Catalogue of the Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum 9781463207823

The Syriac manuscript collection at the British Library is one of the largest and most important collections in any West

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Catalogue of the Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum

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Volume 30 / I

Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum






W. W E I G H T ,






First Gorgias Press Edition, 2002. Second Gorgias Press Edition, 2004. The special contents of this edition are copyright €> 2004 by Gorgias Press LLC. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States of America by Gorgias Press LLC, New Jersey. This edition is a facsimile reprint of the original edition published by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, London, in 1870 (vol. 1), 1871 (vol. 2), and 1872 (vol. 3).

ISBN 1-931956-29-4 (Vol. 1) ISBN 1-931956-30-8 (Vol. 2) ISBN 1-931956-31-6 (Vol. 3)


46 Orris Ave., Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA

Printed and bound simultaneously in the United States of America and Great Britain.




n r>°v A^A^ne* ^.iXi.-vao r ^ i c n . i


r d ^ l K ' Aw-A

rd^aHxtt.i rC'TaaaJTD rd>QTO CIK" ^ . . i aVsaè^K'a ^-iACT3 q.t^Q • r d l s o c u

Publisher's Note The Syriac manuscripts described herein are now housed in the British library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB. Manuscripts acquired by the British Museum after 1873 are described by George Margoliouth in his Descriptive List of Syriac and Karshuni MSS. in the British Museum (1899, Gorgias Press Reprint 2002). Piscataway, NJ Easter Sunday, 5 May 2002 George A. Kiraz


volume is the first part of a Catalogue of the Syriac Manuscripts in the

British Museum, in continuation of that compiled by Dr.


and published by order of the Trustees in 1838.


has been drawn

up by Dr.




and the Rev.


The whole work, which

the Assistant Keeper of the Manuscripts,

includes descriptions of the Nitrian Collection and a few other volumes acquired since that date. Books.

This first part comprises the classes of Biblical Manuscripts and Service-

The second part, containing the remaining classes, is already in the press.

It will be accompanied by a Preface and Indices.

The publication the




of this volume has been



destroyed by the

considerably fire at





of Mr.

the Printer, in Gray's Inn Road, on the 19th of March last.

CH. R I E U , KEEPEK OE THE ORIENTAL MSS. 15th December, 1870.




OLD TESTAMENT. 1. The Pentateuch. a. Genesis. Pol. 2 a. PAPER, 12 in. by 8, consisting of 376 leaves. b. Exodus. Pol. 21 a. The quires, 40 in number, are signed with, c. Leviticus. Pol. 37 a. letters (PO, fol. 372). Each page is divided d. Numbers. Pol. 1-7 b. into two columns of about 56 lines. The e. Deuteronomy. PoL 63 b. writing is small and inelegant, with occa2. Job. Pol. 77 a. sional Syriac and Greek vowels and other 3. Joshua. Pol. 86 a. points, of the xvii1" cent. Foil. 2, 199, 200, 4. Judges. Pol. 95 b. 201, and 373—376, are more modern than 5. a. 1st Samuel. Pol. 105 a. the rest. This volume contains— b. 2nd Samuel. Pol. 118 a. The whole of the Scriptures of the Old 6. a. 1st Kings. Pol. 128 a. Testament, according to the Peshlttä verb. 2nd Kings. Pol. 141 b. sion, with the Apocrypha. The running title 7. a. 1st Chronicles. Pol. 153 a. O0 b. 2nd Chronicles. PoL 166 a. takes different forms; e.g., fol. 3 a, r£=>bnA. 8. The Proverbs of Solomon. Pol. 178 b. y y v x K'inAoAir^a ÖK" (7ravSefCTi] o rciiÜJ

See the minute description of two similar manu-

scripts in Dr. Payne Smith's Catalogue of the Syriac MSS. in the Bodleian Library (Oxford, 1864), nos. 1 and 2 ; and also Assemani, Manuscriptorum Codd. Bibl. Apost. Yat. Catalogus (Eom. 1756-58), t. ii. p. 14, no. vii.




14. The twelve, minor Prophets. Pol. 219 a. 15. Jeremiah; including the Lamentations and the Prayer of Jeremiah. Pol. 234 b. 16. Ezekiel. Pol. 258 b. 17. Daniel; including the Song of the three holy Children, Bel, and the Dragon. Pol. 278 a. 18. The book of holy Women, A^.i ri'AuSjiin n£sb ; viz. a. Esther. Pol. 287 a. b. Judith. Pol. 290 a. 19. Ezra and Nehemiah. Pol. 296 a. 20. The book of Jesus the son of Simeon, called the son of Sirach: ^.cuc^.-t KL=>b^s. rc'iiflortf' i=a K'inAvJsa.i ^avaax. v=3 . Pol. 306 a. 21. The three books of the Maccabees; viz. a. 1st Maccabees. Pol. 320 a. b. 2nd Maccabees. Pol. 334 a. c. 3rd Maccabees. Pol. 346 a. 22. The discourse of Josephus (Josippus) on Eleazar, Shamuni (Samona), and her seven sons (also called 4th Maccabees): sJcvsax-c\ A*. ri'iaarisa cniiao . Pol. 351 b. 23. The first book of Esdras, translated from the Septuagint version : ^ . n o>»-n ^ q ^

To several of the books short notes are prefixed, giving some account of the writer, date, etc.* The name of the scribe was Abraham bar Yeshua', called from the village of Kosur, near Maridin; and he wrote the volume in the convent of S. Mary Deipara, called Beth Marcus, at Jerusalem. This appears from the following notes. Pol. 47 b. r^^M.t ,or!arif ri* A^. rd*USa r^ V=J rigors ^acni-aK' r^\;>.>*gaa ri'.tV33.1 K'iAxr^ia^ia ^a » o t ^ ^ ^ n f . i . rS'^Uj.TSa ^.air^so J u ^ o r i Pol. 77

i a rdi^ij ^ocn'iari' A*» aA^a

^.li^a.t rfibxrf pciwJ.Vsa c d i a ^ j D


rs'ikaa n~73 r ^ i ^ i - n


pdaAsg.i co¿vij.1^73 )alx.icvrlrXx.

.^ascu «^p^iA^sao £LrL..T\.—v. 6 . V. 8 .



.T^.t; r d j r - l K ' y]L=>; >jt£il rcf\ « atwo

V. 1 2 .

V. 1 1 . ctt»caikA>.—V. 1 3 .

-v. 5. ^.ia.

