Catalogue of the Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum 9781463207830

The Syriac manuscript collection at the British Library is one of the largest and most important collections in any West

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Catalogue of the Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum

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Volume 30 / II

Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum








W R I G H T ,







First Gorgias Press Edition, 2002. Second Gorgias Press Edition, 2004. The special contents of this edition are copyright €> 2004 by Gorgias Press LLC. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States of America by Gorgias Press LLC, New Jersey. This edition is a facsimile reprint of the original edition published by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, London, in 1870 (vol. 1), 1871 (vol. 2), and 1872 (vol. 3).

ISBN 1-931956-29-4 (Vol. 1) ISBN 1-931956-30-8 (Vol. 2) ISBN 1-931956-31-6 (Vol. 3)


46 Orris Ave., Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA

Printed and bound simultaneously in the United States of America and Great Britain.




n r>°v A^A^ne* ^.iXi.-vao r ^ i c n . i


r d ^ l K ' Aw-A

rd^aHxtt.i rC'TaaaJTD rd>QTO CIK" ^ . . i aVsaè^K'a ^-iACT3 q.t^Q • r d l s o c u

Publisher's Note The Syriac manuscripts described herein are now housed in the British library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB. Manuscripts acquired by the British Museum after 1873 are described by George Margoliouth in his Descriptive List of Syriac and Karshuni MSS. in the British Museum (1899, Gorgias Press Reprint 2002). Piscataway, NJ Easter Sunday, 5 May 2002 George A. Kiraz


volume, which is the second Part of the new Catalogne of the

Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum, comprises the class of Theology. The third and last Part, containing the remaining classes, with the Preface and Indices, is already m the press.




of Nisibis and Ephraim, and bishop of the convent of Mar Matthew near Mosul (acTwo vellum leaves, both, much mutilated. cording to a note in Orient. 1017, fol. 160 a, 0 The writing is a fine, regular Es^rangela of ? — % »ijsa.l ri=.i « ' ¿ u o . m A i , o f t h e R e l i g i o u s , Imperfect.

F o l . 35 a. Kduciuit,




Fol. 53





(Arm., serm. xiv.). m . r^^ua-x-.i







kV^so&ux. ¿U-x..t

qo q

i \ i o rc'r^sn&uc. ¿UX..1 1. K&cusn*en.i k$v»cu>&i . Eol. 2 a. 2. rdsau.i . Eol. 11 b. . Kj_Jo.vclsi3 ooQ-Q>.i..\.» e\ i n caTTJicv? \\rc,.T o. r ^ i s o ^ re&ucu>&i. Eol. 23 a. rd*ooi^ ia-ir bvua b\ i m o 4. ; imperfect. Eol. Auxa ¿^AwiL Tnv AAK* .T& rdt&a.-ri .lis. OCD.1 31 b. 5. (•¿-aH-o.'l K^v-jO—uAA ; imperfect. Eol. K'.imaan rs'Avsi r€=>rs* Aiocri.i r C i u u ,t*ti» 42 a. ^Acn ¿isii^.i iiua . KijjJ.T-Si.i K^wirda 6. iJa.1 imperfect. Eol. ^-j^i-iCoi JJJLH ^»liia ^»-ioa^. 50 a. 7. -i rc imperfect. Eol. iA.liirria | U . M_u iAia .i_u rtdi v^uojjA . After the doxology, fol. 173 b, 66 a. 8. K'iusa rciu . Eol. 75 a. the above mentioned Zakhe has written: 9. rA\. Eol. 85 b, 10. pe^OA-'ii riducuii*. Eol. 93 b. Colophon, fol. 99 a : ^aAv-a-sa-A rdMiiu.1 rcncut*H-o these the first two are lost, and the third is rdiruacvz. ml AAu pdsal^ao coioa imperfect, a leaf being missing after fol. 105. «•¿s&Uk ^>.1 Tal^i-rc' . ^sarf rdao^M.t The margins have been so closely cut that the original signatures are no longer extant. ^r^isa&a rfrd'Sis IT. ¿UX..1 Aol.ri' jji^a rdicn Each page is divided into two columns, of . ^»icni ¿vis.i rc^Ui.VM >cnic\Ki=j . O w Q from 30 to 40 lines. This manuscript is Another note on the same page, now par- written in a fine, regular Estrangela, and tially effaced, records that it once belonged dated A. Gr. 823, AJD. 512. I t contains— The second part of the works of Aphrato a person named Yeshua. rdaivA r£icn ates; viz. homilies ii—xxii, and the treatise K'ijs.t AA . . . . . v=> ^.cuca.1 >cna&ur^ on " the Cluster." The c i & i o ^ j . »cncvAi-. ena and rQo c*A pace a J^uAxK'a after foil. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 39, 42, 46, and 47. Each page is (t^Qoi^k r^-ni«n> j f l n v » »isa.i rtf&viiusa divided into two columns, of from 27 to 32 K'Auje—».i_o K^u^o.iA lines. The writing is a good, regular Estran-L-X-pCO gela. This volume seems to be dated A. Gr. . . . . . )V33 ¿VJ.-=3 r^i».l.1 . . . . 3QO ^lO 910, A.D. 599, and contains— The commentary of Athanasius of Alexci'Au-ii a—s m _ s ¿v—•K'.i andria on the Psalms, ri'Hasjavsa.i rdajLciA iiJUO cnlaicvn n I rf\i » 7*71 coOiOaiiirs' rd£L».TM (Expositiones in Psalmos, v^rcfa (^z>.U] Ajtrjin.i w^r^1 cni.t-i » Opera, ed. 1698, t. i., p. 1009 etc.; Migne, . jt-a . tcnosQ.TJ3 oi-Sut-.i r^Axaxsr^ ^ o r n k s Patrologise Cursus Completus, Series Grseca, t. xxvii., col. 59 etc.). The Syriac text is ^-licf? s..o «VrdsnAsaii Ausl=j often much shorter than the Greek. The . > VuK' AJTX=3 rdiicu.Tj following are the Psalms that remain, most On fol. 174 a, between the columns, one of them being more or less imperfect: xvii., Abraham bar Nonnus has recorded his name, xxi.—xxv., xxxiv., xxxv., xxxix.—xii., xlvii., . .flaicu i s ^acni-arc' xlviii., lvii., lviii., lxvii., lxviii., lxx.—lxxii., Fol. 175 is a small piece of vellum, 4§ in. lxxiv.—lxxvi., lxxxviii., xciii., c.—cviii., ex. by unfortunately torn in the middle and —cxvi., cxviii., cxlviii.—cl. On fol. 49 b we saturated with oil. Each side contains three have the subscription: ^ixsomo KVilsa yAx. lines of writing and part of a fourth, in jix^.l . ^ocn> ni.QAo ^»lOJsav^Q ancient Latin characters, not later than the c£x.i coOjQQJ^nc' rdirso^ ^curi" vith cent. On the one side are legible the •:• rd.iuco^lrs'.Ti words, S. Luke xii. 23, 24: Then follows the apocryphal Ps. cli., withESCA E T C O R P U S out any commentary. Colophon, fol. 50 a : QUAM U E S T IM E pC'^cOs^ rCiosaisa.i rt'n t ,cia. jiukS¡A jalx. [N T U M] C O N S I oocuoai^rc' r ^ a a ^ ji.ta.i •:• .1*0.1.1 rc'Av.iurc' * See Land, Anecd. Syr., t. i., plate v., no. 12

•:• ri'iuji rcL»i.UCa^kW:i



On fol. 50 5 there is a note, which, besides being stained and torn, has twice suffered alteration and erasure. Of the original writing we can read, in the first and second lines, the words : T^SCLAS i on s.o K'rc* *tist i t. . . . and below: K'oAri'.i


wOcnl O.TJS.. «^ocnLa.i f£x».ial ri'SasavsJ* Kin.

and re-edited, in Correct sequence and with a Latin translation, by Cardinal Mai in his Nova Patrum Bibliotheca, torn. vi. (see also Migne, Patrol. Cursus Complet., Ser. Grseca, t. ii. col. 1339, etc.). They were translated into German by Dr. Larsow, Leipzig, 1852; and into English by Dr. Burgess, in Dr. Pusey's Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, 1854, where the two leaves (foil. 41 and 48) are printed, which were added to the manuscript since the appearance of the Curetonian test. On fol. 1 a there is written in large, open characters, a note stating that the book belonged to the convent of S. Mary Deipara: in.iL.i .Xj.txi rt' rdJon r » c n o i u K * K'ija.l' >vs3.i; besides (sic) ^cuisv »isaa on the margin of fol. 2 a in a later hand. The several homilies are— 1. On the Miracles wrought by Moses in Egypt, rtfSnoAW As., rdbSa.ta r^isarelsa ^ i ^ s a s r£x.o»i. Eol. 1 b. See S. Ephraemi Syri etc. Opera selecta, ed. Overbeck, p. 88. 2. On the Coming of the Spirit and the Dividing of the Tongues in the Upper r^isap^isa, beginning, fol. 22 a : Chamber (Acts, ch. ii.), trlwoi.i rii&riisa A*». re'Aulxs tCixA.i rd^cisio. Eol. 4 b. See AH-IV n . r^i&.i^a dvaia K'^aa*^ Overbeck, p. 95. ^ c d i u pdjco \o\pi . pdu»Sxsa nC'iiA ^curC 3. On Lent, rdsao^ 1&..1; imperfect. Eol. a. See Overbeck, p. 99-. 6 ^acuisj r^Uk.t oml . Klwisxxx. ^jSJCX^ AOA. 4. On the Creation of the World (Genesis, . o o .^vartfsa ch. i. and ii.); imperfect at the beginning On fol. 1 a there is a note, stating that and elsewhere. Eol. 9 a. See Overbeck, this was one of the 250 volumes, brought to p. 74. the convent of S. Mary Deipara by the abbat 5. On the transgression of Adam, and that Moses of Nisibis, A. Gr. 1243, A.D. 932. he was created mortal, and that Satan was [Add. 14,570.] not created evil by God: ia*. K'Tiapsta . K&ctkSa.-t »ch Aj>»g . ^^.t cni.iacA.i rdisag-o yxlx.. . cniiSzLaao jaiob ^Vso.l Qiu^aocn ¿\ol.i ^lAin б. No. 12, p-j, beginning: GOT re'cnW »^.."lirjo. Imperfect. Eol. 15 a. See ^ A t t i x a teaoaa . Eol. 20 b. See Bibl. Overbeck, p. 59. The rest of this manuscript still exists as Or., t. i. p. 88, no. 18. c. No. 13, , beginning: ^cu-rC a palimpsest in Add. 14,623. ^n rot, m i l » j ^ V\A r^.l . Fol. 21 a. Of the notes on fol. 1 a, the upper one has p i n .1 been erased, and the other merely contains See Bibl. Or., t. i. p. 88, no. 19. one of the usual anathemas: Aiuui Aa d. No. 14, p / u j , beginning: i^sar* OK" ens r^inl.i pclxicv^n rCJop rds^ial cnA v^yT^sa.i r^s °\'r. . . Imcol i u l . »cost ri\v»ni' pi'Adi-a perfect. Eol. 21 b. . jt-o rC'colK' e. No. 24, imperfect at the beginning, Below this there is the figure of a peacock. ending with the words, fol. 22 B: o\Kt..i The marginal note on fol. 2 a mentions . ^xa'iZf Art, »cnaiw^ some other works that were once bound with / . No. 25, ^.o j beginning; coosaA» this manuscript, ^jcl* ,.v=»t t x s cuai-ni . Eol. 22 b. See Opera, •:• rdi&Asb . a A B \ A •:• rdi.iuu ^lucuo •:• r ^ m t. iii. p.» 615, and Bibl. Or., t. i. p. 89, [Add. 14,574, foil. 1—19.] no. 25.

