܩ ܰ� ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ݁ ܰܓ ݁ ̈ܶܒـܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܰ ݂ܘܕ ܰܢܚ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܽܒـܘ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ܶܠܝــܢ‬ ‫ܽ ܳܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ݁ܬ ݂ ܺܟ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܩ ܳܢܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܗ ܽܢܘܢ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ܰܥܠ ܡ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ ܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳܥ ݂ ܶܒ ݂ܕ �ܗܘܢ ܙ ݂ܟ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳ� ܢܶܐ ݂ܕ ܰܚ ܽ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝ�ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܛ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙܝܘ ܰܠ ݂ܒܥܶ� ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܳܒܐ ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒܐ ܘ ܰܥ ܺܫ ܳܝܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ݂ܬ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ ܶܡܢ ܫ ܰܡ ܳܝـܐ‪ܰ :‬ܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫـܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܚܝــܢ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܦ ݁ܓ ݂ ܺܕܝــܢ ܰ� ݂ܟܫـ ܽ‬ ‫ܰ� ݁ ܳܟ ݂ ܺܒܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܳ�ܐܝــܢ ܰܘ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ݁ܒ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܒ ܺ‬ ‫ܗܒ ـܐ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܟ ـ ݂ܕ ܡ ܰܥ ݁ܕ ܺܪܝــܢ‬ ‫ܺܠܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥ�ـܘܗܝ ݁ܒ ݂ ܶܟ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ ܰܐܚـ ݁ ܽـܕܘܗܝ ݁ ܰܒ ܳܝܢـ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܺ ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦـܐ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܘܡܛܠ ܳܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰ ̱‬ ‫ܡܢ ܺ‬ ‫݂ܕ ܰܙ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܢܗܘܢ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܛܪܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܠܗ ܶܡـܢ ݁ ܽܟـܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܚـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒܥܶ� ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܰܒܝـ ܽܗܘܢ ܳܫ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ‬ ‫̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܶܓܐ ܶ� ܐ ܰܘܢܝܙ̈ ݂ ܶܟܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܚܙܘ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ‪݁ :‬ܓـ ܰܗ� ̱ܝ ܰ� ̈� ܰܢܝـ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܫـ ݁‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ ܺܪܝ ݂ ܽܟ ܶܠـܗ‬ ‫ܰܚ ܽ‬ ‫ܝ�ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ ܶ�ܓ ܳ�ܝܶܐ ܥܶܣ ܺܪܝܢ ܰܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܓܗ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫� ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩ ܶܛ� ̱ܘ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܦ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳ� ܶܫܐ ܶܫ ݂ܬ ܳܡܐܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫�ܚܣ ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܫܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ܓ ܳܙ ܳܪܐ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܬ ܳܐܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܥ ܰܪܩ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܥ ܺܫܝــܢ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓـܝ‪:‬‬ ‫ܠܒ ܘܛܝܡ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݁ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܝܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܶܟ ܶܪ ܳܐܘܣ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܝܡ ܺܪܝܫܐܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܰܬ ܳܡܢ ܶܡܢ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ̱‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ݁ܶ ݁ ܺ ܳ ܺ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܰܥܠ ܶܚܣ ܳܢܐ ܐ ݁ܪܒ ܳܥܐ ܰܝ ̈ܘ ܺܡܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܓ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ � ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ܡܩܒܝ ܕܝܢ‪ :‬ܬ ݂ܟܝ� ݂‬ ‫ܥ� ̱‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܳ� ݂ܬ ݁ ܺܒܝܢ ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܶܒܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ܽܛـܠ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܬ ݂ ܺܟ ܺ‬ ‫ܠܕ ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܥـܠ ܽ�ܥـܘܫܢܶܗ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥـܠ‬ ‫ܺ ̱‬ ‫ܥܪܝــܢ ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܘ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܨ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܕܗ‪ܰ :‬ܪ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬ ܺ�ـ ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܒـܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܓ ݁ܕ ݂ܦܝــܢ ܰܥـܠ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܘܪܒܐ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ ܶ ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܘ ܺ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ̈ܡ� ܛ ̈ܡ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܺܢܕ ̈ܝ ݂ ܳܕ ݂ܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܡܪܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‬ ‫ܥ�ܝ̈ ܺܡܝܢ ܶܡܢ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ‪ :‬ܥܶܣ ܺܪܝܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܠܗ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܗܪ ݁ܒ ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܩ ܺܪ ݂ܝܒ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܕܢܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ݂ܕ ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ ܺܕܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ ܰ ݁ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ‪ܶ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܡܬܐ ܶܡ ܽܛـܠ� ݁ ܽܓـ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܥܡ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂ܦ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܒܫ ̱ܘ ܛ�ܢܐ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܐܬܓܘܙܠ ܺ ̱ܘ ܒܚ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ̈ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܗܛܘ ܰܥܠ ܶܚܣ ܳܢـܐ‪ܺ ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܡܬ ܳ� ̈ܝـ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ـܬ ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ܚ�ـܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ܚ ݂‬ ‫ܘܫـܘܪܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܰܓܢ̱ ݁ ܳܒ ܳܪܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰܘ ܶ �‬ ‫ܡܩ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܰ‬ ‫�ܟܠ ݁ܕ ܳܢ ݂ ܶܦܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܛܠܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܫܘܪ ̱ܘ ܰܘܣ ܶ�ܩ ̱ܘ‪ܰ :‬ܘ� ܶ‬ ‫ܠܘ ܰܘܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܢܶܐ ݂ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܒ ܰܡ ݂ ̈ܓـ ݁ܕ� ܰܡـܘܩ ݂ ܺܕܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܺܕܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܐܘܚܕܘ ܽܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܕܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰܠ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܓ ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܦ ܶܢـܐ ݂ ܰܟـ ݂ܕ ܰܚ ܺܝܝــܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܢܶـܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ‬ ‫ܰ ܰܘ ܶ ݂ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܬ ݁ܒ ܺܪܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܒ ܽܫܘ ̇ܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܰܥ� ̱ܘ ܠ ݂‬ ‫݁ܬ�ܥܶܐ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱‬


Ch. 




  XXX





Judas Maccabaeus went to the places that were in need. 1 He left behind Simon, Joseph, Zacchaeus, and many who were with him to stay and fight against the fortresses and plunder them. After Maccabaeus returned from there, some who were with Simon became fond of silver and were bribed by those in the fortresses. They took seventy thousand pieces of silver 2 from them and then allowed some of the people to flee. When this affair was revealed to Maccabaeus, he gathered the nation’s leaders and accused them of being 3 people who had sold their brothers for money and freed their enemies. He slaughtered those who were betrayers, and he subdued the fortresses 4 with haste.

Although he was among a few people, he slaughtered more than twenty thousand in the two fortresses. Timothy, who had been conquered by the Jews earlier, gathered a large and mighty army of foreigners to himself, including warriors from Asia and many cavalry. He came to Jerusalem, intending to ravage Judea and to plunder everything inside. Maccabaeus’s people, when they heard that he had come nearby, gave themselves over with a cry and prayer before God, having dust laid on their heads and sackcloth bound on their loins.

They threw themselves down before the altar and asked the Lord to be reconciled to them, to be their ally, to fight with their enemies, and to rise up against those who hate them, as the law said. When they had finished their prayer and petition, they took up their arms and went against them in confidence. When they came to the battle, they ceased and came to a stop. 5


‘were in need’ or ‘were being pressed’.


‘of being’: lit. ‘as though’.

2 4 5

‘pieces of silver’: lit. ‘silver’.

‘the fortresses’: Greek ‘the two fortresses’ (τοὺς δύο πύργους). ‘came to a stop’: lit. ‘they were with themselves’.


‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܓ‬ ‫ܨܚ ܠ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܙ‬

‫ܺ ܽ ܳ ܶ ܰ ݁ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܽ ̈݁ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܳܕ ̈‬ ‫�ܫ ܽ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳ�ܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒـܩ ܶ‬ ‫�ܗ ݂ܘܕܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܡ‬ ‫ܡܥـܘܢ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ‪ :‬ܐ ܙܶܠ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂‬ ‫�ܕܘܟܝ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܝܘ ܶܣ ݂ܦ ܰܘ� ܰܙ ݁ ܰܟܝ ܰܘ� ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܐܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪݁ .‬ܕܢܶ ݁ܬ ݂ ܽܒܘܢ ܘܢܶ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ݁ܬ ܽܫـܘܢ ܰܥـܡ ܶܚ ̈ܣ ܶܢـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݁ ܽ ܽܶ‬ ‫ܘܢܫܒܘܢ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥܡ ܶܫ ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݁ܕ ܰܫ ܺܢܝ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܰܬ ܳܡܢ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܥـܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܩܒܝ‪ :‬ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ ܶܡܢ ܐܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܺܕ ݂ ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ̱ܗܘܘ ݁ܒ ܶܚܣܢـܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܣ ݂ܒـ ̱ܘ ܡܢــܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܪܚܡ ̱ܘ ݁ ܶܟܣ ݁ܦܐ‪ .‬ܘܐܫܬ ܶܚ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܡܢ ܐܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ ݁ܕܢܶܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܒܩ ̱ܘ �� ܳܢ ܺܫܝ̈ܢ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܒܥ ܶ� ݁ܒ ܳܘܢ ݁ ܶܟܣ ݁ ܳܦܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܩܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ܰ ܰ ݀ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ � ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟܢܶܫ ܰܠ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟـ ܶܘܢ ܐ ܽܢـܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳ� ܰܢܘ ̱ܗܝ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܳܡـܐ‪݂ :‬‬ ‫݂ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܐ ݂ܬ ݁ܓ�ܝ ݂ܬ ݂�ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒܩ ̱ܘ ܰܠ ݂ܒܥܶ� ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ܰܡܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ݂ ܶܟܣ ݁ ܳܦܐ ܰܙ ݁ ܶܒܢ ̱ܘ � ܰܚ ̈ܝ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܽ ݁ܰ ܰ ܰ ̈ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܶ ܶܽ ܰ ܶ ̈ ܶ ܰ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ܟ ݂ ܰܒܫ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ�ܗܢܘܢ ܕܗܘܘ ܡܫ�ܡܢܐ ܩܛܠ ܐܢܘܢ‪ .‬ܘ�ܚܣܢܐ ܡܣ ݂‬ ‫ܪܗܒܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳܳ ܽ ܶ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒ ̱ܐ ܢܫܐ ܙܥܘ�ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܩܛܠ ݁ ܰܒ ݂ܬ ܰ� ܽܝܗܘܢ ܶܚ ̈ܣܢܶܐ‪݁ �ܰ :‬ܬܝܪ ܶܡܢ ݁ܬ ݁ܪܬܝــܢ‬ ‫ܟ ݂ܕ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫� ݁ܒ ܳܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܶܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܺ ܽ ̈ܳ ܶ ܰ ܰ ݁ܳ ܰ ܳ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܛ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܟ ܶܢـܫ ܶܠـܗ‬ ‫ܝܡ ݂ܬܐܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܗܘ ݁ ܶܕ ݁ܐܙܕ ݂ ܺܟܝ ̱ܗܘܐ ܡܢ �ܗܘ ݂ܕ�ܐ ݂ܒ ݂ܙܒܢ̱ܬܐ ܩ ݂ܕܡ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܺ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܳ ܰ ܰ ̈ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܺ ܰ ܰ ܰ ܳ ܶ ܰ ݁ ܺ ̈ܶ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܦ�ܫܐ ܣܓܝـܐܐ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܐܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܚܝ� ܽ ܢܘ ݂ܟܪ�ܐ ܣܓܝܐܐ ܘܥܫܝܢܐ‪ :‬ܘ�ܚܝܠ ݂ܬܢܐ ݂ܕܐܣܝܐ ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܗ ܳܘܐ � ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܝܗ ܺܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܰܫ ݂ܒ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕܢܶܚ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܒ ̇‬ ‫ـܬ‬ ‫ܫܒـܐ ݂‬ ‫�ܟـܠ ݁ ܺܕܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫݁ ܳܒ ̇ܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ̱ܘ ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ܒ‬ ‫�ܡ ݂ܐܬ ܐ‪̱ �ܰ :‬ܗ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ܰܢ ݂ܦܫ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ ܰܒ ݂ܓ ܳܥ ݂ܬܐ‬ ‫݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ̈ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܫܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܐ ܳ�ـ ܳܗܐ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܡـܐ ܰܥ ݂ܦـ ܳܪܐ ܰܥـܠ ܺ� ܰ‬ ‫ܨܠ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪ܰ :‬ܘܡ ܶܚܝـܢ ܣܩـܐ‬ ‫݂ܒ ܰܚ ܰܨ�̈ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܘܢܶـ ܶ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܪܥܶܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܰܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܚܐ‪ܳ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܫܕܘ ܰܢ ݂ܦܫ ܽܗܘܢ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡܢ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܫ ܰܥ ـܡ ݁ܒܥܶ� ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫�ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܝــܗܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܽܢܩــܘܡ ܽܠــ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ‬ ‫ܡܥ ݁ܕ ܳܪ ܳܢــܐ‪ .‬ܘܢ ݂ܬܟــ‬ ‫ܳܣ ܰܢ̈ܐܝ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ ܶܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܫ ܶܠܡ ̱ܘ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܢܗܘܢ‪ܳ .‬ܘ ܺܐܙ ̱ܠܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܽܥ ݂ܘܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܢ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ܰܙ ܽ‬ ‫ܨܠ ݂ܘܬ ܽܗܘܢ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܳܺ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܳܒܐ‪ܺ :‬‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܡ ܺܛܝܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܠܝܘ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ܰܢ ݂ܦܫ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܬ ݂ ܺܟܝ� ݂‬


Ch. 





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Now let us speak about Antiochus Eupator, the son of the wicked one, and let us speak in a concise manner about the many wicked deeds that happened in the wars. When [Antiochus] rose in his father’s kingdom, he appointed Lysias over his affairs who had previously been made governor over Syria 1 and Phoenicia.

Ptolemy, who was called Macron, 2 maintained friendship with the Jews, and he was grieved over the wickedness that had come to them. He wanted to be at peace with them.

Some of the friends [of the king] went and slandered [Ptolemy] before Eupator, at every moment calling him a betrayer, because he was entrusted with Cyprus by Philometor but he had left it and come to Antiochus Epiphanes. For this reason, he did not have greatness and honor in the kingdom. When he saw all the things that had happened to him, he took his own life with poison.

Gorgias rose in his place as governor. He gathered many nations to himself and was always waging war with the Jews.

The Idumeans also joined with him. They came and battled the fortresses that were close to them. They harassed the Jews greatly, and they received those who fled from Jerusalem. They prepared to wage war with Israel. Judas Maccabaeus’s people cried out, prayed, and made great requests for God to be their leader. They then went straight against the Idumeans’ fortresses.

They fought with them powerfully and strongly. They were stronger than them and subdued them. They slaughtered all those who were fighting near the walls. They slaughtered about twenty thousand. 3

About nine thousand 4 fled and entered the two great and mighty fortresses. 1

‘Syria’: Greek ‘Coelesyria’ (Κοίλης δὲ Συρίας).


‘about twenty thousand’: Greek ‘no less than twenty thousand’ (οὐχ ἧττον τῶν


‘Macron’: all Syriac witnesses read ‘Macedonian’.

δισμυρίων). 4

‘about nine thousand’: Greek ‘no less than nine thousand’ (οὐκ ἔλαττον τῶν



‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬

‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟ ـܘܣ ܶܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳܛ ـܘܪ ݁ܒ ـ ܶܪܗ ݁ܕ ܰܪ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܥ ـܐ‪ܺ .‬ܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܳܫ ـܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡ ـܪ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ‬ ‫ܐܡ ـܪ ܰܥ ـܠ ܐ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁ܒ ݂ ܳܦ ܺܣܝ̈ ܳܩ ݂ܬܐ ܰܥܠ ݁ ܺܒܝ̈ ܳܫ ݂ܬܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ݂ ܰܕܗ ̈ܘܝ ݁ ܰܒܩ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܰ ܶ ܳ ݁ ܰ ݁ܽ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܟ ݂ܕ ݁ܓܝܪ ܩܡ ܒܡ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ܺܐܩܝܡ ܰܥـܠ ܶ� ݂ ̈ܒـ ܳܘ ݂ܬܗ ܠـܘ ܺܣ ܰܝܐܣ ܰܗܘ‬ ‫�ܟ ݂ܘܬܗ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܽܐܒ ̱‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ ܰܥܠ ܽܣܘܪ ܰ�ܐ ݂ܘܦ ܺ‬ ‫ܩܕܝܡ ܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܝܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡܢ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܢܝܩܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘ�ܡ ܳܐܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ܰܗܘ ݁ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬܩـ ܶ‬ ‫݁ܦ ܳܛ ـ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܡ ـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܰܥ ـܡ‬ ‫ـܪܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܡܩ ـ ܽܪܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܢܛ ـܪ ̱ܗܘܐ ܪ‬ ‫݁ܺ ̈ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ ܰܕܗ ܰ ̈ܘܝ ܶܨ ݂ ܰܝܕܝــ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܘ� ݂ ܶܒــܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ ܶ�ــܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܶܡ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ܺܥܝــܩ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥــܠ ܒܝܫــ ݂‬ ‫݂ܕ ݂ ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ � ܳܘ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡܘܗܝ ܶܘ ݂ ܰܐܟ�ܘ ܰܩـ� ܰܨܘܗܝ �ـ ܳـܘܬ ܶܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳܛـܘܪ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܙܒـܢ ܳܩ ܶܪܝــܢ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ ̱ܘ ܶܡܢ � ܰ ̱‬ ‫̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܠــܗ ܰܡܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܗ ܰ‬ ‫�ܡ ܳܢــܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ܽܛــܠ ݁ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡــܢ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥــܠ ܽܩــ ݁ܘܦ ܳܪܘܣ ܶܡــܢ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ܶܐ ݁ ܺܦ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫݂ ܺܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܝ� ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܛܘܪ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܝܦ ܳܢܘܣ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܒܩ ̱ܗܘܐ ܘ ݂ܐܬ ܐ �ܘ ݂ܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ݁ ܽ ܳ ܺ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܰܓ ݂ ̈ܕ ܳܫܝـ ̱ܗܝ ܳܗ ܶܠܝــܢ‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܦ� ܪܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܘ‬ ‫ܐܝܩ ܳܪܐ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱ܗܘܐ ܠܗ ܒܡ�ܟ ݂‬ ‫�ܗܝܢ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫݁ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܩܠ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܶܫܗ ݁ܒ ܰܣ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ ܽ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܓ ܰܝܐ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܗ ܺܪܝ ܳܫܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܡ ݁ ܽܓ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܒ ݂ܕܘܟ ݂‬ ‫ܡܟܢܶܫ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܨ ݂ ܰܝܕ ̱‬ ‫ܚ� ݂ܦ ̱‬ ‫ܰܥ ̈ܡ ܶܡܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܶܐܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ݂ ܰܙܒܢ ܰܥܡ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ܒ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪.‬‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݁ܐܬ ݁ܬܘ ܰܣ ݂ܦ ̱ܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܬ ݂ܘܒ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ ܐ ݂ܦ ݂ܐ ܽܕ ̈ܘ ܳܡ ܶܝـܐ‪ܳ .‬ܘ ݂ܐܬܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܘ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ݁ܬ ܺܫܝــܢ‬ ‫ܘܫ ܺ‬ ‫ܚܩܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܒܝــܢ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܥ ـܡ ܶܚ ̈ܣܢܶ ـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܩ ܺܪ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܺܠܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶ ـܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ـܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܪܩܝܢ ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡܢ ܽܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܳܥ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܘ� ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܡܩ ݁ܒ ܺܠܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ �ـ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܬ ܰܥ ݁ܬ݂ ܺܕܝــܢ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰ ܳܽ ܰ ܺ ܳܶ‬ ‫ܝܣܪܐܝܠ‪.‬‬ ‫̱ܗ ܰܘܘ �ܡܩܪ ݂ܒܘ ܥܡ ܐ‬ ‫ܘܨ ܺܠܝܘ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܰܥـܘ ܶܡـܢ ܰܐ ܳ�ـ ܳܗܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓـܝ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܶـ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ‪݁ :‬ܓ ܰܥܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‬ ‫݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܡ ܰܥ ݁ܕ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܬ ܰܪ� ̱ܘ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ܰܐܙܠ ̱ܘ ܰܥܠ ܶܚ ̈ܣܢܶܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܽܐܕ ̈ܘ ܳܡܝܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܡܨܝܘ ܰܚ ܽ‬ ‫ܬܫ ̱ܘ ܰܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ݂ܐܬ ܺ‬ ‫ܝ�ܗܘܢ ܰܘ ݂ܟ ݂ ܰܒܫ ̱ܘ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܐܬܟ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪ .‬ܘ ݂ܰܓܢ̱ ݁ ܳܒ ܳܪܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܠܬ ܳܢܐ ݂‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ ܰܚ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫�ܟ�ܗܘܢ ܐܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕܡ ݂ܬܟܬܫܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܥـܠ ܫـܘ�ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ܽܢܘܢ‪ .‬ܘܡܩܛܠܝܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ܰ ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܛ� ̱ܘ ܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܬ ݁ܪܬܝܢ � ݁ܒ ܳܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܬܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܥ� ̱ܘ ܰܠ ݂ܬ ܶܪܝܢ ܶܚ ̈ܣ ܺܢܝܢ ܰܪܘ� ݂ ܶܒܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܥܐ ܰܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܰܘܥ ܰܪܩ ̱ܘ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܥ ܺܫ ̈�ܢܶܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter 

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Maccabaeus and those with him, through the help of the Lord who was with them, took the temple and the city.

They overthrew its altars and the temple of idols which had been built in its marketplace by the nations. They purified the temple and made another altar. They caused stones to pass through fire, took fire from them, and raised up sacrifices and offerings after two years, and they prepared the lamps, candlesticks, incense, and showbread.

When they had acted in this way, they fell on their faces and prayed and asked the Lord that they might not come again to these punishments and torments, but that, if it should happen that they sin, they might be rebuked by him in his mercy and not be handed over to the uncircumcised, unclean, blaspheming nations.

On that very day that the temple had been defiled by the nations, it so happened — on that same day — that [the temple] was purified again, on the twenty-fifth day of the month which is First Kanun. 1 With much joy and exultation, they kept the festival every year, for eight days in the likeness of the festival of booths. 2 They remembered [that], a little earlier, at the time of the festival of booths, they were dwelling on mountains and in caves and grazing as animals.

Because of this, they grasped the boughs of palm trees, and they honored and gave thanks 3 to that one who brought them deliverance. He had given them power to cleanse and sanctify his place.

They all determined together that the whole gathering of Jews would keep these days each and every year. Thus was the conclusion of the death of Antiochus, who was called Epiphanes.

1 2

‘First Kanun’: Greek ‘Chislev’ (Χασελευ). ‘festival of booths’: lit. ‘booths’.

‘honored and gave thanks’ reflects some recensions of the Greek. See Introduction, Noteworthy Readings.



‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬




















‫ܩܒܝ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܰܥܡـ ܽ‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܽܥـ ݂ܘܕ ܳܪ ܢܶܗ ݁ܕ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪ܰ :‬ܢܣ ݁ ܽܒـ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܗܝܟ� ܘܠ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ̈ ܳ ܶ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܟ ܶ�ܐ ݂ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬ ݁ܒ ܺܢܝܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ܒ ܽܫ ̈ܘ ܶܩ ̇‬ ‫ܝܗ ܶܡܢ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܬ ܦ ݂‬ ‫ܘ ܰܣ ܶܚ ݂ܦ ̱ܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܥ�ܘ ݂ܬ ܐ‪݂ :‬ܘܒ ݂‬ ‫ܥܒܪܘ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ݁ ܺܟܐ ̈ܶܦܐ ܒ ܽܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܰܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܚܐ ܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܳܢܐ‪ܰ .‬ܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗ ݁ܝܟ ܳ� ݂ ܰܕ ݁ ܺܟܝܘ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘܢ ܰܣ ݂ܒـ ̱ܘ‬ ‫݂ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܽ ܳ ܶ ܶ ܰ ܶ ݁ܶ ̈ ܶ ܽ ݁ܳ ܶ ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݁ ܰܬ ݁ܪܬܶܝܢ ܺ‬ ‫ܫ�ܝ̈ܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܫ ܳ� ݂ܶܓܐ‬ ‫ܢܘܪܐ ܳܡܢܗܝܢ‪ .‬ܘܐܣܩ ̱ܘ ܕ ݂ܒܚܐ ܘܶܩܘ� ܒܢܐ ܡܢ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ̈ ܶ ܰ ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܚܡ ܐ ݁ ̈ܦܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡ� ܳ� ݂ܬ ܐ‪݂ :‬ܘܒܣܡܐ ܘ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܨ ܶܠܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦ� ̱ܘ ܰܥܠ ܰܐ ݁ ܰܦܝ̈ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܝܢ ܶܡـܢ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݁ܳ ܽ ܺ ܽ‬ ‫ܶܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܐܬܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫�ܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܽܐ ̈ܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܨ ܢܶܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫ�̈ ݁ ܶܕܐ‪ .‬ܐ � ܐ ݂ ܶܦܢ ܢܶ ݂ܓ ݁ ܰܕܫ ܘܢܶܚܛـܘܢ‪ :‬ܢܶـ ݂ܬܪ ݂ ܽܕܘܢ‬ ‫ܕ� ݂ܬ ݂ܘܒ ܢ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡܢܶܗ ݁ ܺܕ ܶ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܡܓ ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܦܢܐ‪ܶ.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠܗ ݁ܒ�ܚܡܐ‪ .‬ܘ� ܢܫܬ�ܡܘܢ �ܥ ̱ܡܡܐ ܥܘ�� ܘܛܡܐܐ ܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܰܗܘ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰ� ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡـܐ ݂ ܶܕܐܣ ݁ܬ ܰ�ـ ݂ܒ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟـ� ܶܡـܢ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡـܐ‪݁ :‬ܓـ ݂ ܰܕܫ ݁ܕ ݂ܬ ݂ܘܒ ݁ ܶܒـܗ‬ ‫ܪܚܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܶ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܢܶ ݁ܬ݁ ܰܕ ݁ ܶܟܐ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ݂ ܳܟ ܽܢܘܢ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ ܘܥܶܣ ܺܪܝܢ ݁ܒ ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ܰܘ݂ܕ ܳ�ـ ܳ� ܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝـܐܐ ܳܥ ݂ܒ ݁ ܺܕܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܽܟـܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢـܐ ܺܥـ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܕ ܐ‪݁ :‬ܬ ܳܡ ܳܢܝـܐ ܰܝـ ̈ܘ ܺܡܝܢ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܒܚـ ݂ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܳ ܰ ̈ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܗܕܝܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܡܢ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܒ ݂ܕ ܽܡ ݂ܘܬ ܡܛ ̱��‪ .‬ܘܥ ̱ ݁‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܩܠܝܠ ܙ ݂ܒܢܐ ݂ܕܥ ݂ܕܥ ݂ܐܕ ܐ ݂ܕܡܛ ̱��‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡ� ܶ�ܐ ܳܥ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܰ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܽܛܘ ܶ�ܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܰܚ ̈� ܳܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ܳܪܥܶܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܪܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܘܕܝܢ �ـ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡـ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܫ ݁ܒ ܺܚܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܰܐ ܺܚ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܕܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܣ ̈ܘ ݁ ܶܟܐ ݂ܕ݂ ܶܕ ̈ܩـ ܶ�‪ܰ :‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ ܽܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ܽ‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܩ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܘ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ݁ܒ ܽܗܘܢ ܰܚܝ� ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܰܢܕ ݁ ܽܟܘܢ ܰܘ ܰܢܩ ݁ܕ ܽܫܘܢ ܐ ݂ܬ ܶܪܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܰܐ ݂ܟܚ ݂ ܳܕܐ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܶܐ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܰܫ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟـܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢـܐ‬ ‫ܗܘܘܢ ܳܥ ݂ܒ ݁ ܺܕܝܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝــܢ ܝـܘܡ ݂‬ ‫ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܢܐ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟ ܶܠܗ ݁ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܫܐ ݂ ܺܕܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ ܳ ܳ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܶ ݁ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܩܪܝ ܶܐ ݁ ܺܦ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ܰܗܘ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܦ ܳܢܘܣ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܗ ܳܘܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܘ�ܡܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܕܡܘܬܗ ܕܐ‬


Ch. 

 


I know that in everything he is going to assent to my thinking and that he will be with you in humility and in friendship.” Antiochus, the murderer, wicked one, and blasphemer, died among the mountains in a foreign land through many punishments, lashings, and torments, just as he also tormented others.

Philip, who was raised with him, took his body so that he might bring it with him. When he was about to enter, he became afraid of his son Antiochus. So he fled and went to Ptolemy Philometor in Egypt.


‫‪ ‬ܟܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܛ‬

‫ܰ ܰ ݁ܺ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܟ ـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫ـܬ ̱ܝ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܒܡܟ ݂‬ ‫ܪܥܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܳܝ ـ ݂ ܰܕܥ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ـ ܳܐ ݂ܶܓܝــܪ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟ ـܠ ܶܡ ـ ݁ ܶܕܡ ܳܫ ܶܠ ـܡ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂‬ ‫ܚܡ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܳܪ ܽ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܨ ݂ ܰܝܕܝ ݁ ܽܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ ܶ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ܳܩ ܽܛ ܳܘ� ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ ܽܛـܘ ܶ�ܐ ݂ ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܥܐ ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܪܥـܐ‬ ‫ـܬ ݁ ܶܒܝـ‬ ‫ܡܓ ݁ܕ ݂ ܳܦ ܳܢـܐ‪ܺ :‬ܡܝـ‬ ‫ܗܘ ݂ܕܝܢ ܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܽ ܳ ݁ ܳ ݁ ܽ ̈ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܶ ̈ ݁ ܶ ܰ ܶ ̈ ݁ ܶ ܰ ݁ ܺ ̈ܶ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܽ ܶ ݁ ܰܰ‬ ‫ܢ ـ ݂ܘܟܪܝܬܐ‪ :‬ܒܐܘ�ܨ ܢ ـܐ ܘ ݂ܒܢ ݂ܓ ـܕܐ ܘ ݂ܒܫ� ـܕܐ ܣܓܝ ـܐܐ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܟܡ ـܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܐܦ ܗܘ ܐܫܬܢ ـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫݁ ܰܒ ̱ܐܚ ܳ� ܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘܢ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܺܦ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܡܛـܝ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܦ ݂ܓܪܗ ܕܢ‬ ‫ܝܦܘܣ ݁ ܰܒܪ ܡ ܰ� ݁ܒ ܳ� ܰܢ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܶ ̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݂ܕ ܺܢ ݂ܐܬ ܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܶܚܠ ܡܢ ݁ܒܪܗ ܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ܟܘܣ‪ .‬ܘܥܪܩ ܘ ܰܐܙܠ �ܘ ݂ܬ ݁ܦܛـܘ�ܡܐܘܣ ݁ܒـܪ‬ ‫݂ ܺܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܛܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܝ� ܶ‬ ‫�ܡ ܶ�ܪܝܢ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

  XXIX

  

  



Afterwards, I will then become a Jew. In every place that I go, I will proclaim the greatness of God’s authority.”

He found no rest in all of these things 1 from his illnesses, for the just judgment of God had overtaken him. When he despaired for himself, he wrote to the Jews a letter of petition, as follows, “Antiochus, the king and leader, to the kind Jews, the people of my city: Peace, harmony, and health be to you and your children. I am praying and asking God in heaven on whom my hope is set for his great grace. 2

For when I was ill, I remembered what is yours so that I might bring honor and much rest for you, because my mind boiled with love for you. When I went up from Persia and drew near to come back, I fell into a bitter and severe illness. I have considered it right to take care of that which is yours more than anything else. Because I do not know what is happening to me, I have hope that I will be delivered from this sickness.

I saw that my father also, in those times that he went up to the upper regions, would make known who would rise after him, in order that if something should happen that was detestable, the people of the place would know the one who would rise [in his place] and they would not fight with each other.

Since I have also seen the princes of my kingdom who stand prepared by the kingdom and are waiting for what might happen, I have made known and appointed my son Antiochus as king — that one to whom I entrusted you many times, when I went up to the upper regions. I have written to him that which is written here. I am asking you and beseeching you to remember my kindnesses toward you, toward all of you together, and for each and every one of you, to maintain friendship and brotherhood with my son.

1 2

‘in all of these things’ or ‘in anything’.

The Syriac and Greek differ significantly at the beginning of this verse.


‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬ ‫ܨܚ ܟܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܘ‬

‫ܰܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܪ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ݁ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕ ܳ�ـܐ ܶܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟـܠ ܐ ݁ܬܪ ݁ ܶܕ ܰܐܙܠ ܶ�ܠـܗ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܟـ ܶܪܙ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܳ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܐܘܚܕ ܢܶܗ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܪ ݁ ܽܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ ܽܕ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ݁ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫�ܗܝܢ ܳ� ܳܢܐܰܚ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܺܟ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܒܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ‪݂ .‬ܐܕܪ ݂ ܶܟܗ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܶܓܝــܪ ݁ ܺܕ ܶܝܢـܗ ݁ ܺܟ ܳܐܢـܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚܠ ܰ�ܥܠ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܶܫܗ‪݁ :‬ܟ ݂ܬ ݂ܒ ܺܠܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ܐ ݁ ܰܓ ݁ܪܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ܽܥ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ـ ݁ܬ ̱ܝ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ‪ܺ :‬ܠܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ݂ ܰܒ ܺܣܝ̈ ܶܡـܐ ݂ܒ ܰ̈ܢـܝ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡـܐ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ ܘܠ ݂ܒ��ܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫܝܢܐ ܘܚܘ�ܡܢܐ ܢܗܘܐ ݂‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝـܐ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ܕ ܰܣ ݂ܒـܪ ̱ܝ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܨ ܶ� ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܐ ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ ܶܡܢ ܰܐ ܳ�ـ ܳܗܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰܒ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܽܗܘ‪ܰ :‬ܥـܠ‬ ‫ܥ�ـ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܽ ܶ ܰ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܛܝܒ ݂ܘܬܗ ܪܒ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܪܗ ݂ܬ ݁ ܺܕ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܥܒ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫݁ܕ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܶܐ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪ܶ ݁ .‬ܕ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ ܐ ܳܝܩـ ܳܪܐ ܰܘ ܳܢܝ ܳܚـܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝـܐܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝ�ܟܘܢ ܥ ̱ ܺܗ ݂ܝܕ ̱ܗ ܺܘ ݂‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ݂ ܽܟܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܳܣ ܶܠܩ ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ ܶܡـܢ ܰܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܝ ݁ܒ ܽܚ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ݁ܕ ܳܪ ݂ ܰܬܚ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܥـܐ‬ ‫ܥܝ ̱‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ـܪܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܺܪܝـ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܕ ݁ ܳܦ ܶܪܣ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܐܡܛܐ‪ :‬ܢܶ ݂ܦ ܶܠ ݂ܬ ݁ܒ ݂ ܽܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܝـܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܗ ܳܢـܐ ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܩ ܺܪ ݂ܝܒ ܐ̱ܢܐ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܫܦـܪ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܶ ݁ܺ ܽ ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫݂ܳ‬ ‫ܝ�ܟܘܢ ܐ ܰ� ݂ܦ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܰ� ̈� ܰܢܝ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܰ� ݁ܬܝܪ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܽܟܠ ܡܕܡ ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܺܠܝ ݂ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬ ݁ ܰܦ ܶ� ܐ ܶܡܢ ܳܗ ܳܢـܐ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ݁ܕ� ܳܝ ݂ ܰܕܥ ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ ܳܡ ܳܢܐ ݂ܳܓ ݂ ܶܕܫ ܺܠܝ‪ܰ .‬ܣ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܐ ݂‬ ‫݂ ܽܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܳܕ ݂ܐܦ ܳܐ ݂ܒ ̱ܝ ݁ܒ ܰܙ ݂ ̈ܒܢܶܐ ܳܗ ܽܢـܘܢ ݁ ܰܕܣ ܶܠـܩ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰ� ݂ܬ ܰ� ܳܘ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ܥܶ ܳ� ̈ܝܶـܐ‪ܰ :‬ܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܥ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܚܙ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫� ܳܝܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܽܢܩܘܡ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܳܒ ݂ܬ ܶܪܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ـܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܩـܡ‪ܳ .‬ܘ� ܢܶـ ܽ‬ ‫݁ ܶܕܐܢ ܽܗܘ ݂ܕܢܶܓ ݁ ܰܕܫ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ ܰܕܣܢܶܐ‪ :‬ܢܶ ݁ܕ ܽܥـܘܢ ݁ܒ ܰ̈ܢـܝ ܰܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ �ـ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܘܢ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ݁ܬ ܺܫܝܢ ܚ ݂ܕ ܥܡ ܚ ݂ܕ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܰ ܰ‬ ‫�ܪܘ� ݂ ܳܒ ܶܢـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܒܝــܢ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܛ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܶܐ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܟـ ݂ܕ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܡܝــܢ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫�ܟـ ݂ܘܬ ̱ܝ‪ :‬ܕ‬ ‫ܚܙܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘܡ ܰܣ ݁ ܶܟܝܢ ݁ܕ ܳܡ ܳܢܐ ܢܶܓ ݁ ܰܕܫ‪ܰ .‬ܐ ݁ܘܕ ܶܥـ ݂ܬ ܰܘ ܺܐܩ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܡـ ݂ܬ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫�ܒـܪ ̱ܝ ܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟـܘܣ‬ ‫ܡ�ܟ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ̈ܶ ܰ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܺ ܳ ̈ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ � ݂ܬ �ܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ܥ�ܝ ـܐ‪ :‬ܙ ݂ܒܢ ـ ݂ܬܐ ܣܓܝ ـ ݂ܐܬ ܐ‬ ‫�ܟ ـܐ‪� .‬ــܗܘ ݁ܕ ݂ܟ ـ ݂ܕ ܣܠ ـܩ ̱ܗܘܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܠܬܗ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܓܥ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ‪ܶ ݁ .‬ܟ ݂ܬ ݁ ܶܒ ݂ܬ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܐ ݂ܦ ܶܠܗ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܟ ݂ܬ�̈ ݂ ܳܒܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܢܟــܘܢ ܰܘ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܶܥــܐ ܐ ܳܢــܐ ܶܡ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܦܝــܣ ܐ ܳܢــܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟــܘܢ‪݁ :‬ܕ ݂ܬ ܽ‬ ‫݂ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܘܢ ܳܥ ̱ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܗܕܝــܢ ܠܛܝ ݁ ̈ܒــ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ̱ܝ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܽ ܽ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܰ ܶ ܽ ݁ܶ ܽ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰܥ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܚܡ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܰܘ ܽܐܚ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܰܥܡ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ ܐ ݂ܟܚ ݂ܕܐ‪ .‬ܘܚ ݂ܕ ܚ ݂ܕ ܡ ݂ܢܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܬܛܪܘܢ ܪ‬ ‫�ܟ ݂‬ ‫ܡܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ ݂‬ ‫݁ ܶܒܪ ̱ܝ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

Ch. 




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That one, who a little earlier had thought that he might command even the waves of the sea because of his pride which was more than that of all other people and that he might humble all of the high mountains, was thrown down to the ground. He revealed to all people the power of God. So severe was the suffering of the wicked man that even worms festered in his body. Although he was alive, his flesh was wasting away and falling off him. The smell of his body was putrid so that no one from his armies was able to endure it.

No one was able to approach that one, who a little earlier had thought that he might reach the stars in heaven, because of his putrid smell.

From this point forward, the magnitude of his pride began to shrink. After he had been humbled, he returned to the knowledge of the truth because he was being tortured and punished by all the lashings of heaven.

When he was not able to endure his stench, he replied as follows, “It is right that people are subject to God. The one who is mortal should not think a thought against God.”

The wicked one prayed and asked the Lord, who did not show him mercy again, speaking in this way, “I will build and set free the holy city that I was hastening to enter, subdue, and make a dwelling for all nations.”

As for the Jews, he said, “As for those whom I thought should not be buried at all but should rather become food for the birds of the air and the animals of the earth along with their women and children, I will make all of them Athenians. I will crown and adorn with all ornamentation the holy temple which I previously plundered. I will give back the holy vessels, many times over. All of the expenses that go for the sacrifices and offerings, I will give from my own.






‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓ ̱ܠـܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ ݁ܕ ܰ� ܳܡـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܰܗܘ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܕ ܶܡـܢ ܩـ ݂ ܳـܕܡ ܰܩ ܺܠܝــܠ ܳܣ ݂ ܰܒـܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ݂ܦ ܽܩـ ݂ܘܕ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܦ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݁ ܰ݁ܺ‬ ‫ܬܝــܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡــܢ ݁ܕ ݂ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫�ــܗܘܢ ݁ܒ ܰ̈ܢــܝ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫــܐ‪ܰ ݂ :‬ܘܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡܛــܠ ܽܫــ ݂ܘܒܗܪܗ ܕ�‬ ‫ܢܡ ݁ ܶܟــ ݂ܟ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ܰ ܶ ܳ ܰ ܳܺ‬ ‫݂ܽ‬ ‫�ܟ�ـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܽܛ ـܘ ܶ�ܐ ܳ� ܶܡ ـܐ‪ :‬ܫـ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬ‬ ‫ـܕܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥ ـܠ ܐܪܥ ـܐ‪ :‬ܘܡܚ ـܘܐ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܓ‬ ‫�ܝܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫� ݂ ܽܟܠ ܐ ܳܢܫ ܰܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܗ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܫܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܚ ܶܫـܗ ݁ܕ ܰܪ ܺܫܝ ܳܥـܐ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡـܐ ݂ ܳܕ ݂ܐܦ ݁ܬ ̈ܘ�ܥܶـܐ ܳ� ݂ܦـ ݂ܬܢ ̱ܗ ̈ܘܝ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܰܦܓ ܶܪܗ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܚܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܳܢ ݂ܬܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܶܒܣ ܶܪܗ‪ܳ :‬ܘܢ ݂ ܶܦܠ ܶܡ ܶܢـܗ‪ܰ .‬ܘܣـ ܺܪܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܺܪܝــܚ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܘܗܝ � ܡܫܟܚ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܕܢܣܝܒܪ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܦ ݂ܓܪܗ‪ :‬ܕܐ̱ܢܫ ܡܢ ܚܝ� ̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܰܩ ܺܠܝܠ ܳܣ ݂ ܰܒܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ݂ܦ ܽܩ ݂ܘܕ ܳܐ ݂ܦ � ݂ ܰܟ ̈ܘ ݁ܟ ݂ ܶܒܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰܒ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܘ ݁ܕ ܶܡܢ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ :‬ܐ̱ ܳܢـܫ �‬ ‫ܶܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܩ ܰܪ ݂ܒ ܳ‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬܶܗ ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ܺܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܚܗ ܰܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܡܢ ܳܗ ݁ ܳܪܟܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܫ ܺܪܝ ݂ܕܢܶ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܒ ܰ�ܪ ܶܡܢ ܽܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟـ ݂ܕ ܐ ݂ܬ ܰܡ ݁ ܰܟـ ݂ܟ ܐ ݂ܬ ݁ܦ ܺܢـܝ‬ ‫ܘܓܐܐ ݂ܕ ܽܫ ݂ܘܒ ܳܗܪܗ‪݂ .‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܺ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳܳ ܶ ܽ ݁ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܬܐ ݂ܕܫܪ ܪܐ‪ .‬ܡܛܠ ܕܡ‬ ‫ܐܠܨ ݁ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ܢܶ ݂ ̈ܓ ݁ ܺܕܝܢ ݁ܕ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܰܢܩ ̱ܗܘܐ ܘܡ ݂‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ܝ ݂ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܒܪ ܺ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܳ� ܶܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܢܐ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܚܗ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ݁ ܰܕܢ ܰܣ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫�ܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢـܐ‪ܳ .‬ܙ ݂ܕ ܳܩـܐ ̱ܗܝ ܳ ݂ܗ ܶܕܐ ݂ܕܐ̱ ܳܢـܫ‬ ‫ܳ ܽ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܶ ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ ݁ܰ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ܽܠـ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܡܝـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪ :‬ܢ ݂ܬܪܥـܐ ݂ܬܪܥܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܢܫܬܥܒ ݂ܕ ��ܗܐ‪ :‬ܘ� ݂ܕ ݂ܟـ ݂ܕ ܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ـܬ ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܨ ܶ� ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܪ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ‪ܰ .‬ܗܘ ݁ܕ ݂ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ܳ� ܶܐ ݂ܬ ܰܪ ܰܚܡ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܥܐ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ܳ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܐ ܶܡܢ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‬ ‫ܥ� ̱‬ ‫̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ ܰ ܺ ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܗ ݂ܒ ܗ ܺܘܝــܬ ݁ ܶܕ ܰܐܙܠ ܶܘܐܣ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ـܗ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݁‬ ‫ܐܥܒ ݂ ܺܕܝـ ̇‬ ‫ܚܦܝـ ̇‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ܬܐ ܩܕ‬ ‫ـܗ‬ ‫ܕܠ ݂‬ ‫ܝܫܬܐ ܳܗܝ ݁ ܰܕܡ ܰܣـ ܶ ܰ ̱ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܟܠ�ܥ ̱ܡܡܝܢ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܒܢ ̇‬ ‫ܝܗ ܘ ܰܐܚܪܪ ̇ܝܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܬ ܡܥܡܪܐ ݂‬ ‫݁ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ݁ ܳܕ ݂ܐܦ ܳ� ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܒـ ܽܪܘ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ ܳ�ܶܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܐ ܰܡܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪݁ .‬ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬܪܥܶܐ ̱ܗ ܺܘ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ ܶ ܽ ݁ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ ܰܘ� ܰܚ ܽܝܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܬܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܪܥܐ‪ܰ :‬ܥـܡ‬ ‫ܠܦܪ‬ ‫ܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܩ ݂ܒ ܽܪܘܢ‪ .‬ܐ � ݂ܕܢܗܘܘܢ ܡܐ ݂ܟܘܠܬܐ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܽ ܽ ܶ ݁ܶ ܶ ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬ ܳ�ܝ̈ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܟ�ܗܘܢ ܐ‬ ‫ܢܶ ܰܫܝ̈ ܽܗܘܢ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܰ�ܝ̈ ܽܗܘܢ‪݂ :‬‬ ‫ܶ ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗ ݁ܝܟ ܳ� ܰܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܰܗܘ ݁ܕ ܶܡـܢ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܩܕܝـ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ‫ـܡ ݁ ܶܒـ ܶܙ ݂ܬ ̱ܗ ܺܘܝـ ݂‬ ‫ـܬ‪ :‬ܐ ݁ ܰܟܠܝـ ̱‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܶܘ ܰܐܨ ݁ܒ ݂ܬܝـ ̱‬ ‫݁ ܽ ݁ܰ ݁ܺ ̈ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܢܰ ̈ܝ ܽܩ ݂ܘܕ ܳܫܐ ܶܐ ݁ܬܶܠ ݁ ܰܒܐܥ̈ ݁ ܶܦܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܶܐܐ‪ܽ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ـܬܐ ݂ ܳܕ ܳܐܙ ��‬ ‫ܘܟـܠ ݂ܢܦܩـ ݂‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܟܠ�ܬܨܒܝ ݂‬ ‫ܶ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܶ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܝܠܝ ܐܬܠ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܕ ݂ ̈ܒ ܶܚܐ ܰܘ�ܩܘ� ܒܢܐ‪ :‬ܡܢ ܕ ̱‬


Ch. 

Chapter 

 

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At that time it happened that King Antiochus returned and came up from Persia in great shame and dishonor. For he came down to the city called Persepolis and wanted to seize the city and violate the temple of idols that was in it. When the people of that place saw this, they gathered against him with a large army. They conquered the whole army that was with him. When he saw that he had been conquered, he returned ashamed with his whole army.

When Antiochus drew near to come to Batana, 1 they informed him about the affairs of Nicanor and Timothy. When he heard, he grew strong and was roused up very much in his fury. He thought that he might come and bring upon the Jews everything which he had done in Persia. He commanded his driver to lead with great haste so that he might go up at once. He said the following, “I will uproot Jerusalem, the city of the Jews, and make it a dwelling place for the nations.”

Immediately, the judgment of the powerful God of Israel came forth and struck him with bitter blow that was invisible. When he sought to produce any word, 2 a bitter and severe illness seized him in his internal organs and intestines. Justly he repaid that one who had tormented with illnesses, punishments, and many tortures, and stretched out the internal organs of others.

Although all of these things happened to him, he was still strong and conceited in his mind. He was full of the fury that was kindled as fire against the Jews. He commanded his driver to run even more swiftly. With the rushing of his chariot, he was thrown out and had a hard, bitter fall. All his limbs were broken.

1 2

‘Batana’: Greek ‘Ecbatana’ (Ἐκβάτανα).

‘he sought to produce any word’: lit. ‘any word sought to come out’.


‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬
















‫ܶܰ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫݁ ܶܒܗ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܒ ܰܗܘ ܰܙܒ ܳܢܐ‪݁ :‬ܓ ܰܕܫ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܳܦـ ܶܪܣ‪:‬‬ ‫ܗܦ ݂ܘܟ ܘܢܣܩ ܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݁ ܶ ݁ ܳ ܰ ܰ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܐܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܒܗܬ ݂ܬ ܐ ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܚܡܨܬ ܐ ܣܓ ݂‬ ‫ܢܚـ ݂ܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܓܝــܪ �ـ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕ ܰܝܢـ ݂ܬ ݁ ܳܦـ ܶܪܣ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘ� ݂ ܶܒـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ـܗܝ ݁ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܚܕܝـ ̇‬ ‫ـܗ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܳܒ ̇ܗ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܚـ ܰـܙܘ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ݁ܒ ̈ܢـܝ ܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ܦ ݂ܬ ݂ܟ ܶ�ܐ ݂ ܺܕ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ܰܢܚ ܶܠܨ ݁ ܶܒ‬ ‫ܠ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݁ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ ܰ ܰ ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܟܠ ـܗ ܚܝــ�‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݂‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܒܚܝــ� ܣܓܝ ـܐܐ‪ .‬ܘ ݂ܙܟ ـܐ ̱‬ ‫ܰܗܘ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬܟܢܫ ـ ̱ܘ ̱ܗܘܘ ܥ� ـ ̱‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ݂ ܶܕ ݁ܐܙܕ ݂ ܺܟܝ ܶܠܗ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܥܡ ݁ ܽܟ ܶܠܗ ܰܚ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܦ ݂ܟ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ݁ ܰܒ ܺܗ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ܶ ܶ ܰ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܩ ܺܪ ݂ܝܒ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟـܘܣ ܕܢܡܛـܐ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܰܥـܠ ܶ� ݂ ̈ܒـ ܳܘ ݂ܬܗ‬ ‫ܛܢـܢ‪ :‬ܐ ݁ܘܕ ܽܥـ ̱‬ ‫݁ ܺ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܳ ܶܳ‬ ‫ܝܡ ݂ܬܐܘܣ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܢܝܩܢܘܪ ݂ܘܕܛ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰܰ ܶ ݁݁ ܺ ݁ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܬܗ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܬ ܰܪܥܶܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽܟـܠ ܶܡـ ݁ ܶܕܡ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܐ ݂ܬ�ܙܙ‪ .‬ܘܐܬܬ ܪܝܡ ܒܚ ܶ ݂‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܦ ܰܩ ݂ܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ݁ ܳܒ ̇ܗ ݁ܒ ݁ ܳܦ ܶܪܣ‪ܺ ݁ :‬ܒܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ܺܢ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܰܘܢܣ ܺܩܝ‬ ‫�ܩ ܳܪ ܶܪܗ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܶ ݂ܕ ݁ ܰܒـܪ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܳܐ ܰܡܪ ܗ ܳܘܐ‪݁ .‬ܕ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪݁ :‬ܕ ݂ ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ‬ ‫ܥܓܠ ܢܶ ܰܣܩ‪݂ ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ ܡܣ ݂‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ݂‬ ‫ܪܗܒܐ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫݂ ܺܕܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐܥܩ ܺܪ ̇ܝܗ ܰܘ ݁‬ ‫ܥܡܪܐ � ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܥܒ ݂ ܺܕ ̇ܝܗ ݁ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܳܳ ܺ ܳܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶ ݁ܶ ܰ ܶ ݁ܺ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܣܪܐܝــܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܠܬܢ ـܐ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܪ� ـܐ ܐ ܳ� ـ ܳܗܐ ܰܚ‬ ‫ـܬܗ ܕܝــܢ ܩ ݂ܕܡ ـܗ ܕܝܢ ـܐ ݂ܕܡ‬ ‫݂ܘܒ ـܪ ܫܥـ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݀‬ ‫ܡܚ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܰܡܪܝܪܬ ܐ ݂ܕ� ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܳܙ�ܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܟـ ݂ܕ ݁ ܳܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܚܝ ̱ܗܝ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܝـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݁ܕ ݂ܬ ݁ܦـܘܩ ݁ܟ ܳܠـ ̇ܗ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܕܗ ݁ ܺܟ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܝܐ ݂ܒ ܰ� ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܒܐ ܰܡ ܺܪ ܳܝܪܐ ܘ ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܬܗ‪ .‬ܐ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒ ̈ܡ ܰܥܘ ̱ܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡ ݂‬ ‫ܚܡ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ ܺ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫�ܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ̈ܒ ݂ ܺܟܐ ݂ ܶܒܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܒܐ ̈ܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܨ ܢܶܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܶܫ�̈ ݁ ܶܕܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܐܐ ܰܫ ܶܢـܩ‪ܰ :‬ܘܢ ݁ ܶܓـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫݂ܘܦܪܥܗ ܒ ݂ܟܐܢ ݂‬ ‫ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܚܡܐ ݂ ܰܕܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ݁ ܺܟܝــܠ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܰ�ــ ܰܙܙ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܟــ ݂ܕ ܳܗ ܶܠܝــܢ ݁ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫�ܗܝــܢ ݁ ܰܓ ݂ ̈ܕ ܳܫܝــ ̱ܗܝ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ܺܪܝــܡ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܬܐ ܕ ܶܡܬ ݁ ܰܓـܘܙ� ܗ ܳܘܬ ݀ ܐܝــܟ ܽܢـ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܰܥـܠ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ ܶ�ـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܒ ܶܪܥ ܳ�ܢܶܗ‪ܰ .‬ܘܡ� ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒܚ‬ ‫̱ ݂ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܺ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܪܗܛ ܰܩــ ܳܪ ܶܪܗ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ܺܚ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ ܶܢــ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܦــܐ ݂ܕ ܰܪܗܛــܐ‬ ‫ܝܦܐܝــ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܦ ܰܩــ ݂ܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕ ܰ� ݁ܬ ܳܝܪܐܝــ‬ ‫ـܬ ܘܚܪ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܰ ݁ܽ ݁ܳ ܺ ܳ ܰ ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܺܕܝ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܘܡܪܝـ‬ ‫݂ܕܡ‬ ‫ـܪܬ ܐ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ݁ܐܬ ݁ܬ ݁ ܰܒـܪ ̱ܘ‬ ‫ܢܦܠ ܡܢ ̇ܗ ܡܦܘܠܬܐ ܩܫ ݂‬ ‫ܪܟ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܗ‪ :‬ܐ ݁ ݂‬ ‫̈‬ ‫݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܰܗ݁ ܳܕ ܰܡܘ ̱ܗܝ‪.‬‬


Ch. 


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When they came to their land, they celebrated1 the victory of their war. They brought Callisthenes and those with him and set them on fire in a house, for they had burned the holy gates and fled. They received the repayment which was appropriate for their wicked deeds of iniquity. The condemnable and unclean Nicanor, who had brought a thousand merchants with him to purchase the Jews,

was humbled and fell before those whom he had thought were unworthy of him, through the power and help of God who was with them. He took off [his] glorious clothing, and as a servant he fled and went to Antioch in much weeping and great shame because of the destruction of his army.

That one, who had promised the Romans he would take up the tribute for them from the booty of Jerusalem, proclaimed and said that the Jews had God as their ally and for this reason they were not able to be conquered, because they walked in accord with his commandments.


‘celebrated’ or ‘carried out’ or ‘made’.






‫ܶܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܳܽ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܽ ܰ ݁ܺ‬ ‫ܐܝܬܝـــܘ‬ ‫ܠܓ ܘ ݂ ܰܟـــ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝـــܢ ܐ ݂ܬܘ �ܪܥـــ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܳ .‬ܥ ݂ܒ ݁ ܺܕܝـــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܙ ݂ܟـــ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܕܩܪ ݂ܒـــܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܘ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ ܰ ܶ ܰ ܶ ܶܽ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ܰܚـܕ ݁ܒ ܽܢـ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܰ :‬ܥـܠ‬ ‫�ܩ ܶ�ܣ ݂ܬ ܺܢܝܣ ܘ�ܝܠܝܢ ܕܥܡܗ‪ :‬ܘܐܘܩ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܐܢـܘܢ ܒ ݂ܒܝـ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩ ݁ ܶܒ�ـ ̱ܘ ݁ ܽܦ ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܪܩـ ̱ܘ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܐܘܩ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ܬ�ܥܶܐ ܰܩ ݁ ܺܕ�̈ ܶܫـܐ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪ� ܳܢـܐ ݂ܕ ܳܫـ ܶܘܐ ܰܠ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ ܰܕ ̈�ـ ܽܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܺܒܝ̈ ܶܫܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥܘ�‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ܰ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܠܕ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܬܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ ܳܐ ܶܠ ݂ܦ ݁ ܰܬ ݁ ܳܓ ܺ�ܝܢ ܶ‬ ‫�ܙ ݂ܒܢ ܽܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܝܒܐ ܘܛܡܐܐ‪ :‬ܗܘ ܕ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢܘܪ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܡܚ ݂‬ ‫݁ ܺܕܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܗ ܶܐ ݂ܬ ܰܡ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܟ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܳܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ܕ ܳܣ ݂ ܰܒܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܺܨ ܺܝܪܝــܢ ܶܡ ܶܢـܗ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܰܚܝـ ܳـ� ܽ‬ ‫ܘܥ ݂ܘܕ ܳܪ ܳܢـܐ‬ ‫ܢܦܠ� ݁ܬ ܶܚ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܽ ܳ ̇ ݁ ܶ ݁ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ܰܥ ݂ܒـ ݁ ܳܕܐ ܥـ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܰܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ـܪܩ‬ ‫�ܒـܘܫܗ ܕ ݂ܬܫܒـܘܚ‬ ‫ܫܒܩ ݂‬ ‫݁ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܶ ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ܰ ܺ ܳ ܺ ܰ ݁ܰ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܐܬ ܐ ܶܡܛـܠ ܐ ݂ܒ ݁ ܳܕ ܳܢـܐ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܒܥ ݂‬ ‫ܘܐܙܠ �ܢܛܝ ݂ܟܝܐ‪ :‬ܟ ݂ܕ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܩܬܐ ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ܒܗܬ ݂ܬ ܐ ܣܓ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱‬ ‫݂ܕ ܰܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܶ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܕܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܠ� ܽ ̱ܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܫــܬ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܠܘ ܘܗܘ ܕ‬ ‫ܝــܬܐ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶܝــܐ ݂ܕ ܰܢ ܶܣــܩ‬ ‫�ــܗܘܢ ܰܡــ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܶܡــܢ ݂‬ ‫ܫܒ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽܕܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܪܫܠـܡ‪ܰ :‬ܡ ݂ܟـܪܙ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܳܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܥ ݁ܕܪ ܳܢـܐ ܠܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶ ـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܐ�ـ ܳܗܐ ܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܟܝܢ ݁ܒ ݂ܦܘ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܛܠ ܗ݂ܕܐ � ܡ ݁‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܟ ܺܚܝܢ ܡ ݁ܙܕ ݂ܟܝܢ‪ :‬ܡܛܠ ݁ ܰܕܡܗ ݂‬ ‫ܩܕ ܰܢ ̱‬


Ch. 



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God, the ruler of all was their ally from heaven. He slaughtered about nine thousand of them. As for the multitude of their 1 army, they severed their hands, blinded their eyes, and maimed their limbs. Those who remained from their entire army fled. They took all of the wealth of those who had come to purchase them. They pursued them for a great distance, and thus they returned because they were frightened.

Because the time before the sabbath had drawn near, they did not persist in pursuing them. They plundered and took all that was with them with their arms and returned to come and keep the sabbath, giving thanks and honoring the Lord greatly, for he had delivered them on that day and had begun to show them mercy. After the sabbath, they divided their spoils among the sick, the poor, the orphans, and the widows. They divided up the rest among their children and themselves.

After they had acted in this way, they all cried out and prayed before the merciful Lord that he would be reconciled at last to his servants

Then Timothy and Bicrius 2 attacked them. They slaughtered more than thirty thousand 3 of them, and they subdued and seized very mighty fortresses. They took and divided many spoils and distributed them among the orphans, the widows, and the poor who were among the nation. They also designated some for the elders.

They took and gathered all of their arms and placed them in specified locations. They brought the rest of the spoils to Jerusalem to the leaders of the nation. 4 They killed a certain wicked man of Timothy’s people who had grieved the Jews tremendously.


‘their’: Greek ‘Nicanor’s’ (τοῦ Νικάνορος).


‘thirty thousand’ reflects the Lucianic recension.


‘Bicrius’: Greek ‘Bacchides’ (Βακχίδην).

‘to the leaders of the nation’ reflects the Lucianic recension. Other Greek recensions have ‘the leader of Timothy’s people’ (τὸν δὲ φυλάρχην τῶν περὶ Τιμόθεον).



‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܙ‬

‫ܨܚ ܟܚ‬ ‫‪‬‬





‫ܶ ܽ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܕ ݁ ܽܟܠ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ‬ ‫ܘܩܛܠ ܡܢـ‬ ‫ܡܥ ݁ܕ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ ܶܡܢ ܫܡܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ ܐ ܺܚ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݁ܬܶ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪ܰ :‬ܩ ܰܛܥ ـ ̱ܘ ܺܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕܝ ـ ܽܗܘܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܓܐܗ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܰܚܝ�ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܥ ـܐ ܰܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝــܢ‪ܽ � .‬ܣ ـ ݂ܶ‬ ‫ܘ� ـ ܰܘܪ ̱ܘ‬ ‫ܰ� ̈� ܰܢܝ ܽܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ ܰܣ ܰܪܚ ̱ܘ ܰܗ ݁ ܳܕ ܰܡܝ̈ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܰ :‬ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ܰܚܪ ̱ܘ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܽܟ ܶܠܗ ܰܚܝ�ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܶܕ ݁‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܥܪܩ ̱ܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘܢ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ݁ ܽܟ ܶܠܗ ܽܥ ݂ܘܬܪ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ܕ ܳܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ܙܒ ܽܢـܘܢ ܐ ܽܢـܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰܪܕ ݂ܦـ ̱ܘ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ ݁ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗ ݂ܟ ܳܘܬ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܺ‬ ‫ܪܗܒܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܦ ݂ܟ ̱ܘ‪ :‬ܡܛܠ ܕܡܣ‬ ‫݁ ܳܒ ݂ܬ ܽܪܗܘܢ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ‪݂ ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ ݁ܳ ܳ ܰ ̈ ܰ ܰ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ܽܛـܠ ܳܗ ܳܢـܐ ܳ� ܰܐ ݁ ܰܓـܪ ̱ܘ ܽܪܘܚـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ܒ ̱ܗܘܐ ܠܗ �ܕ ܢܐ ݂ܕܡܥܠܝ ܫܒـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ ܰܪܕ ݂ܦ ̱ܘ ݁ ܳܒ ݂ܬ ܽܪܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܰܒܙ �ܘ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰܥـܡ ܰܙܝܢـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥܡـ ܽ‬ ‫ܗܦ ݂ܟـ ̱ܘ‬ ‫ܫܩ� ̱ܘ ݁ ܽܟܠ ܶܡـ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ ܺܕܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫݁ܺ ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ܳܺ‬ ‫ـܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܒ ݂ ܽܬܘܢ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟ ݂ܕ ܰܡـ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܬܘܢ ܰܘܢ ݁‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܡܫ ݁ܒ ܺܚܝــܢ ܪ ݂‬ ‫ܘܪܒܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܕܢ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �ܗܘܢ ܦܘܪܩܢܐ ݂ܒܝܘܡܐ ܗܘ‪ :‬ܘܫܪܝ �ܡܥܒ ݂ܕ ܥܡܗܘܢ �ܚܡܐ‪.‬‬

‫ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ ݁ܶ ܰ ܳ ܰ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܡ ݂ ܶܟܐ ݂ ̈ܶܒـܐ ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܦ ܶܠܓ ̱ܘ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܶܒ ܰܙ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ ܰ‬ ‫�ܡ ̈ܣ ݁ ܺܟ ܶܢـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܟܚ ܡܢ ܒ ݂ܬܪ ܕ ܰܝܢ �ܘܡܐ ݂ܕܫܒ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ ܰ ܳ ̈ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܡܠ ݂ܬܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܰܫ ݁ܪܟܐ ݂ܦܠ ݂ܓ ̱ܘ ܗܢܘܢ ܘܛ�ܝܐ ݂ܕܥܡܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܝ ݂ܬ ̈ܡܐ ܘ��‬ ‫ܘ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܨ ܺܠܝܘ ݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ‪݁ .‬ܓ ܰܥܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡ ܳܢـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܟܛ ܡܢ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ �̱ܚܪܝܬܐ ܢ ݂ܬܪܥܐ �ܥ ݂ܒ ݁ ܰܕ ̱‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒ ݁ܝܟ ܺܪ ܳ�ܘܣ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘܬ ݂ܘܒ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܐ ݂ ܰܬܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩ ܶܛ� ̱ܘ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܬ ܳܐܘܣ‪ܺ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ ܰ� ݁ܬܝܪ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܛܝܡ ݂‬ ‫ܠ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶܡܢ ܬܠ ݂ܬ � ݁ܒܘܢ‪ .‬ܘ ݂ܟ ݂ܒܫ ̱ܘ ܘ ܰܐܚ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܶܚܣܢܐ ܪܘ� ݂ܒܐ ܘܥܫ ̈�ܢـܐ‪ .‬ܘܢܣ ݂ܒـ ̱ܘ ݂ܘܦܠ ݂ܓـ ̱ܘ‬ ‫݁ ܶ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ̈ܶ ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ـܐܬ ܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫�ܡ ̈ܣ ݁ ܺܟܢܶ ـܐ ݂ ܺܕܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܘܦ ܶܠ ݂ܓ ـ ̱ܽܘ �ܝ ݂ܬܡ ـܐ ܘ��ܡܠ ـ ݂‬ ‫ܒ ـ ݂ܙܬ ܐ ܣܓܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ̈ܶ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݂ܒ ܰܥ ܳܡܐ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܦ ܶܠ ݂ܓ ̱ܘ ̱ܗܘܘ ܕܝܢ ܬ ݂ܘܒ ܐ ݂ܦ �ܣ ݂ܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܰܒܐ ݂ܬ ܰ� ܳܘ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ܺܝ ݂ ܺܕ ̈ܝܥܶܐ‪ܰ .‬ܫ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫� ܰܘܢ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܢܶܫ ̱ܘ ݁ ܽܟ ܶܠܗ ܰܙ ܽ‬ ‫ܪܟـܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ‬ ‫ܝܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ ܳܣ ܽܡ ̱‬ ‫݁ ܶ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬܝܘ ܗ ܰܘܘ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ܳ‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ܺ� ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܝ ܰܥ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܒ ݂ܙܬ ܐ‪ :‬ܐ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܓ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ ܰܚـ ݂ܕ ܰܪ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ܳܐܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ‪ܰ :‬ܩ ܶܛ� ̱ܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܥـܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓـܝ ܐ ܺܥܝــܩ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܛܝܡ ݂‬ ‫ܠܒ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂ܶ‬ ‫̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ ܺܠܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 








He said to them, “Look and see the disgrace into which the holy place has come through their hands iniquitously. Give yourselves over and fight powerfully.” He reminded them also of the disgrace and mockery that had come to the city through their hands and the violation of the laws of [their] ancestors [which had come] through their hands.

He said to them, “They trust in arms and in the power of flesh, but we trust in the Lord our God, the ruler of all, who is able to forcefully overthrow with the breath of his mouth not only our enemies but also the whole world.”

He reminded them also of [the times that] salvation had come to [their] ancestors in their times and of the deliverance that came in the days of Sennacherib, how one hundred eighty-five thousand perished, 1 and of the war with the Galatians, how a force of about eighty thousand 2 [Jews] had come against them vehemently alongside forty thousand 3 more Macedonians who had come with them to help. They came out against them with a small army 4 and conquered them5 because of the help from heaven which was with them. 6

When they heard these things, they were helped, strengthened, and prepared. They gave themselves over as warriors for the sake of their law and their place. He divided the army into four parts. He appointed his brothers as generals over each of the divisions, [namely,] Simon, Joseph, and Jonathan. He handed over to each of them one thousand five hundred men.

He also commanded Eleazar to read the holy law to the nation and to give a sign of the deliverance of God’s help. [Judas] was the general of the first division, and he began to wage war with Nicanor.


See 2 Kings 19:35–36; Isaiah 37:36.


‘forty thousand’: Greek ‘four thousand’ (τετρακισχιλίοις).


‘eighty thousand’: Greek ‘eight thousand’ (ὀκτακισχίλιοι).

‘small army’: some recensions have ‘six thousand’ (οἱ ἑξακισχίλιοι); others ‘eight thousand’ (οἱ ὀκτακισχίλιοι).

4 5 6

‘them’: Greek ‘the one hundred twenty thousand’ (τὰς δώδεκα μυριάδας). The Greek and the Syriac differ significantly in this verse.


‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܓ‬

‫ܰ ܰ ݁ ܰ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܰ ܶ ܺ ̈ ܰ ܽ ܰ ܳܳܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܳܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪݁ .‬ܕ ܽܚܘܪ ̱ܘ ܘܚܙܘ ܒܨܥܪܐ ݂ܕܐ�ܛܥܪ ܡـܢ ܐܝ ݂ܕܝـܗܘܢ �ـܘ� ݂‬ ‫ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܰܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܐ ݂ܦ‬ ‫ܡܥ ̱ـ ܶ ݂ܗܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �ـ‬ ‫ܝܠܬ ܳܢܐ ܽ ݂‬ ‫ܘܗ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ܰܢ ݂ܦܫ ݂ ܽܟܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܐܬ ݁ ܰܟ ݁ܬܫ ̱ܘ ܺ ܰܚ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܶܡܢ ܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕܝ ܽܗܘܢ‪݂ .‬ܘܬ ݂ܘܒ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܪܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ݁ܕ ܳܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܶܣـܐ‬ ‫ܨܥܪܐ ݂ܘܒܘܙܚܐ ݂ܕܗܘܐ ܠ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳܐܒ ̈ܗ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܺܒܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕܝ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܶܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ܬ ݂ ܺܟ ܺ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ܰܥܠ ܰܙ ܳܝܢܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܳܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥـܠ ܰܚܝـ ܳـ� ݂ܕ ݂ ܶܒܣـ ܳܪܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܢـܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ݁ܬ ݂ ܺܟ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ̱ܚ ܰܢـܢ ܰܥـܠ ܡ‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ ܐ ܳ�ـ ܰܗܢ ܐ ܺܚܝـ ݂ـܕ ݁ ܽܟـܠ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ ܰܕܡـ ܶـ� ܐ ݂ܒ ܰܚܝــ�‬ ‫�ܚـ ݂ܘܕ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳ� ܳܐ ݂ܦ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫݂ܕܢܶܣ ܽܚ ݂ܘܦ ݁ܒ ܽܪܘܚ ݁ ܽܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܗ‪̱ �ܳ :‬ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܠ ݂ܒܥܶ� ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܰܒܝܢ ݁ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟ ܶܠـܗ‬ ‫ܳܥ ܳ‬ ‫�ܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܘܘ ܰܥܡ ܰܐ ܳܒ ܳ ̈ܗ ܳܬ ܐ ܒ ܰܙܒ ܰ�ܝ̈ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܽ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܘܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܡ ݂ܕ ݁ ܰܟܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ݁ ܽܦܘ� ܳܩܢܶܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܩ ܳܢـܐ‬ ‫݂ ݂ ݂ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ̈ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܗ ݁ܕ ܰܣܢ ܺܚ ܺܪܝـ ݂ـܒ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܕ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܳܢ ـܐ ܶܐ ݂ ܰܒ ـ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܳܡ ـܐܐ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܳܡ ܺܢܐܝــܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫ ـܐ‬ ‫݂ܕܗܘܐ ݂ܒ� ـܘܡ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܳ ̈ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܰ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܰ ܽ ݁ ܰ ܺ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܳܒــܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝــܙ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥــܡ ݂ܓܠܛܝــܐ‪ :‬ܕܐܝܟܢــܐ ܐ ݂ܬܘ ܥܠܝــܗܘܢ ܒ�ܙ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݂ ܰܒ ݂ܬ ܳܡ ܺܢܐܝܢ ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ ܰܚܝ�‪ܰ :‬ܥܡ ܐ ݁ܪܒ ܺܥܝܢ ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ ܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܺܢܝܢ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ܶܩ ݂ ܽܕ ̈ܘ ܳ�ܝܶܐ‪ܶ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂ܐܬܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ݁ܒ ܰܚܝـ ܳـ� ܽܙܥـ ܳ‬ ‫�ܥ ݂ܘܕ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ ܽ‬ ‫ܢܦܩـ ̱ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܰܙܟـܘ ܐ ܽܢـܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛـܠ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܰܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܽܥ ݂ܘܕ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ـ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ـ ̱ܘ ܳܗ ܶܠܝــܢ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬ ܰ� ـ ݁ ܰܕܪ ̱ܘ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܚ ܰܝ� ـ ̱ܘ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܚ ܰܙܩ ـ ̱ܘ‪ :‬ܘ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ـ ̱ܘ ܰܢ ݂ܦܫ ـ ܽܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܝ� ܰ� ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܥܠ ܰܐ ݁ ܰܦ ̈ܝ ܳܢ ܽܡܘܣ ܽܗܘܢ ܰܘ ݂ܐܬܪ ܽܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰܦ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܓܗ �ܚ‬ ‫ܪܒܥ ̈ܡ ܰ� ܳܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ ܰܓܢ̱ ݁ ܳܒ ܳܪܐ ݂‬ ‫ܡ�ـ ܳ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ‪ܶ � :‬ܫ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳ� ܢܶـܐ‪ܰ :‬ܥـܠ ܚـ ݂ ܳـܕܐ ܚـ ݂ ܳـܕܐ ܶܡـܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܺܐܩܝܡ ܰ� ܰܚܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ ܺ� ܶ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܥـܘܢ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܶ ܰ ܽ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܫܠܡ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܬܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟܠ ܰܚ ݂ܕ ܰܚ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ‪ܳ :‬ܐ ܶܠ ݂ܦ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܶܡܫ ܳܡܐܐ‬ ‫ܘ�ܝܘܣ ݂ܦ ܘ�ܝܘܢ ݂‬ ‫݂ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܺ�ܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܬ ݂ܘܒ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܶ� ܺܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܩ ܶܪܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܗ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫�ܥ ܳܡܐ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣܐ ܰܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝ� ܳܙܪ ݁ ܰܦ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܫـܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘ�ـ ܶܗ ݂ܒ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܳ ܽ ܳܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܡܕܒܪ ܢـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܦܘܪܩܢܐ ݂ܕܥ ݂ܘܕܪ ܢܐ ݂ܕܐ�ܗܐ‪݂ .‬ܘܒܡܢ ݂ܬܐ ܩ ݂ܕܡܝــܬܐ ܗܘ ܗܘܐ ܪܝܫـܐ ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܘܫ ܺܪܝ ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕ ܰܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ܒ ܰܥܡ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢܘܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ̱‬


Ch. 



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Ptolemy immediately commanded Nicanor, son of Patroclus, who was among the first of his friends, and sent him with an army of about twenty thousand, to go blot out the whole Jewish1 people. He also sent Gorgias with him, a general and a man who was trained in military battle. Nicanor promised and assured the king that he would bring out and exact two thousand talents for the king’s treasury by means of the captivity of the Jews.

Immediately he sent to the cities that were on the seacoast and called them to come and purchase the Jews. 2 He promised that he would give ninety souls 3 for one talent. But he did not anticipate or expect the judgment of God, the ruler of all, which was about to overtake him. They then came and informed Judas about Nicanor’s arrival. They told him about the whole army that accompanied him. When the Jews heard, many feared and doubted the righteous judgment of God. They began fleeing here and there.

Others sold what they had left. Everyone at the same time asked the Lord to deliver them from the hands of wicked Nicanor who had already sold them before he came and saw them,

if not for their sake, then for the sake of the covenant that he had established with their ancestors and for the sake of his great, holy, and honored name by which he had been known among them. Judas Maccabaeus gathered those with him, who were about six thousand men in number, and he implored them and strengthened them so that they might not be afraid of war nor be frightened or shaken by the multitude of the nations which had come against them iniquitously.


‘Jewish’: Greek ‘of Judea’ (τῆς Ιουδαίας).


‘souls’: Greek ‘bodies’ (σώματα).


‘the Jews’: Greek ‘Jewish bodies’ (Ἰουδαίων σωμάτων).




‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݁ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢ ـܘܪ ݁ܒ ـ ܶܪܗ ݁ ܰܕ ݁ܦܛ ܰܪ ܳ‬ ‫�ܢ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬܗ‪݁ :‬ܦ ܰܩ ـ ݂ܕ ܺ‬ ‫݁ܦܛ ـܘ�ܡܐܘܣ ܕܝــܢ ܒ ـܪ ܫܥـ‬ ‫ܩ� ـܘܣ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫݁ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܡܘܗܝ‪ܶ ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ݂ܕ ܳ� ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡܢ ܺ� ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ ܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܬ ݁ܪܬܝܢ � ݁ܒ ܳܘܢ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ‬ ‫ܘܫ ݁ܕܪܗ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܕ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܠـܗ ݁ ܶܓܢܣـܐ ݂ܕܝܗܘ ݂ܕ ܶ�ـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܫـ ݁ ܰܕܪ ݁ܕܝــܢ ܥܡـܗ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܦ‬ ‫ܰܚܝ�‪݁ :‬ܕܢـ ܰܐܙܠ ܘܢܥܛـܐ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܓ ܰܝܐ ܺܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܓ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ ܰܕܡ ܰܢ ݁ ܰܦܩ ݁ܒ ݂ܬ ݂ܟ ݁ܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܓ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ݂ ܰܕܩ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒܪ ܢܐ‪݂ܰ :‬‬ ‫݂ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܳ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܘ ܺܐܩܝܡ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ܰܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ـܬ ݁ ܰܓـ ܶܙܗ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢـܘܪ �ܡ�ܟـܐ‪ .‬ܕܢܝـ‬ ‫ܪܡـܐ ݂ ܶܒܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܺ ܽ ̈ܳܶ ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ܕܝܗܘ ݂ܕ�ܐ ݂ܬ ܪܝܢ ܐܠ ݂ܦܝܢ ܟܟ�ܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܕܡ�ܟܐ ܡܢ ݂‬ ‫ܫܒ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰܳ ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܺ ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥܠ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ـܪܐ ܐ ܽܢـܘܢ ݁ܕ ܺܢـ ݂ܐܬܘܢ‬ ‫ܚܒـܠ �ܡـܐ‪ :‬ܘܩـ‬ ‫ܡܕ�ܢ‬ ‫ܥܬܗ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܰܥܠ‬ ‫݂ܘܒܪ ܫ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ ݁ ܽ ݂ܺ ܽ ̈ ܳ ܶ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܺ ܳ ܶ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܶ ܺ ܰ ̈ ܳ ݁ ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܙܒܢܘܢ ܠܝܗܘ ݂ܕ�ܐ‪ .‬ܘܐܫܬܘܕܝ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܕܢܬܠ�ܬܫܥܝــܢ ܢ ݂ܦܫـܢ ܒܚـ ݂ـܕܐ ݂ܟܟـܪܐ‪ .‬ܘ�‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ ܰܐ ܺܚ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫�ܕܝܢܶܗ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܚܪ ܘ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܟܝ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܕ ݁ܟܠ ݁ ܰܕܥ ݂ܬ ݂ܝܕ ݁ܕ ܰܢ ݂ܕܪ ݂ܟܝ ̱‬ ‫ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܺ ܶ ݁ ܺ ܰ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܐܘܕܥ ̱ܘ ܺܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܬܘ ܰܘ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘ‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ܺܥܝܘ ܶܠܗ ܰܥܠ ݁ ܽܟ ܶܠܗ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ ܕܢܝܩܢܘܪ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܰܥܠ ܡ ݂ܐܬ ݂‬ ‫݂ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܚܝ� ݂ܕܥܡܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ̱ܘ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ‪ܰ :‬ܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܶܐܐ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ ݁ܕ ܶܚ� ̱ܘ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ݁ ܰܦ ܰܠ ݂ܓ ̱ܘ ܰܥـܠ ݁ ܺܕ ܶܝܢـܗ ܰܙ ݁ ܺܕ ܳܝܩـܐ‬ ‫ܘܫ ܺܪܝܘ ܳܥ ܺ‬ ‫݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܩܝܢ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪ܽ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ܰܚܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܘܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܢܶܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܡ ܰܙ ݁ܒ ܺܢܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ ܶܕ ݁‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܐ ݂ܟܚـ ݂ ܳܕܐ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ܕ ܰܪ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܥܐ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫݂ ܳܒܥܶܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡܢ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܳܢـܘܪ‪ܰ .‬ܗܘ ݁ܕ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܶ ݂ܦܪ ܶܘܩ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ ܶܡܢ ܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕ ̱‬ ‫ܳ ݁ܺ ܶ ܶ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ ܰܙ ݁ ܶܒܢ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܕܢ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܘܢ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܳܐ ݂ ܶܦܢ ܳ� ܶܡ ܽܛ ܳܠ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ ܶܐ ܳ� ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܛـܠ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܳܡـܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܺܐܩܝــܡ ܰܥـܡ ܐ ݂ ܳܒ ܰܗ ̈�ـ ܽܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܡܫ ݁ܒ ܳܚܐ ݂ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬ ܺ‬ ‫ܩܪܝ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܶ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫݁ܳ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܰܟܢܶܫ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‬ ‫ܢ� ܳܢـܐ ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ܫـ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳܗ ܶܘܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܒܡ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܚ ܶܝـܠ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡܢـ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ ݁ ܰܓ ݂ܒـ ܶ�ܐ‪ܳ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪݁ :‬ܕ� ܢܶ ݂ܕܚ ܽ�ـܘܢ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫ܽ ݁ ܰ ̈ ܶ ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܳܒܐ‪ܳ .‬ܘ� ܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܪܗ ݂ ܽܒܘܢ ܘܢܶ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ܙܺ ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܬܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܥـܘܢ ܶܡـܢ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫ـ‬ ‫ܣ‬ ‫ܘܓܐܗܘܢ ܕܥ ̱ܡܡـܐ ݂ܕ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ� ܳܘ� ݂‬


Ch. 