(a m o d e m h a n d has pointed r - d s i W a n d in-




6 . .jSa»»Hl





¿uculA\.—v. 5. O m i t s riLiiK".—v.6. ^ c y c n u r d r j ; — v . 7.











V. 2 . vsAuaSkp^.l.—V. 4 .

v\i--r u 3 now



Deut. xxxiy. 2 to the end. manuscript of any portion of the Bible



COX..TGIO p^àvajLs r d s a c u




1 1 9 , N u m . ii. 3 4 — i i i . 2 5 ; a n d a f t e r fol. 2 3 0 , A s this is b e l i e v e d t o b e t h e oldest


; rt* v m j a o .




.^ocriila*. r ^ v a a


m i t



r^àuènri'.—V. AcCì^sa;

6. V ^ n ^ k - I




Lessons have been m a r k e d h e r e and there fol. 1 7 9



. ri'Auior^'.'l H^JCMJJ.I r i ' i & c » r ^ c o c o i l


E x o d . x v . 1 — 2 1 . v . 4 . nsisóvs K ' . t t ; Q \ - ì \ .


—V. 11. r C v u






V. 2 0 . A c x ^ s a . — V . 2 1 . , e o c u \ r < ' ;



v. 22. A o a k ^ o . — v . 24. «^oaiA^Aua.—v. 25.



rS'Awk'iaa 3 0 . rci3COx»'is . ,x.o rdojAoAvn K'Avt^- k'.tmA v. On fol. 1 a there is some ancient Arabic writing, now no longer distinctly legible. [Add. 14,425. j

. o . o . rS'^xa'i rS^V.I^.."! cttliSSj "This volume was written in the year 775 (A.D. 464), in the city of Amid, in the days of the honoured and God-fearing bishop Mar Mara*, . . . . of the Great Church."f The next note gives the name of the scribe who wrote the first half of the manuscript, viz. the deacon John. The last line is in part no longer legible. K^Ck^tAO rellssazsa ^iwCU KlSGO riLailSi. * See Assemaru, Bibl. Or., t. i. p. 2 5 6 ; Le Quien, Or. Christ., t. ii. col. 992. + Instead of c a l i S . 3 , in or during the peace, another word appears to have stood originally in the MS.; viz. cno£XX.a," in the street or court of the Great Church." See Land, Anecd. Syr., t. i. p. 65, note 3 ; and tlie note at the end of Add. 14,489.

IY. Vellum, 13|- in. by 10g, consisting of 95 leaves, several of which are much stained and torn, especially foil. 69 and 86—-90. The quires are signed with the Syriac arithmetical figures (see foil. 10, 20, etc.). No less than nine quires and a leaf are missing at the beginning of the volume; and the last two quires are imperfect, leaves being wanting after foil. 88, 89, and 95. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 29 to 33 lines. The character is a large and beautiful Estrangela of the vith cent. Towels have been added in a few



cases by later hands. This volume contains— Part of the Pentateuch, according to the Peshitta version; viz. Leviticus. Pol. 1 a. Subscription: .

containing ch. xxii. 11—xxv. 17; and after fol. 105, a quire, containing ch. xlvii. 13 to the end. Poll. 1 and 2 a contain an index to the additional lessons mentioned above.

\ A A Lilrs's r/~tT -i rdxsoj».! ja Numbers. Pol.28 b. Title: . K'iaco . rdixisj .a ^ ri^-sj-sJ K'.n ja . ri'Auiors'.i . Kli-sa'Ws . Subscription: . yAx. . K'iuiap^.i . ptli.niK's . rs'i^oo . ,21»i K&SJJ r^l T ja Deuteronomy. Pol. 67 b. Title: . . . A rf ^ ntfksoiJB ^sa : T ja . «'¿v.ioK'.l . rds^xu.l . rC'iaco . K'coasass The following portions of the text are A ^ :s : r -> .tm.i .q wanting. At the beginning, besides the and so on. Here .a. stands for , books of Genesis and Exodus, Levit. i. 1— 'kJ\jS (quire), and A for reUjdi^ (opening). iii. 6; after fol. 88, Deut. xxii. 19—xxvii. 19; "With this volume was once bound up a after fol. 89, Deut. xxviii. 26—xxix. 13; and work, (or more probably a series of extracts,) after fol. 95, Deut. xxxiv. 9 to the end. rdiai.'sas kLus©.=j , " Disqui[Add. 14,427.] entitled sitions of the holy Teachers," as appears from the note on the margin of fol. 2 b. y. [Add. 14,426.] Vellum, 8f in. by consisting of 105 leaves, some of which are slightly stained YI. and torn, especially near the beginning and end. Originally the book was made up of Vellum, about 9 in. by 6, consisting of 24 13 quires, of which the sixth and the last leaves, some of which are much stained and are now wanting, and several others are torn, especially foil. 1, 2, 5—7, 14 and 15. imperfect, leaves being missing after foil. 2, The quires are signed with letters, but only 7, and 11. They have been twice signed cn is complete. Leaves are wanting after with letters (see foil. 16, 46, and 56), but foil. 3, 7, 10 and 24. Each page has from at neither time correctly. Each page con- 22 to 25 lines. This manuscript is written tains from 20 to 25 lines. The character in a good, regular Estrangela of the vith or is a good, regular Estrangela of the vith or vii th cent. It contains— viith cent. Yowels have sometimes been Praemients of the book of Genesis,' %=> O added by a later hand c, h , d , s, a, *). [rCAuior^t] rc'i'ai.Ta K'ia.a), according to the This manuscript contains— Peshitta version; viz. ch. i. 1—ii. 9, iii. 15— The book of Genesis, according to the vi. 3, xix. 38—xxi. 29, and xxiii. 3—xxix. 10. Peshitta version. Title, fol. 2 b : ne'Auia Of the lessons, some are rubricated in the . ni&.aiaK'.-? r^sra.ia ri'ia.oo text, whilst others have been added on the The lessons are marked in the text in the margin by a much later hand. usual way; others have been added subse[Add. 14,444, foil. 1—24.] quently at the top of the page. The following portions of the text are VII. wanting: after fol. 2, ch. i. 7—18; after Vellum, about 9d_ucu, and of the deacons George £>jr D and Dada, visitors (ri'ictvflo, irepiohevrri^Qflj3 ^ri'a A.\

ona.T«iis\o aA lriflajjJ ri'oArc' K'sno


r^cnlr^ ¿\.iL>.i rC^ol^ia rdiA^ji kLx.093 »Act »i< ^saK 1 rdx^.TDC* Moses of Nisibis may perhaps have purchased it from the deacon Sergius bar Abraham, of Rish'aina or Bas'ain ^ K ) , who has written on fol. 2 (l: KllcD aiur^ (?) (sic) ¿aabm