EPHRAIM. g. No. 26, f±o , beginning: »inT.rC «/^.aasa pa. Eol. 24 a. See Opera, t. iii. p. 608, and Bibl. Or., t. i. p. 89, no. 26. h. No. 27, /u^o , beginning : ^ . a x . v^axs ienaiix.rC. Imperfect. Pol. 24 b, See Opera, t, iii. p. 610, and Bibl. Or., t. i. p. 89, no. 27. i. No. 28. Imperfect. Pol. 25 b. See Operant, iii. p. 624, and Bibl. Or., t. i. p. 89, no. 28. j. No. 29. Imperfect. Pol. 26 b. See Opera, t. iii. p. 555, and Bibl. Or., t. i. p. 89, no. 29. h. A fragment. Eol. 27. 1. A small fragment. Eol. 28. m. Imperfect; ending with the words, fol. 29 6 : . rdalsb pa ^aio . ri^kL»» ^sa r*Ssa-»o rclLsn . See Bibl. Or., t. i. p. 90, no. 38, 2. n. Beginning: .i*.. r^x^oo [v^aoo]


Then follows the colophon, with an index to the contents of the volume, of which the commencement is unfortunately torn away, ^•i r*7i h , ttti-m ^Acn r£x.-i.-|2a

A s o «^isa »tHri'.io KliaAcu

,\°ina\o . ^i^cx ^ . i ^»acn . PCAvjlo

Of a note in cursive characters, which followed the doxology, only a few letters are left. [Add. 14,574, foil. 20—33.]


Yellum, about 12f in. by 9§, consisting of 51 leaves, some of which are much stained, and two, foil. 45 and 51, much torn, [cn\] ,s .«nsfosa] . Imperfect. Eol. The quires are signed with letters. Leaves are wanting after foil. 19, 42, 48 and 50. 29 b. See Bibl. Or., t. i. p. 90, no. 38, 3. Each page is divided into three columns, of 2. Of the discourses rc'isNy rsiisAcu A m al.i, from 40 to 77 lines. The writing, which against Heresies— is small and neat, though not very regular, a. No. 1. Imperfect. Eol. 30 a. See is evidently that of an Edessene scribe of the Opera, t. ii. p. 439, D. Vth or vit}1 cent. The first three pages are in b. No. 2, f j . Imperfect. Eol. 30 a. See a different hand of somewhat later date. Opera, t. ii. p. 439. This volume contains— c. No. 40. Imperfect. Eol. 31 a. See Part of the metrical works of Ephraim; Opera, t. ii. p, 530, O. viz. d. No. 41, / 0 o- Imperfect. Eol. 31 b. 1. Admonitory discourse, r^i-sard-sa See Opera, t. ii. p. 532. p^AiCUitoAsa.i, beginning, fol. 1 a : •*=» e. No. 54. Imperfect. Eol. 32 a„ See . ri'ii^-lni' .ssiwLSa rdlo*.* . rd^OA» Q)!i .' rtfSSi ndisAcu l a o o l s ^[sa*» rtf'urjsa-a ^ocni . »iso [. ri'ivx.o]

2. The discourses on Eaith, rs'A*aisx.«Ti[?i]. Eol. 2 b. See Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. i. p. 98, etc,, and Ephraemi Opera, t..iii. (vi.), p. 1, etc. The text presents many variations from that of the Roman edition, sometimes even in the division of the hymns. 3 Gr



After fol. 19 there is a leaf missing, comprising from p. 91, A, line 4, to p. 97, E, line 7, of the printed text. The small collection of hymns entitled K'Aui^jjsa A^, " of the Pearl," begins on fol. 28 ô, but the subscription re'èuAsisa cusolx. is th placed at the end of the 5 hymn, fol. 30 a. The subscription to the whole 87 hymns, fol. 31 a, is as follows : ndx/iisa essnlx. rO r> ç»ctcn:i »T-S3.1 K'àxOAS&âCn.i . rs's "i ^»rdi-Saèi 3. The discourses against Ealse Doctrines, A -i noX.i )cui°kP^ »isQ.i réx.ï.'Ua . Eol. 31 a. See Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. i. p. 118, etc., and Ephraemi Opera, t. ii. (v.), p. 437, etc. Two leaves are wanting after fol. 42, comprising from p. 484, A, line 5, to p. 492, D, line 5, of the printed text; and six leaves after fol. 48, comprising from p. 515, B, line 8, to p. 539, C, line 5. The text terminates, fol. 50 b, in the second stanza of the 50th hymn, with the words cALss. .alrcto (Opera, p. 547, D, line 7). 4. A small fragment from the collection of hymns entitled " the hymns of Nisibis," n n£x.'"ixso. Eol. 51. See Add. 14,572, fol. 114 b etc., and Dr. Bickell's edition, p. 141 etc. Subscription: ^icar^-i .Tn ^ooral^ , p. 362 ; and the 3d, . (sic).jhtfrisa ,cn rdso.'ti. » ^ c u e j k ' . i oujm . See Assemani, Bibl. Orient., t. i. pp. 86, 87, nos. 8—10. 9. Various madrashe; viz. a. Imperfect, ending with the words ^s'-ix. Aa . Pol. 42 a. b. Beginning, Pol. 42 a. See Opera, t. iii. p. 615, and Assemani, Bibl. Orient., t. i. p. 89, no. 25. c. Beginning, v^cuasa pa »rsa »mr.r^. Pol. 44 a. See Opera, t. iii. p. 608, and Bibl. Orient., t. i. p. 89, no. 26. il. Beginning, icnaiut.ri' ^ . o z . v ^ u a . Pol. 45 a. .See Opera., t. iii. p. 610, and Bibl. Orient., t. i. p. 89, no. 27. e. Beginning, pdina.i r d a i rc'v.wJ K d u ' i a l . Pol. 46 b. See Opera, t. iii. p. 624, and Bibl. Orient., t. i. p. 89, no. 28. f . Beginning, ori" v ^ isatr^ ^ r ^

I. Beginning, n£i»:n pa rdlat »JGreilpJ v s vyrf i J i a i i .xJri' ptlio. Pol. 58 a. m. Beginning, ¿urc'. Pol. 60 b. See Opera, t. iii. p. 22, and Bibl. Orient., t. i., p. 101, no. 10. n. Beginning, r^l ,isa rdir^. Pol. 62 a. See Opera, t. iii. p. 24, and Bibl. Orient., t. i., p. 101, no. 11. o. Beginning, K'iia.a v^jAsa . Pol. 63 b. See Opera, t. iii. p. 26, and Bibl. Orient., t. i. p. 101, no. 12. p. Beginning, r£lcn rfkaxuX Pol. 68 b. \ u. Beginning, v^i°AcuA »a^k*. Pol. 69 b.

r6u.vno. Pol. 48 a. See Opera, t. iii.p. 555, and Bibl. Orient., t. i. p. 89, no. 29. g. Beginning, pa ,tjso ,cn K'i.ns. rC^^H-jj.i . Pol. 49 a. See Opera, t. iii. p. 557, and Bibl. Orient., t. i. p. 89, no. 30. h. Beginning, .ardipa A ©¿As ops'; imperfect. Pol. 50 b. See Opera, t. iii. See Opera, t. iii. p. 57, and Bibl. Orient., t. i. p. 106, no. 32. p. 620, and Bibl. Orient., t. i. p. 89, no. 31. v. On the Resurrection, rd=a*>cu i. Imperfect at the beginning. Pol. 51 a. . v o w rdwoi I t ends with the words rsisscft»» cos^i ctam beginning, . b\aco ^oausiisw ^ojp«' . Pol. 70 5. j. Beginning, en V« » a -i s t. w. Beginning, cns&A . ^oocu Ktacn r^icuc. »cdo.tmp^o . Pol. 52 b. rsiui. . Pol. 74 a. k. Beginning, vthsoan orA Ktocn peiAasa 10. On Paradise, ns'^.n, 15 madrashe. aocn iii^ur^.i cnj' K'Wm.i Acux-1 . Pol. Pol. 77 a. See Bibl. Orient., t. i. p. 84. The 55 a. first 11 are identical with those in the Opera, t. iii. pp. 562—597. The 12th begins with the * This and several other hymns in the volume belong words, t .v.T\ t..o . >~=j Ktaco . s n \ ca=alams , p. 562, D, (the previous stanza to the collection called "the Hymns of Nisibis." See being joined to the 11th,) and is considerably Bickell, Carmina Nisibena, preface, p. 3.

EPHEAIM. longer than in Assemani's text. This, together with the 13th, 14th, and 15th, has been edited by Dr. Overbeck, S. Ephraemi Syri etc. Opera Selecta, p. 339, etc. To them is appended another madrasha, fol. 104 a, also composed by Ephraim, as appears from the acrostich letters, , (4) i a (2) k 1 (7) ja, i. e. po.iAK'. See Overbeck, p. 351, and Geiger, in the Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gcsellschaft, Bd. xxi., p. 469. 11. On Julian the Apostate, 4 madrashe. Eol. 105 5. These have also been edited by Dr. Overbeck, p. 3, etc. The subscription, fol. 114 a, speaks erroneously of five, y\y, .r^ajLu re^iea oocuAcu JL^.,1 .tsa The colophon, fol. 114 a, states that this manuscript belonged to one Simeon, a priest, and was written by an Edessene scribe named Julian, in the year 830 of the era of Apamea, which is identical with the Seleucian era (see Bickell, Carm. Nisib., preface, p. 3, note), A.D. 519. pan ^O^sm. rdxixos rdjcn rdraAiSk riVdsu^a^ Avu^».i «a^&UkO


r^Vii "aa

DXL. Vellum, about 9-| in. by 7, consisting of 28 leaves, some of which are much stained and torn, especially foil. 1—5, 9, 12 and 23. The quires are now only 4 in number, of which the 3d and 4 th are very imperfect, leaves being wanting after foil. 22, 26 and 28. What the original signatures were, is not apparent; later hands have marked the quires with letters, and with arithmetical figures, and one reader has numbered the pages with Coptic ciphers (on the verso at the top). Each page is divided into two columns, of from 28 to 33 lines. The writing is a good, regular Estrangela of the vith cent.; and a few Greek vowels have been added by a later hand. This volume contains—• Metrical discourses of Ephraim, [r^TsarCso] rdiacx^ [,iso.i] ; viz. 1. On Nineveh and Jonah, ^icuo . Eol. 3 b. See Opera, t. ii. p. 359, etc., and Bibl. Orient., t. i. p. 140, no. 3. Slightly imperfect at the beginning. Subscription, fol. 20 b, y ^ r ncliacC^ )a-»a>.i ^jcuo Kfcuu AJVI K'T-=Z)PTJC.&VS

. ^QjTAP^

cos K'TJD.I AA.I . rd»eniDri' t ^ a c i n pdlAcxA »r^l.i (."¿3 liwo rdioa J^M^r^.i .

)neua .^OJK'


As. txiA^J

2. Two parsenetic discourses, cCvsardsa pcL.i^rc' »isQ.i cnL.i ce&tUQa&sa.-t; viz.


. r i ' n ^ KLmlAX-O . «l^'-ws p^ini.i rc&ctl^js Cn \ i-Tgl i.^-T.,1 rfi-ffl rti'.icpooa

a. Beginning, . >-A ^ArV i_sarc'.i »1 .T-i-^ jsaAvtr^.i

. Imperfect; Eol.

21 a. b. rtf&ituoaasas ^'iAw, beginning; ndi_»ri

The ancient note, which followed this colophon, was carefully erased, and over it there was written another, stating that the volume belonged to the convent of S. Mary Deipara, but this in its turn has been almost effaced. A third note, on the same page, referring to some person or persons from the city of Tagrit, has shared the same fate. [Add. 14,571.]



Kbeal.i . ooa ¿ n


Imperfect. Eol. 26 b. See Opera, t. iii. p. 654, etc., and Bibl. Orient., t. i. p. 147, no. 19. On fol. 3 a there are the remains of a note, showing that this was one of the 250 volumes, procured for the convent of S. Mary Deipara by the abbat Moses of Nisibis, A, Gr. 1243, A.D. 932.



The torn leaf fol, 2 seems to contain fragments of a hymn, of later date. [Add. 14,573.]

