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The Masorah of the Former Prophets in the Leningrad Codex
Texts and Studies
14 Series Editor H. A. G. Houghton
Editorial Board Jeff W. Childers Viktor Golinets Christina M. Kreinecker Alison G. Salvesen Peter J. Williams
Texts and Studies is a series of monographs devoted to the study of Biblical and Patristic texts. Maintaining the highest scholarly standards, the series includes critical editions, studies of primary sources, and analyses of textual traditions.
The Masorah of the Former Prophets in the Leningrad Codex
Volume 4 2 Samuel
4 of 6 David Marcus
gp 2020
Gorgias Press LLC, 954 River Road, Piscataway, NJ, 08854, USA www.gorgiaspress.com Copyright © 2018 by Gorgias Press LLC
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise without the prior written permission of Gorgias Press LLC.
ISBN 978-1-4632-0602-4
ISSN 1935-6927
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A Cataloging-in-Publication Record is available from the Library of Congress. Printed in the United States of America
TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents ............................................................................................................ v Abbreviations.................................................................................................................. vii Preface .............................................................................................................................. ix How the Corpus is Arranged ........................................................................................ xi Textual notes concerning the Mp...................................................................... xvi Textual notes concerning the Mm .................................................................. xviii 2 Samuel ............................................................................................................................ 1
ABBREVIATIONS absol adj cj consec cstr def etc fem fol gen imper impf indef infin interrog lit masc M
MA MC ML Mf Mm Mp ms(s) n neg perf pers pl prep pron ptcp rel sfx(s) sg v(v)
absolute adjective conjunction consecutive construct definite et cetra “and others” feminine folio genitive imperative imperfect indefinite infinitive interrogative literally masculine The Accepted Masoretic text
Aleppo Codex Cairo Codex Leningrad Codex Masorah finalis Masorah magna Masorah parva manuscript(s) note negative perfect person plural preposition pronoun participle relative suffix(es) singular verse(s)
PREFACE This volume is the fourth of a projected six-volume set on the Masorah of the Former Prophets in the Leningrad Codex. It transcribes, translates and annotates every masoretic note in the Leningrad Codex that accompanies the text of 2 Samuel. This corpus of notes is preceded by a chapter, originally published in the volume on Joshua, detailing how the entries are arranged. Other introductory material, such as essays on the transmission of the masorah of Leningrad, on its relationship with other masorahs, and on the reason for the masoretic notes, may be found in the Introduction to the Joshua volume.
HOW THE CORPUS IS ARRANGED This corpus transcribes, translates and annotates every masoretic note in the Leningrad Codex that accompanies the text of the six books of the Former Prophets (Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, and 2 Kings). The following sample entry of the lemma יאהוּ ֻ ( וַ יְ ִבJudg 1:7) will serve to illustrate how the corpus is arranged. First we present the entry as it occurs in the corpus, and then describe each section of this entry in more detail. Judges 1:7 ים ַ ֣תּ ַחת ֻשׁ ְל ָח ֔ ִני ֙ יהם ְמ ֻק ָצּ ִ֗צים ָהי֤ וּ ְמ ַל ְקּ ִט ֶ֜ יהם וְ ַרגְ ֵל ֶ֨ ֹנוֹת יְ ֵד ֩ י־בזֶ ק ִשׁ ְב ִ ֣ﬠים ְמ ָל ִ֡כים ְ ֽבּה ֶ֗ ִאמר ֲא ֽד ֹנ ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ רוּשׁ ַ ֖ל� וַ יָּ ָ֥מת ָ ֽשׁם׃ פ ָ ְיאהוּ י ֥ ֻ �הים וַ יְ ִב ֑ ִ ם־לי ֱא ֖ ִ יתי ֵ ֥כּן ִשׁ ַלּ ִ שׁר ָﬠ ִ֔שׂ ֣ ֶ ַכּ ֲא 1:7
יאהוּ ֻ וַ יְ ִב
Seven times
1–5 Judg 1:7; 1 Sam 5:1 ( ;)וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּ2 Kgs 23:30 ( ;)וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּJer 26:23 ( ;)וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּEzek 19:4 ()וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּ
6–7 Ezek 19:9 ( ;)וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּ2 Chr 22:9 ()וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּ —————————— יאהוּ ֻ וַ יְ ִבseven times 1–5 Judg 1:7
1 Sam 5:1
Ezek 19:9 {Ezek 19:8} 2 Kgs 23:30
6–7 2 Chr 22:9 Jer 26:23
)ויבאהו( ]ויביאהו[ ̇ז אדני בזק ופלשתים בסוגר {}ממדינות וירכבהו אחזיהו אוריהו
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma, written plene and defective second וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּ( י/יאהוּ ֻ )וַ יְ ִב, in the pl., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (13x), written plene and defective second י, in the sg. (וַ יְ ִב ֵאהוּ/יאהוּ ֵ ;)וַ יְ ִבsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §1K.
All the highlighted Mp notes read seven times except for the one at 1 Sam 5:1, which reads six times defective (second )יbecause it does not include the form here at Judg 1:7 that is written plene second יאהוּ( י ֻ )וַ יְ ִב. In the Mm, in place of a catchword for the Ezek 19:4 reference, a catchword ִמ ְמּ ִדינוֹתfrom Ezek 19:8 has mistakenly been written.
Depending on what is in the ms., each entry may consist of the following: (1) its lemma (2) a Masorah parva (Mp) note; (3) references for the Mp note; (4) a Masorah magna (Mm) note; (5) catchwords and references for the Mm note; (6) a commentary; and (7) textual notes. 1. The lemma. The lemma entry consists of the chapter and verse number (here, 1:7) of the respective book and the form of the word or words (= the lemma) as it appears in the text of ML. Judg 1:7
יאהוּ ֻ וַ יְ ִב
The verse numbers correspond to the standard enumeration of the various chapters as presented in the editions of BHS or BHL. 1 The lemma is always presented with its vowels, as it is written in the text of ML and, where germane for the understanding of a note, the lemma is provided with accentuation. 2
2. The Masorah parva (Mp) note. The Masorah parva note consists of three elements. Firstly, on the right hand side is an indication that the note is a Masorah parva (Mp) one, and not a Masorah magna note (Mm). Seven times
Secondly, this Mp indication is followed by the masoretic note as it appears in the ms. (here ̇)ז. Thirdly, in the left hand margin is the translation of the note (here “seven times”).
3. The references for the Mp note. The references for the Mp note are arranged chronologically according to the order of the traditional canonical books (e.g., To-
Occasionally the verse numbers will vary in different printed editions. For example, at Joshua 21 the enumeration in BHS includes two verses (36 and 37), which are not in the editions of Mikraʾot Gedolot ‘Haketer’ or Breuer, Torah Neviim Ketuvim. 2 Especially in cases where the note is concerned with words accented milʿêl (on the penultimate) or milraʿ (the ultimate). 1
rah, Prophets, and Writings). The main difference between this traditional order and that of ML is in the order of the Writings. The traditional order lists Psalms, Proverbs, Job, etc. with Chronicles at the end, whereas the Codex places Job before Proverbs, and Chronicles before Psalms. 1–5 Judg 1:7; 1 Sam 5:1 ( ;)וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּ2 Kgs 23:30 ( ;) ַויְבִ אֻ הוּJer 26:23 (;) ַויְבִ אֻהוּ Ezek 19:4 () ַויְבִ אֻהוּ 6–7 Ezek 19:9 ( ;)וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּ2 Chr 22:9 ()וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּ
Where the lemma has Mp notes elsewhere in the ms, those references are indicated in bold type. In the above example, in addition to Judg 1:7, the references that are indicated in bold type are 1 Sam 5:1; Jer 26:23; Ezek 19:4 and 19:9, and all these have Mp notes at their respective occurrences in ML. Unless it is so indicated in the commentary, it can be assumed that the notes at these occurrences are exactly the same as the note in the lemma under discussion. In this case, all the highlighted Mp notes read “seven times” except that at 1 Sam 5:1, which reads “six times defective.” The difference between the note headings is explained in the commentary. Where the form of the lemma varies in the other references, the vocalization of those other references is given in parentheses. Here the vocalization of all the forms other than that at Judg 1:7 differs, so the vocalization of these forms is given in parentheses following their specific references. It will be seen that all forms, other than the lemma at Judg 1:7, which reads יאהוּ ֻ ( וַ יְ ִבplene second )י, are vocalized as וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּ (defective second )י. Where a Mp also has a Mm note, that fact is indicated by underlining. In the above example, the only Mp that has a Mm note is the one at Judg 1:7 and so that reference is indicated both by bold type (because it has a Mp note), and by underlining (because it has a Mm note). For clarity of reading the references are bunched in groups of five, and preceded by Arabic numerals (1–5).
4. The Masorah magna (Mm) note. The lemma heading is always introduced by the siglum Mm on the right hand side to indicate that the note is a Masorah magna note (Mm) rather than a Masorah parva note (Mp): יאהוּ ֻ וַ יְ ִבseven times
̇)ויבאהו( ]ויביאהו[ ז
The Mm heading is reproduced exactly as it is written in the ms. Where a lemma heading differs from the text of ML lemma that heading is placed in parentheses and is followed by the text of the ms. in square brackets. 3 In this example from Judg 7:1 This method will allow future researchers to investigate whether or not the text of the Masorah represents a different source. Examples of possible preservations of alternate textual readings in a Masorah note are (1) at Judg 9:6 ()אלוֹן ֵ in the catchwords given for 1 3
the lemma יאהוּ ֻ ( וַ יְ ִבplene second )יis written in the Mm heading as ( ויבאהוdefective second )י. Since the lemma heading differs from the text of ML, which is יאהוּ ֻ וַ יְ ִב, the heading is placed in parentheses ()ויבאהו, and the form that occurs in the text of ML is placed immediately afterwards in square brackets []ויביאהו. The Mm form is presented unpointed since all Hebrew words in the Mm are unpointed. Only in exceptional cases are vowels or accents given in the Mm. 4 The lemma heading is immediately followed by the masoretic note as it appears in the ms. (here ̇)ז. On the left hand side the lemma, that is given in the Mm unvocalized ()ויביאהו, is vocalized (יאהוּ ֻ )וַ יְ ִבtogether with a translation of the note (“seven times”). 3F
5. The catchwords and references for the Mm note. The Mm gives the references to the biblical verses by means of sîmanîm or catchwords. These catchwords represent one or more words from the verse that is being referred to. There is no fixed formula for the selection of catchwords from a verse although there is a tendency for catchwords to be either at the beginning of a verse or close to the lemma that is in the verse.5 When Mm notes are repeated, catchwords from different parts of a verse are often used. 6 The Mm catchwords and their references are both lined up vertically so that one can immediately match the catchwords with their appropriate verse listed in the same horizontal line.
Sam 10:3, where the form והלכתis written instead of ;)וְ ָח ַל ְפ ָתּ( וחלפתsee BHK ad loc.; (2) at 1 Kgs 11:2 ()א ֵכן ָ in the catchwords given for Ps 31:23, where the form ( נגזרתיcf. Lam 3:54) is written instead of )נִ גְ ַרזְ ִתּי( נגרזתיthat occurs in M. In his Massorah Gedolah, Weil changes all these differences to the reading of ML by means of asterisks so there there is no way that a reader can tell what was in the orginal note. On this point, see also Loewinger, “Review,” 603–04. 4 For example at Josh 18:13 (כבד ֵ )וענן, 22:3 ()מצוַ ת, 1 Sam 16:1 ()ולך, ֶ 23:11 ()עבדך, ֶ 1 Kgs 13:2 ()נוֹלד, ָ 22:34 ( ֛)הפך ידך, ֥ 2 Kgs 8:5 ()הוא מספר למלך, ֥ and 14:13 ( ֩ואת אמצי֨ הו מלך )יהודה. ֜ 5 In our study of doublet catchwords we found that these catchwords tend to be contiguous, and either follow or precede the doublet they illustrate; see Marcus, “Doublet Catchwords,” §6. 6 See for example the different catchwords in the two Mm notes at Judg 5:30 ()ר ַחם, ַ at 2 Sam 15:27 (רוֹאה ֶ ;)ה ֲ etc.
HOW THE CORPUS IS ARRANGED The References 1–5 Judg 1:7 1 Sam 5:1
Ezek 19:9 {Ezek 19:8} 2 Kgs 23:30 6–7 2 Chr 22:9 Jer 26:23
The Catchwords אדני בזק ופלשתים בסוגר {}ממדינות וירכבהו אחזיהו אוריהו
The catchwords generally conform to the way the catchwords appear in their appropriate passages in ML. However, occasionally catchwords are written incorrectly, abbreviated, or omitted altogether, and sometimes extraneous words appear which do not belong to the context. Where the catchwords differ from the text of ML or are written in an abbreviated fashion, the form found in the Masorah is placed in parentheses and the form that appears in the text of ML follows in square brackets. Where a catchword has been omitted from the list the reference is included in angle brackets. In the example above no catchword has been included in the Mm list for Ezek 19:4 so the reference is supplied in angle brackets (). Where extraneous material appears in a reference this extraneous material is highlighted in situ by means of curly brackets or braces {...}. Thus in the example above, the catchword ִמ ְמּ ִדינוֹתfrom Ezek 19:8, which has mistakenly been written in this Mm note is placed in curly brackets. This work always replicates the catchwords in the order in which they appear in the masoretic note. It will be noticed in this example that the references are not in the standard chronological biblical order. Here the references for both sets of catchwords from Ezekiel have been placed before the catchwords for 2 Kgs 23:30, and the catchword for 2 Chr 22:9 has been placed before that of Jer 26:23. All references that have Mm entries are indicated by being underlined. In the above example the only reference that is underlined is the one at Judg 1:7 but it is not uncommon, as will be seen throughout the work, for numerous references to have Mm notes.
6. The commentary. The commentary, which is always introduced by the designation Com.: in the left hand margin, offers a possible explanation for the note, indicates any problems with the note, or may simply refer the reader to the first time that this note was encountered. The commentary will usually observe that occurrences of the lemma are to be distinguished from occurrences of another similar or contrasting form. If the number of those other occurrences are two or just one, the actual biblical references are indicated. But when the number of the other occurrences are three or more, then the biblical references are not given, only an indication of the number of such occurrences in Arabic numerals followed by an x. (e.g., 6x = six times). Very large numbers in the hundreds are simply indicated by 100+ or 200+ etc.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma, written plene and defective second וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּ( י/יאהוּ ֻ )וַ יְ ִב, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (13x), written plene and defective second י, in the sg. (וַ יְ ִב ֵאהוּ/יאהוּ ֵ ;)וַ יְ ִבsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §1K.
All the highlighted Mp notes read seven times except for the one at 1 Sam 5:1, which reads six times defective (second )יbecause it does not include the form here at Judg 1:7 that is written plene second )ויַ ְביִ ֻאהוּ( י. In the Mm, in place of a catchword for the Ezek 19:4 reference, a catchword ִמ ְמּ ִדינוֹתfrom Ezek 19:8 has mistakenly been written.
In the above example from Judg 1:7, the Masorah notes the seven occurrences of the lemma יאהוּ ֻ וַ יְ ִבin the plural with a masc. sfx., written plene and defective second וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּ( י/יאהוּ ֻ )וַ יְ ִב, to distinguish them from the more numerous occurrences (13x) of this lemma, written plene and defective second י, in the sg. with masc. sfx. (וַ יְ ִב ֵאהוּ/יאהוּ ֵ )וַ יְ ִב. The thirteen occurrences are not given because they are readily available in standard printed concordances or electronic search programs. The commentary is the place where divergent Mp headings are noted. In the above example, the Mp heading at 1 Sam 5:1 reads “six times defective,” whereas all the other Mp notes highlighted in the note read “seven times.” The commentary observes that the 1 Sam 5:1 heading can be explained because that heading “six times defective” is only taking into account forms of this lemma that occurs written defective second )וַ יְ ִב ֻאהוּ( יand not taking into account the form that occurs at Judg 1:7, which is written plene second יאהוּ( י ֻ )וַ יְ ִב. However, all the other headings, including the one at Judg 1:7, that read “seven times” are taking into account forms that are written both defective and plene second וַ יְ ִב ֵאהוּ( י/יאהוּ ֵ )וַ יְ ִב. The commentary is also the place where any problem with the catchwords or references are noted. Thus in the above example, a note is made about the fact that in place of the proper catchword for the Ezek 19:4 reference, a catchword ִמ ְמּ ִדינוֹת from Ezek 19:8 has mistakenly been written.
7. Textual notes. The textual notes appearing after the commentary section deal with matters pertaining to the text of the manuscript as far as the masoretic notes are concerned. Thus they deal with the circelli, the small circles that are on top of a word or phrase, and comment on their absence or misplacement particularly whether a lemma needs to be shortened or lengthened. These notes also deal with the placement of the Mm notes if they do not occur on the same folio as the text of the lemma, and notes whether they occur on the preceding or following folio.
TEXTUAL NOTES CONCERNING THE MP The types of notes given in these textual notes concerning the Mp are indicated below. • Circellus but no note. These are cases where a lemma has a circellus placed over the word or phrase, but there is no corresponding note; see at Judg 6:12 ( )וַ יֵּ ָראand 1 Kgs 8:26 (�הי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ֵ )וְ ַﬠ ָתּה ֱא. In all these cases the correct note can be correctly surmised.
• •
Note but no circellus. These are cases where a lemma has a note, but there is no circellus placed over the accompanying word or phrase; see at Josh 10:26 (יתם ֵ )וַ יְ ִמand 1 Sam 2:4 ()אזְ רוּ ָחיִ ל. ָ This feature is common in kəṯîḇ/qərê cases, and in many cumulative notes (see at 2 Sam 13:37, ַﬠ ִמּיחוּרand 2 Kgs 6:11, )ﬠל. ַ One circellus but two notes. These are cases where only one circellus has been placed on a lemma, but two notes are given. This occurs most frequently with kəṯîḇ/qərê notes (see at 2 Sam 22:15 ( )וַ יָּ הֹמםand 1 Kgs 22:13 (�)ד ָב ְרי, ְ and many times in these cases one note is placed on the left side of the column and the second Mp note is placed on the right side. Two circelli on one word. These are cases where two circelli have been placed on a lemma but only one note is given; see at Josh 2:3 (יאי ִ )הוֹצ ִ and Judg 11:25 ()נִ ְלחֹם. Circellus placed on first word in verse. This feature is particularly common with cumulative or collative type notes such as sequences of prepositions ( ַﬠל... ַﬠל... ) ֶאלor ( ָשׁ ָמּה...) ָשׁם. In these cases the circellus is placed not on ֶאל or שׁם, ָ but on the first word in the verse in which these sequences occur; see 1 Sam 15:1 ()אל ֶ and 2 Kgs 4:10 ()שׁם. ָ Only two circelli given for large phrases. With four- five- or six-word phrases it is not unusual for only two circelli to be given. For example, on the phrase ֲא ֶשׁר־ ( נִ ְשׁ ַבּ ְﬠ ִתּי ַלאֲבוֹתָ ם לָתֵ ת ָלהֶ םJosh 1:6) there are only two circelli: one on ֲא ֶשׁר נִ ְשׁ ַבּ ְﬠ ִתּיand one on בוֹתם ָל ֵתת ָ ַ;ל ֲאsee also at Judg 1:17 (ם־ה ִﬠיר ָ ת־שׁ ֵ )וַ יִּ ְק ָרא ֶא and 1 Kgs 17:14 (�הי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ֵ )כּי כֹה ָא ַמר יְ הוָ ה ֱא, ִ and passim. Misplaced circellus. Occasionally the circellus has been misplaced in the manuscript. Instead of being on the lemma appropriate to the accompanying note, it has been placed on the preceding or following word. For example, at Judg 17:1 the circellus has mistakenly been placed on the word וּשׁמוֹ, ְ but it belongs on the following word יכיְ הוּ ָ מ. ִ On the other hand, at Judg 19:22, the circellus has been placed on the word יבים ִ ֵמי ִטinstead of on the preceding one ה ָמּה.ֵ Notes on the wrong side of the column. Normally the Mp note is placed either in the left or right side of the column directly adjacent to its text. However, occasionally the note is placed in the wrong margin. Thus at 2 Sam 12:12, the note for נֶ גֶ ד ָכּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאלhas mistakenly been placed in the left column instead of the right column and, similarly, the note for וְ נֶ גֶ דhas mistakenly been placed in the right column instead of in the left one. Lemma needs to be extended. Occasionally, as is clear from parallel occurrences in ML or from other mss., a lemma needs to be extended because it does not meet the requirements of the note. At Josh 1:14 there is a circellus on the word ה ַחיִ ל,ַ and a note that states “five times with a paṯaḥ.” But the form ַה ַחיִ לoccurs fourteen times, so it is most likely, as is correctly indicated in MA and in the Mp notes of ML elsewhere, that the note should also include the preceding word בּוֹרי ֵ ִגּ, since the extended lemma בּוֹרי ַה ַחיִ ל ֵ ִ גּmeets the requirements of the note occuring five times with a paṯaḥ. Similarly, at 1 Sam
1:1, only one circellus has been placed over וַ יְ ִהי ִאישׁwith a note that reads “twice.” But that phrase occurs eight times so it is most likely that, with MC and MA, the note belongs to the three-word phrase וַ יְ ִהי ִאישׁ ֶא ָחד, that only occurs twice. Lemma needs to be shortened. A similar situation involves cases where the lemma needs to be shortened. At Judg 19:9 a circellus has been placed on the two words ַל ֲﬠר ֹב ִלינוּwith a corresponding note of “twice.” But, since this phrase only occurs once, it is most likely that, with MA, the note should just be only on ל ֲﬠר ֹב,ַ that does occur twice. At 1 Sam 2:15 a circellus has been placed on the words וְ ָא ַמר ָל ִאישׁwith a corresponding note of “thirtytwo times.” But, since the phrase וְ ָא ַמר ָל ִאישׁonly occurs once, it is most likely that the note refers just to ל ִאישׁ,ָ which does occur thirty-two times. Extra notes in the ms. On some occasions one finds extra Mp notes which do not correspond to any word which is in the adjacent line. At Josh 19:25 (אַכ ָשׁף ְ ְ)ו, there are four Mp notes for one line of text, which only contains three words in the line. The fourth Mp note of ̇בdoes not match any parallel word in either column. At Judg 11:5 ()מ ֶא ֶרץ טוֹב, ֵ there is a Mp note of י, which has no associated circellus and which does not match any of the immediate words in its vicinity.
The types of textual note concerning the Mm primarily have to do with the placement of the Mm note. Usually the Mm notes in ML are placed on the upper and lower margins, and usually correspond to the occurrence of lemmas on that particular folio. However there are many occasions when a Mm note occurs on the following or preceding folio. For example, at 2 Kgs 21:12 the lemma ִתּ ַצּ ְלנָ הoccurs in the ms. in folio 217r, but the Mm note on this lemma appears on the top right of the following folio 217v. The opposite is the case at 2 Kgs 3:17 where the lemma יִ ָמּ ֵלא occurs in the ms. in folio 204r, but the Mm note on this lemma appears on the bottom right of the preceding folio 203v. There are some cases where the same note appear both in the preceding and following folio. Thus the lemma ד־ﬠ ֶצם ַהיּוֹם ַהזֶּ ה ֶ ( ַﬠJosh 10: 27) occurs in the ms. on folio 127v, but its Mm note appears once on the preceding page on the bottom left of fol. 127r, and once on the following page on the bottom left of fol. 128r. It is also possible for more than one note to be on the preceding or following folio. In fact, there is one case of six Mm notes occurring on a following folio! The lemmas ְיֵדעוּן (Josh 3:7), אַתּה ְתּ ַצוֶּ ה ָ ְ( וJosh 3:8), ( ְכּב ֲֹא ֶכםJosh 3:9), ( גֹּשׁוּJosh 3:9), ( ֵתּ ְדעוּןJosh 3:10), and ( ְשׁנֵ י ָﬠ ָשׂרJosh 3:12) all occur in the ms. in folio 122v, but their Mm notes are written on the bottom right of the following folio 123r.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 1:1 ת־ה ֲﬠ ָמ ֵל֑ק וַ יֵּ ֶ֧שׁב ָדִּו֛ד ְבּ ִצ ְק ָ ֖לג יָ ִ ֥מים ְשׁ ָנֽ יִ ם׃ ָ וַ יְ ִ֗הי ַ ֽא ֲח ֵר֙י ֣מוֹת ָשׁ ֔אוּל וְ ָדִו֣ד ָ֔שׁב ֵמ ַה ֖כּוֹת ֶא
אַח ֵרי מוֹת ֲ וַ יְ ִהי
Four times
Com.: See Josh 1:1.
In ML only one circellus has been placed on אַח ֵרי ֲ וַ יְ ִהיbut since this phrase occurs more than four times, it is most likely, as in MA, that the note belongs with all three words אַח ֵרי מוֹת ֲ וַ יְ ִהי which only occur four times. MC has no note here. 1:1
ָה ֲﬠ ָמ ֵלק ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the def. article, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (23x) without it. 1:1
ְבּ ִצ ְק ָ ֖לג
Unique with qameṣ
֗ ָל
1–2 2 Sam 1:1; 4:10 ()בּ ִצ ְק ָל֑ג ְ
Com.: The Mp heading of unique with qameṣ here, and in MC and MA, is inexact since there are two occurrences of this lemma. More precisely it should have read unique with qameṣ and ṭiṕḥâ since the other occurrence at 2 Sam 4:10 has an ʾaṯnaḥ. In Ochlah this word is accented with a zaqeṕ, and it is featured in a Masoretic list of words occurring only once with a qameṣ and zaqeṕ; see Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §22 (where the zaqeṕ is expressly noted), and Frensdorff, Ochlah, §21 (where the accent is not indicated).
יָ ִמים ְשׁנָ יִ ם ̇ל
2 SAMUEL 1:2 הי ְבּב ֹ֣אוֹ ֙ ִ ְאשׁוֹ וַ י ֑ ֹ וּבגָ ָ ֣דיו ְק ֻר ֔ ִﬠים וַ ֲא ָד ָ ֖מה ַﬠל־ר ְ ן־ה ַמּ ֲחנֶ ֙ה ֵמ ִ ֣ﬠם ָשׁ ֔אוּל ֽ ַ ישׁי וְ ִהנֵּ ֩ה ִ֨אישׁ ָ ֤בּא ִמ ִ֗ וַ יְ ִ ֣הי ׀ ַבּיּ֣ וֹם ַה ְשּׁ ִל ל־דּ ִ֔וד וַ יִּ ֹ֥פּל ַ ֖א ְר ָצה וַ יִּ ְשׁ ָ ֽתּחוּ׃ ָ ֶא 1:2
וּבגָ ָדיו ְ
Four times
Exod 29:21; Lev 21:10; 2 Sam 1:2; Prov 6:27
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (51x) without a cj. 1:2
ְק ֻר ִﬠים
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
1 Sam 4:12; 2 Sam 1:2
—————————— ְק ֻר ִﬠיםtwice
1 Sam 4:12 2 Sam 1:2
קרעים ̇ב
ומדיו קרעים ובגדיו קרעים
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written defective ו. The Mp heading here reads twice defective but, since there is no other occurrence of this lemma written plene ו, the note more properly should have read twice and defective. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here. 1:2
וַ ֲא ָד ָמה
וַ ֲא ָד ָמהseven times, and their references
1–5 Josh 19:36 1 Sam 4:12 2 Sam 1:2 2 Sam 15:32 Dan 11:39 6–7 Neh 9:1 Neh 9:25
והרמה וחצור וירץ איש בנימן ויהי ביום השלישי והנה ויהי דוד בא עד הראש ועשה למבצרי מעזים וביום עשרים וילכדו ערים בצרות
ואדמה ז̇ וסימנהון
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (14x) without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 1:3 אמר ֵא ֔ ָליו ִמ ַמּ ֲח ֵנ֥ה יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל נִ ְמ ָ ֽל ְט ִתּי׃ ֶ ֹ אמר ֙לוֹ ָדּ ִ֔וד ֵ ֥אי ִמ ֶזּ֖ה ָתּ ֑בוֹא וַ ֣יּ ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ 1:3 Twice
ֵאי ִמזֶּ ה ָתּבוֹא ̇ב
2 Sam 1:3; Job 2:2 ()תּבֹא ָ
—————————— ֵאי ִמזֶּ ה ָתּבוֹאtwice
אי מזה תבוא ̇ב
2 Sam 1:3 The second (occurrence) of ( ַה ָשּׂ ָטןJob 2:2)
Mm ויאמר לו דוד ̇השטן בתרי
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of ָתּבוֹאwith אי ִמזֶּ ה, ֵ to distinguish them from its three occurrences with ָתּבֹא( ֵמאַיִ ן/) ֵמאַיִ ן ָתּבוֹא.
This distinction is implied in the additional notation of the second occurrence of ַה ָשּׂ ָטןto the Job 2:2 reference, which distinguishes the second occurrence of the Lord’s inquiry to ַה ָשּׂ ָטןfrom the first occurrence of the Lord’s inquiry in Job 1:7, where the lemma occurs as מאַיִ ן ָתּבֹא. ֵ
2 SAMUEL 1:4 ן־ה ָﬠ ֙ם ָ ם־ה ְר ֵ֞בּה נָ ַ ֤פל ִמ ַ ַן־ה ִמּ ְל ָח ָ֗מה וְ ג ַ ר־נס ָה ֜ ָﬠם ִמ ָ ֨ אמר ֲא ֶשׁ ֶ ֹ ד־נ֣א ִ ֑לי ַו֠יּ ָ ֶה־ה ָי֥ה ַה ָדּ ָ ֖בר ַהגּ ָ אמר ֵא ָ ֥ליו ָדִּו֛ד ֶמ ֶ ֹ וַ ֨יּ וַ יָּ ֻ֔מתוּ וְ ֗ ַגם ָשׁ ֛אוּל וִ יהוֹנָ ָ ֥תן ְבּנ֖ וֹ ֵ ֽמתוּ׃ 1:4
Twenty-four times
̇כ ̇ד
Com.: See 1 Sam 4:6.
2 SAMUEL 1:6 וּב ֲﬠ ֵ ֥לי ַ יתוֹ וְ ִה ֵנּ֥ה ָה ֶ ֛ר ֶכב ֑ ִל־חנ ֲ ית֙י ְבּ ַ ֣הר ַהגִּ ְל ֔בֹּ ַ� וְ ִה ֵנּ֥ה ָשׁ ֖אוּל נִ ְשׁ ָﬠ֣ן ַﬠ ִ אמר ַה ַנּ ַ֣ﬠר ׀ ַה ַמּ ִגּ֣יד ֗לוֹ נִ ְק ֤ר ֹא נִ ְק ֵ ֨ר ֶ ֹ וַ ֜יּ ַה ָפּ ָר ִ ֖שׁים ִה ְד ִבּ ֻ ֽ קהוּ׃ 1:6
נִ ְקר ֹא
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma pointed this way (infin. absol.), to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (28x) pointed as ( נִ ְק ָרא3rd masc. perf.). 1:6
יתי ִ נִ ְק ֵר
Twice, once written with י, and once written with א
כת א ̇ כת יוד וחד ̇ ̇ב חד
2 Sam 1:6; Esth 4:11
יתי ִ נִ ְק ֵרtwice, once written יתי ִ ר,ֵ and once written אתי ִ ֵר 2 Sam 1:6 Esth 4:11
כת ראתי ̇ כת ריתי וחד ̇ נקריתי ̇ב חד
נקרא )נקראתי( ]נקריתי[ בהר ואני לא נקראתי לבוא
The last is written with א
בתרי̇ כתב אלף
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one written plene יתי( י ִ נִ ְק ֵר, 2 Sam 1:6), and one written plene אתי( א ִ נִ ְק ֵר, Esth 4:11). 1:6
ִה ְד ִבּ ֻקהוּ
Unique and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written defective יand ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written either plene יor plene ו.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 1:8 י־א ָתּה וָ יא ַ ֹ֣מר ֵא ֔ ָליו ֲﬠ ָמ ֵל ִ ֖ קי ָא ֹֽנ ִכי׃ ֑ ָ אמר ִ ֖לי ִמ ֶ ֹ וַ ֥יּ
אמר ִלי ֶ ֹ וַ יּ
Eight times
Com.: See Judg 13:7. 1:8
וָ יא ַֹמר
Read וָ א ַֹמר
ואמר ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (ויאמר, he said), and the qərê (וָ א ַֹמר, I said) represent variant forms where the qərê is preferable to the kəṯîḇ; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 152.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list where on four occasions ויאמרis written but read as ;וָ א ַֹמרsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §133, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §117.
2 SAMUEL 1:9 ל־ﬠוֹד נַ ְפ ִ ֖שׁי ִ ֽבּי׃ ֥ י־כ ָ מ ְת ֵ֔תנִ י ִ ֥כּי ֲא ָח ַז֖נִ י ַה ָשּׁ ָ ֑בץ ִ ֽכּ ֹ ֣ ד־נ֤א ָﬠ ַ ֙לי וּ ָ אמר ֵא ֗ ַלי ֲﬠ ָמ ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ 1:9 Twice
וּמ ְֹת ֵתנִ י ̇ב
Com.: See Judg 9:54. 1:9
Unique 1:9
ֲא ָחזַ נִ י ̇ל ַה ָשּׁ ָבץ ̇ל
Mp Mp
2 SAMUEL 1:10 ֹאשׁוֹ וְ ֶא ְצ ָﬠ ָד ֙ה ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ֗ שׁר ַﬠל־ר ֣ ֶ מ ְת ֵ֔תהוּ ִ ֣כּי יָ ַ ֔ד ְﬠ ִתּי ִ ֛כּי ֥ל ֹא יִ ְֽח ֶי֖ה ַא ֲח ֵ ֣רי נִ ְפל֑ וֹ וָ ֶא ַ ֞קּח ַה ֵנּ֣ זֶ ר ׀ ֲא ֹ ֣ מד ָﬠ ָל ֙יו וַ ֲא ֹ ֤ וָ ֶא ֱﬠ ל־אד ִֹנ֖י ֵ ֽהנָּ ה׃ ֲ יאם ֶא ֥ ֵ ַﬠל־זְ ר ֹ֔עוֹ וָ ֲא ִב 1:10 Unique 1:10
וַ ֲאמ ְֹת ֵתהוּ ̇ל נִ ְפלוֹ ̇ל
Mp Mp
Com.: This lemma is featured in two Masoretic lists. One is in a list of words occurring only once ending in a ḥolem; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §33, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §34).
The other is in a list of doublets with different hierarchial vowels, in a list termed milʿêl and milraʿ; see Yeivin, Introduction, §132, p. 103. In this connection, the higher vowel, the milʿêl, is the vowel qameṣ, and the lower vowel, the milraʿ, is the vowel ḥîreq. Thus ( נָ ְפלוּ1 Sam 29:3) with a qameṣ is milʿêl, but ( נִ ְפלוֹhere) with a ḥîreq is milraʿ; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §5, and DíazEsteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §5. 1:10
וְ ֶא ְצ ָﬠ ָדה ̇ל
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur twice, once with a וcj. (here), and once without (Num 31:50); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §1, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §1.
2 SAMUEL 1:11 ל־ה ֲאנָ ִ ֖שׁים ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ִא ֽתּוֹ׃ ָ וַ יַּ ֲח ֵז֥ק ָדִּו֛ד ִבּ ְבגָ ָ ֖דו וַ יִּ ְק ָר ֵ ֑ﬠם וְ ַג֥ם ָכּ 1:11
ִבּ ְבגָ ָדו
Read ִבּ ְבגָ ָדיו
בבגדיו ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )בבגדוwithout the יrepresents the archaic form of the 3rd masc. sg. sfx. to a pl. noun, whereas the qərê ()בּ ְבגָ ָדיו ִ with the יrepresents the later form; see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 33.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of hapax legomena in which a יis read though it is not written; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §128, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §112. MC, like ML, has a kəṯîḇ/qərê here, but MA reads unique defective.
2 SAMUEL 1:12 ל־בּ֣ית יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ִ ֥כּי נָ ְפל֖ וּ ֵ ל־ﬠם יְ הוָ ֙ה וְ ַﬠ ֤ ַ ל־שׁ ֞אוּל וְ ַﬠל־יְ הוֹנָ ָ ֣תן ְבּנ֗ וֹ וְ ַﬠ ָ ד־ה ָ ֑ﬠ ֶרב ַﬠ ָ דוּ וַ יִּ ְב ֔כּוּ וַ יָּ ֻצ֖מוּ ַﬠ ֙ ַוֽ יִּ ְס ְפּ ֶבּ ָ ֽח ֶרב׃ ס 1:12
ל־שׁאוּל ָ ַﬠ
Fifteen times
Com.: The Mp heading of fifteen times is incorrect since there are only five occurrences of this lemma; see 1 Sam 11:6. Dotan/Reich (Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.) suggest that the writing היhere stands, not as customary letters for fifteeen, but for the literal spelling out of the numeral five ( = ֵהיfive). Other examples of the use of היto indicate five are at Gen 50:8 sub וְ כֹלand 2 Sam 18:18 sub וַ יִּ ָקּ ַרא. Both MC and MA correctly read here five times. 1:12
ל־בּית ֵ וְ ַﬠ
Thirteen times
1–5 6–10 11–13
י̇ ̇ג
Gen 43:19; Num 2:34; Judg 9:18; 2 Sam 1:12; 2:4 2 Sam 2:11; 14:9; Ezek 13:5; 39:29; Esth 8:2 1 Chr 17:17; 2 Chr 23:18; 26:21
Com.: The Masorah notes the thirteen occurrences of this lemma with ַﬠלwith and without a ו cj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (48x) with ל־בּית( ֶאל ֵ וְ ֶא/ֶאל־ )בּית. ֵ This enumeration does not take into account occurrences of this lemma in Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and The Twelve; see 2 Sam 2:4.
2 SAMUEL 2 SAMUEL 1:13 ן־אישׁ ֵגּ֥ר ֲﬠ ָמ ֵל ִ ֖ קי ָא ֹֽנ ִכי׃ ֛ ִ אמר ֶבּ ֶ ֹ ל־ה ֨ ַנּ ַﬠ ֙ר ַה ַמּ ִגּ֣יד ֔לוֹ ֵ ֥אי ִמ ֶזּ֖ה ָ ֑א ָתּה וַ ֕יּ ַ אמר ָדּ ִ֗וד ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ 1:13
Thirty-one times
̇ל ̇א
Com.: See 1 Sam 9:18.
2 SAMUEL 1:15 מת׃ ֹ ֽ ָע־בּוֹ וַ יַּ ֵכּ֖הוּ וַ יּ ֑ ַאמר ַגּ֣שׁ ְפּג ֶ ֹ וַ יִּ ְק ָ ֣רא ָד ִ֗וד ְל ַא ַח ֙ד ֵ ֽמ ַהנְּ ָﬠ ִ ֔רים וַ ֖יּ 1:15
אַחד ַ ְל
Seven times
1–5 Deut 28:55; 2 Sam 1:15; 2 Kgs 9:1; Isa 27:12; Ezek 46:17 6–7 Zech 11:7a; 11:7b (אַחד ַ )וּל ְ
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma, to distinguish them from its eight occurrences written as ְ;ל ֶא ָחדsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §17D.
This distinction is implied in the headings of the Mp at Ezek 46:17 and Zech 11:7a, which read seven times with paṯaḥ ()ז, ַ֗ and in the headings of the Mm at Deut 28:55, Isa 27:12, and Ezek 46:17, which also read seven times with paṯaḥ, thereby assuming a contrast with a form with different vowels under the אand ח, which can only be ל ֶא ָחד.ְ
The Mp heading at Isa 27:12 reads four times, but its Mm reads seven times, and lists the seven references.
The Mp heading at Zech 11:7a correctly reads seven times with paṯaḥ ( ַ֗)זwhile the heading later in the verse at 11:7b reads twice to indicate that the lemma occurs twice in that verse. 1:15
Unique 1:15
אמר גַּ שׁ ֶ ֹ וַ יּ ̇ל
וַ יַּ ֵכּהוּ וַ יָּ מֹת ̇ל
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 1:16 הוֽה׃ ס ָ ְת־מ ִ ֥שׁ ַי� י ְ מר ָאנ ִ ֹ֥כי מ ַ ֹ֖ת ִתּי ֶא ֹ ֔ אשׁ� ִ ֣כּי ֗ ִפי� ָﬠ ָנ֤ה ְב ֙� ֵלא ֑ ֶ ֹ אמר ֵא ָל ֙יו ָדּ ִ֔וד ָדּ ְמי�֖ ַﬠל־ר ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ
�ָדּ ְמי
Read �ָדּ ְמ
דמך ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (דמיך, your bloods), and the qərê (�דּ ְמ,ָ blood), represent variations in sg. and pl.; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 136. 1:16
מ ַֹת ִתּי
2 SAMUEL 1:17 ל־שׁ ֖אוּל וְ ַﬠל־יְ הוֹנָ ָ ֥תן ְבּנֽ וֹ׃ ָ ת־ה ִקּ ָינ֖ה ַה ֑זּ ֹאת ַﬠ ַ וַ יְ ק ֵֹנ֣ ן ָדּ ִ֔וד ֶא 1:17
וַ יְ קֹנֵ ן
Three times
2 Sam 1:17; 3:33; 2 Chr 35:25 ()וַ יְ קוֹנֵ ן
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma, twice written defective ( ו2 Sam 1:17 and 3:33), and once written plene ( ו2 Chr 35:25). 1:17
ל־שׁאוּל ָ ַﬠ
Five times
Com.: See 1 Sam 11:6.
2 SAMUEL 1:18 ל־ס ֶפר ַהיָּ ָ ֽשׁר׃ ֥ ֵ תוּבה ַﬠ ֖ ָ הוּדה ָ ֑ק ֶשׁת ִה ֵנּ֥ה ְכ ֖ ָ ְאמר ְל ַל ֵ ֥מּד ְבּ ֵנֽי־י ֶ ֹ וַ ֕יּ 1:18
ֵס ֶפר ַהיָּ ָשׁר
Josh 10:13; 2 Sam 1:18
2 SAMUEL 1:19 בּוֹרים׃ ֽ ִ ִמוֹתי� ָח ָל֑ל ֵ ֖אי� נָ ְפל֥ וּ ג ֖ ֶ ל־בּ ָ בי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ַﬠ ֙ ִ ַה ְצּ 1:19
�מוֹתי ֶ ָבּ
Three times
2 Sam 1:19; 1:25; Jer 17:3 (�)בּמ ֶֹתי ָ
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma, twice written plene ( ו2 Sam 1:19 and 25), and once written defective ( וJer 17:3).
2 SAMUEL 1:20 ן־תּ ֲﬠ�֖ זְ נָ ה ְבּנ֥ וֹת ָה ֲﬠ ֵר ִ ֽלים׃ ַ ן־תּ ְשׂ ַ֨מ ְחנָ ֙ה ְבּנ֣ וֹת ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ֔תּים ֶ ֽפּ ִ ל־תּ ַב ְשּׂ ֖רוּ ְבּחוּ ֣צֹת ַא ְשׁ ְקל֑ וֹן ֶפּ ְ ל־תּ ִגּ֣ידוּ ְב ֔ ַגת ַ ֽא ַ ַא 1:20
Three times written like this
כת כן ̇ ג
2 Sam 1:20; Isa 15:3 (;)בּחוּצ ָֹתיו ְ Ezek 11:6 (יה ָ )חוּצ ֶֹת
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in various forms that are written defective second ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (27x) that are written plene second ( וe.g., בּחוּצוֹת,ַ )חוּצוֹת.
2 SAMUEL 1:21 �בּוֹרים ָמ ֵג֣ ן ָשׁ ֔אוּל ְבּ ִ ֖לי ָמ ִ ֥שׁ ַי ֔ ִ ִמת ִ ֣כּי ָ ֤שׁם נִ גְ ַﬠל֙ ָמ ֵג֣ ן גּ ֹ ֑ וּשׂ ֵד֣י ְתרוּ ְ יכם ֖ ֶ ל־מ ָ ֛טר ֲﬠ ֵל ָ ל־טל וְ ַא ֧ ַ ָה ֵ ֣רי ַבגִּ ְל ֗בֹּ ַ� ַא ַבּ ָ ֽשּׁ ֶמן׃ 1:21 Unique 1:21
אַל־טל ַ ̇ל אַל־מ ָטר ָ ְו ̇ל
Mp Mp
12 1:21
Six times written like this
כת כן ̇ ̇ו
1–5 2 Sam 1:21; Isa 32:12 (;)שׂ ֵדי ְ Ps 132:6 (;)בּ ְשׂ ֵדי ִ Prov 23:10 (;)וּב ְשׂ ֵדי ִ Neh 12:44 ()ל ְשׂ ֵדי ִ 6 2 Chr 31:19 ()בּ ְשׂ ֵדי ִ
Com.: The Masorah notes the six occurrences of this lemma in various forms written with a י, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (44x) in various forms written with a ( הe.g, ִבּ ְשׂ ֵדה/) ְשׂ ֵדה. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of six words, whose ending after a preceding ṣerê is once with a וּשׂ ֵדה( ה, ְ Lev 25:34), and once with a וּשׂ ֵדי( י, ְ here); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §94. This enumeration does not incude occurrences in the book of Ruth, where the lemma occurs five times with a י, and twice with a ( ה1:6 and 4:3). 1:21
Three times
Num 18:19; 2 Sam 1:21; Prov 29:4 ()תּרוּמוֹת ְ ——————————
ְתרוּמֹתthree times, and their references
Num 18:19 2 Sam 1:21 Prov 29:4
)תרומות( ]תרומת[ ̇ג וסימנהון
כל )תרומות( ]תרומת[ הקדשים אל טל ואל מטר מלך במשפט
One of them is defective
חס ̇ חד מנהון
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in the pl., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (25x) in the sg. (רוּמת ַ ;)תּ ְ see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §302.
The additional note to the Mm that only one of these forms is defective is incorrect, possibly the result of confusion of masorahs (see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 85). The correct note is given in the Mm here to MA three times, twice defective and once plene, as well as in the Mp heading in ML at Num 18:19 (three times, two defective). The Mp heading at Prov 29:4 reads unique, but more precisely should have read unique in the Writings; see Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.
2 SAMUEL 1:21
�ָמ ִשׁ ַי
Unique in the book
בסיפ ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in the book, to distinguish it from its two occurrences in the book of Daniel at 9:25 and 9:26.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur only once in one specific book (here in Samuel), but are found in other books (Dan 9:25 and 26); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §271, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §112.
2 SAMUEL 1:22 בּוֹרים ֶ ֚ק ֶשׁת יְ ֣הוֹנָ ָ֔תן ֥ל ֹא נָ ֖שׂוֹג ָא ֑חוֹר וְ ֶ ֣ח ֶרב ָשׁ ֔אוּל ֥ל ֹא ָת ֖שׁוּב ֵרי ָ ֽ קם׃ ֔ ִ ִִמ ַ ֣דּם ֲח ָל ֗ ִלים ֵמ ֵ֨ח ֶל ֙ב גּ 1:22
נָ שׂוֹג
Unique and written with a שׂ
כת ̇ש ̇ ̇ל ו
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written with a שׂ, to distinguish it from its two occurrences written with a )נָ סוֹג( סat Ps 44:19 and 80:19.
2 SAMUEL 1:23 מוֹתם ֣ל ֹא נִ ְפ ָ ֑רדוּ ִמנְּ ָשׁ ִ ֣רים ַ ֔קלּוּ ֵמ ֲא ָרי֖ וֹת גָּ ֵ ֽברוּ׃ ֖ ָ וּב ְ יהם ֶ֔ ֵימ ֙ם ְבּ ַחיּ ִ ָשׁ ֣אוּל וִ יהוֹנָ ָ֗תן ַהנֶּ ֱא ָה ִ ֤בים וְ ַהנְּ ִﬠ 1:23
ַהנֶּ ֱא ָה ִבים
Unique 1:23
מוֹתם ָ וּב ְ
Twice plene
מל ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 1:23; Ps 73:4 (מוֹתם ָ )ל ְ
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written plene ו, to distinguish them from its three occurrences written defective )בּמ ָֹתם( ו. ְ 1:23
Five times
ַ ֔קלּוּ ̇ה
1–5 Gen 8:11 (;)קלּוּ ֥ ַ 2 Sam 1:23; Jer 4:13 (;)קלּ֥ וּ ַ Job 7:6 ( ;) ַ ֖קלּוּ9:25 () ַ ֖קלּוּ
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma, four times accented milʿêl, and once accented milraʿ (Jer 4:13).
The Mp headings at Job 7:6 and 9:25 read four times accented (milʿêl). 1:23
גָּ ֵברוּ
2 SAMUEL 1:24 בוּשׁ ֶ ֽכן׃ ְ ם־ﬠ ָד ֔ ִנים ַ ֽה ַמּ ֲﬠ ֶל ֙ה ֲﬠ ִ ֣די זָ ָ֔הב ַ ֖ﬠל ְל ֲ ל־שׁ ֖אוּל ְבּ ֶכ֑ינָ ה ַה ַמּ ְל ִ ֽבּ ְשׁ ֶכ֤ם ָשׁנִ ֙י ִﬠ ָ נוֹת יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ֶא ֙ ְבּ 1:24
ל־שׁאוּל ְבּ ֶכינָ ה ָ ֶא
Three times
2 Sam 1:24; 3:32 ( ;)וַ יֵּ ְבךְּ ֶאלEzek 27:31 (� ִ)וּבכוּ ֵא ַלי ָ
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of forms of the verb ָבּ ָכהwith אל, ֶ to distinguish them from the more numerous occurrences of forms of this verb with ( ַﬠלe.g., ְוַ יֵּ ְבךּ )ﬠל. ַ 1:24
Unique 1:24
ְבּ ֶכינָ ה ̇ל
ַה ַמּ ְל ִבּ ְשׁ ֶכם ̇ל
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of four forms, apart from the Torah, of the hiphil of the verb ָל ַבשׁwhich are written defective י. The four forms can be found in the Mm to Dan 5:29 sub וְ ַה ְל ִבּשׁוּ, which ML, as opposed to M, writes plene ;יsee Breuer, The Biblical Text, 335. 1:24
בוּשׁ ֶכן ְ ְל ̇ל
2 SAMUEL 1:25 מוֹתי� ָח ָ ֽלל׃ ֖ ֶ ל־בּ ָ ֵ ֚אי� נָ ְפל֣ וּ גִ בּ ִ ֹ֔רים ְבּ ֖תוֹ� ַה ִמּ ְל ָח ָ ֑מה יְ ֣הוֹנָ ָ֔תן ַﬠ 1:25
גִּ בּ ִֹרים
Seven times defective
חס ̇ ̇ז
Com.: See Josh 10:2. 1:25
�מוֹתי ֶ ָבּ
Three times
Com.: See directly above at 2 Sam 1:19.
2 SAMUEL 1:26 אד נִ ְפ ְל ַ ֤א ָתה ַא ֲה ָ ֽב ְת ֙� ֔ ִלי ֵמ ַא ֲה ַ ֖בת נָ ִ ֽשׁים׃ ֹ ֑ חי יְ ֣הוֹנָ ָ֔תן נָ ַ ֥ﬠ ְמ ָתּ ִ ֖לּי ְמ ֙ ִ ר־לי ָﬠ ֗ ֶלי� ָא ֣ ִ ַצ 1:26
נָ ַﬠ ְמ ָתּ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a paṯaḥ under the ע, to distinguish it from its occurrence with a qameṣ under the )נָ ָﬠ ְמ ָתּ( עat Ezek 32:19.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur once with a qameṣ (Ezek 32:19), and once with a paṯaḥ (here); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §23, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah weOklah, §24. 1:26
אַתה ָ נִ ְפ ְל
2 SAMUEL 1:27 אב ֖דוּ ְכּ ֵ ֥לי ִמ ְל ָח ָ ֽמה׃ פ ְ ֹ בּוֹרים וַ יּ ֔ ִ ִֵ ֚אי� נָ ְפל֣ וּ ג 1:27
אבדוּ ְ ֹ וַ יּ
Num 16:33; 2 Sam 1:27
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וconsec., to distinguish them from its two occurrences with a וcj. (אבדוּ ְ ֹ )וְ יat Isa 41:11 and Ps 9:4.
2 SAMUEL 2:1 אמר ָדִּו֛ד ֶ ֹ הו֛ה ֵא ָל֖יו ֲﬠ ֵל֑ה וַ ֧יּ ָ ְאמר י ֶ ֹ הוּדה וַ ֧יּ ֔ ָ ְיהו֤ה ׀ ֵלאמ ֹ֙ר ַה ֶא ֱﬠ ֗ ֶלה ְבּ ַא ַח ֙ת ָﬠ ֵ ֣רי י ָ י־כן וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַא ֩ל ָדּ ִ֨וד ַ ֽבּ ֵ֗ וַ יְ ִ ֣הי ַ ֽא ֲח ֵר אמר ֶח ְב ֽר ֹנָ ה׃ ֶ ֹ ָ ֥אנָ ה ֶא ֱﬠ ֶל֖ה וַ ֥יּ 2:1
ֶח ְבר ֹנָ ה
Nine times
Com.: See Josh 10:36.
2 SAMUEL 2:2 וַ יַּ ַ֤ﬠל ָשׁ ֙ם ָדּ ִ֔וד וְ ַג֖ם ְשׁ ֵ ֣תּי נָ ָ ֑שׁיו ֲא ִחי ֨נ ֹ ַﬠ ֙ם ַהיִּ זְ ְר ֵﬠ ֔ ִלית וַ ֲא ִב ֕ ַיגיִ ל ֵ ֖א ֶשׁת נָ ָ ֥בל ַ ֽה ַכּ ְר ְמ ִ ֽלי׃ 2:2
ַהיִּ זְ ְר ֵﬠ ִלית
Five times
Com.: See 1 Sam 27:3.
2 SAMUEL 2:3 יתוֹ וַ יֵּ ְשׁ ֖בוּ ְבּ ָﬠ ֵ ֥רי ֶח ְב ֽרוֹן׃ ֑ וּב ֵ ר־ﬠ ֛מּוֹ ֶה ֱﬠ ָ ֥לה ָדִ ֖וד ִ ֣אישׁ ִ וַ ֲאנָ ָ ֧שׁיו ֲא ֶשׁ 2:3
וַ ֲאנָ ָשׁיו
Twenty-five times
̇כ ̇ה
Com.: See 1 Sam 23:26. 2:3
וּביתוֹ ֵ ִאישׁ
Three times
Exod 1:1; 1 Sam 27:3; 2 Sam 2:3
2 SAMUEL 2:4 שׁי יָ ֵב֣ישׁ גִּ ְל ֔ ָﬠד ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ֙ ֵ ְמר ַאנ ֹ ֔ הוּדה וַ יַּ ִגּ֤דוּ ְל ָדוִ ֙ד ֵלא ֑ ָ ְל־בּ֣ית י ֵ ת־דִּו֛ד ְל ֶ ֖מ ֶל� ַﬠ ָ חוּ־שׁם ֶא ֧ ָ הוּדה וַ יִּ ְמ ְשׁ ֔ ָ ְשׁי י ֣ ֵ ְאוּ ַאנ ֙ ֹוַ יָּ ֨ב ת־שׁ ֽאוּל׃ ס ָ ָק ְב ֖רוּ ֶא 2:4
ל־בּית ֵ ַﬠ
Thirteen times 1–5 6–10 11–13
י̇ ̇ג
Gen 43:19; Num 2:34; Judg 9:18; 2 Sam 1:12 (ל־בּית ֵ ;)וְ ַﬠ2:4 2 Sam 2:11; 14:9 (ל־בּית ֵ ;)וְ ַﬠEzek 13:5; 39:29; Esth 8:2 1 Chr 17:17; 2 Chr 23:18; 26:21
ל־בּית ֵ ַﬠthirteen times, and their references 1–5
Gen 43:19 Num 2:34 Judg 9:18 2 Sam 1:12 2 Sam 2:4 2 Sam 2:11 2 Sam 14:9 Ezek 13:5 Ezek 39:29 וַ ִתּ ְק ַטןof Chronicles (1 Chr 17:17) 2 Chr 23:18
Esth 8:2
על בית י̇ ̇ג וסימנהון
ויגשו למשפחתיו קמתם [)ויצומו( ]ויצמו וימשחו ויהי מספר הימים התקועית בפרצות אסתיר ותקטן דדברי ימים פקדת ותשם אסתר
And similarly all Kings, and Isaiah, and Jeremiah, וכל מלכים וישעיה וירמיה and The Twelve apart from eleven ותרי עשרה דכותהון בר מן יא
Com.: The Masorah notes the thirteen occurrences of this lemma with ַﬠלwith and without a ו cj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (48x) with ל־בּית( ֶאל ֵ וְ ֶא/ֶאל־ )בּית. ֵ
This distinction is implied in the Mm in the additional notation of Chronicles to the 1 Chr 17:7 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 2 Sam 7:19, where the lemma occurs as ל־בּית ֵ א. ֶ
As indicated in the additonal note in the Mm, this enumeration does not include occurrences of this lemma in the books of Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and The Twelve, where it occurs twenty-two times, but where ל־בּית ֵ וְ ֶא/ל־בּית ֵ ֶאoccurs eleven times.
יתם ַה ֶ ֣ח ֶסד ַה ֶ֗זּה ֶ֜ יהוה ֲא ֶ֨שׁר ֲﬠ ִשׂ ָ֔ יהם ְבּ ֻר ִ ֤כים ַא ֶתּ ֙ם ַ ֽל ֶ֗ אמר ֲא ֵל ֶ ֹ ל־אנְ ֵ ֖שׁי יָ ֵב֣ישׁ גִּ ְל ָ ֑ﬠד וַ ֣יּ ַ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַל֤ח ָדּוִ ֙ד ַמ ְל ָא ִ֔כים ֶא ם־שׁ ֔אוּל ַו ִֽתּ ְק ְבּ ֖רוּ א ֹֽתוֹ׃ ָ יכ ֙ם ִﬠ ֶ ֵם־א ֽד ֹנ ֲ ִﬠ 2:5
ְבּ ֻר ִכים
Three times
Com.: See 1 Sam 23:21.
In ML the וwith its šûreq vowel is still very visible, and only its bottom tip has been erased.
2 SAMUEL 2:6 יתם ַה ָדּ ָ ֥בר ַה ֶזּֽה׃ ֖ ֶ טּוֹבה ַה ֔זּ ֹאת ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ֲﬠ ִשׂ ֣ ָ הו֥ה ִﬠ ָמּ ֶ ֖כם ֶ ֣ח ֶסד וֶ ֱא ֶ ֑מת וְ ַג֣ם ָאנ ִֹ֗כי ֶא ֱﬠ ֶ ֤שׂה ִא ְתּ ֶכ ֙ם ַה ָ ְוְ ַﬠ ָ֕תּה ַי ַֽﬠשׂ־י 2:6
יַ ַﬠשׂ־יְ הוָ ה
2 Sam 2:6; Ruth 1:8 (qərê) 2:6
וְ גַ ם ָאנ ִֹכי
Five times
Com.: See 1 Sam 1:28. 2:6
ֶא ֱﬠ ֶשׂה ִא ְתּ ֶכם ̇ב
2 Sam 2:6; Jer 5:18 2:6
יתם ַה ָדּ ָבר ֶ ֲﬠ ִשׂ
Eleven times
י̇ ̇א
1–5 Gen 19:22; 30:31; 34:14; 34:19; Exod 1:18 6–10 Exod 9:5; Judg 6:29a; 6:29b; 11:37; 2 Sam 2:6 11 2 Kgs 8:13
Com.: The Masorah notes the eleven occurrences of forms of the verb ָﬠ ָשׂהwith ַה ָדּ ָברthat are not accompanied by the sign of the def. object את. ֶ It should be noted that Gen 19:22 ()ל ֲﬠשׂוֹת ָדּ ָבר ַ is included in this list (also here in the Mm of MA) even though the object ָדּ ָברis indef. and thus an ֶאתwould not be expected.
2 SAMUEL 2:7 יהם׃ ֽ ֶ הוּדה ְל ֶ ֖מ ֶל� ֲﬠ ֵל ֛ ָ ְי־מת ֲאד ֹנֵ ֶיכ֣ם ָשׁ ֑אוּל וְ גַ ם־א ִֹ֗תי ָמ ְשׁ ֧חוּ ֵבית־י ֖ ֵ י־חיִ ל ִכּ ַ֔ ֵיכם ִ ֽו ְה ֙יוּ ִל ְבנ ֶ֗ וְ ַﬠ ָ ֣תּה ׀ ֶתּ ֱח ַ ֣ז ְ קנָ ה יְ ֵד פ 2:7
וִ ְהיוּ
Seven times
Com.: See 1 Sam 4:9.
2 SAMUEL 2:8 ן־שׁ ֔אוּל וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ִב ֵ ֖רהוּ ַמ ֲח ָנֽ יִ ם׃ ָ בּ ֶשׁ ֙ת ֶבּ ֹ ֨ ת־אישׁ ֥ ִ שׁר ְל ָשׁ ֑אוּל ָל ַ ֗קח ֶא ֣ ֶ ר־צ ָ ֖בא ֲא ָ ן־נר ַשׂ ֵ ֔ וְ ַא ְב ֵנ֣ר ֶבּ 2:8
ר־צ ָבא ָ ַשׂ
Three times
2 Sam 2:8; 19:14; 1 Kgs 16:16
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a qameṣ under the ( צabsol.), to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (9x) with a šəwâ (ר־צ ָבא ְ שׂ, ַ cstr.). 2:8
וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ִב ֵרהוּ
Twice and defective
Com.: See 1 Sam 16:8.
וחס ̇ ̇ב
2 SAMUEL 2:9 ל־בּנְ יָ ִ֔מן וְ ַﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל ֻכּ ֽ�ה׃ פ ִ ל־א ְפ ַ ֨ריִ ֙ם וְ ַﬠ ֶ שׁוּרי וְ ֶ ֽאל־יִ זְ ְר ֶﬠ֑אל וְ ַﬠ ֖ ִ ל־ה ֲא ָ ל־הגִּ ְל ֔ ָﬠד וְ ֶא ַ הוּ ֶא ֙ וַ יַּ ְמ ִל ֵ֨כ 2:9 Unique
וַ יַּ ְמ ִל ֵכהוּ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in the sg. he made him king, to distinguish it from its occurrence in the pl. (יכהוּ ֻ וַ יַּ ְמ ִל, they made him king) at 2 Chr 36:1. 2:9
וְ ַﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל
2 Sam 2:9; 1 Chr 29:30
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (89x) without a cj. 2:9
Seven times written with ה
כת הי ̇ ̇ז
1–5 2 Sam 2:9; Isa 15:3; 16:7; Hos 13:2; Nah 2:1 6–7 Hab 1:9; 1:15
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma written with a ה, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (15x) written with a )כּלּוֹ( ו. ֻ
This enumeration does not include the eleven occurrences of this lemma in Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
The Mp and Mm headings of Isa 15:3 read three times written ה, and similarly all Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and The Twelve apart from three (Jer 6:13a, 13b, and Mal 3:9). The Mp heading at Isa 16:7 similary reads three times written (like this), thereby also not including the four references in Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and The Twelve.
2 SAMUEL 2:10 הוּדה ָהי֖ וּ ַא ֲח ֵ ֥רי ֔ ָ ְוּשׁ ַ ֥תּיִ ם ָשׁ ִנ֖ים ָמ ָל֑� ַ ֚א� ֵבּ֣ית י ְ כוֹ ַﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ֙ ן־שׁ ֗אוּל ְבּ ָמ ְל ָ ן־א ְר ָבּ ֨ ִﬠים ָשׁ ֜ ָנה ִ ֽאישׁ־ ֣בֹּ ֶשׁת ֶבּ ַ ֶבּ ָדִ ֽוד׃ 2:10 Unique
ְבּ ָמ ְלכוֹ ַﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this phrase, to distinguish it from the more numerous occurrences (6x) of its parallel ָמ ַל� ַﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל.
2 SAMUEL 2:11 הוּדה ֶ ֥שׁ ַבע ָשׁ ִנ֖ים וְ ִשׁ ָ ֥שּׁה ֳח ָד ִ ֽשׁים׃ ס ֑ ָ ְל־בּ֣ית י ֵ ַוֽ יְ ִה֙י ִמ ְס ַ ֣פּר ַהיָּ ִ֔מים ֲא ֶשׁר֩ ָה ָ֨יה ָדִ ֥וד ֶ ֛מ ֶל� ְבּ ֶח ְב ֖רוֹן ַﬠ 2:11
ל־בּית ֵ ַﬠ
Thirteen times
י̇ ̇ג
Com.: See directly above at 2 Sam 2:4.
2 SAMUEL 2:12 ן־שׁ ֑אוּל ִ ֽמ ַמּ ֲח ַנ֖ יִ ם גִּ ְב ֽﬠוֹנָ ה׃ ָ ן־נר וְ ַﬠ ְב ֵ ֖די ִ ֽאישׁ־ ֣בֹּ ֶשׁת ֶבּ ֵ ֔ וַ יֵּ ֵצ ֙א ַא ְב ֵנ֣ר ֶבּ 2:12
גִּ ְבעוֹנָ ה
Twice, once plene and once defective
חס ̇ מל וחד ̇ ̇ב חד
2 Sam 2:12; 1 Kgs 3:4 ()גִּ ְבעֹנָ ה
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with the locative ה, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (17x) without this adverbial ending.
2 SAMUEL 2:13 ל־ה ְבּ ֵר ָכ ֙ה ִמ ֶ֔זּה וְ ֵ ֥א ֶלּה ַﬠל־ ַ ל־בּ ֵר ַ ֥כת גִּ ְב ֖ﬠוֹן יַ ְח ָ ֑דּו וַ ֵ֨יּ ְשׁ ֜בוּ ֵ ֤א ֶלּה ַﬠ ְ רוּיה וְ ַﬠ ְב ֵ ֤די ָדוִ ֙ד ָי ְֽצ ֔אוּ ַוֽ יִּ ְפגְּ ֛שׁוּם ַﬠ ָ֜ ן־צ ְ יוֹאב ֶבּ ָ֨ ְו ַה ְבּ ֵר ָ ֖כה ִמ ֶזּֽה׃ 2:13
וַ יִּ ְפגְּ שׁוּם
Unique and plene
ומל ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written plene ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written defective ו.
2 SAMUEL 2:14 יוֹאב יָ ֻ ֽ קמוּ׃ ֖ ָ אמר ֶ ֹ ישׂ ֲח ֖קוּ ְל ָפ ֵנ֑ינוּ וַ ֥יּ ַ ל־יוֹאב יָ ֤קוּמוּ נָ ֙א ַהנְּ ָﬠ ִ ֔רים ִ ֽו ָ֔ אמר ַא ְבנֵ ֙ר ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ 2:14 Unique
ישׂ ֲחקוּ ַ ִו ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its occurrence without a cj. at Job 40:20. 2:14
יָ ֻקמוּ
Seven times defective
חס ̇ ̇ז
1–5 Num 30:8; 2 Sam 2:14b; Isa 14:21; 26:14; 27:9 6–7 Ps 1:5; 78:6 ——————————
Seven times defective, and their references
1–5 Num 30:8 2 Sam 2:14b Isa 27:9 Isa 14:21 Isa 26:14 6–7 Ps 1:5 Ps 78:6
יקמו ז̇ חסירין וסימנהון
ושמע אישה ויאמר יואב יקמו לא יקמו אשרים בל יקמו וירשו ארץ מתים בל יחיו רשעים במשפט יקמו ויספרו לבניהם
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma written defective first ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (14x) written plene first )יָ קוּמוּ( ו, one occurrence of which is in this same verse.
In ML in the Mp heading at Ps 78:6, an original דfour, having been overwritten by the letter ז seven, is still visible.
2 SAMUEL 2:15 וּשׁ ֵנ֥ים ָﬠ ָ ֖שׂר ֵמ ַﬠ ְב ֵ ֥די ָדִ ֽוד׃ ְ ן־שׁ ֔אוּל ָ וּל ִ ֥אישׁ ֨בֹּ ֶשׁ ֙ת ֶבּ ְ וַ יָּ ֻ ֖ קמוּ וַ יַּ ַﬠ ְב ֣רוּ ְב ִמ ְס ָ ֑פּר ְשׁ ֵנ֧ים ָﬠ ָ ֣שׂר ְל ִבנְ יָ ִ֗מן 2:15
וּל ִאישׁ ְ
Three times
Lev 15:33; 2 Sam 2:15; Ezek 1:23 ——————————
2 SAMUEL וּל ִאישׁ ְ three times
Lev 15:33 2 Sam 2:15 Ezek 1:23
ולאיש ̇ג
אשר ישכב ולאיש בשת בן [ולאיש שתים )מסבות( ]מכסות
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (60x) without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 2:16 בּוֹ ְבּ ַצ֣ד ֵר ֔ ֵﬠהוּ ַוֽ יִּ ְפּל֖ וּ יַ ְח ָ ֑דּו וַ יִּ ְק ָר ֙א ַל ָמּ ֣קוֹם ַה ֔הוּא ֶח ְל ַ ֥ קת ַה ֻצּ ִ ֖רים ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ֙ ַוֽ יַּ ֲח ִ֜זקוּ ִ ֣אישׁ ׀ ְבּ ֣ר ֹאשׁ ֵר ֗ ֵﬠהוּ וְ ַח ְר ְבּגִ ְב ֽﬠוֹן׃ 2:16
וַ יַּ ֲחזִ קוּ
Three times defective
חס ̇ ̇ג
2 Sam 2:16; 1 Kgs 9:9; Dan 11:32 ()יַ ֲחזִ קוּ ——————————
וַ יַּ ֲחזִ קוּthree times defective in various forms
2 Sam 2:16 א�הים ֲא ֵח ִרים ִ ֵבּof Kings (1 Kgs 9:9) Dan 11:32
̇חס בלישנ ̇ ויחזקו ̇ג
ויחזקו איש בראש באלהים אחרים דמלכים [יחזקו )עשו( ]ועשו
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma written defective יin various forms, to distinguish them from its four occurrences written plene ;)וַ יַּ ֲחזִ יקוּ( יsee Judg 7:20.
This distinction is implied in the additional notation of Kings to the 1 Kgs 9:9 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 2 Chr 7:22, where the lemma occurs as וַ יַּ ֲחזִ יקוּ.
ML, contrary to M ()וַ יַּ ֲחזִ יקוּ, has a fourth occurrence of this lemma since it writes the form at Gen 19:16 defective ;)וַ יַּ ֲחזִ קוּ( יsee Breuer, The Biblical Text, 4. However, the two Mp headings highlighted above read three times, thus supporting the enumeration inherent in the text of M.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 2:17 שׁי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ִל ְפ ֵנ֖י ַﬠ ְב ֵ ֥די ָדִ ֽוד׃ ֣ ֵ ְאד ַבּיּ֣ וֹם ַה ֑הוּא וַ יִּ ָנּ֤ גֶ ף ַא ְבנֵ ֙ר וְ ַאנ ֹ ֖ ד־מ ְ וַ ְתּ ִ ֧הי ַה ִמּ ְל ָח ָ ֛מה ָק ָ ֥שׁה ַﬠ
וְ אַנְ ֵשׁי
Eighteen times 1–5 6–10 11–15 16–18
י̇ ̇ח
Gen 13:13; 19:4; Exod 22:30; Judg 19:16; 1 Sam 6:15 2 Sam 2:17; 2 Kgs 17:30a; 17:30b; 17:30c; Isa 5:22 Isa 57:1; Jer 48:14; 51:32; Ezek 39:14; Ps 139:19 Neh 4:17; 1 Chr 4:22; 2 Chr 17:13
Com.: The Masorah notes the eighteen occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) without a cj.
The Mp headings at Gen 13:13, Exod 22:30 and 2 Kgs 17:30a read four times at the beginning of a verse reflecting the position of the lemma at these references; see 2 Kgs 17:30a.
2 SAMUEL 2:18 האל֙ ַ ֣קל ְבּ ַרגְ ֔ ָליו ְכּ ַא ַ ֥חד ַה ְצּ ָביִ ֖ם ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ַבּ ָשּׂ ֶ ֽדה׃ ֵ האל וַ ֲﬠ ָשׂ ֑ ֵ ישׁי וַ ֲﬠ ָשׂ ֖ ַ יוֹאב וַ ֲא ִב ֥ ָ רוּיה ָ֔ �שׁ ֙ה ְבּ ֵנ֣י ְצ ָ יוּ־שׁם ְשׁ ָ֗ וַ ִיּ ְֽה 2:18 Unique
האל ֵ האל וַ ֲﬠ ָשׂ ֵ וַ ֲﬠ ָשׂ ̇ל
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words occurring together only once; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §72. 2:18
ַה ְצּ ָביִ ם
Unique and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written defective second י, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene second י.
2 SAMUEL 2:19 ל־ה ְשּׂ ֔מ ֹאול ֵמ ַא ֲח ֵ ֖רי ַא ְב ֵנֽר׃ ַ ל־היָּ ִמ ֙ין וְ ַ ֽﬠ ַ האל ַא ֲח ֵ ֣רי ַא ְב ֵנ֑ר וְ ֽל ֹא־נָ ָ ֣טה ָל ֗ ֶל ֶכת ַﬠ ֖ ֵ וַ יִּ ְר ֥דּ ֹף ֲﬠ ָשׂ 2:19 Unique
וְ לֹא־נָ ָטה ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its occurrence without a cj. at 1 Kgs 2:28.
2 SAMUEL 2:20 אמר ָא ֹֽנ ִכי׃ ֶ ֹ האל וַ ֖יּ ֑ ֵ אמר ַה ַא ָ ֥תּה ֶז֖ה ֲﬠ ָשׂ ֶ ֹ וַ יִּ ֶ֤פן ַא ְבנֵ ֙ר ַ ֽא ֲח ָ ֔ריו וַ ֕יּ 2:20
אַתּה זֶ ה ָ ַה
Four times
Gen 27:21; 2 Sam 2:20; 1 Kgs 18:7; 18:17
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma with the interrog. ה, to distinguish them from its sole occcurrence without this interrog. ()אַתּה זֶ ה ָ at Gen 27:24
2 SAMUEL 2:21 ת־ח ִל ָצ ֑תוֹ וְ ֽל ֹא־ ֲ ח־ל�֖ ֶא ְ אל� וֶ ֱא ֣חֹז ְל ֗� ֶא ָח ֙ד ֵ ֽמ ַהנְּ ָﬠ ִ ֔רים וְ ַק ֶ ֔ ֹ ל־שׂמ ְ אמר ל֣ וֹ ַא ְב ֗ ֵנר נְ ֵ ֤טה ְל ֙� ַﬠל־יְ ִ ֽמינְ ֙� ֣אוֹ ַﬠ ֶ ֹ וַ ֧יּ האל ָל ֖סוּר ֵמ ַא ֲח ָ ֽריו׃ ֵ֔ ָא ָ ֣בה ֲﬠ ָשׂ 2:21
�ֹאל ֶ ְשׂמ
2 Sam 2:21; Ezek 39:3
�אל ֶ ֹ ְשׂמtwice, once plene, and once defective 2 Sam 2:21 Ezek 39:3
חס ̇ מל וחד ̇ )שמאולך( ]שמאלך[ ̇ב חד
נטה לך על ימינך [והכיתו קשתך מיד )שמאלך( ]שמאולך
The last is plene
בתרי שלמים
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one written plene ( וEzek 39:3), and one written defective ( וhere). 2:21
וֶ ֱאחֹז
Exod 4:4; 2 Sam 2:21
Com.: The Mp heading at Exod 4:4 adds the catchwords )וֶ ֱאחֹז ְל� ֶא ָחד( ואחז לך אחדto refer the reader to this verse. 2:21
וְ ַקח
Thirteen times
י̇ ̇ג
Com.: See 1 Sam 2:16. 2:21
ֲח ִל ָצתוֹ
2 SAMUEL 2:22 ל־יוֹאב ָא ִ ֽחי�׃ ָ֖ האל ֥סוּר ְל�֖ ֵמ ַ ֽא ֲח ָ ֑רי ָל ָ֤מּה ַא ֶ֨כּ ָכּ ֙ה ַ֔א ְר ָצה וְ ֵא ֙י� ֶא ָ ֣שּׂא ָפ ֔ ַני ֶא ֵ֔ ל־ﬠ ָשׂ ֲ וַ ֹ֧יּ ֶסף ֣ﬠוֹד ַא ְב ֗ ֵנר ֵלאמ ֹ֙ר ֶא 2:22
וַ יּ ֶֹסף
Thirty times
Com.: See 1 Sam 9:8. 2:22
אַכּ ָכּה ֶ
Unique 2:22
̇ל �ָא ִחי
Unique in the book
בסיפ ̇ ̇ל
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur only once in one specific book (here in Samuel) but are found more than once in other books; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §271, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §112.
2 SAMUEL 2:23 ל־שׁם וַ יָּ ָ֣מת ַתּ ְח ָ ֑תּו וַ יְ ִ֡הי ָכּל־ ֖ ָ ית ֵמ ַא ֲח ָ ֔ריו וַ יִּ ָפּ ֙ ִל־ה ֗חֹ ֶמשׁ וַ ֵתּ ֵצ֤א ַ ֽה ֲחנ ַ וַ יְ ָמ ֵ ֣אן ָל ֗סוּר וַ יַּ ֵכּ֣הוּ ַא ְבנֵ ר֩ ְבּ ַא ֲח ֵ ֨רי ַה ֲח ֜ ִנית ֶא מדוּ׃ ֹ ֽ מת ַ ֽו יַּ ֲﬠ ֹ ֖ ָהאל וַ יּ ֛ ֵ ר־נ ַפל ָ ֧שׁם ֲﬠ ָשׂ ָ ֨ קוֹם ֲא ֶשׁ ֩ ל־ה ָמּ ַ ַה ָבּ֣א ֶ ֽא 2:23
ַתּ ְח ָתּו
Read ַתּ ְח ָתּיו
קר ̇ תחתיו
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )תחתוwithout the יrepresents the archaic form of the 3rd masc. sg. sfx. to a pl. noun, whereas the qərê ()תּ ְח ָתּיו ַ with the יrepresents the later form; see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 33. This lemma is featured in a Mm list of four such forms of ַתּ ְח ָתּוwritten in this way according to the Westerners; see the Mm at Job 9:13.
