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C A T A L O G U E OF MANUSCRIPTS in the Libraries
of the
Compiled Assisted
Philadelphia UNIVERSITY
1 9 6 5 by the T R U S T E E S OF T H E U N I V E R S I T Y OF P E N N S Y L V A N I A
Published in Great Britain, India, and Pakistan by the Oxford University Press London, Bombay, and Karachi
Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number:
Printed in the United States of America
GREEK ( 1 - 3 )
LATIN ( 1 - 1 9 8 )
DUTCH ( 1 - 4 )
FLEMISH ( 1 - 3 )
ENGLISH ( 1 - 2 9 )
FRENCH ( 1 - 1 0 3 )
GERMAN ( 1 - 6 0 )
ITALIAN ( 1 - 2 1 0 )
Portuguese (1)
Rhaeto-Roman (1-2)
SPANISH ( 1 - 5 0 )
NOTE: Numbers not described in this catalogue pertain to post-1800 manuscripts, [iii]
H E Catalogue of Manuscripts describes 1,150 European m a n u scripts dating from the year 1000 A.D. (Lea 27) to the year 1800, from the reign of Emperor O t t o I I I of G e r m a n y to the beginning of the year V I I I of the French Revolution. Approximately half of these items were written during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period. T h e 1,150 manuscripts came to the University over an extended period. Some were donated by benefactors, a m o n g them the autograph manuscript of Lope de Vega's Carlos V {Span. 3), presented by the late Mrs. J o h n B. Stetson, J r . Several years later another autograph play by Lope de Vega, his Benavides (Span. 50), was acquired with the help of a small group of generous friends a m o n g the Trustees. A considerable n u m b e r of manuscripts came to the library as part of larger, more general collections: the F. C. Macauley collection of Italian literature, bequeathed in 1896, contained ten manuscripts, the H . A. R e n n e r t collection of Spanish literature, purchased in 1928, seven. T h e library of the great medievalist H e n r y Charles Lea, presented by his family in 1923-24, added almost one h u n d r e d manuscripts to the University's collections; some of these are not listed because they belong to the 19th century. T h e majority of manuscripts was a d d e d by purchase, especially during the past fifteen years, when book funds of the University were more adequate, though they were rarely, if ever, lavish. In a few instances the President a n d Provost granted special appropriations for the purchase of important items. T o them and to the m a n y gracious benefactors we extend our sincere thanks. O u r collection does not measure u p to those of the more illustrious European libraries, nor can it compare with a n u m b e r of American institutions. It does not contain a n y large n u m b e r of famous manuscripts, and very few are illuminated. T h e library's main emphasis has been placed on text manuscripts, hoping t h a t they would serve faculty members a n d doctoral candidates, a n d that they would be useful in the training of students. Bibliographical citations throughout this volume prove t h a t quite a
few manuscripts have already served this purpose (e.g. Greek 1, Lat. 95, Eng. 3, Fr. 32, Span. 3, Lea 71). To illustrate the variety and the usefulness of the collection we mention more or less at random a few individual items and a few groups of manuscripts: Lat. 7 contains a text originally described as Pseudo-Petrarch. It has now been authoritatively assigned to Petrarch. Lat. 167 are laws, edicts and proclamations of Emperor Charles V, specifically brought together for a notary in Lombardy in the 1530's. Among the edicts are prohibitions against the smuggling of arms to the Turks, and promulgations against the followers of Martin Luther. Fr. 15 is a chansonnier of some importance, written about the year 1400 and containing a large number of unpublished poems. Fr. 90 is a collection of letters by J e a n Baptiste Colbert, minister and financier under King Louis X I V . Ger. 4 includes a hitherto unpublished dramatized version of the story of Aristotle and Phyllis, written during the early part of the 15th century. Hal. 44, 95, 100, 146, 184, 187, Lea 83 and 85 are Venetian ambassadorial reports. Other diplomatic papers are to be found throughout the Catalogue. Lea 28 briefly describes thirty-five letters by and to members of the famous Florentine family Acciaioli, dating from 1342 to 1395. Lea 212-355 record a sizable collection of Gondi-Medici account books and other business records. This collection has since been supplemented by a second larger collection which will be described at a later date. Lat. 12-15, 17-19, 22-25, 27-31, 43, 49-50, 65-68 and many others are Aristotle texts and commentaries. When Seymour de Ricci's Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts appeared (1935-40), it credited the University of Pennsylvania with a mere nine manuscripts, all in the Lea Library (and with ten documents in the Biddle Law Library). The poor showing was not de Ricci's fault, but the library's, which was then unable to provide a more complete listing. [v]
Manuscripts were shelved in many different places. Descriptions, if available at all, fell short even of the comparatively simple standards set by the compiler of the Census. Soon thereafter the late Arthur C. Howland prepared a more complete index of Lea manuscripts, upon his retirement from the Lea professorship of medieval history. Late in the 1940's most manuscripts in the general collections were taken from the cages and put together under the care of the newly established Rare Book Collection. At this time a few more manuscripts were reported to the editor of the Supplement to the Census, then in its first stage of preparation. Real progress began in 1955 when Kenneth M. Setton, Lea Professor of Medieval History and Director of Libraries, appointed his one-time student and colleague Norman P. Zacour to a newly created position of custodian of manuscripts. Well prepared for the task, Mr. Zacour set to work with zest and energy. When the Supplement finally appeared in 1962 it listed one hundred and forty-three items in the University's collections, including revised descriptions of the few titles which had already appeared in the original Census. Many more items had by then been collated and described. We have attempted to identify as many former owners as possible and to enter their names in the index. There are too many to list here, but a few should perhaps be named in this introduction. Twenty-four manuscripts had once been the property of Sir Thomas Phillipps, who was undoubtedly one of the most gregarious and successful collectors. Six manuscripts come from the collection of Frederick North, the Earl of Guilford, and eight from that of the Rev. Walter Sneyd, who had in 1835 purchased the manuscripts of Matteo Luigi Canonice (S.J.). Eight manuscripts once belonged to the well-known professor of Romance philology in Halle, Hermann Suchier. Ten of the manuscripts had for centuries rested undisturbed in the library of the Carthusian monastery of Buxheim. At the time of sequestration manuscripts, books and prints were given as compensation to the Counts Waldbott-Bassenheim (1810). They were auctioned off seventy-three years later in Munich. Then the once glorious library was dispersed among collectors and dealers, and a few manuscripts came ultimately to the United States. [vi]
T h e descriptions in the Catalogue have been prepared over an extended period, with the perhaps inevitable, yet unfortunate, result that style and attention to detail are not always consistent. In general, and especially for the earlier manuscripts, the policy has been to transcribe the titles as they are found in the text, and to provide incipits and occasionally explicits when they seemed useful. T h e compilers hope that the Catalogue will serve inquiring scholars and students well, in spite of its shortcomings. For errors we apologize. T h e major part of the Catalogue appeared originally in The Library Chronicle (volumes X X V I 2 - X X I X 1). J o h n F. Benton published in a subsequent issue revisions, additions and corrections, which are incorporated in the present publication. Revised descriptions have been identified by adding an asterisk (*); volumes here described for the first time are marked with a circle (°). Manuscripts are listed in the order in which they are placed on the shelves, a common but not a logical arrangement. M a n u scripts with language designation only (e.g. Lat. 7) are to be found in the Rare Book Collection; the location of all others is obvious from the designation preceding the number (e.g. Lea 7). Numbers omitted are assigned to manuscripts dated post-1800. T o assist in the use of this Catalogue, an extensive index lists (1) title entries, (2) names of authors, scribes, and owners, (3) persons referred to in the text as far as they have been extracted in the descriptions, (4) names of places and countries, as well as (5) a few other entries, e.g. Jesuits, Turks, etc. It is not a subject index. T h e Catalogue includes manuscripts catalogued before the end of the year 1963. Others which have not yet been properly recorded, and future accessions, will be published in later issues of The Library Chronicle. It is our pleasant duty to acknowledge the assistance and help of many. Credit for the publication of the "Catalogue" in article form goes to the Friends of the Library, who financed its publication. Specific mention should be made of J o h n F. Benton, who, in turn, speaks of the individuals who furnished him information for his compilation of revisions, additions and corrections. [ vii ]
Stephan K u t t n e r , then at T h e Catholic University of America, and Gino Corti, visiting professor at the University of Pennsylvania during the winter-spring semester, 1964, provided corrections. During the process of cataloguing we have had the advice of several faculty colleagues a n d a few graduate students. I n m a n y cases we have used the descriptions of earlier owners, a n d of dealers f r o m w h o m manuscripts have been purchased. T o these often u n n a m e d or even unknown persons also go our thanks. T h r o u g h o u t the final stages William E. Miller assisted by checking new descriptions a n d the index, and he accepted a major share in seeing the Catalogue through the press. We gladly express appreciation to those who have shared in the exacting a n d laborious task of typing the descriptions and the index, Mrs. Ilse Gottesmann, Mrs. T h o m a s Helmstadter, Mrs. R i c h a r d O ' G o r m a n a n d Mrs. Natalie Terrell. RUDOLF HIRSCH
[ viii ]
A Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Libraries of the University of Pennsylvania to 1800 Rare
Greek 1* I O A N N E S D O K E I A N O S ( J o a n n e s D o c i a n u s ) . A d d r e s s e s a n d letters, ff.2r-36v.— With N I C E P H O R U S G R E G O R A S . O r a t i o n s a n d letters, ff.37r-45v.—GREGORIOS O F C O N S T A N T I N O P L E ( G e o r g i o s of C y p r u s ) . E n c o m i a , ff.49r-85r. N.p., 16th cent. Paper. 10 prel. blank, 87 (ff.l, 46-8, 77-80 and 86-7 blank), 8 blank ff. 20.5 x 15 cm. Contemp. (?) boards. Identical with ms. 51 of Notre D a m e de Pilar, Salamanca, and the same ms. which belonged to Andreas Darmarios Epidaurios Lakon, used by M a r t i n Crusius in 1584.—For greater details on the contents and the ms. see article by Peter Topping in The Library Chronicle, X X I X (1963), 1-15. Greek 2 P A R T H E N I O S , p a t r i a r c h of J e r u s a l e m . F u n e r a l o r a t i o n o n t h e h o s p o d a r N i c h o l a r M a v r o c o r d a t o s ( d . 1 7 3 0 ) . N.p., 18th cent. Paper. 8 if. 20 x 16 cm. 19th-cent. gilt calf. Greek 3° GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH. c a n o n l a w . Venice?, ca. 1800.
of G r e e k
Paper. 13 ff. (instead of 14, f.l missing), 373 pp., 3 ff. 21 x 16 cm. C o n t e m p . vellum. Lat. 1 W I L L I A M O F O C K H A M . S u m m a t o t i u s logicae. Italy, last half of 14th cent. W r i t t e n in several h a n d s , t h e final p o r t i o n b y M a t t h e w of Faventia (f.l02). Vellum. 103 ff. 24 x 18 cm. First leaf ilium., with portrait (Ockham?) inside initial, and unidentified coat of arms, ilium, capitals. H/morocco.—Cf. T . Bruce Birch, The "De sacramento altaris" of William of Ockham (Burlington, Iowa, 1930), p. xxxvii. Lat. 2 [ P E T R U S L O M B A R D U S ] . C o m m e n t a r y o n t h e S e n t e n c e s of P e t r u s L o m b a r d u s . Germany(?), early 15th cent. Vellum. 150 ff. (one leaf at beginning and several leaves between ff. 149 and 150 known to be wanting). 34 x 26 cm. Ilium, initials. Contemp. calf over wooden boards.—Not identified in F. Stegmiiller, Reperlorium commenlariorum in sententias P.L. (Würzburg, 1947).
[1 ]
Lat. 3
GEBER (JÄBIR IBN AFLAH). Liber de astronomia (seven books rather than the usual nine). Spain(?), ca. 1300, in several hands. Vellum. 69 ff. 26 x 21 cm. Astronomical figures, copious marginal notes. 17th-cent.(?) vellum. Bookplate of Don A. Canovas del Castillo.—Cf. L. Thorndike, Catalogue of Incipits (Cambridge, 1937), col. 649.
Lat 4 H E I N R I C H V O N L A N G E N S T E I N . De improbatione concentricorum et epicyclorum, ff.1-14, inc.: Cum inferiorum cognitio . . . (cf. L. Thorndike, op. cit., col. 143, with references).— With A L B E R T U S M A G N U S (or R O G E R BACON). Speculum philosophiae seu astrologiae, ff. 15-20, inc.: Occasione quorundam librorum . . . (cf. L. Thorndike, ibid., col. 456: Albertus Magnus; Mandonnet in Rev. néoscholastique de phi!., X V I I cl910>- , 313-35: Roger Bacon). England, after 1362. Vellum. 20 ff. 27 x 20 cm. Capitals in gold, red and blue, astronomical figures. Boards.
Lat 5 R A Y M O N D U S L U L L U S . Liber de homine. Italy, 15th cent. Paper. 80 ff. 21 x 15 cm. H/vellum over original wooden boards. Prov.: Monastery of St. Antonius, Venice, (Ms.41); later owned by Julius de Cardelinis. Lat. 6
H O R A E . Italy, 16th cent. Vellum. 145 ff. 11 x 8 cm. Initials in gold, red and blue. Contemp. calf, rebacked. Prov.: John C. Jackson (autograph) 1849; Rev. William Ely of Philadelphia (purchased in Rome 1875); Jacob Riegel 1934; Edwin H. Fetterolf.
Lat 7 RENAISSANCE MISCELLANY: 1. L E O N A R D O BRUNI A R E T I N O . Laudatio clarissimi viri Nannis Stroze equitis Florentini, ff.l—10.—2. L U C I A N . Contendo de presidentia P. Scipionis, Hanibalis et Alexandri, tr. from the Greek by Johannes Aurispa, ff.l 1-14.— 3. P S E U D O - P E T R A R C H . Collatio facta inter Scipionem R o m a n u m , Alexandrum Macedonem, Annibalem Penum et Pyrhum Epirotharum regem, quis eorum prestantior fuerit, ff.l4-19.—4. P S E U D O - L U C I A N [LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI], Libellus de virtute conquerente, tr. from the Greek by Carolus Aretinus, ff.19-20.—5. P O G G I O B R A C C I O L I N I . Comparatio P. Scipionis et C. Julii Cesaris, ff.20-26. Ad. Lat. 4: For further bibliogr. see Thorndike, Incipits, 2nd ed. (1963), cols. 309 and 975.
— 6. G U A R I N U S O F V E R O N A . G u a r i n u s Veronensis impatiens q u o d Pogius scripserit Scipionem prestare Cesari, preceded by a letter to Leonello d'Este, ff.26-45.—7. P O G G I O B R A C C I O L I N I . Disc e p t a t i o h a b i t a inter doctissimos viros Nicolaum Niccolum et C a r o l u m A r e t i n u m : an seni sit uxor ducenda, preceded by dedicatory letter to Cosimo d e ' Medici, ff.45-52.—8. L E O N A R D O G I U S T I N I A N I . O r a t i o h a b i t a in f u n e r e clarissimi viri Caroli Zeno, ff.52-57.—9. P O G G I O B R A C C I O L I N I . Defensio contra G u a r i n i oppugnationes de p r e s t a n t i a Cesaris et Scipionis, preceded by letters to Leonello d'Este, m a r q u i s of Ferrara, a n d to the Venetian patrician Francesco Barbaro, ff.58-78. —10. A N T O N I O B E C C A D E L L I of Palermo. Correspondence with Filippo M a r i a , D u k e of Milan, a n d Luigi Crotto, ff.78-83.— 11. C I C E R O . De laudibus G n . Pompei oratio, preceded by s u m m a r y of the h u m a n i s t c o m m e n t a t o r Antonio Loschi extracted from his "Inquisitiones super X I orationes Ciceronis," ff.83—95. —12. Four a n o n y m o u s distichs, f.96v. —13. R O M E . Legislative acts from republican period compiled from literary sources, ff.97-100. —14. L I V Y . E x t r a c t : t h e repeal of the Lex O p p i a against luxurious dress of women, ff. 1 0 1 - 1 0 5 . — A N T O N I O C E R M I S O N I , Recipes for pills f.l05v. Italy, ca. 1475. Paper. 105 ff. 23 x 17 cm. 18th-cent. vellum. Prov.: Lancinus Curtius, "artium scolaris," Milan, 1484 (f,105r); Dean Lockhart, Haverford, Pa. Lat. 8 N I C H O L A S T R I V E T . Exposicio super regulam Beati Augustini, f f . l - 4 7 r . — With Notice of different texts of Augustinian rule with incipits, f.47v. — List of orders living u n d e r Augustinian rule, f.48. Lower Rhine or Lowlands, 15th cent. Vellum. 48 ff. 29 x 20 cm. Vellum binding. Lat. 9 R I T U A L E P R A E D I C A T O R U M . Rhineland, ca. 1450, several hands. Vellum. 204 ff. (few leaves missing). 9 x 8 cm. Ilium, figurated initial D, Madonna with child (f.l), musical notation. 18th-cent. calf. Lat. 10* C O N R A D U S D E S O L T A U . Lectura super cap. " F i r m i t e r credimus." (According to article in Diet. cThist. et de géogr. eccl., X I I I , 503, this u n published work was written in 1388). Author's autograph? Bologna, 19 April 1388. Paper. 2 blank, 4 prel., 103, 1 blank ff. 29 x 20 cm. 19th-cent. calf over old wooden boards.—Prov.: Dominican Convent of St. Augustine at Padua. Ad. Lat. 7, no. 3: Recently ascribed to Petrarch by Guido Martellotti in The Library Chronicle, X X V I I I (1962), 109-14.
Lat. 11 A U G U S T I N I A N S . Rule. W i t h tr. in French. JV. E. France, 15th cent. Vellum. 28 ff. 16 x 12 cm. Ilium, initial. 18th-cent. calf. Prov.: M . Swartzwelcier, J a n . 1, 1859, Pittsburgh (fly leaf). Lat. 12 A R I S T O T L E . Organon, tr. by J o a n n e s Argyropoulos. Italy, last half of 15th cent. Paper. 96 ff. 24 x 17 cm. Ilium, initial; diagrs. Contemp. wooden boards.— Cf. L. W. Riley, "Aristotle Texts and Commentaries to 1700 . . . ," Library Chronicle, X X I I , 86-95; X X I I I , 16-31, 63-81; X X I V , 37-53, 83-103, no.M7. Acc. to Dr. Ernst Schulz ms.lat.12 represents a version which precedes GW2341, ff.l42v-150r (B-form of text) and Oxf. Bodl.Canon lat.class. 277, ff.3r-18v (C-form). L a t 13 C O S M O G R A P H I E S . Four ancient Greek cosmographies in Latin tr.: 1. P L A T O . Timaeus, tr. with c o m m e n t a r y by Chalcidius, ff.2-218.— 2. P S E U D O - A R I S T O T L E . D e m u n d o , tr. by J o a n n e s Argyropoulos, f f . 2 1 9 - 2 3 4 . —3. P H I L O J U D A E U S . D e incorruptione m u n d i (tr. unknown) ff.237-274.—4. C L E O M E D E S . D e c o n t e m p l a t i o n e o r b i u m coelestium, tr. by Carolus Valgulius a n d d e d i c a t e d to Cesare Borgia, ff.277-338. Italy, ca. 1500. Paper. 340 ff. 20 x 14 cm. Diagr., marginal annotations. Contemp. tooled calf.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., M2.—2. G. F. Muscarella, A Latin Transl. of the . . . De mundo (Philadelphia, 1958), unpubl. P h D . diss. Lat. 14 [ARISTOTLE]. Germany, 1579.
Paper. 304 ff. 21 x 16 cm. Contemp. blind-stamped pigskin. Prov.: Carthusian monastery, Buxheim.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., M i l . Lat. 15 A R I S T O T L E . Ethica N i c o m a c h e a , tr. by L e o n a r d o Bruni Aretino. Italy, 15th cent. Vellum. 120 ff. 26 x 19 cm. Ilium, capitals. Contemp. tooled morocco. Sir Thomas Phillipps Ms. 16239; Geo. Dunn; Lawrence W. Hodson.—Cf. L. W . Riley, op. cit., M3. Lat. 16 P A U L U S P E R G U L E N S I S . Dubia, ff.6-56.- With R A L P H S T R O D E . Consequentia, ff.57-70.-PAULUS P E R G U L E N S I S . D e sensu diviso et composito, ff.71-73. Bologna, 1454, written by Brother Chiracus d e Fulginio of the Servite Order.
Vellum and paper. 5 blank, 69 (instead of 70), 6 blank ff. (first f. of text missing). 21 x 14 cm. Contemp. blind-stamped calf over wooden boards. Prov.: J o h n Edgar Ker. Lat. 17 C H R I S T O P H E R B R A N D I S . C o m p e n d i u m totius c o m m e n t a r y in octo libros physicorum [Aristotelis] . . . enucleatum per J o a n n e m H u o b e r u m . Dillingen, 1609-7670. Paper. 1 f., 263 pp. 16 x 10 cm. Contemp. vellum. Carthusian monastery, Brixen.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M24.—A. A. de Backer and C. Sommervogel, Bibl. de la Compagnie de Jésus (Brussels, 1891-1900), II, 86 B. Lat. 18 P E T E R G O T T R A W , 1 5 7 7 - 1 6 4 0 . 1. In libros Aristotelis D e generatione et corruptione, 112 f f . — 2 . I D E M . In très priores libros meterologicos Aristotelis, 38 i f . — 3 . I D E M . In très libros Aristotelis D e a n i m a quaestio proaemialis, 206 ff.—4. I D E M . Tractatus m e t a physicus D e ente, et eius passionibus, 45 ff. Lecture notes, written by H i e r o n y m u s M e s m e r . Dillingen, 7670. Paper. 405 ff. 21 x 16 cm. Contemp. blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards. Writer's signature on fly-leaf. Bound at end: Theses miscellaneae ex philosophia . . . depromptae (Dillingen, [1610]) containing on pp. 13-14 an abstract of the thesis of H . Mesmer.—Cf. Backer-Sommervogel, op. cit., I l l , 1626-8, esp. 1628, A.—Not in L. W. Riley. Lat. 19 A N T O N I O M A R S I G L I . In Aristotelis physicam tractatus. Lecture notes written by L V D 0 0 M O R [ ? ] B E R " . Rome, 7606. Paper. 515 ff. and 1 fold, sheet (Conclusiones physicae. De subiecto physice). 19 x 13 cm. Contemp. vellum. Jacobus Laidi, 1836 (ff. 164 and 516v.)—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M29.—Backer-Sommervogel, op. cit., V, 611, B (same ms.?). Lat. 20 B I B L E . England or Northern France, first half 74th cent. Vellum. 330 ff. 38 x 26 cm. Miniatures, ilium. H/pigskin over boards. Presented by Catherine and Thomas Coleman (1548-1649) Fitzpatrick (f.252r); William Farrell (252r).—Cf. A Catalogue of the T. Ross Collection of Bibles Presented to The University of Pennsylvania Library 1947), pp. 19-20.
wooden to Ellia Edward (Phila.,
Lat. 21 B I B L E . France, ca. 7300. Vellum. 465 ff. 22 x 15 cm. 18th-cent. brown morocco. Miniatures, ilium. Prov.: J a m e s Augustus St. J o h n and S. Vandenyer, cf. letter tipped in, 1837(?). —Cf. A Catalogue of the T. Edward Ross Collection . . . , p. 19. [5]
Lat 22 [ARISTOTLE]. Disputatio in Organum Aristotelis, inc.: Cum praecognitionis nominis logicae et huius obiecti coniungas originem, divisionem, finem, utilitatem supponentes. Milan{?), 1617. Paper. 356 (falso 358) numb, ff., f. 259 (2 poems), and 1 f. with schematic drawing and inscription V. V. Braydense Collegium mediolanense e Soc. Jesu. 21 x 16 cm. Vellum. Decorated titles and initials.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M17. Lat 23 CORNELIUS, S. J . , professor of philosophy. Commentarius cum quaestionibus in universam Aristotelis Physicam, lecture notes of Franciscus Krembser, O.M. Germany, 1594. Paper. 303 if. 16 x 11 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M26.—Backer-Sommervogel, op. cit., II, 1472, A (same ms.?). Lat. 24 [ARISTOTLE]. Commentaries on the De generatione et corruptione and Analytica, inc.: Solent in initio suorum operum . . . Italy, ca. 1550. Paper. 6, 407 if. 13 x 9 cm. Cloth.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M10. Lat. 25 FERDINANDUS ACATIUS. Philosophiae Aristotelis traditae et propugnatae per R. P. Ferdinandum Acatium e Societate Iesu et exceptae a F. Constantino Gayer ordinis S. Benedicti in monasterio Admontensi professo, pars I[—III]. Part I is preceded by "Summulae seu institutiones logicae" (84 pp.). Part I is on the Organon, Part II on the Physica and De coelo, Part III on the Metaphysica. Austria, 1660-1663. Paper. 3 vols. (84, 677, 1442, 38 pages). Contemp. stamped pigskin over wooden boards. With marginalia and corrections.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit.. no. M20.
Lat. 26
ALANUS DE INSULIS. De planctu naturae. Bohemia, 22 April 1365, written by Johannes de Polna (f.54v). Paper. 54 ff. 30 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum. Copious marginal and interlinear notes. L a t 27
CHRISTOPHORUS STEBORIUS. Commentarius in universam Aristotelis Logicam . . . , exceptus a Ioanne Hirningero Riedlingensi. Ingolstadt, 1608. Paper. 298 ff. 18.5 x 15 cm. Contemp. stamped pigskin. Carthusian monastery, Buxheim.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M34.—Backer-Sommervogel, op. cit., VII, 1521. Bound in front is the printed dissertation of Paul Mayer,
Disp. phil. de universali lógica (Ingolstadt, 1608).
L a t 28
[ARISTOTLE], Lecture notes on the Physica by an unnamed Jesuit scholar. Ingolstadt, ca. 1600. Paper. 256 ff. 18 x 15 cm. Contemp. vellum. Prov.: M. Joannis Hirningeri (autograph). Carthusian monastery, Buxheim.—Not listed by L. W. Riley, op. cit. (but cf. his appendix no. M16B). Lat. 29
[ARISTOTLE], Commentarius in octo libros Aristotelis De auditu phisico a Ioanne Zorn exceptus, inc. (Proemium): Altera pars philosophiae facilior et amaenior quam lógica vocabulo a graecie sumpto dicite phisica seu phisologia. Germany, early 17th cent. Paper. 1 f., 203 numb. ff. 20 x 16 cm. Contemp. stamped pigskin over wooden boards. Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M16. Lat. 30
[ARISTOTLE]. Commentarius in IV libros De coelo Aristotelis a Joanne Zorn exceptus [treats also of the Meteorológica and De generatione et corruptione], inc. (Proemium): Corpore naturali in communi eiusque proprietatibus exsplicatis ad species pergit Aristoteles. Germany, early 17th cent. Paper. 1 f., 203 (i.e. 206) numb. ff. illus. 20 x 16 cm. Contemp. pigskin over wooden boards.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M l 3 . L a t 31
JOHANN BERNARD THANHAUSEN. Tractatus in universam Aristotelis Logicam . . . exceptus a . . . Friderico Schumio ordinis S. Benedicti professo Admontensi. Graz, 1634-1635. Paper. Painted t.-p., 259 ff. 19 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M36.—Backer-Sommervogel, op. cit., VII, 1958. [7]
Lat. 32 G U I L L E L M U S R O T H W E L L U S , O. P. Commentary on the Sentences of Petrus Lombardus, inc.: Quaeritur utrum theologia sit scientia (F. Stegmüller, Repertorium, I, 138, no. 301). France, 6 Feb. 1362. Vellum. 137 ff. 16 x 12 cm. Red dyed pigskin. Explicit in 15th-cent. hand assigns the text to Petrus de Tarantasia (Pope Innocent V). Prov.: Jacobus P. R. Lyell. Lat. 33 W I L L I A M P A G U L A (Page, Pagham, Paghaner, Paghanerus). Oculi sacerdotis.— With Middle English poem, "erthe oute of e r t h " (f.91v). England, early 15th cent. Vellum. 91 ff. 31 x 20 cm. Decorated initials. Blue morocco. Prov.: "Liber magistri Antonii molineux [?] ex dono magistri W. G. . . . " Lat. 34 R E N A I S S A N C E M I S C E L L A N Y . 1. P I E T R O P A U L O V E R G E R I O , the Elder. De ingenuis moribus, ff.l-33.-2. S T . B A S I L O F C A E S A R E A . De legendis antiquorum libris, tr. by Leonardo Bruni Aretino, ff.33v-48.-3. L E O N A R D O B R U N I A R E T I N O . De studiis et litteris, ff.48-61. — 4. I D E M . Isagocicon moralis disciplinae, ff.62-77. Italy, late 15th cent., in two hands. Paper. 77 ff. 16 x 23 cm. Ilium, initials. 16th-cent. green vellum. Lat. 35 J O H N F E L T O N . Sermones dominicales, ff.1-180; subject index, ff.181-187.— With Sermon [De cruce], ff.l81r-181v, expl.: Gregorius libro primo et quarto de pharetra, and Alphabetical index, ff. 1 8 2 r 182v. Poem of 16 lines, beginning " I ham as I ham and so will I b e " added by early 16th-cent. owner on f.3r (of 4 prel.ff.; cf. J . Morford in Library Chronicle X X V < 1 9 5 9 > , 8 0 - 3 ) . England {Oxford?), ca. 1450. Vellum. 186 ff. 22 x 16 cm. Modern leather. Bookplate of J . P. Lyell. Lat. 36 F I F T E E N T H C E N T U R Y M I S C E L L A N Y . 1. S T . B E N E D I C T O F N U R S I A . Regula, ff.1-58.—2. Musical notes, ff.58v-60.-3. J O H A N N E S D E T A M B A C O . De consolatione theologie, ff.63-186.-4. ST. A U G U S T I N E . Sermo de vanitate, ff.187-191. —5. H E N R I C U S S U S O . Excerpta ex Orologio sapiencie, ff.192-196.—6. H E N R I C U S D E HASSIA. De proprietate monachorum, ff.197-206.—7. Anonymous tract on rondeaux, ballades, virelais, etc., f.207, inc.: Differentia est inter rondellis, balladis, vireletis et motetis et fugas [sic].—8. Anonymous. De musica, ff.207v-216, inc.: Musica est motus vocum raciona-
bilium. —9. N I C O L A U S DE DINKELSBÜHL. Confessionale, ff.217-233. —10. J O H A N N E S G E R S O N . D e diversis temptationibus, ff.235-261. Germany, 1437 (f.58) and following years, in a variety of hands. Paper. 263 ff (last 2 blank). 1 5 x 1 1 cm. Musical notations and diagrs. Contemp. pigskin over wooden boards. Lat. 37 J U A N D E T O R Q U E M A D A , cardinal. Meditationes, expl.: "Ffinite sunt c o n t e m p l a c i o n e s supradicte et continuate R o m e per Vlricum H a n [Ulrich H a n , printer in R o m e ] A n n o domini Millesimo Q u a d r i n g e n tesimo S e x a g e s i m o n o n o die vltima Mensis Octobris. Rome, 1469. Paper. 27 ff. 27 x 20 cm. Some colored initials and floral ornaments, space for illus. left blank. H/vellum.—Cf. L. Donati, " A Manuscript of 'Meditationes' Johannis de Turrecremata (1469)," Library Chronicle, X X I (1955), 51-60. Lat. 38 G I R O L A M O A N G E R I A N O . Erotopaignion, with dedication J o a n n e s J a c o b u s de Castillione, abp. of Bari. Naples {?), ca. 1510.
Paper. 35 ff. 19 x 14 cm. Original cardboard wrappers. With a few corrections in text. Autograph? Lat 39 G U I L L E L M U S B R I T O . Expositiones difficiliorum vocabulorum d e bibliotheca per o r d i n e m alphabeti. Monastery of St. Mary, Royaumont, ca. 1350. Vellum. 264 ff., double columns. 30 x 21 cm. Initial letter in gold and colors; red and blue capitals; marginal notes. French 18th-cent. green morocco. Gives equivalents in Old French in various instances.—Extensive postscript, i n d . : " H i e liber est scriptus, qui scripsit sit benedictus. . . Qui titulum delevit ut a b eadem ecclesia furtive alienavit hunc librum sit a deo anathema maranata." Lat. 40 D U O D I A L O G I D E P H I L O S O P H I A M O R A L I . Proemium, ff.l-3r, inc.: Veritatis v i m sepenumero cogitanti.—Dialogus primus, ff.3r-32v, inc.: Ultimis estatis fervoribus . . .—Dialogus secundus, f f . 3 2 v - 6 3 v , inc.: C u m ad edes A n d r e e arisii omnes . . . Northern Italy {?), ca. 1450. Paper. 64 ff. 20 x 14 cm. Decorated initials. 16th-cent. green vellum. "Questo libro sia dato ad nostro patre domino facino de sanctopetro in portanova ne la perochia de sancto victore. . ." (f.64v). Ad. Lat. 40: By Umbertus Decembrius, cf. P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum (Leyden, 1963), pp. 312 a n d 328.
Lat. 41 ST. A U G U S T I N E . De vita Christiana. Germany, 1467. Paper. 12 ff. 21 x 15 cm. H/vellum. Contemp. inscription on upper margins of f.lv and 2r: Frater Rudolfus Rasser Donatus (name of scribe?). 17th-cent. ownership: Carthusian monastery in Brixen. Lat. 42* C A N O N L A W M I S C E L L A N Y . 1. G R A T I AN. Extracts from the Decretum, beginning with c. 7 D. I, ff.l-137r.-2. L I B E R S E X T U S . De regulis iuris, ff.141-5r.-3. C O D E X J U S T I N I A N I . Extracts relating to ecclesiastical affairs, beginning with 1.1, ff,147-57v. Italy, late 15th cent. Vellum. 158 ff. 13.5 x 10 cm. 16th-cent. vellum.—Written for Cesare Luigi Strada? (Inscr. on fly leaf): Caesar Strada Apostolicarum literarum scriptor. . . . Eius gloria est.—Acc. to inscription of f,158r, signed B[onifacius] Car[dina]lis Maior, Strada was received, he confessed, and was granted absolution, in Compostella in 1534. Library of the Cappuccini of Ferrara (17th-cent. inscription). Lat. 43 A L P H A B E T U M M A L A R U M M U L I E R U M , ff.2-6, inc.: U t ergo videatis chun [sic] Salamone, q u a m h a m a r a sit mulier, formabo de eis u n u m alfabetum.— With A R I S T O T L E . De bona fortuna, interprete Bartholomeo of Messana, ff.7-10. — P E T R A R C H . Psalmi septem poenitentiales, ff. 11—14. Italy, 15th cent. Vellum. 14 ff. 1 8 x 1 3 cm. Red and blue capitals, and marginal decoration. Paper boards. Prov.: [Dr. Ernst Schulz, Munich], Lat. 44 H I S T O R I A G E S T O R U M ALEXANDRI P U E R I M A G N I . Late medieval version of the Historia de preliis, inc. : Sapientissimi n a m q u e Egyptii sub omni natione que sub celo est scientes . . . Germany, first half of 15th cent. Paper. 40 ff. 18 x 14 cm. Modern paper boards. Prov.: [Dr. Ernst Schulz, Munich], Lat 45 A L E X A N D E R D E V I L L A D E I . Doctrinale. France{?), late 13th cent. Vellum. 27 ff. (incomplete at beginning). 18th-cent. leather Copious later annotations. Phillipps ms. 190. Lat. 46 P E T R U S P A N D O N I . Porcelii poetae clarissimi et oratoris O r t o graphia. Italy, Feb. 1, 1460 (f.4v). Paper. 86""ff. 17 x 12 cm. 2 ilium, initials. Contemp. vellum. Prov.: D. Andreas Parisinus (ff.3r, 83v, 85v).
Lat. 47 G U I D O D E C O L O N N A . Historia Troiana. Northern Italy, ca. 1370. Paper. 141 ff. 27 x 21 cm. H/morocco. F.139v: "Hunc librum non comodabis. Si comodabis non de [h]abebis. Si dehabebis non tacito. Si tacito perdes amicum," followed on ff.l41v and 142 by transcript of documents given at Pieve di Sacco by Jacobus, "comes palatinus," in 1370, removing the stain of illegitimacy from 3 inhabitants, and creating a notary. Library of William Harrison Woodward. Lat. 48 M I C H A E L D E M A S S A . In quatuor Evangelistas (Glosa super M a t h e u m , etc.). — I D E M . Tractatus de vitiis, ff.l02v-123v, inc.: Q u i a ut ait augustinus. —Tabula, ff. 1 2 4 - 1 3 6 v . — D E V I T I I S , ff. 137-138, inc.: Superbia est radix omnium malorum. Germany, 15th cent. Paper. 138 ff. 29 x 22 cm. Contemp. blind-stamped calf over wooden boards, rebacked. Prov.: J . P. R. Lyell. Lat 49 A R I S T O T L E . Metaphysica, in the translation of Guilelmus de Moerbeke, with anonymous commentary. Germany, 15th cent. Paper. 185 ff. 29.5 x 21 cm. Stamped h/calf over wooden boards. Same commentary as ms.lat.59.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M6. Lat. 50 [ A R I S T O T L E ] , Commentary on the Ethica Nicomachea, inc.: Sicut dicit philosophus natura humana multipliciter est ancilla. Italy, ca. 1400. Paper, outer conjugate of each sign, vellum. 110 ff. 22 x 14 cm. H/morocco. Prov.: John T. Beer; Hermann Suchier.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M9. Lat. 51 S E N E C A . Tragoediae, with commentary by Nicholas Trivet. England, ca. 1360-1370, in a variety of hands. Vellum. 154 ff. (few ff. missing). 25 x 17 cm. Contemp. vellum. [Library of E. H. W. Myerstein], Lat. 52 C H A R L E S V I I I , King of France. Orationes [fictae] legatorum Caroli V I I I , regis francorum, 1495, with replies, ff.1-6.— With M A R T I N U S P O L I C H D E M E L L E R S T A D T . Oratio pro recommendatione rectoris Georgii Dottanii habita, ff.6v-7.-PETRUS DE TUSSIGNANO. Recepte super nono Almansoris, ff. 8—11. Leipzig, 1500-1510. Paper. 12 ff. 20 x 15 cm. Boards.—Orationes printed in Hain-Cop. 12035. The second item appears unpublished, the third is a variant of GW 271, ff.45r48v. Recipes, one against the plague, on blank space on ff. 7v, l l v and 12. Prov.: [Dr. Ernst Schulz],
Lat 53
M O N T E D O G L I O . Capitoli, esentioni et privilegii delli huomini et commune di Monte doglio . . . dalli Gran Duchi di Toscana confirmati. Montedoglio, 1489-1698, in various hands, in Latin and Italian. Vellum. 25 ff. 23 x 16 cm. Contemp. leather. Signet of Montedoglio on ff.4v and 17r. Signatures of various notaries, the earliest document (ff.4v-10v) signed by Giovanni Battista Guidone de Guidoni. Lat 54
M O N T E D O G L I O . Statuta et ordinamenta communis et hominum Montis Dolii. Italy, 1490-1747, various hands, in Latin and Italian. Vellum. 76 ff. 28 x 21 cm. Later vellum binding. Original statutes, 87 chapters, ff.3-47, written by "Stefanus olim philippi et Stephani demaneriis . . ."
r * ^ J * ^ * ^ ¿ i ni rjAVLC fvrmjm
Statuta et ordinamenta.
Lat. 54.
Lat. 55
LIBER S C I N T I L L A R U M e t c . - l . LIBER S C I N T I L L A R U M , ff.l-24v, inc.: De castitate et continentia. — 2. S E R M O N E S . Two incomplete sermons, ff.25-36v, the second (f.30) with inc.: Primum querite regnum dei et hec omnia adicientur vobis. — 3. P O E N I T E N TIALE, ff.37-52v, inc.: In nomine Iesu Christi incipiunt interrogaciones que de scripturis sanctis et canonibus sacris in foro penitencie ad utilitatem confitencium fieri possunt et debent.—4. SERMONES. Two incomplete sermons, ff.53-58v, second (de penthecoste) with inc.: Effundam spiritum meum super omnem carnem. — 5. Excerpts and glosses on Bible, f . 5 9 r . - 6 . DE PUGNA S P I R I T U A L I , f.59, inc.: Inter Ierusalem et Babyloniam nulla pax est sed guerra continua (Migne C L X X X I I I , 7 6 1 - 5 ) . - 7 . DE V I T U S , ff.59-61r, inc.: Forte die quadam avarus libidini obvians.—8. DE CONFESSIONE, f.ólv, inc.: Ad habendum salutifere confessionis breviordinem.—9. L O T H A R I U S D I A C O N U S ( = Pope Innocent III), De contemptu mundi seu De
miseria conditionis h u m a n a e (excerpts), ff.62-70 ( M i g n e C C X V I I , 717-46). —10. Q U I N D E C I M S I G N A xv d i e r u m a n t e d i e m iudicii invenit sanctus I e r o n i m u s in a n n a l i b u s H e b r e o r u m , f.70v ( M i g n e X C I V , 555).—11. T w o poems, f.72v: a. T e m p u s acceptabile, t e m p u s est salutis ( W a l t h e r 19171), a n d b. Sacerdotes m e m e n t o t e , nichil maius sacerdote ( W a l t h e r 16999). Germany, 13-Uth cent, (ff.59 et seq. are 13th cent.). Vellum. 72 ff. 16 x 12 cm. M o d e m vellum over wooden boards. Fragment of larger collection which had presumably been bound together. Lat. 56
QUAESTIONES DE ACCIDENTIBUS libri tres. Germany(P), first half 16th cent.
Paper. 50 ff. 20 x 14 cm. Boards. Lat. 57
[ T E R E N C E ] . C o m m e n t a r y on A n d r i a a n d E u n u c h . Italy, ca. 7500. Paper. 10 ff. (incomplete at beginning). 22 x 15 cm. Boards. Lat. 58
I V O O F C H A R T R E S . P a n o r m i a . France, 12th cent. Vellum. 258 ff. (ff.237-254 misbound, following f.258). 28 x 19 cm. Initials in red and blue throughout and figurated initial on f.204v. Modern h/vellum over wooden boards. Phillipps ms. 7408. Lat. 59
[ A R I S T O T L E ] . A n o n y m o u s c o m m e n t a r y on the M e t a p h y s i c a , inc.: O m n e s homines n a t u r a scire desiderant. N a m quaelibet res ferente n a t u r a a p p e t i i perfectionem . . . Germany, 15th cent. Paper. 85 ff. 29 x 21 cm. Decorated initials. Vellum. Same commentary as ms.lat.49, possibly identical with that of Johannes Folsham ( = Folsamus).—Cf. L. W . Riley, op. cit., no. M 6 . Lat. 60
W I L L I A M O F A U X E R R E . S u m m a a u r e a in q u a t t u o r libros sentent i a r u m [of Petrus L o m b a r d u s ] . France{?), 14th cent. Vellum. 351 ff., double columns. 24 x 16 cm. Red and blue initials with ornamentation. H / m o r o c c o . Estate of E. Voynich (cf. De Ricci I I , 1930). Lat. 61
S E R M O N E S d e tempore, sanctis et variis causis, with the following interspersed tracts: 1. N O T A B I L I A de vitiis, ff,136r-141v.—2. B E R N H A R D U S , A d R a y m u n d u m d e c u r a rei familiaris epistola, ff.141-142. Ad. Lat. 56: Inc.: An notitia et intellectus sint idem vel diversa.
- 3 . DESCRIPTIO FEMINARUM MALARUM, f . 1 4 4 , - 4 . TRACTATUS BONUS DE M O R T U I S et eorum suffrages (with reference to Waldensians, Wyclif and Hussites), ff.l53v-158v.—5. TRACTATUS DE QUATTUOR VIRTUTIBUS cardinalibus, ff. 1 8 8 - 2 0 7 . 6. TRACTATUS DE RESTITUTIONE, ff.222-234.-7. CHRISTIAN FUCHS, of Vienna, Sermo de excommunicatione, ff.235-245.— 8. Registrum, ff.247-248. Austria, second half 15th cent. Paper. 249 ff. 21 x 15 cm. Contemp. calf over wooden boards. Item 3 is in verse and prose, compiled from Pseudo-Hildebert and other sources. L a t 62
ASTRONOMICAL FRAGMENTS. 1. Inc.: Primum regulares feriales unde oriantur videamus (f.l); expl.: . . . esse aliis dictum est (f.4v).— 2. PREVOSTIN, of Cremona. Fragment of the first book of his Summa theologica. France, 13th cent. Vellum. 8 ff. Circular diagr. and table on f.lv. 22 x 14 cm. Modern vellum. Prov.: George Dunn. L a t 63
ST. AUGUSTINE and others: 1. ST. AUGUSTINE. De pastoribus, ff.1-9, first leaf missing(?).—2. IDEM. De ovibus, ff.9-23. —3. ST. AMBROSE. De laude et exhortatione viduitatis, ff.23-35.—4. ST. AUGUSTINE. Retractado in libro ad Horosium contra Priscillianistas, f.36r.—5. OROSIUS. Commonitorium ad Sanctum Augustinum de Priscillianistis, ff.36-37.—6. ST. AUGUSTINE. Responsio ad Orosium de Priscillianistis et Origenis errore, fF.37^13.—7. IDEM. Retractatio in libro de correctione Donatistarum, ff.43-58.—8. IDEM. Retractatio in libro de fide et operibus, f.58r.—9. IDEM. De fide et operibus, ff.58-78. —10. IDEM. De dialéctica, ff.79-87. —11. ARISTOTLE. Categoriae, tr. by St. Augustine, ff.87-102.-12. ST. AUGUSTINE. Commonitorium ad universam ecclesiam destinatum de Manicheis conversis, ff.102-104. —13. POPE JOHN II. Epístola de fide contra Euticianistas de duobus naturis in una persona Christi, ff.104-106.— 14. ST. AUGUSTINE. Collatio trinitatis . . . a se ipso ad semet ipsum, ff.106-109. —15. Catalogue of the works of St. Augustine, ff.109-112. Germany, 12th. cent. Vellum. 112 ff. 26 x 17 cm. Modern leather. Phillipps ms. 11901. Lat. 64
BASLE, Council: 1. ANDREA DE PETRA. Oratio in congregatione generali, ff.l-9v.—2. JOHANNES, Abp. of Taranto. Oratio ad patres concilii BasUiensis, fF.9v-15r.-3. RESPONSIO SYNODALIS de Ad. Lat. 61: On authorship of item 2, see B. Hauréau, Notices et extraits quelques manuscrits latins (Paris, 1890), I, 334-7.
autoritate cuiuslibet consilii generalis supra papam, ff.l5v-34v.— 4. J U L I A N U S C A E S A R I N O . Oratio luculenta ad convertendum Bohemos, ff.35r-46v (incomplete). Germany, first half of 15th cent. Paper. 46 ff. (2 ff. missing?) 28 x 20 cm. Modem boards. The texts have been identified in Mansi, X X I X , but do not follow his sequence. I-at. 65 M A X I M U S S T E I N E R . Institutionum dialecticarum sive prolusionum ad philosophiam rationalem tractatus tripartitus. O n Aristotle's Organon; written by Andreas Ignatius Spahn (f. 192 contains a list of 107 students of Steiner, of w h o m Spahn is the first). Prague, 1641-1642. Paper. 197 ff. 19.5 x 15 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M35. Lat. 66 D. R O U S S E L . Commentarius in universam Aristotelis Metaphysicam. Paris, 1682. Paper. 2 ff., 523 pp. 22 x 16 cm. Contemp. red morocco.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M32. Name of student-scribe (De la Quint . . .) on engraved prel.f., followed by engr. portrait of Aristotle (Iollain exc.). Lat 67 M A R C I A N T O N I U S G E N U A . Lectiones super libros Physicorum Aristotelis, lectae anno 1549. Italy, 1549. Paper. 207 ff. 29 x 20 cm. H/morocco.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M7. Lat. 68 ALFONSO SPEZZANE Physica. Italy, 1591.
Commentary on books 3 - 7 of Aristotle's
P a p e r . 121 ff. 31 x 21 c m . H / m o r o c c o . — C f . L . W . R i l e y , op. cit., n o . M 3 3 .
Lat. 69 H E N R I C U S S U S O . Horologium sapientie, incl. Cantica canticorum (ff. 189-193). Germany, first half 15th cent. Paper. 193 ff. 21.5 x 14 cm. Some decorated initials; two small faces drawn into capitals on ff.91v and 164v. Contemp. dyed kid over wooden boards. "Acquistato in Vienna dall' Antiquario della Biblioteca Imperiale in quella città e portato in dono al mio caro Cognato G. Ghizzi. Maggio. 1869." [sig.] Frangnani (?).—James H. Reddan, Venice, 1896 (ff.lv and 193v). Lat. 70 C H R I S T O P H E R B R A N D I S . Commentarius in universam Aristotelis Logicam . . . scriptus a Joanne Huober. Dillingen, 1608-1609. Paper. 1050 pp. 19 x 15.5 cm. Contemp. stamped pigskin over wooden boards. Carthusian monastery, Buxheim. Owner's stamp: G.W.B.D.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M22.—Backer-Sommervogel, op. cit., II, 85, B (same ms.?). [15]
Lat. 71 C H R I S T O P H E R B R A N D I S . Commentarius in octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis . . . scriptus a J o a n n e Huober. Dillingen, 1609-1610. Paper. 941 pp. 19 x 15.5 cm. Comemp. stamped pigskin (with initials G.W.B.D.) over wooden boards.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M23.—BackerSommervogel, op. cit., II, 85, A (same ms.?). Lat. 72 T E R E N C E . Comediae: Andria, ff.l-36.-Eunuchus, ff.37-72r.— Heautontimorumenos, ff.72v-106r.—Adelphi, ff,106v-137v.—Phormio, ff. 1 3 8 r - l 70v. — Hecyra, ff,171r-199r. Germany, ca. 1500. Paper. 200 ff. (last blank). 1 9 x 1 4 cm. Six ilium, capitals. 17th-cent. stamped pigskin. With marginal and interlinear annotations. Lat. 73 AD. C A I M U S . Imperialium institutionum libri I V (cum registro), auctore Ad. Rev. Dno. C a i m o preposito ecc. par. S. Zenonis. Austria(?), 1743. Paper. 389 pp. 20 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum. Title borders, vignettes and tail pieces drawn in pen-and-ink. Bookplate of M. D. Wilmersdoerffer, 1897. Lat. 74 R I C A R D U S H E S I U S . Epistolae latinae. Collection of model letters (some copies of actual letters?) in Latin, and 3 letters in Italian. T h e n a m e of Hesius appears only in 6 letters at end. Italy, 1598-1612. Paper. 29 ff. (3 leaves removed). 20.5 x 14 cm. Contemp. boards. Lat. 75 [ A R I S T O T L E ] . O n the De anima, incl. a section headed " L i b e r quintus de deo et angelis," inc.: S t e m m a philosophiae naturalis a b Aristotele descriptum et ab eiusdem schola nova restitutum. South Germany, 17th cent. Paper. 55-292 numb, ff., 85 ff. (actual count 315). 19.5 x 15 cm. Contemp. calf.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M l 2 . Lat. 76 G E O R G K E R N , S T E P H E N W H I T E and CHRISTOPHER B R A N D I S . De praeceptis decalogi (commentary on Thomas Aquinas), written by J o a . Huober. — S u m m a controversiarum, written by same.— Prolegomena in universam philosophiam moralem Aristotelis, inc.: A n t e q u a m ad particulares materias descendamus q u e d a m breviter. Dillingen{?), 1608. Ad. Lat. 73: This is a commentary on the Institutiones [16]
Paper. 407 ff., blank 11., 37 ff., 1 blank 1., 316 ff. 20.5 x 16.5 cm. Contemp. stamped pigskin. Carthusian monastery, Buxheim.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M14.—Backer-Sommervogel, IV, 1015-16 (Kern); VIII, 1093-98 (White); II, 85-86 (Brandis). Lat. 77
R O M A N U S R A U S C H E R . O c t o libri Physicorum [Aristotelis] a b Reverendo . . . R o m a n o Rauscher ordinis S. Benedicti . . . traditi, a me Fratre Erasmo Altmanshausen monasterii Admontensis professo excepti.— With List of fathers and brothers "in convictu Salisburgensi," 1637-39.—Georg Berchtold Lorich, printed disputation.—Anonymous commentary on the De coelo. Salzburg, 1638-1639. Paper. 4 ff., 525 pp., 6 ff., 352 (350) pp., diagrs., 1 folded sheet. 18.5 x 15 cm. Contemp. stamped pigskin.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M31. Lat. 78
[ A R I S T O T L E ] , O n the Organon, Physica, and Metaphysica, inc. (Proemium): Fili, a iuventute tua excipe doctrinam, et usque ad canos invenies sapientias. Germany, 17th cent. Paper. 258 ff. (a few blank). 19.5 x 15.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. Carthusian monastery, Buxheim.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M15. Lat. 79
[ A R I S T O T L E ] , O n the O r g a n o n a n d Physica, written by Anselm, a Carthusian of Buxheim. Buxheim, 1634-1635. Paper. 321 ff. 18 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum. Carthusian monastery, Buxheim. The commentaries are the same as those in ms. lat. 78, but without commentary on the Metaphysica.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M18. Lat. 80
P L A C I D I U S A E G I D I U S M E L A N D E R . O n the De anima of Aristotle, inc.: Corpus naturale mixtum ut diximus in principio philosophiae aliud est perfectum aliud imperfectum. Dillingen(P), 1621. Paper. 255 ff. 19 x 14 cm. Contemp. stamped pigskin (with initials P.P.M.A. and date 1621). Bound with various printed Aristotle dissertations; lists of doctoral candidates, Dillingen; etc.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M30. Lat. 81
S U E T O N I U S T R A N Q U I L L U S . De vita X I I caesarum (extracts), ff.1-42.— With A U S O N I U S , Versus de X I I caesaribus, ff.42r-42v.— B E N V E N U T O D E R A M B A L D I S , d e Imola. Liber augustalis (extracts), ff.43-56v, with date of composition, 1385 (f.56v). — M A C CABEES, 2nd book to death of Herod Agrippa (in Italian), ff.56-63, inc.: Qui se comensa lo secundo libro delli Machabei . . . M o r t o Simone quinto . . . Italy, second half 15th cent. Paper. 63 ff. 22 x 14 cm. H/morocco.
Lat 82» 13TH-CENT. N O T A R I A L H A N D B O O K . 1. J O H A N N E S DE BOLOGNA. Summa artis notariae, ff.1-25 (some leaves missing; cf. text in L. Rockinger, Briefsteller und Formelbücher, II, 603-712).— 2. E X E M P L A . Notarial examples derived from papal correspondence, ff.26-30. —3. A R N U L F U S C A N O N I C U S P A R I S I E N S I S (Arnulf of Anagni). Summa ' U t nos minores,' ff.31-43 (text contains dates 1250 [f.36r] and 1251 [f.37r]; apparendy a better ms. than that used by J. Joosting for his ed. in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung, Kan. Ab., X V I I (1928), 153-223).—4. J O H A N N E S , praepositus Halberstadensis. Epistola, f.43v. Italy?, second half 13th cent. Vellum. 43 ff. 23 x 17 cm. Contemp. h/pigskin over wooden boards, with guards taken from earlier ms. Lat. 83 ST. BASIL, bishop of Caesarea. Epistola ad Gregorium theologum, ff.1-3.— With ST. J O H N C H R Y S O S T O M . Contra iudeos sermones sex, ff.4-56. — I D E M . Adversus Anomoeos sermones quinqué, ff. 57-89. — I D E M . Ad Stagirium monacum libri tres, ff.89-139.—IDEM. Paradoxa, ff. 140-149. Italy, 15th cent. Paper. 150 ff. (last blank). 27 x 19 cm. Stamped leather with coat of arms. Phillipps ms. 9471. Lat 84 S E R M O N E S A N O N Y M I : 1. Ecce rex tuus venit tibi pius . . . Si aliquis amicum . . . , ff.1-168.—2. Hora es iam nos de sompno surgere in hiis vitiis monet . . . , ff.l70r-241v.—3. Sanctus Anshelmus longo tempore . . . , ff.243r-269v.—4. Liber et numerus . . . (commentary on Matthew), ff.270r-277r.—5. Honora deum et honorífica sacerdotes . . . , ff.278r-299r.—6. Benedictum est lignum, per quid sit iusticia . . . , ff.300r-311r.—7. Quotations from Bible, classics and fathers of the church, ff.312i^319r.—8. Ad laudem et gloriam omnipotentis dei . . . , ff.318r-322v. Germany, 15th cent. Paper. 322 ff. 19 x 14 cm. Contemp. leather over wooden boards. Lat 85 W E R N E R R O L E W I N C K . Fasciculus temporum. Northern Italy, ca. 1470. Paper. 40 ff. 42 x 27 cm. Numerous drawings and diagrs., partly colored by hand. Contemp. stamped leather over wooden boards. Lat 86 F R A N C O I S D E M E R L E S (1480-1520). Memoirs and France, late 15th and early 16th cent.
