Dictionary and Thesaurus of Tocharian A 9783447120029

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Dictionary and Thesaurus of Tocharian A

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Gerd Carling and Georges-] ean Pinault

Dictionary and Thesaurus of Tocharian A


Harrassowitz Verlag · Wiesbaden

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Contents Acknowledgements ........................................................ .


Introduction .............................................................. .


1. The project - a brief history ............................................. 2. Source material ....................................................... 3. Differences between OTA (2009) and the current volume ...................... 4. Notes on general policy ................................................. 5. Overview of contributions to the current volume .............................

. . . . .


List of symbols ............................................................ .


Abbreviations ............................................................. .


1. Grammatical abbreviations .............................................. .

2. Abbreviations of languages .............................................. . 3. Abbreviations of manuscripts/texts ........................................ . 4. Other abbreviations .................................................... .


Literature ................................................................ .


Dictionary................................................................ .


The completion of this book has been a long process and many people ought to be acknowledged for their contribution. First, I acknowledge my co-author, Georges-Jean Pinault, for all his effort and patience with this project. l also thank the team in Paris, Timothee Chamot-Rooke, Athanaric Huard, Veronique M. Kremmer, and Boris Petipas, for their various contributions-without them the project would not have been completed. I also thank members of my team in Lund, who worked for several years with data feeding and controlling, including Filip Larsson, Victor Bogren Svensson, and Olof Lundgren. I thank Rob Verhoeven and Edin Kuckovic for handling the technology and constructing the database. Further, I thank Melanie Malzahn, Hannes Fellner, Michael Peyrot, Bernhard Koller and Fanny Meunier, for various contributions and for setting up the project in the framework of the CeTOM database. I thank Olav Hackstein for donating the Nachlass of Rudolf Dietz and for additional contributions to the dictionary. I also thank my colleagues at the Department of Linguistics at Lund University, where I have been working with this project since 2003. Finally, I would like to thank my family for their support. Lund, December 13, 2022

Gerd Carling

Funding The letters A-J were funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (RJ) and The Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS), Uppsala. This material was published as A Dictionmy and Thesaurus o.fTocharian A. Volume I: A-J, Compiled by Gerd Carling in Collaboration with GeorgesJean Pinault and Werner Winter (Harrassowitz Verlag, 2009). The work on the complete the dictionary, including an update of the initial letters A-J, was funded by the Swedish Research Council, Grant 2013-0 I 097 _ VR. Additional funding sources Funding for the electronic publication, organizing a workshop, and travelling was granted by the Elisabeth Rausing Foundation (Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Lund University). The work on the texts of the Pelliot Collection (Paris) in Tocharian A and the investigation of the phraseology and terminology of Tocharian Buddhism based on parallel texts from Central Asia belong to two focused axes of the HisTochText project (History of the Tocharian Texts of the Pelliot Collection), ERC Advanced Grant, directed by Georges-Jean Pinault (EPHE, PSL). This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 788205).


1. The project - a brief history The idea of producing a dictionary and thesaurus of Tocharian A, based on a revised and extended version of Pavel Poucha's Thesaurus Linguae Tocharicae Dialecti A (1955), the wordlist of Wolfgang Krause and Werner Thomas in the Tocharisches Elementarbuch II (1964), and extended by the Yanqi manuscripts (Ji - Winter Pinault 1998), emerged in the year 2000. The project was granted funding by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation for 2003-2006 (prolonged until 2007) and by Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala for 2004-2005. In its initial form, the project aimed at covering the basic work to prepare a complete dictionary of the Tocharian A language. First, a careful review of the thesaurus of Poucha (1955) had to be made by inserting corrections and additions found in later publications, in particular reviews of Poucha's book, and by inserting corrections for enws. Second, it was necessary to collect all bibliographical references referring to the texts and to digitize the Tocharian A corpus in transcribed form, including restorations and corrections. This work resulted in three digital materials, 1) a draft version of the complete dictionary, focusing on problematic entries in earlier dictionaries, 2) a reference database with text numbers and references to occurrences in the literature, and 3) a text corpus of Tocharian A, including restorations and partial translations. All three components were incomplete at the end of the initial project (2003-2007). Thereupon, we prepared a more elaborated and complete version of the dictionary, including systematic references to Tocharian B and Uighur/Sanskrit equivalents, indication of phraseology, and complete references to forms and occurrences. This volume included 1/3 of the Tocharian dictionary and was published in 2009, with the title Dictionary and Thesaurus of Tocharian A. Volume 1: A-J, by Gerd Carling in collaboration with Georges-Jean Pinault and Werner Winter (DTA 2009). The text and reference corpora that formed the basis for this publication, in the published volume referred to as TAL: Text and Reference Database of the Tocharian A Language (with a DOI at Lund University), was in 2012 moved to the CEToM database in Vienna. The material has been available from this platform since 2012 (https://www.univie.ac.at/tocharian/). The DOI at Lund University referred to in DTA (2009) is no longer valid. Since 2012, the texts, references, editions, and translations ofTocharian A have been continuously improved in the CEToM database, but the prospected second and third volume of the Tocharian A dictionary were halted due to lack of funding. Meanwhile, the collaborator Werner Winter passed away in 2010. The project of completing the Tocharian A dictionary received renewed funding from the Swedish Research Council for 2014-2016 and was prolonged until 2017, due to other grants and commissions by the project leader Gerd Carling. Within this project, we constructed a complete lexical database at Lund University by the name CeDICT: A Comprehensive e-Dictionary of Tocharian (https://projekt.ht.lu.se/cedict/) for the purpose of producing the complete dictionary. The digital version of the Dictionary and Thesaurus ofTocharian A (DTA 2009), which was automatically transferred to CEToM, was also automatically transferred to the new database. The CeDICT database contained an interface for feeding and viewing lexical lemma and was built to reflect the layout of the dictionary (DTA 2009). However, an important innovation of the CeDICT database was the automatic linkage of occurrences in the database to the corresponding manuscripts in CEToM. The current dictionary is extracted from this database. It is published in its complete form as a monograph. This means that the first section of the alphabet (A-J), which was published in DTA (2009)



has been carefully reviewed and updated (see 3. below). The electronic version of the dictionary, including all the search functions of the database, is published with another publishing house, Brill, within the series ludo-European Etymological Dictionaries Online (https://brill.com/view/db/iedo).

2. Source material The dictionary is intended to include the complete material of Tocharian A (for the unpublished material see below) as attested from manuscripts discovered in sites of the Central and Eastern area of the Tarim Basin: Yanqi, Shorchuq, Khocho (Gaochang), Yar-khoto, Toyuq, Murtuq, Sangim, and Bazaqliq. Most of the manuscripts are assembled in three different collections: 1) Turfan Collection, Berlin, 2) Collection of the Xinjiang Museum, Urumchi, and 3) Collection Pelliot, Paris. In addition, a few fragments are kept in the St. Petersburg Collection and the London Collection. Most of these texts, including transcription and a digitized version of the manuscripts, are available on CEToM, either public or behind password. Complete translations for several texts in Tocharian A have been published by various authors (see Source literature). These translations form the basis for the reference database and the translations in OT A (2009) and the Tocharian A translations in CEToM. At the time of the publication ofDTA (2009), the CEToM database was not available, and therefore this volume contained a substantial corpus of text samples, including restorations and translations. However, since this material is now available via the CEToM database, the current volume contains fewer text samples and translations. We distinguish several text collections, explaining their status and how they have been treated in this dictionary. Berlin texts A 1-467 (in the dictionary given as numbers only, without a preceding "A"). The largest collection of Tocharian A texts is preserved in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz, as part of the Turfan Collection of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (now Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities). 467 of these manuscripts were published in transliteration by Emil Sieg and Wilhelm Siegling in Tocharische Sprachreste ( 1921 ). The dictionary authored by Poucha ( 1955) was based on this edition as well as on the Tocharische Grammatik (1931) by Emil Sieg (1866-1951) and Wilhelm Siegling (1880-1946) in collaboration with Wilhelm Schulze (1863-1935). In the cun-ent dictionary, an additional source is the personal and annotated copy of the Tocharische Sprachreste by Wilhelm Siegling, which was scanned by Douglas Q. Adams and communicated to Melanie Malzahn (Vienna), who transmitted it to Georges-Jean Pinault, as well as to a few other scholars. This copy contains numerous notes and con-ections ofreadings which are extremely valuable, reflecting the high expertise of Siegling, since notes were based on manuscripts which have later been lost. These notes by Siegling were written after the publication of the Tocharische Grammatik (1931 ). By chance, several important and large manuscripts had been photographed and included in the volume of plates of the Tocharische Sprachreste ( 1921 ). For the present dictionary as well as for OTA (2009), all problematic or difficult passages have been controlled again by examination of all available photographs and-in critical cases-of the original manuscripts kept in the Turfan Collection, Staatsbibliothek zu BerlinPreussischer Kulturbesitz, Orientabteilung. Berlin THT texts. Passages from fragments not included in Sieg - Siegling (1921) were quoted elsewhere, especially in the Tocharische Grammatik (1931) by Emil Sieg and Wilhelm Siegling, with the collaboration of Wilhelm Schulze. Many documents of the Turfan Collection were destroyed during World War II or have been lost otherwise, but the remains, including older photos of the manuscripts (published in the volume of plates of the Tocharische Sprachreste), were made available under the acronym THT (see below the abbreviations of manuscripts) as part of the project



TITUS:Tocharica, directed by Jost Gippert, Goethe University, Frankfmt a.M. In the mass of unpublished manuscripts, those in Tocharian A were identified and transcribed for the most part by Georges-Jean Pinault in 2004-2005 and included in DTA (2009). Since then, the remaining text fragments (in Tocharian A as well as in Tocharian B) from Berlin have been made available, with transcriptions by Tatsushi Tamai, Georges-Jean Pinault, and Michael Peyrot via the CEToM database (several of them are not yet public), and more recently by Ilya Itkin (2019). The latter treatment retrieves around 1050 fragments in Tocharian A and supersedes definitely the previous transliterations. The printed work ofltkin (2019) was received in the midyear 2020, while the final revision of the present dictionary had started. Most of these manuscripts are very fragmentary, but it has been possible to find words in this material that have been quoted by Sieg and Siegling in comments to their edition (1921) and in their grammar ( 1931 ). The present dictionary does not intend to cover the totality of this material; many readings are still uncertain and most of the material is still waiting for scientific publication. In the Thesaurus part (T) of each lemma, we have given priority to THT fragments containing new forms or alternative variants of words which were previously recorded. As a rule, the systematic transliteration of fragments containing only a few letters contain words previously recorded in Poucha (1955), and do not add anything new to Tocharian A lexicon. Several publications up to date include THT fragments, identifying Sanskrit or Uighur parallels and joining these manuscripts to better known and longer manuscripts (Itkin 2002, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2020; Burlak and Itkin 2004, 2020; Itkin and Malyshev 2016, 2019, 2021; Malyshev 2017, 2019, 2022). The results retrieved from these publications are included in the present dictionary. Since the Berlin THT material in this volume stems from various sources (TITUS:Tocharica, CEToM, Itkin 2019), and reflects different states of inclusion over the 20-year period of the production of the dictionary, there might be discrepancies in the numbering of texts and lines, as well as in readings, of this material. In principle, we follow Itkin's index verborum (2019) for numbering and identification of recto/verso and line numbering, but the dictionary may show traces of earlier versions, such as CEToM. Itkin's work (2019) mentions at times specific contributions by Sergey V. Malyshev to the decipherment of some items, but those have not been specified among the current references to THT on the basis of Itkin 2019. Glosses. Further, there are Tocharian A interlinear glosses in Sanskrit manuscripts of the Berlin collection (published under the acronym SHT). These glosses are available on CEToM and have been published in several books and papers (see Malzahn 2007b, Peyrot 2014 and 2015a, which give further references) and are included in the current volume. Yanqi manuscripts. A smaller set of manuscripts was unexpectedly discovered in 1974 in the Yanqi district ofXinjiang, China. This collection, consisting of 44 [43] fragments ofleaves from one text, a Tocharian A version of the Maitreyasamiti-Nataka, is stored in the Xinjiang Museum, Urumchi. The material was first published in parts by Ji Xianlin and commented on by, among others, Werner Thomas, Georges-Jean Pinault, and Klaus T. Schmidt, and later published in complete fo1m, including translation, commentary, and photos of the manuscripts, by Ji Xianlin, Werner Winter and Georges-Jean Pinault in Fragments of the Tocharian A Maitreyasamiti-Nafaka (1998). This material is included in the CEToM database as well as in the current volume. Paris texts. In the Pelliot Collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris, which contains mostly fragments in Tocharian B, there are a handful ofTocharian A manuscripts. One set consists of six leaves of the same manuscript, found in Kucha region: Pelliot Koutcheen N[ ouvelle] S[erie] 1-6. Most of these pieces are quite difficult to read, paitly because of superposition of lines by imprints from one leaf to another. A provisory reading had been made by Pinault during the 1990s, and the first 4 items have been published online on CEToM in August 2014. These leaves have been



investigated more deeply through imaging techniques in 2019-2020 as part of the project HisTochText (History of the Tocharian Texts of the Pelliot Collection, ERC Advanced Grant. Horizon 2020, Action Number 788205), directed by Georges-Jean Pinault. Thanks to new photographs, it proved possible to read larger parts of the text: a complete edition by Athanaric Huard, Kilian Laclavetine and Georges-Jean Pinault is currently in preparation. The material which has been obtained so far has been included in the Thesaurus. This holds also for some little fragments (from the Pelliot Koutcheen and Pelliot Sanskrit collections) which have been identified by Huard in the meantime. So has the data of the text MG I from the Musee Ouimet (edited by Pinault 2007a), which probably also belongs to the findings of the Pelliot Mission in Central Asia, but which was not included in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France. Still, there are other Tocharian A fragments in various collections, which have been neither identified nor published. Consequently, the corpus covered by this dictionary should not be considered as fully complete. However, in principle we aim at including all the material that has been effectively published or is otherwise available to the authors of the dictionary. The intention of the dictionary is to reflect the present state of knowledge ofTocharian A lexicography, as well as to give a sound basis for further investigations. Accompanying the text material mentioned above is a rich literature dealing with all kinds of issues, phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical or philological. Restorations, corrections, translations, commentaries, or discussions on individual problems of a particular text, might be found anywhere within this literature. Therefore, the compilation of the database in which bibliographical references to individual texts are systematically collected, has been of great importance for the project. Since 2011, this database is incorporated with CEToM. For the current volume, we have systematically searched and included publications since 2008 for additions and improvements of the Tocharian A text material. Parallel texts in non-Tocharian languages, particularly in Sanskrit and Uighur, but also in Chinese, Tibetan, Khotanese, etc., are of great help in understanding and translating complicated texts and passages properly. In recent years, a number of texts that are either directly translated from or into Tocharian or have a content equivalent to the Tocharian texts, have been published. The knowledge gained from comparison with these parallel texts has been an important source in the reinterpretation of lexemes, passages and texts in the dictionary. For this reason, parallels as for lexemes, constructions, or passages, have been introduced in the entries, beside the Tocharian B equivalents. 3. Differences between DT A (2009) and the current volume The current volume contains an updated version of the volume DTA (2009), which has been completed by the remaining letters, covering the entire language. The volume DTA (2009) was published before the text corpus and reference database was made available via CEToM, and therefore all lemma ofDTA (2009) contained substantial amounts of text samples with translations, which were extracted from the corpus. However, since the Tocharian A corpus currently is almost completely available open access (several THT fragments are still behind password) via the CEToM database, we have decided to include less samples of text and translation in the current volume. As for the first part of the volume, which has been migrated from the text-file of DTA (2009) into the database CeDICT and then extracted into the current volume, there are some improvements:



Reviews of DTA (2009) have been taken into consideration, in particular Itkin (201 I), Malzahn (2011 ), and Peyrot (2011 ). Verbal roots have been standardized, including, or referring to suggestions in The Tocharian Verbal System (TVS). Forms and occurrences have been cross-checked with CEToM. Names of tunes have been checked against CEToM, adopting their standard for the restoration of nominative forms.

• • •

4. Notes on general policy The dictionary will include as much important information on Tocharian A as feasible -without being too extensive and spacious. Even if the work is based on already existing dictionaries, such as Pavel Poucha's Thesaurus Linguae Tocharicae Dialecti A and Wolfgang Krause and Werner Thomas' Tocharisches Elementarbuch II, each lemma has been expanded by important inforn1ation that has been gained through later research. It should be mentioned that, in all problematic cases, the readings of the texts have been controlled through inspection of the manuscripts, in original form or in photo, when available.

The lemma presents first the lexeme (in bold/italics) in its basic.form, i.e., nominative singular for nouns, nominative singular masculine for pronouns, adjectives and numerals, and the stem for verbs. Thereupon, word class is indicated by one or more of a number of fixed abbreviations (cf. Grammatical Abbreviations). For the nouns, the gender is stated if it can be ascertained from the occurrences or from the morphological class. This has been thoroughly controlled by Timothee Chamot-Rooke (PhD student, EPHE, PSL) under the supervision of Georges-Jean Pinault. Translation is given within single quotation marks (") under the heading Meaning. If the lexeme, in the form that it is referred to, has more than one usage or translation, the different usages/translations are represented by different numbers, 1), 2 ), 3) etc., which then recur in the F( orms) and T(hesaurus) sections (see below). After the translation, information is given about the Tocharian B equivalent, if available, and parallel forms in Sanskrit or Uighur, if available. A parallel form is quoted here only if it is attested from a parallel or bilingual text only, and not if it, for example, is a source of the Tocharian word, which would be given in the D(erivation) section. After the lemma introduction, the entry is divided by letters representing different pieces of information as follows: L = L(iterature) concerning previous translations of the lemma. Most references in this section are quoted in short fonn, using standardized abbreviations for the most common reference works. For well-known lemma, where there is no doubt about the translation, only standard works are quoted (cf. Source literature). This section does not contain any discussion concerning the meaning ofa lexeme. When necessary, it is provided under the heading R (see below). P = Paradigm (of verbs). This section occurs only for verbs and gives a complete paradigm, including also non-attested but synchronically reconstructed categories. F = Morphological inventory of F(orms). Under this heading, all grammatical forms, including different variants, of a lexeme are listed. A fixed order of categories (case, gender, etc.) is consistently used. Just as in the text examples, hyphen (-) is



used to distinguish the following categories: members of compounds, verbs and clitic pronouns, and pmticles that might be segmented in the text, cf. for instance iintsan-ne. However, contrary to the policy of the 2009 volume (OTA), the casual affix -yo of the instrumental has been treated as the other casual affixes expressing the so-called secondary cases. S = S(yntax) and phraseology. Here, common or specific phrases, formulas and constructions of a lexeme are listed. Sanskrit and Uighur parallels, if available, are given (in round brackets). T = T(hesaurus). This section contains a complete list of the occurrences of an individual lexeme. The occurrences are separated by semicolon (;), and examples of an occurrence by comma (,). The same order as in F(orms) is used. A selected number of examples is quoted and translated. As in S(yntax), Sanskrit and Uighur parallels, if available, are given (in round brackets) directly after the example. Bare text numbers (247, 125, 340, etc.) refer to Tocharian A texts of the Turfan Collection as published by Sieg - Siegling (1921 ). Unidentified unpublished texts of the Berlin collection are mentioned as "Berlin ms.". Identified Berlin texts not included in Sieg Siegling (1921) are given by their THT-number (from TITUS:Tocharica, CEToM, and Itkin 2019). "YQ" refers to the Yanqi texts as published by Ji - Winter Pinault (1998). The manuscript numbers (1.29 etc.) of this collection are not given, but, instead, the numbers III.3, etc., refen-ing to the respective chapter (Roman number) and to the respective leaf (lndo-Arabic number) of the YQ (Yanqi) manuscript of the Maitreyasamiti-Nataka, are used. Elsewhere, manuscripts are reproduced as in their respective publications (cf. Abbreviations). Quoted texts are reproduced in transcription only, not transliteration, which means that Fremdzeichen is not marked, i.e., the difference between !Jg and nii is not indicated in the text. Fmthermore, virama and superscribed 11 at the end of a word are omitted. Otherwise, all signs given in the texts are reproduced in the examples. The complete transliterations can be found in Sieg and Siegling's original edition of 1921, TITUS:Tocharica homepage, in Ji, Winter and Pinault's edition of the Yanqi manuscripts and on CEToM (see 2. Source material). The restorations, corrections, and translations have been taken from many different sources, which are not given reference to for each individual translation. D = D(erivation) and etymology. In this section the affiliation of the lexeme is discussed in brief. Because of the many problems connected with words oflndo-European origin or very ancient borrowings in Tocharian, these matters are not considered here. Words ofTocharian B that are equivalent or related to words ofTocharian A are systematically mentioned, but the reconstruction does not go beyond the Common Tocharian stage. Accordingly, the vast literature concerning Indo-European etymologies is not taken into consideration. Other dictionaries (Van Windekens 1976, Adams 1999 [revised 2013], Hilmarsson 1996) or discussions elsewhere should be consulted on this highly complicated issue. The reason is partly that in previous literature etymological analysis often has been done too quickly, before the proper meaning of an item had been established by philological methods. Actually, the number of Tocharian words for which absolutely certain ludo-European etymologies can be assumed is relatively low, and these items have been identified for a long time. By contrast, there are loanwords on each line of every Tocharian text, and most of them are not yet correctly described. Recent borrowings, such as from Buddhist Sanskrit, Middle Iranian, or Chinese, are identified, referring to relevant dictionaries, such as Sanskrit-Worterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfanfimden and Edgerton's dictionary of Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit (see Commonly quoted dictionaries or



publications). Since many Sanskrit words have been obviously borrowed into Tocharian through Middle Indic (alias Prakrit) intermediary, references have been made to Turner's dictionary (CDIAL) and to dictionaries of Pali, as well as to other reference tools. Internal reconstruction done to trace back a form to Common Tocharian or just within Tocharian A, is mentioned here, including references to literature. R = R( eferences) and comments to interpretation of lexemes and passages. Bibliographic references to discussions concerning the interpretation of a lexeme, relation to other lexemes or items, translations of passages, indication of parallels in Sanskrit, Uighur or Tocharian B and so forth, are given here. For the purpose of clarity, the sections F(orms), S(yntax) and T(hesaurus) do not contain any bibliographical references. Therefore, this section might offer information of relevance for issues in previous sections, for instance problems of translation of an individual passage under T(hesaurus), or a construction under S(yntax). The policy for references has been as follows: references that primarily discuss the meaning or form of the particular item are given preference. References that simply discuss or give translations of individual passages under the T(hesaurus) section are not given, with the exception of references to passages that are crucial to the translation of the item itself. 5. Overview of contributions to the current volume The compilation of the first part of the dictionary (a-j, DTA 2009) was a joint work ofGerd Carling, Lund (who at the time was postdoctoral researcher), together with Georges-Jean Pinault, Paris, and Werner Winter, Kiel. The building of the text/reference database (available via CEToM) that is the main source for restorations, reconstructions, translations, and discussions was done by Gerd Carling. The basic work with the dictionary, i.e., compilation of items, identification/translation of lexemes, identification of forms, identification/ restoration/ translation of passages was also worked out by Gerd Carling. Some parts were worked out by Werner Winter and Georges-Jean Pinault. The material was discussed by all three authors, separately or all together. Werner Winter and Georges-Jean Pinault often proposed different or new translations of words, and these proposals were in the original publication of DTA (2009) introduced with a remark under the L section (WW or PIN). Further, Werner Winter and Georges-Jean Pinault improved translations, identifications, and restorations. The reading of unpublished A texts from the Pelliot Collection and identification and reading of unpublished A texts in the Turfan Collection was done by Georges-Jean Pinault. Werner Winter worked separately with the verbs and developed the system of organizing stems, given in the lemma and in the Paradigm and Form sections. Werner Winter also worked on identification of unpublished THT texts. Finally, the complete volume was revised by Georges-Jean Pinault. The volume of DTA (2009), reviewed and updated, is included in the current volume. For the remaining part of the alphabet (fz - ts) the procedure of working out lemmas has been somewhat different compared to the first part. Werner Winter passed away in 2010, leaving behind a draft for organizing the verbal stems. This material forms the basis for the verb lemmas in the current dictionary. The project of completing the dictionary started under the leadership of Gerd Carling in 2014. Initially, Rob Verhoeven (engineer, Lund University) in collaboration with Edin Kuckovic (engineer, Lund University), built a database and an editor interface (2014-2015). Filip Larsson (research assistant, Lund University) introduced and checked all occurrences from Poucha (1955) (POU), controlling against the database CEToM. In addition, he introduced the review by Couvreur (Couvreur 1955/56 (COU), 1966), Ji- Winter- Pinault (1998) (JWP), the Nachlass by Rudolf Dietz (VTW, see description below), and the remaining dictionary material compiled by Gerd Carling (between 2003-2007) but not included in OTA (2009). This work by Rob Verhoeven, Edin Kuckovic,



and Filip Larsson was done between 2014-2015 under the supervision of Gerd Carling. For each lemma, Filip Larsson performed a search in CEToM, checking for additional occurrences in THT texts. Fellow Tocharologists Melanie Malzahn, Hannes Fellner, Michael Peyrot, Olav Hackstein, Georges-Jean Pinault and Fanny Meunier improved a handful oflemmas during a workshop in Lund, February 16-20, 2015. Thereupon, from 2015-2017, Gerd Carling worked over all lemmas, checking and improving the entire material, including sources, bibliographic references, and new occurrences. The first part (a-j) was improved by reviews of the earlier volume (see the references below in the full bibliography) and additional references later than 2009, and all verbs were checked against TVS. Gerd Carling and Georges-Jean Pinault worked together in Paris in February 2018 on problematic lemmas. Thereupon, Olof Lundgren (research assistant, Lund University) proof-read the entire dictionary for consistency, added and checked translations, and introduced glosses when missing (2018-2019). Again, Gerd Carling proof-read and controlled the entire dictionary (2019), checking Sanskrit and Middle Indic sources, verbs, and references. Gerd Carling and Georges-Jean Pinault worked together with various lemmas through correspondence and during a work session in Paris, November-December 2019, solving many problematic issues in translating lemmas and occurrences. From January 2020 until April 2022 a team in Paris, under the supervision of Georges-Jean Pinault, worked over and controlled all lemmas of the dictionary. This team included PhD students of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE, Paris Sciences et Lettres), who were preparing their dissertation on various aspects ofTocharian philology and linguistics: in alphabetical order, Timothee Chamot-Rooke, Athanaric Huard, Veronique M. Kremmer, and Boris Petipas. Since several lemmas contains lots of occurrences, the survey of the materials was distributed between the members of this team: n top (Petipas), b to ly (Kremmer), and v, w, sibilants, ts, h (Pinault). The whole revision was slowed down since March 2020 and until October 2021 by the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on academic and research activities in France and abroad. Permanent access to the Lund database (CeDICT) has been granted since 2019 to Chamot-Rooke, Huard and Pinault, in order to introduce all changes which were written before. The work done by the Paris team was elaborated during several sessions at Pinault's office in Paris, together with Chamot-Rooke and Huard. Both assisted Pinault in checking many points, which resulted in reassessing-or establishing for the first time-many interpretations and translations of passages. The revision required to improve many items of Poucha's dictionary, beyond the corrections made by Couvreur (1955/56, 1956, 1959). The work done by Chamot-Rooke was substantial for a lot of improvements of the entire database, such as, to name only a few, the thorough revision of the demonstratives, the identification of the occurrences of the indefinite pronoun (see Chamot-Rooke 2021), the link of the imperative prefixed stem forms to their respective verbs, the identification of gender of nouns, and the identification and translation of several fragments. Kremmer revised the identification of compounds with first members sla and sne. Huard has controlled the meaning of Buddhist terms, including comparison with other languages. He has identified and translated several fragments, which had been poorly understood so far. In the meantime, Chamot-Rooke, Huard and Kremmer wrote papers (several still under the press at the beginning of2022) about data from texts in Tocharian A, which bring significant improvements to a number of lexical, syntactic, and morphological problems. This material, as well as those from Huard's PhD thesis (Huard 2022), have been entered into the database. All data were inserted into the CeDICT database by Chamot-Rooke (80%) and Huard (20%). Specific contributions of Pinault's collaborators have been highlighted by the mention 'p.c.' following their names or by reference to their works. This mention applies also to Bai Yu, PhD student at the EPHE, PSL, under the joint supervision of Sylvie Hureau. In addition, Gerd Carling did a final and complete proof reading for



completion and consistency with some assistance of Victor Bogren-Svensson (PhD, Lund University). A substantial part of the lemma has the source VTW in the Literature field. This refers to an unpublished manuscript by the name "Vorarbeiten zu einem tocharischen Worterbuch von Werner Thomas and Rudolf Dietz". In 2012, Olav Hackstein was officially asked by the Deutsche Morgenlandische Gesellschaft (DMG) on behalf of Rudolf Dietz to secure this document for further scientific work. The material was made available to the current project in 2014. It is not clear how this material was produced. The material covers only the alphabet up to ma-, and the remaining part is either lost or not existing. The document, which is an outline of a dictionary, is written by means of an old-time typewriter, with diacritics added by hand. Besides, there are hand-written additions and comments. The parts by typewriter are probably from the 1980s or earlier and have no references to the Yanqi manuscripts or the publication by Ji Winter - Pinault (1998). The comments added by hand contain revisions which insert Uighur parallels, referring to Tekin (1980) and Ji Winter Pinault (1998), including the review of this edition (JWP) by Thomas (2003). However, it should be said that the meritorious work done by Dietz under the supervision of Thomas is by now outdated, due to the advances ofTocharian philology in the two past decades. We are fully aware that there might be limitations and shortcomings in the present work. However, we hope that the present volume will stimulate philological research on Tocharian, little more than a century after the deciphennent (1908) of this language as belonging to the Indo-European family. The expected advances in Tocharian A and B lexicography will result from the better understanding of fragmentary texts, based on the joining of fragments and on the discovery of further parallel texts in other languages of Buddhism. We welcome all suggestions for additions, corrections and improvements proposed by fellow researchers.

List of symbols

* *


( ) [ [

< ..> Ill


I II \


> €

(before a word) reconstructed item (after a word) unattested but deduced form (from inflected forms or, in the case of Sanskrit, for unattested words) restored part of the text damaged or illegible part of the text inserted or corrected (part of) syllable inserted part of text from parallel manuscript discontinuance of a text passage unreadable or lost part of a syllable unreadable or lost syllable dm:i9a double dai:i9a beginning or end of line double dot simple dot omitted parts of text or translation (in text passages) separation of words joined together in writing (sandhi) (between text numbers) agreement between text passages in Tocharian A restored form questionable morphological identification (because of fragmentary context) correction ofrectolverso in relation to publication (TS etc.) scribal error


1. Grammatical abbreviations N.B. In the F(orms) and T(hesaurus) sections, abbreviations begin with a capital letter. a. abl. abs. abstr. act. adj. adv. all. C caus. cl. com. COnJ. detr. ditr. du. fact. fem. gen. gdv. indecl. inf. instr. inter. interj. ipf. ipv. itr. lit. loc. masc. MP Mtant. n. nt. nom. num. obi.

"altemans", i.e., masculine in singular and feminine in plural ablative absolutive abstract active adjective adverb allative consonant causative clitic pronoun comitative conjunction detransitive (derived intransitive from transitive) ditransitive dual factitive feminine genitive gerundive indeclinable infinitive instrumental interrogative interjection imperfect imperative intransitive literally locative masculine medio-passive medium tantum noun neuter nominative numeral (cardinal number) oblique


Abbreviations opt. ord. par. part. pass. p.c. per!. pf. pl. pp. pprs. pprt. prep. prev. pron. prs. prt. ptc. rel. sg. sub. subj. subst. T tr. uni. vb. V VN voe.

optative ordinal number para! particle passive personal communication perlative perfect plural postposition present participle preterit participle preposition preverb pronoun present preterit participle relative singular subj unction subjunctive substantive thematic vowel ( CT *- 'ii-/-ce-) transitive uninflected (adjective) verb vowel verbal noun vocative

2. Abbreviations of languages Av. Avestan Bactr. Bactrian Buddh.Sogd. Buddhist Sogdian Chin. Chinese CT Common Tocharian IA In do-Aryan Ir. Iranian IIr. Indo-Iranian Khot. Khotanese MI Middle Indic Mlr. Middle Iranian Mid.Ch. Middle Chinese Mod.Ch. Modem Chinese MPers. Middle Persian


OCh. OPers. Pa. Pkt. Skt. Toch. Uigh.

Abbreviations Old Chinese Old Persian Pali Prakrit Sanskrit Tocharian Uighur

3. Abbreviations of manuscripts/texts Abhidharmakosa by Vasubandhu, ed. Louis de La Vallee Poussin Abhidh-k Anguttara-Nikaya AN Tocharian B ms. from the Turfan Collection. Source Sieg - Siegling B (1949, 1953) Unpublished Tocharian A manuscripts of the Turfan Collection. Basic Berlin ms. source TS or SSS (form not identified among the unpublished THT texts) Divyavadana Divy Digha-Nikaya DN Tocharian (B) ms. of the British collections. Images available on The IOL Toch. International Dunhuang Project website, http://idp.bl.uk. Jatakamala by Arya Sura JM KoAv Kotikan:ia-Avadana Lalitavistara LV Old Uighur Maitreyasamiti-Nataka manuscripts from Hami MaitrHami Old Uighur Maitreyasamiti-Nataka manuscripts from Sangim MaitrSangim Manuscript of the Musee Guimet. Source Pinault (2007a) MGl Majjhima-Nikaya MN Mahaparinirval)a-Sutra MPS Maitreyasamiti-Nataka MSN Mahavastu-A vadana Mvu Maha vyutpatti Mvy Nandacarita Na Nai]:isargika-patayantika-dharma of the PrMoSu NP Patayantika-dharma of the PrMoSu Pat Tocharian ms. from the Pelliot Collection (Ancienne Serie) PK.AS. Tocharian ms. From the Pelliot Collection (Nouvelle Serie) PK.NS. PrMoSu Pratimok:;;asutra Saundarananda by Asvagho:;;a Sau Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden. Sanskrit manuscripts SHT from the Berlin Turfan Collection, edited since 1965 under the direction of Ernst Waldschmidt (Gottingen, Akademie der Wissenschaften) Sarµyutta-Nikaya SN Sn Suttanipata. Tocharische Handschriften aus den Turfanfunden. Unpublished THT Tocharian (A) manuscript from the Turfan collection (texts published



Udv Vin VAY YQ

4. Other abbreviations int.add. fgm. gl. id. intr. LN N PN Rev.

in Tocharische Sprachreste are quoted only by a number). Source TITUS/ Tocharica and Itkin (2019) Udanavarga Vinaya VanJarhavamastotra by Matrceta Yanqi manuscripts of the Collection of the Museum ofUrumchi, published by Ji Winter Pinault (1998)

interlinear addition fragmentary passage(s) interlinear gloss in Sanskrit manuscript phrase or formula identical with the previous passage introduction part (of text) name of locality name (of animal, plant, or alike) proper name review


N .B. The texts belonging to the Pali canon are quoted after the editions and translations of the Pali Text Society. The literature intends to cover all volumes (with additions in forthcoming volumes). Therefore, references here might Jack correspondence in the first volume of the dictionary. 1. Commonly quoted dictionaries, reference works or sources

la. Published works ADAMS= Adams, Douglas Q. 2013. A Dictiona,y ofTocharian B. Revised and Greatly Enlarged. Amsterdam - New York: Rodopi (Leiden Studies in lndo-European 10). ATG = von Gabain, Annemarie 1974. Alttiirkische Grammatik. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. BA[LEY = Bailey, Sir Harold W. 1979. Dictionmy ofKhotan Saka. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. BHSD = Edgerton, Franklin 1953. Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictiona,y. Volume II: Dictionary. New Haven (Conn.): Yale University Press. CDIAL = Turner, Ralph L. 1966. A Comparative Dictiona1y of the Indo-A1yan Languages. Volume I: Text. London: Oxford University Press. CLAUSON= Clauson, Sir Gerard 1972. An Etymological Dictionmy of Pre-Thirteenth-Centwy Turkish. Oxford: Clarendon Press. COU = Couvreur, Walter 1955/56. Bemerkungen zu Pavel Pouchas Thesaurus Jinguae Tocharicae dialecti A. La Nouvelle Clio 7/8, 67-98. CHREST= Pinault, Georges-Jean 2008. Chrestomathie Tokharienne. Textes et Grammaire. Leuven Paris: Peeters (Collection Linguistique publiee par la Societe de Linguistique de Paris, 95). CPD= A Critical Piili Dictionary. 1924-2011. Begun by Vil helm Trenckner. Revised, continued and edited by Dines Andersen - Helmer Smith - Hans Hendriksen (Vol. I, 1924-1948). Edited by an international body of Pali scholars (Vol. II, 1960-1990). Edited by Oskar v. Hinliber Ole Holten Pind (Vol. lll: 18, 1992-2008). Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. DP I = Cone, Margaret 200 I. A Dictionary of Pali. Part I: a-kh. Oxford: Pali Text Society. DP II Cone, Margaret 20 I 0. A Dictionm:v of Pali. Part II: g- n. Bristol: Pali Text Society. DP III= Cone, Margaret. 2020. A Dictiona1y of Pali. Part III: p - bh. Bristol: Pali Text Society. DPPN = Malalasekera, G.P. 1937. Dictionary ofPali proper names. 2 vols. London: John Murray. OTA Carling, Gerd 2009. Dictiona,y and Thesaurus of Tocharian A. Volume I: A-J. Compiled by Gerd Carling in Collaboration with Georges-Jean Pinault and Werner Winter. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. EWAia = Mayrhofer, Manfred 1992-2001. Etymologisches Worterbuch des Altindoarischen. 3 vols. Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag Carl Winter. GSR = Karlgren, Bernhard 1964. Grammatica Serica Recensa. Goteborg: £landers Boktryckeri AB. HILM = Hilmarsson, Jorundur 1996. Materials for a Tocharian Historical and Etymological Dictionmy. Tocharian and Indo-European Studies, Supplementary Series 5. Reykjavik: Malvisindastofnun Hask6la Islands. JEW Pokorny, Julius 1959. Jndogermanisches etymologisches Worterbuch. Bern Mlinchen: Francke Verlag. [T Malzahn, Melanie (ed.) 2007. Instrwnenta Tocharica. Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag Carl Winter.



JWP = Ji Xianlin- Werner Winter Georges-Jean Pinault !998. Fragments of the Tocharian A Maitreyasamiti-Niifaka of the Xinjiang Museum. China. Transliterated. translated and annotated. Berlin - New York: Mouton de Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs 113). KEWAi Mayrhofer, Manfred I 956-1976. Kurzgefasstes etymologisches Worterbuch des Altindischen. 3 vols. Heidelberg: Carl Winter. LIV= Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben. Die Wurzeln und ihre Primiirstammbildungen. Unter Leitung von Helmut Rix und der Mitarbeit vieler anderer bearbeitet von Martin Kiimmel, Thomas Zehnder, Reiner Lipp, Brigitte Schirmer. Zweite, erwciterte und verbessertc Auflage, bcarbeitet von Martin Kiimmel und Helmut Rix 2001. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag. MW= Monier-Williams, Monier 1995= 1899. A Sanskrit English DictionatJ'. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Reprint Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. PED T.W. Rhys Davids - William Stede 1921-1925. The Piili Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary. London: Luzac. PIN = Georges-Jean Pinault, personal comment. POU Poncha, Pavel 1955. Thesaurus Linguae Tocharicae Dialecti A. Praha: Statni Pedagogicke Nakladatelstvi (Monografie Archivu Orientalniho, Vol. XV). PW= Bothlingk, Otto - Rudolf von Roth. 1855-1875. Sanskrit-Worterbuch. 7 Tei le. St. Petersburg: Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bohtlingk, Otto von. 1879-1889. Sanskrit-Worterbuch in kiirzerer Fassung. 7 vols. St. Petersburg: Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaftcn. Schmidt, Richard 1928. Nachtriige zum Sanskrit-Worterbuch in kiirzerer F assung von Otto von Bohtlingk. Leipzig: Harrassowitz. PWk

SHT = Sanskrithandschriften aus den Twfanfunden. Herausgegeben von Ernst Waldschmidt, Lore Sander, Heinz Bechert, Klaus Wille. 1965-2017. Wiesbaden (later Stuttgart): Franz Steiner Verlag (Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland, im Auftrage der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen). 12 volumes: 1965, 1968, 1971, 1980, 1985, 1989, 1995, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2017. SSS = Sieg, Emil Wilhelm Siegling - Wilhelm Schulze 1931. Tocharische Grammatik. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. SWTF = Sanskrit-Worterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Twfan-Funden [und der kanonischer Literatur der Sarviistiviida-Schule]. 1973-2018. Begonnen von Ernst Waldschmidt. Im Auftrage der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen herausgegeben von Heinz Bechert, Klaus Rohrborn & Jens-Uwe Hartmann. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 4 vols. in 29 fascicles. Bd. I (Vokale). II (k-dh). Ill (11-111). IV (y-h und Nachtrage). TEB I Krause, Wolfgang- Werner Thomas I 960. Tocharisches Elementarbuch. Band I: Grammatik. Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag Carl Winter. TEB II Thomas, Werner- Wolfgang Krause 1964. Tocharisches Elementarbuch. Band II: Texte und Glossar. Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag Carl Winter. TS= Sieg, Emil - Wilhelm Siegling 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache A. I. Band: Die Texte. Berlin Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter. TVS= Malzahn, Melanie 2010. The Tocharian Verbal System. Leiden - Boston: Brill (Brill Studies in ludoEuropean Languages and Linguistics, 3). VW = Van Windekens, Albert Joris 1976. Le tokharien conji-onte avec les autres langues indo-europeennes. Vol. I : La phonetique et le vocabulaire. Louvain: Centre International de Dialectologie Generale. WW= Werner Winter, personal comment

lb. Unpublished sources VTW = Thomas, Werner & Rudolf Dietz. Vorarbeiten zu einem tocharischen Worterbuch. Unpublished pdf.

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-mtic (part.) 'to, beside'

POU 'ad', TEB II 'zu, an'. -at!IC, -anc. ♦(-af!IC) 173 b3 lll(jeta)va,.n sat11krcimm11c ye.5, 342 b>a3 ti'inasolis yokm-a111c .ytmora.5, 446 b6 + YQ III.11 a6; (-anc) 231 a5 tma:j WCat!l tsa1ikr-anc ytsz oiitar, SHT 525.56 b4!? sm11kri'im-anc. D Combination of case endings, locative Gf!1 plus allative -ac. R The spelling -at.nc is more frequent than aiic, see Itkin (2011 :246). In SHT 525.56 b4, Peyrot (2015a: I 09) restores an allative form saf/1krcim-ac, but the reading proposed above is a likely alternative.


-mt1cmt1 (part.) 'to, towards'





b I mant (wka}t/1 (p)e(nu sm)i(m)a(s) metrak:1ini'i111 op$lyis tcim kalym=a111ca,11 'by which way we would also go towards the direction of the feast ofMaitreya?'. Based on the particle ► -mttc, enlarged with the locative affix -a111. It follows an oblique form. See Pinault (20 l 5a:384-385).

a1t1siir 1) (adj.), 2) (n.), 2) (masc.) I) 'stumbling,

tripping, unsteady; falling, impeded, interrupted; poor, deprived', 2) 'the act of stumbling, tripping' [Cf. B eiicare] L POU 'tenuis, exilis, gracilis', TEB II, VTW 'schwach, schwerfallig'. F I) Norn.Pl.Masc. a1J1sre, Obi.Pl.Masc. m11sres, aiisres, Nom.Sg.Fem. m11sri, 2) Obl.Sg.Masc. ansar, at/1.sra. T ♦ I) Norn.Pl.Masc. 23 b5 ili tsara111 a1J1,'re 11i'i1r1ts11:f 'my hands are impeded'; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. (at11sres) 148 b6 at/1sres wrasas miJ(ccaknci spakti'i111 ycimlune) '(doing service) to the poor beings (by him/herself)', THT 1410.i bl!; (aiisres) 151 b4 aiisres ya(J' skat.n appiirmi'it) '[If] he mistreats the poor beings'; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. THT 2383.e bl; ♦fgm. 148 b2 aiifra -, 151 b I aiisra() n .Ill; ♦2) Obl.Sg.Masc. (aiisar) 275 a2 ansar

[ypa}nti'if/1 (Skt. skhalantaf:i); (m11sra) 146 al!. D See Winter (1981: 126), Hilmarsson (199 la: 180-181). R In 275 a2, in the description of an old man, aiisar [ypa}11tii111 corresponds to Skt. skhalantaf:i 'stumbling', LV, ch. 14 (I 88, I. 9). For the adjective, cf. 23 b5 'my hands are impeded'. Translations of 148 b6 and 151 b4 according to Huard (p.c.). The passage of 148 b6 has a parallel in Yijing's translation of the Garbhcivakrcinti-siitra (but not in the Tibetan version, cf. Kritzer 2014:67): EB

;)'tfltf:$li:;11~m3\t ~ttii!i:::r:t~tl!¥Kit

z ...

'If the fetus has previously cultivated goodness, has generously and without stinginess pitied the poor beings [Skt. daridra-] ... ' (Taisho No. 1451, vol. 24, p. 255cl0-I I). m11fok (n., masc.) 'garment' [B m11s11k] L JWP 'garment', VTW 'Gewand, Umhlillung'. F Obl.Sg. Gf!lSUk. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 43 + 52 b4!, YQ ll.9 b4. D From Skt. a,_nsuka- 'cloth, fine or white cloth, muslin' (MW: I b). R See also ► asfok, probably a variant of the same noun, as borrowed via MI. ak (n., a.) 'eye' [Bek] L POU 'oculus', TEB II 'Auge'. F Nom.Sg. ak, Gen.Sg. akis, Instr.Sg. akyo, All.Sg. akac, Nom./Obl.Du. a.sa111, Gen.Du. asnis, Instr.Du. asiinyo, asa111nyo, Ahl.Du. asna:f, Loe.Du. afoa111. T ♦Nom.Sg. 388 bl, 405 b3, THT 1382.i b3, THT 1527.c a2; ♦ Gen.Sg. 387 a2; ♦Instr.Sg. 379 bl; ♦All.Sg. THT 1527.c bl wca,11 akac; ♦Norn.Du. 21 b2 sl=oko asa111 tiike(11ci) 'may your eyes be fruitful'. 58 b3, 170 a2, 213 a7, YQ 11.5 a4, YQ 11.10 a8; ♦ Obi.Du. 8 a5, 221 al, 31 I b6, YQ IJ.9 a7-8!?; ♦ Gen.Du. 217


akani$tak* bl!; ♦ Instr.Du. (asanyo) 21 b2, 23 b3 akiimunt asanyo 'with tears in his eyes', 56 b6 tse171-yokiis asiinyo 'with bluecoloured eyes', 79 b3, 94 b2 iikiirnw11t siis asiinyo, I 07 a6 iikiirmmt asiinyo, 119 a2!, b2 id., 144 a6 id., 283 b4 sne-ptsiik a,iiinyo, 313 a6 liila:jkiis asiinyo smimii171 akmalyo, b3 iikiirnunt a,'ii(nyo), 342 b>al !, 40 I a7, YQ 11.7 a4-5!, YQ TI.8 b2, YQ III.5 a8!, YQ 111.7 b4, THT 1410.p a3, THT 2418 + 2663 al; (asii1.nnyo) 194 b2; ♦ Abl.Du. 293 al, YQ II.6 a6 iikrii asnii,v, THT 2482 a3; ♦Loe.Du. 375 bl, THT 2238.a bl. D On the dual form, see Hilmarsson (I 989a: I 01). Found as first compound member in ► akmal, as second compound member in ► trak, besides other instances where it has been transposed as suffix, see ► smak.


Discussion by Pinault (2020e ).

akani~·tak* (n., masc.sg.) 'abode of a class of gods' F Loc.Sg. akani:jfaka,11. T ♦Loc.Sg. 35 b I!. D Loan via MI from Skt. akani:jfhaka-, based on akani!)fha- 'n. of the fifth and highest class of the Suddhavasakayika gods' (BHSD:lb). See ► ag/zani!J!h, ► ag/zani!jfabhavm11. R The restoration is tentative: the word is found at the beginning of a line and is probably not a complete form. aka11i.~flzadhiit1t!ji* (adj.) 'belonging to the Akani$\hadhatu' L Sieg (1952:29) 'der Akani$\hadhatu [-Welt]', VTW 'der Gotterklasse d. Akani$thadhatu(Welt) zugehorig'. F Norn.Pl.Masc. akani:jfhadhiitu.yifii. T ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 315 + 316 b8! akani[._yj(fhadhiitu.yi)fii fiiiktafi 'the gods of the Akani$\hadhatu'; ♦ fgm. 389 a4. D Adjective derived from akani!jfhadhiitu*, borrowed from Skt. akani.yfha-dhiitu-*, which refers to the sphere (Skt. dhiitu-) of the gods, cf. akani.yfha-, aghani.yfha- 'n. of the fifth and highest class of the Suddhavasakayika gods' (BHSD:lb). Cf. ► aghani!jfh and ► aghani!jfabhava111.

akappi (n., a.) 'impurity' [B akappi] L POU 'immunditia', TEB II, VTW 'Unreinheit'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. akappi, lnstr.Sg. akappiyo, Instr.Pl. akappintuyo, Loe.Pl. akappintwa,11. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 60 b>a6!, THT 3859.d bl, THT 2470 b 1!, THT 2384.k a3?; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 375 a2; ♦ Instr.Pl. 450 b4; ♦ Loe.Pl. 275 b4. D From Ml akappiya, Pa. akappiya 'not fit, improper, unsuitable' (CPD I:4b), for Skt. akalpika- 'improper' (BHSD:lb). akappi!ji (adj.) 'of impurity, impure' L VTW 'in Unreinheit bestehend'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc./Fem. akappi!ji. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc./Fem. 152 a5, THT 1138 bl : a[ka]ppi.yy iil.y. Ill, THT 1138 bl!. D Derived from ► akappi. aklilfltsune (n., a.) 'possession, tenure' [Cf. B ekafifii] L POU 'res, pecunia', TEB II, VTW 'Besitz'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. akii111tsune, akiintsune, akiitsune, Instr.Sg. akiintsiineyo, Nom./Obl.Pl. akii171tsuneyiintu, akii111tsuneytu, Abl.PI. akii111tsuneyiintwii:J, akii11zts1111eytwii~·. T ♦Nom.Sg. (akii111tsune) 3 al piint Hca111 akiirt1tsune piit-kii/piilune~·i piirko miiskatr-ii111 'and the fifth is for him the advantage of obtaining property beyond [that]'; ♦ Obl.Sg. (akii111tsune) 15 bl akii171tsune kropniit, b2 id., b4 akii171tsune siilpat, 304 b2, 368 b4 (a)kii111tsune kropluneyac; (akiintsiine) 226 bl akiintsiine tiirkora.y; (akiitsune) 360 al ///bhrtaJ:Tl dhanarµ I kuc-0urma!j-ne kropat akiitsune; ♦Instr.Sg. (akiintsiineyo) 221 a5; ♦ Obi.Pl. (akii1.nts1111eyiintu) 15 al, 271 bl; (akii171ts1111eytu) YQ Ill.3 b2!; ♦ Abl.Pl. (akii111tsuneyiintwii0) YQ 111.9 b5; (akii111tsuneytwii.5) YQ III.9 b4, b6; ♦ fgm. 263 a>b3 akii171III. R As for the interpretation of piit in 3 a I, see TEB II: 18, n. 23, 118, more under ► piit and translation of the passage under ► kiilpiilrme.

akiiq1tsune!ji (adj.) 'of possession' L VTW 'in Besitz bestehend'.


3 F T D

Nom.Sg.Masc. aka171tsu11e.5·i, Obl.Sg.Masc. akii111tsune.5i1J1. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. YQ lll.4 a3; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ N.4 a8. Derived from ► akii111ts11ne.

akiilyme (pp.gen.) 'in the power of, subjected to'

[B ekalymi] L POU 'versus', TEB II, VTW 'in der Gewalt von'. akiilyme maskii- 'be subdued, enthralled' (Skt. vas'i-bhiita- or vas'i-krta-), in magical texts. T ♦3 b6 w!aluyis akalyme kalka0· wrasom kuprene 'if a being goes into the hands of death', 17 b2 .5n=akiilyme, 35 al, 75 b5, 90 a3, 120 a4, 332 b5, 460 a4, PK.NS.2 al. D Compound based on ► kiilyme, see Hilmarsson (I 991a: 170). S

akiits (adj.) 'sharp, pointed'


Nom.Sg.Masc. akiits. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. gl.SHT 1761 kaliim oki akats 'pointed like a writing stylus'. See Malzahn (2007b:3 l 0).

ak11sal* (adj.uni.) 'inauspicious, evil' [B akusa[J


♦399.3 + THT 3386 a2 ///akusa[la}///. Borrowed from Skt. akusa/a'inauspicious, evil' (MW:2b). See also ► kusal.

akmal (n., masc.) 'face'




POU 'facies', TEB JI, VTW 'Gesicht'. Nom.Sg. akmal, Obl.Sg. akmal, akmall, Instr.Sg. akmalyo, All.Sg. akmlac, Loc.Sg. akmla,71, Perl.Sg. akmlii, Com.Sg. akmlassal. akmlac lakii- 'look towards the face' (of sb.), akmla,_11 lakii- 'look in the face' (of sb.), karemii171 akmalyo 'with a laughing face', klopasunt akmalyo 'with an unhappy face', .5at akmalyo 'with a face turned downwards', smimiit.n akmalyo 'with a laughing face'. ♦Nom.Sg. 158a3, 179al,317b7; ♦Obl.Sg. (akmal) 179 al, 253 b7, 375 b3, 43 I b4, 432 a3, a7, THT 2537 a2!; (akmall) 397 a8 akmall oki; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 6 b I tunk .5ili akmalyo na.y trikiissi kakmu ynes 'Love has arrived in person, in order to confuse me by his own face', I 6 b2, 28 bl, 48 bl, 99 b4, 111 b3, 144 a6, 153 a2, 156 a5, 178 b4, 272 a3, 274 a5, 296 b2


(smi)mii1.11 akmalyo 'with a smiling face', 299 b8 id., 313 a6 id., 3 I 8 + 319 b3, 323 b6 smimii171 akmalyo, 326 b2?!, YQ l.6 a6-7 klopasunt akma(lyo), YQ 1.8 bl, YQ II. I a3, a7 = 214 a4, YQ 11.9 b5, YQ III.4 a6; ♦All.Sg. 313 a7 (piittiinii)ktes akmlac lkiimii(1J1) tra1ika.5, 358 a3 lkency akmlac; ♦ Loc.Sg. 314 al akmfat/1 lkiimii171, 3 I 6 b8 iiiiktassi pattiiiliiiiktes akm!GJ/1 lkiitsi osiint, 375 b4; ♦Perl.Sg. IO b4 akmlii wawura.5 'having thrown in the face'; ♦ Com.Sg. 378 a3; ♦fgm. akma///214 a4, 326 b2. Compound containing ► ak 'eye' and ► ma!* 'nose'.

akmal.yi (adj.) 'of the face'

Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. akmal.5i, Obl.Sg.Masc. akmal.5i1J1. S akmal.5i yerpe 'face-orb, face' (Skt. mukha-ma,:irja!a-). T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 217 b5 ii:jtr akmal.5y ara111 'pure is the appearance of the face'; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. (akmal$i) 217 b I akma/:ji warkantyo 'with the wheel of the face', 292 a7 akmal.5i mail 'the moon of the face'; (akma/:jil!1) 256 b3 akma/:jit.n yerpeya111 'in the disc of the face', b8. D Derived from ► akmal. F

akri (adj.uni.) 'shameless'

L POU'?'. T



♦94 a3 1//(ke-)nmar sne-niikiim n.5ii0·~· akri ta,71 kus ska111 tii.5 : 'I am called blameless, and who here is more shameless than me?'. Borrowed from Skt. a-hr'i- 'shameless' (MW: 126a) or via MI from Skt. a-hr'ika'shameless' (SWTF I:219b, 22 la), Pa. ahirika- 'shameless' (DP I:273). The text of the edition (TS:54) gives akrita,11, which remains unexplained by POU:2; the segmentation is uncertain according to SSS:323. Rather, lat/1 is the nt. of the demonstrative pronoun sa111, used as an adverb, cf. TEB II: I 03.

akritlinik (adj.) 'without gratitude, without

acknowledgement' (?) L JWP 'ungrateful'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. akritiinik, Nom.Pl.Fem. akritanikail. T ♦ Nom.Sg.Masc. THT 1414.a a2?, THT 1429.h + 3398 b3; ♦Nom.Pl.Fem.




YQ III.3 al akritiinikiin efzkalsunt maskantrii (Uigh. siivincsiz ut!ts1sz). Privative of ► kritiinik, on the model of Skt. akrtajna-, cf. B kratiinTke (Pinault 2002b:272f.).

akritiir* (adj.) 'round, full'

L POU 'durus', TEB II 'rund, voll'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. akkritrii,.n, Nom.Sg.Fem. akritri, Norn.Pl.Fem. akritra111, akkritra111. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. PK.NS.3 b2, P.Skt.Bleu.163 al!; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. (akritri) 217 b I wtsy [oJky akritri lap 'his head is rounded like a parasol'; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. (akritrm11) 148 a4, 292 a6 kesiir-.§i/;kiss oki wiirtsiin priikra1ri akri[t]ra111 [fon]wef!1 'the jaws are broad, firm and round like those of a Kesarin lion'; (akkritraf!z) 148 a4. ak:5ar (n., masc.) 'syllable; system of writing'

[B ak,>"iir] (Uigh. uiak) L POU 'syllaba', TEB II 'Silbe'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. ak.yar, Gen.Sg. ak,>"ris, Norn.Pl. ak,>"ari, Obi.Pl. ak$ariis, Instr.Pl. ak.yarasyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. (ak,>"ar) 273 a4, a5 (sii)s ak.yar puk miirkampalntu sarsassi iiyiito nii1J1{su 'this writing is definitely appropriate to teach all the Laws', b3 ///[a]k$ar kalytiir 11; ♦ Obl.Sg. 273 b5 (bis); ♦ Gen.Sg. 273 a4; ♦Norn.Pl. 62 b2; ♦ Obi.Pl. 273 a2, YQ I.3 a6-7!; ♦ Instr.Pl. 333 a7. D From Skt. ak.yara- 'syllable' (MW:3b-c). R Discussion of the range of uses by Pinault (2013a:2 l 9-222). ak!jobh* (n., masc.) 'an immense number'


POU 'magnus numerus', VTW 'Bez. einer sehr ho hen Zahl'. F Abl.Sg. ak.yobhii:s. T ♦Abl.Sg. 330 a5 /1/(a)k,wbhii(y) [t]iike[iic]///. D From Skt. ak.yobhya- 'an immense number, said by the Buddhist to be 100 vivaras' (MW:4a). R The single occurrence of TB ak.yobhe cannot be the match of the TA word. It is probably (pace ADAMS:5) a proper name borrowed from Skt. Ak:sobhya, name ofa former Buddha (BHSD:3b).

agrayug* (n., masc.) 'best pair' (of Buddhist

disciples) L POU 'summus par', VTW 'Hauptschtiler/-jtinger-Paar Buddhas'. F Norn.Du. agrayugi. T ♦Nom.Du. 19 a5 siiriputtrii modgalyiiyaq1 1iomii agrayugi iiklii:slye .yeiic-ii111 'he had as two excellent disciples named Sariputra and Maudgalyayana', 25 a3. D From Skt. agrayuga- '«Spitzenpaar»: Haupt(schtiler)paar, vorztiglichstes Paar' (SWTF I: I 0a). R Alternatively, one may consider this as a Norn.Pl. form, as per SSS:109 (§158). aghani!j{ablzavmfl (n., a.) 'the region of the

highest class of the Suddhavasa gods' L POU 'condicio malae peritiae', VTW 'Wohnstatte d. Aghani$ta-Gotter'. F Obl.Sg. aghani.yfabhavw11. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 265 a5 aghani:stabhavm11 so(liira111) 'up to the region of the highest class of Suddhavasakayika gods'. D From Skt. aghani:sthabhavana- 'the region of the highest class of the Suddhavasakayika gods' (BHSD: 1b, Sb). aghani!j{h (n., masc.) Aghani$tha, a class of

gods L VTW 'N. einer (den hochsten Bereich d. Kosmos bewohnenden) Gotterklasse'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. aghanisth. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 267 + 268 a>bl ! (puk traidhiituk wiisa1.n)k(ii)[tii}r agha(ni:sth) solii1w11 nakcyiiii (wimiiniintu) m(e)ye(nc) '(the whole three-fold world) moves [and] the divine palaces shake up to the Aghani$tha'. D From Skt. aghani.yfha- (akani:sfha-) 'n. of the fifth and highest class of the Suddhavasakayika gods; n. of the region where they live' (BHSD: 1b, 5b). R For variants of this loanword, see ► akani!j{ak, ► akani!j{hadhiitu!ji.

A1ikirase (PN, masc.) A1igTrasa, name of a

former Buddha [B Afzki"rase] F Nom.Sg. atigirathe, Gen.Sg. afzkirases. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b6; ♦ Gen.Sg. THT 1410.e + 3456.c a7. D Loan via MI from Skt. A1ig1rasa- 'ep. of the Buddha' (BHSD:6a). R For the identification see Geng Laut Pinault (2004b:58).

5 A1igade (PN, masc.) Angada, name of a Pratyekabuddha L VTW 'N.pr. eines Pratyekabuddha'. F Nom.Sg. migade, Obl.Sg. angade111. T ♦Nom.Sg. 221 b I tam-.yurma(y) migade tak prattikapatt(iiii)kat, THT 1625.b b I?, THT 1731 a I; ♦Obl.Sg. 221 b5 angade,.n

prattikabaddhaq1iiakta1f1. D From Skt. Angada (cf. MW:7c). On this character, see Huard (2020: 11-12). A1ig11kte (PN) (?) a male name(?) L POU 'nom.propr. Ser. Angukta'. T ♦ Fgm. 141 a2 /// II wsa.yy angukte/1/. D Probably from Skt., possibly not a complete word. R Interpretation of 141 a2 uncertain. aci I) (pp.ab!.), 2) (prev.), 3) (adv.) I) 'beginning with ... up to', 2) 'hither', 3) 'hither' [B ecce] ( I) Skt. cidi) L POU 'a, ab', TEB II 'mit ... beginnend; herbei'. S I) tmG:f:f aci 'from there', tanG:f:f aci 'beginning with all that', 1,~a.5,~ aci 'from this point on', mkaltora.5.5 aci 'from childhood', 2) aciya- 'go to'. T ♦ I) (pp.ab!.) 4 a4 tmii$0· aci kr[oj(s tka)na,.n !ok or oktsi!)0·a111 'from there its stem will grow one krosa away far in the ground', a6 tmii.5$ aci, 18 b6 tmii!):f aci, 54 al tmii.)\I' aci, a3, 61 b3 l:fG.)'$ aci, 72 a5 devadattena!).)' aci, 80 b>a5 tatmur(a),~.)· aci 'from the birth', 97 b4, I 08 b6, 115 b6, 120bl, 175b2, 177al!, 184b6, 199 a2, 205 b5, 240 a4, 248 a4 tampeytwii!):f aci, 249 b3, 253 a4 tmii$,)' aci, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a3 ttnG:f$ acy, 289 b2!, 302 a2 siitrangeya.y.5 aci, a7, 308 b4, 311 a4 mka!torii.5$ aci, 312 a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, b2, b3, b4, 338 a3 [a]bhidharma.5$ aci, 370 b5, 384 b I rupa.5.5 aci paF1 asawe vi.yey etssantra, 385 bl aka:f,I' aci, 437 b6 porantiisa.y.y a[c}i, 454 b2 ksii:f,5 aci, YQ 1.4 a8 f$G$,5 aci, YQ 1.4 b4 tatmur(ii)$,5 aci, YQ 1.4 b5 ($iiptuk-pukli)yii$,5 aci, YQ 1.9 a6, YQ 11.5 b7 [a}jite111 pracra,.5 aci sakpaF1-pi manarkiisassal 'with fifteen brahmin youths beginning with his brother Ajita .. .', YQ II.8 a3, YQ 11.9 a8, b2 (bis), YQ ILi I b5-6!, YQ II.15 a6, b6, YQ IIl.3 a3 tana.5.5 aci, YQ III.8 a2 mka!torii$,5 aci 'from childhood', YQ 111.10 b4, THT 1308.2 b2 ka.5.5ina,~.5


a(ci)/1/, THT 1589.g a2, PK.NS.3 b4 tmii$,5 aci; ♦2) (prev.) 314 a5 mii penu cem aci yeiic cam sm1uikriima1.n 'they did not even go close to this monastery'; ♦ 3) (adv.) 312 a3, 328 a2 peyo aci .5ik tora.5 'having taken a step hither with the foot'. Acite

► Ajite

ac-/e (adv.) 'from inside' L JWP '?', PIN 'from afar', Peyrot (201 lb:35) 'from inside'. S ac-le palk- 'see from inside'. T ♦ YQ III. I a4 ac-le palkora.5 triitika,~ muktikii 'having looked from inside ... Muktika says:', YQ III.5 b5 ac-le palkora.y gaupikii liir(l(ts tra1ika.5) 'having looked from inside ... the queen Gopika says:', THT 2409 bl. D Probably related to ► aci. R Cf. ► antu-le. Ajiitasatru (PN, masc.) Ajatasatru, a king of Magadha F Nom.Sg. ajiitasatru. T ♦Nom.Sg. 222 b7 ajatasatru iiomii $C,y wal, 224 a2. D From Skt. Ajatasatru 'name ofa king of Magadha' (BHSD:7b). ajiiti (n.) '?' L POU 'non-procreatio, Skt. ajiiti-', VTW 'wohl zu L.Sg. eines Metrumsnamens zu erg.'.

T ♦ 112a6llajciti[m}ii-----. D This might rather reflect the loan via MI ofSkt. aj,iiiti- 'someone not related' (MW: I 0c, cf. CDIAL:290b, No. 5276). ajiiw* (adv.) 'in high number' (?) T ♦96 bl ajii weiviiunt. D Wrong Sanskritization, from Skt. ayava'a high number' (BHSD:64a). Ajite (PN, masc.) Ajita, name ofa pupil F Nom.Sg. ajite, acite, Obl.Sg. ajite1r1, All.Sg. ajitenac, Abl.Sg. ajitena.y.)·. T ♦Nom.Sg. (ajite) YQ 1.2 b3, YQ II.l I a3; (acite) YQ I.3 bl; ♦Obl.Sg. YQ II.5 b7, YQ III.12 al, a2; ♦AII.Sg. YQ III.12 a67!; ♦ Abl.Sg. YQ Il.9 a8, YQ 11.12 al-2, YQ II.IS a6. D From Skt. Ajita, name of various characters (MW: I Ob). In Buddhist context epithet of Maitreya; 'n. of an attendant ofSakyamuni in a previous


afiumaski arms he is drawing the bow', 312 b7; ♦Gen.Sg.316 al 1/l(a)iiclis karkii tsink siiseyu.

birth' (BHSD:7b); in the MSN name ofa companion of Maitreya. a,iumiiski (adj.uni.) I) 'astounding, amazing,

wonderful', 2) 'astounded, amazed' L POU 'mirabilia, mirus, res mira', SSS, TEB II I. 'wunderbar', 2. 'verwundert'. S ailumiiski wram 'wonderful thing', aiiumiiski nas- 'be amazed', especially with PP1t. aiiumaski nii111tsu 'being astounded, amazed', a12umiiski lutk'make sb./sth. amazing'; combined with the nearly synonymous adj.uni. ► weyeitz. T ♦ 1) 21 b4 o(t)e (tapre111) aiiumiiski oni cmol 'how much amazing (is) the human birth', 48 b5, 153 a4 ma tam aiiusmaki kucne 'it is not astounding that ... ', 153 a5 ,yokyo aiiumiiski .yokyo nu weyeq1 ta.y nandes .yammme 'very amazing and very surprising [is] yet the monkhood of Nanda', 280 b6 aiiumiiski weye111 !11ktas111ii1.n, 299 b7, 313 b8 a1i11maski weye1J1, 320 b7 (a)iiumiiski lyalyutak, 447 al aiiumiiski wrama111, 397 b I; ♦2) 9 b5 aiiumaski nii1.ntsu.y ka,yeiic 'being amazed they laugh', 22 a6 tam palkora.5 brhadyuti mlamiinn oki sukyo aiiumiiski (na111tsu) 'having seen that, Brhadyuti was crushed as it were, being overwhelmed by happiness', 153 a2 anumiiski nii111tsus, 253 b8 t,1·ak skm11 aiiumaski nasam 'and yet indeed I am astounded', YQ I.9 b6. D Issued from the juxtaposition of *anu 'newish, surprising' (see ► 1iu) and ► miiski.


For etymology and use, see Pinault (2015c: 163-169).

aiiumiiski!ji* (adj.) 'amazement-, amazing'


POU 'mirabilis, mirus'. Obl.Sg.Masc. afiwniiski.yil_n. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 312 b 1 (fiakta)ssi pattiinfiaktes aiiumiiski-5il11 wram lkiitsi; ♦ fgm. 324 a7 afiumii//1. D Derived from ► a1i11miiski.


► iintSlllfl


► iintsa1t1

a,iciil (n., fem.) 'bow'

L POU 'arcus', TEB II 'Bogen'. F Obl.Sg. afical, Gen.Sg. aiiclis. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 75 b4, 91 a3 wsa-yokiispokenyo aiical pafiwa(.y) 'with his gold-coloured

wicwii!ji (adj.) 'iron-'


POU 'ferreus'. Nom.Sg.Masc. aficwii.)·i, Obl.Sg.Masc. aiicwii.5i1J1, Obl.Sg.Fem. aficwa.y.5a111, Norn.Pl.Masc. aiicwii.yiiii, Norn.Pl.Fern. aiicwii.5.5iiii, Obi.Pl.Fem. aiicwii.y.yiis. T ♦Norn.Sg.Masc. 295 al salpma111 aiicwa.yi lya!ypu(1)y(e.5); ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 166 b4 slam niintsunt pa!kont aiicwa.yin1 pat, 225 b6; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 340 a7 prutko:j riya,11 a11cwii-5:ja111 'imprisoned in the iron city'; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 204 al, YQ N.3 a4; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 295 a3 salpmii111 aficwii,S}"G/1 pafi-kant solymefi, YQ N.3 a7!; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. TI-IT 3369 bl; ♦ fgm. TI-IT 1583.b al aficwa,1·il//. D Derived from aficu* 'iron' [B eficuwo ], borrowed from a Mlr. source (Schwartz 1974; lsebaert 1980: 191-2), perhaps from "Old Sakan" *a,uJyan- (Tremblay 2005:424), or from the antecedent of Old Khot. hF;sana- 'iron' (Dragoni 2021:35). Alternative scenario by Pinault (2006d: 186-188). atiinkac (adv.) 'to a hold, in check'


POU 'nihil impediente', HILM 'unchecked, unhampered'. T ♦gl.SHT 1432 atankac kakmu (Skt. atyava:jfabdha/:1), 453 b2 ///(atyavaWabdha · lyutiir atankac klo/1/ 'very much brought to a hold'. D Compare Skt. ava:jfabdha- 'zum Erstarren gebracht, erstant' (SWTF I: 167a), with a strengthened by-form aty-ava:jfabdha(SWTF I:477b). Therefore, atankac is based on a prefixed formation which is independent from the privative ► atii1ikiit; for the latter assumption, see Hilmarsson (1991a:97-98). Related to ► tii,ik-.


Berlin gloss gl.SHT 1432 quoted without further comment by Malzahn (2007b:307).

atii1ikiit (adv.) 'unchecked, unhampered'

[B eta1ikatte] T ♦ 17 a6-b l pF1L5il11 smm11fifieyo ata(nkat luka.5 knan)mune 'through the foundation of virtue wisdom (shines) without


7 obstacles', 213 b3, 247 a2 ati:i1iki:it lkiit karw:iik :, 250 a3!.


Privative of ► tiitik- 'hinder' (Hilmarsson 1991 a:97-98).

atiir (n., masc.) 'hero' [B etre]


POU 'heros, vis fortis', TEB II 'Held'. Nom.Sg. atri:i, Gen.Pi. atrassi. ♦Nom.Sg. 11 a2 (rii)m atri:i vibhi❖·ane111 abhi.yek yamas 'the hero Rama anointed VibhT~m)a as king'; ♦Gen.Pi. 19 b2 atrassi pranl tampeyntu :.



Likely to be borrowed, either from Mir., cf. Winter ( 1971 :218-19), lsebaert (I 980: I 90-191), or from a Central Asiatic language (Pinault 2003b). Restoration of 11 a2 by Sieg (1944: 14), Alternative restoration (si:i)m atri:i by Pinault (2003b: 177).

atyiisik (adj.uni.) 'beyond any hope'


VTW 'Uber die Erwartung hinausgehend'. ♦68 b6 atyasik cintama,:zi w{m)a{r) 'the cintamm:ii gem surpassing every hope'. Possibly from Skt. atyctsika-*, based on atyasa- 'extravagant hope' (MW: 13b).

Atyuttame (PN, masc.) name ofa Buddha F Nom.Sg. atyuttame.


♦Nom.Sg. 256 b5. Loan from Skt. Atyuttama 'n. of a former Buddha' (BHSD: 11 a). Geng Shimin - Laut Pinault (2004b:53, 58).

atra-tampe (adj.) 'possessing the strength of a

hero' L POU 'vi herois praeditus, ornatus', TEB II 'Heldenkraft besitzend'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. atra-tampe, Obi.PI.Masc. atra-tampes. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 166 a6; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 128 a4; ♦ fgm. atra/1/ 376 b5. D Compound containing the bound fonn of ► atiir and ► tampe. atr01ici (adj.) 'of a hero' [Cf. B etreunnai meyyiisa]


POU 'vis herois'. Nom.Sg.Masc. atronci. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 13 b2 (pF1intwii,W) okoyii lkatsi kiiwi:iltune atroiici tampe 'beauty and a hero's strength are to be regarded as the fruit of virtues'. D Derived from ► atiir.

adb/111tadharm (n., masc.) 'thing of wonder'


POU 'mirabilis lex religiosa', VTW 'Bez. eines d. lit. Genera d. buddh. Kanons'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. adbhiitadharm. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 339 a5. D From Skt. adbhutadharma- 'Wunderding, Wunder; Bezeichnung eines der literarischen Genera des buddh. Kanons' (SWTF I:3lb). adhit (adv.) 'gone over, studied'

POU 'doctus, eruditus', TEB II 'vergangen, darliber hinausgegangen'. S pat adhit ki:ilko '(previously) apprehended (= Skt. adhTta-)'. T ♦ 385 al .yom paramii111 paii rupi indris pat adhit kalkont vi!fayantu 'the single atom, the five material sense-faculties, the (previously) apprehended sensory objects'. D Loan from Skt. adhTta- 'gone over, studied, apprehended'. The assumption of an error for Skt. atTta- 'gone by, gone over' (TEB 11:43) is not supported by the context, see Catt - Huard - Inaba (2022). L

(l(//zimiittra-madhya-piiltsiik* (n., masc.sg.) 'a

mind of superior-middle level (i.e. 6th level)' L VTW '(mit) stark-mittlerem Geist'. F Instr.Sg. adhimattra-madhya-paltsi:ikyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 295 b3. D Compound with ► piiltsiik and the loan from Skt. adhimatra-madhya, see madhya- 'middle, neutral, moderate' (MW:78lc) and adhimatra- 'above measure, superior' (MW:21c). R For an explanation, see ►yw,1rckiniil!l­ ywiirckitt1-piiltsiik*. adhimiittra-mrdu-piiltsiik* (n., masc.sg.) 'a

mind of superior-inferior level (i.e. 7th level)' L VTW '(mit) stmi-schwachem Geist'. F Instr.Sg. adhimattra-mrdu-pi:iltsakyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 295 b3 [a}dhimctttra-mrdupaltsi:ikyo pctsantri:i.

D Compound with ► piiltsiik and the loan from Skt. mrdu-adhimiitra-, see mrdu'soft, delicate; weak, feeble' (MW:830b) and adhimiitra- 'above measure, superior' (MW:21c). R For an explanation, see ►ywiirckinii111ywiirckbf1-piiltsiik*.


adhimatradhimatrii-piiltsiik* adhimiitriidhimiitrii-piiltsiik* (n., masc.sg.) 'a mind of superior-superior level (i.e. the 9th level)' L POU 'immoderate'. F lnstr.sg. adhimiitriidhimiitra-paltsakyo. T ♦ lnstr.sg. 295 b5 adhimiitriidhimii[t}(rapaltsakyo). D Compound with ► piiltsiik and the loan from Skt. adhimiitriidhimiitra- (SWTF I:36b), see adhimiitra- 'above measure superior' (MW:2lc). ' R For an explanation, see ►ywiirckiniimywiirckb[l-JJiiltsiik*. · Adhimuktak (N, masc.) Adhimuktika, name of a tree L VTW 'N. eines Baums'. T ♦ I 09 b5 1//(sa)s nu adhimuktak stiim nsac .yii nmo waf!lf nu skiir[ii]-.//1. · · D From Skt. adhimuktaka-, cf. adhimuktika(MW:21 c ). adhi!J/hit* (n., masc.) 'controlling' [B adhi,~fhit, atisthit] L TEB II 'Gebrauch ', VTW 'Absicht, Vorschrift'. F Perl.Sg. adhi.yfhitii, adhi.yfitii. S adhi.yfhitii e111ts- 'keep under control, retain' [cf. B adhi.yfhit yiim- 'take control of]. T ♦ Perl.Sg. (adhisthitii) 335 b7; (adhi.yfitii) 255 b7 sol.yinas skeyas tarkora.y tre mansii solune adhi.ytitii etsa.ytar 'having rejected the efforts pertaining to [Jong] life he retained his living during three months' (Skt. MPS Vg.16.14 jfvitasaf!zskiiriin adhi.yfhiiya iiyul:,sa111skiiriin uts1jati). D From Skt. adhi.yfhita- 'eingedrungen, steckend in; gefestigt' (SWTF I:39a). The per I. adhisfhitii is a calque of the Skt. absolutive adhi,~thiiya. R For the Skt. parallel see Maue - Rohrbom ( 1979). As for the interpretation of 255 b7, see CHREST:105-106, 108. -an- (cl.) pronominal element 3rd person singular (only with secondary cases) L TEB II 'Pron. suff. der 3. Pers., nur in sekundiiren Kasus'. F All. -anac, Ab!. -anas. T ♦All. 61 a4, 95 b4, 108 a3, I 13 a4, 144 b4, 155b3, 169a2, 177bl, 179al, 184 b4, 200 b3, 222 b6, 269 + 290 b>a3, 431

b5, 432 b3, 436 b6; YQ IIl.2 b8.

♦ Abl.

155 b3, 179 al. .

an* (n., masc.) 'breath, sigh' F Obi.Pl. anas. s anas yiim- 'breathe, respire' (Skt. svas-), lit. 'make breathings'. T ♦Obi.Pl. 8 a5 yo.ymos ywont lymenyo .ywikass anas ymii111 'with the protruding lips (lit. stretched towards the front) the [last] sighs going out of the throat', 275 b7 mii pe traliktsi campamo=nass ats yatra klopantyo 'not even able to speak, he respires only with difficulty'. D Possibly cognate with TB an-iisk'breathe, inhale'. R The second occurrence was not yet recognized, because of the sandhi in a metrical passage (pada of22 syllables, 44-4-3-4-3). It belongs to the description of the sick man (TA nwiim, Skt. vyiidhita-) encountered by the Bodhisattva. The phrase anass ats yatrii klopant-yo corresponds exactly to Skt. krcchrera+ucchvasantam pra.frasantam 'painfully breathing out [and] inhaling' (LV:189, I. 12). The first occurrence belongs to the realist description of the painting of the hanged painter. The form was read alas (TS:8), interpreted as a postposition with ablative (SSS:286, 298), because of a purported etymological connection with TB ate 'away' (TEB II:77), and further with Skt. alas 'from this, henceforth' (POU:4, VW:151-152, ADAMS: I 0). The passage was accordingly translated by Sieg ( 1944: 11, see also n. 8), but with some reservation: 'und nach vom die Lippen geneigt von der Mund[hohle] weichend (?)'. The published photograph of the manuscript (TS, pl. 4) allows safely the alternative reading anas. See Pinault (CHREST: 256 n.7, 260). anapiir 1) (pp.gen.), 2) (prep.per!.), 3) (adv.) I) 'before, in the face of, 2) 'in front of, 3) 'in front' [B enepre] L POU 'ante; in fronte', TEB II 'davor, vor'. F anapar, anapra, anapr-iik. T ♦ l) (pp.gen.) (anapar) 10 b4-5, 91 a6, 109 b4, 146 a4-5!?, 147 b6, PK.NS.2 b2; (anapra) 66 b2, 67 a2, 80 b>a6, 213 b I


anityat cami anaprii, 289 a7, 269 + 290 b>a6, 356 b3 tnik anaprii, YQ II.5 a6!; (anapriik) 71 a6!, 82 b5!?; ♦2) (prep.per!.) (anaprii) 79 a2 anaprii pesii oram pii(!f/a,!1) 'kneel(?) before my feet'; ♦ 3) (adv.) (anapiir) 314 a3 anapiir Imo, 4 anapiir Imo~-_~; (anaprii) 68 b3 piikiir yiimr-ii111 anaprii, YQ lI.2 bl anaprii kii(lytiir).

anaprii!j (pp.gen.) 'before' L POU 'ante', VTW 'vor'. F anaprii.y, aniiprii.y. T ♦214a2 YQII.la5-6///iiyanaprii.y eprerat_n siim (YQ: aniiprii.y). D Derived from ► anapiir. R The lectio d/fficilior is aniiprii.y; the variant anaprii!f is remade after the form of ► anapiir, cf. Pinault ( 1990: 181-182). anarsii1iki* (n., masc.) 'miserable, wretched person' [Cf. B enersiink] L POU 'nom. plur. alicuius substantivi'. F Norn.Pl. anarsiinkin. T ♦Norn.Pl. 3 IO b2!. D Literally 'helpless one', substantivized adjective. Cognate with TB enersiiilk adv. 'helpless', based on a privative compound; for the meaning, see Malzahn (2004:215-216, n. 6) with previous literature. The meaning of the TA derivative would fit the description of persons who suffer hell punishments, as found in the fragment 310. R As for the inflection, see SSS: 101 (§ 147). The reading is nearly certain. anahiil (n., masc.) a kind of deadly poison [B halaha[J L POU 'venenum serpentis haliihala', VTW 'eine A1t todlichen Giftes'. F Nom.Sg. anahiil. T ♦Nom.Sg. 155 b3 wsomil!] iir0all oki anahal wiiss oki priiskiill-anii.y nii1.ntsu/// 'to be feared by him/her like a poisonous snake [or] the halahala poison'. D With dissimilation from Skt. haliihala- 'a kind of deadly poison (produced at the churning of the ocean by gods and demons)' (MW:1293b). aniigiimune (n., a.) 'status of an Anagamin' L JWP 'status of Anagamin'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. aniigiimune, All.Sg. aniigiimuneyac.



YQ II.12 a2-3; ♦All.Sg. YQ III.9 a7. Derived from ► cmiigiime.

aniigiime* (n., masc.) 'one who is destined no more to return in this world' L JWP 'one who is destined no more to return in this world'. F Gen.Sg. aniigiimes. T ♦ Gen.Sg. YQ III.9 a7. D From Skt. aniigiimin- 'one who is destined no more to return in this world' (BHSD:22a). Aniitlzapi~ujik (PN, masc.) name ofa householder, host of the Buddha [B Aniithapi(u;like] L VTW 'N. pr. eines reichen Kaufmanns'. F Nom.Sg. aniithapiw;lik, Obl.Sg. aniithapi11r;likiiq1. T ♦Nom.Sg. 141 a3?, THT 1408.k + 285 + 28 I b>a6!, 441 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg.312 a5!. D From Skt. Aniithapil:u;lika 'n. of a merchant (in whose garden Sakyamuni used to instruct his disciples)' (MW:27c), 'N. eines reichen Haushalters in Sravasti, Stifters der Jetavana-Klosteranlage' (SWTF l:5lb). R For the restoration ofTHT 1408.k + 285 + 281, see Pinault (2019b:l 13- l l 9). aniisrap (adj.uni.) 'uncontaminated [by defilements), pure' [B aniisrap] L POU 'non audiens', VTW 'Freisein von bosen EinflUssen/Leidenschaften'. T ♦246 b3 aniisrap knii1!]mune entsu(nt) 'having seized the uncontaminated knowledge', THT 1353 a4, THT 1475.a + 4155 bl. D From Skt. aniisrava- 'free from the depravities of evil' (BHSD: 112a), 'frei von bosen EinflUssen oder Leidenschaften' (SWTF I:54a). R Transposition of VA V 11.33d, see Schmidt (2021: 132). anitym (n., fem.) 'instability, impermanence' [B anityiit] L POU 'fragilitas', VTW 'Unbestandigkeit, Verganglichkeit'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. anityiit, AII.Sg. anityiitac. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 267 + 268 b>a6; ♦ All.Sg. 280 a5.

aniruddhavadarµ D

From Skt. anityatii- 'transient existence' (MW:29b), 'UnbesUindigkeit, Vergiinglichkeit' (SWTF I:55b).

a11ir11ddltavadii111 (n., masc.) 'Legend of

Aniruddha', title of the third act of the Maitreyasamiti-Na\aka F Nom.Sg. aniruddhavadii1.n. T ♦Nom.Sg. 263 a>b6

ane !) (adv.), 2) (pp.obi.), 3) (pp.Joe.) 1) 'inside

into', 2) 'inside', 3) 'into, within' 4) (pp.gen.)' 'into' [B eneJ?l] L VTW 'in, inmitten; hinein'. F

ane, arme.


♦ 1) (adv.) (ane) 3 b3!, 399 b4 kupiir ane yi0ii111, YQ III.12 b4 pie ane 'go inside!'; ♦ 2) (pp.ob!.) (ane) 227/8 a3 siikk-okiit-pi .'fonts ane 'in the 18 streets'; (anne) YQ V.l b7 lll(jambu)[dv](ip an)[n](e) ketumati ri siim 'within JambudvTpa this city of Ketumafi'; ♦3) (pp.Joe.) (ane) 395 bl kausal.Jil.n wiirtaq1 ane tsalpar 'they

maitreyasamitiniifka111 a11i111ddhavadiim iiomii trit nipii(t iir)/1/ 'in the ·

Maitreyasamiti-Nataka, the third section called Aniruddha-avadana has come to an end'. D Borrowed from the compound Skt.

entered into the forest of Kosala', 440 a I cam mla111 ane, THT 2048 a2 sriivastvam ane; (anne) 395 bl kuppre sriivasti rfya;11 ctnne ymiis 'Should we go into the city of Sravasfi?'; ♦4) (pp.gen.) (ane) 372 b>a4 sm11siim:jiniif!1 kiirii[s]s ane 'into the Sarpsara forest .. .'.

Aniruddhiivadiina- Aniruddha + avadiina-, cf. avadiina- 'great or glorious

act, achievement (object of a legend, Buddh.)' (MW:99b). See further ► avatii111.

Aniruddlte (PN, masc.) name of an Arhat,

disciple of the Buddha [B Aniruddhe] F Nom.Sg. aniruddhe. T ♦Nom.Sg. 17 al, 256 b5, 3881.i+b a2. D From Skt. Aniruddha 'N. of an Arhat ( contemporary of Sakyamuni)' (MW:30a), 'N. eines Monchs, eines der wichtigsten Schtiler des Buddha' (SWTF I:56b). anumodit (n., masc.) 'approval, applauding'

[B anumodit] L POU 'gaudium, laetitia', VTW 'freudige Zustimmung'. F Obl.Sg. anumodit. S anumodit yiim- 'express approval, approve'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 288 a4 iirtantrii piilantrii anumodit yiimeiic 'they will approve, they will praise, they will express approbation'; ♦fgm. 122 a2 anu\. D Borrowed from Skt. anumodita-, past participle of the verb anu-modayati 'to express approval, permit' (MW:37a), 'froh und dankbar annehmen; freudig zustimmen' (SWTF l:68a). The periphrasis made with the TA noun and the verb ya-/yiim- 'to do' matches the Skt. causative, see the same pattern in A desit ya-~viim- 'confess', corresponding to Skt. desayati. R See Meunier (2013: 152-159).

ane,icii!j (adv.) 'from the interior, out from' [Cf.

B enenka, enenmef!1] L T

POU 'ex', COU 'von innen heraus'. b5 tiimne wiiknii aneficiis kiikiitkunt 'having stepped out in this way [i.e., the foetus] .. .', 220 a5, 310 b4lllwiiwlu[nta] neficii!i walyi\, THT 1610.b a4. D Related to ► ane. ♦ 150

a11e1icii!ji (adj.) 'interior, internal'


VTW 'von innen heraus kommend'. Nom.Sg.Masc. aneficiisi. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 433 a6 aneiiciisi kniinmune:ji 0otre 'sign ofkno;ledge from inside'. D Derived from ► a11e1icii!j.

anenci (adj.) 'interior'


POU 'interior', VTW 'innene/r'. Obl.Sg.Masc. aneiici1_11. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 150 b3 aneiicim pil1mwiitike111 - - Ill, THT 2542 b2. D Derived from ► ane.

antarakalp (n., masc.) 'intermediate kalpa'


POU 'magnus numerus annorum'. Nom.Sg. antarakalp, Gen.Sg. antarakalpfs, Norn.Pl. antarakalpaii. T ♦Nom.Sg. 330 b4; ♦Gen.Sg. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b5; ♦Norn.Pl. 18 a3 oktuk antarakalpaii kiitkeiic 'when eighty intermediate kalpas have passed'. D From Skt. antarakalpa- 'intermediate kalpa' (BHSD:38a).

11 antariibhap (n., masc.sg.) 'intermediate state of existence (between death and rebirth)' [B antarabhap] (Skt. vasa-) L VTW 'Zwischencxistenz (zwischen Tod u. Wiedergeburt)'. F Nom.Sg. antarabhap, Loc.Sg. antarabhava111. T ♦Nom.Sg. 359 a6!; ♦ Loc.Sg. THT 2240 + 2449 a6!. D From Skt. antarabhava- 'intermediate state of existence (between death and rebirth)' (BHSD:39a). antu-le (adv.) 'from there' L POU 'ex, foras', VTW 'aus, heraus, hervor'. T ♦ 145 b4 antule lantu, 145 b6 sudarsa,11 riyac katse 1iiikci111 wii1yo ywic tsopats ta,p ciiJ antul(e) siim Jtam lantu tiimyol/1 'Near the city Sudarsana there is a great pond filled with divine water. Out from there grows [lit. has left] this tree. Therefore (it is called Parijata.)'. D Cf. ► ac-le. antussi (adv.) 'from there' L POU 'tum, deinde'. T ♦ 229 a4 raurap 1'iareya1?1 wrasan tmii111santiir .5akk a(ts) kupre-ne ma antussi lotke cem 'the beings will surely be reborn in the Raurava hell, unless they turn away from there'. D Related to ► antw; and ► antu-le. a11l1t$ (adv.) 'from there, therefrom' [Cf. B entwe] L POU 'tum, deinde', TEB II 'alsdann'. F antuJ, a,_ntuJ. T ♦ (anlu:J) 222 a7!, a7 wat-ii111 antu.5 11areya111 'therefrom he led him into hell', b4, 229 b6, 239 b5, 298 al, a5, 340 a7, THT 1380.e a3, THT 1331.a a4, THT 1382.e b4, THT 1731 bl; (a,_ntuJ) 352 al. D Related to ► antu-le and to ► antussi. R This form presupposes an adverb *antu, match of TB entwe. See further discussion in ADAMS:91-92. The ablative meaning of antuJ is confirmed by further Skt. parallels (ChamotRooke:2022a). apadiit (adj.uni.) 'clean, pure' L POU 'pulcher', VTW 'weiss, klar'. T ♦42 b6 [a}padat kiirtkaliiJ puk wra(san)//1 'from a clear pond all the beings(?) ... '.

appiirmat D

From Skt. avadata- '(strahlend) weiss; gereinigt, rein' (SWTF l:160a).

apariintik (adj.uni.) 'concerning the future, ultimate' L POU 'occidentalis', VTW 'auf die Zukunft beziiglich'. T ♦366 b3!, 367 a4 · aparantik .511rmis 01iant tr:fiW nii111 · 'the beginning of the cause concerning the future is desire (lit. thirst)'. D Cf. Skt. aparantaka-, f. -ika- 'of the western border, or of the country called Aparanta' (BHSD:44b ); judging from the contexts of the occurences (about the chain of causes, or Prafityasamutpada), it is borrowed from an adj. aparantika-*, based on aparanta- 'the extreme end or term' (MW:50c), precisely 'future', see 'Zukunft' (SWTF I:95b). apiirkiir (adv.) 'at length, in detail' [B emparkre] L POU 'non longus, brevis', COU 'lang, ausflihrlich', TEB II 'lange, ausflihrlich'. T ♦232 b5, 238 a 1, YQ Ill.6 a6. D Compound containing ► parkiir, see Winter (1952: 188), Hilmarsson (I 99 la: 171 ). apalkiit (adv.) 'unheeding, unconcerned'(?) [B empalkaitte] L TEB II 'unbekiimmert', VTW 'nicht sehend auf, ungeachtet'. T ♦ 71 a5!, 84 a4!, 132 a4!, 328 b2 ///kapsinna111 apiilkat s. all/. D Privative, possibly from the stem ► piilkii- of the verb ► liikii- 'see'. R See Sieg (I 952: 18 n. 3, 21 n. 22), Hilmarsson (199\a:71), ADAMS:97. apparmiit (adv.) 'despised, not considered' [B appamat] L POU 'contemptio', TEB II 'veriichtlich'. F appiirmat, apiirmat, appiirmat, appri:imat. S appiirmat yam- 'to treat badly, to despise' [B appamat yam-]. T ♦ (appiirmat) 30 a5, 71 b 1, 275 a2!, THT 1643.f a2; (api:irmat) 2 a 1 (m=apiirmat); (appiirmat) 226 a6, 381 a2-3!; (appriimat) 56 a2, 57 b4. D Wrong Sanskritization of Pkt. appamata(Pa. appamaita-) from Skt. alpa-matra- 'a little, a little merely' (MW:95c). The Pkt. form is reflected in B appamat.


appramey* appramey* (n., masc.) 'unmeasurable thing' L POU 'infinitus', VTW 'unermesslich, unbegrenzt; das Unermessliche/ Unbegrenzte'. F Loc.Sg. apprameya111. T ♦Loc.Sg. 448 b2 : ap[p]rameya,.n ska neF1c/// 'they are still in something unmeasurable'. D From Skt. aprameya- 'unmeasurable thing' (BHSD:49a). apratitu(ve1t1* (N, masc.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 25 syllables 5/5/8/7) [B apratitulyel!1] F Loc.Sg. apratitulyenatJ1, apratitulyna111, apratitulnatJI. T ♦ Loc.Sg. (apratitulyenal!)) 20 a6, 33 a6, 151 b2, 253 a8, 271 al!, 403 b>a3, YQ 1.4 a3-4!, THT 2431 a4!; (apratitulyna,_n) 146 a6; (apratitulna111) 145 a3. D Based on the Joan from Skt. apratitulya-*, see atulya- 'unequalled' (MW:16b). apllikiit* (adv.) 'without permission' [B amplakiitte] T ♦ SHT 525.56 b4 siim ma aplak priil 'this should not be carried without permission'. R For the interpretation of this form and passage, see Peyrot (2015a: I 09), somewhat modified. The complete expected TA form should be *aplakiit, matching TB amplakiitte (ADAMS:21). aptsar (n., fem.) Apsaras, a celestial nymph L POU 'no. propr. nyrnpharum caelestiurn', TEB II 'himmlische Nymphe'. F Nom.Sg. aptsar, Norn.Pl. aptsamtu, aptsariintu, Obi.Pl. aptsarii111tu, Gen.Pl. aptsamtwis, Instr.Pl. aptsamtuyo, Abl.PI. aptsariintwii.5, Loe.Pl. aptsamtwa,11. T ♦Nom.Sg. 59 a4, 68 a4, 110 a I!; ♦Norn.Pl. (aptsarntu) I 90 a4?; (aptsariintu) 312 b3, THT 2961 bl!; ♦ Obi.Pl. (aptsarii111tz1) 301 b6 aptsariil!1lu 1iemi~inas wiitsyas; ♦Gen.Pl. 68 al; ♦Instr.Pl. 312 b5; ♦Abl.Pl. 191 b2; ♦Loc.Pl. THT 2399 b3; ♦ fgm. 189 a2 aptsarii//1, 210 a2 aptsa/1/. D From Skt. apsaras- 'a class of female divinities' (MW :59c ). aptsaradarsatfl * (N, masc.) name of a tune (stanza of4 x 14 syllables 7/7) [B aptsaradar/ian*] F Loc.Sg. aptsaradar.{:a,71, aptsaradarsna111.

♦ Loc.Sg. (aptsaradarsa111) 274 b8, 289 a2; (aptsaradarsna111) 6 bl!, 149 a4, YQ Ill.2 b2. D From Skt. apsaradarsana-*, lit. 'view of an Apsaras'.


abhijiiii* (n., fem.) 'supernatural knowledge' [B abhijnii*] L JWP 'supernatural knowledge', VTW '(hohere) Erkenntnis'. F Gen.Sg. abhijFtes, Nom./Obl.Pl. abhijniintu. T ♦Gen.Sg. YQ N.2 b6; ♦ Obi.Pl. 90 a3!. D From Skt. abhijna- 'higher or supernatural knowledge' (BHSD:50b). abhidharm (n., masc.) Abhidharma, the third section of the Buddhist canon [B abhidharm] L POU 'veritas suprema, rnetaphysica', TEB II 'Kommentar zur buddhistischen Terminologie'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. abhidharm, abhidharma (Skt.), Gen.Sg. abhidharmis, Abl.Sg. abhidharmii.5.y, Loc.Sg. abhidharmat.n. T ♦Nom.Sg. (abhidharm) 371 a3, THT 4005 b4 //l(sii)tii{I] vine abhi(dharm)//1; (abhidharma) 336 a9 siim abhidharma [tak]; ♦Obl.Sg. (abhidharm) 332 a7, 336 a4 /ll(kn)anm1111e.yi111 abhidharm; ♦Gen.Sg. 333 b2; ♦ Abl.Sg. 338 a3 [a]bhidharma.5.y aci miirkampaliintu akliissi, ♦ Loc.Sg. 251 b3, 306 a3 !. D From Skt. abhidharma- 'name of the third section of the Buddhist canon' (BHSD:5 la). R The form abhidharma in 336 a9 is most likely a quotation of Sanskrit. In 251 b3 (completed by THT 1493 a2! and 306 a3), one may restore the list sutiir vine=bhidharma111 (making 7 syllables), see Schmidt (2002b:259, 260),pace Itkin (201 Sb: 127). abhidlzarm-pifak (n., a.) 'basket of Abhidharma'; name of the third section of Buddhist writings L POU 'nomen librorum buddh.', VTW 'Korb d. Lehrbegriffe d. scholastischen Metaphysik'. F Nom.Sg. abhidharm-pifak. T ♦Nom.Sg. 336 b2 siim abhidharm-pifak tiik.

13 D

amok From Skt. abhidharma-pifaka- 'basket of metaphysics, n. of the third section of Buddhist writings' (MW:63b).

abhidharm-slistrii (n., a.) 'treatise of Abhidharma' L POU 'doctrina metaphysica', VTW 'Werk d. Dogmatik'. F Nom.Sg. abhidharm-sastra. T ♦Nom.Sg. 333 b3. D From Skt. abhidharma-sastra- (cf. BHSD:5la). abhidlzarm~i* (adj.) 'belonging to Abhidharma' L POU 'metaphysicus'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. abhidharm,~i. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 336 b8! a(bhi)dhann.5i pifak karsnal. D Derived from ► ab/zidharm. ab/zinai (n., masc.) 'pantomime, expressive acting' L POU 'actio', TEB 11 'Pantomime, theatralische Darstellung'. F Obl.Sg. abhinai. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 301 b3 /lli'laktaii separ abhinai ypar, b4 abhinai ypar. D From Skt. abhinaya- 'acting, dramatic action' (MW:64c). Ablzipa4, 222 b2. D Compound of ► Avis and ► 1iare. avis!ji* (adj.) 'belonging to the Avici-hell' L POU 'infernalis'. F Obl.Sg.Fem. avis:yiniilJI. T ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 313 b6 avis.yina111 kapsiiiiiokk. D Derived from ► avis. avihis (n., masc.) 'not injuring' L POU 'non-caedes', TEB II 'Nichttoten le bender Wesen'. F Nom.Sg. avihis. T ♦Nom.Sg. 386 b2 avihirn · sa · snemiya!jlune siim avihis tranktra ·. D From Skt. avihil11sa- 'das NichtVerletzen, Nicht-Schadigen; freundliche Einstellung' (SWTF I: 175b). asi (n., fem.) 'nun' [B asiya] L POU 'monacha, monialis', TEB II 'Nonne'. F Nom.Sg. asi, Gen.Sg. asye, asse, Nom.Pl. asyan, assaii, Gen.Pl. asyiissi, assassi. T ♦Nom.Sg. 80 b>a5, 102 bl, 381 al; ♦Gen.Sg. (asye) THT 2238.h bl; (asse) 322 al; ♦Norn.Pl. (asyiiii) 114 a4, 225 b7; (assan) 300 a5, 332 a8; ♦Gen.Pl. (asyassi) THT 3346 a3; (assassi) 117 al, 300 a2, b6. D Borrowed from Mir., see Isebaert (1980:213), VW:622, ADAMS:33. asi!j (n., masc.) 'benediction' F Obl.Sg. asi.y. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 16 a6, 63 a5.


asup D

From Skt. asis- 'blessing, benediction' (MW:157b).

asup (n., masc.) '[meditation on] the loathsome' [B afobh] L POU 'immunditia, impudicitia', TEB II 'Abscheulichkeit'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. asup. T ♦Nom.Sg. 245 a3? asup wra\(m); ♦ Obl.Sg. 265 b2 antane kuleficil/1 kapsiiiiia111 afop ynes y[a]mantra 'if they realize [the meditation on] the loathsome on a female body', 302 a7. D From Skt. asubha- 'impure, unpleasant, loathsome', used in Tocharian for asubha-bhavana- or afobha-swnjna'meditation on the loathsome', which consists in contemplating the various states of disintegration of human corpses (BHSD:80a). asup!ji (adj.) 'of loathsome' L POU 'immunditiae'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. asup.yi. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 243 b3 (wawrunt bhava111) asupJi 'having cultivated the contemplation ofloathsome [things]'. D Derived from ► asup. R This phrase has no match in the Skt. parallel (VAV 2.20), see Schmidt (2021: 126), who restores (wawrunt) asup!)i. However, this falls short of two syllables, which can be filled by bhava111, loan from Skt. bhavana- 'cultivation, contemplation' as per Thomas ( I 970c:259) and Pinault (CHREST:284). On Skt. asubha-bhavana- 'meditation on the loathsome', see ► asup. asaikii!f* (n., masc.) 'no longer a pupil, an arhat' [B asaik.ye*] L POU '11011-discipulus (=arhat)', TEB II 'einer, der keine religiosen Obungen mehr notig hat, Arhat'. F Norn.Pl. asaik:ji. T ♦Norn.Pl. 249 b3 saik.yy asaik.'ii (cf. Skt. D

saik.'fasaikJa-). From Skt. asaik.'5a- 'one who no longer

needs religious training arhant' (BHSD:80b ); Skt. compound saikJa- + asaik.'fa- (SWTF I: 183b ). See also ► .foikii!f*.

asok (N, masc.) Asoka, name of a tree L VTW 'N. eines Baums'.


♦91 b2 asok ,1·tam. From Skt. Asoka- 'the tree Jonesia Asoka Roxb.' (MW:! 13c).

asnum (adj.) 'having eyes, seeing' [B esanetstse] (Skt. cak:;;u,~mant-) L POU 'videns', TEB II 'Augen habend'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. asnum, Obl.Sg.Masc. asnumant, Norn.Pl.Masc. asm1ma:j. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 147 a3, 353 b2, 405 a3, 443 b4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 55 a2; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 147 a2. D Derived from the dual of ► ak 'eye', a.sa111 (cf. B esanetstse ). R See also ► iikiir-asnum, ► s11ewiiskl11ne-asn11m, ► sne-ptsiik-asm1111. Asvakar,:z (LN, masc.) name of some mountain F Nom./Obl.Sg. asvakan:z, Abl.Sg. asvakan:za:j. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. THT 3022 a2; ♦Abl.Sg. THT 3021 b4. D Loan from Skt. asvakan:,a- 'n. of one of the 7 mountains surrounding Sumeru' (BHSD:8 la).


Asvaji (PN, masc.) Asvajit, name ofa bhik~u F Nom.Sg. afraji, All.Sg. asvajinac. T ♦Nom.Sg. 294 b3; ♦All.Sg. THT 2151 b2!. D From Skt. Asvajit 'n. of one of the five monks' (BHSD:81b). assi (part.) 'then, so' (with strengthening effect) L POU 'sane', TEB II 'wohl'. F assi, assi-k. S Occurs in I) interrogative, 2) declarative sentences; kus(s) assi 'what then', kuc kalyme assi 'where, in which direction', kuyal assi 'why then', kupre assi 'when', ta=ssi 'where', ma111tt assi 'how'. T ♦ 1) 6 a2 kuss assi, 24 al! kuc yp(a)mm as(si), 79 b2 w1wal sla assi 'did I bring you distress?', 107 b6 ma171tt assi, 114 al kuyall assi (bis), I I 9 b4, 136 a6 k[u]ss assi, 144 bl kucass(a)ll assi, 145 b3 kuyall as:i'i, 214 a3 ta=ssi, 215 b3 kuyall assi, 216 a>b3 (kuya)ll assi, 269 + 290 a>b2 kuyall assi, 311 b4 kuyall assi, 317 b6 kucc assi, 3 I 8 + 319 a8 (k,,ya)ll assi, 340 a5 kuciJJ as.fr, 346 bl kucc assi, b2 ke=ssi, 411 al, 436 a2 kospre111n assi, 446 a7 kucc assi, 447 b4 mant assi, 463 b5 unta=ssi, YQ 1.5 a5 ta assi, a7 na:jt assi, YQ 1.7 a2! (kuyall a.W), YQ II. I a7-



8! anta a(ssi), YQ II.4 b2! (k,,yall assi), YQ 11.6 a5! (kuc kiily)[me a]ss(i), a5 ke assi, a6 id., YQ III. I a3, a5 kupre assi, a7 id., b2, YQ lll.4 b7 kupre assi, YQ lll.5 a6 kupre assi, YQ 111.8 b2 (kus) assi, YQ !Il.9 a5 kus assi, YQ III. 10 b5 kucc assi; ♦2) (assi) YQ I.5 a8 :fakkatsts assi, YQ Ill. I I b4 lok assi, THT 1974 a2 /1/lmo lok assi, THT 2518 b3 Sat!l/1 assi//1; (as:>'i-k) 79 a4 alykess onkiilmas lok as,.'i-k sla-tsoti pkant pkiint lwora.5 on(kiilman lek) kalkar 'the elephants are gone, since he has sent them one by one to the other elephants [that were] very far away [and] under panic' R The peculiar spelling of 463 b5 reflects the sandhi of anta and assi, see ► iintii. assuk (n., masc.) '(upper) garment' [B m11sfik]


Obl.Sg. assuk. ♦ Obl.Sg. 182 a3 twankatr assuk/1/. Via MI from Skt. arrisuka- 'fine or white cloth, muslin' (MW:lb). Compare ► m11suk, traceable from the same source, but closer to the Skt. original.

assune (n., a.) 'nun-hood'


POU 'status monacharum'. Obl.Sg. assune. Obl.Sg. 300 a2!, a6 /ll(ka)lpac assune ~·amnasa. Abstract derived from ► asi.

asse1t1 (adj.) 'of nuns, pertaining to nuns'


JWP 'of nuns'. Obl.Sg.Masc. asse171. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ III.8 b6 as;:e,rz (pissankis el wawu). Derived from ► asi.

a!jlitsu (adj.)'?'



b2 a$a[tsu]III. Possibly derived from a:jat*, borrowing from Skt. a.yarjha- 'N. of a month' (MW:159b).

a!fuk, a!j17k (adj.uni.) 'wide, broad' (of body

parts) L POU 'latus', TEB II 'breit, prall'. T 91 a3, 158 a3, 212 b7!, 217 b2 a:jukwsayoka,.n poke rsorii.5, 316 a2, 378 a5, YQ Il.2 a4, YQ II.4 b5, YQ II.IO b3, THT 1143 b2.

a!jtami (n., masc.sg.) 'eighth day'


POU 'octavus dies in mense', JWP 'eighth'. F Obl.Sg. G:jtami, Loc.Sg. a~·tamymrz. T ♦Obl.Sg. YQ IIl.12 a4 kucne arso asfami parnont konm11 'when today on the glorious day, i.e., the eighth day', b8; ♦ Loc.Sg. 114 a3. D Cf. Skt. a:jfama-, a.yfamika- 'the eighth; the eighth day' (MW: 117a); from Skt. asfam'f- 'der achte Tag (eigentlich 'Nacht') eines halben Mondmonats' (SWTF I: 189a). R The Skt. source has feminine gender, but the Tocharian word has probably adopted the gender of km.n 'day'. a!jtam-k01t1* (n., masc.) 'eighth day'

Loc.Sg. a.5tam-kona111. ♦ Loc.Sg. YQ III. I I b7 arso nii,; a:jta111kona111 'today, on the eighth day'. R Same technical meaning as ► a!jtami.


a!jtli1ikopet (adj.) 'provided with eight good

qualities, excellent' POU 'magnam reverentiam facti (?)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. a:jtankopet. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 257 b3! (a:jla11ko)pet wii1yo ypic nemi.5i kartkal pakar maskatar 'a jeweled pond full of water provided with eight qualities appears', 315 + 316 a3 tmiik a:jtankopet nii(kci1J1 wa,yo) ywic 'full of divine (water) provided with eight qualities'. D From Skt. a.5/angopeta- 'mit acht (wichtigen oder guten) Eigenschaften versehen; vorzliglich' (SWTF I:189b), which is only used with water in Buddhist Skt. (BHSD:8lb). R In 257 b3, TS:133 reads -:jet, but -pet is equally possible (the manuscript is lost). Analysis of the context by Pinault (199la:152).


asa1t1klze (n., a.) 'an incalculable period, a mega-

era' [B asm11khyai*, Pl. asm11khyainta] L POU 'magnus numerus', TEB II 'Bezeichnung einer sehr ho hen Zahl, eine unzahlbar lange Weltperiode'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. asa1rzkhe, Obi.Pl. asm11khes, Instr.Pl. asm11khesyo, asmrzkhyesyo, Loe.Pl. asmrzkhesm11, esa1J1khesa111, asa1J1khyesa1.n.

20 ♦Nom.Sg. (asw.nkhe) 18 a2; ♦ Obi.Pl. 18 al, 305 b4, 313 b5; ♦ Instr.Pl. (asa,.nkhesyo) 62 b3!, 267 + 268 a>b2, 287 + 259 a>b7, 299 a2, 305 a8; (asw.nkhyesyo) 287 + 259 b>a7!; ♦ Loe.Pl. (asaf!1khesa,_n) I I 8 b5, 218 a6, 31 I.a b5!, b6!, 313 bl-2!, b4, 339 a8; (esw11khesw11) 62 a4 lly esa111kheswr1 ki:int kalpsw11 kropat ki:i(;;,~i mi:irkampal) 'in three asarpkhyeyas and hundred kalpas the teacher has assembled (the Law)'; (asw11khyesw11) 270 a4-5!; ♦ fgm. 323 b2. D Via MI from Skt. asa,.nkhyeya' innumerable; a very high number' (BHSD:82b).


asmftkhe.yi (adj.) 'of a mega-era' L POU 'magni numeri (annorum)'. F Nom.Sg.Masc./Fem. asaf!1khe.yi, Obl.Pl.F em. asw11khe;;inas. T ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 18 al; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. YQ Il.13 a2 asa111khe,~inas .ytareyi:intu 'the efforts of incalculable periods', 261 a>b5 ! idem. D Adjective derived from ► asa111khe. R See also ► tri-asm11khe!ji. asa111khye-

► asm11khe

asam (adj.uni.) 'without equal, unequalled' T ♦245 a4 [:Jl[y]iik as[a]m karme yme//1 'the smooth, unequalled, true way'. D Borrowed from Skt. asama- 'unequalled' (MW:l 19a). asiil* (n., a.) 'post' [B esale] L POU'?', TEB II 'Pfosten'. F All.Sg. aslac, Norn.Pl. aslunt, All.Pl. asli:intwac. T ♦All.Sg. 462 b5; ♦Norn.Pl. 450 a2; ♦ All.Pl. 395 b3 tamnek pan-kant mika!mas ... ma,:u;llac katse wawora;; aslantwac sarkr-am 'after having led another five hundred elephants, ... close to the magical circle they tied them to the posts'. D CT noun. As for the etymology, see Pinault (2009b:241; 2021: 122). asitakirit* (N, masc.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 18 syllables 7/7/4) F Loc.Sg. asitakiritw11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 58 a3.



Certainly borrowed from Skt., cf. kirzfa'N. ofa metre of four lines (each containing twenty-four syllables)' (MW:284a). The first member may be borrowed from Skt. asita- 'dark-coloured, black' (MW: 120c ), alternatively asita- nt. 'sitting down, way of sitting', also name of several melodies (MW:159c). The alternative reading 0 kirinw11, as per TS:33 does not allow any meaningful interpretation.

asitaviitik* (N, masc.) name of a tune (stanza of likely 4 x 12 syllables) F Loc.Sg. asitavii1ika111. T ♦Loc.Sg. I 02 a3. D Certainly borrowed from Skt.; the same second element appears in the name of two other tunes, ► sundaravii1ik* and ► ha,f1savii1ik*. asiniit (adj.uni.) 'insatiable' [B ontsoytte] L POU 'insatiabiliter', TEB II 'unersattlich'. S asinat !aka- 'look insatiably (cf. Skt. asecanaka-dar.fona-)'. T ♦21 al,23a3, 129b4!?,217a8,218bl, 243 al, 256 b2, YQ 1.9 b4-5, THT 3020 b3. D Privative of ► si-, sin- 'satiate' (Hilmarsson 1991 a:85). Asipatrava1t1* (LN, masc.) name of a hell, 'sword-leaf forest' F Loc.Sg. asipatravana,.n. T ♦ Loc.Sg. THT 141 l.fa2. D Loan from Skt. asipattra-vana- 'N. ofa hell', where trees have sword-shaped leaves (MW:120c). R Quoted in the introduction of the fragments 399-404 (TS:222). asur* (n., masc.) Asura, a demon [B asiire] L POU 'daemon', TEB II 'Damon'. F Nom.Pl. asuriiFz, Obi.Pl. asuras, Abl.Pl. asuriisa;;,~. T ♦Nam.Pl. 22 b3, 376 b2; ♦ Obi.Pl. 214 b5; ♦Abl.Pl. 240 a4!. D From Skt. asura- 'Asura, Damon, Gotterfeind' (SWTF I:205). as11re1ft* (adj.) 'demoniacal' L POU 'daemonis, daemonum'. F Nom.Pl. asureFzi, asure11111i. T ♦Nom.Pl. 358 al, YQ Il.9 b2.

21 D

atsa111 Derived from ► asur.

ats (part.) 'truly, surely, indeed, in fact' (Skt. eva) L POU 'autem, vero', TEB II 'Partikel der Bekraftigung'. S Occurs in the following contexts: I) after a demonstrative or personal pronoun, 2) after an interrogative or relative pronoun/adverb, 3) in the sequence kuss ats ne 'whoever', 4) after a pronominal adverb or conjunction, 5) after the numeral 'one', Nom.Sg.Masc. sas, 6) after $Gk in the complex particles ► !jakkats and ► !jakkatsek, 7) after a particle or adverb, 8) after a noun, 9) after a finite verb. It normally triggers the gemination ofa preceding consonant, especially of the emphasizing particle -(a)k. T ♦ 1)99b4tuats, 168a6tmakkats, 181 b4 tmiikk ats, 269 + 290 b>a7! ma tu (ats), 275 b8 cani ats, YQ III.4 a7 caniikk ats, YQ III. 10 a7 camii$$ ats, YQ N.l b8 miittak ats; ♦2) 114 a6 ta ats ne; ♦3) 9 a6, 11 a6, 22b I! (kuss as ne), 333 a3; ♦4) 5 a3 tapre,.n ats, 15 a3 tmann ats, 397 a7 tmann ats, 383 b3 tmak ats, 405 b5 ancann=ats, YQ II.6 b2 tmakk ats, YQ III.7 b7 tannekk ats; ♦5) (sass ats) 121 b2, 150 a2, 463 a3 II eka eva · sass ats II, YQ III. IO a8 $Oll1ii$$ ats; ♦ 6) (.yakk ats according to TS) 3 a3, 15 a3, 25 a5, 40 b6, 67 b2, 70 b6, 81 al, 85 bl, 106 b2, I 16 b4, 120 a4, 131 a4, 206 a2, 212 b3, 214 b4, 215 a5, 226 a6, 229 a4, b6, 234 a2, 258 a7, 288 a4, b2, 302 al, 309 a3, 311 a3, 337 a4, 339 a7, 356 b3, 403 a>b6, 429 b5, 436 b5, YQ l.5 a8 ,rnkkatsts afo, YQ 1.6 b4, YQ II.I b7, YQ II.4 bl-2!, YQ II.5 b6, YQ 11.7 bl, YQ II.14 a6, YQ Il.15 b8, YQ IIl.67 b4; ♦ 7) 17 b5 $yakk ats, 65 a6 mosann ats, 71 b2 makk ats, 72 a3 mattakk ats, 253 b4 .yi ats, 307 al anencikk ats, 232 a3 :jakatsekk ats; ♦ 8) 3 b3 wramm ats, 6 a6 anmaslakk ats, IO b6 lapp ats, 11 b I alasunekk ats, 12 b5 soil ats, 13 b I pnintukk ats, 17 a4 sne skekk ats, 18 a5 maltowinuntaniikk ats, 18 a6 wcananakk ats, 49 al cmo/:jy ats, 49 a2 id., 56 b4 kenn ats, 64 b4 waltsurakk ats, 69 a4 .yfzi a(Fz)m(a)sukk ats. 71 b2 lvutarr ats, 78 a I w1wm~ ~ts, 91 a5 anmallakk ats, 95 a2 paltsakyo ats, l 08 b5 tsmo ats,

120 b6 tampeyaf!m ats, 115 al lapyo ats, 122 b5 Fzomm ats, 153 a2 palkorii.)'$ ats, 153 b4 anmasliikk ats, 154 a2 tsru ats, 155 a5 w.ye ats, 213 b7 pi:iltsakyokk ats, 214 a5 aymas/iikk ats, 217 bl (pa)lsk(a,11) ats, 224 b6 ko11m ats, 231 a I piilkorii$.)' ats, 261 a>b3 aymasliikk ats, 269 + 290 b>a2 (wii)tt ats k0111, 275 b7 (a)nass ats, 293 a3 lwess ats, 313 b5 avisanakk ats, 313 b6 kapsiniiokk ats, 372 b>a3 (ma slii)kkr ats, 397 a5 warpalune ats, 397 b5 l//dhyiinann ats, 399 a5 mokk ats, YQ 1.3 a4 yatsikk ats, YQ 1.5 a8 sne pamakk ats, YQ 1.8 b3 ptiinkatt ats, YQ 11.5 a6 paltsiikyokk ats, YQ 11.8 a5 lalamskekk II.! I ats, YQ II. IO b7 piilskaqm ats, a5-6! piiltsiikyo ats, YQ 11.12 b8 iiiimasliikk ats, YQ IIl.2 a6 iitliissi ats, YQ Ill.5 b2 wsokonyo ats, YQ III.7 a5 ka.yyapiikk ats, YQ III.8 b4 pissafzkiss ats, YQ Ill. I I a4 keqm ats, YQ Ill.12 b5 spaktiinikii111 ats, YQ V. l b8 ska,ikk ats; 343 a2 essik atsa; ♦ 9) 12 a4 papiirss ats, 75 a6 wpass ats, 80 a>b2 piilkatt ats, 111 b3 riipakk ats, 153 b5 alpatt ats, 254 a5 samantarr ats, 313 b2 siilpi:j.yiik ats, 405 b5 kalpatt ats, YQ IIl.3 a8 piciikk ats, YQ III. I! b4 smenc ats; ♦fgm. 39 a6 Vck ats, 47 a5 - - [kk a]ts, 47 a6 - nakk ats, 107 b6 1//kk ats, 184 b2 ///yii$$ ats, 186 b2 1//kk ats, 296 a5 \ats, 326 b3 /1/kk ats 401 a6 l!/iikk ats, YQ Ill.10 a6 /ll(a)ts. ' Possibly cognate with the TB emphasizing particle tsa (ADAMS:798). Description of uses in SSS:302-303.




atsmtz (adv.) 'truly, surely, indeed, in fact' L POU 'autem, vero'. F atsmt1, atsan, asaf!1, asa. S Occurs in the same contexts as ► ats: I) after a demonstrative pronoun, 2) after an interrogative or relative pronoun, 3) after a demonstrative adverb or conjunction, 4) after the numeral 'one', 5) after an adverb, 6) after a noun. It usually triggers the gemination of the preceding consonant. T ♦ I) 233 b2 tiinakk atsa,11; ♦2) 70 a4 ma kekk atsa1J1 'not by anyone', 229 b 1 k,,sakk atsaf!l, 234 b I kucc atsaq1 ne, 236 b7 kuss atsmtz ne; ♦3) 353 a3 tiiprem atsm11, 384 a4 tamnekk asa111, 386 tamnekk asa; ♦4) 222 b6 :jam atsaqz; ♦ 5)


atsek THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b2! (kii)marr a(tsa)n; ♦6) 124 al porr atsm.n, 222 a2 puka1.nn atsm11, 236 b2 (yii)lymiiiii atsa111, 237 a5 woltsuriikk atsa111, 452 a2 piikyokk atsa/!Z. D Ce11ainly derived from ► ats. R The forms asa,11 (384 a4) and asa (386 b I), belonging to the same manuscript, can be explained as miswritten or due to vulgar pronunciation.

22 atsek (part.) 'truly, indeed, in fact' L POU 'autem, vero'. S Occurs only following §'ak(k) in the complex particle ► !jakkatsek, !jakatsek. D Probably a reinforced form of the particle ► ats. A further connection with the complex particle iittsek (B attsaik) is possible, although uncertain. R Several occurrences listed by POU: 14 under atsek belong to ► atsmf!.

A ii (interj.) 'oh!' L POU 'ah, eheu'. T ♦ 8 b3-4 klopasu nii,_ntsu triinkii,~ hii k(ii)\1yapp ii kii1yap 'being depressed he said: Oh what a pity, oh what a pity!'. R See also ► hii. a111 (inter.pron.) 'whom?' (Skt. kam) T ♦217 b7 miittak niiynes karso(rii!5) a,.n Jiirp,1im (Pa. Vin Mahavagga I.6.8. saya171 abhill,1iiya kam uddiseyam) 'by knowing for myself, whom should I refer to (as my teacher)'.

iik-(vb.) 'lead, drive' [B iik-] (Skt. vah-) L POU 'vehere, vehi', TEB II 'flihren', TVS 'lead, guide, drive'. P (tr.) Prs. iik-T-, Subj. wii- < *wiiya-, Prt. wii-, PPrt. wiiwu. F Prs.II Act. 3Pl. iikenc-ii1.n, MP 3Sg. iistrii171, PPrs.Act. Obl.Sg. ii.f;antii171, Norn.Pl. iisa,_ntiin, PPrs. MP iikmiit!1, Subj.V MP 3Sg. wiitr-ii1?1, Opt.Act. I Sg. wiiwim, Gdv. Fem.Nom.Sg. wiilyi, VN ► wiilune, Prt.1 MP 3Sg. wiit-ii111, 3Pl. wiint-ii111, PPrt. wiiwo, Abs. Abl.Sg. wiiworii(i. S kas iik- 'bring to account, pay attention'. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Pl. 253 b2 : iijiinay yuka,1 wsii$ ina111 kukiil ... iike,1c-ii1J1 'horses of noble breed draw his golden chariot'; ♦MP 3Sg. 143 b2, 184 b4 lllsiila,_n iistra111 triinks-ii171n-anac 'he leads him into the hall [and] says to him'; ♦PPrs.Act. Obl.Sg. 247 al winiisam-ci siirth iisiintii,.n sne-lyutiir 'I honor you the excellent caravan leader' (Skt. VA V 2.34 siirthaviihiiya te namaf:,); ♦Norn.Pl. 265 al (uncertain segmentation); ♦PPrs.MP 8 I a5 lll(ca)ndiiliisii kossi iikmii,.n 'led to be killed by the Cal)i;lalas', 402 al; ♦ Subj.MP 3Sg. THT 2069 bl; ♦Opt.Act. I Sg. 7 a3-4 kyal mii nii$ tii\(ma,!1) tunkyo plac wiiwim 'Why should I not have a conversation because of love to her?'; ♦Gdv. Nom.Sg.Fcm. 70 a3 $fare ka/; wiilyi 'paying attention to efforts'; ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. 222 a7 = 239 a6 wiit-a,.n

kii.y.yi 'the teacher led him', a7, 239 a6; ♦3Pl. 395 b3 wiint-l!1; ♦ PPrt. 230 a6, 359 a4-5 I upanita[va]yajaratura I wiiwo kiitkii - - - . iiki[s] mokoneyo\ (w)r(a)skeyo mamiyu I; ♦Abs. Abl.Sg. 74 a3 mii ka.f; wiiworii$ 'without paying attention', 305 bl, 395 b3, b4, 431 b3. D See the related agent noun ► iisant. iik (n., a.) 'end, point, edge' [B iike]


POU 'finis', TEB II 'Ende', JWP 'end'. Obl.Sg. iik, Loc.Sg. iikm11. sne-iik 'without end, endless' (Uigh. tiipsiiz), iik yam- 'make an end, finish'. ♦ Obl.Sg. 21 a5 puk park!uneytwiissi iik ypant 'giving all the questions an end', 34 a4 iik ypant, 62 a6 lll[pci]n-c111olwii$nis sewiiss iik opyiic kiilliit piittii,1kiit 'you recalled the sons of the five births at the end, oh Lord Buddha', 83 (+ THT 1382.k) a2, 137 b2 lllsiitkse,1cii1?1: sne iik penu k .Ill, 212 al + YQ ll.3 b8 lllsm!7siir$i111 niitkis ke-ne kri tii(i iik yatsilll 'whose intention will be to put an end to Saq1sara the master', 218 a6 : $t7rm tty asm11khesa111 kiint kalpsa,_n krope el piip.5z111e tsra:p1iineyntu kniinmfineyntu sny iik pffi, 278 b3 ll/j I flnii$ ptiiFzkiit kii(1.)"i ii(iiinikyiip metriikyiip sne-iik tsopatsa111 kniinmune,~i wii(kiim)III (=MaitrHami IV, 7b 9ft), 291 a3 sne-ak tampeyntuyo tam[p]elll, 314 b8 sne-iik lokadhiitutwb5 ! antarakalp1s a(ka), 314 b3 swancenassi [ak}a okiit-tma,_n kiirtkalyi pakar takar 'at the end of the rays 80,000 pools became visible', 314 b6swaiic(e)nassi aka, b7 swaiicenasiii aka, 367 a2-3 (pz7)rvantik $Z"irmis aka sm11skar nii111 'at the the end of the cause of the past there is Sarpskara', a4 (oko}\yis aka ve[d}a,71 nii111 'at the end of the fruit there is Vedana', 387 al I antam udgrhitum I ma ciimpiil na.yt piirkluneyiintwassi aka kumniissi · 'you are not able to come to the end of questionings'; ♦2) (adv.) THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b3!, YQ 1.6 b8, YQ Il.13 a7 aka siirki, a8 id., b I id., b2 id .. D Adverb based on ► iik 'end', with addition of the perlative affix. iikiil (n., a.) 'wish, desire' [B akatk] L POU 'voluntas, optatio, desiderium', TEB II 'Wunsch', JWP 'wish'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. aka/, Gen.Sg. aka/is, lnstr.Sg. aka/yo, All.Sg. akalac, Abl.Sg. akalii$, Perl.Sg. akata, Obi.Pl. akalntu, aka/iintu, Gen.Pl. akiiliintwassi akaltwassi, akaliintwis, All.Pl. ' aka/antwac, Perl.Pl. akalntwa, akaltwa. S aka! nas- 'there is a wish (for sb.)', aka/ kiin- 'fulfil a wish', aka/ katka- 'a wish arises', aka! rita- 'make a wish'; aka/+ all. 'a wish for sth. ', N-$i aka! 'the wish


for sth.', N-.yi akalyo 'with the wish for sth.', N aka/yo 'because of desire for sth. ', akalac kaka- + obi. 'call sb. for a request'. ♦Nom.Sg. 24 b2 aka! katka-111 putti!,parnac ;wkyo wiir$,1·iilts 'a very strong wish arose in him for the rank of Buddha', b5, b6 (sii)[s 1i}i [a}kal knitiir 'may this wish be fulfilled for me', 25 a5 mii111tne lili akal rito tiimnek sakk ats [t}(a{) 'as you have wished, ~o indeed it shall be', b4 knitiir-cy aka/ 'your wish may be fulfilled', 62 b5, 66 b5 knatr-iim rito akal 'the wish made will be fulfilled for you', 67 a2 saniik wasiim aka/ ses

'this was precisely our wish', a5, 71 ·a2 ma nu aka/ knii.ytiir iii 'but my wish is not fulfilled', 73 b2, 80 b>a4 !ll(wa.ytii$ lii)ntiissi aka! ,Je$-ii111 'her wish was to

leave the house', 226 b7, 227/8 a5, 232 b6 buddhi!,par$i akal 'the wish for Buddha-rank', 251 b6, 252 b7!, b8 .5·okyo=ka/ 'the supreme wish', 252 b7-8!, 267 + 268 b>a4 tmii$ .yu tii=o[k}ik iiy [a}ka/ .ye.y 'from then on it was my wish just like yours', 274 b8, 289 al putti!,pa(r)nac akal, 309 b2 /1/(knii.yt)r-iim akal rito 'the wish expressed is fulfilled for you', 330 b3 aka! yatsi, 332 al Fiy iikiil kaknu tii.y-iim 'my wish should be fulfilled by you', 334 b5, 343 a4, 430 b7 iika/ rinasi, THT 1624 a5, a6, YQ 1.3 a4 alu kasu yatsikk ats akiil niim 'his wish is indeed to do good for others.', YQ 1.10 a7?, PK.NS.4 b I; ♦ Obl.Sg. 49 a2 $Oll1c1110!0y ats iikiil kii111senc 'they realize the wish of one birth', 60 a>b5 puk wiikna was akat ritamtiir 'in every way we will make the wish', 56 b I pkana-ny aka/ 'fulfil my wish!', 66 a5 /1/(a)kiil ritora tatmus nasam 'I have been born as a result of the wish', 120 b2 tsiilpiilune0i akal rTtat 'you made the wish to be liberated', 159 b6 t11i aka! tiiitkiissi 'in order to obstruct your wish', 232 b5 aka ta apiirkiir pe ritont cam, 265 b6 k,,lyi penu [s}iil11 cami sii[111} (na)slune[.y]i aka! yatiirl// 'also a woman arouses his wish that she were his wife', 270 a5 aka(/ rita)miit, 304 b I : ak(a)l 11i arii.yt ca111 krai'lcii1.n 'you evoke in me the wish to ... these good ones', 313 b I kusne m=iikal puttisparnac skam r(i)tit(rii) 'who would


akas not make constantly the wish for Buddhahood', 403 b>a3!, YQ I.6 bl p,,kis puk iikii/ knassi pke 'I intended every wish of all people to be realized', YQ II.12 a7 sol kapsaiii krant iikiil ma !111iism1mtra 'life and body will not install the good wish', YQ Ill.7 a7 pkanii-ny iikii! 'fulfil my wish'; ♦ Gen.Sg. 343 bl [,1]ni iikiilis mosm11 ypeys tiiloriie mii skaf!z ka(s tora,~)//1 'and for the sake of your own wish, not considering the misery of the country'; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 56 a6 se iikiilyo 'because of desire for a son', 84 b3 (kii)swon=iikiilyo 'out of desire for virtue', 220 a2 kiiswa.5i1r1 iikii/yo 'with the desire of virtue', 257 bl b[o}(dhisattu) lkiil$it.n iikiilyo 'with the wish to see the Bodhisattva', 271 a2 tsalpiilune iikiilyo 'with the wish ofliberation', 299 a6 miik nerviif!z iikiilyo 'with a great desire for Nirvana', 302 a4 tsa!palune-iikiilyo, 340 a3 s[wii]tsi.yy iikii!yo 'with the wish for food', 340 b2, 356 bl!, YQ I.I b2 onkraci wiikmatsa111 bram-lame ka!piilune.yi,17 iikiilyo 'with the wish to obtain immortality and the excellent abode of Brahman', YQ 1.6 a8, YQ 11.3 a8 tsalpii!une iikiilyo 'with the wish to be freed', YQ II.9 a2 !kiil.yy iikiilyo metraka,_n 'with the wish to see Maitreya', bl wa(ifa, lanclune,i1J1 iikiilyo 'with the wish to go away from home', YQ II.13 b6 ,iimnune,it_n iikii!yo 'with the wish for monkhood', YQ Ill.12 a7 tsa!palune.yi,17 iikiilyo 'with the wish for liberation', a8 [t}(sa)lpii!une iikiilyo, THT 1559.b; ♦All.Sg. 118 b4 tamyo (iimiisii)n iikiilac kiikant 'thereupon the ministers were called for (making) a request'; ♦Abl.Sg. 313 b5 puttispar(iif!l iikiila,; ♦Perl.Sg. 258 b3 1/l(kulmass o)rsess iikiilii 'upon the wish of(Kulmas O)ras'; ♦ Obi.Pl. (iikiilntu) 65 b2 : puk iikiilntu spark(iant 'destroying all wishes'; (iikiilantu) YQ 1.6 b6-7 + 215 a7 kuprene et-ni kiisu siiwm11 iikiilantu kniisam-ci 'If you give me (the money), then it is good and I will fulfil your great wishes!'; ♦ Gen.Pl. (iikii/antwiis.si) 237 a5; (iikiiltwiissi) PK.NS.4 a2!; (iikiilantwis) PK.NS.5 b I!: ♦ All.Pl. 174 b2!?; ♦Perl.Pl. (iikiilntwii) 56 b4 kenn ats siiwmJ1 iikii!ntwii kakmu .yet wasa111 iiriiic kiitkassi 'completely in vain

did you come according to great wishes, in order to gladden our hearts'; (iikiiltwii) 84 a3. D Borrowed in CT (cf. B akii/k) from Bactr. aga/go (ayaA:yo) 'wish' (see SimsWilliams 2000: 177). R For the translation or 265 b6 and YQ 1.6 b6 + 215 a7 see Peyrot (2011 b:35). Further comments in ADAMS, CHREST:332, 404-405. a5!; ♦ Instr.Pl. 321 a2 tsres maku a1ikarasyo 'with hard nails and teeth'. D Although A ii1ikar and B iifzkar 'tusk, ivory' are related, the latter is not the phonological match of the former,< CT *iinkar, see Pinault (2009a:449-453). For the nominative form, see Peyrot (2011 b:36). R In 461 + 465 a3, the phrase ofzkalme1ri akar proves that the form iilikar should be understood. ii1ikii1t1* (n., masc.) 'stamp, seal'




POU 'nomen proprium', Thomas (1957:154) 'Stempel'. Com.Sg. anka,risal. ♦ Com.Sg. 265 al (ni)pat asantann anka,risal piktsi wotkar 'the leaders have ordered to write (this chapter) accompanied with a stamp'. Loan from Skt. afzkana- 'the act of marking, stamping, ciphering' (MW:7b). Alternative interpretation as a proper name in SSS: 192, which would presuppose a proper name Afzk*. For the interpretation of this noun, see Thomas (1957:154). Sentence belonging to the colophon of a chapter of the MSN. Restoration based on the reading and segmentation suggested by Siegling in his personal copy (TS: 138).

iiciir-samudaclir!ji* (adj.) 'pertaining to conduct

[and] behavior' F Obi.Pl.Fem. acar-samudaciir;finiis T ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 371 a2!. D Adjective based on a compound with the loans from Skt. acara- 'conduct, manner


of action, good behavior, good conduct; rule of conduct, ordinance, precept' (MW: 13 lc) and samudiicara- 'behavior, manner of conduct' (BHSD:572b ). Restoration and translation by Couvreur (l 959:252a) .

lico (n., masc.) 'embryo'


POU 'embryo', TEB II 'Embryo'. Nom.Sg. aco, Gen.Sg. iicoyis, Gen.Pl. iicossi. ♦Nom.Sg. 117 b5 mkalto iiknats aco ta.5 'when the embryo is small and ignorant', 146 a2 tma(:f ta,yiik $)pat ;japtantu ko111sii sam iico miicri kiitsa,71 anc pa(kat) 'during 37 weeks this embryo matured low in the belly of the mother', I 66 b6; ♦Gen.Sg. 150 b5, 203 a2, b4, THT 1583.a a2, THT 2408 a3; ♦Gen.Pl. 218 bl lwassi okak iicosy okiik 'including the animals, including the unborn ones'.


► lijlinai

lijlinai (adj.uni.) 'of noble birth' [B iijiinai]


POU 'nobilis generis', TEB II 'von edler Abkunft'. F ajanai, ajanay. S Often with animals, mikalam 'elephant', yuk 'horse'. T ♦ (iijiinai) 245 a3 [p(u)tti}spar[.5}i (ii)Jiinai, YQ II.4 b7 (ajii)nai ofzkalyme oki 'like that one of the elephant of noble birth ... ', YQ II.8 b3 oni-cmol.5i ajanai; (ajanay) 113 b3 ajiinay onkalam, 253 b2 iijiinay yukan, 150 a5 ajii(nai) [ o}fz[kal}(m) [e} (1ri). D From Skt. iijiineya- 'Vollblut; von edler Rasse' (SWTF I:234b). ajlil (n., masc.sg.) 'covering piece of cloth',

especially 'the sacred thread of the Brahmins' (Uigh. s(a)rwanti) L JWP 'rosary'. F Obl.Sg. ajal. T ♦Obl.Sg. YQ II.9 b4. D According to JWP: 112 and 281 via MI from Skt. ak;favali- 'a rosary' (MW:3b). Thomas (2003:319) prefers to take it as an equivalent of *ancal ( cf. TB ancal), doublet of iinciilyi, itself borrowed from Sanskrit afijali-, cf. ► linclilyi; but this view is not compatible with the content of the text, as shown below. Furthermore, the assumed evolution of the cluster -Ile-



aficalyi is not recorded in MI. The simplest solution is to draw the Toch. word back to Skt. cieehada- lit. 'covering', hence 'garment, clothes' (MW:132a) from the verb ci-eehad- 'cover, hide; clothe, dress'; TA cijcil would be the wrong Sanskritization of the borrowing *cieci/ from a MI form *cieha/a- with an evolution of -d- > -/- which is known also in GandharT (cf. v. Hini.iber 2001: 168); in addition, the noun would have been influenced by Skt.jcila- which designates a net, a snare, and generally any reticulated and woven texture (MW:419c), as the sacred implement of the Hindus should have been conceived by foreign peoples. This noun occurs in the phrase (yajnopa)[v}it cijcil wtont, which is rendered in the parallel Uigh. text of the MSN, MaitrHami II, 10b 24-25, as yatnopawit atly yap yoriing snvanti yorganmis 'umwunden mit der yajnopavfta genannten, sehr weissen Opferschnur (scivitra)', cf. GengKlimkeit ( 1988a: 151 ). The context gives the description of the Bodhisattva Maitreya, who wears, as a man of Brahmanic descent, the sacred thread, being a cord or a piece of cloth put on by men of the first three classes over the left shoulder and under the right arm. The term Skt. yajnopavfta- (MW:840b) refers first to the investiture of youths with this sacred implement, to be worn for performing the sacrifices, and then to the thread itself. The Uigh. noun s(a)rwanti, being borrowed from Mir., designates probably some kind of turban or headcovering (cf. MPers. scinvcir), and not a thread, cord, or girdle, as expressed by Skt. sz7tra- (MW:124lc). See also ► yajiiopavit.

iijivik* (n., masc.) 'religious mendicant' [B cijivike] L JWP 'religious mendicant'. F Norn.Pl. cijivikciii. T ♦Norn.Pl. YQ I. I b4. D From Skt. cijtvika- 'A.jTvika, Angehoriger einer mit den Buddhisten rivalisierenden Asketensekte' (SWTF I:234b).

iiiiu (n.) 'break, silence, calmness' [B cinu] L POU 'finis, relaxatio', TEB II 'Aufl1oren, Ruhe', VTW 'Erstaunen, Verwundemng'. F Obl.Sg. aFw, ci11u. S cinu ycim- 'cause a break, make comfortation possible'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. (anu) 219 a4, 240 a4 m1u ycimz'i$; (cinu) 14 b5 puk klopa1ritwa111 ska,11 cinu ypene 'and they cause an end to all sufferings', 17 b3 sny cinu (metri causa) 'incessantly', 405 a I sne-eark s=ciFm, THT 1189.a b3, THT 141 l.e b2, PK.NS. I a I cinu kalpcitcir. D Probably borrowed from TB. ii1ic (adv.) 'down' L POU 'infra', TEB II '(nach) unten'. T ♦ 146 a2, 148 a5, 150 b6 cine ka(psi)niia,11 'in the lower part of the body', I 6 I b2, 226 a6, 253 b3 kulewciii klawantr oky cine 'the women fall down as it were', 315 a3 ciscinis cine tsitorii$ 'having touched the lower part of the seat', 317 b5, 318 + 3 I 9 b2 wra,1111 ciiie sinantra 'they will dive ... down in the water', 379 b3 cine orto 'down and up', YQ II.14 b3 ci.5cinik metrak cii'ie winci.yci 'the venerable Maitreya bowed down low', THT 1408.4 b7, THT 2497 al, THT 3480 al, 399.12 + 3832.e b7 tkanci ciiie 'down on earth'. liliciilyi (n., masc.) 'hands put together' [B anecil, aneiili] L POU 'iunctae manus', TEB II 'die beiden aneinandergelegten Hande'. F Obl.Sg. cinecilyi, iiikiily'i. S sla aiieiilyf, sl=cii'icalyi 'with reverence'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. (cineiilyi) 261 a>bl, 312 al, YQ Il.3 a5 sla-cineiilyi, YQ II.7 b7! /1/(ii)n[e}iilyi tsara111 cintae tsitasmciqz 'touching the forehead with the hands put together', YQ IIl.5 b2 id., YQ III.7 b5 id.; (iiiiecilyz) 253 b4 (ypi)e pycippycis waras ypantra cineiily'i 'they pay respect with hands full of flowers and perfumes', 274 b7 sla-iinecilyf, 279 b2 id.?, 399 b6 s/aiinecilyi; (sl=ciiieiilyi) 20 a5, 23 a3, YQ II.14 a8; ♦fgm. 45 a2 iineiil./1/, 29 b6 iineiil/1. D From Skt. anjali- 'hands put together as a mark of salutation and reverence' (MW:! la, SWTF I:19a). R Translation YQ 11.7 b7 see Peyrot (2011 b:36).


aficalyi-tsaranyo iiliciilyi-tsariinyo (adv.) 'with both hands in anjali' L Pou 'cum manibus in fonna iiiicii/vi'.


♦81 b2, 257 a5, 258 bl, 260 a7, 265 a6!, 273 b7, 278 bl, 430 b7!, YQ 11.13 al!. Interpreted as a compound (SSS:243), but it can be seen as a fixed phrase involving the instrumental of tsarar11, dual of ► tsar 'hand'.

b7-8!. D The translation 'Ajlvika' by Sieg ( 1952:34), followed by Thomas (1957:153), has no basis as for content and phonetic shape. For bibliography see lsebaert ( I 980:62), who proposes a Mir. origin, which is based on a purely hypothetical meaning: *aftaOrTk 'deprived of power'< *apa-xsa0riva-kacf. Av. apa.xfo0tra-. Judging frorr{ the ' suffix a borrowing from Bactrian seems possible: aptpwoo 'master, craftsman' (Sims-Williams 2000: 175b) according to Carling (2005:59-60). But the pair .yuk.yeiii iip$iifrikiiii corresponds to the standard Skt. pair griimika- + naigama- 'villager'

or 'village headman' (BHSD:219a) and 'inhabitant of a market-town', derived respectively from Skt. griima- 'village' (MW:373a) and nigama- 'market-place' (MW:545c), cf. naigama- 'town-people' (BHSD:312a), 'Stadtbevolkerung' (SWTF lll:61a). Pa. nigama- designates a meeting-place or market, a small town, often combined with giima- 'village', but differentiated from nagara- 'city' (to which corresponds TB riye, TA ri). The combination of both terms is well-known in Buddhist literature: Skt. griimat/1 vii nigama,11 vii, griime vii nigame vii (SWTF III:26a), Pa. giima-nigamo, giima111 vii nigama,_n vii, giimassa vii nigamassa vii (PED:249a). Toch. 0 siitrik would reflect Bactr. Paptyo 'citizen, fellow-citizen', derived from Papo 'city' < *xsaOra(Sims-Williams 2000:235a). The point of departure would be a noun *appapo < *api-xfo0ra- 'borough, sub-district ( of a city)', corresponding to Skt. nigama-. Actually, the Bactr. noun apnopapo, which was supposed to convey this meaning (Sims-Williams 2000:175a), does not exist: the sequence should now be read with the preposition apo and the demonstrative £to, -uo 'this' (SimsWilliams, p.c., May 2007, and SimsWilliams 2007:185a, 210b). TA -p.y- may reflect Ir. xs- and not the Bactrian spirant /!>/, so that A ii- might be prothetic. (WW). ilp:ja6 ets a111a171 treke rapuriieyis .yww, 117 a3 + 125 a4!, 329 b3, 390 al, b2 (bis), b4 ///siis wiirce ama111 II agm1a///, THT 3033 al amii(f!z) san[i}; ♦ Gen.Sg. 359 a40 (na sadhu) manabrrphmJa · ma kasu amanis pya.ytlune 'it is not good to foster arrogance', 3119.fbl; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 71 b3 kakmart.yina111 amanyo; +fgm. 147 bl amalll. D Hardly from Skt. iimana- 'friendly disposition, inclination, affection' (MW:146b). More likely loanword from Mir., cf. Buddh.Sogd. ''111 'n 'power', see Bailey (I 967: I 37), lsebaert ( 1980:53), ADAMS:19. R For the translation of 359 a40, see

iimii1p (n., masc.) 'pride, arrogance' [B

► pyii!jtlmze.

iimii,p!ji (adj.) 'proud, arrogant'



POU 'superbus'. Nom.Sg.Masc. amiin,~i. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 390 a2 (ma)nasarpyojanarp • amiin!fi retwe 'fetter of arrogance'. Derived from ► {tmii1t1.

iimiinu!j* (adj.) 'non-human'


POU '11011-humanus'. Norn.Pl.Masc. iimiinu.yiin, Obi.Pl.Masc. iimiinu.yas. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. YQ N.4 b4; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 54 b2 puk bhutas amiinu:>'iis lyutar naslu(neyac)lll 'to surpass all non-human spirits'. D From Skt. amiinu,rn- 'nichtmenschlich, nicht von Menschen herriihrend' (SWTF I: 136a). iimiimviits* (adj.) 'proud, arrogant'


Nom.Pl.Masc. iimanwase. ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. MG I b4.


Pejorative adjective derived from ► {11mI1t1, cf. Pinault (2007a:346), also Itkin (201 I :247); for -s see Winter ( 1979).

amac] POU 'regis minister', TEB II 'Minister'. Nom.Sg. amas, Perl.Sg. iimiisa, Nom.Pl. amiisiiFz, Obi.PL iimiisas, Gen.Pl. amiisiissi, All.Pl. iimiisiisac. ♦Nom.Sg. 85 a5, 393 a5, 437 al, a2, THT 1488 a2; ♦Perl.Sg. 80 b>a4; ♦Nom.Pl. 9 a6 ii1r1asiiFz ype.yini wrasan 'the ministers and noblemen', 15 b5 id., 71 a3, 74 a3, b6, I I 9 a3, b5, 209 a2?, 222 a2 !cine iimiisan !fO!ftiinkii11 'kings, ministers [and] clerks', 342 b>a3!, a>b2, a>b5!, 396 b5, THT 2460 b3 //liimiisiina///; ♦Obi.PL 9 a5, 10 a3!, I 1 a3, 57 al, 64 b3, 66 b2, 111 bl!, 122 bl, 130a3,266+276b>a2,312 a4 iimasiis ype!jiniis wrasas yo 'ministers [and] noblemen'; ♦Gen.Pl. 74 al, 81 a2, 317 a7; ♦All.Pl. 74 b2, b5, 119 b2, 342 b>al; +fgm. 119 a5 amas. - -, 185 a5 iimii//1. Via MI from Skt. amatya- 'a companion ofa king, a minister' (MW:81b).

iimiis (n., masc.) 'royal minister' [B




'?' T ♦266 + 276 b>a7. D Possibly related to B iim (< *iimt) 'silence', adv. 'quietly, sti!I'. R Context of266 + 276 b>a7 broken.


iimisiiy* (n., masc.) 'receptacle of the undigested

food, stomach' L POU 'receptaculum cibi non consumpti = stomacus'. F Loc.Sg. iimisaya111. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 124 b5 (ku)pre-ne a111isiiya111 !jtmo tii!f wiiryo wantyo wipo 'when it is located in the upper stomach, moistened by water and wind ... '. D Probably via some MI equivalent from Skt. iimiisraya- 'the receptacle of the undigested food, the upper part of the belly as far as the navel, stomach' (MW: I 46b) or Skt. iimiisaya-, Pa. iimiisaya- 'stomach' (CDIAL:56b ). iimpar* ► iimpar!ji iimpar!ji (adj.) 'of a mango tree'


Obl.Sg.Masc. iimpar!ji.


39 T D

♦ Obl.Sg.Masc.

363 al ampar0i warta,.n 'in the mango forest'. Derived from ampar* (n.) 'mango tree' [B ampar], via Ml from Skt. amra'Mangobaum' (SWTF l:270b), Pkt. miiba (CDIAL:57b, No. 1268).

ikidin) JWP 'on both sides'. ♦YQ 1.4 b3. Connected with ► limpi, for the formation cf. ► ywlirc.

iimplirc (adv.) 'on both sides' (Uigh.


antapi, antpi] L POU 'ambo', TEB II 'beide'. F Nom./Obl.Du.Masc. ampi, ampy, Gen.Du.Fem. ampe, Nom./Obl.Du.Fem. ampuk, Gen.Du.Fem. ampine. T ♦Norn.Du.Masc. (ampi) 144 a2 sew(a)iiii ampi, a2, 263 b>a3; ♦ Obi.Du.Masc. (ampi) 261 a>b4 ampi kanwe171, 274 b3 ampi tsara111, YQ III.6 a8 ampi tsarnm11; (ampy) 340 a5 ampi esa171; ♦ Gen.Du.Fem. (ampe) 232 b6, 381 al ampe pissanka111twe, 5 id.; ♦Norn.Du.Fem. 65 a2 ampuk areiic '[if] both (causes) cease', 248 b3 ampuk kapsiiiiiaii, THT 2489 a3; ♦ Obi.Du.Fem. YQ II.9 a7 ampuk ... a(sa,71); ♦ Gen.Du.Fem. 64 b6 ampine arluneyo 'by the ceasing of both'.

limpi, iimpuk (adj.) 'both' [B


See Hilmarsson ( l 989a:56-58, 66-67), Winter (1992: 147-149), Itkin (2011 :247).

iimsi111 ► lismiq1

[Bay-] POU 'dare', TEB II 'geben'. (tr.) Prs. es-T-, !pf. e0a-, Subj. ayV- eC-, Prt. wsa- - was-, PPrt. wawu, Ipv. pa$, pac. Prs.VlII Act. I Sg. esam, esam-ci, 2Sg. e0t, 3Sg. e$, e$0-a171, e.5-am, e:f-ak, 3Pl. eseiic, Inf. essi, essi-k, PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg. e.mnt, e00 and, Gen.Sg. e.yantap, Abl.Sg. e:fantana:f, Obi.Pl. e.yantas, PPrs.MP esma171, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. e~·al, Obl.Sg.Fem. e0lya111, AII.Sg. e:flac, Jpf.Act. 3Sg. e:fa, 3Pl. e.5ar, Subj.I Act. !Sg. em, em-am, em-ci, 2Sg. et, et-fii, 3Sg. e,s?, 3Pl. ayefic, Opt. !Sg. ayim, ayim-am, 2Sg. ayit, ayit-am, 3Sg. ayi:f, !Pl. ayimas, Gdv. Nom.Masc.Sg. el, Nom.Sg.Fem. elyi, lpv.Act. 2Sg.pa.y, pa.5-fii, pa.1·-a111, pa.)·-111, pa$-ak, 2PI. pac, Prt.lII Act. !Sg. wsa, 2Sg. wsa.5t-ak, 3Sg.

liy- (vb.) 'give'




was, wsa-ci, wsa-171, 3Pl. wsra-111, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. wawu, wawii, Abs. Abl.Sg. wawura$, Perl.Sg. wawura. el ay- 'give a gift'. ♦ Prs.Act. !Sg. (esam) 10 b5 (kyalte na).5 so/a s1'sa171 rames ma esam 'because I am not giving STta to Rama ever in my life', 343 a5, 446 a5 el esam, YQ 1.6 b8, YQ III.10 b2; (esam-ci) 393 bl; ♦2Sg. 341 bl; ♦3Sg. (e.5) 54 a5 pfii ymar cii'zcar tsopatsa171 oko e$ 'merit soon gives pleasantly great fruit', 57 b4, 98a3,218 bl, 293 a3, 332 a4!, 355 b3, 405 b4, YQ 1.2 a3, YQ Il.6 b4, YQ lII.4 bl, YQ lII.6 b4, PK.NS.2 al, a4; (e.5!5-a111) 14 b2 e.5.5cit11 s,,kuntu i'zakciyas nape1.11,1·inas 'gives him divine and human pleasures', 365 b3, YQ 11.6 b4; (e$-iim) 122 b3; (e~·-ak) 371 al; ♦ 3PI. 54 a4 (bis), 57 b2!, 232 a2 pattai'zakte esefic e(l)//1, 266 + 276 b>a5 //le/ant esefic kackeyo, YQ 1.5 a5, YQ N.6 a2!; ♦ Inf. (essi) 42 a3 el essi, 45 al id., 77 a4, 111 a2, 340 a7, YQ 1.6 a8, YQ 11.14 a2, THT 2104 al; (essi-k) 343 a2 el essik; ♦PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg. (e:Jant) 21 a5, 57 b3, 64 a4 oko e~·ant, 212 a3 knanmune# sol e.yant, YQ 1.2 a3, YQ 1.6 a5!, a5-6!, YQ ll.4 a2, YQ II.10 al; (e:f:fand) 361 al2 (o)nkr(a)ci oko e.y.yand; ♦ Gen.Sg. YQ 1.2 a5; ♦Abl.Sg. 155 all; ♦ Obi.Pl. 57 bl /1/(pacar ma)cra.5 lyutar e$antas wrasassi pruccamo:f nantsu.5 'more than (father and mother) [they are] profitable for the giving beings', b2, 205 b6?!; ♦ PPrs.MP 22 b5 (e)/l esma,.n, 232 a2, 257 bl, 301 a5, YQ 1.4 a6, YQ III. 7 a3, b3, THT 1954 bl; ♦ Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 280 a6 e$cil el, PK.NS.3 a2; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 11 a4 e.5lya1.n p1wfa; ♦AII.Sg. 293 a2 el e.5lac, YQ I.I b8; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Sg. 394 al!, a2; ♦ 3Pl. 154 a4, 226 a6 ma el e.5ar, YQ 1.5 b7 (ter); ♦ Subj.Act. !Sg. (em) 66 a3; (em-am) 87 a3; (em-ci) 341 a3 pa.5 i'zi klyomil11 swatsik ca111 : kulyi wei'zal/1 em-ci '«Give me, oh noble one, something to eat!» The woman said to him: «I will give you ... »'; ♦ 2Sg. (et) YQ III.10 bl; (et-i'zi) 215 a7 (bis), YQ 1.6 b4, b6; ♦ 3Pl. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a4; ♦ Opt.Act. !Sg. (ayim) 8 a2, 88 a5, 215 a3 ti'z=ayim, YQ 1.6 b2; (ayim-am) 341 b2; ♦2Sg. (ayit) 41 b2, 67 a6 wram wasci1.n lkatsi ayit; (ayit-am) 403 a>b6; ♦ 3Sg. 370 b4; ♦ JP!. (k,,cci,) ti'zi

ay wr=[ii}yimas 'From where could we give you water?', 349 b I!; ♦ Gdv. Nom.Sg.Fem. YQ lll.7 b2 elyi .5e.5; ♦ lpv.Act. 2Sg. (pa.5) 10 b4, 256 a4 pa,~:; el, 263 b>a2, 301 b8 el pa.y, THT 4023 a3 puk sa!u pa.5; (pa.5-ni) I 80 a5!, 341 a3; (pa:;-a111) 340 a8 pa.5-am waryoktsi 'Give us water to drink!', THT 1133 a2; (pa.5-111) 267 + 268 b>a6; (paJ·-ak) 105 a5!; ♦2Pl. 112 a2; ♦ Prt.Act. 1Sg. 215 a2 wsii elant, 132 a5!?; ♦2Sg. 311 b6!; ♦3Sg. (was) 356 b 1-2 putti(spar.5i1.n ii)kii(vo kiip1ie iiriiic.5inas sewiis [p]r(a)mn(e el) was 'out of desire for Buddhahood he gave as gift the dear, beloved sons to the Brah min', 439 b2, YQ 1.2 a7 pan kiint manarkiis kiickeyo wsii tn=iiklassi 'with joy I have given to you five hundred Brahmin youths to instruct', THT 605 b4 el was; (wsii-ci) 253 b6; (wsii-1.n) 11 a2, 42 b2?!, 134 a5, 430 b8; ♦ 3Pl. 112 a3; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. (wawu) THT 1425.h b3; (wawii) 347 a4 elant pat wawa; ♦Abs. Abl.Sg. 3 b5 wawura.y el, IO b4 vibhi!fa(nes) akmlii wawurii:; 'having thrown it in the face ofVibhT~ana', 274 b5; ♦ Perl.Sg. 57 b4 wram wawurii; ♦ fgm. 236 al ayi-. D Cf. ► el, ► elune. R See Hackstein (l 995:252ff.). The restoration of Prt.Act. 2Sg. wsii.5t in 132 a5 remains uncertain (cf. SSS:424, n. 2). Restoration ofwsii:;tak in 311 b6 by Chamot-Rooke (2022b): the reading wsii!jtar for wsii-ii.ytiir 'as pure as gold' (Germ. 'goldklar') proposed in SSS:230 (§363c) and 243 (§375a) makes no sense in the context. iiy (n., masc.) 'bone(s)' [B iiy] L POU 'os (ossis)', TEB II 'Knochen'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. iiy, Gen.Sg. iiyis, Nom./Obl.Pl. iiyiintu, Gen.Pl. iiyaf/1twiissi, Ahl.Pl. iiyantwa!J, Loe.Pl. iiyantwat/1. Perl.Pl. iiyantwii, iiya111twii. T ♦Nom.Sg. 150 a4 piitruk,~i iiy 'the bones of the skeleton'; ♦ Obl.Sg. 7 b5 iiy swiil puskii,yo, 88 a5?, 167 b3?, 311 b6 iiy {py)iikassi 'breaking of bones'; ♦ Gen.Sg. 298 b3 ii.5taryiip iiyis cam[pl}(une)///; ♦Norn.Pl. 150 a3, a3!, a4!, a5. 321 a7?, YQ N.3 a4; ♦ Obi.Pl. 11 b4 !fni iiyantu, b6, 12 a3 siskinas iiyantu, a4, bl, b2 iiyantu



swiil ysiir krii111 yokyo, 13 a4, 403 b>a6!?; ♦Gen.Pl. 13 a4; ♦ Ahl.Pl. 13 a2; ♦Loe.Pl. 151 a2; ♦ Perl.Pl. (iiyantwii) 12 b I; (iiya111twii) 12 a4. The singular has a collective value, and the plural iiyantu is probably a "plurative" or individualizing formation, compare the parallel case of ► (1kiir, pl. iikrunt 'tears'.

iiyata,!1* (n., masc.) 'place, abode' F Obi.Pl. iiyataniis. T ♦Obi.Pl. THT 1408.a a3!. D Loan from Skt. iiyatana- 'resting-place, house, abode' (MW: 148a). iiyiito I) (adj.uni.), 2) (adv.) I) 'appropriate', 2) 'properly' [B ayiito] ( 2) Uigh. uz ongay) L POU 'aptus', TEB II 'geeignet'. T ♦ I) (adj.) 273 a5 puk markampalntu siirsassi iiyiito na111tsu '[the script] appropriate to teach all the doctrines', THT 1665 b2, gl.SHT 1735 (= Skt. bhiivaniimaya,_n); ♦2) (adv.) 24 b3. D Probably borrowed from TB (Winter 1961 :273, 276). iiyiitotsum (adj.) 'appropriate' (Skt. anuk11la-) L POU 'aptus', TEB II 'geeignet (flir)'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. iiyatosum, Obl.Sg.Masc. iiyiitotsumant, Norn.Pl.Fem. iiyiitotsuminiin. T ♦Nom.Sg. 385 a3 manovijfianapravrty anukulo dharma : manovij1iiinis kiitkluneyat/1 iiyiitosum markampal sam vicar na,.ntsu, 385 b3-4 vairagyanukula : litkiiluneyis iiyiitosum, 386 a4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 366 a I! iiyiitotsu(mant ni).ypal kroptsi skeyas 'the efforts to store up appropriate possession'; ♦Nam.Pl.Fem. THT 1378.a a3!. D Derived from ► iiyiito. iiyiitwii (pp.gen.) 'according to' L POU 'secundum'. T ♦ 230 b4 kanis iiyiitwii 'according to the tune', 236 b4. D Probably derived from ► aymo with addition of the perlative affix -ii. iiyiintwa~·i (adj.) 'of bones' L POU 'ossis, osseus'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. iiyantwii,~i, Nam.Pl.Masc. iiyantwa:jini. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 12 a6 iiyantwii.yi lwassi wal 'king of animals, made of bones';



aral* ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 340 a7 avantwasini k,,rekari. • . Derived from ayantu, plural of ► iiy.

iiyurveda (n., masc.) Ayurveda, the science of health and medicine L POU 'medicina'. F Nom.Sg. ayurveda. T ♦Nom.Sg. 293 b2 lll(silpa)[ka]rasastra 17 ayurveda 18 tosam sastrantu. D From Skt. ayurveda- 'the science of health and medicine' (MW: 148c ).

iiy-ke~e* (n., masc.) 'smasher of bones' F Norn.Pl. ay-ke.5en. T ♦Norn.Pl. 71 a6 ysey ay-kesen. D Compound of ► iiy and ► -ke~e, agent noun. R See Winter ( 1976:30-31 ). iiyt{itsune* (N, masc.sg.) name of a tune, lit. 'string of bones' L VTW aytatsune 'Geeignetes, Angenehmes'. F Loc.Sg. aytatsuneyaq1. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 138 b I II aytatsuneym11 Ill. D Collective derived from the possessive adjective ayant-ats* 'provided with bones', based itself on the expected plural *ayant (replaced by ayantu in the secondary cases) of ► iiv 'bone'. This involves expected sync~pe and cluster simplification. The whole term would be a calque of Skt. asthi-mala- 'necklace of bones', which is the name of a work (MW: 123), and the likely basis of a poetical term. R The segmentation of this sequence is admittedly uncertain. In TS:73, ay is set apart. Judging from the following lines, and from the preceding double dai:i9a, the assumption of a tune's name is likely. The suggestion by VTW of a derivative aytatsune 'appropriateness' or the like is based on the very speculative hypothesis that *aytats is an adjective equivalent to ► iiyiitotsum, derived from ► iiya2 lo aratr-a111, 165 a I aratr-a111 sol 'his life stops'; ♦3Pl. THT 1308.a a2; ♦ PPrs.MP 288 bl talke · lo arma1.n lkatar 'the sacrifice appears as completely finished'; ♦ Subj.Act. 3Sg. 347 b2; ♦ 3PI. (iirenc) 65 a2; (iirenc-til11) 295 bl; ♦ Gdv. Perl.Sg. 3 b5, THT 1146 b4; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. J J a3 lo iir, 156 a4, 253 a6 sak5apint nipatt ar 'the I I th section is finished', 287 + 259 b>a3 288 b5 pravesakk cir 'the interlude is ' finished', 347 b3, 391 b6, YQ 1.1 a7, YQ 1.5 b8 lo cir talke, YQ I. IO b6, YQ 11.15 b7; ♦ 3Pl. 111 a4-5!, 215 a2 = YQ 1.6 bl arar-ni puk ni.5pa/ntu 'all my possessions have come to an end', 339 b2 lo arar, YQ 1.4 a6 puk lo arar; ♦2) (tr.) Pres.Act. 3Sg. 54 b3 puk omaskeniis yaml[u]neyntu araJ 'he stops all the evil doings'; ♦ PPrt. 244 al. D Cf. ► iinll, ► iirlune*. R The optative form iirintra in 205 a3 as registered by POU:9 is not certain, judging by the manuscript, cf. Schmidt (1974:38, n. I). aragvat (n.) a medical ingredient F Nom./Obl.Sg. aragvat. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. PK.NS.2 a2 kuncit · dhanyama.5 pippalas : iiragvat : sancapo. D From Skt. aragvadha- 'drumstick' (see Zieme 2003: 158-159).

bl, 118 a6, THT 2150 a2; (iiriint-ak) 439 b5 °y iiriintak ka111wenii lya(m) 'the Arhat NN. sat on the knees'; ♦Obl.Sg. 381 bl!; ♦ Gen.Sg. THT 1489.b b3; ♦Norn.Pl. YQ lll.10 b4; ♦ Obi.Pl. 269 + 290 b>a3!; ♦Com.Pl. YQ III.2al. D From Skt. arhant- '(Respekt) verdienend, wiirdig (in bezug aufbuddhistische Monche; den Buddha, die Buddhas)' (SWTF I:150b). R In 439 b5, the segmentation of the text remains admittedly uncertain. However, one can assume that the sentence contains the title iiriint followed by the particle ► -(ii)k, and following a proper name, probably borrowed from Sanskrit. If the passage is metrical, it may be a proper name ending in °i. The verso of 381 (THT 1015) is not edited in TS:211; it contains a rough draft of the first line of the recto. iiriintiinc* (n., fem.) female Arhat



POU 'respectabilis, digna'. Obl.Sg. iiriintiiiicii,71. ♦ Obl.Sg. 94 a5 iiriintiiiicii111 liits miicar. Feminine derivative of ► iiriint.

iiriintisparii1r1 (n., masc.) 'dignity of an Arhat'

[B ar(a)hanteiiiie perne] L POU 'dignitas arhantis', TEB II 'Arhatwiirde'. F Obl.Sg. iiriintispariitfl, iiriintisparn. S iirii11tispara1n kalpii- 'obtain the dignity of an Arhat'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. (iiriintispara111) 80 a>bl, I 85 b5!, 266 + 276 b>a4!, 269 + 290 b>al !, YQ 11.13 a7-8!; (iiriintisparn) 226 b I!. D Compound containing ► pariitfl as second member, and ► iirii11t as first member, formed after the model of ► puttLfparii,µ.


Pinault (2019a:279). For the variant iiriintisparn, see Chamot-Rooke (2022a).

iiriim* (n., a.) 'disease of the eyes'

POU'?'. Nom./Obl.Pl. iirmantu. ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 54 a3 iirmiintu mii penu sankh gorocana00 aci 'even the medicine beginning with shell and pigment does not cure diseases of the eye'. D From Skt. arman- 'a disease of the eyes' (MW:93a).


iirbic (n., masc.) 'heart' [B ara,zce]

POU 'cor', TEB II 'Herz'. Nom./Obl.Sg. iiriiic, Gen.Sg. iiritzcis, Instr.Sg. iiriiicyo, Loc.Sg. iiriiica1n, iiriikan-ak, Perl.Sg. iiriiicii. T ♦Nom.Sg. 255 b6 iiriiic wiika:; 'the heart will break', 340 a5 iiriiic paltsak, YQ 1.7 b I iiriiic wiika:;-0111; ♦ Obl.Sg. 42 b3?, 56 b4 iiriiic kiitkassi 'to gladden the hemt', 75 a2 tsra1n pa,yo iiriiic wiik0antii111 'splitting his heart with a sharp arrow', 101 b3 iiriiic mannas, 107 bl, 145 a5 pliinta.ytr iiriiic 'he gladdens the heart(s)', 164 a4 iiriiic paltsak 'heart and mind', 168 b6 id., 280 a3 iiriiic kiitk.~a[n]tii1n, 331 a 1, 342 b>a4 iirii'ic wasaf!l entsiite 'you have captured our heart', 356 b3 (kiip)F1(e)-iiriiic piicar 'father, dear to [my] heart', 403 a>b3!, 406 a4, 407 a3 kiipiie-iiriiic piicar, YQ 1.6 b7 kalam-ci iiriiic wiikala111 'I will cause your heart to break', YQ Il.5 bl /ll(iiri)[iic] kapsiiiiia111; ♦ Gen.Sg. 145 a4, YQ I.7 b6!; ♦lnstr.Sg. 207 b2; ♦ Loc.Sg. (iiriiica,11) 79 b4 ywiirck=iiriiic[ai.n] 'in the middle of his heart'; (iiriiican-ak) 75 b3!; ♦ Perl.Sg. 79 a2 iiriiicii kiirme111 'close to my heart', 317 b6 kucc assi wram paltsankii:; iiriiicii 'which idea does he reflect on in his heart?'. R 365 b3 and 407 a3 were interpreted by POU as containing a compound iiriiicpiicar (masc.) 'cordis (cordialis) pater'. L F

iiriiici* (adj.) 'belonging to the heart'


POU 'cordis (cordialis, amatus)', TEB II 'Herzens-'. Obl.Sg.Masc. iiriiicit11.



♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 338 b7 arinci171 sell/ 'the son by heart', THT 1646.c a6 ariiiciq1 pracar 'the brother by heart'. D Derived from ► iirbic.


iirbic!ji (adj.) 'belonging to the heart, beloved' L POU 'cordis (cordialis, amatus)'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. arilic.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. ariiic.5ina111, Obl.Sg.Fem. ariiicyina111, Obi.Pl.Masc. ari1ic.5iniis. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 58 b2 ariiic.5i aka!; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 6 b2 ariFic5ina111 yiir.5l11ne, THT 1643.d bl; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 451 a4 /l/(ar)[i}iic[.5}ina1.n ;;ar 'beloved sister', Berlin ms.; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 356 bl kapiieariiic.5inas sewas 'dear [and] beloved sons'. D Derived from ► iirinc. iiru (n., masc.) 'an edible product' F Nom./Obl.Sg. arzt. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT 1519 a5. R Hapax in monastery record, referring to a food product, cf. Ogihara (2014: 116-117). iire* (n., masc.) 'plough' [Bare] (Pa. nmigala-, Chinese li ~)


POU 'aratrum', TEB II 'Pflug'. Norn.Pl. areii. ♦Norn.Pl. 361 a5 /ll(knanmune).yiiii mukkiilka111 areii ID See also the related items ► iirqi and ► iires.


The passage 361 a5 is a translation of the Sa,11yukta-agama (see Enomoto 1997:87) and corresponds to Chinese 'wisdom is [my] yoke [and] plough' (SA 98, Taisho no. 99, vol. II, p. 27a27 [Song recension]) and to Pa. (SN I: 172, Sn 13) paiiiia me yuga-nangalaf!1 'wisdom is my yoke and plough' (Norman 1992:9), lit. 'plough fitted with a yoke'. The Tocharian translation says lit. 'ploughs fitting (lit. following) the yoke'. For the parallel B are, see the discussion of ADAMS:52, Pinault (20 l 9c:97; 2020d:386-387).

iire!ji* (adj.) 'pertaining to the plough' L Couvreur (1959:252) 'de la charrue'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. are.Ji. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 361 al phalatp va i kam a(r}e(.yi) pat 'or the tooth of the plough


[i.e., the ploughshare or hook of a plough]'. Derived from ► are.

iires* (n., masc.) 'someone who is ploughing, plowman' L HILM 'propername?', VTW 'Pflugschar'. F Instr.Pl. aresasyo. T ♦ Instr.Pl. 222 b4 + 239 b5 : aresasyo paii kiit ;;(ii)i kantu pato iiareya,11 'his own tongue is ploughed in the hell by 500 ploughing ones [hell guardians]', 224 a5

aresasyo kii/1/. Derivative of ► iire, alternatively compound with ► iire as first member, meaning 'plough driver'. R Restoration and interpretation of222 b4 (= 239 b5) by Pinault (2020d: 387). On the formation, see Pinault (2020e:2 l 5, and note 38). D

iirki (adj.) 'white' [B arkwi] (Skt. sukla-) L POU 'albus', TEB II 'weiss'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. arki, Nom.Sg.Fem. arkir11, Obl.Sg.Fem. arkina111, Norn.Pl.Masc. arkyw11s, Nom./Obl.PI.Fem. cirkyant. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 213 a7 YQ 11.5 a5 cirki kum panvcina,11!// 'white tuft of hair between the eyebrows' (Skt. iiriiakesa!J), 292 b2 cirki ciiicar kum; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 257 b3 11 cirki111 iiakci111 wtsi ska[mat] ... (lapci sparcwatii)r bodhisatvcip 'a white, divine parasol (is) always (turning over the head) of the Bodhisattva', 346 a4 wsi motarci rtiir-cirkil11 'golden, green, red, white'; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. I 6 a5 arkina,.n wtsi lapa spartwiisma111 'turning a white parasol above [his] head'; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 213 a6 .yokyo aMky(a111)s a1ikari 'very white his teeth' (Skt. susukladantab), 217 b2 cirkyaq1s ankari; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 378 a3

: tse111-yokaii ratraf!1 cirkyant wsa-yokaii 'blue-coloured, red, white [and] golden', THT 2458 a2; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. 16 a5 arkyant saiiinasyo pm11 ypamaJ?), 60 a>b3 maiiii oki cirkyant 'white like the moon', 63 a4 panwar walcincis .5ontsaf!1 01panksm.n wotiir arkyant watsyas sawa,_n cankar swciiice,.n ko(iiiiaktes) 'they stretched garlanded arches over the streets and the market places, and put large white sunshades and stopped the rays of the sun', 63 a5 arkyant saiiina(s-yo) 'with


arkiso~i white yak-tails', 315 a8 ark(ya)nt w[s]ayo(kaii) 'white and gold-coloured'; ♦ fgm. 109 b4 arA,ya-/1/, I 92 a2 \.5~· ark.I//.

iirkiso.~i (n., a.) 'the world' [Cf. B sai$,1"e] L POU 'mundus', TEB II 'Welt', JWP 'world'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. arki.fo.5i, Gen.Sg. arkiso,l"yis, arki.fo.5,5is, arkifo$iS, All.Sg. iirkiso.}yac, Abl.Sg. iirkiso,5.5ii.5, Loc.Sg. arki.fo.5ymri, arkifo$~·m11, Nom./Obl.Pl. iirkiso.5intu, Gen.Pl. arkiso,l"intwis, All.Pl. iirkiso.yintwac, Loe.Pl. iirkisosimtJVam. S puk iirki.fo.yi 'the whole world'," tiilo · arki.fo.5i 'the miserable world', triwii/tse,.n arkiso.yi 'the three thousand-fold world' (Skt. trisahasro lokadhiitub). T ♦Nom.Sg. 249 al neiic penu ko1?1 mail iliikcyiiii swailceniiil wiiwlu nu siis arkiso.yi iikntsuneyo ptukk orkam 'although there are sun, moon [and] divine rays, this world is now covered with ignorance [and] there is only darkness', 256 al talo arkiso[s}i, 314 bl tri-wiiltsef!l arki.fo.5i, 322 a7 talo arkifo$i, 337 b7, 339 a3?; ♦Obl.Sg. 20 b5, 69 a6, bl, 214 b2 YQ ILi b4-5! /1/(talo)nt arkifo$i twikiiilzmeyis mosa111 'because of his love for the miserable world', 220 al, 221 a2 arkiso,l"i lutkiissi, 241 a3, 253 a7 p017Ca/Jl iirkiso.5i, 257 a7 poiicn arkisosi 'the whole world', 269 + 290 b>a4-5!, 296 a7 id., 326 b3 tsopatsiiq1 arkifo$i; ♦ Gen.Sg. (arkiso,yis) 220 b6, 231 a2; (arkiso.5,is) 4 a 1-2 ma tii(pre111) smri a/ak wram iirkiso!5.5is kasu ypant na.y kosne knamnune 'there is no other thing that does so much good to the world as wisdom', 19 b4, 73 al!, 81 bl, 122 a4 (a)rki.fo.5.5is sem waste, 116 a5, 217 a3, 2 I 8 a4 arkiso!f,l"is ym(e) kiirsorii,I", 244 a I!, 246 b3!, 248 a3 poiicn arkiso,1",1·is lkalu(neyo), 249 b2 arkiso.5.5s, 269 + 290 b>a I!, 306 a5, 307 b4 poilcii111 arkiso.5:jiS kaswac, YQ IIl.9 a4!; (iirkiso,l"is) 3 al-2 iiiikcv arkisosis 'of the world of the gods', 25 ;6 {a)r[k]iso(s)i(s) [s}(e)[m] (wa)ste 'refuge and protection of the world'; ♦All.Sg. 13 b3 cakravartzmeyac iiiikci iirkiso,l"yac piiintu ytiir 11a111(tsu) \ 'virtues being the way to u111versal domination and the divine world', 14 a4; ♦Abl.Sg. YQ 1.7 b3 iliikcil11

arkiso.5.5ii.y 'from the divine world'; ♦ Loc.Sg. (iirki.fo.yya1ri) 13 a5!, 19 a3, 22 bl, 24 b6, 29 b5, 38 b6?, 57 b6 tusit iliikci arki[soj(.5ya1.n) 'in the world ofth~ Tusita gods', 60 a>b5-6?, 229 b6 (kupre-ne · katkeiic) iirki.fo.yyaf!] piitta1J1iiiiktaii .yakkats [c]e[s](ma)ssiil .yiyak kumse salpantiir antu.y cem '(when) the Buddhas (rise) in the world, they [i.e. the beings] will indeed come together with them and will consequently be set free', 288 a7 poiiciif!1 arki(so,1"ym11); (arki.fo.5.ya171) 65 a2, 108 a6, 118 a4, 120 a3, 164 a3, 175 a5, 178 a6, 251 b5 tuszt iirkisossam 253 a2, 258 a5 poikiitJl tri-wiiltse a~kii;.)'.)'Gl!l, 273 a6, 287 + 259 a>b2!, 288 a5, 289 b2, 303 a4, 337 a3 poilcii111 arki.fo.5.5af!1, b9, 353 b2, YQ 1.7 a2, YQ II. I a6, b2, YQ Il.2 a3-4!, a5-6!, YQ II.14 b4 tri-wiiltsem arki.fo.5.5a1ri, YQ III.2 a8, YQ lll.3 b5!; . ♦ Obi.Pl. YQ I.IO bl; ♦Gen.Pl. YQ II.9 a4-5 tri arkiso(.yintwis); ♦All.Pl. YQ 11.14 b6!; ♦ Loe.Pl. 299 a2-3 puk cem tam pra~·ta111 asa1J1khesyo iiiiktaii iliikteiifiiiii tsiilpalune.5i{l11] kusa/amiilyo rariitku!f .yak iiiikcya[:,] arkiso!filJ1twm11 iiiikc(z)111 [so](/ saso.5 klyomiint bodhisatvii111 metrakn)a siirki nape1risac karneiic 11 'through uncountable periods (asm11khyeya), triggered by the good root (kusalanu7la) of release, all these gods and goddesses, having spent their divine lives in the six divine worlds, will descend at that time to the humans following the noble Bodhisattva Maitreya'. D Compound containing ► iirki and ► sosi; on the interpretation sec Pinault · ( l 994a:366). iirkiso!ji!ji (adj.) 'of the world' L JWP 'of the world'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. arkiso.J!fil.11, Obi.Pl.Fem. arkiso0·,5 i.5inas, arkisos inas. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ ni.7 bl; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. (arki.fo.5,5i.yinas) YQ III.8 a3 arki.fo.5.5i,1·inas yetwesyo; (arkiso,l"inas) YQ 111.8 a5 arkiso.yinas wriintuyo, a6-7 arki.fo.yi(nas pyapyasyo). D Derived from ► iirkisosi. R For discussion see ltkit; (2011 :248). Arjm!l (PN, masc.) A1juna, a male [B A1ju11e] F Nom.Sg. a1jw11. T ♦Nom.Sg. 383 b4.


D From Skt. Afjuna 'N. eines Kumbhanda' (SWTF I:144). ..

art (1) (n., masc.) 'envoy, messenger who delivers a proposal' L POU 'procus, sponsus', Sieg ( 1952:8) 'Werber', TEB II 'Freier', PIN 'messenger'. F Nom.Sg. art, Norn.Pl. cirtan, Gen.Pl. cirtassi. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT 1485, I (= 373+THT 1514, 6); ♦Norn.Pl. 66 a2: sawam wcirtskcis ypeyantwa}· kakmU:f:f a,:tan /ancassi: 'envoys of the kings have come from all the great neighbouring countries'; ♦Gen.Pl. 66b21/ltmas mahendrasene wal amasas kakk1:opura.5 cesmak cirta.fsi anapra ypeym11 tpassi wotak II 'thereupon the king Mahendrasena gathered all his ministers and ordered them to announce to the envoys in the country'. D Possibly there is an ultimate connection between art (1) 'envoy, messenger' (Skt. diita-) and the adverb ► art (2) 'over a distance', or art (1) is an agent noun connected with ► arta-. Further discussion by Dragoni (2021:27-30), who assumes a loan from Proto-Khotanese, cf. Old Khot. hcir;la- 'envoy'. art (2) (adv.) 'forth, over a distance' [B art(t)e] L JWP 'over a distance', Schmidt (I 999c:283) 'Bote, Abgesandter', Thomas (2003 :319) art kakmu 'in Aufmerksamkeit (Beachtung) gekommen'. T ♦ YQ II.2 b2 art kakmu\ 'having come over a distance [i.e. the light]' (Uigh. MaitrHami II, 2 b 17-18 kalmis yaruq yalgiqlay yal(i)ni'nci'y 'the light which has come, shining and brilliant'), 373 a6?. D See also ► artak. R The light in YQ 11.2 b2 is seen as comino from the body of Buddha, who at this "' time stays in the Madhyadesa and turns towards the young Maitreya, who is living in Dak$il)apatha. A corresponding Skt. adverb would be diircit. a6!, 304 al a1icm11 wkanyo, YQ 11.7 a4, YQ Il.13 a5; (aiican-ak) THT 1787 a2; (ancan) 405 b5; (anciiq1) 155 a6?; ♦Gen.Sg.Mase. 294 b2; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. THT 1542.e a2.

iintsan-ne* (rel.pron.) 'whoever, whatever' F Obl.Sg.Mase. ancmr1-ne, anca-ne, Obl.Sg.Fem. anta111-ne, Gen.Pl.Mase. ancesni-ne. T ♦Obl.Sg.Mase. (a1ica,rz-ne) 69 a3 ancwrz k5a1Ja11m-ne, YQ 111.3 a2-3!; (afica-ne) 386 b4 anca-ne sani; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 4 a4 anta111 tkana-ne, 70 a2 anta111 kalymeyw11-ne; ♦ Gen.Pl.Mase. 55 al.

D Based on

► iintsmr1.

-(ii)m (pron.) 'us, you (pl.), them' [B -me] F -am, -m.



Clitie attached to finite/infinite verb forms. Replaces an oblique or a genitive. ♦(-am) 2 a5 nakt-am, a5 (na)kant-am, a5 tiikar-am, 11 b6 malkam-am, 14 al n-am, 46 b4 wikii-m, 66 b5 knatr-am, 72 a2 seka:t-am, 87 a3 em-am, 95 b2 wefi!l-alll, I 03 b I ta.5-am, 127 b2 tiiki.5am, 150 a5 na.5-am, 197 b6 kamitr-am, 199 b2 crank(s)-am, 213 b3 watkii.5$am, 222 a3 masaq1sat-am, 224 b3 sarsam, 252 b7 n-am, 253 b7 luksefic-am, 262 a4 kiilniisenc-iim, b5 maskatr-iim, 266 + 276 a>b5 lii$-iim, THT 1408.k + 285 + 28 I a>b 1 m{a}ska.5-am, a>b4

nkantr-am, 295 b2 maskatr-iim, 296 a3 !ie,5-am, 298 a2 ypiir-iim, a4 sawr-iim, 300 a4 wortar-ii(m), a8 lotkar-am, b4 tiiki.5-iim, 309 b2 (kniist)r-iim, 311 a5 akyiiifiar-am, 318 + 319 a5 n-am, 324 a4 n-iim, 325 b7 nii-m, 332 al ta:j-am, 340 a8 pa,5-iim, 346 b2 na!)-iim, 350 b3 taki.5-am, 353 a6 n-a(m), 356 b3 e,5sam, sarkr-am, 395 b2 kla!!-iim, 401 b4 wika-111, 403 a>b6 ayit-am, 406 a3 winasam-iim, b5 winasam-am, 407 b I riiitiir-iim, 410 a2 watka.5-iim, THT 1308.a a2 arantr-am, Berlin ms. ya~·am, Berlin ms. wowikiir-am; (-m) 2 a6 taka-m, 13 a2 tapa-am, a2 kosa-m, 16 a3 katka-m, 215 b5 wotka-m, 222 a4 = 239 a2 ,parksa-m, 223 a7 ak~·ilia-m, 267 + 268 b>a6 pa.5-m, 269 + 290 b>a3 (we)namm-anac, 270 a8 sasmawa-m, 274 a3 pak5ifia-m, 277 b2 (ma)skatiir-m, 278 b2 sma-m, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b4 maskatar-m, 298 a5 lantsii-m, 318 + 319 a4 kna.5am, 325 a3 lotka-111, 340 a4 pwika-m, 341 b8 ak5fia-m, 349 a3 taka-m, 376 b I kosa-m, 395 b2 plyocksa-m, 404 b3 karenc-111, 436 b6 [w]enamm-anac, sasarsa-111 THT 1412.e a4, YQ I.2 b2 nam, YQ I.7 a4! wotka-m, YQ II.3 b2, b2 nam, YQ II.4 a4! pyama-m, YQ II.6 a4 pak.'ffiii-m, YQ ll.6 a7 ril'iitar-am, YQ II.15 a2 tskitiir-am, YQ III. I b3 samat-am, YQ III. IO a4 nam, YQ III. I I b4 Y:t-iim, YQ III. I I b5 lma.5tar-m, YQ N.4 b2 paknii!ltra-m, YQ N.5 b5 klyantra-m.

I [k!jvilku (PN, masc.) Ik$V1iku, name of the

ancestor of the Sakya dynasty L POU 'nom. propr.', TEB II 'N.pr. des Ahnhcrrn dcr Sakyadynastic'. F Nom.Sg. ikyvaku, Gcn.Sg. ik.yvakuy, Norn.Pl. ikyvakw1. T ♦Nom.Sg. I 00 b I ha ikyva(ku); ♦Gcn.Sg. 153 a3, 178 a3, YQ 1.8 b5, YQ 1.9 b3-4!; ♦Norn.Pl. I 01 a4 /// (i)ksvakun la111s takar. D From Skt. lk~vaku 'N. cincs Konigs' (SWTF I:312a).


indri (n., a.) 'sense organ' [B indri]



lnil111 (PN, masc.) part of the name of a Uighur

donor F Nom.Sg.Masc. ina171. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. MG I a4. D From Uigh. i"nanc 'reliable, trustworthy' (CLAUSON:187b). The attested form in Tocharian is due to a Sandhi phenomenon in the phrase iiwnc car, sec Pinault (2007a:358). inu

► maltowinu

l11drada11e (PN, masc.) Indradana, name of a

former Buddha F Nom.Sg. indradane. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b6. D From Skt. lndradana*. R Occurs in an enumeration of former Buddhas in the text 256 b6 only. Sec Geng - Laut Pinault (2004b:58). lndradhvaje (PN, masc.) Indradhvaja, name of a former Buddha [B lndradhvaje] F Nom.Sg. indradhvaje.


♦Nom.Sg. 256 b6. From Skt. lndradhvaja 'n. of various former Buddhas' (BHSD: 115a).



POU 'saphircus', VTW 'saphirfarbcn, blau'. Nom.Sg.Fcm. indranil.yi. ♦Nom.Sg.Fcm. 314 a7 indranil.yi wtsi oki tse111(-yok salm)l/l 'likc a sunshade of sapphire the blue-( coloured head-hair) ... '

POU 'organum scnsus, scnsus', TEB II 'Sinncsorgan'. Nom.Sg. indri, Gcn.Sg. indriyis, Norn.Pl. indrin, indrintu, Obi.Pl. indris, Gen.Pl. indrintwassi, Instr.Pl. indrisyo. !/iik indri 'six organs' (Skt. ~at;l-indriya-). ♦Nom.Sg. 452 b2 · vraQa socayata · indri prakii(r)/I/; ♦ Gcn.Sg. 388 b4 · klosna.yil11 indriyi(s)l/1; ♦Norn.Pl. (indriii) 217 b5, 385 bl, 388 a4 ma alkont indri(n)l/1, THT 3270 a2; (indrintu) Berlin ms.; ♦ Obi.Pl. 206 b3, 218 b5, 385 al; ♦ Gen.Pl. THT 1154 a2; ♦ Instr.Pl. 81 b2, 153 a2, 258 b2, 304 bl, THT 1524 al. From Skt. indriya- 'Sinn(c), Sinncsorgan(c )' (SWTF l:330a). For THT 1524 al, sec Ogihara (2014:108).

indriyum* (adj.) 'provided with senses'


POU 'scnsualis', VTW 'Sinnc habcnd'. Obi.Pl.Masc. indriyumiiiiciis. ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 466 b2 l//iic.s indriyu[ma] {F1ciis)///. Derived from ► i11dri.

bu/re (PN, masc.) Indra [B lndre] F Nom.Sg. indre, Gcn.Sg. indres. T ♦Nom.Sg. 318 + 319 b3 indre tranka.y; ♦ Gcn.Sg.


301 b5. From Skt. Indra 'the god of the atmosphere and the sky' (MW:166b).

ime (n., masc.) 'awareness, consciousness, memory' [B ime] (Skt. smrti-)

L POU 'cogitatum', TEB II 'Erinncrung',

indranil!ji (adj.) 'of sapphire' [Cf. B indra11T{J


Derived from indranil*, borrowed from Skt. indranfla- 'Saphir' (SWTF I:329b).



Couvrcur ( l 959) 'triple smrtyupasthana (application de la mcmoirc)'. Nom./Obl.Sg. ime, Tme, Gcn.Sg. Tmeyis, Instr.Sg. imeyo, Tmeyo, Gen.Pl. imentwiissi. imeyis smoiiiie 'basis of awareness' (Skt. smrtyupasthiina-, Uigh. og turug). ♦Nom.Sg. (ime) 7 b4-5 mii111tne ni (sw11) ime tak, b5 wrasassi anma.y=ime, 14 a3,


65 a6, 86 b3 ime paltsa[k], 102 a4 id., 218 a5, 247 a2, 395 a5, 397 b5, THT 1141 a3; (Tme) 7 b3, 220 a3, 229 b7 Tme paltsak, 230 b3, 447 b5!, THT 1143 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg. (ime) 100 a6, 160 a5, 226 b4, 267 + 268 a>b6, 395 a4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 218 a7, 372 a>b3; ♦ lnstr.Sg. (imeyo) 39 b6, 153 a6, 230 a4, 295 a7 wsi:i.~il11 imeyo, 307 a4, 397 b6; (Tmeyo) 38 b2; ♦Gen.PL YQ I.IO a3. D Probably borrowed from TB. R Reading of 447 b5 (Tme paltsak) after Itkin - Malyshev (2021 :65). On Skt. smrty-upasthiina-, see BHSD:6 l 4b. ime-pii1jl1111ey11111 i-


► pi1$luneyum

► pii1jlu11ey11111


byiipath* (n., a.) 'movement pattern' [B ilyiipath*] L POU'?', VTW 'Bewegungsform'.

F Instr.Pl. i1yiipathant11yo. T ♦ Instr.Pl. 280 b6. D From Skt. Tryiipatha- '(die vier Korper)Haltungen; Wandel und Benehmen' (SWTF l:338b).


► ese

Isvaradatte (PN, masc.) Isvaradatta, name of a prince F Nom.Sg. isvaradatte, All.Sg. isvaradattenac, Abl.Sg. isvaradattena0. T ♦Nom.Sg. 160 bl, 164 a5, b4!, THT 1150 a3!; +All.Sg. 159 a3 //Ima isvaradattenac tra1ika.J Ill; ♦ Abl.Sg. THT 2968.h al!; +fgm. 159 b4 II isvalll. D From Skt. lsvaradatta 'n. of a prince' (MW:171a).

u as an ascetic exercise (see CPD Il:334, DP I:388b).

Ugre* (PN, masc.) Ugra, name of a layman

POU 'no.propr.', TEB II 'N.pr. eines Laienanhangers'. F Obl.Sg. ugre111. T ♦Obl.Sg. 312 a5 aniitha(pi)vr;likc1171 ugre111 luhasudattenaJ,5 aci. D From Skt. Ugra 'name of a householder' (BHSD: 117b ). L

ucchi!jt (adj.uni.) 'unclean, impure, polluted'


POU 'fragmentum, reliquum', VTW 'iibriggelassen(e Speisc)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. ucchi.51. T ♦Nom.Sg. 104 a4 tm.nne wkanyo ucchi,~[t} yo\(ktsi) 'in this way a polluted drink', a5 pen=iicchL5t, b2. D From Skt. ucchiJfa- 'leavings, fragments, remainder' (MW:173c), as such impure, hence in Buddhist context 'unclean, (ritually) impure, rejected', cf. Pa. ucchiffha- 'left-over (of food); spat out; used, cast off; polluted' (DP l:399b). Ufai-!jul* ► Uday-!jul* utkur (adj.) 'uncomfortable, painful'


POU 'ferox, saevus', PIN 'in a squatting posture', hence 'awkward, uncomfortable'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. ukkur, Obl.Sg.Masc. utkra111, Nom./Obl.PI.Fem. utkrat/1. S utkra,.n klopant 'painful sufferings'. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (ukkur) 146 b2 /l/klopa111 ukkur lmiiJi$ 'if one makes [the fetus] sit squatting in pain'; (utkra171) THT 2351 bl; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 165 b4, 166 a2 tsrm11 utk1w11 klopant lkiitar 'he sees hard and painful sufferings', a3 kar.510 walk= oki klopant 11tkra171 wa1pniitar 'as ifhe was cut or crushed (?), he suffers painful sufferings', 226 a5, 397 bl, THT 133 l.a a5; ♦ fgm. 146 bl utkr[a]//1. D Borrowed via MI from Skt. utkufa-, cf. Skt. utkufuka- (Pa. ukkufika-) 'squatting (on the heels)' (BHSD: I 2 la), '(auf den Fersen) hockend', adv. 'in hockender Haltung' (SWTF l:346a); a posture used

uttar (adj.uni.) 'northern, northerly'


POU 'superior, septentrionalis'. ♦287 + 259 a>b7 (kori)[,yo] asa1J1khesyo wrasaii k[u]kkufapiit !julis ut[t]ar kal(y111)e(ym11) 'through ten millions [and] asa!Tlkhyeyas, the beings (gather) in the region north of the Kukkutapada mountain'. D From Skt. uttara- 'northern' (SWTF I:349a).

Uttaragorap (LN, masc.) Uttarakaurava, name

of the northern country of the Kurns F Nom./Obl.Sg. uttaragorap. T ♦ Obl.Sg. THT 1464 b3 uttaragorap piirvadvi[paJ{,71)//I. D Borrowed via MI from Skt. Uttarakaurava*, cf. Uttara-kuru, name of a continent located in the north (cf. BHSD:123a, 274b), 'N. eines mythischen im Norden liegenden Erdteils' (SWTF I:349b). Uttare (PN, masc.) name ofa Buddha

F Nom.Sg. uttare. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b5-6!. D From Skt. Uttara '11. ofa former Buddha' (BHSD:122b). uttareitt* (N, masc.) name of a tune (stanza of

4 x 14 syllables 7/7) L POU 'nomen metri'. F Loc.Sg. uttarenaf/1. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 264 b8. D From Skt. Uttara- 'name of a former Buddha' (BHSD:122b). utpatti* (n., masc.sg.) 'origin, arising' [B utpatti]


Loc.Sg. utpattiywn. THT 2651 b 1. Loan from Skt. utpatti- 'arising, production, origin' (MW: 180c).

♦ Loc.Sg.

utpala6. Feminine based on ► 01ikaliim.

01ikiihne1t1 (adj.) 'of elephant(s)'

POU 'elephanti', TEB II 'Elefanten-'. Nom./Obl.Sg. 01ikiilme111. T ♦Nom.Sg. 77 b3?, 88 b5 (o)liki:ilmef!1 wi:il, 150 a5? !, 46 I a3 olikii!tnef!J ii

  • kar; ♦Obl.Sg. 271 al-2?!. D Derived from ► 01ikaliim. L




    01ikrac I) (adj.uni.), 2) (adv.) I) 'immortal, eternal', 2) 'eternally' [Cf. B 01ikrocce] L POU 'aeternus', TEB II 'unsterblich, e\vig'.

    Nom./Obl.Sg. 01ikrac. ♦Nom.Sg. 168 a5 /l/(iia)ktasaf!1 onkrac fol [na].y, 271 a3 mii suk mikrac na.5, 398 a5 //ln(e)rvii111 onkrac niitsu; ♦ Obl.Sg. 300 a7 k,,yal ma mikrac sol siiwiis naper.nsa,11 'Why did you not live an eternal life among the humans?'; ♦2) (adv.) 69 a2 ///[p}uk onkrac skassu0 :. D On the form of A onkrac and its relation to B mikrocce, see Hilmarsson ( l 986a:9295 and 199la:155-156).