DXLI. Three vellum leaves, about 13^ in. by 10, all slightly stained and torn (Add. 14,635, foil. 16—18). There are three columns, of from 38 to 42 lines, in each page. The writing is a good, regular Estrangela of the vith cent., the probable date being A.D. 555. If fol. 18 really belongs to the same manuscript as foil. 16 and 17, these leaves are all that are left of a large volume, which contained— Metrical discourses of Ephraim, 330 in number. 1. Madrashe on the Church, rdx.'-i.Tsa As.. . ^cL.ia.K' ndiacv^l ^-U^aK'.'i ri&.v»i-diri" A^ithysa >isa ops v\=>.T rt^La , The first, which is the only one remaining, begins, fol. 16 b, . h£j_>c\_= »isa p«1\cdix' . r^scu* tcnoxkiM.t 2. Imperfect. Fol. 17 a. 3. Madrasha K'^rC.i rdA_o c n s o u s , beginning, fol. 17 a, »isa Tears'

Then follows a note, written in a smaller and more cursive character, stating that this manuscript was purchased by one Alexander, a monk of the convent of Sergius at , A. Gr. 866, A.D. 555. rC-JViO.i ri-ocaJ rdx>3J30 Klu> coMoio cnmT'ao KfctAr^ pa.ui ¿ua.1

r^i^oo^.i ri'i.TiaiaAr^ iVi^zA

^aio J^Sjj^ri'.t rf »iia


rdz.'i.'WSa.-t K'.Tcn


r£ioia&l »coa^cn'isq pao coia.i


rilii=3\. .JLO . ,cBQiinn,i rdiiivculcv »cncuiii Aulo ^«Avt-o KWlsmss^ Aux. r^.tca The third column of the same page contains two notes, the first of which records the presentation of the book to the convent of by the priest , of the convent of Naphshatha, in the time of the abbat Thomas. rdJLracu rilicn ,cnc\Av»rc'a ^¿' Mxsn ^sa ^¿ut.K'.'t »cnosacua pe'diLxAi.i r^ia.i.t rtfsaori'At


rc*r»rn Kls^j re T Tn

nfh»* [* *'*] ' '

K'oA 1*504*1.1

. . coL.i The other note is not quite so legible, but 4. Madrasha K^ccsu. c\rC.i k'A n A_x. it shows that the book belonged to the conK', beginning, fol. 17 5, aen vent of S. Mary^Deipara in the time of the . jjuzm.i .XJ.TQ «da r£s)Ck& : Alcnl.i J^iA-X-.f abbat Saliba, when Abraham (or Ephraim) 5. Madrasha to the same tune, coin i s , was patriarch of Alexandria (i.e. A.D. 977 beginning, fol. 17 »jiK* oiAsAiPi" —981; see Henaudot, Hist. patr. Jacob. Alexandr., p. 366, and Le Quien, Or. Christ., ^kOcn r^LtK* ^aaby iuaalo . ^OAUK' t. ii. col. 476). rdx/i.i^a.l rdaAv^ . Imperfect. tcnoiur^ The first column of fol. 18 a has been cut away. The second contains the conclusion ^•cniiiirc' rdiaAsa ^ui^rC* [k^ of the colophon: r£x.TTS>a ^»oa.i reSi.tx»! >£>acua (sic) .tw» Ja^i&r* »isa.l ^ocqIA ^Acn oral . Oni P^-mubcuc. . v^lnrn . ^isac* »cnoiuri'[Add. 14,635, (sic) foil. bx 16—18.] r^i-a.xso ¿La




rd^jSOw; the 19th, redact ri' isat*

DXLII. Vellum, about 10 in. by 6f, consisting of 27 leaves, some of which, are much stained and torn, especially foil. 2—5,11, and 27. The quires are signed with letters (fol. 22 a, t). Leaves are wanting at the beginning and end, as well as after foil. 1, 8, 4, 10,11, and 21. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 31 to 37 lines. This volume is Written in a good, regular Estrangela of the vith or viith cent., and contains— Hymns or metrical discourses of Ephraim; viz. 1. On Lent, ndsno^ , fol. 1 a, originally 10 in number, of which only the last two are complete. See Add. 14,571, no. 2. Subscription, fol. 7 a, rCioiv. yi\i. 2. On the Lord's Supper, iV'-u^a.i, originally 21 in number. Eol. 7 a. The first two are the same as in Add. 14,571, no. 3. The 3d begins with the words ^ i ^ s a a isori'; the 4th, K i A ^ k'qo^o^ a ^ u . th

^ i ^ s s CX^.i; the 5 , ji&t* Ktralrrti cnisari' v^K* M^-cC^ ^sa r^sasoA.;

i i a t * cd^re'.i r&lu), also from Mount Lebanon. In this note the diacritical points of the letters a and i are usually omitted, and the letter sq often takes the form 9 , which is not uncommon in manuscripts of various ages. (r3x.&»» ¿loLnjisa A Si. jaocuij ^vso.n ^rd


rdiiX-a rda&ifioo


^jjir«' „^ocrA^ ^i-iA.i Ax.

K*» ll'WI ,CT3C\SlW 3

rdaiajuo rtdri's rdaV^^ •aonv» H



poz.1 Aucico rtf'az. rdl


>V33 .rdj-«:» rdsjH-o

rdx.1CLa »sAiSt* K^UM w*.Vj -> Vellum, 11 in. by 7, consisting of 28 >coQ.^-wi ^Xujca r^ti iT~qo pdaAsa leaves, all in good preservation. The quires, rc'Au-SJ rc'mTra crA Aiua ^isarC which are signed with letters, were four in (?) nc&v*» ^ t »\lrdl iaAi cnixa^l oj°>T..i number, but the first is now missing. Each page is divided into two columns, of from ri»a r^XiU.i rtf&ii^aw.i rs'ouaisu rdLna ; this sûgîthâ of Jacob of Batnae has been lost. Prom the marginal note on fol. 2 a we learn that the volume also once contained extracts from the [Fathers, and a discourse of Ephraim on the Dead: _ rtf&icaar^.ick _ K&ix^sî .la», rï'iïar^sa •:• . rV.tïix. Aà. »isa.i iVissrdsso

113 leaves, some of which are much stained and slightly torn, especially foil. 1, 5, 7, 9, 20, 21, 27, 51, 63, 85 and 90. The quires, signed with letters, were originally 15 in number; but k* is lost, and leaves are also wanting after foil. 4, 23, and 59. The later signatures are frequently incorrect. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 20 to 23 lines. The writing is a fine, regular Estrangela of the Vth or vith cent. This volume contains— The reU»ri'."i kAk'cul , " Questions of the Brethren," or " Regulse Monastic«)," of Basil.



See Opera (Paris, 1839), t. ii. p. 457; Migne, DLIII. t. xxxi., col. 889. The Syriac translation follows, however, a different recension of the Yellum, about in. by 5 | , consisting of text. Subscription, fol. 113 a : . cusn \ t. 116 leaves, some of which are much stained . piLa'eLDW . Qn\ iff) -) .. >V331 . rdArstaiL and torn, especially foil. 1, 2, and 108—116. The quires, now 12 in number, are signed , . .. ¿^ocpivi»:w=> , «CDcAr^x..! with letters from to A . One leaf is . Ktacn n on rc'Avlsa K'icx^s : ri'io.T.Ai »isa.i r^i.3.1 : triicn col

. co ^cal

»cauan : r f i i ^ o ^»i»* Au\.l ^jo.isa {3a : oaizu». r^ls'iulo caA : rd^cA ocn rfa&r*

: rtf'erAri'.i

r^s&uA cnl Ar£x..i


A& . J.O : ensax. A^ss.-f

r^cnlr^.l rC^Oba A v j , c n a L v


. caA rdrasa.i rrl^a.v^. ,cooAu»r1*. \ s \ A r A rdAri' [Add. 14,544.] . p^arcu>o *. »^©enAdsal rail. K'.icaao

ITi i -i W'l tVix-i-Sa.t-n


^ojcb.! pi'A^i cnl* .i&.i •:• ^acnina}^ K'iii. ¿tol.T K&osalx. ptfla •:•


Avail ca ^Acn.i ^jvcnAval.i •:• o \«•gnioK'.i cn .i


: ^cviJa.AXorilao.1 r f i r i ' . i

tcna-sK* ri'.T^rC' »cools*.

rr«'.l A*. cocuio.^»"*^ p. 22. CU£aCUOr^ &cA,lcol. cnAa.f 0A11.I . COCULQCLS.1





••j(v.v Aiiy.i

• cniantf




^K* >cnQ.\ v.i

funebris oratio in

patrem, praesente Basilio.

Pol. 81 b.


.tjio rfisar&n; theologica prima, adversus Eunomianos praevia dissertatio. Pol. 129 a. See Opp., t. i., p. 487 ; Migne, t. xxxvi., col. 11.

Opp., t. i., p. 330; Migne, t. xxxv,, col. 986. 19. or^ rdwJl


) u a A^»






lQa^.&U-S9Ai.i K*T_sor£aj • rd»wxso; in Theophania sive Natalitia Salvatoris, Pol.

* Athanasius II. See Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. ii., p. 335. In Greek manuscripts (e.g. Add. 18,231, fol. 318 a, which is dated A.D. 972) this Swaycoyr) ml ¿iyyytns 'urropimv is ascribed to Nonus (Novos) or Noiimis, See also Migne, t. xxxvi., col. 1066, and the Spicilegium Romanum, t. ii. p. 381.

3 1



28. K'iaonása t*T=>

*. coL.i .la. cnLsi rdii.TAjaoiAre'.l rf^nflrr » ^ i & a ^.íqií-.t ; thcologica tertia, de Filio. ^àAèui p^isarsisa ; in laudem magni AthaPol. 133 b. See Opp., t. i., p. 522 ; Migne, nasii episcopi Alexandrini. Pol. 192 b. See Opp., t. i., p. 386; Migne, t. xxxv., t. xxxvi., col. 74. 24. A ^ a ^'-tàn coLa .TA cnLü col. 1082. Subscription, fol. 205 b : .aii&sal \ r. K'èv-làìo ^i-fla-fr-s K'viaríLsa ; theologica quarta, de Filio. Fol. 143 b. See Opp., pdx».T-oi r^àuk..! c^^i. i t. i., p. 540 ; Migne, t. xxxvi., col. 103. r^adafloiapi' ri'AucnW A ,\»n „flocui^-ai^ 25. . .TO rdwoi A^sa.i cnL.i .ta cnL.i r C ^ W o ^isas^.i pfisartísa ; theologica The margins of' this manuscript are quinta, de Spiritu Sancto. Pol. 152 a. covered with notes, in the same handSee Opp., t. i., p. 556; Migne, t. xxxvi., writings as the text, which are probably col. 134. due either to the translator Paul or to the patriarch Athanasius I I . Many of them 26. ox.-irc' coL.i c»L.i rúúiüo r^T5ar¿ss . tn,T MLXX-rfz rdsa^^iixo . aAiu fol. 138 b: i^xjcuua k'.vA^o hs'.tA- rdl rdii^cul.i v^K" . ooAvs^x-» ¿l^i.ip^n Klsa coA*.! . pi'inAcsa . ^ o ^ i o ^ r « ' r\ .o . » C U i i . ^ ' i ^ jl&t v^ri" (sic) K'.VjiLo rc'.vA.» Aur^ •isatV . iTKbiO I^SQO

p^rtf* pdxaSca Ardksa

.(1m v^refo (sic) (l^io In pdla the 24th discoursejtooivi^o on the words: ^wnl CCUor^ ^AoA ^oosaxsa rdii-MrC rdiri* (Opp. t. i., p. 566, B) there is the note, fol. 157 a : »15-M





.-CoO 1 I nrtf*

jtoQrcia.ioK'cv rc^u&a * goals r.\ .oa_=3


ojoi^olo«'^ o o c u i - ^ i X p ; 1 . QxAckSkOtOQasm * Compare Add. 12,153, no. 20, note ; the Greek manuscript Add. 18,231, fol. 319 b; Migne, t. xxxvi., col. 1058 ; and the Spicilegium Eomanum, t. ii., p. 374. + See Add. 18,231, fol. 321 a ; S. Gregorii Naz. in Julianum Invectivse duae, ed. K. Montagu (Eton, 1610), p. 127; Migne, t. xxxvi., col. 985.



* See Add. 18,231, fol. 327 p. 159 ; Migne, t. xxxvi., col. 1035.

Gregory ri&'i-^K'

viz. Atcv\


Montagu's edition,



rs^wi'ittSiyxa A m f l l , B a s i l t o t l i e p e o p l e Sozopolis, 2 0 6 b.






S e e O p e r a ( P a r i s , 1 8 3 9 ) , t . iii., p . 5 8 1 ,

2. ^ ¡ u t ^ . i

w*t'i r n


ni&TjjrC' . c n L s

a m ^ ' i c o p s a o c o , Basil to t h e priests w h o were expelled b y t h e .^GAUVL j i f t t . .




¿ i ^ o l s rdacuss r d a i i a a . 3. Atol c o a ^ a l a r < &

pi'CDCVSli cocui^i^p^Xin-o.t P o l . 207


Pol, 209 a.

See Opera,

Pol. 210 a.


Apostate to


S e e O p e r a , t . iii., p . 1 7 5 , e p i s t .

xl. 6 . osciAiooa p*it>.Txs.i crdun K l a a ^ A ^ »jcva c o i t a l , r e p l y of B a s i l t o J u l i a n .

