Syriac Thesaurus: Thesaurus Syriacus 9781463212414

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Supplement to the Syriac Thesaurus of ROBERT PAYNE SMITH


J. P. Margoliouth




First Gorgias Press Edition, 2007

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This edition is a facsimile reprint of the original edition published by the Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1879 ISBN 978-1-59333-553-3 (Set) ISBN 978-1-59333-554-0 (Volume 1) ISBN 978-1-59333-555-7 (Volume 2) ISBN 978-1-59333-556-4 (Volume 3) ISSN 1935-3189

GORGIAS PRESS 46 Orris Ave., Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA

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PREFACE EITHER a thesaurus nor its supplement can be final, even when of a dead language ; MSS re-appear ; new or insufficiently treated words come to light ; new theories of interpretation arise. Except in a few cases I have omitted (a) notes on the native Lexica, as students now have M. Rubens Duval's edition of Bar Bahlul with his full and scholarly notes ; (6) dialects, such as Palestinian Syriac and Modern Syriac, on which full information is now accessible. The following book is compiled (a) from collections, left by my father for this purpose, of words from books published too late for use in the earlier parts of his work ; (6) from corrections and lexicographical theories in magazines, such as the Journal Asiatique and the Zeitschrift cler Deutschen Morgenlàndischen Gesettschaft ; (c) from glossaries and separate

words noted by many editors of Syriac MSS, e. g. Dr. Wright's glossary to Kalilah-w-Bimnah ; Dr. G. Hoffmann's invaluable geographical study on Acts of the Martyrs ; the notes of M. Chabot in his Recueil de Synodes Nestoriem ; the full and valuable footnotes to Sir E. A. Wallis Budge's Historia Monastica ; (d) from notes kindly given to me by various scholars, such as those of Bishop Maclean on liturgical and ritual matters : and from references supplied by Messrs. E. W. Brooks, F. Nau, R. Gottheil, and A. Mingana. Of especial value are the references from M. Rubens Duval's copy of the Thesaurus, acquired after his lamented death by M. l'Abbé Hyvernat, who most kindly sent this copy for my use before adding it to his library. (e) Naturally I have excerpted various books, aided by my husband, who has been my constant referee throughout. Sir E. A. W . Budge allowed me the use of his fine MS., the Butyrum Sapientiae of Bar Hebraeus, still unpublished, and of his Book of Medicine before publication. My thanks are due to the Delegates of the Clarendon Press for allowing the publication of this supplemental volume. Warm thanks



are also due to the past and present readers and compositors of the Press for their great interest, skill, and attention, especially to Mr. Ulric Gantillon for many a scholarly suggestion.

Dr. A. Mingana has had the

kindness to read proofs and make invaluable corrections and suggestions. My father's constant desire, in which L associate myself, is that the present wider study of the Syriac language may result in increased attention to versions of Holy Scripture in this language, especially to Mrs. Lewis's valuable discovery, in the Convent Library of Mount Sinai, of a more ancient version of the Gospels than the Peshito, itself existing in older MSS than any Greek text. JESSIE





ABBREVIATIONS OF BOOKS QUOTED Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles, ed. W . W r i g h t . London, 1871. The Story of Ahikar from the Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, Ethiopie, Greek, and Slavonic versions, ed. F. C. Conybeare, J . Eendel Harris, and Agnes Smith Lewis. London, 1898. Ahrens & Krüger Die sogenannte Kirchengeschichte des Zacharias Ehetor. K. Ahrens. G. Krüger. Leipzig, 1899. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. AKGW. Göttingen. Al'ykham seu Linguae et Artis Metricae Syrorum Institutiones. Al'ykham P . Gabriel Cardahi. Kome, 1880. La Légende Syriaque de St. Alexis, ed. A. Amiaud. Paris, 1889. Alexis. Das Syrische Alexanderlied, ed. C. Hunnius. ZDMG. Ix. 169. Alex.-Lied. Acta Martyrum et Sanctorum, ed. P. Bedjan. i-vii. Paris, 1890-7. A.M.B. l'époque Copte. E. Amélineau. Amél. or Amélineau La Géographie de l'Égypte Paris, 1893. Analecta Syriaca, ed. P . de Lagarde. Leipzig, 1858. An. Syr. Anecdota Syriaca, ed. J . P . N. Land. Leyden, 1862-75. Anecd. Syr. Eine Syrische Liste Antiochenischer Patriarchen. Bruno Meissner, Ant. Patr. W Z K M . viii. 404, 1894. The Homilies of Aphraates, ed. W . Wright, London, 1869. Syriac Aphr. paging refers to this edition ; Arabic numerals to D. I. Parisot's edition, Patr. Syr. i. 1894. The Book of the Bee, ed. E. A. Wallis Budge. Oxford, 1886. Apis Apollinaristische Schriften, ed. J . Flemming & H . Liebmann. Apollinarist. Berlin, 1904. The Categories of Aristotle. Brit. Mus. Add. 14658. Arist. Cat, The Apology of Aristides, ed. J . Rendel Harris. Cambridge, 1891. Arist. Apol. Ar.PflnN. Aramäische Pflanzenuamen von I m m . Low. Leipzig, 1881. Ar.FischN. Aramäische Pischnamen. Yon I. Low in Nold. F. S. Azazail Histoire de S. Azazail. Paris, 1902. Bibl. de l'École des Hautes Études, fasc. 141. Bar Ali, quoted Thes. Syr. passim. See Lexx. Cod. Goth. id. from BA. a MS. at Gotha, ed. G. Hoffmann. Kiel, 1874. Babai Senior, Archimandrita. C. S. Xt. Or. Série ii, tt. 61, 62. Babai A Christian Bahira Legend. R. Gottheil, ZA. xiii. Bahira Badger, Nestorians The Nestorians and their Rituals, by Rev. G. P. Badger. London, 1852. Bar Ce. Moyses Bar Kepha. C. S. Xt. Or. Série ii, tt. 77-82. Bar Choni or Khoni Theodore b. Choni. See Cosmog. Manichéenne ; also quoted in Pognon's Hippoc. q. v. Barhad. Mar Barhadbsabba d'Arbaya, Évêque de Halwan. Cause de la Fondation des Écoles, ed. Mar Addai Scher, Patr. Or. t. iv. fasc. 4, Act. Apos. Apoc. Ahikar


Bar Penk. Bar Sal. in Lit. B. or Bar Sud.


Bar Penkayé : Sources Syriaques, Vol. i, ed. A. Mingana. Mosul, 1906. Dionysius Bar Salibi. Expositio Liturgiae, C. S. Xt. Or. Sér. ii, t. 93. Stephen Bar Sudaili, the Syrian Mystic, ed. A. L. Frothingham. Leyden, 1886. Batt. Const. Omelia di Giacomo di Sarug sul Battesimo di Constantino Imperatore, ed. A. Frothingham, E.A.L. cclxxix. Rome, 1882. BB. Bar-Bahlul : see Lexx. DBB. id.. ed. Kubens Duval. Paris, 1888-1901. BH. Gregorius Bar-Hebraeus. Carmina ed. Scebabi. Kome, 1877. B H . Carm. Liber Columbae, ed. G. Cardahi. Kome, 1898. B H . Col. Chronicon Syriacum, ed. P. Bedjan. Paris, 1890. B H . Chron. Chronicon Ecclesiasticum, ed. J . B. Abbeloos & T. J . Lamy. B H . Chron. Eccl. Louvain, 1872. BH.Eth. Ethicon seu Moralia, ed. P. Bedjan. Paris, 1898. Des Gregorius Abulfarag Anmerkungen zu den Salomonischen B H . in — Schriften, A. Kahlfs, Leipzig, 1887 ; Scholia in Ruth & Apoc. Danielis. ed. A. Heppner, 1888; in Epistulas Paulinas, Maximiiianus Loehr, 1889 ; in Leviticum, G. Kerber, 1895. Œuvres Grammaticales d' Abou'l Faradj dit Bar Hebreus, ed. B H . Gram. l'Abbé Martin. Paris, 1872. Nomocanon, ed. P. Bedjan. Paris, 1898. B H . Nom. BH. de P l . A List of Plants and their Properties. From the Menarat Kudhse of Bar Ebhrava, ed. R. J . H. Gottheil. Carmen de Divina Sapientia. Rome, 1880. B H . de Sap. B H . Stories The Laughable Stories collected by Bar-Hebraeus, ed. E. A. Wallis Budge. Luzac's Semitic Text and Translation Series. Vol. i. B. Nin. Rogation of the Ninevites. Press of the Archbishop's Assyrian Mission. Urmi, 1896. Book of Shem Some Early Judaeo-Christian Documents in the J o h n Eylands Library. A. Mingana. Bulletin of the above Library, Vol. iv. 1917. Brev. Ant. Syr. Breviarium juxta Ritum Ecclesiae Antiochenae Syrorum tt. i.-iii. Mosul, 1886. Brev. Cbald. Breviarium Chaldaicum, ed. P . Bedjan i-iii. Paris, 1888. Brev. Chald., Maclean A MS. copy of the same, references supplied by Bp. Maclean. Brief Xti Der vom Himmel gefallene Brief Christi. Max Bittner. Vienna, 1906. Brit. Mus. Or. British Museum Oriental MSS. No. 1593 is a MS. of Chimie, q. v. Brook's Chron. A Syriac Chronicle of the year 846, ed. E. W . Brooks, ZDMG. li. Brook's Chron. Can. The Chronological Canon of James of Edessa, ZDMG. liii. BH. Butyrum Sapientiae : MS. belonging to Sir E. A. Wallis Budge But. Sap. containing Economica, Ethicon, Isagoge, Logica, Nat. Hist., Peri Hermenias, Philosophia, Politica, Theologia. Byzantiner Zeitschrift, ed. Karl Krumbacher, Leipzig. Byz. Zt. Canones Johannis bar Cursus, Teliae Mauzalat Episcopus, ed. Can. J. Tell. C. Kubercyk. Leyden, 1901. Card. Tlies. i.q. Poet. Syr. q. v. The Catholicos of the East and His People, by A. J. Maclean and Catholicos W . H. Browne. S.P.C.K. 1892.