    F T

    01ikraci (n., masc.) 'immortality' (Skt. amrta-) L POU 'aeternitas, immortalitas', TEB II 'Unsterblichkeit, Ewigkeit'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. onkraci. T ♦Nom.Sg. 334 a5 siis(a111)[5j(i) onkraci war; ♦Obl.Sg. 60 a>bl, 217 a5 m=ii1yu

    pra~·ta111 okiia0 iiaktas napeniis siim onkraci 'soon he will let grow the immortality for gods and humans', 296 b8, 398 bl, YQ I.I b2, YQ Il.5 b6, THT 2487 b I 1//mikraci iii/I D Derived from ► 01ikrac. 01ikraci-k11mpiic (n., masc.) 'kettledrum of immortality' (Skt. amrta-dundubhi-) L POU 'tympanum aeternitatis', TEB II 'Unsterblichkeitstrommel'. F Obl.Sg. onkraci-kumpi:ic. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 218 a3 (bariinas)y(a)c yi:im ko.ytam onkraci-kumpi:ic 'I am going to Benares and I will beat the drum of immortality'. D Compound containing ► kumpiic as second member. R Translation of218 a3, cf. Peyrot (20 I I b:38). 01ikriltt (n., fem.) 'sweet milk-and-rice mush' [B 01ikariio, onkoriio] (Skt. madhu-piiyasa-) L Pinault (1990) 'bouillie de riz', JWP 'thick soup', VTW 'Brei'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. mikril11. T ♦ Obl.Sg. YQ 1.9 a7 siik-0iik-pi iitklwniniit_n 01ikril11 'the rice mush, concentrated sixteen times'. R See Pinault ( I990: 167-171), Hilmarsson ( I 991 a: 135-138).

    oiiant(n., masc.) 'beginning' [B aw1ento] L POU 'causa', COU, TEB II 'Anfang'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. m1ant, lnstr.Sg. oiiantyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. 367 a3 ,1·11rmis aka sa1r1skiir nl:if!Z okoyis oiiant viOiiii111)//I, a4 · apariintik .yfirmis oilant f/,~,:za niil?l ·, b I; ♦Obl.Sg. 230 b2!; ♦lnstr.Sg. 57 a3 /1/(ype.yi)nas wrasa.W .yiii iiilciim oiiantyo miirkampal iiksismii111 'teaching the Law to the countrymen beginning with himself, 288 a2 /ll[k]ly(o)mi:int metraki:i1.n oiiantyo, THT 1636.q bl, THT 2201.1 b I. D Derived from ► 011-, cf. Winter ( 1988:778). oiii (adj.uni.) 'human' [Cf. B enkwailiie] L POU'?', COU, TEB II 'menschlich'. T ♦ 51 a2 oiii piitruka,_n sweiic. D Derived from ► 01ik. o,ii-cmol (n., masc.) '(possessing) human birth' L POU'?', VTW 'menschliche Geburt habend'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. 01ii-cmol, oiiiii-cmol, All.Sg. oiii-cmolac, Nom.Pl. oiii-cmolii11. T ♦Nom.Sg. (oili-cmol) 13 a5 kene kniinmune slim oiii-cmo[l] 'the one who has knowledge, he is of human birth', 21 b3 (o)ko tiis-si oiii-cmol 'your human birth will be the fruit', b4 aiiumiiski 011icmol kar 'the mere human birth is wonderful' 64 a5, 66 b4!, 350 a4; (oiliiicmol) 220 a4 ma oii1ii-cmol tii//1; ♦ Obl.Sg. 51 a2, I 05 a I !, 311 a4 ki:ilpiimiit was oiii-cmol 'we have obtained human birth'; ♦All.Sg. PK.NS.4 bl; ♦Nom.Pl. THT 1410.a b2. D Compound containing ► oiii and ► cmol. Calque of Skt. puru0iijiina- 'of human descent or origin' (MW:637b), cf. Meunier (2015: 191 ). 01ii-cmol~i (adj.) 'of human birth' L POU'?'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. oiii-cmol.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. oiii-cmol,~i1J1, Obl.Sg.Fem. oiii-cmol0 ii111. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 342 b>a5 oiii-cmol0 i riikya[ts], YQ 11.8 b3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 244 b I; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 379 a3 (pi:i)lkiit piitruk


    oiii-cmol.}·iit.n kiiru,:zik. Derived from ► 01ii-cmol.

    otiik (num.)'eight' L POU'?', COU: misprint for okiit.


    otam ♦ 395 b5 letkiir ketuntwac yiimra ,v;nii$lne otak grahantwac tamnek [kna] n,,nak yiimra 'they paid homage separately to the stars (i.e., to each star) [and] indeed to the eight planets; in this way precisely they did again'. D From *oktak through dissimilation from *okat-ak, see ► okiit, containing the strengthening particle ► -(ii)k. R As seen on plate 58 in TS, the reading otak in 395 b5 is secure. A spelling mistake is relatively unlikely. 'Eight' covers the traditional set of seven planets (graha-) plus the moon in this sacrificial action, which is performed by night.


    otiim (adv.) 'then' L POU'?'. T ♦ 152 b5 ma111tny otam saspaliku o(lik)/1/ 'then like a man having (been ?) flayed ... ' (first part of a pada of 18 syllables). D Possibly related to the TB adverb ot 'then', through combination with the TA neuter pronom tam. R The sequence of 152 b5 may begin a simile, the purpose of which remains unclear; compare 311 b6 yats tspalikassi 'to flay the skin'. For the derivation of this adverb, see Malzahn (2011 a: 140). ote (interj.) 'oh!' L POU 'o!', TEB II 'o Uber'. S ate tapre111 'oh, how'. T ♦7 bl!, 33 a2, 61 a6 ote tapre,rt masratsuneyis wakmtsune ate (tapre1J1) [wra]sas[si] -\, 64 a6, a6!, 65 b6, 93 a2!, 145 b3, 153 a3!, a3, b4, 169 b3, 186 a2, a4, 220 a3 ate zme [ka]lkii-ni $partteyii patt iikiissi, 254 a5 ate tapre,rt suk ate tapref!1 ka1para1J1 'Oh what happiness! Oh what dignity!', 256 a7 ate tapre111 lkalune ate tapre,.n kiiswone ate tapre111 parnore, b3, 274 a4, 313 bl, 329 a4!, 346 a2 (bis), YQ 1.4 b7, YQ 1.9 b6, YQ II.JO b5, THT 1143 b3, b4, THT 1322.a b3, THT 3348 al.

    (vb.) (act.) 'hit upon, wound', (MP) 'begin, start' [B au-n-] L POU 'occurrere, incipere', TEB II 'Akt. treffen; Med. beginnen', TVS 'hit, begin'. P (tr.) Prs. onas-T-, Subj. 011-T-, Prt. aw(?)/osa-, PPrt. onu, lpv. posac.



    Prs.X MP 3Pl. m11santra, Subj.VII MP 3Sg. 011tar, Prt.III Act. I Sg. awu (?), 3Sg. os, MP 3Sg. osiit, 3PI. osant, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 01111, Nom.Sg.Fem. onus, Ipv.MP 2Pl. posiic. S on-+ inf. 'begin to do something'. T ♦ Prs.MP 3Pl. 55 b4; ♦ Subj. MP 3Sg. 231 a5 tma.y wcmrz tsalikraiic yts"i oiitar (for ontar); ♦Prt.Act. 1Sg. (?) 79 b4; ♦3Sg. 77 a I tm(a) 01ikalam os 'there he hit the elephant'; ♦ MP 3Sg. 24 a6 brhadyutis kapsani apat twanta,_n yatsi osiit 'Brhadyuti's body began to pay respect to the right', 79 a5!, 110 a4, 321 a6, 328 a3, 341 a8 swiits-y o(siit), 403 b>a2, b>a3 ///(aka! ri)[n]asi osat, 429 a2 ysi osat, 433 a5 (we)wnu(ra$ pa)ltsali(k)ii(.~i) osat, THT 1483.b a3; ♦3Pl. 89 bl, 316 b8 nak!G$$i pattannaktes akmlmrl lkiitsi osant, 395 a5! b4; ♦ PP1t. Nom.Sg.Masc. 97 b2 talke $tmassi onu .ye.y 'he had begun to set up the sacrifice', YQ II.6 a5, THT 2000 a2; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 429 a3; ♦ lpv.MP 2Pl. 258 a4, 354 b5, YQ III.I I a5!; ♦ fgm. THT 3376 al ///osii///. R The form awu is listed (SSS:426, TEB II :86) as an alternative formation of the PPrt.; it occurs in 79 b4 as restored by Sieg (na.y wsomant paryo cu) iiwu ywarcka pratska,_n '( durch den giftigen Pfeil) habe ich (dich) mitten in die Brust getroffen' (Sieg 1952:14). However, the regular PPrt. onu occurs later in the same line. An alternative solution would be to interpret iiwu as the Prt.Act. I Sg. of the same verb, for the ending cf. knasu (knii-) and campu (camp-) for the Prt. stem iiw/osii- see Schmidt- Winter (1992). onta,11 (adv.) 'somehow, anyhow' L POU 'aliquo modo', TEB II '(nur) etwa, irgendwie'. S ma, marr onta,rz 'never', kupre ontmr1 'if indeed' (Skt. kadii cit). T ♦ 6 b I kupre [o](ntm.n), 63 b6 ma onta,_n, 67 a4 id., 70 a3 id., 72 a4 id., 78 b5! id., 79 a2 id., 100 a6 kupre ontaqz, 105 b5, I 09 b I, 115 b5 kupre ontan1, 186 b3 id., 188 b2! id., 222 a7 kuppre ontm11, 239 a4, 267 + 268 b>a5 kupr(e) onta,.n, 298 a5 kuppre 011ta,11, 313 b2 marr ontam, 354 bl! id., 407 bl id., YQ 11.2 a6 kupre onta1J1, YQ 11.6 b3, YQ II.15 b3 kupre

    83 onta111, b3, YQ IIl.2 b6, YQ N.3 b5! kupre o(nta,11), YQ N.4 b3. R For kupre onta,11 see Pinault ( l 997e:483488). onmit11 (n., masc.) 'remorse, penitence'

    [B L F S

    onmil11] POU 'paenitentia', TEB II 'Reue'. Obl.Sg. onmitrz, Instr.Sg. onminyo. sne-011mil11 'without remorse', on111i111 yam- 'repent'. T ♦Obl.Sg. 77 a6 onmil11 pyamtsar ptark rse 'Repent! Drop the hate!', 82 a3 kacke sne-on111i111 'joy without remorse', I 06 a5, 117 a5, 229 a4 ma onmilrz ypantar, b5 onmif!1 ypantar, THT 2102 b3; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 300 b4, 313 b3 tsopatsa111 onminyo papalyku 'pained by great remorse'. D Probably borrowed from TB. onmf~i* (adj.) 'of remorse' F Obi.Pl.Fem. 011m4~inas. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 220 a5 sam anenca,~ tsak11asma111 onmz0inas poranyo 'that one, burning from inside with the fires of remorse'. D Derived from ► onmil11. opiintii~ (adv.) 'inbetween' [B epifzkte] T ♦383 a2 tma0 opanta.y maskit klant. D Probably an ablative of opant*, cf. ADAMS:94, Hilmarsson (199la:13, 138139) and Winter (1992:137). Prefixed form of the ordinal ► piint. opiirka (adv.) 'in the morning, at sunrise' L POU 'in oriente', TEB II 'zur Morgenzeit'. T ♦265 a3 oparka kof!l parkama,rz sas parno wrasom 'as the rising sun in the morning, this glorious being ... '. D Prefixed form of park* (TB pirko ), with second member related to ►parka- 'rise', see Hilmarsson (199 I a: 139). opiissi (adj.) 'clever, skilled' [Cf. B epastye] L POU 'idoneus, aptus, habilis', TEB II 'geschickt'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. opas/;i. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. I IO b4 mannas tsinatsi nu opassi .ye0 'he was however skilled enough to touch the vital points', 245 bl, THT 2467 a2.

    oppal R The TA and TB forms point to a CT etymon, see Hilmarsson ( 1989b: 112 and 199\a:160), ADAMS:94. opiissune (n., a.) 'skillfulness' [B epastyanFze] L POU 'facultas, habilitas', TEB II 'Geschicklichkeit'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. opasfone, wpasune, opfone, lnstr.Sg. opassuneyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. (opassune) 8 al-2!, 110 bl; (wpasune) YQ Ill.6 a2 wpasune pakar na111tsu cam kanak 'the skillfulness has become evident in this cotton cloth'; ♦ Obl.Sg. (opassune) 11 b3 cem tmal?J Jni .yni amoka111twassi OJJG,\,Sl//le kaswone pa[k]rasi ypama111 sas traizka,~ 'when they manifested the skillfulness and meritoriousness of their respective skills, one [of them] says:', 283 a6; ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (opsune) 179.c b 1; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 110 a5. D Abstract derived from ► opiissi. R The reduced form wpasune is due to metrical constraint, in the second part of a colon of7 (4+3) syllables. opiis* (n.) 'ox' [B okso] (Uigh. buqa) F Nom.Pl. opsi. T ♦Norn.Pl. YQ I.4 a4 (kla,ikan wa)mpu0 yetwentuyo kowi opsi kayw:i·an : ma(hir.yaFz) '(vehicles) adorned with decorations, cows, oxen, bulls, bu( ffaloes )'. R See Pinault (1999b:467-469). Uigh. okiiz, if borrowed from Tocharian, presupposes a form TA *okas (cf. Winter apud CLAUSON:120a). The restoration o(kas) in the fragment 459 b I is made unlikely by the remnants of the sign at the lacuna. Oppatyuti (PN, fem.) name ofa Uighur lady F Nom.Sg. oppatyuti. T ♦Nom.Sg. 303 a6 /1/oppatyuti seri kiittw?J tarmots liirat hkhutte,.n wam nacci ela(k) \. D Possibly from Skt. Utpaladyuti*, cf. dyuti- as name (MW:500a) and utpalacak0u~·- 'lotus-eyed' (MW: 180c), utpalavan:za- 'N. ofa woman' (MW:181a). oppal (n., fem.) 'lotus' [B uppal] L POU 'lotos', TEB II 'Lotos'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. appal, Gen.Sg. op/is, Abl.Sg. opla.y, Loc.Sg. oplm11, Perl.Sg. opla, Norn.Pl. oplan, Obi.Pl. op/as, Gen.Pl. opliisi, Instr.Pl. oplasyo.


    oppal-yok* T


    3 I 6 a5 id.;

    68 a6, 88 b4 appal paka(r tak), ♦Obl.Sg. 303 b I, 358 a I

    asureiii laiis kawnmy oki prantar-cy oplal!1 piittiSpar.yi111 appal cu 'the Asura

    kings like princely servants carry you, the lotus of Buddha rank, in your lotus', YQ Il.3 a I!; ♦Gen.Sg. 3 15 a6 op/is kesarai11 'on the filament of the lotus'; ♦Abl.Sg. I b I; ♦Loc.Sg. 315 + 316 b7 {pa)tta11kat ka:j,yf nu oplain Imo, 358 al; ♦ Perl.Sg. I bl .ypat ko111sa wafts paltwayo oplasyo wrm11 opla$ op/a karmn(a111 kalkora$)

    D R

    'moving around for seven days, stepping from one lotus to another, in a water with lotuses with a thousand leaves'; ♦Norn.Pl. 314 b4, b6; ♦ Obi.Pl.315+316 a3; ♦Gen.Pl. 314 b4 oplasi kesarsa1J1; ♦ Instr.Pl. I bl, 63 a3, YQ 11.7 a5. From Skt. utpala- 'the blossom of the blue lotus' (MW: I 80c ). Note that the TB match uppal has alternans gender. It is possible that the feminine gender has been generalised in TA from the plural and through the influence of pyapi 'flower' (fem.).

    oppal-yok* (adj.) 'lotus-coloured' L POU 'co loris Jotossi', TEB II 'lotosfarben'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. oppal-yoka111. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 57 a2 oppal-yoka,n kantuyo cil"ica1ya1.n wasenyo; ♦ fgm. 409 b4 ///.y oppol-yol/1. D Compound containing ► oppal and ►yok.

    oppal:ji* (adj.) 'of lotus' F Obl.Sg.Masc. oppol.yi, Obl.Sg.Fem. oppa{_~ina111, Norn.Pl.Masc. oppa/,yiiii. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 316 b5 oppol[$i} parena 'on a lotus throne'; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 286 a4 oppal(,yina111 pya)p[p]y oki; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 378 al-2: wsa$y oplea.11> tsakkiii tse1n-oppa\(l$iiii); ♦ fgm. 400 a4 tser11-o(ppal$i)II! D Derived from ► oppal. opya5 opyac (pakla)r-iii, 441 b4, YQ I. IO b4 1//(kas)woneytu opyac klaluneyo, YQ 11.6 a7 opyac klitar, b6 opyac k/ora, YQ II. I 0 a6 opyac klora,y, b6-7! opya(c klora.y), YQ N.2 a3 opyac kal(lama111), THT 1322.e b2!, THT 1418.fa2 opyac ka/lal(y)i, THT 1422.c a6. D Presumably borrowing from Mir. at a CT stage, see ADAMS:95 with references. opletfl (adj.) 'lotus-' L POU 'lotossi'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. ople171. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 23 b5 ople111 palt 'lotus-leaf, 266 + 276 a>b7! (tma:j yasovati o)p(l}e111 [pra]nkyo worpus sr(i)-iikatt oki '(then Yasovati,) like the goddess SrT surrounded by [her] island of lotus', 377 a2 ople111 pall, 3 78 a I wsa$y oplen (t)sakkiii. D Derived from ► oppal. R Restoration and translation of266 + 276 a>b7 by Chamot-Rooke (p.c.). opsune ► opiissune op:jiily (n., fem.) 'occasion, festivity, ceremony' [B ek:jalye] (Uigh. yal)l kiin) L POU 'tempus matutinum', COU 'Jahreszeit', TEB II 'Jahreszeit, Aktionszeit eines Buddha'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. OJJ$aly, op:jalf, Gen.Sg. op.ylyis, All.Sg. OJJ$lyac, Perl.Sg. op.y/ya, Com.Sg. op.ylyassal, Nom./Obl.PI. op$lyantu, op:jlyantu. T ♦Nom.Sg. (op.yaly) 287 + 259 a>bl ! (iii penu) tapark pakrasi yaly[i] (s)am (o)p.yaly, 294 a6; (op:jalf) THT 1883 b2; ♦Obl.Sg. (oJJ$aly) 302 a8 metrak:jina1.11 op:jaly ma sparka$; ♦ Gen.Sg. 230 b I; ♦All.Sg. 288 a7; ♦ Perl.Sg. 288 al (me)trakyi11a111 op.ylya p/ac weiienc kavvintu yameiic 'they make (lit. speak) talk about Maitreya's feast and they



    compose (lit. make) poems'; ♦ Com.Sg. 251 b7 (o)p.ylyassiil (.yya)k kumniissi, 252 b7 id., 254 a7!, 279 a4 metrakyinf1111 opij/yassiil fiyak kum(niissi)/1/, bl, 302 a5 metrak.1·ina111 OP$lyassiil .yiyak kumseiic 'they come together with Maitreya 's feast'; ♦Nom./Obl.PI. (opijlyiintu) 222 a3; (opij/yantu) 63 b3 tiimne wkiinyo op.ylyantu sam waluneyo ypeyis pa.ylune yamar. R See Geng Laut Pinault (2004b:49, n. 94). Discussion of the meaning of the word and all occurrences in Pinault (2015a). In THT 1883, one may alternatively restore op.yiil(y)z(-k). omiil 1) (adj.), 2) (n.) 1) 'hot', 2) 'heat' [B emalle] L POU 'calidus', TEB II 'heiss'. F I) Nom.Sg.Masc. omiil, Obl.Sg.Masc. omlii171, Obl.Sg.Fcm. omiilya111, Obi.Pl.Fem. omlw71, 2) Abl.Sg. omlii}·, Perl.Sg. om/a. T ♦ 1) (adj.) Nom.Sg.Masc. 255 b6 omiil ysar !)unkac kalkaij 'hot blood will go to the throat', YQ 1.7 bl omiil ysaqu1ikac kapa1j-a111 'hot blood will boil up to his throat', YQ N.4 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 98 bl omlii171 ysar, 431 b3 cam omlii111 (wii)r lek wawo[rii!)j/1/, 433 al omla(111) wii(r); ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 51 b2 m[a} krossa111 : ma omiilyal/1; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 50 al 1/lsla-

    stankiiilune omlal!1 alaw1t swasa//1, PK.NS.2 b4; ♦2) (n.) Abl.Sg. THT 2520 al ///0111/ii.y t[sii]lpo/1/ 'relieved from the heat'; ♦ Perl.Sg. THT 1645.a al. D CT noun, see discussion by Pinault (20 l 7c:653-655) with previous literature. omiilsune* (n., a.) 'heat' L POU 'calor, ardor, fervor', VTW 'Hitze, Heissein'. F Perl.Sg. omiilsuneya. T ♦ Perl.Sg. 467 b2 (o)mii[l]suneya war y[sii].y 'water boils by heat'. D Abstract derived from omiil(t)s*, cf. ► omiil.

    omiiskune (n., a.) 'badness, wickedness' L POU 'pravitas', TEB II 'Schlechtigkeit'. F Nom.Sg. omiiskune, Obl.Sg. omiiskune, omskune, Gen.Sg. omiiskuneyis, Abl.Sg. omiiskuneyii,~, Obi.Pl. omiiskzmeyiintu, Loe.Pl. omiiskuneyiintww;z.


    244 a3 puk omiiskune; (omiiskune) 256 al (sa171)sari[s] omiiskune; (omskune) 243 b I poiicii1;1 omskzme; ♦ Gen.Sg. 354 a2 poiiciil!7 omiiskuneyis ma yamlu(ne); ♦Abl.Sg. 295 b 1!; ♦ Obi.Pl. 353 b2-3; ♦ Loe.Pl. 4 b5-6 puk omiisk[u](ne)yntww11 puk ka1yapii1?1tww11. D Abstract derived from ► omiiske1t1. R See the compound ► kiiswone-


    ♦ Obl.Sg.

    omiiskune. omiiskuneyum* (adj.) 'provided with badness' T ♦Fgm. 424 a4 ///omiisku(ne)yu///. D Derived from ► omiiskune. omiisket!l 1) (adj.), 2) (n.), 2) masc. 1) 'evil, bad', 2) 'an evil thing, badness' L POU 'malus, pravus; malum', TEB II 'bose; das Bose'. F I) (adj.) Nom.Sg.Masc. omiiske171, Obl.Sg.Masc. omiiskenii1J1, Gen.Sg.Masc. omiiskenap, Obl.Sg.Fem. omiiskena1.11, Norn.Pl.Masc. omiiskeiii, Obi.Pl.Masc. omiiskeniis, Gen.Pl.Masc. omiiskeniissi, All.Pl.Masc. omiiske171sac, Obi.Pl.Fem. omiiskenas, 2) (n.masc.) Obl.Sg. omiiske171, All.Sg. omiiskenac, Abl.Sg. omiiskeniilj, Loc.Sg. omiiskenm11. T ♦ I) (adj.) Nom.Sg.Masc. 222 b7!, 230 b7 tampe [o]miiske~n klesas(s)i, 250 b4, 343 b4, 369 a5 · aya!Tl cora aya!Tl papa · siis lyiiksiis omiiskel/1/1/, YQ III.11 a5

    omiiske111 lyalypu nuta(trii); ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 37 a6, 199 b6, 221 a3 (o)miiskenii111 lyalypiirii.)', YQ II.7 b2 omiiskeniil!7 lyalypura; ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 220 b3 omiiskenap lyalypu(ris)//1, 254 b3, 295 a4-5 + YQ N.3 a8 hzst taki.y iii omiiskenap yamluneyis 'Fie on my evil doing!; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 223 b7; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 222 al omiiskeiiiii wossi ,1·eiic; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 70 a4, 391 a2!; ♦ Gen.Pl.Masc. 220 b6, 322 a5; ♦All.Pl.Masc. 3 b2-3 ma empe{le) omske111sac ma pe tampewatsesac; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 34 bl!, 54 b3 (pu)k omiiskenas yaml[u]neyntu ara,~ nutii.y, 75 b2!, 332 b8 0(/11G!Ske11111as miirkampalntuyo; ♦2) (n.masc.) Obl.Sg. 83 a5, 229 b4, b5, 295 a5!, 354 a5 kapsinno skw11 omiiskef!l maryami~·, 365 a2l, YQ II. 7 a8 ma skWJ1 ;pamiis omiiske1?1; ♦ All.Sg. 261 b>a5l YQ 11.12


    omaske1p-yaml uneyum *


    b I omaskenac katkune 'householdership directed toward evil'; ♦Abl.Sg. 222 a I!, 229 a7 omaskena.y ma pa.y{ta}{r), 260 b6 (oma)skenii$ alsantra, 447 b6; ♦ Loc.Sg. 4 b3 tsru ke kalpo.y n,,nak satkw1ztar omaskenaf!Z 'as soon as they have the possibility, they spread in badness'; ♦ fgm. 34 bl omasken/1/, 39 al omas[k]e///, 48 a2 omask ., 68 a6 oma(sk)e/1/, 206 b2 oma/1/. Prefixed form with a derivative from ► miisk- as second member, see Hilmarsson ( l 991 a: 13 l ), Pinault (2015c: l 59-160). Probably a calque of Skt. asant-, asatya- 'wrong, bad' (MW:l 18b).

    omiiske111-yiim/1111eyum* (adj.) 'possessed with evil-doing' F Norn.Pl.Masc. omaske111-ya111luneyumii$. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 332 b8 wrasaii katalikeiic umpar-iiasatsumii$ o,naske111yamlune[y](uma,). D Derivative with possessive suffix based on a compound of ► omiiske111 and ►yiimhme.

    0111-kiire* (n., masc.) 'pronouncer of om' (Skt. 0111kara-) L POU 'sancta syllaba om', VTW 'die heilige Silbe murmelnd'. F Norn.Pl. om-kare1i. T ♦Norn.Pl. 63 a5 wsaluyo om-kareii bramnaii weiiar 'the brahmins with ... robes, who were om-pronouncers, said'. D From Skt. oq1kara- 'the sacred and mystical syllable om' (MW:236a).

    omke (n.) 'honey' (Skt. madhu-) L POU'?', COU 'Name eines Heilmittels', VTW 'tlachsen, flachsem' (adj.). F Nom.Sg. omke. T ♦Nom.Sg. 3 b2!, 103 a6///[s]is tsoptsa[p] wraskeyis omke sa111ta[k] om(k)e.

    omlyi (n., fem.) 'heat, burning' [B emalya] L POU 'calor, ardor, fervor', TEB II 'Hitze'. F Obl.Sg. omlyi. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 5 b4 pontsa,,, kapsiiiiia.)' omlyi wik,a pekantap 'she drove away the burning from the entire body of the painter'. D Abstract derived from ► omiil.

    oy (interj.) 'alas!' L POU 'eheu!', TEB II 'o'. T ♦ 169 b I k,,lewaii tralikiiic oy klop ta(pre111)/// 'the women say: Oh what trouble ... ', THT 2518 al?. or (n., a.) 'wood, wooden part of a plant, stem' [B or] L POU 'lignum', TEB II 'Holz'. F Nom.Sg. or, Instr.Sg. o,yo, Abl.Sg. ora.y, Perl.Sg. ora, Nom./Obl.PI. orantu. T ♦Nom.Sg. 4 a5 (tka)na,11 lok or oktsi.y.ya111 'its wooden part grows far away in the earth', THT 1453 a3; ♦ Instr.Sg. 315/6 a4 [v]aic;luri.yil11 otyo nkaiicil11II/ 'by a stem of beryl and a ... of silver'; ♦Abl.Sg. I 04 a6 ora, paltwa tma111sw11tar paltwa(ka) [$ nu] py(apyaii) 'from the wooden part the leaves are born, from the leaves the flowers .. .'; ♦ Perl.Sg. THT 1782 al; ♦Nom./Obl.PI. THT 1453 al. oram (prev.) 'down' (?) L POU'?', TEB II 'nieder'. S oram kaly- 'bow down, kneel' (?). T ♦ 79 a2 anapra pesa oram pa(.ytam) 'Bow down in front of my feet!'. Oriis* (PN, masc.) name (or part of the name) of a Uighur donor [Borsa] F Gen.Sg. orses. T ♦ Gen.Sg. 251 b6!, 252 b6!, 258 b3! D


    /1/(o)rsess aka/a. Possibly of Mir. origin, see Old Khot. aurassaa- 'councelor', discussed by Dragoni (2021:37-39). See Schmidt (2002b:259-264), Geng Laut - Pinault (2004b:74, 75, n. 183). On the TB parallel see Ching - Ogihara (2013:113).

    orkiim (n., masc.) 'darkness, gloom' [B orkamo] L POU 'tenebrae', TEB II 'finster; Fins tern is'. F Nom.Sg. orkam, All.Sg. orkmac, Abl.Sg. orkma,, Loc.Sg. orkma,11. T ♦Nom.Sg. 249 a 1 neiic penu kof!Z maii iiakcyaii swaiicenaii wawlu nu sas arkiso.yi akntsuneyo ptukk orkam 'even though there are now sun, moon [and] heavenly rays, still this world, covered with ignorance, is only(?) darkness'; ♦ All.Sg. YQ II.7 b3 orkmac ka/kac 'you will go to the dark'; ♦Abl.Sg. YQ 11.7 b3 orkma.y lyuksoneyac kalka(c) 'you will go



    from the dark to the light'; ♦ Loc.Sg. 360 a9 I 4 purondhakarc bhavati I ne,\'O ptuk orknw111 maskatra ni I, THT 2102 b3. orkii1111111 (adj.) 'gloomy, dark' L POU 'tenebricosus', TEB II 'finster'. F Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. orkamnunt. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. 152 a5. D Derived from ► orkiim. ort* (n., masc.) 'friend' L POU 'altitudo, superbia', COU, TEB II 'Freund'. F Gen.Sg. ortap, Perl.Pl. ortasa. T ♦ Gen.Sg. THT 1477 b3 /1/[o}rtap watku ypam-ci//1 'I provide you the order of a friend'; ♦ Perl.Pl. 3 b4 .y11i .yna:1.yesa ortasa 'by his own relatives and friends ... '. D Discussion by Pinault (2008c:437-439), with survey of previous literature. ortune (n., a.) 'friendship' L POU 'altitudo, superbia', COU 'Vorrang', TEB II 'Freundschaft'. F Obl.Sg. ortune, Instr.Sg. ortuneyo. T ♦Obl.Sg. 2 b6 trit wrassa.y ortune kalpnatra 'as third (advantage), he [the craftsman] receives friendship from the beings', 254 a8, 280 a6, THT 3482 b4!; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 46 a3 wenar ortuneyo//1. D Abstract derived from ► ort. ortune-piiltskum* (adj.) 'friendly-minded' F Norn.Pl.Masc. ortune-paltskuma.)'. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. THT 3270 b2. D Compound of ► ortune and ► piiltsiik, plus suffix -um. ortune!ji* (adj.) 'friendly' F Obl.Sg.Masc. ortune.yi111. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 113 a5 ortune.yif?J rake(yo) 'with a friendly word', YQ 11.8 a6 ortune.yil_n paltsakyo 'with friendly thought'. D Derived from ► ortune. ortum (adj.) 'friendly' L TEB II 'freundlich, freundschaftlich'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. ortum, Obi.Pl.Masc. ortumaikas. T ♦ Nom.Sg.Masc. 359 a3 l I kaswa-or[tu}m onk I 'a man, friendly to goodness'; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 75 a5 ortuma(iicas karu)nikas puk kraiicas:ii 'by all the good

    D R

    ones, the friendly ones, the merciful ones'. Derived from ► ort. See the compound ► kiiswa-ortum.

    orto (adv.) 'up, upright' (Skt. iirdhvam, ud) L POU 'supra, sursum', TEB II '(nach) oben'. T ♦ l 8 b3, 55 b6 orto watzmt, 146 a3 a3, 148 b2 orto tpont, 189 b2 orto !yam, 203 b6, 253 b3, 263 b>a4 orto kalk, 274 b3, 299 b6 orto .yma.y, b7 orto lyma.yt, 316 b7, b8, 333 b7, 379 b7, 414 a4, 462 b3 orto-pakkapsaiii, YQ 1.4 b I orto caclura,s, YQ I.8 bl, YQ 11.2 b5, YQ ll.4 b8, THT 1643.a al orto kakatku, THT 2400 b5 orto tpo ta(k)//1, gl.SHT 1335 (= Skt. ud). orto-kapsaiii-yokum (adj.) 'having the body hair standing upright' L VTW 'nach oben gerichtete Korperhaare habend'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. orto-kapsani-yokwn. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. YQ II.4 b8 orto-kapsaiiiyokum (Skt. 11rdhvagraromal:z), YQ 11.10 b2!. D Compound containing ► orto, ► kapsatii with ► yok (2). R One of the marks (laksaJJa) on the body of the Buddha, see JWP:87, 118. orpatik (n., masc.) 'market place, bazaar' [B orpmik] (Uigh. kidin, Skt. vipaJJi-) L POU '?', TEB II 'Tribune'. F Obl.Sg. orpa111k, Norn.Pl. orpanki, Obi.Pl. mpankas, Loe.Pl. 01pafzksa111. T ♦ Obl.Sg. THT 1607.a bl; ♦Nam.Pl. 301 a3 (wa),piskeii subhiimintu mpanki 'parks, beautiful places, market places'; ♦ Obi.Pl. YQ V. l al /1/wa}"tu .yontas orpwikas la11ci-wa}·tu stamantu kartkala(.s) 'houses, streets, market places, royal palaces, trees, ponds, .. .'; ♦ Loe.Pl. 63 a4 panwar walanas ~-ontsa,.11 orpa,iksm_n 'they stretched arches over the streets and the market places'. R See Schmidt (2004:31 Ob) for Sanskrit parallels to 63 a4, supporting the translation 'market place, bazaar'. or# (adj.) 'of wood' L POU 'ligneus, ligni', VTW 'holzern'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. or$i. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 9 b6 ta//1-ne wkanyo or.yi peke.yi penu arampat wrasassi twi


    olar kcipiiune (a)\(rii)$ 'thus a figure of wood and painting, too, calls forth the love [and] affection of the living beings'. D Derived from ► or. olar (n., masc.) 'fellow, companion' [Bau/are]

    L POU 'socius', TEB II 'Gefahrte'. F Nom.Sg. o/ar, Nom.Pl. olariii, olarit.n. T ♦Nom.Sg. 238 a2; ♦Nom.PI. (olariii) 254 a8 $ii1i11ii yliire olari!I metra~~i!li miiskantrii 'by nature the Maitreya people are feeble companions', YQ N.5 b3; (olariq1) 335 a4 ola[r]ilr1 tiikilic/11. olnme (n., a.) 'companionship'

    L F T

    POU 'societas', VTW 'Genossenschaft'. Nom.Sg. olrune, Perl.Sg. olruneyii. ♦Nom.Sg. I 06 a2; ♦Perl.Sg. 277 b3 lll(ii)lu o/rzmyii kiicky arsantrii 'by solidarity with others do they evoke joy'. D Abstract derived from ► olar.

    olyi (n., fem.) 'boat, ship' [B olyi*]

    L F T

    POU'?', COU 'Boot', TEB II 'Schiff. Nom.Sg. olyi-k, Nom.Pl. olyili. ♦Nom.Sg. 29 b2 mii iii ciimplune olyi[k]/11; ♦Nom.Pl. THT 1486 b4 ll/.ii11i mokk olyin/11. D Probably loan from TB.

    o:;at (?) '?'


    THT 3976 a2 puk o,wt kriyis will/.

    o:;e1f1 (adv.) 'at night'

    S T

    yko1r1 o:;er11 'day and night'. ♦340 b7, 341 al, YQ II.7 b5 lll(ri)ym11 ytiira,11 yko111 o.ye1.n miikis miik ypii purccamfie 'in the city and on the road, in daytime and at night, to many he did much benefit', THT 1331.a b I. D Related to ► w:;e, see Hilmarsson (199la:154).

    o:;eiii (adv.) 'by night, at night' (Skt. nisi)

    POU 'nocte, noctu', TEB II 'bei Nacht'. yko111 o,~e11i 'by day [and] by night'. ♦ 3 bl ykoq1 o.J·ei'ii 'by day and night', 19 bl, 214 b5, 265 a2, 274 b7, 297 b6, 340 b5, 465 b3, YQ 1.7 b4, YQ 11.2 a2 lllw[ii]rkiint lkiitrii yko111 o~·e11i .§ka,11 iikakk ats tkm_n 'the wheel becomes visible, and by day and night consistently indeed the earth ... '. D Derived from ► o~e111.

    L S T

    o:;ke (n., fem.) 'house, dwelling place'

    [B oskiye] L POU'?', COU 'nach Hause', TEB II 'Bchausung'. F Obl.Sg. o:;ke. T ♦Obl.Sg. 220 b I (kl)orii,~ cam .y11i o:;ke lo 'having led him away to his own house ... '. D The form A o.yke is matched by B oskai, Obl.Sg. with the value of the directive. Possibly CT borrowing from Mir. (cf. ADAMS: 133). However according to Dragoni (2021 :43-45), the Late Khot. auskii- 'dwelling place' is a ghost word. o:;ke1111* (adj.) 'domestic'

    F Nom.Sg.Fem. o,~kenuts (for 0 m1171ts). T ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 433 al!. D Derived from ► o:;ke 'house'. As for the suffix, compare ►yokmenu, ► sii1t1tke1111.


    This noun could alternatively be understood as 'female servant, maid'.

    osit (n.) 'moral behaviour' (Skt. fila-)


    POU 'bonus habitus, bona natura', TEB II 'sittliches Verhalten'. F Obl.Sg. osit, Gcn.Sg. ositis. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 302 a6, b3!, 440 b3, YQ III.9 a8-bl, THT 1685.a2; ♦ Gen.Sg. 341 al ositis oko 'the fruit of moral behaviour'. D Borrowed via MI from *ava-dhita-, cf. Skt. ava-dhii- 'place down', Pass. 'be applied or directed', compare avadhiina-, avadhiita- 'attention, attentiveness' (MW:99c, SWTF I:161b). osit# (adj.) 'of moral behaviour, of good nature' F Obl.Sg.Masc. osit:;i. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 440 a2 osit.yit71 samvar piipekuntlll 'the written restraint of moral behaviour'. D Derived from ► osit. ostu (n.pl., fem.) 'dwellings'

    F T

    Obi.Pl. ostu. ♦Obi.Pl. YQ 1.8 a2! lll(o)stu .yiras lyalyukurii.5 'having illuminated the dwellings completely'. D Borrowed from B ostuwa, Pl. of ost 'dwelling'. R See JWP:58, n. 3.

    AU Audumparikli (PN, fem.) name of a queen F Nom.Sg. audumpariki.i, auduf!1pariki.i. T ♦Nom.Sg. (audumpariki.i) THT 1486 a4 (audu)mpariki.i Ii.its 'queen Udumbarika'; (a11d11111parika) THT 1486 b3 a11dw11(pariki.i). D Loan via MI from Skt. Udumbariki.i* while taking as basis the adjective audumbara- 'coming from the tree Udumbara' (MW:237c). R For the restoration ofTHT 1486 a4 and the parallel of Mahau~adha-Jataka, see Malyshev (20 I 7: 1I 9-120, 122). Aurabhri (PN, masc.) name of a god F Nom.Sg. aurabhri.

    T D


    346 b3-4. Via Ml from Skt., probably derived from Skt. aurabhrika- 'mutton-butcher' (BHSD: 163b ), cf. Habisreitinger ( 1997).

    Aurabhripurve* (PN, masc.) Aurabhripurva, a god F Obl.Sg. aurabhrip11rve111. T ♦Obl.Sg. 345 a3 aurabhrip11rve111 nkat, 346 b2-3. D Variant of ► Aurabhri, from Skt. Aurabhripi'irva*. For a possible solution see Habisreitinger ( 1997: 16).

    K ka (interj.)(?) T ♦ 110 a6 vyiise trii1ikii!i puk .yiiiiiintuyo

    ka ·. If this is some kind ofpartiele, it may be identical to the emphasizing particle TB ka. R The restoration of ka(111) in 110 a6 as per CEToM is not warranted. See the photograph (THT 743): there is clearly no anusvara on ka, but this syllable is followed by a dot, just before the end of the line. Besides, the context does not support the reference to any tune of chanting. One may assume that it is a complete word, if not the beginning of the PPrt. kaknus, fem., which would be constructed with puk .;·iiiiiintuyo 'provided with all artistie devices', and addressed to a woman. There is no doubt that this belongs to the speech of the brahmin Vyasa. Alternatively, it can be an abbreviation for the name of this woman, a courtesan named KasisundarT. See discussion by Kremmer (2022). The segmentation of the line remains uncertain, however. Alternatively, one can interpret yoka as the first item of an enumeration of skills, devices, with punctuation between each item, in which case this would be the loan from Skt. yoga- 'supernatural means, charm, magical art', or 'practice of selfconcentration', etc. (MW:856b).


    ka,11 (n., fem.) 'melody, tune; meter' [B kene]

    L F

    POU 'moduli, rhythmus', TEB II 'Melodie, Ton'. Nom./Obl.Sg. kan, Gen.Sg. kanis, Loc.Sg. kana111, Com.Sg. kanasiil, Loe.Pl. kCIIJIS C/IJ}.


    ♦ Obl.Sg. 195 a5 k[a]n t,,iik-wiiknii/1/ 'a melody precisely in this manner'; ♦ Gen.Sg. 230 b3 tsopats wiil nunak raritwii kiivvi kos-ne fme (ki:i)lkii-iii : kanis iiyiit(it~ii 'I, oh great king, have again put together the Kavya, as far as my competence went, in accordance with the

    meter'; ♦ Loc.Sg. 236 b6, 301 b4 tiima1.n kanm11 tsar peyo abhinai ypiir tsepiintii(ii) 'to this melody the dancers performed pantomime with [their] hands and feet'; ♦ Com.Sg. 229 b7 ritwiissi kanasiil 'to compose in accordance with the meter'; ♦ Loe.Pl. 262 a3 puk swiiriintwm11 puk ka111sm11 puk 11111rcchiintwaf!1 .yiiii kiilpo.y pons pu[k-w]ii(knii)//l 'in all sounds, in all melodies [and] in all modulations, all have obtained skill in every way'. R Alternative segmentation and interpretation of 195 a5 by Itkin (2016:6970). Ka1t1dahe (PN, masc.) name of a species of worms L POU 'nom.propr. vermis'. F Nom.Sg. ka1.ndahe. T ♦Nom.Sg. 179 a2 sas walyi.yi cmo(l) kaf!u/ahe iiomii 'one race of worms is named Katpdaha'. D Possibly borrowed via MI from Skt. ka,:ifaka-, ka,:ithaka- or kaiu;laka- as referring to a 'enemy' or a 'disease' (MW:245b, BHSD:165b, 166a). kaksunie (n., a.) 'extinction' (Skt. nirvii,:ia-) F Nom./Obl.Sg. kaksurne. T +Obl.Sg. 353 b I ka(ksu)rF1e spiilme111 triinkiiic ptiiniiktan (Skt. nirvii,:ia111 paramm71 vadanti buddhiib 'the Buddhas call extinction the best'). D Abstract derived from the PPrt. of ► kiis-. R 353 bl restored by Schmidt (1989:74, 80, 106). kaci (n.) 'concern, agitation, resentment' (?) L POU'?', TEB II 'Veranlassung', HILM 'harm, damage', VTW 'schadlich'. F Obl.Sg. kaci. T ♦Obl.Sg. 79 b I III(paprii)ku sne kaci se

    k,,yal se(rttii)r · mik triinkiis niitiik kiiko:jtu nasam 'being asked without resentment: «O son, why are thou weeping?», the man says: «O lord, I am struck»'. R Discussion by HILM:59. The gloss given in TEB II is based on Sieg's interpretation


    katu* and translation (1952:13 and n. 15) ofthe passage:'(Er begann zu weinen, und, vom Bodhisattva) befragt, ,,warum weinst du, [mein] Sohn, ohne Veranlassung (?)", spricht der Mann'. This extract belongs to the dialog between the Bodhisattvaelephant, Sab5 Vwr (), 376 bl kosiim kar :, 383 a3 tiik kar, YQ 1.7 a5 sasiirsiir kar ·, YQ 1.9 b6 ore tiipref!1 weye111 sas wrasom kar ... , YQ II. I a8, YQ Ill. I b7 mcicciik kar, YQ III.4




    a4!, YQ 111.5 a2-3! pa/fini triilika,~ ka(r), THT 2961 a2. Possibly connected with TB ka, cf. HILM:82-83.

    karak (n.) 'wooden part ofa bow, shaft' L TEB II 'wohl ein Tei! des Bogcns', HILM 'branch, sprout', VTW 'wohl Sehne (eines Bogens )'. F Perl.Sg. karki.i. T ♦ Perl.Sg. 315 + 316 al sam sasak (mi.imantu a)nclis karki.i tsifzk si.iseyu klyi.it yaslurne paltsansi.i 'this one stood alone [and) angry, leaning an arrow to the shaft of the bow [and] thought of hatred'. D Related to B ki.irak* (for kari.ik* as per ADAMS:150) according to HILM:83. karay- (vb.) 'laugh, deride' [B ke1y-] (Skt. has-, Uigh. kiil-) L POU 'ridere', TEB II 'lachen', TVS 'laugh'. P (itr.) Prs. karay-T-, !pf. kmyi.i-, Subj. karay-T-. F Prs.Ill Act. 3Sg. kare~·, 3Pl. kmyenc, PPrs.MP karemi.i111, !pf.Act. 3Sg. karyi.i, Subj.V Act. 3Sg. karya.y, 3Pl. karenc-111. S kare111i.i111 akmalyo 'with laughting face (Skt. hasita-mukha-, Uigh. kii/ar yiizin)'. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 265 b I kare.y wafzka(tii1) ... tosma[s}siil 'he laughs [and] chats with these (women of the palace)'; ♦3PI. 9 b6 anumi.iski ni.i111tsu,~ karyenc 'being astonished they laugh', 253 b4 kmyenc .yoma11 'some laugh'; ♦ PPrs.MP 156 a5 [ka]remi.i111 akmalyo 'with a laughing face', 178 b4 id., 197 a5, 318 + 319 a8 ki.itkmi.i111 wmik111i.i111 karemi.i111, YQ I.4 a7 ksa1ik ksafzk kare111i.i1J1, THT 2460 a2; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Sg. 5 b3 matsratsi oki mi.i pli.ic crafzkas mi.i kmyi.i 'as if ashamed she did not say a word and she did not laugh'; ♦Subj.Act. 3Sg. 343 b5 mi.i (te) ci kmy[a(i}(s)i.i(s aru)i1i.ivati ri '(if) this city of ArmJavafi will not make fun of you(?)'; ♦ 3Pl. 404 b3?. R The form kare(i is interpreted as subjunctive by SSS:426 and TEB II:89, but the Uighur parallel text in 265 b I, MaitrHami XIII, I b 4 (cf. Geng Klimkeit - Laut 1991 :285) confirms the present tense. The form of the Subj.Act. might be kmya)·, as found in 343 b5

    (reading kmy[ap} in TS), cf. Sieg ( 1952:35 and n. 16), Schmidt (2001a:309). For the phraseology of the smiling or laughing face, see Pinault (20 i 3d:28).


    ► karavirak!ji

    karavirak$i (adj.) 'of oleander flower' L POU 'oleandri'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. karavirakyi. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 71 b6 karavirakyi psuk knuka111 wto(ra.)) 'having placed the oleander wreath around his neck'. D Derived from karavirak*, borrowed from Skt. karavTraka- 'root or flower of oleander' (MW:253c). karir (n., masc.) 'shoot of bamboo' F Nom.Sg. karir. T ♦Nom.Sg. I 03 a5 kuncit(ii111 (ialypassal triwo pat kari\(,) 'or a shoot of bamboo mixed with sesame oil'. D From Skt. karTra- 'the shoot of a bamboo' (MW:255b). karufi* (n., fem.) a female mythical bird L POU 'nom.propr. regis avium'. F Norn.Pl. karufin. T ♦Norn.Pl. 301 a6. D From Skt. garzu;li-, equivalent of supan:zf' a (female) large bird of prey' (MW:348c, 1227c). karu{elfl (adj.) 'of Garu9a' F Obl.Sg.Masc. karufe1.n. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 35 b6 (ka)rute1.11 klafzk yetura(>)/1/ 'having adorned the riding animal ofGaru9a'. D Derived from karut* or karufe*, borrowed from Skt. Garw)a- 'name ofa mythical bird' (MW:348c), 'name ofa Yak~a' (BHSD:210b). Karu!zaprabhe (PN, masc.) Karul)aprabha, name ofa god F Nom.Sg. karuiwprabhe. T ♦Nom.Sg. 344 b2 karw:zaprabhe 11kat triiti[ka}M 'the god Kam1Japrabha says'. D From Skt. Karw1i.iprabha* (cf. MW:255b). karrt!zapraliip* (N, masc.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 12 syllables 5/7) F Loc.Sg. karuuaprali.ipw11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 401 b6!, 116 a6!.

    97 D

    karma path Borrowed from Skt. karu11a-pralapa-*, cf. karn11a- 'compassion' and especially 'name of a particular tone (in music)' (MW :255c ), pralapa- 'talk, discourse, lamentation' (MW:689b).

    kare (n., masc.) 'worth, merit, dignity' (Skt. pwzya-) F Nom./Obl.Sg. kare. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 463 a5 bairn pul)yaq1 prasaveta • [m}a(k) [ka]re tma,sitar 'he would produce great merit'. D Probably loan from TB kare. Ultimately related to *kar in ► kiir-parii1t1, match of TB kare-perne. karel (11., masc.) 'laughter' (Uigh. kiilcirmak) L JWP 'laughter'. F Obl.Sg. karel. T ♦ Obl.Sg. YQ I.9 a2 sla tsark karel 'with (lute-)music and laughter (Uigh. zr iini)', b3 karel tsarkassal 'with music and laughter (Uigh. tr oyun kiilcirmak)', THT 2462 b5. D Related to ► karay-. R Previous translation as 'drum, tambour' by Pinault (I 990: 174), also by HILM:86. For the translation 'laughter' see also Thomas ( 1991: 18, n. 54-55). For the Uigh. parallels, see Geng - Klimkeit ( 1988a: I 06, I 07). karel!ji* (adj.) 'laughing' F Obl.Sg.Fem. karel.5inat.n. T ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. THT 1149 a3 swa1ya111 kare[l.5}(inar11 wasenyo) 'with a sweet, laughing (voice)'. D Derived from ► karel. karo{apii{1i* (n., masc.) name of a class of divine beings F Norn.Pl. karofapa1Jifi. T ♦Nom.Pl. 183 al kar[o]fapii1J(ifi). D Borrowed from Skt. karota-pii1Ji- 'n. of a class of yak$aS who act as guards of the gods' (BHSD:169b), lit. 'holding a cup (skull) in the hand'. R Revised reading of the manuscript (TS:92 kar. t. pa[! .}Ill). karke (n., masc.) '(small) branch' [Cf. B karak*] L POU 'ramus', TEB II 'Zweig'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. karke, Abl.Sg. karkeya.5, All.Pl. karkesac, Abl.Pl. karkesa(i.


    ♦Nom.Sg. 91 b I priya1igu .5tamis karke 'a branch of the perfumed cherry tree'; ♦ Obl.Sg. THT 2460 b3 /// k(a)rke e111tsa//l; ♦Abl.Sg. 91 a4 (ka)rkeya.5 pyapyai'i swine 'flowers rain from the branch'; ♦All.Pl. 92 b6 //Int karkesac; ♦ Abl.Pl. 145 b2 esas karkesa.5.

    kar{1iidlzare* (n., masc.) 'helmsman, pilot' (Skt. paraga-) L VTW 'Steuermann, Fahrmann'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. kar11adhare111. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 246 bl-2!. D Loan from Skt. karuadhara- 'helmsman, pilot, sailor, seaman' (MW:256b), compare karuadharaka- 'helmsman' (BHSD: 170a). R Translation of VA V 11.32 (Hartmann 1987:107-108). Kartlikiir (N, masc.) Kan:iikara, name of a tree L POU 'nomen arboris'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kar11ikar. T ♦Nom.Sg. I 08 a2 kar11ikar fiom ,stam 'a tree named Kan:iikara'; ♦ Obl.Sg. 91 b3 kar1Jikar ,ftanlis. D From Skt. karizikara- 'Pterospernmm acerifolium' (MW:257b). Kar{ie (PN, masc.) Karl)a, name ofa prince F Nom.Sg. karue. T ♦Nom.Sg. 118 b3: suddhoda111 nu karlJe oki m~·apantit.n (ie.5 'but Suddhodana was a member of the reigning order (i.e., k$atriya) like Karl)a'. D From Skt. KarlJa 'n. of a king of Anga' (MW:256b). kardam* (n., masc.) 'mud, slime, mire' F lnstr.Sg. kardamyo. T ♦Instr.Sg. PK.NS.3 bl-2!. D Loan from Skt. kardama- 'mud, slime, mire' (MW:258a). R To be restored according to Huard Laclavetine Pinault (2022). karmapatlz (n., a.) 'course of action' L POU 'fons actionis, via actionis', VTW 'Handlungsweise, Weg der (guten) Werke'. F Obl.Sg. karmapath, Obi.Pl. karmapathas, karmapatantu. S karmapath katk- 'transgress the Karmapatha'.


    karmapay T



    ♦ Obl.Sg. 292 b7 karmapath katkiil(uneyaf!) 'from transgressing the Karmapatha', YQ N.5 a4; ♦ Obi.Pl. (karmapathas) 307 al sak karmapathas ... (piip.yu .yeh· 'he had been observing the ten Karmapathas'; (karmapatantu) YQ N.5 a5 siik kar111apatantu ktankiintra 'they transgress the ten Karmapathas'. From Skt. karmapatha- 'course of action' (BHSD:170b), 'Handlungsweise' (SWTF ll:31a). For the restoration of292 b7 and 307 al see Pinault ( l 999a:224-5).

    karmapiiy (n., fem.) Karmavacana, name of the Buddhist ritual [B karmapiiy] L POU 'actionis custos', Couvreur (1959) 'texte de la Karmavacana', ADAMS 'Karmavacana' (B karmapiiy), VTW 'N. eines buddh. Textes'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. karmapiiy, All.Sg. karmapiiyac. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. THT 3738.c al; ♦All.Sg. 371 a3 yasaku(p)t(e) karmapiiyac iiu prc[ch]a(ntu)//1. D Via MI from Skt. karmaviicii-, equivalent to Skt. karmaviicanii- 'the stating of the matter that has been moved in the assembly of monks or nuns' (BHSD: 171a). R See Hartel (1956). karmaploti (n., fem.) 'webs ofkarman' L POU 'actionis inundatio', Pinault (1997b) 'Faden des Karman'. F Obl.Sg. karmaploti. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 255 b4 yugariija-abhieek karmaploti : yiimael 'you have performed the consecration as crown prince and the webs of karman'. D From Skt. karmaploti- 'action-(binding) cord' (BHSD:395b). On this concept, referring to the weavings of past deeds and their present and future effects, see Salomon (2018:207). karmaviickii1ic* (n., fem.) female Karmavacaka, master of ceremony L VTW 'Verhandlungsfiihrerin'. F Gen.Sg. karmaviickii12ce, karmawiickiiiice. T ♦ Gen.Sg. (karmaviickiiiice) 414 al-2 · tma.y karmaviickiiiice trankal · 'then it must be said by the female



    Karmavacaka', a4-5 id.; (karmawiickiiFice) 414 bl. Feminine derivative of A *karmaviicak, borrowed from Skt. *karmaviicaka'speaker of the ritual'. A *karmaviicak corresponds to B karmaviicake*, from the same source, which is attested as Gen.Sg. karmaviicaf!1kentse in B 330 b3 (with intrusive -111- due to scribal error). Not from Skt. *karmaviicanaka- as per ADAMS:152. Cf. Hartel (1956:104, 114).

    kal* (n., masc.) 'guide, leader' F Norn.Pl. kala,1111. T ♦Norn.Pl. 411 b4! ka/a1J1ii tiikeiic tri iiemi(ntu) 'the three jewels will be the guides ( for you)'. D Derivative of the verb ► kiilii- 'lead, bring'. R This line has been for long segmented differently, cf. POU: I 79, s.u. paskala[1.n]ii. After the lacuna, the reading of pa is nearly certain. Therefore it is excluded to take this form as a spelling of maskal, from maskii-. Before kalm11ii, -pas can be the end of the oblique plural of a substantive ending in p, for example ► stiip 'praise' or ► rup 'figure', belonging to the preceding sentence. kalavilik (n.) 'cuckoo' L POU 'passer', VTW 'der indische Kuckuck'. F Obl.Sg. kalavilik. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 377 a5 (iiakc)inas kumcas kesiir :Hska.ssi kalavink lwes $Gearkusii171 bram12aktenii1.n wasenyo 'with Brahma's voice, surpassing the divine drums, the Kesarin lions and the Kalavi11ka bird'. D From Skt. kalavi1ika- 'the Indian cuckoo' (BHSD: 172b ). kalam (n., masc.) 'writing stylus' F Nom.Sg. kaliim. T ♦Nom.Sg. gl.SHT 1761 kalii111 oki akats 'pointed like a writing stylus'. D From Skt. kalama- 'a reed for writing with' (MW:260c). R See Malzahn (2007b:310). kali* (adj.) 'of death, of destruction' F Obl.Sg.Masc. kali111. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 375 a2.


    99 D Adjective derived from a loan of Skt. kali- 'destruction, discord' (MW:26lc). kalbikaspars (n., masc.) 'touching of the Kalinga textile' L POU'?', VTW 'Bez. ftir eine hlibsche Frau'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kalinkaspars. T ♦Nom.Sg. 153 bl siim nu wiiskii[iic} kalifikaspars tsiniitsi ,~e.J 'but this laywoman was [like] a Kalinga textile to touch'; ♦Obl.Sg. 189 a4. D Apparently from Skt. kiilitiga-sparsa-* 'touching ofKalinga'. Skt. kiilinga- refers to a coverlet made of a textile material, which is considered as soft and pleasant to touch (BHSD: 18 la). kalfyiik (n., masc.) Kaliyuga, the Kali age [B kaliyuk*] L POU 'kaliyuga, aetas ferrea, quarta aetas mundi'. F Obl.Sg. kaliyiik. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 214 a6 kiiliyuk pra~·tar11 'in the Kaliyuga epoch'. D From Skt. kaliyuga- 'name of the last and worst of the four ages' (MW:262a). kalp* (n., masc.) 'kalpa, world age' [B kiilp] L POU 'kalpa, dies Brahmae', TEB II 'Kalpa, Weltzeitalter'. F Gen.Sg. kalpis, Loc.Sg. kalpm11, Obi.Pl. kalpas, Gen.Pl. kalpassi, Instr.Pl. kalpasyo, Loe.Pl. kalpsaf!1. S Often coordinated with ► asmf1klte. T ♦ Gen.Sg. 329 bl, THT 1458 a2, THT 1678.b al; ♦Loc.Sg. 347 a3 som kalpar11 'in one single kalpa'; ♦Obi.Pl. 313 b5 flJ' asaf!1khes kiint kalpas 'three asaipkhyeyas and a hundred kalpas'; ♦ Gen.Pl. 436 a4; ♦ Instr.Pl. 54 al tmiis,~ aci kalpasyo 'from then, through kalpas'; ♦ Loe.Pl. 18 al tri asa111khes kiint kalpsa,71 'in three asarpkhyeyas and a hundred kalpas', 49 a2 sne-yiirm kalpsaf!1 'in innumerable kalpas', 62 a4 try sat11khesm11 kiint kalpsa,11, 118 b5 id., 2 I 8 a6 id., 289 a3 [kii}nt kalpsm.n, YQ 11.7 a3 sne-yiirm siiwes kalpsa111 'in innumerable great kalpas', YQ II.13 a7 (siik)siik kalpsa111 'in sixty kalpas'. D From Skt. kalpa- 'world age' (BHSD: 172b ).

    kalpavrkii!j* (n., a.) 'kalpa tree, wishing tree' L POU 'arbor kalpa', TEB II 'Wunschbaum'. F Norn.Pl. kalpavrksiintu, Loe.Pl. kalpavrk~·iintwa111. T ♦Norn.Pl. 2 a4!; ♦Loe.Pl. 2 a3. D From Skt. kalpa-vrksa- 'Wunschbaum' (SWTF II:38a). kalpa.~i (adj.) 'belonging to several world ages' L POU 'ad kalpa pertinens'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kalpasi. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 278 b2 siiksiik stwariik kalpa.Ji .Jtare 'the effort of sixty [and] forty Kai pas'. D Derived from the plural of ► kalp. -kalp-1iomum* (adj.) 'having the name «-kalpa»' L POU 'nomen kalpa habens'. F Obl.Sg.Fem. kalp-iiomwnit11. T ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 330 b2 /l/kalp-nomumil11 piirkri pra(.yt)//1 'a long period named «Kalpa»'. D End of a compound containing ► kalp as first member, ► 1iom as second member, plus possessive suffix. kalp!ji (adj.) 'pertaining to a world age' F Obl.Sg.Masc. kalpsinii111. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 329 b2 sol kalp,~inii171 yantriiyo 'life (is governed) by the machinery of a world age'. D Derived from ► kalp, cf. ► kalpa!ji. kalyiitfl (adj.) 'good, advantageous, beautiful, noble' L VTW 'schon, gut, vorzliglich, edel'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kalyii1.11. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 386 a4-5 kalyiit.n wiis 'noble gold'. D From Skt. kaly[11:za- 'beautiful, agreeable' (MW:263b). kalyana-gautambic* (adj.) 'related to Kalyal)agautama' F Obi.Pl.Masc. kalyiinagautami111nciis. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. YQ I.IO b7!. D Apparently derived from a name, from Skt. Kalyaiza-gautama-*. kas (n.) 'counting, number, count, sum' [B kes] L POU 'numerus', TEB II 'Zahl'. F Obl.Sg. kas, kasii, Perl.Sg. kasa, Loc.Sg. kasa111, Norn.Pl. kasaii.


    kasal S



    sne-kas 'countless (Skt. asarr1khyeya-)', kas tii- + obi. 'consider sth. ', kas iik- + obi. 'pay attention to sth. ', kasa111 ya-+ gen. 'be counted among sth.'. ♦Obl.Sg. (kmi) 19 b2sne-kas, 51 al id., 56 b5 kas tiiluneyo, 62 b I sne-kas, 70 a I mii kas tora,s, a3 mii ... $fare kas wiilyi 'I will not pay attention to the effort', 74 a3 mii kas wiiwora.5, 90 a6 /l/(sne)-yarm kas, 214 bl + YQ II.I b4 mii ka.s: tora.5, 224 b7 sne-kas', 239 a3 id., 267 + 268 a>b5 kalymeyii kas tii(lune)III (Skt. samyaksaf!1kalpa-), 270 b5 sne-kas, 320 b7 (sne)yiirm sne ka.s:, 324 b2 mii kas tiise, 347 al t.5ak .s:kwn kas tii.yal, 377 a4 sne-kas, YQ 1.2 a3 tmis mem kas yiirm mii na.5, YQ Il.6 b3 kas tora0, YQ lII.9 b8 sne-mem snekas, THT 1411.e a2; (kasii) gl.SHT 2053; ♦ Perl.Sg. THT 1519 a5; ♦Loc.Sg. 270 a3 kasaf!1\, 273 a4 asatr1 nu ak5ar akyris kasa111 yii.5 'which script then is counted as (appropriate) script?', THT 1417.c b3; ♦Norn.Pl. 330 a2 kasan maskantra, a3 id. CT noun, see HILM:137, ADAMS:212. There is no cogent basis for setting up a derivative kassik, as adverb meaning 'near', as per Sieg (1952: 13), Couvreur ( 1955/56:76), analyzed as kassi-k by HILM: 108. In 79 a4, one can read and segment safely lok assi-k, see under ► assi.

    kasal I) (prev.), 2) (adv.) I) 'together', 2) 'together' L Sieg(l944)'zusammen',POU 'coniuncte, coniunctim'. S ka.fo/ tsawii- 'join together', kasal malkii'join together', kasal ya- 'come together'. T ♦ !) (prev.) 11 b5 cesam nii$ wii kasal tswiisam, 11 b6 kasal malkam-am, 12 bl kasal malkii(nt), 12 a5 ka.fol yenc; ♦2) (adv.) 155 a4 waco.5 kasa(l) 'fighting together', 277 b4 pliintiF1c kasal, 251 b7 (metrakna)c kasa/ (sm)i(mas) 'may we come together with Maitreya', 254 b5 kiipiien kiipiieii yakso.y kasal slamyo wanto,s tska111santra 'lovers [and] lovers, clinging together, are burned surrounded by flames', 367 bl, THT 1135 al, THT 1408.h b2!, THT 2239 al, THT 3359 bl. D Possibly related to ► kas. kasm;i (adj.) 'of numbers' L POU 'numeri'.

    F T


    Obl.Sg.Masc. kasa.5i. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 18 a2-3 ga(11ita)sthii110i171 kasa.5i lame kiirsniil 'one should understand [the word] ofGm)itasthana [as] a place of numbers'. Derived from ► kas.

    -kasom* ►parno-kasom* kas'si (adj.) 'hungry' [B kescye] L POU 'esuriens', TEB II 'hungrig'. F Nom.Sg. kassi, Norn.Pl. kassin. T ♦Nom.Sg. 13 al ka.s:si yokaF1i palkiit cesam amoktses 'hungry and thirsty he saw these artisans', 105 b5 kassi yokaiii, 340 a4, 341 a6; ♦Norn.Pl. 341 a4 kkm.'sin. D Derived from ► ka!jt. R In 341 a4, kkassin ought to be a misspelling for kassin, see TS: 188, n. 1; note that the preceding word ends with -k, followed by a viriima. ka!j (n., masc.) 'fathom, arm span' [B ke.5e] (Skt. vyiima-) L POU 'terni cubiti', TEB II 'Klafter'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. ka:f, lnstr.Sg. ka,syo, Obi.Pl. ka,rns. T ♦Nom.Sg. 144 a2?; ♦Obl.Sg. THT 2408 a3; ♦lnstr.Sg. 213 a2 + YQ II.4 b8 kos-ne ka$yO [ta}pref!Z kapsinno 'with his height equal to its arm span'; ♦ Obi.Pl. 4 a5 pan kant ka:fas kros maskatar 'the krosa-plant is five hundred fathoms in size'. D CT noun. Possibly loan from Iranian (see Tremblay 2005:425, ADAMS:213); alternative etymology by HILM: 137-138. ka!jt (n., masc.) 'hunger, famine' [B kest] L POU 'fames', TEB II 'hunger'. F Nom.Sg. ka0t, ka$l, Obl.Sg. ka.5t, lnstr.Sg. ka:jtyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. (ka.5!) 147 a4 (s)w(a)seyis ka1:5·tiiluneyii ypeyalfz ka:ff piikar n(a)[1r1} 'due to the lack of rain famine appears in the country'; (ka.5t) 154 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg. 344 b4 ka:f! yokeyo 'by hunger and thirst', 320 a5 id.; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 154 a5, 340 a7 ka,styo iis{L5 'desiccated by hunger', THT 1380.j a2, THT 1308.a b2. ka!j-swiilice,!t* (n., fem.) 'a ray which is a fathom wide' L POU 'aureola, mandorla', TEB 11 'klafterbreiter Strahl'. F Instr.Pl. ka:j-swiinceniisyo.

    kakmartune~i *

    101 T


    ♦ Instr.Pl. 22 a5 : pariwe:J yiimu k0111-1zkatt oki ka~·-swii1zceniisyo wo(rpu} 'like the sun, having produced a halo, surrounded by rays which are a fathom wide'. Compound containing ► swii1ice1t1 as second member.

    Kasaniik* (PN, masc.) Kasanaka, name of a painter or writer L POU 'nom.propr.'. F Gen.Sg. kasaniiki. T ♦ Gen.Sg. 127 a3 \pekant kasaniiki tsa(ryo)III, 142 a5 /ll(pra)[cr]i kas[a]niiki [tsa],yo ·. D Probably borrowed from Sanskrit, with niika- or niiga- as second member. kiika- ► kenkiikmart (n., masc.) 'master, chiet: sovereign' [B kamarto*] L Sieg(l944:18)'Herrschaft',POU 'maiestas, summa potestas', VTW 'Herrschaft, Oberhaupt', Pinault (2002b:262) 'master, sovereign'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kiikmart, Loc.Sg. kiikmarta1?1. T ♦Nom.Sg. 15 a2 poiicaq1 ypeya111 kiikmart palliimtra 'in all the country we are praised as master', I 06 b5 mii 1111 iiymii kiikmart 11a.ya111 'there is no master over the self', b6; ♦Obl.Sg. 40 a3?, 71 b4 (tii~·a)m kiikmart wlalune '(if) death becomes their master', b5 liiiicitJ1 kiikmart mii kulypal 'there is no longing for a royal sovereign', 271 a5 ///(kii)[k]mart yiitlune; ♦ Loc.Sg. 349 b4 kiikmarta111.yt1110//I. D Loan from Bactr. kamirdo (Kaµipoo) 'chief', which is directly reflected by B kamarto*, underlying B kamartiiiiiie, according to Pinault (2002b:263-264). According to Dragoni (2021 :47-48), rather borrowed from Proto-Khotanese *kamardu (> Old Khot. kamala-). The form *kiimart has been remade as kiikmart under the influence of the root kiik-, cf. kiika-, Subj. stem of ► ken-. kiikmart!ji* (adj.) 'pertaining to a master' L POU 'maiestaticus, maiestatis'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. kiikmart:Jinii1.n. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 71 b3 kiikmart.yina111 iimiinyo ypantrii\ 'because of masterly pride (the rulers) do (terrible things)'. D Derived from ► kiikmart.

    kiikmiirtik (n., masc.) 'ruler, master' [B kamart{t)ike] (Skt. tiiyin-) L POU 'maiestatem ferrens, imperator, princeps', TEB II 'Herrscher'. F Nom.Sg. kiikmartik, Obl.Sg. kiikmiirtikii111, Gen.Sg. kiikmiirtilcyiip, Norn.Pl. kiikmartikiiii, Obi.Pl. kiikmartikiis. S kiikmartik + perl. 'master over sth. '. T ♦Nom.Sg. 21 a2 stwar dvipiintwii kiikmartik 'master over the four continents', 71 aljambudvipii kiikmiirtik, 97 a3 siikiis riyii kiikmiirtik, a6 /1/ypeyii kiik(m)iirtik, 297 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg. 17 a4-5 puk miirkam{paliintwii) kiikmiirtikii111, YQ III.4 a4 mi.yisii kiikmiirtikiil!l 'the overseer over the fields'; ♦Gen.Sg. 354 a I (su)riimantu mii miiskatrii kiik(miirtikyiip) (Skt. Udv IV.7 = PrMoSu V.6 sokii na bhavanti tiiyino hy); ♦Norn.Pl. 310 a2; Obi.PL PK.NS. I b I : kiikmiirtikiis wrassassal tiii wac kuiiiis lkiitiir kule .yurma~· :; ♦ fgm. THT 2050 a3 kiikmii(rt .). D CT borrowing from Bactr. kamirdigo* 'master' (Pinault 2002b:262). kiikmiirtune (n., a.) 'rulership, sovereignty' [B kamart(t)iiiiiie*] (Skt. iidhipatya-) L POU 'dignitas principis, maiestas'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kiikmiirtune, Abl.Sg. kiikmiirttuneyii.y. T ♦Nom.Sg. 11 a5-6!, 386 b4; ♦ Obl.Sg. 244 a4 puk miirkampaltwii poiicii111 piilskii (yiimii).yt {s)p(ii)lunt kiikmartune 'you have established superior dominion over all laws [and] over all thought', 280 a5, 409 b I; ♦Abl.Sg. 386 b3 · iitmiidhipatyajii · :Jiii iiiiciim kiikmiirttuneyii.y : tatmu :. D Abstract derived from ► kiikmart. R For the restoration of 11 a5-6, see Sieg (1944:14, n.10). kiikmiirtmie!Ji* (adj.) 'of a dominion' L POU 'maiestatis'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. kiikmiirt11ne.yitJ1. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 71 b31//(ote tii)pre1J1 liiiiciissi kiikmiirtune:JilJ1 trekeyis empelune '(oh, what) an awesomeness that comes from the aberration of dominion of the kings!'. D Derived from ► kiikmiirtune.



    (CDIAL: 153a). This noun occurs in lists of auspicious signs (.yotre = Skt. laksana-) which are visible on the body of the Buddha (see especially 24 b I). Among the symbols which are recorded in various lists one finds grains, like the barley (yava-), cf. Skilling (1992:13[E23] and I 996:22[F I 4]); sec also Couvreur (I 946:598-60 I).

    klikropu-kiiswoneyum (adj.) 'provided with

    gathered virtues' L VTW 'einer, der gute Taten gehauft hat'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kakropu-kaswoneyum. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 214 b2 YQ II.I b5. D Compound containing the PPrt. of ► kropa- and ► kiiswone, plus possessive suffix. kiiklune (n., a.) 'calling' F lnstr.Sg.Masc. kakluneyo.

    T D

    ♦ lnstr.Sg.Masc.

    456 b4. Derived from kaka-, Subj. stem of

    kiic* (n., fem.) 'skin, hide'


    ► ken-.

    kii1ik* (n., fem.) 'Ganges river'(?) [B Ga,ik]

    L F T

    POU '?', VTW 'wohl Bez. einer Waffe'. Norn.Pl. ka,ikan. ♦Norn.Pl. 264 a2 Isa nari kalikan wasir.y.yan : ' ... Ganges rivers made of diamonds'. D From Skt. Galiga- 'Ganges', otherwise occurring in the form Galik (TB Ga1ik), see ► Gmik. R Judging by the form of the adjective ► wa§inji the preceding substantive ought to be feminine, which indicates that it should reflect, if ever borrowed, a feminine Sanskrit noun. The following pada lists various types of riding animals: horses, elephants, etc. The segmentation of this line is admittedly uncertain. The noun kalik* was set up by SSS:104 (§ 152c ), without gloss. The notion of some kind of weapon does not lead to any hint. If one includes the preceding item, one would conceive a kind of metaphorical compound narikalika,1 'Ganges as rivers', the first term beeing the loan via MI from Skt. nadz'river' (MW: 526a). Some relation with na(fi- 'tubular stalk of any plant, any hole or crevice' (MW: 534b) is also thinkable.

    kii1ik11k (n., masc.) 'designation of an auspicious

    sign on the body of the Buddha' L POU'?', Sieg (1944:28) 'ein g!llckbringendes Zeichen', VTW 'Fennich, Hirse, viell. auch ein GHickssymbol'. F Nom.Sg. kalikuk, Jnstr.Sg. kalikukyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. 24 bl; ♦lnstr.Sg. 429 b4. D From Skt. ka,iguka- 'a kind of Panic seed' (MW:242c) or kaliguka 'a kind of corn'





    Couvreur (1947: 126a) 'die als Decke zubereitete Tierhaut', VTW 'vie!. Fell', HILM 'skin, hide'. Instr.Sg. kacyo. ♦ Instr.Sg. 147 b4 y(p)es(w11t,)ena1_n ka[c]yo epunt y.yitstseya,71 lmont: 'sitting in a cell, covered with the skin of a tigress'. The idea of a loan from Skt. kaca'hair' (MW:242c) does not seem likely, since this noun refers especially to the hair of the head. See HILM:58-59.

    kiicke (n., a.) 'joy, happiness' (Skt. autsukya-)

    L F S T

    POU 'desiderium, cupiditas', TEB JI 'Freude'. Nom./Obl.Sg. kacke, Jnstr.Sg. kackeyo, All.Sg. kackeyac, Obi.Pl. kackentu. kacke ar- 'evoke happiness', kacke tiim'generate joy'. ♦Nom.Sg. 2 b6, 24 a4 (tsopats) k(a)cke palska,11 tamt-a111 'great joy arose in his mind', 67 b4 ll/(tso)pats kacke katak 'great joy rose up', 122 b2 tsopats kacke, b3, 294 a5?, 386 al-2: autsukya · kacke ·, YQ 1.9 b2 wrasassi kacke tamat; ♦ Obl.Sg. 23 bl sla-kacke, 70 b5 kacky arsantas, 82 a3? (pa)lskes kacke, I 07 a5 (ta)myo tiii tma kacke ar.yal, b I kacky arassi, 117 a5 sla-kacke, ! 49 a2 !, 2 I 7 a4 piik kacke parsac, 256 b2 tsma, kacke planto 'he creates joy and delight', 277 b3 kaclcy arsantra, 292 a8 (tsopa)ts kacke planto tmcil11.ya11t 'generating great pleasure and delight', 299 b7 kacke [p}a(1)s(a)r, 321 a5, 378 al palskes kacke; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 20 b I, 145 a5 suk kackeyo planta,tr arinc 'the heart is gladdened by happiness and joy', 217 a4, 254 a6 tsmont kackeyo, 262 a4, 266 + 276 b>a5, 299 b6 tsopatsa111 kackeyo, 3 12 a2, 313 a6 wsokone kacke y[o}, YQ 1.2 a7, YQ l.8 bl tampewatsa111



    kackeyo, YQ I.9 bl, YQ 11.3 al, YQ 11.14 a8 ///[k]ackeyo katkma111 11a111tsu; All.Sg. 5 b6-6 a I! ♦ Obi.Pl. 145 a2 s,,kuntu kackentu arii.ylis (m)osa111. D Connected with ► kiitk-. R In 5 b6-6 a I, it is safer to restore kac(keya)c; the restoration of ka{mj(inya)c as proposed with some doubt by Sieg (1944:9, n. 2) and diseussed in TEB II:20, n. 11 has no basis in the manuseript. See Pinault (CHREST:254, 258). kiiccap* (n., masc.) 'turtle, tortoise' [B kaccap]

    (Skt. kiirma-) POU 'testudo', TEB II 'Schildkri:ite'. F Norn.Pl. kaccapi, Obi.Pl. kaccapiis. T ♦Norn.Pl. 301 a6; ♦ Obi.Pl. 437 b6!, 461 + 465 a5!; ♦ fgm. 181 al /1/lyma,_n kacc[ajlll. D From Skt. kacchapa- 'turtle, tortoise' (MW:242c). R For the restoration of 461 + 465 a4, see Couvreur ( 1967: 161 ).


    kiiccape1t1 (adj.) 'of a turtle'

    L F T

    D R

    POU 'testudinis'. Nom./Obl.Sg.Mase. kaccapef/1. ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 43 + 52 b4 ///kaccaperr1 n[aj0t kakmurii.5 'having taken the shell of a turtle'. Derived from ► kiiccap. See Pinault(2015f:l47-148, 152, 158159).

    kiltak* (n., masc.) 'master of the house,

    householder' [B kattake] (Skt. grhastha-, grhin-) L VTW 'Hausherr'. F Norn.Pl. katkaii, Gen.Pl. katkassi, katkasi, katka.b3, 313 al, a4, YQ 11.12 b8, YQ III.2 a8, YQ III.I I b3, b6!, THT 1643.I al orto kiikiitku, THT 2472 b2, THT 3370 a 1!, PK.NS.4 b4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 150 b5, 385 b4-5; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 149 a2, 153 b4;

    ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. ♦Abs.

    256 b3, YQ lll.5 b8; Abl.Sg. 12 b6-13 al, THT 1643.d

    a2!. D Cf. ► kiitklmze. R For the Uigh. parallel see Peyrot (2010: I 34 ). The restoration of the Prs. MP 3Pl. kiitcilikiintar in 259 a>b3, as per Geng - Laut - Pinault (2004b:45, 49) is obsolete, see Itkin - Malyshev (2021 :56). kiitkiisi adj.) 'causing to laugh, rejoicing'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kiitkiisi. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. gl.SHT 1098b (= Skt. hiisyaprek5i 'wanting to make laugh'). D Related to ► kiitk- 'rejoice'; possibly kiitk-iisi for kiitk-iissi with kiitak*, the equivalent of B kiitke*, the basis of katkauna (WW). R See Malzahn (2007b:305). kiitkune (n., a.) 'householdership' L JWP 'householdership'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kiitkune, kiitkune-k. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (kiitkune) 163 bl!, 267 + 268 + 1380.b b>a7-8, YQ II.12 bl, THT 1382.j b2; (kiitkzme-k) YQ 11.12 b I kiitkune-k 1111 e111tsiiJtar 'he takes the status of a householder'. D Abstract derived from ► kiitak*. kiitkune!Ji* (adj.) 'of a householdership' L POU 'natura patris familias'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. kiitkuneJit11. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 304 b2 /ll(piica)r pracar: akaf!ltsune yiitlune kiitkune.yif!Z kiir-para111 'father, brother, property, power, and the dignity of a householder'. D Derived from ► kiitkune. kiitke,!t (adj.) 'pertaining to a householder' L POU 'patris familias'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kiitke,.n, Obi.Pl.Fem. kiitkeniis. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 263 a>b2 kiitke111 yii{t)/(1me) 'the ability of a householder'; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 138 a5. D Derived from ► kiitak*. kiitklune (n., a.) 'rising' F Nom./Obl.Sg. kiitklzme, Loc.Sg. kiitk!uneyaw T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ N.4 b3; ♦Obl.Sg. 38 b6?, YQ 1.7 a6; ♦Loc.Sg. 385 a3. D Abstract derived from ► kiitka-.



    (PN, fem.) Qatun, name of a Uighur lady L POU 'nom.propr.?' F Nom./Obl.Sg. kiittw11. T ♦Nom.Sg. 302 b8 · seri kiitt11111 tarmots liira[t] - - - - - - kin.ii eliik parno iikkiic, 303 a6 /1/oppatyuti seri kiittwJ1 larmots liirat hkhutte111 wiim niicci elii(k)\, IOL Khot Wood 65 al; ♦Obl.Sg. MG I a3. D From Uigh. xatzm, qatun 'Konigin, Gattin' (ATG:336a), xa:tun 'lady' (CLAUSON:602b). R The same name is also attested under the form ► hklu1tw11. For the passage IOL Khot Wood 65, see Ching (2019:10-14).


    Katy(7yane (PN, masc.) Katyayana, name of a disciple of the Buddha L POU 'nom.propr.', VTW 'N.pr. eines Weisen'. F Nom.Sg. kiityiiyane. T ♦Nom.Sg. 340 b6 : kiiru11yo kiityiiya11e we11ii 'because of pity Katyayana said'. D From Skt. Kiityiiyana 'N. eines Monchs' (SWTF II:44b). kli11ikaF1c (n., fem.) 'girl, virgin' L POU 'puella, virgo', VTW 'Madchen, Jungfrau'. F Nom.Sg. kiinikiiiic, Obl.Sg. kiinikiiiica111, Com.Sg. kiinikiinciinass'iil, Obi.Pl. kanikiinciis, Gen.Pl. kiinikiinciissi. T ♦Nom.Sg. 112 b4 kiinikiilic somif/1; ♦ Obl.Sg. 112 b6; ♦Com.Sg. 119 a4!, 220 b3!; ♦Obi.Pl. 15 b2 II rupavii,.n spiilme111 spiilunt kiinikiinciis k,,lewiis ampiit~il/1 yiitluneyo (lyutiir kii)tkiismii111 ni,)pal kropniit II 'Rupavan kept gathering


    possession(s), while giving pleasure to the most beautiful girls [and] women through the capability of his beauty'; ♦ Gen.Pl. THT 3348 b I /1/(kiini)kiiiiciissi kiiriim/1/. Based on a form TA kiinyak*, borrowed from Skt. kanyakii- 'girl, maiden, virgin, daughter' (MW:249a, SWTF II: 19a), extended by the feminine suffix -iii"ic.

    kapa- (vb.) 'come to a boil, surge up, be excited, be greedy' [B kiiwa-, kawii1in-] L POU'?', COU, TEB II 'begehrlich sein', HILM 'crave, want', TVS 'well up; be greedy'. P (itr.) Prs. kapa-, Subj. kiipa-, Prt. kiipa-.


    Opt.Act. 3Sg. kiipi$, Subj.V Act. 3Sg. kiipa.5-ii1J1, Prt.l Act. 3Sg. kiipar.

    ♦ Opt.Act. 3Sg. 9 a4!; ♦Subj.Act. 3Sg. YQ 1.7 bl omiil ysiir ,5wikac kiipa.5-ii1J1 'hot blood will rise to his throat'; ♦Prt.Act. 3Pl. 132 b2, 340 a3 s[wii]tsi,5y iikiilyo kiipar ymiir 'in their wish for food they soon became full of greed'. D Cf. ► k(tplune*. R On the segmentation of 132 b2, see POU:239 and Siegling's personal copy (TS:71 ). In 9 a4-5, the final sibilant has been lost in sandhi with the initial sibilant of the next word. The optative is used here with potential value (TEB I: 182, § 3 I 1.3). See the translation and further discussion of the latter passage under


    ► kip.

    kapar, kavar (n., masc.) 'morsel, bite-size piece' [B kiipar] L POU 'plenum 6s (Mundvoll)', VTW 'Bissen'. F Obl.Sg. kiipiir, Nom.Pl. kaviire, Obi.Pl. kiipiiriis.


    D R

    ♦ Obl.Sg.

    YQ 111.8 a4; ♦Norn.Pl. SHT 1098b.rl k(a)viire oki 'like morsels'; ♦ Obi.Pl. 155 b5 l//kiint pat kiipiiriis tiipa,1· 'or he will eat a hundred morsels'. Via MI from Skt. kavar;fa- 'morsel, mouthful' (BHSD:174a). For SHT 1098b.rl, see Peyrot (2014:140141).

    kapalik (n., masc.) Kapalika, a certain Saiva ascetic L POU 'kapalik', TEB II 'kapalika'. F Norn.Pl. kiipiilikiili, Obi.Pl. kiipiilikiis. T ♦Norn.Pl. YQ I.I b4-5; ♦ Obi.Pl. 312 a7 kiipiilikiis ulukes tiipases nigranthiis parivriijkiisyo worpu~· 'surrounded by



    Kapalikas, Ulukas, Tapasas, Nirgranthas and Parivrajakas '. From Skt. kiipiilika- 'a kind of Saiva ascetic who carries a human skull and uses it as a receptacle for his food' (MW:27lb). In YQ I. I b4-5, revised reading for kii.yiilikiii'i (JWP).

    kap1i1111e (n., a.) 'love' L POU 'suavitas, amor', TEB II 'Liebe'.

    kapfie F





    Nom./Obl.Sg. kiipnune, Instr.Sg. kiipiiuneyo, Abl.Sg. kiipnuneyaJ·, Perl.Sg.

    kiipi'iuneyii. kiipnune ar- 'evoke love', kiipnune + loc. 'love for sb./sth.', twik kiipnune 'love' (binominal). ♦ Nom.Sg. THT 2470 a2! ♦ Obl.Sg. 5 a4 twi kiipnune arassi, 9 b6 twi kiip11une, 50 a4, 58 al tunk kiipiiune, 73 b2 cu 11iitkna111 iikiil wasaf!l kiip11u(ne) 'our desire and love for you the Lord', b4 puk wramna111 kiipiiune, 126 a2, a5 sniiky[e} kalpo kiipnune, 136 b4 [kii]pnune snii[/..y}(e), 325 a2 tunk kiipiiune, 428 bl, YQ Il.3 b5 piicar miicar:fil!l kiip1iune, THT 2383.i a 1 kiip11uny o(rtune)/1/; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 73 a4 wiikmatsa1.11 kiipnuneyo, 403 b>a7 sna.yil11 kiipnuneyo 'by the love for a wife', YQ N.5 b3 = 277 al; ♦ Abl.Sg. 102 a3!; ♦ Perl.Sg. 80 b>a3 ptii1ikta111 kiipl1uneyii 'out of love for the Lord Buddha', 90 a3 id., 126 al, YQ II.IS a7 klyomant 111etrakna111 kiipiiuneyii, YQ IIl.4 a8 {ptaiika)t kii.y.5ina111 kiipiiuneyii, THT 1895 a3. Abstract derived from ► kiip1ie.

    kiip1ie l) (adj.uni.), 2) (n.), 3) (n.), 2) (masc.), 3) (masc./fem.) I) 'loved, beloved', 2) 'love, devotion', 3) 'lover, beloved' L POU 'earns, amatus; amor deliciae', TEB II 'lieb, geliebt; Geliebte(r)'. F Obl.Sg. kiipiie, Gen.Sg. kiipiieyis, Instr.Sg. kiip1ieyo, Abl.Sg. kiipiieyii$, Com.Sg. kiipiieyassiil, Norn.Pl. kiipiieii, Obi.Pl. kiipiies, Gen.Pl. kiipiiessi. S I) kiipl1e kulypal 'a desired wish', 2) kiipiie yiim- 'love, show love'. T ♦ I) (adj.) 71 a4 mii l:fa111 kiipiie iilak wram IW:f 'there is no other thing here more beloved', 74 b3 kiipiie seya,~ na.y, 84 a2 kiipiie ku/ypal, 92 a2, 93 a2, a4, a5, b4, 99 al, a5, 106 bl id., 108 bl?, 146 al id., 327 b4?, 33 I a2, 434 b8, 341 b7, 356 b I kiipiie iiriiic, 395 a I kiipiie se, 407 a3 kiipiie iiriiic, YQ ll.6 a 1, PK.NS. I a4-b I

    mar k,,leyis mosal!l kiipiie sol nakiit; ♦2) ( n.) 14 b4 kiipiie yiimunt, 61 a 1 kiiru1?1 kiip11e ya/, 93 a5 kiipiie yiimu, I 06 a4?, 227/8 bS-6 kiipiie [p}Cv)[ii}\mtsiic; ♦ 3) Obl.Sg. 253 b6, b7; ♦ Gen.Sg. 160 b2; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 40 I b7; ♦ Abl.Sg. 92 a6 k,,yal tu na.y safrii.yt kiipiieya.y 'why did you

    separate me from my beloved?', b4; ♦ Com.Sg. 91 b5, b6!; ♦Norn.Pl. 254 b5; ♦ Obi.Pl. 14 a3!, 62 a2, 115 b2, 403 b>a5!; ♦ Gen.Pl. 369 a2! (Skt. priyiiniim). kiip1ie-km11* (N, fem.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 14 syllables 7/7) F Loc.Sg. kiipiie-kana111. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 355 b2. D Compound containing ► kiip1ie and ► km11.

    kiip1iy-li!ilifflts11m* (adj.) 'worthy oflove' L Pou 'amore dignus'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. kiip1iy-ii.yii111tsumant. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 106 b2. D Compound containing ► klip1ie and an adjective derived from ► li!ililfl. kiiplune* (n., a.) 'boiling' F Gen.Sg. kiipluneyis. T ♦ Gen.Sg. 387 b4 kiipluneyis lyope oki. D Abstract derived from ► kiipa-. kiima- ► piirklimadlziitu* (n., masc.) Kamadhatu, the sphere of desire F Loc.Sg. kiimadhiittwarr1. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 305 a5!, a6. D From Skt. kiimadhiitu- 'the world of desire' (BHSD: 177a). klimadlziitu#* (adj.) 'belonging to Kamadhatu' [B kiimadhiitu.y:je] F Nom.Pl.Masc. kiimadhiitu~·iiii, Obl.Pl.F em. kiimadhiitz1:fiiiiis. T ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 312 bl kii[ma}dhiitu.yiiii penu stwar liil!IS, YQ 11.7 b6

    kiimadhiifzi$iiii iiaktaii 1iakteii1iiiii; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 307 b5 .yak kiimadhiitu:jiniis 1iakcyiis w.yeiiiie(sa,!'I) 'in the divine


    abodes of the six-fold Kamadhatu', 397 bl!?. Derived from ► kiimadlzlitu *.

    klimar (adv.) 'complete, in full' L POU'?', Thomas (1957:127) 'alsbald', TEB II 'sogleich', JWP 'instantly'. T ♦ 117a3, THT 1408.k+285+281 a>b2! (kii)marr a(tsa)n, 296 a3 kiimar :je:j-am tu[:f}it [p}kiik/1/ 'the Tu~ita world was complete for them in every detail', 395 a5 .ylli kotiir kiimar kropant 'they gathered their family all together', YQ lll.5 b3


    karasnu siikessi kiimar ya/yo 'by doing ... for the

    Sakyas'. D Possibly related to the verb ► kiima-. R The translation 'alsbald, sogleich' of Thomas and TEB II (cf. above) is based on the interpretation of395 a5 and does not fit the other occurrences. The Uigh. parallel text ofYQ Ill.5 b3, MaitrHami lll, 5b 29 qop sakilarni"ng 'to all the Sakyas', indicates that kiimar may refer to the completeness of a group of people. kiimavitarb6, 269 + 290 a>b3 kiisu ya/is mo(saf!1)///, 295 a5 kus-ne iii kiisu yiimas, 443 a3 kiisu ya/, YQ 1.3 a4 kiisu yatsikk, b I kiisu ya/is mosmfl, b2 kiisu yatsi, YQ 11.7 b3 kiisu pyiimas, YQ II.IS b4; ♦ All.Sg. 61 a3 iilu kiiswac spiirtwlune, 75 a5, 197 a2, 269 + 290 b>a5, 270 a2 miikis kiiswac, 279 a I miik wrasassi kii(s)[w}(a)c, 303 a7, 307 b4 pm'ictirtl iirkiso,1·sis kiiswac, 359 a37 ///tarthaya I ca.ysak cmolm!l kiiswa(c)II/, THT 2404 al; ♦Loc.Sg. 245 b2 [ii}lu kiiswa1J1 na.yt; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. (kraiis) 257 a5, 311 a5 1/liiksiiiiiiir-am krmis ptiiiikte markampal peklunesi pili 'the good ones have taught us the merit of writing the Law of the Buddha', YQ Il.3 a7, b7; (/owid) YQ 11.10 a7; (kra1J1s) 2 al, 9 a2 palkiic krmns 'See, you good [people]!', 29 a6 palkiic ptilkiic krm11s, 93 a2, I 05 a I, 117 a2 krm.ns 1111 tam kus trtilika11tra 'who are now called «the good ones»?', 170 a6, 17 5 b I yse kraf!Js yse kraf!1s 'oh you good ones, oh you good ones', 254 a6, b6, YQ N.I aS; (kras) 71 al, 218 a4; ♦ Gen.PL 7 b2-3 sokyo 1111 krmicassi kiirme (we)iilune 'but it is a very true statement of the good ones', 60 a>b I piiplu krmicassi 'praised by the good ones', 75 a5, 117 al, 151 b3,

    227/8 b4!?, 256 a4-5 pyiim vark krancas.fi penzsiir ykoiica(s yalantwa)~~ 'show honour to the good ones and admonish those who forget their duties', 284 b6!?, 293 a2 sanak krancassi wka111 '[it is] just the way of the good ones', 235 a4, 322 a2, 334 b5 puk krancassi, YQ Il.7 a7, YQ ll.12 b I; ♦All.Pl. 311 a4 kraiicsac kiitse ymii1J1; ♦ Ahl.Pl. YQ l.2 a8; ♦ Loe.Pl. 148 b4; ♦ Com. PL 13 b4 kraiicsassal samlune 'coming together with the good ones', YQ 1.4 b7-8!; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 253 b5 winiisenc-0111 ~·omm11 krant 'some [women] (of them) pay homage to him, the good ones'; ♦ 3) (adv.) 3 a4 starca111 kiisu tii(wi)tra 'one should well preserve the fourth one', 112 al kiisu wenlune (Skt. subhiisitam), 213 a5 YQ U.5 a2 kiisu-woru-esnum 'with well-shaped shoulders (Skt. susart1vrttaska11dhat,), 227/8 b6 piisantar kiisu koluneya.y 'they guard themselves well from killing', 247 b4 kiisu tstilpont, 255 a5 kiisu ktilko (Skt. sugata-), 261 b>a6 k[ii]sw (iik)s(i)Finunt markampalm11, 332 a9 (kii)s[w} aksinnu markampal, 334 b5 kii(s)w (ii)ksi1i1iu ma(rkampal), b5 iikiil kii(s)w (ii)ksinnu, 392 b6 kiisu kalko, 435 a4 id., 446 b6 1//(kii)su wenii~·t, YQ IL I a3, YQ II. I0 bl!, YQ Ill.4 a5 cam tu kiisu iinenci ple.yiir 'work it well and carefully'; ♦4) (adv. as interj.) 149 b6 kiisu kii(su), 333 a8, YQ 1.2 kiisu se, YQ 11.7 b2 (kii)su sewiiFi, YQ II.13 a6-7! kiisu kiisu, YQ 11.14 b6 kiisu kiisu, YQ III.I I b2 id., THT 1643 al b3 kiisu se, THT 1643.d al kiisu kiisu se. D Cf. ► krii1J1tso. R In 24 b5 the reading krats is safe (TS, pl. 12, see THT 657), but only the adjective krant makes sense in the sequence krant spaktiinyo 'by this good service', as suggested by Sieg on his personal copy (TS: 19). One may consider that this has been miscopied from a previous manuscript which had the correct form; alternatively the spelling of the final cluster has been influenced by the sp 0 cluster at the beginning of the next word. The hypothesis of an adj. krats as per HILM: 178 is exc!nded; the Obl.Sg.Masc. ought to be kratsa111. See Peyrot (201 lb:39). In 372 b3, the text

    kasu-kasu-kaswoneyum should be segmented differently from the edition (TS:207): one may restore (prii)kkr ats 'firm(ly) indeed', with the sandhi form of ► priikiir and the particle ► ats.

    kiisu-kiisu-kiiswoneyum (adj.) 'with all the good qualities' L POU 'omnibus bonis praestantiis donatus', VTW 'alle guten Tugenden/eigenschaften habend'. F Nom.Sg. kiisu-kiisu-kiiswoneywn. T ♦Nom.Sg. 67 b5. D Compound containing ► kiisu and ► kiiswone.

    kiiswa-ortum (adj.) 'virtuous friend' L POU'?', VTW 'einen guten Freund habend'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kiiswa-ortum. T ♦Nom.Sg. 359 a3 l kiiswa-ortum onk 'a man (being) friend of virtue'. D Compound containing ► kiisu as first member and ► ortum as second member. Probably ealque ofSkt. kalyii1Ja-mitra- 'a friend of virtue, a well-wishing friend' (MW:263b), cf. Pa. kalyiil}a-mitta- 'a good companion, a virtuous friend' (PED: 199b). At the end of the previous Skt. part, one may restore {puru).5a. kiiswa-pal* (n., masc.) 'good rule' F Perl.Sg. kiiswa-palii. T ♦Perl.Sg. 261 b>a5 YQ II.12 bl kiis[wa]-(pa)lii pii

    .511ne o[ma](ske)nac kiitkune karsora,s 'having recognized (both) proper observance according to the good rule, and the householdership directed toward evil'. D Compound containing ► pal as second member. R About the restoration and correction of 261 b>a5, see Geng Laut - Pinault (2004a:362, 364). kiiswa-piiltsiik* (adj.) 'with thought of a good thing' L POU 'bonum cogitatum habens', VTW 'gutes Denken habend', JWP 'with good thought'. F Norn.Pl.Masc. kiiswa-palskiiii. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 293 a2, YQ I. I b8. D Compound containing ► piiltsiik as second member.

    116 kiiswa-wsiil* (n., a.) 'good cloth, valuable cloth' L POU 'bonas vestes habens', VTW 'ein gutes Gewand habend'. F Norn/Obi.Pl. kiiswa-wsiilu. T ♦Obi.Pl. 226 a2!. D Compound containing ► wsiil as second member. Cf. ► tri-wsiil. R See Chamot-Rooke (2022a). kiiswa!ji* (adj.) 'concerning something good' L POU 'bonus', VTW 'Heils-'. F Obl.Sg. kiiswa$if!1. T ♦Obl.Sg. 220 a2 .512i kiiswa~·i171 iikiilyo 'by their own wish for goodness', 22 l a4 kiiswa.5h11 ts111(ii)1yo 'by the root of virtue'. D Derived from ► kiisu. kiiswe (adj.) 'good' L POU 'bonus; bene', TEB II 'gut'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kiiswe, Nom.Pl.Masc. kiiswe12i. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 5 a2-3 tii.5 penu (wra)som arampiityo kaknu lkiitsi kiiswe kniinmune ats ma tii,s-0111 'even [if] a human being is provided with beauty [and] is handsome to look at, but has no knowledge', 16 b3 lkiitsi kiiswe rupava1J1 'Riipavan is handsome to look at', 17 a6 l[k]iitsi kiiswe maskatar, 55 a2 kiiswe na111, I 02 b6 kaswe .5e$, 219 a3 [k]aswe $iimtsi, YQ II.4 b6 tpo kiiswe sark-pe; ♦ Norn.Pl.Masc. 217 b2 mala12 kiisweiii. D Related to ► kiisu. Loan from the match TB *kiiswe, see Pinault (CHREST:246, 521); differently, HILM:106-107. kiiswone (n., a.) 'good work, good purpose, virtue' (Skt. nyiiya-, guiw-, karman-) L POU 'bonitas, virtus', TEB II 'gutes Werk, Tugend, Verdienst', JWP 'good deed'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kiiswone, Gen.Sg. kiiswoneyis, lnstr.Sg. kiiswoneyo, All.Sg. kiiswoneyac, Abl.Sg. kiiswoneya.5, Loc.Sg. kaswoneym11, Nom./Obl.Pl. kiiswoneyntu, kiis,voneyantu, kiiswone,_nntu, kiiswonentu, kiiswoneytu, Gen.Pl. kiiswoneyantwis, kiiswonentwiissi, kiiswonenwiissi, All.Pl. kaswoneytwac, kiiswoneyantwac, Abl.Pl. kiiswoneyntwii~', Loe.Pl. kaswoneyantivmJ1. kiiswoneytwa,_n.

    117 kiiswoneyntu yom- 'get hold of good merits', kiiswoneyntu kropa- 'accumulate good deeds'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 14 al, 66 al, 147 a3, 222 b5, 239 b6!?, 241 a5?, 256 a7 ote tapre111 kiiswone, 311 a4!?, 405 a4?; ♦Obl.Sg. 11 b3, 84 b3 /1/(kii)swon=iikiilyo 'by desire for virtue', 261 a>b7, 263 b>a5, 300 bl, 374 a8, 390 bl!, 403 a>b6, YQ 1.5 bl, YQ II.12 a7, YQ 11.15 b5?, YQ m.6 a6, YQ N.5 a8!?; ♦ Gen.Sg. 342 b>a4 kiiswoneyis ,'moiiiie na,1·t, THT 2393 + 2417 a2, THT 2423 a3; ♦ Instr.Sg. 21 b4 kiiswoneyo kaknu 'provided with merit', 39 bl, 60 a>b4, 79 a6, b5, 289 b3 kiiswoneyo mii sasyu, 386 b5 gui)e~u gui:iavatsu ca · kiiswoneyantwa,.n kiiswoneyo kaknuiices wrasswn .ika,.n, 403 a>b2; ♦All.Sg. 20 a6 wiirpat 11i paltsak kiiswoneyac Fzii(s) 'my mind felt longing for virtue', 386 b3 nyayapravanasya · kiiswoneyac yuliiswnantiip; ♦Abl.Sg. 336 b9; ♦ Loc.Sg. 260 b6 kiiswoneym11 ritwseiic 'they attach to good merit', 269 + 290 b>a8, 271 a7 kiiswoneyw11 ritwa(5); ♦Nom.Pl. (kiiswoneyntu) 253 b5 puk kiiswoneyntu cwa111 kropant 'all merits are collected in you', 287 + 259 b>a6!, 293 b3, PK.NS.5 b4; (kiiswoneyantu) 147 a I; (kiiswoneytu) YQ 11!.3 b2; ♦ Obi.PL (kiiswoneyntu) 79 b6 (kus tiii) campi.5 puk tra11ktsi kiiswoneyntu 'Who could tell all your merits?', I 95 b2!?, 287 + 259 b>a7! kiis(w)o(neyntu yomu)rci$, b>a7! ki'iswone(yntu yonmiilune$i iikiil); (kiiswoneyantu) 385 a5 arunt kiiswoneyantu ynes yasi mii campa.i·, 386 a3 cittakarmmJyata · palskes kiiswoneyantu ATopnasiyac, a4 kiiswoneyantu kropnasi; (kiiswone,_nntu) 22 al cami siiwm11 kiiswonerrmtu ara(l'lis mosa,11) 'in order to evoke his great merits'; (kiiswonentu) 116 b2?; (kiiswoneytu) YQ 1.2 b8?, YQ 1.8 a6, YQ 1.10 b4!, YQ 11.13 a7 kiiswoneytu kropantra, a8 id., b I! id., YQ III.9 a3; ♦ Gen.Pl. (kiiswoneyantwis) 385 a5 kiiswoneyantwis priipti arassi mii campa.5; (kiiswonentwii.'isi) 14 b3, 61 al, 253 a5, 372 a>b4!, 412 a2; (kiiswonenwiis:ii) 5 a2; ♦All.Pl. (kiiswoneytwac) 280 b5 .5iiwm11 kiiswoneytwac palskant; (kiiswoneyantwac) 385 bl; ♦Abl.PI. 336




    a7; ♦ Loe.Pl. (kiiswoneyantwm11) 386 b4; (kiiswoneytwa111) 258 a6 ///siiwam kiiswoneytwa111 ritwantra 'they ~ttach themselves to the great good deeds'. Abstract derived from ► kaswe.

    kaswo11e-omiisk1111e* (n., a.) 'virtue [and] evil' L POU 'bonitas, virtus'. F Obl.Sg. kiiswon=umskune. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 82 a5 \.5 ca~· cwac k(ii)swon=umskune pell/. D Binomial expression with a form of ► omiiskune as second member (in a lyrical passage). R The entry kiiswoneyumskune as per POU:64 has no basis in the text. -kaswoneyum (adj.) 'virtuous' L POU 'bonus', VTW 'tugendhaft'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. -kiiswoneyum, Obi.Pl.Masc. -kiiswoneyumaiicas. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. ► kakropukaswoneyum; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 295 b6!, YQ N.4 a4!. D Derived from ► kaswone. kaswonefji (adj.) 'of good quality, of virtue' L POU 'bonitatis, virtutis', VTW 'Tugend-, Verdienst'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kiiswone,l'i, Obl.Sg.Masc. kiiswo11e.5il11. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 57 a6, 79 b6 kii(s)[w](one)$i siimu[tra} 'ocean of vi1tue', 246 a2 kiiswone.5i siimuddra, YQ ll.6 a3 kiiswone.5i para111-iikat, YQ III.3 b5 kiiswone$i wiikam; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 79 b4 kiiswone~·il11 pa1yo, 250 b I. D Derived from ► kaswone. kats (n., fem.) 'abdomen, belly, uterus' [B kiitso] L POU 'venter', TEB II 'Bauch'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kiits, lnstr.Sg. kiitsyo, All.Sg. kiitsac, Loc.Sg. kiitsm11, kiitsan-ak, Perl.Sg. kiitsii. S kiitsa111 .5amii- 'stay in the belly' ( of embryo), kiitsii klii- 'prostrate oneself, kiits par-+ obi. 'cany sb. in the womb'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 166 a4; ♦Obl.Sg. 146 a4 miicri kiits, a5 id., YQ III.3 a4 sidiirthe111 kiits kiimant 'they have carried Siddhartha in their belly'; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 8 a6 iirtak (tarkosii111) kiitsyo 'with the lascivious lower abdomen'; ♦All.Sg. 45 a4; ♦Loc.Sg. (kiitsal/1) 74 b4 kiitsa111 ii(riiica111 wnisko) '(depressed in the heart) and in the belly',

    katsa~i* 146 a2 siim iico mcicri kcitsa,71 ci1'ic pa(kiit) 'this embryo matured, turned downwards, in the belly of the mother', b5, 150 b5 mcicri kiitsa171, 267 + 268 b>a4! id., 299 b2 bral11navati.yil7'l sriniiiiktes kcitsar11, b4 ci:5ci11ikii111 kcirza:1ikci171 bodisatvci111 kcitsa,_n lmont, 331 a4, THT 2419 a3, THT 2964.c a2, THT 3030 b2; (kcitsan-iik) 15 I b5 cami kcitsanii[k]; ♦ Perl.Sg. 24 b4 J)O!Jl{SQ//1 kap(s)i(iino ptci)iikiit kii.yycip kap.§ifit1ac kiitsci kciklo 'with his whole body he fell on his belly in front of the Buddha the teacher', YQ II.7 a6 kcitsci klawrii. R Discussion by HILM: 112, Pinault (1991 b: 186). kiitsa!ji* (adj.) 'belonging to the abdomen, belly' [B katsci,,,,e] L POU 'ventris'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. kcitsa.yi111. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 68 a5 /!lkcitsa.yil71 warma111 prutko .ye,, 'he was shut up in the cavity of the belly ... ', 221 a5 (kii)tsa.yi171 yscirasit11 lopluneyo 'by the stain of blood from the abdomen', a 7 kcitsa:5il11 yscir siiranyo 'through blood and liquid of the abdomen'; ♦ fgm. THT 2431 b I : kcitsa.yil/1. D Derived from ► kiits. kiitse I) (adv.), 2) (pp.all.) 1) 'near, close, in front of, 2) 'near, besides, in front of( 1) Skt. antikam, 2) Skt. upa) L POU 'ad, prope', TEB II 'nahe bei'. S kcitse ya-(+ all) 'go close to, approach (to sb./sth.)', kcitse kiim- (+all.) 'come close (to sb./sth.)'. T ♦ I) (adv.) 13 al kassi yokaiii piilkcit cesiim amoktses kcitse kiilymiit!'l 'hungry and thirsty he saw these craftsmen standing nearby', 50 a2 kiitse ye,, 153 a6 nandenac kniiswmii111 kiitse ye(:j)I//, 214 b4 = YQ II. I b7 lok kcitse 'far and near', 359 a5-6 I - - - si yamantikaJTI dvija I - k. - - - - - . or. i. ii kcitse brcihma,71 I, 392 b I (written kcise), 464 a5, YQ III. I I a4?, YQ III.12 b3 kcitse kakmurii.y; ♦ 2) (pp.all.) 23 a2 scikya111uni111 ptciiiktac kiitse kakmurii,, b I .§la kcicke ptciiiiiktac kcitse kniiswmci111, 44 b6, 56 b4, 61 b6 kropac kcitse [ki:ilkorii}(.y), 67 al kalkam niiJ' camac kcitse 'I will go close to him', 144 b3, 145 b6 s[u}darsCIIJ'l riyac kiitse, 147 b2!, b3!,

    118 173 b4, 186 a2 cam wimcinac kcitse yii,,/1/, b6, 269 + 290 b>a2-3!, 304 a8?, 311 a4 kraiicsac kiitse ymci171, 326 b5 lcintac kiitse kiilkoriis, 346 b3 iiiiktac kiitse kiilkoriis, 348 a I piicrac kiitse ytsi, 359 a9 I na punar jatijaram upe~yati I ma nunak cmol mokoneyac k[iits}(e), 395 b3 cam ma{u;/lac kiitse wiinta-111 'they led him close to the magic circle', 444 a2 n.yac kiitse, YQ II.I a7 (bci)rii,:ias riyac kiitse, YQ II.3 a7 (kii)[.y.yi}nac kiitse ytsi, YQ II.4 b3, YQ II.13 al, YQ III.6 a5, THT 1141 a3, THT 1606.a b2. D Related to ► kiits 'abdomen, belly', see Pinault (199lb:186), HILM:112. kiits-pracar (n., masc.) 'full brother', lit. 'womb brother' F Nom.Sg. kiits-pracar. T ♦Nom.Sg. JOL Khot Wood 65 al siis kiitko kiits-pracar Sokkocospii 'this is my deceased biological brother Sokkocospa'. D Compound of ► kiits, ► pracar. R Edition and discussion by Ching Chaojung (2019:10-12). See the parallel term ► kiits-sar, which occurs also on an inscription referring to Uighur donors, found in Shorchuk. kiits-sar* (n., fem.) 'full sister', lit. 'womb sister' F Nom.Sg. kiis-:5ar, Gen.Sg. kiits-.yari. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ I.IO b7, IOL Khot Wood 65; ♦ Gen.Sg. THT 2543 b I!. D Compound of ► kms and ► sar. Kinship term used by Uighurs, in a colophon of the MSN (YQ I.JO b7) and in an inscription referring to deceased donors (IOL Khot Wood 65), found in Shorchuk. Parallel to ► kiits-pracar. R Discussion of the context ofIOL Khot Wood 65 by Ching (2019). The form kiiJ·sar presupposes an assimilation of the affricate to the following sibilant in the variety ofTocharian A spoken by Uighurs. kibii* (n., fem.) 'hide, trap' L POU'?' (under kiiii n.), COU 'Stein', PIN 'mud brick'. F Instr.PL kiicisyo. T ♦Instr.Pl. 222 b5 (k)iiiisyo yJmJ'l wiila111 e.yiik 'he covered a pit over with hiding implements'.

    119 D

    katkaThe underlying stem *kanyii (> *kanna) is revealed by the derived adjective ► kiiil!ji, as epitheton ofy.ya111 'pit, diteh'. The meaning is made nearly certain by the context, which tells various means used by the householder named SrTgupta in order to kill the Buddha while inviting him to his home: inflamed pit on the way, poison mixed in the meals. The hiding was made by scattered materials, sueh as branches, leaves, blankets, ete. Probably related to ► kiitii-.

    kiitii- (vb.) 'spread, disperse' [B kata-] L POU 'spargere', TEB II 'streuen', TVS 'strew'. p (tr.) Prs. kna- Subj. kata-*/kta-*, Prt. satii*lkata-, PP1t. kto. F Prs.VI Aet. 3Sg. knii0-a111, knii.y-iim, MP 3PI. knantrii, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Mase. kniil, Prt.I Act. 3PI. katar, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kto, Abs. Abl.Sg. ktora0. s tlas kata- 'spread up(wards)'. T ♦Prs.Act. 3Sg. (knii0-a1.n) THT 2399 a5; (kna.5-am) 318 + 319 a4 tliis tont kna.y-am, THT 2399 a5; ♦ MP 3Pl. 155 a3, THT 1980 a2, THT 3333 b3 tlas knantr-ii1.11; ♦Gdv. PK.NS.2 b3 cami yiilyii(111) tkanii kniil 'it is to be strewn over the earth that he is expected to walk on'; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Pl. 221 b5, 453 b4; ♦ PPrt. YQ 1.7 b4 warse,.n kto; +Abs. Abl.Sg. 239 b6, 175 b4?. kiitkii- (vb.) I) 'cross, go beyond, violate, transgress, pass (time), pass away', 2) 'cause to be out of control' [B kiitk-] L POU 'transgredi, transire', TEB II 'uberschreiten ', TVS 'cross, (sur)pass, pass (time), committ (a sin)'. p I) (tr.) Prs. ktankii-, !pf. ktaF1sii-*, Subj. katka-/kiitkii-, Prt. .Mtka-/katka-, PPrt. kiitko, 2) (caus.) Prs. kiitkiis-T-*, PPrt. sasatku. F I) (tr.) Prs.VI Act. 3Pl. kta1ikeiic, MP 3Pl. ktcilikantrii, Inf. ktiinkiitsi, Subj.V Act. 2Sg. katkat, 3Sg. katka~·, 2Pl. katkac, 3Pl. kiitkeiic, Gdv. Obl.Sg.Masc. kiitkiila111, Prt.l Act. 3Sg. kciik, stiik, ssak, 2Pl. katkas, 3PI. katkar, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kiitko, kiittko, satko, Obl.Sg.Masc. kiitkont, Nom.Pl.Masc. kiitko:j, Nom.Sg.Fem. kiitkos, Nom.Pl.Fem.

    katkont, Abs. Abl.Sg. kiitkorii0, 2) (caus.) PPrt. Obl.Sg.Fem. sa/1atkusiiq1. s asuk katkii- 'go beyond, cross'. T ♦ I) (tr.) Prs.Act. 3PI. I b6 miiski kiitkiilii111 ktaizkenc tsra0iii siimuddrii 'the energetic ones cross the ocean that is hard to traverse', 2 a 1, 203 b5, 355 b 1€ kta1ikiiilc; ♦MP 3Pl. YQ N.5 a5 siik karmapatiintu kta1ika11trii 'they violate the ten karmapathas'; ♦ Inf. 150 al (ii)s11k ktiinkiitsi; ♦ Subj.Act. 2Sg. 256 a4 slyi cam mar katkat 'do not violate this rule'; ♦3Sg. 82 b4; ♦2PI. 374 a8 iisuk katkiic; ♦3Pl. 18 a3, 288 a5, 295 a8 kiintantuyo puklii kiitkeiic 'the years will pass by the hundreds', 409 a3, YQ N.3 b4 p[u]klii kiitkeFic; ♦Gdv. Obl.Sg.Masc. 1 b6; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. (kciik) 1 b3 tmii0 stwarwakna iir.yliisyo rarkuiiciis i0aniis kcak 'thereupon he crossed the moats, covered by snakes of four sorts'; (stak) YQ 1.2 b78 iisuk stii(k); (ssiik) SHT 5 l 9.5v6; ♦ 2Pl. THT 1953 b2; ♦ 3Pl. 155 b2 kiiriis katk[a]r 'they crossed the jungle', 214 al YQ II. I a4 w0eii katkar 'nights have passed', 305 b2, 395 b2 cam kausal0iq1 wiirt iissuk mii katkar 'they did not pass through this forest ofKosala', YQ 1.4 a2, THT 2157 a2; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. (kiitko) 352 b4, 461 + 465 b 1 atikra[nta](ta)ras ca· katko ya[kte] skm!J II, 457 a4 · katko=nta1.nl//, YQ III.6 a3, TI-IT 1883 b2, IOL Khot Wood 65 al; (kiittko) 261 a>b5; (.1:iitko) 371 a4€ satko, a5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 217 a6 araa6 /1/(kii).yyap


    anaprii kumniissi ma ciim,~a 'she did not manage to come before the face of the teacher', I 06 b5 ma nu ayma kakmart na.5a111 .5u ku(mniissi), 251 b7 (o)p.5/yassiil .yyak kwnniissi, 252 b7 id., 279 b4 metraknassiil .yyak kumniissi, 387 al (a)ntam udgrhituqi · ... aka kumniissi; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Sg. 72 b5 /1/(sa)s yiil brahmadattes li:int k,,raksac kumsa· ♦3Pl 312 b6; ♦Subj.Act. 3Sg. 71 a5 k~/ne . sol.5i111 praskiya111 ma .smii.y 'as long as he does not come into danger of life', 72 a3, 90 b3, 114 a3, 159 b4, 174 a2!, 218 b2, 260 a5, 288 b3, b4, 439 a5, YQ I. I a4!, a6€, YQ 1.7 a7, bl, YQ 11.7 al, a4; ♦2Pl. 212 b5 = YQ II.4 b3; ♦ 3Pl. 18 a2, 66 a3, 262 al, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a5, YQ m.11 b4; ♦ MP 3Pl. 288 a5; ♦ Opt.Act. 3Sg. 158 a6, 236 a3!; ♦ !Pl. 311 a3, 348 a4!, b5; ♦MP !Sg. YQ Il.15 b8; ♦ IPL YQ II.7 bl; ♦ Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. YQ III.I a2 riyac smiil na.y, YQ III.4 b5 id. ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 6 b I niis trikiissi kakmu 19 a2 tii.yne wiikna kak1~1u, 20 b4 tiimne' wiikna kakmu, 25 a4 tiimne wiikna kakmu 35 b3 vaisrava1.11 kakmu ta.yl/1, b4 kakmu ' ta())///, 44 b I, 46 a2 ptaiikat ka.5~·inac kakm(u), 56 b4 kakmu set 66 al 73 a3 74 b2 .ynalac kakmu n;sa:n, 96 b6, 147, a3, 258 a8 tiimne wiikna kakmu, 263 a>b7 kropal-maiiiie lameya111 kakmu, 266 + 276 b>a3, 270 b3 tiimne wiikna kakmu, 342 a>b4 .yokyo nu oklopac kakmu nasam, 359 a41!, 431 a5 tma171 kakmu, YQ I.5 bl, YQ I.6 b4!, YQ II. I a2, YQ II.2 b2, YQ II.7 b4, YQ II.12 a8, YQ II.15 b2, gl.SHT 1432; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 22 al, 72 b4, 272 a3!, 355 al, YQ II.5 a8, YQ 11.9 b5; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 6 a3, 59 a6, 156 a5, 429 a4 u[p]i:idhy(a) riya~· kakmus taka; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 256 a3 11 lyukra kakmusa,11 purpar tkw11 (enii)ssi se 'accept the territory that has come (to you) by succession to (rule) it, son!'; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 16 a4 lantac kakmu.5, 66 a2 kakmu,s.y artaii laiicii.W, 163 a2 (s)akki.5iiii la111s ka(k)mu()), 288 b3, YQ 1.5 b2, YQ II.5 b5, YQ II.8 b6, YQ II. I I a7, YQ II.14 a7; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. YQ III.2 a6, YQ II1.3 a8; ♦Abs. Abl.Sg. 8 b2, 20 al tmii;; anand kuntistsekanac kakmurii.y, 23 a2, 81 a3, 173 b4, 256 a6, 261 a>b4!, 274 al, 278 a8 wartsya,.n kakmurii.y asana




    Imo, 283 a4, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a3!, YQ I.5 a5!, YQ 1.6 al, YQ 11.13 al, YQ III.2 b6!, YQ Ill.6 a5, YQ Ill.12 b3-4!, THT 1670 a3; ♦ lpv.Act. 2Pl. 66 b5. Cf. ► siimlune. See also Hackstein ( I 995:305ff.).

    kiimpo (n., masc.sg.) 'circle, all group' L POU 'coniunctim, coniunctus', TEB II 'zusammen, vereint'. S ki:impo nas- 'to be or form a circle, form a group around sb.'. T ♦Nom.Sg. (ki:impo) 258 a6 tmiiJ tom

    swiifzceni:ifz wtiik ki:impo 11ii111tsurii.5 'thereupon these rays having again formed a circle (around him)' (Uigh. MaitrHami XXVI, 13b 10 [yo}lz 01Jal1 tiigzinip ), 346 a3 tmiinantuyo k0i!]-fzi:iktai'1 kiimpo tiikil1c '[if] the suns by myriads were forming a circle', YQ 11!.2 a7 k,,lewiifz ki:impo tiikar 'the women formed a group' (Uigh. MaitrHami III, 2a 31 qami"yin yi"yi1Yp) . D This word could be alternatively understood as predicative adverb. R For the translation 'circle', cf. the Uighur parallel text of258 a6, see Geng - Laut Pinault (2004b:72-74). kiirk (n., masc.sg.) 'umbilical cord' (?) L VTW 'ein Korperteil'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kiirk. T ♦Nom.Sg. 166 a4 kiits kiirk nfmiif!J

    mlokffzc-i:i1.11. D Possibly related to R

    THT 2401 bl! kiirkf'ii(J); ♦ Ipv. 2Pl. THT 4083.e a5; ♦ Pct.Act. 3Pl. 395 b3 asli:intwac :farkr-i:im 'they tied them to the [sacrificial] posts'; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 81 b6 1/l[ti:i}myo spiirtwii kakiirku ko:jantiisa[c} 'thereby I have found myself tied and (delivered) to the executioners', 123 b6! (ka)kiirkri=ki 'bound as it were', 269 + 290 b>a7 (ki:irk~·i)niisyo tu siiwa11111yo na.51 kaki:irku 'you are bound with great chains', 341 a9!; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 56 b2, 97 b3, THT 1463 a4, THT 1590.c+b; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. THT 1525 b3; ♦Abs. Abl.Sg. 71 b6 poke111 .ykiirii kakiirkurii.5 'having tied the arms to the back', THT 1590.e+b a I. R For the Skt. parallel and the lpv. form (written paki:irkas) in THT 4083.e a5 (SHT 1090e.r5), see Peyrot (2014: 144). For the restoration ofTHT 1590.e+b, see Itkin - Malyshev - Wilkens (2017:84). kiirkii- (vb.) 'steal, rob' [B ki:irkii-] L POU 'furari', TEB II 'stehlen, rauben', TVS 'rob, steal, remove'. P (tr.) Prs. kiirnii-. F Prs.Vl Inf. ki:irniitsi. T ♦ Inf. 14 a2 mii penu lyiiksii kiirniitsi yiiteiic 'and further they cannot be stolen by thieves'. R Etymological discussion by VW:205, HILM:87, Pinault (2017f:155-156). kiirk!Jil!l (n., a.) 'manacle, chain' [Cf. B

    ► kiirk-.

    See HILM:87.

    kiirk- (vb.) 'bind, tie' [B kiirk-] (Skt. bandh-) L POU 'religare', TEB II 'binden', TVS 'bind'. P (tr.) Prs. ki:irks-T-*, Subj. kiirkfz-T-, Prt. sark-, PPrt. kakiirk:u. F Subj.VII Act. I Sg. kiirkiiam, 3Sg. ki:irkiii:iJ, Opt.Act. 3Sg. kiirkiiiJ, Ipv. 2Pl. pki:irkiis, Pct.III Act. 3Pl. sarkr-iim, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kakiirku, Obl.Sg.Masc. kaki:irkunt, Norn.Pl.Masc. kaki:irku:j, Abs. Abl.Sg. kakiirkurii$. T ♦ Subj .Act. I Sg. 326 a5 kiirkiiam priiki:ir ki[nn}(ares)/// 'I will tie the Kiqmaras firmly'; ♦ 3Sg. 4 a4 iintiiq1 tkanii ne siim tsmiir ki:irkiiiiJ 'wherever on the earth this root attaches [itself]'; ♦Opt.Act. 3Sg.

    kerketse] POU 'vinculum', TEB II 'Fessel'. Obl.Sg. kiirk.5if!1, Norn.Pl. kiirk:jiniif'i, Instr.Pl. kiirk:jiniisyo, Abl.PI. ki:irk:jiniisii!/. T ♦Obl.Sg. 93 bl, b2; ♦Norn.Pl. 269 + 290 a>b I /l/(iia)kcyiiii nape1.11Jiif'i puk kiirk$iniif'i kiir:jto(nt) f'i(i) 'the divine and human chains have all been cut off from me', 269 + 290 b>a4; ♦Ab I.PL 269 + 290 b>a4!; ♦ Instr.Pl. 269 + 290 b>a7!, THT 1492 al. D Related to the root of the verb ► kiirk-. L F

    kiirtk- (v.) 'gush, burst, sprout' [B kiirtk-] P Prs. kiirtki:is-T-. F Prs. VIII Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. kiirtkyiil. T ♦Prs. VIII Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. PK.NS.3 b2 snum kiirtfc..tiil 'perfume should be gushed'.


    kartkiil D R

    See also ► kiirtkiil. For the reading of PK.NS.3 b3, see Huard Laclavetine - Pinault (2022). For the meaning of the TB root, see Peyrot (2013a:733) and Peyrot PinaultWilkens (2019:76) and previous literature in TVS:575. It is now confirmed independently by the TA evidence.

    kiirtkiil (n., masc.) 'pool, pond, spring'

    [B kiirkkiille] L


    POU 'stagnum, Jacus, piscina, puteus', TEB 11 'Teich'. Nom.Sg. kiirtkiil, AII.Sg. kiirtkiilac, Abl.Sg. kiirtkiili:i.y, Loc.Sg. kiirtkiilm11, kriitkala,11, Norn.Pl. kiirtkii!yi, Obi.PL kiirtkiiliis, Gen.PL kiirtkiiliissi, Abt.PL kiirtkiilsii.y, Loe.Pl. kiirtkiilsm11, Perl.Pl.


    kiimii~•lcme (n., a.) 'state of being struck' F Nom.Sg. kiirnii,~lune. T ♦Nom.Sg. 307 a4 (ke111-piilkiintwi)s piilskiiluneyntuya mii kiirniislune 'the state of not being struck by the thoughts of the wrong views'. D Derived from ► kiim-. kiimo{l)1ie* (n., masc.) 'condition ofan adopted child' L Registered under kiirta- by POU:68; kiirtaiiyii,1• quoted as verse form by SSS:142. F Abl.Sg. kiirnaiieyiis, kiirn01iyii$. T ♦Abl.Sg. (kiirnaiieyii,,) 429 a I

    {kiirn)o,ieyii!; tiilanieyii.y tiikim cii(rkatsi)

    kiirtkiilsii. T

    ♦Nom.Sg. 257 b3 iiemi.yi kiirtkal piikiir miiskatiir 'a pool of jewels becomes

    visible', 432 a5;


    431 a8?!, b8


    /1/(ymii)r ymiir camiik kiirtk{ii)lac kiilk;

    D R

    ♦Abl.Sg. 42 b6, 432 bl, b2!; ♦Loc.Sg. 68 a6 appal kiilytiir kriitkiilatJ1, 219 b5, 431 a8?!; ♦Norn.Pl. 219 b4, 314 b3, b6, YQ V.l a4; ♦ Obi.PL YQ V.1 al!; ♦Gen.PL THT 4151 + 4150 b2; ♦Abt.Pl. 331 bl!; ♦ Loe.PL 314 b3, 318+319 b2!; ♦Perl.Pl. YQ N. I a4!, THT 1322.d bl. Related to ► kiirtk-. Cf. Pinault (2006a: I 09-110), for the TB form, see Thomas (1976: 112).

    kiim- (vb.) 'beat, strike' [B kiirn-] L POU 'ferire, pulsare', TEB II 'schlagen', TVS 'hit, beat'. p I) (itr.) Prs. kiirna-*, Subj. kiirniis-T-, 2) (fact.) Prs. kiirniis-T-, Subj. kiirniis-T-, Prt. kakiirnii-, PPrt. kakiirnu. F Prs.VIII MP 3Sg. kiirnii!;tiir, PPrs. MP kiirniismiil!1, Prt.11 Act. 3Sg. kakrii111, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kakiirnu, Norn.Pl.Masc. kakiirnu.y. T ♦ Prs. MP 3Sg. THT 1146 b2; ♦ PPrs.MP 312 b3 rapeyiintu kiirniismii111 'beating musical instruments'; ♦Prt.Act. 3Sg. 379 b2, a4 piicil.n tsarya kakiirnii-111 'he beat him with his right hand'; +PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 212 a6 makaneya kakiirnu 'struck by old age'; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 320 a5 pretiiii ka.yt ya[k}(e)ya kakiirm1s .ye11c 'the pretas were beaten by thirst and hunger';

    Cf. ► kiirnii!jlune.

    'may I free myself from the status of adoption [and) from misery'; (kiirnanyii.y) 430 b3. Abstract derived from *kiirnal, itself basis of ► krii11olii1ic, with simplification of the cluster -Iii-.

    kiir-parii111 (n., masc.) 'good dignity' [B kiire-

    perne] L

    F S

    POU'?', COU, TEB II 'Wiirde'. Nom./Obl.Sg. kiir-parii1J1, Instr.Sg. kiir-

    pariinya, kiir-pariiJJmya. ♦Nom.Sg. 11 a4 nakt-ii1f1 kiir-parii1f1 'the good dignity was lost for him', 63 b I tsapa[t}s kiir-pariitJZ piikiir tiik, 174 b6, 254 a5 ate tiipreJJZ kiir-parii111, 289 b7 ki:irparii111 piikiir n{ii)111[tsu}, 317 a8, 323 b7 liintune.yi kiir-parii111; ♦ Obl.Sg. I 4 b5 suka.yi1f1 kiir-parii1.n yii(tse)nc 'they make a joyful dignity possible', 60 b>a5

    [iiii} kci nape171.5i kiir-parii111, 63 a I liintunesi111 kiir-parii111, 70 b4 id., 304 b2 kiitkune.yil11 kiir-pariit.n, YQ II.6 a4 miirkampiil,,i kiir-parii111; ♦ lnstr.Sg. (kiirpariinya) 256 bl w(a)iii kiir-pariinya (ye)[tu} 'adorned with pleasure and dignity'; (kiir-parii1?1nya) 296 a7, YQ V. I D


    a2. Compound with ► parii111 as second member. See Winter ( 1968:61) and the discussion by ADAMS: 151. According to Pinault (2020d:389-390), compound based on a binomial expression ('brilliance [and] glory', 'goodness [and) dignity'), since kiir can be understood as the TA noun


    karsak* matching TB kare, attested as an independent term meaning 'excellence, brilliance', see further under ► kare.

    kiir-parnu (adj.) 'having good dignity' [B kare-

    pernettse] L POU '?', TEB II 'wiirdevoll'. F Obi.Pl.Masc. kar-parnuiiciis. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 262 al smeiic sukyo kiirpamuiiciis subhu(mi)s warpiskesa,_n 'if they come to the groves and gardens, dignified by felicity'. D Derived from ► kiir-pariilfl. kiirpi (adj.) 'common, vulgar, low' [B ka,7Jiye*]

    (Uigh. qodiqi"yawaz) L POU 'asper, severus?', TEB II 'gemein'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. ka1pi, Obl.Sg.Masc. kiirpi111, Instr.Pl.Masc. ka17Jisyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. 77 b4, YQ III. I a8-bl ! amokiintwartz nu wapii111tsune pkaf!Z ka(tpi) 'among the handicrafts, that of the weaver is the lowliest of all'; ♦Obl.Sg. 65 b] kasu pacar ma a.ya111 na!j( kii1pif!l wlalune alu kiillatsi '[You] good father, you are not worthy to bring the mean death to others'; ♦ Instr.Pl.Masc. SHT 4438v.b (= Skt. anaryai/.z). kiiry- (vb.) 'consider'

    POU 'considerare', TEB II 'bedenken bestimmen', TVS 'consider'. ' P (caus.) Prs. ka,yas-T-, Subj. karyas-T-. F Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. ka1ya,~. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 384 a5 kiityii.y salJ1 tannewkiia8!; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 11 b3-4 alakcim ca,.n (ype)yac ytsi ka,yatsumii!j 'intending to go into some other country', 12 a2, YQ 11.3 b4 wiitkatsi ma kiiryatsumci,y 'not wishing to be separated'. D Cf. ► kiirye.

    kiiryii!jlune (n., a.) 'considering'

    Nom.Sg. kci1yc1.i·lune. ♦Nom.Sg. 384 a3 : upalak~al)eti yo 'rtha : kcirsalune putkalune kii1ya.ylune tannewkcinyo kus-ne arth. D Abstract derived from ► kiiry-.

    F T

    kiirye (n., masc.sg.) 'concern, worry' L POU 'cura, providentia', TEB II 'Sorge,

    Bedenken'. Nom./Obl.Sg. kiitJ1e. s sne-kii1J'e 'without concern', sla-kii1ye 'with worry'. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT 2470 a3 omiil katJ'e su[,J(am); ♦Obl.Sg. 109 a2 sne-ka1ye Imo ~·tam posa1r1 na.yt 'without concern you are sitting under a tree', a4 kiir(y)e suram wawikuntac winasam cwac 'I honour you, who has made sorrow and trouble disappear', 115 b3 tiimyo sne-kiirye mciskal-ci, 119 a2?, 149 b4 sne-kii1ye, 254 a6 id., YQ 1.7 b4sla-kci1J,e 'with worry'. D Derived from ► kiiry-.


    kiirwmft* (n.) 'rock, stone' [B kiinveiie]

    POU *kru 'arundo, calamus', TEB II 'Rohr', WW 'rock, stone'. F Loe.Pl. kiirwaf!1Saf!1. T ♦ Loe.Pl. 12 a5 (pkiint pkii)nt lokalok .51ilm.n kaklo~· kiirwa111saf!1 'having fallen down scattered far away on the mountain among the rocks', THT 2457 a4!?. R See Schmidt (I 974:466 and n. 7), Winter ( 1997: 187). Previous interpretations were based on a segmentation kanvam sam cf Sieg ( 1944: 15 n. 8). For the no~inati;e, · see Itkin (2011 :250). L

    kiinvii!ji (adj.) 'reed-' [B kanva!j!fe]


    POU 'arundineus', VTW 'Rohr-'. kiirwa!ji WC/!j/ 'reed hut' (Skt. nat;lagara-). T ♦ Obl.Sg. 258 a4 (ptapsas wla)lune.yil11 ratiik karwa!ji wa.5tt oki 01ikaliim (= Udv IV.37c/d dhunidhvmrz mrtyunab sainym_n nat;lagaram iva kuiijaral.z), 354 b6 (kiinv)a!fi wa.5t miimtme o,ikaliim. D Derived from kru*, pl. kanva* 'reeds' [B pl. kanva*, kiinva].


    kiirsiik* (n., a.) 'thickets, bushes' [B kariske ?]

    L F T

    Sieg (1952:44) 'Spielerei (?)', VTW 'Spielereien' (Pl.). Nom./Obl.Pl. kiirskiintu. ♦ Obi.Pl. 70 b3 mkiiltoriiesim salevunt kiir.5kiintu 'the two cl1ildi~h-ones (playing)


    kiir$tiiin the salty bushes' (Skt. JM 9.35 krTdantau vanagulme,rn). R Se~ Itkin (2011:250). However, an instrumental plural would be unexpected as parallel to the locative plural in the Sanskrit text. As filling the metrical segment, one may conceive a monosyllabic postposition meaning 'inside'. kiir.ytii- (vb.) 'cut off, destroy' [B kiirstii-]

    POU 'dissecare', TEB II 'abschneiden', TVS 'cut off, destroy'. p (tr.) Prs. kiir;;nii-, Subj. kii1:ytii-, Prt. krasta-"'-fkii1:ytii-, PPrt. kiir.yto. F Prs:v1 Act. 3Sg. kiir;;nii.y, 3Pl. kiir;;neiic, kiirsneiic-iim, MP 3Sg. kiir;;niitiir, 3Pl. kiir~niintiir, PPrs. Act. Nom.Sg.Masc. kiir.yniint, Obl.Sg.Masc. kiir;;niintiit?Z, Inf. kiir.yniitsi, Subj.V VN kiir;;tiilune, Prt.I Act. 1Sg. kiir.ytu, MP 1Sg. kiir.yte-111, 3Sg. kiir.ytiit, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kii1:yto, Obl.Sg.Masc. kiir;ftont, Norn.Pl.Fem. kiir:;tont, Abs. Abl.Sg. kii1:ytorii.y. S mne kiirst- 'cut off hope'. T ♦Prs.Act. 3Sg. 305 a6 kii1:ynii:; .y[pii](t p)r(iiptis) 'he cuts off the seven (acquisitions)', a7; ♦3Pl. (kiir:;nenc) 2 b3 piismii111 ni.ypal lo niik.yiil war por leis (v!,i miie kiir.yneiic 'property, even if well kept, will inevitably be fully lost: water, fire, kings and thieves certainly cut off the hope', 152 a6, THT 1308.a al!; (kiir,rneiic-iim) THT 1308.a al; ♦MP 3Sg. THT 141 l.fa2 (kiir.yncitr-iim); ♦3Pl. 391 b2 stwar granthiintu kiir.yniintiir 'the four [bodily] entanglements are cut off; ♦PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg.Masc. 4 a4!, 317 b2 (lii)ntune:;iJJz sark kiir.yniint; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 275 a2; ♦ Inf. 9 b2 tmii,1· ya1?1triiciire poratyo svarp kiir,rniitsi piiknii.yiit 'thereupon the mechanician wanted to cut off the rope with an axe'; ♦ Subj. VN ► kiir!jtiilune; ♦ Prt. Act.lSg. THT 2440 a5; ♦MP I Sg. 32 I b6; ♦ 3Sg. 68 al; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 166 a3, b6, 119 b4!, YQ I. IO a5 miie kiir.yto; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. THT 1473 bl; ♦Nam.Pl.Fem. 269 + 290 a>bl !; ♦Abs. Abl.Sg. 9 b2 sparp kiir:;torii.y 'having cut off the rope', 28 a4, THT 1943 bl!. D Cf. ► kiir!jtiilune. L


    For the reading ofTHT 1308.a al, see Itkin - Kuritsyna (2017).

    kiir.ytiilune (n., a.) 'cutting off

    Obl.Sg. kiir.ytiilune,!nstr.Sg. kiir.)·tiiluneyo, Perl.Sg. kiir~·tiiluneyii. T ♦Obl.Sg. 103 a3, 250 al sne-kiir.ytiilune; +lnstr.Sg. 64 b4 (soli)s kiir.ytiiluneyo wlalune miiskatiir 'death occurs through the cutting off oflifc'; ♦ Perl.Sg. 147 a4 (s)w(a)seyis kiir.ytiiluneyii ypeyw11 ka;;f piikiir n(ii)[f!1} 'due to lack of rain, hunger appears in the country', THT 2440 b2!. D Abstract derived from ► kiir!jtii-. F

    kiirs- (vb.) 'shoot, throw' (arrow, spear)

    [B kiirsk-] L CEToM 'shoot (an arrow)'. F Prs.VIII Act. 3Pl. kiirssenc, PPrs. MP kiirsiismii1J1. T ♦Prs. Act. 3Pl. THT 1418.e a3; ♦PPrs. MP 318 + 319 al (bhi)1xlipiilyo kiirsii(smii111) (mii) (ii)lsantr ii 'throwing with a javelin they do not hold ... in check'. D Cf. ► piirra-krase. R On the verb TB kiirsk-, see TVS:581. kiirs* (n.) '?'

    Abl.Sg. kiirsii.y, Loc.Sg. kiirsw11. ♦Abl.Sg. 205 b5 /l/sw11 kiirsii:;;; aci warsas//1; ♦ Loc.Sg. THT 3360 b3. R Judging from the context of205 b5, kiirs* should refer to something impure or dirty.

    F T

    kiirsii- (vb.) 1) 'know, understand', 2) 'let know,

    tell, announce' [B kiirsii-] L POU 'scire', TEB II 'wissen', TVS 'know, understand, recognize'. p I) (tr.) Prs. kiirsnii-, Ipf. siirsa-, Subj. krasa-*lkiirsii-, Prt. siirsii-/krasa*lkiirsii-, PPrt. kiirso, lpv. piikras/pkiirsiis, 2) (caus.) Prs. siirsiis-T-, Subj. siirsas-T-, Prt. sasiirsii, PPrt. sasiirsu, Ipv. p.fiirs. F I) Prs. VI Act. I Sg. kiirsniim, 2Sg. kiirsniit, 3Sg. kiirsnii:;, 2PI. kiirsniic, 3Pl. kiirsnenc, MP 3Sg. kiirsniitrii, PPrs. Nom.Sg.Masc. kiirsniint, Obl.Sg. kiirsniintii111, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. kiirsniil, Obl.Sg.Masc. kiirsniilii111, Nom.Sg.Fem. kiirsniilyi, kiirsniilyf, Nom.PI.Masc. kcirsniilye, Inf. kiirsniirsi, !pf.Act. 3Pl. siirsar, scirsar-ii111, Subj.V Act. 3Sg. krasa:;, 3Pl. kiirse11c, kiirse, MP 3Sg.



    karsor ka,~~atiir, 2PI. kiirsiiciir, Opt.Act. I Pl. kiirsimiis, 3PI. kcirsinc, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. karsiil, Nom.Sg.Fem. kiirsalyi, Obl.Sg.Masc. kiirsalii111, Prt. I Act. I Sg. siirsa, 2Sg. sar.ya,;t, 3Sg. siirs, MP 3Sg. kiirsiit, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kiirso, Obl.Sg.Masc. kiirsont, Norn.Pl.Masc. kiirso0, Obi.Pl.Masc. kiirs011ciis, Norn.Pl.Fem. kiirsont, Abs. Abl.Sg. kiirsora,1·, Ipv.I Act. 2Sg. piikras, 2Pl. pkiirsiis, 2) Prs.Vlll Act. 2Sg. sarsii.yt, PPrs.MP sarsiismii1J2, Inf. siirsiissi, Prt.Il Act. 3Sg. sasars, sasarsiim, 3Pl. sasarsiir, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. sasiirsu, Ipv.11 Act. 2Sg. psiirs. ♦ l)Prs.Act.1Sg.102a6, 119b6, 145b5, YQ Il.2 a3; ♦ 2Sg. 9 b5 iilak peke iilak pekant kyal mii kiirsniit 'one thing is the painting, another thing is the painter, why don't you know that?', YQ 1.5 a7; ♦ 3Sg. 33 b5, 232 b7, 249 a3, 384 al, a3, a4, a5; ♦2Pl. 96 a5!; ♦3Pl. 266 + 276 b>a5, 333 b4, THT I 145 a2; ♦ MP 3Sg. 387 a2; ♦ PPrs. Nom.Sg.Masc. 384 a5, YQ 11.5 bl; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ I.8 a7, THT 1153 bl!; ♦ Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 16 b6 ku(sne) tam pra;;fmJ1 vilyavii111 ,ye,~ siim tiipiirk sravm:zakotivilHe kiirsniil 'the one who at that time was VTryavan is now to be known as Sraval)akotivi111sa', 16 b6- l 7 al, 17al, 17al-2, 18a3,65b5, 120b4, 214 b4!, 236 al!, 247 a2, 249 bl, 297 a5, 317 a5, 329 b5!, 333 a8, 336 b3, b4!, b7, b8, 386 a5, 439 a3, THT 2106 b5, THT 2168 a2, SHT 4438r.d (= Skt.jneyab); ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ I.9 b4!; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. (kiirsnalyi) 144 a5!, 171 a5, 287 + 259 b>a3, 288 b6!, 299 a8 siis nu tapiirk pliic ... ketumati rfyaf!J karsnal(y)[i) 'now this dialogue should be understood as taking place in the city ofKetumatT', 403 + THT 3371 a>bl; (kiirsniilyl) 120 b5; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 64 a3, 367 a2, 367 al!, YQ II.I I b8; ♦ Inf. 12 a2 ynes kiirsniitsi 'know directly', 339 bl, THT 2468 b2; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Pl. (siirsar) 236 b2; (sarsar-a111) Berlin ms.; ♦ Subj.Act. 3Sg. 215 b7, 221 b3, 231 b5, YQ I.7 a8, YQ II.5 bl; ♦ 3Pl. 338 a7; ♦MP 3Sg. 90 b5; ♦ 2Pl. 266 + 276 a>b6!; ♦ Opt.Act. !Pl. YQ 11.7 bl; ♦3Pl. YQ 1.3 a8, Berlin ms.; ♦Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 15 a2, a3, 313 b4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 362 a3, YQ 1.9 b4!;

    ♦Nom.Sg.Fcm. YQ lll.7 a8 kuprene gautam,5i la1.nts nci.J.~ oki kiirsiilyi .ye(.)) 'if the Gautamid queen had understood like me'; ♦ Prt.Act. !Sg. 305 b3 (bis), YQ I.7 a7, a7-8!; ♦2Sg. IOL Toch.291 al; ♦ 3Sg. 153 b5, 224 b3?; ♦MP 3Sg. 312 b8 mii siim iiymes kiilyme kiirsiit 'this one did not recognize the direction for himself; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 19 a2 puk miirkampaliintu kiirso 'having understood all the dharmas', 20 b5 id., 21 a4 id., 25 a5 id., 217 b7 yn(e)s [kiirso], 231 b5 puk kiirso, 258 a8 puk miirkampalntu kiirso, 362 a3 kiirsal[ii1.n] wram kiirso, YQ 1.9 b4, THT 2472 b3 kiirso/1/; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 24 b3, YQ IL 11 b2; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 96 b3, 405 a3, THT 2143 a I; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 59 b4, 68 b4; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 249 bl€; ♦Abs. Abl.Sg. 15 b5-6, 67 b4, 71 b5, 75 al, 84 b4, 113 a6, 122 al, 152 a2, 218 a4, 220 a2, 260 b2, 267 + 268 b>a8!, 296 a6, 336 b6, 394 b2, YQ Il.12 bl, YQ III.9 b3, THT 1322.b bl, gl.SHT 1281 (= Skt. matva); ♦ lpv.Act. 2Sg. 400 a3; ♦2Pl. YQ 11.5 a8, YQ II. I I b2, b5, THT 1139 a6!, THT 1525 a3; ♦2) Prs.Aet. 2Sg. 244 b2; ♦ PPrs.MP 72 a5; ♦Inf. 7 a2, 215 b4, 273 a5 puk miirkampa!ntu siirscissi; ♦Prt.Act. 3Sg. (sasars) 194 b3, 215 b6, YQ I.7 a5, YQ Ill.2 b2; (sasarsa-m) THT 1412.e a4; ♦3Pl. YQ 1.7 a5; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. YQ I.I a3; ♦ lpv.Act. 2Sg. YQ 1.7 b2. D Cf. ► kiirsiilune.

    kiirsiim (adj.) 'knowing' L POU 'sciens', TEB II 'wissend'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kiirsiim, Gen.Sg.Masc. kiirsiimiintiip, Norn.Pl.Masc. kiirsiimiiJ·. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. THT 2448 b2!; ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 252 b8; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 76 a3!, THT 2565 al. D Derived from ► kiirsii-. kiirsiilune (n., a.) 'understanding, knowledge' F Nom.Sg. kiirsalzme, Instr.Sg. kiirsa/unyo. T Nom.Sg. 353 b3-4!, 384 a3 : upalak~al)eti yo 'rtha : kiirsiilune putkalune ka1yii.y/une tan-ne wkiinyo kus-ne arth :, 399 b7; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 379 b5. D Abstract derived from ► kiirsii-. See ► tri-kiirsiilune. kiirsor (n., a.) 'information, knowledge' L POU 'scientia, notitia', TEB II 'Wissen'.



    F S T


    Norn.Sg. kiirsor. kiirsor tii$ + gen.lei. 'knowledge may be to sb.' = 'sb. has to know (sth.)'. ♦Nom.Sg. 9 a5 ti:i.5 niitkis kiirsor ta~· 'this should be known by the lord', 171 b4 ti:i.y niisse kiirsor ta$, 214 a3 kiirsor tas-si, 233 a6, 266 + 276 a>b5 kiirsor fii$-iim, 432 b2 kiirs[o]r ta:i-si, YQ 11.12 b6!. Derived from ► kiirsii-. Abstract based on the PPrt. kiirso.

    kiil- (vb.) 'suffer, endure' [B kiil-] L POU 'perferre, sustinere', TEB II 'ertragen', TVS 'bear, endure, suffer'. P (fact.) Prs. kiils-T-, Subj. k!as-T-, Prl. kakla-, PPrt. kaklu*, Ipv. pkal. F Prs.VIII PPrs. MP k!iismii111, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. kiil5iil, Inf. kliissi, Prt.II Act. 2Sg. kaklii,~t, 3Sg. kakiil, 3Pl. kaktar, Ipv.Act. pkiil. T ♦ PPrs. MP 79 b2! iii wlalune ma kliis[m}ii111 'not enduring my death', 212 a2 YQ II.4 al atam-wcanii.5 sralune ma kliismat!I, 2 J6 b>a3; ♦ Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 342 b>a2 tiimyo tam ni kii/Ji:il ca$ii$ enyiilune.yit_n erkatune 'therefore I have to endure the annoyance of teaching from thisonc',THT215la3; ♦ lnf.177a6

    (erka)[tu}ne kliissi ma skat11 campi:is, 342 b>a5 ma skat11 niitiik was [c}iimplye tn=erkatune cae kliissi 'and we [are], mylord, not able to endure this your anger'; ♦ Prt.Act. 2Sg. 303 a3; ♦3Sg. 335 al; ♦ 3Pl. 282 b4; ♦ lpv.Act. 212 a4 YQ 11.4 a3. kii.lii- (vb.) 'lead, bring' L POU 'ducere, ferre', TEB II 'ftihren, bringen', TVS 'lead, bring'. P (tr.) Prs. kiil!a-, Subj. kala-*/klii-, Prt. siila-lkala-/kla-, PPrt. klo, lpv. pkal*/piikliis/piiklar. F Prs.VI Act. 2Sg. kiilliit, 3Sg. kiillii~·, MP l Sg. kiillamar, 3PI. kiil!a,!ltrii, PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg. kiillant, Norn.Pl. kliintaii, MP kiilliimii111, Inf. kiillatsi, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Fem. kiilliilyi, Norn.Pl.Fem. kii!Ialat11, Subj.V lSg. kalam-ci, 3Sg. klii.5-ii111, kta.y-iim, 3Pl. kldic, kleii-ci, MP I Sg. kliimar, 2Sg. kliitiir, 3Sg. kliitrii, 2Pl. kliiciir, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. kliil, Opt.Act. 3Sg. kli$, MP 2Sg. k!itiir, Prt.I Act. ISg. slii, 3Sg. siil, 3Pl. ka!ar, MP I Sg. kle, kleci, 2Sg. klate, 3Sg. k!at, kliit-11i, 3Pl.

    kliint, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. klo, Obl.Sg.Masc. klont, Abs. Abl.Sg. kloriie, Perl.Sg. klorii, lpv.I MP 2Sg. piikliir. S opyiic kiilii- (MP) 'remember', kiilii- + obi.+ gen.lei. 'bring sth. to sb.'. T ♦ Prs.Act. 2Sg. 62 a6 [pii}n cmolwiienis sewiiss ak opyac kiilliit piittiiiikiit 'finally you remember, oh Buddha, the sons of the five classes of births'; ♦3Sg. (ki:illii,~) 297 a7; ♦MP ISg. 83 b5 cmol(u) opyiic kiillamar; ♦3Pl. 16 al (pi:ilkii)[c} tampe piii111twiissi tma ki:illii111trii ta-ne suk 'note the power of virtues, thus they are led to a place where there is joy'; ♦PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg.Masc. 303 b5, 311 a6; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 105 a3; ♦ PPrs.MP 67 a4 opyiic kiillii(maf!z), 89 b3 opyiic kiillama,,,, l 09 a5?!, 236 a4 ki:illiimii111 opyac; ♦ Inf. 65 bl, l 18 b4; ♦Gdv. Norn.Sg.Fem. THT 1418.fa2 opyiic kiil!iilMi; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 118 b3!; ♦ Subj.Act. ISg. YQ 1.6 b7; ♦ 3Sg. (klii$iit!1) 146 b4; (kla.5-iim) 395 b2; ♦ 3Pl. (klenc) 79 al; (klen-ci) 79 a3 [o}likiilman 11iitse mii kleiic(i) 'the elephants will not bring you distress'; ♦MP l Sg. 116 a I, 198 b5 (o)pyii(c) kliimar; ♦2Sg. 246 b4€; ♦ 3Sg. THT 1642.d b3; ♦2Pl. 78 b4; ♦Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 70 b3 /1/(klii)l tantuny opyiic: ♦ Opt.Act. 3Sg. 65 b3; ♦ MP 2Sg. 67 b6 opyiic klitar, YQ 11.6 a7; ♦ Prt.Act. !Sg. 79 b2 p[ii}/ilune ypamiit!I wra$iil sla assi,441 b5, THT2151 b2, THT2150 b3; ♦3Sg. 45 a2; ♦ 3Pl. 13 a5; ♦MP ISg. 432 a7 wiir kl(e)-c(i), a8 id., b5 wriintu kl[e]-ci, 433 a3 yoktsi kle, THT 1531 b5 kle-ci; ♦2Sg. 431 b6, 432 b4 wriintu n~·ac klate; ♦ 3Sg. (kliit) 441 a3, 451 a3; (kliitni) 50 a6, 43 + 52 a4; ♦3Pl. 220 b I, 357 a4 opyac k/ant, 383 a2; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 161 a3, 392 bl?!, 453 b2; THT 1486 b2; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 78 a5?, 275 b3; ♦Abs. Abl.Sg. 82 a2 iiiitseya,_n klorii.5, 143 b3, 200 b3, 279 a8 opyiic k(l)orii:J, 301 b7, 313 b3, YQ II.IO a6; ♦Perl.Sg. YQ 11.6 b6; ♦ lpv.MP 2Sg. 56 a6, 270 a4!, 431 b2; ♦fgm THT 1461 a4 klo/1/. D Cf. ► kliilune. R See Hackstein (1995:314ff.). For discussions on the interpretation of klii.5iit!I in 146 b4, cf. Itkin (2015) and TVS:585-586. -kiilk ► muk-kiilk

    129 kiilkii-

    kalpa► yii-

    kiilkiilune (n., a.) 'going, wandering' F Nom./Obl.Sg. kalkfilune, Abl.Sg. kalkiiluneya.y, Loc.Sg. kalkiiluneyw11, Perl.Sg. kalkiiluneyii. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 94 a2; ♦Abl.Sg. 121 a4; ♦ Loc.Sg. 50 b 1; ♦ Perl.Sg. 70 b I. D Abstract based on the stem kii/kiisuppletive of ► yii-. ' kiiln- (vb.) I) 'sound, resound', 2) 'make sound' (instrument, etc.) [B kaln-] L POU 'sonare, resonare', TEB II 'tonen', TVS 'resound'. P I) (itr.) Prs. kaln-r/J-, !pf. kaliiii-, 2) (fact.) kalnas-T-, Subj. kalniis-T-, Prt. kakalnii-. F I) Prs.I Act. 3Sg. kalnaJ, 3PI. kalninc, kalnfiic, PPrs.MP kalnma111, !pf.Act. 3Sg. kalna, 2) Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. kalna;;;;-am, Subj.IX Act. 3Pl. kalniisenc-am, Prt.Il Act. 3Pl. kakalniir. T ♦ I) Prs.Act. 3Sg. 318 + 319 bl€, (184 +) THT I 134 b4-5; ♦ 3Pl. (kalninc) 187 a5 + 193 a6, THT 3645 b I; (kalnfnc) 299 b3 Fzakcyiin rapeyu nusenc kal[n}ffic 'the divine musical instruments roar and sound'; ♦ PPrs. MP 189 b2!, 193 b3!, YQ 1.8 al, YQ II. I a5; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Sg. 312 a2 taprenak siis tkw11 nkat nu.Jii kal(nii) 'so often this earth kept roaring and sounding'; ♦2) Prs.Act. 3Sg. 265 a8; ♦ Subj.Act. 3Pl. 262 a4 kiickeyo kalniiseric-am yetlveyntu rapeyassal 'they will make their ornaments sound joyfully with music'; ♦Prt.Act. 3Pl. 312 b5 kakal[n]iirr oki Fiakcyiis rapeytu 'they made sound as it were the divine musical instruments'. D See the action noun ► klam basis of ► klano. ·' kiilp (n., masc.sg.) 'gain' [Cf. B kallau] L POU 'lucrum', TEB II 'Gewinn'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kalp, Loc.Sg. kalpa111. T ♦Nom.Sg. 218 b6, 345 a I tsopats kalp, YQ Ill.3 b8; ♦ Obl.Sg. 222 a3 kalpii riniintiin; ♦ Loc.Sg. 232 b6. D Related to the root of ► kiilpii-. kiilpa-piiltsiik* (adj.) 'intent on gain' L POU 'in lucrum intentus', TEB II 'an Gewinn denkend'. F Obl.Sg.Fem. kalpa-piilska111.

    T D

    ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 6 b6 kiilpa-palska,11 k,,leyac 'to a woman motivated by gain'. Compound with ► kiilp and ► piiltsiik.

    kiilpa- (vb.) I) 'obtain, gain', 2) 'make obtain, bestow' [B kiilpii-] L POU 'adipisci, obtinere, invenire, reperire', TEB II 'erlangen', TVS 'obtain'. P I) (tr.Mtant.) Prs. kalpnii-, !pf. siilpa-, Subj. kalpii-, Prt. kiilpii-, PPrt. kalpo, 2) (cans.) Prs. kalpas-T-, Subj. kiilpiis-T-*, Prt. kakiilypii-. F I) Prs.Vl MP !Sg. kiilpniimiir, 2Sg. kiilpniitiir, 3Sg. kiilpniitiir, kalpniitra, 1Pl. kalpniimtrii, 3Pl. kalpnantiir, kalpnantr, kalpnantrii, PPrs.MP kalpnama111, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. kiilpnal, Obl.Sg.Masc. kiilpnalii111, Inf kiilpnatsi, !pf.MP 2Sg. siilpat, Subj.V MP !Sg. kalpamar, 2Sg. kalpatar, 3Sg. kalpatiir, kiilpatra, I Pl. kalpiimtiir, 2PI. kiilpaciir, Opt. MP I Sg. kalpimar, kiilpfmiir, 2Sg. kalpitar, 3Sg. kalpitar, kiilpTtar, 1Pl. kalpimtra, kiilpfmtrii, 3Pl. kalpintar, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. kiilpal, Obl.Sg.Masc. kalpiila111, Obi.Pl.Masc. kalpalyes, Obi.Pl.Fem. kalpala,11, Prt.l MP I Sg. kiilpe, 2Sg. kalpate, 3Sg. kiilpiit, kiilpatii1t1, IPL kiilpamat, 2Pl. kalpac, 3PI. kalpant, kiilpiint-a,.n, kalwant, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kalpo, Norn.Sg.Fem. kiilpos, Norn.Pl.Masc. kiilpo;;, Norn.PI.Fem. kalpont, Abs. Abl.Sg. kiilporii.)', Perl.Sg. kiilporii, 2) Prs.VIII 2Sg. kalpii.yt, Prt.Il 3Sg. kakalypii-1.n. S xparii,.n kalp- 'obtain the rank ofx'. T ♦ I) Prs.MP !Sg. 221 a2; ♦2Sg. 149 a3, 3Sg. (kiilpnatiir) 104 a2, 157 bl, 206 b3, 214 b3!, 255 b6, 266 + 276 b>a4, 359 a7 (Skt. vidyate); (kalpnatra) 2 b6, 31 IA a2; ♦ IPL 338 b5! /1/(ka)lpnamtrii; ♦3Pl. (kiilpnantar) 2 al, 266 + 276 a>b2; (kiilpniintr) I 05 a I; (kiilpnantra) 98 b2!, 171 a2, 254 b8, 260 b4, 287 + 259 b>a2, 305 bl, YQ Il.13 a8, bl-2!; ♦PPrs.MP 353 b2; ♦ Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. I al-2!, YQ 1.2 a2; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 267 + 268 b>a5! (kiilpnaln yac, sandhi form in verse); ♦Inf. 149 a3!, 232 a4; ♦ !pf.MP 2Sg. 15 b4; ♦Subj.MP ISg. 11 b5, 233 b6, 371 b4; ♦2Sg. PK.NS.I al, PK.NS.4.b2; +3Sg. (kalpatar) 74 a5, 198 al, YQ III.4


    kalpam b2; (ka/patra) YQ 1.9 a4, YQ III.4 b4; YQ III.2 bl; ♦2PI. 31 bl!; ♦ Opt.MP l Sg. (kalpimar) 23 a5, 307 b2 (ki:ilpzmar) 226 b7; ♦2Sg. 215 b2, 272 a7 myu suk tsm11 kalpitar 'may you receive a long happiness here'; ♦3Sg. (kalpitar) 3 a3€, 44 a3; (kalpTtar) 230 b7 tampe kalpitar ku/i(..~) tampe omaske,.n klesas(i)i 'the power should be gained, the power of the evil afflictions should recede'; ♦ l PL (ka/pimtra) 45 a4!, 303 a8, MG 1 b3!; (kalpimtra) 253 b7; ♦3Pl. 236 a7, YQ Ill.6 a7; ♦ Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 14 b3 ma kalpal nas, 63 b6 kalpal tak, 65 b5 ki:i/pal ,a.y, 67 b2 kalpat tam, 74 a4 ma kalpal tas, 92 b3, 340 a9, b2, 405 a5, 436 a2 kalpal .yem, YQ III. I I b7; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ II.5 b5, YQ Il.13 a3; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. YQ II.12 a8, ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 261 b>a4; ♦ Prt.MP lSg. 17 a5, 118 a5!, 398 b5, YQ III.I a3, YQ III.4 a2; ♦2Sg. 255 b3; ♦ 3Sg. (kalpat) I b5, 16 a2, 59 a2 markampal.ya111 ytaral!I lyutar wani kalpat, 62 a5, 80 a>bl, 107 a2, 157 b2, 169 a6, 251 b5, 252 b5, 255 a2, a4, a5!, a7, b2, 266 + 276 a>b5!, 317 a2?!, 327 a4?!, 340 b2, 341 b8, 357 a2, 394 a4, 398 b3, YQ 1.9 bl; (kalpat-ii,!l) 110 a2!, 224 a3!; ♦ IPL 271 a5, 311 a4, YQ III.2 bl; ♦2PI. 300 a6!, YQ 11.15 b4; ♦3Pl. (kalpant) 16 a2!, 195 b2, 269 + 290 b>al !, 376 a4, 405 b5, YQ III.2 a4, a4; (kalpant-iil!l) YQ Ill.3 b7; (kalwant) 433 b5, b6; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 23 bl, 67 b6, 126 a5, 266 + 276 b>a4, 307 b2, 373 a5, 436 b5, 437 b3, YQ 1.8 a7, YQ Il.6 a6, YQ II.14 a3, YQ II.15 a8, b2, THT 1143 a3, gl.SHT 1536; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 100 a6, 110 b3 kalpos se.y, 207 bl, YQ III.2 a5; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 4 b3, 41 a6, 229 b3, 262 a3, 312 a5, 342 a>b5, 446 b5, YQ III.2 b5, YQ III. I I a4; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 243 a4, YQ Ill.2 b4; ♦ fgm. 160 b4, 201 al, 375 a3; ♦Abs. Abl.Sg. 7 a3; ♦Perl.Sg. l 0 bl, 394 b3; ♦2) Prs.Act. 2Sg. YQ II.6 a5; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. 130 a2; ♦ fgm. THT 1607.a a2 ki:ilpa//1. D Cf. ► kiilpiilune*, ► kiilpiim, ► kiilp.


    ♦ IPL

    kiilpiim (adj.) 'obtaining' L POU 'adipiscens, obtinens', TEB II 'erlangend'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kalpam.


    +Nom.Sg.Masc. 243 a3 sarki kalpa[m] na.yt, YQ III.4 b3 kalpam ma nas. Derived from ► kiilpii-.

    kiilpiilune* (n., a.) 'obtaining' F Perl.Sg. ka/paluneya, Com.Sg. kalpa!uneyassal. T ♦ Perl.Sg. 27 b I; ♦ Com.Sg. 336 b8!. D Abstract derived from ► kiilpii-. kiilpiilune!ji (adj.) 'pertaining to an obtaining' F Nom.Sg.Masc. kalpatunesi, Obl.Sg.Masc. ka!palunesi111. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 3 al ka!palunesi parka 'the advantage of obtaining'; ♦Obi. Sg.Masc YQ I. I b2 kalpalunesil!l akalyo. D Derived from ► kiilpiilune. kiibve111* (adj.) 'of rice' (Skt. sali-) L VTW 'Reis-'. F Norn.Pl.Masc. kalweiii. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 456.c a2. D Based on ► klu. R See SSS:27, and Malyshev (2019:88-89). kiiltsii- (vb.) I) 'be threatened', 2) 'make press, increase pressure, oppress' [B ki:il(t)sa-] L POU 'dorrnire', COU 'durchdringen, ziehen; oder lahmen', TEB II 'bedrohen', HILM 'to pour, gush; lean (on), press, oppress, suppress', TVS 'oppress; let be pressed together'. P 1) (itr.) Prs. kaltsna-, Prt. kaltsa-, PPrt. kaltso-, 2) (fact.) Prt. kaki:iltsa-. F I) Prs. VI MP 3Sg. kaltsnatar, 3PI. kaltsnantr-ii1!1, Prt.l MP 3Sg. kaltsat, PPrt. Norn.Sg.Masc. kaltso, Obi.Pl.Fem. ki:iltsont; 2) Prt.II Act. 3Sg. kaki:ilts, kaki:iltsa-171. T ♦ I) Prs.MP 3Sg. THT 1146 a4; ♦3Pl. THT 1151 b2; ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. THT 2441 a2; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 65 b2 puk akalntu spark.yant kaltso wraske oki sol sumnant '(Death is] destroying all wishes and taking the life like an oppressive sickness .. .'; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. 103 a3; ♦2) Prt.Act. 3Sg. (kakalts) 75 a3 /1/m[a]rmas kakaltsts oki 'he [i.e., the hunter] increased as it were the pressure on his vital points'; (kakaltsa-1!1) 77 b2, 177 a3. D See action noun ► kiiltsiil. R For the restoration of the form in THT 1151 bl,seeCEToM(Pinaultand Peyrot). See also Peyrot (2013:746 and n. 206,207).



    kiiltsiil* (n., masc.) 'oppression' F Pcrl.Sg. kaltsiilii. T ♦ Perl.Sg. 226 a5!. D Derived from ► kiiltsii-. R For this restoration, see Chamot-Rooke (2022a). kiily-(vb.) 1) (itr.) 'stand (up)', 2) (caus.) 'put, place' [B kaly-] L POU 'stare, esse, versari', TEB II Gv. 'stehen, sich bcfindcn', K. 'stellen', TVS 'stand, be situated'. P (itr.) Prs. kaly-T-, !pf. kalyii-, Subj. ,5/ama-, Prt . .Mm-, (caus.) Prs . .5/ams-, Prt.



    sasmii-. 1) Prs.11 MP !Sg. kalymiir, 2Sg. kalytiir, 3Sg. kalytar, kalytra, kalytar-ci, 3Pl. klyantra, klyw11tra, klya,_ntar, klyantr-a111, PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg. klyant, Obi.Pl. klyantiis, PPrs. MP kalymiiq1, Inf. kalytsi, !pf.MP 3Sg. klyiit, 3Pl. klyiint, Ipv.Act. 2Sg. pa:ftam, 2Pl. pa~·tmas, Subj.V Act. 3Sg. :flama:f, Opt.Act. 3Pl. :flmii'ic, Gdv. .5tmiil, Prt.I Act. 3Sg. sam, smii-m, smii-111, 3Pl. stamar, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc . .5tmo, Norn.Pl.Masc . .511110.y, sfmo.y, Obi.Pl.Masc. .5/moncas, Nom.Sg.Fcm. :f/mos, stmos, Abs. ~·tmoras, 2) Prs.VIII Act. 3Pl. .ytamsenc, PPrs.Act. stamsantiin, PPrs.MP .ytmasmii11z, Inf. stmassi, lpv.Act. 2Sg. passam, MP 2Pl. pasmiic, Prt.II Act. l Sg. sasmiiwii, 2Sg. sasmiist, 3Sg. sasam, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. sasmu, Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. sasmunt, Abs. sasmuras. ♦ 1) Prs.MP 1Sg. 317 b3; ♦2Sg. THT 2059 b2!; ♦ 3Sg. (kalytar) 68 a6, 91 b4, 124 b3, 150 b4, 151 al, 333 a9, 337 a3, 358 a2-3, YQ 11.2 bl-2!, YQ III.3 a3; (kalytra) 18 a4, 332 b 1; (kalytar-ci) PK.NS.6 b 1; ♦ 3PI. (klyantra) I 09 b6, 162 a2, 283 a3, 284 al, 318 + 319 al, 324 a6?!, 378 a4; (klya171tra) 18 bl, 47 a3, a5, a6; (klym11tar) 16 b5, 18 a5, a6; (klyantr-a111) 150 b3, YQ N.5 b5; ♦ PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg.Masc. 61 b4! na:j klya11 tiikim; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 467 a3; ♦ PPrs.MP 13 al, 16 b2, 73 a6, 91 b2, 153 a2, 213 b7, 230 b 1€, 254 b3, 296 b4, 315 b5, YQ ll.6 a45!; ♦ Inf. 242 b4; ♦ !pf.MP 3Sg. 22 a4, 316 al; ♦3Pl. 16 a4. 320 b3; ♦ lpv.Act. 2Sg. 25 a3, 79 a2, 258 a7, 260 al; ♦2Pl. 332 al; ♦ Subj.Act. 3Sg. 219 b3; ♦ Opt.Act. 3Pl.

    1378.k a 1; ♦Gdv. 99 b3; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. (sam) 22 a2, 43 + 52 b6, 214 a2, YQ 11.1 a6, PK.NS.4 b4; (smii-m) 278 b2, (smii-111) 20 a4; ♦3Pl. 3 l 2 b4; ♦ PPrt. 124 b5, 349 b4, 380 b2, 438 a I, PK.NS.5 b 1, PK.NS.509 b3; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. (5tmo.5) 125 a3, YQ N.2 + N.6 a7; (.y/mo,1·) 44 b2; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 114 al, 300 b3; ♦Nom.Sg.Fcm. (.ytmos) 99 b4; (.yfmos) 41 a4; ♦Abs. 213 bl, 269 + 290 b>a6, 342 b>a3, YQ 11.5 a6; ♦2) Prs.Act. 3Pl. 65 al; ♦ PPrs.Act. 332 a2; ♦ PPrs.MP YQ 1.3 b3; ♦ Inf. 65 a2, 97 b2, 280 a8; ♦ lpv.Act. 2Sg. 256 a4; ♦ lpv.MP 2PI. 57 a6; ♦ Prt.Act. I Sg. 270 a8, YQ 1.1 b3; ♦2Sg. 56 a6; ♦3Sg. 332 a4; ♦ fgm. 123.a b3. D The active participle is matched by B klyet'lca. Cf. ► !flmiilune, ► ~·tmii.ylune*. R In 3 a3 one should read kalpitar instead of kalyitar, cf. Sieg (1944:6 and n. 2). Opt.Act. 3PI. .ytmiilc, see SSS:432. For semantic reasons, the forms of the preterite participle belong to a different verb, sec ► siim-. The alternative would be to assume two homophonous preterit participles. See TVS:592-593, 959-961, Peyrot (2013a:738). kiilyc* (n.) 'sheath'(?) L POU'?', TEB II 'drohcnd (?)', PIN 'sleeve', WW 'sheath'. F Loc.Sg. kalycw_n. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 342 b>a3 tma.y (iimiisii)n

    kalyca,_n kiiresyo tiinasolis yok111-a111c :jhnora:j sla-waknasurile liintac traizkiF1c 'thereupon the ministers, standing next to the door of the Danasala with the swords in the sheath, say with reverence to the king'. R For the translation of 342 b>a3 sec Schmidt (2001a:305). Parallel text B 79 a3 kertte171 01ikor malkiinte. kiilyme (n., masc./fem.) 'region, direction' [B kalymiye] (Skt. di/;-) L POU 'regio', TEB II 'Himmclsgegend, Richtung'. F Obl.Sg. kalyme, AII.Sg. kalymeyac, Abl.Sg. kalymeyii$, Loc.Sg. kalymeym_n, kalymya,11, Perl.Sg. kalymeyii, Norn.Pl. kalyme111, Obi.Pl. kalymeyantu, kalymeyu, kalymes, Loe.Pl. kalyment,va111, kalymet,va111, Abt.Pl. kalymentwa~--


    ► kalyme

    kii/yme kalyme 'region after region', sak kalymeyantu, sak kalymentwaf!1 'in the ten directions', puk ka!ymeyu, puk kalymentwa111 'in all directions', stwarkalyme, stwar kalymeyu, stwar kalymentwa111 'in the four directions', puk kalymentwii,v 'from all directions', kalyme kaly- 'standing besides', kalymeyii 'in a proper way' (Skt. samyak). T ♦Obl.Sg. 2 b2 kiisu iiom-klyu amoktsiip ka!yme ka!yme satkatar 'the good reputation of a craftsman is spread in region after region', 16 b2 kalyme kalyma111, 41 a4 kalyme .yfmos, 66 b4 kiirna.i· ko111-parkaiica111 kalyme riyis 'steps down in the eastern part of the city', 80 b>a2 [ka}lyme kalyme, 87 a6 id., 230 b I kalym=a111ca111, 312 a4 kalyme kalyme, b8 sam iiymes kalyme karsiit, 314 a5 ma penu ka!k stwar-kalyme, 379 b3, 422 b3?, 461 a4 !I prthag di[sa]I:i sphareta · le[tkii]r kaly(m)e//1, YQ I.3 b4, YQ lll.12 b6, YQ 1.9 bl-2! ka(lyme kiilyme), YQ 11.6 a2 kiilyme kalymeya.y, THT 2392 b 1; ♦ All.Sg. 77 b3 hima[va}nt $Ulyi111 kalymeyac; ♦Abl.Sg. YQ 11.6 a2 kalyme kalymeya~·; ♦ Loc.Sg. (kiilymeya,71) 32 b2, 70 a2 iintii1.11 kalymeyaf!J, 212 b2 ca~· dak-'!itJiipath kalymeya111, 230 a6?!, 246 b4, 287 + 259 b>a3, 288 b2 .'/tii .pzi kiilymeya,71 lo yific, 403 b>a2!?, 462 b2 km11-parkii[nt} kalymey(a111), YQ I.I a2, YQ 1.8 b4-5!, YQ II.4 a8, YQ II.12 b7, THT 1134 bl, THT 1492 a2; (kalymya,_n) 379 b4 ko~n-parkiiiicii111 kalymya,_n; ♦ Perl.Sg. 11 a5, 19 a2, 20 b4, 21 a4, 25 a5!, 222 a4, 267 + 268 a>b5 ka!ymeyii kas tii(lune) (Skt. samyak-sa111ka!pa-), a>b5 [ka] /ymeyii yam lune (Skt. samyakkarmiinta-), a>b5 ! ka[l}ym(e)yii sol solune.'ji111 (Skt. samyag-iijlva-), a>b6! (kii)lymeyii ime (Skt. samyaksmrti-), a>b6 kalymeyii (p)ly(a)sk(e111).yiniis (Skt. samyaksamiidhi-), 288 a2, 304 a7, 305 a2 1//(ka)lym(e)yii rake kalymeyii yiimlune, 345 a2, 336 b4, YQ [[J. I b5, YQ IIl.8 b6, b7, YQ III.IO a5, a7, YQ N.4 b2, THT 1322.a a2, THT 1894 a I 1//kalymeyii plak; ♦ Obi.Pl. (kalymeyiintu) 264 b6?!, 379 b3 puk sak kiilyme(yiintu), 423 b2 (Skt. disab); (kalymeyu) 16 bl (p)uk kalym(e)yu, 102 b5 s/\var kalymeyu, YQ S

    132 11.14 b7; (kiilyme1;1) 255 b8 (puk) ka!yme,.n tska111santra; (kalymes) 153 b4; ♦ Loe.Pl. (kaly111entwa1J1) 1 al (kii)su iiom klyu tsra.yissi sak kiilymentwa111 siitkatar, 66 a2 (ci)iicrone puk kalymentwatJJ satko tiii, 219 b3, 257 a6 kesar sisakk oki pii/kiit stwar kalymentwa111, 297 b2?!, 299 b3?!, 312 a3, 379 b4 macrif!1 km11-[ypiint ka}ly111entwa111, YQ 1.9 b2; (kalymetwa1.11) 66 b3; ♦Ahl.Pl. 274 b7, 358 a4 [pu}k kalymentwii.y. R Cf. also ► akiilyme. kiilymeyil ► kiilyme -kiilywilts ► 1iom-kiilywilts kii.ytiir (adj.uni.) 'numerous' (Skt. sa1J1bah11la-)

    L T

    POU 'multus', TEB II 'zahlreich, vie!'. bl ka.'jtar .yiimniifi, 353 a2 .'jG,)'atpU.'j ka[.y]tiir iiklye (Skt. PrMoSu 73-74, Pr. I uddi!5tiib sa1.nbahulaf.1 saik.~ii/.z ). ♦ 195

    kii!j!ji (n., masc.) 'teacher' [B kii-'!,Yi] (Skt.

    guru-, siistar-) L POU 'magister, praeceptor', TEB II 'Lehrer'. F Nom.Sg. ki:i.y.yi, ka.y.yi, ka.yy, Obl.Sg. kii-'!$i111, Gen.Sg. ka.yiyap, ka.y.iyap, ki:i.y.'jiyiip, ka.yyap, kaJyiip-iikk, lnstr.Sg. ka,~.yinyo, All.Sg. ka.y!jinac, ki:i.y.yil1111ac, Abl.Sg. ka.y.yinii$, Loc.Sg. kaij.yina111, Perl.Sg. ka.y,~ina, Norn.Pl. kii,~-'!iii, Obi.Pl. kii$$is, kyis, Gen.Pl. kaJ·-'!issi, kii$.'/is.~i-k, Ahl.Pl. kii$,)'isi:i.y. S ptiiiikat ka.y.yi 'Buddha the teacher', metrak kii$,Yi 'Maitreya the teacher'. T ♦Nom.Sg. (kii-'!!5i) 16 b5 ptiiiiktit ka.y.yi, 18 a I id., b4 id., 19 a2 id., 20 a2 id., b6, 21 b I ptiiiiki:it ka.y!ji, 24 b3 id., 25 a3 id., 32 a4 id., a6 id., 36 a4 id., 45 b I id., 46 a4, 47 b6 id., 54 a4 ptiifikat kii$$i, 62 b3, 102 a5! ptiiiikat kii($,Yi), 120 b2 id., 125 al piittiiiikat kti.y:ji, 132 b3 ptiiiika[t ka}J'!ji, 144 a3 id., b6 id., 149 a5, 150 a3 id., 153 b6 pattaiiktit kti.y.i·i, 162 b2 ptiiiikiit kti.'/,Yi, 169 a4 id., a5 id., 212 b3 id., 217 b6 id., 222 b7, 231 b5, 239 b4, 240 a2, 249 b4 kii$,yissi kti$$i, 258 a7, 261 a>b6!, 267 + 268 a>b2 (ptii)iiktit kii.y,~i, 269 + 290 b>a2 id., 271 b4 ll/(kii.i).y(i)ss'i kti-'!,)'i, 274 a3, 278 a8 id., bl id., b3 id., 282 a4 id., 292 b4, 300 a3 id., 302 b5 id., 305 b 1 id., 307 a 1 id., b I id., 312 a2 id., 313 a 1 ptittiiiiktit kiiij.yi, a2, a3 ptiil1ktit kti.y.'ji, 335 b5 id., 363


    kasa6, 400 al id., 437 b5 id., 438 a2 id., 446 a5 id., 447 a2 id., YQ I.3 b5, b6, YQ 1.9 b5, YQ 1.10 a7, YQ II.2 a3, a5, YQ Il.8 b4, YQ 11.9 a5, b8!, YQ II.IO a6, a7, b5, YQ II.I I al, a4, a6, a8, YQ 11.13 a5, a6, b3-4!, YQ II.IS bl, b3, YQ III.l a7, YQ Ill.2 a3, a6, a8, YQ 111.3 bl, b5, b6, YQ 111.4 bl, b5!, YQ 111.6 b2, b6, b8, YQ lll.7 b2, b7, YQ 111.8 b2-3!, YQ III.9 b3, YQ 111.10 a4, b2, b5, YQ N. l b7!, YQ N.4 bl; (ka,s,fi) 221 b3 ka.5:;Tmetrak, b7 id., 222 a7, b3, 223 al, a7, 315 b7 (pa)ttiinkat ka:;:;T, 332 a3 ptiiilkat ka:;fi, a8 id., b2 id., 336 b3, 338 b5 ptiinkat ka.5.)·T; (ka:;y) YQ II.I a6; ♦ Obl.Sg. (ka.5.5il_n) 20 b I ptii11kcit ka~·.5il_n, 21 b2, 35 a2 ptiinkiit kii.5:;if_n, 38 b2 id., 47 bl id., 50 b3 id., 54 a6 id., 69 b2 id., 80 a>b2 id., I 04 b6, 115 b4 [pt}iinkcit kci.5.5i111, 212 a7 id., 227 /8 b5, 234 a3, 231 b6, 246 a4, 248 b2, 249 b4, 253 a4 ii:;iinikii1r, metrakaf!1 ka.5.5i1r,, 311 al, 314 a3-a4 ptiinkiit ka.5.5il11, a6 id., 342 a>b2; (kii:;:;1f!1) 314 a3 ii0iinikii111 metrakiilr, ka~·:;i111, YQ I.I a6, YQ 11.2 a7, YQ 11.4 a6, YQ II.6 al!, YQ 11.14 b I, YQ II.15 a8, YQ N.2 a6!; ♦Gen.Sg. (ka.5iyiip) 6 b5, 307 b3 ptiinkcit kci.5.5iyiip, 353 a6; (ka.5:;yiip) 314 b2 ptiinkat kci:;.yyiip; (kci0.5iyiip) YQ 11.9 al, YQ IIl.6 a4; (kci,vyiip) 19 b6 ptiinkat kci.5yiip, 23 b3 ! id., 24 b4 id., 24 a I id., 93 a3, 150 b I ptiif'lkcit (ka) 0yiip, 153 a3 id., 156 b5 id., 175 a3, 199 a3 pcittiinkcit kii$yiip, 215 b3 id., 260 al id., a7!, b7 ptiiFlkat ka.5yii[p}, 261 b>a6! id., 266 + 276 b>a3 id., 269 + 290 b>a6 id., 279 b6 id., THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a6!, 287 + 259 a>b6 ptiiFlkat ka.5yii[p}, 292 b3 id., 332 a2 pattiiFlkcit ka,~yap, 335 b6 ptiiFlkcit kci.yyiip, b8 id., 336 a4 id., YQ I.7 a2!, a6, YQ 1.8 a6!, YQ I.IO a8, YQ II.2 a8, b4, YQ III.l a5, YQ Ill.14 a5, bl, b8, YQ III.5 a2, a4, YQ IIl.6 bl-2!, YQ III.IO b6, YQ III.12 b3; (kci.5yiip-akk) YQ III.7 a5, THT 2528 b2; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 138 b4; ♦All.Sg. (ka:; 0inac) 9 b3 ym11triiciire111 kci-5.5i11ac trcifzkci~·, 44 b I ptiiFlkcit kci.5,5inac kak[mu]//1, 46 a2 id., 215 b4 + YQ 1.7 a3 klyomcint metrci1'yiip ptiif'lkcit kci~·.5inac wa:;tci.5 lciFlclune piilkorci.5 'having seen that the noble Metrak will leave his home in order to go to the Buddha-god the teacher', 261 a>b4! [ptii}Flkcit kii(:;.5)i(nac), 300 b5, 398

    b4 ptiiiikat ka:;:;inac tra1ika.5 'he says to the Buddha the teacher', YQ 1.7 a7, a8, YQ 11.2 a8!, YQ 11.3 a7!, b3, YQ 11.4 a34!, bl, b3, YQ 11.8 bl, YQ 11.9 bl!, YQ II.12 a5, YQ II.l3 al, a2!, YQ Ill.3 bl, YQ IIl.6 a5, YQ 111.7 a6, b5, THT 1141 bl; (kci.5.5i11111ac) YQ III.10 a3; ♦Abl.Sg. 404 b4 /1/(ptiiii)kcit ka,5,5ina,5, YQ lll. 1 b5!, THT 1308.b b2; ♦ Loc.Sg. 17 b4 ptiiiikiit ka.5.5inal/1, YQ 11.13 b4, YQ 111.4 a8; ♦ Perl.Sg. 7 bl yal/1triiciire1J1 ka,s,sinii, 8 al id., 99 b6 pattii,ikiit ka.5,)·inii, 312 b6 ptiiiikat ka.5.5inii, YQ 11.9 a6, YQ 111.9 b2; ♦Norn.Pl. 170 b5, 249 b3 bram-iiakt.5ii.5 aci 11ciktaF1 wrasi.W ka.5.5iFl, 312 a7!, YQ 1.4 b5-6!; ♦ Obi.Pl. (ka,>·.5is) 232 b6; (k.yis) 371 b2 k.5is ,,piidhyiis iiNa1r,}1yiisi; ♦Gen.Pl. (kii.y.yissi) 3 a2, 8 b6, 62 b4, 249 b4, 302 bl, 302 b I piicri miicri ka:;.yis.fi wraskeyuF1cissy iiniisiissi; (ka.5.5issi-k) YQ 11.8 a6; ♦Abl.Pl. 214 a7. D Not borrowed from Mir. as previously assumed, see Pinault (2003c:332-333), cf. VW:626, with references to earlier literature. kiis- (vb.) 'extinguish' [B kas-] L POU 'extingui, evanescere', TEB II 'erloschen', TVS 'come to extinction'. P I) (itr.) Prs. kass-T-, Subj. kas-*lkas-, Prt. sas(sii)-*, PP1i. kaksu-, 2) (tr.) Subj. ksa-, Pit. kaksii-. F I) Prs.11 Act. 3Pl. kseiic, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kaksu, Obl.Sg.Masc. kaksunt, Obi.Pl.Fem. kaksunt, 2) Pct.II MP 3Pl. kaksiint. T ♦ l) Prs.Act. 3Pl. Berlin ms.; ♦ Inf. Berlin ms.; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 109 a2, 320 a2 kaksu ksal[u}ne(yac oki yt)[si}; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 246 b4 (k)liiiir wrasas kaksu[nl} (lame),5inii111 kalymeymr, 'you lead the beings in the direction of the extinguished place', 398 bl!; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. 258 b2 tma,1· sil11he wiil .5iimm11 nii1J1tsu kaksunt wsoka111 indrisyo piip.5une k(n)iis(si) 'thereupon the king Si111ha, having become a monk, in order to make his observance real with his extinguished happy senses .. .'; ♦2) Pit.MP 3 Pl. 314 b2 puk ksiic kaksiint 'they made everything extinguish nearby'. D Cf. ► ksalune and ► kaksuriie.


    kas R

    The forms Prs.Act. 2Sg. ka.5t in 247 al and Inf. kassi in 311 b6 (SSS:433) are caused by false interpretations and do not exist.

    kiis (n.) 'bran' (Skt. kaiw-) L POU'?', HILM 'watering, irrigation', PIN 'bran'. F Obl.Sg. kas, Abl.Sg. has. T ♦Obl.Sg. 63 b4 nakant iiatsentu puk

    wrasassi puk tkm11sm11 · sne-wle,5/uneyo sne-psiil sne-kas 'dangers were obliterated [and] for all beings in all earths, without working (rice) without bran [and] without husk (was provided); ♦Abl.Sg. 454 b2 Ill . . tu aktant kun[t} ksa-5.5 aci ·. R For discussion of this noun, see HILM: I 02. The content of the 63 b4 passage refers to the episode of the Buddhist myth of genesis, at the phase of the golden age where the beings could find their basic food ready to eat, see Rockhill (I 907:3-4) and Meisig (1988: 134). A further TA text contains the same mythological description: 2 a3 kyalte ne.5 wrasassi sne-wawlec;u sne-psal klu swatsi c;e.5 'because before the food of the beings was rice, untilled [and] without husk'. The phrase sne-psal sne-kas klu corresponds exactly to Pa. aka,:,o athuso ( ... ) twu;lulapphalo 'rice-grain without bran, without husk', Skt. salh11 aka(za111 atu.5m71 'rice without powder or husk' (Mvu I:345.16). Since B pistil, the match of A psal, is known as the equivalent of Skt. tuc;a-, tu,5i- 'the chaff of grain or corn or rice' (MW:452a), Pa. thusa- 'husk of grain, chaff' (PED:309b), from the bilingual text B 174 b2 (see Schmidt 2002a:5), one can safely assume that snekas translates Skt. (and Pa.) a-ka(1a-, privative compound with kww- as second member:'husk-powder' (PED: 178b), 'minute particle; bran (the powder between the husk and grain of rice)' (DP I:6l6b), 'the red coating between the kernel and the husk of rice' (BHSD: 165b). kiiskii- (vb.) 'scatter, disperse' [B kask-] F Subj.V Opt.Act. 3Sg. kaski.5. T ♦Opt.Act. 3Sg. THT 3367 + 2385.cc a7.

    kiiskor (n., a.) 'idle talk, disconnected speech' [B kaskor] (Skt. sm11bhinna-) F Nom./Obl.Sg. kaskor. T ♦Obl.Sg. 22718 b7 ma pe tranki wi.5a111 tsar ma ka[;,j(k)[oj(r) 'they do not even tell slander, harsh [speech], nor nonsense'. D Possibly the abstract based on the verb ► kiiskii-. Alternatively, kaskor is borrowed from TB kaskor, attested in the same technical meaning, as translating Skt. sal!1bhinna-praliipa- 'confused, senseless talk' (BHSD:580a). R The three nouns in 22718 b7 correspond to three kinds of bad conduct connected with speech: Skt. paisunya(vada)-, paruc;ya(vada)-, sa,_nbhinnapralapa-, see Pinault (I 999a:229-230), about the interpretation of this passage and the restoration of the last noun. ki (n., fem.) '?' L POU 'vacca', PIN 'rug or cover with long fleece', WW 'female yak'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. ki. T ♦Nom.Sg. 459 a4 II kocava · ki l. Ill; ♦ Obl.Sg. 360 a8 I ki a!ac;tra lyutar


    sasatkusa111 1There is a long discussion on this word with several suggestions, for overviews see DTA:144-1 and Peyrot (201 lb:4142). In the bilingual text 459, ki translates Skt. kocava- 'rug or cover with long hair', 'goat's hair coverlet, woolen blanket' (BHSD:I93b), 'Wolldecke' (SWTF Il:126a). The corresponding word Pa. kojava- 'a woolen rug or cover' (DP 1:731 a) is used to gloss Pa. gonaka- in lexicographical literature (Abhidhanappadzpika). Pa. go,:,aka- (also spelled gonaka-) 'a woolen cover with long fleece' (PED:255a), Skt. gouika-, also go,:,T- 'coverlet, blanket' (BHSD:2l5b), 'einc Art Wolldecke (mit langem Vlies)' (SWTF Il:19la). The sentence of 360 a8 corresponds to Pa. caur;lam pi go(zat.n vareti, about the 'stick' (daizr;la-, TA .5tow) used as metaphor, 'it serves to keep off the savage ox' (SN I: 176). The reading is absolutely safe, see TS. pl. 64, S 78.2. However, Schmidt (I 974:499, n. 2), Hackstein ( 1995:214), and Peyrot (2011 b:42) take ki


    kip$i as a mistake for ko; Pedersen ( 1941 : I 06, 233) and Schmidt (2002a:14) as another designation of the 'cow'.

    kilikare* (n., masc.) 'servant' L POU 'servus, famulus', TEB II 'Diener'. F Nom.Pl. kiflkareii. T ♦Norn.Pl. I 6 b5 puk ce$ ( ... ) yokmm11 klym11tiir ki11karen 'All these stay at the door (... ) as servants'. D From Skt. kil!1kara- 'servant, slave' (MW:283a). kituiii (PN, fem.) name of a Uighur donor F Nom.Sg. kil1nii. T ♦Nom.Sg. 302 b8. R This form occurs in a list of Uighur donors, where most of them refer to women, judging from the titles or their feminine forms. The reading is relatively safe, and with the help of the photograph (THT 935) the edition in TS: 161 can be improved. However, since this form occurs after a lacuna, it can be the last part of a longer name or title. kinnare* (n., masc.) Kiqmara, mythical being [B kinnare] L POU 'homo mallus, deformis, hippocentaurus', TEB II 'mythisches Wesen'. F Norn.Pl. kinnaren, kTnnaren, Obi.Pl. kinnares, Abl.Pl. kinnaresii$. T ♦Nom.Pl. (kinnaren) YQ II.9 a6, b3; (kinnaren) 370 b5 yak[.y)iiii kumpiintiiii kTnb2!, THT 1643.a b3, THT 2216 al; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 229 b3 kipsus sa1iinu.5 omaskenas mall/. D Derived from ► kip.



    Kirifavatse* (PN, masc.) KirTtavatsa, a male L POU 'nom.propr.?'. F Gen.Sg. kirifavatstses. T ♦Gen.Sg. 59 a3 kirifavatstses wa.yt lmontap ckacar ... .5e.5 'the householder Kir1tavatsa had a daughter [lit. to K. was a daughter]'. D From Skt. KirTfavatsa 'n. of the father ofUnmadayanfi' (BHSD:183b).

    kisik (N) (part of) name of a tune [B kesik] T ♦ 158 b3!, 358 al \siddh[a) kisik [bah}ii(dant)aka17111R Part of the name of a tune, as in TB, cf. ADAMS:212, probably from Skt. kesika-. Cf. ► kesik*, name of a tune. kisiisal (n., masc.sg.) name of a type of book F Nom.Sg. kisasal. T ♦ 54 a2x siis kisasa! postak porocine111 altakii simac ma pral 8 'this compendium (?) book belonging to Porociip [monastery] should not be carried off to another parish'. D Possibly loan via MI from Skt. grha-siira'property, treasury' (MW:362b), lit. 'wealth of the house', better from Skt. krta-sara- or krtya-siira-, lit. 'summary of performance, of ritual', 'essence of what is to be done', name of a work (MW:303c), see siira- 'substance, quintessence; compendium, summary, epitome' (MW:1208a). This term may


    refer to a book used with magical or protective functions. For the reading and interpretation, see Ogihara (2014: 114), Peyrot (2015a: l 09).

    kispar (adv.) '?' L VTW 'ein Musikinstrument' (?). T ♦318 + 3 I 9 a6 .5omm11 nu ,penc kispar R

    wic somw11 tsark/1/. Possibly a adverb in -par, e.g., ► umpar, ► te1t1par, ► ke1ttpar, referring to the chanting, see ► wic.

    ku (n., masc.) 'dog' [B Im] L POU 'canis', TEB II 'Hund'. F Nom.Sg. ku, k11, Obl.Sg. k0t71. T ♦Nom.Sg. (ku) 284 a5 ku oki, THT 1658.c a2 ku yok[m)m11; (k11) 340 b3 !yokat w.5e

    sl=iisa111 nakat k11li tmak k11 piiki:ir tii(k tsopa)ts kapsno empe!e 'the night was bright; together with the bed disappeared the woman and instead a dog appeared, with a great body, horrifying'; ♦Obl.Sg. 360 a9. ku- (vb.) 'pour' [B ku-] L COU 'giessen', HILM 'to pour, pour out a libation', VTW 'giessen', Hackstein (I 995:50) 'giessen, spenden', TVS 'pour, offer a libation'. P (tr.) Prs. kus-T-, !pf ku~·ii-, Subj. kun-T-, Prt. so(sii)-. F Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. ku.5, !pf.Act. 3Sg. ku.5iiq1, Subj.VII Abstr. kunlune, Prt.lII Act. 3Sg. sosii-111. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. PK.NS.2 a3; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Sg. 441 b3 war ku~·ii-1.n 'he/she poured water over him/her'; ♦ Pit.Act. 3Sg. 24 a5 war puttispw:5inii111 kapsi111na sosii-lJl 'he poured water over his Buddha-like body'. D Cf. ► kmilllne. R See Hackstein (I 995 :50ff. ). kmrzp-tsiilik* (n., masc.) 'pottery' F Loc.Sg. kw11p-tsankw11 T ♦ Loc.Sg. I 9 b I (k)w11p-tsa1ikw11 o.5eiii wse111Fzeya ye.5 'he [the Buddha] went to camp (lit. resting place) at night in a pottery'. D Translation and semi-calque via MI from Skt. kumbha-siilii- 'pottery' (MW:293b), lit. 'shed, workshop for pots', hence 'workshop of a potter'. The loan of Skt. kumbha-, Pkt. kw11bha- 'pot' (CDIAL: 170b, No.



    kuc-ne 3308) is known otherwise under the form ► kump. This word occurs in a damaged passage. Before tsii 0 , one sees on the photograph (THT 652) 0 up with virama (as proposed by Siegling on his personal copy, TS: 15), and with the faint trace of an anusvara; the form of the vocalism point to the ak~ara ku. Although the segmentation of this line remains admittedly uncertain, the reading ptsiinkw!J (TS: 15) does not give any basis for a cogent interpretation. The narrative anticipates then on the encounter with the potter Brhaddyuti. The Buddha with his retinue could not possibly dwell in the house of a potter, which was presumably small. It is more likely that this company camped in a shelter or shop where the pots were stored, not far from the potter's abode. Accordingly, the Buddha will send later Ananda to the potter himself ( 19 b520 al) for requiring some service. There is no obvious parallel in any other version of this narrative about the abode of the potter Brhaddyuti, see Lang ( 1912:530535).

    kuk* (n., masc.) 'heel' [B (Du.) kukene] (Skt. piir.y11i-) L POU'?', TEB II 'Fersen'. F Nom.Du. kuka111. T ♦Nom.Du. 212 b7 1//(a).yuk kukii1t1, YQ II. IO b3 a.yuk krans kukii1t1 'his heels are slender and beautiful' (Skt. iiyatapiidapiir.yl}i/J), THT 1894 b I. kukiil (n., masc.) 'chariot, wagon' [B kokale] L POU 'vehiculum', TEB II 'Wagen'. F Obl.Sg. kukal, Obi.Pl. kuklas, Loe.Pl. kuklasa//1. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 253 b2 wsa.yina,.n kukal, 297 a6 tma,1· bodhisatvii(n) !wont kuka[l]/1/; ♦ Obi.Pl. 253 b2 prutk oki sas wsii!ji .50111 : yetuncas kuklas y,,kass 01ika/miisyo 'the golden street is blocked as it were by ornamented chariots, horses and elephants'; ♦ Loe.Pl. 345 bl iiemi.yinas kukla.1·a171 lmo!j. Kukkufapiit (LN, masc.) Kukkutapada, name of a mountain [Cf. B kukiirapiida-.ya!e] L POU 'nom. proprium montis', VTW 'N.pr. eines Berges'.