Paper. 177 instead of 292 ff. (ff. 16-57 and 198-271 missing). 38 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum. Contains report on studies in Pavia and Avignon; commentary on the plague, contemp. events, stay in Rome, and the Jews; various financial accounts; and detailed report on the construction of a residence. Lat. 87 [ A R I S T O T L E ] , On the Physica, De coelo, De generatione et corruptione, De anima, Metaphysica, Meteorologica, Organon, and Ethica Nicomachea. Germany, 1670. Paper. 2 vols. 22.5 x 16 cm. 18th-cent. calf.—Cf. L. W. Riley, up. cit., no. M19. Lat. 88 A L E X A N D E R J O V I U S . Commentaria una cum quaestionibus in universam Aristotelis Logicarti. — IDEM. Compendium in universam Aristotelis Logicam, collectum de lectione in lectionem per me Bernardum Berardum. Italy, 1640-1641. Paper. 235 numb, ff., 21 ff., 69 numb. ff. 20 x 13.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.— Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit., no. M28. Lat 89» A D A M . Summula de Summa Raymundi (verse abridgement of R a y mondus de Pennaforte, cf. J . F. von Schulte, Die Gesch. d. Quellen und d. Literatur des canonischen Rechts , II, 427), ff.l-20v. — With Brief Bible dictionary, ff.20v—4. France, 14th cent. Vellum. 24 ff. 17 x 10 cm. Gold stamped leather. Prov.: Luzarche collection, sold by auction, Paris, 1865; Stroehlin collection. Lat 90 A S C E T I C M I S C E L L A N Y : 1. De arte bene moriendi, ff.1-13, inc.: Cum de presentis exilii miseria mortis . . . —2. POPE INNOCENT III. De miseria humane conditionis, ff.14-42. —3. Religious poetry: a. X V signa ante seculi consumationem fienda . . . , ff.42v-43v, inc.: Antequam iuditii dies metuenda . . . (H. Walther, Versanfànge, 1314); b. Altercatio animae et corporis . . . compilata per beatum Bernardum, ff.44r-50v, inc.: Vir quidam dum steterat velud heremita (variant of Walther 20421), cont. on f.44v: Iuxta corpus spiritus stetit et ploravit (Walther 10032: Visio Philiberti). Italy, 15th cent. Paper. 56 ff. 23 x 16 cm. Ilium, first page, with arms, and ilium, capitals on ff. 14v and 24v. Modern gilt leather. Prov.: Ernesto Pagnoni, Milan. Lat 91 B A R T H O L O M A E U S DE BREGANTIIS, Vicentinus. De venatione divini amoris, with two prologues, addressed to Hugh, cardinal bishop Ad. Lat. 90, no. 1 : Attributed to Matthew of Cracow.
of St. Sabina, O.P. (Hugh of Montrelais), and William, cardinal deacon of St. Eustachius (otherwise unknown). Salzburg, 5 June 1453. Paper. 124 ff. 20 x 13 cm. H/morocco.—Cf. Qu6tif and Echard (1719), I, 258, no. 13. Lat. 92
FIFTEENTH-CENTURY MISCELLANY: 1. JOHANNES GOLDNER. Sermones XXII de avaritia, ff.2-124r (written "per Johannem de prawnec [i.e. Brauneck]," 1470; apparendy unpublished).—2. NICOLAUS DE DINKELSBÜHL. Von dem Vbel der aigenschafft die man hatt in den cloestern, ff. 124-143v (sermon preached at the Univ. of Vienna; probably unpublished). — 3. Extracts from Augustinus de Ancona and Bartholomaeus Pisanus, ff.l43v-144v.—4. SIGISMUND, Holy Roman Emperor. Letter (in Czech) to his brother VVenceslaus, King of Bohemia, 4 Dec. 1418, f.145 (dated Vienna 1419, vero 1418; printed in F. Polacky, Documenta Johannis Hus, pp.682-6).— 5. THOMAS (Palmerston) HIBERNICUS. De religione Christiana, ff,146r-159v (dated 1421; cf. Hain 8544 and 13854).-6. PSEUDOBERNARDUS. Epistola de cura domestica, ff,160r-162r (dated 1417). —7. Excerpts from ascetic writings, ff,162-164v.—8. CONSTANCE, Council. Conclusiones contra communionem populi sub utraque specie, ff,164v-167r (dated 1417). —9. PRAGUE, University. Determinatio super quibusdam erroneis articulis, 7 Feb. 1418, ff.l67i^l68r.— 10. EPISTOLA CONTRA WICLEFISTAS et Husitas, known as "Eloquenti viro," but here without first sentence, inc.: Pro salutacione in Christo Jhesu domino nostro, ff,170r-193r. Followed on f.l93r by poem "Dum de fide loquimur . . . ," 6 lines, and "Praga, modo doleas . . . 2 lines. —11. REMEDIA PRO CASIBUS CONTINGENTIBUS in divino officio, ff. 193v-194v.—12. COLLECTA DECRETI (excerpts from Gratian), ff.195-210.-13. STANISLAUS DE ZNOYMA. Tractatus contra articulos huscitorum et errores Johannis Wickleph, ff.210v-256v (dated 1420). Bohemia, 15th cent. Paper. 257 ff. 20 x 15 cm. Stamped leather over wooden boards, ca. 1500. Prov.: "Liber iste Cenobii est Clarissarum Brixine commorancium" (inside front cover); "Elisabeth sancte in claustro me bibliotheca possideat . . ." (back cover). Lat. 93
[FRANCISCANS OF METZ], Letters and bulls of Pope Innocent VII, Pope Pius II, and Pope Sixtus IV respecting privileges of the Franciscan Order in Metz, brought together by Petrus de Vincentia (cf. Ad. Lat. 92, no. 2: Published from other manuscripts by H. Menhardt in Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie, L X X I I I (1954), 1 - 3 9 , 268-91. No. 6: Cf. note to Lat. 61.—No. 10: Attributed to Nicolaus de Dinkelsbühl.
Quétif a n d E c h a r d , op. cit., I, 8 8 0 a ) , a u t h e n t i c i t y c o n f i r m e d by the i m p e r i a l n o t a r y N a t a l i s W a s s o n i u s d e Pontemontione (f.59). Metz{?), 1489-1490. Vellum. 60 ff. (last blank). 1 3 x 8 cm. Contemp. blind-stamped leather over wooden boards. "Iste liber est de conventu fratrum minorum Sagunsium" (Saône?). Lat. 94 T A R T A L E O N I F A M I L Y . C o p y b o o k of financial transactions of the T a r t a l e o n i brothers of M a n t u a , f r o m 1 5 6 5 - 1 5 7 5 . Mantua, 1565-1575. Vellum. 42 fT. 24 x 16 cm. With notarial signets and signatures. Contemp. paper boards. Lat. 95 S T E P H A N U S H U G O N E T I . A p p a r a t u s super constitutionibus C o n cilii Viennensis. Northern Italy or S. France, early 14th cent. Vellum. 74 ff. 29 x 21 cm. 18th-cent. calf. An 18th-cent. inscription on f . l : "Carolus Maria Coo: a Pace." Lat. 96 SERMONES DOMINICALES PER C I R C U L U M T u n c v i d e b u n t filium hominis. . . France{?), 13th cent. Vellum. 65 ff. 20 x 14.5 cm. Boards.
Lat. 97 C A T T A N E I F A M I L Y . W i l l of D o m i n a Georgeta, d a u g h t e r of M a r c o C e n t u r i o n i a n d w i d o w of J e r o n i m o C a t t a n e i , a n d l e g a l proceedings about the i n h e r i t a n c e involving p r i m a r i l y her g r a n d s o n Sylvestro C a t t a n e i a n d Isoltina, his b r o t h e r J e r o n i m o ' s w i d o w , d a t e d 1 5 4 8 - 1 5 4 9 , notarized by various officials of Genoa. S o m e e a r l i e r d o c u m e n t s interspersed. Genoa, 1536-1549, in a v a r i e t y of n o t a r i a l h a n d s . Vellum. 46 ff. (last blank). 20.5 x 15 cm. Paper boards. On paper flyleaf at beginning: "Liberculus iste est Silvestri Cattanei." Lat. 98 [ A R I S T O T L E ] , L e c t u r e notes c o n t a i n i n g questions & dispositions on the De coelo, De g e n e r a t i o n e et corruptione, a n d De a n i m a , by a student at the " C o l l e g i u m C a l l a r i t a n u m S a n c t i J o s e p h i , " a school of the " P o v e r i d e l l a M a d r e di Dio delle scuole p i e . " Cagliari, Sardinia, 5 August 1695. Paper. 155, 2 ff. 21 x 15 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Cf. L. W. Riley, Aristotle Texts and Commentaries to 1700 in the University of Pennsylvania Library (publ. as monograph) (Philadelphia, 1961), M19A. Ad. Lat. 95: Cf. Norman P. Zacour, "Stephanus Hugoneti and His 'Apparatus' on the Clementines," Traditio, X V I I (1961), 527-30.—Ff. 21-30 misbound, actually sign, b to be placed between f.10 and 11. [21 ]
Lat. 99 S E D U L I U S . C a r m e n paschale, ff.1-47.— With A n o n y m o u s poems (none located in W a l t h e r ) : a. C o n t r a superbos, f.47, inc.: Si quia m a t e r i a m p e r p e n d a t originis . . . b. C o n t r a avaros, f.47v, inc.: Heu quos opes opibus cumulas, q u o d propria queris . . . c. O r a t i o q u a m dicitur edidisse Prudentius poeta. . . , f.48, inc.: O dee cunctipotens a n i m e dator, o dee christe . . . d . H y m n Stelliferi conditor orbis, f.50v, inc.: R a p i d o coelum t u r b i n e versas. . . — Notes on the order of the liturgy, & verses in praise of monastic life, especially the C a r t h u s i a n order (ff.59-65) a n d H I S T O R I A D E T R A N S F I G U R A T I O N E domini salvatoris (f.66). Germany, second half 15th cent. Paper. 66 ff. (ff.52-58 blank). 14 x 10 cm. Boards. Lat. 100 H E N R I C U S EENTHIUS(P). Notes on Aristotle's Logic, written by u n n a m e d s t u d e n t . - W i t h H E N R I C U S L O E F F L E R . T r a c t a t u s primus De n a t u r a philosophiae, seu scientiae.—Theses logicae ex prolegomenis Weiroth, . . . J o a n n e s Vogel, . . . H e n r i c u s Lofflerus, . . . J o a n n e s Arnold, . . . Georgius L e i n b a u c h , a n d others.— Defense of J o a n n e s Vogel. Germany, 1600. Paper. 393 ff. 19 x 16 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit. (monograph), M16A. Lat. 101 P S E U D O - A R I S T O T L E . Secreta secretorum [extract]; text begins f . l 3 v : Alexander c u m sit corpus corruptibile. . . . Germany, second half of 15th cent. Paper. 17 ff. 22 x 15 cm. Boards. Prov.: Charles W. Burr.—Cf. G. W. 2490. L. W. Riley, op. cit. (monograph), M7A. Lat 102 [ A R I S T O T L E ] . Analysis librorum physicorum Aristotelis.—Preceded by G E O M E T R I A E C O M P E N D I U M (7 ff.) a n d hand-colored d r a w ings (on 2 ff.). England, 1674-1675. Paper. 1 blank, 7, 2 ff., 385 pp. (pp.299-310 blank), 48 blank ff. 19.5 x 16 cm. 3 pp. with hand-colored primitive drawings, the 3rd on f.35 of the final blank section; geometrical drawings on ff.5-7. Prov.: Charles W. Burr.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op. cit. (monograph), M26A. Name Alexander Cunningham on p.92 is probably the name of a student-scribe, and not of the author. Ad. Lat. 99: Poem c. published in Migne, PL, CI, 544. Ad. Lat. 101: Cf. also Thorndike, Incipits, 2nd ed., col. 78.
Lat. 103 T H E O L O G I C A L M I S C E L L A N Y : 1. L E G E N D E D E L L A G L O R I O S A V E R G I N E M A R I A (in Italian), ff.2r-68r, inc.: C a n d o r lucis eterne et speculum sine macula. Sapientia, secundo capitulo. Cosi corno la luce corporale. . . . - 2 . T R A C T A T U S D E C I V I T A T E S A N C T A J E R U S A L E M , ff.72r-163v, inc.: Videns Yesus civitatem flevit super illam dicens. . . . - 3 . Q U A E S T I O N E S D U O , f,164r, inc.: Q u e r o d e q u o p a n n o debet esse corruptibile. Respondet Alexander de Ales in tractatu de missa.-4. D O M I N I C A SEPTUAGESIMA, ff,165i-242v, inc.: Voca operationes et r e d d e illud mercedem suam. . . .—5. D E C O N F E S S I O N E , ff. 243i^350v, inc.: In omnibus q u a confessionem pertinent. . . . Italy, early 15th cent. Paper. 352 ff. (a few ff. blank). 9.5 x 7 cm. Modern red morocco. Lat. 104 G A S P A R E C O N T A R I N I . D e Republica Veneta libri V. Italy, mid16th cent. Paper. 92 ff. (last blank). 20 x 14 cm. Unbound. From the Morbio library. Lat. 105 J A C O B U S D I N E T U S . Chrestomathy of Latin classics, ff.8-129, preceded by index and dedication.—Dicta astrologorum, ff.l30-140r.— C a r m e n ex diversis Vergilii versibus . . . , ff.l40v-162v. Dedicated by J a c o b u s Dinetus to his father Johannes, apparently as an account of his studies in Paris. Paris, 1540. Paper. 162 ff. & 30 blank ff. 19 x 13 cm. 18th-cent. calf, with gold stamp of Plato & Dido on front and back. Lat. 106 V A L D ' A O S T A . Charters: 1. Confirmation m a d e by J e a n Carteron in favor of Ansermin of Pont d'Avix, Feb. 19, 1388 (1 f; 18 x 26 cm).—2. C h a r t e r of Agnes de Claustris concerning houses a n d land in the Val d'Aosta, Dec. 13, 1390 (1 f; 15 x 21 cm).—3. Exchange between Antoine Rolet a n d his n e p h e w Antoine in t h e h o m e of J e a n Trousse of Annecy, 1399 (1 f; 39 x 26 cm).—4. Agreement between the bishop of Aosta a n d Gregory de Chastellar and J e a n Thomasset d e Chastellar concerning some rents, 1423 (1 f; 43 x 30 cm). — 5. Feudal sentence concerning the fief of Pin, between William of Carreria a n d Boniface Boneri, Chàtillon, Sept. 24, 1439 (1 f; 32 x 60 c m ) . — 6 . Agreement between G . Girardi and J . Chasson, 1478 (1 f; 20 x 19 c m ) . Val l.J)ft(me.
| ¿1-P'lH i
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Fr. 43 U R B A I N C H E V R E A U , 1613-1701. C h e v r a e a n a . T h e published edition of 1697-1700 with numerous interleaved and m a r g i n a l additions a n d corrections by Chevreau in preparation for a new edition, w h i c h never appeared. Bound in a r e some notes by two owners: Nicolas Boindin a n d Gustave M o u r a v i t . N.p., ca. 1700. Paper. 2 vols. 17.5 x 10 cm. Full, ornamented gilt morocco, by David. Large paper copy, with some leaves from another copy inserted.—Prov.: N. Boindin; A. de La Fizelière; G. Mouravit.—Cf. Bulletin du Bibliophile, XIII série (1858), pp.1058-1065, where a ms. addition from v.2, p.288 is published.
Fr. 44 G E O R G E S C H A S T E L L A I N , 1 4 0 5 ( ? ) - 1 4 7 5 . Declaration d e tous les h a u l x fais et glorieuses aventures d u D u c Philippe de B o u r g o n g n e . Éloge, ff.3r-l 2r. — I D E M . Éloge d e Charles le Hardy, ff,12r-19v. T h e s e texts are preceded by 1 page of poetry ("Bien est il vray q u e pour eulx arengier, En m o n service ils passent maint dangier, . . . "), 2 pages of prose ( " A u trop considérer l'orreur de la puissance q u e c u p i d e s'attribue) and 1 page with arms inscribed " B R O E S S G E R D A G E L A S . " France, ca. 1470. Lettre bâtarde. Paper. 22 ff. (last three blank, except for brief inscriptions of ff. 21-22). 28.5 x 22 cm. Contemp.(?) leather cover. "Dis boeck hoost for J a n n e [? suprascription over blacked out name] Rombouts."—Text found on ff.3-19 of this ms. has been printed from other mss. in Kervyn de Lettenhove, Oeuvres de Georges Chastellain, (Bruxelles, 1865), V I I 213-236. Fr. 45 (Provençal) C A N C O N en Agenais (Lot-et-Garonne). Cens, rentes, revenues droiz et devoirs d e u b z a la recepte de Cancon, inc.: J H S . Segonse los q u e a n reconogut al noble senhor J o h a n d e V e r d u senhor delà peria e d e c a n q u o per las gens et habitans de C a n q u o et al hunorable senhor mosseu R a m o n delà faga son procurayre. . . . Cancon{?), 1463-1470. Paper. 26 ff. 29 x 22 cm. Vellum (document in Provençal, 1374).—Signed by notary Petrus de Copertone (fT. 1-13 and 26). Documents on ff. 14-23 are in O l d French. Fr. 46 C A N C O N en Agenais (Lot-et-Garonne). Registre des marches passes pour la reconstruction et les restaurations d u c h a t e a u de C a n c o n . Cancon{?), 1544-1547. Paper. 41 ff. (ff.27-28 missing; blank [?] ff. at end removed). 27.5 x 19.5 cm. Contemp. blind-stamped leather (badly worn).—Cf. L. Massip, Hist, de la ville et des seigneurs de Cancon (Cancon, 1891), pp.138-140. Signed in various places by the notary Antoine Robert. T h e castle belonged to Marie de V e r d u n and her husband Charles de Montferrat. Ad. Fr. 44: M . Octave Le Maire of Brussels clarified the provenance. T h e arms are those of the Rombouts family, glass painters at Brussels in the 15th and 16th cent.; B R O E S S G E R D A T GELAS ("more fragile than glass") apparendy alludes to the family profession. Infra-red photography reveals that the original statement of ownership reads "Die boeck hoost for Claes Rombouts"; we may conclude that the ms. first belonged to Claes Rombouts and was inherited either by his son or a member of his brother's family.—Line 7: DA read DAT. Line 10: Dis read Die.
Fr. 47
[ D U T C H E A S T A N D W E S T I N D I E S C O M P A N Y ] , Demonstration de l'injuste et chimérique prétention q u e les directeurs de la Compagnie des Indes en Hollande forment, afin de faire révoquer, ou d u moins rendre inutile l'octroy q u e sa Majesté I m p é r i a l e et Catholique a accordé à ses sujets des Pays-Bas autrichiens pour l'établissement d'une Compagnie de Commerce et de Navigation a u x Indes Orientales et Occidentales, dediée à Messeigneurs les Etats G é n é r a u x des Provinces U n i e s . Belgium(.3),
78th cent.
Paper. 51 pp. 23 x 19.5 cm. Unbound. Fr. 48
F R A N Ç O I S J O S E P H LA G R A N G E - C H A N C E L . Les philippiques et autres pièces, avec des notes historiques et critiques. France, second half of 18th cent.
Paper. 1, 69 ff. 18 x 10.5 cm. Contemp. calf. Fr. 49
[ D A I L L O N , Comtes d u Lude]. Histoire généalogique de la maison des Seigneurs d e Daillon, Comtes d u Lude, depuis l ' a n n é e 1364. France, ca.
Paper. 1 f., 92 pp. (pp.76-78, 83-92 blank). 18.5 x 14 cm. Contemp. calf.— Thomas Phillipps (ms.3965); John Townley. Fr. 50
1734-1749[ 52].
Paper. 4 ff., 437 pp. 28 x 19 cm. Diagrs. Contemp. calf. Contains papers read by Aymé Bertin before the academies of Lyons and Villefranche on such varied subjects as Amazons, Rhodes, canon law ("purgations canoniques"), history of the French language, etc. Added are "Discours par M. Annibal Claret de Flurieux, en réponse à celuy de M. l'abbé de Pusignieux," pp.245-57 and several essays by A. Bertin, incl. a treatise "sur la géometrie pratique", pp.265437. Fr. 51
[ L O U I S X V , King of France]. T r a i t é des droits d u d o m a i n e d u Roy, leur origine, c o m m e aussi le préjudice q u e Sa Majesté se fait en surchargeant ses sujets avec des impôts. France, 1755 (cf. p.14, line 1 - 2 ) . Paper. 202 pp. 29.5 x 20 cm. H/vellum. Fr. 52
L O U I S S A N L E C Q U E , abbé. Satyre sur la direction (en vers; contre les confesseurs, directeurs d e conscience). Paris, ca. 1690. Paper. 6 ff. 22 x 16.5 cm. in vol. (26 x 18.5 cm.). H/cloth.—Prov.: Dumont de Villeneuve. [64]
Fr. 53
W Y N A N T S , G. A. de. Mémoire contenant des notions générales de tout ce qui concerne le gouvernement des Pays-Bas autrichiens. — Etat général de tous les revenus et d e toutes les charges des Pays Bas autrichiens. Belgium, ca. 1730. Paper. 503, 136 pp. 33.5 x 20.5 cm. Portrait of de Wynants, engraved by E. Pilsen after I. P. Sauvage, bound at beginning. H/calf.—Prov.: J. Timmers. —Contemp. copy; the original is in the University Library, Ghent. Fr. 54
C O M P A G N I E D E C O M M E R C E D E L O R R A I N E . Collection of documents and a few printed items, relating to the Company (which was founded by Duke Leopold, partly to protect commerce in the D u c h y against the crisis evoked by Law) and Claude Regnault. These documents date largely from the years 1724 to 1791, though also included is the marriage contract of Claude Regnault, 1694. France, 1694-1791. Paper, a few documents on vellum. Several hundred pieces in various sizes. Boxed. Fr. 55
[ G R A F L U D W I G and P H I L I P P COBENZL]. Dossier of 105 letters and documents, 1786-1806, mostly addressed to Ludwig von Cobenzl (for 20 years Austrian ambassador to Russia) and Philipp von Cobenzl (one-time vice chancellor of Austria). Most items have bearing on political and diplomatic matters, especially relations between Austria, Russia, Prussia, and France. T h e letters were written by F. J . J . N. von Dietrichstein, J o h a n n von T h u g u t , Ferdinand von Trauttmansdorf, K . T. A. M. von Dalbcrg, M m e . Bcrnicr de Villers, Baron Giusti, K . R. von Buol-Schauenstein, Prince N. V. Repnin, Baron LimonHallewin, Count Panin, Peter von Herbert, W. W. Grenville, Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, Archduke Josef of Hungary, Prince Karl Auersperg, Prince Ferdinand of Wuerttemberg, J . P. K. J . von Stadion, Karl von Finkenstein, Andreas Razumovski, Ludwig von Lebzeltern, and a few others. Various places, 1786-1806. Paper. 213 fT. (a few blank). Various sizes. Boxed. Fr. 56
J O H N T H A Y E R . Rélation de la conversion de M r . J e a n Thayer, ministre protestant de Boston . . . , converti à la réligion catholique à R o m e le 23 mai 1783. Écrite par lui-même avec une lettre à son frère, en réponse à quelques objections sur le parti qu'il a pris . . . , 6 6 pp.— With R E F L E X I O N S sur la souvérainnetté, le serment de liberté, d'égalité et la constitution civile d u clergé, 175 pp. England?, ca. 1800 (cf. note on prel. f.2r: " d u Diocese de Coutances, Reading").
Paper. 2 ff., 66 pp., 1 blank f., 96 pp., 4 ff. (last blank), pp. 97-175. 16 x 10 cm. Contemp. boards.—Prov.: G. V. Digard (f.2v).—For J . Thayer, see J . Sabin, Bibl. Amer., (New York, 1934), X X V , 98, etc.—Bound with several printed pamphlets: R E C I T des traitements, (London, 1797); TABLEAU des horreurs de la Révolution française, (n.p.d.); DE LA HARPE, Lettres . . . en faveur de la religion, (London, 1797). Fr.57
[OPERA C O M I Q U E S ] . 1. LA B E Q U I L L E du bon homme Barnabas, p p . l - 3 2 . - 2 . LE M A G A Z I N des modernes, ç p . 3 3 - 6 5 . - 3 . V A U D E V I L L E pantomime, p p . 6 5 - 7 2 . - 4 . L ' I N F I D É L I T É P U N I E , pp.739 7 . - 5 . V A U D E V I L L E , pp.97-8. France, 18th cent. Paper. 98 pp. 30 x 19 cm. Contemp. vellum. Fr. 58
BALTHASARD F R A N Ç O I S D E M E R L E S , Marquis de BEAUC H A M P . Des mathématiques.—Astronomie (Des cercles du premier mobile ou seconds cercles; Des divers point[s] du ciel; Des cieux et du nombre d'iceux; Du mouvement des cieux; De la figure du monde; De la solidité des cieux; Des divers systèmes du monde). Autograph ms. with corrections. France, second half 17th cent. Paper. 10 ff. 28 x 19.5 cm. Astronomical figures. In folder. Fr. 59
[GENOA, 1684]. Lettre de résponçe sur les hostilitéz que les François ont fait contre Gennes, escritte de la dite ville par Mons. N. à Mons. N. à Turin. Genoa, 2 June, 1684. Paper. 26 ff., last blank. 24 x 17.5 cm. In folder. Fr. 61
P H I L L I P E E M M A N U E L D E C O U L A N G E S . Relation de mon voyage d'Allemagne et d'Italie es années mille six cent cinquante sept et cinquante huit, 409 pp.— With I D E M . Conclaves d'Alexandre V I I I et d'Innocent X I I es années 1689 et 1691, 218 p p . — B I O G R A P H I E de P. E. de Coulanges, pp.219-229. France, ca. 1746. Paper. 409 pp., 2 blank ff., title, 229 pp., 9 blank ff. 31 x 20 cm. Contemp. calf with the arms of A. Le Fevre d'Ormesson on front and back cover and initials DO on spine.—Copied for André François d'Ormesson from the autograph ms. (f.227).—The memoirs of Coulanges as published by Monmerque in 1820 contain a very incomplete text. Fr. 62
N O A I L L E S FAMILY. Correspondance de Noailles (incl. les Gontaut, Biron, Pibrac, etc.), 1539-1634. (Copied by and for Theodore de Gontaut-Biron from originals, largely in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris.) Paris, third quarter 19th cent.
Paper. 2 vols. 27.5 x 20.5 cm. H/morocco. Bookplate of Theodore de Gontaut-Biron.—Genealogy of the family Noailles, 1386-1700, at beginning of vol. 1. Fr. 63 C H A N S O N S H I S T O R I Q U E S et gaillardes. (Political satirical songs of the 17th a n d early 18th century, incl. songs by Blot, Benserade, Boussy-Rabutin, Coulanges, etc. W i t h musical notations on ff.lr, 9v, l l v , 13r, 15r, 27r, 31r, 38v, 61r.—Added at end: Inees de Castro, tragédie d u S. de L a M o t t e H o u d a r t , ff. 170-180.) France, ca. 1723-30, with annotations a n d corrections in a contemp. h a n d . Paper. 182 ff., (f.181 loose, f. 182 blank). 36.5 x 23 cm. Drawing of whale on f. 160. Contemp. calf, with arms of Bonnier de la Mosson on front cover and name on back cover.—Ex libris Viollet Le Duc. Fr. 64 [ P A S C A L F A M I L Y ] . 1. (Cover-title:) J O U R N A L d'annotation, (caption-title:) G E N E A L O G I E de la maison Pascal divisée en trois branches, c o m m e il sera détaillé y après [Pascal d e la Rochette; Pascal d e L o n g p r a ; Pascal de l'Ertegne]. T h e genealogy of the Pascal d e Longp r a incl. a n original d o c u m e n t concerning J e a n Pascal, dated 1555. T h e genealogy of the b r a n c h of L a Rochette extends to 1776. — 2. Various documents, accounts, letters, etc., mainly of family members residing at St. Geoire (near G r e n o b l e ) , mostly of the second half 18th cent. St. Geoire (etc.), 1555-1796. Paper. 1: 12 ff. (ff.3—4 blank); 34.5 x 23 cm.—2: 15 items, of various length and size. 1: Contemp. boards.—The entire dossier in folder. Fr. 65 (ProTençal) B O R D E A U X , Confrerie de Sainte-Euladie et de Saint-Gênes. Fragment of the statutes a n d m e m b e r s h i p lists, as follows: Aqueste presente confrairia f u t instituide et levade l ' a n d e grace 1321, with renewal, d a t e d 1530 (f.lr).—List of members, with addition u p to the year 1581, b u t lacking end of letter A, all of B - F , beginning of G, end of I, L, end of M , N - O a n d end of P ( f . l v a n d 6 ff.)—Au n o m deu pay et d u fìlh et deu saint esperit . . . asso son lous stablimens . . . per lous confraires et confrairesses de las confrairies establidas en la gleise Sainct Euladie d e Bourdeu 1321 (4 ff., e n d missing). Bordeaux, ca. 1530. Vellum. 11 ff. 34.5 x 26.5 cm. Historiated initial A (f.lv) and other decorated initials. In folder. Fr. 66 J E A N M A R O T . L a vray-disant, advocate des dames. (This ms. is incomplete, lacking one or m o r e ff. at the beginning. T h e text begins on
f.2r with line 15 of the " E n v o y , " i.e. w i t h " L a c o n c u b i n e adultere excusa." T h e work is dedicated to A n n e de Bretagne, q u e e n of France.) France, ca. 1506. Vellum. 10 ff. (first blank). It is likely t h a t the missing part at the beginning contained an ilium, dedication or a miniature, and possibly the prel. "rondeaux" printed in Clement Marot, Oeuvres, (The Hague, 1731), V, 283-96. 21 x 13.5 cm. Capitals and line endings ilium. Modern vellum.—Prov.: "Ce livre est à m o y / J a n e Gaillarde."—Prel. collation indicates variant readings of some consequence from the text pubi, in 1731. O n the text tradition and the few extant mss. see the preface by Lenglet Dufresnoy in the Oeuvres (op. cit.), V, 278-82; L. Theureau, . . . Jean Marot, (Caen, 1873), 92-103 and 185; A. Ehrlich, Jean Marots Leben u. Werke, (Leipzig, 1902), 18-24 and 97.—The ms. has suffered from damp, but is legible throughout with the help of an ultraviolet lamp. It must have been, at o n e time, a ms. " d e luxe," destined for a person of distinction. Fr. 67 [ F R I E D R I C H A U G U S T I, Elector of S a x o n y (August II, K i n g of Poland), surnamed August der Starke]. Le portrait de la cour de Pologne. (The text of this ms. of w h i c h supposedly "il n'y a q u e cet exemplaire a u m o n d e , " is identical w i t h ms.fr.37, Le portrait de la cour de Saxe). — With B R E V E R A G G U A G L I O delle [24] famiglie più antiche e più nobili romane. Saxony?, 18th cent. Paper. 244, 138 pp., 1 f. 19 x 15 and 19 x 13.5 cm. Contemp. h/calf. Fr. 68 D E S C R I P T I O N H I S T O R I Q U E de toutes les cérémonies qui se font à R o m e depuis la mort d u pape j u s q u ' à la fin d u repas q u e son successeur d o n n e à tous les cardinaux p o u r son heureux a v è n e m e n t au pontificat. France, ca. 1730. Paper. 84 ff. (last 2 blank). 23 x 17.5 cm. Contemp. boards. Fr. 69 A B R E G É C R O N O L O G I Q U E de l ' h i s t o i r e d e la m a i s o n r o y a l e d e Savoie [de Berold, p r e m i e r c o m t e d e S a v o i e , à V i c t o r A m é d é e I I I , r o i d e S a r d a i g n e , C y p r e , J e r u s a l e m , d u c de S a v o i e ] . W i t h c o r r e c t i o n s a n d c a n cellations i n a c o n t e m p . h a n d . Savoy, ca. 1773. Paper. Title, 2 blank, 103 ff. 19 x 12 cm. Paper. Fr. 70 C A H I E R D E C H A N S O N S , romances, ariettes, et autres mis e n ordre par D . B. . . . pour Mademoiselle d e la Barre (Brin de J o n c ) l'an 1783. France, 1783. Paper. 212 pp. (pp.203-5 blank, pp.206-12 " T a b l e " ) . 20 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. calf.—Bookplate on title removed. Ad. Fr. 67: Cf. note to Fr. 37.
Fr. 71 M E M O I R E sur la province de Bretagne. France, ca. 1697. Paper. 126, 4 blank ff. 25 x 18.5 cm. H/morocco.—Ms. copy of a treatise compiled by Pommereu, intendant of Brittany at the request of the Duke de Beauvilliers, governor of the Duke of Burgundy, to be used in instructing his royal pupil, acc. to information supplied by dealer, without bibliogr. ref. Fr. 72 J E A N BAYARD. Disposition of extensive property to institutions, etc., recorded before Claude de Gaudet in "St. Geoyre" (i.e. St. Geoire, cf. ms. Fr. 64), signed and witnessed at beginning, Feb. 27, 1586, and again at end, 3 [?] M a y 1592, the main part dated 1586. St. Geoyre, 1586-92. Paper. 30 ff. (ff.29-30 blank; old foliation 241-270). 29.5 x 19 cm. Boards. Fr. 73 P A R L A M E N T DE P A R I S . Arrêt du Parlament de Paris relatif aux dettes [1,500,000 livres] de feue Marie Charlotte de Meusnier, femme de Guillaume Bernard de Rezay, conseiller au Parlament de Paris, represented by Louis de Moret, seigneur de Bournonville. Paris, 1752. Vellum. 68 ff. 26.5 x 19.5 cm. Cloth.—G. D. Paris/ Greff./ 20.sols.; I.A.B, and one undeciphered symbol stamped on many pages. Fr. 74 JEAN-BAPTISTE LINGAUD. Papers from, or related to, the "secrétaire-greffier de l'hotel-de-ville" of Limoges, M a y 1, 1777—Jan. 1, 1813 (incl. family papers, correspondence of Cérésier, LéonardHonoré Gay-Vernon, etc.), illustrating especially the period of the French Revolution in the Department of Limousin. Limoges and various other places, 1777-1813. Paper. 471 pieces of mss. (1212 pp. of text). Various sizes. 4 boxes. Detailed descr. of contents filed with collection (9 ff.mimeogr.) Fr. 78 N I C O L A S M A L E B R A N C H E (apocryphal). Traité de l'infini créé. France, 18th cent. Paper. 86 ff. (last blank). 21 x 16 cm. Contemp. h/leather.—Prov.: Jules [?] Thierry. Fr. 79 DE LA P H I L O S O P H I E et des philosophes. France, 18th cent. Paper. 245 ff. 24.5 x 18.5 cm. Figures in text. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Frederick North, Earl of Guilford.
Fr. 80 (Provencal) [ARLES], Lo registre del peage d'Arle. (Register of tolls of the city of Aries, incl. list of "li segnors de la p a r t i d a t e , " a m o n g t h e m the archbishop, R a i n a n t Portellet de Senas, R a y m o n de Villa Nova, I m b e r t Dardier, etc.) Aries, first half 15th cent. Vellum. 17 ff. 26 x 18.5 cm. Contemp. blind-stamped vellum.—Letters " E E " on front cover. Fr. 81 O R A I S O N S [et confessions] extraict[s] de plusieurs livres bien devote[s], incl. prayers for ail occasions, e.g. " p o u r les m a l a d e s , " " q u a n d o n veult voyager," a n "oraison pour la paix de l'eglise" (ff.56r-60v), paraphrases of several psalms (e.g. ff.68v-75r) a n d 3 prayers in G e r m a n (ff.93-95). Belgium, middle 16th cent. Paper. 128 ff. (text beginning on f.9; ff.92-128 blank). 15.5 x 10.5 cm. Contemp. blind-stamped calf.—Prov. [entries]: Espoir comforte, Antoinne de Harnin; N'espoir ne craincte, Max. de Borsele, 1571 (f.3r); Ac lede synd croijs, contre fortune. . . . Ariere de Fosses, 1571 (f.5r); Soufrir pour parvenir, Richard de Merode, 1573 (f.6r). Fr. 82 V A L S E C R E T , A b b a y e d e N ô t r e D a m e (Aisne). Terrier, or survey of property in the area of "Saussoy" (near C h â t e a u - T h i e r r y ) by size, rent a n d n a m e of tenant, for its owner, abbot J e h a n d'Anizy. Val Secret, 1324. Vellum. Originally presumably in the form of a roll, measuring ca. 107 x 25 cm., now in two pieces, used on recto and verso. In folder. Fr. 83 O R D R E D E LA N E F (also called O R D R E D U N A V I R E , or O R D R E D E S A R G O N A U T E S D E S T . N I C O L A S ) . Statutes of the order, created by Charles I I I , K i n g of Jerusalem, Sicily a n d Naples, D u k e of D u r a z z o ; prologue (f.lr) inc.: Cy com[m]ence le prologu [!] de l ' o r d r e de la nef. Le pere et le fils et le saint esperit . . . ; text (f.2r) inc.: Cy com[m]encent les chapitres d e l'ordre. . . . Naples, 1 December 1381. Vellum. 21 ff. (of 24; 3 ff. at end, probably blank removed). 32.5 x 23 cm. Ilium, initial " L " (ship held by angels, ca. 7 x 8 cm.) and coat of arms of Charles III. 18th-cent. vellum.—Prov.: Copy prepared for Charles III(?); Matteo Luigi Conanici (1726-1805); Walter Sneyd (purchased in 1835). Fr. 84 L O U I S X I , K i n g of France. Letter to the king's cousin Antoine, Sire de Craon, c o m m a n d e r of the a r m y in G e r m a n y , concerning the c a m p a i g n against Charles le T é m e r a i r e , Duke of B u r g u n d y . Signed " p a r le R o y ,
O r s o m e , " " d o n n e a H e r l a n d e le X I ' j o u r de juillet l ' a n de grace mil C C C G soixante q u i n z e . " Herland, 1475. Vellum. 1 f. Ca. 25.5 x 15.5 cm. Mounted on vellum strip, in folder. Signature (of Louis XI?) removed. Ft. 85 [ D E L O R N A Y ] , Account of p a y m e n t s " t a n t pour luy [le capitaine de L o r n a y ] que a u x gens estans soubz sa c h a r g e , " J u n e - O c t o b e r , 1490. D e L o r n a y was in c h a r g e of " c h e v a u c h e u r s de la . . . campaignie d ' A l e m a n s et Picartz soubz le diet [de Lornay] et J e h a n n o t des Près," supposedly in the pay of A n n e de Bretagne. France?, 1490. Vellum. 1 f. (text on both sides, f.viii of an account book). 37.5 x 22.5 cm. (inner margin trimmed with loss of text). In folder. Ft. 86 S T . J E A N de J e r u s a l e m (ordre). Anciens et nouveaux statuts . . . traduits [de l'Italien] sur l'édition d e Borgeforte [i.e. Borgo Novo] de 1676. D e l ' o r d o n n a n c e d u C h a p i t r e d u G r a n d Prieuré de France, (213 p p . ) — With I D E M . O r d o n n a n c e s d u Chapitre general tenu l'an 1631, p a r . . . frère Antoine d e Paule, (134 pp.)—Followed by " T a b l e " for t h e statutes (14 p p . ) a n d t h e ordonnances, (2 pp.) France, ca. 1700. Paper. Tide, 213 pp., 1 blank f., 134, 14, 2 pp. 30 x 20 cm. Contemp. calf.— One f., presumably naming former owner, and bookplate removed. Fr. 87 (Provençal) [ J O H A M ( J E A N ) D E V E R N O I L S ] . Ensegon se las recognoyssenssas et fieux novels a p p e r t e n e n s al noble J o h a m de Vernoils, seigneur de Peyrat et coseigneur d e P o m p i n h a n an los Iocs de P o m p i n h a n et de Gresolas, preses e resobus p[er] me Peyre Racier capella e notary del loc de Canals . . . M C C C C L X V I I (1467-1472), followed by additions concerning P o m p i g n a n , Grisoles, etc., to 1567, ff.44v-46r in a later h a n d . Tarn et Garonne, 1467-1567. Paper. 2, 89 ff. (ff.10, 13, 17, 22, 35-43, 49, 52, 54, 59-66, 75, 79 blank), 2 ff. 30 x 22 cm. Notarial signets. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Comte Chappaz de la Prat. Fr. 88 [ C A R N A T I C R E G I O N , India]. Moeurs et coutumes des gentils à la Côte C o r o m a n d e l . France?, 18th cent. Paper. 54 ff. (last blank). 34 x 24 cm. Boards. Fr. 89 D O U T E S et questions sue le traité de Versailles du premier m a y 1756 entre le roi [de France] et l'imperatrice [de l'Allemagne], reine de [71 ]
Hongrie. Ce manuscrit a été présenté d a n s les premiers j o u r s d o mois d ' a o û t 1756 et p a r consequence a v a n t l'entrée d u roi de Prusse en Saxe et en Bohême. (The a n o n y m o u s a u t h o r argues that the treaty is detrimental to the interests of France.) France, ca. 1756-1757. Paper. 34 ff. (last blank). 33 x 22 cm. Boards. Fr. 90 J E A N B A P T I S T E C O L B E R T C O R R E S P O N D E N C E . 34 a u t o g r a p h letters and 42 letters with Colbert's signature, addressed to the president of police of Paris De la Reynie, 1665, 1667, 1672, 1675, 1677, a n d 1678. T h e letters deal with a variety of subjects, e.g. t r a d e regulations (incl. censorship), licensing, taxes, imprisonment. Paris, etc., 1655-1678. Paper. Various sizes. In folder.
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2 ) . France, 16th (?)-T7tk cent. Paper. 756 pp. (last blank). Various sizes, bound in vol. 35.5 x 26 cm. Figurated initials in no. 7. 17th-cent. calf. — Prov.: Gabriel Peignot? Fr. 99° T R A I T É D E S D R O I T S d u d o m a i n e d u roy, et leur origine, c o m m e aussy le p r e j u d i c e q u e sa m a j e s t é [Louis X V ] se fait e n s u r c h a r g e a n t ses sujets a v e c des impots. France, ca. 1755 (cf. p. 15, "l'année dernière 1154"). Paper. 2 fi"., 196 pp., 1 f. 23.5 x 16.5 cm. Cloth. A. A. Barbier, Diet, des ouvrages anonymes, v.IV (Paris, 1879), lists a number of similar titles under " T r a i t é des droit" and " T r a i t é du droit" (e.g. one attributed to D. Simonel), but not this title. —Same text as Fr. 51. Fr. 100° V E R Z A M E L I N G v a n Latynsche, Fransche en Nederduytsche K e u r D i c h t e n (title of vol. I) or R E C U E I L D E P O É S I E S sérieuses, b a d i n e s et satiriques c o n t e n a n t des élégies, stances, ballades, sonnets, satires, é p i t h a l a m e s , m a d r i g a u x , virelais, etc. ( F r e n c h title of vol. I I ) . C o m piled p r i m a r i l y in t w o d i f f e r e n t h a n d s , it also c o n t a i n s a n u m b e r of pieces in prose. T h e collection covers the years of Louis X I V ' s g r e a t w a r s ; c o n t e m p o r a r y events a r e d e a l t w i t h in m a n y of t h e pieces. Selected contents: (Vol. I) C o m é d i e faite à l'occasion d e plusieurs m e m b r e s d e l ' A c a d é m i e q u i vouloient r e f o r m e r la l a n g u e françoise. A u x a u t h e u r s d e l ' A c a d é m i e q u i se meslent d e r e f o r m e r la l a n g u e , excepté G o m b e r ville, ff.1-16 (in f o r m of a p l a y ) . —Pièces curieuses, f f . 1 8 - 1 1 6 , incl. É p i t a p h e d e M . [ J e a n de?] L a F o n t a i n e (f.22r); Q u a d r a i n bv P i e r r e Corneille (f.27v); L a travestie J a n n e t o n à sa c o m p a g n e ( f . 3 0 r - 3 1 r ) ; É p i s t r e a u subject d u c o m m e r c e des taxes et a u t r e s affaires d u t e m p s (f.31v-33v); S o n n e t assigned to C o n s t a n t i n H u v g e n s b y earlier o w n e r (f.34v); P o u r t r a i t d e M ö n s . [ J e a n - B a p t i s t e ] C o l b e r t (f.35v); S o n n e t , Arreste toy. Q u e v e u x tu faire, signed L e C l e r c q [i.e. M i c h e l L e Clerc?] (f.37r); L e t t r e d e M ö n s . [Isaac de] B e n s e r a d e . . . à M ö n s , le C h e v a l i e r d e L o r r a i n e sur . . . Mlle, d e T i e n n e . . . 1666 ( f f . 4 3 r - 4 4 r ) ; v a r i o u s pieces o n t h e r o u n d i n g - u p of Paris prostitutes (ff.46r-v, 4 8 r - 4 9 v ) ; D i a l o g u e d ' A c a n t e et d e Pegaze, signed [Paul] Pelisson[-Fontaine] (f.51r); p o e m s in D u t c h signed [Geeraert?] B r a n t , [ J o a n n e s o r B e r n a r d ] V o l l e n h o v e a n d J . V . V . ( f . 5 3 r - v ) ; various p o e m s o n t h e d e a t h of G i u l i o M a z a r i n (ff.54r-61 v) ; V o o r z e g g i n g , signed R e n s e l a e r (f.64r); S e r m o n d e l ' a m o u r h u m a i n ( f f . 6 6 r - 6 9 v ) ; E p i g r a m m a , signed Corneille (f.70r); Élégie, signed Benserade ( f f . 7 1 v - 7 2 v ) ; Stances a u R o y , signed C o r n e i l l e (f.74r); p o e m s o n Colbert (f.71v a n d 83r); L a F r a n c e à l ' A n g l e t e r r e , a n d L ' A n g l e t e r r e à la F r a n c e (f.88r); Stances p o u r M l l e . P r a d e l , signed [ J a c q u e s de?] R a n c h i n ( f f . 9 0 v - 9 2 v ) ; S u r la j o n c t i o n des d e u x m e r s ,
signed Corneille (f.94v); K a r e l G u s t a e f , C o n i n g v a n Z w e d e n ( f f . 9 9 r 1 0 3 r ) ; S u r l ' e m b r a s e m e n t d e L o n d r e s , 1666, signed B e n s e r a d e ( f . l 0 7 r ) ; [ A d r i e n T h o m a s P e r d o u ] D e S u b l i n g n y " N o b i l i s s i m o . . . viro D o . C o n s t a n t i n o H u g e n i o " [C. H u v g e n s ] ( f f . l 0 7 r - 1 0 8 v ) ; E p i t a p h e a n d o t h e r p o e m s o n J e a n - B a p t i s t e M o l i è r e ( f f . l l l v - 1 1 3 v , 114v); S u r le secret des desseins d u R o y , signed Pelisson 1673 (ff.l 1 3 v - l 14r). — E p i g r a m s o n L o u i s de B o u r b o n , P r i n c e d e C o n d é , H e n r i d e la T o u r d ' A u v e r g n e , V i c o m t e d e T u r e n n e , Pieter d e G r o o t , Pietro A r e t i n o , A r m a n d J e a n d u Plessis, C a r d i n a l Richelieu, a n d o t h e r p o e m s , ff.l 16v-126v.— C a t a l o g u s librorum atque t r a c t a t u u m proxime prodituorum (imaginary book list), f . l 3 0 r - v \ — Poems o n C h a r l e s I I , k i n g of E n g l a n d , ff.l36v-137v.— V o o r R e n a t u s Descartes, ff.l48r-149r. — L ' a p o t h c o s e d e Louis le G r a n d , roy de F r a n c e , fT.151v-152v. — R e c u e i l des pièces curieuses ( c o n t . ) , ff,169r-178v., incl. p o e m signed Pelisson, ( f . l 6 9 r ) . — H a r a n g u e d e M o n s . d e Bosc au D u c d e M o n t a u s i e r . . . à son e n t r é e d a n s la ville d e C a e n . . . 1663, ff.l86r-187v. — H a r a n g u e [etc.] d e M o n s . d e G r o o t , ff. 1 8 7 v 1 8 9 v . - H a r a n g u e faite a u R o y . . . 1668 p a r le S. d u Bosc, 1 9 0 r - 1 9 3 r . — Proposition t o u c h a n t l ' u n i o n d e d e u x religions en F r a n c e , ff.l94v196r. — L e t t r e d e M o n s . B o u c h e t à M o n s . le M a r e s c h a l d e C r e q u i [ a n d several similar letters], ff,196v-198v.—Compliment prononcé dans l ' A c a d é m i e françoise à la r e c e p t i o n d e M o n s . [Philippe] Q u i n a u l t [ a n d o t h e r items c o n c e r n i n g the A c a d e m y ] , ff.208v-212r.—Lettre de Mons. Pelisson au R o y , f.213r.—Réflexions . . . si l ' E s p a g n e doit d é c l a r e r la guerre, ff.217r-226r.—Déclaration d u R o y d ' A n g l e t e r r e c o n t r e les papistes, f f . 2 2 9 r - 2 3 0 r . — H a r a n g u e faite a u R o y . . . p a r messrs. les a m b a s s a d e u r s des Provinces U n i e s . . . 1679, ff.245v-246v.— (Vol. I I ) E x t r a i t des registres d e la c o u r s o u v e r a i n e d e Parnasse ( " c o l l a t i o n n é B o n s e n s " ) , ff.7r-l()r. — P l a i n t e des statues d u Palais M a z a r i n a u R o y , fi'.15r-18r. —Les o m b r e s des m u e t s à la sage A m a l t h é e , ff.27r-29v.— S a t i r e , d i a l o g u e [entre] M i n o s , P l u t o n , D i o g e n e , H o r a c e , L a Pucelle, etc., ( n a m e M r . d e C o u r a x o n verso of f.58), ff.39r-57v. — S a t i r e c o n t r e la science à M . le M a r q u i s d ' H e r v a u l t , ff.59r-67r.—Epitaphe de M a d a m e p a r M r . d e Benserade, ff.77r-v.—Aux chevaliers v a i n q u e u r s d u R h i n , ff.l02r-122r. — M a d e m o i s e l l e d e la V i g n e à l ' o m b r e d e M r . Descartes, ff,124r-126r.—Amaranthe, ff.l28r-133v.—Questions and "Résponses," ff.134r-177v.-La feste d ' E r b a u d , 1668, ff.203r-221r.— R e q u e s t e à nos seigneurs d e la c o u r s o u v e r a i n e d e P a r n a s s e (Pierre Gassendi, R e n é Descartes, J a c q u e s R o h a u l t , etc. a n d Aristotle), ff.241r2 4 6 r . — J o u i s s a n c e imitée d ' O v i d e , f . 2 6 9 r - v . — V a r i o u s " l e t t r e s , " p a r t l y in verse a n d p a r t l y in prose, ff.281r-325v. — S o n g e d e M a d a m e d e la Baume, ff.330r-337r.—De la n a t u r e , des effets et d e l'excellence d e l ' a m o u r , ff.348r-362r. Low Countries, 1666-1100. Paper. 2 vols. (2, 2 4 8 + 2; 362 ff., a few ff. blank). 21.5 x 16, 22.5 x 17 cm. Contemp. h/vellum.
Fr. 101°
R E C U E I L D E P O É S I E sur le C a r d i n a l D u c de Richelieu et autres personnes d e condition. (Polemic against Richelieu mostly in F r e n c h , some parts in Lat.) France, ca. 1050. Paper. 80 ff. (ff.2, 79-80 blank). 19.5 x 15 cm. Contemp. vellum. Fr. 102°
A B R E G E d e ce q u i est traité ce cessione d u Sainct Concile de T r e n t e , t o u c h a n t la refformation [!] des moeurs des Chrestiens. O u est représenté le devoir et privilèges d ' u n c h a c u n selon sa condition. (With dedication to C a r d i n a l d e Plaisance, apostolic legate, i.e. Filippo Sega). Preface signed J . S. M . D . C. France, late 16th cent. Paper. 98 ff. (ff.l, 106-8 blank; numbered 3 0 9 ^ 0 6 in a contemp. hand). 17 x 11 cm. Contemp. gilt French morocco, with the arms of Filippo Sega.—Ex libris G . J . Arvanitidi. Bound with printed vol. (fT. 1—308) on Council of T r e n t a n d classified IC55.T7238.Eh564h.1584. Fr. 103°
N I C O L A S D E G R O U C H E S , M a r q u i s de C H É P Y . J o u r n a l a u M a r q u i s de C h é p y [Dec. 12] 1740 et [Dec. 29] 1741. Unsigned reports, usually 2 ff. in length, o n events in Paris, Versailles, etc., a n d on political affairs t h r o u g h o u t E u r o p e (e.g. the first Silesian war), some with the names of the addressees, the M a r q u i s a n d M a r q u i s e de Chépy. France, etc., 1740-41. Paper. 342 ff. 22 x 17 cm. Contemp. armorial vellum (de Chépy).
Ger. 1
R O B E R T F L U D D (De Fluctibus). Ars G e o m a n t i c a . T r a c t a t u s d e g e o m a n t i a in q u a t u o r libros divisa [sic], f f . l - 9 2 r (beginning on f.64v t h e text is in L a t i n ) . - T R A C T A T U S D E N A T I V I T A T E (in G e r m a n ) a r r a n g e d by months, ff.92v-98. Germany, second half of 17th cent. Paper. 98 ff., folded table. 21 x 16 cm. Contemp. vellum.—J. G. T . Graesse, Trésor des livres rares (Dresden, 1861), I I 607 lists a De geomantia "attribué à Fludd", Verona (i.e. Heidelberg?), 1687, published according to the B. M . Cat. in the Fasciculus geomanticus. No comparison of the text of the ma. with the printed text has been attempted. Ger. 2
A C C O U N T B O O K of unidentified m e r c h a n t listing i n c o m e f r o m yearly [payments of] shillings by " M e i s t e r " a n d " K n e c h t e " for t h e years 1642-1661, as well as expenditures. I t is not clear w h e t h e r this is the a c c o u n t book of a locality, guild or an e n t r e p r e n e u r . Germany, 1642-1661. Paper. 46 ff. (many blank). 36.5 x 10.5 cm. Boards.
Ger. 3
[ S U M M A D E V I R T U T I B U S E T V I T I I S ] . V o n allen R e c h t e n der Menschen, u n d o b dieses oder jenes, S ü n d e sey, oder nicht, inc.: Es sprichet ein vil wyser m a n das m a n die sünde fliehen sol. . . .— With RABBI S A M U E L . Epistola c o n t r a J u d a e o r u m errores, transl. into Latin by Alphonsus Boni Homines, a n d into G e r m a n by u n k n o w n person [not Alphonsus von H i s p a n i e n as stated in 16th-cent. suprascription]; begins sig.58r. Germany, 1433. Paper. 226 ff.(first blank and f.30 missing; last f.blank), numbered incorrectly. 30 x 21 cm. Con temp, pigskin over wooden boards. Ger. 4
[ K A T H E R I N E N L E G E N D E ] , ff.l-22r(958 verses), inc.: Eyn keyser hies M a x e n c i u z / d e r geboit vnz alsus.—2. V A N D E M S C H O L E R V A N P A R I S Z , ff.22r-24r(108 verses), inc.: Wyllet ir h o r e n wasz g e s c h a c h / v a n e y m e werden Studenten eyn sache. (Cf. R . C. Clark, " T w o Medieval Scholars," The German Quarterly, X X X I I [ 1 9 5 9 ] , 133-142). — 3 . [ L O B D E R H L . K A T H E R I N A ] , f.24v (55 verses), inc.: O K a t h a r i n a , hochgeborn f r u c h t / S y n t dyn j u n f f r a u l i c h e zucht.— 4.[LEGENDE DES HL. ALEXIUS], ff.25r-30r(276 verses), inc.: Ich wil u c h ein gedichte g e b e n / v a n d e m heilligen Lexius leben. (Not identical with any of the versions p r i n t e d or described in H . F. Massm a n n , Sand Alexius Leben, [ Q u e d l i n b u r g , 1843]). — 5. [ A R I S T O T E L E S U N D P H Y L L I S ] , ff.30v-47r(854 lines), inc.: H o r e n t ir l ü d e ü b e r alle/Wasz dit spiel b e d u d e n s a l . - 6 . [ D I E K O E N I G I N V O N F R A N K R E I C H u n d d e r u n g e t r e u e Marschall], ff.48r-61v(678 verses), inc.: Dye schriefft b e d u d e t wasz g e s c h a c h / D a s z m a n j n h o e n eren siezen sach. — 7. M A R I A N I C S E Q U E N C E , ff.62r-67r(268 verses), inc.: Ave, p r a e c l a r a maris s t e l l a / G o t gruse dich, luter sterne glantz.— 8. [DES M O E N C H S N O T ] , f.67v(25 verses), inc.: I r herschaff, n u herent a l l e / W i e u c h diesze m e r e gefalle. —9. [ H Y M N E A U F M A R I A ] , ff.68r-69v(86 verses), inc.: O M a r i a , h e u b t f r a u w e der c r i s t e n h e i t / D u bist desz sunders hoiste suyssickeit. —10. [ V O R B E R E I T U N G A U F D I E B E I C H T E ] , ff.70-79 (in prose), inc.: Gelobet v n d geert sie der n a m e vnsres herren. Lower Rhine {Cologne?), early 15th cent. Paper. 79 ff. 21 x 14 cm. Modern full calf. Ger. 5
I L L U M I N E I R R B U C H kunstlich alle F a r b e n zu m a c h e n u n d bereid e n n allen Brieffmalern s a m p t a n d e r n solcher kunsten l i e b h a b e r n nützlich u n n d gutt zu wissen. U n d wirt getteillt in sieben Bücher. . . . L u t z e m b u r g [partly obliterated], a n n o d o m i n i 1570. Germany, 15701574.
Paper. 108 ff. (ff.4, 40-41, 49-50 and 73 missing). 20 x 16 cm. Contemp. vellum. Collection of recipes, some in Latin, but mostly in German, for the making and tempering of colors, the coloring of metals, leather and other materials. Ger. 6
1. S E I F R I T . Alexander, ff.2-160v, written in the year 1400[?], by H a n s Schwent.—2. A L B R E C H T V O N EYB. Grisardis, ff,178r-231v. — 3. Pope P I U S I I (Aeneas Sylvius). Euriolus and Lucretia, in the transl. of Nicolas von VVyle, ff.233r-288v. Austria or Southern Germany, 1400{?)—middle of the 15th cent. Paper. 8 blank ff., ff.1-288; ff.289-357 blank. 20.5 x 15 cm. Early 16th-cent. blind-stamped calf over wooden boards.—Prov.: Widen College Library; Leopold Gruber. — 1. Paul Gereke based his publication of the text on cod.2325 in Strasbourg, dated 1566 (cf. Seifrits Alexander, Deutsche Texte des Mittelalters [Berlin 1932], v. 36). Only one ms. known to Gereke is earlier than this codex, and that is a fragment.—2. One of three mss. known.—3. This text appears to be in the same hand as no.2. Ger. 7
P A S Q U I L L U S in aulicos colonienses, inc.: Der wolgeborne graff H e r m a n zu w i e d t / H a t regiert dass stiefft 32 j ä h r zu guttem friedt . . . Cologne (?), 1563. Paper. 4 ff. 33 x 22 cm. Boards. Ger. 8
1. E I N G E D I C H T von einer stoltzen hofertigen undt prechtigen J u n g k f r a u e n n , inc.: N u n hört zu ihr liebenn christen.—2. N E U E Z E I T U N G , vndt ein Neues Liedt von d e m abgestandenenn, vndt vbellerwöltenn Bischoff von Cöllnn. I m T h o n , O du armer J u d a s . — 3. D E R B I S C H O F F Z U E C O L L E N den Maleuolis vnd bellenden H u n d t e n n herwieder. Cologne(P), 16th cent. Paper. 4 ff. 32 x 22 cm. Boards. Ger. 9
E I N N S C H Ö N N N E U L I E D T vonn d e m abgefallnenn u n n d ubell erweldenn Bischoff von Collnn, im T h o n n wie m a n n d e n n a r m e n n J u d a s singt. [Same text in ms. Ger. 8 2 ]. Cologne(P), 16th cent. (1583?). Paper. 1 leaf. 32 x 21 cm. Boards.—Margin of f.lv: de Archiepiscopo Gebhardo coloniensi c.83. Ger. 10
T E U T O N I C K N I G H T S ( O r d o S. M a r i a e theutonicorum). Regel der Brüder des deutschen Hauses Sant Marie. — Gesetz der Brüder.—Alia Statuta (in G e r m a n ) . —[Papal confirmations a n d benedictions], Germany, 15th cent. Paper. 23 ff. 27.5 x 20 cm. H/vellum.
