Vocabulary of Japanese grammatical idiom

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Vocabulary of Japanese grammatical idiom

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Dr. Daniel E L L E G I E R S Professor in the Universities o f Ghent and Brussels




Yftien translatin g from the Japanese, the student often encounters d iffic u ltie s which are due to grammatical idiom atic expressions, which usually he cannot solve with the help o f the available grammars and dictionaries. P a rticu la rly the compound idiom s, so frequently used in Japanese, are d i f f i c u l t to s p lit in to th e ir component parts, d i f f i c u l t to analyse and to tra n sla te . This l i s t is an attempt to help the student to overcome this problem. With i t s 850 en tries, th is vocabulary is fa r from being complete, the number o f en tries not being the resu lt o f a systematic search fo r completeness, but only o f a gathering o f such idiom as i t o cca sio n a lly appeared when reading Japanese. We endeavoured to give the idiom atic expression as complete as possible, in d ica tin g the pattern o f con stru ction , as fo r example, the flexion to which i t has to be su ffixed , or the p o stp osition which is needed to lin k the idiom to the preceding clause or noun. The examples which accompany each entry, illu s t r a te the use o f each idiom. Nearly a ll the examples have come from published prose and we avoided construeing examples fo r the purpose o f illu s t r a t io n . Some en tries have been added which cannot be s t r i c t l y ca lle d grammatical idiom. I t has been done fo r the sake o f c la r it y and often in order to make some follow in g idiom more understandable. Most entries have not been analysed at length, because th e ir component parts can be found in Henderson's Handbook o f Japanese Grammar, which is a must fo r every student o f Japanese. The English tra n sla tion o f the examples is fa r from being idiom atic English. We rather preferred to follo w the Japanese text as c lo s e ly as possible.

-Agerund. + AGERU s a fte r a gerund ageru is used humbly when an action is performed in favour o f somebody e ls e j (••• fo r you) ^

- Hon wo katte agemasho. Let me buy a book fo r you. - Taxi wo yonde agemasho. Let me c a ll a ta x i fo r you. I ' l l c a ll a taxi fo r you. - Tegami wo yonde agemasho ka. Shall I read the le t t e r to you ?

rentaikei + AIDA WA MADA : as fa r as . . . ,

en ce qui con cern e...

- Ningen nami ni namida ga deru aida wa mada,. . . As fa r as shedding tears lik e human beings i s co n ce rn e d ,... A IU : see


iu yo na

A IU FU NA :see a iu yo na A IU ID NA :that kind o f , that sort o f, lik e AMARU HODO :more than enough


= ari amatte iru .

ANO YO NA : see a iu yo na noun + no ARIGATASA NI s see no arigatasa ni ARI AMARU : see ari amatte iru ARI AMATTE IRU : to have too much, to have enough, to have to spare. - Ano toki no jibun wa ari amatte iru kofuku w o ,... The happiness I had too much, at that t im e ,... - Ari amatte iru o-kane wo bimbonin n i wake ataeyo. The money I can spare, I ' l l give to the poor. ... ARISO NA MONO DE ARU : in a l l p r o b a b ility . . . , is lik e ly t o . . . , i t is a possib le thing, he must have, he ought to have. - Ama yami wo suru ichimengasa ya momieboshi ga, mo ni san nin wa ariso na mono de aru. I t is lik e ly that two or three persons, women and men, might have taken sh elter.


rentaikei + de ARO : see rentaikei + de aro gerund + ARU ; has been . ..- e d ; i s . . . - e d ; a d je ctiv a l p a r t ic ip le , passive perfect tense, condition that is the resu lt o f an action . - Anata no heya wa s o ji shite arimasu. Your room is cleaned. Your room has been cleaned. - Niku wa kizande arimasu. The meat i s chopped. The meat has been chopped. ... + ARU BAKARI DE ARU s see tada . . . aru ba k a ri.. rentaikei + KOTO GA ARU (KA)


see koto ga aru (k a ).

substantive + ARU MONO KA : can there be such a . . . - Sonna bakamono ga aru mono ka. Can there be such fo o ls ? ATO ATO MADE MO s even afterwards - Go-on wa ato ato made mo wasurezu ni imasu. I ' l l never fo r g e t, even afterwards, your kindness. ATO HI WA : 1. a fte r 2. in i t s p la ce, in i t s stead. - Fuyu no ato ni wa, tanosh ii haru ga kuru. After the winter comes d elig h tfu l spring. - Ato ni wa tada sugi no negata ni o tto ga shibararete iru dake desu. In his place there was only my husband who was tie d to the stem o f a cedar. noun + (WO)ATO HI (SHITE) s leaving . . . behind - Tokoroga, nakifushita onna wo ato n i, yabu no soto e nigeyo to suru t o , . . . But when I was going to f l e e out o f the bush, leaving behind the women who had thrown h e r s e lf down c r y i n g ,... - Tokyo wo ato ni (s h ite ) watakushi wa shuppatsu shita. Leaving Tokyo behind, I started on a journey. AU : see tagai n i . . . au




renyokei + AWASERU ; 1. together, 2 . to happen to

1. -maze-awaseru : to mix together -nui-awaseru s to sew together -kiki-awaseru : to make in qu iries

2. -ari-awaseru s to happen to have i-awaseru ; to happen to be present -tori-aw aseru s to happen to pass by




BAAI NI TSUITE ; in connection with, according t o . . . , according to circumstances - Hanzai wo okoskita baai ni ts u ite , kuni wa h oritsu wo tsukuru In connection with the crim es,a country makes i t s laws. According to . . . BAAI NI YOTTE = baai n i ts u ite . BAAI NI YORU TO = baai ni yotte = baai ni ts u ite . izenkei + BA II (y o i,y o r o s h ii) (no desu) ; i t is enough to . . . , i f you . . . i t is a ll righ t I wish that . . . , I would lik e t o . . . , i f o n l y . . . , the only thing we have to do is . . . , i t i s b etter t o . . . , you had b e t t e r ... - Hayaku ban ni nareba y o i. I f only i t would be night soon. - Chiisa na suzu ga h itotsu areba i i no desu. I f only we had one small b e ll. - Nani wo sh ite it a no da ka, sore wo ore ni hanashi sae sureba i i no da. Just t e l l me what you are doing. izenkei + BA II NONI ; to wish i t were, you ought to have been. - Ame ga furanakereba i i noni. I wish i t wasn't rain ing. - Mo sukoshi ki wo tsukereba i i noni. You ought to have been more ca re fu l. izenkei + BA I I DEWA ARIMASEN KA : would i t not be b etter t o . . . ; hadn't we b e t t e r . . . , think you had b etter... - Kasa wo motte ikeba i i ja arimasen ka. Hadn't you b etter take an umbrella ? izenkei + BA NARANAI s see mizenkei + nakereba naranai. izenkei + BA NARANAI NO DA KARA s because i t was necessary to . . . - Sore kara boshi no ushiro wo kiraneba naranu no da kara, sono okisa wa osh ite shirubeki de aro. Moreover, because i t was necessary to cut the back o f the cap, one is able to guess i t s s iz e .

past-tense + BAKARI (DESU) t ju s t , only, only re ce n tly , recen tly wa kino naratta bakari no atarash ii kotoba no h itotsu desu. is one o f the new words I ijust learned yesterday. - Kind tsu ita bakari desu. I only arrived yesterday. - Katta bakari desu. I only recen tly bought i t . present tense + BAKARI DESU but to.

there only i s , there is nothing le f t

Kanojo wa yatni otoroete shinu bakari da. She is so weak that she must die. ... BAKARI DE HAKU............ MO s not only . . . but a lso . - Mita bakari de naku, tabeta koto mo arimasu. I have not only seen i t , I have also eaten i t . ... BAKARI SURU ; there is only . . . , he a lw ays... - Rakudai bakari s h ite it a . He always f a ile d in his examinations ! rentaikei + BAKARI HI HARU : on the point o f . . . ju st . . . , to be about to . . . - Kippu wo katte tabi ni dekakeru bakari ni natte it a noni, tomodachi ga kita. Having bought a t ic k e t , while I was about to go on a journey, my friend came. ... BAKARI (HA) HO DESU = bakari desu. mizenkei + HAI BAKARI s see -n ai bakari. mizenkei + HAI BAKARI DE WA HAI s see nai bakari de wa nai. ... KA TO BAKARI (OMOU) ; see ka to bakari. TAM . . . + rentaikei + BAKARI DE ARU ; see tada . . . + rentaikei + bakari de aru. renyokei + SO HI BAKARI SURU : see _so ni bakari suru.




shushikei + BEKARAZARU ; cannot, must not, should n o t ... - Shinin no kami no ke wo nuku to iu koto ga, sore dake de sude ni yurusu-bekarazaru aku de atta. To pull out the h air o f a dead person, that alone con stitu ted an e v il which could not be pardoned. shushikei + BEKI : ought to . . . shushikei + BEKI DARO KA ? is i t p ossib le to . . . , would i t be p ossib le t o . . - Kotoba wo kaete ieba hyojo ga nakunatta to demo iu -bek i daro ka. In other words, is i t p ossib le to say that there is no expression ? shushikei + BEKI DE ARO s you w ill probably be able to . . . - Sore kara boshi no ushiro wo kiraneba naranu no da kara, sono okisa wa osh ite shiru-beki de aro. Moreover, because the back o f the hat had to be cut, you w ill probably be able to guess i t s s iz e . shushikei + BEKI DE NAI : ought not to . . . - Kinsen no koto wo bushi no ko wa kuchi ni su-beki de nai. The son o f a warrior ought not to speak about money. shushikei + BEKI HAZU DE ARU : you ought to . . . - Fudan nara, mochiron, shujin no ie e kaerubeki hazu de aru. Of course, i f i t were ordinary times, he ought to go back to his masters house. - Kodomo wa oya no iu koto wo kiku-beki hazu da. Children must obey th e ir parents. shushikei + BEKU MO NAI s that ought not to . . . , qui ne d oit pas . . . - Kono kesshite kudakeru-beku mo nai mono ga saiha sh ita no de aru. This thing which ought never to break, was broken to p ieces. - Utagau-beku mo n ai. Without any doubt.






see ni chigai nai.

CHODO . . . + probable future + TO STJRU T0K0R0 DESU s to be on the point of . . . , ju st about to . . . 9 - Chodo dekakeyo to suru tokoro deshita. I was on the point o f going out. ... CHODO . . . 10 HI s ju s t lik e . . . - ...c h o d o , saru no oya ga saru no ko no shirami wo torn yo n i , . . . I t was ju st lik e a monkey-mother delousing her young. ...CHODO + noun + TO ONAJI (DAKE, GURAl) + a d je ctiv e or verb : just clS 00* &S o o o - Anata wa chodo watashi to on a ji gurai se ga takai desu. You are ju st about my s iz e . ... + TO CHODO ONAJI DAKE (GURAl) s see to chodo on a ji dake. CONDITIONAL + . . . see under renyokei + tara + . . .




rentaikei + DA NO NAN DA NO TO IU s to talk about . ..- i n g and what not. - Sono tame ni fufu-wakare wo suru da no nan da no to iimasu. On account o f that they are talking o f gettin g divorced and what not. ... DA TO ITJ(TE) : pretending to be . . . A

- hoshi-uo da to iu te , . . . Pretending i t to be dried fis h , . . . noun + D.ATTA DE WA ARIMASEN KA ; was i t not . . . ? - Tada watashi wo sagesunda tsumetai hikari datta de wa arimasen ka. Was i t not the c o ld look with which she disp ised me ? past tense + DANE DESU : only, only because. - Anata ga yorokonde kudasaru to omotte, k ita dake desu. I only came because I thought you would be pleased. present tense + DAKE DESN s i t had no other resu lt than t h a t ..., le seul resu lta t e ta it que . . . , - Ikura mimodae wo sh ite mo, karadaju ni kakatta nawame wa, isso hishihishi to kui iru dake desu. However hard I tw isted my body, i t had no other resu lt than that the ropes around my body b it more deeply in my skin. noun + DAKE DESU ; i t is only, i t i s to be found only in . . . , - Sore no aru no wa Tokyo dake desu. It is to be found only in Tokyo. rentaikei + DAKE DE NAKU s not only . . . , i t is not only t h a t ... - . . . sono kasho ga uzuku dake de naku, zenshin ga shibireru omoi ga suru no de aru. It is not only that th is place ached, but he had the sensation that his whole body became paralysed. rentaikei + DAKE DE WA NAI s i t i s only, there i s only, i t is only but. - Mizu ga h a itte iru dake ja nai ka, James. There is only water in i t , I b e lie v e , James.




noun + DAKE DE NASHI NI (NAKU) . . . noun + MO ; not only . . . but a lso. - E dake de nashi n i, j i mo kaitara ? Do not le t i t be a drawing alone, le t us also w rite something. - 0-cha dake de naku sato mo o-kai nasai. Please buy not only some tea but also some sugar. noun + DAKE DE NAI (NAKU) . . . al so . . .