\ \ s ^arai-nr^ i s Qaju^ijao.i


r^ixD.l A OA . rtf* li s T iT=3

pi'orAri'.l cnivA^o Aa_ (sic) v^caJ (sic) jcna^utrj

>cn» ^oocoi x. 18, xiii. 42—xiv. 47, xv. 15—xvi. 2, xvii. 7 —xix. 8, xx. 18—xxi. 14, xxiii. 4—24, and xxvi. 41—xxvii. 14. * See Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. ii., Dissert, de MonophyThe lessons appear to have been marked sitis, art. ix., Monasterium Nataphae. on the margins (e.g. fol. 33 b) by a later hand, t See the notes in his handwriting in many other volumes of this collection, and also Assemani, Bibl. Or., which has also prefixed an index to the t. i. p. 83, t. ii. p. 1 1 8 ; Cureton, the Festal Letters of lessons in the books of Leviticus and Job, Athanasius, preface, p. xxiy., note. fol. 25, [Add. 14,444, foil. 25—38.] ocp . n^.ico c^&rauoo ojmcdcv C^S^uinr^ caau.



r < i = j o ( ? ) »rusai J^i-ßs

consisting of Vellum, about 9 J in. by 89 leaves, the last of which is much torn. The quires, originally ten in number, are signed with letters; but of the first only a single leaf remains. Each page has from 20 to 22 lines. This manuscript is written in a beautiful, regular Estrangela, by the deacon Saba of Ras'ain, about A.D. 7 2 4 It contains— The book of Numbers, according to the Peshitta version, commencing with eh. iii. 14. Subscription, fol. 89 a : piiaoo rsLui-sa . K'iuioK'.i rSbsoWs The subscription is followed by a ioxology : . As.

Ax.-u^ca v\A\OjivAiA r^wcaox.

After this we read in smaller letters: . nS'craAri' »¿to



rJ-i v r »i

[. c a ] a



" J e s u s God, have mercy on Saba the scribe of Ras'ain, who wrote this book, and did not write in it a blotted tan." See Add. 12,135, part first, and Add. 14,430, where we have the dates A.D. 726 and 724. On fol. 89 b there are two notes in a small and neat hand, but much stained, so that a few words are barely legible. The first runs as follows. çjjo

rds&AÄSa *a>»a_x_s

Aaaoi rS'crslr*'."! r d s u i i

Aà» f i i l f ^ O


f^ja^rs'â^sX (sic) cbiurï'.l KtA^is rdiJCUws ^acs'isf^' sisa coL>.i rd=>î pa r^sco . cklXSO

œ a B^oà^^âsQ era^» „.^oSQj.csa . K'saa „^ai-JiJ» r î f à u A a a


As» r*Ll^ss çAot pdsèôcj K'is.l Avi »isa&ia ^ a c o i s f ^ ' ç â à i K ' a K'içG


rc,«\v>» Axrooi

.(w^^ s è\al^ . èuni'i.à'ua s^g9 emL:? rdrji

. ^saK' ^ o m i ^ l j . «A


" Our Lord Jesus the Messiah, have mercy on the feeble, sinful and miserable (man), who has need of the mercy of God, Pulbil (Reuben) the sinful deacon, who read this Testament with his master Mär Abraham Hahunäyä (?) ;* and they inserted (words) in it, and restored (injured passages) in it, and made erasures from i t ; but this they did only where it was proper. Lord, give a blessing, that every one who reads in these books may pray for Eülnl the sinner, who sewed, and read, and renovated, and for Abraham his master abundantly and especially, (saying :) May my prayer intercede for them, Amen. "Written by the scribe Itfmi-icl (?), may God pardon him." The second note reads t h u s — ^iTttts-o K'pdssa »2Ar«* ¿um. ^¡Aco I* lY "al ^Bjjio

,ÖOT .

K'iizjcUs.."! (-¿jASOsa K'ii.TX-»! rdr^ar^fk , i s j «^ocnla, K'&cA^sj

rsdaisa . CTAaS



c u "i-sts*»hvzno



K'i'ila&is K'ciAPS' Äs.iil.i r^Asmisja JLäkO rdls^cra » r a s cnAtoAij^»] \\pa ;jauisKi . ^S.SSK'

tCDoLhk. r^l^i K'ie.l

" These things took place in the year 1128 (A.D. 817), in the days of the honoured and Christ-loving abbat Mär Thomas, warden of this holy convent. May the Lord forgive all his shortcomings and transgressions, through the heard and accepted prayers of the Mother of God the Yirgin Mary, on account of his care of this church. And may every one," etc. On the margin of fol. 89 a we read in a

* The second letter of this word is rather indistinctly written. It appears to be derived from the name of Hah, a Jacobite see (Assem., Bibl. Or., t. ii., Dissert, de Monophysitis, art. ix., Haa, j ^ r d w ) .




small and modern hand:

. tcnqjLB.^s-t ^ocoIa

&u-s ^a rH-> p^Avi-p^ pdlr«'] »cnCLUkali.i K'crAri' . ^siK'a (-»K' COIasj^A rcnoAup^ A v.* .¿^.7.= p^gckj . »cnci-sA ciA r^x.'vw Under this, bnt now almost effaced, there rdla stands an anathema "upon Nestorius and •>>.!' »ctsoAv»r* •• : iris. K'ctAK'.I pi'iAxM.t ri'AAsa other heretics, in a later hand. [Add. 17,102.] Avis."? r^ls^M pdaAvA . p^sACU^p^.I K ' i a i rs'-isaa^-.T] cOsifiSk.1 [ A i .sre^co i ^ S AaKLiJS r^i-iSS^i »sacuLs pcirjAui Av« **A A.iXVIXL Pi'.l-a.s»- CUr^ • (Visa«':» pi'Ai^.'i^J rdio &\%j=>