P o l . 2 1 0 b.

S e e O p e r a , t . iii., p . 1 7 6 , e p i s t . x l i . 7. u i s u o r ^ i i o l o o o \ a l o r « ' i t


r d a u o m i ^ r ^ , G r e g o r y t o E u s e b i u s of Samosata.

Pol. 211 a.

See Opera,

t . ii.,

p . 58, epist. lxiv. 8. o a c u a u ^ p ^ Athanasius.




1 5 . (sic) o o A & a ^ o r ^ A»als K ' ^ v w r c ' ,


O p e r a , t . ii., p . 7 2 , e p i s t . I x x x . gory to Eustochius.

P o l . 2 1 4 b.

See Opera,

to Gregory Nyssen.

P o l . 2 1 4 b.

See Opera,

t . ii., p . 6 4 , e p i s t . l x x i i . 1 7 . eob\cA

r ^ i j a r « ' , to the same.



Pol. 2 1 1 a.



S e e O p e r a , t . iii.,

18. c o i i o ! ri'AiioK', t o t h e s a m e (to Cled o n i u s ) . P o l . 2 1 5 a . S e e O p e r a , t . ii., p . 1 0 0 ,

Leontius. P o l . 215 a. See O p e r a n t , ii.,;p. 80, epist. xcv. 2 0 . oocu I'VssoArC ¿ \ a l


to Olympianus or Olympius (Asterius). Pol. 215 a.

S e e O p e r a , t . ii., p . 1 3 1 , e p i s t . c l v i .

2 1 . cocula-o-sj A \ a l p i ' A i i j j r f , G r e g o r y Nicobulus.

P o l . 2 1 5 b.

See Opera, t.

to ii.,

p . 4 8 , e p i s t . liii. 2 2 . (sic)


gory to Sacerdos.


rc'^ijjrc', Gre-

P o l . 2 1 5 b.

See Opera,

23. s l a dius.

A>cA r c ' ^ i j j r i ' , G r e g o r y t o P a l l a -

P o l . 2 1 5 5.

S e e O p e r a , t . ii., p . 1 0 4 ,

24. ( - ^ o r ^




j»cuitQaa.t, Gregory.


1 6 . k'oocu.i o a c u i i ^ i i ^ a l c a L . i , G r e g o r y

P o l . 2 0 7 b.

Gregory t o Basil.


t . ii., p . 1 5 8 , e p i s t . c x c i .

S e e O p e r a , t . ii., p . 5 0 , e p i s t . l v i i i . Basil to


O p e r a , t . ii., p . 1 6 6 , e p i s t . e c i i . Pbilagrius

epist. cclxi.




2 8 . Q0cuja.T4la.-t


k&vmp_Ls. . ooAaoarj rùb.u.i


Subscription, fol. 226 b: K & i . ! ^ AvsaLt After the usual doxology, fol. 226 b, we find the name of the scribe, Abraham of Beth-Suraya: ^cnirar«' l i - rili^J «"in* la, rdLxsoxso. A subsequent note, of later date, has been erased, with the exception of the words »cnaAv.r*' pdaca rdssbyA.; and an Arabic note on fol. 1 a has suffered the same fate. On the margins of this manuscript, as on those of the preceding, there are written a considerable number of notes, and words in Greek characters. This seems to be the third codex mentioned by Assemani in the Bibl. Orient., t. iii., pars, i., p. 23; though, if such be the case, his description of it is rather inaccurate. [Add. 14,549.]


: càLx niìcLftjs èurc's ^Airtfct : r^èuuusa

Vellum, about 1 0 | in. by 7|-, consisting of 244 leaves, a few of which are much stained and defaced, especially foil. 63, 64 and 244. The quires, signed with letters,, are 25 in number, but and cn* are imperfect, a single leaf being wanting after foil. 119 and 127, and one or two leaves at the end of the volume. Each page (with the exception of foil. 236 b—244 b) is divided into two columns, of from 30 to 40 lines. The writing is a good, regular Estrangela of the ixth cent., passing, on fol. 240 a, into a neat, cursive character. This volume contains— The first part of the works of Gregory Nazianzen, translated by the abbat Paul. 1. An index to the 30 discourses that form this part, fol. 2 6 : . ntffcusaiw iVix-uaia,.! KV^l&ia

»^.SOJ : r^XiXs «issHcn K'iiH-l. reLLSai'onS)

u o u a i c L ^ i - ^ r^cnAr^l .T i

I I I . The Confession of Eaith of John, bishop of Telia or Constantina (see Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. ii.,p. 53), in the form of a letter to the convents around that city. rC&attu&r^ (sic) rdtijuoa KjQomI ni^CU^aOicn . Beginning, fol. 219 b ; rC'isjasA rdla^i^ooan >ÌM-u.l K'èt'i^.in rdsl'^-no rdSiil

r^r ».yo.i

cnxuc&.i : au*\r£i.i ed&cuiQax&r«': coaxal Grc^



^sa l.n «"wo r^iQiu . r¿ui(\Qi¿ KliJO» ^so

24. De Pilio (theologica quarta). Pol. 164 a. • r^A^iv^cooj^Qn-i . >TS3 Oorc'ri'crA 25. De Spiritu Sancto (tlieologica quinta). r^Oi^n.HK': .T«*I»'»Q ^»¿A&va ptfW'aisT.AUXJ Pol. 173 6. rc'iwiníísa óv=» ^».i ^» a »oa-53 . rdJ^ 26. Adversus Arianos et de seipso. Pol. 186 a. 27. In Machabseorum laudem. Pol. 193 a. 2. In sanctum Pascha et in tarditatem. 28. In laudem s. martyris Oypriani. Pol. Pol. 4 b. 3. Ad eos qui ipsum acciverant, nec oc- 200 a. ¿9. In laudem Heronis philosophi. Pol. currerant. Pol. 6 a. 207 b. 4. Apologética. Pol. 8 a. 30. In iEgyptiorum adventum. Pol. 216 5. 5. Punebris in laudem Csesarii fratris. 31. In laudem magni Athanasii. Pol. Pol. 33 a. 221 b. 6. In patrem tacentem propter plagam Subscription, fol. 236 a. ikzzAx* grandinis. Pol. 43 a. 7. In seipsum, ad patrem et Basilium magnum, post reditum e fuga. Pol. 51 a. 8. Apologeticus ad patrem suum Gregorium, prsesente Basilio magno. Pol. 52 b. 9. Ad Gregorium Nyssenum. Pol. 54 b. 10. Ad patrem, cum ei Nazianzense ecclesiae curam commiserat. Pol. 57 a. 11. Prima de pace oratio. Pol. 59 b. 12. Tertia de pace oratio. Pol. 68 a. Note, fol. 73 a. 13. Secunda de pace oratio. Pol. 74 a. 14. De suis sermonibus et ad Juliauum tributorum exsequatorem. Pol. 80 b. 15. Ad cives Nazianzenos gravi timore perculsos, et prsefectum irascentem. Pol. 86 b. 16. In novam Dominicam. Pol. 91 a. 17. Punebris in laudem sororis suse Gorgonise. Pol. 95 b. 18. Punebris in patrem, prsesente Basilio. Pol. 104 a. 19. In Theophania, sive Natalitia Salvatoris. Pol. 122 b. 20. In sancta Lumina. Pol. 129 a. Notes, fol. 137 b. 21. In Pentecosten. Pol. 142 b. 22. Adversus Eunomianos (theologica prima). Pol. 149 b. 23. De Pilio (theologica tertia). Pol. 154 a.

. aix»icdn r^&cuiau&T^ Under this we read: rdicn rcL=>.TMM.i r.To ri'iiwOA. pa tCao«"^ icnuou rc'crAri' . »cncvii- rdX^j ri'ia.i , "Thomas, from the holy convent of the monks of Kellat,* collated this book. Let every one who reads, pray for him: ' May God have mercy on him.'" The margins of this manuscript are covered with notes, and words written in Greek characters, some of which have been added by later hands (see, for example, foil. 12 a and b, 14 a, 15 b, 41 a, etc.). Extracts from the writings of Severus of Antioch are given on foil. 37 a, 71 a (letter to Osesaria), 73 a, 152 5 (ni^tccsa and 174 b (letter to Isidorus Comes). This last has the name of the patriarch Athanasius II., aj»eufiui>r..T GOTO only 3 leayes. Each page has from 23 to 33 àvi-a.i omo : r^.iif iu-a ama : r£x-»:u ) lines. This volume is written in a good, rduc\i A^sao A^aocuacC^Sk c\ eòo : rdwj.iregular hand, and dated A. Gr. 1101, A.D, oròo : K&A&.I R ^ N •> V*pa OOTO : R£R»&D 790. It contains— ocno : m.-r.°\i A v,o CU.-.ÌK' Thefirstpart of the works of Gregory translated by the abbat Paul, ocno : «J&AXAI&CKN AN..^ OOTO Nazianzen, comprising 30 discourses. ocno : ri^cO^ As. i omo : rd^flooMi^ 1. The Index. Eol. 2 b. 2. In sanctum Pascha et in tarditatem. R^TW AXOII^T. GOTO : JTOOLK£ORDIR?B\R? 3 b. ocno : ^Hèì ^Acno : r^Msosoa.iEol. 3. Ad eos qui ipsum acciverant, nec occurIÈÌ-SS . RTCFLOIO^ RI' ^AJ RI'ÀLRI' CR> T i {vièwi ocno : K^u.-iosovsa Eol. 6. In patrem tacentem propter plagam A*.» ocno : r^iss rdi.S3.tJ3 ocno grandinis. Eol. 34 b. «•¿¿floioàl rctocn -¿^i-i ^»isari'.i »^ojcn èicAo 7. In seipsum, ad patrem et Basilium magnum, post reditum e fuga. Eol. 42 a. »Vicina Kà' AèìO ftix ^Acn . Accusi 8. Apologeticus ad patrem suum Gregocnàvictaa A-x.,1 ocn . . . «A rium, prsesente Basilio magno. Eol. 43 a. 9. Ad Gregorium Nyssenum. Eol. 45 a. ¿•\aA.I r^è\A :A . OCUIOT .AO 11. Prima de pace oratio. Eol. 49 a. : r^l'i»»^ ^Acn . . . col ^.i^sptV 12. Tertia de pace oratio. Eol. 56 b. ; fol. 61 a. rdjuiaAgOi-a-fi. A-v.* ocn riLiri' i-saK* Notes 13. Secunda de pace oratio. Eol. 62 a. : ^oA^sor^s rfhòsa As*.:i ocno (sic) : ^^is14. De suis sermonibus et ad Julianum ola ocn v^ri*. ^ocnèd^sa àv.K' tributorum exsequatorem. Eol. 68 a. 15. Ad cives Nazianzenos gravi timore . orna r^i-sjè\tìai» . ^»itSiK' mio ^¡UK* . ^CUrC'perculsos et prsefectum irascentem. Eol. 73 a. . crA iisaptf' cnàu*.isos (sic) ^oiosori'.i . oi«\i\.»]sa 23. DeEilio (theologica tertia). Eol. 129 b. COt^Q ^SQ r^lCD KlaAial tCOQiT^l.i ndlri' 24. De Eilio (theologica quarta). Eol. 137 b. jacifla&J.i ore* 25. De Spiritu Saricto (theologica quinta). : coa ¿x^K'.t ^Acd Eol. 145 b. r^.Tiii-S rtfi^enaswa K&cAjA.t ^TMI 26. Adversus Arianos et de seipso. Eol. oen r^nonSk Aiw . n^Sj.i-Q 154 a. 27. In Machabseorum laudem. Eol. 158 a. ocn .* j j y K,T..t-ij r^MalzA ^T-iM .aoa»:! 28. In laudem S. Martyris Cypriani. Eol. ndiwircira ^oi.oor^.i AAS ^ a r a i 162 b. cnaAut. . rdiS&X-rj K'ocm 29. In laudem Heronis philosophi. Eol. ^acni-ar^ cnL».i rd.^.i'K' Anr£^a rdJco KlraAvsA 168 a. 30. In vEgyptiorum adventum. Eol. 174 a. .on » «^-a ri'cnAri' A \~73a . . . . sa r-dutsutsj 31. In laudem magni Athanasii. Eol. rsdjJ.i rdicn rdaAiajg A*A rdiK" 177 a. rs'^a.Svj^» cas cnl A>oqnrj As* As*. cn\ 1 » Subscription, containing the date, fol. 187 a: n^AAsia . nia^ r^Asaax-s «'« rs'iiO^JLa .a&usal . «JL.O . rdlT-^-Oflaa On the margin, opposite lines 3—5 of the above note, there are some words, in a diffe. rdui-» tasaA\a . jooi.T \ im«AK'.va . k'.Vuci rent hand, now partially effaced, apparently reared r6*acix. : >J< : rd^src'.'i . n^iCU^n.-UK' the names of later owners. r^rtfsaa rdsAri' Avlx. . owutr^ls nd&cuumAri'