. . . noun + DEMO s not only . . .

. . . but

- Sore de watashitachi wa niwa dake de naku, okujo de mo asobimasu. Therefore, we not only play in the garden but also on the sch oolroof. A + DAKE DE WA NAKU + B + NI MO + verb ; I t i s not only A but also B that he . . . - . . . atama dake de wa naku minari ni mo ryui subeki da to doryotachi wa omotta. His fellow s thought that he ought to be carefu l not only about his head but also about h is personal appearance. ... DAKE ATTE s as could be expected, ju st because i t i s . - Oe-yama n i k ite miru to , oni no sumu tokoro dake a t t e , . . . . . . honto ni monosugoi yama deshita. When we reached mount Oe and looked around, i t was r e a lly a ghastly m ountain............ as could be expected from a place where devils liv e . A + DAKE DEMO + B + DA s only A is B, A alone is B. - Token dake demo hi to zaisan da. The swords alone are worth a fortune. ... DAKE + gerund + MO ; i f only. - Sore ja , namae dake mite mo, rikugun no shoko ka, kaigun no shoko ka, wakaranai no da ne. In that case, i f you see only the name, you won't know i f i t is an army o f f i c e r or a navy o f f i c e r , w ill you ? ... DAKE DEMO s only fo r , only because, even fo r . - Ore wa kono kotoba dake demo nusubito no tsumi wa yurushite y a r ita i. For these words alone I would lik e to fo rg iv e the crime o f the t h ie f. - . . . te no yubi h itotsu mita dake demo, . . . Only by looking once at h is fin g e rs, . . . - Dakedo watashi wa sake no kasu no n oi wo kai da dake demo kimochi ga waruku narimasu. But already because the smell o f the sediment o f sake is nasty, I fe e l uncomfortable.


... (TO) DAKE + gerund. + ARIMASU s that was a ll that w a s... - . . . to dake kaite arimasu. That was a ll that was w ritten. noun + .. DAKE NI = . . . dake atte = dakara koso s ju st because i t is . . . - Nippon dake ni s Just because i t is Japan. - Onna dake ni kokoro wa ya sa sh ii. Just because she is a woman her heart is g en tle. ... DAKE NARA I I NO DESU s i f i t were only to . . . i t would not matter much, but . . . - Outo ni naru dake nara i i no desu ga, sukoshi tsuyoi boru wo buttsukerareru to , sugu ni koronde shimau no desu. I f i t were only being put out i t would not matter much, but when he was h it by some hard b a ll, he f e l l down immediately.

... DAKE SHIKA NAI s I have only . . . - Pan dake shika n a i. I have only got some bread. noun + DAKE WA s at le a st a . . . , - Shikashi saiwai sasuga dake wa watashi no ashimoto ni och ite iru no de su. But fortu n ately at le a st his dagger la y at my fe e t . rentaikei + DAKE DE I I : i f I could only . . . - Ano uchi wo kau dake de i i . I f I could only buy th is house. enumeration + DANO : and so on, and the lik e . - Neko dano, inu dano ga suki desu. I am fond o f cats and dogs and the lik e . - Nan dano kan dano de o-kane ga iru . I need money f o r th is and that. DARE DE MO + gerund + I I s everybody can (may) . . . - Dare demo k ite i i . Any one at a ll may come. - Kono hon wa dare de mo yonde i i . Everybody may read th is book.


MREKA II + noun ; any good + noun. - Dareka i i uekiyasan wo s h itte iru ka. Do you know any good gardener ? ... DARO KA TO . . .

: i f we were going to . . .

- Shototsu shinai daro ka to , boku wa shimpai ni narimashita. I wondered anxiously i f we were not going to c o llid e . DARE MO KA MO : everybody. - Uchi no kodomo wa dare mo ka mo kaze wo h i it e imasu. Everyone o f my children has got a co ld . DARE MO + mizenkei + NAI MONO WA NAI GURAI DESU s hardly anybody does not . . . ; p r a c t ic a lly everybody does. - Dare mo shiranai mono wa nai gurai desu. P r a c tic a lly everybody knows. - Dare mo kawanai mono wa nai gurai desu. P r a c tic a lly everybody buys i t .

DARE NI + gerund + MO whomever may . . . ,

. . . to whom you w ill.

- Dare ni k i it e mo so iu hanashi desu. Ask whom you w il l, but that i s the story. DARE NI MO + negative verb : . . . to anybody. - Dare ni mo hanashite wa ikemasen. You must not t e l l i t to anybody. DARE NO DEMO I I ; never mind whose i t i s , . . . - Dare no demo i i kara h itotsu kashite kudasai. Never mind whose i t i s , lend me one please. renyokei + DASU : to sta rt to . . . , to begin to . . . - Kodomo wa naki-dashimashita. The c h ild started to cry. gerund + WA DAME DESU ; see wa dame desu. noun + (YAA)TADA . . . DAKE DE ARU : see tada . . . dake de aru. rentaikei + DE ARO : to be supposed to . . . , might . . . - Tsuma wo mukaete, sumu de aro shinkan. The new building where he was supposed to li v e a fte r taking a w ife.


- Jate, sono shikata ga nai koto wo, yoku s h itte it a kono onna wa, okata washi no suru koto mo ome ni mite kureru de aro. Because th is woman knew the in evita b le w e ll, she might perhaps le t pass also that which I do. noun + DE ATTE MIREBA : because one i s . . . - . . . jidaibanare no sh ita fu jin de atte mireba . . . ‘ because she was a woman who liv e d behind her time, - Yakyu no tama de a tte mireba basukettoboru ni wa tsukaenai. Because i t is fo r baseball you cannot use i t fo r basketball. ... DE NAKEREBA : i t must be . . . , i f i t i s not . . . , i t is only . . . - Takusan no h itota ch i kara mite moratta no de nakereba. I t must be something that should be judged by many people. - Futari tomo on a ji kimono de nakereba fukohei da kara. I t i s because i t is p a rtia l i f i t is not the same kimono which we both (wear). - Kare de nakereba kono shigoto wa dekinai. It is only he who can do th is task. noun + DE WA : as fo r .. . - Watakushi no kangae de »a . . . According to my opinion . . . probable future + DE WA ARIMASEN KA = de wa nai ka : le t us . . . - Iko ja arimasen ka. Let us go. ... DE WA ARU (GOZAHiASU) GA : that is no doubt, however . . . - Yurushi-gatai koto de wa aru ga kyo wa 6 me ni mimasho. However d i f f i c u l t i t might be to fo rg iv e you, to-day I ' l l be kind to you. probable future + DE WA NAI KA % sh a ll we not . . . ? , l e t us . . . - Ma, h itotsu kiko de wa nai ka. Well, sh a ll we not ju s t lis t e n to i t ? Let us lis t e n to i t ! rentaikei + DE WA NAI KA : would he not . . . ? - Anata no hon ga soko ni aru de wa nai ka. Is your book not overthere ?




. . . DE WA KIKANAI s 1. more than . . . 2 . he no good fo r . 1. Jukkin de wa kikanai. More than ten pounds.

2. Kono kusuri de wa kikanai. This medecine is not e ffic a c io u s . DEKIRU DAKE + a d je ctiv e i as . . . as p o s s ib le . - Soshite, karada wo dekiru dake ta ira ni shinagara, . . . Then, making my body as f l a t as p o s s ib le , . . . DEKIRU KOTO NARA NAN DEMO + verb s . . . anything that is in my power. - Dekiru koto nara nan demo itashimasu. I w ill do anything that is in my power. ... DEKITA NI SHITA TOKORO GA = dekita to sh ite mo : even i f he had been able to . . . - Kono taigun wo seifuku suru koto ga dekita ni shita tokoro ga, . Even i f he had been able to subject th is strong army, . . . ... DEMO s even. - Iya demo shikata ga nai. Even i f you don't lik e i t , i t c a n 't be helped. - Ima demo kikoeru. Even now I can hear i t . - Kaette kara demo i i . Even a fte r coming back i t w ill be time enough. ... DEMO............ DEMO : whether . . . o r, eith er . . . o r, not . . . nor. ^ ^ "K o re wa kin demo gin demo arimasen. This is neith er gold nor s ilv e r . ... DEMO IRU NO DARO KA s I wonder i f . . . - Nani ka okotte de mo iru no daro ka. I wonder i f he is put out about something ? A + DE MO NAKAREBA + B + DE MO NAI ; neith er A nor B , i t is neither A nor B. - Shika mo soko n i hiram eite it a no wa: ik a ri de mo nakereba kanashimi de mo n a i, . . . . That which was flash in g there was neith er rage nor g r ie f, . . .



. .. DEMO . . .



. . . NO DARO s I suppose he is . . .

- Sake demo nonde ir u no daro. I suppose he is drinking sake. negative verb + . . . + DEMO NAI s not exa ctly im possible that, - Dekinai koto demo nai. I t is not exa ctly an im possible thing. - Ano h ito demo its u kanemochi ni naranai mono demo nai. It is not e x a ctly im possible that even that man may some day become ric h . A

noun + DE MO DO DESU KA t how about some... - Nodo ga kawaita desho kara, h ito tsu biru de mo do desu ka. You must be th ir s ty ; how about some beer (o r something else) ? noun + DE MO AREBA . . . he could . . .

. . . rentaikei + MONO WO . . .

s i f there were . . .

- Nanika fude de kaku naishoku de mo areba, ie e kaette kara, yonabe shigoto ni dekiru mono wo . . . I f there were some sidework to be w ritten by brush, he could have done i t as nightwork a fte r coming home. A + DE MO NAKEREBA + B+DE MO NAI s see nakereba. verb + DESHO KARA ; as you probably are, you must be, - Nodo ga kawaita desho kara, . . . You must be th ir s ty , . . . - Tsukareta desho kara chotto yasumimasho. You must be t ir e d , le t us rest a l i t t l e . renyokei + -DE + . . .

: see gerund + . . .

-DE AGERU ; see - te ageru. SORE DEMO + ren taik ei + DAKE DE WA TARAZU : see sore demo. ... DO DA ss do desu ka (used by women only) (do da i used by men o n ly ). ... DO DA : how about . . . - Watakushi wa jiten sh a de ikimasu, anata wa do da. I ' l l go by b ic y c le , how about you ?


past conditional + . . .



: see renyokei + tara + . . .

noun + WA DO DESU KA s see wa . . . gerund + WA DO DESU KA ; see wa . . . ... DO IU DOKI KARA KA ; by what impulse ?

I don 't know why...

- Narita Yamon wa do iu doki kara ka hige wo hayashi hajimeta. By what impulse did Narita Yamon begin to grow a beard ? 1)6 IU FU KI . . .

; in which way . . . ?

- Do iu fu ni sureba ichiban i i desho ka. Which would you think to be the best way to do i t ? . .. DO IU MONO KA s fo r what reason ? , fo r some reason or other. - Hoto no ta ta r i da yo, ore wa chikagoro do iu mono ka o-mae no yume wo mite ikan. I t is the consequences o f debauchery; fo r some reason or other I have been trou bled la t e ly dreaming about you. DO IU WAKE DE : fo r what

r e a s o n , how

is it p ossib le that, do not know why.

- Do iu wake de anna onna ga ki ni i t t a no da ne ? How is i t that he is s a t is fie d with a woman lik e that ? noun + WA DO KA SHITA NI CHIGAINAI : see wa . . . ... DO KA TO OMOTTE t I wonder how i t would be . . . - Ie no mae ni c h iisa na niwa wo tsukuttara, do ka to om otte... I was wondering how i t would be i f I had a small garden in front o f the house ? ... DO NATTA KA s what happened to . . . ? - Soshite watashi ga do natta ka. Uhat happened to me then ? ... DO NARU KOTO KA TO (OMOTTE) : wondering how i t would proceed, how shall i t go on, what is going to happen. - Yamon wa do naru koto ka to zenshin wo kochokusase, . . . Not knowing what would happen, Yamon s tiffe n e d his body, . . .