^jO^Jsax. r^.v t • oa r^i-Sacu«-^ mL>.i rtLzaar^h,

Vellum, about 8§ in. by 5f, consisting of 38 leaves (Add. 12,172, foil. 197—234). The ri'i-i^K' A&u enAta^uAgaa »enasamia PS'ctAPC'S quires seem to have been signed with both ps'Aio&Aigjl cars ca\ A^ .As». rt'-l^.'iaao letters and arithmetical figures (see fol. 204); but several of them are either wanting or •• : o •• : rt'.tas ~i ^ri'n pi'AAiari very defective. Each page has from 19 A more recent note, on fol. 59 b, records to 22 lines. This manuscript is beautithat Papa bar Duma of Tagrit (Tecrit) pre- fully written, in a large, regular Estrangela sented this book to the convent of S. Mary of the vith or viith cent. A few vowel-points Deipara, by the hands of Matthew and have been added bv a later hand. I t conv Abraham of Tagrit. The latter part of this tains—• note, from ps^cu^m^vsis to the end, is in a The book of Joshua, according to the Pedifferent hand from the former part. sbitta version. r^cralr^ AwL* Au^s ps'ijisl rdico miaiia. ^>ca> Title: ^cuxj,^ pdsAo,. Of the . iV^nffiK1! rdaffs PSI&jHCUJO:! lessons (pilia'io, abbreviated sis and ja) some are indicated by rubrics in the same handr&socUs Aipa . PiLaAui^Ax r^Jsaas i^a P^i-BS AA . »CTJO.tiAV .1 PCll'iAO.'iQ >Cn03CLsj."? writing as the text, whilst others have been noted by later hands on the margins. The ,AvaJi . . »J« »aacAsu. end of each is marked by the word y\z. on (sic) rdaAvlii^Ai pdaiiH piLsiri' )ueniar^so the margin. This manuscript is very imperp A i l a .^GcraAa». rsll^i r^^nn As» fect, the following portions of the text being rdx^JLn pda-rsAi^ >eooAv»ryrd^oo^.i k'p^sjAA&g (Judg. xvi. 5), marg. Leaves are wanting at the beginning and .-is.. In one end, as well as after foil. 4, 12, 18, 20, 21, rc'ftflnvt ri'rdsao rda!«* 28, 29, 31, 33, 34 and 40. Each page is place a Greek word is written on the mardivided into two columns, of from 18 to 22 gin by the same hand, viz. fol. 18 b, Kypoc lines. This manuscript is written in a large (, Josh. xiii. 11). Estrangela of the vith or viith cent. A later [Add. 14,439.] hand has added Greek vowels here and there (a, e, h or ¿, foil. 9 b, 10 a, o or a>, foil. 10 a, XX. 13 b, 16 a, of), and also Syriac vowel-points (for example, on foil. 17 a, 24 a and b, 25 a). A vellum leaf, torn and soiled, containing The contents are— Joshua, ch. xxi. 10—25, according to the 1. The book of Joshua, according to the Peshitta version, written in a small, regular Peshitta version. Eol. 1 a. Subscription: Estrangela of the vith or viith cent. Syriac •• : ^^cui-a . ^.CUTJ.i . pda^vA . yAx. vowels and diacritical points have been 2. The book of Judges, according to the Peshitta version. Eol. 29 b. Title: i°iao • ffVjl ^r •ri'ijoAtJSn . •' »Aa.T riLli'.l The following portions of the text are missing : Joshua, ch. i. 1—6, iii. 9—iv. 11, viii. 4 —x. 33, xiii. 17—xv. 3 (with the exception of a small portion of ch. xiv. and xv., fol. 19) xv. 13—xvii. 2, xvii. 11—xviii. 13, xxi. 28— xxiv. 23; Judges, i. 1—14, ii. 2—15, iii. 15 J

added by a later hand. [Add. 14,666, fol. 3.]

XXL Yellum, about 9 J in. by 5 j , consisting of 52 leaves, (Add. 14,438, foil. 50—101). The quires are now signed with letters from M to ¿a*. Each page has from 23 to 26 lines. The character is a fine, regular



Estrangéla, of the vi th cent. This manuscript contains— The book of Judges, according to the Per sliltta version, JLr^-ioa.r^ »¿as r^ii's i&oo r d ^ L b ^ r t i a * . pi'inàxiws ; margin, in an old Arabic hand, Uaili, ¿yJ^juJb IjcA*JI » L a S J I . On the fly-leaves, foil. 50 a—52 a, there are written, in a less elegant E strangola of about the same date, some hymns of Ephraim for the season of Lent ; viz. 1. Beginning, fol. 50 a : cucn.i rtlLa ri'aon ni'VM .n T.-urf' .

^¿a .


KllAiuio . I^CXmIO . jL.c\ . cnèic&òòa rilizùx. craal=

2. Beginning, fol. 50

b : cuco . •:• . caia %a

rc'.'ujao »cncu'i.fcu», ^i.wia rd-i*mpdsa K^zicv^.

3. Beginning, fol. 52 a : r^rn : cola cvA, . r^'icu» AalwA AiK'èia jjL>.i\àì.i . tVàxcuiLao Of this last there is only one stanza, but the words .1 caisx.

XXII. Yellum, 8 | in. by 5, consisting of 158 leaves, some of which are slightly stained and torn. The quires, 16 in number, seem originally to have been left unsigned; at a much later period they have been signed with letters, in some cases incorrectly. Leaves are wanting after foil. 3 and 109. Each page has from 20 to 25 lines. This volume is written in a fine, regular Estrangela, not later than A. Gr. 856, A.D. 545; but fol. 147 is more modern. Greek vowels have been added here and there by a later hand x, D , a or a). It contains— The two books of Samuel, cnAicui n \ according to the Peshitta version, the second book commencing on fol. 83 b. The missing portions of the text are : 1 Sam., ch. i. 26—ch. ii. 19, and 2 Sam., ch. xi. 11—20. Some lessons have been marked on the margins by later hands, and in a few instances the commencement of the or sections (e.g. foil. 114 a and 119 a). On fol. 157 a, after the doxology, there is a note, mentioning the name of the scribe Serguna : As*. rcnoua\ . KJUIAUH^AI hand, written over an erasure, adds that he Aa. . cna .¿k^gh.i A&.ict «^curLiiu* «•¿LliixciA.l did so through the brothers Matthew and . rsllcn rda£\A (sic) «^ocaiHaaA «ImA.i Abraham, monks of Tagrit (see Add. 17,102, ¿UOJC.CI . K'iuuu K^CU A\_J_\ )0T--JJ K'acnJ fol. 59 b) : Aua.i r^i».-»! rdlcn .acn, ri'Tia» ". >Q T i-i rdari'.i r^uiaa.i rifcrAr_c\ ia^. K'CTAK'.I ooixlso Av •}

On this page, as well as on foil. 158 a and 1 a, we find anathemas written by different bands. [Add. 14,431.] '

. r^ic-flo ^sa.i rdiiri' [Add. 14,442, foil. 47—65.]