2 SAMUEL 2:24 י־ג ַי� ֶ ֖דּ ֶר� ִמ ְד ַ ֥בּר ִ ֔ ֵל־פּנ ְ שּׁ ֶמשׁ ָ֔בּ ָאה וְ ֵ֗ה ָמּה ָ ֚בּאוּ ַﬠד־גִּ ְב ַ ֣ﬠת ַא ָ֔מּה ֲא ֶשׁ ֙ר ַﬠ ֣ ֶ ישׁי ַא ֲח ֵ ֣רי ַא ְב ֵנ֑ר וְ ַה ֖ ַ יוֹאב וַ ֲא ִב ֥ ָ ַוֽ יִּ ְר ְדּ ֛פוּ גִּ ְב ֽﬠוֹן׃ 2:24
וְ ַה ֶשּׁ ֶמשׁ
2 Sam 2:24; 2 Kgs 3:22
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur twice beginning with ;וְ ַה see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §63, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §64. 2:24
Unique 2:24
אַמּה ָ גִּ ְב ַﬠת ̇ל �גִ ַי ̇ל
Mp Mp
2 SAMUEL 2:25 מן ַא ֲח ֵ ֣רי ַא ְב ֔ ֵנר וַ יִּ ְהי֖ וּ ַל ֲאגֻ ָ ֣דּה ֶא ָ ֑חת וַ יַּ ַ֣ﬠ ְמ ֔דוּ ַ ֥ﬠל רֹאשׁ־גִּ ְב ָ ֖ﬠה ֶא ָ ֽחת׃ ֙ ִ ָֽי־בנְ י ִ וַ ִיּ ְֽת ַק ְבּ ֤צוּ ְב ֵנ 2:25 Unique
ַל ֲאגֻ ָדּה ̇ל
ד־מ ַת֙י ֽל ֹא־ ָ רוֹנ֑ה וְ ַﬠ ָ י־מ ָ ֥רה ִת ְה ֶי֖ה ָבּ ַא ֲח ָ אכל ֶ֔ח ֶרב ֲהל֣ וֹא יָ ַ ֔ד ְﬠ ָתּה ִ ֽכּ ַ ֹ אמ ֙ר ֲה ָל ֨ ֶנ ַצ ֙ח ֣תּ ֶ ֹ ל־יוֹאב וַ ֨יּ ָ֗ וַ יִּ ְק ָ ֨רא ַא ְב ֜ ֵנר ֶא יהם׃ ֽ ֶ ֹאמר ָל ֔ ָﬠם ָל ֖שׁוּב ֵמ ַא ֲח ֵ ֥רי ֲא ֵח ַ֣ ת 2:26 Unique
ֲה ָלנֶ ַצח ̇ל
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublets with an initial ַהor ֲ;הsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §64, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §66. 2:26
יָ ַד ְﬠ ָתּה
Unique plene
מל ̇ ̇ל
Twenty (forms are) plene at the end of a word 1–5 Ps 30:8 Exod 19:23 Exod 18:20 Exod 5:22 Num 14:19 6–10 Num 27:13 Judg 18:25 2 Sam 2:26 2 Sam 3:7 2 Sam 14:13 11–15 2 Sam 7:27 ָבּנִ ָתהof Kings (1 Kgs 9:3) Jer 25:15 Zech 1:12 Mal 2:14 16–20 וְ יָ ַשׁ ְב ָתּהof the king (Deut 17:14) Ps 8:4 Isa 37:23 Deut 23:14 ֲא ֶשׁר ִה ְת ַחנַּ נְ ָתּהof Kings (1 Kgs 9:3)
תיבות ̇ בסופ ̇ מל ̇ ̇כ
העמדתה להררי עז העדתה בנו והזהרתה אתהם למה הרעתה וכאשר נשאתה וראיתה אתה ואספתה נפשך )הלא( ]הלוא[ ידעתה מדוע באתה ולמה חשבתה גליתה את ̇בנתה דמלכי והשקיתה אשר זעמתה בגדתה בה וישבתה דמלך אשר כוננתה הרימותה קול [והפרתה )לי( ]בה דמלכ ̇ אשר התחננתה
Com.: The Mp notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written plene הat the end the word, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (57x) written defective )יָ ַד ְﬠ ָתּ( ה.
The Mm provides a list of twenty such forms, all hapax legomena, that are written plene הat the end of their words.
The additional notations to three of the catchwords in the Mm are for reference purposes only. The additional notation to the Deut 17:14 reference is to indicate that the catchword occurs in the section concerning the regulations about the king (Deut 17:14–20).
The two additional notations to the 1 Kgs 9:3 reference are again for reference purposes only since no comparable forms are to be found in their parallel texts at 2 Chr 7:13 and 7:16. 2:26
אַחרוֹנָ ה ֲ ָבּ
Twice plene
מל ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 2:26; Dan 11:29 (אַחרוֹנָ ה ֲ *)וְ ָכ
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in various forms, written plene ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (7x) in various forms, written defective אַחר ֹנָ ה( ו ֲ ָל/אַחר ֹנָ ה ֲ ) ָבּ.
* ML, contrary to M (אַחרוֹנָ ה ֲ )וְ ָכ, has only one occurrence of this lemma since it writes the form at Dan 11:29 defective אַחר ֹנָ ה( ו ֲ ;)וְ ָכsee Breuer, The Biblical Text, 340. However, the two Mp headings highlighted above support the enumeration inherent in the text of M. 2:26
ד־מ ַתי ָ וְ ַﬠ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (28x) without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 2:27 לוּל֖א ִדּ ַ ֑בּ ְר ָתּ ִ ֣כּי ָ ֤אז ֵ ֽמ ַה ֨בֹּ ֶק ֙ר נַ ֲﬠ ָל֣ה ָה ֔ ָﬠם ִ ֖אישׁ ֵמ ַא ֲח ֵ ֥רי ָא ִ ֽחיו׃ ֵ �הים ִ ֥כּי ִ֔ יוֹאב ַ ֚חי ָ ֽה ֱא ָ֔ אמר ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ 2:27 Unique
�הים ִ ַחי ָה ֱא ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrences of ַחיwith �הים ִ ה ֱא,ָ to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (43x) with )חי יְ הוָ ה( יְ הוָ ה. ַ
30 2:27
Four times written like this
כת כן ̇ ̇ד
Gen 43:10; Judg 14:18; 2 Sam 2:27; Ps 27:13 (וּל ׅ֗א ֵ)ל ֗ ׅ ׅ֗ ——————————
לוּלא ֵ four times written with an א, and their references Gen 43:10 2 Sam 2:27 Judg 14:18 Ps 27:13
כת ̇א וסי]מנהו[ן ̇ לולא ̇ד
]התמהמה[נו דברת חרשתם האמנתי
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma written with an א, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (10x) written with a )לוּלי( י. ֵ
The Mp heading at Ps 27:13 notes the dots that are above and below the first, third and fourth letters and reads: unique pointed above and below apart from ו, that is, this form is unique in having the three letters other than the וpointed with dots above and below them. In ML some of the writing in the early part of the Mm note is illegible and can only be conjectured; see Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc. 2:27
ֵמ ַהבּ ֶֹקר
Three times
2 Sam 2:27; 24:15; 1 Kgs 18:26 —————————— ֵמ ַהבּ ֶֹקרthree times 2 Sam 2:27 2 Sam 24:15 1 Kgs 18:26
מהבקר ̇ג נעלה ועד עת ועד הצהרים
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with the inseparable prep. מ, to distinguish them from its sole occurrence with the separable prep. )הבּ ֶֹקר ִמן( ִמן ַ at Exod 18:13.
2 SAMUEL 2:28 ל־ה ֔ ָﬠם וְ ֽל ֹא־יִ ְר ְדּ ֥פוּ ֖ﬠוֹד ַא ֲח ֵ ֣רי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל וְ ֽל ֹא־יָ ְס ֥פוּ ֖ﬠוֹד ְל ִה ָלּ ֵ ֽחם׃ ָ דוּ ָכּ ֙ שּׁוֹפר וַ יַּ ַֽﬠ ְמ ָ ֔ יוֹא ֙ב ַבּ ָ וַ יִּ ְת ַ ֤ קע 2:28
וְ לֹא־יִ ְר ְדּפוּ
Unique 2:28
̇ל וְ ל ֹא יָ ְספוּ
Four times
Judg 8:28; 1 Sam 7:13; 2 Sam 2:28; 2 Kgs 6:23 ——————————
וְ לֹא יָ ְספוּfour times, and their references Judg 8:28 1 Sam 7:13 2 Sam 2:28 2 Kgs 6:23
ולא יספו ̇ד וסימנהון
[]לשאת ראשם ויכנעו הפלשתים ויתקע יואב גדודי ארם
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma with a šəwâ under the ס, to distinguish them from its sole occurrence with a qameṣ ( )וְ לֹא יָ ָספוּat Num 11:25. In the Mm note, the catchwords for the Judg 8:28 reference are illegible and can only be conjectured; see Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.
2 SAMUEL 2:29 ל־ה ִבּ ְת ֔רוֹן וַ יָּ ֖בֹאוּ ַמ ֲח ָנֽ יִ ם׃ ַ כוּ ָכּ ֙ ת־היַּ ְר ֵ ֗דּן וַ יֵּ ְֽל ַ כוּ ָ ֽבּ ֲﬠ ָר ָ֔בה ֖כֹּל ַה ַלּ֣יְ ָלה ַה ֑הוּא וַ יַּ ַﬠ ְב ֣רוּ ֶא ֙ וְ ַא ְב ֵנ֣ר ַו ֲֽאנָ ָ֗שׁיו ָ ֽה ְל 2:29
וַ ֲאנָ ָשׁיו
Twenty-five times
̇כ ̇ה
Com.: See 1 Sam 23:26. 2:29
ַה ִבּ ְתרוֹן
Unique and plene
ומל ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written plene ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written defective ו.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 2:30 ה־אל׃ ה־ﬠ ָ ֥שׂר ִ ֖אישׁ וַ ֲﬠ ָשׂ ֵ ֽ ל־ה ָ ֑ﬠם וַ יִּ ֨ ָפּ ְק ֜דוּ ֵמ ַﬠ ְב ֵ ֥די ָדִו֛ד ִתּ ְשׁ ָ ֽﬠ ָ ת־כּ ָ יוֹאב ָ ֚שׁב ֵמ ַא ֲח ֵ ֣רי ַא ְב ֔ ֵנר וַ יִּ ְק ֖בֹּץ ֶא ָ וְ ָ֗
וַ יִּ ָפּ ְקדוּ
Three times
2 Sam 2:30; Neh 7:1; 12:44
2 SAMUEL 2:31 �שׁ־מ ֧אוֹת וְ ִשׁ ִ ֛שּׁים ִ ֖אישׁ ֵ ֽמתוּ׃ ֵ וּב ַאנְ ֵ ֖שׁי ַא ְב ֵנ֑ר ְשׁ כּוּ ִמ ִבּנְ יָ ִ֔מן ְ וְ ַﬠ ְב ֵד֣י ָד ִ֗וד ִה ֙
וּבאַנְ ֵשׁי ְ
2:31 Unique
cj., to distinguish themו Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a from its four occurrences without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 2:32 אר ָל ֶ ֖הם יוֹא ֙ב ַו ֲֽאנָ ָ֔שׁיו וַ יֵּ ֥ ֹ ל־ה ֗ ַלּיְ ָלה ָ הוּ ְבּ ֶ ֣ ק ֶבר ָא ִ֔ביו ֲא ֶ ֖שׁר ֵבּ֣ית ָל ֶ֑חם וַ יֵּ ְל ֣כוּ ָכ ַ האל ַוֽ יִּ ְק ְבּ ֻ ֨ר ֙ ת־ﬠ ָשׂ ֵ֔ אוּ ֶא ֲ וַ יִּ ְשׂ ֙ ְבּ ֶח ְב ֽרוֹן׃
וַ ֲאנָ ָשׁיו
Twenty-five times
̇כ ̇ה
Com.: See 1 Sam 23:26. וַ יֵּ אֹר
2 SAMUEL 3:1 וּבית ָשׁ ֖אוּל ה ְֹל ִ ֥כים וְ ַד ִ ֽלּים׃ ס וּבין ֵבּ֣ית ָדִּו֑ד וְ ָדוִ ֙ד ה ֵֹל֣� וְ ָח ֵ֔זק ֵ ֥ וַ ְתּ ִ ֤הי ַה ִמּ ְל ָח ָמ ֙ה ֲא ֻר ָ֔כּה ֵ ֚בּין ֵבּ֣ית ָשׁ ֔אוּל ֵ ֖
ֲא ֻר ָכּה ̇ג
Three times
2 Sam 3:1; Jer 29:28; Job 11:9
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of ( ֲא ֻר ָכּהlong) with a daḡeš in the כ, to distinguish them from its two occurrences without a daḡeš in the אַר ָכה( כ, ֻ healing) at Jer 30:17 and 33:6. 3:1
ה ֵֹל� וְ ָחזֵ ק ̇ב
Exod 19:19 (�;)הוֹל ֵ 2 Sam 3:1
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of � ה ֵֹלwith וְ ָחזֵ ק, to distinguish them from its two occurrences with )ה ֵֹל� וְ גָ ֵדל( וְ גָ ֵדלat 1 Sam 2:26 and 2 Chr 17:12, and from its sole occurrence with וְ גָ דוֹלat Esth 9:4 ()הוֹל� וְ גָ דוֹל. ֵ
2 SAMUEL 3:2 אלת׃ ֽ ִ כוֹרוֹ ַא ְמנ֔ וֹן ַל ֲא ִחי ֹ֖נ ַﬠם ַהיִּ זְ ְר ֵﬠ ֙ וַ ִ יָּ ְל ֧דוּ ְל ָדִו֛ד ָבּ ִנ֖ים ְבּ ֶח ְב ֑רוֹן וַ יְ ִ ֤הי ְב 3:2
וַ ִ יָּ ְלדוּ
Read וַ יִּ וָּ ְלדוּ
קר ̇ ויולדו
וַ יִּ וָּ ְלדוּfive times, and their references
1–5 Gen 10:1 2 Sam 3:2 And its companion (2 Sam 5:13) 2 Sam 14:27 ִשׁ ְב ָﬠה ָבנִ יםof Job (Job 1:2)
ויולדו ̇ה וסימנהון
בנים אחר המבול ויולדו לדוד בנים וחבירו לאבשלום שבעה בנים דאיוב
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (וילדו, qal passive), and the qərê (וַ יִּ וָּ ְלדוּ, niphal) are examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê forms occurring in different conjugations with identical meanings; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 133–34. In the Mm, the Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma pointed as a niphal in the qərê ()וַ יִּ וָּ ְלדוּ.
The additional notation of ִשׁ ְב ָﬠה ָבנִ יםto the Job 1:2 reference is to distinguish that reference from Ruth 4:15 where this phrase occurs (as )מ ִשּׁ ְב ָﬠה ָבנִ ים, ִ but where the lemma וַ יִּ וָּ ְלדוּdoes not occur.
34 3:2
Three times plene
Com.: See Judg 8:20. 3:2
אלת ִ ַהיִּ זְ ְר ֵﬠ
Five times
מל ̇ ̇ג
Com.: See 1 Sam 27:3.
2 SAMUEL 3:3 ת־תּ ְל ַ ֖מי ֶ ֥מ ֶל� גְּ ֽשׁוּר׃ ַ ן־מ ֲﬠ ָ֔כה ַבּ ַ וּמ ְשׁ ֵנ֣הוּ ִכ ְל ָ֔אב ַל ֲא ִב ֕יגַ ִל ֵ ֖א ֶשׁת נָ ָ ֣בל ַ ֽה ַכּ ְר ְמ ִ ֑לי וְ ַה ְשּׁ ִל ִשׁ֙י ַא ְב ָשׁל֣ וֹם ֶ ֽבּ ִ 3:3
ַל ֲא ִביגַ ִל
Read ַל ֲא ִביגַ יִ ל
קר ̇ לאביגיל
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )לאביגלrepresents an archaic representation of the diphthong ay without the ;יsee Gordis, The Biblical Text, 100, and Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 133–34. 3:3
וְ ַה ְשּׁ ִל ִשׁי
Three times defective
Com.: See 1 Sam 17:13.
חס ̇ ̇ג
2 SAMUEL 3:4 יטל׃ ֽ ָ ן־א ִב ֲ ישׁי ְשׁ ַפ ְט ָי֥ה ֶב ֖ ִ ן־ח ִגּ֑ית וְ ַה ֲח ִמ ַ יﬠי ֲאד ֹנִ יָּ ֣ה ֶב ֖ ִ וְ ָה ְר ִב 3:4
ֲאד ֹנִ יָּ ה
Eight times
1–5 2 Sam 3:4; 1 Kgs 1:5 ( ;)וַ ֲאד ֹנִ יָּ ה1:7; 1:18; 2:28 6–8 Neh 10:17; 1 Chr 3:2; 2 Chr 17:8 ()אדוֹנִ יָּ ה ֲ
Com.: The Masorah notes the eight occurrences of this lemma in various forms without a הוּ ending, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (19x) in various forms with a הוּending (;)אד ֹנִ יָּ הוּ ֲ see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §46.
All the Mp headings highlighted above read eight times apart from the one at 2 Chr 17:8 that reads unique plene to note the writing of the plene וin its form ()אדוֹנִ יָּ ה. ֲ 3:4
יטל ָ ֲא ִב
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma without the prep. ל, to distinguish it from its sole occurence with this prep. (יטל ָ )ל ֲא ִב ַ in the parallel passage in 1 Chr 3:3.
2 SAMUEL 3:5 וְ ַה ִשּׁ ִ ֣שּׁי יִ ְת ְר ֔ ָﬠם ְל ֶﬠגְ ָ ֖לה ֵ ֣א ֶשׁת ָדִּו֑ד ֵ ֛א ֶלּה יֻ ְלּ ֥דוּ ְל ָדִ ֖וד ְבּ ֶח ְב ֽרוֹן׃ פ 3:5
יֻ ְלּדוּ
Five times
1–5 Gen 6:1; 36:5; 50:23; 2 Sam 3:5; 21:22
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma in the pl., to distinguish them from its occurrences in the sg. (יֻ ַלּד/יוּלּד ַ ).
The Mp heading at Gen 50:23 correctly reads five times and defective ()ו, whereas that at 2 Sam 21:22 inexactly reads five times defective, because there are no forms of this lemma written plene ו.
2 SAMUEL 3:6 וּבין ֵבּ֣ית ָדִּו֑ד וְ ַא ְב ֵנ֛ר ָה ָי֥ה ִמ ְת ַח ֵזּ֖ק ְבּ ֵ ֥בית ָשׁ ֽאוּל׃ ֖ ֵ יוֹת ַה ִמּ ְל ָח ָ֔מה ֵ ֚בּין ֵבּ֣ית ָשׁ ֔אוּל ֙ וַ יְ ִ֗הי ִ ֽבּ ְה 3:6 Unique
ְבּ ֵבית ָשׁאוּל ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the prep. ב, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (7x) without this preposition, one of which occurs in the same verse, and two others in vv. 1 and 8 of this chapter.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 3:7 ילגֶ שׁ ָא ִ ֽבי׃ ֥ ֶ ל־פּ ִ אתה ֶא ָ ל־א ְב ֔ ֵנר ַמ ֥דּ ַוּ� ָ ֖בּ ַ אמ ֙ר ֶא ֶ ֹ ת־א ָיּ֑ה וַ ֨יּ ַ וּשׁ ָ ֖מהּ ִר ְצ ָפּ֣ה ַב ְ וּל ָשׁ ֣אוּל ִפּ ֔ ֶלגֶ שׁ ְ
ִפּ ֶלגֶ שׁ
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 3:7; 21:11
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written defective י, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (7x) written plene )פּ ֶילגֶ שׁ( י, ִ one of which is in this same verse. 3:7
אתה ָ ָבּ
Unique plene
מל ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written plene הat the end of the word, to distinguish it from its eight occurrences written defective את( ה ָ )בּ. ָ
This lemma is one of twenty such forms that are written plene הat the end of their words; see 2 Sam 2:26.
2 SAMUEL 3:8 ה־ח ֶסד ִﬠם־ ֶ֜ ה ַהיּ֨ וֹם ֶ ֽא ֱﬠ ֶשׂ ֒ יהוּד ָ שׁר ִ ֽל ֣ ֶ אמ ֙ר ֲה ֨ר ֹאשׁ ֶ ֥כּ ֶלב ָא ֘נ ֹ ִכ֮י ֲא ֶ ֹ בּ ֶשׁת וַ ֨יּ ֹ ֗ ל־דּ ְב ֵ ֣רי ִ ֽאישׁ־ ִ אד ַﬠ ֹ ֜ וַ יִּ ַחר֩ ְל ַא ְב ֨ ֵנר ְמ קד ָﬠ ַל֛י ֲﬠוֹ֥ ן ָה ִא ָ ֖שּׁה ַהיּֽ וֹם׃ ֹ ֥ ד־דִּו֑ד וַ ִתּ ְפ ָ ַית� ְבּי ֖ ִ ל־מ ֵר ֔ ֵﬠהוּ וְ ֥ל ֹא ִה ְמ ִצ ֣ ֵ ל־א ָח ֙יו וְ ֶא ֶ ֵבּ֣ית ׀ ָשׁ ֣אוּל ָא ִ֗בי� ֶא 3:8
ל־דּ ְב ֵרי ִ ַﬠ
Ten times
1–5 2 Sam 3:8; 2 Kgs 22:13a; 22:13b; Jer 7:8; 7:22 6–10 Jer 14:1; 23:16; 26:5; Hag 1:12 (ל־דּ ְב ֵרי ִ ;)וְ ַﬠPs 7:1 —————————— ל־דּ ְב ֵרי ִ ַﬠten times
̇על דברי י
1–5 2 Sam 3:8 2 Kgs 22:13a Twice in the verse (2 Kgs 22:13b) Jer 26:5 Jer 23:16
ויחר לאבנר מאד לכן דרשו את יהוה שנים בפסוקה לשמע מהבלים המה
2 SAMUEL 6–10 Jer 7:8 Hag 1:12 Jer 7:22 Jer 14:1 Ps 7:1
And similarly all Chronicles apart from one ()אל ִדּ ְב ֵרי: ֶ 2 Chr 35:22
בטחים לכם חגי הנביא עולה הבצרות שגיון לדוד דכות ̇ב ̇ וכל דברי ימים מן חד ולא שמע אל דברי
Com.: The Masorah notes the ten occurrences of this lemma with ﬠל, ַ to distinguish them from its eight occurrences of this lemma with )אל ִדּ ְב ֵרי( ֶאל. ֶ The Mp note is no longer visible in the ms. The Mm has an additional note that this lemma (ל־דּ ְב ֵרי ִ וﬠ ַ /ל־דּ ְב ֵרי ִ ) ַﬠis also the norm (8x) in Chronicles, apart from one case when it is written as ֶאל ִדּ ְב ֵריat 2 Chr 35:22. The Mp at Hag 1:12 reads unique reflecting its sole occurrence with a וcj. (ל־דּ ְב ֵרי ִ )וְ ַﬠ. 3:8
ֲהר ֹאשׁ ̇ל
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of hapax legomena starting with ַהor ֲ;הsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §65, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §66. 3:8
ֵמ ֵר ֵﬠהוּ ̇ל
Com.: The Mp heading here of unique is inexact since there are seven occurrences of this lemma. The note more precisely should have read unique in the book. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
�ית ִ ִה ְמ ִצ ̇ל
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 3:9 ה־לּוֹ׃ ֽ י־כ֖ן ֶ ֽא ֱﬠ ֶשׂ ֵ ים ְל ַא ְב ֔ ֵנר וְ ֖כֹה י ִ ֹ֣סיף ל֑ וֹ ִ֗כּי ַכּ ֲא ֶ֨שׁר נִ ְשׁ ַ ֤בּע יְ הוָ ֙ה ְל ָד ִ֔וד ִ ֽכּ ֙ �ה ִ ֽכֹּה־יַ ֲﬠ ֶ ֤שׂה ֱא
י ִֹסיף
Fourteen times written like this
כת כן ̇ י̇ ̇ד
Com.: See 1 Sam 20:13.
2 SAMUEL 3:10 ד־בּ ֵ ֥אר ָ ֽשׁ ַבע׃ ְ הוּדה ִמ ָ ֖דּן וְ ַﬠ ֔ ָ ְת־כּ ֵ ֣סּא ָד ִ֗וד ַﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל֙ וְ ַﬠל־י ִ וּל ָה ִ֞קים ֶא ְ ְל ַ ֽה ֲﬠ ִ ֥ביר ַה ַמּ ְמ ָל ָ ֖כה ִמ ֵבּ֣ית ָשׁ ֑אוּל 3:10
וּל ָה ִקים ְ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (9x) without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 3:11 ת־א ְב ֵנ֖ר ָדּ ָ ֑בר ִמיִּ ְר ָא ֖תוֹ א ֹֽתוֹ׃ ס ַ וְ ֽל ֹא־יָ ֣כֹל ֔עוֹד ְל ָה ִ ֥שׁיב ֶא 3:11
ִמיִּ ְר ָאתוֹ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the inseparable prep. מ, to distinguish it from its sole occurrence without this prep. at Exod 20:20.
2 SAMUEL 3:12 ית ֙� ִא ִ֔תּי וְ ִהנֵּ ֙ה יָ ִ ֣די ִﬠ ָ֔מּ� ְל ָה ֵ ֥סב ְ מר ָכּ ְר ָ ֤תה ְב ִ ֽר ֹ ֗ י־א ֶרץ ֵלא ֑ ָ מר ְל ִמ ֹ ֖ ל־דִּו֛ד ַתּ ְח ָ ֥תּו ֵלא ָ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַל ֩ח ַא ְב ֨ ֵנר ַמ ְל ָא ִ ֧כים ׀ ֶא ת־כּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ ָ ֵא ֶל֖י� ֶא 3:12
ַתּ ְח ָתּו
Read ַתּ ְח ָתּיו
תחתיו ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )תחתוwithout the יrepresents the archaic form of the 3rd masc. sg. sfx. to a prep. with pl. sfxs., whereas the qərê ()תּ ְח ָתּיו ַ with the יrepresents the later form; see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 33.
This lemma is featured in a Mm list of four such forms of ַתּ ְח ָתּוwritten in this way according to the Westerners; see the Mm at Job 9:13. MC, as ML, has a kəṯîḇ/qərê here but MA reads four times defective.
2 SAMUEL 3:13 ת־פּ ֔ ַני ִ ֣כּי ׀ ִאם־ ָ א־ת ְר ֶ ֣אה ֶא ִ ֹ אמר ֔טוֹב ֲא ֕ ִני ֶא ְכ ֥ר ֹת ִא ְתּ�֖ ְבּ ִ ֑רית ַ ֣א� ָדּ ָ ֣בר ֶא ָ֡חד ָאנ ִֹכי֩ שׁ ֵֹ֨אל ֵמ ִא ְתּ�֤ ֵלאמ ֹ֙ר ל ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ ת־פּ ָנֽי׃ ס ָ ת־שׁ ֔אוּל ְבּב ֲֹא�֖ ִל ְר ֥אוֹת ֶא ָ יא ֗� ֵ ֚את ִמ ַיכ֣ל ַבּ ֲ ִל ְפ ֵנ֣י ֱה ִב 3:13
ת־פּנָ י ָ ִל ְראוֹת ֶא
Three times
Exod 33:20 (ת־פּנָ י ָ ;)ל ְראֹת ֶא ִ 2 Sam 3:13a (ת־פּנַ י ָ ;)ת ְר ֶאה ֶא ִ 3:13b
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of forms of the verb ָר ָאהfollowed by ֶאת־ ָפּנָ י/ ָפּנַ י, to distinguish them from its five occurrences followed only by ( ָפּנַ יe.g., )תּ ְראוּ ָפנַ י. ִ
2 SAMUEL 3:14 יכל ֲא ֶשׁ ֙ר ֵא ַ ֣ר ְשׂ ִתּי ֔ ִלי ְבּ ֵמ ָ ֖אה ַ֔ ת־מ ִ ת־א ְשׁ ִתּ֙י ֶא ִ מר ְתּ ָנ֤ה ֶא ֹ ֑ ן־שׁ ֖אוּל ֵלא ָ ל־אישׁ־ ֥בֹּ ֶשׁת ֶבּ ֽ ִ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַל֤ח ָדּוִ ֙ד ַמ ְל ָא ִ֔כים ֶא ָﬠ ְרל֥ וֹת ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ ֽתּים׃ 3:14
ְבּ ֵמ ָאה
Five times
Com.: See Josh 24:32.
2 SAMUEL 3:15 ן־לוִ שׁ׃ ֽ ָ יאל ֶבּ ֥ ֵ בּ ֶשׁת וַ יִּ ָקּ ֶ ֖ח ָה ֵ ֣מ ִ ֽﬠם ִ ֑אישׁ ֵמ ִ ֖ﬠם ַפּ ְל ִט ֹ ֔ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַל ֙ח ִ ֣אישׁ 3:15
ֵ ֣מ ִﬠם
Unique accented (milʿêl )
בטע ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma accented milʿêl, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (50x) accented milraʿ.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur once with a penultimate accent (milʿêl), but which usually occurs with an accent on the ultimate syllable (milraʿ); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §372. 3:15
Read ָליִ שׁ
ָלוִ שׁ
ליש ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )לושand the qərê ()ליִ שׁ ָ are examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê variations where a וin the middle of a word is read as a ;יsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §81, Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah weOklah, §72, and Gordis, The Biblical Text, 128.
2 SAMUEL 3:16 אמר ֵא ָ ֥ליו ַא ְב ֵנ֛ר ֵ ֥ל� ֖שׁוּב וַ יָּ ֽשׁ ֹב׃ ֶ ֹ ד־בּ ֻח ִ ֑רים וַ ֨יּ ֽ ַ יה ַﬠ ָ וּב ֛כֹה ַא ֲח ֶ ֖ר ָ �ישׁהּ ָהל֧ וֹ ָ֗ וַ ֵ֨יּ ֶל� ִא ָ֜תּהּ ִא 3:16
ישׁהּ ָ ִא
Twenty-eight times
̇כ ̇ח
Com.: The Mp heading here of twenty-eight times is no doubt a simple graphic error of הeight and חfive. It should be twenty-five times; see Judg 19:3. 3:16
ַבּ ֻח ִרים
Three times defective
חס ̇ ̇ג
2 Sam 3:16; 1 Kgs 2:8 (;)מ ַבּ ֻח ִרים ִ Jer 31:13 ()וּב ֻח ִרים ַ
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in various forms written defective ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (17x) in various forms written plene ( וe.g., חוּרים ִ ְבּ ַב/חוּרים ִ ) ַבּ.
The Mp heading at Jer 31:13 ()וּב ֻח ִרים ַ reads twice noting the two forms of this lemma with a ו cj., once written plene וat Isa 40:30 (חוּרים ִ )וּב, ַ and once written defective at Jer 31:13. 3:16
וַ יָּ שׁ ֹב
Twice at the end of a verse 2 Sam 3:16; 1 Kgs 2:41
פסוק ̇ בסופ ̇ ̇ב
2 SAMUEL וַ יָּ שׁ ֹבtwice at the end of a verse
2 Sam 3:16 1 Kgs 2:41
פסוק ̇ בסופ ̇ וישב ̇ב
41 Mm
וילך אתה אישה כי הלך שמעי
Com.: The Mp and Mm headings are inexact since they read twice at the end of a verse. But since there are no occurrences of this lemma except at the end of a verse, the note more precisely should have read, as the Mp and Mm in MC reads, twice and at the end of a verse. The Mp heading in MA here, as well as the heading in ML at 1 Kgs 2:41, simply read twice.
2 SAMUEL 3:17 יכם׃ ֽ ֶ ת־דִּו֛ד ְל ֶ ֖מ ֶל� ֲﬠ ֵל ָ יתם ְמ ַב ְק ִ ֧שׁים ֶא ֶ֞ ִם־שׁ ְל ֔שֹׁם ֱהי ִ ַם־תּמוֹל֙ גּ ְ ַמר גּ ֹ ֑ ר־א ְב ֵנ֣ר ָה ָ֔יה ִﬠם־זִ ְק ֵנ֥י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל ֵלא ַ ְוּד ַב 3:17
ם־תּמוֹל ְ ַגּ
Ten times
1–4 Exod 5:14; 1 Sam 20:27; 2 Sam 3:17; 1 Chr 11:2
Com.: The Mp heading here of ten times is incorrect since there are only four occurrences of this lemma. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma. 3:17
ם־שׁ ְלשֹׁם ִ ַגּ
1–3 2 Sam 3:17; 5:2 ()שׁ ְלשׁוֹם ִ 1 Chr 11:2 ()שׁ ְלשׁוֹם ִ
Com.: The Mp heading here of twice is incorrect since there are three occurrences of this lemma written plene and defective ו.
Dotan and Reich (Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.) suggest, with MA, that the note belongs with the entire phrase ם־שׁ ְלשׁ ֹם ִ ַם־תּמוֹל גּ ְ ַגּ, which only occurs twice, here and at 1 Chr 11:2. MC does not have a note on this lemma nor on this phrase.
וּמיַּ ֖ד ָכּל־ ִ ת־ﬠ ִ ֤מּי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל֙ ִמיַּ ֣ד ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ֔תּים ַ הוֹשׁ ַי� ֶא ִ֜ מר ְבּ ַי֣ד ׀ ָדִּו֣ד ַﬠ ְב ִ ֗דּי ֹ ֔ ל־דּוִ ֙ד ֵלא ָ הוה ָא ַ ֤מר ֶא ָ֗ ְוְ ַﬠ ָ ֖תּה ֲﬠ ֑שׂוּ ִ ֣כּי י יהם׃ ֽ ֶ אֹיְ ֵב 3:18
�הוֹשׁ ַי ִ
2 Sam 3:18; Ps 20:7
�הוֹשׁ ַי ִ twice, and their references
2 Sam 3:18 Ps 20:7 3:18
הושיע ̇ב וסימנהון
ביד דוד עבדי הושיע עתה ידעתי כי הושיע יהוה
יהם ֶ וּמיַּ ד ָכּל־אֹיְ ֵב ִ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its occurrence without a cj. at Judg 8:34.
2 SAMUEL 3:19 ר־טוֹב ְבּ ֵﬠ ֵינ֣י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ֙ ל־א ֶשׁ ֲ ם־א ְב ֗ ֵנר ְל ַד ֵ֞בּר ְבּ ָאזְ ֵנ֤י ָדוִ ֙ד ְבּ ֶח ְב ֔רוֹן ֵ ֤את ָכּ ַ ַם־א ְב ֵנ֖ר ְבּ ָאזְ ֵנ֣י ִבנְ יָ ִ ֑מין וַ יֵּ ֶ֣ל� גּ ַ ַוַ יְ ַד ֵ ֥בּר גּ ל־בּית ִבּנְ יָ ִ ֽמן׃ ֥ ֵ וּב ֵﬠ ֵינ֖י ָכּ ְ 3:19
ְבּ ָאזְ נֵ י1
Thirty-seven times
Com.: See Josh 20:4. 3:19
ִבנְ יָ ִמין
Seventeen times plene
Com.: See Judg 5:14.
מל ̇ ̇י̇ ז
2 SAMUEL 3:19
ְבּ ָאזְ נֵ י2
Thirty-seven times
Com.: See Josh 20:4. 3:19
וּב ֵﬠינֵ י ְ
Ten times
1–5 Gen 34:18; 41:37; 45:16; Exod 5:21; 11:3 6–10 Num 11:10; 1 Sam 29:6; 2 Sam 3:19; 17:4; 2 Chr 30:4
Com.: The Masorah notes the ten occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) without a cj. 3:19
ל־בּית ִבּנְ יָ ִמן ֵ ָכּ
2 SAMUEL 3:21 ת־כּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֗אל וְ יִ ְכ ְר ֤תוּ ִא ְתּ ֙� ְבּ ִ ֔רית ָ ל־אד ֨ ִֹני ַה ֶ֜מּ ֶל� ֶא ֲ וּמה ׀ ְ ֽו ֵא ֡ ֵל ָכה וְ ֶא ְק ְבּ ָצ ֩ה ֶא ָ ל־דּ ִ֡וד ָא ֣ק ָ אמר ַא ְב ֵנ֣ר ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ ת־א ְב ֵנ֖ר וַ יֵּ ֶ֥ל� ְבּ ָשׁ ֽלוֹם׃ ַ ר־תּ ַאֶוּ֖ה נַ ְפ ֶ ֑שׁ� וַ יְּ ַשׁ ַ ֥לּח ָדִּו֛ד ֶא ְ וּמ ַל ְכ ָ֔תּ ְבּ ֥כֹל ֲא ֶשׁ ָ֣ 3:21
קוּמה ָ ָא
Three times
2 Sam 3:21; Job 19:18; Cant 3:2 —————————— קוּמה ָ ָאthree times 2 Sam 3:21 Job 19:18 Cant 3:2
אקומה ̇ג
ויאמר אבנר אל דוד אקומה גם עוילים מאסו בי אקומה נא ואסובבה
And once (קוּמה ָ )וְ ָא: 2 Sam 17:1
[וארד( ]וארדפה ̇ ) וחד ואקומה
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with the cohortative ה, to distinguish them from its four occurrences without this cohortative. The Mm has an additional note that this lemma also occurs with a וcj. at 2 Sam 17:1. 3:21
וְ ֵא ֵל ָכה
Gen 30:26; 2 Sam 3:21
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a ṣerê under the ל, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (9x) with a šəwâ ()וְ ֵא ְל ָכה.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of groups of words that occur three times, twice with a וcj., and once without (Isa 38:10); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §14, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §15. 3:21
וְ ֶא ְק ְבּ ָצה
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its two occurrences with a וconsec. ( )וָ ֶא ְק ְבּ ָצהat Ezra 7:28 and Neh 7:5. 3:21
וְ יִ ְכ ְרתוּ
2 Sam 3:21; 1 Kgs 5:20
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (9x) with a וconsec. ( ;)וַ יִּ ְכ ְרתוּsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §328. 3:21
וַ יְ ַשׁ ַלּח
Twenty-two times
Com.: See Judg 2:6.
̇כ ̇ב
2 SAMUEL 3:22 �ם־דּוִ ֙ד ְבּ ֶח ְב ֔רוֹן ִ ֥כּי ִשׁ ְלּ ֖חוֹ וַ יֵּ ֶ֥ל ָ יוֹא ֙ב ָבּ֣א ֵ ֽמ ַהגְּ ֔דוּד וְ ָשׁ ָ ֥לל ָ ֖רב ִﬠ ָ ֣מּם ֵה ִ ֑ביאוּ וְ ַא ְב ֗ ֵנר ֵא ֶינ֤נּוּ ִﬠ ָ ְוְ ִהנֵּ ֩ה ַﬠ ְב ֵ ֨די ָדִו֤ד ו ְבּ ָשׁ ֽלוֹם׃ 3:22 Unique 3:22
וְ ִהנֵּ ה ַﬠ ְב ֵדי
̇ל ֵמ ַהגְּ דוּד ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the inseparable prep. מ, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (10x) without this preposition. 3:22
Thirty-three times
̇ל ̇ג
Com.: See Josh 17:14.
2 SAMUEL 3:23 ל־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ַוֽ יְ ַשׁ ְלּ ֵ ֖חהוּ וַ יֵּ ֶ֥ל� ְבּ ָשׁ ֽלוֹם׃ ַ א־א ְב ֵנ֤ר ֶבּן־נֵ ֙ר ֶא ַ מר ָ ֽבּ ֹ ֔ יוֹא ֙ב ֵלא ָ ר־א ֖תּוֹ ָ ֑בּאוּ וַ יַּ ִגּ֤דוּ ְל ִ ל־ה ָצּ ָ ֥בא ֲא ֶשׁ ַ יוֹאב וְ ָכ ֛ ָ ְו 3:23 Unique 3:23
Four times
ל־ה ָצּ ָבא ַ יוֹאב וְ ָכ ָ ְו Mp
̇ל וַ יְ ַשׁ ְלּ ֵחהוּ ̇ד
Gen 3:23; 2 Sam 3:23; 1 Kgs 20:34; Jer 40:5
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma in the piel, to distinguish them from its sole occurrence in the qal ( )וַ יִּ ְשׁ ָל ֵחהוּat Gen 37:14.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 3:24 ה־זּ֥ה ִשׁ ַלּ ְח ֖תּוֹ וַ ֵיּ ֶ֥ל� ָה ֽלוֹ�׃ ֶ ה־בא ַא ְבנֵ ֙ר ֵא ֔ ֶלי� ָל ָמּ ֤ ָ ֵיתה ִהנּ ָ אמר ֶ ֣מה ָﬠ ִ ֑שׂ ֶ ֹ ל־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� וַ ֖יּ ַ יוֹא ֙ב ֶא ָ וַ יָּ ֤ב ֹא
יתה ָ ָﬠ ִשׂ
Eight times plene
מל ̇ ̇ח
Com.: See 1 Sam 14:43. 3:24
ִשׁ ַלּ ְחתּוֹ ̇ל
2 SAMUEL 3:25 ל־א ֶ ֥שׁר ַא ָ ֖תּה ע ֶ ֹֽשׂה׃ ֲ וא� וְ ָל ַ ֕ד ַﬠת ֵ ֛את ָכּ ֶ֔ מ ָב ֹ ֣ ת־מוֹצ ֲא ֙� וְ ֶאת־ ָֽ ן־נר ִ ֥כּי ְל ַפתּ ְֹת�֖ ָ ֑בּא וְ ָל ַ ֜ד ַﬠת ֶא ֵ ֔ ת־א ְב ֵנ֣ר ֶבּ ַ יָ ַ ֨ד ְﬠ ָ֙תּ ֶא 3:25 Unique 3:25
�ְל ַפתּ ְֹת ̇ל
�וא ֶ מ ָֹב
Read �מוֹב ֶא ָ
מובאך ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()מבואך, and the qərê (�)מוֹב ֶא ָ represent miscellaneous variations in nouns; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 124. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words in which two letters are written one way but are read transposed; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §91, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §73. 3:25
Five times
וְ ָל ַד ַﬠת2 ̇ה
1–5 2 Sam 3:25a; 3:25b; 1 Kgs 8:43; Qoh 7:25; 2 Chr 6:33 ——————————
וְ ָל ַד ַﬠתfive times, and their references
ולדעת ̇ה וסימנהון
1–5 2 Sam 3:25a ידעת את אבנר Twice in the verse (2 Sam 3:25b) שנים בפסוקה
2 SAMUEL 1 Kgs 8:43 And its companion (2 Chr 6:33) Qoh 7:25
כי שמך נקרא וחבירו ולדעת רשע כסל
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (33x) without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 3:26 ים ַא ֲח ֵ ֣רי ַא ְב ֔ ֵנר וַ יָּ ִ ֥שׁבוּ א ֹ֖תוֹ ִמ ֣בּוֹר ַה ִסּ ָ ֑רה וְ ָדִ ֖וד ֥ל ֹא יָ ָ ֽדע׃ ֙ יוֹא ֙ב ֵמ ִ ֣ﬠם ָדּ ִ֔וד וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַל֤ח ַמ ְל ָא ִכ ָ וַ יֵּ ֵצ֤א 3:26
ַה ִסּ ָרה
Unique and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ל
Three times defective in various forms
2 Sam 3:26 וַ יְ ִס ֶר ָה ִמגְּ ִב ָירהof Kings (1 Kgs 15:13) 1 Chr 3:17
בליש ̇ ̇ג חסירין
מבור הסרה ודוד לא ויסרה מגבירה דמלכים [ובני )יכליה אסיר( ]יכניה אסר
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in various forms written defective י, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (11x) in various forms written plene י.
This distinction is implied in the additional notation of Kings to the 1 Kgs 15:13 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 2 Chr 15:16, where the lemma occurs as ֱה ִס ָירהּ.
2 SAMUEL 3:27 ה־אל ֥ ֵ ל־תּוֹ� ַה ַ֔שּׁ ַﬠר ְל ַד ֵ ֥בּר ִא ֖תּוֹ ַבּ ֶ ֑שּׁ ִלי וַ יַּ ֵכּ֤הוּ ָשׁ ֙ם ַה ֔חֹ ֶמשׁ וַ ָ֕יּ ָמת ְבּ ַ ֖דם ֲﬠ ָשׂ ֣ יוֹא ֙ב ֶא ָ וַ יָּ ָ֤שׁב ַא ְבנֵ ֙ר ֶח ְב ֔רוֹן וַ יַּ ֵ ֤טּהוּ ָא ִ ֽחיו׃ 3:27 Unique
וַ יַּ ֵטּהוּ ̇ל
1–3 2 Sam 3:27; 6:10; 1 Chr 13:13
Com.: The Mp heading here of unique is incorrect since there are three occurrences of this lemma. The Mp headings here in MC and MA have the correct number, as do the Mp headings in ML at 2 Sam 6:10 and 1 Chr 13:13. 3:27
ַבּ ֶשּׁ ִלי ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a paṯaḥ under the ב, to distinguish it from its occurrence with a šəwâ ()ב ֶשׁ ִלּי ְ at Jonah 1:12.
2 SAMUEL 3:28 ן־נֽר׃ ֵ ד־עוֹלם ִמ ְדּ ֵ ֖מי ַא ְב ֵנ֥ר ֶבּ ָ֑ הו֖ה ַﬠ ָ ְוּמ ְמ ַל ְכ ִ ֛תּי ֵמ ִ ֥ﬠם י ַ אמר נָ ִ֨קי ָאנ ִ ֹ֧כי ֶ ֹ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ ֤מע ָדּוִ ֙ד ֵמ ַ ֣א ֲח ֵרי ֵ֔כן וַ ֗יּ 3:28 Unique 3:28
נָ ִקי ָאנ ִֹכי ̇ל וּמ ְמ ַל ְכ ִתּי ַ ̇ל
Mp Mp
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur twice, once with a וcj. (here), and once without (Gen 20:9); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §1, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §1.
2 SAMUEL 3:29 וּמ ֲח ִ ֥זיק ַבּ ֶ ֛פּ ֶל� וְ נ ֵ ֹ֥פל ַבּ ֶ ֖ח ֶרב ַ וּמצ ָ ֹ֞רע ְ יוֹאב ָ֠זב ָ֡ ל־בּ֣ית ָא ִ ֑ביו ְ ֽו ַאל־יִ ָכּ ֵ ֣רת ִמ ֵבּ֣ית ֵ יוֹאב וְ ֶ ֖אל ָכּ ָ֔ ל־ר ֹאשׁ ֣ יָ ֻ֨ח ֙לוּ ַﬠ ר־ל ֶחם׃ ֽ ָ וַ ֲח ַס 3:29 Unique
יָ ֻחלוּ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma pointed this way (qal from חוּל, fall upon), possibly to distinguish it from its two occurrences pointed differently (יְ ַחלּוּ, piel from ח ָלה,ָ court favor) at Ps 45:13 and Prov 19:6.
2 SAMUEL 3:29
וּמצ ָֹרע ְ
Com.: This lemma is featured in two Masoretic lists. One is in a list of hapax legomena that start with ;ומsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §18, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §19.
The other in a list of words which occur once with a וat the beginning but no וin the middle (וּ ְמצ ָֹרע, here), and once with a וin the middle but no וat the beginning (צוֹרע ָ מ, ְ 2 Chr 26:23); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §248. 3:29
וּמ ֲחזִ יק ַ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (7x) without a cj. 3:29
ר־ל ֶחם ָ וַ ֲח ַס
2 Sam 3:29; Prov 12:9
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of ָל ֶחםwith וַ ֲח ַסר, to distinguish them from its sole occurrence with )וְ ח ֶֹסר ֶל ֶחם( וְ ח ֶֹסרin Amos 4:6.
2 SAMUEL 3:30 יהם ְבּגִ ְב ֖ﬠוֹן ַבּ ִמּ ְל ָח ָ ֽמה׃ פ ֛ ֶ האל ֲא ִח ֧ ֵ ת־ﬠ ָשׂ ֲ ישׁי ָא ִ֔חיו ָה ְרג֖ וּ ְל ַא ְב ֵנ֑ר ַﬠ ֩ל ֲא ֶ֨שׁר ֵה ִ֜מית ֶא ֣ ַ יוֹא ֙ב וַ ֲא ִב ָ ְו 3:30 Four times
יהם ֶ ֲא ִח ̇ד
Com.: See Judg 9:24.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 3:32 ל־ה ָ ֽﬠם׃ פ ָ ל־ק ֶבר ַא ְב ֔ ֵנר וַ יִּ ְב ֖כּוּ ָכּ ֣ ֶ ת־קוֹלוֹ וַ יֵּ ְב ֙ ְךּ ֶא ֗ ת־א ְב ֵנ֖ר ְבּ ֶח ְב ֑רוֹן וַ יִ ָ ֧שּׂא ַה ֶ ֣מּ ֶל� ֶא ַ וַ יִּ ְק ְבּ ֥רוּ ֶא
וַ יֵּ ְבךְּ ֶאל
Three times
Com.: See 2 Sam 1:24.
2 SAMUEL 3:33 אמר ַה ְכּ ֥מוֹת נָ ָ ֖בל יָ ֥מוּת ַא ְב ֵנֽר׃ ֑ ַ ֹ ל־א ְב ֵנ֖ר וַ יּ ַ וַ יְ ק ֵֹנ֥ ן ַה ֶ ֛מּ ֶל� ֶא 3:33
וַ יְ קֹנֵ ן
Three times, twice defective and once plene 2 Sam 1:17; 3:33; 2 Chr 35:25 ()וַ יְ קוֹנֵ ן
מל ̇ חס וחד ̇ ̇ג ̇ב
וַ יְ קֹנֵ ןthree times, twice defective and once plene 2 Sam 1:17 2 Sam 3:33 2 Chr 35:25
The last is plene
מל ̇ חס וחד ̇ ויקנן ̇ג ̇ב
ויקנן דוד ויקנן המלך )ויקנן( ]ויקונן[ ירמיהו על יאשיהו בתרייה שלמים
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma, twice written defective ( ו2 Sam 1:17 and 3:33), and once written plene ( ו2 Chr 35:25). 3:33
וַ יְ קֹנֵ ן ַה ֶמּ ֶל� ֶאל
ִקינָ ה ֶאלthree times
2 Sam 3:33 Ezek 19:1 Ezek 27:32
קינה אל ̇ג הכמות נבל ימות ואתה שא קינה אליך בניהם
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of the noun ִקינָ הand verb קֹנֵ ןwith אל, ֶ to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (9x) with ﬠל, ַ such as ִקינָ ה ַﬠלand וַ יְ קֹנֵ ן ﬠל. ַ
2 SAMUEL 3:34 ל־ה ָ ֖ﬠם ִל ְב ֥כּוֹת ָﬠ ָ ֽליו׃ ָ ֽי־ﬠוְ ָל֖ה נָ ָ ֑פ ְל ָתּ וַ יּ ִ ֹ֥ספוּ ָכ ַ א־לנְ ֻח ְשׁ ַ ֣תּיִ ם ֻה ֔ ָגּשׁוּ ִכּנְ ֛פוֹל ִל ְפ ֵנ֥י ְב ֵנ ִ ֹ א־א ֻס ֗רוֹת וְ ַרגְ ֨ ֶל ֙י� ל ֲ ֹ יָ ֶד֣� ֽל 3:34
ִכּנְ פוֹל
2 Sam 3:34; 17:9 ()כּנְ פֹל ִ
ִכּנְ פוֹלtwice, once plene and once defective
2 Sam 3:34 2 Sam 17:9
חס ̇ מל וחד ̇ )כנפל( ]כנפול[ ̇ב חד
כנפול לפני בן עולה נפלת כנפל בהם
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one written plene ( וhere), and one written defective ( ו2 Sam 17:9).
2 SAMUEL 3:35 ים וְ ֣כֹה י ִֹ֔סיף ִ ֣כּי ֙ �ה ִ ה־לּי ֱא ֤ ִ מר ֣כֹּה יַ ֲﬠ ֶשׂ ֹ ֗ ת־דִּו֛ד ֶל ֶ֖חם ְבּ ֣ﬠוֹד ַהיּ֑ וֹם וַ יִּ ָשּׁ ַ֨בע ָדּ ִ֜וד ֵלא ָ ל־ה ֗ ָﬠם ְל ַה ְב ֧רוֹת ֶא ָ וַ יָּ ֣ב ֹא ָכ וּמה׃ ָ ל־מ ֽא ְ ם־ל ֶ֖חם ֥אוֹ ָכ ֶ וֹא־ה ֶ ֛שּׁ ֶמשׁ ֶא ְט ַﬠ ַ ם־ל ְפ ֵנ֧י ֽב ִ ִא 3:35
�הים ִ ִלּי ֱא
Eleven times
י̇ ̇א
Com.: See Judg 1:7.
In ML the previous word יַ ֲﬠ ֶשׂהhas been attached to this note but, since the phrase ה־לּי ִ יַ ֲﬠ ֶשׂ �הים ִ ֱאonly occurs five times it is most likely, as is found in MA, that the note belongs just to the two words �הים ִ ִלי ֱא, which do occur eleven times. 3:35
י ִֹסיף
Fourteen times written like this Com.: See 1 Sam 20:13. 3:35
אוּמה ָ ל־מ ְ אוֹ ָכ ̇ל
כת כן ̇ י̇ ̇ד
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 3:38 י־שׂר וְ גָ ֗דוֹל נָ ַ ֛פל ַהיּ֥ וֹם ַה ֶזּ֖ה ְבּיִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ ֣ ַ ל־ﬠ ָב ָ ֑דיו ֲהל֣ וֹא ֵת ְד ֔עוּ ִכּ ֲ אמר ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֥יּ
ַשׂר וְ גָ דוֹל
וְ גָ דוֹל
Com.: The Mp heading here of twice is incorrect since this is the only occurrence of this lemma. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma.
Eight times
Com.: See 1 Sam 25:36.
2 SAMUEL 3:39 הו֛ה ְלע ֵ ֹ֥שׂה ָה ָר ָ ֖ﬠה ְכּ ָר ָﬠ ֽתוֹ׃ פ ָ ְרוּי֖ה ָק ִ ֣שׁים ִמ ֶ ֑מּנִּ י יְ ַשׁ ֵלּ֧ם י ָ וּמ ֣שׁ ַוּ� ֶ֔מ ֶל� וְ ָה ֲאנָ ִ ֥שׁים ָה ֵ ֛א ֶלּה ְבּ ֵנ֥י ְצ ָ �֙ וְ ָאנ ִֹ֨כי ַהיּ֥ וֹם ַר 3:39
וְ ָאנ ִֹכי
Nine times at the beginning of a verse דכות ̇ עש ̇ רא פסוק וכל תרי ̇ ̇ט and similarly all The Twelve
Com.: See Judg 11:27.
2 SAMUEL 4:1 ן־שׁ ֗אוּל ִ ֣כּי ֵ ֤מת ַא ְבנֵ ֙ר ְבּ ֶח ְב ֔רוֹן וַ יִּ ְר ֖פּוּ יָ ָ ֑דיו וְ ָכל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל נִ ְב ָ ֽהלוּ׃ ָ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ ֣מע ֶבּ 4:1 Unique
וַ יִּ ְרפּוּ יָ ָדיו וְ ָכל ̇ל
2 SAMUEL 4:2 ן־שׁ ֟אוּל ֵשׁ ֩ם ָה ֶא ָ֨חד ַ ֽבּ ֲﬠ ֜ ָנה וְ ֵ ֧שׁם ַה ֵשּׁ ִנ֣י ֵר ָ֗כב ְבּ ֵנ֛י ִר ֥מּוֹן ַה ְבּ ֶ ֽאר ִ ֹ֖תי ִמ ְבּ ֵנ֣י ִבנְ יָ ִ ֑מן ָ דוּדים ָהי֪ וּ ֶב ֣ ִ ְוּשׁ ֵנ֣י ֲאנָ ִ ֣שׁים ָשׂ ֵ ֽרי־ג ְ ל־בּנְ יָ ִ ֽמן׃ ִ ם־בּ ֵא ֔רוֹת ֵתּ ָח ֵ ֖שׁב ַﬠ ְ ִַ ֚כּי גּ 4:2
ן־שׁ ֟אוּל ָ ָהי֪ וּ ֶב
Sixteen times with the accents (galgal and pazer gaḏôl) Com.: See Josh 19:51. 4:2
ְבּ ֵארוֹת
Unique plene in the book
בסיפ ̇ מל ̇ ̇ל
בטע ̇ ̇י̇ ו
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in the book written plene ו, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (5x) of forms in the book (such as ַה ְבּ ֶאר ִֹתיand )ה ְבּ ֶאר ִֹתים ַ written defective ;וsee Breuer, The Biblical Text, 86, n. 9.
2 SAMUEL 4:4 יהוֹנָ ָ֜תן ִ ֽמיִּ זְ ְר ֗ ֶﬠאל וַ ִתּ ָשּׂ ֵ ֤אהוּ ֽ ִן־ח ֵ ֣משׁ ָשׁ ִנ֣ים ָה ָ֡יה ְבּ ֣ב ֹא ְשׁ ֻמ ַﬠ ֩ת ָשׁ ֨אוּל ו ָ ן־שׁ ֔אוּל ֵ ֖בּן נְ ֵכ֣ה ַרגְ ָל֑יִ ם ֶבּ ָ תן ֶבּ ֙ ָ ָיהוֹנ ֽ וְ ִל וּשׁ ֥מוֹ ְמ ִפי ֽבֹ ֶשׁת׃ ְ �ַ תּוֹ וַ ָתּ ֔נ ֹס וַ יְ ִ֞הי ְבּ ָח ְפ ָז֥הּ ָלנ֛ וּס וַ יִּ ֹ֥פּל וַ יִּ ָפּ ֵ ֖ס ֙ ְא ַמנ ֹֽ 4:4
וְ ִליהוֹנָ ָתן
Unique and plene
ומל ̇ ̇ל
Com.: Since this form without a )וּלְיוֹנָ ָתן( ה ִ occurs at 1 Sam 13:22 the note should more properly have read מל ̇ ̇לunique plene. Note that MC and MA just read ̇לunique. 4:4
ְשׁ ֻמ ַﬠת
Three times defective
חס ̇ ̇ג
2 Sam 4:4; Isa 53:1; Dan 11:44
ְשׁ ֻמ ַﬠתthree times defective in various forms
2 Sam 4:4 Isa 53:1 Dan 11:44
בליש ̇ שמעת ̇ג חסירין
בבוא שמעת שאול מי האמין לשמעתנו וזרוע [)ושמעת יבהלוהו( ]ושמעות יבהלוה
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in various forms written defective ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (19x) in various forms written plene וcj. (e.g., מוּﬠה ָ )שׁ. ְ 4:4
א ַֹמנְ תּוֹ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma pointed this way (his nurse), possibly to distinguish it from its occurrence pointed differently as ( ֱא ֻמנָ תוֹhis loyalty) at 1 Sam 26:23. 4:4
ְבּ ָח ְפזָ הּ
Unique 4:4
̇ל �ַ וַ יִּ ָפּ ֵס
Mp Mp
2 SAMUEL 4:5 בּ ֶשׁת וְ ֣הוּא שׁ ֵֹ֔כב ֵ ֖את ִמ ְשׁ ַ ֥כּב ֹ ֑ ל־בּית ִ ֣אישׁ ֖ ֵ חם ַהיּ֔ וֹם ֶא ֹ ֣ אוּ ְכּ ֙ ֹוּב ֲﬠ ֔ ָנה וַ יָּ ֨ב ַ ֹתי ֵר ָכ֣ב ֙ ִ ֽי־ר ֤מּוֹן ַה ְבּ ֵ ֽאר ִ וַ ֵ֨יּ ְל ֜כוּ ְבּ ֵנ ַ ֽה ָצּ ֳה ָ ֽריִ ם׃ 4:5
וּב ֲﬠנָ ה ַ ֵר ָכב
Unique 4:5
̇ל ְכּחֹם
Four times
Mp Mp
Gen 18:1; 1 Sam 11:9 (qərê); 2 Sam 4:5; Isa 18:4
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma, which are all written defective ו.
The heading to the Mm at Isa 18:4 correctly reads four times and defective. However, the Mp heading at Gen 18:1 of four times defective is inexact since there is no occurrence of this lemma written plene ו.
2 SAMUEL 4:6 וּב ֲﬠ ָנ֥ה ָא ִ ֖חיו נִ ְמ ָ ֽלטוּ׃ ַ ל־ה ֑חֹ ֶמשׁ וְ ֵר ָ ֛כב ַ �ק ֵ ֣חי ִח ִ֔טּים וַ יַּ ֻכּ֖הוּ ֶא ְ ד־תּוֹ� ַה ַ֨בּיִ ֙ת ֤ ְו ֵ֠הנָּ ה ָ֜בּאוּ ַﬠ 4:6
וְ ֵהנָּ ה
Three times
2 Sam 4:6; Jer 38:22; Ezek 30:17 —————————— וְ ֵהנָּ הthree times 2 Sam 4:6 Ezek 30:17 Jer 38:22
והנה ̇ג
והנה באו עד תוך הבית והנה בשבי תלכנה והנה אמרות
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a šəwâ under the וto distinguish them from its five ocurrences with a qameṣ ()וָ ֵהנָּ ה. 4:6
�ק ֵחי ְ
�ק ֵחי ְ three times and defective
Gen 19:14 2 Sam 4:6 Amos 5:12
לקחי ̇ג וחסירין
לקחי בנתיו ויאמר קומו לקחי חטים ויכהו לקחי כפר ואביונים
Com.: By noting that this lemma occurs three times and written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו.
2 SAMUEL 4:7 אשׁוֹ וַ ֵיּ ְֽל ֛כוּ ֔ ֹ חוּ ֶאת־ר ֙ אשׁוֹ וַ יִּ ְק ֑ ֹ הוּ וַ יְ ִמ ֻ֔תהוּ וַ יָּ ִ ֖סירוּ ֶאת־ר ֙ תוֹ ַבּ ֲח ַ ֣דר ִמ ְשׁ ָכּ ֔בוֹ וַ יַּ ֻ֨כּ ֙ ל־מ ָטּ ִ וַ יָּ ֣בֹאוּ ַה ַ֗בּיִ ת וְ ֽהוּא־שׁ ֵֹכ֤ב ַﬠ ל־ה ָ ֽלּיְ ָלה׃ ַ ֶ ֥דּ ֶר� ָה ֲﬠ ָר ָ ֖בה ָכּ 4:7
וַ יַּ ֻכּהוּ
Twice and defective 2 Sam 4:6; 4:7
וחס ̇ ̇ב
Com.: By noting that this lemma occurs twice and written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו. 4:7
�וַ יֵּ ְלכוּ ֶדּ ֶר
� וַ יֵּ ְלכוּ ֶדּ ֶרthree times
וילכו דרך ̇ג
Num 33:8 2 Sam 4:7 וַ ִתּ ָבּ ַקע ָה ִﬠיר וְ ָכל־אַנְ ֵשׁיof Jeremiah (Jer 52:7)
מפני החירת ויקחו את ראשו ותבקע העיר וכל אנשי דירמיהו
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in the pl., to distinguish them from its sole occurrence in the sg. (� )וַ יֵּ ֶל� ֶדּ ֶרat 2 Kgs 25:4.
This distinction is implied in the additional notation of Jeremiah to the Jer 52:7 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 2 Kgs 25:4, where the lemma occurs as (�)וַ יֵּ ֶל� ֶדּ ֶר.
2 SAMUEL 4:8 איִ ְב ֔� ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ֹ ֽ ֙ן־שׁאוּל ָ ֽה־ר ֹאשׁ ִ ֽאישׁ־ ֗בֹּ ֶשׁת ֶבּ ֣ ל־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ִה ֵנּ ַ רוּ ֶא ֙ אמ ְ ֹ ל־דּוִ ֮ד ֶח ְברוֹן֒ וַ ֽיּ ָ ת־ר ֹאשׁ ִ ֽאישׁ־ ֥בֹּ ֶשׁת ֶא ֨ ַו֠יָּ ִבאוּ ֶא וּמזַּ ְר ֽﬠוֹ׃ ס ִ מוֹת ַהיּ֣ וֹם ַה ֶ֔זּה ִמ ָשּׁ ֖אוּל ֙ ִבּ ֵ ֖קּשׁ ֶאת־נַ ְפ ֶ ֑שׁ� וַ יִּ ֵ ֣תּן ְי֠הוָ ה ַ ֽלאד ֨ ִֹני ַה ֶ ֤מּ ֶל� נְ ָק 4:8
וַ יָּ ִבאוּ
Thirty-seven times
Com.: There is a graphic error here of זand ו. The note should read thirty-six times; see 1 Sam 7:1. 4:8
וּמזַּ ְרעוֹ ִ ̇ל
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of hapax legomena that start with ;ומsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §18, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §19.
2 SAMUEL 4:9 ר־פּ ָ ֥דה ֶאת־נַ ְפ ִ ֖שׁי ִמ ָכּל־ ָ הוה ֲא ֶשׁ ָ֕ ְאמר ָל ֶ ֑הם ַחי־י ֶ ֹ ת־בּ ֲﬠ ָנ֣ה ָא ִ֗חיו ְבּ ֵנ֛י ִר ֥מּוֹן ַה ְבּ ֵ ֽאר ִ ֹ֖תי וַ ֣יּ ַ ת־ר ָ ֣כב ׀ וְ ֶא ֵ וַ ַ֨יּ ַﬠן ָדּ ִ֜וד ֶא ָצ ָ ֽרה׃ 4:9
אמר ָל ֶהם ֶ ֹ וַ יּ
Twenty-three times
Com.: See Josh 4:5.
̇כ ̇ג
2 SAMUEL 4:10 וּא־ה ָי֤ה ִכ ְמ ַב ֵשּׂ ֙ר ְבּ ֵﬠ ֔ ָיניו וָ א ֲֹח ָז֣ה ֔בוֹ וָ ֶא ְה ְר ֵג֖הוּ ְבּ ִ ֽצ ְק ָל֑ג ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ְל ִת ִתּי־ל֖ וֹ ָ ה־מת ָשׁ ֗אוּל וְ ֽה ֣ ֵ ֵמר ִהנּ ֹ ֜ ִ ֣כּי ַה ַמּגִּ יד֩ ֨ ִלי ֵלא ְבּשׂ ָ ֹֽרה׃ 4:10
ה־מת ֵ ִֵהנּ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrences of this lemma without a וcj., to distinguish it from the two occurrences with a cj. at 1 Kgs 3:21 and Ezek 18:18. 4:10
ִכ ְמ ַב ֵשּׂר
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the inseparable prep. כ, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (5x) without this preposition. 4:10
וָ א ֲֹחזָ ה
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur twice, once with a וcj. (here), and once without (Cant 7:9); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §1, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §1. 4:10
וָ ֶא ְה ְרגֵ הוּ
2 Sam 4:10; 2 Kgs 10:9
ְבּ ִצ ְק ָלג
ְבּשׂ ָֹרה
Com.: See 2 Sam 1:1. Three times defective
חס ̇ ̇ג
2 Sam 4:10; 18:20; 2 Kgs 7:9
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma written defective ו, to distinguish them from its three occurrences written plene שׂוֹרה( ו ָ )בּ ְ at 2 Sam 18:22, 25, and 27.
2 SAMUEL 4:12 ל־ה ְבּ ֵר ָ ֖כה ְבּ ֶח ְב ֑רוֹן וְ ֵ֨את ֤ר ֹאשׁ ַ יהם וַ יִּ ְתל֥ וּ ַﬠ ֶ֔ ת־רגְ ֵל ַ יה ֙ם וְ ֶא ֶ ת־הנְּ ָﬠ ִ ֜רים וַ יַּ ַה ְר ֗גוּם ַוֽ יְ ַק ְצּ ֤צוּ ֶאת־יְ ֵד ַ וַ יְ ַצו֩ ָדּ ִ֨וד ֶא ר־א ְב ֵנ֖ר ְבּ ֶח ְב ֽרוֹן׃ פ ַ ִ ֽאישׁ־ ֨בֹּ ֶשׁ ֙ת ָל ָ ֔קחוּ וַ יִּ ְק ְבּ ֥רוּ ְב ֶ ֽ ק ֶב 4:12
וַ יַּ ַה ְרגוּם
וַ יְ ַק ְצּצוּ
וְ ֵאת ר ֹאשׁ
Com.: See Judg 1:6.
Gen 40:20; 2 Sam 4:12
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (16x) without a cj., one of which is in v. 8.
2 SAMUEL 5:1 מר ִהנְ נ֛ וּ ַﬠ ְצ ְמ�֥ וּֽ ְב ָשׂ ְר�֖ ֲא ָנ ְֽחנוּ׃ ֹ ֔ אמ ֣רוּ ֵלא ְ ֹ ל־דִּ ֖וד ֶח ְב ֑רוֹנָ ה וַ יּ ָ ל־שׁ ְב ֵ ֧טי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֛אל ֶא ִ וַ יָּ ֜בֹאוּ ָכּ 5:1
ֶח ְברוֹנָ ה
Nine times
Com.: See Josh 10:36. The Mp note here is barely visible in the ms. 5:1
אמרוּ ֵלאמֹר ְ ֹ וַ יּ
Three times
Exod 15:1; Num 20:3; 2 Sam 5:1
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in the pl., to distinguish them from its sole occurrence in the sg. (אמר ֵלאמֹר ֶ ֹ )וַ יּat Zech 2:4. 5:1
�ִהנְ נוּ ַﬠ ְצ ְמ ̇ל
In ML the circellus has been placed only on ִהנְ נוּbut, since that form occurs four times (see Josh 9:25), it is most likely, as BHS suggests, that the note should be on this phrase, which only occurs this once and could serve as a contrast with � ִהנֵּ ה ַﬠ ְצ ְמin the parallel passage of 1 Chr 11:1. However, Dotan/Reich (Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.) suggest that the note remain on ִהנְ נוּbut that it be adjusted to unique in the book (of Samuel).
2 SAMUEL 5:2 �֗ הוה ְל ָ֜ ְאמר י ֶ ֹ מּוֹציא וְ ַה ֵמּ ִ ֖בי ֶאת־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל וַ ֨יּ ֥ ִ ◌ַ ם־שׁ ְל ֗שׁוֹם ִבּ ְהי֨ וֹת ָשׁ ֥אוּל ֶ֨מ ֶל ֙� ָﬠ ֔ ֵלינוּ ַא ָ֗תּה ָהיִ י֛ ָתה ִ ַם־א ְת ֣מוֹל גּ ֶ ַגּ מּי ֶאת־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל וְ ַא ָ ֛תּה ִתּ ְה ֶי֥ה ְלנָ ִ ֖גיד ַﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ ֙ ִ ת־ﬠ ַ ַא ָ֨תּה ִת ְר ֶ ֤ﬠה ֶא 5:2
מּוֹציא ִ ◌ַ
Read מּוֹציא ִ ַה
המוציא ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()מוציא, and the qərê (מּוֹציא ִ )ה ַ represent examples where the kəṯîḇ and the qərê divide the consonantal text differently; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 98. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words whose first letter has been mistakenly attached to the preceding one; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §101.
60 5:2
Read וְ ַה ֵמּ ִביא
והמביא ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )והמביrepresents an archaic orthography where only one of two adjoining and identical letters are written; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 95, and Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 36–37. Here the adjoining letter is א, which is the first letter of the following word את. ֶ This lemma is one of nine cases of forms of the verb בּוֹאthat are written defective ;אsee 1 Sam 25:8. 5:2
ת־ﬠ ִמּי ֶאת־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ַ ֶא
Six times
1–5 2 Sam 5:2; 7:7; 1 Kgs 8:16; Jer 12:14; 23:13 6 1 Chr 11:2
Com.: The Masorah notes the six occurrences of the phrase ת־ﬠ ִמּי ַ ֶאwith את־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל, ֶ to distinguish them from their more numerous occurrences (41x) without את־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל. ֶ
In ML there are only two circelli on this four-word phrase: one on ת־ﬠ ִמּי ַ ֶאand one on ֶאת־ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל. With four- or five-word phrases it is not unusual for only two circelli to be given; see Josh 1:6 and passim. 5:2
אַתּה ֛ ָ ְו
Twenty-seven times with the accent (təḇîr) Com.: See 1 Sam 24:12.
בטע ̇ ̇̇כז
2 SAMUEL 5:3 הו֑ה וַ יִּ ְמ ְשׁ ֧חוּ ֶאת־ ָ ְל־ה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ֶח ְב ֔רוֹנָ ה וַ יִּ ְכ ֣ר ֹת ָל ֶה ֩ם ַה ֶ֨מּ ֶל� ָדִּ ֥וד ְבּ ִ ֛רית ְבּ ֶח ְב ֖רוֹן ִל ְפ ֵנ֣י י ַ ַו֠יָּ בֹאוּ ָכּל־זִ ְק ֨ ֵני יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֤אל ֶא ָדִּו֛ד ְל ֶ ֖מ ֶל� ַﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ פ 5:3
ֶח ְברוֹנָ ה
Nine times
Com.: See Josh 10:36.
2 SAMUEL 5:4 �שׁים ָשׁ ָנ֛ה ָדִּ ֖וד ְבּ ָמ ְל ֑כוֹ ַא ְר ָבּ ִ ֥ﬠים ָשׁ ָנ֖ה ָמ ָ ֽל�׃ ֥ ִ ן־שׁ ְ ֶבּ 5:4 Unique
�אַר ָבּ ִﬠים ָשׁנָ ה ָמ ָל ְ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma without a וcj., to distinguish them from its two occurrences with a cj. at 2 Kgs 12:2 and 2 Chr 24:1.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of phrases where a preceding וcj. would be expected; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §30, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §31.
2 SAMUEL 5:5 �שׁ ָשׁ ֔ ָנה ַ ֥ﬠל ָכּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל ֙ �שׁים וְ ָשׁ ֤ ִ ירוּשׁ ַל֣� ָמ ֗ ַל� ְשׁ ָ וּב ִ הוּדה ֶ ֥שׁ ַבע ָשׁ ִנ֖ים וְ ִשׁ ָ ֣שּׁה ֳח ָד ִ ֑שׁים ֔ ָ ְרוֹן ָמ ַל֣� ַﬠל־י ֙ ְבּ ֶח ְב יהוּדה׃ ֽ ָ ִו 5:5
ירוּשׁ ַלם ָ וּב ִ
Twenty-one times 1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 21
̇כ ̇א
2 Sam 5:5; 1 Kgs 2:11; 2 Kgs 21:7; 23:24; Isa 10:12 (ירוּשׁ ָלם ָ )וּב ִ Isa 24:23; 66:13; Jer 4:5; 27:18; Joel 3:5 Mal 2:11 (ירוּשׁ ָלם ָ ;)וּב ִ Ezra 9:9 (ירוּשׁ ָלם ָ ;)וּב ִ Neh 8:15; 11:4; 13:16 1 Chr 9:3; 29:27; 2 Chr 2:6; 24:9; 33:7 2 Chr 33:15 (ירוּשׁ ָלם ָ )וּב ִ
Com.: The Masorah notes the twenty-one occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) without a cj. 5:5
ל־כּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ָ ַﬠ
Three times in the book
בסיפ ̇ ̇ג
1 Sam 11:2; 2 Sam 5:5; 8:15
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in the book with כּל,ָ to distinguish them from its occurrences elsewhere in the Bible; see 1 Sam 11:2.
�֗ ם־ה ִ ֽס ְיר ֱ א־ת ֣בוֹא ֵ֔הנָּ ה ִ ֣כּי ִא ָ ֹ אמר ְל ָדִו֤ד ֵלאמ ֹ֙ר ל ֶ ֹ יוֹשׁב ָה ָ ֑א ֶרץ וַ ֨יּ ֣ ֵ ל־היְ ֻב ִ ֖סי ַ וּשׁ ֔ ַל ִם ֶא ָ וַ ֵ֨יּ ֶל� ַה ֶ ֤מּ ֶל� ַו ֲֽאנָ ָשׁ ֙יו יְ ֣ר מר ֽל ֹא־יָ ֥בוֹא ָדִ ֖וד ֵ ֽהנָּ ה׃ ֹ ֔ ים ֵלא ֙ ַה ִﬠוְ ִ ֤רים וְ ַה ִפּ ְס ִח 5:6
וַ ֲאנָ ָשׁיו
Twenty-five times
̇כ ̇ה
Com.: See 1 Sam 23:26. 5:6
ַהיְ ֻב ִסי
Five times defective
חס ̇ ̇ה
1–5 2 Sam 5:6; 5:8 ( ;)יְ ֻב ִסי24:16; 24:18; 1 Chr 21:18
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma written defective ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (35x) written plene בוּסי( ו ִ ְי/בוּסי ִ ְוְ ַהי/בוּסי ִ ְ) ַהי. The Mp heading at 2 Sam 5:8 more specifically reads five times defective in various forms. 5:6
יוֹשׁב ֵ
Three times plene in the book
בסיפ ̇ מל ̇ ̇ג
Com.: The Mp heading here of three times plene in the book is incorrect since there are eight occurrences in the book; see 1 Sam 14:2. MA correctly reads here eight times plene in the book. MC has no note here.
Unique 5:6
�ֱה ִס ְיר ̇ל
ַה ִﬠוְ ִרים וְ ַה ִפּ ְס ִחים ̇ל
2 SAMUEL 5:7 וַ יִּ ְל ֣כֹּד ָדּ ִ֔וד ֵ ֖את ְמ ֻצ ַ ֣דת ִציּ֑ וֹן ִ ֖היא ִ ֥ﬠיר ָדִּ ֽוד׃ 5:7
ְמ ֻצ ַדת
Four times defective
חס ̇ ̇ד
2 Sam 5:7; 5:9 (;)בּ ְמּ ֻצ ָדה ַ 22:2 (;)וּמ ֻצּ ָד ִתי ְ 1 Chr 11:5
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma in various forms written defective ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (7x) in various forms written plene צוּד ִתי( ו ָ וּמ ְ /צוּד ִתי ָ ) ִבּ ְמ. The Mp heading at 2 Sam 22:2 reads unique defective ( )וto contrast the form that occurs there ()וּמ ֻצּ ָד ִתי ְ with the five forms of צוּד ִתי ָ וּמ ְ written plene ו.
The Mp heading at 1 Chr 11:5 ( ) ְמ ֻצ ַדתreads unique defective ( )וbut, since this form also occurs here, it should more precisely have read unique defective in the book, (or) in the Writings; see Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.
2 SAMUEL 5:8 ל־כּן ֙ ֵ ת־ה ִﬠוְ ִ ֔רים ְשׂנֻ ֵ ֖או ֶנ ֶ֣פשׁ ָדִּו֑ד ַﬠ ֣ ַ ים וְ ֶא ֙ ת־ה ִפּ ְס ִח ַ ל־מ ֵכּ֤ה יְ ֻב ִס֙י וְ יִ ַגּ֣ע ַבּ ִצּנּ֔ וֹר וְ ֶא ַ אמר ָדּ ִ֜וד ַבּיּ֣ וֹם ַה ֗הוּא ָכּ ֶ ֹ וַ ֨יּ ל־ה ָ ֽבּיִ ת׃ ַ וּפ ֵ֔סּ ַ� ֥ל ֹא יָ ֖בוֹא ֶא ִ אמ ֔רוּ ִﬠֵוּ֣ר ְ ֹ ֽי 5:8
יְ ֻב ִסי
Five times defective in various forms
Com.: See directly above at 2 Sam 5:6. 5:8
וְ יִ גַּ ע ַבּ ִצּנּוֹר
Unique 5:8
ְשׂנֻ ֵאו
Read ְשׂנֻ ֵאי
שנאי ̇ק
בליש ̇ חס ̇ ̇ה
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()שנאו, and the qərê ()שׂנֻ ֵאי ְ are examples of cases where both the kəṯîḇ and the qərê are unsatisfactory; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 155.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that are written with a וat the end but are read as a ;יsee the Mm at Dan 3:19 sub אשׁתנו, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §136, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §120.