: >|< :


^soliA rdwaiAa r ^ - s l o

The margins of this manuscript are even more thickly studded with notes of various kinds than those of Add. 12,153 and Add. 14,547. At the top of fol. 187 b we read the words: . i^irdsalA .si-Tgasaa r00.1 (?tyo-iIIav\o ivjpc'.'i n f» v r^Lsa .tw«\ioaa>i, fol. 122 b. 35. De pauperum amore, by.aa.wi A-swt. fV^cuMKLSpa . Eol. 122 b. . KA ' IT . -MT . O rtf& ' vcLaiuk.n rdriiv^ po.i 36. In sanctum Baptisma, A . K'.acunAi^rsa rt^cuso-senna r^'iaix. rdiaJeio.ia rdiv-aasa^sa. Eol. 125 b.—Extract from > \co rdJLa_2w ti-jjA rC » -in r, the second epistle of Severus to Sergius . ctf&iAiia Grammaticus, r^i-^ri' ¡-¿sn . ri'iord-oo.i rc' riisiri's r«t»cLx. niJ'WCUlD . CUas rduoi.ia ^»ctm^oi^. Atol.i ^¿vi&.i , fol. yi\s\o ¿silicaa . rdx-T . ^i-nrt'Q ^tSnrf 131 a. 37. In sanctum Pascha, Then followed a scholion, showing in what Eol. 131 b. order the discourses of Gregory Nazianzen 38. Eunebris oratio in laudem Basilii were composed and delivered; but of this magni, jaoa ii • w-i A s i. Eol. 135 b.— only a few words of the title remain: Extracts from the ecclesiastical history of oraLj rS'H^ar^sa Ai_ ^.noxsa.i .^cvA CV^COPC' Theodoret, r^iaarth» folL 142 b, 143 a o-A and b. . . r^T.i.r.n pitocn.T visa . r^T«Tn 39. Exhortatio ad Yirginem, A— Compare Add. 14,547, fol. 2 a. ^¿Ao&ia. Eol. 143 b.—Philo the Hebrew, There are words written in Greek characrd»iav. , fol. 144 a. ters on foil. 85 a and 132 a. 40. Ad Cledonium epistola prima (secunda), [Add. 17,147.] C . WiAOt.Id ¿xal.i «r&usa.m ni&i^ri' pa . Eol. 144 a.—Extract from the ecclesiastical history of Eusebius, .auaaor^i r^n .¿•umaipK'pi DLXII. rorA ji-IT. scholia, fol. 150 a. Homily xxix. (Opera, t. i., hom. 34). Pol. c»A A t »>husn x ^ rd»aio.i caJacrA 172 a.—Passages of Scripture, fol. 172 a ; A^jjihri' rdliw v^K'.Vt ^AcrA Ao.T-i-i rdAp^tCB , fol. 172 b; scholia, fol. 172 b. Homily xxx. (Opera, t. i., hom. 21). Pol. ^cniaA cA .j^cifcrApi^a jtA . pd-»OJL3 188 b.—Passages of Scripture, fol. 188 b; extract from Severus, hom. epithron. xc., ^n AsA.t ^Aco pa AK'AIX.K' ¿ure^&M.i ^^ftisiivi&ni's r^i-sardsa ^sn . rc'iofCjao.i L r ^ k i i u cAr< ^Aco as VJWr^ rcAc\ cn\ 1» .»cu-au^cc* oiuri'i, fol. 188 b ; extracts pdialsas K^oco v^r«'.™ p j ^Aeoa «A from the Ecclesiastical History of Socrates; viz. fol. 189 a and 6, rdaA^tor^oordlo ^sa (sic) (Ax Axif^crAri' pii A*. . ^oVm


. Kiacufies K'AAsa

psa (ZlA.i (ACD (Ai.Au AuAGri' . pi^-iivsa Aiwa rdiM.-ia rdsacu» As>..i ocb.i

«As «^orsfKn fol. 189 b,

oiaflo.f (lib. i., cap. 35) ; ^¿hi ^sa oaL.i

GREGORY OE NYSSA. w x i v m m a ^oKWdAn (Kb. ii., cap. 17), and ^-»'j to s.a ^ortlAr^ Si n ^-sa cn_l_>i reteuio (lib. ii., cap. 26); fol. 190 a, ctuHav*. (lib. iii., cap. 14), and ^ore'Ar1 . •flordsitK' .TB Bar-Hebrseus tells us that the works of Gregory were translated, during the lifetime of Athanasius, by the famous Jacob of Edessa (Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. ii., p. 307; t. iii., pars i., p. 23, note) ; and it is probable that our commentator is the almost equally celebrated George, bishop of the Arabs, who was consecrated at the express desire of Athanasius (Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. ii., p. 335, no. 10). This guess receives some support from the fact of the name being written on the margin of fol. 132 b, opposite another passage in which the commentator speaks in the first person: iwir^ oaV».i rdA^cu» n^Au»-*-» vi^K' . v\ita*1 Ai ^alcn }O.TO COOUOK' ¿\ol.i [Add. 14,725, foil. 100—215.]

DLXIV. Vellum, about in. by 8 J, consisting of 108 leaves, some of which are slightly stained and torn, especially foil, 1, 70, 78—80, and 88. The quires were once 13 in number, but the 10th is lost, and the last two are imperfect, six leaves being wanting after fol. 100, and several at the end of the book. They were originally signed with arithmetical figures (fol. 69 a, ^ ^ ; fol. 99 a, f+j), but are now numbered with letters. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 29 to 36 lines. The writing is a fine, regular Estranged of the vith cent. This volume contains— I. Writings of Gregory Nyssen ; viz. 1. Eive discourses on the Lord's Prayer. Title, fol. 1 b :

ri'isardso.i rdoz-txa

.^TSa . °A rf1 re* i*7i T -i.i ^Orjrc'.i


»coctM«' o o - i a ^ i ^ j i s a l .i-ms .i ,cnG.i_»salAA i


ri'i^o^au.i, and divided into 151 sections (reiija) . Beginning, fol. 2 b: . ^ m'a

w*»i T rq.t


'.K&ai&uss.-t K*.! ns ^a >.*nAyjaa.i

r^ rc'co.lrill.

cn i 4* & ooa. n i n , yvcoariKocn»A\.,rt-ijLZ3 , coizLb . cniocna rïtacnl . cnl&ooo r&acns .s 27. On unclean thoughts, rdnx-o.« . cnAi^ia rc'èujx^jjèoa.i ,TWJL. . Qaai^ocC »VSO.t tcoovao.i ^•i^saas . Fol. 5 b. Imperfect at the end. 2. A tract entitled rfb\cuco^. (foil. 6 5, 7 5), " of asceticism." Eol. 6 a. Yery imperfect. It is a translation of the " tractatus ad Eulogium," but different from that in Add. 14,578, no. 3. 3. A tract entitled r^'i—ao.-t A— r ^ o i - v s o ^ i (fol. 10 6), "of the perfect life." Imperfect both at the beginning and end. Eol. 10 a. 4. The conclusion of the six centuries. Eol. 12 a. See Add. 14,578, no. 31, from fol. 143 b to the end. Subscription : ccsalx. ¿ULi . ri'iv-iw.v«rr ^mm'i r£UL»r*^:ta . r^cxArill «^cutA ^jtaiL iVAvLLiL ^A^reta . r^Qf» ^Acn »CDOai^ Aik. crA AA^a.i r&i.i^sa rd^Qoni vy^ni' rta&xxza ^ L r d s a a . ^ t o i n A u rsiA.i, Ar^ ¿^acn^cuoori'.'t rCiOL. cucuxsA . K'i-^&.t rAv^3r.i cnsa>oa Av. >cnai-njSa.i . Beginning : . ri'cralr^'.i r£scu».-t K'Sx^zu v\ . jt-a . ri^reliao.i r^i-xjjC* . rdaicon r£^cni.i . « j j j ' «ix«J ocn AicA *isa.i±>9a 7. Letter to a convent of Recluses, on the kmK'o >cnar^ ¿^^^iivl cnAtal ^ocoi-rja.t.i rest of the world from the oifences that were ^ QM Kjjr^c* in it. Pol. 113 a. pa ¿n.iiut.ri'.i joJi ri'i-aVl r^liT. A*. rdrL=ui.1 r^i-»:iA rJ.» «lion •T'I\.I ^ t s q s . .i-i»Av5q pf»irrq.1 a i i c a u i a ens OQCD1 K^o^i&i .1 *iSi^oliw cnaa.t^o . 0230^ r^Tli'i-t r^'jiv h\oX r» riLii-w r^sAi^.i

«^ocnl ....&

. >x.o . ^ocnrocvxn.'i r^ii&tcuA.i •Another note on the same page, also partially effaced, states that the volume was incorporated with the library of the convent of Mar Maron in the year 1056 (A.D. 745). >i£a.1 r.i r iuu.T riU»pdla . ¡¿sat* . ,coOi.Hn "TTi^ reiA^l ear) ri'ija.l Aa . Kl\nft>r^.l ndl^-i rCi^i.i Aa »cno^ar^ (?) i tw .CUt.iAo . ^sari" )acus3 Underneath this stands one of the usual On fol. 126 b there is another note in anathemas, written in a current hand of the a somewhat more modern hand, a consitl1 th derable portion of which has been partially ix or x century. [Add. 17,169.] erased. It refers to the presentation of this and some other books to the convent of Mar Mar5n, by the priest Matthew and his disDLXXIII. ciples. K'^» p^isOTixswO r\

,cps : iVàvMuaxsa on\ 1



riiaCUjusaQ . rdA\cusx»cn:T rdw^o . rdi^Aasai

l à . rears' è\ol .



•• : ^¿sari

rd'iizjrdsa : CLSOJLX.

rdi_»i A s,o


col,.-, rdi-sardsa rdi^ijc. ^UiCU »T-S3.1 cnA_.s ^ojcia Ai.» ^ T » .soo»*

•• : : rdsa \ s..

era V j.i .t_a>

Beginning: :crA v a r f a



\ s \o

rdArëfa_t. ^>t\b\ ¿son

KLacu* .vm : rdr.3a_n.i «LuaiAo ri'vaAo .re*«an \ ^-M eaAo—^.


rdjA^àx. ^oaA&o :

: ^aisardin rfbXu. o\nx. cni^Lax.*


>cp.i , crai ^oivl rdli

(^¿v^oaCOLa ^iiii Mb\\J.b\a

. rduiai

c. On S. Matthew, ch. v. 8, fol. 37


. çs'.vmîK' .icu*As »en ,cn mJ^az..!

^i&.TI ^iL»rdl ^ocnxacv^.i rdsa^d^ a en As.