XXIV. XXIII. Vellum, about in. by 5f, consisting of 19 leaves (Add. 14,442, foil. 47—65) one of which (fol. 55) is much stained. Leaves are wanting after fol. 54 and at the end. Each page has from 19 to 21 lines. This manuscript is written in a fine, regular Estrangela of the vith or viith cent. A few Greek vowels have been added by a later hand on foil. 48 b and 49 « (4-««). It contains— Part of the first book of Samuel, cn&cuai A»rtfasax.:i (running title, fol. 64 5, rs^usa.-wj JLk'osox.s), according to the Peshitta version. The missing portions of the text are: ch. ii. 29—xvii. 57, and ch. xx. 34 to the end. Of the lessons, some are rubricated in the

Yellum, about 9| in. by 6J, consisting of 73 leaves, several of which are much stained and torn, especially foil. 1—9, 58, 68 and 69. The quires, eight in number, are signed with letters. A leaf is wanting after fol. 67. Each page has from 21 to 23 lines. This manuscript is written in a beautiful, regular Estrangela, by the deacon Saba of Ras'ain, and dated A. Gr. 1035, A.D. 724. Greek vowels have been occasionally added by a later hand (¿»«/jd), It contains— The first book of Kings, K&oaAsb -rat» A.K'ioa.ri' »Aa.i, according to the Peshitta version, the text extending, however, as far as 2 Kings, ch. ii. 18. Subscription: ¿»sals. >Aa.i ri'^aaA» i^co.i K''ioa.ri'. The chief portion of the text missing is 1 Kings, ch. xxii. 20—34. The lessons are marked in the text in the usual



way, and an index of them is prefixed to the volume, fol. 1 b. On fol. 73 a, after the subscription, stands the following note, giving the name of the scribe, with his usual boast that he " never made a blotted tau." r^-A^jj A*, r^l^i . ^Acn rds&v^s K'to.I Aa. rdiiis r »i ^ o c a a rf'Ti i

r^T-aat. (-¿sooisa rd> (\b\a /cnlu* v^rc' »aAv^i

r^j^piiA »cruJCUi nCcnlri' . T^ordlo .

abbat of the convent, Theodosius and Sarrai the stewards, and the deacon Anastasius the sacristan or warden. rdsjAuL ^».i n"\ r*ai r*TI 1 . ^Acn ¿ux. can r^i 1 -qAua i.iK' jji^rdn . kIxSt? r.~>\ »isa rc^M > » c i a . i-fijjo . linnet. tx'v.TSii ^ a s ' a t . rdi^JCVno Klxiin »aocC^flaJK'


rill . ^sanib ^sari' .sAv^n r^xsax.

This is followed by the doxology: rdMLaax. C\.2i Kiln rtf&cuiuliA On fol. 73 b are three notes, the first of which states that this copy of the biblical books was written at the expense of the bishop Constantine of Maridin (see Add. 12,135, fol. 42 b) for the convent of the Specula {or Watchtower P) near Ras'ain.* rdsjoio pc'iaa Kesri's K'iuiaai.iAa K'iix.r^l rsiiijoi rdiiA*cucv rdsajctaa r d i i i a l a : K'.ieo rf&csixGo Jxeoa

: ^»v^Sta

CQL.3 r ^ ' i s s o ^ s ^ilcn trisjAiii:» rdij^i^toOja rdmiaa

The third note, which is in a different hand, says that this book was collated by Theodosius of Telia * and Abraham, a monk of the convent of Kube (or the Thorns). + . t^jAi* ».floonaK'Ai . rslico r^in.l A* . nisCUa.l

Q-Sn ,v>„°y

pa ^acniriK' rduK'n . jlcv .


The twelve minor Prophets were at one time bound up with this volume, as we learn from the words ^a* -=>oA\a in a comparatively modern hand on the margin of fol. 2 b. [Add. 14,430.]

r t ' i W » . r c l l i S T . i i .cw«\n^a> . K''is>aiXJ>..i caJ_S3 rZSupJXn&rf


p^ctAk'.i . >cnc\:uii-i r^-i^ r^JTAoao comOii

Vellum, about 8J in. by 5-f, consisting of 104 leaves, some of which are much stained rdiSax.."» avisos r< , T-\rr POC f our Lord and the end of the world." Pol. K|> Y P H A A O C 239 b. Beginning: JurdaJs »fio Cuva A > BHOC r^oralr^ erass'ioK'i jaealâ, ^sa ßOT o y y C M V P r V 0 C (sic) o rdsa» . 003 r d l j t a cwss . A calci acb p h y A&. jitAO . I^lRfi ocrais Ax. s p\/N-0-HOC „fiaajiaUndfiaâ. lv-o KUU AN» ¡aÜQ . pslXj."?







jioa.i.i&sa&G'i A&JâQOâk • A-it-C^. tVT "Lsar^O etc. etc. 10. The miracles that accompanied the Exodus of the Children of Israel and the Crucifixion of our Lord. Pol. 247 b. a 11. Various grammatical forms, fully oicus^Q . -oAâkàiflai rfA pointed. Pol. 247 b. Beginning : D2



:^ a l

On the margin of fol. 138 a occurs the name of another reader, Jacob : >iir



Kl33cn.i ri'i&flo pa a . rdaoasoi ^tibvs ^Acn Above this is written in cursive Greek characters the single word epe/iiacr. Eol. 130 does not, apparently, belong to this volume. I t contains, on the recto, two notes, the one stating that a certain book belonged to the convent of S. Mary Deipara, the other that it was brought thither by the abbat Moses of Nisibis. The latter, so far as it is legible, runs as follows : ¿v.^cvK' ri'crArc'.i ctj&AjsA »V^o ,.Tn rViu-VX-ii rdx,o_=*a pi'ia.Vsoja.-i K'cnAri' ikx. AtA^AxK'o pZnbvL

* This manuscript has been used by de Lagarde in his edition of the Apocrypha, Libri yet. Test, apocryphi Syriace, 1861.

[rsiijen r^Lsb^

K'oolri'.i rjia )acoi=jrc'o cm r^cnWi

Leaves are wanting at the beginning ^cuoo (sic) «^c\cn=> ^o^coAocv (sic) »^oenss and end, as well as after foil. 1 and 71. c n l ^ S O «^CUK" )im)o K'TOJ Each page has from 18 to 21 lines. The «'Atcudsan ^^ocnu.TilsVo K* ^ocnl S writing is a fine, regular Estrangela of the th th »cniorda ndnAvSw paliix.f*' vi or vii cent. This manuscript con- ^iaalius.l tains— The book of Jeremiah, according to the On the same page, in a hand of not much Peshltta version. The missing portions are : later date, there is an inventory of the altarch. i. 1 — iii. 9, iii. 17 — vi. 6, xxxi. 6 — 21, cloths, napkins, etc., left in the said convent, and xxxi. 37 to the end. The lessons are after one John had taken what he required. rubricated in the text. This inventory was made out by the priest [Add. 17,106, foil. 1—73.] Luke. OT).