2 SAMUEL 5:9 ן־ה ִמּלּ֖ וֹא וָ ָ ֽביְ ָתה׃ ַ א־להּ ִ ֣ﬠיר ָדִּו֑ד וַ יִּ ֶ֤בן ָדּוִ ֙ד ָס ִ֔ביב ִמ ֖ ָ וַ יֵּ ֶ֤שׁב ָדּוִ ֙ד ַבּ ְמּ ֻצ ָ ֔דה וַ יִּ ְק ָר 5:9
ַבּ ְמּ ֻצ ָדה
Four times defective
חס ̇ ̇ד
Com.: See directly above at 2 Sam 5:7. 5:9
וָ ָביְ ָתה
וָ ָביְ ָתהtwice, and their references ן־ה ִמּלּוֹא ַ ִמof Samuel (2 Sam 5:9) Ezek 44:17
וביתה ) ̇ג( ] ̇ב[ וסימנהון
מן המלוא דשמואל [בשרתם >בשערי< החצר)הפנימי( ]הפנימית
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its five occurrences without a cj.
The additional notation attached to the 2 Sam 5:9 reference is to distinguish this verse from its parallel at 1 Chr 11:8, where this lemma appears as וְ ַﬠד ַה ָסּ ִביב, roundabout.
2 SAMUEL 5:10 �הי ְצ ָב ֖אוֹת ִﬠ ֽמּוֹ׃ פ ֥ ֵ יהו֛ה ֱא ָ ַוַ יֵּ ֶ֥ל� ָדִּ ֖וד ָהל֣ וֹ� וְ גָ ֑דוֹל ו 5:10
וְ גָ דוֹל
1–5 1 Sam 25:36; 2 Sam 3:38; 5:10; Jer 10:6; Job 3:19 6–8 Esth 9:4; 10:3; 1 Chr 11:9
2 SAMUEL וְ גָ דוֹלeight times
וגדול ̇ח
1–5 1 Sam 25:36 2 Sam 3:38 Jer 10:6 Job 3:19 2 Sam 5:10 6–8 And its companion (1 Chr 11:9) Esth 9:4 And its companion (Esth 10:3)
שכר תדעו כמוך חפשי וילך דוד וחבירו מרדכי וחבירו
Com.: The Mp heading here of twice is incorrect since as is clear from the Mm listing there are eight occurrences of this lemma.
The Masorah notes the eight occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) without a cj. Both MC and MA correctly read here eight times.
As a means of explaining the Mp’s note of two, BHS suggest that the circellus is misplaced and ought to be on the two words הלוֹ� וְ גָ דוֹל,ָ which only occur twice here and at 1 Chr 11:9.
�הי ְצ ָבאוֹת ֵ וַ יהוָ ה ֱא
Eleven times
י̇ ̇א
1–5 2 Sam 5:10; 1 Kgs 19:10 (;)ליהוָ ה ַ 19:14 (;)ליהוָ ה ַ Jer 5:14 ( ;)יְ הוָ ה15:16 ()יְ הוָ ה 6–10 Amos 4:13 ( ;)יְ הוָ ה5:14 ( ;)יְ הוָ ה5:15 ( ;)יְ הוָ ה5:27 ( ;)יְ הוָ ה6:8 ()יְ הוָ ה 11 Ps 89:9 ()יְ הוָ ה
Com.: The Masorah notes the eleven occurrences of this lemma in various forms without a following �הי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ֵ ( ֱאas at Jer 35:17, 38:17 and 44:7) or ( ֲאד ֹנָ יas at Amos 5:16).
In ML the circelli have been placed on the phrase �הי ְצ ָבאוֹת ִﬠמּוֹ ֵ א, ֱ which only occurs once instead of, as MA reads, on �הי ְצ ָבאוֹת ֵ וַ יהוָ ה ֱא. MC has no note here.
2 SAMUEL 5:11 וּ־ביִ ת ְל ָדִ ֽוד׃ ֖ ַ ֽשׁי ֔ ֵﬠץ וְ ָ ֽח ָר ֵ ֖שׁי ֶ ֣א ֶבן ִ ֑קיר וַ יִּ ְבנ ֣ ֵ ל־דּוִ ד֒ וַ ֲﬠ ֵצ֣י ֲא ָר ִ֔זים וְ ָח ָר ָ ים ֶא ֮ ירם ֶ ֽמ ֶל�־ ֥צֹר ַמ ְל ָא ִכ ֨ ָ ַו֠יִּ ְשׁ ַלח ִח 5:11
ם ֘ ֶמ ֶל�־ ֥צֹר ַמ ְל ָא ִכי
Seven verses with the accents (mêrəḵâ and zarqâ) in the book
בסיפ ̇ בטע ̇ ̇ז
66 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 1 Sam 3:8 2 Sam 3:8 2 Sam 4:8 2 Sam 5:11 2 Sam 5:20 2 Sam 7:7 2 Sam 19:12
מוּא ֘ל ֵ א־שׁ ְ ֹ הו֥ה ְקר ָ ְי ֶ ֥כּ ֶלב ָא ֘נ ֹ ִ֘כי ל־דּוִ ֘ד ָ ִאישׁ־ ֥בֹּ ֶשׁת ֶא ם ֘ ֶמ ֶל�־ ֥צֹר ַמ ְל ָא ִכי ם ֘ ל־פּ ָר ִצי ְ ָדִ ֥וד ְבּ ַב ַﬠ ֘ר־ה ְת ַה ַלּ ְכ ִתּי ִ ְבּ ֥כֹל ֲא ֶשׁ ם ֘ ל־א ְביָ ָ ֥תר ַהכּ ֲֹהנִ י ֶ וְ ֶא
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences in the book with the accents mêrəḵâ and zarqâ, which are among the exceptions to the general rule that the first of two servi before zarqâ is a mûnaḥ; see Yeivin, Introduction, §262, and Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc. 1 Sam 26:7 and 2 Sam 24:16 are not included in this list because they contain a paseq before the zarqâ. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
In ML the first circellus has been placed between � ֶמ ֶלand the preceding word ח ָירם,ִ but it properly belongs only on �;מ ֶל ֶ see Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.
2 SAMUEL 5:12 שּׂא ַמ ְמ ַל ְכ ֔תּוֹ ַבּ ֲﬠ ֖בוּר ַﬠ ֥מּוֹ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ ס ֣ ֵ ִהו֛ה ְל ֶ ֖מ ֶל� ַﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל וְ ִ ֙כי נ ָ ְי־ה ִכינ֧ וֹ י ֱ וַ יֵּ ֣ ַ דע ָדּ ִ֔וד ִ ֽכּ 5:12
וְ ִכי נִ ֵשּׂא ַמ ְמ ַל ְכתּוֹ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma to distinguish it from a similar phrase ()כּי־נִ ֵשּׂאת ְל ַמ ְﬠ ָלה ַמ ְלכוּתוֹ ִ in the parallel text at 1 Chr 14:2.
2 SAMUEL 5:13 וּבנֽ וֹת׃ ָ וּשׁ ֔ ַל ִם ַא ֲח ֵ ֖רי בּ ֹ֣אוֹ ֵמ ֶח ְב ֑רוֹן וַ יִּ ָוּ ְ֥לדוּ ֛ﬠוֹד ְל ָדִ ֖וד ָבּ ִ ֥נים ָ ים ִמ ֣יר ֙ וַ יִּ ַקּ ֩ח ָדּ ִ֨וד ֜עוֹד ִ ֽפּ ַלגְ ִ ֤שׁים וְ נָ ִשׁ 5:13 Four times
ָדּוִ ד עוֹד ̇ד
1–4 2 Sam 5:13; 7:20; 1 Chr 14:3a (;)דּוִ יד ָ 14:3b (ָ)דּוִ יד ——————————
2 SAMUEL ָדּוִ ד עוֹדfour times, and their references
2 Sam 5:13 ה־יּוֹסיף ָדּוִ ד עוֹד ִ וּמ ַ of Samuel (2 Sam 7:20) 1 Chr 14:3a Twice in the verse of Chronicles (1 Chr 14:3b)
דוד עוד ̇ד וסימנהון
67 Mm
ויקח דוד ומה יוסיף >דוד< עוד דשמואל ויקח )דוד( ]דויד[ עוד ימ ̇ שנים בפסוקה דדב
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occasions when David is the subject of the verse that his name precedes עוֹד, to distinguish them from the five occasions when עוֹדprecedes his name (e.g., יּוֹסף עוֹד ָדּוִ ד ֶ ַ)ו.
This distinction is implied in the two additional notations. The additional notation of Samuel to the 2 Sam 7:20 reference distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 1 Chr 17:18, where the lemma occurs as עוֹד ָדּוִ יד. The additional notation twice in the verse in Chronicles distinguishes the two occurrences of the lemma in 1 Chr 14:3 from their occurrence in the parallel text of 2 Sam 5:13 where in the first part of the verse the lemma עוֹד ָדּוִ דappears, but in the second part of the verse the lemma occurs as עוֹד ְל ָדוִ ד.
The occurrence of ָדּוִ ד עוֹדin 1 Sam 18:29 is not included in this lemma because in that verse Saul, not David, is the grammatical subject. 5:13
וְ נָ ִשׁים
Nine times
1–5 2 Sam 5:13; Isa 3:12; Jer 6:12; 40:7; 41:16 6–9 Ezek 9:6; Esth 3:13; 8:11; Ezra 10:1
Com.: The Masorah notes the nine occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (58x) without a cj. 5:13
Five times
וַ יִּ וָּ ְלדוּ ̇ה
1–5 Gen 10:1; 2 Sam 3:2 (qərê); 5:13; 14:27; Job 1:2
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma pointed in the niphal; see also 2 Sam 3:2.
The Mp heading at Gen 10:1 reads unique in the book (of Genesis), and similarly all the Bible apart from one (וְ יָ ְלדוּ, Deut 21:15). The meaning of this note is as follows. As regards the two forms וְ יָ ְלדוּand וַ יִּ וָּ ְלדוּ, the form וְ יָ ְלדוּoccurs a few times in Genesis (Gen 6:4; 31:8a; 31:8b), but וַ יִּ וָּ ְלדוּonly occurs once (Gen 10:1). However, the reverse is the case in the rest of the Bible. There וַ יִּ וָּ ְלדוּoccurs a few times (see above), but וְ יָ ְלדוּonly occurs once (Deut 21:15); see Frendsdorff, Ochlah, §271.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 5:14 מה׃ ֹ ֽ �וּשׁ ְ שׁוֹבב וְ נָ ָ ֖תן ָ֔ ְירוּשׁ ָל֑� ַשׁ ֣מּ ַוּ� ו ָ �דים ל֖ וֹ ִבּ ֥ ִ ִוְ ֵ֗א ֶלּה ְשׁ ֛מוֹת ַהיּ
וְ ֵא ֶלּה ְשׁמוֹת
Six times
1–5 All the Torah; Josh 17:3; 2 Sam 5:14; Ezek 48:1; 1 Chr 6:2 6 1 Chr 14:4
Com.: The Masorah notes the six occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its five occurrences without a cj.
Note that in this enumeration, the ten occurrences in the Torah (Gen 25:13; 36:40; 46:8; Exod 1:1; 6:16; Num 1:5; 3:2; 3:18; 27:1; 34:19) are reckoned as one occurrence; see Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc. Supporting this enumeration is the Mp heading at Exod 6:16 which also reads six times. 5:14
�דים ִ ִַהיּ
Three times
Josh 5:5; 2 Sam 5:14; Jer 16:3 (לוֹדים ִ ִ)היּ ַ ——————————
�דים ִ ִ ַהיּthree times, twice defective and once plene
Josh 5:5 �דים ִ ִ וְ ֵא ֶלּה ְשׁמוֹת ַהיּof Samuel (2 Sam 5:14) Jer 16:3
מל ̇ חס וחד ̇ הילדים ̇ג ̇ב
וכל העם הילדים ואלה שמות הילדים דשמואל על הבנים ועל הבנות
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma, written plene and defective ו, to distinguish them from the sole occurrence of the form לוּדים ִ ְ ַהיin the parallel passage of 1 Chr 14:4.
This distinction is implied in the Mm in the additional notation of Samuel to the 2 Sam 5:14 reference in the Mm, which distinguishes this passage from its parallel in 1 Chr 14:4 because the former has the form �דים ִ ִהיּ,ַ whereas the latter has the form לוּדים ִ ְהי.ַ
2 SAMUEL 5:15 ישׁ ַוּ� וְ ֶנ ֶ֥פג וְ יָ ִ ֽפ ַי�׃ ֖ וְ יִ ְב ָ ֥חר וֶ ֱא ִל 5:15
�ישׁוּ ַ וֶ ֱא ִל
2 Sam 5:15; 1 Chr 14:5
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles.
2 SAMUEL 5:17 ת־דִּו֑ד וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ ֣מע ָדּ ִ֔וד ָ ל־פּ ִל ְשׁ ִ ֖תּים ְל ַב ֵ ֣קּשׁ ֶא ְ ת־דִּו֤ד ְל ֶ֨מ ֶל ֙� ַﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל וַ יַּ ֲﬠל֥ וּ ָכ ָ י־מ ְשׁ ֨חוּ ֶא ָ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ְמ ֣ﬠוּ ְפ ִל ְשׁ ִ֗תּים ִכּ צוּדה׃ ֽ ָ ל־ה ְמּ ַ וַ יֵּ ֖ ֶ רד ֶא 5:17
ל־פּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים ְ וַ יַּ ֲﬠלוּ ָכ
2 Sam 5:17; 1 Chr 14:8
In ML only one circellus has been placed on ל־פּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים ְ ָכbut, since this phrase occurs three times, it is more likely that, as with MA here, and with the Mp in the parallel passage at 1 Chr 14:8, the note ought to belong with the three words ל־פּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים ְ וַ יַּ ֲﬠלוּ ָכ, which only occur twice. MC has no note here. 5:17
צוּדה ָ ל־ה ְמּ ַ ֶא ̇ל
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words occurring once with a preceding ֶאל (here) and once with a preceding ( ַﬠל1 Sam 24:23); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §2, and DíazEsteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §2.
However, note that in the Ochlah lists the prepositions are mistakenly reversed. The phrase צוּדה ָ ֶאל ַה ְמּis attributed to 1 Sam 24:23, whereas the phrase צוּדה ָ ַﬠל ַה ְמּis attributed to this verse.
תן ֶא ֵ ֛תּן ֶאת־ ֹ ֥ ָל־דּוִ ֙ד ֲﬠ ֔ ֵלה ִ ֽכּי־נ ָ הו֤ה ֶא ָ ְאמר י ֶ ֹ ל־פּ ִל ְשׁ ִ֔תּים ֲה ִת ְתּ ֵנ֖ם ְבּיָ ִ ֑די וַ ֨יּ ְ מר ַה ֶ ֽא ֱﬠ ֶל ֙ה ֶא ֹ ֔ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ֨אל ָדִּו֤ד ַ ֽבּיהוָ ֙ה ֵלא ַה ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ ֖תּים ְבּיָ ֶ ֽד�׃ 5:19
וַ יִּ ְשׁאַל ָדּוִ ד ַבּיהוָ ה
Four times
Com.: See 1 Sam 23:2. 5:19
ל־פּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים ְ ֶא
2 Sam 5:19; Jer 47:1
—————————— ל־פּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים ְ ֶאtwice
אל פלשתים ̇ב
ַה ֶא ֱﬠ ֶלהof Samuel (2 Sam 5:19) האעלה דשמואל ֲא ֶשׁר ָהיָ ה ְד ַבר־יְ הוָ הof Jeremiah (Jer 47:1) אשר היה דבר יהוה דירמיהו
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with אל, ֶ to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (7x) with )ﬠל ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים( ַﬠל. ַ
This distinction is implied in the Mm in the additional notation of Samuel to the 2 Sam 5:19 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 1 Chr 14:10, where the lemma occurs as ﬠל ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים. ַ
The additional notation of Jeremiah to the Jer 47:1 reference is purely for reference purposes to identify this phrase being in Jeremiah rather than in other books (Kings and Daniel), where the phrase ֲא ֶשׁר ָהיָ ה ְד ַבר־יְ הוָ הoccurs. 5:19
ֲה ִת ְתּנֵ ם
Com.: See 1 Sam 14:37.
2 SAMUEL 5:19
ַה ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים
Eight times
1–5 Josh 13:2; 1 Sam 4:7; 7:13; 13:20; 17:51 6–8 1 Sam 17:52; 2 Sam 5:19; 2 Chr 21:16 —————————— ַה ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּיםeight times
1–5 1 Sam 4:7 1 Sam 7:13 1 Sam 17:51 1 Sam 17:52 1 Sam 13:20 6–8 Josh 13:2 2 Sam 5:19 2 Chr 21:16
הפלשתים ̇ח
ויראו הפלשתים ויכנעו הפלשתים כי מת גבורם ויקמו אנשי וירדו כל ישראל כל גלילות כי נתן אתן והערבים
And once ()וְ ַה ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים: 1 Chr 11:13
וחד והפלשתים נאספו
Com.: The Masorah notes the eight occurrences of this lemma with the def. article, possibly to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (200+) without a def. article.
The Mm has an additional note that this lemma also occurs with a וcj. ( )וְ ַה ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּיםat 1 Chr 11:13.
2 SAMUEL 5:20 ל־כּן ָק ָ ֛רא ֵ ֽשׁם־ ֵ֗ הו֧ה ֶאת־אֹיְ ַ ֛בי ְל ָפ ַנ֖י ְכּ ֶפ ֶ֣רץ ָ ֑מיִ ם ַﬠ ָ ְאמר ָפּ ַ ֨רץ י ֶ ֹ ים וַ יַּ ֵכּ֣ם ָ ֣שׁם ָדּוִ ד֒ וַ ֕יּ ֮ ל־פּ ָר ִצ ְ וַ יָּ ֨ב ֹא ָדִ ֥וד ְבּ ַ ֽב ַﬠ ַה ָמּ ֥קוֹם ַה ֖הוּא ַ ֥בּ ַﬠל ְפּ ָר ִ ֽצים׃ 5:20 Five times
ְפּ ָר ִצים ̇ה
1–5 2 Sam 5:20a; 5:20b; Isa 28:21; 1 Chr 14:11a; 14:11b ——————————
ְפּ ָר ִציםfive times, and (their) references
1–5 2 Sam 5:20a Twice in the verse (2 Sam 5:20b) 1 Chr 14:11a Twice in the verse (1 Chr 14:11b) Isa 28:21 And once ()וּפ ָר ִצים: ְ Amos 4:3
̇פרצים ̇ה וסימנ
ויבא דוד בבעל פרצים בפסוק ̇ שנים ויעלו בבעל פרצים שנים בפסוק כי כהר פרצים
וחד ופרצים תצאנה
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma, and the Mm has an additional note that it occurs with a וcj. ()וּפ ָר ִצים ְ at Amos 4:3.
2 SAMUEL 5:21 יהם וַ יִּ ָשּׂ ֵ ֥אם ָדִּ ֖וד וַ ֲאנָ ָ ֽשׁיו׃ פ ֑ ֶ ת־ﬠ ַצ ֵבּ ֲ בוּ־שׁם ֶא ָ֖ ְוַ יַּ ַﬠז 5:21
וַ ֲאנָ ָשׁיו
Twenty-five times
̇כ ̇ה
Com.: See 1 Sam 23:26.
2 SAMUEL 5:22 וַ יּ ִ ֹ֥ספוּ ֛ﬠוֹד ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ ֖תּים ַ ֽל ֲﬠל֑ וֹת וַ יִּ ָנּ ְֽט ֖שׁוּ ְבּ ֵ ֥ﬠ ֶמק ְר ָפ ִ ֽאים׃ 5:22
וַ יּ ִֹספוּ
וַ יּ ִֹספוּfour times written like this
כת כן ̇ )ויסיפו( ]ויספו[ ̇ד
Com.: On this problematic note for which no catchwords are given, see Judg 10:6. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
This lemma occurs in the ms. in folio 171v, but the Mm note appears on the bottom of the preceding folio 171r.
Three times
וַ יִּ נָּ ְטשׁוּ ̇ג
Judg 15:9; 2 Sam 5:18; 5:22
2 SAMUEL 5:23 את ָל ֶ ֖הם ִמ ֥מּוּל ְבּ ָכ ִ ֽאים׃ ָ וּב ֥ ָ יהם ֶ֔ ל־א ֲח ֵר ֣ ַ אמר ֣ל ֹא ַת ֲﬠ ֶל֑ה ָה ֵס ֙ב ֶא ֶ ֹ יהוה וַ ֖יּ ָ֔ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ ֤אל ָדּוִ ֙ד ַ ֽבּ 5:23
וַ יִּ ְשׁאַל ָדּוִ ד ַבּיהוָ ה
Four times
Com.: See 1 Sam 23:2. 5:23
ִממּוּל ְבּ ָכ ִאים
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma without the def. article to distinguish it from the phrase with the def. article ()ממּוּל ַה ְבּ ָכ ִאים ִ in the parallel text at 1 Chr 14:14.
2 SAMUEL 5:24 אשׁי ַה ְבּ ָכ ִ ֖אים ָ ֣אז ֶתּ ֱח ָ ֑רץ ִ ֣כּי ָ֗אז יָ ָצ֤א יְ הוָ ֙ה ְל ָפ ֔ ֶני� ְל ַה ֖כּוֹת ְבּ ַמ ֲח ֵנ֥ה ֥ ֵ ת־קוֹל ְצ ָﬠ ָ ֛דה ְבּ ָר ֧ ֠יהי ְ ֽבּ ָשׁ ְמ ֲﬠ ֞� ֶא ִ ִו ְפ ִל ְשׁ ִ ֽתּים׃ 5:24
יהי ִ ִו
Thirty-two times
̇ל ̇ב
Com.: See 1 Sam 10:5. 5:24
�ְבּ ָשׁ ְמ ֲﬠ
Read �ְכּ ָשׁ ְמ ֲﬠ
כשמעך ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()בשמעך, and the qərê (�)כּ ָשׁ ְמ ֲﬠ ְ represent examples of interchanges between the letters בand ;כsee Gordis, The Biblical Text, 144.
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that are written with a בbut read as a ;כsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §149, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §137. 5:24
קוֹל ְצ ָﬠ ָדה
Com.: The Mp heading here of twice is incorrect since this is the only occurrence of this lemma. MA correctly reads here unique. MC has no note here. 5:24
אשׁי ֵ ְבּ ָר
Four times
Com.: See 1 Sam 29:4. 5:24
ֶתּ ֱח ָרץ
2 SAMUEL 5:25 ת־פּ ִל ְשׁ ִ֔תּים ִמ ֶגּ ַ֖בע ַﬠד־בּ ֲֹא�֥ ָ ֽג זֶ ר׃ פ ְ הו֑ה וַ יַּ ֙� ֶא ָ ְוַ יַּ ַ֤ﬠשׂ ָדּוִ ֙ד ֵ֔כּן ַכּ ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ִצָוּ֖הוּ י 5:25
ִצוָּ הוּ
Ten times
Com.: See 1 Sam 17:20. 5:25
ִמגֶּ ַבע ַﬠד־בּ ֲֹא� גָ זֶ ר
In ML there are only two circelli on this four-word phrase: one on ִמגֶּ ַבע ַﬠדand one on בּ ֲֹא� גָ זֶ ר. With four- or five-word phrases it is not unusual for only two circelli to be given; see Josh 1:6 and passim.
2 SAMUEL 6:1 �שׁים ָ ֽא ֶלף׃ ֥ ִ ל־בּ ֥חוּר ְבּיִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל ְשׁ ָ ת־כּ ָ וַ ֨יּ ֹ ֶסף ֥ﬠוֹד ָדִּו֛ד ֶא 6:1
וַ יּ ֶֹסף
Thirty times
Com.: See 1 Sam 9:8.
2 SAMUEL 6:2 �הים ֲא ֶשׁר־נִ ְק ָ ֣רא ֵ֗שׁם ִ֔ הוּדה ְל ַה ֲﬠל֣ וֹת ִמ ָ֗שּׁם ֵ ֚את ֲא ֣רוֹן ָה ֱא ֑ ָ ְשׁר ִא ֔תּוֹ ִ ֽמ ַבּ ֲﬠ ֵל֖י י ֣ ֶ ל־ה ָﬠ ֙ם ֲא ָ וַ יָּ ֣ ָ קם ׀ וַ יֵּ ֶ֣ל� ָדּ ִ֗וד וְ ָכ הו֧ה ְצ ָב ֛אוֹת י ֵ ֹ֥שׁב ַה ְכּ ֻר ִ ֖בים ָﬠ ָ ֽליו׃ ָ ְשׁם י ֵ֣ 6:2
ֵשׁם ֵשׁם
Gen 11:10; 2 Sam 6:2
—————————— ֵשׁם ֵשׁםtwice
Gen 11:10 2 Sam 6:2
שם שם ̇ב
אלה )תולדות( ]תולדת[ שם שם בן מאה שנה אשר נקרא שם
Com.: The Mp heading at Gen 11:10 adds the catchwords )א ֶשׁר־נִ ְק ָרא( אשר נקרא ֲ to refer the reader to this verse. 6:2
ַה ְכּ ֻר ִבים
Twelve times defective
חס ̇ י̇ ̇ב
Com.: See 1 Sam 4:4.
2 SAMUEL 6:3 שׁר ַבּגִּ ְב ָ ֑ﬠה וְ ֻﬠ ָזּ֣א וְ ַא ְחי֗ וֹ ְבּנֵ ֙י ֣ ֶ ל־ﬠגָ ָל֣ה ֲח ָד ָ֔שׁה וַ יִּ ָשּׂ ֻ֔אהוּ ִמ ֵ ֥בּית ֲא ִבינָ ָ ֖דב ֲא ֲ ים ֶא ֙ �ה ִ ת־א ֤רוֹן ָ ֽה ֱא ֲ וַ יַּ ְר ִ֜כּבוּ ֶא ת־ה ֲﬠגָ ָ ֥לה ֲח ָד ָ ֽשׁה׃ ָ ֲא ִ ֣בינָ ָ ֔דב נ ֲֹה ִ ֖גים ֶא 6:3
וַ יַּ ְר ִכּבוּ ֶאת
Four times
2 Sam 6:3; 1 Kgs 1:33 ( ;)וְ ִה ְר ַכּ ְב ֶתּם1:38; 1 Chr 13:7 ()וַ יַּ ְר ִכּיבוּ
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of the hiphil of the verb ָר ַכבin various forms with את, ֶ to distinguish them from its four occurrences in various forms with ( אֹתוֹe.g. וַ יַּ ְר ִכּבוּ )אֹתוֹ.
76 6:3
וְ ֻﬠזָּ אthree times written with א 2 Sam 6:3 2 Kgs 21:18 2 Kgs 21:26 These are in the Prophets Ps 68:29 1 Chr 6:14 {1 Chr 6:15} are written with ה
כת ̇א ̇ ועזא ̇ג
ועזא ואחיו ויקבר בגן ויקבר הלין בנביא עוזה אלהים עזה בנו {}חגיה כת ה ̇
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma written in the Prophets with an א, to distinguish them from its four occurrences written in the Prophets with an )ﬠזָּ ה( ה. ֻ
ML, contrary to M ()ﬠזָּ ה, ֻ has a fourth occurrence of this lemma since it writes the form at 2 Sam 6:6 with a ;)ﬠזָּ א( א ֻ see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 87. However, the above Mm heading and list, and the Mp headings at 2 Kgs 21:18 and 21:26 that read three times written with אin the Prophets, support the enumeration inherent in the text of M.
In the second half of the note, the Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, written plene and defective ו, which are written in the Writings with a ה, to distinguish them from its eight occurrences, with and without prefixes, written in the Writings with a א. In the 1 Chr 6:14 reference, the name ַחגִּ יָּ הfrom the following verse (1 Chr 6:15) has been inadvertently attached to the two catchwords of verse 14.
2 SAMUEL 6:4 �הים וְ ַא ְחי֕ וֹ ה ֵֹל֖� ִל ְפ ֵנ֥י ָה ָא ֽרוֹן׃ ֑ ִ וַ יִּ ָשּׂ ֻ֗אהוּ ִמ ֵבּ֤ית ֲא ִ ֽבינָ ָד ֙ב ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ַבּגִּ ְב ֔ ָﬠה ִ ֖ﬠם ֲא ֣רוֹן ָה ֱא 6:4
וַ יִּ ָשּׂ ֻאהוּ
Four times
Num 13:23; 2 Sam 6:3; 6:4; 2 Chr 25:28 ——————————
2 SAMUEL וַ יִּ ָשּׂ ֻאהוּfour times, and their references Num 13:23 2 Sam 6:3 2 Sam 6:4 סּוּסים ִ ַﬠל ַהof Chronicles (2 Chr 25:28)
And once ()וְ יִ ָשּׂ ֻאהוּ: 2 Chr 24:11
וישאהו ̇ד וסימנהון
77 Mm
במוט בשנים מבית אבינדב מבית אבינדב על הסוסים דדברי ימים
וחד וישאהו וישיבהו
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma with an attached masc. sfx., to distinguish them from its three occurrences of this lemma with an unattached sfx. ( ̇)וַ יִּ ְשּׂאוּ אֹתו. This distinction is implied in the Mm in the additional notation of Chronicles to the 2 Chr 25:28 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 2 Kgs 14:20, where the lemma occurs as ̇וַ יִּ ְשּׂאוּ אֹתו. The Mm has an additional note that this lemma also occurs with a וcj. at 2 Chr 24:11.
The Mp heading at Num 13:23 reads five times defective ( )וand includes the four forms with a ו consec. (as here), and the one form at 2 Chr 24:11 with a וcj. However, this heading assumes that the lemma with a sfx. occurs elsewhere written plene ו, but it does not, so more precisely it should have read five times and defective.
2 SAMUEL 6:5 וּב ְמ ַנ ַֽﬠנְ ִ ֖ﬠים ִ וּב ֻת ֔ ִפּים ְ ים ֙ וּבנְ ָב ִל ִ וּב ִכנּ ֹ֤רוֹת ְ רוֹשׁים ֑ ִ הוה ְבּ ֖כֹל ֲﬠ ֵצ֣י ְב ָ֔ ְים ִל ְפ ֵנ֣י י ֙ ל־בּ֣ית יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֗אל ְמ ַ ֽשׂ ֲח ִק ֵ וְ ָדִו֣ד ׀ וְ ָכ וּֽ ְב ֶצ ְל ֶצ ִ ֽלים׃ 6:5 Twice
ל־בּית ֵ וְ ָכ ̇ב
Com.: The Mp heading here of twice is incorrect since there are twelve occurrences of this lemma. Presumably the number two ()ב ̇ was mistakenly written instead of twelve ( ;)י̇ ̇בsee Judg 16:31 and v. 15 below. Both MC and MA correctly read here twelve times. 6:5
Unique 6:5
וּב ְמנַ ַﬠנְ ִﬠים ִ ̇ל וּב ֶצ ְל ֶצ ִלים ְ ̇ל
Mp Mp
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 6:6 אחז ֔בּוֹ ִ ֥כּי ָשׁ ְמ ֖טוּ ַה ָבּ ָ ֽ קר׃ ֶ ֹ ים וַ ֣יּ ֙ �ה ִ ל־א ֤רוֹן ָ ֽה ֱא ֲ וַ יָּ ֖בֹאוּ ַﬠד־ ֹ֣גּ ֶרן נָ ֑כוֹן וַ יִּ ְשׁ ֨ ַלח ֻﬠ ָ֜זּא ֶא
6:6 Twice
ָשׁ ְמטוּ ̇ב
2 Sam 6:6; 1 Chr 13:9
Com.: The Mp heading at 1 Chr 13:9 reads twice, and its companion is in Samuel.
2 SAMUEL 6:7 �הים׃ ֽ ִ ל־ה ַ ֑שּׁל וַ יָּ ָ֣מת ָ֔שׁם ִ ֖ﬠם ֲא ֥רוֹן ָה ֱא ַ �הים ַﬠ ֖ ִ ר־אף יְ הוָ ֙ה ְבּ ֻﬠ ָ֔זּה וַ יַּ ֵ ֥כּהוּ ָ ֛שׁם ָה ֱא ֤ ַ וַ ִיּ ַֽח 6:7 Twice
�הים ִ ָשׁם ָה ֱא ̇ב
Exod 20:21; 2 Sam 6:7
—————————— �הים ִ ָשׁם ָה ֱאtwice
שם האלהים ̇ב
Exod 20:21 ל־ה ַשּׁל ַ �הים ַﬠ ִ וַ יַּ ֵכּהוּ ָשׁם ָה ֱאof Samuel (2 Sam 6:7)
Mm ומשה נגש אל הערפל אשר ויכהו שם האלהים על השל דשמואל
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of ָשׁםwith ָה ֱא� ִהים, to distinguish them from its four occurrences with �הים ִ �הים( ֱא ִ )שׁם ֱא. ָ This distinction is implied in the Mm, in the additional notation of Samuel to the 2 Sam 6:7 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel verse at 1 Chr 13:10, where the lemma occurs as �הים ִ שׁם ִל ְפנֵ י ֱא. ָ
2 SAMUEL 6:9 הוֽה׃ ָ ְאמר ֵ ֛אי� יָ ֥בוֹא ֵא ַל֖י ֲא ֥רוֹן י ֶ ֹ הו֖ה ַבּיּ֣ וֹם ַה ֑הוּא וַ ֕יּ ָ ְוַ יִּ ָ ֥רא ָדִו֛ד ֶאת־י 6:9
וַ יִּ ָרא
Twelve times 1–5 6–10 11–12
י̇ ̇ב
Gen 28:17 ( ;)וַ יִּ ָירא32:8 ( ;)וַ יִּ ָיראExod 2:14 ( ;)וַ יִּ ָירא1 Sam 12:18; ( ;)וַ יִּ ָירא18:12 1 Sam 21:13; 28:5; 28:20; 2 Sam 6:9; Jer 26:21 1 Chr 13:12 ( ;)וַ יִּ ָירא2 Chr 20:3
וַ יִּ ָיראtwelve times, and their references
Gen 28:17 ויאמר Gen 32:8 ויצר לו Exod 2:14 שמך Jer 26:21 וישמע אוריהו 1 Chr 13:12 [)דוד( ]דויד 6–10 2 Chr 20:3 יהושפט 1 Sam 18:12 מלפני דוד 1 Sam 12:18 ויקרא 1 Sam 21:13 וישם דוד
11–12 1 Sam 28:20 וימהר 2 Sam 6:9 איך יבוא אלי
וירא י̇ ̇ב וסימנהון
Com.: The Mm notes the twelve occurrences of this lemma in the qal, possibly to distinguish the defective forms (those written defective second )יfrom the more numerous occurrences (24x) in the niphal ( ;)וַ יֵּ ָראsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §30B. Seven of the Mp headings highlighted above read twelve times (Gen 32:8, Exod 2:14, 1 Sam 18:12, 28:5, 28:20, 2 Sam 6:9 and Jer 26:21). The other four highlighted headings are listed below. Gen 28:17
1 Sam 12:18
Twice. The Mp heading here of twice is inexact since there are twelve occurrences of this lemma. The note more precisely should have read twice in the book (of Genesis). Three times plene. See the note and commentary at 1 Sam 12:8.
1 Chr 13:12
Unique. The Mp heading here of unique is inexact since there are two occurrences in Chronicles. The note more precisely should have read unique plene in the book (of Chronicles).
2 Chr 20:3
Unique defective in the Writings. The other occurrence in the Writings is plene (1 Chr 13:12), see above.
2 SAMUEL 6:10 ד־א ֖דוֹם ַהגִּ ִ ֽתּי׃ ֱ ל־ﬠיר ָדִּו֑ד וַ יַּ ֵ ֣טּהוּ ָד ִ֔וד ֵ ֥בּית ע ֵ ֹֽב ֣ ִ הו֖ה ַﬠ ָ ְת־א ֥רוֹן י ֲ א־א ָ ֣בה ָד ִ֗וד ְל ָה ִ ֥סיר ֵא ָל֛יו ֶא ָ ֹ וְ ֽל 6:10
ל־ﬠיר ִ ַﬠ
Four times
2 Sam 6:10; Amos 4:7a; 4:7b (ל־ﬠיר ִ ;)וְ ַﬠDan 9:24 (ל־ﬠיר ִ )וְ ַﬠ —————————— ל־ﬠיר ִ ל־ﬠיר וְ ַﬠ ִ ַﬠfour times
)אל( ]על[ עיר ועל עיר ̇ד
א־א ָבה ָ ֹ וְ לof Samuel (2 Sam 6:10) ולא אבה דשמואל Amos 4:7a והמטרתי b Twice in it (Amos 4:7 ) ̇̇ב בו Dan 9:24 שבעים
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of ִﬠירwith וְ ַﬠל/ ַﬠל, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (11x) with the prep. ל־ﬠיר( ֶאל ִ וְ ֶא/ל־ﬠיר ִ ) ֶא. This distinction is implied in the Mm in the additional notation of Samuel to the 2 Sam 6:10 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 1 Chr 13:13, where the lemma occurs as ל־ﬠיר ִ א. ֶ
The Mp headings here and at Amos 4:7a simply read four times, but that at Dan 9:24 reads four times in various forms to account for the two forms with a וcj. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublets beginning with ;ﬠל ַ see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §87, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §156D. 6:10
וַ יַּ ֵטּהוּ
Three times
Com.: See 2 Sam 3:27.
2 SAMUEL 6:11 יתוֹ׃ ֽ ל־בּ ֵ ת־כּ ָ הו֛ה ֶאת־ע ֵ ֹ֥בד ֱא ֖ד ֹם וְ ֶא ָ ְ�שׁה ֳח ָד ִ ֑שׁים וַ יְ ָ ֧ב ֶר� י ֣ ָ הוה ֵבּ֣ית ע ֵ ֹ֥בד ֱא ֛ד ֹם ַהגִּ ִ ֖תּי ְשׁ ָ֜ ְוַ יֵּ ֶשׁב֩ ֲא ֨רוֹן י 6:11
ֲארוֹן יְ הוָ ה
Six times
Com.: The Mp heading here of six times is incorrect since there are twenty-six occurrences of this lemma; see Josh 6:7. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
2 SAMUEL 6:12 �הים וַ יֵּ ֶ֣ל� ָדּ ִ֗וד ֑ ִ ר־לוֹ ַבּ ֲﬠ ֖בוּר ֲא ֣רוֹן ָה ֱא ֔ ל־א ֶשׁ ֲ ת־כּ ָ ת־בּית ע ֵ ֹ֤בד ֱאד ֹ֙ם וְ ֶא ֵ֨ הוה ֶא ָ֗ ְמר֒ ֵבּ ַ ֣ר� י ֹ וַ יֻּ ֗ ַגּד ַל ֶ ֣מּ ֶל� ָדּוִ ֮ד ֵלא �הים ִמ ֵ֨בּית ע ֵ ֹ֥בד ֱא ֛ד ֹם ִ ֥ﬠיר ָדִּ ֖וד ְבּ ִשׂ ְמ ָ ֽחה׃ ִ֜ ת־א ֨רוֹן ָה ֱא ֲ וַ יַּ ַﬠ ֩ל ֶא 6:12
וַ יֻּ גַּ ד
Twenty-four times
̇כ ̇ד
Com.: See Josh 10:17. 6:12
�ֵבּ ַר
Twelve times 1–5 6–10 11–12
י̇ ̇ב
Gen 24:1; 24:35; 28:6; 49:28; Exod 20:11 Deut 33:1; 2 Sam 6:12; 1 Kgs 21:13; Isa 61:9; Ps 147:13 Job 42:12; 2 Chr 31:10
Com.: The Masorah notes the twelve occurrences of this lemma as a piel perf., to distinguish them from its eleven occurrences as a piel infin. (�)בּ ֵר. ָ
2 SAMUEL 6:13 וּמ ִ ֽריא׃ ְ הו֖ה ִשׁ ָ ֣שּׁה ְצ ָﬠ ִ ֑דים וַ יִּ זְ ַ ֥בּח ֖שׁוֹר ָ ְוַ יְ ִ֗הי ִ ֧כּי ָצ ֲﬠ ֛דוּ נ ְֹשׂ ֵ ֥אי ֲארוֹן־י 6:13
נ ְֹשׂ ֵאי
Thirty times
1–5 6–10
Num 10:17; 10:21; Deut 31:25; Josh 3:8; 3:13 Josh 3:14; 3:15a; 3:15b; 3:17; 4:9
82 11–15 16–20 21–25 26
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML Josh 4:10; 4:16; 4:18; 8:33; Judg 3:18 2 Sam 6:13; 8:2; 8:6 (;)נוֹשׂ ֵאי ְ 18:15; Isa 52:11 1 Chr 5:18; 12:25; 15:26; 18:2; 18:6 2 Chr 14:7
Com.: The Mp heading here of thirty times is incorrect since there are only twenty-six occurrences of this lemma. The error is a graphic one writing יten for וsix ( כיthirty for כוtwentysix).
The Masorah notes the twenty-six occurrences of the pl. נ ְֹשׂ ֵאי, to distinguish them from occurrences (33x) of the sg. נ ֵֹשׂא.
The Mp heading at 2 Sam 8:6 reads unique plene taking into account its particular form נוֹשׂ ֵאי, ְ which is the only one of the twenty-six occurrences written plene ו.
The Mp headings at 2 Sam 18:15, 1 Chr 5:18, 15:26, 18:2 and 18:6 all read twenty-six times, and the one at 1 Chr 15:26 correctly adds six of them in the book (of Chronicles).
Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here. 6:13
ֲארוֹן יְ הוָ ה
Thirty times
Com.: The Mp heading here of thirty times is incorrect since there are twenty-six occurrences of this lemma; see Josh 6:7. The error is probably a scribal one of writing יten for וsix (so כי thirty for כוtwenty-six). Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here. In ML this lemma has no circellus.
2 SAMUEL 6:15 שׁוֹפר׃ ֽ ָ וּב ֥קוֹל ְ רוּﬠה ֖ ָ הו֑ה ִבּ ְת ָ ְת־א ֣רוֹן י ֲ ל־בּ֣ית יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ַמ ֲﬠ ִ ֖לים ֶא ֵ וְ ָדוִ ֙ד וְ ָכ 6:15
ל־בּית ֵ וְ ָכ
Twelve times
See Judg 16:31.
י̇ ̇ב
2 SAMUEL 6:16 וּמ ַכ ְר ֵכּ ֙ר ְ ת־ה ֶ ֤מּ ֶל� ָדּוִ ֙ד ְמ ַפ ֵזּ֤ז ַ ת־שׁ ֜אוּל נִ ְשׁ ְק ָ ֣פה ׀ ְבּ ַ ֣ﬠד ַה ַח ֗לּוֹן וַ ֵ֨תּ ֶרא ֶא ָ יכל ַבּ ַ֨ וּמ ִ הוה ָ ֖בּא ִ ֣ﬠיר ָדִּו֑ד ָ֔ ְוְ ָהיָ ֙ה ֲא ֣רוֹן י הוה וַ ִ ֥תּ ֶבז ל֖ וֹ ְבּ ִל ָ ֽבּהּ׃ ָ֔ ְִל ְפ ֵנ֣י י 6:16
וְ ָהיָ ה ֲארוֹן יְ הוָ ה
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ֲארוֹן יְ הוָ הwith וְ ָהיָ ה, to distinguish it from its occurrence with יהי ִ ַיהי ֲארוֹן יְ הוָ ה( ו ִ ַ )וat 1 Sam 6:1. 6:16
ֲארוֹן יְ הוָ ה
Twenty-six times
Com.: See Josh 6:7. 6:16
נִ ְשׁ ְק ָפה
Four times
Judg 5:28; 2 Sam 6:16; Jer 6:1; 1 Chr 15:29
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma (a fem.), to distinguish them from its sole occurrence in the masc. ( )נִ ְשׁ ָקףat Ps 85:12. 6:16
ְמ ַפזֵּ ז
Unique 6:16
̇ל וּמ ַכ ְר ֵכּר ְ
וַ ִתּ ֶבז
2 Sam 6:16; 1 Chr 15:29
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 6:17 הו֖ה ָ ְא ֶהל ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר נָ ָטה־ל֖ וֹ ָדִּו֑ד וַ ַ֨יּ ַﬠל ָדִּ ֥וד עֹל֛ וֹת ִל ְפ ֵנ֥י י ֹ ֔ קוֹמוֹ ְבּ ֣תוֹ� ָה ֔ ֹתוֹ ִבּ ְמ ֙ הוה וַ יַּ ִ ֤צּגוּ א ָ֗ ְת־א ֣רוֹן י ֲ וַ יָּ ִ֜באוּ ֶא וּשׁ ָל ִ ֽמים׃ ְ
וַ יַּ ִצּגוּ
Unique defective
חס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written defective י, to distinguish it from its two occurrences written plene )וַ יַּ ִצּיגוּ( יat 1 Sam 5:2 and 1 Chr 16:1.
2 SAMUEL 6:18 הו֥ה ְצ ָב ֽאוֹת׃ ָ ְת־ה ֔ ָﬠם ְבּ ֵ ֖שׁם י ָ עוֹלה וְ ַה ְשּׁ ָל ִ ֑מים וַ יְ ָ ֣ב ֶר� ֶא ֖ ָ וַ יְ ַכ֣ל ָדּ ִ֔וד ֵמ ַה ֲﬠל֥ וֹת ָה 6:18
עוֹלה ָ ָה
Three times plene in the book
בסיפ ̇ מל ̇ ̇ג
1 Sam 7:9 (;)עוֹלה ָ 7:10; 2 Sam 6:18
עוֹלה ָ ָהthree times plene in the book, and their references 1 Sam 7:9 1 Sam 7:10 2 Sam 6:18
בסיפ וסימנהון ̇ מל ̇ העולה ̇ג
ויקח שמואל מעלה ויכל דוד
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in the book written plene ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (6x) in the book written in various forms defective ( וe.g., )ע ָֹלה.
2 SAMUEL 6:19 ישׁה ֖ ָ ה ְל ִ֗אישׁ ַח ַ ֥לּת ֨ ֶל ֶח ֙ם ַא ַ֔חת וְ ֶא ְשׁ ָ ֣פּר ֶא ָ֔חד וַ ֲא ִשׁ ֒ ד־א ָשּׁ ִ ל־ה ֣מוֹן יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵא ֮ל ְל ֵמ ִ ֣אישׁ וְ ַﬠ ֲ ל־ה ֜ ָﬠם ְל ָכ ָ וַ יְ ַח ֨ ֵלּק ְל ָכ יתוֹ׃ ֽ ל־ה ָ ֖ﬠם ִ ֥אישׁ ְל ֵב ָ ֶא ָ ֑חת וַ יֵּ ֶ֥ל� ָכּ 6:19
ְל ָכל1
Six verses containing the sequence ְל ָכל...ְל ָכל
ו̇ פסוק לכל לכל
1–5 2 Sam 6:19; 1 Kgs 8:38; Ps 145:14, 145:18, Qoh 4:16 6 2 Chr 11:23
Com.: This is the traditional number and listing for this lemma as enumerated in the Masoretic treatise of Ochlah weOchlah; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §302.
But there are many more verses that meet this criterion having the sequence ְל ָכל...( ְל ָכלsee, for example, Num 15:26, Ezek 16:33, Ps 103:3, etc.); see also Dotan and Reich, Masora Thesaurus, sub ל ָכל.ְ In ML the circellus has been placed not on ל ָכל,ְ but on the first word in the verse וַ יְ ַח ֵלּק. 6:19
ישׁה ָ וַ ֲא ִשׁ
2 Sam 6:19; 1 Chr 16:3
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles.
2 SAMUEL 6:20 אמר ַמה־נִּ ְכ ַ֨בּד ַהיּ֜ וֹם ֶ ֣מ ֶל� יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֗אל ֲא ֶ֨שׁר ֶ ֹ ת־שׁאוּל֙ ִל ְק ַ ֣ראת ָדּ ִ֔וד וַ ֗תּ ָ יתוֹ וַ ֵתּ ֵ֞צא ִמ ַיכ֤ל ַבּ ֑ ת־בּ ֵ וַ יָּ ָ֥שׁב ָדִּ ֖וד ְל ָב ֵ ֣ר� ֶא יּוֹם ְל ֵﬠ ֨ ֵיני ַא ְמ ֣הוֹת ֲﬠ ָב ָ ֔דיו ְכּ ִהגָּ ל֥ וֹת נִ גְ ל֖ וֹת ַא ַ ֥חד ָה ֵר ִ ֽ קים׃ ֙ נִ גְ ָל֤ה ַה 6:20
�ְל ָב ֵר
Nine times
Com.: See Josh 8:33. 6:20
נִּ ְכ ַבּד
2 Sam 6:20; 13:25
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a paṯaḥ under the ב, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (7x) with a qameṣ ()נִ ְכ ָבּד. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublets that have a paṯaḥ; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §24, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §25.
86 6:20
Twice plene
מל ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 6:20; 6:22 ()ה ֲא ָמהוֹת ָ
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in various forms written plene ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (7x) in various forms written defective ( וe.g., יהם ֶ אַמה ֵֹת ְ ְו/) ָה ֲא ָמהֹת. 6:20
Unique 6:20
נִ גְ לוֹת ̇ל
ָה ֵר ִקים
Three times written like this
כת כן ̇ ̇ג
2 Sam 6:20; 2 Kgs 4:3 (;)ר ִקים ֵ 2 Chr 13:7 (ֵ)ר ִקים
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma written defective first י, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (5x) written plene first יקים( י ִ )ר. ֵ ML, contrary to M, has two more occurrences of this lemma written defective first יat Judg 7:16 and Ps 28:19; see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 59 and 286.
2 SAMUEL 6:21 הו֖ה ַﬠל־ ָ ְל־ﬠם י ֥ ַ יתוֹ ְל ַצ ֹ֨וּת א ִ ֹ֥תי נָ ִג֛יד ַﬠ ֔ ל־בּ ֵ וּמ ָכּ ִ �ר־בּי ֵ ֽמ ָא ִב ֙י ֤ ִ הוה ֲא ֶ֨שׁר ָ ֽבּ ַח ָ֗ ְיכל ֒ ִל ְפ ֵנ֣י י ַ ל־מ ִ אמר ָדּוִ ֮ד ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ הוה׃ ֽ ָ ְיִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל וְ ִשׂ ַח ְק ִ ֖תּי ִל ְפ ֵנ֥י י 6:21
Nineteen verses in which there is the sequence ַﬠל... ַﬠל...ֶאל Com.: See 1 Sam 15:1. 6:21
וְ ִשׂ ַח ְק ִתּי ̇ל
פסוק אל על על ̇ י̇ ̇ט
2 SAMUEL 6:22 הוֹת ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ָא ַ֔מ ְר ְתּ ִﬠ ָ ֖מּם ִא ָכּ ֵ ֽב ָדה׃ ֙ ם־ה ֲא ָמ ֽ ָ ֥יתי ָשׁ ָ ֖פל ְבּ ֵﬠ ָינ֑י וְ ִﬠ ִ ִעוֹד ִמ ֔זּ ֹאת וְ ָהי ֙ וּנְ ַק�֤ ִתי 6:22
�תי ִ וּנְ ַק
Unique and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו. 6:22
ָה ֲא ָמהוֹת
ָא ַמ ְר ְתּ
Com.: See directly above at 2 Sam 6:20.
Seven times
1–5 Judg 17:2; 2 Sam 6:22; Isa 47:10; 57:10; Jer 22:21 6–7 Ezek 27:3; Ps 16:2
—————————— ָא ַמ ְר ְתּseven times
1–5 Judg 17:2 2 Sam 6:22 Isa 47:10 Isa 57:10 Ezek 27:3 6–7 Jer 22:21 Ps 16:2
̇אמרת ז
ואת אלית וגם ועם האמהות ותבטחי ברעתך ברב דרכך יגעת )צר( ]צור[ את אמרת דברתי אליך בשלותיך [אמרת )לאדני יהוה( ]ליהוה אדני
And three times וְ ָא ַמ ְר ְתּ Judg 4:20 1 Kgs 1:13 Isa 49:21
ותלת ואמרת
אליה עמד פתח לכי ובאי בלבבך מי ילד לי
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma with a šəwâ under the ( ת2nd pers. fem.), to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (19x) with a qameṣ (א ַמ ְר ָתּ, ָ 2nd pers. masc.). The Mp note here is barely visible in the ms. The Mp heading at Ps 16:2 reads unique as a masc. 6:22
ִא ָכּ ֵב ָדה
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the cohortative ה, to distinguish it from its occurrence without this cohortative ()א ָכּ ֵבד ֶ at Lev 10:3.
2 SAMUEL 6:23 מוֹתהּ׃ פ ֽ ָ א־היָ ה ָ ֖להּ ָי ֶ֑לד ַ ֖ﬠד י֥ וֹם ֥ ָ ֹ ת־שׁ ֔אוּל ֽל ָ יכל֙ ַבּ ַ וּל ִמ ְ 6:23
יכל ַ וּל ִמ ְ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the prep. ל, to distinguish it from its three occurrences without this prep. (יכל ַ )וּמ, ִ one of which is in v. 16. 6:23
מוֹתהּ ָ
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list on words that occur once with a ḥolem (here), and once with a šûreq (1 Sam 4:20); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §55, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §56.
2 SAMUEL 7:1 יהו֛ה ֵה ִ ֽנ ַי�־ל֥ וֹ ִמ ָסּ ִ ֖ביב ִמ ָכּל־אֹיְ ָ ֽביו׃ ָ ַיתוֹ ו ֑ וַ יְ ִ֕הי ִכּי־יָ ַ ֥שׁב ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ְבּ ֵב 7:1
יָ ַשׁב
Fifteen times
Com.: See 1 Sam 27:7.
In ML this lemma has no circellus.
2 SAMUEL 7:5 ה־לּי ַ ֖ביִ ת ְל ִשׁ ְב ִ ֽתּי׃ ֥ ִ ֶהו֑ה ַה ַא ָ ֛תּה ִתּ ְבנ ָ ְל־דּ ִ֔וד ֖כֹּה ָא ַ ֣מר י ָ ל־ﬠ ְב ִ ֣דּי ֶא ַ ֵל֤� וְ ָ ֽא ַמ ְר ָ֙תּ ֶא 7:5
ֵל� וְ ָא ַמ ְר ָתּ
Three times
2 Sam 7:5; Isa 6:9; 1 Chr 17:4
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of � ֵלwith וְ ָא ַמ ְר ָתּ, to distinguish them from its sole occurrence with )ל� וְ ִד ַבּ ְר ָתּ( וְ ִד ַבּ ְר ָתּ ֵ at 1 Chr 21:10. 7:5
ַביִ ת ְל ִשׁ ְב ִתּי
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the phrase ַה ַבּיִ ת ָל ָשׁ ֶבתin the parallel passage at 1 Chr 17:4.
2 SAMUEL 7:6 א ֶהל ֹ ֖ ת־בּ ֵנ֤י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל֙ ִמ ִמּ ְצ ַ ֔ריִ ם וְ ַ ֖ﬠד ַהיּ֣ וֹם ַה ֶזּ֑ה וָ ֶ ֽא ְהיֶ ֙ה ִמ ְת ַה ֔ ֵלּ� ְבּ ְ �תי ֶא ִ֞ תּי ְבּ ַ֔ביִ ת ֠ ְל ִמיּוֹם ַה ֲﬠ ֙ ִ ִ ֣כּי ֤ל ֹא יָ ַ֨שׁ ְב וּב ִמ ְשׁ ָ ֽכּן׃ ְ 7:6
ְבּ ַביִ ת
Six times
1–5 Exod 12:46; 2 Sam 7:6; 1 Kgs 3:17; Isa 5:8; Amos 6:9 6 1 Chr 17:5
Com.: The Masorah notes the six occurrences of this lemma with the indef. prep. בּ,ְ to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (45x) with the def. prep. ;)בּ ַבּיִ ת( ַבּ ַ see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §248. 7:6
ְל ִמיּוֹם
Three times
Judg 19:30; 2 Sam 7:6; Isa 7:17 ——————————
ְל ִמיּוֹםthree times, and their references
2 Sam 7:6 Isa 7:17 Judg 19:30
למיום ̇ג וסימנהון
למיום )העלותי( ]העלתי[ את בני למיום סור אפרים למיום עלות בני ישראל
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma, to distinguish them from the more numerous occurrences (11x) of its parallel form מן ַהיּוֹם. ִ
This distinction is implied in the Mm of Judg 19:30 in the additional notation of Samuel to the 2 Sam 7:6 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 1 Chr 17:5, where the lemma occurs as מן ַהיּוֹם. ִ 7:6
וְ ַﬠד ַהיּוֹם ַהזֶּ ה
Three times
1 Sam 8:8; 2 Sam 7:6; 2 Kgs 21:15
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (76x) without a cj.; see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §280, no. 77. This enumeration does not include the five occurrences of this lemma in the book of Jeremiah.
In ML (and MA) only one circellus has been placed over וְ ַﬠד ַהיּוֹם, which also, apart from Jeremiah, occurs only three times. At 2 Kgs 21:15 there are two circelli for the full phrase וְ ַﬠד ַהיּוֹם ַהזֶּ הso the note could conceivably be on either phrase. MC has no note here. 7:6
וּב ִמ ְשׁ ָכּן ְ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the prep. ב, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of this lemma with the prep. )וּמ ִמּ ְשׁ ָכּן( מ ִ in the parallel passage of 1 Chr 17:5.
2 SAMUEL 7:7 יתי ִל ְר ֛ﬠוֹת ֶאת־ ִ שׁר ִצ ִ ֗וּ ֣ ֶ ת־א ַח ֙ד ִשׁ ְב ֵ ֣טי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ֲא ַ ל־בּ ֵנ֣י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ֒ ֲה ָד ָ ֣בר ִדּ ַ֗בּ ְר ִתּי ֶא ְ ר־ה ְת ַה ַלּ ְכ ִתּ֮י ְבּ ָכ ִ ְבּ ֥כֹל ֲא ֶ ֽשׁ יתם ִ ֖לי ֵ ֥בּית ֲא ָר ִ ֽזים׃ ֥ ֶ ִא־בנ ְ ֹ מר ָל ָ֛מּה ֽל ֹ ֑ ַﬠ ִ ֥מּי ֶאת־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל ֵלא 7:7
ֲה ָד ָבר
2 Sam 7:7; 1 Chr 17:6
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in these parallel passages with the interrog. ה, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (200+) with the def. article ()ה ָדּ ָבר. ַ
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublets with an initial ַהor ֲ;הsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §64, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §65. 7:7
ת־ﬠ ִמּי ֶאת־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ַ ֶא
Six times
Com.: See 2 Sam 5:2.
In ML only one circellus has been placed on ת־ﬠ ִמּי ַ ֶאbut, since this phrase occurs more than six times, it is most likely that, as MA reads, the note belongs with the longer phrase ת־ﬠ ִמּי ַ ֶא את־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל, ֶ which only occurs six times. MC has no note here.
2 SAMUEL 7:8 ן־הנָּ ֶ֔וה ֵמ ַא ַ ֖חר ַה ֑צּ ֹאן ִ ֽל ְהי֣ וֹת נָ ֔ ִגיד ַ הו֣ה ְצ ָב ֔אוֹת ֲא ִנ֤י ְל ַק ְח ִ֨תּ ֙י� ִמ ָ ְֹאמר ְל ַﬠ ְב ִ ֣דּי ְל ָד ִ֗וד ֤כֹּה ָא ַמ ֙ר י ַ֞ ְו ַ֠ﬠ ָתּה ֽכֹּה־ת ל־ﬠ ִ ֖מּי ַﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ ַ ַﬠ 7:8 Unique
כֹּה ָא ַמר יְ הוָ ה ְצ ָבאוֹת ̇ל
Com.: The Mp heading here of unique is incorrect since there are thirty-six occurrences of this lemma; see 1 Sam 15:2. Apparently another numeral should have been written after the ל,̇ perhaps a ̇)לו̇ ( ו. ̇
Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
In ML no circellus has been placed on כֹּה ָא ַמר, but it is more likely that כֹּהbelongs with the note since the phrase ָא ַמר יְ הוָ ה ְצ ָבאוֹתoccurs more than 100 times.
אַחר ַהצֹּאן ַ ֵמ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the attached prep. מ, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of this lemma with the unattached prep. ן־אַח ֵרי ( ִמן ֲ ִמ )הצֹּאן ַ in the parallel passage of 1 Chr 17:7. 7:8
ל־ﬠ ִמּי ַﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ַ ַﬠ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a second ﬠל, ַ to distinguish it from the more numerous occurrences (11x) of this lemma without this second ַﬠל ַﬠ ִמּי ( ַﬠל )יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל, one of which occurs in v. 11 of this chapter.
In ML there are only two circelli on this four-word phrase: one on ל־ﬠ ִמּי ַ ﬠ, ַ and one on ﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל. ַ With four- or five-word phrases it is not unusual for only two circelli to be given; see Josh 1:6 and passim.
2 SAMUEL 7:9 ת־כּל־אֹיְ ֶ ֖בי� ִמ ָפּ ֶנ֑י� וְ ָﬠ ִ ֤שׂ ִ ֽתי ְל ֙� ֵ ֣שׁם גָּ ֔דוֹל ְכּ ֵ ֥שׁם ַהגְּ ד ִ ֹ֖לים ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ָ וָ ֶא ְה ֶי֣ה ִﬠ ְמּ ֗� ְבּכֹל֙ ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ָה ֔ ַל ְכ ָתּ וָ ַא ְכ ִ ֥ר ָתה ֶא ָבּ ָ ֽא ֶרץ׃ 7:9
אַכ ִר ָתה ְ ָו
Unique and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written defective י, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene י. 7:9
ְכּ ֵשׁם
Four times
Com.: See Josh 19:47.
2 SAMUEL 7:10 נּוֹתוֹ ַכּ ֲא ֶ ֖שׁר ֔ ֽי־ﬠוְ ָל ֙ה ְל ַﬠ ַ וְ ַשׂ ְמ ִ ֣תּי ֠ ָמקוֹם ְל ַﬠ ִ֨מּי ְליִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֤אל וּנְ ַט ְﬠ ִתּ ֙יו וְ ָשׁ ַכ֣ן ַתּ ְח ָ֔תּיו וְ ֥ל ֹא יִ ְר ַגּ֖ז ֑ﬠוֹד וְ ֽל ֹא־י ִ ֹ֤סיפוּ ְב ֵנ אשׁוֹנֽה׃ ָ ָבּ ִר 7:10
ְל ַﬠ ִמּי ְליִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ְל ַﬠ ִמּיwith ליִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל,ְ to distinguish it from its two occurrences with )ל ַﬠ ִמּי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל( יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ְ at Ezek 36:8 and in the parallel text of 1 Chr 17:9 7:10
י ִֹסיפוּ
Nine times
1–5 Deut 13:12 (;)יוֹספוּ ִ 19:20 ( ;)י ִֹספוּ2 Sam 7:10; 1 Kgs 20:10 (;)יוֹספוּ ִ Jer 31:11 ()יוֹסיפוּ ִ 6–9 Hos 13:2 (;)יוֹספוּ ִ Prov 3:2 (;)יוֹסיפוּ ִ Lam 4:15(;*)יוֹספוּ ִ 1 Chr 17:9 ()יוֹסיפוּ ִ
Com.: The Masorah notes the nine occurrences of this lemma, written plene and defective first ו, and plene and defective second י.
* ML, contrary to M ()יוֹספוּ, ִ writes the form at Lam 4:15 both plene first וand plene second י (;)יוֹסיפוּ ִ see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 315. Notes on the highlighted Mp headings. 2 Sam 7:10; 1 Chr 17:9
Nine times. Includes all the above forms.
Jer 31:11; Prov 3:2 ()יוֹסיפוּ ִ
Three times plene. Includes these two occurrences and 1 Chr 17:9.
1 Kgs 20:10; Hos 13:2 ()יוֹספוּ ִ
ְל ַﬠנֹּתוֹ
Three times
Com.: See Judg 16:5. 7:10
ָבּ ִראשׁוֹנָ ה
Twenty-two times
̇כ ̇ב
Four times written this way. Includes these two forms and Deut 13:12 and Lam 4:15.
94 1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 21–22
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML Gen 13:4; Num 10:13; 10:14; Deut 13:10; 17:7 Josh 8:5; 8:6; 8:33; 2 Sam 7:10; 20:18 1 Kgs 17:13; 20:9; 20:17; Isa 52:4; 60:9 Jer 7:12; Zech 12:7; Prov 20:21; Neh 7:5; 1 Chr 11:6a 1 Chr 11:6b; 17:9
—————————— ָב ִראשׁ ֹנָ הtwenty-two times
בראשונה ̇כ ̇ב
Gen 13:4 Num 10:13 Num 10:14 Deut 13:10 Deut 17:7 Josh 8:5 Josh 8:6 Josh 8:33 וְ ַשׂ ְמ ִתּי ָמקוֹם ְל ַﬠ ִמּי ְליִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאלof Samuel (2 Sam 7:10) 2 Sam 20:18 1 Kgs 17:13 1 Kgs 20:9 1 Kgs 20:17 Isa 52:4 Isa 60:9 Jer 7:12 Zech 12:7 1 Chr 11:6a Twice in the verse (1 Chr 11:6b) וְ ַשׂ ְמ ִתּי ָמקוֹם ְל ַﬠ ִמּיof Chronicles (1 Chr 17:9) Prov 20:21 Neh 7:5
אל מקום המזבח ויסעו ויסע דגל כי הרג תהרגנו יד העדים ואני וכל העם ויצאו אחרינו וכל ישראל ושמתי מקום לעמי )ישראל( ]לישראל[ דשמואל דבר ידברו אליה אליהו ויאמר למלאכי ויצאו נערי מצרים ירד כי לי איים יקוו כי לכו נא אל מקומי והושיע יהוה את אהלי יהודה כל מכה יבוסי שנים בפסוקה ושמתי מקום לעמי דדברי הימים מבחלת ויתן אלהי
Com.: The Masorah notes the twenty-two occurrences of this lemma written plene and defective וwith the prep. ב, to distinguish them from its nine occurrences without this preposition. The additional notations in the Mm at 2 Sam 7:10 and 1 Chr 17:9 are simply to distinguish the two parallel passages that are both mentioned in this list.
Four of the highlighted Mp headings (Deut 13:10, Jer 7:12, 1 Chr 11:6a, and 17:9) and the Mm headings at Deut 13:10 and Jer 7:12 read eight times plene noting the eight references (with 2 Sam 7:10, Prov 20:21, Neh 7:5 and 1 Chr 11:6b) that occur with plene )בּ ִראשׁוֹנָ ה( ו. ָ All the other highlighted headings read twenty-two times.
2 SAMUEL 7:11 י־ביִ ת יַ ֲﬠ ֶשׂה־ ֖ ַ הוה ִכּ ָ֔ ְל־ﬠ ִ ֣מּי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל וַ ֲהנִ י ֥חֹ ִתי ְל�֖ ִמ ָכּל־אֹיְ ֶ ֑בי� וְ ִה ִגּ֤יד ְל ֙� י ַ ים ַﬠ ֙ ֤יתי ֽשׁ ֹ ְפ ִט ִ ן־היּ֗ וֹם ֲא ֶ֨שׁר ִצִוּ ַ וּל ִמ ְ הוֽה׃ ָ ְְלּ�֥ י 7:11
ן־היּוֹם ַ וּל ִמ ְ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (7x) without a cj. 7:11
�וְ ִהגִּ יד ְל
Three times
Gen 3:11 (�;)הגִּ יד ְל ִ 2 Sam 7:11; Mic 6:8 (�)הגִּ יד ְל ִ
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma, twice with a וcj. (Gen 3:11 and Mic 6:8), and once without (here). The Mp heading at Mic 6:8 reads twice enumerating the two occurrences of this lemma without a וcj at Gen 3:11 and Mic 6:8.
2 SAMUEL 7:12 ת־אב ֶֹ֔תי� וַ ֲה ִקימ ִ ֹ֤תי ֶ ֽאת־זַ ְר ֲﬠ ֙� ַא ֲח ֶ ֔רי� ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר יֵ ֵצ֖א ִמ ֵמּ ֶﬠ֑י� וַ ֲה ִכינ ִ ֹ֖תי ֶאת־ ֲ ִ ֣כּי ׀ יִ ְמ ְל ֣אוּ יָ ֶ֗מי� וְ ָ ֽשׁ ַכ ְב ָ֙תּ ֶא ַמ ְמ ַל ְכ ֽתּוֹ׃ 7:12 Unique
�ת־אב ֶֹתי ֲ וְ ָשׁ ַכ ְב ָתּ ֶא ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the phrase �ם־אב ֶֹתי ֲ ָל ֶל ֶכת ִﬠin the parallel passage of 1 Chr 17:11. 7:12
וַ ֲה ִקימ ִֹתי
Six times written like this Com.: See 1 Sam 2:35.
כת כן ̇ ̇ו
ת־מ ְמ ַל ְכתּוֹ ַ ֶא
Com.: The Mp heading here of twice is incorrect since this is the only occurrence of this lemma. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
2 SAMUEL 7:14 וּבנִ גְ ֵ ֖ﬠי ְבּ ֵנ֥י ָא ָ ֽדם׃ ְ שׁ ֶבט ֲאנָ ִ֔שׁים ֣ ֵ וֹתוֹ וְ ֽהֹ ַכ ְח ִתּ ֙יו ְבּ ֔ ה־לּי ְל ֵ ֑בן ֲא ֶשׁ ֙ר ְבּ ַ ֣ה ֲﬠ ֣ ִ ֲֶאנִ ֙י ֶא ְהיֶ ה־לּ֣ וֹ ְל ָ֔אב וְ ֖הוּא יִ ְהי 7:14 Unique 7:14
Unique 7:14
Six times
ְבּ ַה ֲﬠוֹתוֹ ̇ל וְ ה ַֹכ ְח ִתּיו ̇ל ְבּ ֵשׁ ֶבט ̇ו
Mp Mp Mp
Com.: See Judg 5:14.
2 SAMUEL 7:15 תי ֵמ ִ ֣ﬠם ָשׁ ֔אוּל ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ֲה ִס ֖רֹ ִתי ִמ ְלּ ָפ ֶנֽי�׃ ֙ ִ ֹוְ ַח ְס ִ ֖דּי לֹא־יָ ֣סוּר ִמ ֶ ֑מּנּוּ ַכּ ֲא ֶ ֤שׁר ֲה ִס ֨ר 7:15 Ten times
�ִמ ְלּ ָפנֶ י ̇י
1–5 Exod 23:28; Deut 9:4; 28:31; 31:3; 2 Sam 7:15 6–10 Jer 18:23; Ps 17:2; 51:13; Neh 3:37; 1 Chr 29:12
Com.: The Masorah notes the ten occurrences of this lemma, to distinguish them from the more numerous occurrences (29x) of the parallel lemma �מ ָפּנֶ י. ִ
2 SAMUEL 7:17 ל־דִּ ֽוד׃ ס ָ וּכ ֖כֹל ַה ִחזָּ י֣ וֹן ַה ֶזּ֑ה ֵכּ֛ן ִדּ ֶ ֥בּר נָ ָ ֖תן ֶא ְ ְכּכֹל֙ ַה ְדּ ָב ִ ֣רים ָה ֵ֔א ֶלּה 7:17
וּככֹל ְ
Five times
1–5 Num 9:3; 2 Sam 7:17; Jer 42:20; 1 Chr 17:15; 29:2
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma with the prep. כ, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) with the prep. ;)וּבכֹל( ב ְ see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §250. 7:17
ַה ִחזָּ יוֹן
Three times
2 Sam 7:17; Isa 22:1 (;)חזָּ יוֹן ִ 22:5 ()חזָּ יוֹן ִ
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma, twice without the def. article (Isa 22:1 and 22:5), and once with the def. article (here).
2 SAMUEL 7:18 ד־ה ֽ�ם׃ ֲ יתי ִ ֥כּי ֲה ִביא ַ ֹ֖תנִ י ַﬠ ִ֔ וּמי ֵב ֣ ִ אמר ִ ֣מי ָאנ ִֹ֞כי ֲאד ָֹנ֤י יְ הוִ ֙ה ֶ ֹ הו֑ה וַ ֗יּ ָ ְוַ יָּ ב ֹ ֙א ַה ֶ ֣מּ ֶל� ָדּ ִ֔וד וַ ֵיּ ֶ֖שׁב ִל ְפ ֵנ֣י י 7:18
ִמי ָאנ ִֹכי
Three times
Com.: See 1 Sam 18:18.
In ML only one circellus has been placed between these two words, which are also part of the next lemma. 7:18
ִמי ָאנ ִֹכי ֲאד ֹנָ י יְ הוִ ה ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of the phrase �הים ִ י־אנִ י יְ הוָ ה ֱא ֲ ִמin the parallel passage of 1 Chr 17:16.
ֲה ִביא ַֹתנִ י
2 Sam 7:18; 1 Chr 17:16
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublets with an initial ַהor ֲ;הsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §64, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §65. In ML the Mp heading at 1 Chr 17:16 mistakenly reads eleven times.
2 SAMUEL 7:19 הוה׃ ֽ ִ ְתּוֹרת ָה ָא ָ ֖דם ֲאד ָֹנ֥י י ֥ ַ ית־ﬠ ְב ְדּ�֖ ְל ֵ ֽמ ָר ֑חוֹק וְ ֛ז ֹאת ַ ל־בּ ֽ ֵ הוה וַ ְתּ ַד ֵבּ֛ר ַגּ֥ם ֶא ִ֔ ְוַ ִתּ ְק ַטן֩ ֨עוֹד ֤ז ֹאת ְבּ ֵﬠ ֨ ֶינ ֙י� ֲאד ָֹנ֣י י 7:19
וַ ִתּ ְק ַטן
2 Sam 7:19; 1 Chr 17:17
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. 7:19
ְל ֵמ ָרחוֹק
Eight times
1–5 2 Sam 7:19; 2 Kgs 19:25; Isa 37:26; Job 36:3; 39:29 6–8 Ezra 3:13; 1 Chr 17:17; 2 Chr 26:15
Com.: The Masorah notes the eight occurrences of this lemma with the prep. ל, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (21x) without this preposition. 7:19
וְ זֹאת
Twenty-five times
1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20
̇כ ̇ה
Gen 49:28; Exod 25:3; Lev 6:7; 7:1; 7:11 Lev 15:3; Num 4:19; 4:31; 6:13; Deut 4:44 Deut 6:1; 33:1; 33:7; 2 Sam 7:19; 1 Kgs 3:22 1 Kgs 3:23; 3:26; Isa 14:26; 28:12; Jer 44:29
2 SAMUEL 21–25
Zech 5:7; 14:12; Mal 2:13; Ruth 4:7a; 4:7b
Com.: The Masorah notes the twenty-five occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (200+) without a cj.
Apart from its heading here of twenty-five times, the other thirteen Mp headings highlighted above read sixteen times at the beginning of a verse. The three remaining occurrences (not highlighted) at the beginning of a verse are Deut 4:44, 6:1 and 33:1.
2 SAMUEL 7:21 ת־ﬠ ְב ֶ ֽדּ�׃ ַ הוֹד ַי� ֶא ֖ ִ דוּלּ֖ה ַה ֑זּ ֹאת ְל ָ ְל־הגּ ַ ית ֵ ֥את ָכּ ָ ַבּ ֲﬠ ֤בוּר ְדּ ָ ֽב ְר ֙� וּֽ ְכ ִל ְבּ ֔� ָﬠ ִ֕שׂ 7:21
�וּכ ִל ְבּ ְ
2 Sam 7:21; 1 Chr 17:19
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles.
דוּלּה ָ ְַהגּ
Four times, three plene, and one defective
חס ̇ מל וחד ̇ ̇ד ̇ג
2 Sam 7:21; 7:23; 1 Chr 17:19; 29:11 ()הגְּ ֻד ָלּה ַ
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma, three written plene ו, and one written defective ו.
2 SAMUEL 7:22 ר־שׁ ַ ֖מ ְﬠנוּ ְבּ ָאזְ ֵנֽינוּ׃ ָ וּל ֶ֔ת� ְבּ ֥כֹל ֲא ֶשׁ ָ ֽים ז ֙ �ה ִ י־אין ָכּ ֗מוֹ� וְ ֵ ֤אין ֱא ֣ ֵ הו֑ה ִ ֽכּ ִ ְל־כּן גָּ ַ ֖ד ְל ָתּ ֲאד ָֹנ֣י י ֥ ֵ ַﬠ 7:22
�הים ִ וְ ֵאין ֱא
Three times
Deut 32:39; 2 Sam 7:22; 1 Chr 17:20
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (9x) without a cj.
100 7:22
Six times
1–5 2 Sam 7:22; 18:12; Jer 36:15; Ps 44:2; Job 28:22 6 1 Chr 17:20
Com.: The Masorah notes the six occurrences of this lemma with the 1st pl. sfx., possibly to distinguish them from from its more numerous occurrences (12x) with the 1st sg. sfx. ()בּ ָאזְ נַ י. ְ
2 SAMUEL 7:23 וֹת־לוֹ ְל ֜ ָﬠם וְ ָל ֧שׂוּם ל֣ וֹ ֵ֗שׁם וְ ַל ֲﬠ ֨שׂוֹת ָל ֶ֜כם ֨ �הים ִל ְפ ֽדּ ִ וּ־א ֱ ֠ שׁר ָה ְל ֽכ ֣ ֶ וּמי ְכ ַﬠ ְמּ ֙� ְכּיִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל גּ֥ וֹי ֶא ָ ֖חד ָבּ ָ ֑א ֶרץ ֲא ִ֤ א�היו׃ ֽ ָ ֵית ְלּ ֙� ִמ ִמּ ְצ ַ ֔ריִ ם גּוֹיִ ֖ם ו ָ אוֹת ְל ַא ְר ֶ֔צ� ִמ ְפּ ֵנ֣י ַﬠ ְמּ ֗� ֲא ֶ֨שׁר ָפּ ִ ֤ד ֙ דוּלּ֤ה וְ ֹֽנ ָר ָ ְַהגּ 7:23
ְכּיִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the prep. כ, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) with the prep. ;)בּיִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל( ב ְ see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §280, no. 120. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of hapax legomena beginning with a ;כsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §19, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §20, 7:23
�הים ִ כוּ־א ֱ ָה ְל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of the phrase �הים ִ ָה ַל� ָה ֱאin the parallel passage of 1 Chr 17:21. 7:23
וְ ָלשׂוּם
1 Sam 8:12; 2 Sam 7:23
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (25x) without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 7:23
וְ ַל ֲﬠשׂוֹת
Fifteen times
Com.: See Josh 23:6. 7:23
Four times
דוּלּה ָ ְַהגּ
Com.: See directly above at 2 Sam 7:21. 7:23
וְ נ ָֹראוֹת
Twenty-five times
̇כ ̇ה
2 Sam 7:23; 1 Chr 17:21
Com.: The Mp heading here of twenty-five times is incorrect since there are only two occurrences of this lemma as correctly noted both in the Mp and Mm of 1 Chr 17:21.