    Nom./Obl.Sg. kukku/apiit. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 287 + 259 a>b7 k[u]kku/apiit ,rnlis. D From Skt. Kukkutapiida 'cock-foot, N. of a mountain' (MW:287a).

    F T

    k,,cii-e!jiik-ne (conj.) 'whereupon' L POU 'deinde, tum, quo facte', COU 'worauf. T ♦28 b2. D Cf. ► kus-ne and ► e!jiik. k11ci1t1 (n., masc.) 'loser, person oflow status' [B k,,cani'ie] L Schmidt ( 1999b) 'aus Kuca stammed, kucisch', JWP 'miserable one', Thomas (2003:320) 'wem/wohin gehorig?', WW 'whose (subject)', PIN 'coward, unmanly'. F Nom.Sg. k,,ci171. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ 1.5 a7 hai tiilo k,,ci//1. D Discussion see Schmidt (I 994a:209-2 l l, 1999b), Pinault (2002a) with references to previous literature. kuccatiik* (n., masc.) 'high house, tower' [B k,,catiik] L POU'?', TEB II '(hoher) Turm, Soller'. F Norn.Pl. kuccatiiki, Loe.Pl. kuccatiiksaf!l. T ♦Norn.Pl. 301 a3 kuccatiiki k,,rekiiri ,~tiinki .y[k}i(tiin) [t]r(e).~iilyi; ♦ Loe.Pl. 136 a2 .ytii,ikas tresiila(s ku)ccatiiksa,.n, 254 b3 iiemi.yfnas risa,.n iiemi.yinas skiiksa1t1 ,~tii,iksa,_n kuccatiiksa1t1 kiilymii1!1 '[i.e., the inhabitants] being in the jewel-cities, the jewel-balconies, palaces, and towers'. D Substantivization of an adjective kuccatiik*, lit. 'resembling a kutaja-[tree]', compound containing an agent noun of ► tiik- and as first member the borrowing via Ml of Skt. kufaja- 'name of a kind of tree (Wrightia antidysenterica)' (MW:288a, DP I:703b). The comparison of a luxurious house with this tree is known from Skt. narrative texts, cf. Lliders (1926:60). kuc-ne (conj.) 'that, since' (Skt. yad) L POU 'eoniunetio Ang!. that, Germ. al; ♦ fgm. 442 b4 //lpalte111 kumpa//1.

    POU 'Ser. kumbha1)c;ia', VTW 'Angehoriger einer Diimonenklasse'. Norn.Pl. kumpiintiiii. ♦Norn.PL 370 b5 yak[.y]iiii kumpiintiiii kFnavareii kandharvfn. From Skt. kumbhii(u;la- 'having testicles shaped like a Kumbha, a class of demons' (MW:293b).

    kumpiic (n., masc.) 'drnm' (dundubhi-)

    a manuscript F Nom.Sg. kumtiiiic. T ♦Nom.Sg. 142 b2. D Based on the loan from Skt. kumuda'white water-lily' (MW:292c), plus feminine suffix TA -iiiic, borrowed from Sogdian. This served in Sanskrit as basis of various fem. proper names, such as Kumudikii, KumudinF, etc. R Wrong segmentation in TS:74 and POU:78. See also ► kumut*. L F T

    POU'?', COU 'wie Gefasse', TEB II 'Topfbei Topf. ♦ 318 + 319 a I ceb4?, YQ 11.2 a7, YQ N.3 bl; (kyal) 7 a3, 8 a2; ♦ 6) (Non-finite) (k,,yal) 278 b2; ♦ 7) (no verb/fragmentary context) (k,,ya[) 30 a2, a2!, a4, 92 al, bl, 99 al, 107a2, 121 b3, 126bl, 168a5, 180a5, 201 b3, 256 a2, 309 a2, 332 a7, YQ II.IO b8; (kuyal[) 269 + 290 a>b2; (kya[) 36 a3, 42 b4, THT 1143 a5, THT 1854 a2. D Based on a phrase containing a form of the stem *kwa- of the interrogative pronoun, ► kus, and the Gdv. ya! of the verb ► ya-lyiim-. R HILM:200, CHREST:546. k,,yalte (conj.) 'because' (Skt. yatas) L POU '11am', TEB II 'denn'. F kuyalte, kyalte, k,,yolte, k,,yalyte, k,,ya!te. T ♦(kuyalte) 56 al, 57 a6, 58 b5, 64 a3, b6, 65 b5, 66 a6, 67 a4, 70 bl, 74 b2, 75 bl, 97 a2, 101 a2, 102 a5, 103 b2, 108 b4, 109 a5, b3, 111 b5, 112 b6, 117 a3, b3!,

    142 120 b3, 149 a3, b5, 151 b5, 155 a2, 161 bl, 168 b4, 202 b5?!, 213 b4, 214 a7, 262 b4, 265 b5, 269 + 290 a>b3!, 288 bl, 293 b3, 307 a2, 318 + 319 a3, b3, b8, 328 b3, b5, 331 b7, 332 a8, 339 a6, 354 b5, 397 a5, a7, bl, 399 a6?!, 403 a>b7!, 433 a3, YQ 1.2 b8, YQ l.3 b5, YQ 1.5 a8, YQ II.I b2, YQ 11.5 a8, YQ III.12 b8!; (kyalte) 2 a3, bl, 4 a2, 13 bl, 18 a2; (k,tvolte) 384 b2; (k11yalyte) YQ 1.2 b4; (k,,yalte) YQ I.2 b I. D Derived from ► k,,yal by the addition of a particle. R Pinault (2015g:I0!-104). kurak* (n., masc.) 'crusher, slaughterer, butcher' L POU '?', Peyrot (2011 b) 'kitchen'. F All.Pl. k 11 raksac. T ♦All.Pl. 72 b5 /ll(sa)s ya! brahmadattes !ant k11raksac kum~·a · 'a deer kept coming to the butchers of king Brahmadatta'. D Via MI from IA kuftaka-, agent noun of the verb kutfayati 'to crush, grind, cut into pieces' (CDIAL:166a-b). R The hapax occurrence of 72 b5 belongs to a legend parallel to the Mrgajataka, where a gazelle is sent as food to king Bramadatta, see Hahn - Klaus (l 983 :31, 41 ). For a translation 'kitchen', see Thomas (1957:67) and Peyrot (201 lb:44). kuras

    ► kros


    kurii- (vb.) I) 'age, grow older, decrepit', 2) 'make aging, weaken' [B kwara-] L POU 'exilem fieri, senescere', TEB II 'altern, schwach werden', TVS 'age, become feeble'. P I) (itr.) Prs. kura-*, Prt. kura-*, PPrt. kuro-, 2) (fact.) Prs. kurs-T-, PPrt. kakuru. F I) Prt.I PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kuro, Obl.Sg.Masc. kuront, Obl.Sg.Fem. kurosa1.n; 2) Prs.VIII MP 3PI. kursm.nntra, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kakuru. T ♦ I) PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 212 a7 mokoneyo kuro na$ krant ka.5.5il11 cam lkatsi ytsi ma campamo 'I [am] decrepit by old age and no more able to travel (lit. go) in order to see this good teacher', YQ I.6 b6, YQ II.4 a6; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 275 a3; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 288 b7 kurosam kapsin110, YQ 1.4 a7; ♦2) Prs.MP 3PI. 51 a3; ♦ PPrt.


    kuladhvarpsa111~i* Nom.Sg.Masc. 51 a3 sam ri.Jak plaslzmeyo kakuru.

    R See Blazek

    Schwarz (2011).

    k,,rekiir (n., masc.) 'house (or pavilion) with a vaulted roof [B kwrakiir]


    F T


    POU 'locus in summa parte domus', TEB II 'Obergeschoss, Dachzimmer (eines Hauses)'. Nom.Sg. k11rekiir, Norn.Pl. k11rekiiri. ♦Nom.Sg. 256 a8 matne puk salpmii111 iiemintw[ii}.yi k11rekiir ta~·; ♦Nam.PL 58 b6, 193 b2, 283 a I?!, 30 I a3 kuccatiiki k11rekiiri ,~tanki, 340 a7 iiyanlwii:fifii

    kursiir (n., a.) 'mile, league; course' [B kwarsar] (Skt. yojana-)

    L F T

    k11rekiiri oki. From Skt. kii/iigiira- 'upper room,

    apartment on the top of the house' (MW:299c), 'Spitzdach-Haus' (SWTF 11:10\a).

    orto waits .yak kiint .yaptuk .ypat pi tmiinantu .ypat waits we (kant $aptu)k .yak pi kursanviiyo penu akani[,~](thadhatu.yi)ni naktan tpar ma(skantra) 'the gods of the

    kurkal* (n., masc.) 'bdellium, a medical ingredient' [B kurkal]

    L F T D

    VTW 'Bdellium'. lnstr.Sg. kurkalyo. ♦ lnstr.Sg. PK.NS.3 b3. Via MI from Skt. gulgulu- 'bdellium' (MW:360b), possibly borrowed from TB.

    kuryar (n., a.) 'trade' [B ka,yor]

    L POU 'commercium', TEB II 'Handel'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kwyar, Nom./Obl.Pl. kwyaru.


    Akani~thadhatu world are 16,777,276 miles up high'. R CT noun. See ADAMS:253, HILM:204205. kul* (n., masc.sg.) 'hub' L lnstr.Sg. kulyo.



    3 a5 sas war tkanac wles wat nu semal pii.Ja! trit kwyar 'one activity is (providing) water to the earth, a second is tending the livestock, a third one is trade ... '; ♦ Obl.Sg. 229 a2; ♦ Obi.Pl. 435 b2 sam wa:fl Imo kuryaru kii(ma)t 'this householder fetched goods of trade'.

    kuryart* 1) (n.), 2) (N, masc.) I) 'merchant', 2)

    name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 12 syllables(?) [B ka1yorttau] L POU 'mercator, caupo', TEB II 'Kaufmann'. F !) Nam.Pl. kwyartiiii, Gen.PL kwyartiissi, Com.Pl. kz11yartiisassal, 2) Loc.Sg. kwJ1artiina,11. T ♦ I) Norn.Pl. 310 al; ♦Gen.Pl. THT 1643.g bl; ♦ Com.Pl. 444 b3; ♦2) Loc.Sg. 118 b5!. D Based on ► kuryar. As for the derivation, see Pinault (2015c: 161-162).

    POU 'mille passum', TEB II 'Meile, Vehikel'. Obl.Sg. kursar, Abl.Sg. kursra.J, Obi.PL kursanvii, kurtsru, Instr.Pl. kursanviiyo. ♦Obl.Sg. 37 a2, 311 b3 wyiiras wle.Jitra: kursar siiwes puk nemi.Jnas 'may he erect monasteries, one mile large and all covered with jewels'; ♦Abl.Sg. 444 b5!; ♦ Obi.Pl. (kursanvii) 12 a5!, 29 a2 .ypat kant kursanvii, 49 b2 kant kursanvii, 145 al pPiiik kursarwii cincar wra$ 'fifty miles it [i.e., the Parijata-tree] smells lovely'; (kurtsru) 4 b I okiik kant kurtsru tkana111 lok satkatra 'it [i.e., the roots of the KrosavatT] spreads I 00 miles away in the earth'; ♦ Instr.Pl. 28 b2, 315 + 316 b7-8



    ♦ lnstr.Sg. 267 + 268 a>b5! kalymeya sol solune.yil_n ku(lyo) 'with the hub

    consisting in living life correctly'. Probably cognate with TB kele 'navel, center', about which see ADAMS (211 ). For the parallel texts of the MSN (act XVI), see Schmidt ( l 994b:265-266, 281 ), and Geng - Klimkeit (1985:73, 96). This belongs to an allegory of the parts of the Law compared to the different parts of a wheel.

    kuladltvmJ1smf1!ji* (adj.) 'pertaining to offence

    against the family' L VTW 'Zugrunderichten d. Familie'. F Obi.Pl.Fem. kuladhva,1zsa,11.Jiniis. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 381 a3!. D Adjective based on the loan ofSkt. *kuladhvaf!1sana-, from kula- 'family' (MW:294b) and dhva,11sanii- 'das Herabsetzen, Verunglimpfen' (SWTF ll:550b), cf. Pa. kuladha1?1sana, adj., 'injuring the family' (DP I:717a). In this text, it refers to the sin named otherwise




    Skt. kula-dri.yaka- 'injurer or spoiler of families' (BHSD: 188a), 'Schadiger, Schander von Familien' (SWTF II:93a). See COU:87 and Couvreur (1959:252b).

    kulapak* (n., masc.) 'family associate'

    L F T

    POU 'nom. propr. aut appellatio?'. Obl.Sg. kulapakiif!1, k,,!apakii1.n. ♦ Obl.Sg. (kulapakiin1) 302 b7 start nipiit (iir II) kulapakii111 prasiintasenii1J1 ne(iontii .s:akwepib2!, a>b4, 282 a5, 403 a>b5!; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 66 b5; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 321 b2; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 59 b4; ♦ fgm. 39 a2 kule/1! D Derived from ► k,,li.



    kulmiil11ts* (n., fem.)(?) 'blowpipe'(?) L POU 'arundo, tubus, fistula', HILM '?', VTW 'viell. Rohren' (Pl.). F Instr.Sg. ku!maf!1tsyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 12 b6 (tma)ci start ku!maf!ztsyo ,var camii e[iak paf!1piirs 'thereupon the fomih sprinkled water over him [i.e., the lion] with a blowpipe (?)'. R Hesitation about meaning and number by Sieg ( 1944: 16 n.5). The gloss by 'tube, reed' is purely speculative. Kulmiis (PN, masc.) (part of a) proper name or title of an Uighur donor L POU'?', HILM '?'. F Obl.Sg. kulmas. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 251 b6 ku!(miiss o)r(s)e(s}, 252 b6 id. R For the interpretation cf. Schmidt (2002b:258-263). kulypam (adj.) 'desiring' L POU 'desiderans', TEB lI 'verlangend'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kulypam, Gen.Sg.Masc.

    ku!ypamiintap. T


    Kus (PN, masc.) Kusa, a king L POU karkus 'nom.propr.?', Ogihara (2014) 'Kucha'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kus. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 383 a3 //Im . - t,~a,1· warac tak kar km' !ant ype [a]/// 'from this it only became (used) for perfume. The country of king Kusa ... '. D From Skt. kusa- (MW:296c), used as name of several kings and heroes. R Wrong segmentation karkus in TS:212, which was followed by POU, cf. also Thomas (2003:320). Alternative interpretation by Ogihara (2014:105-7), where Ku:,' would reflect the name of the kingdom of Kucha, in TB *Kusi (see the adjective TB k,,!;iniie). The problem with this interpretation is the absence of any parallel derivative from Kus and the fact that this name should be constructed with ype 'country' in this sentence, compare ► Arsi-ype.


    20 a3, 61 al kulypam tiie, 76 al, a2?, 133 a2, 147 a3, 148 b3, 391 b5, YQ 11.2 a7; ♦ Gcn.Sg.Masc. 7 al fol kulypamiintap, YQ 11.12 a7. Derived from ► kulypa-.

    kulypa- (vb.) 'desire' [B kulypii-] L POU 'desiderare, appetere', TEB II 'verlangen', TVS 'desire'. P (itr.) Prs. kulypa-. F Prs.III MP 3Sg. kulypatar, kulypatrii, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. kulypal, Norn.Pl.Fem. kulypala111. S mii1J1tne kulypal 'according to wish' (Skt.


    soft, whose [limbs] are to be soft, they are firm', THT 1138 a2!.

    yatheccham). ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. (kulypatiir) 254 b5, 404 a6, 442 b5; (kulypatra) 355 b2; ♦Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 12 a6 ma,_nt-ne kulypal, 16 a2, 20 a3, 21 a6!, 71 b5, 84 a2, 106 bl, 226 b6 ke-ne ancam kulypal ta.J; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 148 a3, a4, 151 b5-6 kusne !ya apsa parkrmri kulypala111 tom l//la(Jf1) tom piirkra111 miiskantra111 · kus-ne [p1Jii(kra111) kulypala111 tom !ji:itraf!1 miiskantra}f1 · kus-ne .5atra111 tom prakra111 111aska1.nt(rii)f!1 'whose limbs are desired to be long, they ... , they are long, whose [limbs] are desired to be firm, they are

    kusal (adj.uni.) 'salutary, good' [B k11sa[J L POV 'rectus, proprius, bonus', TEB 11 'heilsam, gut'.

    kusal, kusal. ♦ (kusal) 246 a2, 385 b2 : kusaladharmabhavana : kusal miirkampaliintu santii wra.5/une :, THT 1475.c a4; (k,,!;al) 385 a4 · kusalanaIP dharmar:ia1p · k,,!;al markampaliintu ·, 385 bl-2 k11sal wramniic yula ma maskantra :. D From Skt. kusala- 'right, proper, suitable, good' (MW:297b). R See also ► akusal*. F


    kusalapakii!j* (n., masc.) 'moral behaviour' [B k11salapaka!i*] L POU 'fortunatae duae hebdomades', TEB II 'sittliches Ben eh men'. F All.Sg. k,,!;alapiik!jac. T ♦All.Sg. 386 a4 kusalapak5ac iiyatoswn


    maskatra. From Skt. kusalapak.Ja- 'the side of virtue, good morals' (BHSD: 188b).

    kusalamiil* (n., a.) 'root of merit' [B kusalamiil*] L POU "radix prosperitatis', TEB II 'Heilswurzel'.

    Kusinagari lnstr.Sg. kusalamz7lyo, k,,salamz7lyo, Norn.Pl. k 11salamiilantu, Instr.Pl. k,,salamulntuyo, k,,salamulantuyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. (kusalamz7/yo) 299 a2; (k,,salamzilyo) YQ 1.9 b2-3!; ♦Norn.Pl. 320 b8 //l(tsa)[lpii]luneyac k,,salam(zilanlu sii)1yiint 'the roots of happiness sow themselves to deliverance'; ♦ Instr.Pl. (kusalamulntuyo) 398 a6; (k,,salamulantuyo) 336 b4. D From Skt. kusala11111la- (usually pl.) 'root(s) of merit' (BHSD:l88b).



    Kusinagari (LN, fem.) name of the city where the Buddha attained Nirva1)a L POU'?', VTW 'N. d. Hauptstadt der Mallas'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kusinagari. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 339 b2 tam pra.yta111 kusi(nagari riyw11). D From Skt. KzdinagarT 'N. der Hauptstadt des Malla-Reiches, des Ortes, an dem der Buddha in das Nirvana eingegangen ist' (SWTF II:99a). kusesaiy* (n., a.) 'water-lily' L JWP 'water-lily'. F Nom./Obl.Pl. kusesaiyantu. T ♦ Obi.Pl. YQ V. l b6! mandariik kusdaiya(ntu)//1. D From Skt. kusesaya- 'a water-lily' (MW:297a). ku!jilnti

    ► k!jiinti

    ku!jt-lu (n., a.) 'a wild animal, predator' L HILM 'some carnivorous animal'. F Nom.Sg. kw1t-lu, Perl.Pl. ku~-1-lwiikii. T ♦Nom.Sg. 55 a3 na111 ku,t-lu, THT 2154 a2!; ♦ Perl.Pl. 55 b2 ku,1-lwiikii tiissi yartar. D Compound with ► /11 as second member. kus (inter.pron.) 'who? what?' [B k,,se] L POU 'quis; quid', TEB II 'wer? was?'. F Nom.Sg. kus, kuss, kusakk, Obl.Sg. kuc, kucc, Gen.Sg. ke, kekk, Icy, Instr.Sg. kucyo, All.Sg. k11cac, Abl.Sg. k 11 ca,, kuci,.y, Com.Sg. kucassal, Nom.Pl. k,,ce. S Pron. inter. used in main clauses; kus nu 'who/what then?', kuss w'si 'who/what (even)?' (cf. ► assi), kus tam 'who/what is that?', kus pat 'or what', kus pat 1111 'or what now', k,,sakk atsC11J1, kuc ,rnrma.y 'for what reason?', kuc pat 'or what' (Skt. yad


    vii), kucc oki 'like what' (Skt. kim iva), kuc prak.yal 'what is to ask?'(= 'let alone'). ♦Nom.Sg. (kus) 7 a2 kus nu, 8 b5, 20 b2, b3 kus tam, 60 a>b6 kus nu, 69 b 1, 7 5 b5 /1/[ku]s pat nu, 94 a3, 100 b4, 101 a5, a6 kus pat nu, 106 b3, 117 a2, 119 b6, 124 a5 kus pal nu, 127 b2 id., 130 b6 id., 138 b3, 164 b5 kus tam, 180 a4-5, 182 b4, 194 a4, 213 b2, 217 bl, b3, 240 a6 kus pat nu, 242 b3, 253 a2, 26 I b>a5 k[u}s pat nu, 265 b3, 284 b6 kus pat nu, 287 + 259 b>a5 kus pat nu, 288 a3 id., 299 a3 kus pal nu, b7, 302 a6 kus pat nu, 304 a4, 313 b I, 321 a8, 332 a7, 349 a I kus pal nu, 370 b5 kus pal [nu}, 375 a3, 379 b5 kus pat, 387 b I, 404 a6, 436 b4, 467 a3, YQ 1.1 b6 kus pat nu, YQ 1.5 a6, YQ 1.8 a5 kus nu, a5 kus pal nu, YQ II.I al, YQ 11.5 a7, YQ II.I l a8, YQ 11.12 a2 (bis), a8 kus pal nu, b4, YQ 11.14 a5, YQ lll.9 a5 kus assi, YQ III. IO a2!, a2-3!, a3 kus nu, THT 2446 b3; (kuss) 6 a2, 136 a6; (kusakk) 229 bl kusakk alsaq1; ♦Obl.Sg. (kuc) 4 b2 tsru kuc yarma,_n lipos nunak prenak oksi.y, 10 a5, 20 b2 kuc tam, b2 id., 24 al, 48 a2, 73 a3, 81 a6 /1/(kuc .yu)rma~· tu tam pliic weiiii,I 'for what reason have you spoken this word?', 90 b2, IO I b5, I 07 b2, 164 a61/lk[uc} (la)m, 213 b2, 215 a6, 220 a3, 229 a5 kuc nu, 253 a2 kuc pat, 277 a7, 342 a>b4, 343 a I, 346 b4, 387 a4 · tat kiqi nisrtaqi bhavatTti · sam kuc semum liiki, tan-ne wkan(yo ), 371 a5 k[u}c pat null/, 395 b I lma.y iisuk ysi kuc yarma,_n ma campar, 429 a6, 433 a3, YQ 1.2 b2, YQ 1.5 a6, YQ I.6 b5-6! ku, YQ II.2 a5, YQ II.3 b6, YQ 11.5 a6-7!, YQ IIl.4 al, YQ III.7 b2, YQ III.9 al, YQ Ill.12 bl, YQ V.1 b5, THT 1148 a2; (kucc) 20 b2 (pii)k.i'(i)niiii-ny iinand kus sam patliinkcil kucc oki tam kuc lam tranka, kuc tam watku watka~· iii 'Tell me, oh Ananda: Who is the Buddha? Like what is that? What does he tell about that? Does he give me a command about that?', 317 b6, 346 b I, YQ III. l Ob5 kucc assi; ♦ Gen.Sg. (ke) 4 b3, 15 a2, 54 b6 ke pat 1111, 62 a5, 76 a3 ke nu, 137 a2, 142 b3, 157 b2, 214 b4, 217 a5, 226 b6 ke pat nu, b7 id., 227 /8 a5 id., 229 b2, 255 b6, 266 + 276 b>a7, 320 a2, 332 a6, 339 b5, 346 b2 kessi, 347 a2 ke pat, 397 a3, YQ 11.6 a5 ke assi



    senik, a6 ke ash, YQ 11.9 b8; (kekk) 70 a4 ma kekk atsa111, THT 3032 b2 kekk ats; (ky) 217 b5 J..y artar mii(rkampal) 'whose law do you approve?'; ♦ Instr.Sg. YQ III.I I a5; ♦ All.Sg. 217 b5 kucac wa:jtii.5 lat.ntu 'to whom have gone, leaving the house?', 338 b4 k11 cac nu tiim; ♦Abl.Sg. (kucii.5) 10 b2 kucii.5 tatmu siis kn[U!lff1Une nkaluneyac .5ni iinmes 'from where does this knowledge eome, which [leads] to the destruction ofoneself?', I 04 a5, 126 b2, 215 a3, 222 b5, 239 b6, 280 a5, YQ 1.6 b2, YQ 1.8 b3; (kuci:f,5) 340 a5 k,,ci.5.)· assi; ♦ Com.Sg. 144 bl kucass(ii)ll assi//1; ♦Norn.Pl. 227/8 b4 [kuc(e)] pat nu wra[s](an), 279 bl kuce pa(t) [nu] wrasan ptiin//1. D Further forms based on the stem *kivii- of the interrogative pronoun: ► kupre, ► k,,yal.


    HILM:196-197, CHREST:445, 544. On the reading ofTHT 3032 b2, see Itkin (2016:70).

    kusiir* (n.) 'braid' (?) L POU '?', Winter (I 985a:585) 'braid'(?). F Norn.Du. kusrat_n. T ♦Norn.Du. 378a21/lsiilyas pacyas

    la[lii}1ikuntit11 s(a)m t[a}kenc: tse111 sakwis kusrat11 'hanging down to the left and to the right there will be a pair of braids (?) of blue hair'. R Discussion see Winter ( l 985a:585), translation of 378 a2 'to the right and to the left'. kusu* (N, masc.) name ofa tune (stanza of4 x 12 syllables 4/4/4) F Loc.Sg. kuswa1.n. T ♦Loc.Sg. 9 b3. D Possibly borrowed from Skt. kusuma'flower', used also in names of various persons (BHSD: 189a). kus-ne (pron.rel.) 'who, which' L POU 'qui, quae, quod', TEB II 'welcher'. F Nom.Sg. kus-ne, Obl.Sg. kuc-ne, kuc-ny, Gen.Sg. ke-ne, lnstr.Sg. kucyo-ne, k,,cacne, Abl.Sg. k,,cii:J-ne, Com.Sg. k,,sassiilne, Loc.Sg. kuca111-ne, Perl.Sg. kuca-ne, Norn.Pl. kuce-ne. S kus-.s:ka111-ne, with coordinating conj. ► §kw11; with postposition, see ► ke-111osm11-ne.


    ♦Nom.Sg. 3 a6, IO b5, 16 b5!, b6, 17 al (bis), a2, 26 al, 30 a5, 39 b2, 44 a2, 45 b4?, 55 a3, 64 al, a4, b2, 66 b4, 78 bl, b5, b6, 79 a6, bl, 85 b2, 93 a6, 96 a6, 101 b3, 104 bl, b2, 108 b4, 112 a4, 113 a4, 114 b4!, 117 a2, 120 b4, 130 b5, b6, 140 b3, l48a3,a4,a5,bl, l50al,b6, 175a5, 201 b5, 214 bl kus-ne /af!me, 218 b3, 232 b7, 234 b4!, 236 b3!, 253 b6, 266 + 276 b>a5, 270 a2, 279 a5, b8, 286 b4, 287 + 259 b>a6, 289 a3, b6, 293 b3, 295 a5, 301 a2, 303 b6, 306 a5, 310 a5, 311 a2, b2, b4, 313 a8, bl, b4, 332 a3, a5, b9 (bis), 333 b3, 334 b6, 341 a9, b3, 347 a2, a4, 354 b6, 355 b2, 359 a21, 16,365 a2, 31 ya!J praticchannakarmanto I kus-ne wa{w)lul/1, 370 b4, 372 b>a3, 384 a3, 385 a2 kus-skattz-ne, 385 bl, 386 a2, 408 bl, 421 al, 430 a4, YQ Il.14 a5 k11s-skw11-ne, YQ I. I b3, YQ 1.2 b4, YQ 1.4 b4, YQ 1.5 b2, b5, YQ I.7 b5!, YQ l.8 a7, YQ II.4 b4!, YQ 11.5 b2, YQ II.12 b6, YQ 111.2 b5, b5-6!, YQ Ill.3 b4-5!, YQ IIl.4 bl, YQ III.9 a4, YQ V.I b5, THT 1493 a4, THT 1308.bbl!, THT 1322.aal, THT 1493 al, a4, PK.NS.4 bl, PK.NS.5 b3; ♦ Obl.Sg. (kuc-ne) 13 a6 kuc-ne tat.n, 16 a2, 3 I b6, 62 a5, 65 b4, b5, 72 b3, 8 I a6, 95 b2, 98 b2, 102 a3 /1/(ku)cne tiim, 121 b4, 129 bl kuc-ne tii(m)l/1, 202 b6, 206 a5 /ll(ku)c-n[e] tiim, 216 b>a4, 230 b4, b5, b6, 255 b3, 269 + 290 b>a2, 321 al, 336 a6, a8, bl, b3, b4, 341 b2, 359 a23 kuc-ne tiim, 372 a>b5, 375 b4, 398 b5, 400 b5, 421 a2, 427 b5, YQ I.I a5, YQ II.I bl, YQ 11.7 b8, YQ III.4 a6, THT I 143 al, THT 1643.1 b3!, P.Skt.Bleu.163 b4; (kucny) 347 a3; ♦Gen.Sg. 10 b4 ke-ne ta111, 13 a5, 16 a2, 17 b2, 39 a5, 61 a2, 66 b4, 150 a4, 173 a4, 212 al, 226 b6, 227/8 a3, 278 b4, 317 a I ke-ne tam, b2 id., 346 b4 ke twnpeya,11 ne, 379 a4!, 386 b2 yadvasat para111 tam vihethayati : ke-ne ciimpluneya alykes ma miyiiJ·, 388 b3, YQ I.4 a2, YQ 1.8 b2, YQ II.3 b2, b2!, b8, YQ II. 11 b I, PK.NS.2 al, a3!, b2 ke noma ne; ♦Instr.Sg. 41 b6, 93 b3, 218 b2 227/8 b6, 254 b7, 279 a3, 336 b5, b6, YQ 1.7 bl ; ♦All.Sg. YQ II.6 a6; ♦Abl.Sg. 78 a4, YQ III.4 b I ; ♦ Loc.Sg. 220 b4 k,,ca111-ne tam, 264 a3, YQ Ill. IO a7; ♦ Perl.Sg. 312 b8; ♦ Com.Sg. 386 a I kusassiilne ritwaluneya

    kuss-ats-ne (Skt. yadyogcit); ♦Nom.Pl. 221 b5, 226 b2!, 227/8 b6, 229 al, 235 a5, 354 b4. D Based on interrogative ► kus with addition of the particle ► -ne. R In YQ IlI.4 a6, kuc-ne is not interrogative, pace Hackstein (2004:355-356), but kucne tam wefici:j/ means 'concerning what you just said'.

    kuss-ats-ne (pron.) 'whoever, whatever' L POU 'quisquis, quidquid, quicunque, quodcunque' F Nom.Sg. kuss-ats-ne, kuss-atsa,11-ne. T ♦Nom.Sg. (kuss-ats-ne) 9 a6, 11 a6, 333 a3; (kuss-atsa,71-ne) 236 a7. D Based on the pron.rel. ► kus-ne. kuhiike* (n., masc.) 'hypocrite, hypocritical' L POU 'homo fraudulentus, fraudator', VTW 'Betrilger, Heuehler'. F Norn.Pl. kuhcikeii. T ♦Norn.Pl. 309 a4 //l(tci)rsonwcitse kuhake(il). D From Skt. kuhaka- 'a hypocritical, said about a monk who stimulates laymen to give gifts' (BHSD:189b), 'Betrilger, Heuehler' (SWTF II: I00b ). R Cf. ► gulu'ikune. kutsmfit I) (n.), 2) (N, mase.) I) 'a certain kind of spirit/ghost, particular kind ofYak$a', 2) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 12 syllables 5/7) [B kutsawate*] (Khot. guk.Jama-) L POU'?', CEToM 'a certain kind of spirit/ghost, particular kind ofYak$a'. F I) Nom.Sg. kutsmat, Norn.Pl. kutsmataii, 2) Loc.Sg. kutsmcita,11. T ♦ I) Nom.Sg. 98 a3 yaka:j kutsmcit sci\; ♦Norn.Pl. 37 b6 Intra kutsmcitciii namse[fic}/1/; ♦2) Loc.Sg. 54 a5, 254 a5, 256 b2. D Loan from a Ml fonn corresponding to Skt. *ku¼ivant- 'with big belly', ef. Pa. kucchimant- 'pregnant', see Huard (2022:267). Krki (PN, masc.) Krkin, name of a legendary king L POU 'nomen proprium regis'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. krki, kraki. T ♦Nom.Sg. (krki) 37 a2 krki wal kursar tsopatsa171//I; (kraki) Berlin ms. D From Skt. Krkin 'name ofa legendary king ofBenares in the time of the Buddha Kasyapa' (BHSD:190a).

    148 ke (n.) 'chance, opportunity' L POU'?', TEB II 'Moglichkeit, Erlaubnis, Urlaub(?)', HILM 'permission'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. ke, Loc.Sg. keya1J1. S ke kalpci- 'find a chance'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 98 a4 piiintu yatsi talontiip ma ke na.5·-a111 'the miserable one does not have the chance to do meritorious acts', 98 b2 ma nu tam ke lame na:j 'but this is not the opportunity nor the place', 257 bl; ♦ Obl.Sg. 4 b3 tsru ke kalpo.J nunak satka,71tar omaskenm11 'if they find only a small chance, they spread again in badness', 157 b2 ke kiilpat, 342 a>b5 ke kalpo:j, YQ lll. l a3 ke kalpe, YQ III.2 b4 ke kalpont, YQ 111.3 a7 sne-ke tkm11sa1J1; ♦ Loc.Sg. 107 b2. R See Pinault (1991 a) and HILM:59-60. About the interpretation of 257 b I, see Pinault ( 1991 a: 155-157) and Schmidt ( l 994b:262 and n. 98). The segmentation of the sentences in 98 a4 and b2 was correct (TS:56), but the text was not properly understood. ke1t1 (adj.uni.) 'false, wrong, in vain' [Cf. B alikaif11] L POU 'falsus', TEB II 'falsch, verkehrt'. F ke,.n, kenn, ke,7111, ken-ak. T ♦ (ke,/1) 289 b3; (kenn) 56 b4 kenn ats sciwa,71 aka!ntwa kakmu .Jet wasa,/1 ariiic katkassi 'only in vain did you come according to the great wishes, in order to please our heart(s)'; (ke17111) YQ Ill.I I a4; (ken-iik) 33 b I. D See ► ke1t1par, ► ke111-piilk. R See Hilmarsson (199la:121), differently HILM: 128-129. ke111par (adv.) 'erroneously, wrongly' L POU 'perverse, prave', VTW 'falsch, verkehrt, unrecht'. F ke111par, kenpar. T ♦ (ke1J1par) 11 a5 kalymeya eFzlune kel!zpar e111tsat pracri nakt-a111 kar-para111 'the correct advice he understood wrongly and the brothers' dignity was lost for him', 353 b5!, THT 1412.e a3, THT 2007 al; (kenpar) 220 b7, 222 a2, b7, THT 2602 b2!. D Cf. ► ke,,1. R Discussion by Schmidt (1989:75 n.9) of the occurrence in a mutilated context, 353 b5.



    ke1t1-piilk* (1) (n., masc.) 'adherent of a false doctrine, heretic' L POU 'doctrinam falsam scquens, haereticus'. F Norn.Pl. ke111-palkan, Loe.Pl. ke111palkiisar11.




    YQ 1.7 b8!; ♦Loe.Pl. 62 b6 ke111-palkasar11 (ma)r cmim[tra] 'may we not be born among the adherents of false doctrines'; Compound with an agent noun derived from the stem piilkii- of the verb ► liikiias second member. Verbal governing compound, see Malzahn (2012:116-117).

    ke1t1-piilku11e* (n., a.) 'the view of heretics' (Skt. mithyadr.yfi-) L POU 'doctrina falsa', VTW 'irrige Ansicht, Irrlehre'. F Abl.Sg. ke111-palkuneya,5, Instr.Sg. ke,ri-





    ke1t1-piilk* (2) ( n., a.) 'false view, false doctrine' [Cf. B ankail11-pilko] (Skt. mithya-dr,5.fi-) L VTW 'Irrlehrer; in-ige Ansicht, Irrlehre'. F Perl.Sg. ken-palka, Gen.Pl. kel!lpalkantwis, Abt.Pl. ke111-palkantwa.y. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 226 a7!; ♦ Gen.PL 307 a4!; ♦Ahl.Pl. 227/8 b7 wikse1ic mtintlune ke111palkantwaq .yni paltsak piisantar 'they expel the malice and protect their own mind from false doctrines'. D Compound containing as second member the noun ► piilk, related to the stem piilkii- of the verb ► liikii- as second member.



    piilkuneyo. ♦Abl.Sg. 307 a6 rapurneyaq miintluneyii.y ke111-piilkuneyii,y niirkii,5/une penu pan ~-urmantyo kaknu ,)'eq; ♦ lnstr.Sg. YQ III.I I a5 Abstract derived from ► ke1!1-piilk* (1).

    ke1t1-pliik!ji* (adj.) 'belonging to a heretic view' L VTW 'in irriger Ansicht/lrrlehre bestehend'. F Obi.Pl.Masc. ke111-plak.yinas. T ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 246 b2 tsiikniit piirriis ke111-pliik.yiniis 'you pull out the arrows of heretic views'. D Derived from ► ke1f1-piilk* (2). kek (n., masc.) 'dwelling' (?) L POU'?'. F All.Sg. kekac.

    ♦ All.Sg. 126 a4 \rfie .50112 piikis kekac mii//1. Possibly loan via MI from Skt. geha' house, dwelling, habitation' (MW:363b; CDIAL:228b, No. 4251 ). In THT 3032 b2, the reading as per OT A: 158a does not hold any longer, see an alternative segmentation by Itkin (2016:70).

    kekiir* (n., masc.) 'spoke of a wheel' L VTW 'Speiche'. F Obi.Pl. kekras, Instr.Pl. kekriisyo. T ♦Obi.Pl. 305 al!; ♦Instr.Pl. YQ III.5 b4-5! wafts kekrii(syo)///, THT 2046 b4. D See Schmidt ( I 994b:28 l ), Pinault ( 1998b: 19-21 ). ketu* (n., a.) 'sign, celestial flame' L POU 'signurn, cometes', VTW 'Himmelserscheinung, ungewohnliche Lichterscheinung'. F All.Pl. ketuntwac. T ♦All.Pl. 395 b5 letkiir ketuntwac yiimra D

    w;nci.ylune. From Skt. ketu- 'sign, mark' (MW:309a). In 395 b5, it refers to celestial bright signs or phenomena.

    Ketumati (LN, fem.) KetumatT, name of a city L POU 'nom. propr. oppidi'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. ketwnati, ketumati-k. S ketumati ri 'the city KetumatT'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (ketumati) 253 a7 ketumati ri, 254 a2 id., 256 a5-6, 266 + 276 b>a3 ketumati riyaq liinta~·, 297 b I, 299 a8 ketwnati rzyar11, 311 a3 ketuma(ti ri), YQ V.l b3!, b4, b5!, b6, b7; (ketumati-k) 227 /8 a 1. D From Skt. KetumatT 'the capital ofthc future Buddha Maitreya' (BHSD:192a). ken- (vb.) 'call' [B kiikii-] L POU 'vocare, nominare', TEB II 'rufen', TVS 'call'. p (tr.) Prs. ken-T-, Ipf. kena-, Subj. kaka-, Prt. kaka-, PPrt. kakku, lpv. p,,kcik*, F

    pukiikas. Prs.l Act. 2Sg. keniit, 3Sg. kena,5, 3Pl. keneik kenefic-iim MP I Sg. kenmiir, 3Sg. k;ntrii, 3Pl. k;nantrii, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. kenal, Inf. kentsi, kef!zlsi, ke1;1tsy, !pf.Act. I Sg. kefiii, Prt.I Act. 3Sg. kiik, MP 3Pl. kiikant, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kiikku, Nom.PI.Masc. kiikku.y, Abs.


    kenlune* Abl.Sg. kakkurii.y, kakurii,~, Perl.Sg. kakkura, lpv.I Act. 2Pl. p,,kaks-iif!z, MP 2Pl. p,,kiikac. T ♦ Prs.Act. 2Sg. 94 b5 maryat-ni mar ke11iit-11i, 122 bl; ♦3Sg. 260 a5!; ♦3Pl. (kenenc) 145 b4, YQ 111.5 a8; (kenenca111) YQ 11.2 b8; ♦MP !Sg. 94 a3!, YQ 111.11 bl; ♦ 3Sg. 108 a6, bl, 446 al, YQ III. IO a5; ♦3PI. 254 bl (bis), 366 b 1; ♦ Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 338 b6; ♦ Inf. (kentsi) THT 2388 bl /1/[ii}om kentsi a,~ii111 : (ke111tsi) 68 b4; (ke1J7tsy) 169 b6; ♦ !pf.Act. I Sg. 339 b5 /1/wartsi sl=aniinda111 l1U/!1 /ll/lJI kenii 'again and again he called the retinue together with Ananda', YQ 111.4 a4; ♦Prt.Act. 3Sg. 313 a5 11awo1J7tsii171 kla1101J111tsa111 cil1cii1yii1J1 brahmaswar wasenyo anand(ii111) kiik 'with a resounding, ringing, lovely Brahmasvara-voice he called out to Ananda', YQ Ill.4 a4; ♦MP 3PI. 118 b4 tamyo (amiisa)n akiilac kiikant 'thereby the ministers were called for (the making of) a request'; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 78 a5; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 278 a6; ♦Abs. Abl.Sg. (kakkurii.y) 71 a7 ko.ylyes kosiintas candiiliis kakkurii.y, 78 b6, 258 a7 /1/(metrak pta11ka)[t ka}.)'si sil11he111 !ant kakkurii~-, 269 + 290 b>a3!; (kakuras) 396 b2; ♦Perl.Sg. YQ I.9 b8, YQ II.3 a4; ♦ lpv.Act. 2Pl. 119 a5 p,,kiik[s-a}1J1; ♦ MP 2Pl. YQ III. I I a7 (p,,ka)kiic. D Cf. ► ke11l1111e, ► kiiklune.

    kenlune* (n., a.) 'calling' F Obl.Sg. kenlune. T ♦ Obl.Sg. THT 2102 b2!. D Derived from ► ken-. ke-11wsa1t1-11e (conj.) 'for which reason' L POU 'qua de causa, quare', TEB II 'weswegen'. F ke-mosaf!1-ne, ke-mosan-ne. T ♦(ke-mosw11-ne) 115 a2?!, 199 b6, YQ II.9 b8; (ke-mosan-ne) 58 a3, a4. D Based on the genitive of the pron.rel. ► kus-ne.

    kesik* l) (n.), 2) (N) 1) '?', 2) name ofa tune (stanza of 4 x 17 syllables 6/6/5) [B ke.-iik*] L POU 'capillatus, pilosus'. F 1) Nom./Obl.Sg. kesik, 2) Loc.Sg. kesikaw

    T D R


    ♦ l)

    Nom./Obl.Sg. THT 1322.d a2; Loc.Sg. 144 al, 257 a6. From Skt. kesika- 'having fine or luxuriant hair' (MW:3 I 0c). Cf. also ► kisik.


    ► liy-kese

    ke§ti (n.) 'heating, steam' L POU'?', PIN 'heating, steam'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. ke.yti. T ♦Nom.Sg.Mase. 459 a3 (ku)\T · kiiwasi kesti-wa,~t 'a steam-house for [bath-]water'. R Starting from the safe correspondence of Skt. kuff- 'hut, cottage, house' (MW:288b) and TA wa.yt 'house', one can assume that this phrase refers to a specific building of Buddhist monasteries, known as Pa.jantaghara- 'hot room for the purpose ofsteambath' (PED:278b), or Skt.jentaka- 'hot (steam) bathroom' (BHSD:244a), where provisions were made for both fire and water, cf. Grafe ( 1974:60). Since the noun ► kiiw* designates possibly a stand for water, a well or basin, one may assume that the lexical basis ofke.yti refers to heating. One may interpret ke,yti-wa~·t as a compound, meaning 'steam-house', determined by the adjective kiiwa.yi, hence the translation given above; alternatively, kesti (from *kest.yi through dissimilation ?) would be an adjective, meaning 'pertaining to heating', parallel to the adjective kawa.yi. (PIN) A kesti might be distantly related to ► kiiw*, if ke,yti is derived as an adjective from a noun ko.yt*. showing the effects of the development of TA *o > A e in palatal environment (Winter 1976). (WW). kesar·• (n., masc.) 'hair, filament' L POU 'iuba (leonis)', VTW 'Staubfaden'. F Loc.Sg. kesara111, Loe.Pl. kesarsw11, Nom.Pl. kesiiri. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 315 a5 op/is kesiirw11 'on the filament of the lotus'; ♦ Loe.Pl. 314 b4 oplasi kesarsw11 'on the filaments of the lotuses'; ♦Nom.Pl. 378 a2!. D From Skt. kesara- 'hair; filament of a lotus' (MW:310c). kesiir-sisiik (n., masc.) 'Kesarin lion' L POU 'iubatus leo'.



    Nom.Sg. kesar-sisak, kesar-sisakk, Gen.Sg. kesar-siskiss, Gen.Pl. kesarsiskassi. T ♦Nom.Sg. (kesar-sisak) 12 b3 117Gl!](/1e .ypanyo kliso sne-wasklzme kesar-/,isak ta.y; (kesar-sisakk) 257 a6 kesar-sisakk oki palkat stwar kalymentwa,!1 'like a Kesarin lion he looked in the four directions' THT 1416.h a3; ♦Gen.Sg. 292 a6; ' ♦ Gen.Pl. 314 b4, 377 a5 (nakc)inas kumcas kesar siskassi kalavink lwes ,)'a!fa/'kUSCll,11 bram-iiaktena111 wasenyo 'with Brahma's voice, surpassing the divine drnms, the Kesarin lions and the Kalaviiika bird'. D Calque of Skl. kesari-si1.nha-, cf. kesarin'Iion', i.e., 'having a mane' (MW:3 I la). F

    Kailiik (LN, masc.) Kailasa, name of a mountain L POU 'nomen montis'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kailak. T +Obl.Sg. 355 a4 humay kailak ,rnl 'Uma has [as auspicious sign] the Kailasa mountain'. D Via MI from Skt. Kailasa 'n. of a mountain (fabulous resi~ence of King Kubera and paradise of Siva)' (MW:31 lc). ko (1)

    ► koy

    ko (2) (n., fem.) 'cow' [B ke 11 ] L POU 'vacca', TEB II 'Kuh'. F Obl.Sg. ko, Norn.Pl. kowi, Obi.Pl. kos. T ♦Obl.Sg. 54 a4? oko eseiic ko eb]eiic; ♦Norn.Pl. 63 b5 sne malkluneyo m[a}l[k](a)nt ko(w)i, YQ 1.4 a4 kowi opsi kayur:fail; ♦Obi.Pl. 395 b3 paFz-kant 01ikalmas pan-kant ykas pa1i kat kos l111/ZClk mwu;llac katse wawora0. R According to the commentary given by CeToM (2013), the occurrence of the Obl.Sg. ko in 54 a4 (THT 687) is to be dismissed as a scribal error. The intended text was oleo eseiic kosne pta1ikat ka.y0·i. The scribe apparently started to write kosne and erroneously repeated (o)ko esenc. Nonetheless, this would indirectly warrant the existence of the Obl.Sg. /co. ko-

    ► kiiw-

    k0111 (n., masc.) 'day; sun' [B kau!J1]


    POU 'dies, sol (Sol)', TEB II 'Tag, Sonne'.




    Nom./Obl.Sg. ko171, kon-ak, lnstr.Sg. konyo, All.Sg. konac, Loc.Sg. konal/Z, Norn.Pl. koiii, Gen.Pl. konassi, Loe.Pl. k0t11sa111, Perl.Pl. ko11zsa . arts-ko!Jz 'every day', k0111-k01!1 'day by day', ko1/Hv.ye 'day and night', .ypat-koni* 'one week', .)pat 0·aptantu ko111sa 'for 7 weeks'. ♦Nom.Sg. (ko1.11) 234 b5 /ll(nape111).5inas puklayo sas ko111 w.ye//1 'throughout a human years, one day and night', 249 a I neiic penu km11 ma1i nakcyan swa1icena1i wawlu nu sas arkiso.)'i akntsuneyo 'there are even sun, moon and heavenly rays, [but still is] this world enveloped by ignorance', 265 a3 oparka kol!1 parkama111 'the sun, rising in the morning', 269 + 290 b>a2, 301 a7 ko,.n ma(ii); (kon-iik) THT 1487 bl, SHT 52758z (Skt. tapa/:z); ♦ Obl.Sg. 33 a2, 66 b5 cam /com 122 a5 149 a2 parno /com, 155 b5 ko,;z ~vse 158 b4, 167 b3?, 187.b4, 188 a5?,°204 b6?, 215 b I ~·aptii11ca111 km.n, 224 b6 //lpra~·tw11 ko1J111 ats pii$tiirpiip~·z7ne, 253 a4 tmii.)',)' aci km11-ko111 ii(iiinika111 metrakii1!1 lkiitsi kumnii:f 'from then on he comes to see the worthy Maitreya every day', 27 l b4, 284 a2 ko111-w.ye, 296 b7, 394 bl som /com wac koq1 pe swasi mii tiip triCGIJ1 ko111 · . starca111 k(OIJZ) m(ii tiip) paiic(iil!l) k(0111) · swatsi ma tap 'on the first and on the second day he did not eat any food; [also] on the third [and] on the fourth day (he did) not (eat), [and] on the fifth day he did not eat any food', 436 b3, 329 b2?, YQ 1.4 b5 kona-ko1!1 pukliiyo, YQ 1.7 b6; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 280 a4 samudr asatrii pii11cii111 konyo puk tka!Jl $iiptiiiic(ii)111 ko[nyo]//1 'the ocean dries out during the fifth day, the whole earth during the seventh day', 298 b8; ♦All.Sg. 54 a2 · mii konac porac palkii0lu11eyii~'{y a}(ci)//I; ♦Loc.Sg. 72 a3, 110 b6, 338 b4, YQ I.6 b8, YQ III.I I bl, b7, YQ III.12 a4, bl, b8; ♦Norn.Pl. 203 b5, THT 2166 bl; ♦ Gen.Pl. 395 a3; ♦ Perl.Pl. I a6 $piit korJzsii knukac ,vrw11 kalk 'during seven days he went up to the neck in water', a6, bl :fpiit ko,.nsii lyomw11 kalk 'during seven days he went over mud', b I, 84 b2 (:fpa)t koqzsa, 146 a2 ($)pat :fiiptantu km11sa, 150 b4 .)pat km11sa, 394 b2 .5ak kOIJlSa, 457 a5 id., YQ Ill.2 b3, THT 2420 al; ♦ Loe.Pl. 150 b2


    sakiiupiiicincis !jpa kotJ1Sat/1, 151 al, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6!, 215 a7 .ypat ko111sw11 ywii[rckii}I//, THT 1139 a3, THT 2408 b4!, THT 2466 a2; ♦ fgm. THT 1583.b b5 km11II! R See also ► iirts-k0111. k0111-1ikiit (n., masc.) 'sun' [B kaw11-nakte]

    L F

    TEB II 'Sonne'. Nom./Obl.Sg. kof/1-iikat, ko111-iikatt, Gen.Sg. ko111-naktes, All.Sg. koii-naktac, Abl.Sg. kof/1-iicikta.5, Norn.Pl. kof!liiaktaii, koii-iiaktaii Com.Sg. km11iiaktassal. T ♦Nom.Sg. (kof!1-iikat) 17 bl, 274 b4 //lkmt1-iikat parkatar 'the sun is rising', 412 a 1?; (ko,.n-iikatt) 22 a5 ko1.n-iikatt oki, 175 a6?!, 280 b3 ko111-11katt oki, 280 b3 id., 378 a4 id., 380 b2 id., YQ 1.4 b2; ♦ Obl.Sg. 123 a6; ♦ Gen.Sg. THT 2346 a2!; ♦All.Sg. 256 a7; ♦Abl.Sg. 208 bl?!, b2; ♦Norn.Pl. (ko111-iiaktaii) 278 b8?!, 346 a3; (koii-iiaktafl) 256 a7; ♦Com.Sg. THT 2106 b4. D Compound containing ► 1ikiit as second member, literal meaning 'Sun-god', see Winter (l 987a:307-308). ko111-piirka1ici* (adj.) 'eastern'

    POU 'orientalis', TEB II 'ostlich'. Obl.Sg.Fem. ko111-parkii1icii111. ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 66 b4 kiirna.y ko111parkiiiicii111 kalyme riyis 'steps down in the eastern direction of the city', 253 a7, 253 a7, 379 b4. D Derived from ► ko111-piirka11t.

    L F T

    ko111-piirkiint (n., masc.) 'east; sunrise' [B kaw11-

    pirko*] L POU 'solus ortus, oriens', TEB II 'Sonnenaufgang, Osten'. F Obl.Sg. ko111-parkiint, AII.Sg. ko111parkiintac. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 462 b2 II purvasyadi · ko111parkii[nt] kiilymey(at11)/I/; ♦AII.Sg. 287 + 259 a>b2 ya, kof/1-parkiintac ya~· .ykiirii km.n-wmiint ya$ .y11[l](iiicii171 kcilymeyaf!Z} 'it [sci!. the earth] goes towards the sunrise, it goes back towards the sunset, [and) it goes in the direction north'. D Compound of ► ko1t1 and a derivative cognate with the verb ►parka-. ko111-ma1i!ji* (adj.) 'of sun [and] moon'


    Obl.Sg.Fem. kof/1-maii.5inii111.

    152 ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 308 a2 ko171-maii,inii111 ytii1yo 'through the way of sun [and] moon'. D Derivative based on a compound with ► k01/1 and ► ma,i. R Restored by Siegling on his personal copy (TS: 165), and still partly visible on the photograph (THT 941 ).


    ko1t1-ypiint (n., masc.) 'sunset, west'

    POU'?', Winter(l988) 'south'. Obl.Sg. ko111-ypiint. ♦ Obl.Sg. 379 b3-4 tam-nek koc yii puk s'ak kalyme(ntwa1J1) ... ///km11-parkiiflcii111 kalymyat/1 cami macril11 kol/1-[ypiint ka]lymentwat/1,ul(iiic-kalymya,71) 'Thus up he went in all ten directions ... in the direction east for him, in the directions south [and) west, in the direction n01ih ... '. R TS kmtz-[n,iint}, Winter (1988:780f.) km.n-[tp}iint 'south', Pinault (1998a:364) ko111-[yp}iint 'west', cf. B kaw11-yaptsi talitsi 'until sundown', attested in PK.AS.18B a3 (see ADAMS:225). The reading km.n-[yp]iint (Pinault op.cit.) is supported by a new inspection of the manuscript THT 1013.

    L F T

    ko,,1-wmant (n., masc.) 'west; sunset'


    POU 'solis occasus, occidens', Winter (1988:782) 'north', WW 'south'. F Obl.Sg. kmtHvmiint. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 287 + 259 a>b2 yii.5 ko1J1parkiintac ya.5 ,kiirii ko,.n-wmiint ya.y ~·11l(iiica111) 'it [sci!. the earth] goes towards the sunrise, it goes back towards the sunset, [and) it goes in the direction north'. R Discussion see Winter ( 1988:779, 782), Pinault ( l 998a:363). See Geng - Laut - Pinault (2004b:49, n. 95) for parallels on the description of the directions of the earthquake (in 287 + 259 a>b2). The meaning 'sunset' is supported by the occurrence of the related abstract wmiiluneya,71 'sunset' in YQ 1.4 b2 (JWP:37). ko1t1s11* (N, masc.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x

    12 syllables 4/4/4) F Loc.Sg. ko111swatf1. T ♦ Loc.Sg. I 18 b2. D Possibly related to

    ► ko1J1.



    kok* (n., masc.) 'ruddy goose' L POU 'nomen alicuius avis', VTW 'Kuckuck'. F Norn.Pl. kokan, Gen.Pl. kokassi. T ♦Norn.Pl. 92 b2, 301 a4; ♦ Gen.Pl. 70 b6, 144 al mi.i111tne kokassi lalf/S tsopatsi.i1.n wra e0i.ik k5aly-k,~alyac yma111. D From Skt. koka- 'a cuckoo; the ruddy goose' (MW:312a). Kokiilik I) (PN), 2) (N, masc.) I) Kokalika, a male, 2) name of a tune (20122110115 syllables 5/5/5/5, 8/7/7, 5/5, 8/7) L POU 'nom.propr.'. F I) Nom.Sg. gokalik, gogalik, 2) Loc.Sg. kokaliknmfl. T ♦ I) Nom.Sg. (gokalik) 222 b2; (gogalik) 239 b3 gogalik nom Je.5 camik wa.5ti.i.5 lalntu aki.il.5i.il/ll; ♦2) Loc.Sg. 58 b6, 80 a>b3. D From Skt. Kokalika 'n. of a monk, a partisan ofDevadatta' (BHSD:193b). Kokuntiil!t* (PN?) title or part of the name of a Uighur lady L POU 'nomen proprium'. F Nom.Sg. (?) kokunta1fl. T ♦Nom.Sg. 382 a3 1//pracre pons : bhek uri helkis apruts lpik kokunta111 hkhonanc kara car lpi.o//1. R Segmentation of382 a3 uncertain: alternative reading lpikk okunta1.11. The line contains a series of names and titles, several of which are of Turkic origin. koc (adv.) 'high, upwards' [B kauc] L POU 'alte, loco edito', TEB II 'hoch, (nach) oben'. T ♦ 12 b5 klosa1.n tsru lalku sasmu sisri koc, 20 a4 brhadyutis p0!Jlfsa111 kapsiniia yak koc .~ma-111, 31 b4, 379 b3, Berlin ms, THT 1152 b2 koc kanwerr1 yamu. -k01ii

    ► !jiipta-kotii

    Ko/ikar!te (PN, masc.) Kotikafl)a, name of a merchant L POU 'nomen proprium', TEB II 'N.pr. eines Karawanenftihrers'. F Nom.Sg. kofikar,:ie, Obl.Sg. kofikari1e111, All.Sg. kotikar,:ienac. T ♦Nom.Sg. 340 a3, 340 b4 kofikar,:ie tam : pi.ilkat mroska[t] 'Kotikan:ia saw it and was disgusted', 341 b7; ♦Obl.Sg. THT

    1525 a2!; D


    341 a4

    \(ko) fikar~1enac. From Skt. Sro{w Ko{ikar,:ia 'n. of an

    important disciple of Sakyamuni' (BHSD:536b ), who was the chief of a merchant expedition (see Waldschmidt 1952). kofisvar (n., masc.) 'millionaire' L POU 'homo pecuniosus', TEB II 'reicher Mann'. F Nom.Sg. kotisvar, Norn.Pl. kofiswaran. T ♦Nom.Sg. 13 b2; ♦Norn.Pl. 312 a6. D From Skt. ko(fsvara- '«the lord often millions», a millionaire' (MW:312c). kota- (vb.) 'split' [B kauta-] L POU 'dissecare, diffindere', TEB II 'spalten', TVS 'split, cleave'. P (tr.) Prs. kotna-, Subj. kota-, Prt. kota-, PPrt. kakotu. F Prs.Vl Act. 3Sg. kotna0 , 3PI. kotnenc, PPrs. Nom.Sg.Masc. koh1m11t, Inf. kotnatsi, Prt.I Act. 3Sg. kot, 2Pl. kolas, PPrt. Abs. Abl.Sg. kakoturi.i0. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 64 al, a2, a5, THT 2003 al; ♦3PI. 355 bl€; ♦ PPrs. Norn.Sg.Masc. 232 b7€; ♦ Inf. 93 b 1; ♦Prt.Act. 3Sg. 11 a4 (bis), THT 3384 al; ♦2PI. 300 a7; ♦Abs. Abl.Sg. 4 a6!, 398 b2. D Cf. ► kotlune. kotiir (n., a.) 'familiy, origin, element' [B kotti.ir*] L POU 'familia', TEB II 'Geschlecht, Familie'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. koti.ir, Gen.Sg. kotris, Instr.Sg. koti.iryo, Abl.Sg. kotra,~, Com.Sg. kotrassi.il, Loc.Sg. kotrwfl, Perl.Pl. kotri.i1T1twa, kotri.intwa. S tkm.nsi koti.ir 'earth element' (Skt. prthivfdhatu-), wrasi kotiir 'water element' (Skt. abdhatu-), porsi kotiir 'fire element' (Skt. tejodhatu-). T ♦Nom.Sg. 19 a3; ♦Obl.Sg. 90 a5, 395 a5, THT 1422.c a4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 177 a6!; ♦Instr.Sg. 78 b4, 206 a5!, 332 b7, THT 1649.d b2; ♦ Abl.Sg. 213 b2, YQ I.8 b56!, YQ I.9 b3; ♦ Com.Sg. 303 b3; ♦ Loc.Sg. 200 a2! trii1ikluneya kotr(wfl) 'through attachment to the family'; ♦ Perl.Pl. (kotra111twa) 17 a4; (kotriintwa) YQ I.9 a8, THT 1642.g + 4429.a a4.

    -kotkum D

    ► stwar-kotkum*


    From Skt. gotra- 'family; origin; class, category' (BHSD:216a, MW:364c).


    ► stwar-kotkum*

    -kotrum *

    ► krant-miirkampal-kotrum *

    kotlune (n., a.) 'splitting' F Obl.Sg. kotlune, Loc.Sg. koth111eya111, Abl.Sg. kotluneya.5. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 307 b4, 192 + 142 a5-6!, 326 a3 sne-kotlu(ne)//1, THT 215 I b I snek(o)tlune; ♦ Loc.Sg. 4 a5, YQ 11.11 b4; ♦ Abl.Sg. 60 b>a2. D Abstract derived from ► kota-. R On p(y)iip(y)ii.yi ko(tlune) lit. 'floral splitting' in 192 + 142 a5-6, see Itkin Malyshev (2021 :61 ). ko11a-k0111 (adv.) 'day by day' T ♦YQ 1.4 b5, THT 2046 b3!. D Iterative compound based on

    ► ko111.

    kontiil (n.) 'ring' L POU 'inauris', TEB II 'Ring'. F Obl.Sg. kontiil. T ♦Obl.Sg. 226 a4: ka[n.}- - parsiint lekii kontiil lekii .5omesa111 (:). D From Skt. kuiu;lala- 'a ring, ear-ring' (MW:290a). koprii1ik-piirsiint (n., masc.) 'antelope-spotted', poetic name of the moon-stone L POU (about kopratik) 'name of a metal or precious stone', PIN 'antelope-spotted, as name of the moon-stone'. F Nom.Sg. koprank-parsiint. T ♦Nom.Sg. 303 b6 : kus-ne nLypal koprank-[pa}rsiint was nkinc hiir wrok ne(mintu) (beginning of a pada of 22 syllables, rhythm 4-4-4-3-4-3). D The passage 303 b6 contains a list of precious possessions or objects: gems, pearl, silver, gold. It does not seem likely to take parsiint alone, cognate ofB parsiintse 'speckled, resplendent', as epitheton of any of the following term(s). The compound kopra1ik-parsiint would be the match of Skt. kurafzga-liitichana'deer-spotted', used as a designation of the moon (MW:293c); kurafzga- itself refers to 'a species of antelope, antelope or deer (in general)'. TA kopra1ik might be interpreted as the borrowing from Skt. or Pkt. kurufzga-, variant of kurwiga-, cf. Pa. kurwiga- (CDIAL: 171 b; DP I:7 l 5b ),

    either through an intermediary stage *kwarwa1ik(a) > (metathesis) *kwawrank(a) > *kuj3rafzk(a) or rather, as per Blazek - Schwarz (2015) via Iranian *kaji-a-ranku (Skt. ra,iku- 'a species of deer or antelope'). The spots on the disk of the moon are supposed to resemble those of an antelope (as well as of a hare): accordingly, compounds containing as first member another name of the deer, Skt. mrga-, and meaning 'deer-marked', designate the moon in Skt. literature: 1111ga-ta1ika-, mrga-lak:pnan-, mrgaliinchana-, mrgiinka- (MW:828b-829a). Besides, the noun candra- 'moon' takes part in the designation of various shining objects, and especially of the candrakiinta- 'moon-stone' (MW:386c), a particular gem well-known in Buddhist literature, a species of crystal (,phafika-), see Finot ( 1896:xlvii), and also SWTF II:232a. kom (n., masc.) 'sprout' [B kaume] L POU '?', TEB II 'frischer Trieb'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kom, Instr.Pl. komasyo. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 4 a6 (kiiko)[tu}ra.y mmak kom yatar 'after having split up, it [i.e., the plant] makes again a sprout'; ♦Instr.Pl. 322 b2!. koy* (n., a.) 'mouth' [Cf. B koyn] L POU '6s', TEB II 'Mund'. F Abl.Sg. koya~-, Loc.Sg. koya111. T ♦Abl.Sg. 218 b2, 300 a7, b2 .yni tsar ,siii kantu koya.y parne paiiwamtra 'we pull our tongue out of the mouth with our own hands'; ♦ Loc.Sg. 125 b6 swiits=fmeyo koya111 tii.y//1. kor (n., masc.) 'I 0,000,000' (Skt. ko!i-) L POU 'centies, centena milia', TEB II 'zehn Millionen'. F Nom.Sg. kor, Obi.Pl. koris, Instr.Pl. korisyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. 330 a4, YQ III.9 b7; ♦Obi.Pl. 17 a4 ta,yiik-.yak-pi koris, 229 a5 we kant twyiik ska111 koris, 234 b6, 288 a5, 315 b3, 316 b2, 313 b6?!, YQ 1.9 a8; ♦ Instr.Pl. 26 al kus-ne korisyo//1, 254 b7 kiintantuyo wi:iltsantuyo tmiinantuyo korisyo wa.ytiiJ· lantura(.5), 269 + 290 a>b5!, 312 a2, b3, 409 b2, YQ I.JO bl!,

    155 THT 2151 b3!; +fgm. THT 1606.b a2 kori//1. D Via Ml from Skt. kofi- 'the highest number in the older system of numbers' (MW:312c), cf. CDIAL:18lb, No. 3498.

    korp* (n.) 'presence' L POU 'ad', TEB II 'entgegen', JWP 'direction toward'. F All.Sg. km7Jac, Perl.Sg. korpii. S All.Sg. 'directed towards' (+Gen.); Perl.Sg. kmpii 'with respect to' (Skt. prati). T ♦All.Sg. YQ 11.8 b6, YQ 111.5 a2, a4, YQ III.11 b4; ♦ Perl.Sg. IO a5 cami korpii tiipiirk kuc ca111 skenal 'what should now be done with respect to him?', 337 a2 opiidhyiiy ko,pii, 353 a2 /l/(.5a.5ii1pu~ stwar ko}1pii iiksi,~lm11 miirkampaliintu (Skt. uddi.5/iis catviira/:z prat(i)desanfyii dha(r)m(ii) 'the four PratidesaniyaDharmas have been recited', YQ ll.8 b8, YQ III.4a3. D See Carling (2000:358-359). koliim (n., fem.) 'pool, pond' [B kolmo*] L POU'?', TEB II 'Schiff. F Nom.Sg. koliim, Loc.Sg. kolmafJ1. T ♦Nom.Sg. 315 + 316 a3 tmiik a.ytiifzkopet nii(kcil.n wiiryo) ywic iitsiits niikcyiss opliis pyiippyiisyo stwar-iie111L5i stwarkotkumir11 kolii(m piikiir tii)k 'then a foursided pond became (visible), made of four jewels, densely [provided] with divine lotus flowers, full of divine (water) provided with eight qualities'; ♦ Loc.Sg. 315 + 316 a4 tiim kolmat/1 ywiirska sumer lekac vai(iuri:ji iisiit.n pii{kiij(r tiik)//1 'in the middle of the pool in the direction toward the Sumeru a throne of cat's eye became visible'. R Revised meaning and translations after Huard (2022:411-416). The word was before translated as 'ship' (Sieg 1952:28). kolune (n., a.) 'killing' F Nom.Sg. kolune, Gen.Sg. koluneyis, Instr.Sg. koluneyo, Abl.Sg. koluneyii.y. T ♦Nom.Sg. 95 a3; ♦ Gen.Sg. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b7!; ♦ lnstr.Sg. YQ II.7 a7; ♦Abl.Sg. 227/8 b6, 262 b6 koluneyii!i praskantra 'they are afraid of being killed', THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b7!, 307 a2 koluneya,~ niirkii.ylune 'keeping

    kose~i away from killing', a5 id.; ♦ fgm. I 99 a3 kolul/1. D Abstract derived from ► kiiw-.

    kolune~i (adj.) 'belonging to a killing' F Nom.Sg.Masc. kolune.5i, Obl.Sg.Masc. kolz111e.yi171. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 65 a6 kolune.5i ime !fq·; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 222 b5 kolune:jitJ1 prayo. D Derived from ► kolune. kolye* (n., fem.) 'paw' [B kolyi] L POU 'coxa', TEB II 'Schwanzhaar'. F AIJ.Sg. kolyeyac. T ♦ All.Sg. 12 b4 kliso piicciis po:f.yiisii to lap siilyit11 kolyeyac 'lying on the right side, his head placed toward the left paw'. R For discussion of the meaning see HILM:165 and ADAMS:219. kowi (adj.) 'of a cow' [Cf. B kewiye] F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. kowi. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 456 al 1/lkowi .yiilypa:ji/1/ 'of cow's fat', PK.NS.3 a 1 kowi wiinc,,o 'with cow's dung(?)', THT 2031 a2, THT 2037 bl kowi presyo 'with a cowgoad'. D Derived from ► ko (2). kowi-~iilypa# (adj.) 'of cow-butter, of ghee' (Cf. Skt. ghrta-) T ♦454 + 456 + THT I 636.o b 1. D Second term based on ► ~iilyp. R For the passage 454 + 456 + THT 1636.o b I and the Skt. parallel, see Malyshev (2019:83-85). kose* (n., masc.) 'silk' L POU 'seric, bombycinus', VTW 'Seide', JWP 'silk'. F Norn.Pl. kosenii T ♦Norn.Pl. 212 b7 + YQ Il.4 b6 kosefifi oki wl(y)e(pm11 iile171 sala1J1 pe111)/I/ 'the palms of his hands and the underside of his feet soft like silk'. D From Skt. kauseya- 'silk' (MW:317c). kose~i (adj.) 'of silk' F Nom.Sg.Masc. kose.5i. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 24 a2-3 kose,1·i sa(rkk) o(k}i wlyepe liilai.n5ke(11 tsariilJZ pii)kiir tiikar-iil11 'like a thread of silk his hands became soft and tender'. D Derived from ► kose. R For the interpretation of the passage, see Itkin (2016:71 ).


    ko~ant ko!jant (n., masc.) 'killer, executioner'

    [B kau.5enta] L POU 'carnifex', VTW 'Hcnker'. F Gen.Pl. ko,w'intassi, All.Pl. ko.5antasac. T ♦ Gen.Pl. 81 b3 1//ko!fantas:H tsara,11 tora,v kossi wotka.5 'when you gave me in the hands of the executioners and ordered them to kill .. .'; ♦ All.Pl. 81 b6 //l[ta)myo spartwa kakarku ko$iintasa[c] 'thereby I have found myself tied and (delivered) to the executioners'. D Derived from ► kiiw-. ko!jt (n., masc.) 'cut, edge'

    L F T

    POU 'acies', VTW 'Schneide'. Nom./Obl.Sg. ko:fl. ♦Nom.Sg. 439 a3? 1//tra karsna! kyur,~i ko~·t swii//1. D Probably related to the root of the verb ► ko!jta-.

    ko.~ta- (vb.) 'strike'

    POU 'affligere, cadere', TEB II 'schlagen', TVS 'hit, beat'. P (tr.) Prs. ko.yna-*, Subj. ko.yta-, Prt. ko:fla-, PPrt. kako$tu. F Subj.V Act. ISg. ko.5tam, 3Pl. ko:fleiic, Gdv. ko.5tlaq1, Prt.l Act. 3Sg. ko:fl, ko.ytam, 3Pl. ko~·tar, ko.5tar-a1J1, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kako~·tu, Norn.Pl.Masc. kako.ytu.y. T ♦ Subj.Act. !Sg. 218 a3 (biiranas)y(a)c yam ko:flam 01ikraci kumpac 'I am going to Benares and I will beat the drum of immortality'; ♦ 3Pl. THT 3351 a2; ♦Gdv. 301 b3; ♦Prt.Act. 3Sg. (ko$1) 11 a5!; (ko:fla-m) 376 bl!; ♦3Pl. (ko.ytar) 149 a4; (ko~·tar-a1J1) 444 a4 /1/tkanac ko:flar-a,.n; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 56 b3 kareyo kako.ytu nkatar, 79 bl natak kako.ytu nasam; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 4 b3. D Cf. ko!jtlune. R The form kiika.5(tu) (354 b 1), as restored by Couvreur ( 1959:252), translates Skt. hatab 'killed'; unless belonging to an unknown root ka$t-, it can be interpreted as a mistake for kiiko$fll, triggered by the similarity of the synonyms ko:fta- and kar:flii-. No further proposal by Schmidt ( 1989:76 n.15). L

    ko!jtlune (n., a.) 'beating'


    Nom.Sg. ko$flune, Gen.Sg. ko$tluneyis, Perl.Sg. ko.ytluneya.

    ♦Nom.Sg. 304 b5!, 359 a18; Gen.Sg. 122 a3 kumpac ko.ytluneyi(s) 'of the drum beating'; ♦ Perl.Sg. 356 b2!. D Abstract derived from ► ko~ta-. R In 304 b5, which belongs to the 13th act of the MSN, ko$tlune is translated by Uigh. tokiinak 'Prligel', MaitrHami Xlll, 10 a4, see Geng Klimkeit - Laut (I 991 :280, 292).


    ko!jtlune!ji* (adj.) 'pertaining to killing'

    Obl.Sg.Masc./Fem. ko$tlune.~il11. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 76 b6 ko:ftlune,~if/1 (watku) 'order of killing'. D Derived from ► ko!jt[une. R Tentative restoration of Sieg ( I 952:21 ).

    F T

    kos-ne (conj.) 'how, how much, as much' [Cf. B

    kos] (Skt. yiivat) L POU 'ut, sicut, more; quot quoad', TEB II 'wieviel, wie'. S Used in subordinate clauses; kos-ne ... tapref!1, kos-ne ... taprenak 'like ... so, as ... as', ma tapre,.n ... kos-ne 'not as much ... as'. T ♦2 a2-3 ma tapren1 sw11 poiica,.n saqzsaris karipac saspartwu alak wram llC/$ kos-ne ala(su)ne 'there is no other thing that brings more harm to the whole circle of existences than laziness', 4 a2, 6 b2, 3 7 b3, 54 a4, 62 b2 kos-ne postkaqz ak$ari tprenak wyaras sas yamtra 'as many ak$aras that [there are] in the book, so [many] monasteries this one will build', 71 a4 ma t.5a171 tapre111 kiipiie atak wram na.5 kos-ne .yiii sol 'here there is no other thing as dear as one's own life', a5, 108 bl, 159 b5, 168 b4, 213 a2 + YQ II.4 b8 nya(grot) :ftamm oki sam parimwJ(;ial kosne ka$yo [ta](pref/1 kapsiiiiio '(like a) banyan tree, of equal proportions, with his height equal to its width', 218 a5, 230 b3, 284 a6, 305 b2 //Iii iii tapre111 iiptii mii katkar kos-ne t,1i · iii markampa(l)/1/, 338 a6, YQ I.2 a4, PK.NS.2 a2. D Based on an interrogative adv. kos, matching TB kos, with addition of the particle ► -ne. Same basis in the interrogative adv. ► kospreitz. R SSS:188, HILM:168-169, ADAMS:220221.

    157 kospre111 (adv.inter.) 'how much? how far?' (Skt. kiyat) L POU 'quantum, quoties', TEB II 'wieviel? wie weit?'. S Used in main clauses. T ♦ 38 b6, 46 b, b2, 186 a5, 2 I 3 b2 kospret_n puklyi ko(s)[p1}(e1J1) manarka.W sastriintu aklii0 'How old is he? How many Brahmin youths does he teach the sastras?', 257 a6 (ko)spre111 ciiiciir kesikaf/1, 324 a4, 436 a2 lane apta yiimii! 0em tmii.y kospre11111 as:,'i kiilpal .5em '[if] in that case I had done [it] earlier(?), how much would I have gained from that?' 446 b3, YQ II.2 b6!, b6, YQ II. I I a4!, a6!, THT I 145 b2. D First component related to the interrogative adv. kos, basis of ► kos-ne. Second component found in the correlative adv. ► tiipre111. R SSS:186, HILM:168.

    kiiuk T D

    ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b4, 294 b3!. From Skt. (Ajliata)-Kawp;linya 'the first who knew or understood the Buddha's Law' (BHSD:196a).

    kaumar* (n., masc.) 'young person, prince' L POU 'iuvenilis, iuvenis'. F Norn.Pl. kaumari. T ♦Norn.Pl. 358 al asureiii fans kauma,y oki prantiir-cy opla111 piittispar.yi111 oppal cu 'the Asura kings [and] princes as it were carry you, the lotus of Buddha rank, in your lotus'. D From Skt. kaumara- 'juvenile; youth' (MW:292a). kaumiirabhriit (n., masc.) 'rearing and education of noble children' F Nom./Obl.Sg. kaumarabhriit. T ♦Nom.Sg. 293 bl!, YQ l.2 b5. D From Skt. kaumarabhrtya- 'rearing and education of children (a department of medical science)' (MW:316b). R Discussion see JWP:286, Pinault (2003a:66).

    kospre111-11e (conj.) 'how much, how often' L TEB II 'wieviel, wie oft'. F kospre111-ne, kospren-ne. S Used in subordinate clauses; kospre111ne ... tiipref!1 'as often as ... as often', kospret.n kospre111 ska111-ne ... tiipreniik tiipreniik 'and as often as ... so often'. T ♦ (kospre111-ne) 2 b4 kospref!1 kospre,_n ska,_n-ne amokiits amo(k.5i1.11) wram pyutkii.5tiir : tiipreniik tiipreniik piiii piirkowiintu miiskm11triif!l 'as often as an artisan completes a work of art, so often he gets the five advantages', 51 b5, 233 b6; (kospren-ne) 59 a6 ///lkiilya1_11 tkanii kospren-ne : kakmus tiiki.y tiipre,_n siim ... 'as often as she would come to a visible place, so often [did] he ... ', 312 a2 kospre11111-ne 0ik tawi.)" tiipreniik siis tkm11nkiit nu0a kiil(nii oki) kiickeyo · tiipre111 tiipreniik mracii.)" $Wikii swaiiceniin ... kaksont 'as often as he took a step, so often trembled and resounded as it were this earth with happiness, so often indeed from his head [and] throat rays( ... ) blinded as it were'. D Based on ► kospre111 with addition of the particle ► -ne.

    kliiifli (adj.) 'belonging to a trap' F Nom.Sg.Masc. kiiii$i. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. THT 141 l.fb2 knii.yi y.5af!1 .yokyo k,,par tsopats 'a pit for a trap, very deep [and] big'. D Based on ► kii1ii*.

    Kau{ufi{1ye (PN, masc.) Kam:ic;linya, a family name of a Brahmin L POU '110111. propr.' F Nom.Sg. kawxlitJye.

    k1iuk (n., masc.sg.) (?) 'neck' L POU 'collum', TEB II 'Hals, Nacken'. F All.Sg. knukac, Abl.Sg. knukii0, Loc.Sg. knukm11.

    Kausike (PN, masc.) Kausika, name of a god F Nom.Sg. kausike. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ II.15 a3 (with value of vocative). D From Skt. Kausika 'name of various men or gods, and especially of the god Indra' (MW:318a). kausal!Ji* (adj.) 'belonging to Kosala' [B kausal.ye] L POU 'ad Kosalam pertinens, kosalicus'. F Obl.Sg. kausal.5i111. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 395 b 1 kausal.yi111 wiirta,71 ane tsalpar, b2 cam kausal$it/1 wart iissuk ma katkar, 431 a3?!. D Derived from kausal* [B kausal*], borrowed from Skt. Kosa/a- 'N. of the country ofKosala' (MW:314c).


    -kfiukum T

    ♦All.Sg. I a6 .ypiit km11sii knukac wraf!1 ki:ilk 'during seven days he went up to the neck in water'; ♦ Abl.Sg. I 04 a2, 126 b3, ♦ Loc.Sg. 8 a3 .yiii iinciim sasrukunt kF111[k}(m11 spa)rpyo .ypinac liink111ii1J1 pekat 'he painted himself as dead man, hanging on a nail with a rope around his neck', a6, 71 b6, THT 1606.2 a2.

    -kF111k11m (adj.) 'having a neck with ... '

    F T D

    Norn.Pl.Masc. -knukumii,s-. ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. YQ IJI.8 b8 ka.yiiriknukumii.y. Derived from ► kizuk.



    k1iom (n.) 'coil(s) (ofa serpent)' (Skt. bhoga-)


    POU '(serpentis) crista', TEB II 'Haube der Schlange'. F Nom.Sg. kiiom, Obi.Pl. k1iomas. T ♦Nom.Sg. 315 + 316 a6 wiisugi niige knomm oki 'like the coils of the Niiga Vasuki', 389 al 1/lriie kropis kiiom; ♦ Obi.Pl. THT 1488 a4. R According to the Skt. and Chinese parallel texts quoted by Itkin - Malyshev (2021 :67) and Huard (2022:50, n.82) TA kFzom would match Skt. bhoga- 'coil (of a serpent), the expanded hood ofa snake' (MW:767b), and not exclusively Skt. pha(lii- 'the expanded hood or neck of a serpent' (MW:716a), as it has been assumed after Sieg ( J952:29). The segmentation of the bilingual fragment 389 remains uncertain. The alternative interpretation kropisiik kiiom has been considered in TS:258 (Nachtriige), see Couvreur ( l 959:253a). In that case, this would contain the genitive sg. of ► krop plus particle ► -(ii)k.


    D Cf.


    Nom.Sg. knalune, Instr.Sg. knaluneyo. ♦Nom.Sg. 410 a I 1//k[n]alune tiikenci:im/l/, PK.NS.4 a2, PK.NS.5 bl; ♦ Instr.Sg. 384 al samanvagama: priiptiyo knaluneyo. Abstract derived from ► kiin-.

    knil-(vb.) I) 'know', 2) 'know', 3) 'acknowledge, recognize' [B knii-] L POU 'scire, nosse', TEB II 'wissen', TVS 'know'. P I) (tr.) Prs. kniina-, 2) Prs. kii111siis-*, Prt. kiias-, PPrt. kakii111su*, 3) (tr.) Prs. kniinii-

    ► knilnmil1t1, ► knilmmme,

    ► iiknats, ► iikntsune.


    knalune (n., a.) 'fulfilment, achievement'

    F T

    T-, Subj. kniinii-T-, Prt. k11ii11iiii-, PPrt. kiikiliifoiu. I) Prs.Vl Act. I Sg. kniinam, 2Sg. kniinat, 3Sg. kniina,1·, 3Pl. kniineiic, PPrs. MP knii11mii111, Gdv. I kniinal, 2) Prt.III Act. !Sg. knasu, 2Sg. knasii.yt, 3) Subj.XII MP 3Sg. kniiiitiir, Prt.V MP 3Sg. k11ii11niit, 3PI. k11ii111iiint, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kiikk11a1iiiu. ♦ I) Prs.Act. !Sg. 117 b4 + 125 b5! kniinam nande flli wraske e1ikii!.yinii(f!1) 'I know, oh Nanda, your illness bound to passion', 413 b2 /Ilysa/mas mliismiir kniina(m)/1/ 'I suppressed my cravings [and] I know .. .'; ♦2Sg. 78 a5 kniina(t) ,s-(pii111 n)iini 'you know my dream', 83 b2, b4 (yii)mlune ynes kniinat, 361 a2 I kiir~akaqi pratijanasi I pate k,,prene kniinat I, YQ 11.14 al; ♦ 3Sg. YQ 1.8 a3 (bis), a5, a5-6!, a8; ♦ 3Pl. 73 a6, 236 b3; ♦2) Prt.Act. I Sg. YQ IJ.2 al tam mii kiiasu kus ta171 buddhm11 mi:iskatrii 'but I did not know what is in this «Buddha»'; ♦ 3Sg. 340 b5 k11asii-5 tu viisavagrii171 -5iik[-5}a111 (caf!1) 'did you know (anyone) in the village Vasagrama?'; ♦ 3) Subj.MP 3Sg. 352 al, YQ II.I I a3!; ♦Prt.MP 3Sg. 217 a2; ♦ 3Pl. 111 a5; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 218 b4.

    The verbal stems knii-, k11ii111i- (OTA: I 68) and kii111s-(DTA:129) have been merged into ► knil-. For discussions on these roots and forms see Schmidt - Winter (1992:50-52, 54), Hackstein (1993:154156), Hackstein (1993, 1995:23), HILM:78-79, 160-162, Thomas (2003:319), TVS:609-611, Peyrot (2011 b:39-40). As for the joint 117 b4+125 b5, see Itkin (2020: 221,227).

    knilnal (n., masc.) 'knowing'

    Nom./Obl.Sg. kniinal. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. THT 2472a21//artal kniin(al)/1/. D If correctly restored, derived from

    F T

    ► knil-.

    k11il11mil1t1 I) (n.), 2) (adj.), I) (masc.) I) 'a wise

    person', 2) 'knowing' L POU 'homo gnarus, doctus', VTW 'Kenner, Kluger, Gelehrter; kundig, klug, verstiindig'.



    Nom.Sg. kniimna,11, knii11111mii111, knii111mii111, Obl.Sg. knii11miina111t, knanmiinant, Gen.Sg. knanmiintiip, Norn.Pl. kniinmiinii$, Obi.Pl. knanmananciis, knanmiiiici:is, kniinmii1.1111a111ces, Gen.Pl. knanmaiiciissi, Loe.Pl. kniinmiiilcsal/1. S puk k11iinmii1.n 'the all-knowing' [sci!. Buddha] (calque ofSkt. sarva-jiia-). T ♦ I) (n.) Nom.Sg. (kniinmii1J1) 16 al, b3, 43 + 52 a I, 112 b3 kniinmiit11 nomkii~ywiits, 217 a3 piik k11anmat11, a4 id., a5 id., 2 I 8 b3 id., 236 b7, 272 b4 piittiinnakii[t} puk knanmii[t.n} ii[fiinik, 379 a2, puk kniinmii111, 405 b3 id.; (knii11mmii111) 255 a7 puk kniil/1111110111; (knii1.n111ii111) 353 b2-3 [kn]ii111miit.n ... omiiskuneyiintu lek [1Jiiiitrii 'the wise should keep away from evil', YQ 1.8 a7, YQ 1.9 b4; ♦Gen.Sg. 17 b3; ♦Norn.Pl. 15 b5, 55 b4, 230 b5, 334 b9, 338 a5, a6, a7; ♦Obi.PL 359 a8 kniinmiit/111ii111ces (Skt. pa,:zr/itii111); ♦ Gen.Pl. 6 b4, 332 a6; ♦Loe.Pl. 151 b3; ♦2) (adj.) Nom.Sg. (kniinmiit11) 65 b6 ote tiipre,_n kniinma111 miiskit ii.yii111\; ♦ Obl.Sg. (kniinmiinii1.nt) 332 a3 kniinmiina111t .yiimat.n yiirkii ya(tsi)/1/ 'to revere the wise monk'; (kniinmiiniint) YQ II.5 a8; ♦ Obi.Pl. 214 a7 (kniinmiiniiiicas) kniinmiiniiFzciis ka.y.yisii$; (kniin111iiFzcas) YQ I.3 a7!, a7. D Derived from ► knii-. F

    kniinmune (n., a.) 'knowledge, wisdom' (Skt. JFziina-) L POU 'scientia, notitia, sapientia', TEB II 'Wissen'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kniinmune, knii1.mnune, Gen.Sg. kniin111uneyis, lnstr.Sg. knii11111uneyo, knanmunyo, All.Sg. kniinmuneyac, Abl.Sg. kniin111uneyii.y, Loc.Sg. knii11111uneya1.n, Perl.Sg. -


    kniinmuneyii, -knanmunyii ► snekniinmune*, Nom./Obl.Pl. knii111111uneyntu. ♦Nom.Sg. (kniinmune) 4 a3, 5 a2, a3, 13 a5 (bis), 17 bl!, b5, 169 al!?, 249 a3 (wrasom nu ke)ne kniinmune mii na.y 'a being who has no knowledge', 253 a2, 275 a5?!, 278 b2, 336 al?, a2?, 397 b6; (kniit11mune) 10 b2 k,,cii.y tatmu sas kniit.nmune nkaluneyac .yFzi iiil111es 'From where does this knowledge originate that leads to a destructions of oneself?';

    ♦ Obl.Sg. (kniimmme) 55 al, 83 b3, 86 a5?!, 117 b4!? 236 b5?, 260 b6 kniimmme iikalseiic, 279 a8 plyasket11 kniinmune opyiic k(l)orii.y, 286 b5 pap.yune piisa[nt]ra kniinmune ii(kiilsantrii) 'they preserve the morality and learn the knowledge', 295 a6 (siim nape)nii.y lyutiir pe,111 knii11111une yiitluneyo kaknu miiskatiir 'he is more than (a normal human being) endowed with knowledge and power', 305 bl, 421 al?!, YQ I.8 a7, YQ 11.5 bl, YQ N.6 bl!?, THT 1322.e b2!; (knii1111111me) 218 b5, 246 b3, 247 a3 ii$lra1.11 knii111111une, a3 krant knii111mune; ♦ Gen.Sg. 247 b3, 253 al; ♦ lnstr.Sg. (knii11111uneyo) 15 b3!, 20 bl, b5, b6-21 al!, 63 bl, 77 b5, 249 a2, bl, YQ I.8 a6, bl!, YQ III.6 b3; (kniinmunyo) 374 a4; ♦All.Sg. 338 a4; ♦Abl.Sg. 10 al!, a2, b3!, l la6, bl, 93 b2; ♦ Loc.Sg. 347 bl kniinmuneyal]1 spaltiik yiimu ' [who] has made an effort concerning insight'; ♦ Obi.Pl. 237.2 arsiint sawa,11 (kn)ii[nm}un(eyntu) 'they brought forward the great knowledges', 243 b3 tri kniitJ1muney11t11 ... yomunt 'who has reached the three-fold insights'. D Abstract derived from kniiniim* (replaced by ► kniinmii1t1 ).

    kniimnune!ji (adj.) 'related to knowledge' L POU 'scientiae'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kniimnunq·i, Obl.Sg.Masc. kniimnune$i, kniin111uneJ·il11, Norn.Pl.Masc. kniinmune.yini, Obl.Sg.Fem. kniit11111une.yi. T ♦Nom.Sg. (kniin111une$i) 433 a6 ///.yi


    aneiicii,~i kniin111une$i :jOlre n,,nak spiil(m)e111II/ 'the sign of knowledge from inside [is] again perfect'; ♦Obl.Sg. (kniinmune.yi) 212 a3 = YQ Il.4 a2 kniimmme.yi sol e,rnnl 'giver of the life of knowledge', 278 b3; (kniinmu11e.yi111) 4 b6 kniinmune.yil11 vajramukhenyo, 336 a4 (kn)ii11111une$itJ1 abhidharm; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 361 a5!; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 244 b2 kn(ii111)mune[.Ji} kapsiFziiis. Derived from ► kniinmune.

    kniisw- (vb.) 'bow, approach reverently' L POU'?', Sieg (1944:27) 'herantreten', TVS 'approach (in revering manner)'. P Prs. knasw-.


    knurµts F


    Prs.I/II PPrs.Act. kni:iswant, Obi.Pl.Fem. kni:iswi:intcis, PPrt.MP kni:iswmcif!l. ♦ PPrs.Act. Obi.Pl.Fem. 218 b2! kni:iswi:intas lwcissi 'to the bowing beasts'; ♦ PPrt.MP 23 b I ptcini:iktac kcitse kni:iswmci111 pi:ilka[t} 'bowing near to the Buddha he saw ... ', 153 a6 nandenac kni:iswmci171 kcitse yeM 'bowing he approached Nanda'.

    k1111111ts (adj.) 'supple, thin' (Skt. tanu-) L JWP 'supple', Schmidt (I 999c:284) 'diinn'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kmur1ts, Obl.Sg.Masc. kn11111tsi:i1J1. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. YQ II. IO a8; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ 11.9 b4, THT 2542 a3. Krakasmuli (PN, masc.) Krakuchanda, name of a former Buddha L POU 'nomen proprium'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. krakasundi, krakasunti. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (krakasundi) 187 b6, 255 a5 krakasundi riomci ptciiiki:it ,~e$ 'there was a Buddha named Krakuchanda', 256 b8, 265 b7 krakaszmdi [p}tciiini:ikte; (krakasunti) 353 b6 krakas[un}t(i)


    ptanakta. Via MI from Skt. Krakuchanda 'n. of a former Buddha, almost invariably the third before Sakyamuni in the standard series' (BHSD:196b).

    krant ► kiisu krant-miirkampal-kotrum* (adj.) 'belonging to the family of the good Law' L POU 'qui bonam legem (religiosam) sequitur'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. krant-mi:irkampal-

    kotrumi:int. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 59 al (Skt. dharmcinvaya-). D Compound containing ► miirkampiil and ► kotiir, plus possessive suffix. Literal meaning: 'having the connection (family) with the good Law'. R Interpretation after SSS: 250 (§383) and Sieg (1952:42). There is no independent derivative *kotrum,pace POU 'familiaris' and VTW 'als Folge habend'. As for the fragmentary form in 200 a2, see ► kotiir.


    krant-ytiir* (n., fem.) 'good path, right way' L POU 'bonum iter'. F Abl.Sg. krant-ytciri:i$. T ♦Abl.Sg. 405 a3 krant-ytciri:i(.y pki:int ta)tr[i]k11.y cem ki:ilko$ .yenc 'confused by separation from the good path they went away'. D Compound containing ► ytiir as second member. Cf. ► umpar-ytiir. Probably calque ofSkt. sat-patha- 'good or right way, correct of virtuous conduct' (MW: 1134c). krant-rake!ji* (adj.) 'belonging to the good word' L VTW 'das gute Wort betreffend'. F Obl.Sg. krant-rake}·ini:i1.11. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 244 b2 k(r)ant-rake,yini:if!l tsopatsi:i1.n yonyo 'through the great step consisting in good speech'. D Derived from a compound containing ► rake as second member. -krase

    ► piirra-krase

    kratsu* (n., masc.) 'rag, cloth' [B kretswe] L POU 'assula, scobis, ramenta', TEB II 'Lappen'. F Norn.Pl. kratswan, Obi.Pl. kratswas, Loe.Pl. kratswsa171. T ♦Norn.Pl. 7 a5-6 pki:int pki:int kratswan

    sorkmi !jllfkmi klcir-i:i111 (somi1r1) [m)ci skwn tiik 'and her rags, ropes [and] pins fell apart, and there was no longer (a girl)'; ♦ Obi.Pl. 7 b4 kratswas $llfkmi:is sorkmi:isyo 'of rags, pins [and] ropes'; ♦ Loe.Pl. 7 bl-2 [o)(te tapre1J1) cikntsuneyis empelune kratswsa,11 kar wrasom tapre111 prcikar tunk yiimtra 'oh what an awesome power of ignorance, when a man falls in such strong love with mere rags!', b6. krill/I (n., masc.) 'skin, inner skin' [Cf. B krcina] L POU'?', COU 'Fell', TEB II 'Geruch, Geruchsinn'. F Obl.Sg. krci111. T ♦ Obl.Sg. I 2 a I yscir yats krcirri yokyo 'with blood, outer skin, inner skin, and hair', b2 ciyantu swal yscir krciqz yokyo 'with bones, flesh, blood, inner skin, and hair', 51 b6 tma.y krii1ri penu sak[n}cimci111, THT 1149 b 11//(pa)lkoncas krci(f!l) pass(ii~n)/11. R A yats krci1ri are matched in TB by ewe yetse, with a difference in specification


    kranolafic for A yats : B yetse (WW). The two Tocharian words for skin, T Ayats and TA kra111 correspond respectively to Skt. chavi- 'skin, cuticle; colour of the skin' (MW:405c) and carman- 'hide, skin' (MW:390c). TA kra1J1 is thus the skin, hide of the lion in 12 a I, b2 (different from the skin, cuticle and the hair) (see Pinault 2020d). The assessment of TB yetse as '(outer) skin' as per ADAMS:549 is basically correct.

    kriike (n., a.) 'dirt, filth' [B krake] L POU 'sordes, squalor', TEB II 'Schmutz'. F Nom.Sg. krake, Instr.Sg. krakeyo, Norn.Pl. krakeyiintu, Obi.Pl. krakes. T ♦Nom.Sg.? 21 l al, a3 macri krake, THT 2494 a2 ///[0}1ikis krake; ♦ lnstr.Sg. THT 2227 bl; ♦Norn.Pl. THT 2401 a3; ♦ Obi.Pl. 152 a4 lales krakes warsasy[o} sikont. D Probably borrowed from TB. krii1ikiits (adj.) '?' F Nom.Sg.Masc. krafzkiits. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. THT 3879 b I. R Hapax of a fragmentary passage with no context. kriimiirts (adj.) 'heavy, weighty' [B kramartstse] L VTW 'schwer'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. kramiirts. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. PK.NS. I b3-4 [tii}m nu \.yokyo kramiirts wram 'but that is a very serious thing'. krii!jiliii- (vb.) 'feel irritated, annoy' [Ct: B kras-] L POU 'irritare, indignari', TEB II 'verdriessen', TVS 'annoy'. P Prs. krasis-T-*, Subj. kra.yinii-T-. F Subj.XII Gdv. kra!fiiiniil. T ♦Gdv. 70 b I ///(ma penu tu sewa)sassiil wiirtac kiilkaluneya kra}·iiiFiiil '( even you) would not be annoyed by going to the forest (together with the sons)', 179 al. kriiso (n., masc.) 'annoyance' [B kraso] L POU 'indignatio', TEB II 'Verdruss'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kraso. T ♦Nom.Sg. 66 al taniik .yw-ma$ tii.)' iii kraso kakmu 'for that reason precisely, this has come as annoyance to me'; ♦Obl.Sg. 66 a4 ca$ nii.y kraso cu .yurma,1·

    piiltsii1ikatsi 'to think about my annoyance for your sake'. D Borrowed from TB. Related to ► kriiijhi,i-. kriilftlso (adj., fem.) 'beautiful, pretty' F Nom.Sg.Fem. krii111tso, kriintso, Obl.Sg.Fem. krii1J1/sona111, Norn.Pl.Fem. kriintsonaii, Obi.Pl.Fem. kriintsonas. T Nom.Sg.Fem. 7 a2 kriif!1fso nasluneya, 30 b3 k,Ji krii111ts(o), l 09 a5; (kriintso) 200 b6; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 6 b6-7 al!, 56 a3; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 311 b I [k}riints(o)n(aii) k,,l(ewa)ii; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. 202 a3, 226 a2!, 312 b3 aptsari:intu kriintsonas pikarasyo 'Apsaras with beautiful gestures', 3 I 8 + 319 a3; ♦ fgm. 165 b6 kriintson(a)/1/, THT 2 I 67 b3 kriitso//1. R Cf. ► kiisu. Kriiki ► Krki kriitayuk* (n.) 'the golden age' L VTW 'das goldene Zeitalter'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kriitayuk. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 313 a2! krii(ta)yukp1wta(111) 'in the time of the golden age'. D From Skt. krtayuga- 'the first of the four ages of the world, golden age' (MW:302b). kriinolii1ic (n., fem.) 'adopted girl' L Edited as kriitolaiic (TS:235, SSS:30, § 53) and registered as such by POU:91 without gloss, VTW 'etwa Gehilfin', PIN 'adopted girl'. F Nom.Sg. kriinolanc, Obi. Sg. kriinolaFicalJI. T ♦Nom.Sg. 429 a7!; ♦ Obl.Sg. 429 a5 (maha)name (krii)nolanca111 yamtsat-(n)i 'Mahanaman has taken (lit. made) me as an adopted girl'. D Derived with the feminine suffix -cine from *kriinol/kiirnol 'adopted child', possibly borrowed itself from TB; B *kiirno/ (for the formation, see yotkol, trokol) would be a calque of Skt. krfta'bought, purchased', especially 'bought from his/her natural parents' (MW:321 b), as based on the stem kiirnii- of the verb kii1ya- 'buy'. See also ► kiirno(l)1ie*. R The meaning of the word can be ascertained by reference to the story of the pious girl Mallika (Malika), who entered the house of the prince


    krampaMahanaman after the death of her father, cf. Roekhill (1907:75). kriimpii- (vb.) 'be held back, be hindered' [B kriimpa-] L VTW 'gestort werden', TVS 'be hindered, disturbed'. P (itr.) Prs. Prs. kriimp-s-T-, Subj. kriimpa*, PPrt. kriimpo. F Prs.VII[ Act. 1 Sg. kriimpsam, Subj.V Act. 3Pl. kriimpenc, Abstr. kriimpa/une, Prt.l PPrt. (krampo-) Obl.Sg.Masc. kriimpont. T ♦ Prs.VIII Act. !Sg. THT 2167 b3?; ♦ Subj.V Act. 3Pl. THT 2126 bl; ♦ Abstr. ► kriimpiilrme; ♦ PPrt.

    Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ lll.12 a3, b4!. D Cf. ► kriimpiilune. R See TVS:614 (Peyrot, p.c.). kriimpiilu11e (n., a.) 'hindrance' F Nom./Obl.Sg. kriimpalune. T ♦Obl.Sg. YQ IIl.12 a6. D Abstract derived from ► kriimpii-. kri (n., masc.) 'choice, will, heart, sentiment' L POU 'voluntas', TEB II 'Wille, Gedanke'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kri, krf, Gen.Sg. kriyis, Abl.Sg. kii1ya$, Perl.Sg. kii1J1a, Norn.Pl. kii1yai1, Obi.Pl. ka1yas. S ka,ya 'according to will', kri ma kri 'whether willing or unwilling', kiitJ1a lotk/une 'compassion', lit. 'behavior out of good will' (Skt. karw:ia-, anukampa-, Uigh. y(a)rl1kancuc1 bilig, k6f}iil), puk anma.5 ka,ya.y 'wholeheartedly', kii1J,a wrassiya 'with pity and compassion'. T ♦Nom.Sg. (kri) 79 a5 (pkamar ku)[s]n(e) kri tas-si 'take what you want to have', 144 b6 (bis) kri ni a!)anik !)oJ..yo kri iii 'this [is] my will, oh venerable one, indeed this [is] my will', 212 a 1 ke-ne kri t(a)$, 324 b2?!, 338 a2; (krf) I 00 a2 kri ma kri, I 46 b2 id., 169 a5 id., 226 b6, b7, 227/8 a3 ke-ne krf t[a}M, YQ 1.2 a4, YQ 11.3 b2 (bis), b8, YQ Il.12 b2, YQ III.7 a4, PK.NS.2 bl!, b4; ♦ Gen.Sg. THT 3976 a2; ♦ Obl.Sg. (kri) 45 b4 sne kri, 338 b2, 447 al, 463 b5; (krf) 54 b6 krf e111tsiissi; ♦Abl.Sg. 69 b6 (pu)[k] a,ima.y ka1ya.5, 226 b5 piik anma,5 kii1J·a:1, 253 a4 puk anma:j kii1J 1a§·, 302 b4; ♦ Perl.Sg. 84 b I trii1ikii,5 siis kcilya wrassiya 'he speaks according


    to will and sensitivity', 399 a5 kcitya lotklune, b I, 426 b2 kii1ya lot(klu)ne, 461 + 465 a2 anukampam u(pa)daya • ka,ya lot(klu)ne :fl/ e(1.ntsurii,5) 'out of compassion'; ♦Norn.Pl. I 15 a4; ♦Obi.Pl. THT 2424 b2. For the Gen.Sg in THT 3976 a2 see Itkin (2011 :251 ). For 461 + 465 a2, see Couvreur ( 1967: 160).

    kritiil!l (n.) 'gratitude, recognition' L POU'?', COU 'Wille', VTW 'Dienstbereitschaft, Dankbarkeit', Pinault (2002b) 'gratitude, acknowledgement'. F Obl.Sg. krita,11, lnstr.Sg. kritanyo. T ♦Obl.Sg. 62 b2 (kus-ne) piktrii miirkampal krita171 ya$ siim ptanaktes 'He who writes the Law shows his gratitude to the Lord Buddha', YQ II. I b3 karw11 kritii,11, THT 2508 a I; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 68 a5 kiirw11 kritiin-yo 'with compassion [and] gratitude'. R See Pinault (2002b:271-279). kritii11ik (adj.) 'grateful' L POU 'qui kritii111 facit', COU 'willig, gefiillig', Pinault (2002b) 'grateful'. F Nom.Sg. kritanik, Obl.Sg. kritiinikii111. T ♦N01n.Sg. THT 2432 al; +Obl.Sg. 296 b3 r[z]ycly lanturii!) kritiinikii111 pii(ltsiikyo) 'having left the town, with a grateful thought ... '. R See Pinault (2002b:271-279).

    kru- (vb.) '?' L POU'?', TVS'?'. F Inf. krutsi. T ♦Inf. THT 1135 a4, bl. krolise (n.) 'bee' [B kronk.fo*] (Skt. bhramara-) L POU 'apis', TEB II 'Biene'. F Nom.Sg. krotise, Perl.Sg. kroMeyii, Obi.Pl. krotises, Gen.Pl. kronsessi. T ♦Nom.Sg. 286 a4; ♦Perl.Sg. 3 b2-3!; ♦Obi.Pl. 91 a2!; ♦ Gen.Pl. THT 2644 a4. D Borrowed from TB. krop (n., masc.) 'crowd, heap, herd, flock' [B krewpe, kraupe] L POU 'acervus, congeries, grex, multitudo ', TEB II 'Haufe, Schar'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. krop, Gen.Sg. kropis, lnstr.Sg. kropyo, All.Sg. kropac, Loc.Sg.




    kropm11, Com.Sg. kropassiil, Gen.Pl. kropiis.t;i. ♦Nom.Sg. 72 a5 yle111 krop camii(k) [wram] siirsiismii111, b2 yle111 krop tiilont wa1pa111 tatmu(nt) semiill o(ki) 'the flock

    of gazelles, like small livestock raised in a miserable enclosure', 221 b7 krop tsopals, 256 a8 miitne naytuntuyo polkii1?1tse171 krop :filsriik tkanii .5tmo tiiJ' 'as if a crowd of a hundred thousand lightnings would be placed in one row on the eai1h', YQ II.9 b6; ♦ Obl.Sg. 216 a>b4 tsopatsii111 krop, 251 b4 pissmik:fi171 kro(p), YQ 11.4 b3; ♦ Gen.Sg. 389 al; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 312 b 1-2 (51'ii c5ni nii)kcil/1 kropyo wo1pu.5 'each surrounded by [his] own divine crowd', 348 bl kropy[o] wo1punt; ♦AILSg. 61 b6 yle1r1 kropac kiitse [kiilkorii](y) 'having approached the gazelle flock'; Loc.Sg. YQ II.IO a3; ♦Com.Sg. 287 + 259 a>b5 (pa)rinirmitavasavar(t)i(y)[iJl!1 niikci111 kropassiil, a6, 264 b5 niik[c]i[111] k[r]opass(iil); ♦ Gen.PL THT 1149 b I!. D Related to ► kropa-. kropa-krop (adv.) 'crowd by crowd' [B kraupe] L POU 'per acervos', TEB II 'Haufe fur Haufe'. T ♦318 + 319 a2 penu ,rnme kropa-krop 1'iiiktann oki tsiirk ts.Ill, YQ III.2 b4, THT 2530 b2!. D Iterative compound based on ► krop. kropal-mii1i1ie (n., masc.) 'assembly hall' F Nom./Obl.Sg. kropal-mcinne. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 263 a>b7 kropal-miinfie lameya111 kakmu 'having arrived in the place of the assembly hall'. D Compound of kropal 'gathering', see ► krop-, and ► mii1i1ie. Calque ofSkt. upasthiina-siilii- 'hall of meeting for monks' (BHSD:143b). See Pinault (2002a:32 l ). krop-lkropa- (vb.Mtant.) 'gather, assemble, accumulate' [B kraupii-] L POU 'colligere', TEB II 'anhaufen, sammeln', TVS 'assemble, congregate'. P l) (tr.) Prs. krop-b4!; ♦ 3Pl. YQ II.13 a7, a8, bl, YQ N.2 b7; ♦PPrs.MP 3 bl, 311 b5!; ♦Gdv. Obl.Sg.Fem. 11 a3 wartsi kroplyii171; ♦Inf. 366 al; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 353 b3; ♦2) Prs. PPrs. MP (kropnmiif!1) 18 b6 pni$iniis sambhiirntu kropnmii111, 19 a I pfiintu kropnmii1.n, 303 a2 miirkampal kropnmii(n1); (kropniimii111) 405 al sniinu kropniimii111; ♦ Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 280 a6; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. (krop11la111) 146 al; (kropn,,!a,71) 16 a2; ♦Inf. 386 a4 kiiswoneyiintu kropnasi; ♦All.Sg. 386 a3 cittakarmm:iyata · piilskes kiiswoneyantu kropniisiyac; ♦ !pf.MP 3Sg. 15 b I akii111tsune kropniit, b2 id., b3 ni,~pal kropfiiit; ♦ 3Pl. 226 a5!; ♦Opt.MP 3Sg. 3 a3 niJpaltu kropitiir, 73 b4 :fyak kropitiir; ♦Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 2 b2-3, 263 a>b7, 347 a3 kropal c5e.5; ♦ Prt.MP I Sg. 218 a6; ♦2Sg. 250 al [p]ni krop[t]e, 311 b6 ay (py)[ii}kiissi a(s)ii111 nvcitsi klo[pyo] kro[p](t)e (mii)rkampa[l] 'through suffering the crushing of bones and tearing out of eyes you have collected the Law'; ♦ 3Sg. (kropat) 62 a4, b3 kropat miirkampal, 143 b6, 360 al ///bhf(aqi dhanam I kuc ,~wwac5-ne kropat akiitsune I; ♦ 3Pl. (kropa,_nt) 13 a4 iiyiintu kropaf!1t siskis; (kropant) 42 a2, 253 b5 puk kiiswoneyntu cwa,11 kropant 'all merits are ... collected in you', 278 a6, 312 a5, 395 a5; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. (kiikropu) 12 b3, 148 al kakr[op]u tiic5, 354 a4, a5, 420 b5, YQ 11. I b5, YQ III. I 0 b3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 50 a5, 54 a6; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 8 b4!, 226 b2, 235 a5, 378 a5, YQ 11.15 b4; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. YQ


    kropnal 1.6 a7; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. (kakropunt) 15 al, 42 bl, 53 a2!, 339 a8, 397 a9, YQ Ill.3 b2; (kakropwrzt) 3 a3; ♦Abs. Abl.Sg. (kakropuraJ·) IO a4!, 78 b I!, 118 b5?!, 266 + 276 a>b5; (kakkropura:f) 66 b2 wal amasas kakkropura.y; ♦ lpv.MP Sg. 301 b8!. D Cf. ► kroplune. R The attested Prs. forms of the first paradigm are attributed to class II (TEB II:98), but they can be interpreted as athematic. The meaning of both stems is clearly transitive, ef. Peyrot (2011 b:45). kropnal (n., masc.) 'accumulating' F Norn.Sg. kropnal. T ♦Nom.Sg. 280a61//eijal el wrassa111 ortune ya! kropna! piii[ntu)/1/ 'one ought to give alms, to show (lit. do) friendship to the living beings, to accumulate merits'. D Derived from ► kropa-. kroplune (n., a.) 'gathering' F Norn.Sg. kroplune, Gen.Sg. kropluneyis, All.Sg. kropluneyac, Perl.Sg. kropluneya. T ♦Norn.Sg. 354 a4 (ter); ♦Gen.Sg. 359 a30 I bhrtasyanurak$al)arn I kro[plu}neyis [napa}(k)I/I; ♦All.Sg. 368 b4 /l/(a)ka1.11tsune kropluneyac; ♦ Perl.Sg. 2 a4 klu kropluneya. D Abstract derived from ► kropa-. kropwatsune (n., a.) 'accumulation' F Nom.Sg. kropwatszme. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ III.6 a2-3!. D Abstract derived from kropwats*, adjective based on ► krop. kror (n., rnasc.sg.) 'crescent of the moon' [Cf B kroriya*]

    L F T

    triple crescent of the moon, were visible to him in one row'. TB krorfyai (oblique sg.) is supposed to mean 'horn'. For the etymological connection, see HILM: 182, ADAMS:235. Further discussion by Huard (2022:452).

    kros (1) (adj.) 'cold' [B krosce] L POU 'frigidus', TEB II 'kalt'.

    Nom.Sg.Masc. kros, k,,ras, Obl.Sg.Masc. krossa/JI, Nom.Sg.Fem. krossi, Obl.Sg.Fem. krossa111, Norn.Pl.Masc. krosse, Obi.Pl.Masc. krosses, Norn.Pl.Fern. krossaii, Obi.Pl.Fem. krossas.


    ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. (kros) YQ N.4 b5 ma kros ma omal 'neither hot nor cold', THT 1981 al, THT 2966.b b2; (k11ras) 257 b2 [w]u iiakciiii wra.yiiii mol[k}a(ii epre)raJ· kliir sas sat wat nu k11ras 'two divine

    streams of water fell down from (the sky), the one warm, the other cold', SHT 4474Bx; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 103 b3 /1/tamyo tosa111 praijtantwatJ1 krossa111 wra111 lyoma,_n ma ya!, 432 a I cam kross(a1.11) war, b8 krossii!JI war, 433 a3 id., a4 id.; ♦Norn.Sg.Fern. ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem.

    166 a2, 355 al; 51 b2; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 23

    b5 asre piisre tsre (kros)se tukri wlesman1 iii tsarcil11 'my clay-working hands [are] dry, hard, raw [and] cold'; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 23 b2; ♦Nom.Pl.Fem. 124 a4; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. 320 a4 krossas iiarey(a1.11)twa111 'in the cold hells', THT 1400.fa4. R Nom.Sg. form kros, see Itkin (2011 :251 ). kros (2) (n., masc.) 'krosa, a measure of distance' F Nom./Obl.Sg. kros. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 4 a4-bl. D From Skt. krosa- 'a measure of distance (an Indian league, commonly called a Kos)' (MW:322b). krosavati (N) KrosavatT, a plant L POU 'nomen plantae'. T ♦4 a4 mii1J1tne krosavati iioma okar na,~, b2 (kar!jto)s penu kakos penu krosavati :

    POU 'lunae falx', TEB II 'Mondsichel'. Norn./Obl.Sg. kror. ♦Norn.Sg. 67 b3 tmak cami treyo maiiis krorr oki .yak a1ikari .yitsrak pakar takara111 'immediately the six tusks, like a



    tsru kuc yarma111 lipos nunak prenak oksi.y 'even cut, even destroyed, the


    KrosavatT, with only a small piece left over, grows again as much [as before]'. From Skt. krosavatT-*, name based on krosa- 'league', cf'. ► kros (2).

    kros.fone (n., a.) 'coldness' [B krostaiiiie, krossaiiiie]

    L F T

    POU 'frigus, gelu', TEB II 'Kalte'. Nom.Sg. krossune. ♦Nom.Sg. 24 a2 tsarna111 asrone krossune 11akt-ii111 'on his hands, dryness and coldness [were] lost'.

    165 D

    klalune (2) Abstract derived from

    ► kros


    kla1!1 (n., masc.) 'sound' [B klene] F Nom./Obl.Sg. klar11. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 38 bl klm11 klyo.5a,1· 'he will hear the sound'. D Related to the verb ► kiiln-, see also the derived adj. ► klano.

    klmik (n., masc.) 'riding animal, vehicle' [B kle1ike] (Skt. yiina-) L POU 'animal ad equitandum idoneum', TES II 'Vehikel'. F Obl.Sg. klank, Instr.Sg. k/ankyo, Abl.Sg. klmika-5, Perl.Sg. k/mikii, Norn.Pl. klankaii, Instr.Pl. k/ankasyo, Perl.Pl. klanksa. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 35 b6 (ka)rufe111 kla1ik yetura(!i), 36 al kayur,\'e/11 klankyetu(ra.y)III, 147 bl k/[a]nk ritwassi; ♦Instr.Sg. 54 b5!, 73 a3; ♦ Abl.Sg. 147 b3 klanka.5 kiika1pu; ♦ Perl.Sg. 111 b4 spiilme1.n klankii lmora.5, 147 b I klankii lmo; ♦Norn.Pl. 22 b6 yukaii klarikan onkalmiin, 262 a2; ♦ Instr.Pl. 253 a7, 345 bl tri-waknii klmika~y(o); ♦Perl.Pl. 266 + 276 a>b8 siikres klmiksii lmo(ra-5) 'having sat on docile riding animals', THT 2438 b2!. D CT noun. Related to the verb ► kla,ika-. klano* (adj.) 'resounding' L POU 'sonans', TEB II 'tonend'. F Obl.Sg.Fem. klan0111tsii1,n, klan011mtsiim. T ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. (klanortztsii1J1) 45 bl, 270 al, YQ 11.11 a6; (klan011mtsii111) 313 a5 klan01r111tsa111 cincaryiif!1 brahmaswar wasenyo 'with a sounding, lovely brahmasvara-voice'. D Based on ► klmfz. klawe (n., masc.) 'dice throw' L PIN 'die', WW 'throw of the die'. F Nom.Sg. klawe. T ♦Nom.Sg. PK.NS. I a2 wu nes tmas stwar stwar vra.5 klawe klii-ci 'first the t~o; then four, four. The «Bull» throw has fallen for you', PK.NS.4 al, b I, PK.NS.5 b3, PK.NS.6 b3!, PK.NS.509 b3. D Technical term of the dice divination (cubomancy), lit. 'fall', result noun cognate with the verb ► klliwa- (]) 'fall down'. R The context of PK.NS.I a2 and of the other passages of the same manuscript refer to various throws of dice, yielding

    three numbers, used for divinatory purposes. See Skt. patita(l, patitam used in the phraseology of the Pasaka-keva!T edited by Weber ( I 860), and translated by the preterit of ► kliilva- (]). TA klawe may correspond to the technical term aya'gain, profit' and 'die', used in books of omen, see Dotson et al. (2021: 196-256). These results of 'falling' receive various symbolic names, such as ► vra.1· 'bull'.

    kla!il (n.) term for a product, likely food F Nom./Obl.Sg. kla.yt. T ♦Obl.Sg. THT 1519 a2, a4. R This term in THT 1519 a2 and a4 (monastery record) refers to a product spent on men of the monastery, which is of a dry measure quality, cf. ► siik. The word miimak in the next sentence indicates that the text is about the distribution of food products (cf. Ogihara 2014:116-117). kla,ika- (vb.) 'ride' [B klii1ikii-] P (tr.) Prs. klanka-* (?), Subj. kliinka-, Prt. klanka-. F Gdv. Norn.Pl.Masc. klii1iklye, Prt. Act. 3Sg. kla1ika-111. T ♦ Gdv. Nom.Pl.Masc. 264 a2 y 11 kan onkalmiiii w(u) klii11klye piikrak ska111 p11kis maska(ntra) 'horses, elephants [and] two kinds of riding [animals] are visible for everybody'; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. THT 1144 a I?; ♦fgm. 161 b5 klii1ik . Ill. D Related to ► klmik. kliilune (1) (n., a.) 'falling' F Nom./Obl.Sg. kliilune, Perl.Sg. kliiluneyii. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ 11.5 a7 mriica-5 klii/une; YQ II.I 1 b3 id.; ♦Obl.Sg. YQ 1.8 a3 mriicis kliilune, a5 mriicas kliilwie♦Perl.Sg. 154 b2. . , D Abstract derived from ► kliiwa- (]), on the subjunctive stem. R TA mriica.5 (mriicis) klii lune is the translation of a Skt. phrase corresponding to Pa. muddhiidhipiita- 'loss of head' (PED:538b ). kliilune (2) (n., a.) 'bringing, leading' F Nom./Obl.Sg. kliilune, lnstr.Sg. kliiluneyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. 433 a4!; ♦ Obl.Sg. 39 b3 opyiic kliilu(ne)III, 262 b7 cem iilu klop klii/une ma paltscilikenc 'they do not conceive

    klawa- (I) bringing pain to others', 456 a5; YQ I. l O b4 opyac klaluneyo. Abstract derived from ► kiilii-. ♦ lnstr.Sg.


    kliiwa- (]) (vb.) 'fall down' [B klaya-] L POU 'cadere', TEB II 'fallen', TVS 'fall'. P (itr.) Prs. klawa-, Subj. kla-, Prt. kla-, PPrt. kaklo. F Prs.lV MP l Sg. klawmar, 3Sg. klawatiir, klawatr-ii111, 3PI. klawalf1fra, klawantrii, !pf.Act. 3Pl. klmvrii, Subj.V Act. 3Sg. kla,y, Opt.Act. 3Sg. klawi,s, Prt.J Act. 3Sg. kla, kla-ci, 3Pl. klar, klar-ii111, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kaklo, Obl.Sg.Masc. kaklont, Obl.Sg.Fem. kaklosa111, Norn.Pl.Masc. kaklo.y, Obi.Pl.Masc. kakloiiciis, Abs. Abl.Sg. kaklorii,y. S tkana kla- 'fall to the ground', katsa kla'fall down on one's belly, prostrate oneself,pesa,.n kla- 'fall to sb.'s feet' (as a greeting). T ♦ Prs.MP l Sg. THT l 486 b3€; ♦3Sg. (k/awatiir) 168 a I; (k!awatr-ii111) 124 b6; ♦3PI. (klawa1Jztrii) 30 b4 .yulii~· tapiirk klawa,11triil/l; (klawantrii) 181 a3 //lapayii111twa,11 klawant(rii), 253 b3 ,yfanksal!I tresa/sa,11 lpiir patsiinkasa,11 yetunt k,Jewaii klawantr oky aiic tkani:i,5 nu sliiic orto 'the bejeweled women, in the palaces, the trisalas [and] high up in the windows fall down as it were and jump then up from the ground again'; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Pl. YQ II.7 a6 katsa klawrii; ♦ Subj.V Act.3sg. THT 2535 a2; ♦Opt.Act. 3Sg. 221 a6; ♦Prt.Act. 3Sg. (kla) 77 b2 tkana (kla), l 00 a5, 182 b2, 222 b4 kla 111ahapad11ma111 'fell in the Mahapadma-hell', 239 b5 kla mahapadiim, 356 b4 [t]kana kla, PK.NS.5 a2; (kla-ci) PK.NS. I a2, PK.NS.4 b I, PK.NS.5 b3, PK.NS.6 a3, PK.NS.509 b3; ♦ 3Pl. (klar) 257 b2 (epre)rii,)" klar, 340 a5 (tmiik ce)m [p]retaF, litko.y.y oki ... klar tkan(a) 'immediately the Pretas fell, like beaten down(?) ... to the earth'; (klar-ii111) 7 a5; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 24 b4 katsa kaklo, 87 a4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 162 a5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 8 b2 pii!kat tam yantiir,5ina1r1 somina111 pkiint pkiint kaklosalfz 'he saw this mechanical girl fallen apart'; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 12 a5 lokalok .yula,11 kaklo!i kiinva11zsm11 'on the

    166 mountain fallen down far away among the rocks'; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 11 b5, 12 a3 tmm11 cem siskiniis ayiintu kakloiiciis piilkant, 237 a4; ♦ Abs. Abl.Sg. 80 a>b3 pesa1r1 kaklorii.5 triitikii,s. D Cf. ► kliilune (]), ► klawe. R For the interpretation of 124 b6, see Schmidt ( 1974:38 and n. 2). The Subj. form kla.5-ii171 belongs to ► kiilii-. For the restoration ofTHT 1486 a3, see Malyshev (2017: 119-120). klawa- (2) (vb.) 'be called; (caus.) declare, announce' [B klawa-] (Skt. a-khya-) L POU 'divulgare, nominare', TEB II 'verkiinden', TVS 'be called, announce, recite'. P (itr.) Prt. klawa-, (caus.) Prs. klawas-T. F (itr.) Prt.l MP 2Pl. klapac, (caus.) Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. klawa.y, MP 3sg. klawa.ytrii. T ♦ (itr.) Prt.MP 2Pl. 300 a5 .Mlcyamunis sasnalfZ niik.yantaii siik .yi:ik pi risa1Jl klapac 'you have been named in the sixteen cities as destroying in relation to the discipline of Sakyamuni'; (caus.) ♦ Prs. VIII Act. 3Sg. 461 + 465 b3 II akhyati · kl(a)wa!f aksi.y pat; ♦MP 3Pl. SHT l098d.r4 klawa.5·trii (sic!)(= Skt. pathm.nti 'they recite'). R In 461 + 465 b3, the restoration of klawatrii is excluded by the manuscript (THT I 095), which supports the reading kl(a)wa.y, compare the restoration [k}lawa(!f) by Couvreur (1967: 160-162). The reading of [k}!a is allowed by the remnants of the characters as argued by Malzahn (TVS:622). Concerning the gloss in SHT 1098d.r4, see Malzahn (2007b:305), but this has been corrected by Peyrot (2014:141-142) and (2013:743, 11. 182). klii1ik- (vb.) 'contest, fight, doubt' [B kli:ink-] (Skt. prati-vahaya-) L POU '?', TEB II '(be )streiten ', TVS 'be in doubt, be insecure'. P I) (tr.) Prs. klii1ikiis-T-, Subj. k!i:iftki'z-T-, 2) (detr.) PPrt. k!iitiko-. F I) Prs.VIII Inf. kli:itiki:issi, Subj.VII Opt.Act. I Pl. klii1iki'limiis, 2) PPrt. Norn.Pl.Masc. k!iiftko.y. T ♦ 1) Inf. 454 + 456 + THT 1636.o a2; ♦ Opt.Act. IPL 349 b2 ll/(kra)nt miirkampal k!i:i1ikiiimi:i[s}/// '(that) we



    kluqits* rnioht doubt the good Law'; ♦2) PPrt. No~n.PI.Masc. 395 bl klaizko$ ka11sal,~i111 warlC//!1 ane tsalpar 'fighting they entered the forest of Kosala'. For the restoration of 454 + 456 + THT 1636.o and the Skt. parallel, see Malyshev (2019:73-77).

    kliismune (n., a.) 'patience' [B kal.yamne] L · POU 'perpessio, toleratio', TEB II 'Ertragen, Geduld'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kla$mune, lnstr.Sg. k!a.y,nw1eyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. 353 a6-bl klci.ym[u}ne spa/[m}e111 plaslu(n}e(ya111)twa,11; ♦ Obl.Sg. 61 a3; ♦ Instr.Sg. YQ III.9 a2. D Derived from kal.)·am*, itself derived from ► kiil-.

    klin- (vb.) 'be obliged to' [B klin-] L POU 'mereri', TEB II 'miissen', TVS 'be obliged to'. p (itr.) Prs. klinas-T-, Subj. klin-T-. F Prs.X Act. 2Sg. klina.yt, Subj.I MP 3Sg. klintar-ni, klyintra. S klintar + gen./cl. + inf. 'it is necessary for sb. to do sth.' = 'sb. must do sth.'. T ♦ Prs.Act. 2Sg. 107 a4; ♦ Subj.MP 3Sg. (klintar-iii) 343 a4 niitswatsi k/intar-Fzi 'it is necessary for me to starve'; (klyintrii) 400 b3 traizktsi klyintra. klisii- (vb.) 'lie down to sleep' [B kliintsa-] L POU 'cubare, dormire', TEB II 'schlafen', TVS 'sleep'. p I) (trs.) Prs. klisna-, !pf. klisiia-, Subj. klesa-/klisa-, Prt. klisa-/klesa- *, PPrt. kliso, 2) (caus.) klisas-T-*, klisas-T-. F I) Prs.VI Act. 3Sg. klisna~-, klisnas-si, PPrs. Nom.Pl. k/isnantaF1, Inf. klisnatsi, !pf.Act. 3Sg. klisila, Subj.V Act. 3Sg. k/esa$, Opt.Act. 3Sg. klisi.5, Prt.l Act. I Sg. klisa, 2Sg. klisa,yt, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. kliso, Obl.Sg.Masc. klisont, Abl.Sg.Masc. klisonta,y, Obi.Pl.Masc. k/isoncas, klyisoilciis. T ♦ I) Prs.Act. 3Sg. (klisna.y) 51 b4; (klisnas-si) 377 a3 /1/m[a} nu oklo[p} kamSC///1 ywarska klisnas-si 'without trouble he sleeps between your teeth'; ♦ PPrs. Nom.PI. 204 a4 ///[kl(i)}snanta(ii)/II; ♦ Inf. 107 b3 iliikcyass oki rakliintwa wo klisnatsi 'put to sleep on the divine covers', 186

    al?!; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Sg. 68 a3 suk .51110 suk k/isiial/1 'she [i.e., the queen] was seated well [and] slept well'; ♦ Subj.Act. 3Sg. 182 a4; ♦ Opt.Act. 3Sg. 233 b3; ♦ Prt.Act. !Sg. YQ II.I a5; ♦2Sg. YQ II.I a3!; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 12 b3 mii111tne .)piinyo kliso sne-wask/une kesar .s:isak ta.y 'as ifhe was a Kesarin-lion, lying in sleep without moving', b4 kliso paccas po.J$cisa to lap salyit11 kolyeyac 'lying on his right side, with the head on his left paw', 14 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 20 b I; ♦Abl.Sg.Masc. 12 b5 sa111a1.11 siskii$ klisonta.y sol/ ats cami wakiim .ye,~ 'only life made him different from a living, sleeping lion'; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. (klisoiiciis) YQ l.8 b2-3!; (klyisoilciis) 237 a6; ♦fgm. THT 1151 a2? kliso/1/; ♦2) Subjunctive stem, Gdv. abstract ► klisii!jlune. D Cf. ► klisii#une.

    klisii!jlune (n., a.) 'somnifacient, action of putting to sleep' L VTW 'Schlafmittel'. F Nom.Sg. klisa,ylune. T ♦N01n.Sg. 247 b3 (kar0 to bra)mnassi klisas/w;e sam wasa,11 iloma 'the som~ifacient for the brahmins, named [wrong] imagination, (has been cut off)'. D Abstract derived from the causative of ► klisii-. R Translation of VA V 2.38, see Hattmann (I 987: 112), and Schmidt (2021: 135), with somewhat different restoration. klu (n., masc.) 'rice' [B k/u] (Skt. sali-, ta11d11la-) L POU 'oryza', TEB 11 'Reis'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. klu. T ♦Nom.Sg. 2 a5 sne-psii/ klu nakt-iim, I 07 b6, TI-IT 2965.d a2; ♦ Obl.Sg. 2 a4 klu krop/uneya, I 07 b4. D Probably borrowed from Chinese, Mod.Ch. dew, Mid.Chin. *dawX, OChin. *C-luu-7 'rice, rice-paddy' (GSR: I 078), compare Pulleyblank ( 1991 :73), Baxter - Sagart (20 l 4a:246, 334). See ADAMS:243, Lubotsky - Starostin (2003:262). klumts* (n., masc.) 'small bell' [Cf. B kul] L. POU'?', TEB II 'Faden(?)'. F Nom.PI. kluf!Jfsi, Instr.Pl. klw11tsiisyo.

    klu-trayu* ♦Norn.Pl. THT 2603 a2; ♦ Instr.Pl. I b3-4 stwar-wiikna spe(.5inii)s klwr1tsiisyo sopis (... ) osuk kiitkorii.5 'having passed over the nets with four-fold metallic (tinkling) small bells'. D Probably cognate with TB kul 'bell' (ADAMS: 196). R The description of the nets made of metal and surrounding a fortress has parallels in Buddhist literature, see for instance DN II: 183. dhammo (...) posodo dv'fhi kiliki11ikajolehi parikkhitto ahosi ekmr1 jolm.n sova(11zamaya111 eka111 riipiyamayat_n. sova111za111ayassa jolassa riipiyamaya kitiki(Ziko aheswn, riipiyamayassa jolassa sova(11zamaya kitikiuika ahes11111. 'The Dhamma Palace was surrounded by two nets of tinkling bells. One net was gold with silver bells, the other silver with gold bells' (translation Walshe I 987:285). Reference and interpretation of the Toch. passage by Huard (p.c.). Accordingly, klu111ts corresponds to Skt. kinki(Za-, kiliki111-, kinki(Z'fka- 'a small bell' (MW:282a), see Pa. kinki(Z'f-, kinki11ika- 'id.' (DP I:684a). The clause klu111tsiisyo sopi transposes the compound Pa. kilikh1ika-jola- 'a string or network of small bells'.



    klu-triiyu* (n., masc.) 'sour rice-gruel' L COU 'Mischung?'. F Instr.Sg. klu-troyuyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. PK.NS.3 b2 talke ya! klutroyuyo 'a sacrifice should be made with sour rice-gruel'. D Compound containing ► k/11 and troyu, which is probably the match ofB traiwo. The latter refers collectively to three products that are used for medical purposes: dadhi- 'thick sour milk' (MW:468a), tu:fodaka- 'sour rice-gruel' (MW:452a), mastu- 'watery part of curds, whey' (MW:793c), cf. Filliozat (1948:146). TB traiwo and TA troyu may be different adaptations of a Pkt. form *traiwua, based on Skt. traivrta- 'coming from a threefold substance, consisting of three parts' (cf. MW:460b). Alternatively TB traiwo is deemed as directly based on the verb TB triwo- 'mix', match of ► triwa-, see WTG :251, Malzahn

    (TVS:670-671), ADAMS:341, but this would leave TA troyu apart. klumpri* (N) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 18 syllables 7/7/4) [B klampii1ya*] L POU'?'. F Loc.Sg. klu111pii1ym11. T ♦Loc.Sg. 278 bl, YQ 11.7 b7-8!, THT 1378.a a6!. D Possibly based on a Sanskritization of Pkt. *kur;lumal'f- or *kU1;/11maliya'opening bud' (CDIAL: 167a), cf. Skt. kur;lmala- 'bud' (MW:289b). k/11(~)- (vb.) 'publish, make clear, explain'


    F T R

    POU'?', VTW 'klarmachen, erklaren, wischen, rein/glanzend machen', TVS 'explain'. Prs. MP 3Sg. klu.ytiir. ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. 461 b4 II (u)[ttanT] karoti · klu.5tiirll/. Sanskrit text identified by Couvreur ( 1967: 162), correcting (san)ton'f karoti as per SSS:437. Cf. Skt. utto111-karoti 'publishes, makes known' (BHSD:124b), 'klarmarchen, erklaren' (SWTF I:352b), Pa. uttonzkaroti 'makes clear, explains' (DP I:414a).

    klu-~pe (n., fem.) 'rice-porridge' L POU'?'. F Obl.Sg. klu-.5pe. T ♦Obl.Sg. 321 b6 ///ska171 kiir.5te-1?1 koru11yo : yomwe-111 klu-:fpe 'and I cut it with compassion and I made for him (?) a ricemush'. R The compound A klu-:fpe corresponds to the phrase B klu.y.Ja ~wiye (8 497 a8) 'rice porridge' (ADAMS:733). The specific meaning ofB :fwiye, Obl.Sg . .5uwi is 'broth', as indicated by PK.AS.28 (Y2 Filliozat) b6, see Carling (2003b:41, 62, 65). klepsa-(vb.) 'wither, shrink' [B klaiksa-] L POU'?', TEB II 'verklimmern', TVS 'dry up, wither'. P Prs. klepsa-*, Subj. klepsa-*, Prt. klepsa*, PPrt. koklepsu. F Subj.V Abstr. klepslune, PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. koklepsunt. T ♦Abstr. ► k/epslune; ♦ PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. 327 a6 /ll(ka)k[/}epsunt passaka//1.

    169 klepslune (n., a.) 'shrinking, fading' F Nom./Obl.Sg. klepslune. T ♦Obl.Sg. 243 al sne klepslune. D Abstract derived from ► klepsa-. R This prepositional phrase transposes Skt. amliiyin- 'unfading' (MW:84b), occurring in VA V 2.17, see Hartmann ( 1987 :98), Schmidt (2021: 124). kles (n., a.) 'affliction, depravity' [B kles] L POU 'dolor', TEB II 'Trlibung'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. kles, Abl.Sg. klesa!f, Norn.Pl. klesan, Obi.Pl. klesas, Gen.Pl. klesassi, Instr.Pl. klesasyo, Abt.Pl. klesasii!f. S klesas wik- 'drive away depravities'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 262 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg. 256 al, YQ III.5 b2, THT 399.20 + 2383.1 b3, THT 1884 b2; ♦Abl.Sg. 464 b2?!; ♦Norn.Pl. 239 a2, 392 a2, THT 1475.c b5, THT 1624.i bl; ♦Obi.Pl. 80 a>bl !, 86 bl, I 16 a4, 224 b5, 297 b6 klesas wikii.J-, 298 b2, YQ III.9 b7!, THT 1475.d b2, THT 3150, 4; ♦ Gen.PL 75 b3, b5, 230 b7, 236 a6, 311 a5, THT 3150 a4; ♦ Instr.Pl. 224 b4, THT 1625.c bl, MG I b5; ♦Abt.PI. 82 al!, THT2165bl. D From Skt. klesa- 'impurity, depravity' (BHSD: 198a). Cf. ► sne-klesum. klest paltsakyo paklyo,sas cam cat(a)[kh'(i masak) 'with a cheerful mind listen to this

    jataka-(chapter)!'. Derivative from the loan ofSkt.jataka-, see ►jiitak*. R The phrasejatak-?"i masak matches TB jataki:i,s0e meske 'jataka-chapter', with meske in the sense of 'section' of a corpus, in THT 77 b5, see Sieg - Siegling (1953:17 n.5).


    caturdis (adv.) 'towards the four regions' L POU 'quattor regiones'. T ♦458 a5?, 459 b3?, 459 b4, b5. D From Skt. (adv.) caturdisam 'towards the four quarters, on all sides, all around' (MW:384c). caponii (N, fem. (?)) name or title of a Uighur donor T ♦303 b2 6 wamsir ursak n,,nak capona sakko sparate co\(1). R One may also segment cap, which would be part of a name, borrowed from Turkic r;a:v 'fame, good reputation' (CLAUSON:393a).

    ciirit (n., masc.) 'action' F Obl.Sg. carit. S carityam- 'set in motion, process'. T ♦Obl.Sg. YQ III.IO b3, THT 1998 al. D From Skt. carita- 'set in motion' (MW:393b). camp- (vb.) 'be able' [B camp-] L POU 'posse', TEB II 'konnen, vermogen'. TVS 'be able to'. P (itr.) Prs. camp-b7!, 301 b6, 297



    fiom-kiilywats a3?; (iiemi.y:jiis) YQ N.4 a6 puk iiemi.y.yiis ,vramant-yo lkiitsi. Derived from ► nemi.

    ilom (n., a.) 'name, fame' [B iiem] L POU 'nomen', TEB 11 'Name'.

    Nom./Obl.Sg. iiom, iiomm, Instr.Sg. Fwmyo, Perl.Sg. iiomii, Nom./Obl.Pl. iiomantu. S PN nom. ilom (iiomii) 'named NN', iiom mask(ii)-lnas- + nom. 'be called x', Fiomyo + obi. 'with the name of sth.', Flom tii- 'give (lit. put) a name', iiom kiik-lken- 'call a name'. T ♦Nom.Sg. (Flom) 18 b2 khar;lgavi!iiiuakalp Flom mskatar; 25 al suddhato111 110m wal 'the king named Suddhodana', b5, 30 a3, 66 b3, 73 a5, 108 a2, 118 a2, b2, 145 b3, 156 a4, 222 a6, b2, 239 a4, b3, 265 b7 Flom (s)e 'the son named P.', 273 b6!, 275 b6, 289 b4!, 384 b2, 387 a2, b3, 389 al, 391 b5, 393a5110m iimii,' 'the minister named NN.', 430 a5, PK.NS.4 bl, PK.NS.5 a2; (110mm) 122 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg. 20 a4 ptii(11a)kte 110111 klyo.yluneyii 'by hearing the name of Buddha', a6 (bis), b3, 59 b2 Ill 110111 tsiint-a111 11 'they gave [lit. put] her a name', 68 b5 tmii sarki ska111 Flom patstsiic-a111 'as a consequence of that give him a name!', 156 b5 ptii11kat ka.yyiip ilom klyossi 'to hear the name of the Buddha Lord', 304 b3, b6, 333 a5, a8, 340 a6 1valtsantyo pfiklii katkont nam tiipark swiitsiyis Flom wa(s miikk at)s klyo$iimas 'by thousands the years have passed on us, the word «food» we have (not) heard (at all)', 355 a3-4!, 356 al!, 456 b4 llliiom kiikluneyolll, YQ 1.8 a8, b2 110111 klyo!fluneyo; ♦lnstr.Sg. 63 al yiimar piikar mik 110myo 'they revealed this one with a man's name', 71 al, YQ I.3 b5; ♦ Perl.Sg. 4 a4, 7 b6, 11 a2, 18 b5, 19 a2, a4 (bis), a5 (bis), 25 a2, 37 al, 49 a4, 51 a5, 97 a6, 101 a2, 118 a3, 120 b3, 127 a2!, 130 a6, bl, 169 a3, 179 a2, a3!, a4, a5!, b2!, b3, b4, b5, b6, 180 b3-4, 215 al!, 222 b7, 223 b3, 226 b4, 247 b3, 253 a6, 255 a2!, a3, a5, a6-7!, a8, bl, 258 a8, b3!, 260 b7, 263 a>b6, 270 b3, 284 b5, 287 + 259 b>a3!, 289 a4!, a4, 302 b7, 304 a5, 338 b6, 381 a I, a4!, 397 a6, 448 a6, YQ I.6 a8, YQ ll.15 b7, YQ N.2 + N.6 b4, PK.NS.2 b2; ♦ Obi.Pl. 145 b4 cami F

    stwar-waknii 11omantu keneiic 'they call its names in a fourfold manner'. R About the naming construction, see Thomas ( 1967b); in this phrase, the Perl. of Flom could be used instead of the Norn. after the model of Skt. niimnii instead of niima. On the inherited phrase TA iiom tii-, TB Flem Iii-, see Schmidt (1974:477479) and Pinault ( 1982:23-27). -1iom·k (adj.) 'by name' [B -iiematse]

    COU 'genannt', VTW 'Namen habend/tragend'. F Nom.Sg.Fem. -iiomi1J1. T ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 19 a4 ma(hii)miiyii-iiomil11 /cits miicar ~-e.y 'the queen named Mahamaya was his mother', 25 a2, 112 b4. D Derived from ► 1io111. R See ► Mahiimiiya7, a>b I!, 287 + 259 a>b2!, 292 b4!, 295 a4, b7!, 297 b8,


    298 b3, 311 b2, 333 a6, 384 a3, 385 bl, 467 al?, YQ II.I a5!, b2!, YQ 11.5 a6, YQ II.6 b I, YQ N.4 a4; (taf!me-wki:inyo) 9 b6, 14b6, 17b5,21 b4,89a5,90a6,bl, 92 b4, 98 b5, 104 a4, 106 a3, 108 b2!, 114 a2, 116b6, 121 a4, l25a6!, l44a3!, 145 a2, 148 al!, 155 b2, 182 b3, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b5!, 295 b6, 337 a7, 353 a4!, a6, 366 a4, 444.d b3!, THT 1139 b4!; (tane-wkanyo) 430 b7; (ta11111e-wki:i1.1111yo) 169 b4, 332 al, 342 a>b3, 437 b4!, 443 b4, 441 b5?; (tanne-wki:inyo) 384 a5, 386 al, 387 a4!, b2; (tane-wkanyo) 430 a5; (ti:inne-wki:inyo) 320 a3!, YQ II. I b3. The variant ti:inne-wkanyo seems to be a blunder due to the anticipation of the vowel ii and the influence of ► tiimnewkiinyo. Otherwise, one may suspect the influence of TB as spoken by the scribes.

    tm11-~·urmafi (adv.) 'therefore, for this reason'


    ta,_n-.yunna.y, tan-ak-,rnrma.y, tan-i:ik011rma.y. T ♦(ta111-0 um1aJ) 66 a6, 188 b2!; (tan-ak0urma,1·) 66 a I; (tan-i:ik-.511rma.y) 366 b I. D Based on tw11, neuter of ► sa,11, S(ltft, tm11, and the ablative singular of ► fillrm. R Cf. Skt. taddhetof:z 'for that cause' (MW: 1333c). See also ► tiimfillrmafi. tatmur* (n., masc.sg.) 'birth'

    F Abl.Sg. tatmurii.y. S tatmurii0.y aci 'from the birth onwards'. T ♦Abl.Sg. 80 b>a5!, YQ 1.4 b4. D Abstract based on the PPrt. of ► tiim-. R For the restoration in 80 b>a5, see Sieg (1952:16, n. 19). taniik-!jllnllllfi ► tlllfl-!jlll"lllllfi tannek-pukf(lka1t1 (adv.) 'in just such years'

    L T

    COU 'eben in solchen Jahren'. ♦24 b6 tiikim p11kis waste tannekpukliika111 'I want to be everyone's protection in just such years'. D Compound of tanne-k, doublet with particle ► -(ii)k of ► tmme, llllfllle, and of the locative plural of ► P11kiil, i.e., the


    tanne, tarrine restrictive doublet puklci-k, with particle

    'assembly' of the monks gathered for the con fess ion ritual.

    ► -(ii)k.

    tamze, lmf1ne (adv.) 'in this way, so' (Skt. evam,

    iti) L POU 'ita, sic', TEB II 'so', JWP 'in this way, so'. F ta,me, tanne-k, tanne-kk, taqme, lane. T ♦ (tanne) 47 b5!, 62 b4 twme wew(iiu), 253 b8, 277 b4, 313 b4, 361 al 1, al 5, 384 b4, 399 a5, 422 bl! (ta)nn(e) w(e)wilu, 455 a3?, 458 a4, YQ I.9 b6, YQ lll.2 b7; (tanne-k) 24 b6, b6!, 25 al!, 214 a6, YQ II.I bl; (tanne-kk) YQ 111.7 b7 tannekk ats; (tw1111e) 3 a2, bl, 6 a5, b4 tw1me we(wiiu), 7 a2, 20 b4, 35 a2, 11 l b6, 120 b3, 131 a5, 160 a6, 214 bl, 241 a4, 288 a5!, 332 b2, 379 a5, 443 a4, b4, YQ II. I b4!, YQ 11.5 a8!; (tane) 251 b6. R In 422 bl, tanne wewiiu translates Skt. ity uktam, as per Stumpf ( 1971 :9), see also Hartmann ( 1987:207). In 24-25, tannek makes a phrase with a series of nouns in the locative: tcikim pukis waste tannek puklcika1J1, tanne(k solw71, tanne)k cm(olw11) 'may I become everyone's protection in just such years, in just such life, in just such birth' (see Sieg 1944:29, COU :70 who translates tannek puklcikw11 by 'eben in solchen Jahren'). tapak (n., a.) 'penalty' L VTW 'etwa Vorschrift'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tapak, Nom./Obl.Pl. tapaka111. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 355 b3-4 dewase111 tapak e,~

    postaka spatal ycimsasu puttipar.yiq1 cikcila4! iiyeiic tiipalnt(u) 'they will give food to eat'. D Lit. 'possibility of being eaten', substantivization of the Gerundive II, based on the subjunctive stem of liip-, suppletive of ► fow,,-.

    207 R

    tarme For the restoration ofTHT 1408.k + 285

    + 281 b>a4 and the meaning 'food', see Pinault (2019b: 117, 125). tlipase* (n., masc.) 'ascetic, penitent' L POU 'homo religiosus, eremita', TEB II 'BU13er'. F Obi.Pl. tapases. T ♦ Obi.Pl. 312 a7. D From Skt. tapasa- 'a practiser ofreligous austerities' (MW:442c). tapatris (N, masc.) 'name of a class of gods' [B tapattris] L VTW 'N. eines Geschlechts buddh. Gotter'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tiipatris, Loc.Sg. tapatrism11. T ♦Obl.Sg. 38 b5, 118 a4!, bl!? (taparis riym11), 183 a3!, 308 b2?; ♦ Loc.Sg. 301 a2, THT I 137 al! /ll(tapa)trisaq1 suda(rsarri riymri)l/1. D Via MI from Skt. traya(s)-trilrisa-, n. of a class of Buddhist gods, referring to the thirty-three gods, cf. Pa. tavalif!1SG (BHSD:257b). tiipiirk (adv.) 'now' L POU 'nunc', TEB II 'jetzt', JWP 'now'. F tapark, tapar, tapra. T ♦(tapark)9a4, 10a5, 16b6, 17al,a3,21 a4, a5, 25 b3!, 30 b4, b6, 43 + 52 bl, 45 b2, b4, 48 a6, 55 a4, a6!, bl, 59 b3!, 65 a4, 80 a>b6, 90 b6, 94 b3, 102 b6, 107 b5, 113 a4, 115 a5, 120 b4, 130 b4, 144 b5, 147 a4, 177 b3, 184 al, 190 b5, 199 b5, 214 a4, 216 b>a7, b2, 218 a3!, a5, 219 a0-1, 224 b5, 255 b2, 261 b>a6!, 269 + 290 b>al !, 270 b2, b4, 286 b4, 287 + 259 b>a3!, b>a7, a>bl, 288 b2!, b5!, b7!, 289 b4, b7, 297 a5, 299 a8, 300 bl, 329 a5, 332 a7, 338 b4, 339 bl, 340 a6, 344 a3, 398 b5, 403 a>bl !, 407 a5, 445.d a3, 446 b4, YQ I. I b2, YQ 1.4 a8, YQ 1.6 b2, YQ I.10 a2, YQ 11.1 a8!, YQ II.4 bl, YQ II.6 b3, YQ 11.8 b4, YQ II.I l a7, YQ II.12 b5!, YQ Il.13 b3, YQ III. I b7, YQ III.2 a8-b I!, YQ Ill.I I a4, YQ Ill.12 b2; (tapar) 399 a6; (tapra) 399 a3, 439 a2. D Based on a phrase with a demonstrative adverb and a root noun related to ► piirka-. Original meaning: 'at this (sun)rise' > 'on this day'> 'now'.

    Tiippiik (PN, masc.) name of a Uighur donor F Nom.Sg. tappak. T ♦Nom.Sg. MG I a4. D Name of Turkic origin, cf. tapi'g 'service', cf. CLAUSON:437a. R For the interpretation see Pinault (2007a:350-35 I). tappo (n., a.) 'audacity' (Skt. parakrama-) L POU 'audacia', VTW 'Krall'. F Obl.Sg. tappo. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 353 b2 kalp11ama1J1 tappo 'obtaining audacity' (Skt. vidyamane parakrame). D Probably loan from TB. R Found in the conclusion of the PrMoSu (V.2), see Schmidt (1989:75, 78 n.2, 8081, 102). tiiplrme* (n., a.) 'consumption, enjoyment' (Skt. bhojana-) F Loc.Sg. taplzmeym11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 381 a2 avasrut tapluneymri ritwa:jlune 'making connection for lustful enjoyment'. D Abstract derived from ► smvii-, cf. ► tiiplune:ji*. R Skt. equivalent according to ChamotRooke (p.c.), see also Pinault (2020d). tiiplune:ji* (adj.) 'pertaining to consumption' F Obi.Pl.Fem. taplune.yinas. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 381 a2 avasrut taplunqinas 'pertaining to lustful enjoyment'. D Derived from ► tiiplune*. R Transl. according to Chamot-Rooke (p.c.). tiir (n., masc.) 'carrier, beast of burden' F Nom.Sg. tar. T ♦Nom.Sg. 361 a5. D Loan from Skt. dhara- 'holding, bearing, carrying' (MW:510a). R For the complete translation of this passage, see ► trusko. tiirme (n., masc.sg.) 'rule' L POU 'dharma (= lex religiosa)', VTW 'W orttrenn. u. Bed. unsicher'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tarme. T +Obl.Sg. 437 b5 karam,~i tarme 'the rule pertaining to action'.


    D Loan from Skt. dharma- 'ordinance, law' (MW:510c), via the expected TB intermediary tiinne. tiirso111 (n., fem.) 'deceit' [B Pl. tarsauna] L POU 'fraus, dolus, fraudulentia', TEB II 'Betrug'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tiirso}J1, lnstr.Sg. tiirsonyo, Com.Sg. tiirsonas'siil, Obi.Pl. tiirsoniis, Instr.Pl. tiirsoniisyo. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 58 b4; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 229 a2, 310 b6, 397 a8; ♦ Com.Sg. 106 al; ♦ Obi.Pl. 235 a3!, 379 al; ♦ Instr.Pl. 232 b6. R This 1101111 is animate, and belongs to feminine gender, because it is based on a collective form, parallel to the plural TB tarsauna. tiirsomviits (adj.) 'deceitful' L POU 'fraudulentus, dolosus', VTW 'betrilgerisch'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. tiirsoJJnviits, Obl.Sg.Masc. tiirsonwiitsa,11, Nom.Pl.Masc. tiirsomviitse, Obi.Pl.Masc. tiirsonwiitses. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 86 a I!?, 87 a2!?; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 309 b5!; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 309 a4!; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 313 al!?. D Derived form ► tiirso111. tiilune (n., a.) 'placing, putting' [B tiittiiliie] F Obl.Sg. tiilune, tiil11ne, lnstr.Sg. tiiluneyo. S kas tiilune 'consideration'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. (tiilune) 55 b5, 267 + 268 a>b5! kiilymeyii kas tii(lune); (tiil11ne) 3 a6; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 56 b5 kas tiiluneyo 2 I 8 a8, 273 a2. D Abstract derived from ► tii-, tiis-. tiilo (adj.) 'miserable' [B tallii11] L POU 'miser', TEB II 'elend', JWP 'miserable'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. tiilo, Obl.Sg.Masc. tii/0111, Gen.Sg.Masc. talontiip, Nom.Pl.Masc. tiilo.J, Obi.Pl.Masc. tiiloiiciis, Gen.Pl.Masc. tiiloiiciissi, Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. tiilont. S tiilo iirkiso.yi 'miserable world', tiilo.y wrasaii 'miserable human beings'. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 23 b6, 75 b5, 87 a4, 166 b6, 230 b4, 256 al tiilo iirkiso.yi, 266 + 276 b>a8, 322 a7 tiilo iirkisosi, 398 a2, YQ I. 1 b6, YQ I.5 b3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 72 b2, 405 a2!; ♦Gen.Sg.Masc. 96 b5€, 98 a4, 215 a4, YQ 1.6 b3; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 72 a2, 116b5, 153a4, 173a4,226a3,238

    208 a3 tiilo.y iiarentwas, 254 b4, THT 1141 b3 Ill wiirpniintrii tiilo.)' wra(sai'i); ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 237 a3 tiiloiiciis wrasas; ♦ Gen.Pl.Masc. 44 al! (tiilo)ikiissi pretiissi, 229 a3 tiiloiicii,W wrasassi; ♦Nom.PI.Fem. 328 a4 tiilont lwii. D Cognate with ► tiilii-. R On the scribal error for tiilontiip in 96 b6, see SSS:89 (§ 125). tiiloriie (n., a.) 'misery, bad luck' [B talliiriie] L POU 'miseria', TEB II 'Elend', VTW 'Elend, Ung!Uck'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tiiloriie, Abl.Sg. tiiloriiyii.y, Loc.Sg. tiiloriieya,11. T ♦Obl.Sg. 282 b3, b4!, 343 bl€ypeys tiiloriie; ♦Abl.Sg. 429 al; ♦ Loc.Sg. 13 b6 piiintu yiimu wrasom mii yii.J tiiloriieyaf!l 'a being who has produced merits does not come into misery'. D Abstract based on ► Ullo. R Cf. Pinault (20 I I a:460-46 I). tii.f* (n., masc.) 'leader, chief [B tiis] L COU 'duces', JWP 'leaders', VTW 'Heerfiihrer'. F Nom.Pl. tiissi, Instr.Pl. tiissasyo. S yak.reF1i tiissi 'the chiefs of the Yak~as'. T ♦Nom.PI. 63 b3, 215 b3, 324 b6 kumseiic yak.5eiii tiissi, 370 b5, YQ I.7 al2! yakseiii tii(ssi); ♦Instr.Pl. 260 al. D Possibly a loan from TB. R For the Instr.Pl. the reading tiisse}J1syo (as per TS), modified into tiissa,!Jsyo by Poucha (POU: I I 9) does not make sense. One should read (or correct, ifit is an error of the copyist) tiissiisyo, as surmised in SSS: I IO(§ 159 n. l). See also the correction ofSiegling on his personal copy (TS:135). tlisk- (vb.) 'resemble' [B tiis-] L POU (taskmarp) 'similis, aequabilis, comparabilis', TEB II 'gleichen'. P (tr.) Prs. tiisk-T-. F PPrs.MP tiiskmiit_n. S tiiskmiif!l + comitative 'comparable to X, resembling X'. T ♦ PPrs.MP 29 al!, 43 + 52 bl-2, 114 b4, 166 bl, b5, 175 a3!, 177 b2!, 198 a2!, 202 al, 216 b>a4, 218 a2!, 254 a4, 312 al, 315/316 a2, b5, 336 b7!, b8, 353 a4, 378 a2, 390 a4, 401 b5, YQ II.15 a4!.

    209 R

    tatkLexicalized participle, cf. TB tasemane, see TVS:645.

    tiiskmii1t1ts1111e (n., a.) 'similarity, resemblance' L POU 'aequitas, aequabilitas', VTW 'Gleichsein, Ahnlichkeit'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.


    tiiskmiir(ltsune, tiiskmii171sw1e. ♦Nom.Sg. (tiiskmiirritsune) 153 a3 ptiiiikiit kii.yyiip tiiskmii111tsune; (tiiskmii1t1sune)

    THT 1353 b4. D Derived from ► tiisk-. tiiskmii1t1tsum* (adj.) 'comparable, subject to comparison' L POU 'comparabilis', TEB II 'gleichend'. F Gen.Sg.Masc. tiiskmiiq1sumiintiip. T ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 386 bl ii1yamiirgassiil tiiskmii111sumiintiip piiltsak 'the thinking of the subject of comparison with the Noble Path' (Skt. iir:vamiirga-). D Derived from ► tiiskmii1f1. Calque of Skt. upameya- 'to be compared, comparable with; n. that which is compared, the subject of comparison' (MW:203c). R Partial discussion of the passage in TEB II:44. tiikii-(vb.) 'touch' [B tek-]




    POU 'diiudicare, aestimare', TEB II 'bewegen, bedenken', VTW 'bewegen, bedenken, beriihren'. (tr.) Prs. cak-T-, Subj. tkii-. Prs.I/II Act. 3Pl. ckeiic, Subj.V Gdv. II tkiilune.


    ♦ Prs.Act.3Pl.

    D Cf.

    151 bl,324al.

    ► tkiillme.

    tiikwii- (vb.) 'urge' L POU'?', VTW 'helfen'. P I) (tr.) Prs. takwii-, Subj. takwii-, 2) (caus.) !pf. takwiiJii-, Subj. takwiis-T-. F l) (tr.) Prs.V Inf. takwiitsi, Prt.Act. lSg. takwii, 2) (caus.) Prs.IX !pf.MP 3Sg. takwii0·iit, 3PI. takwiiJiint. T ♦ 1) Inf. 321 a6; ♦ Prt.Act. I Sg. 211 a2?; ♦2) !pf.MP 3Sg. 449 b I!; ♦3Pl. 356 b3! triskiis kantwiisyo piicar (ta)kwii.yiint' with trembling tongues they urged their father'. D Cf. ► tiikwiilune, ► tiikwii!jlune. R See TVS:646. The segmentation of21 I a2 remains uncertain.

    tiikwb3, 274 a4, 288 b4 (bis), 300 b7, 305 b2, 312 a2, 313 bl, 325 b4!, 329 a4!, 345 a2, 346 a2 (bis), 353 a3 ta0 tapre,.n, 354 bl (bis), 384 al, a2, 395 al, 433 a8, YQ I.1 a6 (bis), YQ 1.3 a2!, YQ I.4 b7, YQ 1.9 b6, YQ I.10 b3, YQ II.2 a8, YQ 11.3 a4, YQ 11.4 b8! (bis), YQ II. l 0 b5, YQ 11.13 al!, YQ Ill.2 b3, YQ lll.4 a2 ta0 tapre111, THT 1143 b3, b4, THT 1322.a b3; (tappre111) 102 b3, 311 b4, 360 a 11 bhik~ur na tavata bhavati I 0amm11 ma tappref!1 :joliir maskatra, al 3, YQ 1.3 b5; (tpref!z) THT 2166 b2; (tapren-ak) 2 b5, 51 b5, 108 bl, 130 a6, 206 a6, 312 a2, 337 a4, 339 a7, PK.NS.2 a3; (tpren-ak) 4 b2, 62 b2, 181 a4, THT 1136 a5. R For the Skt. parallel of353 a3, see Schmidt (1989:74, 75). tiiprone* (n., a.) 'height' [B taprauiie] L POU 'altitudo', TEB II 'Hohe'. F Instr.Sg. taproneyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 49 b2?!, b3 Ill (~·u)ll (o)ki taproneyo waka.5tra ' ... [the stCipa] differs [= is superior] in height like the (Sumeru) mountain'. D Abstract based on the adjective ► tpiir.

    211 tiips- (vb.) 'destroy' [B taks-] (Skt. dhii- 'shake off, destroy') L COU 'vertreiben', VTW 'vernichten'. P (trs.) lpv. ptapsas. F Ipv.I Act. 2Pl. ptapsas. T ♦ lpv.Aet. 2Pl. 354 b5. R See TVS:647-648 with previous literature. tiim-(vb.) I) 'be born', 2) 'produce, generate' [B tam-] (Uigh. tugur-) L POU 'trans. generare, intrans. nasci', TEB II 'geboren werden', VTW 'Med. geboren werden, Akt. erzeugen, . hervorbringen', TVS 'be born, come mto being'. P I) (itr.) Prs. tamnas-T-, Subj. cma-, Prt. tam-, PPrt. tatmu, 2) (caus.) Subj. tmiisT-, PPrt. tatam.yu. F I) Prs.X Act. !Sg. tma111sam, 3Sg. tamna$, Prs.MP 3Sg. tamna,)·tar, tamna$fra-111, 3Pl. flna111sa111tar, tmamsantar, tma111santra, tma111sm11tram, PPrs.Act. tma1t1,mnt, PPrs.MP tma1.nsa111ii111, Gdv. tma111.yal, Inf tamnassi, Subj.III MP 3Sg. cmatar, Opt.MP !Sg. cmfmiir, Opt.MP !Pl. cmimtra, Gdv.II cmal, Prt.MP 3Sg. tamat, tamt-a111, 3 Pl. tamant, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. tatmu, Obl.Sg.Masc. tatmunt, Gen.Sg.Masc. tatmuntiip, Nom.PI.Masc. tatmu$, Obi.Pl.Masc. tatmuncas, Nom.Sg.Fem. tatmus, Obl.Sg.Fem. tatmusiim, 2) Subj.IX Opt.MP 3Sg. tmii.yitar, Prt.IV PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. tata111$U, Obl.Sg.Masc. tata111$unt. T ♦ !) Prs.Act. !Sg. 218 bl; ♦3Sg. 145 a4!, 218 b2, 256 b2; ♦Prs.MP 3Sg. (tamna.ytar) 151 a2; (ta111na$tra-111) 151 a2, a3; ♦ 3Pl. (tma111sa;_ntar) 104 a6, THT 1139 a4; (tmar11santar) 229 a4, a6; (tma111santra) THT 1441.b b3; (tma111sa1.ntra-r11) 151 a3; ♦ PPrs.Act. 292 a8; ♦ PPrs.MP 152 b4!; ♦Gdv. 13 b2, 441 b6; ♦Inf. 72 b4, 152 b2, 264 a4, 272 bl, YQ II.13 b7; ♦ Subj.MP 3Sg. 114 a6, 151 b4, 168 b2, 187 b4, 192 a5; ♦ Opt.MP !Sg. 227/8 al, 403 b>a4!; ♦ I Pl. 62 b6!; ♦ Gdv. 152 bl; ♦Prt.MP 3Sg. (tamat) 115 a2, 128 a6?, 221 a6, 357 a2; (tamta111) 24 a4; ♦ 3Pl. 74 al, 226 a6!, a7; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 2 b6, 10 b2, 146 al,

    tamnek-fioma 208 a4, 386 b3, YQ 1.8 b8, THT I 133 bl; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 72 b2!; ♦Gen.Sg.Masc. YQ IIl.9 b3; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 60 b>a3, 121 b5, 300 b2, 444.d b4, YQ 11.7 b2, THT 1308.a bl; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 307 b6; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 66 a5; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 258 b4; ♦2) Opt.MP 3Sg. 303 b7, 463 a5; ♦PPrt.213 a3, THT I 651.a al; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 92 b5. D Cf. ► cmalune, ► tatmur*. R For the Uigh. parallel see Peyrot (2010: 135). The form Prt.IV tata111.yiint of TVS:654 is not located. tiim

    ► siim

    tiimne (adv.) 'in that way, so' [B mant] L POU 'ita, sic', TEB II 'so (etwa)', JWP 'in that way, so'. F tamne, tamne-k. S man/ ne... tiimne(k) 'just as ... so', tamne we 'thus he spoke', tamne pyiim(iis) 'do this way!', tiimne tii.y 'so it will be!' [= Skt. tathiistu]. T ♦ (tamne) I a4!, 12 b2, 15 a4, 20 al!, 21 b6, 23 a6, 29 b6, 36 a2!, 59 b6, 62 a5!, 67 al, 69 b5, 74 b5, b6, 78 a6!, 91 b4, b5, 96 al, 97 bl, 103 b6, 109 a6!, b4, 147 a2, b2, 158 b5, 203 a2, b3!, 215 b7, 254 b4, 256 a6, bl, 266 + 276 a>b6, 297 a3!, 300 b5, 312 a5, a8, 432 a2, 446 b7, YQ I.7 a7!, YQ 1.8 a4, YQ 11.9 a7!, YQ 11.12 b2, YQ III.I I a7, YQ III.12 b2, THT 1137 b6, THT 1589.a b3, THT 1992 a2, THT 2043 b2, THT 2205 a3, THT 2399 a5!; ♦ (tamne-k) 4 b2, b5, 6 a6, 7 b5, 7 b68 al!, 12 al, 25 a5, 36 bl, 49 b5, 60 b>a2, 62 bl!, 65 a5!, 149 b5!?, 177 a2, 217 a6, 254 a3, 267 + 268 a>b4, 277 a4, a5, 305 b4, 307 a5, b2, 313 a2-3!, 314 a2, a3!, 332 b3!, 337 al, 340 b4, 341 a8, 353 b5, 362 a 1, 367 b4, 379 b3, 384 a4, 386 a5, b I, 395 b3, b5, 397 a9, 398 a3, 427 a6, YQ II.2 b7, YQ N. l a2, THT 1133 b2, THT 1527.a al, THT 2424 al. R In 362 al and 367 b4, Skt. tathii is glossed by tamnek (see Stumpf 1971 :9). tiimnek-,iomii (adv.) 'with precisely that name' L POU 'cum eodem nomine', VTW 'mit dem gleichen Namen, ebenso benannt'. T ♦ 130 b 1 cami se penu tiimne-k iiomii wiil tiik 'he had also a son with precisely that name', 302 b7!?.

    tiimnek-wkiinyo D

    ► tiimne-wkiinyo

    Adverb based on the strengthened form of the adverb ► tiimne plus the perlative singular of ► 1iom, as found in the naming formulas.

    tiimnek-wkiinyo ► tiimne-wkiinyo tiim11e-me11iik (adv.) 'likewise' [B tu(k)-

    menaksa] POU 'tali modo', VTW 'dem vergleiehbar'. T ♦ ll7b6. D Compound of ► tiimne and ► meniik.


    tiimne-wiiknii (adv.) 'in that way' [Btu-

    yaknesa] POU 'hoc modo', VTW 'aufdiese Weise, so geartet, so !eh'. T ♦ l6a3,48b5!, 78b3!, 150b5, 168a4, 221 b3!, 229 bl, 273 a3!, 420 b2, 436 al!. D Compound adverb with ► tiimne and perlative singular of ► wkiilfl.


    212 D R

    tiim-mii1f1tne (adv.) 'just as, as for instance

    (indeed)' L POU 'enim'. F tii111-mii171tne, tiim-miintne, simplified tiimmiitne.


    tiimyo (adv.) 'therefore' [Cf. B t11Sa] (Skt. atab)

    L TEB II 'darum, daher', JWP 'therefore'. S T

    in that way' (Skt. tathagata-) L POU 'Tathiigata (appellatio Buddhae)'. F Nom.Sg. tamne-wiiknakakmu, Obl.Sg. tamne-wakna-kakmunt. T ♦Nom.Sg. 20 b4, 25 a4, 258 a8, 270 b3; ♦ Obl.Sg. YQ Il.5 a8!. R Calque ofSkt. tathagata 'thus gone or eome' (BHSD:248b), epithet of the Buddhas, which are seven according to the Sarviistivadin tradition. See also ► tii!jne-wiiknli-kakmu. tiimne-wiik11um (adj.) 'being like that' [B te-

    yaknetse] (Skt. tadrfa-) L POU 'talis', VTW 'ein soleher, derartig'. F Obi.Pl.Fem. tamne-waknuminas. T ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. 359 a25; ♦ fgm. 447 b4, THT 1154 a4. D Based on ► tii11me and ► wkiilfl plus possessive suffix. See also ► tattmewiiknum*. tiim11e-wkiinyo (adv.) 'in this way'

    F T

    POU 'hoc modo', VTW 'auf diese/solehe Weise'. tamne-wkiinyo, tiimne-wkii11myo, tiimnekwkiinyo, tiimnek-wkiif!myo. ♦(tiimne-wkiinyo) 39 b2!, 63 b3, 90 a4, 130 b3, 147 a5, 269 + 290 a>b4!, 270 b34!, YQ 111.3 b6-7!; (tiimne-wka1.nnyo) 323 b3, THT 1154 b2!; (tiimne-k-wkiinyo) 379 b2; (tiimne-k-wkii17111yo) 314 b6, b7!.

    ♦ (tiim-mii1111ne)

    27 a3, 113 b3, 124 a3, 138 a3, 145 b4; (tiim-miintne) YQ 11.4 b4; (tiim-miitne) 256 b4, 315 + 316 b4, 356 bl. D Compound based on tiim, neuter of ► siim, slim, tiim, and ► mii1J1t11e (Skt. tad-yatha).

    tiimne-wiiknii-kakmu (n., mase.) 'having eome


    Compound of ► tiim11e and instrumental singular of ► wkiilfl. See also ► tmtme-wkiinyo.


    tiimyo we 'thus he spoke'. ♦ (tiimyo) I a4, 2 a6, 3 a2, 4 al, 5 a2, 7 al, 9 bl, 13 a5, 14 al, b2, b5, 15 a3, bl, 16 a2, 17 b3, b6, 20 b3, 27 b2, 33 b6, 45 b3, 47 b5, 49 a3, bl, b3, 54 b5, 65 b6!, 66 bl!, 67 a6, 70 a2, 71 a4, 75 b3, 76 + 83 b3, 81 b6, 90 b3, 94 b5, 95 a4, 96 a3, a4, 97 al, 98 b4, 99 b2, 102 a6, 103 bl!, b3, b4, 104b2, 107a5!, 111 al, 115b3, 117 a4, 118 b4, I 19 a2, 121 a3, 125 b3, 130 al, b5, 134 a6, 145 b6, 146 al, 147 a4, 177 b6, 194 a4, 205 a2, 206 b6, 209 b3, 226 a7?, 229 b2, b6, 230 a3-4, 232 a2, 244 al, 249 bl, 251 b8!, 252 b8, 257 b2, 261 b>a4, b>a6!, 262 b5, 263 b>a3, 264 b4, 273 a5, 279 a5, 287 + 259 b>a8!, 288 a6, a7, 289 b5, 295 bl, 31 I a3, 316 b6, 3 I 7 a5, b7, 326 bl, 332 a3, 333 a7, 334 a2, 335 al, 342 b>a2, 362 a4, 367 a2, 380 a3, 385 a2-3, 390 b2, 392 a4!, 395 a2, b2, 397 a8, a9, b2!, 405 bl, 427 b5!, 430 a2, 434 b6, 446 a2, a3, 449 b3, YQ 1.5 bl, b8, YQ 1.7 bl, YQ Il.2 a3, YQ II.3 bl, YQ II.6 b5, b7, YQ II. 7 b3, YQ 11.11 a5, YQ II.12 b2!, YQ II.14 a7, YQ II.15 b5, YQ III.I a7, YQ III.3 a6, a8, YQ III.4 b2, b4, YQ III.6 b2!, YQ III.7 b6, YQ III.8 a8, YQ IIl.9 a4, YQ N.5 a6, b4, THT 1142 b3, THT 1408.d b3, THT 1463 b4, THT 1475.c a5, THT 1642.c b2, THT 1967 bl,THT 1995 al, THT 2204.k al, THT 2399 a4, THT 2417 a3, THT 2465 al, THT 2467 b2; (tiimyo-k) 407 a5, 429 b8. Instrumental neuter singular of ► siim, slim, tiim.



    (adv.) 'therefore, for this reason' POU 'ideo, idcirco, ob earn rem, ob earn causam'. F tii111--5ur111a.y, tm-iik-.yurma,~. T ♦ (tiim-surma-5) !0al, II a2-3!,21 a6, 77 a2!, I 16 b4, 133 a3, 146 b6, 152 b4, b5, 204 a2!, 221 bl!, 253 a5, 257 a4, 261 a>b2, 298 a2, 299 b5!, 300 b8-298 al, 320 b7!, 334 a6, 393 b2, 399 b7!, 408 b3, 433 b3!, YQ II.12 b7, YQ III.6 b4; ♦(tm-ak-.51m11a-5) 59 bl-2!. D Based on tam, neuter of ► siim, slim, tiim, and the ablative singular of ► !fltrm. R Possibly a calque ofSkt. taddhetof:z 'for that reason' (MW: I 303c ). See also ► tiim-:jumuI and ► tm11-.yurma:j.



    (adj.uni.) 'caused by that' al, 298 a3, 383 al. Derived from ► tiim-.y11rma15. R According to SSS:295, all occurrences are found in metrical parts. Therefore, tii111Jurma-5i looks like a metrical variant of tiim-.5urma.y, under the influence of other adverbs in -i.


    T D


    (adv.) 'therefore, for this reason' b5. Doublet of ► tiim-:jurtna:j with perlative affix.


    T D


    (n., a.) 'doubt concerning that' F Nom.Sg. tiim-sance. T ♦Nom.Sg.313al,a2. D Compound of ► tiim and ► sa,ice, calque of Skt. iti-sw11saya/:z, cf. other compounds with iti as first member, see MW: 165a.


    (vb.) 'twine, roll, twist' [B tiirk-] TVS, CeTOM 'lose (one's consciousness)'. P (tr.) Prt. eraks ii-. F Pct.III Act. 3Sg. crakiis, 3Pl. crakiir, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. tatiirku, Norn.Pl.Masc. tatiirku.y. T ♦ Pct.Act. 3Sg THT 1911 a2; ♦3Pl. 395 a4; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. PK.NS.5 bl; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. PK.NS.4 a3. R See discussion in TVS:656. This verb has to be distinguished from ► tiirkii- in any case. The phrase ime tiirk- would mean 'twine around one's mind', hence 'lose one's consciousness'. In any ease pace TVS:657, it does not belong to a causative paradigm of ► tiirkii- . From the formal



    point of view, tatiirku is the expected match of TB tetarku (see Peyrot 2013a:754). (vb.) 'let go, dismiss, emit' [B tiirkii-] (Skt. S/.1-) L POU 'sin ere, dimittere', TEB II 'entlassen ', VTW '( ent)lassen, unterlassen, entsagen', TVS 'dismiss, emit'. P (tr.) Prs. tiirnii-, !pf. ciirka-, Subj. tarka/tiirkii, Ipv. ptarklptiirkiis, Prt. ciirka/tarka-, PPrt. tiirko. F Prs.VI Act. 3Sg. tiirniiJ, 3Pl. tiimeiic, tiirne, PPrs.MP tiirniimii111, Gdv.I tiimiil, !pf.Act. 3Pl. ciirkar, MP 3Sg. ciirkat, Subj.V Act. !Sg. tarkam-ii111, 2PI. tiirkiic, Gdv.Il tiirkiil, Ipv.Act. 2Sg. ptark, 2PI. pti:irkiis, Prt.I Act. 3Sg. ciirk, 3Pl. tarkar, PPrt. tiirko, Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.Pl.Masc. tiirkont, Nom.Sg.Fem. tiirkos, Obl.Sg.Fem. tiirkosa111, Abs. tiirkorii.y. S iirtak tiirkii- 'let go forth, be careless, negligent' (Skt. upekJ-). T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 397 b2 (bis), b3; ♦ 3Pl. (tiirneiic) 112 b6, 2 I 8 b2, 230 b6; (tiirneiic-ii111) 302 a5?; (tame) 178 b I; ♦PPrs.MP 254 al, 377 a3; ♦Gdv. 458 b4; ♦ !pf.Act. 225 a4; ♦ !pf.MP 102 b4; ♦ Subj.Act. !Sg. 74 b4; ♦2Pl. 226 b6; ♦ Gdv. 313 a8!; ♦lpv.Act. 2Sg. 77 a6, 188 a5 (bis), 260 a5?; ♦2Pl. 254 b6; ♦Prt.Act. 3Sg. 8 b3, 89 b2, b4, 97 a4, bl, 405 al, IOL Toch.291 bl; ♦3Pl. 89 a6, IOI b6, 314 b7, 320 a4, a4!, THT 1624 b I; ♦PPrt. 6 a5, 84 b3, 246 a2, 437 a5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.Pl.Masc. 283 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 8 a5-6! (tiirkosa111) kiitsyo; ♦Abs. 69 b6!, 218 a5, 226 bl, 255 b5, b7!, b7, 260 b4!, 289 a7, 368 a3!, YQ II.15a6. D Cf. ► tiirk,Ilune, ► tiirkor.


    (n., a.) 'calming' (Skt. prasrabdhi-) L VTW 'Entspannung'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tiirkiilune. T ♦Nom.Sg. 386 a4€ (misspelt tiirkiilane). D Abstract from ► tiirkii-. Translation of Skt. prasrabdhi- 'alleviation, calming; serenity' (BHSD:388a), that is 'the lack of any disturbance, bodily or mental'. Hence, the TA probably has the sense of



    tarkiiluneyum* 'letting go ofa disturbance', see Catt Huard - Inaba (2022). tiirkiiluneyum* (adj.) 'involving forfeiture'

    L F T

    Couvreur (l 959) '(peches) ni!Jsargika', VTW 'Uisung bringend'. Norn.Pl.Fem. tarkii/uneyuminiin. ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 353 al taryiik tarkaluneyuminiin 1vark.5antiin markampa/ntu 'the thirty Ni!Jsargika-



    Piitayantika-Dharmiil)' (PrMoSu, conclusion, Pr. l ). Derived from ► tiirkiil1111e. Near calque ofSkt. ni/:zsargika-, term referring to a type of offense in the Buddhist code of discipline (Vinaya), 'involving forfeiture' (BHSD:3 I 0a), cf. Pa. nissagiya- 'to be given up, what ought to be rejected or abandoned', for an object unduly possessed by monks or nuns (PED:374a). See Schmidt (1989:73, 74, 77, 102, 106).

    tiirkiilune!ji* (adj.) 'consisting in calmness,

    release' F Obl.Sg.Masc. tarkiilune.5it_n. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 243 a2 palskes kapsinnis tarkiilune$if!1 sne niikam krant ii(.5tra111 sukis) 'of the blameless, good,



    pure happiness, consisting in calmness of thought [and] body', cf. prasrabdhisukha-, VA V II.I 8a. Derived from ► tiirkiilune. For the Sanskrit parallel text, see Hartmann (I 987 :98-99). See also Schmidt (2021: 125) and Catt - Huard Inaba (2022). The phrase palskes kapsinnis tarkiilzme$il!1 translates Skt. kiiyacittaprasrabdhi-.

    tiirkiir (n., a.) 'cloud' [B tarkar, PI. tarkarwa]

    L POU 'nubes', TEB II 'Wolke'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tarkar, Abl.Sg. tarkra.y, tarkiir$, Nom./Obl.Pl. tarkrunt, Instr.Pl. tarkrantuyo.


    ♦Nom.Sg. YQ 11.8 b5-6!, THT 1375.e a2 (bis), THT 2032 a2; ♦Abl.Sg. (tarkra.y) 231 a6, 257 a6 tarkrii$,5 oki, 340 a9; (tarkar.y) 278 a7; ♦Norn.Pl. 174 b5; ♦ Obi.PL 298 b5!; ♦ Instr.Pl. 133 al.

    tiirkor (n., a.) 'permission' [Cf. B tarkormeJ?1]

    L F

    POU 'permissio', TEB II 'Erlaubnis', JWP 'pennission'. Nom./Obl.Sg. tarkor.



    ♦Nom.Sg. 6 b4, 74 b6, 81 a3; ♦Obl.Sg. 23 a5, bl, 74 a5?, 127 b6, 233 a5, 394 a4, b3, YQ Il.3 a7, YQ 11.4 a3. Derived from ► tiirkii-.

    tiirkwar* (n., masc.) 'topknot, hair twisted together' (Uigh. car, Skt.jafii-) F Instr.Sg. tarkwaryo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 257 b6! tse111siikiva$it71 tar(kiva)1yo 'with a topknot of D


    twisted blue hairs' Related to ► tiirk-. Restitution and interpretation by Pinault (199la:154).

    tiirm- (vb.) 'tremble, be agitated' [Cf. B tremi]

    L POU 'tremere', TEB II 'zlirnen, aufgebracht sein, zittern', TVS 'tremble, be agitated'. P (itr.) Prs. tarm-0-. F Prs.I Act. 3Sg. trama.5, 3PI. tarminc, PPrs.MP tarmmii111. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 325 b8; ♦3Pl. 296 a5; ♦ PPrs.MP 107 a6, 215 a5, YQ 1.6 b4-5!, YQ I.JO a5, YQ II.3 a5. tiilii- vb.) l) 'lift up', 2) 'lift up, raise, bear, carry' [B tal-]


    POU 'tollere, ferre', TEB II 'erheben, ertragen', VTW 'aufheben, ertragen', TVS 'lift up'. P I) (tr.) Prs. tallii-, Subj. tala-*/tlii-, Prt. calii-*/tala-, PPrt. tlo, 2) (caus.) Prs. tlasT-, Prt. caclii-, PPrt. caclu. F l) Gdv. Obl.Sg.Fem. tliilyii111, 2) Prs.Vlll MP 3Sg. tlii$tcir, Inf. tlassi, Prt.II Act. 3Sg. cacal, caclii(-111), PPrt. Obl.Sg.Mase. caclunt, Abs. caclurii$. T ♦ I) Gdv. Obl.Sg.Fem. 244 b4?; ♦2) Prs.MP 369 a4; ♦Inf. JOO b3, 244 b4; ♦ Prt.Aet. 3Sg. (cacal) 130 a2!, 451 al?; (caclii-ttz) 451 a2?; ♦ PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. 246 a4; ♦ Abs. YQ I.4 bl, YQ 11.2 b5. R See TVS:658-660, Peyrot (20l3a:755756). tiilysi (adj.) 'tall, high'

    L F T

    POU'?'. Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. talysi. ♦Norn.Sg.Masc. 235 b4. D Derived form ► tliis. R Hapax of235 b4 with broken context. However, the passage is about the Surneru mountain.

    215 tii!j

    tiri ► siis,

    siis, tii!j

    tii!j-Oiiant (adv.) 'thereupon' [Cf. tu-auiientai] L COU 'demzufolge'. T ♦230 b2!. D Compound of ta.)·, neuter of ► siis, siis, tii!j and ► ofwnt. Probably calque of Skt. tat-purvam (MW:433b, 643a). tii!jne (adv.) 'thus, like this' L VTW 'so, soundso' T ♦408 b2, 436 b4?. D Based on tii.y, neuter of ► siis, siis, tii!j. tii1p1e-1iomii (adv.) 'by the name ofx' (Skt. itthw1111ii111ii.) L POU 'cum nomine N.N.', VTW 'soundso mitNamen'. T ♦381 al!,a4!. D Compound of ► tii!jize and perlative sg. of ► iiom.

    tii1p1e-wiiknii-kakmu (adj.In.) 'having arrived in this way' (Skt. tathiigata-) L POU 'Tathagata (appellatio Buddhae)', VTW 'aufdiese Weise gekommen'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. tii!)ne-wiiknii-kakmu. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 19 a2. D Doublet of ► tiim11e-wiik11ii-kakmu, and calque ofSkt. tathiigata-, title of the Buddha, lit. 'thus come or gone' (BHSD:248b). tiis-

    ► tii-,


    tik!jnii* (adj.)(?) 'sharp'(?) [B tik.yne] L VTW 'etwa scharf(sinnig)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. tik!)nii. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. 338 a5. D From Skt. tzk!)na- 'sharp, hot, pungent, fiery, acid' (MW:448c). R Hapax of338 a5, the form is not a complete word, possibly first member of an adjectival compound, matching a Sanskrit compound with tfk.y1za- as first member, e.g., tzknzendriya- 'of keen senses and faculties' (BHSD:254b). Tbike* (PN, masc.) a male name F Obl.Sg. tinke111. T ♦ Obl.Sg. MG I a2. D Uighur proper name of Chinese origin, cf. Pinault (2007a:354). tiniir (n., fem.) 'a gold coin' [B tiniir] L POU 'denarius', TEB II 'Denar'.

    F T


    Nom.Sg. tiniir, Nam.Pl. tiniiri, Obi.Pl. tiniiriis. ♦Nom.Sg. 215 a6, YQ 1.6 b5; ♦Norn.Pl. 364 a4, 440 b5!; ♦ Obi.PL 215 a3, a4, 364 al, 393 al, a4, a7!, YQ 1.6 a6, b2, b3-4!. From Skt. cfiniira- 'a gold coin or a certain weight of gold' (MW:48 la).

    ti111a!ji* (adj.) 'pertaining to both' L VTW 'die beiden betreffend, zu beidcn gehorig', CEToM 'pertaining to both'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. tima.yitJz. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 318 + 319 a7. D Based on tim, dual (Nom./Obl.) of the pronoun ► siim, slim, tiim. R SSS: 170 (§286), Hilmarsson ( I 989a:33, 34, 40). Timitimifigil* (PN, masc.) Timitimingila, name of a sea monster L COU 'Timitimi1igila (N. cines Wassertieres)', VTW 'N.pr. eines NagaKonigs'. F Nom.Sg. timitimiligil. T ♦Nom.Sg. 29 a4!. D From Skt. timitimiligila- 'a kind of seamonster' (BHSD:253a). Timbure* (PN, masc.) Timbura, name of a Gandharva L TEB II 'N. pr. eines Gandharven'. F Obl.Sg. dimbure111, Abl.Sg. timburenii.y!). T ♦ Obl.Sg. 308 b3; ♦Abl.Sg. 312 b2. D From Skt. Timbura 'N. eines Gandharva' (SWTF II:374b); Skt. Timburu, Tumburu or Timbaru, musician of the gods, most popular Gandharva (Hopkins I 915: 155156). tiri (n., a.) 'manner, rule, habit' [B tiri, teri] L POU 'mos, consuetudo', TEB II 'Art und Weise', JWP 'regulation, rule'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tiri, Perl.Sg. tiryii, Nom./Obl.Pl. tiri111tu, Loe.PL tirintwa111. S wkii1J1 tiri 'way [and] manner'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 66 a6, 82 b6, 106 a6, 112 b5!, 189 b6?, 251 b8, 252 b8, 315 + 316 b6, 327 b5, 460 al, YQ II.12 a7; ♦ Obl.Sg. 64 al, 71 bl, 106a5, 125b3!, 184al!,233 a3 tity, 332 a8, 436 b6, YQ I.3 a8, YQ III.2 a2; ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 64 a5!, 428 al; ♦ Perl.Sg. 69 b2, 186 a3?, 230 a7 cam tilyii siirki 'following that manner', 342 b>a4, 348 b4, 371 b5; ♦ Obi.PL 250 b2, 317 a7; ♦ Loe.PL 332 al, 334 al?.


    tirtherµ* D Possibly from a CT loan from Skt. dharmya- 'legal, legitimate, usual, customary' (MW:513a) via MI, cf. Pinault (2020c:476-487). R In 460 al, tiri in the meaning 'habit' translates Skt. i'idr!za' gcwohnheitsmaJ3ig(?)' (SWTF l:233a), corresponding to Pa. aciui1a- 'practice, habit, usage' (DP I:286b). In 230 (THT 863) a7, tii1ya has been corrected to tilya, see TS: 115 (n. 2), and Siegling's personal copy, confirmed by the photograph. See also ► ta11me-tiryti. (adj.) 'of a heretic, heretical' COU 'Irrlehrer', TEB II 'Haretiker', JWP 'of a heretic'. F Norn.Pl.Masc. tirtheiii, Obi.Pl.Fem. tirthenas. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 312 a7 sak tirtheiii ki:i.y.yi(12) 'the six heretical teachers'; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. YQ 11.3 b I. D Derived from ► tfrth*.



    (adj.) 'belonging to a heretic' tTrthesJ·e] VTW 'Haresie-'. Obi.Pl.Fem. tirthe.yinas. ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. YQ II.I I b6!. Derived from ► tfrth*.


    [B L F T D

    (PN, masc.) Ti~ya, name of a pupil of Badhari [B Ti.yye] L VTW 'N.pr. eines Schiilers d. Brahmanen Badhari'. F Nom.Sg. ti,~ye, Obl.Sg. t(~ye111, All.Sg. tisyenac. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ I.3 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg. YQ 11.3 b3; ♦All.Sg. YQ 11.11 a I. D From Skt. Tisya, name of various characters in Buddhist narratives (BHSD:254), in the MSN name of one of the pupils of the Brahmin Badhari.


    (n., masc.) 'follower of another religious community, heretic' [B t"irthe] L COU 'Irrlehrer, Tfrthika', VTW 'brahm. Asket, Haretiker'. F Norn.Pl. tTrthaii. T ♦Norn.Pl. 439 a2, a4, THT 1649.a b2. D Via MI from Skt. tTrthya- 'einer (anderen) Religionsgemeinde angehorend; 111. Anhanger einer (anderen) Religionsgemeindschaft' (SWTF Il:379a).



    For the restoration ofTHT 1649.a b2, see Itkin - Malyshev (2016:6).

    tu (pron.) 'you' (sg.) [B twe] (Skt. tvam) L POU 'tu', TEB II 'du'. F Nom.Sg. tu, Obl.Sg. cu, cz,, cw, Gen.Sg. tF1i, ti'iy, tFiT, tii=, ti'ii-k, All.Sg. cwac, cwac-i:ik, Abl.Sg. cwi:is, Loc.Sg. cwm11, cwa111, Perl.Sg. ova, cwak, Com.Sg. cwassiil. T ♦Nom.Sg. 10 b4, 20 a3, 21 a3, bl, 42 b4, 60 a>b5, 65 b4, 66 a6, 69 b3, b4, 70 a2 (bis), 81 a6, 82 b5, 76 + 83 bl, 92 a6, bl, b3, 95 a5, a6, 96 a4, 99 al, a5, b2, b4, 107 a2,a4, Ill b5, 117b6, 121 a5, 129b2, 130 b4, 135 bl, 156 b5, 160 bl, 171 b6, 179.cbl, !80b3, l86b6,215a5,221 a2 (bis), 244 b4, 249 b4, 253 b6, 255 b2, 258 a7, 261 a>b5, a>b7, 263 b>a3, 269 + 290 b>a7 (bis), 270 b5, b8, 272 a5, 301 b8, 311 b5, 311.a a3, 321 b4, 340 b5, 343 b5, 355 a2, a3, a4, b2, 356 a3, 359 a8, a4 l, 360 a7, 387 al, 391 al, 407 a5, IOL Toch.5 b5, IOL Toch.286 b3, THT 4078.a al,YQ I.5 a3, b4, YQ I.7 b2, YQ II.6 a6, YQ II.7 b8, YQ ILJ3 a5, YQ II.14 a7, YQ III.4 a5, YQ lll.10 b3, YQ III.12 b2, PK.NS. I b3, PK.NS.4 a3, PK.NS.5 b I; ♦ Obl.Sg. (cu) 36 b2, 48 a5, 65 a6, 66 a3, a4, 69 a6, 73 b2, 108 bl, 129 a2, 233 bl, 243 a4, 244 a4, b3, 245 a I, 246 a2, a4, b I, 248 b2!, 249 a2, 250 al, 272 a6, 332 b2, 358 al, 371 b3, 373 al, 426 b2, YQ II.4 a2; (c11) 246 b3, 247 a4, 248 a4, 249 b3, 260 a3; (cw) 217 b4; ♦Gen.Sg. (ti'ii) 25 a5, 40 a4, 60 a>b4, 61 b4, 66 a2, b I, 67 a3, 69 a3, a5, 75 b6, 77 a4, 79 a2, 82 b2, 101 b2, b3, 102 al, 107 a5, 109 b4, 113 a6, 125 b5, 143 al!, 147 al, a3, 159 b6, 165 b5, b6, 169 b4, b5, 177 b3, I 80 b2, b4, 188a3, 191 b4, 194a4, 197a6,201 a3, 217 b6, 219 b7, 243 b4, 244 a3, 245 b3!, 246 al, a2, 247 a2, b2, b3, 248 a2, a3, 249 al, bl, 267 + 268 b>a4!?, b>a5, 305 b2, b3, 311 a4 (bis), 313 a8, 321 b3, 323 a2, b7, 340 a5, bl, b5, 359 a4, a6!, a7, 364 a3, a6, 373 a6, 378 al, a2, 392 a2, 405 a4, 408 a3, 420 al, 430 b5, 431 b7, 432 a5, b3, 442 b5, YQ 11.12 b6, YQ 11.14 a5, a7, YQ III.7 a3, a4, b3, b5, THT 1141 b4, PK.NS. I a3, b I, PK.NS.4 a I, a2, b2, PK.NS.5 a2, bl, b3, PK.NS.6 b3, PK.NS.509 b3; (tFiy) 42 b3, 248 b3, YQ



    tunkififi1.2 a7, YQ 11.14 bl; (tFii) 100 b4; (111=) 35 a6, 215 a3, 267 + 268 b>a4, 342 b>a5; (tF1i-k) 356 b3 ♦ All.Sg. (cwac) 21 bl, 82 a5, 109 a4, 147 a5, 244 al!, 323 b8, 348 a4; (cwac-ak) 172 bl ♦Abl.Sg. 86 a3, 97 al, 99 b3, 201 b5, 244 b4, 296 a4, a5, 398 b5!; ♦Loc.Sg. (cww11) 65 a6, 197 al, 253 b5, 382 a2 (bis), 431 al, PK.NS.4 a3; (cwa1.n) 441 b3; ♦ Perl.Sg. (cwa) 70 a3, 79 b4, 111 b3, YQ 11.14 bl; (cwa-k) 266 + 276 a>b7, 296 b6, b7; ♦ Com.Sg. 70 a6, 273 b8, YQ 11.7 b I. See also ► cu-pii.ye*.

    tukiir (n., masc.) 'miserliness, retentiveness' L POU'?', VTW 'Bewegung [Erregung]'. F Obl.Sg. t,,kar. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 215 b2 aka konarri .~om n.ya t11kar ycil k,,yal ma prakte kalpitar 'finally on one day concerning me alone you move to miserliness; how wouldn't you get your punishment?'. R The phrase tukar ya- probably belongs to slang used by a character who is supposed to be upset. The proposed meaning remains conjectural because it has not been translated literally in Uighur, cf. MaitrHami I, l3a 3-4 (Geng - Klimkeit 1988a:96-97). The meaning 'excitement (Bewegung [Erregung])' or the like proposed by Thomas ( 1990:20 n. 32) is too vague and based on a speculative etymological connection with ► tukri. tukri (n., fem.) 'clay' L POU 'lutum', TES II 'Lehm', VTW 'Lehm, Ton'. F Obl.Sg. tukri. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 23 b2!, b5 tukri wlesma1r1 ni tsarartz 'my two clay-working hands'. D Borrowed via MI from Skt. tz1bari, doublet of tz1barika- 'alum or alum earth' (MW :450b-c ). See Pinault (2002a:334335). tukrinu* (adj.) 'clayey, covered in clay' L POU 'lutulentus', TES II 'lehmig', VTW 'lehmig, tonern'. F Obi.Pl.Masc. tukrinuncas. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 23 b2. D Based on ► tukri. t111ik (n., masc.) 'love' [B tatikw] L POU 'amor', TES II 'Liebe', JWP 'love'.