... DO HI KA + probable future + TO SHITE : trying t o , trying to do something (about (wo) something). - Kono nawa wo do ni ka hodoko to sh ite , . . . Trying to untie th is rope, . . . ... DO NI MO NARANAI (KOTO) : something unmanageable, beyond on e's . . . - Konna kofuku koso wa, jibun no mi no ue no koto de, shikamo jibun no doryoku de wa do ni mo naranai. Such a happiness indeed i s something above on e's s e l f , even beyond on e's e f f o r t . 10 SHITE s why ?, how ?, - Do shite kyo ikimasen deshita ka. Why d id n 't you go today ? - Do shite kono yo na kotae ga deta no ka shira. How could I have th is answer ? 10 SHITE MO s ab solu tely, in any case, there is no denying. - Do sh ite mo ash ita dekakenakereba narimasen. It i s ab solu tely necessary fo r me to leave tomorrow. - Do shite mo dekakemasen. In any case I sh a ll not go out. - Komoto-san wa do sh ite mo jozu da. There is no denying, Mr. Komoto is very cle v e r. ...D O (SHITE) + verb + NO DESU KA s how can you . . . - Hakone e wa do iku no desu ka. How can you get to Hakone ? How can I get to Hakone ? ...D O SHITE MO t whatever I do, absolu tely. - Tonikaku watashi wa do sh ite mo, shi ni kiru chikara ga nakatta no desu. Anyhow, I had ab solu tely no strength to k i l l m yself. ... DOSHITE............ NO DE ARO : why. - . . . doshite kofuku no m ichite iru shunji ni Gikashi no kuruma wo todomaranai no de aro. Having reached the summit o f happiness, why should one not stop the wagon o f Time ?




... DOSHITE OMOO : how could I have forseen that, - Sore ga sokkuri motte yukare yo to wa doshite omoo. How could I have forseen that she would he completely taken away from me ? d6

SHITA KOTO KA : somehow or other . . . - Do shita koto ka h it o r i ga ashi wo suberasete ochimashita. Somehow or other one o f them slipped and f e l l down.

noun + WA DO SHITA NO DESHO ; see wa . . . noun + WA D n o t at a l l . . . , you don't have to . - Usagi wa ano noroi kame ni makeru koto wa nai to omoimashita. The rabbit thought that i t was im possible to loose against such a slow to r t o is e . - Kowai koto wa nai. I am not in the le a st a fra id . - Naku koto wa n ai. Don't cry. rentaikei + KOTO WO KI NI SURU = koto wo ki ni yamu ; to be worried that . . , rentaikei + KOTO WO KI NI YAMU ; to be worried t o . . . - Shiken ni ukaranakata koto wo ki ni yanda. I ham worried not to pass the t e s t .




rentaikei + KOTO WO KI HI KAKEKU = koto wo ki ni yamu s to be worried that . . . rentaikei + KOTO YORI MO : more than the fa c t that . . . - Kare no fuko wa kono totetsumonai 6-atama no mochinushi de aru koto y o ri mo, sono naka ni kanjin no nomiso ga makoto ni sozatsu ni ir e t e aru to iu koto da. More than the fa ct that he was the owner o f th is extraordinary hig head, his misfortune was that in his head the a ll important brains were r e a lly only scattered. gerund + KUDASAI : please . . . , mild im perative, to deign do something fo r me, to be so kind as to . . . - Sensei ga sugu shirabete kudasaimashita. The teacher immediately looked in to the matter fo r me. - Sensei ga kokuban ni kaite kudasatta o-sh ira se wo minna ga utsushimashita. Everybody copied the n otice which the teacher had (been kind enough t o ) w rite on the blackboard. - Kasa wo o-kashi kudasaimasen ka. Would you please lend me your umbrella ? - Sukoshi matte kudasai. Please wait a moment. gerund + KUDASARU (KUDASAI) : p o lit e command, please . . , he does me the favour o f . . . , I wish that you . . . fo r me, he did . . . fo r me. - Chotto matte kudasai. Please wait a moment. - Anata no empitsu wo kashite kudasai. Please lend me your p e n cil. - Pen wo katte kudasaimashita. He bought a pen f o r me. - I t t e kudasaimasu ka. W ill you do me the favour to go ? - To wo akete kudassaimashita. He was so kind as to open the door fo r me. gerund + KUDASAIMASEN KA : w ill you have the kindness to . . . ^ would you mind to . . . fo r me. - Eigo no tegami wo k a ite kudasaimasen ka. Will you have the kindness to w rite me a le t t e r in English.




o + renyokei + KUDASAI ; please . . . - 0-agari kudasai. Please come in . - Dozo o-m eshi-agari kudasai. Please eat i t . Enjoy your dinner. gerund + KURE TO IU : he asks (you) to . . . - Otosan ga nikai e k ite k u re 'tte . Father wants you up stairs. gerund + (O-)KURE ; used in commands to in fe r io r s . - Hon wo motte k ite o-kure. Bring the hook. - Kuruma wo yonde kure. Call a ta x i. gerund + KURENAI KA : w ill you not . . .

(fo r me),

- Ashita no ban uchi e k ite moraitai no desu ga, so i t t e kurenai ka. I 'd lik e to have him come to my house tomorrow night; w ill you t e l l him so f o r me ? - Kondo k ita ra , shirasete kurenai ka. Let me know the next time he comes, w ill you ? gerund + KURERU ; to ask another to do fo r me, to permit me to, to le t me, fo r me, to take the trouble to do f o r me, he . . . fo r me, - Uchi ni agete kureru. He permits me to enter the house. - Kimono wo katte kuremashita. He bought a kimono f o r me. - Chichi ga tegami wo kaite kuremashita. Father v/rote a le t t e r fo r me. gerund + KURENAI KA TO OMOU : I wonder i f you would not mind . . . - Kono tegami wo chotto dashite kurenai ka to omotta no da ga. I wondered i f you would mind m ailing th is le t t e r . gerund + WA KURENAI ; see wa in a i. gerund + KURU s 1. each verb keeps i t s own meaning. 2. to begin to . 3. s ig n ifie s motion tov/ards the speaker.




1 . _ j i b i k i wo kudasai to i t t e kimashita. He came to ask me fo r my d iction a ry . 2 . - M e ga fu tte k ita . I t "began to rain .

3. - motte kuru s to bring - to tte kuru : to fetch - kaette kuru s to come hack.

renyokei + HI KURU s see ni kuru.

- M


MADA IMA JAA.DE NI + negative verb s never before + p o s itiv e verb , - Watashi wa mada ima madU ni ano kurai kisho no hageshii onna wa h it o r i mo mita koto ga arimasen. Never before did I see a woman with such a fie r c e temperament. rentaikei + MADE ; u n t i l l , t i l l . - Watakushi ga kuru made o-machi nasai. Wait t i l l I come. - Akaruku naru made me ga samete imashita. I was awake t i l l i t was lig h t. rentaikei + MADE DE ARU : i t was only . . . - Tada amari no kuyashisa ni sakenda made de atta. I t was only crying o f too much reg ret. noun + MADE MO : even. - Watashi no kimono made mo nusumaremashita. Even my cloth es were stolen . - Kare wa j i j i t s u made mo shinjimasen deshita. He d id n 't b eliev e even the actual fa c t s . rentaikei + MADE MO NAI : i t is not worth . . . - Roba ga od oroita no wa iu made mo n ai. I t goes without saying that the o ld woman was frightened. - Kare ga doko kara k ita mono ka tazuneru made mo nai koto da. I t is not worth asking where he came from. MADE NI (WA) ! u n til (lim ita tio n o f tim e), by, b efore, not la te r than - Ashita made ni dekimasu. I t w ill be ready by tomorrow. - Ban no shokuji made ni wa kaette kuru. I ' l l be back before supper. MADE WA s as fa r as (lim ita tio n o f space). - Kono basha ni wa roku nin made wa noremasu. This carriage w ill hold as many as s ix persons.

negative ren taik ei + MAE NI s before . . . - Shimbun wo minai mae n i sh itte imashita. I knew i t before I saw i t in the newspaper. rentaikei + MAE WA = mae n i : b efore. - Watashi wa Nihon ni kuru mae ni Nihon-go wo naraimashita. I studied Japanese before I came to Japan. shushikei + MAI TO OMOU ; to doubt i f . . . - Kare wa sh o jik i de aru-mai to omou. I doubt i f he is honest. shushikei + MAI TO SURU : not to wish to . . . - Genin wa mata sore wo yukasu-mai to sh ite , oshi-modusu. Again the common man did not wish to le t her go and pushed her back. rentaikei + MAMA ; w h ile, as one wishes, where one i s , as one i s , as. - Ashi no muku mama n i sampo suru. I s tr o lle d as fancy led me. - Kutsu wo haita mama, . . . While he had h is shoes on, . . . - Meimei ga mita mama k iit a mama wo noto n i kaku no desu. You must w rite i t in your notebook as you saw and heard i t . rentaikei + MAMA NI NARU s to act as one i s t o ld to do. - Hito no iu mama ni naru. To move at another's beck and c a l l . - Watashi wa hacta no iu mama ni natte, kaimono ni ikimashita. I went shopping as my mother to ld me to do. - Watashi wa ano h ito no suru mama ni narimasu. I am at h is mercy. rentaikei + MAMA NI SURU : in the state o f, as i t i s , - Watashi wa kare wo naku mama ni shite o it a . I l e f t him crying. past tense + MAMA NI SURU ; leaving something half-done I . . . - Samui node, shasei wo yarikaketa mama ni sh ite , sumo wo to tta . Because i t was c o ld , we l e f t the drawing half-done and wrestled.


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- Tegami wo kakikaketa mama ni s h ite , dekakemashita. I l e f t , leaving my le t t e r h a lf w ritten. MATA TO ARO KA : would i t have an equal ? , can i t have an equal ? - Konna gomon ga mata to aro ka. Would such a tortu re have an equal ? MATA TO NAI : unique, unequaled, to have no lik e , he never again. - Konna keshiki no y oi tokoro wa mata to n ai. The place i s unequaled in point o f scen ic beauty. MATA TO NAI DARO ; sca rcely be equaled. - Are hodo no h ito wa mata to nai daro. We shall never set eyes on his lik e . METTA NI + negative verb s not at a l l , ra re ly , seldom. - Eoko no boshiten e i t t e mo metta ni Yamon no atama n i au no wa m iidasenai, . . . They went to every h a tter, but could not fin d at a l l one that f i t t e d the head o f Yamon. subject + wa + renyokei o f a d je ctiv e + MIERU : i t look s, i t seems. - Ano uchi wa chiisaku miemasu. That house appears to be small. - Watashi n i wa totemo okiku miemasu. I t looks too big to me. subject + wa + gerund + MIERU s to seem, to look , to appear. - Anata wa tsukarete miemasu. You look t ir e d . gerund + MO MINAKATTA (MINU) : about which

he had not even . . .

- . . . tsuiho no yalcu ni au to wa, kangaete mo minakatta s h itta i de aru. . . . the fa c t to meet with the i l l - l u c k o f e x ile was a disgrace about which he had never even thought. gerund

'MlREBA s when you see


suwatte mireba, rippa na mono de aru. but when you see him s ittin g down, he i s a fin e fe llo w .




gerund. + MTRTT s to try to , to look fo r and try to; sometimes both verbs keep th e ir f u l l meaning. - . . . ir o ir o na koto mo sh ite mimashita g a , . . . I t r ie d to do a l l kinds o f things, but . . . - Mado wo akete mimasho. I ' l l try to open the window. - I t t e mi nasai. Please go and look .

> .—^

gerund + MISERU s I ' l l show you that I can . . . , y o u 'l l be witness o f my . . .