Catalogue of Syriac MSS. in the Bodleian Library. E . Payne Smith, Oxford, 1865. Das Buch von der Erkenntniss der Wahrheit oder der Ursache aller Caus. Caus. Ursachen. C. Kayser. Leipzig, 1889. Catalogue of Syriac MSS. in the British Museum. W . W r i g h t . C.B.M. London, 1870. i. q. Protection, q. v. Also Congr. Or. xi, sect. 4. Paris, 1898. Charms Le Livre de la Chasteté par Jésusdenah Evêque de Baçrah, ed. Chast. J.-B. Chabot. Rome, 1896. Chimie L'Alchimie Syriaque, t. ii, La Chimie au Moyen Age par M. Bertholet, avec la collaboration de M. Rubens Duval. Paris, 1893. Chronica Minora, ed. Guidi, Brooks, Chabot. C. S. Xt. Or. Série Chron Min. iii, t. 4. Cong. Or. Congrès International des Orientalistes. C. S. Xi. Or. Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. Paris. Cosmog. Manichéenne La Cosmogonie Manichéenne d'après Théodore bar Khoni, ed. P. Cumont. Brussels, 1908. Inscriptions Mandaites des Coupes de Khouabir. H . Pognon. Coupes Paris, 1898. Die Gedichte des Cyrillona, ed. J . Bickell, ZDMG. xxvii. Cyrillona See BB. DBB. De Astrolabe Severus Sebokht de Astrolabe, ed. P. Nau. Journ. As. 1903. De Goeje B. Peestbundel aan Prof. M. J . de Goeje. Leyden, 1891. Dion. Chronique Syriaque de Denys de Tell-Mahré, ed. J.-B. Chabot. Paris, 1895. Dionysii Inedita. F. Nau in R.O.C, ii (1897). Dion. Ined. Pedanii Dioscoridis De Materia Medica. Leipzig, 1829. Diosc. Histoire de Dioscore, Patriarche d'Alexandrie, ed. F. Nau, Journ. Diosc. ed. Nau As. 1903. Documenta ad Origines Monophysitarum illustrandas, ed. J.-B. Chabot. Doc. Mon. C. S. Xt. Or. Sér. ii, t. 37. Supplément aux Dictionnaires Arabes. M. Dozy. Leyden, 1881. Dozy Traité de Grammaire Syriaque par Rubens Duval. Paris, 1881. Duval, Gr. Paradisus Eden, ed. P . J, Cardahi. Beyrout, 1889. Cf. Par. Ebed J. Card. Eden. El. Nis. Eliae Nisibeni interpres in Lag. Praet. Miss. q. v. Göttingen, 1879. El. Nis. Chron. Eliae Metropolitae Nisibeni Opus Chronologicum, ed. E. W . Brooks, C. S. Xt. Or. Sér. iii, t. ii. Paris, 1810. El. Nis. Gram. A treatise on Syriac Grammar by Mar Elia of Soba, ed. R. Gottheil. Berlin, 1887. El. Tirhan Syrische Grammatik des Mar Elias von Tirhan, ed. Fr. Baethgen. Leipzig, 1880. Ephr. ed. Bick. Carmina Nisibena, ed. G. Bickell. Leipzig, 1886. Ephr. ed. Lamy S ta Ephraemi Syri H y m n i et Sermones, ed. Th. J. Lamy. Mechlin, 1882-1902. Ephr. Jos. Histoire Complète de Joseph, par St. Ephrem. Poème. Paris, 1891. Ephr. Eef. S. Ephraim's Prose Refutations of Mani, Marcion and Bardaisan, ed. C. W . Mitchell. London, 1912. b 2




Epiphanius de Mensuris et Ponderibus, ed. Lagarde.


1880 Eransahr. nach der Geographie des Pseudo-Moses Xorenaci, Marquart. A K G W . 1901.

Ens. ed. Maclean

The Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius in Syriac, ed. W . W r i g h t &

Fils Jon. Flor. Vogüe Fremd W .



QUOTED Göttingen

N. Maclean. Cambridge, 1898. Les Fils de Jonadab fils de Bechab & les Isles Fortunees Jac. Edes., ed. F. Nau. Paris, 1889. Florilegium, dedie a M. le Marquis de Vogue. Paris, 1909. Die Aramaischen Fremdwörter im Arabischen von Siegmund Fraenkel. Leyden, 1886.


Proben der Syrischen Uebersetzung von Galenus' Schrift über die

G. Busäme

einfachen Heilmittel. A. Merx, ZDMG. xxxix. Ganath Busäme = the Garden of Delights. A Commentary on H o l y

Gaza or Gezza Geop.

Scripture. Brit. Mus. MS. E.-Syr. Service Book of variable anthems and hymns. Geoponicon in sermonem Syriacuin versorum quae supersunt, ed.

Georg. Ar.

P . de Lagarde. Leipzig, 1860. Die Astronomischen Briefe Georgs des Araberbischofs, ed. V. Ryssel. Z A . viii. 1893.

Gest. Alex.

The History of Alexander the Great, being the Syriac version of


Pseudo-Callisthenes, ed. E. A . Wallis Budge. Göttinger Gelehrte Anzeigen.

Cambridge, 1889.

Greg. Carm.

Sti. Gregorii Theologi Liber Carminum, ed. P . J. Bollig. Pars I I , ed. H . Gismondi. Beyrout, 1895. Greg, ol Cyprus. Gregory of Cyprus, Eylands Library MS. 42. H . and Brooks or Hamilton and Brooks. See Zach. Khetor. Hebr. or Hebraica Hebraica, a Quarterly Journal of Hebrew Study. Chicago. Hex. Versio Hexaplaris. Hippoc. Une Version Syriaque des Aphorismes d'Hippocrates, ed. H . Pognon. Leipzig, 1903. Hist. B . Y . M . The History of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the History of the Likeness of Christ, ed, E. A . W a l l i s Budge. Luzac's Semitic Text and Translation Series. Vol. iv Histoire d'Edesse jusqu' à la Premiere Croisade. Hubens Duval. Hist. Édesse Paris, 1897. The Book of Governors ; the Historia Monastica of Thomas, Bishop of Marga, ed. E. A . Wallis Budge. London, 1893. Hist. Rabban Hormizd The Histories of Rabban Hormizd, the Persian, and Rabban Hist. Mon.



Bar 'Idta, ed. E. A . W a l l i s Budge. Luzac's Semitic Text and Translation Series. Vols, ix, x, xi. The Life of Rabban Hormizd. A metrical discourse, by Wahle sui named Sergius of Adhorbaijan, ed. E. A . W a l l i s Budge. Berlin, 1894. See Metrologie.

Ined. Syr.

Inedita Syriaca, ed. E. Sachau.

Inscript. Sém.

Inscriptions Sémitiques de la Syrie, de la Mésopotamie et de la Région de Mossoul. Pognon. Paris, 1907.

Vienna, 1870.