The headings at 1 Chr 17:21 read: twice written this way to indicate that this lemma with a וcj. is written defective first ו. There is no form of this lemma (with a וcj.) written plene first ו, but there are five forms without a וcj. written plene first )נוֹראוֹת( ו. ָ Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma.
2 SAMUEL 7:25 ד־עוֹל֑ם וַ ֲﬠ ֵ ֖שׂה ַכּ ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ִדּ ַ ֽבּ ְר ָתּ׃ ָ יתוֹ ָה ֵ ֖ קם ַﬠ ֔ ל־בּ ֵ ל־ﬠ ְב ְדּ ֙� וְ ַﬠ ַ �הים ַה ָדּ ָ֗בר ֲא ֶ֨שׁר ִדּ ַ ֤בּ ְר ָתּ ַ ֽﬠ ִ֔ הו֣ה ֱא ָ ְוְ ַﬠ ָתּ ֙ה י 7:25 Four times
�הים ִ יְ הוָ ה ֱא ̇ד
1–5 2 Sam 7:22*; 7:25; 2 Kgs 19:19; Jer 10:10 ( )וַ יהוָ הJonah 4:6
Com.: The Mp heading here of four times is incorrect since there are five occurrences of this lemma as correctly given in the headings at 2 Kgs 19:19 and Jonah 4:6, which read five times in the Prophets. This enumeration includes the form with the וcj. at Jer 10:10, which is listed alongside the other four references in the Mm here of MC. The Masorah notes the five occurrences of �הים ִ יְ הוָ ה ֱאin the Prophets, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (200+) written in the Prophets as �הים ֲאד ֹנָ י ִ א. ֱ
* ML, contrary to M (�הים ִ )יְ הוָ ה ֱא, writes the lemma at 2 Sam 7:22 as ;אד ֹנָ י יְ הוִ ה ֲ see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 88.
The Mp and Mm headings at Jer. 10:10 (�הים ִ )וַ יהוָ ה ֱאread four times to denote the forms with a וcj., and the Mm lists the four occurrences of this lemma with three of them written as וַ אד ֹנָ י יְ הוִ ה. Both MC and MA correctly read here five times written in the Prophets. 7:25
ל־בּיתוֹ ֵ וְ ַﬠ
Three times
2 Sam 7:25; Jer 23:34; 1 Chr 17:23
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (8x) without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 7:26 ית ַﬠ ְב ְדּ�֣ ָד ִ֔וד יִ ְה ֶי֥ה נָ ֖כוֹן ְל ָפ ֶנֽי�׃ ֙ וּב ֵ �הים ַﬠל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל ֖ ִ הו֣ה ְצ ָב ֔אוֹת ֱא ָ ְמר י ֹ ֔ ד־עוֹל ֙ם ֵלא ָ וְ יִ גְ ַ ֨דּל ִשׁ ְמ�֤ ַﬠ 7:26
וְ יִ גְ ַדּל
2 Sam 7:26; 1 Chr 17:24
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in these parallel passages with a ו cj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (11x) with a וconsec. ()וַ יִּ גְ ַדּל. 7:26
וּבית ַﬠ ְב ְדּ� ָדוִ ד ֵ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of the phrase �ית־דּוִ יד ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ָ וּב ֵ in the parallel passage of 1 Chr 17:24.
2 SAMUEL 7:27 ל־כּן ָמ ָצ֤א ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ֙� ֶאת־ ֵ֗ ה־לּ֑� ַﬠ ָ ֶמר ַ ֖בּיִ ת ֶא ְבנ ֹ ֔ אזֶ ן ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ֙� ֵלא ֹ ֤ יתה ֶאת־ ָ �הי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֗אל גָּ ֜ ִל ֣ ֵ הוה ְצ ָב ֜אוֹת ֱא ָ֨ ְי־א ָתּ ֩ה י ַ ִ ֽכּ ת־ה ְתּ ִפ ָ ֖לּה ַה ֽזּ ֹאת׃ ַ ִל ֔בּוֹ ְל ִה ְת ַפּ ֵלּ֣ל ֵא ֔ ֶלי� ֶא 7:27
יתה ָ גָּ ִל
Unique plene
מל ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written plene ה, to distinguish it from its occurrence written defective ית( ה ָ )גָּ ִלin the parallel passage 1 Chr 17:25.
This lemma is one of twenty such forms that are written plene הat the end of their words; see 2 Sam 2:26. 7:27
�ְל ִה ְת ַפּ ֵלּל ֵא ֶלי
Seven times
1–5 2 Sam 7:27; 1 Kgs 8:33 (� ֵא ֶלי... ;)וְ ִה ְת ַפּ ְללוּ8:48 (�)וְ ִה ְת ַפּ ְללוּ ֵא ֶלי Isa 45:14 (;)א ַליִ � יִ ְת ַפּ ָלּלוּ ֵ Ps 5:3 ()א ֶלי� ֶא ְת ַפּ ָלּל ֵ 6–7 Ps 32:6 (� ֵא ֶלי... ;)יִ ְת ַפּ ֵלּל2 Chr 6:34 (�)וְ ִה ְת ַפּ ְללוּ ֵא ֶלי
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of forms of the verb ְל ִה ְת ַפּ ֵלּלwith � ֵא ֶליor � ִא ַלי, ֵ to distinguish them from its four occurrences with �ל ָפנֶ י.ְ The above list is the one suggested by Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.
2 SAMUEL 7:28 טּוֹבה ַה ֽזּ ֹאת׃ ֖ ָ ת־ה ַ ל־ﬠ ְב ְדּ ֔� ֶא ַ �הים ְוּד ָב ֶ ֖רי� יִ ְהי֣ וּ ֱא ֶ ֑מת וַ ְתּ ַד ֵבּ ֙ר ֶ ֽא ִ֔ ה־הוּא ָ ֽה ֱא ֙ הוה ַא ָתּ ִ֗ ְוְ ַﬠ ָ ֣תּה ׀ ֲאד ָֹנ֣י י 7:28 Four times
וְ ַﬠ ָתּה ׀ ֲאד ֹנָ י יְ הוִ ה ̇ד
2 Sam 7:25 (�הים ִ ;)יְ הוָ ה ֱא7:28; Isa 48:16; 2 Chr 1:9 (�הים ִ )ﬠ ָתּה יְ הוָ ה ֱא ַ
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma with and without a וcj., twice written ( ֲאד ֹנָ י יְ הוִ הhere and Isa 48:16), and twice as �הים ִ ( יְ הוָ ה ֱא2 Sam 7:25 and 2 Chr 1:9).
The Mp heading at Isa 48:16 reads three times for the three occurrences of this lemma with a ו cj. at 2 Sam 7:25, 7:28 and Isa 48:16.
וּמ ִבּ ְר ָכ ְ֣ת ֔� יְ ב ַ ֹ֥ר� ֵ ֽבּית־ ִ י־א ָ֞תּה ֲאד ָֹנ֤י יְ הוִ ֙ה ִדּ ַ֔בּ ְר ָתּ ַ עוֹלם ְל ָפ ֶנ֑י� ִ ֽכּ ֖ ָ ת־בּ֣ית ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ֔� ִל ְהי֥ וֹת ְל ֵ וּב ֵר ֙� ֶא ָ ֙הוֹאל ֵ וְ ַﬠ ָ֗תּה עוֹלם׃ פ ֽ ָ ַﬠ ְב ְדּ�֖ ְל 7:29
הוֹאל ֶ
Four times
Com.: See Judg 19:6. 7:29
�וּב ֵר ָ
Three times
Deut 26:15; 2 Sam 7:29; Ps 28:9
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma (an imper. with a cj.), to distinguish them from its three occurrences pointed as a perf. consec. (�;)וּב ַר ֵ see 1 Sam 2:20. 7:29
�וּמ ִבּ ְר ָכ ְת ִ
Unique 7:29
�יְ ב ַֹר
Four times, twice with paṯaḥ, and twice with qameṣ
קמ ̇ וב ̇ פת ̇ ̇ד ̇ב
2 Sam 7:29; Ps 112:2 (� ;)יְ ב ָֹר128:4; Prov 22:9 (�)יְ ב ָֹר
� יְ ב ַֹרfour times, twice with paṯaḥ, and twice with qameṣ 2 Sam 7:29 Ps 128:4 Ps 112:2 Prov 22:9
וב קמצין ̇ פת ̇ יברך ̇ד ̇ב
)מברכתך( ]ומברכתך[ יברך בית הנה כי כן יברך גבר דור ישרים יברך טוב עין הוא יברך
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma, twice written with a paṯaḥ (2 Sam 7:29 and Ps 128:4), and twice written with a qameṣ (Ps 112:2 and Prov 22:9).
The Mp heading at Ps 112:2 reads twice with a qameṣ ()ב ָ noting its form and that of Prov. 22:9.
2 SAMUEL 8:2 וּמ ֥ל ֹא ַה ֶ ֖ח ֶבל ְל ַה ֲחי֑ וֹת וַ ְתּ ִ ֤הי ְ ים ְל ָה ִ֔מית ֙ ֽי־ח ָב ִל ֲ אוֹתם ַ֔א ְר ָצה וַ יְ ַמ ֵ ֤דּד ְשׁ ֵנ ֣ ָ ת־מוֹאב ַוֽ יְ ַמ ְדּ ֵ ֤דם ַבּ ֶ֨ח ֶבל֙ ַה ְשׁ ֵכּ֣ב ָ֗ וַ יַּ ֣ � ֶא מוֹא ֙ב ְל ָד ִ֔וד ַל ֲﬠ ָב ִ ֖דים נ ְֹשׂ ֵ ֥אי ִמנְ ָ ֽחה׃ ָ 8:2
וַ יְ ַמ ְדּ ֵדם
Unique 8:2
̇ל ַה ְשׁ ֵכּב
Unique 8:2
Mp Mp
אוֹתם ָ
Four times plene in the book
בסיפ ̇ מל ̇ ̇ד
1 Sam 8:8*; 9:12; 2 Sam 8:2; 12:31
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma in the book written plene ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (10x) in the book written defective ו ()א ָֹתם.
*ML, contrary to M ()אוֹתם, ָ has only three occurrences of this lemma since it writes the form at 1 Sam 8:8 defective ;)א ָֹתם( וsee Breuer, The Biblical Text, 70. However, the Mp heading highlighted above of four times supports the enumeration inherent in the text of M. 8:2
וּמל ֹא ְ
Lev 16:12; 2 Sam 8:2
—————————— וּמלֹא ְ twice
Lev 16:12 2 Sam 8:2
ומלא ̇ב
ומלא חפניו קטרת ומלא החבל להחיות
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (17x) without a cj. The Mp heading at Lev 16:12 adds the catchwords וּמל ֹא ַה ֶח ֶבל( ומלא החבל להחיות ְ )ל ַה ֲחיוֹת ְ to refer the reader to this verse.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 8:3 צוֹבה ְבּ ֶל ְכ ֕תּוֹ ְל ָה ִ ֥שׁיב יָ ֖דוֹ ִ ֽבּנְ ַהר־ ְא ָ ֽי׃ ֑ ָ �ן־ר ֖חֹב ֶ ֣מ ֶל ְ ת־ה ַד ְד ֶ ֥ﬠזֶ ר ֶבּ ֲ וַ יַּ ֣ � ָדּ ִ֔וד ֶא
Twice defective in the Prophets
בנב ̇ חס ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 8:3; 8:12
ְרחֹבtwice defective with people
2 Sam 8:3 2 Sam 8:12
רחב ̇ב חסירין בגברי
ויך דוד מארם
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma signifying a person written defective ו, to distinguish them from its sole occurrence signifying a person written plene ו ( ) ְרחוֹבat Neh 10:12. The heading of the Mp is inexact since there are four occurrences of this lemma written defective in the Prophets, two signifying a street, and two signifying a person. The note more precisely should have read, similar to the Mm heading, twice defective with people in the Prophets.
MA correctly reads here, as the Mm of ML, twice defective as name of a person. MC also reads twice defective, but the qualification as name of a person is only implied (see Castro, El codice, 2:206). 8:3
◌ָ ◌ְ
ְפּ ָרתis read but not written
פרת קרי ולא כתב
Com.: In ML the vowels, but not the consonants, of the word ְפּ ָרתare written, and this is one of ten cases where words are read though not written; see the Mm to Jer 50:29 sub לה,ָ and Ruth 3:5 sub א ַלי, ֵ Frensdorff, Ochlah, §97, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §80. There is also another tradition that knows of eleven cases of this phenomenon; see MartinContreras, “The Phenomenon,” 77–87.
2 SAMUEL 8:4 יּוֹתר ֥ ֵ ַל־ה ֶ ֔ר ֶכב ו ָ ת־כּ ָ אוֹת ָפּ ָר ִ֔שׁים וְ ֶﬠ ְשׂ ִ ֥רים ֶ ֖א ֶלף ִ ֣אישׁ ַרגְ ִ ֑לי וַ יְ ַﬠ ֵ ֤קּר ָדּוִ ֙ד ֶא ֙ ע־מ ֵ וּשׁ ַב ְ וַ יִּ ְל ֨כֹּד ָדּ ִ֜וד ִמ ֶ֗מּנּוּ ֶ ֤א ֶלף ִמ ֶ ֖מּנּוּ ֵ ֥מ ָאה ָ ֽר ֶכב׃ 8:4
ִאישׁ ַרגְ ִלי
Four times
Judg 20:2; 2 Sam 8:4; 1 Chr 18:4; 19:18 —————————— ִאישׁ ַרגְ ִליfour times
איש רגלי ̇ד
Judg 20:2 2 Sam 8:4 And its companion (1 Chr 18:4) וַ יָּ נָ ס ֲא ָרםof Chronicles (1 Chr 19:18)
Mm ויתיצבו פנות כל העם וילכד דוד וחבירו וינס ארם דדברי הימים
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of ַרגְ ִליwith ִאישׁmeaning infantryman, to distinguish them from its seven occurrences of ַרגְ ִליwithout ִאישׁwith the same meaning, and from its six occurrences of ַרגְ ִליmeaning my foot.
The Mp heading at Judg 20:2 reads twice and possibly refers to occurrences in the Prophets, in which case the note more exactly should have read twice in the Prophets. The additional notation in the Mm of Chronicles to the 1 Chr 19:18 reference distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 2 Sam 10:18, where the lemma occurs as פּ ָר ִשׁים,ָ not ִאישׁ ַרגְ ִלי. 8:4
וַ יְ ַﬠ ֵקּר ̇ב
2 Sam 8:4; 1 Chr 18:4
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. 8:4
יּוֹתר ֵ ַו
Seven times plene
מל ̇ ̇ז
Com.: See 1 Sam 15:15.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 8:5 ים־וּשׁ ַנ֥ יִ ם ֶ ֖א ֶלף ִ ֽאישׁ׃ ְ צוֹבה וַ יַּ ֤ � ָדּוִ ֙ד ַ ֽבּ ֲא ָ ֔רם ֶﬠ ְשׂ ִ ֽר ֑ ָ �וַ ָתּב ֹ ֙א ֲא ַ ֣רם ַדּ ֶ֔מּ ֶשׂק ַל ְﬠ ֕ז ֹר ַל ֲה ַד ְד ֶ ֖ﬠזֶ ר ֶ ֣מ ֶל
וַ ָתּב ֹא ֲא ַרם
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ֲא ַרםwith וַ ָתּבֹא, to distinguish it from its occurrence with וַ יָּ בֹאin the parallel text of 1 Chr 18:5.
2 SAMUEL 8:6 ת־דּ ִ֔וד ְבּ ֖כֹל ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ָ נוֹשׂ ֵ ֣אי ִמנְ ָ ֑חה וַ ֹ֤יּ ַשׁע יְ הוָ ֙ה ֶא ְ ים ַבּ ֲא ַ ֣רם ַדּ ֶ֔מּ ֶשׂק וַ ְתּ ִ ֤הי ֲא ָר ֙ם ְל ָד ִ֔וד ַל ֲﬠ ָב ִ ֖דים ֙ וַ ָ֨יּ ֶשׂם ָדִּו֤ד נְ ִצ ִב ָה ָ ֽל�׃ 8:6
נוֹשׂ ֵאי ְ
Unique plene
̇̇ל מל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written plene ו, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (25x) written defective )נ ְֹשׂ ֵאי( ו, one of which is in v. 2; see 2 Sam 6:13. 8:6
וַ יּ ַֹשׁע
וַ יּ ַֹשׁעthree times defective, and their references 1 Sam 23:5 2 Sam 8:6 Job 5:15
חס וסימנהון ̇ וישע ̇ג
ישבי קעילה את דוד מחרב מפיהם
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma written defective ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (8x) written plene יּוֹשׁע( ו ַ ַ)ו, one of which is in v. 14.
2 SAMUEL 8:8 אד׃ ס ֹ ֽ ח ֶשׁת ַה ְר ֵ ֥בּה ְמ ֹ ֖ ְוּמ ֵ ֽבּר ַ ֹ֖תי ָﬠ ֵ ֣רי ֲה ַד ְד ָ ֑ﬠזֶ ר ָל ַ ֞קח ַה ֶ ֧מּ ֶל� ָדִּו֛ד נ ִ וּמ ֶ ֥בּ ַטח ִ 8:8 Unique
וּמ ֶבּ ַטח ִ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of the form וּמ ִטּ ְב ַחת ִ in the parallel passage of 1 Chr 18:8. 8:8
וּמ ֵבּר ַֹתי ִ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of the form וּמכּוּן ִ in the parallel passage of 1 Chr 18:8.
2 SAMUEL 8:9 ל־חיל ֲה ַד ְד ָ ֽﬠזֶ ר׃ ֥ ֵ תּ ִﬠי ֶ ֣מ ֶל� ֲח ָ ֑מת ִ ֚כּי ִה ָכּ֣ה ָד ִ֔וד ֵ ֖את ָכּ ֹ ֖ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ֕מע 8:9
תּ ִֹﬠי
Three times
2 Sam 8:9; 8:10a; 8:10b
2 SAMUEL 8:10 ל־לוֹ ְל ָשׁ ֜לוֹם וּֽ ְל ָב ֲר ֗כוֹ ַﬠ ֩ל ֲא ֶ֨שׁר נִ ְל ַ ֤חם ַבּ ֲה ַד ְד ֨ ֶﬠזֶ ֙ר וַ יַּ ֵ֔כּהוּ ִכּי־ ֨ �־דּוִ ד ִל ְשׁ ָא ֠ ָ ל־ה ֶ ֽמּ ֶל ַ ם־בּנ֣ וֹ ֶא ְ תּ ִﬠי ֶאת־יֽ ָוֹר ֹ ֣ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַל֣ח ח ֶשׁת׃ ֹ ֽ ְוּכ ֵ ֥לי נ ְ וּכ ֵ ֽלי־זָ ָ ֖הב ְ י־כ ֶסף ֥ ֶ וּביָ ֗דוֹ ָהי֛ וּ ְכּ ֵ ֽל ְ תּ ִﬠי ָה ָי֣ה ֲה ַד ְד ָ ֑ﬠזֶ ר ֹ ֖ ִ ֛אישׁ ִמ ְל ֲח ֥מוֹת 8:10
תּ ִֹﬠי1
Three times
2 Sam 8:9; 8:10a; 8:10b 8:10
Ten times
יוֹרם ָ ̇י
1–5 2 Sam 8:10; 2 Kgs 9:14a; 9:14b (יוֹרם ָ ְ ;)ו9:16a; 9:16b 6–10 2 Kgs 9:29 (יוֹרם ָ ;)ל ְ 11:2; 1 Chr 3:11; 26:25 ( ;)וְ י ָֹרם2 Chr 22:5 11 2 Chr 22:7
Com.: The Mp heading here of ten times is incorrect since there are eleven occurrences of this lemma.
The Masorah notes the eleven occurrences of this lemma in various forms, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (15x) in various forms written with a ( הe.g., הוֹרם ָ ְ)י.
This enumeration does not include the nine occurrences of this lemma in the section 2 Kgs 8:16–9:1.
The Mp heading here, and at 2 Kgs 9:14, 9:16a, 9:16b and 1 Chr 3:11 give the number of occurrences of this lemma as ten. However, the Mp heading to 2 Chr 22:7 reads eleven, and catchwords for eleven occurrences are given in the Mm at 1 Chr 3:11. The discrepancy may be accounted by the fact that some of the occurrences are in the same verse, and may have only been counted once.
The Mp at 1 Chr 26:25 ()וְ י ָֹרם, with its heading unique defective, notes the sole defective וform in this list. MA reads here ten times (excluding 1 Chr 26:25 וְ י ָֹרם, so Cohen, Miqraot Gedolot ‘Haketer’, ad loc). MC has no note here. 8:10
ִל ְשׁ ָאל
Six times defective
חס ̇ ̇ו
1–5 Judg 1:14*; 1 Sam 12:19; 2 Sam 8:10; Jer 15:5; Ps 78:18 6 Job 31:30 —————————— ִל ְשׁ ָאלsix times defective
)לשאול( ]לשאל[ ו̇ חסירין
1–5 יתהוּ ֵ וַ ְתּ ִסof Judges (Judg 1:14) 1 Sam 12:19 2 Sam 8:10 Jer 15:5 Ps 78:18 6 Job 31:30
ותסיתהו דשׁפטים כי יספנו ולברכו ומי יסור בלבבם באלה
Com.: The Masorah notes the six occurrences of this lemma written defective ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (12x) written plene )ל ְשׁאוֹל( ו. ִ
This distinction is implied in the Mm in the additional notation of Judges to the Judg 1:14 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in Josh 15:18, where the lemma occurs as ל ְשׁאוֹל.ִ * ML, contrary to M ()ל ְשׁאֹל, ִ has only five occurrences of this lemma since it writes the form at Judg 1:14 plene ;)ל ְשׁאוֹל( ו ִ see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 56.
However, the Mp headings here and at 2 Sam 8:10, Jer 15:5 and the Mm heading and listings here and at Judg 1:14 and Ps 78:18 of six times support the enumeration inherent in the text of M. 8:10
וּל ָב ֲרכוֹ ְ
2 Sam 8:10; 1 Chr 18:10
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its sole occurrence without a cj. at 1 Sam 13:10.
נִ ְל ַחם
נִ ְל ַחםtwelve times 1–5
נלחם י̇ ̇ב
Num 21:26 Judg 11:25 Judg 9:17 2 Sam 8:10 And its companion (1 Chr 18:10) The first occurrence of ( יָ ָר ְב ָﬠם1 Kgs 14:19) 2 Kgs 13:12 2 Kgs 14:15 Isa 30:32 Isa 63:10 2 Chr 20:29 2 Chr 27:5
חשבון הטוב אבי בהדדעזר וחבירו ̇ירבעם קדמי יואש יהואש ובמלחמות ויהפך פחד ויחזק
Com.: The Masorah notes the twelve occurrences of the perf. of this lemma with a paṯaḥ, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (11x) of the ptcpl. with a qameṣ ( ;)נִ ְל ָחםsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §182A.
This distinction is implied in the Mm here and in 2 Kgs 14:15, where there is an additional notation of the first occurrence of יָ ָר ְב ָﬠםto the 1 Kgs 14:19 reference, to distinguish this reference from the second occurrence of this catchword in 2 Kgs 14:28, where the lemma appears as נִ ְל ָחם. 8:10
תּ ִֹﬠי2
Three times
2 Sam 8:9; 8:10a; 8:10b
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 8:11 ל־הגּוֹיִ ֖ם ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ִכּ ֵ ֽבּשׁ׃ ַ שׁר ִה ְק ִ ֔דּישׁ ִמ ָכּ ֣ ֶ ם־ה ֶכּ ֶ֤סף וְ ַהזָּ ָה ֙ב ֲא ַ יהו֑ה ִﬠ ָ גַּ ם־א ָֹ֕תם ִה ְק ִ ֛דּישׁ ַה ֶ ֥מּ ֶל� ָדִּ ֖וד ַ ֽל
ִכּ ֵבּשׁ
2 SAMUEL 8:12 צוֹבה׃ ֽ ָ �ן־ר ֖חֹב ֶ ֥מ ֶל ְ וּמ ְשּׁ ַל֛ל ֲה ַד ְד ֶ ֥ﬠזֶ ר ֶבּ ִ וּמ ֲﬠ ָמ ֵל֑ק ֽ ֵ וּמ ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ ֖תּים ִ וּמ ְבּ ֵנ֣י ַﬠ ֔מּוֹן ִ מּוֹא ֙ב ָ וּמ ִ ֵמ ֲא ָ ֤רם 8:12
וּמ ְשּׁ ַלל ִ
Unique with paṯaḥ
֗ ַל
Com.: The Masorah notes this form with paṯaḥ to distinguish it from its parallel form וּמ ָשּׁ ָלל ִ with a qameṣ in 1 Sam 30:19. This lemma is featured in a list of hapax legomena that start with ;ומsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §18, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §19. 8:12
Com.: See above at 2 Sam 8:3.
2 SAMUEL 8:13 מוֹנ֥ה ָﬠ ָ ֖שׂר ָ ֽא ֶלף׃ ָ יא־מ ַלח ְשׁ ֶ֑ ֵת־א ָ ֖רם ְבּג ֲ כּוֹתוֹ ֶא ֥ וַ יַּ ַ֤ﬠשׂ ָדּוִ ֙ד ֵ֔שׁם ְבּ ֻשׁ ֕בוֹ ֵמ ַה 8:13
ְבּ ֻשׁבוֹ
Unique defective
חס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written defective ו, to distinguish it from its occurrence written plene )בּשׁוּבוֹ( ו ְ in Ezek 18:23. 8:13
ְשׁמוֹנָ ה
Four times plene
מל ̇ ̇ד
2 Sam 8:13; Ezek 40:41; Qoh 11:2 (;)ל ְשׁמוֹנָ ה ִ All Chronicles
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma written plene ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (10x) written defective )שׁמֹנָ ה( ו. ְ In this enumeration the eight occurrences in Chronicles are taken as one reference.
The Mp heading at Qoh 11:2 reads unique plene, and similarly all Chronicles. This note highlights the sole occurrence of its particular form with the prep. )ל ְשׁמוֹנָ ה( ל. ִ
2 SAMUEL 8:15 ל־ﬠ ֽמּוֹ׃ ַ וּצ ָד ָ ֖ קה ְל ָכ ְ ל־כּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל וַ יְ ִ ֣הי ָד ִ֗וד ע ֶ ֹ֛שׂה ִמ ְשׁ ָ ֥פּט ָ וַ יִּ ְמ�֥ � ָדִּ ֖וד ַﬠ 8:15
ל־כּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ָ ַﬠ
Three times in the Prophets
בנביא ̇ ̇ג
Com.: The Mp heading here of three times in the Prophets is incorrect since there are nine occurrences of this lemma in the Prophets. The note more precisely should have read three times in the book; see 1 Sam 11:2. MA reads here twenty times (enumerating all the occurrences of this lemma). MC has no note here.
2 SAMUEL 8:17 סוֹפר׃ ֽ ֵ וּשׂ ָר ָי֖ה ְ ן־א ְביָ ָ ֖תר כּ ֲֹה ִנ֑ים ֶ ימ ֶל� ֶבּ ֥ ֶ יטוּב וַ ֲא ִח ֛ ן־א ִח ֲ וְ ָצ ֧דוֹק ֶבּ 8:17
ֶא ְביָ ָתר כּ ֲֹהנִ ים
Four times
2 Sam 8:17; 20:25 ( ;)וְ ֶא ְביָ ָתר1 Kgs 4:4 ( ;)וְ ֶא ְביָ ָתר1 Chr 18:16
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma, twice with a וcj. (2 Sam 20:25 and 1 Kgs 4:4), and twice without a וcj. (here and in the parallel text 1 Chr 18:16). 8:17
סוֹפר ֵ
Twice plene in the book
בסיפ ̇ מל ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 8:17; Isa 37:2 (סּוֹפר ֵ )ה ַ
Com.: The Mp heading here of twice plene in the book is incorrect. It should have read, as in MC and MA here, and in the Mm heading at Isa 37:2, twice plene in the Prophets.
The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the Prophets written plene ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (29x) in the Prophets written defective )ס ֵֹפר( ו.
2 SAMUEL 9:1 מּוֹ ֶ֔ח ֶסד ַבּ ֲﬠ ֖בוּר יְ הוֹנָ ָ ֽתן׃ ֙ נוֹתר ְל ֵב֣ית ָשׁ ֑אוּל וְ ֶא ֱﬠ ֶ ֤שׂה ִﬠ ֖ ַ שׁ־עוֹד ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ֔ ֶאמר ָדּ ִ֔וד ֲה ִ ֣כי י ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ 9:1
ֲה ִכי
Eight times
1–5 Gen 27:36; 29:15; 2 Sam 9:1; 23:19; Job 6:22 —————————— ֲה ִכיfive times
הכי ̇ה
1–5 Gen 27:36 Gen 29:15 2 Sam 9:1 �שׁה ָ ִמן ַה ְשּׁof Samuel (2 Sam 23:19) Job 6:22
קרא שמו אחי אתה [)נות( ]נותר ̇ יש עוד אשר מן )השלושה( ]השלשה[ דשמואל הכי אמרתי הבו לי
Com.: The Mp heading here of eight times is incorrect since there are only five occurrences of this lemma, as correctly noted in the heading and list in the Mm. The error is no doubt due to a graphic confusion between חeight and הfive. The Masorah notes the five exceptional occurrences of the interrog. הwith כּי.ִ
The additional notation in the Mm of Samuel to the 2 Sam 23:19 is to distinguish the catchwords in this verse from its parallel verse of 1 Chr 11:21, where these catchwords occur but where the lemma does not. Both MC and MA correctly read here five times. 9:1
ֲה ִכי יֶ שׁ־עוֹד ̇ל
In ML this lemma is marked by two circelli, one between ֲה ִכיand יֶ שׁ, and the other over the word יֶ שׁ, but this circellus should have been placed between יֶ שׁand ;עוֹדsee Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.
2 SAMUEL 9:2 אמר ַﬠ ְב ֶ ֽדּ�׃ ֶ ֹ יבא וַ ֥יּ ֖ ָ אמר ַה ֶ ֧מּ ֶל� ֵא ָל֛יו ַה ַא ָ ֥תּה ִצ ֶ ֹ ל־דִּו֑ד וַ ֨יּ ָ יבא וַ יִּ ְק ְראוּ־ל֖ וֹ ֶא ָ֔ וּשׁ ֣מוֹ ִצ ְ וּל ֵ֨בית ָשׁ ֥אוּל ֨ ֶﬠ ֶב ֙ד ְ 9:2
וּל ֵבית ְ
Ten times
1–5 Num 4:34; 4:38; 4:46; 2 Sam 9:2; 1 Kgs 10:12 6–10 Isa 22:21; 58:1; Jer 21:11; 35:18; 2 Chr 9:11 —————————— וּל ֵבית ְ ten times
̇ולבית י
1–5 Num 4:34 Num 4:38 Num 4:46 Isa 22:21 Isa 58:1 6–10 2 Sam 9:2 1 Kgs 10:12 And its companion (2 Chr 9:11) Jer 21:11 Jer 35:18
ויפקד משה ופקודי כל הפקדים והיה לאב ליושב קרא בגרון אל ולבית שאול עבד ויעש המלך וחבירו ולבית מלך יהודה ולבית הרכבים
Com.: The Masorah notes the ten occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) without a cj. The Mp heading at Isa 58:1 mistakenly reads thirteen times instead of ten times.
2 SAMUEL 9:3 ל־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ֛ﬠוֹד ֵ ֥בּן ַ יב ֙א ֶא ָ אמר ִצ ֶ ֹ �הים וַ ֤יּ ֑ ִ ישׁ ְל ֵב֣ית ָשׁ ֔אוּל וְ ֶא ֱﬠ ֶ ֥שׂה ִﬠ ֖מּוֹ ֶ ֣ח ֶסד ֱא ֙ אמר ַה ֶ֗מּ ֶל� ַה ֶ֨א ֶפס ֥ﬠוֹד ִא ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ ִליהוֹנָ ָ ֖תן נְ ֵ ֥כה ַרגְ ָ ֽליִ ם׃ 9:3 Unique
ַה ֶא ֶפס ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the interrog. ה, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (11x) without this interrogative.
116 9:3 Twice
2 Sam 9:3; Ps 52:10 (�הים ִ )ב ֶח ֶסד ֱא ְ
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of ֶח ֶסדwith �הים ִ א, ֱ to distinguish them from its three occurrences with the Tetragrammaton (וְ ֶח ֶסד יְ הוָ ה/) ֶח ֶסד יְ הוָ ה. The Mp heading at Ps 52:10 correctly reads unique for its particular form with the preposition.
2 SAMUEL 9:4 יאל ְבּל֥ וֹ ְד ָ ֽבר׃ ֖ ֵ ן־ﬠ ִמּ ַ ה־הוּא ֵבּ֛ית ָמ ִ ֥כיר ֶבּ ֗ ֵל־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ִהנּ ַ יב ֙א ֶא ָ אמר ִצ ֶ ֹ אמר־ל֥ וֹ ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ֵאי ֹ֣פה ֑הוּא וַ ֤יּ ֶ ֹ וַ ֽיּ 9:4
Ten times written ה
י̇ כתב ̇ה
1–5 Gen 37:16; Judg 8:18; 1 Sam 19:22; 2 Sam 9:4; Isa 49:21 6–10 Jer 3:2; 36:19; Job 4:7; ( ;)וְ ֵאיפֹה38:4; Ruth 2:19 —————————— ֵאיפֹהten times written ה 1–5
Gen 37:16 Judg 8:18 1 Sam 19:22 2 Sam 9:4 Jer 3:2 6–10 Isa 49:21 Jer 36:19 Ruth 2:19 Job 4:7 Job 38:4
איפה י̇ כתב הי
ויאמר האנשים שמואל ודוד לו המלך שאי עיניך על )עלה( ]אלה[ איפה הם ואיש )לא( ]אל[ ידע איפה לקטת היום ואיפה ישרים נכחדו )ואיפה( ]איפה[ היית ביסדי ארץ
Com.: The Masorah notes the ten occurrences of this lemma written with a ה, to distinguish them from its eleven occurrences written with an )אפוֹא( א. ֵ
The Mp note at Job 4:7 correctly reads twice written with הin the book (of Job), here and at Job 38:4.
2 SAMUEL 9:4
Four times written with ו
̇̇ד כתב ו
2 Sam 9:4; Ezra 4:13; 4:20; 7:24
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma written with a ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (25x) written with an )בּלֹא( א. ְ
2 SAMUEL 9:7 ל־שׂ ֵ ֖דה ְ ת־כּ ָ בוּר יְ הוֹנָ ָ ֣תן ָא ִ֔בי� וַ ֲה ִשׁב ִ ֹ֣תי ְל ֔� ֶ ֽא ֙ ירא ִ ֣כּי ָﬠשׂ ֹ֩ה ֶא ֱﬠ ֶ֨שׂה ִﬠ ְמּ�֥ ֶ֨ח ֶס ֙ד ַ ֽבּ ֲﬠ ֗ ָ ל־תּ ִ אמר֩ ֨לוֹ ָד ִ֜וד ַא ֶ ֹ וַ יּ ל־שׁ ְל ָח ִנ֖י ָתּ ִ ֽמיד׃ ֻ אכל ֶל ֶ֛חם ַﬠ ַ ֹ ָשׁ ֣אוּל ָא ִ ֑בי� וְ ַא ָ֗תּה ֥תּ 9:7
ָﬠשׂ ֹה
Twenty-three times
̇כ ̇ג
Com.: See 1 Sam 25:28. 9:7
ל־שׂ ֵדה ְ ת־כּ ָ ֶא ̇ב
Gen 14:7; 2 Sam 9:7
ל־שׂ ֵדה ְ ת־כּ ָ ֶאtwice, and their references
את כל שדה ̇ב וסימנהון
Gen 14:7 וישבו )יבאו( ]ויבאו[ אל עין משפט 2 Sam 9:7 והשבתי לך
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with כּל,ָ to distinguish them from its sole occurrence without it ()את ְשׂ ֵדה ֶ at Obad 19.
This lemma occurs in the ms. in folio 173r, but the Mm note appears on the top right of the following folio 173v.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 9:8 ל־ה ֶ ֥כּ ֶלב ַה ֵ ֖מּת ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ָכּ ֽמוֹנִ י׃ ַ ית ֶא ָ אמר ֶ ֣מה ַﬠ ְב ֶ ֑דּ� ִ ֣כּי ָפ ֔ ִנ ֶ ֹ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ֕תּחוּ וַ ֖יּ
9:8 Twice
ַה ֶכּ ֶלב ַה ֵמּת ̇ב
2 Sam 9:8; 16:9
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with def. articles, to distinguish them from its sole occurrence without these def. articles ()כּ ֶלב ֵמּת ֶ at 1 Sam 24:15.
2 SAMUEL 9:10 �ן־אד ֔ ֶֹני ֲ וּמ ִפי ֨בֹ ֶשׁ ֙ת ֶבּ ְ ן־אד ֶֹנ֤י� ֨ ֶלּ ֶח ֙ם וַ ֲא ָכ ֔לוֹ ֲ את וְ ָה ָ֨יה ְל ֶב ָ וּב ֨ ֶני� וַ ֲﬠ ָב ֶ ֜די� וְ ֵה ֵ֗ב ָ ת־ה ֲא ָד ָ֡מה ַא ָתּ ֩ה ָ וְ ָﬠ ַ ֣ב ְד ָתּ לּ֣ וֹ ֶ ֽא יבא ֲח ִמ ָ ֥שּׁה ָﬠ ָ ֛שׂר ָבּ ִנ֖ים וְ ֶﬠ ְשׂ ִ ֥רים ֲﬠ ָב ִ ֽדים׃ ָ֗ וּל ִצ ְ ל־שׁ ְל ָח ִנ֑י ֻ אכל ָתּ ִ ֛מיד ֶל ֶ֖חם ַﬠ ַ֥ ֹי 9:10
וַ ֲא ָכלוֹ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its two occurrences without a cj. ()א ָכלוֹ ֲ at Jer 50:17 and Job 13:28.
2 SAMUEL 9:11 ב ֶשׁת א ֵֹכל֙ ַﬠל־ ֹ ֗ וּמ ִפי ְ �ת־ﬠ ְב ֔דּוֹ ֵכּ֖ן יַ ֲﬠ ֶ ֣שׂה ַﬠ ְב ֶ ֑דּ ַ ל־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ְכּכֹ ֩ל ֲא ֶ֨שׁר יְ ַצ ֶ ֜וּה ֲאד ִֹנ֤י ַה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ֶא ַ יב ֙א ֶא ָ אמר ִצ ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ ֻשׁ ְל ָח ֔ ִני ְכּ ַא ַ ֖חד ִמ ְבּ ֵנ֥י ַה ֶ ֽמּ ֶל�׃ 9:11
אַחד ַ ְכּ
Twelve times 1–5 6–10 11–12
י̇ ̇ב
Gen 3:22; 49:16; Judg 16:7; 16:11; 17:11 1 Sam 17:36; 2 Sam 2:18; 9:11; 13:13; Ezek 48:8 Obad 11; 2 Chr 18:12
2 SAMUEL אַחד ַ ְכּtwelve times 1–5
כאחד י̇ ̇ב
Gen 3:22 Gen 49:16 Judg 16:7 Judg 16:11 Judg 17:11 1 Sam 17:36 2 Sam 2:18 2 Sam 9:11 2 Sam 13:13 Ezek 48:8 Obad 11 יכיְ הוּ ָ ְל ִמof Chronicles (2 Chr 18:12)
And once (אַחד ַ )וּכ: ְ Ps 82:7
הן שבטי וחליתי וחליתי מבניו מהם [)הצביים( ]הצבים מבני הנבלים החלקים ונכרים באו ימ ̇ דדבר ̇ למיכיהו
וא וכאחד השרים ̇
Com.: The Masorah notes the twelve occurrences of this lemma with the prep. כ, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (25x) without this preposition. This distinction is implied in the additional notation in the Mm of Chronicles to the 2 Chr 18:12 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 1 Kgs 22:13, where the lemma occurs as אַחד. ַ
The Mm has an additional note that this lemma also occurs with a וcj. (אַחד ַ )וּכ ְ at Ps 82:7.
2 SAMUEL 9:12 יבא ֲﬠ ָב ִ ֖דים ִל ְמ ִפי ֽבֹ ֶשׁת׃ ָ֔ ית־צ ִ מוֹשׁב ֵבּ ַ֣ ֙יכא וְ כֹל ֑ ָ וּשׁ ֣מוֹ ִמ ְ ן־ק ָ ֖טן ָ וְ ִל ְמ ִפי ֥בֹ ֶשׁת ֵבּ 9:12 Unique
וְ ִל ְמ ִפיב ֶֹשׁת ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its two occurrences without a cj. ()ל ְמ ִפיב ֶֹשׁת, ִ one of which occurs in this same verse, and the other at 2 Sam 16:4. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of sixteen verses in which the initial word with a ו cj. and the last word (without a וcj.) of the verse are the same; see 1 Kgs 22:48.
120 9:12
In ML the circellus has been placed only on ָק ָטןbut, since this form occurs six times, it is most likely that the note shoud belong with ן־ק ָטן ָ בּ,ֵ which only occurs once. 9:12
יכא ָ ִמ
Twice written with א
כת ̇א ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 9:12; 1 Chr 9:15
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written with an א, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (31x) written with a יכה( ה ָ )מ. ִ This enumeration does not include the three occurrences of this lemma in Ezra- Nehemiah.
The Mp heading at 1 Chr 9:15 reads more expansively twice written with אand similarly all Ezra.
2 SAMUEL 10:3 י־שׁ ַ ֥לח ְל�֖ ְמ ַנ ֲֽח ִ ֑מים ֠ ֲהלוֹא ָ ת־א ִ֨ב ֙י� ְבּ ֵﬠ ֔ ֶיני� ִ ֽכּ ָ יהם ַ ֽה ְמ ַכ ֵ֨בּד ָדִּו֤ד ֶא ֶ֗ ֵל־חנ֣ וּן ֲא ֽד ֹנ ָ ֽי־ﬠ ֜מּוֹן ֶא ַ אמרוּ֩ ָשׂ ֵ ֨רי ְב ֵנ ְ ֹ וַ יּ ת־ﬠ ָב ָ ֖דיו ֵא ֶ ֽלי�׃ ֲ וּל ָה ְפ ָ֔כהּ ָשׁ ַ ֥לח ָדִּו֛ד ֶא ְ וּל ַרגְּ ָל֣הּ ְ יר ֙ ת־ה ִﬠ ָ ַבּ ֲﬠ ֞בוּר ֲח ֤קוֹר ֶא 10:3
ַה ְמ ַכ ֵבּד
2 Sam 10:3; 1 Chr 19:3
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. The Mp heading at 1 Chr 19:3 mistakenly reads three times instead of twice. 10:3
וּל ַרגְּ ָלהּ ְ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the fem. sfx. to distinguish it from its occurrence without this sfx. ()וּל ַרגֵּ ל ְ in the parallel passage in 1 Chr 19:3; see the Mm at 1 Chr 19:3.
2 SAMUEL 10:3 Unique
וּל ָה ְפ ָכהּ ְ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the fem. sfx. to distinguish it from its occurrence without this sfx. (�ֹ )וְ ַל ֲהפin the parallel passage in 1 Chr 19:3.
2 SAMUEL 10:4 יהם ַוֽ יְ ַשׁ ְלּ ֵ ֽחם׃ ֑ ֶ וֹת ֵ יהם ַבּ ֵ ֖ח ִצי ַ ֣ﬠד ְשׁ ֽת ֛ ֶ ֵת־מ ְדו ַ ת־ח ִ ֣צי זְ ָק ֔ ָנם וַ יִּ ְכ ֧ר ֹת ֶא ֲ ת־ﬠ ְב ֵד֣י ָד ִ֗וד וַ יְ גַ ַלּ ֙ח ֶא ַ וַ יִּ ַ ֨קּח ָחנ֜ וּן ֶא 10:4
יהם ֶ ֵַמ ְדו
Twice and plene
ומל ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 10:4; 1 Chr 19:4
Com.: By noting that this lemma occurs twice and written plene יin the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written defective י. 10:4
יהם ֶ תוֹת ֵ ְשׁ
Unique and plene
ומל ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma occurs once and written plene ()ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written defective ו.
2 SAMUEL 10:5 אמר ַה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ְשׁ ֣בוּ ִ ֽב ֵיר ֔חוֹ ַﬠד־יְ ַצ ַ ֥מּח זְ ַקנְ ֶ ֖כם ֶ ֹ אד וַ ֤יּ ֹ ֑ י־הי֥ וּ ָה ֲאנָ ִ ֖שׁים נִ ְכ ָל ִ ֣מים ְמ ָ אתם ִ ֽכּ ָ֔ וַ יַּ ִגּ֤דוּ ְל ָדוִ ֙ד וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַל֣ח ִל ְק ָר וְ ַשׁ ְב ֶ ֽתּם׃ 10:5 Unique
ַﬠד־יְ ַצ ַמּח ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma without א ֶשׁר, ֲ to distinguish it from its occurrence with )ﬠד ֲא ֶשׁר־יְ ַצ ַמּח( ֲא ֶשׁר ַ in the parallel passage at 1 Chr 19:5.
צוֹבא ֶﬠ ְשׂ ִ ֥רים ָ֗ ת־א ַ ֣רם ֲ ית־ר ֜חוֹב וְ ֶא ְ ת־א ַ ֨רם ֵבּ ֲ ֽי־ﬠ ֡מּוֹן וַ יִּ ְשׂ ְכּרוּ֩ ֶא ַ אוּ ְבּ ֵנ֣י ַﬠ ֔מּוֹן ִ ֥כּי נִ ְב ֲא ֖שׁוּ ְבּ ָדִו֑ד וַ יִּ ְשׁ ְל ֣חוּ ְב ֵנ ֙ וַ יִּ ְר ים־ﬠ ָ ֥שׂר ֶ ֖א ֶלף ִ ֽאישׁ׃ ָ ֵת־מ ֶל� ַ ֽמ ֲﬠ ָכ ֙ה ֶ ֣א ֶלף ִ֔אישׁ וְ ִ ֣אישׁ ֔טוֹב ְשׁנ ֤ ֶ ֶ֨א ֶל ֙ף ַרגְ ֔ ִלי וְ ֶא 10:6
Three times plene as a city Com.: See Judg 18:28. 10:6
�ת־מ ֶל ֶ וְ ֶא
Four times
בקר ̇ מל ̇ ̇ג
Josh 8:23; 8:29; 2 Sam 10:6; 1 Chr 19:7 —————————— �ת־מ ֶל ֶ וְ ֶאfour times
ואת מלך ̇ד
Josh 8:23 Josh 8:29 2 Sam 10:6 ַמ ֲﬠ ָכהof Chronicles (1 Chr 19:7)
Mm תפשו חי תלה על העץ ויראו בני עמון ימ ̇ דדבר ̇ מעכה
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (24x) without a cj. The additional notation in the Mm of Chronicles to the 1 Chr 19:7 reference is simply to distinguish this verse from its parallel in 2 Sam 10:6, which is also in the list.
This lemma occurs in the ms. in folio 173v, but the Mm note appears on the top left of the preceding folio 173r. 10:6
ִאישׁ וְ ִאישׁ
Three times
2 Sam 10:6; Ps 87:5; Prov 20:5 ——————————
2 SAMUEL ִאישׁ וְ ִאישׁthree times 2 Sam 10:6 Ps 87:5 Prov 20:5
איש ואיש ̇ג
וישלחו בני עמון איש ואיש ילד בה והוא מים עמקים עצה בלב איש
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of ִאישׁwith וְ ִאישׁ, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (18x) with )אישׁ ִאישׁ( ִאישׁ, ִ and from its sole occurrence with )אישׁ וָ ִאישׁ( וָ ִאישׁ ִ at Esth 1:8.
2 SAMUEL 10:7 ל־ה ָצּ ָ ֖בא ַהגִּ בּ ִ ֹֽרים׃ ַ ת־יוֹאב וְ ֵ ֥את ָכּ ָ֔ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ ֖מע ָדִּו֑ד וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַל ֙ח ֶא 10:7 Unique
ל־ה ָצּ ָבא ַהגִּ בּ ִֹרים ַ וְ ֵאת ָכּ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the def. article on צ ָבא,ָ to distinguish it from its occurrence without the def. article in the parallel passage at 1 Chr 19:8 (ל־צ ָבא ַהגִּ בּ ִֹרים ָ )וְ ֵאת ָכּ.
2 SAMUEL 10:8 וּמ ֲﬠ ָ֔כה ְל ַב ָ ֖דּם ַבּ ָשּׂ ֶ ֽדה׃ ֽ ַ ישׁ־טוֹב ֣ חוֹב וְ ִ ֽא ֙ צוֹבא ְוּר ֤ ָ אוּ ְבּ ֵנ֣י ַﬠ ֔מּוֹן וַ יַּ ַﬠ ְר ֥כוּ ִמ ְל ָח ָ ֖מה ֶפּ ַ֣תח ַה ָ ֑שּׁ ַﬠר וַ ֲא ַ ֨רם ֙ וַ יֵּ ְֽצ 10:8
צוֹבא ָ
Twice written with א 2 Sam 10:6; 10:8
כת ̇א ̇ ̇ב
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written with an א, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (10x) written with a )צוֹבה( ה. ָ
2 SAMUEL 10:9 חוּרי ביִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ַוֽ יַּ ֲﬠ ֖רֹ� ִל ְק ַ ֥ראת ֣ ֵ וּמ ָא ֑חוֹר וַ יִּ ְב ַ֗חר ִמכֹּל֙ ְבּ ֽ ֵ י־היְ ָ ֤תה ֵא ָל ֙יו ְפּ ֵנ֣י ַה ִמּ ְל ָח ָ֔מה ִמ ָפּ ִנ֖ים ָ יוֹאב ִ ֽכּ ָ֗ וַ יַּ ֣ ְ רא ֲא ָ ֽרם׃ 10:9
ביִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל
Read יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל
ישראל ̇ק
Superfluous ב
יתיר ̇ב
Four cases of a superfluous בthat is not read, and their references 2 Sam 10:9 The first occurrence in the verse ( ַה ֻמּ ְפ ָק ִדים ְבּ ֵבית יְ הוָ ה2 Kgs. 22:5) Jer 52:11 Prov 28:8
יתיר ̇ב ולא קרי וסימנהון ̇ ̇ד
בחורי בישראל המפקדים בבית יהוה קדמי̇ דפסוקה [ויתנהו בבית )הפקדות( ]הפקדת בנשׁך ובתרבית
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (בישראל, in Israel), and the qərê (יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל, [of] Israel) represent variants of equal value; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 151.
The first Mp has a qərê that does not read the בof the kəṯîḇ, whereas the second Mp notes that this בis superfluous.
The Mm lists four similar cases where a בis written but not read; see also Frensdorff, Ochlah, §107, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §89.
The additional notation in the 2 Kgs 22:5 reference of the first occurrence in the verse is necessary because there are two occurrences of the phrase ְבּ ֵבית יְ הוָ הin that verse, and it is only the first one where the בis superfluous.
There are two Mp notes here but only one circellus. The other may have been misplaced over the second following word ל ְק ַראת.ִ
2 SAMUEL 10:11 י� ָ ֽל�׃ ֽ ַ הוֹשׁ ֥ ִ מּוֹן יֶ ֱחזְ ֣קוּ ִמ ְמּ ֔� וְ ָה ַל ְכ ִ ֖תּי ְל ֙ ם־בּ ֵנ֤י ַﬠ ְ ישׁוּﬠה וְ ִא ֑ ָ ם־תּ ֱח ַז֤ק ֲא ָר ֙ם ִמ ֶ֔מּנִּ י וְ ָהיִ ָ֥תה ִ ֖לּי ִ ֽל ֶ אמר ִא ֶ ֹ וַ ֗יּ 10:11
ִמ ֶמּנִּ י
Fifty-seven times, and similarly all Psalms דכות ̇ב ̇מ י̇ ̇א ̇ נ̇ ז̇ וכל תלים apart from eleven 1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 21–25 26–30
Gen 22:12; 23:13; 38:26; 39:9a; 39:9b Exod 8:4; Num 11:14; 22:6; Deut 7:17; 9:14 Josh 7:19; Judg 7:17; 11:37; 16:17; 1 Sam 2:29 1 Sam 3:17a; 3:17b; 20:2; 20:6; 24:18 1 Sam 27:1; 2 Sam 3:39; 10:11; 14:18; 22:18 1 Kgs 2:22; 2 Kgs 4:27; Isa 29:13; Jer 2:35; 38:14
2 SAMUEL 31–35 36–40 41–45 46–50 51–55 56–57
Jer 44:28; Ezek 3:17; 33:7; 43:9; Hos 5:3 Hos 7:13; 8:4; 14:9; Jonah 4:3; Prov 30:7 Prov 30:8; 30:18; Job 6:13; 7:16; 7:19 Job 10:20; 13:13; 19:13; 27:5; 30:1 Job 42:3; Ruth 3:12; Qoh 2:25; 7:23; Lam 1:16 Esth 6:6; 1 Chr 19:12
Com.: The Masorah notes the fifty-seven occurrences of this lemma written with a ( י1st sg.), to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) written with a מ ֶמּנּוּ( ו, ִ 3rd sg. and 1st pl.): see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §165A. The Mp also notes that this lemma is the norm (30x) in the Psalms, apart from eleven cases when it occurs as מ ֶמּנּוּ. ִ 10:11
וְ ָהיִ ָתה
וְ ָהיִ ָתהthree times, once written like this and twice plene Judg 11:6 לכה והייתה לנו לקצין 2 Sam 5:2 אתה הייתה המוציא והמביא 2 Sam 10:11 והיתה לנו לישועה In ( ְל ַמ ָשּׂא2 Sam 15:33) וְ ָהיִ ָתis written
And the rest are written ית ָ ִ ָהיand ית ָ ִוְ ָהי
מל ̇ וב ̇ כת כן ̇ והיתה ̇ג חד
כתב ̇ למשא והית כת ̇ ושאר )והית( ]היית[ והיית
Com.: The first part of the Mm note deals with the three occurrences of וְ ָהיִ ָתהwritten with a final ה, two of them written plene second הייתה( יkəṯîḇ, 2 Sam 5:2) and (יתה ָ ִוְ ָהי, Judg 11:6), and one of them written defective second וְ ָהיִ ָתה( י, here). The second part of the note deals with occurrences of this lemma written without the final ה. Once in 2 Sam 15:33 it is written defective second )וְ ָהיִ ָת( י. In the rest of the Bible it is written plene second י, as ית ָ ִ( ָהי28x) or as ית ָ ִ( וְ ָהי27x).
2 SAMUEL 10:12 ֽיהוה יַ ֲﬠ ֶ ֥שׂה ַה ֖טּוֹב ְבּ ֵﬠ ָינֽיו׃ ָ֔ �הינוּ ַו ֑ ֵ וּב ַ ֖ﬠד ָﬠ ֵ ֣רי ֱא ְ ד־ﬠ ֵ֔מּנוּ ַ ֲח ַז֤ק וְ נִ ְת ַחזַּ ֙ק ְבּ ַﬠ 10:12 Unique
וְ נִ ְת ַחזַּ ק ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma without the cohortative ה, to distinguish it from its sole occurrence with the cohortative )וְ נִ ְת ַחזְּ ָקה( הin the parallel passage at 1 Chr 19:13. 10:12
ד־ﬠ ֵמּנוּ ַ ְבּ ַﬠ
2 Sam 10:12; 1 Chr 19:13
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. 10:12
�הינוּ ֵ וּב ַﬠד ָﬠ ֵרי ֱא ְ
2 Sam 10:12; 1 Chr 19:13
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles.
In ML there are two circelli on this three-word phrase, however both MC and MA here (and ML at 1 Chr 19:13), restrict the note to �הינוּ ֵ ﬠ ֵרי ֱא, ָ which also only occurs twice. 10:12
יַ ֲﬠ ֶשׂה ַהטּוֹב ְבּ ֵﬠינָ יו ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the two occurrences of the phrase ַהטּוֹב ְבּ ֵﬠינָ יו יַ ֲﬠ ֶשׂהin 1 Sam 3:18 and in the parallel passage 1 Chr 19:13.
2 SAMUEL 10:13 שׁר ִﬠ ֔מּוֹ ַל ִמּ ְל ָח ָ ֖מה ַ ֽבּ ֲא ָ ֑רם וַ יָּ ֻנ֖סוּ ִמ ָפּ ָנֽיו׃ ֣ ֶ יוֹאב וְ ָה ָﬠ ֙ם ֲא ָ֗ וַ יִּ ַגּ֣שׁ 10:13
ִמ ָפּנָ יו
Twenty-three times
̇כ ̇ג
Com.: See 1 Sam 18:15.
2 SAMUEL 10:14 רוּשׁ ָ ֽל�׃ ָ ְיוֹאב ֵמ ַﬠל֙ ְבּ ֵנ֣י ַﬠ ֔מּוֹן וַ יָּ ֖ב ֹא י ָ֗ ישׁי וַ יָּ ֖בֹאוּ ָה ִ ֑ﬠיר וַ יָּ ָ֣שׁב ַ֔ סוּ ִמ ְפּ ֵנ֣י ֲא ִב ֙ י־נ֣ס ֲא ָ ֔רם וַ יָּ ֨ ֻנ ָ אוּ ִכּ ֙ וּב ֨ ֵני ַﬠ ֤מּוֹן ָר ְ 10:14
ֵמ ַﬠל ְבּנֵ י ַﬠמּוֹן
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the inseparable prep. מ, to distinguish it from its two occurrences without this preposition ()ﬠל ְבּנֵ י ַﬠמּוֹן ַ at Ezek 25:10 and 2 Chr 20:22. In ML two circelli have been placed over this three-word phrase, but an extra circellus has mistakenly also been placed over ﬠמּוֹן. ַ
2 SAMUEL 10:15 וַ יַּ ֣ ְ רא ֲא ָ ֔רם ִ ֥כּי נִ ַגּ֖ ף ִל ְפ ֵנ֣י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל וַ יֵּ ָא ְס ֖פוּ ָי ַֽחד׃ 10:15
נִ גַּ ף
Three times
Com.: See Judg 20:39. 10:15
וַ יֵּ ָא ְספוּ
Twelve times
י̇ ̇ב
Com.: See Judg 9:6.
2 SAMUEL 10:16 יהם׃ ֽ ֶ ֵר־צ ָ ֥בא ֲה ַד ְד ֶ ֖ﬠזֶ ר ִל ְפנ ְ שׁוֹב� ַשׂ ֛ ַ ְת־א ָר ֙ם ֲא ֶשׁ ֙ר ֵמ ֵﬠ ֶ֣בר ַהנָּ ָ֔הר וַ יָּ ֖בֹאוּ ֵח ָיל֑ם ו ֲ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַל֣ח ֲה ַד ְד ֗ ֶﬠזֶ ר וַ יּ ֵֹצ֤א ֶא 10:16
וַ יּ ֵֹצא
Thirteen times defective 1–5 6–10 11–13
חס ̇ י̇ ̇ג
Num 17:23; 17:24; Judg 19:25; 2 Sam 10:16; 13:18 2 Sam 22:20; 2 Kgs 10:22; 15:20; 23:6; Jer 20:3 Jer 52:31; Job 12:22; 2 Chr 16:2
וַ יּ ֵֹצאthirteen times defective, and their references
Num 17:23 Num 17:24 Judg 19:25 2 Sam 10:16 2 Sam 13:18 2 Sam 22:20 2 Kgs 15:20 2 Kgs 23:6 2 Kgs 10:22 Jer 20:3
2 Chr 16:2 Job 12:22
ויצא י̇ ̇ג חסירין וסימנהון
פרח [)המטות( ]המטת בפילגשו הדדעזר {משרתו }משרתו למרחב מנחם האשרה המלתחה פשחור מאצרות מגלח
Com.: The Masorah notes the thirteen occurrences of this lemma written defective ו, to distinguish them from its twelve occurrences written plene יּוֹצא( ו ֵ ַ ;)וsee Judg 6:19.
ML, contrary to M (יּוֹצא ֵ ַ)ו, has a fourteenth occurrence of this lemma since it writes the form at Jer 51:16 defective ;)וַ יּ ֵֹצא( וsee Breuer, The Biblical Text, 196. However, virtually all the Mp headings and Mm notes highlighted above read thirteen times, thus supporting the enumeration inherent in the text of M. The Mp heading at Job 12:22 reads twenty-five which includes the thirteen defective and twelve plene occurrences of this lemma. 10:16
ֲא ָרם ֲא ֶשׁר ֵמ ֵﬠ ֶבר ̇ל
1–2 2 Sam 10:16; 1 Chr 19:16
Com.: The Mp heading of unique is inexact since there are two occurrences of this lemma, one here and one in the parallel passage at 1 Chr 19:16. The note more precisely should have read unique in the book or unique in the Prophets. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here. 10:16
וַ יָּ בֹאוּ ֵח ָילם ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in the pl, to distinguish it from its sole occurrence in the sg. (אמה ָ )וַ יָּ בֹא ֵח ָלin the next verse.
2 SAMUEL 10:16 Unique
�שׁוֹב ַ ְו ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written with a ב, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of this lemma written with a שׁוֹפ�( פ ַ ְ )וin the parallel passage 1 Chr 19:16.
2 SAMUEL 10:17 ֑אמה וַ יַּ ַﬠ ְר ֤כוּ ֲא ָר ֙ם ִל ְק ַ ֣ראת ָדּ ִ֔וד וַ יִּ ָלּ ֲח ֖מוּ ָ ת־היַּ ְר ֵ ֔דּן וַ יָּ ֖ב ֹא ֵח ָל ַ ת־כּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל֙ וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ֣בֹר ֶא ָ וַ יֻּ ַגּ֣ד ְל ָד ִ֗וד ס וַ יֶּ ֱא ֤סֹף ֶא ִﬠ ֽמּוֹ׃ 10:17
וַ יֻּ גַּ ד
Twenty-four times
̇כ ̇ד
Com.: See Josh 10:17. 10:17
וַ יֶּ ֱאסֹף
Twice written with א
כת ̇א ̇ ̇ב
Com.: This Mp heading of twice written with אdoes not belong with this lemma. It belongs with the lemma צוֹבא ָ that occurs in the adjacent right column (on fol. 173v); see directly above at 2 Sam 10:8. It has mistakenly been rewritten here; see Dotan and Reich, Masora Thesaurus, sub וַ יֶּ ֱאסֹף. 10:17
אמה ָ וַ יָּ ב ֹא ֵח ָל ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in the sg., to distinguish it from its sole occurrence in the pl. ( )וַ יָּ בֹאוּ ֵח ָילםin the previous verse.
The second part of this lemma (אמה ָ )ח ָל ֵ is featured in a Masoretic list of words where an אis written but not read: see the Mm to Num 11:4 sub אס ְפ ֻסף ַ וְ ָה, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §103, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §86.
ר־צ ָב ֛אוֹ ְ שׁוֹב� ַשׂ ֧ ַ אוֹת ֶ ֔ר ֶכב וְ ַא ְר ָבּ ִ ֥ﬠים ֶ ֖א ֶלף ָפּ ָר ִ ֑שׁים וְ ֵ֨את ֙ וַ יָּ ֣נָ ס ֲא ָר ֮ם ִמ ְפּ ֵנ֣י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ֒ וַ יַּ ֲה ֨ר ֹג ָדּ ִ֜וד ֵמ ֲא ָ ֗רם ְשׁ ַ ֤בע ֵמ ִה ָ ֖כּה וַ יָּ ָ֥מת ָ ֽשׁם׃ 10:18 Unique
�שׁוֹב ַ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written with a ב, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of this lemma written with a )שׁוֹפ�( פ ַ in the parallel passage 1 Chr 19:18.
2 SAMUEL 10:19 �הוֹשׁ ַי ֥ ִ פוּ ִל ְפ ֵנ֣י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל וַ יַּ ְשׁ ִ ֥למוּ ֶאת־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל וַ יַּ ַֽﬠ ְב ֑דוּם וַ ִיּ ְֽ ר ֣אוּ ֲא ָ ֔רם ְל ֙ ְל־ה ְמּ ָל ִ֜כים ַﬠ ְב ֵד֣י ֲה ַד ְד ֗ ֶﬠזֶ ר ִ ֤כּי נִ גּ ַ וַ יִּ ְר ֨אוּ ָ ֽכ ת־בּ ֵנ֥י ַﬠ ֽמּוֹן׃ פ ְ ֖ﬠוֹד ֶא 10:19
וַ יַּ ְשׁ ִלמוּ
Three times defective
חס ̇ ̇ג
2 Sam 10:19; Isa 44:28 ( ;)יַ ְשׁ ִלםProv 16:7 ()יַ ְשׁ ִלם
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in various forms written defective י, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (9x) in various forms written plene ( יe.g., יַ ְשׁ ִליםand )ה ְשׁ ִלים. ִ The Mp heading at Prov 16:7 reads twice defective correctly enumerating the two forms of יַ ְשׁ ִלם.
2 SAMUEL 11:1 ת־כּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֗אל ָ ת־ﬠ ָב ָ ֨דיו ִﬠ ֜מּוֹ וְ ֶא ֲ ת־יוֹאב֩ וְ ֶא ָ שׁוּבת ַה ָשּׁ ֜ ָנה ְל ֵﬠ֣ת ׀ ֵצ֣את ַה ַמּ ְל ֿא ִ֗כים וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַל֣ח ָדּ ִ֡וד ֶא ַ֨ וַ יְ ִהי֩ ִל ְת ירוּשׁ ָ ֽל�׃ ס ָ יוֹשׁב ִבּ ֥ ֵ ל־ר ָ ֑בּה וְ ָדִ ֖וד ַ ת־בּ ֵנ֣י ַﬠ ֔מּוֹן וַ יָּ ֻצ֖רוּ ַﬠ ְ תוּ ֶא ֙ וַ יַּ ְשׁ ִ֨ח 11:1 Unique
שׁוּבת ַ וַ יְ ִהי ִל ְת ̇ל
1–2 2 Sam 11:1; 1 Kgs 20:26
Com.: The Mp heading here of unique is inexact since there are two occurrences of this lemma. The note more precisely should have read unique in the book. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
אכים ִ ַה ַמּ ְל ̇ל
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words where an אis written but not read: see the Mm to Num 11:4 sub אס ְפ ֻסף ַ וְ ָה, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §103, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §86. Here the lemma is pointed as אכים ִ ה ַמּ ְל,ַ the messengers; in MC, MA, and Ochlah it is pointed as אכים ִ ַה ְמּ ָל, the kings. 11:1
ת־ﬠ ָב ָדיו ֲ וְ ֶא
Four times
2 Sam 11:1; 24:20; Jer 21:7; 25:19 —————————— ת־ﬠ ָב ָדיו ֲ וְ ֶאfour times
2 Sam 11:1 2 Sam 24:20 Jer 21:7 Jer 25:19
ואת עבדיו ̇ד
לתשובת השנה וישקף ארונה ואחרי כן את פרעה
—————————— ת־ﬠ ָב ָדיו ֲ וְ ֶאfour times
2 Sam 11:1 2 Sam 24:20 Jer 21:7 Jer 25:19
ואת עבדיו ̇ד
ויהי לתשובת וישקף ארונה ואחרי כן נאם יהוה את פרעה מלך מצרים
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (12x) without a cj.
This lemma occurs in the ms. in folio 173v, but the Mm note appears twice, once on the bottom of folio 173v, and then again with minor variations on the top left of the following folio 174r. 11:1
ת־כּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ָ וְ ֶא ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (12x) without a cj. 11:1
וַ יַּ ְשׁ ִחתוּ
Seven times defective
חס ̇ ̇ז
1–5 Deut 4:16 (;)תּ ְשׁ ִחתוּן ַ 31:29 (;)תּ ְשׁ ִחתוּן ַ 2 Sam 11:1 2 Kgs 18:25 (;)ל ַה ְשׁ ִחתוֹ ְ Ezek 16:47 ()וַ ַתּ ְשׁ ִח ִתי 6–7 Mal 3:11 ( ;)יַ ְשׁ ִחתProv 11:9 ()יַ ְשׁ ִחת ——————————
וַ יַּ ְשׁ ִחתוּseven times defective 1–5 Deut 4:16 Deut 31:29 2 Sam 11:1 2 Kgs 18:25 Mal 3:11 6–7 Prov 11:9
וישחתו ז̇ חסירין
פן תשחתון ועשיתם כי ידעתי אחרי מותי את בני עמון עליתי על המקום ולא ישחת לכם את פרי האדמה בפה חנף
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven forms of the hiphil of the verb שׁחתthat are written defective י, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (66x) that are written plene י (e.g., ִה ְשׁ ִחיתand ) ַתּ ְשׁ ִחית.
This enumeration does not include the two ptcp. forms ()מ ְשׁ ִח ִתים ַ at Gen 19:13 and Jer 22:7; see Judg 20:42.
The Mp headings at Deut 4:16 and 31:29 read twice defective enumerating their particular forms ()תּ ְשׁ ִחתוּן, ַ likewise the Mp headings at Mal 3:11 and Prov 11:9 read twice for their particular forms ()יַ ְשׁ ִחת. This lemma occurs in the ms. in folio 173v, but the Mm note appears on the top left of the following folio 174r.
2 SAMUEL 11:1
יוֹשׁב ֵ
Forty-one times plene
1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 21–25 26–30 31–35
מל ̇ ̇מ ̇א
Gen 24:3; 24:62; 50:11; Exod 18:14; 34:12 (יוֹשׁב ֵ )ל ְ b a b Exod 34:15 (יוֹשׁב ֵ ;)ל ְ Num 13:19 ; 13:29 ; 13:29 ; 13:29c* Num 14:14; 14:25; 21:34; Deut 1:4a; 1:4b Deut 3:2; 4:46; Josh 9:7; Judg 1:9; 1:17 Judg 4:2; 11:21; 1 Sam 14:2; 22:6; 2 Sam 5:6 2 Sam 7:2a; 11:1; 16:3; 18:24; 19:9 Isaiah (Isa 5:3; 5:9; 6:5; 6:11; 24:17) Jeremiah (Jer 4:7; 4:29; 9:10; 26:9; 29:32; 33:10; 36:22; 36:30; 38:7; 44:2; 44:22; 46:19; 47:2; 48:9; 48:43; 49:31; 50:3; 51:29; 51:37; 51:62) Ezekiel (Ezek 2:6; 7:7; 8:1) The Twelve (Hos 4:3; Amos 1:5; 1:8; 8:8; Zeph 2:5; 3:6; Zech 12:8; 12:10) Ps 2:4 Ps 22:4 Proverbs (Prov 3:29; 20:8) Job Megillot (Esth 2:21*; 5:1; 5:13) Ezra Chronicles (1 Chr 5:8; 13:6; 17:1; 2 Chr 6:16; 18:18)
Com.: There are seventy-eight occurrences, with and without the prep. ל, of this lemma, written plene ו, but the Mp headings here and at 2 Sam 18:24 and 19:9 list forty-one.
The above allocation of forty-one is based on Breuer’s observations in The Aleppo Codex, 215– 17 that in some mss. the listing of this lemma is done partially by exact occurrences and partially by books, even by books (Job and Ezra) that do not contain this lemma at all!; see Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc. The Masorah notes the forty-one occurrences of this lemma written plene ו, to distinguish them from its more frequent occurrences (100+) written defective )י ֵֹשׁב( ו.
* ML, contrary to M ()יוֹשׁב, ֵ writes the forms at Num 13:29c and Esth 2:21 defective ;)י ֵֹשׁב( ו see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 29 and 322. On the other hand, ML, contrary to M ()י ֵֹשׁב, writes the form at 1 Sam 19:9 plene ;)יוֹשׁב( ו ֵ see ibid, 76. Notes on the highlighted Mp headings. Gen 24:3; 24:62; 50:11.
Exod 18;14; Num 13:29a; 21:34; Deut 1:4a; Deut 3:2; 4:46
Three times plene in the book (of Genesis).
Seventeen times plene (in the Torah).
Exod 34:12; 34:15 (יוֹשׁב ֵ )ל ְ Josh 9:7
Judg 1:9; 11:21
Twice plene (in the book of Exodus) of this form with a prep.
Seventeen times plene in the Prophets. Incorrect, the number should be forty-nine. Four times plene in the book (of Judges).
1 Sam 14:2
Eight times in the book (of Samuel).
2 Sam 5:6
Three times plene in the book. This number is incorrect, it should be eight.
2 Sam 11:1; 18:24; 19:9
Forty-one times plene. See in the Commentary above.
Ps 2:4; 22:4
Twice plene in the book (of Psalms).
Prov 3:29; 20:8
1 Chr 13:6 (רוּבים ִ )יוֹשׁב ַה ְכּ ֵ
2 Chr 6:16
Twice plene in the book (of Proverbs). Unique plene when joined to רוּבים ִ כּ.ְ
Plene in all the book apart from once defective (1 Chr 20:1).
2 SAMUEL 11:2 ית־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� וַ יַּ ְ֥ רא ִא ָ ֛שּׁה ר ֶ ֹ֖ח ֶצת ֵמ ַ ֣ﬠל ַה ָגּ֑ג וְ ָ ֣ה ִא ָ֔שּׁה ַ ל־גּ֣ג ֵבּ ַ בוֹ וַ יִּ ְת ַה ֵלּ ֙� ַﬠ ֙ וַ יְ ִ ֣הי ׀ ְל ֵﬠ֣ת ָה ֗ ֶﬠ ֶרב וַ ָ֨יּ ָקם ָדּ ִ֜וד ֵמ ַ ֤ﬠל ִמ ְשׁ ָכּ אד׃ ֹ ֽ טוֹבת ַמ ְר ֶ ֖אה ְמ ַ֥ 11:2 Unique
ְל ֵﬠת ָה ֶﬠ ֶרב ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ְל ֵﬠתwith ה ֶﬠ ֶרב,ָ to distinguish it from its four occurrences with )ל ֵﬠת ֶﬠ ֶרב( ֶﬠ ֶרב. ְ 11:2
וְ ָה ִא ָשּׁה
Five times with qameṣ
1–5 Num 5:31; Deut 22:22; 1 Sam 25:3; 2 Sam 11:2; 1 Kgs 3:17 ——————————
2 SAMUEL וְ ָה ִא ָשּׁהfive times
1–5 Num 5:31 Deut 22:22 1 Sam 25:3 2 Sam 11:2 1 Kgs 3:17
והאשה ̇ה
ונקה האיש מעון כי ימצא איש ושם האיש נבל והאשה טובת מראה )ואני( ]אני[ והאשה
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) without a cj.
The Mp heading of five times with qameṣ cannot belong with this lemma since this form cannot have any other vowel than a qameṣ. More likely the heading belongs to ָל ִא ָשּׁהon the following line since that lemma also occurs five times, and a notation that this form has a qameṣ (on the )לwould be what is required to distinguish it from forms of this lemma that have a šəwâ on the ;)ל ִא ָשּׁה( ל ְ see Judg 14:7 sub ל ִא ָשּׁה.ָ This lemma occurs in the ms. in folio 173v, but the Mm note appears on the top right of the following folio 174r.
2 SAMUEL 11:4 יתהּ׃ ֽ ָ ל־בּ ֵ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַל ֩ח ָדּ ִ֨וד ַמ ְל ָא ִ֜כים וַ יִּ ָקּ ֶ֗ח ָה וַ ָתּ ֤בוֹא ֵא ָל ֙יו וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ ֣כּב ִﬠ ָ֔מּהּ וְ ִ ֥היא ִמ ְת ַק ֶ ֖דּ ֶשׁת ִמ ֻטּ ְמ ָא ָ ֑תהּ וַ ָ ֖תּ ָשׁב ֶא 11:4
וַ ָתּבוֹא
Ten times plene in the Prophets Com.: See 1 Sam 28:21. 11:4
Unique 11:4
ִמ ְת ַק ֶדּ ֶשׁת ̇ל ִמ ֻטּ ְמ ָא ָתהּ ̇ל
בנביא ̇ מל ̇ ̇י
Mp Mp
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the prep. מ, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (5x) without this preposition.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 11:7 יוֹא ֙ב וְ ִל ְשׁל֣ וֹם ָה ֔ ָﬠם וְ ִל ְשׁל֖ וֹם ַה ִמּ ְל ָח ָ ֽמה׃ ָ אוּריָּ ֖ה ֵא ָל֑יו וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ ֣אל ָדּ ִ֗וד ִל ְשׁל֤ וֹם ִ וַ יָּ ֥ב ֹא
ִל ְשׁלוֹם
Four times
2 Sam 11:7a; 11:7b ( ;)וְ ִל ְשׁלוֹם2 Sam 11:7c ( ;)וְ ִל ְשׁלוֹם2 Kgs 10:13
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma in the cstr., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (29x) in the absol. (וּל ָשׁלוֹם ְ /) ְל ָשׁלוֹם.
The Mp headings at 2 Sam 11:7band 11:7c both read twice indicating the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj. ()וְ ִל ְשׁלוֹם. 11:7
וְ ִל ְשׁלוֹם1
2 Sam 11:7b; 11:7c
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its two occurrences without a וcj., in the same verse and at 2 Kgs 10:13. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublets that occur in the same verse; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §58, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §59. 11:7
וְ ִל ְשׁלוֹם2
Com.: See directly above.
2 SAMUEL 11:8 ית�֖ ְוּר ַ ֣חץ ַרגְ ֶל֑י� וַ יֵּ ֵצ֤א ֽא ִוּריָּ ֙ה ִמ ֵבּ֣ית ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� וַ ֵתּ ֵ ֥צא ַא ֲח ָ ֖ריו ַמ ְשׂ ַ ֥את ַה ֶ ֽמּ ֶל�׃ ְ אמר ָדּוִ ֙ד ְל ֣א ִוּר ָ֔יּה ֵ ֥רד ְל ֵב ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ 11:8 Six times
ַמ ְשׂאַת ̇ו
1–5 Gen 43:34; Judg 20:38; 2 Sam 11:8; Ps 141:2; 2 Chr 24:6 6 2 Chr 24:9
Com.: The Masorah notes the six occurrences of this lemma with a paṯaḥ under the א, to distinguish them from its three occurrences with a ṣerê ()מ ְשׂ ֵאת. ַ
This distinction is implied in the headings of the Mp at Ps 141:2 ( ַ )וand of the Mm at Ps 141:2, which reads six times with paṯaḥ, thereby assuming a contrast with a form with a different vowel under the א, which is most probably a ṣerê. The first Mp heading at Ps 141:2 ()ל ֽ ַ notes that its form ַ ֽמ ְשׂאַ֥תis the only one of the six occurrences listed above that has a gaʿyâ under the מ.