Y o u 'll see my . . . ,

- Ima, tonde miseru zo. Now, I ' l l show you that I can f l y . progressive form + MITAI (desu) : i t seems that . . . , he looks lik e being . . . - Okotte iru m itai desu. He seems angry. Looks lik e he is mad. - Tsukarete iru m itai. Be sort o f t ir e d . . . . MITAI DE WA NAI KA : is i t not lik e . . . ? - O-shibai m itai de wa nai ka. Is i t not lik e theatre ? noun + MITAI NI s lik e , - K ojik i mitai ni mieru. He looks lik e a beggar. - Ano ko wa otona m itai ni hanashimasu. This boy talks lik e an adult. noun + DE ATTE MIREBA s see de atte . . . noun + HI Y/A MIENAI : see n i wa . . . noun + HO ID NI MIERU s see no yo . . . rentaikei + TO MIERU : see .to . . . noun + TO Y/A MIENAI : see to wa . . .




progressive form + ID NI MIERU : see

n i.

gerund + MO t even i f , although. - Kaminari ni uchi-korosarete mo, . . . Even i f I was struck to death by ligh tn in g, . . . - Naze ka to iu n i, ikuyo kokoromite mite mo, sono hoshi wa Chin-san no me no matataku tabigoto n i matataki hikaru no de atta. I f you ask why, i t is because each time the eyes o f Chinsan twinckled, th is star too flic k e r e d and th is although he trie d i t many nights. - Itsu mite mo, minna is h i no ue n i suwatte iru . Each time we looked, they were a l l s ittin g on top o f the stones. gerund + MO II s even i f . . . i t is good, i t does not matter i f . . . , you may, you can. - Minna sono gurai na koto wo sarete mo i i ningen bakari da zo yo. They a ll are people fo r whom i t is a llr ig h t to have so t r i f l i n g a thing done to them, you know. - Kyo Yamashita-san to otamajakushi wo sukui ni i t t e mo i i desho. Please may I go now with Yamashita to catch tadpoles ? - Kimiko-san no uchi nara, shinrui da sh i, agete mo i i . Because i t is Kimiko1s place and she is a re la tiv e you may give i t to her. gerund + MO I I HAZU DESN : would, ought to, would not do any harm i f , I think i t would be good i f , - Fatashi ni uchiakete mo i i hazu desu. I r e a lly think i t \?ould not do any harm i f he were candid with me. gerund + MO KAMAWANAI (KAMAIMASEN) : I don' t mind that . . . , you may . . . - Bare ga nan to i t t e mo kamawanai. I don 't mind what anybody says. - Asonde mo kamaimasen. I don' t mind that you play. You may play. gerund verb X + MO + renyokei verb X + KIRENAI ; cannot + verb X. - . . . dorei ni wa tashika n i tsutsunde mo tsutsumi kirenai hinkaku ga atta. The slave undoubtedly had an a ir o f d ign ity which he could not h id e .




gerund + MO KAMAIMASEN KA : would you mind i f . . . v

- Tabako wo sutte mo kamaimasen ka. Would you mind i f I smoke ? - Mado wo akete mo kamaimasen ka. Would you mind i f I open the window ?

noun + MOCHIRON + noun + SAE MO : not only . . . but even. - Ga, ano nusubito ni ubawareta no desho, tachi wa mochiron yumi ya sae mo, yabu no naka ni wa miatarimasen. But i t must have been stolen by the t h ie f, and not only the sword but even the bow and arrows I could not fin d in the brushes. rentaikei + MONO BA : exclamatory fo r c e , I hope that, to be surprised that, to doubt i f , i t is a question o f, be somebody who, you must, - Makete mo yoi kara, shimai made hashiru mono da. Never mind loosin g , I hope that you w ill run to the end. . . . MONO DA TO IU KOTO : see no da to iu koto, rentaikei + MONO (DESU) KA s denial or protest against an absurd statement; anything but, that state o f a ffa ir s i s to be doubted, - Ano otoko wa nani ga dekiru mono ka. What can he do ! (He is unable to do anything). - Mukae ni k ite mo, watasu mono ka. Although they come to fetch you, I have no in ten tion to le t you go lik e that ! - Sonna koto ga aru mono ka. I t is im possible that i t is so. How can that be ? - Shiken ga toru mono ka. How can you pass the examinations ! rentaikei + MONO KA NANI KA NO TO NI : as i f I were somebody who, comme s i j ' e t a i s quelqu'un qui . . . - Hate wa kokoro ga takabutte, jibun wo awaremubeki mono ka nani ka no yo n i, tokidoki k i no doku so na metsuki de nusumi mite iru . At the end she became very proud and from time to time she looked fu r t iv e ly at me compassionately as i f I were somebody to be p it ie d .




negative future + MONO DE MO NAI s I t may, i t is barely p o ssib le . - Arne ga furumai mono de mo n ai. I t may rain (but I hardly think i t w i l l ) . rentaikei + MONO DE WA NAI s do not be somebody who, do not do, cannot, must not. - Yamon wa me ga sameru to tadachi ni hakama wo made kore wo nugu mono de wa nai to kokoroete Yamon knew that as soon as he opened his eyes his hakama and could not take i t o f f u n til he

tsuke neru toki it a . he had to put on went to bed.

- . . . h ir a ita hachi no ue ni noseru dake de manzoku shinakereba t o t e i mitsukaru mono de wa nai. I f they could not be s a t is fie d with simply placing i t on top o f the expanded bowl, i t would not be discovered. - Naku mono ja nai. Don't cry. rentaikei + MONO DE WA NAI TO (OMOU) : being o f the opinion that he cannot . . . , thinking that he cannot . . . , - Oyaji no tsukuraseta yokan nado ni sumeta mono de wa nai t o , . . . Thinking that he could not liv e in a European-styled building and so which h is fa th er had b u ilt , . . . probable future + MONO NARA : i f i t is a question o f . . . . - Shirabemono wo saseyo mono nara, nanjikan ta tte mo dekiagaru koto de wa n ai. But i f i t is question o f looking into a matter, he is never ready, whatever time he takes. rentaikei + MONO RASHIKU : to seem to be . . . , there seems to have been. - Yohodo kappuku no rippa na z u ijin ga mukashi wa it a mono rashiku, . . . In ancient times there seemed to have been palace so ld ie rs with an excellen t physique, . . . gerund + MORAU (iTADAKU) : shows that the action is performed in favour (and in answer to the request) o f the f i r s t person; please do th is fo r me, to ask to ; often resembles the passive or the causative. - Kinuko-san wa ikkai no uriba de akai suito wo katte moraimashita. Kinuko had a w ater-bottle bought at the counter on the f i r s t flo o r .

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- Sokode, dare ga ichiban kashikoi ka wo, raion ni tameshite morau koto ni narimashita. v Then they decided to ask the lio n to fin d out fo r them who would he the most in t e llig e n t . gerund + MORAITAI s I wish that you do . . . fo r me. - Shikashi naze ka sono te wo hanasazu n i i t e moraitai yokkyu ni sem erare,. . . But why was he squeezed by the desire to wish to be grasped much longer by her hands, . . . verb + MOSHI YA TO : i f by any chance . . . , i f there is or not . . . - Tsui ni s h ite i no mono wa naku, moshi ya to hakubutsukan ni shokai ga a tta . At la s t they inquired at the museum i f by any chance there is not the s p e c ifie d man. MOSHI + ren taik ei + TOKl(Nl)WA : i f - Moshi tegami ga nakunatta toki ni wa do itashimasho ka. I f the le t t e r should be lo s t what sh a ll I do ? gerund + MO SHIKATA GA NAI : i t i s no use . . . , there i s no use to . . . , - Komban i t t e mo shikata ga nai desu. I t is no use going to -n ig h t. - Naite mo shikata ga arimasen. I t ' s no use crying. - Sonna ni okotte mo shikata ga nai. I t i s no use gettin g angry lik e that. o + renyokei + MOST! (MOSHI-AGEHU) : h o n o r ific , makes the verb humble. - Watashi wa kono mama anata h ito r i o-nokoshi-mosu wake ni wa mairimasen. I cannot leave you alone lik e th is . rentaikei + MONO TO SURU s 1. suppose. 2. to decide to . 1. Watashi wa asu gakko e iku mono to s u r u ;... Suppose I go to school to-morrow, . . . 2. So shite kyo no uchi ni mo 50 r i yukeba i i mono to sh ite , uma no ayumi wo yurumeta. Then we decided that i t would be enough to do another 50 r i to-day, and we slackened the pace o f our horse.




rentaikei + MONO TO SUREBA : i f at a l l , v

- Anata ga iku mono to sureba ko iu baai ni do shimasu ka. I f you were going at a l l , what would you do in such a case ?

gerund o f ad jectives + MO I0R0SHII : . . . w ill do, - Nagai empitsu ga ir iy o de wa arimasen kara mijikakute mo yorosh ii desu. As I need not have a long p e n cil, a short one w ill likew ise do. MUSHIRO.............. YORI s rather than. - . . . mushiro jita k u de yofu no tosh i wo t o t t e k i ga mijikaku nari, komagomashii kogoto wo iu no wo k iit e iru yori kiraku na kurai ni omotte, tsutome wo hagenda. He considered i t an easy job and worked with zeal rather than liste n in g at home to being scold in d e ta il by his fosterfa th er who, growing old, became ir r it a b le .

-Nrentaikei + 'N DA 10 (NO DESTJ YO) i i t is understood that, the in ten tion i s , i t is my in ten tion , i t is desirable t o , o f c o u r s e . . . , that is to say, I want you to . . . , i t i s something which. - Dete k ita dobutsu no nakimane wo suru’ n da yo. I want you to im itate the c rie s o f the animals which appeared. - Mo watashitachi wa, ana no naka ni chijikom atte inakute mo i i ' n desu yo. Of course there is no need any more to s it tightened with cold in our h ole. - Kuro wa genki da keredo, itazura na'n da. Although Blacky is very strong he is a naughty one. noun + NADO (nado = nanito, nazo, n a n z o ) : . . . and so fo r th , and the lik e , lik e , and what not, - Ano mise de wa hoki ya hataki ya hake nado wo utte inasu. In that shop they s e ll brooms, dusters, brushes and so fo rth . - Kunren nado mo mochiron chigau sh i, nani kara nani made minna chigau yo. And o f course the training and so on is d iffe r e n t, in short everything is d iffe re n t from beginning to end. - Watashi nado, . . . People in my p o s itio n , . . . For me, . . . noun + NADO WA : f o r example, fo r instance, concerning. - Washi ga ima kami wo nuita onna nado wa,. . . For example the woman from whom I ju st now p u lled out her h a i r , . . . - Rondon nado de wa, . . . For instance in London, . . . noun + NADO TO ITTA . . .

: such matters as . . .

- Kesshite fu gi m ittsu nado to i t t a u ita hanashi de wa naku,. . . There never was fr iv o lo u s talk lik e about immorality or i l l i c i t in tercou rse, . . . noun + NADO TO IU KOTO WA s such things as fo r example, - Sono tok i no kono otoko no kokoromochi kara ieba, u e jin i nado to iu koto wa, hotondo, kangaeru koto sae dekinai hodo, is h ik i no soto n i o i dasarete i t a .




Speaking o f the fe e lin g s o f that man at that time, such things as starvation fo r example, were almost expelled out o f his consciousness, to the lim it that he was unable to think o f i t . mizenkei + NAKEREBA IKENAI ; must. - Ki wo tsukenakereba ikenai. You must be ca r e fu l. mizenkei + NAKEREBA + negative verb ; we must . . . in order to . . . , i f we don' t . . . we w ill not . . . , - Bo wa, rokkai katanakereba, kakemasen. For Bo we have to win six times in order to be able to write i t . mizenkei + NAKEREBA NARANAI KA TO IU KOTO NI TSUITE s to . . . in what one has to . . . - Teki no kugeki deatta toki ni kunren suru. They train you and what to do

ni atta toki ni wa, do suru ka, mata, sensuikan ni wa, do shinakereba naranai ka to iu koto ni tsu ite , in what to do when you meet an ennemy a ir attack, when you come across a submarine.

NAKEREBA NARANAI + noun ; an essen tia l . . . - Kome wo tsukuru tame ni wa, korera no kawa no mizu wa nakereba naranai mono no h ito tsu de aru. The water o f these riv e rs is one o f the e ssen tia l fa cto rs in growing r ic e . mizenkei + NAKEREBA NARANAI KOTO NI NARU s to have to . . . , i t i s s e ttle d that I have to do . . . - Boku wa rikugun ni i t a no da ga, ninen ikanakereba naranai koto ni natte in i yo. I was in the army and I had to serve two years. mizenkei + NAKEREBA NARANAI : must, have to , - Shuzuka ni shinakereba narimasen. You must be qu iet. - Musuko wa watashi no iu y6 ni shinakereba narimasen. My son sh a ll do what I t e l l him to do. - Osoi kara kaeranakereba ikemasen. As i t is la te you must go home. - Kino Yokohama e ikanakereba naranakatta. I had to go to Yokohama yesterday.