Ger. 11 [ B A N K I N G ] A c c o u n t b o o k of a m o n e y l e n d e r , giving entries for t h e y e a r s 1 5 1 5 - 1 5 2 7 , ( m i s b o u n d , o u t of c h r o n o l o g i c a l o r d e r ) . {Rheinhesse?), 1515-1527. Paper. 201 fT. (wrongly numbered 210). 16 x 22.5 cm. 19th-cent. cloth. Ger. 12 [ N Ü R N B E R G ] J u r a m e n t b u e c h , d a r i n n e n aller B e a m b t e n alsz B u r g e r m ä i s t e r , R a t s h e r i n n , S t a t t s c h r e i b e r , N e w e n B u r g e r v n d a n d e r e r Aide, d e n sie in A n t r e t t u n g i h r e r D i e n s t v n d P f l i c h t e n p u b l i c e laisten m ü e s s e n zu f i n d e n . E r b e g r e ü f f t a u c h d e r O f f i c i r e r als S t a t t - C a m m e r e r , B a w m ä i s t e r , B r o d t s c h a u e r V e r r i c h t u n g . Gebessert v n d v e r n e ü e r t A n n o C h r i s t i 1597 d e n n 11 Avrilis. — P r e c e d i n g a n d following t h e " J u r a m e n t b u e c h " ( n u m b e r e d p p . 1 - 8 7 ) a r e a g r e a t v a r i e t y of " M i s s i v B r i e f f " f r o m t h e l a t t e r p a r t of t h e 16th a n d earlier p a r t of t h e 17th c e n t . Nürnberg, 1597-1623. Paper. 8, 16 ff., 424 pp. (incorrectly numbered in several instances, some pp. missing), in several different hands. 19.5 x 15.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ger. 13 [ N Ü R N B E R G ] H o c h z e i t s o r d n u n g v o m J a h r 1509. Nürnberg,
Vellum. 20 ff., in a calligraphic hand. 22.5 x 17 cm. Contemp. stamped calf over wooden boards, rebacked.
Ger. 14 P E T E R S C H M I E H E R . F r a g m e n t of f o u r folios, c o n t a i n i n g t h r e e p o e m s of w h i c h t h e second c a n definitely be assigned to S c h m i e h e r : 1. P o e m ( i n c o m p l e t e at b e g i n n i n g ? ) , inc.: D e r j u n g s p r a c h ich muss in s e h e n / wie m i r d a r v m b m u g g e s e h e n / . . . . — 2. D i e K l a g v o m Wolf a m H a g e ( c o m p l e t e s h o r t e r version; cf. C . W e n d e l e r , S t u d i e n ü b e r H a n s R o s e n p l ü t , Archiv für die Geschichte deutscher Sprache, I[1874], 9 7 - 1 3 3 , 3 8 5 - 4 3 6 , esp. 3 8 8 - 4 0 8 ) . —3. P o e m ( i n c o m p l e t e a t e n d ? ) , [81 ]
inc.: I c h waisz kain besser lust/ w a n n esen trinken v n d m i n e n / . . . . Germany, 15th cent. Paper. 4 ff. (numbered ff.CLXX-CLXXIV by the scribe). 28.5 x 20 cm. Boards.—Prov.: Georg KIoss; Sir Thomas Phiilipps (no.11049). Ger. 16 K E S T E N H O L T Z (near Strasbourg). " C o p i a l b u c h " , containing regulations ( " O r d n u n g e n " ) , agreements, taxes on wine, record of elections, etc., d a t e d 1478-1767, the last two leaves used to record taxes on white wines, 1789-1832, in F r e n c h . Kestenholtz, Wth-early 19th cent. Paper. 154 ff. 31 x 20 cm. 16th-cent. h/pigskin over wooden boards. Ger. 17 F E R D I N A N D I of Bohemia. Edict of Aug. 1, 1528, against reformers, in 23 chapters. P a r a g r a p h u s primus (f.2r) begins: Jestlich wellenn wir das n h ü hinfurt keiner wider das hochwirdige S a c r a m e n t . . . predige. Expl.: Finitum est principis m a n d a t u m per m e f r a t r e m P a u l u m Göbel lectorem et predicatorem Schwidniczensem a n n o salutifero incarnationis 2 viii supra M m et D m in vigilia nativitatis domini. Prague(?), 1528. Paper. 6 ff. (last f. blank). 21 x 15.5 cm. 19th-cent. boards. Ger. 18 S T A U F F E N B U R G . Ambts-Stauffenburgisches Geld-, K o r n - u n d Dienst-Register, a u c h Zehnt-Beschreibung von Trinitatis A n n o 1744 bis Trinitatis A n n o 1745. Stauffenburg (Brunswick), 1744-1745. Paper. 2 ff., 202 pp., 3 blank ff., 72 pp., 2 blank ff., 19 pp., 1 blank f., 9 pp. 33 x 20 cm. Contemp. vellum.—The name Conrad Viet Reinecke is inscribed on the various tide pages. Ger. 19 V E N E T I A N W A R , 1515-1519. Welscher K r i e g etwas z a m e n g e claupter neu Zeytt, ff.1-116 — With P R O P H I C E Y vor vil J a r e n g e m a c h t u n d awf das 1400 J a r eingeend, flf.120—125.—Des grossen u n d a u c h streitparn Sophia [of Persia] A n f a n n g u n d H e r k o m e n , ff. 129-137. Southern Germany, after 1519. Paper. 137 ff. 20 x 14 cm. Vellum. — [Library of Count Dietrichstein]. Ger. 22 H E I N R I C H B U L L I N G E R . [Reformationsgeschichte, Teil 2, covering the years 1529-1532], p p . 1 - 7 9 3 ( n u m b e r e d [in sections] 1 - 2 5 5 ; cf. edition by J . J . Hottinger and H . H . Vögeli, [Frauenfeld, 1838-40], 3 v.).— WITH appendices: A. Meister H e i n r i c h e n Bullingers T e s t a m e n t . . . 1579 [date of copy?; d a t e d at end 1575], pp.795-817 (810-17
blank; cf. the somewhat different text printed in Carl Pestalozzi, Heinrich Bullinger [Elberfeld, 1858], pp.618-22).—B. Abgrist [?] des J a m e r s vnnd niderlag vnnd verlurst [sie] der Cristenn Bij Best vnnd O f f e n n Im. 1541. J a r , pp.819-26. — C. Abschrift eines M a n d a t s der drizähenn Orten gemeiner Eijdtgnoschafft . . . der Relligion halben . . . 1529, pp.827-30.—D. . . . W a r h a f f t e r grundtlicher fürtrag vnd Verantwortung . . . Etlicher Beschwärlicher Händlen halb . . . [issued by the mayor of Zürich, 1529], pp.831-41. — E. [Zürich] Anntwurten . . . über ertilich [?] Artigkel . . . 1524, pp.842-63.—F. Ein Sänd Brieff an ein f r o m m e Eijdtgnoschafft Beträffende die kätzerische Disputation F r a n n t z Kolbium . . . vnd Berchtolden Hallers . . . 1528, pp.864-67 (cf. J . Metzler, Corpus Catholicorum, 16 (1930), no. 64). — G. Ulrichenn Zwingli [addressee, letter by J o h a n n Eck, Dec. 15, 1527], pp.867-68 (cf. ibid.). — H. [Letter from J o h a n n Eck to Conrad Somen, Dec.31, 1527], printed in the same year, pp.868-69 (cf. ibid., no. 611)- — I- Ein schanntlicher Schmach Brief Doctor Eggen . . . wider ein statt Zürich . . . J a n . 17, 1532, pp.869-74.—J. Ein kurtzer begriff von der Schlacht zu Meijland . . . 1515, pp.874-79.— K . [Jörg Vögeli] K u r t z e aber warhafftte Beschrijbung wie . . . das kriegsuolk K . Caroli des fünfften uff den 6. tag Augusti Im. 1548. J a r die Statt Costanntz überzogen, pp.878-915, (ed. from later ms. by C. Schultheiss, 1846).—L. Was für ernnstliche vnnd Erschrogkennlichee Exemppell . . . innerrthalb sechs iarenn an ettlichenn bsunderbaren perszonen zu Costanntz . . . erzeigt vnd bewesen hatt . . . [in form of letters, 1548], pp.915-25.—M. Ein Christennliche Supplication von den vertribnenn Rotwijleren . . . 1529, pp.925-36. — N. Harnach volgend [Namen der] Burger . . . von Rottwijl . . . vertriben, pp.937-38. Switzerland, ca. 1579, written in several hands. Paper. 938 pp. 30 x 21 cm. H/calf. Ger. 23*
R A T I S B O N , Schottenabtei St. J a c o b . Inventory of the possessions of Abbot Balthasar Dason (?) upon his death, witnessed by the "Stadtschreiber" J o h a n n Epping (?). Ratisbon, 1566. Paper. 23 ff. 31 x 21.5 cm. Unbound. Ger. 24
G U I L D R E G U L A T I O N S . Handwergs Büchlein; guild regulation for coppersmiths. Triptis, 1558. Paper. 7 ff. 29.5 x 20 cm. Unbound. Ger. 25
G U I L D R E G U L A T I O N S . Des Handberges Büchlein; guild regulation for coppersmiths. Neustadt a. d. Orla, 1534. Paper. 10 ff. 32.5 x 20.5 cm. Unbound.
Ger. 26 M A X I M I L I A N I I , e m p e r o r of G e r m a n y , 1527-1576. F o r m letter, signed. Prague, March 30, 1570. Paper. 2 pp. 31.5 x 21.5 cm. Spacc for name of addressee left blank. Requests hospitality for his emissary and his entourage, travelling in connection with proceedings against the imperial city Speyer. Ger. 27 M A X I M I L I A N II, emperor of G e r m a n y , 1527-1576. Letter, signed. Vienna, May 8, 1576. Paper. 2 pp. 32.5 x 30 cm. With imperial seal. Without name of addressee, but to a relative of Peter Kaiser, approving legal action, but prohibiting action outside the courts. Ger. 28 G E O R G S P A L A T I N . [Neue Zeitung], J u n e 25 [1524?]. Reports from Venice on concentration of F r e n c h troops for a n attack on G e n o a , Florence, etc., also f r o m " A n d o r f F ' [ s a m e as?, A n t w e r p , cf. dealer's catalogue] news a b o u t plans for a m a r r i a g e between Charles V a n d the d a u g h t e r of H e n r y V I I I . \Viirtemberg{?), ca. 1524. Paper. 1 f. 32.5 x 21 cm. In folder. Ger. 29 G E O R G S P A L A T I N . [Neue Zeitung] 1533: 1. Die Erforschung des Glaubens zu Leipzig.—2. L a n d s t a n d gegen Dresden. — 3. H a u b i t z von T a u t h a [ ' s ] Urteil.—4. Türkischer Friede. — 5. Charles V's arrival in Barcelona from Genoa. —6. Dass d e r K ö n i g von E n g l a n d ein a n d e r Weib geehelicht. Saxony{?), 1533. Paper. 1 f. 32 x 21 cm. In folder. Ger. 30 G E O R G S P A L A T I N . R e p o r t on visitation, to Heinrich von Einsiedel. Altenburg{?), Feb. 4, 1544. Paper. 1 f. 32.5 x 22 cm. In folder. Ger. 31 M E I S T E R B U C H , 1558-1745, of u n n a m e d t r a d e or town. Southern Germany, 1558-1745. Paper. 43 ff. 21 x 17 cm. In folder. Ger. 32 G E R M A N P O E T R Y C O L L E C T I O N , w i t h some prose a n d one text in French interspersed. A m o n g the a u t h o r s are Gottfried A u g u s t Bürger, Gottlieb K o n r a d Pfeffel, Kristian B e n j a m i n Schubert, G o t t h o l d Stäudlin, and Christoph M a r t i n W i e l a n d . Germany, late 18th cent. Paper. 52 ff. and blank ff. 21 x 13.5 cm. Contemp. paper cover, bound in modern vellum.—Prov.: Dr. R. von Viettinghoff. [84]
Ger. 33 B E R T R A M R E I N A R T Z . F r a n c k f u r t e r B l u m g a r t e n , o d e r geistliches G e d e n c k z e i c h e n n , d a r i n underschiedliche Lieb- u n d tugentriechende B l u h m e n scind g e p f l a n t z e t . D e d i c a t e d by t h e a u t h o r , " P f a r r e r zu B u r g g r e f e n r o d " t o t h e officials of t h e city of F r a n k f u r t . Collection of 70 p o e m s . Burggräfenrode, 1695. (or possibly slightly e a r l i e r ) . Paper. 16 ff. (first and last two ff. blank). 15.5 x 9 cm. Pen-and-ink drawings of flowers. Contemp. paper covers. Ger. 34 [BAVARIA]. Lanndtafel B a i r n . Bavaria, 1557.
Paper. 398 pp. 20 x 15.5 cm. Contemp. vellum (sheet from earlier Missal).— Prov.: Jo. Otho(?) ä Taufkhirchen, 1610; Föring, 1832. Ger. 35 B A V A R I A . B e s c h r e i b u n g dess L a n n d t a g s d e r a u f f A b s t e r b e n . . . des . . . H e r r n H e r t z o g A l b r e c h t s in B a y r n . . . v o n . . . H e r r n H e r t zog W i l h e l m e n . . . auf d e n d r i t t e n T a g D e c e m b r i s geen M i n c h e n a u s g e s c h r i b e n . W a s a u c h d a s e l b s . . . g e h a n d l e t u n d beschlossen w o r d e n ist. Munich, 1579. Paper. 178 ff. (first and last blank). 31 x 20 cm. Contemp. blind-stamped pigskin. Ger. 36 I M M A N U E L K A N T . C o l l e g i u m physico g e o g r a p h i c u m a . . . p r o fessore o r d i n a r i o d o m i n o K a n t s e c u n d u m d i c t a t a s u a p e r t r a t u m s t u d i o vero persecutum a b J o a n n e Siegismundo Kaehler. Regiomonti per s e m e s t r e a e s t i n u m 1775. ( B o u n d w i t h p r i n t e d a n n o u n c e m e n t a n d d e s c r i p t i o n of K a n t ' s l e c t u r e Von den verschiedenen Racen der Menschen, [ K ö n i g s b e r g , n . d . , b u t 1775]). Königsberg, 1775. Paper. 530 pp. (preceded by 12 printed pp.) 19.5 x 17 cm. Contemp. h/calf. Ex libris Wilhelm Voss.—These lectures appeared in printed form as pp. 125164 in his Der Philosoph jilr die Welt, (Leipzig, 1777) and again twice in 1783 (cf. A. Warda, Die Druckschriften Immanuel Kants, [Wiesbaden, 1919], nos.52-54; the announcement is listed ibid., no.51). Ger. 37 N I C O L A U S A M S D O R F F . Ein Gedicht d a r i n n angezaigt wirt wie f r u m H e r t z o g H a i n r i c h z u B r a u n s c h w e i g v n n d wie boss die L u t e r i s c h e n sein. ( S a t i r e a g a i n s t D u k e H e i n r i c h I X , t h e Y o u n g e r ) . Germany, 1541. Paper. 10 ff. (f.1-2 and 10 blank; a l and b6 pasted into binding). 19 x 14 cm. Boards.—"Abgeschrijben a m 25. T a g Augusti anno. . . 1541," (copied from the printed ed. 1541, Goedeke II, 298, no.144). Last f. of text contains 4-line characterization of Duke Heinrich and 4-line " C o n t r a r i u m " by Amsdorff.
Ger. 38 B L A R E R , J A C O B C H R I S T I A N . K u r t z e Verzeichnus was auf den drittenn T a g H e u w m o n a t s A n n o [15]82 zwyschen H e r r e n n J a c o b Christoffel Blaarer Bischoff zu B r u n d r a t h u n n d e r t h o n e n der Herrschaft zu Pfeffingen d u r c h die Gesandten d e r siben Catholischen O r t h e n der Eydgnossschaft . . . von wegen Religions Sachen f ü r g e n o m e n unnd verhandlet w o r d e n . Switzerland, 1582. Paper. 15 (instead of 16) ff. (last blank). 30.5 x 19.5 cm. Boards.—Prov.: Archiv Schöppl. Ger. 39 C O P I A S C H E D U L A , so H e n r i c h Moriz . . . beneben J o h a n n Cyriaxen . . . 1596 . . . bey d e m Drückhaus zum Schwan alhie zu Buding . . . gefunden. U n d ist das Original in O b m a n n Heinrichs Cantzley. Poem of 18 lines, inc.: J u n c k h e r Schadenfro alhie der Schulteis/Für ein Dieb gehalten wurd, wie m a n weis/. . . . Germany, 1596. Paper. 1 f. 21.5 x 17 cm. Paper cover. Ger. 40 A R N D T (Professor). Vorlesungen über die Statistik des C h u r f ü r stenthums Sachsen u n d dessen inkorporirten L ä n d e r n . Lecture notes, without indication of university, year, or n a m e of student[name cut out at end of vol.2]. Germany, ca. 1800. Paper. 2 vols. 20 x 16.5 cm. Contemp. boards. Ger. 41 M Y S T I C M I S C E L L A N Y . 1. Der M O E N C H V O N H E I L S B R O N N . Das Buch von den 6 N a m e n des Fronleichnams, ff.lr-96v, inc.: H e t ich ein z u n g e n / G e f l o c h t e n vnd gedrungen,/ . . . (with c o n t e m p . corrections t h r o u g h o u t ; text, in different, earlier spelling published by J . F. L. T . Merzdorf, Der Mönch von Heilsbronn, [Berlin, 1870] p p . 1 - 6 8 , but with concluding p o e m which is not found in this ms.). —2. U n i d e n tified prose text, ff.97r-119r, inc.: Petre amas m e dise wort sprach vnser herr zu sand Peter. — 3. Unidentified prose text (by C o n r a d u s d e Brundelsheim?, w h o m a y be identical with the M o e n c h von Heilsbronn), ff,121r-256v, inc.: Christus c h a m zu dem abent essen d o m a n die osterleich speis berait.—4. Beginning of another tract p. only), inc.: Drey tugent gehorent a n einen geistleichen Menschen. . . . Southern Germany, ca. 1440. Paper, with vellum fly-leaves (inscr. on verso of front leaf: Mein dinst wist vorlieb Johann ich lass dich). 262 ff. (f.120, 258-262 blank). 15 x 11 cm. Contemp. red pigskin over wooden boards, front cover missing.
Ger. 42
[ T E R M E N O , or T r a m i n , Trentino-Alto Adige]. W i n e accounts f r o m the H a p s b u r g vineyards, 1574-1774. Southern Tyrol, 1574-1774. Paper. 90 pieces. 20.5-32 x 11-16.5 cm. Unbound. Ger. 43
J O H A N N J O A C H I M E W A L D . 6 a u t o g r a p h "Sinngedichte auf den Briefwechsel des Königs [Friedrich I I , king of Prussia] mit G o t t s c h e d , " begins: D e r grosse Friedrich sang, u n d sang auf f r e m d e n Saiten. . . . Germany, ca. 1750. Paper. 4 pp. 22 x 17.5 cm. In folder. Ger. 44
A U G U S T , elector of Saxony. Letter signed, without n a m e of a d dressee, asking for replicas of coins, for his collection. Saxony, Feb. 10, 1574. Paper. 1 f. 31 x 20.5 cm. In folder. Ger. 45
[ C O L O G N E , Archdiocese]. 1. R E F O R M A T I O J U R I S D I C T I O N S ecclesiasticae archiepiscopalis curiae coloniensis jussu et authoritate reverendissimi et serenissimi Principis ac Domini D. Ernesti . . . archiepiscopi. . . . Monasterii Westphaliae excudebat L a m b e r t u s Raesfelt a n n o M . D . X C I I I I [in Latin, copied J u l y 1695 by E. A. Call < ? > , cf.p.91], 4 prel. ff., 92 p p . - 2 . P O L L I C E Y U N D T L A N D T S O R D T N U N G . . . Getruckt zu M ü n s t e r in Westpfahlen bey L a m b e r t e n Raessfeldt a n n o M . D . X C V I [ms. copy, undated], 52 pp. —3. R E C H T S O R D N U N G dess Maximiliani Henrici, 31 ff.-4. O R D T N U N G des Brüchtenverhör[s] unser F e r d i n a n d von Gottes G n a d e n , 5 ff. Westphalia, 1695-ca. 1700. Paper. 112 ff. 29.5 x 18.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—The second item contains "Constitution oder Mandat wieder [!] die Wiederteuffer," pp. 43-47. Ger. 46
[BAVARIA], 1. B E S C H R E I B U N G des L a n n d t a g s welcher von . . . Wilhelmen Pfaltzgraven bei R h e i n , Herzogen in O b e r n u n n d Nidern Bairn auf den 22. T a g Novembris geen M ü n n c h e n ausgeschriben . . . a n n o 1583, 142 ff. —2. G R A V A M I N A oder Beschwerung Articl wie dieselben . . . Herzog Wilhelm . . . d u r c h irer etc. gemein L a n n d stend von Prelaten, Graven, H e r r n Ritterschaft u n d Adl a u c h Stett u n d M a r k t . . . übergeben sein . . . 1583, 31 ff.-3. D E S S S T A N D S D E R R I T T E R S C H A F T u n d Adls Beschwer Articl, wie dieselben . . . H e r r n Wilhelmen . . . u n d e r t h e n i g fürgebracht . . . 1583, 98 ff.— [87]
4. D E S S S T A N D S D E R S T E T T 154 ff. (last blank). Bavaria, ca. 1583.
M a r k t . . . Beschwerden,
Paper. 1 blank, 425 ff. 29.5 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. blind-stamped pigskin.— Prov.: "Sum ex libris Eberhardi Adolphi baronis a Muggenthal in Pondorf." Ger. 4« [ P A S S A U ] . T r a n s c r i p t s of d o c u m e n t s d e a l i n g p r i m a r i l y with laws, treatises, etc., c o n c e r n e d w i t h t h e relations b e t w e e n the clergy a n d t h e civil authorities (and p o p u l a t i o n ) of Passau. 1. W I L H E L M a n d L U D W I G , C o u n t s P a l a t i n a t e a n d Dukes of Bavaria. Die n e u e n S p r ü c h aufgericht 1535, ff.lr-56r.—2. E R N S T , b i s h o p of Passau (here acting as " a d m i n i s t r a t o r des Stiffts Passau")- I n h a l t b e e d e r P a r t h e i e n V e r schreibung auf Volziehung des V e r t r a g s [1535], ff.57r-62r.— 3. A L B R E C H T , K i n g of G e r m a n y a n d D u k e of Austria. S p r ü c h . . . e r g a n g e n . . . 1290, ff.62v-66r.-4. B E R N H A R D , bishop of Passau. Brief so aufgericht . . . 1300, ff.66v-74r. —5. E R N S T , bishop of Passau. E r l e u t t e r u n g ü b e r Bischof B e r n h a r t s Stattbrief . . . 1539, ff.74v-92v.-6. A L B R E C H T a n d L E O P O L D , Dukes of Austria. V i d i m u s des Anlasbriefs u n d H i n d e r g a n g s . . . 1367, ff.93r-96r.— 7. I D E M . S p r ü c h . . . e r g a n g e n . . . 1367, ff.79r-101r.-8. IDEM. S p r ü c h . . . e r g a n g e n . . . 1368, ff,101v-115v. Passau?, ca. 1600. Paper. 115 ff. 30 x 20 cm. Boards. Ger. 49 V I E N N A , C r i m i n a l Court, 1572-1574. M a l e f i t z s a c h e n veindlicher Bekhanntnusser ingefangen d e n 30 M a i i a n n o 1572. ( I n t e r r o g a t i o n s , testimonies, j u d g m e n t s a n d at times p a r d o n s or records of executions, several signed by Michael Stilzl. A m o n g t h e trials is t h a t of Elias, or Helias, Gregoritsch [or Gregoritz, Gregorwitz, also called Pribeck] a n d his followers for organizing a n d leading a p e a s a n t revolt in C r o a t i a , 1572-1573; the beginning of this section is entitled " C r a b a t i s c h e r P a u r n k r i e g ; " cf. ff.104-122; 151-157). Vienna, 1572-74. Paper. 234 fT. (ff.1-2 missing), 7 ff. (copy of petition of Johan Lust to the emperor for promotion, undated, bound upside down, and index of trials on last f.) 30 x 19.5 cm. Contemp. vellum (rebound).—Probably the original minutes of proceedings. Ger. 50 [ C O L O G N E ] , 1. V o n einem erschröcklichen u n d gewältlichen U v l a u f f i m J a h r 1513 im J a n u a r i o , 2 ff.—2. T R A N S F I X B R I E F F a n n o d n i . 1513 auffgericht (on the disturbances of J a n . 1513), 10 ff. —3. C O N C O R T A T E N welche zwischen Ertzbischoff H e r m a n , L a n d t g r a f f z u Hessen, etc. u n d d e m T h u m [i.e. D o m ] C a p i t t e l a n e i n e m , u n d d e r S t a t t Collen a m a n d e r e n T h e i l auffgericht. A n n o 1506, 9 ff.—4. S T A T U T A
huius inclitae civitatis coloniensis (in German), 7 ff. (index), 100 ff.— 5. O R D T N U N G H dere Rechts und Stat Richteren, Gerichtschreibern, Procoratoren und gerichtlichen Procesen . . . , 1 f. (index), 1 f. (title in G e r m a n and Latin title "Reformatio judicialis," dated 1530), 51, 2 ff.-6. R E C H T U N N D B U R G E R F R E I H E I T , 1, 7 ff.-7. Various legal rulings, 5 ff.-8. V E R B U N T B R E I F F ( = Brief), 11 ff.— 9. E D I C T U M senatus coloniensis de continuenda in haeredem possessione (in German), 6 ff. (followed on f.6v-7 by another edict). Cologne,
16th—17th cent.
P a p e r . 2, 10, 5 blank, 7, 1 blank, 100, 1, 51 + 2, 1, 7 + 5, 6 blank, 11, 1 blank, 7, 22 blank ff. 28.5 x 19.5 cm. C o n t e m p . vellum.—Various n a m e s (earlier owners) in ras., e.g. H . Welckers, H u b e r t u s W e s t h a u s (1808).—Ms. preceded by printed statute, Cologne, 1562, a n d shelved u n d e r f G C 5 5 C 7 1 4 3 L 562a. V o l u m e used at one time as a " h e r b a r i u m , " w i t h names of plants w r i t t e n on m a n y pages. Ger. 51
H A N N S S C H W A R Z (or Schwartz). Miscellany. 1. List of marriages attended, 1585-1598, ff.lr-4v.-2. E X E M P E L L B Ü C H L E I N (or Exempllum Büchlleinn) über die Species u f f d e r Feder [ = introductory arithmetic], anno domini 1565 . . . [date of writing:] 1593, ff.5r-24r.— 3. O F HERBS, T R E E S , etc. (with 10 lines of poetry interspersed, f.26r), ff.25r-33r. — 4. Proverbs, religious poetry, moral sayings, etc., altogether 551 lines of V E R S E , ff.33v-46v.-5. U E B E R D E N B A U E R N -
collection of poems. Ger. 51,
K R I E G zu Windsheim u n d Umgegend (icplt. at beginning), ff.47r55v. —6. P R A Y E R " H e r z mein Erlöser Jesus Christus," f.56r-v.— 7. Die W A S S E R S N O T in N ü r n b e r g (1504?), 28 lines of verse, f.57r.— 8. Der J Ü N G S T E T A G , poem of 61 lines, by Hanns Geber (?), dated 1597, ff.57v-58v. —9. R O T T E N B U R G I S C H E C R O N I C A (697-1582), ff.59r-63r, with addition on the disputation between Luther a n d Zwingli and the death of Zwingli, f.63v. —10. A N F A N G u n d Ende des verderblichen Baurenkriegs wie er sich allhie zu Rottenburg . . .
zugetragen . . . 1525 [-1526], ff.64r-79v (with list of fugitives).— 11. Ein L I E D wie es in dem frenkischen Baurnkrieg ergangen ist, ff.80r82v. —12. U R K U N D E des Diacons Albrecht Renger, Verehelichung des Han[n]s Schwarz, 1582, f . 8 3 r . - 1 3 . V E R Z E I C H N I S der bei Hochzeit des H a n s Schwarz anwesenden Gäste, durch Nicolaus Schmidt . . . Wirt zu Windsheim, ff.83v-84r, followed by 4 entries of business records (f.84r-v). Rothenburg o.d.T., 1582-1598. Paper. 88 ff. (ff.86-87 blank). 21.5 x 16.5 cm. Cloth.—Prov.: August Merz, 1862. Ger. 52 J O H A N N J A C O B B R E I T I N G E R . Collection of copies or extracts of texts relating to political, social, religious and miscellaneous affairs primarily of Zürich (beginning with a biography of J . J . Breitinger and a list of his published and unpublished writings) and incl. " F ü r t r a g betreffend den Venedischen und Frantzosischen Ambassadoren" (e.g. pp.155 ff, 194 ff.), "Delineation der Reformation . . . 1622" (pp.218 ff.), "Wyderhollung dess . . . vaterländischen Projects . . . authore J o h . Jac.Brittingero" (pp.235 ff.), " V o m dryten Grad der Bluetsfründtschafft" (p.409 ff.), several sermons, etc. Rurich, 1670. Paper. 690 pp. 19 x 16 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Most of the tracts in this volume are by J. J. Breitinger, acc. to the list of his writing in the early part of the ms. Ger. 53
P R A Y E R B O O K , with index. Germany, 1777. Paper. 2 ff., 254 pp., 1 f. 16.5 x 10 cm. Crucifixion and picture of the evangelist Matthew pasted in. Contemp. gilt morocco, with name of original owner "Magdalena Erbsin" and date (1777) embossed on front cover. Gcr. 54 M E L C H I O R A D A M P A S T O R I U S . Autograph volume, in G e r m a n a n d Latin, beginning on prel. f. with genealogical entries, followed by Pastorius' "Itinerarium et vitae curriculus, das ist völlige Reis — Beschreibunge und gantzer Lebenslauff," and incl. anagrams and other poetry (cf. lat. poem on William Penn, f.89r): "Familiae Pastoriorum descriptio" (lat., ff.lll ff.); chronology, 1559-1691 (lat., ff.205 ff.) a n d other historical compilations, among these " V o n dem Königreich Engelland"; extensive material on family matters (mostly in germ., e.g. poems at the occasion of Pastorius' fourth marriage, ff. 124 ff., death of Dorothea Esther Pastorius, fF.127v ff., etc.) and a detailed n a m e index at end (cf. St. Augustine, St. Brigid, Caesar, Charles V, Huss, Melanchthon, 19 members of the Pastorius family, Tacitus, etc.) Germany, end of 17th cent.
Paper. 1 f., 240 numb. ff. (ff.6-7 missing; 2 ff. numb. 22; f. 59 missing; 1 f. inserted between ff.79-80 and another between ff.90-91, 2 ff. numb. 148), 2 ff. 15 x 10 cm. Contemp. [?] leather.—Prov.: J. G. Rosengarten.—The manuscript has been briefly described in M. D. Learned, The Life of Francis Daniel Posterius (Philadelphia, 1908), p. 45, no. 1.
Ger. 55 M E L C H I O R A D A M P A S T O R I U S . Autograph volume, in German a n d Latin, incl. "Prognosticon sive calendarium p e r p e t u u m " (lat., ff. 1 ff.); "Colloquium regis Salomonis cum Marcolpho" (lat. ff.6v ff.); calendar pictures with legends (ff.ll ff.); "Dicteria proverbialia rhythmica a b antiquitate m u t u a t a " (lat., ff.32 ff.); "Versus veteres proverbiales" (ff.88 ff.); " V o n Aesopi Klugheit" (ff.142 ff.), "Beyhülffe zu denen Teütschen Versen" (ff.187 ff.); " S c h a t z - K a m m e r " (ff.226 ff.); " H e r b a r u m appellationes in den Apotheken" (lat. and germ., ff.262 ff.); emblems with text (ff.287 ff.), and index (cf. bibliotheca, educatio, liberum arbitrium, musica, nationum differentia). Germany, end of 17th cent. Paper. 401 numb. ff. (f.232 missing; 2 ff. inserted between ff.255-256; 1 blank f. between ff.276-277; ff.284-286, 292, 294-295, 297-324, 326, 331-333 and 337 missing). 16 x 10 cm. Engr. pasted in on a number of pages, few drawings. Contemp. [?] leather.—Prov.: J. G. Rosengarten.—The manuscript has been briefly described in M. D. Learned, op. cil., p. 46, no. 2.
Ger. 56 C I C E R O . Ciceros [8] Reden übersetzt von J o h a n n Christian Gottlieb Ernesti. Autograph ms.?, with corrections. Germany, 1793-97. Paper. 206 ff. (ff.23-24, 48, 82, 105-106, 113-114, 158, 160-162 and 204-206 blank). 21.5 x 17 cm. Cloth.
Ger. 57° W E R N I G E R O D E . Financial agreement between the town of Wernigerode (represented by [cf. inc.] " W i r Hinrik Uppelingh, Hintze M u n t meister, Hinrik Aldingh, Hinrik L u m e de Eldere, Albrecht Brockenstedes, Oltze Spekhosen, und Oltze Kemeden") and the monastery Unser Lieben Frauen in Halberstadt (represented by " J o h a n Dekene [i.e. deacon], Hinrik von Suneborn, Canoniken und E r n Bethmann Bruckemann, Schulmester" directed to "alle den de ene seen, horen odd lesen." Wernigerode, 20. Dec. 1390. Vellum. 1 f. 28 x 19 cm. With seals of Wernigerode and Count Cordt of Wernigerode. In envelope.
Ger. 58° W I L H E L M , Landgrave of Hessen. Die Einmanüng des Landgraffen zue Hessen den Chürff. zue Sachsen belanget Herrzog Moritzen, Feb. 1552. [91 ]
- With T O R G A U L A N D T A G . D e n Wilhelm L a n d g r a f f zue Hessen, missive sent by "die vonn der Landschaft zue T o r g a w , " M a r c h 4, 1552. Germany, ca. 1552. Paper. 6 ff. 18.5 x 14 cm. Bound in boards, with P. Melanchthon's Bedencken auffs Interim, 1548. Ger. 59° J O H A N N M A X I M I L I A N , Freiherr von P R E Y S I N G . U r b a r i u m , Stifft u n d Saalbuech (concerning his properties in U p p e r Bavaria, " H o f m a r c k Altenpreising, genant Cronwinckhel, im Churfürstl. Lanndtgericht Erding," listing individual assessments a n d assignments, e.g. "ist schuldig in die Schweinhaz zu g e h e n " ) . D u r c h J o h a n n Baptisten Leidl, beider Rechten Doctorn, with signatures, seals a n d notarial signet. Landshut?, 1661. Paper. 3 ff. (ff.1-2 blank), 120 ff., 1 blank f., ff. 120-53, 1 blank f., ff.153-66, 1 blank f. ( = 174 ff.) 30 x 20 cm. Contemp. blind-stamped pigskin. — Prov.: Von Preysing. Ger. 60° S I E G I S M U N D J U S T U S E H R H A R D T . Historische A b h a n d l u n g von einigen Gottes Gelehrten, welche vorher Rechts Gelehrte geweszen sind. (Dedicated to Friedrich Wilhelm K r e i d e n m a n n . A m o n g persons discussed are Tertullian, Prudentius, Arator, Pope Gregory I, Photius, T h o m a s Aquinas, Luther, Oecolampadius a n d Del Rio). W i t h corrections in a contemp. h a n d . Jena?, TI54. Paper. 152 pp. 20.5 x 17 cm. Boards. — Prov: Prince Liechtenstein. Ital. 1 B R A G A D I N F A M I L Y . Records of agreements between m e m b e r s of the family regarding property and obligations, largely in I t a l i a n ; incl. list a n d valuation of real estate properties. Venetian territory, 1540-1565. Vellum. 42 ff. (ff.31-37 blank). 23 x 16 cm. Various notarial signets (Hieronymus Canalis, Joannes Sanini?, Paulus Leoncinus, etc.). Contemp. vellum.— Estate of Dr. Morris Jastrow. Ital. 2 R E L I G I O U S T R A C T S : 1. S A I N T C A T H E R I N E O F B O L O G N A . L e sette armi spirituali (incomplete), ff.lr-56v.—2. I S A A C O F S Y R I A . L i b r o della contemplazione del m o n d o (incomplete), ff.57r-94r.—3. N i n e sermons in Italian, ff.94v-158r.-4. L E G G E N D A D I S. B O N A V E N T U R A , f f . 1 5 8 v - 1 5 9 v . - 5 . S A I N T B O N A V E N T U R E . Delle sei ale dei serafini (incomplete), fT.160v-166r. Italy, late 16th cent. Paper and vellum. 166 ff. 22 x 16 cm. 17th-cent. pigskin.—Prov.: Francis Campbell Macauley. [92]
Ita]. 3 L A V I T A D I S A N T A D O M I T I L L A , ff.l-6v (fragment, last f. only of first signature p r e s e n t ) . - W t ó L A U D E D I S A N T A D O M I T I L L A , ff.6v-10v, inc.: U n a stella ea p a r i t a / Vergine di g r a n d e h o n o r e . . . . —DI S A N T A E U F R A S I N A , della sua natività et come essendo m a r i t a t a . . . , f f . 1 0 v - 2 1 v . - D I S A N T A M A R I A V E R G I N E , ff.21v24v, inc.: U n o h u o m o secolare & i m a n e n d o . . . .—LA V I T A E L E G E N D A D E L L A B E A T A E U G E N I A , ff.24v-30 (one or m o r e ff. at e n d missing), inc.: Q u o m o d o i m p e r a d o r e nel septimo a n n o del suo imperio. . . . Italy, 15th cent. Paper. 30 ff. 22 x 18 cm. Paper boards.—Prov.: Francis Campbell Macauley. Ita]. 4 A R I S T O T L E . A S u m m a r y of the Ethica Nicomachea, inc.: c o m e n z a lo libro c h i a m a t o Leticha. . . . Italy, ca. 1500.
Paper. 33 ff. (last f. wanting). 28 x 20 cm. Decorated initials throughout. H/vellum.—Prov.: Dr. Charles W. Burr.-Cf. L. W. Riley, op.cit., no. M4. Itfll. 5 P I E T R O A R E T I N O . Il genesi, a poetical paraphrase. Italy, first half 16th cent. Paper. 109 ff. 21 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Vicentius Marini (bookplate). Ital.6 H I E R O N I M O D I V I A C O . I n f o r m a t i o n e di Bergamo & del suo territorio all' illustrissimo Signore Giorgio Cornaro, suo podestà, M D X C V I I . Bergamo {?), ca. 1600. Paper. 144 ff. (several blank) and folded table "In statutis Philippi Mariae vicicomitis, que iugebant ante felicissima adeptione Veneta . . . " . 2 0 x 1 5 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ital.7 G U I L I O Q U I N Z I A N O , called Tonello. R i m e di Tonello (a p a r a p h r a s e of Petrarch?, in the dialects of Bergamo and Brescia). Italy, late 16th or early 17th cent. Paper. 130 ff. (1 unnumb. f. between ff. 24 and 25). 27 x 21 cm. Contemp. gilt red morocco.—Prov.: Walther Sneyd.—Gabriele Rosa in his Dialetti, costumi e tradizione delle province di Bergamo e di Brescia says that there is a similar ms. in the library of Bergamo. Ital.8 V I T E R B O . S t a t u t o r u m Viterbii Liber (3-6 only) d e extraordinariis, de potestate et arbitrio D . D . Priorum circa extraordinaria. Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 226 ff. 26 x 19 cm. Contemp. h/vellum.—Prov.: V. Drichiarelli(?). [93]
ItaL9 C A R M I N E ALLA BEATA V E R G I N E MARIA, 236 (and 4V2 deleted) six-line stanzas, inc.: O gloriosa vergene M a r i a / Regina dellu celu et de omne gente/ Prestame gratia nella mente m e a / Che io te pocza ludare digniamente/. . . . Southern (?) Italy, 15th cent. Paper. 7 ff. (originally folded). 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Vellum.
ItaLlO G I O V A N T H E S E O N A R D E O G A L A T H E O . Il tempio di castitade [and other poems]. Alla valorosa & inclita signora . . . Margherita d'Austria. . . . With dedications to Pietro Lippo and Hettore Piscicello. Rome (?), 1553. Vellum. 30 ff., in two different hands. 21 x 14 cm. Ilium, crest and coat of arms on title page. Vellum.
ItaLll A R I S T O T L E . Portion of the Ethica Nicomachea in a Venetian dialect by Gabriello Paradixo, ff.lr-50r.-Wif A (2) S E R M O N E S , ff.51r-55v. - S O N E T T O D I Z E EL LIBRO, f . 5 5 v . - I N D U L G E N C E S (in lat.), ff.56r-67v.
Italy, the tr. of the Ethica dated 17 June 1456
Paper. 67 ff. 20.5 x 14 cm. Boards.—Cf. L. W. Riley, op.cit., no. M5.
ItaL 12 G I O V A N N I B O C C A C C I O . Teseide. Italy, late 14th cent.{?) Paper. 69 ff. (3 first ff. wanting), written in two hands. 29.5 x 22 cm. Morocco (R. R. Donnelley).—Prov.: Francis Campbell Macauley.—This ms. lacks the first 20 verses and ends with verse 83 of book xii, followed by a somewhat later inscription indicating ownership of "Bartolomeo & Tomaso Cholnj(?) Chessetto (or Chessello)" and an inscription on the verso of the last leaf. Contemporary ms. corrections throughout. Text belongs to B group of mss., with variant readings (cf. the critical edition, edited by Salvatore Battaglia, < Florence, 1 9 3 8 > , and pubi, by the Accademia della Crusca).
ItaL 13 I T A L I A N MISCELLANY: 1. LA VITA DE J O A C H I M del Tribù di J u d a , ff.lr (and 2; the beginning on f.l, incomplete, repeated on f.2) —24r, inc.: I n quello tempo iera uno homo.—2. LA PASSIONE DEL N O S T R O S I G N O R , ff.24r^*4r, inc.: E proximando lo t e m p o . - 3 . L I B R O DELLA R E S U R R E C T I O N E , ff.44r-54v, inc.: E quando vene.—4. LI M I R A C O L I de la vergine Maria, ff.54v-65r, inc.: Dixe sancto Epifanio.—5. P I A N T O de la vergene Maria (in verse), ff.65r76r, inc.: Ave regina vergine glorioxa/ Che de dio. . . . —6. A L A U D E E G L O R I A . . . de lo omnipotente dio e de la glorioxa vergine Maria e de madonna sancta Theodoxina, ff.75r-81v.—7. [94]
T H O M A S D E A Q U I N O . [Selections], 1473f.
Lombardy, 1464,
Vellum. 94 ff. (ff.82-83 blank). 28.5 x 20 cm. Decorated initials. Contemp. blind-stamped calf over wooden boards.—Prov.: Monastery of the Holy Spirit, Verona (f.94v). ItaL 14
[VENICE]. Manual of a Venetian consigliere, written for Giovanni Francesco Basadona, signed Marc Antonio Padavia. Venice, ca. 1560. Vellum. 60 ff. (ff.58-60 blank). 22.8 x 15.5 cm. Colored full-page miniature of St. Francis and St. John (the patron saints of Basadona) on f.lr. Contemp. red velvet.—Prov.: "Comes Hercules Silva" (f.57v). ItaL 15
C O L L E C T I O N O F P O E M S by unnamed author, one identified as an imitation of Tasso (f.l2r), one addressed to a friend (of the author?) Marolino Giorgini (f.l7v), another to Ranucci Farnese (f.29r), etc. Amorous as well as spiritual poems; madrigals interspersed toward the e n d . Italy, ca. 1680.
Paper. 99 ff. 20 x 13 cm. Vellum. ItaL 16
G I A N N O Z Z O SALVI ATI. 1. Amatory correspondence between the author and Lucrezia [de Medici?], pp.1-80.—2. U n a pistola . . . a Lucrezia, pp.82-84.— 3. Poem, in terza rima, concerning " I l magnifico Lorenzo de Medici" and "Fra Mariano dal ordine d[ominicantorum]," pp.84-91.—4. Fasta e chommada . . . fatta alla cicilia di Fiesole (in terza rima), pp.92-102.—5. Bernardo Giambullari a Giannozzo Salviati, pp.137-139, letter dedicating Giambullari's Sonetti rusticani (known in only one copy of a printed edition, 1515, and lacking this dedication; cf. C. Arlia, Sonetti rusticani, < C i t t à di Castello, 1 9 0 2 > ) . Florence, 1488, 1515, and 1522. Paper. 140 pp. (pp.103-136 blank). 18.5 x 13.4 cm. H/leather.-Prov.: Giannozzo Salviati and other members of the family (p.140); G. Melzi; De Marinis. Ital. 17
P O E T I C A L MISCELLANY. From the collection of Henry Chandon de Briailles. Italy, ca. 1600. Paper. 86 ff. (last blank). 21.5 x 15.6 cm. Contemp. Italian gilt morocco. ItaL 18
V I T A J E S U C H R I S T I . Questo libro tracta de la vita e de la conversione del nostro segniore Jhesu Christo. Italy, 15th cent. Vellum. 60 ff. 24.5 x 17 cm. Contemp. h/leather over wooden boards.
ItaL 19 [ V E N I C E ] , C r o n i c a di t u t t i li dogi di V e n e t i a sino a q u e l l o che h o r a vive, con le a r m i loro; aggiontovi l'indice e origine delle casate, con quelle c h e sono estinte. Venice, compiled in or shortly after 1556, ending on p.48 with the name of Lamentio Prioh (1556-1559); continued in different hands in the 17th cent, down to 8 April 1658. Paper. 4, 57, 1, 5 (blank) ff. 20.5 x 15 cm. Title within decorated border, with colored coats of arms. H / v e l l u m . — P r o v . : Earl of Guildford; Essington Library (no. 139).
Ital. 20 N I C C O L Ò R O S S I . I n v e n t a r i o della r a c c o l t a di libri r i t r o v a t a nell'e r e d i t à della C h . M . del Signore A b b a t e Niccola Rossi, che con le stime di c i a s c u n o v o l u m e si p r e s e n t a agli illustrissimi signori provveditori, residenti del M a g i s t r a t o dei Pupilli di Firenze, d a i F e r d i n a n d o G i o v a n n u c c i e F r a n c e s c o Saverio Lucchesi. Rome, 1785. Paper. 2 vols. (vol.I: 291 ff.; vol.II: 159 ff.). 21 x 31 cm. and 19.5 x 27 cm. C o n t e m p . vellum.—Contains the carefully compiled catalogues of 7,782 (falso 7,722) volumes of post-1500 printed books (ff. 1 —241 of vol.1), with individual prices for all items and a total value of "scudi romani" 7,975.05; 1,307 incunable volumes ( f f . 2 4 2 - 2 9 0 of vol.1), valued at sc. rom. 4,501.40; 415 manuscript codices, valued at sc. rom. 1,212.10. Each v o l u m e is notarized at e n d . — T h e library of Rossi was actually sold during his lifetime to Bartolomeo Corsini and later b e c a m e part of the Biblioteca Corsiniana in R o m e .
Ital. 21 L O R E N Z O G U A L T I E R I . Il p u b l i c o di L o r e n z o Spirito P e r u g i n o nel q u a l e si c o n t i e n e il L a m e n t o di P e r u g i a essendo sogiogata, inc.: L u m e del ciel c h e l ' u n i v e r s o v e d i / n o t a n d o s e m p r e lo svellato c h i o s t r o / . . . . Italy, second half 16th cent. Paper. 80 ff. ( f f . 7 6 - 8 0 blank). Signed by scribe Carlo Lippi (f.75v). 13 x 19 c m . C o n t e m p . vellum.
Ital. 22 [ L U C C A ] , F o n d a t i o n e della c i t t à di L u c c a et a l t r e m e m o r i e sino al a n n o 1370; p a r t I I , f r o m p.242 on, c o n t i n u e s t h e c h r o n i c l e f r o m 1370 i n t o t h e 16th c e n t . T h e last folio c o n t a i n s a few a d d i t i o n s f r o m the 18th c e n t . Lucca(?), 17th cent. Paper. 1 f., p p . 2 - 3 9 9 , 1 f. 15 x 21 c m . (part II, 15.5 x 22 cm.). Blindstamped leather.
Ital. 23 [ S A V O Y ] , W a r of 1691 b e t w e e n Savoy a n d F r a n c e . Copies of letters a n d d o c u m e n t s f r o m t h e years 1 6 9 0 - 1 6 9 2 in various h a n d s , d a t e d f o r
t h e m o s t p a r t in T u r i n or M i l a n . B o u n d w i t h 2 p r i n t e d t e x t s : Relatione di quanto è successo neWassedio della città di Cuneo ( M i l a n , 1 6 9 1 ) a n d Lettera di Monsu il Marchese di Louvoi ( T u r i n , 1 6 9 1 ) . Savoy, ca. 1690-1692. P a p e r . 124 pp., a n d 1 loose f. at e n d . V a r i o u s sizes, p a r t l y folded, in 1 vol. (21 x 16 c m . ) C o n t e m p . p a p e r over b o a r d s . Ital. 24 L E G H O R N ( L i v o r n o ) . R i f o r m a d e l l a D o g a n a di L i v o r n o . a n d t r a d e r e g u l a t i o n s . Leghorn, 1565-1649.
V e l l u m . 2 vols, (vol.1: 4 u n n u m b . , 105 ff.; vol.11: 103 ff.) 19.5 x 26.5 cm. a n d 21 x 30 c m . Ilium, initials in vol.1. C o n t e m p . s t a m p e d l e a t h e r over wooden b o a r d s . — Prov.: W a l t e r A s h b u r n e r , Florence. Ital. 25 VITA DI LADISLAO, N a p o l i . Italy, ca. 1700.
R e di N a p o l i e di G i o v a n n a
II, R e i n a
P a p e r . 153 pp., 6 b l a n k ff. 22 x 15 c m . C o n t e m p . v e l l u m . — " E x libris M a r c h i o n i s S a l s a e " a n d bookplate w i t h device ' ' C o m m e j e f u s . " Ital. 26 A N T O N I O M I L L E D O N I . Dell'historia del S a c r o C o n c i l i o di Trento, scritta d a A n t o n i o M i l l e d o n i , s e g r e t a r i o d e l C o n s i g l i o d e x d i V e n e t i a , in d e t t o C o n c i l i o . L i b r i d u e . Venice, early 17th cent. P a p e r . 119 ff., a n d loose q u i r e of 4 ff. w i t h index. 27 x 20 cm. C o n t e m p . vellum. Ital. 27 M I R A B E L L A . C a p i t u l a M i r a b e l l a e , i n I t a l i a n a n d a f e w in L a t i n , incl. " g r a v a m i n a " of t h e " u n i v e r s i t a s et h o m i n e s terrae M i r a b e l l a e " a g a i n s t F a b r i t i o G i u n d a t i o , b a r o n of M i r a b e l l a , 1 5 4 8 - 1 5 5 1 , a n d o t h e r l e g a l d o c u m e n t s , of l a t e r d a t e . Naples and Mirabella, 1551, with additions down into 18th cent. V e l l u m a n d p a p e r . 4 prel. ff. with table of contents, 62, 3 ff. 28 x 21 c m . H / m o r o c c o , f r o n t cover of 17th-cent a r m o r i a l b i n d i n g b o u n d in. Ital. 28 L I B R O D I S A N T O J U S T O P A L A D I N O . Il C a n t a r e , inc.: [ S ] i g n o r i e d o n e a z o c h e p e r f o r t u n a / N i s u n o d e n u i se m e t a a d e s p e r a r e / . . . . Italy, 15th cent. P a p e r . 60 ff. (last 3 b l a n k ) . 19 x 14.5 c m . B o a r d s . — T h e p r i n t e d edition, p r o d u c e d f r o m the Venice, 1490 edition (E. L o m m a t z s c h , Beitrage zur älteren italienischen Volksdichtung, < B e r l i n , 1950-1951 > ) differs c o n s i d e r a b l y f r o m this ms.