    F S


    Nom./Obl.Sg. twik, Instr.Sg. tutikyo, Abl.Sg. twika.~. tz11ik etikal 'love [and] compassion', twik kapnune 'love', twik naslune 'love [and] compassion', twik poto 'love and flatter', tlllik ynanmzme 'love and veneration', tutik ar- 'evoke love', twik karsa- 'make acquainted with love', tutik kci/pa'receive love', twik tiirka- 'give up love', tutik (ynes) yam- 'make love obvious', sneWa twik 'with love'. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 6 bl, 7 b6, 50 b6, 73 b5, 74 a3, 102 al, 152 a3, 201 a3, 325 a2, YQ 1.5 bl; ♦Obl.Sg. 5 a4, b3, 6 b4, 7 a2, a4, b2, 9 b6, 40 a5!, 55 a4-5!, 56 b2, b6, 58 al, 74 a3, 94 a6, 102 b4, 106 a2, !08 b2, b5?, 109 a3, 115 a5, 158 a4, 201 al, 253 b7, 265 b3, 272 a4, 303 a8, 318 + 319 a2, 325 al, a2, YQ IIl.5 bl, YQ 111.7 a2; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 6 a2 twiky=arinc, 7 a4, 9 al, 55 a6-bl!, bl, 77 b6, 99 bl, IOI al, 108 a6, bl, 140 a4?, 186 b3, 217 a7, 246 a2, 277 b2, 338 b7, 358 a2 twiko; ♦Abl.Sg. YQ 111.7 b6-7!.

    tmikassu (adj.) 'loving, affectionate' [B ta1ikwassu] L POU 'amabilis', TES II 'liebevoll'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. twikassu, Nom.Pl.Masc. tlllikassu.y. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 265 b3; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 55 a3-4!. D Derived from ► twik. tmikUiii- (vb.) 'love' [B tatikw-ann-] L POU 'amare', TES II 'lieben', TVS 'love, have compassion for'. P (tr.) Prs. twikinn-T-, !pf. twikiiiiia-, Subj. tutikinn-T-, Prt. tutikiniia-. F Prs.XII Act. 3Pl. twikiiinenc, PPrs.Act. ISg. tutikinnantam, PPrs.MP tutikinnama111, Inf. twikiiitsi, All.Sg. tutikintsiyac, !pf.Act. 3Sg. tutikiiina, Subj.XII Abstr. tutikinlune. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Pl. 260 b5!; ♦ PPrs.MP 424 b3!; ♦ Inf. THT 1560 a2; ♦All.Sg. 269 + 290 b>a5; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Sg. 311 al, YQ 11.7 b4. D Denominative verb based on ► tmik. Cf. ► tmikiiilune*. R In 260 b5, tutikinnenc has been restored by Siegling on his personal copy (TS: 135).


    tul'lkifilune* tmiki1ilune* (n., a.) 'love' (subst. verb.) L VTW 'Lieben'. F Gen.Sg. tunkinluneyis, lnstr.Sg. twikiiiluneyo. T ♦ Gen.Sg. 214 b2, 430 b4, YQ II.I b5!; ♦ lnstr.Sg. YQ 111.6 b2-3!. D Abstract derived from ► tmiki,iii-. tmik!ji* (adj.) 'of love' L POU 'amoris, amatus', VTW 'Liebe-'. F Obl.Sg. tunk.yir11. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 158 b6, 205 b6. D Derived from ► twik. Tuccilc (PN, fem.) a female name T ♦ IOL Khot Wood 65 al. R For the text and interpretation of this word, see Ching (20 I 9: I 0-15). turil1t1* (n., fem.) 'arch, arched doorway, gateway' L POU 'porta, arcus', VTW '(Triumph)bogen'. F Obi.Pl. turiiniis. T ♦ Obi.Pl. 136 a3. D Via MI from Skt. torm:zii- 'an arch, arched doorway, portal, festooned decorations over doorways' (MW:456a; BHSD:257a). Turk~ii1ic (PN, fem.) a female name F Nom.Sg. turk,iinc. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT 1559 al. R See Peyrot (20 I 0: 138). turtiik* (n., masc.)(?) 'sand, gravel' (Skt. kafhalla-) L POU'?', VTW 'Sand, Kies'. F Norn.Pl. turtkiin. T ♦Norn.Pl. 461 a5. R The word translates Skt. kafhalla- in 461 a5, which means 'gravel' (BHSD:165a). tursko

    ► trusko

    Tu:jit (LN) Tu$ita, name of a sphere of gods L POU 'nomen coeli'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tu.yit, tufit, du$il, Loc.Sg. tw;itm11. T ♦Nom.Sg. (tu.yit) 57 b6, 296 a3; (tu.yTt) 251 b5, 252 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg. (du.yit) 22 b6; ♦ Loc.Sg. 235 a I, 448 b4. D Loan from Skt. 111.yita- 'Bez. einer Gottersphare; m.pl. Bez. einer Gruppe von Kamavacara-Gottern' (SWTF ll:383b).

    tu:jitabhavmt1* (N, masc.) name of a tune (stanzaof4x 14syllables7/7or4x 18 syllables 717/4) L VTW 'N. eines Metrums'. F Loc.Sg. l11:jitabhavnm11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 16 b3, 68 b2, 257 b3. D Loan from Skt. Tw5itabhavana- 'dwelling of the Tu$ita gods', cf. 'Behausung der Tu$ita- (Gotter)' (SWTF ll:383b). tlt~it~i* (adj.) 'belonging to the Tu$ita-sphere' [B tu.yita:j.ye, to.yitii.y.ye, to$il$,)'i] L VTW 'Tu$ila-'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. tu~·it.yi,11, Norn.Pl.Masc. to,~it.yil1i. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 274 b6; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 344 b 1 (misspelt to,if$iini). D Derived from ► Tu~it. tltt (adj.uni.) 'satisfied, pleased'(?) L POU'?', VTW 'vie!!. N.pr.' T ♦ 142 b4 Wt tac 'you (2Pl.) may be satisfied!' D Loan from Pkt. tuffha- through wrong Sanskritization, cf. Skt. tu,fa- 'satisfied, pleased' (CDIAL:336b, No. 5895). Trda~ujis17tiir (n., masc.) title of a siltra of the DTrgha-iigama L POU 'introductio, nomen libri'. F Nom.Sg. trdatu;lisiitiir. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT 1610.a b5. D False Sanskritization of a loan from Skt. Tridm:zr;fi-siitra 'N. eines Siltra des DTrghagama' (SWTF II :405b), tridm:u;libeing itself the loan from trida,:t(iika-, Buddhist Ml substitute of trida,:t(iaka- 'triple self-control' (BHSD:258a), cf. Skt. trida,:t(ia- 'triple control' (i.e., of thoughts, words, and acts)' (MW:458c). R Fragment quoted in the introduction (TS :24 7) of 460-466 (THT I 094 ). This text is the 25th siltra of the DTrgha-iigama manuscript, called Tridw1(iin, see Hartmann Wille (2014:140). tm1a (n., fem.) 'thirst, desire' [B 1/',JJii] L POU 'sitis', VTW 'Durst'. F Nom.Sg. tmw. T ♦Nom.Sg. 367 a4. R From Skt. lf'$JJii- 'desire, avidity', lit. 'thirst' (MW:454a).



    te (part.inter.) 'so?' [Cf. B tai- in taisa, taisu,

    taise(111)] L POU '-ne', TEB II '-ne'. T ♦23 b6, 48 a4, 67 a3, 69 b4 (bis), 75 a6, 80 b>a6, 90 b5, 91 b4, b5, 119 b4, 144 al, b4?, 210 al?, 214 a6, 221 a2, 229 b3, 261 a>b6, 275 b8, 313 a5, 337 a2, 342 b>a2, 359 a6, 360 al, a3, 371 al, 390 al, 396.b a2, 399.1 bl, 408.h a3, 416.b a3, 420 b3, 421 b4, 424 a2, 427 a2, 430 a4, 462 b I, THT 4158 a2, YQ II.I bl, YQ Il.13 a4. R See Liihr (2012). In 221 a2, one clearly reads ta111. However, Sieg and Siegling assumed that it was a spelling mistake for te (TS:254), see Siegling's personal copy. See also the translation by Schmidt (1974:148).


    top (n., masc.) 'heap, mine' [B taupe]

    L F T

    Nom.Sg. tenkohkh. ♦Nom.Sg. 303 a7 Loan from a Uighur name, possibly *Dengok, derived from den (< Sogd. dyn-, dynh) 'religion, doctrine' (more or less equivalent of Skt. dharma-), cf. Wilkens (2021 :246b), with suffix -gOk, which makes characterizing nouns from nominal basis, e.g.yab;gok 'human being' < 'the naked one'; on this suffix, see Erda! (1991:158-159).

    L F T D



    ♦ PK.NS.2

    a3 taprenak sasak ku,s teq1par 'as much indeed a single one pours [it] evenly (?)'. Possibly containing the suffix -par, see ► ke,,1-par, ► kispar. The reading is sure, however the exact meaning is unsure.

    te:ji (?) '?'

    L JWP '?'. T ♦ YQ III.7 b I te,si .5ni kapsi ·. R

    Uncertain segmentation of passage. Alternative interpretation as verb te.5i.5-ni kapsi or te $i$-fii kaps'i (from ► #-).

    T01ikitsii (PN, fem.) name of a donor

    L TEB Il 'N. pr. einer Spenderin'. F Nom.Sg. tarikitsa. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT 605 b4. D The basis may be related to ► tmik. This name would originally mean 'the lovely one'. One may alternatively consider a derivative of a noun from Chinese or

    POU 'hasta, lancea', VTW 'Hammer'. Norn.Pl. tomi:iri. ♦Norn.Pl. 264 al. From Skt. tomara- 'a lance, javelin' (MW:455c).

    tor (n., a.) 'dust' [B taur] (Skt. rajas)

    L F T


    POU 'pulvis', TEB II 'Staub'. Nom./Obl.Sg. tor. ♦Nom.Sg. SHT 5275Bz (Skt. rajo); ♦ Obl.Sg. 391 a6. On the gloss in SHT 5275Bz, see Peyrot (2014:166).

    torb11 (adv.) 'as a reward'

    L S

    te111par (adv.) 'evenly' or 'at a stretch' (?)


    COU 'Haufen', TEB II 'Mine', CEToM 'heap'. Nom.Sg. top. ♦Nom.Sg. 30 al, b6, 400 a6, a7.

    tomiir* ( n., masc.) 'lance, javelin'

    Te,ikohkh (PN, masc.) name of a Uighur donor

    F T D

    Turkic origin. Some relation with the PN TB Tonka (ADAMS:327) is conceivable. Cf. Uigh. Tol)i:i as part of PNs, see Wilkens (202 l :731 b ). Sieg - Siegling (TS:V), Thomas (1957:54).

    T R

    TEB II 'endlich (?)', JWP 'as a reward', VTW 'endlich'. torit11 kalpi:i- 'obtain as a reward', sne toril.n 'without reward'. ♦ I b5, 2 al, 266 + 276 b>a7, 348 a3, b2, YQ II.6 b4, b5. For the translation, see Pinault (I 994a:369-374).

    tosmii#* (adj.) 'belonging to these ones' (fem.)

    L F T D R

    POU 'talis(?)', TEB II 'in denen bestehend'. Obl.Sg.Masc. tosmi:i$it/1. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 186 b3. Derived from tosam, Obi.Pl.Fem. of the pronoun ► siim, slim, tiim. See SSS:26 (§44g), 170 (§286).

    tkm11 (n., fem.) 'earth, ground' [B ke111]

    L F


    POU 'locus, terra, mundus', TEB II 'Erde', JWP 'earth, ground'. Nom./Obl.Sg. tka,/1, tkan-ak, Gen.Sg. tkanis, All.Sg. tkanac, Abl.Sg. tkana.5, Loc.Sg. tkana111, Perl.Sg. tkani:i, Norn.Pl. tkani, Abl.Pl. tka111sa.5, Loe.Pl. tka111sa111. ♦Nom.Sg. (tkaf!1) 25 a6?, 95 b5, 111 b6, 184 a3, 187 al, 218 a8, 219 b3?, 255 b8!,


    tkarp-fikat 274 a2, 280 a4, 287 + 259 a>b2, a>b4, 297 b3, 312 a2, b7!, 315+316 b2, 320 b2, 337 b9, 355 a2, 360 a I 0, YQ I.9 b I, YQ 11.2 a2, YQ II.14 b4, THT 1150 a2, THT 1153 b3; (tkan-ak) 220 b4; ♦ Obl.Sg. 11 al, 63 a3, 89 a2, 102 b3, 111 a4, 148 b6, 159 a2, 164 b6, 174 a6, 253 al, 256 a3, 257 a7, b7!, 266 + 276 b>a6, 298 b6, 312 b5, 360 a I, 448 b3, YQ 11.8 a4, a7, YQ IJI.l I a8, PK.NS.3 bl; ♦ Gen.Sg. 77 a2, 217 b3, 467 a2, a3; ♦All.Sg. 3 a5, 56 al, 444 a4, THT 3144 b I; ♦ Abl.Sg. 49 b2, 89 a3, 153 b4, 215 a4, 253 b3, 258 b I, 451 a 1; ♦Loc.Sg. 4 a5!, bl, 409 b2, YQ 1.5 b6!; ♦ Perl.Sg. I b2, 4 a4, 7 a3, a3!, 25 b4, 36 bl, 56 a4, 59 a6, 66 b5, 67 b3, 71 a6, 77 b2, 95 b6!, 103 b4!?, 105 b3, 217 b4, 240 a3, a4, 256 a8, 257 a7, b6, 261 a>b4, 272 b2, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a 1, 298 a4, 300 a4, 320 a7, 340 a5!, 356 b4, 448 b5!, YQ V.1 a3, PK.NS.2 b3, PK.NS.509 al; ♦Norn.Pl. 59 al, 105 a3; ♦ Abl.Pl. 314 a2!€; ♦Loe.Pl. 63 b4, 397 a9, YQ 1.6 a5, YQ II.3 a3, YQ Ill.3 a7. D Cf. ► tkb4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 355 a2, YQ III.5 b4 tka111iiiiaktes; ♦ Perl.Sg. 218 a8. D Compound of ► tkmti and ► 1ikiit. tka1t1!fi (adj.) 'of the earth, terrestrial' [B kena.y.ye] L POU 'terrae, terrestris', VTW 'Erd-'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. tka171.Ji, Gen.Sg.Masc. tka111.yinfip, Norn.Pl.Masc. tkamsini. T ♦N~1~.Sg. 322 a8; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 206 a3, a4, 332 b7; ♦Gen.Sg.Masc. 467 bl, b3; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 72 bl, 370 b5. D Derived from ► tkmtz. tkani (n., masc.) 'humus' F Nom./Obl.Sg. tkani.



    ♦Nom.Sg. 400 a6, a7 top trfi1ik tkani nka111sa111tra 'heap, stump, [and] humus disappear'. Cognate with ► tkmt1.

    tkiilune (n., a.) 'touch, contact' [B takalyiie, takalyiie] L VTW 'Erwagung, Bcrtihrung'; CEToM 'discernment, sustained thinking'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tkalune, Perl.Sg. tkfiluneyfi. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 239 a2!, 291 b5!, 384 b5, 389 a2!, YQ II.4 b7!, YQ Il.10 b2; ♦ Instr.Sg. 397 b2; ♦ Perl.Sg. 443 b3. D Abstract derived from ► tiikii-. R See Peyrot (20 l 3a:569). The interpretation of tkfiluneyfi in 443 b3 is admittedly uncertain, because one can restore alternative abstracts from -tkfiroots. On the segmentation of wkatkalune as wkaarv tkfilune in 389 a2, see TVS:912. An alternative would be to assume a misspelling for watkfilune, but the meaning of this noun does not fit the context. tkiillune* (n., a.) 'illuminating' (Skt. vicfira-) F Nom.Sg. tkalune, Instr.Sg. tkfilluneyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. 384 b5; ♦Instr.Sg. 397 b2. D Abstract from the verb ► tkiilii-. R In 384 b5, the interpretation presupposes a scribal mistake for tkfillune, which is possible in this late manuscript. In the handbooks, tkfillune as translating vicfira- 'investigation' (SWTF IV:102b) was derived from the root tiika(SSS:439, TEB II: 104), but it is not cogent. The reading lkfilune as found in CEToM is incorrect (adapted from TITUS). See Pinault (2013a:223) and Catt - Huard - Inaba (2022). tkiilii- (vb.) 'illuminate, illustrate' L POU'?', TVS 'illuminate'. p (tr.) Prt. taklfi-, PPrt. taklo; (tr.) Prs. tkal.ya-. F Prt.I Act. 3Sg. taklfi-171, PPrt. taklo, Prs.VIII MP 3Pl. tkalsantra, PPrs.Act. Obi.Pl.Masc. tkal.yantfis. T ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. 153 b2; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg. 308 b6; ♦ Prs.MP 3Pl. 187 a3!; ♦ PPrs.Act. Obi.Pl.Masc. 273 a3! tkal(ija)ntfi(s). R Restoration and interpretation of273 a3 by Pinault ( 1999a: 199 and 2013a:2 l 2, 222-224); further discussion in TVS:664.



    tpiir I) (adj.), 2) (adv.) 'high' [B tapre] L I) POU 'altus', TEB II 'hoch', JWP 'high', 2) POU 'alte'. F 1) Nom.Sg.Masc. tpiir, Obl.Sg.Masc. tiiprii171, Obl.Sg.Fem. tpii1yiiq1, Obi.Pl.Masc. tiipres, 2) tpiir. S tpiir yo cine 'up and down, above and below'. T ♦ I) Nom.Sg.Masc. 30 al, 147 b4€, 303 b4, 311 a5, 315 + 316 b7; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 55 b6, 58 a4, 253 a6, 299 b I; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. YQ II. I I b3; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 43 + 52 a3-4; ♦ 2) 41 al, 66 a4, 67 al, 73 a6, 178 b2, 217 b3, 218 b2, 253 b3, 269 + 290 b>a6!, 287 + 259 a>b5!, 315 + 316 b8; ♦ fgm. 271 b6. R Cf. ► tiipra. tpuka- (vb.) 'be hidden' [B tuk-] L TEB II 'verborgen sein', TVS 'hide'. P I) (tr.) !pf. tpuknii-, 2) (caus.) Prs. tpukiisT-, PPrt. cacpuku. F I) Prs.VI !pf.MP 3Pl. tpukiiiint, 2) Inf. tpukiissi, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. cacpuku, Norn.Pl.Masc. cacpuku.y. T ♦ I) !pf.MP 3Pl. 401 bl; ♦2) Inf. 71 a5?; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 12 b4, 79 a4; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 235 a6. tpo-kiiswe-siirk-peyum (adj.) 'having high and beautiful insteps (lit. foot-back)' (Skt. utsaligapiida-) F Nom.Sg.Masc. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 291 b4! (tpo-kiis)w(e)siirk-peyu(m) 'provided with high [and] well [formed] instep'. D Compound with ► siirk-pe as second member. R Description of the 7th mark (lak~ww) of the body of the Great Man, Skt. utsmigapiidal:,, see JWP:87 and Huard (2022:161, n.75). Parallel text YQ ll.4 b6. h11m11 (adv.) 'there' [B tane]


    F S T

    POU 'illic, istic, illuc', TEB II 'dort(hin)', JWP 'there'. tmarti, tmann, tma11-iik, tman-tikk. tmann ats 'there indeed'. ♦ (tmaf/1) 11 b3, 12 a3, 15 a5, 63 b6, 116 b5, 120 a6, 143 a4, 146 b4, 169 a5, 183 b5, 187 a6, 209 al, 221 a4, b4, 225 b5, 240 a6, 280 bl, 289 bl, 302 al, 341 al!, a7,353a4,361 al0,403a>bl,431 a5, 441 a3, a5, 450 a2, YQ I.3 a8, YQ l.5 b5,


    YQ I.IO a2, YQ III.IO b3, YQ V.l b5, THT 1136 a2, THT 1411.a a3, THT 1426.d a2, THT 1670 b3, THT 1979 a3, THT 2116 a2, THT 2134 b2; (tmann) 15 a3, 397 a7; ♦ (tman-iik) 60 b>a3, I 14 a6, I 16 b5, 118 al, 152 al, 301 bl, YQ II.7 al tman-iik tman-iik, a4, Berlin ms.; (tman-iikk) 47 a6. Loc.Sg.Nt. of ► siim, siim, tiim.

    tmac (adv.) 'there, in that direction' T ♦ 60 a>bl, 97 b2. D All.Sg.Nt. of ► siim, sam, tiim. tma(adv.) 'there, over there' L TEB II 'dort(hin)'. F tmii, tmii-k. S tmii siirki 'following this', tmiik siirki 'right away'. T ♦ (tmii) 4 a6, 16 al, 68 b5, 77 al!, 87 bl, 107 a5, 124 b3, 137 b4, 187 b3!, 253 a5, a2, 321 b4, 337 a5, 431 a5, 443 b3, THT 70.a b3, THT 1605.d b2; ♦(tmii-k) 67 b6, 222 a4=239 a2, 340 b3, YQ I.10 b3, YQ ll.9 a7. D Perl.Sg.Nt. of ► siim, siim, tiim. t1m1111 (num., a.) 'ten thousand' [B tmiine,

    t,,mane, Pl. t(u)manenma] L POU 'decem milia', TEB II 'zehntausend', JWP '10,000'. F Nom./Obl. tmiif!z, Loc.Sg. tmiina111, Nom./Obl.Pl. tmiiniintu, Instr.Pl. tmiinantuyo. T ♦Nom./Obl. 97 bl, 255 a8, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b6, 295 b4, 330 a4 !, 353 a4, 361 a!0, 391 a4, 441 a3, a5, THT 1139 a4; ♦Loc.Sg. 222 b6; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 273 b5!, 315+316 b7, YQ III.9 b7; ♦Instr.Pl. 254 b7, 269 + 290 a>b5-6!, 270 b6-7?, 346 a3. D Loan from Chinese wan ( 140:9) 'ten thousand' at CT stage, see Pulleyblank (Proto-Chinese *tman) apud CLAUSON:507b, s.u. Turkic tiimen. Early Middle Chinese *muanh (Pulleyblank 1991:318), alternatively Middle Chinese *mjonH < Old Chinese *C-ma[n}-s (Baxter - Sagart 2014b ). The latter form would fit if the prefix was a dental stop or if the initial contained a more complex cluster. See further literature in Blazek - Schwarz (2017 :44-45). The final -e of the TB




    form /mane is probably due to the influence of kante (A kiint) 'hundred'. The basic plural form was tmaniintu, but the form tmanantuyo is probably influenced by other numerals, cf. SSS:99 (§ 143).

    tmii1J1-ii11-wiilts-puklyi (adj.) 'I 9,000 years old' F Nom.Sg.Masc. tma,72-1111-wiilts-puklyi. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 255 al!, b3. D Compound with ► t111lil!t, ► 1iu, ► wiilts and ► -puklyi. tmii111-tri-wiilts-puklyi (adj.)' 13,000 years old' F Nom.Sg.Masc. tma111-tri-wiilts-puklyi. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 255 a4. D Compound with ► tmii111, ► tri, ► wiilts and -puklyi. tmii111-puklyi (adj.) '10,000 years old' F Nom.Sg.Masc. t111a111-puklyi. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 255 a5. D Compound with ► tmii111 and -puklyi. t111ii111-we-wiilts (num., masc./fem.) '12,000' F Nom./Obl. tma111-we-wiilts. T ♦Nom./Obl. 255 a4. D Compound with ► tmlif!l, ► we, ► wiilts. tmii111-shvar-wiilts (nwn., masc./fem.) '14,000' F Nom./Obl. tma111-stwar-walts. T ♦Nom./Obl. 255 a3, 286 b2!. D Compound with ► tmii1f1, ► shvar, ► wiilts. t11u1111-!jiik-wiilts (num., masc./fern.) '16,000' F Norn./Obl. tma111-.Jak-wiilts. T ♦Norn./Obl. 255 al, a7. D Compound with ► tmii1r1, ► !jiik, ► wiilts. tmii1Jt-!jiik-wiilts-p,,kul (n., rnasc.sg.) 'duration of 16,000 years' L POU'l6.000annos' F Norn./Obl.Sg. tma111-;~ak-walts-puku/. T ♦Obl.Sg. 255 b5. D Collective compound with the numeral '16,000' and second member pukul, variant of ► p,,kiil 'year'. tmii1!t-!jiik-wiilts-p11klyi (adj.)' 16,000 years old' F Norn.Sg.Masc. tma111-.Jiik-walts-puklyi. T ♦Norn.Sg.Masc. 255 a2. D Compound with ► tmii111-!jiik-wiilts and -puklyi. tmiik (adv.) 'just' L JWP 'just'.


    tmiik ,iii tmiik alu 'for me and for the others as well', tmiikk ats 'for sure indeed'. T ♦ 6 a2, 7 a5, 12 a4, bl, b6, 14 al!, 22 al, 23 b3, 24 a5, 25 a6, 35 b I, 44 b6, 65 a5, 66 a6, 67 b3, 69 b3, 77 al, b2, 79 al, 153 b3, b5, 168 a6, b3, 179.c a4!, a5, a6, 179.e al, 181 b4, 212 b2, b5, 232 a2, 261 a>b7, 263 b>a4, 267 + 268 b>a7, 273 al, 295 b4, 299 b6, 301 b2, 315+316 a3, 336 b5, 340 a5!, b I!, 341 a8, b5-6!, 368 a2, 375 bl, 383 b3, 395 b3, 396 a4, 429 b2, 430 b4, b6, 434 a3, 444 a5, 449 a I, YQ 11.2 a8, YQ II.4 bl!, b3, YQ 11.6 b2, YQ 11.13 a5, YQ II.14 b4, YQ III.I I b4, YQ Ill.12 a3, PK.NS. I a2 (bis), THT 1143 a2, THT 1568 al, THT 1593.a b3, THT 1972 a2. D Based on tiim, adverbial neuter of ► siim, slim, tiim, plus strengthening particle ► -(ii)k.


    See also ► tmiikyo-k and ► tiim-!j 11r111a!j. For fragmentary forms beginning with tmii-, see under ► siim, slim, tiim.

    tmiikyo-k (adv.) 'therefore, precisely indeed' T ♦243 b2, 247 al!, a4, b3, 303 b3, 340 b7, YQ II.6 a7, YQ III.8 a6. D Based on the adverb ► tmiik followed by the instrumental affix -yo plus the strengthening particle ► -(ii)k. Compare tiimyok, for which see ► tiimyo. R See Stumpf (1971 :59). tmiik-!jllrlllll!j hnii!j

    ► tiil11-!jllY111ll!j

    ► siim

    trak (adj.) 'blind' [B tiirrek] L POU 'caecus', TEB II 'blind'. F Norn.Sg.Masc. trak, Norn.Pl.Masc. tra/ie. T ♦Norn.Sg.Masc. 8 al; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 337 b8. D Issued from a compound with ► ak 'eye' as second member. R Analysis by Pinault (2020e:206-2 I 0). trmve111 (n.) 'fodder' (?) L POU'?', VTW 'Bed. unbek.'. F Norn./Obl.Sg. trawe1J1. T ♦Norn./Obl.Sg. 360 a5-6?, 433 b8. D Based on the loan via MI from Skt. dravya- 'substance, stuff (CD!AL:378b, No. 6625), with TA suffix -e1J1.

    223 R

    trank- (I) Corresponds to Skt. yava(sad) (adj.) 'eating grass, grazing, pasturing' (MW:847c) in 360 a5. In that case, it seems likely that trawe111 matches Skt. yavasa- 'grass, fodder, pasturage' (MW:847c).

    tras (n., masc.) 'gravel, grit' (Skt. sarkara-) L POU 'glarea', TEB II 'Kies, Geroll'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tras, Instr.Pl. trasasyo. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 461 a5; ♦ Instr.Pl. 322 b2?; ♦ fgm. 355 al?. R Corresponds to Skt. sarkara- 'gravel, grit, pebbles, shingle, gravelly mould or soil' (MW:1058b, BHSD:165a) in 461 a5. Cf. TB yare for the meaning. triilik (n., masc.) 'stump, stock' L POU'?' F Nom./Obl.Sg. tra1ik. T ♦Nom.Sg. 400 a6, a7. trlip- (trap-) (vb.) 'stumble' [B trapp-] L COU 'stockend', TEB II 'anstoBen, straucheln', TVS 'falter'. P (itr.) Prs. trapa-, Subj. trapa-*, PPrt. tata1pu*. F Prs.lV PPrs.MP trapma111. T ♦PPrs.MP 79 b3. trlibhe* (n., a.) 'speed'(?) F Jnstr.Sg. trabheyo. T ♦lnstr.Sg. 321 a4. D From Skt. drava- with wrong Sanskritization (CDIAL:379a, No. 6633). trliyu*

    ► klu-trliyu*

    trliska- (vb.) 'chew, gnaw' [B trask-] L POU 'arrodere, praerodere', TEB II 'kauen', TVS 'chew'. P (tr.) Subj. traska-, PPrt. tatriisku. F Subj.V Act. 3Sg. t,·aska.5-a111, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Fem. tatriiskus. T ♦ Subj.Act. 3Sg. 4 b4; ♦ PPrt Nom.Sg.Fem. 5 a I. tribik- (I) (vb.) 'say, utter' [B triiftk-] L POU 'dicere', TEB II 'sagen', TVS 'say, speak'. P I) (tr.) Prs. trank-0-, Jpf. crank-, Subj. weii-T-, Ipv. pet.n, peniis, Prt. weiia-, PPrt. wewiiu, 2) (caus.) Prs. weniis-T-. F I) Prs.I Act. I Sg. triilikam, 2Sg. triilikat, 3Sg. tra1ikii.5, IPL trankmas, 3PI. tra1ikiilc, trii1iki, Prs.MP 3Sg. trii1iktar,

    S T

    trii1iktrii, trii1iktar, tralitrci, trci,itcir, 3Pl. tra1ikiintrci, PPrs.Act. Gen.Sg. tra,ikcintap, Norn.Pl. triilikcintiiii, PPrs.MP trci1ikma111, Gdv. triilikcil, Inf. trcinktsi, !pf.Act. 2Sg. crmikii.51, 2Pl. crmikiis, 3PI. crmikiir, Subj.VII Act. !Sg. wefiam, 3Sg. we11ii.5, weii.y-iim, 3Pl. we1ie11c, Opt.Act. weiii.5, Gdv. weiiliiJJ1, Ipv.Act. 2Sg.peJJ1, 2Pl.peniis, Prt.V Act. !Sg. wefia, 2Sg. weiia,st, 3Sg. we, weiia-iii, we1ia-111, weniinn-anac, we,1Zi-m-anac, I Pl. weiiiimiis, 2PI. weiias, 3PI. weiiar, weiiara11111-a11ac, PPrt. wewnu, Norn.Pl.Masc. wew11u.5, Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. wewnunt, Abs. wew1iurii.y, 2) (caus.) Prs.VIII Gdv. wena.ylis. trii1ik,sii11111-anac 'he/she says to him'. ♦ I) Prs.Act. !Sg. 215 a6, YQ 1.6 b5, YQ Ill.4 a7, YQ 111.9 al; ♦2Sg. 10 b5, 78 al, 197 b5, YQ I.5 a6; ♦3Sg. 2 bl, 4 al, 7 a6bl!, 8 b3, b5, 9 bl, b3, 10 a4, a6, b4, 11 b4, b5, b6, 12 al, 13 a6, 16 b5, 19 b5, 20 a I, a5, b2, b4, 23 a6, 25 a3, 31 b5, 33 b5, 35 b2, 42 a5, 46 a4, 50 a3, 56 a5, 57 a3, b3, 58 b5, 60 a>b6, 64 b3, b4, 65 a6, b3, b5!, b6, 66 a5!, a6, 67 al, a2!, a4, a6, b5, 68 b6, 69 b2, 70 al, 71 al, a3, a6, 74 b2, b5, 75 a4?, bl, b6, 76 + 83 b3, b4, 77 a4, a5, 78 a6, bl, 79 bl, b3, b6?, 80 a>b3, 81 a3, 83 b3, b4, 84 bl, 85 a5, 90 b4, 91 a5, 93 a6, 102 a2, a5, bl, 106 a4, a6, b3, b4, 109 al, b2, 110 a6, 115 a3, b3, b4, 116 a2, 119 a6, 120 a4, a5, b2, 122 a2, 130 b6?, 131 b4?, 135 b3!, 144 b4, b6, 145 b3, b5, 147 al, b6?, 149 b6!, 150 al?, a3, 153 a2, b4, 157b5?, 159a3, 160a6!, 162b3, 163 a3!, 164b4, 170a6, 171 b5, 176b2, 184 b4, I 85 b2, I 86 b4!, 188 a2, 196 a5, 200 b3, 212 a7, 214 a4, a5, a6, a7, 215 a5, a6?, b3!, b4!, b5, 216 b>a2-3!, 253 a8, b8, 256 a3, a7, 258 a7, 260 al, 261 a>bl!, a>b6, 264 a3, 265 a6, b I?, 267 + 268 b>a3, 269 + 290 b>a2!, b>a6!, a>b2, 273 a3!, b7, 274 a4, 275 b8, 278 bl, 282 a4, 283 b6, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a6!, 288 a7, a8!, b3l, b5!, b6l, 291 a2, 293 a2, 294 bl, 299 b7, b8, 301 b7, 304 a5!, a6, a8, b4, 305 b3, 313 a7, b4, 317 b2?, b4, 318 +319 a2, b3, b7, 326 a6, b I!, b2!, b5, 327 al, a2, 330 all, 332 a6, 333 a8, bl, 337 a2, 342 b>al, a>bl, a>b4, 343 al, 344 b2!, 345 al, 346 al, a2€ tra,ik, b3, 385 a3, 397 a2!, a7, b4, b5, 398 b4, 399 a3, a4!, a5, b2, b3, b6,


    trank399. IO a2!, 399.18 bl!, 400 a I!, 401 a3, 408.f a2!, 436 a3 (bis), 441 a4, b4, 444.d al!, 445 bl?, b2?, 446 b3, b7, YQ 1.1 a3!, a4, bl, YQ I.2 a6, b3, YQ I.3 a3, bl, YQ 1.4 bl, YQ I.5 a2, a5, a6 (bis), b2, YQ I.6 b5!, b6!, YQ 1.7 a2!, a3!, a4, a7, b2, YQ 1.8 a3!, b3, YQ I.9 b7, YQ I. 10 a5-6!, a8, YQ II.I al, a3, a7, a8!, bl!, bl, b2, YQ II.2 b2, b3 (bis), YQ II.3 a2, YQ II.4 a6, YQ 11.8 bl, b4, b5, YQ II.9 a5-6!, YQ II. I! al, a4, a6, a8, b7, YQ II.12 a5-6!, b6!, YQ II.13 a2, a4, a5, a6 (bis), b3, YQ II.15 a3, a4-5!, a5, YQ III.l al, a4, a5, a6, bl, b2, b4, YQ III.2 b7, YQ Ill.3 a3-4!, b56!, YQ IIl.4 al, a4, a6, b6, b8, YQ Ill.5 al, a2, a4, a8, b3, b6!, YQ III.6 a6, b6, YQ III.7 a6, b5, b7, YQ III.9 b3, YQ Ill.JO a3, a4, b4, YQ III.!! al, a7, a8, b2, YQ IIl.12 b4, b5, YQN.l b6, b7, YQ N.4 bl, THT 1137 b6, THT 1140 a2!, THT 1150 a3, b2, THT 2399 b5, IOL Toch.297 a2; ♦3Pl. (trankiiic) 7 b3, 8 b4-5!, 9 a2!, 15 al, 33 b4, 49 b6!, 64 a6, 71 a3, a4, 73 a5!, 74 a4, 75 al, 78 b2, 89 a5, 119 b5, b6!, 149 a3!, b4, b5, 169 b I, 178 b6!, 186 a4, 195 a6, 199 a6, 205 b4!, 254 a5, 257 a5!, 266 + 276 a>b6-7!, 277 b5, b6, b7, 282 a3, 300 al, b5, 329 b4, 334 b8, 341 b6-7!, 342 b>a4!, a>b2, 343 b3!, 353 bl, 401 b6, 439 a4, 448 a5, YQ 11.6 a3, YQ Il.7 b7, YQ II. I I a2-3!, YQ IIl.2 b7, YQ III.3 a5, b4, YQ III.4 b2-3!; (tranki) 15 a4, 169 al, 227/8 b7 (bis); ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. (trcinktcir) 115bl, 193a2, YQIII.9b1, YQIII.!0b5; (triinktrii) 289 b5, 346 a2!?, 366 a2!, a4, 368 a4, 384 a5, b3, b5, 385 b4, b5, 386 al, a2, a3, a4, b2, YQ II. I I a8, YQ III.6 a 1-2!, YQ III.8 b3, b4, b5!, b5, b6, b8!, YQ IIl.9 a I!, a6; (trcinktar) 368 b I; (trcifztrci) 49 b I, 103 al, 124 b4; (trcintcir) 96 a6; ♦3Pl. 24 b I?, 117 a2; ♦PPrs.Act. Gen.Sg. 417 b4; ♦Norn.Pl. 422 b3; ♦ PPrs.MP 95 b6, 111 b6, 253 b7, 322 a2; ♦ Gdv. 358 b2€ trakal, 407 al?, 414 al, a2, a5, bl, b2, 416 b3!, 417 al, a2, PK.NS.3 b4!; ♦ Inf. 56 al, a4, 71 bl, 79 b6, 100 a4, 147 a5, 166 a5, 275 b5, b7, 400 b3, YQ I.5 a7; ♦!pf.Act. 2Sg. 99 a5; ♦2Pl. 5 b3, 239 b6; ♦3Pl. 320 a I, YQ III.2 b6; ♦Subj.Act. !Sg. 218 a5, YQ 1.8 b4, YQ Il.2 a5; ♦3Sg. (weiiii.y) 71 b2, 223 b6, 230 a2, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b7!; (weii.y-ii1J1) 95 b2; ♦3Pl. 288 al, a4, 309 a3!, 332 b9 (ter), YQ I.7 b8;

    ♦ Opt.Act. 458 b3; ♦ Gdv. 197 b3; ♦ lpv.Act. 2Sg. 19 b6, 20 a5 (bis), 76 + 83 b3 (bis), 79 b2, 113 a4, 131 a5, 299 b8, 346 b4, 355 b2, 361 a3, 432 a2; ♦2Pl. 71 al, a2?; ♦Prt.Act. !Sg. 94 b3, 220 b2, 340 b6, 396 b2?, YQN.I b7; ♦2Sg.65b4, 75a4,81 a5, a6, 145 b5, 288 a7!, b5, 300 b3?, 446 b6, YQ I. I a7!, YQ 1.6 b8, YQ IIJ.4 a6, YQ III.1 I a6!; ♦3Sg. (we) 47 a3, 62 b4, 95 bl,b5, l02al,a3, 113a4, 118b3,b4,217 b3, b6, b7, 218 a3, 219 b3, 233 b5, 284 al, 291 a2, 299 a7, 302 b5, 332 a3, a8, b2, b7, 333 b2, 340 a4!, 341 a6, a8 (bis), 379 a4, 395 al, 405 b3 pukk alko(nt pFiintwi)s yiirm we puk knanma,n 'the omniscient told the limit of all other merits', 408.g a5, 431 a6, 432 a4, a6, YQ I.8 a4, YQ I.9 al, YQ II.l a6; (we12iJ-iii) 340 b6!; (weiiiJ-171) 340 b5, 341 a3, YQ IIl.4 a4; (weiiiJ-nnanac) 95 b4, 113 a4, 313 a5 weiiiJnn«an»ac; (weiiiJmm-anac) 269 + 290 b>a3!, 436 b6 weii11am 0 ; ♦ !Pl. 300 b3!; ♦2Pl. 13 b !; ♦3Pl. (weniJr) 46 a3, 63 a5, 97 b4, 98 b5, 103 a4, 154 a5!, b4!, 214 a6, 311 b4, 340 a9, 341 a3!, b7, YQ II.I bl, YQ II.9 b7; (we12ar-ii11111-anac) 95 a5!; ♦ PPrt. 3 a2, 6 b4!, 62 b4!, 99 b5, 231 a4 (bis), 251 b8!, 252 b8!, 333 a6, 371 a5, 387 bl, b2, 388 al, 397 a7, a9, 422 bl!; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 397 a5; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 17 b6, 38 b4, 150 a3, 116 b3, 251 b3, 252 b3, 306 a3!, 351 a6!, a7; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 96 bl, 122 b4; ♦Abs. 14 b6, 20 al, 25 a6, 59 b6, 67 b6, 209 a2!, 215 b2, 231 a4, 257 a5, 267 + 268 b>a7!, 433 a5!, a8, YQ I.5 a4, YQ I.4 b3, YQ II.2 a8, YQ II.3 a4, YQ II. 15 b6; ♦2) Gdv.I 65 a6 cu weniislis mosann ats 'only for the sake of making you speak'. D In 346 a2, triitik is an error due to the omission of the final ak~ara of triirikii.y, attested in the same manuscript, see SSS:441-442. In 95 a2, revised segmentation, compared to the edition in TS:55. Cf. ► weiilune.

    triifik- (2) (vb.) 'cling, stick to' [B trerik-]



    POU 'adhaerescere', TEB II 'haften', VTW 'Gv. haften, K. haften machen, (an)heften', TVS 'cling, stick, adhere'. 1) (tr.Mtant.) Prs. tra,iks-T-, Subj. trafzk0-ltriifzkn-T-, Prt. crank-*, PPrt. tatriifzku, 2) (caus.) PPrt. cacrcifzku.

    225 F

    trikI) Prs. VIII MP 2Sg. tra1ika.5tar, 3Sg. tra1ika,1·tar, PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg.Masc. trankyant, Inf. trariksT, Subj.I MP tranktar, Subj.VII Gdv. tra1ikiial, Prt.Ill MP 3Sg. tranksat, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. tattra1iku, Nom.Sg.Fem. tatrarikus, Norn.Pl.Masc. tattra1ik110, Obi.Pl.Masc. tatri:inkuncas, 2) PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. cacranku.

    ♦ I) Prs.MP 2Sg. 82 a6!, 143 a4; ♦ 3Sg. 232 b6, 413 b3; ♦ Inf. 343 a5; ♦ Subj.MP 115 bl, 193 a2, YQ III.9 bl, YQ III.10 b5; ♦ Gdv. 144 b2; ♦Prt.MP 3Sg. 90 a4; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 454 + 456 b3, PK.NS.I a3; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 30 b3!; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 226 a2, a5; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 254 a2!; ♦2) PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 222 a7. R See TB trenk-!A tra1ik- in TVS:674-675. In 419 b2, the actual form is ► triilik!janffk* (Chamot-Rooke, p.c.), based on the PPrs.Act. tra1ik5ant*, cf. ► spiirk!jantik*.


    trii,iklune (n., a.) 'sticking' [Cf. B tre,ika{J L VTW 'Haften'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tra1iklune, Instr.Sg. trankluneyo, Perl.Sg. trankluneya. T ♦Nom.Sg. 325 b6; ♦ Obl.Sg. 247 bl, 375 b4, YQ I.4 a8; ♦ lnstr.Sg. SHT 4438v.d; ♦Perl.Sg. 200 a2, 284 b7, 300 b6!; ♦fgm. 155 a2?. D Derived from ► trii,ik- (2). -trii1iklune!ji

    R The mutilated forms trasa 0 , which are quoted in SSS:443 and POU: 132, rather belong to the noun ► tras, which may be cognate with this root. tri(-)

    na.5 arkiso) 0i nii trank~·antT(k).

    triis- (vb.) 'grind, crush'(?) L POU'?', VTW 'vie!!. betoren', TVS'?'.


    Prs.VIII MP triissantra.


    ♦ Prs.MP

    3Pl. 155 a3.


    trik- (vb.) 'be confused, faint' [B trik-] L POU 'perplexum esse, errare, peccare', TVS 'be confused, faint', I) TEB II 'verfehlen', 2) TEB II 'in die Irre gehen, verwint sein', 3) TEB II 'verwirren'. P I) (tr.) Prs. triks-T-, Prt. trik-sa-, PPrt. tatriku, 2) (detr.) Prs. trika-, Subj. trekaltrika-*, Prt. trika-ltreka-*, PPrt. triko, 3) (fact.) Prs. trikas-T-, Subj. trikas-T-, PPrt. caccrTku.


    I) Prs.Vlll Act. !Sg. triksam, 3PI. triksenc, PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg.Masc. trikyant, Prt.III Act. I Sg. trTkii, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. tatriku, Norn.Pl.Masc. tatriku,~, 2) Prs.111 MP 3Sg. trikatar, PPrs.Act. Obi.Pl.Masc. trikantas, Gdv. trikal, Subj.V Act. treka.ya1.n, Prt.I Act. 3Sg. trik, trTka-111, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. triko, Norn.Pl.Masc. triko,~, 3) Prs.VIII PPrs.MP Norn.Pl.Fem. trikasmGIJI, Inf. trikassi, Prt.11 PPrt. caccrTku.


    ♦ I) Prs.Act. !Sg. 160 a5; ♦3Pl. 55 b3, 227/8 b5; ♦ PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg.Masc. 80 a>b4; ♦ Prt.Act. I Sg. 295 a4; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 312 b8!, 463 b2; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 405 a3!; ♦2) Prs.MP 3Sg. 102 a4; ♦PPrs.Act. Obi.Pl.Masc. 220 b6!; ♦ Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 271 a6; ♦ Subj.Act. 152 a2; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. (trik) 56 a4, 77 b2, 221 al; (trTka-111) 222 bl!; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 134 bl; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 55 bl-2!, 226 a6, 318 + 319 b6, 395 a4;

    ► s11e-trii1ikl1111e!ji

    trii1ik!jantfk* (adj.) 'causing attachment' (Skt. 0 nayin-) F Nom.Sg.Masc. trank5antTk. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 419 b2!. D Based on the derivative of the PPrs.Act. of ► tribik- (2). Cf. ► spiirk.yantik*, ►ypantik*. On the lacuna, the ak~ara following ti is compatible with -k R Restitution according to Chamot-Rooke (p.c. ). The full translation of Udv. 29.53b, m·,:ia nasti hi lokanayinT 'there is no desire (lit. thirst), (which is) the one leading the world' would be (yoke ma

    ► tre,

    tri-asa111khe!ji (adj.) 'consisting of three Asarpkhyeyas' [Cf. B ta,ya-asa111khyai.y0e] L POU 'tres magnos numeros habens', TEB JI 'aus drei Asarpkhyeyas bestehend'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. tri-asa111khe.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. tri-asa,_nkhe,~i1J1. S tri-asa111khe0 i 0 tare 'the effort of three mega-eras'. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 305 b6, YQ Il.14 a4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 243 a4. D Compound of ► tri- and ► asm11klte, plus suffix of appurtenance.


    triku ♦ 3) PPrs.MP Norn.Pl.Fem.312 b3!; ♦Inf. 6 bl, 136 a6; ♦ PP1t. 220 b4. R For a different organization of the paradigm, see TVS:669-670. For the Pit.Act. I Sg. trfkz7, cf. Schmidt - Winter (1992:54) and TVS:669. The context of 271 (THT 904) does not support the notion of a substantive trikal 'intoxicating drink', which would be cognate with TB trike/ye, according to VTW ('ein berauschendes Getrank'). The line can be restored as follows: yiitluneyo mii trikal 'one should not be confused by the ability'.

    triku (n., masc.) 'screeching bird'

    L F T

    D R

    JWP 'deviating(?)'. Nom.Sg. triku. ♦Nom.Sg. YQ N.3 a6 siilpmii1J1 murlisyo mriicw11 yiimni.y-1ii triku 'an owl would penetrate into my head with burning pipes'. Distantly related to ► trisk- ( < *trik-sk-). Noun referring to kind of owl or vampire which torments some human in a hell scene. Cognate with Gk. mpi~ 'owl', Lat. strix, gen. sg. strigis 'screech-owl', and Gk. i:pisw (i:piy-) 'buzz, gnash, squeak', etc.

    tri-ciwarikune (n., masc.sg.) 'possession of three gannents' [Cf. B trfcfwar, traiczwarf ka1_nne11111tse]


    POU 'tres vestes habere', VTW 'Besitztum von drei Gewandern'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tri-ciwarikune. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 374 a9. D Abstract based on the loan from Skt. tricfvarika-, cf. Skt. traicfvarika-, 'possessing the tricfvara-, the 3 vestments of a Buddhist monk' (MW:458b, 462a). tri-,iemi (n., a.) 'the three gems' (Buddha, the Law, the Sarpgha) [Cf. B tat)'a naumyenta] (Skt. triratna-)

    L F


    POU 'trinitas gemmarum, tres gemmae', TEB II 'Juwelendreiheit'. Nom./Obl.Sg. tri-nemi, Gen.Sg. trinemyis, Loc.Sg. tri-nemya111, Norn.Pl. tri1iemintu, Loe.Pl. tri-11emintwa111. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 337 b7, 411 b4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 260 b5!; ♦LoZ.sg. 345 a2; ♦Norn.Pl. 294 a7, 370 b4; ♦Loe.Pl. 288 a2.


    Compound of ► tri- and ► iienli. Calque from Skt. tri-ratna- 'the three gems: Buddha, the law, and the monkish brotherhood' (MW:460a).

    tri-1iemintwii# (adj.) 'of the three gems'

    L F T D

    VTW 'aus drei Edelstein(a1ten) bestehend'. Nom./Obl.Sg. tri-nemintwii.yi. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 407 bl?. Adjective based on the compound of ► tri- and the plural of ► 1ie11zi, plus suffix of appurtenance.

    trit (ord. )1) 'third', 2) 'for the third time' [B trite]

    L F T


    POU 'tertius', TEB II 'dritter', JWP 'third, for the third time'. Nom.Sg.Masc. trit, Obl.Sg.Masc. trica111, Loc.Sg.Masc. tricnwn. ♦ !) Nom.Sg.Masc. 2 b6, 3 a5, 11 b6, 12 bl-2!, 64 a2!, b6, 65 a2, a3, 263 a>b6, 307 a4, THT 1130 b3; ♦2) Nom.Sg.Masc. YQ JII.2 a4, YQ 111.3 b7; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 18 bl!, bl, b3, b6, 65 a5, 78 a4, 183 a2, 394 bl, 397 b3, b4, THT 1476.b al, THT 1527.a bl; ♦Loc.Sg.Masc. 397 a4. The adverbial usage is based on an inherited neuter sg. form, see Winter (1992: 136), Pinault (2006b:74-75).

    tritas (adv.) 'for the third time' [Cf. B tritesa]

    L . POU 'te1tium', TEB II 'zum dritten Mal'. T ♦432 a3, a8. D Adverb based on the adverb ► trit, enlarged with ablative affix. tri-tmii111 (num., masc./fem.) '30,000' F Nom./Obl.Sg. tri-tmii171.

    T D


    Compound with

    178 a4, 255 a6, 295 b2. ► tri, ► tma111.

    tri-t11u1111-pii1i-wiilts (num., masc./fem.) '35,000' F Nom./Obl. tri-tmiif!1-paii-walts.

    T D

    ♦Nom./Obl. 255 a4. Compound with ► tri,

    ► tmiitfl, ► piiti,

    ► wiilts.

    trityo 'for the third time' [Cf. B. tritesa]

    L T D

    VTW 'zum dritten Mal'. ♦YQ III.7 b2. Adverb based on the adverb ► trit, enlarged with instrumental affix.

    227 tri-dhiit* (n., a.) 'the three parts' L POU 'tres radices', VTW 'die drei Dhatus'. F Instr.Pl. tri-dhataq1tuyo. T ♦ Instr.Pl. 405 al?. D From Skt. tridhiitu- 'consisting of 3 pa11s, triple, threefold' (MW:458c). tri-piir* (n., masc.) 'the three baskets' (corpus of canonical texts) L COU 'Korbe'. F Obi.Pl. tri-paras. T ♦Obi.Pl. 222 b I iiklu ysomo tri-paras 'having learnt entirely the three baskets'. D Loan via MI from Skt. tri-pifa- 'the Buddhist canon', lit. 'the three baskets' (BHS D:258b ), with pita= pi/aka- 'basket', in the sense of 'collection or literary works' (BHSD:344b). tri-pi/ak (n., a.) 'the three baskets or collections of sacred writings' L POU 'tres corbes', VTW 'Dreikorb, Tripitaka'. F Nom./Obl.Pl. tri-pifakantu, tri-pifantu. T ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. (tri-pifantu) 334 a2!; ♦ Obi.Pl. (tri-pifakantu) 339 bl, 351 a4!; (tripifantu) 336 a7. D Loan from Skt. tripifaka- 'the three baskets or collections of sacred writings' (MW:459b); 'the three baskets, the Buddhist canon' (BHSD:258a); alternatively from tripita- 'idem' (BHSD:258a). R The form tripifantu can be due to simplification of tripi.takantu. However, it may be influenced by Ml tripita- as equivalent to tripitaka-, cf. PED:457b and BHSD:258a. See also ► tri-piir*. tripifak-!jiima111* (n., masc.) 'a monk expert in the canon' L POU 'monachus, qui, tres corbes noscit', POU 'ein Monch, der das Tripitaka kennt'. F Perl.Sg. tripitak-.1iimnii-k. T ♦ Perl.Sg. 337 a3 (with strengthening particle) .5·0111 tripitak-.yiimnii-k 'by a single monk versed in the canon indeed'. D Compound of ► tri-pi/ak and ► !jii11za111. See also Skt. tripitaka- '(a monk or nun) who knowns the three baskets' (BHSD:258a).


    Interpretation after SSS:241 (§373.a).


    ► tri-pi/ak


    ► triw-

    tri-pra~·ta!ji* (adj.) 'consisting of three periods' L POU 'tria tempora habens', VTW 'aus drei Zeiten bestehend'. F Obi.Pl.Fem. tri-prafjtac;iniis. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 411 a3€. D Compound of ► tri- and ► pra!jt, plus suffix of appurtenance. tri-lkwiir (adv.) 'three times' L (tri-lkwar) POU 'tertium', TEB II 'dreimal', (-lkwar) POU 'Germ. '-ma!', Fr. '-fois', Boh. '-knit", TEB II 'Mal'. F tri-lkwar, tri-lykar. T ♦ (tri-lkwar) 222 b3 ka.1/i penu pattii1.niikat tri-lkwar nunak iiltsiit-a111 'also, the teacher the Lord Buddha kept him back again three times'; (tri-lykar) PK.NS.509 a2, PK.NS. I 070 a 1. D Compound with ► tri- and a noun cognate with TB lyakur, pl. lykwanva. R For translation, see Schmidt ( 1974:50050 I). Cf. also B tmya lykwanva 'three times'. The two attestations of tri-lykar are already quoted by Bernhard ( 1958:210). triw- (vb.) I) (itr.) 'be mixed, shaken', 2) (tr.) 'mix, shake' [B triw-] L POU 'miscere', TEB II 'sich vermischen', VTW 'Gv. s. vermischen K. mischen', TVS 'be mixed, shaken' (itr.). P I) (tr.) Prs. triw-T-, Subj. triwii-, PPrt. triwo, 2) (caus.) Prs. triwas-T-, PPrt. tatriwu. F I) Prs.lll MP 3Pl. triwantra, PPrs.MP triwamii111, Subj.V Act. 3Pl. triweiici (for triweiic-ci), Prt.l PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. triwo, Norn.Pl.Masc. triwo.1, Nom.Sg.Fem. triwos, Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. triwont, Abs. trTwora.y, 2) Gdv. triwa~·al, Prt.II PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. tatriwu, Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. tattripunt. T ♦ I) Prs.MP 3Pl. THT 1134 b3; ♦ PPrs.MP 257 a8; ♦ Subj.Act. 3Pl. 378 a4l; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 64 bl, 103 a5; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 63 bl; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 58 al?, 436 b3; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 171 al; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 318 + 319 a6; ♦Abs. 229


    tri-wakna b4; ♦2) Gdv. PK.NS.2 a3; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 423 b I; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. 455 a4!. tri-wiiknil (adv.) 'in three ways' [B taryay(a)kne] L POU 'tribus modis', TEB II 'auf dreifache Art (Weise), dreifach'. T ♦ 64 a2, b5, 65 a3, a5, 218 a7, 236 a7, 297 a3!, 315 b4!, 318 + 319 b5, b5!, 336 a7, 338 b4!?, 345 bl, bl!, 357 a3, a4, 371 bl (bis), 432 bl!, b5. D Compound of ► tri- and ► wkiirp, plus perlative affix. R The lemma ;[t]a-wakna of POU:63, based on 371 bl has been interpreted as a scribal error ( cf. COU) and merged with this lemma. tri-wiilts (num., masc./fem.) '3,000' L JWP '3,000'. F Nom./Obl. tri-walts. T ♦Norn/Obi. YQ II. I a4. D Compound of ► tri- and ► wiilts. tri-wiiltse111 (adj.) 'three thousandfold' [Cf. B tmyyaltse, taraltse] L POU 'ter millesimus', TEB II 'dreitausendfach'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tri-waltser11. S tri-waltser11 arkiso0i 'the three thousandfold world' (Skt. trisahasro lokadhatub). T ♦Nom.Sg. 249 a2, 314 b I; ♦Obl.Sg. 258 a5!, 287 + 259 a>b2!, YQ II.14 b4. D Derived from ► tri-wiilts. tri-wsiil* (n., masc.sg.) 'set of three robes' [Cf. B tmya-wassi] L POU 'tres vestes', VTW 'Gewanderdreiheit'. F Abl.Sg. tri-wsala.J. T ♦ Abl.Sg. 352 b2. D Compound of ► tri- and ► wsiil. Calque of Skt. tri-c"ivara- 'the three garments of a Buddhist monk' (MW:257b). tri-wsiilum (adj.) 'having three robes' L POU 'tres vestes habens', VTW 'drei Gewander habend'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. tri-wsalum. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 374 a6. D Compound of ► tri- and ► wsill, plus possessive suffix. trisiik* (adj.) 'trembling, rattling'(?) L POU'?', VTW 'blutunterlaufen'.

    F T

    D R

    Obi.Pl.Masc. triskiis, Norn.Pl.Fem. tri.~km11. ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 356 b2 triskas kantwasyo 'with rattling tongues', ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 375 a2. Possibly related to ► trisk-. This adjective refers to a characteristic of the speech or tongues of two frightened boys in 356 b2 (Visvantara-jataka). The reading triskm11 in 375 a2 in TS:208 is not certain.

    trifol (n., masc.) 'trident' L POU 'tridens', JWP 'trident'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. trisul, Norn.Pl. trisuli. T ♦Nom.Sg. 295 a3, 356 a2!; ♦Norn.Pl. 264 al!. D Loan from Skt. trisiila- 'trident' (MW:461a). R The form trisuli has been restored by Siegling in his personal copy of TS: 137. trislune (n., a.) 'misconduct, confusion' [B trisalne] L VTW 'Verfehlung, Vergehen, Verwirrung'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. trislune, Nom./Obl.Pl. trislunentu. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 80 a>b5, 230 b5, 264 al?, 270 b2!, 300 b4, 349 a4, THT 1377.c a3; ♦ Obi.Pl. 353 b6. D Derived from ► trik-. R In 353 b6 (conclusion of the PrMoSu), trislunentu translates Skt. vi.Jamani 'odd things', see Schmidt ( 1989:78, I 06). trisk-(vb.) I) 'sound, boom', 2) 'let boom' [B trisk-] L POU 'sonare, strepere', TEB II 'drohnen', VTW 'Gv. drohnen K. drohnen machen', TVS 'sound, boom'. P I) (itr.) Prs. triskas-T-, !pf. tris/c.~a-, 2) (caus.) triskas-. F I) (itr.) Prs.VI!l Act. 3Sg. triskci.J, 3Pl. trisksenc, !pf.Act. 3Pl. trisk0arr, 2) (caus.) Prs.VIII PPrs.MP triskasma11111, Prt.11 Act. 3Sg. tatrisak. T ♦ I) Prs.Act. 3Sg. 253 b3; ♦3Pl. 184 a4?, THT I 189.b a2; ♦!pf.Act. 3PI. 320 b2; ♦2) PPrs.MP 16 bl; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. 257 a7, 312 bS-6!.

    229 R

    tresara1Jagam * For the interpretation of the paradigm, cf. TVS:671-672, referring to Hackstein (1995:101-102).

    trmik (n., a.) 'cave, cavity' [B trOJik, Pl. trmikanma] L POU 'pars interior; cavum', TEB II 'Hohle'. F Obl.Sg. trunk, All.Sg. trunkac, Loc.Sg. trunkaq1. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 340 b4!; ♦All.Sg. 164 a2; ♦Loc.Sg. 27 b4?, 49 b3, 115 a4, 235 a6. R TB trOJik has alternating gender, cf. Pl. tratikanma (ADAMS:341 ).

    tr111ikiits (adj.) 'hollow' [B tro1iktse] L F T D

    POU 'cavus', TEB II 'hohl'. Nom.Sg.Masc. trwikats. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 94 a6, 220 a5?. Derived from ► tr111ik.

    trus- (vb.) 'rip, tear to pieces' [B trus-] L P F T

    TEB II 'zerreif3en', TVS 'tear to pieces'. (fact.) Prt. tatrusii-. Prt.11 Act. 3Sg. tatriisii-q1. ♦Prt.Act. 3Sg. 340 b4.

    tre, tri (num.)'three' [B trai (masc.), tarya (fem.)] L POU 'tres', TEB II 'drei'. F Nom./Obl.Masc. tre, Instr.Masc. treyo, Nom./Obl.Fem. tri, lly. T ♦Nom./Obl.Masc. 18 a4, 114 b4, 255 b6, b7, 366 b2, 367 b2, 372 a>b3, 392 b3, PK.NS.5 al!, b3; ♦Instr.Masc. 67 b3 treyo man is krorr oki 'like the crescent of the moon by three phases', YQ 11.13 b5 treyo nwasm11 mann oki 'like the three-day-old moon'; ♦Nom./Obl.Fem. (tri) 18 al, 47 b4, 75 b3, 79 b5, I 18 b5, 120 a4, 178 a4, 218 b4, b5, 221 al, 222 bl, b3, 243 a4, bl, b3, 247 a2, 249 a2, 255 a4, a6, 261 b>a7, 305 b4, b6, 317 a3, 3 I 8 + 319 b5, 320 a2, 334 a3, 338 b4, 35 I a4, 383 a2, 399. IO b2, 414 a4, 432 bl, b2, YQ I.10 a3, YQ II.9 al, YQ 11.12 b3 (bis), YQ 11!.3 b8, THT 1140 bl;(lly)62a4,391 b2. D See also ► tri-asa111khe!Ji, ► tri-ilpily!Ji*, ► tri-ciwarikune, ► tri-1iemi, ► tri1iemintwil!ji, ► tri-dlzl'ltii111t11*, ► tripiiriis, ► tri-pifak, ► tri-pifak-!jilmnilk, ► tri-pra!jta!ji*, ► tri-lkwiir, ► tri-wiikn,1, ► tri-wiilts, ► tri-wiiltse111, ► tri-wsill*, ► tri-wsillum. Bound form ta1yiiin ► siik-tiiryil-pi and ► wiki-tiiryil-pint.

    trusk- (vb.) 'bind, yoke' [B trusk-] L POU '?', SSS '?'. F T R

    Prs.VII Act. 3Pl. trusa1ikeiic-a111. ♦ Prs.Act. 3Pl. 98 al. A verbal root sank- is listed in SSS:477 as possibly underlying sa1ikeiica111 in 98 a I. According to TVS:937 the reading is highly uncertain. The correct interpretation is an occurrence of the expected nasal in fixed present of the root trusk- (B trusk-), see ► trusko.


    treke (n., masc.) 'confusion' [B traike] L


    trusko (n., masc.) 'draught animal' (Skt. dhaureya-, Pa. dhorayha-) L POU'?'. F Nom.Sg. tursko. T ♦Nom.Sg. 361 a9 (tsra.J!Ju)ne.~i skm!1 tiir tursko iii 'and the beast of burden of energy is my draught animal'. D Derived from ► trusk-, equivalent of B /rusk- 'bind' (Pinault 2002a:314). More likely than a phrase turs-ko 'ox of the yoke' (Schmidt l 987b:295). R The word is attested in a translation of the Sa111yukta-iigama (see Enomoto 1997:97), which corresponds to Pa. (SN I: 172, Sn: 14) viriyam me dhuradhorayhm11 'energy is my beast of burden'.

    The Instr.Masc. treyo is used in a phrase referring to the waxing crescent of the moon.

    T D

    POU 'perturbatio, confusio', TEB II 'Verwirrung', VTW 'Ve1wirrung, Verblendung'. Nom./Obl.Sg. treke, Gen.Sg. trekeyis, Instr.Sg. trekeyo. ♦Obl.Sg. 60 b>a6; ♦Gen.Sg. 71 b3; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 226 a6. Action noun from ► trik-.

    treke111 (adj.) 'confused' L F T D

    POU 'perturbatus, confusus', VTW 'verwirrt, verblendet'. Nom.Sg.Masc. treke1J1. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 152 b5. Based on ► treke.

    tresara{zagam* (n., masc.) 'the three-fold refuge' L POU 'refugium apud Buddham', VTW 'die dreifache Zuflucht'.


    tresal* F T D

    Nom./Obl.Sg. tresara1wgam, Obi.Pl. tresaraiwgamas. ♦Obl.Sg. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a2!; ♦Obi.Pl. 299 al. Loan from Skt. sarwwgamana- via adaptation as if from saraiwgam* and prefixation of ► tre, tri 'three', corresponding to Skt. traivacika-.

    tresiil* (n., masc.) 'a house with three halls' [Cf. Bsal] L POU 'domus cum tribus cubiculis', TEB II 'Haus mit drei Hallen'. F Norn.Pl. tresiilyi, trdiilyf, Obi.Pl. tresalas, Gen.Pl. tresiilassi, Loe.Pl. tresiilsa111. T ♦Norn.Pl. (tresiilyi) 301 a3!; (tre:,'iilyf) 193 b2; ♦Obi.Pl. 136 a2?; ♦Gen.Pl. 174 b3!; ♦Loe.Pl. 253 b3. D Loan from Skt. trisiila- 'a house with 3 halls' (MW:460c) via replacement of the first member by ► tre, tri 'three'. R Judging from the photograph (THT 826), the safe reading is tresiilyf, not tresiil.51 (as per TS:96) in 193 b2. This noun belongs to a standard lists of buildings in the plural. traidhtituk I) (subst.), 2) (adj.), I) (masc.sg.) I) 'the three worlds', 2) 'of the three worlds' [B traidhatuk] L TEB II 'traidhatuka, die aus drei Spharen (kama, rupa, arupa) bestehende Welt', JWP 'world of the three spheres'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. traidhiituk. T ♦ I) Obl.Sg. 2 a0!, 249 a2, 254 b4!, b6, 261 b>a7 YQ 11.12 b3; ♦2) Obl.Sg.Masc. I b6, 267 + 268 a>bl !, YQ 1.2 a7. D From Skt. traidhiituka- 'the 3 worlds' (MW:462b). traivacik (adj.) 'effected by three pronouncements' L POU '(Ser.) traivacika', JWP 'effected by three pronouncements', POU 'in drei Worten bestehend'. F Obl.Sg. traivacik. T ♦Obl.Sg. 269 + 290 a>b6, YQ II. I 4 a8, YQ 11.15 a7. D From Skt. traiviicika- 'drei(maliges) Sprechen' (SWTF Il:410b).

    traMdye* (adj.) 'knowing the three-fold knowledge' [B traividye] L TEB II 'traividya, das dreifache Wissen besitzcnd'. F Nom.Pl. traividyeii. T ♦Nom.Pl. 260 b3. D From Skt. Skt. traividya- 'mit den drei Veden vertraut' (SWTF 11:410). f1J1-lipliy~i* (adj.) 'of the three bad incarnations' [Cf. B /a,y-iipiiynta] L POU 'tres amissiones habens'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. try-iipiiy.5if!1. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 303 b3 t1y-iipiiy.5il11 klopa.5 'from the suffering of the three bad incarnations'. D Compound with ► tri- and ► iipiiy*, plus suffix of appurtenance. tliilune* (n., a.) 'raising' L VTW 'Aufl1eben, Ertragen '. F Instr.Sg. tliiluneyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. YQ II.I a23 ! tsar tlii(luneyo) 'through raising the hand'. D Derived from ► tiilii-. tlii.f (adv.) 'upwards' S tlas kata- 'to spread upwards'. T ♦318 + 319 a4 t!as tont kna:j-am 'it spreads up the [adornments] put on them', THT 3333 b2 llltlas knantr-a,_n : 'the disperse ... for him/her'. D Related to ► tiilii-, probably originally an abstract. R For the translation and derivation, see Fellner-Malzahn (2015:63-68, 74-75). tlentw!l* (n., masc.) 'wheelrim, felloe' (Uigh. \vi qydyq 'Radkranz') L POU 'nomen rotae partis cuiusdam', VTW 'Speiche'. F Instr.Pl. tlentunii:,yo. T ♦ Instr.Pl. 267 + 268 a>b4!, a>b6, 305 al. D The word is certainly based on a collective, because the rim of a wheel is composed of joints. R Uighur parallel (Tekin 1980, I: 131, 2:22). See Schmidt ( I 994b:28 I). The semantic match is TB yerter. As for the Uighur parallel, see Tekin ( 1980, I: 131 and note, 2:29a, !Ola). twantmtz (n., masc.) 'reverence' L COU 'Verehrung', JWP 'reverently'.


    F S T

    D R

    t~ak-wakna Nom./Obl.Sg. twanta111, twa17111laf!1, lnstr.Sg. twanta111yo. twantaqz yam- 'do reverence', apat twanta111 'rightward reverence'. ♦ Obl.Sg. (twantaf!I) 24 a6, 279 b2, YQ Il.2 b I; (twaf!111lm11) 279 b2; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 403 b>a2. From Khot. tva171dan11, tva171dana 'reverently' (BAILEY: 145a). As for the notion, see Skt. pradak5i1w- n. 'turning the right side towards, circumambulation from left to right of a person or object', as a token of respect (MW:679b). Further discussion by Pinault (2002b:249-252); see also Dragoni (2021: 105-106). See also ► iipat.

    twii1ika-(vb.) 'wear, don' [B twa,ik-]

    D R

    twe (n., masc.) 'dust' [B tweye] (Skt. rajas-)

    L F S T

    atra) L POU 'hie, hoc, loco', TEB II 'hier'. F t.5a111, t.yan-ak. T ♦ (t.5a111) 4 b5€, 7 b6, 15 al, 50 a6, 62 bl, 66 a6, 71 a4, 81 a6, 86 a5, 91 a6, 129 b6!, 211 b6, 254 a2!, 263 a>b8, 269 + 290 b>a8!, 272 a7, 309 a2, 326 b3, b7, 345 a2, 353 b2, 354 b4, 401 a2, 421 a2, 457 al, YQ 1.3 b4, YQ 1.5 bl, b8, YQ 1.8 a5, YQ 111.5 b2, b3, YQ Ill. IO b5, PK.NS. I a3, THT 1382.h a3, THT 159 l.h b2; (t.yanak) 332 b8, 449 a3. D Loc.Sg. of ta.y, neuter of ► siis, siis, tii5. R See Stumpf ( 1971: 105- I 06).

    COU 'umbinden, zwangen', TEB II 'einzwangen', TVS 'wear, don'. p (itr.) Prs. twanka-, PPrt. tatwa,iku. F Subj.V MP 3Sg. twa1ikatr, Prt.I PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. tatwatiku, Obl.Sg.Masc. tatwankunt. T ♦ Subj.MP 3Sg. 182 a3; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 74 b3?, 138 a6; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ 11.9 b4. R Discussion of the meaning in TVS:675676. twiis-, twii- (vb.) 'burn' [B twas-]

    P F



    COU 'anziinden, gliihen', TEB II 'anziinden', TVS 'burn'. Prs. tu-s-T-, Subj. twas-, Prt. twas-. Prs.Vlll Act. 2Sg. tu,5t, 3Pl. tusefzc-a111, Subj.V Opt.Act. 3Sg. twasi.5, Abstr. ► twas lune, Pit.I PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. tatwsu, Norn.Pl.Masc. tatwsu._5, Nom.Sg.Fem. tatwsus. ♦ Prs.Act. 2Sg. 92 a5; ♦3Pl. 28 a5; ♦ Opt.Act. 191 b5; ♦PPrt. Norn.Pl.Masc. 340 a2!; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 191 bl. See TVS:676-677.

    twashme (n., a.) 'burning'

    L F T D

    VTW 'Brennen'. Obl.Sg. twaslune. ♦ Obl.Sg. 75 a6. Abstract based on the subjunctive stem of ► twiis-, hVll-.

    twasl1111e5i* (adj.) 'of burning'

    F T

    Nom./Obl.Sg. twa.ylune,,i. ♦ Obl.Sg. SHT 104lr2 twa/unei pra.5ta 'at the time of burning'.

    POU 'pulvis', TEB II 'Staub'. Obl.Sg. twe. tor twe 'mist [and] dust' (cf. TB taur tweye 'idem'). ♦ Obl.Sg. 218 a4 sne twe, 391 a6.

    f!jlll!l (adv.) 'here, in this world' (Skt. asmin,



    Derived from ► twaslune. See discussion by Peyrot (2014: 139). The actual form is twa.5lu11e.yi which entails two scribal mistakes concerning sibilants. Peyrot dismisses the restauration of ritwaslunesi. One cannot exclude some inf1u~nce ~f the abstract twa.5.yalne*, base on the subjunctive transitive stem B twa.y,,a- 'kindle'.

    tsa (adv.) 'here' 0

    L T D R

    POU 'hie, hoc, loco', TEB II 'hier'. ♦ 98 a4, 278 b2, 357 a2 (ter), 411 b2, YQ II.I al, THT 1411.b a3. Perl.Sg. of ta.5, neuter of ► siis, siis, tii5. See Stumpf(l971:106).

    t!jiik (adv.) 'thus, with regard to that, on that

    account' S t.yak skaf!I 'with regard to this also'. T ♦253 b8, 347 al. D Based on the Obl.Sg. of the pronoun ta,1·, neuter of ► siis, siis, tii!j, plus strengthening particle ► -(ii)k. R The phrase I.yak ska1J1 is probably a calque ofSkt. tad api. t5iik-wiiknii (adv.) 'in this way precisely'

    T D R

    ♦ 195 a5. Compound adverb with ► t5iik and the Perl.Sg. of ► wkiitfl. Compare ► tiimne-wiiknii.

    TH Thiiliyii1/ltsi (N, fem.) name or title of a Uighur lady T ♦Nom.Sg. MG! b2. D Compound name or title of Chinese origin. See also ► Nii1t1tsi*.


    For the interpretation, see Pinault (2007a:352).

    D dak!jbfl (n., fem.) 'offering, gift' L COU 'Gabe', VTW 'Opferlohn, Darbringung, Gabe'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. dak.5i171. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT 2227 a4?; ♦Obl.Sg. 274 b5 bramniissi dak.5i111 wawurii.y 'after having given the present to the Brahmins'. D Loan from Skt. dak.yil.zii- 'gift, present', especially 'the fee or present to the officiating priest' (MW:465b); I) 'Lohn, Dank (ftir ein Geschenk, fiir eine gute Tat', 2) 'Darbringung, Gabe' (SWTF Jl:416). dak!ji(ziipat!ji (adj.) 'belonging to the southern region' L VTW 'aus der siidl. Gegend stammend'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. dak.yi1Jiipat.5i. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. YQ I.7 a6. D Derived from ► Dak!fitziipath, with alternative Tocharian spelling of the aspirate dental stop. Dak!ji(ziipath (LN, masc.) 'Deccan, southern region oflndia' [B dak.yi1Jiipat] (Uigh. dksanapt, dksanpt) L JWP 'Deccan', VTW 'die siidl. Gegend, Dekkan'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. dak.5i(1iipath, All.Sg. dak.5i1Jiipathac, Abl.Sg. dak$i1Jiipathii~·, Loc.Sg. dak.yi1Jiipatha,71. S dak.5h1iipath kiilymeya,11 'in the direction of the south'. T ♦Obl.Sg. 212 b2, YQ II.4 a8, YQ II.12 b7; ♦All.Sg. 288 a8!, YQ 11.15 bl!; ♦Abl.Sg. 288 b3!, YQ I.I a4!; YQ 11.9 a3; ♦ Loc.Sg. YQ I.I a7-8!, THT 1380.c bl!. D From Skt. Dak.yi1Jiipatha 'the southern region, Deccan' (MW:466a). dak!jinak (adj.) 'worthy of a gift, receiver of gifts' [B dak,si1:7ake] L POU 'honestus', TEB lI 'dak$il)Tya, der Spende wiirdig', JWP 'worthy ofa gift, receiver of gifts', TEB II 'der Spende wiirdig, einer Darbringung wert'.




    Nom.Sg. dak.yinak, dak$iuak, Norn.Pl. dak.5inaki, dak.yinakf, Obi.Pl. dak.yinakiis, Gen.Pl. dak.yinakiissi. ♦Nom.Sg. (dak.yinak) 257 a2, 280 b4, YQ III.9 a4, THT 1973 b2; (dak.5i1Jak) YQ N.4 a5; ♦Norn.Pl. (dak.yinaki) 295 b5!, YQ 1.4 a6-7!; (dak.yinakf) YQ III.I I b4; ♦ Obi.Pl. YQ 11!. l l b7; ♦Gen.PL 280 b4!, YQ 11.8 a6. Loan via Ml from Skt. dak.yiufya- 'worthy of veneration, wo1ihy of receiving a sacrificial or reverential (guru's) gift' (BHSD:26la), through Ml substitution of the suffix -aka- for -ika-, the latter being the Sanskritization of -iya-.

    dasake (adj.) 'consisting often' L VTW 'aus zehn bestehend, zehnteilig'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. dasake. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 371 a3. D Loan from Skt. dasaka- 'consisting often, having ten parts' (MW:472c); 'aus zehn bestehend' (SWTF 11:424). R In 371 a3, the phrase dasake sutrii may refer to well-known doctrinal works, such as Dasadharma-siitra (BHSD:262b ), Dasabala-szttra (BHSD:263a). Dasagrive (PN, masc.) name of a demon F Nom.Sg. dasagrive, Gen.Sg. dasagrives, All.Sg. dasagrivnac. T ♦Nom.Sg. 10 a3!, 11 a3; ♦Gen.Sg. 10 b3!, 11 al; ♦All.Sg. 10 a6. D From Skt. Dasagrfva 'n. ofa demon' (MW:47lc). Dasabal I) (N), 2) (PN), 3) (N, masc.) I) name of a siitra, 2) a male name, 3) name of a tune (stanza of8 x 14 syllables 7/7) L POU 'nomen metri 8xl4 syllabarum', VTW 'N. eines Metrums'. F I) and 2) Nom./Obl.Sg. dasabal, 3) Loc.Sg. dasabala,11. T ♦ !) Obl.Sg. PK.NS.2 bl siis dasabal sutris (na.y u)paciir 'this (is) the method of the Dasabala-siitra'; ♦2) Obl.Sg. SHT 519.5v6; ♦ 3) Loc.Sg. 25 bl, 213 b4!, 321 b5, 339 a7, YQ II.5 a8.


    Dasarathe* D


    Loan from Skt. dasabala- 'possessing ten powers' (MW:472a), epithet and synonym of any Buddha (BHSD:262b). Otherwise translated by TA ► skatampeyum, ► ska-tampe!ji, TB skamaiyya. For the occurrence of SHT 5 l 9.5v6, see Peyrot (2014: 135). On the Dasabalasiitra, see BHSD:263a.

    Daslirathe* (PN, masc.) Dasaratha, name of Rama's father L VTW 'N.pr. d. Vaters Ramas'. F Gen.Sg. daa'arathes. T ♦ Gen.Sg. 10 a4, 97 a4!?. D From Skt. Dasaratha 'n. of Rama's father' (MW:472a). diinapati (n., masc.) 'munificent man' L JWP 'munificent man', VTW 'Spender, Gabenherr'. F Nom.Sg. danapati. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ Ill. 11 b2. D From Skt. danapati- 'liberality-lord, munificent man' (MW:474a). diinaHil* (n., fem.) 'hall for almsgiving' L POU '(domus) donationis', VTW 'Almosenhalle'. F Nom.Pl. danasalan. T ♦Nom.Pl. 22 b4!?. D From Skt. dana.sala- 'hall for almsgiving' (MW:474b). R See also ► tlinasol*. Dimbure*


    Dfpmikare (PN, masc.) DTpai'lkara, name of a former Buddha L VTW 'N.pr. eines Buddha'. F Nom.Sg. dipmikare. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b4-5!. D From Skt. Dzpmrikara 'n. of one of the most celebrated of former Buddhas' (BHSD:265a); see Pali Dzpankara (DPPN I: 1087). Dfrghiiyu (PN, masc.) name of a prince L VTW 'eine Lange Lebenszeit habend'. F Nom.Sg. dirghayu. T ♦Nom.Sg. 127 b4. D Loan ofSkt. Dzrghayu (Pali Dzghavu), eldest son of king Ari111dama (BHSD:265b), identified with Rahula, son of the Buddha Sakyamuni (DPPN I: I 085).

    Durmati (PN, masc.) name of a king L VTW 'N.pr. eines Ministers'. F Nom.Sg. durmati. T ♦Nom.Sg. 437 al. D Loan from Skt. Durmati I) name of a king; 2) name of a son of Mara, unfavorable to the Bodhisattva (BHSD:267a). Dw;it


    du~-Pml (adj.uni.) 'wicked, grievously evil' L COU 'schlecht', VTW 'bose, schlecht'. T ♦371 b2 du.yfhul rakeytu 'evil words'. D From Skt. dusfhiila- 'wicked, grievously evil' (BHSD:267b), 'bose, schlecht' (SWTF II:467b). d11~kaciir~i (adj.) 'proper to ascetic life' L POU '(Ser.) dii$akacarya', VTW 'asketischer (Lebens )wandel'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. diiskacar.yi. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 217 a7! dzi.5kacars(i) klopm11 'in the suffering characteristic of ascetic life'. D Derived from dliskacar*, itself a Joan from Skt. duskaracarya- 'ascetic way oflife' (SSS:24, SWTF Il:465b). The Tocharian form misses one syllable of the Sanskrit source, which may be due to a false interpretation of the Sanskrit word, due to confusion with the adjective dii.yaka'sinful, wicked, impure' (MW:488c). Devatris* (LN, masc.) name of a city F Nom./Obl.Sg. devatris. T ♦Obl.Sg. I I 8 b I (deva)tris riym11 'in the city ofDevadrsa'. D Loan from Skt. Devadrsa-, name of the city ruled by the king Suprabuddha (see Gnoli 1977:33). R Restored by Siegling on his personal copy (TS:66), confirmed by Itkin - Malyshev (2021 :66). Devadattii* (PN, fem.) name of a princess F Abl.Sg. devadattanii;;;;. T ♦Abl.Sg. 115 b6. D From Skt. Devadatta, name of a courtesan (MW:493a). Devadatte (PN, masc.) Devadatta, name ofa cousin of Buddha [B Devadatte] (Skt. Devadatta-, Uigh. dy/Jd't) F Nom.Sg. devadatte, Abl.Sg. devadattenii.5.y.

    235 T

    DvipayafJ1 222 a7!, YQ N.2 + N.6 a8, b4; 72 a5. From Skt. Devadatta, name of a Sakyan, relative of the Buddha and inimical to him (BHSD:271a; DPPN I: I 106-1111). ♦Nom.Sg.




    devadatte,11* (N, masc.) name of a tune (20122110115 syllables 5/5/5/5, 8/7 /7, 5/5, 8/7) [B (Loe.) devadattenne] L TEB II 'Name eines Metrums'. F Loc.Sg. devadattena,71. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 29 a5-6!, 48 a4, 65 b I, 74 b2!, 75 a2, 97 b4-5!, 135 b3!?, 255 b7-8!, 282 b4€, 298 a6!, 433 a5!, YQ 1.8 a6, THT 1643.c a2, THT 1646.e a4. D Derivative based on the loan from Skt. devadatta- 'god-given', also name of several authors and characters (MW:493a). R See also the tune's name ► ~·a(jap­ devadatte,/1*· dewm;i* (n., masc.) sage of divine origin L POU 'divinus sanctus', VTW 'Rsi aus gottl. Geschlecht'. F Obl.Sg. devar.yil_n. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 308 b5. D From Skt. devar.yi- 'a Rishi, a saint of the celestial class' (MW:494b). deviivatara111 (n., masc.) 'descent from the gods' L POU 'divina incarnatio', TEB II 'Herabsteigen dcr Gotter'. F Obl.Sg. devavatarm?J. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 255 b4. D From Skt. devavatara,:,a- 'descent of the gods' (MW:495b), also name of the place where Buddha descended from the heaven of the Trayastrir11sa gods to earth by a supernatural ladder (BHSD:271 b, 589b). R Translation of the passage in CHREST:101-102, 108. dewase111 (PN, masc.) Devasena, name of a king of SravastT F Nom.Sg. dewase111. T ♦Nom.Sg. 355 b3. D From Skt. Devasena 'n. of a king of Sravasfi' (MW:495a). desit (n., masc.) 'confession' [B desit] (Uigh. tiiit) L POU 'confessio (peccatorum)' TEB I! 'desita, Beichte'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. desit.

    T D


    desit yam- 'confess' (Skt. defoyati), desit la:f- + iii 'may I obtain confession'. ♦Nom.Sg. 300 b4, 309 a5, 371 b4; ♦Obl.Sg. 80 a>b5, 371 b4. From Skt. desita- 'shown, directed, instructed' (MW:496c, SWTF II:495); equivalent ofSkt. desana- 'confession' (BHSD:271b). For the interpretation, see CHREST:316, 327, Meunier (2013: 153, 158-159).

    Drume (PN, masc.) Druma, name ofa prince [BDrume] L VTW 'N.pr. eines Konigs'. F Nom.Sg. drume. T ♦Nom.Sg. 97 a6. D From Skt. Druma 'n. of a prince of the Kimpuru~as' (MW:502b and BHSD:273a).

    Dropati* (PN, fem.) DraupadI, a divine princess F Obl.Sg. dropatiq1. T ♦Obl.Sg. 180 b3. D Via MI from Skt. Draupadl, female deity (BHSD:273b), also patronymic ofKr~l)a, epic heroine, the wife of the Pal)9ava brothers (MW:503b). dvip (n., a.) 'island, continent' [B dvTp] L POU 'insula', TEB II 'lnsel'. F Loc.Sg. dvipaq1, Obi.Pl. dvipiintu, Loe.Pl. dvipiintwm?J, Perl.Pl. dvipiintiva. T ♦ Loc.Sg. I b2, 299 b3; ♦ Obi.Pl. 283 b5; ♦ Loe.Pl. 13 b5, 307 b5; ♦ Perl.Pl. 21 a2, 130 a4. D From Skt. dvTpa- 'island, a division of the terrestrial world' (MW:507a), one of the four continents according to the Buddhist cosmography (BHSD:274b). R Alternatively translated by ►ype. See further ► Jambudvip. Dvipiiya,11 (PN, masc.) Dvipayana, name of a Brahmin ascetic F Nom.Sg. dvipayaqz. T ♦Nom.Sg. 97 b2. D Via Ml from Skt. DvTpayana (Pali Dfpayana), name of a Brahmin ascetic, whose story is told in the Ka11hadipayana-jataka (Jataka, No. 444); see DPPN 1:501-502.

    DH dhmii (adj.uni.) 'rich, wealthy' T ♦409 a4 dhani sre.yfhis (Obi.PL) 'wealthy heads of guilds'. D Loan from Skt. dhanya- 'bringing or bestowing wealth, opulent, rich' (MW:509a). dlumi I) n., 2) (adj.), I) masc. I) 'rich person', 2) 'possessing wealth' L COU 'Reicher', TEB II 'dhanin, reich'. F I) Norn.Pl. dhanin, 2) Obi.Pl. dhanis. T ♦ I) Norn.Pl.312 a6; ♦2) Obi.Pl. 15 b3, 80 b>a4!. D From Skt. dhanin- 'possessing wealth or treasures, wealthy, rich, well off (MW:509a), on the basis of Nom.Sg.Masc. dhanT. dhanike (n., masc.) 'rich man' [B dhanike] L JWP 'rich man', VTW 'Reicher(Mann)'. F Nom.Sg. dhanike, dhanzke. T ♦Nom.Sg. (dhanike) 215 a5!; (dhanTke) YQ I.6 b4. D Loan from Skt. dhanika- 'opulent, rich', masc. 'a rich man, owner, creditor' (MW:509a). dhanurved* (adj.) 'knowledgeable in archery' L COU 'bogenkundig'. F Norn.Pl.Masc. dhanurvediin. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 331 b8. D Loan via MI from Skt. dhanurvedin'versed in archery' (MW:509b). dhanunvic* (n., fem.) 'bow-science, archery' L VTW 'Bogenkunde'. F Loc.Sg. dhanunvicart1. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 78 b6?. D Loan via MI from Skt. dhanurvidyii-, 'bow-science, archery' (MW:509b), following Sieg's restoration (1952: 11, n. 17), which makes sense with the precedingpiifi wiiknii 'of five sorts'. However, Couvreur (I 954b:260) proposed to restore dhanu(rvediin 'skilled in archery', as in 331 b8. R Simplex ► wic.

    dhanyamii!j (n., masc.) 'a kind of bean, mung bean' [B dhanyamii0] L COU 'Dhanyama~a (Massbezeichnung)', CEToM 'mung bean'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. dhanyamii0 . T ♦Nom.Sg. PK.NS.2 a2. D From Skt. dhiinyamii.5a- 'a particular measure' (MW:514b); mii!)a- 'bean' (CDIAL:580b ). R For the translation 'a kind of bean', cf. the translation B 543 a3 · mii!)a · dhanyamii0ii!).Je · (cf. ADAMS:348). dharm* (n., masc.) 'virtue, morality, Dharma' L POU 'lex religiosa'. F Abl.Sg. dharmii.5. T ♦Abl.Sg. 311.a (=THT 945) b5 $Om dharmii0 litk(iilzmeya,_n) 'in a single distracting from the Law'. D From Skt. dharma- 'virtue, morality, religion, law' (MW:510c). See also ► tiirme. R In 31 I.a b5, the reading of TS: I 67 was mistaken. dharmaciikkiir (n., masc.) 'the wheel of the Law' [B dharmaciikkiir] L POU 'rota legis religiosae', VTW 'Rad d. Gesetzes'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. dharmaciikkiir. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 357 a2 saspiirtu dharmaciikkiir 'he made turn the wheel of the Law'. D Loan from Skt. dharma-cakra- 'the wheel of the law' (BHSD:277b). R This compound has been alternatively transposed by the phrase miirkampal$i wiirkiint, see ► wiirkiint. dharmatii1t1 (n., masc.) 'the gift of the (teaching of the) Law' L POU 'donum legis religiosae', VTW 'die Gabe/das Schenken d. Dharma [= das Lehren d. Dharma]'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. dharmatii111. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 370 b4. D Loan from Skt. dharma-diina- 'die Gabe, das Schenken des Dharma (d.h. das


    dhumaketu Lehren des Dharma)' (SWTF ll:525b), cf. Pa. dhammadiina- 'gift of the Dhamma' (PED:338b ).

    dharmariijik (N, fem.) 'edifice for the relics, sti1pa' L POU 'rex legis religiosae', VTW 'N. eines Sti1pa.' F Nom./Obl.Sg. dharmarajik, Norn.Pl. dharmarajikiiF1. T ♦Nom.Sg. 27 b2!, 49 bl, b3 ! trwika,71 piirtiir sarirntu tiimyo dha(rmariijik fiom) 'it contains relics in a cavity, therefore (it is) named a sti1pa', THT 1375.e a3; ♦Norn.Pl. 49 b6! kupre pat nu (ptiiiikte) sarirumii.5 wyari neiic puk cem dharma(rajikiiii triinkiintrii) 'and when the shrines are provided with the relics of a Buddha Lord, all these are called sti1pas'. D Loan from Skt. dharmariijikii- '(edifice) which belongs to (serves for the relics of) the king of the doctrine(= Buddha); a sti1pa' (BHSD: 281a), (SWTF Il:530a). R The restoration of an adjective dhar111ariijik5i* in several occurrences of A 49 (THT 682), as per CEToM (2013) was unnecessary and mistaken. Dharmavare (PN, masc.) name ofa king L VTW 'N. eines Konigs'. F Nom.Sg. dharmavare. T ♦Nom.Sg. 119 b2, 120 b3!. D Loan from Skt. dharma-vara-*, an epithet meaning lit. 'choosing the Law', with -vara- 'chooser' as second compound member (MW:922a), cf. the names Dharmakiima, Dharmacintin, Dhar mapiila (BHSD:277a, 278a, 280a), ete. dharmavrddlzi (n., fem.) 'prosperity of the Law' L POU 'legis religiosae successus', VTW 'reich an Tugenden', CEToM 'prosperity ofthe Law'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. dhannavrddhi. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 30 a3, 49 b6!?. D From Skt. dharma- 'law' (MW:510e) and vrddhi- 'growth, increase' (MW:101 lab), ef. dharmavardhana- 'increasing right or virtue' (MW:51 le).

    dhiitu* (n., a.) 'element, constituent, nature, disposition, sphere of the world' [B dhiitu] L POU 'radix, causa', TEB II 'Element, Sphiire'. F Nom.Sg. dhiitu, Nom./Obl.Pl. dhiituntu, Loe.Pl. dhiituntwa,71. T ♦ Obi.Pl. 103 a3; ♦ Loe.Pl. 218 b5, THT 1421.aal, YQN.4b3!?. D Loan from Skt. dhiitu-, with a wide range of meanings, 'element, constituent element', etc. (BHSD:282-284). See ► wanta-dlziitu, ► lespadlziitu, ► lokadhiitu. dlzithi* (n., fem.) 'fimmess' F Com.Sg. dhithyassiil. T ♦ Com.Sg. 356 a4!. D Loan via MI and wrong Sanskritization from Skt. dhrti- 'firmness, constancy, resolution' (MW:519c), cf. Pa. dhiti' energy, courage, stead fastness' (PED:341 b), one of the virtues of the Buddha, and of any Bodhisattva. R Hypothetical interpretation of the beginning of a sentence. This item has been registered as dhithya 0 (POU:189), of unknown meaning. The word cannot belong to genuine Tocharian in any case. dhutakul!ji (adj.) 'pertaining to the virtues of the purified man' L Couvreur ( 1956) 'zum Dhutagm)a gehorig', VTW 'einen asketischen, sorgfaltigen Lebenswandel betreffend'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. dhutakul:fi. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 374 a7 dhutakul!ii wkii~n 'the behavior pertaining to the austerities'. D Adjective derived from dhutakul*, loan via MI from Skt. dhutagw:zaor dhiitagu(ia- 'qualities or virtues of the purified man', a set of ascetic practices (BHSD:285b, 286a). dlmmaketu (n., a.) 'fire, comet, falling star' L VTW 'Feuer, Komet'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. dhwnaketu. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 396 a2, b3. D From Skt. dhiimaketu- 'having smoke as banner or sign, fire, comet or falling star' (MW:518a). R Simplex ► ketu.


    Dhrc.lhira~tre Dhrtfhirb2-3!, 307 b3, 312 a3!, 336 b2!, 339 a4, 345 al; (11ape11111assi) 150 a2; (napet(lssi) 64 a3-4!, 249 a4, 272 b5, 401 a5, YQ I.9 b5, YQ II.5 b2; ♦All.Pl. 68 a2, 258 a3, 299 a3, a5, a7, YQ II.3 a8; ♦Abl.Pl. 46 b5!; ♦ Loe.Pl. (11ape1r1sat.n) 62 bl, 168 b3, 261 a>b6!, 277 a7, 288 a6, 299 a3, 300 a7, 314 b8!, 336 b3?, YQ 11.13 a4, YQ ll.14 a6, YQ N.2 + N.6 a8; (napef!1san-ak) 298 a8!; ♦ Com.Pl. 264 b7!. nape1t1#, 1wwe1t1~i (adj.) 'human' L POU 'hominis, humanus', JWP 'ofa human being', VTW 'menschlich'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. nape1110i, Obl.Sg.Masc. nape111.yina!f1, Gen.Sg.Fem. nawe111,1·ine, Norn.Pl.Fem. nape111,~an, Obi.Pl.Fem. nape1.nyas, 11ape111~·inas. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 60 b>a5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 226 b7, 300 a8; ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 309 a6; ♦ Gen.Sg.Fem. 410 b4!; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 269 + 290 a>b I; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem.


    (11ape171.yas) 69 al!, 254 a6, YQ 1.2 a4, YQ 111.6 a3; (11ape111.yi11as) 14 b2, 229 a6, YQ 11.14 a6-7!. D Derived from ► nape111. 11am (n., masc.sg.) 'bowing, homage' L POU '(corporis) inclinato, reverentia', TEB II 'Verneigung', VTW 'Verneigung, Verbeugung'. F Obl.Sg. 11am. S 11am polo 'reverence [and] flattery'. T ♦Obl.Sg. I al. D From Skt. namas- 'bow, obeisance, reverential salutation, adoration' (MW:528a). namo (n., masc.sg.) 'veneration, homage, reverence' L JWP 'veneration, homage', VTW 'die Verehrung Buddhas'. F Nom.Sg. namo. S namo buddha 'reverence to the Buddha'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 214 b6 namo buddha wenlzme 'the saying «reverence to the Buddha!»', b6, 274 a3! (na)m(o) buddha rake 'idem', YQ I.9 b3!, YQ 11.2 al!, THT 1441.b a2!. D Quotation from Skt. phrase 'homage to the Buddha!', cf. namo buddhaya (SWTF III:8b ). naytu* (n., a.) 'a myriad' L POU 'magnus numerus', TEB II 'nayuta, Bezeichnung einer sehr l10hen Zahl'. F Instr.Pl. naytuntuyo. T ♦ Instr.Pl. 256 a8. D From Skt. nayuta- 'a myriad' (MW:523b). nar*

    ► na~·u

    nawak* (n., masc.) 'novice' [B nawake] L COU 'Novize, Navaka'. F Gen.Pl. nawakassi. T ♦ Gen.Pl. 338 b5. D From Skt. navaka- 'a novice' (MW:53la). nmve1t1 (n., masc.sg.) 'roar' [B newe] L POU 'mugitus', TEB II 'GebrUII'. F Obl.Sg. 11awe111. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 244 bl, 335 b9, YQ N.3 a5. D Based on *naw, the match of TB newe 'roaring'. Related to the root ► nu- (1).



    newe,,] POU 'mugiens', TEB II 'briillend', JWP 'roaring'. Obl.Sg.Fem. nawo111tsii111, nawontsii!Jz. ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. (nawo111tsii111) 3 l 3 a5; (nawontsii1J1) YQ II.I I a8. Derived from *naw, the mateh of TB newe. Related to the root ► 1111- (]).

    nmvo* (adj.) 'roaring' [B

    L F T D

    na!j ( n., mase.sg.) 'depreeation, defamation'

    L POU 'mala fama (f)', TEB II 'Uble Naehrede', JWP 'depreeation'. Nom./Obl.Sg. naJ. s na.y niikiim 'deprecation and blame', na.5... niik- 'to blame in a deprecative mood'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (na~·) YQ 1.3 b6, YQ III.3 a8. R Cf. Pinault (199lb:187-188 and 2006e:272-273). F

    T R

    [B ne!j(a)mye] F Nom./Obl.Sg. 11aJmi, na,1·.5111i. S niikiim na.ymi 'blame [and] deprecation' (cf. TB niiki ne.y(a)mye). T ♦Obl.Sg. (naJmi) 236 b7; (11a.5.5111i) 222 b3. D Related to ► na~·R Cf. Pinault (2006e:272-273).


    TEB II 'Freundschaft'. lnstr.Sg. na!jurfieyo. ♦ lnstr.Sg. 6 a4!. Abstract of ► na!Ju, parallel to ► yiislunie 'enmity'. Ghost word, recorded in TEB II: I 09. This has been restored by Thomas (TEB 11:20 and note 16) for a lacuna, but the remnants of letters at the beginning of line a5 as seen on the photograph (THT 639) are wholly incompatible with this assumption. See the alternative restoration in CHREST:255.

    IUl!jt (n., masc.) 'shell'

    L F

    VTW 'etwa Schale'. Nom./Obl.Sg. na.yt.

    nes-] (Skt. as-, bhii-) POU 'esse', TEB II 'sein'. I) (itr.) Prs. nas-T-/n- [lpf. .ye-] [Subj. tiika-, lpv. pii.5tiik, Prt. tiika-] PPrt. 11ii1J1tsu, 2) (eaus.) tiikii!f-. Prs.1+11 Aet. I Sg. nasam, 2Sg. na.5/, 3Sg. na.5, na.y-fii, nas-si ( < *na.y-ci), 11a.5ii111, na!j-am, nii-1.11, nii-111, I Pl. nasamiis, 2 PL nas, 3Pl. nefic, PPrs. 11asmii111, !pf.Act. I Sg . .5em, 2Sg. Jet, 3Sg . .5e!f, .ye:,'-si, .5e.yii1?1, IPL .yemiis, 3PI. ~-e,ic, .yeiic-ii111, $eFiciim, Subj. V Act. I Sg. tiim, 2Sg. tiit, tiitiim, 3Sg. tiis, tii!f-fii, tiis-si (< *tii~·-ci), tii!fii1?1, tii!j-am, I Pl. tiimiis, 2Pl. tiic, 3Pl. tiikefic, tiikeFic-iit?J, tiikefic-iim, tiike, tiikefii, tefic, te, Opt.I Sg. tiikim, 2Sg. tiikit, 3Sg. tiiki.y, tiiki.5-fii, tiikis-si, tiikis-iim, I PL tiikimiis, 3Pl. tiikific, tiiki, Gdv.11 Nom.Sg.Mase. nasal, Obl.Sg.Masc. naslii1.n, Gen.Sg.Masc. naslyiip, Norn.Pl.Masc. naslye, Obi.Pl.Masc. naslyes, Nom./Obl.PI.Fem. 11asla111, Ipv.l Act. 2Sg. pii.5tiik, 2Pl. pii$fiikiis, Prt.I Act. !Sg. tiikii, 2Sg. tiika!/t, 3Sg. tiik, !Pl. tiikmiis, 3Pl. tiikar, 3Du. tiikenes, PPrt. niintsu, 11ii111tsu, niitsu, Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. niintsunt, niiq1tsunt, Norn.Pl.Masc. niintsuJ, nii111tsu.y, Obi.Pl.Masc. 11ii111tsuiiciis, Perl.Pl.Masc. nii171tsuiicsii, Nom.Sg.Fem. nii111tsus, Obl.Sg.Fem. nii111tsusii111, Abs. nii1.11tsurii.5, 2) Gdv.l tiikii$iil, Gen.Sg.Masc. tiikii.5/is. ♦ I) Prs.Act. I Sg. 66 a5, 69 b4, 74 b2, 75 b6, 79 bl, 144 b2, 212 bl, 217 b6, 218 a8, b6, 233 b5, 253 b8, 269 + 290 b>a6-7!, 288 b6-7, 3 I 3 a5, 322 a4, 341 a3, a6, a8, 342 a>b4, 400 b2, 405 b I, 446 b5, YQ I. I

    nas- (vb.) 'be' [B

    L P


    tUl!jllriie* (n., a.) 'friendship'

    L F T D

    43 + 52 b4 kiiccape111 na.5t 'turtle's shell' (Chin. gutjid). For the interpretation of the text and identification of this word, see Pinault (20 I 5f: 158-172).

    na!jmi (n., masc.sg.) 'deprecation, slander'

    na.yu 1) (adj.), 2) (n.), 2) (mase.) 1) 'friendly',

    2) 'friend, companion' [B wa.yamo] (Skt. puru.ya ( as term of address) ) L I) POU 'amicus, familiaris', 2) POU 'amicus', TEB II 'Freund'. F Nom.Sg. na.5u, Perl.Sg. naJzmtii, Com.Sg. IW!jll/1/as.Wl, Norn.PL na.5u.y. T ♦Nom.Sg. 8 b6, 9 b4€; ♦ Perl.Sg. 393 b3; ♦ Com.Sg. 229 b4; ♦Norn.Pl. 222 al. R In 9 b4, one reads very clearly nar.yu instead of na!ju, but it is probably due to a scribal mistake, after the preceding word piilkiir. It should not lead to the restitution of a ghost word nar* as per Sieg (I 944: 12 n.12) and Hackstein (2003b:88), see Pinault (2008c:433-436).

    ♦ Obl.Sg.



    nasbl, YQ 1.6 b4, YQ 11.2 b3, YQ II.4 a7, YQ Il.14 a3, YQ 111.8 al-2!, YQ III. I I a4-5!, THT 1140 a2; ♦2Sg. 9 b4, 35 a4, 43 + 52 b4, 65 bl, 66 al, 69 b3-4!, 70 b4, 76 + 83 b2, 92 b2, b3, 97 b5, b6!, I 08 a4, 109 a2, 111 b2, 121 a6, 135 b2, 169 b3, 174 al?, 177 b2, 180 a3, 188 b2, 243 al, a3, 244 al, 245 b2, b4, 246 a3, 247 bl, 248 a2, bl, b4!, 249 a4, b2, b4, 253 b5!, 269 + 290 b>a7, b>a7!, 296 a4, 313 bl, 342 b>a4, 346 b3, 355 a3, 373 a7, 387 al, 429 a3, YQ 1.2 a8, YQ 1.4 b4, YQ 1.5 a7, a8, bl, YQ I.10 a8, b3, YQ 11.6 a5; ♦ 3Sg. (na.5) I a4, 2 a2, 4 a2, a4, b4, 7 b3, b4, b6, 11 bl, 14b3,32b6,40b2,41 a3,50a4, 66 b4, 67 a5, 71 a3 (bis), a4, 74 b I, 75 a6 (bis), b3, 78 al!, b3, b5?, 79 a2, 85 b2, 91 a6, 93 b3, 95 b2, 98 b2, 101 a5, 109 a2, 110 bl, 113 bl, 116 b6, I 19 b3, 120 a3, 125al, 129b6, 136a5, 144b5, 145b3, 158 b4, 168 a5, 169 b4, b5, 173 a5, 187 al, 201 b5, 215 a6, 218 b3, 229 bl, 236 b6, 246 al, 249 a3, 252 b8, 265 b4, 271 a3, 273 a6, b8, 283 b2, 287 + 259 a>b5!, 292 b3!, 300 b7, 321 al, 341 b5!, 343 a3, 359 a2, 375 a3, 398 a4, 419 a5, b4!, 421 a2, 447 a5!?, YQ 1.2 a3, YQ 1.8 b4, b6!, YQ II.I al, YQ II.12 a7, YQ III.I a2, YQ IIl.4 b3, b5, YQ III.10 a2, PK.NS.2 b2!; (na.5-ii111) 90 b5, 98 a4, I 06 b5, b6, 146 b5, PK.NS.2 b4; (na(i-am) 150 a5, 346 b2; (na.5-ni) 93 b3, 158 b4, 215 a6, YQ 1.6 b5; (nas-.fi) 359 a6!, YQ 1.5 bl, b4; (nii-1?1) 2 b5, 6 a3, 14 a6, bl, 55 a2, a3, 98 a4, 102 b6, 108bl, 141 b6, 176a3, 190b2,251 b2, 252 b2, 253 a2, 265 a8, 273 a7, 317 b7, 318 + 319 b6, 331 a8, 336 a5, 355 a2, 357 a3, 367 a3, a4 (bis), bl (bis), b2, b3, 375 b2 (bis), 384 al (bis), a2 (bis), b2, b4, 397 a4, b7, 446 a2, a3, 450 bl, YQ 1.3 a4, THT 1143 b4, THT 1417.c al, THT 1630.a b2?, THT 3367 a6; (nii-m) 10 a5, 14 al, 121 a2, 191 a4, 199 b5, 251 b7!, 252 b7, 263 b>a3, 318 + 319 a3, a5, 324 a4, 325 b7, 340 a6 (bis), 404 b2, 405 al, THT 1414.c b4, THT 1441.a b4, THT 1642.a al, THT 3753.a bl, YQ I.2 b2, YQ 11.3 b2, YQ III. IO a4; ♦ I Pl. 300 b2, 444.d b4!, YQ II.7 a7, YQ III.3 a7, YQ III.I I a4-5!, THT 1308.a bl; ♦2Pl. YQ II.6 bl, YQ Il.7 b2, YQ ll.11 a7, THT 1656 a2; ♦ 3Pl. 17 b2, 22 b I, 49 b6, 74 a2, 78 a2, 124 a5, 249 a I, 254 a6!, 288 b8,

    323 al, 332 b5!, b5, 448 b2, YQ 1.1 b3, YQ 1.5 b6, YQ 1.6 b2, YQ Ill.8 b2, THT 1308.a bl; ♦PPrs. 269 + 290 a>b3, 297 a5!, 327 a5, 360 a3, 371 b2, 397 a8, YQ 1.2 b7, YQ 1.9 a5; ♦ Ipt:Act. !Sg. 17 a2, 67 a5, 92 a6, 99 a4, 135 a6, 217 b4, 313 b4, b5, b6, b6!, b7, 340 b6, 436 a2 (bis), b5, YQ III.I I b7; ♦2Sg. 56 b4, 78 a5, 92 bl, 257 b3, YQ 1.5 bl, YQ IIl.4 b6, THT 2062 a2; ♦3Sg. ($e,5) 2 a3, 6 a4, 9 a4, 12 b5, 13 a2, 15 b4!, 16 b6 (bis), 17 al (bis), a2, I 8 b5, 19 a3 (bis), a4, 21 a2, a3, b6, 32 a2, 49 a4, 59 a5, 62 a5, 65 a6, 67 a2, 68 a5, 74 b3, 81 a4, 90 a2, 94 b4, 96 a3, 97 a6, b2, 100 b4, 102 b6, 107 b5, b6, I 10 b3, b4 (bis), 111 al, 112 b2, b5, 116 a4, 118 a5!, b3, 120 b3, b4, 123.a a6, 137 a4, 147 b2, 153 bl, 154 a3, 156 b2, 188 b6, 206 a3, 222 a5, a6, b2, b7, 223 b3, 224 a2, 236 bl, 239 a4, b3, 255 a3, a5, a7, a8, b I, 267 + 268 b>a4, 274 b8, 289 a4, 300 b5, 305 b6, 307 a2!, a3!, a5, a6, 314 a7, a8!, 317 a3, 332 b3, 337 a4, 339 b4, 341 a2, a2!, b2, 347 a3, a4, 353 b2, b3, 354 a3, 387 a2, 413 al, 433 a2, 439 b4, 442 a4, 450 b2, 451 b2, YQ ll.3 b7, YQ IIl.2 a5, YQ IIl.3 b5, YQ I[[.7 a8-bl!, b2, THT 1145 a4, THT 1378.e bl, THT 1412.k a4, THT 1531 a2, IOL Toch.287 al; (.5e.~si) PK.NS. I b4; ($e(i-GIJZ) 80 b>a4, 296 a3, 313 al, THT 1429.e b2, THT 2064 b2; ♦ !Pl. 21 a4!, 78 b3, THT 1331.b b5; ♦ 3Pl. ($enc) 101 b3, 112 a4, 115 b5, 116 a3!, 129 a3, 169 b4, 222 al, 226 a2, 273 b6!, a5, 287 + 259 b>a5!, b>a5 (bis), b>a6, 301 a2, 310 a2, 312 b8, 315 + 316 al!, 320 a5, 332 a9, b2, 337 al, 405 a3, 436 b2, 447 b5, YQ 1.6 a7, THT 1134 al, THT 1380.i a3, THT 1476.a a3; (,venca,_n) 19 a5, 164 b5, 398 a3, 402 a2, 403 a>b4!; ($enc-am) 2 a4; ♦ Subj.Act. !Sg. 41 b3, 67 b2, 227/8 al (bis), a5, b3, 230 a4, bl, b4, 257 a2, 347 a2, 371 a4, a5 (bis), b2, b3; ♦2Sg. (tiit) 25 a6, 258 a7, YQ 1.5 a8, YQ I.6 a5; (tiit-iim) 108 a4; ♦3Sg. (tii$) 5 al, a2, a4, 6 a5, a6, 9 a5, 10 bl, 12 b3, 14 a4, 15 a3, 18 a4, 20 al, 21 b4, 35 b3, b4!, 39 a3, a5, 59 b6, 61 al, 65 b4, b5, 74 a4, b5, b6, 78 a4, a6, 88 b5?, 90 b6, 93 a6, b5, 94 a3, 96 a4, b6, 99 b4, 104 b3, 106 a4, 108 a4!, 111 a6, l 15 a6, 117 b3, 123 b5, 124 al, a3, b5, 125 b4, 130 b5, 131 a4, 146 a5, 147 a2, 148 al, 149 a5,


    nas150a2,a4, 152a2, 154a2, !55a5, 159 b3, 160 b4, 171 b4, 177 b5, 180 b2, 181 a4, 212 al!, 214 a6, 218 b3, 226 b5, b6 (bis), 227/8 a3!, 230 a5, 240 a6, 256 a8 (bis), bl (bis), 258 a5!, 275 a5, 279 b7, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b5!, 289 b5, 302 al, 312 al, 315 + 316 b5, 317 a2, 336 a7, 339 a8, 352 bl!, b4, 354 b6, 368 b2, b3, 385 a4, 386 a5, 402 b7, 427 al, 429 b5, b6, 432 a2, 442 b6, 459 b3, YQ 1.3 b4, YQ II.I b2, YQ 11.3 b8, YQ 11.12 b2, YQ 11.14 a5, YQ III.4 a5, YQ fll.7 a4 (bis), YQ III. IO b3, YQ IIl.12 a8, PK.NS.2 a3!, b3!; (tii}·-iii) 371 b4, b5; (tiis-si) 21 b3, 79 a5, 81 a3, 113 a4, 180 a5, 214 a3, 349 a5, 432 b2, YQ 111.6 b7; (tii.y-ii1.n) 5 a3, 429 b7, PK.NS.2 bl; (tii!fiim) 103 bl, 266 + 276 a>b5, 332 al; ♦ I PL 78 b3; ♦2Pl. 10 b5, 142 b4?; ♦3PI. (tiikeiic) 18 a5, a6, a6!, 21 b2? tiike(Fzci), 47 a4!, 60 b>a3, 65 al, 78 a2, 125a3, l50a2,a4,221 b2,230bl?, 256 a8, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b8, 318 + 319 a4,323 bl?, 330 a4, a5,339 a7, 340 a9, 378 a2, 400 a6, 409 bl, 411 b4, 444.d b2, YQ II.13 b2!, YQ III. I 0 b5; (tiikenc-ii111) 213 bl, 390 bl, YQ 11.5 a6!; (tiikeiic-iim) 410 al, a3, a4!; (tiike) 226 b2, b3!, 227/8 b3; (tiike-ni) 66 a3, 215 a6; (tenc) 226 al, 229 b3; (te) 229 b3; ♦ Opt.lSg. 24 b6, 61 b4, 118 a5, 429 al, THT 1559 a2; ♦2Sg. 333 bl; ♦3Sg. (tiiki$) 6 bl-2!, 10 a4, 23 a4, 25 al, 59 a6, 65 b5!, 83 a4, 148 b4, 166 a6, 227/8 a4, b7, 230 b7, 251 al, b7!, 254 b3, 261 b>a8!, 264 a3!, 295a5!,313 bl!, 354 b2, 360 al 3,387 a4, YQ 1.2 a8, YQ 1.4 b8, YQ IL l 2 b4, YQ III.3 b4; (tiiki$11i) 85 a I, 118 a6, 230 b4, 250 a2, YQ N.3 a8; (tiikis-si) 207 al; (tiiki:j-iilll) 127 b2, 300 b4, 350 b3; ♦ 1PL 349 b3, b5, THT 1524 al; ♦3Pl. (tiikinc) 253 a2, 313 a8, 335 a4, 346 a3, THT 1152 al!; (tiiki) 25 a3?,67b2, 171 a3,230b6,251 b7,334 b9; ♦ fgm. (tiik·) 147 al, 217 bl, 225 b5, 451 a2; ♦ Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 15 b4, 21 a3, 100 b4, 180 a4, 206 a3, 347 a4, 355 a3 (bis), 387 a2, 436 b5, 446 a4, YQ 1.10 b3, YQ II.IO a2, YQ III.10 bl; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (naslii1?1) 25 b3, 252 b6, 334 b8 (bis), YQ 11.8 al; ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 137 a5; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 21 a3!, 116 a4, 180 al!, 299 a4 (bis); ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 217

    a7; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. 265 a4!, 314 a2; ♦ lpv.Act. 2Sg. 117 b5, 149 b4, 221 a2, 393 a2?; ♦2Pl. 335 a7; ♦ Prt.Act. !Sg. 7 bl, 263 a>b5, 429 a4, 463 b2, YQ II. I a4; ♦2Sg. 132 a4, 355 al, 372 a>b4, 429 a3?; ♦ 3Sg. 7 a6, b5, b6, 8 a2, b5, 9 a3, bl, 25 b2, b3, 31 al, a2, 59 a2, 63 bl, b6 (bis), 67 a3, 68 a3, 69 a5, bl, 77 a3, 80 b>a5, 81 b5, 97 a4, a5, 102 al, 118 a2, b2 (bis), 119 b5, 120 bl, 129 bl, 130 a6, bl, 221 bl, 230 al, 278 a8, 312 b7, 315 + 316 a4!, a5!, b6, b7, 317 a4, 333 a6, 335 al, 336 al, a6, a8, a9, b2, b6, 341 a8, 383 a3, 438 b3, 443 a4, 453 a5, THT 1141 b2, YQ 1.2 b4, YQ 1.9 b3, YQ II.14 b4, YQ 11.15 a4, YQ III.I b6, YQ !11.12 a3; (tiika1ii) 67 a4, 230 a3; (tiikam) 2 a6!, 129 b3?, 349 a3; (tiika1J1) 62 a4, 118 b2, 430 a5, 435 b3; (tiikiiqz) 332 b4?; ♦ IPL 344 a3; ♦3Pl. 13 a3, 48 b6, 59 al, 97 a2, 101 a4, 112 a6, 147 al!, 312 a3, 314 b3, b3!, b4!, b5, b6, b7!, b8, 315 + 316 b4, 340 b3!, b8!, 383 b2, 395 b4-5, YQ !11.2; (tiikarii111) 24 a3, 67 b3, 90 a5, b I, I 18 a3, a4; ( tiikar-iim) 2 a5; ♦ 3 Du. (tiikenes) 3 54 a6; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. (niintsu) 57 a4, 61 a2, a6!, 64 b3, 71 a3, 94 b4, 112 a3, 155 a2, 312 b8, 333 b2, b3, 342 a>bl, 398 bl!, 444.d b3; (niiq1tsu) 2 a6, 4 a3, 5 a2, 8 b3, b5, 21 al!, b3, 22 bl!, 24 a4, 35 al!, a4, 65 a2!, 76 + 83 a6!, 91 al, 98 a5, 108 b4, 119 b3, 144 b6, 147 a4!, 154 b3, 155 b3, 171 bl, 253 b4, 254 b8, 256 a2, a7, 258 b2, 264 a4, b5, 269 + 290 a>b2!, 273 a4!, a5, 275 b6!, 286 a3, 289 b7!, 346 al, 347 a2 (bis), 384 b5 (bis), 385 al, a3, a4 nii111ttsu, b2, 386 al, 387 a2, bl (bis), 388 bl (bis), 389 a3, bl, 390 a4, 394 b4, 399.25 bl, 401 al, YQ 1.4 a7, YQ II.3 a5, YQ II.13 a3-4!, YQ II.14 a8, YQ III.6 a2; (niitsu) 3 a2, 384 b2, 386 b4, 398 a5, YQ II.I a6, YQ 11.2 a4, YQ ll.15 a5; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem.

    (niintsunt) 166 b4, 200 bl, 334 a2!, 375 a4, 462 a4; (nii111tsunt) 13 b3-4!, 14 b4!, b4, 36 bl-2!, 73 a2, 147 b4, 152 a5, 200 a6, 248 a4, 249 a2, a4, 307 a2, 391 a4, 394 b2, YQ 11.7 a6, YQ III.3 b4; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. (niintsu.y) 57 bl, 60 a>b2, 75 b2, 114 a4, 209 a4, 254 a5!, 300 b6, 314 a6, 317 bl, 332 a2, a3; (niintszt!J) 340 a5; (nii111tsny) 9 b6, 23 b5, 34 a6, 42 b5, 63 a4!, 64 a6!, 75 al, 77 b6, 149 a6, 187


    D R

    nakb6!, 257 a4, 273 b6!, 278 a5!, 288 b2, YQ I.I a2, YQ II.2 b5, YQ II.I I a2, b8, YQ III.3 a2, YQ III.IO b6; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 114 b2; ♦ Perl.Pl.Masc. 353 a5-6; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 56 b2, 153 a2!, a6, 154 a3, 156 b4, 279 a5, 299 b7, YQ 111.7 b4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 129 a6; ♦Abs. 17 a3, 219 b5?, 258 a6, 354 b4; ♦2) Gdv.I I 03 a3. Cf. ► naslune. See Burlak Itkin (2009) for the forms nas-am nas-am and n-am. See Itkin K~rits.;na (2017:68) for the restoration of THT 1308.a. As for 78 b3, the reading tiimas (I Pl. Subj.Act.) has been noted by Siegling on his personal copy, and his confinned by the photograph (THT 711 ). As for the Perl.Pl.Masc. of the PPrt., niif!1tsuficsa, translating Skt. bhfitaib in 353 a5-6, see Schmidt ( 1989:74, I 06). On the restitution of nasla111 ... wa.ytu in 265 a4, see Pinault (1993: 146).

    nasiim* (n., masc.) 'existing' L POU 'existentia'. F Abt.Pl. nasmsa.y. T ♦Abl.Pl. 147 a2. D Derived from ► nas-. R This form occurs just before masksas which is the Abl.Pl. of ► masiik 'connection, junction'. However, the form nasma}· cannot belong to a parallel action noun of the productive type nakam 'blame', wakam 'difference', because those feature a Nom./Obl.Pl. in -ant : nakmant, wakmant, so the expected form would be *nasmanta.y. This discrepancy has been noted (SSS:4, §4a). The notion of a syllabic reduction metri causa would not explain the -s- before the ablative affix. Therefore, it may be suggested that nasam (alternatively nasam) was instead an agent noun of the type campam (TB campamo ). The expected oblique plural was *nasmaficas, and one may conceive that the ablative *nasmaficsa.y could be simplified also metri causa as *nasmaiisa0 > nasmsaJ·. As a last alternative, one may assume a masculine formation of action noun in -m(-),

    Norn.Pl. -ma,i or -mi, Obi.Pl. -mas or -mas.

    nasl1111e (n., a.) 'being, becoming, existence' F Nom./Obl.Sg. naslune, All.Sg. nasluneyac, Abl.Sg. nasluneyas, Loc.Sg. nasl1111eya111, Perl.Sg. nasluneya. S pakar naslune 'becoming revealed'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 54 b2!, 61 b5, 94 a6, 148 b5!, 353 b4, 386 b5, 387 b2; ♦ Obl.Sg. 57 a4, 141 b6, 289 b2, 385 bl, YQ 1.7 a2, YQ 111.3 a7, YQ JII.9 al; ♦ All.Sg. 148 b4!, 430 a2!; ♦Abl.Sg. 144 b3; ♦ Loc.Sg. 151 al!, a6, 386 a3, THT I 133 a3; ♦ Perl.Sg. 7 a2, 76 + 83 bl. D Abstract derived from ► nas-, cf. ► nasltmeyum, ► naslune!fi. R In 430 a2, the spelling naslune (in the restored form nasluneyac) is probably due to the mistaken repetition of the ak~ara written in the preceding noun warpiyanak. nasl1111ey11m (adj.) 'provided with existence' F Nom.Sg.Masc. nasluneyum. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 400 b2. D Derived from ► naslune. naslune!fi* (adj.) 'of an existence' F Obl.Sg.Masc. naslune.yi, naslune.yit11, Gen.Sg.Masc. naslune,~iniip. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. (naslune.yi) 265 b6!; (naslune.yit11) 152 al, THT 2390 a2; ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 387 b3. D Derived from ► naslune. nlik- (vb.) 'blame, reprimand, reproach' [B nak-] L POU 'reprehendere, vituperare', TEB II 'tadeln', TVS 'blame, reprimad, reproach'. P (tr.Mtant) Prs. naks-T-, !pf. niik.ya-, Subj. niikii-T-, Prt. niik(sii-), PPrt. nanku. F Prs.VIII MP 3Sg. niika,~tar, naka,~tra, PPrs.Act. nak,wnt, PPrs.MP nakasmiif!Z, !pf.MP 3Sg. niikJ·iit, Subj.VII MP 2Sg. niikaiitiir, 3Sg. niikiifitar, 3Pl. niikfiantra, Gdv. niikiilye, Prt.III MP I Pl. niiksiimat, PPrt. Nom.Sg. niinku, Obl.Sg. niinkunt. T ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. 232 b4; (niika.ytrii) YQ lll.3 a5!; ♦ PPrs.Act. 353 b3; ♦PPrs.MP 77 b4; ♦ !pf.MP 3Sg. 28 a5; ♦ Subj.MP 2Sg. 106 b2!; ♦ 3Sg. YQ lll.3 a8; ♦3Pl. 85 a2; ♦ Gdv. 42 b5; ♦ Prt.MP Nom.Sg. 300 b3; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 111 a6!;


    nakam ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 354 b2 iilu niinkunt kucne 'that which is blamed by others'.

    niikiim (n., a.) 'blame, guilt, sin' [B niiki] (Skt. do.ya-, Uigh. miin) L POU 'reprehensio, vituperatio, peccatum', TEB II 'Tade!', JWP 'blame', VTW 'Tade!, Fehler'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. niikiim, Instr.Sg. niikiimyo, Perl.Sg. niikmii, Nom./Obl.Pl. niikmant, Instr.Pl. niikmaq1tyo. S niikiim triiflk- 'blame, make reproach', niikiim weiilune 'reproach', niikiim na:pni 'blame [and] slander', sne niikiim 'without blame'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 235 a4, 300 b7?, SHT I 1818a; ♦ Obl.Sg. 4 al sne niikiim, 61 b2 sne niikiimm oki, 94 a3 sne niikiim, 126 b4?, 199 a6, 218 b6?, 222 b3 niikiim na.y.ymi, 236 a6, 243 a2, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b7, 300 a3?, 322 a2?, 359 a9 I nirdha(nta)malonirarµgai:10 j lyalyitku warsa sne niikiim, 385 b3 satpsarado~apalak~ai:ia : sa,psiiris niikiim piilkiiluneyii; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 332 b6 (bis), YQ 1.3 b6; ♦ Perl.Sg. 152 al; ♦Norn.Pl. 300 a6, b8, 424 a2! (Skt. dociii/:z); ♦ Obi.Pl. 226 a7!, 298 a3, 300 a3!, a6, 371 b3, YQ III.3 a3; ♦ Instr.Pl. 321 a3. R See ► lyalyitku-ivarsa-sne-niikiim. For the restoration of226 a7, see ChamotRooke (2022a). 11iike1f1* ► niige1!1* 11iikmas11* (adj.) 'faulty' [Cf. B nakiif/mmatse] L POU 'reprehendus, vituperandus', VTW 'fehlerhaft'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. niikmasunt. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 155 b4 swiitsi niikmasunt lkii.y 'he sees the food as faulty'. D Based on ► niikiim. -niikmum

    ► miika-niikmum

    niig*, niik* (n., masc.) 'Naga, a serpent-demon' [B niike, niige] L POU 'serpens', TEB II 'Sehlange'. F Gen.Sg. niige, Norn.Pl. niikiii'i, niigiiii, niiii, Obi.Pl. niikiis, niigiis, Abl.Pl. niikiisii.)'. T ♦Gen.Sg. 315 + 316 a6; ♦Nom.Pl. (niikiiii) 45 b5, 287 + 259 a>b6!; (niigii11) 301 a6, 376 al?; (niiii) 370 b5; ♦ Obi.Pl.

    D R

    (niikiis) l b4-5!; (niigiis) 214 b5, 376 a5, YQ II. I b8!; ♦Abl.Pl. 326 a4. From Skt. niiga- 'a snake, a Naga or serpent-demon' (MW:532c). In 370 b5, one may alternatively consider niin as a scribal mistake for niikiin or niigiiii, as per Siegling in his personal copy (TS:205).

    niigapu!jp (N, masc.) name of the Bodhi-tree of Maitreya (Mesuaferrea L.) (Uigh. n'k'pwswp) L POU 'nomen arboris (Charnpaka tree)', VTW 'Buddhabaurnes Maitreya'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. niigapu.yp, Gen.Sg. niigapu.ypis. T ♦Obl.Sg. 297 bl; ♦ Gen.Sg. 308 a3-4!. D From Skt. 11iigapu,1pa- 'n. of several plants' (MW:533b). R For the context see beginning of chapter XV of MSN, cf. Tekin (I 980, I: 117). For the parallel and meaning, see Wilkens (2016:1017a). niigab/zava,fl* (n., masc.) 'abode, dwelling of Nagas' L COU 'Nagabehausung', VTW 'Behausung d. Nagas'. F Norn.Pl. niigabhavani. T ♦Norn.Pl. 301 a6. D From Skt. niiga- 'a serpent demon' and bhavana- 'a place of abode, mansion, home, palace, dwelling' (MW:749b). niige1J1* (adj.) 'ofNaga(s)' L POU 'ad nagam pertinens, serpentum', JWP 'ofNagas', VTW 'Schlangen-'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. niike111, Norn.Pl. niigeni, niikeni. T ♦Nom.Sg. SHT 1030r2 niike1.n ka; ♦Norn.Pl. (niigeiii) 358 al-2, YQ II.9 b23 !; (niikeiii) 22 b3€, 334 a4. D Based on ► niig, niik. R For the occurrence in SHT 1030r2, see Peyrot (2014:137-138). niicci (n., fem.) title or part of the name ofa Uighur lady, lit. 'mistress, lady' L CEToM 'name in a colophon'. F Nom.Sg. niicci. T ♦Nom.Sg. 303 a6. D Probably feminine of ► niitiik, according to the palatalization, which was regular in TB. This would reflect the form used by Uighur speakers whose TB was everyday language. Alternative feminine by



    Naraya111-autr* contrast with ► 11asi, which was a genuine TA form. The notion of a loan from Sogdian Nazucf or *Niiz-icii (Tremblay 2005:430) is speculative and less economical.

    11lltk1111e (n., a.) 'lordship, rule'

    ► nibj,

    mttkune!ji* (adj.) 'of lordship, rule'


    niifak* (n., masc.sg.) 'play, drama'

    L F T D

    POU 'ludus spectaculum', VTW 'Schauspiel'. Loc.Sg. 11iitkaf!1. ♦Loc.Sg. 258 b3, 263 a>b6, 298 b4, YQ 1.10 b5. From Skt. niitaka- 'any play or drama' (MW:534a).

    niitiik (n., masc.) 'lord' (Skt. deva-, niitha-)

    POU 'dominus', TEB II 'Herr', JWP 'lord'. F Nom.Sg. niitiik, Obl.Sg. 11iitkii111, Gen.Sg. niitkis, All.Sg. niitknac, Loc.Sg. niitkna111, Norn.Pl. niicki. T ♦Nom.Sg. 9 a4, 59 b3-4!, 64 a3, b3-4!, 65 a6, bl, b4!, 66 a6, 67 a3, 71 a4, 74 a4, 76 + 83 a4, b3, 78 al!, b2, 79 bl, 85 a6, b3, 99 a3, b6, 100 a4, b5, 101 bl, b4, 119 b5, b6, 123 a4, 149 b5!, 157 a5, 161 a5, 162 b6, 164al?,b4, 169b3, 172a5, 174a2, I 86 b4, 20 I b6, 2 I 7 b4, 249 b4, 253 b4, 260 a3, 296 b5, 300 b5, 304 a5, a6, 313 a7!, 340 a4, a5!, a8, 341 a4, 342 b>a5, a>b2, 382 a2, 43 I a6, 432 a4!, a6, b6, 437 a4, YQ III.2 b2, YQ III.5 b7 (bis), YQ 111.6 a6; ♦ Obl.Sg. THT 2096 a2!; ♦ Gen.Sg.9a5,90b5, 115a3, 139bl?, 205 a2, 212 al, 342 a>b3, 432 b7, 433 b3!, YQ 11.3 b8, THT 2044 b3; ♦All.Sg. 432 b8!, 433 a3!, 438 b8?; ♦ Loc.Sg. 73 b2; ♦Norn.Pl. 8 b5, 84 a6?, 303 a7. D Via MI from Skt. niithaka-, derived from Skt. niitha- 'protector, patron, owner, lord' (MW:534c). For the feminine match, see ► niisi and ► nllcci. The nominative sg. is often used in vocative function. R As for the paradigm, including the Obl.Sg., see SSS:158, §242. The sequence niitkuc in 433 a3, as per TS:237, does not make sense; it is most probably issued from the wrong copy of an original niitknac, see Siegling's personal copy of TS. L

    L F T D L F T D

    POU 'dominatio', VTW 'Herrschaft'. Obl.Sg. niitkune. ♦Obl.Sg. 130 a4. Abstract based on ► nlitiik. VTW 'Herrschafts-'. Obi.Pl.Fem. niitkune.~iflis. ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. 246 al?. Derived from ► niitkune.

    niipak I) (pp.gen.), 2) (pp.per!.), 3) (prev.) 1, 2)

    'according to, after, along', 3) 'after, along, under' ( 3) Skt. anu) L POU 'post, convenienter, congruenter', COU 'nach, entsprechend', TEB II 'nach entsprechend'. T ♦ 1) 395 a3; ♦2) 395 a 1,433 b6?; ♦ 3) 359 a30!, 453 bl; ♦ fgm. 303 b3?, 359 al5?, 395 b5!. niimariip (n., masc.) 'name and form' [B niimariip]

    L F T D

    POU 'nomen et forma', VTW 'Name und Form[= Geistiges und Korperliches]'. Nom.Sg. niimariip, niimarup. ♦Nom.Sg. (niimarztp) 366 b4; (niimarup) 368 a4. From Skt. niimadipa- 'name and form' (MW:536b).

    Niirade (PN, masc.) name of a sage

    L F T D

    VTW 'N.pr. eines Monchs'. Nom.Sg. niirade. ♦Nom.Sg. 95 b4, 97 b2?. From Skt. Niirada 'n. of the well-known sage' (BHSD:293b).

    Niiriiym11-atiir* (n., masc.) 'hero like Niiriiym:ia'


    F T D

    POU 'heros sicut Nariiym:ia', VTW 'ein Held wie N. (vermutl. derName des Hindu-Gottes, im buddh. Skt. fiir eine sprichwortlich kraftige Person gebraucht)'. Gen.Pl. niiriiya111-atrassi. ♦Gen.Pl. 19 b2. Compound made with ► atiir 'hero' as second member and as first member the loan from Skt. Niiraya1ia- 'presumably the name of the Hindu god, but used in Buddhist litterature as a proverbially powerful personage' (BHSD:293b).


    nasi 11iisi (n., fem.) 'lady' L POU 'domina', TEB II 'Herrin', JWP 'lady', VTW 'Herrin, Freundin'. F Nom.Sg. nasi, Gen.Sg. nasye, nasse, Norn.Pl. nassafi. T ♦Nom.Sg. 90 b6, 106 a6, 149 a3, b4, 159 al, 160 a6, YQ III.5 a7; ♦ Gen.Sg. (nasye) 111 a2; (nasse) 171 b4, THT 2599 a2; ♦Norn.Pl. 149 a2, b6?; THT 2519 + 2410 b4. D Feminine counterpart based on ► niitiik. See also ► niicci.

    niiska-(vb.) 'spin' [B nask-] (Uigh. agir, angir-) P Prt. naska-, PPrt. nanasku. F Prt.J MP l Sg. naske, PPrt. nanasku. T ♦ Prt.l MP !Sg. YQ III.7 al; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. YQ Ill.6 bl. R See TVS:680-681 with previous Ii terature. niik- (vb.) (tr.) 'destroy, lose', (itr.) 'perish, disappear' [B nak-] L POU 'evanescere, perire', TEB II 'zugrunde richten, vernichten', TVS 'destroy, lose'. P I) (tr.) Prs. naks-T-, !pf. niiksa-, Subj. nak-/nak-*, Prt. 11ak-, PPrt. nanku, 2) (detr.) Prs. naknas-T-, lpf. nka1.nsa-, Subj. nka-, Prt. nak-, PPrt. nanku. F I) Prs.VI!l Act. 3Sg. nkas, 3Pl. naksefic, PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg.Masc. naksant, Norn.Pl.Masc. nakyantaii, Gdv. nak.yal, !pf.Act. 2Sg. nak,~a.yt, Subj.I Act. 2Sg. nakat, ?rt.III Act. 2Sg. 11aka,~t, 3Sg. fiakas, 3PI. iiakar, 2) Prs.X MP 3Sg. naknastra, nakna,~tar, nakna.ytr-a,.n, 3 Pl. nka111santra, nka111sa171tra, PPrs.MP nka111sama171, !pf.MP 3Pl. nka111sant, Subj.Ill MP 2Sg. nkatar, 3Sg. nkatar, 3Pl. nkantr-am, Opt.MP 3Sg. nsitar, Prt.0 MP 3Sg. nakat, nakat-iii, nakt-iil!l, 3PI. nakant, nakant-am, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. nanku, Abs. nankura.y, nankura.y, /Ja/Jlkuras. T ♦ I) Prs.Act. 3Sg. I 02 a4, I 03 b2, b6, 105 b4, 124 a4, 256 b2, 305 a7, THT 2385.f bl; ♦3Pl.11 b2, 117a4, 124a2; ♦ PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg.Masc. 231 a2; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 300 a5; ♦Gdv. 2 b3; ♦ !pf.Act. 2Sg. 393 b7?; ♦ Subj.Act. 2Sg. PK.NS.I a4-bl; ♦ Prt.Act. 2Sg. 247 al; ♦3Sg. 341 b7; ♦3Pl. 444 b4; ♦2) Prs.MP 3Sg. (nakna.ytra) 2 b4; (nakna,1·tar) 332


    b7, 333 a9, 337 b7; (11ak11a.ytr-a111) 359 al3; ♦3Pl. (11ka171santra) 337 b6; (nka111sai11tra) 400 a7; ♦ PPrs.MP 311 a4; ♦ !pf.MP 3Pl. 40 al!; ♦Subj.MP 2Sg. 340 b7; ♦3Sg. 56 b3, 333 b4; ♦3Pl. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b4; ♦ Opt.MP 3Sg. 75 a I; ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. (nakat) 11 a6, 44 a5, 67 b6, 89 b I?, 269 + 290 a>b2!, 340 b3, YQ I. IO b3, THT 2450 al; (nakat-iii) 332 bl; (nakt-a111) 2 a5, 11 a5, 24 a2; ♦3Pl. (nakant) 13 a5, 63 b4; (nakant-am) 2 a5!; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 111 a6!, 332 b6, 452 a3; ♦Abs. (nankuras) 57 a4; (nwikura.5·) 67 a2; (naf!1kuras) 144 a4?. For nakat, see TVS:682.

    11iitkii-(vb.) 'hold off, push away' [B ncitk-]

    L P F



    COU 'gehalten', TEB II 'stiitzen', TVS 'hold off, push away'. I) (tr.) Prs. natkas-T-, Prt. fiatka-, 2) (caus.) Prt. nanatka-, PPrt. iiafiitku. I) Prs.VIII Inf. natkassi, Prt.I Act. 3Pl. 11citkar, 2) P11.II MP 3Sg. nanatkat, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 11afiitku. ♦]) Inf. 72 a6€; ♦Prt.Act. 3PI. 239 a2! klesaii iiatka(r) suk tka(lune) 'the afflictions held off the touching of the viaticum'; ♦2) Prt.MP 3Sg. 155 bl?, 168 a4; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 315 + 316 a6. In 239 a2, end of the line, the reading of TS: 120 has been revised on the basis of the photograph (THT 872).

    niim- (vb.) 'bow' [B nam-] L POU 'inclinare', TEB II 'sich (ver)neigen', TVS 'bow'. P I) (tr.) Prs. nams-T-, 2) (detr.) Prs. mna-*, Subj. nma-, PPrt. nmo, 3) (caus.) Prs. nmas-T-, PPrt. nanmu, iiafimu. F I) Prs.VIII Act. 3Pl. namsefic, 2) Prt.I PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 111110, Obl.Sg.Fem. nmosa111, Norn.Pl.Fem. nmont, 3) PPrs.MP nmasma111, Inf. nmassi, Prt.III PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. nanmii, Prt.11 Obl.Sg.Fem. iiafim11sa111. T ♦ !) Prs.Act. 3Pl. I a3, 13 b5!, 37 b6, 317 bl, THT 1494.a a2; ♦2) PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 109 b5, 447 b3, YQ 11.10 b2; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 288 b6, YQ I.I a8-bl!, YQ 1.8 bl; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 148 a5; ♦3) PPrs.MP 71 a2, 111 al!, 257 a7, YQ 11.12 b2; ♦ Inf. 253 a3; ♦ PP1t. Nom.Sg.Masc. 217 b3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. YQ 11.12 b5, YQ II.14a8.

    249 D


    na~, fiuk

    Cf. ► nmiilune and ► nmii!jlune. In 13 b5, Siegling on his personal copy (TS: 11) has proposed the reading and restoration niimsei1c-ii111, adopted by Sieg ( 1944: 17 n.4). This is confirmed by the photograph (THT 646). See also TVS:939.

    niirk-(vb.) 'keep away, renounce' [B nark-]


    P F S T D

    POU 'arcere, prohibere', TEB II 'fernhalten, entsagen, abstehen', TVS 'keep away, refrain from'. (caus.) Prs. niirkiis-T-, Subj. niirkiis-T-, PPrt. Fiafiiirku. Prs.VIII Inf. niirkiissi, Prt.JI PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. Fiafiiirkunt. niirk- + ablative 'refrain from something'. ♦ Inf. 222 b4!, 239 b5; ♦PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. 243 b2?. Cf. ► niirkii!jlune.

    niirkii!jlune (n., a.) 'renouncement, abstention'

    L F

    S T



    VTW 'Sichenthalten, Fernhalten, Entsagen, Abstehen'. Nom.Sg. niirkii.5lune, Gen.Sg. niirkii$luneyiss, Instr.Sg. niirkii,~lzmeyo, Perl.Sg. niirkii,~lzmeya, Obi.Pl. 11iirkii.5luneyntu. niirkii.ylune + abl. 'abstention from something'. ♦Nom.Sg. 307 a2, a5, a6; ♦Gen.Sg. 307 a3 (bis); ♦ lnstr.Sg. 307 a2!; ♦Perl.Sg. 105 a2?; ♦ Obi.PL 244 a2!. Abstract derived from ► niirk-. See Pinault (l 999a:224-228).

    nii.y, ,iuk (pron.) 'I, me' [B ,Ws]

    L F


    POU 'ego', TEB II 'ich', JWP 'I, me'. Nom./Obl.Masc. nii,1·, 11$-iik (< *nii:j-iik), Gen.Masc. fii, fit, fiy, All.Masc. 11/fac, Abt.Masc. n.yii!i, Loe.Masc. n~·a,11, n:jatliik, Perl.Masc. n~·ii, Com.Masc. n.5assiil, Nom./Obl.Fem. Ftuk, fiiik, Gen.Fem. niini, All.Fem. n,,kac, Abl.Fem. 11,,kii.5, Loe.Fem. 1i,,kaf!1, Perl.Fem. nka. ♦Nom./Obl.Masc. 6 bl, 7 a3, 8 a2, JO b5!, 11 b5 (bis), b6, 12 al, 17 a2 (bis), 21 a3, bl (bis), 23 a4, b6, 30 a5, bl, 33 a4, 36 a3, 37 a4, bl, 43 + 52 a6, 47 al, 61 b3, b4, b5, b6, 65 a4, a5, a6, 66 a4, 67 al, a5, b6, 71 al, b4, 74 b3, 76 + 83 b5, 79 a6, b4, 91 b5, 92 al, a6, 93 a3, 104 b6, 111 a2, I 13 a6, 117 b4, 120 b3, 121 a3, 127 b5, 128 b5, 133 a3, 144 b5, 147 a3, 155

    al, 156 a6, 188 a5, 209 al, 212 a7, bl, b2, 214 a I, 2 I 6 a>b I, a>b2, 217 b4, 221 a I, a4, 226 b7, 233 a3, 243 a4, 244 b I, 246 bl, b3!, 251 b4, 252 b4, 255 b6!, b6, 256 a2, 261 b>a6!, 263 b>a5, b>a6, 266 + 276 b>a2, 270 a7, b2, b4, 273 b6!, 283 b5, 269 + 290 b>a5, 295 a5 (bis), 304 b3, 307 b2!, b2, 313 b4, b5, 318 + 319 a2, 321 b I?, 323 b8, 332 a4, 334 a4 nii.5.5, 337 al, 340 a4, b6 (bis), 347 a2, 360 al 1,371 b4, 380 al, 430 b2, 436 b5, 458 b3, 461 b3, YQ 1.1 b5, YQ 1.2 a6, YQ 1.4 a8, YQ I.5 a3, YQ I.6 a3, a7, YQ 1.7 b2-3!, YQ I.8 b2, YQ I.IO a6, YQ II. I a5!, b7, YQ 11.3 a7, YQ 11.4 a6, a7, a8 (bis), bl, YQ 11.10 b8, YQ 11.12 b2!, YQ 11.14 a2, a3, b I, b2, YQ lll.7 a4, b3, YQ lll.8 a2, a3, a4, a5, YQ III.I I bl, b7, YQ N.l b7, YQ N.3 bl; (n.5-iik) 6 a3, 69 al; ♦Gen.Masc. (iii) I a4, 2 a6, 4 al, 6 al, 7 al, b4, b6, 8 b5, 9 b4, JO b4, 13 bl, 14 b5, 23 b5, 24 b6, 25 al, 29 b2, 38 b4, 60 b>a5, 61 b2, 65 a6, 66 al, 68 b5, b6, 71 a6, bl, 74 b4, 75 bl, b2, b3, b4, 79 a2, b2, 81 a4, b5, 84 a6, 85 a2, 91 a6, b6, 108 b5, 112 a2, 115 a4, 116 b2, b3, 120b6, 149a5, 161 a3, 170a5, 172 a5, 177b6, 198a5,202b4,217a7,218 b3, b7, 221 al?, 229 b7, 230 a5, 232 a4, 243 bl, 260 b8, 263 b>a2, 270 a5, 287 + 259 b>a4, b>a5!, b>a5, b>a7, 269 + 290 b>a7!, 295 a3?, a5, 296 al, 304 bl, 305 b2 (bis), 322 a4?, 332 a5, 338 a5, 342 b>a2 (bis), 343 a2!, 347 a2, 355 a2, 355 a2, a3, a4, b2, 360 a7, 361 a5, a9, 399 b6?, 405 bl?, 408.c a3, 433 b2, b3, 441 b5, 443 a3, 444.c b3, 447 b I?, b3?, YQ I.2 a8 (bis), YQ 1.3 a8?, YQ 1.4 b4, YQ 1.8 b3, YQ 11.2 a7, YQ 11.3 b7, YQ 11.5 b6, YQ II.6 b7, YQ 11.14 a3!, YQ 111.7 b7, b8; (Fli) 189 b6, YQ III. I I b8; (Fly) 20 b2, 91 a6 fiy anapiir, 214 a2, 267 + 268 b>a4, 321 a7?, b5, 332 al, 335 a4, YQ 1.9 al, YQ II.I a5; ♦ All.Masc. 8 a2, 109 b5, 131 a4, 157 b2, 254 al, 3 I 7 a8, 36 I a3€, 432 a2, b4, 444 a2, YQ II. I a6; ♦Abl.Masc. 61 b5€, 79 a2, 85 a6!, 94 a3 n.5ii.y~·, 121 a5, 255 b6, 339 a9, YQ 11.3 a6; ♦ Loe.Masc. (n-1m?1) 4 b5, 6 a4, 116 b3, 201 a3, 230 a5, b4, 327 b5, 331 b7, 365 a4; (n.5an-iik) 236 b I; ♦Perl.Masc. 92 a4, 215 b2, 220 b3, b4, 353 al, 393 a4, 430 b5, YQ 11.4 b4; ♦Com.Masc. 6 a5; ♦Nom./Obl.Fem. (nuk) 41 b3, 66 bl, 70

    nii$-Wiiknum a3, a6, 77 b4, I 00 b5, b6, I 06 a3, a5, l 07 b2, 123.a b6, 126 bl, 143 a4!, 149 bl, b2 (bis), b3 (bis), 159 b4, 164 a3, 172 b I, 180 b3 (sandhi < 11u(k) kalkam ), 196 a6, 266 + 27 6 a>b6, 381 a I, a4, 403 b>a4, 429 a7, 430 b2, YQ III. I b4, YQ Ill.4 a5, YQ III.5 a3, a4, a6, YQ 111.6 a7 nukk, THT 1144 a3!; (niik) 341 b2, b4; ♦Gen.Fem. 58 b3, 66 a5, 78 a5!, 94 bl, 99 b2, 100 b3, 115 a5, b3, I 16 a2, 123.a b5, 126 b2, 149 a2, 156 b5, 180 b2, 266 + 276 a>b3, 341 b2, 432 a4, 445.d a3; ♦ All.Fem. 99 a5, 196 bl; ♦Abl.Fem. 99 al?, 171 b6, 432 b6; ♦Loe.Fem. 102 al, 20 I b6; ♦Perl.Fem. 66 a5. R On the feminine forms, see Jasanoff (1989).

    nii!j-Wiiknum (adj.) 'someone like me' L POU 'mei generis', TEB II 'ein wic ich Gearteter'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. nii.:,-wiiknum, Obl.Sg.Masc. nii;Hviiknumiint. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 23 a4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 71 b4 nii.y-wiiknwniint sne mank se kossi 'to kill a blameless son like me'. D Compound of ► nii!j, 1i11k, ► wkii111 and the possessive suffix -um. niiskii- (vb.) 'become pale' L COU 'ergraut, erloschen', TEB II 'fahl werden (?)', TVS '?'. P PPrt. niisko. F Prt.I PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. niiskont. T ♦ PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. 8 a6. niitskats* (adj.) 'starving' L POU'?', VTW 'vie!!. Adj. krilmmend'. F Norn.Pl.Masc. niitskatse. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 51 a2 Ill (sne-)prar niitskatse yil1c • oiii patruka,_n .-iweiic Ill 'the limbless, starving [creatures] come, [and] they eat inside the [human] skull'. D Adjectival formation, related to niits- *, basis of the verb ► niitswii-. R For an alternative interpretation and segmentation of the word and the passage 51 a2, see Malzahn (2014b:91, n. 12), and CEToM (28/1 \/2019). This interpretation is less likely because it involves a slip of the scribe (katse for katse) and the only occurrence of a genitive with katse.


    niitswii-(vb.) I) (itr.) 'starve'; 2) (caus.) 'let starve' [B miitstsa-] L POU 'fame perire', TEB II 'verhungern', VTW 'Gv. verhungern, K. verhungern ]assen', TVS 'starve'. P l) (itr.) Prs. niitswa-, 2) (fact.) Prs. niitswiis-T-, Subj. niitswas-T-. F I) Prs.Ill Inf. niitswatsi, 2) Prs.Vlll Inf. niitswassi, Subj.IX MP 3Sg. niitswa.ytiir. T ♦ l) Inf. 343 a4; ♦2) Inf. 394 b 1-2; ♦ Subj.MP 3Sg. 74 b4. R As noted by TVS:767, the infinitive of the causative should be niitswiissi. 11ikJm11* (n., masc.sg.) 'spear, sharp stick' L JWP 'spear, sharp stick'. F Perl.Sg. nikyana. T ♦ Perl.Sg. YQ 11.7 a4. D From Skt. nfk,m11a- 'a stick for stirring up a cauldron, a kind of ladle' (MW:565b). nik~•iittrii (n., a.) 'nak$atra, lunar mansion' [Cf. B niikyatiir, Pl. niiksatiirnta] L POU 'constellatio; sidus, astrum', COU 'Stern, Nak$atra', VTW 'Mondhaus'. F Nom.Sg. nik,~Zittrii, All.Pl. nik.yatriintwac. T ♦Nom.Sg. 450 a6; ♦ All.Pl. 395 b5. D Loan via MI from Skt. nak,mtra- 'a star or any heavenly body', especially 'an asterism or constellation through which the moon passes, a lunar mansion' (MW:524b). nik!jiittrii.yi (adj.) 'ofnak$atra, lunar mansion' L VTW 'Mondhaus-'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. nikyattra:ji. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 214 b7, YQ 11.2 a2!. D Derived from ► nik!jiittrii. nigranth* (n., masc.) 'Jain monk' [B nigranthe] L POU 'unus de ordine hominum religiosorum', TEB II 'nirgrantha, Bezeichnung des nackt einhergehenden Jaina-Monchs', JWP 'Jaina monk'. F Norn.Pl. nigranthal1, Obi.Pl. nigranthas. T ♦Norn.Pl. YQ I.I b4; ♦ Obi.Pl. 312 a7. D Loan via Ml from Skt. nirgrantha- 'a Jain monk' (BHSD:295a). nidii111* (n., masc.sg.) 'nidana, cause' L COU 'Ursache, Grundlage, Nidana'. F Loc.Sg. nidana111. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 371 al. D From Skt. nidana- 'a cause of existence' (MW:548a).

    251 R

    nila Loan from Skt. nidana- 'cause, underlying and determining factor', possibly here in the meaning 'theme, content, subject matter', especially in the locative (Skt. nidane) 'in the occasion' (BSHD:295b-296a). Then TA nidanm11 may be the calquc of Skt. nidane.

    11ipiit (n., masc.sg.) 'act (of drama)' L POU 'opus, caput libri', TEB II 'nipi.ita, Akt eines Schauspiels', JWP 'act (of drama)'. F Nom.Sg. 11ipat. S 11ipat ar 'the act is ended'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 253 a6€, 258 b4!, 263 a>b6!, 287 + 259 b>a3!, 302 b7, YQ 1.10 b6, YQ 11.15 b7. D From Skt. nipata- 'section ( of a literary work)' (BHSD:297a). Nimi* (PN, masc.) Nimi, n. of king L VTW 'N.pr. eines Konigs'. F Obl.Sg. nimil.n. T ♦ Obl.Sg. IO I a6. D From Skt. Nimi 'n. of a king, former incarnation ofSakyamuni' (BHSD:297b). 11imittiij1ie (adj.) 'knowing the omens' [B nimittajiie] L POU 'qui causam noscit', TEB II 'nimittajfia, die (guten) Zeichen kennend', VTW 'die (guten) Zeichen kennend, Zeichenkenner'. F Nom.Pl.Masc. nmittajiien, Obi.Pl.Masc. nimittajnes. T ♦Nom.PI.Masc. 396 a4!; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 395 b2, 396 a3. D From Skt. nimittajna- 'acquainted with omens' (MW:55la). Probably borrowed through TB intermediary, with adaptation to a current TA inflectional pattern (SSS:57, §89; 103, §150). nimniital!ji (adj.) 'having a lowered hand' F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc nimnatal.yi. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc PK.NS.4 a3-a4! nimna\(ta)l(~)i .ypa1!7 !yaka.yt mahadeve111 'you saw Mahi.ideva having a lowered hand in dream'. D Based of the loan of Skt. nimnatala' having a lowered hand', see Skt. nimna'low, depressed, sunk, inclined towards' (MW:55lc).

    11irdesm11 (n., masc.) 'explanation, revealing' F Nom./Obl.Sg. 11irdesm11. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 400 b6. D From Skt. nirdesana- 'explanation, revealing' (BHSD:30 I a). Nirdlzane (PN, masc.) name of a Brahmin (Skt. Nirdhana, Uigh. Niridani [nyrd'ny, ny1yd'ny]) F Nom.Sg. nirdhane, Obl.Sg. nirdhane171. T ♦Nom.Sg. 215 a6, YQ 1.5 a4, a6 (bis), a7, b2, YQ 1.6 a3, b6!; ♦ Obl.Sg. YQ I.7 b4. D Proper name based on the compound adjective Skt. nirdhana-, Pa. niddhana'poor' (CDIAL:417a, No. 7351 ). R For the Uighur parallel, see Tekin ( 1980, 2:73a). nirmit!ji, nermit!ji (adj.) 'magical, created by magic' [Cf. B nermit, nermite] L POU 'magicus', TEB II 'klinstlich', VTW 'aufkiinstliche, magische oder iibernattirliche Weise hervorgebracht/gezaubert, zu einer Gotterklasse gehorig'. F Obi.Pl.Masc. nermit,~inas, Obi.Pl.Fem. nirmit.yinas, nermit.yinas. S nirmit.yi/nermit.yi ri 'magic city'. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 254 a7; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. (nirmit.yinas) 254 bl, b3; (nermit.yinas) 254 a7!. D Calque of Skt. nirmitaka- 'created by magic' (BHSD:302b). Derived from nirmitlnermit, itself the loan via Ml from Skt. nirmita- 'a magic creation' (BHSD:302b), see TB nermit, nermite (ADAMS:364). nirvit (n., masc.sg.) 'disgust, aversion for the world' L POU 'taedium, fastidium', TEB II 'nirvid, Widerwillen', VTW 'Widerwillen, Gleichgiiltigkeit, Oberdru/3, Abscheu'. F Nom.Sg. nirvit. T ♦Nom.Sg. 385 b4, b5, 386 al. D From Skt. nirvida- 'world-disgust, aversion for worldly things' (BHSD:304b), or nirvid- 'Oberdruss, Abscheu, Widerwillen' (SWTF II:44b). nila (n., masc.sg.) 'sapphire' (?) L VTW 'Bed. unbekannt'. T ♦356 a4. D From Skt. nfla- 'black, dark blue; various objects of this colour, including sapphire' (MW:566a).

    nivararp* R

    The word is a hapax (between two numbers) found in a broken context and the precise meaning is unclear. The passage is likely an enumeration of lucky charms, indicating that 'sapphire' is the most attractive explanation.

    nivara,!'* (n., a.) 'obstacle, inhibition (in religious matters)' [B Pl. niviiranta] L POU 'praeventio, protectio', TEB II 'nTvarm;a, Hindemis', VTW 'Hindernis, Hemmnis, Last'. F Instr.Pl. nivarantuyo. T ♦ Instr.Pl. 20 b I. D From Skt. nivaraiza- (variant nivara11a-) 'hindrance, obstruction to a religious life' (BHSD:31 la); 'Hindernis, Hemmnis, Hcmmung (in religiosen Dingen)' (SWTF I!:59b ). 11b;kramii11t* (N, masc.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 17 syllables 6/6/5) [B 11i.5kramii11t*] L POU 'nomen metri 4 x 17 syllabarum', VTW 'N. eines Metrums'. F Loc.Sg. ni:;kramiinta,11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 11 a3, 13 bl!, 42 al-2!, 260 b8, 265 a3, 273 b4, 307 bl, 320 a6!, YQ II.I I b7, THT 1151 a3. D Loan from Skt. ni.ykramiinta- 'aiming at departure', see ni,~krama- 'going out, exit, departing from' (MW:562c). ni~pal (n., a.) 'property, moveable wealth' (Skt. parigraha-, Uigh. ad tavar 'property [and] goods') L POU 'possessio, fortunae, pecunia', TEB II 'Besitz', JWP 'property'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. ni,~pal, Gen.Sg. ni.ypalis, Nom./Obl.PI. ni.5palntu, ni,~paltu, Gen.Pl. ni.ypalantwis, Abt.Pl. ni.5palaJ?1twa.y, ni.5pa!antwa:;. T ♦Nom.Sg. 2 b3, 3 a6, b2, 14 a5?, 317 al€, 350 a4, YQ 1.4 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg. 15 b3, 62 b5!, 236 a3?, 254 b2, 303 b6, 359 al 4, 366 al?; ♦Gen.Sg. 2 b4, PK.NS.4 a2; ♦Nam.Pl. (ni.5palnt11) I a2, 3 bl, 42 a2!, 60 b>a6!, 65 al, 215 a2, 326 a3, YQ 1.6 a7; ♦Obi.Pl. (ni.5palntu) 3 a3, 62 a2, a6, bl, b5!, 275 a7?, YQ I.6 b2!; (ni~paltu) 3 a3, YQ 1.5 b7; ♦Gen.Pl. 82 b2; ♦Abl.Pl. (11i.5pala111twa.5) 349 b3!; (ni,~palantwa.5) YQ lll.4 a7. R Semantics and etymology discussed by Pinault (2020b).


    NTpurapiid (PN, masc.) name of a prince [Cf. B Nup[irapiide*] L VTW 'N.pr. eines Prinzen'. F Nom.Sg. nipurapiid, Gen.Sg. nipurapiides. T ♦Nom.Sg. 118 al!; ♦ Gen.Sg. I 18 a2?. D From Skt. PN Nipurapiida*, related to Nipura 'n. ofa son of King Sujata Ik~vaku' (BHSD:297a), cf. Pa. Sinipura (DPPN II: 1136). Cf. B Nupiira\ in B 589 a5 (Sieg Siegling 1953:373 n.14). 11Tmii1t1 ( n., masc.) 'navel' L POU 'no men corporis partis cuiusdam'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. nimaJ!z, niman. T ♦Nom.Sg. (nimalfl) 166 a4 kiits kark nimaJ!l mlokfiic-a111 'his belly, umbilical cord, and navel take shape', THT 2458 a3; ♦Obl.Sg. (nTman) 149 b2 (mant) nu nuk nfman iinmes ytii.5imiir 'But how should I ornate my own navel?'. D Via MI from Skt. nimna- 'depth, low ground, cavity, depression' (MW:55lc). R Alternative interpretation by CEToM (28/11/2019) 'pronominal dual form (by addition of the substantive dual ending -an) for usual tim' ( 149 b2). nu (part.) 'now, but' [B no] (Skt. tu, hi) L POU 'nam', TEB II 'nun, nun, eben, jebenfalls, aber', JWP 'now, but'. F nu, 1111-k, m1, nw. T ♦(nu) 2 a6, b3, 3 a3, a5 (bis), b4, 4 a3, b4, b6, 5 a4, b2, b3, 6 al, a2, a3!, a4, b4, 7 a2, bl, b2, 8 al, a4, 10 al, bl, 11 b5, b6, 13 bl, l7b6(bis), 18al,b3,b4, 19a3,a5, bl, b3, 20 b4, 21 bl, 22 a2, 23 b6, 32 b6, 34 a3, 35 a3, 36 a2, 38 a5, 39 a5, 40 b2, 45 b6, 49 a4, 54 al, 60 b>a2, a>b6, 61 b2, 63 a3, 64 a4, 65 al!, a4, a6, b3, b4, 66 a5, 67 a3, a5 (bis), 68 a5, 71 a2, 72 bl, 74 a6, b2, 75 a3, 76 a3, 78 a2, a4, 79 b4, b5, b6, 80 b>a3, b>a5, 84 b I, 86 a5, b5, 89 a6, 90 b6, 91 bl, b6, 92 al, a3, 93 a3, b2, 94 b3, 95 a3, a4, a5, a6, 97 b6, 98 b2, JOI bl, 104 a6, 106 a5, b5, 107 b2, 108 a6, 109 b5 (bis), b6, I 10 bl, b4, 114 a2, 116 a6, 117 a2, a4, b3, b4, I 18 b3, 124 b6, 125 b2, 126 b4, 129 b2, b6, 143 a5, 144 b5, 145 a3, a4, a6, 146 b4, 149 bl, b2, b3, 150 a2 (bis), a4, bl, 153 a5, bl, 154 b4, 155 b6, 158 a5, 159 b6, 163 b4, b5, 166 b3, 168 a5, 169 b4, b5, 171 b6, 177 a2, b3, 180 a5?, 197 a2, b5, 198 b2, b3, b6,




    L P

    nurp 199 a2, 202 a4, 206 b5, 213 b3, 214 a6, b2, 215 a7, 218 a4, 224 b5, 229 a5, a7, b5 (bis), 230 al!, a4, a5, b5, b6, 232 a!, b6, 234 b4, 236 bl, 243 b4, 249 al, a2, a3!, 253 b3, 254 bl, 257 b2, 258 a4!, 265 b3, 266 + 276 b>a2, 269 + 290 a>b5, 273 a3, a4, a6, 277 a2, 279 b 1, 283 b3, 287 + 259 b>a3!, b>a5, b>a6, b>a7, 288 a8, b5, 295 a6, b5, 299 a8, 300 bl, 30 l a6, 302 a8, 310 b5, 311 b3, 312 b4, b8, 313 a8, b2, b7 (bis), 314 al!, bl, 315 + 316 a7!, a8!, b3, b6, b7 (bis), b8, 317 b5, b7, 318 + 319 a2, a6, b3, 320 a6, b5, 322 a6, 323 a4, 324 a3, 325 b7, 327 a3, b5, 332 a6, a7, 338 b4, 339 b4, 342 a>b4, 343 a4!, 347 a4, 353 a4, 354 b6, 358 a2, 359 al I, 360 a7, a JO, 363 a6, 365 a4, 371 a5, 375 b2, 377 a3, 380 al, 383 b3, 387 al, 397 a4, a8, bl, b4 (bis), b5, 399 a6, 403 a>b I!, a>bl, 409 a3, 425 b5, 428 a5, 437 b3, 441 a3, b5, 446 a4, a7, bl, 447 b5, 459.c a4, 460 al, 463 a2, b5, 465 a5, YQ I.I a7, YQ 1.3 a5, YQ I.4 b4, YQ 1.5 b3, b4, YQ 1.6 b7!, YQ I.8 a5, b4, b5, b6, YQ I.9 a4, YQ II. I bl, b5, YQ 11.2 al, b6, YQ II.4 a7, YQ II.8 a7, bl, b3, YQ II.9 al, YQ 11.10 a6, YQ II.I 1 b3, YQ 11.12 bl, YQ II.13 b4, YQ 11.15, a3, a4, YQ III.I a8, YQ III.2 a8, YQ III.3 a8, YQ IJI.5 b7, YQ III.6 b8, YQ III.8 a5!, a5, YQ III. IO a3, a6, a7, b5, YQ V.l b4, YQ N.3 b2, YQ N.5 a3, IOL Toch.297 b I, PK.NS. I b3, THT 1140 b 1, THT 1144 a3, THT 1483.a al, THT 4078.a a3; (nu-k) 56 b I; (nii) 217 b3, b7, 340 a9, 342 a>b3, 351 a4, 419 b2; (nw) 303 b7. This particle, like its TB match no (ADAMS:369-370), occurs always in second (enclitic) position, see SSS:308 (§396). (1) (vb.) 'cry, sound' [B nu-]

    POU 'mugire, rugire', TEB II 'brUllen', TVS 'cry, sound'. (caus.) Prs. nus-T-, !pf. nu.5ii-, Prt.

    b3; ♦ PPrs.MP 429 b6; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Sg. 312 a2; ♦3Pl. 320 b2; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Pl. 312 b5; ♦ PPrt. Abs. 453 b4?. nu- (2) (vb.) 'consent'

    L F S T


    nutii- (vb.) 'disappear' [B


    P F

    S T

    Prs.VllI Act. 2Sg. nu.)·t, 3Sg. nu.5, 3Pl. nusenc, PPrs.MP nusmii111, !pf.Act. 3Sg. nu0ii, 3Pl. nu,~iir, Prt.lI Act. 3Pl. iiaiiwiirr, PPrt. Abs. iianworii,~. nawe111 nu- 'roar a roar'. ♦ Prs.Act. 2Sg. 244 bl; ♦ 3Sg. 3 b5, 402 a2, 125 a5!; ♦ 3Pl. 287 + 259 a>b3, 299


    POU 'deflucre, elabi', TEB 11 'schwinden', VTW 'Gv. (hin)schwinden, abnehmen, K. cin Ende machen', TVS 'disappear'. I) (itr.) PPrt. nuto, Subj. nutiis-T-, 2) (fact.) Prs. nutiis-T-. I) Prt.I PPrt. Nam.PI.Masc. nuto.5, Nam.Pl.Fem. nutont, Subj.V MP 3Sg. nutiitrii, 2) Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. nutii.5, PPrs.Act. Obl.Sg.Masc. nut0anta111, Inf.

    nutiissi. T

    D R

    ♦ I) Nam.Pl.Masc. 109 b6; ♦PPrt. Nam.Pl.Fem. 65 a I; ♦ Subj.MP 3Sg. YQ III. I I a5-6!; ♦2) Prs.Act. 3Sg. 54 b3; ♦ PPrs.Act. Obl.Sg. 405 b2; ♦ Inf. 299 b2; ♦Subj.Abstr. ► nutliijlune. Cf. ► 11utiiijl1111e. For the alternative restoration of the Subj. as nutiimtrii in YQ III. I I a5-6, sec also Peyrot (2013a:632, 762 n. 345).

    nutii:jlune (n., a.) 'destruction'

    F T D

    naiiwii-. F

    COU 'leiden, dulden', VTW 'dulden', TVS 'bear, suffer' (?). !pf.MP 3Sg. nwiiiniit, Prt.MP 3Sg. nwiit. nu-+ inf. 'consent to do something'. ♦ !pf.MP 3Sg. 222 a7 k,,l(e)yar11 piiltsiik cacrii1iku mrosii1ikiitsi mii mviii1iiit 'The mind (of Nanda) [was] clung to the woman; he did not consent to feel disgust (for the world)'; ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. 222 b4, 239 b5 (mii) siim niirkiissi antu0 nwiit 'From that (telling slander) this one did not consent to refrain'. Discussion in TVS:694.


    L F S

    Nom./Obl.Sg. nutii.5/une. ♦Obl.Sg. 236 al. Abstract based on the Subj. IX stem of ► nutii- fact. 'make disappear, destroy'. (adv.) 'again' [B nano] (Skt. punar) POU 'rursus, rursum, denuo', TEB II 'wieder, wiederum'.

    1111111, 11uq1 m1111. m1111 m1111 'again and again'.


    nunak T

    D R

    ♦(nw11) 221 a4 m1111 nunak, 222 b6 (bis), 226 a3, 232 a2, 397 a5; (mu111121111) 64 al, 99a5, 126al, 131 a6, 152a2,339b5. See ► nu. On the position in the sentence see Thomas ( 1986).

    mmak (adv.) 'again' [B nunok]


    JWP 'again', VTW 'wieder(um)'. nunak, n11nak. T ♦ (mmak) 4 a6 (ter), bl!, b2, 6 b3, 7 a2, 14 b6- I 5 a 1!, 37 b2, 73 b3, 89 b5, 93 a6, 97 a4, 113 a2?, 114 a2, b3, 182 a2, 217 b7?, 221 a4, b7, 222 b3, 230 a6, b2, b3, 295 a4, 297 b7, 359 a9, 425 b3, YQ IIl.10 bl, THT 1306 b4; (n11nak) 4 b3, 130 a6, 181 b6!, 182 a5, 196 bl, 282 a2, 303 bl, b2, 305 a5, a6, 340 b4, 348 b5, 387 bl, 394 b I, 395 b3, b5, 399.12 al, 431 b6, 433 a2, a6, 435 bl, 441 b4, YQ 1.2 a4, a4-5!, YQ N.3 a8. D Based on the prototype of ► 1111111, with addition of the particle ► -(ii)k. F

    nunak-mmak (adv.) 'again and again'

    L T D

    JWP 'again and again'. ♦YQ 1.2 a4-5!. Iterative compound based on

    ► mmak.

    11111ve1f1* (n., fem.) 'consent, inclination'

    F T D

    Instr.Sg. nuwenyo. ♦ lnstr.Sg. 358 a2. Action noun based on the root

    ► nu-

    anta111 tkana ne, 9 a6 kuss ats ne, 11 a6 kuss ats ne, 22 bl kuss ats ne, 14 a3 (kuc) skm11 ne, b3 id., 28 b3 kuca e,~ak ne, 69 a3 aiicw11 k5aiia11m ne, 70 a2 anta111 kalymeyw11 ne, 98 a6 kupre ,'ka111 ne, 234 b I kucc atsa111 ne, 236 b7 kuss atsaqz ne, 333 a3 kuss ats ne, 385 a2 kus ska,.n ne, YQ II. 14 a5 kus fra,.n ne, 360 a I kuc .5urma.5 ne, PK.NS.2 b2 ke iioma ne, YQ 11.9 b8 ke mosa,r1 ne, 148 a6 mant wakna ne, 367 b4 mant lotka ne, 58 a3 ke mosanne, a4 id., 199 b6 ke mosm11 ne, 346 b4 ke tampeyw_n ne, 2 b4 kospre111 ska111 ne; ♦4) others, mostly with asseverative value: I 02 b I asi ne, 115 a3 se ne, 342 a>b2 mane, a>b3 mane, 399 a3 tam palkar-a,.n ne, YQ 1.6 a5 wa.ypa ne. R For the non relativizing use, the notion of 'indefinite' value (as per TEB II: 112) is not warranted. See SSS: 175-176. The emphatic use is consistent with the meaning of the TB formal match, the particle nai 'indeed, surely' (ADAMS:368). This meaning has been slightly weakened in the use I), and it has been absorbed by the use 2), but it remains present in the use 4). ne,ici (part.) 'certainly' [Cf. B nemcek] L TEB II 'sicherlich, bestimmt, gewi/3'.


    T D

    -ne (-nek) (part.) I) emphatic (mostly after

    demonstratives), 2) relativizing (based on interrogative pronouns and adverbs) [Cf. B nai] L POU 'particula enclitica relativa, cuius ope pronomina relativa e pronom. interrog. formantur', JWP 'indefinite and relative particle'. F Sandhi form in -ny before vowel in verse: e.g. 347 a3 kucny akrunt, 152 b5 matny otam, 294 a6 matny arfrW, 91 b2 many asok. S Always in second position, sometimes reinforced by the clitic particle -k. T ♦ I) twJme, tanne, tannek, tamne, tamnek, ta.511e; ♦2) antane, antan(n)ene; antsm1me, anca,_nne, kusne, kucne, kene, kucyone, kuca.511e, kucane, kuca,_nne, kucanne, kusassalne, kucene; kuprene, kosne, kospre11111e, kosprenne, tane, 111a1.nt11e, mantne, matne; ♦3) with tmesis: 4 a4

    ♦ 74 al, 78 a4!. Complex particle. If ever related, TA neiici and TB nemcek presuppose different derivations.

    nepok* (adj.) 'light, coloured, beautiful'

    F T D


    Obl.Sg.Fem. nepoka111. ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 399 a3, YQ 11.13 b5?. Probably related to OPers. naiba 'beautiful' (Geng Laut Pinault 2004a:363 n.71). For the reading and the translation, see JWP:130, Geng Laut Pinault (2004a:363), Peyrot (2013b: 175).

    neyal/1 (adv.) 'down, downwards'



    COU 'auf einer Matte', Couvreur (1959:252) 'surunematte', 'surde l'herbe', or 'de la paille', VTW 'Matte'. ♦414 a4 II tma,~ tri pravarapakaiicassi orto katankal neyw11 kanwena -5111al · 'Thereupon, the nuns in charge of the Pravara11a should stand up and kneel down three times'; ♦ fgm. 89 b3?, 125 a3?.

    255 R

    The translation 'down, downwards' fits the context of the ritual of the Pravara1Ja, where the nuns are supposed to rise up and kneel down three times. See the Skt. parallel translated by Hartel (I 956: I 14115) 'Daraufsollen die Pravarai:iaBeauftragten dreimal aufstehen und sich niederkauern'. Since the fixed phrase kanwenii siim- means 'to kneel', it is likely that 11eya111 is the antonym of the adverb orto, which in our passage belongs to the verb kiitka- 'rise'. In addition, the interpretation of neya111 as a Loc.Sg. of a noun ney* meaning 'carpet', as per Couvreur, has no support in the technical vocabulary of Buddhist monasteries (cf. Grafe 1974:137-139). Note that the fragmentary passages 89 b3 \neya,71 and 125 a3 \neyaq1 can be Loc.Sg. of any abstract in -une. The context does not favor an interpretation equivalent to our passage 414 a4.

    nervii1t1 (n., masc.) 'nirvatJa, extinction'

    [B nerviit11] (Skt. nirvii,:,a-, Uigh. nyr/J'n, nirvan) L POU 'nirva1Ja', TEB II 'nirva1Ja', JWP 'extinction', VTW 'Nirva1Ja, Erloschen'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. nervii,.n, Loc.Sg. nerviina1rz, All.Sg. nerviinac. S nervii111 yii- 'go to Nirvai:ia', nerviina111 yii-, 'enter into Nirvai:ia', nerviinac kiilii'1ead to Nirvar.ia', nerviinac ytiir 'the path to Nirvai:ia'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 60 a>bl, 398 a5!, a5; ♦Obl.Sg. 13 b4, 33 bl!, 54 b5, 218 bl, 243 a4, 299 a6, 357 a2, 39 I b4, 392 a5?; ♦ Loc.Sg. 18 b2, 255 b5, 257 a3!, 332 al; ♦All.Sg. 245 b4, 270 b4!, 273 a3, 303 b5?, 311 a6, YQ II.12 b3-4!, YQ II.15 b5!. D From Skt. 11irvii11a- 'absolute extinction or annihilation' (MW:557c). R As for the Uighur parallel, see Tekin ( I 980, 2:72b ). The alternative rendering of this notion is by ► ksalune 'extinction'. nerviim-iikiil* (n., a.) 'wish for nirvai:ia'

    L F T

    POU 'desiderium nirvai:iae', VTW 'Wunsch nach dem Nirva1Ja'. Instr.Sg. 11erviitJ1-iikiilyo. ♦ lnstr.Sg. 299 a6.

    nervii1t1# (adj.) 'pertaining to nirva1Ja'

    [B nervan,rn] (Uigh. 11yr/3'11l'q, nirvanhg) L POU 'nirvai:iae (gen.)', VTW 'Nirvar.ia-'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. nervii,.n.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. nervii111sinii111. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 398 a5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 355 b2€, 372 b>a3. D Derived from ► nerviitfl. R For Uigh. parallel see Tekin (I 980, 2:72b), Wilkens (2016:10!9a).

    ogha-) POU'navis'. Perl.Sg. neivii. ♦ Perl.Sg. 246 b I tsopatsii111 newii kiitkont cu 'you who have crossed the large stream'. R For the interpretation see Schmidt ( 1987a: 164). For the Skt. parallel text VA V 2.32c, see Hartmann ( 1987: I 07108).

    new* (n., masc.) 'flow, stream' (Skt.

    L F T

    ne!j \) (adj.uni.), 2) (adv.) I) 'former',

    2) 'before' [B nau,y] L I) POU 'prior', VTW 'frilher, zuvor', 2) POU 'antea', TEB II 'frilher, zuvor', VTW 'friiher, zuvor, voran'. S tmiik nes 'like before', ne.y sotre pyiimtsiir 'remember first', ne.y siirki 'like before', p,ika111 ne,~ 'first of all', mii111tne 1ze.y 'like before'. T ♦ I) I a4-5!, 2 a3, 62 a3, 76 + 83 b5, 180 bl, 226 a5, 256 b3, 300 b5, 307 al, 346 bl, b4, 368 a2; ♦2) 7 a4, 9 b5, 12 al, 16 a6, 28 a5, 56 b I, 62 a2, a5, 8 I a5, 97 a2, 100 b4, 103 b5?, I 14 a4, 180 b2, b4, 236 b4, 305 bl, 320 b3, 336 b5, 347 al, 368 a2, 380 a3, 432 a6, b6, 44 I a2, MG I a I, THT 1400.e b2, THT 1441.a b5, THT 1879 b4, THT 2050 b4, PK.NS. I a2, PK.NS.4 a4, PK.NS.5 al!, b2-3!, PK.NS.6 a3. ne!ja (adv.) 'before'

    L F



    POU 'priusquam, ante', VTW 'frilher, zuvor, zuerst'. ne.yii, ne,~ii-k. ♦ (neJ·a) 3 a2!, 10 a2-3!, 65 b6!, 181 b3, 231 a4, 265 b5, 271 a5, 303 a2, 311 al, b5, 313 b4, 340 a6-7!, 341 b3!, b9, THT 1868 b3, THT 2478 b2, PK.NS.4 a4; (ne,~ii-k) 11 a2. Based on ► ne!j with addition of the perlative affix.

    256 'earlier, before' [B nau.yaiiiie] POU 'prior', TEB II 'friiher'. Nom.Sg.Masc. ne.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. ne-5it_n, ne.5ina111, Norn.Pl.Masc. ne.yiiii, Obi.Pl.Masc. ne.yiniis, Obi.Pl.Fem. ne.yiniis, ne.y-5iis. S ne!ji cmol 'previous birth'. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. THT 1624 a5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (ne,5if!1) 67 al, b2, 135 bl, 198b5,263b>al!,a>b4,THT 1336.g a4; (ne.5ina111) 201 al!, 270 b8, 297 b6?; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 22 b2; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 214 a7!, 270 b7!, 318 + 319 al, 449 b4; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. (ne.yiniis) 77 b3, 83 b5!; (11e-5-5iis) 166 b2. D Based on the adverb ► ne!j. The Obl.Sg.Masc. has two alternative forms (SSS:69, 70). R The phrase ne.yil11 siirki (67 al!, b2!) is the calque ofSkt. anupiirvam 'like before', see Sieg ( 1952: 14, 15).

    ne!ji (adj.)

    L F

    (adj.) 'leading, being first' (Skt. puras) POU 'prius, an tea', JWP 'being first', VTW 'vor'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. ne,w, Gen.Sg.Masc. ne.yontiip. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 360 a9; ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 59 a3!. D Adjective of the type parno (TEB I: 155, §242) based on the adv. ► ne!j. R The Nom.Sg.Masc. could be interpreted in adverbial value, hence its use in the bilingual manuscript, 360 a9, as translating Skt. puras. As for the restoration and translation of 59 a3, see Sieg ( I 952: 42 n.4), where ne.yo translates Skt. mukhya-. See also SSS:18 (§34), 267 (§389).

    Nom.Sg.Fem. -ne.5oriieyumil11. ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 386 b5. D Second compound member based on a derivative with suffix -um of ne.5oriie*, abstract of ► ne!jo, as stated by SSS:267 (§ 389). R In 386 b5, kiis1vo11eyac yulii-naslunene.yorneyu111i111 translates Skt. gw1abhyiisa-p11rvikii, fem.sg., 'die Obung in den guten Eigenschaften zur Voraussetzung habend' (SWTF II: 18 I b, with reference to the Abhidharma text). The restoration of the final syllable of the Toch. word as 0 ma-5, Norn.Pl.Masc., as per TEB II: 112, was mistaken.

    F T



    (pp. )'in the lead' [Cf. 8 nau.yuwent] COU 'an der Spitze, unter Fiihrung', TEB II 'mit ... an der Spitze', JWP 'in the lead'. ♦288 b6!, 302 b7, 305 a8!, 345 a3, 371 b4, 409 b2, YQ I.I a8, YQ III.8 b3. Postposition with oblique, based on the frozen perlative of ne.yont, Obl.Sg.Masc. of ► ize!Jo, as stated by SSS: 144 (§204), 290 (§394).



    T D

    (adj.) 'having ... as prerequisite. preceded by ... ' (Skt. -piirvaka-) L TEB II 'zur Voraussetzung habend'.


    'eine friihere Geburt betreffend'. Nom.Sg.Masc. ne,~-cmolwii~·i, Obi.Pl.Fem. ne-5-cmo!wii-5iniis, ne.y-




    (adj.) 'concerning previous births'

    L COU 'zu den Geburten gehorig', VTW



    368 al!?;

    ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem.

    (ne.5-cmolwii-5iniis) 80 a>b2-3!, 232 b7, 395 a2; (ne.5-cmolwii-5-5iis) 152 a6.

    D Derived from a compound containing of ► cmol.

    ► ne!j

    and the plural

    (adj.) 'formerly wearing topknot' [Cf. 8 jafilapiirvake] F Obi.Pl.Masc ne.y-jatil-5iniis. T ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. YQ III.2 al!. D Based on the calque of Skt. purii!Ja}afila- 'formerly wearer of topknot' (SWTF II:280a and III:125b). R This has been transposed in Uigh. by toqii-larin yuliinis 'die ihren Haarschopf abgeschnitten batten' (MaitrHami III, 2a 4), see Geng- Klimkeit (1988a: 174-175). See ► ne!j-jadlzile.


    (n., masc.) 'formerly wearer of topknot, ascetic' [Cf. Bjafilapiirvake] L POU 'nom.propr.'. F Nom.Sg. ne.y-jadhile. T ♦Nom.Sg. 409 a2 lllmiitne ne.5-jadhi!e t. - - [d]dh. s. Ill. D Calque of Skt. purii!Ja}afila- 'formerly wearer of topknot' (SWTF II:280a and IIJ:125b) with wrong Sanskritization of Skt.jafila- 'having twisted hair' (MW:409b).


    257 R

    nkific See

    ► ne~·-jafil!ji*.

    nesset (n., masc.sg.) 'charm, spell' [B nassait] L TEB II 'Besprechung'. F Obl.Sg. nesset. S nesset yam- 'cast a spell, make a charm'. T ♦Obl.Sg. 12 a4, bl!, PK.NS.2 b2, PK.NS.3 b4, PK.NS.509 a2!. D Issued through vowel assimilation from *nasset, the match of TB nassait, see Pinault (2020b:333). Cf. ► wrii-nesset. 11aivasa11,j1iiilfl* (n., masc.sg.) 'state without awareness, ignorance' [B 11aivasa111}11a111] L POU 'ignorantia alicuius rei', VTW 'der Zustand, in dem es kein Bewuf3tsein u. kein Nichtbewuf3tsein gibt'. F Loc.Sg. naivasaf!l}hiina111. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 60 b>a3. D From Skt. 11aivasw11}11ana*, cf. naivasw11}11iiniisw11Jniiyatana- 'a stage of neither consciousness nor unconsciousness' (BHSD:3 l 3a). naiviisik* (n., masc.) 'local deity' L POU 'naivasika'. F Nom.Pl. naiviisikiin, Gen.PL naivasikassi. T ♦Nom.PL 370 b4, 411 b2!; ♦Gen.PL 370 b4. D From Skt. naiviisika- 'resident; some kind of monster' (BHSD:570a); 'Lokalgottheit' (SWTF III:62b). R Borrowed into Old Uigh. as naivazik 'eine Gotterklasse bzw. einc Form von Zwischenwesen' (Wilkens 2021 :484b ). naisarki* (n., masc.) 'offense involving forfeiture' [B naissargi] L COU 'Naisargika (Bezeichnung einer Stinde)'. F Obi.PL naisarkis. T ♦ Obi.PL 37 l a2. D Loan via Ml from Skt. naibsargika- (also written naisargika-) involving forfeiture', referring to a category of offenses according to the Buddhist code of discipline (Vinaya) for monks and nuns (BHSD:3 I 3b, 340a; SWTF III:23). noktitt1 (adv.) 'in the evening' L POU 'vesperi', COU 'abends', TEB II 'abends'. T ♦217 a6!.

    D R

    Based on *nokt 'evening'< CT *nokto, presupposed by ► nokte. Pinault ( 1990: 181-190).

    nokte (adv.) 'last evening' L JWP 'last evening', VTW 'abends'. T ♦YQ II.I bl. D Frozen Obl.Sg. < CT *noktai, see the alternative adv. ► 11oktit11. 1iom-kiiklu* (adj.) 'called N by name' F Gen.Sg.Masc. 110111-kakluntap. T ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 387 b3! prahal)asarpsabditaya · prahii111 iiom-kii(kluntap). D Compound with the PPrt. of ► kliiwa- (2) 'be called, named', and first member ► 1iom.

    110!jpe111 (pp.gen.) 'turned towards' L COU 'Uberlegung', Sieg (1952:9), VTW 'viell. Herzensauf3erung', CEToM '(turned) towards'. T ♦ 58 a5 bhadray 110:jpe1.11, 118 a5 temik 110.~pe111. R Discussion of the meaning in the commentary of 58 a5 along the edition of the text (CEToM, 2014). nkalune (n., a.) 'destruction' [B nkeliie] L VTW 'Zugrunderichten, Vernichtung'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. nkalune, All.Sg. nkaluneyac, Loc.Sg. nkalzmeym11, nkahmym11. T ♦Nom.Sg. 5 al; ♦ Obl.Sg. 337 a4!, YQ N.5 b5; ♦All.Sg. 10 b2; ♦ Loc.Sg. (nkaluneym11) 4 b5, 454 + 456 + THT 1636.o b2; (nkalunyaf/z) 134 b3. D Derived from ► niik-. nkiiiici (adj.) 'silvery' [B iikaiice] L POU 'argenteus', TEB II 'silbern'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. nkanci, Obl.Sg.Masc. 11kaiicil11. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 318 + 319 b2 !; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 315 + 316 a4. D Issued from CT *iiakancya:, and formal match of TB 11kaF1ce, except for the dissimilation of the palatal nasal at the beginning. nki,ic (n., masc.sg.) 'silver' [B 11kante] L POU 'argentum', TEB II 'Silber'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. 11ki11c. T +Nom.Sg. 303 b6. D Reshaping of* nakiint, the expected match of TB iikante < CT *iiiikiinta:,



    under the influence of the adjective *iiakiiFzci, hence *Mkaiic, followed by the palatalization of the vowel of the second syllable, syncope and dissimilation of the palatal nasal, as in the corresponding adjective. See Pinault (2021: 123). In any case, none of the various theories for a loanword can convince. The notion of a loan from Sogdian according to Blazek (see Blazek- Schwarz 2017:98103) is phonologically impossible, while presupposing that the TA form would be older than the one of TB.


    T D


    b5 nasam-iici (punctuation). Probably based on the suffixed P2 Sg. pronoun ► -ci, with marking of the palatalization of the preceding nasal.

    11miil1111e (n., a.) 'bowing, bending' [B namalFze]

    L F T D

    VTW 'Beugen, (Sich)Verneigen'. Nom./Obl.Sg. mnalune. ♦Obl.Sg. 213 al sne nmalune kapsiiiiio 'with unbent body'. Abstract based on the stem of Subj. V of

    -nmitms* (adj.)?

    F T D R

    nmuk (num.)'ninety' [B Fzumka]

    L T

    paying homage' L VTW 'Erweisen v. Verneigung' (nmaslune*). F Obl.Sg.Masc. nma.5/unesilri. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 250 b3 11111ii[i/une.5ir11 a.5trii1?1 piiFziiis 'of the pure merit consisting in bowing' (sci!. before the Buddha). D Based on nma.5/une*, abstract based on the stem of Subj. IX of ► niim-; calque of Skt. pra11iima- 'bowing, respectful salutation, obeisance' (MW:659c) in the translation of VA V 11.72. R See parallel Skt. text in Hartmann (I 987: 133-134). nmit (n., a.) 'feature, appearance, sign'

    [B nmit, Pl. nmittiinta] L POU 'causa', VTW 'Zeichen, Veranlassung'. F Obl.Sg. mnit. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 68 b4, 115 al, 277 b6, 450 a5?. D From Skt. nimitta- 'external aspect or feature, appearance' (BHSD:297b ).

    POU 'nonaginta', TEB II 'neunzig'. ♦ I 8 a6, 289 a7, 348 a2, 371 a2?, YQ I. I a2!, b3.

    nmuk-!ja-pbici (ord. )'ninety-first'

    L F T D

    POU 'nonagesimus primus', VTW 'einundneunzigste/r'. Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. nmuk-.5a-pinci. ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 436 a4 nmuk-.5a-piiici (kalpa,11) 'in the ninety-first kalpa'. Based on the numeral 11m11k-.5a-pi 'ninetyone'.

    11m11k-!jiik-pi-wiik11ii (adv.) 'in ninety-six ways'

    L T D

    POU 'nonagesimum sextum', VTW 'auf sechsundneunzigfache Art'. ♦288 bl, b8!, YQ I.I a2!, b3. Derived from ► nmuk, ► !jiik, ► -pi, ► wkii111.

    ► niim-.

    m1u1!jlune!ji* (adj.) 'consisting in bowing,

    Norn.Pl.Masc. -nmitiitse. ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 159 a4. Derived from a compound with second member ► nmit and suffix -iits. SeeSSS:116(§169,n. I).

    11yagrot (N) 'banyan' [B nyagrot, nigrot]

    (Skt. nyagrodha-, Uigh. nigrod sogiit) L POU 'nomen arboris', JWP 'banyan or fig-tree', VTW 'N. eines Baums'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. nyagrot. S nyagrot .5tiim 'Nyagrodha tree'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 291 b6, YQ II.4 b78! nyagrot .5tiimm oki 'like the banyan tree'. D From Skt. nyagrodha- 'the Banyan or Indian fig-tree' (MW:571c). nyagrot-.ytiim!ji (adj.) 'of the banyan tree'

    L F T D R

    VTW 'Nyagrodhabaum-'. Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. nyagrot-.5tiim.5i. ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ III.5 b6. Based on the phrase nyagrot [i/[1111. See also ► sii1ikik-!jfa5, 275 a5, 278 b2, 279 a6, b I!, b5, b6, 284 b6, b7, b8, 288 a3, 299 a3, 301 a6, 302 a3, a6, 312 a5, a8, 314 a3, 317 a2, 329 bl?, 332 b6, 336 a4, a9, b5, 337 a6, a6!, 347 a2, a4 (bis), bl (bis), 349 al, 359 a29 (bis), 361 al (ter), 365 al, 370 b5, 371 a5, 379 b5, 397 b2, 405 b4, 408.1 a2, 418 a4, 427 b2, 428 a4, b2, 429 a3, 454

    a5, 46 I a5, 463 b3, 465 a3, YQ I. I b6, YQ 1.8 a5, YQ Il.12 a8, YQ Ill.I bl, YQ III.5 b7, YQ N.5 b2, THT I 154 b3, b4, PK.NS.2 al (bis), a4, PK.NS.3 b2. patatam (adv.) 'fo11unate, gifted' L TEB II 'gllickhaft (?)', VTW 'viell. gli1ckhaft'. T ♦ 395 al .yi1ikek wasa1r1 se .yoltyo patatam 'for sure our son was ve1y fortunate'. D Via MI from Skt. pradattam, neuter adv. from pradatta- 'granted, bestowed, gifted' (MW:679c). Alternatively, via MI from Skt. bhadratama-, the superlative adj. coupled with bhadratara- 'more prosperous, happier, better' (MW: 746a). R The form patatam cannot be an adjective; rather it is a predicative adverb. patu* (n., masc.) 'shore, bank' [B petwe] L POU'?'. F Instr.Pl. patwasyo. T ♦ Instr.Pl. 43 + 52 a2-3 iiptiis patwaJyo 'along previous sea-shores'. R For the interpretation of the occurrence and the translation of this word, see Pinault (2015f: 147,154). pate (n., masc.) 'ploughing' (Skt. krsi-, kiirsaka-) L POU 'aratio, agrorum cultio', TEB II 'Ackerbau, Pflligen'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. pate. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 361 a2, a3 (bis). D Cognate with the verb ► piita-. R Former reading pane (POU, CEToM). For the form pate, see Peyrot (2018a:264265). pattiik* (n., fem.) 'flag, banner' L POU 'signum, vexillum', COU 'Fahne', VTW 'Fahne, Banner'. F Norn.PI. pattakaii, Obi.Pl. pattiikas, Gen.Pl. pattakassi. T +Norn.Pl. 264 al?; ♦ Obi.Pl. 164 a2€; ♦ Gen.PI. 220 a3 ote ime kalka-ni .ypartteyz1 pattiikiissi 'Oh, how this notion came to me about the wavings of flags'. D From IApatiikii- fem. 'a flag or banner' (CDIAL:436a, No. 7726).

    Patmii (PN, fem.) name of a woman who entertained the Bodhisattva F Nom.Sg. patmii. T ♦Nom.Sg. I 18 a4.

    263 D

    partirp From Skt. Padma 'n. of a brahman woman who entertained the Bodhisattva' (BHSD:318a).

    patrak (n., masc.) 'wing, leaf L POU 'folium (?)', VTW 'Blatt'. F Obl.Sg. patrak, Loe.Pl. patraksa111. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 273 a2!, a2; ♦ Loe.Pl. 167 a3?. D From Skt. pattraka- 'wing, leaf (MW:581c). padak* (n., masc.) 'ornament' L COU 'Verse', VTW 'Ausspruch, Sentenz'. F Obl.Pl.padakas. T ♦ Obi.Pl. 351 a6 (we)wnunt samat padakas 'he gathered the [words] said [by the Buddha] as ornaments'. D From Skt. padaka- 'a kind of ornament' (MW:584a), probably a chest ornament. R Differently, Schmidt ( 1974:408) translates 'Aussprliche sammelte er [und] Verse'. Padmaprabhe (PN, masc.) name ofa Buddhato-be L VTW 'N.pr. eines Bodhisatva'. F Nom.Sg. padmaprabhe, Gen.Sg. padmaprabhes. T ♦Nom.Sg. 399 al!; ♦ Gen.Sg. 219 a5. D From Skt. Padmaprabha 'n. of a Buddhato-be, predicted' (BHSD:317b). Pad11uivati (PN, fem.) name of a princess L VTW 'N.pr. einer Prinzessin'. F Nom.Sg. padmavati. T ♦Nom.Sg. 399 b4?, b6. D From Skt. Padmavatf 'n. of a girl of miraculous birth who became the wife of King Brahmadatta ofKampilya' (BHSD:318a). Padmottare (PN, masc.) name of a former Buddha [B Padmottare] L VTW 'N.pr. eines Buddha'. F Nom.Sg. padmottare. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b7. D From Skt. Padmottara 'n. of a former Buddha' (BHSD:3 I 8a). pmmiik* (n., masc.sg.) 'sandal, shoe' [B pannak] L JWP'shoe'. F Obl.Sg. pannak, Instr.Pl. pannakasyo.

    T D

    ♦Obl.Sg. 76 + 83 a2; ♦ Instr.Pl. YQ II.9 b4-5!. From Skt. upanaha- 'shoe, sandal' (CDIAL:107b, No. 2302) via Ml, where forms are attested without initial u-, such as va1wha-, pa1_1aha-, etc.

    parm11 (adv.) 'straight, even' L COU 'an der Aussenseite, ausserhalb', VTW 'auBerhalb', CEToM 'straight, even'. T ♦49 b2, 375 a5, b2. D Pace Poncha (POU: 161), this word cannot be the match of TB parna 'outside' (ADAMS: 381-382), which is rather found with ► piime. If -a111 is the locative affix, the basis *par may be related to ► parmii, and to the second component of ► ke111-par, ► te,11par. paramacitraka (n.) 'most prominent mark' L POU 'altissimum coelum'. T ♦ l45b5. D From Skt. parama- 'highest, most prominent' (MW:588a) and citraka- 'a mark, quantity' (MW:397b). paramii111, paramii{lll (n., masc.) 'an atom' [B paramanu, parama1_1u] L POU 'atomus', TEB II 'Atom'. F Nom.Sg. parama1_1u, Obl.Sg. parama1117, parama1_1u, parama,.n. paramanu paramanu 'atom by atom'. ♦Nom.Sg. 270 a3!; ♦Obl.Sg. (parama11ii) 218 b3; (paramanu) 248 a2 (bis), 270 a3!; (parama111) 385 al. D From Skt. parama1_1u- 'an infinitesimal particle or atom' (MW:588b).

    S T

    Paramiirtltadarsi (PN, masc.) name of a Buddha [B Paramartthadarsi] L VTW 'N.pr. eines Buddha'. F Nom.Sg. paramarthadarsi. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b5. D From Skt. Paramarthadarsin 'das hochste Ziel erblickend, die hochste Wahrheit sehend' (SWTF II:80). parii1r1 (n., masc.sg.) 'dignity, glory, rank' [B perne] L POU 'dignitas', TEB II 'Wiirde', JWP 'dignity, glory'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. para111.


    para1p-fikat 22 b4, YQ lll.12 a5; ♦ Obl.Sg. 32 al, 185 a4, 274 b6, 296 b6, 305 bl, 312 a5, 357 a2, 373 a3, 398 b3, 436 b5, YQ !1.2 b3-4!, YQ Il.6 a3, a4, YQ II.15 a8, YQ 111.2 a4, a5, b5, YQ IIl.3 b7. D CT noun. Loan from Iranian *farnah-. See ADAMS:426, Pinault (2016c:191!92) with previous literature. R See also ► parii111-1ikiit, ► kiir-




    ► sne-pariitfl.

    parii1t1-1ikiit (n., masc.) 'the lord of glory' (Uigh. kut tii!]ri)


    Couvreur (1959) 'b5!. D Derived from Parinirmittavasavarti*, from Skt. paranirmitavasavartin- 'Bez. der hochsten Klasse von KamavaearaGottern' (SWTF II:78a). R Restoration and translation in Geng - Laut - Pinault (20 l 4b:46, 50). pari11w!l(fal (adj.) 'circular'


    POU 'orbis, globus, sphaera', JWP 'circular'. T ♦ 213 a2, 291 b6, YQ II.4 b8!, YQ II.10 b2. D From Skt. parimm:u;lala- 'round, circular, globular' (MW:598c). pariviir* (n., a.) 'accessory, appendix, company'

    L F

    POU 'comitatus, comites', VTW 'Gefolge, Begleitung'. Com. parivarantwas.{a!.

    265 T D

    pamore~i ♦ Com.