- Sore ni t a is h ite sambyaku man yen harawanakereba naranakatta no deshita. I had to pay 3. 000.000 yen fo r i t . mizenkei + NAKEREBA IKENAI = nakereba naranai. renyokei + NAGARA M0 s though, bien que, - Soshite Gojo wo nagusamete kaki-idaki-nagara mo kokoro wa, . . . . . . hikatte iru Ekishun no kurai hitomi wo bakari omotte iru . And although he embraced and comforted Gojo, his heart thought but o f the black eyes o f E kish u n ... . . • - . . . . . . on a ji arakureta iy a s h ii shigoto wo sh ite i-nagara mo, ............ tsutsunde mo tsutsumi kirenai hinkaku ga atta. Although he did the same hard and d irty work, whatever hard he trie d , he had an a ir o f d ign ity which he could not hide. mizenkei + NAI BAKARI s I ' l l never . . . - Kare ga sh ota ijo wo kurenakereba ikanai bakari da. Of he does not give me an in v ita tio n , I ' l l never go. mizenkei + NAI BAKARI DE WA NAI s 1. not in the le a s t, 2. not only n o t . . . . but a lso . 1. Genin wa, u e jin i wo suru ka nusubito n i naru ka ni mayowa nakatta bakari de wa nai. The common man was not in the le a st in doubt whether he was going to starve or to become a t h ie f. 2. Kodomo wa gakko wo yagaranai bakari de naku, yorokonde gakumon n i mi wo ire ru . The c h ild does not only not d is lik e sch ool, but i t also is absorbed by i t s studies. mizenkei + NAI DE KUDASAI : please do not . . . - Dozo watashi wo matanai de kudasai. Please do not wait fo r me. mizenkei + NAI DE WA NAI : I r e a lly + p o s itiv e verb. - Watashi totemo saisho wa so negao to omowanai de wa nakatta. In the beginning I r e a lly thought o f wishing that. mizenkei + NAI DE WA IRARENAI : cannot help . . . - ing . . . , can only do but . . . , ne pouvoir fa ir e autrement que . . . , - Akashi wo motomenai de wa irarenai a i wa kurushii. A love which needs proof is tormenting. A love which cannot help asking f o r p ro o f . . .





- Shikamo kanashimi no naka ni aru mono wa, semete wa tanoshikatta hi wo furikaeranai de wa iraren a i. But a person in the midst o f sorrow cannot even help looking hack upon happy days.

noun + NAI KA TO + verb ; to . . . i f there were not . . . , to . . . i f there is somebody . . . - Shincho wa go shaku hassun, t a iju wa ju nana kan kara hachi kan no mono wa nai ka to shirabeta. They in vestigated i f there was somebody o f fiv e fe e t eight inches and o f about eighteen kan. miz. + NAI KA TO OMOTTE SHIMPAI SURU s to be a fra id that one would n o t . . . , - Moshi ya o -k i ni ir a -n a i ka to omotte shimpai shimashita. I was a fra id you would not lik e i t . mizenkei + NAI KAGIRI : only a fte r . . . , unless, - Watashi wa otoko wo korosanai k a g ir i, koko wa sarumai to kakugo shimashita. I made a d ecision not to leave th is p la ce, unless I k ille d the man. mizenkei + NAI KOTONI WA : unless, so long as one does not, - Gakko wo sotsugyo sh i-n ai koto ni wa, shushoku dekinai. We cannot have a job unless we fin is h sch ool. - Watashi ga ik a-n ai koto ni wa hanashi ni narimasen. As long as I don 't go, they c a n 't arrange anything. mizenkei + NAI KOTO WA NAI : must, cannot help . ..- i n g , - Ima demo, yamagara no koe wo kiku t o , mada are ga ik it e iru daro ka, ashi no kizu do shitaro ka to omowanai koto wa arimasen. Even now when I hear the cry o f the titmouse I cannot help thinking i f i t is s t i l l a liv e or i f the wound o f i t s leg got better. mizenkei + NAI'N JA NAI NO = nai no de wa nai no = n a irash ii s i t seems not. - Ano h ito ik ita g a tte in a i'n ja nai no. He does not want to go. mizenkei + NAI TO MO KA.GIRANAI = nai to mo ien ai keredomo. mizenkei + NAI TO MO (WA) IENAI KEREDOMO s there may be, I ca n 't say there is not,





- Afurika ni wa sakura ga sakanai to mo ienai keredomo, boku wa hosho dekinai. There may be cherryblossoms blooming in A frica, but I cannot warrant i t . mizenkei + NAI TO NARANAI (iKENAl) = nakereba naranai. mizenkei + NAI UCHI NI s before, - Hi ga denai uchi ni shuppatsu shimashita. We l e f t before the sun rose. - Takusan arukanai uchi ni tsukaremash.ita. I had not T/alked fa r before I began to fe e l tire d . mizenkei + NAI WA % not to be allowed, must not, won't do, - Ikenai wa, sonna koto wo shitara, abunai ja nai no. You must not do it ? i f you do so i t might he dangerous. mizenkei + NAI WAKE DE WA NAI s ce rta in ly . . . , must have . . . - H itobito wa mukashi kara, j6 k i no chikara wo shiranai wake de wa nakatta. From olden tim es, people ce rta in ly knew the fo rce o f steam. clause + NAI WA ( yo) : cannot be, cannot be used, does not go, there are no more. - Shi no m o ji-it a wa, osh id ori no shi n i tsukatta kara nai wa yo. As fo r card shi, because you used i t fo r the shi o f o sh id ori, there are no more. - Hashi ga kowareta kara waterenai wa yo. Because the bridge is broken down, you cannot cross. mizenkei + NAI YO NA TOKI NI WA s when i t is not, when you do not, - Nihon de wa ofcoko de mo onna de mo daredaresan to iimasu ga, otoko ka onna ka wakaranai yo na tok i n i wa, daredaresan no okusan, mata wa, daredaresan no musumesan to iimasu. In Japan both men and women are c a lle d so-and-so-san, but when i t is not cle a r whether i t is a man or a woman, you say Mr S o-and-so's w ife or Mr S o-an d-so's daughter. mizenkei + NAI YO NI SURU : in order not to , so as not to , in order to prevent, so that one cannot, - Kana-ami de fu ta wo sh ite, nigerarenai yo ni sh ita. With a copper net we made a cover so that they could not escape.




mizenkei + NAI YO NI SHI-NASAI s please don 't . . . - Ano h ito wa kitanai kara asobanai yo ni shinasai. Because that fe llo w is too d irty , please don 't play with him. mizenkei + NAKUTE MO II (daijobu) : you need n ot, you don't have t o . - Boku no koto wa shimpai shi-nakute mo i i yo. You don't have to worry about me. - Soko e ikanakute mo daijobu desu tomo. Of course you don 't have to go there. - Kanashimanakute mo i i no desu. There is no need fo r you to fe e l grieved. mizenkei + NAKUTE WA IKENAI : i t is not proper not t o . . . , we must, we b etter . . . - Henji wo shinakute wa ikemasen. I t i s not becoming not to answer. - Kemonotachi wa haru no fuku ni kikaenakute wa narimasen. The animals had to change to springdresses. - Tegami wo kakanakute wa ikemasen. You must w rite a le t t e r . NAMBO + a d jectiv e + KOTO KA MO SHIRENAI t maybe i t is a very ...t h in g , - Naruhodo na, sh ib ito no kami no ke wo nuku to iu koto wa, nambo warui koto ka mo shirenu. I see ! Such things as pu lling out the h a ir o f dead persons might be a very bad thing. rentaikei + DA WO NAN DA NO TO IU s see da n o ... NAN . . . DEMO : any number, anything, everything. - Kuruma nara, nan-dai demo gozaimasu. I f i t is rikish as you want, there are any number. NAN DE MO : whatever, n'im porte quoi, - Nan de mo anata no nozomu mama n i itashimasu. I ' l l do anything you lik e and as you lik e i t . NAN DE MO NAI KOTO : i t i s nothing at a l l . - Kare we nan de mo nai koto ni sugu okoridasu. He immediately gets angry fo r no reason at a l l .

■ -



NAN DESU NO = nan desu ka ; what are you saying there ? , vous ra con tez-la ?

q u 'e st-ce que

NAN DOKORO NAI + noun : unreasonable . . . , unconscious . . . - Nan dokoro nai shigusa no uchi n i, kanojo ga kare no mono da to k a n jite iru koto wo arawashita de wa nai ka. In the midst o f th is unconscious a ttitu d e, did she not show that she f e l t that she was h is ? NAN . . . KA : a good many. - Yokohama e wa nan hen ka mairimashita ga yoku zonjimasen. I have been to Yokohama several times, but I d on 't know i t w ell. rentaikei + NANI KA GA ARTJ i there is something which. - Doryo ga kiyasuku Naritakun to koe wo kakeru no wo chucho suru nani ka ga atta. There was something which made his colleagues h esitate to c a ll him lig h t-h e a rte d ly Narita-kun. NANI KARA NANI MADE : from beginning to end, com pletely, everything. - Kunren nado mo mochiron chigau sh i, nani kara nani made minna chigau yo. Of course the tra in in g and so on is d iffe re n t too, in short everything i s d iffe r e n t from beginning to end. - Nani kara nani made ki ga tsuku. There is nothing that escapes his atten tion . NANI MO + negative verb : not at a l l , in no way . . . - Nani mo iwanai ho ga i i . You had b etter not say anything. - Sono kufu wa, nani mo muzukashii koto de wa arimasen. With th is method i t is not d i f f i c u l t at a l l . - Donna ni i i kangae demo, yarenai koto wa nanni mo narimasen. However bright the idea might be, something which cannot be carried out means nothing. NAN . . . MO s any number. - Empitsu wa nam-bon mo arimasu. I have any amount o f p e n cils. - Sore wo ningen wa nan-bito mo donna hoho de mo kazoe tsukusu koto wa dekinai. Among humans, nobody by whatever method can count them.




NANI NI MO NARANAI = nani n i naro : to be without re su lt, to come to nothing, o f no use. NANI NI NARO : a quoi s e r t - i l ? , what i s the use ? - Sonna ni isshokemmei benkyo s h it a 't t e nani ni naro. Although we study so hard, what is the use o f i t ? NANI NI SHITE MO : in any case. - Nani ni sh ite mo myonichi mairimasu. Anyhow I ' l l come tomorrow. NANI NI SHIYD KA : what sh a ll I make o f i t ?, what should I do about i t ? , what sh a ll I use fo r i t . - Daidokoro no ten jo wa, nan ni shimasho ka. What shall I use fo r the kitchen c e llin g ? - Kyo no yushoku wa nani ni shimasho ka. What do you want fo r your dinner to-da y ? NAN NO + noun + MO NAKU % without any . . . - Genin wa nan no miren mo naku u e jin i wo eranda koto de aro. Without any regret the common man would have chosen starvation. NAN NO TAME NI s why ? - Tsuki hi wa nan no tame ni saru no de aro. Why should the time move away ? NAN TO KA : one way o r another, something, - Nan to ka hen ji wo suru. To give an answer one way or another. - Daikusan ga k ite ashita wa korarenai ka mo shirenai to ka nan to ka iim ashita. The carpenter came and said something about his not being able perhaps to come tomorrow. (compare with nani ka to i u ) . NAN TO KA TO KA = nan to ka. NAN TO KA IU s how, I don 't know how, something. - Nan to ka iu mono de aru. I t is something which I don't know w ell how i t is c a lle d . - Ano nan to ka i t t a h ito . That man who i s c a lle d I don 't know very w ell how.


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NAN TO KA SHITE = nani to ka. - Nan to ka sh ite te ni ir e t a i mono da. One way or the other I would lik e to have i t . NAN TO IEBA YOI KA s how to define. - Sono tok i no watashi no kokoro no uchi wa, nan to ieha yoi ka wakarimasen. What was in my heart at that time, I don 't know how to define i t . NAN TO MO + negative verb s nothing, nothing at a l l , none at a l l . - Nan to mo domo moshiwake ga gozaimasen. A, so. I have no excuse at a l l . - Nan to mo iwanai. No to say anything at a l l . - Nan to mo n a i. There is nothing at a l l . I t i s nothing. I t makes no d ifferen ce to me. NAN TO MO I I TO NO NAI + noun = nan to mo ien ai : in ex p lica b le, in d e s c r ip tib le . - Watashi wa o tto no me no naka n i, nan to mo i i yo no nai kagayaki ga yadotte iru no wo satorim ashita. In the eyes o f my husband I saw that there was an in d e s crip tib le glow. NAN . . . TO NAKU : many . . . - Nan-kai to naku. Many times. NANI TO NAKU s f o r no sp ecial reason, without knowing exactly why, in s tin c t iv e ly , somehow, fo r some reason or other. - Nan to naku j i t t o sh ite wa irarenai Gojo wa, kimagure no yo n i te wo sashinobemashita. Gojo who fo r no apparent reason could not keep quiet, ca p ricio u sly stuck out her hand. - Ano h ito wa nan to naku johin na tokoro ga aru. There i s something refin ed about th is man. NAN TO NASHI NI = nan to naku. NAN TO IU KOTO NAKU = nani to naku.