Chapter 

  

Judas Maccabaeus and those with him entered the villages secretly and gathered their relatives and those who persevered in the law of Judaism. Those who gathered together came to1 about six thousand men. They asked the Lord to look on the nation which had been tread upon by many, to have mercy on the temple that had been defiled by wicked people, to deliver also the city that was corrupted and was close to becoming like the desert, to see also the slain whose blood had been poured out in vain,

to remember the children who without sin had perished iniquitously and the blasphemies that had been uttered against his name, and to be awakened against them with the zeal of anger.

When Maccabaeus was reinforced and flanked by the crowd accompanying him, he cast his fear and terror on all the nations. For God’s anger turned and it became mercy for them. He suddenly entered and destroyed cities and towns, took regions that were close by, 2 was victorius in battles, and slaughtered many.

He attacked especially at night and harassed many. His strength was discussed and attained renown in every place. When Philip saw that Maccabaeus was especially great and honored, conquering and gaining victory in all his wars, he wrote and sent to Ptolemy, the governor 3 of Syria 4 and Phoenicia, so that he might help in the king’s affairs.


‘those who gathered together came to’: lit. ‘they gathered together and were’.


‘governor’ translates the same set of words as ‘general’ in the following verse.

2 4

‘close by’: lit. ‘near to them’.

‘Syria’: Greek ‘Coelesyria’ (Κοίλης Συρίας).


‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬

















‫ܚ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ‪ܳ :‬ܥ ܺ‬ ‫ـܬ ܽ‬ ‫ܩܒـܝ ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫�ܩܘ� ܳ�ـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܛܫܝܐܝـ‬ ‫ܐܠܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܡ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܫܝܢ ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܠ ݂ܒ ܰܢ̈ܝ ܰܫ� ݂ ܳܒ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ� ܶ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܰܩ ܺܘܝــܘ ݁ܒ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣـܐ ݂ ܺܕ ܽܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕ ܽ�ـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܟ ܺ ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ܳ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ݁ ܰܟ ܰܢܫ ̱ܘ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬܐ ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ ݁ ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܺ�ܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܘܘ ܐ ݂ܝܟ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡܢ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ܽܢܚܘܪ ݁ܒ ܰܥ ܳܡܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ݂ ܺܕܝܫ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡـܢ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ̈ܝـܐܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰܢܪ ܶܚـܡ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܐ ݂ܦ ܰܥܠ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ� ݂ ܶܕܐܣ ݁ܬ ܰ� ݂ܒ ܶܡܢ ܰ� ܺܫܝ ܳܥܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܶ݁ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܺ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ݁ܒ ܳ�‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܩ ܺܪ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܒܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ݁ܕ ݂ܬܗ ܶܘܐ ܐ ݂ܝܟ ܰܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܪܐ‪ .‬ܢܶܚـ ܶـܙ ܐ‬ ‫ܘܢܦܪܘܩ ܐ ݂ܦ ܠ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܰܠܩܛܝ� ݂ܕ ݂ܐܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܫ ݂ܕ ݁ܕܡܗܘܢ ܣܪܝܩܐ ݂‬ ‫ܳܺ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܢܶ ݁ܬ݁ܕ ݂ ܰܟܪ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ� ݁ ܽܓ ̈ܘ ݁ ܳܕ ݂ ܶܦܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܰܓ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ܦـ ̱ܘ‬ ‫�ܝ ܽ� ̈ܘ ݂ ܶܕ ܐ ݂ ܰܕ݂ܕ� ܚܛ ̈ܗܐ ݂ ܶܕ ݂ ܰܐܒ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܰ� ܳܘ� ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܽ ܰ ܳܳ ܽ‬ ‫ܶ݁ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܓ ܳܙ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܠ ܫܡܗ‪ .‬ܘܢܬܬܥܝܪ ܥܠܝܗܘܢ ݁ܒܛ�ܢܐ ݂ܕܪ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܢܫܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪ܰ .‬ܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܰܪܪ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܚ ܰܙܩ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܒܝ ܰܥܡ ݁ ܶܟ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܗ‬ ‫ـܬܗ ܘܙܘܥـ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܟ ݂ܕ ܐ‬ ‫ܪܡـܝ ݂ ܶܕܚܠـ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܓـܙܗ ݁ ܰܕܐ�ـܗܐ‪ :‬ܘܗܘܐ �ــܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܥܠ ݁ܟ�ܗܘܢ ܥ ̱ܡܡܐ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܬܗ ݂ܦـ ݂ܟ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܶܓܝــܪ ܪ ݂‬ ‫� ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܚܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ ܳ ܰ ݁ܶ ܳ ܺ ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܘ� ܳ�ـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰ� ܳܘ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ‬ ‫ܘܥܐܠ ̱ܗܘܐ ܡܢ ܫ�ܝܐ‪ :‬ܘܡـܘܒ ݂ܕ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕ�ܢـ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܳܶ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܒܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܽ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰܩ ܺܪ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܩܛܠ � ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܐܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܳܢ ܶܣ ݂ܒ ̱ܗܘܐ‪ .‬ܘܙ ݂ܟܐ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒܩ� ݂ܒܐ‪ :‬ܘ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܫ ܶܚـܩ � ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ̈ܝܶـܐܐ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܒ ܰ�ܝ̈ ܰ� ܳܘ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ܳܢ ݂ ܶܦـܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܬ ܰܡ ̱�ـ�‬ ‫ܘ� ݁ܬ ܳܝܪܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰܰ‬ ‫ܳ ݀ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܳ‬ ‫̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ ܘܡ‬ ‫ܡܗܐ ݂ܰܓܢ̱ ݁ ܳܒ ܽܪ ݂ܘܬܗ ݁ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ܐ ݁ܬܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݂ ܺܦ ܺ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݁ ܰܒـܚ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܳܪܐ ݂ܒ ܘܡ‬ ‫ܩܒـܝ‪ܳ :‬ܘܙ ݂ ܶܟـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܝܦܘܣ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܰ� ݁ܬ ܳܝܪܐ ݂‬ ‫݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܒ ܘ ܰܫـ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܰ� ݁ܦ ܽܛـ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘ�ܡ ܳܐܘܣ ܺܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫـܐ ܰܘܡ ݂ ܰܕ ݁ܒ ܳܪ ܳܢـܐ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܟـ‬ ‫ܘ� ܰܨܚ ݁ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ܩ ܳ� ݂ ܰܒ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܕ ܽܣ ܺ‬ ‫�� ݂ ̈ܒ ܳܘ ݂ܬܶܗ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܰ�ܐ ܰ ݂ܘܕ ݂ ܽܦ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܢܝ ܺܩܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕܢ ܰ� ݁ ܰܕܪ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬




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When the king heard these things, he became greatly infuriated and punished him even more bitterly than his brothers, since [the king] was tormented by him. He departed the world purely, while trusting in the Lord entirely. Their mother also died, last of all of them.

Regarding the questions and the torments, and the great and severe lashings, this will suffice to speak up to this point.


‫ܨܚ ܟܙ‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶ ܰ ݁ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܛ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܰܡ ݂ܬ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܫܡܥ ܗܠܝܢ ܡ‬ ‫ـܬ ܘ ܰܡ ܺܪ ܳܝܪܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܘ� ݁ܬ ܳܝܪܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ̈ ܰ ܶ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ܰܢ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܒܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܚܘ ̱ܗܝ‪ :‬ܐ�ܨܗ ܘ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܘ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦܩ ܶܡܢ ܳܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ܬ ݂ ܺܟܝܠ ܰ�ܥܠ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܡ ܳܢܐ ݂‬ ‫�ܡܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܟ ܳܝܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ܽ ܽ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݂ܬ ݀ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܶܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܐ ܘܐ̱ܚܪ� ݂ܬ ܟ�ܗܘܢ ܡ ݂‬ ‫ܡܒ ܰܥܠ ܽܫ ܳ ̈ܘ ܶܐ� ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ܶܫ�̈ ݁ ܶܕܐ ܘܢܶ ݂ ̈ܓ ݁ ܶܕܐ ܰܪܘ� ݂ ܶܒܐ ܰܘ ̈ܩ ܰܫ ܳܝـܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡـܐ � ܳܗ ݁ ܳܪܟـܐ ܳܣ ݂ ܶܦـܩ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫�ܡ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪.‬‬


Ch. 




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I am asking you, my son, look at heaven and earth and everything in them. Understand and see that God made them from what does not exist. Humankind also came about in this way. Then do not be afraid of this condemnable man, but be worthy as your brothers. Take death upon yourself so that in the mercy that is coming on you again, I might receive you also with your brothers.”

While she was still asking him, the youth answered, “What are you waiting for? I am not going to obey the king’s command, but I am going to obey the law of [our] ancestors which was given through Moses. You who have contrived and done many evil things to the Hebrews will not escape the hands of God. For we are enduring these things because of our sins.

As a rebuke and punishment, the Lord our God grew angry with us for a short time. But he will again be reconciled to his servants.

You, wicked and unclean one, most abominable of all people, do not be conceited and proud in vain hope against the servants of God. For you have not yet escaped the judgment of God, the ruler of all.

My brothers, who endured punishment for a short hour, will be in the life of light in the glory of God’s kingdom 1 with him. But you, through the just judgment of God, will receive the repayment for your deeds of which 2 you are worthy. As my brothers, I am handing myself and my body over for the sake of the law of [our] ancestors. I am asking God to be reconciled quickly and to have pity on our nation and that you will be tried with torments and punishments and confess that he is God alone.

Through my brothers and me, the wrath of the exalted one, which has justly come on our whole nation, will come to a rest.” 3

‘the life of light in the glory of God’s kingdom’: Greek ‘perpetual life under God’s covenant’ (ἀενάου ζωῆς ὑπὸ διαθήκην θεοῦ). On the translation choice, see Ruzer, ‘2 Maccabees.’ 1

2 3

‘of which’: lit. ‘according to which’.

In the Mosul Bible, verse 38 is part of verse 37.






‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫ܘܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܝܐ ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ ܶܡ ܳܢـ ݂ܟ ݁ ܶܒـܪ ̱ܝ ܽܚـܘܪ ݁ ܰܒ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝـܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܟܚ ݁ ܳܒ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ ݁ܒـ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܪܥـܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܶ ݂ ܽܟـܠ ܳܡـܐ ݂ ܺܕܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙܝ‪݁ .‬ܕ ܶܡܢ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ܕ ܰܠ ݁‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ݁ ܰܟܠ ܰܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܐܣ‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ܕ ܐ ܽܢـܘܢ ܐ ܳ�ـ ܳܗܐ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܦ ܰܫ ݁ܪܒـ ݂ܬܐ‬ ‫݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܰ� ̈� ܳܢ ܳܫܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ‪݀.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶܳ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ ܺܘܝ ܰܥـܡ ܰܐ ܰܚ ̈ܝـ ݁ܟ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܩ ݁ ܶܒـܠ�‬ ‫ܝܒـܐ‪ .‬ܐ � ܐܫـ‬ ‫ܟܛ � ܳܗ ݂ ܺܟܝܠ� ݁ ݂ܬܕ ܰܚܠ ܶܡـܢ ܳܗ ܳܢـܐ ܡܚ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܰ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܚܡܐ ݂ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ݁ܕ ܳܗ ܶܘܝܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܕ ݂ܒ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܝܟܘܢ‪ܰ :‬ܐ ݁‬ ‫ܥܠܝܟ ܡ‬ ‫ܩܒ ܳܠ ݂ܟ ݁ܬ ݂ܘܒ ܰܥܡ ܐ ܰܚ ̈ܝ ݁ܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܢܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܠ ܘ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܺܗܝ ܳܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܝܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܶܡܢܶܗ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪ܳ .‬ܡ ܳܢـܐ ܡ ܰܣ ݁ ܶܟܝــܢ‬ ‫ܐܢ ݁ ܽܬܘܢ‪ܳ �ܳ .‬ܫ ܰܡܥ ܐ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܩܕ ܢܶܗ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ݁‬ ‫ܫܬ ܰܡـܥ ܐ̱ ܳܢـܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܦ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣـܐ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰ ̱ ܳ ܳ̈ ܳ ܶ ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݂ܕ ݂ܐܒܗ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܕܐ ݂ܬܝܗ ݂ܒ ܒܝ ݂ܕ ܡܘܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ݁ܶ ݁ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐ�ܛ ܰܢܥـ ݁‬ ‫ـܬ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݁ܕ ݁ܬ ݁ ܺܒܝ̈ ܳܫـ ݂ܬܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ̈ܝـܐ ݂ܬ ܐ �ܥܶ ݂ܒ ܳ� ܶ�ـܐ‪݂ � :‬ܬܥـ ܽـܪܘܩ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫� ܐܢ̱ܬ ܕܝــܢ ܕ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ ܰܕܐ�ܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕ ̱‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳܰ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܢܢ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ܶܡܛܠ ܚܛ ̈ܗܝܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܡ ܰܣ ݁ܝܒ ܺܪ ܰܝܢܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܪܓܙ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪݂ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ ܐ ܳ�ـ ܰܗܢ‪݂ .‬ܘܬ ݂ܘܒ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢ ܰܩ ܺܠܝــܠ ܙ ݂ܒܢـܐ ܡ‬ ‫ܠܓ ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܕ� ݂ܟ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܘܡܪܕ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܢܶ ݂ܬܪܥܐ �ܥ ݂ܒ ݁ ܰܕܘ ̱ܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܠܕ ܰܐ ̱ܢــ ݁ܬ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ܳܐܘ ܰܪ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܝــܕܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܥــܐ ܘ ܰܛ ܳܡــܐܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ ܺܢܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫�ــܗܘܢ ݁ܒ ̈ܢــܝ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫــܐ‪݂ � :‬ܬ ݁ܬ ܺܪܝــܡ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݂ܒ ܰܗܪ ݁ܒ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ ܣ ܺܪ ܳܝܩܐ ܰܥܠ ܰ�ܥ ݂ ̈ܒ ݁ ܰܕܘ ̱ܗܝ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܘܬ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܶ ݁ܺ ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܠܗ ܳ� ݂ܶܓܝܪ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܕ ݁ ܽܟܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ݁ ܺܟܝܠ�ܥܪܩܬ ܡܢ ܕܝܢܗ ܕ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ ܐ ܺܚ ݂‬ ‫݁ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܰ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܰܚ ̈ܶܝ ـܐ ܕ ܽܢ ـ ܳ‬ ‫ـܝ ݁ܕ ܰܣ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܒ ـܪ ̱ܘ ܽܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܪܐ‬ ‫ܘ�ܨ ܳܢ ـܐ ܰܩ ܺܠܝــܠ ܕܫܥـ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܠܘ ܐ ̈ܚ ـܝ ݁ ܶܓܝــܪ ݁ ܺܕܝܠـ ܶ ̱‬ ‫݂ܒ ܽܫ ݂ܘܒ ܳܚܐ ݂ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܗܘܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ݁ܒ ݂ ܺܕ ܶܝܢـܗ ݁ ܺܟ ܳܐܢـܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟ ݂ܘܬܗ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ ܢܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܐ�ـ ܳܗܐ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݂ܬ ܰܩ ݁ ܶܒܠ ݁ ܽܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪ� ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܕܥ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܰܕ�̈ ݁ܟ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܕ ܳܫ ܶܘܐ ܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦܓܪ ̱ܝ ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܰ ܰ̈ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ ܰܥܠ ܐ ݁ ܰܦ ̈ܝ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣـܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳܐܒـ ̈ܗ ݂ܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܙ ܐܢܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܐ ݂ܝܟ ܐ ܰܚܝ‪ :‬ܢ ݂ܦܫ ̱ܝ ݂ ݂‬ ‫݂ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܐ ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ ܶܡܢ ܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܥܓܠ ܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܪ ܶܥـܐ ܰܘ ܰܢܚ ܶܣـܐ ܰܥـܠ ܰ�ܥ ܰܡـܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘܐܢ ̱ـ ݁ܬ ݁ܒ ܶܫ ̈�ـ ݁ ܶܕܐ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܺ ̈ ܶ ܶ ݁ܰܰ‬ ‫ܘܬ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫�ܚ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘ�ܘ ܰܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ ݂ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܕ ܐ ݂ܕ ܽܗ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܫ�ܝܩܐ ݂ܬ‬ ‫ܫܬܐܠ‪݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܕ ̱‬ ‫ܽ ܶ ݁ ܳ ܳ ݁ܶ ܳ ܰ ݁ܽ ܶ ܰ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܺ ܶ ܰ ܰ̈ ܶ ݁ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܓܙܗ ܕܪܡܐ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܥܠ ܟܠܗ ܥܡܢ ܟܐܢܐ ݂‬ ‫ܠܚ ݂ܘܒܝ ݂ܕܝܢ ݂ܘܒܐܚܝ‪ .‬ܢܬܬ�ܝܚ ܪ ݂‬


Ch. 







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Their mother, who was worthy of remembrance and blessed memory, was especially honored, for although she saw her seven sons perish in one day, she was joyfully enduring because of [her] future hope in the Lord.

She was asking each of them and speaking in the language of [their] ancestors, “My son, have mercy on me.” Being filled with a resolute mind, she awoke the reasoning of women with zeal for the mind of men. She supplicated them, saying, “My sons, I do not know how you appeared in my womb. I did not give you life and breath. I did not establish the image and appearance of any of you.

But the creator of the world, who formed humankind and searches everyone’s minds, is going to give you breath and life again in his mercy, because you handed over your bodies to destruction for the sake of his holy laws.”

But Antiochus, seeing that he was scorned and despised by the voice of the one who was taunting, turned away and pretended that he did not hear. He not only asked and tried to persuade the youngest who was still there with words but he also swore many oaths, [namely,] that if he would obey him and turn from the thinking of his ancestors, he would make him profit greatly, count him as a friend, and entrust him with the affairs of the kingdom.

When the youth did not heed and yield to his words, the king called his mother and tried to persuade her so that she might advise her son not to die. After he had said many things to her, she said, “I am going to try to persuade him.”

She fell before her son’s feet and implored him, mocking the tyrant and abominable man, and in the language of [their] ancestors said to him, “My son, have mercy on me, the one who carried you in the womb for nine months, nursed you for three years, reared you, and brought you to this age.


‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܙ‬

‫ܰ ܺ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ݁ܰ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ܶܐ ܽ‬ ‫�ܕ ݂ܘܟ ܳܪ ܳܢــܐ ܰܘ� ܽܥ ̱ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ�ــܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‪ܳ :‬ܗܝ ݁ܕ ܳܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܡــܗܘܢ ܡܫܒܚـ‬ ‫ܘܗܕ ܳܢــܐ‬ ‫ܘ� ݁ܬ ܳܝܪܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ̈ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܝـ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ܒܢ̈ܶܝـ ̇ܗ ݁ ܳܕ ݂ܐܒ ݁ ܺܕܝــܢ ݁ܒ ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܕ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ـܬ‬ ‫ܘܪܟ ݂ܬܐ‪݁ .‬ܕ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܳܚ ܳܙ�ܐ �ܫ ݂ܒܥ ݂‬ ‫ܘܡـܐ ܰܚـ ݂ܕ‪ܳ :‬ܚ ݂ܕ ܳ�ܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫݀‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܬ ݂ܝܕ �ܘ ݂ܬ ܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡ ܰܣ ݁ܝܒܪܐ ̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ‪ .‬ܡܛܠ ܰܣ ݂ܒܪܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂‬ ‫ܥܝܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܳܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪܐ ݂ܒ ܶ� ܳܫ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳܐܒ ܳ ̈ܗ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ‪ܶ ݁ .‬ܒܪ ̱ܝ ܰܪ ܶܚـܡ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܰܚ ݂ܕ ܰܚ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ ݁ ܳܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠـܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܰ ܳ ܶ ̈ܶ ܺ ܰ ݀ ݁ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫�ܝܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ݁ܒ ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‬ ‫ܥ� ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܰܓܢ̱ ݁ ܳܒ ܽܪ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪ .‬ܘ�ܡܚܫ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܕܢܫـܐ ܐܥܝــܪ ݂ܬ ܒܚܡـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪ܳ .‬ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ܕ ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܶ�ܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܡܪܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܦܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪݁ .‬ܒܢ̈ܝ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܠܬܪܥ ݂ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܽ‬ ‫ܳ� ܳ� ݂ܕ ܳܥܐ ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ ܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚـܐ � ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܐ ܳܢـܐ �ܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚ ̈ܶܝـܐ ܽܘܪ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܘܢ ݁ܒ ݂ ܰܟܪܣـ ̱ܝ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܗܒـ ݂ܬ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܐ ܐ ݂ܬܚܙܝـ‬ ‫ܽ ܰ ܽ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܰ ܰ ܶ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܟܘܢ � ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܐ ܳܢܐ ݂ܬܩܢܶ ݂ܬ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ‪݂ .‬ܘܕܡ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܘܚܙܘܐ ݂ܕܚ ݂ܕ ܚ ݂ܕ ܡ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܰ̈ܢـܝ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫـܐ‪ܽ .‬‬ ‫ܶܐ ܳ� ݂ ܳܒ ܽܪܘ�ܶܗ ݁ܕ ܳܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܘ ݂ ܳܒـ ܶ� ܐ ݂ ܽܟـܠ�‬ ‫�ܡ ܽܐ‪ܰ .‬ܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܓ ݁ ܰܒـܠ ܫܪܒـ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܚ ̈ܶܝ ـܐ ݂ܒ ܰ� ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܰܬ� ܳ‬ ‫ܥܝ ـ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܽ .‬ܗܘ ݂ܬ ݂ܘܒ ܳ� ـ ܶܗ ݂ܒ � ݂ ܽܟ ـܘܢ ܽܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚ ـܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ܶ .‬ܡܛ ـܠ‬ ‫ܚܡ ـ ̱‬ ‫݁ܰ ܶ ݁ ܽ ܰ ܰ ܽ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܰܩ ݁ ܺܕ�̈ ܶܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܐܫܠ‬ ‫ܡܬܘܢ ݁ܦ ݂ܓ� ݁ܝܟܘܢ � ݂ܒ ݁ ܳܕ ܳܢܐ‪ܰ :‬ܥܠ ܐ ݁ܦ ̈ܝ ܳܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܰܣ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟــܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ݁ ܰܟــ ݂ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܚــܙ ܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ܺܫܝــܛ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܘ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܒ ܰܣــܪ ܶܡــܢ ܳܩ ܳܠــ ̇ܗ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܰ ܳ ܺ ܳ ܰ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܰ ܶ ܰ ܰ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ‪ :‬ܡܗܡܐ ̱ܗܘܐ ܘܥ ݂ܒ ݂ܕ ̱ܗܘܐ ܢ ݂ܦܫܗ ܐ ݂ܝܟ ܗܘ ܕ� ܫܡـܥ‪݂ .‬ܘܟـ ݂ܕ ܗܘ‬ ‫ܕܡܚܣ ݂ܕ ܢ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܶܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܳ‬ ‫�ܚ ݂ܘܕ ݁ ܳܒܥܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡܢܶܗ ܰܘ ݁‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ܳܩܐܡ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪̱ � :‬ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܒ ̈ܡ� ݂ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܦܝܣ ܠܗ‪ :‬ܐ �‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݁ ܰ ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܰܡـܥ ܶܠـܗ ܘܢܶ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝ̈ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܳ� ܶܡܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪ܶ ݁ .‬ܕܐܢ ܽܗܘ ݂ܕܢܶ ݁‬ ‫ܗܦـ ݂ܘܟ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܦ ܒܡܘܡ ݂‬ ‫ܶ̈ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܠـܗ‪ .‬ܘ� ݂ܒـܘ ݂ܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܪܘܪ ݂ܒܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ‪ .‬ܘܪܚܡـܐ ܢ ݁ܥܒ ݂ܕܝـ ̱‬ ‫ܥ� ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܳ ܳܐܒ ܰܗܘ ̱ܗܝ ܢܥܬܪܝ ̱‬ ‫݂ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܰܢܗ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܡܢܝ ̱‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ݁ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܪܡـܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠܝ ܳܡܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܳ� ܳܚـܐܰܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ � ܶܡـܗ‬ ‫�ܡ ܰ�ـܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ‪ :‬ܩــܪܐ ܡ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܦܝܣ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܳܠ ̇ܗ‪݁ .‬ܕ ݂ܬܶ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܰܠ ݂ܒ ܳܪ ̇ܗ ݁ܕ ܳ� ܽ‬ ‫ܢܡ ݂ܘܬ‪.‬‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܡ�ܟܝ ̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܪܬ ݀ ݁ ܶܕ ܳܐܢܐ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܐ ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܐ ܰܡܪ ܳܠ ̇ܗ‪ .‬ܐ ܰ ݂‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܶ�ܓ ܰ�ـܘ ̱ܗܝ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܒـ ܳܪ ̇ܗ‪ܳ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܥܝـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܶܡ ܶܢـܗ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܺܗܝ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܢܶ ݂ܦ ܰܠ ݂ ݀‬ ‫ܘܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܳ‬ ‫ܡܒ ܳܙܚـܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ݁ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܛܪ ܳܘܢܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܺܢܕ ݂ ܳܝܕܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ܶ� ܳܫ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳܐܒ ܳ ̈ܗ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ܳܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܶܠܗ‪ܶ ݁ .‬ܒܪ ̱ܝ ܰܪ ܶܚـܡ ܥ ܰܠـܝ‪.‬‬ ‫̱ ܳ ݁ܰ ܰ ݁ ܳ ݁ ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܺ ̈ ܰ݁ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݂ܟ‪:‬‬ ‫�ܗܝ ܕܫܩܠܬ ݂ܟ ܒ ݂ܟܪܣܐ ݂ܬܫܥܐ ��ܚܝܢ‪ :‬ܘܐܝܢܩܬ ݂ܟ ܬܠ ݂ܬ ܫ�ܝܢ‪ :‬ܘܪܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݂ܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܐܝܬ ݂‬ ‫�ܗ݂ ܶܕܐ ܰܩ ݂‬


Ch. 




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After this, they brought out the third, and they mocked and tormented him. [The king] commanded them to cut off his tongue. He put forth his tongue at once and also extended his hands rejoicing.

He answered strongly, “I possess these from the heavenly one and because of his law I am handing them over while rejoicing. I think that I will get them back from him.” In this way, the king and those with him wondered at the strength of that youth’s soul: how he did not fear even a little bit nor restrain the lashings and torments. When this one had completed his life, they brought out the fourth and pressured and tormented him.

When [the time] drew near for him to die, he answered as follows, “Death by punishment at the hands of people is good, because of the hope of the life of the resurrection from God in the world to come. For there will be no resurrection of life for you.” When this one had completed [his life], they brought out the fifth and lashed and punished him.

He saw the king and said to him, “You have the authority of people, and, although you are subject to corruption, anything you wish, you do. But do not think that our stock has been abandoned by God. Wait and you will see how his great authority will torment you and your seed from now on in this way.”

After this, they brought out the sixth. When [the time] drew near for him to die, he responded, “Do not go astray in vain. For we are enduring these things for our sake, because we have sinned against our God. For this reason, we have become a glorious wonder. Do not think that you are victorious, because you wished to stand against God.”


‫‪ ‬ܝ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݂ ܺܢܕܝــܢ ݁ ܶܒـܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܒ ܺܙܚܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܘܡ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ݁ ܳܒ ݂ܬܪ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܐ ݁ܝܬܝܘ �ــܗܘ ܕ ݂ܬܠـ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܘ ݂ ܰܒܪ ܳܫ ܶ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܦ ܰܩ ݂ܕ ݁ܕܢܶ ݂ܦܣ ܽܩܘܢ ܶ� ܳܫܢܶܗ‪ܽ .‬‬ ‫ـܬ ݁ܦ ܰܫـܛ‬ ‫ܥܬܗ ܐ ݁ܦܩ ܶ� ܳܫܢܶܗ‪ :‬ܘ ܳܚ ݂ܕ ܳ�ܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܦ ܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕ ̱‬ ‫ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ݁ ܰܓܢ ݁ ܳܒ ܳܪ ܺܐܝــܬ‪ܳ .‬ܗ ܶܠܝــܢ ܶܡـܢ ܳܥ ܽܡـ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝـܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܛـܠ‬ ‫ܩܢـܐ ܐ̱ ܳܢـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܥܢܐ ܶܘ ܰ ܺ ̱‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠـܡ ܐ̱ ܳܢـܐ ܶ‬ ‫�ܗܝــܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘܡ ܰܣ ݁ ܰܒـܪ ܐ̱ ܳܢـܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܬ ݂ܘܒ ܶܡ ܶܢـܗ ܐܣـ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܶܣܗ ܳܚ ݂ܕ ܳ�ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܘ ܰܐܩ ݁ ܶܒܠ ܐܢ ܶܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫�ܟ ـܐ ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢ ـܐ ݂ܕ ܽܗܘ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡ ـܗ‪ :‬ܐ ݁ܬ ݁ ܰܕ ܰܡ ـܪ ̱ܘ ܰܥ ـܠ� ݁ ܰܓܢ̱ ݁ ܳܒ ـ ܽܪ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܶܫ ـܗ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡــܐ ܰܗܘ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܳܢــܐ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܳ� ܰܩ ܺܠܝــܠ ݁ܕ ܶܚــܠ ܰܐܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܫــ ݂ܒ ܐ ܽܢــܘܢ �ܢܶ ݂ ̈ܓــ ݁ ܶܕܐ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫�ܫ�̈ ݁ ܶܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬܝܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܪܒ ܳܥـܐ‪ܳ .‬ܐ ݂ܦ ܶܠـܗ ܳܐ ܺ‬ ‫�ܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ݁‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܟ ݂ܕ ܫܠܡ ܗܢܐ‪ :‬ܐ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݂ ܺܢܕܝـܢ‬ ‫�ܨܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܘܡ‬ ‫݁ ܶܒܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰܩ ܺܪ ݂ܝܒ ݁ ܰܕ ܽ‬ ‫ܥܢܐ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܡ ݂ܘܬ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ݂ ܽܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘ�ܨ ܳܢـܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡـܢ ܐ ̈ܝـ ݂ ܰܕܝ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢـܐ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܦ ܳܩـܚ ܡـ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ̈ܶ ܰ ܳ ݁ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܬ ݂ܝܕ‪ܳ .‬ܠـ ݂ܟ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܰ� ̈� ܳܢ ܳܫܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ܣ ݂ ܳܒܪܐ ܶ ݂ܕܚܝܐ ݂ܕܩܝܡܬܐ ݂ܕܡܢ ܐ�ܗܐ ݂ܒܥ�ܡܐ ݂ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܡܬܐ ݂ܕ ܰܚ ̈ܶܝܐ � ݂ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܠ ݂ܟ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ ܶܓܝܪ ܩܝ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ‬ ‫ܡܢ ݁ܓ ݂ ܺܕܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܳܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬܝܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘ ݁ܕ ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ�ܨܝܢ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܟ ݂ܕ ܫܠܡ ܗܢܐ‪ :‬ܐ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܘ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܳܚܪ ݁ܒ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ ܳܠـ ݂ܟ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܠܗ‪ܽ .‬ܫܘܠܛ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ̈ܢـܝ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫـܐ ܐܝـ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܡܢ ܶܐ ݁‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ܝܟ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܒ ܳ�‪ܶ :‬ܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ܕ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܐ ܰܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ ܳܥ ݂ ܶܒ ݂ܕ ܰܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ‪ܶ ݂ �ܳ .‬ܕܝܢ ݁ܬܶܣ ݁ ܰܒܪ ݁ܕ ܽܛ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݂ ܶܒܩ‬ ‫ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡܢ ܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܙ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܕ ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ ܰܪ ݁ ܽܒ ݂ܘܬܶܗ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܣ ݁ ܳܟܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ‪݂ .‬ܘܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܳܢܐ ܳܠـ ݂ܟ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ܽܐ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܥـ ݂ܟ ܶܡـܢ ݁ ܳܒـ ݂ܬܪ ܳܗ ܳܫـܐ‬ ‫ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܰܢܫܢܶܩ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܶ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܟـ ݂ܕ ܰܩ ܺܪܝـ ݂ـܒ ݁ ܰܕ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ݁ ܳܒ ݂ܬܪ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܐ ݁ܝܬܝܘ �ܗܘ ܕ‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ‪� .‬‬ ‫ܢܡـ ݂ܘܬ‪ :‬ܥܢـܐ ܘ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܺ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܚܢܢ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ܶܡܛܠ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܰܫܢ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ܶܠܝــܢ ܡ ܰܣ ݁ܝܒ ܺܪܝــܢ ̱ܚ ܰܢـܢ‪ܰ :‬ܥـܠ‬ ‫݂ܬܛܥܐ ܣܪܝܩܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݁ܰ ܰ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ ݁ܳ ܶ ݁ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬܕܡܘܪܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܬܫܒܘܚܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܚܛܝܢ ��ܗܢ‪ .‬ܡܛܠ ܗܢܐ ܗܘܝܢ ܠ ݂ ݂‬ ‫ܽ ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܳ� ݂ܬܶܣ ݁ ܰܒܪ ݁ܕ ܳܙ ݂ ܶܟܐ ܰܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܕ� ݂ ܰܒ ݁‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ ܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܬ ܽܩܘܡ ܠ ݂‬


Ch. 


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Chapter  Then it happened that seven brothers were seized with their mother. They were being pressured by the king to eat the profane flesh of a pig. They brought out and set before them whips and all the instruments of tortures and punishments. One of them, who was their leader, responded to the king as follows, “What are you asking to learn from us? For we are prepared to die rather than transgress the law of our ancestors.”

When the king heard this, he became greatly infuriated and commanded them to heat up the pans and cauldrons. When they had brought them to a high heat, he commanded them to cut off the tongue of their leader and sever the ends of all his limbs, while his mother and brothers were standing by and watching him.

When they had maimed all of his limbs, [the king] commanded them to bring him out and cast him into the fiery pan while alive. When a strong burning scent was rising from his body, his brothers along with their mother were imploring one another, saying, “Let us die strongly! Indeed, the Lord God sees. Truly he comforts us, as Moses said in his glory: ‘He will comfort his servants.’” 1

When the first had completed his life and departed the world, they brought the second to mockery and lashings. They threw him down and took off the hair of his head with its skin. They asked him if he would eat before his whole body would be maimed. He answered in the language of [his] ancestors, “I will not eat.” Because of this, they also killed him through torment.

When [the time] drew near for him to die, he said, “You, wicked one, are releasing us from temporal life. But the king of the ages for the sake of whose law we are dying will raise us to eternal life.”


See Deuteronomy 32:36.


‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܟܘ‬ ‫‪‬‬



















‫ܶ ܰ‬ ‫݁ܓ ݂ ܰܕܫ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݁ܐܬ ݁ܬ ܶܚ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܰܫ ݂ܒ ܳܥܐ ܰܐ ܺܚ ̈ܝܢ ܰܥܡ ܶܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܬ ܺ‬ ‫ܐ�ܨܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܘܡ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܳ ݁ ܶ ܽ ݁ܶ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܰܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܝܬܝܘ ܘ ܳܣܡ ̱ܘ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ ܢܶ ݂ ̈ܓـ ݁ ܶܕܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܡ�ܟܐ‪ :‬ܕܢ ݂ܐܟ�ܘܢ ܒܣܪܐ ܡܣ ݂ܝܒܐ ݂ܕܚܙܝܪܐ‪ .‬ܘ‬ ‫݂ܽ‬ ‫ܘܟܠ ܳܡܐ ܢܰ̈ܝ ܶܫ�̈ ݁ ܶܕܐ ܽܘܐ ̈ܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܨ ܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܰܚ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܢܐ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܺܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܐܠ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ �ܡ�ܟܐ ܗ ݂ܟܢܐ‪ .‬ܡܢܐ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ ݁ܕ ݂ ܺܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܬ ݂ ܺܝܕܝܢ ܚ ܰܢـܢ ܽܗܘ ܶܓܝــܪ ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܡـ ݂ܬ‪ܰ .‬ܐܘ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒـܪ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣـܐ‬ ‫ܐܠ ݂ܦ ܶܡ ܰܢܢ‪݂ .‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ ܰ‬ ‫݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳܐܒ ̈ܗ ݂ܬܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܫ ܰܡܥ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܓܢܶܐ ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܶܐ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܰܡ ݂ܬ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܦ ܰܩ ݂ܕ ݁ܕ ܰܢ ݁ܪܬ ܽܚܘܢ ܶ� ݂ ̈‬ ‫ܘܩ ݁ ̈ܕ ܶܣܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܬܚ ̱ܘ ܶܐ ܽܢܘܢ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܺܪ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܐ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ‪݁ :‬ܦ ܰܩ ݂ܕ ݁ܕܢܶ ݂ܦܣ ܽܩـܘܢ ܶ� ܳܫ ܶܢـܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܽ ܺ ݁ ܽ ܽ ܰ ݁ܳ ܰ ̈ ݁ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܢܩܛܥܘܢ ܪܝܫ ܟ�ܗܘܢ ܗܕܡܘ ̱ܗܝ‪ .‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܩܝܡـܐ ܐܡـܗ ܘܐܚـܘ ̱ܗܝ ܘܡܚܝܪܝــܢ‬ ‫݁ ܶܒܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܰ ݁ ܽ ܽ ܰ ݁ܳ ܰ ̈ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬܘܢ ܰܘܢ ܽ‬ ‫ܪܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܝ ̱ܗܝ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܰܚـܝ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫݂ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܣܪܚ ̱ܘ ܟ�ܗܘܢ ܗܕܡܘ ̱ܗܝ‪ :‬ܦܩ ݂ܕ ܕܢ‬ ‫ܰܰ‬ ‫ܶ�ܓ ܳܢܐ ܕ ܽܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܝܚܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝܐܐ ݂ܕ ܰ� ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܳܣ ܶܠܩ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܺܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܳܢܐ ܶܡـܢ ݁ܦ ݂ܓـܪܗ‪ :‬ܐܚـܘ ̱ܗܝ‬ ‫݂ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܳ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰܚ ݂ܕ ܶܡܢ ܰܚ ݂ܕ ݁ܒܥܝܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܥܡ ܐܡܗܘܢ ܘܐܡܪܝܢ ̱ܗܘܘ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܕܢܡ ݂ܘܬ ݁ܓܢ̱ܒܪܐ ݂‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ ܰܐ ܳ�ـ ܳܗܐ ܳܚـ ܶܙ ܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ݁ܕ ݂ ܰܒܫـ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ـܪ ܳܪܐ ݂ ܰܒـܢ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܒ ܰܝـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ݁ ܶܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ ܽܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܗܐ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫـܐ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܽ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܒ ݂ܬܫܒ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܗ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂ܒ ܰܥ ݂ ̈ܒ ݁ ܰܕܘ ̱ܗܝ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܒ ܰܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰܫ ܶܠܡ ܰܩ ݂ܕ ܳܡ ܳܝـܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܬ ܶܪܝــܢ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬܝــܘ �ـ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦـܩ ܡـܢ ܥ�ܡـܐ‪ :‬ܐ‬ ‫�ܒ ܳܘܙ ܳܚـܐ‬ ‫ܡܫ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܫـܗ ܰܥـܡ ܶܡ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܩ�ـ ̱ܘ ܰܣܥـ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܪܡܝܘ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ�ܢܶ ̈ܓ ݁ ܶܕܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܺ‬ ‫ـܪܐ ݂ܕ ܺܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܟـܗ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܠܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ݁ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܕ� ܢܣܬܪܚ ܟܠܗ ܦ ݂ܓܪܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܠܗ‪ :‬ܕܐܢ ܗܘ ݂ܕ ݂ܐܟܠ ܡܢ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܥܢܐ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܽܗܘ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ݁ܒ ܶ� ܳܫ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳܐܒ ̈ܗ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܕ� ܐ ݂ ܶܟܠ ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܐ ݂ܦ ܶܠܗ ݁ ܶܒܗ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܒ ܶܫ ݁ ܳܢܕܐ ܰܩܛ� ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܢܡ ݂ܘܬ ܶܐ ܰܡܪ‪ܰ .‬ܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ ܳܐܘ ܰܪ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܩ ܺܪ ݂ܝܒ ݁ ܰܕ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܥܐ ܶܡـܢ ܰܚ ̈ܶܝـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܙ ݂ܒ ܳܢـܐ ܳܫـ ܶܪܐ ܐܢ ̱ـ ݁ܬ ܰܠـܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܽ ܶ ܳ ݁ܺ‬ ‫ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܝــܢ ̱ܚ ܰܢـܢ‪ܽ :‬ܗܘ ܺܢܩ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡـܢ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܳܥ� ̈ܡـܐ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ܕ ܶܡܛـܠ ܢܡـܘܣܗ ܡ‬ ‫�ܚ ̈ܶܝܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܥ ܰܠܡ‪.‬‬


Ch. 




Those who a short time before were like friends to him turned to enmity because of these words that he had spoken. For they thought that he had spoken them with haughtiness and pride. They began to punish him.

When [the time] drew near for him to die by means of lashing, 1 he groaned, saying, “This is revealed before the Lord, who has holy knowledge: Although I could escape this death, I am now enduring punishments, torments, and pains in my body. But in my soul, I am rejoicing because I am enduring these things for the sake of his law and fear of him.” Thus, when he had spoken these things, he departed the world. For by his death he left an image and demonstration of strength and power along with a reminder, memory, and praise, not only for those who were young, but also for many from our nation.