XXXVIII. Yellum, about 10-§- in. by 7-f, consisting of 70 leaves. The quires, nine in number, are signed with letters. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 22 to 27 lines. The writing is a good, regular Estrangela.

A village between Mosul and Nisibis.

iAua jjsa . t

ri'i»."!» rc'coi^l ca_»coOA^ *

rc'co'-i^ . en Avisos. Ai ^ o c a i i a ^u>cu rdxso-» r^Aiii-» (sic)


A nT4 n.i^an

r d t ^ . i r^s-rrrC' r^ooH^o ^HA» (sic) rsLio^ K'iooJwAA^ ndliivsao r^Aujii&o K\TV rf.°>T.cuLO rcincA r^Tirn KllK" -I* nLib^^ oaij^Hcia AA&o On fol. 1 a there is written, by the hand of the scribe, c n \ A s L ^ m u ^ ri'Aviioju»



that thou mayest find without delay the On foil. 1 b, 2 a, 69, and 70, there are lesson which thou seekest among those hymns and prayers, rather rudely written, written above." By pdas is meant a single and now so much stained and effaced as to leaf of the manuscript. On fol. 100 b is the colophon: &usaJLx. he read in some places with difficulty. W i t h this volume there was at one time KLLSJI rf refill A-»KLIBU»X cniicuaj, bound up a collection of Demonstrations followed by the usual doxology, and by two from the Fathers, for on the margin of fol. lines of writing in a more cursive character, 3 a we read: . o a ^ A * . A*. p^iu ,=c\A\a. which are now only partially legible, but [Add. 17,107.] may be supplied as follows: r^in.i ^.t A* rcLi^jj rdsfctiui A*. r d l ^ t ] rdJcn rdjaAiAa pocuja] . crusiu&i . XXXIX. Vellum, about 9§ in. by 6, consisting of 100 leaves, of which foil. 1, 29, 30, and 100, are more or less mutilated. The quires, originally 13 in number, are signed with letters. Leaves are wanting after foil. 28, 29, 30, and 38. Each page has from 23 to 25 lines. The writing is a fine, regular Estrangela of the vii th cent. Towels have occasionally been added in faint characters by a later hand. This manuscript contains— The book of Ezekiel, Ajrduavu.i cnAicuai, according to the Peshitta version. A later hand has indicated a marginal division into 24 sections The following portions of the text are missing: ch. xiv. 14 — xvi. 17, xvi. 32 — 53, xvii. 3 — xxii. 2, and xxiv. 18 — xxv. 3. The lessons are rubricated in the text, the end of each being usually indicated by the letter a To these there is an index on fol. 1 a. .x.ia&

Under this, there is a note in a much later hand, part of which is torn away and the rest almost obliterated. The words ,cnoAv»rcna&\_»c«':i : K'.tv-^JM r ^ i i i u u i . »cna*iaj4 Klsora Ki=jà\A txjs&uA enAsa^. Ocn k'ooAk'.I . i \ n °> w.i . .Ofti\ n°yOr>pg*.i r^t^aci^..! cnL.i ^ s ^ l . rï'i-^rc' col ^aJLi . cpA\0^i°n)0 rJ3D0.T0K'à>0 . K'iv.Ta r^iAeaalii ^a •:• rïb ^xJïaK' p^.icnfloo r^*y\\ï.K(\ "The pious Mär Constantine, bishop of

* The meaning of the words clear. E

» S o i r ^ i s not



An T no r ^ O Ä ^ i s all carefully numbered and the end of each ^OjLu&u.l » j a a A^gSa ^ a a u k . r^A^J ^ i a s marked with «x. .* On fol. 48 a there is the following + + + {LZnrta r^q>iny=i r f t t n ^ v^ni' note, in the handwriting of the scribe, "The abbat Mär Simeon, of the convent saying that the manuscript was written of the Watchtower, from the village of Tell- in the year 843, A.D. 532, and collated •Oi^ u/ with care in the convent of the Orientals Kummathrä Ji), and Theodosius of (at Edessa?). Part of it has been intenTelia, collated this book, and its companion tionally erased. rs£icn rdaii». ¿abubxrf volumes, with great care and pains. Let A i . . ¿soo] »Vsa r^cralrs? pouio r£r».ia »sacua every one who reads," etc. A marginal note on fol. 1 b, informs us [ . . . . &us:t pi'iia.l r^icneu r^T« t no K'i»* that the Thesaurus of Cyril was bound up . o. ¿ u s * .^ocol^."« with this book, which is still the fact: •aoAva . ens rdiiioAta ^'-lOffs-i i.K'jjiin rdscn r^ab^ •:• .¿ocALiaa »i^a.i K&sojio.i [Add. 12,135, foil. 1—43.] r d j c u ^ o x - l c n ¿ A i l a ^ i s - v i r C a r ^ r d s i t t a ^ ¿UX..1 ri'ia.ts rOcr) )a*iuas9 . rt^a.i.t . r*"^•


XLI. Yellum, about 10 in. by 7f, consisting of 48 leaves, the last of which is slightly stained and torn. The quires, six in number, seem to have been originally signed with both letters and arithmetical figures (see fol. 26), but a more modern hand has marked them with letters from \ to ^x» . Leaves are wanting after foil. 1, 34 and 37. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 20 to 22 lines. The writing is a large, regular Estranged. This manuscript is dated A. Gr. 843, A.B. 532, and contains— The book of Daniel, A^rtfLo.i.i ra^cu-n , according to the Peshittä version, fol. 3 b, including all the apocryphal portions; viz. the Song of the three holy Children, K&olg, rd*n*»s, fol. 12 a ; Bel, A»a, fol. 38 a; the Dragon, fol. 39 b; and Susannah, K^viisxx^ ^x.cul.1 fol. 41 b. Subscription, fol. 48 a, r£ai\A=> ^Avs^i1 jAx. f.x.cui.c\ i \h\cs A i ,io A_»ri=*i r), and Theodotion (b\); glosses upon some words (e. g. foil. 24 a, 25 a, 27 b, 29 a, 30 a, etc.) ; and a good many Greek vocables, written in not inelegant characters. The tetragrammaton is expressed by . The fly-leaf, fol. 1, has on the one side the word «'AtcuAul^ in large open letters; and on the other side, a rudely drawn portrait of a saint, with some almost effaced lines of modem writing beneath. [Add. 14,442, foil. 1—46.J