    411 b3!. From Skt. parivara- 'accessory, appendix, addendum' (BHSD:329b).

    parive~·, pariwetj (n., masc.sg.) 'halo, circle' L COU 'Kreis', JWP 'clothing, dress', VTW 'Hof(v. Sonne u. Mond)'. F Obl.Sg. parive~·, pariwe.y. S parive.y yam- 'produce a halo'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. (parive-5) 22 a5; (pariwe-5) YQ 11.2 b7!. D From Skt. parive,5a- 'a circle, circumference, the disc of the sun and moon or a halo around them' (MW:60la). parivntjak* (n., masc.) 'wandering religious mendicant' [B parivrajake] L POU 'mendicans, vagans, qui mundum renunciavit', TEB II 'parivrajaka, Bettelmonch', JWP 'wandering religious mendicant'. F Norn.Pl. parivrajaki, Instr.Pl. parivrajakasyo. T ♦Norn.Pl. 288 bl!, b8!, YQ I.I al-2!, b4!; ♦Instr.Pl. 312 a7; ♦ fgm. 226 al!. D From Skt. parivrajaka- 'wandering religious mendicant' (MW:602a). parbJkiir* (n., masc.sg.) 'utensil' [pari.ykar] F Loc.Sg. pari,5karmrz. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 226 b2!. D Loan from Skt. pari.ykara- 'equipment, utensils, personal belongings' (BHSD:331 a). R Restoration Chamot-Rooke (2022a). See also ► yap-pari[jkiir*. pare (n., masc.) 'debt' [B peri] L TEB II 'Schuld', JWP 'debt'. F Obl.Sg. pare. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 94 b5, 466 al?, YQ 1.6 a6, b3. D Possibly loan from Mir., cf. Bactr. 11:apo (cf. ADAMS:425). Further discussion in Dragoni (2021: 131-135). R The line al of the bilingual fragment 466 has to be restored as pare ka(kmura-5), the latter translating Skt. adaya 'having taken'. -parmme

    ► sne-parmme

    parno (adj.) 'resplendent, glorious' [B perne,,] L POU 'splendidus, fulgens', TEB 11 'glanzend, wtirdevoll', JWP 'resplendent'.


    Nom.Sg.Masc. parno, Obl.Sg.Masc, Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. parnont, Gen.Sg.Mase./Fem. parnontap, Norn.Pl.Masc. parno,~, Obi.Pl.Masc. parnoficas, Gen.Pl.Masc. parnoncassi, Nom.Sg.Fem. parnots, Obl.Sg.Fem. parnontsiiJ!I. T ♦ Nom.Sg.Masc. 33 a2, 68 bl, 93 a4, 118 a 1, b4, 149 a2, 169 b3, b6, 265 a3, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b5, 302 b8, 320 a6, 383 a4, YQ Il.2 b6; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 217 a4, YQ 1.1 bl, YQ lll.12 a4; ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 16 b4!, 63 a6, 257 b2; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 272 b2; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 271 b3, 272 a5, 273 al!; ♦Gen.Pl.Masc. 93 a5; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 302 b8; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 23 a4?, 256 a6!, 321 b8; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 23 al, 24 bl; ♦Obl.Pl.Fem. I 18 b5!. D Possessive adjective based on ►parii111. parno-kasom* (adj.) 'to be regarded as splendid' L VTW '(als) glanzend zahlend'. F Nam.Pl.Fem. parno-kasominiin. T ♦Nam.Pl.Fem. 22 b I. D Compound with ► parno, ► kas and possessive suffix -om. R Interpretation according to Sieg ( 1944:26 and n. 11 ). See the constructions with ► kas.

    parnore (n., a.) 'splendour' [B pernerne] L POU 'splendor, fulgor', TEB II 'Glanz'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. parnore, Gen.Sg. parnoreyis, Instr.Sg. parnoreyo, Perl.Sg. parnoreyii. T ♦Nom.Sg. 23 b4, 256 a7, b2, YQ 1.5 b4, YQ 11.6 a6; ♦ Obl.Sg. 15 b5; ♦Gen.Sg. 272 a5; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 130 b3, 253 a7, 280 b3, 299 a8, 372 a>b3; ♦ Perl.Sg. 24 a2. D Abstract based on ► parno. R For the derivation, see Pinault (201 la:461). parnoretji (adj.) 'shining, bright' [B pernerne-5.ye] L POU 'fulgens, splendidus, fulgoris', TEB II 'glanzend'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. parnore.yi, Obi.Pl.Fem. pamore.)·iniis, parnore.y.yiis. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 253 a8; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. (parnore,5i11iis) 68 b5!; (parnore.y.yiis) YQ ll.l2a6.


    parma D

    Derived from


    parmii (adv.) 'eertainly, for sure, nonetheless' [B permii, perma] (Skt. kiimam) L POU 'tamen, sed', TEB II 'ja (gewif3), jedenfalls, doeh', JWP 'certainly'. T ♦ 10 b4, 43 + 52 a6, 112 a2, 263 b>a2, 288 b4, YQ 1.1 a6, YQ 1.5 a3-4!, YQ Ill.I b5!, YQ 111.2 b3. D Possibly related to ►para,,1. paryacintiik* (N, masc.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 12 syllables 5/7 or 4/4/4) [B bharyacintiik*] L POU 'nomen metri 4x 12 syllabarum'. F Loe.Sg. patJ1acintiikw11. T ♦ Loe.Sg. 147 b3-4!, 394 a4. D Loan from Skt. paricintaka- 'reflecting about, meditating on' (MW:594a). R TB bhmyacintiik*, which has the same metrieal pattern, is probably the mateh of this TA word, from the same source but with wrong Sanskritization. paryiil!I (n., masc.) 'circuit, space between cells in a monastery' [B pwyii111] (Uigh. pry'n, p(a)ryan) L POU 'cella', VTW '(Kloster-)Zelle'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. pat:va111, All.Sg. pwyiinac, Abl.Sg. paryiina!), Loc.Sg. pcayiinatJz, Obi.Pl. pmyiiniis. S le111 patyii1.n 'cell [and] circuit, i.e., the whole dwelling place of monks'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 260 b5, 299 a I?; ♦All.Sg. 153 al; ♦Abl.Sg. 153 al; ♦ Loc.Sg. 105 b3, 148 b6; ♦ Obi.Pl. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a4, 452 b5. D From Skt. palJ'G{W- 'circuit', Pkt. pariyiiiW- 'a walk' (MW:608a, CDIAL:447b, No. 7940); likely referring to the space between the cells, probably used for walking around. R For Uigh. parallel see Tekin (1980, 2:78b), Wilkens (2016:1037). paryiiyena (adv.) 'successively' L POU 'lapsus, suceessio'. T ♦ 372 b>a4. D From Skt. pa1yiiye{w 'in turn, successively, alternately' (MW:605b). R The manuscript reads clearly pa1yiiyena, pa,yiiye//1 as per TS:207 is based on a wrong segmentation.

    paryiiri (n., a.) 'miracle' [B paryari, Pl. patyarinta] L POU 'praestigiae', TEB II 'Wundertat', JWP 'miracle'. F lnstr.Sg. pmyiiriyo, Nom./Obl.Pl. pmJ•iirintu, Instr. Pl. patyiirintuyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. 232 al, 287 + 259 a>b I!; ♦ lnstr.Sg. YQ N.2 + N.6 b2; ♦ Obi.Pl. 270 a7!, 377 a4; ♦ Instr.Pl. 287 + 259 a>b I!. D Via Ml from Skt. priitihii1ya- 'jugglery, working miraeles, a miracle' (MW:706c). parsiic

    ► ar-


    ► ar-

    pal (n., mase.sg.) 'rule, correct manner' [B pele] (Skt. dharma-) L POU 'lex (religiosa)', TEB II '(rechte) Art, Recht, Gesetz, dharma'. F Obl.Sg. pal, Perl.Sg. palii. S 11akcit11 pal 'nach Gotterart', sne pal 'without Law'. T ♦Obl.Sg. IOI a5, 236 b3, 340 b3, 383 bl?; ♦Perl.Sg. YQ 11.12 bl!. D Second member of the compound ► miirkampal. CT noun. Discussion of meaning and etymology by Pinault (2020c:467-471) with previous literature. pa/01[1 (n., fem.) 'praise' [B Pl. palauna] L POU 'laus, laudatio', TEB II 'Lobpreis', JWP 'praise'. F Obl.Sg. pa/01.11, Obi.Pl. paloniis. T ♦Obl.Sg. YQ II.15 a5; ♦ Obi.Pl. 10 b5, 13 bl, 57 b3, 240 a6?. D Action noun based on ► piilii-. pal01!1!fi* (adj.) 'of praise' (Skt. vanw- 'praise, praising') L POU 'laudis, laudationis; laudatus'. F Obl.Sg.Fem. palo111!)inii171. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 420 b3 palo111.Jin(ii111 iipis) 'of the flow of praise'. D Derived from ► palo1[1. R Translation of VA V I.26b (Hartmann 1987:84). pa/ts* (n., masc.) 'treasure, riches' L POU'?'. F Instr.Pl. paltsa,yo. T ♦ Instr.Pl. 43 + 52 a4. R For the interpretation of the passage and the translation, see Pinault (20 l 5f: 148, 154).


    Pa.si (PN, fem.) name of a woman L POU'?', VTW 'viell. N.pr.'. F Nom.Sg. pasi. T ♦ 344 a2. pafo* (n.) '?'


    POU 'pecus', VTW 'Erg. u. Bed. unsicher'. T ♦ 99 a 1/// kar WU pasu R Broken context; can be any loan from a Skt. compound with first member pafo'cattle' (see MW:61 lc-612a). pa!j ► iiypa!j-iil!l ► iiyJ)ll!j-iii ► ayJJllfS (n., masc.) 'husband' [Cf. B epetso]

    POU 'maritus', TEB II 'Gatte'. Nom./Obl.Sg. pats, All.Sg. patsac. ♦Nom.Sg. 66 a5, bl, 159 b4?; ♦ Obl.Sg. 66 bl, 277 b2; ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 142 bl, 177 b4, 236 al, 277 b2; ♦ All.Sg. 70 al, 75 b6. D TA pats is a maculine back-formation from Common Tocharian *pcetsa, which is reflected in the compound TB epetso 'consort, bride', Obl.Sg.Fem. R See Pinault (2014d:294) with further references.

    L F T

    pakiir piikiicca,!l* (n., a.) 'period of retreat'

    [B pakaccii111] (Skt. antarvar,m-, Uigh. bakcan) L F S

    yaykz bakcan )'.


    ♦ Loc.Sg.

    270 a7, 454 + 456 + THT 1636.o al, 2143 b2. D Loan via Ml from Skt. bhaktiichiidana' gift of food' (BHSD:89b) or rather dvandva compound 'food [and] clothing', see Pinault (20 I 0c ). Not from bhaktachi1111aka- 'one cut off from food' (pace Zieme 1981 :256 and later literature), because this does not correspond to a period of fasting, and furthermore this etymology does not fit from a formal point of view. R For the restoration of 454 + 456 + THT 1636.o and the Skt. parallel, see Malyshev (2019:73-77).

    piikiir (adv.) 'evident, clear, obvious' [B piikri]


    POU 'palam, manifeste', TEB II 'offenbar', JWP 'evident'.


    piikiir, piikra, piikr-ak. piikar tiika- 'become evident, appear', piikar nas- 'be evident, visible' ,piikar mask- 'become evident, appear', piikar yiim- 'make evident, show, realize',pakiir lat- 'go out in person•, piikar .Jam- 'sit


    piik (n., masc.la.) 'part' [B piike]

    L POU 'pars', TEB II 'Tei!', JWP 'part'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. piik, Gen.Sg. piikis, lnstr.Sg. piikyo-kk, AII.Sg. piikac, Norn.Pl. piikaii, Nom./Obl.Pl. piikii11tu, Gen.Pl. piikiintwis, Instr.Pl. piikasyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. 226 b4, 397 a7, b4, b5 (bis), 459 a4; ♦ Obl.Sg. 3 a3, a4, 6 b6, 7 al, 22 b4, 55 a4, 59 b6, 215 bl!, 236 al, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>al, 298 a2 (bis), 313 b6, 462 b3, YQ Il.5 b6; ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 111 a2, YQ 1.7 b5, b6; ♦ Gen.Sg. 126 a4; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 452 a2; ♦All.Sg. 303 b8?, 311 b2; ♦Norn.Pl. 366 bl, b2!, b4!, 367 al, b2, 397 a6, b6?, 432 b4?; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 53 al; ♦Obi.Pl. 7 b6; ♦Gen.Pl. 367 a2, bl?; ♦ Instr.Pl. 3 a6. 236 a2, YQ HI.8 a5-6!. ·

    COU 'in der Regenzeit', VTW 'Regenzeit'. Loc.Sg. piikiiccc111a1?1. .)'llleiici piikiiccii111 'summer retreat (Uigh.

    bodily'. ♦ (piikrar) 2 a5, a6!, 6 b2, 9 b3, 24 a3!, 25 a6, 58 al-2!, 60 b>al, 63 al, a6, bl, 64 a6, b3, 67 b2, b3, 68 b3, 69 a5, 88 b4-5!, 147 a4, 152 a5, 184 a3, 187 b5?, 208 b3, 230 a4, 249 a4, 253 b4, b6!, 254 a3-4!, a4!, bl, 256 a2, 257 b3, 264 al, 267 + 268 b>a8, 289 b2, b7, 314 b3, b3!, b4!, b5, b6, b7!, b8, 315 + 316 a3!, a4!, a5!, a7, 340 b2-3!, b3, b8, 366 a3, 387 b2, b3, 399 b5, THT 1145 a3, THT 1151 b4!, YQ 1.7 a2, YQ II.I a6, b2, YQ ll.14 b4, YQ Ill.3 a7, YQ Ill.6 a2, YQ m.9 al, YQ IIl.12 a3, YQ V. l a5?, YQ N. l a6; (piikrii) 105 b3, 220 a6, 438 b3, YQ [1.15 b3, YQ N. l al, YQ N.3 b5; (piikr-ak) 264 a2. R As for the CT etymon, see further discussion by Hilmarsson ( ! 99 la: 122123 ), ADAMS:389.



    pakrarp piikra1t1 (adv.) 'overtly, apparently'

    L T

    D R

    POU'?', YTW 'vie!!. Oberflache'. ♦ Loc.Sg. 315 a2 piikra1J1 rarkunt {ii}siina(c ka)kmuri:is 'having come to the apparently covered seat'. Locative variant of ► piikiir. The interpretation of this word as a Loc.Sg. of a noun piiki:ir 'an der Oberflache (?)' is based on the translation by Sieg (I 952:28); see also POU: 164. The word is rather an adverb, variant in Loe. of the adv. ► pbl !, a>bl, 270 b4, 309 a5 piikkrasi, 336 a9?, 338 b7?; (piikrasi-k) THT 1152 a4-5!; (piikraci) 393 b4. D Cf. ► piikiir. TB apiiki:irtse, cognate adverb with identical meaning, is a prefixed formation with a different derivational prehistory, see discussion by Hilmarsson (1991a:121-123). piik!jbi ► iik!jiiifipiik!jiiiilii-1ii ► iik!jiliiipiik!jbi1iii-m ► iik!jiiiiipiicar (n., masc.) 'father' [B piicer]

    L F

    S T

    POU 'pater', TEB II 'Yater', JWP 'father'. Nom./Obl.Sg. piicar, Gen.Sg. piicri, All.Sg. piicrac, Abl.Sg. piicri:i0, Loc.Sg. piicra111, Perl.Sg. piicrii, Norn.Pl. piicri, Gen.Pl. piicri:issi. Some of the occurrences of the Nom.Sg. are used with vocative value. ♦Nom.Sg. 14 a5, 19 a4, 25 al, 59 b2, b5, 61 a4, 62 a6, 65 bl, 71 al, 76 + 83 a3, b4, 79 al, 83 b4, 257 a8, 260 a5, 257 a8, 258 b5, 260 a5, 273 b4, 313 a7, 317 a4, 326 b4, 327 b6, 360 a6, 382 a2, 394 a2-3, b2, 407 a3, YQ Il.4 a2, YQ 11.6 a4, YQ II.13 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg. 15 a4!, 94 a5, 169 b6, 180 bl, 222 b7!, 232 b6!, 356 b2, b3, 360 a3, YQ 11.9 a7, YQ 11!.2 al; ♦Gen.Sg. 6 b5,

    15 al, 71 b5, 342 a>bl, 403 a>b3!, 442 a3; ♦All.Sg. 260 al piiccrac, 348 al; ♦ Abl.Sg. 402 al, YQ ll.3 b6; ♦ Loc.Sg. I 48 b5; ♦Perl.Sg. 171 b2, 256 a2; ♦Norn.Pl. 130 b3, 262 b8; ♦Gen.PL 107 a4, 256 a4. R About the spelling variation piici:ir- in piici:ir-miicar instead of piicar-, see Itkin (2002:13b). In 232 b6, miicar piicar is not a compound (pace Itkin 2002:13b). piicar-miicar (n., masc.) 'parents'

    POU 'parentes', JWP 'parents', YTW 'Yater/Mutter [und] Mutter/Yater, Eltern'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. piicar-miicar, piici:irmiici:ir, Gen.Sg. pckri-miicri, All.Sg. piici:ir-miicrac, Abl.Sg. piicar-miicri:i~·. Loc.Sg. piicra111-miicra111. T ♦Nom.Sg. 25 b6, 84 al?, 155 a4, 178 b5!, 341 b9; ♦ Obl.Sg. 21 b5, 232 b6! miicar p(ii)car; ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 223 b2, 254 b5!, 266 + 276 b>a8-a>b I!, 395 a4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 208 a4!, 302 bl, 371 b2, 395 a4 miicri piicri; ♦All.Sg. 220 b2; ♦Abl.Sg. 57 bl!, 74 bl, 270 a8!, YQ 11.7 a2-3!; ♦Loc.Sg. 148 b5. D Compound of ► piicar, ► miicar. L

    piicar-miicar!ji (adj.) 'concerning the parents'

    [B piiti:ir matar.y0e] L POU 'parentum', JWP 'concerning the parents', YTW 'Yater- [und] Mutter-, Eltern-'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. piicar-miican;i, Obl.Sg.Masc. piicar-miicar0i111. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 291 a2, YQ 11.6 al-2!; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ Il.3 b5. D Derived from ► piicar-miicar.

    B patar00 e] POU 'patris', YTW 'Yater-'. Nom.Sg.Masc. piicar0i, Obl.Sg.Masc. piicar.yini:i171. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 260 b8; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 56 a2. D Derived from ► piicar.

    piicar!ji (adj.) 'of the father' [Cf.

    L F

    piici I) (adj.), 2) (adv.) I) 'right', 2) 'to the right' (Uigh. ong) L POU 'dexter', TEB II 'rechts', JWP 'right'. F I) Nom.Sg.Masc. piici, Obl.Sg.Masc. piici1J1, Obi.Pl.Masc. pc"icini:is, Obi.Pl.Fem.

    piicciis, 2) piicyiis.


    piici pe 'the right foot', piici tsar 'the right hand', siilyi piici 'left and right'. T ♦ l)Nom.Sg.Masc. 378 a2-3!; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 296 b2, 314 a7, 328 a2, 379 a4; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. YQ II.2 b5; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 12 b4, 320 a3; ♦2) 358 a2€!, 378 a2. D Related to ► iipat 'to the right'. R Discussion of the passages by Pinault (2002b:252-254).



    piiticawanjik* (n., a.) '5-yearly festival (of the

    Buddhist community)' [B pailcwar.5ik*] L COU 'Paficavar~ika (Ftinfjahr-Fest)', VTW 'entertainment for five rainy months'. F Instr.Pl. piiiicawa,;yikantuyo. T ♦ Instr.Pl. 409 b3. D From Skt. paiicavar0 ika- 'the festival gathering of the Buddhist order every five years' (BHSD:3 l 5a). R Note that the TA word is found only in plural, as is the TB match, cf. B paiicwar.5ikanta (ADAMS:376). piitiil (n., masc.sg.) 'abyss, underworld'


    COU 'Patala (N. einer unterirdischen Welt)', VTW 'Unterwelt'. F Nom.Sg. piitiil. T ♦Nom.Sg. 65 b3 piifiill oki. D Via MI from Skt. piitiila- 'Abgrund' (SWTF Ill:l 13b), cf. Pa.piitii/a'proclivity, cliff, abyss' (PED:452a). I~ Buddhist cosmology the term refers of a part of the underworld, see also Kirfel ( 1920: 198). Piitufu (PN, masc.) name ofa king

    L VTW 'N.pr. eines Konigs'. F Nom.Sg. pii!Jr;/u. T ♦Nom.Sg. 134 bl, b2, 135 a4. D From Skt. Pii1Jr;/u 'n. of a Naga king' (BHSD:339b). Piindukampal (N) name of Indra's throne

    L. · POU 'a) album tegumentum, b) calidum vesti, c) stabulum regis elephanti', COU 'N. eines Felsens', VTW 'N. d. Throns lndras'. S pii11r;lukampal piire111 'Indra's throne'. T ♦ 114 b3, 187 b5, 301 a8, 308 a3, 315 b4. D From Skt. pii!Jr;/ukambala- masc. 'weisse Wolldecke' (SWTF III:l 12b). R The phrase pii!Jr;/ukampal piire171 is a calque translation of Skt.

    Pii1Jr;iukambalasilii 'the throne of Indra' (BHSD:340a), see ►piire111. piita- (vb.) 'plough' (Uigh. s 'p 'nl'-, sapanla-)


    POU 'arare', TEB II 'pfliigen', TVS 'plough'. P (tr.) Prs. piina-*, Prt. piita-. F Prt.I Act. 3Pl. patar. T ♦ Prt.Act. 3Pl. 300 a8. D See the cognate action noun ►pate. R For the Uigh. parallel to see Tekin ( 1980, 2:107a). piitiir* (n., masc.sg.) 'alms bowl' [B patro]


    COU ' r is known in GandharI (see references in v. Hinilbcr 200 I: 176-177). R For the interpretation of the passages, and the meaning 'terrace', see Itkin (2018a). Pa!janak (LN) name of a mountain L POU '110111. propr. montis.', JWP 'name ofa mountain', VTW 'N. eines Bergs'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. pii-5iinak. S pii-5iinak -5ul 'the mountain Pa~al)aka'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 214 a5!, 288 a8, b4, YQ I.I a5, YQ I.JO a2, a4, YQ II.I a8, YQ II.9 a4, bl, b5, YQ II.14 b5-6!. D From Skt. Pii$ii/zaka- 'N. eines Caitya' (SWTF lII: 123a). -pa§·e (n., masc.) 'guarding, guardian' D Agent noun of ► pas-. R Second member of ► cu-pa!je, ► piilskapa!je, ► ri-pii!je, verbal governing compounds, see Malzahn (2012). Pa!jpe (PN, masc.) name of a monk (Uigh. p '§py, viispe) L VTW 'einer der ftinf Paficakas'.

    F T D


    Nom.Sg. pci-5pe. ♦Nom.Sg. 294 b3?. From Skt. Vci,~pa (var. Bci-5pa) 'n. of one of the five bhadravargTya monks' (BHSD:478b). For Uigh. parallel see Tekin (I 980, 2:77a).

    pa!jlune (n., a.) 'protection' [B pa.y.yab1e] L VTW 'Hiltcn, Bcwahrcn'. F Norn. pii.ylune, Obi. pii-5/une, All. pii.yluneyac, Obi.Pl. pii.yluneytu. S pii,~ lune yam- 'protect'. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ N.2 + N.6 b5; ♦Obl.Sg. 63 b3, 69 b5, 79 b2; ♦ All.Sg. 77 al?; ♦ Obi.Pl. YQ 11.3 bl. D Abstract derived from ► pas-. pa2; ♦ 3PI. (piisantiir) 227/8 b6, b7; (piisantrii) 262 b4, b6, 277 a6, 286 b5, 295 b2 (bis), b3, b5, b6, 302 b3, 355 b I; (piisantriiltz) 152 a3; (piisantrii1J1) 395 a2; ♦ PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg.Masc. 333 a6; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 349 b4; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. I b4; ♦ PPrs.MP 2 b3; ♦Gdv. 3 a5, 230 al; ♦Inf. 64 a2, 69 a3!, 96 b6!, 176 a2, 230 a4, 370 b4!; ♦ !pf.MP 3Sg. 99 a2, 130 a5, 222 b I!, 292 b6, 307 al!, bl!; ♦ Subj.MP lSg. 99 a3!, 106 a5, 233 a4?; ♦ 3Sg. 229 a7bl!; ♦ Opt.MP 3Sg. 125 a5! ♦ Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 3 a5, 230 al; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ 1.9 a6-7!; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. I 16 a3, 342 a>b2; ♦ lpv.MP 2Sg. 256 a4, 30 I b8€, PK.NS. I a4; ♦2PI. 226 b4-5!, 267 + 268 b>a7, THT 2160 b3; ♦ Prt.MP 2Sg. 180 b4!; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 117 a2, a5!, 125 a3, 230 a6, 307 a2!, 347 a4, YQ 1.9 b4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ IIl.9 a8; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 359 a26; ♦ Gen.Pl. 98 b4; ♦ Loe.Pl. 151 b3. D Cf. ► pb5 pii,1 s'twariik, 384 bl (bis), b2 (bis), b4, 399.26 al, 412 a3 pan stwariik, 457 b3, b4, YQ 1.6 b2, YQ 11.11 b8, YQ 11.14 b7, YQN.5 a4.

    pa1i-ka11t (num.) 'five hundred' [pis-kante]



    a5, 29 a3, 81 a2, 107 a3, 115 b6, 186 b5, 215 a3, a4, a6, 239 b5 ! (pankiit), 288 b6!, 295 a3, 332 bl, b2, b3, 375 al, 376 b3, 395 b3 (ter), 440 a3, YQ I. I a8, YQ 1.2 a7, YQ I.3 a6!, YQ I.6 a6!, b2, b3, b6!, YQ N.3 a7. D Compound of ► pa1i and ► ka11t. R On the reading and restoration of239 b5 (= 222 b4), see Pinault (2020d:387).

    pa,i-cmobvii!ji* (adj.) 'of five existences' [B piscmela.y.ye]


    POU 'quinque ordines partiis habens'.


    pafi-tmarp Obl.Sg.Masc. paft-cmo/wa:5i!11, pa11-cmolwa:5inaq1, Obi.Pl.Masc. paft-cmolwa.yinas, paii-cmoliva:5nis, Loe.Pl.Masc. pa11-cmolwa.yil11sa111, Obl.Sg.Fem. pan-cmolwa:5inii111. S pa,1-c1110/wii:5iiii wrasaft 'the beings of the five existences'. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. (pa11-cmolwii.yi!t1) 405 a2! paft-cmolwa,~(il11) ta/ont (so.yyis) 'of the miserable world of the five existences'; (paF1-cmolwii.5ina111) 235 a7!; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. (pa,1-cmolwii:5inas) 69 b3!, 287 + 259 a>b l, 313 b3, 407 b2; (pa11cmolwii:511is) 62 a6 [pa},1-cmolwii:511is sewass iik opyiic ka//iit pattiiftkat 'you remind, oh Buddha, the sons of the five existences to the end'; ♦ Loe.Pl.Mase. YQ II.2 b4. D Calque of Skt. piiftcagatika- 'containing the five states of existence' (BHSD:339a). Second member derived from the plural of ► cmol. R The occurrence of the Obi.Pl.Masc. pa,1-cmolwii:5nis in 62 a6 is a misspelling for -cmolwii.yinas, see Schmidt (1974:374). The reading of 405 a2 pan-cmolwii.5(i)nii(1.n) l(ii)nt as per TS:225 is not supported by the manuscript. F

    piiii-tmii111 (num.) '50,000'

    F T D

    Nom./Obl.Sg. paft-tma,_n. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 295 b2. Compound with ►pii1i and


    ► tmii111.

    POU 'quinquies'. ♦3 a6!, 73 a6?, 78 b6, 193 a6, 265 a8, 301 b2, 345 b3, b3. Compound adverb with ►piiii and the perlative sg. of ► wkii111.

    piit (prev.) 'over, on' (Skt. adhi-)


    S T

    piitkru (n., fem.) 'eyelashes'

    L F T R

    POU 'cilia', TEB II 'Wimpern', JWP 'eyelashes'. Norn.Pl. patkru, Instr.Pl. pi:itkrztyo. ♦Norn.Pl. 213 a7, 292 bl!, YQ 11.5 a4; ♦ Instr.Pl. 217 b2. On the formation, see Pinault (2006a: 131141 ).

    piitta1111ikte111 (adj.) 'of Buddha' [B pmiaktciiine,

    pudiiaktaniie] L POU 'divi Buddhae', TEB II 'Buddha-'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. ptiiF1kcikteq1, Obl.Sg.Fem. pattii1_nfikenii]!1, pcittiiftktenii111. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 357 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. (patta111nke11a111) 240 a3; (pattanktena,11) 31 I a2?. D Derived from ► ptiiiikiit with suffix -e111. piit-yiirk (n., a.) 'homage to the stiipa' [B pat]

    piiii-wiiknii (adv.) 'five times'

    L T

    faculties, the (previously) apprehended sensory objects'. R The two occurenccs ofpat in Berlin texts have previously been interpreted as preverb with an uncertain meaning (TEB II: 115). See now Catt- Huard - Inaba (2022) on the idea that it calques Skt. adhi- (see also ► ad/zit). Sieg's proposal (1944:5, n. 8), according to which pat translates Skt. buddhi-, docs not fit the context.

    Sieg (1944:5) 'Erkenntnis', COU 'Erkenntnis, Verstiindnis', VTW 'Wahrnehmung, Erkenntnis'. pat adhit kiilko '(previously) apprehended (= Skt. adhita-)'. ♦Obl.Sg. 3 al pant skm11 aka111tsune pat kalpalune:5i parka maskatr-a111 'he obtains as the fifth the advantage of obtaining property', 385 a I .yom parama111 paii rupi indris pat adhit kalkont vi.yayantu 'the single atom, the five material sense-

    L F T

    JWP 'stiipa'. Nom./Obl.Sg. pat-ycirk. ♦Obl.Sg. YQ Ill.12 bl konm.11 stwariik tmiinis pat-yark wa1p11iitsi 'in order to receive every day the ritual homage of 400,000 [coins]'. D Compound with ► yiirk as second member. The first member pat 'stiipa' corresponds to B pat, both loan via Mir. from Skt. Buddha-, see Pinault (CHREST:34; 2019b:128-129). R The notion of pcit-yark literally 'homage to the stupa, made of an amount of money' corresponds neatly to B ptama,.5i ciiiii 'the stiipa's money', literally 'coins' (see ADAMS:439).

    piitw- (vb.) 'rush down' [patt-, putt-

    L P F

    POU'?'. Prs. pcitw-0-, Prt. patw-sa-. Prs.Act. 3Sg. patwa,1·, Prt.111 Act. 3Pl. patwar.



    3Sg. 453 b3; ♦ Prt.Act.3Pl. THT 1378.g a3 (SSS:448). R See discussion in TVS:704. The meaning can be assumed with some hesitation, on the basis of the comparison with use of the rare TB fonns pattemane, puttuwerme111, which point to 'rush down, dive', in order to hide oneself, see Peyrot - Pinault- Wilkens (2017a:306, 308). This can be confirmed by the bilingual 453 b3 where patwa.y translates Skt. piityate (sic), to be interpreted as piidyate, passive 3Sg. of the Skt. causative piidayati 'cause to fall' (MW:582c).



    piin- (vb.) 'yawn'(?) L POU'?', VTW 'aufsperren', TVS'?'. P Prs.pniis-T-. F Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. pna.y.y-a111. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 29 b2 (~·u)nk pnii$.J-ii1J1 :. piint (ord. )'fifth' [B pinkie] L POU 'quintus', TEB II 'fiinfter'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. pant, Obl.Sg.Masc. paiica1J1, Obi.Pl.Masc. pances, Obl.Sg.Fem. panca111, Norn.Pl.Fem. pantiin. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 3 al, a5, THT 1128 al; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 47 a4, 218 a2, 280 a4, 394 bl!; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 305 a6; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 145 a6. D Derived from ► piili. piimv-(vb.) 'stretch' [B pann-] L POU 'trahere', TEB 11 'spannen', TVS 'stretch'. P (tr.) Prs.pmiw-T-, Prt.panwii-lpanwa-, PPrt. panwo. F Prs.II Act. 3Sg. panwii!i, 3Pl. panwenca111, Prs.MP I PL panwamtra, PPrs.MP paiiwmii1J1, Inf. panwtsi, Prt.1 Act. 3Pl. panwar, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. panwo, Norn.Pl.Fem. panwont, Abs. panwora.y. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 73 a4, a6?, 91 a3-4!; ♦3Pl. 152 a6!; ♦Prs.MP IPL 300 b2; ♦PPrs.MP 12 b6, Berlin ms.; ♦ Inf. 6 a6; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Pl. 63 a4; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 267 + 268 a>b6; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 312 a3€ pamvo=ky aci 1iaktas napena(ssi pa)lskan=tiikar 'to start with, the thoughts of the gods [and] of the humans were somehow attracted'; ♦Abs. 298 a7.

    R Translation of312 a3 according to Sieg ( 1952:27). One would expect a Nom.Pl.Fempanwont, but the reading pamvo is safe, and in addition, the sandhi piimvo + oki presupposes a form of Nom.Sg.Masc. (cf. TEB ll:29, n. !), which would be due to a scribal error. piipskiil (uni.adj.) 'foul, evil-smelling'(?) [Cf. B piip,pup*] L POU'?', VTW 'stinkend (en Geruch habend)'. T ♦ l52a4. D Possibly a compound with a verbal adjective as second member. R Nachlass. VTW also adds: 'Vermerk Sieg (quoted by VTW): "Wie im Klosett riechend, stinkenden Geruch habend", scil. vom Uterus d. Schwangeren.' piimroskilr piiyriir

    ► mroska-

    ► yiirii-

    piir- (vb.) 'bear, wear, carry, take' [B kiimii-, piir-] L POU 'ferre, portare, adducere', POU 'tragen', TEB II 'tragen, bringen', TVS 'bear, wear, carry, take'. P (tr.) Prs.piir-T-, !pf.para-, Subj. kiima-, Prt. kiima-, PPrt. kiikmu, Ipv. pkiimiir. F Prs.III MP 3Sg.piirtar,priitar, IPL pramtiir, 3 Pl. prantar, prantiircy, prantra, PPrs.Act. prant, PPrs.MP parma111, Gdv. pral, Inf. piirtsi, parsi, !pf.MP 3Sg. parat, 3Pl. piirant, Subj.V MP 3Pl. kamantra, Opt.MP 3Sg. kiimitra, Prt.I MP 3Sg. kamat, kamat-1ii, kii111at-a111, 3PI. kiimant, PPrt. Abs. kakmura.y, Ipv.l MP 2Sg. pkamar, 2Pl. pkiimiic. T ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. (partar) 49 b3; (priitar) 359 al2?; ♦ IPL 67 al; ♦3Pl. (prantar) 178 b 1?; (prantar-cy) 358 al; (prantra) 299 al, 355 bl; ♦PPrs.Act. 19 b2, 395 a2; ♦ PPrs.MP 60 a>b3, 321 a4, 355 al, YQ IJI.5 a5; ♦ Gdv. 54 a2x, SHT 525.56 b4!?; ♦Inf. (piirtsi) 14 a2, 69 a5, 89 a2, 140 b2, 253 al, 372 a>bl !; (piirsi) 391 b7; ♦ !pf.MP 3Sg. 430 a4; ♦3Pl.310 a3; ♦ Subj.MP 3Pl. 458 a5?; ♦Opt.MP 3Sg. 197 b6; ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. (kamat) 8 b I, ! ! I a3, 223 a2, 312 b7, 402 b6, 431 b4, 432 al, 435 b2!; (kamat-ni) YQ 1.4




    b6; (kiimat-a111) 341 b6; ♦ 3Pl. 220 b5, YQ III.3 a4; ♦PPrt. Abs. 43 + 52 b4, 220 b5, 256 a3!, 284 al, 302 a6, 347 b2, 466 al!; ♦ lpv.MP 2Sg. 21 b2, 43 + 52 a5-6, 340 b7, 393 a3; ♦2Pl. 9 b I!, b2. In 256 a3, the edition(TS:131) has kakmura0, but kiikmura.y can be easily restored, because the top of the first ak,wra has been cut out by a lacuna (THT 889). This has been noted in the Nachtrage (TS:256) as well as by Siegling on his personal copy.

    piir (n., masc.) 'arrow' [B prere] (Skt. i0ikii-) L POU 'sagitta, telum', TEB 11 'Pfeil'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. par, Instr.Sg. piitya, Obi.Pl. parriis. T ♦Nom.Sg. 75 a3!; ♦Obl.Sg.312 b7, 437 b3, 460 + 466 a4; ♦ Instr.Sg. 72 bl, 75 a2, 79 b4, l 00 a6, 163 b2 ! e1ikal0if!1 pa1ya 'through the arrow of the passion'; ♦ Obi.Pl. 246 b2. D See bound fonn parra 0 in ► piirra-krase. CT noun, see the etymological discussion by Pinault (2020d:388). R On the Skt. parallel, see Couvreur (1967: 156, l 59). -piir*

    ► tri-piir*


    ► priik-

    piirkt1- (vb.) '(a)rise, become clear' [B parkii-] L POU 'oriri (de solis ortu)', TEB II 'aufgehen', VTW 'aufgehen (von der Sonne)', TVS '(a)rise, become clear'. P (itr.) Prs. parka-, Prt. parkii-lparka-, PPrt. parka. F Prs.III MP 3Sg. parkatar, PPrs.MP parkamii111, Prt.l Act. 1Sg. parkii, 3Pl. parkar, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. parka, Norn.Pl.Masc. parka.)', Norn.Pl.Fem. parkant. T ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. 118 b6!, 274 b4; ♦ PPrs.MP 265 a3, 308 a2; ♦Prt.Act. lSg. 372 a>b3; ♦ 3Pl. 274 a2, 372 a>b4, 412 a2; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 217 a4, THT 1150 b4 parka ~'()all/; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 256 a8; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 318 + 319 a4. piirkiir (adj.) 'long' [B pi:irkare] L POU 'longus', TEB II 'lang'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. parki:ir, Obl.Sg.Masc. pi:irkriif!1, Nom.Sg.Fem. pi:irkri, Norn.Pl.Fem. pi:irkraf!l.

    S T



    sol parki:ir 'a long life'. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 105 a2, 295 b4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 289 a5, 328 b3; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 18 al-2, 330 b2; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 151 b5€, b6€, YQ Il.4 b5. CT adjective, see etymological discussion by ADAMS:399-400, Pinault (2021: 124, n.42). Ultimately related to the root of the verb ► piirkii-. In 151 b5 and b6, according to TS:81 one reads parkri:i111 instead of correct pi:irkra111. This has been marked by Siegling on his personal copy.


    ► miirkiirnu*

    piirkiir-sol* (adj.) 'long-lived' L COU 'lang lebend' F Norn.Pl.Fem. pi:irki:ir-soliiii T Norn.Pl.Fem. 322 b3! D Compound with ► piirkiir and


    piirko (n., a.) 'advantage, profit' [B pi:irkiiu] L POU 'lucrum, commodum', COU 'Vorteil, Aufgang', TEB II 'Vorteil (Aufgang)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. pi:irka, All.Sg. pi:irkawac, Nom./Obl.Pl. pi:irkawi:intu, pi:irkantu, Gen.Pl. parkawi:intwiis/,i, Abl.Pl. pi:irkawi:intwi:i0. T ♦Nom.Sg. 2 b5, 3 al, 116 a6, 121 b2, 194 a4, 365 a4; ♦ Obl.Sg. 5 a4, 249 a3, a4; ♦All.Sg. 339 a6; ♦Norn.Pl. (parkawi:intu) 2 b5, 117 b2!; (parkantu) 121 b3; ♦ Gen.Pl. 5 al; ♦ Ahl.Pl. 121 b2. D Loan from Bactr. cppoyaoo 'profit' (< :fragiiwa-), see Pinault (2002b:265), with previous references. piirk,iiim (adj.) 'questioning, interrogative' [B pre~iitstse] L POU 'interrogans, interrogator', TEB II 'fragend'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. pi:irkFii:im. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 81 b5. D Agent noun which presupposes a subjunctive of Class VII from the verb ► priik-, in addition to the one of Class I, see TVS:708. piirkrone* (n., a.) 'length' [B pi:irkarne] L POU 'longitudo', TEB II 'Lange'. F Instr.Sg. pi:irkroneya. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 148 a2. D Abstract based on ► piirkiir.

    279 piirklune (n., a.) 'asking, questioning' [Cf. B prek5allei'ie] L VTW 'Fragen'. F Obl.Sg. piirk/une, Obi.Pl. parkluneytu, Gen. Pl. parkluneytwiissi, piirkluneyantwii.isi. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 213 b3, 217 b6, YQ II.5 a7, THT 2462 al; ♦ Obi.Pl. YQ 11.5 b2; ♦Gen.Pl. (parkluneytwiissi) 21 a5; (parklzmeyantwiissi) 387 al. D Based on the Subj. stem of ► priik-. piirne 1) (adv.), 2) (prep.+ perlative) 'out, outside' [Cf. B parna] L POU 'extra', TEB II 'drauBen, hinaus, auBerhalb'. T ♦ I) 300 b2, 356 b5, 437 b6; ♦2) 227 /8 a2. D From the formal point of view, TA piirne cannot be the exact match of TB parna 'outside' (ADAMS:381-382), even though both words are cognate. R Survey of uses in SSS:283-284 (§392). piime# (adj.) 'outsider, other (than Buddhist) sectarian' [Cf. B piirniiniie] (Skt. paratfrthika-, biihyatfrthika-) L JWP 'outsider(?)', VTW 'lrrlehrer'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. piirne0i, Obl.Sg.Masc. parne.5il11. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. YQ N.2 + N.6 a4; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ Ill.9 a8. D Derived from ► piirne. R On the Skt. and the TB parallels, see Huard (2022:56-58). piirmmik (n., masc.sg.) 'hope' [B parma1ik] L POU 'spes', TEB II 'Hoffnung'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. parma,ik, Instr.Sg. piirmmi/..yo. S parmaizk kar.yt- 'give up hope', sne parmaizk 'without hope'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 20 a2, 119 b3, 260 a3, YQ 1.9 b5, YQ Il.10 a2!; ♦ Obl.Sg. 260 a2!, 332 a3, 337 b8€, 340 a9; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 340 a8. D Loan from TB piirmaizk, itself borrowed from Bactr. a6; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Pl. 63 a3; ♦ PPrt. 174 bl; ♦2) Prs.MP 287 + 259 a>b4; ♦Prt.Act. 3Sg. (papcirs) 12 a4, b I; (pa1J1pcirs) 12 b6; ♦ 3PI. 89 a3. R In 12 b6, pan1pcirs is evidently a scribal mistake, see Sieg (1944: 16 n.4) and Siegling's personal copy.


    piirsiint (n., masc.) 'spotted stone, precious mineral' [B parsi:intse] L COU 'leuchtend', TEB II 'Geschmeide'. F Obl.Sg. pcirsi:int. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 226 a4 : kat(u.yi) parsi:int leki:i '[in the shape] of goldsmith's jewellery, in the shape of spotted stone'. R Possibly a shortform for ► koprii1ikpiirs,111t. For 226 a4, see Chamot-Rooke (2022a). piirsiits* (adj.) 'various, mixed, diverse' F Obl.Sg.Masc. pa1:5i:itsa171. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 340 b7 tmi(s ca).y oko parsi:itsa111 (na,1· wcirpni:imi:i,~ 'I partake of this mixed fruit of that (sci I. previous behavior)'. D Based on pars* 'speckle' with possessive suffix, see ► !jokyo-piirs. R The meaning, referring to the mixed (i.e., alternatively good and bad) fruit or previous actions, presupposes a metaphor from 'speckled, spotted' (Skt. citra-). See the revision and restoration of the passage by Itkin - Malyshev (2021 :53-54). piirskii- (vb.) 'fear (for)' [B parsk-] L POU 'metuere, timere', TEB II 'sich ftirchten'. P (itr.) Prs. praska-, Subj. praski:i-, Prt. pcirsak (i.e. praski:i-), PPrt. pcirsko. F Prs.III MP I Sg. praskmi:ir, 3Sg. praskatcir, 3PI. praskantra, PPrs.MP praskmi:i171, Subj.V Gdv. prciski:il!, Prt.l Act. 3Sg. parscik, Prt.III Act. I Sg. prasku, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. parsko,

    Obl.Sg.Masc. parskont, Norn.Pl.Masc. pcirsko.)-, Norn.Pl.Fem. pcirskos. S parski:i- + gen. 'fear sb. ', + abl. 'fear sth.' T ♦Prs.MP ISg. 10 b6; ♦3Sg. 277 a5; ♦ 3Pl. 262 b6; ♦ PPrs.MP 10 b5; ♦ Gdv. 155 b3, 179 al; ♦ Prt.l Act. 3Sg. 221 a3; ♦ Prt.lll Act. l Sg. 230 b3; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 36 b4, 71 b2, 289 b3€ lo ke111 prarskro 'shying away from falsehood'; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 28 bl; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 3 I 7 b I; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 321 a5. R The form prcirskro in 289 b3 is safely read, but is apparently a scribal error for parsko. The form parscifzk stays without context in 444 a5, after lacuna and before punctuation; it may be a scribal mistake for parsak. For the construction, see Meunier (2015:234). For the Prt.III Act. I Sg. prasku, see TVS:712 with further literature. See also ► praskiir, ► prasku, ► praski, ► praskmii.

    piil- (vb.) 'extinguish, come to extinction' L POU 'exstingui', TEB II 'erloschen', VTW 'Gv. erloschen, K. ausloschen', TVS 'come to extinction'. P I) (tr.) Prs. pals-T-, Prt. palyi:i-, PPrt. paplu, 2) (detr.) Prs. pla-. F 1) Prs.Vlll Act. 3Sg. pla.y, PPrs.Act. pal.yanti:it!l, Inf. pciltsi, Prt.Act. 2Sg. palya.yt, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. paplu, 2) Prs.III MP 3Sg. platar. T ♦ I) Prs.Act. 3Sg. 151 b4 wyi:ira,71 cok pla.y ... sam ya,5 nareyntwa111 '[if] he extinguish a lamp in a sanctuary, ... he goes to hells'; ♦ PPrs.Act. YQ 11.12 b3; ♦ Inf. 377 a4?; ♦ Prt.Act. 2Sg. 303 a45!; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 75 al; ♦2) Prs.MP 3Sg. 124 al. piil (n., masc.sg.) 'wound' [B pfle, Pl. pilenta] L COU 'Wunde', TEB II 'Wunde'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. pal. T ♦Nom.Sg. 79 b5 (bis).

    piilii-(vb.) 'praise' [B pal-] L POU 'laudare', TEB JI 'preisen', VTW 'preisen', TVS 'praise'. P Prs. (tr.MP) Prs. pal/a-, Subj. (tr.MP) pi:ila-, Prt. pi:ila-, PPrt. pi:iplu. F Prs. VI MP I Pl. palli:imtrci, 3 Pl. palli:intra, palli:intar-ci, palli:i1.ntra, pli:intra, Inf. palli:itsi, Subj. V MP 3 Pl. pi:ilantrci, Prt. MP 3Sg. pi:ilat, 3PI. pi:ilant, PPrt.



    Nom.Sg.Masc. piiplu, piiplo, Obl.Sg.Masc. piiplunt, Nom.Pl.Masc. piiplu.y, Gen.Pl. piipluiiccissi, Abs. piiplurci.5. T ♦ Prs.MP !Pl. 15 a2; ♦3PI. (pcilliintrci) 253 b5, b6, 279 b2?, YQ II.8 b6-7!, b7, b7-8!; (pci/liintar-ci) YQ 1.6 a5€; (pcil!iit!lfrci) 169 b2!; (pliintrci) 359 a28; ♦ Inf. 69 b2; ♦ Subj.MP 3Pl. 288 a4, YQ ll.14 a6; ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. 32 a4 (piilat-ci111), 38 al!, a2-3!; ♦ 3Pl. 15 b6, 35 a2; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. (piiplu) 60 a>bl, 75 al, a5-6!, YQ 1.6 a2; (piiplo) 359 a20; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 143 a3; Nom.Pl.Masc. 421 b5 !; ♦Gen.Pl. THT 1408.k + 285 + 28 I a>b5!; ♦Abs. 421 a2?. R According to Bai and Huard (p.c.), there is no root plii- as per TVS:739, but the forms pliintrci and piiplo should be linked to this verb, the former being a metrical variant as assumed by Couvreur ( 1956:80). This is shown by the Chinese parallels in the Sa111yukta-iigama: for piiplo, ::k{Ll.Jl'flll~ 'great sages neither consider nor praise [the sacrifice]' (SA 89 at Taisho No. 99, vol. 2, p. 22c2 l) and, for pliintrci, lll}~Jl:UfGllli '[The Buddhas] praise these sacrifices' (SA 90 at Taisho No. 99, vol. 2, p. 23al2). piilk (n., a.) 'view, opinion' [B pilko]

    (Skt. dr.y/i-) L POU 'aspectus, conspectus', TEB II 'Blick'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. plcik, lnstr.Sg. plcikyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. 116 b4, 389 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg. 267 + 268 a>b5; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 58 b4. D Cf. ► piilkiintwli!ji, ► ke111-piilk* (]), ► ke111-piilk* (2). Related to the stem piilkii- of the verb ► liikii-. piilk- (1) (vb.) 'shine' [B pcilk-]


    P F


    POU 'aspectum habere, splendere', TEB II 'leuchten', VTW 'leuchten, gliinzen', TVS 'shine, appear'. !) (itr.) Prs. pcilk-0-, !pf. pcilsii-, 2) (fact.) Prs. pcilkcis-T-, Subj. pcilkiis-T-. I) Prs.I Act. 3Sg. pcilkci-5, 3PI. pcilkiiic, !pf.Act. 3Sg. pcilsii, Prt.I Act. 3Sg. pcilk, 2) Prs.Vlll MP 2Sg. pcilkci.ytiir. ♦ I) Prs.Act. 3Sg. 3 b4, 5 a3, 17 a6, b5, 61 b2, 265 a7, 308 a6, 372 a>b5!?, 449 a3, YQ I.3 b6, YQ 11.2 b6, YQ III.I b8; ♦3PI.


    102 b3, 218 a4, 280 a5, 379 al; ♦!pf.Act. 3Sg. 109 b4; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. 68 b2; ♦2) Prs.MP 2Sg. 92 a4. Cf. ► piilkiilune, ► piilkii!jlune.

    piilk- (2) (vb.) (tr.) 'bum, torment' [B pcilk-]

    POU 'calefacere, torquere', TEB II 'brennen, quiilen', TVS 'burn, torment (tr.)'. P (tr.) Prs. pcilkcis-, !pf. pcilk-5ii-, Prt. papcilykii-, PPrt. papcilyku. F Prs.VIII Act. 3PI. pcilkse-iii, pcilksenc, PPrs.Act. pcilkyant, Inf. pcilkiissi, !pf.Act. 3Sg. pcilk-5ii, Prt.Il MP !Sg. papcilyke, 3Sg. papiilykiit, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. papcilyku, Obl.Sg.Masc. papcilykunt, Nom.Sg.Fem. papcilykus. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Pl. IOI b3!, b5, 168 a3!; ♦ PPrs.Act. 353 bl; ♦ Inf. 101 a2!; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Sg. 48 a5; ♦ Prt.MP ISg. YQ I. IO a6; ♦ 3Sg. 220 a6; ♦PPtt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 99 a6, 313 b3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 397 a8, 432 a7; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 108 a3. D Cf. ► pliislune. L


    ► liikii-


    ► liikii-


    ► liikii-

    piilkiilune * (n., a.) 'view, seeing'

    Instr.Sg. pcilkiiluneyo, piilkuneyo, Loc.Sg. piilkiiluneym71, Perl.Sg. piilkiiluneyii. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. (piilkiiluneyo) 287 + 259 b>a6; (pcilkuneyo) YQ III. I I a5; ♦ Loc.Sg. 267 + 268 a>b3, YQ II. IO a5; ♦Perl.Sg. 385 b3. D Abstract derived from ► piilkii-, see F

    ► liikii-.

    piilkii!jlune* (n., a.) 'shining'

    L F T D

    VTW 'Leuchten, Gliinzen'. Abl. pcilkiiyluneyci.y.y. ♦Abl. 54 a2. Abstract derived from ► piilkii-.

    piilkiintwli!ji (adj.) 'pertaining to the (wrong)

    views' [B pilko.;·.ye, pilkonta.y.ye] L POU 'aspectus', VTW 'Ansichts-'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. pcilkcintwii.5i, pcilkci1?1twii.5i. S pcilkci1?1twii.yi kii.yiiy 'corruption of afflicted views (Skt. dr.y/ika.yiiya-)' T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (pcilkiintwii.5i) 222 a I; (pcilkii111twii.5i) 322 a3.


    palkets D

    Based on the plural

    of ► piilk.

    piilkets (adj.) 'shining' [Cf. B pcilkamo]


    POU 'pulcher', TEB II 'leuchtend, glanzend, ansehnlich', JWP 'shining'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. pcilkets, Norn.Pl.Fem. pcilketsiin. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 253 b3, 316 b5-6!, 317 b7, YQ 111.5 b7, YQ III.6 a I; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 17 b6, 148 a2, a3. D Derived from ►piilk- (I) 'shine'. piilciis

    ► liit-,


    piilt (n., a.) 'leaf' [B pilta, Pl. piltiisa]

    L POU 'folium', TEB II 'Blatt'. Nom./Obl.Sg. pcilt, Nom./Obl.PI. pciltwii, Instr.Pl. pciltwayo, All.Pl. paltwakac, Abl.PI. paltwakci.5.


    23 b5, 145 a4, 377 a2; ♦Norn.Pl. 104 a6; ♦ Obi.Pl. 340 b2, THT 2342 bl; ♦ Instr.Pl. I bl, 314 b4!; ♦All.Pl. 92 b6?; ♦Abl.Pl. 104 a6!, 145 b2!. R The plural TApaltwii eomplies with a produetive plural formation, whereas TB piltiisa points to the CT form of the original stem, see Pinault (2021: 116).



    piiltii- (vb.) 'drip' [B pcilt-]

    L COU 'tropfte', VTW 'tropfen', TVS P F T

    'drop'. Prs. pcilt-, Prt. pcilta-. Prs.11 Act. 3Pl. pcilte, Prt.l MP 3Sg. pciltiit. ♦ Prs.Act. 3Pl. 442 b4? palte-111; ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. 153 b6.

    piib11ii!jiir piilmiis

    Nom.Sg.Masc. palska,si, Obl.Sg.Masc. paltska.yi, pcilska.yi/11, Nam.Pl.Fem. paltska.yinan. S pcilska.;·i markampal 'mental factor (Skt. caitasika-dharma-)' T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 177 a2?, 244 a3, 250 a I!, 385 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (pciltska.yi) 371 b I; (palska:yil!z) 385 b4; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 364 a6?. D Derived from ► piiltsiik with appurtenance suffix. R The phrase palska.yi markampal is a calque ofSkt. caitasika-dharma- 'mental factor' (BHSD:233a), 'geist(art)ig' (SWTF II:267a). F

    piilskasu (adj.) 'thoughtful, thinking'

    [B pii!skossu] L POU 'cogitationis, cogitans', TEB II 'bedachtsam'. Nom.Sg.Masc. palskasu, Gen.Sg.Masc. pcilskasuntiip. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 190 b3!; ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 288 a6-7!. D Derived from ► piiltsiik with possessive suffix. F

    piilska-, piiltskii- (vb.) 'think' [B palsk-]

    L P


    ► !jiim-

    ► !jiim-


    ► luwii-

    piilslune *

    ► pliislune

    piilska-pa4!, 302 a8, 313 a4 piiltsiikk, 3 15 + 3 16 b I! piiltsii(kk), 340 a5, 372 a>b5, 384 a5, 385 al, a5, bl, b5, 386 bl, 408.e b2, 424 b2, 433 b2, YQ II.12 a3, YQ Ill.3 bl-2!, YQ 111.9 b3, THT 1153 bl, PK.NS. I al ppiiltsiik, PK.NS.6 a3; ♦ Gen.Sg. 55 a2, a6, I 13 bl, 122 b2, 243 a2, 378 al, 384 a5, bl€, b5, 385 al, 386 a3, bl, YQ 1.6 b7; ♦ Jnstr.Sg. (piiltsiikyo) 38 a3, 63 b2, 77 b5, 95 a2, 113 a5, 216 a>bl, 222 al!?, 229 a2, 262 al piiltsii/..y=okak, 277 bl, 288 a5-6!, 289 al, 295 b2, b3 (bis), 296 b3!, 309 b5, 344 a5, 354 a4, 359 a2 l, YQ 1.4 a8,YQ Il.6 a8, YQ Il.8 a6, YQ II.I I a5, YQ 11.15 b4, YQ 111.8 b5, YQ 111.12 a3, b4, YQ N.5 a6; (piiltsiikyo-kk) 213 b7, YQ Il.5 a6, b4!; ♦All.Sg. 62 a4!; ♦Abl.Sg. (piiltskii.y) 77 a6, 114 b2, 231 a3, 244 b3, 256 b2, 260 b3, 305 b7, 395 a2; (piiltska,~) 229 b3, 232 b7; ♦ Loc.Sg. I a4, 2bl,4al,9a2, 13bl, l4b6,24a4, 113 a4, 159 a4!, 256 b2, 307 b6, 339 b7!, 385 a4, 386 al (bis), 390 a3, YQ 11.5 bl, YQ II. IO b7 piilskw1111, YQ II. I I b I; ♦ Perl.Sg. (piilska) 90 a5, 244 a4, 295 a5, 386 b4; (piiltska) PK.NS.2 a4; ♦ Com.Sg. 385 b5; ♦Norn.Pl. (piilskant) 73 a4, 280 b5, 312 a3 ! {pii)lskan=takar, YQ IIl.5 b I; (piiltskant) 231 b4; ♦ Loe.PL 384 b2. D Related to the verb ► piilskii-, piiltskii-. piiltskum (adj.) 'provided with thought, thinking' L POU 'cogitans'. F Nom.Sg. piiltskum, Norn.Pl.Masc. piiltskumii.y, Perl.Pl. piiltskumii11csa. T ♦Nom.Sg. 69 a2; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 63 b2; ♦ Perl.Pl. 353 a5. D Derived from ► piiltsiik. R See compound ► piipliintu-piilskum.

    palysluneyum* ► plasluneyum*

    piilysluneyum* ► kiily-



    ► pliisluneyum*

    ► psiir

    piissa#* (adj.) 'of the breast' L JWP 'of the breast', VTW 'Brust-'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. pa.§sa.yit11. S passasi malke 'breast milk'. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ 111.7 b6, b8. D Derived from ►piissii111. piissii111 (n.du., masc.) 'breasts' [B pascane] L POU 'pectus, mammae', VTW 'Brliste'. F Nom./Obl.Du. passa111, Ab I.Du. pasna.5, Loe.Du. pi:isna111. T ♦Norn.Du. 191 a4, 318 + 319 b2!; ♦ Ohl.Du. 253 b7, 399 a2; ♦ Ahl.Du. 399 a3!, a4; ♦ Loe.Du. 6 al, 104 a3. D Cf. ► piissa!Ji*. R CT noun, see Hilmarsson ( I 989a:98- l 00), ADAMS:386. ► kiily-


    pii.yt- (vb.) 'whisper' [B past-] L POU 'pertrahere, inducere (?)', TEB II 'rufen, schreien', TVS 'call, cheer, woo'. P (itr.) Prs. past-0-. F Prs.I Act. 3Sg. pa.)·t.5-a111, 3Pl. pastinc. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 131 a5 k(l)otsm11 pa,vt,v-aq1 taf!me ske,ri pe1J1/// 'he/she whispers in his/her ear: Tell also thus ... '; ♦ 3Pl. 253 b4. R Revised meaning after Itkin - Malyshev (2021 :63-65). pii!jtam

    ► kiily► nas-

    pii!jtiikiis pii!jtiik-,ii pii!jtiik

    ► nas-

    ► nas-


    ► kiily-

    piis- (vb.) 'pour, scatter' L POU 'fundere, spargere', VTW 'gie13en, sprengen ', TVS 'spray, pour (water)'. P (tr.) Prs. pi:is-T-. F Prs.I Act. 3Sg. pa.5, PPrs.MP pasma111. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 225 a2, 374 a5; ♦ PPrs.MP 91 a2. piisb5, 289 a3; ♦AII.Sg. (puttisparnac) 18 b3, 24 b2, b5, 270 b I, 288 a6, 289 a I !, 3 13 b I, 330 b3!, 344 a4, THT 1152 a6!; (puttispar1wc) 394 a2; ♦ Abl.Sg. 313 b2 (bis), b7!; ♦ fgm. 26 b3, 129 b4, 265 b5, 348 b5, 379 a 1. D Compound with ► pariil!l and the loan of the plural (collective) Sogd. putist



    (pwtyst, bwtyst), with cluster


    simplification, as per Pinault (CHREST:95; 2019a:277-279). Unlikely scenario by Klingenschmitt (1975: 149 n. l ), involving a speculative account oflranian.farnah- and its Avestan match. Original meaning 'the rank of the Buddhas, proper lo the Buddhas'. Ct: ► puttisparii1f1si, ► puttispan;i. Variant ► buddhisparii1f1.

    puttisparii111!Ji (adj.) 'of the rank of Buddha' L POU 'Buddhae dignitatis', JWP 'of the rank of Buddha'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. puttispariiq1si, Obl.Sg.Masc. puttispariif!1si, puttisparii171.yi171, Gen.Sg.Masc. puttispara111,~inap, Obl.Sg.Fem.

    putti!,parii111.yi. T


    69 a5, YQ IIl.5 a6-7!, b3, YQ

    III.6 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (puttisparii171si) YQ II.2 b2, YQ 111.2 b2, YQ III.4 b2, b4, YQ Ill.6 b3!; (puttispariitJl,)'ilJ1) 17 a5, 214 b2!, 373 al, YQ II.I b 5!; ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. YQ III.5 b4; Obl.Sg.Fem. YQ 11.2 b I. D

    Derived from

    ► puttiSpariitfl.

    puttispar!ji (adj.) 'of the rank of Buddha' L POU 'Buddhae dignitatis', JWP 'of the rank of Buddha'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. puttisparsi, Obl.Sg.Masc.

    S T

    puttispar.yi, putti!,parsi171, piitti.§par.yit/1, puttisparsinii111, Gen.Sg.Masc. puttispar.yinap, Obi.Pl.Masc. puttisparsiniis, Nom.Sg.Fem. puttisparsi, Obl.Sg.Fem. puttfa'par.yina111, puttispar.y.ya,.n, puttispar,1·a111, Obi.Pl.Fem. putti!,par~·inas, puttispa,;y,yas, puttispar.yas. puttisparsi aka!, puttispar.yi kapsaiii, puttispar.yi nemi, puttispar.yi siiktalyi. ♦Nom.Sg. Masc. 60 a>b4, 73 a I, 177 a2, 245 a3!, 256 bl!, 270 a5, 289 a2, 306 a6, 313 bl, 315 + 316 b5!, 399 b4; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. (puttisparsi) 289 a2, 380 bl; (puttispar.yi111) 18 b5, 68 a2, 153 b3, 217 a8, 246 bl, 247 a3!, 261 b>a3, 313 b5, 338 a8, 355 a3, b3-4€, 356 bl!, 378 a3!, YQ 11.9 b8, YQ 11.13 a3, THT 1559 al-2!; (piittispar.yilJl) 358 al; (p11tti!,pa,:yiniif!1) 270 a5 !, YQ 11.5 b5; ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 382 a I, YQ lll.5 a7; Obi.Pl.Masc. YQ 11.9 a7; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 256 b3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. (putti.ipar.yina111)


    21 al-2!, a5!, 23 a3, 24 a5, 255 a3!, a4, 270 a5!, 332 a2!, 378 a4; (puttispar,1·,yZif/l) 313 a2!, a5-6!, 338 a2; (puttisparsZi111), 321 b8€; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. (putti.l'par,1·i11as) 255 al!, b3, 258 b4, 31 I b5!; (puttisparssas) 255 b4€, YQ ll.12 a6; (putti!,par.yas) 334 b7?, 405 a I. Variant of ► p11ttMparii1111Ji with cluster simplification, maybe as allegro form.

    pmlgalik (uni.) 'individual, personal'

    [B pudgalyik] S pudgalik el 'Pudgalika gift'. T ♦YQ III.9 a5-6!, a6 (bis), bl, b2, YQ III. IO a7, a8!. D From Skt. pudgalika-, Pa. puggalika-, from Skt. pudgala-, Pa. puggala- 'person, man, creature, soul' (BHSD:347a). p1111erlipnawatti (n., fem.) 'birth in a new existence' F Nom./Obl.Sg. punerZipnawatti. T ♦ Obl.Sg. YQ 111. IO a6. D Via MI from Skt. punarabhinivrtti-, Pa. punabhinibbatti 'birth in a renewed existence, rebirth' (PED:5 I 9a; DP lll:503a). P11ra{1e* (PN, masc.) Piirarya, name of one of the six Tirthikas L COU 'Purarya (einer der Sechs Tirthikas)', TEB II 'Piirarya, N. pr. eines der Sechs Tirthikas'. F Obl.Sg. pura,;e1.11, Gen.Sg. puraues. T ♦Obl.Sg. 312 a7; ♦Gen.Sg. 380 a3 e111tsiissi tiimyo puraueb] tsara ne~· pko 'having first intended to take Piirarya by the hand for that reason'. D From Skt. Piira1ia 'N. eines der sechs Lehrer anderer ReligionsgemeinschaHen zur Zeit des Buddha' (SWTF II: 143a). R In 380 a3, it is excluded to read pura11e111, Obl.Sg. On the other hand, the reading purauem as in TS:2 IO is not warranted: one can instead read pura(les or alternatively, but much less likely,pwwiep. The readingpura(les would fit in the phrase tsarZi el!1ts- 'take [someone] by the hand' with the name in the Gen.Sg (143 b4, 7 a5, 216 a6, YQ 11.4 a6). See the same welcoming 0 esture in TB PK.AS. I 7C tsafzka ,m(,;);a efzsate-ne and PK.NS.32 b3 tsiifzka-ne .yarsa etisate-ne.


    ► war-



    ► wiir-


    purii~tii (n., masc.sg.) 'corpus of ancient legends' L VTW 'Gruppe heiligcr Werke'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. purii{1ii. T ♦Obl.Sg. YQ 11.5 b3. D From Skt. puriitia- 'ancient tale or legend'; 'class of sacred works' of Hinduism (MW:634a). R One of the literary works and treatises which make up the traditional culture, see Pinault (2003a:6 I-75). puro/zit (n., masc.) 'house priest' [B purohite] (Skt. purohita, Uigh. pwrwkyt) L POU 'saccrdos', TEB II 'purohita, Hauspriester, Kanzler'. F Nom.Sg. purohit, puruhit, All.Sg. purohitiinac, Norn.Pl. purohita1i, Ohl.Pl. purohitiis, Gen.Pl. purohitiissi, Com.Pl. T


    purohitasassiil. ♦Nom.Sg. (purohit) 257 a8, 260 al! (with vocative value), a2, 273 b3!, b6, 274 a4, a5, b3!, b4, 280 b4, 286 a2!, a6, 299 b8!, 317 b3, 323 b5!?, THT 2215 a2; (puruhit) 343 a5; ♦ All.Sg. 274 al; ♦Norn.Pl. 15 b5!; ♦ Obi.Pl. 266 + 276 b>a2!; ♦Gen.Pl. 280 b4; ♦ Com.Pl. 260 a6!, 264 b7, 286 b2!. From Skt. purohita- 'a family priest, a domestic chaplain' (MW:634b), 'Hauspriester' (SWTF 11:139).


    ► briil111111a-purolzit1111e!ji*

    purkiit (n., masc.) 'Buddha'(? Uigh. pwrq 'n burhan) L POU'?', VTW 'wohl Buddha'. F Nom.Sg. purkiit. S siihkii purkiit 'Buddha ofSakya family' (?). T ♦Nom.Sg. 355 b3. R The entire line in this manuscript belongs to a side which is written by different hands. It contains apparently a mixture of words belonging to different languages, especially names. Most probably ghost word. The readingpurkiis may be preferred to purkiit, see ► wiirk-.

    Pur~zake (PN, masc.) name of a disciple of Buddha L VTW 'N.pr. cines Yak~a'. F Nom.Sg. pur11ake.

    292 T D

    ♦Nom.Sg. 288 a8!, b3!, 269 + 290 a>b2, YQ I.I a4; 289 b4-5!. From Skt. Piir{wka 'n. of a sthavira, a well-known disciple of Buddha' (BHSD:35 la).

    Pur~zab/zadre (PN, masc.) Purryabhadra, name of a king F Nom.Sg. pun:zabhadre. T ♦Nom.Sg. 215 b3! (in value of vocative), b4, b5, YQ 1.7 al, a2! (in value of vocative), a3!, a4, YQ I.8 al, b3. D From Skt. Piir11abhadra 'n. of a future Buddha which it is predicted that Piirrya will become' (BHSD:35lb). purpiic

    ► wiirp,1-


    ► wiirpii-


    ► wiir-


    pule1t1* (?) '?' L POU'?'. F lnstr.Sg. pulenyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 262 a5?. D Reading not certain, see Siegling on his personal copy (TS: 136). There is no available photograph. To be read and restored differently, see ►psuk. puse1t1*

    ► pusenii!ji*

    pusenii!ji* (adj.) 'pertaining to the Buddha' [Cf. Bpus] F Obl.Sg.Masc. pusenii.5iq1. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a l ,'kiint pusenii.Jilf1 wp(ii}lii 'the tenth one upon the consumption (of ashes) pertaining to the Buddha'. D Derived from puse,.n *, cf B pus 'Buddhahood' (Pinault 201%:127). From Mir., see Pinault (20 I 9b: 130). R For the restoration ofTHT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a 1, see Pinault (2019b: 113-115).

    pu!Jpavrkii!J* (n., a.) name of a tree L POU 'arbor florens', VTW 'bltitentragender Baum'. F Nom.Pl. pu.ypavrk.yiintu. T ♦Nom.Pl. 63 b5. D From Skt. pu.ypavrk.ya- 'a tree bearing blossoms' (MW:640a). Pu!jyamitre* (PN, masc.) name of a prince L VTW 'N.pr. eines Konigs'. F Gen.Sg. pu.yyamitres.


    pe (2) ♦ Gen.Sg.

    T D

    49 a5. From Skt. Pu.yyamitra 'n. ofa prince' (MW:640b).

    Pu~ye (PN, masc.) name of a former Buddha

    L VTW 'N. eines (frtiheren) Buddha'. F Nom.Sg. pwJye. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b8. D From Skt. Pu.yya 'n. of a former Buddha' (BHSD:350a), see Geng - Laut - Pinault (2004b:58). pusiir-iii p,,siik*

    ► wiis-

    ► psuk

    puskii!ji* (adj.) 'of garland' F Obl.Sg.Masc. puska,yi.

    T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 226 a3 !. D Derived from ► psuk. R Restoration by Chamot-Rooke (2022a). piitkii-tii ► wiitkiiPiirvadvip * (LN, masc.sg.) name of a continent F Loc.Sg. piirvadvipar11.

    T D

    ♦ Loc.Sg.

    THT 1464 b3!. Loan from Skt. piirvadvzpa-*, as abbreviated for piirvavidehadvTpa- see Kirfel ( 1920: 183-188).

    piirviintik (adj.uni.) 'of the past' [B purvantik]


    POU 'Ser. purvantika', VTW 'bezogen auf die Vergangenheit'. T ♦366 b3?, 367 al, a3?. D From Skt. piirvantika- 'of the past' (MW:352b). prcclzii* (n., a.) 'question'

    COU 'zu den [neun] Fragen', VTW 'Frage'. F All.Pl. prcchiintwac. T ♦All.Pl. 371 a3!?. D From Skt. prccha 'asking, questioning' (MW:645b). L

    prtlzakcha1t1 (n., masc./fem.) 'unconverted person' [Cf. B priithagjaiiiie (abstr.)]


    COU 'Laie, Prthagjana', VTW 'wohl gewohnlicher, d.h. unbekehrter Mensch'. F Nom.Sg. prthakchaq1. T ♦Nom.Sg. 102 a5. D Via MI from Skt. prthagjana- 'a man of lower caste or character or profession' (MW:646a); 'ordinary person; esp. referring to a man of profane status' (SWTF III:148b).

    pe (1) (part.) 'also, even; even though' (Skt. api)


    POU «etiam, quoque» et coniunctio concessiva «quamvis, quamquam», TEB II 'auch', JWP 'also'. F pe, in sandhi before vowel py. S ma pe 'not ... either, nor'. T ♦(pe) I a6, 3 b3, 4 b3 (bis), 6 a2, 43 + 52 al, 58 b3 (bis), b4, 59 bl, 61 bl, 71 bl, 79 b5, 82 al, a5, 90 a5, 99 a2, 105 b3?, Ill b6, 116a4, ll7al, 123.ab4?, 142 b3, 160a4,b6, 162a2, 168a4, 196b3?, 2 I 8 a7, a8, 220 a4, 22 I a4, 222 a5, b3!, 227 /8 a6, b7, 229 b5, 230 a7, 231 b4, b7, 232 a2, b5, 233 b4, 234 b6, 236 b5, 239 b4, 242 b4, 275 b7, 277 b7, 282 b5, 3 I 7 b5, 320 a6, 321 al, 333 a9, 336 al, 339 a6?, 369 a4?, 379 b2, 394 bl, 397 a8?, 398 a4, 429 b6, YQ 1.6 a2, YQ Il.4 b6, YQ II.5 b8, YQ II.6 b2, YQ 11.14 al, YQ III.4 a7, YQ N. I a4, THT 1400.a 2; (py) 69 a6, 339 b4, 46 I b3. R For the uses, see SSS:309-312. Regularly postposed to the modified term. pe (2) (n., masc.) 'foot' [B pai, paiyye, Du.paine]

    L POU 'pes', TEB II 'Ful3', JWP 'foot'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. pe, Instr.Sg. peyo, Loc.Sg. peym11, Perl.Sg. peyii, Nom./Obl.Pl. peyu, Obi.Pl. pes, All.Pl. pesac, Abl.Pl. pesii,y, Loe.Pl. pesa111, Perl.Pl. pesii, peyuyii, Nom./Obl.Du. pe,.n, Loe.Du. penm11. S pe1rz winas- 'to venerate the feet'. T ♦Nom.Sg. SHT 1033 rl; ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 134 a5; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 43 + 52 b4, 134 a6, 301 b4, 328 a2; ♦ Loc.Sg. 351 a2; ♦ Perl.Sg. 115 a6?, 158 al; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 8 a5, 55 a3, 56 a5, 43 l bl, b5, 432 b6, b7!, THT 1909 b3; ♦ All.Pl. 382 al; ♦Abl.Pl. 293 al; ♦ Loe.Pl. 80 a>b3; ♦Perl.Pl. (pesii) 79 a2, THT 2480 a I, THT 2408 b I; (peyuya) 203 b6, 441 b3!; ♦Nom./Obl.Du. 23 a3!, 258 bl, 260 a7, 266 + 276 b>a3, 372 b>a3, YQ I.7 b3, YQ II.7 a6, YQ 11.10 b3, YQ lll.10 b6, THT 1593.b a3, THT 1679 b5, THT 2649 b2; ♦ Loe.Du. 50 a3, YQ 11.4 b5.


    pe111 ► trank- (I)


    ► triilik-

    pe111~iir pe111tsiir


    ► en► entsa-

    pekant (n., masc.) 'painter' L POU 'pictor', TEB II 'Maler'. F Nom.Sg. pekant, Obl.Sg. pekantii111, Gen.Sg. pekiintiip, All.Sg. pekiintiinac, Gen.Pl. pekiintiissi. T ♦Nom.Sg. 5 a5, b4, 6 a5, 7 a4, a6, 8 a2, b6, 9 al, a4, a6!, b3, b5, 127 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg. 5 a6!, 8 b2-3!; ♦ Gen.Sg. 5 b4, 187 a2; ♦All.Sg. 8 bl-2!; ♦ Gen.Pl. 8 b6. D Agent noun related to the verb ► pik-. peke (n., masc.) 'painting' L POU 'litterae, scriptura, pictura', TEB II 'Malerei'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. peke, Loc.Sg. pekeya111. T ♦ Nom.Sg. 9 b5, 273 b6!; ♦Obl.Sg. 9 a2, a6, b4, 60 b>al; ♦ Loc.Sg. 273 b8. D Action noun of the root ►pik-. Cf. ►peke~i.

    peke~i (adj.) 'painted' L POU 'pictus'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. peke.yi. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 5 a4, 9 b6, THT 3437 b2. D Derived from ► peke. peklune* (n., a.) 'painting, writing' [B paikaliie, paiykalyiie] L VTW 'Malen, Schreiben'. F Perl.Sg. pekluneyii. T ♦Perl.Sg. 391 b7€. D Abstract derived from ► pik-. Cf. ► peklune~i. R In 39 I b7, petluneyii is a misspelling, as noted by Siegling on his personal copy (TS:217). peklune~i (adj.) 'of writing' F Obl.Sg.Masc. peklune.yi, peklz111e.yi171. S miirkampal peklzme:fi p1ii 'the merit of writing the Law'. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Mase. (peklune.yi) 303 b4, 311 a5; (peklz111e,~i111) 311 b2. D Derived from ► peklune.


    ► tribik-


    penu (part.) 'also, even; even though, however' (Skt. api, api hi) L POU '«etiam, quoque» et coniunetio concessiva «quamvis, quamquam»', TEB 11 'auch', JWP 'also'. F penu, penii. T ♦(penu) 4 b2 (bis), 5 a2, 7 b3-4!, 8 a2, 9 a2, a5, b6, 11 bl, b5, 12 a5, b2!, 14 a2, 15 bl, b3, 16 al, 17 a2, a3, 18 b6, 19 b4, 21 a3 (bis), 36 a6, 43 + 52 a5, a6!, 5 I b6, 54 a3, 56 b5, 58 a2, 59 bl, 60 b>a3, 61 b3, b6, 64 a5, b5, b6, 65 al, a2!, a3, a4!, 67 b6, 70 a3, bl!, 71 bl, 74 bl, 76 + 83 al, a4, 77 a3, 78 a2, 79 a3, a6, 80 a>b6, 84 a6, b5, 90 al, 93 a3, b3, 96 a4, b6, 99 b5, 100 a3, 101 a3, 103 b2, 105 b2, 107 a4, 109 a3, 110 b2, b4, 111 b3, b4, 115 b6, 1l7b3, l20bl,b5,b6, 130bl, 137b2, 139 b3, 152 b4, 154 b3, b6, 155 b6, 156 b2!, 178b2, 179al!, !80a4, 188b6,212 a5, 214 bl, b4, 220 a4, 222 b3 (bis), 224 b4!, 226 a5!, b2, 227/8 a5, 229 b4, 234 al, 236 b6, 249 al, 255 a2, a3-4!, a5, a7, a8, bl, b2, 256 b3, 287 + 259 a>bl!, a>b6!, a>b6, a>b7!, 265 b6, 266 + 276 a>b3!, a>b6!, a>b7, 269 + 290 b>a4, b>a5!, a>b7, a>b8, 274 b7, 275 a4, b5, 288 b3, b7, 289 bl, b8, 292 b4!, 295 a6, 297 a7, 300 al€, 303 a8, 307 a6, 311 b5, 312 a5, bl, b3, 314 a5 (bis), b5, b7 (bis), 315 + 316 b8, 318 + 319 a2, 321 a3, b8, 325 a4, 329 a2, 333 b7, 336 al, 337 al, 338 b6, 353 a4, 359 a6, 360 al I, 379 a5, 397 b7, 398 b5, 413 a2, 431 a2, 436 a4, 440 b6, 450 a2, 461 + 465 b5!, 463 a2, YQ 1.1 a4, b2, YQ 1.3 bl, b4, YQ 1.4 b2, YQ 1.8 a3, a8, YQ II. I b4!, b7, YQ 11.4 a4!, YQ 11.5 a7, b4, YQ II.6 bl, b2, YQ 11.7 a2, b8, YQ 11.8 b5, YQ 11.14 a2, YQ 111.2 b2, YQ 111.5 a3, a4, YQ IIl.6 b7, YQ 111.7 b3, YQ 111.8 al, bl, YQ N.l b7!, YQ N.4 b4!; (penii) 266 + 276 a>b6, 341 bl. D Complex particle, made of the two particles ►pe and ► nu. R On the uses, see SSS:310-312. The TB match is rano, which is the parallel complex particle.




    ► entsa-

    perak (adj.) 'faithful, credible, reliable' [B periik] ·


    POU 'pius, credulus', TEB II 'glaubig, glaubhaft', JWP 'faithful, credible'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. periik. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 9 a5, 99 b2!, 214 a6, a7, 3 I 7 a4, YQ II.I b I, b2; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 67 a6, 199 al, 369 a2. D Loan from Mir., Buddhist Sogdianpyr'k. See lsebaert ( 1980: 160), ADAMS:424 with fmther literature. perakune (n., a.) 'faith, trust' [B periikiiiiiie] (Skt. .sraddhii-)


    POU 'fiducia', TEB II 'Glaube Glaubigsein', VTW 'Glaube, ' Glaubigsein, Einsicht'. F Nom.Sg. periikune, lnstr.Sg. periikuneyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. 397 a9; ♦ Instr. 359 a32!. D Abstract based on ►perak. perakune!ji (adj.) 'pertaining to trust' [B periikiiiiiietse]

    L F

    POU 'fiduciae', VTW 'glaubig'. Nom.Sg.Masc. periikune.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. periikune.5il11.




    391 b3. Derived from

    361 a4;


    ► perakune.

    pewcI- (vb.) 'card' L JWP 'card', TVS 'card (wool)'. P Prt. pewa-. F Prt.I MP 3Sg. pewat. T ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. YQ Ill. I b3. R Pinault (200la:132-133), about wool making; TVS:729. pd/one* (n., a.) 'loveliness' F Nom./Obl.Sg. peslone.

    T D



    126 a2!. Abstract derived from *pe.fol, adj., loan from Skt. pe.fola- 'lovely, charming' (MW:648c). This noun forms a pair with the following term ► kap1iu11e 'love'.

    pesslil (uni.) 'lovely'

    POU'?', VTW 'viell. N.pr. oder pes sal zu trennen'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. pessiil. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 303 a8 oko pessal 'lovely fruit'. D From Pkt. pesala- 'pleasant, beautiful', cf. Skt. pesala- (CDIAL:475b, No. 8383). L

    Pai (PN, masc.) name of a Uighur donor (Uigh. PY (Bay))


    POU'?', VTW 'Bay (einer d. Stifter d. Maitrisimit)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. pai. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 303 a7, 400 b6?. R For the Uigh. parallel see Tekin (1981, 2:77b). Uigh. bay 'rich', component of several Uigh. male PN, cf. Wilkens (2021: 152). Pabigike (PN, masc.) name of a Brahmanical

    pupil, companion ofMaitreya F Nom.Sg. paiflgike, Obl.Sg. pailigikelfl, Abl.Sg. paingikeni:i,v. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ 1.5 a2!, YQ 11.12 b5, YQ 11.15 a8, bl; ♦ Obl.Sg. YQ 11.15 a6; ♦ Abl.Sg. YQ 11.11 b5. D From Skt. Pailigika 'n. ofa brahman' (BHSD:354b). poke (n., fem.) 'arm' [B poko*, dualpokaine]

    L POU 'bracchium', TEB 11 'Arm'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. poke, lnstr.Sg. pokeyo, Perl.Sg. pokeyii, Obi.Pl. pokes, Nom./Obl.Du. poker11, Instr.Du. pokenyo, Perl.Du. pokenii. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 5 b3, 6 al, 315 + 316 a2, 341 b6, 447 a3; ♦lnstr.Sg. 13 al; ♦ Perl.Sg. 219 a2; ♦Obi.Pl. 110 b6; ♦Nom./Obl.Du.~ 71 b6, 179 a5; ♦ Instr.Du. 40 a2, 91 a3, 376 b3; ♦ Perl.Du. I a6. poke1f1* (n., fem.) 'bracelet'

    L POU 'armilla', TEB II 'Armring'. F Obi.Pl. pokeniis, Instr.Pl. pokeniisyo. T ♦ Obi.Pl. 136 a4; ♦Instr.Pl. 115 a2. D Derived from ► poke. pot (n., masc.) 'young animal'

    L F T

    VTW 'wohl Junges (eines Tieres)'. Nom./Obl.Sg. pot. ♦Obl.Sg. 98 a2 pot !;,,ki:ir presyo tsopiiiei:i111 paiieyii la.yyii .yu(tkmii) 'they [the hunters] beat the young animal with stake and goad, with five inches strap and rope'. D From Skt. pota- 'young of animal or plant' (CDIAL:477a, No. 8399).

    pota- (vb.) 'flatter' [B paut-]

    L P F

    POU 'revereri, venerari, blandiri(?)', TEB II 'schmeicheln', TVS 'honor natter' (itr.) Prs. pota-, Subj. pota-. ' · Prs.IV MP 3Sg. potatri:i, Gdv. potal.


    potar~ak* T


    3Sg.318+319 b7, b8;

    ♦ Gdv.


    lion) for 12 b5, as per Sieg (1944:16) does not seem compatible with the previous context.

    b2. potar.Jiik* (adj.) 'flattering' [B pautarqke]

    L F T D

    POU 'venerandus, honorabilis', TEB II 'schmeichlerisch'. Obl.Sg.Fem. potar.5ka111. ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 6 b6. Agent noun cognate with ► pota-. The notion of a direct loan from TB pautar.5ke is not warranted, pace Itkin (20 I 6:67).

    potiik (I) (n., masc.) 'tax, tribute' [B pautke] (Skt. kara-) F Nom./Obl.Sg. potiik, Gen.Sg. potkes.




    potkes(s) o(ko) 'the fruit of the tribute'. Action noun from the root of putk-


    455 b3;

    ♦ Gen.Sg.

    408 a5

    'divide, separate'. In the bilingual A 455, the Sanskrit word has been misinterpreted as kara- 'hand' (MW:253a), which seemed to comply with the alleged meaning of potiik piinw'to stretch the hand' (6 a6), see discussion under ►potiik (2). But the Sanskrit word is better identified as 2. kara- 'tax, tribute, duty' (MW:254c), see also Pkt. kara- 'id.' (CDIAL:l40a, No. 2780).

    poto (n., masc.) 'respect, flattery' [B pauto, cf B peti]


    POU 'observantia, verecundia', TEB II 'Schmeichelei, Ehrerbietung', JWP 'respect'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. poto, Jnstr.Sg. potoyo. S (sla) twikpoto 'with love [and] respect', sla poto 'with respect'. T +Nom.Sg. 115 a5; ♦Obl.Sg. I al, 111 al, 147 b6, YQ II. I a6, YQ 11.7 a6; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 63 b2, 71 b I!, 78 a6!, I 97 a4, 272 a4. D Action noun of ►pota-. potlune (n., a.) 'flattering'

    L F T D

    podhisatve111* ► bodhisatve111 por (n., a.) 'fire' [B puwar, pwiir]

    L F

    potiik (2) (adv.) 'in extension, at length'


    COU 'Klaue, Tatze, Hand', TEB II 'Pfote, Hand', CEToM 'hand, paw'.

    S T

    potiik piinwii-. ♦ 6 a6 sewi111trii potiik pai'twtsi lek ya.5 'he

    [the painter] yawns [and] makes the attitude of stretching (sci!. himself) fully', 12 b6 tmiik siim potiik paiiwmii11,z sla sewiiilune lakeyii,s kiikiitkurii.5 'then this one [the awakening lion] stretching (scil. its limbs) all its length, with yawning having raised from its couch ( ... )'. D Based on the oblique (internal accusative) of the action noun potiik, see ► potiik (]), with the meaning 'dividing, scattering', hence 'spreading, extent'. The meaning of the adverb is nearly identical to the one of the Skt. adverbs vistare,:za 'at length, fully, in detail', or vistrtam 'outstretched, expanded, fully, at length' (MW: I 00!c). R In the story of the painter and the mechanical maiden, the former does not yet intend to touch the girl,pace Sieg (1944:9, n. 6). In any case, the alleged meaning 'paw' (of an animal, actually a

    VTW 'Schmeicheln'. Obl.Sg. potlune, Obi.Pl. potlzmeyntu. ♦Obl.Sg. 56 a2; +Obi.Pl. 58 a2. Abstract of the verb ►pota-.

    POU 'ignis', TEB II 'Feuer', JWP 'fire'. Nom./Obl.Sg. par, porr, Gen.Sg. poris, Instr.Sg. po,yo, All.Sg. porac, Loc.Sg. pormJ'l, Nom./Obl.Pl. poriif!1, Instr.Pl. poriinyo.



    (par) 2 b3, 3 b4, 206 b2, 208 b3, 315 + 316 a7, 389 b2; (porr) 75 al!, 124 a I, 153 b2; ♦Obl.Sg. (par) 89 a6, 359 al3! 1//(po)r -ii1J'l niiknii0"tr-ii111 'fire burns it and it is destroyed'; ♦ Gen.Sg. 92 b5, THT 1665 b3; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 14 a2, 28 a6, 158 b6! (sandhipo,y= iirii'ic), 162 a5, 300 b4, 315 + 316 al, 359 a!0; ♦All.Sg. 54 a2; ♦ Loc.Sg. THT 3551 b3; ♦Norn.Pl. 254 bl; ♦Obi.Pl. 377 a4, YQ 11.12 b3; ♦Instr.Pl. 220 a5, 261 b>a7!, YQ Il.12 b3, THT I 138 a3. R The reading and restoration of359 al3 are based on the photograph (plate 64) and correction by Siegling on his personal copy (TS:200).

    porat (n., masc.sg.) 'axe' [B peret]

    L F T D

    POU 'securis', TEB II 'Axt'. Nom.Sg. porat, lnstr.Sg. poratyo. ♦Nom.Sg. 9 b2!€, 28 a4!; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 9 b2. Loan from Mir., see VW:637, ADAMS:425 with previous literature.

    297 porant* (n., masc.) some sort of lower animal, most likely a beetle L POU'?'. F Loc.Sg. poriinta111, Abt.Pl. poriintiisii,v.y. T ♦Loc.Sg. 229 a2 prutiikseiic pat w(a)rma,11 iitnaf!l pat ype-poriintCif!l 'or they shut in a cave ofby the wrists among spiders(?) and beetles'; ♦Abt.Pl. 437 b6 Ill (kii)ccapiis tsuri poriintiisii,v.y aci lwii 'animals starting from turtle and a claybcctlc'. R The text 229 refers to torments in hell, where someone is shut up and bound in a cave or among devouring animals. The text 437 refers to an enumeration of animals, of which ► kiiccap* 'turtle' is certain. Possibly, ype- in 229 a I is not ►ype 'country' but a loan from TB yape 'spider'. Poroci111 (LN, masc.) name of a monastery F Nom./Obl.Sg. porocif!l. T ♦Nom.Sg. SHT 525.56 b4 siis postiik poroci171 saf!1(k)riim-a[fi}(c/i [to] 'this book [is] established (lit. set, placed) for Porocirµ monastery'; ♦ Obl.Sg. SHT 525.56 b4 ca0 postiik porocit11 sa1ikriimii,1· pre mar (kiimatiir) 'you may not take this book ouf of Porocirµ monastery'. D Loan via MI from a compound name of Skt. origin, such as pura-ceti- (or -cetiya-), lit. 'shrine of the city' or 'shrine of the fortress', sec caitiya- 'funeral monument, temple, shrine, stupa' (MW:402b; CDIAL:268a, No. 4914), Pa. cetiya-, Pkt. ceia-, Buddhist Skt. ceti-, cetiya-, cetika- (BHSD:232b, 233a) and pura- 'city, fortress, castle' (MW:635c), with adoption of the Pkt. nominative puro. The naming of monastery and sacred places after Skt. patterns is likely, compare TB Samantatir (ADAMS:739) for a monastery near Kucha, presumably reflecting Skt. samanta-tTra- 'close to river-bank(s)'. R Reading and interpretation basically after Peyrot (2015a: I 09-11 O; 2016:315-316), except for the first sentence. This line has been carelessly written and emended by the scribe. Porocine111* (adj.) 'belonging to PorociITJ [monastery]' L POU'?', VTW 'vie!!. N.pr.'.

    polkaITJts Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. porocinelJl. ♦Nom.Sg. Mase.54 a2x (interlinear); ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. THT 4023 al porocine,11 pissa,ik 'the community of monks belonging to Porocirp [monastery]'. D Based on ► Porocb11. R See Ogihara (2014: 112-114). In 54 (THT 887), recto, this word belongs to a complete line written below the line 2, by a hand different from the one who has written the main text, see TS:30 n. I. Therein the alternative reading porocite111 would be possible, but the reading porocine111 has been confirmed by occurrences of the form of the basis. In THT 4023 a 1, the phrase is preceded by a Buddhist PN, which ought be the subject of the sentence.

    F T

    por-yok* (adj.) 'fire-coloured' L POU 'coloris ignis', VTW 'feuerfarben'. F Norn.Pl. por-yokiiii. T ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 315 + 316 a7 'fire-colored rays' (swiiiiceniifi). D Compound of ► por, ► yok. R On the restoration of the line, see Sieg ( 1952:29). See also ► wiir-yok*. por.yi (adj.) 'of fire' L POU 'ignis (gen.)', VTW 'Feuer-'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. por0i, por:fi111, Obi.Pl.Masc. po,:yiniis. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (por.yi) 206 a5; (por.yil!l) 332 b7; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 226 a5-6!. D Derived from ► por. R For 226 a5-6, see Chamot-Rooke (2022a). polkii111ts (n., masc.) 'lightning, meteor' [Cf. B par.1'iye*] (Uigh. yaszn) L COU 'Blitz', TEB II 'Blitz', VTW 'Gestirn'. F Nom.Sg. polkiits, Norn.Pl. polkiir11tsiiii. T ♦Nom.Sg. 88 al?, 257 a6!; ♦Norn.Pl. 158 a2?, 191 a2!. D The derived adjective ► polkii111tse111 presupposes a basis polkii111ts (SSS:52, I 08), which underwent cluster simplification in all occurrences except 191 a2. Since this noun refers to a fiery phenomenon of the sky, it can be related to the root ►piilk- (2) 'burn'. R In 158 a2, the nom.pl. has been restored by Siegling on his personal copy (TS:84); see also Schmidt ( 1974: 119). On the basis


    polka111tserp of the photograph (THT 824), it possible to restore po!k(ii)111(tsiiii) in 191 a2.

    polkii111t.m11 (adj.) 'pertaining to lightning' L POU 'sideris, astri', TEB II 'Blitz-', JWP 'lightning-', VTW 'Gestirn-, Blitz-'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. polkii1!)tse1_n, po!Mitse111. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. (polkii1_ntse1J1) 256 a8; (polkiitse1J1) YQ III.6 a2. D Derived from ► polkii111ts. po!ji (n., fem.) 'side, wall' [B po.5iya] L POU 'paries, latus', TEB II 'Seite, Wand'. F Obl.Sg. po.5i, Perl.Sg. pa.5.5ii, Perl.Pl. pa.5.5iisii. S piicciis!.siilyiis po.?·.5iisa 'on the right/left side'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 9 b4, 28 b3; ♦ Perl.Sg. 8 a3; ♦ Perl.Pl. 12 b4, 146 a4!, a5€?, 150 b4!, 320 a3. D Probably related to the basis *pas found in ► posa111, ► posac. R In 146 a5, one should restore salyiis pa(:j.5ii)sii, according to the context and parallel passages. posaitt (pp.)'beside, under' L POU 'sub', JWP 'beside, down', VTW 'unterhalb, neben, am Fusse (eines Baums)'. T ♦ I 09 a2, 267 + 268 a>b 1, 308 a4, 342 a>b5-... !, YQII.I0al!, YQN.I a4, YQ N.2 + N.6 b3, THT 1322.b b3. D Based on *pas with locative affix, see ►po:ji.


    Constructed with genitive or oblique. The restoration of pasa,11 in 340 b2 by Sieg (1952:38, n. I 0), adopted by CeTOM, cannot be taken up, see the alternative interpretation of this line under ► iinti:jpur.

    posac (pp.)'next to' L POU 'iuxta, prope', VTW 'neben, unterhalb'. F pasac, posiic. T ♦ (pasac) 91 b4, 99 a3, b4, 394 b4; (pasac), 258 a4!, 354 b5, YQ Ill.I I a5!. D Based on *pos with allative affix, see ► po:ji.


    Constructed mostly with genitive, sometimes with oblique. In 158 a6, the reading (p)assac, tentatively identified as pasac by Siegling on his personal copy

    (TS:84) is by no means warranted. It seems safer to restore (t)assac, All.Pl.Fem. of the demonstrative ► siis.


    ► au-n-

    postlf (n., masc.) 'fasting day' [B pasiit*] L VTW 'Fasttag'. F Obl.Sg. pasat. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 454 a3. D Via MI from Skt. pa:jadha- 'fasting day, «sabbath»' (MW:650b, BHSD:355a). postak, postiik (n., masc.) 'book' [B pastak] L POU 'liber', TEB II 'pustaka, Buch', JWP 'book'. F Nom.Sg. pastak, Obl.Sg. pastiik, Loc.Sg. pastkm11, Obi.Pl. pastakiis. T Nom.Sg. 54 a2x, SHT 525.56 b4; ♦ Obl.Sg. 258 b3!, 303 a5, 311 a2 (bis), YQ I. IO b6, YQ 11.15 b7, SHT 525.56 b4; ♦ Loc.Sg. 62 b2; ♦Obi.PL 355 b3. D Derived via MI from Skt. pustaka- 'book' (MW:640c), unless it has been borrowed directly from TB. R Reading and interpretation ofSHT 525.56 basically after Peyrot (20 I Sa: I 09-1 I 0). pkanii-1ii

    ► kii11-

    pkal1111e* n., a.) 'ripening' [B pke!iie] L VTW 'zum Reifcn bringen, kochen'. F Perl.Sg. pkaliineya. T ♦ Perl.Sg. 221 a6. D Abstract derived from ► piik-. pkllmllc

    ► piir-


    ► piir-

    pkiint I) (n.), 2) (pp.ab!.), 3) (prep.ab!.), 4) (adv.) 1) 'obstruction', 2) and 3) 'apart from, away from, beyond', 4) 'apart, separately, into separate pieces, each individually' [B pkante] (Skt. antaraya-) L I) POU 'impeditio', TEB II 'Hinderung', 2) POU 'sine', TEB II 'ohne', 3) 'auf.ler', 4) POU 'separatim', TEB II 'getrennt, abgesondert', VTW 'auseinander, je einzeln'. F I) pkiint, 2) pkiint, pkiit, 3) pkiint, 4) pkiint pkiint, 5) pkiint-iik with strengthening particle. S pkiint yiim- 'prevent, obstruct', pkiint yamlune 'doing obstruction'. T ♦ I) 85 bl, 247 b3 (All.Sg.pkiintac?), 269 + 290 b>a8!, 463 a4 phalantarayarp •

    299 okoya111 pkant, PK.NS.} b4 pkanta; ♦2) (pkant) 11 a6, 55 b3-4!, 61 b5, 67 bl, 74 bl, 84 a5, a6, 93 b2, 97 al, 99 b3 (bis), 105 b2, 107 bl, 108 al, 120 a2, 261 b>a8, 266 + 276 a>b4, 310 bl, 352 b2!, 405 a3!, 436 b5?, YQ 11.12 b4, THT 1139 a6; (pkiit) 17 b5!, 67 a5; ♦ 3) 426 a2; ♦4) 7 a5, b6, 8 b2, 11 b4-5!, 12 a5!, 17 b6, 78 a2, 79 a4, 183 b3?, 269 + 290 a>b7, 345 a4, 388 al, 454 a3?, 456 b5, THT I 139 b5!, THT 1584.i al; ♦5) 5 a6, I 10 a2 pka11111tak, 302 b3!?. R Discussion in SSS:290-291. pkiintii (pp.ab!.) 'without'

    L POU 'sine', VTW 'ohne'. T ♦ 71 a4,379al. D Based on ► pkiint with addition of the perlative affix. pkiintiik

    ► pkiint

    pkiim-por (n., a.) 'digestion fire'

    L F T D

    POU 'ignis concoctionis', VTW 'Verdauungsfeuer'. Nom.Sg. pkiim-porr. ♦Nom.Sg. 124 al. Compound of ► por and pkiim, action noun of ►piik- 'cook'.


    ► kiirk-


    ► kiirsii-

    pkiil ► kiilpku * (n., a.) 'faith, faithfulness'(?)

    Instr.Pl. pkwiintuyo. ♦ Instr.Pl. 219 a4 (wiikm)ts(a,11) pkwantuyo 'through superior (marks of) faithfulness'. D Abstract (root noun?) from a root which would be the match of TB pahv- 'rely on, trust', see TVS:703, ADAMS:395. But there is no TA verbal root puk-, pace POU: 181, which would have this meaning. R Broken passage, but the form would fill the second part of a colon of 7 syllables. This is the presupposed stem form, see SSS:96, while assuming a noun * 0 ,yku, see POU:352. The readingpkwii0 is slightly preferable to 0bva0 •

    F T

    p1iiik (num.)'fifly' [B p(i)siika] L POU 'quinquaginta', TEB II 'fiinfzig'. T ♦ 145 al, 307 bl, b6, PK.NS.6 a4.

    piii (n., a.) 'merit' (Skt. p1n1ya-)


    POU 'virtus', TEB II '(relig.) Verdienst, skt. «pmJya»', JWP 'merit', VTW 'Verdienst, Tugend(haftigkeit)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. p11i, Gen.Sg. piii'iiiis, All.Sg. piiF111ac, Nom./Obl.Pl. pllintu, piii/11111, Gen.Pl. piiintwiissi, pni!J1/Wii,W, piiintwiss, Instr.Pl. piiintuyo, Abl.Pl. p1iintwa.y, Loe.Pl. piiintwa,11, Perl.Pl. pilintwii, piiit11twii, Com. Pl. pi'ii!11twas.fo!. S pcin11is oko, pllintwiis:ii, pnintwiss oko 'fruit of the merit(s)', p1zi11tu krop'accumulate merits' T ♦Nom.Sg.13b4, 14al!,a6,bl (quater), I 6 a2, 54 a5, b I, 62 b3, 303 b4, 405 b2, b4, YQ III.IO a7, a8; ♦ Obl.Sg. 20 a3, 32 bl,33 b3,49a3, 116a5, 118b5,201 al!, b2, 226 a6, 247 bl, 250 al, 253 b6, 306 a5?, 311 a5, b4, 349 a2, 405 b2, b4?, 444.e bl?, YQ 11.13 b7, YQ III.JO a7, a8; ♦ Gen.Sg. 250 b3, 350 a2!, 405 b3 piiiiFiiss; ♦All.Sg. 303 b8, 311 b2; ♦Nom.Pl. 13 bl piiintukk, b3, 14 b3, b5, 16 a2, 17 a5?, b2, b2?, 62 b4; ♦ Obi.Pl. (p11intu) 13 b6, 16 b4, 19 al, 29 b3, 37 a5!, 43 + 52 al!, 57 b2, b4, 98 a4, 140 b5?, 146al!,218a6-7!pn111111,221 b5, 253 b6, 280 a6, 302 b4, 303 b7, 306 a5!, 31 I b2, b3, 346 bl!, b4, 349 a3, 350 al, 373 a2, 394 a2, THT 1493 a4!; (piii111tu) 165 a I; ♦ Gen.Pl. (pilintwiissi) 13 b2!, b5, 14 al, 16 b2, b5, 19 b2, 82 b2, 395 a2; (pFiit11twiissi) 16 al, 248 a2!; (pnintwiss) 65 al, YQ Il.15 b8!; ♦Instr.Pl. 13 b4, 17 a5?, a6, bl, b2!, b2, b2?, 57 b6; ♦Abl.PI. 17 b5, 34 a2! pn(i)ntvii0; ♦ Loe.Pl. 303 b4, 3 I I a5; ♦ Perl.Pl. (piiintwii) THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a5, MG I a5; (piii!11twii) 248 a2; ♦Com.Pl. 14 b2. D Loan from Skt. pu(lya- nt. 'good work, meritorious act, moral or religious merit' (MW:632a), cf. Pa.puni'ia- 'a morally good action, an action which brings reward in this life or the next' (DP lll:492a). In 269 + 290 a>b3, pni is a scribal mistake for -pi, see ► wiki-1iu-pipuklyi. p1ii.yi (adj.) 'of merit'

    L F

    POU 'virtutis', VTW 'Verdienst-, Pw;iya-'. Nom.Sg.Masc. pni.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. piii.yi1J1, piii$inii111, Obi.Pl.Fem. piii,yiniis.


    ► tarka-


    ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 49 a3; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. (pni.yif!I) 17 a2, a6, bl; (pfii.yina111) 13 b6, THT 1651.b b3; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. 17 a3, 18 b6. D Derived from ► plii.


    ptark ptas

    ► tiirkii-

    ► tii-,



    ► tii-,


    ptiif1kiit (n., masc.) 'Buddha-lord' [B paiiakte

    (prose), pudiiiikte (verse)] L POU '(deus) Buddha', TEB II 'Buddha(gott)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. ptiiiikat, p11a,,1iikat, piittiinkat, patta11111kat, pattan,Wkat, Gen.Sg. pattiiiiaktes, pattii111Wktes, ptii11aktes, pattiinakte, pattii111iikte, piittii1.nnakte, piittiiniiiikte, ptiiF1kte, pliif!1nkte, ptiiiiikte, ptiiiiakte, ptiiiiiiiikte, pattiinkte, All.Sg. pattiiiiiiktac, ptiiiiktac, ptiinktac, ptiiniiiiktac, Abl.Sg. ptii11kta.y, ptiinaktii.y, Loc.Sg. piittii111nklaf!1, pta11ktmr1, ptiiiiiikta,.n, Perl.Sg. ptiinakta, Com.Sg. ptiinkta.~sal, ptii1Wktassiil, ptiiniiaktassiil, Norn.Pl. pattiiilaktail, pattii1.nilktan, ptiiilktan, ptiiiiiiktaii, ptiiniiaktan, Obi.Pl. ptiiiiktas, ptiiiiilaktas, Gen.Pl. pattiiniliiktas.fi, ptiiiiiiktassi, Instr.Pl. ptiinktasyo, All.Pl. ptiiilktasac, Perl.Pl. ptiiilaktasa. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (ptiiiikat), 17 b3, 19 b4, 23 a5, a6, 25 a 1!, a5, b5, 29 b5, 34 b3 !, 36 a5!, 45 a3!, 50 b2!, 60 a>b5, 62 a5, 67 b4, 80 b>a5-6!, 137 a4, 173 a5!, 198 a4, 217 a3!, 251 b6!, 252 b6, 254 al!, a3, b7!, 255 a3, a5, a7!, a8, bl, b5, b7!, 256 a2, a6, 258 a8, b4, b6!, 287 + 259 b>a3, 260 a7!, 266 + 276 b>a3, 267 + 268 b>a3!, 270 b6, 278 a6!, 279 b8, 289 a4-5!, 303 a4, 309 bl, 315+316 b3!, 329 al!, 357 a4, 362 a4!, 380 a2!, 396.a a3!, 396.a a3, 435 a2!, 436 a3, 441 a4, 444.faS!, 445.a al!, YQ 1.8 b2, b3 ptiiiikiitt, YQ II.I b2!, b6!, YQ Il.4 b2, YQ 11.5 a8, YQ 11.14 a8, YQ Ill.2 a2-3!, bl-2!, YQ Ill.8 b3, THT 1137 a2, THT a2!, THT I 149 b4!; (ptta,,1nkiit) 23 l b6; (piilliiiikiit) 20 b2, b3!, b6, 21 b6!, 37 al, 62 a6, I 15 b3, 122 a6, 139 a4!, a5, 199 a5!, 224 b3!, 288 a5, 300 a5, 312 b4, 313 b8!, 314 a2, a3, 315 + 316 a7, b2!, 379 a2, bl!; (piittii1111ikiit) 222 a5, a6!, b2, b3, b4!, b6?, b6!, 223 a4,

    b5?, 224 a3, 229 b2, 239 a3, a5, b2?; (piittiiil1Wkiit) 372 a>b4; ♦ Gen.Sg. (piittiiiiiiktes) 313 a4, a6?; (piittiinniiktes) 114a5, 129a4!,312a4,bl,314al,315+ 316 b5?, b6, b8; (piittiinakte) 23 a6, 104 b5, I 18 a5, 173 a2?, 221 al, 232 a2, 333 a3, PK.NS.2 b2€; (piittiir1111kte) 222 b4!, 227/8 b4, 239 b6, 240 a3; (piittiirfliiiikte) 221 b6, 226 a2; (piittiiil1Wkte) I 16 b3, 139 b6; (ptiinkte) 17 b3, b4, b4!, 20 a6, 23 b5, 33 b6, 217 a8!, 251 b3, 252 b3, 260 a5, b4, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a7, 287 + 259 a>b4, 291 al, a2, 302 a4, 303 b4, 306 a3, 311 a5, 351 a7, 357 a4, 382 a2, YQ III.I b5, YQ III.5 b5, YQ lll.9 a4, YQ lll.12 a7; (ptiirflnkte) 240 a5; (ptiiiiikte) 355 b2; (ptiiiliikte) 19 b5, 20 a3, a3-4!, 23 b2!, 24 b3!, 49 a4, 258 a4!, 311 b3!, 353 b4!, 354 a3, b5, 372 b>a3, 405 b2, 427 a6, 438 a3, YQ 11.8 al, YQ II.I I b2, YQ 11.12 a6, YQ Ill.12 b3, THT 1483.a a2; (ptii1Wktes) 62 b2, 354 b3; (ptiiniiiikte) 256 b3, 265 b7, b8, 266 + 276 b>a5, 332 b7, YQ III.9 a6!; (piittiiiikte) 221 b4, 256 bl!; ♦All.Sg. (pattiiiliiktac) 379 a4!; (ptiiiiktac) 23 a2, 153 a4, 254 b7!, 256 a2!, 266 + 276 b>al !, 288 b3, 311 a3€, 313 b3-4!, YQ I.I a4, YQ II.4 b2; (ptiiiiiiktac) 23 a4, bl, 36 b3!, 217 a8, YQ II. 13 b6; (ptiiiiiiaktac) 114 a2, 289 b4, YQ II.13 b2; +Abl.Sg. (ptiiiiklii$) 251 b5, 252 b5, 270 b6!; (ptiini:ikti:i.y) 23 bl; ♦ Loc.Sg. (piittii1.m1kta,_n) 222 b7 !; (ptiiilkta,_n) 80 b>a3, 90 a3; (ptiiiiiiklaf!1) 38 b3; ♦ Perl.Sg. 353 b2, b3!, b4, b6, 354 a2, a3, a6; ♦Com.Sg. (ptiiFtkta!isi:il) 299 al, YQ II.IS b8; (ptiiiii:iktassi:il) 171 b2; (ptiiiiiiiiktassiil) 302 a2; ♦Norn.Pl. (piittiiiii:iktan) 33 b4 !, 114 b4, 187 b6, 408.h b3; (pi:ittiinni:iktaii) 314 b5!, b7!, b8!, 408 a4!; (pi:ittii17111kta11) 229 b6; (ptiinktail) 22 b2, 256 b8!, 311 b5; (ptii11iiktaii) 18 b3, 30 a6, 46 b6, 311 b4, 353 bl, 354 b4, YQ Ill.3 b3; (ptiiilni:iktaii) 256 b3, YQ Ill.3 a5; ♦ Obi.Pl. (ptiiiiktas) 218 a5; (ptiinF1i:iktas) 266 + 276 b>a7; ♦ Gen.Pl. (pi:ittiiniii:iktassi) 93 a4, 121 bl!; (pliiliiiktassi) 150 a I, 354 b4; ♦ Instr.Pl. 25 b4; ♦ All.Pl. 320 b4; ♦Perl.Pl. 270 b7€. D Compound with second member ► 1ikiit and first member based on the loan from Skt. Buddha- through a Mir.



    pyaka~ intermediary, Sogdian or more probably Parthian. Pinault (CHREST:33-36; 2019b: 129). In PK.NS b2, the form pattiiiiakte is probably due to the influence of TB.

    ptlilikiit-kii!j!ji (n., masc.) 'Buddha-lord, the

    teacher' L POU 'praeceptor (magister) deus Buddha'. F Nom.Sg. ptii11kiit-ka.5,l"i, piittciilkiit-ka.5,5i, ptailkat-ka.5.fi, Obl.Sg. ptailkat-kii.5.5il11, Gen.Sg. pta11kiit-kii.5ycip, ptailkiit-kii,1",5ycip, pattci11kat-kii$ycip, ptciilkiitkii$.5iyap, ptii11iikte-ka.5yap, All.Sg. ptciiikiit-kii.y.yinac, Abl.Sg. pfCliikiitka.5.yina.5, Loc.Sg. ptailkat-kii.y.5inm11, Perl.Sg. [email protected], ptciilkiitka.y.yina, Norn.Pl. ptaiiaktaii-ka.5.yiii. T ♦Nom.Sg. (ptci11kcit-kii.y.yi) 16 b5, 18 a I, b4, 19 a2!, 20 a2, 21 b I, 25 a3, 32 a2!, a4, a6!, 33 a4!, 36 a4, 45 a6-bl!, 46 a3-4!€, 47 b6!, 54 a4, 102 a5-6, 120 b2, 132 b3, 144 a3!, b6, 150 a3, 169 a5, 200 b4!, 212 b3!, 217 b6, 258 a7!, 260 a4?, 261 a>b6!, 267 + 268 a>b2!, 269 + 290 a>b2!, a>b7!, b>a2, 278 a8, bl, b3, 282 a4, 300 a3!, 302 b5, 305 bl, b5!, 307 al, bl, 312 al, 313 a3, a4!, 315 + 316 al!, 335 b5!, 399.30 al, 400 al, 437 b5!, 438 a2, 446 a5, 447 a2, YQ II. I a6 (kii.yy, sandhi fonn), YQ II.2 a3, a5, YQ Il.8 b4, YQ II.9 a5!, YQ II.IO a7, b5, YQ II.I I al, a4, a6, a8, YQ II.13 a4!, a5, a6, b3-4!, YQ Il.15 bl, b3, YQ III.1 a7, YQ III.2 a3, a6, a8, YQ III.3 bl, b5, b6, YQ III.4 bl, YQ III.6 b8, YQ III.7 b2, b7!, YQ III.8 b2-3!, YQ III.JO a4, b2, b5, YQN.4 bl, IOL Toch.287 b4, THT 1148 b2!; (piittciilkiit-kii.y.5i) 125 al, 153 b3, b6, 313 al; (ptciilkiit-kii.y$i) 332 a3, a8, b2, 336 a9!€, b3, 338 b5, 222 b3 kii.5.yT penu piittci1J1iikiit; ♦Obl.Sg. 20 bl, 24 b3!, 35 a2, 38 b2, 47 bl, 50 b3, 54 a6, bl, 69 b2, 80 a>b2!, 115 b4, 288 b4!, 314 a3, a4, a6!, YQ I.I a6, YQ 11.14 bl, YQ II. 15 a8, YQ N.2 + N.6 b6!; ♦ Gen.Sg. (ptailkiit-kii:syap) 19 b6, 23 b3 !, 24 a I, b4!, 150bl!, 150b3-4!, 153a3, 156b5, 215 b3, 258 a6!, 262 b3!, 287 + 259 a>b6, 260 al, b7, 266 + 276 b>a3, 269 + 290 b>a6, 279 b6, 289 b2!, 292 b3, 307 a2-3!, a5!, 335 b6, b8, 336 a4!, YQ 1.7 a2!, a6, YQ 1.8 a8, YQ I. IO a8, YQ II.2 a8, b4,

    YQ 11.12 b2!, YQ Ill.I a5, b6!, YQ III.4 a5 bl, b8, YQ lll.5 a2, a4, YQ III.6 a4, bl-2!, b4, YQ III.7 a5 ptiiiikiit-kii.5yapiikk, YQ III.9 b3, YQ III.10 b6, YQ lll.12 b3; (ptiiiikiit-ka:s.5yiip) 314 b2; (piittiinkiitkii,1yiip) 199 a3, 332 a2; (ptiii'ikiitkii.5.yiyiip) 307 b3; (ptiilliikte-kii.5yiip) YQ ll.8 a8-b I!; ♦All.Sg. 24 a4?, 44 bl, 46 a2, 215 b4, 261 a>b4!, 398 b4, YQ I.7 a3!, a7, a8, YQ 11.3 b3, YQ II.4 bl, b3, YQ II.8 bl, YQ Il.12 a5!, YQ II.13 al, YQ Ill.3 bl, YQ III.6 a5, YQ 111.7 b5, YQ Ill.10 a3 (ptiifikiit-kii:s,5il1mac), THT 1141 b I!; ♦Abl.Sg. 404 b4!, YQ III. I b4-5!; ♦ Loc.Sg. 17 b4, YQ II.13 b4, YQ III.4 a8!; ♦Perl.Sg. (ptanki:it-kii,l",l"inii) 312 b6, YQ 11.9 a6, YQ III.9 b2; (piittiinkiitkii~·.yinii) 99 b6; ♦Norn.Pl. 287 + 259 b>a8-a>bl. D Fixed phrase with ► ptii1ikiit and ► kii!j!fi. ptiipsiis

    ► tiips-


    ► tiirkii-

    ptuk (n., masc.sg.) 'obscurity, darkness' (?)

    (Skt. andhakiira-) L POU 'obscuritas', TEB 11 'Finsternis, skt. «andhakara»'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. ptuk T ♦Nom.Sg. 249 al; ♦ Obl.Sg. 360 a9. R Binomial expression with ► orkiim: 'obscurity [and] darkness'. ppii!jiiC

    ► piis-

    ppil!jiir ► piisppiirksiic

    ► priik-


    ► priik-


    ► piilskii-,



    ► piilskii-,


    pyiik- (vb.) 'strike, beat' (B pyiik-)

    F T R

    Prs. VIII Inf. pyakiissi. ♦ Inf. 311 b6!. See Hackstein (I 992: 144-145) and TVS:730. See full translation of the passage under ► !ji-.

    pyiikii!j (n., fem.) 'pillar' [Cf. B pyiik-]

    (Skt. yiipa-, Uighur s1ruk) L POU 'phallus, columna', TEB 11 'Pfosten, skt. 'yiipa", JWP 'pillar'.

    pyapi F

    S T

    Norn./Obl.Sg. pyiika.5, pyiik.5, All.Sg. pyiik.yac, Loc.Sg. pyiik.5a,11, Perl.Sg. pyiik.yii. (11iikci) nemi.5i pyiikii$ 'divine jeweled pillar'. ♦Nom.Sg. (pyiikii.5) 22 a4, 31 b4; (pyiik.5) 302 al; ♦Obl.Sg. (pyiikii,s) 280 b I!, 301 al, b7, YQ I.5 b5; ♦All.Sg. 97 b3; ♦ Loc.Sg. 301 a2, a5, b2!, b5; ♦ Perl.Sg. 55 b6.

    py,1pi (n., fem.) 'flower' [B pyiipyo] (Uigh. c 'c 'k

    (ciicakJ) L POU 'tlos', TEB II 'Blume', JWP 'flower'. F Norn./Obl.Sg. pyiipi, pyiipy, Instr.Sg. pyiipyo, Norn.Pl. pyiipyaii, pyiippyan, Obi.Pl. pyiipyiis, pyappyiis, Gen.Pl. pyiippyiissi, Instr.Pl. pyiipyiisyo, pyiippyasyo, Loe.Pl. pyappyiism.n, Perl.Pl. pyapyasa. S udampar.yi pyapi 'Udurnbara-flower', pyiipi ciiicrilniikci 'divine/heavenly flower', pyiipyiifi su-/suwii- 'rain flowers', pyiipyiisyo yiitii- 'adorn with flowers'. T ♦Nom.Sg. (pyapi) 193 a3!?; (pyiipy) 30 a6, 31 a5, YQ 11.2 a6, YQ II.15 b3; ♦Obl.Sg. (pyiipi) 21 b5, 102 b5?, 253 b5, 286 a4! (pyiippy); ♦ lnstr.Sg. YQ III. I b5, YQ III. I I b6; ♦Norn.Pl. (pyiipyiin) 25 b I, 91 a4, 156 a2, 220 b3, YQ II.15 al!; (pyappyiiii) 68 a2, 253 b3, 287 + 259 a>b3!, 312 b6!, 320 b6; ♦ Obi.Pl. (pyapyas) 108al, 131 b5!?, 136b5, 145 a4, 274 a2!?, 430 al!; (pyiippyiis) 253 b4, b7!, 312 b2; ♦ Gen.Pl. 77 a2; ♦ Instr.Pl. (pyiipyiisyo) 22 a3, 91 b3, YQ II.8 a4, YQ III.8 a7! (bis); (pyiippyiisyo) 58 a3, 63 b5, 312 b7, 315+316 a3, b2, 318 + 319 b4, 403 b>a2; ♦Loe.Pl.318 + 319 a8; ♦ Perl.Pl. 91 a2. D Cf. ► pyt1pyii~i. R For the Uigh. reference see Tekin (1980, 2:52a), Wilkens (2016:961; 2021 :225b). pyiipyii~i (adj.) 'of flower' [B pyapyai$,5C] L POU 'floris', VTW 'Blumen-'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. pyiipyii.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. pyiipyii.5i1.n, Obi.Pl.Masc. pyiippyii$iniis, Obl.Sg.Fem. pyiippyii.5inii111. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 145 a5!, 187 b3, 192 a5; +Obl.Sg.Masc. PK.NS.3 b2; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 70 b2; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem.312 b7€.

    302 D R

    Derived from ► pyiipi. See compound ► campiik-pyb3 !, THT 1133 a3, THT 2399 b3; (priikra) 405 a2, YQ N.5 bl (bis), THT 1139 al!. priikra-pratim (adj.) 'having a firm resolution, decision' L POU 'firrnum consiliurn habens', VTW 'festen Entschluss habend'. F Norn.Sg.Masc. priikra-pratim. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 18 b2. D Compound made with ► priikiir and ►pratim.

    pn7krone (n., a.)' firmness' [B prakraune] L POU 'firmitas', TEB II 'Festigkeit', VTW 'Festigkeit, fester Bestandteil, Harte'. F Nom.Sg. priikrone, lnstr.Sg. priikroneyo, Loc.Sg. priikroneya,_n, Obi.Pl. priikroneyntu. T ♦Nom.Sg. 467 a2; ♦lnstr.Sg. 291 a3; ♦Loc.Sg. 146 a2, 150 b4, THT 1132 al2!; ♦ Obi.Pl. 347 b2. D Abstract based on ► priikiir. priic (adv.) 'in front of, before' (?) L POU'?', VTW 'Bed. unbekannt, viell. Subst. All. Sg.'. S priic + gen. 'before sth./sb.'. T ♦344 a3 (ci)lu priic tiikmas 'we were in front of others'. D Adverbial derived from *par 'before', with adverbial ending -tic, cf. ► posiic, ► ksiic.

    priithnokii!j (n., masc.) 'pratimok~a, register of rules' [B prcitimok0 ] L Couvreur(l959) 'Pratirnok~a', TEB II 'skt. «pratimok~a», «Befreiung von Stinde, Register der Ordensvergehen»'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. priitimokii0 , All.Sg. priitimok0ac, Loc.Sg. priitimok0m11, Nom./Obl.Pl. priitimok:1a11111tu. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 338 b I, 353 b2, b3!, b4, b6!?, 354 a2, a3, a6, bl, b3, THT 1636.n b3!; ♦All.Sg. THT 4237 al!; ♦ Loc.Sg. 353 b3; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. THT 2107 b3!. D Loan from Skt. priitimokya- 'n. of the code of precepts in the Vinaya according to which monks are controlled and corrected' (BHSD:391 b ). priitimokii!j-sutrii (N.) Pratimok~a-sutra F Nom./Obl.Sg. priitimoka.y-sutra. T Nom./Obl.Sg. THT 1378.d b2. D Compound of ► priitimokii!j and ► sutiir. Calque of Skt. Priitimok,rn-siitra, title of the code of Buddhist discipline. priitihiiri (n., a.) 'extraordinary occurrence, miracle' [B pratihari] L POU 'praestigiae', TEB II 'skt. «pratiharya», «Wunder»', VTW 'Wunder(tat)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. pratihari, Instr.Sg. priitzhiiriyo, Nom./Obl.Pl. prcitihcirintu. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 287 + 259 b>a6!, b>a7!, b>a8; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 313 a3; ♦Obi.Pl. 270 a7!?. D From Skt. prcitihiiriya- 'extraordinary occurrence, miracle' (BHSD:392a). Compare the alternative loan as ►paryiiri.

    priipti (n., masc.) 'acquisition, obtainment' [B priipti] (Skt. samanviigama-) L POU 'acceptio', TEB II 'skt. «prapti», «Erreichung»', VTW 'Erreichen, Erlangung, Gewinn'. F Nom.Sg. priipti, lnstr.Sg. prciptiyo, Norn.Pl. priiptiii, Obi.Pl. prciptis. T ♦Nom.Sg. 384 al, 385 a5; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 384 al; ♦Nom.Pl. 372 a>b4, 412 a2; ♦Obi.Pl. 305 a4, a5!, a7. D From Skt. prcipti- 'acquisition, obtainment' (MW:707c). R In 384 al, gloss ofSkt. samanviigama'endowment' (alonside ► kniilune 'acquisition, endowment'), see Catt Huard - Inaba (2022).


    pramarp priima,p (n., masc.) 'Brahmin' [Cf. B

    brahmatie] (Uigh. pr'm'n) L POU 'brahmatJa', VTW 'Brahmane'. F Nom.Sg. pramma,11, Gen.Sg. pramne, Norn.PI. pramnan, Obi.Pl. pramnas, Gen.Pl. pramnassi. T ♦ Nom.Sg. 223 b3, 224 b3; ♦ Gen.Sg. 299 b2, 356 b I!, YQ 11.5 b8, YQ II. IO b6; ♦Norn.Pl. 95 bl, 97 b3, 395 b4; ♦Obi.Pl. (pramnas) 59 b4; ♦Gen.Pl. 97 b6. D From Skt. brahmal)a- 'one who has divine knowledge, a Brahman' (MW:74Jb). R One of the variants of this loanword, see also ► briima1t1, ► briihmm11. priimaiii*

    ► briilmuuii

    priimodya (n., masc.sg.) 'joy'

    L POU 'auctoritas, credibilitas'. T ♦386 a2€, a3. D From Skt. pramodya- 'joy' (BHSD:393a). R Translated to TA as planto. On the specific meaning of this term in Abhidharma, see Catt - Huard - Inaba (2022). prtir (n., fem.) 'finger' [B (Obl.Sg.) prari]

    L POU 'digitus', TEB II 'Finger'. F Obl.Sg. prar, Instr.Sg. pra,yo, Nom./Ob!Pl. praru, Gen.Pl. pranvis, Instr.Pl. praruyo, Loe.Pl. pranva111. T ♦Obl.Sg. 51 a2; ♦ lnstr.Sg. YQ III.12 b5; ♦Norn.Pl. YQ II.4 b5; ♦ Gen.Pl. TI-IT 2408 bl; ♦Instr.Pl. 315 + 316 a2-3!; ♦ Loe.Pl. 217 b3, YQ 11.4 b6, YQ II.10 b3. priirb11* (n., fem.) 'fingerring'

    L F T

    POU 'anulus'. Instr.Pl. prarinasyo. ♦ Instr.Pl. 136 a4! pokenas prari(n)asyo yetunt 'ornated with fingerrings [and] bracelets'. D Based on ► priir.

    priiwat (n., fem.) 'orientation, inclination,

    disposition' L POU'?', VTW 'Gerlicht, Verleumdung'. F Obl.Sg. prawat. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 307 a4 puk praJtatJ1 imeyo prawat e111tsa/zme 'at all times [being] in possession of an orientation [towards the good] by one's thought'. D Sanskritization of Prakrit pavatti- (Skt. pravrtti-) 'use,


    conduct, disposition' (CDIAL:495a, No. 8806). See Pinault ( I 999a:227).

    prii.flune (n., a.) 'establishing, fixing' [cf. B

    prak-] F Nom./Obl.Sg. praslune. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. PK.NS.5 a4 ysalu praslune. D This abstract presupposes a Subj.II stem, from a TA verb matching TB prak(TVS:733). prlissuneyum* (adj.) 'supplying, contributing'

    L F T D

    POU'?', VTW 'ftihrend zu'. Obl.Sg.Fem. prassuneyumina111. ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 359 a34. Possessive adjective based on an abstract prassune*, itself based on an adjective prasasu* (type ► klopasu, ► mmikasu), derived from the loan from Skt. prasa'food, victuals' (MW:709b).


    ► piirskli-

    priihmm11* ► briil1111mt1

    priik-(vb.) (act.) 'ask for, beg', (MP) 'ask, bring up a question' [B prek-/park-] L POU 'act. «precari, rogare, petere» med. «interrogare»', TEB II 'fragen'. P (tr.) Prs. praks-T-, Subj. park-0-, lpv. pparksar/pparksac, Prt. prak-lpraksa-, PPrt. papraku. F Prs. VIII Act. l Sg. praksam, I Pl. praksamas, 3PI. praksenc, MP l Sg. prakasmar, 3Sg. praka.ytar, PPrs.Act. Norn.Pl.Masc. prak.yantan, Gdv. prak~al, Inf. prakassi, Subj.I MP !Sg. parkmar, 2Pl. parkcar, 3PI. parkantar, Gdv. Abstr. ► parklune, lpv.III MP 2Sg. pparksar, 2Pl. pparksac, Prt.lll Act. I Sg. prakwa, 3Sg. prakas, praksa-111, MP 3Sg. praksat, parksat, 3PI. praksant, PPrt. papraku. S kuc prak.yal 'what is to ask?' (= 'let alone'). T ♦ Prs.Act. l Sg. 340 a4!; ♦ l Pl. TI-IT 2384.c b6; ♦ 3Pl. SI-IT 8: 1983, TI-IT 4023 a3 (praksenci); ♦Prs.MP l Sg. 20 b3, 404 b7! (prakasmar-am); ♦ 3Sg. 308 b5!, 402 b7, YQ JI.I I b3, YQ III.I a7; ♦2Pl. YQ 11.5 b2; ♦ PPrs.Act. Norn.Pl.Masc. 222 a2; ♦ Gdv. 90 b2, 159 al (praka.ylis), 229 a5, 277 a7, YQ 1.2 b2, YQ 11.3 b6, YQ lll.7 b2, YQ 111.9 al-2!, YQ lll.12 bl; ♦ Inf.

    311 YQ 11.l0 b8, YQ III.I a5, YQ IIl.4 b7, THT 1412.1 a2, THT 2427 a2; ♦ Subj.MP lSg. 197 al, a4, 432 a2; ♦ 2Pl. YQ 11.5 b2; ♦3Pl. 231 b6? ♦lpv.MP 2Sg. 202 b6, YQ lll.4 b7; ♦2Pl. 95 b2, YQ 11.5 a6, b4; ♦ Prt.Act. I Sg. 431 b5?, b6; ♦ 3Sg. 134 a5, 430 a6 (priiksci-111); ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. (priikscit) 210 al, 432 a5; (piirkscit) 436 b4; ♦ 3Pl. 441 a4; ♦ PPrt. 79 bl!, 197 b3 !'?, 340 a9!, 365 al, a4. D See the abstract ► piirklune and the agent noun ► piirk,iiim. R In 159 al, one may restore caniik wram prakii.yli(s mosa111) 'because of the obligation of asking this very matter'. This seems preferable to the restoration of the feminine Gdv. prakii(ilyi. The restoration of prii(ks)ii111 in 430 a6 has been proposed by Siegling on his personal copy (TS:236). See TVS:707-708. The form praksenc is found in a gloss of a Skt. manuscript, see Malzahn (2007b:3 J J3 l 2). prii1ik- (vb.) I) 'restrain oneself, 2) 'reject' [B prank-] L POU 'amovere', TEB II 'sich zuriickhalten', VTW 'Gv. s. zuriickhalten, K. abweisen', TVS 'restrain oneself, 'reject' (cans.). P 1) (tr.) Prs. pra,ik-0-, 2) (cans.) Prs. prii1ikiis-T-, Ipf. pra,ikyci-, Prt. papriiilkci-, PPrt. papriiilku. F I) Prs.I Act. 3Pl. prii1iki-iii, Prt. 3Pl. prii1ikarii1J1, 2) Prs.VIII Act. 2Sg. priiilkii.yt, 3Sg. prii1ikii,>·, Inf. pra,ikiissi, !pf.Act. 3Sg. priiilkyci, Prt.II Act. 2Sg. papriiilkci.yt, PP1i. Abs. papriiilkurii.y. T ♦ I) Prs.Act. 3Pl. 115 a4; ♦ Prt. 3Pl. 279 b6!; ♦ 2) Prs.Act. 2Sg. 253 b5; ♦ 3Sg. 14 bl!; ♦ Inf. YQ 11.12 a7!; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Sg. 335 a3; ♦ Prt.Act. 2Sg. THT 1308.b a4; ♦PPrt. Abs. YQ 1.9 a6. priilikiir (n., masc.) 'a golden pitcher or vase' [B bhra,igcir, bhriiilkcir] L POU 'urceus, amphora', VTW 'Wasserkrug, Kanne'. F Loc.Sg. prcitikcira111. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 380 a2. D From Skt. bhrngcira- 'a golden pitcher or vase' (MW:765e). R Cf. Pinault (CHREST:298-299) with further references.

    Priyasundari priirskro pritiir

    ► piirskii-

    ► ritii-


    ► ritw-

    priymigu (N, masc.) a kind of tree (callicarpa macrophylla or prunus mahaleb) (B priymiku. priya1ig11) L POU 'nomen arboris', VTW 'N. eines Baums'. F Nom. priya,igu. T ♦Norn. 91 bl. D Loan from Skt. priymigu- 'perfumed cherry (callicarpa macrophylla) or mahaleb cherry (prunus mahaleb)'. R The Skt. priymigu- usually designates the 'panic seed' (panicum Italicum or setaria italica) (MW:662b), but since in A 91 al it is classified as a tree, it should refer to the perfumed cherry (callicarpa macrophylla) or mahaleb cherry (prunus mahaleb), which are also named priya,igu-, see Meulenbeld ( 1974:578). Priyadatte* (PN, masc.) name of a Brahmin son L TEB II 'Priyadatta, N. pr. eines Brahmanensohnes'. F Obl.Sg. priyadatteq1, preyadatte111, Gen.Sg. priyadattes. T ♦ Obl.Sg. (priyadatte111) 395 al; (preyadatteq1) 395 b4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 395 a3 (bis), a4. D From Skt. Priyadatta*. See the fem. name Priyadattci (MW :71 Ob). Priyaviidinf(PN, fem.) name of a friend of Sundar1 L VTW 'N.pr. einer Freundin SundarTs'. F Nom.Sg. priyavcidinT. T ♦ Nom.Sg. 131 b4. D From Skt. PriyavcidinT*, feminine based on priyavcidin- 'speaking kindly or agreeably, flattering, a flatterer' (MW:710c). Priyasundari (PN, fem.) name of a friend of Bhadra L VTW 'N.pr. einer Freundin Bhadras'. F Nom.Sg. priyasundari. T ♦Nom.Sg. 58 a5. D From Skt. PriyasundarT*, see adj. sundarT- fem. 'beautiful, lovely, charming', subst. 'a beautiful woman, any woman' (MW:1227a).


    prispris- (vb.) 'to sprinkle, spray' [B piirs-] (Uighur suva- 'to sprinkle') L POU'?', TVS 'sprinkle'. F Prs.VII/VIII Act. 3Pl. prisseiic. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Pl. 266 + 276 b>a6. R See discussion in TVS:735-736. prisiic

    ► ri-

    pruccamo (adj.) 'advantageous, useful' [B pruccamo] (Uigh. as1gllg 'useful') L POU 'primus, optimus', TEB II 'vorzliglich, liberlegen', JWP 'excellent'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. pruccamo, Norn.Pl.Masc. pruccamo,, purccamo,, Obi.Pl.Masc. pruccamoiiciis, purcomoiiciis, Nom.Sg.Fem. pruccamo171ts, purccamo111ts, Norn.Pl.Fem. pruccamont. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. I a4, 2 bl (bis), 4 al, 5 a2, YQ lll.8 al; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. (pruccamo,) 57 bl; (purccamo.y) 303 a7; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. (pruccamoiiciis) 232 b56!; (purcomoiiciis) 371 b2!; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. (pruccamm11ts) 337 b4!?, YQ 111.7 b5; (purccamo111ts) YQ 111.7 b7; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 14 b6. D Loan from TB pruccamo; see also ►pruccam,ie.


    Meaning ascertained by Pinault, CHREST:202. Further discussion in ADAMS:450.

    pruccatmie (n., a.) 'advantage, usefulness' [B pruccamiie] L POU 'praestantia, excellentia', TEB II 'VorzUglichkeit, Oberlegenheit', JWP 'excellence'. F Obl.Sg. pruccamiie, purccamiie, Gen.Sg. pruccamFieyis, lnstr.Sg. pruccamiieyo, Nom./Obl.Pl. pruccamiieyiintu. S pruccamiie yam- 'demonstrate usefulness excellence'. ' T ♦ Obl.Sg. (pruccamiie) 10 al, 19 b5, YQ IIl.4 a2!, a3; (purccamiie) YQ II.7 b5; ♦ Gen.Sg. YQ III.4 a3, YQ Ill.8 a7-8!; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 218 a6, a8; ♦ Obi.Pl. 405 a4, THT 1375.e b2!. D Loan from TB, where pruccamne is the regular abstract based on ►pruccamo. pruccamFze!ji (adj.) F Nom.Sg.Masc. pruccmmie.yi, Gen.Sg.Masc. pruccamiie.yiniip. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 357 a3!; ♦Gen.Sg.Masc. THT 1495 b4. ~


    Based on

    ► prucca,mie.

    prutkli- (vb.) 'be shut, be filled', caus. 'shut, contain, check' [B prutk-, prautk-] L POU 'retardare, includere, vinculis mandare', TEB II 'erflillt sein' VTW 'Gv. gefiillt/gesperrt sein, K. e;ftillen, sperren, treffen ', TVS 'be shut, be filled'. P I) (itr.) Prs. prutka-, Subj. protkalprutka-, Prt. prutka-!protka-, PPrt. prutko, 2) (fact.) Prs. prutkiis-T-, Subj. prutkas-T-, Prt. paprutka-, PPrt. paprutku, 3) (tr.) Prt. protk-. F I) Subj.V Act. 3Sg.protka.y.y, Prt.l Act. 3Sg. prutiik, 3PI. protkar, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. prutko, Obl.Sg.Masc. prutkont, Norn.Pl.Masc. prutko~·, 2) Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. prutkii.y, 3PI. prutiikseiic, Subj.IX Act. 3Sg. prutka~·, 3PI. prutkasei'ic, Prt.II Act. 3Pl. paprutkar, PP1t. Obi.Pl.Masc. paprutkuiiciis, Obi.Pl.Fem. paprutkunt, 3) (tr.) Pit.III Act. 3Pl. prockiir. T ♦ !) Subj.Act. 3Sg. 219 b3: ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. YQII.14b5, THT 1410.f+ 1412.da5; 3Pl. I 02 b5, 356 b4; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 68 a5, 153 b5, 253 b2; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 160 a5; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 225 b4 !, 340 a7, YQ III. I a2 (prutko 00 ); ♦2) Prs.Act. 3Sg. 297 b7; ♦3Pl. 229 a2; ♦ Subj.Act. 3Sg. 115 a5, 215 a5, YQ I.6 b4; ♦ 3Pl. 165 a3!; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Pl. 341 a5; ♦PPrt. Obi.Pl.Masc. THT 1476.a b3!; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 79 b3; ♦3) Prt.Act. 3Pl. THT 2384.u al (prockiirr oki). prutkliluue (n., a.) 'containment, stopping, checking' [Cf. B prutkalne] L VTW 'Aufl1oren, Erloschen'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. prutkalune. S prutkalune yam- 'cause dissolution'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 60 a>b I kles'assi prutka/une ypant 'making the containment of the afflictions', 267 + 268 a>b3! klopis prntka(lune) 'stopping of the suffering'. D Abstract derived from ► prutkii-. prus (n., masc.sg.) 'haste, jump' (?) L POU'?', VTW 'wohl Scham'. F Loc.Sg. prusa,,1. T ♦ Loc.Sg.318+319a7.



    pre l) (pp.per!.), 2) (prev.) I) 'outside of, 2) 'forth, away, out of (Skt. (prev.) ni.y, pradur, vi) L I) POU 'foris, pro', TEB II 'draul3en vor', 2) POU 'praeverbium com verbis cundi, abeundi, trahendi «ex»', TEB II 'weg, heraus'. T ♦ I) 395 b2 riya pre 'outside before the city'; ♦2) 9 b2, l l l b6, 117 b6, 152 b3, 164 b2, 215 b2, 298 a7, 300 a7, 318 + 319 a6, 360 a2, 395 a5, 396 al, 43 l a4, 452 a4, b I. 9 b2, 98 a6, 111 b6, I 17 b6, 152 b3, 164 b2, 215 b2, 298 a7, 300 a7, 305 b4, 318 + 319 a6, 360 a2, 395 a5, 396 al, 399.2 al?, 43 I a4, 450 a2, 452 a4, b I, PK.NS.4 a2, SHT 525.56 b4?. pre,icii!j (adv.) 'forth, outwards'

    L T R

    COU 'heraus', VTW 'vor'. ♦ Berlin ms. This form has been quoted by SSS:262 (§ 388c) as antonymous to anenca,~ 'from inside'. VTW quotes the following extract of some fragment: (tii)myo prdica.y sail/. This piece without shelf mark comes presumably from the collection of Emil Sieg, kept by Werner Thomas, and transmitted during the compiling of a new dictionary of TA. It proved impossible to trace the fragment in question in the THT unpublished TA manuscripts. In any case, this does not correspond to the fragment THT 1378.j, which reads in a2 /// II preiica//1. These two ak~aras can belong to prei'ica~· as well as to ► preficii!ji, most probably to the latter.


    pret (n., masc.) 'ghost' [B prete]

    POU 'larva', TEB II 'skt. «preta», «Hungergespenst»', JWP 'ghost'. F Nom.Sg. pret, Norn.Pl. pretail, Obi.Pl. pretas, Gen.Pl. pretiis.'ii, Ab I.Pl. pretiisii,~, Loe.Pl. pretasm/1. S lwiipretiiii 'animals [and] ghosts'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 341 a2; ♦Norn.Pl. 40 b3, 41 b2, b6, 42 b4-5!, 46 b3, 314 a4, 320 a3!, a5, b5, 340 a3!, a5, a8, a9, bl!; ♦ Obi.Pl. YQ ll.6 b6!; ♦ Gen.Pl. 44 a I, 45 a2!, a6; ♦Abl.Pl. YQ lll.6 a7; ♦ Loe.Pl. 305 b4!, 307 b5, 314 b8, 371 b5. D From Skt. preta- 'dead person, ghost' (MW:394b). L

    pretiiiic (n., fem.) 'female ghost'

    L F T D

    POU 'larva (fem. adpret)', VTW 'H ungergespenst'. Nom.Sg. pretai'ic. ♦Nom.Sg. 341 b6. Based on ► pret with feminine suffix -iiiic, itself borrowed from Sogdian.

    prete,p (adj.) 'of ghosts'

    L F T D R

    preiicii!ji* (adj.) 'outer, exterior, external' (Skt.

    bahya-) L COU 'iiusserlich', VTW wohl 'vor ... befindlich'. F Nom.Sg.Masc./Fem. preiicii.yi, Obl.Sg.Fem. preiica.yir(l. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc./Fem. THT 1378.j a2!; Obl.Sg.Fem. 332 al (kapsiiiiia)c prei'icii~·il.n pii~·tmiis tirintww11 'you (pl.) stay towards the external body according to the rules!'. D Cognate with ► pre,icrI!j, see SSS:262 (§ 388.c). Same relationship as in the adj. ► ane,icii!ji vis-a-vis of the adv. ► aneficii!j. The ultimate basis is the adverb ►pre.

    The restoration of332 al complies with the meter of this passage (TS: 181, n. I), 4 x 17 syllabes, rhythm 6/6/5.

    POU 'larvae (gen.)', TEB II 'Preta-'. Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. prete111. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 340 a5 prete1.11 riyii.y 'from the city of Pretas'. Based on ► pret. The shorter masculine form stands for the expected Obl.Sg.Fem. form pretena,.n due to the constraint of the meter. See the discussion in SSS:71 (§II 0.a).

    prem (n., masc.sg.) 'temple, shrine' (?)

    L POU'?'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. prem, Loc.Sg. premm11. S prem wyar 'temple [and] monaste1y'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 279 b7!, 302 al; ♦ Loc.Sg. 302 a4. Preyadatte*

    ► Priyadatte*

    Pre!jikii (PN, fem.) Pre~ika, a female name

    L F T D

    VTW 'N.pr. oderDienerin, Botin'. Nom.Sg. pre.yikii, Gen.Sg. pre.'iikay. ♦Nom.Sg. 171 b6; ♦ Gen.Sg. 171 b5!?. Via MI from Skt. pre.yyii- 'female servant, handmaid' (MW:712c), see also Skt. prai.yiya- 'idem' (MW:713a).


    pres* pres* (n., masc.) 'goad, spike'

    L F T

    POU'?'. Instr.Sg. presyo. ♦ lnstr.Sg. 98 a2, THT 2037 bl kowi presyo 'with a cow-goad'. D Related to ►piir, likely under influence from TB prere. This word was tentatively segmented as pre* in SSS:48 (§ 82), which presupposes an analysis as Instr.Pl. (SSS: I 02, § I 50). But this is falsified by the phrase in THT 2037 bl.

    pr01ic* (n., fem.) 'shank, calf (Skt.jangha-)


    POU'?', VTW 'SchluBwort von Lak~ana'. F Norn.Du. proiicii111. T ♦Norn.Du. 213 a I (aineyii lwassi !ant oki) proiicii111 'the two calves [are) like those of the king of the wild ai()eya [black antelope) animals' (Skt. ai(1eyajc11ighab). D The form *proiic is most probably itself a dual from a stem *pront-, to which the dual suffix has been secondarily added, as in asii111, dual of ► ak, TB esane, dual of ek. R For the Skt. parallel 213 a I, about the 8th lak~m:ia of the Bodhisattva, cf. Couvreur ( I 946:586). protiik* (n., masc.) 'prison' [B prautke]

    L F T D

    POU 'career', TEB II 'VerschluB, Gefangnis', JWP 'prison'. Loc.Sg. protka111. ♦ Loc.Sg. 215 a5, YQ l.6 b4. Action noun related to ► prutkli-.

    prop-mahur (n., masc.sg.) 'diadem' [B prapmahur] (Skt. makufa-, mukuta-)


    I) POU 'pannus pectoralis', 2) POU 'diadema', TEB II 'Diadem'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. prop-mahur, lnstr.Sg. prop-mahuryo. T ♦Nom.Sg. 6 al-2!, 130 a2, 138 a5?; ♦ Obl.Sg. 256 a3!; ♦ Instr.Sg. I 86 a5. D Compound with *prop 'ornament' or the like, and ► mahur. R Discussion by Pinault (201 lb: 157-158). prosiim* (adj.) 'coy, shameful, modest'

    L · POU 'pavidus, timidus, pudens, pudicus', TEB II 'verschamt'. F Nom.Sg.Fem. pro.Jmif_nn. T ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 5 b2. D Agent noun derived from ► pros-.

    prO!pmme (n., a.) 'coyness'

    L F

    T D

    POU 'pavor, pudor, timiditas', TEB II 'Verschamtheit'. Nom./Obl.Sg pro.Jmune. ♦Nom.Sg. 5 b6; +Obl.Sg. 198 a3!, 459.c bl!. Abstract based on ► pro.yam.

    pro!flune (n., a.) 'coyness; sense of shame, respect' (Skt. gaurava-)

    L F T D

    VTW 'Verschamtheit'. Obl.Sg. pro.Jlune, lnstr.Sg. pro.Jluneyo. ♦ Obl.Sg. 386 b5; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 23 b3. Abstract derived from ► pros-.

    pros- (vb.) 'to be ashamed'

    POU 'timere, pudere', TEB II 'sich schiimen', TVS 'feel ashamed'. P (itr.) Prs.pros-T-, Subj.pros-T-. F Prs.11 MP 3Pl. prosantrii, PPrt.MP prosma11111. T +Prs.MP 3PI. 262 b8, YQ N.5 bl (prosa111trii); ♦ PPrs.MP 313 b3. D Cf. ►pro!j/1111e, ►pro!jiim*. L


    ► !jiim-

    plli- ► piillipliik- (vb.) 'ask for agreement' [B plak-]


    p F T R

    POU 'permissionem rogare, petere', TEB II 'einverstanden sein', VTW 'Gv. einverstanden sein, K. um Einverstandnis bitten', TVS 'ask for pern1ission'. (tr.) P1i. plak-*/plaksa-. Prt.III MP 3Sg. plaksat. +Prt.MP 80 b>a5, 394 a4, 436 al. TVS:740-74 l with further literature.

    pliikiim (n., a.) 'agreement' [B plaki]


    F T D

    POU 'consentio, permissio', TEB II 'Einverstandnis, Zustimmung', JWP 'agreement'. Obl.Sg. plakam, Perl.Sg. plakma. ♦Obl.Sg. 439 a6, 444.d a2, YQ II.2 a6!, YQ II. IO a6, b6; ♦ Perl.Sg. 405 b5. Action noun related to ► pliik-.

    pllic (n., fem.) 'speech' [B place]

    L F


    POU 'verbum, oratio', TEB II 'Rede', JWP 'speech', VTW 'Wort, Rede'. Nom./Obl.Sg. plac, pla, Gen.Sg. placis, Obi.Pl. placa111, Instr.Pl. placiinyo, Ab I.Pl. placnii.J. ♦Nom.Sg. (plac) 144 a5, 227/8 al, a5, a6, 288 b5, 299 a8, 403 a>bl!, YQ I.I a7, YQ


    Ill. IO a2; (plii) SHT 1030 r4; ♦ Obl.Sg. 5 b3, 7 a4, 81 a6, 89 a4, 226 b5 227/8 al a5, 287 + 259 b>a3!, 288 al, ;4; ♦Gcn.Sg. 96 a5; ♦ Obi.Pl. 343 a4!; ♦ Instr.Pl. 75 b6, 155 a3, 199 bl!; ♦ Abl.PI. 113 a6. R For the occurrence SHT 1030 r4, sec Pcyrot (2014:138). pliinta- (vb.) I) (itr.) 'rejoice, be glad'; 2) (fact.) 'make glad' [B plant-] L POU 'gaudcrc, lactari', TEB II 'vcrgniigt scin', VTW 'Gv. vcrgniigt scin, K. erfrcucn, froh machcn', TVS 'rejoice, be glad'. P I) (itr.) Prs. plan ta-, Subj. pliinta-, Prt. p/iinta-*, PPrt. piipliintu, 2) (fact.) Prs. pliintas-T-. F I) Prs.IV Act. 3Sg. pliinta.5, Prs.MP 2Sg. planttiir, 3PI. plantantra, PPrs.MP Perl.Pl.Fem. plii111tmii1rincsii, Inf. p/antatsi, Subj.V Act. 2Pl. p/iintac, Opt.Act. 3Pl. pliintiiic, Prt.I PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. piipliintu, 2) Prs. VIII Prs.MP 3Sg. pliinta,5tr, Prt.MP 3PI. pliint:jiint. T ♦ I) Prs.Act. 3Sg. YQ II.6 b2; ♦ Prs.MP 2Sg. 340 b5; ♦ 3Pl. 254 a8; ♦ PPrs.MP Perl.Pl.Fem. 353 a5; ♦ Inf. 227/8 a2; ♦ Subj.Act. 2Pl. 66 b5; ♦ Opt.Act. 3Pl. 257 b5, 277 b4; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 258 b 1; ♦2) Prs.MP 3Sg. 145 a5; ♦Prt.MP 3Pl. YQ III.5 b I. pliinto (n., masc.) 'joy' [B pliinto] L POU 'gaudium, laetitia', TEB II 'Frcudc Vcrgniigcn'. ' F Nom./Obl.Sg. pliinto, All.Sg. pliintowac. T ♦Nom.Sg. 386 a2, a3; ♦ Obl.Sg. 256 b2, 292 a8; ♦All.Sg. 269 + 290 b>a5!. D Probably loan from TB. Abstract related to ► pliinta-. pliintlune* (n., a.) 'rejoicing, joy' F Instr.Sg. pliintluneyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 394 b4. D Abstract derived from ► pliinta-. R The state of the manuscript docs not support the restoration of Thomas (1957:129, n. I). pliiri (n., masc.) 'reverence' L POU '?', VTW 'vicll. cin toncndcs Instrument'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. pliiri, Perl.Sg. plii1yii.


    ♦Nom.sg. 347 b3 hii hii hii hii hii p/iiri; ♦ Pcrl.Sg. 277 b2 pats twil,.yo plii1J'ii

    sarkinco ii(lu) 'due to affection and

    reverence toward their spouse, [they do not think doing harm] to others'. D Possibly based on the root ►pliik-. For the phonological evolution of the internal sequence iikii, sec CHREST:640. R Occurrence of A 347 (THT 981) not transcribed in TS, identified by Huard (p.c.). This is written with a different hand after the main text. The reference to a musical instrument (based on the comparison with B p/oriyai 'flute' (?), cf. ADAMS:463) as per VTW docs not fit the context of277 b2; normally, musical instruments arc given in comitativc. pliik

    ► piilk

    pliikyi*(adj.) 'of copper' [cf Bpi/ke:j.5e] L POU 'aspcctus (gen.)', VTW 'Blick-'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. pliik5it11. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 166 b4. D Derived from *palk, the expected match ofTB pi/ke 'copper' (ADAMS:414). Ultimately cognate with the verb ► piilk(1) 'shine'. R Revised meaning by Itkin - Malyshcv (2021 :68). plii1ikii- (vb.) 'pinch' L COU 'zwickcn, cinklcmmcn, bcfcstigen', TEB II 'zupfcn', TVS 'pinch'. P Prs. pla1ikii-, PPrt. piipla,iku. F Prs.V PPrs.MP pla1ikii111ii1J1, Prt.I PPrt. Norn.Pl.Masc. piiplaliku.5. T ♦ PPrs.MP 171 b5; ♦ PPrt. Norn.Pl.Masc. 4 b3. R For the meaning, see TVS:743. pliic

    ► liit-,


    pliitk- (vb.) 'arise, overflow' [B platk-] L POU 'se movere, se lcvarc', TEB II 'hcrvortrctcn', TVS 'swell'. P (fact.) PPrt. papliitku. F Prt.III PPrt. Norn.Pl.Fem. pap/atkunt. T ♦ PPrt. Norn.Pl.Fem. 213 a4, YQ 11.5 al, YQ 11.10 bl, b4. R The phrase .5pat paplatkunt translates Skt. saptotsadab 'seven swellings', sec discussion in TVS:744-745 with further literature.


    plaslune pliislune (n., a.) 'austerity, penance; suffering, pain' [Cf. B piilsaliie, palsaly1ie, pilycaliie]

    L F

    VTW 'Kasteiung, Anstrengung, Askese'. Nom./Obl.Sg. piilslune, lnstr.Sg. pliisluneyo, Loc.Sg. p!iislzmeyat11, Obi.Pl. pliisluneytu, pliisluneyntu, Loe.Pl. plas!uneya111twa171. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 220 a6!?; ♦ lnstr.Sg. I 10 a3; ♦ Loc.Sg. l 12 a5!; ♦ Obi.Pl. (plasluneyntu) YQ I. IO a6, YQ 11.3 b I; (p!asluneyntu) 250 b2; ♦ Loe.PL 353 a6!. D Abstract derived from ► piilk- (2), calque of Skt. tapas-. R For A 353 a6-bl, see translation and commentary by Schmidt (1989:75,78 n. I). pliisluneyum* (adj.) 'painful' or 'practicing

    penance' F Obl.Sg.Masc. palyslunenyumiint. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 233 a4. D Derived from ► pliislune. R The spelling of this once occurrence may be influenced by TB palsiily11e,pilycaliie, derived from the parallel verbal root, cf. ADAMS:404, 415. plu- (vb.) 'hover, fly' [B plu-]


    POU 'volare', TEB II 'schweben', TVS 'fly, soar'. F Prs.I PPrs.MP plumann, Prt.l Act. 3Pl. plawar. T ♦ PPrs.MP YQ I.6 al-2!; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Pl. 144 a3. plutk- (vb.) 'arise'

    L P F T R

    POU'?', TEB II 'hervortreten', TVS '(a)rise'. I) (itr.) Prs. plutkas-T-*, Prt. plyock.ya-m, 2) (fact.) Prt. paplutkar-a111. 1) Prt.III Act. 3Sg. plyock.yam, 2) Prt.II Act. 3Pl. paplutkar. ♦ l) Prt.Act. 3Sg. 395 b2; ♦2) Prt.Act. 3Pl. 356 b5. See TVS:746-748.



    ► lotka-



    ► lmvli-

    plyaske111 (n., masc.sg.) 'meditation, recollection' [Cf. B ompalskoiiiie]

    (Skt. samadhi-, dhyana-, adhicitta-, adhicetas-) L POU 'contemplatio, meditatio (=Ser. dhyana)', TEB II 'Meditation'. F Obl.Sg. plyaske111, ploskeq1, Gen.Sg. plyaskem:5, Abl.Sg. plyaskena.y, Loc.Sg. plyaskenaq1, Gen.Pl. plyaskeniissi. S plyaskena111 lam-I.yam- 'sit in meditation'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. (plyaske111) 20 b6, 243 b3, 279 a8, 289 a6€, 302 a7!, b4, 336 a3, 356 al, THT 1412.j al!, THT 2430 b4; (ploskef!1) 355 a4 II pram-(ii)ii(ktes matikal maittra Fzo)m ploskef!1 wliiiiiliiktes wiicra wis{n1y sank matikal (:) 'the meditation named friendship [is] the aupiscious sign of the Lord Brahma, the mace the sign of Indra, the shell the sign ofVi~i:iu'; ♦ Gen.Sg. 282 b2; ♦Abl.Sg. 313 a4; ♦ Loc.Sg. 237 a2, 239 bl!, 278 bl!, 294 b2!, 302 b3, 3 I 5 a7, bl!, 338 b8!?, 347 bl, 353 b4, 354 al, THT 1974 b3; ♦ Gen.Pl. 60 b>a3!. D Related to the verb ► piilskli- and to the noun ► piiltsiik, via possible contamination with ► plycik, triggered by the etymologizing of the Skt. terms for 'meditation'. R The readingploske111 in 355 a4 is sure, but it is most probably a scribal mistake, since the other copy of the same text has p(vaskeq1 in 356 a I. This may be explained by the repetition of the gesture of the scribe atler a palatal consonant, following the spelling of the preceding word, iiom. plyaske111!ji* (adj.) 'of meditation'

    L F

    POU 'meditationis', VTW 'Meditations-'. Obl.Sg.Masc. plyaske111Jit11, Obi.Pl.Masc. plyaskeq1.yinas. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 43 +52 b2-3!, 120 a2; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 267 + 268 a>b6!. D Derived from ► plyasketfl. plylik (adj.uni.) 'visible'

    L T


    POU '?', TEB II 'sichtbar'. ♦ 395 a2 piiintwiissi plyiik .yotre prant 'bearing the visible mark of the merits', THT 3650.a al!. Possibly related to the verb ► piilk- (]) 'to shine'.



    pwikii-m pwik

    ► wik-

    ► wik-

    psiir (adj.) 'rough, sharp' L COU 'scharf', TEB II 'scharf, rauh'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. pasra111, Norn.Pl.Masc. pasre, Obi.Pl.Masc. pasres. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 58 b4; +Norn.Pl.Masc. 23 b5; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 23 b2. psiirs

    ► kiirsii-


    ► nas-


    ► siima-

    psiil* (n., masc.sg.) 'husk of grain, chaff' [B pisii[] L COU 'Hiilse', TEB II 'Spreu'. F Com.Sg. psalassiil. T ♦ Com.Sg. 2 a5 ! sne-psiil k/u naktiim sawa111 wlesa171tyo psal(assal paka)r (t)akam 'the rice without chaff nor bran disappeared for them, [and only] through great works [and] with chaff it appeared for them'. R See discussion and references under ► kiis. See also ► sne-psiil. psuk (n., masc.) I) 'string, garland, crown', 2) 'sinew, muscle' [Cf. B passoii*] L I) COU 'Kranz', TEB II 'Kranz', 2) POU 'nervus', TEB II 'Sehne, Muske!', VTW 'Sehne, Muske!, Band'. F Obl.Sg. psuk, Norn.Pl. puskaii, Obi.Pl. puskas, Instr.Pl. puskasyo. T ♦ !) Obl.Sg. 71 b6 karaviraksi psuk 'wreath of Oleander flowers'; ♦Norn.Pl. 312 b6; ♦ Instr.Pl. 70 b2 pyappyasiniis puskasyo yetuntin tim 'these two ornamented with strings of flowers'; ♦2) Norn.Pl. 151 a3, 167 b4!?; ♦ Obi.Pl. 67 a3, b I; ♦Instr.Pl. 7 b5, 11 b6, 12 bl, 262 a5!?. D Loan from Mir., see Sogd. 'ps 'k or Parthian pwsg, see TB passakw* as independant loan (see ADAMS:409 with previous literature). R The two items psuk and p,,,ak as in previous dictionaries actually belong to a single paradigm, see Chamot-Rooke (2022a ). Cf. ► piissiik* as loan from TB. In 70 b2, puskasyo corresponds to Skt. ma/a- (for ma/a-) in the Skt.

    ► tsuka-

    compound malabharin- 'wearing a garland' (MW:813b). psumiir

    ► sumii-

    psesiic-lii psesiir

    ► se-

    ► se-

    ptsiik (n., masc.sg.) 'flash, eye's wink' [B ptsak] L POU 'nitor ( clin d'oeil)', TEB II 'Augenzwinkern '. F Obl.Sg. ptsiik. S sne ptsiik 'without winking' matches Skt. animi.yam. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 59 bl, 163 a5?, 217 a8, 283 b4, 314 a6, 358 a2. ptsetli-1ii ptsok

    ► tsitll-

    ► tsukii-


    phulle111* (N, masc.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 14 syllables 7/7) L POU '«florens», nomen metri 4x I 4 syllabarum', VTW 'N. eines Metrums'. F Loc.Sg. phullena1r1, pullena111. T ♦ Loc.Sg. (phul!ena111) 134 b3, 186 b4, 295 b7, 332 a4, 342 b>a4!, THT 1953 a I!; (pu/lena111) 254 a8.


    Based on the loan from Skt. phulla- 'split of cleft open, expanded, blown ( as a flower)' (MW:717c), see Pkt. p/wlla'opened, blossoming', nt. 'flower' (CDIAL 51 Ob, No. 9092).

    B Bab6!, 61 b4, 67 a4, 68 a6!, 74 a3!, 75 bl!, 79 a3, 81 bl!, 84 a5!, 88 a4!, 199 a4!, 253 a6, 257 b 1!, b2, b6, 265 a2, b5, 269 + 290 a>b3, 273 a4, 275 b8, 283 b4!, 296 b2, 297 b2, 399 al!, a4, b2, 436 a3!, YQ II.9 a8; ♦Obl.Sg. 71 b5, 77 a3!, 84 b4. 271 b2!, 283 b3, 299 b4; 327 b7!; ♦ Gen.Sg. 56 a3!, 67 a2, 82 b6, 84 al, 86 a4!?, 253 b6, 257 bl, b4, b5, 265 a6, 297 a6!, a7, 356 b4, 407 a4; ♦All.Sg. 43 a2, 60 a>b2-3!, 75 a4, 77 a3, 257 a5, bl; ♦ Abl.Sg. 402 b6!; ♦Com.Sg. 81 a2!; ♦Nom.Pl. 68 a6!, 116 a3, 199 a4!?, 289 a8!, 295 b4, 301 a5; ♦ Obi.Pl. 232 al; ♦Gen.Pl. I 16 a6, 265 b4, 307 b4. D Via Ml from Skt. bodhisatvo, nom.sg., of bodhisatva-, which is the actual Sanskrit and GandharT Pkt. form, see Pa. bodhisatta- (PED:49lb), of the noun spelled traditionally bodhisattva- 'person destined to enlightenment, Buddha-to-be' (BHSD:403a); original meaning 'person attached to the enlightenment, searching for enlightenment', see Pinault (2019a:271-276), with previous literature. bodhisatve111 (adj.) 'ofa Bodhisattva' [B bodhisatviiFdie] L POU 'bodhisattvae', TEB 11 'Bodhisattva-'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. bodhisatve1.11, Obl.Sg.Fem. bodhisatvenii171, Obi.Pl.Fem. podhisatveniis.



    ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 56 b5!, 57 a2, 63 bl, 68 al, a2, 75 a3!?, 79 a5, 81 b2!, 348 bl!; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 311 a2!; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 71 b6, 448 b4!. Derived from ► bodhisattu.

    Bram (PN, masc.) 'Brahma', one of the highest gods of Hinduism [B Bram] L JWP 'Brahman', VTW 'N.pr. Brahma'. F Nom.Sg. bram. T ♦Nom.Sg. 217 a3, YQ I. I b2. D Loan via MI from Skt. Brahma (nom.sg.) 'personification of the universal spirit' (MW:738a). R See ► Bram-1ikiit. bram-,iiiktune!ji* (adj.) 'pertaining to the status of the god Brahma' L POU 'divinitas Brahmae' [on *bramiiiiktune]. F Obl.Sg.Masc. bram-niiktune$ilJ1. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 269 + 290 a>b4! bram1Wktu(n)e.yil11 weJyo 'under the guise of the god Brahma'. D Derived from *bram-iWktune 'Brahmanhood', itself derived from ► bram-,ikiit. Cf. ► 1iiiktune. bram-1iiikte111 (adj.) 'pertaining to the god Brahma' [B brahm-iiaktiiniie] L POU 'a7!, 313 a5. D From Skt. brahmasvara- 'Brahma-voice', Pa. brahmassara- 'heavenly sound', a divine voice, a beautiful and deep voice (PED:494a), one of the characteristic signs (lak.ya,:za) of the Great Man (JWP:87, 118). Brahmiiyu (1) (PN, masc.) name of the father of Maitreya [B Brahmiiyu] (Uigh. prqm'yw) L POU 'nom. propr. sacerdotis et hominis sancti', TEB II 'Yater des Maitreya', VTW 'N.pr. d. Vaters d. Maitreya'. F Nom.Sg. brahmiiyu, Gen.sg. brahmiiyuy. T ♦Nom.Sg. 257 a8, 258 b5, 260 a2, 273 b6, 274 a5, b4, 286 a6!, 299 b8; ♦ Gen.Sg. 231 a3, 240 a2. D From Skt. Brahmiiyu 'n. of the royal chaplain of the king Satikha', father of Maitreya (BHSD:404b ).


    Brahmayu Brahmiiyu (2) (PN, masc.) name of a former Buddha (Skt. Brahmiiyu)

    L F T D


    VTW 'N.pr. eines Buddha'. Nom.Sg. brahmiiyu. ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b6. From Skt. Brahmiiyu 'n. of the purohita of Brahmadatta king ofBenares, previous incarnation of Buddha' (BHSD:404b ). See Geng - Laut Pinault (2004b:56, 58).

    Brahmiiywji* (adj.) 'of the [Buddha] Brahmiiyu' F Obl.Sg.Masc. brahmiiyu.yit11. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 409 a3 brahmiiyu,~il.n sarkiis 'from the lineage of Brahmayu'. D Based on ► Brahmiiyu (2).


    Bral111u1vati (PN, fem.) name of the wife of

    Brahmiiyu and mother ofMaitreya L POU 'subst.f., nom. propr. f.', VTW 'N. d. Gattin d. Brahmayu, Mutter d. Maitreya'. F Nom.Sg. brahmiivati, Obl.Sg. brahmiivatitrz.

    T D

    ♦Nom.Sg. 299 b7, b8; ♦Obl.Sg. 258 b4!. Loan from Skt. BrahmiivatT- 'n. of the mother ofMaitreya' (BHSD:404b). Cf. ► Brahmiivati!ji*.

    Brahmiiwtti!ji* (adj.) 'of Brahmavati'

    L VTW 'Brahmavati-'. F Obl.Sg.Fem. brahmavatisi111. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 299 b2. D Derived from ► Braluniivati. Brahme (PN, masc.) name of a former Buddha [BBrahme]

    L VTW 'N. eines Buddha'. F Nom.Sg. brahme. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b6. D Loan via Ml from Skt. Brahman 'n. of two former Buddhas' (BHSD:404a). Possibly borrowed through TB intermediary. R Geng Laut - Pinault (2004b:56, 58). briima,ti (n., masc.) Brah min, member of the

    Brahmanic caste, a Brahmanic teacher or priest [B briihmaJJe] (Uigh. braman,pr'm'n) L POU 'brahmai:ia', TEB II 'briihmar:ia, Brahmane', JWP 'brahmin'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. briimaf!Z, briimmarrz, Gen.Sg. briimne, AII.Sg. briimnac, Abl.Sg. briimnas, Perl.Sg. briimnii,

    Norn.Pl. briinmiiii, Obi.Pl. briimniis, Gen.Pl. briimniissi, Abl.PI. briimniisas. T ♦Nom.Sg. (briimw11) 343 b3!, 387 a3, YQ 1.4 a7, YQ l.5 b2-3, THT 2114 a2; (briimmw11) YQ 1.7 a6, b4, THT 1962 a I!; ♦ Obl.Sg. (briimw11) 342 a>b3!; ♦Gen.Sg. YQ 1.4 al, YQ l.7 b2, YQ II.IO a6, THT 1468 a4; ♦ All.Sg. 343 b3, YQ l.5 al-2!, YQ 1.8 a2, YQ II.I a2, YQ II.2 b2!; ♦Abl.Sg. 289 bl!, 398 b5!; ♦ Perl.Sg. YQ 1.7 b4; ♦Norn.Pl. 63 a5, 95 a3, 96 a5, b I!, 288 b8, 333 a4!, 395 b5, YQ I.I al, b3-4!; ♦Obi.Pl. 59 b5-6!, 449 b2; ♦ Gen.Pl. 59 b6!, 247 b3!, 274 b5, 395 b2; ♦Abl.Pl. YQ I.2 b4. D Loan via Ml from Skt. briihma(la- 'one who has divine knowledge, a man belonging to the highest class of the Hindu society' (MW:74lb). R Variant of ► brt1!111u11ft. See also ► priintlllfl.

    briimnlitic (n., fem.) 'wife of a Brahmin'


    POU 'femina brahmanica', VTW 'Frau aus dem Brahmanenstand, Brahmanin'. F Nom.Sg. briimniiiic. T ♦Nom.Sg. 361 al 4, THT 2080 b2. D Based on ► brii11w1t1 with feminine suffix -iiiic borrowed from Sogdian. Calque of Skt. briihma(IT- 'a Briihmar:iT woman or a Brahman's wife' (MW:742a). brtimmme (n., a.) 'brahminhood'


    POU 'dignitas sacerdotis', JWP 'brahminhood', VTW 'Brahmanenstand'. F Obl.Sg. briimnune. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 212 b4, YQ II.4 b2. D Abstract based on ► bnimlllft. Cf. ► briimnune!ji.

    briimmme!ji (adj.) 'ofbrahminhood'

    JWP 'ofbrahminhood', VTW 'Brahman en-'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. briimnune~·i. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. YQ II.4 a2! (briimnune.yi) bra111-1ikiit 'Brahma-god of brahminhood' (in vocative value), YQ II.6 a3-4!. D Derived from ► briimmme. L

    briihma,tz (n., masc.) Brahmin, member of the

    Brahmanic caste, a Brahmanic teacher or priest [B briihmaue] L POU 'briihmar:ia', VTW 'Brahmane'.

    325 F

    Nom./Obl.Sg. briihnw111, Obi.Pl. priihnmiis. T ♦Nom.Sg.111 b5,212a5,213b2,288 b6, 359 a6, YQ I.I bl, YQ I.4 b3, YQ 1.6 al!, a3-4!, YQ 1.7 b5, YQ I.8 a4, a8, YQ I. IO a4, YQ Il.3 a5, YQ ll.4 a4, YQ 11.5 a6; ♦Obl.Sg. YQ 1.4 b3, YQ I.I a3; ♦Obi.Pl. 68 b4. D Loan from Skt. briihmalJa- 'one who has divine knowledge, a man belonging to the highest class of the Hindu society' (MW:74lb). This is the most learned variant, keeping (or restoring) the internal cluster -hma-. R See the variants ► briima111, ► priima111. briihmaiii (adj.) 'brahmanic' L JWP 'brahmanic'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. priimafzi, Obl.Sg.Masc. briihmafzi, Obi.Pl.Masc. briimmafzinas., Nom.Sg.Fem briimaui. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 359 al8?; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ 11.7 b4!; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 260 b7; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 392 b4. D Derived from ► briihma111, alternatively borrowed via MI from Skt. briihmw1ya'fit for Brahmans' (MW:742a). R In 392 b4, one may interpret the form as due to the influence of Skt. briihma1JT(MW: 742a), feminine match of briihmmJa-, in the sense 'divine, sacred' (MW: 741b).

    brahmna-purohitune~i* briihma!1il11 (adj.) 'of a brahmin' [B briihmaFifie] L POU 'brahmm)ae', VTW 'Brahmanen-'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. briilunauil/1, briima11ina111. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (briil1111aui111) YQ Il.8 b6; (briima11ina111) 393 a6. D Derived from ► briima111. briilmma-purohitune~·i* (adj.) 'of the dignity of Brahmin chaplain' L POU 'dignitatis sacerdotis (dicti) brahmal)a', VTW 'Hauspriester/Kanzlerschaft-'. F Gen.Sg.Masc. briihmna-purohitune.yiniip. T ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 299 b I! briihmnapurohitune0iniip pram-1iaktes wa.ytwm11 'in the abodes of the Brahmagod of the dignity ofBralunin priest'. D Compound of ► briilwza111 and the abstract of ► purohit, plus relational suffix.


    bhadrakalp (n., masc.sg.) 'fortunate aeon' L POU 'nomen aevi', VTW 'Bezeichnung einer Weltperiode wie der gegenwiirtigen, in dcr fiinf Buddhas crscheinen'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. bhadrakalp. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 234 b7!, 355 a4, 356 a2. D From Skt. bhadrakalpa- 'an era such as the present in which five Buddhas are to appear' (BHSD:406a). Bhadrike (I) (PN, masc.) name ofa king L VTW 'wohl N.pr. eines Konigs'. F Nom.Sg. bhadrike. T ♦Nom.Sg. 107 a3. D Loan from Skt. Bhadrika- 'N. of a prince of the Sakyas' (MW:746c), who became a disciple of Buddha (BHSD:406b). Blzadrike (2) (PN, masc.) name of a disciple of Buddha (Uigh. P(')dyryk) L VTW 'N.pr. eines SchUlers d. Buddha'. F Nom.Sg. bhadrike. T ♦Nom.Sg. 294 b3. D From Skt. Bhadrika- 'n. of one of the five bhadravargTya [lit. of the good class] monks', first disciples of the Buddha (BHSD:406b). Bharate (PN, masc.) name ofa king F Nom.Sg. bharate, Gen.Sg. bharates. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT 1995 b2?, THT 2169 b2; ♦ Gen.Sg. THT 2215 b3. D From Skt. Bharata, N. of various characters (MW:747b-c), in particular of a cakravaitin king (BHSD:407a). Bharadviije (1) (PN, masc.) name of a former Buddha L VTW 'N.pr. eines Buddha'. F Nom.Sg. bharadvcije. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b7. D Loan from Skt. Bharadvcija 'gotra-namc of the Buddha CandrasiiryapradTpa' (BHSD:407a). R Sec Geng Laut Pinault (2004b:56, 58). Bharadvlije (2) (PN, masc.) name of a Brahm in L VTW 'N.pr. eines Brahmanen' or 'N.pr. Sch Lil er d. Buddha Kasyapa'.

    F Nom.Sg. bharadvcije. T ♦Nom.Sg. 223 b3!. D Loan from Skt. Bharadvcija, 'n. ofa Brahmin conve1t to Buddhism', a disciple of Sakyamuni (BHSD:407a, 408b ). bhava (n., masc.) 'existence' [B bhav, bhap] L POU 'existentia', VTW 'Werden, Dasein, Existenz'. F Nom.Sg. bhav, bhava. T ♦ Nom.Sg. (bhav) 367 bl!; (bhava) 366 a2, 367 b3. D From Skt. bhava- m. 'state of being, existence' (MW:748c), Pa. bhava- 'becoming, (state of) existence' (PED:499a), designation of the 10th determining factor (nidcina) of the causal chain, pra!Ttyasamutpcida (BHSD:374a). R Pinault (1995:30). Chamot-Rooke (p.c.) on the interpretation of the fragment 367 (THT 1001). Bhiigfratlze (PN, masc.) name of a former Buddha L VTW 'N. pr. eines Buddha'. F Nom.Sg. bhagTrathe. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b6. D From Skt. BhcigTratha 'n. of one or two former Buddha(s)' (BHSD:408a). R See Geng - Laut - Pinault (2004b:56, 58). bhiijm11* (n., a.) 'vessel, pot' [B bhcijaq1] L POU 'divisio, usus', COU 'Schale', TEB II 'Gefa/3', VTW 'GefaB, Schale'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. bhcija111, Loe.Pl. bhcijanantwa,71. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. THT 3985 b2; ♦ Loe.Pl. 98 b3. D From Skt. bhcijana- 'vessel, pot, plate, cup' (MW:752a). Bhiidrii (PN, fem.) name of a princess, sheelephant in a former existence [B Bhadra] L POU 'regis filiae', TEB II 'Bhadra, Gcmahlin des $a9danta u. spater des Brahmadatta'. F Nom.Sg. bhadra, Obl.Sg. bhadrci111, Gen.Sg. bhadrciy, Loc.Sg. bhcidrcinw71.

    327 T

    Bhek ♦Nom.Sg.

    58 b2, 66 b3, 77 b3!, 80 b>a4, 120 bl, 403 b>a6, THT 2474 al; ♦Obl.Sg. 188 b4!; ♦Gen.Sg. 58 a5; ♦ Loc.Sg. 58 al. D Loan from Skt. Bhadra, n. of various female characters (MW:746a, BHSD:406b), specifically daughter of the king Mahendrasena in the $ab8 is translated into Uigh. as ayag ci/tiig ali 'Verehrung entgegennehmen' (Geng Klimkeit 1985:91, 110). In 244 a3, it probably corresponds to snataka- 'who has performed the ceremony of ablution' in the parallel text, see Schmidt (2021: 127, somewhat differently).

    ma,ikal!;i (adj.) 'of blessing, auspicious' [Cf. B manka/ii,~.yana] L POU 'bonae fortunae'. F Obi.Pl.Fem. mc11ikal.yinas. T ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. 16 a6, 395 b4. D Derived from ► ma,ikal. mmikasu (adj.) 'guilty' [Cf. B melikitse] L POU 'noxius, impius, pravus', TEB II 'schuldig'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. malikasu. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 405 bl. D Derived from ► mmik. mmi (n., masc.) I) 'moon', 2) 'month' [B meFie] L POU 'mensis, Juna', TEB II 'Mond, Monat', JWP 'moon, month'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. man, mafifi, mm11fi, Gen,Sg. manis, Abl.Sg. mafiii!)', Norn.Pl. mafii, Obi.Pl. maiiiis, Loe.Pl. mafisa1J1, Perl.Pl. ma,isa. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (mafi) 308 a2; (mafifi) 60 a>b3, 253 bl, THT 1493 al ypic maFi?z oki 'like the full moon', YQ 11.13 b5; (ma,1111) 178 a6; ♦ Gen.Sg. 67 b3, 122 a5, 299 bl; ♦Abl.Sg. 379 al; ♦Norn.Pl. 225 b3, 226 al, 375 a3; ♦Obi.Pl. 114 b4; ♦ Loe.PI. 145 a2; ♦ Perl.Pl. 187 b6, 255 b6, b7. R In 308 a2, Siegling on his personal copy (TS: 165) proposes to restore ma1iyina1J1 ytar 'the way pertaining to the moon', with a -,yi- adjective derived from maii.


    mmii (adj.) 'of the moon' L POU 'lunae', VTW 'Mond-'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. mani.


    mankiit T D


    Derived from

    375 a3.

    ► mmi.

    ma,ikiit (n., masc.) 'moon-god, moon' [B meFi(ii)akte] L POU 'dea Luna', TEB II 'Mondgott'. F Nom.Sg. mmikat, maii-iikat, All.Sg. maiiiiaktac, Abl.Sg. ma11-iiakta.y, Norn.Pl.



    maii-iiaktaii. ♦Nom.Sg. (ma11kat) 17 b I, b2, 75 a6 (ma)iikat ma twaslune 'the moon-god (brings forth) only coolness', 217 bl, 271 b3, 278 a7; (mmi-iikat) 355 a4, 356 a3; ♦All.Sg. 317 b8; ♦Abl.Sg. 187 b2; ♦Norn.Pl. 256 a7. Compound of ► ma,i and ► fikiit.

    ma,icak* (n., masc.sg.) 'couch, bed' L POU 'lectus, sedile', VTW 'erh6hter Platz, Tribune'. F Loc.Sg. maiickaf!l. T ♦Loc.Sg. 339 b3. D From Skt. maFzcaka- 'a couch, bed' (MW:773c). Ma(1ijvbl !. D From Skt. Mahendrasena*, compare several PNs featuring -sena as second member (MW:1246b). Mahendre (PN, masc.) name ofa former Buddha F Nom.Sg. mahendre. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b5.

    ma D


    336 From Skt. mahendra- 'the great Indra' (MW:802a), name of various kinos (BHSD:427). "' See Geng - Laut Pinault (2004b:55-56).

    mii (part.) not [B ma] (Skt. na, a(n)- in privative eompounds) L POU 'non', JWP 'not'. F ma, ma-k (with strengthening partiele, sandhi form makk), m=a 0 sandhi form before word beginning with vowel. S ma ok 'not yet', ma nu (Skt. na tu), ma pe, penu 'not even', ma ska111 (Skt. na ca), ma m1ta111 'never', ma arvu (ma1yu) pra,;tw11 'in short ti~e'. T ♦(ma) I a4, 2 al, a2, b3!, 3 b2, b3, 4 al, 5 a3, a4, b3, b6, 6 al, a3, b2, b4, 7 al, a2, a3, a6, b3, b4, b6, 8 a2, 9 b5, 1O al, b5, b6!, 13 a3, b6, 14 al, a2, a4, a5, 15a2,a4, l6al, 17bl,b5, 18b3,20 b3, 21 a2, 23 b2, b6, 29 b2, 36 a3, 37 bl, 39 b5, 41 a6, 42 a4, a6, 44 a3, 45 b4, 47 al, 48 al, a4, 50 a4, 51 b2, 54 a2, a3, 55 b4, 56 b3, 59 a2, bl, b5, 60 b>a5, 61 b3, 62 a3, a5, 63 b6, 64 a5, b3, b6, 65 al, a6, bl, b2!, b4, b5!, 66 a5, 67 a4, a5, 69 a3, a6, b4, b5, 70 al, a3, a4, a6, bl!, b4, 71 a2, a4, a5, bl, b2, b5, 72 al?, b4, 73 b5, 74 a3, a4, 75 a6, b3!, b6, 77 a5, b5, 78 al, b2, b4, b5, 79 a3, b2, 80 a>b3, b6, 81 b4, b5, 82 al, 83 bl, 84 al, bl, b2, b5, 85 a5, 86 a4, 88 b6, 89 b5, b6, 90 a5, 91 a6, b4, b5, 92 al, a2, a5, 93 bl, b2, b3, 94 b3, 95 a5, 96 a5, b4, b6, 97 b5, b6, 98 a4, b2, 99 b3, I 00 a2, I 02 a5, b3, 103 b I, b3, 104 b2, 105 a4?, b6, 106 a6, bl, b5, b6, 107 a5, bl, 109 a3, a5, 110 b3, 111 b2, b3, b5, b6, 112 al, a6, b6, 113 bl, 114al, 115a5, 116a4,b2, 117a3, 119 b5, 120 a3, b6, 121 a5, b3, b4, 124 b6, 125 bl, b3, 126 a2, a4, bl, b2, b4, 128 b2, b5, 129 bl, bl I, 130 b4, b5, 134 a5, 135 bl, 137 b5, 140 a3, b2, 145 b5, 146 b2, b4, 152 a2, 153 a4, b2, 154 b3, b4, b5, 155 a6, b4, 158 b4, 159 a3, 160 b4, b6, 161 a6?, 163 b3, 164 a4, 166 a5, 169 al, a5, a6, 173 a5, 177 a3, a6 b3 b4, 178 b6, 180 a4, a5, a6, b4, 188 a5, 191 bl,b3, 194a3, 197a2,a4,a6, 208 b2, 209 b5, 210 al, 211 b5, 212 a2, a7, 214 bl, 215 a5, a6, a7, b2, b5, 216 b>a4, 217 a5, b4?, 218 a4, b3, b6, 219


    a3, 220 a4 (ter), b4, 221 a2, b3, 222 a4, a7, b6, 223 b2, b5, 226 a6 (bis), 227/8 b7, 229 a4, a7, b3, b5, 230 a2, a4, b2, b4, 231 b2, 232 b7, 233 bl, b4, b6, 236 al, a2, b5, b6, 237 a5, 239 al, 244 a2, 246 al, 247 b4, 249, a3, 251 b8, 252 b8, 253 a3, 254 b5, 255 b6, 256 a2, 260 a4, 261 b>a4, 262 al, b4, b5, b7, 265 b2, b3, 266 + 276 b>a2, a>b4, 269 + 290 b>a7, 271 a3, a6, 272 b2, b3, 273 a3, a6, b8, 275 b7, 277 a4, a7, b7, 280 a3, 282 b3, 284 al, a6, THT 1408.k + 285 + 28 l a>b2, a>b4, 287 + 259 b>a8, 289 a3, b3, b5, b6, 292 a4, 294 b2, 295 a5,a6, a8, b4, 297 a4, 300 a6, a7, bl, b7, 302 a8, 303 a3, 304 b5, 305 b2, 307 a4, 311 b2, 312 b8, b8!, 313 a2, a8, b I, b5, 314 a5, 315 b6, 317 a2, a5, a6, b2, 318+319al!,321 al b6,322a2,324 b2, b5, 325 a4, a5, b5, b6, 326 a6, a8, 329 a5, 331 a2, 332 a5, a9, b5, b6, b7, b9, 334 b7?, b8, 335 a3, a5?, 338 b6, 340 a6, b2, b6, b7, 342 b>a2, b>a5, a>b2, a>b3, 343 a2, a5, bl, b2, b5, 347 al, a2, b2, 353 a5, b3, 354 al, a2, b5, 355 b I, 356 b2, 357 a3, 358 b I, 359 a2, a6, a7, a9, a40, 360 a3, a7, al I, 361 a2, al 3, al 5,368 b3, 369 a2, 371 b2, 375 a3, 376 a2, a3, 377 a3, 38 l a2, a5, 385 a4, a5, bl, b2, 386 b2, 387 al, a2, b3, 388 a4, bl, 392 bl, b4, 393 b4, b6, 394 a3, a4, bl, 395 al, a2, bl, b2, 397 a8, a9, 398 a2, a4, 399 a6?, b2, 400 b2, 405 a3, 408 a3, 413 b3, 419 a2, b4, 423 bl, 424 b4, 432 b4, 433 a2, b2, b5, 434 al, 436 b3, b5, 440 b6, 441 b2, b4, 442 b5, 446 a4, 447 a5, 457 a2, 458 a5, 459 a4, 460 b2, 462 a4, 463 b2, 464 al, 466 b3, YQ I.2 a3, a5, YQ I.3 a7, a8, b5, b6; YQ 1.4 a3, YQ I.5 a7, bl, YQ I.6 b2, b4, b5, YQ I.8 a3, YQ I.JO a7!, a8, YQ Il.2 al, a7, YQ 11.3 b4, YQ 11.4 al, YQ II.6 b3, YQ Il.7 a8, YQ 11.8 a7, b3, b4, YQ II.IO b2, b8, YQ II.12 a7 (bis), YQ II. 13 b7, YQ III. I b8, YQ III.2 a3, a5, a8, YQ III.3 a8, b2, YQ lll.4 a7, b3, YQ 11!.6 b8, YQ lll.8 a7, YQ III.9 b4, YQ III.10 bl, YQ IIl.12 b3; YQ N.3 bl, b2, YQ N.4 b3, b4, b5, YQ N.5 b3?, PK NS. I b4 (bis), PK NS.3 a2; THT 2399 a6; ♦ (ma-k) 71 b2 makk ats;. ♦(m=a ) m=akal 313 b I; m=aparmat 2 a I; m=aryu 56 b3, 217 a5, 289 b5, 0



    Magat THT 1422.a bl; m=iilyes YQ 1.3 a7, m=iilymes YQ 1.3 a8:; m=ii.Jii111 41 b5, 97b6, 253 a3; m=iinewiitsnac 304 b5; m=iirtantar 230 a2!. Description of the uses in SSS:318-319 (§§319-40 I); on the translation of Skt. privative compounds, see SSS:3 I 8-319 (§399b). On the sandhi form before vowel, see SSS:316 (§397 n. I). In 253 a3 (verse), cem mii+ii:fii111 has been understood by the Uighur translator of the MSN as cemm ii.~ii111, see Pinault (2015g: 92-94).

    mak I) (uni.) 2) (adj.) 3) (n.) I) 'much, many,

    very', 2) 'many', 3) 'multitude, many' [B miika] (Skt. bahu-) L 1) POU 'multus', TEB II 'vie!' 2) POU 'multitudo'. F I) miik (often with plural), 2) Obl.Sg.Fem. miikii111, 3) Obl.Sg. miik, Gen.Sg. miikis, Abl.Sg. miika.y. S miik so.~i 'much folk', miik wrasan 'many living beings', miik puklii 'many years'. T ♦ I) I a2 (bis), 8 b4, 50 a5, b5, 54 a6, 62 b3, 66 a6, 76 + 83 a5, 97 a2, 110 al, 112 b3, 119 a2, 146 al, 168 b3, 173 b2, 212 b2, 224 al, 230 a3, 230 b5, 231 b5, 255 b6, 257 a4, 269 + 290 b>a8, 273 a5!, b5, 279 al, 287 + 259 b>a4!, 299 a6, 300 a8, 31 I b3, 341 b7, 395 a5, 449 al, 463 a4, YQ 11.4 b I!, YQ II. 7 b5 miikis miik ypii purccamne 'to many I did much advantage', YQ Ill.4 a2, YQ N2 + N6 a7, PK.NS.4 b4; ♦2) Obl.Sg.Fem. 430 a I tam miikii111 kuleya.y 'from such many a woman'; ♦3) Obl.Sg. YQ 11.2 a5 kucska,11 miik weiiam 'and why should I say much?'; +Gen.Sg. 6 b6 miikis kalkiilya111 kuleyac 'to a woman available to many', 66 a6 miik miikiss iirtuss liint (ckiicar) 'the king's daughter, much loved by many a man', 212 b3, 270 a2 miikis kiiswac 'for the benefit of many', YQ 11.4 bl, YQ 11.7 b5; ♦Abl.Sg. 297 b7. R Description of the uses in SSS:78 (§ 113b), 80-81 (§ 115), and by Thomas ( 1995). In the first use, miik precedes most often the noun which it modifies, except in case of metrical constraint, see 230 a3, 273 b5. 299 a6, YQ N2 + N6 a7.

    maka-ftatse (adj.uni.) 'having, providing many dangers' T ♦ 60 a>b6, 329 bl!. D Compound with ► mak and ► ftatse. 111aka-11akm11m (adj.) 'having many faults. defects' L POU 'multa peccata habens', COU 'siindenreich'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. miika-niikmum. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 320 a6!. D Compound of ► mak and ► nakiim, plus possessive suffix -um. R As for the restoration Sieg ( 1952:31 n. 16) hesitated between -niikmats and -niikmum. CEToM restitutes miikanakm[ats}, but Siegling on his personal copy (TS: 175) wrote -niikmum, which is certainly to be preferred. The original manuscript is no longer available, nor any photograph. maka-milk (adv.) 'very much' T +233 b4! (mii)ka-miik iiliismii111 pe 'although very much keeping away'. D Iterative compound based on ► milk. R Restored in SSS:230 (§363b). Translation by Thomas (1995:53). maka-sarirum* (adj.) 'provided with many relics' L POU 'multas reliquias habens'. F Nom.Pl.Masc. miika-sariruma,~. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 49 b6! miikasarirumii:f wyiiri 'shrines containing many relics'. D Possessive compound with bound form of ► mak and second member ► sarir, suffixed with possessive suffix -um. mak-wiikna (adv.) 'in many ways, variously, manifold' L POU 'saepe, multum'. T +220 bl, 230 a5, 231 b3, 232 al, 274 b5, 377 a4, YQ lll.11 a3. D Compound of ► mak and ► wkii111, plus perlative case affix. Magat (LN, masc.) Magadha, name of a country [B Magat] L POU 'nom. propr. regionis', TEB II 'Magadha, Name eines Landes'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. miigat. T ♦355 b3?, YQ 1.10 al, YQ 11. I b5, YQ 11.9 a4.


    magal$i D

    From Skt. Magadha-' the country of the Magadhas, South Bihar' (MW:772a). Cf. ► miigat!ji.

    miigat!ji (adj.) 'ofMagadha' [B magatye,

    magata,~.ye] L JWP 'ofMagadha'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. magat.Jil!1, Obi.Pl.Fem. magat:sinas. S magat:;i ype (also in plural) 'the country of Magadha'. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 217 a4; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. YQ II.I a8, YQ 11.9 bl. D Derived from ► Miigat. Miighariije

    ► Moghariije

    miicar (n., fem.) 'mother' [B 111acer]

    POU 'mater', TEB II 'Mutter', JWP 'mother'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. macar, macar, Gen.Sg. macri, All.Sg. macrac, Abl.Sg. macra,5, Loc.Sg. 111acral!1, Gen.Pl. macrassi. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (macar) 14 a5, 19 a4, 21 b5, 25 al-2, b6, 56 a3, 117 b6!, 118 a5, 152 a2, 155 a4, a5, 178 b5, 187 b4, 232 b6, 291 a2, 341 b9, 395 a4, 94 a5, 204 b5, 344 a2, 22 b6, YQ III.I b6, YQ III.2 al-2; (macar) 223 b2, 230 b4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 11 a I, 56b5, 129a4, 146a2,a5, 150b5, 152a3, b3, 208 a4, 211 a3, 257 a6, b2, 267 + 268 b>a4, 302 bl, 371 b2, 395 a4, 444 a5, YQ 11.8 a6; ♦All.Sg. 220 b2, 258 b4?; ♦Abl.Sg. 74 b I, 152 a2, 270 a8; ♦ Loc.Sg. 148 b5; ♦Gen.Pl. 104 a3. R See also ►piicar-miicar 'father (and) mother; parents'. In 232 b6, macarpacar is not a compound (pace Itkin 2002: 13b). L

    miicar!ji adj.) 'of the mother'

    L F T D

    JWP 'mother's'. Nom.Sg. macar:;i, Obl.Sg. mckar;jil!l. ♦Nom.Sg. YQ III.7 a2, b6; ♦ Obl.Sg. YQ 11.3 b5. Derived from ► miicar.

    mii1ia1!1.~i (adj.) 'pertaining to pride'

    L F T D


    COU '.yi-Ableit. zu maiiUi)e «Dien em'. Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. ma1fa111;ji. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 338 b I. Adjective with suffix -.yi, based on the loan via Ml from Skt. manyana- 'pride' (BHSD:419). The connection with maiiiie, as proposed originally in SSS: 11 (§ 16 n.2) and 23

    (§44c) is not likely from the formal point of view, since this noun is borrowed from TB, while not being a stem ending in nasal. From the semantic point of view, since the meaning of ► 111a1i1ie has been ascertained as 'hall', this would not make sense as epithet of the Pratimok$a-sutra, see in 338 bl the followingpratimokci$ siitar as head of the same phrase. Since the preceding world ends in °/, one may consider that the complete noun would be (sil)maiiaq1°, loan from Skt. sflamanyana- 'pride of the morality', which is attested in some Buddhist source (BHSD:4 I 9b ). This remains however impossible to prove, and one could restore markampal instead. maii1ie (n., masc.) 'hall' [Cf. B -maiille] (Skt.

    sala-) L TEB II 'Diener, Sklave'. F Nom.Sg. maniie, mii,r111e, Loc.Sg. maneym11. T ♦Nom.Sg. (maiiiie) YQ l.5 b5, b6; (111a111ne) YQ l.5 a7; +Loc.Sg. 271 b6. D Probably borrowed from Olr. or Mlr. *(d)111iin(i)ya- 'pertaining to a dwelling' through TB intermediary, see Pinault (2002a:320), ADAMS:480. See also ► talke-ma,iiie, ► kropal-maii,ie.

    R TEB II and JWP translate marine as 'servant', related to B maniye 'male servant' and B maniya 'female servant'. Schmidt ( 1999c) proposes a borrowing from B -111an11e 'dwelling place', thus 'Stattc, Ort'. The translation 'hall' and proposals of Sanskrit/Uighur equivalents have been elaborated by Pinault (2002a:3 I 9f.). Mlitiibhadre (PN, masc.) Mm:iibhadra, name of a

    Yak$a king L POU 'nom. propr. regis'. F Nom.Sg. Ma{1ibhadre. T ♦Nom.Sg. 215 b3, YQ 1.7 al, a2, a3-4, a7, b2. D From Skt. Ma(1ibhadra 'n. of a brother of Kubera and a king of the Yak$as' (MW:775a). matlir (n., masc.) '(sea) monster' [B matar,

    madar] L POU 'larva, prodigium', TEB II 'makara, (See )ungeheuer'.


    339 Nom./Obl.Sg. matar. ♦Nom.Sg.29bl,3I al,60b>al2! wlalune.Ji mata(r) 'the sea-monster of death'. D Somehow from Skt. makara- 'a kind of sea-monster' (MW:77lb). Not from Old Khot. magara- 'id.', see Dragoni (2021: 137-138).

    F T

    miltilre111 (adj.) 'of a sea-monster' L POU 'prodigii'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. matare111. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 29 b I matare111 .~wika111 'in the throat of the sea-monster'. D Derived from ► miltilr. milttriir$i*

    ► lesu-milttriir$i*

    Miltracefe (PN, masc.) a male name F Nom.Sg. matrace/e. T ♦Nom.Sg. 69 b2!. D Loan via MI from Skt. Matrce/a- 'n. of a man' (MW:807b), especially name of the Buddhist poet who composed praises (stotra), see Hartmann (1987: 14-22). Wrong Sanskritization of the MI form Mata 0 from Matr 0 • R Restored by Siegling as Matrcefe on his personal copy (TS:4 I). The remnants of the second ak~ara on the manuscript allows only the reading Matra 0 • milntiilwilts (adj.) 'injuring, offending' L POU 'iratus, iracundus'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. mantiilwats. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 151 b2. D Based on an abstract *manta/ from the root mant-, intr. 'be angry, irritated, feel malice', compare the TB abstract manta/Fie (ADAMS:486), see ► milntlune. milntlrme (n., a.) 'malice' (Skt. vyapada-) F Nom./Obl.Sg. mantlune, ma111tl11ne, 111a1.nntlu11e, Abl.Sg.

    mantluneyii:f. ♦Nom.Sg. (mantlune) 75 b3!; (111af!1tlune) 120 a3, 262 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg. (mantlune) 75 b2, 227/8 b7, 282 a5, THT 1377.b b2; (mar11tlune) 148 b4; (ma11mtlune) 264 a3!; ♦Abl.Sg. 307 a6. D Abstract derived from ► miintil-. R For the Skt. parallel, see Huard (2022:79).