S. Isaaci Antiocheni opera omnia, ed. G. Bickell. Giessen, 1873. Mar Isaacus Ninivita de Perfectione Keligiosa, ed. P. Bedjan. Leipzig, 1909. Is. Nin. Ch. or Chabot. De Isaaci Ninivitae Vita, Scriptis et Doctrina: accedunt très sermones, ed. J.-B. Chabot. Louvain, 1892. Ishodad The Commentaries of Ishodad of Merv, ed. Margaret Dunlop Gibson. Horae Semiticae X. Cambridge, 1913. Iloyahb Iso'yahb I I I Patriarchae Liber Epistularum, ed. Eubens Duval. C. S. Xt. Or. Sér. ii, t. 64. Paris, 1905 Ishoyahb Lett. The Book of Consolations or the Pastoral Epistles of Mar Isho-Yalib of Kuphlana in Adiabene, ed. Philip Scott-Moncrieff. Luzac's Semitic Text and Translation Series. JAOS. Journal of the American Oriental Society. J . As. or Journ. As. Journal Asiatique. Jab. or Jabal. Vies de Mar Jab-Alaha, de trois autres Patriarches et de quelques laïques Nestoriens, ed. P. Bedjan. Leipzig, 1893. Histoire de Mar Jab-Alaha et de Eaban Sauma, ed. P. Bedjan. Paris, 1888. The refs. are to the 2nd edition. Jac. Edes. in Arist. Jacobus Edessenus in Cat. Aristotelis, ed. Schiller. Die Canones Jacobs von Edessa, ed. C. Kayser. Leipzig, 1886. -— Can. Études sur l'Hexaméron de Jacques d'Édesse. A. Hjelt. Helsingfors — Hex. 1802. Dissertatio de Syrorum Fide et Disciplina in Re Eucharistica : — Resol. Joannis Telensis Resolutiones Canonicae Syriacae. T. J . Lamy. Louvain, 1909. Jac. Sar. Horn. Homiliae Selectae Mar Jacobi Sarugensis, ed. P . Bedjan. Paris, 1905-8. Jesus-Sabran Histoire de Jésus-Sabran par Jésus-Yahb d'Adiabene, ed. J.-B. Chabot : Archives des Missions Scientifiques vii. Jo. Tell. Het Leven van Johannes van Telia, ed. Kleyn. Leiden, 1882. Jos. ed. Engel Die Geschichte Josephs, ed. Meier Engel. Berlin, 1895. J o s . Narses Homiliae Mar-Narsetis in Joseph, ed. P. Bedjan. Leipzig, 1901. Jos. ed. Weinberg Die Geschichte Josefs angeblich verfasst von Basilius dem Grossen aus Cäsaria. Magnus Weinberg. Halle. 1893. JosephusVI. Das sechste Buch des Bellum Judaicum, ed. H. Kottek. Berlin, 1886. Jo. Eph. Third Part of the Ecclesiastical History of John of Ephesus, ed. W . Cureton, Oxford, 1853. Jos. Styl. The Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite, ed. W . Wright. Cambridge, 1882. J.R.A.S. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Jul. Hoff. Julianos der Abtrünnige : Syrische Erzählungen, ed. J. G. E. Hoffmann. Leiden, 1880. K-w-Dim. or Kal-w-Dim. The Book of Kalilah & Dimnah, ed. W . Wright. Oxford, 1884. — — ed. Bick. Kalilag und Dimnag. G. Bickell. Leipzig, 1876. Lag. Agathangelos. A.K.G.W., Vol. 3 5 : Arm. Stud. Armenische Studien, id. Vol.


Lag. G. A. — Praet. Miss. — Symm. L.E.S.


Gesammelte Abhandlungen von Paul de Lagarde. Leipzig, 1886. Praetermissorum e recognitione ejusdem. Göttingen, 1879. Symmicta ejusdem. Güttingen, 1877. Lives of the Eastern Saints, ed. E. W . Brooks, Patr. Or. t. xvii. fase. 1, t. xviii. fase. 5, t. xix. fase. 2. The Syro-Arabic Lexica of Jesus Bar Ali, Jesus Bar Bahlul and Lexx. another, known as Hunt. clxx. Lidzb. or id. Handb. Handbuch der Nordsemitischen Epigraphik von Mark Lidzbarski. Weimar, 1898. Nestoriana, die Fragmente des Nestorius, ed. Fr. Loofs. Halle, Loof's Nest. 1905. The Eight Eev. A. J. Maclean, Bishop of Moray, Eoss, and Caithness. Maclean Head of the Archbishop's Mission to Assyrian Christians, 1886-91. A Dictionary of the Dialects of Vernacular Syriac. A. J . Maclean. — Diet. Oxford, 1901. Mandäische Grammatik, Th. Nóldeke. Halle, 1875. Mand. Gram. La Lettre du Catholicos Mar Aba I I aux membres de l'école patriarchale Mar Aba I I . de Seleucie. Congr. Or. xi. Paris, 1898. La Légende de Mar Bassus, martyr Persan, ed. J.-B. Chabot. Louvain, Mar Bassus 1893. Mar Benj. La Vie de Mar Benjamin. V. Scheil, Z.A. xii. Acta Mar Kardaghi, ed. J. B. Abbeloos. Brussels, 1890. Die Mar Kardagh Geschichte Mar Abhdiso und seines Jungers Mar Qardagh, ed. A. Feige. Kiel, 1890. Quotations are from Feige's edition unless otherwise stated. La Mort de Mar Marcos, ed. V. Scheil, ZA. xii. Mar. Marc. See Eransahr. Marquart Mart. Luc. Martyrium Lucae, ed. F. Nau, E.O.C. iii. Maus. Biblia Sacra Vers. Pschitta. Dominican Mission. Mausil, 1887. Med. The Book of Medicines, ed. E. A. Wallis Budge. Oxford, 1913. Historia Arlis Grammaticae apud Syros. Adalbert Merx. Leipzig, Merx. Gram. 1889. Griechische und Eómische Metrologie, von Fr. Hultsch. Berlin, Metrologie 1882. Chronique de Michel le Syrien, Patriarche Jacobite d'Antioche Mich. Syr. 1166-99, ed. J.-B. Chabot. Paris, 1900. Monumenta Syriaca ex Bomanis Codicibus collecta a P . Zingerle. Mon. Syr. Innsbruck, 1869. Monte Singar : Storia de un popolo ignoto (Yasidiani). S. Giamil. M. or Mt. Singar Eome, 1900. Msiha-Zkha. Sources Syriaques, Vol. i, ed. A. Mingana. Mosul, 1908. M.Z. Narsai Doctoris Syri Homiliae et Carmina, ed. A. Mingana. Mosul, Nars. ed. Ming. 1905. Syrische Wechsellieder von Narses, ed. Fr. Feldmann. Leipzig, 1896. Narses W . Das Buch der Naturgegenstände, ed. K. Ahrens. Kiel, 1892. Natur Syriac Giammar with Chrestomathy. Dr. E. Nestle. Berlin, 1889. Nest. Chrest. Nestorius : Le Livre d'Héraclide, ed. P . Bedjan. Leipzig, 1910. Nest. Herac. Natural History : part of But. Sap. N. Hist.

ABBREVIATIONS OF BOOKS QUOTED Nöld. P. S. — Syr. Gram. Odes Sol. Op. Nest. Or. Xt. Ost. Syr. Bisch. Pallad. P.A.O.S. Par. Eden. Par. Pat. Patr. Or. iii. 1 — — iv. 4 — — v. 5 Pers. Mart. Pesh., Psch, Pet. Ib. Phet. Philox. Philox. de Trin. Physiol. Pléroph. Poet. Syr, Probua Prognostics Protection QdhamW.

R.A. L. K. A. S. Reg. Mon. R.O.C.


Orientalische Studien Theodor Nöldeke gewidmet. Gieszen, 1906. Kurzgefasste Syrische Grammatik. Th. Nöldeke. Leipzig, 1880. The Odes and Psalms of Solomon, by J . Kendel Harris. Cambridge, 1911. Opuscula Nestoriana, ed. G. Hoffmann. Kiel, 1880. Oriens Christianus fur die Kunde des Christlichen Orients. Rome, Propaganda, 1902. Ostsyrische Bischöfe und Bischofsitze im v., vi., und viiten Jahrhunderte. Ig. Guidi, ZDMG. xliii. The Book of Paradise : being Histories and Sayings of Monks of the Egyptian Desert, ed. E. A. W . Budge. London 1904. Proceedings of the American Oriental Society. Ebed-Jesu Sobensis Carmina Selecta ex libro Paradisus Eden, ed. H. Gismondi. Beyrout, 1888. Liber qui inscribitur Paradisus Patrum, ed. O. F. Tullberg. Upsala, 1851. Patrologia Orientalis, ed. E. Graffin & F. Nau. Paris. Histoires d'Ahoudemmeh et de Marouta suivies duTraité sur l'Homme, ed. F . Nau. See Barhad. Légendes Syriaques, ed. F. Nau, 1910. Auszüge aus Syrischen Akten Persischer Märtyrer von G. Hoffmann. Leipzig, 1880. Peshito or Pschitta Version of the O. T. Petrus der Iberer : Syrische Übersetzung einer um das J a h r 500 verfassten Griechischen Biographie, ed. ß . Baabe. Leipzig, 1895. Historia Sti. Mar Pethion, ed. J . Corluy. Brussels, 1886. The Discourses of Philoxenus, Bishop of Mabbogh, A.D. 485-519, ed. E. A. Wallis Budge. London, 1894. Philoxenus de Trinitate et Incarnatione, ed. A. Vaschalde, C. S. Xt. Or. Série ii, t. 27. Physiologus seu Historia Animalium xxxii. O. G. Tychsen. Rostock, 1795. Les Plérophories de Jean, Évêque de Maiouma, ed. F. Nau, Patr. Or., t. vil. fasc. 1. M. N a u s notes are in R.O.C. iii. Liber Thesauri de Arte Poetica Syrorum. D. G.Cardahi. Rome, 1880. Le Traité du Philosophe Syrien Probus sur les Premiers Analytiques d'Aristote par A. van Hoonacker. Journ. As. 1900. The Prognostics of Daniel. Brit. Mus. Or. 2084. The Book of Protection: being a Collection of Charms, by Hermann Gollancz. London, 1912. The Book of Qdhamu W a t h a r = B e f o r e and After, i. e. Daily Offices of the East-Syrian Church. A t the Press of the Archbishops Mission. Urmi, 1892. Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Rome. The Royal Asiatic Society, Journal of. London. Regulae Monasticae Saec. vi, ed. J.-B. Chabot. Rome 1898. R.A.L. Revue de l'Orient Chrétien. Paris.