NAN TO SHITE MO ; in sp ite o f every e ff o r t ,

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- Nan to shite mo sono nochi no ayumi wa ch ich i to shite susumazu,. . In sp ite o f every e ffo r t his progress o f study th ereafter did not even slow ly make any headway. NANI WA NAKU TO MO : at le a s t , only. - Nani wa naku to mo anata no o-soba ni sae ireba manzoku desu. I am s a t is fie d i f only I can stay with you. NANI WA SATE OKI = nani wo o it e mo : f i r s t o f a l l . NANI WA TO MO ARE : anyhow, in any case. - Nani wa to mo are kare no iu tokoro wo kiku ga y o i. In any case you b e tte r lis t e n to what he says. NANI WO ITTE MO : whatever you might say, . . . I don 't care what you say, . . . - Kimi ga nan to i t t e mo j i j i t s u wa j i j i t s u da. Whatever you might say, fa c ts are fa c t s . NANI WO MORATTE MO : fo r nothing in the world. - Ano ko wa nani wo moratte mo kansha wo shinai. That c h ild never says thank you whatever i t re ce iv e s. NANI WO OITE MO : f i r s t o f a l l . - Anata wa byoki ni nattara nani wo o it e mo kaketsukemasu. I f you get i l l I ' l l come to you f i r s t o f a l l . NANI WO SURU NI MO : whatever he does, . . . ; quoi q u 'i l fa sse, . . . - Nani wo suru ni mo sakidatsu mono wa o-kane desu. Whatever he does, the question is always money. NANI WO SURU TO MO NAKU : without doing anything sp e cia l, - Kyo no ic h in ic h i wo nani wo suru to mo naku bonyari to sugoshite shimatta. I have spent a ll day without doing anything sp e cia l. NANI YA KA YA ; one thing and another. - Nani ya ka ya y o ji ga arimasu. I am very busy what with one thing or another.




NANI TORI s before anything, than anything e lse . - Nani y ori jinkaku da. Character goes before anything. I t is the character that counts. - Gunjin n i wa nani y ori mo kenko ga hitsuyo da. Good health i s everything fo r a s o ld ie r. NANI YORI + a d je ctiv e : . . . than anything e lse before. - Nani y ori kekko na o-shina wo arigato gozaimashita. Thanks fo r your splendid present. past tense + NARI : w hile. - Watashi wa yatto karada wo okoshita n a ri, otto no kao wo mimamorimashita. While I p a in fu lly raised my body, I c lo s e ly watched the face o f my husband. - Shikashi tsuma wa sozen to sasa no ochiba ni suwatta n a ri, j i t t o hiza e me wo yatte ir u . But while my w ife was s ittin g gloom ily on the fa lle n le a fs o f the bamboo, she fix e d ly kept her eyes on her knees. noun + NASHI NI (DE) : without, (the su bject i s u su ally not marked by a p o s tp o s itio n ). - Mizu nashi de (wa) shokubutsu wa sodatanai. Without water plants do not grow. - Kono matchi wa n io i nashi n i moeru. These matches brun without sm ell. NAZE (DA) KA SHIRANAI


not to know why, I can 't t e l l you why,

- Naze ka shiranai ga h it o r i de ni namida ga koboreochiru. I don 't know why but my tears come spontaneously. NAZE__ KA TO SUREBA ; the reason why . . . i s that . . . - Naze watakushi ga anata wo kino o-tazune shinakatta ka to sureba, jit s u wa byoki datta no desu. The reason why I d id n 't v i s i t you yesterday, i s that I was i l l . NAZE TO IEBA............ KARA DESTJ ; the reason is that, i t is because . . . - Natsu wa umi y o ri yama ga suki, naze to ieba yama no ho ga suzushii kara desu. In summer I prefer the mountains to the sea-shore and I ' l l t e l l you why, i t is because i t is co o le r up on the mountains.









NONI ..... KARA DE ARU : i t i s because

- Naze ka to iu Gojo no me ni I t i s because constantly to NAZE KA


. . . NODE ARU = naze ka to

iu t o .

noni kono dorei no ho de mo mata taezu fureyo to nozonde iru ra sh ii kara de aru. the slave too seemed to wish to show him self Gojo .


: whenyou askwhy,

- Naze ka to iu to , kono ni san nen Kyoto ni wajis h in to ka . . . iu wazawai ga tsu zuite otta . When you ask why, i t i s because these la st two or three years there continuously occured earthquakes and . . . in Kyoto. - Naze ka to iu n i, ikuyo kokoromite mite mo, sono hoshi wa Chinsan no me no matataku tabigoto ni matataki hikaru no de atta. I f you ask why, i t i s because each time the eyes o f Chinsan twinckled, th is star too flic k e r e d and th is although he trie d i t many times. NAZE'TTEBA = naze to ieba. NAZE NARABA = naze to ieba. NAZE WARUI (KA) TO IU TO . . . WA ••. KARA DESU : the o b je ctio n to . . . is that . . . - Naze warui ka to iu to , kare wa i i wake suru noni uso wo tsu ita kara desu. The ob je ctio n to him is that he t e l l s l i e s to excuse him self. renyokei verb A + NI + verb B : to B in order to A. •- Mi ni it t a . I went to see. renyokei o f verb A + NI + negative p o te n tia lis o f verb A : to be too ashamed to + verb A to r e a lly cannot + verb A. - Iu ni iwarenai, I r e a lly cannot t e l l you. - Iku ni ikarenai. I am too ashamed to go.



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renyokei o f verb A + NI + past tense o f verb A s continuously . . . , - Kachi ni katta. To win continuously. - Machi ni matte imash.ita. I waited continuously. - Kurushimi wo korae ni koraeta. I endured the pain continuously. rentaikei + (NO) NI (WA) ; in order to. - Mada neru no ni wa hayai. I t i s s t i l l too early to go to bed. - Minna naka yoku suru ni wa do shitara yoi ka donna koto wo yametara yoi ka sore wo sodan shite ita d a k ita i to omoimasu. I thought o f holding a meeting to discuss what to do and what to omit in order to be good frie n d s. probable future + NI s you should, - Sono kawari jibun jis h in no koto wo negattaro n i. Instead o f th is you had b e tte r ask something fo r y ou rself. - Moshi konnichi haha ga it e kureta naraba, watashi no iu to r i wo s h in jite kuretaro n i. I f my mother would come today, she would b e lie v e what I say. rentaikei + NI CHIGAI-NAI ; i t is beyond doubt, there is no question about i t , must, must have, - Naku shita h ito wa k itto sagashite iru ni ch igain ai. I t is beyond doubt that the person who lo s t i t must be looking fo r i t . - Ayano mo kanashilcatta ni chigai nai. Also Ayano must have been overwhelmed with g r ie f . noun + NI CHIGAI NAI (DESH) : i t must be + noun. - Kore wa tomodachi no hon ni chigai n ai. I t must be my frien ds book. t..

NI CHIGAI GA ARIMASEN (NAl) = ni chigai nai.

noun + NI HOKA NARANAI s i t i s nothing but, - Ima kono genin ga hima wo dasareta no mo jit s u wa kono suibi no c h iis a na yoha ni hoka naranai. The fa c t that the common man had been discharged now, is r e a lly nothing but a small a f t e r -e ff e c t o f th is d eclin e.

- Sore wa uso ni hoka naranai. I t i s nothing hut a l i e , renyokei + NI IKU : to go + in fin it iv e , to go to go and . . . ,

to go fo r , to

- Boshi wo t o r i n i ikimasho. I am going to fe tch my hat. noun + NI KOTO YOSETE ; under the pretense o f , under the mask o f, - Byoki ni koto yosete jishoku suru. To resign on e's post under the pretext o f i l l health. renyokei + NI KURU ; to come to . . . , to come fo r . . . - Tokei wo t o r i n i kimashita. I came fo r the watch. rentaikei + NI MO HOBO GA ARU : to have lim its , - Yoku n i mo hodo ga aru. Even to avarice there are lim its . - Baka ni suru n i mo hodo ga aru. There are lim its when you make a fo o l o f people. verb + NI MO KAKAWARAZTJ s in s p ite o f , a fte r. - Watashi ga zuibun sewa wo shita ni mo kakawarazu sono neko wa shinimashita. In s p ite o f a l l my care the cat died. rentaikei + NI (MO) OYOBANAI s not to be necessary to, - Mamoru ni mo oyobanai tawamure no yakusoku wo omou. To think about a promise fo r fun which one need not n e ce ssa rily keep. NI MO YORANAIDE : without recourse t o , disregarding, - Haha no iitsu k e ni mo yoranaide (yorazu) kodomo wa shado wo yokogita. Disregarding the order o f h is mother, the c h ild crossed the highway. renyokei + NI NAREBA = ni sureba yoi s you had b e tte r . . . , vu que . . . , as you . . . , p u isq u e ... - Sore dake nara sugu i t t e sugu o-k aeri ni nareba. I f i t is only that, you b e tte r go now and return quickly.


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. . . NI NAREBA YOI : to wish to , to d esire that, i f i t only could (would), - Hayaku ban ni nareba y o i. I only wish i t would get dark soon. 0- + renyokei + NI NARU : a p o lit e substitute fo r the ordinary in fle c tio n s o f the verb. - 0-yomi n i narimashita ka. Have you read i t ? - Sono tok i ni wa, sensei ga mondai wo o-dashi ni narimasu. On that occasion the teacher put forward a problem. noun + NI OKERU GA G0T0SHI s to be lik e . . . - Bi wa nikko no yo n i okeru ga gotosh i. Beauty is lik e the life tim e o f a sunray. A + NO + B + NI OKERU WA + C + NO + D + NI OKERU GA GOTOSHI s A is to B what C is to D. - Nippon no Asia ni okeru wa, I g ir is u no Yoropa ni okeru ga gotosh i. Japan i s to Asia what England is to Europe. noun or rentaikei + NI SHITAGATTE ; in accordance with, as, in lin e with, - Okisa ni shitagatte atai ga chigau. The p rice d iffe r s according to s iz e . - Seicho suru n i sh itagatte. As he grows o ld e r. In lin e with his age. noun + NI SHITAI (MONO DESU) : I hope i t w ill be . . . - 0-tenki ni sh ita i mono desu. I hope the weather w ill be fin e . - Kono ko wo isha n i sh ita i mono desu. I hope th is boy w ill be a doctor. noun + NI SHITE MO = n ite = de aru = de atte mo : even i f i t i s , may i t be, - Koto ni yoru t o , gohan ni shite mo, yasai ni sh ite mo . . . . . . minna nipponjin no te de tsukawarete iru no ka mo shirenai. Therefore, may i t be r ic e or vegetables or . . . . . . one may wonder i f i t i s not a l l grown by Japanese hands.