    Milndri (PN, fem.) a female name F Nom.Sg. mandri, Obl.Sg. mandril71.

    123 bl, b3, 123.a a4!; ♦ Obl.Sg. 123 b2. D Loan via MI from Skt. MadrT- 'N. of the second wife of [king] PaQb4, 287 + 259 a>b5, 312 b7; ♦Gen.Sg. (marFiaktes) 17 a4, YQ 1.9 a8-b I!; (marHaktes) PK.NS.3 b3. D Compound of ► iikiit and Mar, loan from Skt. Mara- masc. 'the Evil One, the adversary and tempter of the Buddha' (BHSD:430b; SWTF III:362b). R In 33 a4, 37 b2 (quoted by POU), -mar is most probably the ending of a verbal form. The form of PK NS.3 a3 is probably influenced by TB, ifnot a scribal mistake. On 269 + 290, see analysis and restoration by Pinault (2013a: 187-200). Mar-lii1ic* (n.pl., masc.) 'kings of Mara, Mara-

    kings' F Obi.Pl. Mar-laiicas. T ♦Obi.Pl. YQ II. I b5 stwar mar ta1icas 'the four generals of Mara', i.e., of Mara's army. D Compound of Mar, see ► Miir-,ikiit, and nom.pl. of ► wiil 'king'. nuil (adj.) 'defective, worn-out, stale, stupid, dull' [B ma/le] (Skt. khusta-, Pkt. khuffa-) F Nom.Sg.Masc. ma/, Obi.Pl.Masc. ma/yes. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 275 a5 ma/ kna(nma1f1) 'stupid (or) sage', SHT


    1317B5; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. YQ I.3 a7 malyes knanmaHcas ya,5 'he makes the stupid ones sages'. CT adjective, since the geminate liquid in TB ma/le complies with the spelling TA malyes. Accordingly, TA mat would show the expected depalatalization in

    final position. Maybe ultimately cognate with the root of the verb ► miilb I; ♦MP 3Pl. 236 b4 miiskanti:ir(-ni); ♦ Prt.I MP 3Pl. 230 a5; ♦ PPrt. Norn.Pl.Fem. 230 a6; ♦Gdv.l Subst. Perl.Sg. 230 a3 miiski:i,~/a. For the translation, see TVS:750, Peyrot (20 I I a), Pinault (2015c: 168-169) and (2019b:118, 130).

    miiski I) (adj.), 2) (adv.) I) 'difficult, hard, troublesome', 2) 'with difficulty' [Cf. B amaskai] L TEB II 'schwierig, schwer', JWP 'difficult'. F I) Nom./Obl.Sg. miiski, miisky, Obi.Pl.Fem. miiskyiis, 2) miiski. S ,yokyo miiski 'very difficult', maski yiimiil 'difficult to do', miiski ki:ilpal 'difficult to obtain', miiski ki:irsnal 'difficult to know', maski weni:il 'difficult to tell'. T ♦ I) Nom./Obl.Sg. (miiski) 30 a6, 84 b6, 177 b6, 222 a5, 230 a I!, 399 a2; (masky) 65 b2; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. YQ 11.5 b3-4, YQ Il.l I b6; ♦2) 1 b6, 65 b5!, 67 a3, 197 b3, 261 b>a4!, 301 a5, 340 a9, 405 a5, YQ I.9 a6, YQ II.5 b5!, YQ 11.12 a8, YQ 11.13 a3. D Related to miiska- (Peyrot 20 I I a). See also ► a,iumiiski. R On the relationship between TA miiski and B amaskai, adv. 'with difficulty, heavily' (< *ce(n)-maskai), see Hilmarsson (1991 a: 119-120, 131 ). mii1f1tne (conj.) 1) 'as, like', 2) 'as,just like,

    how, as if ... ', 3) 'how', 4) 'as formerly, as at another time', 5) 'so that, in order to'(Skt. iva, yathii) L JWP 'as, in order to'. F I) mii111tne, mi:intne, simplified mi:itne, mane, sandhi forms mi:itny, many, 2) miitrztne, mi:intne, simplified miitne, miilfme, sandhi form mii111t11y, 3) mii111tne, simplified miitne, 4) mi:i1r1tne, simplified

    miitne, 5) mii111tne, miintne, simplified miitne. S mi:i171tne C1!)ii171 (Skt. yatharham ), miitne wewnu (Skt. yathoktam ), mii1r1tne kulypa/ (Skt. yatheccham), mii111tne iilyiikyii171 prm;tw11 'as at another time (introduction of a tale)'. T ♦ I) (mii171tne) 3 bl, b4, b6, 12 al, a6, 22 b2,91 a6,bl, l!0b3, 155a5?, 171 a2?; (miintne) 265 a6; (miitne) 80 a>b4 (ter), 82 b6, 391 a6; (miine) 354 b6; (mcitny) 294 a6; (miiny) 91 b2; ♦2) (miif!1tne) 4 a4, 5 a3, a5!, 7 b4, b6, 12 b3, 97 a3, 109 a5, b3, b6, 113 bl, I 18 b6, 144 al, 149 b5, 158 b4, 212 bl, 218 b6, 230 b4, 261 a>b2!, 270 b4, 307 a5!, b I, b2, 312 al, 314 al, 332 b2, 333 a9, 349 b5, 384 a3-4, 386 a4, THT 1425.e b6!; (miintne) 169 b4, 180 b2, 254 a2!, 261 b>a6!, 266 + 276 a>b6, YQ ll.4 a7, YQ 11.12 b2, YQ Ill.4 b8, YQ 111.6 a2; (miitne) 65 a4, 76 + 83 b4, 85 b6, 254 b4, 256 a7 (bis), a8 (bis), a8!, bl, 270 a3, 387 bl; (mii11me) 158 a2; (mi:i171tny) 152 b5; ♦3) (111ii111tne) 289 b7!, 432 a2; (miitne) 69 bl, 77 al, al!, al, 78 a5; ♦4) (mi:i111tne) 10 a2, 11 b2, 97 a3, 154 a3, 395 b2; (miitne) 409 a2; ♦ 5) (mii111tne) 261 a>b2!, 340 b7, YQ I.7 a6, YQ Ill.12 b2; (miintne) YQ 11.7 b3, YQ II. I I b2!, YQ II.12 b7, YQ III.2 b I; (miitne) 67 a I. D Based on ► miint with relative particle -ne. No particle before ►pat, ►patnu. R The meanings correspond to the following syntactic functions: I) comparative conjunction in nominal similes 'as, like'; 2) 'as, just like, how, as if ... ', conjunction of comparative subordinate clauses; 3) 'how', conjunction of completive subordinate clause complement of verbs of speaking and knowing; 4) 'as formerly, as at another time', conjunction of temporal subordinate clauses; 5) 'so that, in order to', conjunction of consecutive subordinate clauses. Description of uses by SSS: 184-185. In the use No. 2, it occurs most often in the first clause, followed by the main clause introduced by the correlative adv. ► tiimne, tiimnek, rarely ► tii1111ze-wkii11yo, corresponding to


    Makkottsi the correlation Skt. yatha ... , tatlza .... See also ► tiim-mii1f1l11e. Miikkottsi (PN, masc.) name or title of a Uighur

    donor L POU'?'. F Nom.Sg. makkottsi. T ♦Nom.Sg. 303 bl. D Based probably on the onomastie element found in the TB proper name makkokke, occurring in administrative records, see ADAMS:484, with alternative suffix.


    111ii1ikii- (vb.) I) 'be inferior'; 2) causative

    'overcome' [B mank-] L I) COU 'unterliegen', TEB II 'unterlegen sein', 2) COU 'besiegen', TEB II 'iiberwinden, besiegen', TVS 'be inferior'. P I) itr. Prs. manka-*, Subj. ma1ika-, 2) eaus. Prs. mankas-T-. F I) Subj.V VN ma1ika!une, 2) Prs.Vlll Inf. mankassi. T ♦ l) VN ► mii1ikiil1111e; ♦2) Inf. 95 a6. D Cf. ► miilikiilune. mii1ikiilu11e (n., a.) 'inferiority'

    F T D

    Nom./Obl.Sg. ma1ikalune. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 201 a4. Abstract derived from ► mii1ikii-.

    miick- ► miittak miicriltt (n., masc.sg.) 'south'

    L F T

    POU'?'. Obl.Sg. macril11. ♦ Obl.Sg. 287 + 259 a>b3! ya.y /$Ul(inca111.ykara 111acrir11 ywarcka .ykara akantwac) 'it (sc. the earth) goes to the north [and] back to the south, [then] to the middle [and] back to the extremities', 379 b4. R For discussion cf. Winter ( l 988:780f.), Schmidt ( l 994b:282), Pinault (l 998a:364 ).

    miiliclllfl ► miint Clllfl miitk- ► miittak miittak (pron.), (adj.) '-self' (Lat. ipse), (pron.

    masc.) 'himself', fem. 'herself' [B makte] L POU 'ipse', TEB II 'selbst', JWP 'himself'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. mattak, Perl.Sg.Masc. maccakna, Nom.Sg.Fem. maccak, miiccaki, Obl.Sg.Fem. maccakya111,



    Gen.Sg.Fem. miiccakye, Perl.Sg.Fem. miiccakyana, Norn.Pl.Masc. maccek, Obi.Pl.Masc. miickes, Norn.Pl.Fem. matkont. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 21 b2, 23 a6, 43 + 52 bl, 64 al, a5!, 72 a3 mattakk ats, 136 a5, 217 b7, 222 b3!, 239 b4, 246 a4, 269 + 290 a>b7, 340 a4, 354 b2, YQ 1.3 a5, YQ N. l b8 mattakkats, THT 1483.a b4; ♦ Perl.Sg.Masc. 69 a4; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. (maccak) 42 a6, 50 b3, 341 b I, 408.i b3, YQ III.I b2, b3, b4, b7, b7-8!, YQ III.4 a8, YQ III.6 bl, YQ III.7 al, a6-7; (mi:iccaki) YQ III.4 a8; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 111 a4; ♦ Gen.Sg.Fem. 66 a5; ♦ Perl.Sg.Fem. YQ 111.6 bl; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 114 al, 337 b6, YQ 11.3 a6; ♦ Perl.Pl.Masc. YQ Ill.6 b I; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 375 b2; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 300 b3. Derivation and comparison with the TB match by Pinault (2010a). Paradigm in SSS: 192 (§322).

    miint ca/fl (part.) 'perhaps, somehow' (Skt. apy

    eva 'perhaps', 'hopefully') L COU 'so'. F miint cai.n, maiicm11. T ♦ (mant cw11) 261 a>b6; (miincw11) 461 + 465 b3, YQ 11.13 a4. D From ► miint with indefinite oblique ca111, see ► Slllfl, Clllfl. R The reading mane as per TS:248, followed by Couvreur ( 1967: 160), was not correct, as warranted by the original bilingual manuscript 461 + 465 b3 (= THT 1095) (a)py evaharµ · maiicwn na/i, see Peyrot (20 l 8b:83-84). In YQ II.13 a4, the parallel 261 b>a6 has mant ca,71. miint, miit (inter. adv.) 'how?' [Cf. B miikte]


    F T

    POU 'quo modo', JWP 'how?'. mant, ma111t, ma,.nnt, mat. ♦(miint) 20 b3, 66 a4, 71 al, 77 a2, a3, 80 a>b4, 102b3, 106a3, 117a4, 149b2, 150 a3, 153 a5, 159 b3, 188 b2, 196 a5, 230 a7, 261 a>b6 man/ cw11, 310 bl, 314 a3, 339 b 1, 342 a>b2, 364 a2, 447 b4, YQ 1.2 a5, YQ 11.5 a7, YQ II.I 1 b3, YQ III.l bl, YQ IIl.2 b7, YQ III.6 b8, YQ N.5 a3; (miil!ll) 93 a6, 107 b5, b6, 155 bl, 322 a2, YQ N. l a5; (miif!mt) 103 a4; (miit) 10 a4, 333 a9.

    343 R

    miirkampal In 261 a>b6, the parallel text YQ.11 13 a4 has ► mii1icmf1. See also Peyrot (20 l 8b:83-84).

    miinta-(vb.) I) (act.) 'injure, offend', 2) (MP) 'be offended, be angry' [B mant-] L I) POU 'irasci, obiurgari, iniuram inferre', TEB II 'verletzen, kriinken', 2) TEB II 'gekriinkt sein, bose Gesinnung haben, schelten', TVS 'destroy; fall into ruin'. P (tr.) Prs. manta-, !pf. maiica-, Subj. manta-, Prt. manta-, PPrt. mamantu. F Prs.V Act. !Sg. mantam, 3PI. manteFic, Prs.MP 2PI. mantacar, 3Pl. mantantra, PPrs. Act. mantant, Obi.Pl.Fem. mantantas, MP mantama111, Inf. miintatsi, !pf.MP I Sg. maFicawe, 3Pl. maFicant, Prt.l MP 3Sg. mantat, 3Pl. mantant, PPrt. 111amant11, Norn.Pl.Masc. mamcintu.y, Loe.Pl. mama11mt11iicsw11, Nom.Sg.Fem. mamantus. T ♦ Prs.Act. !Sg. 37 a5; ♦ 3Pl. 355 bl; ♦ Prs.MP 2Pl. 342 b>al !; ♦3Pl. 337 b6; ♦ PPrs.Act. Obi.Pl.Fem. 371 b3-4 tosas (ka)ntwa.yi11as mafzkant cu ma(ntantas puk) ruta1ikamar 'I will completely remove those faults of speech, (which are) offending you'; ♦ MP THT 1378.c b3; ♦Inf. 252 b8; ♦ !pf.MP I Sg. 341 b4, 3Pl. 341 bl; ♦Prt.I 3Sg. 75 a3; ♦3Pl. 321 b5, THT 2051 a2 (mantant-0111 ); ♦PPrt. IO b3; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 337 a2; ♦ Loe.PL 354 b2; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 75 b6. miint-lotkii-ne (adv. rel.) 'in which manner' L POU 'qualis'. T ♦367 b4. D Compound of ► miint and perlative sg. of ► lotiik, plus relative particle -ne. miint-wiiknii (inter.adv.) 'how?', 'in which manner?' L POU 'qualis'. T ♦ 5 b2, 8 a4, 22 a2, 45 b6, 63 a3, 65 a4, 71 a3, 145 a3, 299 b8, 312 b4, 315+316 a7!, b7, 379 b5, 467 a2, YQ III.2 b7, YQ N.l b6. D Compound of ► miint and perlative sg. of ► wkiitfl.

    miint-wiikna-ne (adv. rel.) 'in which manner' L POU 'qualis'. T ♦ 148a6.


    Based on ► miint-wiiknii, plus relative particle -ne.

    miirk- (vb.) 'smudge, besmirch' L POU 'capere, comprehendere', COU 'fassen', TVS 'smudge, besmirch'. P (tr.) Prs. markas-*, Subj. mark-. Prt. mark-. F Prt.lll Act. 3Sg. markas. T ♦Prt.Act. 3Sg. 120 b5 tam pra.yt penu sundari nandes pap.yune markas 'At that time, SundarT besmirched the morality of Nanda'. D Cf. ► sne-miirklune and ► miirkiirnu*. R There is no firm evidence for the meaning 'to take away'. miirkampal (n., a.) I) 'Law, rule', 2) 'quality, property, peculiar condition' (Skt. dharma-) L POU 'lex (religiosa), disciplina', TEB II 'dharma, Daseinsfaktor, Eigenschaft, Gesetz', JWP 'Law'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. miirkampal, Gen.Sg. markampalis, Loc.Sg. markampalm11, markamplwn, Perl.Sg. markampala, Norn./Obl.Pl. markampalantu, markampala111tu, Instr.Pl. markampalntuyo, Perl.Pl. miirkampaltwa. S miirkampal ak,~ir11i-/aksis- 'proclaim, teach the Law', markampal klyos- 'hear the Law', krant markampal 'the good Law (Skt. saddharma-), markampalantu kcirs- 'know the qualities'. T ♦Norn./Obl.Sg. 26 a2!, 57 a3, 59 al, 62 al, a5!, a5-6, b2, b3, 64 a6, 89 al!, 104 b5, 116 b6, 214 b4, 217 a3, a5, a6, a7, 221 b3, 222 a2, 223 b5, 230 a2, a5, a7, b3!, b5, 236 a6, 244 b3, 251 b3!, 253 a4, 254 b7, 255 b7, 260 a5!, 261 b>a3!, 266 + 276 b>a4, 269 + 290 a>b5!, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a4!, 288 a6, 302 b2, 303 a2, b4, 305 b2!, b3, 311 a5, b2, b5, b6, 311.a b4!, 317 al, 332 a9, b7, b9, 333 a9, 336 a6, a8, b3, b6, 337 a4, 341 b8, 349 b2, 353 a4, 384 a4, b5, 385 a3, b3, b5, 391 b7, 399 b7, 408.i a2, 408.q b3, YQ 1.2 a5, YQ 1.9 a6, YQ II.I b7!, YQ II.6 b3, YQ 11.9 a6, YQ ll.10 a4-5, YQ II.12 a7, YQ Ill.2 a3, a6-7, a8, bl, b3, b4, b6, YQ IIl.3 a6, a8, b6, b8, YQ III.12 b2, b7; ♦Gen.Sg. 116 b3, 353 a4; ♦Loc.Sg. (markampa/af!1) 49 a4, 114 a5, b5!, 260 b4, 261 b>a6, 302 a4, 336 b5, 385 b4, YQ


    markampali111* 11.12 b2, YQ lll.3 b7, YQ Ill.1 I a4; (miirkampla,11) 221 b4!, b6, 226 a2 (bis), 227/8 b4; ♦ Perl.Sg. 27 bl!, 61 b6, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a2, 394 a3; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. (miirkampaliintu) I 7 a4!, 19 al, 25 a5, 338 a3, 353 a3, 385 al, a2, a4; (miirkampalii111tu) 53 b6; ♦Instr.Pl. 20 b5, 21 a4, 62 a3, 248 b I, b4, 258 a8, 273 a5, 291 a5, 332 b8; ♦ Perl.Pl. 62 b6. D Compound with ► pal as second member, and as first member *miirka, loan via MI (cf. Pkt. and Pa. magga-) from Skt. miirga- 'track, road, path, way' (MW:812b), through hyperSanskritization, see Pinault (2020c:468474). Compare the semantic match TB pelaikne, also a compound, which contains as first member pele, the match ofTApal. R For the various uses of Skt. dharma-, see MW :51 0c, Pinault (2020c:464-466). miirkampali111* (adj.) 'of the law'

    L F T

    POU 'legis'. Obl.Sg.Masc. miirkampa/iJJ1. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 405 b3 miirkampalil!1 piiiiiiiss oko 'the fruit of the merit pertaining to the Law'. D Derived from ► miirkampal.

    miirkampal!ji (adj.) 'pertaining to the Law, of

    the Law, righteous' L POU 'legis, disciplinae', JWP 'of the Law'. F Nom.Sg. miirkampal.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. miirkampal0i, 111iirkampa/Ji1J1, miirkampal,~im, ma1·kampal.5ina111, Obl.Sg.Fem. miirkampal.yiim, miirkampal!;inii111, miirkampal0 fniif!1, Gen.Sg.Masc. miirkampal.yiniip. S miirkampal0i wiirkiint 'the wheel of the Law' (Skt. dharma-cakra-), miirkampal.yi ytiir 'the righteous path', miirkampal0i wkii111 'the way of the Law', miirkampal.yi wiil 'righteous king' (Skt. dharmariijan-), miirkampal.yi kapsaiii 'spiritual body'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 26 b2, 258 a4!, 266 + 276 b>a I, 270 a6, 287 + 259 b>a5, 29 I a2!, a5!, 311 b4, 354 b6, 374 a6, 411 a2, YQ II.I a7!, YQ 11.6 a4, b3, YQ IJI.5 b7; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (miirkampal.yi) 311 b4; (111iirkampal.5il!1) 214 a3!, 222 b2, 239 b2, 255 b4, 267 + 268 b>a8!, 338 b7, YQ


    11.10 al-2, YQ Ill.4 a3; (miirkampa!.yim) 230 a4, 235 b I; (111iirkampal,;inii111) 377 a3; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. (miirkampal,~iim) 59 a2; (miirkampal.5inii111) 185 b3, YQ Ill.8 a2; (miirkampal0Tnii1ri) 244 b4; ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 49 a6, b4, b5, YQ III.8 a7. Derived from ► 111iirka111pal.

    miirkiirnu* (adj.) 'muddy'

    L F T

    VTW 'verlangert'. Obl.Sg.Masc. miirkiirnunt. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 397 a8 papiilykunt miirkiirmmt 1viiwiisk5unt w1w11 akmall oki 'like a face in heated, muddy, agitated water'. D Adjective with suffix -nu based on *miirkiir, matching TB markiir 'mud'; on the latter, see ADAMS:474. See the verbal root ► miirk-. R This word was read as piirkiirnunt (TS:221), and left without gloss (SSS:20, §39). Since the confusion between the ak~aras pii and ma (Fremdzeichen) is well-known, it has to be read as miirkiirnu 'muddy' according to an Abhidharma parallel, see Catt - Huard Inaba 2022.


    ► sne-miirklune

    miirtiir (adj.) 'short'

    L F

    COU 'kurz', TEB II 'kurz'. Nom.Sg.Masc. miirtiir, Obl.Sg.Masc. miirtiirii111, Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. miirtiira171. S miirtiir sol 'short life'. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 130 b4, 313 al piittiiiikiit kii,;,;i miir(tii)r so(la1?1) 'the Buddha-lord, the teacher, [is too] short on life'; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 214 a6, YQ II.1 b2!, THT 1671 b2; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 148 a3. D Probably cognate with ► miirtkii-. miirtkii- (vb.) 'scrape off, shave (the head)'

    [B miirtkii-] (Skt. ii-rad- 'scratch, scrap') L POU 'tondere', TEB II 'scheren', TVS 'scrape off, shave (the head)'. P (tr.) Prs. miirtiinkii-, Prt. miirtkii-, PPrt. miirtko. F Prt.I Act. 2Sg. miirtkii.yt, Prt.I MP 3Pl. miirtkiint, PP rt. miirtko, Abs. miirtkoriis. T ♦ Prt.Act. 2Sg. 244 b3; ♦ Prt.MP 3Pl. 130 b2; ♦ PPrt. I 00 a2, 304 a4, THT 2026 bl; ♦Abs. THT 2215 b2. D Probably cognate with ► miirtiir.

    345 R

    maskit The Sanskrit parallel is given by VA V 2.24, which is matched by 244 b3: martka,5t vasa111 paltska,5 'you scraped off the false beliefs (Skt. vasana-) from the mind', see Schmidt (1980:341-342) and Hartmann ( 1987: I 03 ).

    miirsatsi (n., a.) 'forgetfulness' F Nom./Obl.Sg. marsatsi. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 226 b6!. D Possibly the substantivizcd infinitive of a present III of ► miirsii-. R Restoration Chamot-Rooke (2022a). miirsii-(vb.) 'forget' [B mars-] L POU 'oblivisci', TEB II 'vergessen', TVS 'forget'. P (tr.) Prs. marsna-, Prt. marsa-lmrasa-, PPrt. miirso. F Prs.VI Act. 3Pl. marsneiic, Subj.Act. 2Pl. marsac, Opt.Act. 2Sg. marsit, Prt.I Act. 3Sg. mars, 3Pl. mrasar, PP1t. marso. T ♦ Prs.V1Act.3Pl.318+319a7; ♦ Subj.Act. 2Pl. 216 a>b 1-2!, YQ 11.4 a8; ♦ Opt.Act. 2Sg. YQ Il.15 a2; ♦ Prt.I Act. 3Sg. 289 a2, a3; ♦ 3Pl. 314 a6, 320 b5, 328 a4; ♦ PPrt. 106 a3, 318 + 319 a3. R See also ► miirsatsi. miil* (n., masc.) 'oppression, state of being oppressed' F Loc.Sg. mlar11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 440 a I cam m!at,n ane ritat Ill 'he searches ... inside this oppression'. D Root noun derived from ► miila3; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 167 b4; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 375 al; ♦ Loe.Pl.Masc. 7 b4, b5; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. 371 a4, a4. R Discussion of the meaning in TVS:763. The corrupt form malko.5as (375 al) stays for regular malkoiicas, through blurring with the Norn.Pl. miilko.5. This may be due also to the influence of TB, compare in the PPrt. Masc., Obi.Pl. 0 0,5a111 vs. Norn.Pl. 0 o,>·. miilkiirtet!l (n., masc.) polite term of address (Uigh. tiiziin) L COU '(mein) Lieber', TEB II 'Anredeform an niedriger Stehende, etwa 'mein Lieber", JWP '(polite term of address)'. T ♦304 b4, 340 b6, 346 b4, 401 a3, YQ 1.8 a5, b2, YQ 1.9 b7, THT 2108 al!. R Pinault (1993: 161-180). miiltii-

    ► mkiilto

    miiskit (n., masc./fem.) I) 'prince', 2) 'princess' [Cf. B 11111cu:1ke] L POU 'filius, filia regis', TEB II 'Prinz'. F Nom.Sg. maskit, Obl.Sg. mii.b6!; ♦ Obi.PL THT 3482 (+ 411.a) al; ♦ Gen.Pl. 16 a3, 58 a2. D TB mficu.Jke, while being not direct match, is probably related, and has a diminutive suffix. Possibly based on a loan from MI *mifijuka-, a variant of Central Asian Skt. 111il11}uka-, reflected by its loan into Khot., referring to a demon who attacks or protects children, cf. Skt. mifijika-lmiiijiki1- (MW:815c), see Pinault (2015c: 178-179). R The masc. and fem. forms are distinguished on the basis of the context and agreement, see SSS:28 (§48). The allative and locative sg. forms are shortened (in prose) for expected maskitilnac, mii.fkitii11at11, see SSS: 144 (§205). ♦ Gen.Sg.

    miiskitiilic* (n., fem.) 'princess' [Cf. B miicu:jka] L POU 'filia regis', TEB II 'Prinzessin'. F ObLSg. 111askiti1iicii111, Obi.Pl. ma.'ikitiificiis, Gen.PL maskitiliiciissi. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 399 al; ♦ Obi.Pl. 118 b5; ♦Gen.PL 155 bl!?, 169 a3!?. D Derived from ► miiskit with feminine suffix, ofSogdian origin. miiskitune*

    ► miiskitune!Ji*

    miiskittme!Ji* (adj.) 'belonging to princehood' L POU "dignitas filii' (filiae) regis' (maskitune*). F Obl.Sg.Masc. 111askitunesil11. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 15 a 1 maskitune:fiJ?1 natyo 'through the power ofprincehood'. D Derived from maskitune*, an abstract of ► miiskit.


    Restored by Sieg (1944:18 n. 11).

    miissunt (n., fem.) 'marrow' [Cf. B mrestzwe] L POU 'medulla', TEB II '(Knochen)mark'. F Norn./Obl.Sg. mas.font, Abl.Sg. massunta.J. T ♦Nom.Sg. 151 a2; ♦Abl.Sg. 177a1. D Probably a collective with plural suffix -uni.

    mii!j (prep.foe.) 'into the middle of, amidst' S Always before the Loc.Sg. kapsiiiiia,71. T ♦295 a3, YQ N.3 a7, THT 2597 bl. miis- (vb.) 'shine, be resplendent' L POU'?', TVS'?'. P Prs. msas-T-, PPrt. mamsu. F Prs.MP 3Sg. msa.ytra, PPrt. mamsu, Norn.Pl.Masc. mamsu.y, Nom.Sg.Fem. mamsuss. T ♦Prs.MP 3Sg. 167 b3; ♦ PPrt. Norn.Pl.Masc. YQ N.5 b4; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. YQ V. l b7 Ill Oambu)dv(ip) (an)n(e) ketwnati ri siim mamsuss oki: 'inside the JambudvTpa, this city [named] KetumatT, resplendent as it were'. R Schmidt (l 999c:284) suggests 'erscheinen'; 'erschcinen !assen' (caus.). Catt- Huard Inaba (2022) suggest 'shine, be resplendent' .In YQ V.1 b7, this is supported by the Uigh. parallel, MaitrHami V, 4 b2-3 coglug yalinlag 'shining [and] resplendent', see Sernet- Israpil (2015: 558, 564). miiskii-(vb.) 'be, become' [B mask-] (Skt. bhii-) L POU 'esse', TEB II 'sich befinden, sein', TVS 'become, be'. P (itr.) Prs. maska-, Prt. mask-, PPrt. mamasku. F Prs.III MP !Sg. maskamar, 2Sg. maskatiir, mskatilr, 3Sg. maskatar, maskatra, maskatr-a111, mskatar, mskatra171, 3PI. maskantar, maskantra, maskamtar mskamtar, maska111tra, 111aska;71tr-iiJ?1(-m/, Gdv.I maskal, maskalci, Inf. maskatsi, Prt.III Act. 2Pl. maskiis, 3PI. miiskar, PPrs.Aet. All.Pl. mskantiisac, PPrs. MP maskamii111, PPrt. PPrt. mamasku, Obi.Pl.Masc. mamiiskuiiciis. T ♦ Prs.lII MP I Sg. YQ III.12 b8; ♦2Sg. (maskatiir) 111 b2, 395 al; (mskatilr) IOL Toch.286 b3; ♦3Sg. (miiskatar) 2 b2, 4 a5, 5 al, a2, 6 a3, 17 a6, 18 a2, 61 a4, 62 b3, 64 b4, b5, 65 a3, b6, 76 + 83 b2, 8 I b4, 93 b4, 99 b2, 102 a4,a6, bl?, 103 b4, b5, 117a2, 124al!, 146al!, 148b3, 150b4, 179.b b5, 184 a3, 196 a3!?, 214 a4, a7, 221 b7, 232 a3, 234 b2, 257 b3, 260 b8, 264 b8!, 266 + 276 b>a4, 269 -i- 290 b>a2, 270 a6!, 270 a6!, 277 b2, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>al !, 295 a4, a6, b4, b6, b7,



    Mitre 327 b4!, 332 a5, 337 a7, b5, b7, 397 a9, 400 a5, 408.b bl, 429 b8, 452 al, a3, YQ II.I b3, YQ Il.3 b3, YQ Il.5 a7, YQ II.12, bl, YQ Ill.7 bl, YQ IIl.10 a7-8, YQ I!I.12 bl, YQN.3 a8, YQN.4a5, THT 1140 a3; (miiskatriJ) 54 b4, 208 b3, 295 b3, 325 b6, 535 b I, 354 a I, 360 a9, 360 al I, 386 a5, b5, YQ II.I a8, YQ II.2 al, YQ II.5 a7, YQ Il.11 a8, b3, YQ Il.13 b8, YQ 111.5 a6, PK.NS.2 a4, PK.NS.3 a2, b4; (miJskatr-iJq1) 2 b6, 3 a I, 230 a2, 253 a5, 295 a7, 396 b4, YQ N.3 b5, 262 b5, 295 b2, 31 IA a2, YQ N.4 b2, b3, PK.NS.2 al, b I; (mskatiir) 8 a I, 18 b2, 79 b4, I 05 a2, 120 a4, 144 bl!, 297 b7, 327 b6!, 338 a8, 347 al, YQ Il.15 b3-4; (mskatr-ii111) 152 a3; ♦3Pl. (miiskantiir) 231 b4, 229 al, 397 a6; (miiskantriJ) 117 b2, 148 a3, a5!, 150 a3, 179.c b2, 253 b6, 254 a3, a8, b I, 262 b3, 264 a2!, 267 + 268 b>a8!, 269 + 290 a>b6, 284 a2!, 286 b4, 293 a2, 295 b5, 302 a7, b3, 314 a3, 330 a2, a3, a4, 366 a3, 384 bl, 385 b2, 395 al, 408.e bl, 453 b5, YQ I.I b8, YQ III.2 b8, YQ III.3 al, YQ III.9 b4, b8!; (111iiska111tiir) 121 b3, YQ N. l al, YQ N.4 a7, b4; (mska111tiir) YQ II.I 5 b3-4; (miiska111triJ) 17 b6, 62 b4, 150 a5, 148 a4, a5, bl, b2, 151 b6, 456 b3!; (miiska1J1tr-ii111) 2 b5, 264 al?, 398 a3; (miiska111triJ1.n(-m) 264 a 1; Gdv. (miiskal) I 2 b2-3, 66 a5, 229 b2; (miiskal-ci) 115 b3; ♦ Inf. 69 b4, 154 b5, 324 b3, 443 b5, YQ I.2 b2; ♦ Prt.Act. 2Pl. 327 a3, 379 a2; ♦3Pl. 222 a4€, 239 a2, 444 a4, YQ I.3 a3; ♦ PPrs.Act. All.Pl. 3 b2; PPrs.MP 70 a6, 150 a2; +PPrt. 153 b6!; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 254 a4. In 264 b I, the edition has 111iiskantrii111111 (TS: 137 and n. 7), which reflects a correction by the scribe. There is no available photograph (THT 897). The context may allow the restoration of miiskantr-iim, with plural suffixed pronoun. In 222 a4 (miisciir), the parallel text of239 a2 has clearly miiskiir, which is the only form making sense.

    miisrats (adj.) 'depressed, clumsy, shy' L COU 'schwerfallig, schtichtern', TEB II 'bedrtickt, schtichtern'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. miisrats, Nom.Sg.Fem. miisratsi.


    ♦ Nom.Sg.Masc.

    177 b5; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 6

    a2, 73 b6!.

    miisratsune (n., a.) 'shyness' L POU 'timiditas', TEB II 'Schtichternheit'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. miisratsune, miisrats,,ne, Gen.Sg. miisratsuneyis, Instr.Sg. miisratsuneyo, Abl.Sg. miJsratsuneyiJ,~. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (miisratsune) I IO a4, THT 2428 b2!; (miisrats,,ne) 113 a6; ♦ Gen.Sg. 61 a6; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 5 b6; ♦ Abl.Sg. 110 a4! tit siim miisratsuneyii:1 'this one (the brahmin Vyasa) departed from shyness'. D Abstract based on ► miisrats. R Alternatively one may read in 5 b6 miisratsune yo pro.5mune 'shyness and modesty'. miisrone (n., a.) 'heaviness' L POU 'gravitas'. F Nom.Sg. miisrone. T ♦Nom.Sg. 467 a2!. D Abstract based on ► msiir. Mi{1fhake (PN, masc.) Mii:ithaka, a male name F Nom.Sg. mil}!hake. T ♦Nom.Sg. 140 a2. D From Skt. Mi11fihaka 'n. ofa rich householder' (BHSD:432a). mit- (vb.) 'set out, go, come' [B mit-] L TEB II 'sich aufmachen ', TVS 'set out, go, come'. F Prt.lll Act. 3Sg. metiis, 3PI. metiir, metriJ. T ♦ Pct.III Act. 3Sg. 34 b5, 68 a5, 217 a7; ♦ 3Pl. (metiir) 295 a4!, 320 al, YQ N.3 a7; (metrii) YQ III.2 b5. R On the assignation of the forms to the preterit, see SSS:456, s.u. met-, and TVS:770. Mitre (PN, masc.) Mitra, a male name F Nom.Sg. mitre. T ♦Nom.Sg. 58 b5. D From Skt. Mitra- 'name of various characters' (MW:8 I 6a). R In this passage, it probably refers to the minister of the king Mahendrasena, see Sieg ( 1952: I 0, n° 8). Alternatively, it may be the loan ofSkt. mitra- (masc.) 'associate, companion', scil. of the king.



    miy- (vb.) 'harm, hurt, injury' [B mi-] (Skt. vihefhayati) L POU 'noccrc, laedere', TEB II 'schiidigen', TVS 'hurt, harm'. P (caus.) Prs. miyiis-T-, !pf. mi.ya-, Subj. miyiis-, Prt. mamyii-*, PPrt. mamyu. F Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. miyii.5, MP 3Sg. miyii.5tiir, myi.ytiir, myi,;trii, Subj. IX Abstr. ► miyii.ylune, PPrs.Act. mi.yant, PPrs.MP 111iyiismii111, Inf. miyiissi, m'iyiissi, !pf.MP 3Pl. mi.5ii11t, Prt.lI PPrt. mamiyu, mamyu, Gen.Sg.Masc. mamiyuntiip, Nom.Pl.Masc. mamyu.5.5. T ♦Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. 386 b2; ♦ MP 3Sg. (miyii.5tiir) 21 a6; (myL5tiir) 6 b3; (myi.5trii) 20 a2; ♦ PPrs.Act. 353 b3; ♦ PPrs.MP 353 b I; ♦ Inf. (miyiissi) 85 b5; (m'iyiissi) 97 b5; ♦ !pf MP 3Pl. 154 a5; ♦ PPrt. (mamiyu) 359 a5; (mamyu) 450 b I; ♦Gen.Sg.Masc. 359 a2; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 405 a2. D The middle forms have passive value, except myi.5tiir in 6 b3 and 21 a6 (TVS:768). miyii.~bme (n., a.) 'harming, hurting' F Nom./Obl.Sg. miyii0lune, lnstr.Sg. myii.5/zmeyo. T ♦ Instr.Sg. THT 2393 + 2417 a4. D Abstract derived from ► miy-. R See compound ► sne-miyii~lune. miliirts* (adj.) 'injured, wounded' L COU 'beschadigt', TEB II 'beschiidigt'. F Norn.Pl.Masc. miliirtse. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 293 al. D Derived from *mi/cir 'damage', which matches TB mflar 'damage' (ADAMS:496). Misrak (LN, masc.sg.) name of Indra's garden L POU 'nom. propr. horti lndrae'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. misrak. T ♦Nom.Sg. 227/8 a4, 301 a8-bl!. D From Skt. Misraka- 'n. ofa pleasuregrove of the gods' (BHSD:433a). mi# (n., masc.) 'field' [B mi~·.5e, mi.50 i] (Skt. k.)·etra-) L COU 'Gemeinde', TEB II 'Gemeinde', JWP 'field'. F Obl.Sg. 111i.5i, misT, Perl.Pl. 111i.5isii. T +Obl.Sg. (mi.yi) 251 b4, 252 b4, YQ lll.4 a5; (mi,vt) 62 a I!; ♦ Perl.Sg. 62 al; ♦ Perl.Pl. YQ III.4 a4, THT 2050 b2.



    Borrowed from Khot. mi,v(0)a- 'field for seed' (Pinault 1988b: 143, 164; 2002b:267) or Niya Pkt. mi.5i- 'cultivated land'(?) (Burrow 1937:111). See further discussion in Dragoni (2021: 138-141 ). Revised reading of 62 a I after the photograph (THT 695) by Itkin Malyshev (2021 :65).

    mi~itsune (n., a.) 'state of the field [of merits]' (Skt. k,vetra-jiiatii-) F Nom./Obl.Sg. mi0itsune. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 250 b3. D Abstract based on ► mi#. Actually in a phrase referring to the Buddha as the supreme 'field of merit' (Skt. pw;yak.5etra-). R The term translates Skt. k,vetra-jiiatii' knowledge of the field' of VA V.11 72c, see Hartmann ( I 987: 134) and Schmidt (1987a:165; 2021:141). muk (]) (n.) 'yoke, team' (Skt. yuga-) L POU 'iugum', TEB II 'Vermogen, Eignung (?)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. muk. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 360 a 13. R See Peyrot (20 l 8a:266). See also the compound ► muk-kiilk*. muk (2) (uni.) 'being a the top, chief, eminent' T ♦ 66 b4 muk tampe 'eminent power'. D Loan via Ml from Skt. mukhya- 'being at the head or beginning, first, principal, chief, eminent' (MW:820b), see also Pkt. mukkha- 'foremost, chief (CDIAL: 585b, No. 10174). R The meaning 'yoke' does not fit the context. The sentence lists qualities which belong to virile and powerful kings. The gloss 'possession' (G. 'Eignung') by Sieg ( 1952: 9) is too vague. The idea of a transposition of Skt. yoga- in the sense of 'disposition, fitness, zeal, diligence, industry, care' (MW:856c), as per CEToM, is not cogent. The term muk relies on the same notion as ► spb3, 266 + 276 a>b5, 267 + 268 b>a6, 270 a4, b3, b5, 275 a3, 287 + 259 b>a3, 288 a5!, b2, b4, 291 al, 297 b2, b5, b8, 305 bl, b5, 311 a3, 399 a3, a5, b2, b3, 409 b2, YQ I.I a3!, a6, bl, YQ l.2 b2, b3, YQ 1.3 b7, YQ 1.5 a4, b4-5, YQ 1.7 a7, a8, YQ II.I a2!, a7, bl!, YQ 11.2 a8, b6-7, b7, YQ Il.3 a2!, a5!, b3!, YQ 11.6 b8, YQ 11.7 b2!, YQ Il.8 a6, YQ 11.9 a8, YQ II.IO a5-6, YQ 11.12 b8!, YQ 11.13 a4, a6, b3, YQ 11.14 b3, b6, YQ ll.15 a3, YQ III.4 b3, YQ IIl.12 a6; ♦ Obl.Sg. 227 /8 b5, 234 a3, 251 b6, 252 b6, 253 a4, 254 b7!, 255 b7!, 256 a2, a6, bl!, 257 a5, a8, 258 a6, 267 + 268 b>a3, 270 a2!, 288 a2, b6!, 289 b6, 299 al, b4, 302 a2, YQ I. I a8, YQ 1.5 b2, YQ 11.2 bl, YQ 11.7 b7!, YQ 11.9 a2, b3, b7, YQ II.12 al, YQ II.IS b8; ♦ Gen.Sg. (metrakyap) 221 b6; (metrakycip) 215 b4, 2 I 6 b>a6!, 221 b6, 253 a8, 257 a3!, a8, 258 bl, 278 b3, 288 a3, a4!, a6 (bis), a7, b6, 289 b7, 293 b3, 299 a3, YQ I. I aS-6, YQ 1.2 a6, b8, YQ Il.4 a6, YQ 11.7 a5, YQ 11.8 b6, b8, YQ II.9 a3, a5, YQ II.JS a5; ♦ lnstr.Sg. YQ III.12 a2; ♦ AII.Sg. 226 b3, 261 a>b 1!, 273 b7, 279 b5, 282 b5 298 b2, 302 al, b4, 349 al, YQ Il.12 b6!; ♦ Abl.Sg. YQ 11.3 b4, YQ 11.15 bl-2; ♦ Loc.Sg. YQ 1.5 bl, YQ II.JS a7; ♦ Perl.Sg. 299 a5, YQ 11.6 b8; ♦ Com.Sg. (metraknassal) 279 b3, b4, 302 a4, a6, 355 a2, YQ 1.6 a7, MG I a5 !; (metraknasal) 410 b3. D Loan via MI from Skt. Maitraka, Maitreva, Maitriya 'n. of the next Buddha to foll~w Sakyamuni, predicted by him' (BHSD:440a). See CHREST: I 03-4, Maue (2013:145-154). Compare Bactr. µ11opayo, Parthian mytrg, Sogd. mytr'k, m)•tr'k.



    metrak:ji (adj.) 'of Maitreya' L POU 'Metraki', JWP 'ofMaitreya'.


    Nom.Sg.Masc. metrak_yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. metrak._yi111, metrak._yina111, Norn.Pl.Masc. metrakyiiii, Obl.Sg.Fem. metrak.5ina111. metrak,vi op.yaly 'the feast ofMaitreya' ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. YQ 11.10 a2; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. (metrak!fi1J1) 274 b6, 280 a I; (metrak.yina1J1) 280 a2; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 254 a4, a6, a8, b2; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 230 a7-bl, 279 a3, a4, 288 a I, 302 a5, a7, a8, b5. Derived from ► Metrak.

    medhu* (n., a.) 'sacrificial food, offering' F Nom./Obl.Pl. medhunt. T ♦ Obi.Pl. 394 al! talke-mciilile.yi(nas la)m(e)yntwac medhu(nt) paf!1.5antcis wrasassi 'to the beings begging for offerings near to the places of the sacrificial house'. D Derivative of the loan *medh from Skt. medha- 'animal-sacrifice, offering, oblation, any sacrifice' (MW:832c). R The reading medhunt is allowed by the remnants which can still be seen on the photograph (THT I 028). me,iameiii* (N) name of tune (stanza of 4 x 18 syllables 717/4 or 9/9) L POU 'nomen metri 4x 18 syllabarum'. F Loc.Sg. mefiameiiiiatr1. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 37 b4!, 275 al. D Based on the TB tune name meiiame1J1* attested in PK.AS. I 7B a4 and PK.AS. l 7E b5 (Huard, p.c.). Name based on the ablative of TB meiie, obl.sg. meil, 'moon, month'. This term would be the calque of a Skt. metrical term, a compound with candra- 'moon' (MW:386-387), see for instance candra-lekha-, name of various meters (MW:387b). meniik I) (conj.), 2) (n.) 1) 'like, comparable to', 2) 'comparison, metaphor, example' [B meniik] L TEB II 'Gleichnis'. T ♦ I) 222 bl, 239 bl, 253 b8 !, 273 a6!, 374 a5, a6, 427 b2; 2) 56 b3. D Loan from TB meniik, itself borrowed from Mir., Sogdian myn 'k 'like, resembling', see VW:631, lsebaert ( 1980: 160-161 ), ADAMS:504 with previous literature. R See adv. ► tiimne-menlik.


    menakyo meniikyo (eonj.) 'like, comparable to' T ♦ 39a5!,225al!,227/8a2,a3,a4,311 a4, a6, 314 a7. D Based on ► menilk with instrumental case affix. See parallel formation of TB menaksa with perlative case affix. menekli1!1* (N, masc.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x I 2 syllables 5/7) L POU 'nomen metri 4xJ2 syllabarum'. F Loc.Sg. meneklinm11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 56 al. D Possibly based on the loan via MI from a Skt. compound *mena-kalika- or the like, see Skt. mena-, menaka- 'N. ofan Apsaras' (MW:832b), or from a MI *maina- 'the bird Gracula religiosa' (Athanaric Huard, p.c.), see Hindi maina 'id.' (CDIAL: 561b, No. 9776), and kalika- 'an unknown flower', and 'N. of several metres' (MW:25lc). mem (n., masc.sg.) 'measure' [B maim] ( Skt. matra-) L POU 'mensura', TEB II 'Ermessen, Mal3', JWP 'measure'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. mem, Abl.Sg. mema.5. S lyutar memas 'beyond measure, exceedingly' (Skt. atimatram), sne mem 'without measure, innumerable' (Skt. aprama!Ja-), mem yarm 'measure [and] limit'. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ 1.2 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg. 27 a2, 57 b2, b6, 124 a2, 253 al, 318 + 319 a5!, 353 b3, YQ 11.7 b6, YQ II.9 b3, YQ 111.9 b2, b8, YQ Ill. IO a I; ♦Abl.Sg. 6 b5, 23 a2, 24 b4, 51 b3, 59 a4, 68 b2, 73 b6, 75 b6, 146 b6, 162 a3, 204 a3, 240 a5, 246 a3, 248 b4, 254 a7, b8, 265 a7, 291 b7, 292 b2, a3, 307 b6, 314 b2, 341 a3, 355 al, 394 b3, 397 bl, 460 al, YQ II.5 al!, YQ 11.8 b3, YQ 11.13 b8, YQ N.5 b6, THT I 136 b4. D Cognate with the verbal root ► me-. R In 353 b3 (conclusion of the PrMoSu) mem karsiil(une) translates Skt. matrajilatii- 'knowledge of measure', see Schmidt (1989:75, 78, I 03). mew-, mewa- (vb.) (itr.) 'shake, quake' [B maiw-, miw-] L POU 'tremere, contremiscere', TEB II 'beben', TVS 'shake, quake'.

    (itr.) Prs. mey-T-, !pf. meyii-, Subj. mewa-, Prt. mewa-*. F Prs.II Act. 3Sg. me.5, 3Pl. meyeilc, !pf.Act. 3Sg. meya. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 91 b3, 156 a2, 253 b7, 297 b3; ♦3Pl. 253 b8!, 267 + 268 a>bl-2!; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Sg. 274 a2, 320 b6, 405 a5. D Cf. ► mewlune. P

    mewlune (n., a.) 'shaking, quivering' F Nom./Obl.Sg. mewlune. T ♦Nom.Sg. 77 a2 tkanis mew/une 'earthquake'; ♦ Obl.Sg. 43 + 52 bl. D Abstract based on the subjunctive stem of ► mew-.

    maittrii-1iom (adj.uni.) 'having the name MaitrT' L POU 'nomen Maitri habens'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. maittra-nom. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 353 a3-4 !, 356 al. maitrii I) (n.), 2) (N, fem.) I) 'friendship', 2) name ofa tune (stanza of 4 x 12 syllables 5/7) [B mait(t)ar] L COU 'Freundschaft, MaitrT', POU 'nomen metri 4x 12 syllabarum', TEB II 'Freundschaft, freundschaftliche Gesinnung', JWP 'friendship'. F I) Nom./Obl.Sg. maitra, maittra, Gen.Sg. maitris, Instr.Sg. maitrayo, maittrayo, maittiiJJJO, 2) Loc.Sg. maitra111. T ♦ I) Nom./Obl.Sg. (maitra) 289 a3, a6, YQ II.8 a8; (maittra) 130 a5, 349 a5; ♦Gen.Sg. YQ 11.7 a4; ♦ lnstr.Sg. (maitrayo) YQ 11.2 a4, YQ ll.7a3-4; (maittrayo) 243 al; (maittaryo) THT I 625.e a2; ♦2) Loc.Sg. 23 a4, 154 b3, 214 b3, 297 b3, 300 b2, 301 b7, 309 al, 429 b4, YQ II. I b6!, YQ II.2 b3, YQ II.7 a5, YQ II.8 b6, YQ II.13 a2, YQ lII.10 a8. D From Skt. maitrz- 'friendship, friendiness, benevolence, good will' (MW:834b). maitrii#* (adj.) 'friendly' F Obl.Sg.Fem. maitrii.5ina111. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem.251 b!,252bl,306al! maitrasinii111 swiiilcenyo 'through the (sun )ray of friendliness'. D Derived from ► maitrii. Maitreyapravrajaf!l (N, masc.sg.) Maitreyapravrajana 'Maitreya becoming a monk', name of the 2nd act of the MSN F Norn. Maitreyapravrajm11 T ♦Norn. YQ II.15 b7!.

    353 D

    moksi From Skt. Maitreva-pravrajana-*, compound with pravrajana- 'entering life of religious mendicant' (MW:694c).

    Maitreyasamit (N, fem.sg.) title of a literary work L POU 'nornen libri 'Congressus Maitreyae' '. F Norn./Obl.Sg. maitreyasamit. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 303 a5 maitreyasamit postiik spcilme1J1 pekamiit 'we have copied the excellent book Maitreyasamiti(ncifaka)'. D Loan from Skt. Maitreyasamiti-* 'Meeting with Maitreya', see samiti'coming together, meeting, encounter' (MW:! 164b). R See ► Maitreyasamitiniifiik. Maitreyasamitiniifak* (N, rnasc.sg.) Maitreyasamitinataka, name of a play L POU 'nomen libri 'Ludus de congressu Maitreyae", TEB II 'Maitreyasamitina\aka, das Schauspiel von der Zusarnrnenkunft rnit Maitreya'. F Loc.Sg. maitreyasamitincifkm11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 253 a5, 258 b3, 263 a>b6, 287 + 259 b>a2!, 297 a8; ♦ fgrn. 299 a7, YQ 1.10 b5. D From Skt. Maitreyasamiti-ncifaka-*, compound with ncifaka- 'play, drama' (MW:534a) as second member. Maitreyiivadii11avyiikara111 (N, masc.) title of a literary work L POU 'nomen libri'. F Loc.Sg. maitreycivadcinavycikara1;1m11. T ♦Loc.Sg. 226 b3-4, 231 al!, 238 a6!. D Loan from Skt. Maitreyiivadiinavycikaraiw- * 'Prophecy on the achievement of Maitreya', see Skt. avadcina- 'a great of glorious act, achievement, legend' (MW:99b), vyiikara1;1a- (BHSD:5 l 7a). mait/111111* (n., a.) 'coitus' [B maithwri] L POU 'coitus, rnatrirnoniurn', TEB II 'maithuna, Paarung'. F Abl.Pl. maitlnmantwa.5. T ♦Abl.Pl. 243 b2. D From Skt. maitlnma- 'copulation, sexual intercourse' (MW:834b). mok (adj.) 'old' [B moko] L POU 'vetus (=Scr.jTn:ia, vrddha)', TEB II 'alt', JWP 'old'.

    F T

    Nom.Sg. mok, mokk, AII.Sg. moknac. ♦Nom.Sg. (mok) 215 bl, 360 a5, YQ 1.6 b6, THT 3703.b al; (mokk) 399 a5; ♦All.Sg. 3 b2.

    mokac* (n., masc.) 'thumb' [B mokoc(e)] F Abl.Sg. mokca.5. T ♦Abl.Sg. 72 bl. mokats* (adj.) 'strong, firm' (Uigh. kiicliig) L JWP 'strong'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. mokats, Obl.Sg.Masc. mokatsam. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. THT 2649 a2, THT 1378.f a2; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 394 a4-b I, YQ ll.12 b4. R For the Uigh. parallel see Peyrot (2010:134). mokiil* (adj.) 'oldish' L POU 'vetus', JWP 'oldish'. F Nom.Pl.Masc. mokliin, Obi.Pl.Masc. mokliis, Gen.Pl.Masc. moktassi, Loe.PI.Masc. mokliism11. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 153 a4; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. YQ III.12 a7-8; ♦ Gen.Pl.Masc. YQ IIl.12 a5, THTI 584.i b I; ♦Loe.Pl.Masc. YQ lll.12 a5. D Related to ► mok. mokone (n., a.) 'old age' (Skt.jarci-) L POU 'aetuas, matura, senectus', TEB II 'Alter', JWP 'old age'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. mokone, lnstr.Sg. mokoneyo, AII.Sg. mokoneyac. S mokone wlalune 'old age [and] death'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 275 a4, a6, YQ I. 4 b6 (ka)ps(i)iiniis nati paiii skm_n mokone kiimat-ni 'old age took away strength and splendor ofmy body'; ♦ Obl.Sg. 304 b7, YQ 1.9 a5, YQ 1.10 a6 wraske mokone wla/une wikassi nas papalyke plaslzmeytu 'in order to remove sickness, old age, and death, I practiced austerities'; ♦ Instr.Sg. 212 a6, a7, 359 a2, 4, YQ II.3 a5, YQ II.4 a5-6, YQ Ill.I I b8, THT l 441.d a3; ♦All.Sg. 359 a9. D Abstract based on ► mok. moksi (n., masc.) 'knife' L POU 'culter', TEB II 'Messer(?)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. mok.5i. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 152 a4 tsra111 miiltont mok.5i mukym11 ettzssiintrii 'they seize in the fist a sharp [and] little knife', 226 a4.


    Mok~agupte R

    Translation of 152 a4 according to Chamot-Rooke (p.c.).

    Mok~agupte (PN, masc.) name ofa novice F Nom.Sg. 111ok.5agupte, mok.yakute. T ♦Nom.Sg. (mok.yagupte) SHT 395 bl, b3; (mok,wkute) SHT 525.56 b5 . D From Skt. Mok.ya-gupta-*. R For the occurrence, see Ogihara (2014: J 15), also Peyrot (2015a: 110). This PN occurs on the verso of the fragment SHT 395 (S 253), which contains on the recto side a Karmaviicanii text, see Hartel (I 956:35 n.l ). Moghariije (PN, masc.) Mogharaja, name of a Brahmin pupil F Nom.Sg. moghar[Ije. T ♦Nom.Sg. 214 a6, YQ ll.l bl, YQ 11.l 1 a7. D From Skt. Moghariija*, cf. Pa. Moghariija 'one of the sixteen pupils sent by BavarI to the Buddha' (DPPN 11:669), see also ► Biidhari. R The first edition had miighariije in 2 I 4 a6 (TS: 103), but a closer look at the published photograph (TS, plate 27, THT 847) confirms the reading moghariije, which is anyway supported by the duplicate of the same text, YQ II.I bl, see JWP:68, 72. motak* (n., masc.) 'sweetmeat' L JWP 'sweetmeat'. F Norn.Pl. motaki. T ♦Norn.Pl. YQ N. l a I. D From Skt. modaka- 'a small round sweetmeat, any sweetmeat' (MW:835c). motarci (adj.) 'green' [Cf. B motartstse] L TEB II 'cine nicht naher zu bestimmende, vermutlich dunkle Farbe bezeiehnend'. F Nom.Sg.Fem. motarci. T ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 346 a4. D Derived from ► motiir. motiir (n., masc.sg.) 'wetness, humidity'(?) L POU'?'. F Obl.Sg. molar, motr (sandhi form), Perl.Sg. motrii, modrii. T ♦Obl.Sg. 38 b 1 motr iilur '(the fire, or some burning instrument) keeping out the wetness of his (body) went', 462 al; ♦ Perl.Sg. (motrii) 41 a5 s(n)e-motrii ii,yiinik tsatskus 'through non-wetness the



    venerable one (fem.) burned', 318 + 3 19 b2!, THT 1461 + 2193 b4!; (modrii) THT 1461 + 2193 a3 siimudris modrii walu 'died through the wetness of the ocean'. This noun does not have any plausible relationship with ► motarci 'green', since the latter is probably a loan from TB, see motartstse, adj. 'green' (ADAMS:511). The gloss 'greenness, green eolor' as per CEToM cannot be held any longer, see especially in the commentary of 38 b I, 'incapaeity of greenness', lit. 'keeping away greenness'. This noun occurs mostly in mutilated contexts. The meaning 'wetness' may be assumed on the basis of 41 a5. The passage of 38 bl belongs apparently to the description of some hell torment. Mostly on the basis ofTHT 1461 + 2193 a3, Itkin (2019: 166) proposes the gloss 'shore' (Russian bereg), since samudris modrii would mean somehow 'on the seashore' (compare Skt. samudra-tfra-). In this passage, the spelling modrii is most probably due to the influence of the preceding siimudris. As for 318 + 319 b2, Siegling suggested the reading motrii on his personal copy (TS:174). However, assuming an alternative reading m(ii)trii, Fellner- Malzahn (2015:65 n. 18 and 67) proposed to take it as the Perl.Sg. of matiir, loan from Skt. miitar- (sic) the name of some water plant 'Asian watermoss [Salvinia cucullata Roxb.]'. In any case, there is no proof that the form miitii(r) occurs before on the same line. One may consider to restore (sii)kr(e)s (masculine metri causa) motrii tim piissa111 '(refreshing) by wetness these breasts', about beautiful girls playing in some pool.

    Modgalyiiym11 (PN, masc.) Maudgalyayana, a pupil of Buddha F Nom.Sg. modgalyiiya111. T ♦Nom.Sg. 25 a2-3. D From Skt. Maudgalyiiyana 'a leading disciple of Buddha' (BHSD:441). Modgalyiiya,11 ► Maudgalyiiya111 moliik* (n., masc.) 'jet, stream' (Skt. dhiirii-) L COU '[Wasser]strahlen'?. F Norn.Pl. molkan.

    355 ♦Norn.Pl. 257 b2 wu niikciiii wra:fini molkmi 'two divine jets of water'. D Cognate ultimately with ► malke and the root ► miilka-. R For a commentary of this passage, see Pinault (199 la: 151 ).


    mkalton1e~i* T D

    ♦ Obl.Sg. 435 a3. Possibly cognate with ► musli- and ► mosa1f1. The literal meaning would be


    The epithet ►ypi~i implies that this noun refers to means of living which consists in grain (Chamot-Rooke 2022a).


    mos* (n., fem.) 'white clay, lime' (Uigh. yiilwJ

    tuprak) L POU'?'. F Instr.Sg. mosyo. S mosyo yam- 'cover walls with white clay, limewash'. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 148 b5, 266 + 276 b>a6 mosyo yp(e)nc prisseiic pikinc yiirsantrii 'they purge, paint, sprinkle [and] cover with white clay (the walls)'. R Pinault ( l 994a:366), TVS:735. For a translation of the passage 266 + 276 b>a6 (Uigh. MaitrHami XVI, 14a 11 f., Geng Klimkeit 1985:110, 90), see Carling (2000:155). (pp.gen.) 'because of ... ' POU 'causa, gratia', TEB II 'um ... willen ', JWP 'because of. F 111osm11, sandhi forms mosan, mosann. S ya/is mosat!1 'for the sake of doing, in order to do something', ke-111osm11-11e 'for which reason'. T ♦ 15 a4, 41 b4, b5, 58 a3, a4, 65 a6, 103 a3, 113 a3, 115 a2!, b3, 134 a4, 145 a2, 199 b6, 214 b2, 220 b6, 230 a7!, 253 b4, 254 a2, 269 + 290 a>b3!, 277 a8!, 288 b4, 299 b3, 313 b6, 321 b7, b8, 343 bl, 356 b5, 405 b5, 407 a5, 428 b5!, 430 b4, 460 b2, YQ I.I a6!, YQ 1.3 bl, YQ II.I b5, YQ Il.9 b8, YQ Ill.4 b8, THT 2468 a2, PK.NS.I a4. R Use described in SSS:292 (§394). Similar use for TB pakana, pel(y)kit11.



    mosiik* (n., masc.) 'end, later part' [B meske] F Loc.Sg. 111oska111. T ♦ Loc.Sg. SHT 104lr3 W:feyis mosk[ol!1] 'in the latter part of the night'. D Derived from ► muska-, cf. Peyrot (2014:140). R The word is a hapax ofSHT 104lr3 (gloss in Sanskrit text, scribal error moskof!1). See Peyrot (2014:139-140). The text refers to a portion of the night. moso (n., masc.) 'support, subsistence' (?) F Nom./Obl.Sg. moso.

    (PN, masc.) Maudgalyayana, a disciple of the Buddha F Nom.Sg. modgalyaym11, Obl.Sg. 111audgalyiiyanii111, Perl.Sg. 111audgalyaym!7nii, Abl.Sg. maudgalyayanii.J.J, Loc.Sg. ma11dgalyayanar11. T ♦Nom.Sg. 19 a5, 25 a2-3; ♦ Obl.Sg. 50 b5, 224 a4; ♦ Perl.Sg. 222 b3!, 239 b4; ♦Abl.Sg. YQ lll.10 b4; ♦ Loc.Sg. 50 b6. D From Skt. Maudgalyayana- 'a leading disciple ofBuddha' (BHSD:441).


    mkiilto (adj.) 'little, small' L POU 'iuvenis, parvus', TEB II 'klein', JWP 'small'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. mkiilto, Obl.Sg.Masc. mkiiltont, Nom.Sg.Fem. mkiilto111ts. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 117 b5, 254 a7, 273 al, 404(+ THT 3458.f) a2, YQ 1.3 bl, THT I 14 7 a4; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 230 b4, 152 a4€; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 322 b4. R In 152 a4, the attested form miiltont ought to be a scribal mistake for mkiiltont. The meaning would fit the context which refers to a small knife (Chamot-Rooke, p.c. ). The previous idea of a preterit participle of an alleged root miilkii- as per SSS:445 and TVS:764 is now obsolete. mkiiltorb2!, a>b4. D From Skt. Yafovatf Yasodharii 'n. of the wife ofSakyamuni as Bodhisattva' (BHSD:445b).



    yas (pron.) 'you' (pl.) [Byes] L POU 'pronomen personale 2. pers. plur. «vos» ', JWP 'you (plural)'. F Nom./Obl. yas, Gen. yasa111, Abl. yasa.y, Perl.yasa. T ♦Nom./Obl. 13 a6, 43 + 52 a6, 74 b5, 95 a4, 96 a5, 120 b3, 160 b4, 182 b3, 212 b5, 213 b3, 216 a>b2, 220 b2, 224 b5, 227 /8 b5, 242 al, 266 + 276 a>b6, 269 + 290 b>a4, 274 b7, 300 bl, 341 a9, 346 b4, 42 l b4, YQ 1.2 a8, YQ 11.5 b5, YQ II.6 b7, YQ 11.7 b2, YQ II. I I b2, YQ II.15 b5, THT 2654 a3, THT 3028 b I; ♦Gen. 350 a2, 379 b5, YQ 11.4 b4, YQ 11.12 b2, YQ IIJ.2 b6, YQ 111.3 a3; ♦Abl. 340 a4, YQ 11.3 b7; ♦ Perl. 353 a4. yats (n., masc.sg.) 'outer skin' [B yetse] (Skt. chm+) L POU 'cutis', TEB II '«obere Haut», skt. b6!, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a2, YQ N.2 + N.6; (yiim11~) 240 a4; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 336 b2; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 59 a5; ♦Nom./Obl.PI.Fem. (yiimunt) 14 b4, 45 a5, 172 a6, 23 I a4, 3 IO a6, 3 I 8 + 3 I 9 a7, 340 b I, YQ Il.14 b2; ♦Abs. Abl.Sg. I a6, 5 a6, 11 al, 24 b3, 48 b3, 66 b5, 93 b2!, 146 a4, 181 b4, 289 a5, 303 a4, 311 b5, 365 a2, 436 b3, 439 a6, 444.a a 1, YQ 11.2 bl, YQ III.I I b3, YQ IIl.12 b4, P.Skt.Bleu.163 al; ♦ Perl.Sg. YQ lll.12 a5; ♦ lpv.Act. 2Sg. (pyiim) 20 a3, 23 a6, 59 b6, 77 bl, 80 a>b5!, 233 a5, 256 a4, YQ 1.7 a6, YQ 11.4 a3, YQ 111.2 bl, YQ Ill.IO b3; (pyiimii-m) YQ 11.4 a4; (pyiimii171) 74 a5; ♦2Pl. (pyiimiis) 15 a4, 266 +

    276 a>b6, 288 b4, YQ JI.7 b3, YQ 11.9 a7, YQ 11.12 b2, YQ Ill. I I a7; (pyii111sii1.n) 323 b5; ♦ Ipv.MP 2Sg. 9 b5, 77 a6, 359 a7-8, 371 al, YQ 1.6 b3, YQ JI.3 b6, YQ III.7 a7, PK.NS.4 a3; ♦ 2Pl. 29 b3, 227/8 b5, 288 b4-5, YQ I.I a7. D Cf. ►yamlune. R For the numerous periphrases with yiim!ya-, see Meunier (2013). See TVS:788789; the present stem is to be found under ya{p)-, TVS:783. On the restoration of 222 a3, see Pinault (2015a:388): (yii)mma(1J1)tr-iim ON!yiintu '(if) ceremonies happen to be performed by them'.

    yamutsi* (n., masc.) 'parrot' [B Gen.Sg. yamutsentse, Gen.Pl. yamuttsentso] L POU 'no men a vis «psittacus»', TEB II 'Flamingo'. F Nom.Pl. yiimutsiii, Gen.Pl. yiimutstsis.~i. T ♦Nom.Pl. 92 b2, 301 a4!; ♦Gen.Pl. 70 b6. D Loan from Chinese yfngwii or yfngwiizf, see parallel Joan in Sogdian ym'wtsy. R The reference to 'parrot' is warranted by the TB Uighur bilingual (U 5208, a6), cf. Peyrot Pinault - Wilkens (2019:78). yamlune (n., a.) 'doing' (Skt. karmiinta-) F Nom./Obl.Sg. yiimlune, Gen.Sg. yiimluneyis, lnstr.Sg. yiimluneyo, Abl.Sg. yiimluneya,1·, Loc.Sg. yiimluneya,_n, Perl.Sg. yiimluneyii, Com.Sg. yiimluneyasiil, Nom./Obl.Pl. yiimluneyntu. T ♦Nom.Sg. 64 a6, 120 bl!?, 148 b5, b6, 267 + 268 a>b5 kalymeyii yiimlune (Skt. samyak-karmiinta-), 305 a2, 325 a4!, 354 a2, 386 al, YQ N.2 + N.6 b3; ♦ Obl.Sg. 39 al?, 76 + 83 b4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 295 a5, YQ N.3 a8; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 15 bl, 47 b2, 61 bl, 254 a4-5, 287 + 259 b>a7!; ♦Abl.Sg. 67 a5; ♦ Loc.Sg. 76 + 83 b3, 423 a4!, YQ II.I I bl; ♦ Perl.Sg. 24 al, a2, 85 bl, 262 b8, 432 b3, YQ N.5 bl; ♦ Com.Sg. 29 al; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 54 b3. D Abstract derived from ► y,1111-. Cf. ►yamluneyum*.

    -yamluneyum *

    ► omiiske1!1-yamluneyum*

    yamlune#* (adj.) 'pertaining to doing' F Obl.Sg.Masc. yamlune.yit11. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 116 a5. D Based on ►yamlune.


    365 yiimsasu (adj.) 'doing' [Cf. B yiimatstse] L POU'?'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. yiimsasu. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 355 b3. D Derived from the Prt. stem yiimtsa- of ► yiim-, with suffix -assu. Parallel to B yiimatstse one would expectyiimassu*. yiiriintiik

    ► c7riint

    yiirit (adj.uni.) 'worn out, lost' L POU'?'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. yiirit. T ♦Nom.Sg. I 02 a4 nka.J,5 ime paltsiik yiirit maskatar 'the consciousness gets lost, the mind becomes worn out', 198 b4 yiirit pat enkal 'or the decayed passion'. D Hyper-Sanskritization of the MI form corresponding to Skt.Jiirita-, based onjiiraya- 'make old, wear out' (MW:424c). yc7vsik* (n., masc.) 'name of some ascetic with the head shaped as a grain of barley' L COU 'b2, 289 a3!, THT 3457.a b7!; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 215 a3?, YQ 1.6 b2-3; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. YQ II.6 bl; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 6 al, 111 al. D Cf. ►yutkiilune. R In 123 a4 maryutkatar 'don't be worried!' has been restored by Siegling on his personal copy (TS:68). yutka5, as per SSS:270 (§389) has been refuted by the definitive understanding of the passage, see Geng Shimin - Laut Pinault (2014a:362, 364). For the Skt. parallel, see Catt Huard Inaba (2022). yuliisum* (adj.) 'inclined, intent upon' (constructed with allative) (Skt. pravww- 'directed towards, inclined or disposed or devoted to') L POU 'pronus', TEB 11 'ausgerichtet, zugeneigt'. F Gen.Sg.Masc. yuliisumantap. T ♦Gen.Sg.Masc. 386 b3. D Derived from ► yulii. R Discussion in SSS:269-270 (§389). yuwii-

    ► yu-

    yusiir (n., masc.) 'season' (Skt. rtu-) L TEB 11 'immer wieder aufs neue (?)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. yusar, Nom./Obl.Du. yusiiri, Abt.Du. yusii1yii.)'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 65 b5 yusiir pra~·ta 'in time of the season, in seasonal time' (Skt. rtukale ); ♦ Obi.Du. 265 a4 .yme-sarme yusari nasl(atJz ~·11y aymes wa$fu ... rinta,~ 'he will leave his abodes designed for himself during the two seasons, summer [and] winter'; ♦Abl.Du. 70 b4 yusa1ya.y sant .yme- sarme '(the splendor of the forest), (issued) from the two seasons, during the really happening summer [and] winter...'. D See Pinault (1993:143-151; 1998a:362). R Sieg (1952:26, n. 8, 44, n. 9) 'immer wieder neu' (Skt. nava-); 'season' Pinault (1993:146- 149); 'FrUhling' Schmidt ( l 994b:280), connected with a mistaken interpretation of 70 b4, based on the interpretation of the alleged reading ya[l1]sant, as per TS:4 !. The latter is actually a ghost word, which Schmidt (1994b:280) interpreted as


    yiintak referring to 'fall' ('Herbst'). But the sequence is better read as ya[.5Jsant and ought to be segmented differently, see the quotation above. For 70 b4, the parallel text of the Visvantara-jataka, Jatakamala IX, str. 35 reads rtuprayatnaracita vanasobha nava naval_l 'the forest's ever changing beauty, carefully contrived by each successive season' (transl. Khoroche 1989:63-64).

    yftntak (PN, masc.) name of a monastery servant F Norn. yiintak. T ♦Norn. SHT 395 b I. D Possibly loan from Uigh. yzmtak 'Pferdeapfel', see also yunt 'horse', also name ofa cyclical year (Wilkens 2021 :92 la). R This word has been edited as Yiittak by Ogihara (2014: 115), but the alternative reading is quite possible. yetwe (n., a.) 'ornament, decoration' [B yetwe] L COU 'Schmuck', TEB II 'Schmuck, Nebenzeichen des Buddha', JWP 'ornament, decoration'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. yetwe, Instr.Sg. yetwyo (metri causa for yetweyo ), Norn.Pl. yetwefi, yetweyu, Nom./Obl.Pl. yetweyntu, yetwentu, yetweyantu, Obi.Pl. yetwes, Gen.Pl. yetweyntwassi, yetwentwassi, Instr.Pl. yetwe,yo, yetwentuyo, Ab!. Pl. yetweyntwa.5S yetwe wampe, wampeyetwe 'decoration [and] ornament'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 27 a4, a5, 253 bl, YQ V.I a2, THT 1375.d a4; ♦ Instr.Sg. IOL Toch.286 b2; ♦Norn.Pl. (yetwefi) 262 a2; ()'etweyu) 209 b4; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. (yetweyntu) 2 a4, IO I b2, 157 a6, I 60 b3, 248 a3, 262 a4, 312 b2, THT 2399 b2!, THT 3021 a5!; ()'etwentu) 164 a2; (yetweyantu) 164 b5; ♦Obi.Pl. 19 b2, 256 a6, 272 a8, YQ 1.8 al; ♦Gen.Pl. ()'etweyntwassi) 253 b I; (vetwentwas.S'i) 157 a3; ♦ Instr.Pl. (yetwe,yo) 22 a5, 120 al, 189 b2, 218 a7, 253 b8, 280 b7, 291 a2!, 312 a2, 314 b7!, 380 b3, YQ II. I a5, YQ II. IO a4, YQ Ill.6 a3, YQ III.8 a3, THT 2210 a2!; ()'etwentuyo) YQ 1.4 a4; ♦ Ahl.Pl. 184 a5. D Loan from TB yetwe, itself derived from yata-. Note that the plural forms Norn.


    yetwefi, Obi. yetwes match the ones of TB yetwe (masc.). This term has been specialized for referring to the 80 secondary marks, Skt. anuvyailjana- (BHSD:34a), on the body of the Bodhisattva, by contrast to the 32 main marks, Skt. lakym:,a-, see ► lak~a1t1 and ► ~·otre.

    yepe* (n., a.) 'knife' [B yepe] L POU 'culter', TEB II 'Messer', JWP 'knife'. F Nom./Obl.Pl. yepeyntu, Instr.Pl. yepesyo. T ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 298 a4; ♦ Instr.Pl. 295 a7, 298 a7, YQ N.3 b3. D Loan from TB yepe. Note that the alternative Obi.Pl. yepes matches the one of TB yepe, Obi.Pl. yepe,_n. yerpe* (n., masc.) 'disc' [B yerpe] L POU 'discus (=Ser. bimba)', TEB II 'Scheibe, skt. bimba'. F Loc.Sg. ye1peym1z. S akmal.5i ye,pe 'face-orb, face' (Skt. mukha-mm:11;/ala-). T ♦ Loc.Sg. 256 b3 akma!.yiq1 ye1peym11 'on the disc of the face', b8 idem. D Loan from TB ye1pe. yo (conj.) 'and' I) subclausal, 2) intcrclausal, sentential L POU 'et, -que ', TEB II 'und', JWP 'with'. T ♦ 1) 5 b6 ote tapref!z masratsune yo pro.5mune 'oh such feminine shyness and modesty!', 19 b6 sat war yo kuiicit.5ir11 .5a!yp 'hot water and sesame oil', 93 b2, 102 b2!, 122 a6 nande yo sundari 'Nanda and SundarT', 111 a2 °fic yo watsakal essi 'to give a spade and a basket', 145 + 192 a3-4, 150 b3, 164 bl, 191 a6?, 248 b3, 320 b5 lwa yo pretaii 'animals and ghosts', 336 al pap.51me yo knanmune 'morality and wisdom', 340 b2 01ikyo kuli' a man and a woman', 359 a I 8, 359 a32 perakune yo pap[iuneyo kaknu 'provided with reliability and morality', 3 7 5 b3 lap yo akma! 'head and face', YQ ll.4 b5, THT 1625.k + 1908 bl, THT 1648.a b3; ♦2) 8 a5 asa111 tont yo.ymo.y ywont !ymen yo 'the eyes( ... ) and the lips', 8 a6 kats yo kiiukm11 sparp 'the belly ... and a rope on the neck', 77 b5 karw:zika111 pa!tsii/..yo




    yokats* kncinmuneyo ci.ytrii11m yo 'through compassionate mind and pure wisdom', 138 b4, 217 bl, b2, 397 b4. The relationship with the instrumental affix -yo is not warranted, see discussion in SSS:312-314. Survey of uses in SSS: 133, 312-314, §396 and by Thomas (1966:267-274). The basic structure of the coordination of two nouns is X yo Y. When yo is postposed to the second coordinated element, this is due often to metrical constraint, and to the tendency to place yo at the end of a colon. TA yo could be compared to Vedic uta, by contrast with the clitic coordinative particle ca, and cannot be deemed as a genuine clitic. In any case, the definition as clitic particle cannot be ascertained on the basis of the form. The passage 5 b6 shows an instance of accusative in an exclamation, with two abstracts on the same syntactic level, as elsewhere. In broken passages the distinction between the conjunction and the instrumental case affix -yo remains debatable. The existence of this case affix has been denied by Winter ( I 998: 160 2005:508), who deemed it as identical to the postposed particle, meaning 'with'.

    -yok (adj.) 'having X colour' F Obl.Sg.Fem. -yoka,.n, Obl.Pl.Masc./Fem. yokas. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 447 a3; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 406 bl?; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 265 a7. D End of compound with ► yok (1) as second member, whose first member cannot be identified or restored in the context, in addition to the ones which have been listed under yok (1).

    yok-(vb.) 'drink' [Byok-] L P F T

    D R

    POU 'bibere, potare', COU 'durstig sein' TEB II 'trinken', TVS 'drink'. (tr.) Prs. yok-0-. Inf. yoktsi. ♦ Inf. 41 a6, 46 b3-4!, 340 a8, 432 a8, 433 a3 krossa,,1 war natknac yoktsi kle 'i brought to the lord cold water to drink', PK.NS.2 al, THT 1146 a3, THT 2406 a2. Substantivized infinitive ► yoktsi 'drink'. The suppletive subjunctive, preterit, PPrt. and imperative stems are provided by the verb ► tsuk-. The alleged present form,

    2Sg. yokat, actually belongs to the subjunctive of the verb ►yukii-, see Peyrot (2013a:647) and discussion in TVS:811. Translation of 433 a3 according to Schmidt (1974:391). (1) (n., masc.) 'colour' [B yok] POU 'color', TEB II 'Farbe'. Nom./Obl.Sg. yok, Loc.Sg. yokat/1. ♦ Obl.Sg. 39 a2 camiik yok 'precisely this colour', 291 b8 yok ycimu 'having produced a colour'; ♦ Loc.Sg. 93 b4, 163 a4. D Second member in the compounds ► oppal-yok, ► cand11111yok, ► por-yok, ► rlijavarttyok, ► vai(lur-yok, ► ,vsii-yok, ► tse111yok.

    yok L F T

    yok (2) (n., masc.) 'body hair, head hair' [B yok] L TEB II 'Haar', JWP 'body hair'. F Nom.Sg. yok, Obl.Sg. yokci111, Instr.Sg. yokyo, Obi.Pl. yokas. T ♦Nom.Sg. 20 a4 brhadyutis po11tsa1,1 kapsiiiiici yok koc smci-!Jl 'on the whole body ofBrhaddyuti the hair stood high', YQ II.10 a7; ♦ Obl.Sg. YQ 11.13 b7!; ♦ Instr.Sg. 12 al, b2; ♦Obi.Pl. 138 b5 (tka)nac yokas letseiic 'they [the monks] Jet fall to the ground their hairs'. D According to Winter ( 1980b ), ► yok (1) and ►yok (2) are ultimately identical from the diachronic point of view, and the original meaning would stand in ►yok (2). See discussion by ADAMS:551. R On the restoration and interpretation of YQ II.13 b7, see Geng- Laut- Pinault (2004a:363 and n.73). yoka,ii (adj.) 'thirsty' [Cf. B yokaitse] L POU 'sitiens', TEB II 'durstig'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. yokaiii. S kassi yokaiii 'hungry [and] thirsty'. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 13 al, 105 b5, THT I 143 a3. D Cognate with ► yoke. -yoka~·i

    ► !j0111-!jOm-yoka!ji, ► tse1p-yoka!ji*

    yokats* (adj.) 'hairy' L COU 'behaart'. F Obi.Pl.Fem. yoktsas.


    yokam T


    ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 12 b4-5! iiki:i171yoktsiis klosii111 'the ears provided with hair at the

    end'. Derived from



    yokiim (n., fem.) 'gate, entry' [B yenme] L POU 'porta, ianua', TEB II 'Pforte', JWP 'gate'.




    Nom./Obl.Sg. yokiim, Obl.Sg. with part. aiic, Gen.Sg. yokmis, Loc.Sg. yokma1f1, Perl.Sg. yokmii, Obi.Pl. yok111as. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 433 b4; ♦ Obl.Sg. (with part.) 342 b>a3 yok111a111c .)'tmorii0 'having stayed beside the door'; ♦ Gen.Sg. 48 b4; ♦ Loc.Sg. 16 a4, b5, 266 + 276 a>b8!, HIT 141 Le a2, THT 1658.c a2; ♦ Perl.Sg. 253 a7; ♦ Obi.Pl. 170 b I, YQ V. I a5. On the relationship with TB yenme, see Pinault (2017f: 148-152).


    ► orto-kapsmii-yokum

    yoke (n., masc.sg.) 'thirst, desire' [B yokiye, yoko] (Skt. tr:g1ii-) L POU 'sitis', TEB II 'Durst'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. yoke, Jnstr.Sg. yokeyo. S ka,~t yoke 'hunger [and] thirst'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 46 b4, 419 b4, 431 b7, 433 a4?; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 260 a3, 320 a5, 344 b4. D Not cognate with the verb ► yok-, pace POU:246 and SSS:3. yokeyu* (adj.) 'thirsty' [CC B yokaitse] L POU 'sitiens', TEB II 'durstig'. F Nom.Sg.Fem. yokeyunts. T ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 156 a6. D Derived from ►yoke. yoktiir (n., masc.sg.) 'thong' L POU'?'. F Nom.Sg. yoktiir. T ♦Nom.Sg. 329 a5 yoktiirr oki fol tiipiirk 'the life [is] actually like a thong'. D Loan from Skt. yoktra- 'rope, thong, halter' (MW:854c), SWTF JV:23b 'Strick, Gurt, Fessel'. yokmenu (n., masc.) 'doorkeeper' F Nom.Sg. yokmenu. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT 2064 b3. D Derived from ► yokiim; for the formation, compare ► siilfltkenu. yoktsi (n., a.) 'drink, beverage' L POU 'potio, potus", COU 'Trank', JWP 'drink'.


    Nom./Obl.Sg. yoktsi, Loc.Sg. yoktsya!Jz, Perl.Sg. yoktsyii, Nom./Obl.Pl. yoktsintu. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 104 a2, 149 al, 202 b3, 335 a8, PK.NS.2 al; ♦ Loc.Sg. PK.NS.2 a4; ♦ Perl.Sg. PK.NS.3 b4; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 98 b3, 149 al!, 179.b b3, 31 I bl, YQ 1.4 a5, THT 2430 a3. D Substantivization of the infinitive of ► yok- 'drink'. See the compound ► swiitsi-yoktsi. yogak!jemi (adj., masc.) 'provided with spiritual success' (Uigh. iidgii bo/mis) F Nom.Sg.Masc. yogak)'e111i. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 265 b2!. D Loan from Skt. yogak,~emin- 'striving for attainment of spiritual success (enlightenment, peace)' (BHSD:448b ). R MaitrHami Xlll, I b 12, cf. Geng Klimkeit Laut ( 1991 :27 I (text), 285 (translation). yogiiciire (n., masc.) 'yoga practitioner' [B yogiiciire] L POU 'discipulus yogae', TEB II 'yogacara, Yogabeflissener'. F Nom.Sg. yogiiciire, Gen.Sg. yogiiciires. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT 1475.b a3!; ♦ Gen.Sg. 386 b I. D Loan from Skt. yogiiciira, in the sense of yogiiciirin 'one who is characterized by yogacara', i.e., 'practice of spiritual discipline' (BHSD:448a). Alternatively, borrowed from the TB form, issued from the same Buddhist Skt. source. yoja,p* (n., masc.) 'measure of distance, league' L POU 'mille passus'. F Obi.Pl. yojaniis. T ♦Obi.Pl. 448 b3. D Loan from Skt. yojana- 'a particular measure of distance', about 9 English miles (MW:858a). yolii (n., masc.sg.) 'path, way' [Cf B yoniya] L TEB II 'Bahn, Bereich, Statte'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. yoiii. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 355 b I mii kotnedi>c yoiii priikrii111 'they do not destroy the firm path'. yo1!1 (n., masc.sg.) 'footprint' L POU 'vestigium ', TEB II '(Fuf3-)Spur', JWP 'footprint'.

    375 Nom./Obl.Sg. yo111, yon, lnstr.Sg. yonyo, All.Sg. yonac, Loc.Sg. yonw11, Perl.Sg. yona. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (yof!1) 218 a8, 433 b6, 448 a3!?; (yon) 217 b3; ♦lnstr.Sg. 244 b2; ♦All.Sg. YQ IIl.5; ♦ Loc.Sg. 222 b4, 239 b6; ♦ Perl.Sg. 433 b6. R Equivalent of Skt. pada- 'footprint, trace' (MW:583a).



    yof!1-se (n., masc.) 'son of[royal] rank'

    L F T

    POU 'iuvenis'. Voc.Sg. yoq1-se. ♦Voc.Sg. 100 bl ha sif!zha«ha»nuy !ant se ym11-se 'oh, son of the king Si111hanu, oh, son of rank'. D Compound with ►y01f1, ► se. R The first member corresponds to Skt. pada- in the sense of 'position, rank, status' (MW:583a), see also rajapada'rank ofa king, royalty' (MW:873b).

    yoma-(vb.) 'achieve, reach' [B yiima-

    (yiinm-, yomn-)] L POU 'contingere, attingere', TEB II 'erlangen', TVS 'achive, reach'. P (tr.) Prs. yomnas-T-, Subj. yomna-, Prt. yom-, PPrt. yomu. F Prs.X Act. 3Pl. yomnasenc, PPrs.MP yor1111asma111, Subj.VI Act. 2Sg. yomnat, 3Sg. yomna.y, 2PI. yomnac, 3Pl. yomneiic, Opt.Act. 3Sg. yiimni:f, yiimni,vii111, yomni:f, Prt.111 Act. 2Sg. yomii:ft, 3Sg. yomiis, 3PI. yomiir, yomri:i, PPrt. yomu, Nom.PI.Masc. yomu.y, Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. yomunt, Abs.yomurii.y. T ♦Prs.Act. 3Pl. 354 b5; ♦ PPrs.MP 409 bl!; ♦ Subj.Act. 2Sg. 81 a4; ♦3Sg. 3 b6, YQ I.2 a5, THT 2164 b3; ♦2Pl. YQ 11.5 b6; ♦ 3Pl. 288 a6; ♦ Opt.Act. 3Sg. (yiimni:f) YQ N.3 a5, a6, THT I 151 al!; (yiimni.y-iil11) 204 a2; (yomni.y) THT 1618.a a2; ♦ Prt.Act. 2Sg. 244 a4!; ♦3Sg. YQ I.8 a7, THT 2107 b2?; ♦3Pl. (yomiir) 287 + 259 b>a6, THT 3944.b a2; (yomrii) 3 I b2; ♦ PPrt. 149 a5, 220 b7, 230 b6, YQ Il.10 a8, YQ N.4 a8, THT 2073 b2; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 63 b2, 273 b5; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. 213 a6!, 243 a4, b3; ♦Abs. 287 + 259 b>a7!, YQ II.2 a7. D Cf. ► yomniilune. R Discussion of several forms in TVS:795. In 244 a4, yomii.yt is restored by Schmidt ( 1980:341 and 2021: 127) on the basis of

    the Skt. parallel, VA V 2.23 (Hartmann 1987:102). yomnalune (n., a.) 'reaching, achieving'

    Nom./Obl.Sg. yomnalzme. ♦ Obl.Sg. 13 b4 11ervatJ1 yomniilune yiitci.y sne ske piii 'the merit enables without eff01t the reaching of the nirvar;a'. D Abstract derived from the present/ subjunctive stem of ► yoma-.

    F T

    yo11111alzme-!jii1iii1111ey11m (adj.) 'having

    achievement as its nature' F Nom./Obl. yomniilune-.yiiiinuneywn. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 333 al!. R See also ► yomniilune-!jii1i1iu111 *. yo11111iil1111e-!jii1i1ium* (adj.) 'having

    achievement as its nature' F Obl.Sg.Masc. yom11ii/une-.5a1iiiumiint. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 251 b3, 252 b3. D Compound containing ► yonmiilune and an adjective derived from ► ~-iii as second member. See ► -!jii1i1ium. yo!j (adv.) 'forward'

    L JWP '?'. T ♦ YQ N.3 a7 mii.y kapsiliiiwn yo.y metiir-1ii 'they [the gnats] set out forward [to go] inside my body'. yo!jlllO!j (adv.) 'in front, to the front'

    [B yau.pnau.y] L POU 'in fronte', TEB II 'voran, (nach) vorn'. T ♦ 8 a5, 94 bl, 147 b4!, THT 1411.fal, THT 2967.c al!. D Compound adverb with ► yo!j as first term. yo1j1t10!jnu* (adj.) 'located on the front'

    POU 'Adyo.ymo.y q. v.'. Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. yo.51110.ynunt. T ♦Nom.Pl.Fem. 43 + 52 a3 (wmiiri ... mahu)riisyo yo.ymo.y11unt 'the gems carried on the front of their diadems'. D Derived from ►yo!jmO!j. R Restoration of the context by Pinault (2015f:147). L F

    yko1t1 (adv.) 'by day' [B y1ikaw11, ilikaw_n]

    L S

    POU 'interdiu', TEB II 'bei Tage', JWP 'by day'. ykm11 o.ye1ii 'by day (and] night'.


    ykona ♦3 bl, 274 b7, 299 bl!, 340 b8, 375 b3, 381 a3, YQ II.I b8, YQ 11.2 a2, YQ II.7 b5, THT 131 I.a bl, THT 1426.k al. D Compound with ► ko111 and prefix ► y-, yn-. R For the restoration of299 bl, see Peyrot Semet (2016:369).


    ykonii (adv.) 'in the daytime, by day'


    T D

    POU 'interdiu'. a2, 340 b5, THT 141 l.e b2, THT 1380.j b3. Derived from ►yk01t1, as enlarged adverbial form. ♦38



    D R

    ykoriie (n., a.) 'negligence' [B ykorne, PI. ykornenta] (Skt. pramiida-)

    L F

    T D R

    POU 'neglegentia', TEB II 'Nachlassigkeit, skt. pramada'. Nom./Obl.Sg. ykoriie, Gen.Sg. ykorneyis. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 218 b2, THT 1382.h b3; ♦ Gen.Sg. 385 b 1, b3. Loan from TB. See also ► sne-ykonie.

    POU 'iter, via', TEB II 'Weg', JWP 'path'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. ytiir, Instr.Sg. ytii,yo, Abl.Sg. ytiirii.5, Loc.Sg. ytiirm11, Loe.Pl. ytiirnm71. S oktatsiytiir 'the eightfold (Skt. a.5fiiliga-) path', klyomif!1 ytiir 'the noble path' (Skt. ii1J1a-miirga-), kriintsiit/1 ytiir, Obi. 'the beautiful path' (Skt. sanmiirga-), miirkampal.yi ytiir 'the path of duty' (Skt. dharma-miirga-), nerviinac ytiir 'the way towards nirvar:ia', ytiir yii- 'go the way', ytiirm11 yii- 'go on the path'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 13 b3, 60 a>bl-2!, 64 a6, 147 a3, 236 a2, 245 b4, 246 b4, 251 b3, 252 b3!, 267 + 268 a>b3, a>b4, a>b4!, 270 b4, 337 b4, 359 a33, 386 a2, 391 b7, 392 b4, 396.c al, 431 b2, 459.c a5, YQ 11.7 b8, YQ Il.15 b5, THT 1382.j a3!; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 308 a2!; ♦Abl.Sg. 55 b3, 405 a3!; ♦Loc.Sg. 59 a2, 171 a3, 184 a2, 311 a2, 341 b7, THT 2383.fal, THT 2405 a3, THT 3144 b4!; ♦ Loe.Pl. 266 + 276 b>a6. D Cf. ► ytiir:ji. ytiir~•i (adj.) 'of the path'


    POU 'itineris, viae'.

    ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 432 b7; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 24 7 a3 klyominii111-ytiirJil11 sne wars iiJlriiq1 wra111 liileku (. .. kriike) 'having washed the dirt in the pure, stainless water of the noble path', 432 b5?, THT 1639.g a4!. Derived from ►ytiir. 24 7 a3-4 contains the translation of VA V 2.36a, see Hartmann (1987:110) and Schmidt (2021:132). In 247 a3,ytii1:5il11 agrees with ,vraf!1, locative sg. of war, masculine; the feminine form of the epithet klyominii111 is due to the attraction of ytiir, and was introduced for complying with the meter.

    yta4; ♦ fgm. 221 b2. D From Skt. rddhi- 'accomplishment, perfection, supernatural power' (MW:226b), in Buddhism 'supernatural or magic power' (BHSD: 151 b). R For the restoration of254 b3, see Geng Laut Pinault (2004b:52, 54). The occurrence in YQ N.2 + N.6 stays before a lacuna, and is probably to be completed. riiddhi-paiyiiri* (n., a.) 'the wonder of magic power' F Instr.Sg. rciddhi-pwyariyo.

    T D


    ♦ lnstr.Sg. YQ N.2 + N.6 b2. Loan via MI from Skt. rddhi-priitiha1J'a'the miracle of magic power' (BHSD:392a), 'b3, 390 a2 (ma)nasarpyojanarp • iimiin.yi retwe 'fetter of arrogance', THT 2968.g a3; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 273 a6; ♦ Loc.Sg. 229 b7; ♦ Obi.Pl. 103 a4 sii111tka.yiniis retweyiintu 'compositions of remedies'. D Action noun of ► ritw-. R See Pinault (2016c: 183-184). For the parallel of246 b4, see ►ysal11rF1e*.


    retwe-anvar (adj.uni.) 'ready for a union, for an engagement' L POU 'ad coniunctionem paratus'. T ♦ 74 a2 ne1ic retwe-iirwar liiiiciissi ckiicri 'the daughters of the kings are ready for an engagement'. D Compound of ► anvar and ► retwe. retwe-5i (adj.) 'pertaining to world-age' F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. retwe.yi. T Obl.Sg.Masc. 222 al! (naslune,~i retwe).yi klesii.yi piilkantwii.yi pra.yta.yi skaf!1 kii.yiiyyo 'through the decay pertaining to



    being, to world-age, to the afflictions, to the views, and to the time'. Based on ► retwe, translating Skt. kalpa'manner, rule' in the sense of 'world-age' (MW:262c, BHSD: 172b ). Occurring in the list of five types of ka,~iiya- 'impurity, degradation', pertaining to time (iiyu-5-), view (dt'-5/i-), affliction (klesa-), being (sattva-), kalpa'world-age' (BHSD: 174b), see ► ka.5ay.

    rem (n., masc.sg.) 'dust, dirt' (B raimo*, Obl.Sg. raimai) L POU 'pulvis', TEB II 'Staub(?)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. rem, Loc.Sg. remm11. T ♦Obl.Sg. 391 a6 siitkont rem tor twe 'the lifted up dirt, dust [and] mist'; ♦ Loc.Sg. 86 a2!. D Probably borrowed from Mir., cf'. Sogd. 1ym, Khot. rr"ima. R The meaning 'dust' proposed with question mark in SSS:50 has been endorsed by Poncha ( 1955) and TEB (II: 134). In 391 a6, the sequence of three terms rem tor twe translates Skt. rajas (Udv XII.l 7d) 'Staub, Staubkomchen, Schmutz' (SWTF !V:29a). This meaning is now warranted


    roficiim by the TB match found in THT 1622.c a7 (Loc.Sg. raimaine), see Huard (2022:494). roiiciim (n., masc.sg.) 'hate,jealousy' L POU 'invidia, ira', TEB II 'Haf3, Eifersucht'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. roiicam, Instr.Sg. ro11camyo. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 77 b4, 115 a4, a5, a6, 125 a4; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 300 b6. rote* (n., a.) 'sanguine, paints' L POU 'appellatio pictoris instmmenti alicuius', TEB II 'Rote!, Malerfarbe'. F Nom./Obl.Pl. roteyantu, Instr.Pl. roteyntuyo. T ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 8 a3; ♦ Instr.Pl. 187 a2. D Possibly cognate with A rtar, B ratre 'red'. ropi (n., fem.) 'fox, vixen' F Nom.Sg. ropi. T ♦Nom.Sg. 147 b4. D From IA ropi* 'fox', variant of*lopi (CDIAL:649a, No. 11142). Rohi{zi* (N, fem.) Rohir.iT, name of a constellation (Skt. naksatra-) L POU '110111. propr. quartae domus lunae', TEB II 'Rohir.iT, Gattin des Mondes'. F Gen.Sg. rohinis, Com.Sg. rohh1irr1sal. T ♦Gen.Sg. 355 a4, 356 a3; ♦Com.Sg. 253 bl. D From Skt. Rohh1T 'N. of the ninth Nak~atra or lunar asterism and of the lunar day belonging to it; it is personified as the daughter ofDak$a and as the favourite wife of the Moon' (MW:890b). Rauriip (LN, masc.) Raurava, name ofa hell L POU '«Ten-ibilis», 110111. propr. inferni; in composito: Raurap-fiare «lnfemum terribile»'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. rauriip, Loc.Sg. rauriipm71. S Rauriip ,fore 'the Raurava hell'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 229 a4, a5, 254 b2, 264 a4; ♦ Loc.Sg. 284 a2, THT 3391 bl. D From Skt. Raurava 'name ofa hot hell' (BHSD:458b); see also Geng Klimkeit - Laut (1998:4-11 ). ~ rkiil* (n., a.) 'cover, blanket' L POU 'tectum', TEB JI 'Decke', JWP 'blanket'.

    F T D R

    Gen.Sg. rklis, lnstr.Sg. rkalyo, Perl.Sg. raklii, Perl.Pl. raklantwii. ♦Gen.Sg. THT 1151 a2; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 279 a6; ♦ Perl.Sg. 149 b3; ♦Perl.Pl. 107 b3. Derived from ► riik-. Similar semantic development in TB raktsi 'covering, mat', substantivized infinitive of rak-.

    rtiir (adj.) 'red' [B ratre] L POU 'ruber', TEB II 'rot'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. rtar, Obi.Pl.Masc. ratres, Gen.Sg.Fem. rtarye, Norn.Pl.Fem. ratram. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 234 a6, 346 a4; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. THT 2482 b I; ♦Gen.Sg.Fem. 93 b6; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 91 b2, 144 a2, 193 a5!, 217 b2, 378 a3, THT 1139 b I. rwa- (vb.) 'pull out' L COU 'ausreissen, ausstechen', TVS 'pull out'. F Prs.V Inf. nviitsi. T ♦ Inf 31 l b6. R For a discussion on the interpretation of 311 b6, see TVS:828.

    R!iivadmtz (LN, masc.) 'R~ivadana, name of a park near Benares' L POU '110111. propr. urbis', JWP 'name of the deer-park at Benares'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. r.5ivadm11, r,l'iwata111, Loc.Sg. r.yivadnaf!1. S n;ivada1;1 wart 'R0 grove', r~·ivadm11 sa11kriim 'R 0 monastery'. T ♦ Obl.Sg. (r.yivadaf!1) 269 + 290 b>a3, 278 a6, 446 b6; (r~iwata1.n) YQ 111.11 a6; ♦ Loc.Sg. 379 a2. D From Skt. f!.~ivadana- 'n. of the deer-park at Benares where Buddha preached his first sermon' (BHSD: 152b). R!iiwata,11


    rse (n., masc.sg.) 'hatred' [Cf. B rser] L POU 'odium', TEB II 'HaB', JWP 'hatred'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. rse. S rse putak 'hate [and] discord', sne rse sne yasluriie 'without hate or enmity'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 77 a6, a6!, 83 a5, 148 b4, 151 b2, 262 b7, 320 b4, 407 b2, YQ N.5 a8.

    L /ak* (n., masc.) 'bed ofa stream' [B !eke] F Perl.Sg. !aka. T ♦Perl.Sg. 15 a6 ca11da111Jirt1 or !aka ymiit!1 pi:ilkori:i.5 'having seen sandalwood going along the stream'. R Sieg ( 1944: 19 and n. 3) gives the German gloss 'Strombett'. This noun is the expected match of TB leke (see ADAMS:607-608). lake (n., masc.sg.) 'bed, couch' [B leki, !eke] L POU 'cubile, lectus', TEB II 'Lager'. F Nom.Sg. lake, Abl.Sg. lakeyi:i~', Loc.Sg. lakeym.n. T ♦Nom.Sg. 5 a6; ♦Abl.Sg. 7 a6, 12 b6, 20 a4; ♦ Loc.Sg. 14 a3, 299 b6, b7. D Cognate with the verb ► lyiik-. lak!j (num., masc.sg.) 'I 00,000' L POU 'centena milia', TEB II 'hunderttausend'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. lak,,. T ♦Nom.Sg. 47 a5. D Loan from Skt. /ak.5a- (masc.Int.) or lak.5ii- (fem.) 'a lac, one hundred thousand' (MW:89lc). lak!Jm11 (n., a.) '(bodily) mark, sign' [B !ak.5ii1.n, Pl. lakJiini:inta] L POU 'signum', TEB II '(auf3eres) Merkmal, Zeichen', JWP 'mark, sign'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. lakJat!J, lnstr.Sg. lakJaizyo, Norn.Pl. lak.5ani, Obi.Pl. lak,miziis, Instr.Pl. lakJani:isyo, lak,,mru;i:isyo, !akJa111syo, lak.)·a11i:isyo. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 60 a>b3, 291 b6, b7, YQ 11.4 b5; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 382 al, YQ 11.10 b3; ♦Norn.Pl. 248 a3, 307 a2, YQ III.6 b5; ♦Obi.Pl. 307 b3, YQ 11.4 b4!; ♦ Instr.Pl. (lak,wni:isyo) 67 b5; (lak.5a111,:zi:isyo) 218 a7; (lak.5m11syo) 19 b2, 243 al, 292 b3, 380 b3; (lakJw1i:isyo) 21 al, I 18 a6, 256 b3, 292 b5, 312 al, 314 b7, YQ 1.8 b7. D From Skt. lak.5a,:za- 'mark, sign, symbol' (MW:892a). R Most often referring, in the plural, to the thirty-two marks of the Great Man, Skt. mahii-puru.5a- (MW:797b;

    BHSD:458-459), see list and references in JWP:87, 118. lak!ja{wdfpik* (N, masc.sg.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 18 syllables 7/7/4) F Loc.Sg. lak,rn1wdfpikm11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 301 b3!. D Loan from Skt. lak.5a1w-dfpikii-, a compound with lakJa1w- 'mark, sign, symbol', found in the title of numerous literary works (MW:892a) and dfpikii- 'light, lamp', used also as title of literary works, and as musical or metrical term (MW:48lb). The final syllable is clearly to be seen on the photograph (THT 934). Lmikesvare* (PN, masc.) 'Lord of Lanka' L POU 'nomen Lankesvara habens'. F Obl.Sg. la1ikesvare171. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 11 a2 ne.5iik lii1ik riya1t1 la1ikesvareq1 ilomii liintune wsii-111 'he [the hero, Rama] gave him previously the kingship in the city of Lanka with the title «Lord of La11ka»'. D Loan from Skt. lmikesvara-, compound of Lmikii- 'Lanka', N. of the ehieftown in Ceylon (MW:894c) and fsvara- 'lord, master', also recorded as the N. of Ravm:ia, the adversary of Rama (MW:895a), and as 'n. ofa Yak$a' (BHSD:469b). R This is the expected Obl.Sg. of a proper name ending in °e, parallel to the TB usage. The clause lankesvare111 iiomii transposes the naming construction with the PN and iiom ( or ilomii) in apposition, usually in the nominative when the name is subject. Since the head of the syntagm is in a secondary case, the preceding term is regularly in the oblique. It is not necessary to set up an adjectival derivative in -e111 from *Lmikesvar, as per SSS:27, 58, 71, taken over by POU:263 'nomen La11kesvara habens'. lap (n., masc.) 'head' L POU 'eaput', TEB II 'Kopf, JWP 'head'.


    lapa~i F

    Nom./Obl.Sg. lap, Instr.Sg. lapyo, Abl.Sg. lapii,, Loc.Sg. lapa111, Perl.Sg. lapii, Com.Sg. lapasiil, Instr.Pl. lapassyo.



    12 b4, 217 bl, THT 1143 b4, THT 1303 b3?, THT 1306 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg. 8 a4, 10 b6, 50 a3, 100 a2, 130 b2, 150 al, 203 b6?, 215 bl!, 232 a2, 275 b2, 304 a4 kus siis siirathi lap miirtko, 375 b3, 408.j bl-2, 450 a4?, YQ I.6 b8, YQ I.7 b6, b8; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 115 al; ♦ Abl.Sg. 5 bl, 256 a3, 304 b8, 341 a2, a9; ♦Loc.Sg. 128 al, 375 a5!; ♦ Perl.Sg. 16 a5, 130 a2, 146 b4, 153 b5, 253 bl, 256 a3, 257 b3!; ♦ Com.Sg. 277 a8!; ♦ Instr.Pl. THT 1380.m a3, THT 1626.a al!.

    lapa!ji (adj.) 'of the head' F Nom.Sg.Masc. lapa,i. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. PK.NS. I b4 lapa.yi ske /W/1 ywiirckw11 mii .yes-si 'there was 110 effort of the head for you in the middle of that' D Derived from ► lap. lam* (n., masc.) 'bitter gourd (a type of fruit)' L POU'?'. P Nom.Pl. lamaii. T ♦Nom.Pl. 358 b I ... siitak mii sasiku, lamaii : 'the bitter gourds do not let overflow the medicine NN'. D Via MI from Skt. lambii- 'bitter gourd (used in medical recipes)' (CDIAL:3 I b, KEWAi 1:55). R The form of358 bl in TS:199 is read as lamiiii, which is taken over by POU. This form does not make sense grammatically after the Nom.Pl.Masc. sasiku:r The misspelling is based either on a wrong copy or is a scribal error. The verso of this manuscript has a different content (medical) from the recto (description of a painting), and is written by a different scribe (ink, calligraphy etc.), who has made other mistakes. lame (n., a.) 'place' (Skt. sthiina-) L POU 'locus', TEB II 'Stelle, Platz', JWP 'place'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. lame, Abl.Sg. lameyii.)', Loc.Sg. lameyw11, All.Pl. lameyntwac. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 3 b6, 18 a3, 98 b2, 214 b2, 218 a4, 273 b5. 287 + 259 a>b4, 288 b7!, YQ I.I b2, YQ 1.5 b5, YQ II.I b5, PK.NS.4 b2; ♦Abl.Sg. 261 a>b3!, 278 a7,


    YQ II.9 b6, YQ 11.12 b8; ♦ Loc.Sg. 66 b4, 87 a2, 263 a>b7; ♦ All.PL 394 al!. For the restoration of394 al, see Pinault (2002a:320).

    la!ji* (n., masc.) 'strap, thong, rope' (Skt. varatra-) L POU 'lorum'. F Perl.Sg. la.yyii, Obi.Pl. la.)·is. T ♦ Perl.Sg. 98 a2; ♦ Obi.Pl. 361 a I. R See Poetto ( 1988), Peyrot (20 I 8a:267). liik* (n., masc.) 'steed, stallion' L POU 'nomen alicuius animalis', CeTOM 'steed'. F Nom.Pl. liisi, Perl.Pl. liiksii. T ♦Nom.Pl. 301 a4; ♦ Perl.Pl. 30 bi; ♦ fgm. 393 a3?. R The word clearly designates a riding animal: the parallel of301 a4 is identified. For the translation as well as the parallel, see Pinault (2004:258b). Liitik (LN, fem.) Lanka, name of a city L POU 'nom. propr. insulae et urbis', TEB II 'Lanka, Name einer Stadt aufCeylon'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. liilik. S lii1ik ri 'the city of Lanka'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. IO a3, a5, 11 al, a2, a6. D Loan from Skt. Lanka, 'N. of the chief town in Ceylon or of the whole island' (MW:894c). llilici (adj.) 'royal' [Cf. B lantuiiF1e] L POU 'regis, regalis', TEB II 'koniglich'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. liiiici, Obl.Sg.Masc. liiiicit.n, liiiicina111, Norn.Pl. liiiiciniiii, Obi.Pl. liiiiciniis. S liiiici wa,t 'royal palace'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 1 b4, 6 b5, 16 a4, bl, 123 a5!, 266 + 276 a>b7, 318+319 b5, 383 b4, 403 a>bl, 436 b6, YQ III.5 a7, YQ V.l al, THT 1590 b2; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. (liiF1ci1J1) 71 bl, b5; (liiiicina111) 56 a2, 57 al, 82 a6, 459.c bl; ♦Nom.Pl. 64 bl, 76 + 83 a4; ♦ Obi.Pl. 76 + 83 a3. D Adjectival derivative based on liint-, stem allomorph of ► wiil 'king'. R See also the tune's name ► iirsi­ lii1ici* and ► cakravarti-lii1ici. liitka-(vb.) 'cut off [B liitk-] (Skt. vy-ativrt- 'depart from, leave, quit, abandon') L POU 'desecare, amputare', TEB II 'abschneiden', TVS 'cut off.

    397 P F



    lalaq1$iik* (tr.) Prs. latanka-, Subj. latka-*, Prt. latka-*, PPrt. lalatku. Prs.VII Act. 3Sg. /Zitcifika.y, Prs.MP 3Pl. lata1ikantra, Inf. !Zita1ikatsi, Prt.I PPrt. Norn.Pl.Masc. !ZilatkuJ. ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 399 a2; ♦ Prs.MP 3Pl. 295 a7-8; ♦ Inf. 295 a8; ♦ PPrt. Norn.Pl.Masc. 359 a27. ► wiil

    ia2, a>b2, 81 a4, 90 b3, 115 b4, 149 a3, 156 b3, 159 b4, 212 a7, 216 a>b5!, 217 b4, b5, 224 a5, 227/8 a3, 243 al, 247 b4, 253 a4, 284 a3, 299 b3, 30 I a2, 312 b I, b4, 314 a8, 315 + 316 b8, 346 bl, 348 b3, 439.a b4, 442 b3, YQ 1.5 b2, YQ 1.9 b4, YQ Il.3 b2, YQ Il.4 a7, b4, YQ 11.8 b7, YQ 11.15 a4, YQ III.2 bl, b2, YQ N.I b5, YQ N.4 a6, YQ V. l b8, THT 1133 b3; (lkasi) 388 b2€ lkasi, 452 b5; ♦ !pf.Act. 2Sg. PK.NS. I b2, b3, PK.NS.4 a4, PK.NS.5 b2; ♦ 3Sg. (!yak) 5 b3, 94 al?, 164 b6?, 314 a3; (lyak-a,,1) 400 a7; ♦ 3Pl. 314 a6, 320 b4; ♦Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 227/8 b6, 429 b7; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 217 a8, 430 a7; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 256 b2-3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 21 a I, 23 a3, 59 a6; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. 171 a2, YQ lll.2 b8; ♦ Subj.MP l Sg. 58 b4; ♦2Sg. 70 b2, b5; ♦ 3Sg. (piilktitiir) 315 + 316 b6, THT 1322.a al; (piilkatrii) I 14 b3; ♦3Pl. YQ ll.14 a5; ♦ Opt.MP 2Sg. 253 b4; ♦ Gdv. Nom.Sg. 12b2,315 + 316 b7; ♦Abstr. Perl.Sg. 11 al; ♦Norn.Pl. THT 1331.b b5; ♦Abstr. ► piilkiilune; ♦ lpv.MP 2Sg. 9 b4, 21 b2, 61 b2, 64 a3, 65 bl, 66 al, 67 a6, 75 a6!, b2, b5, 76 + 83 a4, 89 b4, 102 a2, 128 b3, 147 al, 163 b3, 176 b3, 253 a8, 293 a3, 317 b4, 399 a3, a7, 413 b3, 446 b3, YQ I.I b3, YQ 1.2 al, YQ 11.2 b2, YQ 11.13 b4, YQ Il.15 a3, YQ Ill.I b8, YQ III.I I al-2!; ♦2Pl. 8 b5, 9 a2, 15 b6, 16 b5, 29 a6 (bis), bl, 75 a2, 106 a3!, 120 b6, 170 a3, 257 a5, 274 b6, YQ 11.3 a6, a7, b7, YQ Il.10 a7; ♦ Prt.MP ISg. 315 + 316 b5, 321 bl, 355 al; ♦2Sg. 299 b8; ♦3Sg. 8 b2, 13 al, 16 bl, 21 b6, 23 bl, 80 a>b2, 147 b3, 217 a6, a8, 257 a6, 274 a6, 312 b7, 340 b4, b8, 379 a3, a5, bl, 394 a3, 434 b5, 439 b6, YQ 11.12 a4; ♦ 2Pl. 300 b I (ter); ♦3Pl. (piilktint) 9 a6, 12 a3,

    88 al, 277 a6!, 312 b6, 314 a3, a4, a6, 315 b3; (piilkii111t) YQ I.3 b4; ♦ PPrt. 76 b4, 78bl,83bl, 119b2, 155a6!, l78a2, 202 a2, 217 b4, 296 a4, 320 b8, 331 a6, 340 a6, bl, 362 a2, 462 bl, YQ I.4 a8, YQ IIl.3 a2; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 78 a4, 166 b4, 255 b7; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 78 b3; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. THT 1149 bl; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. 371 b3, PK.NS.6 al; ♦Abs. (piilkorii.y) 3 a4, 6 b3, 7 a6, 9 a2, b5, 10 a3, 15 a6, 16 a4, 22 a6, 24 a3, 56 a4, b6, 65 b4, 67 b3, 73 a2, 77 b5, 79 al, 91 a4, 95 b6, 100 a5, 108 b3!, 109 aL 114 b5, 125 b2, 126 b6, 147 b5, 153 a2, 169 a4, b2, 178 a2!, 188 b5, 212 a6, 215 b4, 226 a6, 231 a I, 253 a8, 254 b2, 256 a6-7, 272 a3, 275 b3, 292 b6, 299 b6!, 307 al, b4, 312 a3, 332 b2, 342 b>al, 346 al, 429 b3!, 447 b2, IOL Toch.287 a3, YQ 1.5 a5, YQ I.7 a3, YQ 1.9 a2, YQ Il.3 b3, YQ 11.4 a5, YQ 11.12 a5, YQ 11.15 a3, YQ Ill.I a4, YQ IIl.2 a5, YQ III.3 a5, YQ IIl.5 a8, b5, YQ III.7 a2, YQ IIl.l 1 al, a2, YQ III.12 a6, THT 1590.e+b a2, THT 1625.h b3; (piilkorii) 186 b I; ♦2) PPrs.Act. Norn.Pl. 235 b5; ♦PPrs. MP 219 a2!?; ♦ Gdv. Norn./Obl.Pl.Fem. 227/8 b5!?; ♦ Subj.Act. 3Sg. THT 1590.e+b b2; ♦Prt.Act. !Sg. 270 a7; ♦ PPrt. 6 a5, 8 a2. D Ct: ►piilkiilune*. R In 30 I a5, the tentative reading lyiikar (!pf.Act. 3Pl.) is very dubious, pace SSS:464 and Siegling on his personal copy (TS: 160), as can be judged from the photograph (THT 934). This ought to be read and restored differently, as tpiir warts pyiik.ym11 yness oki 'on the pillar, high [and] large, obvious as it were'. /ii,ik-(vb.) I) (itr.) 'dangle', 2) (tr.) 'let hang, let dangle' [B liiizk-] L POU 'pendere', TEB II 'hangen', TVS 'dangle'. P I) (itr.) Prs. lii1ik-a7, 270


    wa~tirp a2!, 313 a5 naw0111tsii111 kla11011111tsiil!1 ciflcii1J'GIJl brahmaswar wa.frnyo 'with a sounding, ringing, lovely Brahmasvaravoice', 3 77 a5 bramiiiiktenii1J1 wasenyo 'with a Brahma-like voice', YQ 1.6 b5, YQ 1.9 al, YQ I.IO a5, YQ II.I I al!, b3 tpii1ya111 wasenyo 'with a loud voice', THT 1425.d a2; (wafo.nnyo) THT 1429.a a3, THT 2469 a2.

    wm;kiirs (adv.) '(running) to next door' L TEB II 'sogleich (?)'. T ♦ 8 b4 wa.5kiirs viirtskiiii ype.)·iFii wrasaii miik so.yi kiikropu.)· 'then, from one door to the next, the surrounding beings of the country gathered as a big crowd of people'. D Compound with ► wa:jt and *-kras, cognate with -krase in ► piirrakrase 'distance ofan arrow'> wa.y(t)kriis through raising of the second vowel and cluster simplification. The resulting meaning was then 'at distance of (next) home'. The text describes the rush of people running up to the event, from door to door, towards the house of the mechanic. wa:jt (n., a.) 'house, home'; in the plural, sometimes 'household' [Bost] (Skt. grha-, kutT-, agiira-) L POU 'domus', TEB II 'Haus', JWP 'house'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wa.5t, Gen.Sg. wa.5tis, All.Sg. wa0tac, Abl.Sg. wa)·ta,~, Loc.Sg. wa0tm!1, Perl.Sg. wa.5tii, Nom./Obl.PI. WG$fll, Wa$lantu, WG$1Gl!llu, Ahl.Pl. wa0twii.5, wa.1·twa.5, Loe.Pl. wa0twm11. S liiiici wa0t 'royal house', wa.yt 0iim-/liim'be a householder', wa0tii.5 !ant- 'go out from home'(= 'enter into religious life'), wa0tii0 lantu, la/tu 'having left home'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. I b4, 14 a5, 130 b6, 258 a4, 266 + 276 a>b4, 354 b6, 380 a2, 383 b4, 435 b4, 459 a3, YQ 1.9 a3, YQ 111.3 b2, PK.NS.3 b2!; ♦ Gen.Sg. 16 a4, 123 a5; ♦ All.Sg. THT 1590 b2!?; ♦ Abl.Sg. 16 bl, 21 a2, a4, 31 a5-6!, 74 a5 (bis), b6, 80 b>a5, 84 a6, 89 b2, b6, 90 b I, 99 a4, I 00 a2, 101 a3, a4, 107 al,114 a6, 117 b2, 125 bl!, 117bl 125b2l, 128bl, 130b2,b6, 138 b2, 143 a2, 149 a5, 153 a4, 156 b6, 180 b5!, 212 b3, b4, 215 b4, 217 b4, b5,


    221 b4, 222 b2, 223 b4, 224 b2, 226 a2, b3, 239 a5, b3, 254 b6, b7, 256 a2, 258 bl, b2!, 261 b>a6, 263 a>b5, 266 + 276 b>a2, a>b3!, a>b6, a>b7 (bis), 271 b7, 288 b3, b8, 289 b4, b7, 297 a2, a4, a6, a7, 298 b2, 302 a5, a6, b2, 304 a5, 332 a9, b2, 347 bl, 353 bl, 359 a IO, 360 a2, 380 a I, 394 a3 (bis), a4, b4, 404 b6, 436 al, YQ I. I b3, YQ 1.7 a3, a8, YQ 1.9 a4, YQ 11.2 a8, YQ II.3 b2, b3, YQ II.4 bl, b2, YQ II.8 bl, YQ 11.9 a5, bl, YQ 11.12 a4, a5, b2, b5, YQ II.13 b2, YQ 11.14 a4, a5, a7, bl (bis), b3, b6, b7!, YQ 11.15 al, b2, YQ III.12 a7, a8, PK.NS.2 b3; ♦ Loc.Sg. 3 a4, 5 a6, 221 a5, 394 a2, 403 a>b I!, 439.a a2, YQ [II.I I b3; ♦Perl.Sg. 5 a5, 9 a4, 104 b4; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. (wa.5tu) 48 b6, 102 b2, 254 a2, a3, 265 a6, 266 + 276 b>a2, 287 + THT 1409 .I + 259 a>b3 ! wasa1ikii11trii iiiikcyii11 [wj(a~·tu), 297 b3, YQ 1.5 a2, b6, YQ 1.7 b2, YQ II.I a6, YQ V. l a I (bis), b7; (wa0tantu) 318 + 319 b5; (wa~·ta111tu) SHT 1098a.rl ane wa0tm11tu; ♦ Ahl.Pl. (wastwa.y) 131 a3, YQ 11.3 a8!, YQ II.5 b8; (wastwa.5) YQ III. I! b6!; ♦ Loe.Pl. 73 a6, 136 a2, 254 a7, 265 a2, 299 bl, YQ I.6 al, YQ 111.12 al. For the Skt. parallel SHT, cf. Peyrot (2014: 143). For the reading of287 + THT 1409.1 + 259 a>b3!, see Itkin Malyshev (2021 :56). See also ► sne-wa:jt.

    wa:jta-wa:jt (adv.) 'from house to house' L POU 'per domos'. T ♦Fgm. 304 a3. D Iterative compound with the Obl.Sg. of ► wa:jt, bearing the value of directive/allative. wa:jta:ji* (adj.) 'of household' L POU 'domus'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. ,va.5ta0i1!7. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 360 a12 vesmadharmarp samadhaya I wa.5ta.5il11 wka111 etsu(ra.y) 'after having taken the rule of household'. D Derived from ► wa:jl. wa:jtb11 (adj.) 'of home' [B ostaii,ie] L POU 'domus', TEB II 'Haus-'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. wa.5ti111. T ♦ Nom.Sg.Masc. 188 b5 wa.ytil1111kiit 'the god of home'. D Derived from ► wa~·t.



    11.7 a7!; ♦ Gen. 15 a2, a3, 56 b4, 62 bl, 67 a2, a6, 73 b2, 78 b2, 81 al, 111 a6, 23 l b6, 254 a6!, 261 b>a8, 278 b2, 303 a7, 341 b5, 342 b>a4, 349 a 1, 356 b5, 395 a I, 396.b b2, 405 b5, 436 a3, YQ 11.10 b7, YQ 11.12 b4, YQ JII.2 a8, YQ Jll.3 b5, YQ III.I I a5, YQ IIl.12 b3; ♦All. 253 b4; ♦ Abl. 119 b4; ♦ Loe. YQ IIl.6 b2; ♦ Perl. (wasii) 147 a5, 340 a9, YQ 11.3 b6; (wasak) 288 b3.

    wa.yt-lmiilune* (n.) 'household' L COU 'Haushalt'. F Gen.Sg. wa.5t-lmiiluneyis, Loc.Sg. 1m.5tlmiilunyw71. T ♦ Gcn.Sg. 3 al; ♦ Loc.Sg. 3 a6. D Derived from ► wa~t and lam- ► ~iim-. wa~t-lmo (n., masc.) 'householder' L COU 'Haushalter', JWP 'householder'. F Nom.Sg. wa.5t-lmo, wa.ytalmo, Gen.Sg. wa.yt-lmontiip, Norn.Pl. wa.5t-lmo.y, Obi.Pl. wa.yt-lmoficiis. T ♦Nom.Sg. (wa.5t-lmo) 59 b5, 117 a4, 380 a2, 435 b2, 442 a2, 443 b6, YQ N.2 + N.6 a8; (irn.yta-!1110) 395 al, YQ Ill.I I al, THT 2958 b4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 59 a3, 117 a3, 435 b3; ♦Norn.Pl. 312 a5-6; ♦Obi.Pl. 436 b2!. D Compound with ► wa.yt and PPrt of ► ~iim-. Calque of Skt. grhastha'householder' (MW:362b). wa~twii~•i (adj.) 'pertaining to household' F Obl.Sg.Masc. wa:Jtwii.5i111. T Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ N. l b7. D Based on the plural of ► wa~t. wa~-niitiik* (n., masc.) 'house-lord' L POU'?'. F Norn.Pl. wa.5-niicki. T ♦Norn.Pl. 303 a7. D Compound with ► wa~t and ► niitiik, through simplification of the interior cluster. R Variant of ► wa~t-lmo, and calquc of Skt. grha-pati- 'the master of a house, householder' (MW:362a). Used as title of Uighur donors. was (pron.) 'we, us' [B wes] L POU 'nos', JWP 'we, us'. F Nom./Obl. was, was-ak, Gen. wasa111, All. wasac, Ab!. wasa.y, Loe. wasa111, Perl. wasii, wasa-k. T ♦Nom./Obl. (was) 15 al, a3, 41 b4, b5, 44 b3, 60 a>b5, 62 a3, 72 a2, 73 b2, 85 b2, 121 al, b4, 169 a3, 215 b3, 232 a2, 253 b5, b7, 263 a>b8, b3, 266 + 276 a>b6, a>b7, 270 a4, 279 a3, 288 b4, 296 a5!? ,a6, 297 a4, 300 a I, a3, b3, b5, 303 a5, 31 l a4, 341 a4, b9, 342 b>a5, a>b3, 348 a4, 349 a2, 429 b7, YQ I. I a6, YQ 1.4 b2, YQ Il.6 a5, a7, YQ 11.7 a8, YQ 11.12 b6, YQ 11.15 a2, YQ III.I a5, YQ 111.3 a6, a7, a8 (bis), YQ III. I I a7; (was-iik) YQ


    ► wiis-

    wasiimpiit (n., fem.) 'ordination' [B wasa111pat] (Skt. upasa111padii-) L POU 'consecratio', TEB II 'Weihe', JWP 'ordination'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wasiimpiit. S wasiimpat yam- 'accomplish the ordination'. T ♦Obl.Sg. 258 b2, YQ 11.14 b2, THT 2155 a2. D Loan via MI from Skt. upasm11pada' ordination' as monk or nun (BHSD:143a). wasiimpiit~i* (adj.) 'of ordination' L POU 'consecration is'. F Obl:Sg.Masc./Fem. wasii111pat.5it11. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 288 a7 wasiimpiit:Jit/1 op:J[yac 'toward the feast of ordination'. D Derived from ► wasiimpiit. waste (n., masc.) 'security, protection' [B waste] (Skt. trGJJa-, sara}Ja-) L POU 'refugium, tutela', TEB II 'Schutz', JWP 'security'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. waste. S sem waste 'refuge [and] protection', waste parmailk 'protection [and] hope'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. I a3, 14 a6, 20 a2, 24 b6, 41 b3, 55 b2, 69 b3, b4, 122 a4, 146 b5, 154 b3, b4, b5, I 68 a2, 260 a3, 292 b4, 337 b8, 359 2,373 a2, a5, a7, 359 a2, 382 a2, YQ 1.9 b5. D Loan from TB, where the parallel binomial phrase saim waste is found. See ADAMS:634. wassi (n., masc.sg.) 'clothing' [B wastsi, wassi] L JWP 'clothing'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wassi. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b3, YQ 111.6 a3.

    429 D

    waparritsune Loan from TB wassi 'clothing, cloth'.

    Wil- ► iikwilka- (vb.) I) (itr.) 'split apa1t, break, burst', 2)

    (tr.) 'take apart' [B wak-] L POU 'dirumpi, findi', 'findere, discernere, distingucre', TEB II 'sich spalten, brechen', TVS 'split apait, break, burst', 'take apart'. P I) (itr.) Prs. waka-*, Subj. ,vaka-, Prt. waka-, 2) (tr.) Prs. waks-T-, Subj. wakiiT-, Prt. wak. F I) (itr.) Subj.V Act. 3Sg. waka.y, Gdv. Obl.Sg.Masc. wakala111, Prt.0 MP 3Sg. wakiit, Prt.1 Act. 3Sg. ivaka-111, 2) (tr.) Prs.VHI MP 3Sg. wakii.ytar, waka.ytrii, PPrs.Act. Obl.Sg.Masc. wak:;anta111, Subj. VII Act. I Sg. wakiiam, 3 Sg. wakiiii.yii i, Prt.lll Act. 3Pl. wakiir. T ♦ I) ♦ Subj.Act. 3Sg. 231 a7, 255 b6, YQ 1.7 bl; ♦ Gdv. Obl.Sg. 215 bl, YQ L6 b7; ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. 455 a5; ♦Prt.Act. 134 b3!?; ♦2) ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. ( wakii:ftiir) 117 a6; (wakii.ytrii) 49 b3; ♦ PPrs.Act. Obl.Sg. 75 a2, 79 a3; ♦ Subj.Act. ISg. 215 bl; ♦3Sg. YQ l.7 b6; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Pl. 213 b6, YQ 11.5 b2. w,1kiim (n., a.) 'difference, distinction,

    superiority' [B waki] (Skt. viseJa-) L POU 'singularitas, privilegium', TEB 11 'Unterschied, Besonderheit', JWP 'difference, distinction, superiority'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wakiim, Gen.Sg. wakmis, Nom./Obl.Pl. wakmant. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 12 b5, 43 b3, 81 a4, 125 al!, 214 bl, 253 a8, YQ III.3 b5, YQ III.IO a4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 387 b3; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 145 b3!, 178 a5!, 213 a6, 241 al!, YQ II.I b3-4!. wiikmats (adj.) 'distinguished, superior'

    [B wakTtse] L POU 'excellens', TEB II 'ausgezeichnet', JWP 'distinguished, superior'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wakmats, Obl.Sg.Masc. wakmatsii111, Nom.Pl.Masc. wiikmtse, Nom.Sg.Fem. wakmatsi, Nom./ Obi.Pl.Fem. wiikmtsaJfl. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. I 04 b5, 270 a2, 357 a3, 399 bl, YQ ILI0 a8, b6, YQ II.I I a3; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 43 b2, 73 a4, 156 b5, 255 b4, 288 b7, YQ I.I b2, YQ 11.2 b4 !, YQ 11.12 a6, YQ III.I b4, YQ III.7 al, THT

    1463 b3; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 403 + THT 3883.i + 3371 a>b2!; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 231 bl, THT 3937.b b2; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. 63 a5, 178 b2, 217 b2, 220 al!, 237 al, 274 a2, 301 a2, 314 b2, YQ 11.10 b4. D Derived from ► wiikiim. wiikmts1111e (n., a.) 'excellence'

    L POU 'excellentia'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wiikmtsune. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 61 a6, 126 a3. D Derived from ► w,1kmats. wil1ika- (vb.) 'joke, chatter'

    L P F T D R

    POU 'garrire, iocari (?)', TVS 'chat'. (itr.) Prs. wa,ika-. Prs.lV MP 3Sg. wmikatiir, PPrs. wa1ikmii171. ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. 265 b I!; ♦ PPrs. 318 + 319 a8, b2. Cognate with ► wa,ike. Discussion in TVS:854, with further references.

    wma- (vb.) 'thrust, stab' L TVS 'thrust, stab'. P (tr.) Ipf. wiillW-. F Prs.VI !pf. 3Sg. wiitiia. T ♦ !pf. 3Sg. 295 a3. R Discussion in TVS:855, with further references. wmu* (n., fem.) 'mare' L POU 'nomen cuiusdam animalis'. F Norn.Pl. wiitwaii. T ♦Norn.Pl. 30 I a4. D Loan from IA va(iabii- 'mare' (CDIAL:654b, EWAi Il:494). R Pinault (2004:258b). wiip- (vb.) 'weave' [B wiip-]

    TEB II 'webcn', TVS 'weave, braid'. Subj.V Gdv.Nom.Sg.Fem. wiipalyi, Prt.1 MP 3Sg. wiipat. T ♦ Gdv. YQ Ill.I bl; ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. YQ III. I b4. R For a discussion of this verb, cf. TVS:866-867 and Pinault (2019a: 133134). L F

    wiipiil11ts1me (n., a.) 'work of a weaver'

    L F T

    JWP 'work of a weaver'. Nom./Obl.Sg. wiipii111t.rnne. ♦Nom.Sg. YQ Ill. I a8.


    Warn D

    Abstract based on wapants* 'weaver', the match of TB ,vapantsa, agent noun of ► wiip-, see ADAMS:626-627 with previous literature.

    Wbl !; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 92 a2; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 12 a6!; ♦Obl.Fem.Sg. 107 bl; ♦2) Subj.Act. 3Sg. (watka.5) 213 b5, YQ Il.5 bl; (watka.5-iim) 410 a2; ( watkii,~.5-am) 213 b3, YQ 11.5 b4; ♦3Pl. 33 a5; ♦ Gdv. 16 a3, THT 1483.a b3; ♦ Prt.Act. ISg. 31 b6; ♦Abs. (watkurii.5) 317 a7; (watkurii) YQ II.3 a3, YQ 11.8 a2, a3; ♦3) Prs.Act. ISg. THT 2054 b2; ♦ 3Sg. (watka:;) 117 b4, 127 al, 280 bl, (watka:;-11i) 20 b2 kuc tam watku watka.5-ni 'does he give me a command about that?', 164 a6, YQ III.4 b7; ♦2Pl. (watkiis) 95 a4; (wiitka.fs11i) 342 a>b2; ♦3PI. 96 b3; ♦PPrs.MP 394 a3; ♦ Gdv. 71 b4; ♦ Inf. 6 a4; ♦ lpv.Act. (putiik) 111 a2, 320 b4; (pfitka-ni) 341 a8; ♦Prt.Act. !Sg. (wotka) 65 bl!; (wotka-q1) 77 b5; ♦ 2Sg. 81 b3; ♦3Sg. (wotak) 59 b4, 66b2, Ill a3!, 149a4, 159b5,224al, 334 b6, 407 b3, YQ 1.7 a3!, YQ I.JO b7; (wotka-fii) 157 b3; (wotka-m) 215 b5, 288 b4?, YQ I.I a6!, YQ I.7 a4!; ♦3Pl. (wotkar) 265 al; (wotkar-ni) YQ 1.7 b34!; ♦PPrt. 95 a4, 96 b4, 176 a2; ♦ Abs. (wotkura.5) 68 b4, THT 2394 a3, 3028 b2; (wotkurii) 149 a5, THT 2390 a2. See ► wiitkiilts, ► wiitkiil1111e. The form Prs.VIII Act. 2PI. watkass might be a form of ► wiitkiis.

    wiitkiilune (n., a.) 'separation' F Nom./Obl.Sg. wiitkalune. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 82 a 1 klesasii0 watkalune 'separation from the afflictions'. D Abstract derived from ► wiitkii-. wiitkiilts (adj./adv.) l) 'finn, certain', 2) 'firmly, certainly, decidedly' [B watkaltse] L POU 'certus, certe', TEB II 'entschieden', JWP 'firm'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wiitkiilts, Norn.Pl.Masc. wiitkaltse, Nom.Sg.Fem. ;viitkiiltsi. S wiitkiilts sne sance 'decidedly [and] without doubt'. T ♦ 1) Nom.Sg.Masc. 400 a3, 465 al, YQ II.2 a3, YQ II.I 1 a3; ♦ 2) 18 b4, 94 b3, 213 b3!, b4, b5, 215 b7, 431 al, YQ 1.7 a6-7 !, YQ Il.5 bl-2!, b4, YQ II.JO a7, b4, b5; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 338 a5; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 397 a7.

    wiitkiiltsune (n., a.) 'firmness, certainty' [B watkiilts11e] L POU 'fides, certa res', TEB II 'Gewif3heit, Entschiedenheit', JWP 'firmness'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wiitkiiltsune, lnstr.Sg. watkiiltsuneyo. T ♦Obl.Sg. 21 a5; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 57 a2-3!, YQ 11.lO b8. wiitliik!ji (adj.) 'of diamond' F Obl.Sg.Masc. wiitlakyi. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 226 a4. D According to SSS:23 (§44c), the basis of this word is *wiitliik, alternatively *wiitlak. This would be a pseudocompound with second member -ak (cf. yalak) as per Pinault (2020e:2 l 5), from an abstract *wiitiil 'splitting' from the root *wiit-, cognate with the root ► wiitkii-. This word would mean literally 'the splitting one', being a kind of calque ofSkt. bhidura- 'thunderbolt, diamond' (Finot 1896: xxiv, MW:757a). R This meaning would fit the context, which refers to several ornaments and jewels, see the discussion in ChamotRooke (2022a). wiintli- (vb.) 'cover, envelop' [B want-] L POU 'involvere, velare', TEB II 'umhiillen', TVS 'cover, envelop'. P (itr.) Prs. wanta-*, Subj. wiinta-*, PPrt. wiinto. F PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. wiinto, Norn.Pl.Masc. wiinto.)', Obi.Pl.Masc. wiintoficas. T ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 167 a3; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 254 b2, b4, b5; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 298 b5. D Cf. ► wii11tiil1111e. wiintiilune (n., a.) 'covering' F Nom./Obl.Sg. wantiilune. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 389 b4 anciim wiintiilune 'covering oneself. D Abstract derived from ► wiintti-. wiip- (vb.) 'destroy, ruin, consume' L TVS'?', Pinault (2019) 'ruin, consume'. F Prs.lll MP 3Pl. wpantra, Subj.V VN wpal*. T ♦Prs.MP 3Pl. 284 a3; ♦ Subj. VN ► wpiil*.


    For a discussion on this verb, see TVS:883 and Pinault (2019b: 133-134).



    wiimii- (vb.) 'go down, set (of sun)' [Byam-]

    L P F T D

    TVS 'set (sun)'. Subj. wmii-, Prt. womii-. Prt.JI Act. 3Pl. womiir. ♦ Prt.Act. 3Pl. 237 al!. Cf. ► wmiilune*, ► ko1t1-wmii11t.

    wiir (n., masc.la.) 'water' [B war] L POU 'aqua', TEB II 'Wasser', JWP

    'water'. Nom./Obl.Sg. war, wra, wr, Gen.Sg. wris, Loc.Sg. wra,71, w1w1111, lnstr.Sg. wa1yo, Abl.Sg. wra,~, Perl.Sg. wrii, Nom./Obl.Pl. wrantu, Instr.Pl. wrantuyo, wra1J1tuyo, Ahl.Pl. ,vra111twii.y. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (wiir) 2 b3, 3 a6, 12 b6, 19 b6, 20 a2, 21 a6, b2, b5, 24 a4, 41 a6, 42 b4, 43 + 52 b5, 44 al, 45 b2, b3, 89 a3, 96 a4, 287 + 259 a>b3, 318 + 319 b I, 334 a3, a5, 340 a8 (bis), b2, 353 a5, 379 b5?, 380 a2, a3, 431 b6, 432 al, a7, a8, b2, b8, 433 a3, a4, 441 b3, 455 b5, 467 b2; (wra) 12 a4, bl!; (wr) 340 bl; ♦Gen.Sg. 70 b5!; ♦Loc.Sg. (wra111) l a6, bl, 15 a6, 103 b3, 114 al, 247 a3, 297 b8, 397 a8, 428 bl, YQ II.l4 b4; (wrm11n) 318 + 319 b2; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 14 a2, 75 al, 124 b5, 145 b6, 257 b3, 431 b4; ♦Abl.Sg. 45 a5, 315 a7, 326 a5, b4; ♦ Perl.Sg. 144 al; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 63 a3, 340 a9!, 432 b5; ♦ Instr.Pl. (wriintuyo) 395 b4, YQ III.8 a5; (,v,·a111tuyo) 46 al; ♦Abl.Pl. 347 a4. D Cf. ► wra#, ► wri. R In 379 b5, the reading is safe (see the photograph THT IO 13), but the segmentation war:ji is highly dubious because the adjectives based on ► wiir are ► wra# and ► wri. One may restore (samudri)s war .yi 'the water of the ocean (swirls) at once'. Restoration ofGen.Sg. wris according to Sieg 1952:44, n. I 0. F

    wiir- (]) (vb.) 'vault, round off (Skt. vrt-)

    L F

    JWP 'make wide'. Prt.II PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. wom, Obi.Pl.Masc. woriint. T ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 213 a5=YQ II.5 a2 kasu woru esnum (Skt. susm11vrttaskandha) 'his shoulders are well rounded'; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. YQ 11.2 a4. R Discussion in TVS:886.

    (2) (vb.) 'purify (one's own mind), cultivate, develop (by means of meditation)' [B war-] (Skt. bhiivayati) L POU 'auctor alicuius rei esse, aliquam rem efficere, perficere', TEB II 'Uben, lautern', TVS 'practice'. P (cans.) Prs. wiirs-T-. F Subj.IX Opt.Act. wra:jimas, Subj.MP 3Sg. wrii.ytar, Gdv. Obl.Sg.Masc. wra.yla111, lpv.MP 2Pl. puriic, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. wawrn, Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. wawrunt, Norn.Pl.Masc. wawrus. T ♦Opt.Act. !Pl. 62 b6; ♦Subj.MP. 3Sg. 236 b7!; ♦ Gdv. Obl.Sg.Masc. 362 a3 bhavanTyarp ca bhavitam I wra.)·lii111 skm11 w(awru U'having cultived what should be cultivated'; ♦lpv.MP 2Pl. 31 a6; ♦ PPrt. 247 bl; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 250 b3!, 362 a3!?; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 248 b3; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 302 a7 a.fop aniipiinasmrtiyii.y~· aci plyas(k)e111 - wawru:j puk cem metrak,yinii//1 op.ylyassiil .yzyak kumsantrii 'Those who have cultivated ... the meditation on the loathsome [and] breath, etc., assuredly come together with Maitreya's feast'. D Cf. ► wrii:jlune. R Following Couvreur (1942:20-24) and Huard (2022:69-71 ), this verb is originally the causative of ► wiir- (3) 'smell' and lit. means 'perfume, purify'.


    wiir- (3) (vb.) 'smell' [B warsk-]


    POU 'olfacere, olere', TEB 11 'riechen' TVS 'smell'. ' F Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. wra.)·, lpv.MP 2Sg. pursiir, Prt.IV PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.Pl.Fern. wawii1:yunt, Norn.Pl.Masc. wawiirsus. T ♦Prs.Act. 3Sg. 145 al; ♦lpv.MP 2Sg·. 321 b4; ♦ PPrt. Obi.PI.Fem. 231 b2 tam pra.)·tm11 ma wawcil:yunt wawiir.yu.y 'they did smell things that were not smelling at that time'; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 231 b2. wiirk- (vb.) 'turn, set in motion, fling, hurl'

    (Skt. piitaya-) L POU 'vigere, viribus multum valere' TVS 'turn'. , P (tr.) Prs. warks-T-, Ipv.purkiis. F Prs.VIII PPrs. Norn.Pl.Fem. warkyantiiii, Gdv. Nom.Sg. warkyiil, Instr.Sg. wiirk,yalyo, wiir:j.ycilyo, Prt.II PPrt.


    war-kats Nom.Sg.Masc. worku, lpv.Act. 2Pl. purkas. T ♦ PP1t. Norn.Pl.Fem. 353 a I (Skt. PrMoSu piitayantikii); ♦Gdv. Nom.Sg. P.Skt.Bleu.163 b3 [w}ark.5al; ♦ lnstr.Sg. (wark.yalyo) 399 a6; (war,5,5alyo) 24 a4, 152 b2, 300 a4; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. YQ 11. IO b I (kii)su-worku-esna171 warts (MaitrHami II, I I b 19 tz'ip tiiz tWiiri ... tiiswi korkla anginliiri, Skt. susm11vrttaskandhab) 'his hanging, handsome shoulders'; ♦ lpv.Act. 2Pl 355 b3. D See ► wiir- (I). R Pou cha (POU :295) 'vigere, viribus multum valere' (in connection with A wark.5al 'power, energy'), JWP 'shape (?)'. A wiirk- translates Skt. vrt- 'turn, rotate' and Skt. piitaya- 'make fly'. Cognate with the noun ► wiirkiint 'wheel', i.e. 'the turning, rotating' (cf. Hackstein 1995:8\f.). Cf. ► wiir- (I). The verb TB wiirk- 'shear' (sheep) has to be kept apart (TVS:868-869), pace VW:559. wiir-kiits (n., fem.) 'dropsy' (Skt.jalodara-)

    L F T D


    COU 'Bezeichnung einer Krankheit (wt!. «Wasserbauch»? (ja)lodara-)'. Nom.Sg. war-kiits. ♦Nom.Sg. 455 b5 (ja)lodaroraga • warkiits o(k). Compound of ► wiir, ► kiits, calque of Skt.jalodara- 'dropsy', lit. 'water-belly' (MW:4\6a). By autopsy of the manuscript (THT 1089) the reading 0 kiits looks as warranted, against 0 kats in TS:245. This was also suggested by Siegling in his personal copy.

    wiirkiint (n., masc.) 'wheel' [B Obl.Sg. yerkwantai]

    L F S


    POU 'rota, orbis', TEB 11 'Rad', JWP 'wheel'. Nom./Obl.Sg. warkant, lnstr.Sg. warkantyo, Obi.Pl. warkiintiis. markampal.5i warkant 'the wheel of the Law' (Skt. dharmacakra-), wiirkant spiirtw- caus. 'make turn the wheel'. ♦Nom.Sg. 214 b7, 266 + 276 b>al, 267 + 268 a>b4, 305 a3, YQ 11.2 a2; ♦ Obl.Sg. 214 a3, 240 a3, 255 b4!, 287 + 259 b>a5, 270 a6, YQ II. I a7; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 217 b I; ♦ Obi.Pl. 152 b I.



    Cognate with ► wiirk-. TB yerkwanto* and TA 1varkiint are two outcomes ofa CT noun, see ADAMS:547 with previous literature, and Pinault (CHREST: IOI). For the restoration of255 b4, see Pinault (CHREST:92, IOI).

    wiirk!jalts (adj.) 'strong, powerful, vigorous' [B wiirk,5altse] F Nom.Sg.Masc. wiirk.yalts.

    T D


    ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. THT 1658.e bl. Possessive adjective related to ► wiirk!jiil*. See also ► wiir~·!Jiilts and the compound ► war-wriik!jalts*. This form instead ohvark.5a/ts which would be a variant of wa,:5.5iilts is probably influenced by the TB match.

    wiirk~·iil* (n., masc.sg.) 'energy, power' [B wark~·iil]


    POU 'vis, violentia', TEB II 'Kraft, Energie'. F lnstr.Sg. wark.'/·iilyo, war,1·.5ii/yo. T ♦ Instr.Sg. (wark.5alyo) 399 a6; (war,~,5alyo) 24 a4, 152 b2, 300 a4; ♦ fgm. 374 a4€?. D The variant wiir.5.5al* is the basis of ► wiir!j!jiilts and ► wiir!j!jiiltsune. R TA wark.5al and TB warlc_~al are taken as going back to the verbal abstracts (based on a present stem) from a root wark- 'to work, have an effect' (TVS: 888), different from ► wiirk-. Alternative account by Pinault (2021: 122). wiirce I) (adj.uni.), 2) (n.) I) 'lacking, defective,

    short or, 2) (n.) 'lack, defect, shortage'. L I) POU 'deficiens', TEB II 'minderwertig, schlecht', 2) POU 'vitium, lapsus, erratum'. S sne warce 'without defect, without want'. T +l) 15a2, 104b3,214bl,222b6,349b3, 390 b4, YQ II.I b4, YQ IIl.12 b5, THT 2100 b3; ♦2) Obl.Sg. 270 b2, 291 al, a4, 326 a3, YQ 111.9 b4, b5-6!, b7!, b8!. wiircets (adj.) 'lacking'+ ablative

    POU 'mancus, vitiosus', TEB II 'ermangelnd'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wiircets, Nom.Pl.Masc. warcetse. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 125 aS piip,uneyii0 wiircets 'Jacking of moral conduct'; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 173 a4, 293 a I. D Derived from ► wiirce. L



    wiircetsune (n., a.) 'lack, defect' L POU 'munda, vitium'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. warcetsune. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 44 a2-3!. D Derived from ► wiircets. wiircetswiitsune (n., a.) 'lack, defect' L POU 'munda, vitium', TEB II 'Mangel'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. warcetswiitsune, Perl.Sg.

    warcetswiitsuneyii. T D



    10 b3; ♦ Perl.Sg. 10 al, 11 bl!,a2,64a3!. Abstract based indirectly on ► wiircets, motivated by the influence of the antonymous abstract ► tampewiitsune, based on the adjective ► tampewlits, which is itself the possessive derivative of ► tampe, and antonymous to ► wiircets. With complement in the ablative, like the adjective ► wiircets.

    wiirt- (vb.) 'throw' L POU 'iacere', TEB 11 'werfen', TVS 'throw'. P (caus.) Subj. wartii~-, Prt. H'orta-. F Subj.IX Opt.MP I Sg. wiirtii~imar, Prt.ll Prt.Act. 3Sg. worta-111, worta-111, 3PI.

    wortar, wortar-am. T


    ♦ Opt.MP !Sg. THT 1138 b2; ♦ Pct.Act. 3Sg. (worta-1.n) 341 a7; (worta-m) THT 1331.b b6; ♦3Pl. (wortar) THT 1607.a bl; (wortar-iim) 300 a4. For the TB matching verb wartii-, see TVS:889. For the Opt.MP !Sg. THT 1138 b2, see Peyrot (2013a:430).

    wiirt (n., a.) 'forest' [B wartto, wiirto] L POU 'silva', TEB II 'Wald'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wart, All.Sg. wartac, Loc.Sg. wiirtal!l, Nom./Obl.PI. wartant, Loe.Pl. wiirtantwa111. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 229 al, 297 a5, 395 b2; ♦All.Sg. 61 b5, 70 a2, bl, 74 a6, 77 al, 115 b5, 120 a6, 180 b3, 189 b6, 209 al; ♦ Loc.Sg. 55 b5, 107 b2, b4, 130 a5, 269 + 290 b>a3, 297 bl, 363 al, 395 bl, 451 b3, YQ II.7 b4; ♦Nom.Pl. 70 a4; ♦Obi.PI. 229 al; ♦ Loe.Pl. 68 b3, 99 a3, 453 al, YQ 11.8 a7. wiirta!ji* (adj.) 'belonging to the forest' L POU 'silvestris'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. warta5if!1. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. THT I 144 b2. D Derived from ► wiirt.

    wiirtil!l (adj.) 'of the forest' L POU 'silvestris'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wartil11. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 51 a5 wiirti111 lu 'beast of the forest'. D Derived from ► wiirt. wiirt-w!jeiilie (n., fem.) 'dwelling in the forest, hermitage' L POU 'habitatio in silva'. F Nom.Sg. wiirt-iv.5eiiiie. T ♦Nom.Sg. 99 a5, 101 a3, 107 al. D Compound of ► wiirt, ► W!je1i1ie. wii,p- (vb.) 'surround' [B wii1p-] L POU 'circumdare', TEB II 'umgeben', TVS 'surround'. P (caus.) PPrt. wo17J11. F Prt.Il PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. w01pu, worpii, Obl.Sg.Masc worpunt, Nom.Sg.Fem. wo17;us, w01pzis, Obl.Sg.Fem. worpusii171, Norn.Pl.Masc. wo1p11,~, Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. wo17J1mt. T ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. (wo1pu) 10 a5, 14 a3, 16 a5, 22 a5!, 57 a2!, 183 a5, 253 bl, 271 b3, 288 b6€, 315 a6, 3 I 8 + 3 I 9 b6, 331 a8, 434 a4, YQ I.I a8, YQ Il.13 b5; ( w01pz1) 217 b5; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 60 a>b4, 210 b4, 348 bl; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. (wo1pus) I 10 al, 266 + 276 a>b7, YQ III.5 a5; (w01piis) 248 al; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 10 a3; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 312 a4, a7, b2, b5, 314 b5, 320 bl, THT I 134 al; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 318 + 319 b6, 378 a4. D Related nouns are ► warp, ► warpi. R In 288 b6, wopzz is misspelt for worpu, as confirmed by YQ I. I a8. wiirpii- (vb.) 'receive; feel; enjoy, suffer' [B wii1pii-, wa17;-] L POU 'sentire, percipere, accipere', COU 'empfinden', TEB II 'geniel3en', TVS 'feel; enjoy; suffer; receive; consent'. P (tr.) Prs. wcilpnii-, Subj. wii1pii-, lpv. pwpiir-, -iic, Prt. wii1pii-, PPrt. wii1po. F Prs.VI MP !Sg. wiitpniimiir, 3Sg. wa,pniitar, IPI. wa,pniimtra, 3Pl. wa17;11iintar, wa1pniintra, PPrs.Act. Obi.Pl.Masc. wa,pniintiis, PPrs.MP wcilpniimii111, Gdv. wii17J11ii!, Inf wa,pniitsi, wii1pniisi, Subj.V MP 3Sg. wa1piitra, I Pl. wa17;iimtrii, 3PI. wa1piil!1tra, Opt.MP 2Sg. wa1pitiir, 3Sg. wii17;itar,


    warpalune 3PI. wii17Jintrii, Gdv. Norn.Sg.Fem. wii1piilyi, Nom.PI.Fem. wii1piilar11, Jpv.MP 2Sg. pw7Jiir, pii1piir, 2PI. p1117Jiic, pzi1piic, Prt.l MP !Sg. wiilpe, 2Sg. wii1piite, 3Sg. wa17Jiit, 3PI. wii1piint, PPrt. Norn.Sg.Masc. wii17Jo, Obl.Sg.Masc. wii1pont, Nom.PI.Masc. wa,po.y, wriipo0, Nom./Obl.PI.Fern. wii1pont, Abs. wiilporii.y, warworii.y. T ♦ Prs.Vl MP ISg. THT 1411.d al; ♦ 3Sg. 54al!, 119a4, 146bl, 147a6, 152b3, b4, b5, 166 a3, b4, I 67 a2, a4, 341 b3, 345 a3, THT 1151 b3; ♦ IPL 298 a6; ♦ 3PI. (wiitpniintiir) 226 a5, THT 1153 b3; (wiirpniintrii) 42 al, 104 a5, 168 b4, YQ III.3 b3, THT 1331.b a2; ♦ PPrs.Act. Obi.Pl.Masc. 57 a5, 68 a4; ♦ PPrs.MP 15 al, 236 al, 256 a5, 266 + 276 b>a3, a>b8!, YQ III. IO b8; +Gdv. 457 a5; ♦ Inf. (wii1pniitsi) 227/8 a4, 317 a2, 346 al, YQ 1.3 a5, YQ IIl.12 bl; (wii1pniisi) THT 1670 b3; +Subj.MP 3Sg. YQ 11.6 bl; ♦ IPL 121 b4!?; ♦3Pl. YQ N.I a5; ♦ Opt.MP 2Sg. 123 al, 123.a al!, YQ 111.7 a2; ♦3Sg. 3 a4, 166 bl; ♦ 3PI. 98 b4; ♦Gdv. Nom.Sg.Fern. YQ V. I a6; ♦Nom.PI.Fern. 400 bl; ♦Ipv.MP 2Sg. (pwpiir) 48 a6, 77 b I, 253 b5, 256 a3, 263 b>a3, 301 b7, YQ IIJ.7 a7; (piilpiir) 171 b6; +2Pl. (purpiic) 254 a6, 300 a7; (piilpiic) 199 b4, 332 a 1; ♦ Prt.I MP I Sg. 221 al, 403 b>a5!; +2Sg. 30 a4; ♦ 3Sg. 217 a3, a4, 235 b3, YQ lll.11 b2 wiirpiicci < *wiirpiit-ci; ♦ 3Pl. 340 b3; +PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 93 a3, 332 a5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 24 b3, 147 a6!, YQ 11.14 b2-3; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. (wii1po,~) 112 a4!; (wriipo.y) 370 b4; ♦Norn./Obl.PI.Fern. 89 b3; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem 220 b3; ♦ Abs. (wa1pora.y) 3 b5-6, 46 a5, 64 a2, 166 b2, 262 a5!, 299 b5, 464 b4, YQ III.12 b7; (wiirworii~') YQ 1.9 a7. D Cf. ► wiirpiilune.

    wiirpiilune (n., a.) 'feeling, sensation' [B watpabie] (Skt. vedanii-) F Nom./Obl.Sg. wii1piilune, Instr.Sg. wii17Jiiluneyo, Abl.Sg. wiilpiiluneyii,~, Loc.Sg. wiirpiiluneyat/1. T ♦Nom.Sg. 112 al, 397 a5; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 254 a5!; ♦Abl.Sg. 307 a5; ♦Loc.Sg. 59 b3.

    D R

    Abstract derived from the subjunctive stem of from ► wiirpli-. Both TA wii17Jii!une and B wmpaliie are used for rendering Skt. vedanii- 'feeling, sensation' (BHSD:508b), a Buddhist concept (Pinault 1995:30), see especially the Abhidharma text A 397.

    wiirp{i/une~i* (adj.) 'pertaining to sensation' F Nom.PI.Fem. wii17Jii!une,viniiii. T ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 127 a5 wii1piilune,vinii11 l(yalypiintu) 'the acts pertaining to sensation'. D Derived from ► wiirpiilune. wiir-piirma,ik* (n., masc.) 'hope for water' L POU 'spcs in aquam'. F lnstr.Sg. wiir-piirmanl,yo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 340 a8. D Compound of ► wiir and ► piirma,ik. Wiiryacandre (PN, masc.) name ofa man [B Waryacal/111dre] F Nom.Sg. wa1yacandre. T ♦Nom.Sg. SHT 519.5v6. D From Skt. VT1yacandra 'n. of the father of VTra' (MW: 1106c), Compare TB proper names with first member Wii1ya 0 (ADAMS:646). R See Peyrot (2014: 135). Wiiryacintb3, 280 a8, 283 b3, 289 a4, b5, 296 a2, 298 a5, 307 b3, 317 a2, 326 a6, a8, b2, 342 b>al!, a>bl, a>b4, 343 al, 355 a3, 356 a3, 383 b3, 399 al8 bl, 432 al, 433 b3, 434 b5, 436 b4, 437 a5, 440 a3, 442 a2, 445 a3, b2, 450 a4, YQ L 1 a5, YQ II.6 a8, b3, b5, YQ Ill.2 b2, YQ N.4 a5; (wal) 355 a4, 359 al2; (wall) 256 a5, 318 + 319 b6, 380 bl, THT 1650.b a2; (waly) 224 a2; ♦Obl.Sg. (feint) 9 a3, 16 a3, a4, 49 a5, 58 a4, 66 a3, 92 a3, 94 a5, 111 b4, b5, 127 b3, 258 a7, 292 bl, 294 a8, 317 al, 343 b2, 394 a3, 433 b5, YQ IIl.2 a I, b2; (lcif!1t) 15 b6; ♦Gen.Sg. I a5, b4, IO a4, 24 a4, 49 a6, b4, b5, 56 a5, 59 b2, 66 a6, b3, 71 b5, 72 b5, 73 a5, 81 b4, 89 a3, 100 bl, I 10 b5, 118bl, 144a2, 150b3,256a2,263a>b5, 280bl,297a7,301 b7,317b2,331 a3?,. 337 b3, 355 a2, a4, 356 a2, 382 al, 383 a3, 403 b>a4, a>bl, 429 b8, 433 bl, 450 b3, YQ 1.8 b6, YQ II.3 a3, YQ II.4 b67, YQ 11.8 a2, a3, a4-5!, YQ 1!1.5 a7, YQ III.9 bl-2!, YQ N.2 + N.6 b4; ♦AII.Sg. 9 a3€, 16 a4, 66 a6, 71 a4, 72 b6, 74 a4, 97 b4, 147 b6, 326 b5, 342 b>a3-4, 395 a4, 399 a IO a2, 431 a6, b4, 432 a4, a6, YQ II.3 a4; ♦Abl.Sg, (lcinlii$) 1 b5, 120 b I, 308 b4, YQ 11.2 b2; (lanta:f) 342 a>b5; ♦ Loc.Sg. 24 b5, 163 b2; ♦ Perl.Sg. 266 + 276 a>b6, 371 bl; ♦Com.Sg. THT 1441.c al; ♦Norn.PL (lane) 222 a2; (lci111s) 22 b3, b5,99a2, 101 a4,a6, 114a3, 144al, 163 a2, 312 a3, b I, 358 a2, YQ ll.9 b2; (lciils) 74 a2, 288 b3, 296 a2, 350 b5, 358 al, 403 a>b4, YQ 1.7 b3, YQ 11.8 a5, YQ 11.9

    b3, YQ 111.5 al; (/as) 2 b3, 128 b2, 312 a4, b5, 317 b8, 323 al, 358 a4, 370 a5, 408.i al; ♦ Obi.Pl. (/iinciis) 57 al, 58 a2, 130 a3, YQ 11.9 a7; (lances) 409 a4; ♦Gen.Pl. 66 a2, b6, 71 b3, 74 al, a2, 83 a5, b3, 280 b4; ♦ Instr.PL YQ 111.5 b6; ♦All.PL THT 1382.j b3, 1422.d a5; ♦ Perl.Pl. 14 a2, 257 bl; ♦ Com.PL 271 b8, 253 a3!. D Feminine match ► /iints. wiil- (vb.) 'die'

    POU 'mori', TEB 11 'sterben', TVS 'die'. (Mtant.) Prs. wiilliis-T-, !pf. wlii111,vci-, Subj. wla-, Prt. wal-, PPrt. walu. F Prs.X MP l Sg. wiilliismcir, 3Sg. wiil!ii,ytiir, wiillii$frii, wlii$fiir, Inf. wliissi, !pf.MP ISg. wliif!J:fe, wlii~nJ·ciwe, Subj.Ill MP I Sg. wlamcir, 3Sg. wlatiir, I Pl. w!amtrii, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. wlal, ObLSg.Fem. wlallya111, Prt.III Act. 3Sg. wliis, IPL wiilmiis, 3PL wliir, PPrL Nom.Sg.Masc. walu, Norn.Pl.Masc. walny, Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.PLFem. walunt, Gen,Sg.Masc, waluntcip, Obl.Sg.Fem. wah1siir11, Gen.Sg.Fem. waluse, Abs. waluriis. T ♦Prs.MP lSg. YQ LIO a8; ♦3Sg .. (wiilla.ytiir) 64 b6, 65 a3, a4; (wiillii,strii) 117 a5, 187 b4!; (wlii0tiir) I 02 a5, 451 bl!, THT 1410.d al; ♦ Int~ 65 a2; ♦ !pf.MP I Sg. (wlii171,ye) 65 a4; (wlii1J1,sciwe) 65 a5; ♦ Subj.MP ISg. THT 1531 a3; ♦3Sg, 130 b5, 433 b3, THT 1879 al; ♦ l Pl. 72 a2; ♦Gdv. 14 a3; ♦ObLSg.Fem. 76 a5; ♦Prt.Act. 3Sg. 15 b4, 128 a6, 442 a2; ♦ IPL 298 a5!; ♦ 3PL SHT 4438v.d b4; ♦ PPrt. 64 a5, 130 b5, 212 bl, 289 b6, YQ 11.4 a7; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc 64 a3· ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 217 a6 (bis); ' ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 11 b4; ♦Obl.Sg,Fem. THT 2385.i a7; ♦ Gen.Sg.Fem. THT 1461 + 2396 a3; ♦ Abs. 298 al!, 403 b>a4!. D Cf. ► wlalune. R The TB verb with identical meaning is srukii-. L P

    wiilli- (vb.) 'shatter' [B wala-]

    L P F T

    POU'?', TVS 'shatter'. Pit.I PPrt, w!o. PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. w!o, Nom,Sg.Fem. wlos. ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 247 b3; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 341 bl. ·

    441 R

    wa~t-pak connection with ► wac and ► waco, as per Couvrcur ( l 959:253a) and TEB II :45, n.2 is however not warranted.

    Discussion in TVS:893-894. On 341 bl, sec Sieg (1952:40, n. 15).

    wiilkii- (vb.) 'be in a sweat' (?)

    L P F T

    POU'?', TVS'?'. PPrt. wiilko. PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. wcilko. ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 166 a3 /1/kiir.yto

    wiissi (adv.) 'easy'

    L T

    wi:ilko-ki klopant utkra111 wiirpniitiir 'being cut off and as if


    sweaty (?) he suffers severe sufferings'. Discussion of the occurrence in 166 a3 and of other alleged forms of this verb in TVS:895. This hapax verb occurs together with ► kiir.5tii-, and has likely a similar meaning. The phrase kiir.yto wiilko is certainly designed for stylistic reasons.

    wiilts (num., masc./fcm.) 'thousand' [B yaltse, yiiltse, yiltse]

    L F

    POU 'millc', TEB I! 'tauscnd'. Nom./Obl. wiilts, Instr.Pl. wiiltsantuyo, wi:iltsantyo.



    l bl, 64 b2, b3!, b3, l 18 b6, 128 a3-4!, 179 a2, b3, b6, 256 a7 (bis), 264 b6!, 273 a2, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a3, b>a6, 289 b8, 315 + 316 b7, 332 bl, 375 b2, 440 b5, YQ I.2 a2, YQ 1.4 a6, YQ 111.5 b4, YQ Ill.9 b5; ♦ Instr.Pl. (wiiltsantuyo) 191 a2, 254 b7, 270 b5, 340 a8, YQ Il.7 al; (wii!tsantyo) 340 a6. D Sec complex compound numerals, ► wewiilts, ► tri-wiilts, ► stwar-wiilts, ► !jiikwiilts, ► !jpiit-wiilts, ► okiit-wiilts, ► 1iuwiilts.


    ► tri-wiiltse1t1


    (num.)' 16,777,276' F Nom./Obl. wiilts-:1iik-kiint--5iiptuk-.ypiit-pitmiiniintu-.5piit-wiilts-we-kiint--5iiptuk--5iikpi.

    T ♦ Obl.316+316b7. D Compound of several numerals. Note that the largest number has the plural form of ► tmii111.

    wiiso (adj.uni.) 'opposed to' (Skt. virodhika-)

    L T R

    Couvrcur (1959) 'en contradiction'. ♦386 b3-4. See discussion in TEB 11:44-45 and Catt Huard - Inaba (2022) for translation. The

    JWP 'pertaining to both sides, ambivalent'. ♦ YQ IIl.8 a7 mii tiim wiissi iinant miirkampal.yiniip pruccamne(yis) ... yatsi 'It is not easy, Ananda, to make

    (aware) of the advantage of the Law', THT 1463 b2. D Cf ► wiissitsune*. R For the interpretation of this word, see Peyrot (2014: 153), with further references. wiissitsune* (n .. a.) 'easiness' (Skt. sugamatva-) F Perl.Sg. wiissitsuneyii.

    T ♦ Pcrl.Sg. SHT 182185. D Derived from ► wiissi. R See Peyrot (2014: 153) for the interpretation of the passage and further references. wii!jt(adv.) 'double, doubly' [B wasto] T ♦94 a4, 254 a5-6 wii.yt ii-5iinikiin 'doubly honorable persons'. D See compounds ► wii!jta-kiintu, ► wii!jtpiik, ► wii!jt-wiiknii. Cognate with numeral ► wu, we. R Restoration and translation of the passage in Geng- Laut Pinault (2004b:52, 54). wii!jta-kiintu * (adj.) 'with forked tongue,

    treacherous' L JWP 'double'. F Norn.Pl.Fem. wii-5/a-kiintwiiil. T ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. YQ 111.2 b8. D Compound with wii.yta 0 'double, ambiguous' and ► kiintu. R Occurring in a list of the faults of women, sec the Uigh. parallel text, MaitrHami III, 3 a 6 tortiinc iki tillig 'Vicrtens: Doppelziingig sind sic' (Geng - Klimkeit 1988a: 178-179). wii!jt-piik (adv.) 'in two parts'

    L POU 'duac partes'. T ♦THT l 189.c bl. D Compound with ► wii!jt 'double' and ► piik.


    Reference in POU:300. sec SSS:246.



    wii.yt-wiiknii (adv.) 'in two ways' [B wasto-

    yakne] L POU 'duobus modis'. T ♦64 b4, 388 a2!. D Compound with ► wii!jt, perlative affix.

    ► wkii111,


    wii~pii (adv.) 'indeed, certainly' [B auspa]


    POU 'sane, ita sane', TEB II 'fiirwahr', JWP 'indeed'. T ♦ 7 b3, 9 a3, 213 b3, 243 bl, 249 b4, 253 b6, 318 + 319 b3, YQ 1.4 b4, YQ I.6 a5, YQ 11.5 a8, YQ 11.10 b5 (bis), YQ III.5 b7. D TB auspa reflects actually an adverb with nasal prefix *ce(n)-, based on the match *waspii ofTA wa0pii. See Hilmarsson ( l 991a: 170). R Restoration and translation of243 b I by Pinault (CHREST:283). wiis-(vb.) l) (tr.) 'wear (clothes)', 2) (caus.) 'dress' [B was-, yas-] L POU 'vestire', TEB 11 'bekleiden', TVS 'don, wear (clothes)' (itr./tr.), 'dress sb.' (tr.). P I) (tr.) Prs. was-, Subj. wsa-, Prt. wsii-, PPrt. wasu, lpv. pusiir, 2) (caus.) Prt. wosii-. F I) Prs.II Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. wa,l'al, Nom./Obl.Fem.PL wa..l'la,.n, Subj.IN Opt.MP I Sg. wsTmiir, 2Sg. wsitiir, Prt.Ill MP !Sg. wse, 3PL wsant, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. wasu, Obl.Sg.Masc. wasunt, Abs. wasuras, Ipv.111 MP 2Sg. pusiir-ni, 2) Prt.MP I Sg. wose-111. S wsiil was- 'wear a garment'. T ♦ l)Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. THT 1489.ba2; ♦Nom.Fem.Pl. 2 a4 wsiilu yetweyntu wa.yla111 ,l'enc-am 'clothes and ornaments were to be put on by them'; ♦ Opt.MP !Sg. 149 b3; ♦2Sg. YQ III.7 a2; ♦ Prt.MP !Sg. 123 b6; ♦3PL 108 b4, THT 1422.a b2; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 89 a4, 138 a3, 274 b8, 304 a7, 391 b3, YQ III. l l b3, b6; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 89 a3, 147 b5, 304 a2; ♦Abs. THT 2467 bl; ♦ lpv.MP 2Sg. YQ III.7 a7; ♦2) Prt.MP lSg. YQ III.8 a3 (kip-.~iini.yiniis wsii)/uyo wose-111 'I dressed her [the queen] with clothes pertaining to shame and pudor'. R Discussion in TVS:896-897 and Peyrot (2013a:823). In YQ III.8 a3, the Prt. MP form wose-111 is parallel to other l Sg.MP

    Prt. forms (pyii,l'l.)'e, yete-111 ). This is confirmed by the Uigh. parallel text, MaitrHami Ill, 7 a 29-8 as (Geng Klimkeit 1988a: 198-199). wiis {]) (n., masc.sg.) 'poison' [B wase]

    L F T

    POU 'venenum', TEB II 'Gift'. Nom./Obl.Sg. was. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 62 a2, 75 a3, 155 b3, 222 b5, 321 a2. D See derived adjective ► wsom.

    wiis (2) (n., masc.sg.) 'gold' [Byasa]

    L F S T

    POU 'aurum', TEB II 'Gold'. Nom./Obl.Sg. was. was nkiilc 'gold [and] silver'. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 291 b8jambuniit wass oki ii.ytar 'as pure as JambUnada gold', 303 b6, 439 b2. D See bound form in ► wsii-yok, ► ws,1!jtlim.


    ► iiy-

    wiisri* (n., fem.) 'place abounding in grass,

    grassy spot' (Skt. siidvala-) L POU 'gramen', TEB II 'Grasplatz, F T R

    Rasen'. Obi.Pl. wsa1yiis, Instr.PL wsa1yiisyo. ♦ Obi.PL 318 + 319 b4; ♦ Instr.PL 70 a5. For the meaning and Sanskrit parallel, see Sieg (1952:43, n. 10).


    ► wtsi

    wik- (vb.) 1) (itr.) 'disappear', 2) (tr.) 'cause to

    disappear, drive out, drive away' [B wik-] (Skt. nir-izud-) L POU 'exstingui, evanescere', TEB II 'schwinden', TVS 'disappear', tr. 'avoid', caus. 'drive out, remove'. P 1) (dctr.) Prs. wika-, Subj. weka-lwikii-, Prt. wikii-/weka-*, PPrt. wiko, 2) (tr./fact.) Prs. wikas-T-, !pf. wik0ii-, Subj. wikiis-T-, Ipv. pwikii-, Prt.11 wawik, Prt. III wek(s)-, PPrt. wawiku. F I) Prs.III MP 3Sg. wikatiir, 3 Pl. wikantar, Subj.V Act. 3Sg. weka.5, Prt.1 Act. 3Sg. wikii-m, PPrt. wiko, 2) Prs.VIII 2Sg. wikii.5t, 3Sg. wika.5, wikii.y.5-iil11, 3PL wikseiic, PPrs.Act. wik5ant, PPrs. MP wikasmiitJZ, Gdv.I Obl.Sg.Masc. wikii0·lii111, Gen.Sg. wikii0lis, Inf. wikiissi, wfkiissi, !pf.Act. 3Sg. wik0ii, Subj.IX Act. 1Sg. wikiisam, 3Sg. wTkii(i, wikii0(i-ii111, Gdv.II wikii,l'al, lpv.Il Act.

    443 2Sg. pwik, pwikii-m, Prt. II Act. 3Sg. wawik, 3Pl. wawikiir-ii171, Prt.111 Act. 3Sg. wekiis, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. wmviku, wawfku, Norn.Pl.Masc. wawiku.y, All.Sg. wawikuntac, Gen.Sg. wawikuntiip, Abs. wawikurii:1, wawikiirii,y. S klesiis wik- 'drive away depravities'. T ♦ I) Prs.MP 3Sg. 391 a6!; ♦3Pl. 391 b2; ♦ Subj.Act. 3Sg. 431 b7; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. 46 b4, 40 I b4; ♦ PPrt. 177 b5; ♦ 2) Prs. 2Sg. 246 b4; ♦ 3Sg. (wikii.y) 55 al, 256 b2, 297 b6, YQ III.5 b2; (wikii.5,y-ii111) 14 bl; ♦ 3Pl. 147 a3, 227/8 b7; ♦ PPrs.Act. 231 b7, 251 b2, 252 b2; ♦PPrs.MP YQ 1.3 b3; ♦ Gdv. (wikii0lii171) YQ 1.9 b4; ♦Gen.Sg. THT 1542.e a4; ♦ Inf. (wikiissi) 68 bl, 125 b4, 287 + 259 a>b I!, 340 a3, YQ I. lO a6; (wTkiissi) 227/8 a6; ♦ !pf.Act. 5 b4; ♦ Subj.Act. !Sg. 93 b3; ♦ 3Sg. (wfka~·) 229 a7; (wikii~·.y-ii111) 408.n b3; ♦Gdv. 116 a4; ♦ lpv.Act. 2Sg. (pwik) THT 1636.q b2; (pwikii-m) 340 a4; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. 1 b6, 80 a>bl, 185 b5!, THT 1465 a5; ♦ 3Pl. THT 1542.e a3, THT 1645.1 al; ♦ PP1t. (wawiku) 231 b7, 246 b2, 362 a4?!, YQ 1.9 b4; (wawfku) 231 a3, 247 bl; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 229 b3, YQ N.2 + N.6 a6; ♦ All.Sg. l09 a4; ♦ Gen.Sg. (wawikuntiip) YQ III.9 b7; ♦Abs. (wawikurii.y) 354 b6; (wawikiirii.y) 226 bl!. D Cf. ► wikiilune, ► wikii!jlune. R Interpretation of the bilingual fragment THT 1636.q according to Huard (p.c.). wikiilune (n., a.) 'disappearance, relinquishing' [B wikaliie] (Skt. prahfo:ia-) F Nom./Obl.Sg. wikalune, Loc.Sg. wikiiluneya171. T ♦Nom.Sg. 387 a4, THT 1475.c al, PK.NS.5 a4; ♦ Loc.Sg. 395 a2-3, 432 b7. D Abstract derived from the subjunctive stem of ► wik-. wikii!jlune (n., a.) 'driving out, removing, chasing' F Nom./Obl.Sg. wikii.ylune. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. THT 3150 a4 klesiissi wikii.ylune 'the removing of the afflictions'. D Abstract derived from the subjunctive stem of ► wik- causative. wiki (num.)'twenty' [B ikiil!1] L POU 'viginti', TEB II 'zwanzig'.


    F T

    wiki, wiki, viki. 19al,229a6,255bl,292a5,330 b5, 395 b5, 410 a2, 448 b3; (wfki) 238 a5; ( viki) 370 a5. ♦ (wiki)

    wiki-okiit-pi (num. )'twenty-eight' F wiki-0 kiit-pi, viki-okiit-pi. T ♦(wiki-0kiit-pi) 395 b5; (viki-okiit-pi) 370 a5. D Compound with ► wiki, ► okiit, and additive particle ► -pi. wiki-okiit-pint* (num.ord.) 'twenty-eighth' L POU 'duodtricesimus'. F Obi.Pl.Masc. wiki-okiit-piiiciniis. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 151 a5. D Derived from ► wiki-okiit-pi. wiki-1iu-pi (num.)'twenty-nine' T ♦YQ 1.9 a5. D Compound with ► wiki, ► rm, and additive particle ► -pi. wiki-1iu-pi11t* (num.ord.) 'twenty-ninth' L POU 'undetricesimus'. F Obi.Pl.Masc. wiki-iiu-piiiciniis. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 151 a5. D Derived from ► wiki-iiu-pi. wiki-1i11-pi-p11klyi (adj.) 'twenty-nine years old' L POU 'undetriginta annos habens, florens'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. iviki-iiu-pi-puklyi. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 269 + 290 a>b3€, YQ 1.9 a5. D Compound with ► wiki-,iu-pi and ► -puklyi.

    wiki-tiiryii-pint (adj.) 'twenty-third' F Nom.Sg.Masc. wiki-tiilyii-pint, Obi.Pl.Masc. wiki-tii1yii-piiiciniis. T ♦ Nom.Sg.Masc. 238 a6!, 292 a5!; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 151 a2-3!. D Derived from wiki-tiit)1ii-pi*. wiki-pii1i-pi11t (num.ord.) 'twenty-fifth' L POU 'vicesimus seeundus' F Nom.Sg.Masc. wiki-piiii-pint, Obi.Pl.Masc. wiki-piiii-piiiciniis. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 287 + 259 b>a3!, 292 a6; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 151 a3. D Derived from ► wiki-piili-pi. wiki-pii1i-pi-puklyi* (adj.) 'twenty-five years old' F Nom.PI.Masc. wiki-paii-pi-puklyiiii. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b8 ! (bis).


    wiki-puklyi* D

    Compound with ► wiki-pibi-pi and ► -puklyi, see ► wiki-piili-pint.

    wiki-puklyi* (adj.) 'twenty years old' L POU 'viginti annos habens, florens'. F Norn.Pl. wiki-puklyi11i. T ♦Norn.Pl. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b8. D Compound with ► wiki and ► -puklyi. See ► kiint-wiki-puklyi. wiki-we-pint* (num.ord.) 'twenty-second' L POU 'vicesimus secundus'. F Norn.Pl.Masc. wiki-we-pinci, Ohl.Pl.Masc. wiki-we-piFicinas. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 226 b4; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 151 a2. D Derived from ► wiki-we-pi. wiki-stwar-pi (num.)'twenty-four' T ♦THT 2425 b5!. D Compound with ► wiki, ► stwar, and additive particle ► -pi. wiki-stwar-pint* (num.ord.) 'twenty-fourth' L POU 'vicesimus quartus'. F Obi.Pl.Masc. wiki-stwar-pincinas. T ♦ Ohl.Pl.Masc. 151 a3. D Derived from ► wiki-shvar-pi. wiki-!ja-pint (num.ord.) 'twenty-first' L POU 'vicesimus primus'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wiki-.ya-pint, Obi.Pl.Masc. wiki-,rn-pilicinas. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 292 a4; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 151 al!. D Derived from wiki-,rn-pi. wiki-!jiik-pint* (num.ord.) 'twenty-sixth' L POU 'vicesimus sextus'. F Obi.Pl.Masc. wiki-.5ak-piiiciniis. T ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 151 a4. D Derived from ► wiki-!jiik-pi. wiki-~piit-pint* (num.ord.) 'twenty-seventh' L POU 'vicesimus septimus'. F Obl.Pl.Masc. wiki-.ypat-piiiciniis. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 151 a4. D Derived from wiki-.ypat-pi. wic (n., fem.) 'magical skill, spell' [B wic, Pl. wicanma] L POU 'ars, magica', COU 'Spruell'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wic, Loc.Sg. wiccaq1, Instr.Pl. wiccii.syo. S wic mantra 'spell [and] prayer'. T ♦Nom.Sg. PK.NS.3 b3-4!; ♦ Obl.Sg. 62 b6, 122 b4, 318 + 319 a6, 355 b3;

    ♦ Loc.Sg. 141 b6, 331 b7; ♦ Instr.Pl. 373 a8!?. D Loan via MI from Skt. vidya.' knowledge, magical skill, incantation' (MW:964a).

    wicittrii (adj.uni.) 'diverse' L POU 'varius', TEB II 'bunt, mannigfaltig'. F ,viciltrii, wicilra. T ♦ (wicittra) 346 bl; (wicitra) THT 3859.d a4. D From Skt. vicitra- 'variegated, manycoloured, motley, brilliant' (MW:950b). wiccii!}i* (adj.) 'of magic skill' L POU 'artis magicae', JWP 'ofVidyas'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. vicca.yil11, Obi.Pl.Fem. wicca,~.50.s. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. THT 1378.b a5; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. YQ 11.3 bl. D Based on the underlying stem of ► wic.


    ► vitark

    Widyiidharakfrti (PN, masc.) name of a domestic chaplain (Skt. purohita-) L POU 'Gloria vidyadharorum'. F Nom.Sg. widyadharakirti. T ♦Nom.Sg. 317 b3. D From Skt. vidyadhara- 'a kind of supernatural being' (MW:964a), and kirti'good report, fame, renown, glory' (MW:285a), found in various Skt. proper names, e.g. Sukirti (MW: 1220b ), VimalakTrti (MW :979c ). winaya-pifak (n., a.) 'basket of Discipline', name of a part of the Buddhist canon L POU «Canistrum (Corbis) disciplinae», nomen proprium libri'. F Nom.Sg. winaya-pifak. T ♦Nom.Sg. 336 b6. D Loan from Skt. vinaya-pifaka- 'basket of discipline', the collection of treatises on the rules of discipline for monks and nuns (MW:97lc). winii!jlune (n., a.) 'veneration, homage' [B wina,1·,~aliie] F Nom./Obl.Sg. winii.ylune, wina.5/ne. T ♦Nom.Sg. (winci!ilune) 250 a2; ♦ Obl.Sg. (w;nii.5/ne) 395 b5. D Abstract derived from the subjunctive stem of ► winiis-.

    445 R

    wimarp Masc. THT 1651.b al; +Abs.

    The form occurring in 395 b5 is due to metrical constraint.

    winaJlmze~·i (adj.) 'pertaining to veneration' F Nom.Sg.Masc. ,vinii,~/une.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. wi11ii.y!,,ne.)'i1J1. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 54 b I ptiiiikiit kii.y.yi171 winii.y/une.yi piii 'the merit pertaining to venerating the Buddha-lord, the teacher'; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 54 a6. D Derived from ► winaJ!une. wim'ls- (vb.) 'honour, venerate' [B winiisk-] L POU 'revereri, adorare, venerari', TEB II 'verehren', TVS 'honor, venerate'. P (tr.) Prs. winiis-T-, lpf. winii.yii-, Subj. winiis-T-, Prt. winii.yii-, PPrt. wawil11,rn. F Prs. VIII Act. I Sg. winiisam, winiisamci, winiisam-cf, 3Sg. wi11ii..~, I Pl. winiisamiis, winiisamiis-.'ii, winiisamsi (metri causa for winiisamas-si), 3Pl. winiiseiic, winiiseiic-0111, wineFzc0111, iviniise, winiiseilci, PPrs.MP winiismii1.11, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. winii.)'iil, Obl.Sg.Masc. wi11ii,~lii1r1, Inf. winiissi, !pf.Act. 3Sg. winii.)'ii, wi11ii.yii-f!l, 3Pl. ,vinii!)iir, Subj.IX Abstr. winii.y/une, PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. wawi111.yunt, Abs. wawil!1,)'Ura.y, wawin.yurii.)'. T ♦ Prs.Act. JSg. (winiisam) 36 b2, 109 a4, 243 al-2!, a4, bl, b3-4!, 244 a4!, bl, b3, 245 al, b4, 246 a2, a4, b3, 247 a4, 248 a2, a4, bl-2!, 249 a2, 251 b2!, b3, b4, 252 b3!, b4, 378 al, THT 1473 bl, THT 4158 b3!; (winiisam-ci) 247 al, b2, b4, 248 b4, 249 a4, b2, b4, 250 a4, 372 b>a5!, 378 a4, YQ IIl.6 a6; (winiisam-ci) THT 4089 b2!; ♦3Sg. (ivinii.y) 240 a3, 355 b2€, 372 b>a3; ♦ I Pl. (winiisamiis) 62 a I; (winiisamiis-,'i) 253 b6, YQ 11.15 al; (winiisam-si) 253 b6, YQ II.8 al; ♦ 3PL (winiise1ic) 257 a8, YQ Ill. I a4, YQ IJl.5 b5, YQ III.IO b6; (winiiseiic-ii111) 253 b5; (wineilc-iil!l) YQ 11.2 b8 iipat swiinceniiii 1vineF1c-ii111 'the rays honor him by turning around (from left) to right'; (1vi11iise) 274 b7; (winiiseiici) 283 a2!; ♦ PPrs.MP 253 b7, YQ 11.13 a2; ♦Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. 458 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 250 a4; ♦ Inf YQ 1.7 b3, YQ 111.12 b4; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Sg. (winii.yii) YQ IL 14 b3; ( winiisii-q1) 445 .a b6; ♦ 3 Pl. 312 a I!; ♦ Gdv. ( winiiJ'liil!l) 250 a4; ♦Abstr. ► wina.ylune; ♦ PPrt. Obl.Sg.

    (wawilwfurii.y) 23 a3, 258 bl, 303 al, THT 1679 b5!; (wawin.yura.y) 260 a7, 266 + D R

    276 b>a3. Cf. ► wina.ylrme. In 355 b2, winii..~ is misspelt as wni,1·, compare the same phrase in 372 b>a3. In YQ 11.2 b8, wineiic is the reduced form of winiiseFic (parallel to neiic for 11aseilc, from ► nas-), in the usual description of rightward circumambulation (Skt. pradaksi!lii-). There is no need to set up for this hapax legomenon a special root win- (as per TVS:904 and 905) or wiiytii- (as per Peyrot 20 l 3a:8 I 9 and n. 844), whose meaning would be rather vague in any case.

    winiiFui- (vb.) 'enjoy' [B winii-1111-] (Skt. ramate 'be glad, delight in') L COU 'einverstanden sein, zustimmen, sich freuen', TVS 'enjoy, find pleasure in'. F Prs.XII MP 3Sg. witiir, Subj. XII MP 2Sg. 1vi11tiir. T ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. 462 a5; ♦ Subj.MP 2Sg. 70 b6. D Denominative from win*, cognate with TB wfna, basis of the verb winii-ilii-. R Discussion of alleged forms in TVS:905. Parallel Skt. text mentioned by Sieg ( l 952:44, n. 11 ). wipa- (vb.) 'be wet' [B waiw-] L POU 'madere', TEB II 'feucht sein', TVS 'moisten', caus. 'make wet'. P I) (itr.) Prs. wipa-*, PPrt. wipo, 2) (fact.) Prs. wipiis-T-, Prt. wawiwii-. F l) Prs.V Inf. wipiisi, PPrt. wipo, 2) Prs.VI!l Act. 3Sg. wipii,l'~-ii111, PPrs. MP wipiismiil!1, Pit.Act. 3Pl. wawiwiir. T ♦ I) Inf. 430 a3; ♦ PPrt. 124 b5; ♦2) Prs.Act. 3Sg. 124 b2; ♦ PPrs. MP 408.j b2; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Pl. 63 a6. R Discussion of the form wawiwiir, for *wawipiir, in TVS:91 l. wi111a111 (n., a.) 'palace' [B wimii1!1] L POU 'domus regia', TEB II 'Palas!'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wimii1r1, wimiinn, All.Sg. wimiinac, Abl.Sg. wimiinii.)'.)', Loc.Sg. wimiinw11, vimii11w11, Nom./Obl.Pl. wimiintu, wimiiniintu, Loe.Pl.



    S T

    wimiinfH'a/!1, Ahl.Pl. wimiintwa.5, wimiinantwii,v. iliikci wimii!J1 'divine palace'. ♦Nom.Sg. (wi111ii111) 188 a3; (wimiinn) 320 a8; ♦ Obl.Sg. (wimii171) 341 a5; ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (wi111ii111) 188 al!; ♦All.Sg.

    186 a2, b6;


    253 a6;

    ♦ Loc.Sg.

    (wimcmw11) 186 b5; (vimiina111) 235 bl!; ♦Nom./Obl.PI. (wimiintu) 187

    bl, 287 + THT 1409.1 + 259 a>b3!

    D R

    meyeilc (wimiintu); (wimiiniintu) 267 + 268 a>b I ! 1'iiikcyiin (wimiiniintu) m{e)ye(nc), 301 a7; ♦ Loe.Pl. 156 al; ♦Abt.PI. (wimiintwii.5) 58 a6; ( wimiiniintwii.y) 315 + 316 b2 !. Loan from Skt. vimiina- 'palace',

    especially of the gods (MW:980a). The restoration of wimiintu 287 + 259 a>b3! is confirmed by the fragment THT 1409.1 completing that manuscript, see Itkin - Malyshev (2021 :56).

    wiyii- (vb.) 'be frightened, disturbed' [B wi-] (Uigh. iirk- biili!Jlii-) L POU 'perplexum esse, errare', TEB II 'sich erschrecken', TVS 'be frightened'. P Prt. III wi(-s)-, Prt. I, PPrt. wiyo. F Prt.I PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. wiyo, Gen.Sg.Masc. wiyontiip, Nom.Sg.Fem. wiyoss, Prt.lll Act. !Sg. wiyu. T +PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 7 a6, 8 b3, 257 bl, THT 2269 b3; ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 83 + 76 a5!; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 152 a2; ♦Prt.Act. ISg. 295 a4. R See TVS:901 and Peyrot (2013a:818). For the restoration of83 + 76 a5, see Sieg (1952:21). wir (adj.) 'young,juvenile' (Skt. taruua-) L POU 'adulescens, iuvenis', TEB II 'jugendlich,jung, Frisch'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wir, Norn.Pl.Masc. wire, Obi.Pl.Masc. wires, Gen.Pl.Masc. wiressi, Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. wira111. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 112 a3, 273 al!, YQ Ill.12 bl; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 277 a6, 287 + 259 a>b7!, YQ III.12 a4, a5; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. YQ III.12 a2, THT 1418.d b2; ♦ Gen.Pl.Masc.3I8+319 a7!, 360 a6; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 169bl,318+319 a5; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. THT 2423 bl. R In 277 a6, the text of TS: 145 ought to be segmented as wire yiip, see SSS: 115,312 and Siegling's personal copy.

    wirone (n., a.) 'youth' L POU 'adulescentia, iuventus'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wirone, Gen.Sg. wironeyis. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 112 a3, a4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 275 al. D Derived from ► wir.

    wit (n., masc.) 'sign, message' L POU'?'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wil T ♦ Obl.Sg. I 08 a5, 349 a2. D Possibly an abstract derived from ► wiytI-.


    The meaning remains uncertain. Most likely, wil refers to something (message, token) sent by Nanda to his wife SundarT (Peyrot 2013a:286, n. 207). The message may have the purpose to evoke fear.


    ► Vi!ftllll

    wiskiiiic (n., masc.) 'mud, mire' L POU 'linrns, Iutum'. F Nom.Sg. wiskiinc, Instr.Sg. wiskiincyo, Loc.Sg. wiskiiftcat_n. T ♦Nom.Sg. PK.NS.3 b3!; ♦lnstr.Sg. 218 b6; ♦Loc.Sg. 113 b3, b4!, 180 a2. wu, we (num.)'two' [B wi, wi] L POU 'duo, duae', TEB II 'zwei'. F Nom./Obl.Masc. wu, wii, Instr.Masc. wunyo, Ahl.Masc. wunii.5, Nom./Obl.Fem. we, Com.Fem. wesiil. T ♦Nom./Obl.Masc. (wu) 17 b6, 18 a4, 65 a5, 99 al, 150 b6, 152 bl, 233 a6, 257 b2, 264 a2, 305 a4, a6 (bis), a7, 333 a7, 344 b I, 353 b6, 354 a6, 385 a5, 397 a5, 408 al, YQ III.I I bl, PK.NS.I a2, PK.NS.5 a I!, b2; ( wii) 62 b4, 305 a5, 366 b3, 449 b2; ♦ Instr.Masc. 3 a4; ♦Ahl.Masc. 85 b2, 108 a5; ♦Nom./Obl.Fem. 47 a3, 62 b4, 64 bl, 118 b4, 179 b5, 229 a5, 233 b5, 255 a4, a6, a8, 291 a2, 315 b7, 375 b2, 431 a6, 432 a6, YQ II. I a4; ♦Com.Fem. 186 a3. D See ► tiiryiik-we-pi, ► siik-we-pi, ► siikwe-pi-wiiknii.




    ► wmiir

    we- (])

    ► weka-

    we- (2)

    ► triifik-

    hold any longer, pace SSS:473, TVS:908, and Peyrot (20 l 3a:8 l 4, n. 800). (1)

    we ► wu weka- (vb.) 'break, scatter, let fall', mid. 'fall apart, be scattered; (of talk) be confused' [B wik-] (Skt. bhid-) L POU (weka- I) 'dilabi, dissolvi' / (weka2) 'mentiri, fallere' / (we-) 'agere, (e )nasci, (pro )germinare', TEB II 'auseinanderfallen', TVS (weka- I) 'fall apart, break'/ (weka- 2) 'lie, tell lies'/ (we-) (act.) 'let sprout' (mid.) 'sprout'. P (tr.) Prs. wena-, Subj. weka-, Prt. weka-, PPrt. wcnveku. F Prs.Vl Act. 3Sg. wena.y, MP 3Sg. wenatra, 3Pl. wenantrii, Subj.V MP 3Pl. wekantrii, Prt.I MP 3Sg. wekat, PPrt. Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. wiiweku, Obi.Pl.Masc. wiiwekunciis. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 145 + 192 a4 wiiccii111 pra!jtaq1 nu wena«.)'» palt-pyiipyiis 'the second time, [the Parijata-tree] sheds leaves and flowers'; ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. THT 1142 b I; ♦3Pl. 156 a2 lykaly lykaly wenantrii pyiipyiifi 'flowers are scattered little by little'; ♦ Subj.MP 3Pl. 77 b6, THT 1377.b b3; ♦ Prt.MP 7 a5 siimyw11tiir wekat 'this mechanism fell apart', 9 a I; ♦PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. 272 b3!, 371 a5 smale vi.yiim tsiir wiiweku wewnu tiim 'should I have uttered lie, slander, harsh [speech] and non-sense'; ♦Obl.Pl.Masc. 13 a2, a3. D The preterit particle in two occurrences has been substantivized as a calque of Skt. sambhinna-praliipa- 'confuse, senseless talk', cf. Pinault (I 999a:230). R The present forms were recorded under a separate lemma we- 'to sprout' by previous literature, see discussion in TVS:907 and Peyrot (20 l 3a:8 ! 4, n. 799). But the meaning 'to shed' for the present active is warranted by a parallel identified by Siegling's personal copy (TS:76) and Itkin Malyshev (2021 :60). Thus, it is more likely that these forms belong to the present of the verb weka-, provided that the original cluster -kn- underwent loss of the dorsal stop. The assumption of a specific verb weka- 'lie, tell lies' does not

    we-kiint-tiiryiik (num.)'230' T ♦229 a5. D Derived from ► we, ► kiint, ► tiiryiik. wekii!jlune (n., a.) 'demolishing' F Nom./Obl.Sg. weka,~lune. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. THT 1610.a al. D Abstract based on a causative stem of ► weka-.

    we,ilune (n., a.) 'telling, speech' F Nom./Obl.Sg. weiilune, Abl.Sg. we,1/uneyii.y, Perl.Sg. weFzluneyii. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 7 b2, 15 a2, a3, 56 b5, 69 bl, 94 al, 95 al, b3, 112 al, 214 b6, 219 a5, 277 b6!, 302 b6, 313 b8!, 338 a9, 343 b2, YQ 11.3 a6; ♦Abl.Sg. 300 a3, 307 a6; ♦ Perl.Sg. 95 b5!, 388 b4. D Abstract derived from ► we- (2). we-tmli111 (num., rnasc./fem.) '20,000' F Nom./Obl.Sg. we-tmii111. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 255 a8. D Derived from ► we, ► tmii111. we-tmli111-we-wiilts* (num., masc./fem.) '22,000' F Nom./Obl.Sg. we-tmii111-we-wiilts. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 255 a6!. D Compound with ► we, ► wiilts and ► tmlil/1.

    weyef!I (adj.uni.) 'amazing, amazed' L POU 'mirus, mirificus', TEB II 'wunderbar, verwundert', JWP 'amazing, amazed'. S weye111 11ii111tsu 'being amazed', anumiiski weye111 'astounded [and] amazed'. T ♦21 b3, 61 a5, 73 a2, 75 al, 83 a6, 152 b5, 153 a5, 256 a7, b3, 257 a4, 280 b6, 297 al, 313 b8, 346 al, YQ 1.9 b6, YQ II.2 b3, b5, YQ Il.9 b7, YQ II.I I a2, THT 1409.n a3, THT 1607.b a2. D Based on an interjection or surprise, with suffix -eq1, see Pinault (2015c: 169-170). No relationship with ► wiyli-, pace Van Windckens (VW:571) and Peyrot (2013a:818, n. 837). R Discussion of the uses by Pinault (2015c: 164-165); corresponding semantically lo TB aktike.


    we-wiilts we-wiilts (num., masc./fem.) '2,000' F Nom./Obl. we-waits. T ♦Nom./Obl. 179 a3, a4, b4, b5, 375 a5. b I (ter), b2 (bis). D Compound with ► we, ► wiilts. we!j (n., masc.sg.) 'guise, appearance, costume' [B we,)·, Pl. we.yanma] L POU 'forma, facies'. JWP 'appearance, costume' F Nom./Obl.Sg. we.y, Instr.Sg. wesyo, wesyo-k, Com.Sg. we,rnsHil. S siimaiii we.y 'the guise of a monk', .yiimnunesi we.y 'the guise of monkhood'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 261 a>b7, 393 a6, YQ 11.13 a5, a6, a7, b2, YQ II. 14 b4; ♦ lnstr.Sg. (wesyo) 267 + 268 b>a8, 269 + 290 a>b4, 304 a3, YQ 11.13 b I, THT 1390.e b2; (wesyo-k) YQ II.10 a7; ♦Com.Sg. YQ 11.15 a4. D From Skt. ve.ya- 'dress, apparel, assumed appearance' (MW: IO I 9b ). R For the restoration of393 b6, see Malyshev (2017: 111 ).

    we!jkinc* (n., fem.) 'bladder' L POU 'nomen cuiusdam partis corporis. 'intestina(?)", TEB II 'Name eines Korperteils, vie!!. 'Gedarrn". F Loe.Pl. we.ykiilciisaf/1. T ♦ Loe.Pl. 124 b4. D Derived with suffix -ilic from a noun matching Lat. vesTca 'bladder'; about the latter, see Andre (1991:38, 158-159) and de Vaan (2008:669). wes (n., masc.sg.) 'excrement' [B we171ts] L POU 'excrementum', TEB II 'Harn'. F Nom.Sg. ires, Gen.Sg. wesis. T ♦Nom.Sg. 124 b4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 150 b6, b6!. R Discussion of the meaning of TB we171ts by ADAMS:662. waira4, 297 b4, YQ II.! b4, YQ 11.8 a4, YQ IIl.8 a2, a4, YQ III. IO b8, YQ N.1 a2, YQ N.2 + N.6 b2, THT 1422.d a4!, THT 2071 bl. D Iterative eompound based on ► wkiilfl, with addition of the perlative affix.

    see Winter ( 1992: 136), Pinault (2006b:75). wniskii- (vb.) 'crush, oppress, torment' [Cf. B nusk- (?)]