Rylands MS. Sassanidi

MSS. in the J o h n Rylands Library, Manchester. U n nuovo testo siriaco sulla Storia degli ultimi Sassanidi, ed. Ig. Guidi. Congr. Or. viii. ; also Chronica Minora, C. S. Xt. Or. Série iii, t. 2. Scliatzh. Die Schatzhohle, ed. Cari Bezold Leipzig, 1883. Schulthess Probe Probe einer Syrischen Version der Vita Sti. Antonii von Fr. Schul hess. Leipzig, 1894. S.C.L. Collection of Letters of Severus of Antioch, ed. E. W . Brooks, Patr. Or. xiv. S. Dan. History of Mar Daniel the Healer, Brit. Mus. Or. 4404. I Sette Dormienti di Efeso. Ig. Guidi, R . A . L . cclxxxii. 1895. Sette Dorm. Les Homiliae Cathédrales de Sévère d'Antioche trad. Syr. inédite de Sev. Ant. Horn. Jacques d'E desse, ed. R. Du vai, Patr. Or. t. iv. fase. 1, t. viii. fase. 2. Sev. Ant. H y m n s The H y m n s of Severus and others in the Syriac version of P a u l of Edessa as revised by James of Edessa, ed. E. W . Brooks, Patr. Or. t. vi. fase. 1, t. vii. fase. 5. Vie de Sevère, Patriarche d'Antioche 512-519, par Zacharie le Vit. Scholastique, ed. M.-A. Kugener, P a t r . Or. t. ii. fase. 1, et paiJean, Supérieur du Monastère de Beith-Aphtonia, ib. t. iii. fase. 3. The Sixth Book of the Select Letters of Severus Patriarch of Sev. Lett. Antioch, ed. E. W . Brooks. Text and Translation Society. London, 1902. Brit. Mus. Or. 4404. S. George Acta S. Maris, ed. J.-B. Abbeloos. Brussels, 1885. Acta S. Pelagiae, ed. J . Gildemeister. Bonn, 1879. Sindban oder die Sieben Weisen Meister. Fr. Baethgen. Leipzig, 1879. Statuta Scholae Nisibenae in Giornale della Società Asiatica Italiana, Stat. Schol. Nis. Vol. iv. (1890). Studia Sinaitica, ed. Agnes Smith Lewis and Margaret Dunlop Gibson. Stud. Sin Cambridge University Press, 1894-1916. Studia Syriaca seu Collectio Documentorum hactenus Ineditorum ex Stud. Syr. Codicibus Syriaeis. Ignatius Ephr. I I . Rahmani. Mt. Lebanon, 1904. Secunda Synodus Ephesia. S. G. F. Perry. Oxford, 1875. Syn. I I E p h . Synodicon Orientale ou Recueil de Synodes Nestoriens. J.-B. Chabot. Syn. Or. Paris, 1902. Syr. Rom. Reehtsb Syrisch-Römisches Rechtsbuch, von K. G. Bruns und Ed. Sachau. Leipzig, 1880. Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sasaniden aus der Tabari Arabischen Chronik des Tabari. Tli. Nöldeke. Leyden, 1879. The Liturgy of the Holy Apostles Adai and Mari with two additional Takhsa Liturgies and the Order of Baptism. Urmi at the Press of the Archbishop of Canterbury's Mission, 1890. The Talmud. Talm. Das Gedicht Tekkaf l'Arestotalis, ed. S. Samuel. Halle, 1893. Tekkaf Testamentum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, ed. Ignatius Ephraem Test. Dni. Rahmani Putriarclia Antiochenus Syrorum. Metz, 1899. S. Maris S. Pelag. Sin d ban

ABBREVIATIONS Test. Ephr. Theod. Mops.




XV i i

Le Testament de Saint Ephrem. Rubens Duval. Journ. As. 1901. Theodori Mopsuesteni Fragmenta Syriaea, ed. E. Sachau. Leipzig, 1869. •— — in Jo. Commentarius Theodori Mopsuesteni in Evangelium D. Joannis, ed. J.-B. Chabot. Paris, 1897. Tim. I. Zwei Synoden des Katholikos Timotheos I. Prof. Oscar Braun in Or. Xt. ii. T. L.Z. Theologische Literaturzeitung. Tristram The Natural History of the Bible. H. B. Tristram. S.P.C.K. London 1868. Vit. Mon. Vitae Virorum apud Monophysitas Celeberrimorum, ed. E. W . Brooks. C. S. Xt. Or. Sér. iii, t. 25. Leipzig, 1907. Warda H y m n s of George Warda, MS. belonging to Mr. Athelstan Kiley. Id. ed. Aladar Deutsch. WZKM. Wiener Zeitschriit fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Yezidia Notice sur les Yézidis, ed. J.-B. Chabot. Journ. As. 1898. ZA. Zeitschrift f ü r Assyriologie und Verwandte Gebiete. Leipzig. Zach. Ehetor. The Syriac Chronicle known as that of Zacharias of Mitylene, translated by E. J . Hamilton and E. W . Brooks. London, 1899. Zach. or Zach. Ehet. Brooks Historia Ecclesiastica Zachariae Rhetori vulgo adscripta, ed. E. W . Brooks. C. S. Xt. Or. Sèrie iii, tt. 5, 6. Zac-h. Bull. Il Testo Siriaco della Descrizione di Roma nella Storia attribuita a Zaccaria Retore. Bulletino della Commissione Archaeologica di Roma, fase. iv. (1884). Roma, 1885. ZDMG. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenhindischen Gesellschaft. Leipzig.

ABBREVIATIONS abbrev. abs., absol. acc. act. adj. adv. af., a f. alchem. antep. Aph. ap. Ar., Arab. astrol. astron. Assyr. bp., bprio. com. gen. cf. Chald. chem. col. coll. comp. compos. conj. cnstr. contr. Copt. corr. denom. deriv. dim., dimin. eccles. ellipt. emph. Eshtaph. E.-Syr. Ethpa.

abbreviation, abbreviated. Ethpe. the absolute state. Ettaph. accusative case. ff. active. f., fem. adjective. fut. adverb, adverbial. gen. a fine. geom., geomet. according to alchemists. Gr. antepenultimate. gram. Aph'el conjugation. Heb. apud. Hex. Arabic. ib. in astrology. imp. in astronomy. Assyrian. impers. Bishop, bishopric. inf. common gender. in loc. confer, compare. interj. Ohaldaic. intrans. in chemistry. i. q. column, usually referring irreg. Jac. to Thes. Syr. 1., 11. collectively, collective Lat. noun. lit. compound. Lit., liturg. in composition. logic. conjugation. construct state. Mand. m., masc. contracted form. Coptic. med. correct. metaph. n. denominative. derived, derivative, deriva- N. Heb. tion. N. Syr. diminutive. Nasor. ecclesiastical use. Nest. opp. elliptically. emphatic state. Pa. Eshtaph'al conjugation. par. East-Syrian or Assyrian. pt., part. Ethpa'al conjugation. pass.

Ethpe'el conjugation. Ettaph'al conjugation. following. feminine gender. future tense. gender. in geometry. Greek. grammar. Hebrew. in the Hexaplar version of the O.T. ibidem. imperative. impersonal. infinitive. on the passage. interjection. intransitive. idem quod. irregular. Jacobite or West-Syrian. line, lines. Latin. literally. liturgically. in logic. Mandaean. masculine. in the middle, in medicine. metaphorically. note. Neo-Hebrew. Modern Syriac. Nasoraean. Nestorian. opposite, opposed to. Pa'el conj. paragraph. participle. passive.