2 SAMUEL 11:9 יתוֹ׃ ֽ ל־בּ ֵ ל־ﬠ ְב ֵד֣י ֲאד ָֹנ֑יו וְ ֥ל ֹא יָ ַ ֖רד ֶא ַ אוּר ָ֗יּה ֶ ֚פּ ַתח ֵבּ֣ית ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ֵ ֖את ָכּ ִ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַכּ֣ב 11:9 Unique
ל־ﬠ ְב ֵדי ַ ֵאת ָכּ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma without a וcj., to distinguish it from its sole occurrence with a cj. at 2 Sam 16:6. 11:9
וְ ל ֹא יָ ַרד ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its two occurrences without a cj. in the following verses (vv. 10 and 13).
2 SAMUEL 11:11 ל־פּ ֵנ֤י ַה ָשּׂ ֶד ֙ה ְ יוֹאב וְ ַﬠ ְב ֵ ֤די ֲאד ֨ ִֹני ַﬠ ָ֜ יהוּדה י ְֹשׁ ִ ֣בים ַבּ ֻסּ ֗כּוֹת וַ אד ֨ ִֹני ֜ ָ ל־דּ ִ֗וד ֠ ָה ָארוֹן וְ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֨אל ִ ֽו ָ אוּר ָ֜יּה ֶא ִ אמר ֶ ֹ וַ ֨יּ ת־ה ָדּ ָ ֥בר ַה ֶזּֽה׃ ַ ם־א ֱﬠ ֶ ֖שׂה ֶא ֶ ם־א ְשׁ ִ ֑תּי ַח ֶ֨יּ ֙� וְ ֵ ֣חי נַ ְפ ֶ֔שׁ� ִ ֽא ִ יתי ֶל ֱא ֥כֹל וְ ִל ְשׁ ֖תּוֹת וְ ִל ְשׁ ַ ֣כּב ִﬠ ֛ ִ ל־בּ ֵ ח ֔ ִֹנים וַ ֲא ֞ ִני ָא ֧בוֹא ֶא 11:11
Seven verses that have the sequence ֶאל... ַﬠל...ֶאל Com.: See Josh 18:16.
In ML this lemma has no circellus.
פס אל על אל ̇ ̇ז
138 11:11
Thirty-three times
̇ל ̇ג
Com.: See Josh 22:22.
In ML the circellus has mistakenly been placed on י ְֹשׁ ִבים, which comes in the next line. But, since י ְֹשׁ ִביםonly occurs twenty-four times, it is most probable that the note ought to belong with וְ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל, that does occur thirty-three times. 11:11
וְ ִל ְשׁ ַכּב
� ֶַחיּ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (7x) without a cj., including one in v. 13. Unique defective
חס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written defective י, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (12x) written plene )חיֶּ י�( י. ַ
2 SAMUEL 11:12 וּמ ָמּ ֳח ָ ֽרת׃ ֽ ִ ירוּשׁ ַל֛� ַבּיּ֥ וֹם ַה ֖הוּא ָ אוּריָּ ֧ה ִב ִ וּמ ָ ֣חר ֲא ַשׁ ְלּ ֶ ֑חךָּ וַ ֵ֨יּ ֶשׁב ָ ם־היּ֖ וֹם ַ ַל־אוּר ָ֗יּה ֵ ֥שׁב ָבּ ֶז֛ה גּ ִ אמר ָדּ ִ֜וד ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֨יּ 11:12
וּמ ָחר ָ
Six times
Com.: See Josh 22:18. 11:12 Twice
ֲָא ַשׁ ְלּ ֶחךּ ̇ב
2 Sam 11:12; 1 Kgs 20:34
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, possibly to distinguish them from its sole occurrence pointed slightly differently (�)א ַשׁ ֵלּ ֲח ֲ at Gen 32:27.
2 SAMUEL 11:13 יתוֹ ֥ל ֹא ֖ ל־בּ ֵ ם־ﬠ ְב ֵד֣י ֲאד ֔ ָֹניו וְ ֶא ַ בוֹ ִﬠ ֙ אכל ְל ָפ ָנ֛יו וַ יֵּ ְ֖שׁ ְתּ ַוֽ יְ ַשׁ ְכּ ֵ ֑רהוּ וַ יֵּ ֵצ֣א ָב ֗ ֶﬠ ֶרב ִל ְשׁ ַ ֤כּב ְבּ ִמ ְשׁ ָכּ ַ ֹ וַ יִּ ְק ָרא־ל֣ וֹ ָד ִ֗וד וַ ֧יּ יָ ָ ֽרד׃ 11:13
וַ יְ ַשׁ ְכּ ֵרהוּ
ִל ְשׁ ַכּב
Five times
Mp Mp
1–5 Gen 34:7; 39:10; 39:14; 2 Sam 11:13; Ruth 3:7
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma with a paṯaḥ under the כ, to distinguish them from its two occurrences with a qameṣ ()ל ְשׁ ָכּב ִ at Prov 6:10 and 24:33.
לֹא יָ ָרד
Three times
2 Sam 11:9 ( ;)וְ לֹא יָ ַרד11:10; 11:13
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma, twice without a וcj. (vv. 10 and here), and once with a וcj. (v. 9); see directly above at 2 Sam 11:9. In ML only remnants of the circellus between these two words are visible on the ms.
2 SAMUEL 11:16 י־חיִ ל ָ ֽשׁם׃ ֖ ַ שׁר יָ ַ ֔דע ִ ֥כּי ַאנְ ֵשׁ ֣ ֶ קוֹם ֲא ֙ ל־ה ָמּ ַ ת־א ִוּר ָ֔יּה ֶא ֣ תּן ֶא ֙ ֵ ִל־ה ִ ֑ﬠיר וַ יּ ָ יוֹאב ֶא ֖ ָ וַ יְ ִ֕הי ִבּ ְשׁ ֥מוֹר 11:16
ִבּ ְשׁמוֹר
Five times plene
מל ̇ ̇ה
Com.: The Mp heading here of five times plene is incorrect since this is the only occurrence of this lemma. Both MC and MA note the uniqueness of this form, with MC reading unique, and MA more completely reading unique and plene.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of hapax legomena that start with a ב, and then have a second letter that consists of a different letter of the alphabet, here a ;שׁsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §36.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 11:19 ל־ה ֶ ֽמּ ֶל�׃ ַ ל־דּ ְב ֵ ֥רי ַה ִמּ ְל ָח ָ ֖מה ְל ַד ֵ ֥בּר ֶא ִ לּוֹת ֗� ֵ ֛את ָכּ ְ מר ְכּ ַכ ֹ ֑ ת־ה ַמּ ְל ָ ֖א� ֵלא ַ וַ יְ ַ ֥צו ֶא
�לּוֹת ְ ְכּ ַכ
2 Sam 11:19; Jer 51:63 (��ת ְ )כּ ַכ ְ
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one written plene ( וhere), and one written defective ( וJer 51:63).
2 SAMUEL 11:20 ל־ה ִ ֖ﬠיר ְל ִה ָלּ ֵ ֑חם ֲהל֣ וֹא יְ ַד ְﬠ ֶ֔תּם ֵ ֥את ֲא ֶשׁר־י ֹ֖רוּ ֵמ ַ ֥ﬠל ָ ם־תּ ֲﬠ ֶל ֙ה ֲח ַ ֣מת ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� וְ ָא ַ ֣מר ְל ֔� ַמ ֛דּ ַוּ� נִ גַּ ְשׁ ֶ ֥תּם ֶא ַ וְ ָה ָ֗יה ִ ֽא חוֹמה׃ ֽ ָ ַה 11:20
Seven times defective
חס ̇ ̇ז
1–5 2 Sam 11:20; 11:24 (ויראו, kəṯîḇ); Ps 64:5 ()י ֹֻרהוּ Ps 64:8 ( ;)וַ יּ ֵֹרםProv 26:18 ()היּ ֶֹרה ַ 6–7 2 Chr 35:23a ( ;)וַ יֹּרוּ35:23b ()היּ ִֹרים ַ ——————————
יֹרוּseven times defective, and their references
1–5 2 Sam 11:20 2 Sam 11:24 Ps 64:8 Ps 64:5 Prov 26:18 6–7 � וַ יֹּרוּ ַהיּ ִֹרים ַל ֶמּ ֶלof Chronicles (2 Chr 35:23a) Twice in the verse (2 Chr 35:23b)
ירו ז̇ חסירין וסימנהון
את אשר ירו ויראו המוראים וירם אלהים פתאם ירהו ולא כמתלהלה הירה וירו )היורים( ]הירים[ למלך דדברי הימים ̇ב בפסוקה
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma in various forms written defective first ו, to distinguish them from occurrences in various forms written plene first ( וe.g., יוֹרה ֶ and יּוֹרים ִ )ה. ַ
The additional notation in the Mm of Chronicles to the two 2 Chr 35:23 occurrences is purely for reference purposes.
Notes on the Mp headings highlighted above. 2 Sam 11:20 ()יֹרוּ
Seven times defective. Includes all the above listed references.
2 Sam 11:24 ()ויראו
This defective form is the kəṯîḇ, the qərê ( )וַ יּוֹרוּis written plene.
Ps 64:8 ()וַ יּ ֵֹרם
Unique and defective. Notes the sole occurrence of this particular form.
Ps 64:5 ()י ֹֻרהוּ
Prov 26:18 ()היּ ֶֹרה ַ
2 Chr 35:23a ()וַ יֹּרוּ
Unique and defective. Notes the sole occurrence of this particular form.
Unique. Notes the sole occurrence of this particular form.
Twice. Notes the twofold occurrence of this form, once written plene first ( וthe qərê of 2 Sam 11:24), and once written defective first ( וhere).
2 Chr 35:23b ()היּ ִֹרים ַ Twice. Notes the twofold occurrence of this form, once written plene first ( ו1 Chr 10:3), and once written defective first ( וhere).
2 SAMUEL 11:21 חוֹמ ֙ה וַ יָּ ָ֣מת ְבּ ֵת ֵ֔בץ ָ ֥ל ָמּה ָ יכה ָﬠ ָליו֩ ֨ ֶפּ ַלח ֶ ֜ר ֶכב ֵמ ַ ֤ﬠל ַ ֽה ָ וֹא־א ָ֡שּׁה ִה ְשׁ ִ ֣ל ִ ימ ֶל� ֶבּן־יְ ֻר ֶ֗בּ ֶשׁת ֲה ֽל ֣ ֶ ת־א ִב ֲ י־ה ָ֞כּה ֶא ִ ִ ֽמ אוּריָּ ֥ה ַה ִח ִ ֖תּי ֵ ֽמת׃ ִ ֛�חוֹמה וְ ָ ֣א ַמ ְר ָ֔תּ ֗ ַגּם ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ֑ ָ ל־ה ֽ ַ נִ גַּ ְשׁ ֶ ֖תּם ֶא 11:21
יְ ֻר ֶבּ ֶשׁת
Unique and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו. 11:21
ֶפּ ַלח ֶר ֶכב
חוֹמה ָ ל־ה ַ ֶא
Judg 9:53; 2 Sam 11:21
Three times
2 Sam 11:21; 18:24; Neh 4:9
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with אל, ֶ to distinguish them from its four occurrences with חוֹמה( ַﬠל ָ )ﬠל ַה. ַ
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 11:24 אוּריָּ ֥ה ַה ִח ִ ֖תּי ֵ ֽמת׃ ס ִ ֛�חוֹמה וַ יָּ ֖מוּתוּ ֵמ ַﬠ ְב ֵד֣י ַה ֶ ֑מּ ֶל� וְ ֗ ַגם ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ָ֔ ל־ﬠ ָב ֶ ֨ד ֙� ֵמ ַ ֣ﬠל ַה ֲ ויראו המוראים ֶא
Read וַ יֹּרוּ
וַ יֹּראוּ וירו ̇ק
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words where an אis written but not read: see the Mm to Num 11:4 sub אס ְפ ֻסף ַ וְ ָה, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §103, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §86. This lemma is also found in a Mm list at 2 Chr 35:23 sub וַ יֹּרוּof the two occurrences of this form, one written plene ( אhere), and one written defective ( א2 Chr 35:23).
Neither MC nor MA has a kəṯîḇ/qərê here. MA reads unique written (with) א, whereas MC has no Mp note. 11:24
מּוֹראים ִ ַה
Read מּוֹרים ִ ַה
קר ̇ המורים
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words in which an אis written but not read; see the Mm to Num 11:4 sub אס ְפ ֻסף ַ וְ ָה, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §103, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §86.
Neither MC nor MA has a kəṯîḇ/qərê here. MA reads unique written this way, whereas MC reads superfluous א. 11:24
וַ יָּ מוּתוּ
Twice plene
מל ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 11:24; Job 1:19
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written plene ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (8x) written defective )וַ יָּ ֻמתוּ( ו.
2 SAMUEL 11:25 ֹאכ֣ל ֶה ָ ֑ח ֶרב ַ י־כ ֹ֥זה וְ ָכ ֶז֖ה תּ ָ ת־ה ָדּ ָ ֣בר ַה ֶ֔זּה ִ ֽכּ ַ ל־יוֹא ֙ב ַאל־יֵ ַ ֤רע ְבּ ֵﬠ ֨ ֶינ ֙י� ֶא ָ ֹאמר ֶא ֤ ַ ל־ה ַמּ ְל ָ֗א� ֽכֹּה־ת ַ אמר ָדּ ִ֜וד ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֨יּ ל־ה ִ ֛ﬠיר וְ ָה ְר ָ ֖סהּ וְ ַחזְּ ֵ ֽ קהוּ׃ ָ ַה ֲח ֵ֨זק ִמ ְל ַח ְמ ְתּ�֧ ֶא 11:25
�יֵ ַרע ְבּ ֵﬠינֶ י
1–2 Gen 21:12; 2 Sam 11:25
Com.: The Mp heading here of unique is inexact since there are two occurrences of this lemma. The note more precisely should have read unique in the book. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
ָכּזֹה וְ ָכזֶ ה
Three times
Judg 18:4; 2 Sam 11:25; 1 Kgs 14:5 —————————— ָכּזֹה וְ ָכזֶ הthree times
Judg 18:4 2 Sam 11:25 1 Kgs 14:5
כזה וכזה ̇ג
[ויאמר )אליהם( ]אלהם דוד אל המלאך אמר אל אחיהו
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma, to distinguish them from its three occurrences of the parallel phrase ָ;כּזֹאת וְ ָכזֹאתsee Ginsburg, 4, ז, §42. 11:25
וְ ָה ְר ָסהּ
וְ ַחזְּ ֵקהוּ
Deut 3:28; 2 Sam 11:25
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 11:26 ל־בּ ְﬠ ָ ֽלהּ׃ ישׁהּ וַ ִתּ ְס ֹ֖פּד ַﬠ ַ אוּריָּ ֣ה ִא ָ ֑ י־מת ִ וַ ִתּ ְשׁ ַמ ֙ע ֵ ֣א ֶשׁת ֽא ִוּר ָ֔יּה ִכּ ֵ ֖
ישׁהּ ִא ָ
Twenty-five times
̇כ ̇ה
Com.: See Judg 19:3.
2 SAMUEL 11:27 ר־ﬠ ָ ֥שׂה ָדִ ֖וד יתוֹ וַ ְתּ ִהי־ל֣ וֹ ְל ִא ָ֔שּׁה וַ ֵ ֥תּ ֶלד ל֖ וֹ ֵבּ֑ן וַ יֵּ ֧ ַ רע ַה ָדּ ָ ֛בר ֲא ֶשׁ ָ ל־בּ ֙ וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ֣בֹר ָה ֵ֗א ֶבל וַ יִּ ְשׁ ֨ ַלח ָדּ ִ֜וד וַ יַּ ַא ְס ָ ֤פהּ ֶא ֵ הוֽה׃ פ ְבּ ֵﬠ ֵינ֥י יְ ָ
אַס ָפהּ וַ יַּ ְ
11:27 Unique
וַ ֵתּ ֶלד לוֹ ֵבּן
2 Sam 11:27; Hos 1:3
ֵ to distinguish themבּן with the sg.וַ ֵתּ ֶלד לוֹ Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of ) at 2 Chr 11:19.וַ ֵתּ ֶלד לוֹ ָבּנִ ים( ָבּנִ ים from its sole occurrence with the pl.
2 SAMUEL 12:1 אמר ֙לוֹ ְשׁ ֵנ֣י ֲאנָ ִ֗שׁים ָה ֙יוּ ְבּ ִ ֣ﬠיר ֶא ָ֔חת ֶא ָ ֥חד ָﬠ ִ ֖שׁיר וְ ֶא ָ ֥חד ָ ֽראשׁ׃ ל־דִּו֑ד וַ יָּ ֣ב ֹא ֵא ֗ ָליו וַ ֤יּ ֹ ֶ הו֛ה ֶאת־נָ ָ ֖תן ֶא ָ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ ֧לח יְ ָ
מל ̇ג ̇
Three times plene
;)ה ָראשׁ( 2 Sam 12:1; 12:4 ָ Prov 10:4 Mm
מל וסימנהון ראש ̇ג ̇
ָ three times plene, and their referencesראשׁ אחד עשיר ואחד ראש ויקח את כבשת האיש
2 Sam 12:1 2 Sam 12:4 >י̇ < ̇ד
In ML the note for this lemma has been placed two lines down the column, and the scribe wrote דfour, instead of ידfourteen. 16:18
וְ כֹל ִאישׁ
Seventeen times
̇י̇ ז
Com.: The Mp heading here of seventeen is incorrect since there are only sixteen occurrences of this lemma. The error is probably a graphic one confusing זseven with וsix; see Judg 3:29. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
In ML the note for this lemma has been placed on the left side of the note for the following lemma. 16:18
Read לוֹ
ל ֹא לו ̇ק
Seventeen times written לא, but read לוֹ 1–5
Exod 21:8 Lev 11:21 Lev 25:30 1 Sam 2:3 לֹא ֶא ְהיֶ הof Hushai (2 Sam 16:18) 2 Kgs 8:10 Isa 9:2 Isa 63:9 Ps 100:3 Ps 139:16 Job 13:15 Job 41:4 Prov 26:2 Prov 19:7 Ezra 4:2 Isa 49:5 The first occurrence of וְ לֹא ֵשׁם in Chronicles (1 Chr 11:20)
וקר לו ̇ י̇ ז̇ כת לא
יעדה והפדה כרעים ממעל אשר )לו( ]לא[ חמה [ולא נתכנו )עלילות( ]עללות לא אהיה דחושי לך אמר לא הרבית הגוי בכל צרתם לא צר דעו כי יהוה הוא ימים יצרו ולא הן יקטלני לא איחל לא אחריש בדיו כצפור לנוד אף כי מרעהו ולא אנחנו זבחים [לא )אוסף( ]יאסף ולא שם קדמייה דדברי הימים
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( לאno/not), and the qərê ( לוֹto him) represent variant forms where the qərê is preferable to the kəṯîḇ; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 152. The Mm notes the seventeen occasions when לאor ולאis written, but read as לוֹor ;וְ לוֹsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §105, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §88.
The additional notation of Hushai in the 2 Sam 16:18 reference is to distinguish this verse from other occurrences of לֹא ֶא ְהיֶ הwhere לֹאis not read as לוֹ.
The additional notation of the first occurrence of וְ לֹא ֵשםin Chronicles in the 1 Chr 11:20 reference is to distinguish this verse from the second occurrence of the phrase in v. 24, where it occurs written as וְ לוֹ ֵשׁם.
In ML the Mp note for this lemma has been placed on the right side (instead of the left side) of the note for the preceding lemma.
שׁי ָא ִ֔בי� ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ִה ִנּ ַ֖י� ִל ְשׁ ֣מוֹר ַה ָ ֑בּיִ ת וְ ָשׁ ַ ֤מע ָכּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל֙ ִ ֽכּי־ ֣ ֵ ְל־פּ ַלג ִ ל־א ְב ָשׁ ֔�ם ֚בּוֹא ֶא ַ ת ֶפל֙ ֶא ֹ ֨ אמר ֲא ִחי ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ ל־א ֶ ֥שׁר ִא ָ ֽתּ�׃ ֲ ת־א ִ֔בי� וְ ָ ֣חזְ ֔קוּ יְ ֵ ֖די ָכּ ָ נִ ְב ַ ֣א ְשׁ ָתּ ֶא 16:21
אַב ָשׁ�ם ְ
Fourteen times defective Com.: See 2 Sam 13:4. 16:21
ִפּ ַלגְ ֵשׁי
Twice defective
חס ̇ י̇ ̇ד
חס ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 16:21; 16:22
—————————— ִפּ ַלגְ ֵשׁיtwice defective
חס ̇ פלגשי ̇ב
2 Sam 16:21 And the one after it (2 Sam 16:22)
בוא אל פלגשי ושל אחריו
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written defective י. However, there are no occurrences of this lemma written plene י. The note more precisely should have read twice and defective.
It is possible that the function of the note may have been to distinguish these occurrences of ִפּ ַלגְ ֵשׁיfrom other forms such as ִפּ ַילגְ ִשׁיor וּפ ַילגְ שׁוֹ ִ etc., that are written plene י. MA also reads here twice defective, but MC has no note on this lemma. 16:21
ִל ְשׁמוֹר
Eight times plene, and their references 1–5 2 Sam 16:21 1 Kgs 11:38 1 Chr 29:19 1 Chr 22:12 2 Chr 5:11
מל וסימנהון ̇ לשמור ̇ח בוא אל פלגשי אביך והיה אם תשמע ולשלמה בני תן אך יתן לך יהוה שכל ובינה אין לשמור למחלקות
2 SAMUEL 6–8 וְ ִל ְשׁמוֹר ֶאת־ ִמ ְצוֹ ָתיוof Chronicles (2 Chr 34:31) Qoh 3:6 Neh 10:30
ולשמור >את< מצותיו דדברי הימים עת לשמור מחזיקים על אחיהם
Com.: The Masorah notes the eight occurrences of this lemma written plene ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (11x) written defective )ל ְשׁמֹר( ו. ִ
This distinction is implied in the additional notation of Chronicles to the 2 Chr 34:31 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 2 Kgs 23:3, where the lemma occurs written defective )וְ ִל ְשׁמֹר( ו.
The Mm note for 1 Chr 29:19 only deals with the five occurrences of this lemma without the וcj., but it has erroneously been placed on fol. 340r at 1 Chr 22:12, where the form occurs with the וcj.
2 SAMUEL 16:22 שׁי ָא ִ֔ביו ְל ֵﬠ ֵינ֖י ָכּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ ֣ ֵ ְל־פּ ַלג ֽ ִ לוֹם ֶא ֙ ל־ה ָגּ֑ג וַ יָּ ֤ב ֹא ַא ְב ָשׁ ַ א ֶהל ַﬠ ֹ ֖ וַ יַּ ֧טּוּ ְל ַא ְב ָשׁל֛ וֹם ָה 16:22
וַ יַּ טּוּ
Com.: The Mp heading reads unique although there are four occurrences of this lemma; see 1 Sam 8:3.
Dotan/Reich (Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.) suggest that the note unique may indicate a difference in meaning, since the context here has to do with setting up a tent, whereas the other occurrences of וַ יַּ טּוּhave to do with subverting justice or going astray. The Mp heading of MA and both the Mp and Mm of MC read here four times. 16:22
ִפּ ַלגְ ֵשׁי
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
Com.: See directly above at 2 Sam 16:21.
ם־ל ָדִ ֖וד ַגּ֥ם ְ ַת ֶפל גּ ֹ ֔ ל־ﬠ ַצ֣ת ֲא ִחי ֲ �הים ֵ ֚כּן ָכּ ֑ ִ ת ֶפל ֲא ֶ ֤שׁר יָ ַﬠ ֙ץ ַבּיָּ ִ ֣מים ָה ֵ֔הם ַכּ ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר יִ ְשׁ ַאל־יִ ֖ ִבּ ְד ַ ֣בר ָה ֱא ֹ ֗ וַ ֲﬠ ַצ֣ת ֲא ִחי ְל ַא ְב ָשׁ ֽ�ם׃ ס 16:23
יִ ְשׁאַל־ ִ◌ ִבּ ְד ַבר
ִאישׁis read but not written
איש קרי ולא כתב
Com.: In ML the vowel, but not the consonants, of the word ִאישׁis written between יִ ְשׁאַל and בּ ְד ַבר.ִ
This is one of ten cases where words are read though not written; see the Mm to Jer 50:29 sub ָלהand Ruth 3:5 sub א ַלי, ֵ Frensdorff, Ochlah, §97, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §80.
There is also another tradition that knows of eleven cases of this phenomenon; see MartinContreras, “The Phenomenon,” 77–87. 16:23
אַב ָשׁ�ם ְ ְל
Fourteen times defective Com.: See 2 Sam 13:4.
חס ̇ י̇ ̇ד
2 SAMUEL 17:1 י־דִ ֖וד ַה ָ ֽלּיְ ָלה׃ ָ וּמה וְ ֶא ְר ְדּ ָ ֥פה ַא ֲח ֵר ָ ים־ﬠ ָ ֥שׂר ֶ֨א ֶל ֙ף ִ֔אישׁ וְ ָא ֛ק ָ ֵל־א ְב ָשׁ ֑�ם ֶא ְב ֲח ָ ֣רה ֗ ָנּא ְשׁנ ַ ת ֶפל ֶא ֹ ֖ אמר ֲא ִחי ֶ ֹ וַ ֥יּ 17:1
ֶא ְב ֲח ָרה
2 Sam 17:1; Job 9:14
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with the cohortative ה, to distinguish them from its three occurrences without this cohortative ()א ְב ַחר. ֶ 17:1
קוּמה ָ וְ ָא ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its three occurrences without a cj.; see 2 Sam 3:21.
2 SAMUEL 17:1
וְ ֶא ְר ְדּ ָפה
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its sole occurrence without a cj. at 2 Sam 22:38.
2 SAMUEL 17:2 ת־ה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ְל ַב ֽדּוֹ׃ ַ יתי ֶא ֥ ִ ר־א ֑תּוֹ וְ ִה ֵכּ ִ ל־ה ָ ֣ﬠם ֲא ֶשׁ ָ וְ ָא ֣בוֹא ָﬠ ֗ ָליו וְ ֤הוּא יָ ֨ ֵג ַ ֙� ְוּר ֵפ֣ה יָ ַ ֔דיִ ם וְ ַ ֽה ֲח ַר ְד ִ ֣תּי א ֹ֔תוֹ וְ ָנ֖ס ָכּ 17:2
וְ ָאבוֹא
2 Sam 17:2; Isa 37:24
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (10x) with a וconsec. (וָ ָאבוֹא/)וָ ָאבֹא. 17:2
ְוּר ֵפה
2 SAMUEL 17:3 ל־ה ָ ֖ﬠם יִ ְה ֶי֥ה ָשׁ ֽלוֹם׃ ָ שׁר ַא ָ ֣תּה ְמ ַב ֵ ֔קּשׁ ָכּ ֣ ֶ ישׁ ֲא ֙ ל־ה ָ ֖ﬠם ֵא ֶל֑י� ְכּ ֣שׁוּב ַה ֔כֹּל ָה ִא ָ יבה ָכ ָ וְ ָא ִ ֥שׁ 17:3
יבה ָ וְ ָא ִשׁ
Four times
2 Sam 17:3; Isa 1:25; 1:26; Prov 27:11
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its two occurrences with a וconsec. (יבה ָ )וָ ָא ִשׁat Ps 119:59 and Neh 13:9. 17:3
ְכּשׁוּב ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the prep. כ, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (9x) with the prep. )בּשׁוּב( ב. ְ
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that only occur twice, once with a וcj. (וּכשׁוּב, ְ 1 Sam 17:56), and once without (here); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §1, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §1.
2 SAMUEL 17:4 וּב ֵﬠ ֵינ֖י ָכּל־זִ ְק ֵנ֥י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ ס ְ ישׁר ַה ָדּ ָ ֖בר ְבּ ֵﬠ ֵינ֣י ַא ְב ָשׁ�֑ ם ֥ ַ ִוַ יּ 17:4
ישׁר ַ ִוַ יּ
Three times plene
מל ̇ ̇ג
Num 23:27 (ישׁר ַ ִ ;)י2 Sam 17:4; 2 Chr 30:4
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma written plene second י, to distinguish them from its two occurrences written defective second )וַ יִּ ַשׁר( יat 1 Sam 18:20 and 26. 17:4
אַב ָשׁ�ם ְ
Fourteen times defective Com.: See 2 Sam 13:4.
וּב ֵﬠינֵ י ְ
Ten times
חס ̇ י̇ ̇ד
Com.: See 2 Sam 3:19.
2 SAMUEL 17:5 ם־הוּא׃ ֽ ַה־בּ ִ ֖פיו גּ ְ חוּשׁי ָה ַא ְר ִ ֑כּי וְ נִ ְשׁ ְמ ָ ֥ﬠה ַמ ֣ ַ אמ ֙ר ַא ְב ָשׁ ֔לוֹם ְק ָ ֣רא ֔ ָנא ַגּ֖ם ְל ֶ ֹ וַ ֨יּ 17:5 Unique
וְ נִ ְשׁ ְמ ָﬠה ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a šəwâ under the מ, to distinguish it from its occurrence with a qameṣ ( )וְ נִ ְשׁ ָמ ָﬠהat Exod 20:19. At Exod 20:19 the Mp heading reads unique and once ה־בּ ִפיו( ונשמעה מה בפיו ְ )וְ נִ ְשׁ ְמ ָﬠה ַמto refer the reader to this verse.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of hapax legomena from the root ;שׁ ַמע ָ see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §12G.
2 SAMUEL 17:6 ת־דּ ָב ֑רוֹ ִאם־ ְ ת ֶפל ֲהנַ ֲﬠ ֶ ֖שׂה ֶא ֹ ֔ מר ַכּ ָדּ ָ ֤בר ַהזֶּ ֙ה ִדּ ֶבּ֣ר ֲא ִחי ֹ ֗ אמר֩ ַא ְב ָשׁ ֨לוֹם ֵא ֜ ָליו ֵלא ֶ ֹ ם וַ יּ ֒ ל־א ְב ָשׁלוֹ ַ חוּשׁ֮י ֶא ַ וַ יָּ ֣ב ֹא ַ ֖איִ ן ַא ָ ֥תּה ַד ֵ ֽבּר׃ ס 17:6
ֲהנַ ֲﬠ ֶשׂה
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the interrog. ה, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (53x) without this interrogative. 17:6
ִאם־אַיִ ן
Four times
Exod 17:7; Num 13:20; 2 Sam 17:6; Job 33:33 —————————— ִאם־אַיִ ןfour times
Num 13:20 Exod 17:7 2 Sam 17:6 Job 33:33
אם אין ̇ד
)השמעה( ]השמנה[ )היא( ]הוא[ אם רזה היש יהוה בקרבנו אם אין אתה }שמע{ דבר אתה שמע לי
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma without a וcj, to distinguish them from its five occurrences with a cj.; see Ginsburg, 4, א, §749.
2 SAMUEL 17:8 �וּמ ֵ ֥רי ֨ ֶנ ֶפ ֙שׁ ֵ֔ה ָמּה ְכּ ֥ד ֹב ַשׁ ֖כּוּל ַבּ ָשּׂ ֶ ֑דה וְ ָא ִ֨ב ֙י ָ ת־אנָ ָ֜שׁיו ִ ֧כּי גִ בּ ִ ֹ֣רים ֵ֗ה ָמּה ֲ ת־א ִ֨בי� וְ ֶא ָ חוּשׁי ַא ָ ֣תּה ָ֠י ַד ְﬠ ָתּ ֶא ַ֗ אמר ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ ת־ה ָ ֽﬠם׃ ָ ִ ֣אישׁ ִמ ְל ָח ָ֔מה וְ ֥ל ֹא יָ ִ ֖לין ֶא 17:8
ת־אנָ ָשׁיו ֲ וְ ֶא
ת־אנָ ָשׁיו ֲ וְ ֶאtwice
Gen 24:59 2 Sam 17:8
ואת אנשיו ̇ב
ואת עבד אברהם [ואת אנשיו כי )גבורים( ]גברים
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its three occurrences without a cj. 17:8
גִ בּ ִֹרים
Seven times defective
Com.: See Josh 10:2. 17:8
Three times
חס ̇ ̇ז
2 Sam 17:8; Hos 13:8; Prov 17:12
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma pointed this way, possibly to distinguish them from its three occurrences pointed differently as שׁכוֹל. ְ
2 SAMUEL 17:9 מת וְ ָה ָ֗יה ִכּנְ ֹ֤פל ָבּ ֶה ֙ם ַבּ ְתּ ִח ֔ ָלּה וְ ָשׁ ַ ֤מע ַהשּׁ ֵֹ֨מ ַ ֙� וְ ָא ַ֔מר ֹ ֑ ִה ֨ ֵנּה ַﬠ ָ ֤תּה ֽהוּא־נֶ ְח ָבּ ֙א ְבּ ַא ַ ֣חת ַה ְפּ ָח ִ֔תים ֖אוֹ ְבּ ַא ַ ֣חד ַה ְמּקוֹ ָ ֽהיְ ָת ֙ה ַמגֵּ ֔ ָפה ָבּ ֕ ָﬠם ֲא ֶ ֖שׁר ַא ֲח ֵ ֥רי ַא ְב ָשׁ ֽ�ם׃ 17:9 Unique
ַﬠ ָתּה הוּא ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of הוּאwith ﬠ ָתּה, ַ to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (10x) with אַתּה ָ ()אַתּה הוּא. ָ 17:9
ַה ְמּקוֹמֹת
Three times written like this
כת כן ̇ ̇ג
2 Sam 17:9; 17:12; Ezek 34:12
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma written plene first וand defective second ו, to distinguish them from its nine occurrences written defective first וand plene second )ה ְמּקֹמוֹת( ו, ַ and from its two occurrences written plene first וand plene second ו ()ה ְמּקוֹמוֹת ַ at 1 Sam 7:16 and Jer 29:14.
In ML the Mp heading at 2 Sam 17:12 mistakenly reads seven times written like this, but MA correctly reads three times written like this. MC has no note here.
2 SAMUEL 17:9
ִכּנְ פֹל
אַב ָשׁ�ם ְ
Com.: See 2 Sam 3:34. Fourteen times defective Com.: See 2 Sam 13:4.
חס ̇ י̇ ̇ד
2 SAMUEL 17:10 י־חיִ ל ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ִא ֽתּוֹ׃ ֖ ַ ֵוּבנ ְ �ן־חיִ ל ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ִל ֛בּוֹ ְכּ ֵ ֥לב ָה ַא ְר ֵי֖ה ִה ֵ ֣מּס יִ ָ ֑מּס ִ ֽכּי־י ֵ ֹ֤ד ַ� ָכּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל֙ ִכּי־גִ ֣בּוֹר ָא ִ֔בי ַ֗ ם־בּ ֶ ַוְ ֣הוּא ג 17:10
וְ הוּא
Unique at the beginning of a verse
1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 21–25 26–30 31–33
פס ̇ ̇ל רא
Gen 16:12; 33:3; Lev 21:13; Judg 3:19; 3:24 1 Sam 17:23; 2 Sam 17:10; 23:21; 1 Kgs 19:4; 2 Kgs 5:25 Isa 10:7; 34:17; 42:22; 53:5; Ezek 18:11 Hab 1:10; Zech 6:13; Ps 9:9; 19:6; 78:38 Ps 130:8; Job 13:28; 21:32; 22:18; 23:13 Job 34:29; 37:12; Dan 2:21; 1 Chr 11:23; 2 Chr 27:5 2 Chr 28:3; 32:30; 33:6
Com.: The Mp heading here of unique at the beginning of a verse is incorrect since, as the Mp headings at Gen 33:3, 2 Kgs 5:25, Hab 1:10 and Dan 2:21 correctly read, there there are thirty-three occurrences of this lemma.
The Masorah notes the thirty-three occurrences of this lemma at the beginning of a verse with a וcj., to distinguish them from its thirty-three occurrences at the beginning of a verse without a cj. MA correctly reads here thirty-three times at the beginning of a verse. MC has no note here. Further notes on the Mp headings highlighted above. Gen 33:3
1 Sam 17:23
The Mp heading also notes the three occurrences of this lemma in the Torah. It reads thirty-three times at the beginning of a verse, three of them in the Torah.
The Mp heading reads unique at the beginning of a verse in the book and refers to the presence of the accent ləḡarmeh at that reference.
2 Sam 17:10; 23:21
The Mp headings at these references of unique at the beginning of a verse seem to be errors for thirty-three where only the first part of the numeral ( ֗לinstead of ) ֗ל ֗גwas written. Dotan/Reich (Masora Thesaurus, ad loc) propose an alternate explanation that the ֗לstands here for thirty, and represents the thirty occurrences of this lemma apart from the Torah.
Zech 6:13
The Mp heading reads seven verses have the sequence וְ הוּא... ;וְ הוּאsee Judg 17:7.
2 SAMUEL 17:11 וּפ ֶנ֥י� ה ְֹל ִ ֖כים ָ ל־היָּ ֖ם ָל ֑ר ֹב ַ ר־ﬠ ַ ד־בּ ֵ ֣אר ֶ֔שׁ ַבע ַכּ ֥חוֹל ֲא ֶשׁ ְ ִ ֣כּי יָ ֗ ַﬠ ְצ ִתּי ֠ ֵה ָאסֹף יֵ ָא ֵ֨סף ָﬠ ֶל֤י� ָכל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל֙ ִמ ָ ֙דּן וְ ַﬠ ַבּ ְק ָ ֽרב׃ 17:11
ֵה ָאסֹף
יֵ ָא ֵסף
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a ḥolem on the ס, to distinguish it from its two occurrences with a ṣerê ()ה ָא ֵסף ֵ at Gen 29:7 and Num 12:15. Mp
1–5 Exod 9:19; Num 11:22; 20:24; 20:26; 2 Sam 17:11 6–9 2 Sam 17:13; Isa 49:5; 60:20; Job 27:19
Com.: The Mp heading here of unique is incorrect since there are nine occurrences of this lemma. The Masorah notes the nine occurrences of this lemma in the niphal, to distinguish them from its three occurrences in the qal ()יֶ ֱאסֹף. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here. 17:11
ל־היָּ ם ַ ר־ﬠ ַ ַכּחוֹל ֲא ֶשׁ
2 Sam 17:11; 1 Kgs 4:20
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma without שׂ ַפת, ְ to distinguish them from its four occurrences with )כּחוֹל ֲא ֶשׁר ַﬠל ְשׂ ַפת ַהיָּ ם( ְשׂ ַפת. ַ
In ML only one circellus has been placed at the beginning of this phrase on א ֶשׁר ַכּחוֹל. ֲ But, since this phrase occurs six times, it is most likely that (with BHS) the note should be extended to include the full phrase ל־היָּ ם ַ ר־ﬠ ַ כּחוֹל ֲא ֶשׁ.ַ 17:11
�וּפנֶ י ָ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (65x) without a cj. 17:11
ַבּ ְק ָרב
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a paṯaḥ under the ב, to distinguish it from its occurrence with a ḥîreq ()בּ ְק ָרב ִ in 2 Sam 15:5.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of hapax legomena that start with a בand then has a second letter that consists of a different letter of the alphabet, here a ;קsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §36.
2 SAMUEL 17:12 וֹתר ֛בּוֹ ַ ֥ל־ה ֲא ָד ָ ֑מה וְ ֽל ֹא־נ ָ וּבאנוּ ֵא ֗ ָליו ְבּ ַא ַ ֤חת ַה ְמּקוֹמ ֹ֙ת ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר נִ ְמ ָצ֣א ָ֔שׁם וְ ַנ ְ֣חנוּ ָﬠ ֔ ָליו ַכּ ֲא ֶ ֛שׁר יִ ֹ֥פּל ַה ַ ֖טּל ַﬠ ָ֣ ם־א ָ ֽחד׃ ֶ ַר־א ֖תּוֹ גּ ִ ל־ה ֲאנָ ִ ֥שׁים ֲא ֶשׁ ָ וּב ָכ ְ 17:12
אַחת ַ ְבּ
Read אַחד ַ ְבּ
באחד ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()באחת, and the qərê (אַחד ַ )בּ ְ represent kəṯîḇ/qərê variations in gender; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 139.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words in which a תis written but is not read, or read as a different letter (here as a ;)דsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §163, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §149, the Mm at Ezek 7:2 sub אַר ַבּעת, ְ and the Mm at Mic 1:10 sub ה ְת ַפּ ָלּ ִשׁתי.ִ 17:12
ַה ְמּקוֹמֹת
Seven times written like this
כת כן ̇ ̇ז
Com.: The Mp heading mistakenly reads seven times written like this but, as MA correctly reads, it should be three times written like this; see directly above at 2 Sam 17:9. MC has no note here.
252 17:12
Five times
Com.: See 2 Sam 13:30.
2 SAMUEL 17:13 ד־ה ֔ ַנּ ַחל ַ ֛ﬠד ֲא ֶ ֽשׁר־לֹא־ ַ ֹתוֹ ַﬠ ֙ ל־ה ִ ֥ﬠיר ַה ִ ֖היא ֲח ָב ִ ֑לים וְ ָס ַ ֤ח ְבנוּ א ָ יר ֵי ָֽא ֵ֔סף וְ ִה ִ ֧שּׂיאוּ ָ ֽכל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֛אל ֶא ֙ ל־ﬠ ִ ם־א ֶ וְ ִא ם־צ ֽרוֹר׃ פ ְ ַנִ ְמ ָ ֥צא ָ ֖שׁם גּ 17:13
וְ ִה ִשּׂיאוּ
Lev 22:16; 2 Sam 17:13
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur twice beginning with ;וְ ַה see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §63, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §64.
The Mp heading at Lev 22:16 adds the catchwords ) ָכּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל( כל ישראלto refer the reader to this verse. 17:13
וְ ָס ַח ְבנוּ
לֹא־נִ ְמ ָצא
2 Sam 17:13; Mal 2:6
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma without a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (6x) with a cj. ()וְ לֹא־נִ ְמ ָצא.
2 SAMUEL 17:14 ת־ﬠ ַצ֤ת ֲ יהו֣ה ִצ ָ ֗וּה ְל ָה ֞ ֵפר ֶא ָ ַת ֶפל ו ֹ ֑ חוּשׁי ָה ַא ְר ִ֔כּי ֵמ ֲﬠ ַ ֖צת ֲא ִחי ֣ ַ טוֹבה ֲﬠ ַצ ֙ת ָ֗ ל־אישׁ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ֣ ִ לוֹם וְ ָכ ֙ אמר ַא ְב ָשׁ ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ ת־ה ָר ָ ֽﬠה׃ ס ָ ל־א ְב ָשׁל֖ וֹם ֶא ַ הו֛ה ֶא ָ ְטּוֹבה ְל ַב ֲﬠ ֗בוּר ָה ִ ֧ביא י ָ֔ ת ֶפל֙ ַה ֹ ֨ ֲא ִחי 17:14
וְ כֹל ִאישׁ
Sixteen times
̇י̇ ו
Com.: See Judg 3:29. 17:14
Three times
ְל ַב ֲﬠבוּר ̇ג
Exod 20:20; 2 Sam 14:20; 17:14
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with the prep. ל, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (36x) without this preposition. 17:14
Eight times
ָה ִביא ̇ח
1–5 Gen 18:19; Deut 6:23; 2 Sam 17:14; Isa 1:13; Jer 17:18 6–8 Jer 17:24; Ezek 20:15; Ruth 3:15 ()ה ִבי ָ
Com.: The Masorah notes the eight occurrences of this lemma written with a qameṣ under the ( הinfin.), to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (16x) written with a ṣerê under the ה ִביא( ה,ֵ perf.); see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §1G.
This distinction is implied in the heading of the Mp at Gen 18:19, which reads eight times with qameṣ ()ח, ָ and of the Mm at Deut 6:23 and Isa 1:13, which read eight times with qameṣ, thereby assuming a contrast with a form with a different vowel under the ה, which can only be a ṣerê. The Mp heading at Ruth 3:15 reads unique with this accent because that form is the only one of the eight that is accented milʿêl ()ה ִבי. ָ֠ At Isa 1:13 a circellus has been placed on this lemma with the note twice plene. But this note really belongs with the preceding word תּוֹסיפוּ, ִ which does occur twice plene.
ת־א ְב ָשׁ ֔�ם וְ ֵ ֖את זִ ְק ֵנ֣י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל ַ ת ֶפל֙ ֶא ֹ ֨ ל־א ְביָ ָת ֙ר ַה ֣כֹּ ֲה ֔ ִנים ָכּ ֣ז ֹאת וְ ָכ ֗ז ֹאת יָ ַ ֤ﬠץ ֲא ִחי ֶ ל־צ ֤דוֹק וְ ֶא ָ חוּשׁי ֶא ַ֗ אמר ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ וְ ָכ ֥ז ֹאת וְ ָכ ֖ז ֹאת יָ ַ ֥ﬠ ְצ ִתּי ָ ֽאנִ י׃ 17:15
אַב ָשׁ�ם ְ
Eighteen times defective Com.: See 2 Sam 13:4. 17:15
וְ ֵאת זִ ְקנֵ י
Three times
חס ̇ י̇ ̇ח
2 Sam 17:15; 2 Kgs 19:2; Isa 37:2
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its five occurrences without a cj. 17:15
וְ ָכז ֹאת וְ ָכזֹאת
Josh 7:20; 2 Sam 17:15b
—————————— וְ ָכזֹאת וְ ָכזֹאתtwice
Josh 7:20 2 Sam 17:15b
וכזאת וכזאת ̇ב
אמנה אנכי חטאתי ויאמר חושי אל צדוק ואל אביתר
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of ( וְ ָכזֹאתsecond form) with וְ ָכזֹאת, to distinguish them from its three occurrences with )כּזֹאת וְ ָכזֹאת( ָכּז ֹאת, ָ one of which is in this very verse.
2 SAMUEL 17:16 ל־תּ ֶלן ַה ֨ ַלּיְ ָל ֙ה ְבּ ַ ֽﬠ ְר ֣בוֹת ַה ִמּ ְד ָ֔בּר וְ ַג֖ם ָﬠ ֣בוֹר ַתּ ֲﬠ ֑בוֹר ֶ ֚פּן יְ ֻב ַלּ֣ע ֤ ָ מר ַא ֹ ֗ וְ ַﬠ ָ֡תּה ִשׁ ְל ֣חוּ ְמ ֵה ָר ֩ה וְ ַה ֨ ִגּידוּ ְל ָד ִ֜וד ֵלא ל־ה ָ ֖ﬠם ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ִא ֽתּוֹ׃ ָ וּל ָכ ְ �ַל ֶ֔מּ ֶל 17:16
Eight times plene
מל ̇ ̇ח
1–5 Num 22:26 (;)ﬠבוֹר ֲ Josh 4:1 (;)ל ֲﬠבוֹר ַ 4:11 ()ל ֲﬠבוֹר ַ 2 Sam 15:24 (;)ל ֲﬠבוֹר ַ 17:16 6–8 Amos 7:8 (;)ﬠבוֹר ֲ 8:2 (;)ﬠבוֹר ֲ Nah 2:1 (לעבור, kəṯîḇ)
Com.: The Masorah notes the eight occurrences of this lemma in various forms written plene ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (19x) written defective ו ( ַל ֲﬠבֹר/) ֲﬠבֹר. Notes on the highlighted Mp headings. 1 2 3 4 17:16 Twice
The Mp heading at Num 22:26 reads five times plene ( )וto include the three forms of ( ֲﬠבוֹרNum 22:26, Amos 7:8 and 8:2), and two with prepositions כand ַכּ ֲﬠבוֹר( מat Prov 10:25 and ֵמ ֲﬠבוֹרat Lam 3:44); see Breuer, Masora Magna, 623, n. 2. The Mp headings at Amos 7:8 and 8:2 read seven times and seven times plene ( )וto include only the seven forms of ֲﬠבוֹרand ל ֲﬠבוֹר,ַ and excluding this lemma form of ﬠבוֹר. ָ The Mp headings at Josh 4:1, 4:11, 2 Sam 15:24 and Nah 2:1 read four times plene counting only the four forms that have a pref. )ל ֲﬠבוֹר( ל. ַ
At Nah 2:1 the form that is included in this list is the kəṯîḇ, which is written plene ו (לעבור, whereas the qərê reads )ל ֲﬠ ָבר. ַ יְ ֻב ַלּע ̇ב
2 Sam 17:16; Job 37:20 ()יְ ֻב ָלּע
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one written with a paṯaḥ under the ( לhere), and one with a qameṣ (יְ ֻב ָלּע, Job 37:20).
The Mm heading at Job 37:20 reads twice, once with paṯaḥ and once with qameṣ, and the Mp heading there reads twice, once with qameṣ.
This lemma is featured in two Masoretic lists. One is in a list of words that occur once with a qameṣ, and once with a paṯaḥ; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §23, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah weOklah, §24. The other is in a list of doublets that start with a ;יsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §66.
֣ידה ָל ֶ֔הם וְ ֵה ֙ם ֵי ְֽל ֔כוּ וְ ִה ִ ֖גּידוּ ַל ֶ ֣מּ ֶל� ָדִּו֑ד ִ ֣כּי ֥ל ֹא ָ ימ ַﬠץ ע ְֹמ ִ ֣דים ְבּ ֵﬠין־ר ֗ ֵֹגל וְ ָה ְל ָ ֤כה ַה ִשּׁ ְפ ָח ֙ה וְ ִה ִגּ ַ֜ וִ יהוֹנָ ָ֨תן וַ ֲא ִח יוּכל֛ וּ ְל ֵה ָר ֖אוֹת ָל ֥בוֹא ָה ִ ֽﬠ ָירה׃ ְ 17:17
וְ ָה ְל ָכה ַה ִשּׁ ְפ ָחה
Unique 17:17
̇ל יוּכלוּ ְ
Eleven times
י̇ ̇א
1–5 Josh 7:12 ( ;)יֻ ְכלוּ2 Sam 17:17; Isa 56:10; Jer 1:19; 6:10 6–10 Jer 11:11; 15:20; Hos 8:5; Ps 18:39 ( ;)יֻ ְכלוּCant 8:7 11 Lam 4:14
Com.: The Masorah notes the eleven occurrences of this lemma with a šəwâ under the כ, to distinguish them from its three occurrences with a qameṣ under the יֻ ָכלוּ( כ/יוּכלוּ ָ ), and from its more numerous occurrences (32x) of the parallel form ;יָ ְכלוּsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §33K.
The Mm at Josh 7:12 deals only with the two occurrences of this lemma written defective ו, there and at Ps 18:39. 17:17
ְל ֵה ָראוֹת
Four times
Lev 13:14 (;)ה ָראוֹת ֵ 2 Sam 17:17; 1 Kgs 18:2; Ezek 21:29 ——————————
ְל ֵה ָראוֹתfour times in various forms Lev 13:14 2 Sam 17:17 1 Kgs 18:2 Ezek 21:29
להראות ̇ד בלישנין
וביום הראות בו כי לא יוכלו להראות וילך אליהו [להראות )חטאתיכם( ]חטאותיכם
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma written with a ה, to distinguish them from its three occurrences written without this )ל ָראוֹת( ה, ֵ and from its two occurrences written as ְל ֵה ָראֹהat Judg 13:21 and 1 Sam 3:21.
The Mp and Mm headings of 1 Kgs 18:2, and the Mp heading at Ezek 21:29, read three times because they only include in their enumerations forms of the lemma with the pref. ל ()ל ֵה ָראוֹת. ְ
2 SAMUEL 17:18 חוּרים וְ ל֥ וֹ ְב ֵ ֛אר ַבּ ֲח ֵצ ֖רוֹ ֗ ִ ית־אישׁ ְבּ ַב ֣ ִ ל־בּ ֽ ֵ יהם ְמ ֵה ָ ֜רה וַ יָּ ֣בֹאוּ ׀ ֶא ֶ֨ ֵוַ יַּ ֤ ְ רא א ָֹת ֙ם ֔ ַנ ַﬠר וַ יַּ ֵגּ֖ד ְל ַא ְב ָשׁ�֑ ם וַ יֵּ ְלכוּ֩ ְשׁנ וַ יֵּ ְ֥ רדוּ ָ ֽשׁם׃ 17:18
אַב ָשׁ�ם ְ ְל
Fourteen times defective Com.: See 2 Sam 13:4. 17:18
חס ̇ י̇ ̇ד
חוּרים ִ ְבּ ַב
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the prep. ב, to distinguish it from its occurrence with the prep. חוּרים( מ ִ )מ ַבּ ִ at 2 Sam 19:17. 17:18
ַבּ ֲח ֵצרוֹ
2 SAMUEL 17:19 נוֹדע ָדּ ָ ֽבר׃ ֖ ַ ל־פּ ֵנ֣י ַה ְבּ ֵ֔אר וַ ִתּ ְשׁ ַ ֥טח ָﬠ ָל֖יו ָ ֽה ִר ֑פוֹת וְ ֥ל ֹא ְ ת־ה ָמּ ָס ֙� ַﬠ ַ וַ ִתּ ַ ֣קּח ָה ִא ָ֗שּׁה וַ ִתּ ְפ ֤ר ֹשׂ ֶא 17:19
ל־פּנֵ י ַה ְבּ ֵאר ְ ַﬠ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with פּנֵ י,ְ to distinguish it from its two occurrences with ל־פּי ַה ְבּ ֵאר( ִפּי ִ )ﬠ ַ at Gen 29:2 and 29:3; see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §280, no. 124. 17:19
ָה ִרפוֹת
2 Sam 17:19; Prov 27:22 ()ה ִריפוֹת ָ ——————————
ָה ִרפוֹתtwice, once defective and once plene
2 Sam 17:19 Prov 27:22
מל ̇ הרפות ̇ב חד חס וחד
ותשטח עליו הרפות [בתוך )הרפות( ]הריפות
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one written plene ( יProv 27:22), and one written defective ( יhere).
2 SAMUEL 17:20 אמר ָל ֶה ֙ם ָ ֽה ִא ָ֔שּׁה ָﬠ ְב ֖רוּ ִמ ַיכ֣ל ֶ ֹ יהוֹנָ ָ֔תן וַ ֤תּ ֣ ִימ ַﬠ ֙ץ ו ַ֨ רוּ ַא ֵ֗יּה ֲא ִח ֙ אמ ְ ֹ ל־ה ִא ָ֜שּׁה ַה ַ֗בּיְ ָתה וַ ֽיּ ָ וַ יָּ ֣בֹאוּ ַﬠ ְב ֵדי֩ ַא ְב ָשׁ ֨לוֹם ֶ ֽא רוּשׁ ָ ֽל�׃ ס ָ ְשׁוּ וְ ֣ל ֹא ָמ ָ֔צאוּ וַ יָּ ֻ ֖שׁבוּ י ֙ ַה ָ ֑מּיִ ם וַ יְ ַב ְק 17:20
ַה ָבּיְ ָתה
Nineteen times
י̇ ̇ט
Com.: See Josh 2:18. 17:20
יכל ַ ִמ
Unique, and similarly every woman’s name
דכות ̇ ̇ל וכל שם אנת
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma here as a noun stream (of water)? Otherwise it is always a woman’s name Michal.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that only occur once (as here) in a specific meaning (here, stream [of water?]), but elsewhere occur in a different meaning (in this case, the name Michal); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §269.
2 SAMUEL 17:21 ת־ה ַ֔מּיִ ם ַ ל־דּ ִ֗וד ֣קוּמוּ וְ ִﬠ ְב ֤רוּ ְמ ֵה ָר ֙ה ֶא ָ אמ ֣רוּ ֶא ְ ֹ וַ יְ ִ ֣הי ׀ ַא ֲח ֵ ֣רי ֶל ְכ ָ֗תּם ַוֽ יַּ ֲﬠ ֙לוּ ֵ ֽמ ַה ְבּ ֵ֔אר וַ יֵּ ְ֣ל ֔כוּ וַ יַּ ִ ֖גּדוּ ַל ֶ ֣מּ ֶל� ָדִּו֑ד וַ יּ ת ֶפל׃ ֹ ֽ יכם ֲא ִחי ֖ ֶ י־כ ָ֛כה יָ ַ ֥ﬠץ ֲﬠ ֵל ָ ִכּ 17:21 Unique
ל־דּוִ ד ָ אמרוּ ֶא ְ ֹ וַ יּ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ל־דּוִ ד ָ ֶאwith ֹאמרוּ ְ וַ יּ, to distinguish it from its two occurrences with אמר ֶ ֹ ל־דּוִ ד( וַ יּ ָ ֹאמר ֶא ֶ )וַ יּat 1 Sam 24:18 and 29:9.
2 SAMUEL 17:22 א־ﬠ ַ ֖בר ֶאת־ ָ ֹ ד־א ַח ֙ד ֣ל ֹא נֶ ְﬠ ָ ֔דּר ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ל ַ ד־אוֹר ַה ֗בֹּ ֶקר ַﬠ ֣ ת־היַּ ְר ֵ ֑דּן ַﬠ ַ ל־ה ָﬠ ֙ם ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ִא ֔תּוֹ וַ יַּ ַﬠ ְב ֖רוּ ֶא ָ וַ יָּ ֣ ָ קם ָדּ ִ֗וד וְ ָכ ַהיַּ ְר ֵ ֽדּן׃ 17:22
ל־ה ָﬠם ָ וְ ָכ
Fifty-one times in the middle (of a verse)
Com.: See Josh 1:2. 17:22
באמצ ̇ נ̇ ̇א
אוֹר ַהבּ ֶֹקר
Six times
Com.: See Judg 16:2. 17:22
נֶ ְﬠ ָ ֔דּר
Twice with zaqeṕ qameṣ
2 Sam 17:22; Zeph 3:5
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a qameṣ under a zaqeṕ, to distinguish them from its sole occurrence with a sôṕ pasûq at Isa 40:26.
The Mp at Zeph 3:5 has a circellus and reads six times but, since there are only three occurrences of this lemma, it is most likely that this note belongs with another word in the verse מ ְשׁ ָפטוֹ, ִ which does occur six times; see 1 Sam 27:11, and Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.
2 SAMUEL 17:23 יתוֹ ֖ ל־בּ ֵ ירוֹ וַ יְ ַ ֥צו ֶא ֔ ל־ﬠ ִ יתוֹ ֶא ֙ ל־בּ ֵ ת־ה ֲח ֗מוֹר וַ ָ֜יּ ָקם וַ ֵיּ ֶ֤ל� ֶא ַ ת ֶפל ָר ָ֗אה ִ ֣כּי ֣ל ֹא נֶ ֶﬠ ְשׂ ָת ֮ה ֲﬠ ָצתוֹ֒ וַ יַּ ֲח ֣בֹשׁ ֶ ֽא ֹ ֣ וַ ֲא ִחי וַ יֵּ ָח ַנ֑ק וַ ָ֕יּ ָמת וַ יִּ ָקּ ֵ ֖בר ְבּ ֶ ֥ ק ֶבר ָא ִ ֽביו׃ ס 17:23 Unique
ל־ﬠירוֹ ִ ל־בּיתוֹ ֶא ֵ ֶא ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in this order, to distinguish it from its occurrence in the reverse order (ל־בּיתוֹ ֵ ל־ﬠירוֹ וְ ֶא ִ )א ֶ at Josh 20:6.
In ML there are only two circelli on this four-word phrase: one on ל־בּיתוֹ ֵ א, ֶ and one on ל־ﬠיר ִ א. ֶ With four- or five-word phrases it is not unusual for only two circelli to be given; see Josh 1:6 and passim. 17:23
וַ יֵּ ָחנַ ק
2 SAMUEL 17:24 ל־אישׁ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל ִﬠ ֽמּוֹ׃ ֥ ִ ת־היַּ ְר ֵ ֔דּן ֕הוּא וְ ָכ ַ וְ ָדִ ֖וד ָבּ֣א ַמ ֲח ָנ֑ יְ ָמה וְ ַא ְב ָשׁ ֗�ם ָﬠ ַב ֙ר ֶא 17:24
ַמ ֲחנָ יְ ָמה
Three times
2 Sam 17:24; 17:27; 1 Kgs 4:14
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with the locative ה, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (6x) without this adverbial ending ()מ ֲחנָ יִ ם. ַ 17:24
אַב ָשׁ�ם ְ ְו
Fourteen times defective Com.: See 2 Sam 13:4.
חס ̇ י̇ ̇ד
2 SAMUEL 17:25 ר־בּ ֙א ֶאל־ ָ מוֹ יִ ְת ָ ֣רא ַהיִּ ְשׂ ְר ֵא ֔ ִלי ֲא ֶשׁ ֙ וּשׁ ְ ן־אישׁ ִ֗ ל־ה ָצּ ָ ֑בא וַ ֲﬠ ָמ ָ ֣שׂא ֶב ַ יוֹאב ַﬠ ֖ ָ ת־ﬠ ָמ ָ֗שׂא ָ ֧שׂם ַא ְב ָשׁ�֛ ם ַ ֥תּ ַחת ֲ וְ ֶא יוֹאב׃ ֽ ָ רוּי֖ה ֵ ֥אם ָ ֲא ִב ַיג֣ל ַבּת־נָ ָ֔חשׁ ֲא ֥חוֹת ְצ 17:25
וַ ֲﬠ ָמ ָשׂא
1–5 2 Sam 17:25; 20:8; 20:10; 20:12; 2 Chr 28:12
Com.: The Mp heading here of twice is incorrect since there are five occurrences of this lemma. The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (8x) without a cj.
Dotan/Reich (Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.) suggest that the lemma here include the next word ֶבן since the phrase וַ ֲﬠ ָמ ָשׂא ֶבןonly occurs twice (here and 2 Chr 28:12). Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here. 17:25
יִ ְת ָרא
Twice, once written רה, and once written רא 2 Sam 17:25; Isa 15:7 ()יִ ְת ָרה
כת רא ̇ [וח ]= וחד ̇ כת רה ̇ ̇ב חד
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one written ( יִ ְת ָרהIsa 15:7), and one written ( יִ ְת ָראhere).
2 SAMUEL 17:27 וּב ְרזִ ַ ֥לּי ַהגִּ ְל ָﬠ ִ ֖די ַ יאל֙ ִמ ֣לּ ֹא ְד ָ֔בר ֵ ן־ﬠ ִמּ ַ וּמ ִ ֤כיר ֶבּ ָ ֽי־ﬠ ֗מּוֹן ַ וַ יְ ִ֕הי ְכּ ֥בוֹא ָדִ ֖וד ַמ ֲח ָנ֑ יְ ָמה וְ שׁ ִֹ֨בי ֶבן־נָ ָ֜חשׁ ֵמ ַר ַ ֣בּת ְבּ ֵנ ֵמר ֹגְ ִ ֽלים׃ 17:27
ַמ ֲחנָ יְ ָמה
Three times
Com.: See directly above at 2 Sam 17:24.
In ML only traces of the note may be seen in the margin.
2 SAMUEL 17:28 וּפוֹל וַ ֲﬠ ָד ִ ֖שׁים וְ ָק ִ ֽלי׃ ֥ וּשׂע ִ ֹ֖רים וְ ֶ ֣ ק ַמח וְ ָק ִ ֑לי ְ יוֹצר וְ ִח ִ ֥טּים ֵ֔ וּכ ִ ֣לי ְ פּוֹת ֙ ִמ ְשׁ ָ ֤כּב וְ ַס 17:28
וְ ָק ִלי
וְ ָק ִליthree times, and their references Lev 23:14 2 Sam 17:28a Twice in the verse (2 Sam 17:28b)
וקלי ̇ג וסימנהון
ולחם וקלי >וכרמל< לא תאכלו משכב וספות וכלי יוצר שנים בפסוקה
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its three occurrences without a cj.
ר־א ֖תּוֹ ֶל ֱא ֑כוֹל ִ ֣כּי ָא ְמ ֔רוּ ָה ֗ ָﬠם ָר ֵ ֛ﬠב וְ ָﬠ ֵי֥ ף וְ ָצ ֵ ֖מא ִ וּשׁ ֣פוֹת ָבּ ָ ֔קר ִה ִ ֧גּישׁוּ ְל ָדִו֛ד וְ ָל ָ ֥ﬠם ֲא ֶשׁ ְ אן ֙ ֹ ְוּד ַ ֣בשׁ וְ ֶח ְמ ָ֗אה וְ צ ַבּ ִמּ ְד ָ ֽבּר׃ 17:29
וּשׁפוֹת ְ
וּשׁפוֹת ְ ְשׁפוֹתfour times
שפות ושפות ̇ד
2 Sam 17:29 ()וּשׁפוֹת ְ 2 Kgs 4:38 ()שׁפֹת ְ Ezek 24:3a ()שׁפֹת ְ Twice in the verse (Ezek 24:3b)
ודבש וחמאה ואלישע [)ומש( ]ומשל[ אל בית )המורשתי( ]המרי שנים בפסוק
Com.: The Masorah here notes the four occurrences of this lemma written plene and defective ו, with and without a וcj. The Mp headings to 2 Kgs 4:38 and Ezek 24:3a read three times taking into account only those forms that are written defective וand are without the וcj.; see 2 Kgs 4:38.
2 SAMUEL 18:3 י־ﬠ ָ ֥תּה ַ ינוּ ֔ ֵלב ִ ֽכּ ֙ אמר ָה ֜ ָﬠם ֣ל ֹא ֵת ֵ֗צא ִכּי֩ ִאם־ ֨נ ֹס נָ נ֜ וּס לֹא־יָ ִ ֧שׂימוּ ֵא ֵל֣ינוּ ֗ ֵלב וְ ִאם־יָ ֻ ֤מתוּ ֶח ְצ ֵ֨י ֙נוּ ֽל ֹא־יָ ִ ֤שׂימוּ ֵא ֨ ֵל ֶ ֹ וַ ֨יּ ה־לּנוּ ֵמ ִ ֖ﬠיר ַל ְﬠ ֹֽזיר׃ ס ֥ ָ ֶי־ת ְהי ֽ ִ מנוּ ֲﬠ ָשׂ ָ ֣רה ֲא ָל ִ ֑פים וְ ַﬠ ָ ֣תּה ֔טוֹב ִכּ ֹ ֖ ָכ 18:3
יָ ֻמתוּ
יָ ֻמתוּthree times defective 2 Sam 18:3 Job 34:20 Qoh 9:5
חס ̇ ימתו ̇ג
ואם ימתו חצינו רגע )ימותו( ]ימתו[ וחצות לילה כי החיים יודעים
And similarly all the Torah and Jeremiah apart from one ()יָ מוּתוּ: Jer 42:17
וכל אוריתה וירמיה דכות ̇ב ̇מ ̇א ויהיו כל האנשים
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma written defective first ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (12x) written plene first )יָ מוּתוּ( ו.
The Masorah also notes that the writing of this lemma written defective first וis the norm in the Torah (9x) and Jeremiah (5x) apart from one occurrence at Jer 42:17, when it is written plene first )יָ מוּתוּ( ו.
2 SAMUEL 18:3
ַל ְﬠזיֹר
Read ַל ְﬠזוֹר
לעזור ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (לעזיר, hiphil), and the qərê (ל ְﬠזוֹר,ַ qal) are examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê variations in different conjugations; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 134.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that has a יwritten in the middle of a word that is read as ;וsee the Mm at Num 1:16 sub קריאי, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §80, and DíazEsteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §71.
2 SAMUEL 18:4 ל־ה ָﬠ ֙ם ָי ְֽצ ֔אוּ ְל ֵמ ֖אוֹת ָ ל־י֣ד ַה ַ֔שּׁ ַﬠר וְ ָכ ַ מד ַה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ֶא ֹ ֤ יטב ְבּ ֵﬠינֵ ֶיכ֖ם ֶא ֱﬠ ֶ ֑שׂה וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ֥ ַ ִיה ֙ם ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ֲא ֶשׁר־י ֶ אמר ֲא ֵל ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ וְ ַל ֲא ָל ִ ֽפים׃ 18:4
ֶאל־יַ ד
Five times
1–5 2 Sam 18:4; Ezek 48:1a; 48:1b; Ps 123:2a; 123:2b
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of יַ דwith אל, ֶ to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (11x) with )ﬠל יַ ד( ַﬠל. ַ This enumeration does not include the four occurrences of this lemma in Esther.
This distinction is implied in the additional notation of and similarly all Esther apart from one, which is added to the Mp heading at Ps 123:2a. That one exception is at Esth 6:9, which has the phrase ﬠל יַ ד. ַ 18:4
ְל ֵמאוֹת וְ ַל ֲא ָל ִפים
1 Sam 29:2; 2 Sam 18:4
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma where ֵמאוֹתand ֲא ָל ִפיםimmediately follow each other to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (15x), where these two terms are separated from each other as, for example, in אַר ַבּ ַﬠת ְ ְֲח ֵמשׁ ֵמאוֹת ו א ָל ִפים. ֲ
�ל־ה ָ ֣ﬠם ָשׁ ְמ ֗עוּ ְבּ ַצ ֥ ֹוּת ַה ֶ ֛מּ ֶל ָ ט־לי ַל ַנּ ַ֣ﬠר ְל ַא ְב ָשׁל֑ וֹם וְ ָכ ֖ ִ מר ְל ַא ֹ ֔ תּי ֵלא ֙ ַ ת־א ִ ישׁי וְ ֶא ֤ ַ ת־א ִב ֲ ֠וֹאב וְ ֶא ָ וַ יְ ַצ֣ו ַה ֶ֡מּ ֶל� ֶאת־י ל־דּ ַ ֥בר ַא ְב ָשׁ ֽלוֹם׃ ְ ל־ה ָשּׂ ִ ֖רים ַﬠ ַ ת־כּ ָ ֶא 18:5 Unique
ְלאַט ̇ל
1–2 2 Sam 18:5; Isa 8:6
Com.: The Mp heading here of unique is incorrect since there are two occurrences of this lemma. The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a šəwâ under the לto distinguish them from its two occurrences with a qameṣ ()לאַט ָ at 2 Sam 19:5 and Job 15:11. Both MC and MA correctly read here twice.
This lemma is featured in two Masoretic lists. One is in a list of doublets that commence with ;לsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §29, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §30.
The other is in a list of doublet homonyms; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §59, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §60. However, the form in Isa 8:6 and here seem to have the same meaning of gently. If, however, the lemma here has a different meaning than the one at Isa 8:6, that would explain the Mp note of unique as being unique in this meaning; see Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.
2 SAMUEL 18:7 דוֹל֛ה ַבּיּ֥ וֹם ַה ֖הוּא ֶﬠ ְשׂ ִ ֥רים ָ ֽא ֶלף׃ ָ ְי־שׁם ַה ַמּגֵּ ָ ֧פה ג ָ֞ וַ יִּ ָנּ֤ גְ פוּ ָשׁ ֙ם ַ ֣ﬠם יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ִל ְפ ֵנ֖י ַﬠ ְב ֵד֣י ָדִו֑ד וַ ְתּ ִה 18:7 Unique
וַ יִּ נָּ גְ פוּ ָשׁם ַﬠם יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ̇ל
In ML there are only two circelli on this four-word phrase: one on וַ יִּ נָּ גְ פוּ ָשׁםand one on ַﬠם יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל. With four- or five-word phrases it is not unusual for only two circelli to be given; see Josh 1:6 and passim. 18:7
דוֹלה ָ ְָשׁם ַה ַמּגֵּ ָפה ג ̇ל
2 SAMUEL 18:8 ל־ה ָ ֑א ֶרץ וַ יֶּ ֤ ֶ רב ַה ַ֨יּ ַﬠ ֙ר ֶל ֱא ֣כֹל ָבּ ֔ ָﬠם ֵמ ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ָא ְכ ָל֛ה ַה ֶ ֖ח ֶרב ַבּיּ֥ וֹם ַה ֽהוּא׃ ָ ל־פּ ֵנ֣י ָכ ְ י־שׁם ַה ִמּ ְל ָח ָ ֛מה נָ ֹ֖פ ֶצית ַﬠ ֧ ָ וַ ְתּ ִה 18:8
נָ פ ֶֹצית
Read נָ פ ֶֹצת
נפצת ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()נפצית, and the qərê ( )נָ פ ֶֹצתare examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê variations in the sg. and pl.; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 136–37.
ML, contrary to M, writes the form here with a י, whereas M writes it with a ;)נָ פ ֶֹצות( וsee Breuer, The Biblical Text, 94. MC and MA both write the kəṯîḇ of this form נפצות, and the qərê פוֹצת ֶ ָנ.
This form is featured in a Masoretic list of words in which two letters ( )צוare written one way but are read transposed ( ;)וצsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §91. 18:8
וַ יֶּ ֶרב
2 Sam 18:8; Lam 2:5
—————————— וַ יֶּ ֶרבtwice
2 Sam 18:8 Lam 2:5
וירב ̇ב
[וירב היער לאכל )העם( ]בעם וירב בבת יהודה
And once ()וְ יֶ ֶרב: Job 34:37
וחד וירב אמריו לאל
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וconsec., and the Mm has an additional note that this lemma occurs with a וcj. at Job 34:37.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words occurring three times, twice with a וconsec, and once with a וcj.; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §13, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §14.
דוֹלה וַ יֶּ ֱח ַז֧ק ָ ֜ ְשׂוֹב�֩ ָה ֵא ֨ ָלה ַהגּ ֶ ל־ה ֗ ֶפּ ֶרד וַ יָּ ֣ב ֹא ַה ֡ ֶפּ ֶרד ַ ֣תּ ַחת ַ וַ יִּ ָקּ ֵר ֙א ַא ְב ָשׁ ֔לוֹם ִל ְפ ֵנ֖י ַﬠ ְב ֵד֣י ָדִו֑ד וְ ַא ְב ָשׁ ֞לוֹם ר ֵֹכ֣ב ַﬠ ר־תּ ְח ָ ֖תּיו ָﬠ ָ ֽבר׃ ַ תּן ֵבּ֤ין ַה ָשּׁ ַ֨מיִ ֙ם ֵוּב֣ין ָה ָ֔א ֶרץ וְ ַה ֶ ֥פּ ֶרד ֲא ֶשׁ ֙ ַ ֻאשׁוֹ ָב ֵא ֗ ָלה וַ יּ ֣ ֹר 18:9
וַ יִּ ָקּ ֵרא
Five times
1–5 2 Sam 18:9; 18:18; Ezek 20:29; Ezra 2:61; Neh 7:63 —————————— וַ יִּ ָקּ ֵראfive times
1–5 2 Sam 18:9 2 Sam 18:18 Ezra 2:61 Neh 7:63 Ezek 20:29 And two ()וְ יִ ָקּ ֵרא Ruth 4:14 Gen 48:16
ויקרא ̇ה
אבשלום [)אבשלום( ]אבשלם ברזלי ברזלי הבמה ותריין ויקרא שמו בישראל ויקרא בהם שמי ושם אבתי
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma in the niphal with a וconsec., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (200+) in the qal ( ;)וַ יִּ ְק ָראsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §35E. The Masorah also notes the two occurrences of this form in the niphal with a וcj. The Mp heading at 2 Sam 18:18 reads fifteen ( )היinstead of five ( ;)הsee directly below. 18:9
�שׂוֹב ֶ
Unique written like this
כת כן ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written a שׂ, to distinguish it from other related forms written with a ס, such as �( ַבּ ְסּ ַבGen 22:13) or ( ִס ְב ֵכיIsa 10:34). 18:9
וַ יֻּ ַתּן ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וconsec., to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (7x) without a )יֻ ַתּן( ו. 18:9
ֵבּין ַה ָשּׁ ַמיִ ם
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma without a וcj., to distinguish it from its three occurrences with a cj. ()וּבין ַה ָשּׁ ַמיִ ם ֵ
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that only occur once in this combination (וּבין ָה ָא ֶרץ ֵ )בּין ַה ָשּׁ ַמיִ ם, ֵ whereas elsewhere it occurs as וּבין ַה ָשּׁ ַמיִ ם ֵ ֵ;בּין ָה ָא ֶרץsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §273, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §113 bis.
2 SAMUEL 18:10 ת־א ְב ָשׁ ֔�ם ָתּל֖ וּי ָבּ ֵא ָ ֽלה׃ ַ יתי ֶא ִ אמר ִהנֵּ ֙ה ָר ִ ֣א ֶ ֹ יוֹאב וַ ֗יּ ֑ ָ וַ יַּ ְר ֙א ִ ֣אישׁ ֶא ָ֔חד וַ יַּ ֵגּ֖ד ְל 18:10
אַב ָשׁ�ם ְ
Fourteen times defective Com.: See 2 Sam 13:4 18:10
חס ̇ י̇ ̇ד
ָתּלוּיthree times, and their references Deut 21:23 2 Sam 18:10 Cant 4:4
כי קללת אלהים את אבשלום אלף המגן תלוי
)תלד( ]תלוי[ ) ̇ב( ] ̇ג[ וסימנהון
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences with a final ( יpassive ptpl.), to distinguish them from its two occurrences without this final תּלוּ( י,ָ 3rd pers. pl.) at Esth 8:7 and 9:14.
יתוֹ ָ ֖שׁם ָ ֑א ְר ָצה וְ ָﬠ ֗ ַלי ָל ֶ֤תת ְל ֙� ֲﬠ ָ ֣שׂ ָרה ֶ֔כ ֶסף וַ ֲחג ָ ֹ֖רה ֥ א־ה ִכּ ִ ֹ וּמ ֛דּ ַוּ� ֽל ַ ית ָ ישׁ ַה ַמּ ִגּ֣יד ֔לוֹ וְ ִה ֵנּ֣ה ָר ִ֔א ֙ יוֹאב ָל ִא ָ֗ אמר ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ ֶא ָ ֽחת׃ 18:11
�דּוּ ַ וּמ ַ
Ten times
Com.: See Judg 9:28. 18:11
Unique 18:11
ִה ִכּיתוֹ ̇ל וְ ָﬠ ַלי
Five times
Mp Mp
Com.: See 2 Sam 15:4.
2 SAMUEL 18:12 ן־ה ֶ ֑מּ ֶל� ִ ֣כּי ְב ָאזְ ֜ ֵנינוּ ִצָוּ֣ה ַ ל־בּ ֶ א־א ְשׁ ַ ֥לח יָ ִ ֖די ֶא ֶ ֹ פּי ֶ ֣א ֶלף ֶ֔כּ ֶסף ֽל ֙ ַ ל־כּ ַ ל־יוֹאב וְ ֨ ֻלא ָאנ ִֹ֜כי שׁ ֵ ֹ֤קל ַﬠ ָ֔ ישׁ ֶא ֙ אמר ָה ִא ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ רוּ־מי ַבּ ַנּ ַ֖ﬠר ְבּ ַא ְב ָשׁ ֽלוֹם׃ ִ֕ מר ִשׁ ְמ ֹ ֔ תּי ֵלא ֙ ַ ת־א ִ ישׁי וְ ֶא ֤ ַ ת־א ִב ֲ א ְת� וְ ֶא ֹ ֠ �ַה ֶ֗מּ ֶל 18:12
Read וְ לוּא
וְ ֻלא ולוא ̇ק
—————————— וְ לוּאthree times 2 Sam 18:12 Num 20:3 Josh 7:7
ולוא ̇ג
Mp Mm
ולוא אנכי שקל על כפי ולו גוענו בגוע אחינו ולו הואלנו ונשב
Com.: Both the kəṯîḇ and the qərê represent alternate ways of writing the ū vowel, one (the kəṯîḇ, )ולאby means of qibbûṣ plus )א( א, ֻ the other (the qərê, )וְ לוּאby means of šûreq plus ;)וּא( א see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 19.