ItaL 29 I T A L I A N R E L I G I O U S M I S C E L L A N Y : 1. F R . J A C O M O [da Todi?]. Meditatione de la vita de Cristo, ff.lr-85v, inc.: Q u i comenza lo prologo de la meditatione d[e la vita] de Cristo conposto per frate Iacomo de lo ordine [de frati mi]nuri traslatato de gramatica in latin[o]. [C?]iasche u n a persona de quisto m o n d o . . . , followed by La Vendecta de Cristo, expl.: Isto libro finiendo/ Gratias Christo referendo/ Deprecor ut qui legitis/ Dieta suprascripta/ Relinquatis omnia delieta/. Expletus fuit liber iste per me Iohannes Benedicti Pauli de Nursia die q u a r t a mensis martii 1 4 5 7 . - 2 . R E L I G I O U S P O E M of 7 lines, f.87r, inc.: Splendore superdo [sic] domini summo favore.— 3. F r a g m e n t of a visionary work, f f . 9 3 r - 9 8 r . - 4 . M E D I T A T I O N E della vita de sancto J o h a n n i Baptista, fT.100v-162v, inc.: Ad laude de dio et della gloriosa vergine Maria. . . .—5. LA V I T A D E S A N C T O H O N O F R I O confessore, ff.l64r-180v, inc.: Panuntiu humile servo della vostra santita a tucti li servi . . . . Italy, 1457, and mid-15th cent. Paper. 180 ff. (incl. several blank). 22 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Inscription on inside cover: "Questo libro e de Santa Eucharistia de la già (gloria?)." ItaL 30 ST. A N T O N I N U S F L O R E N T I N U S . Confessionale, Omnis talium cura, ital.: Specchio de coscienza, in the form ending " l a e t à " (Cf. Gesamtkatalog, nos.2158-2169, in this ms. ending spelled detta età"). Stagnone (Stagno L o m b a r d o near Cremona?), 21 Aprii written by Andreas, son of Bartolus de Lunigiana (f.81v).
mordicta "alla 1466,
Paper. 81 if. (beginning incomplete). 21 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. h/leather over wooden boards, front missing.—Inscription on fly leaf at end: "Iste liber est meus presbiter Domenico de Mains." Cf. Ital. 39. ItaL 31 A R I S T O T L E . Ethica, in the epitomized version of Brunetto Latini, tr. into Italian by [?] Bono Giamboni, inc.: Comincia il libro primo dell etica Aristotile nel quale tratta della felicitade. Ogne arte et ogne doctrina. . . . Italy {Florence?), 14th cent, (before 1356?) Vellum. 69 if. (last 3 blank, first f. replaced ca. 1450). 21 x 15 cm. Decorated initials, red and blue capitals. Contemp. stamped calf over wooden boards.— Cf. L. W. Riley, op.cit., no. M2A. ItaL 32 A L E S S A N D R O DA S A S S O F E R R A T O . Sermone, inc.: I n e o m e n i a uno sermone overo predicanone. Sermon delivered at the monastery on the M o u n t of Olives on October 3, 1462 (f.l). Italy, 15th cent. (post 1462). Vellum. 10 ff. 20 x 13 cm. Vellum. [98]
ItaL 33
A C C A D E M I A D E G L I A L T E R A T I : 1. P O E M S (in a calligraphic hand, title, 2 ff. dedication signed "Accademico I n n o m i n a t o , " 109 ff., 3 blank ff.), i n d . : Sopra gl'occhi della sua donna, L ' r a del S. Andrea Salvatori di Dorindo ad Eurilla, Riposta d'Eurilla, Scherzo per cantar in musica, Lettera di Tirsi à Eurilla, A Clori, In lode di Papa U r b a n o V i l i , several poems addressed to Cardinal Antonio Barberini, etc. With [author's?] corrections.—2. P O E M S (in a second, more cursive hand, 95 ff.) addressed to M a r i a Medici, Ferdinando di Toscana, Cosimo I I , In morte del re Filippo, Ferdinando Gonzaga, Pope Leo X I , etc.—3. C A N Z O N E T T I (in a later hand, 42 ff.) Italy {Florence?), first half 17lh cent. Paper. 255 ff. 22 x 16 cm. Boards.—The first item dedicated to Cardinal Antonio Barberini. The first (and possibly the other parts) were written by an unidentified member (or members) of the Academia degli Alterati. ItaL 34
M A T T E O V A L L I . Dell'origine et governo della republica di San Marino. Breve relazione. Copied (?) contemporaneously from printed book: Padua, G. Crivellati, 1633. Paper. 30 ff. 19 x 13.5 cm. Paper boards.—Ex libris Leo Valli.—With dedicatory introd. by the editor Gabriel Naudé. I tal. 35
F R A N C E S C O C E S I S - S A V E L L I . Il Goffredo, opera drammatica heroica (performed in Cotrone, J u n e 1653). Italy, 1653{?). Paper. 115 ff. 20 x 14.5 cm. Drawing of Hercules (f.3), and the siege of a fort (f. 14). Vellum.—Inscription "Bartolo Macherani(?) 1644 [sic!]" on f.3r. ItaL 36
[VENICE]. Cronica de tutte le casade della nobel città de Venetia cioè delli zentilhomeni che sono venuti ad habitar in quella . . . con le arme de tutti li zentilhomeni. . . . Venice, first quarter 17th cent. Paper. 888 pp. 30 x 20 cm. Colored decorative title pages; colored coats of arms throughout; beheading of the Doge Marino Falieri (pp.376 and 777); hanging of Marco Donado dalla Madale (p.321); beheading of Francesco Carmignola (p.233); strangulation of Francesco da Carrara in 1405 and beheading of Marsilio da Carrara (p.228). Contemp. gilt levant morocco.— Prince Liechtenstein Library. ItaL 37
C R E S T O M A Z I A di poeti italiani del Cinquecento. Contains 9 sonnets, 1 canzone and " m o t t i " by Pietro Bembo, poems by G. Guidiccioni, B. Capello, Molza, B. Daniello, U. Martegli, C. Tolomei, Della Casa, and several anonymous poems. Italy, ca. 1550. Paper. 1-15, 15-59 pp. 20.5 x 14.5 cm. H/leather. [99]
icÙCui yMitt.M stttyfr ti ccft; Oytu wa, , a n d p o e m s b y A g u s t o G o r i , O t t a v i o Bandinelli, M u z i o U r g u r g i e r i , S c i p i o n e S a v i n i , A d r i a n o Ballati, Lodovico Sergardi, Antonio Piccolomini, Pandolfo Spanocchi, Agostino Chigi, F r a n c e s c o P i c c o l o m i n i a n d F i l i p p o S e g a r d i . Siena, 1683. Paper. 34 ff. (last blank). 19.5 x 13 cm. Pen-and-ink drawing of emblem of the academy with their motto: U n raggio di beltà gli spirti avviva.—Cf. M . Maylender, Storia delle accademie d'Italia, (Bologna, 1929), V, 375-6. Ital. 175 [ D A N T E ] , L e t t u r a di D a n t e . ( L e c t u r e n o t e s o n t h e D i v i n e C o m e d y . ) Italy, ca. 1800. Paper. 3 parts in 1 vol. Oblong, 1 5 x 1 1 cm. Cloth.—Prov.: Francis Campbell Macauley. Ad. Ital. 171: Cf. Lozzi, Biblioteca istorica, no. 3013. [128]
I tal. 176
D I O P H A N T U S . Le quistioni aritmetiche di Diofanto generalmente risolute; with solutions a n d c o m m e n t a r y from J a c q u e s Billy's Diophantus Geometra promotus, (Paris, 1606, cf. A. de Backer and C. Sommervogel, op.cit., I l l , col.1478, no.7). Italy, 18th cent. Paper. 238 ff. (first and last blank). 29.5 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. I tal. 177
F R A N C E S C O B A R B E R I N I . 8 messages in cipher, 2 letters (1 with insert) a n d 1 " n o t a , " f r o m C a r d . Barberini to Mons. Verospi, Governor of U m b r i a a n d Perugia, 1623-1626. Attached to these are the instruction sheets for d e c i p h e r i n g the code (addressed f r o m Barberini to Verospi), one d a t e d 1623, a n o t h e r " r i n o v a t a " 1626. Rome, etc., 7623-26. Paper. 30 ff. (some blank). Various sizes, in folder (31.5 x 24 cm.) I tal. 178
G I U L I O S A C C H E T T I . Viaggio in Spagna (ff.2r-30v) ; Alcune note de negotii p e r S p a g n a (ff.31r-37v) ; Ristretto di q u a n t o a bocca mi e stato a c c e n n a r e d a M o n s . M a g a l o t t i per conto di S p a g n a (ff.38r-46r); Ristretto c o n t e n u t o nella consulta in Spagna (ff.47r-54v); Note cavate (ff.55r-63r); Ristretto della capitolatione [per la Valtellina] (ff.64r66r).— With Pope U R B A N V i l i . Brevi (in Latin), ff.67v-152r.P H I L I P I V , K i n g of Spain. Lettere del re e ministri (in Spanish) a n d Altre m a t e r i e diverse (also in Spanish), fF.153r-275v. Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 279 ff. (ff.276-279 blank). 26.5 x 19 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Francis Campbell Macauley. Ital. 179
[ C A R A F A F A M I L Y ] . Copia t r a d o t t a d a latin in volgare d ' u n a s c r i t t u r ' a n t i q u a de C o n t e d e R u v o , hora Duca d'Andri[a] de la famiglia C a r r a i a . History of the C a r a f a f r o m the beginning to the late 16th cent., with extensive alphabetical index of members of the family (ff. 47-59). Italy, ca. 1700. Paper. 2, 59 ff. (first f. blank). 26 x 19 cm. H/leather. Ital. 180
LA V I R T U T R I O N F A N T E ; opera scenica dedicata al'altezza di m a d a m a serenissima M a r g a r i t a Medici Farnese, duchessa di P a r m a (61 ff., f. 1 < b l a n k ? > w a n t i n g , ff. 60-61 b l a n k ) . - W i t h G I O R G I O I P P O L I T O G I O R G I . Peripecie del merito (1, 69 ff., ff. 64-69 blank). — [ O p e r a scenica, w i t h o u t title, a m o n g m a i n figures are Alcante, K i n g of C a t a l o n i a ; F e r r a n t e , C o u n t of Sessa a n d Amelinda] (60 ff., last b l a n k ) . — [ I d e m , a m o n g t h e m a i n figures are E r m a n g a r d , Q u e e n of [129]
Italy; Berengar, Anscar, etc.] (65 ff., ff. 62-65 blank). Italy, ca. 1700, written in four different hands. Paper. 1 vol. Ca. 27.5 x 20 cm. Contemp. boards. With contemporary corrections. The Virtu trionfante has the appearance of a prompt book. I tal. 181
R I M E B U R L E S C H E . Anthology of satirical poems by Francesco Berni, Andrea Lori, Francesco Maria Molza, and others unidentified, some attributed to Mauro Mattei of Florence (cf. pencilled note on flyleaf), altogether 32 poems. Italy, 2nd half 16th cent. Paper. 4, 185 ff. (ff. 183-86 blank; one f. between ff.62-3 and unnumbered blank f. between ff.51-2 and 106-7) = 188 ff. 17.5 x 13 cm. H/vellum. Title on spine: Poesie libere. Prov.: "All'illustre signore" [rest undeciphered] in more or less contemp. hand, and later notation "No. 405 La" on f.lr.; Giuseppe Martini. Ital. 182
L O R E N Z O G I A C O M I N O DE TEBALDUCCI MALESPINI. Ragionamento d'amore . . . fatto nel' Ac[c]ademia fiorentina. Autograph ms.? Florence, last quarter 16th cent. Paper. 44 ff., last blank. 33.5 x 22.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Gozzini sale, 1925, no. 1045. This speech seems to have remained unpublished. Ital. 183°
SALMISTA DI D A V I D secondo la Bibia con le virtù dei detti Salmi. . . . Italy, early 18th cent. Paper. 80 ff. (ff.l, 78-80 blank). 15 x 10 cm. Boards.—Prov.: Biblioteca S. Francesco (f.lr). Ital. 184°
[ D I P L O M A T I C R E L A T I O N S ] . 1. C O N T A R I N I , AL V I S O D I N I C C O L Ò . Relatione della corte di Roma nell'anno 1648 . . . . ff.2-12.—2. A V E R T I M E N T I politici da osservarsi per chi voi servire in corte, ff.16-23.-3. R E L A T I O N E DI R O M A , ff.25-65.-4. BATT I S T A NANNI. Relatione della Germania . . . dalla sua ambascieria appresso la Maestà di Leopoldo Primo per la . . . República di Venetia, ff.66-86.—5. R E L A T I O N E delle potenze e forze delli principi d'Italia, ff.89-105.—6. R A G G I O N I state presentate ad instanza del R e di Portogallo alla Santità . . . Alessandro V I I . . . , ff.108-23.— 7. M E M O R I A L E presentato dal Duca di Terra Nuova, amb. catt. à nome di quella Maestà alla Santità di Alesandro Settimo contro le pretention! del Duca di Braganza, preteso R è di Portugallo del'1656, ff. 125— 36. Italy, Tlth cent. Paper. 136 ff. (a few blank). 25.5 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. Parts 1, 3-7 are the same as Ms. Ital. 44, parts 1-6.
Ita). 185° M A N U A L E d'aritmetica commerciale. Italy, 18th cent. Paper. 220 pp. 22.5 x 16 cm. Contemp. boards. Ital. 186° C o u n t L O U I S of N A S S A U . Lettera del conte Lodovico di Nassau ai popoli del C o n t a d o di E n n a u [sic?] li X X I I di maggio 1572. ( S o m e w h a t later copy?) Italy?, ca. 1600? Paper. 2 ff. 27.5 x 20.5 cm. Boards. Ital. 187° F R A N C E S C O M I C H I E L . Relatione di Francia. (Report on embassy to Louis X I V , K i n g of France, 1671). W i t h signature at end, a n d a u t o g r a p h corrections. France or Italy, 1671. Paper. 44 ff. 30 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Cf. Antonibon, op. cit., p. 58. Ital. 188° P O E M A sopra le guerre dall'anno 1733 a tutto 1746. N u o v a m e n t e stato, corretto et accresciuto, ff.1-18, 25. — With S E R V I O S E N N A . [Pompi?] funerali del R e di Prussia [Friedrich Wilhelm I, 1740?] ideati dalla fantasia di Servio Senna, ff. 19—23.—Illustrissimo . . . Corniti D o n a t o de Silva . . . Epistola [in verse], 2 ff. folded a n d tipped in between ff.25-6.—BELLI I T A L I C I et praeclariorum eius gestorum c o m pendiosa descriptio. A r g u m e n t u m [in verse; Lat.], f.27, 19 pp., 1 f., pp.20-67, 38 ff. Italy?, middle 18th cent. Paper. 104 ff. (last blank). 18.5 x 14 cm. Contemp. calf. Ital. 189° C O M P E N D I O di sfera, e di geografia nel quale si contengono li costumi, governi, religgioni, e proprietà di tutti i paesi dell' m o n d o . . . . Italy, 18th cent. Paper. 2, 251, 9 ff. (second {., and fF.5 7 at end, blank). 21 x 17 cm. Astron. drawings. Contemp. calf. This is v. 1 (of a 2-v. set) only, incl. the "De sfera" and physical geography; the tide lists a tract on changes brought about by the Treaty of Utrecht, not mentioned in the contents to either volume, bound at the end of ms. Ital. 190° S A V E R I O D E C O L L A . Passi istorici e morali che possono servire d'instruzione a principi, a loro ministri, e generali. Italy, 18th cent. Paper. 40 ff. (ff.38^10 blank), 140 pp., pp.142-524. 23.5 x 17 cm. Contemp. vellum. [ 131 ]
I tal. 191° [ F A E N Z A ] . C r o n a c a , e leggende inedite Faentine. W i t h ms. corrections, additions, deletions a n d editorial notations. Italy, 18th cent. Paper. 150 ff. (3 ff. at beginning removed). 30 x 20.5 cm. H/leather. I tal. 192° C A P I T U L A T I O N I of "il L a n d r i c h t e r , capitani e consiglio" della Lega grigia, addressed to the " D u c a di Feria, per S.M. Cattolica governatore dello stato d i M i l a n o e c a p i t a n o generale in Italia." Italy, 1621. Paper. 2 ff. 31 x 20 cm. In folder. Ital. 193° G I O V A N N I D E L F I N O . L a Lucrezia; tragedia, ff.1-86.- With I D E M . La Cleopatra, ff.89-174. — I D E M . Il Medoro, ff.l77-237.-IDEM. II Creso, ff.241-346. Italy, 18th cent. Paper. 2 blank, 346, 2 blank ff. 27 x 20 cm. Contemp. boards. Ital. 194° S E B A S T I A N O C H I E S A . Capitolo d e frati; distinta raguaglio d e loro usi, m a n e g g i e costumi. O p e r a del p a t r e N . N . Agostiniano. (A. d e Backer a n d C. Sommervogel, op. cit., I I , 1124-5, C, describe a ms. of the same text u n d e r title " I l capitolo fratesco; poema di Tisabesano Sechia," with reference to mss. in L o n d o n , Paris a n d Forlì. — Satirizes the monks of the Franciscan order). Italy, 7754. Paper. 2 v. (1 blank, 137; 1 blank, 139; 1 blank ff.; this ms. contains 8 of 16 canti). 16.5 x 12.5 cm. Contemp. boards. Ital. 195° G I O V A N N I F R A N C E S C O C A C C I A N I . Tragico avvenimento d i R o s a n a , reina de' R o m a n i rappresentato p a r t e in R o m a , & parte in Cesarea di Filippo, e dedicato alla M . Ill. re Sig. ra Co: S. C h i a r a M a r i a A l b a n a . Bergamo, 1615 (date of dedication). Paper. 3 ff., 75 pp. 18 x 14 cm. Coat of arms "Clarior his ipsa" (f.2v). Contemp. vellum. Ital. 196° A N T O N I O D A S A N G A L L O . [Scritture sul'istoria di G e n o a : ] La genealogia d i casa Feltra et R o v e r e legata; Capitoli della pace conclusa fra i fuori usciti Genovesi et il reggimento di quella città . . . 1575; Lettera d e d e p u t a t i della nobilità vecchia di Genova l ' a n n o 1575 alla signoria d e d e t t a città; Lettera d e Ser.° D o n Francisco d e M e d i c i . . . al S. Gio. A n d r e a Doria; Riposta del S. re Gio. Andrea D o r i a . (Ff.1-2 [132]
autograph, dedication to Ferdinand I I of Tuscany signed). ca. 1575.
Paper. 37 ff. (f.20 and last f. blank). 28.5 x 21 cm. Geneal. tables (ff.3-4). In folder. I tal. 197° C A R L O A R C H I N T O . Relazione della Corte Cesarea, genaro 1665, fatta del Sen.™ Conte Carlo Archinti al Ecc. m ° Sig. e il Sig. e Don Luiggi Ponze de Leon, governatore di Milano. Italy, 2nd half Tìth cent. Paper. 104 (and 10 blank) ff.—Originally folded; archival copy? 32 x 22 cm. Paper cover. Ita!. 198° [ G I U S E P P E P O Z Z A B O N E L L I , card, of Milan], Poem in Milanese dialect in celebration of the elevation of G. Pozzabonelli to the archbishopric, dedicated to Giuseppe's brother, Marchese Girolamo Pozzabonelli, inc.: Nobellissem sur marches/Don Ironem Posbonell/. . . . Milan, 1143. Paper. 48 ff. 20 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. boards. I tal. 199° LA N E N C I O T T A , 12 8-line poems, with 9 poems forming the Riposta della Nenciotta. Italy, Tìth cent. Paper. 8 ff. (first and last blank). 19.5 x 13 cm. Bound in contemp. calf with F. Bracciolini, La Croce racquistata, Venice, 1611 (IC6/B7217/605c/1611). Ital. 200° E R N E A. Dramma [in three acts]. Italy, 11th cent. Paper. 28 ff., (last blank, numb. 297-324 in a contemp. hand). 1 8 x 1 3 cm. Boards. Ital. 201° O T T A V I O FALCES. Supplica alla maestà del re, nostro signore (King of the Two Sicilies; against the establishment of a Jesuit college at Brindisi). Brindisi?, ca. 1160. Paper. 90 ff. 30.5 x 22 cm. Contemp. boards.—Cf. A. de Backer and C. Sommervogel, op. cit., X I , col. 1104. Ital. 202° B E N E D E T T O M E N Z I N I . Satire. Italy, early 18th cent. Paper. 74 ff. (ff.72-4 blank). 20 x 14 cm. Engr. portrait of author, J . D. Ferrotti del., C. Megalli sc. Contemp. boards.—Written before the printed ed. (1718)? [ 133]
IUI. 203° DISCORSI F A M I L I A R I da diversi a confratelli per la dottrina Christiana. Italy, Tìth cent. Paper. 50 ff. (f.l blank). 28 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, with label on front cover and inscr.: Al molto Rev. Dr. G. Battista Zandonella . . . di Meduna.
Ital. 204° LETTERE INEDITE del secolo X V I - X V I I , con note mss. Collection of 200 letters, in Italian and Latin, the largest number addressed to Luigi (also called Aloysius) Lollino, Venetian patrician and bp. of Belluno from 1596 until his death in 1625, all letters in clear 18thcentury copies, with careful annotations about the writers of the letters, location of the originals, persons and books mentioned, etc. Another group of letters is addressed to Wilhelm Schickard, professor of oriental languages in Tübingen. Other recipients are Lodovico Celio Ricchieri, ecclesiastic authorities in Belluno, etc. Among the writers (listed, with biogr. notes in a separate index) are: Gaspare Barleo, Pietro Bembo, Scipione Chiaramonte (mathematician), Enrico Davila, Daniel Einsius (of the Univ. of Leiden), Jacopo Golio (mathematician and orientalist), Angelo Grillo, Domenico Lampsonio (poet and painter), Wilhelm Meursius, Andrea and Donato Morosini, Fulvio Orsino, Antonio Possevino, Card. Richelieu, Martino Sandeiii, Paolo Sarpi, Pierio Valeriano ( = Giampietro Bolzanio, secretary to Pope Clement VII), etc. The compiler is unknown; most letters concern in some way the town and district of Belluno. Italy, post 1766. Paper. 475 ff. (ff.443-end blank), 16 ff. index laid in. 21.5 x 15 cm. 19thcent. cloth. Ital. 205°
FRANCESCO VECELLI. Problemi di geometria pratica, copiati [per Leonarducci] da manoscrito del R . P. Francesco Vecelli, Veneziano, nel Liceo vescovile di Treviso, 1767. Treviso, 7767. Paper. 244 ff. (ff.1-2, 243-4 blank). 24 x 18 cm. With figures and drawings. Contemp. boards. Ital. 206°
T R A T T A T O DELL' A S T R O L O G I A giudiciaria, preceded by chapter "Della sustanza, et movimento del cielo" and with a "Compendio dell' aritmetica," (ff. 150-5). Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 2 blank, 172 ff. (ff. 156-9, 172 blank). With tables. Contemp. armorial vellum.—Prov.: Boncampagni Library; Marzucchi sale, Florence, 1827. Ital. 207°
E S T R A T T O delle historie dell' Impero Ottomano sino al 1640. Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 96 ff. 20.5 x 15 cm. H/cloth.—Prov.: Count Paolo Vimercati-Sozzi.
Ital. 208° F E R R A N T E P A L L A V I C I N O . II corriere svaligiato. (50 satirical discourses). Italy, Tlth cent. Paper. 146 ff. 19.5 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. boards.—No attempt has been made to collate the text of the ms. with the edition printed in 1646. Ital. 209° J A C O B U S DE V O R A G I N E . Legenda aurea, ital., inc.: Questi sono i sermoni dell' avento di Christo e poi drie segue le legende di sancti de la corte di R o m a . . . . [Text:] Tutto il tempo della vita presente. . . . Italy, April 19, 1459 (/. 154v). Paper. 154 ff. (flf.3-4, following "tavola," blank). 23 x 15.5 cm. H/calf.— Prov.: S. Maria Angelorum, Ferrara; Giuseppe Martini. Different from transl. used in early printed eds. Descr. of G. Martini calls it "volgarizzamento del sec. XIV." Ital. 210° GIUSEPPE V A L L E T T A . Discorso della filosofia. ("Testimonianza al mondo dell' empietà della filosofia aristotelica, e dell' innocenza di quest' altra, che c h i a m a n m o d e r n a , " dealing with classical, mediaeval and contemporary writers, mentioning frequently among m a n y others Descartes, Helmont, Kepler, Gassendi, Boyle, Galilei, Malebranche, etc.) Naples, 3 May, 1100. Paper. 10 ff. (ff.2-10 blank), 212 pp. 21.5 x 15.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. Cf. also Mss. Lea 167, 169-70, 187.
Port. 1° P O R T U G U E S E F O R T U N E B O O K . Portugal,
18th cent.
Paper. 36 ff. 16.5 x 11 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry Seybert.
Rhaeto-Roman 1 S T . G A L L . Statuts criminaeles d ' ü n hundro comoen d a Brawuoing, vertiens dalg linguaigh T u d a i s h in R o m a n n s h . . . d a m e Peidar p. J o v a l t a . . . 1717, 2 ff., pp.1-23.— With I D E M . Ledschas et schantameints . . . scritts tra's commissiun . . . d a l g Nob. m et Ul. m Sigr. Wicari, Sigr. Hans Heinrich Plan . . . 1680, pp.41-86, (with additions to 1724).—COPIA vaira, et expressa dels vairs, et sigillos originals della chiarta della lia, fatta á Vicarol . . . translata . . . d a m e Peidar p. J o v a l t a . . . 1712, p p . 1 - 7 (second c o u n t ) . — R E G I S T E R [135]
dellas ledschas et schantameints, p p . 9 - 1 2 . — D A V A R D ils Gods, cioe Giardauna, et ilg T e x da Latsch, ff. 15-16. Cover title: Statuta criminalia et civilia Communitatis Burgunniensis. St. Gall, 1712-1724. P a p e r . 4 ff. ( f f . 1 - 2 b l a n k ) , 108, 21 p p . ( p p . 1 7 - 2 1 b l a n k ) , 2 b l a n k ff. 19.5 x 12.5 c m . C o n t e m p . h / v e l l u m .
Rhaeto-Roman 2
S E R M O N S . Anonymous sermons, all but one (German) in RhaetoR o m a n . Switzerland,
18th cent.
P a p e r . 1 f., 570 p p . , 2 ff. 21 x 17.5 c m . C o n t e m p . calf.—Prov.: H e r m a n n Suchier.
Span.1 D I E G O H U R T A D O D E M E N D O Z A . Poesias y obras. Spain, ca. 1600.
Paper. 219 ff. 20 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Macauley Library. Span.2
P H I L I P II, King of Spain. Carta executoria for Alonso de Montalvan. Spain,
V e l l u m . 58 ff. 31 x 21 c m . 3 ff. of illuminations; ilium, initials. C o n t e m p . gilt m o r o c c o over w o o d e n boards.
L O P E D E V E G A C A R P I O . Carlos V . en Francia. Toledo, 20 November, 1604, [signed] M. Lope de Vega Carpio (f.61v). Holograph ms. Toledo,
P a p e r . 68 ff. 21 x 15 cm. B r o w n gilt m o r o c c o b i n d i n g in slip case. —Prov.: D u k e of Sessa ( L o p e ' s e m p l o y e r a n d p a t r o n ) ; Salustiano d e O l o z a g a (1805— 1873); J o h n H o b a r t C a r a d o c , second L o r d H o w d e n ( 1 7 9 9 - 1 8 7 3 ) ; R o b e r t H o e ; M r . a n d Mrs. J o h n B. Stetson, Jr.—Cf. A r n o l d G. R e i c h e n b e r g e r , The Library Chronicle, X X I I I (1957), p p . 8 2 - 8 3 .
introduction and notes by Arnold G. Reichenberger ( P h i l a d e l p h i a , 1963).
Span.4 G A B R I E L F O N T O L I . El Masaniello [ T o m m a s o Aniello]; o discursos narrativos d e la sublevación de Ñapóles [ J u l y 7, 1647], originally written by G . Fontoli, tr. f r o m Italian into Castilian by P a d r e Alonso de Flores, S.J., at the c o m m a n d of his excellency T h e D u k e of Arcos. W i t h (translator's?) corrections t h r o u g h o u t . Spain, ca. 1650. Paper. 60 ff. 22 x 14.5 cm. Boards. Span.5 G A U B E R T E F A B R I C I O V A G A D ( " F r a y G a m b e r t o " ) . L i n e a d e los reyes de A r a g ó n , a u t o r , f r a y G a n b e r t o [continued in later h a n d ] Fabricio d e Bagad Cisterciense acia el a ñ o 1490, 96 ten-line verses, inc.: Q u a n d o fuel cruel c a s t i g o / J u l i a n c o n d e m a l b a d o / . . . . Spain, mid16th cent. Paper. 7 ff. 29 x 20 cm. Cloth. Span. 6 [ T E R V E L ] . L e t r a missa p e r D o m i n i c u m Caberico(?) p e r q u e n d a m n u n c i u m . . . C a r t a p u b l i c a , notarized on f.7r. Tervel (Aragón), August 1387. Paper. 8 ff. (last blank). 22.5 x 15 cm. In folder. Span. 7 [ C E R V E R A ] . [Carta] Executoria c o m f o r m a a p e d i m i e n t o de D o n Alonso A l b a r e z [Alvarex] d e T o l e d o con el fiscal d e su m a g e s t a d y concejo y vezinos de C e r b e r a [Cervera] sobre el casa d e la d i c h a villa. Cervera(?), 1610. Paper. 22 ff. 30 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum. Span. 8 [ D I E G O D E A N A Y A (Enriques de F u n t o ) ] . I n v e n t a r i o d e los bienes, Nov. 21 a n d Dec. 21, 1540, in the presence of P e d r o G a r a b i t o . Salamanca, 1540. Paper. 8, 10 ff. 29.5 x 21.5 cm. In folder. Span. 9 F E R N A N D O V, K i n g of Spain, a n d I S A B E L I, Q u e e n of Spain. Permission to P e d r o de A n a y a to erect a house, provided it is not to be fortified. Spain, 2 October 1498. Paper. 2 ff. and half a sheet with description in later hand. 30.5 x 22 cm. In folder. [137]
Span. 10 F E R N A N D O V , K i n g of S p a i n , a n d I S A B E L I, Q u e e n of Spain. [Commission t o F e r n a n d o d e Q u e s a d a to inspect houses c a p a b l e of defensel. W i t h a t t a c h e d s u m m a r y in a later h a n d . Granada{?), 23 March 1501. Paper. 1 prel. (later), 14 ff. 30 x 22 cm. Unbound. Span.11 G O N Z A L O P E R E S D E C A R T A G E N A . Establishment of m e m o r i a l masses " e n el monesterio d e Señor Ssancto Agostin . . . d e Burgos," by G o n z a l o a n d his wife, 1517, f f . 1 - 9 (f.10, blank?, missing).—IDEM. T e s t a m e n t , executed in A r r o y a , 1518, ff. 11—26 (f.12 missing).—IDEM. Codicils, 1519, ff.27-30 (last b l a n k ) . All d o c u m e n t s a r e notarized. Arroya, 1517-1519. Vellum. 30 ff. (ff.10, 12 missing, f.30 blank). 31.5 x 21 cm. Unbound. Span. 12 S U M M A d e las coronicas de Viscaya y algunos otros linages de aquel señorío, la q u a l yo Castilla rey d e a r m a s del susodicho e m p e r a d o r y rey nostro señor halle escritas en u n q u a d e r n o , escrito a n o M . C C C C . i i i j ([corrected in later h a n d to] forte a n n o M C C C C C . I I I . ) . Spain, 16th cent. Paper. 13 ff. (numb, pp.180-190, < 1 unnumb. p . > , pp.191-203). 31.5 x 21.5 cm. Unbound. Span. 13 [ M A R I A D E U R R I A ] . D e e d of a d o w r y of 250,000 d u c a t s to M a r i a de U r r i a , " f i j a del Sr. . . . J u a n de U r r i a . . . déla c i u d a d d e S a l a m a n c a , m u g e r . . . d e J u a n S e r r a n o , m a e s t r e sala d é l a r e y n a . " Salamanca, ca. 1500. Paper. 18 ff. (ff.11-12, 16-18 blank). 22 x 15.5 cm. In 17th cent, archival paper cover (no.26), and unbound. Span. 14* [ É C I J A , Andalusia], R e p a r t i m i e n t t o d e las tierras d e Écija q u a n d o segano d e los moros (title in later h a n d on prel. f.). 1. List of p r o p e r t y holders divided by villages, ff.l—11. — 2. Notarial addition d a t e d 1289 stating t h a t this copy was m a d e f r o m a c h a r t e r of Alfonso X given at Seville 2 M a y , 1282, f,12r.—3. A n o t h e r list of p r o p e r t y holders, f f . l 4 - 7 . ( A p p a r e n t l y a version of t h a t of 1263, cited by M a n u e l V a r e l a y Escobar, Bosquejo histórico de la ciudad de Écija < Ecija, 1 8 9 2 > , p p . 6 0 - 1 ) . Écija, late 13th cent. Paper. 17 ff. (f.13 blank). 29 x 20 cm. 17th-cent. vellum. [138]
Spaa. 15 P H I L I P II, King of Spain. Carta executoria for J u a n Ximenez de Angulo, vezino de la ciudad de Sancto Domingo de la Calcada. Spain, 1564. Vellum. 32 ff. (f.l blank). 30 x 23.5 cm. Ilium, coats of arms on f.2v, ilium, initials. Contemp. gilt morocco. Span. 16
F E R D I N A N D V, King of Spain. D r a f t of a dispatch to R a m o n de Cordova, Viceroy of Sicily, stipulating policies in Italy, 1507. With corrections. Spain, 1507. Paper. 4 ff. 29.5 x 22 cm. Unbound. Span. 17
D E F E N S A D E ESPANA contra las calumnitates de Francia, dedicated to Pope U r b a n V I I I , signed D. I. P. D. T . (f.5v). "En Venecia, Ano . . . 1635" (dedication: Madrid, 28 oct. 1635). Paper. 142 ff. 20 x 14.5 cm. Calf.—"Soy de dn. Antonio Manuel Paxiente, medico . . . . "
Span. 18 N A X A M E N T del Nino Jesus. Christmas pageant in Castilian, with stage directions in Catalan, inc.: Copia per representar lo acte del naxament del Nino Jesus y altrament anomenat los Pastoreillos y se representa de la forma sequent. . . . With dramatis personae (f.l 30r), list of exits, etc. Spain, 17th cent.{?) Paper. 1,129, 10 ff. 15 x 10.5 cm. Boards (with ms. tide: Pastoreillos).— Gillet Collection.
Span. 19 A N T O N I O DA F O N S E C A S O ARES, das Chagas. La Filis; obra heroica tragica. Text in Spanish, introduction and notes in Portuguese. Ca. 1800. Paper. 147 ff. 20 x 14 cm. Contemp. calf.—Prov.: Southey, 1801. "Autograph of Robert Southey," later penciled note on fly leaf; Gillet Collection.
Span. 20 C O M E D I A D E L S P A S T O R E T S , Nativity play divided into three "jornadas," the birth of O u r Lord and the Life of O u r Lady (with some stage directions), inc.: Le, Le, Le, L e / de decirlo a c a b a r e / . . . . Spain, 18th cent.{?) Paper. 114 ff. (ff. 105-114 blank). 22 x 16 cm. Cloth—Gillet Collection (his ms. title notation: Los pastoreillos). Not identified in Madrid, Bibl. nac., Catalogo de las piecas de teatro (Madrid, 1934).
Span. 21 C O M E D I A E L M A S F E L I Z C A U T I V E R O y los sueños d e Josef, w i t h stage directions. Spain, before 1791{?). Paper. 70 ff. 20.5 x 15 cm. Contemp. boards.—Gillet Collection. Cf. Madrid, Bibl. nac., op.cit., I, no. 2253 describing a similar ms. of the same comedy; it was printed in 1791. The date "24. de Agosto de MVCCCXX[1820]" on front cover may be that of a performance. Span. 22 V A R I O S P A P E L E S d e poesías a diferentes a s u m p t o s compuestos por diversos ingenios, w r i t t e n in a g r e a t variety of h a n d s a n d on different p a p e r . I t begins w i t h D é c i m a s (3 ten-line verses, f . l v ) a n d P i n t u r a de u n a d a m a (ff.2r-6r, n u m b e r e d ff.1-5 in a c o n t e m p . h a n d ) . I n c l u d e d a r e P r e g u n t a fabio á M e n a n d r o ; I g n a z i o d e Salazar, P o e m a eroico; O b r a s satíricas d e D n . J u a n d e Faz[?], c o n d e d e V i l l a m e d i a n a ; D e L o p e d e V e g a C a r p i ó D e c i m a ; etc., etc. Spain, 17th-18th cent. Paper. 1 unnumb., 133, 33 unnumb., 98 ff., and 2 ff. numb. 87-88. 20.5 x 15 cm. 18th-cent. calf.—Unidentified stamp with date 1722 on 15th of the 33 unnumb. ff.; Gillet Collection. Several ff. had at one time been folded, one has the address of a Gomez de Medina. The name Gutierrez appears on the margins of several poems. Tide on spine "Papeles varios." Span. 23° [ V A L D E N O C E D A , prov. of Burgos], N o t a r i a l d o c u m e n t : Sentenzia c o n t r a el Almeriens [?]. Valdenoceda, 1441. Vellum. 8 ff. 28 x 19 cm. Notarial signets. Contemp. vellum. Span. 24° [ V A L D E N O C E D A , prov. of Burgos]. N o t a r i a l d o c u m e n t : Sentenzia a r b i t r a r i a . . . sobre el m o n t e d e Axzaedo y otras cosas a n o 1459 a n t e J u a n Alfonso d e Bene . . . [? undeciphered]. Valdenoceda, 1459. Vellum. 5 ff. 27 x 19.5 cm. Notarial signets. Outer side of document used as vellum cover. Span. 25° [ V A L D E N O C E D A , prov. of Burgos]. Notarial d o c u m e n t : Sentenzia a r b i t r a r i a . . . [por] los conzejos d e Q u i n t a n a [?] y V a l d e n o z e d a y L a p u e n t e . Valdenoceda?, ca. 1450. Vellum. 6 ff. 25 x 17.5 cm. Notarial signets. Contemp. vellum. Span. 26° [ U R G E L , C a n o n s Regular], Agreement pertaining to t h e rents a n d privileges of the Canons R e g u l a r of Urgel (prov. of Lérida), prologue in L a t i n , text in C a t a l a n , d r a w n u p a n d written by the n o t a r y a n d rector [140]
Petrus Bertrandus, e n d i n g " B e r n a r d u s [of Bescaran] consulis v o c a t u r q u i scripsit a d o m i n o b e n e d i c a t u r ( f . l l v ) . Urgel, 2 September 1415. Vellum. 12 ff. (last blank). 22.5 x 15 cm. Two figurated initials on f.4v. Vellum. Span. 27° C H A R L E S V, E m p e r o r of the Holy R o m a n E m p i r e . L e t t e r to the D u k e of Arcos, signed, d a t e d Feb. 20, 1529, stating his desires for peace. Being threatened by the blockade of the K i n g d o m of Naples a n d attacks against Sicily, he has decided to aid t h e m a n d the K i n g of H u n g a r y against the infidel. H e orders the d u k e to m a k e preparations for a campaign. Toledo, 1529. Paper. 2 ff. (63 lines of text on f.lr-v). 30 x 21.5 cm. (folded to 21.5 x 16). In folder. Span. 28° A N T O N I O D E S O L I S [y R i b a d e n e i r a ] . O b r a s liricas. Spain, second half Tlth cent. Paper. 1, 88 ff. 20 x 15 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Macauley Library. Span. 29° L U P E R C I O L E O N A R D O Y A R G E N S O L A . Codigo [Poesías varias], Spain, Tlth cent. Paper. 130 ff. (and blank ff. at beginning and end). 20 x 14 cm. Contemp. h/calf.—Bibliotheca Mayansiana, sold in London, 1840; P. de G. Span. 30° J U A N D E T A R S I S , C o n d e d e Villamediana. O b r a s satiricas, poesias varias del C o n d e d e Villamediana, n o n impresas. ( I n d . " D e c i m a s contra V i l l a m e d i a n a , " ff.21v-22v, a n d Villamediana's " R e s p u e s t a , " ff.22v-23v; several poems on K i n g Philipp I I I a n d K i n g Philipp I V ; " D i a l o g o entre dos pastores R i v a t o y Pasqual," ff.l38-142; " S e r m o n en títulos," " C o m e d i a s , " f f . l 6 4 - 2 0 4 ) . Spain, ca. 7700. Paper. 206 ff. (ff.1-3, 162-163, 204-206 blank). 24 x 17 cm. Contemp. calf.— Prov.: Valentin de Carder D. de Monte (1849); R. M. Baralt; Hugo Albert Rennert. Span. 31° L U P E R C I O and B A R T O L O M E L E O N A R D O Y A R G E N S O L A . Libro de todas las obras q u e se h a n podido recoger de los dos h e r m a n o s Lupercio y Bartolomé L e o n a r d o . (Lupercio L e o n a r d o y Argensola's "sonetos, canciones, decimas, liras, tercetes y otros diversos versos," ff.l—111.—"Obras d e Bartolomé L e o n a r d o , " incl. " D i a l o g o d e Luzia n o , " " D e m o c r i t o , " " M e n i p o litigante," a n d "Advertimientos a los [141 ]
diputados del R e y n o d e A r a g ó n , " ff.l 12-369.—"Aforismos d e cartas españolas [y latinas] d e A. P . , " ff.371-387). Spain, Tlth cent. Paper. 12 ff. (ff.l, 11 blank), 392 ff. (ff.278-322, 370, 388-399 blank). 20 x 15 cm. H/calf.—Prov.: Biblioteca de Saiva (front cover); bookplate with interwoven DRAH. Span. 32° P E D R O C A L D E R O N D E L A B A R C A . Autos sacramentales: 1. La redemcion de captivos, ff.l—20.—2. A M a r i a el corazon, ff.22—45. — 3. El valle d e la Zarzuela, ff.49-78.—4. El segundo blasson del Austria, ff.79-106.—5. El endulto general, f f . 1 0 7 - 1 2 8 . - 6 . El j a r d i n de Falerina, ff.129-193.—7. L l a m a d o s yescojidos, ff.l57-177. —8. El árbol d e mejor fruto, ff.l81-223. —9. N o ay mas fortuna que dios, ff.229-255. —10. El cordero d'Yssaias, ff.258-310. Nos, 4, 8 a n d 9 " s u b correctione S . R . E . " Spain, 18th cent. Paper. 1, 311 ff. (last blank). 21 x 15 cm. Illus. initial "S" on f.lr. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Convent "A Franca"; Hugo Albert Rennert.
A V T O 5ACRAM, ALLEGORICO.. XL CORDEROBYSSAlA5. d t X T Ü r i LpíYjónasz jbecynuch. tiDetnonie. La yhitontíja GandaíUl a 7it él Cuidado Jpfujtctn
La yarca
^Peneri (U U AfJcuidc dtr jbama/ ti
UÚcnfx^utJo de foumthjJu futidtlajpL'Mtw Ytta /édinpfr i-'nápaxii CanJic/JtytjnaÁtPWit t ' t j f P C f a 3>tJTHHih Vt;hd$iti>u
a r f a
7ueílc TuthLc
Mdoxto jfymane
Pedro Calderón de la Barca. El cordero d'Yssaias. Span. 32, f.258r (detail).
Span. 33° P E D R O C A L D E R O N D E L A B A R C A . Loa p a r a el auto, intitulado L a serpiente d e metal, ff.l—50.— With I D E M . A u t o sacramental alegorico: A dios por varón d e estado, f f . 5 1 - 8 1 . — I D E M . Auto sacramental alegorico intitulado: Atu proximo como ati mismo, ff.82-122. Spain, Tlth cent. Paper. 122 ff. 22 x 15.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Hugo Albert Rennert.
Span. 34° J O H N I I , K i n g of Castile. " C a r t a " on payments of 800, 960 and 1030 m a r a v e d i for a r m a m e n t s a n d a naval force of 40 ships, prepared to aid Charles V I , K i n g of France in 1419; it is addressed to his " c o n t a d o r " M a r t i n Lopez de Cordova, who had been charged with the procurement. Inc.: Sepan quantos esta carta vieren como yo D o n J u a n . . . R e y d e Castilla, d e Leon . . . et conosco q u e recebi de vos M a r t i n Lopes d e Cordova . . . [stating a m o u n t ] q u e vos recebistes por m i m a n d a d o . . . . O caña, 20 July 1433 [?]. Vellum. 1 f. (113 lines). Ca. 74 x 49 cm., folded to ca. 30.5 x 25 cm. Various signatures on verso. In folder. Span. 35° J O S E P H D E C A Ñ I Z A R E S . Comedias: 1. D e los echizos de a m o r . 2. D e comedia nosetrate [h]allaba ese disparate. —3. El domino Lucas. Spain, 18th cent., written in two different hands. Paper. 192 fT. 20.5 x 15 cm.—Prov.: Hugo Rennert.—Contains only these 3 plays out of 10 listed on f. lr. Span. 36° C H A R L E S V, emperor. Letter to Francesco M a r i a Sforza, D u k e of M i l a n , on the conditions in Italy. Signed " C a r o l u s . " Madrid, 26 Oct. 1533. Paper. 1 f. (6 lines of text on recto, address on verso, seal removed). 20 x 13 cm. In folder. Span. 37° L O U I S D E G O N G O R A Y A R G O T E . Poesias, beginning with 37 ff. " I n d i c e de las poesias, q u e en este q u a d e r n o se contienen . . . , " followed by Sonettos heroicos, amorosos, satyricos, burlescos, fúnebres, sacros; Canciones, etc. W i t h contemp. marginalia, incl. names. Spain, first half Tlth cent. Paper. 37 ff., 452 pp. (title, pp.60-70, 77-8, 135-6, 149-50, 227-30, 275-8, 299-302, 367-70, 453-68 < e n d of Soledad segunda> missing; the "Indice" also lists the Panegyrico < p . 469> and 3 comedias < p . 489, p. 551, p. 595> which may have been in this or a second volume; since the binding has been repaired and rebacked, the original extent of the volume cannot be ascertained). 21 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. gilt calf.—Prov.: Bateman; Hugo A. Rennert. Span. 38° B A R C E L O N A , Universidad. Remonstrance concerning a n ordinance of Philip I V , K i n g of Spain, requesting "listas o memorias distintas de los sujetos q u e siguen los opiniones tomista e non tomista." Copy. Barcelona, 1682? Paper. 6 ff. (ff.5-6 blank). 29 x 21 cm. In folder. See also Ms. Lat. 190. [143]
Span. 39° S E V I L L A , U n i v e r s i d a d . C o p y of a m a n d a t e of Philip V , K i n g of Spain, sent by L o r e n z o Angulo, A b b o t of Vivanco, to the cathedral c h u r c h of Urgel g r a n t i n g to t h e Colegio m a y o r of the University of Seville the same t r e a t m e n t as to the colleges of S a l a m a n c a , Alcala a n d Valladolid. Spain, 1730. Paper. 4 ff. 30 x 21 cm. In folder. Span. 40° [ S P A N I S H U N I V E R S I T I E S ] . Representation concerning "becas v a c a n t e s " (vacant fellowships?) of the "seis colegios mayores d e Salam a n c a , Valladolid, y A l c a l á " to Charles I I I , K i n g of Spain. Spain, 777 7. Paper. 6 ff. 31 x 21 cm. In folder. Span. 41° M A L A G A , Colegio Jesuíta. Autos en razón déla entrega del depositto del dinero q u e se custodiava en el Colegio dela C o m p a n i a perttenesiente al espolio del Y. S. Obispo D o n J u a n d e Eulatte, a v e r t u r a délas escuelas d e p r i m e r a s letras y establezimiento deellas y délas catedras d e latinidad y retorica al oposicion conlo d e m á s correspondientte dette asunto. Malaga, 1768-78. Paper. 45 ff. Ca. 30 x 21 cm. Several docs, with stamp "Para despachos de oficio quatro" of Charles III. In folder. Span. 42° [ S P A N I S H U N I V E R S I T I E S ] . Petition to Charles I I I , K i n g of Spain, of the "seis colegios mayores d e S a l a m a n c a , Valladolid y Alcala," in 62 points, M a d r i d , 11 M a y 1771 .— With R o y a l address to "el rector del colegio del arzobispo d e la Universidad d e S a l a m a n c a , " 3 M a r c h 1774. Spain, ca. 7777. Paper. 25 ff. (last blank). 30 x 21 cm. Remains of seal on f.l. In folder. Span. 43° S A L A M A N C A , Universidad. Informacio[n] del P. Poveda Domistico, inquisidor, addressed to " E x m ° S o r " [Charles IV?], a n "Apologia de la S u m a d e S a n t o T o m a s . " Salamanca, TI93. Paper. 14 ff. (f. 13 blank). 29.5 x 20 cm. In folder. Span. 44° J U A N D E L U C A S Y L O P E Z . Estado d e la Universidad d e Alcalá desde sus más remotos principios q u e manifiesta sus fundadores, agregadores, reformadores, sus c a t h e d r a s y colegios, sus dependientes, y mi[ 144]
nistros, su jurisdicción, y potestad, sus bienes, y rentes, su m a n e j o , y distribución. Signed by a u t h o r (f.7). Alcala, TI98. Paper. 4, 74 ff., (ff.1-2, 72-7 blank), 1 folded table (chronology). 31 x 21 cm. Contemp. calf. Span. 45° A L C A L A D E H E N A R E S , Colegio m a y o r . Alega ta, inc.: J o s e p h d e la C a m e r a M a r t i n e z en n o m b r e del rector, a n d signed at e n d : D r . D r . Antonio Villanueva, Pacheco. Alcala, late 18th cent. Paper. 2, 164, 1 ff. (first and last blank). 31 x 21 cm. Contemp. boards. Span. 46° S A L A M A N C A , Universidad. M e m o r a n d u m on the state of universities in Spain, caused by the disturbances at the University of S a l a m a n c a , which h a d been investigated by D o n j u á n Pablo Forner.Salamanca?,late 18th cent. Paper. 24 ff. 30 x 21 cm. In folder. Span. 48° S P A N I S H U N I V E R S I T I E S . Miscellaneous documents. (Alcala, 1672; Barcelona, 1624; ibidem, 1854; Cervera, 1729; ibidem, 1792; ibidem, 1826; S a l a m a n c a , 1729; ibidem, 1779; Sevilla, 1730; Valladolid, 1715; Zaragoza, 1779; ibidem, 1790). Spain, 1612-1854. Paper and vellum. 12 ff. Various sizes; partly printed. In folder. Span. 49° B E R N A R D O P A B L O D E E S T R A D A Y N A B A [NAVA]. C o m p e n d i o geográfico y breve descricion del m u n d o , dase noticia d e las partes, q u e le componen, d e sus principales reynos, y probincias, con algunes noticias históricas, y u n resumen del descubrimiento y conquistas d e America. Spain, 1184. Paper. 140 ff. (ff.l, 139-40 blank). 20.5 x 15 cm. Contemp. vellum. In form of questions and answers. The author was "comisario ordenador de los reales exercitos, intendente de la Probincia de Valladolid, y corregidor de su capital." He does not appear in Palau y Dulcet. Span. 50° L O P E D E V E G A C A R P I O . Los Benavides. M a d r i d , 15 d e J u n i o d e 1600. H o l o g r a p h ms., signed. Madrid, 1600. Paper. 57 ff. (2 blank). 21 x 15.5 cm. Portfolio.—Prov.: Duke of Sessa; Karl Geigy-Hagenbach.—Cf. A. G. Reichenberger, " T h e Autograph Manuscript of Lope de Vega's Play Los Benavides;' The Library Chronicle, X X V I I I (1962): 106-8. [145]
Henry C. Lea Library Manuscripts Ms. Lea 1 (Lat) S T . A U G U S T I N E . D e spiritu et a n i m a , ff.lr-56v.-With IDEM. Soliloquia animae, ff.56v.-143v. Italy, September 13, 1463, by a scribe " G a s p a r " (ff.56v. a n d 143v.). Vellum. 144 ff. (last blank). 16 x 10.5 cm. Two illuminated initials (ff.l and 58). Contemp. blind-stamped calf over wooden boards, rebacked.—Prov.: Rev. Henry Drury. Ms. Lea 2 (Fr.) B R O U S S E S , Seignory. Livre des cens et rentes, inc.: Ceci est le livre des cens et rentes dehus a noble h o m e mossier It[h]ier Bonea, chevalier seignor des Brousses [i.e. Brosses], t a n t e n ble q u e en deniers. Et autres e
chousses es porroisses qui sansuyvent fait lan mil iii, iiii, et q u a t r e . (Among properties mentioned are D e la Barde, Lezignac, Chirac, C h a b a n e y s [i.e. Chabanais], Lobers, etc.). Charante?, 1384, with some later insertions. Vellum. 83 ff. (ff.9,19,29,39,49,59,68-9,81-3 blank; ff.19 and 81-2 are later inserts). 22 x 14 cm. H/morocco. Ms. Lea 3 (Lat) [ A R T E S D I C T A M I N I S ] , 1. T H O M A S D E C A P U A . S u r a m a dictaminis, seu ars scribendi q u a s c u m q u e epistolas, instrumenta, libellos, ff. l - 8 6 v . - 2 . J O H A N N E S B O N D I D E A Q U I L E G I A . Theorica, sive ars dictaminis, ff.87r-89v.—3. I D E M . Pratica sive usus dictaminis, ff.90v.-99r.—4. I D E M . T r a c t a t u s exordiendi, ff.99v.-105v. —5. I D E M . D e q u i b u s d a m usurpantibus alienum officium, ff.l06r-v.—6. I D E M . Libellus d e epythetis, f f . l 0 7 r - l l l r . — 7 . I D E M . Collectio florum super a r t e et usu dictaminis, ff.lllv-125v.—8. I D E M . Exordia super diversis materiis applicanda, ff.l27r-134v.—9. I D E M . Proverbia sive latina cursulata super diversis materiis a p p l i c a n d a , ff.l34v-136v.—10. I D E M . Exordia sive proverbia cursulata per a l p h a b e t u m collecta, ff.l37r-140r. — 11. I D E M . D e proverbiis Salomonis, ff,140v-142r.—12. IDEM. Exordia curialia in diversis negociis a p p l i c a n d a , ff,142r-v.—13. I D E M . L u c e r n a dictaminis, ff.l43r-155v. —14. I D E M . Q u a r e exornationes colores rethorici n o m i n a n t u r , ff.l55v-159v. —15. I D E M . Varietates exordiorum quibus a s u m m o pontifice audientia postulatur, ff.l59v.— 16. I D E M . Arengae a diversis doctoribus compillate, ff.l60r-166v. Bologna?, ca. 1350. Vellum. 166 ff. 29 x 21 cm. 19th-cent. morocco with crossed keys of the Abbey of Melk on spine.—Prov.: Monastery of Melk. Ad. Lea 3: This ms. was discovered at Melk (G 38 m. 2°) by Pertz and Schottky in 1820, and a copy was made for the Monumenta Gcrmaniae. This transcription served for the edition of Emmy Heller, Die Ars dictandi des Thomas von Capua (Heidelberg, 1929). [146]
Ms. Lea 4 (Lat) B R O C A R D U S T E U T O N I C U S . Veridica T e r r a e Sanctae . . . descriptio, ff.lr-42v, inc.: Incipit prologus in libellum d e descriptione T e r r e Sancte. C u m in veteribus ystoriis legimus.— With M A R I N O S A N U D O (copied by Peregrinus d e S a n t o Vito f r o m a text in the possession of the archbishop of R a v e n n a ) . D e m o d o recuperationis T e r r e Sancte, ff.42v-49v.—IN L I B R O M O N A C H O R U M de temporalibus contemnendis, f.49v, inc.: M e n s t u a terrenis non inhereat a t q u e c a d u c i s . - M E T R A M O R A L I U M P H I L O S O P H O R U M de virtutibus, f.50r, inc.: Q u i c q u i d agas ratio consulta p r e a m b u l e t a c t u m . . . (8 poems of which 2 are in H . Walther, Initio carminum, [Göttingen, 1959], cf. his nos. 3557 a n d 1 4 5 9 5 ) . - H I S T O R I A B E A T I A L B A N I , ff.51r-55v, inc.: Erat olim in p a r t i b u s Aquilonis (cf. Bollandists, Bibl. hag. lat., [Brussels, 1898-9], I, p . 34). Italy, Uth-cent. Vellum. 57 ff. (last two blank). 25 x 18 cm. Two ilium, initials (ff.lr and 51r). 17th-cent. boards.—Initials P.F. on fly leaf and f.57v, traces of earlier ownership notadon (L.S.M.?) on f.57v. Ms. Lea 5 (Ital.)* A S S I Z E S O F R O M A N I A . (Ms. unlisted by Georges Recoura, ed., Assises de Romanie). Venice?, early 16th cent. Paper. 43 ff. 28 x 19 cm. Contemp. vellum.—From the libraries of the Jesuit Father Matteo Canonici, and the Rev. Walter Sneyd. Ms. Lea 6 (Lat) [ A V I G N O N E S E P A P A C Y ] . 1. J O H N X X I I . Register of bulls, interdicts, etc., ff.lr-123r (42 in n u m b e r , all in full, all pertaining to the struggle with the E m p e r o r Louis of Bavaria; the prefixed " t a b u l a , " ff. 1-2, ends: Explicit tabula in proccssibus contra Bavarum et adherentes eidem in occupatione imperii romani).—2. I N N O C E N T V I and G R E G O R Y X I . Register of p a p a l letters, 1352-1378, ff,125r-276v, inc.: Et p r i m o littere missive et commissiones facte per c a m e r a m apostolicam de mense J a n u a r i i a n n o primo. (Innocent V I , 112 letters dealing mostly with affairs of England, F r a n c e a n d Sicily, ff,125-179v; Gregory X I , 142 letters, ff,179v-243; Gregory X I , 23 letters in French, mostly to king of France, Charles V , ff.243-262; miscellaneous papal letters, mostly of U r b a n V, ff.263-276). Avignon?, early 15th-cent. Paper. 281 ff. (ff.3-6,124,277-281 blank). 29 x 21 cm. 17th-18th-cent. motded calf, with the arms of C.F. de Lamoignon (1644-1709). Ms. Lea 7 (Lat.) R A Y M O N D U S D E S A B U N D E . Theologia naturalis. Germany, 28 April 1487, " p e r m a n u m J o h a n n i s Vischer" (f.l99r). Paper. 199 ff. 31 x 21 cm. Boards (incunable leaf). Ad. Lea 4, no. 1: Better known as Burchardus de Monte Sion. [147]
Ms. Lea 8 (Lat) [MILAN], Proceedings of a suit between the brothers Constantius and Daniel de Vicario, and Jacobus de Pego, syndicus fiscalis. Notarized by Jacobus de Guida. Milan, 1470. Paper. 109 ff. 29 x 20 cm. H / l e a t h e r . — M o r b i o Collection (sale 1889, no. 716).
Ms. Lea 9 (ItaL)* ASSISE D E L A L T A C O R T E D E L R E G N O D E H I E R U S A L E M E T C Y P R O , tradutte in itagliano [from the French text of J e a n d'lbelin, by Florio Bustron (cf. f.23v)]. (The date of the ms., before the printing of 1535, suggests that this may be the holograph of Florio Bustron). Cyprus?, 3'Jan. 1533 (n.s.). Papier. 349 ff. 30 x 21 cm. 17th-cent. vellum.—19th cent, armorial bookplate " L a vertue est la seule noblesse." Sir H a r r y Luke.
Ms. Lea 10 (Ital.) [ST. U R S U S ] , La vita de Sancto Orso de antiquissimo codice latino fidelmente de parola in parola in vulgar lingua tradutta per il Reverendo M . Padre Alberto Bischazza, inc.: Nella provincia di Franza imperante Carlo per cognome Magno. (With notarial statement, but without seal or signature, by Johannes Franciscus de Platea of Vincenza. This St. Orso is a local saint venerated in the village of the same n a m e in the district of Vicenza; cf., Acta Sanctorum, [Paris, 1866], M a y v . l l , pp. 430-432). Prayer to St. Ursus on paper f. preceding the Vita. Vicenza?, 1539. Vellum. 14 ff. 18 x 12 cm. Decorated initial (f.2v).—Prov.: Sir T h o m a s Phillipps (no.6894).
Ms. Lea 11 (Lat.) P R O V I N C I A L E secundum provincias, ft.\A0.— With: Table of contents, 26 chapters, of unidentified book on natural sciences, f . l l . Germany?, J5th-cent. Paper. 11 ff. 13.5 x 9.5 cm. Boards.
Ms. Lea 12 (Lat) B O S C O M A R E N G O . Statuta. Bosco Marengo, 15th-cent. (date 1493 on f.lxxxv) ; with additions in later hands. Vellum. 6 ff. index, 1 f., 87 ff., 1 f. ( = 95 ff.) 27.5 x 20 cm. Contemp. calf.— Prov.: Conte Pietro Civaleri; Walter Ashbumer.—Cf. L. Fontana, Bibliografia degli statuti dei comuni dell'Italia superiore, (Turin, 1907), I, p. 159.