‘by means of lashing’: lit. ‘by his lashings’.


‫‪ ‬ܟܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܠ‬

‫‪� ‬‬

‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ܳ� ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬܗ ݂ ܶܦ ݂ܟـ ̱ܘ‬ ‫ܚܡـ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܶܡـܢ ܩـ ݂ ܳـܕܡ ܰܩ ܺܠܝـܠ ܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ܽܛܠ ̈ܶܡ ܶ� ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ݁ ܶܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ݂ܬ ܰܪܥܶܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܶܓܝــܪ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܳܪ ܽܡـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܠ ݂ܒܥܠܕ ݂ܒ ݂ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܪܝܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܽܫ ݂ܘܒ ܳܗ ܳܪܐ ܰܡܠܠ ܐܢܝܢ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܡܢ ݁ܓ ݂ ܺܕܝܢ ܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܩ ܺܪܝـ ݂ܒ ݁ ܰܕ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ݁ܬ ݁ ܰܬ ܰ�ـܚ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܓ ܳ‬ ‫�ܝـܐ ̱ܗܝ ܳܗ݂ ܶܕܐ ܩـ ݂ ܳـܕܡ‬ ‫ܢܡـܘ ݂ܬ ݁ܒܢܶ ݂ ̈ܓـ ݁ ܰܕ ̱‬ ‫ܶ ܺ ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܬܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܶܕܐܫـ ݁‬ ‫ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ ܶܪܐ ܶܡـܢ ܳܗ ܳܢـܐ‬ ‫ܥܬܐ ܩܕ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ܠܗ ܝ ݂ ܽܕ ݂‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ ܺܕ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ܳ ̈ ܳ ܶ ܶ ̈ ݁ܶ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܟܐ ݂ ̈ܒܐ ݂ܒ ݂ ܰܦ ݂ܓܪ ̱ܝ‪݁ .‬ܒ ܰܢ ݂ܦܫ ̱ܝ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ‪ܳ .‬ܚـ ݂ ܶܕܐ‬ ‫ܰܡ ݁ܘܬ ܐ‪ܳ :‬ܗܐ ܡܣܝܒܪ ܐ̱ܢܐ ܐܘ�ܨ ܢܐ ܘܢ ݂ܓܕܐ‪݂ :‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܶܣܗ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܠܬܗ ܡ ܰܣ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܒܪ ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂‬ ‫ܘܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܶܐ ܰܡܪ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܚـ ݂ܘܕ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܦܩ ܶܡܢ ܳܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫�ܡܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳ� ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܛܠܝــܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܰ ݁ܶ ݁ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܰܓܢ̱ ݁ ܳܒـ ܽܪ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܐ � � ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܐܐ ܶܡـܢ ܰܥ ܰܡـܢ ݂‬ ‫ܫܒـܶܩ ܒܡـܘܬܗ‪ :‬ܕܡـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܘܬܚــܘ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫݁ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܝ�‪ܽ ݂ :‬ܘܕ ݂ܘܟ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ ܘ ܽܥ ̱ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ݂ܕܚ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗܕ ܳܢܐ ݂ܘܬܫܒ‬


Ch. 


 




 

Those appointed by the king for the questions and iniquitous torments led the honored Eleazar aside privately 1 because they had known him for a long time. They asked him to bring out flesh that was appropriate for him and 2 had been prepared by him, and to eat it so as to yield and incline to the word, as though he were eating the sacrificed flesh which was commanded by the king. For acting in this way, he would be released from death and, because of their prior friendship with him, they would have mercy upon him.

But he thought a powerful and honorable thought that was fitting for his old age, for his honored years, as well as for his divine teaching and for his divine discipline from his youth. He answered, “Quickly and with haste, lead me forth and send me to Sheol. For this is not right for my years that I should yield and act as a hypocrite. Many who are young would say, ‘Eleazar, who was ninety years old, turned to idolatry.’ They, because of my hypocrisy and [to add] a little time to my life, would go astray and perish. I would become a reproach, laughingstock, mockery, and reprobate in my old age.

Even if I would desire to flee from this temporal death by people, neither in life nor in death would I be able to flee from the hands of God.

For this reason then, when I depart the world powerfully and strongly, I will make my old age an honor that is worthy of it. I will leave a demonstration of strength and power for the young, and I will give them encouragement so that they might with rejoicing hand themselves over to punishments, torments, and death for the sake of the chaste, holy, and honored law.” When he had said these things, he was immediately led forth and brought to torments and punishments. 3


‘aside privately’: lit. ‘between him and them’.


On this verse, see Introduction, Noteworthy Readings.


‘and’: lit. ‘which’.


‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܚ‬

‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܝܕܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡܢ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪ܰ :‬ܥܠ ܽܫـ ̈ܘܐ� ܘܢܶ ݂ ̈ܓـ ݁ ܶܕܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥـܘ�‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂ܒـܪ ̱‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܡܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ� ܺܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶܠܗ ܰܘ ܽ‬ ‫ܝ� ܳܙܪ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛܠ ݁ܕ ܳ� ݂ܕ ܺܥܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܠـܗ ܶܡـܢ ܩـ ݂ ܳـܕܡ‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܰܙ ݂ܒ ܳܢܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝܐܐ‪ܳ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ـܬܐ ݂ ܶܒܣـ ܳܪܐ ܐ ܳܝܢـܐ ݂ܕ ܳܚ ܰܫـܚ ܶܠـܗ ݁ܕ ܶܠـܗ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܡܢـܗ‪ :‬ܕܢܝـ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܶ ܶ ܶ ݁ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ݁ܕ ܶܡـܢ ݁ ܽܦـ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܕ ܢܶܗ‬ ‫ܰܡ ݂ܬ ܰܩܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘܢܶ ݂ ܽܐܟܘܠ‪ .‬ܘܢ ݂ܬܪܡܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܘܢ ݂ܬ ݂ܪܟـܢ ܒܡܠـ ݂‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܐ ݂ ܰܟܠ ݁ ܶܒܣ ܳܪܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܕ ݂ ܺܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܚܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ ܰ ܶ ݁ܶ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܶ ݁ ܶ ܶ ܰ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܽܛـܠ ܳܪ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܚܡـ ݂ܘܬ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ ݁ܕ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫ܕ ݂ܟ ݂ܕ ܢܥܒ ݂ܕ ܗ ݂ܟܢـܐ ܢܫــܬܪܐ ܡـܢ ܡـ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܝܡ‪݁ .‬ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܺ‬ ‫ܚܡ ܽܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܡܪ‬ ‫ܥ� ̱‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܽ ܶ‬ ‫݁ܳ‬ ‫ܳܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ ܶ ܶ ܰܺ ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܒ ـ ݂ܘܬܗ‬ ‫ܘ� ـܐ �ܣ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ܰܘܫ ݂ ܺܒܝܚـ‬ ‫ܝܠܬܢܝـ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ܰܚ‬ ‫ܗܘ ܕܝــܢ ܐܬ ܪܥ ـܝ ܬܪܥܝـ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ݂ ̈ ܰ ݂ ܰ ܳ ݂ ܳ ܰ ݂ ܽ ݁ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܰ ݁ܽ ܶ ܰ ܳ ܳ ݁ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܽ ܶ‬ ‫ܘ�ܫܢܘ ̱ܗܝ ܡܝܩ� ݂ܬ ܐ‪ :‬ܘ�ܝܘ�ܦܢܗ ܘ�ܡܪܕ ݂ܘܬܗ ܐ�ܗܝܬܐ ݂ܕܡـܢ ܛ�ܝـ ݂ܘܬܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܥܢܐ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܝ ܰܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪݂ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܫܝܘܠ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܓܠ ܘܡܣ ݂‬ ‫ܪܗܒܐ ݂‬ ‫ܢܝ ܘ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕ ܪ ܳܘܢ ̱‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰ� ܰܘܐ ܳܘܢ ̱‬ ‫ܳ� ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ܳܙ ݂ܕ ܳܩـܐ ܳ ݂ܗ ܶܕܐ ܰ� ̈ܫ ܰܢـܝ‪ܶ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂ܐܬܪ ܶܡـܐ ܶܘܐ ܰܣـ ݂ܒ ݁ ܰܒܐ ݁ ̈ܶܦـܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ̈ܝܶـܐܐ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ‬ ‫݁ ܰ ̱ܶ ܺ ܽ ݁ ܶ ܺ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܗܦ ݂ܟ �ܚܢܦ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܛܠܝܢ ܢܐܡܪܘܢ‪ .‬ܕܐܠܝ�ܙܪ ݁ܓ ݂ܒܪܐ ݂ܒܪ ܬܫܥܝܢ ܫ�ܝܢ ݂‬ ‫̈ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܽܛܠ ܰܚ ܰ ̈ܝـܝ ݁ܕ ܰܙܒ ܳܢـܐ ܽܙܥـ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܢܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܠܝ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܛܥـܘܢ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܘ ܶܗ ܽܢܘܢ ܶܡܛܠ ܶ ܰܡ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ݁ ܰܒܐ ݁ܦܐ ݂ ܺܕ ̱‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܚܣ ݁ ܳܕܐ ܘ ܽܓ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܺܘܢܐ ݂ܒ ݁ ܽܕܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܳܐܢܐ ܐ ܶ‬ ‫�ܝܐ ݂ܒ ܰܣ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܚܟܐ‪ܽ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܘܒ ܳܘܙ ܳܚܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܒ ݂ܘܬ ̱ܝ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ܶܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܰ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ ܰܙ ݂ܒ ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡܢ ݁ܒ ܰܢ̈ܝ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ ܶܐ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܨܒܐ �ܡܥـ‬ ‫ܘܐܢ ܡܢ ܡ‬ ‫ـܪܩ‪ :‬ܐ � ܶܡـܢ ܐ ̈ܝـ ݂ ܰܕ ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫�ܡ ܰ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ‪݂ �ܳ :‬ܒ ܰܚ ̈ܝܝ ܳܘ� ݁ܒ ܰܡܘܬ ̱ܝ ܶܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ܐ̱ ܳܢܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܪܩ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶܽ‬ ‫ـܬ ܶܡـܢ ܳܥ ܳ‬ ‫�ܡـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܺܟ‬ ‫ܘܓܢ̱ ݁ ܳܒ ܳܪܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܝܠܬ ܳܢܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܝܠ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟ ݂ܕ ܐ ݁ܦـܘܩ ܰܚ ݂‬ ‫ـܬ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ � ܰܣ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܶܐ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܒ ݂ܘܬ ̱ܝ ܐ ܳܝܩ ܳܪܐ ܐ ܳܝܢܐ ݂ܕ ܳܫ ܶܘܐ ܳܠ ̇ܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܰ ܺ ܳ ܰ ݁ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ� ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ܰ ݂ܘܕ ܰܚܝـ ܳـ�‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݁ܐܬܶܠ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܛܠܝــܢ ܶܐ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܫܒ ـܘܩ ܬܚــܘܝ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܓܢ̱ܒ ـܪ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܢܫ ܽ‬ ‫ܽܠ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܡܘܢ ܰܢ ݂ܦܫ ܽܗܘܢ ܽ� ̈ܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܨ ܢܶـܐ ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫�ܫ ̈�ـ ݁ ܶܕܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ� ܰܡـ ݁ܘܬ ܐ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫ܘܒ ݂ ܳܒܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳܚ ݂ܕ ܳ�ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶ ܶ ܰ ݁ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܰܐ ݁ ܰܦ ̈ܝ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣܐ ܰܢ ݂ܟ ݁ ܳܦܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܬܗ ݁ܕ ݂ ܰܒـܪ ̱ܘ‬ ‫ܝܚܐ‪݂ .‬ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܗܠܝܢ ܐܡܪ‪ :‬ܒܪ ܫ ݂‬ ‫ܰܘ ݁‬ ‫�ܫ�̈ ݁ ܶܕܐ ܽܘ� ̈ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܶ‬ ‫�ܨ ܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ܽ� ̱‬


Ch. 




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and to let those who did not wish to turn to the mind of idolatry 1 be killed, so that someone might see and be broken [in spirit] about the misery and humiliation of the nation.

They brought two women who had circumcised their sons. Their sons hung at their breasts. They paraded them around the whole city and then went up to the edge and threw them over the wall. Others fled and went into caves in hiding so that they might keep the sabbath there. [Some] came to Philip and told him about this. He then went and burned them, because they were afraid to help themselves on that glorious day of the week.

I am asking all who read this book neither to fear, nor to be frightened, nor to be shaken by what happened to us. But consider that the judgment which came upon us was not for the destruction but rather for the discipline of our nation.

For this also — that they were not left much time to act wickedly but fell into many condemnations — is a sign of great grace. The Lord did not treat us in the way that he does other nations, when he is patient for them to bring their sins to completion and then repays them at another time. He rather repaid us now so that he might not punish us later.

For this reason, he never separated his mercy from us, for he disciplines with condemnations, but he does not abandon his nation.

But these things suffice as a reminder up to here. Let us then move on with the narrative. Eleazar, the leader of the scribes, an old man, whose face was desirable and very beautiful, was being pressured to eat the flesh of a pig.

He consented to death which was a punishment full of praise, rather than live in shame for a short time. Rejoicing, he drew near and handed himself over to punishments and torments, as was right for those who endured to hand themselves over and not be polluted by eating anything that was not right, on account of the life and hope that was prepared for them.


‘idolatry’: Greek ‘Greek customs’ (τὰ ῾Ελληνικά).




‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܩ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܘ� ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܘܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪ :‬ܢܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܳ� ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܝܢ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁‬ ‫ܛܠܝܢ‪݁ .‬ܕܐ̱ ܳܢܫ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ‬ ‫ܗܦ ݂ ܽܟܘܢ �ܪܥ�ܢܐ ݂ܕܚܢܦ ݂‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܘܢܶ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ݂ ܰܒܪ ܰܥܠ ݁ ܳܕ ܽܘܘܢܶܗ ܘ ܽܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ ܶܟܗ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܐ ݁ܝܬܝܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ݁ܬ ݁ܪܬܝܢ ܢܶ ܺܫܝ̈ܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܓ ܰܙܪ ݁ܒ ܰ�ܝ̈ ܶܗܝܢ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܬ ܰܠـܘ ݁ܒ ܰ�ܝ̈ ܶܗܝــܢ ݁ ܰܒ ݁ܬ݁ ܰܕ�̈ ܶܗܝــܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܳ ܰ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܫܕܘ ܶܐܢ ܶܝܢ ܶܡܢ ܽܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܬ ܐ ܣ ܶ�ܩ ̱ܘ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܐܟ ܶܪ ݂ܟ ̱ܘ ܐܢ ܶܝܢ ݁ܒ ݂ ܽܟ ܳܠ ̇ܗ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ܬܐ‪ .‬ܘ�ܚ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܰܶ ܽ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܽ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܢܶܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܬܘ ܰܘ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܪܩ ̱ܘ ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ ̱ܘ ܠܡ��ܐ ݂ܒܛܘܫܝܐ ݂ܕܢ‬ ‫ܐܘܕܥـ ̱ܘ‬ ‫ܫܒ ݂ܬܘܢ ݁ܬ ܳܡـܢ‪ .‬ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܝܠ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩ ݂ܕ ܶܐ ܽܢܘܢ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ܽܛܠ ݁ܕ݂ ܳܕ ܺ‬ ‫ܠ ݂ ܺܦ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܦܘܣ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܰܐܙܠ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡـܐ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܚܠܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܰܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܚـܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܕ ܰܫ ݁ܒ ݂ܬܐ ܰܢܥ ݁ܕ ܽܪܘܢ ܰܢ ݂ܦܫ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ ܳܒـܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳ� ݂ ݂ܬܶܕ ܽ‬ ‫݁ ܳܒܥܶܐ ܐ ܳܢܐ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܽܟـܠ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܚ�ـܘܢ ݂ܘܬܶ ݂ܬ ܰܪ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܳܩ ܶܪܝــܢ ݁ܒ ܳܗ ܳܢـܐ ݂ܟ‬ ‫ܗܒـܘܢ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ ̱‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܶ ݁ ܰ ܰ ܶܳ ܶ ܰ ܰ ݁ ܺ ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݂ܘܬ ݁ܬ ܙܺܝܥܘܢ ܥܠ ܡܕܡ ܕ ݂ܓ ݂ܕܫـܢ‪ .‬ܐ � ܐ ݂ܬ ܪܥـܘ ܕ݂ܕܝܢـܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܥܠܝــܢ‪̱ � :‬ܗܘܐ ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ‬ ‫݁ ܰ ݁ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܰ ݁ܽ ܶ‬ ‫ܕ� ݂ܒܕ ܢܐ‪ :‬ܐ � �ܡ‬ ‫ܪܕ ݂ܘܬܗ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܰܡܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܪܫܥـܘܢ‪ :‬ܐ � ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݂ ܶܒܩ ̱ܘ ܰܙ ݂ܒ ܳܢـܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝـܐܐ ݂ܕ ܰܢ ܽ‬ ‫ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܳܗ݂ ܶܕܐ ܶܓܝܪ ݁ܕ ܳ� ܐ ݁‬ ‫ܢܦ�ـ ̱ܘ ܽ‬ ‫�ܚ ̈ܘ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒـܐ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܺ ̈ܶ ܳ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ ܰ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܣܓܝܐܐ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬ ܐ ̱ܗܝ ܕܛܝܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܪܒ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܪ�ــܐ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܶܫ ܽ‬ ‫ܝــܟ ݁ ܰܕ� ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡــܐ ܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܶܢــܐ ܰܡ ݁ ܰܓــܪ ܽܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚــܗ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫�ܡــܘܢ‬ ‫� ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܶܓܝــܪ ܰ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܽ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܩܐ‪ܳ .‬ܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܶܨ ݂ ܰܝܕܝܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ‪.‬‬ ‫ܚܛ ܰܗ�̈ ܽܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܘ�̱ܚ ܳܪܝ ݁ܬܐ ܢܶ ݁ܦ ܽܪܘܥ ܐܢܘܢ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܶܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܰ ܳ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܰܢܫ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܩܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ � ܡܢ ܗܫܐ ݂ܦܪܥܢ‪ :‬ܕ� �̱ܚܪ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳܳ ܳ ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܪܚܩ ܶܡ ܰܢܢ ܰ� ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܬܘܡ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܕ ܐ ݂ܶܓܝــܪ ܳܪ ݂ ܶܕܐ ݂ܒ ܽܚ ̈ܘ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܳܡܛܳܠ ܗܢܐ � ܡ ݂‬ ‫ܚܡ ̱‬ ‫ܐ � � ܳܫ ݂ ܶܒܩ ܰ‬ ‫�ܥ ܶܡܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܰܪܡ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܰܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ݁ ܰܕ� ܽܥ ̱ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܕ ܳܢـܐ ܣ ݂ ܰܦـܩ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡـܐ � ܳܗ ݁ ܳܪܟـܐ‪ܺ .‬ܢـ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܰܠـܢ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܡ ݁ ܺܟܝܠ�ܥܠ�ܬܫܥ ݂‬ ‫ܝ� ܳܙܪ ܺܪ ܳ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܰ ̈‬ ‫ܶܐ ܺܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ـܓ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܘ ܰܫ ݁ ܺܦܝــܪ‬ ‫ܪܓܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ݂ܕܣ ݂ܦ�ܐ ݂ܰܓ ݂ܒܪܐ ܣ ݂ܒـܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܶܚـܙܘܐ ݂ܕ ݁ܐܦـܘ ̱ܗܝ ݂ܺ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܠܨ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ݂ ܽܐܟܘܠ ݁ ܶܒܣ ܳܪܐ ݂ ܰܕܚ ܺܙ ܳܝܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ‪ .‬ܡ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ ܶ ܶ ݁ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘ� ܕ ܰܙܒ ܳܢـܐ ܙ ܽܥـ ܳ‬ ‫ܽܗܘ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܐ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܺܢܐ ܶܚـܐ‬ ‫�ܛܒܝ ݂ܒ ܰܡ ݁ܘܬ ܐ ݂ ܽܕܐܘ�ܨ ܢܐ ݂ܕܡــ� ݂ܬܫܒـ‬ ‫݂ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ܒ ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܫܠܡ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܶܫܗ ܽ� ̈ܘ� ܳܨ ܢܶܐ ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫�ܫ�̈ ݁ ܶܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܒ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܗܬ ݂ܬ ܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܳܚ ݂ܕ ܳ�ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ܳܡܐ ݂ܕ ܳܙ ݂ ܶܕܩ ݁ܕ ܰܢ ܽ‬ ‫ܫ�ܡܘܢ ܰܢ ݂ܦܫ ܽܗܘܢ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ ܡ ܰܣ ݂ܝܒ ܳ� ܢܶܐ‪ܳ :‬ܘ� ܢܶ ݁ܬ ܰܛ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܫܘܢ ܘܢܶ ݂ܐܟ ܽ�ـܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ̈ܶ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܬ ݂ܝܕ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ܕ� ܳܙ ݂ ܶܕܩ‪ܶ .‬ܡܛܠ ܚܝܐ ܘܣ ݂ܒܪܐ ݂ܕ ݂‬ ‫‪‬‬

Ch. 

Chapter 

 

After a short time, the king sent another Athenian man 1 to pressure the Jews to transgress the laws and commandments of their ancestors, not to follow the laws of God, to defile the temple in Jerusalem, to name it after the Olympian Lord of Heaven, 2 and [to name the temple] in Gerizim, 3 as the inhabitants of the region do, the house of the Lord of Heaven, 4 the Friend of Strangers.

The weeping and punishment that all experienced were wicked and bitter. For the temple was full of the incense, song, and joy of the nations. They neglected it to a great extent. They had intercourse with women in all of its surroundings.

They also brought in those things that were not fit for the temple. The altar that was established for offerings 5 according to the law was full of defilement and uncleanness.

There was such distress that no one was able to observe the sabbath nor to perform and observe the festivals of [their] ancestors, nor even for someone to confess and say that he was a Jew. They brought them in through bitter punishment every month on the day of the king’s birthday to make a sacrifice and again at the festival of Dionysius. They forced them to take boughs and go around and take part in Dionysius’s day.

He also sent a command to the cities of the nations that were near to them and to Ptolemy that they should compel the Jews in this way, but to let there be mercy for those who obeyed them and carried out their will, 1

‘man’: Greek ‘old man’ or ‘senator’ (γέροντα).

ܺ ܶ‫ )ܒܥ‬was a ‘Lord of Heaven’: Greek ‘Zeus’ (Διός). ‘Lord of Heaven’ (‫ܠܫܡܝܢ‬ common way of referring to Zeus in Syriac. See Carl Brockelmann, Lexicon syriacum, 2nd ed. (Halle: Niemeyer, 1928), 84.


‘Gerizim’ reflects the Lucianic recension. Other recensions have ‘Argarizin’ (Αργαριζιν). 3 4 5

‘Lord of Heaven’: Greek ‘Zeus’ (Διός).

‘for offerings’: Greek ‘for things forbidden’ (τοῖς ἀποδιεσταλμένοις).


‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬


















‫ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܳܢـܐ ܳܐ ݂ܬܶ ܳ� ܳܝـܐ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܠܓ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ ܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܙ ݂ܒ ܳܢܐ ܰܩ ܺܠܝܠ‪ܰ :‬ܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐܠـܘܨ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܒ ݂‬ ‫̱ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺܠܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ݁ܥܒܪܘܢ ܳܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܶܣܐ ݂ܘܦ ̈ܘ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܢܶܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳܐܒ ܰܗ ̈�ـ ܽܗܘܢ‪݂ ܰ .‬ܘܕ� ܢܶ ݁ܬ ݁ ܰܕ ݁ܒـܪܘܢ ݁ܒ ܳܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܶܣـܐ‬ ‫݂ ܰܕܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܗ ݁ܝܟــ ܳ� ܕ ܽܒܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܝــܬ ݁ܒܥܶ ܺ‬ ‫ܫܠــܡ‪ܰ ݂ .‬ܘܕ ܰܢܫ ܽ‬ ‫݂ ܰܘܕܢ ܰܣ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܒــܘܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܠܫܡܝــܢ‬ ‫݂݂‬ ‫ܡܗ ܳܘܢܝــ ̱ܗܝ ݁ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳܐ ܽܠ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܐܝܬܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܡܦ ܳܝـܘܣ‪ܰ .‬ܘ�ـ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܐܬ ܳܪ ܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ـܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ݂ܰܓ ܺܪܙܝــܢ‪ :‬ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ܕ ݂‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܳܥ ܽܡـܘ� ̱‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ܒܥܶ ܺ‬ ‫ܠܫܡܝܢ ݁ ܶܟܣ ܺ� ܳܝܘܣ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܩܬܐ ܽܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟ� ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ ܺܒܝ ܳܫܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܘܡܪܝܪܐ ܥ ݂‬ ‫ܐܘ�ܨ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܺܕ ݂ ̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡـܐ‪ܳ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܒ ܶܣܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‬ ‫ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ� ݂ܶܓܝــܪ ܡـ ܳـ� ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒܣܡـܐ‪ :‬ܘܙܡـܪܐ‪ .‬ܘܚـ ݂ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ̈ܶ ܶ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݁ܘܬ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ܒ ݂ ܽܟ ܶܠܗ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕ ܶܪܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܦ ܥܡ ܢܫܐ ܡ‬ ‫ܥ� ̱‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܳ� ܳܙ ݂ ̈ܕ ܳܩܢ ܗ ܰ ̈ܘܝ ܰܡ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܬ ݂ܘܒ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫�ܗ ݁ܝܟ ܳ�‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܚـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܡ ݂ܬ ܰܩـܢ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܽ ܶ ܽ ܳܳ ܰ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫̱ܗܘܐ ܠ ݂ܦܘ� ܳܫܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒܢܡܘܣܐ‪ :‬ܡ� ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܟܠܗ ܣܘ� ݂ܒܐ ܘܛܡ ݂‬ ‫ܫܒ ݂ܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܐ̱ ܳܢܫ ܶܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܟـܚ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪ܳ .‬ܘ� ݂ܕܢܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘ�ܨ ܳܢܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳ� ݂ܕ ܰܢ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܳܩܐܶܡ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ܰ ܺ ̈ܶ ܰ ܳ ܳ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܶ ܺ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܛܪ ܥ ݂ܕܥܐ ݂ܕ ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܐܒܗ ݂ܬ ܐ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܦ� ݂ܕܐ̱ܢܫ ܢܘܕܐ ܘܢ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܐ ݂ ܶܦܢ ݁ ܺܕ ܽܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕ ܰ�ܐ ̱ܗܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ ݁ܶ ݁ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܪܐ ܰܡ ܺܪ ܳܝܪܐ‪݁ :‬ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ܰ� ܳ‬ ‫ܡ‬ ‫ܝܬܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ �ܗܘܢ ܕܝܢ ܒ‬ ‫ـܬ‬ ‫ܪܚـܐ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܰ�ـ ̈ܘ ܳܡ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܶܒܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ� ݁ ܶ‬ ‫�ܕܗ ݁ܕܡ ݁‬ ‫�ܟܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܰܢܕ ݁ܒ ܽܚـܘܢ‪ .‬ܗܘܐ ݂ܕܝــܢ ܬ ݂ܘܒ ܥ ݂ܕܥـ ݂ܐܕ ܐ ݂ܕ݂ܕ ܳ�ܢܘܣـܘܣ‪ .‬ܘܐ�ܨܝــܢ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܣܒܘܢ ܰܣ ̈ܘ ݁ ܶܟܐ ܘܢܶ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܽܥܘܢ ݁ܒ ܰܝ ܶ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܪܟܘܢ ܘܢܶ ݁‬ ‫ܘܡܗ ݁ܕ݂ ܺܕ ܳ� ܽܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣܘܣ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ݁ ܽ ݁ܳ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ ̈ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡܐ ݂ܕ ܰܩ ܺ� ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ�ܡܐܘܣ‬ ‫ܘ� ݁ܦܛـ‬ ‫ܝܒـܢ �ـ ܽܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܫܕܪ ܦܘܩܕ ܢܐ ܐ ݂ܦ ܠ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕ�ܢ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁ܕ ܳܗ ݂ܟ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ܗ ܰܘܘ ܳܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫�ܨܝܢ �ܗܘܢ ܠܝܗܘ ݂ܕ�ܐ‪ .‬ܘ�ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕܡܫܬܡܥܝܢ �ܗܘܢ ܘܥ ݂ܒ ݁ܕܝܢ‬ ‫ܗܘܘܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܢܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܶ� ݂ܒ ܳܝ ܽ‬ ‫ܚܡܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 



He commanded them to slaughter at sight all those who came out of the city. He also hurried to the city and entered armed with his army. He slaughtered many people. But Judas Maccabaeus along with nine others departed and went to the desert. They lived as animals on the mountains, subsisting on roots and the foliage of the earth, so that they might not partake in the uncleanness.


‫‪ ‬ܟܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܙ‬

‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܦ ܰܩ ـ ݂ܕ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟ�ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܳܢ ݂ܦ ܺܩܝــܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ـ ݁ܬܐ ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ݁ܕ ܰܠܚـ ܳـܙ ݂ܬ ܐ‬ ‫�ܒ ـܪ ܶܡ ـܢ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܰܢܩ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܗܛ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܬܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܥــܠ ݁ ܰܟ ـ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܙ ܰ�ــܢ ܽܗܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠــܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ـ‬ ‫ܛ� ـܘܢ ܐ ܽܢــܘܢ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܦ ܠ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܛܠ ܰ�ܥ ܳܡܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝܐܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܒܝ ܰܥܡ ݁ܬܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܥܐ ܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܺܢܝܢ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ‪ܰ :‬ܫ ܺܢـܝ ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ �ـ ܳـܘ ݂ܬ ܰܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒـ ܳܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܰܚ ̈� ܳܘ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ݂ܒ ܽܛܘ ܶ�ܐ ܳܥ ܺ‬ ‫ܬ ݁ܝܒ ܺܪܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܥܶ ܳܩ ܶ�ܐ ܘܥܶܣ ݂ ܳܒܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܪܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪ .‬ܘܡܣ‬ ‫ܐܪܥܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܰܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ݁ܕ ܳ� ܢܶ ݁ ܰ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܬ ݁ܘܬ ݂ܦܘܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܒܛܡ ݂‬


Ch. 


 







For if they had not been caught up in many sins, they would not have suffered nor endured these things, just as when Heliodorus, whom King Seleucus had sent for the holdings of the treasury, was seeking to enter the treasury and a bitter punishment was sent against him, and thus he turned back, humbled in his exalted mind. The nation did not exist for the sake of the place, but the Lord chose the place for the sake of the nation.

For this reason, the place along with the nation received the repayment of the nation’s wickedness. Afterwards when deliverance came from the Lord, [the place] participated in the blessings. The temple, which had been abandoned through God’s anger, was again established through the thought of the exalted one with great glory. Antiochus had taken one thousand eight hundred talents from the temple, and he hastened at once to go to Antioch. In his pride, he thought that he could make the land sea and make the sea dry land because he was very conceited and proud in his mind. 1

He left behind prefects who would act wickedly toward the people of our nation. He left behind Philip at Jerusalem, who was of the Phrygian people, whose mind was more unclean, cruel, abominable, and wicked than the one who had left him behind, and Andronicus at Gerizim. He also left with them Menelaus, who was more arrogant and conceited than them and acted wickedly toward the people of his city. But Antiochus was in a fury and hardened in his mind toward the Jews.

He sent Apollonius as leader of all the unclean 2 with an army of twenty-two thousand, so that they might slaughter the elderly and advanced in years and sell the women and youth.

When this one came to Jerusalem, he spoke words of peace deceptively to them. He waited until the holy day of the week. When he found the Jews idle, he armed all who were with him.


On this verse, see Introduction, Noteworthy Readings.

‘leader of all the unclean’: Greek ‘the leader of the Mysians’ or ‘Mysarch’ (Μυσάρχην). See Liddell, Scott, and Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon, 1156, 2091.



‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫ܨܚ ܟܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬

‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ܽܠܘ ݂ܶܓܝــܪ � ܐ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ܶܚـ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܰܒ ̈ܚܛـ ܶܗܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ̈ܝـܐܐ‪ܳ � :‬ܚ ܺܫܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܘܡ ܰܣ ݁ܝܒ ܺܪܝــܢ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܶ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩـܘܣ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ ݁ ܰܕܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡـܢ ܶܣ ܶ� ܳ‬ ‫ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ‪ܰ :‬ܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܕ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫�� ݂ ܳܕ ܳܘܪܘܣ ܗܘ ܕܐܫـ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ ܰܓ ܳܙ ܐ‪ܽ .‬ܗܘ ܶܓܝܪ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܟـ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܥـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕ�ܶ ܽܥـܘܠ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬ‬ ‫�ܒܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰܥܠ ܶ ܺܣܝ̈ ܳܡ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݁ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗ ݂ܟ ܳܘܬ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ݁ ܰܕܪ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܦـ ݂ܟ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܡ ݁ ܶܟـ ݂ܟ ܶܡـܢ ܰܗܘ‬ ‫݁ ܰܓ ܳܙ ܐ‪ :‬ܐ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܢܶ ݂ܓ ݁ ܳܕܐ ܰܡ ܺܪ ܳܝܪܐ‪݂ ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܥ� ̱‬ ‫ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܥ�ܢܶܗ ܳܪ ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ� ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܓܝܪ ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ܰܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ � ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܰܥ ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܐ � ܶܡܛܠ ܰ�ܥ ܳܡܐ‪݁ :‬ܓ ݂ܒܐ ܡ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢـܐ ܐ ݂ܦ ܽܗܘ ܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ‪ܰ :‬ܥ ܶܡـܗ ܰܥـܡ ܰܥ ܳܡـܐ ܰܩ ݁ ܶܒـܠ ݁ ܽܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪ� ܳܢـܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܺܒܝ̈ ܳܫـ ݂ܬܗ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ ݁ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰܥ ܳܡܐ‪݂ .‬ܘܬ ݂ܘܒ ܡܢ ܒ ݂ܬܪܟܢ ܟ ݂ܕ ܗܘܐ ݂ܦܘܪܩܢܐ ܡܢ ܡܪ�ܐ‪ :‬ܐ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݁ܘܬ ݂ܦ ݁ܒܛ ݂ ̈ܒـ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܽ ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ ܳ ݁ ܽ ݁ ܰ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬܗ ݁ܕ ܳܪ ܳܡـܐ ܐ ݂ܬ ܰܩ ܰܝـܡ‬ ‫ܘܓܙܗ ܕܐ�ܗܐ‪ :‬ܬ ݂ܘܒ ܒ ݂ܬܪܥܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܘܗ ܶ ݁ܝܟ� ݂ܕܐ ܳܫܬ ݂ܒܩ ܳ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒܪ ݂‬ ‫݁ܒ ݂ܬܫ ݁ ܽܒ ݁‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ ܰܪ ݁ܒ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܢ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܐ ܶܠ ݂ܦ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܳܡܢܶ ܳܡܐܐ ݂ ܰܟ ݁ܟ ܺ�ܝܢ ܶܡܢ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟـ�‪ܶ :‬ܘܐܣـ ݁ܬ ܰܪܗ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܺܟ ܰܝـܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܳܣ ݂ ܰܒ ـܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܒ ܽܫـ ݂ܘܒ ܳܗ ܶܪܗ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܰ� ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܪܥـܐ ܢܶ ݁ܥܒ ݂ ܺܕܝـ ̇‬ ‫ܥܓـܠ ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ ̱ܗܘܐ �‬ ‫ـܗ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ� ܳܡܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܰ� ݂ܒ ܳܫܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡܛܠ ݁ ܶܕ ݁ܐܬ ݁ܬ ܺܪܝــܡ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܘܐܫ ݁ܬ ݂ܒـ ܰܗܪ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓـܝ‬ ‫�ܝ ܳܡܐ ܢܶ ݁ܥܒ ݂ ܺܕܝ ̱‬ ‫݂ܒ ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܥ�ܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܫܝــܢ ܰܠܒ ܰܢ̈ ـܝ ܰܥ ܰܡ ـܢ‪ܽ ݁ .‬ܒܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܒ ـܩ ܰܩ ܽ� ̈ܘ ܶܡ ـܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠ ـܡ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܘ ܰܡ ݂ ܶܒ ܺ‬ ‫ܫܒ ـܩ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܶ ܶ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܓ ܳܝـܐ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܝܠ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܽ‬ ‫ܠ ݂ ܺܦ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܥ� ܶܢـܗ ܛ ܳܡـܐܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܦܘܣ‪ .‬ܗܘ ܕ ݂ܓܢܣܗ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܦܪ ݂ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܽ‬ ‫ܛܪ ܳܘܢܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܺܢܕ ݂ ܳܝܕܐ‪ܺ ݁ :‬ܒܝܫ ܶܡܢ ܰܗܘ ݁ܕ ܰܫ ݂ܒ ܶܩܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܰܳ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܰ݁ܺ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܰܓ ܺܪܙܝܢ ܰ� ݁ܢܕ ܳܪ ܺܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܝܪ ܶܡܢـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܩܘܣ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ ܶܕܝܢ ̣ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒܩ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫�ܡܢܶ�ܘܣ ܗܘ ܕ�‬ ‫ܶ ݂݁ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܶ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ـܬܗ‪ .‬ܐܢܛܝ ݂ܟ ـܘܣ ܕܝــܢ‬ ‫ܺܡܫܬܥــ� ̱ܗܘܐ ܘܡܬܬ ܪܝــܡ ܘܡ ݂ܒ ـܐܫ ܠ ݂ܒܢ ـܝ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܥ� ܳܢܐ ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܝܐ ܰܥܠ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܐ‪ܶ.‬‬ ‫ܡܬܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܒ ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒܚ ݂‬ ‫ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܽ ܽ ܰ ̈ܶ ܰ ܶ ܺ ܰ ܶ ܰ ̈ ܺ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ � ݁ ܳܦ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܘܣ ܪܝܫܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܟ�ܗܘܢ ܛܡܐܐ‪ :‬ܥܡ ܥܣܪܝܢ ܘ ݂ܬ ܪܝܢ ܐܠ ݂ܦܝܢ ܚܝ�‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܥܠ ܺܝــܢ ݁ ܰܒ ̈ܫ ܰ� ܳܝـܐ ܰܢܩ ܽ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܐܒܝــܢ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠ ܰ‬ ‫ܛ�ـܘܢ‪� .‬ܢܶ ̈ܶܫـܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܳܣ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܥ�ܝ̈ ܶܡـܐ‬ ‫ܰܢܙ ݁ܒ ܽܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ܶܐ ܳܬ ܐ ܽܗܘ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ ̈ܶܡ ܶ� ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‪ܰ :‬ܡ ܶܠܠ ܰ�ܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܟـ ݁ܬܪ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡـܐ ݂ܒܢ ݂ܟـ�‪݂ .‬‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ܶܐ ܽܢܘܢ ܺܠܝ ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰܒ ܺܛ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܶܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ‪ܰ :‬ܙ ܶ�ـܢ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ �ܝܘܡܐ ܩܕܝܫܐ ݂ܕܫܒ ݂‬ ‫݂ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܺܕ ݂‬ ‫‪‬‬

Ch. 

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As dust is removed from the house, so was he removed from his region. He perished in Lacedaemonia, in a foreign land. He had gone there so that he might be hidden with the people of his tribe, and he died there.

He was worthy of neither the grave of his ancestors, nor weeping, nor mourning, nor all the people who were buried in it. They sent to the king concerning all the things that had happened, and he thought that it was Judea that was seeking to rebel. He hastened and came from Egypt, full of anger and fury. He slaughtered many by the sword in the city.

He had commanded his infantry to slaughter any who fell in their hands without pity. They also entered houses and committed slaughter. There was a slaughter of old and young, of young men and young women, and a massacre of boys, girls, and young children. Thus in three days, about eighty thousand perished and were massacred: forty by the slaughter and forty who were sold into servitude.

But not even all these sufficed for the king. He rather dared again to enter the great and holy temple which was honored through the whole earth, for his leader was Menelaus, who was the betrayer of the law and his land. With his unclean hands he took the holy instruments. As for those things which had been given by other kings and had been put there by cities for the praise, greatness, and honor of the house and for all its holiness and honor, he took and gave them away with his defiled hands.

Antiochus had become conceited and proud in his mind and did not perceive or understand that because of the sins of the city’s inhabitants the Lord had grown angry for a short time and turned his sight from the place.




‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬

‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܺܕܝ ܶܡـܢ ܰܐ ݂ܬ ܶܪܗ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ܰ� ܶܩ ݂ ܶܕ ܽܡ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܢـܐ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ݂ܢܦ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܕܡ‬ ‫ܫܬܕ�ܐ ܡܢ ܒ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܝܬܐ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܐ ݁ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݂ ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳܡܢ ܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ ܰܕ�ـ ܳـܘ ݂ܬ ݁ܒ ̈ܢـܝ ܰܫ ݁ܪܒـ ݂ܬܗ‬ ‫ܐܪܥܐ ܽܢ ݂ܘܟ ܳܪ ݁ܝܬܐ ܐ ݁ ܰܒ ݂ܕ‪ .‬ܐ ܰܙܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܶܓܝܪ ݂‬ ‫݁ ܳܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ݁ܬܪ ܶܨ ݂ ܰܝܕܝ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܺ :‬‬ ‫ܝܬ ܬܡܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܕܢܣ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܳܘ� � ݂ܒ ـ ܳ�‪ܳ .‬ܘ� ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ـܬ ܺܘܝ ܳ� ܰ‬ ‫ܳܘ� ܶܐܫـ ݁‬ ‫�ܟ ـܠ‬ ‫�ܩ ݂ܒ ـ ܳܪܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳܐܒ ـ ܰܗܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ‪ .‬ܘ� ܠ ݂ܒ ݂ܟ ـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܰܩ ݂ܒ ܺܪܝܢ ݁ ܶܒܗ ݁ܒܢ̈ܝ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠܚـ ̱ܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ � ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ ܰܥ ـܠ ܳܗ ܶܠܝــܢ ݁ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫�ܗܝــܢ ݁ ܰܕܗ ̈ܘܝ‪ܰ .‬ܘܣ ݂ ܰܒ ـܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܪܕ ݁ ܳܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܗ ݂ܒ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܶܡـܢ ܶܡ ܶ�ܪܝــܢ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܡــ�‬ ‫ܡܪܕ‪ .‬ܘܐܣ‬ ‫݂ܕ ܶܡ ܰ ݂‬ ‫ܥܝܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܺ� ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܬ ݂‬ ‫ܽ ܳ ܰ ܶ ܳ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܺ ̈ܶ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܩܛܠ �ܣܓܝܐܐ ݂ܒܚܪܒܐ ݂ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܘܓܙ ܐ ܘ ݂ܒܚ ݂‬ ‫݂ܒܪ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁ܦ ܰܩــ ݂ܕ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܓܝــܪ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫�ܚــܘ ̈ܗܝ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕܢ ܰܩ ܽ‬ ‫ܛ�ــܘܢ ݁ܕ� ܰܚــܘ ܳܣܢ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟــܠ ݁ܕ ܳܢ ݂ ܶܦــܠ‬ ‫ܠܦ ܰ ̱‬ ‫̱ ݂ܳ‬ ‫ܳ̈ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܒܬܐ ܥܐܠܝܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܘܡܩܛܠܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ ܺܒܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕܝ ܽܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܦ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ ܳ ܳ ̈ܶ ܰ ܳ ̈ܶ ܰ ܰ ̈ ܶ ܰ ܽ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܽ ݁ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܩܛ� ݂ܕܣ ݂ܒܐ ܘ݂ܕܛ�ܝـܐ ݂ܘܕܥ�ܝܡـܐ ݂ܘܕ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܘܠـ ݂ܬܐ‪ .‬ܘܚـ‬ ‫ܘܒ� ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܰ� ̈ܝـܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݂ ܰܘܕ ݂ ̈ܒ ܳܢ ݂ܬܐ‪݂ ܰ :‬ܘܕ ܰ� ܽ� ̈ܘ ݂ ܶܕ ܐ ܽܙܥܘ�ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܰܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰܝ ̈ܘ ܺܡܝܢ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ݂ ܰܒ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܚ ݁ ܰܒ� ̱ܘ ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܬ ܳܡܢܶܐ ܶ� ݁ܒـ ܳܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܗ ݂ܟܢܐ ܕ ݂ܒܬܠ‬ ‫ܪܒـܥ ݁ܕ ܶܩܛــ�‪:‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܰ ݂ ݁ ܶ ݂ ݁ܰ ݁ ܰ ݂ ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܐܪܒܥ ܕܐܙܕܒܢ ̱ܘ �ܥ ݂ܒܕ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܝܢ � ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ‪ :‬ܐ � ܐܡـ ܰ‬ ‫ܳܘ� ܣ ݂ ܰܦܩ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ݁ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫ـܪܚ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪݁ .‬ܬ ݂ܘܒ ݁ܕ�ܶ ܽܥـܘܠ ܐ ݂ܦ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܳ ܰ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ ݁ܰ ܰ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܽ ܳ ̇ ܰ ܳ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܶܓܝܪ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳܪ ܢܶܗ‬ ‫�ܗ ܳܝܟ� ܪܒܐ ܘܩܕܝܫܐ‪ :‬ܕܡܫܒܚ ܒ ݂ܟܠܗ ܐܪܥܐ‪ .‬ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱‬ ‫ܶܡܢܶ ܰ�ܘܣ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ܕ ܽܗܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܰܡܫ� ܳܡ ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣܐ ݂ ܰܘܕܐܪܥܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ̈ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܐܬ ܐ ܢ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܳܡܐ ܢܰ̈ܝ ܽܩ ݂ܘܕ ܳܫـܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܛܡ‬ ‫ܘܒܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝــܢ ݁ ܶܕܐ ݂ܬܝ ܶܗ ݂ ̈ܒـ ̱ܝ ̱ܗ ̈ܘܝ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫̱‬ ‫݁ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܠܬ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܡ ̈� ݁ ܶܟــܐ ܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܶܢــܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݁ܐܬ ݁ܬ ܺܣܝ̈ܡــ ̱ܝ ̱ܗ ܰ ̈ܘܝ ݁ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ܶܡــܢ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܗ‬ ‫ܫܒــ‬ ‫ܡܕ ̈� ܳܢــ ݂ܬܐ‪݂ :‬‬ ‫ܰ ܰ݁ܽ ܶ ܺ ܳ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ـܬ ܽܩـ ݂ܘܕ ܶܫܗ ܺܘ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܘ�ܪ ܒ ݂ܘܬܗ ܘ�ܝܩܪܗ ܕ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ‫�ܟ ܶܠܗ ݁ ܶܒܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܐܝܩـܪܗ‪ܺ ݁ :‬ܒܐ ̈ܝـ ݂ ܰܕ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܳܢ ܶܣ ݂ܒ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ�ܗ ݂ܒ �ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܣܝ ݂ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܥ� ܶܢـــܗ‪ܳ .‬ܘ� ܺ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟـــܘܣ ݁ܒ ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ݂ܒـــܗܪ ܐ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݁ܐܬ ݁ܬ ܺܪܝـــܡ ̱ܗܘܐ ܘ‬ ‫ܡܚܝـــܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ̈ ܽ ݁ ܳ ܽ ܶ ̇ ݁ܰ ܺ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܪܓܙ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݂ܶ :‬‬ ‫�ܙ ݂ܒ ܳܢـܐ‬ ‫ܘ ܶܡܣ ݁ܬ ݁ ܰܟܠ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܶܡܛܠ ܚܛܗ�ܗܘܢ ܕܥܡܘ�ܝܗ ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰܩ ܺܠܝܠ‪ܰ :‬ܘܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܗܡܝ ܚ ܳ� ܶܪܗ ܶܡܢ ܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

Chapter 

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At that time, Antiochus went to Egypt for the second time.

It happened throughout the whole city for about forty days that horse riders appeared running in the air covered in golden robes, holding lances, and fully girded with armor.

Their horses were bridled and were running to this place and that. Their shields were raised, their swords sharpened, and their bows stretched. They were clothed with breastplates and fully girded with golden armor. All of them were glimmering and shining at the same time.

The whole nation was asking and praying that this revelation would be a good thing.

The news was then reported, though it was a lie, that Antiochus had died. Jason led about a thousand men, and he came and attacked the city suddenly. He was pressing against and putting great strains on the city, and the multitude of the nation fled, going up to the wall. Because the city was about to be destroyed, Menelaus fled and went up to the citadel.

Jason was slaughtering some of the people of his city. But the evil one neither perceived nor understood that his rejoicing was full of weeping and the great mourning of war, as 1 he committed great murder among the people of his nation and his tribe.

While he was doing all these things, he was not able to seize the magistracy. Instead, in the end he was ashamed, 2 and he left fleeing to Ammon. The conclusion of his life 3 was wicked and bitter. He was caught by King Aretas of the Arabs. He escaped from there and fled from city to city, being pursued by everyone as a transgressor of the law. They reviled and scorned him as the betrayer of his city and nation. He fled in great shame to Egypt.


‘as’: lit. ‘and’.


‘conclusion of his life’: lit. ‘completion of his end’.


‘in the end he was ashamed’: lit. ‘his end was in shame’.


‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬


















‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܶܒܗ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܒ ܰܗܘ ܰܙ ݂ܒ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܐ ܰܙܠ ̱ܗܘܐ ܐ‬ ‫�ܡ ܶ�ܪܝܢ ݁ܕ ݂ܬ ݁ܪܬܝܢ ܰܙ ݂ ̈ܒ ܺܢܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܰ‬ ‫݁ܓ ݂ ܰܕܫ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܒ ݂ ܽܟ ܳܠ ̇ܗ ܺܡ ݂ܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ܐܪ ݁ܒ ܺܥܝـܢ ܰܝـ ̈ܘ ܺܡܝܢ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ݂ܬܚ ܶܙܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ܕ ܳܪܗܛܝــܢ‬ ‫݁ ܳܒـ ܰܐܐܪ ܳ� ݂ܟ ݁ ܶܒـܐ ݂ܕ ܰ� ݂ܟ ܳܫـܐ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܟ ܶܣܝــܢ ݁ ܶܒܐ ̈ܤܛـ ܶ� ݂ ݂ܕ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܒـܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ܺܐܚ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܕܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܽ� ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡܚـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܚ ܺܙܩܝܢ ݁ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ܰܙ ܳܝܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܢ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܛܝــܢ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܦ ݁ܓ ݂ ܺܕܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰ� ݂ܟܫـ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܦܝــܢ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܘܪ‬ ‫ܡܓ ܰ� ̈ܝـ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ̈ ܶ ̈ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘ‬ ‫ܡܠ ݁ܒ ܺܫܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‬ ‫ܫܡܝܛܝــܢ ܰܣ ̈� ݁ ܰܦܝــ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ̈ܡ ݂ܬܝ ܳܚــܢ ̱ܗܘܝ ܩܫــ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܶܫ� ܳ�ܢܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܒـܐ‪ .‬ܘܡܙܗܪܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܘܡ ݂ܒܗܩܝــܢ‬ ‫ܡܚܙܩܝܢ ݁ܒ ݂ܟܠ ܰܙܝܢܐ ݂ ܰܕܩܪ ݂ܒـܐ ݂ܕ݂ ܰܕ ݂‬ ‫݁ܽ ܽ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܐ ݂ܟܚ ݂ ܳܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܟ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶ ݁ܽ ܶ ݁ܳ ܶ ܳ ܰ ܰ ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܶܓ ܳ‬ ‫�� ܳܢܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܡܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܟܠܗ ܒܥܐ ̱ܗܘܐ ܘܡܨ � ݂ܕܠܛ ݂ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܶܐ ݁‬ ‫ـܬ ܶܠـܗ‪݂ ܰ .‬ܘܕ ݂ ܰܒـܪ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܰܡܥ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܛ ݁ ܳܒܐ ݂ܒ ݂ ܰܕ ݁ ܳܓ ܽ ܳ� ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܰܥـܠ ܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟـܘܣ ݁ܕ ܺܡܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫�ܝـܐ‪ܳ .‬ܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܺܐ ܰ� ܳܣܘܢ ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ܳܐ ܶܠ ݂ܦ ݁ ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܺ�ܝܢ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܰܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܶܡـܢ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܠـܨ‬ ‫ܐܪܡܝ ܰܥܠ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܪܩܝــܢ ܗ ܰܘܘ ܘ ܳܣ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܓܐܗ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܳܡـܐ ܳܥ ܺ‬ ‫̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܽܣـ ݂ܶ‬ ‫�ܩܝــܢ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ـ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܬ ܰܥ ܰܫܢ ܰܥܠ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ̱ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܐܒ ݂ܕ‪ .‬ܘ ܶܡ ܶܢـ�ܘܣ ܥـ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܶ‬ ‫� ܽܫܘ ܳܪܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ܽܛܠ ݁ܕ ܰܩ ܺܪ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫�ܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ـܪܩ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫ܝܒܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܺܗܝ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱‬ ‫ܰܘܣ ܶܠܩ ܶܠܗ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܕ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܬܗ‪ܳ .‬ܘ� ܺ‬ ‫ܐ ܰ� ܳܣܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ‬ ‫ܡܚܝــܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܘ ܶܡܣ ݁ܬ ݁ ܰܟـܠ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ـ‬ ‫ܡܩܛܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܰܒ ݂ ̈ܒ ܰܢـܝ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ ݁ ܰܽ ܶ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܬܐ ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫�ܝܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܐܒ� ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒܐ ݂ ܰܕܩ ܳܪ ݂ ܳܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܩܛ� ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒܐ ݂ ܰܒ ݂ ̈ܒ ܰܢـܝ‬ ‫ܪܫܝܥܐ‪ :‬ܕܚ ݂ܕ ݂ܘܬܗ ܥ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ܰ ܰ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ̱ܗܘܐ‪ܳ.‬‬ ‫ܬܗ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܡܗ ܘ ݂ܒܫܪܒ ݂‬ ‫ܶܳ ܰ ܶ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ܳ� ܶܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ݁ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ݁ܕܢܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܗܬ ݂ܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܐܚـ ݂ܘܕ‪ .‬ܐ � ܚـ ݂ܪܬܗ ܒ ݂ܒـ‬ ‫�ܗܝܢ ݂‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ‪ ܰ :‬ܪܝܫܢ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܗܘܬ ݀‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܪܩ ݁ܬ ݂ܘܒ � ܳ‬ ‫ܐܪܦܝ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܪܥܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ܽܡܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܒـܫ ݁ ܶܓܝــܪ ܶܡـܢ ܰܐ ܳܪܛـܐ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܺܪܝـܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪ܶ .‬ܐ ݂ܬ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܡܐ ݂ܕ ܰܚ ݂ܪܬܶܗ‪݁ :‬ܒ ݂ ܺܒܝܫ ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݂ܕ ܰܥ� ݂ ܳܒܝܶܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܦ ܰܠܛ ܶܡܢ ݁ܬ ܳܡܢ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܡܕ ܳܝܢܐ ܰܠ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܘ� ܶܪܩ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡܢ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܕ ܳܝܢܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܶܡـ ݂ܬ ݂ ܶܪܕ ݂ܦ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܛ� ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣܐ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܽܟܠ ܐ̱ ܳܢܫ ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ܰܡܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܝܛܝܢ ܶܠـܗ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܡܣ ܶܠܝܢ ̱ܗܘܘ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ ݁ ܶ ܰ ܰ ܶ ܰ ܶ ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܐܬ ܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܪܩ ܶ‬ ‫ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫�ܡ ܶ�ܪܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܡܫ�ܡܢܐ ݂ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ܬܗ ݂ܘܕܥܡܗ‪ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ܒܗܬ ݂ܬ ܐ ܣܓ ݂‬


Ch. 

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 

Menelaus stood trial regarding these things.

When the king came to Tyre, three men who had been sent by the elders of the congregation were filing a suit before him.

When Menelaus saw that he was going to be defeated, he promised many gifts to Ptolemy 1 in order to persuade the king. Ptolemy led the king away and separated him from them by a little so that he might be at rest, and there he changed his mind.

He then released Menelaus who was the cause of all this wickedness from his accusers. But he sentenced to death those who were impoverished and poor, those who, even if they had filed a suit before the Scythians, would have been released as innocent.

Immediately the people of the city promised to give the unjust penalty for the sake of the city, nation, and priestly vessels. Regarding this, the judgment of the iniquitous one who had vainly killed these men seemed very wicked to the Tyrians. The Tyrians took and buried them with great pomp.

Menelaus sent to demand the oppressive penalty that he had been promised. He grew great and strong in his wickedness and became the great adversary of the people of his city.


‘Ptolemy’: Greek ‘Ptolemy Dorymenes’ (τῷ Πτολεμαίῳ Δορυμένους).


‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬





‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫ܡܓ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ‪ܳ :‬ܩܡ ܶܡܢܶ ܰ�ܳܘܣ ܽܠ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܒ� ܽܗܘܢ ݁ܒ ݂ ܺܕ ܳܝܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܨܘܪ‪ܳ .‬ܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܕ ܘ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܶܐ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܪܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܺܕ ܳܝܢـܐ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪݁ .‬ܬ ܳܠ ݂ܬ ̈�ـ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ ܰܓ ݂ܒـ ܶ�ܐ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܰܡـ ̱‬ ‫ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܰ ܶ ܳ ̈ܶ ̇ ݁ ܰ ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܕܐܫܬܕܪ ̱ܘ ܡܢ ܣ ݂ܒܝܗ ܕ ݂ܟܢ‬ ‫ܰܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܗ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ܶܡ ܶܢـ�ܘܣ ݁ܕ ܶܡ ݁ܙܕ ݂ ܶܟـܐ ܶܠـܗ‪ :‬ܐܫـ‬ ‫ܘܕܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܡـܘ ̈ܗ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ܬܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ̈ܝـ ݂ܐܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܰ݁ ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ � ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܦܛ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ�ܡܐܘܣ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂ܢܦܝ ܺܣܝ ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘ�ܡ ܳܐܘܣ � ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟــܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܐܦܪ ܶܩــܗ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܘ ݂ ܰܘܕ ݂ܒــ ܶܪܗ ݁ܦ ܳܛــ ܶ‬ ‫ܝــܟ‬ ‫ܢــܗܘܢ ܰܩ ܺܠܝــܠ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܘܗ ݂ܦ ݁ ܶܟܗ ܶ‬ ‫݁ܕܢܶ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ܺ�ܝܚ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫�ܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܥ�ܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁ܺ ̈ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܥܶ‬ ‫ܠـــܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܙ ܰܘ� ܶܡ ܶܢـــ ܰ�ܳܘܣ ݁ܕ ܽܗܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܪܝـــ ̱ܗܝ ܶܡـــܢ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫�ܗܝـــܢ ܒܝܫـــ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܗ ܶܠܝܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܳܒܝ̈ ܶܫܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ̈ܣ ݁ ܺܟܢܶܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܩܛ� ݂ܳܓ ܰܢ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܣ ܽܩ ̈ܘ ݂ܬ�ܶܐ ܐ ܽܠܘ ܐ ܰܡـܪ ̱ܘ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܺܕ ܳܝܢܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ݁‬ ‫ܫܬ ܶܪܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ܒ ܳܙ ݂ ܽܟ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪ܰ :‬ܚ ܶܝ ݂ܒ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ � ܰܡ ݁ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶ ݁ܶ ܶ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܬܗ ܕܝܢ ܐ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܶ ݁ܬ ܽܠܘܢ ܽܚܘܣ ܳܪ ܳܢـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥـܘ�‪ܰ :‬ܥـܠ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܘ ݁ܒܢ̈ܝ ݂‬ ‫ܡܚ ݂ܘܒܪ ܫ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥ ܳܡܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ ܢ̈ܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܳܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܗܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡܛـܠ ܳܗ ܳܢـܐ ܐ ݂ܦ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܐ ݁ ܰܦ ̈ܝ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫�ܨܘ� ܶ�ـܐ ܐ ݂ܬܐ ݁ ܶܒـܐܫ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܛـܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܐ ܽܢـܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫�ܗ ܶܠܝــܢ‬ ‫ـܬ ܩ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ ܰܥܠ ݁ ܺܕܝܢܶܗ ݁ܕ ܰ�ـ ܳܘ�‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕܣ ܺܪ ܳܝܩܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫݁ ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܶ�ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܶܽ ݁ ܶ ݁ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ ܰܪ ݁ܒ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܒܪ ̱ܘ ܐܢܘܢ ܒ ݂ܬܫܒ‬ ‫ܡܛ ܶܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܽܨܘ��ܶܐ‪ :‬ܢ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܰܳ‬ ‫ܽ ܳܳ ܳ ܽ ܽ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܢܢ ܶܡܢܶ ـ�ܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ܰܫ ـ ݁ ܰܕܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܒ ـܥ ܚܘܣܪ ܢ ـܐ ݂ܕܥ� ݂ܘܒ ـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܕܐܫـ‬ ‫ܘܕܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡــܬ ܰܪ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪ ݂ܒ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܫــ ݂ܘܬܶܗ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܬ ܰܥ ܰܫــܢ ݁ܒ ݂ ܺܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܰܣ ܽܩــ ݂ܘܒ� ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒــܐ ܰܠ ݂ܒ ̈ܢــܝ‬ ‫ܶ ݂‬ ‫ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬


Ch. 









Therefore, not only did the Jews revile and disparage him, but many other nations also disgraced and disparaged the man’s murder which was unlawful.

When the king came back from the regions of Cilicia, the Jews who were in each of the cities complained about the iniquity that had come through Onias’s murder. Many nations helped them because Onias’s murder, which was unjust, had seemed very wicked to them.

When King Antiochus heard this, he was grieved in his soul and wept greatly. He became entirely weak from his grief because of the death of the man who was righteous, chaste, humble, calm, and mild.

He grew very hot with anger and commanded that Andronicus’s purple clothes be taken off, that his garments be torn, and that he be led around the whole city. In that place in which he had acted iniquitously against Onias, [the king] killed the wicked one. The Lord had repaid him with a fitting punishment.

The people of Jerusalem gathered 1 in the middle of the city against Lysimachus at the counsel of Menelaus. They sought the large amount of gold that he had taken. When the news was reported outside, many came against Lysimachus. When Lysimachus saw that the crowds were murmuring and growing hot against him, he 2 armed about three thousand men and began to commit slaughter through his wicked hands.

A certain unclean and abominable man, 3 who was advanced in years and highly superior in mind, became the leader of the murderers.

When they saw Lysimachus’s treachery and wickedness, they took stones, rods, and some ashes, and cast them at Lysimachus’s people and his allies, [causing] disorder and confusion.

They cast down many of them fatally, and they cast down some to the ground. The rest fled, but they killed the one who had violated the temple near the treasury. ‘the people of Jerusalem gathered’: Greek ‘when many acts of sacrilege had occurred’ (Γενομένων δὲ πολλῶν ἱεροσυλημάτων). See Introduction, Noteworthy Readings.


2 3

‘he’: lit. ‘Lysimachus’.

‘a certain unclean and abominable man’: Greek ‘Auranos’ (Αυρανοῦ).








‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܡܓ ݁ܕ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ ܰ‬ ‫�ܚ ݂ܘܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܠܗ ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܳ� ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ݂ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܨ ܶܚܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ .‬ܐ �‬ ‫ܥ�ـ ̱‬ ‫ܡܨ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܓ ݁ܕ ݂ ܺܦܝــܢ ܰܥـܠ ܶܩ ܶ‬ ‫ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܶܐܐ ܶܡܢ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܪܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܘ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܛܠـܗ ݁ܕ ݂ܰܓ ݂ܒـ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܒ ܰܥܘ�‪.‬‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܶܡـܢ ܰܐ ݂ܬ ܰ� ܳܘ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ܺܩܝ ܺܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܐ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܩ ܰܝـܐ‪ܳ :‬ܩ ݂ܒ ܺܠܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܠـܗ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ ܶ�ـܐ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܒ ܶܩ ܶ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܐ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܡܥ ݁ܕ ܺܪܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ :‬ܥܠ ܰ�ܥܘ� ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܛܠܗ ݁ܕ ܽܚ ܺ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܡܕ�ܢ‬ ‫݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡ ـܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܶ ـܐܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ܽܛ ـܠ ݁ ܶܕܐ ݂ܬܶܐ ݂ ܶܒ ـܐܫ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ـܝ‪ܰ :‬ܥ ـܠ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݁ ܽ ܺܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂ܕ� ݂ܒ ݂ ܺܕ ܳܝܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܛܠܗ ܕܚܘ�ܝܐ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܶ ܰ ݁ܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ‪݁ :‬ܟܐܶ ݂ܒ ܶܠܗ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܠܙ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܫܡܥ ܕܝܢ ܡ�ܟܐ ܐ‬ ‫�ܢ ݂ܦ ܳܫܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ ܳܟܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ܰ ݁ܽ ܶ ܶ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬܗ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛـܠ ܰܡـ ݁ܘܬܗ ݁ܕ ݂ܰܓ ݂ܒـ ܳܪܐ ܰܙ ݁ ܺܕ ܳܝܩـܐ‪ :‬ܘ ܰܢ ݂ܟ ݁ ܳܦـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܐܬ ܪܫܠ ܟܠܗ ܡـܢ ܥܩـ ݂‬ ‫ܘܡ ݁ ܺܟ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܺܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܚܐ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܝܟܐ‪ܺ :‬ܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܚ ܶܘ ݂ܐܬ ܰܚ ܰܡ ݂ܬ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ ݂ܒ ܽܪܘܓ ܳܙ ܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܦ ܰܩ ݂ܕ ݁ܕ ܰܢܫ� ܽܚـ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܢܝ ̱ܗܝ �ܢ ݁ܕܪ ܺܘܢܝ ܳܩـܘܣ ܐ� ݁ܓ ܳܘ ܰܢـ ̱‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݁ ܽ ܳ ̇ ܺ ݁ ܳ ܰ ܳ ݁ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘܢ ܰܣ ݁ܕ ܽܩܘܢ ܰܢ ̈ܚ ݁ܬ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ܬܐ‪ .‬ܘ ݂ܒܗܝ ܕܘܟ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܕܐܥܘܠ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ .‬ܘܢ ݂ܟܪ ݂ܟܘܢܝ ̱ܗܝ ܒ ݂ܟܠܗ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ ܰ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܐ‪ܳ ݁ :‬ܒ ̇ܗ ܰܩ ܶ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܽܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܩܐ ܐ ݂ܟ ܳܡܐ ݂ܕ ܳܫ ܶܘܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܛܠܗ �ܪܫܝܥܐ‪݂ .‬ܘܦܪܥܗ ܡܪ�ܐ ݂ܬܫܢ‬ ‫ܰܳ‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܳ ܰ ݁ܰ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܛ ܶܐ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ܰܢܫ ̱ܘ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܒ ܰܢ̈ܝ ܽܐܘ ܺܪ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬܗ ݁ܕ ܶܡ ܶܢـ�ܘܣ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ݁ܒ ݂ܰܓܘ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ܬܐ ܥـܡ ܬܪܥܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܒــܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝــܐܐ ݂ ܰܕܢ ܰܣــ ݂ܒ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܽܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܬ ݂ܒ ܺܥܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܠــܗ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡ ݂ ܳܟــܘܣ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܟــ ݂ܕ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶܐ ݁‬ ‫�ܒܪ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ݂ ܰܬܘ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܶܐܐ ܰܥܠ� ܽܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܰܡܥ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܛ ݁ ܳܒܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ ܳ ݁ܺ ݁ܶ ̈ ܶ ܶ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܡ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܡܬܝــܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܽܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ܰ :‬ܙ ܶ�ـܢ ܽܗܘ‬ ‫ܝܡ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ܕܪܝܒܝܢ ܟܢܫܐ ܘܡ ݂ܬܚ ݂‬ ‫ܥ�ـ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫـ ܺܪܝ ܰܠ ܰ ܳ ܽ‬ ‫ܽܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰܐ ̈ܠ ݂ ܺܦܝܢ ݁ ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܺ�ܝܢ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܝܡ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ܐ ݂ܝܟ ܬܠ ݂‬ ‫ܡܩܛ�ـܘ ݂ ܺܒܐ ̈ܝـ ݂ ܰܕ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܥ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܫ‬

‫ܨܚ ܟܕ‬



‫ܡܥ ݁ܕ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ݂ܕ ܳܩ ܽܛ ̈ܘ ܶ�‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܓ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ ܰܚ ݂ܕ ܰܛ ܳܡـܐܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܺܢܕܝـ ݂ ܳـܕܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܠܗ ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܥ ܰܠـܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‬ ‫݂ ܰܒ ̈ܫ ܰ� ܳܝܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܦ ܺܪܝܫ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ ݂ܒ ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܥ�ܢܶܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܚܙܘ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡ� ܽܢ ݂ܘܬܶܗ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫ ݂ܘܬܶܗ ݁ܕ ܽܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ‪ :‬ܢ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ݁ ܺܟܐ ݂ ̈ܶܦܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܘܛ ܶ�ܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܝـܐ ܰܥـܠ ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܛܡܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ ܶܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܪܡܝܘ ܰܪ ݂ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܓ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥـܡ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ ܺܕܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܗܒـܐ ܘ ݂ܽ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܽܠ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܥ ݁ܕ� ܰܢ ̱‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܪܥـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܫ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ ܣ ܰܚ ݂ܦـ ̱ܘ ܰܥـܠ ܰܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܩܛܝ̈ ܶ� ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܶܐܐ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܐܪܡܝܘ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܒ ܰܘ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܟـܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݁ ܰܕܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܢܶܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܪܩ ̱ܘ‪ܶ .‬ܠܗ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܠ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܚ ܶܠܨ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ� ܰܥܠ� ݁ ܶܓܢ̱ ݁ܒ ݁ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ ܰܓ ܳܙ ܐ ܰܩܛ� ̱‬ ‫‪‬‬

Ch. 


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When he received the command from the king, he came, doing nothing that was worthy of the chief priesthood, except being clothed with fury and anger. His mind had become mad and shameless. Jason, who had deceived his brother, was deceived by another. 1 He fled and went to Ammon.

Although Menelaus seized the magistracy, the [funds] which he had promised the king did not come into his hands so that he might pay him. 2

When Sostratus, who had been made prefect of the citadel, came and requested payment from him — for he had been given authority over the requisition of the revenues — the two of them were summoned to the king for this reason. Menelaus left in his place his brother Lysimachus as chief priest, and Sostratus left Crates who had been appointed over the Cypriots. When these things were taking place, it happened that the people of Tarsus and Mallus rebelled because [each city] had been given as a gift to Antiochis, the king’s concubine.

As soon as the king heard this, he came to appease them, and he left Andronicus there in [his] stead, who had been appointed over the valuables. Menelaus, meanwhile, thinking that he had found the place, stole some of the golden instruments of the temple and gave them to Andronicus. It happened that he sent the rest and sold them in Tyre and the surrounding cities. When he truly recognized this, Onias rebuked him. He then went back to Daphne, which is near Antioch.

For this reason, Menelaus went secretly to Andronicus and asked him to kill Onias. He came to Onias and said to him deceptively, “Peace.” He showed them favor with oaths and persuasion. [Menelaus] petitioned [Onias] to come out of the sanctuary. [Onias] came out, divided in mind. When he came out, [Menelaus] killed him at once. He was not ashamed in regard to his own righteousness.

1 2

‘was deceived by another’: lit. ‘another deceived him’. ‘pay him’: lit. ‘give’.












‫ܰ ܰ ݁ ܽ ݁ܳ ܳ ܶ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܶ ܳ ݁ ܰ ܶ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܳ ܶ ܰ ݁ ܽ ݁ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܢـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ �‬ ‫ܟܗ ݂ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܢܣ ݂ܒ ܦܘܩܕ ܢܐ ܡܢ ܡ�ܟܐ ܐ ݂ܬ ܐ‪ :‬ܟ ݂ܕ ܡـܕܡ ܕܫـܘܐ �ܪ ܒـ ݂ܘܬ ܟ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ ܰ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܥ� ܳܢـܐ ݂ ܰܦܩــܪܐܳ‬ ‫ܳܥ ݂ ܶܒ ݂ܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪ܶ .‬ܐ ܳ� ܡ ܰ� ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ـ� ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܓـܙ ܐ‪ .‬ܘܡـ‬ ‫ܪ‬ ‫ܒ‬ ‫ܘ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܡܬ‬ ‫ܚ‬ ‫ܒ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ܘ‬ ‫ܗ‬ ‫ܫ‬ ‫ܒ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܘܫܝ ܳܚ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܥ�ـܘܗܝ ܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܳܢـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬܢ ݂ ܶܟـܠ ܐ ݂ܦ ܰ ̱ ̱‬ ‫ܟܘ ܺܘ ܰܐ� ܳܣܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܶܕܐ ݂ ܰܬܢ ݂ ܶܟـܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥـܠ ܐ ܽܚـ ̱‬ ‫ܥܪܩ ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ � ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܪܥܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ܽܡܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶܰ ܳ ݁ܶ ܶ ܰ ܳ ܺ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܶ ݁ܶ ݁ܶ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ � ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܳ� ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܙ ܘܡܢ�ܘܣ ܕܝܢ ܐܚ ݂ܕ ̱ܗܘܐ ܪܝܫܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪ .‬ܘܡܕܡ ܕ‬ ‫ܛܝـܐ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݀‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ܬܠ‪.‬‬ ‫̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݁ ܺܒܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ܶܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܝـ ݂ـܕ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽܗ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܤܛܪ ܳܛـܘܣ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܟـܐ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܐ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܘܬ ݂ ܰܒܥ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܠܗ ܽܣ‬ ‫ܟܚ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܳ ܽ ܳܳ ܰ ݁ܰ ܳ ܶ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܥܬܐ ݂ܕ� ݂ܒܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ܡܝܬ� ݂ܬ ܐ‪ .‬ܡܛـܠ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݁ܪܕ ܐ ܶ‪ :‬ܠܗ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ܺ�ܗ ݂ܝܒ ̱ܗܘܐ ܫܘܠܛܢܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܬܒ ݂‬ ‫ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܐ ݂ܬ ܺ‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪܝܘ ݁ܬ ܰ� ܽܝܗܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒــܩ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܰܪ ݁ܒ ݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗ ܶܢــܐ‪ :‬ܠ ܽܘ ܺܣ ܰ‬ ‫ܟܛ ܶܡ ܶܢــ ܰ�ܳܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܚ� ݂ܦــ ܺ ܰ ̱‬ ‫ܝܡ ݂ ܳܟــܘܣ ܐ ܽܚــ ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܫܒܩ ܰܠܩ ܰܪܛܐܛܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܤܛܪ ܳܛܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܽܣ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܝܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥܠ ܽܩ ݁ܘܦ ܳ��ܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܶ ܽ ܰ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܶܽ ݁ ܳ ܶ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܡ� ̈ܘܛ ܶܝـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ـܪܕܘܢ ܛ�ܣܝـܐ ܘ‬ ‫ܠ ݂ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܗܢܘܢ ܒܗܠܝܢ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪݁ .‬ܓـ ݂ܕܫ ܕܢܡـ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݀‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ݁ ܰܕܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ܟ ܰܝܐ ݂ܒ ܰܡܘܗ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܐ �ܗ ݂ܝܒܐ ̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ ܠ ݂ܕܪ ݂ܘܟܬܗ ݁ܕܡ�ܟܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ـܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܒܩ ݁ ܰܬ ܳܡـܢ �ـ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܓܠ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪ܶ .‬ܐ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰܢܫܝܶܢ ܶܐ ܽܢܘܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫� ݁ ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܶ̈ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܚܠ ݂ܦ ܰܐܢ ݁ܕ ܳܪ ܺܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܩܘܣ‪ܰ .‬ܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܝܩ ܳ� ݂ܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܝܕ ̱ܗܘܐ ܥܠ � ݂ܒܘ ݂ܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܶܡܢܶ ܰ�ܳܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܣ ݂ ܰܒܪ ܶܠܗ ݁ ܶܕ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܫܟܚ ܶܠـܗ ܰܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ‪݁ :‬ܓ ܰܢـ ݂ܒ ܶܡـܢ ܳܡܐ ܢ̈ܶـܐ ݂ܕ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܒـܐ‬ ‫ܝܩــܘܣ‪ .‬ܘ ܰܫ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܕ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟــ ܳ� ܘ ܰ�ــ ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ܰ� ݁ܢܕ ܳܪ ܺܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟــܐ ܶܐ ݁‬ ‫ܫܬ ݂ ܰܟــܚ ݁ܕ ܰܫــ ݁ ܰܕܪ‪ܰ :‬ܘܙ ݁ ܶܒــܢ ݁ܒــ ܽܨܘܪ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ̈ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳܶ‬ ‫ܚܕ � ̇ܝܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܕ�ܢ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂‬ ‫݂ܘܒ ݂‬ ‫ܠܓ ܘ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܺܝ ݂ ܰܕܥ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܪ ܳܪܐ ܽܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܐ ܰܐ ݁ܟ ܶܣܗ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘܫ ܺܢܝ ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܕ ݂ܦܢܶܐ ܳܗܝ ݁ܕ ܰܥـܠ�‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫݁ ܶܓܢ̱ ݂ܒ ܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܺܟ ܰܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ـܬ �ـ ܳـܘ ݂ܬ ܰܐ ݁ܢܕ ܳܪ ܺܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܩـܘܣ‪ܳ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܛܫܝܐܝـ‬ ‫ܘܡܛܠ ܳܗ݂ ܶܕܐ ܐ ܙܶܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡ ܶܢـ�ܘܣ ܡ‬ ‫ܠܕ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶـܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܽ ܶ ܶܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܘܗܝ �ܚܘ�ܝـܐ‪ .‬ܘܗܘ ݂ܕܝــܢ ܐ ݂ܬ ܐ �ــܘ ݂ܬ ܚܘ�ܝـܐ‪ .‬ܘܡܠـܠ‬ ‫̱ܗܘܐ ܡܢܗ ܕܢܩܛܠܝ ܳ ̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰܥ ܶܡܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒ ݁ܦ ܳܝ ܳܣܐ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡܐ ݂ܒܢܶ ݂ܟ�‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ܰܡ ̈ܘ ܳܡ ݂ܬܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܰ� ܺܡ ܳܝܢܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݁ܐܦܝ ܶܣـܗ‬ ‫ܘܟـ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦܩ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܳܫܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥ�ܢܶܗ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܡܦ ܰܠ ݂ܓ ݁ܒ ܶܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܡ ݁‬ ‫݁ܕܢܶ ݁ ܽܦܘܩ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܶܒ‬ ‫ܢܦـܩ ݁ ܰܒـܪ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܬܗ ܰܩ ܶ‬ ‫ܛܠܗ‪ .‬ܘ� ݂ܒ ܶܗ ݂ܬ ܶܡܢ ܰܙ ݁ ܺܕ ܽܝܩ ݂ܘܬܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫ ݂‬ ‫‪‬‬

Ch. 


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For this reason, wickedness overtook them. Those whose deeds they envied and whom they sought to emulate in every way turned and became their enemies, and their deeds were avenged by them.

It was neither good nor right that someone should pervert the holy law. Indeed, every occasion reveals such things on the proper day.

When the competition was at Tyre, which happened 1 once every five years, and the king appeared there,

the abominable and unclean Jason sent viewers from Jerusalem who were Antiochenes. He sent with them three thousand three hundred 2 talents of silver 3 so that they might bring them for the sacrifice to Hercules that would take place there. Those who brought the silver asked and petitioned that it not be for the service of the sacrifice, because this was not right. So they designated it for the expenses of other things. Because of the one who sent this and those who petitioned in this way, it happened that they simply applied this material to a different task. When Apollonius son of Menestheus was sent to Egypt to King Philometor of Egypt for the highest honors, Antiochus thought in his mind that he had become estranged from the affairs of his kingdom and began guarding himself. For this reason, he came to Joppa in regard to such affairs, and from there he went up to Jerusalem.

He was excellently received with pomp by Jason and by the city with pomp and acclaim. Afterwards he went from there to Phoenicia. After three years, Jason sent Menelaus, the brother of wicked Simon, to bring the gifts to the king which he had promised to give him and to speak with him about the revenues about which they had asked.

When [Menelaus] went, he was established and honored before the king and he requested the chief priesthood. He also exceeded Jason, giving three hundred silver talents more.


‘which happened’: lit. ‘which they would make’.


‘talents of silver’: lit. ‘silver’.


‘three thousand three hundred’ reflects the Lucianic recension.


‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬

‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ ܰ ݀ ܶܽ ݁ ܺ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܘܗ ܽܢـܘܢ ݁ܕ ܳܚܣ ܺܡܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܰܒ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܗܢـܐ ݂ܐܕ ݂ܪܟـ ݂ܬ ܐܢـܘܢ ܒܝܫـ‬ ‫ܥܒ ̈�ـ ݂ ܳܕ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܗܘܘ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ܬ ݁ ܰܕ ܽܡܘܢ ݁ܒـ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܶ :‬ܗ ܽܢـܘܢ ܶܐ ݂ܬܗ ݂ ܶܦ ݂ܟـ ̱ܘ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫݁ܒܥܶ� ݁ ̈ܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܶܒܐ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܺܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕ ܽܝܗܘܢ ܶܐ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ݂ ܰܒܥ ̱ܘ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ ܰܕ�̈ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݁ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܺ ܳ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰܢܥـ ܶ‬ ‫ـܪܐ ܐ ݂ܦ � ܳܙ ݂ܕ ܳܩـܐ‪ .‬ܐ � ܳܗ ܶܠܝــܢ‬ ‫ـܘܠ� ݁ ܶܓܝــܪ ܐ̱ܢـܫ ܒܢܡܘܣـܐ ܩܕܝܫـܐ‪ � .‬ܫܦܝـ‬ ‫ܘܕܥ ܰ‬ ‫�ܙܒܢ ݁ܒ ܰܝ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܽܟ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܗ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܗܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫�ܚ ܶܡܫ ܺ‬ ‫݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܰܐ ܽܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰܬ ݂ܟ ݁ ܽܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ݂ܒ ܽܨܘܪ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳܥ ݂ܒ ݁ ܺܕܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܕܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܫ� ̈ܝـܢ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܦ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܳ ܶ ܳ ݂ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܬܡܢ ܠܚܙ ݂ܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡ�ܟܐ ܐ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳ ̈ܶ ܶ ܽ ܺ ܶ ݁ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܬܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܢܛ� ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܟ ܶܝـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܐ ܰ� ܳܣܘܢ ݂ܢܕ ݂ܝܕܐ ܘܛܡܐܐ ܚܙ�ܐ ܡܢ ܐܘܪܫܠـܡ ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‬ ‫ܘ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ݁ ܺܒܐ ̈ܝ ݂ ܰܕܝ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ܬ ܳܠ ݂ܬܐ ܐ ̈ܠ ݂ܦܝܢ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܳܠ ݂ܬ ܳܡـܐܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܶܟܣ ݁ ܳܦـܐ‪݁ .‬ܕ ܰܢ ݁ܘܒ ܽ�ـܘܢ � ݂ ܶܕ ݂ܒܚـ ݂‬ ‫�ܗ ܰܪ ܺ‬ ‫ܩܠܝـܣ‪݁ .‬ܒ ܰܥـܘ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝــܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܘ�ܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ݁ ܰܬ ܳܡـܢ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܕ ܳܗ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܣ ݁ ܳܦـܐ‬ ‫ܐܘܒ ܳ�ـ ̱‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܐܦܝܣ ـ ̱ܘ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳ� ܢܶ ـ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܬܫܡܫـ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡܛ ـܠ ݁ܕ� ܳܙ ݂ܕ ܳܩ ـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܳ ݂ܗ ܶܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ݂‬ ‫ـܬܐ ݂ܕ݂ ܶܕ ݂ܒܚـ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ‬ ‫�ܢ ݂ ̈ܦ ܳܩ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܕ ܶ� ݂ ̈ܒ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܳܢܝ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘ ܳܣ ܽܡ ̱‬ ‫ـܗ ܶܕܐ‪ :‬ܘ ܶܡ ܽܛـܠ ܳܗ ܶܠܝــܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫݁ܓ ݂ ܰܕܫ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ܰܗܘ ݁ܕ ܰܫ ݁ܕ ܳܪ ̇ܗ �ـ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܦܝܣـ ̱ܘ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݁ܳ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܚܪ ݂ܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܕܢܶ ݁ܥܒ ݂ ܽܕ ܳܘܢ ̇ܗ ܫܚ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܥ ݂ ܺܒ ݁ܝܕ ݁ܬ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ݂‬ ‫ܠܬܫܡܫܬܐ ܐ̱‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݁ ܶ ݁ܰ ܰ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ݁ ܰܕܪ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܶ‬ ‫�ܡ ܶ�ܪܝܢ ܰܐ ݁ ܳܦ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫ܟ ݂ܕ ܐ‬ ‫ܣܬ ܳ�ـܘܣ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛـܠ ܐ ܳܝܩـ ܶ�ܐ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܘܣ ܒܪܗ ܕܡܢ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ݂ܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܝ� ܶܡܛܘܪ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܝ ݁ܬ�ܐ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡ�ܪܝــܢ‪ .‬ܣ ݂ ܰܒـܪ ݁ܒܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܥ� ܶܢـܗ ܐܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟـܘܣ‪:‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܥܒ ̈� ݂ ܳܕ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟ ݂ܘܬܗ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܶܠܗ ܽܢ ݂ܘܟ ܳܪ ܳ�ܐ ܰܠ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡـ ݁ܙܕ ܰܗܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܒ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܶܫـܗ‪ܶ .‬ܡܛـܠ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ݁ ܰܬ ܳܡܢ ܣ ܶܠܩ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ � ܽܝ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܦܐ ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ܶ� ݂ ̈ܒ ܳܘ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܶܐ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܺ ܶ ܰ ݁ܰ ݁ ܶ ݁ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ ܶܡܢ ܺܐ ܰ� ܳܣܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܫܒ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܐܬܩܒܠ ܒ ݂ܬܫܒ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ݂‬ ‫ܘܡܝܬܪܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܳ ݂ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ ݁ܶ ݁ ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܠܦܘܢܝܩܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܘܒܩܥ ݂ܬܐ‪ .‬ܘܡܢ ܒ ݂ܬܪܟܢ ܕ ݂ܒܪ ܡܢ ܬܡܢ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡـܘܢ ܰܪ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܪ ݁ܬ ܳܠ ݂ܬ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ܕ ܺܣ ܽ‬ ‫ܫ�ܝ̈ܢ‪ܰ .‬ܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܺܐ ܰ� ܳܣܘܢ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܥـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܒ ݂‬ ‫�ܡܢܶ�ܘܣ ܐ ܽܚ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܳ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ ܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ̈ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰܢ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒܠ ܡܘܗ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܐ �ܡ�ܟـܐ ݂ܕܐܫــܬܘܕܝ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܕܢـܬܠ�ܠـܗ‪ .‬ܘ݂ܕܢܐܡـܪ ܠـܗ‬ ‫ܡܝ ݁ܬ ܳ� ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܒ ̈� ܳܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰ ̈ܘܝ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܥܠ ܶ� ݂ ̈ܒ ܳܘ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ܰ݁ ܽ ݁ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ݁ ܰܒܚ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܽܗܘ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܐ ܰܙܠ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܬܩܝܡ ܘ‬ ‫ܗܢـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪ .‬ܘܫܐܠ ܪܒ ݂ܘܬ ܟ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܠܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥܠ ܺܐ ܰ� ܳܣܘܢ‪ :‬ܘ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ݁ܬ ܳܠ ݂ܬ ܳܡܐܐ ݂ ܰܟ ݁ܟ ܺ�ܝܢ ݁ܕ ܺܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܐ ܰ� ݁ܬܝ ܳ� ݂ܬ ܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 








He promised that he would give him one hundred fifty more, if the king would allow him to build a gymnasium in Jerusalem, according to the law of the Greeks, to raise up an arena so that they might fight in the stadium, and to have the children of Jerusalem registered as Antiochenes. After the king had allowed him [to do this] and he had seized the chief priesthood and the magistracy iniquitously, [Jason] at once made all the people of his nation turn back to idolatrous thinking 1 at that time.

As for those things that were designated for the Jews through God’s mercy, 2 which were acquired through Eupolemus’s father John who had gone on an embassy to the Romans for the sake of peace, he also abolished and repudiated them. He also revoked the worship and laws of truth and set up and reestablished wicked laws and rites. He erected vainly and in haste a gymnasium under the wall of the city, subdued by force those who were strong, and led them under an instrument of punishment. 3 Thus the zeal of idolatry, the folly of Hellenism, and the error of the nations came through Jason, the inquitous one and not the chief priest. So great was the defilement

that the priests did not take care of the service of the altar, sacrifices, and offerings. They rather neglected the temple and its service. They were hastening to see and enjoy the contest of iniquity and the clamors of the discus contest.

They neglected the honor of the service of [their] ancestors and wished for the vain glory of idolatrous 4 deeds.


‘idolatrous thinking’: Greek ‘the Greek manner of living’ (τὸν ῾Ελληνικὸν



‘God’s mercy’: Greek ‘the king’s concessions’ (φιλάνθρωπα βασιλικά).


‘idolatrous’: Greek ‘Greek’ (Ἑλληνικάς).

‘instrument of punishment’: lit. ‘instrument’; Greek ‘led them to wear the Greek hat’ (ὑποτάσσων ὑπὸ πέτασον ἤγαγεν). See R. Payne Smith, ed., Thesaurus Syriacus (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1879), 2:2337. 3




‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫ܨܚ ܟܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ ݁ܶ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ܺ ܶ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܬܠ ܶ�ܠܗ‪ܳ :‬ܡܐܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫܝܢ ܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܳܢܝܢ‪ :‬ܐܢ ܽܗܘ ݂ܕ ܰܢ ݁ ܶܦـܣ‬ ‫݂ܘܬ ݂ܘܒ ܕܝܢ ܐܫܬܘܕܝ ܠܗ ܕܢ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܶܠܗ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ݂ܒܢܶܐ ܽܓ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܺܣ ܳܝܢ ݁ ܽܒܐܘܪܫܠܡ‪ :‬ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܝܘ ܳ� ܶܝـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘܢܩܝــܡ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܠܒ ܰ̈ܢــܝ ܽܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫــܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܐ ܽܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢــܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰܬ ݂ܟ ݁ ܽܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܠــܡ‬ ‫ܗܘܘ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ݁ܬ ܺܫܝــܢ ݁ ܶܒܐܤܛ ݂ ܺܕ ܳ�ــܘܢ‪݂ ܰ :‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܢܛ� ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܟܝܐ‪ܶ.‬‬ ‫݁ܕܢܶ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܬ ݁ ܽܒܘܢ ܰܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ݁ ܶ ܶ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܰ݁ ܽ ݁ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܺ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܳ ݁ ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬܗ‬ ‫݂ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܐܦܣ ܠܗ ܡ�ܟܐ‪ :‬ܘܐܚ ݂ܕ ܪܒ ݂ܘܬ ܟܗܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܘܪܝܫܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܒܥܘ�‪ :‬ܒـܪ ܫܥـ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܶܒܗ ݁ܒ ܰܙ ݂ܒ ܳܢܐ‪ܰ :‬ܐ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܗܦ ݂ܟ ܶܐ ܽܢܘܢ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܢܦ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ܒܢ̈ܝ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ‪� :‬ܪܥ�ܢܐ ݂ܕܚ‬ ‫ܰ̈ ܺ ܽ ̈ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܰ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܰܡ ݂ܬ ̈ܩ ܳܢـܢ ̱ܗ ̈ܘܝ ݁ܒ ܰܝـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܺܣܝ̈ ܳܡܢ ̱ܗܘܝ ܠܝܗܘ ݂ܕ�ܐ ݂ܒܡܪܚܡܢ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ ܺ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܳܢܢ ܰܐ ݂ ܽܒܘܗܝ ݁ ܶܕ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܦ ܺܠܝ ܳܡـܘܣ ܰܗܘ ݁ ܶܕ ܰܐܙܠ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒ ݁‬ ‫ܐܝܙܓـ ݁ ܽܕ ݂ܘܬ ܐ �ـ ܳـܘ ݂ܬ � ܽ ̱ܗܘ ܳܡ ܶܝـܐ‬ ‫ܽ� ܰ ܰ ̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܰܥܠ ܐ ݁ ܰܦ ̈ܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡܐ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܛـܠ ܐܢ ܶܝــܢ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܘܫـ ܶܪܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܽܦ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ�ܚ ܳܢـܐ‬ ‫�ܗܝܢ ܐܥܒܪ ݂ܘܒ‬ ‫ܳܘܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܶܣܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܪ ܳܪܐ‪ :‬ܘ ܳܣܐܶܡ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܚ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ܬ ܳܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܶܣܐ ܰܘܥ ܳ ̈� ݂ ܶܕܐ ݂ ܺܒܝ̈ ܶܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ ܺ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ ܳ ̇ ݁ܰ ܺ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܗܒܐܺܝ ݂ܬ ݁‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ܰܘܡ ܰܣ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܽܓـ ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܗ‬ ‫ܘܪ‬ ‫ܫ‬ ‫ܝܬ‬ ‫ܚ‬ ‫ܬ‬ ‫ܒܛܝ�‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܺܣ ܳܝܢ ܐ ݂ܬ ܶܩـܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܢ‬ ‫ܝ‬ ‫ܡܕ‬ ‫ܕ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ� ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ ܐ ݁ܥܒܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܬ ܡܫ ݂‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕܥܫܝܢܝܢ ܒܚܝ� ܫ ݁ܥܒ ݂ܕ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܬܚ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ݀ ܺ ܽ ܳ ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܳܽ ܳ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܰܳ ܶ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܥܝـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܚܦܝܛ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܕܚܢܦ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪ :‬ܘܫܛܝ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܕ�ܘ�ܝـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪ :‬ܘܛ‬ ‫ܝܬ ̇ܝܗ ̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ ݂‬ ‫ܗ ݂ܟܢܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܰ݁ ݁ ܳ ̈ ܶ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݀ ܰ ݁ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ܕܐ�ܣܘܢ �ܘ�‪ :‬ܘ� ܪܒ ܟܗܢܐ‪ .‬ܘܗ ݂ܟܢܐ ܪ ݂ܒܝܐ ̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ ܛܢܦ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܕ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡܐ ݂ ܺܒܐ ̈ܝ ݂ܕ ̱‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݀ ݁ ܺ ܽ ܳ ܳ ̈ ܶ ܰ ݁ܶ ܶ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ� ܶܡ ݁ ܺܟܝܠ ܐ‬ ‫ܐ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ݂ܕ ܰܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܚـܐ‬ ‫�ܟܗܢܐ ܥـܠ�ܬܫܡܫـ‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ ܒܛܝ� ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ݁ ܶ ̈ ܶ ܰ ܽ ݁ܳ ܶ ܶܳ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ܶ ܶ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܘܕ݂ܕ ݂ܒܚــܐ ܘ݂ܕܩܘ� ܒܢــܐ‪ .‬ܐ � ܥــܠ ܗܝܟــ� ܘܥــܠ�ܬܫܡܫــܬܗ ܒܣܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܶ ܽ ܶ ݁ܰ ܽ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܺ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܟ ݁ ܽܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܣ‬ ‫ܘܫـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥـܘ� ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܶܩ ܳ� ̈ܝـ ݂ܬܐ‬ ‫ܪܗܒܝܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܕܢܚــܙܘܢ ܘܢ ݂ܬܒܣܡـܘܢ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܕ ܳܕ ܪܐ‪ܳ.‬‬ ‫݂ܕ ݂ܬ ݂ܟ ݁ܬ ܳ ݂ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܶ ݁ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܶ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܫܬܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳܐܒـ ܳ ̈ܗ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ݂ ܳܒ ܶܣܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ‬ ‫ܘ� ݂ ܶܒܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܒ ݂ܬܫܒـ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ܐܝܩܪܐ ܕܬܫܡ‬ ‫ܺ ݁ ܳ ܰ ݂ܺ ݂̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ� ݂ܕ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܕܚܢܦ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܣܪܝܩܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂‬


Ch. 

Chapter 

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As for the wicked Simon about whom we said earlier that he passed along information and betrayed 1 the city and treasury, he slandered Onias and accused him of being the instigator of what had happened to Heliodorus and as the one who performed all of the wicked deeds that came against him. About that one who brought benefits to his city, took care of the people of his nation, and bore the burden of the law, [Simon] said impudently, “He is the one who performed all of the wicked deeds.” The wickedness of his enmity grew so much that many murders were [committed] by those incited by Simon.

When Onias saw the wicked envy and that Apollonius, the governor of Syria 2 and Phoenicia, had become mad3 and was encouraging and adding to Simon’s wicked deeds,

it was thus made known to the king that he was slandering and betraying the people of his city. At this time, Onias was looking out for and considering how he might aid the people of his nation. 4

He perceived and saw that there was no way at all for there to be peace unless the friends of God desired it, that the affairs could not be set in order apart from God, 5 and that Simon would not cease from his wickedness and shamelessness unless there was help from heaven. After King Seleucus died, Antiochus who was called Epiphanes received the kingdom after him. Jason, the brother of the chief priest Onias, went and obtained the authority of the chief priesthood from the king deceitfully,

having promised to give him three hundred sixty silver talents along with eighty talents from other sources. 1 2

‘passed along information and betrayed’: lit. ‘was the informant and betrayer of’. ‘Syria’: Greek ‘Coelesyria’ (Κοίλης Συρίας).

‘had become mad’: Greek ‘son of Menestheus’ (Μενεσθέως), but some recensions have ‘become mad’ (μαίνεσθαι). 3 4 5

The Greek and the Syriac differ significantly in this verse.

‘apart from God’: Greek ‘without the king’s attention’ (ἄνευ βασιλικῆς προνοίας).


‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬


















‫ܝܫܐ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ܕ ܰܩ ݁ ܶܕܡܢ ܶܐ ܰܡܪܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܺܣ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܢـܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܺܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܫ�ܡ ܳܢـܐ‬ ‫ܥ�ـ ̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝـܐ‪ :‬ܘ ܰܪ ܺܡـܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ܕ ܽܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ‫݂ܕ ܶ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ ܰ ݂ܘܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܥ�ـ ̱‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ ܰܓ ܳܙ ܐ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ ܰܟܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܩ� ܰܨ ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫��ـ ݂ ܳܕܘܪܘܣ‪ .‬ܘܗ ܽ‬ ‫̈ܶܡ�‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܕܗܘ ܗܘܐ ܡ ݁ܥܒ ݂ ܳܕ ܢܐ ݂ܕܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܓـ ݂ ܰܕܫ ̱ܗܘܐ �ܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ�ـܘ‬ ‫ܳ ܽ ܳ ܽ ܶ ݁ܺ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܬ ̈ܝ ̱ܗ ܰ ̈ܘܝ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܣܥܘܪܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܟ�ܗܝܢ ܒܝܫ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܥ� ̱‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘ� ܽܨ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦـܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܰ̈ܢـܝ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܬܗ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܫ ܶܩـܠ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ـ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ܗܘ ܕܥ ݂ܒ ݂ܕ ܛ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܐ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘ�ܘ ܳܣ ܽܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܢܐ ݂ܕ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣܐ‪ܰ :‬ܡ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܪܚ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕ ܺܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ‪݁ .‬ܕ ܽܗ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܝܢ ݁ ܺܒܝ̈ ܳܫ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܳ ݀ ݁ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܠܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܽܒـ ݂ܘܬܶܗ‪ܰ :‬ܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܬܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒܥܶ ݁‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢـܐ ݂ܕ ̈ܩܛـ� ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ̈ܝـܐܐ ܳܗ ܶܘܝــܢ‬ ‫ܗ ݂ܟܢܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܪ ݂ܒܝܐ ̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ ܒ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܪܓܝܢ ̱ܗܘܘ‪.‬‬ ‫̱ܗܘܘ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܰܝ ݂ܕ ܐܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕܡܢܗ ܡܢ ܣܝܡܘܢ ܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܓ ݂ܺ‬ ‫ܽ ܺ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܬܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ� ݁ ܳܦ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܘܣ ܺܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܺܟܝܠ ܚܘ�ܝܐ ܚܣܡܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ ܺ ܰ ܰ ܽ ܺ ܺ ݁ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܝܚ ـܢ ܰܘܡ ܰ� ـ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ـܘ ܶܣ ݂ܦ ܰܥ ـܠ ݁ ܺܒܝ̈ ܳܫ ـ ݂ܬܗ‬ ‫݂ܕܣܘܪ� ـܐ ݂ܘܕ ݂ܦܘܢܝܩ ـܐ‪ :‬ܟ ـ ݂ܕ ܡ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܺܣ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܡܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܬ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ� ܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܥ ݂ ݀‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳܐ ݂ ܶܟܠ ܰܩ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܳܕ ݂ܐܦ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡܐ �ܡ�ܟܐ ܐ‬ ‫�ܡ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ̈ܢـܝ‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟ ܳܢܐ ܢܶـ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܗ ܳܚܐܰܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܺܟܝܠ‪ .‬ܘ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܒ ܰܝܢ ܽܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܽܥ ݂ܘܕ ܳܪ ܳܢـܐ ܰܠ ݂ܒ ̈ܢـܝ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰܥܡܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܳܠ ̇ܗ ݁ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ݁ ܽܦܘܪ ܳܣܐ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ܕܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܶܙ ܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܰܠ ݁‬ ‫ܬ ݁ ܰܟܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡـܐ‪ :‬ܐ �‬ ‫ܘܡܣ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ̈ ܳ ܶ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܶ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫�ܒܘ � ܰ‬ ‫ܶܐܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܡ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܕܐ�ܗܐ‪ .‬ܘ� ݂ܕܢ ݂ܬܩܢܢ � ݂ܒܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܒ�ܥ ݂ܕ ܡـܢ ܐ�ـܗܐ‪ .‬ܘ� ݂ܕܢܫــ�‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܺ ܽ ܶ ݁ܺ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܝܫܬܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܚ ܽܢ ݂ܘܬܶܗ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܳ� ܶܐܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܽܥ ݂ܘܕ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ ܶܡܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ܰܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܣܝܡܘܢ ܡܢ ܒ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܘܣ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶܣ ܶ� ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܩ ݁ ܶܒܠ ܡ‬ ‫ܶܡܢ ݁ ܳܒ ݂ܬܪ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܕ ܺܡ‬ ‫�ܟـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܶܡـܢ ݁ ܳܒـ ݂ܬ ܶܪܗ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܺ ܶܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ܕ ܽܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝـܐ ܰܪ ݁ܒ ݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶـܐ‬ ‫ܐܢܛ ܳܝ ܳ ݂ ܳܟܘܣ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬܩܪܝ ܐ ݁ܦ ݂ܝܦ ܳܢـܘܣ‪ :‬ܐ ܰܙܠ ܳܐ ܰ� ܳܣـܘܢ ܐ ܽܚـ ̱‬ ‫ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܶܡܢ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܛ ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ ܰܪ ݁ ܽܒ ݂ܘܬ ݁ ܳܟ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܒܢܶ ݂ܟ�‪ܰ :‬ܘܢ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ܫ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݁ܺ‬ ‫݁ ܰ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ܺ ܶ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܬܝــܢ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܬܠ ܶ�ܠܗ ݁ ܰܟ ݁ܟـ ܶ�ܐ ݂ܕ ܺܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡـܢ‬ ‫ܐܡـܐ ݂ܬ ܳܠـ ݂ܬ ܡـܐܐ ܘ‬ ‫ܟ ݂ܕ ܐܫܬܘܕܝ ܠܗ ܕܢ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܥܒ ̈� ݂ ܳܕ ݂ܬ ܐ ܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܳܢܝ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܬܡܢܐܝܢ ܟܟ�ܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬


Ch. 




“Send to that place someone who is indebted to you and an enemy of your affairs, and you will receive him back, tormented and tortured, if he is still alive. For truly the power of God is in that place.

The one whose dwelling is heaven is the one who aids and guards that place. Those who go to do harm to it, he tortures, torments, and destroys.” So it was regarding this affair of Heliodorus and regarding the protection of the treasury.





‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܚ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܚ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝــܬ ܳܠــ ݂ܟ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܒــܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒܥܶ ݁‬ ‫�ܡــܢ ݁ ܺܕ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳܡــܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܠܕ ݂ ܳܒ ݂ ܳܒــܐ ݂ܽܕ ܶ� ݂ ̈ܒــ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݂ܟ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕ ܪܝــ ̱ܗܝ ݂‬ ‫ܡܫ ܰܢـܩ‪ܶ :‬ܐܢ ܽܗܘ ݂ܬ ݂ܘܒ ݁ܕ ܺܢܐ ܶܚـܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ܽܛـܠ ݁ܕ ݂ ܰܒܫـ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܡ ܰܢ ݁ ܰܓـ ݂ܕ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ـܪ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܰܩ ݁ܒ ܺܠܝ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܚܝ� ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ ܶܒܗ ݁ ܰܒ ݂ܐܬ ܳܪ ܐ ܰܗܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘ�ܘ ܳܣ ܽܥ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܝܬܘܗܝ ܰܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܡܪܗ ݁ ܰܒ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܗ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ܽ :‬ܗ ܽ‬ ‫ܛܪ ܢܶـܗ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܐܬ ܳܪ ܐ ܰܗܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܛ ܰ ܰܗܘ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ݁ ܺܕ ݂ ̱‬ ‫ܘ� ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒ ݂ܕ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܢ ݁ ܶܓ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫܢܶܩ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܳܕ ܺܐܙ ̱ܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܰܢ ݂ ܶܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܫܘܢ ܶܠܗ‪ܽ :‬ܗܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫�� ݂ ܳܕ ܳܘܪܘܣ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ ܰܓ ܳܙ ܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܡ ܰܥܠ ݂ ܽ�ܒ ݂ܘܬܶܗ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܕ ܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ܽܢܘܛ ܶܪܗ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬


Ch. 

 






 

He was cast down, 1 paralyzed through an act of the truth, having neither hope nor expectation of life.

But the nation blessed the Lord who had brought glory to his place. The temple which a little earlier had been full of terror and disorder was [now] filled with gladness and joy through the act and revelation of the Lord, the ruler of all. Immediately some of Heliodorus’s friends drew near. They asked Onias to pray and ask the Lord to give life to that one who was entirely cast down without hope.

The chief priest thought that perhaps the king would at some point think that there had been some activity by the Jews against Heliodorus, and so he brought offerings for the sake of the man’s life. When the chief priest arose and had pity on him, these youths appeared again to Heliodorus in the same attire as before and said to him, “Give much thanks to the chief priest Onias, for the Lord has given you life for his sake.

You who have been tormented by God, go proclaim to everyone his greatness and mighty authority!” When they had said these things to him, they did not appear again.

Heliodorus raised offerings to God and prayed a great prayer before him, for he had granted him life. Then he honored Onias greatly, and in this way he went back to the king with his whole army.

He was testifying 2 to everyone about the deeds and power of the strong God, for he had appeared to him before his eyes.

The king asked Heliodorus what had taken place. He asked him so that he might send [someone] a second time to Jerusalem. Heliodorus said,

1 2

‘he was cast down’: lit. ‘he cast him down’. ‘testifying’: lit. ‘testifying and saying’.











‫ܰ ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܳܽ ܳ ܽ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܬܐ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܟ ݂ܕ ܰܠ ݁‬ ‫ܟܛ ܰܘ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܠܗ ܰܣ ݂ܒـ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫ܫܕܝ ̱ܗܝ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܡܫܪܝ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒܡܥܒ ݂ܕ ܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܕܩ‬ ‫ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܳ� ܽܣ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ܳܝܐ ݂ܕ ܰܚ ̈ܶܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ܰ ܰ ݁ ܶ ݁ܽ ݁ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ݁ܝܟـ� ܰܗܘ ݁ܕ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫ܘܚܬܐ � ݂ܬ ܶܪܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ܕ ܬܫܒـ‬ ‫ܠ ܰܥ ܳܡܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܒ ܶܪ ݂ܟ ̱ܘ ܶ�ܡܪ�ـܐ‪ :‬ܗܘ ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܒـܐ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܽܣـ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܳ‬ ‫�� ܶܢـܗ ݁ܕ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܥܪ ܢܶܗ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ݁ ܶܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܰܩ ܺܠܝܠ ܡ� ̱ܗܘܐ ܙܘܥـ‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ ܽ ܳ ܳ ܰܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܕ ݁ ܽܟܠ ܐ ݂ܬ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܠܝ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒܘܣܡܐ ܘܚ ݂ܕ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ܺܚ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫�� ݂ ܳܕ ܳܘܪܘܣ‪ܳ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܥܬܗ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܩ ܶܪ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ ܶܡܢ ܳ� ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ܕ ܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫ܚܡ‬ ‫� ݂ܘܒܪ ܫ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܪܡܐ ̱ܗܘܐܳ‬ ‫ܽܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ܰܢܨ � ܘܢ ݂ܒܥܐ ܡܢ ܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ‪݁ :‬ܕܢܬܠ ܰܚ ̈ܝܐ �ܗܘ ܕܡܫ�ܡܢܐ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܕ� ܰܣ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܡܬܘܡ ܢܶܣ ݁ ܰܒܪ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܶܐ ݂ܬ ܰܪ ܺܥܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܪ ݁ܒ ݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܰܡ ݁ܥܒ ݂ ܳܕ ܽܢـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫�ܡܐ ܶܡܢ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܶܡܢ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ܰܥܠ ܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫��ـ ݂ ܳܕ ܳܘܪܘܣ‪ .‬ܘ ܰܩـ ܶܪ ݂ܒ ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒ ܶܢـܐ ܰܥـܠ ܐ ݁ ܰܦـ ̈ܝ‬ ‫ܰܚ ܰ�ܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ ݁ܕ ݂ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܡܚ ܶܣܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܠܓ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܳܩܐܶܡ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܰܪ ݁ܒ ݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶܐ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܬܚ ܺܙܝــܘ ݁ܬ ݂ܘܒ ܶܗ ܽܢـܘܢ ܳܗ ܶܠܝــܢ‬ ‫ܥ� ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܒـܘ ܽ‬ ‫��ـ ݂ ܳܕ ܳܘܪܘܣ‪ܶ ݁ :‬ܒـܗ ݁ ܰܒ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܗܘܢ ܰܗܘ ܰܩ ݂ܕ ܳܡ ܳܝـܐ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܥ�ܝ̈ ܶܡܐ � ܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ ̱ܘ ܶܠـܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܽ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ ܶ‬ ‫�ܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܐܬ ܐ ܰܩ ݁ ܶܒܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܐ ܰܪ ݁ܒ ݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶܐ‪݁ .‬ܕ ܶܡܛ ܳܠ ݂ܬܗ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ܳܠـ ݂ܟ‬ ‫ܛܝܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܣܓ ݂‬ ‫ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ ܰܚ ̈ܶܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܕ ܰܐܢ ݁ܬ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬ ܰ� ݁ ܰܓ ݁ܕ ݁ܬ ܶܡܢ ܰܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ‪ :‬ܙܶܠ ܰܘ ݂ܐܟ ܶܪܙ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟـܠ ܐ̱ ܳܢـܫ ܰܪ ݁ ܽܒـ ݂ܘܬܶܗ ܽܘ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܚܕ ܢܶـܗ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܶ ݁ܽ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫̱ܰ ܺ ܳ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܥܫܝܢܐ‪݂ .‬ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܐܡܪ ̱ܘ ܠܗ ܗܠܝܢ‪ :‬ܬ ݂ܘܒ � ܐ ݂ܬܚܙܝܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ ܳ‬ ‫�� ݂ ܳܕ ܳܘܪܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܐ ܶܣܩ ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒ ܶܢـܐ ܰ� ܳ�ـ ܳܗܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ܳܥـܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܨ ܺܠـܝ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܗ ܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܨܠـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܰܡـ ̱‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ݂ܟـ ܳܘܬ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܩܪܗ ܰܪ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫�ܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ܶܠܗ ܰܚ ̈ܶܝܐ‪ .‬ܐ ݂ܦ ܽ‬ ‫ܗܦـ ݂ܟ‬ ‫ܪܒ ݂‬ ‫ܘܪܒܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ‪݂ ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ �ܘ ݂ܬ ܡ�ܟܐ ܥܡ ܟܠܗ ܚܝܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ ܰܬ ܺܩ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܶ‬ ‫�ܟܠ ܐ̱ ܳܢܫ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܘ ܰܘܡ ܰܣ ܶ ݂ܗܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܳܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ ܰܕܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܦܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕܩـ ݂ ܳـܕܡ‬ ‫ܝܠܗ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܐ ݂ܬܚ ܺܙܝ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ� ̈� ܰܢ ̱‬ ‫ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܫܐܶܠ ܗ ܳܘܐ � ܶܗ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܙ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܳܢـܐ ̱ܗܝ‪ܳ ݂ .‬‬ ‫�ܟܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶـܐ‬ ‫�� ݂ ܳܕܘܪܘܣ ܳ ܰܥܠ ݂�ܒـ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܚܪ ܳܬ ܐ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪܫ ܶܠܡ‪ .‬ܐ ܰܡܪ ܶܠܗ ܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫�� ݂ ܳܕ ܳܘܪܘܣ‪.‬‬ ‫̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܰܕܢ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ݁ܬ ݂ܘܒ ݂ ܰܙܒܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ ܐ̱ ܺ ݂‬


Ch. 


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Women were binding sackcloth on their loins and roving through the streets. Among the virgins, who were kept inside, some were running to the gates, some to the walls, and some were looking out of the windows.

All of their hands were extended, and they were crying out and seeking the heavenly one.

This affair was [of such a kind] that someone might see and have pity on the trouble and distress of the nation as well as the struggle, suffering, and endurance of the high priest.

All were crying out and seeking God, the ruler of all, so that the things that were entrusted would be kept entirely secure for those who had entrusted them.

Heliodorus was taking care to complete the deed on account of which he had made the journey.

He started to enter the treasury with the armed soldiers and workers who were with him. Immediately the Lord of spirits and the God of all power and of all authority appeared and performed a wonder and great revelation for them in order that all who were so bold to enter might leave and fall down at the wonder of the power of God who appeared to them. One fearsome horse appeared to them with a man riding on it, who was very beautiful in his appearance and glorious in his attire. He came swiftly and shook the clashing of his armor before Heliodorus. Its rider appeared girded with golden armor.

Two other youths appeared with him who were beautiful in their appearance and glorious in power. They were attractive and stunning in their garments. They were standing on either side of Heliodorus and inflicting great punishments on him.

He fell down suddenly to the ground, when a great darkness bound him. They then carried him and brought him outside to the court —

the one who only a little earlier with pomp and a large army had entered the treasury. He was now cast down without power, being unable to help himself. The power of God was revealed.


‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܚ‬

‫ܶ ܰ ̈ܶ ܰ ܰ ̈ ܶ ݁ ܳ ̈ ܳ ܰ ̈ ݁ ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܐܘ� ܳܚ ݂ܬܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ܬ ̈ܘ ܳܠ ݂ܬܐ‬ ‫ܢܶ ̈ܫܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܡܚܝܢ ܣܩܐ ݂ܒܚܨ ܳ�ܗܝܢ‪ :‬ܦܗ�ܢ ̱ܗܘܝ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶ‬ ‫�ܫܘ ܶ�ܐ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܬ�ܥܶܐ ܳ�ܗ�ܢ ̱ܗ ܰ ̈ܘܝ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܗܝܢ ܽ‬ ‫ܢܗܝܢ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܰܟـ ̈ܘܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܢܗܝܢ ݂‬ ‫ܚܒܝܫ ݂‬ ‫ܺ̈ܳ ܰ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܡܕ�ܩܢ ̱ܗܘܝ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܘܒ ̈� ܳܝـܢ ܶܡـܢ ܳܥ ܽܡـ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ̈ ܺ ̈ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܓ ̈� ܳܝـܢ ̱ܗ ܰ ̈ܘܝ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‬ ‫݁ܟ�ܗܝܢ ݁ܕܝــܢ ݁ܦ�ܝܣـܢ ̱ܗܘܝ ܐܝ ݂ ܰܕܝܗܝـܢ‪݂ܳ :‬‬ ‫݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݀ ݁ܶ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܚ ܶܩـܗ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥـܠ ܽܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪݁ :‬ܕܐ̱ ܳܢܫ ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ܰܘ ܰܢܪ ܶܚܡ ܰܥـܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ�ܨ ܢܶـܗ‬ ‫ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ̇ܝܗ ̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ ܕܝܢ ݂�ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܶܫܗ ܘ ܽܣ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܝܶܗ ݁ܕ ܰܪ ݁ܒ ݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܐ‪ܶ.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰܥܡܐ‪ :‬ܘܥܠ ܐ ܽ ݂ܓܘܢܗ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܕ ݁ ܽܟܠ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܕ ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܳܓܥܶܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝــܢ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬ ܰܗ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡـܢ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܝܢ ܶܡܢ ܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ ܐ ܺܚ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ ݁ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ܽܙ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܡܢ ̱ܘ ܐܢ ܶܝܢ‪ .‬ܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܢܛ ܳ�ܢ ܡܫ‬ ‫�ܝܠܝܢ ܕܗ‬ ‫ܘܗܪ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܡ ܳܢܐ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫�� ݂ ܳܕ ܳܘܪܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ݁ ܰܦܛ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ܰܢܫ ܶܠܡ ݂ ܽ�ܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ ܶܕ ܰܐܙܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡܛ ܳܠ ݂ܬ ̇ܗ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܒܝܬ ݁ ܰܓ ܳܙ ܐ‪ܰ :‬ܥܡ ܰ� ݁ ܳܒ ̈ܶܫܐ ܕ ܰܙ ܳܝܢܐ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܦ ̈� ܶܚـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡـܗ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒـܪ‬ ‫ܘܫ ܺܪܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕ�ܶ ܽܥܘܠ ݂ ܶ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ ܺ ܳ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ�ـ ܳܗܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܽܟـܠ ܺܚܝــܠ ܰܘ݂ܕ ݂ ܽܟـܠ ܽܫـܘܠ�ܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܥܬܗ ܐ ݂ܬܚܙܝ ܶܡܪ�ܐ ݂ܳܕ�ܘܚـ ݂‬ ‫ܫ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ �ܗܘܢ ܬ݂ܕܡܘܪܬ ܐ ݂ܶ‬ ‫��ܢܐ ܪ ݁ܒـܐ‪ .‬ܐ ݁ܝܟܢـܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܟ�ــܗܘܢ ܐܝܠܝــܢ ݁ ܰܕܐܡܪܚـ ̱ܘ‬ ‫ܶ݁ ܽ ݁ ܶ ܳ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝ� ݂ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ ݂ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬܚ ܺܙܝ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫�ܡ ܰܥܠ‪ .‬ܢܶ ݁‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫܬ ܽܪܘܢ ܘܢܦ�ܘܢ ܒ ݂ܬܡܗܐ ݂ܕܚ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐ ݂ܬܚ ܺܙܝ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ ܰܓ ݂ܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܕ ܰܫ ݁ ܺܦܝــܪ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ܽܣܘܣ ܳܝܐ ܰܚ ݂ܕ ݁ܕ ܺܚܝ�‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟ ݂ܕ ݂ ܺܪܟ ݂ܝܒ ܥ ܰ�‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܳܳ‬ ‫݁ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܗ‪ܳ ݁ .‬ܕܐܬܶ ܐ ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܒ ܺܚ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܛ ݂ ܳܦܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܶܚ ܶܙܘܗ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫�ܒ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩ� ݂ ܰܕ ܳܢܩ ܳܫܐ‬ ‫ܐܦܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܫܒܝܚ ܒܥ‬ ‫݂ ̱‬ ‫�� ݂ ܳܕܘ ܳܪܘܣ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܬ ܶ‬ ‫݂ܕ ܰܙܝܢܶܗ‪ܺ .‬‬ ‫ܡܙܝܥ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ܳܪ ݂ܟ ݁ ܶܒـܗ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܚـ ܰܙܩ‬ ‫̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܒ ܰܙ ܳܝܢܐ ݂ܕ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥ�ܝ̈ ܺܡܝــܢ ܐܚ ܳ� ܺܢܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܰܫ ݁ ܺܦ ܺ‬ ‫ܶܘ ݂ܐܬܚ ܺܙܝــܘ ݁ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ܰܥ ܶܡــܗ‪݁ :‬ܬ ܶܪܝــܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܪܝــܢ ݁ܒ ܶܚــܙ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܘܢ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫�ܒـ ̈ܘ ܰܫܝ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܘ�ܐܶܝــܢ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܺܡ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܩ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܗܝــܢ ݁ ܰܒ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܒ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܚܝܢ ݁ܒ ܰܚܝـ ܳـ�‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܝܡܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡـܢ‬ ‫�� ݂ ܳܕ ܳܘܪܘܣ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫݁ܬ ܰ� ܽܝܗܘܢ ݁ ܰܓ ݁ ܰܒܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ ݁ܕ ܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܢ ݁ܓ ݂ ܺܕܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܠܗ ݁ܒܢܶ ݂ ̈ܓ ݁ ܶܕܐ ܰܪܘ� ݂ ܶܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܶܚ ܽܫ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܛܝــܪ ܰ‬ ‫�ܝـܐ ܰܥـܠ ܰܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܦܠ ܶܡـܢ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܥـܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܘܟـܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝـܐܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥ�ـ ̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܛ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܒܪ � ݂ ܳܕ ݁ܪܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܰܘ ݁ܐܦܩ ̱‬ ‫ܥܢ ̱‬ ‫݁ ܽ ܳܳ ܰ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܝ� ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝـܐܐ ܳܥـܐܶܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘ ݁ܕ ܶܡܢ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܰܩ ܺܠܝܠ ܒܫ ݂ܘܒܗܪܐ ܘ ݂ܒܚ‬ ‫�ܒܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܕܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕ� ܺܚܝــܠ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟـ ݂ܕ � ܶܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܰܓ ܳܙ ܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܟـܚ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܰܕܢ ܰ�ـ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܶܫـܗ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ݂ܐܬܚـ ܺܙܝ‬ ‫ܰ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܚ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܗ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܓ‬ ‫ܐ� ܳܗܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܝܐ ݂‬ ‫‪‬‬

Ch. 

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When Heliodorus came to Jerusalem, he was received with much honor from the chief priests and the city. He revealed to them the matter for which he had been sent, [namely], that which the king had been told. He asked them if these things were truly so. The chief priest spoke to him, informing him that some deposits were stored up for orphans and widows.

Among [the deposits] was that of Hyrcanus son of Tobias, a wealthy and honored man. It was not as the wicked Simon had come and said slanderously, but they amounted altogether to four hundred talents of silver and two hundred of gold.

Those who believed in the holiness of the place, the purity of the temple, and that its name, great and honored throughout the whole world, is inviolable and cannot be taken away, could not be deceived nor cheated.

Heliodorus said, because of the king’s command, “It is necessary that these things be deposited and stored within the king’s house.” He appointed a day for them when he might enter, inspect them, and gain control over them. The struggle over this matter, which occurred 1 throughout the whole city, was not small. The priests in their priestly garments threw themselves on the ground, crying out and asking the one who had given them the law that the deposits should entirely be kept for their lords.

Then, all who were looking at the chief priest were angered in their hearts, because the sight of his face and the changing of his countenance revealed the troubled state of his soul.

For the grace and beauty of [his] countenance melted and dissolved over his body. For this reason, the suffering of the disease he had in his soul became known. Then crowds upon crowds were coming out of [their] houses. They were seeking and supplicating on behalf of the temple that it would not come to laughter and shame.


‘struggle over this matter, which occurred’: lit. ‘struggle which was’.




‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫ܨܚ ܟܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬

‫�� ܳܕ ܳܘܪܘܣ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ‪ܶ .‬ܐ ݂ܬ ܰܩ ݁ ܰܒܠ ݁ ܺܒ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܶܐ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܩـ ܳܪܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝـܐܐ ܶܡـܢ ܰ� ݁ ܰܒـܝ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܶ ݁ܶ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܰ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘܓ ܳ� ܽ‬ ‫݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬܶ ܰ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܰܥܠ ܡـܕܡ ܕܐܫـ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ‬ ‫ܐܡـܪ‬ ‫ܘܡܢ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܥ�ـ ̱‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܳ ܰ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܽ ݁ܶ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܗܝܢ ݁ ܰܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶ‬ ‫�ܡ�ܟܐ‪ .‬ܘ‬ ‫ܫܪ ܳܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܫܐܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �ܗܘܢ‪ :‬ܕܐܢ ܗܠܝܢ ܗ ݂ܟܢܐ ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܡ ـܪ ܶܠ ـܗ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ܰܘ ݁‬ ‫ܐܘܕܥܶ ـܗ ܰܪ ݁ܒ ݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶ ـܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂ܦ ܳ� ݂ܬ ܳܩ ـܣ ܐܢ ܶܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܺܣܝ̈ ܳܡ ـܢ ݁ܕ ܰ� ݂ܬ ̈ܡ ـܐ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܠ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܘܕܐ�‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݁ܺ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ـܪܐ‪ .‬ܘ� ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ‬ ‫ܢܗܝܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܕ ܺܗܝܪ ݁ ܰܟ ܳܢܘܣ ݁ ܰܒܪ ܛܘܒܝܐ‪݁ :‬ܓ ݂ܒܪܐ ܡܝܩܪܐ ܘܥܬܝـ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ݁ܒ ܶܡ ݂ ܰܐܟܠ ܰܩܪ ܳ� ܐ ܺܣܝ ܽܡـܘܢ ܰܪ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܥـܐ‪ܽ ݁ .‬ܟ ܶܠـܗ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ܶܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ ܳܕܐ ܳܗ ܶܘܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܪܒܥ ܳܡܐܐ ݂ ܰܟ ݁ܟ ܺ�ܝܢ ݁ܕ ܺܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݁ܐܬܶܝܢ ݁ܕ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܒܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫�ܙܝܢ‪ܰ :‬ܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܡܢـ ̱ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܰܗ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܟ ܺܚܝܢ ܶܡ ݁ܬ ܰܛ ܺ‬ ‫�ܡܝܢ ܘ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܓ ܺ‬ ‫ܳ� ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܡ ݁‬ ‫�ܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܽܝܫـ ݂ܘܬܗ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ݂ܐܬ ܳܪ ܐ ܰܘ� ܰܢ ݂ܟ ݁ ܽܦ ݂ܘܬܶܗ ݁ܕ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ ܳ�‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܫ ݁ܒ ܳܚـܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܟ ܶܠـܗ ܳܥ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܗ ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒܐ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫�ܡـܐ‪݁ .‬ܕ�‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܰܚ ܰܠܨ ܘ� ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ܓܢܶ ݂ܒ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܩܕ ܢܶܗ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ ܳܐ ܰܡـܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳܗ ܶܠܝــܢ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫�� ݂ ܳܕ ܳܘܪܘܣ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ݁ ܽܦـ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ‬ ‫�ܒܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ܒܥܶܐ ܶ‬ ‫�ܗܝܢ ݁ܕ�ܶܥ̈ ܳܠܢ ܘܢܶ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ܺܣܝ̈ ܳܡܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܶܶ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ܰܠـܛ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠ ܶ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܺܐܩܝܡ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܰ� ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܐ‪ܶ ݁ :‬ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܗܝــܢ‪ .‬ܘ�‬ ‫ܐܡ ݂ܬ ̱ܝ �ܶ ܽܥܘܠ ܘܢܚܙ ܐ ܐܢܝܢ ܘܢܫ‬ ‫ܳ ܽ ܳ ̇ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܽܙܥܘܪ ܰܐ ܽܓ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒ ݂ܟܠܗ ݂‬ ‫ܘܢܐ ݂ ܺܕ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݁ܳ ̈ ܶ ܶ ݁ܰ ܽ ̈ ܰ ܽ ݁ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܕܘ ܰܢ ݂ܦܫ ܽܗܘܢ ܰܥـܠ ܰܐ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܘܓܥܶܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‬ ‫�ܒܘܫܝܗܘܢ ܕ ݂ܟܗܢ‬ ‫ܟܗܢܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܪܥـܐ‪݂ܳ .‬‬ ‫ܽ ݂ ܳܽ ܳ ݁ܶ ܰ ܳ ݁ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݂ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܝܢ ܶܡܢ ܰܡ ܽܢـܘ ݂ܕܣـܡ �ــܗܘܢ ܢܡܘܣـܐ‪ .‬ܕܢ ݂ܬܢܛـ�ܢ ܦ� ݂ܬܩـܣ �ܡ�ܝܗܝــܢ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܫ‬ ‫�ܡ ܳܢܐ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܳܚ ܶܙܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ �ـ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬ ݂ܘܒ ݁ ܶܕܝــܢ ݁ ܽܟ�ـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܪ ݁ܒ ݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶـܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡ ݂ܬܡ ܶܣܝــܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܽ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫�ܒܘ ݂ܬܗܘܢ‪ .‬ܚـܙܘܐ ݂ܓܝــܪ ܕܐܦـܘ ̱ܗܝ ܘܫܘܚ� ݂ܦـܐ ݂ܕܚــܙ ݂ܬܗ ܡـܘܕܥ ̱ܗܘܐ ܥـܠ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܚ ܳܩܐ ݂ܕ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܶܫܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܢ ܺܣ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܟـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ݁ ܶܓܝــܪ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫـ ݂ܘܦ ܳܪܐ ݂ ܰܕܚـ ܳـܙ ݂ܬ ܐ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ ܰܥـܠ� ݁ܓ ݂ܒـܪܐ ܛܝܒـ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܰܦܓ ܶܪܗ‪ܶ .‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ܽܛܠ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܐ ݂ܬܝ ݂ ܰܕܥ ܰܚ ܳܫܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܺܟ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܠܗ ݁ܒ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܶܫܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܒܐ ݂ ܺܕ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ ܳ̈ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶܝــܢ ܗ ܰܘܘ ܘ ܶܡܬ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ ܶܟܢ̈ ܺܫܝـܢ ݁ ܶܟܢ̈ ܺܫܝــܢ‪ܳ ݂ .‬‬ ‫݂ܘܬ ݂ܘܒ ܳܢ ݂ܦ ܺܩܝــܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܡـܢ ܒـ‬ ‫ܫܦܝــܢ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܗܘܐ ܠ ܽܓ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ ܳ�‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳ� ܢܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܚܟܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܒ ܳܘܙ ܳܚܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫‪‬‬

Ch. 

Chapter 

  

When the holy city was inhabited in rest and peace, the laws were being kept well because of the righteousness of the chief priest Onias who hated wickedness, and it happened that even the kings honored the temple 1 and place with honors and great and esteemed offerings —

as even King Seleucus of Asia gave everything from his own [resources] that went to the service of the offerings —

at that time 2 Simon, who was of the tribe of Benjamin and had been made leader of the temple, 3 rose up against the priest, for he was encouraging the iniquity that was coming into the city.

Since he was not able to overcome the chief priest Onias, he went to Apollonius of Tarsus, 4 who was at that time the governor of Syria 5 and Phoenicia.

He informed him about the treasury that was in the temple in Jerusalem, saying to him, “The wealth in it is infinite and uncountable.” He also said, “It is not right that all this is stored up for the account of sacrifices and offerings. Let it rather be under the king’s authority.”

Apollonius went and informed the king about the treasury and the wealth about which he had been told. The king summoned Heliodorus, who had been put in charge of his affairs, and commanded and sent him to take and bring the whole treasury and wealth about which he had been told. Immediately Heliodorus came out and went to the cities of Syria 6 and Phoenicia, hastening to carry out and fulfill the king’s command.


‘temple’: lit. ‘house’; Greek ‘temple’ (τὸ ἱερόν).


‘temple’: lit. ‘house’; Greek ‘temple’ (τοῦ ἱεροῦ).

2 4 5 6

‘at that time’ or ‘but’.

‘Apollonius of Tarsus’ or ‘Apollonius son of Tharseas’. ‘Syria’: Greek ‘Coelesyria’ (Κοίλης Συρίας).

‘Syria’: Greek ‘Coelesyria’ (Κοίλην Συρίαν).


‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬


















‫ܺ ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡـܐ ܳܥܡـ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܳ‬ ‫�ܝـܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ݂ܒ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ـܬܐ ܩܕܝܫـ‬ ‫݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ـܪܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀‪ .‬ܘ ܳܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܶܣـܐ ܰܫ ݁ ܺܦܝــܪ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܰܢ ܺ‬ ‫ܛܪܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡ ܽܛܠ ܰܙ ݁ ܺܕ ܽܝܩ ݂ܘܬܶܗ ݁ܕ ܽܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܐ ܰܪ ݁ܒ ݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶܐ ܰܘ݂ܕ ܳܣܢܶܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܺܒܝ̈ ܳܫ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܰܡ ̈� ݁ ܶܟܐ ܓ ݂ ܰܕܫ ݁ ܰܕ ܰܢܝ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ܰܘ� ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ‪ܺ ݁ :‬ܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܪ ܳܘܢܝ ̱ܗܝ � ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܐܝܩ ܶ�ܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒ ܶܢـܐ ܰܪܘ� ݂ ܶܒـܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫ ݂ ̈ܒ ܶܚܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܟܐ ݂ ܰܕܐ ܺܣ ܰܝܐ‪�ܰ :‬ـܗ ݂ܒ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡـܢ ݁ ܺܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܩܘܣ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ ܳܕ ݂ܐܦ ܶܣ ܶ� ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠـܗ‪ܽ ݁ :‬ܟـܠ ܶܡـ ݁ ܶܕܡ‬ ‫̱ ̱‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܠܬܫܡ‬ ‫ܫܬܐ ݂ܕ ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ ܳܕܐܙܶܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܰ݁ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ ܽ ݁ܶ ݁ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡܢ ܰܫ ݂ܒ ܳܛܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ܳܢܝ ܶܡܝــܢ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܥܒܝـ ݂ـܕ ̱ܗܘܐ ܪܒ ܒܝـ‬ ‫ܣܝܡܘܢ ܕܝܢ ܕ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܰ ܺ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܘܩܒܠ ݁ ܳܟ ܳ‬ ‫ܳܩܡ ܽܠ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܗܢܐ‪ .‬ܡ ܰ� ݁ ܰܕܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܶܓܝܪ �ܥܘ� ݂ܕܗܘܐ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܳ� ܶܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܐ ܰܪ ݁ܒ ݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶܐ‪ܶ :‬ܐ ܰܙܠ ܳ‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ܰܐ ݁ ܳܦ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫�ܚ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܽ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܘܣ ݁ ܰܒܪ‬ ‫ܙܟܝ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ܰ ܰ ܳ ܺ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܕ ݁ܒ ܳܪ ܳܢܐ ܕ ܽܣ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܢ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܰ�ܐ ܰ ݂ܘܕ ݂ ܽܦ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܺܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܩܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܬܪ ܺܣ ܳܝܘܣ‪ :‬ܗܘ ܕ ݂ܒܗܘ ܙ ݂ܒܢܐ ܐ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܕ ܶܥــܗ ܰܥــܠ� ݁ ܰܓــ ܳܙ ܐ ܺܕܐܝــܬ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܒ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟــ ܳ� ܕ ܽܒܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠــܡ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݁‬ ‫ܐܡــܪ ܶܠــܗ ݁ܕ�‬ ‫݂݂‬ ‫݂ ݂ ̱ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ܰ� ـ ݂ܟ ܘ� ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬ ݁ ܶܒ ـܗ‪ܶ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܢ ـܐ ܽܥ ـ ݂ܘܬ ܳܪ ܐ ݂ ܺܕܐܝـ‬ ‫ܡܣ‬ ‫ܐܡ ـܪ ݁ܕ ܳܗ ܳܢ ـܐ ݂ ܽܟ ܶܠ ـܗ � ܳܙ ݂ ܶܕܩ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܠܛܢܗܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁ܕܢܶ ݁ܬܬܣܝــܡ ݁ܒ ܽܚ ݁‬ ‫ـܬ ܽܫ ـ‬ ‫ܘܫܒܢ ـܐ ݂ܕ݂ܕ ݂ܒ ܶܚ ـܐ ܘ݂ܕܩܘ� ݁ܒܢ ـܐ‪ .‬ܐ � ݂ܕܢ ـܗܘܐ ݂ܬ ܶܚܝـ ݂‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܰܥܠ� ݁ ܰܓ ܳܙ ܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܘܕܥܶܗ � ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܰܙܠ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܐ ݁ ܳܦ ܽ� ܺ‬ ‫ܘܥ ݂ܘܬ ܳܪ ܐ ݂ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝܘܣ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݁‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܠـܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܩܪܐ � ܶܗ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒܝـ ݂ـܕ ܗ ܳܘܐ ܰܥـܠ ܶ� ݂ ̈ܒـ ܳܘ ܳܬ ܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫�ܟܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܦܩـ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ـܕܗ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫��ـ ݂ ܳܕܘܪܘܣ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܺ ܶ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ ܽܟ ܶܠܗ ݁ ܰܓ ܳܙ ܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ܶܠܗ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥ ݂ܘܬ ܳܪ ܐ ݂ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫ ݁ܕ ܶܪܗ ݁ܕܢܶ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ܘܢ‬ ‫ܥ� ̱‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܕ ܽܣ ܺ‬ ‫�� ݂ ܳܕ ܳܘܪܘܣ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܥܬܗ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܶܗ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܰ�ـܐ‬ ‫ܢܦـܩ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܘ ܰܐܙܠ ܰ�ܥـܠ ݂‬ ‫݂ܘܒܪ ܫ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕ ̈� ܳܢـ ݂ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܢ ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ݂ܘܕ ݁ ܽܦ ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܝܩܐ‪ .‬ܘܡܣܬܪܗ ݂ܒ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܕܢܥܒ ݂ܕ ܘܢܫܠܡ ܦ ݁‬ ‫ܘܩܕ ܢܗ ܕܡ�ܟܐ‪.‬‬


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so also we for the sake of the enjoyment and refreshment of many have taken on ourselves effort and labor at the same time, and we have endured much fatigue. But we have refrained from recording all of the events. We intended, with care and great effort, to say in a concise manner that which was written and said with many [words].

Just as a master builder is concerned with the whole foundation of the building when he builds a house, but, as for the one who paints and adorns it with pigments, he [only] asks about everything that is necessary and inquires about the adornment of the house, thus it is also for us, as I understand it. The one who begins has to search out, investigate, and write everything all at once.

But it is permitted for the one who says many things in a concise manner and with a few [words] to pursue brevity of words and refrain from many.

From here then, let us begin with the stories that are said to have happened first and are composed in a concise manner. For it is good 1 that someone, before the story, offer a long explanation and instruction 2 and then tell the story in a concise manner.


‘good’: Greek ‘foolish’ (εὔηθες). See Introduction, Noteworthy Readings.

‘offer a long explanation and instruction’: lit. ‘multiply in explaining and instructing’.








‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ـܬ ܰܩ ݁ ܶܒܠــܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܟܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝــܢ‬ ‫ܚܢܢ ܶܡܛܠ ݁ ܽܒܘ ܳܣ ܳܡܐ ܰܘ ܳܢܝ ܳܚܐ ݂ܕ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܐܐ‪ܳ :‬ܚ ݂ܕ ܳ�ܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܫܚ ܳܩܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝـܐܐ‪݁ .‬ܕܢܶ ݂ܟـ ݁ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ܳܗ ݂ ܺܟܝـܠ ܰ�ܥـܠ ݁ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ‪ :‬ܘ ܰܣ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܒܪܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܥܡ� ܘ�‬ ‫�ܗܝــܢ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ݁ ܰ ܺ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫݁ܰ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܶ ܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܦܝܛــ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܰܥܡــ� ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝــܐܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܬܫ�ܝ ـ ݂ܬܐ‪ :‬ܡــܢ ܗ݂ܕܐ ܐ‬ ‫ܫܬܐܠــܢ‪ .‬ܘ ݂�ܒܝــܢ ܕ ݂ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ ܰ ܰ ݁ ܺ ܳ̈ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫݁ ܳ ܺ ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܢܡ ܶܠܠ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕ ݂ܒܣܓܝ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ݂ܟ ݂ܬ� ݂ܒܢ ܘܐܡܝ�ܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܒ ݂ܦܣܝܩ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܰ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‪ܶ :‬ܠـܗ ܽܗܘ ݂ܒܛܝـܠ ܰ�ܥـܠ ݁ ܽܟ ܳܠـ ̇ܗ‬ ‫ܟܛ ܐ ݂ܟ ܳܙܢܐ ݂ܶܓܝܪ ݁ܕ ܰܪ ݁ܒ ܰܢ ݁ ܳܓـ ܶ�ܐ ܳܡـܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܒܢـܐ ݂ܒܝـ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܢ� ܳܢܐ‪ܳ �ܰ .‬ܝܢܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܕ ܳ� ܰܐܪ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬܗ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܨ ݁ ܶܒ ݂ܬ ݁ܒ ܰܣ ̱̈ܡ ܳܡܢܶܐ‪ܽ ݁ :‬ܟܠ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ܒܥܶـܐ‬ ‫ܬܪܡ ݂‬ ‫ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܰ ݁ܰ ݁ܺ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܺ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ̇ܝܗ ܐ ݂ܦ ܨ ݂ܝܕܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܫܐܠ‪݂ .‬ܘܒܥܐ ܥܠ�ܬܨܒ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬܗ ܕ ݂ܒܝܬܐ‪ :‬ܗ ݂ܟܢܐ ܣ ݂ܒܪ ܐ̱ܢܐ ݂ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܰ ܰܳ ܽ ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܒ‪ܽ ݁ :‬ܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܠ ݁ܕ ܰܥܠ ݁ ܽܟ ܶ‬ ‫�ܗܝــܢ ܰܐ ݂ܟܚـ ݂ ܳܕܐ �ـ ܰ‬ ‫ـܗܘ‬ ‫�ܗܝܢ �ܡ ݂ܒ� ܐ ܘܠܡܥܩ ݂ܒܘ ܘ�ܡ ݂ܟ‬ ‫ܰܐ ܳܝܢܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫ ܶܪܐ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ܒܥܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܶ ܰ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܺ ̈ ܳ ܳ ̈ܶ ܶ ܰ ܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ـܬܐܠ ܶܡـܢ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ̈ܝـܐ ݂ܬ ܐ‪ܰ :‬ܡ ݁ ܰܦـܣ ܽܗܘ‬ ‫� ܕܢܪܗܛ ܕܝܢ ܒ ݂ܬܪ ܦܣܝܩ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܕܡـ�‪ :‬ܘ݂ܕܢܫـ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܰ ܳ ܺ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܺ ܳ̈ ܳ ܰ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܙܥܘ� ܳ� ݂ܬܐ ܢܡܠܠ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܗܘ ܕ ݂ܒ ݂ܦܣܝܩ ݂ܬܐ ܣܓܝ ݂ܐܬ ܐ ݂ܒ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ܰ ݁ܰ ̈ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܩ ݁ ̈ܕ ܳܡــܢ ܐ ܺܡܝــ ܳ�ܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܠܒ ܶܡــܢ ܳܗ ݁ ܳܪܟــܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܺܟܝــܠ‪ :‬ܢܫــܪܐ ܥــܠ�ܬܫ�ܝــ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܺ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ ܺ ܽ ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ ݁ ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ܐ̱ ܳܢـܫ ܰܢܣ ݁ ܶܓـܐ ܰܢܚـ ܶܘܐ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ܦܣܝܩ ݂ܬܐ ܡ� ܟ ݂ܒܢ‪ .‬ܫܦܝܪ ܗܘ ܓܝܪ ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܩܕܡ ܬܫܥܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܺ ܳ ݂ܳ ܺ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܰܘܢ ݂ ܺܦܝܣ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ܒ ݂ܦܣܝܩ ݂ܬܐ ܢܡܠ ̇‬ ‫ܝܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܠܬܫܥ ݂‬ ‫ܘܠ ̇ܗ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݂‬


Ch. 

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as well as the wars before Antiochus Epiphanes and his son Eupator,

the wonders that happened openly from heaven, those who fought bravely on behalf of the Jews to such an extent that, even though they were small in number, they pursued and scattered the peoples of [other] lands who shamelessly and in madness came against them, 1 likewise that the temple and sanctuary, which was honored throughout the whole land, were at rest and calm, [that] the city was set free from the subjugation of the nations, and [that] they gathered and restored the laws that were nearly scattered away through the Lord’s will and through his mercy that was with them — all of these things that happened and were written in five volumes by Jason the Cyrenian, we have taken care with great effort to write concisely in one volume.

For when we saw the overflowing multitude of words and that it was difficult for those who wished to inquire into the events that happened and into the narration of so many events because of the great size of the narration of words,

we took care with [much] effort to arrange and compose in a concise manner for those who read so that it might instruct their souls 2 in the truth, for those who wish to carefully memorize the words so as to retain them with ease, and for all who read with clarity in order that some benefit might appear.

For us who have concerned ourelves with these things and have written in a concise manner, this was not easy for us but rather with sweat, effort, labor, and great vigilance, we have composed, prepared, and written in a concise manner.

Just as it is not easy for the one who seeks to arrange and prepare a feast and refreshment for many, but since he wishes to refresh and bring enjoyment to those who are invited, he takes on himself effort and labor at the same time, 3 1

On this verse, see Introduction, Noteworthy Readings.


This verse and the following have many differences from the Greek text.

‘it might instruct their souls’: Greek ‘pleasure’ (ψυχαγωγίαν). The Syriac translates individually each of the two components of this word: ‘to lead’ (ἄγειν) and ‘soul’ (ψυχή). ‘Instruction’ (διδασκαλία) is, in fact, an antonym of this word. See Liddell, Scott, and Jones, A Greek-English Lexicon, 2026. 2


‫‪ ‬ܟ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܒ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܟܕ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܗ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܘ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܙ‬

‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟ ـܘܣ ܶܐ ݁ ܺܦ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܬ ݂ܘܒ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܰܥ ـܠ ܩ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒ ـܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܦ ܳܢ ـܘܣ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ـ ܶܪܗ‬ ‫ܗܘܘ ܶܡ ـܢ ܩـ ݂ـܕܡ ܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܘܦܛܘܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܰ̈ ܰ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ܰ :‬ܥܠ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶܡܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ� ݂ܬܕܡ� ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܕܗܘܝ ݁ܓ‬ ‫ܚܠـ ݂ܦ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ ܶ�ـܐ‬ ‫�ܝܐ ݂‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫�ܟ�ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ݁ܬ ܺܫܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪ܳ :‬ܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܽܙܥܘ�ܐ ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ܒ ܶܡ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰܓܢ̱ ݁ ܳܒ ܳܪܐ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܢ� ܳܢـܐ‪݂ :‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ̈ ܶ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ ܰ ܳ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܰ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ܳܐ ݂ܬܶܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪ܰ ݂ .‬ܪܕ ݂ܦـ ̱ܘ‬ ‫ܥ ̱ܡܡܐ ݂ ܶܕܐ�ܥ ݂ܬܐ‪ :‬ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕ ݂ܒܫܝܚܢ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܘ ݂ܒ ݂ܦܩܪ ݂‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܒ ݁ ܰܕܪ ̱ܘ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܳܫܐ ܰܗܘ ݁ ܰܕܡ ܰܫ ݁ ܰܒܚ ݁ܒ ݂ ܽܟ ܳܠ ̇ܗ ܰܐ ܳ‬ ‫�ܝܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܪܥܐ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܡ ݁‬ ‫ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ݂ܕ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ� ܘ ݂ ܶܒ‬ ‫ܢܝ ܳܚـܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ ݁ ܰ ܰ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܶܐܬ ܰܚ ܰ‬ ‫�ܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܶܣـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܩ ܺܪ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܪܪ ݂ܬ ݀ ܶܡܢ ܽܫـ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܥܒ ݂ ܳܕܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܒܝــܢ‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ݂ܟܚ‪ .‬ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ ݁ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ ܰܕܗܘܘܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫̱ܗ ܰܘܘ � ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܒ ـ ݁ܕ ܪܘ‪ :‬ܟܢܫ ـ ̱ܘ ݂ܘܬܩܢ ـ ̱ܘ ܒ� ݂ܒ�ܢ ـܗ ܕܡܪ� ـܐ‪ :‬ܘ ݂ܒ�ܚܡــ ̱‬ ‫ܰܥ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ ܶܣܦ ܺ�ܝܢ ܶܡܢ ܺܐ ܰ� ܳܣܘܢ ܽܩ ܺ‬ ‫݂ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܝܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܟ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝ� ܳܝܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܰܕ ̈ܗ ܰܘܝ ܶܘܐ ݂ܬ ݁ܟ ݂ܬ ݂ܒ ݁ܒ ܰܚ ܳ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܬ ݁ܒܛܠ ܰ�ܠܢ ݁ܒ ܰܥܡ� ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝܐܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂ܒ ݂ ܳܦ ܺܣܝ̈ ܳܩ ݂ܬܐ ܢܶ ݂ܟ ݁ܬ ݂ܘܒ ܐܢ ܶܝܢ ݁ܒ ܰܚ ݂ܕ ܶܣ ݂ܦ ܳܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܓܐܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܶܦ ݂ܬ ܳܓ ̈ܶܡـܐ‪݂ ܰ :‬ܘܕ ܰܥܛـ ܳـ� ܗܝ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܙܝܢ ݁ ܶܓܝــܪ ܶܫ ݂ܦ ܳܥـܐ ݂ܕ ܽܣـ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܝــܢ‬ ‫̱‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܶ ܽ ܰ ݁ܰ ̈ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ̈�ـ ݂ ܳܕ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܥـܠ� ݁ ܽܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ� ܳܝـܐ ݂ܕ ̈ܡـ� ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ̈ܝـ ݂ܐܬ ܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡܛـܠ‬ ‫ܕܢ ݂ܒܥܘܢ ܥܠ�ܬܫ�ܝ ݂‬ ‫ܽ ܳ ܳ ܶ ܳ ̈ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܓܐܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܬܘ�ܝܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܦ ݂ܬ ݂ܓܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܣ ݂ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܳ ܺ ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ� ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝــܢ ݁ܕ ܳܩ ܶܪܝــܢ ܰܢـ ݁ܪܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܬ ݁ܒܛܠ ܰ�ܠܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܰܥܡــ� ܰܢ ݂ܬ ܶܩـܢ ܰܘܢ ܺܣܝــܡ ܒ ݂ܦܣܝܩـ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ̈ ܳ ܽ ݁ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܶ ݁ ܳ ܶ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܽ ݁ܰ ܺ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ܽܥ ̱ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܕ ܳܢـܐ ݂ܕ ̈ܡـ�‬ ‫ܢ ݂ܦܫ ݂ܬܗܘܢ ܒ ܺܫܪ ܪܐ‪ :‬ܘ�ܝܠܝܢ ܕ� ݂ܒܝــܢ ܕܢܠܒ ݂ܟـܘܢ ܒ ݂ܒ ܺܛܝ�ـ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܚܕܘܢ ݁ܦ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫�ܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܚܙ ܐ ܽܥ ݂ܘܕ ܳܪ ܢܐ‪ܳ.‬‬ ‫ܝܬ ܢܶ ݂ܬ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܶ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܩܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܳܩ ܶܪܝܢ ܰܢ ܺܗ ܳܝܪܐ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܰ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܺ ̈ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪݂ �ܳ :‬ܦ ܺܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܠܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܺܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܩـܐ‬ ‫ܝܠܢ ݁ ܶܕ ܶ ݂ܳܐܬ ݁ܒܛܠ ܰ�ܠܢ ܰܥܠ ܳܗܠܝܢ ܶܘ ݂ܟ ݂ ܳܬ ݂ܒـܢ ܒ ݂ܦܣܝܩـ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܥܬܐ ܰܘܒ ܰܥܡــ� ܰܘܒـ�ܘܬ ܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘܒ ܰܫـ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܪܐ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ܳܝـܐܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܦ ܶܚܡــܢ‬ ‫݂ ݂ ݂‬ ‫̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܰܠܢ ܳܗ݂ ܶܕܐ‪ .‬ܐ � ݂ܒ ݂ ܽܕ ݁ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ܐܬ ܶܩܢܢ ܰܘ ݂ܟ ݂ܬ ݂ܒܢ ݁ܒ ݂ ܳܦ ܺܣܝ̈ ܳܩ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰܐ ݂ܟ ܳܙܢܐ ܶܓܝܪ ݁ ܰܕ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܐ ܰܘ ܳܢܝ ܳܚـܐ � ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓ ̈ܝـܐܐ‪ܶ :‬ܠـܗ‬ ‫ܐܝܢܐ ݂ܕ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒܐ ݂ܕ ܰܢ ݂ܬ ܶܩܢ ܰܘܢܛ ܶܝـ ݂ܒ ܚܫܡܝـ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܶ ܰ‬ ‫݁ ܺ ܶ ݂ܳ ܳ ݀ ݁ ܺ ܳ ܶ ܳ ܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܕܝܠܗ � ̱ܗܘ ݂ܬ ܦܫܝܩܐ‪ :‬ܐ � ܡܛܠ ܕ� ݂ܒـܐ ݂ܕܢܢܝــܚ ܘ ݂ܢܒܣـܡ �ܝܠܝــܢ ܕܩܪܝــܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܡܩ ݁ ܶܒܠ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܰܥܡ� ܘ� ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳܚ ݂ܕ ܳ�ܐ ݂‬ ‫�ܥ� ̱‬


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Just as Moses prayed to the Lord and fire came down from heaven and consumed the sacrifices and offerings, so also did Solomon pray and fire came down and consumed the sacrifices and burnt offerings. 1 For Moses said, “Because a kid 2 was not consumed as a sin-offering, the fire consumed it.” 3 In this way, Solomon also kept the eight days. 4

It is also recounted in the books and the memorials that Nehemiah kept them in this way and that he gathered and restored the books of kingdoms, prophets, and David 5 as well as the letters of the kings about the offerings and sacrifices. 6

In this manner, Judas also gathered all of them, some of which had been dispersed because of the wars against us, and they are with us.

So then, whatever you need from them, send for them and take them for yourselves. Because we are prepared to perform the cleansing, we have also written to you so that you might also perform it. As for the God who delivered his nation in everything and gave an inheritance to everyone along with the kingdom, priesthood, and holiness, as promised through the law — we hope in him that he will have mercy on us at once and will gather us from under heaven to the holy place. For he has delivered us from much wickedness, and he has also cleansed the place.

About Judas Maccabaeus, his brothers, the cleansing of the great and honored temple, the renewal of the altar, 1

See Leviticus 9:23–24; 2 Chronicles 7:1.


See Leviticus 10:16–18.


‘David’: in Syriac, ‘David’ (‫ ) ܰܕ ܺܘܝܕ‬can refer to the Psalter.

‘a kid’: the Greek does not specify what animal is to be sacrificed. Young goats are specified for sin offerings in Leviticus 4:23, 28; 5:6; 9:3, 23:19.



See 1 Kings 8:65–66; 2 Chronicles 7:9.

The reference here is obscure. But the priest Ezra reads the law in Nehemiah 8:1– 8, 13–18.



‫‪ ‬ܝ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬

‫ܨܚ ܟܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫ܰ‬ ‫ܚܬܬ ݀ ܽܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ ܰܨ ܺܠܝ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܶܡܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܡ ܳܝܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݂ܐܟ ܰܠـ ݂ ݀‬ ‫ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ ܳܕ ݂ܐܦ ܽܡ ܶ‬ ‫�ܘ ݂ܬ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܬ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ ̈ܒ ܶܚـܐ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ݁ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܚܬܬ ݀ ܽܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒܢܶܐ‪ܳ .‬ܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܶܘ ݂ܐܟ ܰܠ ݂ ݀‬ ‫ܬ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ ̈ܒ ܶܚܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘ� ̈ܩ ݁ ܶܕܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܝܡܘܢ ܰܨ ܺܠܝ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ݁ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܳܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܠܬܗ ܽܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܶܐ ܰܡܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܓܝܪ ܽܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܰܥܠ ݁ܕ� ܐ ݂ܬܐ ݂ ܶܟܠ � ݂ܦܪ�ܐ ݂ܕܚܛܗܐ‪ :‬ܐ ݂ܟ ݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳܗ ݂ܟ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݁ ܽܬ ݂ܘܒ ܐ ݂ܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܡܘܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ݁ܬ ܳܡ ܳܢܝܐ ܰܝ ̈ܘ ܺܡܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ܕ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܡܝـܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢـܐ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ ̈ܶܒܐ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ݁ܒ ܽܥ ̱ܘ ̈ܗ ݁ ܳܕ ܢܶܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ܰܢܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟ ܶܢـܫ‬ ‫ܡ ݂ܬܢܶܝܢ ̱ܗܘܘ ܕܝܢ ܒ ݂ܟ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܰ ܶ ݁ ܳ ̈ܶ ܰ ݁ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܢܒ ̈ܝـܐ ܰܘ݁ܕ݂ ܰܕ ܺܘܝـ ݂ـܕ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ݁ܐܓـ ܳ� ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܕ ܰܡ ̈� ݁ ܶܟـܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥـܠ‬ ‫̱ܗܘܐ ܘ ݂ܐܬܩܢ ܟ ݂ܬ ݂ܒܐ ݂ܕܡ�ܟـܘ ݂ܬ ܐ ݂ܘܕ ݂‬ ‫ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒܢܶܐ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂ ̈ܒ ܶܚܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݁ܳ ݁ܶ ݁ܰ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ܺ�ـ ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ܶ :‬ܡـ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬ ݁ ܰܒـ ݁ ܰܕܪ ̱ܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡ ܽܛـܠ ܩ ܳ� ݂ ܶܒـܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܗܘܘ‬ ‫ܒ ̇ܗ ܕܝܢ ܒ ݂ܕ ܶܡـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰܥ ܰܡܢ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟܢܶܫ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܝܬ ܽܝܗܘܢ ܶܨܝ ݂ ܰܕܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪ܺ .‬ܘ ݂‬

‫ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ܳܗ ݂ ܺܟܝܠ ݁ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ܒܥܶܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ‪ܰ :‬ܫ ݁ ܰܕܪ ̱ܘ ܘ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ܽ ݁ ܳ ܳ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ܒـܢ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟـܘܢ‪ܳ ݁ .‬ܕ ݂ܐܦ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܶ ܳܗ ݂ ܺܟܝܠ ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܥܬ ݂ ܺܝܕܝܢ ̱ܚ ܰܢܢ �ܡܥܒـ ݂ܕ ܕܘܟܝـܐ‪ :‬ܟ ݂‬ ‫ܰܐܢ ̱ ݁ ܽܬܘܢ ݁ܬ ܽ‬ ‫ܗܘܘܢ ܳܥ ݂ܒ ݁ ܺܕܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ݁ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܰܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ܦ ܰܪܩ ܰ‬ ‫�ܟـܠ ܐ̱ ܳܢـܫ‪:‬‬ ‫�ܥ ܶܡـܗ ݁ܒ ݂ ܳ ܽܟـܠ ܶܡـ ݁ ܶܕܡ‪ :‬ܘ ܰ�ـ ̱ܗ ݂ܒ �ـܪܬ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܽ ܳ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܽܝܫ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܡ�ܟ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ݂ܘܟܗܢ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܶ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܕܝ ݂ܒ ܰܝـ ݂ܕ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܗܘ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒـܗ ܡ ܰܣ ݁ܒ ܺܪܝــܢ ̱ܚ ܰܢـܢ ݁ܕ ݂ ܰܒ ݂ܰ‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܝܟ ܕ‬ ‫ܥܓـܠ ܰܢܪ ܶܚـܡ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܺ ̈ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܫܡܝܐ � ݂ܬ ܪ ܐ ܩ ݁ܕܝܫܐ‪ .‬ܦܨܝـܢ ݁ ܶܓܝــܪ ܡـܢ ܒܝܫـ ݂ܬܐ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢ‪ ܳ :‬ܘ ݂ܢܟܢܫܢ ܡܢ ܰܬܚ ݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ ݂ܐܬ ܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬ܘܕ ݁ ܺܟܝ ܐ ݂ܦ � ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܥـܠ ݁ ܽܕ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܥـܠ ܰܐ ܰܚـܘ ̈ ̱ܗܝ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܩܒـܝ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܥـܠ ܺ�ـ ܽܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܶܕܝــܢ ܰܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܝܶـܗ ݁ܕ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟـ� ܰܪ ݁ ܳܒـܐ‬ ‫ܽ ݁ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܫ ݁ܒ ܳܚܐ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ܚ‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂ܬܗ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܚܐ‪.‬‬


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It is found in the book of the prophet Jeremiah 1 that he commanded the people who were departing 2 to take the fire,

[and] that the prophet, who had given them the law, declared and gave a command to the people who were departing 3 neither to stray from the commandments of the Lord nor to let their thoughts be changed when they saw the golden and silver statues and their ornamentation. He said other things that were like these, and he asked them not to put the law far from their hearts. 4 In the [same] text, there is the following: As it was revealed to the prophet, he commanded that the ark and the tent go with him when he went out to that very mountain which Moses ascended and saw the Lord’s inheritance. Jeremiah came and found a cave dwelling. He entered and placed the tent, the ark, and the altar of incense there. Then he shut the door. Some of those who went with him came out to learn the path and the location, but they did not find them.

Knowing this, Jeremiah accused them, saying: “The location is not going to be made known until God gathers the congregation of the nation and pardons them.

The Lord will then reveal these things, and the glory of the Lord and a cloud will be seen, as it was revealed to Moses, and as Solomon sought for the place to be greatly sanctified.” 5

It was also said that, according to the wisdom that [Solomon] had, he brought up offerings and sacrifices for the dedication and the completion of the temple.


The reference here is obscure.


‘the people who were departing’: lit. ‘those who were after these’.

2 4 5

‘the people who were departing’: lit. ‘those who were after these’. ‘hearts’: lit. ‘heart’.

See Exodus 40:34–38; 1 Kings 8:10–11.


‫ܶ ܰܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܩ ݂ܦ�ܘܢ‪:‬‬




















‫ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܢܒ ܳܝܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕܦ ܰܩܕ ݁ܕܢܶܣ ܽܒܘܢ ܽܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܡܝܐ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ ܳܒܐ ݂ ܶܕ ܰܐܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܳܒـ ݂ܬܪ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂ ݂‬ ‫ܡܫܬ ݂ܟܚ ܕܝܢ ܒ ݂ܟ ݂‬ ‫ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܳܗ ܶܘܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ܰ ܶ ܰ ܰ ܶ ܰ ܶ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܒ ܳܝـܐ ݂ܕ ܰ�ـ ̱ܗ ݂ܒ �ـ ܽ‬ ‫ܬܪ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܳܗ ܶܘܝــܢ‪ܺ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܝܟ ܕܡܚܘܐ ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܡܦܩ ݂ܕ �ܝܠܝܢ ܕܡܢ ܒ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ ܘܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܗ ݁ܦ ݂ ܳܟـܢ ܬ� ܳ‬ ‫ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳ� ܢܶܛܥܘܢ ݁ܦ ̈ܘ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ܕ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܝـ ݂ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ܢܶܚـ ܽـܙܘܢ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܰܢ ̱‬ ‫ܗܒܐ ܰܘ݂ܕ ܺܣ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܨ ̈� ܶܡܐ ݂ܕ݂ ܰܕ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܘ� ݂ܒ ݁ܬ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒܥܶـܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܡܢـ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܳܗ ܶܠܝܢ ܳܐ ܰܡܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ‪ܳ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ‪݁ :‬ܕ� ܰܢܪܚ ܽܩـܘܢ ܳܢ ܽܡܘ ܳܣـܐ‬ ‫ܰܘܐ̱ܚ ܳ� ܳܢܝ ݂ܬܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂‬ ‫ܶܡܢ ܶܠ ݁ܒ ܽܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܢܒ ܳܝܐ‪݁ :‬ܦ ܰܩـ ݂ܕ ݁ܕ ݂ܬܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ ܳܒܐ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ‪ܰ :‬ܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ܐܬ ݁ܓ ܺܠܝ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܠܗ ܰܠ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ܗܘܐ‬ ‫ܐ݂ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱ܗܘܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܒ ܳ ݂ܟ ݂‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܠܛ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܟ ܳܢܐ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܳܐܙ �� ܰܥ ܶܡܗ ܺܩ ݂ ܽܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܰܗܘ ݁ ܰܕܣ ܶܠܩ ܶܠـܗ ܽܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݁‬ ‫ܢܦܩ‬ ‫ܘܫـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܳ ݁ܽ‬ ‫ܪܬ ݂ܘܬܶܗ ݁ܕ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܚܙ ܐ �‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܳ ܰ ܺ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ݁ ܳܰ‬ ‫ܶ ܳ ܶܰ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ ݁ܰ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ ݂ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܥ ݂ܪܬ ܐ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ܘܣܡ ܬܡܢ �ܡܫܟܢܐ ܘ�ܩ ݂ܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܬ ܐ ܐܪܡܝܐ ܘܐܫܟܚ ܒ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬܪܥܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܚܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ̈ܣ ܶܡܐ‪ .‬ܘܣ ݂ܟܪܗ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܢܦܩ ̱ܘ ܐ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ ܶܡܢ ܰܐ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܶܕ ܰܐܙܠ ̱ܘ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܕܢܶ ݁ܕ ܽܥـ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܚـܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܢ ̇ܗ ܽ� ܳ‬ ‫�ܕ ݁ܘܟـ ݂ܬܐ‪ :‬ܘ�‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܶܐ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܟܚ ̱ܘ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽ ܳ ܰ ݁ܳ ܶ ܰ ܳ ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܕ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܺܝ ܰܕܥ ܶܐ ܰܪ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡـܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂ܰ ݂‬ ‫ܡܝܐ‪ :‬ܪ ܶܫܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �ܗܘܢ ܘܐܡܪ‪ .‬ܕ� ܡ ݂ܬ� ݂ܕܥܐ ݂ܕܘܟـ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ܰܳ ܳ ܽ ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܘܫܬܗ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܳܡܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ܰܢܚ ܶܣܐ ܥ ܰܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܝܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܕ ݂ܟܢܫ ܐ�ܗܐ ݂ܟܢ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ܶ ݁ܽ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ ܢܶܓ� ܐ ܽܢܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܕܝܢ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫�ܗ ܶܠܝܢ‪݂ :‬ܘܬ ݂ܬܚܙ ܐ ݂ܬܫܒܘܚܬܗ ܕܡܪ�ܐ‪ :‬ܘܥ�ܢـܐ ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‪ܰ :‬ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ݁ ܳܕ ݂ܐܦ ܶ‬ ‫ܫܠ ܽ‬ ‫݁ܕ ܶܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܓ ܳ‬ ‫�ܝܐ ̱ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ܰܥܠ ܽܡ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܡـܘܢ ݁ܒ ܳܥـܐ ݂ܕܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܩـ ݁ ܰܕܫ ܐ ݂ܬ ܳܪ ܐ‬ ‫ܰ ܳܺ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪.‬‬ ‫ܪ ݂‬ ‫ܘܪܒܐ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܶܠـܗ‪ :‬ܐ ܶܣـܩ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒ ܶܢـܐ‬ ‫ܶܡ ݂ܬ ܰܡ ܰܠܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܶܚ ݂ܟܡ ܳ ݂ܬܐ ݂ ܺܕܐܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ̈ ܶ ܽ ݁ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܘܕ ݂ܒܚܐ ݂ܕܚ‬ ‫ܘܕ ݂ܬ ܐ ܰ ݂ܘܕ ܽܫ ݂ܘܟ ܳܠܗ ݁ܕ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ�‪.‬‬


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the king rebuilt the place and made a temple in it, after he had inquired into the matter.