The Mm notes the three occurrences of this lemma, with and without final א, written with a šûreq to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (26x) written with a ḥolem ( ;)וְ לוֹsee also Judg 8:19, 13:23, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §19D. 18:12
ֶא ֶלף ֶכּ ֶסף
Three times
Gen 20:16; 2 Sam 18:12; Cant 8:11 ——————————
ֶא ֶלף ֶכּ ֶסףthree times, and their references Gen 20:16 2 Sam 18:12 Cant 8:11
̇אלף כסף ̇ג וסימנ
הנה נתתי אלף כסף ויאמר האיש אל יואב איש יבא בפריו אלך כסף
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma. Once in the Torah (Gen 20:16), once in the Prophets (here), and once in the Writings (Cant 8:11); see Ginsburg, 4, א, §722. 18:12
ְבּ ָאזְ נֵ ינוּ
Six times
Com.: See 2 Sam 7:22. 18:12
רוּ־מי ִ ִשׁ ְמ
2 SAMUEL 18:13 ן־ה ֶ ֑מּ ֶל� וְ ַא ָ ֖תּה ִתּ ְתיַ ֵ ֥צּב ִמ ֶנּֽ גֶ ד׃ ַ ל־דּ ָ ֖בר ל ֹא־יִ ָכּ ֵ ֣חד ִמ ָ יתי ְבנַ ְפ ִשׁ֙ו ֶ֔שׁ ֶקר וְ ָכ ִ וֹ־ﬠ ִ ֤שׂ ָ ֽא 18:13
ְבנַ ְפ ִשׁו
Read ְבנַ ְפ ִשׁי
קר ̇ בנפשי
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()בנפשו, and the qərê ()בנַ ְפ ִשׁי ְ are examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê variations where the kəṯîḇ is generally regarded as preferable; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 148–49. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that are written with a וat the end but read with a ;יsee the Mm at Dan 3:19 sub אשׁתנו, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §136, and DíazEsteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §120.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 18:15 יתהוּ׃ ֽ ֻ ת־א ְב ָשׁל֖ וֹם וַ יְ ִמ ַ יוֹאב וַ יַּ ֥כּוּ ֶא ֑ ָ בּוּ ֲﬠ ָשׂ ָ ֣רה נְ ָﬠ ִ ֔רים נ ְֹשׂ ֵ ֖אי ְכּ ֵל֣י ֙ ֹוַ יָּ ֨ס
נ ְֹשׂ ֵאי
Twenty-six times
Com.: See 2 Sam 6:13. 18:15
יתהוּ ֻ וַ יְ ִמ
Six times, three defective
חס ̇ ו̇ ̇ג
1–5 2 Sam 4:7 ( ;)וַ יְ ִמ ֻתהוּ18:15 ( ;*)וַ יְ ִמ ֻתהוּ2 Kgs 14:19 ()וַ יְ ִמ ֻתהוּ 2 Chr 22:9 (יתהוּ ֻ ;*)וַ יְ ִמ25:27 (יתהוּ ֻ )וַ יְ ִמ 6 2 Chr 33:24 (יתהוּ ֻ )וַ יְ ִמ
Com.: The Masorah notes the six occurrences of this lemma, three written defective second י (2 Sam 4:7, 18:15, and 2 Kgs 14:19), and three written plene second ( י2 Chr 22:9, 25:27, and 33:24).
* ML, contrary to M ()וַ יְ ִמ ֻתהוּ, writes the lemma here plene second יתהוּ( י ֻ )וַ יְ ִמand, contrary to M (יתהוּ ֻ )וַ יְ ִמ, it writes the form at 2 Chr 22:9 defective second ;)וַ יְ ִמ ֻתהוּ( יsee Breuer, The Biblical Text, 95 and 380. The Mp heading at 2 Chr 22:9 reads three times in the book and defective ו, noting that the three occurrences of this lemma יתהוּ ֻ וַ יְ ִמin the book of Chronicles are written defective וafter the ת.
MA reads here וַ יְ ִמ ֻתהוּand, in conformity with M, has a Mp note three times defective (second )י. MC reads here, as ML does, יתהוּ ֻ וַ יְ ִמ, and has no Mp note.
2 SAMUEL 18:16 ת־ה ָ ֽﬠם׃ ָ יוֹאב ֶא ֖ ָ �י־ח ַ ֥שׂ ָ יוֹא ֙ב ַבּשּׁ ֔ ָֹפר וַ ָיּ ָ֣שׁב ָה ֔ ָﬠם ִמ ְר ֖ד ֹף ַא ֲח ֵ ֣רי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל ִ ֽכּ ָ וַ יִּ ְת ַ ֤ קע 18:16
ִמ ְרד ֹף
Com.: See 1 Sam 23:28.
2 SAMUEL 18:16
�ָח ַשׂ
Five times
1–5 Gen 39:9; 1 Sam 25:39; 2 Sam 18:16; 2 Kgs 5:20; Isa 14:6 (�)ח ָשׂ ָ 6–7 Ezek 30:18; Ps 78:50
Com.: The Mp heading here of five times is inexact since, as correctly noted in MC and MA, there are seven occurrences of this lemma. The note more precisely should have read five times in the Prophets; see 1 Sam 25:39.
2 SAMUEL 18:17 אד וְ ָכל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ֹ ֑ ל־א ָב ִנ֖ים גָּ ֣דוֹל ְמ ֲ ַל־ה ַ ֣פּ ַחת ַהגָּ ֔דוֹל וַ יַּ ִ ֧צּבוּ ָﬠ ָל֛יו גּ ַ ת־א ְב ָשׁ ֗לוֹם וַ יַּ ְשׁ ֨ ִליכוּ א ֹ֤תוֹ ַב ַ֨יּ ַﬠ ֙ר ֶא ַ וַ יִּ ְק ֣חוּ ֶא א ָה ָ ֽלו׃ ס ֹ ָנ֖סוּ ִ ֥אישׁ ְל 18:17
וַ יַּ ִצּבוּ
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 18:17; 2 Kgs 17:10
—————————— וַ יַּ ִצּבוּtwice defective
2 Sam 18:17 2 Kgs 17:10
חס ̇ ויצבו ̇ב
גל אבנים מצבות
Com.: Both the Mp and Mm here, and the Mp in MC and MA, read twice defective (second )י, but there are no occurrences of this lemma written plene second י, so the note more precisely should have read twice and defective. 18:17
ְלא ָֹה ָלו
Read ְלא ָֹה ָליו
̇לאהליו קרי
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )לאהלוwithout a יrepresents the archaic form of the 3rd masc. sg. sfx. to a pl. noun, whereas the qərê ()לא ָֹה ָליו ְ with a יrepresents the later form; see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 33.
This lemma is one of two written defective יthat are listed in the Mm to 2 Kgs 14:12, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (10x) written plene )לא ָֹה ָליו( י. ְ MC, as ML, has a kəṯîḇ/qərê here, but MA reads here twice defective.
ין־לי ֵ֔בן ַבּ ֲﬠ ֖בוּר ַהזְ ִ ֣כּיר ְשׁ ִ ֑מי וַ יִּ ְק ָ ֤רא ֣ ִ ק־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ִ ֤כּי ָא ַמ ֙ר ֵ ֽא ַ שׁר ְבּ ֵ ֽﬠ ֶמ ֣ ֶ ת־מ ֶ֨צּ ֶב ֙ת ֲא ַ וְ ַא ְב ָשׁ�֣ ם ָל ַ ֗קח וַ יַּ ֶצּב־ל֤ וֹ ְב ַחיָּ ֙ו ֶא ל־שׁ ֔מוֹ וַ יִּ ָ ֤קּ ֵרא ָל ֙הּ ַי֣ד ַא ְב ָשׁ ֔�ם ַ ֖ﬠד ַהיּ֥ וֹם ַה ֶזּֽה׃ ס ְ ַל ַמּ ֶ֨צּ ֶב ֙ת ַﬠ 18:18
אַב ָשׁ�ם ְ ְו
Fourteen times defective Com.: See 2 Sam 13:4. 18:18
Read ְבּ ַחיָּ יו
ְב ַחיָּ ו בחייו ̇ק
—————————— ְב ַחיָּ וfour times defective
חס ̇ י̇ ̇ד
בחיו ̇ד חסירין
2 Sam 18:18 וַ ֲא ֻר ָחתוֹ ֲא ֻר ַחתof Kings (2 Kgs 25:30) וְ ִשׁנָּ ה ֶאת ִבּגְ ֵדיof Jeremiah (Jer 52:33) Qoh 5:17 And once ל ָחיָ ו:ְ Cant 5:13
)ואבשלום( ]ואבשלם[ לקח ויצב וארחתו ארחת דמלכים ושנה את בגדי דירמיה מספר ימי חיו וחד לחיו כערוגת הבשם
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )בחיוwithout the second יrepresents the archaic form of the 3rd masc. sg. sfx. to a pl. noun, whereas the qərê ()בּ ַחיָּ יו ְ with the second יrepresents the later form; see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 33.
Neither MC nor MA has a kəṯîḇ/qərê here. MA reads four times defective and MC reads defective י.
In the Mm, the Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma (with and without prep. )ב written defective second י, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (with and without prep. ( )ב17x) written plene second )חיָּ יו( י. ַ This distinction is implied in two additional notations. One is in the additional notation of Kings to the 2 Kgs 25:30 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in Jer 52:34, where the lemma is written plene as חיָּ יו.ַ The other is in the additional notation of Jeremiah to the Jer 52:33 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel in 2 Kgs 25:29, where the lemma is written plene as חיָּ יו.ַ
In an additional note, the Masorah also notes the occurrence of a similarly written form ל ָחיָ ו,ְ his cheeks, in Cant 5:13 though it comes from a completely different root ()ל ִחי. ְ
2 SAMUEL 18:18
ַהזְ ִכּיר
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma without the prep. ל, to distinguish it from its four occurrences with the prep. )ל ַהזְ ִכּיר( ל. ְ
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of hapax legomena starting with ַהor ֲ;הsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §65, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §66. 18:18
וַ יִּ ָקּ ֵרא
Fifteen times
Com.: The Mp heading of fifteen times is incorrect since there are only five occurrences of this lemma; see directly above at 2 Sam 18:9. Dotan/Reich (Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.) suggest that the writing היhere stands, not as customary letters for fifteeen, but for the literal spelling out of the numeral five ( = ֵהיfive). Other examples of this type are at Gen 50:8 sub וְ כֹלand 2 Sam 1:12 sub ל־שׁאוּל ָ ﬠ. ַ Both MC and MA correctly read here five times.
2 SAMUEL 18:19 הו֖ה ִמיַּ ֥ד אֹיְ ָ ֽביו׃ ָ ְי־שׁ ָפ ֥טוֹ י ְ ת־ה ֶ ֑מּ ֶל� ִכּ ַ וּצה ֔ ָנּא וַ ֲא ַב ְשּׂ ָ ֖רה ֶא ָ דוֹק ָא ַ֔מר ָא ֣ר ֙ ן־צ ָ ימ ַﬠץ ֶבּ ֤ ַ וַ ֲא ִח 18:19 Unique 18:19
וַ ֲא ַב ְשּׂ ָרה ̇ל
ְשׁ ָפטוֹ יְ הוָ ה ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence with the 3rd masc. sfx., to distinguish it from its occurrence with the 2nd sg. sfx. ()שׁ ָפ ְט� יְ הוָ ה ְ in v. 31.
י־ﬠ ֵ ֥ל ֶבּן־ ַ וּב ַשּׂ ְר ָ ֖תּ ְבּי֣ וֹם ַא ֵ ֑חר וְ ַהיּ֤ וֹם ַהזֶּ ֙ה ֣ל ֹא ְת ַב ֵ֔שּׂר ִ ֽכּ ִ יוֹאב ל ֹ֩א ִ֨אישׁ ְבּשׂ ָ ֹ֤רה ַא ָתּ ֙ה ַהיּ֣ וֹם ַה ֶ֔זּה ָ֗ אמר ל֣ וֹ ֶ ֹ וַ ֧יּ ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ֵ ֽמת׃ 18:20
ְבּשׂ ָֹרה
Three times defective
Com.: See 2 Sam 4:10. 18:20
חס ̇ ̇ג
ַﬠ ֵל
כןis read but not written
כתב ̇ כן קרי ולא
Com.: In ML the vowel, but not the consonants, of the word ֵכּןis written. This is one of ten cases where words are read though not written; see the Mm to Jer 50:29 sub לה,ָ Ruth 3:5 sub א ַלי, ֵ Frensdorff, Ochlah, §97, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §80. There is also another tradition that knows of eleven cases of this phenomenon; see MartinContreras, “The Phenomenon,” 77–87. In ML this lemma has no circellus.
2 SAMUEL 18:21 יוֹאב וַ יָּ ֽר ֹץ׃ ֖ ָ כוּשׁי ְל ֛ ִ יתה וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ ֧תּחוּ ָ שׁר ָר ִ ֑א ֣ ֶ כּוּשׁי ֵל֛� ַה ֵגּ֥ד ַל ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ֲא ִ֔ יוֹא ֙ב ַל ָ אמר ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ 18:21
יתה ָ ָר ִא
Unique plene in the Prophets
בנב ̇ מל ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in the Prophets written plene ה, to distinguish it from its five occurrences in the Prophets written defective ית( ה ָ )ר ִא. ָ
2 SAMUEL 18:22 יוֹאב ָ ֽל ָמּה־ ָ֗ אמר ֶ ֹ כּוּשׁי וַ ֣יּ ֑ ִ ם־אנִ י ַא ֲח ֵ ֣רי ַה ֖ ָ ַה־נּ֥א ג ָ ֣יהי ָ֔מה ָא ֻ ֽר ָצ ִ ל־יוֹאב ִו ָ֔ אמר ֶא ֶ ֹ דוֹק וַ ֣יּ ֙ ן־צ ָ ימ ַﬠץ ֶבּ ֤ ַ וַ ֨יּ ֹ ֶסף ֜עוֹד ֲא ִח שׂוֹרה מ ֵ ֹֽצאת׃ ֥ ָ ין־בּ ְ וּל ָ ֖כה ֵא ְ ֶ֞זּה ַא ָ ֥תּה ָר ֙ץ ְבּ ֔ ִני 18:22
וַ יּ ֶֹסף
Thirty times
Com.: See 1 Sam 9:8. 18:22
יהי ִ ִו
Thirty-two times
̇ל ̇ב
Com.: See 1 Sam 10:5. 18:22
ָא ֻר ָצה
Twice, once defective, and once plene 2 Sam 18:19 (רוּצה ָ ;)א ָ 18:22
[מל ̇ ] (חסיר ̇ ) ̇ב חד חסי̇ וחד
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one written defective ( וhere), and one written plene ( ו2 Sam 18:19). 18:22
וּל ָכה ְ
Four times plene
מל ̇ ̇ד
Gen 27:37; 2 Sam 18:22; Isa 3:6 (;)ל ָכה ְ Ps 80:3
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma written plene ה, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (400+) written defective וּל�( ה ְ /�) ְל.
In this note, the Masorah is concerned only with cases of this lemma that are prepositional, not those that come from the root �ה ַל,ָ to go that, in the lengthened masc. sg. imper., have the same form ְל ָכהgo!
The heading to the Mm at Isa 3:6 adds to four times plene the word הדיהpresence (Jastrow, Dictionary, 333), which would seem to be a grammatical term, like Heb. �ַ נוֹ ֵכfor the 2nd pers. sg. (e.g., the prep. to you as opposed to the verbal form go!); see Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.
276 18:22 Unique
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a ḥolem on the מ, to distinguish it from its occurrence with a šûreq ()מוּצאת ֵ at Gen 38:25.
At Gen 38:25 the Mp note reads unique and once וּל ָכה( )ולך( ]ולכה[ אין בשורה מצאת ְ ֵאין־ שׂוֹרה מ ֵֹצאת ָ )בּ ְ referring the reader back to this verse.
This lemma is featured in two Masoretic lists. One is in a list on words that occur once with a ḥolem (here), and once with a šûreq (Gen 38:25); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §55, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §56.
The other is in a Masoretic list of hapax legomena coming from the root ;יָ ָצאsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §2U.
2 SAMUEL 18:23 כּוּשׁי׃ ֽ ִ ת־ה ַ ימ ַﬠ ֙ץ ֶדּ ֶ֣ר� ַה ִכּ ָ֔כּר ַ ֽו יַּ ֲﬠ ֖בֹר ֶא ַ֨ אמר ל֖ וֹ ֑רוּץ וַ יָּ ֤ ָ רץ ֲא ִח ֶ ֹ י־מה ָא ֔רוּץ וַ ֥יּ ֣ ָ יה ִ ִו 18:23 Four times
ָארוּץ ̇ד
2 Sam 18:23; 22:30; Ps 18:30 (;)א ֻרץ ָ 119:32
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma, three times written plene ו, and once (Ps 18:30) written defective ו. In ML the circellus has been placed between this word and the previous one ָמהbut, since the phrase ָמה ָארוּץoccurs only this once, it is most likely, as MC and MA read, that the note belongs solely with this word.
2 SAMUEL 18:24 ה־אישׁ ָ ֥רץ ֖ ִ ֵת־ﬠינָ ֙יו וַ ַ֔יּ ְרא וְ ִהנּ ֵ חוֹמה וַ יִּ ָ ֤שּׂא ֶא ָ֔ ל־ה ֣ ַ ל־גּ֤ג ַה ַ֨שּׁ ַﬠ ֙ר ֶא ַ ין־שׁ ֵנ֣י ַה ְשּׁ ָﬠ ִ ֑רים וַ ֵ֨יּ ֶל� ַהצּ ֜ ֶֹפה ֶא ְ יוֹשׁב ֵבּ ֖ ֵ וְ ָדִ ֥וד ְל ַב ֽדּוֹ׃ 18:24
יוֹשׁב ֵ
Forty-one times plene
מל ̇ ̇מ ̇א
Com.: For this enumeration, see the discussion at 2 Sam 11:1.
2 SAMUEL 18:24
ֶאל־גַּ ג
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with אל, ֶ to distinguish it from its three occurrences with )ﬠל גַּ ג( ַﬠל. ַ
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that only occur once with the prep. ;אל ֶ see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §77, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §156A. 18:24
חוֹמה ָ ל־ה ַ ֶא
Three times
Com.: See 2 Sam 11:21.
2 SAMUEL 18:25 שׂוֹרה ְבּ ִ ֑פיו וַ יֵּ ֶ֥ל� ָהל֖ וֹ� וְ ָק ֵ ֽרב׃ ֣ ָ ם־ל ַב ֖דּוֹ ְבּ ְ אמר ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ִא ֶ ֹ וַ יִּ ְק ָ ֤רא ַהצּ ֶֹפ ֙ה וַ יַּ ֵגּ֣ד ַל ֶ֔מּ ֶל� וַ ֣יּ 18:25
וְ ָק ֵרב
Com.: See 1 Sam 17:41.
2 SAMUEL 18:26 ם־ז֥ה ֶ ַאמר ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� גּ ֶ ֹ ה־אישׁ ָ ֣רץ ְל ַב ֑דּוֹ וַ ֥יּ ֖ ִ ֵאמר ִהנּ ֶ ֹ ל־השּׁ ֔ ֵֹﬠר וַ ֕יּ ַ ישׁ־א ֵ ֣חר ָר ֒ץ וַ יִּ ְק ָ ֤רא ַהצּ ֶֹפ ֙ה ֶא ַ וַ יַּ ֣ ְ רא ַהצּ ֶֹפ ֮ה ִא ְמ ַב ֵ ֽשּׂר׃ 18:26
ה־אישׁ ִ ִֵהנּ
2 Sam 18:26; Zech 6:12
—————————— ה־אישׁ ִ ֵ ִהנּtwice
2 Sam 18:26 Zech 6:12
הנה איש ב
רץ לבדו ואמרת אליו >לאמר< כה אמר יהוה
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma without a וcj. to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (14x) with a וcj.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur once with a following ;אישׁ ִ see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §243. This lemma occurs in the ms. in folio 179v, but the Mm note appears on the bottom left of the preceding folio 179r.
2 SAMUEL 18:27 ישׁ־טוֹב ֶ֔זה וְ ֶאל־ ֣ אמר ַה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ִ ֽא ֶ ֹ ן־צ ֑דוֹק וַ ֤יּ ָ ימ ַﬠץ ֶבּ ֣ ַ אשׁוֹן ִכּ ְמ ֻר ַ ֖צת ֲא ִח ֔ רוּצ֣ת ָה ִר ַ ת־מ ְ אמ ֙ר ַהצּ ֔ ֶֹפה ֲא ִנ֤י ר ֶֹא ֙ה ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֨יּ טוֹבה יָ ֽבוֹא׃ ֖ ָ שׂוֹרה ֥ ָ ְבּ 18:27
ִכּ ְמ ֻר ַצת
Unique and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו. However, note that the plene form רוּצת ַ ְמwithout the prep. כoccurs in this same verse.
2 SAMUEL 18:28 �הי� ֲא ֶ ֤שׁר ֶ֔ הו֣ה ֱא ָ ְרוּ� י ֙ אמר ָבּ ֶ ֹ ל־ה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ָשׁ ֔לוֹם וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ ֧תּחוּ ַל ֶ ֛מּ ֶל� ְל ַא ָ ֖פּיו ָ ֑א ְר ָצה ס וַ ֗יּ ַ אמר ֶא ֶ ֹ ימ ַﬠץ וַ ֤יּ ַ֗ וַ יִּ ְק ָ ֣רא ֲא ִח ת־ה ֲאנָ ִ֔שׁים ֲא ֶשׁר־נָ ְשׂ ֥אוּ ֶאת־יָ ָ ֖דם ַ ֽבּאד ִ ֹ֥ני ַה ֶ ֽמּ ֶל�׃ ֣ ָ ִסגַּ ֙ר ֶא 18:28 Three times
וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַתּחוּ ̇ג
Gen 48:12; Num 22:31; 2 Sam 18:28
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma plus אַפּיו ָ ל,ְ to distinguish them from its two occurrences with ל־אַפּיו ָ ַﬠat 2 Sam 14:33 and 1 Kgs 1:23, and from its sole occurrence with just אַפּיו ָ at 2 Sam 24:20.
In ML the circellus has been placed only on וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַתּחוּbut since this form occurs more than three times, MA correctly extends the lemma to include אַפּיו ָ אַפּיו וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַתּחוּ ַל ֶמּ ֶל�( ְל ָ )ל. ְ
2 SAMUEL 18:28
ִסגַּ ר
נָ ְשׂאוּ
Com.: See 1 Sam 26:8.
Ten times
1–5 Num 31:49; 2 Sam 18:28; Isa 52:8; Ps 83:3; 93:3a 6–10 Ps 93:3b; Job 24:10; Cant 5:7; Ezra 9:2; 10:44 (qərê)
Com.: The Masorah notes the ten occurrences of this lemma with a šəwâ under the שׂ, to distinguish them from its two occurrences with a qameṣ under the )נָ ָשׂאוּ( שׂat Lam 4:16 and 5:13. The Mp heading at Job 24;10 reads eleven times apparently including the form ( נָ ֻשׂאPs 139:20) in its enumeration; see Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.
2 SAMUEL 18:29 יוֹא ֙ב ָ �ת־ﬠ ֶבד ַה ֶ ֤מּ ֶל ֶ ֨ �� ֶא ַ יתי֩ ֶה ָה ֨מוֹן ַהגָּ ֜דוֹל ֠ ִל ְשׁ ִ ימ ַﬠץ ָר ִא ַ֡ אמר ֲא ִח ֶ ֹ אמר ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ָשׁל֥ וֹם ַל ַנּ ַ֖ﬠר ְל ַא ְב ָשׁל֑ וֹם וַ ֣יּ ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ ת־ﬠ ְב ֶ ֔דּ� וְ ֥ל ֹא יָ ַ ֖ד ְﬠ ִתּי ָ ֽמה׃ ַ וְ ֶא 18:29 Unique
�ת־ﬠ ְב ֶדּ ַ וְ ֶא
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its five occurrences without a cj. 18:29
�ַﬠ ְב ֶדּ
Seven times
Com.: See 1 Sam 23:11.
2 SAMUEL 18:30 מד׃ ֹ ֽ אמר ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ֖סֹב ִה ְתיַ ֵצּ֣ב ֑כֹּה וַ יִּ ֖סֹּב ַ ֽו יַּ ֲﬠ ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ 18:30
Six times and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ו
1–5 Deut 2:3; 1 Sam 22:18; 2 Sam 18:30; 2 Kgs 9:18; 9:19 6 Cant 2:17
Com.: The Masorah notes the six occurrences of this lemma (an imper.) written defective ו, to distinguish it from some other geminate verbs that write their imperatives plene ( וe.g., דּוֹם [Ps 37:5], [ צוֹרIsa 8:16], etc.); see GKC, §67n. By noting that this lemma occurs six times and is written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene.
The Mp heading at 2 Kgs 9:18 and the Mm heading at 1 Sam 22:18 read six times defective. This reading is inexact since there are no occurrences of this lemma written plene ו. It should have read, with the heading here, six times and defective.
2 SAMUEL 18:31 ל־ה ָקּ ִ ֥מים ָﬠ ֶ ֽלי�׃ ס ַ י־שׁ ָפ ְט�֤ יְ הוָ ֙ה ַהיּ֔ וֹם ִמיַּ ֖ד ָכּ ְ כּוּשׁי יִ ְת ַבּ ֵשּׂ ֙ר ֲאד ִֹנ֣י ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ִ ֽכּ ִ֗ אמר ַה ֶ ֹ כּוּשׁי ָ ֑בּא וַ ֣יּ ֖ ִ וְ ִה ֵנּ֥ה ַה 18:31 Unique 18:31
יִ ְת ַבּ ֵשּׂר ̇ל
�ַה ָקּ ִמים ָﬠ ֶלי ̇ל
1–2 Deut 28:7; 2 Sam 18:31
Com.: The Mp heading here of unique is inexact since there are two occurrences of this lemma. The note more precisely should have read unique in the book. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
2 SAMUEL 18:32 בי ֲאד ִֹנ֣י ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� וְ ֛כֹל ֲא ֶשׁר־ ֙ ֵ ְאי ֹ ֽ כּוּשׁי יִ ְהי֤ וּ ַכ ֨ ַנּ ַﬠ ֙ר ִ֗ אמר ַה ֶ ֹ כּוּשׁי ֲה ָשׁל֥ וֹם ַל ַנּ ַ֖ﬠר ְל ַא ְב ָשׁל֑ וֹם וַ ֣יּ ִ֔ ל־ה ַ אמר ַה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ ָ ֥קמוּ ָﬠ ֶל֖י� ְל ָר ָ ֽﬠה׃ ס 18:32 Unique
ֲה ָשׁלוֹם ַלנַּ ַﬠר ̇ל
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of phrases that occur once without an adjoining שׁלוֹם ַלנַּ ַﬠר( ה, ָ v. 29), and once with an adjoining ( הhere, with the interrog. ;)הsee the Mm at Exod 28:24 sub שׁ ֵתּי ֲﬠבֹתֹת. ְ
2 SAMUEL 19:1 מוּתי ֙ ִ לוֹם ְבּ ִנ֣י ְב ִנ֣י ַא ְב ָשׁ ֔לוֹם ִ ֽמי־יִ ֵ ֤תּן ֙ ל־ﬠ ִל ַיּ֥ת ַה ַ ֖שּׁ ַﬠר וַ יֵּ ְ֑בךְּ וְ ֣כֹה ׀ ָא ַ ֣מר ְבּ ֶל ְכ ֗תּוֹ ְבּ ִנ֤י ַא ְב ָשׁ ֲ וַ יִּ ְר ַגּ֣ז ַה ֶ֗מּ ֶל� וַ יַּ ַ֛ﬠל ַﬠ ֲא ִנ֣י ַת ְח ֶ֔תּי� ַא ְב ָשׁל֖ וֹם ְבּ ִ ֥ני ְב ִ ֽני׃ 19:1 Unique
וַ יִּ ְרגַּ ז ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וconsec., to distinguish it from its three occurrences without a )יִ ְרגַּ ז( ו. 19:1
מוּתי ִ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a šûreq, to distinguish it from its seven occurrences with a ḥolem ()מוֹתי. ִ
2 SAMUEL 19:2 ל־א ְב ָשׁ ֽ�ם׃ ַ יוֹאב ִה ֨ ֵנּה ַה ֶ ֧מּ ֶל� בּ ֶֹכ֛ה וַ יִּ ְת ַא ֵ ֖בּל ַﬠ ֑ ָ וַ יֻּ ַגּ֖ד ְל 19:2
וַ יֻּ גַּ ד
Twenty-four times
̇כ ̇ד
Com.: See Josh 10:17. 19:2
בּ ֶֹכה
בּ ֶֹכהseven times, and their references
1–5 Exod 2:6 Num 11:10 2 Sam 15:30 2 Sam 19:2 2 Kgs 8:12 6–7 Jer 41:6 Ezra 10:1
()וּבוֹכה ֶ ()וּב ֶֹכה
בכה ז̇ וסימנהון
ותראהו למשפחתיו במעלה ויתאבל חזאל ישמעאל וכהתודתו
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma, six of them written defective ו and one written plene ( ו2 Sam 15:30). Two of these forms have a וcj. (2 Sam 15:10 and Jer 41:6).
According to Ginsburg (4, ב, §292), the purpose of this Masorah is to militate against a səḇîrîn reading of בּ ִֹכיםat Num 11:10; see BHS ad loc. 19:2
ל־אַב ָשׁ�ם ְ ַﬠ
2 Sam 14:1; 19:2
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with ﬠל, ַ to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (12x) with אַב ָשׁ�ם( ֶאל ְ /אַב ָשׁלוֹם ְ ) ֶאל.
ML, contrary to M ()אַב ָשׁלוֹם, ְ writes the form here defective ;)אַב ָשׁ�ם( ו ְ see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 95.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublets preceded by ;ﬠל ַ see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §87, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §156D.
2 SAMUEL 19:3 ל־בּנֽ וֹ׃ ְ מר נֶ ֱﬠ ַ ֥צב ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ַﬠ ֹ ֔ הוּא ֵלא ֙ י־שׁ ַ ֣מע ָה ֗ ָﬠם ַבּיּ֤ וֹם ַה ָ ל־ה ָ ֑ﬠם ִ ֽכּ ָ וַ ְתּ ִ֨הי ַה ְתּ ֻשׁ ֜ ָﬠה ַבּיּ֥ וֹם ַה ֛הוּא ְל ֵ ֖א ֶבל ְל ָכ 19:3
וַ ְתּ ִהי ַה ְתּ ֻשׁ ָﬠה
In ML a circellus has been placed on this lemma, but there is no note in the margin. Since the phrase וַ ְתּ ִהי ַה ְתּ ֻשׁ ָﬠהoccurs only this once, the note probably should have read unique. 19:3
ַה ְתּ ֻשׁ ָﬠה
Six times defective
חס ̇ ̇ו
1–5 Deut 32:15 ( ;)יְ ֻשׁ ָﬠתוֹ2 Sam 19:3; Ps 35:3 (� ;)יְ ֻשׁ ָﬠ ֵתPs 53:7 ( ;)יְ ֻשׁעוֹת80:3 (ישׁ ָﬠ ָתה ֻ )ל ִ 6 Job 30:15 ()יְ ֻשׁ ָﬠ ִתי
Com.: The Masorah notes the six occurrences of this lemma in various forms written defective וwith a qibbûṣ under the שׁ, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) in various forms written plene ו, such as שׁוּﬠה ָ ה ְתּ,ַ שׁוּﬠה ָ ְי, and שׁוּﬠ ִתי ָ ְי.
The Mp headings at Ps 35:3 and 80:3, which read seven times defective ()ו, could be graphic errors of זseven for וsix (so Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.), or possibly could reflect a tradition that had שׁוּﬠת ַ ְ יin Ps 14:7 spelled defective וas ;יְ ֻשׁעוֹתfor a discussion of the latter possibility see Mynatt, Sub Loco, 217–18.
2 SAMUEL 19:3
נֶ ֱﬠ ַצב
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a composite səḡôl under the ע, to distinguish it from its sole occurrence with a šəwâ ( )נֶ ְﬠ ַצבin 1 Sam 20:34.
2 SAMUEL 19:4 נוּסם ַבּ ִמּ ְל ָח ָ ֽמה׃ ֖ ָ וַ יִּ ְתגַּ ֵנּ֥ב ָה ָ ֛ﬠם ַבּיּ֥ וֹם ַה ֖הוּא ָל ֣בוֹא ָה ִ ֑ﬠיר ַכּ ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר יִ ְתגַּ ֗ ֵנּב ָה ָﬠ ֙ם ַהנִּ ְכ ָל ִ֔מים ְבּ 19:4
וַ יִּ ְתגַּ נֵּ ב
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וconsec., to distinguish it from its occurrence without a )יִ ְתגַּ נֵּ ב( וthat occurs in the same verse.
2 SAMUEL 19:5 ת־פּ ֔ ָניו וַ יִּ זְ ַ ֥ﬠק ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ֣קוֹל גָּ ֑דוֹל ְבּנִ ֙י ַא ְב ָשׁ ֔לוֹם ַא ְב ָשׁל֖ וֹם ְבּ ִ ֥ני ְב ִ ֽני׃ ס ָ וְ ַה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ָל ַ ֣אט ֶא 19:5
2 Sam 19:5; Job 15:11
—————————— ָלאַטtwice
2 Sam 19:5 Job 15:11
לאט ̇ב
והמלך המעט ממך
The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a qameṣ under the ל, to distinguish them from its two occurrences with a šəwâ ()לאַט ְ at 2 Sam 18:5 and Isa 8:6. The Mp heading at Job 15:11 reads twice with qameṣ ()ב, ָ and the Mm at Isa 8:6 and at Job 15:11 list all four forms, the two references with a qameṣ and the two with a šəwâ.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublets that begin with לand a vowel; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §28, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §29.
ל־ﬠ ָב ֶ ֗די� ַ ֽה ְמ ַמ ְלּ ִ ֤טים ֶ ֽאת־נַ ְפ ְשׁ ֙� ַהיּ֔ וֹם וְ ֵ֨את ֶנ ֶ֤פשׁ ֲ ת־פּ ֵנ֣י ָכ ְ אמר֩ ה ַֹ֨ב ְשׁ ָתּ ַהיּ֜ וֹם ֶא ֶ ֹ ל־ה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ַה ָ ֑בּיִ ת וַ יּ ַ יוֹאב ֶא ֛ ָ וַ יָּ ֥ב ֹא וּבנ ֶֹ֔תי� וְ ֶנ ֶ֣פשׁ נָ ֶ֔שׁי� וְ ֶנ ֶ֖פשׁ ִפּ ַלגְ ֶ ֽשׁי�׃ ְ �ָבּ ֨ ֶנ ֙י 19:6
ה ַֹב ְשׁ ָתּ
Twice, once defective and once plene 2 Sam 19:6; Ps 74:15 ()הוֹב ְשׁ ָתּ ַ
מל ̇ חס וחד ̇ ̇ב חד
ה ַֹב ְשׁ ָתּtwice, once defective and once plene
2 Sam 19:6 Ps 74:15
מל ̇ הבשת ̇ב חד חסיר וחד
ויאמר )הובשת( ]הבשת[ היום אתה הובשת נהרות
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one written plene ( וPs 74:15), and one written defective ( וhere).
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublet homonyms; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §59, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §60. Here ה ַֹב ְשׁ ָתּmeans you have humiliated, whereas in Ps 74:15 it means you have made dry up. 19:6
Unique 19:6
Four times
ַה ְמ ַמ ְלּ ִטים ̇ל וְ ֵאת נֶ ֶפשׁ ̇ד
Mp Mp
1 Sam 25:29; 2 Sam 19:6; 1 Kgs 1:12; 2 Chr 1:11 —————————— וְ ֵאת נֶ ֶפשׁfour times
ואת נפש ̇ד
1 Sam 25:29 2 Sam 19:6 1 Kgs 1:12 ִל ְשׁ�מֹהof Chronicles (2 Chr 1:11)
Mm איביך את נפשך איעצך לשלמה דדברי הימים
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its four occurrences without a cj.
The additional notation of Chronicles to the 2 Chr 1:11 is to distinguish that reference from its parallel passage in 1 Kgs 3:11, where the lemma is without וְ ֶאת. 19:6
�ִפּ ַלגְ ֶשׁי
Unique written like this
כת כן ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written like this, that is, written defective first י, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene first י.
2 SAMUEL 19:7 ְל ַ ֽא ֲה ָב ֙ה ֶאת־ ֣שׂ ֹנְ ֶ֔אי� וְ ִל ְשׂ ֖נ ֹא ֶאת־א ֲֹה ֶ ֑בי� ִ ֣כּי ׀ ִה ַגּ ְ֣ ד ָתּ ַהיּ֗ וֹם ִ ֣כּי ֵ ֤אין ְל ֙� ָשׂ ִ ֣רים וַ ֲﬠ ָב ִ ֔דים ִ ֣כּי ׀ יָ ַ ֣ד ְﬠ ִתּי ַהיּ֗ וֹם ֠ ִכּי י־אז יָ ָ ֥שׁר ְבּ ֵﬠ ֶינֽי�׃ ֖ ָ יּוֹם ֵמ ִ֔תים ִכּ ֙ חי וְ ֻכ ָלּ֤נוּ ַה ֙ ַ ֻל֣א ַא ְב ָשׁל֥ וֹם 19:7
Two verses that have the sequence ִכּי... ִכּי... ִכּי... ִכּי...ִכּי
פסוק אית בהון כי כי כי כי כי ̇ ̇ב
Josh 17:18; 2 Sam 19:7
Com.: The Masorah notes the two verses that have the sequence ִכּי... ִכּי... ִכּי... ִכּי... ; ִכּיsee Jobin, Concordance, 98–109. In ML this lemma has no circellus. 19:7
Read לוּ
ֻלא קר ̇ לו
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )לאrepresents an alternate way of writing the ū vowel by means of qibbûṣ plus )א( א. ֻ The qərê ( )לוּrepresents the more usual way of writing this vowel by simply using the šûreq ( ;)וsee Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 19.
This lemma is one of twenty-two occurrences pointed with a šûreq, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences pointed with a ḥolem ( ;)לוֹsee Judg 8:19. In ML traces of an erased וare clearly visible in the ms.
֣�יוֹצא ִאם־יָ ֨ ִלין ִ ֤אישׁ ִא ְתּ ֙� ַה ֔ ַלּיְ ָלה וְ ָר ָ ֧ﬠה ְל ֵ֗ ֣� ְי־אינ ֵ יהוה נִ ְשׁ ַ֜בּ ְﬠ ִתּי ִכּ ָ֨ ל־ל֣ב ֲﬠ ָב ֶ ֑די� ִכּי֩ ַב ֵ וְ ַﬠ ָתּ ֙ה ֣קוּם ֵ֔צא וְ ַד ֵ ֖בּר ַﬠ ד־ﬠ ָתּה׃ ס ֽ ָ ר־בּ ָ֣אה ָﬠ ֔ ֶלי� ִמנְּ ֻﬠ ֶ ֖רי� ַﬠ ָ ל־ה ָר ָﬠ ֙ה ֲא ֶשׁ ָ ֗ז ֹאת ִמ ָכּ 19:8
וְ ַד ֵבּר
Eleven times
י̇ ̇א
1–5 2 Sam 19:8; 2 Kgs 1:3; 2:11; Isa 58:9; 58:13 6–10 Isa 59:4; Jer 7:13; 25:3; 35:14; Ezek 37:21 11 Neh 9:13
Com.: The Masorah notes the eleven occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (77x) written without a cj. 19:8
יוֹצא ֵ
Nine times plene
Com.: See Josh 6:1. 19:8
וְ ָר ָﬠה
Nine times
מל ̇ ̇ט
1–5 Deut 15:9; 1 Sam 25:28; 2 Sam 19:8; Jer 44:17; 50:19 6–9 Ezek 34:23; Mic 5:3; Ps 28:3; Qoh 2:21 —————————— וְ ָר ָﬠהnine times
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Deut 15:9 1 Sam 25:28 2 Sam 19:8 Jer 44:17 Ps 28:3 Qoh 2:21 Jer 50:19 Mic 5:3 Ezek 34:23
ורעה ̇ט
עינך באחיך לא תמצא לך זאת מפינו תמשכני רבה ושבבתי ועמד [עבדי )דוד( ]דויד
Com.: The Masorah notes the nine occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) without a cj.
The Mp heading at Ps 28:3 reads nine times in various meanings ()בליש, ̇ because some of these forms are nouns meaning evil (fem. sg., nos. 2, 4, 5, 6), some are verbal forms (fem. sg. from the root רעעto be evil, nos. 1, 3), and some are verbal forms (masc. sg. from the root רעהto shepherd, nos. 7, 8, 9); see Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc. 19:8
�ִמנְּ ֻﬠ ֶרי
Unique defective ו
̇חס ו ̇ ̇ל
�( ִמנְּ ֻﬠ ֶרי2 Sam 19:8) is defective ו In וּשׂ ַמח ְ (Prov 5:18) נעורךis written And the rest are written plene
[וא ]= ואו ̇ מנעריך עד עתה חסיר Mm כתב ̇ [)דישמח( ]דושמח[ )נעריך( ]נעורך ̇ושא ]= ושאר[ שלמי ̇
Com.: The Mp and Mm both note that the form � ִמנְּ ֻﬠ ֶריis written defective ( וbut plene )י. The Mm adds that the form �( נְ עוּ ֶרProv 5:18) is written plene ( וbut defective )י, and that elsewhere in the Bible (Mal 2:14 and 15) the form � נְ עוּ ֶריis written both plene וand plene י.
The term שלמים, used in the Mm for plene, is a Babylonian one for ;מלאsee Yeivin, Introduction, §133. 19:8
ד־ﬠ ָתּה ָ ַﬠ
ד־ﬠ ָתּה ָ ַﬠfour times, and their references Gen 32:5 Deut 12:9 2 Sam 19:8 2 Kgs 13:23
עד עתה ̇ד וסימנהון
ואחר עד עתה כי לא באתם עד עתה מנעריך )ועד( ]עד[ עתה ויחן יהוה )אותם( ]אתם[ וירחמם
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma without a וcj., to distinguish them from its five occurrences with a cj. (ד־ﬠ ָתּה ָ ;)וְ ַﬠsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §162.
2 SAMUEL 19:9 �ל־ה ָﬠ ֙ם ִל ְפ ֵנ֣י ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל ָ יוֹשׁב ַבּ ַ֔שּׁ ַﬠר וַ יָּ ֤ב ֹא ָכ ֣ ֵ �֙ מר ִה ֵנּ֤ה ַה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֹ ֗ ל־ה ֞ ָﬠם ִה ִגּ֣ידוּ ֵלא ָ וַ יָּ ָ֥ קם ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� וַ יֵּ ֶ֣שׁב ַבּ ָ ֑שּׁ ַﬠר וּֽ ְל ָכ וְ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ָנ֖ס ִ ֥אישׁ ְלא ָֹה ָ ֽליו׃ ס 19:9
יוֹשׁב ֵ
Forty-one times plene
מל ̇ ̇מ ̇א
Com.: For this enumeration, see the discussion at 2 Sam 11:1.
ל־ה ָﬠם ָ וַ יָּ ב ֹא ָכ
2 Sam 3:35; 19:9
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of ל־ה ָﬠם ָ ָכּwith the sg. וַ יָּ בֹא, to distinguish them from its sole occurrence with the pl. ל־ה ָﬠם( וַ יָּ בֹאוּ ָ )וַ יָּ בֹאוּ ָכat 2 Chr 23:17.
2 SAMUEL 19:10 מר ַה ֶ֜מּ ֶל� ִה ִצּ ָיל֣נוּ ׀ ִמ ַכּ֣ף אֹיְ ֵ֗בינוּ וְ ֤הוּא ִמ ְלּ ָ֨ט ֙נוּ ִמ ַכּ֣ף ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ֔תּים ֹ ֑ ל־שׁ ְב ֵ ֥טי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל ֵלא ִ ל־ה ָﬠ ֙ם נָ ֔דוֹן ְבּ ָכ ָ וַ יְ ִ ֤הי ָכ ן־ה ָ ֖א ֶרץ ֵמ ַ ֥ﬠל ַא ְב ָשׁ ֽלוֹם׃ ָ וְ ַﬠ ָ ֛תּה ָבּ ַ ֥רח ִמ 19:10
נָ דוֹן
Unique 19:10
ִמ ְלּ ָטנוּ ̇ל
Mp Mp
ִמ ַכּף ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים
וְ ַﬠ ָ ֦תּה
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּיםwith מ ַכּף, ִ to distinguish it from its eight occurrences with )מיַּ ד ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים( ִמיַּ ד. ִ Twenty-seven times with the accent (təḇîr)
בטע ̇ ̇̇כז
Com.: The Mp heading here of twenty-seven times is incorrect since there are twenty-eight occurrences of this lemma; see 1 Sam 27:1. MC reads here seventeen times with the accent, but see the editor’s remarks in Castro, El codice, 2:271. MA has no note here.
2 SAMUEL 19:11 ת־ה ֶ ֽמּ ֶל�׃ ס ַ שׁר ָמ ַ ֣שׁ ְחנוּ ָﬠ ֔ ֵלינוּ ֵ ֖מת ַבּ ִמּ ְל ָח ָ ֑מה וְ ַﬠ ָ֗תּה ָל ָ ֥מה ַא ֶ ֛תּם ַמ ֲח ִר ִ ֖שׁים ְל ָה ִ ֥שׁיב ֶא ֣ ֶ לוֹם ֲא ֙ וְ ַא ְב ָשׁ 19:11
ַמ ֲח ִר ִשׁים
Unique defective
חס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: This lemma is one of seven forms of the verb ָח ַרשׁin the hiphil conj. that are written defective י. The seven are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Gen 34:5 ()וְ ֶה ֱח ִרשׁ Exod 14:14 (*)תּ ֲח ִרשׁוּן ַ Num 30:12 ()וְ ֶה ֱח ִרשׁ Num 30:15 ()ה ֱח ִרשׁ ֶ 2 Sam 19:11 ()מ ֲח ִר ִשׁים ַ Jer 4:19 (*)אַח ִרשׁ ֲ Jer 38:27 ()וַ יַּ ֲח ִרשׁוּ
* ML, contrary to M ()תּ ֲח ִרשׁוּן, ַ writes the form at Exod 14:14 plene ;)תּ ֲח ִרישׁוּן( י ַ see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 12, and, contrary to M ()אַח ִרשׁ, ֲ writes the form at Jer 4:19 plene ;)אַח ִרישׁ( י ֲ see ibid, 165.
2 SAMUEL 19:12 מר ָל ָ֤מּה ִ ֽת ְה ֙יוּ ַ ֽא ֲחר ֔ ִֹנים ֹ ֔ הוּד ֙ה ֵלא ָ ְמר֒ ַדּ ְבּ ֞רוּ ֶאל־זִ ְק ֵנ֤י י ֹ ים ֵלא ֮ ִל־א ְביָ ָ ֥תר ַהכּ ֲֹהנ ֶ ל־צ ֨דוֹק וְ ֶא ָ וְ ַה ֶ ֣מּ ֶל� ָדּ ִ֗וד ָ֠שׁ ַלח ֶא יתוֹ׃ ֽ ל־בּ ֵ ל־ה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ֶא ַ יתוֹ ְוּד ַב ֙ר ָכּל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ָ ֥בּא ֶא ֑ ל־בּ ֵ ת־ה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ֶא ַ ְל ָה ִ ֥שׁיב ֶא 19:12
וְ ַה ֶמּ ֶל� ָדּוִ ד
Three times at the beginning of a verse Com.: See 2 Sam 13:21.
ראשׁ פסוק ֗ ̇ג
In ML the circellus has been placed only on �וְ ַה ֶמּ ֶל. But since this word occurs twenty times at the beginning of a verse it is most likely, as MC and MA read, that the note belongs with the phrase וְ ַה ֶמּ ֶל� ָדּוִ ד, which only occurs three times at the beginning of a verse.
290 19:12
Eighteen times
1–5 6–10 11–15 16–18
י̇ ̇ח
Num 23:3; 1 Sam 3:1; 2 Sam 3:17; 19:12; 24:11 1 Kgs 17:24; 18:1; 2 Kgs 20:4; Isa 2:3; 40:8 Ezek 12:23; Mic 4:2; Prov 14:23; 15:1; 30:8 Job 41:4; 1 Chr 21:4; 26:32
Com.: The Masorah notes the eighteen occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (200+) without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 19:13 ת־ה ֶ ֽמּ ֶל�׃ ַ וּב ָשׂ ִ ֖רי ַא ֶ ֑תּם וְ ָל ָ֧מּה ִת ְהי֛ וּ ַא ֲחר ִֹנ֖ים ְל ָה ִ ֥שׁיב ֶא ְ ַא ַ ֣חי ַא ֶ֔תּם ַﬠ ְצ ִ ֥מי 19:13
וְ ָל ָמּה ִת ְהיוּ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its occurrence without a cj. in the preceding verse.
2 SAMUEL 19:14 ר־צ ָ֞בא ִתּ ְה ֶי֧ה ְל ָפ ַנ֛י ָ ם־ל ֹא ַשׂ ֠ יוֹסיף ִא ִ֔ ים וְ ֣כֹה ֙ �ה ִ ה־לּי ֱא ֤ ִ וּב ָשׂ ִ ֖רי ָ ֑א ָתּה ֣כֹּה ַי ֲֽﬠ ֶשׂ ְ תּ ְמ ֔רוּ ֲהל֛ וֹא ַﬠ ְצ ִ ֥מי ֹ ֽ וְ ַ ֽל ֲﬠ ָמ ָשׂ ֙א יוֹאב׃ ֽ ָ ל־היָּ ִ ֖מים ַ ֥תּ ַחת ַ ָכּ 19:14
וְ ַל ֲﬠ ָמ ָשׂא
2 Sam 19:14; 1 Kgs 2:5
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its sole occurrence without a cj. at 2 Sam 20:9. 19:14
תּ ְֹמרוּ
Three times lacking an א
̇ג ח ̇א
2 Sam 19:14; Ps 139:20 (� ;*)י ְֹמרוּEzra 5:11 ()ל ֵמ ַמר ְ
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of form of the verb ָא ַמרthat are written without an א.
* ML, contrary to M (�)י ְֹמרוּ, writes the form at Ps 139:20 plene אמ ֻר�( א ְ ֹ ;)יsee Breuer, The Biblical Text, 269. However, the Mp heading at Ps 139:20 reads unique and written this way, e.g., without א. In ML in the Mp note, only the very tops of the letters חand אare visible. 19:14
ר־צ ָבא ָ ַשׂ
Three times
Com.: See 2 Sam 2:8.
In ML the note indicating three is not very distinct.
2 SAMUEL 19:15 ל־ﬠ ָב ֶ ֽדי�׃ ֲ ל־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ֥שׁוּב ַא ָ ֖תּה וְ ָכ ַ חוּ ֶא ֙ הוּדה ְכּ ִ ֣אישׁ ֶא ָ ֑חד ַוֽ יִּ ְשׁ ְל ֖ ָ ְל־אישׁ־י ִ ת־ל ַ ֥בב ָכּ ְ וַ יַּ ֛ט ֶא 19:15
וַ יַּ ט
2 Sam 19:15; Ezra 9:9 Twice
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the hiphil, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (25x) in the qal (וַ יֶּ ט/)וַ יֵּ ט.
This lemma is featured in two Masoretic lists. One is in a list of words only occurring twice that commence with ;ויsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §68, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §69. The other is in a list of doublets that have a paṯaḥ; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §24, and DíazEsteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §25. 19:15
הוּדה ָ ְל־אישׁ־י ִ ֶאת ְל ַבב ָכּ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of הוּדה ָ ְל־אישׁ־י ִ ָכּwith את ְל ַבב, ֶ to distinguish it from its four occurrences without את ְל ַבב. ֶ In ML only three circelli have been placed on this five-word phrase: one on את ְל ַבב, ֶ one on ל־אישׁ ִ כּ,ָ and one on הוּדה ָ ְאישׁ־י. ִ
292 19:15
ְכּ ִאישׁtwenty times
Num 14:15 Judg 6:16 Judg 20:1 Judg 20:8 Judg 20:11 1 Sam 11:7 2 Sam 19:15 Isa 42:13 Isa 66:13 Jer 6:23 Jer 50:42 Jer 14:9 Jer 23:9 Zech 4:1 Ps 38:15 Prov 6:11 Prov 24:34 Ezra 3:1 Neh 7:2 Neh 8:1
כאיש ̇כ
והמתה [)והכיתה( ]והכית ותקהל ויקם ויאסף צמד ויט כגבור תנחמנו קשת קשת נדהם לנבאים יעור ואהי כמהלך מתהלך ויגע ואצוה ויאספו
Com.: The Masorah notes the twenty occurrences of this lemma with a šəwâ under the כ, possibly to distinguish them from its sole occurrence with a qameṣ under the )כּ ִאישׁ( כ ָ at Judg 8:21.
2 SAMUEL 19:16 ת־היַּ ְר ֵ ֽדּן׃ ַ ת־ה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ֶא ַ יהוּדה ָבּ֣א ַהגִּ ְל ֗ ָגּ ָלה ָל ֨ ֶל ֶכ ֙ת ִל ְק ַ ֣ראת ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ְל ַה ֲﬠ ִ ֥ביר ֶא ֞ ָ ִד־היַּ ְר ֵ ֑דּן ו ַ וַ יָּ ָ֣שׁב ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� וַ יָּ ֖ב ֹא ַﬠ 19:16 Six times
ַהגִּ ְלגָּ ָלה ̇ו
1–5 Josh 10:6; 10:15; 10:43; 2 Sam 19:16; 19:41 6 2 Kgs 4:38 ——————————
2 SAMUEL ַהגִּ ְלגָּ ָלהsix times
̇הגלגלה ו
1–5 Josh 10:15 And its companion (Josh 10:43) 2 Sam 19:16 2 Sam 19:41 Josh 10:6 6 2 Kgs 4:38
יהושע וכל וחביר ̇ ויהודה בא ויעבר המלך אנשי גבעון ואלישע )בא( ]שב[ הגלגלה
Com.: The Masorah notes the six occurrences of this lemma with the locative ה, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (23x) without this adverbial ending.
2 SAMUEL 19:18 יבא ַנ ַ֚ﬠר ֵבּ֣ית ָשׁ ֔אוּל וַ ֲח ֵ֨מ ֶשׁת ָﬠ ָ ֥שׂר ָבּ ָנ֛יו וְ ֶﬠ ְשׂ ִ ֥רים ֲﬠ ָב ָ ֖דיו ִא ֑תּוֹ וְ ָצ ְל ֥חוּ ַהיַּ ְר ֵ ֖דּן ִל ְפ ֵנ֥י ָ֗ מּוֹ ִמ ִבּנְ יָ ִמן֒ וְ ִצ ֮ וְ ֶ֨א ֶלף ִ ֣אישׁ ִﬠ ַה ֶ ֽמּ ֶל�׃ 19:18
יבא ָ וְ ִצ
2 Sam 19:18; 19:30
יבא ָ וְ ִצtwice, and their references
2 Sam 19:18 2 Sam 19:30
וציבא ̇ב וסימנהון
ואלף איש עמו אמרתי אתה וציבא
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (12x) without a cj. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublets beginning with a וthat occur in the same book; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §61, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §62.
ת־בּ֣ית ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� וְ ַל ֲﬠ ֥שׂוֹת ַה ֖טּוֹב ְבּ ֵﬠ ָינ֑ו וְ ִשׁ ְמ ִ ֣ﬠי ֶבן־גֵּ ָ ֗רא נָ ַפל֙ ִל ְפ ֵנ֣י ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ְבּ ָﬠ ְב ֖רוֹ ֵ יר ֶא ֙ וְ ָﬠ ְב ָ ֣רה ָה ֲﬠ ָב ָ ֗רה ַ ֽל ֲﬠ ִב ַבּיַּ ְר ֵ ֽדּן׃ 19:19
ָה ֲﬠ ָב ָרה
Unique 19:19
̇ל ַל ֲﬠ ִביר
Mp Mp
Com.: This lemma is featured in two contradictory Masoretic lists. One is in a list of words that are written once with a ( יas here), but elsewhere are written with a ;)ל ֲﬠבוֹר( ו ַ see the Mm at Num 1:51 sub יָ ִקימוּ, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §214, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §163.
The other is in a Masoretic list of words where a הis not written in the middle of a word; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §176, the assumption being that the word should be ְל ַה ֲﬠ ִבירas in v. 16. 19:19
וְ ַל ֲﬠשׂוֹת
Fifteen times
Com.: See Josh 23:6. 19:19
ְבּ ֵﬠינָ ו
Read ְבּ ֵﬠינָ יו
בעיניו ק ̇ר
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )בעינוwithout the second יrepresents the archaic form of the 3rd masc. sg. sfx. to a pl. noun, whereas the qərê ()בּ ֵﬠינָ יו ְ with the second יrepresents the later form; see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 33 and 1 Sam 3:2.
2 SAMUEL 19:20 �י־ה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל ַ ר־י ָ ֥ׄצ ׄא ֲאד ִ ֹֽנ ָׄ ל־תּזְ ֗כֹּר ֵ ֚את ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ֶה ֱﬠָו֣ה ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ֔� ַבּיּ֕ וֹם ֲא ֶשׁ ִ ב־לי ֲאד ֹנִ ֮י ָﬠוֹן֒ וְ ַא ֣ ִ ל־ה ֶ֗מּ ֶל� ַאל־יַ ֲח ָשׁ ַ אמר ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ ל־ל ֽבּוֹ׃ ִ וּשׁ ָל֑� ָל ֥שׂוּם ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ֶא ָ ִמ ֽיר 19:20 Unique
אַל־תּזְ כֹּר ִ ְו ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its two occurrences without a cj. at Ps. 25:7 and 79:8. 19:20
ֶה ֱﬠוָ ה
ָ֗י ָ֗צ ̇א
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, possibly to distinguish it from its occurrence with a different pointing ()ה ֲﬠוֵ ה ַ in Jer 9:4. Fifteen pointed (with) dots
י̇ ̇ה נקוד
Com.: The Masorah notes the fifteen occurrences where words are marked by special diacritical points either above or below letters in the word. Ten of these occurrences are in the Torah, four are in the Prophets, and one is in the Writings; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §96.
2 SAMUEL 19:21 יוֹסף ָל ֶ ֕ר ֶדת ִל ְק ַ ֖ראת ֲאד ִ ֹ֥ני ַה ֶ ֽמּ ֶל�׃ ס ֵ֔ ל־בּ֣ית ֵ אשׁוֹן ְל ָכ ֙ אתי ַהיּ֗ וֹם ִר ִ ֽה־ב ֣ ָ אתי וְ ִה ֵנּ ִ ִ ֚כּי יָ ַ ֣דע ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ֔� ִ ֖כּי ֲא ִנ֣י ָח ָ ֑ט 19:21
Eight times
1–5 Exod 12:2; 2 Sam 19:21; 19:44; Isa 41:4; 41:27 6–8 Isa 44:6; 48:12; Jer 17:12 ()מ ִראשׁוֹן ֵ
Com.: The Masorah notes the eight occurrences of this lemma without a def. article, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (70x) with a def. article.
The Mp heading at Jer 17:2 reads unique noting the singularity of its particular form ()מ ִראשׁוֹן. ֵ
2 SAMUEL 19:22 הוֽה׃ ס ָ ְת־מ ִ ֥שׁ ַי� י ְ יוּמת ִשׁ ְמ ִ ֑ﬠי ִ ֥כּי ִק ֵלּ֖ל ֶא ֖ ַ אמר ֲה ַ ֣ת ַחת ֔ז ֹאת ֥ל ֹא ֶ ֹ ן־צרוּיָ ֙ה וַ ֔יּ ְ ישׁי ֶבּ ֤ ַ וַ ַ֨יּ ַﬠן ֲא ִב 19:22 Three times
ֲה ַת ַחת ̇ג
Gen 30:2; 50:19; 2 Sam 19:22
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with the interrog. ה, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (200+) without this interrogative.
2 SAMUEL 19:24 ל־שׁ ְמ ִ ֖ﬠי ֣ל ֹא ָת ֑מוּת וַ יִּ ָ ֥שּׁ ַ ֽבע ל֖ וֹ ַה ֶ ֽמּ ֶל�׃ ס ִ אמר ַה ֶ ֛מּ ֶל� ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֧יּ 19:24
ל־שׁ ְמ ִﬠי ִ ֶא
2 Sam 19:24; 1 Kgs 2:44
—————————— ל־שׁ ְמ ִﬠי ִ ֶאtwice
2 Sam 19:24 1 Kgs 2:44
אל שמעי ̇ב
לא תמות וישבע לו אתה ידעת
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with the separable prep. אל, ֶ to distinguish them from its four occurrences with the inseparable prep. )ל ִשׁ ְמ ִﬠי( ל. ְ
2 SAMUEL 19:25 יּוֹם ֙ ן־ה ַ ת־בּגָ ָד ֙יו ֣ל ֹא ִכ ֵ֔בּס ְל ִמ ְ א־ﬠ ָ ֣שׂה ְשׂ ָפ ֗מוֹ וְ ֶא ָ ֹ א־ﬠ ָ֨שׂה ַרגְ ֜ ָליו וְ ל ָ ֹ ן־שׁ ֔אוּל יָ ַ ֖רד ִל ְק ַ ֣ראת ַה ֶ ֑מּ ֶל� וְ ל ָ וּמ ִפ ֨בֹ ֶשׁ ֙ת ֶבּ ְ ר־בּא ְב ָשׁ ֽלוֹם׃ ֥ ָ ד־היּ֖ וֹם ֲא ֶשׁ ַ ֶל ֶ֣כת ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ַﬠ 19:25
וּמ ִפב ֶֹשׁת ְ
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 19:25; 21:8 ()מ ִפב ֶֹשׁת ְ —————————— וּמ ִפב ֶֹשׁת ְ twice defective
2 Sam 19:25 2 Sam 21:8
ומפבשת ̇ב חסירין
בן שאול ירד ארמני
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written defective י, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (10x) written plene וּמ ִפיב ֶֹשׁת( י/ת ְ )מ ִפיב ֶֹשׁ ְ
2 SAMUEL 19:25
א־ﬠ ָשׂה ָ ֹ וְ ל
Five times
1–5 2 Sam 19:25a; 19:25b; 2 Kgs 16:2; Jonah 3:10; 2 Chr 28:1 —————————— א־ﬠ ָשׂה ָ ֹ וְ לfive times
ולא עשה ̇ה
2 Sam 19:25a Twice in the verse (2 Sam 19:25b) 2 Kgs 16:2 And its companion (2 Chr 28:1) Jonah 3:10
Mm ומפבשת שנים בפסוקה בן עשרים שנה אחז וחבירו וירא האלהים
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its seven occurrences of this phrase without a cj. 19:25
ִכ ֵבּס
Gen 49:11; 2 Sam 19:25
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma without a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (12x) with a וcj. ()וְ ִכ ֶבּס.
2 SAMUEL 19:26 א־ה ַ ֥ל ְכ ָתּ ִﬠ ִ ֖מּי ְמ ִפי ֽבֹ ֶשׁת׃ ָ ֹ אמר ֙לוֹ ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ָל ָ֛מּה ל ֶ ֹ רוּשׁ ַ ֖ל� ִל ְק ַ ֣ראת ַה ֶ ֑מּ ֶל� וַ ֤יּ ָ ְי־בא י ֥ ָ וַ יְ ִ ֛הי ִכּ 19:26
וַ יְ ִ ֛הי
Twenty times with the accent (təḇîr) at the beginning of a verse Com.: See Josh 5:8. 19:26
̇ראשׁ פסו ֗ בטע ̇ ̇כ
ָה ַל ְכ ָתּ ִﬠ ִמּי ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ָה ַל ְכ ָתּwith ﬠ ִמּי, ִ to distinguish it from its occurrence with )ה ַל ְכ ָתּ ֵא ָלי( ֵא ַלי ָ in Num 22:37.
�ַ ת־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ִ ֥כּי ִפ ֵ ֖סּ ַ יה וְ ֵא ֵל֣� ֶא ָ֙ ה־לּי֩ ַה ֲח ֨מוֹר וְ ֶא ְר ַ ֤כּב ָﬠ ֨ ֶל ִ י־א ַ֨מר ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ֜� ֶא ְח ְבּ ָשׁ ָ אמר ֲאד ִ ֹ֥ני ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ַﬠ ְב ִ ֣דּי ִר ָ ֑מּנִ י ִ ֽכּ ַ֕ ֹ וַ יּ ַﬠ ְב ֶ ֽדּ�׃ 19:27
ִר ָמּנִ י
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublets with different hierarchial vowels, in a list termed milʿêl and milraʿ; see Yeivin, Introduction, §132, p. 103. In this connection, the higher vowel, the milʿêl, is the vowel šûreq, and the lower vowel, the milraʿ, is the vowel qameṣ. Thus ִרמּוּנִ יwith šûreq (Lam 1:19), is milʿêl, but ִר ָמּנִ יwith qameṣ (here) is milraʿ; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §5, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §5.
2 SAMUEL 19:28 �הים וַ ֲﬠ ֵ ֥שׂה ַה ֖טּוֹב ְבּ ֵﬠ ֶינֽי�׃ ִ֔ ל־אד ִֹנ֖י ַה ֶ ֑מּ ֶל� וַ אד ִֹנ֤י ַה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ְכּ ַמ ְל ַ ֣א� ָה ֱא ֲ וַ יְ ַר ֵגּ֣ל ְבּ ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ֔� ֶא 19:28
וַ יְ ַרגֵּ ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in the sg., to distinguish it from its two occurrences in the pl. ( )וַ יְ ַרגְ לוּat Deut 1:24 and Josh 7:2. 19:28
�הים ִ ְכּ ַמ ְלאַ� ָה ֱא
Eight times
Com.: See Judg 6:20.
2 SAMUEL 19:29 שׁ־לי ֥ ִ ֶוּמה־יּ ַ � ֑ת־ﬠ ְב ְדּ ֔� ְבּא ְֹכ ֵל֖י ֻשׁ ְל ָח ֶנ ַ י־מוֶ ֙ת ַלאד ִֹנ֣י ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� וַ ָ֨תּ ֶשׁ ֙ת ֶ ֽא ָ֨ ם־אנְ ֵשׁ ַ ל־בּ֣ית ָא ִ֗בי ִ ֤כּי ִא ֵ ִכּי֩ ֨ל ֹא ָה ָ֜יה ָכּ ל־ה ֶ ֽמּ ֶל�׃ פ ַ עוֹד ְצ ָד ָ ֔קה וְ ִלזְ ֥ﬠֹק ֖ﬠוֹד ֶא ֙ 19:29 Unique
וּמה־יֶּ שׁ ַ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its two occurrences without a cj. at 1 Sam 21:4 and 2 Kgs 4:2. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words which occur only once with a preceding ;וּמה ַ see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §256 19:29
וְ ִלזְ עֹק
2 SAMUEL 19:30 ת־ה ָשּׂ ֶ ֽדה׃ ַ יבא ַתּ ְח ְל ֖קוּ ֶא ָ֔ אמר ֙לוֹ ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ָל ָ֛מּה ְתּ ַד ֵ ֥בּר ֖ﬠוֹד ְדּ ָב ֶ ֑רי� ָא ַ֕מ ְר ִתּי ַא ָ ֣תּה וְ ִצ ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ
יבא ָ וְ ִצ
Com.: See directly above at 2 Sam 19:18.
2 SAMUEL 19:32 ת־ביַּ ְר ֵ ֽדּן׃ ַ ת־ה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ַהיַּ ְר ֵ ֔דּן ְל ַשׁ ְלּ ֖חוֹ ֶא ַ וּב ְרזִ ַלּ֙י ַהגִּ ְל ָﬠ ִ ֔די יָ ַ ֖רד ֵמר ֹגְ ִ ֑לים וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ֤בֹר ֶא ַ 19:32
ֵמרֹגְ ִלים
2 Sam 17:27; 19:32
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma pointed this way, possibly to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (9x) pointed as מ ַרגְּ ִלים. ְ 19:32
ַהיַּ ְר ֵדּן...וַ יַּ ֲﬠבֹר
2 Sam 19:32; 1 Chr 19:17
—————————— ֲﬠ ִב ָירה ַהיַּ ְר ֵדּןtwice
עבירה הירדן ̇ב
2 Sam 19:32 וַ יֻּ גַּ ד ְל ָדוִ יד וַ יֶּ ֱאסֹףof Chronicles (1 Chr 19:17)
וברזלי הגלעדי ירד מרגלים ויגד )לדוד( ]לדויד[ ויאסף דדברי הימים
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of the verb ָﬠ ַברtogether with היַּ ְר ֵדּן,ַ without ()את, ֶ to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (31x) with את, ֶ such as וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ְברוּ ֶאת ַהיַּ ְר ֵדּןor ע ְֹב ִרים ֶאת ַהיַּ ְר ֵדּן. This distinction is implied in the Mm in the additional notation of Chronicles to the 1 Chr 19:17 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 2 Sam 10:17, which has an )וַ יַּ ֲﬠבֹר ֶאת ַהיַּ ְר ֵדּן( ֶאת.
Furthermore, the additional note to the Mm at 1 Chr 19:17 states that (apart from its two occurrences) the rest are with את. ֶ
In ML the circellus has been placed only on the first word וַ יַּ ֲﬠבֹר, but the note clearly belongs with היַּ ְר ֵדּן.ַ 19:32
ַביַּ ְר ֵדּן
Read ַהיַּ ְר ֵדּן
הירדן קרי
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (בירדן, in the Jordan), and the qərê (היַּ ְר ֵדּן,ַ the Jordan) represent variant forms where the qərê is preferable to the kəṯîḇ; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 152.
For an attempt to possibly reconcile these two variants, see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 232–34.
2 SAMUEL 19:33 אד׃ ֹ ֽ י־אישׁ גָּ ֥דוֹל ֖הוּא ְמ ֛ ִ יב ֣תוֹ ְב ַמ ֲח ֔ ַניִ ם ִ ֽכּ ָ ת־ה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ְבּ ִשׁ ַ וּא־כ ְל ַכּ֤ל ֶא ִ ן־שׁמ ִֹנ֖ים ָשׁ ָנ֑ה וְ ֽה ְ אד ֶבּ ֹ ֔ וּב ְרזִ ַ ֙לּי זָ ֵ ֣ קן ְמ ַ
ִכ ְל ַכּל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma pointed this way, possibly to distinguish it from its occurrence pointed as ַכּ ְל ֵכלin Jer 20:9. 19:33
יבתוֹ ָ ְב ִשׁ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written this way, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of its parallel form at Prov 31:23 written as ְבּ ִשׁ ְבתּוֹ.
2 SAMUEL 19:34 ירוּשׁ ָ ֽל�׃ ָ ל־בּ ְרזִ ָלּ֑י ַא ָתּ ֙ה ֲﬠ ֣בֹר ִא ִ֔תּי וְ ִכ ְל ַכּ ְל ִ ֥תּי א ְֹת�֛ ִﬠ ָמּ ִ ֖די ִבּ ַ אמר ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֥יּ 19:34
וְ ִכ ְל ַכּ ְל ִתּי
Gen 45:11; 2 Sam 19:34
וְ ִכ ְל ַכּ ְל ִתּיtwice, and their references
2 Sam 19:34 Gen 45:11
וכלכלתי ̇ב וסימנהון
וכלכלתי אתך עמדי וכלכלתי אתך שם
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this quadriliteral in the 1st pers. sg., to distinguish them from other occurrences of this quadriliteral in different forms, such as וְ ִכ ְל ְכּלוּ in 1 Kgs 4:7 and 5:7
2 SAMUEL 19:35 רוּשׁ ָ ֽל�׃ ָ ְת־ה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� י ַ י־א ֱﬠ ֶ ֥לה ֶא ֶ מי ְשׁ ֵנ֣י ַח ַ֔יּי ִכּ ֙ ֵ ְל־ה ֶ ֑מּ ֶל� ַכּ ָ֗מּה י ַ אמר ַבּ ְרזִ ַלּ֖י ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֥יּ 19:35 Five times
יְ ֵמי ְשׁנֵ י ַחיַּ י ̇ה
1–5 Gen 25:7 (;)חיֵּ י ַ 47:8 (�;)חיֶּ י ַ 47:9a; 47:9b (;)חיֵּ י ַ 2 Sam 19:35
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this three-word phrase that includes שׁנֵ י, ְ to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (11x) that does not include ְשׁנֵ יsuch as יְ ֵמי ַחיֵּ יor יְ ֵמי ַחיָּ יו.
In ML only one circellus has been placed on ְשׁנֵ י ַחיַּ יbut, since this phrase only occurs twice in this exact form or six times including the form חיֵּ י,ַ it is most likely that the note was meant to include the preceding word יְ ֵמי, since the longer phrase יְ ֵמי ְשׁנֵ י ַחיַּ יin various forms does occur only five times.
שׁר ֶא ְשׁ ֶ֔תּה ֣ ֶ ת־א ֲ ת־א ֶ ֤שׁר א ַֹכל֙ וְ ֶא ֲ ין־טוֹב ְל ָ ֗רע ִאם־יִ ְט ַ ֤ﬠם ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ֙� ֶא ֣ ן־שׁמ ִֹנ֣ים ָשׁנָ ֩ה ָאנ ִֹ֨כי ַהיּ֜ וֹם ַה ֵא ַ ֣דע ׀ ֵבּ ְ ֶבּ ל־אד ִֹנ֖י ַה ֶ ֽמּ ֶל�׃ ֲ עוֹד ְל ַמ ָ֔שּׂא ֶא ֙ ֥�ם־א ְשׁ ַ ֣מע ֔עוֹד ְבּ ֖קוֹל ָשׁ ִ ֣רים וְ ָשׁ ֑רוֹת וְ ָל ָמּ ֩ה יִ ְֽה ֶ֨יה ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ֶ ִא 19:36
ַה ֵא ַדע
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the interrog. ה, to distinguish it from its fourteen occurrences without this interrogative. 19:36
ָשׁ ִרים
Eight times in various forms, and their references 1–5 Ps 68:26 Ps 87:7 2 Sam 19:36 1 Kgs 10:12 2 Chr 9:11 6–8 Qoh 2:8 2 Chr 35:25 Ezek 40:44
()וְ ָשׁ ִרים
()ל ָשּׁ ִרים ַ ()ל ָשּׁ ִרים ַ
()ה ָשּׁ ִרים ַ
בליש וסימנהון ̇ שרים ̇ח
קדמו כחללים בקול [)כנרות( ]וכנרות [)כנרות( ]וכנרות עשיתי בקינותיהם ומחוצה
Com.: The Masorah notes the eight occurrences of this lemma in various forms with a שׁ, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (59x) in various forms with a שׂ, such as ָשׂ ִריםand ה ָשּׂ ִרים.ַ 19:36
וְ ָשׁרוֹת
2 Sam 19:36; Qoh 2:8
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma without the def. article, to distinguish them from its sole occurrence with the def. article ( וְ ַה ָשּׁרוֹתat 2 Chr 35:25). 19:36
Three times
ְל ַמ ָשּׂא ̇ג
Com.: See 2 Sam 15:33.
2 SAMUEL 19:37 מוּלה ַה ֽזּ ֹאת׃ ֖ ָ ְת־ה ֶ ֑מּ ֶל� וְ ֨ ָל ָמּ ֙ה יִ גְ ְמ ֵל֣נִ י ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ַהגּ ַ ת־היַּ ְר ֵ ֖דּן ֶא ַ ִכּ ְמ ֞ ַﬠט יַ ֲﬠ ֧בֹר ַﬠ ְב ְדּ�֛ ֶא 19:37 Unique
וְ ָל ָמּה יִ גְ ְמ ֵלנִ י ̇ל
Com: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of יִ גְ ְמ ֵלנִ יwith וְ ָל ָמּה, to distinguish it from its two occurrences without וְ ָל ָמּהat 2 Sam 22:21 and Ps 18:21. 19:37
מוּלה ָ ְַהגּ ̇ל
2 SAMUEL 19:38 ה־לוֹ ֵ ֥את ֕ ם־אד ִֹנ֣י ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� וַ ֲﬠ ֵשׂ ֲ ירי ִ ֛ﬠם ֶ ֥ק ֶבר ָא ִ ֖בי וְ ִא ִ ֑מּי וְ ִה ֵנּ֣ה ׀ ַﬠ ְב ְדּ�֣ ִכ ְמ ָ֗הם ַי ֲֽﬠב ֹ֙ר ִﬠ ֔ ִ ב־נ֤א ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ֙� וְ ָא ֻ ֣מת ְבּ ִﬠ ָ ָי ָֽשׁ ר־טוֹב ְבּ ֵﬠ ֶינֽי�׃ ס ֖ ֲא ֶשׁ 19:38
יָ ָשׁב
Five times with qameṣ
1–5 2 Sam 19:38; Jer 49:1; Ps 1:1; 29:10; Dan 9:16 —————————— יָ ָשׁבfive times with qameṣ 1–5 2 Sam 19:38 Jer 49:1 Dan 9:16 Ps 1:1 Ps 29:10
קמצ ̇ ישב ̇ה
נא עבדך הבנים אפך בעצת רשעים יהוה למבול ישב
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma with a qameṣ under the שׁ, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (15x) with a paṯaḥ ()יָ ַשׁב.
This distinction is implied in the headings of both the Mp and the Mm five times with qameṣ ()ה, ָ thereby assuming a contrast with a form with a different vowel under the ה, which can only be a paṯaḥ.