Ms. Lea 13 (Lat) J A C O B U S R A G O N A . Regulae artificialis memoriae, ff.lr-15v, inc.: Jussu tuo princeps. . . . — With J U V E N C U S C O E L I U S CALANUS. [ 148]
Historia A t t i l a e H u n n o r u m regis, ff,16r-23v, inc.: H u n n i q u i et N a v a r e s . . . . Italy, 1471 (f.23v: L . D . S . scripsit. . . . 1471). Paper. 24 ff. (last blank). 20.5 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Cf. J . Rosenthal, Bibliotheca medii aivi manuscripta . . . Kat.90, (Munich, n.d.), no.184. Ms. Lea 14 (Ital.) [ F L O R E N C E ] , Gli u l t i m i anheliti d e l l a m o r i b u n d a R e p ú b l i c a Fiorentina rappresentati alla Maestà dell'Imperatore Carlo Quinto . . . 1535. C o n t a i n s : 1. G A L B O T T O G I U G N I . N a r r a t a n e del processo d e l l a c a u s a a g i t a t a appresso la C e s a r e a M a e s t à , ff.8r-95r.—2. J A C O P O N A R D I . Discorso esposto a g l ' a g e n t i cesarei in Napoli . . . 1536, ff.99r-138r. — 3. I D E M . Discorso, ff,140r-170v.—4. L E T T E R A de fuorusciti fiorentini all'illmo. sigr. Conte di Sifonte . . . 1535, ff,176r192v. — 5. J A C O P O N A R D I . E s p o s t o n e del salmo quinto, ff,195r213v. — 6. U L T I M A R I M O S T R A N Z A o supplica della R e p ú b l i c a Fiorentina, ff.217r-237r.-7. C A P I T U L A ET C O N D I T I O N E S PAC I S inter . . . d e m e n t e m V I I et C a r o l u m V . . . , ff.240r-262r. Florence?, early 17th-cent. Paper. 268 ff. (ff.1-5,7,96-98,139,171-175,193-194,214-216,238-239,263268 blank). 30 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 15 a tal.) [ T U R K I S H - P E R S I A N W A R ] , Successi della g u e r r a fra S u l t a n A m u n a t [i.e. M u r a d I I I ] i m p e r a t o r e d e T u r c h i , et F a c h M e h e m e t C a t a n e t [i.e. M a h o m m e d K u t a b a n d a ] re di Persia, et li Georgiani christiani dalli 1577, fino 1581. Italy, late 16th-cent. Paper. 28 ff. 26 x 21 cm. Boards. Ms. Lea 16 (Lat.) [ C A T H O L I C C H U R C H ] , 1. F O R M E R O M A N E C U R I E super beneficiis et questionibus, ff.lr-79r, inc.: In litteris i n d u l g e n t i e videlicet. —2. T H O M A S (or T h o m a s i u s ) O F C A P U A . F o r m e R o m a n e C u r i e super casibus penitentie, ff.79v-104r. (Published by H . C. L e a in A Formulary of the Papal Penitentiary in the Thirteenth Century, [ P h i l a d e l p h i a , 1892]). Italy, ca. 1290. Vellum. 7 ff. register, 72 numbered ff. (f.22 lacking), 26 ff. ( = 104 instead of 105 ff.) 22 x 15 cm. H/calf.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea.—Cf. C. H. Haskins, "Two Roman Formularies in Philadelphia." in Miscellanea Francesco Ehrli, (Rome, 1924), IV, pp.275-286. Ad. Lea 13, no. 1: Cf. Paolo Rossi in Rivista critica di storia della filosofia, X I I I (1958), 163-5.—No. 2: The translation from Greek into Latin was made by Ponticus Virunius; cf. R . Sabbadini in Giornale storico della litteratura italiana, X L V I I (1906), 36-7. [149]
Ms. Lea 17 (Lat)* SUMMULA DE CASIBUS, inc.: Peccata que ad episcopum debent mieti (cf. Schulte, op. ext., II, 534). Italy?, 1356 (cf. f.2r; correct date?). Paper. 68 ff. (ff.l, 67 blank; ff.2 and 86 with extraneous text). 20 x 13 cm. Decorated initials. Bound in 14th-cent. vellum notarial document. Ms. Lea 18 (Lat)* ST. ANTONINUS FLORENTINUS. Confessionale. Italy, second halj 15th cent. Paper. 208 ff. 15 x 10 cm. H/morocco.—Prov.: Presbyter Marcus Bonvesinus (16th-cent.); Conte Paolo Vimercati-Sozzi; Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 19 (Lat) SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY. 1. AQUA PHILOSOPHICA atque occulta, f.lr-v, inc.: Sunt aliqui dicentes.—2. GEBER. De investigat i o n magisterii, ff.2r-10r.—3. ARNOLDUS DE VILLA NOVA. Rosa novella, ff.10r-14r.-4. VASA CHEMICA, ff.l4v-22v, inc.: Primo et principali ter in omnibus.—5. GEBER [?]. De investigatione perfectionis magisterii, ff.23r-34r, inc.: Considerarmi in nostris voluminibus.— 6. PRACTICA magni philosophi, ff.34r-44r, ine.: Fiat primo dissolutio. —7. OPUS UNIVERSALE, ff.44r-47r, inc.: In primo sublima mercurium.—8. PHILOSOPHUS PERPULCER et nobilis quo ad veram viam universalem [later hand on margin: 2" pars pholis ], ff.47r-64r, inc.: Nunc in dei benedictione.—9. ANTHONIUS. Tractatus concordiarum philosophorum de lapide philosophorum M. Anthonii, ff.64r-75v, inc.: Philosophi de lapide philosophorum loquentes.—10. JOHANNES DE RUPESCISSA [Cf. Thorndike, Catalogue of Incipits, , col. 424, here ascribed to RAYMUNDUS LULLUS], Liber lucis, ff.75v-80r, inc.: Natura seu materia lapidis. —11. UNIVERSALE quomodo corpora in primam materiam reducantur [title on margin, in later hand: MERCURIUS CORPORIS], ff.80r-93v.—12. SYNONIMA CORPORUM, spirituum et salium cum signis, ff.93v-102v, inc.: Sol O. —13. TRACTATUS UTILIS de materia et generatione metallorum [later hand on margin: "Est cap. 2, lib. 3" ALBERTI de minerali bus"], ff.l02v108v, inc.: Per artem autem.-14. TRACTATUS PERPULCER de generatione et corruptione metallorum, ff.l09r-119r, inc.: Queritur utrum per adunamentum artis. —15. DIALOGUS IN MISEROS et stolidos alchymistas, ff.ll9v-122r, inc.: Spero alchimie prosperos exitua. Germany, third quarter 15th cent. Paper. 122 ff. and 1 f. inserted between ff.75-76. 21 x 14 cm. Drawings of chemical apparatus and chemical symbols. H/morocco over original wooden boards.—Prov.: Georg Kloss; George T. Strong; Henry C. Lea.—Several of the [150]
, p . 52: C u m d o r m i r e n t homines). Germany, 15th cent. (Pfeuffer d a t e d 1477; written in several hands). Paper. 362 ff. (5 ff. removed before numbering falling between ff.307 and 308). 30 x 21 cm. Original blind-stamped leather over w o o d e n boards, reb a c k e d . — G i v e n (1560) by J o h a n n e s Regensperger to Liboritz(?) in Crailszh e i m ; H e n r y C. Lea. Ad. Lea 19, N o . 5: Cf. Thorndike, Incipits, 2nd ed., col. 2 5 2 . — N o . 7: Listed by Thorndike, ibid., col. 710 as Geber, Liber claritatis a l c h e m i e . — N o . 8: Cf. ibid., col. 965, perhaps by R u d i a n u s . — N o . 9: Cf. ibid., col. 1040 and printed ed. cited under "Licet in ista."—No. 10: O n this work by J o h a n n e s d e Rupescissa, cf. Thorndike, History of Magic, I I I , 3 6 5 - 9 . — N o . 14: A d u n a m e n t u m read adiuvamentum.
Ms. Lea 23 (Lat.) J O H N D E B U R G H . Pupilla oculi. England, ca. 1400. Vellum. 192 ff. 25 x 18 cm. Vellum.—Belonged (15th cent.) to church St. Daniel; Sir Thomas Phillipps (no.20547); Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 24 (Lat) [ P E T R U S L O M B A R D U S ] , R e g i s t r u m p r i m i [-quarti] libri sentent i a r u m , (index to St. Augustine's Civitas dei, etc.), ff.lr-33v.— With N I C O L A S M A G N U S D E J A U R [ I N O ? ] . T r a c t a t u s d e superstitionibus, ff.35r-63v, inc.: Q u o n i a m l u m b i mei. — B A R T H O L O M A E U S O X O N I E N S I S . L e c t u r a e super " f i r m i t e r c r e d i m u s " lectae in studio wienensi . . . 1414, ff.64r-154v, inc.: Ad l a u d e m et gloriam in mense.— C A S P A R D E C A L D R I N I S . T r a c t a t u s d e indulgentiis, ff.l55r-174r, inc.: Nostro p o s t u l a s t i . - P R O H I B I T I O D E P R O P R I E T A T E T E N E N D A [correct title?], ff.l74r-176r, inc.: N o n dictatis.—DE H O R I S C A N O N I C I S , ff.l76v-179v. — ( M a r g i n a l commentaries in a c o n t e m p o r a r y h a n d t h r o u g h o u t various parts of t h e ms.) Germany, first half 15th cent. Paper. 179 ff. 30 x 22 cm. Contemp. blind-stamped calf.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 25 (Sp.) [ M E X I C O , Inquisition], 1. Processo gr" Ysabel Rodriguez, n a t u r a l dela Salceda en Portugal, m u g e r d e M a n u e l Diaz, m e r c a d e r . . . d e Mexico, 1, 144 ff.—2. Processo gr a M a n u e l Diaz, m e r c a d e r n a t u r a l del Fondenel, reyno de Portugal. Vezino desta c i u d a d d e Mexico, 154 ff.— 3. Processo gr a Sebastian Rodriguez, n a t u r a l dela villa d e S a n c t Vicente del obispado D e l a g u a r d i a en Portugal, 2, 179 ff. (Notarized original records of the proceedings of t h r e e trials, held in Mexico in 1595). Mexico, 1595. Paper. 450 ff. 31 x 22 cm. H/leather.—Prov.: General Riva Palacio; Henry C. Lea. Cf. H. C. Lea, The Inquisition in the Spanish Dependencies (New York, 1908), p.208. Ms. Lea 26 (Lat.) T R E N T , Council. Declarationes concilii sacrosancti T r i d e n t i n i decret o r u m a cardinalibus . . . a d diversos episcopos et praelatos missae, seu ad alias particulares personas acscriptae . . . u s q u e ad a n n u m 1591. Italy, ca. 1600. Paper. 1 blank, 258, 2 blank ff. 27 x 20 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: "Biblioteca dei PP. Dotninicani del Convento di S. Maria della Quercia presso Viterbo"; Henry C. Lea. Ad. Lea 24: This ms. not included in the list of mss. of the Tractatus de superstitionibus in Adolph Franz, Der Magister Nikolaus Magni de Jawor (Freiburg i.b., 1898), pp. 255-64.—NICOLAS MAGNUS DE JAUR[INO?] read NICOLAS MAGNI DE J A U E R . [153]
Ms. Lea 27 (Lat.) O T T O I I I , E m p e r o r . D i p l o m a issued to A d a m , son of T e u t i o ; it takes A d a m u n d e r imperial protection a n d gives him the right to live u n d e r R o m a n law. Pavia, July 10, 1000. Vellum. 1 f. 44 x 36 cm. In frame. For text and bibliography, see J . F. Böhmer, Die Regesten des Kaiserreiches unter Otto III, new ed., 1956, no. 1386, indicating prov. as Archivio Magherini Graziani. Ms. Lea 28 a tal.) C O R R I S P O N D E N Z A A C C I A I O L I . T w o separate collections: I. Four a u t o g r a p h letters by Niccolo Acciaioli and two a u t o g r a p h letters by other m e m b e r s of the family. 1. N I C C O L O A C C I A I O L I to J a c o p o di D o n a t o a n d Simone di Lione Acciaioli on business affairs, Naples, 1342, 2 ff. — 2. I D E M to J a c o p o di D o n a t o and Giovanni Richi on cession of P r a t o to Florence a n d founding of Certosa del Galuzzo, Naples, 1349, 1 f.—3. I D E M to Angelo Acciaioli, J a c o p o di D o n a t o and Giovanni Richi on P r a t o purchase, Ascoli, 1351, 1 f.—4. I D E M to same on the political situation resulting from arrival of E m p e r o r Charles I V in Italy, Naples, 1354, 1 f.—5. N E R I D I J A C O P O A C C I A I O L O to Giovanni Acciaioli on family affairs, Avignon, 1360, 1 f.—6. B E N E D E T T O A C C I A I O L I to Lorenzo Acciaioli referring to d e a t h of Lorenzo's d a u g h t e r M a r g a r i t a , Naples, ca. 1390, 1 f.—II. T w e n t y - n i n e letters addressed to D o n a t o Acciaioli, ca. 1384-1395, mostly on political matters, by Pietro G a m b a c o r t i , J a c o p o d'Appiano, Gentile I I I d a V a r r a n o , Galleotto T a r l a t i , Bertoldo degli Orsini, R i n a l d o degli Orsini, Federigo G o n z a g a , C o n r a d von Anchelberg, R o b e r t o Caracciolo, Pietro da P r a t a , Lodovico Aliotti, Cosimo di Migliorati (later Pope Innocent V I I ) , etc. Various places, 1342-1395. Paper. 36 ff. Various sizes. Each document in individual plastic slip-case, bound in cloth. Ms. Lea 29 (Ital.) [ M O N C A D A F A M I L Y ] . R a v a g l i o genealogico dell'inclita stirpe de M o n c a d i , ff.32r-99v, preceded by introduction a n d genealogical tables, a n d followed by S a n g u e reale trasfuso dalli rè antichi nelle vene de' M o n c a d i . Italy, late 17th cent. Paper. 114 ff. 33 x 24 cm. Full-page coat of arms on f.2r. Contemp. calf with coat of arms on front and back cover.—Prov.: D. Ferdinando de Moncada. Ms. Lea 30 (Ital.) C O S I M O I I I D E M E D I C I . Lettere del G r a n Duca Cosimo I I I scritte al M a r c h e s e M o n t a u t i inviato di T o s c a n a alla corte cesarea (16941696), ff.l-41.-WWi F R A N C E S C O D E M E D I C I . Lettere del Cardinale Francesco M . de' M e d i c i scritte al Marchese M o n t a u t i inviato di [154]
T o s c a n a alla corte cesarea (1690, 1 6 9 4 - 1 6 9 6 ) , c i p h e r ) . Florence, 1690-1696.
( P a r t l y in
Paper. 123 ff. (ind. some blank). 29 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum, Medici coat of arms on front cover. Ms. Lea 31 (Ital.) C O S I M O I I I D E M E D I C I . Lettere di p u g n o di C o s i m o T e r z o scritte al M a r c h e s e M o n t a u t i inviato alla corte cesarea. N o n o r d i n a t e . ( P a r t l y in c i p h e r ) . Florence, 1695-1698. Paper. 169 ff. (incl. some blank). 30 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 32 (Ital.) C O S I M O I I I D E M E D I C I . Lettere [al M a r c h e s e M o n t a u t i ] . ( P a r t l y in cipher). Florence, 1672-1693. Paper. 80 ff. (incl. some blank). 21 x 15 cm. Contemp. vellum.—See also Ms. Lea 198, part of the same collection, but acquired more recently. Ms. Lea 33 (Ital.) P A O L O S A R P I . Dell'origine d e ' b e n i , e benefitii ecclesiastici, e del d o m i n i o di essi, discorso (i.e. his T r a t t a t o delle m a t e r i e beneficiarie). W i t h corrections in a c o n t e m p . h a n d . Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 2 ff., 155 pp., 9 ff. 31 x 22 cm. In folder. Ms. Lea 34 (Lat.) F E R R A R A . Collection of notarial d o c u m e n t s , i n c o m p l e t e at b e g i n n i n g (starting with f.126). T h e first five ff. a r e n o t a r i z e d copies f r o m t h e year 1637; followed by t h r e e earlier d o c u m e n t s (1589, 1518, 1506); c h r o n o logically consecutive copics, 1626-1668, a n d a n a m e i n d e x ( f f . 8 8 - 9 2 ) . Ferrara, 1506-1668. Vellum and paper. 95 ff. (incl. some blank). 30 x 21 cm. Contemp. boards. Ms. Lea 35 a tal.) P A O L O S A R P I (supposed a u t h o r ) . O p i n i o n e c o m e d e b b a governarsi i n t e r n a m e n t e ed e s t e r n a m e n t e la r e p u b b l i c a di V e n e z i a . (A. BianchiGiovini, Biografia di Frà Paolo Sarpi, < B a s l e , 1 8 4 7 > , p p . 4 7 9 - 4 8 0 , no. 1 lists t h e Opinione u n d e r " o p e r e f a l s a m e n t e a t t r i b u i t e a F r à P a o l o S a r p i " ) . Italy, 1615? Paper. 84 ff. (last blank). 20 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum, village scene painted on back cover. Ms. Lea 37 (Ital.) C A R L O B O R G O . Anecdoti interessanti di storia e di critica sulla M e m o r i a cattolica . . . 1787, f f . l r - 1 3 7 v ( w i t h c o n t e n t s as described for t h e p r i n t e d edition by A. d e Backer a n d C. S o m m e r v o g e l , Bibl. de la [155]
Compagnie de Jesus, [Brussels, 1890], v. I, col. 1797, no. 4). — With V I L L E G A S D I S T A I M B O U R G . L e t t e r a . . . scritta a l l ' A b b a t e Lefeller, e s t a m p a t o nel suo diario sotto il di 16 aprile 1790, pag. 632, ff.138-139. Italy?, post 1790. Paper. 139 ff. 26 x 18 cm. Contemp. h/vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea.— Incl. the text of the Memoria cattolica and the Osservazioni sul Breve di Pio VI condannatorio della Memoria. Ma. Lea 38 (Sp.) T A S S A S D E LA C O R T E D E R O M A en m a t e r i a d e breves y dispensaciones: I. D e los impedimentos, p o r los quales n o se p u e d e c o n t r a h e r m a t r i m o n i o . . . ; I I . D e las causas beneficíales . . . ; I I I . D e diversas causas y materias . . . t a n t o in foro conscientiae, q u a n t o in exteriori. . . . Spain, ca. 1725. Paper. 49 ff. 26 x 19 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 39 (Sp.) P I E R R E M A T T H I E U [supposed a u t h o r , cf.f.7r, pencilled note of H . C. Lea]. C o m p e n d i o de la vida de el R e y de España Felipe Segundo, ff.lr-45r.— With C E S A R V I C H A R D D E S A I N T - R E A L [supposed a u t h o r , cf.f.45v]. Relación tragica y veridica de D o n Carlos, principe de E s p a ñ a . . . . E n Colonia, p o r Federico Barbo, 1680, ff.45v-120r.— Excerpts f r o m various 16th-century works on D o n Carlos, ff.l21r-213r. Low Countries?, early 18th cent. Paper. 213 ff. 30 x 20 cm. H/morocco.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 40 a tal.) P I E T R O D I Ñ O R E S . Della g u e r r a f r a Filippo I I , re di S p a g n a , e P a p a Paolo Q u a r t o . Italy, 1688 ("scritto in R o m a . . . 1644, e copiato d a m e L o r e n z o di Agostini . . . 1688"). Paper. 169 ff. 26 x 19 cm. Contemp. h/leather.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 41 (Lat. and Ita!.) V E N I C E . J u r a m e n t u m capitulare, a d v o c a t o r u m per offitia rivoalti, written " i n expensis M a r c o Zeni . . . [et] Francisco C o n t a r m i " (f.l5r). Venice, ca. 1526, in a calligraphic h a n d . Vellum. 15 ff. 20.5 x 14 cm. Illuminated border, initial and coats of arms on f.lr. Vellum, decorated with the lion of St. Mark. Ms. Lea 42 (Lat) L A U R E N T I U S C Y N T H I U S . T r a c t a t u s de misericordia ad J a c o b u m G u i c c i a r d i n u m ( = J a c o p o di Piero, d . 1490). E p i g r a m of 3 distychs, f.lv, inc.: Si cupis in coelum transcendere t r a m i t e recto; text, f.2r-9v, inc.: L a u r e n t i u s C y n t h i u s I a c o b o G u i c c i a r d i n o S.P.D. C u m superioribus diebus; St. J o h n Chrysostom. T e s t a m e n t (in Greek), ff.l0r-v; con[156]
eludes with epilogue, f . l l r , inc.: Hec habui mi J a c o b e : quae carptim de misericordiae operibus ad te scriberem. Hoc nunc ego . . . a d d a m quod Leo pont. max. dicit in sermonibus, followed by 10 lines of Greek (Phökyllidou . . .). Italy, late 15th cent. Paper. 11 fT. 22 x 15 cm. In portfolio. Ms. Lea 43 (Ital.) PERUGIA, San Lorenzo. Constitutiones ecclesiae Sancti Laurentii, cathedralis Perusiae reformate, de horis canonicis quotidie in choro dicendis. Perugia, ca. 1628. Paper. 33 ff. 22 x 15 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 44 (Ital.) [VINCENZO COLONNA], Genealogica discendenza del ramo del Marchese Don Vincenzo Colonna, principiandola con più certa notizia dall'anno 950. . . . (Copies of documents establishing Vincenzo Colonna's genealogy, with notarization, testimonials, and the seal of Prince Philippus Hercolani at end). Italy, 1706. Paper. 28 ff. 28 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. decorated paper wrapper.—Prov.: Prince Liechtenstein. Ms. Lea 45 (Lat.) P E T R U S DE PALUDE. Extracts from Liber bellorum domini, articles 105-112 and 192-195 concerning the Albigensian Crusade, ff.lr-24r, inc.: Centesimus quintus articulus prime partis de bello domini contra quosdam Saracenos et contra Albigenses hereticos . . . habet tres conclusiones; and articles 142-148, concerning the eighth-century martyrs Amelius and Amicus, ff.24v-32v, inc.: Centesimus quadragesimus sccundus articulus de bcllis domini . . . habet tres conclusiones. The ms. ends: "Explicit hie liber/ de pena sum modo liber/Explicit hoc totum/ pro pena da michi potum/ Explicit expliciat/ ludere scriptor eat/'. Finito libro sit laus et gloria Christo." Southern France, first quarter 15th cent., by a scribe Rolandus de Monte. Paper. 32 ff. 29.5 x 21.5 cm. 17th-cent. vellum.—A 17th-cent. note indicates that the complete work was "in bibliotheca nostra parisiensi" (f.32v). By the 18th cent. Quétif could not find the work in the Dominican convent of St. Jacques in Paris {Script. Praed., I, 608). Cf. Hist. litt, de la France, XXXVII, 180-82. Ms. Lea 46 (Ital. and Fr.) [ M I C H E L E ANTONIO VIBO CORRESPONDENCE], Collection of 254 letters, 1670-1681, largely sent from Avignon by Cardinal Paluzzo Altieri, Michele Zaccharia, Carlo d'Anguisciola, Giaconto Libelli, Mustio Estense Giuseppe, and others to the governor of Carpentras, Michele Antonio Vibó. Avignon and Turin, 1670-1681. Paper. 510 ff. 27 x 20 cm. H/calf. [157]
Ms. Lea 47 (Fr.) L I E G E . Pawilhar. Collection of laws, privileges a n d customs of the county of Liège, ff.lr-258r, inc.: Alyance defencive.— With L I E G E . Constitution d u conseil, ff.259r-269v. Liège, after July 27, 1521. Paper. 269 ff. (ff.29,30 and 132 blank). 29 x 20 cm. Full-page coat of arms (f.258v). H/calf.—Prov.: Hermann Suchier. Ms. Lea 48 (Fr.) D E LA B E A U M E . Relation, en f o r m e d'histoire, de la revoke des fanatiques, ou camisards. 1707. (Copied f r o m the original ms., then in the possession of the M a r q u i s d ' A u b a i s ) . France, 1707? Pap>er. 462 pp., plus indices at end. 26 x 18 cm. Contemp. calf.—Prov.: Antoine de Valette-Travesac. Ms. Lea 49 (Ital. and Lat.) V E N I C E . C a p i t o l a n o d e le p a r t e et ordeni del officio di magistri signori tre savii areveder le r a x o n delà illustrissima signoria per conto del cancello de le 30 e 40 per cento. (Ff.1-5 a n d 19-33 in the earliest h a n d , with additions in various later h a n d s ) . Venice, 1519-1626. Vellum. 63 if. (f. 18 lacking). 33 x 23 cm. Ilium, first f. with the lion of St. Mark, three coats of arms with initials I.R., I.D., F.P. and the date 11 Jan. 1519, ilium, motto "nomine dissimiles non mente," three coats of arms with initials A.E., M.M., and B.B. and date 1528 on f.34r. Contemp. blind-stamped calf over wooden boards.—Book plates of John Ruskin Brantwood and Edward Cheney, with note "E.C. Venice, March 26, 1835, given to me by Rawdon Brown." Ms. Lea 50 (Fr.) N I C O L A S D O N G O I S . Recueil criminel depuis 1312 j u s q u ' à 1603 . . . p a r M . Dongois, greffier-en-chef d u P a r l e m e n t , qui a tiré ce recueil sur les registres d u greffe criminel. Paris, early 18th-cent. Paper. 3 vols. (790,660 & 630 pp.). 37 x 25 cm. Contemp. calf. Prov.: A. Taillandier?, who in writing a biogr. note for Hoefer's Nouvelle biogr. générale (XIV, col. 551-2) indicates that he owned a three-volume ms. of the Recueil. Ms. Lea 51 (Lat.) B U L L A R I U M A U G U S T I N I A N U M . Collection of p a p a l letters a n d instruments dealing with t h e order of t h e E r e m i t e Friars of St. Augustine, in two parts (ff.lr-69v; 71r-125v). W r i t t e n " a d u s u m fratris J o a n n i s Angeli d e C r e m a [by] Antonius Melius . . . confcepit] m a n u p r o p r i a " ( f . l r ) ; f.71r contains an attestatur by Georgius Franciotus: " F r a t e r Antonius d e Meliis Cremensis, prior conventus St. Augustini L u c a e Ad. Lea 48: Author's full name: Charles-Joseph de La Baume. Ed. Abbé Goiffon, 2nd ed. (Nîmes, 1874). [158]
. . . nobis exhibuit et ostendit quasdam litteras apostolicas . . ."; copy of notarial statement by "Antonius domini Andreae de Recaneto publicus et imperiali auctoritate notarius," f,125r. Italy, 1505-1506. Vellum. 4, 134 ff. (f.l and 134 pasted against covers of binding; prel. f.4v and ff.126, 127 contain notes by former owner Federico Patetta). 1 8 x 1 3 cm. Ilium, border with portrait (Sixtus IV?) on f.lr and border on f.71r, ilium, initials throughout. Contemp. stamped calf, spine repaired. Ms. Lea 52 (Lat.) V A L P E R G A . Statuta (incomplete at beginning and end). Valperga, ca. 1400. Paper. 23 ff. (f.l, and one or more ff. at end, missing). 30 x 22.5 cm. Portfolio.—-Cf. L. Fontana, Bibliografia degli statuti dei comuni deWItalia superiore, (Turin, 1907), III, pp.260-261, describing two 14th-cent. mss., one incomplete at beginning, the other at end. Ms. Lea 53 (Lat.) V I G L I A N O D ' A S T I . Statuta communitatis Viglani edita per homines et communitatem dicti loci Viglani, diocesis and capitaneatus Astensis. Vigliano, 18 May, 1488, and earlier. Vellum. 16 ff. 24 x 18 cm. Contemp. h/calf over wooden boards, vellum f. written in Carolingian minuscule (ca.1100?) used as fly-leaf. Cf. L. Fontana, op.cit., I l l , p.356 who mentions what appears to be the identical ms., reported to him by G. Dellavalle. Ff. 4 and 8 rewritten in a different hand; at the bottom of each is the inscription "Corector ego idem Ansermus Robusti . . . rector in civitate Alexandrie," who notes on f. 14 under the date 1488 that he extracted these statutes from a "certain volume" with the addition of other clauses "defficientes in dictis statutis," obtained by Aratinus(?) de Pectinaciis, of the town of Alexandria. Ms. Lea 54 (Lat.) C A S T I N O . Statuta et ordinamenta edita et condita per comunem et homines loci Castini [1471]. Primo, ut omnis tollatur litigiorum materia . . . Costino, 1471, with a few later additions (f.23). Vellum. 20 ff. (f. 19 missing), 3 ff. 24 x 17 cm. Illuminated initial and coat of arms (f.l). Contemp. wooden boards, vellum f. (12th-cent. missal leaf) used as fly-leaf.—Prov.: Giuseppe Combetti of Turin. Cf. L. Fontana, op.cit., I, p.294, describing the identical ms. Ms. Lea 55 (Lat.) P H I L I P U S [ B R U S S E R I U S ] D E C I V I T A D E I . Descriptio Terrae Sanctae, ff.lr-llv, inc.: Quoniam natura humana presertim huius seculi amatorum. . . —With M A R C U S D E V E N E T I I S , Historia Hierosolimitana (1487), ff.llv-122v, inc.: Postquam divine propitia[159]
tionis munificenter exercitus christiani. . . . — 3. O T T O O F F R E I S I N G . Chronicon, ff.l23r-231r. Southern Germany, 1487. Paper. 231 ff. 21 x 16 cm. Contemp. blind-stamped leather over wooden boards.—Prov.: Boies Penrose II; James P. R. Lyell. Ms. Lea 56 (Lat.) B A L A N G E R O , M A T H I a n d V I L L A N O V A di M a t h i . Statuta. (Vidimus of Duke A m a d e u s of Savoy, of the statutes of Balangero, M a t h i , a n d Villanova di M a t h i , issued by his mother Bona of Bourbon). Italy, 1461-7463. Vellum. Rotula of 10 sheets (35 x 47 cm.) sewn together, the confirmation at end torn and somewhat incomplete. In container. Cf. L. Fontana, op.cit., I, p.77, describing the identical ms. Ms. Lea 57 (Lat.) [ C A T H O L I C C H U R C H ] , T a x e cancellane apostolice, inc.: O m n i u m b u l l a r u m d u o sunt genera, a l t e r u m d e beneficiis non consistorialibus. . . . ( O n the charges to be levied for various services, by the apostolic chancery). France, ca. 1500. Paper. 32 ff. (ff. 19-20 blank). 21 x 14.5 cm. 17th-cent. calf.—Bookplate "C.S. Iordani et amicorum." Commentar)' on ms. by earlier owner on 2 prel. ff. Ms. Lea 58 (Lat.) S O N C I N O . Statuta terrae Soncini. Soncino, 17th cent. Paper. 6,2 blank, 159 ff. (first signature of 12 ff. missing). 20.5 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. boards.—Cf. Fontana, op.cit., I l l , pp. 123-124. Ms. Lea 59 (Lat) D E C A S I B U S C O N S C I E N T I A E . Q u a r t a pars doctrinae d e casibus conscientiae, posita in consideratione p o e n a r u m ecclesiasticarum, ff.lr-364v, inc.: Consideratio p o e n a r u m ecclesiasticarum ad m o d u m utilis est sacerdotibus.— With C L E M E N T V I I I . Literae processus S . D . N . D . Clementis p a p a e V i l i lectae die coenae domini An. 1598, [originally printed?] R o m a e , a p u d impressores camerales, M D X C V I , ff.366-379.—DE C A S I B U S R E S E R V A T I S , et n o m i n a t i m de iis q u i reservantur in bulla Coenae domini, ff.380r-514r, inc.: Q u a n t i m o m e n t i sit haec consideratio (a long c o m m e n t a r y on Clement V I I I ' s bull). France?, ca. 1598. Paper. 514 ff. 1 3 x 9 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 60 (Lat.) P E R U G I A , Inquisition. Acts of the proceedings of the inquisition u n d e r the podestà of Perugia a n d the administration of Alessandro Zeno. A m o n g the accused are R o m a n e l l u s Egidii, J a c o b u s Craccii, [160]
Augustinus Vannutii and J o a n n e s Menchutii. Notarial copy of J o h a n n e s de Novara. Perugia, 1448-1449. Paper. 14 ff. 30 x 22 cm. H/vellum.
Ms. Lea 61 (Lat.) DE S U M M I P O N T I F I C I S A U C T O R I T A T E , inc. (title of chap. I) : Temporalis et spiritualis potestatis necessitasi (text:) Homines non ut conchas de cibo. . . . Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 26 ff. 32 x 22 cm. Contemp. vellum.
Ms. Lea 62 (Lat and Ital.) G U I L E L M U S DE L A V I C I A . V i a salutis vcl dieta, ff.lr-73r, inc.: Hec est via, a m b u l a t e in e a ; expl.: Iste liber est mei Fratris Stephani Bilicich abbatis monasterii Sancti Nicolai portus Sibeicensis, q u e m scripsi m a n u propria . . . 1449. T a b l e on ff.91v-92 - With S T E P H A N U S B I L I C I C H . Diary, etc. about the monastery of St. Nicholas, ff.73r-75r. — M I S C E L L A N Y (probably written by the same Stephanus Bilicich) containing a code, proverbs, sayings, prayers, recipes (some in I t a l i a n ) , a n d a poem in Italian (f.88r, one line for every letter of the alphabet, beginning: Ara la arena, chi per comune pena), ff.79v-94v. Sebenico, (Dalmatia), 1449-1453, written by Stephanus Bilicich. Paper. 94 ff. 21.5 x 14 cm. Illuminated initial and marginal decoration on f.lr. Contemp. vellum over wooden boards, rebacked.—Prov.: Stephanus Bilicich; Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 14870).
Ms. Lea 63 (Lat.) F E R D I N A N D II, Archduke of Austria. T w o letters, to the Bishop of St. Severus (ambassador of Poland) and to Pope Clement V I I I . W i t h seals. 4 J u l y 1592 and 21 Jan. 1593. Paper. 4 ff. 33 x 21 cm. Portfolio.
Ms. Lea 64 (Lat) C A S T E L L O . S t a t u t a municipalia civitatis Castelli, 1261 a n d 1273, (the former attested " E g o Hofnorius?] Sancti J a c o b i filius M o n e t e . . . tempore capitanie domini Bernardi domini Benegratie, corrected to r e a d Bona venture, de Perusio). Castello, 1261, 1273. Vellum. 14 ff. (incomplete at beginning and end). 42 x 27 cm. Vellum.— (Castello could not be clearly identified; municipality in the vicinity of Perugia?)
Ms. Lea 65 (Lat.) O R D I N E DE' C A V A L I E R I DI S A N T O S T E F A N O . Patent issued by Ferdinand II, g r a n d duke of Tuscany, conferring the privilege of the order upon Niccolo Zanobini (with lead seal of the order). Florence, 12 Dec., 1639. Vellum. 1 f. 36 x 48.5 cm. [161 ]
Ms. Lea 66 (Lat) L A T I N C H A R T E R S . Three miscellaneous items: 1. J O A N I, Queen of Naples. Grant of pension to J o h n of Sabran. Naples, 19 April, 1371. 1 f. 2. F R O N B E R G (dioc. Regensburg). St. M a r y and Catherine. Indulgence to visitors of the church, issued by various cardinals. Rome, 2 December, 1465. 1 f. 3. J O A N N A B A R B A R de Ippeswiche. Acknowledgment of payment of 15 pounds from Richard Stonebey of Aldingsgate Street. London, 7 May, 1567. 1 f. Vellum. The indulgence (no.2) with two original wax seals in metal containers, appended by string, of the cardinals Angelo of Santa Croce di Gerusalemme and Bernardo of S. Sabina; remnant of a third seal (cardinal John of S. Lorenzo in Damaso). Boxed. Ms. Lea 67 (Lat.) M O N T E R U B B I A N O ( M a r c h of Ancona). Liber sive quaternus reformationum communitatis et hominum terre Montisrubiani . . . factus, editus et compositus tempore . . . Ser. Bactiste Ser Cicchi de Pigoloctis de Firmo. . . . Scriptus et publicatus per me Angelinum J o h a n u t t i de Montegranario. Monterubbiano, Sept., 1417-Apr., 1418. Paper. 70 ff. (incl. 6 blank) and one loosely inserted f. 30 x 22 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Baptista Cicchi, whose name appears on binding. Ms. Lea 68 (Lat.) [ J O H A N N W E S E L ] , Trial of J o h a n n von Wesel for heresy, 1479, inc.: Anno domini [ M C C C C ] L X X I X Reverendissimus [archiepiscopus] Moguntinus misit litteras ad universitatem Heydelbergensem et Coloniensem pro theologis examinationis articulos magistri J o h a n n i s de Wesalia de heresi suspectos. Germany, 1479. Paper. 9 ff. 20 x 14 cm. H/morocco.—Cf. C. Du Plessis d'Argentré, Collectio judiciorum, (Paris, 1755), 1(2), pp.291-298. Text of Lea ms. 68 differs in several respects from that printed by Du Plessis d'Argentré. Ms. Lea 69 (Lat and Ital.) C A S T E L L O . Statuti. (Three 15th-century fragments, of 2, 8 and 9 ff. respectively, including lists of holidays, some ordinances, and a good m a n y 16th-century entries in Italian; the last piece includes nominal rolls of citizens by parishes). Castello, early and. late 15th cent. Vellum. 19 ff. 31 x 22 cm. In portfolio.—Castello has not been identified. Ms. Lea 70 (Lat.) [SIENA, Monastery of St. M a r y of the Angels]. Papal confirmation by Gregory X I of the grant of the late Nerius Gabrielli di Piccolomini for [162]
the construction a n d other matters concerning t h e monastery. Rome, April 2, 1377. Vellum. 1 f. 21.5 x 38.5 cm. Unbound. Ms. Lea 71 (Lat.) P I C C O L O M I N I P A P E R S . Collection of 64 letters a n d other documents addressed to or relating to members of the Piccolomini family, from t h e 12th through the 16th century. Various places, 1197?-!594. Vellum. 64 if. Various sizes. Boxed.—Prov.: Frederick North, Earl of Guilford, and Sir Thomas Phillipps (no.6067).— Cf. Avery D. Andrews, "From the Piccolomini Papers," The Library Chronicle, X X V I , pp. 17-29. Ms. Lea 72 a tal.) G E N Z A N O D I R O M A . Statuta di Genzano; copia publica, p r o m u l gated by Prince Giuliano Cesarini on Aug. 19, 1562, written a n d notarized by Cesar Lucarellus de Albano. Rome, 17th cent. Paper. 60 ff. 20 x 13 cm. Portfolio.—Cf. [Italy], Bibl. del Senato, Catalogo della raccolta di statuti, (Rome, 1955), III, p. 313. Ms. Lea 73 (Hai.) [ F L O R E N C E ] , M e m o r i e particulari della città d e Firenze e comincia l ' a n n o M D C X I I I essendo S o m m o Pontefice Paolo V et I m p e r a t o r e M a t t i a I e G r a n D u c a di T o s c a n a Cosimo I I , continued to 1635. (Title on spine: Diario della città di Firenze del a n n o 1613 al 1635. P a r t of longer work?, m a r k e d " X I I " ) . Florence?, after 1635. Paper. 209 ff. (ff.15-16,26-28,40,48,61-64,71-72,80,86-88,176,182,198 and 203-209 blank). 22 x 17 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 74 a tal.) [ H U N G A R Y ] , Storia d ' U n g h e r i a , dalle origini al 1339 [actually 1539], inc.: D e la generatione delli O n g a r i , sono più oppinioni. . . . Italy, 16th cent. Paper. 8 prel. ff. (3 ff. with portraits pasted in), 39 ff. (numbered pp. 3-92; tide missing?), 6 blank ff. 28.5 x 19.5 cm. H/leather.—Prov.: Damiano Muoni of Milan; Giuseppe Martini.—Cf. reference to the "Storia d'Ungaria" in D. Muoni, Archivi di Stato in Milano, con un cenno sulle particolari collezioni dell' autore, (Milan, 1874), p.84. Ms. Lea 75 (Ital.) T O M M A S O V I D O N I C O R R E S P O N D E N C E . R a c c o l t a di lettere della segretaria di stato, scritte à Monsig. Arcivescovo T o m a s o Vidoni in t e m p o che era in M a l t a inquisitore apostolico, e poi n u n z i o a Firenze dal M D C L X X X V I fino al M D C X C V I I . - L e t t e r s written by Alder[163]
anus Cybo and the cardinals Ottoboni, S p a d a and a few others, with some memoranda interspersed. Rome, 1686-1697. Paper. 2 vols. 26 x 19 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Name "Joseph Marchio Vidonus, Cremonensis" inside front covers. Ms. Lea 76 a tal.) F I L I P P O N E R L I . Comentarii de fatti civili occorsi drento [for dentro] nella città di Firenze dal M C C X V al . . . M D X X X V I I (in 12 books). Italy, early 17th cent. Paper. 264 ff. 29 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 77 (Ital.) [FLORENCE], Miscellany. 1. I S T O R I A della Signora Bianca Cappello, gran duchessa di Toscana, e di Pietro Buonaventuri, suo marito, ff.3r-29v.—2. C O N G I U R A di Lorenzo de' Medici contro il Duca Alessandro . . . 1536, ff.31r-43v.—3. M O R T E del Duca Alessandro d e ' M e d i c i . . . , ff.45r-47v.—4. V I T A di Lorenzino d e ' M e d i c i . . ff.51r-130v.-5. M O R T E di Vincenzio Serzelli, ff.133r-153v.-6. V I T A di Piero Strozzi . . . , ff.l55r-204r.—7. V I T A di Filippo di Filippo Strozzi, ff.205r-339r.—8. D I S C O R S O del clarissimo S. Alessandro Rinuccini . . . sopra la carestia del'anno 1619, ff.341r-354r.—9. V I T A di Piero Strozzi, ff.357-413r. —10. C O M P E N D I O della vita della . . . Suor M a r i a Caterina Brondi, descritta dal Padre Abate Bambacati, ff.415r-426v. Florence, early 17th cent. Paper. 2 prel., 426 ff. 32 x 21 cm. Cloth.—Prov.: "Capt. Napier, from a friend sincere, Luigi Frescobaldi, Florence, October 8th, 1838." Ma. Lea 78 (Ital.) G I O V A N N I C A V A L C A N T I . Istoria di Firenze. (The first chapters have been compared with printed ed. [Florence, 1821], cf. marginal notes). Italy, late 17th or early 18th cent. Paper. Prel. blank ff., 317, 2 blank ff. 27 x 19.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 79 (Ital.) [ N I C C O L Ò C O S C I A ] , Processi e documenti relativi alla condetta del Cardinale Coscia. (70 ff. mss., 71 ff. [9 printed titles], 5 ff. mss., 10 ff. [2 printed titles]). I n d . Pope Clement X I I ' s bull sentencing the cardinal on M a y 9, 1733. Rome, 1730-1733. Paper. Prel. blank, 156 ff. (a few loose inserts). Various sizes, largely 28 x 20 cm. Contemp. h/calf.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 80 (Lat.) [ P E D R O X I M E N E S ] , Proceedings of the trial of Pedro Ximenes of Teruel, accused of rape and simony. Pamplona, June 13-Sept. 13, 1267, by Fernando Ximenes de Gongora. Vellum. 6 sheets sewn together, measuring ca. 351 x 25 cm. Boxed. [164]
Ms. Lea 81 (Fr.)* [ F R A N C H E - C O M T É ] , Fragments of accounts rendered to M a h a u t d'Artois, Countess of Burgundy, from her properties in the County of Burgundy, by Guillaume de Salins in 1307-8 and 1310-11, inc.: Ce sont li contes que Maistres Guillaumes de Salins rent de la terre que ma dame a en Bourgogne. County of Burgundy, 7308-1317. Vellum. 11 ff. 35 x 25 cm. Portfolio.—Other fragments from these accounts are in Paris, Bibl. nat., ms. fr. 8551 and Besançon, Bibl. mun., mss. 914 and 915. Extracts made before the leaves were dispersed are in Paris, Bibl. nat., Coll. Moreau, ms. 900. Ms. Lea 82 (Ital.) V I T A DI PAPA ALESSANDRO VI e de suoi figlioli, dedicata al R è Cattolico. Italy, 17th cent., copied from a ms. in the Vatican Library (cf.f,113r). Paper. 126 ff. 27.5 x 20 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 83 (Ital.) [VENICE], Relazione di alcune corti fatte da gl'ambassadori alli loro soverani. (Reports of Venetian ambassadors, i.e. 1. B E R N A R D O N A V A G E R O . Report on mission to Rome in 1558, ff.lr-75r.—2. Report on Venice sent to King Philip II of Spain, ff.77r-123v. — 3. B R U N O R O ZAMPESCA. Report on Crete, ff.125r-139r.-4. G I R O L A M O L I P P O M A N I . Report on his embassy to duchy of Savoy, 1574, ff,141r-219v.—5. M A R C O FOSCARI. Report on Florence, ca. 1527, ff.221r-272v. — 6. E M I L I A N O M A R I A M A N O L E S S I . Report on the state, military strength and administration of Ferrara, ca. 1575, drawn up for the Doge and the Signoria of Venice, ff.273r316v.—7. Report on negotiations with the Swiss and the form of government of the Grisons, ff.317r-338v). Venice, late 16th cent. Paper. 338 fT. 25 x 19 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Sir Thomas Phillipps (no.5552). Ms. Lea 84 a tal.) [FLORENCE], 1. O R I G I N E E DESCENDENZA della casa de Medici, ff.lr-334v.—2. N I C C O L O M A C C H I A VELLI. Il Principe, fF.335r [f.336 numbered 334]-447v. Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 449 ff. (with some errors in foliation). 28 x 19 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ad. Lea 82: The source may be Vat. Borg. lat. 561 or Vat. lat. 12252.—Line 2: 17th read 18th. Ad. Lea 83, no. 1: Cf. Antonibon, op. cit., p. 97.—No. 4: Ibid., p. 111.—No. 5: Ibid., p. 43.—No. 6: Ibid., p. 42. [165]
Ms. Lea 85 (Ital.) Z A C C H I A . Lettere scritte d a Monsignore Zacchia nella sua nuntiatura di Venetia al Signore Cardinal Ludovisio, nipote di P a p a Gregorio X V , dal mese di luglio fino à dicembre dell' anno 1621. Italy, 17tk cent. Paper. 3 prel. ff. (ind. title), 160 ff. 30.5 x 21.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 86 (ItaL) [FLORENCE]. Relazione delle magistrature fiorentine fatta l'anno 1763 dal Presidente Pompeo Neri. (Copy apparently m a d e for scholarly purposes, the text occupying the right hand column of each page, and a somewhat later English commentary, sometimes verging on an outright translation, on the left). Florence, ca. 1800. Paper. 226 pp. 30 x 21 cm. H/cloth. Ms. Lea 87 (Ital.) [FLORENCE], Memorie manuscritte relative a l l a famiglia de Medici et all' istoria fiorentina. (Nos. 1-11 deal with the Medici family, 14281582 < f f . 3 - 8 3 > ; nos. 12-14 are from writings of J a c o p o Nardi). Italy, late 16th-17th cent., in various hands. Paper. 119 ff. 29 x 21 cm. H/vellum.—Owned by Ottaviano Giuseppe de Medici in 1747 (cf. f.119). Ms. Lea 88 (Lat.) B E R N A R D U S P A S C H U A L I S . Grants R a i m u n d u s Berengarius and his wife Dulcia, certain rights in the seigneury held together in the parish of Sant M a m e t de Corrò in Vallés, county of Barcelona. Corrò de Munt, county of Barcelona, March 9, 1172. Vellum. 1 f. 21 x 8 cm. (oblong). In folder.—Cf. John F. Benton, "Two Twelfth-Century Latin Charters from Rural Catalonia in the Lea Library," The Library Chronicle, XXVIII (1962), no.l. Ms. Lea 89 (Lat.) G U I L L E L M U S G I L A B E R T I DE O L I V A R I I S . H e and his wife Sicarda settle a dowry on their daughter Guielma a n d her husband R a i m u n d u s in the parish of Sant M a m e t de Corrò. Corrò de Munt, county of Barcelona, April 18, 1170. Vellum. 1 f. Ca. 23 x 15 cm. (oblong, uneven). In folder. — Cf. John F. Benton, "Two Twelfth-Century Latin Charters from Rural Catalonia in the Lea Library," The Library Chronicle, XXVIII (1962), no.l. Ms. Lea 90 (Ital.) H I S T O R I C A L M I S C E L L A N Y . Notes and extracts (by unknown compiler). 1. J O S E P H U S F L A V I U S . Dall' istoria . . . della guerra che ebbono i Giudei co Romani, ff.llr-30r.-2. E N R I C O C A T E R I N O [166]
D A V I L A . D a l l ' i s t o r i a . . . delle guerre civili di Francia, ff.47r-73r.— 3. D O N A T O G ì A N N O T T I . Dal Giannotti nel libro della R e p ú b l i c a Fiorentina, ff.99r-103r.-4. G I O V A N N I V I L L A N I . D a Giovanni Villani nelle cronache, cap. 38 [e lib. 6°], ff.ll7r-132v. Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 142 ff. (many blank). 20 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 91 0 tal.) [ V E N I C E ] . Electoral lists of doges (f.l, etc.), procurators of St. M a r k ' s (f.31,etc.) a n d patriarchs of Venice (f.240,etc.). Venice, 18th cent. (1795 latest d a t e entered). Paper. 562 ff. (many blank). 20.5 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. calf. Ms. Lea 92 (Ital.) C A S T E L L O D E L V I V A R O . Statuta, (in six books). Italy, late 16th cent. Paper. Ff.10-70 (ff.1-9, 25 and 71 missing), 8 ff. (ó ff. index and 2 blank ff.) 21.5 x 15 cm. Vellum.—"Exfaminatus]; x februarii 1634 pro Pasquale q[uondam] Thome cons. Annibale Christophori. Hyacintus Calamarius, sub." (f.34r). Ms. Lea 93 (Ital.) V E N I C E , Inquisition. Copia del Capitolare delli eccelentissimi signori inquisitori di stato: con le aggionte che li sono state fatte. (Rules a n d regulations beginning with the proceedings of the G r e a t Council of J u n e 16, 1504). Venice, ca. 1700. Paper. 64 ff. 24.5 x 18 cm. 18th-cent. marbled paper.—Prov.: Prince Liechtenstein. Ms. Lea 94 (Ital.) P A O L O S A R P I (supposed author). Opinione del p a d r e fra Paolo Seruita . . . consultore di stato d a t t a alii ss. inquisitori di stato in q u a l m o d o d e b b a governarsi la República di Venetia i n t e r n a m e n t e et esternamente. . . . [Same text as Ms. Lea 35]. Italy, first half 17th cent. Paper. 62 ff. 20 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Library of the monastery of Morbio; on front cover the inscription "All' Illustrissimo Borgondio, ambasciatore dell' illustrissima città di Brescia, mio signore carissimo." Ms. Lea 95 (Ital.) [ F L O R E N C E ] , Nota di tutti quelli, che sono morti per via dell' ultimo supplizio in Firenze dal giugno 1435 [a luglio 1695]; in q u à c a v a t a d a u n ' libro della C o m p a g n i a del T e m p i o . Florence, ca. 1695. Paper. 66 ff. 29 x 20 cm. Boards. [167]
Ms. Lea 96 (ItaL) F R A N C E S C O ALBIZZI. Riposta all' Historia della sacra inquisitionc composta già dal R . P. Paolo Servita [Sarpi]. Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 657 (vero 646) pp. 27 x 20 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Cardinal Giuseppe Renato Imperiali (1651-1737); Frederick North, Earl of Guilford; Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 5318). Ms. Lea 97 (Ital.) B A R T O L O M E O DI B A R T O L O M E O DA SAN M I N I A T O . Libro di ricordanze (front cover: Jornale, ricordi . . . D). Account book for 1495-1497. Italy, 1495-1497. Paper. 285 ff. 28.5 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 98 a tal.) [NAPLES, Inquisition], Al Nostro Santissimo Padre Innocenzio X I I , intorno al procedimento ordinario, e caninico, nelle cause che si trattano nel tribunale del Santo Ufficio nella città, e regno di Napoli.— With 4 ff., in different hand (Latin), dealing briefly with the lives of Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Elizabeth, taken from the work of Bartholomew of Trent. Italy, last decade 17th cent. Paper. 350 ff. 21 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 99 (Ital.) A L A M A N N O DI B E R N A R D O DI A L A M A N N I DE M E D I C I . Account book and record of transactions, 1470-1488. Italy, 1470-1488. Paper. 7 ff. text (numb. 1-6,11); 16 blank ff. (numb. 12-13, 15-30); 1 f. (inventory of Possessions, numb. 31), 1 blank f., 24 ff. text (numb. 31-49, 49-55). 32 x 24 cm. Contemp. vellum (document), in portfolio. Ms. Lea 100 (Ital.) [FLORENCE], Cronica dopo la morte del Duca Alessandro de' Medici, fino al 1555. Italy, 16th cent. Paper. 83 ff. (one or more ff. wanting at beginning). 35 x 24 cm. Contemp. vellum, rebacked.—Photostat of article by Alessandro Cutolo, "Rivalazioni di un documento inedito," Corriere della Sera, xx (Dee. 2-3, 1941), p.3, dealing with this ms., pasted in. Ms. Lea 101 (Lat.) P A R M A . Constitutiones nonnullae magnificae communitatis Parmae ex suis exemplaribus summo cum labore a me Baldo Puello, archivii praefacto, excerptae et breviter quoad fieri potuit in hanc formam redactae anno virginei partus sexagesimo septimo supra millesimum et quingentesimum pridie cai. M a i i . . . (includes material from 1514 to 1564). Parma, 1567. Vellum. 19 pp., 4 blank ff. 24.5 x 17.5 cm. Boards. [ 168]
Ms. Lea 102 a tal.) [FLORENCE], Memorie, antiche e moderne; cose più accadute in Firenze fino dalla fondazione. Florence, ca. 1800.
Paper. 6 ff. (index), 499 pp. 32 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 103 a tal.) GIULIANO UGHI. Memorie istoriche delle cose di Firenze, scritte dal P. Fra Giuliano Ughi dalla Cavallina, dall' anno MDI all' M D X L V I , pp. 1-193 - With BIAGIO BUONACCORSI. Impresa di Pisa fatta da signori fiorentini l'anno MD, scritta da Biagio Buonaccorsi a Lucantonio degli Albizzi. Florence, 17th cent. Paper. 4 ff., 193 pp., 1 blank f., 4 ff. (index), 16 ff. 35 x 23 cm. 18th-cent. calf. Ms. Lea 104 (Ital.) GREGORIO DATI. Memorie di varie guerre de fiorentini e del loro governo et ufìzi, scritte da Goro di Stagio Dati, dal 1380 al 1440 [sic!, 1405?], pp. 1-160 — With FRANCESCO CEI. Notizie varie delle cose di Firenze dal 1494 al 1523, pp. 1-214 (second part). Florence, 17th cent. Paper. 8 ff., 160 pp., 4 ff., 214 pp., 8 ff. 35 x 24 cm. 18th-cent. calf. Ms. Lea 106 (Sp.) FELIPE II, King of Spain. Notes and letters about the difficulties of the inquisition in converting the Moors of Valencia. Spain, 1542-1565 (in late 18th-cent. copy). Paper. 12 ff. 30 x 21 cm. In folder. Ms. Lea 107 (Ital.) ANCONA, Consiglio. Collection of eight documents, dealing with economic and administrative matters: 1. Selection of two citizens to be sent to Rome to attend to important business, f.2r-v.—2. Reform of the statuta regulating commerce of the city, incl. relations with oriental merchants, ff.3r-7r. —3. Minuta nova dei capitoli facta da Messer Jacomo Jaromini (dealing with "li mercati turchi et gli altri"), ff.8r-9r. —4. Copia di capitoli di sensali, f.lOr-v. — 5. Copia delli aggravii che li mercati sentano dalli novi capitoli, ff.llr-12r.—6. Capitoli de sensali, ff,14r-16v.—7. Capitoli per i Turchi, ff,18r-20r.—8. [Breve] Paulus Papa III, Feb. 21, 1547, ff.22r-27v. (The first 6 ff., dated March 26, 1549 and Aprii 2, 1549 have the appearance of original documents, written in a hasty cursive; title on v. of f. 6.: Capitoli Anconitani. The remainder is clearly written; these documents are undoubtedly notarial or secretarial copies). Ancona, 1547-49. Paper. 28 ff. (several blank). 30 x 22 cm. Contemp. boards, with inscription on inside back cover: "Exhibiti et admissi, Ancone die xxvii martii 1549." [169]
Ms. Lea 108 (Sp.) SPAIN, Consejo real. Consulta . . . a la Reyna . . . Doña Mariana d e Austria . . . a p r o b a n d o las comedias, dated October 6, 1666, ff. 1 r-14r. — With I D E M . Consulta echa al Señor Rey Dn. Carlos Segundo sobre la jurisdición del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición, dated M a y 12, 1696, ff,17r-131v.—PEDRO G A R C I A . T r a t a d o contra la opinión de los médicos en curar en común, en suzinto panegírico, ff,134r-139v. Spain, 18th cent. Paper. 140 ff. (last blank). 21 x 15.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 109 (Ital.) F L O R E N C E , Statuta. Riforma del M D L X V I et altre provvisioni della gabella de contratti di Firenze (with copies of a few 17th-l 8th-cent. documents). Florence, middle 18th. cent. Paper. 40, 227 pp. 42 x 27.5 cm. Contemp. h/vellum. Ms. Lea 110 a tal.) F L O R E N C E . Diversa statuta ac leges particulares civitatis, comitatus, ac districtus Florentie. (A collection of 137 documents, nos. 114 and 136 printed, with index; title on spine: Rubrica diversorum statutorum). Florence, 2nd half 17th and early 18th cent. Paper. 8, 400 ff. 29 x 20 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 111 a tal.) R O M E , Inquisition. Proceedings of the inquisition in the Apostolic Palace in R o m e on 8 J u l y 1610, (ff.lr-37v) and Oct. 1625 (ff.38r-40v), comprising a collection of papal constitutions of the 16th and 17th century dealing with the inquisition; with additional papal letter on assorted subjects (e.g. forbidding the monks and nuns to make gifts [ff.41r-46r, a n additional unpaginated signature bound at this point] a n d decreti of the Holy Congregation on the celebration of mass [fF.47r-62v]). At the end, a note " D e excommunicatione" (ff.62v-64r); "Explicatione d'alcuni termini" (f.64r); privileges to the Capuchin order (f.64v ff.). Italy, early 18th cent. Paper. 74 ff. 20 x 13 cm. Contemp. boards.—Prov.: Sir Thomas Phiilipps (no. 5740). Ms. Lea 112 (Sp.) D I S C U R S O A P O L O G E T I C O d e la inquisición, en satisfacción à la carta, q u e contra este tribunal, escribió el ciudadano francés Gregoire, Obispo que se titula de Blois . . . por un antirevolucionario español, [170]
inc.: Proemio à los españoles, h a b i e n d o llegado c a s u a l m e n t e . Spain, late 18th cent. Paper. 460 pp. 20 x 14 cm. Con temp, marbled calf. Ms. Lea 113 (Ital.) R O M E , Inquisition. F o r m a m o d e r n a di fabricar li processi del S a n t o Offizio, pratticata hoggi dì nel s u p r e m o tribunale di R o m a , inc.: Nel pigliare una denunzia. Italy, 18th cent. Paper. 268 pp. 26 x 19.5 cm. Contemp. boards.—Prov.: Sir Thomas Phillipps (no.5336). Ms. Lea 114 (Ital.) G E N O A . Leges, seu reformationes nove Reipublice Genuensis, facte a d u o d e c i m reformatoribus, a n n o 1528. ( W i t h I n d e x c a p i t u l o r u m decret o r u m nec non declarationum . . . , p p . 297-315; N o m i n a civium nobilium . . . , pp. 1 - 1 5 0 [2nd n u m b e r i n g ] ; I n d e x t a m a l b e r g o r u m , et e o r u m numerus, q u a m f a m i l i a r u m in dictos albergos c o n t e n t a r u m ordine alphabetica, nec non n u m e r u s d i c t a r u m f a m i l i a r u m , 15 ff. at end). Genoa, early 17th cent. Paper. 315, 150 pp., 15 ff. 21 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea IIS a tal.) [ I N Q U I S I T I O N ] , Pratica del m o d o di procedere nelle caose spettanti al S a n t o Officio, inc.: Le cause del S a n t ' Offizio, o sono d'heresia, o di sospittione di essa. Italy, ca. 1700. Paper. 106 ff. 25 x 18.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Sir Thomas Phillipps (no.5322). Ms. Lea 116 (Lat.) G U I L L A U M E D E M A N D A G O T . Libellus super electionibus faciendis et e a r u m processibus ordinandis. France?, ca. 1400. Vellum. 40 ff., last 2 blank. 18 x 12.5 cm. 18th-cent. h/calf.—Bookplate of H. Charles Barnston and Amelia Daubeney; notation on inside front cover "cost £8 at Dr. Neligan's sale in 1867." Ms. Lea 117 (Sp.) C O N S U L T A S Y R E S O L U C I O N E S sobre controversias con los tribunales de la ynquisición. Madrid, 7 March, 1769 (date of certification by Ignacio Esteban de Igareda, last f.) Paper. 212 ff. 31 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. h/calf.—Signature Andrés Osequera [?] on tide page, date 1849 in the same hand on fly leaf. Ad. Lea 112: Henry Grégoire's letter to the Inquisitor General of Spain was published in Paris in 1798. This anonymous reply not mentioned in Lea, History of the Inquisition of Spain (New York, 1907), IV, 397-8. [171 ]
M i Lea 118 (Lat.)