ABBREVIATIONS Pe. pen. perh. Pers. pers. pi. pr.n. prep. pres. pret. prob. pron. ref., refs. refl. Rit.


Pe'al conjugation. penultimate. perhaps. Persian. person. plural. proper name. preposition. present. preterite. probably. pronoun. reference, proof passage, reflexive. Ritual, usually of the East-Syrians, sometimes Jacobite. section.

ser Shaph. sing. St. suff. Syr. subst. Suppl. T. or t. Thes. Syr. trad. trans. Turk. ult. var. VHh. W.-Syr.

xix series. Shaph'el conjugation. in the singular number. state. suffix. Syriac. substantive. in this Supplement. Tomus. Thesaurus Syriacus. traduction. translation. Turkish. last line. variant reading. Harklensian version of the N.T. West-Syrian.




r f •> ."Uiciari'


"Oao-is, the Oasis of Egypt, B H C l i r . I^O)»» a bar of gold, Kal-w-Dim. ed. Bick. Eccl. 153. 6. I. q. )jio/ col. 76. 37. 22. imjtoj/ ¿opraaTiKa, paschal presents, Jfco>aWcol. 1 1 f. A d d : Uio? J ^ s t i s / ' Syn. ii. Eph. 60. 22. Cf. W c o l . 9 5 . a hollow reed, Med. 103. 1 6 ; jlsoas).:» ».oS Aetius, an archdeacon of Con- blow powdered drugs through a tube, ib. 16 2.2 3. stantinople, B H C h r . Eccl. 1 7 7 . 1. The fore-arm. oJdW d\6q, aloes, Chiraie 5. 14. Cf. Jl)/, ib. 1 3 1 . 1 2 ; ]lsl2>ci»/ra leaden catheter, -ojl/, and Anecd. Syr. ii. 223. 22, 26, ZA. xi. 2 1 2 . ill'

col. 3.

Metapli. an air,


ci«.\>., Ephr. ed. Lamy iii. 591. 4. Aerius, bishop of Zephyrion in

Cilicia, Nold. col. P. S.6.i. fruit 470. 55. crop, l i i ? j f c the fruits of the season, ripe fruit, Pallad. 619. 4. Benus,

an E g y p t i a n h e r m i t , C . B . M .

(Gr.) 650 a, he is called ^s/ Abban, Pallad. 3 7 1 f. l^i/'usually Abaha, son of Hulagu, the Mogul Khan, Jab. 25. 2 and note, 94. pen. yoti^a/'pr. n. m. Pers., A.M.B. iv. 221. col. 8.

A d d : o»»

"perdite adam-

avit," Abbeloos, B H C h r . Eccl. 585. 6. name of a village, Anecd. Syr. ii.

PI. JliCIici»/'' fc^Ll three water pipes, B H C h r . Eccl. 839. 30. UiiaW tubular, hollow, cuttle-fish have Jliaoi»/" I-»'?« N. Hist. vii. 2. 2 ; IfcLSI JfcLiaai/' hollow-stemmed pi ants, ib. yi. 2. 3. ycu^a-s/ an alembic. yo^cu^lo Brit. Mus. Or. 159335 r, this is a manuscript of L a Chimie au Moyen Age. n. m. Pers. Abuxard, Mar Bassus xii. Syr. 1, 91. J i ^ ^ o s / 17 noSaypa, gout, Diosc. ed. Nau 94. 9, 299. not. 2. Usually written w a s / pr. n. m. Abui, Mich. Syr. ii. fasc. ii. 3 1 5 . b. 4 af. = transl. 255. a 16 note. JJ«. ^qjoi trance, porch; f- the same, oni»afl» JL'»oi.l Hist. Mon. 1. 320. 21. Abarsahr, the capital of Khorasan, >»cd/ 'KiravapKTinr)vr), a district and town Pers. Mart. 292; G. Busame 60. g af. north of Khorasan on the border of Russia, Q.^1 col. 10. A d d : ox pelican, Med. 591. 8.

asl* the storh

J o o W c o l . to. a reed, tube. Add: 2718

Syn. Or. 109. 6, Pers. Mart. 291, f., ZDMG, xliii. 403. 5. pr. n. m. Pers. A.M.B. iv. 239. B

Jlcia/ pi. JLoa

" molybdochalque, /col. 12. m. i) a bricklayer's

rule, ref. ]u»*j3» )Las(', Is. Ant. ii. 112. 14. 2) JL'ciW' l'l- l l a S / t o m f a t h e r .


pleading or defence in a court of law, with »-L?, u l ¡ L ^ l

Is. Ant. ii. 100. 1, 5.

Lat. patrocinium. should be lo]^»/ Pers. i_>Ll»T the sun,



Anecd. Syr. iv. 9. 2. UJcLai' col. 14.

>aaci,,N..,3>/ Abilius, third bishop of Alexandria, R . O . C . i. 401. 16. >a»o.i9i..,'7 Epiphanius, Ant. Patr. 295. 3 af. AbiJcam, the name which Ahikar took in Egypt, A h i k a r

8, 11, a». 1, 6, &c.

i < L V r Heb. '¡93 Ahikar, i.q.

l i s / col. 19. feathers, Med. 591. 17.

1 Chron. vi. 5,

verse 51, Buklci, L x x .



* a a a / Mar Abkolf, a monk in the monastery of Rabkennare, Journ. As. 1906, 1 1 1 . 1. Example of act. part, with U^-X \ ' " W ^ U^fl

I remained lamenting your sufferings, Isoyabh, ed. Duval, 91. 15. 1W

m. the pole of a bier or litter, Hist. B . V . M . 113. g, 129. 16 bis. Ablavius, a Byzantine commander-in-chief, A . M . B. iv. 294, • — father of Olympias, Pallad. 202. 5. I. q. .mjusJW col. 16. N anoKoyla, name of a book by Severus, C . B . M . 911. a. J^aW "kfrvofia, the Black Forest, Jac. Edes. Hex. 34. 11. U J ^ ' c o l .


Eefs. y , o l ' ^ g J n z l "

J & x u o 1' the Avesta or Zend-Avesta,


ii. 576. 12, 579. 19, 589. i s , Phet. 26. 7. J ^ r col. 19. lead. IW

To 1. 16 add:

k - a o / , Kal-w-Dim. 19. 8. •aoojojj), Chimie 3. 2 ;



one feather,

ksT^sooiia/'' in the manner of Abraham, hospitably, Pet. Ib. 46. 14. Abrahamic,


1. 55.

i.e. 4,

B. Sal. in Lit. 73. 12, JV-ooo»^/ )K«10*=>( pr. n. Pers. Jab. 232. 10. .(n .rroloi-a/

ojipifacrts, the testing of gold,

Chimie 282, not. 1, 285. not. 2. yoli^i SfipvCov, cupellation, Chimie 4. 4. Abame, hot springs in N. Mesopotamia. lujja/j Jos. Styl. 28. 8, Anecd. Syr. ii. 210. 7, Jac. Edes. Chron. Can. 295, Dion. Ined. 463. 1. Abrasahr,




Khorasan, Syn. Or. 34. 21, 37. 3, 43. 19, Z D M G . xliii. 396. 13, 398. 17, 401. 6.

C . B . M . 7060, Doc. Mon. 162. 10.

col. i g . pron. suff.


Fisch N. 41.

>0) H i / , jj^jA a village and monastery,


.mo J i s / ' N. Hist. vii. 4. 3, a mistake for

Eccl. 10 pen. or


•ca».v>i;W afipajxli, bream, a Nile fish, Ar.

an Ebionite, ref. Eus. ed.

McLean 415. 7, pi. ib. JLa/ Abila, a bishopric in Syria, De Goeje B. 64. 11.


l ^ ' M e d . 82. 1.

•OOQ-J^ ( j o o ^ o ^ j ) Troilos Egeon nensis) Gelzer Byz. Z. 1903, 127.


and Noldeke think it is o Aayivav, Lagina, a bishopric suffragan to Perga, ib. and Nold. F. S. i. 472, 83. •fioo*»)^ Agarius or Aetherius, bishop of a Spanish city, Nold. F. S. i. 475. 145. y k * ^ Aghaban, a town in Greater Armenia, B H C h r . Eccl. 535. 1. -doo^Ik^!^ Gagas, a river of Lycia, Chimie 9. 2. U t - ^ / ' col. 23.