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noun + NI SHITE : 1. with suru used tr a n s itiv e ly ; to make to do, to act. 2. with suru used in tr a n s itiv e ly ‘. i n , as, being. 1. Kodomo ga kame wo omocha ni shite imasu. The children are making the tu rtle a plaything. 2. Roma wa ic h in ic h i ni sh ite narazu. Rome was not b u ilt in a day. Washinton wa Beikoku no miyako ni sh ite daitokai de aru. Washington, being the ca p ita l o f the United States, is a large town. rentaikei + NI SHITE MO ; although, granted that, even presuming that, - Shikashi otoko wo korosu ni shite mo, hikyo na koroshikata wa shitaku arimasen. But even presuming that I ' l l k i l l the man, I don 't want to k i l l him as a coward. noun + NI SHITE WA : f o r (suru is used in tr a n s itiv e ly ). - Kodomo n i sh ite wa yoku kaite arimasu. I t is w ell w ritten fo r a ch ild . - Kono jik o wa Tokyo ni sh ite wa atsui de wa arimasen ka. I s n 't th is weather very hot fo r Tokyo. noun + NI SO INAI : I am sure that . . . - Nani ka wake no aru h ito ni so in a i. I am sure that he i s somebody with some m otive. noun + NI SOKKURI DA s ju st lik e , exa ctly lik e , the exact image o f, - Kono ko wa otosan ni sokkuri da. This boy i s the very p o r tra it o f h is fath er. - Kore wa yu jin ni sokkuri da. He is the exact image o f a frien d o f mine. noun + NI SUGINAI : i t i s nothing but . . . , - Kuro ni aomi wo o b ita shiromono n i suginu, . . . I t is nothing but an a r t ic le with a bluish tin t on black. - Ippen no r e ig i ni suginai. I t is only out o f courtesy. - Sore wa kare no k o jits u ni suginai. This is only a pretext f o r him. past tense + NI SUGINAI ; i t is only, not to go beyond, i t is nothing but,




- Watashi wa waratta ni suginai. I ju st laughed. I merely laughed. - Kuro n i aomi wo o b ita shiromono ni suginu. I t is nothing but an a r t ic le which has a bluish tin t on black. noun + NI TAI SURU : against, versus, - Kono roba ni ta i suru hageshii zoo ga sukoshi zutsu ugoite k ita . A v io le n t hatred against th is old woman l i t t l e by l i t t l e came up in him. noun + NI TOTTE WA % f o r - Ano h ito ni t o t t e wa taihen na kane da. For him i t is a large sum. - J itsu ni wagakuni ni t o tt e wa kore made n i nai dainan de atta. For my country i t was the biggest catastrophe that ever occured. - Ano h ito ni t o tte wa osake wa kusuri desu. Sake i s a medecine fo r him. - Sore wa watashi ni t o tt e wa ic h i d a iji desu. I t i s a very important matter to me. noun + NI YOREBA : taking in to account, taking as a b a sis. - Asahi Shimbun ni yoreba Amerika ni o jis h in ga a tta so da. According to the Asahi Shimbun there has been a great earthquake in America. - Saikin no chosa ni yoreba. Taking the most recent researches in to account. noun + NI YORI ; according t o , follow in g your . . . , by order o f, - Kimei ni y o r i. Following your orders. - Mimpo dai ni jo ni y o r i. According to a r t ic le two o f the c i v i l code. noun + NI YOTTE : depending on, according to , - Sore wa hohei ka hohei ka kohei ka iru butai ni yotte chigau yo. That varies depending on the unit you are in , the infantry, the a r t ille r y , or the engineers. noun + NI YOTTE WA = ni yoru to s owing to (the fa c t th a t), to take as a b a sis, on account o f ,




NI YORU TO = ni y o tte . - Otegami yoru to . According to your le t t e r . e,

NI YORU TO : see tokoro ni yoru to. noun + NI WA MIENAI : not to look lik e . . .

(su b je ct takes wa).

- Toshi ni wa mienai. He does not look h is age. noun + NO ARIGATASA NI : thanks to the fa c t to be, that is the advantage o f being a . . . , because o f . . . - Nawa wa, nusubito no arigatasa n i, . . . chanto koshi ni tsukete it a no desu. Thanks to being a t h ie f, I always carry a rope. - Haha no nasake no arigatasa ni omowazu namida ga koboreta. I shed tears because o f the a ffe c tio n o f my mother. rentaikei + NO DARO = de aro : seemed to be, to think th at,to suppose that, w ill probably be, - Konai no daro. I suppose i t i s that he won't come. - Suruto sono kishoku ga sempo e mo t s u jit a no de aro. His fe e lin g s seemed to be known by the other person. rentaikei + NO DA TO IURASHII : i t seems to mean that i t is something which, - Mizu ga atama no naka ni tsumatte iru no da to iu ra sh ii. I t seemed to mean that water was stu ffe d in his head. A

rentaikei + NO DE ARO s seemed to be . . . - Suruto, sono kishoku ga, sempo e mo t s u jit a no de ar6. Then, th is fe e lin g seemed also to be known to the other person. rentaikei + NO DE NAKATTANARABA s i f not. - Atarashii kofuku wo motarasu tame ni atarash ii tsukihi ga kuru no de nakattanaraba, do shite kofuku no m ichite iru shunji ni Gikwashi no kuruma wa todomaranai no de aro. I f new days were not going to come in order to bring her new happiness, why does the wagon o f time not stop at the top o f her happiness.

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verb + NO DE WA ARIliASEN s emphatic negation. - Aru no de wa arimasen. There is not. - Yomu no de wa n a i. I do not read. rentaikei + NO DE Y/A NAI (KA) : negative o f no desu. - Husendama no yo na perari to marui no ga h a itte iru no de wa arumai ka. I s n 't i t something in which something round, lik e a balloon, got in ? rentaikei + NO DE WA NAI KA TO OMOWARERU : to le t a n ticip a te, la is s e r prevoir que. - Kuni wa Shinso no yo wo saigo no sakari ni sh ite dandan to otoroete yuku no de wa nai ka to omowareru zencho ga atta. In the country there were in dication s that le t an ticipate that the area o f Shinso was in i t s fin a l best days and was slowly declin in g. rentaikei + NO DESU : 1. i t is a fa ct that, i t is something which, i t i s that 2. must, to have to , 3. to use to , 1. - Kore wa ko-gatana de k itta no desu ka. Was th is cut with a kn ife ? - Surudoi me de mita no de aru. She was looking with sharp eyes. 2. - 6funa de norikaeru no desu ka. Do I have to change at t)funa ? - Sore wo himo de neko no kubi n i musubitsukeru no desu. This we must bind with a strin g to the neck o f the cat. 3. Taka wa tonde k ite Jingisu kan n i shiraseru no deshita. The fa lcon used to f l y to Genghis Khan and show him. renyokei + TAI NO DESU ; see ta i no desu. rentaikei + NO GA SHIMPAI DESU (SURU) : I am a fra id o f (t»), - Kimono wo yogosu no ga shimpai desu. I am a fra id o f d irtyin g my dress.



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noun + NO HAZU DESU s i t must be . . . - Kore wa Taro no empitsu no hazu desu. This must he T aro's p e n cil. - Kyo wa doKo de mo yasumi no hazu da. To-day i t must he everywhere a vacation. You w ill fin d a l l the shops closed to-day. noun + NO HODO NI + verb s to . . . according to . . . - Mi no hodo ni shitagau. To act according to h is rank. noun + NC 20KA (Ni) WA s except . . . - C hiisai nimotsu no hoka wa minna motte kudasai. Take a l l the luggage except the small p a rcel. rentaikei + NO KA LIO SHXRENAX = Ka mo shirenai : I am afraid o f , I am a fraid to , I dare 3ay that.

noun + NO KOTO NI TSUITE ; about, with regard to, - Zashiki no kabe no koto ni ts u ite , sukoshi hanashitai 'n da. I want to talk a l i t t l e to you about the drawingroom wall. rentaikei + NO MO MURI WA NAI : i t i s no wonder that . . . . i t is but reasonable t h a t . . . , c ' est bien naturel que . . . - Mata ano yabu no sh igette iru no wo mite wa, so iu no mo muri wa arimasumai. But when you see the denseness o f the th ick e t, i t is no wonder that she said thus. noun + NO NAKA DE MO s even among . . . .

- Hohei no naka de mo ir o ir o na no ga aru yo. Even among infantrymen there are various kinds. rentaikei + NO NI WA s as fo r in connection with the fa ct that, as fo r the fa c t that, - Yofukuten wo hajimeru no ni wa, chodo yoi tok i deshita. I t w as ju st the righ t time to sta rt a shop fo r Western styled cloth in g. rentaikei + NO (NI OR TO) SHITE MO : admitting th at, granting that, although, even i f , - Keikaku ga kanzen de nai to sh ite mo nao katsu watashi wa sore wo jikko ni utsuso to omoimasu.


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Admitting that my plan is not p e rfe ct yet, I sh all now begin to put i t in to p ra ctice . noun + NO TAME NARA : i f i t is fo r the sake o f - Kuni no tame nara itsudemo inochi wo suteru. I am always ready to giv e my l i f e fo r my country. noun + NO TAME NI ; fo r , because o f , - Kawa no engan wa kotsu mata wa sangyo no tame n i tsukawarete iru . The area along the r iv e r is used fo r transportation or industry. - Kono kimono wo dare no tame ni kaimashita ka. For whom did you buy th is kimono ? - Kino ame no tame ni ensoku ni ikaremasen deshita. Yesterday I could not go out on a p icn ic because o f the rain. noun + NO TAME NI NARU : to be good fo r , to the advantage o f, - Karada no tame ni naru. Good fo r the health. - Kore wa anata no tame ni naru koto desu. This i s good fo r you. noun + NO TAP.® ¥0 0M0U s do something fo r the good o f , do something fo r the b en efit o f , - Hito no tame wo omou. To act with a view to somebody's good. rentaikei o f verb A + NO + negative ren taik ei o f verb A + NO'TTE = to i t t e . - Hau no hawanai n o 't t e , yokv arukimasu. Did you say creep ! why, he walks b e a u tifu lly . - Atsui no atsukunai n o 't t e , yakeso deshita. Talk about heat ! i t seemed as i f we were burning. . . . NO UCHI (NAKA) NI ATTE : in the midst o f - Kanashimi no naka n i a tte tanoshikatta hi wo furikaeru ho do taegatai mono wa nai to iu. Being in the midst o f g r ie f, nothing is more in tolera b le than to remember happy days. rentaikei + NO ¥A DO SHITA WAKE DESU KA ; what is the reason t h a t ... - Kino konakatta no wa do sh ita wake desu ka. Why did you not come yesterday ?

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rentaikei + NO WA KOWAI (NO DESU) s to be a fra id o f, I fea r that, I am a fra id to, - Fune ni noru no wa kowai. I am a fr a id o f tra v e llin g by boat. rentaikei +


VTA NAN TO MO OMOWANAI : not to mind at a l l ,

- Samui no wa nan to mo omowanai. I don't mind at a l l that i t is cold . rentaikei + NO

WA IU MADE MO NAI s see made mo

n a i.

rentaikei + NO

XIA IU MADE MO NAI : see koto

mademo nai.


rentaikei + NO WO MITE MO s merely by seeing that, - Nogi Maresuke no tegami wo hyoso sh ite kakete aru no wo mite mo, ika ni mo Nogi taisho to shinko ga a tta -r a s h ii, . . . Merely by seeing that le t t e r s o f Nogi Maresuke were hanging around, there seemed to have been a real friendship with general Nogi. noun + NO YO DA : he looks lik e a . . . , - Are wa dorobo no yo da. He looks lik e a t h ie f. noun + NO YO NA KI GA SURU s to have a fe e lin g that . . . , to b e lie v e that, be under the impression t h a t . . . , - K oibito no yo na k i ga shimasu. I have a fe e lin g that he is my lover. - Byoki ni naru yo na k i ga shimasu. I have a fe e lin g that I am going to get i l l . noun + NO Y6 NI MIERU : to look lik e a . . . (su b ject takes wa). - Ano musumesan wa g a ijin no yo ni miemasu. That g i r l looks lik e a foreig n er. . . . NONI HIKIKAETE : w hile, on the contrary, - Ano h ito ga anna n i kimbenka na noni hikikaete ano hito no ototo wa itsumo namakete imasu. His younger brother is always id le , while he is such an industrious man.



-ogerund + OKU ; 1. to . . . in advance. 2. to . . . once and fo r a ll. _ Kippu wo katte okimashita. I bought the tic k e ts in advance. 2. - Kore wo t o tt e okimashita. I put th is away (once and fo r a l l ) . - Sono mama ni sh ite o it e o-kure. Leave i t as i t i s .





past tense + . . . : see under f i r s t le t t e r follow in g past tense ex. past tense + ue de : see under ue.

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-sgerund + SAE : even with, even i f , even though i t has, - Ushi wa hizume ga warete it e sae ano t o r i o s o i. Even though the cow has s p lit h oofs, i t s t i l l is so slow. noun or renyokei + SAE + verb izenkei + BA s i f on ly, provided. - Ai sae sureba anshin shimasu. I f I could on ly see him, my mind would be at ease. - Jibun n i kane sae areba, . . . I f I only had enough money, . . . - Anata no musukosan ga boki wo s h itte i sae sureba watashi no jimusho de yatoimasho. I sh a ll employ your son in my o f f i c e provided he knows bookkeeping. - Sukoshi namakeru koto sae nakereba kare wa i i untenshu desu. I f he were only not so lazy, he would be a good driver. SA MO . . .