C O M O . Statuta civilia causarum civitatis Comi, elargita a D. Sebastia n o Perto. Italy, late 16th or early 17th cent. Paper. 12 ff., 2 blank ff., 222 pp., 10 blank ff. 28.5 x 18.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Cf. L. Fontana, op.cit., I, pp. 377-81, especially p. 379, describing several mss. in private hands of which one might be identical with this ms.
ML Lea 119 (Ital.)
R E L A T I O N E D E F I R E N Z A et di Siena, inc.: Il parlare di cose di stato et il referire alla presenza della serenità vestra fu sempre riserbato. . . . Florence, 17th cent. Paper. 33 ff. 30.5 x 21.5 cm. Boards.
Ms. Lea 120 (Sp.) P E D R O D E SALAZAR D E M E N D O Z A . Vida, causa y sucesos prósperos y adversos del illustrissimo y serenissimo señor D. Fr. Barttolomé de Carranza y Miranda, arzobispo de Tóledo. . . . Exenta . . . a instancia del Cm". S. Cardenal Quiroga . . . año de 1568 [sic], Spain, ca. 1700. Paper. 277 ff. 30 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea.— J . Quétif and J . Echard, Scriptores ord. praed., (Paris, 1721), II, p.242, col.2 mentions this biography; no printed text listed in A. Palau y Dulcet, Manual del Librero, but Mr. Lea added on the title of the same text, in Ms. Lea 130, "This was printed by Ant. Valadanes de Sotomayor, 1788" (and described in B.M. Catalogue).
Ms. Lea 121 (Port)
P O R T U G A L , Inquisition. Over forty documents (four printed) relating to the inquisition in Portugal. Portugal, 17th and early 18th cent. Paper. 5 blank, 30 ff., ff.35-378 (last blank). 30 x 20 cm. Contemp. vellum.— Stamp of Pedro A. Ferreira, abbot of Miragaya.
Ms. Lea 122 (Lat. and Ital.)
SAN B A R T O L O M E O D I SASSO F O R T E . Statuta. (Deliberations of the "consilium generale hominum communitas jurisdictionis Sancti Bartholomei in Saxo Forte")- Stamped notarial signets throughout. Italy,
Paper. 80 ff. (16 ff, 30 x 21 cm., bound in after f.69; numerous blank ff. interspersed, and at end of vol.). 37 x 23.5 cm. Colored coat of arms of Antonius de Affarusiis on f.l, on whose orders this ms. was written. H/vellum.
Ms. Lea 123 (Ger.)
[NÜRNBERG]. Chronica perpetua, darinnen alle und jede MalefizPersohnen, aus vielen alten Büchern mit mühsamen Fleiss zusammen [172]
getragen, anzutreffen sind. (Executions in Nürnberg from 1298 to M a r c h 1709; begins with " O r d n u n g des Halsz-Gerichts," [f.2r-v] and poem " L o c h O r d n u n g zu N ü r n b e r g , " [f.3r-v]). Nuremberg, ca. 1709. Paper. 57 ff. 34.5 x 21 cm. Boards.—Prov.: Liechtenstein Library. Ms. Lea 124 a tal.) [ F R A N C E S C O G I U S E P P E B O R R I ] , Abiuratione del Borri nell' anno 1661. (Trial for heresy, before the "inquisitori generali," cf. Encycl. ital., v. V I I , p. 510, with a short biogr. account of the alchemist and adventurer, there entered under "Borri < o r Borro>, Giuseppe Francisco). Italy, after 1661. Paper. 36 ff. 27 x 19 cm. Boards. Ms. Lea 125 a tal.) L I B R E T T O delli brevi [charms], in 24 chapters, inc.: Virtu delli brevi; primo, contra la fortuna del mare. . . . (Copied from a work in the possession of Francesco da Pesaro). Italy, 2 August, 1629. Paper. 1, 61 ff. (2 ff. numbered 23 in error). 14 x 9.5 cm.—Prov.: "Joannes Baptista Comes a Thu . . . [illeg.] 1695 (inside front cover); "Ego Wolfgangus Theodosius Barsa Thona [?] possesor sum huius libri 1706." (front cover). Ms. Lea 126 (Lat.) C O N V E N T I O inter rectores ospitalis Civitatis Placentie et D. Antonium Francescum Finellum. Piacenza, 21 March 1580. Paper. 8 ff. (1,2 and 8 blank). 30 x 21 cm. Boards. Ms. Lea 127 (Lat.) N E P I . 1. L I B E R S T A T U T O R U M Nepesinae Civitatis, quae condita et publicata fuere per reverendissimum dominum Franciscum . . . illustrissimi domini Ioannis de Borgia ducis Nepesini tutorem de consensu reverendissimorum dominorum Antonietti Sanctae Praxedis, Joannis Antonii et Sanctorum Nerei et Achilei . . . et Ipoliti Estensis diaconi cardinalis contutorum, ff. 7—p. 96. (Notarial statement, signed Fulvius Sansonius, and dated 1588, p. 96, crossed out).—2. D E G I U D I C I del danno dato, pp. 103-134. Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 8 ff., 96 pp., 2 ff. (index in later hand), 1 blank f., 2 ff., 18 ff. (ff.2-5 cut out), 14 blank ff. 26 x 19 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Cf. similar ms. described in [Italy], Bibl. del Senato, op.cìt., V, pp.38-40. Ms. Lea 128 (Ital.) F L O R E N C E . Memorie delle armi pubbliche di Firenze, etc. (Collection of 137 pieces, comprising genealogical notes, documents, family [173]
trees, and descriptions of coats of arms, of Florentine families, especially the Verrazzano family and its various branches; incl. also the Buonsostegni, Donnino, Migliore, Medici; "Stratto del priorista per alfabeto" [16 ff.]; "Nota da osservarsi sopra le armi del priorista" [16 ff.] etc.) Florence, 18th cent. Paper. 137 pieces of varying length and size. Boxed.
Ms. Lea 129 (Ger.) H A L L (Tirol), Congregation Mariae Verkündigung. Bericht und Satzungen (and accounts, 1763-1822). Title on front cover: Pactum Marianum Congregationis civice Halensis, 1764. Hall, 1764-1822. Paper. 45 ff. (several blank). 31.5 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.
Ms. Lea 130 (Sp.) H I S T O R I C A L MISCELLANY. 1. P E D R O D E SALAZAR DE M E N D O Z A . Vida, subcesos, prósperos, y adversos de Fr.D. Bartholomé de Carranza y Miranda . . . (cf. Ms. Lea 120), ff.1-120.—2. F E L I P E IV, King of Spain. Copia de dos papeles originales escritos ambos de la real mano del Señor Rey D.Ph.4. à su valido el Conde Duque de Olivares (on the birth of the King's illegitimate son [1602], later known as Alonso de Santo Thomas, Dominican and bishop of Malaga), ff.121-123.-3. D U Q U E D E O L I V A R E S . Copia de la carta que el Duque Cardenal valido del Rey Ph.3. embió a Ph.4. quando heredó la corona, ff.124-125.—4. D I S C U R S O al sermón de zeniça del P. Maestro Guerra sobre las palabras sigiuentes, ff. 127-142. — 5. G E R O N I M O GASCON D E T O R Q U E M A D A . Nacimiento, vida, prisión y muerte de D. Rodrigo Calderón (printed, Madrid, 1789), ff.143-174. —6. D I E G O C A S T E L L O R O S D E M E D R A N O . Dictamen . . . sobre la resolución del Papa y consulta de la Iunta que de orden de S.M. se hico, en cassa del señor presidente, ff.175-181.—7. F R A N C I S C O D E L M E L G A R . Zensura del papel que escrivió D. Francisco de Morovelli de Puebla, defendiendo el patronato de Santa Teresa de Iesús, y respondiendo a Don Francisco de Quevedo, ff.1831 9 6 . - 8 . F R A N C I S C O D E Q U E V E D O . D. Reymundo el entremetido al buen entendedor, ff.199-217. —9. M E M O R I A L que dió en una academia pidiendo una plaça y indulgencias . . . , ff.217-219. —10. D E S P O S O R I O entre el cassar y la iubentud de D. Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas, ff. 2 2 0 - 2 2 2 . - 1 1 . C A P I T U L A C I O N E S de la vida de corte y oficios entretenidos en ella de D. Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas, ff.223-244.-12. F R A N C I S C O D E Q U E V E D O . Carta . . . a la rectora del Collegio de las Virgines, ff.245-246. —13. I D E M . Carta . . . s o b r e casarse,
Spain, 18th. cent.
Paper. 250 ff. 20.5 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. [174]
Ms. Lea 131 (Sp. and Lat.) M A N U E L R O D A Y A R R I E T A . Dictamen a una consulta . . . sobre las observaciones d e D n . Gregorio M a y a n s y Sisear (preceded by Introduction, signed Sebastián Vilardebó, 1862), 375 p p . — With C O M P E N D I U M H I S T O R I A E E C C L E S I A S T I C A E , inc.: R o m a n u m I m p e r i u m sumpsit e x o r d i u m a Caio J u l i o Caesare (to the end of the 17th cent.), 107 p p . - D E P R I V I L E G I I S C I S T E R C I E N S I B U S (brief c o m p e n d i u m of privileges extracted f r o m a work of three volumes), 9 p p . — D E J U R E C A N O N I C O (4 pp.) and D e j u r e civili (8 pp.).— D E C O N C I L I I S (the last cited is the Council of T r e n t ) , 54 p p . — D E H A E R E S I B U S (including discussion of Jansenism a n d the bull Unigenitus; with C o m p e n d i u m haereticorum), 24 pp. Spain, late 18th cent. Paper. 4 unnumb. ff., 375 pp., 3 ff. (last blank), 107 pp., 3 blank ff., 9 pp., 12 pp., 56 pp. (last 2 blank), 24 pp., 3 blank ff. 21 x 15 cm. Vellum.—Prov.: Sebastian Vilardebo, presbitero, Barcelona, 1862; Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 132 (Ital.) S. S T E F A N O . Filza di prove di nobiltà di varie famiglie nell' occasione di dovere alcuno delle medesime p r e n d e r li abito della religione de Cavallieri di S. Stefano fatte nel secolo 16°. La maggior p a r t e davanti il Sig. Raffaello d e Medici, bali di Firenze, e ammiraglio di detta religione. Florence, 1565-1579. Paper. 509 ff. 30 x 21 cm. 4 colored coats of arms, f. 133. Contemp. h/vellum in portfolio. Ms. Lea 134 (Fr.) F R A N C I S C O H U R T A D O D E M E N D O Z A Y B A B A D I L L A . Le Tison d'Espagne, ou origines de la plus g r a n d e partie des familles nobles d e ce r o y a u m e et d u Portugal issues tant d'Estoc q u e par femmes d e M a u r e s et Juifs convertis. T r a d u i t de l'Espagnol. (Span, title: T i z ó n de la nobleza de España). France, 18th cent. Paper. 73 pp. 23 x 16 cm. Contemp. calf, rebacked.—Prov.: Lord Stuart de Rothesay; Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 135 (Sp.) J O S E M O Ñ I N O F L O R I D A BLANCA. Vida política o ministerial del C o n d e d e Floridablanca, escrita p a r a él mismo en representasión hecha al R e y D o n Carlos I I I y presentada después a su hijo Don Carlos I V antes de su caída. San Lorenzo, O c t . 10, 1788 (f. lllv). San Ildefonso, September 28, 1795 (f. 115v). Paper. 115 ff. 20 x 14 cm. H/morocco.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. [175]
Ms. Lea 136 (Fr.) C H E V A L I E R D E L ' A I G L E . Les q u a r a n t e nouveaux statuts d e la maçonnerie, qui fondent les pouvoirs des Chevaliers de l'Aigle. France, after June 24, 1752. Paper. 31 ff. 19.5 x 15 cm. Cloth.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 137 (Lat) C O L L E C T I O D I V E R S O R U M D E C R E T O R U M Sacre Congregat i o n s Sancti Officii Urbis [Romae], ordine alphabetico digestorum. Italy, ca. 1669. Paper. 2 blank ff., 424 (falso 423) pp., 4 ff. (index), 4 blank ff. 20 x 13 cm. Contemp. gilt vellum.—Prov.: James Lewis, LL.D., of Cambridge; Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 138 (Sp.) C H A R L E S V, E m p e r o r of the Holy R o m a n Empire. 1. . . . à Phelipe Segundo su hijo, d a d a en el a ñ o de 1543, C a r t a q u e escrivió . . . à su hijo Phelipe Segundo, 1543, 3. Adbertencias . . . escritas . . . à Phelipe Segundo su ff.79r-171v. Spain, 17th cent.
Instrucción ff.lr-27v.—2. ff.29r-77r.— hijo [1548],
Paper. Title, 171 ff. H/morocco.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 139 (Port, and Sp.) S P A I N A N D P O R T U G A L , Inquisition. Noticias recónditas y pósth u m a s del procedimiento d e las inquisiciones de Espanha y Portugal con sus presos. Part I : Alvarà del Rey D o n J u a n I V d e Portugal: Relación portugueza de la inquisiçiôn de su reino. (Originally written probably at Rome, between 1667 a n d 1678; printed in Venice in 1750 in " R e l a c i o exactissima pello P. Ant. V i è p r a , " pp. 1 - 9 5 ) . — Part I I : Reflexiones sobre la dicha relación. ( I n d . Sagrada a t a r a z a n o de la inquisiçiôn de Italia, copied from the original which was published by Sebastian Zequini in 1653; Relaçiôn d e la prisión de Luiz R a m é en la inquisiçiôn d e México). Spain, 18th cent. Paper. 5,102, 6,146 pp. 21.5 x 16.5 cm. H/morocco.—Bookplate of Biblioteca Visnievsciana, with name in ms. Michat Ursmiewsky(?); Henry C. Lea.—See H. C. Lea, History of the Inquisition of Spain, III, 284-5. Ms. Lea 140 (Lat.) L U D O V I C U S . D e indulgentiis et censuris (written in 1643). 17th cent.
Paper. 12 ff. (ff.1-2, 6-12 blank), 254, 3 ff. 19.5 x 13.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. —Prov.: Henry C. Lea.—Cf. A. de Backer and C. Sommervogel, op. cit., IV, col. 1754. [176]
Ms. Lea 141 (Sp.) P A P E L E S V A R I O S . 1. C H A R L E S V, E m p e r o r of the Holy R o m a n E m p i r e . Cartas (to his son Philip I I ) 1523, ff.lr-26r.—2. I D E M . O r d e n . . . p a r a detener al G r a n Capitán, el Rey, 1515, [misbound:] ff.37r40v, 27r-30r.—3. I D E M . Instrucción . . . en 9. de julio de 1557 al Señor R e y Don Phelipe I I . . . sobre el particular tratamiento de los grandes d e Castilla, f.31r-36v.—4. F E R D I N A N D V. Copia de carta q u e . . . escribió al C o n d e de Rivagorza, ff.42r-46v, with " C o m e n t o , " a n d " O t r a c a r t a " a n d "Advertencias," ff. 4 6 v - 5 6 r . - 5 . E P I S T O L A E N O T A B I L I S S I M A E q u a e [sic] refert Stephanus Auferius . . . ad Clement[em] I, ff.56v-58r.-6. F E L I P E II, K i n g of Spain. C a r t a . . . sobre la prisión del Principe Don Carlos . . . 1568, ff.59r-64r.—7. B A R T O L O M E D E C A R R A N Q A . Copia de u n a c a r t a . . . a su M a g . del Rey Don Felipe 2» [1569], ff.60r-63v.—8. A N T O N I O Z A P A T A D E M E N D O Z A . [Carta] al Rey D n . Felipe 3. en los espolios d e los obispos, fF.64r-67v [69v?]. — 9. S P A I N , Consejo real. Discurso . . . sovre él remedio déla despoblación de España, ff.70r-90v. —10. J U A N A N T O N I O E N R I Q U E Z . Enciclopedia m a r í t i m a o diccionario; asuntos del diccionario, ff.92r-100r. —11. Four printed pamphlets. Spain, 17th- 18th cent. Paper. 103 ff. 20.5 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 142 (Sp.) R E L A C I O N de lo acaecido en España en tiempo y con motibo de la expulsión indispensable del P. J u a n Everardo [Nidardo] de la C o m p a ñ í a l l a m a d a de Jesús, confesor de la reyna, m a d r e y tutora del Señor Carlos 2 o . Spain, late 17th cent, Paper. 372 pp. 21 x 15 cm. Boards (titling on spine: Nitardo, instead of Nidardo).—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 144 (Lat. and Eng.) P E R P E T U A L C A R D , (prel. ff.\-6).-With VATICINIA VARIA, p p . 1 - 1 9 2 . — E X P L A N A T I O N of the tables of the planets, 3 ff. London, 1688. Paper. 6 ff., 193 pp. (last blank), 11 ff. (8 ff. blank). 15 x 9.5 cm. Diagrams and pen-and-ink drawings throughout. Contemp. gilt calf, rebacked.—Prov.: Richard H. Buel; Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 145 (Lat) D E I M P O S T U R I S religionum breve c o m p e n d i u m , descriptum a b exemplari manuscripto, quod in bibliotheca J o h . Frieder. Mayeri Berolini a n n o 1716 publice distracta deprehensum et a principe Eugenio de Sabaudia L X X X imperialibus r e d e m p t u m fuit. Germany, ca. 1716. Paper. Title, 54 pp. (last blank). 20 x 16 cm. Contemp. calf, rebacked.— Prov.: Henry C. Lea. [177]
Ms. Lea 146 (Lat.) B E N E D I C T I O N E S et exorcismi, begins with Benedictiones pro shedulis immaculatae conceptionis beatissimae virginis Mariae, followed by Exorcismus super chartam, calamum, a t r a m e n t u m , sigillum contra omnia maleficia, with benedictions and prayers. No place or date (Germany?, ca. 1700?). Paper. 28 ff. (last 5 blank). 16 x 9.5 cm. H / m o r o c c o . — P r o v . : H e n r y C. Lea.
Ms. Lea 147 (Rhaeto-Roman) E N G A D I N . Statuts civils, criminéis et matrimoniéis (with list of officials, to 1729). Engadin, ca. 1762. Paper. 6 blank ff., 185 ff., 1 blank f., 11 ff. (index), 12 blank ff., 17 ff. (list of officials), 13 blank ff. 17 x 11.5 cm. C o n t e m p . calf.—Prov.: H e n r y C. Lea.
Ms. Lea 148 (Lat.) D U P I N . T r a c t a t u s de jure, justicia, ac de Iegibus, traditus a Reverendo Patre Dupin, Soc. Jesu, a n n o . . . 1696 et scriptus . . . 1699 a d u s u m Petri Lajaunye, expl.: Dictavit h u n c tractatum R. P. Dupin . . . 1695. France, 1699. Paper. 4 ff. (ff.2,4 blank), 295 (vero 290) pp., 2 blank ff. 16 x 11 cm. E n gravings pasted on title a n d f.3v. Contemp. calf.—"Ex libris J a c o b i D o a z a n ; " J o h n T r o t t e r Brockett; H e n r y C. L e a . — N o t in A. de Backer a n d C. Sommervogel, op.cit.
Ms. Lea 149 (Ital.) R I S T R E T T O circa li delitti più frequenti à giudicarsi nel S. Officio.— With R E G O L E G E N E R A L I per le cause del S. Officio. Italy, ca. 1600. Paper. 2 ff. (f. 1 b l a n k ) , 1 7 8 (vero 181 ) pp., 4 ff. (3 last blank). 16.5 x 11.5 cm. H / m o r o c c o . — " E x bibl. Ios. R e n f a t o ] Card. Imperialis;" H e n r y C. Lea.
Ms. Lea 150 (Sp.) M E M O R I A L ajustado del processo, y causa de Antonio Pérez, secretario de Ph® Segundo, sobre la muerte del secretario Escobedo, y otras cosas. Spain, 18th cent. Paper. 176 ff. (last 2 blank). 19.5 x 14 cm. C o n t e m p . calf.—Prov.: M a n u e l Lopez Alguacil; Francisco Carminas; Sebastian Vilardebo; José Vilardebo; H e n r y C. Lea.
Ms. Lea 151 (Sp.) P R O C E S O que se hizo, a Antonio Pérez, secretario de estado, y del despacho del Rey Don Phelipe 2 o , que tubo principio en el año del 1578. Juez, el lizenciado Rodrigo Vázquez de Arze, presidente del consejo de hacienda; escrivano Antonio M á r q u e z . Spain, 17th cent. Ad. Lea 148: A catalogue description in the Lea Library attributes this tract to Louis Ellies Dupin, who was, however, not a Jesuit.
Paper. Ff.64-146 (with previous numbering 101-185). 21 x 15 cm. H/morocco.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Apparently the same text as Lea ms. 150. Ms. Lea 152 (Lat.)* JOHANNES GERSON. Opuscula varia, with the addition of items (12-20) not identified in Gerson's Opera omnia. Southern Germany (Memmingen?), 1466 (cf. f,142v; some parts probably slightly earlier; fF.157v-9 perhaps somewhat later). Written in several hands. Paper. 159 ff. (ff.27-8 and 82 missing; ff.l, 95-8, 121 and 143-6 blank). 30 x 21.5 cm. All, except ff.2-3 and 157v-9r, in two cols. Contemp. pigskin over wooden boards. Prov.: Johannes Frank ("hunc librum dedit dominus Johannes Frank socius divinorum apud Sanctum Martinum in Memmingen fratribus ordinis Carthusiensis in Buchsheim"); Carthusian monastery, Buxheim (sign. 2FI); Ludwig Rosenthal, Cat. 120 [1909], no. 127; unidentified catalogue, no. 186; F. Valée; Henry C. Lea.—Contents: 1. JEAN GERSON (Celestinus). Opuscula et tractatus ipsius magistri Johannis Gerson [i.e. Annotatio II, Jean Gerson, Oeuvres completes, ed. Mgr. Glorieux, (Paris, Desclée, 1960), pp.29-33, with variations], ff.2v-3v.—2. JEAN GERSON (cancellarius Parisiensis). De oratore, ff.4r-12v. (His Opera Omnia, ed. L. Ellies du Pin, The Hague, de Hondt, 1728, v. I l l , cols. 247-62).—3. IDEM. Dialogus de perfectione cordis, ff. 12v-20r {Opera, v. I l l , cols. 436-49).—4. IDEM. Tractatus de sollicitudine ecclesiasticorum, ff.20r-28v (icplt., ends with "particula" 44; Opera, v. II, cols. 597-609). —5. IDEM. Regulae morales, ff.29r-41r (icplt., begins with "regula" 56; Opera, v. I l l , cols. 88-106).—6. IDEM. De vita spirituali animae, ff.41v-94r (index on ff.41v-44v; Opera, v. I l l , cols. 1-72).—7. IDEM. De audienda confessione, ff.99r-103r {Opera, v. II, cols. 446-53). —8. IDEM. Tractatus de injungenda poenitentia contra recidivami, ff.l03r-5r {Opera, v. II, cols. 457-9).— 9. IDEM. Tractatus de praecepta confessione et scientia mortis, ff. 105r-15r {Opera, v. I, cols. 427-42).—10. IDEM. Tractatulus secundus de confesione sacramentali, fT.115v-9r {Opera, v. I, cols. 442-7).—11. IDEM. Opusculum pro conquerenda noticia bene moricndi, ff.ll9r, 124v-6r {Opera, v. I, cols. 44750). —12. QUAESTIO utrum hoc possit scire se esse electum . . . ad civitatem dei . . . , ff.ll9v-20r.—13. MODUS DISPONENDI se ad mortem f.l22v. —14. R E G I S T R U M historiarum ewangeliorum de libro magistri Nicolai organiste, inc.: Sciendum . . . , ff,123r—4v.—15. SPECULUM M O R T I S sanctae peccatoris S. Augustini, inc.: Quoniam . . . , ff,126r-9r.— 16. ARTICULI propter quos prohibetur altaris communio, rubricated: Hiis sequentibus altaris communio est prohibenda, ff.l29r-32r.—17. BREVILOG I U M de malis huius mundi, inc.: Stet speculator . . . , ff.l32r-3v.— 18. BREVILOGIUM de vana huius mundi oblectatione, inc.: Omnes amatores, if. 133v-4r. —19. T R A C T A T U S de incarnatione, inc.: Inclinavit se Jesus, ff.l35r-42v.—20. DECLARATIO et expositio arboris consanguinitatis, inc.: Ad arborem . . . , fT.147r-57r. (With 3 schematic drawings).—21. JEAN GERSON. Tractatus de confessione Mollitiei, ff.l57v-8r {Opera, v. II, cols. 444-5).—22. IDEM. Responsio super questione sibi facta . . . de statuto ordinis Carthusiensium, f,158r-v {Opera, v. II, cols. 460-1).—23. IDEM. De eodem statuto, f,158v {Opera, v. II, cols. 461-2).—24. IDEM. Avisamentum per modum confessionis in religioni sub . . . audiendi, ff.l58v-9r {Opera, v. II, col. 462). [179]
Ms. Lea 153 (Sp.) A N T O N I O P E R E Z . Política (i.e. his S u m m a de preceptos justos, necesarios y provechosos en Consejo de Estado, v. I, ff.2r-85r.—Discurso al Rey Felipe, Terzero de España al ingreso à la corona . . . con advertencias para governarle, v. I, ff.87r-290v.—Máximas políticas, v. II). Spaiti, second halj 17th cent. Paper. 2 vols. 20 x 16 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 154 a tal.) I S T O R I E T R A G I C H E . 1. A V V E R S I T À N O T A B I L I S S I M A di Papa Paolo Q u a r t o e de suoi nepoti con il successo memorabile della casa Caraffa, 1 f., 145 p p . - 2 . D U O D E C I M C A P I T A P R O C E S S U S Card. Caroli Carafae, 3 ff., 106 pp.—3. N A R R A T I O N E del successo della morte della Duchessa Violante di Cardona . . . ; Eseguita dal detta duca e dal Conte d'Aliffee e dà Don Leonardo di Cardines, p. 107, 34 pp.—4. R E L A T I O N E della giustitia fatta di Onofrio Santacroce l'anno 1601, al quale fù tagliata la testa per haver acconsentito al matricidio di Paolo suo fratello in persona della Signora Costanza Santacroce, 1 f., 7 pp.—5. J O S E P H B L O N D O (or Biondi). Raguaglio della prigionia, e morte del Signor Troilo Savelli . . . 1592 (A. de Backer and C. Sommervogel, op. cit., v. I, col. 1546), 1 f., 75 pp.— 6. E F F E T T I della maleditione paterna nel racconto delle morti de figliuli del Marchese de Massimi, 1 f., 15 pp.—7. I L R A C C O N T O del grave delitto del Centino, nipote del Cardinale d'Ascoli e compagni, per far morire Papa U r b a n o 8°, 1 f., 30 pp.—8. V I T A & M O R T E di Papa Sisto V, 3 pp. (incomplete). Italy, ca. 1700. Paper. 1 voi. 19 x 11 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 155 (Fr.) R É P O N S E , ou avis des conseaux à Son Altesse Serenissime l'Archiduchesse Marie Elisabeth sur le projet de placcart, touchant les livres defendus, stipulé par les ecclésiastiques du Pais-Bas. Low Countries, post 1730. Paper. 96 ff. 19.5 x 16 cm. Contemp. calf.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 156 (Sp.) A L O N S O D E P E D R A D A . Instrución para actuar los comissarios y notarios de el Sancto Officio (dedicated to J u a n Eberardo Nìdhardo, and letters to the author, signed, by Pedro de Espinosa, Iacinto de Urturi y Ibáñez and Bartolomé Francisco de Villaviciosa). Cuenca, 1667. Paper. 14 ff. (first blank), 104 pp., 4 ff. 23.5 x 17 cm. Illum. dedication with coat of arms (f.2). Contemp. gilt leather.—Prov.: San Pablo de Cuenca; Henry C. Lea. [180]
Mi. Lea 157 (Sp.) J U A N DE MARIANA. Tratado y discurso sobre la moneda de vellón, que al presente se labra en Castilla, y de algunos desórdenes y abusos, escrito . . . en idioma latino e traducido en castellano . . . e impreso en Colonia ano de 1609. Madrid, 1799. Paper. 90 ff. (ff. 1, 86-90 blank). 21.5 x 15.5 cm. 19th-cent. calf.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ma. Lea 158 a tal.) [INQUISITION, Rome]. Processi overo copie delle confessioni fatte nell'alma città di Roma dal P. Anello Arciero, da Sor Giulia de Marco et da Gioseffo de Vicariis nell'anno M D C X V , a 12. die Luglio. Rome, ca. 1615. Paper. 1, 55 ff. (last blank). 18.5 x 13 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 159 (Ger.) [VIENNA], Judenschafft, so nit privilegiret hier zu sein (punishment of 12 begging Jews who entered Vienna without permission), signed Nicolaus Prinz [?]. Vienna, 1721. Paper. 1 f. 42.5 x 29 cm. Cloth.—Prov.: Henry G. Lea. Ms. Lea 160 (Sp.) [MEXICO, Inquisition]. Processo y causa criminal da Ysabel de Montoia, mulata o castiza (llamada La Centella). Mexico City, 16521661. Paper. 2 vols. (194, 157 ff.). 32 x 2 1 . 5 cm. H/morocco.—Prov.: Henry G.
Lea. Ms. Lea 164 (Ital.) NICOLO CAPASSO. Ragionamenti intorno al tribunale della inquisizione, nei quali metodicamente si dimostra con quanta ragione gli onorati cittadini napolitani si siano sempre opposti à tentativi degli ecclesiastici d'introdurre nella città a regno [di Napoli] il detto tribunale. Naples, post 1711. Paper. 149 ff. (incomplete at end). 26.5 x 18.5 cm. H/vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 165 (Ital.) NICOLO CAPASSO. Ragionamenti. Naples, 1717. Paper. 1 f., 161 pp., 1 f. 30 x 21.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. [ 181]
Ms. Lea 166 (Lat.) [NAPLES], 1. N I C O L O C A P A S S O . Disputationes orthodoxae de nova, absurdaque forma judicii a quaesitoribus fidei in coèrcendis haereticis usurpata (Latin version of the Ragionamenti, cf. Lea 1641 6 5 ) . - 2 . D I S S E R T A T I O N E S J U R I S D I C T I O N A L E S anonimae (De jurisdictione capellani maioris; Consultatio in materia immunitatis; De remediis regi competentibus adversus prelatos turbantes jurisdictionem; Explicactio in bullam Gregorii X I I I I ; Explicactio in bullam caenae domini; De bigamia; De jurisdictione quam ecclesiae habent in regno; De impensis seu meliorationibus feudo factis; An judex laicus possit cognoscere clericos ex causa rebellionis; De visitatione et exemptione hospitalium; An papa sit supra imperatorem). Naples, ca. 1715. Paper. 5 ff., 206 pp., 4 ff., 229 ff. (several ff. blank). 28 x 20 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 167 a tal.) G I U S E P P E V A L L E T T A . Al nostro SS. Padre Innocenzio X I I intorno al procedimento ordinario, e canonico nelle cause che si trattano nel tribunale del S. Ufficio nella città, e nel regno di Napoli. Naples, ca.
Paper. 223 ff. 28 x 20 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Thomas Vargas Macciucca; Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 168 a tal ) P I E T R O G ì A N N O N E . [Apologia dell'Istoria civile di Napoli], Trattato de rimedi contro le scomuniche invalide e proibizione de libri che si decratone in Roma. . . . Naples, ca. 1750. Paper. 1 f., 451 pp. 29.5 x 22.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 169 (Ital.) G I U S E P P E V A L L E T T A . Valletta al nostro Santissimo Padre Innocenzo X I I intorno al procedimento ordinario, e canonico nelle cause che si trattano nel tribunale del S. Officio. Naples, ca. 1700. Paper. 170 ff. 22.5 x 16.5 cm. Contemp. boards.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 170 (Ital.) G I U S E P P E V A L L E T T A . Al nostro Santissimo Padre Innocenzio X I I intorno al procedimento ordinario, e canonico nelle cause, che si trattano nel tribunale del S. Officio nella città, e nel regno di Napoli. Naples,
Paper. 1, 175 ff. 21.5 x 15.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 171 (Ital.) P I E T R O D E F U S C O . Per la fedelissima città di Napoli negli affari della Santa Inquisizione, ff.1-41.— With G I A C I N T O D E M A R I . [ 182]
Discorso indrizzato all'Eccellenza del Sig. D u c a d ' A l v a (on heresy), ff.42-80.—IDEM. Riflessioni c o n t r o le stesse osservazioni i m p u g n a t e nell' a n t e c e d e n t e scrittura . . . in difesa della città, a r e g n o di N a p o l i in exclusione del ritorno del ministro delegato del t r i b u n a l e dell' Inquisitione di R o m a , ff. 81-104. Naples, 2nd half 17th cent. Paper. 104 ff. 24 x 17.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Rodrigo N'olii; Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 172 a tal. and Sp.) A N T O N I O C A S T A L D O . Istoria . . . delle cose occorse del S. Ufficio in t e m p o c h e vi fu vicere D . Pietro di T o l e d o . — With F E R D I N A N D V I , K i n g of Spain. Edicto [contra F r a n c - M a s o n e s ] 8 de J u l i o d e 1751 (in Spanish). — U n d a t e d edict, in Italian, against public assembly.— N I C O L O C A P A S S O . R a g i o n a m e n t i (partial c o p y ) . — P E D R O D E H O N T A L B A . R e p o r t on controversies over article 23 of the c o n c o r d a t between t h e Holy See a n d the royal court in M a d r i d , 1738-1739. Spain, 18th cent. Paper. 32, 2 blank, 3 ff. (last f. blank), 129 pp., 26 ff. (all but ff.8-14 blank). 25 x 17 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: And. Tontoli; Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 173 (Ital.) V I T A , M O R T E E M I R A C O L I di Bartolomeo Garosi d e t t o B r a n d a n o e v o l g a r m e n t e d e t t o il Pazzo di Gesù Christo, p p . 1 - 5 1 . — With LA M O R T E di Cecco d'Ascoli seguita in Firenze l ' a n n o mille trecento venti octo, p p . 5 3 - 5 8 . — M O R T E di G i u l i a n o d e M e d i c i . . . 26 Aprile 1470, p p . 59-64. Italy, ca. 7600. Paper. 1 f., 64 pp. 21.5 x 16 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 175 (Sp.) A B R A H A M G U E R D E C O R D O V A . Fortaleza del yudaismo e confussión del christianismo. Spain or Netherlands, 17th cent.? Paper. 2, 158, 1 ff. 24.5 x 18 cm. Boards.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 176 (Lat.) B R I C C I . Disputationes de poenitentia. Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 200 pp. 27.5 x 19.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: "Rome, . . . de» Français" (stamp on p. 1); Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 177 (Sp.) M E L C H O R D E M A C A N A Z . R e f u t a c i ó n jurídica é histórica d e la consulta, q u e hizo el R . Consejo d e Castilla al R e y Nostro Señor [1708]. Spain, 18th cent. Paper. 120 ff. 29 x 19.5 cm. Contemp. calf.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ad. Lea 173: For bibliography on item 2 see Thorndike, History of Magic, II, 951. [183]
Ms. Lea 178 (Sp.) M E L C H O R D E M A C A N A Z . Proposiciones que de orden d e Su Magestad hizo Don Melchor de Macanas al consejo para que consultase lo que fuese conveniente para el concordato q u e se estava t r a d a n d o en Paris con la corte de R o m a [Dee. 19, 1713]. Spain, 18th cent. Paper. 71 ff. 20.5 x 15 cm. Boards.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea.
Ms. Lea 179 (Sp.) [ F R O I L A N DIAZ], Causa de Fr. Froylán Díaz, confesor que fue del Signor Carlos 2°. Spain, 18th cent. Paper. 65 ff. 30 x 20.5 cm. H/leather.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea.
Ms. Lea 180 (Sp.) [ F R O I L A N DIAZ], Hechizos de Carlos 2°. Debates entre el ynquisidor general y consejeros de la suprema. Papel histórico político de casos veconditas del gavinete de Carlos 2 o . Informe de la causa y proceso fulminando contra el Padre . . . Froilan Diaz. . . . Spain, 18th cent. Paper. 243 ff. 19 x 15 cm. H/leather.—Prov.: Marquis de Morante; Henry C. Lea. "This is actually the same as the 'Processo criminal . . . Madrid, 1788. There is some difference in the documents at the end," pencilled note on fly-leaf.
Ms. Lea 181 (Lat. and Ital.) T O R E L L I [ = Taurelli] F A M I L Y . Memorie dei Conti Torelli, signori di Guastalla. (45 legal documents incl. contracts, deeds, an inventory, investitures, etc., plus 1 printed proclamation of Empress Maria Theresa < M a n t u a , 1765>; most documents are notarized). Lombardy, 1454-1665. Vellum and paper. 2 vols. Various sizes (bound in bindings measuring 30.5 x 22.5 cm.). Notarial signets. H/calf.
Ms. Lea 182 (Ital.) D E O D A T O B A R T O L I N I . Vita e miracoli di S. Mauro, abate . . . insieme con la storia del monastero di Glannafoglio. Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 78 ff. (numbered 25-102; misbound in the following sequence: ff. 1-67, 97-102, 90-96, 68-89). 28.5 x 20 cm. Boards.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea.
Ms. Lea 183 (Ital.) R E L A Z I O N E D E I T R I B U N A L I di Roma, pp. 1-248 — With ALC U N E R E G O L E per decidere le questioni più frequenti, che vertono avanti l'uditore della segnatura, pp. 253-291.—Indice, 4 ff. at end. Italy, post 1770. Paper. 2 blank ff., 291 pp., 10 ff. (ff.5-10 blank). 26 x 18.5 cm. Contemp. h/calf.—Prov.: Giacomo Calidi; Silvio Bocca; Henry C. Lea.
Ms. Lea 184 (Ital.) D E S I D E R I O S C A G L I A . Prattica per le cause del Sant'Offitio. Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 3 ff. (ff.l and 3 blank), 51,6 blank ff. 26 x 19 cm. Contemp. vellum.— Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 186 (Ital.) V I N C E N Z O M A R I A C O R O N E L L E L i b r o d ' o r o ossia delle famiglie nobili venete. Venice, ca. 1712. Paper. 321 pp. (with 12 ff. tipped in, some cancels and pasted-in corrections and additions). 28 x 20.5 cm. Engraved coats-of-arms pasted in throughout; several coats in pen-and-ink. Contemp. calf. Ms. Lea 187 (Ital.) G I U S E P P E V A L L E T T A . Al nostro Santiss. P a d r e I n n o c e n z i o X I I » ° intorno al p r o c e d i m e n t o ordinario, e c a n o n i c o nelle cause, c h e si t r a t t a n o nel t r i b u n a l e del S. Ufficio nella città, e nel r e g n o di N a p o l i [preceded by L a t i n title:] D e his q u a e Neapoli, Hispaniae, ac R o m a n a e per Neapolitanos, vel scripta fuere, gesta p r o vitanda, i m p e d i e n d a q u e introductione procedendi. . . . [Title on spine:] T r a t t a t i per la introducione del S. Officio. . . . Italy, ca. 1700. Paper. 2 vols. 33.5 x 22.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Thomas Vargas Macciucca; Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 188 (Ital.) P I E T R O G I A N N O N E . Professione di f e d e scritta . . . al P. D . Giuseppe Sanfelice, Giesuita. . . .— With I D E M . A b b i u r a , ff.89-96. Italy, 18th cent. Paper. 96 ff. 31 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 189 (Ital.) P I E T R O G I A N N O N E . R a c c o n t o della sollevazione di Napoli accad u t a nel 1647 distribuito per giornali sino al t e m p o c h e f u r o n o introdotti li Spagnoli, in c o m i n c i a n d o dalli 7. luglio 1647 . . . e finisce a b aprile 1648. . . . Di più s'aggiunge altri successi derivati dall'istessa sollevazione, e d u r o r n o fino a l l ' a n n o 1655. . . . Naples?, late 17th. cent. Paper. Title, 172 ff. 31.5 x 21.5 cm. H/morocco.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 190 (Sp.) C A R T A escrita a u n cavaliere de C o r d o v a sobre los cavallos e ginetes de la A m e r i c a Meridional, ff.l-6 — With J U A N D E L A C E R D A . C a r t a al m a r q u e s seriore [sobre] el g a n a d o b a c u n o d e la A m e r i c a Ad. Lea 184: For analysis of this ms. see Lea, Materials toward a History of Witchcraft, pp. 963-6. [185]
Meridional con otras particularidades, y frcquentes disgressiones en varia literatura, ff.9-131. — IDEM[?] C a r t a 2 a . . . sobre usos y particularidades de la America Meridional, ff.132-346.—IDEM. Notas del traducttor seriore. E1 cantto primero, ff.348-352. — I D E M . Addiciones, ff.354-364. — R A P H A E L D E C O R D O V A . Copies of reports, 1756 a n d 1764, ff.365-375 (the author, but not these writings mentioned in A. d e Backer and C. Sommervogel, op. cit., I I , cols. 1446-7). South America?, 2nd half 18th cent. Paper. 375 ff. 29 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. calf (rebacked).—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 191 (Lat.) H E R M A N N À K E R S S E N B R O C H . Furoris anabaptistici Monasterium [Miinster] inclytam Westphaliae metropolim evertentis historica narratio. Germany, ca. 1700? Paper. 369 ff. 32.5 x 21 cm. Cloth.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. The version which appeared in I. B. Mencken's Scriptores rerum germanicarum (Leipzig, 1728-1730), III, cols. 1503 ff., under the title "Narratio de obsidione monasteriensi seu de bello anabaptistico" is considerably abbreviated and quite different in some sections. Ms. Lea 192 (Ital.) [NAPLES]. Congiura de'baroni. (Copy of the "Processo contra Antonello de Petruciia," his sons, and Francisco Coppula, originally printed in Naples by the " G e r m a n i fedelissimi," J u l y 14, 1487 [Hain 13382], pp. 1-174, followed by the text of the "Processo contra P y r r u m d e Baulio, Antonellum de S. Severino, J o h a n n e m Carazolum," etc., printed ibidem, J u n e 30, 1488 [Hain, 13383], pp. 179-340). Italy, 1731. Paper. 340 pp. 27.5 x 20 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 193 (Sp. and Portug.) [LISBON, Inquisition], 1. R E L A C I O N de los reos que se h a n de saler al auto particular de fee que se h a de celebrar en està corte Domingo 23. de Feb. de 1682, 2 ff. — 2. L I S T A das personas que has de ouuir suas sentengas do auto publico d a fee q u e se celebra no terreiro do pago desta cidade Domingo, 10. de mayo de 1682, 8 ff. (last 3 blank). Bound with printed Relación verdader a del auto general de la f i , que celebrò el Santo Oficio de la Inquisition de la ciudad de Lisboa, en el terreno de palacio de dicha ciudad, el Domingo 10. de mayo . . . 1682, (Lisbon, 1682), 6 ff. Lisbon, 1682. Paper. 16 ff. 30.5 x 21.5 cm. H/cloth. Ms. Lea 194 (Lat.) F R I U L I . Q u a t e r n u s protocollorum [title on back cover; alternate title on f.lr:] Q u a t e r n u s n o t a r u m Petri d e Monastero, notarii, filii S. [186]
Odorici, notarius de civitate Austriae. 1397. (Collection of documents dealing with investitures, purchases, donations, etc., bearing the names of various notaries; the n a m e Ottoboni occurs in various documents). Friuli, 1397. Paper. 115 ff. 15 x 11.5 cm. Bound in vellum document, dated 1385. Ms. Lea 195 (Fr.) J E A N M A R T I N L A U B A R D E M O N T . Collection of three letters, reporting the proceedings against, and condemnation of, Urbain Grandier, curé of Loudun, accused of perverting the Ursulines of Loudun to witchcraft, addressed to Cardinal Richelieu. Loudun and Tours, August 20 and November 28, 1634; August 28, 7636. Paper. 5 ff. (ff.lr and v, 3r and v, and 5r containing the reports). 33.5 x 23 cm. Portfolio. Ms. Lea 196 (Lat. and Ital.) [MISCELLANEA A U T O G R A P H I C A ECCLESIASTICA ITALIANA], 30 documents and letters, 1503-1770, incl. items by members of the Borgia, Caraffa, Della Rovere, Grimaldi and Farnese families. Rome, etc., 1503-1770. Paper and vellum. 43 ff. Various sizes in portfolio. Ms. Lea 197 (Fr. and Lat.) [ F R E N C H L E G A L D O C U M E N T S ] . 1. Sale of property in Caen by "Johanna dicta La F r o m m e " to "Raginaldus Colli R u b e i , " 1256, 1 f.— 2. Feudal rights granted by "Thiebaus de Maliers, seigneur du Chàtel en Ardenne," to "Gervais de Donchery" and his wife, 1300, 1 f.—3. Receipt of payment by "Bertran de T a r r i d e " from "Jaques Lempereur" for military services, 1355, 1 f.—4. Similar receipt by " J e h a n de St. Germain," 1360, 1 f.—5. Receipt by "Sarrazius de Bethencourt" of gift from "la Comtesse de Flandres et Artoys" through "Michiel de Cambier," 1370, 1 f.—6. Real estate transaction between " J e h a n due de Berry" and his "neveu le due de Orleans," 1411, 1 f. France, 12561411. Vellum. 6 ff. Various sizes. Portfolio. Ms. Lea 198 (Ital., etc.) DISPACCI D I P L O M A T I C I inviati dalla corte granducale di Toscana ad Antonio Francesco Montauti (ambassador to the imperial court Vienna). 1. C O S I M O I I I , grand duke of Tuscany. Dispacci, Sept. 17, 1689-Nov. 14, 1699 (279 items).—2. I D E M . Lettere di cancellaria, J a n . 2, 1690-Nov. 21, 1699 (32 i t e m s ) . - 3 . A P O L L O N I O BASSETTI. Lettere scritte . . . al Marchese Montauti, Sept. 4, 1691-April 18, 1699 (355 originals and 355 sep. bound copies).—4. F R A N C E S C O [187]
M A R I A D E ' M E D I C I . Lettere, M a y 1, 1688-Nov. 10, 1696 (152 items), bound with: P A O L O A N T O N I O C O N T I . Lettere, Oct. 8, 1689-Oct. 16, 1699 (229 items). —5. F R A N C E S C O M A R I A D E ' M E D I C I . Lettere, J a n . 6, 1691-Oct. 31, 1699 (140 i t e m s ) . - 6 . F R A N C E S C O P A N C I A T I C H I . Lettere . . . scritte al Marchese Montauti, Oct. 16, 1691-Oct. 11, 1699 (280 i t e m s ) . - 7 . G I O V A N N I G A S T O N E . Lettere, Sept. 13, 1 6 8 9 - M a y 29, 1706 (27 items).—8. Lettere varie (Cosimo I I I , Cardinal Francesco M a r i a de' Medici, Count Palatin J o h a n n Wilhelm, E m p e r o r Leopold I, etc.), 1690-1744 (36 items). — 9. Copie di dispacci riguardanti il feudo di Filattierra (involving Leopold I a n d Cosimo I I I , etc.), primarily of the years 1698-1699 (51 items). —10. Cifrari, 1689 a n d 1694 (etc.), (4 items).— 11. Copie di dispacci vari pervenuti al Montauti, etc., 1650-1734 (132 items). —12. With C O S I M O I I I , grand duke of Tuscany. Lettere scritte a Alessandro d a Verazano, 1696-1703 (279 items). Various places, 1650-1744. Paper. 13 vols. Various sizes (all in folio bindings or portfolios). Contemp. vellum (6) and portfolios (7).—Original letters and documents, and copies; some autograph, others signed, many with seals, some in code. As far as known the entire collection of "dispacci" remains unpublished. See also Ms. Lea 30-32, part of the same collection, but acquired earlier. Ms. Lea 199 (Lat) B A R T O L O M E O C H I O C C A R E L L I . M a g n i archivii scripturarum pro regali jurisdictione Regni Neapolis ex omnibus regiis archiviis Philippi. I V . . . . mandatis, et acuratissima diligentia . . . except a r u m . . . et in u n u m collectarum, tomus I [ - X V I I I ] . — With I D E M . Notitia elaborata, et absolutissima, and printed Indice compendioso (Venice, 1721). Italy, second half 17th cent. Paper. 18 vols, in 16 (of the main work), 1 vol. (Notitia) and 1 vol. (Indice) = 18 vols. 32.5 x 23 cm. (Indice: 22.5 x 16.5 cm.) Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Marquis Salsa. Niccola Fraggianni's Lettera circolare . . . intorno al modo di procedere in causa di fede, printed Naples, 1761, tipped in at end of vol. 10. Ms. Lea 200 (Lat) B A R T O L O M E O C H I O C C A R E L L I . S a m e collection as the preceding, but vols. 3 - 1 8 of the main work only. Italy, second half 17th cent. Paper. 16 vols. 30 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Ms. Lea 201 (Ital.) F E R D I N A N D I I , G r a n d Duke of Tuscany. Viaggio del Serenissimo G r a n Duca di Toscana d a Fiorenza insino a R o m a . Italy, 17th cent. Paper. 20 ff. 28 x 21 cm. Boards.
Ms. Lea 202 (Fr.)* M A T H U R I N DE MONTALAIS, seigneur de Chambellay (Maine-etLoire). Feudal rents from his properties of "Seaulx, la Fillotiere, Crisse, et Langevine." France, early 16th cent. Paper. 280 ff. 35 x 25 cm. Contemp. vellum.
Ms. Lea 203 (Sp.) [BARCELONA, Inquisition]. Sobre los procedimientos y relaxade vida del canónigo de Castellò [de Ampurias] Antonio Navarro, notario de este Santo Oficio (addressed by the "inquisidores" to the bishop of Urgel, signed Jerónimo de Escobar, J u a n de Ribera, etc.) Barcelona, May 16, 1671. Paper. 2 ff. (f.2 blank except for archival marking). 30 x 21 cm. Portfolio.
Ms. Lea 204 (I tal.) [PIACENZA], Notarial document of 1531, respecting the marriage agreement between Constantia, daughter of Hyronima and the late Albericus Malvicini de Fontana, and Matteo, son of Filippo Fori. Piacenza, 1531. Vellum. 4 ff. 20 x 17 cm. Portfolio.—Prov.: Morbio Collection.
Ms. Lea 205 (Lat) [PIACENZA], Two notarial documents of 1534 and 1540. 1. Acknowledgment of a sum of 1000 pounds as a dowry for Lucia de Medicis, who is to marry Innocentius, son of Antoninus Antonii.—2. Document drawn "in pallado magno super scalis" respecting the completion of notarial documents of the deceased notary, Leonardus Casalis, by the notary Albertus Penna. The notaries are Albertus Penna (1) and Bartholomeus Casalis (2). Piacenza, 1534, 1540. Vellum. 2 ff. 24.5 x 18 cm. Portfolio.—Prov.: Morbio Collection.
Ms. Lea 206 (Port.) [INQUISITION]. Sentengas proferidas pelo Santo Officio. (Accounts of trials held at Lisbon, Goa, Coimbra, Rome, etc., 1603-1706). Lisbon, ca. 1750. Paper. 4, 112, 4 blank ff. 24 x 17 cm. Contemp. calf.—Prov.: John Foster Siile (Sotheby June 25-28, 1878).—"Tomo primeiro" only (same as in 1878).
Ms. Lea 207 (Ital.) PIETRO GIANNONE. Trattato de'rimedi contro le scomuniche invalide, e proibizioni de libri, che si decretano in Roma . . . coll'occasione della invalida censura contro di lui fulminata dal vicario di [189]
Napoli per aver fatto quivi i m p r i m e r e i libri della storia civile di quel regno senza sua licenza, e della proibizione d e medesimi d e c r e t a t a in R o m a nel di 1. luglio 1723. Naples, 1723. Paper. 283 ff. 29 x 21 cm. Contemp. calf.—"Ex libris Orontii Mello."—Cf. Lea mas. 168, 188-9. Ms. Lea 208 (ItaL) C H E R U B I N O C H I R A R D A Z Z I . Istoria di Bologna, p a r t e terza, manuscritta, ed estratta della Libreria del C o n v e n t o di S. G i a c o m o Maggiore di Bologna, l ' a n n o 1734. C o n t i n u a t i o n of t w o printed volumes, beginning with some additional material left out of printed books 27, 28, a n d 29 a n d covering the years 1393 to 1425 (pp. 1 - 2 2 ) , continuing with [unpublished?] books 30 (p.23) — 38 (ending p. 1174); followed by notes " A g g i u n t a à questo t o m o m a n o s c r i t t o " (pp.1175-1202) a n d " T a v o l a generale" ( p p . l 2 0 3 - 3 6 ) . Italy, 1734. Paper. Title, 1236 pp. 29 x 20 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Biblioteca Banzi. Ms. Lea 210 a tal.) [ S L A V E R Y ] , Ruolo di tutti li schiavi che a n n o p r e d a t o le sei galere di S.A.S. [Cosimo I I , G r a n d Duke of Tuscany] in q u e s t ' a n n o in Levante, t a n t o masti q u a n t o femine, il q u a l e comincia alli 6 di maggio 1611 all'Isola di Storonisse in Levante fino alli 22 d e t t o a sigra di Mitelino. (List of 202 slaves, giving in each case the n a m e , origin, age a n d general description of the captive a n d the n a m e of t h e person to w h o m h e or she has been assigned). Florence?, 1611. Paper. 16 ff. 31.5 x 21.5 cm. Boards.—Cf. no. 353. Ms. Lea 211 (I tal.) V I N C E N Z O M E D I C I . R e p o r t to Cosimo I I on his activities as "depositario generale" of a " z e c c a " f r o m 1595 to 1609, dealing with economic questions, e.g. purchase a n d sale of grain, benefices, etc. Tuscany, Oct. 19, 1609. Paper. 2 ff. 30 x 21 cm. (folded). Boards.—Cf. mss. 243-50, 294-5. Gondi-Medici Basin ess Records N u m b e r s 212-355 were acquired as a collection. T h e y are a r r a n g e d more or less chronologically, within t h e following series: Medici records in regular folio; n a r r o w folio; smaller sizes.—Amadori records. —Arrigucci a n d Gondi records.—Textile t r a d e records.—Miscellaneous records. All volumes were originally part of t h e G o n d i archives, specifically of t h a t part which was left to the Ritiro della Q u i e t e in Florence b y Caterina a n d Elisabetta, descendants of Giuliano il Vecchio, cf. R o b e r t o Ridolfi, Gli archivi delle famiglie fiorentine (Florence, L . S. Olschki, 1934). [190]
Ms. Lea 212 (Ital.) GASA M E D I C I . R i c o r d a n z e di beni et immobili di casa Medici, 1456-95 (a variety of sections: ff.2r-4v, 1456-76; ff.l0r-12r, 1458-68; ff.l3v-14r, 1473-4; f.24r-v, 1458-70; ff.25r-26v, 1463-73; f.27, 1464; ff.30r-32v, 1464-95; ff.38v-39r, 1463-72[?]; f.48, 1465-70; f.50, 1471—8—[?]; f.52, 1473-92; f.53, 1479-80; f.54r without d a t e ; ff.64r-65v, 1474-93; ff.66r-68r, 1 4 9 3 ^ ) . [Giornale] A. Italy, 1456-95. Paper. 144 ff. (ff.l, 16-9 wanting, as are the following, probably blank ff., ff.56-7, 69-71, 74-6, 86-91, 94-102, 108-13, 135.—Ff.5-9, 20-3, 33-7, 40-7, 50, 55, 58-63, 72 are blank). 28 x 22 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 22[?] on spine, no. 242 on front cover. 7 F
• f t y Casa de Medici. Ricordanze. Lia 212,J.3r {detail).
Ms. Lea 213 (Ital.) [ C A R L O D E M E D I C I ? ] . Q u a d e r n o di cassa, debitori e creditori, 1532-3. [Giornale] C. Italy, 1532-33. Paper. 64 ff. (ff.36-64 blank). 28.5 x 21.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 130 on spine, no. 225 on front cover. Ms. Lea 214 (Ital.) C A R L O D E M E D I C I . Giornale di chassa, 1°, debitori e creditori, 1533-4. Italy, 1533-34. Paper, except firet and last f., vellum. 2, 240 ff. (ff.121-70 blank), 1 f. 33.5 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 27 on spine, no. 295 on front cover. Ms. Lea 215 (Ital.) Q u a d e r n o di chassa, 3°, debitori e creditori, 1534-5.
1534-35. Paper. 1 f. vellum, 111 ff. (ff.107-11 blank). 33.5 x 23.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 30 on spine, no. 293 on front cover. [191]
Ms. Lea 216 a tal.) B I V I G L I A N O D ' A L A M A N N O D E M E D I C I . Libro in sul quale fara schrivere e sua beni . . . e altre cose importante. . . . Italy, 1534-44. Paper. 64 ff. (ff.42-64 blank). 26.5 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 52 on front cover.—Deals primarily with real estate.
Ms. Lea 217 (Ital.) [ C A R L O D E MEDICI?]. Quaderno di chassa, 7°, debitori e creditori, 1536-7. (Assigned to "Vincenzo de Medici?" by previous owner). Italy, 1536-37. Paper, except first and last f., vellum. 2, 175 ff. (ff.108-75 blank), 1 f. 33 x 23.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 131 on spine, no. 289 on cover.