The Masorah does not distinguish here between forms coming from the roots שׁוּב, to return (as in 2 Sam 19:38 and Dan 9:16), and יָ ַשׁב, to sit (as in Jer 49:1, Ps 1:1, and Ps 29:10). 19:38
ִכ ְמ ָהם יַ ֲﬠבֹר ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with ִכ ְמ ָהםpreceding יַ ֲﬠבֹרto distinguish it from its occurrence with ִכ ְמ ָהםfollowing )יַ ֲﬠבֹר ִכּ ְמ ָהם( יַ ֲﬠבֹרin the next verse
2 SAMUEL 19:39 ה־לּ�׃ ֽ ָ ר־תּ ְב ַ ֥חר ָﬠ ַל֖י ֶ ֽא ֱﬠ ֶשׂ ִ ת־ה ֖טּוֹב ְבּ ֵﬠ ֶינ֑י� וְ ֛כֹל ֲא ֶשׁ ַ ה־לּוֹ ֶא ֔ אמר ַה ֶ֗מּ ֶל� ִא ִתּ֙י יַ ֲﬠ ֣בֹר ִכּ ְמ ָ֔הם וַ ֲאנִ ֙י ֶא ֱﬠ ֶשׂ ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ 19:39 Unique
יַ ֲﬠבֹר ִכּ ְמ ָהם ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with ִכּ ְמ ָהםfollowing יַ ֲﬠבֹרto distinguish it from its occurrence with ִכּ ְמ ָהםcoming before )כ ְמ ָהם יַ ֲﬠבֹר( יַ ֲﬠבֹר ִ in the preceding verse.
2 SAMUEL 19:40 ת־היַּ ְר ֵ ֖דּן וְ ַה ֶ ֣מּ ֶל� ָﬠ ָ ֑בר וַ יִּ ַ֨שּׁק ַה ֶ ֤מּ ֶל� ְל ַב ְרזִ ַ ֙לּי וַ יְ ָ ֣ב ֲר ֵ֔כהוּ וַ יָּ ָ֖שׁב ִל ְמק ֹֽמוֹ׃ ס ַ ל־ה ָ ֛ﬠם ֶא ָ וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ֧בֹר ָכּ 19:40
וַ יְ ָ ֣ב ֲר ֵכ ֔הוּ
Unique with these accents (mûnaḥ and zaqeṕ)
בטע ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the accents mûnaḥ and zaqeṕ, to distinguish it from its eight occurrences with different accents. 19:40
ִל ְמקֹמוֹ
Three times defective Com.: See Judg 7:7.
חס ̇ ̇ג
2 SAMUEL 19:41 ת־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� וְ ֕ ַגם ֲח ִ ֖צי ַ ֥ﬠם יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ ַ יﬠ ִ ֣ברוּ ֶא ֱ ֶהוּד ֙ה ו ָ ְל־ﬠם י ֤ ַ וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ֤בֹר ַה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ַהגִּ ְל ֔ ָגּ ָלה וְ ִכ ְמ ָ ֖הן ָﬠ ַ ֣בר ִﬠ ֑מּוֹ וְ ָכ 19:41 Unique
וְ ִכ ְמ ָהן
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a final ן, to distinguish it from its three occurrences with a final )כּ ְמ ָהם( מ, ִ two of which are in vv. 38 and 39. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur once with a final ;ןsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §75, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §72. 19:41
ל־ﬠם ַ וְ ָכ
Com.: The Mp heading here is inexact since, as noted in MC, there are seven occurrences of this lemma; see Josh 8:3. The note more precisely should have read unique in the book. MA has no note here. 19:41
יﬠ ִברוּ ֱ ֶו
Read ֶה ֱﬠ ִבירוּ
קר ̇ העבירו
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )ויעברוmost likely represents a hiphil וconsec written defective וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ִברוּ( י, see the next verse), whereas the qərê ()ה ֱﬠ ִבירוּ ֶ represents a hiphil perf., both meaning they brought over; see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 183–84.
2 SAMUEL 19:42 הוּדה וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ִ֨ברוּ ֶאת־ ֗ ָ ְדּוּ� גְּ נָ ֨בוּ� ַא ֵ֜חינוּ ִ ֣אישׁ י ֩ ַ ל־ה ֶ֡מּ ֶל� ַמ ַ אמ ֣רוּ ֶא ְ ֹ ל־ה ֶ ֑מּ ֶל� וַ יּ ַ ל־אישׁ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל ָבּ ִ ֣אים ֶא ֥ ִ וְ ִה ֵנּ֛ה ָכּ ל־אנְ ֵ ֥שׁי ָדִ ֖וד ִﬠ ֽמּוֹ׃ ס ַ ת־היַּ ְר ֵ ֔דּן וְ ָכ ַ יתוֹ ֶא ֙ ת־בּ ֵ ַה ֶ ֤מּ ֶל� וְ ֶא 19:42
וְ ִהנֵּ ה ָכל
וְ ִהנֵּ ה ָכלfive times, and their references 1–5 2 Sam 19:42 2 Kgs 7:15 Jer 38:22 Ezek 8:10 Zech 1:11
והנה כל ̇ה וסימנהון
ישראל באים אל המלך וילכו אחריהם עד הירדן והנה כל הנשים אשר תבנית רמש ובהמה והנה כל הארץ
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its two occurrences without a cj. at Ezek 16:44 and Job 1:12. 19:42
וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ִברוּ
Four times
Exod 36:6 ( ;)וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ִבירוּ2 Sam 19:42; 2 Kgs 17:17 ( ;)וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ִבירוּEzra 10:7 ()וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ִבירוּ —————————— וַ יַּ ֲﬠ ִברוּfour times
ויעברו ̇ד
Exod 36:6 2 Sam 19:42 Ezra 10:7 2 Kgs 17:17
ויצו משה ויעבירו את המלך ואת ביתו [קול )בכל יהודה( ]ביהודה את בניהם ואת בנותיהם
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma, three times written plene ( יExod 36:6, 2 Kgs 17:17, and Ezra 10:7), and once written defective ( יhere). 19:42
Seven times
ת־בּיתוֹ ֵ וְ ֶא ̇ז
1–5 Gen 12:17; 18:19; 2 Sam 19:42; 1 Kgs 4:7; 7:1 6–7 1 Kgs 9:15; 2 Chr 8:1 —————————— ת־בּיתוֹ ֵ וְ ֶאseven times
̇ואת ביתו ז
1–5 Gen 12:17 Gen 18:19 2 Sam 19:42 1 Kgs 7:1 1 Kgs 4:7 6–7 1 Kgs 9:15 יהי ִמ ֵקּץ ֶﬠ ְשׂ ִרים ִ ַ וof Chronicles (2 Chr 8:1)
וינגע יהוה כי ידעתיו והנה כל איש בנה שלמה ולשלמה שנים )ואת( ]וזה[ דבר המס ויהי מקץ עשרים דדברי ימים
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma with the 3rd masc. sfx., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (30x) without this sfx. (ת־בּית ֵ )וְ ֶא.
This distinction is implied in the Mm here and at 1 Kgs 7:1 in the additional notation of Chronicles to the 2 Chr 8:1 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 1 Kgs 9:10, where the lemma occurs as ת־בּית ֵ וְ ֶא. 19:42
אַנְ ֵשׁי ָדוִ ד
Four times
1 Sam 23:3; 24:5; 2 Sam 19:42; 21:17
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma with אַנְ ֵשׁי, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (13x) with ָדוִ יד( ַﬠ ְב ֵדי/) ַﬠ ְב ֵדי ָדוִ ד.
2 SAMUEL 19:43 ל־ה ָדּ ָ ֖בר ַה ֶזּ֑ה ֶה ָא ֤כוֹל ַ י־ק ֤רוֹב ַה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ֵא ֔ ַלי וְ ָל ָ֤מּה זֶּ ֙ה ָח ָ ֣רה ְל ֔� ַﬠ ָ ל־אישׁ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֗אל ִ ֽכּ ֣ ִ הוּדה ַﬠ ֜ ָ ְל־אישׁ י ִ֨ וַ יַּ ַﬠן֩ ָכּ ן־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ִאם־נִ ֵ ֥שּׂאת נִ ָ ֖שּׂא ָ ֽלנוּ׃ ס ַ ָא ַ֨כ ְל ֙נוּ ִמ
ל־אישׁ ִ ַﬠ
Five times
1–5 2 Sam 19:43; Ps 62:4; 80:18; Job 12:14; 34:23
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma with ﬠל, ַ to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (10x) with ;)אל ִאישׁ( ֶאל ֶ see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §280, sec. 105. 19:43
וְ ָל ָמּה זֶּ ה
Three times
Gen 25:32; 2 Sam 19:43; Job 27:12
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (23x) without a cj. 19:43
�֔ ָח ָ ֣רה ְל
2 Sam 19:43; Jonah 4:9
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with ָח ָרהaccented milraʿ, to distinguish them from its sole occurrence with ָח ָרהaccented milʿêl at Jonah 4:4 (�) ָ ֥ח ָרה ָ ֖ל.
נִ ֵשּׂאת
Three times
2 Sam 19:43; Zech 5:7; 1 Chr 14:2
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a ḥîreq under the נ, to distinguish them from its two occurrences with a ḥolem (נ ֵֹשׂאת/ )נ ְֹשׂ ֵאתat 1 Kgs 10:22 and Esth 2:15. 19:43
נִ ָשּׂא
Six times
1–5 Gen 22:1 ( ;)נִ ָסּה1 Sam 17:39 ( ;)נִ ָסּה2 Sam 19:43; 1 Kgs 9:11; Isa 2:12 6 Lam 3:41
Com.: The Masorah notes the six occurrences of this lemma, four of which are written with an )נִ ָשּׂא( א, and two written with a )נִ ָסּה( ה. The Mp heading to Gen 22:1 reads twice written ס, and that at 1 Sam 17:39 reads twice written סה.
2 SAMUEL 19:44 �תנִ י וְ לֹא־ ַ֔ וּ� ֱה ִק ֙ ַ וּמ ֨דּ ַ ֒�ם־בּ ָדוִ ֮ד ֲא ִנ֣י ִמ ְמּ ְ ַאמר ֶ ֽﬠ ֶשׂר־יָ ֨דוֹת ִ ֣לי ַב ֶמּ ֶל ֮� וְ ג ֶ ֹ הוּדה וַ ֗יּ ֜ ָ ְת־אישׁ י ִ֨ וַ יַּ ַ֣ﬠן ִ ֽאישׁ־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵא ֩ל ֶא הוּדה ִמ ְדּ ַ ֖בר ִ ֥אישׁ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ ס ֔ ָ ְר־אישׁ י ֣ ִ ת־מ ְל ִ ֑כּי וַ ִ֨יּ ֶק ֙שׁ ְדּ ַב ַ אשׁוֹן ִ ֖לי ְל ָה ִ ֣שׁיב ֶא ֛ ָה ָ֨יה ְד ָב ִ ֥רי ִר 19:44
�דּוּ ַ וּמ ַ
Ten times
Com.: See Judg 9:28. 19:44
Unique 19:44
�תנִ י ַ ֱה ִק ̇ל ְדּ ָב ִרי
Thirteen times 1–5 6–10 11–13
י̇ ̇ג
Num 11:23; 2 Sam 19:44; 1 Kgs 6:12; 17:1; Isa 55:11 Isa 66:2; Jer 1:12; 23:28a; 23:28b; 23:29 Jer 29:10; Jonah 4:2; Job 29:22
Com.: The Masorah notes the thirteen occurrences of this lemma with a sg. sfx, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (36x) with a pl. sfx. ( ְדּ ָב ָרי/ ;) ְדּ ָב ַריsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §10A. 19:44
ִמ ְדּ ַבר
Three times
Exod 23:7; 2 Sam 19:44; 2 Kgs 10:10
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma pointed this way, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences pointed differently, such as ( ִמ ְד ַבּר24x) or ִמ ַדּ ֵבּר (8x).
2 SAMUEL 20:1 ין־לנוּ ֵ֜ח ֶלק ְבּ ָד ִ֗וד וְ ֤ל ֹא ָ ֨ ֹאמר ֵ ֽא ֶ ן־בּ ְכ ִ ֖רי ִ ֣אישׁ יְ ִמ ִינ֑י וַ יִּ ְת ַ ֣ קע ַבּשּׁ ֗ ָֹפר ַו֠יּ ִ וּשׁ ֛מוֹ ֶ ֥שׁ ַבע ֶבּ ְ וְ ָ֨שׁם נִ ְק ָ ֜רא ִ ֣אישׁ ְבּ ִל ַ֗יּ ַﬠל ה־ל ֙נוּ ְבּ ֶבן־יִ ַ֔שׁי ִ ֥אישׁ ְלא ָֹה ָל֖יו יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ ָ ֨ ַנ ֲֽח ָל 20:1
וְ ָשׁם
Five times at the beginning of a verse
̇רא פסו ̇ ̇ה
Com.: See 1 Sam 21:8. 20:1
ַבּשּׁ ָֹפר
Three times defective
חס ̇ ̇ג
Com.: See 2 Sam 15:10.
2 SAMUEL 20:2 ן־היַּ ְר ֵ ֖דּן וְ ַﬠד־ ַ הוּד ֙ה ָדּ ְב ֣קוּ ְב ַמ ְל ָ֔כּם ִמ ָ ְן־בּ ְכ ִ ֑רי וְ ִ ֤אישׁ י ִ שׁ ַבע ֶבּ ֣ ֶ ל־אישׁ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל֙ ֵמ ַא ֲח ֵ ֣רי ָד ִ֔וד ַא ֲח ֵ ֖רי ֤ ִ וַ ַ֜יּ ַﬠל ָכּ רוּשׁ ָ ֽל�׃ ָ ְי 20:2 Six times
הוּדה ָ ְוְ ִאישׁ י ̇ו
Com.: See 1 Sam 11:8.
310 20:2
Three times
2 Sam 20:2; Zeph 1:5; Ps 149:2
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with the prep. ב, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (9x) without this preposition.
2 SAMUEL 20:3 מר ַה ַ֜בּיִ ת ַ ֽו יִּ ְתּ ֵנ֤ם ֵבּית־ ֹ ֨ י� ִל ְשׁ ֩ ַ ִ� וַ יִּ ַ ֣קּח ַה ֶ֡מּ ֶל� ֵ ֣את ֶ ֽﬠ ֶשׂר־נָ ִ ֣שׁים ׀ ִפּ ַלגְ ִ֡שׁים ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ִהנּ ֒ וּשׁ ַל ָ יתוֹ יְ ֽר ֮ ל־בּ ֵ וַ יָּ ֨ב ֹא ָדִו֣ד ֶא א־בא וַ ִתּ ְה ֶי֧ינָ ה ְצ ֻר ֛רוֹת ַﬠד־י֥ וֹם ֻמ ָ ֖תן ַא ְל ְמנ֥ וּת ַחיּֽ וּת׃ ס ֑ ָ ֹ יהם ל ֖ ֶ ִמ ְשׁ ֶ֨מ ֶר ֙ת ַ ֽו יְ ַכ ְל ְכּ ֔ ֵלם וַ ֲא ֵל 20:3
וַ יִּ ְתּנֵ ם ֵבּית
Six times
1–5 2 Sam 20:3; 1 Kgs 10:17; 2 Kgs 22:5 (וְ יִ ְתּנֻ הוּ, qərê); 22:9 ( ;)וַ יִּ ְתּנֻ הוּJer 52:11 ()וַ יִּ ְתּנֵ הוּ 6 2 Chr 16:10
Com.: The Masorah notes the six occurrences of forms of the verb נָ ַתןwith ֵ;בּיתsee Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.
At 2 Chr 16:10 the circellus has mistakenly been placed only on ֵבּיתinstead of the entire phrase וַ יִּ ְתּנֵ ם ֵבּית. 20:3
וַ יְ ַכ ְל ְכּ ֵלם
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a sfx., to distinguish it from its occurrence without a sfx. ( )וַ יְ ַכ ְל ֵכּלat Gen 47:12. 20:3
יהם ֶ וַ ֲא ֵל
Lev 17:8 ( ;)וַ ֲא ֵל ֶהם2 Sam 20:3
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (200+) without a cj. The Mp heading at Lev 17:8 reads twice, once defective and once plene.
2 SAMUEL 20:3
ְצ ֻררוֹת
Exod 12:34 (;)צ ֻרר ֹת ְ 2 Sam 20:3 ——————————
ְצ ֻררוֹתtwice in two meanings, once plene once defective
Exod 12:34 2 Sam 20:3
חס ̇ מל וחד ̇ בתר לשנין חד ̇ צררת ̇ב
משארתם צררת בשמלתם אלמנות חיות...ותהיינה צררות
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written plene and defective ו that have two meanings, one meaning wrapped (Exod 12:34), and one meaning seclusion (here). This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of homonyms; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §59, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §60.
2 SAMUEL 20:4 מד׃ ֹ ֽ הוּדה ְשׁ�֣ ֶשׁת יָ ִ ֑מים וְ ַא ָ ֖תּה ֹ֥פּה ֲﬠ ֖ ָ ְת־אישׁ־י ִ ק־לי ֶא ֥ ִ ל־ﬠ ָמ ָ֔שׂא ַהזְ ֶﬠ ֲ אמר ַה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ 20:4
ַהזְ ֶﬠק
2 SAMUEL 20:5 מּוֹﬠד ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר יְ ָﬠ ֽדוֹ׃ ס ֖ ֵ ן־ה ַ יחר ִמ ֶ ֹ הוּדה וַ ֕יּ ֑ ָ ְוַ יֵּ ֶ֥ל� ֲﬠ ָמ ָ ֖שׂא ְל ַהזְ ִ ֣ﬠיק ֶאת־י 20:5
יחר ֶ ִוַ יּ
Read יּוֹחר ֶ ַו
ויוחר ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (וייחר, piel), and the qərê (יּוֹחר ֶ ַו, hiphil) are examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê forms occurring in different conjugations with identical meanings; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 133–34.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that have a יin the middle of word that is read as a ;וsee the Mm at Num 1:16 sub קריאי, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §80, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §71.
ת־ﬠ ְב ֵ ֤די ֲאד ֨ ֶֹנ ֙י� ְוּר ֣ד ֹף ַא ֲח ָ ֔ריו ַ ן־א ְב ָשׁל֑ וֹם ֠ ַא ָתּה ַ ֞קח ֶא ַ ן־בּ ְכ ִ ֖רי ִמ ִ ישׁי ַﬠ ָ֗תּה ֵי ַ ֽ֧ רע ָ ֛לנוּ ֶ ֥שׁ ַבע ֶבּ ַ֔ ל־א ִב ֲ אמר ָדּוִ ֙ד ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ ן־מ ָצא ל֛ וֹ ָﬠ ִ ֥רים ְבּ ֻצ ֖רוֹת וְ ִה ִ ֥צּיל ֵﬠ ֵינֽנוּ׃ ֥ ָ ֶפּ 20:6
ן־אַב ָשׁלוֹם ְ ִמ
Unique 20:6
̇ל וְ ִה ִצּיל
Three times
2 Sam 20:6; Isa 31:5; Mic 5:5
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (9x) without a cj. 20:6
ֵﬠינֵ נוּ
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 20:6; Ps 35:21*
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written defective second י, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (9x) written plene second )ﬠינֵ ינוּ( י. ֵ
* ML, contrary to M ()ﬠינֵ נוּ, ֵ writes this lemma plene second )ﬠינֵ ינוּ( י ֵ at Ps 35:21; see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 253.
2 SAMUEL 20:7 ן־בּ ְכ ִ ֽרי׃ ִ וּשׁ ֔ ַל ִם ִל ְר ֕דּ ֹף ַא ֲח ֵ ֖רי ֶ ֥שׁ ַבע ֶבּ ָ אוּ ִמ ֣יר ֙ ל־הגִּ בּ ִ ֹ֑רים וַ יֵּ ְֽצ ַ יוֹאב וְ ַה ְכּ ֵר ִ ֥תי וְ ַה ְפּ ֵל ִ ֖תי וְ ָכ ָ֔ שׁי ֣ ֵ ְוַ יֵּ ְצ ֤אוּ ַ ֽא ֲח ָר ֙יו ַאנ 20:7
ל־הגִּ בּ ִֹרים ַ וְ ָכ
2 Sam 16:6; 20:7
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with כּל,ָ to distinguish them from its sole occurrence without )וְ ַהגִּ בּ ִֹרים( ָכּלat 1 Chr 29:24.
2 SAMUEL 20:8 יוֹאב ָחג֣ וּר ׀ ִמ ֣דּוֹ ְל ֻב ֗שׁוּ וְ ָﬠ ֞ ָלו ֲחג֥ וֹר ֶ֨ח ֶר ֙ב ָ֞ ְיהם ו ֑ ֶ ֵדוֹל ֙ה ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ְבּגִ ְב ֔עוֹן וַ ֲﬠ ָמ ָ ֖שׂא ָבּ֣א ִל ְפנ ָ ְם־ה ֶ ֤א ֶבן ַהגּ ָ ֵ֗הם ִﬠ ל־מ ְתנָ ֙יו ְבּ ַת ְﬠ ָ ֔רהּ וְ ֥הוּא יָ ָ ֖צא וַ ִתּ ֽ ֹפּל׃ ס ָ ְמ ֻצ ֶ ֤מּ ֶדת ַﬠ 20:8
וַ ֲﬠ ָמ ָשׂא
Five times
Com.: See 2 Sam 17:25. 20:8
Lev 6:3; 2 Sam 20:8
Com.: The Mp heading at Lev 6:3 adds the catchwords יוֹאב ָחגוּר( ויואב חגור ָ ְ )וto refer the reader to this verse. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublets that begin with the letter ;מsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §69, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §70. 20:8
וְ ָﬠ ָלו
Read וְ ָﬠ ָליו
ועליו ק
The kəṯîḇ ( )ועלוwithout a יrepresents the archaic form of the 3rd masc. sg. sfx. to a prep. with pl. sfxs., whereas the qərê ( )וְ ָﬠ ָליוwith a יrepresents the later form; see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 33. In ML the qərê is hardly visible.
2 SAMUEL 20:9 ק־לוֹ׃ ֽ יוֹאב ִבּזְ ַ ֥ קן ֲﬠ ָמ ָ ֖שׂא ִלנְ ָשׁ ֛ ָ תּ ֶחז יַ ד־יְ ִ ֥מין ֹ ֜ ַיוֹא ֙ב ַל ֲﬠ ָמ ָ֔שׂא ֲה ָשׁל֥ וֹם ַא ָ ֖תּה ָא ִ ֑חי ו ָ אמר ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ 20:9
וַ תּ ֶֹחז
Twice, once plene and once defective 2 Sam 20:9; Ruth 3:15 (ֹאחז ֶ )וַ תּ
חס ̇ מל וחד ̇ ̇ב חד
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one written plene ( אRuth 3:15), and one written defective ( אhere).
מת ֹ ֑ ָא־שׁנָ ה ל֖ וֹ וַ יּ ֥ ָ ֹ ל־ה ֜חֹ ֶמשׁ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ֨ ֹפּ� ֵמ ָ ֥ﬠיו ַ ֛א ְר ָצה וְ ל ַ ד־יוֹאב וַ יַּ ֵכּהוּ֩ ָ֨בהּ ֶא ָ֗ ַשׁר ְבּי ֣ ֶ וַ ֲﬠ ָמ ָ֨שׂא ֽל ֹא־נִ ְשׁ ַ֜מר ַבּ ֶ ֣ח ֶרב ׀ ֲא ן־בּ ְכ ִ ֽרי׃ ִ ישׁי ָא ִ֔חיו ָר ַ ֕דף ַא ֲח ֵ ֖רי ֶ ֥שׁ ַבע ֶבּ ֣ ַ יוֹא ֙ב וַ ֲא ִב ָ ְס ו 20:10
וַ ֲﬠ ָמ ָשׂא
Five times
Com.: See 2 Sam 17:25. 20:10
�ֹוַ יִּ ְשׁפּ
�ֹ וַ יִּ ְשׁפּtwice, and their references 2 Sam 20:10 Isa 42:25
וישפך ̇ב וסימנהון
ויכהו בה אל החמש וישפך חמה אפו
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וconsec., to distinguish them from its sole occurrence with a וcj. (�ֹ )וְ יִ ְשפּat Dan 11:15. 20:10
ָ ֥שׁנָ ה
Unique accented (milʿêl)
בטע ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma accented milʿêl (= a verb, to repeat), which does not occur in a verbal form accented milraʿ. However, as a noun (year), it occurs over four-hundred times accented milraʿ. 20:10
ישׁי ָא ִחיו ַ וַ ֲא ִב ̇ל
1–2 2 Sam 3:30; 20:10
Com.: The Mp heading of unique is incorrect since there are two occurrences of this lemma.
The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, that follows Joab (יוֹאב ָ ְישׁי ָא ִחיו ו ַ )וַ ֲא ִב, to distinguish them from the sole occurrence of this lemma that precedes Joab ( ישׁי ֲא ִחי ַ וַ ֲא ִב )יוֹאב ָ at 2 Sam 23:18.
Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
2 SAMUEL 20:11 יוֹאב׃ ֽ ָ ר־ל ָדִ ֖וד ַא ֲח ֵ ֥רי ְ וּמי ֲא ֶשׁ ֥ ִ יוֹאב ֛ ָ אמר ִמי֩ ֲא ֶ֨שׁר ָח ֵ ֧פץ ְבּ ֶ ֹ יוֹאב וַ ֗יּ ֑ ָ ישׁ ָﬠ ַ ֣מד ָﬠ ֔ ָליו ִ ֽמנַּ ֲﬠ ֵ ֖רי ֙ וְ ִא 20:11 Unique
וּמי ֲא ֶשׁר ִ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its four occurrences without a cj., one of which is in this same verse.
2 SAMUEL 20:12 ן־ה ְמ ִס ָלּ֤ה ַה ָשּׂ ֶד ֙ה ֽ ַ ת־ﬠ ָמ ָ֨שׂא ִמ ֲ ל־ה ֗ ָﬠם וַ יַּ ֵסּ ֩ב ֶא ָ י־ﬠ ַ ֣מד ָכּ ָ וַ ֲﬠ ָמ ָ ֛שׂא ִמ ְתגּ ֵ ֹ֥לל ַבּ ָ ֖דּם ְבּ ֣תוֹ� ַ ֽה ְמ ִסּ ָלּ֑ה וַ ַ֨יּ ְרא ָה ִ֜אישׁ ִ ֽכּ ל־ה ָ ֥בּא ָﬠ ָל֖יו וְ ָﬠ ָ ֽמד׃ ַ שׁר ָר ָ֔אה ָכּ ֣ ֶ וַ יַּ ְשׁ ֵל֤� ָﬠ ָל ֙יו ֶ֔בּגֶ ד ַכּ ֲא 20:12 Unique 20:12
ִמ ְתגּ ֵֹלל ̇ל י־ﬠ ַמד ָ ִכּ ̇ל
Mp Mp
1–2 2 Sam 20:12; Ezek 21:26
Com.: The Mp heading of unique is inexact since there are two occurrences of this lemma. The note more precisely should have read unique in the book.
Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here. 20:12
וַ יַּ ֵסּב
Unique in the book
בסיפ ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in the book in the hiphil, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (7x) in the book in the qal ( ;)וַ יִּ סֹּבsee the Mm at 1 Chr 16:43 sub וַ יִּ סֹּב. 20:12
ַה ָבּא ָﬠ ָליו ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ַה ָבּאwith ﬠ ָליו, ָ to distinguish it from its two occurrences of ַה ָבּאwith )ה ָבּא ֵא ָליו( ֵא ָליו ַ at 2 Sam 12:4 and Dan 11:16. 20:12
וְ ָﬠ ָמד
Three times
Josh 10:13 (;)ﬠ ָמד ָ 2 Sam 20:12; Ps 1:1 ()ﬠ ָמד ָ
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a qameṣ under the מ (pausal form), to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (31x) with a paṯaḥ under the ﬠ ַמד( מ/ד ָ ;)וְ ָﬠ ַמsee also Josh 10:13. This lemma is found in a Masoretic list of forms that occcur three times, twice without a וcj. (Josh 10:13 and Ps 1:1), and once with a וcj. (here); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §13.
2 SAMUEL 20:13 ן־בּ ְכ ִ ֽרי׃ ִ יוֹאב ִל ְר ֕דּ ֹף ַא ֲח ֵ ֖רי ֶ ֥שׁ ַבע ֶבּ ָ֔ ישׁ ַא ֲח ֵ ֣רי ֙ ל־א ִ ן־ה ְמ ִס ָלּ֑ה ָﬠ ַ ֤בר ָכּ ֽ ַ ַכּ ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ה ָֹג֖ה ִמ 20:13 Unique
ל־אישׁ ִ ָﬠ ַבר ָכּ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with כּל,ָ possibly to distinguish it from its occurrence with )ﬠ ַבר ָבּהּ ִאישׁ( ָבּהּ ָ at Jer 2:6.
2 SAMUEL 20:14 ף־א ֲח ָ ֽריו׃ ַ ל־ה ֵבּ ִ ֑רים ס וַ יִּ ָ ֣קּלֲ ֔הוּ וַ יָּ ֖בֹאוּ ַא ַ וּבית ַמ ֲﬠ ָ ֖כה וְ ָכ ֥ ֵ ל־שׁ ְב ֵ ֣טי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֗אל ָא ֵ ֛ב ָלה ִ ַוֽ יַּ ֲﬠ ֞בֹר ְבּ ָכ 20:14 Unique
ָא ֵב ָלה ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the locative ה, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (11x) without this adverbial ending ()א ֵבל. ָ 20:14
וַ יִּ ָקּלֲ הוּ
Read וַ יִּ ָקּ ֲהלוּ
קר ̇ ויקהלו
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()ויקלהו, and the qərê ( )וַ יִּ ָקּ ֲהלוּrepresents examples where consonants have been transposed; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 116.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words in which two letters have been transposed; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §91, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §73.
2 SAMUEL 20:15 ת־יוֹאב ָ֔ שׁר ֶא ֣ ֶ ל־ה ָﬠ ֙ם ֲא ָ מד ַבּ ֵ ֑חל וְ ָכ ֹ ֖ ל־ה ֔ ִﬠיר ַו ַֽתּ ֲﬠ ָ ס ְל ָל ֙ה ֶא ֹ ֽ וַ יָּ ֜בֹאוּ וַ יָּ ֻצ֣רוּ ָﬠ ֗ ָליו ְבּ ָא ֵ֨ב ָל ֙ה ֵבּ֣ית ַ ֽה ַמּ ֲﬠ ָ֔כה וַ יִּ ְשׁ ְפּ ֤כוּ חוֹמה׃ ֽ ָ יתם ְל ַה ִ ֥פּיל ַה ֖ ִ ַמ ְשׁ ִח 20:15 Unique
ְבּ ָא ֵב ָלה ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the locative ה, to distinguish it from its occurrence without this adverbial ending ()בּ ָא ֵבל ְ in v. 18. 20:15
ֵבּית ַה ַמּ ֲﬠ ָכה
ְבּ ֵחל
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of phrases that occur once with the def. article (here), and once without (וּבית ַמ ֲﬠ ָכה, ֵ v. 14); see the Mm on ְשׁ ֵתּי ֲﬠבֹתֹתat Exod 28:24. Five times defective
חס ̇ ̇ה
1–5 2 Sam 20:15; 1 Kgs 21:23 (;)בּ ֵחל ְ Isa 26:1 ( ;)וָ ֵחלObad 20 (;)ה ֵחל ַ Lam 2:8 ()חל ֵ
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma in various forms written defective י, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (42x) in various forms written plene )חיל( י. ֵ 20:15
Eight times
יתם ִ ַמ ְשׁ ִח ̇ח
Com.: See Judg 20:42.
אמר שׁ ֵ ֹ֥מ ַ� ָא ֹֽנ ִכי׃ ֶ ֹ אמר ֗לוֹ ְשׁ ַמ ֙ע ִדּ ְב ֵ ֣רי ֲא ָמ ֶ֔ת� וַ ֖יּ ֶ ֹ אמר ָ ֑אנִ י וַ ֣תּ ֶ ֹ יוֹאב וַ ֣יּ ֖ ָ אמר ָה ִא ָ ֛שּׁה ַה ַא ָ ֥תּה ֶ ֹ יה וַ ֧תּ ָ וַ יִּ ְק ַ ֣רב ֵא ֔ ֶל 20:17
וַ יִּ ְק ַרב
Five times
Lev 9:8; 1 Sam 17:48; 2 Sam 20:17; 2 Kgs 16:12; Jonah 1:6 —————————— וַ יִּ ְק ַרבfive times with pataḥ
Lev 9:8 1 Sam 17:48 2 Sam 20:17 2 Kgs 16:12 Jonah 1:6
ויקרב ̇ה פתח
אהרן [)הפ( ]= הפלשתי ̇ והיה כי קם ויקרב אליה על המזבח ויעל עליו [רב )החובל( ]החבל
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma in the qal, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (19x) in the hiphil ( ;)וַ יַּ ְק ֵרבsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §215.
This distinction is implied in the heading of the Mp at Lev 9:8 ()ה, ַ and in the Mm headings at Lev 9:8 and here, which read five times with pataḥ, thereby assuming a contrast with a form with a different vowel under the ר, which can only be ṣerê. 20:17
ְשׁ ַמע ִדּ ְב ֵרי
2 Sam 20:17; Prov 22:17 ()וּשׁ ַמע ִדּ ְב ֵרי ְ
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma without את, ֶ to distinguish them from its two occurrences with )וּשׁ ַמע ֶאת ִדּ ְב ֵרי( ֶאת ְ at 1 Sam 25:24 and 2 Kgs 19:16.
2 SAMUEL 20:18 אל יְ ָשׁ ֲאל֛ וּ ְבּ ָא ֵ ֖בל וְ ֵ ֥כן ֵה ַ ֽתמּוּ׃ ֹ ֧ מר ָשׁ ֹ ֔ מר ַדּ ֵ֨בּר יְ ַד ְבּ ֤רוּ ָב ִ ֽראשׁ ֹנָ ֙ה ֵלא ֹ ֑ אמר ֵלא ֶ ֹ וַ ֖תּ 20:18
ָב ִראשׁ ֹנָ ה
Twenty-two times
̇כ ̇ב
Com.: See 2 Sam 7:10. 20:18
Gen 43:7 (;)שׁאוֹל ָ 2 Sam 20:18 (*)שׁאוֹל ָ ——————————
ָשׁאוֹלtwice, and their references Gen 43:7 2 Sam 20:18
)שאול( ]שאל[ ̇ב וסימנהון
ויאמרו שאול שאל האיש )שאול( ]שאל[ ישאלו באבל
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma pointed with a ḥolem, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (300+) pointed with a šûreq ()שׁאוּל. ָ
* ML, contrary to M ()שׁאוֹל, ָ writes the lemma here defective ;)שׁאֹל( ו ָ see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 97.
MA reads here שׁאוֹל, ָ and has a Mp note of twice. MC similarly reads here שׁאוֹל, ָ and in its Mp note of twice has a catchword )שׁאַל( שאל ָ referring the reader to Gen 43:7. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words occurring three times, twice without a וcj. and once with it (1 Sam 22:13); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §13, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah weOklah, §14.
2 SAMUEL 20:19 הוֽה׃ פ ָ ְמוּנ֣י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל ַא ָ ֣תּה ְמ ַב ֵ ֗קּשׁ ְל ָה ִ֨מית ִ ֤ﬠיר וְ ֵא ֙ם ְבּיִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ָ ֥ל ָמּה ְת ַב ַ ֖לּע נַ ֲח ַ ֥לת י ֵ ָאנ ִֹ֕כי ְשׁ ֻל ֵ ֖מי ֱא 20:19
ְשׁ ֻל ֵמי
Three times defective
חס ̇ ̇ג
2 Sam 20:19; Hos 9:7 ( ;) ַה ִשּׁ ֻלםPs 91:8 ()וְ ִשׁ ֻלּ ַמת
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in various forms written defective ו, to distinguish them from parallel forms written plene ו, such as לּוּמים ִ ִשׁat Isa 34:8 or any of the numerous forms of the noun שׁלוֹם. ָ 20:19
ֱאמוּנֵ י
Unique and plene
ומל ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemmma is unique and written plene ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written defective ו. In ML only the top half of the וis visible and it shows signs of being entered secondarily. 20:19
ִﬠיר וְ ֵאם ̇ל
2 SAMUEL 20:20 ם־א ְשׁ ִ ֽחית׃ ַ ם־א ַב ַלּ֖ע וְ ִא ֲ אמר ָח ִ ֤ל ָילה ָח ֨ ִל ָיל ֙ה ֔ ִלי ִא ֑ ַ ֹ יוֹאב וַ יּ ֖ ָ וַ יַּ ַ֥ﬠן 20:20 Unique
ָח ִל ָילה ָח ִל ָילה Mp
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words occurring together only once; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §72.
2 SAMUEL 20:21 דוֹ ַבּ ֶ ֣מּ ֶל� ְבּ ָד ִ֔וד ְתּנֽ וּ־א ֹ֣תוֹ ְל ַב ֔דּוֹ וְ ֵא ְל ָ ֖כה ֵמ ַ ֣ﬠל ֙ ָן־בּ ְכ ִ ֣רי ְשׁ ֗מוֹ נָ ָ ֤שׂא י ִ ישׁ ֵמ ַ֨הר ֶא ְפ ַ ֜ריִ ם ֶ ֧שׁ ַבע ֶבּ ֩ א־כ֣ן ַה ָדּ ָ֗בר ִ֡כּי ִא ֵ ֹל חוֹמה׃ ֽ ָ אשׁוֹ ֻמ ְשׁ ָ ֥ל� ֵא ֶל֖י� ְבּ ַ ֥ﬠד ַה ֛ ֹ ל־יוֹאב ִה ֵנּ֥ה ר ָ֔ אמר ָ ֽה ִא ָשּׁ ֙ה ֶא ֶ ֹ ָה ִ ֑ﬠיר וַ ֤תּ 20:21
א־כן ֵ ֹל
Nineteen times
1–5 6–10 11–15 16–19
י̇ ̇ט
Gen 48:18; Exod 10:11; Num 12:7; Deut 18:14; 2 Sam 18:14 2 Sam 20:21; 23:5; 2 Kgs 7:9; 17:9; Isa 10:7a Isa 10:7b; 16:6; Jer 8:6 (;)לוֹא־כן ֵ 23:10; 48:30a (א־כן ֵ ֹ )וְ ל b Jer 48:30 ; Ps 1:4; Prov 15:7; Job 9:35
Com.: The Masorah notes the nineteen occurrences of this lemma, to distinguish them from the more numerous occurrences (196x) of the adverb ָ;ל ֵכןsee HALOT 1:512.
The Mp at Jer 48:30a (א־כן ֵ ֹ )וְ לcorrectly notes that its form is unique because of the addition of the וcj. 20:21
Eight times
נָ ָשׂא יָ דוֹ ̇ח
1–5 Deut 32:40; 2 Sam 20:21; Ezek 20:5a; 20:5b; 20:6 6–8 Ezek 20:15; 44:12; Ps 106:26 ——————————
יאה יָ ד ָ נְ ִשׂeight times
נשיאה )ידו( ]יד[ ̇ח
1–5 Deut 32:40 2 Sam 20:21 Ezek 20:5a Twice in the verse (Ezek 20:5b) Ezek 20:6 6–8 Ezek 20:15 Ezek 44:12 Ps 106:26
כי אשא אל שמים נשא ידו במלך בדוד ואשא ידי לזרע בית שנים בפסוקה ביום ההוא נשאתי ידי וגם אני נשאתי ידי על כן נשאתי ידי וישא ידו להם להפיל
Com.: The Masorah notes eight occurrences of forms of the qal of the verb נָ ָשׂאtogether with forms of יָ דthat do not have את, ֶ to distinguish them from the nine occurrences of this lemma that have an את, ֶ such as אתי ֶאת יָ ִדי ִ נָ ָשׂ. Excluded from this list are Isa 49:22; Ps 10:12; 28:2; and 134:2. 20:21
�ֻמ ְשׁ ָל
Unique defective
חס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Mp heading of unique defective is inexact since there is no other occurrence of this lemma. The note more precisely should have unique and defective or simply, as MC and MA read here, unique.
שּׁוֹפר ָ ֔ ל־יוֹאב וַ יִּ ְת ַק ֙ע ַבּ ָ֔ ן־בּ ְכ ִ ֙רי וַ יַּ ְשׁ ִ ֣לכוּ ֶא ִ ת־ר ֹאשׁ ֶ ֤שׁ ַבע ֶבּ ֨ ל־ה ֜ ָﬠם ְבּ ָח ְכ ָמ ָ֗תהּ ַוֽ יִּ ְכ ְר ֞תוּ ֶא ָ ל־כּ ָ בוֹא ָה ִא ָ֨שּׁה ֶא ֩ וַ ָתּ ל־ה ֶ ֽמּ ֶל�׃ ס ַ רוּשׁ ַ ֖ל� ֶא ָ ְיוֹאב ָ ֥שׁב י ֛ ָ ְל־ה ִ ֖ﬠיר ִ ֣אישׁ ְלא ָֹה ָל֑יו ו ָ וַ יָּ ֻ ֥פצוּ ֵ ֽמ ַﬠ 20:22
וֹפר ָ ַבּשּׁ
Three times defective*
חס ̇ ̇ג
Com.: * ML here, contrary to M ()בּשּׁ ֹ ָפר ַ and to the Mp note, writes the lemma plene ו (וֹפר ָ ;) ַבּשּׁsee 2 Sam 15:10. Both MC and MA read בּשּׁ ֹ ָפר,ַ but neither of them has a Mp note here. 20:22
וַ יָּ ֻפצוּ
Twice and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ב
1 Sam 11:11; 2 Sam 20:22
Com.: By noting that this lemmma occurs twice and written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו.
2 SAMUEL 20:23 ל־ה ְפּ ֵל ִ ֽתי׃ ַ ל־ה ְכּ ֵריִ ֖ וְ ַﬠ ַ וּבנָ יָ ֙ה ֶבּן־יְ ֣הוֹיָ ָ ֔דע ַﬠ ְ ל־ה ָצּ ָ ֖בא יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל ַ יוֹאב ֶ ֥אל ָכּ ָ֕ ְו 20:23
וּבנָ יָ ה ְ
Unique, and similarly all Ezra
דכות ̇ עזר ̇ ̇ל וכל
1–5 2 Sam 20:23; Ezek 11:13; 1 Chr 4:36; 11:22; 11:31 6–7 1 Chr 27:14; 2 Chr 20:14 ——————————
וּבנָ יָ ה ְ seven times, and their references 1–5 2 Sam 20:23 Ezek 11:13 1 Chr 4:36 1 Chr 11:22 1 Chr 11:31 6–7 1 Chr 27:14 2 Chr 20:14
ובניה ז̇ וסימנהון
ויואב כהנבאי ואליועיני [)מקבצאל( ]מן קבצאל איתי עשתי עשר ויחזיאל
2 SAMUEL And similarly all Ezra
וכל עזרא דכותהון
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences, apart from Ezra, of this lemma, with and without a וcj., without a final ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (29x) with a final וּבנָ יָ הוּ( ו ְ / ;) ְבּנָ יָ הוּsee Ginsburg, 4, א, §211, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §49.
The Mp here reads unique because this is the only occurrence of this lemma in the book of Samuel. All the other highlighted Mp occurrences read seven times and similarly all Ezra. 20:23
ִַה ְכּ ֵרי
Read ַה ְכּ ֵר ִתי
הכרתי קרי
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (הכרי, Crian), and the qərê (ה ְכּ ֵר ִתי,ַ Cherethites) are examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê variations, where the kəṯîḇ is generally regarded as preferable; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 148–49.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words where a תis read that is not written; see the Mm to Cant 4:9 sub אַחד ַ בּ,ְ Frensdorff, Ochlah, §162, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah weOklah, §148.
2 SAMUEL 20:24 ילוּד ַה ַמּזְ ִ ֽכּיר׃ ֖ ן־א ִח ֲ יהוֹשׁ ָ ֥פט ֶבּ ָ ִל־ה ַ ֑מּס ו ַ וַ ֲאד ָ ֹ֖רם ַﬠ 20:24
וַ ֲאד ָֹרם
2 Sam 20:24; 1 Kgs 12:18 ()אד ָֹרם ֲ
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one with a וcj. (here), and one without (1 Kgs 12:18).
The Mp heading at 1 Kgs 12:18 reads unique noting the sole occurrence of this lemma without a וcj.
2 SAMUEL 20:25 וּשׁ ָי֖א ס ֵ ֹ֑פר וְ ָצ ֥דוֹק וְ ֶא ְביָ ָ ֖תר כּ ֲֹה ִ ֽנים׃ ְ 20:25
Read וּשׁוָ א ְ
וּשׁיָ א ְ ושוא קרי
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()ושיא, and the qərê ()וּשׁוָ א ְ represent variations in proper names; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 156.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that have a יin the middle of word that is read as a ;וsee the Mm at Num 1:16 sub קריאי, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §80, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §71.
2 SAMUEL 20:26 וְ ֗ ַגם ִﬠ ָיר ֙א ַהיָּ ִ֣א ִ ֔רי ָה ָי֥ה כ ֵ ֹ֖הן ְל ָדִ ֽוד׃ ס 20:26 Unique
ַהיָּ ִא ִרי
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with an א, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (5x) with a )היִּ ְת ִרי( ת. ַ
2 SAMUEL 21:2 ֙וּב ֵנ֤י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ְ ם־מיֶּ ֶ֣תר ָה ֱאמ ִ ֹ֔רי ִ יהם וְ ַהגִּ ְבע ֞ ִֹנים ֣ל ֹא ִמ ְבּ ֵנ֧י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֣אל ֵ֗ה ָמּה ִ ֚כּי ִא ֑ ֶ אמר ֲא ֵל ֶ ֹ וַ יִּ ְק ָ ֥רא ַה ֶ ֛מּ ֶל� ַלגִּ ְבע ִֹנ֖ים וַ ֣יּ יהוּדה׃ ֽ ָ ִֹאתוֹ ִל ְב ֵנֽי־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל ו ֥ נִ ְשׁ ְבּ ֣ﬠוּ ָל ֶ֔הם וַ יְ ַב ֵ ֤קּשׁ ָשׁאוּל֙ ְל ַהכּ ָֹ֔תם ְבּ ַקנּ 21:2 Unique
וְ ַהגִּ ְבעֹנִ ים ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its four occurrences without a cj., all of which occur in this chapter in vv. 1, 3, 4, and 9. 21:2
וּבנֵ י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ְ
Fifteen times, and similarly all cases at the beginning of a verse
דכות ̇ פסוק ̇ ראש ̇ ̇הי̇ וכל
Com.: See Josh 10:20.
2 SAMUEL 21:3 הוֽה׃ ָ ְוּב ְר ֖כוּ ֶאת־נַ ֲח ַ ֥לת י ָ וּב ָ ֣מּה ֲא ַכ ֔ ֵפּר ַ ל־הגִּ ְבע ֔ ִֹנים ָ ֥מה ֶא ֱﬠ ֶ ֖שׂה ָל ֶכ֑ם ַ אמר ָדּוִ ֙ד ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ 21:3 Unique
וּב ָמּה ַ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a qameṣ under the מ, to distinguish it from its four occurrences with a səḡôl (;)וּב ֶמּה ַ see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §32B. For a list of the eight occurrences of this lemma without a וcj., see Judg 6:15 sub בּ ָמּה.ַ 21:3
וּב ְרכוּ ָ
2 Sam 21:3; Ps 134:2
—————————— וּב ְרכוּ ָ twice
2 Sam 21:3 Ps 134:2
וברכו ̇ב
את נחלת יהוה שאו )ידיכם( ]ידכם[ קדש וברכו
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a cj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (16x) without a cj.
This lemma is featured in a list of doublets beginning with ;ובsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §62, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §63.
2 SAMUEL 21:4 אמר ָ ֽמה־ ֶ ֹ ין־לנוּ ִ ֖אישׁ ְל ָה ִ ֣מית ְבּיִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל וַ ֛יּ ֥ ָ יתוֹ וְ ֵ ֽא ֔ ם־בּ ֵ ם־שׁ ֣אוּל וְ ִﬠ ָ ין־ליּ ֶכּ ֶ֤סף וְ זָ ָה ֙ב ִﬠ ָ ֜ אמרוּ ל֣ וֹ ַהגִּ ְבע ֗ ִֹנים ֵ ֽא ְ ֹ וַ ֧יּ ַא ֶ ֥תּם א ְֹמ ִ ֖רים ֶא ֱﬠ ֶ ֥שׂה ָל ֶ ֽכם׃ 21:4
Read ָלנוּ
ָליּ קר ̇ לנו
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()לי, and the qərê ()לנוּ ָ are examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê variations in the sg. and pl.; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 136–37.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that are read with a נwhich has not been written; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §158, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §144. 21:4
ין־לנוּ ָ וְ ֵא
2 Sam 21:4; Jer 14:19
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its two occurrences without a cj. in this same verse and at 2 Sam 20:1.
2 SAMUEL 21:5 ה־ל֑נוּ נִ ְשׁ ַ֕מ ְדנוּ ֵ ֽמ ִה ְתיַ ֵ ֖צּב ְבּ ָכל־גְּ ֻ ֥בל יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ ָ שׁר ִכּ ֔ ָלּנוּ וַ ֲא ֶ ֖שׁר ִדּ ָמּ ֣ ֶ ישׁ ֲא ֙ ל־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ָה ִא ַ רוּ ֶא ֙ אמ ְ ֹ וַ ֽיּ 21:5
ִכּ ָלּנוּ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a ḥîreq under the ( כpiel + sfx., he destroyed us), to distinguish it from its thirteen occurrences with a šûreq (כּ ָלּנוּ,ֻ all of us). 21:5
ִדּ ָמּה
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in the piel, to distinguish it from its two occurrences in the qal ( ָ)דּ ָמהat Ezek 31:8 and Ps 144:4. 21:5
נִ ְשׁ ַמ ְדנוּ
ֵמ ִה ְתיַ ֵצּב
2 Sam 21:5; Zech 6:5
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with the insep. prep. מ, to distinguish them from its four occurrences without this prepostion.
The Mp heading at Zech 6:5 mistakenly reads twice plene, no doubt under the influence of the immediately preceding lemma יוֹ ְצאוֹת, which also has a note twice plene.
2 SAMUEL 21:6 אמר ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ֲא ִ ֥ני ֶא ֵ ֽתּן׃ ֶ ֹ הו֑ה ס וַ ֥יּ ָ ְיהוה ְבּגִ ְב ַ ֥ﬠת ָשׁ ֖אוּל ְבּ ִ ֣חיר י ָ֔ נוּם ַ ֽל ֙ ים ִמ ָבּ ֔ ָניו וְ הוֹ ַ ֽ ק ֲﬠ ֙ ן־לנוּ ִשׁ ְב ָ ֤ﬠה ֲאנָ ִשׁ ָ ֜ נתּ ַ ֻי 21:6
Read יֻ ַתּן
נתּן ַ ֻי
יתן ̇ק
—————————— יֻ ַתּןseven times defective
1–5 Lev 11:38 Num 26:54 Num 32:5 2 Sam 21:6 1 Kgs 2:21 6–7 2 Kgs 5:17 Job 28:15
—————————— 1–5 Lev 11:38 Num 26:54 Num 32:5 2 Sam 21:6 1 Kgs 2:21 6–7 2 Kgs 5:17 Job 28:15
זרע לרב מצאנו לנו אבישג נעמן סגור
And once ()וַ יֻּ ַתּן: 2 Sam 18:9
יֻ ַתּןseven times
יתן ז̇ חסירין
̇יתן ז
וחד ויתן בין Mm2
זרע לרב מצאנו שבעה אבישג נעמן סגור
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (ינתן, niphal), and the qərê (יֻ ַתּן, qal passive) are examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê forms occurring in different conjugations with identical meanings; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 133–34.
The Mm notes the seven occurrences of this lemma as a qal passive, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) as a qal impf. ()יִ ֵתּן.
The Mm has an additional note that this lemma also occurs with a וconsec. ( )וַ יֻּ ַתּןat 2 Sam 18:9.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that are written with a נthat is not read; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §159, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §145.
The heading of the Mm1 reads seven times defective ()ו, but the lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו. This Mm occurs twice, once severely misplaced on the top right of fol. 175v (where the text is 2 Sam 13:18–14:1), and once at the bottom left of fol. 181v, where the text of the lemma occurs. 21:6
הוֹק ֲﬠנוּם ַ ְו
Unique and plene
ומל ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written plene both first and second ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written defective either first or second ו.
2 SAMUEL 21:7 וּבין יְ הוֹנָ ָ ֥תן ֶבּן־ ֖ ֵ שׁר ֵ ֽבּינ ָֹ֔תם ֵבּ֣ין ָדּ ִ֔וד ֣ ֶ ל־שׁ ֻב ַ ֤ﬠת יְ הוָ ֙ה ֲא ְ ן־שׁ ֑אוּל ַﬠ ָ ל־מ ִפי־ ֖בֹ ֶשׁת ֶבּן־יְ הוֹנָ ָ ֣תן ֶבּ ְ מל ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ַﬠ ֹ ֣ וַ יַּ ְח ָשׁ ֽאוּל׃ 21:7 Five times
ְשׁ ֻב ַﬠת ̇ה
1–5 Exod 22:10; Num 30:14; 2 Sam 21:7; 1 Kgs 2:43; Qoh 8:2 (בוּﬠת ַ )שׁ ְ —————————— ְשׁ ֻב ַﬠתfive times
1–5 Exod 22:10 Num 30:14 2 Sam 21:7 1 Kgs 2:43 Qoh 8:2
)שבעות( ]שבעת[ ̇ה
תהיה בין שניהם נדר ויחמל ומדוע אני
And once ()וּשׁ ֻב ַﬠת: ְ Zech 8:17
וחד ושבעת שקר
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma, written plene and defective ו, in the sg., to distinguish them from its four occurrences in the pl. ( ְשׁ ֻבעוֹת/) ְשׁ ֻבעֹת.
The Mm has an additional note that this lemma also occurs with a וcj. ()וּשׁ ֻב ַﬠת ְ at Zech 8:17.
All the highlighted Mp headings read five times, but the heading at Qoh 8:2 has a similar addition, as the Mm here, namely, and once ושבועת.
2 SAMUEL 21:8 ת־ח ֵ֗מ ֶשׁת ְבּנֵ ֙י ֲ ת־מ ִפ ֑בֹ ֶשׁת וְ ֶא ְ ת־א ְרמ ִֹנ֖י וְ ֶא ַ שׁר יָ ְל ָ ֣דה ְל ָשׁ ֔אוּל ֶא ֣ ֶ ת־איָּ ֙ה ֲא ַ ת־שׁנֵ י ְבּ ֨ ֵני ִר ְצ ָ ֤פּה ַב ְ֠ וַ יִּ ַ ֣קּח ַה ֶ֡מּ ֶל� ֶא ן־בּ ְרזִ ַ ֖לּי ַה ְמּח ָֹל ִ ֽתי׃ ַ יאל ֶבּ ֥ ֵ ת־שׁ ֔אוּל ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר יָ ְל ָ ֛דה ְל ַﬠ ְד ִר ָ ִמ ַיכ֣ל ַבּ 21:8
אַרמֹנִ י ְ
Unique and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו. 21:8
ְמ ִפב ֶֹשׁת
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 19:25 (;)וּמ ִפב ֶֹשׁת ְ 21:8
ְמ ִפב ֶֹשׁתtwice defective, and their references 2 Sam 19:25 2 Sam 21:8
)מפיבשת( ]מפבשת[ ) ̇ג( ] ̇ב[ חסירין וסימנהון
ומפבשת בן שאול את ארמני
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written defective י, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (10x) written plene וּמ ִפיב ֶֹשׁת( י/ת ְ )מ ִפיב ֶֹשׁ. ְ 21:8
ת־ח ֵמ ֶשׁת ֲ וְ ֶא
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its two occurrences without a cj. at Josh 10:22 and 10:23. 21:8
יאל ֵ ְל ַﬠ ְד ִר
1 Sam 18:19; 2 Sam 21:8
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written with a ד, to distinguish them from its three occurrences in different forms written with a יאל( ז ֵ וְ ַﬠזְ ִר/יאל ֵ ) ַﬠזְ ִר.
330 21:8
Twice and defective
Com.: See 1 Sam 18:19.
וחס ̇ ̇ב
2 SAMUEL 21:9 יר ָבּ ִ ֣ראשׁ ֔ ִֹנים ֙ ימי ָק ִצ ֤ ֵ הוה וַ יִּ ְפּל֥ וּ ְשׁ ַב ְﬠ ָ ֖תּים ָי ַ֑חד וְ ֵ֨ה ָם ֻה ְמ ֜תוּ ִבּ ָ֔ ְַוֽ יִּ ְתּ ֞ ֵנם ְבּ ַי֣ד ַהגִּ ְבע ֗ ִֹנים וַ יּ ִֹק ֻיﬠ֤ם ָבּ ָה ֙ר ִל ְפ ֵנ֣י י ִ◌ ְת ִח ַ ֖לּת ְק ִ ֥ציר ְשׂע ִ ֹֽרים׃ 21:9
יﬠם ֻ וַ יּ ִֹק
Unique and written like this
וכת כן ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written like this, that is, both defective first and second ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene either first or second ו. 21:9
ְשׁ ַב ְﬠ ָתּים
Read ְשׁ ַב ְﬠ ָתּם
שבעתם ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (שבעתים, seven-fold), and the qərê (שׁ ַב ְﬠ ָתּם, ְ seven of them) represent variant forms where the qərê is preferable to the kəṯîḇ; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 152. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words where a יis written before the final םbut is not read; see the Mm at 2 Chr 34:5 sub חוֹתים ָ מזְ ְבּ, ִ Frensdorff, Ochlah, §132, and DíazEsteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §116.
In ML only one notation sign of קhas been given in the column for the the two qərê words that occur on the same line. 21:9
וְ ֵה ָּם
Read וְ ֵה ָמּה
והמה ̇ק
Com.: According to Gordis (The Biblical Text, 95), the kəṯîḇ ( )והםrepresents an archaic orthography where only one of two adjoining and identical letters are written. Here the adjoining letter is ה, which is the first letter of the following word ה ְמתוּ.ֻ According to Cohen (The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 116–17), the kəṯîḇ and the qərê represents parallel forms, both of which are found numerous times in the Bible, sometimes even in the same verse (Gen 42:35).
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words in which a הat the end of a word, that is not written, is read; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §111, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §93. 21:9
ִ◌ ְת ִח ַלּת
Read ִב ְת ִח ַלּת
בתחלת קרי
̇בתחלת ו
—————————— ִב ְת ִח ַלּתsix times
1–5 2 Sam 21:9 2 Kgs 17:25 Amos 7:1 Ruth 1:22 Dan 9:23 6 Ezra 4:6
ויתנם ביד הגבענים ויהי בתחלת שבתם שם כה הראני >אדני< יהוה והנה יוצר גבי בתחלת ותשב נעמי ורות המואביה בתחלת תחנוניך יצא דבר ובמלכות אחשורוש בתחלת מלכותו
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()תחלת, and the qərê ()ב ְת ִח ַלּת ִ are examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê variations where a prep. is omitted; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 143.
The qərê reads a בthat is not written at the beginning of the word in the kəṯîḇ, a reading that is noted in an unusual Masoretic list consisting of just one word; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §108.
The Mm notes the six occurrences of this lemma with the prep. ב, to distinguish them from its three occurrences without this preposition.
2 SAMUEL 21:10 ן־ה ָשּׁ ָ ֑מיִ ם ַ יהם ִמ ֖ ֶ �־מיִ ם ֲﬠ ֵל ֥ ַ צּוּר ִמ ְתּ ִח ַלּ֣ת ָק ִ֔ציר ַ ֛ﬠד נִ ַתּ ֙ ל־ה ַ ת־ה ַ֜שּׂק וַ ַתּ ֵ֨טּהוּ ָל֤הּ ֶא ַ ת־א ָ֨יּה ֶא ַ וַ ִתּ ַ ֣קּח ִר ְצ ָפּ ֩ה ַב ת־ח ַיּ֥ת ַה ָשּׂ ֶ ֖דה ָ ֽליְ ָלה׃ ַ יוֹמם וְ ֶא ָ֔ יה ֙ם ֶ וְ ֽל ֹא־נָ ְתנָ ֩ה ֨עוֹף ַה ָשּׁ ַ֜מיִ ם ָלנ֤ ַוּ� ֲﬠ ֵל 21:10 Three times
ל־הצּוּר ַ ֶא ̇ג
2 Sam 21:10; Isa 30:29; 51:1 ——————————
צוּרand ַהצּוּרalways occurs with ַﬠלapart from three cases when it is with ֶאל
כל לשון צור הצור על קרי ̇ב ̇מ ̇ג אל
2 Sam 21:10 ()הצּוּר ַ Isa 30:29 ()צוּר Isa 51:1 ()צוּר
ותקח רצפה בת איה השיר יהיה לכם כליל שמעו אלי
Com.: The Masorah notes that the prep. preceding צוּרand ַהצּוּרis always ﬠל, ַ apart from three cases when it is אל. ֶ
This lemma (ל־הצּוּר ַ )א ֶ is featured in a Masoretic list of words that only occur once with the prep. ;אל ֶ see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §77, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §156A. 21:10
�נִ ַתּ
Three times
Exod 9:33; 2 Sam 21:10; Jer 42:18
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in the masc., to distinguish them from its two occurrences in the fem. ( )נִ ְתּ ָכהat Nah 1:6 and 2 Chr 34:21.
2 SAMUEL 21:11 ת־איָּ ֖ה ִפּ ֶ ֥לגֶ שׁ ָשׁ ֽאוּל׃ ַ ר־ﬠ ְשׂ ָ ֛תה ִר ְצ ָ ֥פּה ַב ָ וַ יֻּ ַגּ֖ד ְל ָדִו֑ד ֵ ֧את ֲא ֶשׁ 21:11
וַ יֻּ גַּ ד
Twenty-four times
̇כ ̇ד
Com.: See Josh 10:17. 21:11
ִפּ ֶלגֶ שׁ
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
Com.: See 2 Sam 3:7.
2 SAMUEL 21:12 מוֹת יְ הוֹנָ ָ ֣תן ְבּנ֔ וֹ ֵמ ֵ֕את ַבּ ֲﬠ ֵל֖י יָ ֵב֣ישׁ גִּ ְל ָ ֑ﬠד ֲא ֶשׁר֩ גָּ נְ ֨בוּ א ָֹ֜תם ֵמ ְר ֣חֹב ֙ ת־ﬠ ְצ ַ ת־ﬠ ְצ ֤מוֹת ָשׁאוּל֙ וְ ֶא ַ וַ יֵּ ֶ֣ל� ָדּ ִ֗וד וַ יִּ ַ ֞קּח ֶא ת־שׁ ֖אוּל ַבּגִּ ְל ֽבֹּ ַ�׃ ָ הפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ֔תּים ְבּי֨ וֹם ַה ֧כּוֹת ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ ֛תּים ֶא ְ ית־שׁן ֲא ֶ֨שׁר ְתּ ָלוּ֥ ם ָ֙שׁ ָּ֙ם ַ֗ ֵ ֽבּ 21:12 Seven times
ת־ﬠ ְצמוֹת ַ וְ ֶא ̇ז
1–5 Josh 24:32; 2 Sam 21:12; 21:13; Jer 8:1a; 8:1b 6–7 Jer 8:1c; 8:1d —————————— ת־ﬠ ְצמוֹת ַ וְ ֶאseven times
̇ואת עצמות ז
1–7 Josh 24:32 2 Sam 21:12 2 Sam 21:13 Jer 8:1a Four times in it (Jer 8:1b; 8:1c; 8:1d)
Mm יוסף וילך דוד ויקח ויעל משם בעת ההיא ̇̇ד בו
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its eight occurrences without a cj., one of which occurs in this verse, and three in the next two verses. 21:12
ֵמ ְרחֹב
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
Judg 19:17 (;)בּ ְרחֹב ִ 2 Sam 21:12
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in various forms written defective ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (12x) written plene ו ( ִבּ ְרחוֹב/ ;) ְרחוֹבsee also Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.
The Mp heading at Judg 19:17 reads unique defective indicating the sole occurrence of this exact form. 21:12
ְתּ ָלוּם
Read ְתּ ָלאוּם
קר ̇ תלאום
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )תלוםrepresents a final י/ הverb ()תּ ָלה, ָ whereas the qərê ()תּ ָלאוּם ְ represents a final אverb ()תּ ָלא, ָ both categories of which are liable to interchange; see GKC §75nn–rr. In ML only one notation sign of קhas been given in the column for the first two qərê words that occur on the same line. 21:12
Read ָשׁ ָמּה
ָשׁ ָּם קר ̇ שמה
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()שם, and qərê ()שׁ ָמּה ָ represent examples where the kəṯîḇ and the qərê divide the consonantal text differently; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 98.
This lemma and the next one are featured in a Masoretic list of two pairs of words where the second word is written with a letter belonging to the first word; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §102, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §85. 21:12
הפּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים ְ
Read ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים
קר ̇ פלשתים
Com.: See the preceding word.
In ML this lemma has no circellus.
2 SAMUEL 21:13 מּוּק ִ ֽﬠים׃ ָ ת־ﬠ ְצ ֖מוֹת ַה ַ ת־ﬠ ְצ ֖מוֹת יְ הוֹנָ ָ ֣תן ְבּנ֑ וֹ וַ יַּ ַ֣א ְס ֔פוּ ֶא ַ ת־ﬠ ְצ ֣מוֹת ָשׁ ֔אוּל וְ ֶא ַ וַ יַּ ַ֤ﬠל ִמ ָשּׁ ֙ם ֶא 21:13 Seven times
ת־ﬠ ְצמוֹת ַ וְ ֶא ̇ז
Com.: See directly above at 2 Sam 21:12. 21:13
מּוּק ִﬠים ָ ַה
Unique and plene
ומל ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written plene ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written defective ו.
2 SAMUEL 21:14 �ר־צָוּ֖ה ַה ֶ ֑מּ ֶל ִ ן־בּנוֹ ְבּ ֶ֨א ֶרץ ִבּנְ יָ ִ֜מן ְבּ ֵצ ֗ ָלע ְבּ ֶ ֨ק ֶב ֙ר ִ ֣קישׁ ָא ִ֔ביו ַוֽ יַּ ֲﬠ ֔שׂוּ ֥כֹּל ֲא ֶשׁ ְ ֠ יהוֹנ ָֽת ָ ִמוֹת־שׁ ֣אוּל ו ָ ת־ﬠ ְצ ַ וַ יִּ ְק ְבּ ֣רוּ ֶא י־כן׃ פ ֽ ֵ �הים ָל ָ ֖א ֶרץ ַ ֽא ֲח ֵר ֛ ִ וַ יֵּ ָﬠ ֵ ֧תר ֱא 21:14
ְבּ ֵצ ָלע
Unique with qameṣ
֗ ָל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a qameṣ, to distinguish it from its occurrence with a paṯaḥ ()בּ ֵצ ַלע ְ at 2 Sam 16:13.
2 SAMUEL 21:14
�ר־צוָּ ה ַה ֶמּ ֶל ִ כֹּל ֲא ֶשׁ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma without the prep. כ, to distinguish it from its occurrence with the prep. ר־צוָּ ה ַה ֶמּ ֶל�( כ ִ ) ְכֹּכֹל ֲא ֶשׁat 2 Kgs 16:16. 21:14
�הים ִ וַ יֵּ ָﬠ ֵתר ֱא
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of וַ יֵּ ָﬠ ֵתרwith �הים ִ א, ֱ to distinguish it from its occurrence with )וַ יֵּ ָﬠ ֵתר יְ הוָ ה( יְ הוָ הat 2 Sam 24:25.
2 SAMUEL 21:15 ת־פּ ִל ְשׁ ִ ֖תּים וַ יָּ ַ֥ﬠף ָדִּ ֽוד׃ ְ י־ﬠוֹד ִמ ְל ָח ָ ֛מה ַל ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ ֖תּים ֶאת־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל וַ ֵ֨יּ ֶרד ָדּ ִ֜וד וַ ֲﬠ ָב ָ ֥דיו ִﬠ ֛מּוֹ וַ יִּ ָלּ ֲח ֥מוּ ֶא ֧ וַ ְתּ ִה 21:15
וַ ְתּ ִהי־עוֹד ִמ ְל ָח ָמה
Twice in the book
2 Sam 21:15; 21:20
בסיפ ̇ ̇ב
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the book of Samuel, to distinguish them from its two occurrences in the book of Chronicles (1 Chr 20:5 and 20:6).
2 SAMUEL 21:16 אמר ֶ ֹ ח ֶשׁת וְ ֖הוּא ָחג֣ וּר ֲח ָד ָ ֑שׁה וַ ֖יּ ֹ ֔ ְאוֹת ִמ ְשׁ ַ ֣ קל נ ֙ ינוֹ ְשׁ�֤ שׁ ֵמ ֙ וּמ ְשׁ ַ ֤ קל ֵק ִ שׁר ׀ ִבּ ִיל ֵיד֣י ָה ָר ֗ ָפה ֣ ֶ וְ יִ ְשׁ ִ֨בּו ְבּ ֜נ ֹב ֲא ת־דִּ ֽוד׃ ָ ְל ַה ֥כּוֹת ֶא 21:16
וְ יִ ְשׁ ִבּו
Read וְ יִ ְשׁ ִבּי
וישבי ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()וישבו, and the qərê ( )וְ יִ ְשׁ ִבּיrepresent variations in proper names; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 156. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that are written with a וat the end but read with a ;יsee the Mm at Dan 3:19 sub א ְשׁ ַתּנִּ ו, ֶ Frensdorff, Ochlah, §136, and DíazEsteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §120.
2 SAMUEL 21:17 א־ת ֵ֨צא ֤ﬠוֹד ִא ָ֨תּ ֙נוּ ֵ ֹ מר ל ֹ ֗ י־ד ִ֨וד ֜לוֹ ֵלא ָ יתהוּ ָ ֣אז נִ ְשׁ ְבּעוּ֩ ַאנְ ֵשׁ ֑ ֵ ת־ה ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ ֖תּי וַ יְ ִמ ַ רוּיה וַ יַּ ֥ � ֶא ָ֔ ן־צ ְ ישׁי ֶבּ ֣ ַ ר־לוֹ ֲא ִב ֙ ָוַ יַּ ֲֽﬠז ת־נ֥ר יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ פ ֵ ַל ִמּ ְל ָח ָ֔מה וְ ֥ל ֹא ְת ַכ ֶ ֖בּה ֶא 21:17
י־דוִ ד ָ אַנְ ֵשׁ
Four times
Com.: See 2 Sam 19:42. 21:17
ְת ַכ ֶבּה
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in the piel to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (11x) in the qal ()תּ ְכ ֶבּה. ִ
2 SAMUEL 21:18 ת־סף ֲא ֶ ֖שׁר ִבּ ִיל ֵ ֥די ַ֕ ם־פּ ִל ְשׁ ִ ֑תּים ָ ֣אז ִה ָ֗כּה ִס ְבּ ַ ֙כי ַה ֻ ֣ח ָשׁ ִ֔תי ֶא ְ י־ﬠוֹד ַה ִמּ ְל ָח ָ ֛מה ְבּג֖ וֹב ִﬠ ֧ י־כן וַ ְתּ ִה ֵ֔ ַוֽ יְ ִה֙י ַ ֽא ֲח ֵר ָה ָר ָ ֽפה׃ פ 21:18
עוֹד ַה ִמּ ְל ָח ָמה
2 Sam 21:18; 21:19
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of עוֹדwith ה ִמּ ְל ָח ָמה,ַ to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (6x) with )עוֹד ִמ ְל ָח ָמה( ִמ ְל ָח ָמה, two of which are in this chapter, in vv. 15 and 20. 21:18
ִבּ ִיל ֵדי
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
Num 13:28 ( ;)יְ ִל ֵדי2 Sam 21:18
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written defective second י, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (5x) written plene second י ( ִבּ ִיל ֵידי/)יְ ִל ֵידי, one of which occurs in v. 16 of this chapter.
ML, contrary to M ()מ ִיל ֵידי, ִ has a third occurrence of this lemma since it writes the form at 1 Chr 20:4 defective second ;)מ ִיל ֵדי( י ִ see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 369. But the Mp notes at Num 13:28 and here of twice defective support the enumeration inherent in the text of M.
2 SAMUEL 21:19 יתוֹ ֔ ִם־פּ ִל ְשׁ ִ ֑תּים וַ ַ֡יּ� ֶא ְל ָחנָ ן֩ ֶבּן־יַ ְﬠ ֵ ֨רי א ְֹר ֜ ִגים ֵבּ֣ית ַה ַלּ ְח ִ֗מי ֵ ֚את גָּ ְל ָי֣ת ַהגִּ ִ֔תּי וְ ֵﬠ֣ץ ֲחנ ְ י־ﬠוֹד ַה ִמּ ְל ָח ָ ֛מה ְבּג֖ וֹב ִﬠ ֧ וַ ְתּ ִה ִכּ ְמנ֖ וֹר א ְֹר ִ ֽגים׃ ס 21:19
עוֹד ַה ִמּ ְל ָח ָמה
יַ ְﬠ ֵרי
Com.: See directly above at 2 Sam 21:18. Mp
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a ṣerê under the ר, to distinguish it from its occurrence with a ḥîreq ( )יַ ְﬠ ִריin Cant 5:1.
2 SAMUEL 21:20 שׁשׁ וָ ֵ֗שׁשׁ ֶﬠ ְשׂ ִ ֤רים וְ ַא ְר ַבּ ֙ע ִמ ְס ֔ ָפּר ֣ ֵ י־ﬠוֹד ִמ ְל ָח ָ ֖מה ְבּ ַג֑ת וַ יְ ִ ֣הי ׀ ִ ֣אישׁ ָמ ֗ד ֹין וְ ֶא ְצ ְבּ ֣ﬠֹת יָ ָדיו֩ וְ ֶא ְצ ְבּ ֨עֹת ַרגְ ֜ ָליו ֥ וַ ְתּ ִה ם־הוּא יֻ ַ ֥לּד ְל ָה ָר ָ ֽפה׃ ֖ ַוְ ג 21:20
Read ָמדוֹן
ָמד ֹין מדון ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()מדין, and the qərê ()מדוֹן ָ are examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê variations where the kəṯîḇ is generally regarded as preferable; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 149.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that have a יin the middle of word that is read as a ;וsee the Mm at Num 1:16 sub ריּאי ֵ ק, ְ Frensdorff, Ochlah, §80, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §71. In ML this lemma has no circellus.
338 21:20
Seven times
1–5 Gen 48:19; Num 24:24; 2 Sam 21:20; 1 Kgs 1:6; Isa 31:2 6–7 1 Chr 20:6; 2 Chr 26:20
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (29x) without a cj. 21:20
ְל ָה ָר ָפה
Four times
2 Sam 21:20; 21:22; 1 Chr 20:6 (;)ל ָה ָר ָפא ְ 20:8 ()ל ָה ָר ָפא ְ
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma, twice written with final ( הhere and v. 22), and twice written with final )ל ָה ָר ָפא( א ְ in the parallel passage at 1 Chr 20:6 and 20:8. The Mp heading at 1 Chr 20:8 reads four times, twice written with הand twice written with א.
2 SAMUEL 21:21 ן־שׁ ְמ ָ ֖ﬠי ֲא ִ ֥חי ָדִ ֽוד׃ ִ הוּ יְ ֣הוֹנָ ָ֔תן ֶבּ ֙ וַ יְ ָח ֵ ֖רף ֶאת־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל וַ יַּ ֵ֨כּ 21:21
ִשׁ ְמ ָﬠי
Read ִשׁ ְמ ָﬠה
קר ̇ שמעה
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()שמעי, and the qərê ()שׁ ְמ ָﬠה ִ represent variations in proper names; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 156. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words where a יwritten at the end of a word is read as a ;הsee the Mm at Josh 18:24 sub ה ַﬠמֹּנָ י,ָ Frensdorff, Ochlah, §116, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §100. In ML this lemma has no circellus.
2 SAMUEL 21:22 וּב ַי֥ד ֲﬠ ָב ָ ֽדיו׃ פ ְ ד־דִּ ֖וד ָ ַת־א ְר ַ ֥בּ ַﬠת ֵ ֛א ֶלּה יֻ ְלּ ֥דוּ ְל ָה ָר ָ ֖פה ְבּ ַג֑ת וַ יִּ ְפּל֥ וּ ְבי ַ ֶא 21:22
יֻ ְלּדוּ
Five times defective
Com.: See 2 Sam 3:5. 21:22
חס ̇ ̇ה
ְל ָה ָר ָפה ְבּגַ ת
Twice, once written with ה, and once written with א 2 Sam 21:22; 1 Chr 20:8
כת ̇א ̇ כת ̇ה וחד ̇ ̇ב חד
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this phrase, one with ְל ָה ָר ָפהwritten with a ה, and one in the parallel passage in 1 Chronicles written with an )ל ָה ָר ָפא( א. ְ In ML the circellus has been placed only on ְל ָה ָר ָפהbut, as noted on the lemma in v. 20, there are four occurences of this lemma, twice written with הand twice written with א. Thus we follow Dotan/Reich (Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.), who suggest that the lemma be extended to include the following word ְבּגַ תsince the phrase ְל ָה ָר ָפה ְבּגַ תor ְל ָה ָר ָפא ְבּגַ תonly occurs twice (here and at 1 Chr 20:8).
2 SAMUEL 22:1 וּמ ַ ֥כּף ָשׁ ֽאוּל׃ ִ הו֥ה א ֹ֛תוֹ ִמ ַ ֥כּף ָכּל־אֹיְ ָ ֖ביו ָ ְיוֹם ִה ִ֨צּיל י ֩ ירה ַה ֑זּ ֹאת ְבּ ֣ ָ ת־דּ ְב ֵ ֖רי ַה ִשּׁ ִ יהוה ֶא ָ֔ וַ יְ ַד ֵבּ֤ר ָדּוִ ֙ד ַ ֽל 22:1
ֶאת־ ִדּ ְב ֵרי ַה ִשּׁ ָירה
Torah: Deut 31:30
אורית את דברי השירה ֗ Mm
Writings: Ps 18:1
)נבי֗ י( ]נביאים[ את דברי
Prophets: 2 Sam 22:1
כתובים את
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of the phrase ת־דּ ְב ֵרי ַה ִשּׁ ָירה ִ ֶאin the three parts of the Bible, one in the Torah (Deut 31:30), one in the Prophets (2 Sam 22:1), and one in the Writings (Ps 18:1). This note has been misplaced in the book of Chronicles on the bottom left of fol. 363v which has the text of 2 Chr 33:20–34:14. In ML this lemma has no circellus and no Mp.
ִמ ַכּף ָכּל־אֹיְ ָביו
2 Sam 22:1; Ps 18:1
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with כּף,ַ to distinguish them from its sole occurrence without )מ ָכּל אֹיְ ָביו( ַכּף ִ at 2 Sam 7:1. 22:1
וּמ ַכּף ָשׁאוּל ִ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ָשׁאוּלwith וּמ ַכּף, ִ to distinguish it from its sole occurrence with וּמיַ ד ִ ()וּמיַ ד ָשׁאוּל ִ in the parallel passage at Ps 18:1.