: ^saxsaXo isardsaA iurdiètliu ^AaA Aèu oep

. rdoalrdl >caUOV*U ^CV.lcp.1 (sic) ^acaLa

rdièuso ràcil •• : rc^i çia O.lcril^ .

ri'.t-jàv^. r e n i a i , Beginning : rc'^vwi ryn e^OAiSMU.'l ^QAi'i'w.l

. ^ij'T n*?3

rç'icUk.x rdi:vi»- rdiT-irè" rd-iT.cùi ^^oviiis ï

r , •:• rs i\sigue-»r< .i rdi^axA r£xsnb\1 ràwfttm : rdrirn ,flocu_»i^aji rill on . cn^cuA^Avsaa »cnoàuK'.i . jjC\t_=jc\ . c. The third discourse, fol. 77 b : ri'i^arei&a v^K' •:• pi'vaj.^ Avijx^n ^a CD^cuia^a.l ri'tiri' cnL.i caLs K'AxlAw [ri'iop^uo] ,TS9 k'ctAk'A ri'iàusaLi r£.u.\V-n . Beginning: •w^^axsol-s. Aujcn rdl&CD : isart^n ^ IWsusj.i t^èvb^u cnl&lo rdil-óXa 0 AxordA^ >ono4uri'.i v«^ rc'i-.i-i. rei2iia.n y ¿art* r^lVAr^ . »oooxiri'.i ICLqà .. v^ri" »iiiCLax. K'.V«» . rrtci^ rc'ia^.\ r£ov-=» COZJIOÀ9 . >lv. rdl^o . AO . rdsa* ^a r^lu.i - r i d i sasa rr6> rdi^rj'iri' pi'H-l».! cni».i is'tai^ 1 caisut.

ocn r^onAri'.i . rt'AvAAi K^Hj» . JL.a


Another note, written in a rather inelegant Estrangela, informs us that the book belonged to the convent of the blessed Shu'aidun and of John the recluse, who came after him, which is situated on the hill of (-^en, east of .^Avsa Castra. rslicn rcisAiA ^..t .^ojyi-s-cux. rO-aoA^.i K'AUU.-UD K'i-im 1 «A ^-.TJ.l Or» «aooj.i.i (-Acn oa_.Av_»r3 icu^x-.i »cncujrC Fol. 8 a. 6. p d a o o . i ^ K'V-wcn ^ s a x . 1 ^ L K " , »cnArc' i s a • Q. s I.n ^ ocn .i .1 Si . v ^ a a j i y V^K" »liflojAo concerning what he heard and saw among the Fathers. Fol. 9 a. At the foot of fol. 47 a a reader has 7. ri'.uLsAèt rc'i^a .i^, to his disciple Written: 1».I ndi.icncusA natural state. Fol. 28 a. 10. rd.c\ï-ï- rcljj.rx'.i ri'octAa^ Ai^na, for the r^rf • A.\g.'ai »Liw k A ^ L i . There are training of novices. Fol. 28 b. similar, though shorter, notes on foil. 1 b 11. r'» A n n c A i-Sardi.i >crj • •¿Jt .

.an^acm ,

( s i c ) yZu



K'.'U» .

c u

T h i s is a s u g i t h a o f

J a c o b of B a t n a e . [Add. 14,575.]

Pol. 1 b contains an index to t h e contents o f t h e v o l u m e , p^'isariisas

r a t h e r r u d e h a n d o f t h e viii t h c e n t . , b e g i n -




O n foil. 2 a n d 3 a w e r e a d t h e l a m e n t o f Simon P e t e r after his apostasy, w r i t t e n in a


m cp cLaansaA o v a r i i r l l r ^ a . r ^

rd^cxflor^ pi'vs A x


1 9 . Qi \


CD.TL A x nil»

Pol. 68 b .

t h e grain of mustard. 18. r^isou

P o l . 5 9 b.



K'i-rj A * . - = . rcn AA^aj

. j l o . ri^cvii- ^Li. ^ a j n.*aii . 12. ptfliiiMi re'Auiia A3^sa. 13. rivxL»» A^sa. Eol. 45 14. CtAsxi-Q at.iv&dftr^.'t E o l . 46 a. 15. r£x*xn E o l . 48 a. 16. rcdar«'.-» r ^ i i - o a » A\sa 17.

E o l . 37 a.

E o l . 45 a. a. \ »rC1 AA^sa .

•:• -r- •:• -t- ^aà^.i ^-¿3 As.. A note on the same page informs the manuscript was written for the of the Watch-tower, near Ràs'ain, expense of the abbat Cyrus and his Gabriel, a priest and periodeutes. r£x».-ia





rC&ooo AA^sa .

E o l . 52 b.

^C\cn.\. ».t

K'vsacvb.* c n L j

K'coAri'il . ^ocrajcià^is.1 r d l n a O L Q


. ¿t-a caJSix. AA^sa.i c\cn O f the notes on fol. 84 6, the most ancient appears to be the following: œo^o.-torc'èi ^jso i^no rdJcn rùoèn-^. è>ui-J r^i*^) JJAT ocn . rtiuLu^ r^ioèvA

E o l . 51 b.


. ,cocu»rtf r^ia^-wa w'tit n

K'.vrL .


. QaLa&oor^.l

A j p ^ i a ^ , " * » ® . ,icun

us that convent at the brother

rcb rdA-SO-i .

AV» " I , the humble Theodotus, have pointed this book, without an exemplar (to guide



me). But let him who can obtain a suitable exemplar make what corrections are needed, for the love (of God) At the foot of the page is a deed of gift, hi/% by which one Abi (or TJbai, ?), the son of Saliiba, of Tagrit, gave-this book, together with a copy of the Acts and the Pauline Epistles, to his daughter Sara, A. H. 273, A.D. 886-7. It is very carelessly written, and some words are no longer legible. rrliK' rcnoiv_*K' 3. ^c\c\coji rCjird\ ^ocrA rcp c^cnsa&vxssa : ^»nooK'l K'ia.TSa.i 4. pdnno P^VMO »&MZ..1 ^A.K' A^so; K'v-n."! ocn . «luiocon imperfect at the beginning. Eol. 1 1 a. . , ens ^A^oAvi.rc'.i 5. co.t>»A^ . i ^ ; imperfect. Eol. .»cnciscvu oA 13 a. See Add. 14,575, nos. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7. A reader whose name seems to have been [Add. 14,670, foil. 8—13.] Jonah, has written on foL 55 b the words:

^sa.i [K* ,i \ [isa in p i ^ ¿tt=j rc'irtLoo.i rill en





Vellum, 9| in. by 6§, consisting of 1 1 Seven vellum leaves, about 9 J in. by 5f, leaves, the last of which is much torn and of which the first two and the last are much the first slightly so. Each page is divided stained and torn (Add. 17,201, foil. 26—32). into two columns, of from 28 to 30 lines. The writing is good and regular, of the ixth This manuscript is written in a good, regular or xth cent., with from 26 to 29 lines in each hand of about the xth cent., and contains— page. They contain— Part of the works of Isaiah of Scete; viz. Part of the writings of Gregory the monk 1. rdr&j.i rdAiitasi n^vsarilsa . Eol. 1 h. (fol. 28 b, at the top, reLt.-iun* ¿ » a - i ^ i ^ J . 2. oisarfo ^¿aAu pdi^v^ivaa j flrc.s-HA»See Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. i., p. 170, and fAcn . Eol. 4 a. Add. 12,163, fol. 240 b. 3. «^OusjJ.1 pdiiril rxd'o rdi^rc'.l 1. rtLjiri' ¿\oA.i .puim^tw^n; imperfect. Eol. 26 a. r^i*». Eol. 5 b. 4. rthcaLxasa A\sa . Eol. 7 b. 2. K'sKli. A^ . Eol. 26 a. 5. cdsal^. ^Auiivso.i ^_CUCQ\ rdi.vBcxa. Qliff.1 ^alir^il oaLa.t Eol. 8 a. rc&aLLsala rtf&cu&.iAo reduiMCti. Eol. 26 b. 6. ¡w^ ^ o .¿¿ox..! (A»«* . 4. A^.; imperfect.. Eol. Eol. 9 a. Imperfect. 26 b. See Add. 14,575, nos. 1—6. [Add. 17,201, foil. 26—32.] The note on fol. 1 a states that the manuscript belonged to one Zachariah, the son of John, who bequeathed it after his death to the monks "of this convent" (S. Mary DeiDLXXXII. para?), to be sold and its price divided among them, that he might be remembered Vellum, about 12|- in. by 9, consisting of in their prayers, rdina ja^.re'a 135 leaves (Add. 12,142, foil. 108—242),


(sic) K\icn re'Avsno» ^-Sa . ^lucu i a . r^iST r^ ^a crA ¿vA^sa.i rs'^^icvrs ^ a o . «VSOAK'.I r^ri^ana cnx°a.i rdLaio&l.l v^rC . »cnacnarti'

ctls r^ixU.I «»j^ AA^a rd\t? rtve? oiovrai Karwdev avca /3OV\O/JL6VOV elprj/J,eva>v eve/cev,

"Abraham (the son) of Denha: Abraham the monk " (MO for /¿ow^o?). On fol. 18 b the scribe has drawn a bird, apparently pecking at fruit; and on fol.

171 a, another bird on a tree, beside which he has written the word k'io (Jf), " goose." [Add. 14,558.]

DLXXXIY. Yellum, about lOf in. by 8, consisting of 112 leaves, many of which are much stained and torn, especially foil. 1—12, 45, 59, 69, 82, 83, 87, 88, 91, 92, 94—96, 98—101, 104 and 112. The quires were at least 18 in number (fol. 105, j*-» ) . They are signed with both letters and arithmetical figures (e.g. fol. 47, \ and rju^). Leaves are wanting at the beginning, as well as after foil. 1, 11, 14, 70, 73, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97 and 103. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 28 to 36 lines. This volume is written in a good, regular Estrangela of the vith cent., and contained— The Commentary of John Ohrysostom on the Gospel of S. Matthew, homm. i.— xx. The text now commences, on fol. 1 a, with the passage corresponding to the Greek Tivos ovv eveicev e^vrjaOT]; 'Hvka efieWev avTov? twctbiv T) &dfiap , t&v mSlvcop Trapayevofieveov, etyveyice irpSnov o Zapa rrjv k. T. X.; Opera, t. vii., p. 42, hom. iii. Homm. vii. —xii. and xx. are complete, with the exception of the two torn leaves, foil. 45 and 59. The rest are all more or less imperfect, the principal lacunae being: p. 43, 1. 12—p. 62, 1. 22; p. 86, 1. 27—p. 89, 1. 20; p. 96, last line—p. 108, 1. 9; p. 203, 1. 26—p. 207,1. 21; p. 210, last line—p. 212, 1. 12; p. 230,1. 40—p. 232, 1. 12; p. 235,1.19—p. 236, 1. 27; p. 238,1. 3—p. 239, 1. 30; p. 240, penult line—p. 243,1. 40; p. 245,1. 19—p. 246,1. 40; p. 249, 1. 34—p. 264, 1. 25, with the exception of two small fragments from pp. 252—3; p. 265,1.38—p. 277,1. 21; and p. 287, 1. 32—p. 291,1.11. [Add. 14,560.] 3o 2



»^ocna iuni'.T rt'is^Aa .

DLXXXY. Vellum, about 10§ in. by 6§, consisting of 107 leaves, of which a few are slightly stained and torn, especially foil. 8 and 107. The quires, signed with letters, are at present 11 in number. A leaf is wanting after fol. 18, and several quires after fol. 98. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 28 to 33 lines. This volume is written in a good, regular Estrangela of the vith cent., and contained— The Commentary of John Chrysostom on the Gospel of S. Matthew, homm. xvii.—xxxii. Title, fol. 2 6 : rdnZ.ClSk.-l rfAu^jnC K^cOs^ a&ucncu ,'isa r^iaa^.1 »¿vsa.-t . The end of hom. xxiv. is wanting, the whole of homm. xxv.—xxxi. and the beginning of hom. xxxii. Hom. xviii. is also slightly imperfect. Subscription, fol. 107 a: ne'Aui»»r rilS-».TX3.1 [ri'i^-a] K'T^a rdlri' (?) K'UnrC . . . p3 e^OASOJC. K* rdi . . . ndxfla&» relx-asaa K^ViiA^Sv


. .¿»¿v^.i As*. rdi^. ri'i-os AA r^n.Tu.t Perhaps Macarius, the sixty-ninth patriarch of Alexandria, is meant, who sat from A.D. 1103 to A.D. 1129. See Eenaudot, Hist. Patr. Alexand. Jacob., p. 483. [Add. 12,161.]