Ms. Lea 218 (Ital.) C A R L O DE M E D I C I . Quaderno di chassa, 6°, debitori e creditori, 1536-7. Italy, 1536-37. Paper, except first and last f., vellum. 2, 239 ff. (ff.123-239 blank), 1 f. 33.5 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 29 on spine, no. 290 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 219 (Ital.) [ C A R L O DE MEDICI?]. Quaderno di cassa, 8°, debitori e creditori, 1537-8. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous owner; among the accounts are those of Carlo and Francesco da Barberino; Ottaviano and Lorenzo de Medici; Spedale di Santa Maria Nuova; Anastasio and Giovanni Pitti; Francisco di Girolamo Rucellai; Mariotto de Medici). Italy, 1537-38. Paper, except first and last f. of text, vellum. 18 ff. (index, in vellum wrapper), 2, 237 ff. (ff. 116-237 blank), 1 f. 33 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 133 on spine, no. 288 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 220 (Ital.) [ ]. Quaderno di cassa, debitori e creditori, 1538-9. (Assigned to "Carlo de Medici?" by previous owner; among names appearing are Antonio and Giovanni Pitti; Spedale di Santa Maria degli Innocenti; Giuliano, Francesco, Mariotto and Gregorio de Medici; Anastasio de Buonacorso; Alessandro di Nicolo Antinori). Italy, 1538-39. Paper, except first and last f., vellum. 1, 18 ff. index, 1, 239 ff. (ff.99-239 blank), 1 f. Contemp. vellum, no. 286 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 221 (Ital.) SALINA D I P I S T O I A . Li signori quattro commisari sopra le cose di Pistoia, 1539. Pistoia, 1539. Paper. 1 f. 29 x 21 cm. In portfolio with ms. Lea 259.
Ms. Lea 222 a tal.)
[ C A R L O D E M E D I C I ? ] . Q u a d e r n o di chassa, 12°, [debitori e creditori], 1539-40. (Assigned to Luigi de Medici by previous owner; among the accounts are Anastasio de Buonacorso; Spedale di Santa Maria Nuova; Santa M a r i a del Fiore; Carlo de Simone Benzoni; Giovanni di Baldo; Mariotto di Gregorio de Medici; Ottaviano de Medici). Italy, 1539-40. Paper, except first a n d last f., vellum. 2, 223 ff. (ff.107-223 blank), 1 f. 33 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 135(?) on spine, no. 304 on front cover. Ms. Lea 223 (Ital.)
[ ]. Q u a d e r n o di cassa, 13°, debitori e creditori, 1539-40. (Assigned to "Luigi de Medici?" by previous owner; among accounts are those of the Spedale di Santa M a r i a Nuova; Santa Maria del Fiore; Anastasio di Buonacorso Pitti; Mariotto di Gregorio de Medici; Antonio di Giovanni Pitti; Francesco Legnaiolo; Giovanni d'Ottaviano Doni; Diegho de Chastro spagnolo; Francesco and Matteo Manucci). Italy, 7539-40. Paper, except first f., vellum. 2, 95 ff. (and 144 blank ff.). 33.5 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 136 on spine, no. 303 on front cover. Ms. Lea 224 (Ital.)
C A R L O DI F E R D I N A N D O D E M E D I C I . Q u a d e r n o di debitori e creditori. [Giornale] B, 1540-56. Italy, 1540-56. Paper. 208 ff. 28.5 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 31 on spine, no. 122 on front cover. Ms. Lea 225 (Ital.)
[ C A R L O DE M E D I C I ? ] . Q u a d e r n o di cassa, 18°, debitori e creditori, 1542-3. (Assigned to "Carlo de Medici?" by previous owner; among the names appearing are Rafaello di Miniato; Santa Maria del Fiore; Pagolo Giovanni Gondi; Buonacorso Pitti; Mariotto di Gregorio de Medici; Spedale di Santa Maria Nuova). Italy, 1542-43. Paper, except first and last f., vellum. 1, 140 ff. (misnumbered; ff.85-140 blank), 1 f. 33.5 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 142 on spine, no. 285 on front cover. M s . L e a 2 2 6 (Ital.)
[ ]. Q u a d e r n o di cassa, 21°, debitori e creditori, 1543-4. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous owner; among the accounts are those of Alessandro di Nicolo Antinori; Anastasio di Buonacorso Pitti; Spedale di Santa M a r i a Nuova; J a c o p o d'Alamanno; Alamanno di Bernardo de Medici). Italy, 1543-44. Paper, except first f., vellum. 2, 143 ff. (ff.82-143 blank). 33 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 143 on spine, no. 296 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 227 (Ital.) [ ]. Q u a d e r n o di cassa, 20°, debitori e creditori, 1543-4. (Assigned to " C a r l o de M e d i c i ? " by previous owner; a m o n g the names appearing are S a n t a M a r i a del Fiore; Mariotto di Gregorio de Medici; Alessandro Antinori; Spedale degli Innocenti; S a n t a M a r i a N u o v a ; Bernardo di Piero Brandolini; Guerardo a n d Piero d ' A l a m a n n o Salviati). Italy, 1543-44. Paper. 1, 95 ff. (ff.91-5 blank). 33.5 x 23.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 144 on spine, no. 297 on front cover. Ma. Lea 228 a tal.) C A R L O D E M E D I C I . Q u a d e r n o di cassa della suventione del anno 1543[-6], [Giornale] B. Italy, 1543-46. Paper. 1, 47 ff. (ff.36-47 blank). 33 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 33 on spine. Ms. Lea 229 a tal.) Q u a d e r n o di cassa, 22°, debitori e creditori, 1544-5 (and 1 entry each 1546 and 1559). Italy, 1544-59. Paper. 1, 95 ff. (ff.87-95 blank). 34 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 34 on spine, no. 306 on front cover. Ms. Lea 230 (Ital.) C A R L O B E R N A R D O A L A M A N N I D E M E D I C I . Libro di contracti, no. 9, 1552-69 (Beni di Volterra, etc.) Italy, 1552-69. Paper. 1, 49 ff. (last blank). 28 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 126 on spine. Ms. Lea 231 (Ital.) [ A R T E D E L L A L A N A ] , 3 documents, 1552 to late 16th cent. 1. Addressed to the "illustrious and most excellent D u k e " [of Tuscany] by Lelio T . , a " s u p p l i c a " concerning Giovanbattista Bettini, Amerigo Carnesecchi and Luigi Bettini, dated 1552.—2. Addressed to the same, unsigned, concerning Giovanbattista Bettini, n.d.—3. " S u p p l i c a " of Nicolo and Fabrizio di Luigi de Medici to the G r a n d Duke [Cosimo II?] concerning a Camilla lor'zia paterna, n.d. Italy, 1552-late 16th cent. Paper. 3 ff. Ca. 29 x 21 cm. Portfolio.—Cf. mss. 327 ff. Ms. Lea 232 (Ital-) C A R L O D I B E R N A R D O D E M E D I C I . Conto di tutti debitori [e creditori] divisi delle ragioni di Giovanbattista Bettini . . . , Pandolfo de Medici . . . , 1553-60, 1570. [Giornale] A. Italy, 1553-70. Paper. 1, 63 ff. (ff.33-49, 54-63 blank). 27.5 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 36 on spine, no. 126 on front cover. [194]
Ms. Lea 233 a tal.) N I C O L O and F A B R I Z I O (figlioli di Luigi) DE M E D I C I . Libro di debitori e creditori, ricordi e altro, 1566-8. [Giornale] A. (Contains also "copie di conti," "conti co[l] lavoratori delle ricolte e vantaggi," "entrata e uscita di grani e biade e altro"). Italy, 1566-68. Paper. 1, 175 ff. (ff. 113-23, 131-43, 167-75, blank); 2 ff. doc. concerning Rinaldo di Falente, lavoratore, 17 Feb. 1565, laid in. 33.5 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 14 on spine, no. 137 on front cover, 1 f. from incunable sewn in front cover.
Ms. Lea 234 (Ital.) L U I S A (moglie di Luigi) D I B I V I G L I A N O DE M E D I C I . Libro di debitori e creditori, ricordi, etc., 1566-73. [Giornale] A. (Debitori e creditori, prel. f.lv-104r; ricordi e copie di conti, ff.l04v-22v; conti co lavoratori del podere di Castagnolo, ff.l24v-38r; entrata e uscita di grani e biade e altre, ff,144v-88r). Italy, 7566-73. Paper. 1, 191 ff. (ff.123, 139^3, 189-91 blank). 33 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 25 on spine, no. 112 on front cover (folio ms. leaf on vellum preceding and following account book, fragment of incunable leaf stitched inside front cover).
Ms. Lea 235 a tal.) N I C O L O and F A B R I Z I O (figlioli di Luigi) DE M E D I C I . Libro di debitori e creditori. [Giornale] B, 1568-75. Italy, 1568-75. Paper. 1, 191 ff. (ff. 187-91 blank). 33.5 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 16 on spine, no. 138 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 236 (Ital.) C A R L O DI B E R N A R D O D E M E D I C I and F R A N C E S C O D I S T E F A N O DI R I S A L I T I . Libro di entrata e uscita, 1573-6. [Giornale] A [also
Italy, 1573-76.
Paper. 240 ff. (ff.48-50, 68-89, 117-39, 175-240 blank; numbering irregular). 32.5 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 69 on spine, no. 48 and signet " C F " on front cover.—Cf. nos. 332-5.
Ms. Lea 237 a tal.) A N D R E A DI C A R L O D E M E D I C I . Entrata [e uscita] prima delle rede di Carlo de Medici tenuta per me Andrea di Carlo de Medici, 1573-80. [Giornale] A. (Name Vincenzo Medici, in later hand, on front cover). Italy, 1573-80. Paper. 144 ff. (ff.22-75, 132-44 blank). 33 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 49 on spine, no. 229 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 238 (Ital.) C A R L O DE M E D I C I [Heirs?]. Libro di debitori e creditori, 1573-80. [Giornale] A. Italy, 1573-80. Paper. 1, 207 ff. 32.5 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 33 on spine, no. 9 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 239 (tal.) G I O R N A L E [di entrata e uscita?] A, 1573-80. (Among the names a p p e a r i n g are Bartolomeo R i c c i ; Pietro Parrini; C a r l o de M e d i c i ; Giovanni Bertelli; Francesco di M a t t e o Bracchi). Italy, 1573-80. Paper. 48 ff. (ff.40-8 blank). 33 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 148 on apine, no. 230 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 240 a tal.) N I C O L O a n d F A B R I Z I O (fratelli, figlioli di L u i g i ) DE M E D I C I . Libro di debitori e creditori. [Giornale] C, 1575-84. W i t h a l p h a b e t i c a l index at beginning. Italy, 1575-84. Paper. 18 ff. (index), 1, 237 ff. (ff.226-37 blank). 33.5 x 24 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 13 on spine, no. 136 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 241 (Ital.) Ricordi e conti de contratti con lavoratori, e e n t r a t a e uscita di grano, vino e altro, 1575-82, with a d d e d Ricordi, 1582, 1584. [Giornale] C. Italy, 1575-84. Paper. 1, 191 ff. (ff.171-4, 177-91 blank); 1 large f. of additions laid in between ff.83-4. 33.5 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 17 on spine, no. 139 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 242 a tal.) F A B R I Z I O DI L U I G I DE M E D I C I . Libro di debitori e creditori, 1579-1612. [Giornale] C. Italy, 1579-1612. Paper. 1, 191 ff. (ff.176-91 blank), 4 ff. (2 blank) laid in between ff. 31-2, corrections and calculations inserted throughout, 6 letters or docs, of Fabrizio and a printed form in envelope at end. 33 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 18 on spine, no. 87 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 243 (Ital.) V I N C E N Z O a n d A N D R E A DE M E D I C I (cf. f . l 5 8 v ) . Libro di possessione, 1581-3. [Giornale] B. (Ff.1-111 deal with the territory a n d possessions " f u o r a della possessione di Valdenievole e delle spese attenante a bestiami et a l t r e ; " ff.112-157 with the "possessione di V a l d e n i e v o l e . " ) Italy, 1581-83. Paper. 1, 191 ff. (ff.159-91 blank). 33 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 96 on spine, no. 10 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 244 a tal ) V I N C E N Z O M E D I C I . Giornale della possessione di Valdenievole, 1583-92. [Giornale] C. Italy, 7583-92. Paper. 64 ff. (ff.45-64 blank). 33.5 x 24 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 98 on spine. Ms. Lea 245 (Ital.) V I N C E N Z O a n d A N D R E A D E M E D I C I [f.25r]. Giornale C del libro, debitori e creditori, e libro di possessione, 1583-92. (Assigned erroneously to " C a r l o de M e d i c i " < f a t h e r of Vincenzo a n d A n d r e a > by previous owner). Italy, 1583-92. Paper. 80 ff. (ff.16-24, 77-80 blank). 33 x 23.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 150 on spine. Ms. Lea 246 (Ital.) E n t r a t a e uscita del' libro di debitori e creditori e del libro di possessione, 1583-92. [Giornale] C. Italy, 1583-92. Paper. 112 ff. (ff.8-20, 49-56, 76-83 blank). 33.5 x 23.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 51 on spine, no. 251 on front cover. Ms. Lea 247 a tal.) E n t r a t a e uscita del libro . . . B, 1585-90 (and 1 entry e a c h for 1593 a n d 1594, a n d 2 for 1614; concerns transactions of textile business). Italy, 1585-1614. Paper. 94 ff. (ff.24-72, 83-94 blank). 34 x 24 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 53 on spine, no. 34 and signet VA on front cover. — Cf. nos. 327 ff. Ms. Lea 248 (Ital.) VINCENZO DE MEDICI. 1595[-6], Italy, 1595-96.
Paper. 1, 62 ff. (ff.3, 12-4, 26-9, 44, 62-3 blank). 30 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 101 on spine, no. 239(?) on front cover. Ms. Lea 249 (Ital.) V I N C E N Z O a n d A N D R E A D E M E D I C I . Giornale e ricordi B, 1597-1605. Italy, 1597-1605. Paper. 352 ff. (ff.304-11, 323-52 blank). 34 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 55(?) on spine. Ms. Lea 250 (Ital.) E n t r a t a e uscita, 1597-1605, with summaries 1603-7, 1617 a n d 1621. [Giornale] D. Italy, 1597-1621. Paper. 256 ff. (ff.238-56 blank). 35.5 x 25 cm. Contemp. vellum (no. on spine unreadable). [197]
Ms. Lea 251 a tal.) C O S I M O II, Grand Duke of Tuscany. 9 documents relating to the grain trade: 1. Habbiamo rivisto il conto à Marcello Strozzi . . . 1595-1600. . . . Dalla gabella delle farine, dated Florence, 1601 (2 ff., 2nd blank).—2. Relazioni . . . per conti rivisti . . . 1594— 1605. . . . Supplica Strozzi, 1605 (6 ff.). — 3. Li figlioli di Marcello Strozzi . . . sono molestati dal proveditore delle farine, Florence, 1605 (2 ff., 2nd blank).—4. Document concerning the same "figlioli," 1605 (2 ff., 2nd blank). — 5. Haviamo rivisto il conto del consumo della casa . . . 1604-5. . . . Supplica, 1605 (1 f.).—6. Supplica of Francesco Giraldi, 1606 (1 f.).—7. Supplica of Giulio Franceschi to the Grand Duchess, 1609 (2 ff.).—8. Supplica of Giovanbattista Squarci, undated (1 f.).—9. Supplica referring to a letter of Jacopo Riccardi di Pisa, to the Grand Duchess, 1610 (1 f.). Italy, 1601-10. Paper. 18 ff. Ca. 30 x 21 cm. In portfolio. Ms. Lea 252 (ItaL) [MEDICI MINT], Six documents, dated 1602, 1603, 1609, 1612 and 1635(?) addressed to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, "sulla zecca medicea, contratti, approvazioni," etc. Italy, 1602-35(?). Paper. 1 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 ff. ( = 15 ff.). Ca. 30 x 22 cm. In portfolio— Cf. ms. Lea 211. Ms. Lea 253 (ItaL) VINCENZO DE MEDICI. Giornale e ricordanze, 1603-6. [Giornale] B. Italy, 1603-6. Paper. 142 ff. (last blank). 42 x 28 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 59 on spine, no. 221 on front cover. Ms. Lea 254 a tal.) [MEDICI?]. Riscontro di banchi, 1603-6. [Giornale] B. (Assigned to "Carlo de Medici?" by previous owner; main firms mentioned are Giovanbattista Medici and Vincenzo de Ricci, and Francesco and Lorenzo Medici). Italy, 1603-6. Paper. 1, 95 ff. (ff.41-95 blank). 29 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 54(?) on spine. Ms. Lea 255 (Ital.) VINCENZO and ANDREA DE MEDICI. Libro di cambi, 1605-16. [Giornale] C. Italy, 1605-16. Paper. 257 (vero 256) ff. (ff.251-7 blank). 33 x 23.5 cm. Contemp. vellum (rubbed and slighdy broken, title and number unreadable). [198]
Ms. Lea 256 a tal.) Ricordanze e tintore, 1605-26. (The "ricordanze" occupy the first 4 ff. only and end with the year 1620). [Giornale] C. Italy, 1605-26. Paper. 158 (vero 160) ff. (ff. 150-8 blank). 34 x 22 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 64(?) on spine, no. 29 on front cover.—Cf. nos. 327 ff. Ms. Lea 257 (Ital.) Libro sig. C corregie verde si chiama portate, [Giornale] C. Italy, 1605-33.
Paper. 576 ff. (ff.565-76 blank). 29 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 66(?) on spine. Ms. Lea 258 (Ital.) Giornale e ricordi G (in several sections: ff.lr-lllv, 1605-10; 112r—46v, 1605-12; 147r, 1620 [for 1610?]; 147r-98v, 1610-3; 190r-2r, 1612-6; 193r, 1633; 202r-24r, 1613-6; 224r-5r, 1614-24; 225v-6v, 1631; 229r-59r, 1616-29; 259v, 1632.—Large parts deal with the Capponi-Medici branch in Pisa). Italy, 1605-33. Paper. 273 (vero 111, irregularly numbered) ff. (ff.194-201, 227-8, 260-73 blank). 33 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 67(?) on spine. Ms. Lea 259 a tal.) V O L T E R R A . Two letters from the "rappresentanti della città di Volterra" to Cosimo I I , Grand Duke of Tuscany, May-June, 1606. (Concern the "gabella di sale"). Volterra, 1606. Paper. 2 (second blank) + 2 ff. 28.5 x 21 cm. In portfolio with ms. Lea 221. Ms. Lea 260 a tal.) V I N C E N Z O D E M E D I C I . Memoriale j .
. . per la zecca; negozi
dello depositario Medici, 1608-9. Italy, 1608-9. Paper. 1, 87 ff. (misnumbered 1-11, 13-48, 56-9, 54-9, 59-87). 31 x 20 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 261 (Ital.) [ M E D I C I ] , Riscontro con li banchi, 1609-11. [Giornale] D. (Among the banking houses and large accounts are those of Francesco Medici; Capponi Medici < R o m e > ; Vincenzo Medici < Pisa?> ; Adovardo Acciauoli; Francesco Salvetti; Bernardo Riccardi; from a slip laid in as a suppl. to 1610 it appears that the following branches are involved: Genoa, Milan, Florence, Venice, Rome, Naples, Palermo, Messina, Lyons, Bologna and Ancona). Italy, 1609-11. Paper. 1, 47 ff. (ff.32-47 blank). 29.5 x 20.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 259 on front cover. [199]
Ms. Lea 262 (tal.) [ ]. Quaderno di cambi, 1609-11. [Giornale] D. (Transfers of large amounts to [Medici branches] Capponi-Medici, Pisa, Rome, Naples, etc.). Italy, 1609-11. Paper. 32 ff. (ff.28-32 blank), ff.65-80 (ff.79-80 blank). Two signatures (fl.33-64) removed? 42 x 27.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 154 on spine, no. 220 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 263 a tal.) V I N C E N Z O D E M E D I C I . Giornale e ricordanze, 1609-11. [Giornale] D. Italy, 1609-11. Paper. 146 ff. 41.5 x 27.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 98(?) on spine, no. 264 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 264 (Ital.) C O S I M O I I , Grand Duke of Tuscany. 4 documents relating to the "monte di pietà," 1609-11 (one undated). Italy, 1609-11. Paper. 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 ff. ( = 5 ff.). Ca. 31 x 21.5 cm. In portfolio.
Ms. Lea 265 (Ital.) ANDREA D E M E D I C I . Libro . . . intitulato intrata, uscita e giornale . . . tenuto per mano de Domenico di Giovanni Mongali, fattore del' Andrea de Medici alla sua possessione di Valdenievole, 1623-9. [Giornale] A. Italy, 1623-29. Paper. 96 ff. (numbered ff.1-8, pp.9-58, 58-155, 1 blank p., pp.156-84). 34 x 23.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 106 on spine, no. 82 on front cover.
Ms. Lea 266 a tal.) [ V A L D E N I E V O L E ] , Giornale della fattoria di Valdenievole, 1626-9. [Quaderno] C. Italy, 1626-29. Paper. 288 pp. (pp. 167-8 omitted, p. 169 used twice). 34 x 24 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 76 on front cover, no. 107 on spine.
N.B.: End of first Medici series Ms. Lea 267 (Ital.) ALAMANNO D E M E D I C I . Libro e chiamasi giornale [e ricordi], 1466-94. Italy, 1466[1465 onf.h] 94. Paper. 144 ff. (ff. 107-12, 126—44 blank); various slips in volume and 9 does, (incl. lettera) in envelope. 34 x 11.5 cm. Vellum, no. 11 on spine and front cover.
Ms. Lea 268 (Ital.) L U I G I D E M E D I C I . Giornale . . . , spese minute . . . , debitori e creditori . . . , entrate minute. . . . (Ff.1-8, 1495-7; f.10, 1484; [ 200 ]
ff. 12—7, 1519-44;
[ G i o r n a l e ] B . Italy,
1496-7; f.77,
Paper. 100 ff. (ff.18-68, 73-6, 78-84, 87-100 blank). 28.5 x 10.5 cm. Vellum, no. 165 on strip attached to spine.
Ms. Lea 269 (Ital.) [FERNANDO?]
c r e d i t o r i , 1 5 2 1 - 3 4 . G i o r n a l e A . Italy,
Libro di debitori e
Paper. 1, 142 ff. (numbering somewhat irregular; ff.49-64, 101-19, 124-7, 137-42 blank). 28.5 x 11 cm. Vellum, no. 164 on slip attached to spine.
Ms. Lea 270 (Ital.) L U I G I D I B I V I G L I A N O D E M E D I C I . Entrata e uscita, 1533-8. [ G i o r n a l e ] A . Italy,
Paper. 1, 132 ff. (ff. 14-49, 95-132 blank). 22 x 15.5 cm. Con temp, vellum, no. 22 on spine.
Ms. Lea 271 (Ital.) F R A N C E S C O D I D O M E N I C O D I N A N N I [for (brother of) A L A M A N N O D E M E D I C I ] . Conti e spesi per le più di genere agricolo, 1535-44. (Ff.3v and 4r: " d a Alamanno mio fratello;" f.86v: " Q u e s t o libro si e di Francesco di Domenico di Nanni . . . " ) . Italy, 1535-44. Paper. Ff.14-86 (ff.14-41 also numbered 1 - 2 8 ) , 1 final f., blank except for ownership inscription of Francesco di Domenico (several times repeated) a n d figures of additions. 28 x 11 cm. Vellum.
Ms. Lea 272 (Ital.) R I C E V U T E di raccolti di grano, 1537-56 (without name of firm responsible for the transactions; assigned to Alamanno de Medici or Carlo de Medici by previous owner). Italy, 1537-56. Paper. 50 ff. 28 x 11 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 165 on spine.
Ms. Lea 273 (Ital.) [ C A R L O D E M E D I C I ? ] . Ricordi e conti, 1535-6. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous owner. Among the names appearing are Ottaviano de Medici; Carlo Gondi; Carlo de Medici; Francesco Rucellai; Agnolo Doni; Filipo Capponi). Italy, 1535-36. Paper. 47 (vero 48) n u m b . ff.+48 blank ff. ( = 96 ff.) 33.5 x 11 cm. Vellum.
Ms. Lea 274 (Rai.) [ ]. Ricordi e conti, 1535-6. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous owner. Among the names appearing are Francesco Rucellai; Carlo, Ottaviano and Niccolo de Medici; Ludovico Alamanni; Federigo d e R i c c i ; F r a n c e s c o E t t o l i n o ) . Italy,
Paper. 96 ff. (ff.50-96 blank). 33.5 x 11.5 cm. Vellum, no. 164 on contemp. slip pasted on spine.
[201 ]
Ms. Lea 275 (Ital.) [ ]. Ricordi e conti, 1536-7. (Assigned to "Carlo de Medici?" by previous owner. Among the names appearing are Carlo Rucellai; Pietro Salmati; Ottaviano, Tommaso and Niccolo de Medici; Marco Mannelli). Italy, 1536-37. Paper. 96 ff. (ff.36-96 blank). 34 x 11 cm. Velium, no. 164 on contemp. slip pasted to spine. Ms. Lea 276 (Ital.) [ ]. Ricordi, no. 9, 1537-8. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous owner. Among the names appearing are Francesco Bandini; Francesco Guicciardini; Ottaviano de Medici; Francesco Rucellai; Alamanno de Medici; Filippo Gondi). Italy, 1537-38. Paper. 96 ff. (ff.43-96 blank). 33 x 11.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 164 on spine. Ms. Lea 277 a tal.) [ ]. Ricordi, 11°, e conti, 1539. (Assigned to "Carlo de Medici?" by previous owner. Among the names appearing are Ottomano Alamanno and Carlo de Medici; Jacopo della Fonte; Giuletto Francesco and Girolamo Rucellai; Giovanbattista Bettini; Spedale di Santa Maria Novella). Italy, 1539. Paper. 96 ff. (ff.44-96 blank). 33 x 11 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 164 on spine. Ms. Lea 278 (Rai.) [ ]. Ricordi e conti, 1538-40. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous owner. Among the names appearing are Francesco Mirandola; Iacopo Guicciardini; Gianfranco Baroncelli; Rafaello di Miniato; Francesco Bandini; Giuletto Rucellai; Carlo di Fernando de Medici). Italy, 1539-40. Paper. 96 ff. (ff.46-96 blank). 33 x 11 cm. Vellum, no. 164 on contemp. slip pasted to spine. Ms. Lea 279 a tal.) [ ]. Ricordi e conti, 1540-1. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous owner. Among the names appearing are Carlo de Medici; Tommaso Martelli; Alamanno de Medici; Giulelmo Ubaldini; Tommaso Cavalcanti; Iacopo Guicciardini; Francesco and Pandolfo Rucellai). Italy, 1540-41. Paper. 1, 47 (recto 48) numb. ff.+47 blank ff. ( = 96 ff.). 33.5 x 11 cm. Vellum, no. 164 on contemp. slip attached to spine. [ 202 ]
Ms. Lea 280 a tal.) [_ ]. Ricordi e conti, 1541-2. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous owner. A m o n g the n a m e s a p p e a r i n g are Carlo de Medici; T o m m a s o C a v a l c a n t i ; Francesco Rucellai; Bartolomeo Ugholini; Giov a n n i Boni; I a c o p o Guicciardini; Ricasoli di Firenze; A l a m a n n o de Medici; " m o n a c h i di San L o r e n z o " ) . Italy, 1541-42. Paper. 1, 95 ff. (ff.55-95 blank). 33.5 x 11 cm. Vellum, no. 164 on contemp. slip pasted to spine (damaged). Ms. Lea 281 a tal.) [ owner. Jacopo Fonte;
]. Ricordi, 1542-3. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous A m o n g t h e n a m e s a p p e a r i n g are, besides Carlo de Medici, Guicciardini; Francesco Rucellai; Carlo Acciauoli; J a c o p o della L e o n a r d o d e F o r n a r i ; Alessandro Antinori). Italy, 1542-43.
Paper. 48 ff. (ff.44-8 blank). 33 x 11.5 cm. Vellum, no. 164 on contemp. slip pasted to spine. Ms. Lea 282 (Ital.) [ ]. Ricordi, 1542-3. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous owner. A m o n g the names a p p e a r i n g are, besides Carlo de Medici, Francesco a n d Giuletto Rucellai; Alessandro Antinori; Filippo Salviato; I a c o p o Guicciardini; Filippo Gondi). Italy, 1542-43. Paper. 96 ff. (ff.44-96 blank). 33.5 x 11.5 cm. Vellum, no. 164 on contemp. slip pasted to spine. Ms. Lea 283 (Ital.) [ ]. Ricordi, 20°, c conti, 1543-4. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous o w n e r . A m o n g the names a p p e a r i n g are, besides Carlo de Medici, Alessandro a n d Lorenzo Antinori; Francesco, Giovanni, Giuletto a n d M a r i o t t o Rucellai; E l b r a r d o di Ricasoli; M a i n a r d o Cavalcanti). Italy, 1543-44. Paper. 96 ff. (ff.55-96 blank). 33.5 x 11.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 164 on spine, no. 281 on front cover. Ms. Lea 284 (Ital.) [ ]. R i c o r d i e conti, 1543-6. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous owner. A m o n g the names a p p e a r i n g are Simone Lotti; Antonio Cavalcanti; A n t o n i o Baldovinetti; A n d r e a M a n n u c c i ; Vincenzo Ferrini; Francesco L a p i ; la c o m m u n i t à di Volterra, Bibiena, etc.) Italy, 1543[1544onf.1r]-46. Paper. 80 ff. (f.80 blank). 33 x 11.5 cm. Vellum, no. 164 on contemp. slip pasted to spine (torn). [ 203 ]
Ms. Lea 285 a tal.) [ ]. Ricordi X X I I , 1544-5. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous owner. Among the names appearing are Francesco, Carlo a n d Agostino Medici; Francesco Ruccellai; Bernardo Buonaccorsi; Bernardo Ricasoli; Bartolomeo Gondi). Italy, (1543)1544-45. Paper. 48 ff. (ff.40-8 blank); 2 ff. "debitori 1544" laid in. 34 x 11.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 164 on spine. Ms. Lea 286 (ftal.) C A R L O D E M E D I C I . El conto; quaderno di possessioni, 1546-70. Italy, 1546-70. Paper. 116 ff. (ff.39-76, 108-16 blank). 20.5 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 90 on spine. Ms. Lea 287 (Ita!.) [ C A R L O D E M E D I C I ? ] . Ricordi e conti, 1547-59. (Assigned to "Carlo de Medici?" by previous owner. Among the names appearing are Alessandro Antinori; Mariotto Rucellai; Pietro Vettori; Giovanbattista and Giovanantonio Deti; Battista Sabatini; Alamanno d e Medici). Italy, 1547-59. Paper. 70 ff. 33 x 11.5 cm. Vellum, no. 165 on spine. Ms. Lea 288 (Ital.) C A R L O D E M E D I C I . Quadernuccio terzo . . . , debitori e creditori, 1549-66. [Giornale] C. Italy, 1549-66(72). Paper. 70 ff., 4 ff. additions (f.lr: 1570-2; lv-4v: 1556-70) and 1 folded sheet laid in. 33 x 11.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 165 on spine. Ms. Lea 289 (Ital.) [ C A R L O D E M E D I C I ? ] . Ricordi e conti, 1557-77. (Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous owner. Among the names appearing are Giovanni and Bastiano Castelli; Piero Parrini; Giovanni Bertelli; Matteo Brocchi; Niccodemo di Giotto). Italy, 1557-77. Paper. 60 ff. (ff.43-56, 59-60 blank); 2 ff. additions, Nov. 1568, laid in. 33 x 11.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 165 on spine. Ms. Lea 290 a tal.) F A B R I Z I O D E L U I G I D E M E D I C I . Giornale e ricordanze, 1559-79. Italy, 1559-79. Paper. 192 ff. (ff. 180-92 blank). 35 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum (leaf of 14th cent. ms.). Ms. Lea 291 (Ital.) N I C C O L O D E L U I G I D E M E D I C I . Quadernuccio di entrata e uscita di possessione . . . per mano di Fabrizio de Medici, 1567-72. Italy, 1567-72. [ 204 ]
Paper. 68 ff. (ff.3(M3, 52-68 blank). 20 x 13.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 92 on spine and back cover.
Ms. Lea 292 (Ital.) T R E S P I A N O , Spedale di San Bartolomeo. Libro di debitori e creditori e ricordi del . . . rettore . . . Nicolo di Luigi de Medici, 1567-78, 1585-8. [Giornale] A. Italy, 1567-88. Paper. 1, 96 ff. (vero 95 ff.; ff.49-60, 66-96 blank; foliation irregular; several leaves inserted). 23 x 16.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 15 on spine, no. 191 on front cover. Ms.
Lea 293
F A B R I Z I O D I L U I G I D E M E D I C I . Q u a d e r n u c c i o di ricordi, debitori e creditori, 1579-1612. [Giornale] C. Italy, 1579-1672. Paper. 208 ff. (ff.201-8 blank). 34.5 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 19 on spine, no. 89 on front cover; guards (front and back) early printed leaves, one on vellum.
Ms. Lea 294 (Ital.) [ V I N C E N Z O D E M E D I C I ? ] . Libro di possessione. [Giornale] A. ( I n several sections: ff.lv-2r, 1594-5; 2v-5v, 1634-7; 19v-49r, 1594-1633; 49v-64r, 1594-1636; 74v-80r, 1596-9; 80r-2r, 1634-7; 99v-155r, 1594-1636). Italy, 1594-1637. Paper. 192 ff. (numbered somewhat irregularly; ff.6-18, 66-74, 84-99, 15692 blank). 25 x 18 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 100 on spine.
Ms. Lea 295 (Ital.) V I N C E N Z O a n d A N D R E A D E M E D I C I [cf. f.83r]. Q u a d e r n u c c i o d i creditori e debitori, ricordanze, 1595-1603. Italy, 1595-1603. Paper. 97 ff. (vero 96, f.29 omitted in numbering; ff.87-97 blank; various account calculations, notes, and one letter laid in). 34.5 x 12 cm. Vellum.
Ms. Lea 296 (Ital.) Q U A D E R N O D I SPESE, 1721-5. (Medici h o u s e h o l d ? - D a y by day account of expenditures by Francesco Patavini, "spenditore"). [Giornale] A. Italy, 1721-25. Paper. 257 (vero 258) ff. (ff.245-50 blank). 40 x 13.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 154 on spine.
Ms. Lea 297 (Ital.) Q U A D E R N O D I SPESE, 1695-7. Spese di camagiari, verse, gabelle e vetture. (Medici household?—Day by day account of expenditures by Luca Mecocci, "spenditore"). Italy, 1695-1697. Paper. 272 ff. (some blank). 42 x 13.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 56 on spine. N.B.:
End of second Medici
[ 205 ]
Ms. Lea 298 (Ital.) B I V I G I L I A N O D E M E D I C I . Quadernuccio di debitori [e creditori], 1513-4. ("Domino M. Francesco Ac[c]olti . . . " on f.lr). Italy, 1513-14 (date 1534 on cover, in later hand, in error). Paper. 96 ff. 14 x 10.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 9 on spine. Ms. Lea 299 (ItaL) [ C A R L O D E M E D I C I ? ] . Quadernuccio di creditori e debitori, 1530-5 (date 1525 on f.lr, in error? Assigned to Carlo de Medici by previous owner). Italy, 1530-35. Paper. 96 ff. 10.5 x 7 cm. Contemp. vellum (fragment of ms.). Ms. Lea 300 (ItaL) F R A N C E S C A D I B I V I G L I A N O D E M E D I C I . Libro . . . di debitori e creditori, 1534—44, with Ricordi, 1555-62. [Giornale] A. Italy, 1534-62. Paper. 95, 16 ff. (f.59 and last 10 ff. blank). 16.5 x 11 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 26 on spine. Ms. Lea 301 (ItaL) L U I G I D I B I V I G L I A N O D E M E D I C I . Quadernuccio titolato giornaletto . . . seguitarsi per Bivigliano suo padre per essere piaciuto a dio tirarlo a se addi 11 di novembre 1538, 1538-41 (with alphabetical index bound in at beginning). [Giornale] B [D?]. Italy, 1538-41. Paper. 20, 192 ff. 16.5 x 11 cm. Contemp. vellum, nos. 9 and 6 on spine. Ms. Lea 302 (Ital.) B I V I G L I A N O D I ALAMANNO D E M E D I C I . Quaderno septimo sul quale scriverà le facende accadute giornalmente, 1542-7. [Giornale] H. Italy, 1542-47. Paper. 20 ff. index (first and last blank; within fragment of 15th cent, ms.); 18 ff. (second index, mostly blank; within 14th cent. ms. fragment), 222 ff. 16.5 x 11 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 9 on spine, no. 50(?) on front cover. N.B.:
End of Medici series
Ms. Lea 303 (Ital.) A N D R E A D I L O R E N Z O A M A D O R I . Libro di debitori e creditori. [Giornale] A (ff. 1 - 8 1 ) . - R i c o r d i (ff.88-95), 1506-14. Italy, 1506-14. Paper. 1, 95 ff. (ff.82-7 blank). 22.5 x 16.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 172 on spine. Ms. Lea 304 (Ital.) A N D R E A and L O R E N Z O D I F R A N C E S C O A M A D O R I . Libro di debitori e creditori, 1515-48. [Giornale] A [?]. Italy, 1515-48. Paper. 84 ff. (ff.50-9 blank). 27 x 19.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 175 on spine. [ 206 ]
Ms. Lea 305 Citai.) A N D R E A D I L O R E N Z O A M A D O R I . Quadernuccio di debitori e creditori, 1522-8. [Giornale] C. Italy, 1522-28. Paper. 1, 87 ff. 21 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 173 on spine. Ms. Lea 306 Citai.) Ricordi 1522-37; quadernuccio seg. b [B on front cover]. Italy, 1522-37. Paper. 1, 77 ff. (f.76 blank). 21.5 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 191 on back cover. Ms. Lea 307 (Ita!.) Italy,
Quadernuccio di debitori e creditori, 1528-37. [Giornale] D. 1528-37.
Paper. 1, 95 ff. 21 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 174 on spine. Ms. Lea 308 (Ital.) Quadernuccio . . . di debitori e creditori, 1537-44. [Giornale] E. (Letter to Piero Amadori laid in). Italy, 1537-44. Paper. 2, 94 ff. 21 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum (using earlier doc.), no. 197 on spine. Ms. Lea 309 (Ital.) Quadernuccio. . . .— Giornale e ricordi C, 1537-52.
1537-52. Paper. 1, 95 ff. 21 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum (using earlier doc.), no. 177 on spine. Ms. Lea 310 (Ital.) A N D R E A and L O R E N Z O D I F R A N C E S C O A M A D O R I . Libro di debitori, creditori e ricordi, 1537-56. [Giornale] C. Italy, 1537-56. Paper. 2, 149 ff., ff.151-95 (wrongly numb. 193; ff.161-95 blank); 2 f. ("Inst. . . ." concerning property of Antonio di Taddeo Datti [ = Dati, Deti?, cf. nos. 327-31] of Florence, 1548, and 1 f. "conto" of Lionardo[?] Santini, laid in). 28.5 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 176 on spine. Ms. Lea 311 (Ital.) B A R T O L O M E O A M A D O R I . Libro de debitori, creditori e ricordanze, 1543-6. [Giornale] A. Italy, 1543-46. Paper. 192 ff. (f.99 omitted, f.124 repeated, f.192 blank). 29 x 21.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, nos. 178 and 17 on spine. [ 207 ]
Ms. Lea 312 (Ital.)
ANDREA AMADORI. Libro . . . sul quale si scriverà tutti li conti [e ricordi] di Santo Stefano e della capella . . . in Castelfranco . . . , 1547 [cf. f.70v etc.]-52. [Giornale] A. Italy, 1547-52. Paper. 1, 95 ff. (ff.83-95 blank). 22 x 17 cm. Contemp. vellum (document of 1377?), no. 192 on spine. Ms. Lea 313 (Ital.)
ANDREA DI L O R E N Z O A M A D O R I . 1552-66. Italy, 1552-66.
Giornale e riccordi D,
Paper. 1, 143 ff. (ff. 132-9 blank). 21 x 13 cm. Contemp. vellum, nos. 193 and 32 on spine. Ms. Lea 314 (Ital.)
Quadernuccio . . . di debitori e creditori, 1556-66. [Giornale] 6 [G?]. Italy, 1556-66. Paper. 2, 158 ff. (last blank). 20.5 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 181 on spine. Ms. Lea 315 (Ital.)
FRANCESCO DI ANDREA A M A D O R I . Quadernuccio . . . in sul quale si ferra conto di tutte quello e quanto si spenderà in acconcimi del podere e nelle case di dello podere . . . dal Sig. Don Antonio Montalvo . . . , 1566-72. Italy, 1566-72. Paper. 1, 95 ff. (ff.74-8, 90-5 blank). 20.5 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum (document of 1503), no. 201 on spine. Ms. Lea 316 (Ital.)
N I C C O L O and FRANCESCO A M A D O R I . Quadernuccio di debitori e creditori, 1585-93. [Giornale] A. Italy, 1585-93. Paper. 140 ff. 33 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 184 on spine. Ms. Lea 317 (Ital.)
[NICCOLO AMADORI?]. Quaderno di cambi, 1600-9. [Giornale] B. (Previous owner concludes from slip addressed to Niccolo Amadori < P i a c e n z a > , that this is his account book. Among names appearing are Vincenzo de Medici; Lorenzo Riccardi; Lorenzo and Vincenzo Ricasoli; the Carrara and Strozzi). Italy, 1600-9. Paper. 1, 127 ff. (ff. 122-4, 127 blank). 34 x 23.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 153(?) on spine. Ms. Lea 318 (Ital.)
N I C C O L O AMADORI. Scartafaccio de fiera di Niccolo Amadori fatta d'Agosto in Piacenza 1608. Piacenza, 1608. Paper. 72 ff. (ff.17, 40-4, 47, 61-3 blank). 34 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum.
[ 208 ]
Ms. Lea 319 (Ital.) [ N I C C O L O A M A D O R I ? ] . Q u a d e r n o di cambi, 1609-12. [Giornale] C. (The assigning to N . A. is based on letters a n d documents addressed to A m a d o r i , found in this volume). Italy, 1609-12. Paper. 1, 143 ff. (ff.30-79, 104-43 blank; 15 docs, in fol. and 11 small slips in envelope laid in). 34.5 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 155 on spine. N.B.: End of Amadori series Ms. Lea 320 (Ital.) D O N A T O A R R I G U C C I . Giornale e ricordanze, 1521-4. [Giornale] G. Italy, 1521-24. Paper. 1, 181 ff. (ff.69-129, 145-69, 173-81 blank). 28.5 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum (damaged), no. 218.2 on spine. Ms. Lea 321 (Ital.) A N D R E A D I F I L I P P O A R R I G U C C I (Heirs). Libro del lavoreria della eredità d ' A n d r e a di Filippo Arrigucci, 1528-45. Italy, 1528-45. Paper. 144 ff. (ff.62-99, 123-44 blank). 28.5 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 207 on spine. N.B.: End of Arrigucci series Ms. Lea 322 (Ital.) S I M O N E G O N D I . Administrazione di Simone Gondi delle cose di Federigo Gondi, 1533-5. Italy, 1533-35. Paper. 50 ff. (ff.5-7 missing, ff.4, 11-5, 39-50 blank). 28.5 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum (f. from 14th cent, ms.); title on front cover in a later hand (no sep. title page); no. 283 in upper left-hand corner; no. 127 on back cover. Ms. Lea 323 (Ital.) L O R E N Z O D I M A R I O T T O G O N D I (and successors). Conto della pigione che riscossi e f a r a p a g a r e a frati di Santa M a r i a Novella. . . . I n v e n t a r i o et ricordi (cont. by Antonio, Lorenzo's brother. I n several sections: prel. f. a n d ff.lr-4r, 1542-53; 4r-16v, 1559-86; 20v-71r, 1542-1618; 80r-90v, 1556-1617). [Giornale] 1542 A. no. 1. Italy, 1542-1618. Paper. 1, 95 ff. (ff.17-8, 72-9, 91-5 blank). 20 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum, marked "N°4 Libro per conto della casetta . . . Filippe Gondi . . . Lorenzo Gondi . . . ;" no. 77 on spine. Ms. Lea 324
A N T O N I O F R A N C E S C O D I L O R E N Z O G O N D I . Libro di possessione, 1558.—Ricordi, 1558-60. [Giornale] A. Italy, 1558-60. Paper. 1, 127 ff. (ff.107-11, 123-7 blank). 23 x 17 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. I on spine; "1558, B. no. I " on lower left corner of front cover. [ 209 ]
Ms. Lea 325 (Ital.) G I U L I A N O G O N D I . Libro di spese di casa ed altre, [Giornale] A. Italy, 1608-22.
Paper. 126 (vero 124) ff. 35 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 278 on spine. Ms. Lea 326 a tal.) L O D O V I C O D I M A R I O T T O G O N D I . Spese giornali di vitto del anno 1664[-8], (A final section lists payments for services). Italy, 1664-68. Paper. 96 ff. 32 x 11 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 31 on spine. N.B.:
End of Gotuli series
Ms. Lea 327 (Ital.) G I O V A N B A T T I S T A and G I O V A N M A R I A D E T I ( = Dati, Dedi, Detti?). Quadernuccio, 1547-55. [Giornale] A. (With long list of Cristofano Cibioni's "panni," and their prices, ff. 183—216, 1548-53). Italy, 1547-55. Paper, first and last f., vellum. 1, 182 (vero 184) numb., 24 unnumb. ff. (last 10 blank), 1 f. 33 x 22.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 228 on spine, no. 166 and signet D on front cover. Ms. Lea 328 (Ital.) Libro di entrata e uscita e quaderno di cassa, 1551-3. [Giornale] A. Italy, 1551-53. Paper. 48 ff. (ff.5-19, 40-8 blank). 33.5 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 221 on spine, 181 on front cover. Ms. Lea 329 (Ital.) [Dedi on cover in later hand]. Quadernuccio, [Giornale] B. Italy, 1553-61.
Paper, first and last f., vellum. 1, 240 ff. (ff.204-17, 232-40 blank), 1 f. 33.5 x 23.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 229 on spine, no. 163 and signet D on front cover. With extensive listings of woolen goods, with prices, salaries, etc. Cf. also no. 346. Ms. Lea 330 a tal.) and C A M I L L O D I C A R L O D E M E D I C I . signato, 1559-66. Italy, 1559-66.
Paper. 351 (vero 352) ff. 28 x 21 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 114 on spine, no. 186 and signet D on front cover; 13th cent. ms. fragment used as guards. With lists of woolens, serge, etc., with prices. Ms. Lea 331 a tal.) Libro di entrata e uscita, 1565-8. [Giornale] C. (The accounts were entered by Girolamo di Domenico Vanni). Italy, 1565-68.
Paper. 96 ff. (ff.24-83, 90-6 blank). 33 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 227 on spine, no. 171 and signet D on front cover. Ms. Lea 332 (Ital.) F R A N C E S C O DI S T E F A N O R I S A L I T I . Quaderno di manifattori, 1550-8. [Giornale] A. (This textile manufacturing enterprise may be identical with the firm Deti, since it uses the same mark, D in a triangle). Italy, 1550-58. Paper, first f., vellum. 2, 158 (slightly misnumbered) ff. (ff. 152-8 blank). 33 x 23.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 250 on spine, no. 67 on front cover. Ms. Lea 333 (Ital.) Libro di debitori e creditori, 1550-60. Italy,
Paper. 110 ff. (ff.100-10 blank). 33.5 x 23 cm. Vellum. Ms. Lea 334 a tal.) Quaderno di cassa de la tinta, 1554-65. [Giornale] C. Italy, 1554-65. Paper. 84 (vero 83) ff. (followed by blank ff.) 33 x 11 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 254 on spine. Ms. Lea 335 (Ital.) Libro di debitori e creditori, 1559-66. [Giornale] C. Italy, 1559-66. Paper. 1, 192 ff. (ff. 116-92 blank), 1 f. (13th cent. ms. on vellum) used as end guard. 33 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 257 on spine, no. 68 on front cover. Ms. Lea 336 (Ital.) L O D O V I C O C A S S O [or Cassi, Casto?]. Quaderno di cassa, 1616-21. [Giornale] A. Italy, 1616-21. Paper. 1, 94 ff. (ff.58-94 blank; some errors in numbering). 37.5 x 25 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 233 on spine, no. 99 on front cover. Ms. Lea 337 (Ital.) Libro di ricordanze e tintori, 1616-21. [Giornale] A. Italy, 1616-21. Paper. 95 (vero 96) ff. (ff.3-25, 69-95 blank), some corrections on separate slips laid in. Contemp. vellum, no. 108 on front cover. Ms. Lea 338 (Ital.) Compere (account of textile business transactions), 1621-5. [Giornale] B. Italy, 1621-25. Paper. 96 ff. (ff.43-96 blank). 33.5 x 22.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 244 on spine, no. 3 on front cover. [211 ]
Ms. Lea 339 (Ital.) Entrata e uscita del taglio, 1621-37, with additions 1640-4, 1648, 1651-2. [Giornale] B. Italy, 1621-52. Paper. 336 ff. (ff.202-88, 315-36 blank). 35 x 25 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 236(?) on spine. N.B.: End of textile trade section Ms. Lea 340 (Ital.) B E R N A R D O [?] M U G N A I O . Libro di ricordi, 1461-6, 1498. Italy, 1461-98. Paper. 87 ff. (ff.8-16, 18-30, 32-75, 77-9, 81-5 blank). 14 x 11 cm. Contemp. vellum; no. 169, and names of Alessandra Pandolfini and Meglio Vedovadi in a later hand, on front cover. Ms.
Lea 341
B A R T O L O M E O D I S T E F A N O già Spedalingo. R i c o r d a n z e . - S p e s e di Trespiano, 1514-22. [Giornale] A. Italy, 1514-22. Paper. 1, 94 ff. (ff.55-73, 85-93 blank, f.87 torn out). 21 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 127 on spine. Ms. Lea 342 a tal.) T O M M A S O R I D O L F I . Giornale, x°. A. (Ff.l^Jl, 1522-49; 1528; ff.89-92, 1526-9). Italy, 1522-49.
Paper. 95 ff. (ff.42-64, 73-88, 93-5 blank). 29 x 21.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 129 on spine, "Giornale A, n°. 190" on front cover. Ms. Lea 343 (Ita!.) G U G L I E L M O P E C C O R I . Libro di debitori e creditori, 1523-5, 1528, 1531, 1535, 1543, 1556-7. Italy, 1523-57. Paper. 1, 95 ff. (ff.51-63, 67-95 blank). 28.5 x 21.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 264 on spine. Ms. Lea 344 (Ital.) P A R R I N O and M A R C O S E C R A N I [or Seccrani], [Libro de conti?], 1543-9 (with monthly summaries, 1545-56 on ff.42v-6r and recto of back cover). Italy, 1543-56. Paper. 46 ff. 29 x 10.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 165 on spine. Ms. Lea 345 (Ital.) P I E R A N T O N I O G U A S C O N I . Libro proprio di debitori e creditori d'agosto 1544 [—maggio 1549; 1552-7], Italy, 1544-57. Paper. 133 numb. ff. (ff.96 and 129 missing?), followed by unnumb. f.134 and 5 blank ff. 28 x 21.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. [212]
Ms. Lea 346 a tal.) G I O V A N B A T T I S T A a n d G I O V A N M A R I A D E T I . Q u a d e r n a r i o di chassa, 1553-8. Italy, 1553-58. Paper. 99 ff. (ff.75-7 omitted), 64 blank ff. (last ff. damaged). 28 x 11 cm. Vellum, no. 165 on contemp. slip attached to spine.—Cf. nos. 327-31. Ms. Lea 347 a tal.) F R A N C E S C O D A V A N Z A T I [?, cf. inside front cover; "Francesco di P. Casa di M e d i c i " on f . l r ] . Libro di entrata e uscita, 1555-9. (The d a t e 1563 on f r o n t cover, in a later h a n d , appears to be a misreading). [Giornale] A. Italy, 1555-59. Paper. 159 (vero 160) ff. (f,121=2 ff.; ff.87-120 blank). 33 x 22.5 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 147 on spine, no. 223 on front cover. Ms. Lea 348 a tal.) V I N C E N Z O C R I S T O F A N O . Libro de debitori e creditori, 1555-60. [Giornale] A. ( D a t e 1501-1513, in later h a n d , in error). Italy, 1555-60. Paper. 179 (wrongly numb. 181), 1, 16 blank ff. (=196 ff.). 33 x 23 cm. Contemp. vellum, no. 128 on spine, no. 254 on front cover. Ms. Lea 349 (Ital.) A L A M A N N O D I G I O V A N B A T T I S T A G I R A L D I . Q u a d e r n o di ricordi e cambi, 1563-5. (Contents: " D a 1 à 15, rimesse che v e r r a n n o di f u o r a ; 15 à 30, t r a t t e che m i saran fatte; 30 à 70, tratte e rimesse che si f a r a n n o ; 70 à 90, copia di lettere di formenti; 90 à 130, debitori e creditori . . . ; 130 alla fine, diversi ricordi . . ."). [Giornale] C. Italy, 1563-65. Paper. 1, 144 (partly misnumbered) ff. (ff.7-14, 28-9, 58-68, 85-9, 91-129, 135-44 blank). 35 x 24.5 era. Contemp. vellum, no 15(?) on spine. Ms. Lea 350 (Ital.) C O S I M O G I O N I (Cosimo di . . . [undeciphered] Gioni e Cramasi). L i b r o di debitori e creditori, 1568-81. Italy, 1568-81. Paper. 96 ff. 21 x 14 cm. Contemp. vellum (front cover defective), no. 266 on spine. Ms. Lea 351 (Ital.) G I O R N A L E A. (Among t h e m a n y names are Nicolo Marinelli < f . l r > ; Nicolaio di Lorenzo Morelli < f f . 9 r , 15r, e t c . > ; Boz[z]olini < f . 2 4 v > ; Federigo de Ricci < f . 4 6 r > ) ; consists of several sections: f f . l r - 7 v , 1569-70; 9 r - l l r , i d e m ; 15r-32r, 1570-8; 32v-8r, 1584-95; 41v-51r, 1576-92; 53r-4r, 1569-74; 54v-7v, 1593-6; 59v-77r, 1655-8; 88v-91v, 1655; 9 2 r - l v , 1577-8; 94v-6v, 1656). Italy, 1569-1658. Paper. 96 ff. (ff.12-4, 23, 39-40, 52, 78-87 blank). 16.5 x 11.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. [213]
Ms. Lea 352 atal.) NICOLÒ GALIOTTI. Quaderno della ricolta di casse, 1583 [ - 4 ] di M . Vincenzo de Medici e fratelli di tutti i loro lavatori al tempo di me Nicolò Galiotti da Pescia, fattore di detti . . . Italy, 1583-84. Paper. 67 ff. (+2 ff. inserted between ff.42-3). 28.5 x 22 cm. Contemp. vellum (document relating to Matteo Galiotti on inside), no. 97 on spine.—Cf. nos. 294, etc. Ms. Lea 353 atal.) [SLAVERY], Five documents dealing with the slave trade: 1. Nota di 60 schiavi . . . dalla galera pisana . . . , viaggio di Spagna, 20 M a r c h 1602, 2ff.—2. Nota di 151 [161?] schiavi, e schiave, ragalzi, e ragalze, consignati al sereno Giuliano Sirigatti per condurre a vendere in Spagna, et al Signore Arrigo Arrighi, 13 October 1610, 6ff. — 3. Nota di 21 schiavetti di Bona che sono in Pisa, n.d., 2ff.—4. Ruolo di schiavi che si ritrovano nell'arsenale di Pisa . . . descritti dall'ili1110. Sig. Amiraglio Inghirami . . . , n.d., 6 ff.—5. Nota di n°. 87 schiavi . . . a vendere . . . a Napoli, Messina, e Palermo, fatti imbarcare . . . su galere di S.A.S. dall'illmo. Sig". Geronimo Serloni [?], n.d., 7 ff. Italy, early 17th cent. Paper. 23 ff. Ca. 30 x 22 cm. Each doc. in boards.—Cf. no. 210. Ms. Lea 354 (I tal.) VINCENZO Q U A R A T E S I . Calculo e saldo della ragione d'arte de lana cantante in Vincenzio Quaratesi . . . in Firenze (and Jacopo Quaratesi, Andrea de Medici and Lorenzo Bamberini; notarized by Tullio Signorini). Florence, 1628. Paper. 8 ff. (last blank). 28 x 20.5 cm. Boards.—Cf. nos. 327 ff. Ms. Lea 355 atal.) [EMBASSY T O THE C U R I A ] , Spese fatte li serenissimi Fabbio Guinigi, Bartolomeo Frangioni, Raffaelo Mansi, ambasciatori a Roma a Papa Clemente IX. Rome?, 1669. Paper. 2 blank, 65 ff. 34.5 x 24 cm. Contemp. vellum. N.B.: End of Medici-Gondi
Ms. Lea 356 atal.) [PAUL V, Pope]. Varie opere et compositioni fatte da diversi theologi, legisti, et altri, in occasione, & per causa dell' interdetto, & censure publicato della Santità . . . contra la Republica, & signori di Venezia. 1. C O M M I N A T O R I A dell'interdetto . . . tradotta dalla linga latina nella volgare, ff.lr-9v. — 2. R U D O L F II, emperor. Lettera di S. Maiestà Christianissima scritta al suo ambasciatore . . . in Roma [214]
. . . per causa delli decreti . . . contra la libertà ecclesiastica, ff.llr18r. — 3. D I S C O R S O delle cose concernenti le differenze tra H.S. P a p a Paulo V et li signori venetiani, ff,19r-26r.—4. S E N T E N Z A d ' u n clarissimo senator veneto . . . nel Consiglio de pregati, ff.27r-37r.— 5. G E N O A . Lettura scritta dalla Republica di Genova a quella di Venetia, ff.39r-42v. (All other tracts are printed.) Italy, ca. 1606-7. Paper. 7ff. (title and contents of 5-vol. collection), 42 ff. (ms.) 20.5 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. — Prov.: Dr. Joseph Schweizer.—Shelved as 16.1.
Ms. Lea 358 (Fr.) S I M O N M O R I N . Déclaration de Morin depuis peu délivré de la Bastille, sur la révocation de ses pensées, donnez au public par les mauvais souffles, empoisonnemens et enchanteries que les démons lui avoient d o n n é pour tromper les hommes, sous prétexte de religion. Nouvellement désabusé p a r Monsieur l'Abbé de Lorette de M o n t morancy, sur le sujet de son livre intitulé Les pensées de Morin . . . Paris, Claude Morloz, 1649. Ms. copy of printed book. — With a second "Déclaration," 1649 [also originally published in 1649], Procès verbal . . . 1663, and L ' E r r a t a des quatrains. Paris, 18th cent, (post 1725). Paper. 24 ff. (ff. 13-24 blank). 16 x 10.5 cm. 18th-Cent. armorial morocco.— Prov.: M. Woodhull, 1795 (purchased at "Christie's auction"); Henry C. Lea.—Bound with Morin's Pensées, 1647, and Arret de la Cour de Parlement, 1663. Shelved as J.4.29.