. . . TO DE MO OMOTTE IRU TO NI : to have the impression that,

- Sa mo (ningen nami ni namida ga deru aida wa mada) daijobu to de mo omotte iru yd n i. She had the impression that everything was a lrig h t with him (as fa r as i t i s normal fo r a human being to shed te a rs). SA MO............ YO NI (NA) : as i f to be, - Samo shinsetsu mono no yo na koto wo iu . He talks as i f he were a kind man. - Kanojo wa samo kane ga aru yo ni furumau. She acts as i f she were r ic h . renyokei + SHIDAI (Ni) + clause : as soon as. - Kyo gakko ga sumi shidai ikimasho. I w ill go today as soon as the school c lo s e s . - Kyoto ni tsuki shidai hoteru n i it t a . As soon as I reached Kyoto I went to the h o te l. . . . SHIKA + mizenkei + NAI NO DE ARU : to be somebody who only + verb + b u t, . . . - Yamon wa maru de shibai no sekai ni sunde iru yo na shitsuke shika shiranu no de a tta . Yamon r e a lly only kne?/ but a culture lik e that liv e d in a world o f the theatre.




gerund o f a d jectives + SHIKATA GA NAI s aw fully . . . , unbearably, t e r r ib ly ,

extremely, too,

- Atsukute shikata ga n a i. I t is aw fully hot. - Sakuban kara ha ga itakute shikata ga arimasen. I have been s u ffe rin g from a t e r r ib le toothache since la st night. gerund + MO SHIKATA GA NAI : see mo . . . . gerund + SHIMAU ; in d icates the completion o f an a ction , emphatic, plu perfect tense, - Watashi ga uchi ni ts u ita toki kazoku no mono wa sudeni dekakete shimatta. When I arrived home my fam ily had already gone out. - Isha ga kuru mae ni byonin wa shinde shimatta. Before the doctor came the patient had died. - Kodomo wa nete shimatta. The c h ild has gone to sleep. - Kono hon wo mo yonde shimatta. I have fin is h e d reading th is book. gerund + SHIMAU BAKARI DE ARU : \7ould surely be, - Moshi kono fuko ga kono mama tsuzukeba kare wa hasan shite shimau bakari de aru. I f th is misfortune would continue lik e t h is , he would surely become in s o lv e n t. gerund + SHIMAU KA MO SHIREMASEN s I wonder i f he is not going to . . . , I don't know i f he i s not going to , - Nagai byoki desu kara shinde shimau ka mo shiremasen. As he i s i l l since a long time, I wonder i f he is not going to die. gerund + SHIMAU TO : when one has fin ish e d to . . . , - Watashi wo tegome ni sh ite shimau to , shibarareta otto wo nagame nagara, azakeru j 8 ni waraimashita. When he had fin ish e d v io la tin g me, he looked a tte n tiv e ly at my tie d husband and laughed mockingly. . . . SHIYO GA NAI = skikata ga n ai.




rentaikei + SUBE MO M l : cannot, not to know what to, - Kando no saikocho ni ta ssh ita Yamon wa te no kudashi yo ga naku, mata koe wo shinobaseru sube mo naku, tebanashi de naite shimatta. At the end o f his resou rces, Yamon, who had reached the height o f h is emotions, could not any longer conceal his v o ic e , and started crying. SUKOSHI MO + negative verb : none at a l l , not at a l l , - Kane ga sukoshi mo arimasen. I have no money at a l l. - Otto no me no iro wa, sukoshi mo sakki to kawarimasen. The colour o f my husbands eyes did not change at a ll from a l i t t l e while ago. - Koe wa sukoshi mo kikoemasen. I did not hear anything. noun + HI SUGIMI : see ni suginai. A + AMARI + B + SUGIRU : to be too much B to be A ., - Kagami migaki no k o jin ni sh ita tokoro de amari hin ga ari-su giru . To be too noble to be a m irror-clean er. conditional (past tense + ra) + SUGU (Ni) : see tar a sugu n i. . . . SO DA : they say that,he said that, - To sin no tokoro e iku to kodomo wa muikame ka kokonokame ni iu no da so da. He was to ld that the boy, a fter a week or so, said that he was going to h is fa th e r 's p lace. - Kinjo no kodomo to asonde it a no da so da. They said that he played with the children o f the neighbourhood. renyokei + SO (DESU) : to seem t o , to be going t o , to be ready to , to be threatening to, - Tarosan mo gakkari shite nakidashiso desu. Also Taro, fe e lin g discouraged, was about to cry. - Ame ga fu riso desu. I t threatens to ra in . shushikei + SO DESU ; they say that, they reported that, to hear that, to understand that, - Tabitabi minamitaiheiyo e enshu n i dekakeru so da. I understand they ofte n go on the South P a c ific on maneuvers.




- Boku gp mittsu no tok i ni kaita no da so desu. They say that i t was I who drew i t when I was three years old . - Tanuki wa yabu no naka de odokasareta so desu. I t seems that the badger was threatened in the th ick et. shushikei + SO NA = so da. - Tatehakidomo ga kakasazu sairyo ni katte it a so na. People say that the guards bought i t regu la rly as th e ir food. - Gunpyo ga miyako no ho e chikazuite kuru so na. I t is reported that the army approached the c a p ita l. renyokei + SO MO NAI : there is no p ro b a b ility o f . . . - Kare wa kiso mo nai. There is no p r o b a b ility o f h is coming. renyokei + SO NA MONO DA : probably w il l, lik e ly w il l, ought to - Kyo wa tenki ga i i kara kare ga k i-s o na mono da. Because i t i s fin e today he probably w ill come. - Tori nara to b i-s o na mono da. I f i t is a b ird i t ougnt to f l y . renyokei +


NI BAKARI STJRU : only doing as i f . . .

- Shikamo kasa no naka kara n ige-dash i-so ni bakari shite it a . However, he only did as i f he was going to run away from underneath the umbrella. renyokei + SO NI MO NAI : - Ame wa yamiso n i mo nai. There is no sign o f rain ceasing


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Not s a t is fie d with studying to become a nurse, she also studied medicine. . . . . KAY/ARI NI \7A : instead o f, but instead. SORE YUE Gojo wa onshitsu no hana to shite yoiku sarete, sore yue junkyo ni okarereba ikura demo yasashiku nari uru kawari ni wa, yo ni samusa no aru koto wo shirazu n i gyakkyo ni wa moroku hmekure yasuku umarete k ite it a . , , . Gojo was brought up lik e a flow er in a hothouse, and i f she had been put in the sun she might have grown up however e a s ily , but instead she was bom f r a i l , degenerated and fr a g ile in unfavourable conditions without knowing the coldness o f the world. 4




-T-TA + . . .

: see under f i r s t le t t e r follow in g past tense + . . .

TADA . . . + rent. BAKARI DE ARU ; there only is . . . - Soto n i wa, tada, kokudodo-taru yoru ga aru hakari de aru. Outside there was only the p itch -b la ck night. TADA . . . DAKE DE s simply. - Tokoroga, omu wa, mainichi tada "sore ni chigainai" to iu dake de, sono hoka no kotoba wa chittomo iimasen. But every day the parrot simply said "That is c o r r e c t", and did not say anything e ls e . noun + (WA) TADA . . . I will...

. . . DAKE DE ARU : the only thing one can do i s . . ,

- Watashi wa tada jibun no mi no shiro de sono tsugunai ga dekiru dake de aru. The only thing I could do was to indemnify this with the service o f my l i f e . - Sore naraba watakushi wa tada anata wo uttaeru dake de aru. I f that i s the case, I ' l l take le g a l proceedings against you. TADA............ DAKE DESU = t a d a ............... bakari desu. - Ato ni wa tada sugi no negata n i, ot t o ga shibararete iru dake desu. In i t s stead there was only my husband bound to the trunk o f a cedar. TAGAI NI + renyokei + AU s to . . . each other, - Tagai ni tasuke-au. To help each other. - Tagai ni o s e ji wo ii-aim asu. They f l a t t e r each other. renyokei + TAI t to wish to (only f i r s t person). - Nihon shoku ga ta b eta i. I wish to eat Japanese food. renyokei + TAI (NO) DESU ; to wish to, - Kono jid osh a wo k a ita i no desu. I wish to buy this car.




- Ano kata wa Nippon e ik it a i no desu. He wishes to go to Japan. - Shosetsu ga yomitai desu. I wish to read a novel. renyokei + TAI KI GA SURU : to he in clin e d to , to he apt to, to be tempted to , - Tatta h i t o r i, Gojo no meshitsukai to mo tomodachi to mo iubeki Ekishun ni dake wa uchiaketai ki ga shita. She was only in clin e d to open her heart to Ekishun alone, who ought to he c a lle d Gojo' s frie n d as w ell as servant. renyokei + TAI KI NI NARU : to have a desire to . . . - Gaikoku n i demo ik it a i ki ni naru. I have a desire to go somewhere, lik e fo r example to a foreign country. renyokei + TAI KOTO GA ARU ; there is something I want t o , - Anata ni onegai sh ita i koto ga arimasu. There is something I want to ask you. - Suidosen to dento no koto ni tsu ite nani ka hanashitai koto ga aru to i t t e imashita. They said there was something they wanted to talk over about the water mains and the e le c t r ic lig h ts . renyokei + TAI MONO DA ; I wish t o , I would lik e t o , I h o p e . . . , - Mizu ga nomitai mono da. I would lik e to drink some water. - Komban dekiru yo ni s h ita i mono da. I hope i t w ill be ready tonight. renyokei + TAI MONO DESU = t a i (no) desu. renyokei + TAI TAME NI ; because one wishes to , - Ashita shuppatsu sh ita i tame n i, konyaju ni kore wo katazukete shimaimasho. Because I wish to go fo r a trip to-morrow, I ' l l fin is h this task to-n igh t. renyokei + TAI TO IU : he wishes to (on ly th ird person). - Hon wo k a ita i to iim ashita. He wishes to buy a book.




renyokei + TAI TO IU WO WARA : i f you wish to, i f you have the in ten tion to, - Dobutsuen e ik i t a i to iu nara, asu ikimasho. I f you wish to go to the zoo, le t us go to-morrow. renyokei + TAI TO KOU : to ask to le t one . . . , - Kagami wo m igakitai to kota. He bade to le t him p olish the m irror. renyokei + TAI TO OMOTJ : to wish that he may, only want to, only wish that he may, to think about . . . appeals to me, - Hon wo sukoshi k a ita i to omoimasu. I only wish to buy some books. - Kiniro no kureyon wo sukoshi n u rita i to omoimashita. I only wanted to wet the golden p en cil a l i t t l e . - Ano kumo ni n otte m itai to omotta. I only wished I could rid e on those clouds. renyokei + TAI YO WA KI GA SURH .' to fe e l much in clin e d to , to f e e l l i k e . .. - Watashi wa yasumitai yo na k i ga shimasu. I fe e l lik e re stin g . - Nakitai yo na ki ga shimasu. To f e e l lik e crying. renyokei + TAKU WAI s not to wish to , - Waze sono kimono wo kaitaku nai no desu ka. Why do you not wish to buy that kimono ? - Tenki ga warui deshita kara dekaketaku nakatta no deshita. As the weather was bad we did not wish to go out. renyokei + TAKU WARU : to be in clin e d to , - Sonna koto wo iwareru to nakitaku narimasu. I f you say such things I am in clin e d to weep. renyokei + TAKUTE TAMARIMASEN s to have a great desire to , to wish very much t o , - Watashi via Nihon-ga wo naraitakute tamarimasen. I have a great desire to learn Japanese. - Kaitakute tamarimasen. I want to buy i t badly.

- I t t e mitakute tamarimasen. I wish very much to go and see i t . - Chichi ya haha n i mo aitakute tamaranaku narimashita. I got an unbearable desire to meet my parents. gerund + TAMARIMASEN : cannot bear, won't bear, to be awfully . . . , to be very . . » , - Samukute tamaranai. I ca n 't stand th is co ld . - Hara ga ta tte tamarimasen. I am awfully angry. - Isogashikutte tamarimasen. I am very busy. - Onaka ga suite tamarimasen. I am very hungry. rentaikei + TAME NI : f o r , in order t o , in order that, fo r the purpose o f , - Mie wo haru tame n i. For appearance sake. - Manabu tame n i gakko e ikimasu. We go to school to learn. - Tegami wo kaku tame ni kami ga irimasu. We need paper to w rite a le t t e r . - Hito wa seikatsu wo tateru tame ni hatarakimasu. People work that they may earn a liv in g . . . . GOTO NI . . . TAMESHI WA NAI : see goto ni . . . TATOI (TATOE)............ -DE MO (-te mo, tokoro ga, tokoro de) : even i f , - Shikashi Gojo wa h it o r i de wa, t a to i omou h ito to issho ni demo, sonna t o i tokoro e yuku no wa kokoro-bosoi. But fo r Gojo i t was discouraging to go to such a fa r o f f place, even together with her lover. - Tatoi ima koko de Shin no kono taigun wo seifuku suru koto ga dekita ni sh ita tokoroga, sono aida ni hotondo mamori no nai miyako ga o c h iita naraba nani ni mo naranai. Even i f one could win against th is general Shin, i f in the meantime the c a p ita l, which r e a lly was without p ro te ctio n , f e l l , i t would help nothing.




renyokei + TARA D