Vellum, about 9f in. by 6f, consisting of 141 leaves, one of which, fol. 10, is much stained and torn. The quires, signed with th letters, were 19 in number, but the first is Below this we read, in a hand of the x cent.: [? jaruB.iGK'Ax.i] r£icn KiaiiA tcnoiure' imperfect at the beginning, and the second and third are lost. Each page is divided fcjjy i^anltii 1 1 !^ . . . . r^irC rtliii.i into two columns, of from 29 to 37 lines. i-oJSOK'.l K'iCftW.I fflTM A-S». p^iuai AA This volume is written in a good, regular hand of the viith or viiith cent., and contained— r^Lsacus Av-in re* i^no >,n,*a >l».i The Commentary of John Chrysostom on cnl r£l T-iri" . rcii.ii oco the Gospel of S. John, homm. lx.—lxxxviii. pa arc* coi^q »cncu-L^u.i QK1 >cncA^_ Homm. lx., lxi., and lxiii. are imperfect; rc'crApi' oasaivxsa.i am oaA>.i r^i^aci^. and hom. lxii. is altogether wanting. The text commences with the words AJ^-so.i ri'crAri'.t K'ivLsa A&. » j ^ . : i a i . t *, for the use of the abbat Thomas signed with both arithmetical figures and and the rest of the brotherhood. ¿vsAAulk' letters; a later hand has renumbered them ^»i s.i \OSnb\ JJT»rT-=> Klsci^t Kix».HJ K'isaavsi Estrangela, and dated A. Gr. 895, A.D. rdL»in\ •. ri'AviJ-sjcvi K'.icn RF&^ZU&O YXSOA 584. Foil. 54, 55, 64, 65, 91 and 98, are in . tjf n •73 ioaJS3.i coAa pi'o-^.t rdii^a-iAo a different and somewhat later hand. It 1» »rc'o . K'caAK' pa—Mio Äu.V/3 contains— ÄVJÄUI-RS The third part of the Commentary of John CQL.I PC'JJ.I T »I RDSAOR^I« . CNI^A . K'i.sacUw.i Ohrysostom on the first Epistle of S. Paul to r^i r*73 if'ao r^iTi'mi the Corinthians, homm. xxxiv.—xliv. See crxncvjj .\^*73.i ^Acn . orasa^-.i önla. r^iiour^o Opera, t. x., pp. 361—484; Migne, Patrol. CU3.-IT. vylsa.i rdisAcoa \\j~aa : I^ WI T*M.I Gr., t. lxi., col. 285. In this manuscript there is also another division into sections, rdsao^. ciauMr^o . ^oorajjir^o numbered from 38 to 48. The translation . r^i^a.l .fluni* IK* ^cnl&a K'icnx.a K ' i » ^ was made in the city of Callinicus (al-HakK'Äu-aiaA orA ArdjL.I ^>.1 AA . AO rc'crAri'.l kah, aLifjl). Title, fol. 2 b: ¿Afc.i r ^ . m t caxzn .naixaj.i OK" ^muftm ops' K'i-ni.i rc'.icn ¿iClA.i r^T—i^K'.l K' n t.O-A.1 p^ocn •• ffiLXSa jifln ia rdsaoni'Av.i^iQ



enUa . n£-»A\l'iaj3 ¿IOA.I ^Aviiui K'^i^K'.-t KlioicvsA.i V^K* .ftti^Aa&ot^aa pi'Au . r ^ i u i c u i A\*rnr> cazAJ AcC^so KliLsara . *z.o ^ftcn&w «Ma 1 i v rdiu^l r^MuAiL A^sa . ^Acn ¿aab\Q pdj-uicuj»

Î \ „JOCT-I •:• r^iii-Ty

3P 2



In a later addition we are told that one Thomas corrected or repaired the volume: Avan iflr>. i ^ i ^ a rdssar^Ai ca&^iz.^ rdLuMSa r^lu* K'OOAK' ^JM \ . cos pC'vnl t-Lx. ¿\al.1 K'&iiy^ri'.T rdnJLCva.l K'èxxnia .±>è\&sa\ . JLO »1^. r^l^J.I çlttO* li-Sa r^jèusoî^a r^aQfiU».! Below is the single word rs'Axasa, " death," a written thus: . 2. The Epistle to Philemon, rc" n r.o-a A, From the marginal note on fol. 2 a, it . Fol. 23 a. See Opera, t. xi., pp. 839 appears that there were once bound with this volume a discourse on Faith and extracts —863; Migne, t. lxii., col. 701. The fragfrom the Fathers: . r^cujaucn A^. .aa&a ments remaining are : t. xi., p. 840, 1. 28— . t A\cAl r^Ati^ri'.i Fol. 1 a. See Opera, t. xi., pp. 218—367; Migne, Patrol. Gr., t. lxii., col. 177. The fragments remaining are: t. xi., p. 223, 1.18 —p. 225, 1. 22; p. 226, 1. 32—p. 227,1. 34;

Vellum, about in. by 6f, consisting of 84 leaves (Add. 14,566, foil. 29—112), some of which are much stained and torn, especially foil. 29, 69—74,90, 99, and 106—112. Several of the quires are altogether wanting, and others are very imperfect. They are signed with letters. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 34 to 37 lines. The writing is a good, regular Estrangela, of the vith or viith cent. This manuscript contains— Portions of the Commentaries of John Chrysostom on— 1. The Epistle to the Colossians, reLnx.a& . coxicncu r^cocilcia ^al.i ec'ivT-^rC.i Fol. 29 a. See Opera, t. xi., pp. 370—490 ; Migne, Patrol. Gr., t. lxii., col. 299. The portions missing are : t. xi., p. 370—p. 376, 1. 11; p. 427, 1. 38 —p. 428, last line (with the exception of a fragment) ; p. 430, 1. 13—p. 434, 1. 1; p. 438, 1. 27—p. 439, 1. 43; p. 452, 1. 23—p. 456, 1.13; p. 461, 1.43—p. 465, 1. 35 ; and p. 477, 1. 29—



p. 479, 1. 8. Colophon, fol. 108 a: >A_x.


* 'YiA A'V A^A^mcirn r^aaaQaarV ^LmCU 2. The Epistle to Titus : rf n to—a, ^LMCU .

Colophon, fol. 119 a : rs*n i oa

AxxA.ia ^ImCU



r^. i..n, i >i—.1 i^caior^ .j»»



rs^wlt.1 «¡4-.1 710*=» [ r e ^ i a a crA] AAu Erom a note on fol. 1 a it appears that this was one of the 250 volumes brought to



the convent of S. Mary Dcipara by the abbat Moses of Nisibis, A. Gr. 1243, A.D. 982. On fol. 120 a there is part of a perhaps somewhat earlier note, concluding with one of the usual anathemas. On the verso of the same leaf, two readers, of comparatively recent date, have recorded their names, Behnam and Gregory. r^i) »o'i r£*M r^lsa Kllcn t^sii&s .T^ri' * , > u rdsaiviksao rC'ri'^i ' • . ; tJurf OS 1*1 . r^lflflio K'.T-a.TJ K'livBO _

DXCVII. Vellum, about 10| in. by 6f, consisting of 201 leaves, some of which are slightly stained and soiled. The quires, 20 in number, are signed with both letters and arithmetical figures (e.g. fol. 20,


40, ™; fol. 120, J ^ j ; fol. 192,


later hand has renumbered them with letters only. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 26 to 30 lines. This volume is written in a fine, regular Estrangela of the vith cent., and contains— Homilies of John Chrysostom, rcAuroa q&jcocu r«ix».To:i; viz. 1. Eive homilies "de incomprehensibili Deinatura," K'cnWs cn&cu&isiu'M r^l Ai-.t . Eol. 2 See Opera, t. i., p. 543; Migne, Patrol. Gr., t. xlviii., col. 701. The fifth homily ends with the passage, fol. 57 a, woWaKi9 /cal ruv %eipa)v /cal tcov irohav e/ctceKo/Mfievcov, K. T. x., t. i., p. 594, 11.18—20.

• Kf ii ».it ^.Avnft rfby 'r; n o . fVr V \ . ^co-Ire's rc'iiQ-ii^.vsa JLi. . AuK'i» A\j.a Subscription, fol. 178 a, K'issr&a >1*. r^ajaHr^.i, the scribe having apparently omitted to reckon the five homilies in no. 1. 4. Extract from a homily, showing that the observance of Lent is not sufficient to qualify us for partaking of the holy Eucharist on the great day of the Resurrection of our Lord. See Opera, t. ii., p. 234, from the beginning to p. 237, 1. 40, *ai yap •KoXXa 7roXXa/ct? r/fiapTijica/Mev roiavTa J Migne, t. xlix., col. 197. Title, fol. 178 a i . n l x . ^IS.IHk'^ «¡»O^ {1 A&cb rCA.i r^T .xa KW'i-a cu^o&v r iw\ r^saiu.i rilrc' . cD^iMuo.-t rti^ai R^acua . cni\c\iAuJS3 .Ar^ ^osaaA t^x^siisn . .s.c\ . rdx&s.i 5. Extract from hom. ix. on the Gospel of S. Matthew: . K'isar^sa pa CO . »Avso.l KloX.Cl^.l



oo.ioico K'oco . Pol. 182 b. See Opera, t. (bishop) John, (consisting of) — quires of vii., p. 151, commencing with 1, 22, 'EvravOa five sheets " or ten leaves (irewaSi/cSi ?) . The running titles of this manuscript on pot, /¿era aiepifieias irpoakyere, and ending with foil. 9 b, 19 b, 29 b, 39 b, and 49 6, are p. 155,1. 4. 6. Horn. viii. on the first Epistle to the ornamented with figures of birds, and birds Thessalonians, K^x.ei&i rdjjjsaiw rCvsar^sa are also sketched in outline on fol. 1 a and 6. On fol. 201 a there is a rude drawing of a . rda^JoAoo^ K'AXJLSJJW deer. Fol. 187 a. See Opera, t. xi., p. 553. [Add. 14,567.] 7. Extract from hom. v. on the Gospel of S. Matthew, K'isirsiso rtb\cu-^isa A^m^U.t ¿.it rdl.iet tivsa.t r d n i c a j rdxSOjj.l DXCVIII. rdai rdsacu oona ^uai&.l rdJTuri' ^¿csa^-a*. Pol. 198 b. See Opera, t. vii., p. Yellum, about 9J in. by 6|, consisting of

91, 1. 13, ha iM)Seh eavrov airoyivaxTKy, Trpo tovtov paOvfjLo^ rjv, as far as p. 94,1.

On fol. 200 b, after the doxology, we read a note, in a different hand, stating that this volume was purchased for the convent of , on the hill called rCai.*. , in the year 929, A.D. 618, when George was abbat. Some one has partially erased the name of the place and the anathema at the end. rdXjita rdiX-CUiA K'Auni ^¡t Aua.Hf*' iviT-i [. K'sta K'icv^a.i i** itwH


. .VT.^XO ^»itns o

tcav 13 leaves, most of which are much frayed or 8.torn along the outer edges. Each page is

divided into two columns, of from 25 to 29 lines. This manuscript, which is palimpsest (with the exception of fol. 9), is written in a good, regular hand of the ixth or Xth cent., and contains— Homilies of John Chrysostom; viz. 1. On the Prodigal Son; imperfect at the beginning. Pol. 1 a. See Opera, t. viii., p. 656, from Kal tovto St/Xoi Sta tcov ¿tf>e^rjct ens K'vs-l.l K\"S®i 3. On the Human Nature of our Lord, r^iAsa b\a.nii\ . >vxja.i ^ i s a s coAicvsJrc' , beginning, fol. 4 a : oaA r^A-2»a.i ndsj.-p»cb Jag i \ b\izaa. Imperfect at the beginning. discourse. A note at the end, in the handwriting of 2. The commencement of the first disthe scribe, states that the manuscript was course of John Chrysostom to Theodore: written for the monk Joseph, of the place Kiacuuaaa-at^ .m i laacu called "little Baddaya," K'&ia^.t nd».T=>, . A*.* . jaftAcv°i>.\.\mcu>.i near Harran: rCucx&a rc^co tCa&a, ,cno^v»pf [Add. 14,669, fol. 19.] po »caiAD.i . K'ivi-.ivia DCII. Eight paper leaves, about 10£ in. by 6|, of which the first two and the last are much torn. There are from 34 to 36 lines in each page. The writing is of the xiiith cent. They contain— Extracts from the homilies of John Chrysostom on the Gospel of S. Matthew; viz. 1. From hom. lix. See Opera, t. vii., p. 664, 1. 36, aXK' ¿fioto)? iraai iravra eiraviaraTai. This extract is imperfect at the beginning. Fol. 1 a.

. »coo^.ri'.i rduAa& ^saa . COS

t-i.i r^iuut

^JLI^ko »CDCU-il.t r^liiift « \ . .i-a [Add. 14,630, foil. 29—41.] DCIY.