3 1 0 / 1 4 , 312. 1, U a e / J J i ^ ' i b . 1. 8, 361. I9,


ib. 360. 15.

l ^ O ^ y col. 24, ayayri, right of action, add refs. Syr. Rom. Rechtsb. 29. 9, 15, pi. u a ^ o ^ / , ib. 18. 3. adj. from I ^ c l ^ / ' a



To 1. 23, ow

j p a » p / ' a drug, Med. 601. 4.

passages of the nature of ducts descend from the peritoneum, N. Hist. vii. 1. 3 infra.^.irC with ,*> V ayavitrai, agonize, A.M.B, v. 359. paen. E «n • ^ m . It. . n . ^ in




heroic, JLa

; i d ^ J ' ]is-\.-fi ->? IJLmjLä^is^ä But. Sap. Philos. 2. 3.

u» o a ^ d o . ^ and ¿0 o o U Jac. Edes. Hex. 11. 11. l i c ^ s / col. 25.

f. a

a^J tile,




o } Jl^AJoaa», Med. 1 7 1 . 8. - probably an infirmary, Jos. Styl. 38. 3, 15.


pr. n. f. Pers. Agusqanus, mother of Mar Saba, Mar Bassus xii. g Syr. U l , Agha,


^s,i' the Egean 324- I-


U 4 / c o l . 28. Chald. WJIK a circle, orb, disk, Buxtorf., a bowl, Cosmog. Manichéenne 3 1 , note 2. I ^ - J a i ^ m. pi. Agnoetae, heretics, C.B.M. 798 a, 935 b. Hegesippus,





k ^ / pi. of Turk. Charms 83. 6.

1 + J " I disease of the eyelids which contract and turn inwards, Med. 94. 8.


Sev. Ant.


V ® * ^ tpiOV, wool, yCU^J* yCL^Xas flT]\mrfl ¿pirn, a woollen rug, A . M . B , iv. 3 1 3 ult., Chimie 30g, cf. ytu^oi ib. 274. For change of r to a guttural see Hoffm. ZA. xi. 237, xvii. 88. . a a l ^ ' an astringent drug, uxusj? Med. 145. 22, «ax^J? to be applied to loose gums, ib. 17g. 22. J^A^ Agapetus, Pope, B H C h r . Eccl. 207. 8, incompletely written U « ^ ib. 1. 2 1 , 209. 1 , 1 3 .

9- Agapetus. Refs. j ^ a ^ / Pope of Rome, Sev. Ant. Yit. 287 ter., ^ a ^ , ib. 281. 3, Anecd. Syr. ii. 17- g, ZDMG. xliii. 39g. 2. See Suppl. supia. Ar. o j l i J l agrimonia eupatorium, Med. 602. 7 ; B B . sub jo.,} l a 001. W i ^ y Agraca, a city whence arsenic was procured, Chimie 303. ult. «fioa-aot-^y 1) Eùpwrcw, Europos, now Girbas, on the "West side of the Euphrates, opp. Kennesrin, C.B.M. 9706, a bpric. under Antioch, Sev. Ant. Vit. 3 1 9 . 10, 32g. 9, Or. Xt. ii. 270. 282 note g, b u t a » a 3 o » o / ib. 27g, Jos. Styl. 84. 9. Cf. Pers. Mart. 1 6 1 sqq. and Thes. Syr. . 4). 2) Agrippa, nephew of Herod the Great, R.O.C. i. 398. 8, . a s a B i ^ 1. 9, «flooSoj^l. 6. 3) ypty, a griffin, C . B . M . 1 1 9 2 b. J-» one of seven kinds of Syriac writing, El. Nis. 96. 75.

descendants of Japheth, Chron. Min. 355- 10. a j s o ^ J s i o X ^ AglaopMn, a work on the Resurrection by Methodius Bishop of Lycia, C.B.M. 9 1 7 a.

yOiL.Z^'agaricum, agaric, a kind of fungus, Med. 49. 2, 14, 50 ult. g i . 10, 19, 136. 2, 299. 21, ^^-o-^l-c! boletus igniarius, ib. 601. 1 1 .

y o a a ^ ) ^ col. 27. 601. ig, jy:

f ^ «5a/ an E.-Syr. bishopric, ZDMG. xliii. 39g. 8. I.q. Syn. Or. 36. 16.

Jt-^^s,^ Aglatdas, A.M.B, iii. 32g.

agallochum, name



ref. Med. lecturer,

>m.m°i vi for .m.m9i. N ^ col. 27. an eclipse of the sun, Anecd. Syr. iii. 22g. 1. name of a monastery in the diocese of Mardin, B.O. ii. 228. 6 af. t ' i f ^ r col. 28. marsUs,




add refs. J j S ^ L » ^ ' J ^ j i o / N. Hist.

4. 5. 7 j Lexx. under JlaJ col. ig39.

Agathodorus, De Goeje B. 6g antep.

bishop of Isun 1

l ^ o k ^ s / pr. n. f. Agathonice, Vit. 2 5 8 . 3.

Sev. Ant.

wok^y Akhtamar, an island in Lake Van, BHChr. Eccl. g 3 g . 1. W pr. n. m. Adal 1894. 2. 43.

.Jab. 3 1 4 . 6, T. L. Z.

oil*/ 6 'ASciStoi', Adada in Pisidia, now Kara Bavlo, Nold. F. S. i. 473. b108. 2

coGr)/ col. 110, Nold. F. S. i. 470. bishopric,


col. 45.

Ethpe. denominative

from Ju».?/, to take specific oCiooi


shape, be


.5, N. Hist. i. cap. i.

pt. 5. Syr.


3 7 1 . 12. )jo>?/ col. 52 end of par. Pers. ^ ^ j J l an inner apartment, Act. Apost. Apoc. 0 X 0 . 2, Sassanidi 63. 20. I^olfj/''for deriv. see Hist. Mori. ii. 484, note 4. Fire altars of the Magi, ib. i. 262, Mar Kardagh ed. Abbeloos 62, ed. Feige 52> 57pr.n.m. Pers. Ardahsir, Sassanidi 32. i l l one of the great fosses which fortify the city Shuster is thus named after who dug it, Sassanidi 32. Jl.»»/ Adraye,


jk,?/rcol. 44.

Syr. iii. 256. 25.


probably the

a village of Beth Garmai,

Chast. 22. g. wfloU»?/, vcoo*»?/ the Adriatic Sea. Col. 42, 11 af. dele the words et Ponto to usurpatur, and col. 43. 5 the words Pontern includere. See Nau, Journ. As. 1896, 3 1 0 f. Add: B H . applies the name Adriatic to that part of the Mediterranean which is opposite to Tanis in Egypt, Chr. Eccl. 359. 19. otJo»»^ Pers. Adarmeh, a bishopric between Nisibis and Mosul, Pers Mart. 203, note 1607, Hist. M011. i. 37 pen., Chast. 8 ult., 12 4, oocio»/, Syn. Or. 619. 5.

IILL?/' col. 45. the origin

specific, refs. ULL}/' )uoot

of a species, But. Sap. N. Hist. iii.

ii. sect. 3, UiiL»/' lJuo specific nature, ib. viii. 4. g, pi. ib. Theol. 4. 6, JfcLLl?/' )L'»Oj specific form,

id. N. Hist. iii. ii. sect. 1,

)l'ft.i.\.7)Liioc? movement pertaining )L'ci«ii.?('' col. 45.

, "- 7

the singularity


to that species, ib. iii. 5. f. species,



opp. I l a . l m But. Sap. Philos. 7. 1, ib. 2. 5 ; J L ' i l o J i ^ . 1 I d i i i ? ? ' , id. N. Hist. viii. 1. 2 ; powers are given to each species according to its special nature, ib. iii. ii. sect. 4 infra, ib. Isag. ii. 2. (jgot/ correct i^ot/, Pcrs.^C!-^ a crocodile, Kal-w-Dim. ed. Bick. 26. 1 5 , 28. 3. issjweoi? title of a high Persian official. Cf. rabbinic with b for "1, Syn. Or. 77. 14 and note. JIOI!

Pers. eUT lime, quick-lime,

B B . under

yOi^l. yO'oi/ probably u ^ U y \ a name for the nightingale, Natur 33. 7 ; cf. Qazwinl i. 406. Hoftm. merely corrects y o j o J dr/8a>v. pr.n.m. Pers. A . M . B . ii. 579.

Ore2l col. 47, f. ZDMG. 2)






289, Pallad.


^ J






Kilaó t J l j w







(le nom) de Mère de Add:





U ó / '







U /

V°°"»0 '-a^. he was on intimate them, J a b . 2 3 3 . 1 5 . A compartment



terms with or chamber

of a glass furnace, C h i m i e 1 0 0 . 22, 1 0 1


col. 53.

J J ¿ I T c o l . 5 0 , 1. 4.

oiA, i-^-J o) BHCarm.



the camel stores

spite in its inner heart, 134.





rhus coriaria,






1.e. advocatusfisci,


the province wherein

a c i t y of C i l i c i a , S e v .