Ms. Lea 359 a tal.) F R A N C E S C O M A R I A II, Duke of Urbino. Vita di Francesco M a r i a 2° della Rovere, sesto . . . duca d ' U r b i n o , divisa in due parti, la prima da lui medesimo con titolo di Sommario della sua vita [also titled Compendio], la 2 a d a Antonio Donato . . . con titolo di Devolut a n e alla santa chiesa degli stati d ' U r b i n o [alla sede apostolica; with "Breve del P a p a al D u c a " a n d " P a t e n t e del Duca"]. Urbino, ca. 1630. Paper. 62 ff. (ff.l, 6 1 - 2 blank). 27 x 19 cm. Contemp. vellum with the arms of Pope Urban V I I I . Presentation copy to the Pope? Printed from a different ms. in Nuova raccolta di opuscoli scientifici e letterari (Venice, 1774), v. X X I X .
Ms. Lea 360 (Ital.) C O L L E C T A N E A opusculorum eruditorum et historicorum, in Italian a n d Latin. 1. [ O R A T I O ] A D C A R O L U M V . . . post victoriam bello germanico p a r t a m . . . , fF.1-13.—2. V I N C E N Z O C O R O N E L L I . Rifflessioni . . . sopra il Danubio, ff. 14—32 (incl. engr. portrait of Charles V I , etched dedication, 2 folded ms. maps and doublepage illus. of e m b a n k m e n t ) . — 3. S O M M A R I O delle vere croniche di Venetia, ff.35—49, (ms. dated 24 Aug. 1563). — 3A. [Section not listed in contents at beginning of vol.] Poems, some apparently autograph, incl. [215]
one dedicated to Pope Paul V, a "Canzon al ser. principe de Venetia" (dated 1606), ff.49-56.—4. R E L A T I O N E di stato de Milano del ano 1589, ff.57-71.—5. CARMINA A M A L T H E O R U M , beginning with "Maximiliano II, imperatori," and incl. "Serenissimi Principis Memmi creatio" (in a different hand), "Carmen contra Hispanos," " I n vaccanza della sede apostolica per la morte di Clemente V i l i , sonetto da Bastone," etc., ff.73-81. — 5A. Miscellaneous items, incl. "Modo gentile per tinger di color rosso li vasi da Naranzeni," and various poems, e.g. one dedicated to Card. Borromeo, to Pope Pius V, Cornelio Frangipano, and several dealing with Venetian affairs, ff.83-103. — 6. T O R N E O di cento dame genovesi, ff.104-8.—7. M A N I F E S T O per la Republica di Venezia in materia d'lscochi, ff.111-4.— 8. MANIFESTA, il re . . . le regione dell'armi sue incaminate nel Regno di Napoli, ff. 1 1 7 - 8 . - 9 . O T T A V I O LAVELLI. Copy of letter to Card. Valiero, 1623, ff.l 1 8 - 9 . - 9 A . M O N I T O R I U M [jocular exhortation for a person named Longerioni], f. 120. — 9B. L O U I S XIV, King of France. Copy of letter, 1657, f.121. —10. V I A G G I O di Edoardo, duca di Parma, a Fiorenza, ff. 123-4. — 11. GIUSEPPE M O R E S I N O . Copia di lettera [al] serenissimo prencipe [no name of addressee, or place], Galleazza dal Moglietto . . . 1656, f.125. —12. [Procuratore FOSCOLO]. Officio del proc. Foscolo detto capitan general per la guerra di Candia, ff.l26—8 (with poems on the victory of Venetians, 1655, by Giovanni Antonio Ceruti; naval victory over the Turks, 1656, by Lorenzo Marcello, etc.) —13. U F F I C I O fatto dal Marchese Villa . . . 1668, ff. 129—30. —14. O F F I C I O di Monsignor Aivoldi, nuncio apostolico in Venetia, 1675, and Narrativa della morte del Doge Nicolò Sagredo . . . , 1676, ff.131-2. —14A. Sopra il chiamar li banditi per la guerra di Candia contro '1 Turco, and other poems, ff.l33-5. —15. BERNARDUS SYLVESTER. . . . De cura et regimine rei familiaris, ideo in hoc apposita volumine, quod nonnulli eam a Sancto Bernardo esse compositam, ff. 137—8. —16. I N Q U I S I T I O pro rebus magicalibus, ff.140-3. —17. R I M E VARIE del secolo X V I I , incl. Livius de Comitibus, "Carmen exile" for Venetian anatomists Florio de Bernardis and Antonio Molinetto (1649); "Sopra l'intrepidezza dell'avocato Ambrosio Bellato" (1667); "Per il sacco di Mantova del 1630"; Leonardo Querini, "Volge le spalle al mondo," etc., ff. 144-52. —18. P O C C O BELLI. Oratio funebris . . . in collegio d.d. physicorum Venetiarum . . . 1660, ff.l53-5.-19. [ORATIO] Venetiis in aedibus . . . fratrum praedicatorum, 1674, ff.157-9.-20. D E S C R I T T I O N E del rinoceronte da Bergamo, ff.160-1.—21. A N T O N I O S T I L L I O . Paraphrases in septem sectiones Aphorismorum [et in libros Prognasticorum] Hippocratis, ff.l62-5.—22. D I S C O R S O academico, ff.l66-8. — 23. GASPARO M A R I N O . Decreto di Zaccaria Valier[o], 1709, ff.1697 0 . - 2 3 A . CORRISPONDENZA delle monete, 1736, ff.171-4.-24. ZACCARIA BONDUMIEVO. Revisione de conti [Venetian terri[216]
tories], 1626-9, ff.175-81.—24A. Copy of contracts concerning " c a p i t u l u m s a n c t o r u m a p o s t o l o r u m , " Venice, 1550-81, ff.182-9.—25. D E L L A C O N G I U R A di Bagiamonte Tiepolo ex libris . . . Petri Pradenico, [1310], ff. 190-215. Italy, Wth-18th cent. Paper. 215 ff. (a few blank). Various sizes (in vol. measuring 33.5 x 22 cm.) 18th-cent. vellum.—Prov.: Walter Sneyd. Ms. Lea 361 (Ital.) LA T R O M B A S A C R A overo invito à signori prencipi christiani a collegarsi c o n t r o el T u r c o . Italy, 17th cent. Paper. Title page, 58 pp. (pp.1-2, 55-8 blank). 27 x 20 cm. Contemp. paper covers in 19th-cent. boards. Old shelf marks pasted on paper cover; ex bibliotheca Colonna; Phillipps ms. 6389. Ms. Lea 362 (Ital.) H I S T O R I C A L M I S C E L L A N Y . 1. I L D R I T T O della S. Sede apostolica sopra il R e g n o di Napoli, pp. 1-15.—2. D I C H I A R A Z I O N E dell' investitura del R e g n o di Napoli . . . , pp. 15-122. —3. P R O F E Z I E del pazzo di Cristo, p p . 1 2 2 - 8 . — 4 . B E N E D I C T X I I I , Pope. Lettera . . . all'imperatore [Charles VI], pp.129-30. —5. T I T O L A R I O posto nelle p a t e n t i d a t e dal D u c a di M o n t e Mileto . . . [and] R E N D I T E del Duca, p p . 1 3 1 - 4 . - 6 . M E M O R I A L E d a t e dal S. Coli, d e ' c a r d i n a l i a P a p a Benedetto X I I I contro la promozione di M o n . Bichi, nunzio in Portogallo, p p . l 3 4 - 8 . - 7 . E L O G I O del C a r d . Annibale Albani, pp. 138-40. —8. E C Ò des montagnes des environs d ' E m b r u n , p p . 1 4 1 - 2 . — 9. V A T I C I N I A d a t a Sigismundo . . . a q u o d a m A r a b o , p p . 1 4 3 - 5 4 . - 1 0 . M I C H A E L N O S T R O D A M U S . Vaticinia, pp. 154-63. —11. V A T I C I N I U M de religione p a t r u m Soc. Jesu (Sanctac [HJIldcgardis), p p . 1 6 4 - 7 . —12. S. M A L A C H I A . Vaticinia, pp. 1 6 8 - 7 1 . - 1 3 . S. J O A N N E S A C A P I S T R A N O . Vaticinia, pp. 172-6. —14. C A R D . F I N I . Iscrizione sotto la statua di S. Domenico, p p . 1 7 7 8. —15. V e n . B E D E . V a t i c i n i u m , p . 1 7 9 , - 1 6 . D I A L O G O f r a il confessore del i m p e r a t o r e et u n gesuita, pp.180-94.— 17. R I S T R E T T O della vita del C a r d . Giuseppe R e n a t o , pp. 1 9 5 - 2 0 3 . - 1 8 . M A N I F E S T O del re di S a r d e g n a [1714?], p p . 2 0 3 - 1 4 . - 1 9 . D I C H I A R A Z I O N E agli elettori, ed ai principi del S . R . I . , pp.214-6. —20. M O T I V I delle risoluzioni del re christ. [Louis X I V ] , pp.216-30 with C O P I A della dichiarazione, 1733 (p.230); D I C H I A R A Z I O N E dell'imperatore [Charles VI], (p.231); C O P I A declarationis imperatoris (p.233); L E T T E R A del rè al primate, 1733 (p.236); D I C H I A R A Z I O N E agli elettori (p.238).—21. P O T O S K I . Manifesto del primate di Polonia, 1733, p p . 2 4 - 5 2 . — 22. N O T I T I A delle ragioni che a n n o obligato la maiestà cattolica a mover g u e r r a all'imperatore d a t a . . . al suo a m b a s c . in L o n d r a , p p . 2 5 3 - 6 3 . — 2 3 . O S S E R V A Z I O N E dell' imperaci/. Lea 360, no. 15: For authorship see note to Lat. 61. [ 217 1
tore sopra i motivi delle risoluzioni del re di Francia, p p . 2 6 4 - 8 3 . — 24. T E S T A M E N T O di M a n t o v a , p p . 2 8 3 - 8 . - 2 5 . R I S T R E T T O dell'atto d i confederazione fatto nella dieta di convocazione . . . 12 maggio 1733, pp.289-91. —26-45. [ W A R O F P O L I S H S U C C E S S I O N , 17335]. 21 f u r t h e r documents a n d " r e l a z i o n i " dealing with the claims of Stanislas Leszczynski a n d Frederick August of Saxony, pp.291-457.— 46. I N S I N U A Z I O N E fatta al C o n t e Filippi dal maestro di ceremonie del re di Sardegna, p.458.—47. R I S P O S T A alla scrittura intitolata M e m o r i a per l'ambasciator del re cattolico alla corte della G r a n Bretagna, pp.459-509.—48. P H I L I P V . Lettera del re di Spagna all'infante D. Carlo, p p . 5 1 0 - 5 . - 4 9 . P I E T R O M E T A S T A S I O . Lettera al m a r i t o della R o m a n i n a , p p . 5 1 5 - 9 . — 50. I D E M . Lettera a suo fratello, pp.519-21. —51. M A S C H E R A T A de' principi dell'Europa, p p . 5 2 1 ^ t . - 5 2 . P R O F E Z I A di S. Brigita, p p . 5 2 4 - 5 . - 5 3 . P R O F E T I A ex I o a n n e Luxembourg, pp.525-6. — 54. C H A R L E S V I . Lettere . . . al P a p a [Clement X I I ] , 1736, p p . 5 2 6 - 3 0 . - 5 5 . S I X T U S V , Pope. Bulla d e non coronandis regibus haereticis, pp.539-50. — 56. D E L A N G O B A R D O R U M O R I G I N E . . . compendiosa n a r r a t i o ed. a b Angelo Breventano . . . et d e n u o in lucem edita a Petro Stephanonio, pp.555-79. Italy?, 18th ceni. Paper. 585 pp. (wrongly numb. 577). 19 x 13 cm. Contemp. vellum.— Morbio Collection. Ms. Lea 363 (Lat.) E L E C T I O N E dell'notaro [Giovanni] Aldini. (Diploma issued by the prior of the Collegium j u d i c u m et a d v o c a t o r u m , Dionysius Fontanesius, 9 Nov. 1685, and notarized by Ludovicus J a c o b u s Pubius). Reggio, 1685. Vellum. 1 f. (folded). 40 x 50 cm. Illus. border on margins, notarial signet. In folder. Ms. Lea 364 a tal.) F R I G N A N O . Legal documents a n d ms. additions to Statuto, constitutiones ac decreta ducalis provinciae Friniani, printed in Reggio, H . Bartholus, 1587. Frignano, 1547-1602. Paper. 7 ff., following printed text. 30 x 20 cm. H/morocco, shelved with printed volume. Ms. Lea 365 (Lat.) S E T T E C O M U N I [Asiago, Enego, Foza, Gallio, Lusiana, R o a n o a n d Rotzo]. Liber privilegiorum septem c o m u n i u m m o n t a n e a r u m Agri Vicentini ut patet. . . . (Includes statutes f r o m 1339 to 1568, with some additions to 1657). Exemplatus fuit per m e presb. B a r t h o l o m e u m de Velo Luxiane, notario eccl. St. J a c o b i . Italy, 1568-1657. Paper. 94, 25 (blank) ff. 21 x 15 cm. Contemp. calf.—Cf. Fontana, op. cit., I l l , 112-113, who does not record any statuta earlier than the printed ed. of 1620.
Ms. Lea 366 (Lat.) C L E M E N T V I I , Pope. D o c u m e n t addressed to Nicolas, cardinal deacon of SS. Vitus a n d Modestus, appointing him administrator of the church of Viterbo on the d e a t h of its bishop. Signed L. de Torres. Rome, 16 Dec. 1532. Vellum. 1 f. (folded). 53 x 68 cm. In folder. Ms. Lea 367 (Fr.) C H A R L E S V I I , K i n g of France. Letter to his councillors a n d treasurers respecting the territories of the late A m a u r y de Serrac, which had been held illegally by J e a n d ' A r m a g n a c , but which henceforth were to be united with the royal d o m a i n . Given at Razilly, 26 Aug. 1446.— With Letter of the treasurers to the seneschal of R o v e r g u e instructing him to carry out the king's wishes, d a t e d 18 J u n . 1446 (1447). France, 1446-1447. Vellum. 2 ff. 20 x 39 and 9 x 36.5 cm. In folder.—Prov.: Archives de l'Ordre de Malthe. Ms. Lea 368 (Fr.) L I V R E D E S T R O I S I M P O S T E U R S avec son histoire ou la réponse à la dissertation de M r . d e la M o n n o y e sur ce traité . . . i m p r i m é e à la H a y e . . . 1716 et d a n s J . G. Krause. . . . O n y a ajouté Le j u g e m e n t d e M r . d e la Croze . . . et aussi une collection de quelques autheurs, q u i ont écrit sur ce traité. Germany?, 18th cent. Paper. 40 ff. (last blank). 19.5 x 16.5 cm. Contemp. calf.—Prov.: F. F. Pappe; Henry C. Lea.—"Auctores, qui de famoso hoc libello . . . conferendi sunt," f.2r-3r, lists 73 references. Ms. Lea 369 a tal.) V I N C E N Z O D E M E D I C I . Supplica to the G r a n d Duke of Tuscany, Cosimo I I , relating to the recovery of credits f r o m Philip I I I , K i n g of Spain, by C a p t . R o m e n a . E a c h section with notations by chancellor Belisario Vinta. At e n d his r e m a r k " t u t t o sta bene . . ." and sign, of the G r a n d Duke. Italy, 1611. Paper. 2 ff. 30.5 x 21.5 cm. In folder.—Cf. nos. 243 et al. Ms. Lea 370 (Ital.) A N T O N I O B O C C A N E G R A . Letter to Scipione del Carretto, promising support, a n d referring to a letter Boccanegra h a d written to Giovanni A n d r e a Costa of the podestà of Alassio. Genoa, August, 1580. Paper. 2 ff. 28 x 21 cm. In folder. Ms. Lea 371 (Sp.) A N D R E W T H O R N D I K E C O L L E C T I O N of inquisition and other documents, in eight boxes: 1. Inquisition trials, Barcelona, of Egidius [219]
Taris (1532); J o a q u i n Ballel (1542-3); J o h a n n e s Requesenus (1598); Anthonio Morell (1649); Miguel Salbany (1662); M a r g a r i t a Altamira (1681-2); a n d Relación espontanea of Fr. Gabriel de Jesu M a r i a de C a t a l u ñ a , ord. C a r m . (1646).—2. Trials in various places of Antonio Piña (1684); Esteban R a m o n e d a (1690-1700); Antonio Vives (15967); Ignazio . . . (1698); Estebanillo F. (1698-1700); Josef Boxeda (1704); T h o m a s Itagre (1715-6); Esteban . . . (1716); N . Serra (1721-8). — 3. Trials in various places of Felix D u a r d e d e A n d r a d e (1725); Fr. J u a n T., ord. Aug. (1741); M a r i a O m b r e r a (1744); M a t h e o Monfort (1745); Pablo Planas (1747); J a y m e Sans (1749); R a m o n Closa (1749-51); M a r i a Angela T . (1751); undeciphered (1751); Antonio A d o r n o (1756); Agostin T a m a r i t (1757); J u a n Govern (1761); and 16 other legal documents, incl. one concerning the " g u a r d i a s W a l o n a s " a n d another the " U n i v e r s i d a d de Cervera."—4. 50 miscellaneous items, incl. Sale of Jesuit property (1770); Repuesta del Ex 0 . S o r . C o n d e de Florida Blanca, controversy over the sound " N o o t " (1790); Augustin de la Florida, capture of a brigantine, Charlestown (1793); two fragments of account books (1556 a n d 1559-63); Extract f r o m " V e n d i t i o n u m p r i m u m regis Martinis de a n n o 1398 ad 1409" (sale of property in 1401 to Guillermus de Rocabertino, copied in 1769), etc. — 5. 65 miscellaneous documents, largely legal a n d commercial, incl. account book (1571-3) a n d ledger of Josef a n d R a y m u n d o M u r t z a (1753); various privileges (1754, etc.); Resumen de Testos (1784, etc.); Contra heredes et possessones Mansi Serra (1669); printed billets for a r m y (1797), etc. —6. 15 "limpiezas" (genealogies) as follows: J o a n Aulet (1570); Antonio Gorch (1573); Margal T r a n e r i a [?] (1581); Phederiche Comete (1583); Miguel Pelayre (1586); J a y m e R o c a b r u n a (1591-2); . . . Pages (1597); Pablo Font (1604); Gili Seguer (1604); J o a n Mascaro (1615); Miguel Pusol (1618); G a r a u A r t i n b a u (1645); J o a n Ventos (1647); Bernat Boris (1650-1); Llorens G o d o (1651).—7. " L i m p i e z a s " of Hiacinto Mascaro (1670); Francesco Cotxet (1681); Francesco Baptista de Arrise (1747; receipt for p a y m e n t ) ; M a r i a Pons (relative of Hiacinto Mascaro, 1685); Pablo Castell y Ravella (1769); suit over inheritance f r o m J o a n Baptista Aragonés Don Pare (1762).—8. 23 miscellaneous documents incl. Conversion of Richard P a y n e (1633); Edict of denunciation (1758); Proceso contra Rafael R o c h a (1664-7); u n d a t e d inventory of books in u n n a m e d " e s t a m p a " ; list of books confiscated in the bookshop of Pedro Fulla [or Tullá?] by the inquisition in Barcelona (1788). Spain, 1532-early 19th cent. Paper. In excess of 195 documents of various lengths (from a few to 204 ff.), several incl. printed forms, a few in Latin. Various sizes, mostly folio. Unbound, in boxes.—Prov.: Preserved by Andrew Thorndike in 1820-1 when the inquisitorial palace was stormed, and given by his son, G. Herbert Thorndike, to the American Philosophical Society in 1840, and presented to the Lea Library by the American Philosophical Society in 1962.
[ 220 ]
Ms. Lea 372 a tal.) V E N I C E . P r o c e d u r a civile (without formal title for t h e entire work, but with subtitles, e.g. Cause si t r a c t a n o al z u d e g a de' p r o p r i o senza c o m a n d a m e n t o , f.4), inc.: S e n t e n t i a r ponti de testamenti. . . . Venice, first half 16th cent. Paper. 56 ff. (ff.48, 51-6 blank). 16 x 11 cm. H/calf.—Prov.: Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford; Giuseppe Martini. Ms. Lea 373 (Ital.) [ A N C O N A ] , 1. B O N C A M P A G N O ( B u o n c a m p a g n o ; P o t t h a s t : Bonc a m p a g n i ) . Liber d e obsidione A n c o n a e . . . 1172, transí, into I t a l i a n by O d d o di Biagio, ff.lr-16v, inc.: D e u n a aspera obsidione facta c o n t r a A n c o n a . . . , incl. U n a l t r a obsidione d e A n c o n a facta d a li populi Convicini ( f f , 1 5 v - 6 v ) . - 2 . D E U N A C O N T R O V E R S I A bellicosa tra li A n c o n i t a n i et Venetiani ex chronicis V e n e t o r u m t r a c t u m est, ff,17r-21r, inc.: Q u e m a d m o d u m latine proverbio . . . Et pero li Venitiani . . . , incl. A n c o n a d a li Saraceni o p p u g n a t a (f.21r). —3. O D D O D I B I A G G I O . C h r o n i c a d e la edificatione et destructione del Cassaro A n c o n i t a n o . . . , ff.25r-130r, inc.: Se la diligentia de le scripture. . . .—4. C O L U C C I O S A L U T A T I . Lettera di li Fiorentini in l a u d e d e li A n c o n i t a n i [1383], ff.l30v-2 (icplt. at e n d ) , inc.: (f,130v): D e la victoria h a v u t a . . . , (f. 131 r) : Magnificis viris Antianis. . . . Excussistis t a n d e m amici. . . . Italy, 2nd half 15th cent. Paper. 132 (wrongly numb. 129) ff. (ff.22-4 blank). 20.5 x 14.5 cm. Contemp. vellum.—Prov.: Rosenheim Coll.; John C. William; Giuseppe Martini (with his notes laid in). Ms. Lea 374 (Sp.) C A S T I L E . Copia d e los reales decretos expedidos al real y s u p r e m a Consejo d e Castilla en 22 d e s e p t e m b r e de 1746 noticiándole . . . la creación del govierno politico y militar de M a d r i d . . . . Spain, 18th cent. Paper. 14 ff. (preceding printed official documents). 30 x 20.5 cm. Buckram (shelved as S.29.6.15).—Prov.: Henry Charles Lea. Ms. Lea 375 (Sp.) J U A N D E A V E L L A N E D A . F a b u l a d e Eneas y D i d o (9 ff. in verse).— With M A H O M A en G r a n a d a (18 ff.) Spain, 16th cent. Paper. 27 ff. (following printed Diaz de Ribas, Piedra da Cordova, and other pamphlets). 21.5 x 15 cm. Contemp. vellum (shelved as S.25.4.14).—Prov.: Henry Charles Lea. Ms. Lea 376 (Ger.) C O N C U B I N A T U M C L E R I C O R U M , Bedenken der C o n c u b i n e n wegen. Legal opinion r e n d e r e d for C o u n t Fugger by a n official H . F., [221 ]
15-25 April 1589, interpretation of c a n ó n a n d imperial law, in a case involving, it appears, " d e s K r a m e r s K ö c h i n . " N.p., 1589. Paper. 2 ff. 32.5 x 21.5 cm. In folder. Ms. Lea 377 (Sp.) J O A N O F A R A G O N , Q u e e n of Sicily. Letter to the C o u n t of Palamos, respecting her p l a n n e d visit with F e r d i n a n d a n d Isabella of Spain which now h a d to be delayed for various reasons until the following spring. Naples, 1 Nov., 1498. Paper. 1 f. 28 x 21 cm. In folder. Ms. Lea 378 (Ger.) L O R E N T Z P S C H E R E R . Verzeichnis d e r Gesiecht u n n d Erscheinung do mir Evangelisch Schulmeister L o r e n t z Pscherer zur Alten Statt [Altenstadt?, a n d N ü r n b e r g ] . . . 1627 . . . 1628 zur unterschiedlichmahlen erschiennen u n n d begegnet. Franconia, ca. 1628. Paper. 10 ff. 22 x 17.5 cm. Boards. Ms. Lea 379 (Sp.) T O L E D O , Inquisition. Causa de Isabel d e M e d i n a , hija de G a s p a r de los Reyes e Isabel de M e d i n a , de nación portuguesa, d e estado doncella residente en M a d r i d de 14 años (accused of the " c r i m e n de la heregia y a p o s t a d a " ) . Original documents (1652-8) with 19th-cent. transcript. Spain, 1652-19th cent. Paper. 62 ff. (last blank), 82 ff. 32 x 22 cm. Leather. Ms. Lea 380 (Sp.) C O R D O V A , Inquisition. M e m o r i a del a u t o déla fe q u e se hizo en la ciudad de Cordova . . . a ñ o de 1595. (List of persons accused of a variety of offenses, blasphemy, j u d a i s m , etc.) Cordova, 1595. Paper. 6 ff. (last blank). 31 x 21 cm. Paper cover. Ms. Lea 381 (Sp.) C O R D O V A , Inquisition. M e m o r i a de el a u t o q u e se hico en la noble ciudad de Cordova . . . 1625. (Minutes, a n d list of persons, mostly Portuguese, accused of apostasy, etc., with penalties imposed). Cordova, 1625. Paper. 4 ff. (numbered 7-10). 31 x 21 cm. H/cloth. Ms. Lea 382 (Sp.) [ F R O I L A N D I A Z ] . Causa [y prisión] del M a e s t r o Fr. Froilan Diaz, confesor de Carlos segundo, año de 1695. Y causa del yllustrissimo S. D. Bartolomeo Carranza, arzobispo de Toledo, año de 1558. Ambos del [ 222 ]
O r d i n e de Predicadores. M a d r i d , por N. del . . . P . F. F r o i l a n D i a z . Spain, post 1704?
N . — With
Paper. 190 ff. (ff.2, 187-90 blank). 20 x 15 cm. Contemp. calf. Ms. Lea 383 (Lat.)° L U C C A , C o n f r a t e r n i t a della S. C r o c e , O s p e d a l e della M i s e r i c o r d i a ( a t t a c h e d to St. N i c o l a s ) . C o p i e s of d o c u m e n t s , 1346-1489, c o n c e r n i n g t h e h o s p i t a l for t h e p o o r a n d i n f i r m , established b y N i c o l a o , Piero a n d M a t t e o B u s d r a g h i , t h e first w i t h inc.: F r a t e r G u i l e l m u s D e i et apostolice sedis g r a t i a episcopus L u c a n u s dilectis nobis in C h r i s t o filiis c o n f r a t r i b u s societatis d i t t e d i C r u c e in . . . loco hospitalis misericordie d e L u c a positus i n t r a p o r t a m Sti. D o n a t i . . . . Lucca, late 15th cent. Paper. 47 ff. (first blank, last few ff. in poor condition). 32 x 22 cm. Boards. Ms. Lea 384 (ltal.)° M I S C E L L A N E A a d h i s t o r i a m P o l o n i a e saec. X V I p e r t i n e n t i a . 1. N O T A M E N T O p e r la r e s t i t u t i o n e del s t a t o d i Bari e R o s s a n o ; Discorso of G i o v a n n i L o r e n z o P a p a c o d a ; C o p i a delle pretensioni del Serenissimo R e F i l i p p o ; N O T A D E C A P I P R I N C I P A L I p e r i q u a l i il Ser. R e C a t t o l i c o p r e t e n d e d e r i t e n e r e li stati d i Bari, et R o s s a n o ; R i p o s t a ; P r i m u m P r i v i l e g i u m . . . Bari et R o s s a n i ( L a t . ) ; N O T A in c h e f o r m a et t e m p o f u concesso il d u c a t o d i B a r i et p r i n c i p a t o d i R o s s a n o a l l ' I l l m a . Isabella d ' A r a g o n a ; I N D E X privilegiorum; C O P I A d ' u n a informat i o n e al S i g n o r V a r g a s a m b a s c i a t o r e di sua M a e s t à C a t t o l i c a al t e m p o c h e si p a r t e di R o m a ; C O M P R O M I S S U M s u p e r s t a t u Bari . . . 1562 ( L a t . ) ; R e l a t i o n e di Scipio C a t a p a n i , etc., t h e w h o l e section r e l a t i n g to t h e c l a i m s of K i n g S i g i s m u n d I I of P o l a n d , son of the duchess of M i l a n , B o n a S f o r z a , especiallyto B a r i a n d R o s s a n o , f f . 1 - 1 0 8 . — 2 . P R O C E S S U S f a c t u s p e r R . D . A l o y s i u m L i p [ p ] o m a n u m , n u n t i u m in r e g n o Poloniae, c o n t r a J a c o b u m e p i s c o p u m V l a d i s l a v i e n s e m s u s p e c t u m d e haeresi; P R O C E S S U S [eiusdem] c o n t r a D . A n d r e a m e p i s c o p u m C r a c o v i e n s e m ; R E S P O N S I O N E S rev. d o r n , p r a e l a t o r u m , c a n o n i c o r u m et c a p i t u l o r u m c a t h e d r a l i u m Gucsnensis, Posnaniensis, Vladislaviensis et Plocensis . . . s u p e r n e g o t i o fidei; S T A T U T A R E G N I P o l o n i a e c o n t r a haereticos [ 1 4 2 4 - 1 5 5 0 ] ; N O V U M J U D A E O R U M C R I M E N in Calisiensi civitate [ 1 5 5 6 - 1 5 6 4 ] , etc. (all in L a t . ) , ff.l 1 1 - 9 1 . - ( I n d e x o n f.192). Italy?, ca. 1600. Paper. 196 ff. (ff.109-10, 193-6 blank; part of f. 172 c u t o u t ) . 3 1 . 5 x 2 1 . 5 cm. Contemp. vellum. Ms. Lea 385 (Ital.)° M E D I C I . I n q u e s t o libro s o n o registrati privilegi, d e c r e t i imperiali, bolle pontifìcie, c o r o n a z i o n e d i p r i n c i p e g r a n d e , instruzioni, r e n u n z i e , i n s t r u m e n t i , rogiti d i b e n e d i z i o n [ e ] c o n i u g a l e , relazioni, investiture, [ 223 ]
scritture diverse, lettere, missive e responsive; il tutto attenente nel principio alla casa d e M e d i c i e poi della casa reale di T o s c a n a . (Documents covering the period 1443-1711, f r a g m e n t a r y for the early period a n d extensive for the late period). Italy, first half 18th cent. Paper. 688 pp. (pp.1-20, 22-4, 513-28, 658-88 blank); 6 ff. index in late 19th-cent. hand laid in. Arms of Medici on title page (p.21). Gilt contemp. morocco with arms of Medici on front and back cover.—Prov.: Antonio Peregrino Colombani; Principe Pietro Ginori-Conti. Ms. Lea 386 (Ital.)° F L O R E N C E , St. Vincentio (called A n n a l e n a ) . Le constitutione delle suore della penitentia di Sto. Domenico del terzo ordine del Monasterio di Sto. Vincentio di Firenze, vocato A n n a l c n a . Florence, 2nd half 15th cent. Vellum. 17 ff. (ff. 16-7 blank); lower margin of f. 1 replaced, presumably after removal of coat-of-arms. 25 x 17 cm. Vellum. — Prov.: Principe Pietro Ginori-Conti. Ms. Lea 387 (Sp.)° P H I L I P I I , K i n g of Spain. Decreto p a r a q u e n i n g u n vasallo suyo sè este en la corte d e R o m a en tiempo de Paulo Q u a r t o , d a d a en la villa de Valladolid à 13 dia del mes de enero de 1557, tt.\-lv.— With I N I G O D E C A R D E N A S . R a z o n e q u e sè ofrecen p a r a m a y o r inteligencia del rey y regno d e Francia, Paris, 4 d e dec.[?] 1621, ff.7v-14r. Spain, 17th cent. Paper. 14 ff. (originally numb. 300-313). 19.5 x 14.5 cm. Boards.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Originally classified as S-25.5.30. Ms. Lea 388 (Fr.)° [ G E R A R D D I D E L O T , dit de R O N C O U R T ] . Procès criminel contre G e r a r d [or G i r a r d ] Didelot, " s u r plusieurs oultraiges et blasphemes" at Saint Diey [i.e. St. Die?], 1569-70, signed by Rasaille, Gardette, Le Brecq, M a i n b o u r g , etc. St. Die?, 1569-10. Paper. 21 ff. 30 x 21 cm. Boards. Ms. Lea 389 (Ital.)° [ C A N O N L A W ] , T R A T T A T O D E L L E C O M M E N D E , dealing in 72 chapters with ecclesiastical benefices held " i n c o m m e n d a m . " Italy, late 11th cent. Paper. 6, 393 ff. (fT.6, 392-3 blank). 32 x 21.5 cm. Contemp. vellum. Apparently part of a larger collection, presumably on canon law, since the inc. reads: Trattarò in questo decimo quarto titulo primo della prima origine delle com[m]ende. Ms. Lea 390 (Lat.)° [ C A T H O L I C C H U R C H ] , Collectio diversorum d e c r e t o r u m Sancti Officii urbis [Romae] à Sacra C o n g r e g a t i o n e eminentissimorum diversis [ 224 ]
t e m p o r i b u s editorum, q u a e novissime o r d i n e alphabetico digesta sunt. Italy, 2nd half 17 th cent. Paper. 462, 4 (tabula; last blank) fi". 26.5 x 19.5 cm. Prov.: Phillipps ms. 5321. See also ms. Lea 137.
Ms. Lea 391 (Ital.)° F E R D I N A N D , Prince of T u s c a n y . Lettere dell' A. R . del Principe F e r d i n a n d o di Toscana a Lodovico F a n t o n i [called in different letters " a v v o c a t o , " " a b b a t e , " a n d " c o n t e " ] . 129 largely a u t o g r a p h letters, with occasional passages in cipher, addressed to F a n t o n i primarily in Vienna, M a d r i d , Paris a n d Venice, 1698—1709[?]. At end b o u n d in " C o p i a di lettera a M o n t a u t i , " 1698 a n d " R e l a z i o n e della m o r t e . . . [di] G r a n ' Principe F e r d i n a n d o di T o s c a n a , " 1713. Italy, 1698-1113. Paper. 172 ff. Various sizes (in vol. 24.5 x 18 cm.) With remains of seals. Contemp. vellum.
Ms. Lea 392 (Fr.)° H I S T O I R E D E L ' H E R E S I E depuis l'an 1374 j u s q u ' e n l'année 1631. France, post 1631. Paper. 277 pp. 25 x 18 cm. Contemp. vellum. Contemp. unidentified bookplate.
Ms. Lea 393 (Ital.)° A L V I S E F O S C A R I , patriarch of Venice. Ms. copy of one printed, a n d 3 ms. edicts: 10 J u n e , 1743; 16 J u n e , 1744; 10 M a r c h , 1747; 4 J a n . , 1752 in volume consisting largely of printed broadsides. Venice [etc.], 16261774 (date of entire coll., printed a n d mss.) Paper. 1 v. 30 x 21.5 cm. Contemp. boards.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea.— Shelved as KK5.7.
Ms. Lea 394 (Ital.)° C A R L O R E Z Z O N I C O , C a r d i n a l . Pastoral letters, edicts, etc., collection of broadsides a n d tracts, largely printed, b u t incl. ms. copies (Indulgenza plenaria, 6 J u n e , 1744; Pastoral letters, 14 J u l y , 1744; 9 Feb., 1746; 20 Feb., 1746; 13 Feb., 1748; 1754). Padua, 1743-58, (date of entire coll., printed a n d mss.) Paper. Collection bound in 2 vols. 30 x 21 cm. Contemp. boards.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea. Shelved as KK5.10-11.
Ms. Lea 395 (Ital.)° S A N T I V E R O N E S E , C a r d i n a l . Collection of tracts a n d broadsides, printed a n d manuscript, incl. in ms.: Predica (acc. to ms. table of contents "originale di m a n o propria dell' a u t o r e " ) , 8 ff.; Dissertatio de optione (copy), 38 ff.; Ex registro d u c a l i u m in cancelleria civitatis [ 225 ]
Padovensis, 6 ff. (2 ff. blank); various pastoral letters; copy of a letter by C a r d . Rezzonico. Padua, 1733-66 (date of entire coll., printed a n d mss.) Paper. Collection bound in 2 vols. 30 x 21.5 cm. Contemp. boards.—Prov.: Henry C. Lea.—Shelved as KK5.21-22. Ms. Lea 396 (Ital., etc.)0 A R C H I V I O M O N T A U T I . Miscellaneous collection of letters, political dispatches, accounts, translations of reports, etc., incl. letters by a n d to Antonio Francesco M o n t a u t i , together ca. 150 items, boxed. Various places, the great majority written between 1690 and T110. Paper. Various sizes. Cf. Lea mss. 30-2, 198. Ms. Lea 397 (Ital., etc.)° V I L L A F I O R I T A . Archives of the Dukes of Villafiorita, Princes of Aragon, collection of original documents, copies, a n d a few printed items. Ms. 1-16: B U R G I O F A M I L Y (Dukes of Villafiorita since 1712). Copies of wills, 1417-1730. D o w r y contracts, 1442-1831. Privileges from the Naselli and Morso, 1460-1589 (incl. vellum doc. for Aloisio Saccano of Casalnuovo, 1460; Nicola Campolo, 1459; Giovanni di L a m b e r t o receiving rights to Limbrici, 1500; Pietro F e r n a n d o Saccano, 1515; Geronimo Campolo, 1548, etc.). Admission of G e r o n i m o Burgio as doctor of law, Rome, 1661 (4 ff.). Copies of grants, 1676-1848. Inventories incl. copy of 1510 doc., 1722-1870. A p p o i n t m e n t of the Prince of Aragon as " c a p i t a n de justicia" of Palermo by E m p e r o r Charles V I , 1763 (6 ff.). Will of Pietro Giacomo Burgio, 1777. Business records, 18th cent. Lettere di manutenzione for Niccolò Burgio, 1803—4. Various 19 thcent. docs. (incl. suit against Antonio M o n t a l b a n o di R i b e r a a n d Girolamo Turano).—JVo. 77: F R A N C E S C O D E B E L V I S , castellano di Pantelleria. Will, Valencia, 1487 (property of Pantelleria sold to Luigi Requesens in 1 4 9 2 ) . - N o . 18 (bundle): C A R R E T T O F A M I L Y (conti di Recalmuto). Genealogy, certificates of baptism a n d d e a t h , marriage contracts, inventories, wills, etc., 1503-1764.—Nos. 19-22: G A L L E T T I F A M I L Y . 4 docs, concerning property of Vittoria Nicoletta, prioress of Santa M a r i a della Pietà, Palermo, 1766. Letters, business papers, wills, etc., 1791-1847. Inventories of the estate of Baldassare Naselli-Galletti, Prince of Aragon, and M a r i a n n a , 1863-72 (with a few earlier supporting docs.). Succession of M a r i a n n a with statement of creditors, 1871-2. No. 23: M A R I A N N A G R I F E O (or G R A F F E O ) , countess of M o n t e S. Angelo. Guardianship records, 1826-7 —Nos. 24-9: M O R S O F A M I L Y . Wills, 1386-1735. Wills, privileges a n d grants ( m a n y concerning the land and castle of Gibellina), 1486-1728. Inventories, 1492-1736. Genealogy a n d family records (incl. m a r r i a g e contracts, donations, etc.), 1528-1741. Privileges granted to G e r o n i m o Morso, 1685-99. Historical account, 1485-1782, written ca. 1800 (10 ff., last 2 blank).—Nos. 30-53: [ 226 ]
N A S E L L I F A M I L Y . R e v i e w of privileges to Lodovico d e C a p r e r a (or C a b r e r a ) , c o u n t of M o h a c , a n d his heirs, 1351-1461, f r o m t h e registers of Sicily, c o m p i l e d in 1544 u n d e r E m p e r o r Charles V (ca. 60 ff.). Privilege f o r t h e c o u n t y of M o h a c to Pericono d e Nasello a n d heirs, 1479. Privileges c o n c e r n i n g C a p r e r a , 1497. Privileges for M o h a c , 1558-9. Privilege to Beatrice d e Nasellis, 1586. D o c u m e n t s c o n c e r n i n g privileges a n d transfers of p r o p e r t y g r a n t e d by Frederick (1375, 19th-cent. copy) a n d A l p h o n s , K i n g s of A r a g o n (incl. t h e transfer of M o h a c f r o m Bern a r d o G i o v . C a p r e r a to P e r i c o n o d e Nasellis, 1456 < 24 ff., last 6 b l a n k > , etc.) a n d F e r d i n a n d , viceroy of Sicily ( c o n c e r n i n g Gibellina, 1485). G r a n t of K i n g A l p h o n s to P e r i c o n o d e Nasellis a l i e n a t i n g the rights of A n t o n i o d e Dionisio, 1 4 4 6 - 7 . M a r r i a g e contracts., etc., 1499-1809. Baldassare d e Nasellis, E x t e n s i o n of taxes, 1504-59. Wills a n d business papers, 1 5 1 7 - 1 9 2 4 . Privileges, 1 5 1 9 - 1 8 1 2 . Inventories, 1 5 5 1 - 1 8 6 3 (incl. furnishings of t h e P a l a z z o d i Gibellina, 18th cent.). Business p a p e r s , 1553-1821 (incl. those o n s u l p h u r mines). R e c o r d of donations, 1 5 6 1 1739. R e c o r d s r e l a t i n g to g u a r d i a n s h i p s , 1561-1815 (incl. extensive i n v e n t o r y of 1586). Privileges a n d investitures, 1599-1812. D e a t h certificates, 1 7 0 9 - 1 8 7 2 . L u i g i Naselli, Proceedings against vassals, 1661, a n d p e t i t i o n r e g a r d i n g d e b t s by G i o v a n n i A n t . Gelosus. Notes, letters, letter book, 1 7 1 5 - 1 8 5 8 . R e c o r d s c o n c e r n i n g the c a n o n s of Comiso, 1719— 1880's. G r a n t of gold cross of t h e O r d e r of St. J o h n of J e r u s a l e m , 1733, to Baldassare d e Nasellis. Investitures to t h e c o u n t y of Comiso, 1812. Legal p a p e r s (incl. suit against Baldassare Naselli), 1819-1905. Act of e m a n c i p a t i o n of n e g r o slave, 1820. Legal p a p e r s c o n c e r n i n g properties ( P a l e r m o region, Spiro, M a r t o r a n a ) , 19th cent, to 1904.—jVos. 54-62: R E Q U E S E N S F A M I L Y . Concession to Pantelleria, 1336-1852. Evid e n c e of service to t h e S p a n i s h t h r o n e (ca. 1400, 17th-cent. copy, 82 ff., some b l a n k ) . Copies of d o c u m e n t s p e r t a i n i n g to services r e n d e r e d to the c r o w n (incl. p a p e r s issued b y E m p e r o r Charles V , Q u e e n J o a n e , etc., genealogy), 1 4 6 3 - 1 6 1 1 (98 ff.). D o c u m e n t s r e l a t i n g to Pantelleria (incl. m a t e r i a l r e l a t i n g to t h e t o w n of M a r s a l a ) , 1469-19th cent. G e n e a l o g y a n d f a m i l y p a p e r s , 18th cent.—JVw. 63-5: V E N T I M I G L I A F A M I L Y . F r a n c e s c o d e V e n t i m i g l i a , L o r d of Buscome, Will of 1386, reissued 1422. G r a n t b y M a r t i n , K i n g of A r a g o n , to G u i l e l m o for t h e h a m l e t of Buscome, 1408. V i n c e n z o V e n t i m i g l i a a p p o i n t e d treasurer, 1 5 8 7 . — N o . 66 (vol.): N O T I Z I E D E L L E F A M I G L I E D E V I O , E z q u e r r c , d e Y e r m a a n d H e r r e r a a n d R E L A Z I O N E d e ' servigi [!] degli A n t e n a t i , etc., 1730 (190 pp.).—JViw. (57-77: R E C A L M U T O . D o c u m e n t s r e l a t i n g to R e c a l m u t o (involving t h e Villafiorita, Pantelleria, the p r i n c e of Palagonia, Burgo, t h e families Grillo, Naselli, etc.), 1 5 5 8 - 1 9 2 8 . — N o s . 18-9: R I V E R A (or R I B E R A ) . D i s p u t e s over leases a n d rents, 1828-70.— Nos. 80-91: M I S C E L L A N E O U S . Investitures a n d concessions relating to v a r i o u s Sicilian territories a n d families, 1 3 4 0 - 1 6 0 3 (incl. Castello, t e r r a di A u d a [?], G a s p a r o M o n t a p e r t o , G . M . d e Saccano, Lucio
[ 227 ]
Bonanno, etc.). Wills, 1498-1597 (ind. Petro Caetano, Cipriano Spinola, Antonio Platamone, Petro de Montaperto, Giovanni d'Aragona, Oliva d'Aragona, Bernardino Lanfranchi, etc.). Second series of wills, 1600-39. Documents relating to San Domenico in Palermo, 1597— 1708. Tribunal in Messina, 1704-1833. Kingdom of the T w o Sicilies, Raggioni, che assistone al publico banco per non permettersi in esso ignorazione di grani . . . , 1773-4 (52 ff.), and 5 other bundles. Vellum and paper. 34 boxes, 18 bundles and a few bound volumes. Various sizes.—Printed items in the collection are described separately. Ms. Lea 398 (Lat., etc.)"
S A M M I N I A T I A R C H I V E . 254 documents, mostly "rotulae" of varying length, originals and contemporary notarized copies, (nos. 1-2, 4-10, 12-15, 33, 44 and 108 photostats), incl. purchase contracts, trials, civil suits, leases, wills, benefices, investitures, etc. Localities mentioned incl., besides Florence and San Miniato, Prato, Vico, Lucca, Pisa, Pistoia, Siena; among families involved are the Benivieni, Bonaccorsi, Brunelleschi, Capponi, Corsini, Gabrielli, Medici, Riccomanni, Rucellai and Salviati; several documents concern the Ospedale di S. Giacomo di Altopascio. Italy, [ca. 1200] 1247-1832. Vellum. Arranged in boxes: I, nos, 1-17, 1220-1314; II A, nos. 18-27, 132355; II B, nos. 28-33, 1362-78; III A, nos. 34-42, 1383-96; III B, nos. 43-51, 1400-4; IV A, nos. 52-61, 1407-14; IV B, nos. 62-70, 1414-19; V A, nos. 71-81, 1419-20; V B, nos. 82-92, 1420; VI A, nos. 93-103, 1420-1 ; VI B, nos. 104-14, 1422; VII A, nos. 115-28, 1422-31; VII B, nos. 129-41, 1432-56; V I I I A, nos. 142-9, 1456-65; VIII B, nos. 150-60, 1467-85; IX, nos. 161-79, 1485-1516; X A, nos, 180-9, 1516-59; X B, nos. 190-8, 1570-1608; X I A, nos. 199-209, 1608-40; X I B, nos. 210-20, 1651-83; X I I A, nos. 221-31, 1687-1723; X I I B, nos. 232-45, 1724-86; X I I I , nos. 246-53, 1791-1832, and 6 undated documents, of which 4 fall between the years 1200 and 1400.—The collection is accompanied by a typewritten catalogue (inventario, filed following Ms. Lea 398, box X I I I ) with genealogy of the "Casa Samminiati," indexes of "Famiglie illustri" (42), "Località," "Arte e metieri" (e.g. gunsmiths, textile trade, physicians, merchants), "Chiese, ordini religiosi," etc., "Istituti," and brief analysis of all documents. Ms. Lea 399 (Ital.)0
G U A D A G N I A R C H I V E . 1. N E R I G U A D A G N I . Dispacci di Sig. M a r chese Neri Guadagni, inviato straord. di Toscana alla Corte Cesarea dal 1708 al 1717, scritti alla Segreteria di Stato, 4 vols.—2. T U S C A N Y , Segreteria di Stato. Dispacci . . . 1705-17, scritti al Sig. March. Neri Guadagni [etc.] Vol. 1 : In occasione della missione . . . per far la condoglienza della morte dell' I m p . Leopoldo, e rallegrarsi dell' asunzione al trono dell' Imp. Giuseppe (mostly by Francesco Panciatichi) . . . . Riposti (incl. orig. letters of Cosimo I I I ) , 1705.—Voi. 2: Instruzione; document appointing Guadagni ambassador, and dispatches to [ 228 ]
G u a d a g n i (mostly by Panciatichi; some in cipher), 1708-11.—Vol. 3: Dispatches, 1 7 1 2 - 3 . - V o l . 4: I d e m , 1 7 1 4 . - V o l . 5: Idem, 1715-7.— 3. C O S I M O I I I , G r a n d D u k e of Tuscany. Lettere . . . scritte d a l Ser. Cosimo 3° . . . al Sig. M a r c h . Neri Guadagni, 1708-17 (some in cipher), 2 vols. —4. I N F O R M A Z I O N E della corte di Vienna e suo ministero lasciata dal S. Sen. Presidente Antinori al Sig. M a r c h . G u a d a g n i . —Notizie diverse . . . dal Sig. Cav. Antinori (Prince Eugene, Court of Barcelona, siege of Portolungo, etc.). — Scritture lasciate d a l Sign. Sen. Pres. Antinori, 1713 (incl. Memorial of M a r c h . Rinuccini f r o m F r a n k f u r t a n d the electoral college, Niccolò Amerighi, 1712, etc.). —Copia delle lettere credenziali.—5. A N N A , Electress Palatinate ( d a u g h t e r of Cosimo I I I ) . Lettere al Sig. M a r c h . Neri Guadagni, 170817, 3 vols. —6. L E T T E R E di diversi principi al Sig. M a r c h . G u a d a g n i (mostly from m e m b e r s of the family of Cosimo I I I , 1708-20).— 7. M I S C E L L A N E A di diverse relazioni (all printed), 1709-15. Various places, 1105-20. Paper. 17 vols. (2° and 4°). Contemp. boards. Ms. Lea 400 (Ital.)° P I U S I V , Pope. Instruttioni al Vescovo Zaccaria Delfino m a n d a t o all' I m p e r a t o r e F e r d i n a n d o . . . , 1560. Italy, 11 th cent. Paper. 10 ff. (last blank), numbered in a contemp. hand pp. 31-50. 27 x 20 cm. Boards. Ms. Lea 401 (Ital.)° P A U L I I I , Pope. Instruttioni diverse (mainly relating to G e r m a n y ) . 11 ambassadorial instructions for legations to E m p e r o r Charles V , his b r o t h e r F e r d i n a n d , K i n g Sigismund I of Poland, a n d the Council of T r e n t , 1534-48. Italy, 11th cent. Paper. 132 ff. (last blank), numbered 23-178 in a contemp. hand (ff.29-30, 45-6, 53-4, 71-2, 95-6, 113-4, 138-40, 153-4, 161-2, 170-2, between instructions, probably blank, missing; f.83 omitted in numbering). 30 x 21 cm. Boards. Ms. Lea 402 (Lat.)° M I S C E L L A N E A S T O R I C A D I G U A S T A L L A . Collection of records in L a t i n a n d Italian, all b u t one in original or contemporary copies, m a n y notarized, referring to controversy a m o n g members of the Torelli family over the rights to Guastalla (Reggio nell' Emilia) a n d sale to F e r r a n t e G o n z a g a , 1539-61. Contents: Vol. I, ff.1-19, Description a n d evaluation of the property of Guastalla for R e n a t o Trivulzio in controversy with the Counts Torelli, 1492.— Ff.20-56, Examination of witnesses in the suit of M a r c a n t o n i o Torelli against Paolo Torelli and his mother, Damigella di G i o v a n n i Trivulzio, 1525.—Ff.60-3, Deposition in behalf of Paolo a n d his m o t h e r concerning the will of Francesco Torelli, Paolo's father, 1521.—Ff.67-78, Testimony in behalf of M a r c a n tonio Torelli, in M a n t u a , 1525.—Ff.81-107, F u r t h e r testimony, 1525.— [ 229 ]
Ff. 115-376, Summary of the case, 1 5 3 1 . - Vol. II, ff.3-110; Further testimony in behalf of Marcantonio Torelli against Paolo Torelli, 1531. —Ff.114-238, IDEM, 1531.—Ff.240-2, Judgment in favor of Marcantonio Torelli, by Alexander Amonius, "doctor et ducalis senator," Mantua, 1532.—Ff. 244-5, Judgment for Marcantonio, Milan, 1532-3 (defective).—Ff.247-51, Notarized copy of similar judgment, 1532, with appended docs., 1515-34.—F.267, Petition of Paolo Torelli to Pope Clement VII [?].—Ff.269-70, Petition to Charles V concerning purchase of Guastalla by Ferrante Gonzaga. — F.271, Petition to Charles V by Marcantonio Torelli.—F.273, Submission of the controversy to Charles V. — Vol. Ill, ff.1-15, Sale of property at Guastalla by Torelli family to Redulfo [Rodolfo?] Gonzaga, 1538.—F.17, License for sale of Guastalla to Ferrante Gonzaga by Charles V, 1539, with seal, signed R. Quadrius. — Ff. 18-34, Copy of sales agreement of 1539 between Lodovica Torelli and Ferrante Gonzaga, copied in 1725.—Ff.36—41, Sales agreement between Marcantonio Torelli and Ferrante Gonzaga, 1546, on vellum.—Ff.42-59, Further sales agreements, 1561, before Giov. Batt. Landriani by various members of Torelli family.—Ff.60-86, Statements favoring claims of Marcantonio Torelli by Nicolao Alliprandi, the second with seal, undated (ca. 1531).—Ff.89—180, Similar testimonies by Carlo Malatesta, Geronimo de Medici, etc. Italy, 14927725. Paper and 6 ff. vellum. 3 v. (376, 273, 182 ff.) Various sizes in 3 folio vols. With notarial signets and few seals. H/calf.—Cf. Ms. Lea 181.
J>roducAfn< tomiernhs
Edgar F. Smith Collection
Ms. E. F. Smith 1 (Ger.) S P L E N D O R S O L I S , oder Sonnen Glantz, tailt sich inn siben T r a c t a t , d u r c h welches beschrieben wirt die künstlich W ü r c k h u n g des verborgnen S t a i n s d e r alten Weisen. Germany, second half 16th cent. Vellum. 41 ff. (numb, in contemp. hand 1-34 and 35-40, with unnumb. f. between ff.34 and 35). 30.5 x 20 cm. Spaces for illustrations left blank throughout; subjects indicated in contemp. writing. — Contemp. vellum. Ms. E. F. Smith 2 (Ger.) F E U E R W E R K B U C H . Feuer Buech, d u r c h E u r e m gelertten Kriegs V e r s t e n n d i g e n mit grossem Vleis auss villen probrertten [sie] K ü n s t e n . . . z u s a m e n gezogen. Germany, 1584. Paper. 235 ff. 31 x 20.5 cm. With numerous colored illus. Contemp. vellum.— Style of illustrations resembles Berlin, Staatsb.ms.germ.qu.l 188, cf. W. Hassenstein, ed., Das Feuerwerkbuch von 1420, (Munich, 1941), p. 121. Ms. E. F. Smith 3 (Lat.) A L C H E M I C A L M I S C E L L A N Y . 1. R O G E R B A C O N . T r a c t a t u s t r i u m v e r b o r u m [or] Epistolae tres a d J o h a n n e m Parisiensem, ff.lr-10r. - 2 . M O R I E N U S R O M A N U S ( a p o c r y p h a l ) . Questiones inter K a l i d regem et M o r i e n u m philosophum, ff.l0r-13r. — 3. G E B E R . S u m m a perfections, ff.13v-42v.-4. A V I C E N N A . De a n i m a , ff.42v-50r.-5. Index, f . 5 0 r - v . England?, first half 15th cent. Paper. 50 ff. (last 4 ff. damaged, with loss of text). 30 x 21 cm. H/morocco.— Prov.: Hamon Styleman—le Strange, 1871; Falconer Madan (autograph note on fly-leaf), 1892; W. M. Voynich. Ms. E. F. Smith 4 (Eng.) A L C H E M I C A L M I S C E L L A N Y . 1. G E O R G E R I P L E Y . T h e m a r r o w of a l c h e m y (dated in expl. 1476), ff.lr-10r.— 2. I D E M . George R i p l e y unto K i n g E d w a r d I V (in verse), fF.10v-12v. — 3. I D E M . T w e l v e gates (or T h e c o m p o u n d of a l c h e m y ; in verse), fF.13r-30v.—4. I D E M . Note of o u r fires, without the k n o w l e d g e whereof our m a s t e r y is not performed, ff.31r-32v. — 5. I D E M . V a r i o u s recipes, ff.33r-34v.-6. IDEM. A p a r t i a l a b r i d g e m e n t of all the writings of George R i p l e y , ff.35r-36v.— 7. R A Y M U N D U S L U L L U S . A n a c c u r t a t i o n (incl. " A l i a [sic] m o d u s et f o r m a distillationis;" " A n o t h e r m a n n e r of practising a c c u r t a t i o n " ) , f f . 3 4 v - 4 0 v . —8. Another special work of the basilisk, ff.40v-41r.— 9. R A Y M U N D U S L U L L U S . A c c u r t a t i o n (and " A very strong vineg a r ; " " A work in m i n e r a l stone," etc.), ff.41v-42r. —10. G U I D O DE M O N T A N O R . Sayings, f . 4 2 v . - l l . T H E D R E A M O F G E O R G E R I P L E Y (tr. by E d w a r d C r a d o c k e ) , ff.42v-43r.-12. GEORGE R I P L E Y . A secret; T h e vision; R e c a p i t u l a t i o , ff.43r-44v. —13. G E B E R . [231 ]
The testament, ff.44v-47r. —14. T H E M I R R O R of alchemy, ff.47r-51r. - 1 5 . PEARCE, the Black Monk. T w o poems, ff.51v-52r. —16. T H E CALENDAR of principles, f f . 5 2 r - 5 3 v . - 1 7 . C O M P E N D I O U S ABSTRACT of alchemy, drawn out of Latin (Liber multipheris; on a perfect elixir), f f . 5 4 r - 5 7 r . - 1 8 . GEORGE R I P L E Y . Concordance between Raymond [Raymundus Lullus] and Guido [de Montanor], fF.57r-58r.— 19. THE L A W S of philosophers, ff.58v-59r.-20. J O H A N N I S A A C HOLLANDUS. Discussion of problems, in form of a dialogue (his "Tractatus duo chemici"?), ff.59v-