XLIX. Yellum, about 10^ in. by 6f, consisting of 134 leaves, one of which (fol. 6) is much torn. The quires, 14 in number, are signed

fortasse etiam sequentibus, in urbe Alexandrine." Most of the books of this version have already been edited by Norberg, Bugati, Middeldorpf, and Rordam; and an edition of the whole is now being printed by Dr. Ceriani of Milan in the work cited above. He has given a minute description of this manuscript of the book of Genesis in torn. ii. fasc. ii. p. xvii., etc. See also his memoir, Le Edizioni e i Manoscritti etc., p. 19. * See Chrysostom, Synopsis Scripturse Sacrse; Opera, ed. 1834-8, t. vi. p. 373; Migne, Patrol. Gr., t. lvi., col. 317, and Ceriani in the work cited above, t. ii. fasc. i. p. xiii. *


with letters, but the first is imperfect, leaves being missing after foil. 1, 5, and 6. The number of linos in each page varies from 20 to 22. The writing is a fine, regular Estrangela. This manuscript is dated A. Gr. 1008, A.D. 697, and contains— The book of Exodus, . .a . r^i n co w^ri1 .• A\cvcn eA^ r£lcn rtlraAv^-ra ^ c y ^ ^ l i . oocAcu^saas ocn QouaooevK'.i rY?\OC) . ¿isiuL.-t r^v^ewja ivsA On fol. 134 a is the following note, written ,cn pan ^Acn Ari'n ocn pa . «'ocn ^..kulm by the deacon Maimun bar Halfun, A. Gr. &cA ."IO-MLLS *. TcL.ooAiiir«' ^ rtLt-idUL.i 1282, A.D. 971. . idtuirt ocn Asi^iii^.i K'iiftitOuica •1st . -> r ^ i T*W » v=J o^&saijsa " The book of Exodus, according to the translation of the LXX., is ended. " In the exemplar from, which it was translated into the Syriac tongue, was this epigraph: 'Taken from a (copy of the) Hexapla, which (was arranged) according to the (different) versions, and collated with one which was furnished with the (various readings of the) versions.'*

wyjK' puiu.i

«^T-SO \\ps

.•rt'oen ."i

>cniA .ta . A-»r«iix>v-M rf£xJdaacn'i.i >áA


pd.icxx-1 \ c \ p a •:•


j i a . casaxsa ¿sab\

r¡¿isa:i.i v^r^

. r^iTN.M P¿1D s \ a (sic)


v^rC' :u=j

r^JLcn.t »^CUicrj . rV.tcn.i ca_.'i.vv>.l . iliaoii

ü i *i

«^ocojivii^ rdx^QCVCDl.l

. trLxai ^oon\,%

. rtávari'rdAiL»^ ooos.i

.iVmrra,! c n i u i i r ^ a s ^oiia'iiisn.'i i s a r s ' - ^ a ^ 1 ¡273 ,3cn pitrAr^.i . The tetragrammaton is oml expressed by t^UK. [Add. 14,437, foil. 1—46.]

LI. Vellum, about 9|- in. by 6f, consisting of 61 leaves (Add. 12,133, foil. 109—169), some of which are slightly stained and the last is much torn. The quires, signed with letters, were originally eight in number, but the signatures now run from to M . L» . Leaves are wanting at the beginning, and after foil. 112, 113, 119, 120, and 128. There are 25 or 26 lines in each page. The writing is a fine, regular Estrangela of the viiith cent. This manuscript contains— The book of Joshua, cnia .s-ojl»* rdsiut , translated from the Septuagint by Paul of Telia. Eol. 112 a. The text is divided into 11 capitula, r^rdlsvo , a summary of the contents of which is prefixed.* There is also a farther marginal subdivision into 53


ocna; and fol. 16 a : y ^ i o ^ ^ r^'ia.!^ (ch. xiii. 34, ryiyavTas)

* See Chrysostom, Synopsis Scripturse Sacrse; Opera, t. vi. p. 397; Migne, Patrol. Gr., t. lvi., col. 336.



leaves), are signed with letters. A couple of leaves are wanting at the beginning, and one after fol. 5. There are from 23 to 26 lines in each page. This manuscript is ; written ch. l. in a fine, regular Estrangela of the viiith cent., and contains— The books of Judges and Ruth, translated from the Septuagint version by Paul of Telia;* viz. Judges, fol. 4 a. Title: n&uH.i reLssiiSk. Subscription, fol. 61 b: . reli^.i.i >1*. r^QJJSiAJC ^sq ^•v * i . The only portion of the text missing is ch. i. 22—32. Prefixed is a summary phon. ^curn ^cu^i eovs a.oz> >Ax. of the contents, tVrdLaJi, fol. 1 a. I t is ^ a i c b v^ri' ndsalox. "iAua ^»Icn . ® . ^VIT. imperfect at the beginning, commencing •:• rcluiu^a »even ^sal'oo ^ i s i t . with the words: .ta. . b\am ea.Aupi' r^Auais. (-¿IscvjoI.i oaon «A . ovm {.»n (see the . ri'crAri'.t oo&coxA cuaQca . t^MCU ocas Synopsis Scripturse Sacrse of John Ohryso, ,x.a . cnl oocn ^ i f i f i a stom; Opera, t. vi. p. 400, E, Sta, TO dX\6(f>v\ov rduiooai ji r 'N&K' rOcn caisa.i i^-w iig eivao' a>? Se ecSov eiriiceifievov, ovk v)vav7ia)6r\cnxv). Subscription, fol. 3 b: rdum rcVdVaLO osali. . P^Llaco »cncuL^. p^ocn »t.i . ^¡b^bw^d

A ^ ) sections and upwards of 2000 versicles ( j s . a l r ^ a , fol. 168 6). The following portions of the capitula and text are missing: capp. 1, 2, 3, and part of 4 (as far as the words Trerpivai'i irepvTefivei rovs 'IovBaiovs) 11—ii. 1, ii. 11—iii. 16, vi. 16—25, vii. 6— 15, and x. 2—11. The text is that of the Hexapla of Origen, with all the critical marks; the various readings of Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion; and a few explanatory notes. The tetragrammaton is indicated on the margin by >sus\ . On fol. 169 b we have the following colo-

ocb ^sa r^ia.