    L P F


    wees (adj.uni.) 'better' (Skt. sreyiin)

    T D R


    a7, YQ lll.3 al. Probably eognate with ► wiit. See Pinault (CHREST:558).

    wta!j (adv.) 'a seeond time'

    L T D R

    POU 'bis', TEB II 'zum zweiten Mal'. ♦408.q a2, 432 a3. Based on ► wiit, neuter of the ordinal, plus ablative case affix. See Winter (1992: 136), Pinault (2006b:75).

    walkot (adv.) 'again indeed' F wtiikot, wtiikotii.



    75 bl, 99 a6, 202 al, YQ II.I I a2, THT 1441.c b5!; (wtiikotii) 216 b>a7, YQ II.4 a7. Based on ► wtiik, plus particle ot; further remodeled by addition of the adverbial ending -ii. ♦(wtiikot)

    wtii, wtiik (adv.) 'a second time, again' [B watesa] (Skt. punar) L POU 'iterum, rursum, denuo', TEB II

    F S T


    'wiederum', JWP 'again'. wtii, wtiik. wtii wtii 'again and again'. ♦ (wtii) II b5,94a4, 107b6, 120bl, 399.12al, l593.aa4wtiiwtii, THT 1981 b2, THT 2016 al wtii wtii, THT 2092 a2, THT 2118 al; (wtiik) 12 al, 62 a4, 67 al, 97 bl, 168 b3, 182 b2, 198 b3, 215 a5, 258 a6, 279 b6!, 309 b3, 361 al 3, THT 1375.e b3, THT 1422.c a3, THT 1487 bl, YQ I.6 b4. Based on wiit, neuter of the ordinal ► wiit, wci, plus perlative case affix, plus particle ► -(ii)k. See also


    wpiil* (n., masc.) 'ashes' (Uigh. kiil) F Perl.Sg. wpiilii.

    T D R

    In 11 b5, wtii has been corrected by Sieg (1944:14, n.14), see also Siegling's personal copy (TS: I 0). For the formation,

    ♦Perl.Sg. THT 1408.k + 285 + 28 I b>a I!. Verbal noun based on the subjunctive stem of ► wiip- 'consume'. Discussion of the occurrence by Pinault (2019b:115, 133-134).

    wpiisune ► opiisfone wpiis (n.) 'freshness, coolness' (Cf. B wakse*)

    L TEB II 'Klihle (?)'. F




    Nom./Obl.Sg. wpiis. ♦ Obl.Sg. 75 a6 wpiiss ats (miintne arii.y ma)iikiit mii twiislune 'just like the moon brings forth coolness, not burning'. Related to root B wiiks- 'get cold, turn indifferent' (rather than 'turn away'(?), TVS:875). The meaning of this hapax was proposed by Sieg (1952:12, 11. 14), on the basis ofa parallel text. Cf. also TVS:883. For the TB parallel, see further Catt - Huard Inaba (2020: 199-202).

    wmiir (n., fern.) 'jewel, gem' [B wamer], verse form ,vmer (Skt. ma,:,i-)

    L F T

    ► wtiikot.


    COU 'bedrlickt', TEB II 'bedrlicken', TVS 'crush, torment'. (tr.) Prs. wnisii1ikii-, Prt. I PPrt. wiiwnesku. Prs.Vll Act. 3Sg. w11isii1ikiis, Prt.I PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. wiiwneskunt. ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 94 a4; ♦ PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ II. I b4 klopantyo wiiwneskunt iirkiso.yi 'the world tormented by sufferings'. Pinault ( 1990: 194-196), further literature and discussion in TVS:912.


    COU 'Juwel', POU 'gemma', TEB II 'Juwel'. Norn./Obl.Sg. wmiir, wumiir, Nam.Pl. wmiiri, Obi.Pl. wmiiriis. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (wmiir) I b5, 43 a6, bl, 52 a4, 208 a5, 405 bl, YQ 11.2 a7; (wumiir) 43 + 52 al; ♦Nam.Pl. 317 b7, 318 + 319 a3; ♦Obi.Pl. THT 2432 bl. TA wmiir issued from *wiimiir-ii < *wiimcer-ii, plural of*wiimcer, which yielded independently TB wamer (Pinault



    20 I I b: I 69-172). This explains the feminine gender of A wmiir, vis-a-vis the gender of [B H'amer, verse form wmer], masculine in singular, but feminine in plural ('alternans '). For the Skt. parallel ma~1i-, see Pinault (20 I Sf: 143-144); on the text 43 + 52, see Pinault (20 I Sf: 144-158).

    wmi'ir.)'i* (adj.) 'jewelled' L POU 'gemmatus'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. wmiir.yi1J1. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 63 a5. D Derived from ► wmiir. wmi'ilune* (n., a.) 'setting, going down' F Loc.Sg. wmiilu11eyar11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. YQ I.4 b2. D Abstract derived from ► wii11u1-. R Related to the second member of the compound ► ko111-wmi'i11t 'west, sunset', see Pinault ( I 998a:363 ), and further discussion by TVS:883-884. wyiik,)'ep (n., masc.sg.) 'obstruction, hindrance' [B nyak.yep] L POU 'impedimentum, difficultas'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. Hyiikyep, Nom./Obl.Pl. wyak.yepantu. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 226 b5!, 260 a2!; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 404 a3. D Loan from Skt. vyakyepa- 'obstruction, hindrance, delay' (MW: I 036a). wyiibhyi'i (adv.) 'pervading, inherently, diffuse' L POU'?'. T ♦355 al wyiibhya erkiit(une ant) taka.yt 'you are pervadingly evoking scornfulness'. D Via MI, with hyper-Sanskritization, from Skt. vyiipT, nom.sg. ofvyiipin- 'reaching through, pervading, diffusive, comprehensive, spreading everywhere' (MW:1037b), plus TA adverbial suffix -ii. Alternatively via MI from vyapyata'state of being pervaded' (MW: 1037c). Both solutions involve a wrong Sanskritization -py- > -bhy-. wyiir (n., masc.) 'monastic dwelling; temple, shrine' L POU 'monasterium, coenobium', JWP 'monastic dwelling'. F Nom./Obi.Sg. Hyar, Loc.Sg. Hyiirm11, Norn.Pl. wyiiri, Obi.Pl.

    wyaras, wyiirs (metri causa), Gen.Pl. wyiiras.'ii, Abl.Pl. wyiirsa.y, Loe.Pl. Hyiirsa,71. S wyiir yam- 'fund a temple', wyar wles'build a temple'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 27 b2, 49 bl, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>al! (bis), 299 al; ♦ Obl.Sg. 49 b4, b5, 279 b7, b8, 302 al; ♦ Loc.Sg. 49 a3, 148 b6, 151 b4, 220 b5; ♦Norn.Pl. 49 b6, 337 b6; ♦ Obi.Pl. (H)1aras) 49 a5, 62 b2, THT 1408.k + 285 +281 b>a8,311 b3, YQIII.I a4;(wyiirs) THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a3 okt111a111stwa(r)-w(a)lts wya[r]s ya[m]tra 'one will build (lit. make) 84.000 shrines'; ♦ Gen.Pl. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a2!; ♦ Ahl.Pl. 49 b4!, b5!; ♦Loe.Pl. 282 a2. D Loan via Ml from Skt. vihara- 'dwelling place for monks, monastery' (BHSD:505a; SWTF JV:144a). R For the restoration ofTHT 1408.k + 285 + 281, see Pinault (2019b:l 13-l 16). wyi'ir.)'i (adj.) 'of a monastic dwelling' L POU 'monasterii, coenobii'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wyar.yi. T ♦Norn.Sg.Masc. 49 a3!. D Derived from ► wyiir. wyi'ir-sa,ikriim (n., masc.) 'temple [and] monastery' L POU 'monasterium-conventus, coenobium, conventus'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wyiir-salikriim, Gen.Sg. wyiir-salikriimis, Loc.Sg. wyiirsarikra111ar11, Nom.Pl. wyiir-smikrami. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 260 b5, 299 al; ♦Gcn.Sg. 302 b2!; ♦ Loc.Sg. 266 + 276 b>a6; ♦Norn.Pl. 22 b4. D Compound with ► wyi'ir and ► sa,iknim. Note that it coexists with the binomial phrases featuring inflection of both terms. Wyiise*


    wratom* (adj.) 'meager' L POU 'macer, exTlis', TEB II 'mager'. F Norn.Pl.Fem. wratomi11a11. T ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 148 a4, bl!. wram (n., a.) 'thing, matter, object' [B wreme] L POU 'res', TEB II 'Sache, Ding', JWP 'matter, thing'.

    451 F

    S T

    wrasom Nom./Obl.Sg. wram, Gen.Sg. wramis, lnstr.Sg. wramyo, Abl.Sg. wrama.5, Loc.Sg. wramaf!z, wramma,_n, wramann, Nom./Obl.Pl. wrama,.n, Gen.Pl. wramnis, wramniissi, Instr.Pl. wramanyo, wramii1J1nyo, wramannyo, All.Pl. wramnac, Abl.Pl. wramnas, Loe.PL wramna111, Perl.Pl. wramnii, Com.Pl. wramnassal. sak krant wrama111 'the ten ways of good actions (Skt. dasa-kusala-karma-patha-)'. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 2 a2, b5, 3 b3, b4, 4 a2, 8 al, a3, bl, 9 a3, a5, IO bl, 16 a3, 39 b5, 43 + 52 al, 57 b4, 59 b2, 65 b5, 66 b6, 67 a3, a6, 71 a4, 72 a5, 78 al, 93 a6, 119 b6, 153 b3, 159 al, 168 b4, 197 a2, a4, b3, 218 b5, 246 al, 247 a2, 249 a3!, bl, 256 b3, 257 b2, 261 a>b2, 301 a5, 312 bl, 317 b6, 320 b8, 340 a9, 355 bl, 362 a3, 387 a2, 393 b4, 404 a2, 422 al, 432 a2, YQ 1.7 a4, YQ 1.8 a7, YQ 1.9 b4, YQ II.12 b6, b7, PK.NS.I b4, PK.NS.5 b3; ♦ Gen.Sg. 137 bl; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 243 al; ♦Abl.Sg. 223 a3, 244 a2; ♦ Loc.Sg. (wrama111) 14 a4, a6, 48 a2, 155 b5, 226 a5, 246 a2, 284 al, 329 b3!; (wramma1J1) 405 a3; (wramann) 78 a3; ♦Norn/Obi.Pl. 19 b3, 22 bl, 58 b3, 64 al, 78 a2, 82 bl, 91 b6!, 148 b4, 164 b3, 171 a2, I 84 a2, 204 b5, 253 b5, 295 b2, b5, 301 a2, 359 al 1, 395 al, 447 al, 467 a3, YQ III.9 b4, YQ N.5 a6!; ♦ Gen.Pl. (wramnis) 120 a4; (wramniissi) 4 a3, 64 a3, 75 b2, 339 b7!, YQ III.3 a7!; ♦ Instr.Pl. (wramanyo) 248 b3; (wrama111nyo) 217 b6; (wramannyo) YQ N.4 a6; ♦ All.Pl. 385 bl€; ♦Abl.Pl. 148 b3!, 243 b4; ♦Loe.Pl. 73 b4, 248 al, THT 1495 bl; ♦ Perl.Pl. 93 b4, THT 3360 b2; ♦ Com.PL 47 b3.

    wra!ji (adj.) 'of water, concerning water'

    L F

    POU 'aquae, aquaticus'. Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. w1wi, Obl.Sg.Masc./ Fem. wra.5it11, Norn.Pl.Masc. wra.5iiii. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (wrc1.5i) 257 b2; (w1wi111) 332 b7; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 257 b3; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 257 b2. D Derived from ► wiir. wras- (vb.) 'feel, suffer'


    POU 'percipere, pati', TEB II 'empfinden, leiden (?)', TVS 'feel, suffer'. P (tr.) Prs. wras-T-, Subj. wras-T-. F Prs.II Act. 3Sg. w1w, Inf. ► wrassi, Subj.II Gdv. ► wra,1·al. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 19 b6, 321 a7. D See ► wrassi*, ► wra!jiil. wrasmi

    ► wrasom


    ► wrasom

    wrase111 (n., fem.) 'breath'

    L POU 'spiritus', TEB II 'Atem'. F Nom.Sg. wrase111. T ♦Nom.Sg. 218 b2. D Related to the verb ► wiirs-. wrasom (n., masc.) 'living being' (Skt. priitia-, prii,:zin-; Uigh. tmlzg)



    wram!ji (adj.) 'of a thing'

    L F T

    POU 'realis, rei (gen.)'. Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. w1wn$i. ♦ Obl.Sg. Masc. 220 a I wra1n.5i paltsa!..yo 'with a spirit concerned with object'. D Derived from ► wram.

    wra!jiil (n., masc.sg.) 'affliction, distress' F Nom./Obl.Sg. wra!iiil, lnstr.Sg. wrasiilyo.

    T D

    ♦ Obl.Sg. 79 b2, 215 bl, YQ 1.6 b8; ♦lnstr.Sg. 19 b4, 275 b2. Substantivized Gdv. of ► wras-.



    POU 'animal, homo', TEB II 'Lebewesen, Mensch', JWP 'living being'. Nom.Sg. wrasom, Obl.Sg. wrasomiint, Gen.Sg. wrases, Perl.Sg. wrasomantii, Com.Sg. wrasomantassiil, Norn.Pl. wrasaii, Obi.Pl. 1vrasas, Gen.Pl. wrasassi, wrasissi, Instr.Pl. wrasasyo, All.Pl. wrassac, Abl.Pl. wrassas, Loe.Pl. wrassa111, Perl.Pl. wrassii, Com.Pl. wrasassal, wrassassal. kraiic wrasaii 'good beings', ypesiiii wrasafi 'people of the country', puk wrasan,pukwrasas 'all beings'. ♦Nom.Sg.

    3 b4, b6, 5 a2-3, 7 b2, 13 b6, 14 a3, 18 bl, 39 b6, 48 a2, 55 b5, 60 a>b6, 63 b6, 65 b5, 68 bl, 72 b3, 77 a5, 83 b4, 93 a6, 94 b4, 114 a6, 117 a5, 118 b4, 137 a5!, 140 b4, 151 bl, 158 b4, 190 b3, 202 a4, b3, 208 a3, 227/8 b4!, 232 b7, 245 b3, 261 b>a2, 264 a5, 265 a3, 275 a5, b6, 283 b2, 297 a2, a5, 303 b7, 304 b8, 311 a2, b3, 313 b2, 318 + 319 b8, 340 a3, 343 b4, b5!, 347 a2, 379 as, 391 b5, 432


    wrasomi111 b5, YQ 1.3 a7, YQ 1.9 b6, YQ II. I I b4, YQ JJ.12 a5; ♦ Obl.Sg. 67 b4; ♦Gen.Sg. 63 a6, 229 b2; ♦ Perl.Sg. 79 a6; ♦ Com.Sg. YQ I. I b I; ♦Norn.Pl. 4 b5, 8 b4, 9 a2, a6, b5!, 13 b5, 15 b5, 34 a5, 37 a5, 42 b6, 60 b>a2-3!, 63 a2, a4, 64 a2, 81 a6, 111 a4, a5, I 16 a4, bl, 149 b5, 153 a4, 156 b3, 185 b2, 21 I b6, 217 a4, 221 b2, b5, 222 a3!, 226 a3, 227/8 b6, 229 al, a3, a4, 230 b5, 231 b5, 240 a4, 253 a2, b7!, 254 a2, a3!, a4, a6!, a6, b2, b4, 257 a4, b5, 262 a5, 279 a2, bl, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a2, a>b6, 287 + 259 b>a2!, b>a4, b>a5!, b>a6 (bis), b>a7, a>b7, 288 a5, 295 a7, b3, b5, b6, 296 b7, 302 a4, 312 a8, 313 a2!, a3, a8, b7, b8, 314a2,315 + 316 b2, 320 b7, 322 a6, 327 b7, 332 b8, 333 b4, 336 b5, 341 b7, 355 bl (quater), 399.17 bl, YQ 1.2 bl, YQ I.6 a5, YQ ll.7 a2, YQ 11.8 b5, YQ II.14 a6, YQ Ill.8 b8, YQI!I.11 a3, YQN.3 b3, THT 1141 b34, THT 1408.k a2, THT 1626.d a3, THT 2071 a2, THT 2494 b2, THT 4089 b3; ♦Obi.Pl. 15 bl!, 16 a6, 19 a6, 20 b6, 63b2, 70a4,81 b3!, 148b6,218a8,222 a5, 224 al, 229 bl, 237 a3, 244 bl, 246 b4, 254 a2, a3, a4, b4, 270 b7!, 271 a7, 279 a7, 307 a5!, 311 al, 312 b4, 335 a3!, 336 a3, 391 a2, YQ N.2 + N.6 b2, THT 1282.f b2, THT 1417 .d b4, THT 2482 b2; ♦Gen.Pl. (wrasas.~i) I a3!, 2 a3, bl, b3, 4 al, 5 a2, 7 b3, b5, 9 b6, 10 a2!, 14 b3, b4, 17a6, 19al,25a4,49al,50a4!,54bl, b5!, 57 a3, bl, 61 a6, 63 b2, b4, 64 b4, 65 a2!, a2, 68 a6-bl, 69 a3, b4, b5, 73 a4, 98 a3, l!0b6!, 112b3, 130b4!, 146al,212 b2, 214 b3, 218 b5, 222 al, 229 a3, 236 a5, 251 b2, 253 b7-8!, 254 a2, a3!, a3, b7, 255 a2, a3, a5, a6, a8, b I, b2-3, b6, 262 a2, 269 + 290 b>a8!, 270 b2!, b3!, 271 b3!, 279 al, 287 + 259 b>a4!, 289 a5, 295 b4, 313 b6, 317 a5, 327 b4, 341 b5, 355 a3, 394 al, 400 bl, YQ 1.3 b2, YQ 1.9 b2 (bis), b5, YQ II. I b6, YQ 11.3 b5-6!, YQ II.4 a8-bl !, YQ II.7 a7, YQ 11.8 b8, YQ lll.3 a5, YQ lll.9 bl, b2-3!, YQ N.4 a5, THT 1144 b3!; (wrasissi) 249 b3; ♦ Instr.Pl. 227/8 al, 312 a4; ♦All.Pl. 9 bl, 56 b6, YQ 11.6 a8; ♦ Abt.Pl. 2 b6, 17 a3, 218 a5, 236 a4, 256 a5, 266 + 276 b>a3, 295 a4, 313 b3; ♦Loe.Pl. 57 a5, 84 a4, 148 b5, 280 a6, 284 b8, 302 a8, 386 b5, 391 a4, 407 b2, YQ N.5 a7; ♦ Perl.Pl. 307

    b6, YQ II.8 a8; ♦Com.Pl. (wrasassal) 395 a5; (wrassas.ial) 147 a5, 254 a7, 256 a5, 322 b6, PK.NS. I b I. D Calque of Skt. pra!1a- (BHSD:391 a) and prii(1i11- 'living being', see Pinault (20 I 5c: 160- I 61 ). The same motivation holds for the semantic match TB 0110/me 'living being'. See ► wmse111, ► wrasom.yi, and the verb ► wiirs-.


    The Gen.Pl. form wrasi/,si (hapax), if not a misspelling, may be a blender ofwrasassi and wrasis.

    wrasomil11 (n., fem.) 'female being' F Nom.Sg. wrasomil!J. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ 111.3 a2 k,Ji wrasomil11 piip0 uneyis wars nii111tsu.y 'the

    woman [and] the female being have become the stain of moral conduct'. D Feminine match of ► wrasom, following the pattern of ► somil11 'girl, maiden' vs. ► som 'boy'. R The masculine gender of the PPrt. niil!1tsu.y is probably due to attraction from the attribute ► wars. wrasom.yi (adj.) 'of a living being'

    L F T

    POU 'animalis'. Nom.Sg.Masc. wrasom.yi. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 156 b2!, 214 bl, YQ II.I b3 wrasom,~i wiikam 'the excellence of a living being', transposition of Skt. prii11avise.ya- (MW:990b). D Derived from ► wrasom.

    wraske (n., a.) 'illness'

    L F


    POU 'morbus, aegrotatio', TEB II 'Krankheit', JWP 'illness'. Nom./Obl.Sg. wraske, Gen.Sg. wraskeyis, Instr.Sg. wraskeyo, Perl.Sg. wraskeyii, Nom./Obl.PI. wraskeyantu, wraskentu, Gen.PL wraskeyntwiissi, Instr.Pl. wraskentuyo. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 63 b6, 65 b2, 75 b3!, 105 b4, 125 b5, 177 b4, b5, 221 a3, 246 b2, 316 b3, 335 al, 375 a3, YQ I.10 a6; ♦ Gen.Sg. I 03 a6, PK.NS.5 a4; ♦ Instr.Sg. 315 b3, 359 a5, 405 a2, 451 bl, THT 1458 bl; ♦Perl.Sg. 335 a3; ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (wraskeyantu) 103 a2; ( wraskentu) I I 7 b3; ♦ Gen.Pl. 410 b2 !; ♦Instr.Pl. 14 a3.

    453 D R

    wrok Related to the verb ► wras-. See ► wantwraske. For the restoration of wraske in 75 b3. see Chamot-Rooke (2021 :208, n.19).

    wraskeyu* (adj.) 'siek, ill' L POU 'reger, regrotus', TEB II 'krank'. F Obl.Sg.Mase./Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. wraskeyunt, Gen.Sg.Mase. wraskeyntiip, Obi.Pl.Mase. wraskeyuiicas, Gen.Pl. wraskey,Jicis/;y. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 117 b4; ♦Gen.Sg.Masc. 347 al; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 266 + 276 b>a7!; ♦ Gen.PL 302 bl. D Derived from ► 1vraske. R The regular Gen.Pl. form is wraskeyuFtcassi; the attested form is due to metrieal eonstraint. wraskeyum (adj.) 'ill' F Nom.Sg.Masc. wraskeyum. T ♦Nom.Sg.Mase. 219 a3!?. D Derived from ► 1vraske. wrassi* (n., mase.sg.) 'feeling, affliction' L POU 'pertinet ad radicem verbalem wras-'. F Nom.Sg. wrassi, Perl.Sg. wrassiyii. T ♦Nom.Sg. 19 b3 ype ypeyii ymii111 nu wrasy eq1tsiit-a111 sark war11tyo 'but while going from country to country, an afflietion seized his back because of wind'; ♦Perl.Sg. 84 bl tra1ika,~ sas karyii wrassiyii 'this one speaks aceording to will and feeling'. D Related to ► wras-, possibly substantivization of the infinitive (< *wras-tsi). R Translated as 'Empfindung' by Sieg ( 1952:22), coordinated with ka,yii, perl.sg. of kri 'will'. wrtita- (vb.) 'shape, form' [B wriit-] L TVS 'shape, form'. P Subj. wriita-. F Subj.V Gdv.11 wriitaf.


    ♦► sne-wriital.

    wrtitka- (vb.) 'cut, prepare, handle [of meat]' L POU 'fervere, coquere', TVS 'prepare, handle (meat)'. P (tr.) Prs. wriitiilikii-. F Prs.VII Act. 3Sg. wriita1ikii.y. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. 399 b3. D Discussion see Peyrot (2013b:176, n. 60).

    wrti~·/1111e (n., a.) 'development' (Skt. bhiivanii-) F Nom./Obl.Sg. ,vri'Lylzme. T ♦Nom.Sg. 385 b2; ♦Obl.Sg. 248 b2. D Abstract based on the subjunetive stem of ► war- (2). See ► mii-wrtiijlune. wra-nesset (n., mase.sg.) 'charm over water' L COU 'Wasserbespreehung'. F Nom./Obl. Sg. wra-nesset. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 12 a4, bl!. D Compound with ► war 'water' as first member and ► nesset 'charm, spell' as second member. Wranttir (PN, masc.) name or part of name of a Uighur donor L POU'?'. F Nom.Sg. wrantiir. T ♦Nom.Sg. 303 b I. D Loan via Tocharian and MI from Skt. vrndiiraka- (alternatively vrndiira-) adj. 'being at the head', masc. 'chief: leader of a crowd or host' (MW:101 lc). wri (adj.) 'watery, aquatic' [Cf. B wriye.y,)·e] L POU 'aquaticus, aquae (gen.)', TEB II 'waf3rig'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wri, Obl.Sg.Masc. wril11, Norn.Pl.Fem. wriniiii, Obi.Pl.Fem. wriniis. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. THT 2515 b2; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc.315+316 a7; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 154 a4 wriniiii /wii 'aquatic animals'; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 70 b5, 394 a2 wriniis /wiikis 'to the aquatic animals'. wrmtzts (n., fem.) 'smell, odor' L POU'?'. F Nom.Sg. w1w11ts. T ♦Nom.Sg. 124 b3. D Related to the verb ► war- (3) and to ► war.

    wrok (n., masc.) 'pearl' [B wriiko] L POU 'margarita', TEB II 'Perle'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wrok, Norn.Pl. wroki. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 303 b6; ♦Norn.Pl. 274 a2, 299 b3. D Probably a loan from Mir., cf. Khot. mriihii- 'pearl' (BAILEY:341), see Van Windekens (VW:644), ADAMS:671. The TB stem wriiko, obi. sg. wriikai, of feminine gender, presupposes a suffixation proper to TB. Cf. ► wrok;ji.

    454 wrok!ji (adj.) 'made of pearls' L POU 'margaritae (gen.)', JWP 'of pearls'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. wrok.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. wrok.yi171, Obi.Pl.Masc. wrok,viniis. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 217 b2 wrok.yi sark 'a string of pearls'; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 318 + 319 a5; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 58 bl, YQ II.9 b4. D Derived from ► wrok. wlalune (n., a.) 'death' (Skt. mrtyu-) L POU 'mors'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wlafune, Gcn.Sg. wlaluneyis, Instr.Sg. wlaluneyo, All.Sg. wlalzmeyac, Abl.Sg. wfaluneyii.y, Loc.Sg. wfaluneya,71, Perl.Sg. wfaluneyii. S mokone wlalune 'old age [and] death'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 64 b4, b5, 65 a5, b I, b2, 71 b4, 75 b6, 79 b2, 81 b5, 117 al, 128 a2, 169 a4, 408.c al, YQ I.4 a8, YQ I.10 a6, PK.NS. I a3; ♦ Gen.Sg. 3 b6, 62 a6!, 304 b7, 408 b3!; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 64 b5; ♦All.Sg. 235 b6; ♦ Abl.Sg. 130 b5; ♦ Loc.Sg. 347 al, 359 al!, a3; ♦ Perl.Sg. 130 b2, 404 a4, YQ 1.9 a5. D Abstract based on subjunctive stem of ► wiil-.


    In 3 b6, the Gen.Sg. wlaluneyis has been miswritten wlaluyis, see TS:5, n. 1.

    wlalune-iikatsum (adj.) 'having death as its end' (Skt. maraua-anta-) L POU 'mortem pro fine habens, morte finiens'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wlalune-iikatsum. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 154 b2. D Compound of ► wlalune and -iikatsum *, derived from ► ilk, calque of the Skt. mara,;a-anta- 'ending in death' (MW:789c). wlalune.yi (adj.) 'of death' L POU 'mortis, mortalis'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wlalune.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. wlalune.yitrz, Gen.Sg.Fem. wlaluneJine, Obi.Pl.Fem. wfaluneJ.yiis. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 60 b>al wlalune.yi miitii(r) 'the sea-monster of death'; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 29 b4 wlal11neJi171 .)wika111 'in the mouth of death', 354 b5 ! ,vlalune.yiq1 ratiik 'the army of death'; ♦ Gen.Sg.Fem. 237 a4; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 454 b3. D Derived from ► wlalune.


    For the restoration of 354 b5 and parallel text, see Schmidt (1989:77, 108).

    Wlii1ikiit(PN, masc.) 'Indra', lit. 'king-god' [B Ylaiiicikte] L POU 'Indra' (verbatim 'rex-deus, rex deorum'), TEB II 'Konigsgott (?), Indra'. F Nom.Sg. w!iiiikiit, wliit.nilkiit, Gen.Sg. wliiililiiktes, wla111niiktes, All.Sg. wliiililiiktac, wliiiliiktac, Abl.Sg. w!iiiiiiiiktii,v;;, Perl.Sg. wliiiifiiiktii, Com.Sg. wla,wWktassiil, Norn.PL wlii111iliiktaii, wla,Wktafi. T ♦Nom.Sg. (wliinkiit) 36 a2, 67 al, a2, a56!, b4, b6, 73 a3, 77 a3, 114 a2, b3, 215 b6, 287 + 259 a>b5-6!, 312 bl, 3 I 7 b4€, 370 a4€, YQ 1.7 a5, YQ 1.8 b6, YQ 11.8 bl, YQ II.15 a4; (wliitt'lilkiit) 264 b5, 265 a6, 346 b2; ♦Gen.Sg. (wliiiifiiiktes) 56 a3, I 14 a5, 355 a2, a4, 356 al; (wla111niiktes) 114 b5; ♦All.Sg. (wlanniiktac) YQ 11.8 a5, YQ II. 13 b3; (wliiiiiiktac) YQ II.15 a3; ♦Abl.Sg. 312 b4; ♦ Perl.Sg. 301 b6; ♦ Com.Sg. THT 1375.c a3; ♦Norn.Pl. (wlii171iiiiktan) 183 b5, b6; (wliiiiiiktan) THT 2014 bl; ♦ fgm. 168 b I. D Compound of ► wiil and ► 1ikiit, calque of Skt. deva-riija-, lit. 'divine ruler, king of the gods', designating Indra in Sanskrit epic and later (MW:494b). R See Lubotsky (1994), Pinault (CHREST:32-33, 35). Misspellings: wlaiikak in 317 b4, w!iiFuWt in 370 a4. wliiwa- (vb.) 'control oneself, restrain oneself [B wliiw-] L POU 'sibi imperare, seipsum continere', TEB II 'sich beherrschen', TVS 'control (oneself)'. F Subj.V wlawa-. T ♦ VN wliifune*, basis of ► wliiwhmeyum. wh'lwluneyum (adj.) 'characterized by selfrcstraint' F Norn.Pl.Masc. wfiiwfuneyumii!i. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 359 a26!. D Derived from wliiwlune*, the abstract based on the subjunctive stem of ► wliiwa-, compare TB wliiwa!iie. wle!jlune* (11., a.) 'working, performing' F Perl.Sg. wle.yluneyii, Instr.Sg. wle.yluneyo. T ♦ Perl.Sg. 23 b2; ♦ lnstr.Sg. YQ 1.4 al.

    455 D

    wlyep* Abstract derived from also ► sne-ivle15l1111e.

    ► ivies-.


    wles- (vb.) 'perform, accomplish, build, cultivate' [B la111s-] (Uigh. kiipiiz tan' cultivate cotton') L POU 'praeparare, facere, agere', TEB II 'verrichten ', TVS 'perform, build, cultivate (soil)'. P Prs. wles-T-, !pf. wle-5a-, Subj. wles-T-, Prt. wle.ya-, PPrt. wawle.yu, lpv. ple.yar. F Prs.II MP 2Sg. wle.ytar, 3Sg. wle-5/iir, wle.ytiir-ci, wle.ytrci, 3Pl. wlesantrii, PPrs.Act. Nom.Pl. wle.J·antaii, PPrs.MP wlesma111, Inf. wlessi, Gen.Sg. w!esiss, Prt.I MP I Sg. wle.ye, 3Sg. w!e.yat, 3Pl. wle.yant, Opt.Act. 2Sg. w!e.yit, Opt.MP 3Sg. wle.yitiir, wle.yitrii, Ipv.MP 2Sg. ple.yar, Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc. wle.yiil, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. wawle.yu, Nom.Sg.Fem. wawle.yus, Abs. wawle-5urii:5. S w!esant wles- 'do works'. T ♦Prs. MP 2Sg. 255 b3; ♦ 3Sg. (wlestiir-ci) 393 a2; (wle:jlrii) 385 a5; ♦3Pl. 334 b7; ♦PPrs.Act. Norn.Pl. 332 a2; ♦ PPrs.MP 23 b5, 257 a3!, 258 b4, THT 1137 b5; ♦ Inf. 313 a6, 338 a2, 386 a5, THT 1490 b3, THT 1979 b2; ♦ Gen.Sg. 359 a30; ♦Prt.MP I Sg. 270 b2, YQ III.6 b8; ♦ 3Sg. 255 al, a3, a6, a7, a8-bl, b2, 301 al, 383 b4!, YQ III.4 a8; ♦3Pl. YQ III.5 al; ♦ Opt.Act. 2Sg. 61 b6; ♦ Opt.MP 3Sg. (wle.yitiir) 3 a4; (wle.yitrii) 3 I I b3; ♦ lpv.MP 2Sg. YQ 111.4 a5; ♦ Gdv. 313 b5; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 2 a3, b5; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 409 al!; ♦Abs. 255 b5, 322 b8!, YQ III.JO b7. D Cognate with the noun ► ivies. Cf. ► ivle15l11ne*. R For the vocabulary pertaining to the cultivation of cotton in Uighur, see Pinault (200 I a: 131-133) and Peyrot (20 l 8a:270). wles (n., masc./fem.) 'work, task' [B liif!1s] L POU 'opera, labor, occupatio', COU 'Tatigkeit', TEB II 'Dienst, Arbeit, Wirksamkeit', JWP 'work, task'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wles, Loc.Sg. wlesm.n, Nom./Obl.Pl. wlesant, Instr.Pl. wlesm_ntyo. S w!es wles- 'accomplish a task', wles ya/yiim- 'perform a task'.

    ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 3 a5, b I, 111 b2!, 185 b3, 244 al, 255 a3, a4, 257 a3!, b3!, 270 b2, 313 a6, 332 a2, 338 a2, a8, 397 a7, YQ III. I I b3; ♦Loc.Sg. 384 b4; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 3 a4, 246 a3, 255 al, b3, 258 b4, 325 b7, 385 a5, YQ III.10 b7-8; ♦ Instr.Pl. 2 a5. D Cognate with the verb ► wles-.


    ivlesmf1s1111e (n., a.) 'performance, ceremony' (Skt. methaka-, probably for medhaka'sacrifice') F Nom./Obl. Sg. w!esm11sune. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. SHT 4523 + 1044v5. D Probably for wlesatszme*, abstract based on wlesats*, possessive adjective derived from ► wles. R For the occurrence and interpretation, see Peyrot (2014: 166). wlesa:fi (adj.) 'of work' L POU 'laboris' F Nom.Sg.Masc. wlesasi. T ♦Norn.Sg.Masc. 384 b2. D Derived from ► wles. -wlesum

    ► raritk11-wles11111

    wleso* (adj.) 'working' F Nom.Sg.Fem. wlesots. T ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 146 b6. D Derived from ► wles. R The expected form should be wleso111ts, according to this adjectival class, cf. TEB I: 155 (§ 242.1); this simplification of the final cluster is found in other instances. wlyep* (adj.) 'soft' [Cf. B wlaf/1ske, wlaiske] L POU 'mollis, mitis', TEB II 'weich', JWP 'soft'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. w!ep, Obl.Sg.Masc. wlyepa111, Norn.Pl.Masc. wlyepe, Nom.Sg.Fem. wlyepi, Obl.Sg.Fem. wlyepya111, Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. wlyepatf1. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 386 a3, a5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 63 bl; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 24 a3, 313 a3; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 187 a2 + 193 a3; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 51 b2; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 212 b7, YQ 11.4 b6, YQ II.l Ob3, THT 2521 b2. D TA wlyep and TB wlaiske are probably cognate, but the suffixation is different, since the latter has the diminutive suffix.


    wlyepa-rake R

    The fragment 187 is completed on the left by the fragment 193, see Siegling's personal copy (TS:94).

    wlyepa-rake (n., a.) 'soft speech' L POU 'verbum mite'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. W~Jlepa-rake. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 169 a2. D The context of the fragment may allow the restoration of the form of a possessive compound w!yepa-rakeyum* 'having a soft speech', from ► wlyep *, ► rake. wlyepatsune (n., a.) 'softness, fineness' L POU 'mollitia, tenuitas'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wlyepatsune. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 298 b I. D Derived from ► wlyep*.

    W$e (n., fem.) 'night' [B y~iye] L POU 'nox', TEB II 'Nacht', JWP 'night'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. iv.ye, Gen.Sg. w0 eyis, Perl.Sg. w.yeya, Norn.Pl. w~·en, Obi.Pl. w.yes, Perl.Pl. w.yesa. S kol!I w~e 'day [and] night'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 8 a3, 155 b5, 214 al, 223 a4, 234 b5, 284 a2, 340 b2, b3, b4, YQ 1.9 a5, YQ 1.10 b4, YQ II.I a4; ♦Gen.Sg. SHT 104lr2; ♦ Perl.Sg. 352 b2!?; ♦Norn.Pl. 214 al, YQ II.I a4; ♦ Obi.Pl. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b6; +Perl.Pl. 352 a3. W$e1ilie (n., a.) 'resting place' [B w~enna] L POU 'cubile, lectus', TEB II 'Lager', JWP 'resting place'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. w~eiiiie, w.yeiie, Perl.Sg. w0e,w"ieya, All.Pl. w.ye11111esac, Abl.Sg. w~eiilleya.)', Loe.Pl.

    wJ·eFiFzesm.n. T




    (w.yeniie) 101 a5, 107 a2, 128 a5, 226 b3; (w,veiie) MG I b3; ♦Perl.Sg. 19 bl; ♦All.Pl. YQ 1.4 b2; ♦Abl.Sg. 274 b6!; ♦ Loe.Pl. 307 b5!, b6. Possibly loan from a TB form parallel to TB w.yeFziia. Cognate with the root of the verb TB was- 'abide'. See also ► wiirt-w$e1i1ie.

    wsii-yok (adj.) 'gold-coloured' [B ysa-yok] L POU '«aureus» (verbatim «aureae coloris»)', TEB II 'goldfarben'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wsa-yok, Obl.Sg.Masc. wsa-yoka111, wsa-yoka111, Obl.Sg.Fem.

    wsa-yoka1.n, Norn.Pl.Fem. wsa-yokaii, Obi.Pl.Fem. wsa-yokas. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 145 a3, 308 al, YQ Jil.6 bl; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (wsa-yokii111) 438 b4 cam wsa-yokii111 kana{k)//1, YQ III.5 a5 wsa-yoka111 kanak, YQ lll.6 a8 ampi tsarnm11 wsa-yokii111 kanak ef/1/sus, YQ lll.7 al (ca:f kana)k ... wsa-yokii111 miiccak naske, a6 ca~ 11wm11 wsa-yokii171 kanak; (wsa-yoka111) 144 a2, YQ 11.9 b4, YQ IIl.6 a4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 23 b6, 278 a7!, 314 a8, 316 a2,447 a3!, YQ N.2 + N.6 b2; ♦Nom.Pl.Fem. 315 a8, 378 a3; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 91 a3. D Compound of ► wiis (2), ► yok. See also ► wsii-yok-yats. wsii-yok-yats (adj.) 'having a golden skin' (Skt. Sl/VQ/'IJQ-VQ/'(lQ-)

    L S T D


    POU 'auream cutem habens'. Nom.Sg.Masc. wsa-yok-yats, lnstr.Sg. wsa-yok-yatsyo. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 217 b5, 29 I b8; ♦ Instr. Sg. 260 b3. Compound with ► wsii-yok and ► yats, calque of Skt. suvcir(za-cchavi- 'having a golden skin'. Translation of suvariza-vanJa- 'of golden color (one of the bodily marks of a Mahapuru~a)' (cf. STWF lll:397), which was blended with the following bodily marks, sfik0ma-cchavi- 'having a fine skin'.

    wsiir (n., fem.) 'wheat' [B ysare] L POU 'acervus, frumenti', TEB II 'Getreide(haufe )'. F Nom.Sg. wsar. T ♦Nom.Sg. 65 b4, b5, b6. R See Pinault (2017f: 129, 130-13 I), Peyrot (20 l 8a:25 l-252). wsiil (n., a.) 'garment' [Cf. B wastsi, Pl. wiistsanma] L POU 'vestimentum, vestis', COU 'Kleid', TEB 11 'Gewand',JWP 'garment'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wsal, Gen.Sg. wsalis, Instr.Sg. wsalyo, Abl.Sg. wsalii~, Loc.Sg. wsalaf!1, Nom./Obl.Pl. wsalu, Instr.Pl. wsa!uyo, Ahl.Pl. wsalwii.J. S wsal was- 'wear a garment', wsalu yetweyntu 'garments [and] ornaments', ka0ari wsal 'ka.yayagarment'.



    ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 74 b3, 75 a5, 93 a4, 108 b6, 279 a6, 304 a7, 352 a4, bl, b3, b4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 352 b4; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 184 b3; ♦ Abl.Sg. 75 a6!, bl, 352 b2; ♦ Loe.Sg. 108 b5, THT 2238.b a2; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 2 a4, 101 b2, 160 b3, 187 a4, 209 b4!, 262 a2, 272 a8, 312 b2, YQ 1.4 a5, YQ 111.6 a3, YQ III. I I b6; ♦ Instr.Pl. 63 a5, I 09 b3, 144 a2 (sandhi), 172 b2, 345 b2, YQ Ill.8 a3; ♦Abl.Pl. 214 b5, YQ II. I b8; ♦ fgm. 226 a2. D Based on the subjunetive stem of ► wiis-.


    wsiil~i (adj.) 'of a garment' L JWP 'of a garment'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc./Fem. wsal.yi. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. YQ Ill.5 a6 cas wsal.yi iiemi 'this jewel of a garment'. D Derived from ► wscil. wsii# (adj.) 'of gold, golden' L POU 'aureus'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wsa,~i, Obl.Sg.Masc. wsa~·i, wsa.yit11, wsa.yiniil!I, Nom.Sg.Fem. wsa.yi, Obl.Sg.Fem. wsasi, wsa.1·i111, wsa.y.ya111, Nom.Pl.Masc. wsa.yiiii, Obl.Pl.Masc. wsa.yinas. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 174 b4, 257 a6, 355 a4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (wsa.yi) 22 a4, 301 b I!; (wsa.yi111) 295 a7; (wsa.yina111) 227/8 a2, 253 b2; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. (wsa.yi) 202 a5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. (wsa.yi) 314 a7; (wsa.y.ya111) 378 a5; ♦Nom.PI.Masc. 266 + 276 a>b2!; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 264 b8, 312 b2, 315+3l6a4. D Derived from ► was (2). See also ► jambwuit-wsii#.

    wsa-~t,1111 (n., a.) 'golden tree' L POU 'arbor aurea'. F Nom/Obl.Sg. wsa-,~tam. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 132 a5. D Compound of ► was (2), wsiiry 0 *

    ► ~tam.

    ► wiisri

    wsi (adj.) 'golden, yellow' L POU 'gilvus, fulvus', TEB II 'golden, gelb'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wsi, wsf, Obl.Sg.Masc. wsi, Norn.Pl.Fem. wiisyaFi, Obi.Pl.Fem. wa.syas. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. (wsi) 346 a4; (wsT) 102 b6?; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 8 a6 wsi yats kap.l'iiiiia niiskont 'the golden skin faded

    on the body';


    193 a5; 91 b3!, 321 a2!. D Derived from ► was (2), with suffix -i. but without palatalization of the final consonant of the basis (SSS: I 7, §3 I). R In 8 a6, Sieg has set up a compound wsiyats 'Goldhaut' ( 1944: 11 ), followed by TEB Il:144 ('gelbe Haut'), which is problematic (SSS:244, § 371c), because this is not a possessive compound. Actually, yats 'skin' is in the oblique, as qualified by naskont, parallel to the other body parts which are described in the same stanza (see CHREST:256, 260). ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem.

    wsok (I) (adj.) 'joyful' L POU 'hilaris, lretus', TEB Il 'froh, freudig', JWP 'joyful'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. wsok, Norn.Pl.Masc. wsoke, Norn.Pl.Fem. wsoka,11. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 64 b3, 75 a4, 79 a5, 2 I 7 b5, 315 b3-4!, 354 b2, 443 a4, YQ 11.7 a6; ♦Norn.Pl.Mase. 314 a6; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 231 b4, 258 b2, THT 1133 b2. wsok (2) (n., rnasc.sg.) 'beer' (?) [B wiisok] F Nom.Sg. wsok. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT l 5 I 9 a4 wsok liic we sa1ika111 'beer was spent, two pints', a5!. R The reading wsokiil/1, as alleged Obl.Sg. by Ogihara (2014: 118-119) is mistaken; this manuscript uses double marking of the virama, i.e., with additional dot. As expected, wsok is the subject of the following verb. The terms refers to food which can be measured by ► sr11ik*. In accordance with TB wiisok the meaning is most likely 'beer' (ADAMS:650). wsokone (n., a.) 'joyfulness' L POU 'hilaritas, lretitia', TEB II 'Freude, Heiterkeit', JWP 'joyfulness'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wsokone, Gen.Sg. wsokoneyis, lnstr.Sg. wsokoneyo, wsokonyo, Abl.Sg. wsokoneyiiJ', Perl.Sg. wsokoneya, wsokoiiJ'CI, wsokonya. S /;/a-wsokone 'with joy' (cf. Skt. sahar.ya-). T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 57 a6, 148 b5, 218 bl, 222 a5, 260 b4, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a5, 313 a6, 336 b5, 397 a8, a9, 446 b5, YQ II.I I bl, YQ 11.13 b4, YQ Ill.I I a4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 24 al; ♦ lnstr.Sg. (ivsokoneyo) 22 a I, 23 a2, l 53 a6, 22 I a4,


    wsokone~i* 302 a3, 311 a3, 312 b8, 315 b2!, 358 a3, 394 b4, 398 b4, 405 b4, 430 b8, YQ 11.8 a8, YQ Il.10 a6-7; (wsokonyo) 373 a4, YQ III.5 b2; ♦ Abl.Sg. YQ II. l l b4; ♦ Perl.Sg. (wsokoneyii) 298 b 1; (wsokoi'iyii) 382 a2; (wsokonyii) YQ 111.4 a8. D Derived from ► iv.wk. Cf. ► wsokone!ji*. R In THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a5, the reading wsokoneyo as per TS: 149 was mistaken, see Pinault (2019b: 105, 107). wsokone!ji* (adj.) 'of joyfulness' L POU 'hilaritatis, lretitire (gen.)'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. wsokone.yi,r1. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 24 a4, 399 a6. D Derived from ► wsokone. wsom (adj.) 'venomous, poisonous' [B wsettse] L POU 'venenatus', TEB II 'giftig'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. wsom, Obl.Sg.Masc. wsomiinl, Nom.Sg.Fem. wsomiq1, Obl.Sg.Fem. wsomi11a111, Norn.Pl.Fem. wsominiili.

    S T

    wsomil11 cir.ya! 'venomous snake'.

    ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 75 b4; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 83 al, 100 a6, THT 2049 a3; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 155 b3, 220 a4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 277 b5; ♦Nom.Pl.Fem. 124 a5. D Derived from ► wiis (]).

    wtsi (n., fem.) 'parasol, sunshade' L POU 'umbrella', TEB II '(Sonnen)schirm'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. wtsi, Nom.PI. wiitsyiiii, Obi.Pl. wiitsyiis. S wtsi spiirtw- causative 'let turn the umbrella'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 16 a5, 217 bl, 253 bl, 257 b3, 314 a7; ♦Nom.PI.312 b6; ♦ Obi.Pl. 63 a4, 280 b8, 30 l b6. R The Tocharian B equivalent is k.1·atre, k.yattre, loan via Ml from Skt. chattra- 'parasol, umbrella' (ADAMS:260).

    s satf1kum (n., masc.) 'mother-of-pearl' L POU'?', JWP '?', COU 'wic Trisaliku' (sa1J1kum-menak). F Nom.Sg.Masc. sa111kum. T ♦222 bl= 239 bl ,'w11ku111 menak :Wk-wepi pukla pa.ya(t pap)-51111(e) : '(perfect) like the mother-of-pearl he [Dcvadatta] observed the observance during twelve years', YQ N.2 + N.6 b5! Ill (s)w11k(u)mm oki a.ytarpa.y(,yune pa.yat) Ill. D Derived from ► sa,ik 'shell' with the possessive suffix -um, lit. 'having a shell'. R This simile, found in all occurrences, is based on a cliche about the perfect behavior (Huard, p.c.), see Skt. smikhalikhita- 'perfect in its kind, faultless, flawless' (MW: 1048a), Pa. smikha- 'a shell, conch; mother-ofpearl' (PED:663b), sec especially the compounds swikha-tha/a-, 'mother-ofpearl', sa,ikha-sila- 'shell-stone, a precious stone, mother-of-pearl', saizkhalikhita- 'polished like mother-of-pearl, bright, perfect', swikha-vai1iw- 'pcarlwhitc', Buddhist Skt. saizkha-H/a'mother-of-pcarl' (BHSD:521 a). sakkarilice1!1* (N, masc.sg.) name of a tune, lit. 'sugar-like sweetness' L POU 'nomen metri'. F Loc.Sg. sakkariftce11a1.11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 175 a6. D Abstract in -ef!Z, based on an adjective in °i11c, meaning 'sugar-sweet', derived from the loan via MI from Skt. sarkara'candicd sugar' (CDJAL:715a, No. 12338), cf. Pali sakkhara-, Pkt. sakkara-, Niya Pkt. sakara-, borrowed in TB as sakkar 'sugar' (ADAMS:675). See also ► sakri.


    The first colon starts with 4 syllables, which is not sufficient to define the meter.

    sakti (n., fem.) 1) 'power', name of a dice throw, 2) 'spear, lance' L POU 'hasta, lancea'. F Nom.Sg. sakti, Norn.Pl. saktitz.

    ♦ I) Nom.Sg. PK.NS. 6 a3, b3; ♦2) Norn.Pl. 264 a 1. D From Skt. sakti- 'spear, lance, pike, power, ability, strength' (MW:1044b).


    sakri (adj.) 'sugary, sweet' [Cf. B sakkar] F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. sakri. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. PK.NS.2 bl sakri malkeyo 'with sweet milk'. D Based on the loan via MI from Skt. sarkara- 'candied sugar' (CDIAL:715a, No. 12338), cf. Pali sakkhara-, Pkt. sakkara-, Niya Pkt. sakara-, borrowed in TB as .fokkiir 'sugar' (ADAMS:675). sa,ik (n., masc.) 'conch-shell, conch' L POU 'concha', TEB II 'Muschel'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sa1ik. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 356 al. D From Skt. smikha- 'a shell, especially the conch-shell' (MW:1047b). sa,ikh (n., masc.) 'salikha, a perfume' L POU 'appcllatio cuiusdam odoris', TEB II 'salikha, ein ParfUm'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. satikh. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 54 a3. D Loan from Skt. sa,ikha-, short for swikhanakha- 'the perfume called NakhT (Unguis Odoratus) or another kind of perfume' (MW: 1047c), see also nakh"i'Unguis Odoratus' (MW:524c). R This item refers to the fragrant sea-shell operculum, retrieved from certain scasnails, see McHugh (2012:110, 112,267, n. 6, 268, n. 29). See also ► smik. Smikhe (PN, masc.) Salikha, name ofa king L POU 'nomen proprium regis', TEB II 'Sm'lkha, N. pr. cines CakravartinKonigs'. F Nom.Sg. !;a,ikhe, Obl.Sg. saizkhelJl, sa111khe111, Gcn.Sg. smikhes, smiklze. T ♦ Nom.Sg. 253 a3, 266 + 276 b>a I, a>b3, a>b5, 280 b8, 295 b7, 305 b3!; ♦ Obl.Sg. (!;a,ikhe1Jl) 267 + 268 b>a7; (sa111khe111)


    Saci THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a5; ♦ Gcn.Sg. (.s:wikhes) 280 a3; Uwikhe) 256 a2. D From Skt. Sankha-, name of various men (MW: I047c), 'n. of a future emperor' (BHSD:52 lb), in the MSN, name of the universal king, who reigns in Ketumafi at the time ofMaitreya. R In 256 a2, the manuscript reads sam sa,iklze cakravarttis !ant se si1J1he wii(I) 'this king Sirpha, son of the cakravartin king Saiikha'. It is clear that smikhe stays for a genitive, i.e., smikhes, probably because the genitive is fmiher marked in the title cakravarttis, Gen.Sg. of cakravartti. This was allowed because some foreign words do have a genitive sg. in -e besides -es (TEB 11:106, §132). In 267 + 268 b>a7, the anusvara is visible on tikhe (Chamot-Rooke, p.c.).


    Samitiiri (PN, masc.) name ofa former Buddha

    L F T D R

    .fruiil11* (n., fem.) 'fly-whisk'

    L F T

    POU 'flabellum', Sieg (1944:20) 'Wedel'. Instr.PI. saii inasyo. ♦ Instr.Pl. 16 a5 arkyant saiii11a.1yo ,vorpu 'surrounded by white fly-whisks', 63 a5 ! Hma1:1·i111 entsalyo arkyant saiii11Zi(.1yo) 'with white fly-whisks [provided] with jewelled grip'.

    sm1we1t1 (n.du., fem.) 'jaws'

    L F


    POU 'maxilla', TEB II 'Kinnbacken', JWP 'jaws'. Nom./Obl.Du. .fomve111, sa111we111. Instr.Du. samve111yo, sanwenyo. ♦Nom./Obl.Du. (sanwe111) 213 a6, 292 a6, YQ 11.5 a3, YQ II. IO a8-b I!; (sa111we111) 217 b2; ♦ Instr.Du. (samve111yo) 66 a4;

    POU 'nomen propriurn bodhisattvae'. Norn.Sg. samitari. ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b6. From Skt. Samitari* = Samita.fotru 'n. of a former Buddha' (BHSD:523b). See Geng - Laut Pinault (2004b:58).

    saratwgam* (n., masc.sg.) 'entering the refuge'

    L F T D

    Saci (PN, fem.) SacT, name of an Apsaras

    [BSaci] L POU 'nomen proprium uxoris Indrae', TEB II 'SacT, N. pr. einer Apsaras'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. foci. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 312 b3. D From Skt. SacT, name of the wife of Indra (MW:1048a). R In 312 b3, Saci Rambhanii,)',)' aci, one would expect Saci111 as Obl.Sg. form (SSS:55, 11. I). If it is not a misspelling, one can interpret Saci-Rambhan° as a compound.

    (sanwenyo) 146 a4, a5!, THT 3385 + 403 a>b7. See compound ► si§iik-samve111.


    POU 'asylum', JWP 'entering the refuge'. lnstr.Sg. ,forai1aga111yo. ♦ lnstr.Sg. 269 + 290 a>b6, YQ 11.14 a8. Apparently from Skt. *saratwgama-, analogical for sw-c11w-gamana- 'entering the refuge' (BHSD:524a), referring to the basic Buddhist ritual act, cf Pali saraiwgamana- 'taking refuge' (PED:697b). The form *saraua-gamacan be interpreted as remodeled after asta111-gama- (Pali attha1J1gama-) besides asta1.11-gama11a(Pali atthaf/1gamana-) 'disappearance' < *'going home' (PED:24b; BHSD:84b). See also ► tresaratwgam*. This concept is otherwise expressed by derivatives of the phrase sem yZim-, see ► sem.

    sarir (n., a.) 'body, bodily frame', pl. 'relics'

    [B sarfr] L POU 'corpus (hominis consecrati), reliquiae', TEB II 'Reliquie' . F Nom./Obl.Sg. sarir, Nom./Obl.Pl. sarirantu, sarirntu, sarTrantu. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. THT I 542.d b I, THT 4089 b2; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. (sarirantu) THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>al, 337 b6; (sarirntu) 27 b3, 49 b3, 53 al; (sarTriintu) 240 a5. D From Skt. sar'ira- 'body, bodily frame' (MW:1057c). -sarirum*

    ► miika-sarirum*

    saru (n., masc.) 'hunter' [B .l'enve]

    L F T

    POU 'venator', TEB I[ 'Jager' . Nom.Sg. foru, Gen.Sg. fonres, Loc.Sg. .forw11a1J1, Norn.Pl. .fonmii. ♦Nom.Sg. 77 al, a5, 78 b5!, 79 a5, b3, 224 a2; ♦ Gen.Sg. 75 b5; ♦ Loc.Sg. 75 a2; ♦Norn.Pl. 78 b2!.

    461 D

    saku Possible CT loan from the lndo-lranian substratum (BMAC language), then cognate with Skt. Sarva- 'n. of a god who kills people with arrows' (MW:1057a), cf. Pinault (2006d: 179-181 ); differently ADAMS:695, with further references.

    sat (n., masc.sg.) 'bottom, threshold, sole' L F T


    JWP 'underside (of foot)'. Obl.Sg. sat, Loc.Sg. sala111. ♦Obl.Sg. 48 b4 yokmis sal (ts)itorii.5 'having touched the threshold of the gate'; ♦ Loc.Sg. YQ Il.4 b5, YQ Il.7 a6, YQ II.10 b3. The Loc.Sg. is always found in a fixed phrase with the dual pe171 'feet', meaning 'underfoot', see ► salpe1!1.

    salpe1t1 (n.du., masc.) 'footsole' (Skt. piidatala-)

    L F T D R

    POU 'planta (pedis)', TEB II 'Fu/3sohlen'. Nom./Obl.Du. salpe111, All.Du. salpenac, Loe.Du. salpena,71. ♦Nom.Du. 212 b6 (= YQ 1.8 b5); ♦All.Du. 253 a3; ♦ Loe.Du. 429 b7. Compound with ► sal and the dual pe111. In 212 b6, the phrase lyiik .yiras tiipiilcyis iint oki salpe111 'the footsoles flat around like the front side of a mirror' translates the first mark (lakycu:za) of the Great Man, Skt. suprati.y/hitapiidatalab, see Thomas ( 1990:38), JWP:82, 83, 87 and parallel text in Geng - Klimkeit ( I 988a:305).


    sa!,yu-piiltskum (adj.) 'characterized by a

    penetrating mind' L COU 'einen zufriedenen Geist habend". F Nom.Sg.Masc. saiyu-piiltskum. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 69 a2 sne-praski sasvupiiltskum 'whose mind has entered i1;to the absence of fear'. D Compound with PPrt. saiyu, see ► siiyii- and ► piiltsiik, plus possessive suffix -um. .1,ii1t1tikii (n., masc.sg.) 'expiatory rite' F Nom./Obl.Sg . .M111t;kii. T ♦Obl.Sg. 355 b3 siintiik wic mantra ma111;la! siint;kii purkiis 'you perform

    (imperative) medicine, magic, prayer D


    salyiihart (n., masc.sg.) 'surgery'

    L JWP 'surgery'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. salyiihart. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ 1.2 b5. D Loan via Ml from Skt. *salyiihrti-, cf. salyoddhrti-, salyoddhiira-, further salyiihara!Ja- 'extraction of arrows

    and thorns' (MW:1059b), see also Zysk ( 1991 :25) and Pinault (2003a:66).

    (mantra), circle (ma111;lala), expiation'. Loan via MI from Skt. siintika-

    'propitiatory rite for averting evil' (MW:1065a). This form has been transliterated as sabkii (TS: I 97), which does not make sense. No remark in Siegling's personal copy. This part of the manuscript is written in a lax and somewhat erroneous spelling, with traces oflate language. Nonetheless, one can recognize a complex ligature involving a vowel, as . Since there is no clear virama sign before, one should transcribe as proposed, but it could be read alternatively as /santik/.

    siik* (n., masc.) 'a unit of measure, hundred quarts (dry measure), picul' [B ciik] F Norn.Du. siikii1J1, Obl.Sg. siikiis.

    T D

    Sasi (PN, fem.) SacI, name of a goddess, the

    wife of Indra L POU '110111. proprium reginae Lunae'. F Nom.Sg. sasi, Gen.Sg. sasis. T ♦Nom.Sg. 355 a2, THT 1969 al; ♦ Gen.Sg. 355 a4 sasis !iitse iiiiktassi wa! tu iii matika(! Pukw11 spiilmerr1) 'the king of the gods[= Indra] [is the auspicious sign] of the queen SacI, [but] you are for

    me (the best) of the auspicious signs', 356 a3. Loan via MI from Skt. Saci 'N. of the wife oflndra' (MW:1048b).


    THT 1519 a2; ♦Obi.Pl. THT 1519 a3. Borrowed from Chinese, equivalent of TB ciik (see Ogihara 2014: 1I 6-117).

    sliku (n., masc.sg.) 'hair of the head'

    L F

    POU 'crinis', TEB II 'Haupthaar'. Nom.Sg. /;iiku, Gen.Sg. siikwis, Abl.Sg. sakwa$.


    ♦ Nom.Sg.217bl,314a7,404b2;

    ♦ Gen.Sg. 375 a5, a5!, 378 a2; 378 a3. D Cf. ► tseqz-siikwa#*.



    Sakkamuni* R

    For the restoration of tse,.n-yok sciku in 3 I 4 a7, see Sieg (I 952:30, n. 11 ).

    Siikkiimmli* (PN, masc.) name of Gautama Buddha F Gen.Sg. scikkcimunis. T ♦ Gen.Sg. 382 a I! D Loan via MI from Skt. Sakvamuni see ► Siikyam11ni. , ' R This restoration would fit the first colon (4 syllables) of the second pada of the stanza, parallel to the genitive singular in the previous pada. Siikki_(n., masc.) 'Sakya man, member of the Sakya clan' L POU '1,10111. propr. gentilis Buddhae', JWP 'Sakya (man)'. F Nom.Sg. scikki, Norn.Pl. sakkin, Obi.Pl. sakkis, Gen.Pl. .§cikkissi, scikkisi, Instr.Pl. sakkisyo, Ahl.Pl. sakkisii.J, Loe.Pl. scikkisa1r1. T ♦Nom.Sg. 133 a3; ♦Nom.Pl. 117 bl 149 a6, 185 a3!, YQ III.I a2, YQ 11!.2 a2, a4, b5, b7; ♦ Obi.Pl. 169 b2; ♦Gen.PL (scikkissi) 94 b4, 169 b3, YQ lll. l b8, THT 2005 al; (scikkisi) 144 b5; ♦ Instr.PL 160 a4; ♦Abl.PL YQ Ill.10 b7; ♦ Loe.Pl. 132 a4!, 446 bl. D Loan via MI from Skt. Sakya, 'n. of a tribe of landowners and aristocrats in Kapilavastu' (MW:1062b). R In YQ Ill. IO b7, the plural is used in the meaning 'society, country of the Sakyas'. SiikkiJi (~dj.) 'belonging to the Sakya clan' [Cf. B sakkeiine] L POU 'ad familiam (gentem) Sakya pertinens', JWP 'ofSakyas'. F Nom.Sg.Masc./Fem. scikki!fi, scikLJi, Nom. Pl.Masc. scikki.Jini, Nam.Pl.Fem. scikki!fincin, Instr.Pl.Fem. scikkisincisvo. S Sakki.Ji :naskit 'Sakya prince', Sakkt.5i ta111ts 'Sakya queen'. T ♦ Nom.Sg.Masc. (scikki.5i) 90 a6, 169 a3, 439.a b3, THT 2416 a2; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. (sakki!fi) YQ 111.2 a5; (sciki.5i) YQ III. I a8; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 115 b2, 163 a2, 184 b6, 445.f a2; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. YQ IIl.2 a6, a7, b3; ♦ Instr.Pl.Fem. YQ III. I a2. D Derived from ► Sakki.

    Sakke (PN, masc.) 1) Sg. 'Sakya', 2) Pl. 'member of the Sakya clan' [B Sakke] L POU '110111. propr. Buddhae'. F 1) Nom.Sg. sakke, 2) Norn.Pl. scikkeli, Gen.Pl. scikke.W, scikessi. T ♦ !) Nom.Sg. 118 b2, 327 a3, THT 1951 bl; ♦2) Norn.Pl. YQ III. 10 b6; ♦ Gen.Pl. (scikkessi) YQ III.2 b2, YQ Ill.3 a6, YQ III.9 b3; (.§akessi) YQ IIl.5 b3. D Loan via MI from Skt. Siikya, but with adoption of the Nom.Sg. of masculine proper names, compare ► Sakki. Probably also influenced by the TB match. R As Skt. Siikya, sg. Siikke can refer to the Buddha himself(MW:1062b). Siikke!ji (adj.) 'belonging to the Sakya clan' F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc./Fern. scikke,~i, Norn.Pl.Masc. siikke,~i11i, Obi.Pl.Masc. sakke.Jinas, Norn.Pl.Fern. siikke:)'iniili, Gen.Pl.Fem. scikke!finii,W. T ♦Nom.Sg.Fern. YQ III.I al, b7, YQ IIl.5 a5, YQ III.6 a5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. YQ Ill. I a6; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. YQ lll.5 al; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. YQ 1!1.5 b6; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. YQ 111.3 b 1; ♦ Gen.Pl.Fem. YQ III.3 b6. D Derived from ► Sakke.

    Siikyam1111i (PN, masc.) name of Gautama Buddha [B Siikyamuni] L POU '«rnonachus e gente Sakya», i.e. Buddha Gautama', TEB II 'Epitheton des Buddha (der Weise aus dem Sakyageschlecht'. F Nom.Sg. siikyamuni, Obl.Sg. sii/,;yamunif!l, siikyamuni, Gen.Sg. siikyamunis. ♦Nom.Sg. 19 a I, b3-4, 20 a2, 21 b6, 23 a6, 25 a4, b3, b5, 255 b 1, 256 b8, 258 a8, 273 b4, 354 a6; ♦ Obl.Sg.(siil,,yamunit.n) 23 a2; (siikyamuni) 265 b8, 354 a6; ♦Gen.Sg. 23 a3, 24 b3 !, 226 a2, 300 a 1!, a5, b5. D From Skt. Siikyamuni 'n. of Gautama Buddha' (MW:1062b), lit. 'Sakya sage'.



    ► so.5 'small cattle') and ► siil. Made after Skt. gosiila- 'cow-stall' (MW:367a), asva-siilii'stable for horses' (MW:115b). Building pertaining to a monastery complex, described in the above passage.

    D Compound with fo* (see


    soJi (n., masc.) 'people' [B sai.5Je] L POU 'homines', TEB II 'Volk, Lente'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. fo,~i, Gen.Sg. so.y~·is, .fo.yyis, Loc.Sg. so~yat11. S miik so.5i 'many people'. ♦Nom.Sg. 8 b4, 97 a2, 257 a4, 287 + 259 b>a4, THT 1476.a b4; ♦ Obl.Sg. 173 b2, 371 b2, 381 al; ♦Gen.Sg. (so.5.5is) 306 a5; (so.5yis) 231 a2, 405 a2!; ♦ Loc.Sg. 38 b6. D Related to the verb ► siiw-. The noun referred originally to living creatures. This shifted to the meaning 'world', as 'bulk of creation' in TB, while the lexeme 'world' is expressed in TA by the compound ► iirkiso.yi. Compare the range of meaning of Skt. bhuvana- (MW: 760c): 'a being, living creature, mankind' and 'the world, earth'. R About the relationship of TA so.yi with TB sai.5Je, issued from a CT form, see Pinault ( CHREST:234; 202 l: 117).


    ska1Jt (part.) 'and, also' (Skt. ca) L

    F S T

    POU '«-que, et», coniungit et vocabula et sententias', TEB II 'und, und auch ', JWP 'and, also'. skat/1. ma ska171, mar ska111 'no more', slak ska111 'and besides'. ♦(fratJz) I b6, 2 b4 (bis), 3 al, a2, 4 b6, 5 al, bl, 6 b3, 7 al, a6, 8 b2, 12 al, 13 a2, 14 al, a3, a4, a6, b3, b5, 15 a2, 24 a2, b3, 25 b3, 30 a2, 32 bl, 37 b4, 41 a3, 43 a6, b4, 45 b2, b4, 57 b3, 59 a5, 60 b>a5, 61 b3, 64 b5, 65 al, 68 b5, 69 al, b4, 75 b4, 76 a3, 77 a4, a6, 78 a5, b3, 80 b>al, 82

    bl, 85 b4, 92 a5, 94 a3, 96 al, b5, 98 a6, 102 b3, b4, 105 b6, 106 bl, 115 a5, bl, 116 a4, b2, b6, 118 b4, 120 a3, 121 a5, 122 b3, 13 I a5€, 137 al!, 146 al, 148 a I, b4, 152 a3, 153 bl, b2, b6, 154 b5, 156 bl, 164 a4, 165 b6, 177 a5, a6, 181 b2, 182 b4, 189 a2, 191 b3, 194 bl, 212 b2, 215 a6, b6, 216 b>a5, 217 a7, 218 bl!, b5, 219 b2, 220 b2, b5, 222 a I, b2, 224 a5, 225 b5, 226 a5, b3, 229 a3, a5, a6, b3, 230 a2, 231 b5, 232 b7, 237 a3, 239 al, b2, b4, 244 a2, 248 a3, 249 b3, b4, 253 a3, a5, b8, 257 a8!, 261 b>a8, b3, 264 a2, 269 + 290 b>al !, 271 b7, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b4, a>b6, a>b8, 287 + 259 b>a8, 289 a2, b6, 297 a4, 30 I b5, b6, 302 bl, 303 a3, 305 b4, b8, 307 b4, 308 al, 311 a6,312a7!,314b6,315+316a4,a6, a7,317a7,318+319b8,320b6!,321 a4, b6, 328 b3, b4, b5, 332 b4, b5, b6, 335 a2, 337 a3, b4, 338 a4, 340 b4!, 341 b4, 342 b>a5, 347 al, b2, 353 b3, 354 a4, a5, b2, b3, b4, 355 a2, 356 b2, 359 a7, a26, a30, a38, a39, 360 a9, 361 a2, a9, 362 a3, 364 al, a4, 383 a4, 385 a2, 386 al, b5, 390 al, 392 a2, bl, 394 bl, 395 a5, 396 b3, 397 a8, b3, 425 b3, 429 b6, 430 a2, a3, b8, 431 b4, 432 a I, 437 a I, 439 b3, 441 al, 448 a6, 449 a3, 459 bl, 461 bl, 462 a5, MG I b5, YQ 1.3 a3, YQ 1.4 b6, YQ 1.6 b6, YQ l.7 b6, YQ I.IO b8, YQ 11.2 a5, YQ ll.4 a8, YQ Il.5 b6, YQ II.7 b6, YQ 11.8 b4, YQ 11.9 a7, YQ II.I I bl, YQ 11.12 b4, YQ II.13 b3, YQ 11.14 b4, YQ II.15 a5, YQ lll.4 b4, YQ N.4 a8, PK.NS.I b3, PK.NS.4 a3. D The coordinative particle TB Jpci shares most of the uses of TA ska111, while being not cognate. For the particle string slak ska111, see ► slak. Variant followed by emphatic particle skanakk atsa111 (= Skt. caiva) quoted in SSS:315, but without reference. R Enclitic particle, in second position in coordinative noun phrase and in sentence. See also SSS:314-315; Thomas 1967; Burlak- Itkin 2015. In 131 a5, .~ke111 is probably due to a scribal error influenced by the two adjacent syllables (Itkin Malyshev 2021 :64).


    ska-tampeyum ska-tampeyum (adj.) 'possessing ten powers' [Cf. B ska-maiyya] L POU 'deeem vires habens', TEB II 'zehn Kriifte besitzend'. F Nom.Sg.Mase. ska-tampeyum. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 127 al, 251 bl, THT 2152 a2. D Compound with the bound form of ► siik and ► tampe, plus possessive suffix -um. Calque of Skt. dasa-bala'possessing ten powers', standard epithet of the Buddha (MW:472a; BHSD:262b). ska-tampe!fi* (adj.) 'pertaining to the tenpowered one' [Buddha] L POU 'decem vires habens'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. ska-tampe.5il11. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 373 a3. D Appurtenance derivative based on the compound ska-tampe*, made with the bound form of ► siik and ► tampe, calque of Skt. dasabala-. This possessive compound had the doublet ► skatampeyum.

    skii (part.) 'yet' L POU 'etiam, item', TEB II 'noch', JWP 'yet'. F .fkii, skii-k. T ♦ (ska) 48 a5, 182 bl, 255 a3, 263 b>a5, 298 a6, 338 b9, 399 a6, 448 b2, YQ 1.5 b4, THT 1412.1 b5, THT 1678.a b2, THT 2099 a2, THT 2505 bl; (skii-k) 146 b5, 399 b3. D Possibly cognate with ► skmfl. For semantic reasons, unrelated to TB ska 'close by', cf. Winter(l984:l 17-118) and Peyrot (2008: 16 I). R See SSS:315. skiint (ord.) 'tenth' L POU 'decimus', TEB II 'zehnter' F Nom.Sg.Masc. skant. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 291 b6, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>al. D Derived from ► siik. R For the restoration ofTHT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>al, see Pinault (2019a). ske (part.) 'even' T ♦343 b I .yfii iikiiliss mosaJ!J ypeyis tiiloriie ma ske kas tora.5 'for the sake of your own wish, not even taking into account the misery of the country ... '.



    Possibly a variant of skw11 under the influence of the particle pe 'also, even'. Judging from the manuscript (THT 977), the reading is absolutely safe. Marked with a question mark in Siegling's personal copy (TS: 189). Corrected as skw11 by Sieg (I 952:35, n.9). This would presuppose the mistaken copy of O e instead of anusvara, which is by no means excluded. The line contains another mistake,ypeyes instead ofypeyis.

    stiirt (ord.) 'fourth' [B starte] L POU 'quartus', TEB II 'vierter'. F Nom.Sg.Mase. start, Obl.Sg.Masc. stareaf!I, stare, Obi.Pl.Masc. starees. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 2 b6, 3 a5, 12 al, b6, 120 a3, 302 b7, 307 a4; ♦Obl.Sg.Mase. (starea111) 3 a4, 78 a4, 394 bl, 397 a5, b3, b4, YQ N.4 a8; (stare) 122 a5, 299 b I; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 305 a5. D The alternative Obl.Sg.Masc. stare is analogical after wae of ► wiit 'second', see SSS:201. fovar (num.)'four' [B masc. stwer, Fem. stwiira] L POU 'quatuor', TEB II 'vier'. F stwar, both maseuline and feminine. T ♦ l l b2, 13 al, b5, 16 a3, bl, 21 a2, 22 b5, 44 a2, 93b4,118 a3, a4, 130 a3, a4, 132 b2, 145 a2, 155 bl, 187 b6, 229 a5, 243 b2, 246 bl, 255 a2, a3, a5, bl, b3, 256 a5, 260 b7, 264 b6, b8, 270 a8, bl, 271 b8, 273 b8, 280 b2, 283 b5, 286 b2, 287 + 259 a>b6!, 289 a7, 299 a4, 301 a7, 307 b5, 312 bl, 313 a7, 323 a3, 333 a2, 336 a5, 347 a3, 348 a2, 350 b3, 351 a3, 370 b4, 371 al, a2, 391 b2, 457 bl, YQ I.7 b3, YQ II.I b5, YQ II.I I b7, YQ II.12 a8, YQ II.15 a6, YQ Ill.2 a4, YQ lll.3 b7, YQ III.9 a5, YQ N .4 b 1, PK.NS. I a2 (bis), PK.NS.4 al (bis), a4 (bis), PK.NS.5 al!, b3; ♦ fgm. 187 a4, 227/8 a3, 295 b5, 299 a4, 301 al. stwariik (num.)'forty' L POU 'quadraginta', TEB II 'vierzig'. T ♦47 al!, 150 a4!, 213 a5, 255 b2, 278 b2, b7, 289 a6, 313 a5, a7, 372 a>b5, 412 a3, 421 b5, YQ ll.5 a3, YQ III.12 b I. .l'hvariikiiici* (ord.) 'fortieth' L POU 'quadragesimus·, TEB II 'vierzigster'. F Obi.Pl.Masc . .fovariikiizeinas.

    479 T


    stwar-pukul ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 203 a3 stwarakiiici(nas ,~pat-kO//ISG//l) 'in the fortieth week'. Derived from ► stwarak.

    fovarak-t111a111 (num., masc./fem.) '400,000' F Nom./Obl.Sg . .frwarak-tma1J1. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. YQ 11.9 a8. stwarak-piiF1-pi (num.)'45' T ♦255 b2, 313 a5, a7. D Derived from ► stwarak,

    ►pii1i, ► -pi.

    stwan7ts* (adj.) 'having four components, fourfold' [B stwaratse] L POU 'quadruplex', TEB II 'vierteilig'. F Obl.Sg.Fem. stwara/SQl/7. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 244 b I stwaratsa1J1 wartsya,11 'in the fourfold assembly'. D Derived from ► favar. stwar-kii11t-tma1J1 (num.) '4,000,000' F Nom./Obl.Sg. stwar-kant-tmal/7. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 229 a5. D Derived from ► stwar, ► kiint, ► tma1J1. stwar-kii11t-11muk-pii1i-pi (num.) '495' T ♦348 a2. D Derived from ► stwar, ► kiint, ► nmuk, ►piili, ► -pi.

    .fovar-kiilyme (n., a.) 'four directions' L POU '(in) quatuor regiones, (in) quatuor caeli partes (=Ser. caturdisam)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. /;twar-kalyme, Nom./Obl.Pl. stwar-kalymeyu, Loe.Pl. st1var-kiilymentwa111. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 279 a8!, 314 a5; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 102 b5; ♦ Loe.PL 257 a6. D Compound with ► fovar and ► kiilyme. Calque of Skt. adv. catur-disam 'towards the four quarters, on all sides' (MW:384c). stwar-kotkum* (adj.) 'four-sided' [Ct: B stwerkautke*] L COU 'mit vier Figuren versehen'. F Nom.Sg.Fem. stwar-kotkumiq1. T ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 315 + 316 a3 stwarkotkumil11 kola{m) Ill 'a four-sided pond'. D Compound with ► stwar and *kotiik, suffixed with possessive suffix -um. matching TB kautke*, itself probably related to ► kutka-.


    Revised meaning by Huard (2022:410), pace Sieg's translation ( 1952:28): 'vier Verkorperungen habendes Schiff'.

    stwar-1iemintwil!ji* (adj.) 'of four jewels' L POU 'quatuor gemmas habens', JWP 'of four jewels'. F Obl.Sg.Masc . .frwar-iiemintwa.)·i1J1, Norn.Pl.Fem. stwar-iiemintwa.yinaii. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 299 bl; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. YQ V.l a3. D Derived from the plural phrase stwar iiemintu 'four jewels'. fovar-1iemi!ji (adj.) 'consisting of four jewels' L POU 'quatuor gemmas habens'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc./Fem. stwariiemi.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. st1var-11emi,5ina111, Obl.Sg.Fem. stivar1iemi.yya111, Norn.Pl.Masc. stwar-iiemi,5iiii, Obi.Pl.Masc. favariiemi.yfnas, Norn.Pl.Fem. stwariiemi,5inaii. T ♦Nom.Sg.Fem.315+316a3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 246 bl!; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 227/8 al; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 58 b6, 328 a5; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 227/8 a2; ♦Nam.Pl.Fem. 187 a3. D Derived from the collective (dvigu) compound of ► stwar and ► 1iemi . stwar-tmil1J1 (num.) '40,000' f Nom./Obl.Sg. stwar-tmal/1. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 255 a2, a5, YQ III.2 a4, YQ 111.3 b7. stwar-tma1J1-tri-wiilts-we-kiint (mun.) '43,200' T ♦YQ II.I a4. stwar-tmil1J1-piiF1-wiilts (num.) '45,000' F Nom./Obl. stwar-tma1r1-piiii-walts. T ♦Nom./Obl. 255 al!, b3. D Compound with ► stwar, ► tma1J1, and ► waits. stwar-pak (adv.) 'in four parts' L POU 'quatuor partes'. T ♦ 3 a3. D Compound with ► stwar and

    ► piili

    ► pak.

    stwar-p11kul (n., masc.sg.) 'time-span of four years' L POU 'quatuor annos'. F Obl.Sg. stwar-p 11 kul. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 96 b2.


    stwar-wlikna D

    alternatively of the abstract Fsvarata-, 0 tva- 'superiority, supremacy'. This would have been adopted by the Uigh. nobility through TA intermediary.

    Collective compound (dvigu) with ► stwar and ► p11kiil.

    stwar-wiiknii (adv.) 'in four ways, of four sorts'

    L T


    POU 'quatuor modis'. b3, 66 a3, 145 b4, 183 a5, 336 a6, 345 b2, YQ 11.6 b4, THT 1441.b al, THT 2067 b2. Compound of ► stwar and ► wkiil!l in the perlative. See also ► st1var-wkii111. ♦I

    Nom./Obl. :i'twar-walts. ♦Nom./Obl. 130 a3 (bis), a5!, 255 bl!, 256 a5, 271 b8, 273 b8, 280 b2, 286 b2!, 299 a4, 350 b3, YQ N.4 a3, bl.

    st1var-wkii1t1 (adj.uni.) 'fourfold'

    L T D

    POU 'quatuor modis'. ♦221 b4. Compound of ► stwar and also ► stwar-wiik1UI.


    ► wkii1f1.



    POU 'feminae (gen.) femininus'. Nom.Sg.Masc. sna.yi, Obl.Sg.Masc. snaJi, sna.yilfl. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. THT 1422.d b5 snaJi srif!1ilkat 'the SrT-goddess of a wife'; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. (sna.yi) 66 a3 sna.yi ilemi 'the jewel of a wife'; (sna.yitrt) 403 b>a7 sna.yil11 kap1iuneyo 'by the love of a wife'. Derived from ► sii1f1.

    Spiirate (PN, masc.) name or title of a Uighur

    donor L POU'?'. F Nom.Sg. sparate. T ♦Nom.Sg. 303 b2 sparate co(1). D Possibly a Turkic compound name with sipar 'Siberian musk deer' (ATG:366a) and ata 'father' (ATG:322a). The segmentation remains very uncertain, however. This name would recall the title isbara, which occurs in Orhon runiform inscriptions, see for instance Ongin inscription, F4 (Tekin 1968: 255,291). This does not sound as genuine Turkic, however. On the other hand, the Tocharian spelling does not comply with a native Turkic name. One may think of the Tocharian adaptation of the Skt. name Fsvaradatta- 'N. of prince' (MW:17la), through reduction of the final part,

    POU 'caput', TEB II 'Kopf, JWP 'head'. Jnstr.Sg. !,pa/yo, Loc.Sg. spalaf/1. mrac spa/yo 'with head [and] front of the head'. ♦ lnstr.Sg. 36 b2!, 62 al!, 170 a3, 248 a4, 251 b6, 252 b6, 253 a3, 266 + 276 b>a3, 267 + 268 b>a3, 303 al, 3 I I.a (THT 945) al, 312 al, 317 bl, 372 b>a5, 399 a 13 b2, 427 a3; ♦ Loc.Sg. YQ III.5 b6. See spa! as second member of the compound ► !jiici-spiil. Further derivatives: ► spiilu, ► spiilmelfl, ► spa4, 270 a2, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b3 !, 303 a5, 313 b4, 336 b9, 353 bl, 355 a4, 380 al, 391 a4, 392 b2-3!, 396.c bl, 398



    a5, 405 b2-3!, 433 a6, YQ III.I I b5, PK.NS.4 b4 (bis), PK.NS.6 b3!; (spa/me) 219 b7, 227/8 al, 405 b2. D Loan from TB .~palme111, itself built from spa! 'head' with ablative case affix -me111, as calque of Skt. mfirdhanya-, adj., and mukhatas, adv., 'being at the top, superior', see Pinault (CHREST: 132133). R In 313 b4, double marking of the final nasal: spalme11111 ta111. Spesu* (PN, masc.) name of a king L POU 'nomen proprium regis cuiusdam'. F Gcn.Sg. spesuy. T ♦Gen.Sg. 49 b4. D Possibly loan via MI from Skt. subhayasa- 'with a bright glory', see numerous PNs with first member subha- 'splendid' (MW:1083bc) and PNs ending in Skt. 0yasas- or 0yasa- 'glory', for example aditya-ya.fos- 'N. of a man' (MW: 13 7b ). Alternatively via MI from Skt. siva-yasas-, see the numerous PNs with this first member (MW:1074-1075). h11asii111 (n., masc.sg.) 'burial place' L POU 'locus sepulturae'. F Nom./Obl. Sg. smasa111. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 374 a3. D Loan from Skt. ;'masana- 'crematorium, cemetery or burial place' (MW:1094a). s11uI.a5, 271 a4, b5, 272 a4, 274 a2, b7, 287 + 259 a>b6!, 297 b3, b3!, 305 b6, b7, 311 a3, 313 a4, 315 + 316 bl, 320 a7, 334 b8, 335 b9, 341 b6, 342 b>a3, 354 b4, 358 a4, 359 al 4,379 al, 386 b5, 392 a3!, 397 a9, 399 b6, 419 a5, 429 b7, 449.a bl, 463 al (bis), YQ 1.5 a3, a4, YQ 1.6 a6, b8, YQ 1.7 b4, YQ 1.9 a2, YQ II.I a2, a6, YQ II.3 a5, b4, YQ II.5 b3, YQ II.7 a6, YQ 11.9 b7, YQ Il.15 a8, YQ 111.2 b5, YQ 111.7 a4, YQN.3 a5, THT 1377.b bl, THT 1380.e b2, THT 1410.o + 1429.d a2, THT 1412.k b4, THT 1418.d a5, THT 1454 (+ 399.10) b2, THT 1476.a a2, THT 1642.d b4, THT 1973 b3, THT 2472 bl, THT 2968.b al, THT 4089 b2; ♦2) (sl=aiicalyi) 20 a5, 23 a3, 60 a>b2, 71 a2, 156 a5!, 173 b4!, 192 b3,217b3,251 b4,274b7,311.aal,314 a6, 320 b4, YQ 11.14 a8, YQ IIl.5 b2, YQ III.7 b5, THT 1380.k a7, THT 1643.e b2, THT 2546 a2, THT 2412 bl, THT 2442 b2, THT ( 156 +) 2265 + 2543 a5; (sl=aFzcal) 373 a4; (sl=aiicalyiyo) 320 b4;(sl=amasas) II b5, Ill bl!,266+ 276 b>a2; (sl=oko) 21 b2, b3!, 58 b2, YQ III.7 a7; 115 b2 sl=anti.5pur, 266 + 276


    D R

    b>a3 sl=aklas(ves, 320 b4! sl=akar, 339 b5 sl=a11anda1r1, 340 b3 sl=asaf!z, THT 1564 a4 sl=onmit11. Cognate with the affix of the comitative -assal. For the uses, sec SSS:281-282. The prepositional phrase with sla is often used to translate Skt. compounds with prefix sa-; see SSS:237. The preposition sla was originally a bound form, then extracted from compounds.

    slak (adv.) 'also, besides, simultaneously' [B slek .yap J L JWP 'simultaneously, also'. F I) .flak, 2) slak skmrz. T ♦ I) 120 b2, 222 b3, 303 bl, b2; ♦2) I b6, 37 b4, 45 b2, 57 b3, 60 b>a5, 96 b5, 156 bl, 212 b2, 269 + 290 b>al !, 287 + 259 b>a8, 289 a2, 297 a4, 302 b I, 311 a6, 335 a2, YQ II.4 a8, THT 1378.b a4, THT 1416.c bl. D Based on ► sla, with addition of the strengthening particle ► -(ii)k. The string slak skmr, 'and also, and besides, moreover' is used in most occurrences for introducing a verse part. See particle ► skm11. Alternative string slak penu 'even also' in 222 b3. Calque of Skt. tatha ca, tathapi, etc. R See Pinault ( I 989b:208-2 I I). sla-1iiikcb11 (adj.) 'being together with the gods' (Skt. sadevaka-) L POU 'cum deo (diis)'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. sla-iiakcit.n. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 419 a5. D Compound with ► sla and iiakcif!l, the latter being derived from ► iikiit. Calque of Skt., epithet of arkiso0i 'world'= Skt. loka-. sla-ynii1im1111ey11m* (adj.) 'full of respect' (Skt. sagaurava-) L POU 'cum veneratione'. F Nom.Pl.Masc . .ila-ynaiimuneyuma.1·. T ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 354 b4 (t.ym_n s)l(a)ynaiimuneyuma.5 ptaiiaktaii 'the Buddhalords [are] full of respect for it (sci!. the teaching of the Pratimok$a-siitra)'. D Compound with ► sla and ►ynii1imune, derived with possessive suffix. Calque ofSkt. sagaurava- •mit Ehrfurcht




    versehen, Ehrerbietung erweisend' (SWTF IV:258a). Restoration, translation and discussion by Schmidt ( 1989:76, 79, I 08).

    sla-ype (adj.) 'together with one's country' F Gen.Sg.Masc. sla-ypeyis. T ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 253 a5 sla-ypeyis puk kiiswonentwii.~si tsmiilune maskatr0111 'the increa~e of virtues happens for him [the king Sankha] together with country'. D Possessive compound without suffix, made with prefix ► :,'la and ► ype. R See SSS:237; TEB II:36 and note I. .~lok (n., masc.) 'stanza' L POU 'stropha', TEB II 'Strophe'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. slok, 0lyok, Instr.Sg. slyokyo, Norn.Pl. slyokm1, Gen.Pl. slokas.~i, All.Pl. sloksac. S :Hok trank- 'tell a stanza'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (,'Lok) 217 b7, 218 a3, 353 b3; (0lyok) 16 b2, 62 b3, 269 + 290 b>a6 353 b2, b4, 354 a2, a3; ♦lnstr.Sg. THT ' 1589.h a3; ♦Norn.Pl. 353 b6 354 a6· ♦Gen.Pl. 218 a5; ♦All.Pl. 37'1 a4. ' D From Skt. sloka- 'a stanza' (MW:l 104c). swiil (n., a.) 'flesh, meat' L POU 'caro, viscera', TEB II 'Koder Fleisch'. ' F Nom./Obl.Sg. swiil, lnstr.Sg. "'wiilyo. S iiy swiil, iiyantu swiil 'bone(s) [and] flesh'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 7 b5, 11 b6, 12 b2, 38 a2, 67 a3, 72 a2, 98 a6!, bl!, 151 a3, 284 a4, b4, 295 a7, a8, 341 bl!, b3, 348 a3, 399 b3, THT l41 l.fb3, THT 1441.a a3; ♦ lnstr.Sg. THT 1376.m a2. D Substantivized gerundive of ► smv,I-. Cf. ► swiil!ji.

    .fwiila$i (adj.) 'of meat' F Nom./Obl.Sg. swiilw;i, swiiliisi. T ♦Nom.Sg. (swiila.yi) THT 2463 b3; (swa/a:ji) THT 1331.a a6 swiiliisi tkam pii(kar ma)sk(a)tra 'a land ofn~eat · becomes visible'. D Derived from ► swiil. .fwiil$i (adj.) 'of meat' L POU 'carnis, viscerum'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. swiil:1i. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 30 b6.

    D R

    Derived from ► swm. For the passage THT 1331.a, see Itkin Kuritsyna - Malyshev (2017:7677).

    swc7tsi (n., a.) 'food' L POU 'cibus', COU 'Speise' TEB II 'Essen, Speise', JWP 'food'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. swiitsi, swiitsy, swiisi, sviitsi, swiitsi-k, Gen.Sg. swiitsiyis, lnstr.Sg. swiitsiyo, swiitsyo, Loc.Sg. swiitsyatfl, Nom./Obl.Pl. swiitsintu, Instr.Pl. swiitsintuyo, Loe.Pl. swiitsintwa,71. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (swiitsi) 2 a3, 13 a3, 59 b6, 65 a4, 76 al, 84 b3, 104 b3, 121 a5, 123.a a3, 124 bl, 154 a4, 155 b4, b6!, 263 b>a3, 340 a6, 356 b3, 361 a7, 394 bl, YQ Ill.II b5, YQN.I b8,PK.NS.2al; (swiitsy) 107 b5; (swiisi) 394 bl, b2, 430 b5; (sviitsi) PK.NS.3 b4; (swiitsi-k) 341 a3; ♦ Gen.Sg. 340 a6; ♦lnstr.Sg. (swiitsiyo) I 04 b4; (swiitsyo) 34 I a8; ♦Loc.Sg. PK.NS.2 a4, PK.NS.3 al; ♦Nom./Obl.PI. 149 al, 272 a8; ♦ Instr.Pl. YQ III.8 a4; ♦Loe.Pl. 146 b3!, 222 b5. D Substantivized infinitive of ► smvii-. R The variant swiisi may be due to the influence of spoken Tocharian B. swiitsi-yoktsi (n., a.) 'food and beverage' L POU 'cibus potusque'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. swiitsi-yoktsi, Instr.Sg. fwiitsi-yoktsiyo, Nom./Obl.Pl. swiitsiyoktsintu. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 104 bl, 279 a7, 341 b2, YQ N.l a3, THT 1133 a2; ♦ lnstr.Sg. YQ III. I b5, YQ III. I I b5; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 262 a2,311 bl,341 bl!, YQl.4a5. D Compound with ► swmsi and ► yoktsi, based on a binomial phrase. swiitsi$i (adj.) 'of food' L POU 'cibi (gen.)'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. swiitsisi. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 340 . a3 swiitsi.yy iikiilyo 'by desire for food'. D Derived from ► swiitsi. swlitsfme* (n., masc.) 'thinking of food' F Instr.Sg. swiits'imeyo . T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 125 b6. D Compound of ► swiitsi and ► ime.

    -.ya- (num.) numeral 'one' in composite numbers D Cf. ► sas, sii111, ► -$a-pi, ► $i. $akkats (adv.) 'certainly'


    POU 'sane, certe', TEB II 'sicherlich' JWP 'certainly'. ' F (fakkats, (fakkatsts (sandhi form). T +Crnkkats) 3 a3, 6 a5!, 15 a3, 25 a5, 39 a5, 40 b6, 47 a5!, 56 bl, 65 al!, 67 b2, 70 b6, 81 al, 85 bl, 102 a6!, 106b2,116 b4, 120 a4, 131 a4, 177 a5, 206 a2, 212 b3, 214 b4, 215 a5, b7, 226 a6, b5, 229 a4, b6, 234 a2, 258 a7, 270 b5, 279 b4, 288 a4, b2, 302 a 1, 309 a3, 311 a3, 337 a4, 339 a7, 356 b3, 403 a>b6, 408.e a2, 429 b5, 436 b5, YQ I. I a3, YQ I.6 b4, YQ I.7 a7, YQ II. I b7, YQ 11.5 b6, YQ 11.7 bl, YQ 11.14 a6, YQ 11.15 b8, YQ III.6 b4; (.yakkatsts) YQ 1.5 a8. D Adverb reinforced by the pa1ticle ► ats. R Sec also ► $akkatsek. $akkatsek (adv.) 'certainly indeed'

    (Skt. niyatam) .yakkatsek, .yakatsek, .yakkatsekk ats. T ♦(rnkkatsek) 38 a5, 54 b4, 66 a5. 67 b4, 75 b2, 76 b6, 81 a4, 149 a3, b4, 212 a6, 217 a7, 226 b4!, b6, 227/8 al, a3, b5!, 231 a7, 255 b5, 287 + 259 b>a7, 302 a8, a8!, 369 a4, 395 bl, YQ II.l3 b3, YQ Ill.4 b3; (.yakatsek) 355 a3, 395 a2; (.yakatsekk ats) 232 a3. D Adverb followed by the complex particle


    ► atsek.


    See also

    ► $akkats.

    $afsutrii (N, masc.) title of a literary work

    L F T

    POU 'nomen libri'. Nom./Obl.Sg. $afsutra. ♦ Obl.Sg. 311 a2 $afsutra postak pekamat 'we have copied the book $a\siitra'. D From Skt. $af-siitra 'n. of a work' (MW:l 108c). See also ► sutiir. R Section of the (Miila-)Sarvastivada Dfrghagama, consisting in six sutras, see Hartmann (2012: 59-61).

    $aa4 tma.J !jll, 270 b6, 316 b8, 446 b4 tmiiJ .Ju, YQ I.6 a7, YQ 11.9 a3, YQ III.4 b7 tmii.)' $U; ($u-k) 69 a4; ♦2) (.511) 9 bi, 64 al, 79 a2, 94 b2, 101 al, 106 b5, 119 a5, 147 a3, 164 a2, 174 a2, 211 b6?, 254 bl, 288 b5, 300 b8?, 359 a41, 439 a5, 465 a2, YQ I.I a7, YQ 1.4 bl, YQ 1.7 b3, YQ II. I I a7, YQ !II. I I a6; (.y11) I 09 b5, 267 + 268 a>b6. R See Hackstein (2003b:82-9 I). In 9 b4, the sequence piilkar nar .yu (TS:8) contains a

    (n., masc.sg.) 'throat' [B ,,mikw] POU 'fauces, os', TEB II 'Rachen, Mundhohle', JWP 'throat'. All.Sg . .yunkac, .yiinkac, Abl.Sg. swikii,,, .yanka~·, Loc.Sg. :Jwikm11. ♦All.Sg. (.ywikac) 29 a5, 51 b2, 91 b5, 255 b6, YQ 1.7 bl; (sfoikac) 340 a8; ♦ Abl.Sg. (.yunkii.1) 8 a5, 28 a6, 312 a2, THT 4025 b I; (.yfoikii.y) 117 b6; ♦ Loc.Sg. 29 b I!, b4, 104 b3.


    (adj.) 'of the mouth' Obl.Sg.Masc. :Jwika.yit71. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. THT 2227 bl!. Based on ► !jmik.


    F T D

    (n., masc.) 'stake, pin, peg' (Skt. kT!aka-) L POU 'cuneus (?)', TEB II 'Schnur(?)'. F Perl.Sg. ,5utkma, Norn.Pl. ;;utkmi, Obi.Pl. ,rntkmiis. T ♦ Perl.Sg. 98 a2!; ♦Norn.Pl. 7 a5; ♦ Obi.Pl. 7 b4, THT 1151 al, THT 1306 b2. R Discussion by Hilmarsson (1984:16-17, 26). For the correspondence with Skt. kT!aka-, Pa. khT!aka- 'sharp piece of wood, stake, pin, peg', etc. (MW:285b; PED:237b), see the parallel text discussed by Pinault (CHREST:267).




    (n., a.) 'cause' [B ,mrm] (Skt. hetu-) POU 'causa', TEB II 'Ursache', JWP 'cause'.



    Nom./Obl.Sg. '511rm, .yiirm, .yrum, .yrurm, Gen.Sg . .yiirmis, Abl.Sg. ,mrnu'i,~, Loc.Sg. ,rnrma111, Nom./Obl.Pl. ~·urmant, .yurmant, Gen.PL $1lrllliintwassi, Instr. PL ,rnrmantyo, Loe.PL .5iirmiiq1twa111, Perl.Pl. .yurmantwa. S sne .511rm 'without cause', $lll711 oko 'cause [and] effect'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (.yurm) 60 b>a6, 61 a2, 65 a2, 249 a3, 264 a4, 286 b3, 299 b7, 307 a3, a4, 332 a7, a8, 367 a2!, 384 b2, b5, 385 al, 398 bl, YQ III. I b7, YQ III.3 a5, YQ N.2 + N.6 a7; ($firm) 218 a6; (0rum) 39 al, 62 a3, 106 b3, 115 a5, 122 a3, 137 a2, 147al, 155a2,311 al,311.Aa2,403 b>al, 432 a6, b4, 433 a2, YQ II. I I b8; (.5rurm) 386 a3; ♦ Gen.Sg. 367 a3, a4; ♦Abl.Sg. 386 b4 hri ( ... ) yadvasat · a1icane saiii .511rma.5 'by which shame'; ♦ Loc.Sg. 116 a5; ♦Nom./Obl.PI. ( 0 urmant) 39 a4, 229 a7, b I; ($urmant) 150 b5!, 384 al; ♦Gen.Pl. THT 2464 b6; ♦ Instr.Pl. 307 a3!, a5, a6, bl; ♦ Loe.Pl. 218 b4!; ♦ Perl.Pl. 384 al. R In 386 b4, the spelling .yzmna,~ is at variance with the usual ~·urma0, which is frozen as postposition. If not due to a blunder of the scribe, this may be a way ofrecharacterizing the ablative value. See also ► !jllrma.~. F

    (pp.obi.) 'because of, for the sake of [Cf. B .yarmtsa] L POU 'causa, gratia', TEB II 'wegen'. F ,rnrma.5, .5iirma.5, .yruma.5. S cam .5urma.5 'for his sake', cu 0urma$ 'for your sake', kuc .5urma.5 'why?'. T ♦(:511r111a:5) 10a5!,51 al!,66a4,81 a6!, 155 a3, a4, 177 b3, 208 bl, 355 bl, 389 b2, 395 al, 452 a5, 454 a3, PK.NS. I bl; (.511rma.5) 221 b5; (:pwna.y) 62 a3-4!. D Frozen ablative sg. of ► ~·urm, with older variant of the ablative affix, see Pinault (2006c:266-267). R See also ► tiim-!jllrmm;, ► tm11-


    !jllrma!j, ► k11c-!jurma!j-ne.

    (pp.obi.) 'because of POU 'causa, gratia', TEB II 'wegen'. F surma,~i, :511rma}·i, .;·urma.yi-k. T ♦ (.yurmasi) 224 b7, 372 a>b2; (.yiirmasi) 357 a2; (.)·1mna:5i-k) 11 b2. D Derived from ► !jllrm.




    In 9 a4-5 kip 0a(rma.))i had been restored by Sieg (I 944: 12; taken over by TEB II:22, n.11 and 94, 150), as a nonce variant of 0 urma.5i, meaning 'out of shame'. This is not likely, since TA ► !jllrlll (.yrum) does not have a variant *.5ar111, and because the reading 0 0 i of the last syllable has no support in the manuscript. See under ► kip for an alternative restoration of the whole sentence. See also ► tiim­ !jllrma!ji.

    masc.) 'mountain' [B 0ale, .5le] POU 'mons', TEB II 'Berg', JWP 'mountain'. F Nom./Obl.Sg . .5ul, Gen.Sg. 0ulis, ,~lllis, All.Sg. 0ulac, .yll!ac, Abl.Sg. .yulii0 , Loc.Sg . .511lm11, Norn.Pl. .yulaii, 0 ulaiiii, .511/aliy, Obi.Pl. .yulas, Abt.Pl. $Ulasa0 , Perl.Pl. .511/asa. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 22 b5, 49 b3! (:1u)ll (o)ki, 144 b4, 200 a5?, 235 b4, 256 bl, 295 a7, 312 al, 318 + 319 b3, 324 b8, 355 a4, 356 a3; ♦Gen.Sg. (.511/is) 12 a3, 43 b5, 48 b2, 52 bl, 231 a5, 271 b4, 287 + 259 a>b7, 315 b4, 355 a3, 380 b2, 394 b4, 447 a2, YQ 1.8 b4, YQ 1.10 a4-5, THT 1486 a3; (.yz"i/is) 328 al!; ♦ All.Sg. (.yu!ac) 144 a4, b5, 288 a8; (.511/ac) 270 a3; ♦Abl.Sg. 30 al, b4, 58 a4, 278 a7, 318 + 319 b3, 403 + THT 3371 b>a6; ♦ Loc.Sg. 4 b4, 12 a5, 214 a5, 288 b4, YQ I. I a5, YQ IL I a8, YQ II.9 b5, YQ II.14 b6; ♦Nom.Pl. (,rn/aii) 44 b4; (.511/aiiii) 387 b4; (.511/aiiy) 320 b3; ♦Obi.Pl. 297 b3, 318 + 319 a6, 320 a7; ♦Abl.Pl. 315 b3; ♦ Perl.Pl. 264 b8, 301 a7. R In 320 b3, .511la1iy oki shows hypercorrect spelling for 0ulaiiii oki as in 387 b4. For the restoration ofTHT 1486, cf. Malyshcv (2017:119-120).

    !jlll (n.,


    (adj.) 'ofmountain(s)' POU 'montis', TEB [I 'Berg-'. Obl.Sg.Masc. 0ulyi111, Norn.Pl. ,uliiii, Obi.PL .5ulinas. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 77 b3 himavant :j1tlyi111 kalymeyac 'to the direction of the Himalaya mountain'; ♦Nom.Pl.Masc. 75 al .yu!iiii 1iaktwi, 318 + 3 l 9 b4 .yuliiii tsa1ikrunt; ♦ Obi.Pl. 200 a3. D Derived from ► !}Ill.


    L F


    $Ulific !fUliiic (adj.) 'northern' [Cf. B o.5.5a/e]

    (Uigh. tagmiz) L POU 'montuosus, appelatio partis coeli', TEB II «bergig», eine Himmelsgegend bezeichnend'. T ♦287 + 259 a>b2!, 286 al, 379 b2-3!, b4!. D Derivative from *.yul, as the dark mountain, see Pinault ( l 998a:362-363, 366). R See also ► 1julilic-1jlelfl. !flllilic-!j[e,11 'of the northern mountain'

    F T D

    Norn.Sg.Masc. sulinc-slef!1. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 434 a4. Based on a compound with ► !fulilic and *sul-e111, derivative of ► .yul, through dissimilation.

    !fltci-spiil (n., masc.) 'needle-headed', a kind of

    hungry ghost F Nom.Sg. szici-spal. T ♦Nom.Sg. 341 a7 lyalypur.yi want worta171 k11mpa1.n s11cispal pakt-a111 ymar tmm11 kapfoni 'the wind of deeds threw her in the pot. She, as a needle-headed (ghost), cooked her body quickly therein'. D Compound with .511ci-, loan via hyperSanskritization of Skt. siicT- 'needle or any sharp-pointed instrument' (MW: 1241a), and ► spiil 'head'; transposition of Skt. sllci-mukha-, literally 'needle-headed', a type of hungry ghost (preta). R The form was tentatively read .511[ti}-spiil, with a first member which does not make sense. Sieg's interpretation as 'kopfliber' was proposed only with question mark (SSS:247, but Sieg 1952:40, without question mark), and has no support in the narrative (cf. Chavannes 1910-1934:II, 25 I), which tells that a woman enters into a cauldron: she is then cooked and reduced to little pieces, used by herself as food. This episode of the Srol)aKotikanJa-avadana about the punishments among the Pretas features another horrible creature, as kind of gigantic insect, ► siiyu (340 b3). Therefore it seems likely that sz7cispiil refers to the woman who castigates herself. Previous literature on this passage in TVS:701.

    !fr,ti-spat ► !f11ci-spa1 !fltra111 (n., masc.sg.) 'seed; sperm, discharges

    (from abdomen)' L POU 'semen', TEB II 'Same'. F Nom./Obl.Sg . .521ra111, Instr.Sg . .yiiranyo. T ♦Nom./ObLSg. 153 b2, b3, 229 b3, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b I!; ♦ Instr.Pl. 221 a7 kiitsa.5i111 ysiir .yiiranyo 'by blood and discharge of the abdomen'. !ierasi-ni!jkramiint* (N, masc.sg.) name ofa

    tune (stanza of 4 x 25 syllables 5/5/8/7) L POU 'nomen metri 4x25 syllabarum'. F Loc.Sg. .yerasi-ni~·kramiintaf!1. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 22 a2, 43 + 52 a2, 111 a3!, 254 b4, 269 + 290 b>a3!. D Compound name, compare other names of tunes with the same second term, ► ni!jkramiint* and ► iirsi-11i1jkramii11t*. 1jetsyii1t1 (n., fem.) title or epithet ofa lady, donor

    of a manuscript [B .5etstse*, Cf. .5etstsiiiiiie] L POU'?'. F Nom.Sg . .yetsya,.n. T ♦Nom.Sg. 303 a8. D It follows another designation of a further woman, ► Pessiil. Probably loan via Ml ofSkt. sre.5/ha-jcmi- 'best wife', compound with second member -jiini'wife' (MW:418c), andsres/ha- 'most splendid or beautiful' (MW: I 102c), see in particular fem. sre.yfhii- 'an excellent woman'. See also IA *sujiini- 'good wife' (CDIAL:777, No. 13464), *jye.yfhajcmi'senior wife' (CDIAL:291, No. 5287). !jokyo (adv.) 've1y, extremely' (Skt.paramam)

    L T


    POU 'valde, magnopere', TEB II 'sehr, iiberaus', JWP 'very'. ♦ 5b6,6a4, 7bl,b2, l7b6, l8al,24b2, 43 + 52 a3, 60 a>b6, 67 a3, 74 b2, 144 b6, 145 b5, 146 bl, 148 a6, 153 a5, 158 b2, 162 b I, 177 b6, 213 a6, 215 a4, 230 al, 244 b2, 246 al, 247 a3, a4, b2, 251 b7, 252 b6, b7, 254 a8, 261 b>a4, 269 + 290 a>b2!, 287 + 259 b>a6-7!, 296 a4, 313 a7, b7, 315 + 316 bl, b5, 317 a8, 318 + 319 a5, 320 a6, 332 a6, 333 a5, 340 a9, 342 a>b4, 395 al, 397 bl, 399 b3, 401 b7, 449.a b2, PK.NS.I b4, YQ I.5 b3, YQ I.6 b4, YQ 11.4 a l-2, YQ II.5 a3, YQ Il.8 bl, YQ 11.12 a8, YQ II.15 a4. Probably based on the frozen instrumental sg. of a noun.



    .yokyo-piirs (adj.) 'highly speckled' [Cf. B

    parsiintse] ( Skt. parama-citraka-) L COU 'glanzend, leuchtend', TEB II 'bunt. priichtig, gliinzend'. F Nom.Sg.Masc . .5okyo-pars. T +145 b5, 312 b7. D Compound of the adverb .yoJ..}'o and pars* 'speckle', root noun of ► piirs- 'sprinkle', lit. 'having speckles in the highest degree, pretty much'. See SSS:2, 237 (§369). R The meaning derives from the assumption that.50J..}'o-pars in 145 b5, before punctuation, translates the preceding Sanskrit sequence parama-citraka-, lit. 'highly variegated, speckled'.

    *sjaeX (Baxter- Sagart 2014a: 140, 368) or from Chin. shii (73:6) 'write, written document' (Pulleyblank 1991:287, EMC ci,f), MChin. *svo (Baxter Sagart 20 l 4a:29. 93); ·*trci < *tru (cf. TB PL .5otrfi11a) from Chin. zhao 36 (10:4) 'omen' (Pullyeblank 1991:399,


    ~·o,ikiits* (n., fem.) 'hips and loins'


    F T D

    POU'?'. Nom.Pl. .501ikiitsan, Gen.Pl. .5oizkiitsiis.S'i. ♦Nom.Pl. THT 1136 a4, b3?; ♦ Gen.Pl. 166 b5. Compound with ► kiits 'belly' as second member and the loan via Ml of Skt. sro11i'the hips and loins, buttocks' (MW: 1102c), compare Pkt. so(li- f. 'hips' (CDIAL:738, No. 12729).

    Jotre (n., a.) 'sign, mark, omen' [B sotri]

    (Skt. lak5a11a-, cihna-) L POU 'nota, signum, insigne', COU 'Kennzeichen', TEB II 'Merkmal', JWP 'mark'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sotre, Loc.Sg. sotreym11, Perl.Sg. ,wtreyii, lnstr.Sg. sotreyo, Nom./Obl.Pl. .5otreyantu, .5otreyntu, .5otreytu, Perl.Pl. .5otreyantwii. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 9 b5, 227/8 al, a3, a5, b5, 291 b5-6!, 339 b6, 347 al, 384 b2, 395 a2, 433 a6, PK.NS.I bl, PK.NS.4 a3, YQ 11.10 b2; ♦ Loc.Sg. THT 1409.m b3; ♦ Perl.Sg. 63 al, 197 b5; ♦Instr.Sg. 218 b4, 384 a2, a3; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. (.5otreyantu) 24 bl, 59 b4, 68 b5, 267 + 268 b>a4!, 406 b3, 429 b3, YQ 11.5 a5; (.50/reyntu) 64 bl, 213 b4, 253 a2, 274 a2, YQ 11.5 bl, YQ 11.12 a6; (.5otreytu) YQ 11.10 b4; ♦ Perl.Pl. 423 b3. D Loan from Chinese at CT stage, based on a binomial phrase of two borrowed Chinese words: *!fa from Chin. xie ~ ( (40: I 2) 'depict, write' (Pulleyblank 1991:342, EMC sia'), MChin.

    EMC drjaw'), MChin. *d1jew.¥ (Baxter Sagart 2014b). See discussion by Pinault (2020d: 381 ). Since the notions of written sign or mark is prevalent in this noun, the connection with hearing by Van Windekens ( 1976:641) is mistaken. Speculative PIE etymology by ADAMS:726.

    Jotre-lyiik* (n., fem.) 'female watcher of signs'


    F T D R

    POU 'signorum spectatrix'. Norn.Pl. .5otre-lyakaF1. ♦Nom.Pl. 310 b5. Compound with ► :jOtre and derivative from ► liikii-. See also ► Jolyiik*. SeeMalzahn(2012:116, 124, 12~).

    !jont (n., masc.) 'street, road'


    POU 'via', TEB II 'Stra/3e', JWP 'street'. Nom./Obl.Sg. :jont, Gen.Sg. :jontis, lnstr.Sg. ~·ontyo, All.Sg . .5011tac, Abl.Sg. .5onta.5, Loc.Sg. ,wnlaf!1, Nom.Pl. .5011tan, Obi.Pl. :jOntas, ,wnts (ane), Loe.Pl. :jO/lfSaf!I. T ♦Nom.Sg. 253 b2, b7; ♦Gen.Sg. YQ lll.5 b6; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 253 a7; ♦All.Sg. 318 + 319 a6; ♦ Abl.Sg. 324 a3!; ♦Loc.Sg. 227/8 a2; ♦Nom.Pl. 254 a2, a3, b2, YQ V.l b7; ♦Obi.Pl. (.5011tas) 254 a3, YQ V. l al, THT 2502 a2; (.5011ts) 227/8 a3; ♦Loe.Pl. 63 a4, 227/8 a2, a3, 254 a7, 324 a6, THT 1380.d a4. R In 227/8 a3, the sequence .5011ts ane results from the addition of the postposition ► ane to the Obi.Pl. .5011tas, through weakening and syncope metri causa. F

    .yonta-Jont (adv.) 'street after street, in every

    street' T ♦THT 1483.b b3. D Iterative compound with Obl.Sg. of.5ont. !jopiirt* (n., fem.) 'interpretation of signs'

    F T

    Perl.Pl. !fOpi:irtiisa. ♦ Perl.Pl. 29 a4 .5opartasa wal timiti(miligil nom) 'according to the




    interpretations of signs, (this is) the king (offish) named Timitimingila'. Based on the loan via Ml from Skt. lak.ya11a-vrtti- 'interpretation of sign(s)', see lak15atza- 'sign, omen' and vrtti- 'explanation, commentary' (MW:892a), and with substitution of *Jo 'sign, omen', see ► !folyiik*, ► !jotre­



    lyiik*. R

    This fragment belongs to the legend of the former life ofDharmaruci as the sea monster Timitimingila, alias Timingila (BHSD:253a), told in Divyiivadiina, chap. 18. The passage pertains to the vision of wonders (such as several rising suns) by merchants sailing on the ocean, which predict the presence of the sea monster coming from the abyss with its open mouth, see precisely Divy:231 (Cowell Neil) and Rotman (2017:6).

    !f011l ► sas !f011la-iirtltme-piiltskum* (adj.) 'having unanimous mind' (Skt. samagra-)


    COU 'die Gesinnung (nur) einer Lobpreisung ha bend'. F Perl.Pl.Masc. Joma-iirt/unepaltskumancsii. T ♦ Perl.Pl.Masc. 353 a4-5. D Compound with the bound from of ► sas, siil!l, ► iirtlune and ► piiltsiik, plus possessive suffix. Literally: 'having the mind with a single approval'. R See Schmidt (I 989:74, 77, 108) for discussion and parallel Sanskrit text. !foma-iilplune* (n., a.) 'one single touch' F Perl.Sg . .yoma-iilpluneyii.

    T D R


    297 b5!. Compound with the bound form of ► sas, siil!l and and abstract of ► iilpa-. For the restoration of the passage (MaitrTurfan XV, Bl. I, Taf. 148, r. 25 'rnk 'k swijyqync' \iydt '), see the Uighur parallel in Tekin (1980 I: 117). See also MUiler- Sieg (1916:406).

    !fOma-kiilyme (adv.) 'one-sidedly, apart, aside, exclusively' [B soma ka(vmi] (Skt. ekiinte)

    L S

    COU 'abseils, ganz und gar'. .yoma-kalyme .yam- 'to sit apart (Skt. ekiinte ni-.yad-)', Joma-kalyme kaly- 'to stand apart (Skt. ekiinte sthii-)'.


    ♦ 16 b2, 41 a4, 152 b2!, b2 (yomakaly)m(e) klopyo .yoma-kalyme .ynalyo 'with only pain and only torment', 422 b3 (yo)ma-kalyme tra1ika11tiiii 'speaking [only] one-sidedly', YQ IIl.12 b6, THT 2392 b I. Compound with the bound form of ► sas, sii,!l and ► kiilyme, lit. 'in a single direction or place', calque of Skt. ekiinta- 'a lonely or retired or secret place; the only end or aim, exclusiveness; (-am, -ena, -at) ind. exclusively, in every respect, extremely' (MW:230b). 422 b3 translates Skt. ekii111saviidina!J, see Peyrot in CEToM. For the translation of 152 b2, see ► !fllal.

    !fOma-piiciir (adj.) 'having the same father'

    L F T D R

    POU 'eundem patrem habens'. Nom.Sg.Masc. Joma-piicar. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 222 a6. Compound with the bound form of ► sas, sibfl and ► piicar. The form piicar of the second member instead ofpiicar seems to be a peculiarity of the Maitreyavadanavyakaral)a, see Itkin (2002:13b).

    !fOma-siirak (adj.) 'having one garment'

    L F T D R

    POU 'unam vestem habens'. Nom.Sg.Masc . .yoma-s'iirak. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 22 a2!. Compound with the bound form of ► sas, siilt1 and ► siirak 'upper garment'. For the restoration, see Sieg ( 1944:26, n. 5).

    !fOma-!jiirpb5!, 375 a5, 405 al, 408 a3, 412 a3; ($oliiraf!1) 19 b4, 265 a5, 267 + 268 a>b 1,270 b6, 292 a7, YQ I.4 b4-5!, b5, YQ II.14 b2, YQ III.IO a6, THT 141 l.e bl. D The variant .5oliira111 reflects the renewal of the form .50/iir with the locative affix.

    ~·o:jta,ik* (n., masc.) 'clerk, intendant'

    L F T D

    :jolyiik* (n., masc.) 'watcher of signs, diviner,

    counsellor' L POU 'socius', COU 'Genosse'. F Nom.Pl. :folyiikiiii, Obi.Pl. Jolyiikiis. T ♦Norn.Pl. 100 a3, THT 1425.g a2, (178+)THT 2968.g a4; ♦ Obi.Pl. 107 b4, 160 b2. D Compound with *.)·o 'sign' (equivalent of Skt. lakJa!w-) and -lyiik 'seeing, watching', derived from li:ikii-. This is a doublet of.yotre-lyiik*, which features the full term ► :jOtre for 'sign, mark'. R This noun was coined for transposing Skt. lakyaua-jiia- 'sign knowing,


    COU 'Bezeichnung eines Beamten', TEB II 'Steuererheber'. Norn.Pl. .5o~•falikiiii. ♦Nom.PI. 222 a2. Based through re-Sankritization on a Pkt. word *sotthanka, reflected by Niya Pkt. .5ofhaf!1ga- (so/hamgha- and further variants) 'tax-collector'. Compound of *,m 'writing', cognate with the first term of ► !jOtre, borrowed from Chinese, and the loan via MI from Skt. sthiinika- 'any one holding an official post, governor of a place', etc. (MW: 123b), officer of the local administration, in charge of record of towns and villages, and of the census of the households (Kangle 1965: 195198). This charge was of course based on the control and setting of written documents (Skt. lekha-), and the office of sofhwJ1ga- was nearly related to the one of scribe (Burrow I 937: 128), Skt. lekhaka- 'writer, scribe, clerk, secretary' (MW:901b). Claims oflranian etymology by Bailey ( 1949: 123-126) and Van Windekens (VW:640) remained not compelling, since there is no comparable term in any Iranian language, except perhaps Bactr. 0wrayyo, if not borrowed from Prakrit (Sims-Williams 2007:266b). The gloss 'tax-collector' is somewhat too restricted for covering the function of the sofhw11ga- in Niya documents; this meaning cannot fit simply the Tocharian use. Actually, Niya Pkt. .5ofhm11ga- refers to an official in the royal administration


    ~kara charged with keeping the accounts of taxation and royal property (Burrow I 937: 127-128). The men bearing this office are royal clerks, which appear in Tocharian (222 a2) in a list of officials: kings, ministers, trustworthy agents, judges. Pace Bailey (1949:124) and Van Windckens (VW :640), they do not refer to rich merchants or bankers, Skt. sre.5/hin-(MW:l 102c ), who did not belong to the royal administration. The gloss 'officials' (Bailey 1937:905) was too vague.

    a,,kiir] POU 'retro, retrorsum', TEB II 'zurlick', JWP 'backwards'. ♦ 16 a6, 23 b3, 36 a5, 40 a2, 71 b6, 94 a4, 109 b5, 287 + 259 a>b2, a>b3 ! (bis), 356 b2, 358 a2, 434 b5, 436 b4, YQ II.5 b7, YQ 11.6 a8, YQ 11.8 b2, YQ 111.3 a6, THT 1336.g a5, THT 2160 a3, THT 2383.k al.

    !jkiirii (adv.) 'backwards' [B

    L T

    .5kaste] POU 'sextus', TEB 11 'sechster'. Nom.Sg.Masc. ,,ka,,t, Obl.Sg.Masc. .5ka.isa1.n, Obl.Sg.Fcm. ,1·kassii111. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 3 a6, 156 a4; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 218 a3, 298 b8; ♦Obl.Sg.Fern. 287 + 259 b>a4!. D See numeral ► ~iik.

    !jkii!jt (ord.) 'sixth' [B



    ~·,iassu (adj.) 'cupid, eager for possession'

    F Norn.Sg.Masc . .5nassu. T ♦Norn.Sg.Masc. THT 1531 b5. D Most probably loan from TB .5nassu 'seeking possessions' (ADAMS:728). !jiii (pron.indecl.) 'one's own' [B .5ari] (Skt. sva-)


    F S

    L F

    ~kitii- (vb.) 'appear, seem'

    L F T R

    TVS 'appear, seem' Prs.V MP 3PI. .5kitiintar. ♦ Prs.MP 3PL 58 a6-bl; ♦ fgm. 324 a2?. For the meaning, see TVS:930.

    -~ku* (n., a.) '?' F Instr.Pl. -!jkwiintuyo. T ♦ lnstr.Pl.219a4. R Hapax of unknown structure and meaning. .y,ia!j!fe (n., masc.) 'relative, kinsman' [B .5na,,!fe]

    L F


    POU 'propinquus, affinis', TEB 11 'Verwandter'. Nom.Sg. !jna.5.5e, Obl.Sg. ~·na!f~·e111, Gen.Sg. !f1'ia,,.5eyiip, Norn.PI. ,na,.yen, Loe.Pl. ,na.5.5esar11, Perl.Pl. ~·na,1,.5esii, Com.Pl. ,ni.5,esassiil. ♦Nom.Sg. 96 a2, 347 a2, 355 b2; ♦ Obl.Sg. THT 1462 a4; ♦ Gen.Sg. 6 b5, 7 al; ♦Norn.PI. I a2-3; ♦ Loe.Pl. 3 b5; ♦ Perl.Pl. 3 b4; ♦ Com.Pl. 437 al.

    Loan from TB. Calque of Skt. svaka- 'a relation, kinsman, friend', svi_'}'a- 'one's own people' (MW:1278a, 1279a). In 437 al, the plural is definitely warranted from the paleographical point of view, pace SSS:136. The variant ,ni.5.ye shows the reintroduction of the basic form ,ni ofTA.


    POU 'suus, eius, proprius', TEB II 'G. eines sonst nicht vorhandenen Pron. retl. oft in possessivem Sinn ftir alle drei Personen u. Numeri geltend, oft mit «eigen» wiederzugeben', JWP 'own'. .5ni, .511y, .511= (sandhi form before vowel), ,ni-k. .yni .yfzi 'each its own', .yni iilu 'for oneself [and] for the others', .y11i se 'the own son', ,ni + body parts. ♦ (.5ni) 3 b4, 6 b2, 7 al, 8 al, a2, a3, 9 b4, 10 al, bl, b2, b3, 11 b4, 13 a3, a4, 14 b6, 15 al, a3, a5, a6, 18 b5, 22 b4, 23 a5, 33 a3, 57 a3, 59 b3, 62 a4, a5, 64 a4, 66 a2, a5, bl, b5, b6, 67 a5, 69 a4, 70 al, 71 a2, a4, a5, 72 b I, b6, 75 b3, 76 a3, 79 a3, 80 b>a3, 82 a6, 90 a5, 91 b5, 92 b3, 95 a6, 96 a2, 98 bl, 99 b4, 101 al, 106 a5, 108 b2, 119bl, 120bl, 126b3,b4, 129a3, 131 a3, 139 b3, 142 b5, 144 b3, 145 al, 147 a4, 152 al, 153 b3, 154 b4, b5, 155 a5, a6, 156 b4, 174 a4, 181 b2, 189 a3, 193 a6, 212 a6, 213 b6, 214 a2, 220 a2, bl, 222 b6, 227/8 b7, 236 a5, b6, 244 al, b2, 253 b2!, 254 a4, 256 a3, b2, 261 a>b7, 262 b6, 270 b8, 275 b4, 277 a3, 282 b3, 287 + 259 a>b6, 288 b2, 298 a8, 300 bl, b2, b3, 303 a3, 312 b5, 313 b2, 317 a6, 321 a5, 322 al, 325 b5, 326 b2, 340 a7, 341 a7, 342 a>b2, 343 bl, 345 a4, 355 bl, 359 al I, 360 a2, 374 a7, 384 a2, 386 b3, 393 b7, 395 al, a5, 397 b8, 398 a2, 408.e a3, 420 a3, 430 b5, 437 al, YQ I. I a2, YQ 1.2 a6, YQ I.4 b3, YQ I.5 a3, YQ I.6 al, YQ II. I a6!, YQ ll.4 a5, YQ Il.5 b2, YQ II.9 b5, YQ II. 12 a5, YQ Il.13 a5, YQ 11.15 b5, YQ III.I b2, YQ III.4 a6, YQ III.7 b8, YQ IIl. 11 b3, YQ N.2 + N.6



    ~tank b3, YQ N.3 a5, a6, YQ N.5 a7, PK.NS. I a2, PK.NS.2 b3; (,>·1iy) 21 b2, 34 a5, 90 a3, 108 a3, 149 b4, 340 bl, YQ II.2 a7; (.511=) 17 b2, 218 b5, 313 b7, 405 a5; (.yfii-k) 236 a5. Based on CT *siili (8 ,m,i) with addition of genitive ending -i, parallel to tfii, genitive of ► tu, vis-a-vis ofB taii, genitive of twe, cf. Pinault (CHREST:535). See pronoun ► $iii iiliciim.


    This morpheme is the reflexive genitive pronoun, indifferent to number and gender, as indirect reflex of the PIE reflexive stem. Distributive use of s11i .pii is found in 14 b6, 66 b6, 236 a5, 254 a4, 287 + 259 a>b6, 288 b2, 312 b5, 345 a4, 374 a7, YQ I.I a2, YQ 1.4 b2, YQ ll.5 b2-3.

    $Iii b I, 315 b5, YQ N.2 + N.6 b3, THT 1148 bl; (:Jtamm) 217 b4!, 291 b6, YQ 11.4 b8; (.5/am) 22 a4, 301 a8; (.Jfa111111) 22 b5; ♦Gen.Sg. 91 bl, b3, b4, 340 b2; ♦All.Sg. 114 b3; ♦Abl.Sg. THT 2540 b2; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. (,yta111a11111) 96 a6, 109 b6, 297 b3, 301 a2, 320 a7, PK.NS. I b2, YQ V.I al, a4!; (,~tamantu) 88 b2; ♦ Loe.Pl. (.ytamantwa111) 227/8 a2, YQ N. l a2; (Jtama1;1twa111) 339 b3. !jlilmi* (adj.) 'belonging to the tree'

    F T D

    Obl.Sg.Masc. ,Jtami111. ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. THT 2474 a2 .5tamif!1 naktes 'of the tree's god'. Derived from ► !jtiim.

    !jtilm-kwreyu* ► kwreyu* !jtilm!ji ► nyagrot-!jtlim!ji !jtiirii- (vb.) 'become tired, exhausted'

    L F T

    JWP 'beeome tired'. Prt.I Act. 3Sg. ,Jlar, PPrt. .ya,Jtru. ♦ Prt.Act. 3sg. 278 b2; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. YQ II.8 b3. R Discussion in JWP:108, n. 7, TVS:931 and Peyrot (20 I 3a:829).

    !jtiimvo (adj.) 'ruttish, mad'


    POU 'flagrans, ardens', TEB II 'brlinstig (?)'. F Nom.Sg.Masc . .5tanwo. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 220 a4 ma penu wsomil11 ar,Jal ma pe .ytamvo onkalam 'not even the venomous snake, not either the ruttish elephant'. R The phrase ,5/iinwo 01ikalam refers probably to the familiar image of the ruttish elephant in Indian Jo(e, cf. Skt. mada- 'lust ruttishness, rut' and compounds (MW:777c).

    .ytiimii- ► kiily!jtow (n., masc.sg.) 'stick' (Skt. da111;laka-)

    POU 'baculum', TEB II 'Stock' JWP 'stick'. ' F Nom./Obl.Sg. ,Jtow, .ytop, .yto, Gen.Sg. .ytowis, Perl.Sg. !jtopa. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (.ytow) 360 a7; ♦ Obl.Sg. (~to) YQ IIl.l l b8; ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (.5·top) 304 a4?; ♦ Gen.Sg. 360 a!O; ♦Perl.Sg. 304 a3 kus sas sarathi lap 111iirtko .Jlopa sesatfir 'oh charioteer, who is this one having shaved his head, (who) leans ' himself on a stick?', THT 2286 a2. L

    !jlmiilune (n., a.) 'standing'

    F Nom./Obl.Sg. ,Jtmal7me. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 351 a5. D Abstract derived from ► stiimii-. Cf.

    ► !jlllliiflllle!ji*.


    ~·tmii/wze!ji* (adj.) 'of the standing'


    Obi.Pl.Mase. ,5tmalune,~i, Obi.Pl.Fem . .ytmalune!jinas. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Mase. 326 a7 (yu)k(e)s .ytmalune.yi palskaluneyac saseyu 'leant on the thinking about the stay of the (horse?)'; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 381 a4. D Derived from ► !jtmiilrme. !jllllii!jlune* (n., a.) 'act of placing, application'

    (Skt. upasthana-) F Instr.Pl. .ytma.yluneytuyo. T ♦ Instr.Pl. YQ I.JO a3! tri imentwassi !jtma.yluneytu(yo). D Abstract derived from ► stiimiicausative. The phrase tri fmentwassi .ytma.yluneytu corresponds to Skt. trz(ly (ave(likani) smrtyupasthanani (see BHSD:6 l 4b ). See also ► smo1i1ie. !jnal* (n.) 'pain, torment'

    L F T

    COU 'Verlegenheit', TEB II 'Verzweiflung (?)'. Instr.Sg . .ynalyo, All.Sg . .ynalac. ♦ lnstr.Sg. 152 b2 (.yoma-kaly)m(e) klopyo .yoma-kalyme .5nalyo p(o)nca1r1 nati war:;.yiilyo cam tiimniissi ske y(a).5/// '[when(?)], with only pain and only torment, she [the mother] goes into labor to bear this [fetus] with all [her] force and strength'; ♦All.Sg. 74 b2 .yokyo m1.511alac kakmu nasam ·1 have come to extreme pain'.

    501 R

    ~pat-kofii* The meaning of this word can be deduced from the phrase of 152 b2, which corresponds to Skt. ekanta-dubkha'cxclusive, entire pain' (BHSD: 154a) (Huard, p.c.). The passage describes the suffering at birth and corresponds in the Garbhavakranti-siitra to Kritzer (2014:73-74).

    !jpartte* (n., a.) 'turning, waving' L POU'?'. F Nom./Obl.PI. .)partteyii. T ♦ Obi.PI. 220 a3 spartteyii pattaka/,si 'to the wavings of flags'. D Cognate with ► spiirtw-. !jpal (n., fem.) 'powder, clod' [B spe/] (Skt. lo.5/a-) L COU 'BrUhe', TEB II 'KUgel(chen)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg . .5pal. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 125 (+THT 1425.e) b6?, PK.NS.2 b4. R Aecording to Huard (2022:429-433), the reference to 'powder', vel sim. is better warranted than 'pill, pellet' as it has been recorded for TB .5pel (see ADAMS:731 ). In the joint 125+THT 1425.e b6, Itkin (2020:221, 225, 227) tentatively restores ,ypal, since the context requires a monosyllabic word, with the meaning 'lump of mud'. In this passage, spa! apparently translates Skt. lo.5/a- 'a lump of eatth or clay, clod' (MW:908b), occurring in the parallel Sau 5.47a. .ypiir* (n., masc./fem.) 'a bird species' [B spara*] L POU 'nomen avis ('passer'?)', TEB II 'eine Vogelart'. F Nom.PI. .5paraii. T ♦Nom.PI. 92 b2, 301 a4. R Identified as English sparrow, German Sperling for etymological reason by ADAMS 2013:730, see also bird names in IEW:991. !jpii111 (n., a./masc.) 'sleep, dream' [B $pane, .ypane] L POU 'somnus, somnium', TEB II 'Schlaf'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. ,5pcil11, lnstr.Sg . .)panyo, Abl.Sg. ,5apna$, Perl.Sg . .yapna, Nom./Obl.Pl. .yapnant, Loe. PL ,5apnasaq1. S .5pa111 !aka- 'see in dream'.



    ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 6 b2, 78 a3, bl, 375 a2?, 433 b I, PK.NS. I b2, b3, PK.NS.4 a4, THT 141 l.e b2; ♦Abl.Sg. THT 1483.a a2; ♦lnstr.Sg. 12 b3; ♦Perl.Sg. 395 a I; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 274 a6, 299 b5, THT 3449.d a2; ♦ Loe.Pl. 56 b3, 78 al. The feminine agreement of the plural is warranted by 299 b5. The distribution of the Loe.Pl. form does not seem to be related to any difference of meaning or of meter. One may consider if the expected Loe.Pl. 0apnantwal!l has not been avoided for possible dissimilation. On the other hand, 'sleep/dream' is typically masculine in other IE languages. It is possible that the form .yapnant, feminine, is secondary, as referring to different individualized and successive dreams: in both examples (274 a6, 299 b5), the story refers to five different dreams.

    !jpiit (num.) 'seven' [B .5ukt] L POU 'septem', TEB II 'sieben'. F ,5pat, Nom.Pl. .5aptii11tu. S ,5piit iiemintu 'seven jewels'. T ♦21 a2, 29 a2, 64 b2, 44 b3!, 46 a6, 62 b2, 82 bl, 129 b2!, 130 a4, 146 a2, 192 a3, 204 b6, 213 a4, 227/8 a4, 253 a3, 255 a7, 263 b>a7, 264 b8, 266 + 276 a>b3, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b6, 288 a4-5!, 292 a2, 301 a7, 305 a6!, 315 + 316 b7, 353 a3, 355 a2, 367 b3, 371 a4, YQ I.9 a3, YQ 11.5 al, YQ II.IO bl, YQ lll.8 b2, YQ N.2 + N.6 bl; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. ► !jiiptii11t11k01ii*. !jpiit-kiint (num.) 'seven hundred' T ♦29 a2. D Derived from ► ,ypiit, ► kiint. !jpiit-kolii* (n.pl., masc.) 'seven days(= one week)' [B .5ukt-kaul!1*] L POU 'post septem dies', TEB II 'sieben Tage lang'. F Nom.Pl. .)pat-koiii, Loe.PI. 0pat-kOl!1SatJI, Perl.Pl. .5pat-ko111sa. T ♦Nom.Pl. 203 b5!; ♦ Loe.Pl. 150 b2, 151 a2, a3!, a3, a4, a5, a6!, THT 1132 al, THT 1139 a3, THT 2466 a2, THT 2408 b4, THT 2413 a3; ♦ Perl.Pl. I b I, 84 b2, 150 b4, 457 a5, THT 2425 al, THT 2444 b3. D Collective compound, with ► !jpiit 'seven' and ► ko111 'day', lit.



    'group of seven days', always in the plural; the reference to the order of the week is given by an ordinal in the plural. See also the alternative form ► !jiiptii11t11k01ii*. !jpiit-tmii1t1 (num.) '70,000'

    F T


    Nom./Obl. .5piit-tma111..5pii=-tma111. ♦Nom./Obl. (.5piit-tma111) 295 b3, 322 b7, THT 1422.a b4; (.5pii=-tma111) 40 b3 .5pii=-tma111 pretan mi:i(skantiil) 'there are 70.000 Pretas', 255 a2, 441 a2. Compound of ► !jpiit and ► tmii111.

    !jpiit-piik (adv.) 'in seven parts'

    L T D

    POU 'in septem partes'. ♦215 bl, YQ I.6 b8!, YQ 1.7 b7!. Compound of ► !jpiit, ► piik.

    !jpiit-wiiknii (adv.) 'sevenfold, in seven ways'

    T D

    ♦YQ III. I I a2. Compound with perlative affix.

    ► !jpiit


    ► wkii111,


    !jpiit-wiilts ► wiilts-!jiik-kii11t-!jiiptuk-!jpiit-pit11uI11ii11tu-!jpiit-wiilts-we-kii11t!jpiit-!jpiit-k01p (adv.) 'after every seven days'

    L T D

    COU 'nachje sieben Tagen'. ♦ 187b4.

    Derived from

    ► !jpiit, ► ko,,1.

    ~piirkii!jlune (n., a.) 'destruction'

    F T D

    Nom./Obl.Sg . .ypi:irka,~lune. ♦Nom.Sg. 230 a5. Abstract derived from ► spiirkii-.

    !jpi1t1* (n., masc.sg.) 'hook, nail'

    POU 'rostrum, paxillum', TEB II 'Nagel, Pflock', COU 'der Tiir gegeniiber'. F AII.Sg . .ypinac, Loc.Sg . .5pinaq1. S $pinac li:i1ik- 'hang to a nail'. T +All.Sg. 8 a4, a6, b3, 9 a2; ♦ Loc.Sg. 408.q a2?. R In the fgm. 408.q, one reads a2 tpi:ir wta.y pina,_n, which can be better read as wta-5 ,~pina111 by sandhi, with a Loc.Sg. as suggested by Ogihara (2009b:279). All the occurrences of -5pinac have been translated by Sieg (1944:11-12) by 'der Tiir gegeniiber', on the basis of the Chinese parallel text. This has been taken over by COU:70. However, .ypinac is always complement of li:i,ik- 'dangle', which fits for the description of a hanged person. See the translation of the L

    description of the painter by Pinault (CHREST: 260,261). !jmare (n., masc.sg.)?

    F Nom.Sg . .5111are. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT 2559 + 2029 al. R This noun, which is found between to double dots, may be identical to or cognate with TB .5mare 'oily, greasy' (ADAMS:731 ), but there is no context. .5marke (adv.) 'grievously, painfully' (?)

    L F T

    POU'?'. Obi.Pl. .5marke. ♦Obl.Sg. 157 a4 tmi:i.y sundari -5marke yu(tkos) 'thereupon SundarT, painfully worried ... '. R The segmentation and meaning of this hapax is by no means certain. However, the notion of a plural of a noun -5marke is not attractive.

    !jllle1ici (adj.) 'pertaining to summer'

    (Uigh. yayqi) L COU 'Regen-', TEB II 'Regen(zeit)-'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc . .ymeiici, Obl.Sg.Fem. .5111e1zca111, Obi.Pl.Masc. smencini:is. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. 96 al, 270 a7, THT 1584.fbl!; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 48 a5; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 114 b4!, 187 b5!. D Derived from -5me* 'summer', see ► !jmesiirme. Compare TB -5maye, with different derivation from a related CT basis (ADAMS:732). R For the parallel Uighur text to 270 a7, see Pinault ( 1997a: 127, I 34- I 35). !Jme-siirme (n., masc.) 'summer [and] winter'

    COU 'Regen', TEB II 'Regen(zeit)'. Nom./Obl. -5me-si:irme, Instr. .ymesiirmeyo. T ♦Nom./Obl. 70 b4, 265 a4; ♦ Instr. 344 b45!. D Compound with .)we*, cf. ► 1Jme1ici and si:irme 'bad season, winter'. Designation of the two main seasons of the year. R See Pinault ( 1993: 144-157 and l 998a:362), with further references. This collective compound was possibly singular, but one should consider if it was understood as dual, without marking of dual, see ► yusiir*, dual yusari. L F



    !jyak I) (adv.), 2) (pp.), 3) (prev.) 'together'


    POU 'eoniunete, eoniunetim', TEB II 'zusammen (mit)', JWP 'together'. F I) ,5Jmk, 2) .yyak, .5iyak, 3) ,1yak, :1iyak, {iyak. T ♦ I) 17 b5, 171 b3, 197 a3, 206 b5, 218 b4, 335 a8; ♦2) (.)yak) 21 b5, 144 a4, 207 a2, 311 a2, 350 a3, THT 1145 b5; (,;iyak) 127 a4!, 219 a6, 286 b7, PK.NS.5 bl; ♦ 3) (.yyak) 7 b4, b5, 10 a4, 73 b4, 143 b6, 252 b7, 279 b4, 315 bl, 353 a4; (siyak) 46 b2, 220 b3, 266 + 276 a>b5, 279 b I, 302 a6; (.fiyak) 279 a4, 302 a7!, 399.1 al, YQ 11.7 bl, YQ II.IS b8, YQ 11.12 a8. D Derived from the base form of ► ~-i, !jl < *.yya with the strengthening partiele ► -(ii)k, ef. Pinault (2006b:76). R See Pinault (2006b:81-84). !}yaksune!ji* (adj.) 'eommon' (Skt. samanya-)

    L F T

    Couvreur ( 1959) 'general'. Obl.Sg.Mase. ,yyaksune.51111. ♦Obl.Sg.Mase. 384 a3.

    D Adjeetive derived from an abstract based on ► !jyak. }yaktsum* (adj.) 'identical, being at the same

    level' L POU 'eoniungcns'. F Obl.Sg.Mase . .)yaktsumant. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 43 + 52 b2. D Derived from ► !jyak. R For the translation, see Pinault (20 I Sf: 158). !jya-wkii111 (adv.) 'in one way'


    POU 'aequo modo', JWP 'in one way'. ,~ya-wkii111, -5iya-wka111. T ♦ (-5ya-wka111) 63 b2, 180 a3, 315 + 316 b3, 334 a2, YQ N. l b5; (.)·iya-wka111) 125 a2. D Derived from ,1ya-, bound form of ► !ji, !jl, and ► wkii111, cf. Pinault (2006b:76-77). R See Pinault (2006b:76). F

    !jlyok ► :slok

    s (pron.) I) (adjectival use, ineluding doubling of a pronoun) 'some, any', 2) (substantival use) 'someone, something', 3) (adverbial use) 'perhaps, in any way, ever' [CC B ksa, (obi.) kca] F I), 2) Norn. sm11, Obi. cm11, 3) cm11. T ♦ I) Norn. 2 a2 ma tiipre,11 sm11 poiiciilJ1 sm.nsaris karipac sasplirtwu alak wram na.y kos-ne alaszme, 4 a2 ma tii(preq1) sa111 alak wram arkiso.y.yis kasu ypant na.y kosne knanmune, 39 b5 ma tlipre111 sa111 alak wram Ill, 94 b4 (ma sa)kkis/;i sarka111 SQ/fl smalok wrasom, 226 a4 .yome satJI, 241 a2? (plilska)liine sm11 katlilikaM, 265 b2 ma slim sm11 yoga(kyemi) Ill, b3 ma slim sa,rz twikassu na$ kus(-ne) III, 283 b2 (ma) slim satJI poi'iclil!l smrzsarm11 wrasom f1G$ ku(s-ne), 315 + 316 b6 ma slim sm11 iiklit naper11 na($ ke-ne) naktassi plittaiinaktes mrac pi:ilkatlir, 34 7 a I ma slim sm11 lipo sass okak wrasom piik CG$ sm11sarm11 kusne, 398 a4 ma slim sm11 sm11sa1w11 cmol na.y ma pe Ill; ♦Obi. 10 a5 cami korpa taplirk kuc cm11 skenal, 67 a6 $0111 cm11 perak yamlli111 wram, 148 a 1 .50111 cm11 lyalypu, 341 a3 swatsik cat/I, 446 b5 ,\'Om ca111 Ill, PK.NS. I al ak cm11, YQ Ill.I I a5 !, 62 a5 ma klilpat cm11 ylirk yamlii111, 294 b2 ma liiicanik ca,11 (mlirkampal aksissi wli1pat) 'he did not deign to teaeh the Law to anybody'; ♦2) Norn. 116 a4 ma pe klesas wika.ylil SG/fl ,)'C,)', 129 b I ma oki tiim sa111 talc pattl kuc-ne-tli(m) Ill 'this was in fact nothing else but', 347 a3 kucny akrunt tsartii tlim sa,11 kropal :fC:f; ♦3) 10 al-2 ma nu ca1J1 tlim kna(nmu)neyli.)' wlircetswatsuneya .y,1i pat alu pat tlim.yurma.}· pruccamiie ya(ts)i climplis, 67 a3 talc te ca,.n tFii sarlis puskas swat alikarlis (rliswaluneyal/1 klopyo) slirkiiico siiilune, 220 b2 mar ska,11 CG/fl yas klop lka(c). R See Chamot-Rooke (2021 ). For the association of the indefinite with ► iilak, see ► iilak-Salfl. See also ► miint Calfl 'perhaps,

    somehow', ► tii Calfl 'sometimes', ► tsru 'in some little extent, a little, a bit'.


    Sal/I, Cal/I

    sw11, sii111, ta111 (pron.) 'that' [B se111. sa111. te111]

    L F


    POU 'pronomen demonstrativum 'is, ea, id", TEB II 'dieser'. Nom.Sg.Masc. sa111, Obl.Sg.Masc. cmJ1, Gen.Sg.Mase. cani, Nom.Pl.Masc. ce111, Obi.Pl.Masc. cesli1rz, Gen.Pl.Masc. cesni, Loe.Pl.Masc. ces11a111, Nom.Sg.Fem. sa1J1, Obl.Sg.Fem. taq1, Obi.Pl.Fem. tosli111, Nom./Obl.Sg.Nt. ta,11, Gen.Sg.Nt. tanis, Abl.Sg.Nt. tanli.)'.)', Loc.Sg.Nt. tanmJ1, Perl.Sg.Nt. tana, Du. til.n, Gen.Du. tine. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 2 a2, 4 a2, 5 a5, 37 a3, 39 b5, 46 a5, 65 b5, 67 a2, 77 b4, 94 b4, 95a2, 114al, ll6a4, 129bl, 151 a3, 169 a6, 176 a2, 177 b3, 205 b5, 226 b7, 232 a I, 241 a2, 265 b3, 280 a5, 283 b2, 293 a2, 298 a8, 300 b3, 315 + 316 b6, 336 b3, 347 a3, 384 a5, 386 al, 396 a3, 398 a4, 415 b5, 433 a4, 441 b6, 445.g a2, YQ 11.3 b7; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. JO al, a5, 62 a5, 67 a6, 75 b3, 78 a3, 148 al, 159 al, 220 b2, 223 a3, 229 b7, 230 bl, 253 b6, b7, 294 b2, 304 bl, 329 b3, 341 b3, 342 a>b3, 346 bl, 446 b5, YQ I.7 b5, YQ II.7 b2, YQ II.13 a4, YQ III.4 a7, YQ III.6 b6, YQ IIl.10 b3, YQ III.12 b7, PK.NS.I al; ♦Gen.Sg.Masc. 275 b8; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 226 a5; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 357 a4; ♦ Gen.Pl.Masc. 102 b5; ♦ Loe.Pl.Masc. 341 b4; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 77 b6, 102 a5, 129 a2, 200 b6, 219 al, 233 b4, 341 b3, THT 1150 a2, THT 2399 b6; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 62 al, 111 b2, 213 b4, 233 b2, YQ II.15 b5, PK.NS.3 bl; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 75 b6, 103 b3, 226 a7, 317 a3, YQ 11.5 b2; ♦Nom./Obl.Sg.Nt. IO b4, 13 a6, 66 a6, 86 b6, 103 b4, I 06 a4, I 43 b2, 188 b2, 221 a2, 229 b7, 242 al, 247 b2, 391 a3, 408.m a4, 436 a2, 445.g a I, YQ Il.2 al, YQ III.4 a7, YQ N.5 b4, PK.NS.I b4; ♦Gen.Sg.Nt. 32 b2, 71 a3; ♦Abl.Sg.Nt. YQ HI.3 a3; ♦Loc.Sg.Nt. 12 a3, 13 bi, IOI a5, 126 a3; ♦ Perl.Sg.Nt. 25



    sa111sar a4, 258 a7, 288 a3, 371 b4; ♦Du. 353 b6; ♦ Gen.Du. 367 bl, YQ III.IO a3. Demonstrative pronoun of far-deixis, see Stumpf (1971: 142-148).

    sa1,1kalp (n., masc.sg.) 'conception'

    L F T D

    TEB II 'Willensbestimmung'. Nom.Sg. sa111kalp. ♦Nom.Sg. 384 b3. From Skt. saf/1ka/pa- 'will, volition, definite intention or determination' (MW:1 l26c); see also 'false determination' (BHSD:545a).

    sa111j1ii (n., fem.) 'understanding, ideation'

    [B sa11ljnii] L POU 'notitia, scientia', TEB II 'Erkenntnis'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. saqljni. T ♦Nom.Sg. 384 b3, b4. D From Skt. sal!l}Flii- 'awareness, consciousness' (BHSD:55lb), see further Catt Huard - Inaba (2022) for the meaning in Abhidharma.

    SlllflVar (n., masc.sg.) 'restraint, control'

    [B sa1J1var] L COU 'Selbstzucht, Zurtickhaltung'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sar11var, sm11war, Loc.Sg. sa1Jrn'l'atf1. T ♦ Obl.Sg. (sa1J1var) 440 a2, THT 2127 b3; ♦ Loc.Sg. 114 al kuyall a.fa'i saJ!1wraJ!1 -5/moiiciis yarkii mii ypantrii 'why then they do no treat with respect those who stay in restraint?', 300 b3 sa,rnvra(l!l) .ytmmzciis.


    sa111var# (adj.) 'of restraint'

    L F T

    sa11,j1iiJi* (adj.) 'of understanding, ideation'

    F T

    D R

    Obl.Sg.Fem. sal!l}Fli.yit11. ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 384 b3 smrl}ni:fi111 wiintyo raritku-wlesum 'whose function is raised through the wind of ideation'. Derived from ► sa11,j1ii. The compound translates Skt. satJ?iFziiani/a-uduta-vrtti-; according to TEB 11:42, n. 20, uduta- stands for 11dbln1ta-. Indeed, raritku does not fit Skt. uduta' bound on, tied up' (MW:192c); alternatively for Skt. uddh11ta- ( or uddhuta-) 'raised' (MW:189a), according lo Catt Huard - Inaba (2022).

    D L



    POU 'nomen vermis'. ♦ Fgm. 179 b3.

    POU 'animarum peregrinatio', COU 'Sa111sara', TEB II 'Kreislaufder Geburten', JWP 'circle of births'. Nom./Obl.Sg. satr1siir, Gen.Sg. swrzsiiris, Abl.Sg. sw11siira.y, scu11siirii.y, se1J1/siirii-5, Loc.Sg. sm11siirw11, sa1r1tsiircu11, Perl.Sg. sw11siirii. siis sa111siir,

    with demonstrative of near

    deixis. T

    Tu$ita gods L POU 'nom. propr. regis', TEB II 'N. pr. des Konigs der Tu$ita-Gotterwelt'. F Nom.Sg. sa111tu.5ite, Obl.Sg. satfllll.5ite111. T ♦Nom.Sg. 287 + 259 a>b5, YQ 11.8 b4; ♦Obl.Sg.312 bl. D From Skt. Sm11tu.yita 'n. of a Devaputra' (BHSD:I 142b). L T

    POU 'ad sa111war pertinens', JWP 'of restraint'. Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. sm11var.yi, sa1Jnvar-5i, Obl.Sg.Masc. scur1var-5il!1. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (sa111va1 0 i) 355 bl sar11var.yi s/yi 'the rule of restraint'; (sa111war;,i) 355 b I; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 117 b I sii111tiik scur1var.yi111 'the medicine of restraint', YQ 11.10 al sa}J1var.yi111 cam sol 'this life of discipline'. Derived from ► sa1f1var.

    sa,,1siir (n., masc.) 'circle of births' [B scu11siir]

    Sa111t11#te (PN, masc.) name of the king of the

    Sa111parivartani (PN, masc.) name of a worm

    From Skt. sar11vara- 'restraint, control, obligation, vow' (BHSD:539b).



    ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 1 b6!, 25 b3, 33 a6, 61 bl, 320 a6, 391 b4, YQ 11.7 bl, THT 1152 a8; ♦ Gen.Sg. 2 a2, 256 al, 385 b3, YQ 11.6 bl; ♦Abl.Sg. (sm11siira.y) 386 a5; (sw11siirii-5) 36 b4!, 38 b4, 109 a6!, 214 b4, 218 b7!, 254 b6, 258 b5, 263 a>b5!, YQ II. I b7, YQ 11.14 a7; (se111tsiirii.5) 385 b5; ♦ Loc.Sg. (sw11sii1w11) 20 bl, 62 a4, 1l6b6, 121 b4, 170a5,218b4,283b2, 325 a2!, 347 a2, 397 b6, 398 a4, 427 b5, YQ 111.7 bl; (samtsiirm11) THT 2066 bl; ♦ Perl.Sg. 185 b4. From Skt. sa111siira- 'course, passage, passing through a succession of states' (MW:! I 19b). In the bilingual manuscript 385 b5, the reading se111tsiirii!j is certain: the vowel of

    sarµsar~i the first syllable is mistaken; the epenthetic -ts- imitates the one of sa,!lfsiira in the preceding Skt. sentence.

    sa111siir~i (adj.) 'of the circle of births' L POU 'ad sarµsar partinens', JWP 'of the birth circle'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sa,!lsiir,i, Obl.Sg. sm11siir:filJ1, Norn.Pl.Masc. sa111siir~·it1i, Obi.Pl.Masc. sa1J1sar.5inas, Obl.Sg.Fem. sm11sii1:5inii111, Obi.Pl.Fem. sa,71siir.5iniis, sm11siir.5,iis. S sm11siir.5il1i wrasafi 'the beings of the Saq1sara', sa,_nsiir.yiniifi klopant 'the sufferings of the Sa111sara'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 32 b 1; ♦ Obl.Sg. YQ ll.3 b8; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. YQ 1.2 b I; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 84a4,313 b6, THT 1382.1 + 69 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 68 a5, 372 b>a4€; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. (sm11siir.5iniis) 69 b3, 226 bl-2!, 287 + 259 b>a8!, 303 b5, 405 a4; (saq1siir.5,iis) 69 a2. D Derived from ► sm11siir. sa111skiir (n., masc.) 'predisposition, conditioned state' L COU 'Gestaltung, Bildekraft'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sm11skar. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 366 b3, 367 a3, b3, THT 1475.a + 4155 a3. D From Skt. sat!lskiira- 'mental conformation or creation of the mind' (MW: 1120b), Buddhist concept, 'predisposition', one of the constitutional elements oflife (BHSD:542b). sm11skiirajfie* (adj.) 'knowing the consecration' [B sa1J1skiirajfie] D Loan from Skt. sa1J1skiirajiia-* 'knowing the consecration', see sal!1skiira- 'purification, preparation, consecration' (MW: 1120b ). R For the restoration of the parallel phrase in TB THT 350 bl, see Schmidt (1974:154). saku* (n., masc.) 'pus' [B sekwe] L POU 'pingue', TEB II 'Eiter'. F lnstr.Sg. sakuyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 191 a6 ysar sakuyo ypic nii1r1(tsu) 'the blood has become full with pus'.

    506 sakrdiigiir* (n., masc.sg.) 'once quality, disposition' F Loc.Sg. sakrdiigiirw11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 437 b5 sakrdagiirw11 kiirii[m]:f [i} tiirme 'the rule pertaining to action in a once manner'. D Loan via MI from Skt. sakrd-iikara-, compound from sakrt 'once, at once' (MW:l 124c) and akara- 'form, shape, appearance' (MW: 127b), Buddhist term, 'way, mode, manner' (PED:93; SWTF l:222a), often in compounds with numbers as first term: ekiikiira-, caturiikiira-, dviidasiikara-, etc. sakkiik (n., masc.) 'terrace, top-story, oriel' [B skiik*, Pl. skakanma] (Skt. (kan10-)priisiida-) L TEB II 'Soller, Balkon'. F Nom.Sg. sakkak, Perl.Sg. skaka, Norn.Pl. skiiki, Loe.Pl. skaksat!I. T ♦Nom.Sg. SHT l098e.rl; ♦ Perl.Sg. 217 a3 (klo)tse skaka; ♦Norn.Pl. 193 b2; ♦ Loe.Pl. 254 b3. D Loan from Mir. *sakaka-, derivative with current Iranian suffix of siika'arrangement, disposition, building', action noun oflranian *sac- 'to fit; to prepare' (Cheung 2007:323-324), cf. Buddhist Sogd. 'ns' 'c- 'to fix, erect, dispose', 'ns "k 'disposition', Manichaean Sogd. pts 'k 'monument' (Benveniste 1979:97). The original form was trisyllabic, hence Nom.Sg. sakkak. The stem skiik* occurred originally in context of syncope (< *sakiik 0 ), especially in the plural. Abortive etymological attempts in ADAMS:772. R There is no direct evidence for the meaning 'balcony' as per TEB II: 156, 257. This noun always occurs in lists of city buildings, and probably refers to a big house with several floors. The TB match, plural skakamna, supports the notion of an upper extension of a house, some kind of terrace or oriel, provided with a window (THT 1574 a2). This is confirmed by TA sakkiik glossing Skt. kan:za-priisiida- 'lofty seat or platform for spectators, terrace; the topstory of a lofty building; a lofty palatial mansion' (MW:709c), see Peyrot


    sankram (2014: 143), referring to Walschmidt's interpretation 'Ausbau, Erker(?)' (SWTF II :25b). The correspondence with Skt. prasada- (understood as 'palace') was already given by Sieg - Siegling (1933:82, n. I) about 217 a3. Actually, one can read and restore (kfo)tse skaka, which is a calque ofSkt. kan:,a-prasada-, rendering Skt. kanw- 'ear' by TA klots*.

    sakriidiigiimune (n., a.) 'status of a oncereturning, i.e., someone who has only one more incarnation' L JWP 'status ofSakrdagamin'. F Nom.Sg. sakradagamune, AII.Sg.

    sakradagamuneyac. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ 11.12 a2; ♦All.Sg. YQ lll.9 a7-8, YQ Ill. IO al. D Abstract derived from ► sakriidiigiim*. sakrii,Uigiime* (n., masc.) 'someone destined to have only one incarnation' [B sakrtakame] F Gen.Sg. sakradagames. T ♦ Gen.Sg. YQ lll.9 a7. D Derived from Skt. sakrdagamin- '«oncereturning», destined to have only one more incarnation' (BHSD:544a), via Skt. Nom.Sg. 0 gamT. Sa,ikak (PN, masc.) name of a man, donor of a manuscript L POU 'commune', TEB II '(buddhistische) Ordensgemeinde'. F Nom.Sg. sankak. T ♦Nom.Sg. 142 b2. D Loan via MI from Skt. Smigika or Smigafa, names of men (MW: 1133a), through substitution of the ubiquitous R

    -aka-suffix. This form occurs in the part of a fragment which contains a series of proper names. No thinkable relationship with the Sarµgha, community of monks, pace Poucha (POU:357): the TA term is ► pissmik, including the restored occurrence in 35 b5.

    smikiivase!j (n., a.) 'Sanghavase~a sin' L COU 'Sanghavase~a-Siinde'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sankavase.5, sanghavase,1· ?, Nom./Obl.PI. smikavase!)a111tu. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 381 a5; ♦Nom./Obl.PI. 381 al; ♦ fgm. 371 al smigh·l/1. D From Skt. smighavase.5a- 'n. of those sins which are punished with temporary

    excommunication' (MW: I 130a), 'entailing a formal meeting of the rest of the Sangha' (SWTF IV:267a). sa1ikiisteryii1ic* (n., fem.) 'female elder'

    [B smikiistere] TEB II 'Gemeindeiilteste', Couvreur


    F T D


    ( 1959) 'ancienne'. Gen.Sg. smikiiste1yaiice. ♦ Gen.Sg. 414 a I. Feminine with suffix -aiic made on the loan from TB smikiistere. The evolution °e-afic > 0 yaiic is regular. See also ► smikiistlzer.

    smikiisther (n., masc.) 'elder of the community'

    [B smikiistere] L JWP 'elder in the Community'. F Nom.Sg. smikiisther. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ III.I I b2!. D From Skt. sa111gha- and sthavira'Buddhist elder' (BHSD:609b), via Ml sthera-. R See feminine ► sa,ikiisteryarzc*. Smiktiis (PN, masc.) name of some Buddhist person F Nom.Sg. Sa1iktas. T ♦Nom.Sg. THT 1412.c + 3975 b2. D Loan from Skt. Sm11gha-dasa- 'N. ofa man, Buddh.' (MW:l 129c), lit. 'servant of the community'. sa1ikriim (n., masc.) 'monastery' [B sankram, Pl. swikramnta] L POU 'monasterium coenobium', COU 'Kloster', TEB II 'Aufenthaltsort des Sarµgha, buddhistisches Kloster', JWP 'monastery'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. smikram, sm11kra111, Gen.Sg. sankramis, All.Sg. sa111kramac, Abl.Sg. swikrama!), sm11krama.5, Loc.Sg.


    sankrama1?J, sm.nkrcimat?J, sw!71ikrama1.n, Perl.Sg. sc11ikrama, Nom.Pl. swikrami, Obi.PI. swikramas, Loe.Pl. swikramsa111. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (swikram) 256 a6, 278 a6; (saf/1kra111) 93 a5, 109 bl; ♦All.Sg. 172 a6!, SHT 525.56 b4?!; ♦ Abl.Sg. (smikramii$) 174 a5, SHT 525.56 b4; (san1krama.5) 164 b2; ♦ Loc.Sg. (swikrama111) 169 a5, a6!, 256 a6, 449 a4, YQ lll.5 b3; (saf/1kramw.n) 127 b4, 170 b2, 171 b3, THT 1145 a3; (sm111ikrama111) 314 a5; ♦ Perl.Sg. YQ III.1 a3; ♦Nom.PI. 454 + 456 + THT 1636.o a3; ♦Obi.Pl.


    Sa11gharak~ite THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a8!; ♦Loe.Pl. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a5; ♦ fgm. 278 a5. D From Skt. sm.nghlirlima- '«resting-place for a company of monks», a Buddhist convent or monaste1y' (BHSD: I I 30a). R For the restoration of the passage 454 + 456 + THT 1636.o a3, see Malyshev (2019:73-78). For the restoration ofTHT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a5 and b>a8, see Pinault (2019b: 113-117). For the reading ofSHT 525.56 b4, see Peyrot (20!5a:109-l 10). See also ► wyar­ sa1ikram. Smigharak!jite (PN, masc.) name of a disciple of Buddha F Nom.Sg. sa,igharakyite. T ♦Nom.Sg. 371 a3. D From Skt. Sarµgharak,~ita 'n. of a man who became a disciple of Buddha' (BHSD:549a). smighlifi (n., masc.) 'waist-cloth of a monk' [B smighliti] L POU 'appellatio vestimenti', COU 'Sa11gha\T(-Gewand)'. F Nom/Obl.Sg. smighlifi. T ♦Obl.Sg. 108 b3, 138 a3!. D From Skt. saq1ghliti- 'waist-cloth of a monk' (BHSD:549b). Smighat (LN, masc.) name of a hell L COU 'Sa11ghata (N. einer Holle)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. smighlit. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 264 a4. D From Skt. Sar_nghlita 'n. of a division of the infernal regions' (MW: I 130a), 'n. of a hot hell' (BHSD:549b). sa,ice (n., a.) 'doubt, hesitation' L POU 'dubitatio', TEB II 'Zweifel', JWP 'doubt'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. saiice, Nom./Obl.PI. saiicentu, Obi.Pl. saiiceyantu, saficeyntu. S sne safice 'without hesitation'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 35 b2, 149 b6, 197 a 1, 212 b3, 230 a3, 234 a2, 284 b8!, 311 b4, 395 a2, 431 al, YQ 11.2 a5, YQ Il.4 b2, YQ Il.10 a7, YQ II.I I b3; ♦Nom./Obl.PI. (saiicentu) 21 a4!, 230 a3, 231 b4!?, b7; Obi.Pl. (saficeyantu) YQ 1.3 b3; (smiceyntu) YQ !1.5 b4. D Adaptation with TA abstract suffix -e of the loan via MI from Skt. saf!zsaya-


    'irresolution, hesitation, doubt' (MW: 1117c; BHSD:542a), Niya Pkt. sa111caya- 'doubt' (CDIAL:754b, No. 13030). See also ► tiim-sa,ice.

    Smijip (LN, masc.) SarpjTva, name ofa hell L COU 'Sarpjiva (N. einer Holle)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. saiijip, sa,_njip, Abl.Sg. sa111}fwii:J,~. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (saiijip) 264 a5; (sa111}ip) 234 b4, THT 2385.dd + 2384.j b2!; ♦Abl.Sg. 199 a2. D From Skt. Saf!l}fva 'a particular hell' (MW:! 133b), 'n. ofa hot hell' (BHSD:55lb). Satyadarsi (PN., masc.) name of a former Buddha F Gen.Sg. satyadarsis. T ♦Gen.Sg. THT 141 0.e + 3456.c bl. D Loan fr~m Skt. Satyadarsf, nom. of Satyadar.iin- 'n. of a former Buddha' (BHSD:554a). sadamatti~·i (adj.) 'of the Sadamatta (a class of Yak~as)' L POU 'ad sadamatti pe1tinens'. F Obi.Pl.Masc. sadlimatti.yinas. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 283 a4; ♦ fgm. 183 a2. D Derived from sadlimatti*, loan via MI from Skt. sadlirnattika-, doublet of sadlirnattaka-, equivalent of sadlimatta-, pl., 'n. of a class of godlings' (BHSD:554b). R In 183 a2, the word occurs before lacuna. sant (adj.uni.) 'true, real, happening' T ♦ 70 b4. D Via MI loan from Skt. santa(BHSD:555a), for Skt. sant- 'being, existing, real, actual' (MW: 1 I 34b). sa11tli1r1 (n., masc.sg.) 'continuity; mental continuum' [B santli111] L POU 'continuatio, successio', JWP 'continuity'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. santli111, Gen.Sg. sa111tlinis, Abl.Sg. santlinii:J, Loc.Sg. santlina111, sa111tlinaq1. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 419 a4, 385 b2€ kusalmarkampalantu santlia7v wrli.y/une 'the cultivation (by meditation) of the good mental factors in (psychic) continuum'; ♦Gen.Sg. 267 + 268 b>a8;

    509 ♦ Abl.Sg.

    247 a4, YQ lll.8 a6;

    ♦ Loc.Sg.

    (santana111) 18 b5!, 69 a5, 86 b4, 153 b2,

    224 b4!, 305 a8, 325 a2, 355 b2!, YQ N.2 + N.6 a3; (sa111ti'inam) 372 b>a3. D From Skt. sa111ti'ina- 'continued succession, continuity' (MW: I 142a). R In 385 b3, the alternative reading satta is not warranted; interpreted as 'in Wahrheit' (TEB II:43, n. 16). According to the context, one expects rather a form of santa,.n, see Catt - Huard - Inaba (2022), who emend the manuscript to restore a locative. The form of the manuscript is due to lack of notation of the final anusvara. This word should be in the oblique with value of extension. saptiitikar* (n., a.) 'service for the seven' F All.Pl. sapti'itikaratwiic. T ♦ All.Pl. 371 a4. D Via MI from Skt. sapta 'seven' (understood Buddhas) and adhikara'service, respectful duty', especially services for present or past Buddhas (BHSD: 12a); those are seven, including Sakyamuni, according to the Sarvastivadin school. Note that in 371 a4, the word is preceded by .ypiit 'seven', being a kind of gloss of the next first compound member. The standard form should be 0 karantw-ac or 0 kara111tw-ac. saptiihik* (adj.) 'lasting a week, recurring weekly' L POU 'septem dies manens'. T ♦457 b2!. D From Skt. sapti'ihika- 'lasting a week; recurring weekly' (BHSD:559b ). sam (adj.uni.) 'equal' [B sam] L POU 'aequalis, par', TEB II 'gleich', JWP 'equal'. T ♦ 3 b6, 14 b2, 33 a3, 50 a4, 62 b6, 63 b3, 94 b5?, 147a2,213 a2, 217 b2, 247 b2, 291 b6, 292 a5, 305 b8, 314 a8, 378 2, 429 b2, 451 b4, YQ 11.2 b4, YQ 11.10 b2, YQ V.l a2, THT 1483.a b2. samakkorre1t1* (N, masc.) name of a tune (20[22[ l O[ 15 syllables 5/5/5/5, 8/7 /7, 5/5, 8/7) L POU 'nomen metri 20+22+10+15 syllabarum'. F Loc.Sg. samakkorrenaqz.

    ♦ Loc.Sg. 71 a6, 215 a7, 355 a2, YQ l.5 a8, YQ I.6 b7. D Substantivized adjective in TA -e,.n based on the loan via Ml of Skt. samapta-koffa'stronghold of high number', see Skt. koffa-, doublet of kofa- 'fort, stronghold' (MW:312c), and samiipta(Pali samatta-) 'completed, perfect, finished', and 'a particular high number' in Buddhist literature (MW: 1161 a; BHSD:570a).


    samakkrii (adj.uni.) 'harmonious' [B sami'igra] F samakkrii. T ♦399.15 + THT 388 l.d al. D Loan via MI from Skt. samagra' harmonious' (BHSD:560b), cf. Pa. samagga- 'being in unity, harmonious, united' (PED:681b). Samantapu!jp (LN, masc.) name ofa monastery L POU 'nomen monasterii', TEB II 'Name eines Kloster'. T ♦256 a6. D From Skt. samanta- 'contiguous, neighbouring, adjacent' (MW:J 155a) and pu.ypa- 'a flower, blossom' (MW:639:b). sammlaciir!ji*

    ► iiciir-samudaciir!ji*

    sambhiir* (n., a.) 'preparation, equipment for (those destined for) enlightment' L POU 'praeparatio'. F Nom./Obl.Pl. sambhiiriintu, sambhiirntu. T ♦Norn.Pl. (sambharntu) 17 b6; ♦Obi.Pl. (sambhiiriintu) 405 al, (sambhamtu) 18 b6. D From Skt. sambhara- 'bringing together, collecting' (MW: 1179b) 'equipment for those destined for enlighment' (BHSD:580a). Cf. ► samblziir!Ji*. R Sec also Sieg ( 1944:21, n. l 0). sambhiir!ji* (adj.) 'of Sambhara, of preparation' L POU 'pracparationis'. F Obi.Pl. Masc. sambhar.5iniis. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 17 b6! wu sambha,,~iniis .5iik piira111itii171twa,71 'in the six perfections of these two preparations'. D Derived from ► sambhiir*. R The reading is safe: one cannot read 0 .yini'is. This would confirm that piiramit is masculine in the plural, as in the singular, despite the plural suffix.

    samyak-palskasu* samyak-piilskasu* (adj.) 'endowed with right thinking' F Nom.Sg.Masc. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 391 b3! samyak(palskasu), translating Skt. dhycmabalopapetab Udv. 12.19a 'provided with the force of meditation'. D Compound with first member from Skt. samyak 'right, proper' (BHSD:582a) and ► piilskasu 'provided with thinking'. R This form occurs in the TA part of a bilingual manuscript of the Udv., where each full stanza is translated more or less freely in verse (4 x 12 syllables, rhythm 7/7). Skt. samyak is currently translated by TA ► kiilymeyii, which would_ not. comply with the metrical pattern m this passage; compare also Skt. samyaksamadhi- 'rechte Versenkung' (SWTF IV:334b). samyagiijiv (n., masc.sg.) 'right livelihood' F Nom./Obl.Sg. samyagajiv. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. THT 1475.a + 4155 al. D Loan from Skt. samyag-a}Tva- 'right living' (MW: 118 I b), 'rechter Lebenserwcrb, rechte Lebensweise' (SWTF IV:337b). sar* (n., masc.) 'vein' (always in plural) L POU 'vena, arteria', TEB II 'Adern'. F Nom.Pl. sari, Obi.Pl. saras, Abl.Pl. sarsa.5, Loe.Pl. sarsmr1. T ♦Nom.Pl. 55 b2; ♦ Obi.Pl. 67 a3, bl, 94 al!; ♦Abl.Pl. 104a3; ♦ Loc.Pl. 104a3!. R The reading sarsa.y in I 04 a3 instead of sartas was already mentionned in TS:59, n. 4. sariisyiisksi* (n., fem.) 'lotus-eyed woman' F Perl.Sg. sarasyaskasya. T ♦ Perl.Sg. 143 a5. D Loan via MI from Skt. sarasijak~·r-, fem. of sarasijak.5a- 'lotus-eyed' (MW: 1 I 82b). The intermediate form would have been *sarasiyakkhi, or 0 yacchi, which underwent hyper-Sanskritization. R The syllables in question have been marked as belonging to a single word by Siegling on his personal copy (TS:74). Judging from the photograph (THT 776), the reading is sure. On the same lme, after the lacuna and before the particle nu, one may read and restore (iiakte){iin]a111,

    510 Obl.Sg. of ► iiiikteiiFzii 'goddess', which would fit the latter reference to a female person. sark (n., masc.) 'chain, string; bracelet; circle, lineage' [B serke] L POU 'progenies, gens', 'corona', TEB II 'Reihe, Kette', JWP 'sequence'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sark, sarkk, Gen.Sg. sarkis, Abl.Sg. sarka.5, Loc.Sg. sarkm11, Perl.Sg. sarka, Com.Sg. sarkassiil. T ♦Nom.Sg. (sark) 250 al, 331 b6; (sarkk) 217 b2; ♦Obl.Sg. (sark) 193 a4, 317 b2; (sarkk) 59 al; ♦Gen.Sg. 230 a3 sarki sanceiitu miik katkar-iii 'many doubts about the chain (of existences) arose to me'; ♦Abl.Sg. 349 al, 409 a3, YQ I.8 b5; ♦ Loc.Sg. 94 b4, 137 b6!; ♦ Perl.Sg. 25 b3, 110 b2, 165 b6, YQ III. I ! a5; ♦Com.Sg. 112 b2!, 153 a3, 178 a3; ♦fgm. 408.a bl. sarg (n., masc.sg.) 'chapter ( of a literary work)' [B sargga] L POU 'pars (libri)'. F Nom.Sg. sarg. T ♦Nom.Sg. 156 a4 (11a)ndaviharapalanmJ1 Fwm ~·kast sarg ar 'the sixth chapter, entitled Nandaviharapalana, has come to an end'. D Loan from Skt. sarga- 'section, chapter, book, canto' (MW: 1184a). Sarvapii!jii{uf.ik (N, masc.) 'name of a sacrifice' L JWP 'name ofa sacrifice'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sarvapa,~a111;lik. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 215 al, 293 b3!, YQ I.l b3, YQ I.6 a8. D From Skt. sarva- 'all' and pasai:11;/ika- 'a heretic' (MW:624a, BHSD:344a). Sarviibhibhu* (PN, masc.) name of a former Buddha T ♦256 b6!. D From Skt. Sarvabhibhii 'n. of a former Buddha, by whom Buddhahood was predicted for future Sakyamuni' (MW:I 188b, BHSD:586a). Sarviirthasiidhane (PN, masc.) name of a former Buddha F Nom.Sg. sarvarthasadhane. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b6.

    sas, saq1

    511 D


    From Skt. sarviirthasiidhana- 'affectino0 everything, fit for everything' (MW:! 188c). See Geng Laut Pinault (2004b:58).

    Sarviirthasiddhe (PN, masc.) name of a

    Bodhisattva [B Sarviirthasiddhe] L POU 'nomen proprium bodhisattvae', TEB II 'N. pr. eines Bodhisattva'. F Nom.Sg. sarviirthasiddhe. T ♦Nom.Sg. I a5. D From Skt. Sarviirthasiddha 'personal name ofSakyamuni' (BHSD:586a). salat(adj.) 'flying' [Cf. Bsalamo]

    COU 'hiipfend, kriechend', TEB II 'hUpfend'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. salat, Obi.Pl.Fem. saltiis. S salat lu 'flying animal (i.e. bird, Skt. pak0 in-)'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. 369 a4!, a5; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 394 al-2, THT 1136 al !. D Derived from ► siilii-. L

    Salap* (PN) (?) a name(?)

    F T R

    Abl.Sg. salapa.y. ♦Abl.Sg. THT 4023 a3. SeeOgihara(2014:112-113).

    salu (adv.) 'whole' [B solme]

    L T

    POU 'omnino, funditus', TEB II 'vollstandig, ganz', JWP 'whole'. ♦ 12 al, a6, b2, 64 bl, 67 b2, 87 al, 116 b5, 213 b4, 214 b7, 234 b4, 243 a4, 245 a2, 270 b2, 301 bl, 313 a5, THT 1139 a2, YQ II.5 a5, YQ II. IO b4-5, YQ III.6 b5.

    saviisa111 (adv.) 'together with the impression(s)'

    L T D


    COU 'haltst fern mitsamt der Vorstellung'. ♦247 al. From Skt. sa-viisanii 'together with the impression', compound with second member viisanii 'impression, result of past deeds and experience on the personality' (BHSD: 478b), cf. Pa. viisanii 'that which remains in the mind, tendencies of the past, impression' (PED: 61 Ob). See restoration and translation of the passage by Schmidt (2021: 133). This Skt. word does not belong to the Skt. text of VAV 2.35 according to Hartmann (1987:110).

    sas, sii111 (num.) I) Sg. 'one', 2) Pl. 'some'

    [B 0eme, ,1·e) (Skt. eka-) L POU 'unus, una', TEB II 'eins', JWP 'one'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. sas, Obl.Sg.Masc./Fcm. ~·om, Gcn.Sg.Masc. 0 omiip, Nom.Pl.Masc. .yome, Obi.Pl.Masc . .yomes, Gen.Pl.Masc . .yomessi, Nom.Sg.Fem. sii111, Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. ~·onw111, Loe.Pl.Fem. .yomna111. S sas sas 'one by one', sass ats 'just one', sass okiik 'only one', !Jome ... ~-ome 'some ... some others', .Jome (rnl!z). .. iilyek (sa111) 'id'. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 2 b5, 3 a5, 11 b4, 14 a6, 18 a2, a3, a4, 30 b6, 62 b2, 64 b5, 65 a3, a5sassas, 72a3,b5!, 107b4, 121 b2, 150 a2, a4, 179 a2, bl, b3, 234 a4, b5, 248 a2 sas sas, 257 b2, 278 bl, 297 b7, 307a3,310a4,311 b3,341 a2,347al, 353 a5, 463 b3, YQ I.9 b6, PK.NS.2 bl, PK.NS.4 al, bl!; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 3 a3, 43 + 52 b4, 62 b3, 67 a6, 78 a3, I 00 b3, I 08 a5, 118 b3, 126 a4, 148 al, 150 b6, 171 b2, 214 al, 215 b2, 222 a5, b6, 272 b6, 307 a I .yom !J0tn, 313 a8 (bis), b5 ,wm .50111, 317 b5, 337 a3, 347 a3, 366 a3, 368 a3, 376 b4, 384 a4 !f0m .50111, 385 al, 394 b I, 432 b I!, b2, 438 b5, 446 b5, 454 a3, YQ 1.4 a8, YQ 1.6 b8, YQ III.I! a5!, YQ N.5 a4 !}om .yam; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 114 a2, 145 a3, 263 a>b4, YQ II.! a4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc./Fem. 33 b2, 189 a4, 206 b5, 445.c b3; ♦Gen.Sg.Masc. 66 a3, 263 b>a6, 313 b6 .yomiip .yomiip; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 34 bl, 58 al, 178 a2, 205 b4, 213 b6, 225 a6, 226 a2, a4 .yome sa111, 236 b2, 283 a2, a3, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b8 !, 288 a8, 297 a I, 3 I 8 + 3 19 a I (bis), a2, 320 al, 324 a8, 328 b3, 331 b7, b8, 344 b5, YQ 11.5 b2, YQ 11.8 b7; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. YQ 111.3 a5; ♦ Gen.Pl.Masc. 44 b5, 150 a3, YQ 11.6 b4; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 180 a5, 191 b4, 204 b5, 215 a6, 263 b>a3, 265 b6, 291 a2, 339 a9, 340 b7, 399.22 a2, 407 a5, 445.d b3, 447 a5, YQ 1.6 b5, IOL Toch.286 b2; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 73 a6, 169 al, b2, 253 b4 (bis), b5 (bis), b6, 310 b5, 318 + 319 a6 (bis), a6!, YQ III.3 a5; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 193 b3?, 381 a2!, a5, a5; ♦ Loe.Pl.Fem. 187 a4.


    sasak, snaki R

    In 384 al, siis could be for sas by perseveration after siim; it could be parallel to other instances of the numeral preceded by the anaphoric-demonstrative ► siim, slim, tiim. This manuscript shows some other spelling mistakes. On the analysis of :some sa,11 in 226 a4 as Norn.Pl. of sas plus indefinite ► sa1t1, Clll!I (cf. TB ~·emi ksa) instead of Loe.Pl. (pace SSS:193, n.l), see ChamotRooke (2021 :222-223).

    Nom.Sg. sii171tkenu, Obl.Sg. sii111tke111111t. ♦Nom.Sg. 117 b4, 177 a2; ♦ Obl.Sg. 86 a5!,220bl!. D Derived from ► siintiik. For the formation, see Pinault (20 I Sc: 161 ).

    F T

    silk- (vb.) 'remain' [B siik-]

    L P F

    sasak, sniiki (adj.) 'alone, single' [B .1eske]

    POU 'solus', TEB II 'allcin', JWP 'alone'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. sasak, Gen.Sg.Masc. sasiikyiip, Nom.Sg.Fem. sniiki, ObLSg.Fem. s11iikyii111, Gen.Sg.Fem. sniikye, Norn.Pl.Fem. s11iika111. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 70 a2, 92 a I!, I 07 b4, 115 b4!, 315 + 316 al, PK.NS.2 a3, THT 2106 al; ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. 388 a3, YQ 1.2 b2; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 181 a5, 381 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 6 a5, 180 a4; ♦ Gen.Sg.Fem. 126 a5, 136 b4!; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 186 b5. D Based on ► sas, fem. sii1f1. L



    Siikiis (LN, masc.) name ofa city

    L F T D

    sahiiye (n., masc.) 'partner' [B sahaye]

    L F T D

    POU 'amicus, sodalis', TEB II 'Genosse'. Nom.Sg. sahiiye, Norn.Pl. sahiiyefi. ♦Nom.Sg. THT 1138 a4; ♦Norn.Pl. 299 a4. From Skt. sahiiya- 'a companion, follower, adherent, ally, assistant, helper' (MW:l 194c).

    L T D

    COU 'konventionell'. +337 a4. From Skt. sa1J1ketika- 'conventional, nominal, consisting of a mere verbal expression' (BHSD:546a).

    st1111tka!ji (adj.) 'of medicine'

    L F T D

    POU 'medicinae (gen.), medicamenti'. Nom./Obl.Sg. siif!1tka,si, Obi.Pl.Fem. sii111tka:;i11iis. ♦Nom./ObLSg. 65 b3; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 103 a4. Derived from ► siintiik.

    st1111tkenu (n., masc.) 'doctor' [B sa,71tk11wu]


    POU 'medicus', TEB II 'Arzt'.

    POU 'nomen proprium urbis'. Nom./Obl.Sg. ♦ Obl.Sg. 97 a3. Derived via Ml from Skt. Sii1J1kiisya 'n. ofa city' (BHSD:589b), known under other variants, see Pa. Sa1!1kassa; being the name of the city (nagara) where Buddha descended from the heaven of the 33 gods.

    siikiit (adv.) 'quiet'

    L T

    Siil/1 ► Slll/1 sii1111iketik (uni.adj.) 'conventional'

    POU 'manerc, remanere', TEB II '(zurlick)bleiben', TVS 'remain'. I) (tr.) Prs. siikiis-T-, Subj. siikii-T-, 2) (itr.) Prs. saka-, Subj. siika-, Prt. siika-. I) Prs.Vlll Inf. siikiissi, Subj.VII Opt.Act. ISg. siikiiim, 2) Prs.lV MP 3Pl. sakantrii, Subj.V Act. 3Pl. siikeiic, Prt.I Act. 3Sg. siik. ♦ I) Inf. 7 a3, I 05 b6, 153 b2; ♦ Opt.Act. !Sg. 123 b4; ♦ 2) Prs.MP 3Pl. Berlin ms. (SSS:476); ♦ Subj.Act. 3Pl. THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b6; +Prt.Act. 118 al, 340 b4. For a different organization of the paradigm, see TVS:933.


    POU 'tacite, quiete', TEB II 'ruhig, still, schweigend', JWP 'quiet'. +74 a3, 147 b6, 162 a2, 213 b7, YQ II.5 b4, YQ Ill. 11 b2. Probably related to the verb ► siik-.

    sakiir (adj.) 'blessed, auspicious; good,

    excellent, kind' (Skt. bhadra-) L POU 'prosper, felix', TEB II 'gllickselig'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. siikiir, Norn.Pl.Masc. siikre, Obi.Pl.Masc. siikres, siikkres. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 314 bl!, 369 a3, THT 2056 a2; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 313 a3; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. (siikres) 266 + 276 a>b8; (siikkres) 93 a5. Siiket (LN) name of a city

    L F T

    POU 'nom. propr. urbis', TEB II 'Name einer Stadt'. Nom./Obl.Sg. siiket, Abl.Sg. siiketii.y. ♦ Nom./Obl.Sg. 395 a3; ♦ Abl.Sg. 395 a5.

    513 D

    siimaFrom Skt. Siiketii 'n. of a city' (BHSD:589a).

    siikkal (n., fem.) 'jackal'

    silt (adj.uni.) 'warm'

    L T


    POU'?'. Nom.Sg. sakkal. T ♦Nom.Sg. 147 b4. D From MI *sagala, corresponding to Skt. srgala- 'jackal' (alt. srgalz-) (CDIAL:729b, No. 12578), cf. Pasai sakiil, Burushaski ha!< *sayal, Persian sayal etc. (KEW Ai lll:368).


    Siikko (PN, masc.) name of a Uighur donor

    T D



    MG I a4. Possibly of Turkic origin, because followed by two Turkic titles. See Pinault (2007a:354).

    siikrone (n., a.) 'kindness' (Skt. bhadravattii-)

    POU 'felicitas, prosperitas', TEB II 'Gliickseligkeit', JWP 'bliss'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. siikrone, lnstr.Sg. siikroneyo. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 239 a3, 386 b I; ♦ lnstr.Sg. YQ III.9 a2. D Derived from ► siikiir. L

    Siigare* (PN, masc.) name ofa king

    L F T D

    POU 'nomen proprium regis', TEB II 'N. pr. eines Konigs'. Obl.Sg. siigareq1, Gen.Sg. siigares. ♦Obl.Sg. I b5; ♦ Gen.Sg. I b4. From Skt. Siigara 'n. of a Niiga king' (BHSD:589a).

    sii1ikik-:jtilma:ji* (adj.) 'belonging to the

    community trees' L COU 'zu den Gemeindebaumen gehorig'. F Obi.Pl.Fem. siiilkik-0/iima.yiniis. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 30 b5. D Derived from ► :jliim and the match of TB smikik, with 0tiima.yi doublet of ► !jtilm!ji.


    Written with initial ligature of retroflex consonants. This scribal error recurs in the same manuscript, see the variant .yfiim under ► !jliim.

    sii1ikhya (n.) 'name of a philosophy'

    L F T D

    JWP 'name ofa philosophy'. Nom.Sg. sailkhya. ♦Nom.Sg. YQ I.I b5, YQ 1.2 b6. From Skt. sii1!Jkhya- 'n. of one of the three great divisions of Hindu philosophy' (MW: 1199a).

    POU 'calidus, tepidus', TEB II 'warm'. b6, 20 a2, 21 b5, 257 b2, THT 1154 a3. ♦ 19

    satm11 (n.) 'accomplishment (of a mantra), conjuring, subduing' [B siidhaf!z] F Nom.Sg. siilaf!l.

    T D


    ♦Nom.Sg. PK.NS.3 b4. Loan from Skt. siidhanii- or siidhana- 'accomplishment, performance, propitiation, subduing by charms, conjuring up' (MW: 1201a). For the reading, see Huard - Laclavetine - Pinault (2022). The word is likely used for mantra-siidhana- 'the performance of an incantation' (MW:786b).

    Satagiri (PN, masc.) name of a Yak~a

    L T D


    '110111. propr. personae'. a7, a8 From Skt. Siitiigiri 'n. of a Yak~a, contemporary of Buddha' (BHSD:590a).


    siidhu (adj.) 'right, good'

    L T D

    JWP 'right, good'. ♦257 a5, YQ Il.14 b6. From Skt. siidhu- 'leading straight to a goal, hitting the mark, unerring' (MW:120lb).

    siintiik (n., a.) 'medicine, remedy' [B siif!Ilke]

    L F

    POU 'medicamentum, medicina'. Nom./Obl.Sg. siintak, siintak, sa111tak, Nom./Obl.Pl. sii111tkantu, siitkantu, Instr.Pl. sii111tkantuyo. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (siintak) 355 b3!, 358 bl€, bl€; (siintak) 437 a2, 457 b2, THT 1308.a a3 !; (sii111tak) 87 b5, I 03 a6, 117 b5, 457 al; ♦Norn.Pl. (sa111tkantu) 154 b4; (siitkantu) 443 a I 1// lek pittiikiis siitkantu ///; ♦ Instr.Pl. 455 a4; ♦fgm. 265 a7?. D Via MI from Skt. siintaka- 'allaying, appeasing' (MW: 1064c). R Different reading of 443 a I compared to TS:24 l. siim ► siim sa3; (sotsriiryo.5) 355 b2. sliryii!jlune (n., a.) 'sowing' F Obl.Sg. sii1yii[ilune. T ♦ Obl.Sg. THT 1378.a b7 (= 1412.e b4 + 1412.g b2). D Action noun based on the verb ► slirya-.

    slit (N) name of a tree L POU 'nomen arboris'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sol. S sol [itom 'Sala tree' T ♦ Obl.Sg. 339 b5.

    515 D

    sam, sam, tam From Skt. siila 'n. ofa tree' (MW:1210b).


    stile (n., a.) 'salt' [B (Obi.) *siilyi, salyiye] L POU 'sal', TEB II 'Salz'. F Nom./Obl.Pl. siileyantu. T ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 457 b4, THT 2521 a6!.


    siileyu* (adj.) 'having salt, salty' [Cf. B salyitse] F Nom.Sg.Fem. siileyuts, Nom./Obl.Pl. siileyunt. T ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 93 b5; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 70 b3. D Derived from ► sii/e.



    ► siis

    Slllfl ► sas

    siikii- (vb.) 'eut, scrape, scratch' L POU 'sequi', TEB II 'folgen (?)', TVS 'follow'. P I) (tr.) Prs. saknii-, Prt . .yaka-*!skii-, 2) (caus.) Subj. skiis-T-. F I) Prs.Vl PPrs.MP sakniimiir11, Prt.MP 3PI. skiint, 2) Subj.V Act. 3Sg. skii.y(-tirrz). T ♦ I) PPrs.MP 51 b6; ♦ Prt.MP 3Pl. 111 a4; ♦2) Subj.Act. 3Sg. 51 b5. R The previously suggested meaning 'follow' is incompatible with the texts, i.e., the digging of a ditch through scraping the earth in 111 a4, and doing something to the inner skin in 51 b6 (cf. ► krii1t1). A better suggestion is 'cut, scrape, scratch'. See Kremmer (2022) on the fragment 111. siiksiik (num.) 'sixty' [B .ykaska] L POU 'sexaginta', TEB II 'sechzig', JWP 'sixty'. T ♦ 57 b5, 269 + 290 b>a3!, 278 b2, YQ I.4 b4, YQ II.l3 a7, THT 1144 a3. siiksiik-fovar-pi (num.) '64' T ♦ 323 a3. D Derived from ► siiksiik,

    ► stwar, ► -pi.

    siikskilici* (ord.) 'sixtieth' L POU 'sexagesimus', TEB II 'sechzigstcr'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. sakskinci111. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 18 a2. D Derived from ► siiksiik. siitkii- (vb.) 'spread out' [B satk-] L POU '«manare, percrebescere» seu «consistere»', TEB II 'sich ausbreiten', TVS 'spread out'.