The king gave them the very best gifts. They took them and gave them to those who needed them.

Nehemiah’s people called it “gonephthar” 1 which means cleansing, but it is called by many people “naphtha.”


‘gonephthar’: Greek ‘nephthar’ (νεφθαρ). Greek recensions vary widely.

‫‪ ‬ܠܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܠܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܠܘ‬

‫ܽ ݁ ܳ ܰ ܰ ݁ܳ ܰ ݁ ܳ ݁ܰ ݁ ܳ ܰ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܳܢ ̇ܗ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ‪.‬‬ ‫�ܕܘܟ ݂ܬܐ‪ .‬ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ܒ ̇ܗ ܗܝܟ�‪ :‬ܟ ݂ܕ ܒܩ ̇ܗ ܠ ݂‬ ‫�ܟܐ ݂‬ ‫ܽ ݁ܶ ܰ ݁ܳ ܰ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܰ ܰ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܝـ ݁ܬ ܳ� ݂ܬ ܐ‪ܶ :‬ܗ ܽܢـܘܢ‬ ‫ܘ ܰ� ̱ܗ ݂ܒ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ �ܗܘܢ ܕܝܢ ܡ�ܟܐ ܡـܘܗ ݂ܒ ݂ܬܐ ܪܘ� ݂ܒـ ݂ܬܐ ܘ‬ ‫ܗܒܝܢ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܰܚ ܺܣܝܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܘ� ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܳܢܣ ݁ ܺܒܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰܽ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܽ ݁ܰ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ܳܝـܐ‪ܶ .‬ܡ ݂ܬܩـ ܶ‬ ‫ܪܓـܡ ݁ ܽܕ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܪ‪݁ .‬ܕ ܶܡ ݁ܬ ݁ ܰܬ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ـܪܐ‬ ‫ܝܬ ܢܚܡܝܐ ݂ܓـܘܢܦ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ܕ ݂ ܶܒ ݂‬ ‫ܩܪܐ ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܰܒ ܳܝܢ ݂ܬ ܰܣ ݁ ܺܓܝ̈ܐܐ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ݁ܬܝ‪.‬‬


‫݁ ܶܕܝــܢ‬ ‫݂ ܶܕܝــܢ‬

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When they had acted accordingly and a little time had passed, first the sun — which had been covered in clouds — rose, and then the great fire blazed so that all became speechless. The priests stood in prayer until the service of the fire was complete. When the priests, Jonathan, and the rest came down, they said, “It blazed by Nehemiah’s prayer.”

His prayer was as follows, “O Lord, Lord God, ruler of all and creator of all, fearful and powerful, righteous and merciful, alone the king and alone mild, alone the one who nourishes, righteous one, the one who lives eternally, ruler of all, savior of Israel from all wickedness, the one who chose our ancestors and consecrated them,

receive this offering for the sake of all of your nation Israel. Guard and consecrate your portion and your inheritance.

Gather our scattered people and free those who are subjugated among the unclean and reprobate nations. Look upon us, and let the nations know that you are our God.

Torment those who are conceited and are subjugating us in [their] pride. Secure your nation in your holy place, as Moses said.” 1

The priests stood and sung praises.

When the sacrifices and offerings had been completed, Nehemiah commanded them to use up the remaining water and surround the place with large stones. 2 When they had acted accordingly, the flame of the fire blazed until the light of the fire on the altar had come to an end.

When it was made known and revealed to the Persian king that turbid water had been found in the place where those who had been taken captive had hidden the fire and that Nehemiah and those with him had consecrated some of it for the offerings and sacrifices,

1 2

See Deuteronomy 30:5.

On this verse, see Introduction, Noteworthy Readings.







‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬



‫ܟܒ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩܕܡ ܶܫ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒـܪ ܶ� ݁ ܳܕ ܳܢـܐ ܰܩ ܺܠܝــܠ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܰܢـܚ ܽܠـ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫـܐ ݂ ܰܟـ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܰ ܽ ݁ ܰ ̈ ܳ ܶ ܳ ݁ܶ ݁ܶ ܰ ݀ ܽ ܳ ܰ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܗܘܢ ݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫ܬܐ‪ܰ :‬ܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ܕܢܶ ݂ܬ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܥܡܘܛ ܒܥ�ܢܐ‪ .‬ܘܗܝܕܝܢ ܕ�ܩ ݂ܬ ܢܘܪܐ ܪܒ ݂‬ ‫݁ܳ ̈ ܶ ܶ ݁ܰ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܶ ܰ ݀ ݁ܶ ܶ ݁ܳ‬ ‫ـܬ ̇ܗ ݁ܕ ܽܢـ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܬ ܐ ܳܩ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܳ ݁ .‬ܟ ̈ܗܢܶـܐ‬ ‫ܝܡܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪݂ :‬ܥܕܡܐ ݂ܕܫ�ܡ ݂ܬ ܬܫܡܫـ‬ ‫ܟܓ ܟܗܢܐ ݂ܕܝܢ ܒܨܠ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ܽ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܬܢ ܘ ܰܫ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܝܐ ݂ ܶܕ ܰ‬ ‫�ܩ ݂ ݀‬ ‫ܢܚ ݂ܬ ̱ܘ ܐ ܰܡܪ ̱ܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪݁ :‬ܕ ݂ ܰܒܨܠܘ ݂ܬܗ ݁ ܰܕ ܰܢܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܪܟܐ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܶ‬ ‫ܬ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܕܝܢ ܘ�ܘܢ ݂‬ ‫ܺ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܬ ̇ܝܗ ܗ ܳܘ ݂ܬ ݀ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܽ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ‪ܰ :‬ܐ ܳ�ـ ܳܗܐ ܰܐ ܺܚܝـ ݂ـܕ ݁ ܽܟـܠ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܒ ܽܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܪ�ܐ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܨܠ ݂ܘܬܶܗ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ‪ܳ .‬ܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ�ـܐ‬ ‫ܟܕ ܐ ݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܚܡ ܳܢــܐ‪ܰ :‬ܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܬ ܳܢــܐ‪ܰ :‬ܙ ݁ ܺܕ ܳܝܩــܐ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܪ ܳ‬ ‫�ܚــ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܟــܐ ݂ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫݂ܕ ݂ ܽܟــܠ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܺܚܝــ� ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܚ ݂‬ ‫ܘܕ ̱‬ ‫ܘܒ ܺܣ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫�ܚ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܡܐ ݂ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܕ ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕܘ ̱ܗܝ‪ܰ :‬ܙ ݁ ܺܕ ܳܝܩ ـܐ ܰܚ ـܝ ܳܥ ̈� ܶܡ ـܐ ܰܘ ܺܐܚܝـ ݂ـܕ ݁ ܽܟ ـܠ‪ܳ ݁ :‬ܦ ܽܪ ܶ‬ ‫�ܚ ـ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܬܪܣ ܳ� ܳܢ ـܐ ݂ ܰܒ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܩ ـܗ‬ ‫ܟܗ ݂‬ ‫݁ܺ ܳ ܶ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ ܽ ݁ ܺ ̈ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ܰ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ̈ ܰ ݁ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܕܐܝܣܪܐܝܠ ܡܢ ܟܠ ܒܝܫ ݂ܬܐ‪ :‬ܗܘ ܕ ݂ܓ ݂ܒܐ � ݂ܒܗ�ܢ ܘܩܕܫ ܐܢܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܺ ܳܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܟܘ ܰܩ ݁ ܶܒܠ ܽܩ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܣܪܐܝــܠ‪ܰ .‬ܘܢܛـܪ ܘ ܰܩـ ݁ ܶܕܫ‬ ‫ܘܪܒ ܳܢܐ ܳܗ ܳܢܐ ܰܥـܠ ܐ ݁ ܰܦـ ̈ܝ ݁ ܽܟ ܶܠـܗ ܥܡـ ݂ܟ ܐ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ� ݁ܪܬ ݂ܘܬ ݂ܟ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܢ ݂ܬ ݂ܟ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܰܪܪ � ܶ‬ ‫ܟܙ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡـܐ ܰܛ ̈ܶܡـܐܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟܢܶܫ ݁ ܽܒ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ ܰܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܕ ܰܪܢ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܘܡ ̈ܣ ܰ� ܳܝـܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܫ ݁ܥܒ ݂ ܺܕܝــܢ ݁ ܶܒܝـ ݂‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܚܘܪ ݁ ܰܒܢ‪ .‬ܘܢܶ ݁ܕ ܽܥܘܢ ܰܥ ̱̈ܡ ܶܡܐ ݂ ܰܕܐܢ ̱ ݁ܬ ܽܗܘ ܐ ܳ� ܰܗܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫܢܶܩ ܰ� ܶ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܶܡ ݁ܬ ݁ܬ ܺܪ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܡܝܢ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܟܚ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܫ ݁ܥܒ ݂ ܺܕܝܢ ܰܠܢ ݁ܒ ܽܫ ݂ܘܒ ܳܗ ܳܪܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܫ ܰܪ ܳܪܝ ̱ܗܝ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܐ ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ݁ ܶܕܐ ܰܡܪ ܽܡ ܶ‬ ‫�ܥ ܳܡ ݂ܟ ݁ ܰܒ ݂ܐܬ ܳܪ ݂ܟ ܰܩ ݁ ܺܕ ܳ‬ ‫ܟܛ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܫܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܡܙ ܺ‬ ‫ܠ ݁ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶܐ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ܳܩ ܺ‬ ‫ܝܡܝܢ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܰܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܪܝܢ ݁ܒ ݂ܬܫ ݁ ̈ܒ ܳܚ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܡܝـܐ‪ܰ ݁ :‬ܕܢ ܺܣ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܡ ܳܝ̈ܐ ݂ ܶܕ ݁‬ ‫ܫܬ ܰܠܡ ̱ܘ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ ̈ܒ ܶܚܐ ܘ ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒܢܶܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ܰܚܪ ̱ܘ‪݁ :‬ܦ ܰܩـ ݂ܕ ܰܢܚ ܳ‬ ‫� ݂ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܐ‬ ‫ܝܡـܘܢ‬ ‫ܰ ݁ ܽ ܳ ̇ ܽ ݁ ܳ ܺ ̈ܶ ܰ ܳ ܳ‬ ‫�ܕܘܟ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܒ ݂ܟܐ ݂ܦܐ ܪܘ� ݂ܒ ݂ܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܢܚܕܪܘܢܗ ݂‬ ‫ܥܕ ܳܡـܐ ܰܕ ܓ ܰܡـܪ ܽܢـ ܳ‬ ‫�ܗ ܺܒܝـ ܳ ܽ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܒ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܳܗ ݂ ܰܟ ܳܢܐ‪ܶ ݁ :‬ܕ ܰ‬ ‫ܠܒ ܘ ݂ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܩ ݂ ݀‬ ‫ܘܗܪܐ‬ ‫ܬ ܰܫ ܶ ݂ ݂‬ ‫ـܬܐ ݂ܕܢـܘܪܐ‪݂ ݂ ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫ܕ ܽܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܕ ܰܥܠ ܰܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܚܐ‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ ܰ ݀ ܰ ݁ ܳ ݁ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ ܽ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܬܐ ܐ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܓ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܐ ݂ܬ ܰ� ݂ܕ ܰܥ ݂ ݀‬ ‫ܝܟـܐ‬ ‫ܬ ݂ ܽ�ܒـ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܘ ݂ܐܬܓ�ܝـ ݂ܬ �ܡ�ܟـܐ ܶ ݂ܕܦـܪܣ‪ :‬ܕ ݂ܒ ݂ܕܘܟـ ݂‬ ‫݁ܕ ܰܛ ܺܫܝܘ ܽܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܡܢـ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ݂ ܺܒܝܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ‪ܰ :‬ܡ ܳܝ̈ܐ ݂ܕ ܺ� ̈ܝ ܶܚܐ ܐܫ ݁ܬ ݂ ܰܟܚ ̱ܘ‪ܶ :‬‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ܳܗ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ ܶܕ ݁‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܰܩـ ݁ ܶܕܫ‬ ‫ܡܝܐ ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܰܢܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܰܥ ܶܡܗ � ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒܢܶܐ ܰܘ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫�ܕ ݂ ̈ܒ ܶܚܐ‪.‬‬


Ch. 

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We thank God greatly that he rose up for us and delivered us from all the punishments that had come upon us.

For when the king came against us in war to do battle with the holy city, [God] drove him away and expelled him to Persia.

For when he went there along with his army which seemed unconquerable, he was killed in Nanea’s temple, because Nanea’s priests seized and caught them by deceit.

As though Antiochus and his friends might live with him, 1 he went there to gain a large asset, according to the amount of the dowry. Nanea’s priests yielded and consented to him, while he and a few people entered the temple wall. They opened a small door and came out against him. They threw stones at him, killing him. They cut off his head and cast it to those outside. In everything, blessed be our God who handed over the wicked ones.

Therefore, since we are prepared to cleanse the temple on the twenty-fifth of First Kanun, 2 we also wanted to inform you in order that you might do the same in accordance with the festival of booths. Let us also speak to you about the fire when Nehemiah built the temple and altar and raised up the offerings. When our ancestors were going to Persia, [there were] righteous priests who at that very time took some of the fire of the altar secretly. They hid it in a well without water and covered it so that its location might not be known by anyone.

When many years had passed and it pleased God, Nehemiah was sent from the Persian king with the sons of those priests who had hidden the fire. [Nehemiah] sent them to bring the fire out. 3

They came and said they did not find the fire but rather turbid water. He commanded them to take some of it and bring it out. When the sacrifices and offerings had been raised up, Nehemiah commanded the priests to sprinkle some of it on the wood and the sacrifices. 1

‘with him’: Greek ‘with her’ (αὐτῇ), namely, with the goddess Nanea.


See Nehemiah 2:7–8 for this narrative.


‘First Kanun’: Greek ‘Chislev’ (Χασελευ).

‫‪ ‬ܝܐ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܒ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܓ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܕ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܗ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܘ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܙ‬ ‫‪ ‬ܝܚ‬

‫‪ ‬ܝܛ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟ‬

‫‪ ‬ܟܐ‬

‫ܰ ݁ܺ ܰ ܳ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܢ ܚ ܰܢܢ ܰ� ܳ� ܳܗܐ‪݁ :‬ܕ ܳܩܡ ܰܠܢ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܦ ܰܨܝܢ ܶܡܢ ݁ ܽܟ ܽ‬ ‫�ܗܘܢ ܽܐ ̈ܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܨ ܢܶـܐ‬ ‫ܣܓܝ ܪ ݂‬ ‫ܘܪܒܐ ݂‬ ‫ܝܬ ܰܡ ݁ ܶ ̱‬ ‫ܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܬܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ܕ ݂‬ ‫ܺ ݁ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫�ܟܐ ܰܠ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܠܝܢ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܶܐ ݂ ܳܬ ܐ ܰ‬ ‫ـܬܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܡܕܝܢ̱ܬܐ ܩܕܝܫـ‬ ‫ܩܪ ݂ ܳܒܐ‪ܶ � :‬ܡ ݂ܬ ݁ ܰܟ ݁ܬ ܽܫܘ ܰܥܡ ݂‬ ‫ܫܕܝܗܝ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ ܶ‬ ‫�ܦ ܶܪܣ‪.‬‬ ‫ܚܩܗ ܰܘ ݂ ܳ ̱‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬ ܳܡܢ ܽܗܘ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܟ ܶܠܗ ܰܚ ܶ‬ ‫݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܓܝܪ ܐ ܰܙܠ�‬ ‫ܝܠܗ‪ܰ :‬ܗܘ ݁ܕ ܶܡܣ ݁ܬ ݂ ܰܒـܪ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ܕ� ܶܡ ݁ܙܕ ݂ ܶܟـܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܳ ݁ ܰ ܺ ݁ܶ ܰ ܰ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܚܒܫ ̱ܘ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ ݁ܒܢܶ ݂ܟ� ݂ ܽܟܘܡ ܶ� ̇ܝܗ ݁ܕ ܰ� ܺܢܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐ ݂ܬܩܛܠ ܒܗܝܟܠ ̇ܗ ܕ�ܢܝ‪ .‬ܕܐܚ ݂ܕ ̱ܘ ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ܶ ܰ ܰ ܶ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܢܛ ܳܝ ݂ ܳܟـܘܣ ܘ ܳ� ܰ‬ ‫ܠܬܡܢ‪ :‬ܐܝـ ݂ـܟ ܕܢܥܡـܪ ܥܡـܗ ܐ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪.‬‬ ‫ܽܗܘ ݂ܶܓܝܪ ܐ ܰܙܠ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂‬ ‫ܚܡـ ̱‬ ‫ܶ ܽ ݁ܰ ܰ ܶ ܳ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ܳ ܽ ݁ ܳ ݁ ܶ ܺ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܛܠ ܕܢܣ ݂ܒ ܩܢ�ܢܐ ܣܓܝܐܐ ݂ܒܚܘܫܒܢ ܦܪܢ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ܺ ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܐܫܬ ݁ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܐܬܪܡܝܘ ܘ‬ ‫ܘܕܝܘ ܶܠܗ ݁ ܽܟܘܡ ܶ� ̇ܝܗ ݁ܕ ܰ� ܺܢܝ‪ .‬ܘ ܽܗܘ ݂ ܶܕܝܢ ݁ ܰܟ ݂ܕ ܰܥܠ ܰ�ܥܡ ܐ̱ ܳܢ ܳܫܐ ܽܙܥܘ�ܐ‬ ‫݂ܰ ܶ ܽ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܓܘ ܡܢ ܫܘܪܗ ܕܗܝܟ�‪.‬‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݁ ܺ ̈ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܐܪܡܝــܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܶܡــܢ ݁ܬ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܥ�ــ ̱ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܪܥــܐ ܽܙܥــܘܪܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܺ‬ ‫݁ܦ ݂ܬܚــ ̱ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܟܐ ݂ܦــܐ‬ ‫ܥ�ــ ̱‬ ‫ܥ�ــ ̱‬ ‫ܰ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܕܘ ܳ‬ ‫�ܗ ܶܠܝܢ ݁ ܰܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ݂ܦ ܰܣܩ ̱ܘ ܺܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܝܫܗ ܰܘ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫�ܒܪ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܩܛ� ̱‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܽ ܰ ܳ ܰ ܰ ݁ܰ ܶ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܫܠܡ ܐ ܽܢܘܢ � ܰ� ܺܫܝܥܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܡܒܪ ݂ܟ ܗܘ ܐ�ܗܢ‪ :‬ܗܘ ܕ‬ ‫݁ܒ ݂ ܽܟܠ ܶܡ ݁ ܶܕܡ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ‪݂ :‬‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫݁ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܥܒـ ݂ܕ ݁ ܽܕ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܥܬܝ ݂ ܺܕܝـܢ ̱ܚ ܰܢـܢ � ܶܡ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ܶܝـܗ ݁ܕ ܰܗ ݁ܝܟـ ܳ� ݂ܒ ݂ ܳܟ ܽܢـܘܢ ܩـ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܶܡܛܠ ܳܗ ݂ ܺܟܝــܠ ܕ‬ ‫ـܕܡ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܘܕܥ ܳܐ ݂ܦ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ‪ܳ ݁ .‬ܕ ݂ܐܦ ܰܐܢ ̱ ݁ ܽܬܘܢ ݁ܬܶ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܫܐ ܘܥܶܣ ܺܪܝܢ‪ܰ ݂ :‬‬ ‫�ܒܝܢ ݁ܕ ܰܢ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫݁ܒ ܰܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܗܘܘܢ ܳܥ ݂ܒ ݁ ܺܕܝܢ ܶܠܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܳܐܦ ܰܥـܠ ܽܢـ ܳ‬ ‫ܐܡܪ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܐܕ ܐ ݂ ܰܕ ̈ܡ ܰܛ ̱��‪ܺ .‬ܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܰܐ ݂ܝܟ ܰܥ ݂ܕ ܺܥ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ܰ ݁ .‬ܟـ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܢـܐ ܰܢܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܡܝـܐ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫ܰܗ ݁ܝܟ ܳ� ܰ‬ ‫ܘܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܚܐ ܰܘܐ ܶܣܩ ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ܰܐ ݂ ܳܒ ܰܗ�̈ܢ ܳܐ ܺܙܠܝܢ ܗ ܰܘܘ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫�ܦ ܶܪܣ‪ܳ ݁ :‬ܟ ̈ܗܢܶܐ ܰܙ ݁ ܺܕ�̈ ܶܩܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܰܗܘ ܰܙ ݂ܒ ܳܢܐ‪ :‬ܢ ܰܣ ݂ܒ ̱ܘ ̱ܗ ܰܘܘ ܶܡܢ‬ ‫̱ ̱‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܽܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܝܬ ̱ܗ ܳܘܐ ݂ ܳܒـ ̇ܗ ܰܡ ܳ ̈ܝـܐ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܘܪܐ ݂ܕ ܰܡ ݂ܕ ݁ܒ ܳܚܐ ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܟܣ ܽܝـ ̇‬ ‫ܘܗ‬ ‫ܝܬ‪ .‬ܘܛ ܺܫܝܘ ݁ܒ ݂ ܺܒ ܳܪܐ ݂ܕ� ܐ ݂‬ ‫ܛܫܝܐ ݂‬ ‫ܳ ܶܺ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁ ܰܕ�� ܳܢܫ � ݂ܬ ݂ܬܝ ݂ ܰܕܥ ݁ ܽܕ ݁ܘܟ ݂ܬ ̇ܗ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܳ̈ ܰ ݁ ܺ ܳ̈ ܳ ܰ ܰ ܰ ܳ ܳ ܶ ݁ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܝـܐ ܶܡـܢ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܰ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܬ ݁ ܰܕܪ ܰܢܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܦܪ ��ܗܐ‪ :‬ܐ‬ ‫�ܟـܐ‬ ‫ܥܒܪ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܫ�ܝܐ ܣܓܝ ݂ܐܬ ܐ‪ :‬ܘ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܰ ܶܽ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܕ ݁ ܳܦ ܶܪܣ ܰܥܡ ݁ܒ ܰ�ܝ̈ ܽܗܘܢ ݁ܕ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶܐ ܳܗ ܽܢـܘܢ ݁ܕ ܰܛ ܺܫܝــܘ ܗ ܰܘܘ ܽܢـ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܘܫـܕܪ ܐܢـܘܢ ܕܢܝـ‬ ‫݂‬ ‫݂‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܽܢܘܪܐ‪ܳ.‬‬ ‫ܰ ݁ܽ‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ܶ ܰ ݁ ܳ ܶ ݁ܰ ܽ ܳ ܶܳ ܶ ܳ‬ ‫ـܬܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܪܐ‪ :‬ܐ � ܐܢ ܰܡܝ̈ܐ ݂ܕ ܺ� ̈ܝ ܶܚܐ‪ܰ :‬ܘ ݂ܦ ܰܩ ݂ܕ ݁ܕܢܶܣ ݂ ܽܒܘܢ ܘܢܝـ‬ ‫ܘ ݂ܐܬܘ ܘܐܡܪ ̱ܘ ܕ� ܐܫܟܚ ̱ܘ ܢ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ‪ܰ ݂ .‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫݁‬ ‫�ܟܗܢـܐ‪ :‬ܕܢܪܣـܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܟ ݂ܕ ݁ ܶܕܝܢ ܣ ܶ�ܩ ̱ܘ ܕ ݂ܒܚܐ ܘܩܘ� ܒܢܐ‪ :‬ܦܩـ ݂ܕ ܢܚܡܝـܐ ݂‬ ‫ܢܗܘܢ ܰܥܠ ܰܩܝ̈ ܶܣܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܶܡ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܥܠ ݁ ܶܕ ݂ ̈ܒ ܶܚܐ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

Ch. 


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Chapter  The Jewish brothers in Jerusalem and Judea to our Jewish brothers in Egypt: Peace. Peace and grace be with you. May God treat you well and remember his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, his faithful servants. May he give all of you a heart so that you might fear him and do his commandments with a full heart and a spirit that is willing.

May he open your ears and your hearts to his laws and commandments. May he make peace with you. May he hear your supplication and be reconciled to you. May he not forget you at wicked times. Here, even now, we are praying on your behalf.

In the one-hundred-sixty-ninth year 1 of Demetrius’s reign, we Jews wrote to you concerning the distresses and punishments that had come in those years after Jason and his companions were sent2 from the kingdom to the holy land. 3

[Jason] burned the gates and shed innocent blood. We prayed and entreated the Lord, and he heard our voice. We brought offerings and the meal offering, lit the lamps, and set out the showbread. Now, may you perform the festival of booths in First Kanun, 4 in the one-hundred-eighty-eighth year. 5

Those in Jerusalem and Judea and all the elders of Judea 6 to Aristobolus, the teacher of King Ptolemy, who is from the tribe of the anointed priests, and to the Jews in Egypt: Peace and health. 1 2

143 BCE.

‘were sent’: Greek ‘revolted’ (ἀπέστη). See Introduction, Noteworthy Readings.

‘from the kingdom to the holy land’: Greek ‘from the holy land and from the kingdom’ (ἀπὸ τῆς ἁγίας γῆς καὶ τῆς βασιλείας).

3 4

‘First Kanun’: Greek ‘Chislev’ (Χασελευ).


‘the elders of Judea’: Greek ‘the elders and Judas’ (ἡ γερουσία καὶ Ἰούδας).


124 BCE.

‫ܶ‬ ‫ܶܩ ݂ ܰܦ� ܳܘܢ‪:‬‬ ‫ܨܚ ܟ‬ ‫‪‬‬


















‫‪ ‬ܝ‬


‫ܰܐ ̈ܶܚܐ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ܕ ܽܒܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܐܪܥܐ ݂ ܺܕ ܽܝܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ܰ �ܰ :‬ܚ ̈ܝܢ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܶܡ ܶ�ܪܝــܢ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܒ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܠܡ ݂ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܠـܡ‪.‬‬ ‫݂ ݂݂‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܰ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܘܛ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܫ�ܡܐ‬ ‫ܝܒ ݂ܘܬ ܐ ܰܥ ݂‬ ‫ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܛ ݂ܐܒ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܘ� ܽ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ ܰܐ ܳ� ܳܗܐ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ݁ܬ݁ܕ ݂ ܰܟܪ ܳ‬ ‫ܩܝ ܶܡܗ ݁ܕ ܰܥـܡ ܰܐ ݂ܒـ ܳܪ ܳܗܡ ܺܘܐܝܣ ܳܚـܩ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܢ‬ ‫ܥܩـ ݂ܘܒ‬ ‫ܰܥ ݂ ̈ܒ ݁ ܰܕܘ ̱ܗܝ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܗ�̈ܡܢܶܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ݁ܶ‬ ‫ܬܠ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ ܶ� ݁ ܳܒܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ‪݁ .‬ܕ ݂ ݂ܬܶܕܚ ܽ�ـܘܢ ܶܠـܗ‪݂ :‬ܘܬܶ ݁ܥܒـ ݂ ܽܕܘܢ ݁ ܽܦ ̈ܘ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪:‬‬ ‫ܩܕ ܰܢـ ̱‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫݁ܒ� ݁ ܳܒܐ ܰܡ ܳ‬ ‫�ܝܐ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܰܢ ݂ܦ ܳܫܐ ݂ܕ ܶܡ�ܛ ݂ܒ ܳܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ݁ܰ‬ ‫�ܢ ܽܡ ̈ܘ ܰܣــܘܗܝ ܰܘ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܗܝ‪ .‬ܘܢܶ ݁ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܚ ݂ܶܐ ̈ܕ ܰܢܝ ݁ ܽܟــܘܢ ܘ ܶ� ݁ ܰܒ ܳ ̈ܘ ݂ܬ ݂ ܽܟــܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܠܦ ̈ܘ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܢ ݂ܦــ‬ ‫ܥܒــ ݂ܕ‬ ‫ܩܕ ܰܢــ ̱‬ ‫̱‬ ‫ܰܥ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܟܘܢ ܳ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܳ ܶ ݁ܽ ܽ ݁ ܰ ̈ ܶ ܺ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡܥ ݁ ܳܒ ܽܥ ݂ܘܬ ݂ ܽܟܘܢ‪ :‬ܘܢܶ ݂ܬ ܰܪܥܶܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܢܶ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܫܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܩܟܘܢ ܒܙ ݂ܒܢܐ ݂ܕ ݂ܒ‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ‪ .‬ܘ� ܢܫܒ ݂‬ ‫ܥܠ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܡܨ ܶܠ ܰܝܢܢ ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܘܗ ܳܫܐ ܳܗܐ ܳܗ ݁ ܳܪܟܐ ܰ‬ ‫ܚܢܢ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܝܟܘܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰ ܰ ܳ ܶ ݁ܺ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫�ܟ ݂ܘܬܶܗ ݁ܕ݂ ܺܕ ܺܡ ܺ‬ ‫ܫܬܝܢ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܰܫܥ ݁ܕ ܰܡ ݁ ܽ‬ ‫ܛܪ ܳ�ܘܣ‪ܰ :‬‬ ‫ܚܢܢ ܺ� ܽܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ݂ܟ ݂ܬ ݂ܒـܢ‬ ‫݂ܘܒܫܢ ݂ܬ ܡܐܐ ܘ‬ ‫ܰ ܳ̈ ܶ ݁ ܶ ݁ ܰ ݁ ܰ ܺ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ‬ ‫݂ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܽ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫݁‬ ‫�ܟܘܢ‪݁ :‬ܒ ܳܥ ̈ܩ ݂ܬܐ ݂ܘܒܐܘ�ܨ ܢܐ ݂ܕܡܛܝܘܢ ܒܗܠܝܢ ܫ�ܝـܐ‪ :‬ܡـܢ ܕܐܫــܬܕܪ ܐ�ܣـܘܢ‬ ‫ܰ ܶ ݁ ܰ ܶ ܶ ܰ ݁ ܽ ܳ ܰ ܳ ܰ ݁ܺ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܥܡܗ ܡܢ ܡ�ܟ ݂ܘܬ ܐ �ܪܥܐ ܩܕ‬ ‫ܝܫܬܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܰܘ ܶ‬ ‫ܪ�ـܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܐܫ ݂ܕ ݁ܕ ܳܡܐ ܰܙ ݁ ܳܟ ܳܝܐ‪ܰ .‬‬ ‫ܐܘܩ ݂ܕ ݁ ܰܬ�ܥܶܐ‪ܶ :‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܨ ܺܠܝܢ ܰܘ ݂ܒ ܰܥܝܢ ܶܡܢ ܳܡ ܳ‬ ‫ܫܡـܥ ݁ܒ ܳܩ ܰܠـܢ‪.‬‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ܶ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܝܕܐ‪ܰ .‬ܘ ܰ‬ ‫ܘܩ ܶܪ ݂ܒܢ ܽܩܘ� ݁ ܳܒܢܶܐ ܰܘܣ ܺܡ ݂ ܳ‬ ‫�ܚܡ ܐ ݁ ̈ܦܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܐܢܗܪܢ ܫ ܳ� ݂ܶܓܐ‪ .‬ܘ ܳܣܡܢ‬ ‫ܳ ܳ ܶ ܽ ܳ ݁ܺ ܰ ܺ ܳ ܰ ܰ‬ ‫ܡܛ ̱ ̈� ܶ� ݂ܒ ݂ ܳܟ ܽܢܘܢ ݂ ܶ‬ ‫ܩܕܡ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܗܫܐ ݂ܬܗܘܘܢ ܥ ݂ܒܕܝܢ ܥ ݂ܕܥ ݂ܐܕ ܐ ݂ܕ‬ ‫݁ ܰܒ ܰ‬ ‫ܫܢ ݂ܬ ܳܡܐܐ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܳܡ ܺܢܐܝܢ ܰܘ ݂ܬ ܳܡܢܶܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܳ‬ ‫ܝܠܝܢ ݁ܕ ܽܒܐ ܺ‬ ‫ـܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ ݂ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܪ ܶ‬ ‫ܘܒܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܟ�ـ ܽ‬ ‫ـܗܘܢ ܳܣ ݂ ̈ܶܒـܐ ݂ ܺܕܝـ ܽ‬ ‫ܫܠـܡ ݂ ܺ‬ ‫ـܗ ݂ ܳܘܕܐ‪ܺ � :‬ܪܤܛܘ ݂ ܽܒܘ ܳܠـܘܣ‬ ‫ܐ ܶ ݂‬ ‫ܶ ܰ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܰ‬ ‫ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫ܘ�ܡ ܳܐܘܣ ܰܡ ݁ ܳ‬ ‫�ܦܢܶܗ ݁ ܰܕ ݁ܦ ܳܛ ܶ‬ ‫ܬܐ ݂ܕ ݂ ܳܟ ̈ܗܢܶـܐ ܺ‬ ‫ܡܫ ̈ܝ ܶܚـܐ‪:‬‬ ‫ܘܗܝ ܡܢ ܫܪܒ ݂‬ ‫�ܟܐ‪ܺ ݁ :‬ܕܐܝ ݂ܬ ̱‬ ‫ܺ‬ ‫ܝܗ ̈ܘ ݂ ܳܕ�ܶܐ ݂ ܰܕ ݂ܒ ܶܡ ܶ�ܪܝܢ‪ܳ :‬‬ ‫ܘܠ ܽ‬ ‫ܘܚ ܳ‬ ‫ܫ� ܳܡܐ ܽ‬ ‫ܘ�ܡ ܳܢܐ‪.‬‬


‫ܣܦܪܐ ̈‬ ‫ܕܡܩܒܝܐ‪ :‬ܒ‬


‫̈‬ ‫ܕܡܩܒܝܐ ܠܦܘܬ ܡܦܩܬܐ‬ ‫ܚܡܠ ܟܬܒܐ ܗܢܐ ܠܨܘܪܬ ܟܬܒ ܣܦܪܐ ܬܪܝܢܐ‬ ‫݀‬ ‫ܕܡܬܩܪܝܐ ܦܫܝܛܬܐ܆ ܥܡ ܡܥܒܪܢܘܬܐ ܐܢܓܠܝܫܝܬܐ‪ .‬ܐܬܦܚܡܬ ܨܘܪܬ ܟܬܒ‬ ‫ܗܕܐ ܥܠ ܡܦܩܬܐ ܡܘܨܠܝܬܐ܇ ܕܒܝܕ ܡܪܝ ܩܠܝܡܝܣ ܝܘܣܦ ܕܘܝܕ‬ ‫݀‬ ‫ܦܪܣܬ ܡܕܢܚܐܝܬ ܫܢܬ ܐܦܦܙ ـ ܐܦ�ܐ܇ ܒܬܪ ܡܐ ܕܫܚ�ܦܢܢ ܠܣܪܛ ̇ܗ‬ ‫ܐܬ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܡܢ ܡܕܢܚܝܐ ܠܡܥܪܒܝܐ܆ ܘܐܘܣܦܢܢ ܢܘܩܙܝ ܪܘܟܟܐ ܘܩܘܫܝܐ ܓܡܝܪܐܝܬ܆‬ ‫ܘܢܝܫܐ ܕܡܒܛ�ܢܐ ܠܦܘܬ ܡܫܠܡܢܘܬܐ ܕܝܘܡܢ‪.‬‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܦܚܡܢܢ ܕܝܢ ܠܨܘܪܬ ܟܬܒ ܡܘܨܠܝܬܐ ܥܡ ܣ�ܝܛܐ ܥܬ�ܩܐ‪ .‬ܘܐܫܟܚܢܢ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܫܘܚ�ܦܐ ܒܨܝ�ܐ ܒܩ�ܝܢܐ܇ ܗܪܟܐ ܘܬܡܢ܇ ܒܝܬ ܡܦܩܬܐ ܡܘܨܠܝܬܐ‬ ‫ܕܐܝܬ‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܘܣ�ܝܛܐ ܥܬ�ܩܐ‪ .‬ܘܙܕܩ ܠܡܕܥ ܕܣܘܓܐܐ ܕܗܠܝܢ ܩ�ܝܢܐ ܕܒܡܦܩܬܐ‬ ‫ܡܘܨܠܝܬܐ ܫܟܝܚܝܢ ܘܠܘ ܒܣ�ܝܛܐ ܕܥܠ ܫܟܝܚܘܬ ܐܘ ܚܣܝܪܘܬ ̈‬ ‫ܐܬܘܬܐ‬ ‫ܒܕܘ�ܝ̈ܬܐ ܐܢܘܢ܆ ܘܕܥܠ ܫܟܝܚܘܬ ܐܘ ܚܣܝܪܘܬ ܣܝ̈ܡܐ ܐܢܘܢ ܘܫܪܟܐ‪ .‬ܣܕܪܐ‬ ‫ܕܗܠܝܢ ܩ�ܝܢܐ ܒܓܒܐ ܐܢܓܠܝܫܝܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܘܬܪ�ܢ ܠܨܘܪܬ ܟܬܒ ܠܦܘܬ ܡܫܠܡܢܘܬܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܬܐ ܡܥܪܒܝܬܐ ܕܝܘܡܢ‬ ‫ܪܕܝܐ‪ .‬ܐܝܬܐ ܠܡܐܡܪ‪ :‬ܟܬܒܢܢ ܺܪܝܫ ܚܠܦ ܺܪܫ ܘܫܪܟܐ‪.‬‬ ‫ܣܟܐ ܕܝܢ ܩܘܒܠܛܝܒܘܬܐ ܡܩܪܒܝܢܢ ܠܡ�ܦܢܐ ܐܢܕܪܐܘܣ ܝܘܟܝܠ ܕܥܕܪ‬ ‫ܬܘܕܝܢ ܕ� ̈‬ ‫ܒܦܘܚܡܐ ܥܠ ܣ�ܝܛܐ ܥܬ�̈ܩܐ‪ .‬ܘܠܡܪܝܐ �ܗܐ ̈‬ ‫̈‬ ‫ܡܘܦܝܢ܀ ܐܝܢ‬ ‫ܘܐܡܝܢ܀‬ ‫ܕܘܟܪܢܐ ܕܡܪܝ ܓܘܪܓܝܣ ܣܗܕܐ܆ ܝܓ ܢܣܝܢ ܒܟܒ ̄ܡ‬ ‫ܓܘܪܓܝ ܒܪ ܐܢܛܘܢ ܕܒܝܬ ܟܝܪܐܙ‬ ‫ܕܝܪܝܐ ܝܘܣܦ ܒܐܠܝ‬


‫̈‬ ‫ܙܕܩܐ ܢܛܝܪܝܢ܀‬

‫ܨܘܪܬ ܟܬܒ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܡܦܩܬܐ ܦܫܝܛܬܐ ܥܡ ܡܥܒܪܢܘܬܐ ܐܢܓܠܝܫܝܬܐ‬

‫ܣܦܪܐ ̈‬ ‫ܕܡܩܒܝܐ‪ :‬ܒ‬ ‫ܨܘܪܬ ܟܬܒ ܣܘܪܝܐܝܬ‬

‫ܓܘܪܓܝ ܒܪ ܐܢܛܘܢ ܕܒܝܬ ܟܝܪܐܙ‬ ‫ܕܝܪܝܐ ܝܘܣܦ ܒܐܠܝ‬

‫ܒܟܒ ̄ܡ‬ ‫ܓܘܪܓܝܐܣ ܦܪܣ‬

‫ܡܥܒܪܢܘܬܐ ܐܢܓܠܝܫܝܬܐ‬

‫ܦܝܠܝܦܘܣ ܦܘܪܢܝܣ‬ ‫ܕܘܢܐܠܕ ܡ‪ .‬ܘܐܠܬܪ‬

‫ܨܘܪܬ ܟܬܒ‬

‫̈‬ ‫ܡܦܚܡܢܝ ܫܫܠܬܐ‬

‫ܓܘܪܓܝ ܒܪ ܐܢܛܘܢ ܕܒܝܬ ܟܝܪܐܙ‬

‫ܐܢܕܪܐܘܣ ܒܪ ܘܐܠܬܪ ܕܒܝܬ ݁‬ ‫ܝܘܟܝܠ‬

‫ܨܘܪܬ ܟܬܒ‬ ‫ܐܝܟ ܡܦܩܬܐ ܦܫܝܛܬܐ ܥܡ ܡܥܒܪܢܘܬܐ ܐܢܓܠܝܫܝܬܐ‬

‫ܣܦܪܐ ̈‬ ‫ܕܡܩܒܝܐ‪ :‬ܒ‬