Five vellum leaves, about 8f in. by 5§, * Or rather of John IV., called o Nijoteut^s (Jejunator, or the Faster), patriarch of Constantinople, A.D. 582—595 (Le Quien, Or. Christ., t. i., eol. 226). See the Works of Chrysostom, ed. Saville, t. vii., p.. 641.




pill more or less stained and the last much mutilated (Add. 17,160, foil. 19—23). Each page is divided into two columns of 29 or 30 lines. The writing is a good, regular Estrangela of the vith or viith cent. They contain— Portions of the discourse of Marcus the monk on the Spiritual Law. See Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. iii., pars 1, p. 45; Gallandii Bibl. Yett. Patrum, t. yiii., p. 1; Migne, Patrol. Gr., t. lxv., col. 905. There are lacunse after foil. 19 and 21.

and mutilated (Add. 17,217, foil. 20—32). The quires are signed with letters (fol. 27 a, a). There are from 31 to 37 lines in each page. The writing is good and regular, of the ixth cent. These leaves contain— Portions of the Commentary of Theodore of Mopsuestia on the book of Genesis (see Migne, Patrol. Gr., t. lxvi., coll. 633—646). The first or introductory discourse, K'isar^so K^SJÍWJ , is imperfect at the beginning, fol. 20 a. The second discourse begins on fol. 23 b. Poll. 24—30 comprise frag[Add.. 17,160, foil. 1 9 - 2 3 . ] ments of the commentary on ch. i. and ii.; fol. 31, of that on ch. xxii. The greater part of these fragments has D C Y . been edited, with a Latin translation, by Dr. Sachau in his work, "Theodori MopVellum, about 9§ in. by 6|, consisting of suesteni Pragment'a Syriaca," Leipzig, 1869. 42 leaves, all more or less soiled, torn, and [Add. 17,217, foil. 20—32.] mutilated. The quires are signed with letters (fol. 21 a, but their number is quite uncertain, not one being complete. There are from 30 to 33 lines in each page. D C V I I . This manuscript is written in a good, regular hand of about the ix th cent., and contains— Pive vellum leaves, about in. by A Commentary on the two discourses of the second and third of which are much Marcus the monk on the Spiritual Law, torn (Add. 14,668, foil. 32—36.). Each page r f » \ >»oi


A v.i


is divided into two columns, of from 27 to 29 lines. The writing is a fine, regular Estrangela, of the vith cent. They contain— Portions of the Commentary of Theodore of Mopsuestia on the twelve minor Prophets (see the original Greek in Mai, Scriptorum Veterum Nova Collectio, t. vi., or Migne, Patrol. Gr., t. lxvi., col. 124); viz. Hosea, ch. viii. 7—12, fol. 32. Joel, ch. i. 19—ii. 2, fol. 33; and ch. ii. 20—26, fol. 34. Amos: part of the introduction, fol. 35; [Add. 17,270.] and ch. ii. 3—5, fol. 36. These fragments have been edited by Dr. Sachau, with the corresponding Greek text, D C Y I . in " Theodori Mopsuesteni Pragmenta SyThirteen vellum leaves, about 9f in. by riaca," Leipzig, 1869. 6f, several of which are much stained, torn, [Add. 14,668, foil. 32—36.]

.flocinisa.i, apparently either that of Babaeus, or that of Abraham bar Dashendad, more probably the former. See Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. iii., pars 1, pp. 96 and 194. First discourse. Pol. 1 a. Second discourse. Pol. 18 a. The last four leaves, foil. 38—42, seem to contain a survey of the general scope and arrangement of the two discourses, divided into several chapters.



DC VIII. Eighteen vellum leaves, about 10§ in. by 8§, nearly all more or less stained, torn, and mutilated. The quires are signed with letters (fol. 6 b, Each page is divided into two columns, of from 34 to 37 lines. The writing is a small, elegant, Edessône Estrangëlâ, of the vth or vith cent. They contain— . Fragments of the treatise of Theodore of Mopsuestia on the Incarnation of our Lord, divided into 15 books.* See O. E. Eritzsehe, de Theodori Mopsuesteni vita et scriptis commentatio (Halae, 1836), p. 88; Migne, Patrol. Gr., t. lxvi., col. 55 ; Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. iii., .pars 1., p. 33 ; Cave, Hist. Liter., t. i., p. 387. Whether the leaves, as now arranged, are in correct sequence, is very uncertain. The 43d section, , begins on fol. 4 b ; and tt the 6 discourse ends on fol. 6 b, with the subscription K'iaordsa jAx.. The th 50 section, ^ , commences on fol, 7 b. On fol. 10 b we find the conclusion of the 8 th discourse and the commencement of the 9th, comprising sections - \ c o , *co , and coco, which have been subsequently altered into .10», co Qo , and ©co . The 10th discourse ends, and the 11th begins, on fol. 11 b. On fol. 12 b there is also the running title tttVTM* rCisardsa . The 78th and 79th sections appear on fol. 17 b. These fragments have been edited, with a Latin translation, by Dr. Sachau, in " Theodori Mopsuesteni Eragmenta Syriaca," Leipzig, 1869. Eol. 8 has been used in binding a volume of the discourses of Jacob of Batnae, as appears from the titles written on the verso :

U. ^jlocd A^.* r^'isordao JJT^.1 r^i^s ocb A&.o •:• I^I'WTH fctak (sic) i fti v. •:• «cocksaib «^Vsarj (sic) cniu*93 Ass •:• ri'&oiursa •:• rdia'i Av.t •:• K'iuj.Tsa X ^ a AA-.I rdnoasai:! r^sacu» On fol. 11 b there is written, in a still more modern hand, the name of one John D


of Damascus, K ' i ^ a (sic) i ^ m i n i m i ^iajcu rc'oArtf' A^sa rd*o crA (sic) ^Viu W» k'i^HO )(Po\\i ft\y [Add. 14,669, . foil. 1—18.]

DCIX. Yellum, about 10 in. by 6f, consisting of 44 leaves, many of which are much stained and torn, especially foil. 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, and 33—37. The quires seem originally to have been 17 in number, and to have been signed with both letters and arithmetical figures (see fol. 38 a, apparently At present, many are lost, and scarcely one of those that remain is complete. Each page is divided into three columns, of from 36 to 42 lines. This volume is written in a good, current hand of the vi a or viith cent., and contains— The Glaphyra of Cyril of Alexandria, probably in the translation of Moses of Agel (see Assemani, Bibl. Or., t. ii., p. 82), oocvA_»icun t^ia. ?> \ ^

rdjisjuw •> W.i . See Opera, ed. Aubert, 1638, t. i.; Migne, Patrol. Gr., t. lxix. The portions extant are: p. 15, B—p. 44, A ; p. 65, A—p. 67, 0 ; p. 69, D—p. 71, E ; p. 86, D—p. 89, B ; p. 144, E—p. 147, C; • The Greek title seems to have been Ilepl ¿vavdpu- p. 169, D—p. 176, B ; p. 185, D—p. 191, A ; irrjatuis TOV vioii TOV ©eo5 \oyoi ie'; that of the Syriac transp. 199, A—p. 201, E ; p. 317, C—p. 342, D ; lation was, perhaps, r \ ii « 1.1 cava kLAiV rtiioa rivS9 rdl »saoLa.i cn&lsns cucn — cauq „saiv&l.l Ortf" ens rVi-nl.l crA Another note, on fol. 43 a, informs us that the priest Serguna of Harran, a recluse

. *x.o »cnoo^M.1 ^ n i a i A^sja cn3u.i The last two leaves contain a discourse of Julius, bishop of Rome, on the Eaith, written in a hand of about the ixth cent., commencing on fol. 43 b: : r^Aia. \ -n-.cni : «'i^ardsa : rdsuooois : rd&i^iA^ : oaAou : ^ y -i ni >»i» : — : rdAi.i-i-.i : f ^ i ^ i i : rdL^lsao ^sa.l rdi-s Qcn ocra.i . vsareij.i ^ s pdocaJ rdjui-ij ^_cvJcb ^sa .• oca ^aaAvsa . rVorAri'.i rtfu'n eu'iaiir^j r. iViiriX-a-a (see Dr. Payne Smith's edition, p. 5, line 19). The remaining homilies are complete. Subscription, fol. 137 b: ^jAu^-mA >lLxI.t rcLi.icocUw r£k«A ndsA's AikC\ Klirc' (sic) u ia&.i pc'i^wsri'.'i ri'vA rdndvik oAv.k'o ocn it* i«»*a ^Acn ,aaj»ivaa

These homilies of Cyril have been carefully edited from this manuscript and Add. 14,551, by the Rev. Dr. Payne Smith, Oxford, 1858; and the same scholar has published an English translation in two volumes, Oxford, 1859. [Add. 14,552.]

DCXIII. Yellum, about 10J in. by 6f, consisting of 164 leaves (Add. 12,135, foil. 44—207), some of which are much injured by damp, especially at the beginning and end. The quires, 17 in number, are signed with letters. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 29 to 34 lines. This manuscript is written in a good, regular Estrangela, and dated A. Gr. 922, A.D. 611. I t contains— The first half, or chapp. i—xx., of the Thesaurus of Cyril of Alexandria, concerning the Holy and Consubstantial Trinity, n /3t/3Xo? r&v ©r](ravpwv irepl tjjs ayias tcai ofioovaiov TptdSo «A A&jsaiia .-| jtoouxticio ¿ua.i pdx..Tn See these headings in Opera, ed. Aubert, t. i., pp. 1 and 49; Migne, Patrol. Gr., (sic) ens re'vus OPS' cno rc'inJ.i crA Ardz..i A* cn 1 71»a. l.i OK" ori" t. lxviii., col. 131. This leaf seems to belong to Add. 14,553 .-• .Ar^ rd2k.i arf rclaoia^ caLSa ops' (no. DCXVIII.). [Add. 17,217, fol. 39.] »cnoli» Ore* ^-i-aoScv& ^a rdli orC rc'Ax'iiAX. ¿icA.i rdrJrc'

even riliAik.


»cnoHj^al crA ^¿ix^a rdAo

^.TJ rfaca s a ^ a m l cnl rfli&sa.i rdizi.v»-

Vellum, about 8| in. by 6|, consisting of 228 leaves, many of which are more or less stained and torn, especially foil. 1—32, 37, 38, 41, 216, 220, 221, and 224—228. The quires, originally 25 in number, are signed with both letters and arithmetical figures

v^.K' ^oan.V.i

(e. g. fol. 102, ^


; fol. 170, ° ; etc.). The

later signatures are erroneous. x Leaves are wanting at the beginning, and after foil. 4 and 12. Each page is divided into two columns, of from 29 to 35 lines. This volume is written'in a good, regular Estrangela of the viith cent., and contains— The first half of the treatise of Cyril of Alexandria on Worship in Spirit and in Truth, viz. books i.—viii. See Opera, ed. Aubert, t. i.; Migne, Patrol. Gr., t. lxviii., col. 133. Book i. commences with the passage KaOairep


Kai oi tcov AiyvTrritov




Opera, t. i., p. 13 B. The lacuna after fol. 4 extends from p. 19 B to p. 24 A ; and that after fol. 12, from p. 32 D to p. 34 E. Colophon, fol. 228 a : ^p^jsal jqJl*.

nr'n iT-731 )ma

^»n (sic) a&u&K' •:• rdJL^Jxsq Avu ^Lmaq ^acoTSaavja r^Aux»ai K'.ion



rc'crAri' »SOui K'enXri'.T K'Ataa^ V

»i-^J I^T.i.T.nO Jl.WtWiK' . .

^ooristt^.1 rt^TJc-.i k'ti.tq oosax.


[Add. 18,818.]

DCXVIII. Yellum, about 10 in. by consisting of 123 leaves, a few of which are much stained and torn, especially foil. 1, 3 and 122. The quires are 14 in number, but several of them are imperfect, leaves being missing at the beginning, as well as after foil. 1, 9, 14, 15, 18, 53 and 69. They were originally signed with both letters and arithmetical figures (e. g. fol. 47,

; fol. 56, ^ J , but a later

hand has marked them with letters only. 3B



Each page is divided into two columns, of from 32 to 36 lines. This volume is written in a good, regular Estrangela of the vith or viith cent., and contains— Part of the treatise of Cyril of Alexandria on Worship in Spirit and in Truth, jjcvi.t r - a r A . 1 , viz. books i.—v. The text commences with the words: ii&x. . .-iAa Auk* vajri", corresponding to the Greek, PAAA. Ev \e>yei re'ivi^jL^.i K b i u o : Kl^n »cw.i : .tm : i-^n peisAuiio : S-M »^cuixiT-^.i nissAiiio riLn-x.CVA : T-sj »ijsa.l riLrj^v-a. AurC ¿aab\0i : .tm KlfiaA^i^.l r^^oisq r^T.i n^ : .vu A^rdw.-t pi'iasow».'» .V»^. i^Tim ^im-ax' : .v« * nn Aincil.i r^ior^fl» »xsa iv.rc'i j n . n s i »isa.i rfbuJaiSs. r^sftJ^Ho :

^acui^ »isa.t


: ,a r^TiT n.i ri'^vxniSva : : r^isa^Q cast PC^uai K'icaAM.l pelaAvSk : s j j rdr\T.r