^jsa ^ivsw^ri'

Ruth, fol. 62 b. Title: Aic^Ws r¿aiia. -ir-x K&axsalx^oa . Subscription: Avsaii. >v I -l'l A\al ¿Zkvf ^>.1 ^xjiSk^K' . ^OjQD^^ri' •:• p ¿\ctv.iri'. Prefixed to it is a summary of the contents, Axci^.iri'.i tVrdl^n (see Chryso" Joshua the son of Nun is ended. After the end, these (words), according to the stom's Synopsis, Opera, t. vi. p. 402), fol. 62 aColophon, fol. 70 b: ^->.1 nd»*^ LXX., are placed in the exemplar with obelisks: 'Ev eKeivy ry ypepa Aa/31^. rdl^J rS'ini that the book was repaired and bound by the scribe Yeshua': . rsiaoiv^ ¿^cix, Av-ui . ndlrjCuA.t ,eb pan K^cuA&Ausaa i^'crAri' Eol. 3 b. See Montfaucon, Collectio Nova Patrum et Scriptt. Greece., t. i. p. 2. 6. Imperfect extract from the letter of Athanasius to Marcellinus, beginning: reLi^itV : rd-tn-x. As. ) u jL.a . Ajj.iAi red . ^.o.i A^.. Eol. 4 a. See Opera, ed. 1698, t. i. ; pars 2, p. 998. 7. Imperfect extract, containing explanations of Hebrew names and words, such as liai, , , , etc. Pol. 5 a. 8. Imperfect extract from Origen, K'-iaaaisa Alpa.i . QuAi^.icxK'i, beginning, fol. 5 a : ¡Acn pa rrt^^oos ^ia02^33 : r^ »11*83 r^saso*. pa cusa.on.1

•:• A u r « d ^ .


[Add. 14,434, foil. 1—79.]

* This manuscript has also been used by Mr. Field in his edition of the Hexapla of Origen.

OLD TESTAMENT. Of the later notes on the same page one mentions the name of a reader also called Simeon: re* »-n.^ .T>o.l.l rsiicn pdniuA-3 i » ¡si rdiK'w's'i rdsatisa ptflsao ^a^aaa. li-o rdA^J r^'-icuao ^Acna 1 ^iK retoco^ rd^l^A mb\cA^e\ »opcvoa-rarc' [Add. 14,434, foil. 80—128.] LVI.


formed the 14th and last quire (.%.) of a manuscript, and contain— The book of Ezekiel, from ch. xlvii. 23 to the end, translated from the Septuagint by Paul of Telia. The hexaplar marks are exhibited, but only one marginal variant is noted. Subscription: [A^rslm.]«:! yAx. . ^ n^&ci]xsa\xss vy^K1 nr* i -n [Add. 14,668, foil. 26—29.] LIX.

Eleven paper leaves, about 7 in. by 5|, Eight vellum leaves, about 10^ in. by 6f, several of which are more or less torn. There the first of which is slightly torn. There are 10 or 11 lines in each page. The writing are from 23 to 26 lines in each page. The is large and regular, and seems to be of the writing is a fine, regular Estrangela of the xiiith cent. They contain— viiith cent. They formed the first quire of a Portions of the Psalms, translated from manuscript, containing— the Septuagint by Paul of Telia; viz. Pss. The twelve minor Prophets, translated lix. 2.—lxii. 7, and Pss. ci. 1—cii. 17. There from the Septuagint by Paul of Telia: are no marginal annotations of any kind. r^Aicusolxsa v ^ r i ' w ' n \ ioa-^-iivi [Add. 17,257, foil. 84—94.] . There now remains only Hosea, ch. i. 1 — v. 15. A summary of the conLYII. tents, [rtj-Jru .vx.ocn.-t rg'rdlpio , is prefixed (see Ohrysostom, Synopsis Script urge Sacrae; Two vellum leaves, about 12-| in. by 9|, Opera, t. vi. p. 455). The text exhibits the much soiled and torn. Each page is divided critical marks of the Hexapla, and the marinto two columns, of from 37 to 49 lines. gins contain the various readings of Aquila, They are written in a good, regular hand of Symmachus, and Theodotion, and some the ixth cent., and contain— explanatory notes. The tetragrammaton is Eragments of the book of Isaiah, exhibit- represented by ^ j A . ing the Peshitta (nd*»io.a>) and Septuagint [Add. 14,668, foil. 4—11.] versions in parallel columns. The remaining portions are: ch. xlix. 19—1. 10, and lvii. 21—lviii. 14, with the exception of LX. some words which have been torn away. [Add. 17,213, foil. 1 and 2.] Vellum, about 10J in. by 6f, consisting of 166 leaves, several of which are much stained and torn, especially foil. 59, 65, 68, LVIII. 70 and 128. The quires, signed with letters, are 18 in number, the last having Eour vellum leaves, about 10£ now only one leaf. Single leaves have in. by much stained and torn. The writing is a fine, also been lost after foil. 76, 77 and 86. regular Estrangela of the viiith cent. There Each page has from 19 to 23 lines. This are from 23 to 25 lines in each page. They



manuscript is written in a large, beautiful Estrangela, much resembling the handwriting of Saba of Ras'ain (see Add. 12,135, and 14,428), and dates from about A. Gr. 1030, A.D. 719. Greek vowels are rarely *


—49, fol. 162 a. I t is likewise divided into 15 chapters, a summary of the contents of which is prefixed, fol. 90 b. The fifteenth chapter extended as far as 1 Kings, ch. ii. 11. r^ocn ^mlX. rill .t>o.t .arc'co n^n ,cn A c o «

added; for example, fol. 5 a, r1*. r^AiiA^« '. coaajki-Ao : rd**Ax.a : ndJU.Tn ooaiJ^.ia *. rc'.Tu j f t n s i . 1

caxulo&vs b\h\

. K'.Tjj

*. r^xa

The larger sections are marked on the margins by a later hand. The lessons are rubricated in the text, and many have been subsequently noted on the margins. On fol. 1 b there is an extract, in a hand of the ixth cent., from the Gospel of S. John, ch. vii. 50—viii. 12, according to the Harklensian version, prefaced by the remark : r*£ji-«K' pdx-»i K'.ICD [. i s (.UJCU.T ^jViV.^ortf' . rduA&mao CA .ntum «\\lftao ."UJLSS . nilcva ,is9 .safari'