• » « i " " ^ 0 ' co1- 542) ref. Z A . v i i i . 7. 2 1 .



• ~

I s ^ o / for


Protection 54. 3.


^ c u

S e e col. 7. 1 1

• m c u m a j l o / àveif/tós, a cousin, iv. 1 0 : see i c o e u m a j / below. or H ^ o /


in Col.

an island

001 .¿.


E c c l . 43. 8.

I . q.


col. 5 3 .








or woe is



Parad. PalJad.



Issila 14.

c o l . 1 7 , a w o o d so h a r d t h a t i t w i l l n o t b u r n a n d i n s e c t s d o n o t attach 1-ao!




Gest. A l e x . 2 1 9 .



17. xliii.





v$pa, hydra, yeiaioeifm.


the empress











ref. Hist,




c f . uSapris, J u l . 4 8 . 3 .



g i v e n to J o h n of Palestine, > ' y joauifol


water serpent, B B . under


iii. ii. sect.



Bishop 18,

col. 57. misspelt





donian month, Sev. A n t . H y m n s 2 5 5 tit.


C . B . M . 7 9 2 a.



kinds, friends,

. m .,„po?o/



0 (

Uisojoi' i.q. ^ m a o j o r c o l . 55.


t h e R e d S e a , J a c . E d e s . H e x . 2 0 . 6.

.m • ^ a i o /

I s a g . i i i . i . , J) k o

mJJi J ^ o / *ooi,

Lett. 128.




Gest. Alex. 1 8 1 .


JlaJL-j J j o i a ^ . Jobo,

1 9 8 . 4.



a & a o j a ^ o / Augusta,

P a e l act. part. Jo l i .

breed hybrids, Ant.



al' l i ^ / ' N e s t . Hérac. 405.

tout uniment

J o / col. 4 9 .

name 180.



N a u transl.


, Omega, G a l e n , ap.

xxxix. i X a i







Sev. A n t .


6 3 ult. v-o/


a village where M a r Bishu


buried, A . M . B . iii. 620. Copt,

na'oic, 0


1 0 4 . 1, H . O . C , i i i . 3 6 3 . 1 9 i n loc.


j o o I o / the North-West


Med. 533. 1 .

i t m u s t be a c o r r u p t i o n o f some G r e e k w o r d .

a> r e ' A rC_\ c C ^ a r C .»JlJIa^e/ AiroXaXar, a n island, Jac. E d e s . .mn

EvToXfuoc, Eutolmius,

a Count,

A . M . B . iii. 3 2 7 . avTo/iarapaov,







) v ^ inhabitants


P e r h a p s ¿>ros, the



avTOK€(j>d\aios, autocephalous,

«» » °i 1 i - ^ f J » ,





ib. 148. 2. Jxj^o? w h a t ?






i. q. I J c o r i ' . m , a o / f col. of


j p ^ . k «;

But. Sap. Eth.

3. 1, N . H i s t . vii. 4. 2.





the red


luoojaa» U ^ o / ,



bishop of A s c a l o n ,

N o l d . F . S . i. 468. 18. lioo/

col. 64.

¿>xPa> ochre,



2. 1 1 , 44. 24, ( - t o o / ib. 2 7 9 , n o t e 1. col. 6 5 , Kv^apLaros. ristius,


pr. 11. m. C . B . M . 1 0 7 0 b.







6. 4. Olba, a c i t y of Isauria, S e v . L e t t .

569. 10. and

¿nV, the bustard,




m .i?


u n d e r U ^ w col. 1 5 4 4 . l u m a ^ o / eurofia, good




iii. 1 1 8 . 22.





d M i A /

A . M . B . i i . 5 7 6 . n - 2. U s u a l l y w r i t t e n

col. 63.

people of

b r o t h e r and successor

col. 6 5 .

f r o m E t h i o p . M A l mglad,

to gather together, collect.


A d d : a third


of K a z a n , J a b . 1 4 7 . med. jl^o/

q . v . col. 1 8 a n d above.


2) a heap of corn,


a heap of chaff\

store, I s . A n t . ii.

c i t y of t h i s name is i n E g y p t , S t u d . S i n . i x .

3 3 2 . 8, a store, ib. 92. 4 6 ; JLoiL ¿La?

1 0 1 . 13.

correct ¿£.¿1',

J ^ i o /



Eix'Tai, h e r e t i c s


Adelphians, C . B . M . 9 2 6 b , 956 b. l a e t A ^ o / n. pr. m . Archelides, 1907. 418. yojltaoaj


a p r e s b y t e r of A p a m e a ,

Jy^s. «attso/

v a r . j o a . m a o / , the r i v e r


1. 3 of p a r .

D e l e t h e sentence i n

2£u>c, worthy,

B H C h r . E c c l . 799.






accent, E p i p h .

XoiSa, Xoufial,



(5Ss oii.o('


col. 6g.

lign aloes, refs. M e d . 65. 6,





143- 4.. \ n/





• a j o ^ i ^ - I X o i 1 col. 6 7 . a girl


ifr; - j ¿"1 ^nl


Mensuris 7. 6.

S a s s a n i d i 63. 30.



S a s s a n i d i 3 3 . 1 1 , C o u p e s ii. 1 5 4 . 7.

J a c . E d e s . H e x . 1 3 . 13, 26. 10. col. 64.


l ^ a i n t h e D e s c r i p t i o n of R o m e ,


oJdX/iij, brine, C h i m i e 56. 1 9 , 2 1 .


wheat stored in

games, Zach. R h e t . B u l l . A r c h . Romae x i i . 222. Cf.

N o l d . F . S . i. 4 7 3 . 1 1 7 .


H i s t . Mon. i. 285 i n f r a ; For Guidi

Journ. As.


L e t t . 20. 8. Oeljaitu,



C . B . M . 950 a,

N o l d . F . S . i. 4 7 1 . 7 7 .

N o l d . F . S . i. 4 7 1 . 6 g , of A r a b i s s u s , i b . 66. JitmTo/'' o r l l i m l o / ' ' «Jl t]te Zend


ib. 483. 5, • m . A c / ,

U i i X o i ' the Olbians, Otreius,

24- §



S y r . iii. 330. 2.

j x x i ^ o l a b i r d w h i c h m i m i c s man,


j s o ^ a m m s o / i^iaaTrjs, an assessor,


^ . i x a e ^ o j , ib. 2 6 1 , note 1, 1 7 . 1 4 .

J u s t » »¿i-»?


ib. 58. 10.

7 1 8 b.



^ . • « m o o / ¿¿iSioc from o|os, vinegar, 295. 5 a f . so r e a d f o r

H e x . 19. 12.





player, pi.

Tim. f.

add . « I j j ^ o ^ o / 1,

ed. B r a u n




Hippoc. x x i . ult. and 4 a f . , ^ . w v ^ o t X o i , ib. x x i i , 1, 2, f. note 6.



yo-i^jooo/ BH. ap. Hebraica iii. 251. Jojoi' for Correct yQ^^Jjaxo/ ¿Kpaytïov, a mould, or cast. but 11. 8,

tin, A.M.B. iv. 3 : 8 . 10, 14, 12,



1, 4. O n e

taoojoioo/ col. 69. homonyms, a d d refs. manuscript has (jjo/ thioughout, Bedj. Jac. Edes. in Arist. 21. 2, But. Sap. i. in loc. pt. 2. col. 75. Eunomius, ji>—.)_aôo—là-soô/ homcmymously, opp. heietic, Theod. M o p ? , oa. 5; Nais. ed. k-luoajoUoa), But. Sap. Theol. 1. 4, N. Hist, M i n g . 360, note 4. viii. i, 2. l^i'o/ probably i. q. JJjo/ col. 75. /funs, im ' . lajce/ Ammonius, philosopher of Jouin. As. 1907, 334. Alexandria, Sev. Ant. Vit. 16. 8, 22, 13. oivavflr], wine made from the flowers 0^1330/ ô Evpaveias, Eumenia in Phrygia, of the wild vine, Med. 322. 13, 323. 6, 9. Nold. F. S. i. 474. 132, Sev. Ant. Vit. 3. 26, boo/ col. 76. 2) the Oasis of Egypt, add 5. 20. refs. Anecd. Syr. iii. 100. 2, 1 1 9 . 18, Wo/ fio«woi3opia, Sea, Jac. Edes. Hex. 14. 8. shows, races, Zach. Bull. Archaelog. Roma xii. 222. yoil'io} apBpov, a limb, N. Hist. vii. 3. 1. j a i o / col. 102. Ar. (jLil or (jJij gum a*>a^JoJL.o»o/ col. 96 pi. of y o L i o / , ref. ammoniac, assafoetida, refs. Med. g6. 9, 91 bis, De Astrolabe 84 ; N. Hist, 587. 13, 602. 2. ii. iii. sect. 4. corrupt for eipovoros, the wind, Med. 533. 11.