    I) (itr.) Prs. satkii-, Subj. satkii-, Prt. satkii-!satka-, PPrt. satko, 2) (fact.) Prs. stitkas-T-, Prt. sasatkii-. l) Prs.III MP 3Sg. satkatar, scitkatra, 3PI. satkm11tar, satkantrci-ttz, Prt.I Act. 3Sg. stak, satkii-111, 3PI. satkar, PP1t. satko, satkont, 2) Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. scitka.y, 3Pl. satkseiic, Prt.ll Aet. 3Pl. sasatkiir. ♦ I) Prs.MP 3Sg. (satkatar) 1 al, 2 b2, 79 b5; (satkatra) 4 b I; ♦3Pl. (satkm11tar) 4 b3, (satkantra-111) 152 b4; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. (stak) 68 al, 69 b3; (siitkii-111) 50 b6; ♦ 3Pl. 220 a7, 312 a3; ♦PPrt. (satko) 66 a2; (satkont) 391 a6; ♦2) Prs.Act. 3Sg. 145 bl; ♦3Pl. 14 b5, 137 b2; ♦Prt.Act. 3Pl. 248 b I. Cf. ► siitkiilune.

    siitkiirtsii (adv.) 'through the air' L POU 'in aere, in aethere'. T ♦48 al, 217 b3. D Probably related in some way to ► siitkii-. R Sieg - Siegling (1933: 169 n.10) suggest a parallel with Skt. vihiiyasii 'durch die Luft', which is the lnstr.Sg. of vihiiyas'open space, air, sky, atmosphere' (MW: 1003a). In that case, one may take siitkiirts-ii as being originally the perlative sg. of a noun. siitkiilune (n., a.) 'spread' F Nom./Obl.Sg. satkiilune, Loc.Sg. satkiilz111eya1.n. T ♦Nom.Sg. 5 al-2, YQ ll.l4 a5; ♦Loc.Sg. 4 b6. D Abstract derived from ► siitkii-. siinii- (vb.) 'plan, intend' L POU'?', TVS'?'. P Prt. -!snii-, Subj. -!sanii-. F Prt.l MP 3Sg. sniit, Subj.V Gdv. ► sniil. T ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. 222 b6 tiim pra.~fatJl sniit nw11 kossi pattii111iikat 'at that time again he planned to kill the Buddha-lord', THT 3356 b2. D See ► sm1/*. R The preterit form was read stiit in TS: 111, but the alternative reading sniit is perfectly safe. siim, siim, tiim (pron.) 'that one' (Skt. sab) L POU 'hie, haec, hoc', TEB II 'der, er', JWP 'that one'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. siim, sm (V 0) , smii-k, Obl.Sg.Masc. cam, cam-iik, Gen.Sg.Masc.

    sam, sam, tam



    cami, camf, cami-k, Instr.Sg.Masc. camyo, All.Sg.Masc. camac, Abl.Sg.Masc. cama.5, Loc.Sg.Masc. camm11, Perl.Sg.Masc. cama, cama-k, Norn.Pl.Masc. cem, cem-ak, Obi.Pl.Masc. cesam, cesm-ak, Gen.Pl.Masc. cesmi, cesmi-k, All.Pl.Masc. cesmac, Abl.PI.Masc. cesma,I', Loe.Pl.Masc. cesmal!l, Perl.Pl.Masc. cesmii, Com.Pl.Masc. cesmas.s:i:i/, fgm. cell/, Nom.Sg.Fem. siim, Obl.Sg.Fem. tam, tiim-ak, Gen.Sg.Fem. temi, temi-k, All.Sg.Fem. tiimac, Abl.Sg.Fem. lama,, tiimii.5, Loc.Sg.Fem. tiimal!l, Com.Sg.Fem. tiimas.ial, Norn.Pl.Fem. tom, Obi.Pl.Fem. tosiim, tosm-iik, Gen.Pl.Fem. tosmiissi, Instr.Pl.Fem. tosiimyo, Abt.Pl.Fem. tosma:;, Loe.Pl.Fem. tosma111, Com.Pl.Fem. tosmm'sal, fgm. toll/, Nom./Obl.Sg.Nt. tam, tm-ak, Gen.Sg.Nt. tmis, Instr.Sg.Nt. tiimyo, tamyo-k, All.Sg.Nt. tmac, Abl.Sg.Nt. tma:;, tmii.5-ak, Loc.Sg.Nt. tmm11, tmann, tman-ak, Perl.Sg.Nt. tmii, tmii-k, Com.Sg.Nt. tmassal, tmasliik, Nom./Obl.Du. tim, fgm. tma//1, fgm. tma/1/. kus-ne sam ... siim 'which ... this one', tam pra.5t(a111) 'at that time', tam nu mant wiiknii? 'but how so?', tam kaklyu.yura1 'having heard this' (cf. Skt. tac clzrutva), tam wew11urii-5 'having said this' (cf. Skt. tad uktva), tam palkorii-5 'having seen this' (cf. Skt. tad dt,l'tvii), tam tatmu 'just born'. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. (sam) 3 b5, 4 a4, b4, 5 a5, b4, 7 a5, 9 al, a4, 12 b2, b6, 13 a5, 15 a6, 16 b6, 17 al, a2, 19 a5, b3, 20 b2, b4, 21 a4, 27 a5, b2, b5, 28 a5, 30 bl, 33 bl, 38 a I, a2, a4, 51 a3, b4, b5, 55 b2, 57 b4, b5, 59 a2, a6, b5, b6, 61 b5, 62 b I!, b2, b5, 63 bl, b6, 64 a4, a5, b2, 65 a2, b5-6!, 67 al, 68 bl, 73 b4, 74 a5, b6, 75 a3, b3, b4, 77 al, a3, 78 bl, b5!, 79 b3, 86 aS, bS, 87 a4, 89 a2, 90 a4, a6, 91 b4, 92 b4, 93 b3, 95 b2, b3, 97 a6, 98 a5, 106 a4, bS, 108 b3, I 10 a3, a4, b4, 111 a3, a6, b6, 113 b2, 114 a2, a6, 115 b2, 117 aS, 118 al, b6, 119 al, 120 a6, b3, b4, 126 a2, 129 b3, 130 al, 134 a5, 140 b4, 145 a2, b6, 146 al, a2, b3, b4, b6, 147 b2, b5, 148 a6?, 151 bl, b4, 152 b5, 153 bl, 156 b2, 157 b3, 166 a5, b3, 168 al, 169 a3, 176

    516 al, 177 a4, 182 aS, 183 bS, 186 bl, 189 bl, 190 a2, 191 b5, 193 b5, 196 b2, 199 b2, 206 a2, 212 a5, 213 b3, 214 a4, b2, b3, 217 aS, b3, 220 a5, a7, 222 a7, b I, b2, b3, b4!, 223 a6, 232 a3, 234 b3, 239 b5, 240 a2, 244 a2, 247 b3, 249 a3, 255 a2, a3, a5, a7, a8, bl, 256 a2, a5, 257 a6, 260 a4?, a6, 261 b>a2, 263 b>a6, 265 b2, b3, 270 a5, 279 a6, 280 bl, 283 b2, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>bS, 289 b4, b6-7!, 295 a6!, 297 a2, a5, 311 b3, 312 b8, 313 b 1, 315 + 3 I 6 a I, b6, 317 a6, a8, b2, 321 al, a8, 322 a8, 333 a9, 334 b6, b7, 336 a6, a7, a9, b2, b3, b4, b6, 340 b5, b6, 341 b8, 342 b>aS!, 343 a4, 344 a4, 347 al, b2, 352 al, a4, b3, 355 b2, 359 a4, a 11, 365 a4, 366 a2, 372 b>a4, 383 a4, b4, 384 al, bS, 385 a3, b5, 386 a2, a3, b2, b4, 387 a4, 388 b I, 390 b2, 394 b3, 395 b2, 397 a4, 398 a2, a4, 399.16 al, 399.25 bl, 435 b2, 443 a2, 449 bl, 452 b4, 458 a2, 459 b3, YQ I.3 a8, YQ 1.5 bS, b8, YQ 1.7 a8, bS, YQ I.8 b2!, b3, b8, YQ I.9 a4, YQ I.JO a7, YQ II. I a8!, b3, b5, b6, YQ 11.4 a4, YQ 11.5 a7, b4, YQ II.6 b5, YQ 11.9 a4, b6!, YQ II. IO a2, a3, YQ II. 11 aS, YQ 11.12 as, bl, YQ III.3 bS, YQ 111.5 b3, YQ !11.6 al, a4, YQ III.JO b5, YQ N.3 b2, YQ N.4 a4, PK.NS.2 al, a4, THT 1135 bl, THT 1136 bl, THT 1154 b3, THT 1483.a al; (sm) 332 a4? (syncopated sandhi form metri causa); (sm-ak) 60 b>a6, 124 b4, 215 b7, YQ I.7 a7!, YQ 11.14 b3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (cam) 8 b2, 9 al, a2, a3, aS, a6, 15 a6, b4, b6, 16 al!, 19 b4, 21 bl, 29 al, 32 bl, 49 a3, b5, 59 b2, 62 b4!, b6, 63 al, a2, 65 b3, b5, 66 b5, b6, 67 b4, 72 bl, 75 a3, bS, 78 a3, b5, 79 al, 81 a4, 85 a4, 89 a3, 92 a5, 93 bl, 95 bl!, b2, 96 a4, 98b6, 106al, 107a2, 108a6, II0bl, I 16 al, a3, 119 a3?, 152 a2, b2, 153 b3, 156b3, 184al, l86a2,b6,200a5,212 a7, 213 b3, b5, 219 b5, 220 bl, b5, 221 a2, b5, b6, 222 a4, a6, b I, 224 a2, 226 a6!, 230 a7, b2!, b6, 231 a6, 232 b5, 233 al, b4, 239 as, 251 b2, 256 a4, 265 b4, 269 + 290 b>a8!, 271 b2, 273 a2, b6!, 278 b6, 280 a2, 289 b6, 295 a4, a8, 299 b4, 303 b8, 306 a6, 311 a I, b2, 313 a3, a4, b5, b8, 314 as, 315 + 316 a4, 317 a6, 320 b8, 332 a4, 340 aS!, b2, 341 b2!, 343 bl2!, 344 as, 348 aS, 356 b4, 368 a3, 378 a4, 383 b3, 384 bl, 391 a4, 393 b5, b7,


    sam, sam, tam 394 b2, 395 a2, a4, b2, b3, 397 b7, 419 a3, 431 b3, b4, 432 al, b4, 433 b6, 438 b4, 440 al, a4, YQ I.5 b3, YQ 1.10 a7, YQ 11.2 a7, YQ 11.3 b2, YQ 11.4 a6!, YQ 11.5 a8!, b2!, YQ 11.6 b4, b6, YQ 11.10 al, YQ II.13 b7, YQ IIl.4 a5, YQ Ill.6 a2, PK.NS.2 b3, THT 4078.a b5; (cam-iik) 39 a2, 60 b>al (bis), 72 a5, 82 b4!, 113 b4, 120 a6, 295 bl, 348 b4, 384 b4, 431 b8; ♦ Gen.Sg.Masc. (cami) 2 a6, 3 bl, 5 bl, 8 a2, b6, JO a5, 12 b5, 14 a4, a6, 17 b2, 19 a3, bl, 21 a3, a5, 22 al, 29 a5, 38 b3, b4, 59 b2, 61 al, 63 a6, 64 bl, b2, 67 b3, 75 b2, b3!, 77 al, 79 al, 90 a4, JOI a3, 110 a5, 116 b2, 117 b6, 118 a2, 119 b4, 130 bl, 145 b3, b4, 150 b2, b5, b6, 151 b5, 152 b3, b4, 157 bl, 166 al, b5, 169 a2, 181 b2, 203 b4, 212 b5, 213 bl, 219 b6, 220 a2, a6, 227 /8 a I, 253 a4, 257 b2, 263 b>a6, 264 a3, 265 b6, 295 a7, a8, 314 bl!, 326 b4, 347 b2, 353 a3, 359 al 1, 363 a7, 369 a2, 379 b4, 384 al, a2, 385 a4, 393 al, 395 b4, 438 a5, YQ 1.8 b6, YQ 11.4 b3, YQ Il.5 a6!, YQ 111.12 a3, YQ N.3 b4, PK.NS.2 b3, THT 1136 a4, THT 1139 a3; (cami) 227/8 a6,YQ 11.5 a5; (cami-k) 222 a6, b2, 239 a4, b3, 295 a5, 442 a3; ♦lnstr.Sg.Masc. 96 a3, 257 b3, 314 b I!?, 390 al; ♦All.Sg.Masc. 67 al; ♦Abl.Sg.Masc. 71 a2, 77 b6, I 06 a5, YQ III.JO a7; ♦ Loc.Sg.Masc. 75 a3, 152 a3, 443 a4, YQ Ill.IQ a5; ♦ Perl.Sg.Masc. (camii) 12 b6, 297 a4, 436 a3; (cama-k) 103 a3; ♦Nam.Pl.Masc. (cem) 9 bl, 11 b3, 12 a2, a3, a4, bl, 14 b6, 15 a4, a5, 18 b3, 41 b6, 42 a4, 44 a5, 46 a4!, 49 b6, 55 a3, b4, 57 a6, 60 a>b2, 62 b5, 64 b2, 66 b6, 77 b6, 86 b6, 93 a2, 95 bl, 97 b4, 101 a4, 104 a5, 114 a4, 116 b2, b5, I 18 al, 124 a2, 128 b3, 130 b2, 137 b3, 157 bl, 217 a7, 218 b3, 220 b5, 226 a3, b2, b3, 227 /8 b6, 229 a I, a4, b4, b6, 231 b4, 232 al, 236 a5, 253 a3, 254 a6, bl, b7, 262 b7, 277 a3, a5, 279 b3, b5, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b5, 287 + 259 b>a5!, b>a5, b>a6!, b>a7, 288 a4!, a5, 297 a7, 299 a2, 301 b2, 302 a2, a4, a7, 311 b5, 314 a5, b7, 315 + 316 b8!, 332 b8, 337 a2, 340 a5!, 341 bl, 356 b2, 366 a3, 376 a4, 379 al, 395 a3, a4, b5, 396 a4, 405 a3, 439 a2, 447 b5, YQ Il.10 b6, YQ 11.14 a6, YQ ll.15 a7, YQ lll.2 b5, YQ N.2 + N.6 a5, YQ N.5 a3, a6; (cem-iik) 116 b I, 260 b6,

    273 a3!, b6!; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. (cesiim) 11 b5, 12 bl, 13 al, 16 bl, 17 b6, 33 a4, 59 b5, 69 b4, 77 a4, bl, 125 b2, 150 b4, 151 al, 204 b6, 216 b>a5, 222 a5, 237 a7, 254 a4, bl, 269 + 290 b>a3, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b7, 449 b2, YQ 11.4 a5!, THT I 132 a6, THT 1139 a4, PK.NS.4 a3; (cesm-iik) 11 b5-6!, 12 b2!, 13 al, 66 b2, 147 bl, YQ 1.3 a8; ♦ Gen.Pl.Masc. (cesmi) 13 a2, 41 b5, 60 b>a3, 69 b3, I 16 a3, 130 b6, 142 b5, 150 a4, 217 a7, 222 a3, 226 a7, 230 a7, 231 b4, 237 a5, 239 al, 242 b3, 249 b4, 262 b7, 277 a4, b4, b6!, TI-IT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b3!, a>b8!, 313 a8, 314 b5, b7, 439 b3, 448 a6!, YQ 11.3 a7, YQ III.I I a7, YQ N.l b7, YQ N.2 + N.6 a7, YQ N.4 b5!, YQ N.5 a7, YQ N.5 a8, YQ N.5 b4; (cesmi-k) 300 a3; ♦ All.Pl.Masc. 32 b6!; ♦ Abl.Pl.Masc. 163 b4, 273 b6!; ♦ Loe.Pl.Masc. 78 b6, 254 a8, YQ 111.8 b8; ♦ Perl.Pl.Masc. 320 a5; ♦ Com.Pl.Masc. 229 b6!, YQ 11.6 b2!; ♦ fgrn. (cell/) 116 b5, 229 bl, 236 a2, 283 b6; ♦Norn.Sg.Fem. 4 b4, 5 b2, 18 al, 65 b6, 80 b>a5, 89 bl, 100 a5, 110 b2, 120 b4, 134 a5, 140 b3, 152 b4, 153 bl, 168 b2, 173 b3, 221 b2, 222 a4, 239 a2, 258 a5, 278 a8, 287 + 259 a>b I!, 299 b6, 337 b9, 341 a8, a9, b6, 368 a4, bl, 391 a2, 399 b3, b4, 403 b>a6!, a>b3, 408 a2, 429 b5, 430 a3, a5, 431 a2, YQ 111.5 a6, YQ 111.8 a6, YQ V. l b7; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fern. (tam) 5al,b5,8b2, 12b2, 14a4,a6, 16b6, 17 a2, 18 a2, 35 bl, 43 + 52 al, a5, a6, 66 b5, 69 b4, 81 a6, 85 a6, 89 a5, I 02 b3, 113bl, 114a2,b5!, 120b5,b6, 184a2, 187 b5, b6, 192 a6, b2, 219 a5, a6, 221 b7, 222 b6, b7, 223 b6, b2, 227/8 al, a5, b3, 230 a5?, 232 a4, 244 b4, 255 b8!, 262 a2, 269 + 290 b>a4!, 277 a4, a5, 288 a5, 292 b4!, 295 b2, b3, b5, 299 a2, a6, 301 a2, b5, 311 a3, 312 b7, 313 a2, a3, 315 + 316 a4, 325 a 1, b8, 327 a3, 337 a3, 339 b2, 340 b2, b4, b6, 341 a6, b5, 378 al, 379 b2, 386 a2, 398 a2, 399 a2, a3, a5, b5!, 409 a3, 430 a 1, b4?, 445.c a I!, 447 b4, 448 b5, YQ I.2 b3, YQ 1.8 b5!, YQ III.2 a2, YQ 11!.8 a5, YQ V. l b4!, b6!; (tiim-iik) 8 a3, 226 a3, 312 b8, YQ 1.5 b6!, PK.NS.5 b5; ♦ Gen.Sg.Fem. (temi) 59 a5, a6, b2, 77 a3, 115 a6, 134 a5, 299 b5, 315 +316a5-6!,321 bl,331 a4,341 a2,393 b3, 399 a5, a7, 403 a>b4!, 430 a4, 443 b3,


    sam, sam, tam 463 b4; (temi-k) I 18 a5; ♦All.Sg.Fem. 115 a3, 341 a8; ♦Abl.Sg.Fem. (tiima.y) 90 a4, 430 b4!; (tiimii:y) 57 b6, 3 I 5 + 316 b7!, 333 b7, 347 b3, 398 a6!; ♦ Loc.Sg.Fem. 7 a3!, 90 a4, 301 b4; ♦ Com.Sg.Fem. Berlin ms. (SSS: 170); ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 17 b6, 22 b I, 70 a4, 78 a2, 96 a6, bl, 105 a3, 117 a4, I 18 a6, 148 a2, a3, a5, bl, 151 b5, b6, 154 a4, a5, 170 a2, 235 b5, 253 b4!, 258 a6, 291 a4!, 333 b5, 392 a2, YQ 1.2 b4, YQ Il.4 b4, YQ III.8 b2, YQ III.9 a5, THT 1146 a2!; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. (tosam) 154 a5, 186 b6, 253 b6, 254 b3!, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a5!, 293 b2, 295 b4, 302 b4, 307 b3!, 343 a5!, 356 b5!, 359 a28, 390 bl, 394 a2, YQ 1.6 a7; (tosm-ak) 226 a I (bis), 409 b I; ♦Gen.Pl.Fem. 414 bl, THT 1139 b3; ♦Instr.Pl.Fem. 96 b I; ♦Abl.Pl.Fem. 191 b4; ♦ Loe.Pl.Fem. YQ Ill.8 b7; ♦ Com.Pl.Fem. 265 bl, YQ IIl.3 b3!; ♦fgm. (toll/) 82 bl, 189 al, THT 1142 a2, THT 4158 a2; ♦Nom./Obl.Sg.Nt. (tam) 3 a2, 5 b2, 7 a6, b3, 8 a4, 9 b5, 10 al, b2, 11 bl, 14 al, 20 b2 (ter), b3 (bis), 22 a2, a6, 28 a4, 40 b4!, 45 b6, 58 b5, 61 a5, 62 a3, 63 a3, 64 a5, 65 a4, a6!, b6, 67 b3, 71 a5, b2, 75 al, 76 + 83 a6, bl, b2! (bis), 77 bl, 78 b2, 79 al!, a5, 81 bl, 87 a4, a5, 89 al (bis), 91 a4, 92 a3, bl, 95 a5, b2, 96 bl, 98 b2, 99 al, a6, 100 a5, b5, 102 a3, 103 bl, 104 b2, 105 al, a2, 107 b5, b6, 111 a3, 113 b2, 117 a2, b6, 123.a a2!, 126 b6, 127 b6, 129 al, bl (bis), b2, 130 al, 131 a4, 141 b6, 145 a3, 147 a2, b5, 149 bl, b3, b5, 152 a2, 153 a4, a5 (bis), 155 b2, 156 a3, 160 bl, 164 a3, a6!, b5, 168 a5!, 180 a5, 188 b5, 197 al, 198 b3, 206 a5, 212 a5, bl, 214 a5, 220 b3, b4, 227/8 b5, 236 b2, 253 a3, a8, 254 a4!, b2, 257 a4, 260 a2, a4, 264 b4, 266 + 276 a>b3, 269 + 290 b>a6, a>b5, 271 a6, 273 b2, b6, 275 a3!, a6, b8, 279 a2, 284 a2, 286 a6, 287 + 259 b>a2!, 288 b4, 289 a4, 291 a I, 295 a6, 296 b4, 299 b6, 3 I I a I, 312 a3, b4, b5!, b7, 315 + 316 a7!, b7, 317 al, b2 (bis), 332 a3, b3, b4, b9, 335 al, 338 b4, 340 a3!, b2, b4, 345 al, 346 al, 347 a3, 348 b2, b4, 354 b5, 359 a23, 376 a4, b3, 380 a3, 395 a4, 397 a4, bl, b3, 399.25 a2, 429 b3, 432 bl, 433 a3, a7!, b4!, 439 b3, 447 b2, 460 a3, YQ I.I a6!, YQ 1.2 a8, YQ 1.7 a8, b5, YQ 1.8 a4, b8, YQ 1.9 a2,

    YQ I.IO a4, YQ 11.1 a8, YQ 11.2 al, YQ II.3 b3, YQ II.4 a4!, YQ II.I I a8, YQ II.12 al, YQ II.IS b6, YQ Ill.I bl, YQ IIl.2 a5, YQ IIl.3 b8, YQ III.4 a6, YQ III.6 b7, YQ 111.7 a5, YQ III.8 a7, a8, YQ N.5 b4, THT 1144 bl!, THT 1145 a4, THT 1483.a b3, THT 2399 a4, PK.NS.I b3, PK.NS.2 a4!, PK.NS.4 bl; (tm-ak) ► tmiik; ♦ Gen.Sg.Nt. 54 al, 300 a7, 333 a9, 340 b7!, 341 b3, 345 a2, 436 a3, YQ 1.2 a3; ♦ lnstr.Sg.Nt. (tamyo, tamyo-k) ► tiimyo; ♦All.Sg.Nt. ► tmac; ♦Abl.Sg.Nt.

    (tma.y) I b2, b3, 3 a3, 4 a4, a6, 5 a5, b4, 6 a5, 7 a4, 8 a2, bl, b3, b4, 9 a3, a6, bl, b2, b2-3!, JO a5, b6, 11 al, 12 a2, a3!, a6, b5-6!, 14 b6, 15 a4, b4, 16 a3!,a4, 18b3,b6(bis), 19b3,20al,21 b4, 23 al, 24 b2, 25 b6, 33 a5, 37 a3, b2, b3-4!, 38 al, a6, 41 a3, 43 + 52 a6, bl!, b6, 44 a5, 50 a2, 51 b4, b6, 54 al, 55 b6, 56 b2!, 58 a5, b2, 59 b2, b4!, b5, b6, 61 b4, 63 a2, bl, 64 b3, 65 b5, 66 a5!, a6!, b2, b6, 67 a2, b4, 68 bl, b5, 71 a3, b4, b5, 72 a4, 73 a6, b3, 74 a3, b5, 77 al, a4, 78 b6, 79 a3, 80 b>a4, a>bl, 84 al, a5, 88 a4, 91 a2, 93 al, 95 bl, b3, b4, b5, 98 b6, 101 b6, 105 a4, 108 b3, 111 al, 114 b3, 116 a2, 118 a2, a6, I 19 a3, a4, 128 al, 130 al, 131 a3, 132 b4, 133 a2, 134 a5, bl!, b2, 138 a2, 139 a6, 144 b4, b6, 147 a6, b6, 152 a3, b3, 153 b5, 154 a4, a5, 157 a4, 160 a3, 162 a6, 168 a6, 169 b2, 170 b3, 171 a5, 173 a5, 178 bl, 188 a2!, 194 a4, a5!, 200 b4, 205 a3, b4, 207 al, 209 b5, b6, 212 a5, 213 bl, 215 b2, 217 a3, 220 a6, a7, 221 b3, b7, 231 a5, 233 b5, 240 a2, 253 a4, a6, 254 a I, a6, b 1, b6, b8, 255 b5, b7!, 256 a2, a5, 257 a7, a8, bl, b2, 258 a6, a8, b2, b4!, b6, 260 a6, 261 b>a2, 265 al, a2, a5, 266 + 276 a>b4, 267 + 268 b>a4, b>a6!, 269 + 290 a>b2, 273 al!, a2, a4, a6!, b3, 274 b4, b8, 275 b5, 278 a6, a8, b3, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a2, b>a3, 287 + 259 b>a3, a>b5!, 288 b6!, 295 a7, 296 a7, 297 a6, b5, 305 bl, b5, b8, 312 al, a3, 313 a3, a4!, a6, b2!, b7!, 314 b2, 315 + 316 al, 317 a6, b3, 321 b6, 337 a2!, 338 b5, 340 a8, b I, 342 b>al!, b>a3, a>b5, 344 bl!, 345 a3, 346 a2, a3, a4, b2, 348 b2, 350 al, 362 a2, 379 a2, 380 a2, 383 a2, 394 b2, b3, 395 bl, b4, 398 b3, 399 b4, b6, 399.11 a2, bl, 401 b4, 403 a>b3, a>b4, 407 b5, 414 al,


    sarkifica a4, b I, 430 a5, 431 a3, a4, a5, 432 b4, 435 a2, 436 a2, 437 a2, a3, 438 a2, a4, b3, 439.a a3, 443 a3, b5, 445.a b6!, 445.d a2, 446 b4, 447 a2, bl, 453 a5, YQ I.I a8!, YQ 1.4 bl, b3, YQ l.5 a4, a5, YQ 1.6 a3, YQ 1.7 b4, YQ l.8 a8, YQ 1.9 a4, YQ II. I al-2!, YQ 11.2 b3, YQ 11.3 b2, YQ 11.4 a4, YQ JI.5 a6, b2, b6, YQ Jl.6 a7, b7-8!, YQ ll.7 b5, YQ Il.8 al-2, a5, YQ 11.10 a2, b6, YQ 11.11 a3, a5, a7, b2, b5, YQ 11.12 a5, b5, YQ Il.13 b8, YQ 11.15 a6, bl, YQ Ill.2 a3, b3, YQ III.3 a5, b6, YQ 111.4 al, b5, b7, YQ 11!.6 al, a8!, b8!, YQ IJI.7 b2, b4-5!, YQ III.9 a5, b 1, YQ 111.12 b5, PK.NS. I a2, PK.NS.3 b4, THT 1139 b6, THT 1143 bl, THT I 148 b2, THT 1153 a2, THT 1306 b4, PK.NS. I a2, PK.NS.3 b4, PK.NS.4 a3, P.Skt.Bleu.163 a4, b2; (tma,~-ak) YQ 11.11 a7, YQ III.IO al!, a2; ♦Loc.Sg.Nt.

    (tmm11, tman-ak) ► tma111; (tmii, tmii-k) ► tmii; ♦Com.Sg.Nt. (tmassiil) 166 b I, b5, 198 ♦Perl.Sg.Nt.


    a2, 294 a6, 312al,315+316 b5, 337 a6, 378 a2, 401 b5; (tmasl-ak) 372 a>b3; ♦Norn.Du. 144 a2, 318 + 319 a5, b2; ♦ Obi.Du. 70 b2; ♦ fgm. (tmal/1) 408.g b2; ♦fgm. (tma//1) 138 b4, 152 a6, 178 al, 337 b8. Demonstrative pronoun of anaphoric value, see Stumpf (1971: 14-89). For sam instead of tam in 355 b2, see Couvreur ( l 959:252a). A significant number of the occurrences of the ablative neuter tma.5 is used as an adverbial conjunction, meaning 'thereafter, thereupon', match of Skt. tatas; the morphological match is TB tume,_n. See with adverbial meaning ► tmiik 'just', ► tiimyo 'therefore', ► tmac 'in that direction', ► t111a111 'there', ► tmii 'over there'; see also ► tiimne, ► tii111-mii1t1t11e, ► tiim-!jllrlllll!j, ► tiim-sa,ice.

    siiru* (n., masc.) 'face, figure' [Cf. B sanvana] F Loc.Sg. sanva,_n.

    T R

    ♦ Loc.Sg. 393 b2. See discussion in Malyshev (20 I 7: 114 ). For the TB equivalent, see ADAMS:751.

    siirk (n.) 'back (of the body)' [B sark]

    L F

    POU 'morbus, aegrotatio', TEB II 'Krankheit, Leiden'. Nom./Obl.Sg. sark, lnstr.Sg. sarlcyo.



    ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 19 b3, b6 ptiinkat ka.5yap want wraskeyo siirk wra.5 'through wind-

    disease, the back of the Buddha-lord, the teacher, suffers', 21 a6; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 20 a2. The meaning 'Krankheit' has been surmised in SSS:24 (§44d), but the meaning is 'back' as shown by Huard (2022: I 61, n.75). Parallel text 19 b6 in Ogihara (20 I 0: 17 5), who did not modify the translation ofsark. According to the Chinese text T 1545 (XXVII) 89lc7, the match of sark is Chin. bei ~. See other parallel texts quoted by Zin (2007:49-50).

    siirka!ji (adj.) 'of back'

    L POU 'morbi (gen.), aegrotationis'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. sarka.5i. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. 19 b4. D Derived from ► siirk. siirka4, 96 a2, 103 b5, 164 b5, I 82 a5, 222 b7!?, 230 a3?, 236 b4, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 b>a2, 305 bl, 339 a9, YQ I.I a5, MG! al, PK.NS.I al, PK.NS.4 al, PK.NS.5 b3; ♦2) (pp.) 12 a2, 14 b2, 25 a4, 68 b5, 70 a3, 100 a3, 119 a3, 147 b2, 153 al, 222 a4, 224 a4, 229 b4, 243 a3, 253 a5, 256 a2, 257 b3, 258 b4, 266 + 276 a>b7, 274 a5, 288 b3, 296 b7, 297 a6, 313 a4, 314 b8, 317 a2, 328 b4, 337 a5, 371 b4, YQ 11.5 b4, YQ 11.6 b8, YQ 11.13 b2, YQ Il.14 b 1, PK.NS.I a3. D Derived from ► siirk. R See Huard (2022:161, n.75). siirkilicii (adv.) 'from behind' (Skt. p1-:ifhatas)




    siirkifico T

    D R

    ♦ IOI al $Fiickacarrokitwikvosiirkiilca .yu yiik:yintr-a,11 'she [an olde~ woman] embraces her [SundarT] hither from behind out of love as her own daughter'. Derived from *siirkiric, itself based on ► siirk. Sanskrit parallel, from the Saundarananda by Asvagho~a (6.38), discussed by Itkin - Malyshev (2021 :58).

    siirkinco (adv.) 'finally' L COU 'schliesslich, sogar, hochstens, TEB II 'schlieJ3lich', JWP 'finally'. T ♦67 a4!, 155 a5, 223 b2, 262 b7, 277 b6, 289 a2, 299 al, 302 a6, 352 a3!, b2, YQ 1.4 a3, YQ 1.10 b2, YQ IIl.8 b8, YQ N.5 a6. D Derived from *siirkiiic, itself based on ► siirk. siirk-pe (n., masc.) 'instep (lit. foot-back)' L JWP 'instep'. F Nom.Sg. siirk-pe. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ 11.4 b6. D Compound of ► siirk and ►pe. R The litteral meaning is 'foot-back', as in German Fuj3riicken, cf. Huard (2022:161, n.75). See also ► tpo-kaswe-siirk-peyum. siirmiir (adv.) 'rattling' (?) L JWP '?'. T ♦YQ Ill.I I b8. R As pointed out by Itkin Malyshev (2021 :72), this refers to the breath of an old man. Thus it corresponds in the standard description of old age to Skt. khurukhurupra;,'vasakayata- 'who has a body with a rattling breath', cf. SWTF II: 157. Other occurrences in BHSD:205b. siiryiim (n., masc.sg.) 'seed, sowing' L POU 'satio, - sementis', COU 'Saat'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. siiryam. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 300 a4 salpma111 tkana war.)'$iilyo sa1:vam wortar 'they threw the seed forcefully on the burning ground'. D Related to the verb ► siirya-. siirsi (adj.) 'of the back' L COU 'Rtickgrat'. F Obi.Pl.Masc. siirsiniis. T ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 146 a4! (paci po)s(a) macri kats sem yamurii,)' musont (a)le(nat11) samvenyo macri sarsi(nas aya111twis) anapii(1) '[if it is a male

    D R

    fetus], he is installed in the right side of his mother's belly, with the cheeks in the palms ... raised, facing his mother's backbone', 179 b6 !. Derived from ► siirk. Transl. of 146 a4 according to Huard (p.c. ), based on the parallel in Kritzer (2014:69). The context leads to assume that it refers to the backbone, spine, but from the formal point of view it should be an adjective. It is possible that this adjective qualifies ayiintu 'bones' masc. in the collective sense, compare Skt. prstha-vm11sa- literally 'bone of the back'.

    siilii- (vb.) 'fly, arise' [B siil-] L POU 'salire, exsilire', TEB II 'springen', TVS 'fly, arise'. P 1) (itr.) Prs. siil-a2. R See Malzahn (2022), surveying previous literature. siilp- (vb.) 'glow' [B siilp-, salp-] (Skt. tap-) L POU 'adere, flagrare', TEB II 'gliihen', TVS 'glow'. P 1) (itr.) Prs. siilp-b7!, 295 a3, 298 a7, 300 a4, b2, 313 b5, 399.12 b2, YQ II.12 b3, YQ N.3 a6; ♦ Inf. 110 a4!; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Pl. 254 b4; ♦Opt.Act. 3Sg. 313 b2; ♦ Gdv. 186 b2; ♦ PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. 359 a!0!; ♦ Abl.Sg.Masc. 359 alO; ♦2) ► siilpii!flrme. D Cf. ► siilpii!flune. R The restored Abl.Sg.Masc. siilpontii,5 is an artificial form, calque of Skt. 0 taptiit in the bilingual manuscript 359 alO:


    sas, sas, Hi~

    (ag)iiriid agnitaptiit wa.yla po1J'O siilp(onta.y) 'out of the house burnt by fire' (sec SWTF I:8a). The photograph docs warrant the reading wa,5ta.y. sa/pii!jlune (n., a.) 'glowing'

    F T D

    Nom./Obl.Sg. siilpii.ylune. ♦Nom.Sg. 64 a6. Abstract derived from ► siilp-.

    siis (adv./pp.) 'concerning' L JWP 'concerning'. S si:is + loc. 'conc;rning sth.' T ♦YQIII.3a7. siis, siis, tii!j (pron.) 'this' [B se, sii, te]

    (Skt. ayam, e.ya/.z) L POU 'isle, ista, istud', TEB II 'dicscr' , JWP 'this'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. sas, Obl.Sg.Masc. CCI!/, ca,5-ak, ca.y.y-iik, Gen.Sg.Masc. ca~·i, lnstr.Sg.Masc. ca:jyo, Abl.Sg.Masc. ca.ya.y, ca~·, Norn.Pl.Masc. ce,5, Obi.Pl.Masc. cesas, ces, Gen.Pl.Masc. cessi, Nom.Sg.Fcm. siis, siisak, Obl.Sg.Fem. tii,'i, All.Sg.Fcm. tii.yac, Abl.Sg.Fcm. tii.ya:j, Norn.Pl.Fem. to.y, to.yiik, Obl.Pl.Fcm. tosas, Nom./Obl.Sg.Nt. tii.y, ta.y.y, l:j-cik, Abl.Sg.Nt. l.yii.y, Loc.Sg.Nt. t,5aq1, t.yan-iik, Pcrl.Sg.Nt. l,5ii. S sas iirkiso.'ii 'this world', sas Hok 'this stanza', siis cmol 'this existence', siis postak 'this book', siis pliic 'this talk'. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 8 al, IO a4, b2, 14 al. 15 a2, 24 b6!, 25 b3, 36 b3, b4, 48 a5, 54 a2 (written under the line), a2, 58 b5, 59 a5, 61 bl, 68 al, 69 a3, 71 bl, 73 a3, a5, 75 a3, b4, 84 bl, 109 a5, b5!, 120 a4, 136 a5. 145 b3!, 149 a2, 155 b4, 174 b6, 188 b6,. 217 bl, 249 al, 253 b2, 258 b3!, 265 a3, 273 a6!, 274 b6, 275 a4, 292 b4, 293 b2. 295 b6, 304 a4, a5, a6, 307 b I, b2. 3 14 bl, 317 b5, 318 + 319 b6, 320 a6, 322 a7, 326 b2, 332 b7, 333 a5!, 341 a9, 346 b2, 353 b I, b3, b4, 354 a2, a3, 358 b I, b2, 360 a7, 361 a 15, 369 a4, a5, 379 a5, 384 a I, 386 a2, 390 b4, 408.g a4, 408.h a3, 415 al?, 431 a6, 439 b3, YQ I.2 bl, b3, b7!, YQ 1.3 a3, bl, b7, YQ 1.4 b2, YQ 1.5 b6, YQ 1.7 a4, YQ 1.9 al, a3, YQ 11.2 b2, YQ 11.6 a6, bl, YQ 11.10 a6, a7, b5, YQ III.I a3, YQ III.5 a7, b4, YQ 111.6 b3, YQ IIl.12 b2, b3, THT 605 a4, THT 1128 al,

    THT 1130 b3, PK.NS.2 b 1; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (ca.y) 8 b5, 9 b2, 24 b5, 32 b3!, 66 a4, 74 b4, 79 a6, 82 a5, 96 a4, 97 b5, 99 b2, 100 b3. 106 a5, 108 b4, b5, 120 a5, 143 b5, 153 b6, 163 b3, 173 a3, 196 a6, 212 a4, b2, 221 a4, 227/8 al, b2, 253 a8, 254 b6, 258 a4!, 261 b>a2. 263 b>a5, 269 + 290 b>a6!, 270 b2, 272 a6, 274 b7, 293 b3, 303 b8, 305 b8, 311 a2, 317 b4, b8, 335 b3, 340 a4, b7!, 342 b>a5, a>b l, 347 a2, 349 a2, 354 b6, 408.a bS,431 al,459.b(=THT 1093.b)a2, YQ 1.5 b5, YQ I.IO b6, YQ 11.4 a8, YQ 11.5 a7, YQ II.12 b3, b7!, YQ I!.14 a5, YQ II.IS b7, YQ Ill.4 bl, bl-2!, YQ Ill.5 a5, YQ Ill.6 b2, YQ 111.7 a6, THT 1148 bl, THT 1453 b4, THT 1463 b2, THT 1487 a3; (ca.y-i:ik) 57 b I, 343 a4!, YQ III.12 b6; (ca.yJ-ak) 359 a37; ♦ Gcn.Sg.Masc. 142 b6, 153 b5, 178 b5, 222 b5, 239 b6, 253 a I, a2, a3, 256 b3, 350 a2, YQ 11.8 a7, YQ lll.12 b2; ♦ lnstr.Sg.Masc. PK.NS.2 al; ♦ Abl.Sg.Masc. (ca.'jii,5) 342 b>a2; (cii,5) 145 b6, 405 a5; ♦Norn.PI.Masc. 16 b4, 64 a2, 65 a5, 216 a>b3, 254 bl, b4, 273 a7!, 288 a8, bl, b3, 309 a3, 318 + 319 a2, a IE, 331 b7, b8, 341 b7, 346 a3, a4, 360 a3, 366 a3, bl, b2, 375 b3, YQ l.l a4, YQ Il.4 b2!, YQ IL8 b5, YQ II.9 al, YQ III.5 al, a2!, THT 1141 a5, Tl-IT 1483.a b2; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. (cesiis) 77 a4, 239 a3!, 254 bl, 333 a7, THT 605 b4; (ces) 16 a3; ♦ Gen.Pl.Masc. 272 b2, 346 b I; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. (siis) 6 a2, b3, 7 al, 25 a6, 90 b6, 94 b2, 95 b5, 123.a b5, 227/8 a6, 256 bl, 257 a3, b7!, 287 + 259 b>a3, 288 b5, 299 a8, 307 a2, 312 a2, 315 + 3 I 6 b2, 318 + 319 b7, 323 a2, 343 b5!,403 a>bl !, YQ I.I a7, YQ II.14 b4; (siis-ak) 391 b7; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 125 b6, THT 1559 al, Tl-IT 2474 a3; ♦All.Sg.Fem. 6 b2; ♦Abl.Sg.Fem. 321 b7?; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. (to,5) 39 a4, 78 b2, 109 b6, 162 a2, 188 a4, 265 a6, 307a2,318 + 319 b5 (bis), 374 a9, YQ 1.5 a2, YQ 1.7 b2, YQ II.5 a5, YQ II.IO b4, YQ II.I l b7, YQ 111.8 b I, THT 1140 bl; (to.y-ak) 101 b2, 102 b2; ♦Obi.Pl.Fem. 3 a6, 30 b2, 82 bl!, 146 b5, 164 b3, 243 b I, 307 b6, 349 a3, 354 a5, 371 b3, 391 b5, 393 a4, THT 1475.d bl, PK.NS.2 a3, MG I a5; ♦Nom./Obl.Sg.Nt. (Iii,~) 6 bl, b4, 9 a5, 11 b4, 28 b3, 40 a4, 50 b2, 66 al, 73 a5, 79 b6, 99 b5, 101 bl,



    102 al, 153 a5, b5, 165 b5, 171 b4, 215 b3, 230 b2, 265 b4, 267 + 268 b>a4, 273 a6, 278 b2, 288 a7, 289 b4, b7, 291 a2, 293 b3, 302 b5, 315 + 316 b6, 326 bl?, 327 b5, 332 a4, 334 b5, 340 a4, 353 a3, 359 a I 3 !llrtsa111 ta.J nakndytr-atJ1 I, 371 al, 400 a3, 408.c a2, 436 b4, YQ l.3 b7, YQ 1.5 b6, YQ I.7 a4, YQ 11.2 b3, YQ 11.12 b6, YQ III.2 a6, YQ III.4 b2, YQ III.6 b8, YQ N.5 a5, THT 1145 b2, THT 2038 b2; (td5:j) 321 b7; (l:j-ak) ► l:jiik; ♦Abl.Sg.Nt. 82 a4, 263 b>a5, 383 a3, YQ l.4 a8; ♦Loc.Sg.Nt. (t.ya111, t.yan-iik)

    D R

    ► t.ymf1; ♦ Perl.Sg.Nt. ► t!jii.


    Demonstrative pronoun of near-de ix is, see Stumpf ( 1971 :90-127). Variants with haplology: Abl.Sg.Masc. cii.5 for ca.yii,~; Obi.Pl.Masc. ces for cesiis. The reading of 359 a 13 ta-5 11iiknii.5tr-ii1J1 is safe. For the latter instance, the earlier reading k.5ii of TS:200, basis of the entry k.5ii in POU:98, is a ghost word. In 321 b7, TS: 176 reads tii.5 .5yiirke, which does not make sense; on his personal copy, Siegling proposed to read tii,5a.5 yark e0 , the latter being possibly the beginning of a form of iiy- 'give'.

    si (n., masc.) 'tail' (Pa. na,igut/ha-, nwigula-) F Obl.Sg. si, Obi.Pl. siyiis. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 12 b4; ♦Obi.Pl. 160 al. R Identification by Itkin - Malyshev Peyrot (2020). For the Pa. parallel, see Huard (2022:512). si-, sin-(vb.) I) (act.) 'satiate', 2) (fact.) 'satiate, satisfy' [B soy-] L POU 'saturatus, satiatus sum', TEB II 'siittigen, satt werden sich ersiittigen an', TVS 'satiate; satiate oneself, be depressed'. P I) (itr./tr.) Prs. siniis-T-, Prt. si!71sii-, 2) (fact.) Prt. sasyii-, sasina-. F I) Prs.Xa Act. 2Sg. sinii.yt, 3Pl. si111senc, Gdv. si1.n.5iil, PP1t. Nom.Sg.Masc. sasyu, Norn.Pl.Masc. sasyu.5, Abs. sasyuri:i.5, 2) Prt.11 Act. 3Sg. sasil11, sasyii-1ii. S lkiitsi ma sin- 'not be satiated with looking at (cf. Skt. asecanaka-)'. T ♦ !) Prs.Act. 2Sg. 246 a4!; ♦ 3Pl. 325 a4; ♦ Gdv. 17 b5, 247 b4!; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 289 b3; Norn.Pl.Masc. 41 a2, THT 1149 b2; ♦Abs. 46 al; ♦2) Prt.Act. 3Sg. (sasi111) 209 b5, b6!; (sasyii-

    ni) YQ !Il.8 a4 sasyii na.5 'she satiated me'. Cf. ► siizlune, ► asiniit. According to TVS:946 and 955, following Hackstein ( 1995:295-300), TA would have a single verb sin-, which is supposed to mean in the passive 'be satiated' and 'be depressed'. However, as pointed out by Huard (2022:524-527), several occurrences point to concrete meanings such as 'sink down, be dejected', which are difficult to derive, even by metaphor, from 'be satiated'. For these passages, see ► sin-. In the factitive preterit, the Prt. II sasiq1 features a secondary introduction of the nasal from the intr./tr. paradigm, present and subjunctive stem; the original f01m is represented by sasyii (sic). The expected form would be *sasi. But the copyist of YQ III.8 has mistakenly truncated the suffixed pronoun -lli because it was first expressed in the same sentence, and second it was followed by the free form na-5, at the beginning of the next sentence, and in the same function of direct object. The alternative restoration of the middle form sasyat (as proposed in JWP:278) seems less likely, compare the correct middle formyairat in the next line, with same subject. See further discussion in TVS:946, 955 and Peyrot (20 l 3a:833, n. 949 and 950).

    Silf1havyiikan1111 (N, masc.sg.) 'Prophecy to Sirpha', title of the 26th chapter of the Maitreyasamiti-nataka L POU 'nom. propr. appellatio partis libri

    F T



    Maitreyasamitina/iik'. Nom.Sg. si171havyakarw71. ♦Nom.Sg. 258 b3 si111havyiikara111 (110111 ... nipat) 'the chapter ... named S.'. Compound made of Skt. Siq1ha, name of a king (BHSD:594b), see ► SbJlhe, and vyakaraiia- 'explanation, prediction, prophecy' (MW: 1035c), see ► vyiikaraJfl and ► vyiikarit. See Geng Laut Pinault (2004b:30).

    Sif!1haha1111* (PN, masc.) Sirphahanu, name of a king F Gen.Sg. si171hahanuy. T ♦ Gen.Sg. 100 bl€, I 18 a3!.

    523 D

    smFrom Skt. Sil11hahan11 'n. of a Sakyan king, father ofSuddhodana' (BHSD:595b).

    Sbflhe (PN, masc.) 1) name ofa king, son of the king Saiikha, 2) name of a former Buddha [B Sil.nhe] L POU 'nom. propr. regis', TEB II 'N. pr. des Sohnes des Konigs Sarikha'. F Nom.Sg. sir11he, Obl.Sg. sil11he111. T ♦ 1) Nom.Sg. 254 b8, 256 a2, a5, 258 a8, b2, 291 a2, 307 b3; ♦Obl.Sg. 258 a7; ♦2) Nom.Sg. 256 b5. D From Skt. Si111ha 'n. of a general, also a prince; n. of former and future Buddhas' (BHSD:594b). sikii-(vb.) 1) (itr.) 'be overflown', 2) (caus.) 'overflow' L POU 'redundare, abundare', TEB II 'iiberflie/3en', TVS 'be overflown; overflow'. P 1) (itr.) Prs. sika-, Subj. seka-/sika-*, PPrl. siko, 2) (fact.) PPrt. sasiku. F 1) Prs.lII MP 3Pl. sikm11tiir, Subj.V Act. 3Sg. seka~·-ii111, PPrt. Obi.Pl.Masc. Nom./Obl.PI.Fem. sikont, 2) Prt.Il/III PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. sasiku, Norn.Pl.Masc. sasiku,5. T ♦ I) Prs.MP 3Pl. 14 a2; ♦ Subj.Act. 3Sg. 72 a2; ♦ PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. 152 a4; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. THT 1412.c + 3875 a2; ♦2) PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. I 13 b3!; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 358 bl.

    sitilune (n., a.) 'satiation' F Nom./Obl.Sg. sinlune, si11111lune. S sne sinlune 'unsatiated'. T ♦Nom.Sg. 67 a4; ♦ Obl.Sg. (sinlune) YQ II.13 b6; (si1111ilune) 69 a4. D Abstract derived from ► si-, sin-. Sidiirthe*

    ► Siddhiirthe

    siddha (N) part of the name ofa tune L Couvreur (1959) 'salut'. T ♦358 al. D From Skt. siddha- 'accomplished, fulfilled, effected' (MW:1215a). R Probably part of the name of a tune, see ► kisik.

    siddham-mtisup* (N, masc.) name of a tune (stanza of4 x 18 syllables, 7/7/4) L POU 'nomen metri 4x 18 syllabarum'. F Loc.Sg. siddham-ratisupmJ1.

    T D

    ♦ Loc.Sg.25lbl,252bl.

    Technical term borrowed from Sanskrit. The last part may point to subha-, variant of subha- (MW: 1230b), see subha- fem. 'light, lustre, splendour', 'specifically a kind of metre' (MW: 1083b). Compare the tune's name ► ratisup, which has the same metrical definition. The first part points to Skt. siddha- 'accomplished, fulfilled, perfected', etc. (MW:1215a).

    Siddlziirtlze (PN, masc.) name ofSakyamuni [B Siddharthe] L POU 'nom. propr. Buddhae', TEB II 'N. pr. des Vaters des Bodhisattva Sarvarthasiddha'. F Nom.Sg. siddharthe, Obl.Sg. sidarthe111, Gen.Sg. siddharthes. T ♦Nom.Sg. 133 a2, 164 b4, YQ IIl.3 a3, THT 1426.1 a2; ♦ Obl.Sg. YQ 111.3 a4; ♦ Gen.Sg. I a5, 115 b5. D From Skt. Siddlu"irtha 'personal name of Sakyamuni' (BHSD:596a). sin- (vb.) 'sink down, be dejected, be oppressed' [B sin-] (Skt. vi-.)·ad-) L TEB II 'bedriickt sein' P (itr.) Prs. siniis-T-, Subj. sill-T-. Prt. sil11sa-. F Prs.Xa MP 3Sg. sinii.ytrii, sTniistrii, 3PI. sil11santiir, sil11santrii, Subj.VII MP 3Pl. sinantrii, Gdv. si!Wl, Prt.III MP 2Sg. sil11sate. S k/opyo sin- 'be oppressed by suffering (Skt. du/:zkhena badh-)'. T ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. (sina,5/rii) 151 b3; (sTniistrii) 89 a2 siim s'inii.ytrii iiare(ya,11) 'this one sinks in hell'; ♦ 3Pl. (sil11santiir) 116 al si111sa11tiir-Fii oki cam klopyo puk marma,i 'all my vital points are somehow depressed by suffering'; (si111santrii) 325 b5 ma .y11i k!opyo si111santrii (ma pe) alu k/o(pyo) 'they are not dejected by their own suffering nor by the suffering of others', THT 1416.c b2; ♦ Subj.MP 3Pl. 318 + 319 b2; ♦ Gdv. 67 a5; ♦ Prt.MP 2Sg. 303 a3 .y1ii klopant kakla.yt: ma ska,11 muka.yt ma sil11sate 'you haved endured your own sufferings, and you did not desist, nor did you be dejected'. R To be set apart from the verb ► si-, sinaccording to Huard (2022:524-527). This verb is only found in the middle voice. For translation of some passages, see


    sindhu* Schmidt ( 1974: 159). According to Huard (p.c.), one cannot understand klopyo sinas 'be satiated, filled with pain', because the corresponding phrase in TB (THT 1191 b5 and THT 1573.a a5) uses sinand not soy-, and it probably corresponds to the Sanskrit phrase du(ikhena pTr;I- or biidh-, see e.g. Divy:234 (Cowell - Neil), translated in Rotman (2017 :9). sbulhu* (n., masc.) 'river, stream; ocean' F Obl.Sg. sindhu. T +Obl.Sg. 377 a3 markampal.yina111 sindhu tarnama111 kamsa111 (ywadka) 'emitting the stream of the Law between (your) teeth'. D Loan from Skt. sindhu- 'river, stream' (MW:1217a). R Metaphorical phrase, equivalent of the compound dharma-sindhu- (MW:512a), which is known as title of literary works; in Buddhist context, its meaning is close to dharma-rasa- 'nectar of the Law' dharma-sara- 'essence of the Law,'. which would be enjoyed by the disciples of the Buddha. sipii- (vb.) 'anoint' [Cf. B sanap-] L POU 'oblinere, unguere', TEB II 'salbcn', TVS 'anoint'. P (tr.) Prs. sip-r/J-, Subj. sepa-, PP1t. sasepu. F Prs.1/Il MP 3Sg. siptar, Inf. siptsi, Subj.V Gdv. ► sepal, lnstr.Sg. sepalyo, Prt.I PPrt. Nom.Sg.Fem. sasepus. T +Prs.MP 3Sg. THT 2509 a2 (SSS:478); ♦ Inf. 20 a3; ♦ Gdv. lnstr.Sg. l 77 a3; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Fem. 154 a2. D Cf. ► sepal as substantivized Gdv. sim (n., fem.) 'border, boundary' [B sim] L COU 'Grenze', TEB II 'Grenzlinie, Grenze'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sim, Loc.Sg. simw11, All.Sg. simac. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 355 bl, THT 3859.d bl; ♦ Loc.Sg. 454 a3!; +All.Sg. 54 a2 (interlinear). D From Skt. sTma- 'a boundary, limit' (MW:1218c). Sisti* (PN, fem.) STH\, the wife of Rama (Uigh. siza, Khot. s~vsii-) F Obl.Sg. sisiif!1, Com.Sg. sisii111sal. T +Obl.Sg. l Ob5; +Com.Sg. 99 a2.


    Via MI from Skt. Srta- 'in epic poetry the wife of Rama' (MW:1218b).

    sfddhii111 (n., masc.) 'the right doctrine' F Nom./Obl.Sg. s1ddhii111. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 62 b6. D Somehow based on the loan from Skt. siddha- 'accomplished, fulfilled' (MW: 1215a). Probably adaptation via Ml from Skt. siddhiinta- masc. 'settled opinon or doctrine, dogma, received or admitted truth' (MW:1216a). R For the translation of the passage, cf. Schmidt ( 1974:350). su- (vb.) 'sew'(?) P Prs. su-. F Prs.I Gdv. Nom.Sg.Masc ..rn/. T ♦ SHT 1033 rl. R For the complete quotation of the passage, see ► sukriim*. The word glosses Skt. diitavya- lit. 'to be given', but used in a technical meaning. For further discussion of the Skt. text and its Tibetan parallel, see Hu-von Hinliber (1994:146). 0

    suk l) (n.), 2) (adj.uni.), 3) (adv.), I) a. l) 'happiness, luck, fortune', 2) 'fortunate', 3) 'fortunately' [B sak, sakw] L l) POU 'fortuna, felicitas', TEB II 'G!Uck', JWP 'good luck, prosperity, happiness', 2) POU 'felix', TEB II 'gllickhaft, angenehm', 3) POU 'feliciter'. F l) Nom./Obl.Sg. suk, Gen.Sg. s11kis, lnstr.Sg. sukyo, All.Sg. s11kac, sukac, Loc.Sg. S11ka1r1, Com.Sg. S11kassal, Nom./Obl.Pl. s,ikuntu, skuntu, Gen.Pl. s11 kuntwis, s11 kantwis, Instr.Pl. s11k11ntuyo, 2) suk, 3) suk. T ♦ I) Nom./Obl.Sg. 16 al, 91 a6, 129 b6, 145 a4!, a5, bl, 197 a3, 217 bl, 226 b7, 254 a5, 262 a2, 271 a3, 272 a7, b I, 299 b5, 323 b4!, 378 al, 397 b3, 398 a5, 436 b3, YQ 1.4 b7, YQ 111.3 b3, YQ V. l b8; ♦ Gen.Sg. YQ N.2 + N.6 a7; +lnstr.Sg. 22 a6, 257 b5, 262 al, YQ 1.2 a5, YQ 1.6 a3; ♦All.Sg. (s11kac) 218 b3, 306 a5, THT 1493 a4; (sukac) 359 a39; ♦ Loc.Sg. 74 b3, 356 b2; +Com.Sg. 82 b I!, 407 a2!; +Norn/Obi.Pl. (s11kuntu) 14 b2, 17 b2, 46 a5, 62 bl, 145 a2, 153 a5, 262 a5, 272 b5, 298 b7, 340 b3, 346 al, 350 b2, YQ 1.2 a4; (skuntu) 236 a7, 254 a6, b6, 440 b4; ♦Gen.Pl. (s11kuntwis) 82 al!, (s11kiintwis)



    sutiir, siitar PK.NS.4 al; ♦ Instr.Pl. 345 b3; ♦2) 217 b I, 227/8 a3, 299 b3, 346 b 1; ♦ 3) 68 a3. From Skt. sukha- 'pleasure, happiness' (MW: 1220c-122la).

    s,,katik* (n., masc.) 'well-smelling person' F Norn.Pl. Sukatik[uz, Gen.PL SukatikasH T ♦Norn.Pl. 272 b3; ♦ Gen.PL 262 al paltsiilcy=okak ma ciimpi:; Sukati(ka.W war wriissi) 'even with the mind (i.e., imagination) one would not smell the smell of the well-smelling ones'. D Loan via MI from Skt. sugandhika'sweet-smelling, fragrant' (MW: 1222c ), see Skt. gandha- 'smell, odor' (MW:345a), Pkt. gm11dha-, Niya Pkt. gadha-(CDIAL:214b, No. 4014). R The passage of 272 b3 refers to persons who have a good smell because they do not commit sins in speaking (harsh speech, lie, etc.). The poetic text 262 a I describes holy and pure persons, living in blissful gardens; the restoration complies with the meter, 4 x 18 syllables, rhythm 7/7/4. sukafji (adj.) 'causing happiness or pleasure' [B sktva:j:je] L POU 'felicitatis', JWP 'causing happiness or pleasure'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. suka.5i, ska,l'i, Obl.Sg.Masc. Suka:jil!l, Suka.5ina111, Obi.Pl.Fem. Suka.yinas. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (suka:ji) 289 a5; (ska,l'i) YQ V. l b8; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (suka.yi111) 14 b5; (sukaJ·ina111) 243 a3; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. 57 b2, 73 b I, 251 b2, 252 b2, 306 a2. D Derived from ► suk. s,,ka!jilili- (vb.) 'be happy' [B sktv-aiiii-] L TEB II 'sich gliicklich fiihlen', TVS 'be happy'. P Prs. suka,~iiiii-T-. F Prs.XII MP 3Sg. suka,~iiitar. T ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. 51 b3. D Denominative verb from ► s,,kafji. sukii- (vb.) 'bring' [B suk-] L POU 'affere, reddere', TEB II 'iiberbringen ', TVS 'bring'. P (tr.) Prs. sukna-, PPrt. suko. F Prs.Vl PPrs.MP suknama,.n, Prt.I PPrt. Abs. sukorii0. T ♦ PPrs.MP 77 a4; ♦Abs. YQ III.12 b6.

    s11krii111* (n., fem.) 'crow' (Skt. kaka-) L COU 'Geier', TEB II 'ein Vogelname (unwahrscheinlich 'Geier')', Couvreur (1959) 'corbeau', CEToM 'vulture'. F Gen.Sg. sukrane, Norn.Pl. sukranaii, Obi.PL sukranas, Gen.PL sukranassi, All.Pl. sukranasac. T ♦ Gen.Sg. SHT 1033 rl ywarcka sukriine pe oki sul; ♦Norn.Pl. 154 a3; ♦Obi.Pl. PK.NS.I b3; ♦ Gen.Pl. 154 a4, 375 b5; ♦ All.Pl. 154 a5. R Pace Malzahn (2014b:92), this word means 'crow' as shown by the gloss of SHT I 033 rl, which translates Skt. siitret1iintara kakapiidaka datavyii 'the «foot of crow» [technical term of sewing] should be sewn with a thread in the middle', see Schmidt (I 994b:269) and Hu-von Hiniiber (I 994: 146, 275). Sucitte (PN, masc.) name of a teacher F Nom.Sg. sucitte. T ♦Nom.Sg. 54 b4 (in value of vocative). D From Skt. Sucitta 'n. of a teacher' (MW:1223b).

    Sujiitli* (PN, fem.) name ofa laysister L TEB II 'N. pr. einer Laienschwester'. F Abl.Sg. sujatiina.y.5. T ♦Abl.Sg. 312 a6. D From Skt. Sujata 'n. of the daughter of a village chief, who presented food to the Bodhisattva when he broke his fast after his long austerities' (BHSD:598a). sut (n., masc.sg.) 'nectar' L JWP 'nectar'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sut. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ N.1 b8 F1iikci sut 'divine nectar'. D Loan from Skt. sudha- 'beverage of the gods, nectar' (MW:1225c). Sutasome (PN, masc.) name ofa hero [B Sutasome] F Nom.Sg. sudasome. T ♦Nom.Sg. 399.9 bl!. D Loan from Skt. Sutasoma, 'n. of a previous incarnation of Sakyamuni ', hero of the Jataka No. 537 (BHSD:598b). sutiir, sfitiir (n., a.) 'siitra, religious or

    philosophical discourse' [B siitiir] L POU 'opus litterarum, liber', TEB II 'Faden, Lehrfaden'.


    sutiir$i F

    Nom./Obl.Sg. sutiir, sutrii, siitiir, siitra, Gen.Sg. sutris, siitris, Instr.Sg. sutii1yo, Loc.Sg. sutra,_n, siitra111, Nom./Obl.Pl. siitrii111 (sandhi form siitrii1i ). T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (sutiir) 334 a I!, 336 a5. a6; (sutrii) 359 a 17, 360 a 11, 360 al3, 371 a3, THT 1439 a2; (siitiir) 336 a8, b3; (si'itra) 333 a5?, a7; ♦ Gen.Sg. (sutris) PK.NS.2 bl; (sz"itris) 122 b5, 333 bl; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 195 bl; ♦ Loc.Sg. (sutra111) 332 a3, 353 a4, 387 b2; (szitra,71) 102 a3, 332 a8, 336 a 1; ♦Obi.Pl. 302 a2. D From Skt. siitra- 'religious or philosophical manual' (MW:1241c); in Buddhism, 'discourse', as a type of Buddhist sacred texts (Pali sutta), making one part of the Buddhist canon (BHSD:604b). sutiir~i (adj.) 'pertaining to sacred discourse' [B sutar.5~e] L POU 'siitrarum'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. sutar,~i. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. 32 b4! pifak sutii(r~i), 336 b 1, b7 sutiir.~i pifak, THT 2486 b2. D Derived from ► sutiir. R Cf. Skt. siitra-pitaka-, lit. 'basket of discourses', part of the Buddhist scriptures (BHSD:604b ). Alternative expression through the loanword ► sutrapi/ak. sutrapi/ak (n., masc.) 'collection of discourses' F Nom./Obl.Sg. sutrapitak. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. THT 1412.g bl. D Loan from Skt. siitra-pitaka- (Pa. suttapifaka-) 'the collection of discourses', one of the three grand divisions of the Buddhist canon (BHSD:604b). Sudarsa1t1 (LN, masc.) name of the city of Indra [B Sudarsw11] L POU 'nomen urbis deorum', TEB II 'Name der Stadt Indras'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sudarsw11. S Sudarsam ri 'the Sudarsana city'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 27 a5, 145 b6, 227/8 a2, 345 b4, 355 a3, THT 1137 a I. D From Skt. Sudarsana 'n. of the city of Indra' (BHSD:598c).

    Sudarsane (PN, masc.) name ofa former Buddha F Nom.Sg. sudarsane, s,,darsane, Obl.Sg. sudarsane!Jl. T ♦Nom.Sg. (sudarsane) 256 b4; (s,,darsane) 399.19 al; ♦ Obl.Sg. 101 a6!. D From Skt. Sudarsana- 'n. of various former Buddhas' (BHSD:598b). R See Geng - Laut Pinault (2004b:57-58). Sudhiirm (N, fem.) name of a palace of hall of the gods L POU 'nomen loci conveniendi deorum'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sudhiirm. T ♦Nom.Sg. 22 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg. 114 a3. D Loan from Skt. Sudharmii , fem. 'the assembly hall of the gods' (MW: 1225b). From the Tocharian point of view, a loan from Skt. Sudharma, masc. 'n. of a throne on which the Bodhisattva sits in the Tu$ita heaven' (BHSD:599a) would be equally possible. R See Sieg's translation of22 b5 (1944: 27). Sunak~atre (PN, masc.) name of a king F Nom.Sg. sunak.~atre. T ♦Nom.Sg. 222 b4. D From Skt. Sunak.5atra 'n. of a king' (MW:1226b), a prince ofVaisalT, who criticized the Buddha, Pali Sunakkhatta, cf. DPPN II:1206. Sunirmiitzarati (PN, masc.) name of the leader of the Nirmal)arati gods L TEB II 'N. pr. des Anflihrers der Nirmanarati-Gotter'. F Com.Sg. sunirmii1Jaratil11siil. T ♦ Com.Sg. 312 bl!. D From Skt. Sunirmci{wrati 'n. of the chief of the Nirmal)arati gods' (BHSD:599a). R Restoration and reference by Sieg (I 952:27, 11. 12). Sunirmite (PN, masc.) name of the chief of the Nirma1Jarati gods F Nom.Sg. sunirmite. T ♦Nom.Sg. 287 + 259 a>b5. D From Skt. Sunirmita 'name of the chief of the Nirma1Jarati gods' (BHSD:509a). Sllfllllll ► Slllllll

    Sunetre (PN, masc.) name of a former Buddha F Nom.Sg. sunetre. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b4.

    527 D

    subhumi From Skt. Szmetra 'n. of a former Buddha' (BHSD:509a).

    swularaviilik* (N, masc.sg.) name of a tune

    (probably 4 x 18 syllables 7/7/4) L POU 'nomen metri'. F Loc.Sg. sundaraviitikm11. T ♦Loc.Sg. 299 b8, YQ N.5 b2. D Compound made of Skt. sundara' beautiful, lovely, charming' (MW:1227a), and of the loan through MI ofSkt. viikya- 'speech' (MW:936b), with wrong Sanskritization and refection along the verb ► wii1ika- and the noun ► wmike 'chat, chattering'. Same source of the second member in another tune's name, ► Jza1J1savii1ik. R See also ► asitavii1ik*, ► lza1J1saviilik*. Sundari (PN, fem.) SundarT, name of a princess

    L F



    TEB II 'N. pr. der Gattin Nandas'. Nom.Sg. sundari, Obl.Sg. sundarit11, Gen.Sg. sundaris, All.Sg. sundarinac, Abl.Sg. sundarina.y, Perl.Sg. szmdarinii, Com.Sg. s1111daril11sal. ♦Nom.Sg. 89 b4, 93 b5, 94 a3, b5, a4, 100 a4, 102 bl, 106 b3, 108 a3, 115 al, a3, b3, 120 b5, 122 a6, 149 al, b6, 156 a3, 157 a4, 160 a3, 161 a4, THT I 148 a3, THT 2406 bl, THT 3026 a3; ♦ Obl.Sg. 92 bl, 122 al, 162 a4, THT 2580 b2; ♦ Gen.Sg. 108 a2, 118 b6!, 158 a5, THT 1465 al; ♦All.Sg. 159 a2, THT 2406 a3, THT3024b2; ♦Abl.Sg.158bl, 163bl!; ♦ Perl.Sg. 100 al; ♦Com.Sg. 102 b4. From Skt. SzmdarT, n. of various beautiful women (MW:1227a; BHSD:599b). In these occurrences, it refers to the main female character, the wife of Nanda (halfbrother of Sakyamuni), in the poem Saundarananda by Asvagho~a.

    Scmdari!ji (adj.) 'ofSundarT'

    L F T


    POU 'Sundari (gen.)'. Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. sundari,yi, Obl.Sg.Masc./Fem. sundari.Jil!l. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. 108 b5 Sundari0i twi iii 'my love for SundarT'; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 158 b5. Derived from ► Sundari.


    POU 'nom. propr. horti'. Nom./Obl.Sg. sup11.ypit, Gen.Sg. supu.ypitis, Loc.Sg. supu.;pitm11.

    227 /8 a4, 272 a6, 297 b 1; 266 + 276 a>b8!, 286 al!; ♦ Loc.Sg. 266 + 276 b>a3. From Skt. supu,~pita- 'having beautiful flowers' (MW: 1228a). ♦Gen.Sg.


    Supprabmldlze* (PN, masc.) name of a Sakya

    prince F Gen.Sg. supprabuddhes. T ♦ Gen.Sg. 118 b I. D From Skt. Suprabuddha 'name of a Sakya prince, father of Maya' (BHSD:600b). Sublziidrii (PN, fem.) name of the first wife of

    $a9danta L TEB II 'N. pr. der ersten Gattin des $a9danta'. F Nom.Sg. subhiidrii, Obl.Sg. subhiidrii111. T ♦Nom.Sg. 75 a4, b6, 79 b2, THT 1382.d bl; ♦Obl.Sg. 402 b7. D From Skt. Subhadrii, name of various women (MW:1229c; BHSD:60la). In the $a(idanta-jiitaka adapted in Tocharian A, she was a she-elephant, lover of the Bodhisattva $a9danta, reborn later as king's daughter and become first cons01i of the king ofBenares, see Subhaddii in Pali (DPPN 1:921 and II:1233). sublziidre111* (N, masc.sg.) name of a tune

    (201221 I OJ 15 syllables 5/5/5/5, 8/7/7, 5/5, 8/7) [B subhiidre1r1*] L POU 'nom. metri 20+22+10+15 syllabarum'. F Loc.Sg. subhiidrenm11, sabhiidrenm!l, T ♦ Loc.Sg. (subhiidrenm11) 22 b2, 77 a5, 86 al, 116 b4, 143 b5, 275 b6, 311 al, 373 al, 382 al, YQ 11.3 a2; (sz7bhiidre11m11) 395 b5. D Derivative in -e111 from the loan of Skt. subhadra- 'very splendid or auspicious or fortunate' (MW: 1229c), used also as name of various persons. Note that Skt. subhadraka- is recorded as a kind of metre. Alternatively, loan from TB, which had anyway the same Skt. source. subhlimi (n., a.) 'garden'

    L F

    Supu~pit (LN, masc.) name of a garden

    L F

    ♦ Obl.Sg.


    POU 'hortus'. Loc.Sg. subhiimiya111, Nom.Pl. subln1mi11tu, Obi.Pl. subhumis. ♦ Loc.Sg. 272 a6; ♦Norn.Pl. 301 a3; ♦Obi.Pl. 262 al ka1parnw1cas subhumis



    D R

    wa,7Jiskesa111 'in the gardens [and] parks distinguished by exeellenee'. From Skt. subhiimi- 'a good place' (MW: 1230a). The oblique plural subhumis, instead of subhumintu, in 262 al, is certainly due to the attraction of the following locative plural warpiskesm11, of like meaning, but of masculine gender; both nouns share the same epithet, in oblique plural masculine.

    s11mmr1* (n., fem.) 'jasmin flower' [B sumii111] L COU 'Jasmin'. F Norn.Pl. sumaniiii. T ♦Norn.Pl. 257 b4. D From Skt. sumanii-, fem., especially in the plural, 'great-flowering jasmine' (MW: 1230c). Sumanii* (PN, fem.) name of the wife of the bodhisattva Maitreya L TEB II 'N. pr. der Gattin des Bodhisattva Maitreya'. F Com.Sg. swna11ii111siil. T ♦ Com.Sg. 253 b I. D From Skt. Sumanii, name of various women (MW:1230c). Sumane (PN, masc.) name of a future or former Buddha F Nom.Sg. sumane, siimane. T ♦Nom.Sg. (sumane) 260 b7; (siimane) 256 b5. D From Skt. Sumana 'name of a future and former Buddha' (BHSD:60la). sumii- (vb.) 'take away' [B somp-, siimp-] POU 'sumere, capere', TEB II L 'wegnehmen, hinziehen', TVS 'take away, deprive of. P Prs. sumnii-, Subj. sumii-, lpv. psumiir. F Prs.VI MP 2Sg. sumniitiir, 3Sg. sumniitr, sumniitiir, 3Pl. sumniitrii, PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg.Masc. sumniint, Obl.Sg.Masc. swnniintii111, Ipv.MP 2Sg. psumiir. T ♦ Prs.MP 2Sg. 96 b5; ♦3Sg. (sumniitr) 6 al; (sumniitiir) 51 bl; ♦ 3Pl. 355 bl; ♦ PPrs.Act. Nom.Sg.Masc. 65 a2, Obl.Sg.Masc. THT 1418.g a2; ♦ lpv.MP 2Sg. 92 a5. ► sumtil,,ne!ji*.




    For the restoration of the Prs.MP 3Pl. in 355 b !, see SSS:479 and TVS:935. It can also be explained by omission of anusvara.

    sumiilune!ji* (adj.) 'pertaining to taking away' F Obl.Sg.Masc. sumiil,,ne.yi1.n. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 434 al iilu sol ma sumiilune.yi111 /// 'by (the action) ofnot taking away the life ofothers'. D Derived from sumiilune*, abstract derived from ► sumii-. Sumer (LN, masc.) Sumeru, the world mountain [B Sumer] L POU 'nomen proprium montis deorum', TEB II 'der Weltberg Sumeru'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sumer, Gen.Sg. sumeris, Norn.Pl. sumeri, Obi.Pl. sumeriis. S Sumer .511! 'Sumeru mountain'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 22 b5, 30 b3-4, 235 b4!, 270 a3, 303 b4 puk piiintwm.n tpiir sumerr (oki) 'among all merits the highest, like the Sumeru', 311 a5, 314 b3, 315 + 316 a4, b3, 355 a3; ♦Gen.Sg. 118 b6!; ♦Norn.Pl. 58 b6, Obi.Pl. 271 a4. D From Skt. Sumeru 'n. ofa mountain' (BHSD:60lb). Sumer-parts (adj.) 'as large as the Sumeru (mountain)' F Nom.Sg.Masc. sumer-parts. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 314 a8! akmal s,,(m)erpiirts ciiiciir kii(w)iilte '[his] face, as large as the Sumeru, charming, beautiful'. D Compound made of ► S11mer and ► warts 'large', with well-known variation p/w. R This sequence had not been restored by Sieg Siegling (TS: 171 ); no remark in Siegling's personal copy. The sequence read s.tpiirts was tentatively interpreted by Sieg (1952:30 and n. 14) as a noun meaning 'Gesichtssausdruck (?)'. This would have been redundant with the previous noun, akmal 'face'. The form is given by POU:372 as s(ii)1piirts without further comment. Actually, the reading of suC° is perfectly warranted for the first ak~ara, whose vowel is slightly erased. This occurs in a series of adjectives describing the face of the Buddha. The meaning corresponds to a current cliche. S11yiime (PN, masc.) name of the king of the Yama gods L POU 'nom. propr. regis', TEB II 'N. pr. des Konigs der Yama-Gotter'.

    529 F T D

    se Nom.Sg. suyiime, suyiine, Obl.Sg. suyiime111. ♦Nom.Sg. (suyiime) 287 + 259 a>b5; (suyane) YQ II.8 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg.312 bl. From Skt. Suyama 'n. of the head of the Yilma gods' (BHSD:602a).

    surati (n., fem.) 'lust, sexual enjoyment' F Nom./Obl.Sg. surati. T ♦Obl.Sg. 337 a2 (t)miis cem miimiintu.y kiitii1ikeilc surati (wiirpnii)ntii171 soliiM Ill 'thereupon these ones arise in anger (refraining from) from a life enjoying lust'. D Loan from Skt. surati- 'sexual enjoyment, lust' (BHSD:602a). suryodgam-priitihiiri* (n., masc.sg.) 'miracle of sunrise' L COU 'b5; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 326 a7!; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 210 a5; ♦Abs. THT 2514 + 2564 b2; ♦2) PPrs.MP 73 a2!. se (n., masc.) 'son' [B soy] (Skt. putra-) L POU 'filius', TEB II 'Sohn', JWP 'son'.


    se-akal* F




    Nom./Obl.Sg. se, Gen.Sg. seyo, All.Sg. seyacc, Abl.Sg. seyii.y, Loe.Sg. seya111, Perl.Sg. seyii, Com.Sg. seyaH;iil, Norn.Pl. sewiiii, Obi.Pl. sewiis, Gen.Pl. sewiissi, Com.Pl. sewiisassiil. se used often as vocative: 'oh my son!', klyom se 'oh my noble son!', Pl. sewiiii 'oh my sons!'; se niitiik 'son [and] lord', se ckiicar 'son [and] daughter'. ♦Nom.Sg. I a5, IO a4, 19 a4, 23 a6, 25 a2, a3, 65 a6, 68 b6, 71 bl, 73 a5, 76 + 83 b3, 79a2, 79bl, JOO bl (bis), 118a6, 130 a6, bl, 135 a3, 146 a5, 155 a4, a6, 171 b2, 211 b4, 214 a7, 233 al, 240 a2, 256 a4, 258 a7, 260 b7, 263 a>b5, 288 b7, 289 b5, 317 b2, 320 al, 327 a2, 334 a7?, 375 b3?, 393 a6, 395 al, 435 b I, 444.b b3?, 445.c bl, YQ I.I bl, b3, YQ 1.2 a6, YQ II.I b2, YQ 11.2 b3, b4, YQ 11.14 a3, YQ Ill.5 b7, YQ IIl.6 a6, N.2 + N.6 b4, THT 1133 bl; ♦Obl.Sg. 50 a5, 71 b4, 230 b4, 338 b7, 452 a5, YQ II.9 a7; ♦ Gen.Sg. 68 b5, 71 a2, 90 b5, 130 a2, 34 l b2, 451 a3; ♦All.Sg. 21 bl, 79 al, 144 b3; ♦Abl.Sg. 74 b3, 438 b2; ♦Loc.Sg. 71 a5; ♦Perl.Sg. 222 b3; ♦Com.Sg. 50 a4, 311 a2; ♦Norn.Pl. 14 a5, 25 b6!, 81 a2, 90 bl, 118 a3, 144 a2, 169 b5, 212 b2, THT 1408.k + 285 + 281 a>b3!, a>b8!, 294 b4!, 360 a7, 409 a4!, YQ I.4 bl, YQ 11.3 a6, YQ II.4 a8, YQ 11.5 b5, YQ II.7 b2, b3; ♦ Obi.Pl. 62 a6, 130 a4, 155 a5, 311 b6, 350 a3!, 356 bl, YQ III.6 a7; ♦ Gen.Pl. 212 a4; ♦ Com.Pl. 21 b5, 70 a6, bl, 264 b6. Discussion of paradigm and derivation by Hilmarsson ( 1985) and Winter ( 1985b).

    se-iikiil* (n., a.) 'desire for a son' L POU 'desiderium filii'. F lnstr.Sg. se-iikiilyo. T ♦lnstr.Sg. 56 a6. D Compound of ► se, ► likal. se1f1* (n., masc.) 'eagle' F Obi.Pl. senas. T ♦ Obi.PL PK.NS. I b3. D Via MI from Skt. syena- 'a hawk, falcon, eagle, any bird of prey' (MW: 1095b). Senake (PN, masc.) name of the minister of a king L POU 'nomen proprium regis ministri'. F Nom.Sg. senake.

    T D

    ♦Nom.Sg. 437 a2. From Skt. Senaka, name of various persons (MW: 1246c). Note that the context would allow the restitution of a compound name ending in °senaka-.

    Seniiyanagrlim (LN, masc.) name of a village F Nom./Obl.Sg. seniiyanagriim. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 269 + 290 a>b8! senii(yanagriim ~-ukyal!1) 'in the village S 0 '. D Loan via Ml from a compound with Seniiyana- and griima- village' (MW:373a), see Seniipati-griima(Pali Seniinf-nigama-) 'n. of a village near Uruvilva' (BHSD:605b). R See Pinault (2013a: 199-200). senik (adv.) 'under the care of, entrusted' [B senik] (Uigh. uruncaq 'pledge, guarantee') L TEB II 'Auftrag', JWP 'under the care of, conscientiously'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. senik. S senik kiilp- causative 'entrust (lit. let obtain) someone/something to someone', senik suwii- 'neglect, treat without conscience' (lit. 'eat the pledge'), senik warp- 'receive as deposit'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 25 b5!, 51 a6, 98 b5, 100 b2, 199 al, 332 al, YQ 11.6 a5. D From Mir. *zenik (Khot. ysznzta, Sogd. zynyh, Kroraina Pkt.jheniya-); see Pinault (2002b:272-273), ADAMS:765765, Dragoni (2021 :209-210), with further literature. R Noun ofMir. origin, meaning as adj./adv. 'entrusted' and as subst. 'deposit', used in Tocharian as predicative adverb. It is used often in the phrase senik suwii- (98 b5), compound ► senik-so 'neglecting, not acting trustfully, unreliable', to which corresponds TB senik-sawa 'acting without conscience, unreliable' and Sogd. zynyh-xw '1y 'truce-breaker'. senik-so (adj.) 'neglecting, not acting trustfully, unreliable' [B senik-sawa] L POU'?'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. senik-so, senik-sw, Norn.Pl.Fem. senik-sont. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. (senik-so) 95 a6, 100 b2; (senik-sw) 5 I a6; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. YQ III.3 al.

    531 D

    s011ki* Compound from ► senik and an agent noun from ► smvii-.

    sepal (n., masc.sg.) 'ointment' L POU 'unguentum'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sepal, lnstr.Sg. sepalyo. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 177 a I; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 177 a3, 395 b4. D Based on the gerundive of the verb ► sipii-.

    sem (n., a.) 'protection' [B saim] (Skt. sarww-) L POU 'refugium, tutela', TEB II 'Sttitze, Schutz, Zuflucht', JWP 'protection'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sem, se1!1m, Perl.Sg. sema. S sem waste 'protection and security', sema mask-+ genitive 'be under the protection of someone', sem yam- 'ensure protection'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (sem) 55 b2, 121 al, 122 a4, 124 al, 146 a4, 168 a2, 220 b4, 292 b4, 302 a8, 303 a4, 311 b5, 337 b8, 355 a3, 359 a3, a8, al 6, a25?, 373 a5, a7, 382 a2, YQ Il.2 a7; (se1r11n) 373 a2; ♦ Perl.Sg. 81 b4, YQ Ill.I I b8. R In 220 b4, sema stands for sem ma : tkanak seam ma katanka(i : k,,ca111ne tam n5a caccrtku 'the earth indeed does not rise up as protection against those sins which has been commited by me' (see Thomas 1957:291). -semum

    ► kuc-semum

    semsu, semiifo (n., masc.) 'protector' L COU 'schutzbedtirftig', TEB 11 'sttitzend, Schlitzer', JWP 'protector'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. semsu, semasu, Loc.Sg. semaswa,.n. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (semsu) 69 a6, YQ 11.6 b4; (semasu) 221 a2!?, 231 a2; ♦Loc.Sg. 269 + 290 b>al !, YQ 11.14 b2. D Derived from ► sem. seya!ji* (adj.) 'of the son' L POU 'filii (gen.)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. seya.)·i, Obl.Sg.Masc. seya:i·i/!Z. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. 129 a6!; +Obl.Sg.Masc. 274 b5 seyasiqz a(kalyo) 'by the wish for a son'. D Derived from ► se. R As for the restoration of the phrase in 274 b5, compare the alternative expression by the compound ► se-iikiil.

    se-liintune (n., a.) 'status of crown prince, royal succession' L JWP 'status of crown prince, royal succession'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. se-liintune, Loc.Sg. selantuneymrz. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 251 b5, 252 b5, YQ 11.6 b5, YQ Ill.4 b3; Loc.Sg. 256 a3, YQ IIl.4 b2, b4. D Compound of ► se, ► liintune. Abstract based on the calque of Skt. yuva-rqja-. See the discussion under ► yugariijaabhi!jek. se-liintune!ji* (adj.) 'of royal succession' F Obl.Sg.Masc. se-liintune.yi. S se-/antune,~i abhisek 'consecration of being royal successor'. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 288 a3, 317 b4, YQ 11.l 3 b2. D Derived from ► se-liintune. Seve (PN, masc.) name of a worm F Nom.Sg. seve. T ♦Nom.Sg. 179.b a2. R Loan from Skt. seva-, m. 'serpent; fish; treasure, wealth' (MW: I 088c ). sewii!ji* (adj.) 'of sons' L POU 'filii (gen.), filiorum'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. sewa.1·it71. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 360 a4. D Derived from the pl. of ► se. sok (adv.) 'slowly' [B sauke] L POU'?', JWP '?'. T ♦462 bl, YQ III.I I b8. R The meaning 'slowly' fits the context of YQ Ill.I I b8 (description of the pace of an old man). For the meaning of the TB form, see Peyrot - Pinault- Wilkens (2019:74). See also Itkin Malyshev (2021 :72). Different interpretation by ADAMS:771. sokiit* (N, masc.sg.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 14 syllables 7/7) L TEB II 'Name eines Metrums'. F Loc.Sg. soktal!z. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 5 b6. D Possibly via MI from Skt. sotka- 'full of desire or longing' (MW: 1248c). This would fit the mood of this stanza. s01iki* (n., masc.) 'receiver of tolls' L POU'?'.


    sopi* F T D


    All.Sg. so;ikinac. ♦ All.Sg. 174 b4. Loan from Pkt. sw11kia- 'receiver of tolls, customs officer', cf. Pali swikika-, derivatives of swika-, sw11ka- 'toll, tax, purchase price of wife' (CDIAL:727a, No. 12543). Hapax word with broken context.

    sopi* (n., fem.) 'net; skin between fingers and toes' [B sopiye*] (Skt.jala-) L POU 'membrana natatoria', TEB II 'Netz', JWP 'net; skin between fingers and toes'. F Norn.PI. sopin, Obi.Pl. sopis, Instr.Pl. sopisyo, Loe.Pl. sopisa/!1. T ♦Norn.Pl. 216 a>b7!, 217 b3, YQ 11.4 b6, YQ II.10 b3; ♦Obi.Pl. I b4; ♦ Instr.Pl. 273 al, 315+316 a2, 447 a3; ♦ Loe.Pl. THT 1626.j al. R This feature belongs to one of the 32 marks (lak.ya,:za-) of the Great Man, see references in JWP:87 and Geng Klimkeit ( l 988a:3 l l, Nr. 31 ). Soma (PN, fem.) name of the later wife of the king Prasenajit L TEB II 'N. pr. der Malika, der spateren Gattin des Konigs Prasenajit'. F Nom.Sg. soma, Gen.Sg. somay. T ♦Nom.Sg. 430 a2; ♦Gen.Sg. 430 a I. D From Skt. Soma 'n. ofa Sakyan girl' (BHSD:606b). Some (PN, masc.) name ofa Yak$a [B Some] F Nom.Sg. some. T ♦Nom.Sg.318 + 319 b7, THT 1150 b2. D From Skt. Soma 'n. ofa Yak$a' (BHSD:606a), n. of various persons (MW:1249c). sol (n.) 'coldness'(?) L POU'?'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sol. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 322 b2. D From Skt. sofa- 'cold; coldness' (MW:125lb). sov'frakats* (adj.) 'provided with sour gruel' F Nom.Sg.Masc. sovfrakats. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. PK.NS.2 a2!. D Based on the loan via MI ofSkt. sauvfraka- 'sour gruel' (MW: 1255c).

    Samularanandacarita-nafak* (N, masc.) title of a literary work, Saundaracaritanafaka 'Drama on the deeds of Saundara' L POU 'nomen metri?'. F Loc.Sg. Saundaranandacaritanafka171. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 127 a2!, 171 a4! Sazmdarananda(caritanafka,71)///. D Loan from Skt. Saundarananda-carita, compound with second member carita'deeds, adventure' (MW:389c), which makes the title of several works, including the poem Buddhacarita by Asvagho$a. R The fragment 171 belongs to a manuscript of the Tocharian A dramatic adaptation of the Saundarananda, the poem (kavya) of Asvagho$a in 18 chapters (see Johnston 1928 and 1932). The mention follows a double daQb5, 227/8 b2, YQ 11.4 b4; ♦ Prt.Act. lSg. 230 a4, a7!; ♦3Sg. 222 b2, 239 b2. D Cf. ► skiiylune*. skiiylune* (n., a.) 'striving, effort' F Loc.Sg. skiiyluneyaf!1, Instr.Sg. skiiyluneyo. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 433 a2!; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 64 b5, 307 b4 kiiswac skiiyluneyo 'by striving for the good'. D Abstract derived from the subjunctive stem of ► skiiyii-. skiiwa- (vb.) 'lick' [B skiiwii-] F Subj.V Opt.Act. 3Sg. skiiwi~. T ♦ Opt.Act. 3Sg. 76 + 83 a2. D Revised restoration of the context, and new interpretation according to Itkin Malyshev (2021 :62-63). The meaning of the TB match ought to be revised as well, see ADAMS:773 and TVS:957. ske (n., a.) 'effort' [B skeye] L POU 'contentio, labor, studium', TEB II 'Bemlihnung, Triebkraft', JWP 'effort'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. ske, Norn.Pl. skeyan, Loc.Sg. skeya111, Obi.Pl. skeyas, instr.Pl. skeyasyo, Perl.Pl. skeysii.


    ske yam- 'make effort, strive', ske spaltiik

    'effort [and] zeal'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 13 b4, 16 a2, 17 a3, a4, 67 al, 109a6, 120a6, 152b2, 177b4,222 a6, 226 bl!, b3, 239 a3, 312 a5, 445 al, YQ 1.7 a6, YQ III.2 bl, PK.NS.I b4; ♦ Loc.Sg. 344 a4 siim puttisparnac skeya111 yrna111 'this one, going in the effort for Buddhahood'; ♦Norn.Pl. 357 a3€, 362 a2!; ♦ Obi.Pl. 255 b7, 335 b7, 366 al; ♦ Instr.Pl. 43 + 52 a4, 111 a4, 222 a5, YQ III. I a6; ♦ Perl.Pl. 65 a3, a4, a5, 152 al, THT 1402.k(+408) a2, THT 1429.b + 2384.a b2. D Probably loan from TB. R In the plural, there is some hesitation between masculine agreement (see 255 b7, 355 b7) and feminine agreement, actually in the formula siiwa1J1 skeyasyo 'with great efforts' (43 + 52 a4, YQ 1II. l a6). The noun was probably originally masculine, according to the inflection and the correspondence with TB skeye, masculine, but in TA it was attracted by the alternating gender of the numerous action nouns and abstracts in -e, pl. -entu, -eyiintu. As its TB match, the plural skeyan has been used (bilingual 362 a2) to translate sa111skiira- 'mental constructions', one of the causes in the chain of the PratTtyasamutpada, understood as 'efforts', see Pinault (1995:29). In 357 a3, the manuscript has sneyaii ( confirmed by the photograph, THT 991 ), which is certainly due to a scribal mistake. This has been corrected by Siegling on his personal copy (TS: 198). ske-


    ► skaya-

    ► skilyii-

    Stanakese* (PN, masc.) name of a worm L POU 'fragmentum substantivi, nominis proprii vermis'. F Nom.Sg. stanakese. T ♦Nom.Sg. 179 b2. D From a Skt. compound with stana' breast' and kesa- 'hair', cf. stanakesava(f- 'having breasts and long hair' (MW:1257b); this compound can means alternatively 'having hair on the breast'.

    stilp* (n., masc.) 'praise' L POU 'laus'. F Instr.Pl. stiipiisyo. T +Instr.Pl. 251 b3-4!, 252 b3-4! puk stiipiisyo 'with all praises', 279 b2, THT 1351 a4. D Loan via Ml from Skt. stava- 'praise' (MW: 1259a). R In 251 b3-4 (= 252 b3-4), the beginning of the phrase (puk) is given by the fragment THT 1493 a3. This falsifies the restoration of paloniisyo 'with praises' as per Schmidt (2002b:260 n. 28). striiyastrbis (adj.uni.) 'numbering 33 (gods)' L POU 'mundus 33 deorum'. T ♦434 a3!, 440 a5!. D Loan with hyper-Sanskritism from Skt. triiyastri1J1sa- 'numbering 33 (of gods)', 'n. of a class of Buddhist gods' (BHSD:257b). Learned variant of the form ► tilpatris, same meaning, which is closer to Ml forms (Pali tiivati111sa-). R Both occurrences are fragmentary and lack context. The doublettiipatrisprecedes mostly a phrase meaning 'divine world'. See SSS:59. sthil1tz* (n., masc.sg.) 'place' L POU'locus'. F Abl.Sg. sthiinii.y. T ♦Abl.Sg. 18 b3. D From Skt. sthiina- 'locality, spot, dwelling' (MW: 1263a). R Technical term, Skt. sthiina- 'place, condition' (in the career of Buddha), see BHSD:6 l 9a, and PED:289 (Pa. flzana-); further literature in Sieg (1944:22). Sthirake (PN, masc.) name of a worm L POU 'nomen proprium vermis'. F Nom.Sg. sthirake. T ♦Nom.Sg. 179 a5. D From Skt. sthiraka-*, based on Skt. sthira- 'firm, hard, solid' (MW: 1264c). snilki

    ► sasak

    snill* (n., masc.sg.) 'plan, purpose' L POU'?'. F Perl.Sg. sniilii. T ♦ Perl.Sg. 317 b5 sits :;om nu iiiic to (written dho) pe sniilii 'this one, having set down but a single foot, on purpose'.

    535 D R

    sne Substantivized Gdv. based on the subjunctive stem of ► siinii-. The way of sitting on a throne described in this passage corresponds obviously to the 'semi-cross-legged position' (ardhapmyalikasana-): both inferior limbs are bent, the left leg and the left foot are close to the lap, while the right leg is somewhat detached and hangs down, the foot resting not on the seat, but being put on a stool (pT/ha-), cf. Schumann ( 1997:35) and Liebert (! 976:21-22).

    smm1 (n., a.) 'perfume'


    COU 'Parfiim', TEB II 'Wohlgeruch, Parfiim', JWP 'perfume'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. snum, s,i1mm, Instr.Pl. snwnantuyo. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (snum) 21 b5, YQ Ill.l I b3, b6, THT 1441.b a4, THT 1488 al, b4, PK.NS.3 b3; (s 11 num) YQ Ill. I b5; ♦ Instr.Pl. THT I 626.l a I. D Cf. ► Slllll1l!ji*. R In PK.NS.3 b3, the scribe, instead of using the Fremdzeichen for the final -m, used the plain character ma with viriima. (adj.) 'of perfume, fragrant' POU 'odoratus'. Obl.Sg.Masc. sn111n!ji111, sn111n.5ina11. ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. (snum:fif!1) 287 + 259 a>b4, THT 1514 a3; (snum.yinan) 63 a34 prasar wrantu snum.yina(n curm) 'they sprayed waters [and] perfumed powder'. Derived from ► snum. In 63 a3-4, the reading is sure, as controlled on the photograph (THT 696). However, the restoration of the Obi.Pl., as assumed by Siegling on his personal copy of TS, does not seem compatible with the metre. The sequence prasar wrantu snum!}ina(n curm) makes the eight syllable (4 + 4) segment ofa pada of25 syllables. This pada probably ends with the expected segment of seven (4 + 3) syllables: (katkmii111 niif!1)tsu!} puk wrasmi.


    L F T

    D R

    sne (prep.obi.) 'without' [B snai] L POU 'sine', TEB II 'ohne', JWP 'without'. F sne, sny, sii=, sn= (sandhi forms before vowel).


    sne iik, :me e111ts (els), Sile ek, sne 011mif!1, sne kas, Sile kiirw11, sne kcilye, slle kip, sne klop, sne twik, sne lliikam, sne nmiilune, sne ptsak, Sile praski, sne mmik, sne mem, sne yarm, sne rse, sne lyipar, sne warce, sne wraske, sne sailce, sne ske. T ♦ (sne) 4 al, 9 b4, 12 b3, 13 b4, 14 a3 (bis), 15 a5, 17 a3, a4, 19 b2, 34 bl, 35 bl, 40 a5, 43 + 52 bl (bis), 48 a2!, 49 a2, 51 al, a6, 55 b2, 56 b2, b5 (bis), 57 b2 (bis), b6, 61 b2, 62 a2, bl, b5, 63 b6, 64 b2, 65 a4, b3, 66 al!, 69 a2, b6 (bis), 70 a4, 71 b4, b6, 74 a3, 75 al, 77 b4, 78 b5, 79 bl, 82 a3, 84 a3, 92 bl, 93 b3, 94 al, a3, a6 (bis), 97 a5, JOO b2, b3, b5, 101 a6, 107 b4, 109 a2, I 15 a5, b3, 116 a2, 117 a5, b2, 124 a2, 128 a3, 137 b2, 148 b4, b5, 149 b4, 154 b3, 168 a2, 173 a3, 176 a3, 178 bl, 183 b3, 213 al, bl, 215 bl, 217 a2, a8, b6, 218 a4, b4, b6, 221 a2, a3, 222 a5!, 224 b7, 226 b5, 229 a3 (bis), 234 a2, 235 a3, 239 a3, 242 a5, 243 al, a2, a3, b4, 245 b2, 247 a3, bl, 250 al, 254 a6, a8!, 256 a5, b2, 257 a3, 262 b7 (bis), 264 b7, 266 + 276 b>a2, 270 bl, b2, b5, 277 bl, 278 b3, 283 b4, 286 a2, 287 + 259 b>a2!,291 al,a3,a4,303a2,311 al,312 a5, a7, 314 a6, bl, b8, 320 b7 (bis), 322 bl, 326 a3, 327 b8, 337 a4, b8, 340 a9, 349 a4, 354 b2, 358 a2, 359 a9, al 5,360 a5, 377 a4, 394 b2, 405 al, b3 (bis), b5, 408.a al, 412 al, 431 al, 445 al, 445.e a6, 451 b4, 454 a4, YQ I.3 a6 (bis), a8, YQ 1.4 a8, YQ 1.5 b7, YQ I.6 a2!, b8!, YQ 1.8 b8, YQ Il.2 a5, YQ II.4 b7!, YQ 11.5 a6, YQ II.7 a3, b6, YQ II.9 a6, b3!, b3, YQ II.IO a3, a7, YQ Il.13 b6, YQ III.3 a7, YQ 111.8 a5, YQ Ill.9 b2 (bis), b4, b5, b6, b8 (ter), YQ III.10 al, a6, YQ N.5 a8 (bis), b4, b5!, PK.NS.I al, b2, PK.NS.6 a4, THT 1139 b2, THT 1146 b3, THT I 152 al; (sny) 17 b3 :my iiiiu, 218 a6 sny iik, 223 b7 sny oko; (sii=) 405 al sii=iiiiu; (sn=) THT 1626.b b2 sn=iik. D As first compound member, Sile corresponds to the privative prefixes Skt. a- (an-), ni.5- (SSS:237-239, 282). However, several Skt. privative compounds are currently transposed as phrases, for example sne ak: an-anta' endless', sne ek: nir-bhoga- 'unfed', sne nmiilune, lit. 'without bowing': a-nata-


    sne-arampatum 'not bent, not bowed down', sne oko: a-phala- 'unfruitful, fruitless', sne yiisluriie 'without enmity': a-vaira-, avairika- 'id.', sne miirklzme: a-ha1ya'unalterable', sne mem, sne yiirm: aparimii1Ja- 'without measure, immeasurable, immense', a-mita-, ameya- 'id.', etc. The limits between compound and phrase are admittedly fluctuating in some instances, and several phrases have been used as basis of compounds, which are deprived of any suffix, even with the value of exocentric compounds (bahuvrThi), by contrast with the ones which receive in addition the possessive suffix -um. sne-ariimpiitum (adj.) 'without form, immaterial' (Skt. ariipin-) L Couvreur (1959) 'sans forme, immateriel'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. sne-ariimpatum. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 387 a3€ akasam arupi · akas sne-ariimpatum sne-wriital Ill. D Compound with ► s11e and ► ariimpiit, plus possessive suffix. R Written without final virama, see TS:215, n. l. s11e-ar!jas11m* (adj.) 'without preparation, without beginning' (Skt. nir-arambha-) L POU 'sine praeparatione, sine initio'. F Norn.Pl.Fem. sne-ar:jasuminan. T ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 359 a24. D Compound with ► sne and the basis *ar.yas of the verb ► ar.Ja!j-ili1i-, plus suffix -um. R Translation ofSkt. nir-iirambha- 'free from undertakings' (BHSD:299b), cf. Pa. niriiramhha- 'without objects (for the purpose of sacrificing)' (PED:370a). See also ► tsopats-ar!jasm11. sne-iikum (adj.) 'endless' (Skt. ananta-) L POU 'sine fine, infinitus'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. sne-akum. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 462 a3. D Compound with ► sne and ► iik, plus possessive suffix -um. Compare the phrase sne iik in 278 b3, 291 a3, 314 b8. R See SSS:233 (§366). s11e-ii1icii111* (adj.uni.) 'without self, without ego' (Uigh. miiniijligsiz) F sn=iinciim (metri causa).

    T D

    ♦ YQ II.I l b8, THT 1646.fa2. Compound of ► sne and ► ii1icii111. Calque of Skt. an-atman- 'destitute of spirit or mind' (MW:23c), 'nicht aus Atman (Selbst, !ch) bestehend' (SWTF I:51 a), cf. Pa. anattii 'not a soul, without a soul', as predicative adj. (PED:22b).

    s11e-iilak-wkii1t1 (adv.) 'not in another way, truly' (Skt. niinyatha) L POU 'non alio modo'. F sne-iilak-wka1.11, s11=-iilak-wka111, snyiilak-wkiif/1. T ♦ (sne-alak-wka111) 54 b4, 338 a9! we11lune sne-iilak-(wkii)111, THT 1141 a6, THT 1378.d b4!; (sn=-iilak-wkii1.11) 213 b5 watkii.y wiitkiilts sn=-iilak-wka111 '[if] he will decide firmly and without (leaving) an alternative', YQ II.5 b2, THT I 141 a6, THT 1378.d b4; (sny-iilak-wkiil/1) 429 b5. D Compound with ► sne, ► iilak-wkii111. sne-kiis (adj.uni.) 'branless' F sne-kiis. T ♦63 b4 sne-kiis klu 'rice without bran'. D Compound of ► sne and ► kiis. Calque of Skt. a-ka1Ja- 'free from the red coating under the husk (of rice)' (BHSD: Ia), cf. Pa. akwza- 'without bran', privative of kwza- bran (the powder between the husk and grain of rice)' (DP I:6l6b). sne-kniimmme* (n., a.) 'ignorance, lack of knowledge' (Skt. avidyii-) L POU 'ignorantia, inscientia'. F Perl.Sg. sne-kniinmuneyii, snekniinmunya. T ♦ Perl.Sg. (sne-kniinmuneya) I I a4; (snekniinmunyii) 13 a3. D Compound with ► sne and ► kniinmune. R This concept is expressed also by ► iikntsune, TB akniitsaiiiie, abstracts respectively from A ► iiknats and B aknatsa 'ignorant' (SSS:240 n. 2, §371). sne-klesum* (adj.) 'without pain' L POU 'sine dolore'. F Norn.Pl.Masc. sne-klesumii.yJ·. T ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 325 b7. D Compound with ► sne and ► kles, plus possessive suffix -um.

    537 sne-iiiiseyum*

    sne-para111 ► s11e-1iiitseyum*

    sne-iiiitse (adj.) 'free from danger, safe' L POU 'periculum nullum'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. sne-11iitse. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 277 a2 ! YQ N.5 b4!, 41 I a2. D Compound of ► sne and ► i"1iitse, compare ► sne-iiiitseyum. sne-iiiitseyum* (adj.) 'free from danger, safe' L POU 'sine periculo'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. sne-niitseyum, Obl.Sg.Fem. sne-iliiseyuminiiqz. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 460 b3!; ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 363 a5 sne-niiseyuminiil!Z ksa/uneyac (ytii1~ 'the safe path (going) to the extinction' (Skt. nirviiJJa-). D Compound of ► sne and ► 1iiitse, plus possessive suffix -um. This corresponds to Pa. an-upaddava- Skt. anupadrava- 'free from danger, without distress' (PED:38a). R In the bilingual manuscript 460 b3, this adjective transposes the adverb Skt. svastinii 'happily, successfully' (BHSD:616b), cf. Pa. sotthinii 'safely, in safety' (PED:725b). The manuscript (see the photograph THT I 094) does not allow the reading sne-iiiitseyo (nor sneniitseyii), pace Bernhard (1958:39), whereas the restoration sne-niitsey(um) is perfectly possible. Alternatively one may restore sne-Fziitsey(wnantyo), lnstr.Sg.Masc., which would be the calque ofSkt. svastinii, as per VTW. s11e-tiikwii!jl1111eyum (adj.) 'without being urged' L POU 'sine .. .'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. sne-tak:wii0luneyum. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 69 a4, bl. D Compound with ► sne, ► tiikwii!jl1111e and possessive suffix -um. s11e-tii1ikl1111e (adj.uni.) 'limitless, without limit, without restriction' L VTW (taizklune) 'Hinderung, Behinderung'. F sne-ta1iklune. T ♦68 a5!, 213 b3!, YQ II.5 a8!, b4!. D Compound of ► sne and the abstract from ► tii1ik-.

    s11e-tiilikl1111ey11m* (adj.) 'without obstacle' (Skt. avyiihata-) F Nom.Sg.Fem. sne-taizkluneyumi!Jz. T ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 461 + 465 a4!. D Based on ► s11e-tii1iklune. R Restored by Couvreur ( 1967: 16 I). sne-tiirkrum* (adj.) 'without clouds' L POU 'sine nubibus'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. sne-tarkrumiJnt. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 208 a6. D Compound of ► sne and ► tiirkiir, plus possessive suffix. s11e-trii1iklune!ji (adj.) 'pertaining to nonattachment, non-clinging' F Nom.Sg.Masc. sne-triJ1iklune.yi. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 460 b I. D Based on the compound of ► sne and the abstract from the verb ► trii1ik- (2). Skt. avyiiswigas(ukham) 'the happiness of non-attachment, non-clinging' (to the desires) is translated by sne-traizklune,yi (suk). Compare the phrase :me traliklune 'without attachment' (247 al, YQ I.4 a8); see the transposition of VA V 2.37 (Schmidt 2021 :134) in 247 al. R Passage restored and interpreted by Couvreur (I 967: 156, 157), see also SWTF I: 178a. sne-dhiirm* (n., masc.sg.) 'unrighteousness' F Loc.Sg. sne-dhiirmm11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 437 b5. D Calque ofSkt. a-dharma'unrighteousness, wickedness, guilt' (MW:20a), Pali adhamma'unrighteousness, sin' (PED:337a). Compare TB snai-pele 'lawless'. R See also ► sne-pal. s11e-11ati* (adj.) 'strengthless, without harshness' L POU 'invalidus, sine vi', COU 'kraftlos'. F Obl.Sg.Fem. sne-natyii111. T ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. 399 b5 /alw11.ykii111 snenatyii1.n wakyo 'with soft, powerless voice'. D Compound with ► sne and ► nati. s11e-parii111 (adj.) 'unfortunate, without charism, luckless' (Uigh. kutsuz) F Nom.Sg.Masc. sne-para111, sne-parnak (< *-paran-ak), Gen.Sg.Masc. sneparniip.

    sne-parnune (sne-pariitJz) YQ IJI.12 b8; (sne-parn-iik) YQ 1.5 a8; ♦ Gen.Sg. YQ IIl.12 a4. D Compound of ► sne and ►pariilfl.



    sne-parmme (n., a.) 'misfortune' F Nom./Obl.Sg. sne-parnzme. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. YQ 11.6 a5. D Abstract based on ► s11e-parii1J1. sne-parnore (n., a.) 'dullness' (lit. 'absence of brightness') L POU 'sine splendore'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sne-parnore. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 256 b2 nka.5 sne-parnore yta.ytiir wamtrii ,~iii (iiiiciim) 'it [the Buddha's body] destroys dullness, adorns [and] embellishes the own (self)'. D Based on a compound of ► sne and ►parnore. R Translation after Geng - Laut Pinault (2004b:53, 56). Sile-pal (n.) 'unrighteousness, injustice' [B snaipele] L POU 'sine lege'. F Nom.Sg. sne-pal, Perl.Sg. sne-plii. T ♦Nom.Sg. IO I a5 kus tana111 sne-pal na,~ 'which is the injustice in that case?', THT 1584.d a I?; ♦ Perl.Sg. 72 a2 sne-plii wlamtrii was tiilo!i seka.~-iim swiil 'ifwe miserable ones, we die because of injustice, then you will have meat in excess', 197 b2?, 226 a5. D Compound of ► Sile, ► pal. Calque of Skt. adharma- (n.masc.) 'unrighteousness, injustice, demerit, guilt' (MW:20a). R The form plii has been interpreted by Peyrot as related to the verb B piilwii' lament' (Peyrot 2012:90-92); with a meaning of sne-plii as 'withouth exception', based on the passage 72 a2 (Peyrot 2013b: 167, and note 21, Peyrot 2013a:638). Alternative reading of 197 b2 may be sne pliikiim 'without permission', ► pliikiim. See also ► sne-dhiirm*. sne-pal!ji* (adj.) 'pertaining to wickedness' F Obl.Sg.Masc. sne-pal.5Tna11z. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 222 a3 sne-pal.y"iniitp rTteyo ruto.5 wrasa(fi) 'the beings deluded because of the desire based on wickedness'. D Derived from ► sne-pal.

    538 sne-piiltik (adj.) 'without justice, depraved' L COU 'ungerecht, mitleidlos'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. sne-piiltik, Nom.Pl.Masc. sne-piiltikiiil. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 334 b6; ♦Nom.PI.Masc. 64 b2, 222 a2. D Compound containing ► sne as first member, in some way related to the compound ► .me-pal. The vocalism 0 pii/- presupposes the derivation of an abstract derivative. R This meaning would apply in 222 a2 to a series of people who are living in a world age where the right law is vanishing. sne-putkiilune (adj.uni.) 'without explanation' T ♦454 a4. D Compound of ► sne and ► putkiilune. In this bilingual manuscript, it transposes the compound Skt. a-vipa111cita- 'not explicitly declared or made known', see vipaiicita-jiia- 'understanding by a full, detailed explanation' (BHSD:491 a). Compare the phrase sne putkiilune in YQ 111.8 b5, YQ III. IO a6. sne-pra.yt (adv.) 'at the wrong time, unseasonably, untimely' T ♦ 11 b2, 103 b2, b6, 169 a4, 299 b7, THT 2475 a2. D Compound of ► sne and ► pra!jt 'time, moment'. Calque of the Skt. adverb akiile, or akiilatas 'unseasonably', based on a-kiila- masc. 'a wrong or bad time' (MW:2a). sne-psiil (adj.uni.) 'chaffless' T ♦2 a3, a5, 63 b4. D Compound of ► sne and ► psiil. Calque ofSkt. atu.ya- 'without husks' (MW:16b), cf'. Pa. athusa- 'without chaff, husk of grain or rice' (PED:309b; DP Il:355a). slle-ptscik-afoum* (adj.) 'having eyes without winking' F Norn.Pl.Masc sne-ptscik-asnumii.5. T ♦Nom.PI.Masc. 315 + 316 b3!. D Compound of ► sne, ► ptsiik, the dual asa111 of ► ak, plus the possessive suffix -um. Compare the phrase Sile ptscik (217 a8, 314 a6, 358 a2) and especially sne ptscik a.'liinyo (283 b4 ); see also TB snai ptsak pilkosa (THT 2247a7). R Restored by Sieg ( 1952:29): 'mit Au gen (ohne Wimperzucken)'.

    539 sne-miilklune* (n., a.) 'no milking' F lnstr.Sg. sne-malkluneyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 63 b5 sne-miilkluneyo malkant kowi 'without milking the cows gave milk'. D Compound of ► sne and the abstract from ► miilka-. R On the use of this type of negative abstract, see Pinault (I 997e:452-453). sne-miirklune (adj.) 'not beschmirched' (Skt. aha1ya-) F Nom.Sg.Masc. sne-miirklune. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 359 al 5. D Negative compound, with the abstract of ► miirk- as second member. R In a bilingual manuscript, this compound translates Skt. aha1yab 'not to be taken away'. On the semantic evolution, see TVS:756. sne-miy,1!j[une (n., a.) 'non-damaging, absence of cruelty, humanity, friendliness' (Skt. avihi1risa-) L POU 'non occisio'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sne-miya0lune. T ♦Nom.Sg. 386 b2. D Calque ofSkt. avihilrzsa- 'not injuring anybody' (MW:! !Oc), 'das NichtVerletzen, Nicht-Schadigen; freundliche Einstellung' (SWTF I: I 75b-l 76a). R See Schmidt (1974:222) and Catt Huard - Inaba (2022). s11e-m1ie (adj.uni.) 'contrary to the expectations, untimely' P Nom./Obl.Sg. sne-mne. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 124 a2 sne mem swantan snemne pra.yta sol cem niiksenc 'Those who eat without measure [or] at an inopportune time destroy their Ii fe'. D Compound of ► sne and ► 1111ie. R SSS:238 and Pinault ( 1994a:378). sne-yiimlune-oko* (adj.) 'unsuccessful, without effective result' L POU 'non facere'. F sne-yam 11 ne-oko. T ♦43+52b6!. D Literally 'whose result is ineffectiveness', compound of ► oko 'fruit, result' and sne-yamlune 'not doing, not making', with the abstract of ►yiim-. R The spelling yiimune is for yamlune, allegro form of yam lune. Reading and

    sne-lotkluneyum* interpretation by Pinault (2015f: 147-148, 152, 156). sne-ykonie l) (n.), 2) (adj.) I) (n.) 'carefulness, vigilance', lit. 'uncarelessness', 2) (adj.) 'careful, vigilant', lit. 'without negligence' [B snai-ykorne] (1) Skt. apramada-, 2) apramatta-) L POU 'sine neglegentia, non neglegentia'. F l) Nom./Obl.Sg. sne-ykorne, 2) Nom.Sg.Masc. sne-ykoriie. T ♦ l) Nom.Sg. 385 b2; ♦2) Nom.Masc.Sg. 258 a5!, 354 b6!. D Compound with ► sne and ► ykorfze. s11e-y11ii1im1111e* (n., a.) 'disdain, disrespect' F lnstr.Sg. sne-ynaFzmuneyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. YQ 111.12 b6. D Compound with ► s11e and ► y11ii1im1111e. R On the use of this type of negative abstract, see Pinault (1997e:452-453). sne-lotklune (adj.uni.) 'without return, not liable to turning back' (Skt. anivartin-, Uigh. agmcszz) L POU 'sine reditu'. F sne-lotklune, sne-lotk11lune. T ♦ (sne-lotklune) 227/8 a7, 289 al!, 399.20 + THT 2383.1 b2!, YQ ll.!2 a3 (prattikaputtis)parnac sne lotklune tampewatsii}!z piiltsiik arsant 'they raised their powerful thought, not liable to turning back, toward the Pratyekabuddha rank'; (sne-lotk,June) 361 al0! (a)nivarti vrajati I tma1ri sne lotkul(une) 'it goes without turning back'. D Compound with ► sne and the abstract of ► lotka-. Calque ofSkt. anivartika-, anivartiya-, or avaivartika- 'not liable to turning back' (BHSD:25a, 79a), see also anivartin- 'nicht zurlickkehrend' (SWTF l:57a), Pa. anivattin-, anivattika- 'not turning back, not to be turned back' (DP I: l04b). s11e-lotkh111ey11111* (adj.) 'without turning back, deprived from return' F Obl.Sg.Masc. sne-lotkluneyumi:int. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 18 b5 sne-lotklzmeyumiint puttispar.yittl siitkalyi 'the seed of the Buddhahood deprived from turning back'. D Compound of ► sne and ► lotklune, plus suffix -um. Compare ► sne-lotkltme. R In this passage, the adjective snelotkluneywn modifies siiktalyi 'seed',


    sne-lyutar even though the whole sequence, which involves a metaphor, is based on the phrase sne-lotklune putti!;parii111, occurring in 289 al, YQ II.12 a3, and probably in 227/8 a7. sne-lyutiir (adj.uni.) 'unsurpassed, unequalled, excellent' [Ct: B snai-olyapo] (Skt. anuttara-) L POU 'excellens'. T ♦ 17 a5, 20 b5, 39 b4, l 17 b4, 214 a3, b3, 247 al, 248 b2, 251 b4!, 252 b4, 253 a2, 257 a3 !, 261 b>a3, 266 + 276 b>a l, 380 bl, 437 b3!, YQ 1.9 bl, YQ 11.l a7!, b6!, YQ 11.6 b5, YQ 11.9 b8, YQ II.12 a7. D Compound with ► sne and ► lyutiir. Calque ofSkt. an-uttara- 'unsurpassed, best, excellent' (MW:33a). sne-wa!jt (n., masc.) 'homelessness'(= 'religious life, monkhood') L COU 'in die Hauslosigkeit'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. sne-wa.yt, All.Sg. snewa.}·tac. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 31 a6 (wa,~tii).'f picas sne-wa,~t purac 'you (plural), go away from home, practice the homelessness!'; ♦All.Sg. 266 + 276 a>b6 (lii)ntsam sne-wa.ytac 'I will go out (from home) towards homelessness'. D Compound with ► sne and ► wa!jt. Calque of Skt. anagarika- fem., anagarant. 'homeless life' (MW: 19a), Pa. anagariya- 'homeless state' (PED:3b). sne-wa!jtune* (n., a.) 'homeless state' F Loc.Sg. sne-wa.ytuneym11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 332 a9!. D Compound of ► sne and ► wa!jt, plus abstract suffix, compare ► sne-wa!jt, same meaning. R Restored by Bernhard ( 1958:38, 230). sne-waste (adj.) 'destitute of refuge, unprotected' L POU 'sine praesidio, indefensus'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. sne-waste, Norn.Pl.Masc. sne-wasten, Obi.Pl.Masc. sne-wastes, Gen.Pl.Masc. sne-wastessi. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 41 b3; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 293 al!; ♦Obi.Pl.Masc. 279 a7 (= THT 1322.e b I!); ♦ Gen.Pl.Masc. YQ I.6 a4. D Compound with ► sne and ► waste. Calque ofSkt. a-.fora,:za- 'destitute of refuge, defenceless' (MW: I 13a). Compare the phrase sne waste in 154 b3,


    further sne sem waste 55 b2, 168 a2, 33 7 b8, matching TB snai waste. The restoration sne-wasten in 293 al is supported by the remnants of the end of this word which are still visible on the photograph (THT 926).

    sne-wiiwle!ju (adj.) 'uncultivated' L COU 'unbearbeitet, selbstwachsend'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. sne-waw!e.yu. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 2 a3, a5. D Compound of ► sne and the preterit participle of ► wles-. sne-wiisklune-afoum* (adj.) 'with non-moving eyes' L POU 'cum oculis non moventibus'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. sne-wask!une-asnumiint. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 55 a2. D Compound of ► sne, the abstract of ► wiiska-, and the dual asa111 of ► ak, plus possessive suffix. sne-wras* (adj.) 'breathless' L POU 'exanimatus'. F Obl.Sg.Fem. sne-wrasaJ!I. T ♦Obl.Sg.Fem. I 07 a6 sne-wrasii111 wase(nyo) 'with breathless voice'. D Compound of ► sne and ► wras* 'breath', basis of ► wrasom 'living being' (Skt. prii,:zin-), and related to the verb *wars- 'breathe'. R Restored in SSS:5 (§5), 68 (§ I 06, note I), 237. sne-wriital (adj.) 'formless, without shape' (Skt. ariipin-) L COU 'form-, gestaltlos', Couvreur (1959) 'sans forme, immatericl'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. sne-wriital. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 387 a3. D Compound of ► sne and the abstract from ► wriita-. sne-wle!jlmze* (n., a.) 'no working' F Instr.Sg. sne-,vle!)luneyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 63 b4 sne-wlesluneyo 'without working' (lit. 'with no working'). D Compound with ► sne and the abstract from ► wles-. R On the use of this type of negative abstract, see Pinault (l 997e:452-453).

    541 sne-siifzi* (n., fem.) 'shamelessness, lack of

    shame' (Skt. ahrl-) L POU 'impudentia'. F Com.Sg. sne-sa,iiyassal. T ♦Com.Sg. 386 b3. D Compound of ► sne and ► sii1ii. Calque ofSkt. a-hri- 'shamelessness' (MW:126a). R On this passage, see Catt Huard Inaba (2022). sne-tspok* (adj.) 'tasteless'

    F T

    Obi.Pl.Fem. sne-tspokas. ♦ YQ 11.3 b I tamyo ptarkas tirthenas plasluneytu sne-tspokas 'Therefore, you, give up the self-torments of heretics, the tasteless ones'. D Compound with ► sne and ► tspok. R See JWP:78, 79.

    snotka- (vb.) 'suffuse, permeate, overwhelm'


    COU 'erschopft', TEB II 'miide, schlaff werden', TVS 'suffuse, permeate, imbue'. P PPrt. sasnotku. F PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. sasnotku, sasnotkw. T ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. (sasnotku) 108 a4, 313 a6; (sasnotkw) 275 b4. R Discussion of the meaning in TVS:963 and Peyrot (2013a:837), who both accept the relationship with TB snatk- 'be pervaded/pervade' (Peyrot), 'suffuse, permeate' (TVS). Two different roots according to TEB II: 156, 258, while connecting A snotka- with B staukk-: this is not likely, because the latter has the meaning 'swell' (TVS:962 and Peyrot 2013a:836). spaktii111 (n., a.) 'service' [B spaklaf!1]


    POU 'servitium, ministerium', TEB II 'Dienst', JWP 'service'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. spakta111, lnstr.Sg. spaktanyo, All.Sg. spaktanac, Nom./Obl.Pl. spaktanantu. S spakta1J1yam- 'do service'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 8 b6, 16 a5, 20 a3, 217 a7, 286 b6, 296 a3!, 321 b3, 347 bl, 439 bl; ♦lnstr.Sg. 24 b5, 279 a6; ♦All.Sg. YQ 11.8 a7; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 260 b5. D Loan from Bactr. *cr11:axmvo 'service', presupposed by the adj. cmaxvno 'subject to service', see Schwartz ( 1974: 411 ), Sims-Williams (2000:224b), Tremblay (2005:436) and ADAMS:782.

    spartu spaktii11111ikiiiic* (n., fem.) 'female servant'

    F Abl.Pl. spakta,.nnikancsa.y. T ♦Abl.Pl. YQ Ill.4 a7-8. R Derived from ► spaktiinik with feminine suffix -a1ic, created in order to disambiguate spaktanik. spaktiinik (n.), I) masc., 2) fem. I) 'male

    servant', 2) 'female servant' [B spaktanlke] L POU 'servus, famulus, serva, famula', TEB 11 'Dienst tu end, Diener', JWP 'servant'. F I) Nom.Sg. spaktanik, 2) Nom.Sg. spaktanik, Obl.Sg. spaktanika111, Norn.Pl. spaktanikaii. T ♦ I) Nom.Sg.Masc. 25 a2; ♦2) Nom.Sg. 6 a3; ♦Obl.Sg. YQ Ill.12 b5; ♦Norn.Pl. 21 a3, 299 a4. D Loan from Old Bactr. *mmxmviyo, derived from *cmaxmvo 'service' (borrowed as ► spaktii111 ), and prototype of the adjective cmaxvuo 'subject to service' in later Bactrian, see SimsWilliams (2000:224b) and ADAMS:782. R See also ► spaktii11mikii1ic*. spaktii11ike1f1 (adj.) 'of a servant'

    F Nom.Sg.Masc. spaktanike111. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. THT 1624 b2. D Derived from ► spaktiinik. spac (adv.) 'close, near' [Cf. B spe, ysape]

    L POU'?'. S spac nas- 'come close'. T ♦383 b2, 200 a6. D Derivative with adverbial allative suffix -ac, from the basis of TB spe. spatiil

    ► spantiil

    spantiil (n., a.) 'trust'

    L F S T D R

    POU'?'. Nom./Obl.Sg. spatal. spantal yam- 'trust' (B spantai yam-). ♦ Obl.Sg. 355 b3. VN derived from ► spiintii-. The form spatal of355 b3 is likely a misspelling for spantal.

    spartu (n., masc.sg.) 'lock of hair'

    L F T D

    POU 'cirrus, cincinnus'. Nom.Sg. spartu. ♦Nom.Sg.213 a3. Probably related to the verb

    ► spiirtw-.

    sparp sparp (n., masc.sg.) 'cord, rope' L POU 'restis, funis', TEB JI 'Strick'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. spa,p, sva,p, Instr.Sg. spa,pyo. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (spa,p) 8 a6, 9 b2; (svmp) 9 b2; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 8 a3-4. spaltiik (n., masc.sg.) 'zeal, effort' [B speltke, spe!kke] L POU 'labor, intentio', TEB II 'Eifer, Anstrengung'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. spaltiik, lnstr.Sg. spaltiikyo, Loc.Sg. spaltka,11. S ske spaltiik 'effort [and] zeal'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 109 a6, 120 a6, 207 a3, 226 bl!, b3, 347 bl, THT 1380.m b2; ♦ lnstr.Sg. I 77 b4, 222 a6, 239 a5; ♦ Loc.Sg. 338 b8. D Cognate with verb ► spiiltka-. Iranian origin suggested by Peyrot (2015b). Differently, Pinault (2020b:326-330), with previous literature. spaltkasu (adj.) 'zealous, eager' [B :,pelkkessu] L POU 'acer, vehemens', TEB II 'eifrig', JWP 'eager'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. spaltkasa, Gen.Sg.Masc. spaltkasuntiip. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 246 a3; ♦Gen.Sg.Masc. YQ lll.9 a7, YQ III.IO al-2. D Derived from ► spaltiik. spiinte (adj.uni.) 'confident' [B spantai] L POU 'confidens', TEB II 'vertrauensvoll', JWP 'confident'. T ♦3 b5, 57 a2, 81 b2. D Related to the verb ► spiintll-. spllrtw-(vb.) l) (tr.) 'turn, rotate', 2) (itr.) 'tum, behave, be', 3) (fact.) 'make turn' [B spiirtt-] L POU 'torquere, volvi', TEB II 'sich drehen, sich befinden', TVS 'tum, behave, be; turn'. P I) (tr.) Prs. sparcwii!5, 2) (itr.) Prs. sparcwa- (< *spartwa-), Subj. :,piirtwa-, Prt. spiirtwa-, PPrt. siispcirtwu, 3) (fact.) Prs. spartwiis-T-, Ipf. :,partw.yii-, Prt. saspiirtu, Prt siispiirtw0·u. F I) (tr.) Prs.Il Act. 3Sg. :,parcw.y-am, PPrs.Act. Gen.Pl. sparcwcintiissi, PPrs.MP sparcwmii111, 2) (itr.) Prs.IV MP 3Sg. sparcwatrci, sparcwatiir, 3PI. sparcwantrci. spartwantrii, swarcwantrci, Subj.V Act. 3Sg. spiirtwa.y, 3Pl. spiirtweiic, Prt.Act. !Sg. spiirtwii, spiirtu,

    542 spiirttu, PPrt. siispiirtwu, Abs. siispiirtwuri:i.y, 3) (fact.) Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. spiirtwii.y, 3Pl. spiirtwseiic, PPrs.Act. spiirtw.yant, spiirtt.yanl, PPrs.MP spiirtwiismii171, Inf. spiirMiissi, Subj.V Abstr. II spiirtwi:i.y!une, !pf.Act. 3Sg. spiirtwsii, 2Sg. spiirtw,~ii.yt, Prt.II Act. sa:,piirtu, Prt. IV PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. siispiirtw,~11111, Norn.Pl.Masc. siispiirtw.)'U.'f. T ♦ I) Prs.Act. 3Sg. 253 b I; ♦ PPrs.Act. Gen.Pl. 332 b5; ♦ PPrs.MP 121 b4, 312 b6; ♦2) Prs.MP 3Sg. (sparcwatrii) lO a2, 400 al; (sparcwatiir) YQ III.10 a5; ♦ 3Pl. (sparcwantrii) 379 b5!, YQ IIl.8 b7; (spartwantrii) 339 a6; (swarcwantrii) Berlin ms.; ♦ Subj.Act. 3Sg. 305 a4, 391 b5; ♦3Pl. 62 bl, 288 a2!, 345 a2; ♦VN (spiirtwlune)61 a3, 176al,253 a5,332 b6, 337 a5, 371 b5; (swiirtwlune) 63 b2, 387 b3; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 220 b7; ♦ Loc.Sg. YQ II. I ! b I; ♦Prt.Act. I Sg. (spiirtwii) 81 b6; (spiirtu) 235 b2, YQ 11.5 al, YQ III.3 b8; (spiirttu) 222 b7; ♦ PPrt. 2 a2, 213 a3, 292 b2, YQ 11.5 al; ♦Abs. YQ Il.6 a8; ♦3) Prs.Act. 3Sg. (spiirtwii.y) YQ III.10 a7; ♦3Pl. 30 I b6; ♦ PPrs.Act. (spiirlw.yant) 260 b8; (spiirtt!5ant) 366 a2; ♦PPrs.MP 16 a5; ♦ Inf. 267 + 267 + 1380.b b>a8-a>bl; ♦ Subj. Abstr. ► spllrtwii!jlune; ♦ !pf.Act. !Sg. 214 a3, 270 a6, YQ II.I a7; ♦2Sg. 255 b3!; ♦ Prt.Act. 357 a2; ♦ PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. 218 a4; ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 211 b5!. D Cf. ► spllrtwlune, ► spiirtwii!jltme*.

    spllrtwii!jlttne* (n., a.) 'making to rotate' F Instr.Sg. spiirtwci.yluneyo. T ♦ Instr.Sg. 287 + 259 b>a5. D Abstract derived from ► spllrtw- factitive. See also ► spiirtwlune. spiirtwlune (n., a.) 'turn, behaviour, moral conduct' (Skt. pravrtti-) F Nom./Obl.Sg. spiirtwlune, swiirtw!une, Jnstr.Sg. spiirtwluneyo, Loc.Sg. spiirtw!uneya171. S :,piirtwlune yam- 'to behave, engage in'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. (spiirtw!une) 61 a3, 176 al, 253 a5, 332 b6, 337 a5, 371 b5; (swiirtwlune) 63 b2, 387 b3; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 220 b7, YQ III. I b5!; ♦ Loc.Sg. YQ II.I I bl, THT 1495 a5.

    543 D

    spark~antik* Abstract derived from ► spt"irtw- intransitive. Cf.


    ► swiirtwluneyum.

    spiirtwlune!ji* (adj.) 'pertaining to behaviour' F Obl.Sg.Masc. spartwlu11e.yil11.

    T D

    ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc.

    Derived from


    332 b6, YQ N.4 a8.

    ► spt"irhvlune.

    ► spiirtw-

    spliltka- (vb.) 'make an effort, strive for' [B spalk-, speltk-]


    POU 'laborare, contendere', TEB II 'sich beeifern, sich anstrcngen', TVS 'strive actively/forcefully for'. P (tr.) Prs. spiiltatikii-. F Prs.VII MP 3Pl. spiiltiirikantra, PPrs.MP spiiltarikiimii111. T ♦Prs.MP 3Pl. 116 b5; ♦ PPrs.MP 237 a3. D Not a loan from Mir., pace Winter I 971 :2 I 9 (=2005: 152). Cognate with ► spaltiik.


    Discussion in Pinault (2020b:327-329).

    spiinta- (vb.) 'trust' [B spantii-]

    L P

    POU 'confidere', TVS 'trust'. (tr.) Prs. spanta-, Subj. spanta-*/spantii-, Prt. spantii-/spanta-, PPrt. spanto. F Prs.lII MP 3Pl. smantantr(-a111), Gdv. spantiill, Prt.Act. span/, 3Pl. spantar, PPrt. spanto, Obi.Pl.Fem. spantont, Norn.Pl.Masc. spanto.y, Abs. spantorii.5. T ♦ Prs.MP 3Pl. 386 bl; ♦Gdv. 61 a4, 169 a2, YQ I. IO b3; ♦ Prt.Act. 119 a3; ♦ 3Pl. YQ 1.9 b2; ♦PP1t. 243 al; ♦ Obi.Pl.Fem. YQ II.2 a4, THT 1143 b2; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc.315 + 316 al; ♦Abs.312 b7!. D Cf. ► spiintiilrme. R The Prs.MP 3pl. spantantr-a111 has been wrongly copied in 386 b I, see TVS:968. spii11t,1/une (n., a.) 'confidence, fearlessness' (Skt. vaisiiradya-) F Nom./Obl.Sg. spantiilune, Nom./Obl.Pl. spa111tiilz111eyntu, Abl.Pl. spantiiluneyantwa,1·. S stwar spantiiluneyntu 'four fearlessnesses (Skt. catviiri vaisiiradyiini, Uigh. tort tor!iig korkmcs1z yazalmaklag bilig)'.

    218 a7, 336 a6; ♦Norn.Pl. 248 a4, 372 a>b3!; ♦Abl.Pl. 336 a5. D Abstract derived from ► spiintii-.



    In all occurrences, it corresponds to Skt. catviiri vaisiiradyiini 'four confidences in oneself, fearlessnesses', a set of qualities of the Buddhas, see BHSD:512b.

    spiirkii- (vb.) I) ( itr. )' disappear, perish', 2) (itr.) 'get lost, disappear', 3) (caus.) 'cause to disappear, destroy' [B spark-]


    POU '«labi, evanescere»; caus. «demoliri»', TEB II 'vergehen ', TVS 'disappear. perish; get lost, disappear; cause to disappear, destroy'. P I) (itr.) Prs. ,parka-*, Subj. sparkii-, Prt. sparkii-, PPrl. sparko, 2) (itr.) Prs. sparkas-T- (?), Subj. $parka-, Pit. sparksii-, 3) (caus.) Prs. sparkas-T-, Subj. spiirkiis-T-, Pit. sasparka-, PPrt. .ya.)piirku. F I) Subj. V Abstr.II sparkiilune. sprcikiilune, Prt.I Act. 3Sg. spark, sparkii111, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. sparko, Gen.Pl.Masc. sparkoilcii.W, 2) Subj.I $parka-, Prt.lII Act. 3Sg. sparksii-111, 3) Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. sparka.y, 3Pl. spiirkseilc, Prs.MP 3Pl. sparksantra, PPrs.Act. spiirkyant, Subj.IX Abstr. .ypiirkii,~lune, Prt.ll MP 3Pl. sasparkiint, PPrt. .wyparku, PPrt . .Ja!$piirku. T ♦ I) (itr.) Abstr. ► spiirkiilune; ♦Prt.Act. 3Sg. (spark) 11 al; (sparkii-1.n) 11 a5 (bis); ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 234 a4, YQ III.7 b I; ♦ Gen.Pl.Masc. I I 6 b4; ♦2) (itr.) Subj. fgm. 234 a4, a5; ♦Prt.Act. 3Sg. 222 a4, 239 a2; ♦ 3) (caus.) Prs.Act. 3Sg. 89 al, 302 a8; ♦ 3Pl. 284 b6!; ♦Prs.MP 3Pl. I 99 a5; ♦PPrs.Act. 65 b2, 251 b I!?; ♦Abstr. ► !fpiirktI!jlune, ♦ Prt.MP 3Pl. 310 a4; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 230 a2. D Cf. ► spiirkiilune, ► !jpiirkii!jlu11e.

    spiirkiilune (n., a.) 'disappearance' (Skt. vipiitanii) F Nom./Obl.Sg. spiirkiilune, sprakiilune.

    T D R

    ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 230 a6, SHT 8, 1818. Abstract derived from ► spiirkii-. For the gloss SHT 8, 18 I 8, see TVS:970.

    spiirk!Ja11tik* (n., fem.) 'causing disappearance' [B .)parkii,~.yuki]

    L TEB II 'zunichte machend'. F Norn.Pl.Fem. spiirk:;antikiiii. T ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. 332 a8. D Enlargement of the PPrs. sparkyant of ► spiirkii- causative,




    with suffix -ik borrowed from Skt. -ikii-, feminine. This agent noun qualifies nuns. The context refers to the 'decline of the good Law' (Skt. saddharma-vipralopa-) after 500 years following the Buddha's death, because of his decision of admitting women to the monastic order, see on this topic Lamotte (1958:210-212), Nattier ( 1991 :28-32, 90-94).

    ~1,e* (n., masc.) 'metal'(?) F Instr.Pl. spesyo. T ♦ Instr.Pl. THT 1417.d al. D Alleged basis of the adjective ► spe.yi*, which does not seem to refer to objects made of crystal, see further discussion under ► spe$i and ► klm11ts. R The segmentation of the line THT 1417 .d a 1 remains dubious, and the analysis of an Instr.Pl. spes-yo ofspe*, as per Itkin (2019) is highly conjectural. It is also possible to segment pesyo, Instr.Pl. of ►pe (2) 'foot', see Perl.Pl.pesii, etc., preceded by an adjective in the Obi.Pl.Masc. ending in °11cas, for instance poncas or kranciis. spe$i* (adj.) 'made of metal, metallic' L TEB II 'Bergkristall'. F Obi.Pl.Masc. spe:;inas. T ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. I b3-4!. D Derived from ► spe* 'metal', provided that this noun is ever attested. R Sieg (1944: 4 note 9) assumed that spe.5inas klw.ntsasyo meant '(made) of strings of crystal' (Skt. sphatika-), about the nets surrounding a fabulous fortress or palace; taken over by TEB II: 158. This entailed the idea that ► spe* would reflect a loan from Skt. sphatika- 'crystal, quartz' (MW:1269c). However, this form would be unexpected via the normal Ml evolution, see the attested forms Pa. phalika-, Pkt. pha¢i(g)a-, phalika(CDIAL:798b, No. 138 I 8) and the reflexes occurring in TB which presuppose this sort of Ml intermediary with the well-known evolution of the interior retroflex stop: spharir, adj. spharzra.5.5e, svarir:;;:;;e (ADAMS:790). Moreover, the notion of four kinds of crystal is odd and without parallel in Skt. literature, see Finot (1896:XLVII). On the

    other hand, one may conceive that the tinkling bells bound in the nets, see ► kl111t1ts, were made of four kinds of metals, some of them precious, such as gold and silver.

    smak (adv.) 'straight, even' (Skt. 1ju-) L JWP 'straight(?)'. T ♦YQ l.8 bl, YQ II.IQ bl. D Issued from a compound with second member related to ► ak 'eye', and first member related to ► sas, sii111 'one'. See Pinault ( 1990: 196-197). R This occurs in the translation of one of the marks (/ak-,aiia-) of the Great Man, see references in JWP:87, 118 and GengKlimkeit ( l 988a:308, Nr. 18). smale (n., masc.sg.) 'lie' (Skt. mr!fii-) L POU 'mendacium', TEB II 'Liige', JWP 'lie'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. smale, Abl.Sg. smaleya.5. S smale tiirso111 'lie [and] deception'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 29 al!, 72 a4, 215 a6, 227/8 b7, 229 a2, 272 b3, 3 IO b6!, 365 al, 371 a5, 432 a2, YQ 1.6 b5; ♦Abl.Sg. 223 a6!. R The restoration of smaleyo in 223 a6 is excluded by the remnants of the last ak$ara. smii111 (n., masc.sg.) 'test, proof [B smii111]

    F T



    Obl.Sg. smiif!I. ♦Obl.Sg. 15 a4. tamyo was ,vni (ciiicrone) smii1J1 yalis mosm11 ii/u ype pie 'therefore let us go in a foreign country for the sake of testing our own advantage'. Loan from Mir., probably from a Buddh.Sogd. form, alternatively from a Bactr. form corresponding to MPers. uzmiina, possibly through TB intermediary. Chamot-Rooke (2022c), with reference to previous literature. For the interpretation of TB smii111, see Ogihara (2019).

    smiilok (adj.uni.) 'alone, solitary'

    L F T

    POU 'homo mendax'. Nom./Obl.Sg. smiilok. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 94 b4 (mii s'ii)kkissi

    sarka,_n satJl smiilok wrasom niintsu .ye:;; 'in the circle of the Siikyas there was

    no being ever living isolated', 94 b5!, THT 1136 a5!.

    545 D Compound with *sam (cf. ► smak) and *alo 'totally apart, isolated', plus particle -k. The adverb *alo has its match in the adv. TB alokalymi (< *a/6-kalymi) 'in a single direction', calquing Skt. ekanta(see ADAMS:29), adv. 'solely, only, exclusively' (MW:230b). R This item was translated by 'lier' (G. 'Liigner', taken over by POU: 'homo mendax'), only on the basis ofan etymological connection with smale 'lie' (SSS: 12, §21). Hence the restoration in 94 b5 of the Obl.Sg. smalokaq1 by COU:90 or smaloka,11 by Schmidt ( 1974:96), which are totally unwarranted. There is no thinkable derivational relationship between smale and smalok. The phrase smalok ... nants11 in 94 b4 corresponds to Skt. ekanta-bhiita- 'one who is alone or solitary' (MW:230b). Moreover, the indefinite pronoun requires the restoration of a negation, as per SSS:188, §317. smi- (vb.) 'smile' [B smi-] (Skt. smi-, Uigh. kii/cir-) L POU 'subridere', TEB II 'lacheln', TVS 'smile'. P (itr.) Prs. smi-. F PPrs.I MP smima,.n. S smima,11 akmalyo 'with smiling face (Skt. smita-mukha-, U igh. kiilcira yiizin)'. T ♦ PPrs.MP 16 b2, 55 a3, 123 b3, 272 a4, 274 a5, 296 b2!, 313 a6, 318 + 319 b3!, 323 b6, YQ 11.l a7, YQ III.4 a6, THT 1418.d b3. smrtyupastlza,11* (n., a.) 'application of

    awareness or memory' [B Pl. smrtyupastha11mta] F Instr.Pl. smrtyupasthanantuyo. T ♦ Instr.Pl. 305 a3. D From Skt. smrtyupasthana- 'application of mentality, of awareness' (BHSD:614b). R This Buddhist concept has alternatively been translated by imentwassi .5t1nafilz111eytu (plural) in YQ I. IO a3 (JWP:64-65), see ► !jtmii:jlune*, ► smoiiiie.

    srepe sme ► siim, siim, tiim sruk- (vb.) 'die' [B sruk-]


    POU 'interficere, caedere occidere', TEB II 'toten', TVS 'die'. P I) (tr.) Prt. sruksa-, 2) (fact.) Prt. sasruka-, PPrt. sasruk11. F I) Prt.III MP 3Sg. sruksat, 2) Prt.ll MP 3Sg. sasrukat, PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. sasrukunt, Nom.Sg.Fem. sasrukus. T ♦ I) Prt.MP 3Sg. 9 al; ♦2) Prt.MP 3Sg. 9 a5; ♦PPrt. Obl.Sg.Masc. 8 a3, a6, b3; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 160 a3. R According to TVS:972 there is no differenc; between Prt.II and lil on this verb. However, Prt.II is used when referring to the occasion where the painter in Puryyavantajataka paints himself as if hanged on the wall, which supports a factitive interpretation, against a normal transitive 'kill'. There is some kind of play between 'he killed himself and 'he made himself(as if) killed'. sr111icaii1ie111* (N) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x

    12 syllables, rhythm 5/7) L POU 'nomen metri 4x 12 syllabarum'. F Loc.Sg. sruncannena,11, sr11ncw111ieya,_n. T ♦ Loc.Sg. (sruncannena,11) 68 a3, 103 al, THT 1418.e b I; (srunca,11neya111) 135 a5 !. D Probably derivative of a noun of Skt. origin, involving maybe in addition the TA metathesis CruC 0 /CurC 0 • Perhaps loan via MI of some derivative of Skt. sruta111-jaya- proper name (MW:! !Ola), alternatively from Skt. suranjana- 'the betelnut tree' (MW: 1232a). srepe (n., masc.sg.) name of some calamity or disease [B sreppe]

    L F T

    COU 'gleichgiiltig?'. Nom.Sg. srepe. ♦Nom.Sg. PK.NS.3 b2 (satka)lyi pat efiii/ srepe ma maska(t)ra 'or one should give the seed ... , [then] the beating(?) does not happen'. D Accordina0 to the form, this should be a loan from TB. In that case, TB srepe* may be connected to the verb sa1p- 'beat (of the heart)' (TVS:940). R The interpretation 'unconcernedly' (also for B sreppe) is not likely considering the


    srotapattune context. This noun should refer to something to be avoided or cured. sroalpattune (n., masc.sg.) 'state of entering into

    Buddhism' L POU '1. status monachi (appellati srotapanna)', JWP 'status srotapatti'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. srotapattune. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 207 b I!, 254 b8, 341 b8, 398 b3, 443 a2!, YQ Il.12 a2, YQ 11.15 a8. D Derived with TA abstract suffix -une from the borrowing of Skt. srotiipatti' entrance into the stream, conversion to Buddhism' (BHSD:615a).

    svapnadar!imtt* (N) name of a tune

    L F T D

    svabhiiw (n., a.) 'characteristic, own nature' [B svabhiip]

    L F T D

    slam (n., masc.) 'flame' [B sleme]

    L F T

    POU 'flamma', TEB II 'Flamme'. Nom./Obl.Sg. slam, Instr.Sg. slamyo, Obi.Pl. slamass, Instr.Pl. slamasyo. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 166 b4, YQ II.4 b5; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 92 b5!, 254 b5; ♦ Obi.Pl. 89 a6!, 425 a2; ♦ Instr.Pl. 226 a5!, 254 b2, 298 b5, 310 a5.

    sliikkiir (adj.) 'inconstant, thoughtless, rapid, expeditious' [B slakkare]

    L F T


    POU 'stultus, stolidus', TEB II 'schlaff, niedergeschlagen, traurig'. Nom.Sg.Masc. sliikki:ir, Norn.Pl.Masc. sliikre. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 9 b3-4 mar yat mar yat mar sliikkar na,vt yartztriiciire 'don't do it, don't do it, don't be hasty, oh master mechanic!'; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. MG I b4. See Pinault (2007a:345 and CHREST:261 ).

    slii1ikiFui- (vb.) 'be agitated, disturbed'

    L P F T


    TVS'?'. Subj. sliinkil1iz-T-. Subj.XII Abstr. slii,ikinlune. ♦ Abstr. 50 al sla slii1iki11/une omlaqz iikrunt swiisasmii1t1 'with emotion letting flow hot tears'. Denominative verb based on a nasal infixed noun cognate with ► sliikkiir, Hilmarsson (1991b:93-94).

    slyi (n., masc.sg.) 'line, border, rule' [B salyiye]

    L F T

    POU 'regula', TEB II 'Strich, Grenze, Richtschnur, Regel'. Nom./Obl.Sg. slyi. ♦ Obl.Sg. 256 a4, 355 bl.

    POU '«visus in somno», nomen metri'. Loc.Sg. svapnadarsnm.n. ♦Loc.Sg. 171 a6!, THT 1464 a4. Loan from Skt. svapnadarsana- 'drcamvision, vision in a dream' (MW:1280c).

    POU 'propria, natura', TEB !I 'Eigenart'. Nom.Sg. svabhiip, Nom./Obl.Pl. svabhiiwantu. ♦Nom.Sg. 384 b5-385 al; ♦Norn.Pl. 388 al. From Skt. svabhiiva- 'nature' (BHSD:6 l 5b ).

    svabhiiwum (adj.) 'having a characteristic' [B svabhiivatstse]

    L P T D

    TEB 11 'Eigenart habend', Couvreur (1959) 'ayant la nature propre'. Nom.Sg.Masc. svabhiiwum. ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 384 bl. Derived from ► svab/u"iw.

    svayampiir (n., masc.) 'ritualized competition

    among suitors, where a princess is allowed to self choose her husband' L POU 'matrimonium', TEB II 'Selbstwahl'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. svayampiir, Loc.Sg. svayampara111. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 58 b5; ♦Loc.Sg. 66 b 1. D Loan from Skt. svaya1!7vara- 'the election of a husband by a princess or noble daughter at a public assembly of suitors', lit. 'self-choice' (MW:1278b). svartutPll!fpe111* (N, masc.) name of a tune

    (stanza of4 x 18 syllables 7/7/4) L POU '«aureus flos», nomen metri 4x I 8 sy llabarum'. F Loc.Sg. svar,:iapu}penaq1. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 58 a6. D Derivative from the loan of Skt. suvariiapu0pa- 'having gold for flowers' (MW:1236b), also name ofa special flower. R This Skt. compound is also the source of the name of a king of the Kucha dynasty, TB Svarnapu.ype* (written Swarnabti,vpe), alias Ysii.y.ya-pyiipyo, see data in ADAMS:568, 794.



    svar{zasr7ttrii (n., masc.) 'golden string' L POU 'aureus funis', TEB II 'Goldfaden'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. svartzasiittrii, Norn.Pl. swarizasuttri, Instr.Pl. swartzasuttriisyo. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 126 b3! (ruliilikama111 sva)rtiaszlltra .yni knuka.y 'taking off the golden string from her own neck'; ♦Norn.Pl. 253 b7; ♦Instr.Pl. 186 a6. D Loan via MI from Skt. suvartzas11tra- 'a string of gold' (MW:1236c). The context of 126 b3 points to a women's ornament, precisely of SundarI, being in depressed mood. svarp

    ► sparp

    svalak!Ja111* (n., masc.sg.) 'special feature' L POU 'suum (proprium) signum', TEB JI 'das spezielle Merkmal'. F Com.Sg. svalakyatzassal. T ♦Com.Sg. 384 b3. D From Skt. svalak.5a1ia- 'peculiar characteristic or property' (MW: 1276c). swayampar!Ji* (adj.) 'pertaining to the husband's election' L POU 'matrimonii, matrimonalis'. F Obl.Sg.Masc. swayamparJ·i171. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 66 b4 swayampar:5i111 lameya,r1 'at the place of the assembly of suitors'. D Derived from ► svayamplir. Swarbha{llt (PN, masc.) name ofa demon L POU 'nomen proprium regis'. F Nom.Sg. swarbhain1, Obl.Sg. svarbhaJJWTJ. T ♦Nom.Sg. 358 al; ♦ Obl.Sg. YQ ll.9 b2. D From Skt. Svarbhiinu 'n. of a demon supposed to eclipse the sun and the moon' (MW:128lb). swase (n., masc.sg.) 'rain' [B swese] L POU 'pluvia, imber', TEB II 'Regen'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. swase, Gen.Sg. swaseyis, lnstr.Sg. swaseyo. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 222 a3, 239 al, 391 a6, THT 2048 a4, THT 2473 a2?; ♦ Gen.Sg. 147 a4!; ♦ Instr.Sg. 287 + 259 a>b4. swli1ice111 (n., fem.) 'ray of light' [B swanco, swaiiciye] L POU 'radius', TEB II 'Strahl', JWP 'ray'.

    Nom./Obl.Sg. swa11ce111, lnstr.Sg. swiiilcenyo, Nom.Pl. svii11cenail, swailcenaii, swiiiicenii11111, Obi.Pl. swaFiceniis, Gen.Pl. swiiiiceniissi, Instr.Pl. swiiiiceniisyo. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 63 a4, 214 a2!, 297 b4, 324 a5!, 346 bl; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 145 al, 158 b5, 217 b5, 248 al, 251 bl, 252 bl, 306 al, 314 a8, 317 b6, 320 a3, bl, YQ II.I a6, YQ 11.13 b5; ♦Nom.Pl. (sviiilceniiii) 25 b2; (swiiiiceniin) I 84 a5, 249 a 1, 258 a6, 312 a2, 378 a4!, YQ 11.2 b8; (swiiiicena11111) 314 b6; ♦Obi.Pl. YQ II.6 b6-7, 314 b7, 320 a4; ♦ Gen.Pl. 314 b3, b6, b7; ♦ Instr.Pl. 22 a5, 60 a>b4!, I I 8 b6, 253 bl!, 256 bl, 257 a7, 265 a7, 315 + 316 a7!, 334 a6!. F

    swliiice111!Ji (adj.) 'of a ray' L POU 'radii (gen.)'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. swiince111:fi, Obl.Sg.Masc. swiiiice111-'ii1.n. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. THT 2102 b4; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 278 a6 swiince111.5im tsitaluneyo kiikku.5 'invited by the touching of a ray of light'. D Derived from ► swli1ice,11. swlir (adj.) 'sweet' [B swiire] L POU 'dulcis', TEB II 'sli/3'. F Nom.Sg.Masc. swiir, Obl.Sg.Masc. swarii111, Obi.Pl.Masc. swares, Nom.Sg.Fem. swiiri, Obl.Sg.Fem. swiirya111, Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. swiirmri. S swar cinciir 'sweet [and] charming', swiir tspok 'sweet taste', swiir olar 'sweet companion' swar rake 'sweet word'. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 63 b5, 238 a2, 322 a8, THT 1138 b3; ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 58 b3, 79 a5, 355 al, 377 al!; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 413 a 1; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 36 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 189 a6, THT 1149 a3; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. THT 2430 b3. swlir* (n., a.) 'sound, voice' L POU 'vox'. F Loc.Sg. swiira1ri, Com.Sg. swarassiil, Loe.Pl. swiirantwa1ri. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 109 a3; ♦ Com.Sg. 301 b4; ♦Loe.Pl. 262 a3. D Loan from Skt. svara- 'sound, noise, voice' (MW: 1285a).


    swaraswiira- (vb.) 'enjoy' [B swar-] L COU 'geniessen, Ge fallen finden', TEB 11 'sieh gefallen !assen, genieBen', TVS 'have pleasure in, enjoy'. P (caus.) Prs. swariis-. F Prs.VIII MP 2Sg. swara.ytar, 3Pl. swarsantra. T ♦ Prs.MP 2Sg. 244 b3; ♦3Pl. (swarsantri:i) 286 b6; (swarsaqztar) 103 bl. D Denominative from the adjective ► swiir. swiirtwltmeyum (adj.) 'having a (mental) operation' (Skt. vrtti- (as second compound member)) L TEB II 'Verhalten habend'.


    Nom.Sg.Masc. swartwluneyum, Obl.Sg.Masc. -spartwluneyumant. T ♦Nom.Sg.Masc. 384 b3; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. THT 2961 b2. D Adjective based on swartwlune, variant of ► spiirtwlune. Literal translation of Skt. vrtti- in an Abhidharma text, alongside wlesum, see Catt - Huard - Inaba (2022). swiirtwlune

    ► spiirtwlune

    swiislune (n., a.) 'raining' F Nom./Obl.Sg. swaslune. T ♦Nom.Sg. 77 a2. D Abstract derived from ► suwa-.


    hm11sav,11ik* (N, masc.sg.) name of a tune (13113113121 syllables 7/6, 7/6, 7/6, 8/8/5) L POU 'nomen metri 4xJ3+21 syllabarum'. F Loc.Sg. har11saviifikar11. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 299 b2. D There is no direct Skt. source. Most likely an indirect loan of MI har11sa-vakka- 'the speech ofa swan' (second member from Skt. vakya-, MW:936b), with wrong Sanskritization, corresponding to Skt. hamsa-nada- 'the cackling or cry of a go~se or swan', referring to a kind of measure in music (MW:1286b), see as well hamsa-ruta- 'idem', referring also to a kind o'r metre. The second member was probably influenced by the verb ► wiilika'chat', see also the noun ► wa,ike 'chat, chattering'. R See also ► asitaviilik*, ► sundaraviilik*. hari~,aplut* (N, masc.sg.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 12 syllables 5/7) [B haril:iaplut] L POU 'nomen metri 4x 12 syllabarum', TEB II 'Name eines Metrums'. F Loc.Sg. haril:iapluta,11. T ♦Loc.Sg. 17 a5, 256 a3. D Loan ofSkt. haril:iapluta- or haril:wpluta-, names of two meters (MW:l29lb). Hariscandre* (PN, masc.) name of a king F Obl.Sg. harisca11dre111. T ♦ Obl.Sg. THT 1590.e+b b I. D From Skt. Hariscandra 'name of a king of the solar dynasty' (MW:1290c). R For the restoration of the passage THT 1590.e+b, see Itkin - Malyshev - Wilkens (2017:84-90). Har'fci (PN, masc.) name of a former Buddha F Nom.Sg. harzci. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b5. D Through wrong Sanskritization (under the pervasive model of PN in Hari 0 ) through Ml from Skt. Arijit (compare ► Prasenaji from Skt. Prasenajit), lit. 'conquering enemies' (MW:87c), sec


    parallel names in Buddhist onomastics (BHSD:65b). See Geng Laut Pinault (2004b:57-58).

    harki (PN, masc.) name of a monastery servant F Norn. harki. T ♦Nom. SHT 395 b3. D The form suggests a loan from a local name. R Edition by Ogihara (2014: 115- I I 6). The segmentation of this line, which is badly written, remains however uncertain. Hastake (PN, masc.) a male name F Nom.Sg. hastake. T ♦Nom.Sg. 223 a5 hastake no(m). D From Skt. Hastaka 'name of merchant's son of Sravasfi who became a disciple' (BHSD:618b), see Pali Hatthaka, name of an eminent disciple of the Buddha (DPPN ll:1315). hii (inte1j.) 'oh!, ha!' [B ha] L I) POU 'doloris «ah, eheu»', TEB II 'ach', 2) POU 'apud vocativum «o!»'. T ♦ I) 8 b3; ♦2) 56 a4, 100 a4, bl, b2, b5, IOI bl, 161 a5. D Interjections are not necessarily borrowed. Nonetheless, see Skt. ha 'an exclamation expressive of pain, anger, etc.; often before or after a vocative case' (MW:l296a). hiir (n., masc.) 'pearl necklace' [B liar] L COU 'Halskette', TEB II 'Perle, Perlcnkctte, Perlenschmuck'. F Nom.Sg. liar, Obi.PL haras, Instr.Pl. liarasyo. T ♦Nom.Sg. 253 b8, 303 b6; ♦ Obi.Pl. 58 bl; ♦ Instr.Pl. 318 + 319 a4. D From Skt. hara- 'a garland of pearls, necklace' (MW:1289b). Hiirite (PN, masc.) name of a sage (ri.yak) F Nom.Sg. liarite. T ♦Nom.Sg. 119 b3, 120 a I, a5, b4, 147 b2. D From Skt. Harita 'descendant ofHarita', name of various persons (MW:l292a), see Pali Harita, name of different


    har~i disciples of the Buddha (DPPN II: 13231329).

    hiir# (adj.) 'of a necklace, of a garland' L POU 'ademptionis'. F Nom./Obl.Sg.Masc. hii1:yi. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 226 a4. D Adjective derived from ► hiir. Himavant (LN, masc.) name of a mountain, the Himalaya L POU 'nomen proprium montis', JWP 'Himalaya'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. himavant. S himavant sul 'Himalaya mountain'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 4 b3-4, 12 a2-3, 144 b5, 200 a5, 318 + 319 bl, 379 bl, 394 b4, YQ 1.8 b4. D From Skt. Him avant 'the Himalaya' (MW: 1299a). Himavant-!julyi* (adj.) 'of the mountain Himalaya' F Obl.Sg.Masc./Fem. himavant-.yulyi/11. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc./Fem. 77 b3 himavant$Ulyi1.n kalymeyac 'toward the direction of the Himalaya mountain'. D Derived from ► Himavant, ► !jlll. hist (interj.) 'fie (interjection of contempt)' [B hist] L POU 'interiectio contemptionis', TEB 11 'pfui', JWP 'fie!'. F hist, hzst. S hist taki.y + genitive 'shame be on somebody, something'. T ♦ (hi:,'t) 8 al, 77 b4, 264 a3, YQ 1.4 b8, YQ lll.3 b4, YQ N.3 a8; (hist) 254 b3, 295 a4. R Corresponding to Skt. dhik, interjection of reproach, menace, or displeasure ('fie! shame! out upon!'), governing various cases, sometimes with genitive (MW:516b). Httai!ji (PN, masc.) name of a former Buddha F Nom.Sg. hitai:fi. T ♦Nom.Sg. 256 b7. D Loan from Skt. Hitai:fin, name of three former Buddhas (BHSD:620a), based on adjective hitai:fin- 'well-wishing' (MW:1298c). R See Geng Laut Pinault (2004b:58). Humii* (PN, fem.) name of a goddess F Obl.Sg. humiif!1, Gen.Sg. humiiy.

    T D

    ♦Obl.Sg. 201 a2; ♦ Gen.Sg. 355 a4, 356 a2. From Skt. Umii, through hyperSanskritism: name ofa goddess, partner of Siva (MW:217a).

    Hetutwati (PN, fem.) a female name F Nom.Sg. hetutwati, hetutvati, All.Sg. hetutwatinac. T ♦Nom.Sg. (hetutwati) 90 b4 (with value of vocative), b6!, 100 al, 106 a6, b3 (with value of vocative), b4, b6; (hetutvati) 115 b4; ♦All.Sg. 90 b4. D Feminine name with suffix Skt. 0 vatf'provided with, full of; the basis is Ml he tut* 'reason, argument', see Pali hetutta- 'reason, consequence' (PED:733b) < Skt. hetutva- 'existence of cause or motive' (MW:1303c). This name would mean 'provided with reasoning', which fits the role of this female attendant and counsellor of the princess SundarT in the narrative. hetuphal* (N) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 18 syllables 7/7/4) L POU 'nomen metri 4x 18 syllabarum'. F Loc.Sg. hetuphalaf!1. T ♦ Loc.Sg. 14 a6, 18 bl, 266 + 276 b>a4, 271 b6, YQ 1.8 b8. D From Skt. hetuphala- 'cause [and] effect' (PWk.Nachtrage:378c). Helkis (PN, fem.) name or title of a Uighur donor F Nom.Sg. helkis. T ♦Nom.Sg. 382 a3. D This name occurs in a list of Uighur nobles, some males and some other females (see ► iipruts and ► hkhoniinc). Loan of a compound name with el 'realm' (e:l in CLAUSON:12lb) and kis 'wife, lady' (older form kisi: CLAUSON:749a). The initial aspirate is analogical of other names; it cannot reflect an original palatal stop or fricative.

    lwi (interj.) 'oh!, alas!' [B hai] L TEB 11 'o weh', JWP 'alas'. T ♦ 9 a3, 342 a>b4, 343 b3, YQ 1.5 b3, YQ III.4 a6, THT 1150 b2. D Cf. Skt. hai, a vocative particle used in calling and vociferating (MW: 1305c ). R Particle used in calling or in expressing sorrow, after verb of speech.

    551 ltaimavati* (adj.) 'of the Himalaya moutain' F Obl.Sg.Masc. haimavatilJ1. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 331 a3 haimavatil11 /iint 'of the Himalayan king' (possibly referring to a god). D Loan from Ml *haimavatiya-, corresponding to Skt. haimavatika' inhabitant of the Himalaya mountain' (MW: 1304b ). Haimavate (PN, masc.) a male name F Nom.Sg. haimavate. T ♦288 b2!, 288 b5!, 269 + 290 b>a2!, YQ I.I a7!. D From Skt. Haimavata, name of a yak$a, regularly associated with Satagiri (BHSD:622b). R One should restore in all occurrences Haimavate; the restoration Haimavati, as per SSS:55 (§86b), followed by POU:398 was based on the Jone occurrence of Haimavatiq1, which concerns however a different character. The final O e is the standard Norn. ending of the thematic PN borrowed from Sanskrit. ltoraga{zita (n., masc.sg.) 'horoscope [and] (astronomical) computation' [B hor and ga1,1it*, Pl. gauitanta] L JWP 'horoscope [and] (astronomical) computation'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. horaga1,1ita. T ♦Nom.Sg. YQ 11.5 b3. D From Skt. hora-gauita-*, associating two sciences pertaining to astrology: Skt. hara- 'horoscope, horoscopy' (MW: 1306b) and ga11ita- 'calculating, computation' (MW :343c). R Discussion in Pinault (2003a:66, 73-74). One of the 18 domains of knowledge (Skt. vidyasthana-). Horapiide (PN, masc.) a male name F Nom.Sg. horapiide, Gen.Sg. horapades. T ♦Nom.Sg. l 18 a2; ♦ Gen.Sg. 118 a2. D From Skt. Ghorapiida* via MI: the second member 0 pada was used to proper names or titles in token of respect (MW:616a). According to the text A 118, he was the son of ► Nfpurapiid and the father of ► Gorapiide. Skt. Ghora is

    Hkhonafic known as name of various persons (MW:379b), as from the adjective ghora'vcnerable, awful, sublime; terrible, frightful, dreadful, violent'.

    Hklu7tlll!I (PN, fem.) 'lady, queen', part of the name of a Uighur donor F Nom.Sg. hkhat11111. T ♦Nom.Sg. 399.19 b2 (little fragment mentioned in the introduction of399-404 in TS: 222). D Variant of ► Kiitt111!1, occurring in further lists of donors (302 b8, 303 a6, MG I a3), Joan from Old Turkic, xa:tun 'lady' (CLAUSON:602b). R Pinault (2007a:349); not pointing to Sogdian origin of the namebearer, pace Tremblay (2005:430). Hklt11tte1J1 (PN, fem.) name or part of name of a Uighur lady F Nom.Sg. hkhutte1.n, hkutteq1. T ♦Nom.Sg. (hkhutte111) 303 a6; (hkutte111) 302 b8. D This name occurs in lists of Uighur donors, whose names are most probably in the nominative. Hybrid formation: derivative with Tocharian suffix -e111 on the loan from Old Turkic qut 'favor of heaven, good fortune happiness', see kut (CLAUSON:594a), a well-spread concept, present in onomastics. The meaning would be nearly equivalent to the one of ► Kutluk, loan from Uigh. kutlug. R Not from (Manichaean?) Sogdian, as per Tremblay (2005:430). Hklto11ii1ic (PN, fem.) name ofa Uighur lady L POU'?'. F Nom.Sg. hkhonaiic. T ♦Nom.Sg. 382 a3. D This name occurs in a list of Uighur donors, some of them being women. Form with feminine suffix -aiic, known in Tocharian A, and borrowed from Sogdian. The basis is probably ► ko1t1 'sun', which was close to Turkic kiin 'sun' (CLAUSON:725a), the latter being part of proper names.


    tsappiir* (N, masc.sg.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 x 18 syllables 7/7/4) L POU 'nomen metri 4x]8 syllabarum'. F Loc.Sg. tsappra171. T ♦Loc.Sg. 355 b I. D Possibly a compound tsap-par with second member ► piir 'arrow' and first member cognate with verb B tsiip'crush', see ► tsiiwa-. tsar (n., masc.) 'hand' [B ·>·ar] L POU 'manus', TEB II 'Hand'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tsar, Gen.Sg. tsaris, Instr.Sg. tsm:vo, Loc.Sg. tsaraf!l, Perl.Sg. tsarii, Nom./Obl.Du. tsara111, Instr.Du. tsaranyo, tsara1.nnyo, tsarai'iyo, Abt.Du. tsarna.y, Loe.Du. tsarna111, Perl.Du. tsarnii. S tsarii ents- 'to take the hand' (lit. 'by the hand'), iiiiciilyi tsaraf!l 'both hands put together (in aiijali)'. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 23 a5, 300 b2, 301 b4, 314 a7, YQ 1.2 a6, YQ 1.4 bl, YQ II. I a2; ♦ Gen.Sg.104al; ♦lnstr.Sg.132b4!, 142 a5, 296 b2, 379 a4, 394 al, 431 b3!, PK.NS.2 b4; ♦Loc.Sg. 5 b2, 68 b2, 72 b4, 81 b3, 130 al, 161 a3, 200 a4, 295 a7, YQ III.5 a5, YQ III. I I b6, YQ N.3 b3; ♦Perl.Sg. 7 a5, 113 a3, 143 b4, 288 b6, 321 b7, 380 a3; ♦Nom./Obl.Du. 8 a5, 23 b5, 232 a2, 274 b3, 445.d b2, YQ II.2 b5, YQ II.7 b7; ♦ Instr.Du. (tsaranyo) 45 a2, 110 b3-4!, 257 a5, 258 bl, 260 a7, 265 a6, 273 b7, 278 bl; (tsara11111yo) 81 b2; (tsaraiiyo) 430 b7; ♦ Abl.Du. 293 al; ♦ Loe.Du. 24 a2, YQ 111.6 a8; ♦Perl.Du. 216 a>b7, YQ II.4 b6, THT 2480 al. R Stem allomorph *tsar in adverb ► !jitsriik. -tsar*

    ► Ratnatsar*

    tsarum* (adj.) 'having ... in hand' F Nom.Pl.Masc. tsa,wna,~. T ♦Nom.PI.Masc. Berlin ms. (SSS:234). D Derivative of ► tsar with possessive suffix; possibly second member of a compound.

    tsiik- (vb.) 'shine, glow' [B tsiik-] L POU 'splenderc, fulgere, candere', TEB 11 'lcuchten', TVS 'glow'. P (tr.) Prs. tsiika-T-, Subj. tsiik-, Prt. tsiiksii-. F Prs.Vlll MP 3Sg. tsiika.ytar, Opt.MP 3Pl. tsiisintra, Prt.III MP 3Pl. tsiiksiint. T ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. 297 b4; ♦Opt.MP 3Pl. 158 a2; ♦ Prt.MP 3Pl. 25 b2. tsiika- (vb.) 'pierce' L TVS 'pierce'. P (tr.) Prs. tsiiknii-*, !pf. tsiikiiii-. F Prs.Vl Act.3Pl. tsiiknei'ic, Ipf.Act. 3Sg. tsiikiiii. T ♦ Prs.Act.3Pl. THT 1409.i b3; ♦ !pf.Act. 3Sg. 295 a3 salpmii111 trisul maJ kapsiiifim.n tsiikiiii wiitfiii 'he pierced [and] thrust the glowing trident inside the body'. R Discussion in TVS:865 with previous Iiterature. tsiikki* (n., fem.) 'bud (of flower)' L COU 'Knospen'. F Nom.PI. tsiikkiii. T ♦Nom.Pl. 192 b I, 378 a I wsii,~y oplen (t)siikkiii tserrz-oppa(l.yiiii kesiiri) 'the buds of golden lotuses, the filaments of blue lotuses'. D Based on a secondary derivative from the basis of tsiikke*: 'pertaining to budding'> concrete 'bud'. R The fragment 378 contains a praise of the Buddha, involving a description of his body. The image of lotuses is commonplace. As proposed by Siegling in his personal copy ofTS:209, and pointed also in SSS:101, who compared 145 a6 (tsiikkesyo ), tsiikkiii ought to be restored: in the original sequence oplentsiikkiii, the scribe has misinterpreted the -t- as due to epenthesis in sandhi. The epithet wsiisyople111 has no inflectional mark, as oplef!1 pall 'lotus leaf in 23 b5 and 377 a2, where it stands for Obl.Sg.Masc. (expected oplenaf!z). Here it may stand for 0 eiii, Nom.Pl.Masc. or 0 eniiii, Nom Pl


    tsakFem. (SSS:71), possibly metri causa. This noun followed the inflection (class VI. I. TEB 1:132) ofsopi 'web', Nom.Pl. sopiii, Obi.Pl. sopis (B sopiye), so one may consider that it had the same gender, i.e., feminine.

    tsiikke* (n., masc./fem.) 'tip, budding' L POU'?'. F Instr.Pl. tsiikke,yo. T ♦ Instr.Pl. 145 a6 piiiiciit!l pra.5tm11 nu ytii.5tiir tsiikke,yo 'for the fifth time it [the Parijata-tree] adorns itself with buddings'. D Probably derived from a suffixed form of the root ► tsiika-, with the meaning 'burst', hence 'break, come up'. R Noun of the class VI.I, Norn.Pl. -eii, Obi.Pl. -es (TEB I: 133), having nouns of both genders, but not alternans. It refers to objects used for adorning oneself (yiit-). The stem formation is probably influenced by yetwe 'ornament', Instr.Pl. yetwesyo. Pace Itkin Malyshev (2021:61-62), the oblique plural tsiikkes* cannot belong to ► tsiikki*. tsiiro* (n., masc.) 'cleft, crack, split' F Nom.Pl. tsiirmi. T ♦Nom.PI. 55 a5 yetu, tsiiroii 'the cracks [in the skulls] [are] adorned [with] .. .'. D Derived from ► tsiirii-. For the meaning, cf. TB tsrmye 'cleft, crack' (ADAMS:814). R The reading tsiirot ofTS:32 is to be improved to tsiiroii. tsiirta- (vb.) 'weep, cry' L POU 'lamentari, lacrimare', TEB ll 'weinen', TVS 'weep'. P I) Prt. tsiirta-, 2) (itr.) Prs.sert-T-. F 1) Prt.l Act. I Sg. tsiirta, 3PI. tsiirtar, 2) Prs.l/ll MP 2Sg. serttiir, 2PI. serciir, PPrs.MP sertmii111. T ♦ l)Prt.Act. !Sg.347a3; ♦3Pl.9bl; ♦2) Prs.MP 2Sg. 79 bl; ♦2Pl. 9 bl; ♦ PPrs.MP 395 a5, YQ LIO a5. R See TVS:977 and Peyrot (2013a:840, n. I 010) about the restoration of the Prs.MP 2Sg. /;erttiir (class I) or serctiir (class II). tsiirwa- (vb.) I) (itr.) 'be comforted', 2) (fact.) 'comfort, console' [B tsiinv-] L POU 'gaudere, laetari', TEB ll 'getrost sein, trosten', TVS 'be comforted, take heart'.

    P F


    I) (itr.) Prs. tsarwa-, Prt. tsiinva-, PPrt. tsiitsiinvu, 2) (fact.) Prs. tsiinviis-T-. I) Prs.JV MP 3Sg. tsanvatiir, Prt.l MP 3PI. tsiirwant, PPrt. tsiitsiirwu, 2) PPrs.Vlll Act. tsiinvJw1t. ♦ I) Prs.MP 3Sg. 156 a3; ♦ Prt.MP 3Pl. YQ 11.14 b7; ♦ PPrt. YQ 1.8 a4; ♦2) PPrs.Act. 14 bl.

    tsiinvo (n., mase.sg.) 'joy, happiness' [B tsiirwo] (Skt. praha1:5a- 'joy, delight') L POU 'gaudium, laetitia', TEB II 'Freude'. F Nom.Sg. tsiirwo, lnstr.Sg. tsiirwoyo. T ♦ Nom.Sg. 386 al, a2; ♦ lnstr.Sg. THT 2052 b2. D Certainly borrowed from TB. tsiilta- (vb.) 'devour' [B tsiilt- 'chew'] L COU 'schlagen', TVS 'devour'. F Prs.MP 3Pl. salcantrii. T ♦ Prs.MP 3Pl. 55 b 1. R For a discussion on this verb, see TVS:979. tsiiwa- (vb.) 'crush'(?) [B tsiip-] L COU 'zerreiben', TEB II 'zerreiben, zerstol3en', TVS'?'. P PPrt. tsiitsiiw.5u. F Prt.lV PPrt. Abs. tsiitsiiw,uriiJ·. T ♦ PPrt. Abs. 431 a2. R Passage discussed by Peyrot (2013:841, n. 1014), who dismisses the meaning 'crush'. tsiik- (vb.) (act.) 'burn' (tr.), (MP) 'burn' (itr.) [B tsiik-, tsak-] L POU 'ardere', TEB 11 'brennen', TVS 'burn (something); burn'. P Prs. tskiis-T-, Prs. tsiikniis-T-, !pf. tskii111:5ii, Subj. tska-, Prt. tsak-sii-, PPrt. tsatsku. F Prs.Vlll Act. 3Sg. tskii.5, tskii,:;-iit/1, 3PI. tsiikse, Inf. tskiissi, Prs.X MP !Sg. tsiikniismiir, 3Sg. tsiiknii~·trii, tsiikndytiir, tsiiknii:;tr-iinn, 3 Pl. tskii111sm11tiir, tskii111santrii, PPrs.MP tsiikniismii111, !pf.MP 3PI. tskii111,iint, Subj.III Opt. 3Sg. tskii,~i.5, Abstr. tskalune, Prt.0 MP 3Sg. tsakiit, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. tsatsku, Nom.Sg.Fem. tsatskus. T ♦ Prs.Act. 3Sg. (tskii,) 324 b 1; (tskii.5:5-a111) 359 al3 ///(po)r -ii111 niiknii.5tr-iilr1 'fire burns it and it is destroyed'; ♦3Pl. 101 b4, 229 al; ♦ Inf. 229 al; ♦ Prs.MP I Sg. 92 a3, 95 b6!; ♦3Sg. (tsiikna.ytrii)



    D R

    359 al 2, (tsiiknii,vtiir) 28 a6, 271 a4, (tsiiknii.ytr-iinn) THT 1136 b6; ♦ 3Pl. (tskii111sar11tiir) 14 a2; (tskii1.nsantrii) 254 b5, 255 b8; ♦PPrs.MP 220 a5; ♦ !pf.MP 3Pl. 254 b4; ♦Opt. 3Sg. SHT 104lv5; ♦Abstr. ► tskalune; ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. 89 b I; ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 167 al!; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 41 a5. Cf. ► tskalune. For SHT 1041v5 sec Peyrot(2014:140).

    tsiikii-(vb.) I) 'pull, take (out, away)', 2) 'take away, pull out vehemently' (Skt. a-vrh-) L POU 'proficisci, discedere', TEB II 'herausziehen', TVS 'pull, take (out, away)'. P I) (tr.) Prs. tsiikna-, !pf. saka-, Subj, tsaka-*/tska-, lpv. ptskac, Prt. tsaka/tska-, PPrt. tsko, Prt.1 .fok-, 2) (caus.) Prs. tskiis-T-. I) Prs.Vl Act. 2Sg. tsiiknat, Prs.MP 3Sg. tsiiknatiir, 3PI. tsiiknantrii, PPrs.MP tsiiknama1r1, Gdv. tsiiknal, Inf. tsiiknatsi, !pf.MP 3Pl. sakant, Subj.MP !Sg. tskamar, 3Sg. tskatiir, Opt.Act. 3Sg. tski!i, MP 2Sg. tskitar-iim, Gdv. tskal, Abl.Sg. tskalii.y~·, Ipv.MP 2Pl. piitskac, Prt.Act. 3Pl. tsakar, Prt.MP 3Sg. tskat, 3PI. tskant, PPrt. Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. tskont, Instr.Pl.Fem. tskontyo, Abs. tskori:i.y, Prt.I Act. 3Sg. sak, 2) Prs.Act. 3Sg. tskii!i, PPrs.Act. tsiik:jant. T ♦ 1) Prs.Act. 2Sg. 246 b2; ♦ Prs.MP 3Sg. 72 b3, 117 b6, THT 2069 a2; ♦3PL 264 b8, 336 a3; ♦ PPrs.MP YQ I.3 b3; ♦Gdv. 211 al; ♦ Inf. 6 b4, 342 a>b2, PK.NS.2 b4!; ♦ Ipf.MP 3Pl. 154 a4, 301 b4; ♦ Subj.MP lSg. 326 a5; ♦3Sg. THT I 146 a4!; ♦Opt.Act.3Sg. 460 + 466 a4; ♦MP 2Sg. YQ 11.15 a2; 466 a4?!; ♦ Gdv. 263 a>b4; ♦Abl.Sg. 263 b>al; ♦ Ipv.MP 2Pl. 71 b2, 300 a7; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Pl. 360 a2; ♦ Prt.MP 3Sg. 77 a2, 100 a2, 222 a6, 239 a5; ♦ 3Pl. 314 b2; ♦PPrt. Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. 101 b6; ♦Instr.Pl.Fem. 420 a4; ♦Abs. 8 a3, 10 b4, 258 b2, 447 a3; ♦ Prt.1 Act. 3Sg. 161 a3 lo tsari:i111 .fokiii 'he/she took away my hands'; ♦2) Prs.Act. 3Sg. 324 b I; ♦ PPrs.Act. 65 b2. D Abstract ► tskiilune, basis of ► tskiilune!ji. R In 263 a>b4 and b>al the Gdv. tskal seems to be used as substantive 'taking


    out', with epithet 11e:ji 'previous', see SSS:7, 482. On the bilingual fragment 460 + 466, see Couvreur (1967:156, 159). tsiikre* (n.) '?' L POU'?'. F Norn.Pl. tsiikreii. T ♦Norn.Pl. Berlin ms. (SSS:48). R It could be of masculine or of feminine gender. tsiitik- (vb.) 'arise' [B tsiink-] F Inf. tsankatsi. T ♦ Inf. 43 + 52 b3!. R For the interpretation of the passage and restoration of the verb, see Pinault (20 I Sf: 158). tsiitik*

    ► klllftp-tsii1ik*

    tsii1ikiir* (n., masc.) 'peak, mountain top' [B tsalikiir] L COU 'Gipfel', TEB II 'Gipfel'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tsii1ikr-anc, Abl.Sg. tsii1ikrii,v, Perl.Sg. tsiinkra, Com.Sg. tsiilikrassiil, Norn.Pl. tsiinkrunt. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 231 a5; ♦Abl.Sg. THT 1486 a3; ♦Perl.Sg. 318 + 319 a8; ♦Com.Sg. 43 + 52 b I; ♦Norn.Pl. 318 + 319 b4, 324 b8!, THT 1378.g a4, THT 1607.b b3. D Related to the root ► tsii1ik- 'stand up, arise'. R For the restoration ofTHT 1486, see Malyshev (2017: 120-121 ). The masculine gender is warranted by the masculine agreement of the plural in 318 + 319 b4. Judging from the suffix and the plural suffixes (A tsi:inkrunt, B tsii1ikarwa), one would expect feminine agreement in the plural. The gender is probably analogical after .yul (B ~-ale) 'mountain', masculine, see the phrases ~·le111ts tsiilikarwa (B 355 b3, 518 a6, THT 1191 b3) and A .yulini tsii1ikrz111t (318 + 319 b4 ). tsiinii- (vb.) 'flow; result' [B tsiin-* (in tsnamo* 'flowing')] (Skt. ni-.yyand-) L TEB II 'fliel3en', TVS 'compose'. P (itr.) Subj. tsna-, PPrt. tsno. F PPrt.Nom.Sg.Masc. tsno, Norn./Obl.Pl.Fem. tsnont, Subj. V Abstr. tsnalune. T ♦ PPrt.Norn.Sg.Masc. 336 a5 (si:i)k tampeyiintwii,v tsno s(utii)r 11ii111 • st(w)ar



    tsar spantiilu(neya)ntwa~· tsno abhidharm (niif!I) 'the Siitra[pi\aka] results [lit flows] from the ten powers; the Abhidharma[pi\aka] results from the four fearlessnesses'; +Nom./ObLPLFem. 248 a2-a3 sas sas kant siiwa111 pfiitfllWii(ssy okoyii!i tmyiik-we-pi) lakyani oktuk ska111 tsnont yetweyntu 'one by one, (the thirtytwo major) marks and the eighty [minor] ornaments [Skt. anuvyafijana-] result from (the fruit) of great merits', 336 a7. The Subj. V form tsniintr-ii111 quoted in TVS:984 after SSS:482, and read in THT 1151 b I is a ghost form. See under ► kiiltsii-. The traditional interpretation (based on TB tsnamo* and related forms, see ADAMS:318) was challenged by Serzant 2007, who posited 'compose, put together'. However (Huard, p.c.), in 336 a5, it corresponds in the Mahiivibhii!iii to Skt. ni-.5yand- 'flow', in the technical meaning of 'issue,

    outcome' (see BHSD:309b):

    EB~1!~~7':t.f-~)JTto Jm~~)!Tto 'The Siitra is the outflow [Skt. ni$yanda-] of the [ten] powers; the Vinaya is the outflow of the great compassion; the Abhidharma is the outflow of the [four] fearlessnesses' (Taisho No. 1545, voL 27, . lc26-27). Restoration and translation of248 a2-3 according to Schmidt (2021: 136). Sieg's suggestion (apud Couvrcur 1946:583) of a confusion between Skt. sruta- 'flowing' and sruta- 'famous' is contradicted by the paralleL tsiintiir* (n., a.) 'liquid' (?) L POU'?'. F Nom./ObLPL tsantriintu. T ♦Nom./ObLPL l 77 al .5iilyp wsa1f1 sepal yo miissuntii$.)' aci tsiintriintu 'liquids beginning with marrow, fat and ointment for poison'. D Possibly related to the root ► tsiinii' flow'.

    tsiimii- (vb.) I) (itr.) 'grow, increase, come into being', 2) (fact.) 'increase, cause to grow' [B tsiim-, tsam-] L POU 'crescere, augeri', TEB II 'wachsen', TVS 'grow, increase, come into being; increase, cause to grow'. P l) (itr.) Prs. sam-, Subj. tsmii-, PPrt. tsmo, 2) (fact.) Prs. tsmiis-T-, Subj. tsmiis-T-, Prt. (sa)smii-. F I) Prs.III MP 3PL samantarr, sama111tar, Prt.l PPrt. tsmo, ObLSg.Masc./Nom./ObLPI.Fem. tsmont, 2) Prs.VIII Act. 3Sg. tsmii.5, Subj.IX Abstr. II tsmii!flune, Prt.MP 3PL sasmiint. T ♦ I) Prs.MP 3Pl. (samantarr) 254 a5; (samaf!1tar) 3 bl; +PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 108 b5, 163 a4€; ♦ObLSg.Masc. 147 b5, 243 al, 254 a5€, 254 a6, 280 a7; ♦2) Prs.Act. 3Sg. 256 b2; ♦ Prt.MP 3PL 13 a3!, 63 b4; ♦ fgm. 123.a b3. D Cf. ► tsmiilune, ► tsmii:jlrme. R The occurrences oftspo (163 a4) and t:,pont (254 a5) are scribal errors for tsmo and tsmont, cf. TVS:986, Geng LautPinault (2004b:54). In 13 a3, (sa)smanta is probably a mistake for sasmant, see TS: 11, n. 3 and Itkin - Malyshev (2021:61, 11. 16). tsiir I) (adj.), 2) (adv.), 3) (n.) I) (adj.) 'hard, sharp', 2) (adv.) 'hardly', 3) (n.) 'hardness, harsh speech' [B tsire*, tsiraufie (abstr.)] L POU 'asper, acer', TEB II 'hart'. F I) Obl.Sg.Masc. tsra,_n, Nam.Pl.Masc. tsre, Obl.PLMasc. tsres, ObLSg.Fem. tsa1yii111, Nom./Obl.Pl.Fem. ts1w11, 2) tsar, tsra, 3) Nom./Obl.Sg. tsar. S tsar iisar 'hard [and] dry', tsar utkur 'hard [and] painful', tsar weFzlune 'harsh speech' (Skt. piiru.5ya-viida-). T ♦ I) Obl.Sg.Masc. 75 a2, 76 + 83 (+ THT 1382.k) a2 liilupunt tsra1r1 ~uris iik k,,yal pa(t) skiiwi.y 'Or how could [someone] lick the sharp edge ofa blade smeared [with honey]', 52 a4, 315 + 316 al, THT 2440 b2; ♦Norn.Pl.Masc. 23 b5; ♦Obl.PLMasc. 23 b2, 321 a2; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem. 355 al; ♦Nom./ObLPl.Fem. 107 b3, 166 a2, 184 a2, 199 bl!, THT 1147 b2, THT 1331.a a5 ts1wr1 utkra111; ♦2) (tscir) 152 b4, 277 b6 tsar weiilu(ne) 'harsh speech', 371 a5 ,'lllale vi.yam tsar wiiiveku wewiiu




    tiim 'should l have uttered lie, slander, harsh speech and non-sense'; (tsra) 156 a5 tsra ymiir kakmus 'having come hard [and] hastily'; ♦ 3) Obl.Sg. 227/8 b7. Related to ► tsrm;i, ► tsra!j!jlllle, ultimately cognate with the root of ► tsiirii-.


    The traditionally recorded match TB scTre is not compatible formally, pace TEB Il:159, 247; see Pinault (2020a:374, 376-380). On the concept of piiru.ryaviida- 'harsh speech' and its rendering in Tocharian, see Pinault (l 999a:229-23 l ). In 227 /8 b7, tsar as substantivized adjective corresponds to Skt. piiru,~ya-, nt. 'roughness, hardness (esp. of language)' (MW :621 b), short for piiru(iya-viida- 'harsh speaking'. Restoration of 83 a2 according to Itkin Malyshev (2021 :62).

    tsiirii-(vb.) I) (itr.) 'be separated', 2) (caus.) 'separate' [B tsar-, tsar-] L POU 'seiungere, separare', TEB 11 'sich trennen', TVS 'be separated; separate'. P I) (itr.) Prs. sra-?, Subj. tsrii-, Prt. :-Wrii*ltsara-, PPrt. tsro, 2) (caus.) Prs. tsrasT-, Prt. sasra-. F I) Prs.III Gdv. sral, Abstr.l sralune, Subj.V MP 3Sg. tsratr-a,rz, Abstr.II tsriilune, Prt.1 Act. IPL tsaramas, PPrt. tsro, Abs. tsrorii, 2) PPrs.MP tsrasmii171, Inf. tsrassi, Prt.Act. 2Sg. sasrii(it. T ♦ I) Prs. Gdv. 180 a4 (iiu)k sniikyii111 sral ,~F (skam) klopcmtyo ypic nasal 'for me alone there should be separation (and) for the first time plenty of sufferings will happen'; ♦Abstr. ► sral1111e; ♦ Subj.MP 3Sg. 146 b4; ♦Abstr. ► tsriilmze; ♦ Prt.Act. I Pl. 347 a2-3; ♦ PPrt. 92 a2, b4; ♦Abs. 296 a5; ♦2) PPrs.MP 298 b6; +Inf. 84 a5, YQ 1.7 b5; ♦ Prt.Act. 2Sg. 92 a6. D Cf. ► sral!Ji, ► sral1111e, ► tsriil1111e. R See TVS:987-988. tsiirk (n., masc.sg.) 'lute'(?) [B (Obl.Sg.) sarka] (Uigh. tr iin, tr oyun) L POU 'appellatio cuiusdam instrumenti aut soni musici', JWP 'lute(?)'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tsiirk, Com.Sg. tsiirkassiil. S tsiirk yiim-lya- 'play the lute'. T ♦Obl.Sg. 126 a6, 318 + 319 a2, a6?, YQ 1.9 a2 sla tsi:irk karel 'with (lute-)music and laughter (Uigh. tr iini)'; ♦ Com.Sg.

    YQ 1.9 b3 kare! tsiirkassiil 'with (lute-)music and laughter (Uigh. zr oyun kiilcirmiik)'. D On the basis of the interpretation as 'song, singing', Dragoni (2021: 184-187) assumes a loan from Khot. tcarkii- 'play, amusement'. R For the meaning, see Pinault ( 1990: 174175 and 1994b:188-191),pace ADAMS:679. Since the lute served as regular accompaniment for singing, the reference of some occurrences of TB sarka to 'chant' is not contradictory. As for the formation, see Malzahn (201 lb:85, 102-103). For the Uigh. parallels, see Geng Klimkeit ( 1988a: I 06, I 07). tsiirk-(vb.) 'bum, torment' [B tsi:irk-] L POU 'torquere, vexare', TEB [I 'brennen, qualen', TVS 'bum, torture'. P (tr.) Prs. tsiirk-T-, Prt. sark-s-. F Prt. III Act. 3Sg. sarkiis, Subj.II Abstr. tsiirslune.

    T R

    ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. SHT 1098d.vl (= THT 4083d)!; +Abstr. ► tsiirsl1111e. For Prt. 3Sg. of this root in SHT1098d.vl siirkiis, see Peyrot (2014: 142 and 20 l 3a:845). The form is partly restored.

    tsiirk-rape (n., fem.) 'lute music' L POU 'musica fidium', TEB 11 'Lautenmusik'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tsiirk-rape. T ♦ Obl.Sg. 15 bl, THT 1454 bl. D Compound with ► tsiirk and ► rape 'music, orchestra'. tsiirslune (n., a.) 'burning, torture' F Nom./Obl.Sg. tsiirslune, Nom.Pl. tsiirsluneyntu. ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 251 b2, 252 b2; ♦Nom.Pl. YQ II. I b7. D Abstract derived from ► tsiirk-. Calque of Skt. tapas- 'heat, burning', hence 'pain, suffering' (MW:437a).


    tsiilpii-(vb.) I) (itr.) 'pass away, be released, be redeemed', 2) (fact.) 'redeem, free' [B tsiilp-, tsalp-] L POU 'ire, transire, liberari', TEB II 'hiniibergehen, erlost werden', TVS 'pass away, be released, be redeemed; redeem, free'.

    557 P




    tsitik I) (itr.) Prs. salpa-, Subj. tsalpa-/tsiilpa-, Prt. tsiilpa-/tsalpa-, PPrt. tsiilpo, 2) (fact.) Prs. tsiilpiis-T-, Subj. tsiilpas-T-, PPrt. sasiilpu. I) Prs.lll MP 3Sg. salpatiir, salpatrii, 3PI. salpantiir, salpantrii, PPrs.MP salpma111, Gdv. salpal, Inf. salpatsi, Subj.V Act. 3Sg. tsalpa~·, 2Pl. tsiilpiic, 3PI. tsiilpenc, Opt.Act. 1Pl. tsiilpimiis, 3Sg. tsiilpi, 3Pl. tsiilpiiic, Gdv. tsiilpa!, Prt.I Act. 3Sg. tsiilp, 2PI. tsa!pas, 3Pl. tsalpar, PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. tsiilpo, Obl.Sg.Masc./Nom./Obl.PI.Fem. tsiilpont, Nam.Pl.Masc. tsiilpo.5, Obi.Pl.Masc. tsiilponciis, Nom.Sg.Fem. tsiilpos, Abs. tsiilporii,, 2) Prs.VIII MP 3Sg. tsiilpii-5tiir, PPrs.Act. tsiilp.5ant, PPrs.MP tsiilpiismii111, Gdv. tsiilpii-5lye, tsiilpii.5lyi, tsiilpii.y(yiniis, Subj.IX Opt.MP 2Sg. tsiilpii,~itiir, Prt.11 PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. sasiilpu, Obl.Sg.Fem. sasii!pusii1.11, Abs. sasiilpurii-5. klopii, tsiilp- 'be freed from suffering', sw11sarii.5 tsiilp- 'be released from Saqisara', tsiilp- + locative 'pass, enter into a different place or status'. ♦ I) Prs.MP 3Sg. (salpatiir) 260 a6; (salpatrii) 178 al; ♦ 3Pl. (salpantiir) 221 b6, 229 b6, 23 I a I, 348 b2; (salpantrii) 257 a4, 311 b5; ♦ PPrs.MP 152 a2!; ♦Gdv. 47 b4!, 214 b4, YQ JI.I b7; ♦ Inf. 109 a6!, 459 b2, YQ 11.3 b2; ♦ Subj.Act. 3Sg. 401 b5; ♦2Pl. 31 bl; ♦ 3PI. 288 a6, YQ Il.14 a7; ♦ Opt.Act. IPL YQ 11.7 bl; ♦ 3Sg. 258 b6!; ♦ 3Pl. 236 a7, 303 b3, YQ 1.5 a2, YQ III.6 a7, THT 1152 a2; ♦Gdv. 269 + 290 b>a7!; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. 31 al, 183 b5, 348 a3; ♦2Pl. 269 + 290 b>a4!; ♦ 3PI. 38 b5, 220 b5, 287 + 259 b>a7, 395 bl; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 218 b7, 269 + 290 b>a6!, YQ N.2 + N.6 a8; ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. 94 a5!, 247 b4, 464 b2; ♦Norn.Pl.Fem. YQ 111.3 a7; ♦Nam.Pl.Masc. 287 + 259 b>a5, b>a8!; ♦ Obi.Pl.Masc. 270 b7; ♦Nom.Sg.Fem. 185 a4; ♦Abs. 66 bl, 170 b2, 264 a3, YQ III.5 b3; ♦2) Prs.MP 3Sg. 391 a2, YQ II.I b7; ♦ PPrs.Act. 256 a2, 270 b7, 303 b5, 3 I I a6; ♦PPrs.MP 19 a6, 3 I b3; ♦ Gdv. (tsiilpJ.5lye) 313 a8; (tsiilpii.5/yi) 258 b5; (tsiilpii.5/yiniis) 287 + 259 b>a4!; ♦Opt.MP 2Sg. 313 a8; ♦ PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. 258 b5; ♦ Obl.Sg.Fem.

    D R

    THT 1408.k+285+281 b>a0-l!; ♦ Abs. YQ III.I 1 b5. Cf. ► tsiilpiilune. Discussion of meaning and phraseology by Pinault (20 I 7b:646-649 ) with previous literature. The intransitive verb corresponds to Skt. mucyate 'be loosed, set free, released' (MW:820c).

    tsiilpiilune (n., a.) 'release, salvation' Nom./Obl.Sg. tsiilpiilune, All.Sg. F tsiilpaluneyac. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 313 a8, 348 a5, PK.NS.4 al, PK.NS.5 a3!; ♦All.Sg. 320 b8; ♦fgm. 216 b>a3-4!. D Abstract derived from the subjunctive stem of ► tsiilpii- itr. See also ► tsiilpiilune~i. tsiilpiilune-iikiil (n., a.) 'desire for salvation' L POU 'desiderium salvationis'. F lnstr.Sg. tsiilpiilune-iikiilyo. T ♦ lnstr.Sg. 271 a2, 302 a4, YQ 11.3 a8, YQ IIl.12a8. D Compound made of ► tsiilpiilune and ► akiil. Variation of the phrase tsiilpalune,i iikiil. tsiilpiilune~·i (adj.) 'pertaining to salvation' F Obl.Sg.Masc. tsiilpiilune,i, tsiilpiilune,~if/1. S tsiilpalune,i iikiil 'wish for salvation'. T ♦Obl.Sg.Masc. (tsiilpalune,~i) 120 b2, 287 + 259 b>a4; (tsiilpalu11e.5it71) 299 a2, YQ Ill.12 a7. D Derived from ► tsiilpiilune. tsik-(vb.) 'form, shape' [B tsaik-, tsik-] L POU 'ligare, formare', TEB II 'bilden, formen', TVS 'form, shape'. P (tr.) Prs. tsik-0-*, Subj. tseka-*, Prt. tseka-*, PPrt. tsiitseku. F Prt.I PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. tsiitseku, tsiitsekw. T ♦PPrt. Nom.Sg.Masc. (tsatseku) 213 a4, YQ 11.5 a2; (tsatsekw) YQ II.IO bl. D Cf. ► tseke.yi, compound ► kmztis-tsek. tshik (n., masc.) 'arrow, shaft' [Cf. B tsain*] L POU'?', Sieg (1952) 'herab', CEToM 'firmly'. F Nom./Obl.Sg. tsilik. T ♦Obl.Sg. 315 + 316 al siim sasak (miimiintu a)iiclis karka tsi,ik saseyu k!yat yiisluriie piiltsiiii.fri 'this one stood alone




    [and] angry, leaning an arrow to the shaft of the bow [and] thought of hatred'. Hapax of315 + 316 al, cf. Sieg (1952:28, n. 13).

    tsitii-(vb.) I) (tr.) 'touch', 2) (caus.) 'make touch' [B Isita-] L POU 'tangere', TEB lI 'beriihren', TVS 'touch; make touch'. P (tr.) Prs. tsina-, Subj. tseta-*/tsita-, lpv. ptseta-, Prt. Isita-, PPrt. tsito. F I) (tr.) Prs.VI Act. !Sg. tsinam, Inf. tsinatsi, Subj.V Opt.Act. I Sg. tsitim, Ipv.Act. 2Sg. ptseta-ili, Prt.Act. 3Sg. tsit, tsitii(-111), PPrt. Norn.Pl.Masc. tsito!f, Abs. tsitorii, tsitora!f, 2) (caus.) PPrs.MP tsitasmii111. T ♦ l)(tr.) Prs.Act. !Sg. 23 b6; ♦Inf. 23 b3, I 10 b4, 153 bl, YQ V.l b8, THT 1141 a3; ♦ Opt.Act. I Sg. 23 b6; ♦ Jpv.Act 2Sg. 158 b6 tunk,~it.n po1y=iiriilc : ptsetii(-ili) 'touch my heart with the fire of love'; ♦ Prt.Act. 3Sg. (tsit) 9 al; (tsitii(-111) 110 b2; ♦PPrt. Norn.Pl.Masc. 55 a6; ♦Abs. (tsitorii) 103 a2; (tsitora.r) 48 b4!, 144 b4, 296 b2, 315 + 316 a3; ♦2) (caus.) PPrs.MP YQ 1.2 a6, YQ Il.7 b7. D Cf. ► tsitiilune. R Note that the Ipv. of 158 b6 can be alternatively completed with suffixed plural pronoun -m, or with middle ending -r, see the discussion in TVS:993 after Siegling's personal copy. Nevertheless, the context favors the alternative with I Sg. suffixed pronoun. See also Peyrot (2013:844 and note 1038). tsitiilune (n., a.) 'touching' F Nom./Obl.Sg. tsitiilune, Instr.Sg. tsitiiluneyo, Nom./Obl.Pl. tsitiiluneyntu. T ♦Nom./Obl.Sg. 110 b3; ♦ lnstr.Sg. 278 a6; ♦Nom./Obl.Pl. 51 a4. D Abstract derived from ► tsitii-, subjunctive stem. tsip- (vb.) 'dance' [B tsip-] L POU 'saltare, dantsare [sic]', TEB II 'tanzen', TVS 'dance'. P (itr.) Prs. tsip-, !pf. sep-. F Prs.l Act. 3Pl. tsipiiic, PPrs. Nom.Sg.Masc. tsipantiiii, !pf.Act. 3Pl. separ.



    ♦Prs.Act. 3Pl. 283 a3, (193+)THT 2968.c b3; ♦PPrs. Nom.Sg.Masc. 444 a3!; ♦ I pf.Act. 3PI. 30 I b3. Cf. agent noun ► tsepa11t*.

    tsuka6, 329 b3 tsm-ca111, 388 b3, 395 a2 tsrn-ca111, 399 a!0 bl, YQ 11.8 b2, YQ IIl.12 b4 tsrn-ca1J1, b7 tsru-ca111; (t.1n1) 224 b5, 242 b4. Ultimately related to the root of ► tsiirii-. For a discussion on the meaning see Pcyrot (2013b: 169). In 329 b3, 395 a2, YQ III. 12 b7, one finds the sequence tsru ca1J1 'little, few somehow, somewhat', with the indefinite pronoun cwJ1, oblique of ► swtz, Clll!I, in adverbial use. Sec also ► tsrut*.

    tsmt* (adj.) 'few, little, brief" F Obl.Sg.Masc. tsrncd171. T ♦ Obl.Sg.Masc. 395 a3 tsrncd171 konci/di kiitkaluneya 'during the passing of few days', lit. 'by some little passing of days'. D Adjective derived from the adverb ► tsru, after the ordinal adjectives derived from

    numerals, cf. trit 'third', Obl.Sg.Masc. etc. This form cannot be deemed as a mere variant of tsm-cw71, because it is carefully written and only one line below one occurrence (395 a2) of tsru-cw11, sec under ► tsm. Otherwise, one may consider that the copyist has taken over the phrase tsm-ca171 of the previous line, and has modified it as tsrncii171, making it an adjective in agreement with




    tsm-yiirm (adv.) 'a little' L POU 'paulum', TEB II 'in geringem Maf3e'. T ♦ 2 al, 55 a3, 158 a4, 230 b6!, 427 al, YQ II.I I bl, THT 1136 a3. D Compound with ► tsm and ► yiirm. Calque ofSkt. adverb alpa-matram 'a little merely, a short time' (MW:95c). R In 427 a I, tsru-ydrm is the match of Skt. alpc"intara (VA V 1.8c ), see Hartmann (1987:71-72).