y i o t Heb. TJ?, 'Ope'x, 'Opxofj, Assyr. Arkou, Uruk, now Warha, "VV. of Larsa, Syn. Or. 246. 7, 32, 247. 19 traditionally i. q. i o ? ; » « Jl^Ujjo ib. 1. 22, 251. 1. col. 98. opxnarai, dancers, Yit. Mon. 89. 11; ¿ o a ^ m ^ o i o j C.B.M. 335 a ; miawritten ib. 342 a. ¿{¡xrjtTTpa, la danse en Sev. Ant. Horn. 54. 12.


a city near Lake

Urmi in Azerbaijan,

now written


Nold. N. Syr. Gram,



xxii. note, Jab. 43. 12. Jjujoio^ place-name, C.B.M. 705 a, Doc. Mon. 157. 21. yiei perhaps abbrev. of olpavios, bp. of Himerion, Doc. Mon. 253. 7.


l i o / col. 98. river Orontes in Syria, refs. Stud. Sin. 96. 21 ; Dion. Ined. 461. 6, 477. 16; Jac. Edes. Hex. 25. 1. name of one of the soldiers set to guard Our Lord's sepulchre, Journ. As. 1906, 283. 6. ycuifi . m i c / probably Ocimum, uXaaoji 182. 18.


miswriting of Med.

u&io] col. 99. Europe, Jac. Edes. Hex. 26. 9 ; *2>oiol, ib. 31. 13 bis, 34. 7, 13. col. 101.

pr. n. m. Autunus.


B H C h r . Eccl.

JIjoLoi' &c. col. 103. dark night, ref. Warda 246 r, gloss. Ioqjlu.

k n ^ W 1) of their own will, subject to themselves, qpn.o/ )i.cvr»\^, Chron. Min. 277. 16. 2) abdmutas, genuinely, colophon, ap. R.O. C. 1912, 88, Syr. 1. (ja-^-iLo/ avOevTiKt), the original, JU^!», C.B.M. 725 a, Syn. ii. Eph. 78. 4. —liol av8tvTtKo v, the original, ItokL»? opp. y O S t ^ ^ j / a copy, Syr. Rom. Rechtsb. 23 ; - o t o i t is authentic, Syn. ii. Eph. 79. 2, 26 ; Nold. F. S. i. 476. 16. col. 103 ult. Dele and run on Jjsisl/ ; so col. 104, 11. 3, 4 correct » to o. name of a Persian noble, Jab. 259. 9. U ^ o ) / inhabitants


K^aLoojo2.'»oio? col. 98. Otfpijia, a town in Syria, probably Rum Kala, Or. Xt. ii. 2 7 0 ; Sev. Ant. Vit. 325. 7. o t o o i o / col. 98.

«fioaaXoloi' av6o\o\jr ? a fabulous animal with sharp horns, ); m.v> fcw^o/ uoa9iS,olo( > , Anecd. Syr. iv. 48. 11 f.


an inhabitant

town, of

^ J ? col. 106. With from,



A . M . B . iv.


ib. 1182 I. C.B.M. 1182 b. to be lost, be taken ^.L^JLi».».

they were allowed to claim everything which had been taken from them, Jab. 129. pen. Act. part, ^ ( ¡ j ^¡'according to the current price, Dion. 183. 12, 184. 11. Pass. part. fem. ImLcoIT? . m . m . } Isis goes c 2


12 to bathe, Isis wants a lath, said in derision when idols were brought out, Sev. Ant. Vit. 35. 6 ; Nau in loc. B. O. C. iv. 549 n. 3. of or 'pertaining to the heavenly bodies, HJfciXjojc Jo^oT motion of the spheres, But. Sap. N. Hist. Bk. ii. v. sect. 2 ; pi. ib. 5 - 2 , 4 ; IL'fcCxiajo k s a ^ c ^ ib. Theol. 4. 6 tit., pi. ib. 5. 3 ;




U^lj' life

vegetative, animal, human, and celestial, N. Hist. viii. 1 ; J d ^ i c L i JfcL&i Theol. 4. 1. J ^ j ' e u c ; / m. pi. Azmurtaei, a Scythian w a n i o r race, Ephr. ed Lamy iii. 195.

re'•injure' k^Ut-uo/ enigmatically, Syn. Or. 186. 14.


an enigma,

eighty, commanding, jlfcu.i' Xtip «parata, Clem. Cor. 4, Jl» 3°4-


crepofiriKtjs, oblong,

jon, )) J l o j d , ^


But. Sap. Isag.

2. 4. Jieteronyms,

ref. But.

Sap. ii. 1, pt. 2.



N. Hist. viii. 2 2. Emperor, Stud. Sin. ix.

93- 5. 94- 4 af.; j o c l l . ^ ib. 1. 7, 94 ter. and col. 1519.

lover of Rhea, A r i s t . Apol. U ,


or orange,


¿«Soi^ratrophy, »

»»sa^ q. v.


I^os^/I col. 134.

looojoi^/ col. 134.

C . B . M . 7096. red



ref. Gest. Alex. 217. 5, j^os^ij JL., Chimie


OL^} a part of Arabia, Doc. Mon. 213. 25,

i»,}/ Ati,

pr. n. m.


11, 12.

o> a bramble.




22. 9.

of the subjects of philosophy), But. Sap. Philos.

i. 2.


and vowels and the consonants are either quiescent or vocalized, But. Sap. Philos.

\1L~1 col. 127. 5 of par.

i. 26 pluries ; Qdham W . 7, if.

o / 'J ji oi a^^i^o'

the Syriac alphabet is divided into

the farther sea — the Caspian, M.Z. 33. 43, 6. 3. 58. 30. l' « O K(lKOT(\iji TfXflOKaKOS, JldLsoJL^i' add metaph. utterly bad, Pelagia 7. 32. Hit. the second worthiness, Pallad. 94. 3 af. half


)kooJ^j Y stopped, up, deaf ears, id. ed. Lamy 1. 169. 6.



E p h r . Ref. i i .

account of famine, Dion. 176. 21, 177. 5. Part.


' V j , N . Hist. ii. 3, sect. 1, JlS^Ok«.».!. I ^ f o s o

~ interj. woe,


J , Dion.

151- 7^tu.^jjfta)^)' the river

Jac. Edes.


H e x . 13, 13, j a ^ i U i s ) - / ib. 26. 11, Yars. j » a n i m a l « / and taoa^Uaa*/.

or burdens




wraKoai, refrains hymns, C . S . B . 273. oa^oiioi^./



The numerical value of the Syriac

as of the


letters is 365.


called this name the name of God, Coupes ii. J 32.

astron. the zone



i°7> " o -

no relating to quantity, )K*.i./')lAi\.|lk

to quality,


N . H i s t . vii. 1. 1 ;


mode of move-

ment, ib. i. 1 . 3 .

j L c a L i f e o e f. quality,



But. Sap. Philos. 6. 2 ; wot o t l V x l . j b o a 1



the quality




organ of taste, ib. Theol. 5. 3.

. - i i T / ' Pers. x> ¡j^i I, an official, a torturer,

242, pen. gloss.

". )jj." . -> \

: ot

• •}





Irenopolis, Syn. ii. Eph. 10. 25. .aootJ-./ col. 159 if, Ivts, fibres, the four

A list of s i g n a t u r e s ,

A bishopric in Asia

B. 6g pen. yoiojo-./ Isaura, a city of Lycaonia, Nold. F . S. i. 473. 103. )~1 in* m








C. B . M .

707 b bis, Doc. Mon. 172.


3, 4.

a stylite,


written j j j a ^ j » / q.v. ji^A^fia«/ cmxipos, in

B u t . Sap. N . Hist. vii. 1. 7, viii. 2. 2, Eth, 1 . 3 ; filaments

or threads

of a spider s web, D e A s t r o l a b e 74. iva&i;s, fibrous,

|i » j j J L ^

|~>, N. Hist. vii. 6. 3. tjmarrpov, the fourth

N. Hist. vii. 6. g.

verse, i . e . the


books, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Koheleth, Song of Songs, Epiph. 11. 20, ib. 12. 4.



lofeo ^.»i, col. 2599.

itTTopia, history,

A n e c d . S y r . iii.

ib. 18. 1 0 ;


119. 1. oooot^jft-./ oiorpof, the gadfly, vii. 2. 2.

j o o i fc m

col. 161.




m .j,

river Ister, J a c . Edes. H e x . 26. 8,

34. 10. |_>cmVi • m col. 162. equinoctial, C . B . M . 144 b, De Astrolabe 81. Il-H . Vl . m




Itrrjfifpos, )ls~00»

sic )i t*• m . t h e equator, D e Astrolabe 268. 6. 3 af., 267 t e r ; >.n.