2 SAMUEL 22:2 י־לי׃ ֽ ִ וּמ ַפ ְל ִט ְ וּמ ֻצ ָד ִ ֖תי ְ הו֛ה ַ ֽס ְל ִ ֥ﬠי ָ ְאמר י ֑ ַ ֹ וַ יּ 22:2
וּמ ֻצ ָד ִתי ְ
Unique defective
חס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written defective ו, to distinguish it from its five occurrences written plene צוּד ִתי( ו ָ )וּמ, ְ one of which is in this verse’s parallel at Ps 18:2. 22:2
י־לי ִ וּמ ַפ ְל ִט ְ
2 Sam 22:2; Ps 144:2
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with לי,ִ to distinguish them from its three occurrences without לי.ִ
2 SAMUEL 22:3 נוּסי מ ִֹשׁ ֕ ִﬠי ֵמ ָח ָ ֖מס תּ ִֹשׁ ֵ ֽﬠנִ י׃ ִ֔ וּמ ְ בּי ֙ ִ ַה־בּוֹ ָמגִ ֞ ִנּי וְ ֶ ֣ ק ֶרן יִ ְשׁ ֗ ִﬠי ִמ ְשׂגּ ֑ צוּרי ֶא ֱח ֶס ֖ ִ �הי ֥ ֵ ֱא 22:3
מ ִֹשׁ ִﬠי
Unique defective
חס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Mp heading of unique is inexact since there is no other occurrence of this lemma written either plene וor plene י. The note more precisely should have read, as MA does, unique and defective. MC has no note here. 22:3
תּ ִֹשׁ ֵﬠנִ י
Unique defective
חס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma pointed this way, to distinguish it from its sole occurrence with slight variation (יﬠנִ י ֵ )תּוֹשׁ ִ at Ps 44:7.
2 SAMUEL 22:4 וּמאֹיְ ַ ֖בי ִאוָּ ֵ ֽשׁ ַ�׃ ֵ הו֑ה ָ ְְמ ֻה ָלּ֖ל ֶא ְק ָ ֣רא י 22:4
ְמ ֻה ָלּל
Three times
2 Sam 22:4; Ps 18:4; 113:3 ——————————
ְמ ֻה ָלּלthree times and defective 2 Sam 22:4 And its companion (Ps 18:4)
וחס ̇ מהלל ̇ג
מהלל אקרא יהוה וחבירו
Com.: By noting in the Mm that this lemma occurs three times and defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו. 22:4
וּמאֹיְ ַבי ֵ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the inseparable preposition מ, to distinguish it from its sole occurrence with the separable prep. )וּמן אֹיְ ַבי( ִמן ִ in the parallel passage at Ps 18:4. This lemma occurs in a Masoretic list of words that occur once with the inseparable preposition מ, and once with the separable prep. ;מן ִ see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §197.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 22:5 י־מוֶ ת נַ ֲח ֵ ֥לי ְב ִליַּ ַ֖ﬠל יְ ַב ֲﬠ ֻ ֽתנִ י׃ ֑ ָ ִ ֥כּי ֲא ָפ ֻ ֖פנִ י ִמ ְשׁ ְבּ ֵר
ֲא ָפ ֻפנִ י
Four times
2 Sam 22:5; Ps 18:5; 116:3; Jonah 2:6 ——————————
ֲא ָפ ֻפנִ יfour times, once defective, and three times plene
2 Sam 22:5 Ps 18:5 Ps 116:3 Jonah 2:6 {Ps 18:5, 116:3}
מל ̇ )אפפוני( ]אפפני[ ̇ד חד חסיר ̇וג
{משברי מות נחלי }כי אפפוני חבלי מות אפפוני חבלי מות אפפוני מים עד נפש {}חבלי מות
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma, three of them written plene ( וPs 18:5, 116:3 and Jonah 2:6), and one written defective ( וhere).
In the Mm, at the 2 Sam 22:5 reference, the word כּי,ִ which occurs at the beginning of that verse, has mistakenly been added at the end of the catchwords, while two words belonging to the Ps 18:5 and Ps 116:3 references have mistakenly been added after the Jonah 2:6 reference. 22:5
יְ ַב ֲﬠ ֻתנִ י
2 Sam 22:5; Ps 18:5 ()יְ ַב ֲﬠתוּנִ י
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one written plene ( וPs 18:5), and one written defective ( וhere). The Mp heading at Ps 18:5 reads twice, once plene and once defective. 22:5
ַס ֻבּנִ י
Unique defective
חס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written defective ו, to distinguish it from its three occurrences written plene )סבּוּנִ י( ו. ַ The parallel form at Ps 18:6 is ס ָבבוּנִ י.ְ
2 SAMUEL 22:6 י־מוֶ ת׃ ֽ ָ מ ְק ֵשׁ ֹ ֽ ֶח ְב ֵ ֥לי ְשׁ ֖אוֹל ַס ֻבּ֑נִ י ִק ְדּ ֻ ֖מנִ י 22:6 Four times
ִק ְדּ ֻמנִ י ̇ד
2 Sam 22:6; Ps 18:6 (;)ק ְדּמוּנִ י ִ Job 3:12 (;)ק ְדּמוּנִ י ִ 30:27 ——————————
ִק ְדּ ֻמנִ יfour times, twice defective, and twice plene 2 Sam 22:6 Job 30:27 {וּמ ָצ ֵרי ְ of Psalms (Ps 116:3)}
Job 3:12
וב מליין ̇ )קדמוני( ]קדמני[ ̇ד ̇ב חסירין
[כי )אפפוני( ]אפפני מעי )רתיחו( ]רתחו[ ולא דמו {}ומצרי דתהלים מדוע קדמוני
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma, twice written plene ( וPs 18:6 and Job 3:12), and twice written defective ( וhere and Job 30:27).
In the Mm the catchwords given for the 2 Sam 22:6 reference actually occur in the previous verse.
Instead of the catchword for the Ps 18:6 reference, a catchword from Ps 116:3 has mistakenly been given. The correct catchword most probably would have been ֶח ְב ֵליto contrast its occurrence in Ps 18:6 with that of its occurrence in 2 Sam 22:6, also in the list. 22:6
מ ְֹק ֵשׁי
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 22:6; Ps 140:6 ()מ ְֹק ִשׁים
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of these pl. forms written defective ו, to distinguish them from its two occurrences in various forms written plene ו, מוֹק ֵשׁי ְ in the parallel passage at Ps 18:6, and מוֹק ִשׁים ְ at Ps 64:6.
The Mp heading at Ps 140:6, and the Mm at MA here, read three times and defective enumerating three pl. forms of this lemma written defective ו. The Mm at MA lists the three forms as מ ְֹק ֵשׁי (2 Sam 22:6), ( מ ְֹק ִשׁיםPs 140:6), and ( ומ ְֹקשׁוֹת141:9), excluding all (= three) forms of ממּ ְֹק ֵשׁי. ִ
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 22:7 קוֹלי וְ ַשׁוְ ָﬠ ִ ֖תי ְבּ ָאזְ ָנֽיו׃ ִ ֔ יכ ֙לוֹ ָ �הי ֶא ְק ָ ֑רא וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ ֤מע ֵמ ֵ ֽה ֖ ַ ל־א ֱ הוה וְ ֶא ָ֔ ְר־לי ֶא ְק ָ ֣רא י ֙ ִ ַבּ ַצּ
ְבּ ָאזְ נָ יו
Three times
2 Sam 22:7; Ps 18:7; Job 15:21 —————————— ְבּ ָאזְ נָ יוthree times
2 Sam 22:7
Job 15:21
באזניו ̇ג
בצר לי אקרא קול פחדים באזניו
And once ()וּב ָאזְ נָ יו: ְ Isa 6:10
וחד ובאזניו ישמע
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with the prep. ב, to distinguish them from its four occurrences without this preposition.
2 SAMUEL 22:8 י־ח ָרה ֽלוֹ׃ ֥ ָ מוֹס ֥דוֹת ַה ָשּׁ ַ ֖מיִ ם יִ ְר ָגּ֑זוּ וַ ִ ֽיּ ְתגָּ ֲﬠ ֖שׁוּ ִ ֽכּ ְ וַ ְִתגָּ ַ ֤ﬠשׁ וַ ִתּ ְר ַﬠ ֙שׁ ָה ָ֔א ֶרץ 22:8
וַ ִ ְתגָּ ַﬠשׁ
Read וַ יִּ ְתגָּ ַﬠשׁ
ויתגעש ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (ותגעש, piel fem.), and the qərê (וַ יִּ ְתגָּ ַﬠשׁ, hithpael masc.) represent conjugational variants; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 133–34. The form in the parallel text of Ps 18:8 reads yet another conjugational variant ( וַ ִתּגְ ַﬠשׁqal fem.).
The kəṯîḇ form in this verse and the form in Ps 18:8 are fem., whereas the qərê form here is a masc. that seemingly does not fit the context; however, for an attempt to explain these forms as legitimate variants, see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 170–71.
2 SAMUEL 22:8
וַ יִּ ְתגָּ ֲﬠשׁוּ
Three times
2 Sam 22:8; Jer 5:22; Ps 18:8 —————————— וַ יִּ ְתגָּ ֲﬠשׁוּthree times
Jer 5:22 2 Sam 22:8 Ps 18:8
ויתגעשו ̇ג
ויתגעשו ולא יוכלו והמו ויתגעשו כי חר>ה< לו וחביר ̇
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in the pl., to distinguish them from its sole occurrence in the sg. ()וַ יִּ ְתגָּ ַﬠשׁ, which occurs as the qərê in the previous entry.
2 SAMUEL 22:9 ֹאכ֑ל גֶּ ָח ִ ֖לים ָבּ ֲﬠ ֥רוּ ִמ ֶ ֽמּנּוּ׃ ֵ שׁן ְבּ ַא ֔פּוֹ וְ ֵ ֥אשׁ ִמ ִ ֖פּיו תּ ֙ ָ ָﬠ ָל֤ה ָﬠ 22:9
ֹאכל ֵ תּ
Sixteen times 1–5 6–10 11–15 16–17
̇י̇ ו
Gen 2:16; Lev 22:12; 22:13; Deut 12:27; 15:23 Deut 20:19; 2 Sam 22:9; 2 Kgs 7:2; 7:19; Isa 9:17 Ezek 12:18; 24:17; Ps 18:9; 50:3; 128:2 Prov 31:27; Job 31:12
Com.: The Mp heading here of sixteen times is incorrect since there are seventeen occurrences of this lemma. No doubt the error arose from a graphic confusion of the letters וsix and זseven in the numeral יז. All the other Mp and Mm headings read seventeen times.
The Masorah notes the seventeen occurrences of this lemma pointed with a ṣerê, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (35x) pointed with a paṯaḥ (ֹאכל ַ ;)תּsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §33A. Both MC and MA correctly read here seventeen times.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 22:10 וַ יֵּ ֥ט ָשׁ ַ ֖מיִ ם וַ יֵּ ַ ֑רד וַ ֲﬠ ָר ֶ ֖פל ַ ֥תּ ַחת ַרגְ ָ ֽליו׃
וַ יֵּ ַרד
Three times
2 Sam 22:10; Ps 18:10; Prov 30:4 —————————— וַ יֵּ ַרדthree times
וירד ̇ג
2 Sam 22:10 And its companion (Ps 18:10) Prov 30:4
ויט שמים וחבירו מי עלה
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a paṯaḥ under the ר, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (42x) with a səḡôl ()וַ יֵּ ֶרד.
2 SAMUEL 22:11 י־ר ַוּ�׃ ֽ ל־כּנְ ֵפ ַ ל־כּ ֖רוּב וַ יָּ ֑ﬠֹף וַ יֵּ ָ ֖רא ַﬠ ְ וַ יִּ ְר ַ ֥כּב ַﬠ 22:11
וַ יָּ עֹף
וַ יָּ עֹףthree times and defective
2 Sam 22:11 וירכב על כרוב Ps 18:11 וירכב על כרוב Nah 3:16 ילק פשט ויעף
וחס ̇ ויעף ̇ג
Com.: By noting that this lemma occurs three times and is written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו. 22:11
וַ יֵּ ָרא
Twenty times
Com.: See Judg 6:12.
2 SAMUEL 22:12 ת־מיִ ם ָﬠ ֵ ֥בי ְשׁ ָח ִ ֽ קים׃ ֖ ַ ח ֶשׁ� ְס ִביב ָ ֹ֖תיו ֻס ֑כּוֹת ַ ֽח ְשׁ ַר ֹ ֛ וַ יָּ ֶ֥שׁת 22:12 Unique
ַח ְשׁ ַרת ̇ל
—————————— ַח ְשׁ ַרתunique
חשרת ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of its parallel form ֶח ְשׁ ַכתin Ps 18:12.
The Mm represents an isolated fragment of a cumulative Masorah evidenced by the occurrence of the unique sign ( ̇)לafter the lemma.
2 SAMUEL 22:14 קוֹלוֹ׃ ֽ הו֑ה וְ ֶﬠ ְלי֖ וֹן יִ ֵ ֥תּן ָ ְן־שׁ ַ ֖מיִ ם י ָ יַ ְר ֵ ֥ﬠם ִמ 22:14 Three times
יַ ְר ֵﬠם ̇ג
Com.: See 1 Sam 2:10.
—————————— 22:14
Three times
ן־שׁ ַמיִ ם ָ ִמ ̇ג
Com.: The Mp heading of three is incorrect since there are only two occurrences of this lemma; see Judg 5:20. Both MC and MA correctly read here twice.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 22:15 וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ ֥לח ִח ִ ֖צּים וַ יְ ִפ ֵיצ֑ם ָבּ ָ ֖רק וַ יָּ ֽהֹמם׃
Read וַ יָּ הֹם
וַ יָּ הֹמם ויהם ̇ק
—————————— Five times written this way
כת כן ̇ ̇ה
1–5 2 Sam 22:15 ( ;)ויהמם23:13 ( ;)שלשים2 Kgs 17:16 ()שנים Prov 20:16 ( ;)נכריםDan 7:10 ()אלפים
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (ויהמם, he routed them), and the qərê (וַ יָּ הֹם, he routed) are examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê variations where the kəṯîḇ is generally regarded as preferable; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 148–49.
The second Mp notes five kəṯîḇ words written with a final םthat is not read or read differently; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §156, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §142. In ML there are two Mp notes but only one circellus.
2 SAMUEL 22:16 הוה ִמנִּ ְשׁ ַ ֖מת ֥ר ַוּ� ַא ֽפּוֹ׃ ָ֔ ְאוּ ֲא ִ ֣פ ֵקי ָ֔ים יִ גָּ ל֖ וּ מ ְֹס ֣דוֹת ֵתּ ֵ ֑בל ְבּגַ ֲﬠ ַ ֣רת י ֙ וַ יֵּ ָֽ ר 22:16 Four times
וַ יֵּ ָראוּ ̇ד
2 Sam 22:16; 1 Kgs 8:8; Ps 18:16; 2 Chr 5:9
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma with a וconsec., to distinguish them from its five occurrences without a )יֵ ָראוּ( ו. The Mp heading at Ps 18:16 reads four times and once וְ יֵ ָראוּ ְל ֶפנֶ י�( ויראו לפניך, Dan 1:13) indicating the difference between the וconsec. form ( וַ יֵּ ָראוּperf.) and the וcj. form (jussive) וְ יֵ ָראוּ. The same addition (and once )וְ יֵ ָראוּoccurs at the end of the Mm listings at Ps 18:16.
2 SAMUEL 22:16
ֲא ִפ ֵקי
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 22:16; Ezek 32:6 ()וַ ֲא ִפ ִקים
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in various forms written defective י, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (8x) written plene )א ִפ ֵיקי( י. ֲ
The Mp heading at Ezek 32:6 reads unique defective ( )יthereby noting the sole occurrence of its specific form.
2 SAMUEL 22:17 יִ ְשׁ ַ ֥לח ִמ ָמּ ֖רוֹם יִ ָקּ ֵ ֑חנִ י ַי ְֽמ ֵ ֖שׁנִ י ִמ ַ ֥מּיִ ם ַר ִ ֽבּים׃ 22:17
יַ ְמ ֵשׁנִ י
2 Sam 22:17; Ps 18:17
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma pointed this way in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and Psalm 18.
2 SAMUEL 22:19 הו֛ה ִמ ְשׁ ָ ֖ﬠן ִ ֽלי׃ ָ ְידי וַ יְ ִ ֧הי י ֑ ִ יְ ַק ְדּ ֻ ֖מנִ י ְבּי֣ וֹם ֵא 22:19
יְ ַק ְדּ ֻמנִ י
Twice, once defective and once plene 2 Sam 22:19; Ps 18:19 ()יְ ַק ְדּמוּנִ י
מל ̇ חס וחד ̇ ̇ב חד
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one written plene ( וPs 18:19), and one written defective ( וhere).
2 SAMUEL 22:20 י־ח ֵ ֽפץ ִ ֽבּי׃ ֥ ָ וַ יּ ֵ ֹ֥צא ַל ֶמּ ְר ָ ֖חב א ִ ֹ֑תי יְ ַח ְלּ ֵ ֖צנִ י ִכּ 22:20
וַ יּ ֵֹצא
וַ יּ ֵֹצאthirteen times defective
ויצא י̇ ̇ג חסירין
350 1–5
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML Num 17:23 Num 17:24 Judg 19:25 2 Sam 10:16 2 Sam 13:18 2 Sam 22:20 2 Kgs 15:20 2 Kgs 23:6 2 Kgs 10:22 Jer 20:3
2 Chr 16:2 Job 12:22
פרח [)המטות( ]המטת בפילגשו הדדעזר {משרתו }משרתו למרחב מנחם האשרה המלתחה פשחור
[מאוצר( ]= מאצרות ̇ ) מגלח
Com.: The Masorah notes the thirteen occurrences of this lemma written defective ו, to distinguish them from its twelve occurrences written plene יּוֹצא( ו ֵ ַ ;)וsee Judg 6:19.
ML, contrary to M (יּוֹצא ֵ ַ)ו, has a fourteenth occurrence of this lemma since it writes the form at Jer 51:16 defective ;)וַ יּ ֵֹצא( וsee Breuer, The Biblical Text, 196.
2 SAMUEL 22:21 הו֖ה ְכּ ִצ ְד ָק ִ ֑תי ְכּ ֥בֹר יָ ַ ֖די יָ ִ ֥שׁיב ִ ֽלי׃ ָ ְיִ גְ ְמ ֵ ֥לנִ י י 22:21
יָ ַדי
Twelve times 1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 21–22
י̇ ̇ב
Deut 9:15 ( ;)יָ ָדי9:17 ( ;)יָ ָדי2 Sam 22:21; 22:35; Isa 19:25 Isa 29:23; 45:11; 45:12; 60:21; 65:2 Ezek 13:18; Ps 18:21; 18:25; 18:35; 22:17 Ps 28:2; 143:6; 144:1; Cant 5:5 ( ;)וְ יָ ַדיQoh 2:11 Dan 10:10 ( ;)יָ ָדיNeh 6:9 ()יָ ָדי
Com.: The Mp heading of twelve times is incorrect since there are twenty-two occurrences of this lemma as is indicated correctly in all the other Mp headings and in the Mm headings and lists at Deut 9:17 and Isa 29:23.
The Masorah notes the twenty-two occurrences of this lemma written with a paṯaḥ or qameṣ under the ( דpl.), to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (76x) with a hireq (וְ יָ ִדי/יָ ִדי, sg.); see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §219.
The Mp heading at Cant 5:5 of unique notes the sole occurrence of its particular form ()וְ יָ ַדי with a וcj. MC correctly reads here twenty-two times, but MA has no note here. 22:21
יָ ִשׁיב
Twenty-two times
1–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 21–24
̇כ ̇ב
Gen 50:15; Exod 21:34; Lev 25:51; 25:52; Deut 17:16 Deut 32:43; 1 Sam 26:23; 2 Sam 22:21; 1 Kgs 2:17; Isa 44:19 Ezek 18:7; 18:8; 18:12; 33:15; Hos 12:3 Hos 12:15; Ps 18:21; 54:7 (qərê); Prov 12:14 (qərê); 15:1 Prov 25:13; Job 9:13; 39:12 (qərê); Dan 11:18
—————————— יָ ִשׁיבtwenty-four times
ישיב ̇כ ̇ד
Gen 50:15 Exod 21:34 Lev 25:51 Lev 25:52 Deut 17:16 Deut 32:43 1 Sam 26:23 2 Sam 22:21 And its companion (Ps 18:21) 1 Kgs 2:17 Isa 44:19 Ezek 18:7 Ezek 18:8 Ezek 18:12
Hos 12:3 Hos 12:15 Ps 54:7 Job 9:13 Job 39:12 Prov 15:1 Prov 12:14 Prov 25:13 Dan 11:18
ישטמנו בעל רבות מעט ירבה הרנינו לאיש יגמלני וחבירו אמרי תבונה יונה בנשך [הבל ]חבל וריב הכעיס הרע אלוה התאמין מענה רך מפרי כצנת לאיים
Com.: The Mp heading of twenty-two times is incorrect since there are twenty-four occurrences of this lemma as correctly indicated in the Mm note.
The Masorah notes the twenty-four occurrences of this lemma in the hiphil, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (53x) in the qal ( ;)יָ שׁוּבsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §3B. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
2 SAMUEL 22:23 א־א ֥סוּר ִמ ֶ ֽמּנָּ ה׃ ָ ֹ ל־מ ְשׁ ָפּ ָ ֖טו ְלנֶ גְ ִ ֑דּי וְ ֻחקּ ָ ֹ֖תיו ל ִ ִ ֥כּי ָכ 22:23
ִמ ְשׁ ָפּ ָטו
Read ִמ ְשׁ ָפּ ָטיו
משפטיו ̇ק
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
Mp1 Mp2
2 Sam 22:23 (kəṯîḇ); 1 Kgs 6:38 (kəṯîḇ)
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )משפטוwithout the יrepresents the archaic form of the 3rd masc. sg. sfx. to a pl. noun, whereas the qərê ()מ ְשׁ ָפּ ָטיו ִ with the יrepresents the later form; see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 33.
The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written defective י, to distinguish them from its six occurrences written plene )מ ְשׁ ָפּ ָטיו( י, ִ two of which are the qərê forms to the above references. In ML there are two Mp notes but only one circellus.
2 SAMUEL 22:24 וָ ֶא ְה ֶי֥ה ָת ִ ֖מים ל֑ וֹ וָ ֶא ְשׁ ַתּ ְמּ ָ ֖רה ֵמ ֲﬠ ִ ֽוֹני׃ 22:24 Unique
וָ ֶא ְשׁ ַתּ ְמּ ָרה ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the cohortative ה, to distinguish it from its sole occurrence without this cohortative ( )וָ ֶא ְשׁ ַתּ ֵמּרin the parallel text of Ps 18:24.
2 SAMUEL 22:25 הו֛ה ִ ֖לי ְכּ ִצ ְד ָק ִ ֑תי ְכּב ִ ֹ֖רי ְל ֶנ֥ גֶ ד ֵﬠ ָינֽיו׃ ָ ְוַ יָּ ֶ֧שׁב י 22:25
וַ יָּ ֶשׁב
Twenty-five times
̇כ ̇ה
Com.: See Judg 17:3.
In ML the first letter of this numeral was originally written as a לand then changed to a כ, but the upper part of the לhas remained.
2 SAMUEL 22:26 ם־ח ִ ֖סיד ִתּ ְת ַח ָ ֑סּד ִﬠם־גִּ ֥בּוֹר ָתּ ִ ֖מים ִתּ ַתּ ָ ֽמּם׃ ָ ִﬠ 22:26
ִתּ ְת ַח ָסּד
2 Sam 22:26; Ps 18:26
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and Psalm 18. 22:26
ִתּ ַתּ ָמּם
2 Sam 22:26; Ps 18:26
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and Psalm 18.
2 SAMUEL 22:27 ם־ﬠ ֵ ֖קּשׁ ִתּ ַתּ ָ ֽפּל׃ ִ ִﬠם־נָ ָ ֖בר ִתּ ָתּ ָ ֑בר וְ ִﬠ 22:27 Unique
ִתּ ָתּ ָבר ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of its parallel form ִתּ ְת ָבּ ָררin Ps 18:27. 22:27
ִתּ ַתּ ָפּל ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of its parallel form ִתּ ְת ַפּ ָתּלin Ps 18:27.
2 SAMUEL 22:28 ל־ר ִ ֥מים ַתּ ְשׁ ִ ֽפּיל׃ ָ תּוֹשׁ ַי� וְ ֵﬠ ֶינ֖י� ַﬠ ֑ ִ ת־ﬠם ָﬠ ִנ֖י ֥ ַ וְ ֶא 22:28
�וְ ֵﬠינֶ י
Seven times
1–5 Deut 28:32; 2 Sam 22:28; Jer 20:4; 34:3; 39:12 6–7 Prov 23:26; Neh 1:6
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (51x) without a cj.
The Mp heading at Jer 39:12 reads six times instead of seven times, presumably a graphic error of וsix and זseven.
2 SAMUEL 22:30 ג־שׁוּר׃ ֽ א�הי ֲא ַד ֶלּ ֖ ַ ִ ֥כּי ְב ָ ֖כה ָא ֣רוּץ גְּ ֑דוּד ֵבּ 22:30
ְב ָכה
Twice written with ה, and twice written with א
כת ̇א ̇ וב ̇ כת הי ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 22:30; Ps 141:8
Com.: The first part of this note enumerates the two forms of ְבּ ָכהat 2 Sam 22:30 and Ps 141:8, where ָכהis written at the end of a word instead of the usual �.
The second part of this note is incorrect since there are no forms of this lemma with an א.
The Mp heading at Ps 141:8 reads three times plene since it includes the form with a וcj. ()וּב ָכה ְ at Exod 7:29.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words where ָכהis written at the end of a word instead of the usual �; see 1 Kgs 18:10, the Mm at Num 22:33 sub �א ְֹת, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §92, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §74. 22:30
ָארוּץfour times, three plene, and one defective
2 Sam 18:23 [= ]ארוּץ ָ ִכּי ְב ָכהof Samuel (2 Sam 22:30) [= ]ארוּץ ָ And its companion (Ps 18:30) [= ]א ֻרץ ָ Ps 119:32 [= ]ארוּץ ָ The second (occurrence in Psalms) is plene
מל וחד חסירין ̇ ארוץ ̇ד ̇ג
ויהי מה כי בכה דשמואל וחבירו דרך מצותיך מלי ̇ בתר ̇
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma, three times written plene וand once (Ps 18:30) written defective ו.
The addition of Samuel to the 2 Sam 22:30 reference is to distinguish that reference from its parallel in Ps 18:30, where the lemma occurs written defective וas א ֻרץ. ָ
The additonal note to the Mm observes that the second occurrence of this lemma in Psalms is written plene ו. This reflects the fact that the first Psalm reference at Ps 18:30 is written defective )א ֻרץ( ו, ָ but the second Psalm reference at Ps 119:32 is written plene )ארוּץ( ו. ָ In MA the additional note has the reverse: that the first occurrence in Psalms (e.g., at Ps 18:30) is written defective ()ו.
2 SAMUEL 22:33 עוּזּי ָ ֑חיִ ל וַ יַּ ֵ ֥תּר ָתּ ִ ֖מים ַדּ ְר ִ ֽכּו׃ ֖ ִ ָה ֵ ֥אל ָמ 22:33
וַ יַּ ֵתּר
2 Sam 22:33; Hab 3:6
וַ יַּ ֵתּרtwice, and their references
Hab 3:6 ויתר גוים And once ()יַ ֵתּר: Job 6:9
ויתר ̇ב וסימנהון
וא יתר ידו ̇
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וconsec., and the Mm has an additional note that this lemma occurs without a prefixed וat Job 6:9.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur three times, twice with a וcj. or consec. and once without a וcj. or consec.; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §14, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §15.
In ML the Mp note has been placed in the column to the left of the note for the next lemma instead of to its right. 22:33
Read ַדּ ְר ִכּי
ַדּ ְר ִכּוֹ דרכי ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()דרכו, and the qərê ( ַ)דּ ְר ִכּיforms represent variants in person. According to Cohen (The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 261), the qərê ַדּ ְר ִכּיmy way represents a change due to a desire to avoid the anthropomorphism of the kəṯîḇ ( דרכוhis way, i.e., God’s way).
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that are written with a וat the end but are read as a ;יsee the Mm at Dan 3:19 sub אשׁתנו, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §136, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §120. In ML the Mp note has been placed in the column to the right of the note for the preceding lemma instead of to its left.
2 SAMUEL 22:34 מוֹתי יַ ֲﬠ ִמ ֵ ֽדנִ י׃ ֖ ַ ְמ ַשֶׁוּ֥ה ַרגְ ַל֖יו ָכּ ַאיָּ ל֑ וֹת וְ ַ ֥ﬠל ָבּ 22:34
Read ַרגְ ַלי
ַרגְ ַליו רגלי קרי
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()רגליו, and the qərê ( ַ)רגְ ַליforms represent variants in person. According to Cohen (The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 261), the qərê ַרגְ ַליmy feet, represents a change due to a desire to avoid the anthropomorphism of the kəṯîḇ ( רגליוhis feet, i.e., God’s feet). This form is featured in a Masoretic list of words where a וwritten at the end of a word is not read; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §120, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §106. 22:34
Three times
מוֹתי ַ ָבּ ̇ג
2 Sam 22:34 (;*)בּמ ַֹתי ָ Hab 3:19 (מוֹתי ַ ;)בּ ָ Ps 18:34 ()בּמ ַֹתי ָ
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma, twice written defective ( וhere and Ps 18:34), and once written plene ( וHab 3:19). * ML, contrary to M ()בּמ ַֹתי, ָ writes the lemma here plene מוֹתי( ו ַ ;)בּ ָ see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 98.
The heading of the Mm at Hab 3:19 reads three times, twice defective and once plene ( )וin accord with the text of M. MC and MA both read here בּמ ַֹתי.ָ MA has a Mp here that reads three times, but MC does not have a note.
2 SAMUEL 22:35 חוּשׁה זְ רֹע ָ ֹֽתי׃ ֖ ָ ְְמ ַל ֵ ֥מּד יָ ַ ֖די ַל ִמּ ְל ָח ָ ֑מה וְ נִ ַ ֥חת ֶ ֽק ֶשׁת־נ 22:35
זְ רֹע ָֹתי
Twice, once defective and once plene 2 Sam 22:35; Ps 18:35 ()זְ רוֹע ָֹתי
מל ̇ חס וחד ̇ ̇ב חד
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one written plene first ( וPs 18:35), and one written defective first ( וhere).
2 SAMUEL 22:36 ן־לי ָמ ֵג֣ ן יִ ְשׁ ֶ ֑ﬠ� וַ ֲﬠנ ְֹת�֖ ַתּ ְר ֵ ֽבּנִ י׃ ֖ ִ וַ ִתּ ֶתּ 2:36
�וַ ֲﬠנ ְֹת
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of its parallel form � וְ ַﬠנְ וַ ְתin Ps 18:36.
2 SAMUEL 22:37 ַתּ ְר ִ ֥חיב ַצ ֲﬠ ִ ֖די ַתּ ְח ֵ ֑תּנִ י וְ ֥ל ֹא ָמ ֲﬠ ֖דוּ ַק ְר ֻס ָ ֽלּי׃ 22:37 Three times
ַתּ ְח ֵתּנִ י ̇ג
2 Sam 22:37; 22:40; 22:48
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma, to distinguish them from the eight occurrences of its parallel form תּ ְח ַתּי,ַ three of which occur in the parallel text of Ps 18 in vv. 37, 40, and 48. 22:37
ַק ְר ֻס ָלּי
2 Sam 22:37; Ps 18:37 Twice and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ב
Com.: By noting that this lemma occurs twice and written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו.
2 SAMUEL 22:38 לּוֹתם׃ ֽ ָ ד־כּ ַ ידם וְ ֥ל ֹא ָא ֖שׁוּב ַﬠ ֑ ֵ ֶא ְר ְדּ ָ ֥פה אֹיְ ַ ֖בי וָ ַא ְשׁ ִמ 22:38
וְ לֹא ָאשׁוּב
Four times
2 Sam 22:38; Jer 4:28; Ps 18:38; Job 10:21 ——————————
וְ לֹא ָאשׁוּבfour times, and their references 2 Sam 22:38 Ps 18:38 Jer 4:28 Job 10:21
ולא אשוב ̇ד וסימנהון
ארדפה איבי ארדוף אויבי ולא נחמתי בטרם אלך
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its four occurrences without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 22:39 קוּמוּן ַ ֽו יִּ ְפּל֖ וּ ַ ֥תּ ַחת ַרגְ ָ ֽלי׃ ֑ ְוָ ֲא ַכ ֵ ֥לּם וָ ֶא ְמ ָח ֵ ֖צם וְ ֣ל ֹא י 22:39 Unique
וָ ֲא ַכ ֵלּם ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a qameṣ under the ו( וconsec.), to distinguish it from its sole occurrence with a paṯaḥ under the וַ ֲא ַכ ֵלּם( ו, וcj.) at Exod 32:10.
This lemma is featured in two Mm lists. One is in a short list at Exod 32:10 sub וַ ֲא ַכ ֵלּםcontrasting these two forms וָ ֲא ַכ ֵלּםand וַ ֲא ַכ ֵלּם. The other is in a list of words that occur once with a וcj. (Exod 23:12), and once with a וconsec. (here); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §47, and DíazEsteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §48. 22:39
וָ ֶא ְמ ָח ֵצם ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its sole occurrence without a cj. ()א ְמ ָח ֵצם ֶ in the parallel passage at Ps 18:39. 22:39
יְ קוּמוּן
Seven times
1–5 Deut 33:11; 2 Sam 22:39; Isa 26:19; Ps 35:11; Dan 7:10 6–7 Dan 7:17; 7:24 ()יְ ֻקמוּן
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma with a paragogic נ, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (21x) of this form without this נ (יָ ֻקמוּ/)יָ קוּמוּ.
The Mp heading at Dan 7:24 reads unique defective noting the sole occurrence of this form written defective first )יְ ֻקמוּן( ו.
2 SAMUEL 22:40 וַ ַתּזְ ֵ ֥רנִ י ַ ֖חיִ ל ַל ִמּ ְל ָח ָ ֑מה ַתּ ְכ ִ ֥ר ַי� ָק ַ ֖מי ַתּ ְח ֵ ֽתּנִ י׃ 22:40 Unique
וַ ַתּזְ ֵרנִ י ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written defective א, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of its parallel form written plene )וַ ְתּאַזְּ ֵרנִ י( אin Ps 18:40. This lemma is featured in two Masoretic lists. One is in a list of words where an א, normally in the word, is omitted; see the Mm to 1 Chr 12:39 sub שׁ ִרית, ֵ Frensdorff, Ochlah, §199, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §153.
The other is in a list of word pairs, where one of the pairs has an אand the other does not; see the Mm to Gen 44:29 sub וְ ָק ָרהוּ, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §201, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §155.
2 SAMUEL 22:41 יתם׃ ֽ ֵ איְ ַ֔בי ַ ֥תּ ָתּה ִ ֖לּי ֑ﬠֹ ֶרף ְמ ַשׂנְ ַ ֖אי וָ ַא ְצ ִמ ֹ ֣ ְו 22:41
ַתּ ָתּה
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma without an initial נ, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (24x) with an initial )נָ ַת ָתּה( נ, one of which occurs in the parallel passage of Ps 18:41. 22:41
יתם ֵ אַצ ִמ ְ ָו
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וconsec., to distinguish it from its sole occurrence without this יתם( ו ֵ )אַצ ִמ ְ in the parallel passage at Ps 18:41.
2 SAMUEL 22:42 הו֖ה וְ ֥ל ֹא ָﬠ ָנֽם׃ ָ ְיִ ְשׁ ֖ﬠוּ וְ ֵ ֣אין מ ִ ֹ֑שׁ ַי� ֶאל־י 22:42
יִ ְשׁעוּ
Exod 5:9; 2 Sam 22:42
—————————— יִ ְשׁעוּtwice
Exod 5:9 2 Sam 22:42
ישעו ̇ב
תכבד העבדה על האנשים [ואין )מושיע( ]משיע
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a šûreq, to distinguish them from its two occurrences with a ḥolem ( )יִ ְשׁעוֹat Ps 24:5 and 85:10.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of homonyms; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §59, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §60. In Exod 5:9 the meaning is let them (not) pay attention; here it means they looked, though apparently both come from the same root שׁ ָﬠה, ָ to gaze. 22:42
�מ ִֹשׁ ַי
Unique defective
חס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written defective ו, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (17x) written plene )מוֹשׁ ַי�( ו, ִ one of which is in the parallel passage at Ps 18:42.
2 SAMUEL 22:43 יט־חוּצוֹת ֲא ִד ֵ ֖קּם ֶא ְר ָק ֵ ֽﬠם׃ ֥ ר־א ֶרץ ְכּ ִט ֑ ָ וְ ֶא ְשׁ ָח ֵ ֖ קם ַכּ ֲﬠ ַפ 22:43 Unique
ֲא ִד ֵקּם ̇ל
—————————— 2 Sam 22:43 unique Ps 18:43 Ps 110:3 Ps 87:1
אדקם ̇ל אריקם
בהדרי בהררי
Ps 43:4 Ps 32:8
ואודך ואורך
Com.: This Masorah is part of a cumulative Masorah list indicating words that occur only once with a ד, and once with a ;רsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §7, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah weOklah, §7. 22:43
ֶא ְר ָק ֵﬠם ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of the form ֲא ִר ֵיקםin its parallel verse at Ps 18:43.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 22:44 גּוֹים ַ ֥ﬠם לֹא־יָ ַ ֖ד ְﬠ ִתּי יַ ַﬠ ְב ֻ ֽדנִ י׃ ִ֔ יבי ַﬠ ִ ֑מּי ִתּ ְשׁ ְמ ֵ ֨רנִ ֙י ְל ֣ר ֹאשׁ ֖ ֵ ַו ְֽתּ ַפ ְלּ ֵ֔טנִ י ֵמ ִר
Twenty-four times
̇כ ̇ד
Com.: See Judg 5:30. 22:44
יַ ַﬠ ְב ֻדנִ י
Three times
2 Sam 22:44; Ezek 20:40; Ps 18:44 ()יַ ַﬠ ְבדוּנִ י
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma without a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (6x) with a וcj. (וְ יַ ַﬠ ְב ֻדנִ י, jussive).
2 SAMUEL 22:45 אזֶ ן יִ ָ ֥שּׁ ְמעוּ ִ ֽלי׃ ֹ ֖ �שׁוּ־לי ִל ְשׁ ֥מ ַוֹ ֑ ִ ְבּ ֵנ֥י נֵ ָ ֖כר יִ ְת ַ ֽכּ ֲח 22:45 Unique
יִ ְת ַכּ ֲחשׁוּ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in the hithpael, to distinguish it from its three occurrences in the piel ()יְ ַכ ֲחשׁוּ, one of which is in the parallel passage at Ps 18:45. 22:45
�מוֹ ַ ִל ְשׁ
Four times plene
מל ̇ ̇ד
2 Sam 22:45; Jer 11:10; 13:10; 2 Chr 6:20
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma written plene ו, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (41x) written defective )ל ְשׁמ ַֹ�( ו. ִ The parallel text at Ps 18:45 reads ל ֵשׁ ַמע.ְ
2 SAMUEL 22:46 רוֹתם׃ ֽ ָ ְְבּ ֵנ֥י נֵ ָ ֖כר יִ ֑בֹּלוּ וְ יַ ְחגְּ ֖רוּ ִמ ִמּ ְסגּ 22:46 Unique
וְ יַ ְחגְּ רוּ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of its parallel form in Ps 18:46, which transposes the גand the )וְ יַ ְח ְרגוּ( ר. 22:46
רוֹתם ָ ְִמ ִמּ ְסגּ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with this sfx., to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of its parallel form in Ps 18:46, which has the alternate sfx. (יהם ֶ רוֹת ֵ ְ)מ ִמּ ְסגּ. ִ
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of five occurrences of forms of this lemma written plene ;וsee 1 Kgs 7:29.
2 SAMUEL 22:47 �הי ֥צוּר יִ ְשׁ ִ ֽﬠי׃ ֖ ֵ צוּרי וְ יָ ֻ ֕רם ֱא ֑ ִ �וּב ֣רוּ ָ הו֖ה ָ ְַחי־י 22:47
�וּברוּ ָ
Seven times
1–5 Gen 14:20; Deut 28:3; 28:6; 1 Sam 25:33; 2 Sam 22:47 6–7 Ps 18:47; 72:19 —————————— �וּברוּ ָ seven times
1–5 Gen 14:20 Ps 72:19 1 Sam 25:33 Deut 28:3 Deut 28:6 6–7 2 Sam 22:47 Ps 18:47
̇וברוך ז מגן שם כבודו טעמך בשדה בצאתך צורי צורי
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (85x) without a cj. Three of the Mp headings (Gen 14:20, 1 Sam 25:33, and Ps 72:19) read three times at the beginning of a verse; see 1 Sam 25:33.
2 SAMUEL 22:48 וּמוֹריד ַﬠ ִ ֖מּים ַתּ ְח ֵ ֽתּנִ י׃ ֥ ִ מת ִ ֑לי ֹ ֖ ָה ֵ֕אל ַהנּ ֵ ֹ֥תן נְ ָק 22:48
נְ ָקמֹת
Unique defective
חס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written defective ו, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (6x) written plene )נְ ָקמוֹת( ו, one of which is in the parallel passage at Ps 48:48. 22:48
וּמוֹריד ִ
1 Sam 2:6 (;)מוֹריד ִ 2 Sam 22:48 (*)וּמ ִֹריד
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma, one with a וcj. (here), and one without a וcj. (1 Sam 2:6).
* ML, contrary to M ()וּמ ִֹריד, writes this lemma plene ;)וּמוֹריד( ו ִ see Breuer, The Biblical Text, 99. Both MC and MA read here וּמ ִֹריד, and both have notes reading unique and defective ()ו.
The Mp heading at 1 Sam 2:6 reads unique noting the sole occurrence of its particular form ()מוֹריד. ִ
This lemma is featured in two Masoretic lists. One is in a list of hapax legomena that start with ;ומsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §18, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §19.
The other is in a list of words which occur once with a וat the beginning but no וin the middle (וּמ ִֹריד, here), and once with a וin the middle but no וat the beginning (מוֹריד, ִ 1 Sam 2:6); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §248.
2 SAMUEL 22:48
ַתּ ְח ֵתּנִ י
Three times
Com.: See directly above at 2 Sam 22:37.
2 SAMUEL 22:49 ילנִ י׃ ֽ ֵ וֹמ ֵ֔מנִ י ֵמ ִ ֥אישׁ ֲח ָמ ִ ֖סים ַתּ ִצּ ְ וּמ ָקּ ַמ֙י ְתּ ֣ר ִ איְ ָ ֑בי ֹ ֽ יאי ֵמ ֖ ִ וּמוֹצ ִ 22:49 Unique
יאי ִ וּמוֹצ ִ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the 1st pers. sfx., to distinguish it from its sole occurrence without this sfx. ()וּמוֹציא ִ at Isa 54:16. 22:49
וּמ ָקּ ַמי ִ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in this form, to distinguish it from its sole occurrence in a slightly different form ()מן ָק ַמי ִ in the parallel passage at Ps 18:49. This lemma is featured in two Masoretic lists. One is in a list of hapax legomena that start with ;ומsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §18, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §19.
The other is in a list of words that occur once with the inseparable preposition מ, and once with the separable prep. ;מן ִ see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §197. 22:49
ֲח ָמ ִסים
Four times
2 Sam 22:49; Ps 140:2; 140:5; Prov 4:17 —————————— ֲח ָמ ִסיםfour times
2 Sam 22:49 Ps 140:2 Ps 140:5 Prov 4:17
חמסים ̇ד
ומוציאי מאיבי חלצני יהוה מאדם רע שמרני יהוה מידי כי לחמו לחם רשע
And once ()ה ָמ ִסים: ֲ Isa 64:1 וחד כקדח אש המסים
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma in the pl., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (38x) in the sg. ()ח ָמס, ָ the form which also occurs in the parallel text at Ps 18:49. The Mm has an additional note that this lemma also occurs with a )ה ָמ ִסים( ה ֲ at Isa 64:1.
2 SAMUEL 22:50 וּל ִשׁ ְמ�֖ ֲאזַ ֵ ֽמּר׃ ְ הו֖ה ַבּגּוֹיִ ֑ם ָ ְאוֹד�֥ י ְ ל־כּ֛ן ֵ ַﬠ 22:50
אוֹד� יְ הוָ ה ַבּגּוֹיִ ם ְ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with יְ הוָ הpreceding בּגּוֹיִ ם,ַ to distinguish it from its sole occurrence with ַבּגּוֹיִ םpreceding )אוֹד� ַבגּוֹיִ ם יְ הוָ ה( יְ הוָ ה ְ in the parallel passage at Ps 18:50. 22:50
�וּל ִשׁ ְמ ְ
2 Sam 22:50; Ps 18:50
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (5x) without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 22:51 ד־עוֹלם׃ פ ָֽ וּלזַ ְר ֖ﬠוֹ ַﬠ ְ יחוֹ ְל ָדִ ֥וד ֛ ה־ח ֶסד ִל ְמ ִשׁ ֧ ֶ שׁוּﬠוֹת ַמ ְל ֑כּוֹ וְ ֽﬠֹ ֶשׂ ֣ ְִמגְ ֖דּ ֹיל י 22:51
ִמגְ דּ ֹיל
Read ִמגְ דּוֹל
מגדול ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (מגדיל, he accords wondrous [victories]), and the qərê (מגְ דּוֹל, ִ tower [of victory]) are examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê variations where the kəṯîḇ is generally regarded as preferable; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 148–49.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that have a יin the middle of word that is read as a ;וsee the Mm at Num 1:16 sub קריאי, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §80, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §71. In ML this lemma has no circellus. 22:51
יְ שׁוּעוֹת
יְ שׁוּעוֹתseven times plene
מל ̇ ̇ישועות ז
1–5 2 Sam 22:51 Ps 18:51 Ps 44:5 The first time in the book of תּוֹח ִחי ֲ ה־תּ ְשׁ ִ ( ַמPs 42:6) Ps 74:12 6–7 Ps 28:8 Ps 116:13
מגדול ישועות מלכו מגדל אתה הוא מלכי >אלהים< צוה מה )תשתחחי( ]תשתוחחי[ קדמיה דספר פעל ישועות בקרב ומעוז ישועות משיחו )כתו( ]כוס[ ישועות אשא
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma written plene second ו, to distinguish them from its four occurrences written defective second )יְ שׁוּעֹת( ו.
This distinction is implied in the addition of the first time in the book to the Ps 42:6 reference because in the second occurence of this phrase in Ps 42:12 the lemma appears as יְ שׁוּעֹת. 22:51
ה־ח ֶסד ֶ וְ ע ֶֹשׂ ̇ל
1–4 Exod 20:6; Deut 5:10; 2 Sam 22:51; Ps 18:51
Com.: The Mp heading of unique is inexact since there are four occurrences. The note more precisely should have read unique in the book.
The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its two occurrences without a cj. at Jer 9:23 and 32:18. The Mp headings at Exod 20:6, Deut 5:10, and Ps 18:51 all read four times. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
�הי ַי ֲֽﬠ ֔קֹב וּנְ ִ ֖ﬠים זְ ִמ ֥רוֹת ֣ ֵ י� ֱא ֙ ַ וְ ֵ ֛א ֶלּה ִדּ ְב ֵ ֥רי ָדִ ֖וד ָה ַ ֽא ֲחר ִֹנ֑ים נְ ֻ ֧אם ָדִּו֣ד ֶבּן־יִ ַ֗שׁי וּנְ ֻ ֤אם ַה ֨ ֶגּ ֶב ֙ר ֻ ֣ה ַקם ֔ ָﬠל ְמ ִ֨שׁ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ 23:1
ֻ ֣ה ַקם
Three times
Exod 40:17 ( ;)הוּ ַ ֖ קם2 Sam 23:1; Jer 35:14 ()הוּקם ַ֡
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma, twice written plene ( וExod 40:17 and Jer 35:14), and once written defective ( וhere).
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that normally occur with an ultimate accent, however occur once as here ()ה ַקם ֣ ֻ with a penultimate one; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §372. 23:1
Twice with qameṣ
2 Sam 23:1; Hos 7:16
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a qameṣ, to distinguish them from its thousands of occurrences with a paṯaḥ ()ﬠל. ַ This lemma is featured in two Masoretic lists. One is in a list of doublets that occur exceptionally with a qameṣ; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §25, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §26.
The other is in a list of homonyms; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §59, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §60 (though both seem to come from its same basic root). Here the meaning is on high, whereas in Hos 7:16 it is (not) upwards.
2 SAMUEL 23:2 שׁוֹני׃ ֽ ִ ל־ל ְ וּמ ָלּ ֖תוֹ ַﬠ ִ ר־בּי ֑ ִ הו֖ה ִדּ ֶבּ ָ ְ֥ר ַוּ� י 23:2 Unique
וּמ ָלּתוֹ ִ ̇ל
Com.: This lemma is featured in a list of hapax legomena that start with ;ומsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §18, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §19.
2 SAMUEL 23:3 �הים׃ ֽ ִ מוֹשׁל יִ ְר ַ ֥את ֱא ֖ ֵ מוֹשׁל֙ ָבּ ָא ָ ֔דם ַצ ִ ֕דּיק ֵ �הי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ִ ֥לי ִד ֶ ֖בּר ֣צוּר יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל ֣ ֵ ָא ַמ ֙ר ֱא 23:3
�הי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ֵ ָא ַמר ֱא
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma without יְ הוָ ה, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (33x) with �הי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל( יְ הוָ ה ֵ )א ַמר יְ הוָ ה ֱא. ָ 23:3
�הים ִ יִ ְראַת ֱא
Three times
Gen 20:11; 2 Sam 23:3; Neh 5:15
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of יִ ְראַתwith �הים ִ א, ֱ to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (15x) with יְ הוָ הor ֲאד ֹנָ י( ֲאד ֹנָ י/)יִ ְראַת יְ הוָ ה.
2 SAMUEL 23:4 ח־שׁ ֶמשׁ ֚בֹּ ֶקר ֣ל ֹא ָﬠ ֔בוֹת ִמ ֹ֥נּגַ הּ ִמ ָמּ ָ ֖טר ֶ ֥דּ ֶשׁא ֵמ ָ ֽא ֶרץ׃ ֑ ָ וּכ ֥אוֹר ֖בֹּ ֶקר יִ זְ ַר ְ 23:4
Twice plene
מל ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 23:4; Ps 77:18
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written plene ו, to distinguish them from its three occurrences written defective ;)ﬠבֹת( ו ָ see the Mm at Lev 23:40 sub ﬠבֹת. ָ
2 SAMUEL 23:5 י־ל ֹא יַ ְצ ִ ֽמ ַי�׃ ֥ ל־ח ֶפץ ִ ֽכּ ֖ ֵ י־כל־יִ ְשׁ ִ ֥ﬠי וְ ָכ ָ וּשׁ ֻמ ָ ֔רה ִ ֽכּ ְ ֙רוּכ֤ה ַבכֹּל ָ עוֹלם ָ ֣שׂם ֗ ִלי ֲﬠ ָ ֜ ם־אל ִכּי֩ ְב ִ ֨רית ֑ ֵ יתי ִﬠ ֖ ִ א־כן ֵבּ ֥ ֵ ֹ ִ ֽכּי־ל 23:5
Three verses containing the sequence ִכּי... ִכּי... ִכּי...ִכּי 2 Sam 23:5; 1 Kgs 8:37; 2 Chr 6:28
̇ג פסוק כי כי כי כי
Com.: The Masorah notes the three verses containing the sequence ִכּי... ִכּי... ִכּי... ; ִכּיsee Jobin, Concordance, 108. In ML this lemma has no circellus. 23:5
Seven times with daḡeš, and their references 1–5 Gen 16:12 Gen 24:1 2 Sam 23:5 1 Chr 29:12 Ps 103:19 6–7 Qoh 5:8 Ezra 10:17
בכל ז̇ דגש וסימנהון
פרא ואברהם ערוכה והעשר ומלכותו ויתרון ויכלו
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma with a daḡeš in the ( כdef.), to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (400+) without a daḡeš in the בּ ָכל( כ,ְ indef.); see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §242.
2 SAMUEL 23:6 י־ל ֹא ְב ָי֖ד יִ ָ ֽקּחוּ׃ ֥ וּב ִל ַ֕יּ ַﬠל ְכּ ֥קוֹץ ֻמ ָנ֖ד ֻכּ ָלּ ַ֑הם ִ ֽכּ ְ 23:6
יִ ָקּחוּ
יִ ָקּחוּten times
̇יקחו י
1–5 Lev 21:7a Twice in the verse (Lev 21:7b) 2 Sam 23:6 Jer 49:29 Ezek 22:25 6–10 Ezek 23:25 Ezek 44:22 2 Kgs 20:18 And its companion (Isa 39:7) Job 27:13
אשה זנה וחללה שנים בפסוקה ובליעל כקוץ מנד אהליהם וצאנם נפש אכלו חסן [המה בניך )ובנתיך( ]ובנותיך והאלמנה אשר תהיה אלמנה ומבניך אשר יצאו וחבירו משדי
Com.: The Masorah notes the ten occurrences of this lemma with a qameṣ under the ( קpausal), to distinguish them from its eight occurrences with a šəwâ (יִ ְקחוּ, non-pausal).
2 SAMUEL 23:7 וּב ֵ֕אשׁ ָשׂ ֥רוֹף יִ ָשּׂ ְר ֖פוּ ַבּ ָ ֽשּׁ ֶבת׃ פ ָ ישׁ יִ ַגּ֣ע ָבּ ֶ֔הם יִ ָמּ ֵ ֥לא ַב ְר ֶז֖ל וְ ֵﬠ֣ץ ֲח ִנ֑ית ֙ וְ ִא 23:7
יִ ָמּ ֵלא
Eight times
1–5 2 Sam 23:7; 2 Kgs 3:17; Isa 6:4; Jer 13:12a; 13:12b 6–8 Ps 71:8; 126:2; Prov 20:17 —————————— יִ ָמּ ֵלאeight times
ימלא ̇ח
1–5 2 Sam 23:7 Jer 13:12a Twice in it (Jer 13:12b) 2 Kgs 3:17 Ps 71:8 6–8 Isa 6:4 Prov 20:17 Ps 126:2
Mm ברזל כל נבל ̇ב בו והנחל ההוא ימלא תהלתך [)וינועו( ]וינעו חצץ שחוק
Com.: The Masorah notes the eight occurrences of this lemma in the niphal, to distinguish them from its six occurrences in the piel ( ;)יְ ַמ ֵלּאsee 1 Kgs 13:33. 23:7
יִ ָשּׂ ְרפוּ
2 Sam 23:7; Mic 1:7
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the niphal, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (5x) in the qal ()יִ ְשׂ ְרפוּ.
In ML the circellus has been placed on the preceding word ָשׂרוֹףbut, since this word occurs only this once, it is most likely that the note should be on this lemma, which does occur twice; see also Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc. Both MC and MA likewise place the circellus on this word.
ל־שׁמ ֶֹנ֥ה ֵמ ֛אוֹת ְ שׁר ְל ָדִו֑ד י ֵֹ֨שׁב ַבּ ֶ֜שּׁ ֶבת ַתּ ְח ְכּמ ִֹנ֣י ׀ ֣ר ֹאשׁ ַה ָשּׁ ִל ִ֗שׁי ֚הוּא ֲﬠ ִדינ֣ וֹ ָה ֶﬠ ְצ ֔ ִנו ַﬠ ֣ ֶ ֵ ֛א ֶלּה ְשׁ ֥מוֹת ַהגִּ בּ ִ ֹ֖רים ֲא ָח ָל֖ל ְבּ ַ ֥פ ַﬠם ֶא ָ ֽחד׃ ס 23:8
ֵא ֶלּה ְשׁמוֹת
Five times
1–5 Gen 36:10; Num 3:3; 13:16; 34:17; 2 Sam 23:8
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma without a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (15x) with a cj. ( ;)וְ ֵא ֶלּה ְשׁמוֹתsee 2 Sam 5:14, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §94B. 23:8
ַתּ ְח ְכּמֹנִ י
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in this form, to distinguish it from its two occurrences in a similar form ()ח ְכמוֹנִ י, ַ one of which occurs in the parallel passage of 1 Chr 11:11, and one at 1 Chr 27:32. 23:8
ַה ָשּׁ ִל ִשׁי
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a qameṣ under the שׁ, to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (13x) with a šəwâ () ַה ְשּׁ ִל ִשׁי. 23:8
ָה ֶﬠ ְצנִ ו
Read ָה ֶﬠ ְצנִ י
העצני ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()העצנו, and the qərê ()ה ֶﬠ ְצנִ י ָ represent variations in proper names; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 156.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that are written with a וat the end but are read as a ;יsee the Mm at Dan 3:19 sub אשׁתנו, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §136, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §120.
2 SAMUEL 23:8
ֶא ָחד
Read ֶא ָחת
אחת ̇ק
ֶא ָחתtwice written אחדand read ֶא ָחת/אַחת ַ ל־שׁמֹנֶ ה ֵמאוֹת ְ ַﬠof Samuel (2 Sam 23:8) Cant 4:9
כת אחד וקרי אחת ̇ אחת ̇ב
על )שמונה( ]שמנה[ מאות דשמואל לבבתני אחתי כלה
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()אחד, and the qərê ()א ָחת ֶ represent kəṯîḇ/qərê variations in gender; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 139. The Mm notes the two occurrences of this lemma written with a דbut read with a ת.
The additional notation of Samuel to the 2 Sam 23:8 reference is to distinguish this reference from its parallel text in 1 Chr 11:11, where the lemma is both written and read א ָחת. ֶ
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words where a תis read that is not written; see the Mm to Cant 4:9 sub אַחד ַ בּ,ְ Frensdorff, Ochlah, §162, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah weOklah, §148.
2 SAMUEL 23:9 פוּ־שׁם ַל ִמּ ְל ָח ָ֔מה ֣ ָ ם־דּ ִ֗וד ְבּ ָ ֽח ְר ָ ֤פם ַבּ ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִתּים נֶ ֶא ְס ָ �שׁה ַ◌גִּ בּ ִ ֹ֜רים ִﬠ ָ֨ ן־אח ִ ֹ֑חי ִבּ ְשׁ ֲ וְ ַא ֲח ָ ֛רו ֶא ְל ָﬠ ָז֥ר ֶבּן־דּ ֹ ֖ד ֹי ֶבּ ַוֽ יַּ ֲﬠל֖ וּ ִ ֥אישׁ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ 23:9
אַח ָרו ֲ ְו
Read אַח ָריו ֲ ְו
קר ̇ ואחריו
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )ואחרוwithout the יrepresents the archaic form of the 3rd masc. sg. sfx. to a pl. noun, whereas the qərê (אַח ָריו ֲ ְ )וwith the יrepresents the later form; see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 33. 23:9
Read דּ ֹדוֹ
ֹדּ ֹדי דדו ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()דדי, and the qərê ( )דּ ֹדוֹrepresent variations in proper names; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 156.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that are written with a יat the end but are read as a ;וsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §137, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §121. 23:9
ַ◌גִּ בּ ִֹרים
Read ַהגִּ בּ ִֹרים
הגברים ק
Thirteen times הis missing at the beginning of words 1–5
1 Sam 14:32 2 Sam 23:9 1 Kgs 4:7 1 Kgs 7:20 1 Kgs 15:18 (�)ה ֶמּ ֶל ַ 2 Kgs 11:20 (�)ה ֶמּ ֶל ַ 2 Kgs 15:25 (�)ה ֶמּ ֶל ַ Jer 17:19 Jer 10:13 Jer 52:32 Jer 40:3 Ezek 18:20 Lam 1:18
בות ̇ חסיר ̇ה בראש תי ̇ י̇ ̇ג
השלל הגבורים האחד השבכה אסא וישמח ויקשר העם הארץ המלכים הדבר הרשע העמים
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )גבריםrepresents an archaic orthography where only one of two adjoining and identical letters are written; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 95, and Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 38–39. Here the adjoining letter is ה, which is the last letter of the preceding word �שׁה ָ בּ ְשׁ.ִ
The Masorah notes thirteen times when a הis not written at the beginning of a word; see also the list in Frensdorff, Ochlah, §165, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §90.
2 SAMUEL 23:10 דוֹלה ַבּיּ֣ וֹם ַה ֑הוּא ֖ ָ ְשׁוּﬠה ג ֥ ָ הו֛ה ְתּ ָ ְל־ה ֶ֔ח ֶרב וַ יַּ ַ֧ﬠשׂ י ַ דוֹ ֶא ֙ ָ֣הוּא ָק ֩ם וַ ַ֨יּ� ַבּ ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ֜תּים ַ ֣ﬠד ׀ ִ ֽכּי־יָ גְ ָ ֣ﬠה יָ ֗דוֹ וַ ִתּ ְד ַ ֤בּק י �־ל ַפ ֵ ֽשּׁט׃ ס ְ וְ ָה ָ ֛ﬠם יָ ֻ ֥שׁבוּ ַא ֲח ָ ֖ריו ַא 23:10
יָ ֻשׁבוּ
Seven times defective
Com.: See Judg 2:19.
חס ̇ ̇ז
2 SAMUEL 23:11 י־שׁם ֶח ְל ַ ֤ קת ַה ָשּׂ ֶד ֙ה ְמ ֵל ָ ֣אה ֲﬠ ָד ִ֔שׁים וְ ָה ָ ֥ﬠם ָנ֖ס ָ֞ ן־א ֵג֖א ָה ָר ִ ֑רי וַ יֵּ ָא ְס ֨פוּ ְפ ִל ְשׁ ִ֜תּים ַל ַח ָ֗יּה וַ ְתּ ִה ָ וְ ַא ֲח ָ ֛ריו ַשׁ ָ ֥מּא ֶב ִמ ְפּ ֵנ֥י ְפ ִל ְשׁ ִ ֽתּים׃ 23:11
ָאגֵ א
ָה ָר ִרי
Mp Mp
ָשׁם ֶח ְל ַקת ַה ָשּׂ ֶדה
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ֶח ְל ַקת ַה ָשּׂ ֶדהwith שׁם, ָ to distinguish it from its four occurrences without שׁם, ָ one of which is in the parallel passage at 1 Chr 11:13.
2 SAMUEL 23:13 ל־מ ָﬠ ַ ֖רת ֲﬠ ֻד ָלּ֑ם וְ ַחיַּ ֣ת ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ֔תּים ח ָֹנ֖ה ְבּ ֵ ֥ﬠ ֶמק ְ ל־דּ ִ֔וד ֶא ָ יר ֶא ֙ ל־ק ִצ ָ באוּ ֶא ֹ ֤ ָ�שׁים ֗ר ֹאשׁ וַ יּ ֣ ִ �שׁים ֵמ ַה ְשּׁ ָ֜ וַ יֵּ ְר ֨דוּ ְשׁ ְר ָפ ִ ֽאים׃ 23:13
�שׁים ָ ְשׁ
Read �שׁה ָ ְשׁ
שׁלשׁה ̇ק
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words written with a final םthat is not read; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §156, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §142.
The kəṯîḇ (שלשים, thirty), and the qərê (�שׁה ָ שׁ, ְ three) represent variant forms where the qərê is preferable to the kəṯîḇ; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 152. 23:13
�שׁים ִ ֵמ ַה ְשּׁ ̇ל
Com.: This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words occurring only once with the inseparable prep. מ, whereas in its other occurrences it is with the separable prep. ( ִמן2 Sam 23:23); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §195, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §150.
376 23:13
Twice and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 23:13; 1 Chr 11:15
Com.: By noting that the lemma in these parallel passages occurs twice and written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו.
2 SAMUEL 23:14 וּמ ַצּ֣ב ְפּ ִל ְשׁ ִ֔תּים ָ ֖אז ֵ ֥בּית ָ ֽל ֶחם׃ ַ צוּדה ֑ ָ וְ ָדִ ֖וד ָ ֣אז ַבּ ְמּ 23:14
וּמ ַצּב ַ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish it from its six occurrences without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 23:15 ית־ל ֶ֖חם ֲא ֶ ֥שׁר ַבּ ָ ֽשּׁ ַﬠר׃ ֶ אמר ִ ֚מי יַ ְשׁ ֵ ֣ קנִ י ַ֔מיִ ם ִמ ֥בּ ֹאר ֵ ֽבּ ֑ ַ ֹ וַ יִּ ְת ַאֶוּ֥ה ָדִ ֖וד וַ יּ 23:15 Unique
וַ יִּ ְתאַוֶּ ה ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in its unapocopated form, to distinguish it from its occurrence in its apocopated form ( )וַ יִּ ְת ָאוin the parallel passage at 1 Chr 11:17. 23:15
Three times written with an א
כת ̇א ̇ ̇ג
2 Sam 23:15; 23:16; 23:20 ()הבֹּאר ַ
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in various forms written with an א, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (22x) in various forms written without this ( אe.g., ַהבּוֹר/) ִמבּוֹר.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words where an אis written but not read: see the Mm to Num 11:4 sub אס ְפ ֻסף ַ וְ ָה, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §103, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §86.
2 SAMUEL 23:16 ית־ל ֶח ֙ם ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ַבּ ַ֔שּׁ ַﬠר וַ יִּ ְשׂ ֖אוּ וַ יָּ ִ ֣באוּ ֶאל־ ֶ ֨ בוּ־מיִ ֙ם ִמ ֤בּ ֹאר ֵ ֽבּ ַ֨ וַ יִּ ְב ְקעוּ֩ ְשׁ ֨� ֶשׁת ַהגִּ בּ ִ ֹ֜רים ְבּ ַמ ֲח ֵנ֣ה ְפ ִל ְשׁ ִ֗תּים וַ ִיּ ְֽשׁ ֲא יהוֽה׃ ָ תּוֹתם וַ יַּ ֵ ֥סּ� א ָ ֹ֖תם ַ ֽל ָ֔ ָדִּו֑ד וְ ֤ל ֹא ָא ָב ֙ה ִל ְשׁ 23:16
וַ יָּ ִבאוּ
Thirty-six times
Com.: See 1 Sam 7:1. 23:16
�וַ יַּ ֵסּ
Three times
Gen 35:14; 2 Sam 23:16; 2 Kgs 16:13 ——————————
� וַ יַּ ֵסּthree times, and their references Gen 35:14 וַ יִּ ְב ְקעוּof Samuel (2 Sam 23:16) 2 Kgs 16:13
ויסך ̇ג וסימנהון
עליה ויבקעו דשמואל ויקטר את עלתו
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in the hiphil, to distinguish them from its sole occurrence in the piel (� )וַ יְ נַ ֵסּin 1 Chr 11:18.
This distinction is implied in the Mm note where there is an additional notation of Samuel to the 2 Sam 23:16 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 1 Chr 11:18, where the lemma occurs as �וַ יְ נַ ֵסּ.
2 SAMUEL 23:17 תּוֹתם ֵ ֣א ֶלּה ָﬠ ֔שׂוּ ֑ ָ שׁוֹתם וְ ֥ל ֹא ָא ָ ֖בה ִל ְשׁ ָ֔ ים ַהה ְֹל ִ ֣כים ְבּנַ ְפ ֙ הוה ֵמ ֲﬠ ֣שׂ ֹ ִתי ֗ז ֹאת ֲה ַ ֤דם ָ ֽה ֲאנָ ִשׁ ָ֜ ְאמר ָח ִל ָיל ֩ה ֨ ִלּי י ֶ ֹ וַ ֡יּ ְשׁ�֖ ֶשׁת ַהגִּ בּ ִ ֹֽרים׃ ס 23:17 Unique
ָח ִל ָילה ִלּי יְ הוָ ה ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma without an inseparable prep. מ on יְ הוָ ה, to distinguish it from its three occurrences with this prep. on )ח ִל ָילה ִלּי ֵמיְ הוָ ה( יְ הוָ ה. ָ
In ML only one circellus has been placed on ָח ִל ָילה ִלּיbut, since this phrase occurs eleven times, it is most likely that the note should include the following word as the full phrase ָח ִל ָילה ִלּי יְ הוָ הonly occurs this once. 23:17
ֵמ ֲﬠשׂ ִֹתי
ֲה ַדם
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with the 1st pers. sfx., to distinguish it from its two occurrences without this sfx. ()מ ֲﬠשׂ ֹת ֵ at Gen 18:25 and Lev 9:22. Mp
2 Sam 23:17; 1 Chr 11:19
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in these parallel passages with the interrog. ה, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (27x) without this interrogative. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublets with an initial ַהor ֲ;הsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §64, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §65.
2 SAMUEL 23:18 לוֹ־שׁם ֖ ֵ ְל־שׁ ֥�שׁ ֵמ ֖אוֹת ָח ָל֑ל ו ְ יתוֹ ַﬠ ֔ ִת־חנ ֲ עוֹרר ֶא ֣ ֵ הוּא ֙ ְ�שׁי ו ָ֔ רוּיה ֚הוּא ֣ר ֹאשׁ ַה ְשּׁ ָ֗ ן־צ ְ יוֹאב ֶבּ ֣ ָ ישׁי ֲא ִ ֣חי ׀ ַ֞ וַ ֲא ִב �שׁה׃ ֽ ָ ַבּ ְשּׁ 23:18
�שׁי ָ ַה ְשּׁ
Read �שׁה ָ ַה ְשּׁ
השלשה ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (השלשי, the third), and the qərê (�שׁה ָ ה ְשּׁ,ַ the three) are examples of kəṯîḇ/qərê variations where the kəṯîḇ is generally regarded as preferable; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 148–49.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words where a יwritten at the end of a word is read as a ;הsee the Mm at Josh 18:24 sub ה ַﬠמֹּנָ י,ָ Frensdorff, Ochlah, §116, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §100.
2 SAMUEL 23:18
�שׁה ָ ַבּ ְשּׁ
Twice, once defective
חס ̇ ̇ב חד
2 Sam 23:18; 1 Chr 11:20 (לוֹשׁה ָ )בּ ְשּׁ ַ
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in these parallel passages, one written plene ( ו1 Chr 11:20), and one written defective ( וhere).
2 SAMUEL 23:19 א־בא׃ ס ֽ ָ ֹ �שׁה ל ֖ ָ ד־ה ְשּׁ ַ �שׁ ֙ה ֲה ִ ֣כי נִ ְכ ָ֔בּד וַ יְ ִ ֥הי ָל ֶ ֖הם ְל ָ ֑שׂר וְ ַﬠ ָ ן־ה ְשּׁ ַ ִמ 23:19
ֲה ִכי
Five times
Com.: See 2 Sam 9:1. 23:19
�שׁה ָ ד־ה ְשּׁ ַ וְ ַﬠ
2 Sam 23:19; 1 Chr 11:21 (לוֹשׁה ָ ד־ה ְשּׁ ַ )וְ ַﬠ
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences in these parallel passages of לוֹשׁה ָ ַה ְשּׁ/�שׁה ָ ַה ְשּׁ with וְ ַﬠד, to distinguish them from its two occurrences with �שׁה( וְ ֶאל ָ ל־ה ְשּׁ ַ )וְ ֶאin v. 23 (see directly below) and at 1 Chr 11:25.
2 SAMUEL 23:20 מוֹאב ְו֠הוּא יָ ַ ֞רד וְ ִה ָ ֧כּה ֶ ֽאת־ ָ֔ ֙ב־פּ ָﬠ ִ ֖לים ִ ֽמ ַקּ ְב ְצ ֵ ֑אל ֣הוּא ִה ָ֗כּה ֵ ֣את ְשׁ ֵנ֤י ֲא ִר ֵאל ְ ישׁ־חיִ ַר ֛ ַ ן־א ֽ ִ וּבנָ ָ֨יהוּ ֶבן־יְ הוֹיָ ָ ֧דע ֶבּ ְ ָה ֲא ִ ֛ריה ְבּ ֥תוֹ� ַה ֖בּ ֹאר ְבּי֥ וֹם ַה ָ ֽשּׁ ֶלג׃ 23:20
Read ַחיִ ל
ִַחי חיל ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (חי, life), and the qərê (חיִ ל,ַ valor) represent variant forms where the qərê is preferable to the kəṯîḇ; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 152. This lemma occurs in a Masoretic list where a ל, that is not written, is read; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §153, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §140.
380 23:20
Unique defective
חס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma written defective י, to distinguish it from its three occurrences written plene יאל( י ֵ )א ִר. ֲ 23:20
Read ָה ֲא ִרי
ָה ֲא ִריה הארי ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()האריה, and the qərê ()ה ֲא ִרי ָ represent miscellaneous variations in nouns; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 124.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that are written with a הat the end that is not read; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §112, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §94.
2 SAMUEL 23:21 ית ִמיַּ ֣ד ֙ ִת־ה ֲחנ ַ וּב ַי֤ד ַה ִמּ ְצ ִר֙י ֲח ֔ ִנית וַ יֵּ ֶ֥ רד ֵא ָל֖יו ַבּ ָ ֑שּׁ ֶבט וַ יִּ גְ ֹ֤זל ֶ ֽא ְ ת־אישׁ ִמ ְצ ִ ֜רי ִ ֣אשׁר ַמ ְר ֶ֗אה ִ֨ הוּא־ה ָכּ ֩ה ֶא ִ ְו יתוֹ׃ ֽ ִַה ִמּ ְצ ִ ֔רי וַ יַּ ַה ְר ֵג֖הוּ ַבּ ֲחנ 23:21
וְ הוּא
Unique at the beginning of a verse
ראש פסוק ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Mp heading here of unique at the beginning of a verse is incorrect since there are thirtythree occurrences of this lemma; see 2 Sam 17:10. MA correctly reads here thirty-three times at the beginning of a verse. MC has no note here. 23:21
Read ִאישׁ
ִאשׁר איש קרי
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()אשר, and the qərê ()אישׁ ִ are examples of cases where both the kəṯîḇ and the qərê are unsatisfactory; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 155.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of forms that occur three times written the same way, but each time are read differently. The other two occurrences with the form אשׁרare at Ezek 3:15 and at 1 Chr 5:6; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §93, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah weOklah, §76.
2 SAMUEL 23:22 �שׁה ַהגִּ בּ ִ ֹֽרים׃ ֥ ָ לוֹ־שׁם ִבּ ְשׁ ֖ ֵ ְֵ ֣א ֶלּה ָﬠ ָ֔שׂה ְבּנָ ָי֖הוּ ֶבּן־יְ הוֹיָ ָ ֑דע ו 23:22
ֵא ֶלּה
Seven times at the beginning of a verse in the book 1–5 Josh 13:32; 19:51; 20:9; 2 Sam 23:8; 23:22 6–7 1 Kgs 9:23; Zech 8:16
בסיפ ̇ ראש פסוק ̇ ̇ז
Com.: The Mp heading of seven times at the beginning of a verse in the book is incorrect. It should read, as in MC and MA here and in the Mp heading at 1 Kgs 9:23, seven times at the beginning of a verse in the Prophets. The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma at the beginning of a verse in the Prophets without a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (19x) at the beginning of a verse in the Prophets with a וcj.
2 SAMUEL 23:23 ל־מ ְשׁ ַמ ְﬠ ֽתּוֹ׃ ס ִ ֹא־בא וַ יְ ִשׂ ֵ ֥מהוּ ָדִ ֖וד ֶא ֑ ָ �שׁה ל ֖ ָ ל־ה ְשּׁ ַ �שׁים נִ ְכ ָ֔בּד וְ ֶא ֣ ִ ן־ה ְשּׁ ַ ִמ 23:23
�שׁה ָ ל־ה ְשּׁ ַ וְ ֶא
2 Sam 23:23; 1 Chr 11:25*
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences in these parallel passages of �שׁה ָ ַה ְשּׁwith וְ ֶאל, to distinguish them from its two occurrences with �שׁה( וְ ַﬠד ָ ד־ה ְשּׁ ַ ;)וְ ַﬠsee directly above in v. 19.
*ML, contrary to M (�שׁה ָ ל־ה ְשּׁ ַ )וְ ֶא, writes the phrase at 1 Chr 11:25 plene לוֹשׁה( ו ָ ל־ה ְשּׁ ַ ;)וְ ֶאsee Breuer, The Biblical Text, 365. 23:23
ל־מ ְשׁ ַמ ְﬠתּוֹ ִ ֶא ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ִמ ְשׁ ַמ ְﬠתּוֹwith אל, ֶ to distinguish it from its occurrence with ל־מ ְשׁ ַמ ְﬠתּוֹ( ַﬠל ִ )ﬠ ַ in the parallel passage of 1 Chr 11:25.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words occurring only once with a preceding אל, ֶ and only once with a preceding ;ﬠל ַ see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §2, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §2.
2 SAMUEL 23:24 �שׁים ֶא ְל ָח ָנ֥ ן ֶבּן־דּ ֹ֖דוֹ ֵ ֥בּית ָ ֽל ֶחם׃ ֑ ִ י־יוֹאב ַבּ ְשּׁ ֖ ָ ה־אל ֲא ִ ֽח ֥ ֵ ֲﬠ ָשׂ 23:24
�שׁים ִ ַבּ ְשּׁ
1–2 2 Sam 23:24; 1 Chr 12:4
Com.: The Mp heading of unique is inexact since there are two occurrences of this lemma. The note more precisely should have read unique in the book. The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with the def. prep., to distinguish them from its three occurrences with the indef. prep. (�שׁים ִ )בּ ְשׁ. ִ Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
2 SAMUEL 23:25 ַשׁ ָמּ ֙ה ַ ֽה ֲחר ִ ֹ֔די ֱא ִלי ָ ֖ קא ַה ֲחר ִ ֹֽדי׃ ס 23:25
ַה ֲחר ִֹדי1
2 Sam 23:25a; 23:25b
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in this form, to distinguish them from the three occurrences of its parallel form ה ֲה ָר ִרי,ַ one of which occurs in v. 33. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of doublets that occur in the same verse; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §58, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §59. 23:25
ֱא ִל ָיקא ̇ל
2 SAMUEL 23:25
ַה ֲחר ִֹדי2
Com.: See directly above in the same verse.
2 SAMUEL 23:26 קוֹﬠי׃ ס ֽ ִ ן־ﬠ ֵ ֖קּשׁ ַה ְתּ ִ ירא ֶב ֥ ָ ֶ ֚ח ֶלץ ַה ַפּ ְל ִ֔טי ִﬠ 23:26
ֶח ֶלץ ַה ַפּ ְל ִטי
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ֶח ֶלץwith ה ַפּ ְל ִטי,ַ to distinguish it from its sole occurrence with )ח ֶלץ ַה ְפּלוֹנִ י( ַה ְפּלוֹנִ י ֶ in the parallel passage at 1 Chr 11:27.
2 SAMUEL 23:27 יﬠזֶ ֙ר ָ ֽה ַﬠנְּ ת ִֹ֔תי ְמ ֻב ַנּ֖י ַה ֻח ָשׁ ִ ֽתי׃ ס ֶ ֨ ֲא ִב 23:27
ְמ ֻבנַּ י
Unique and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו.
2 SAMUEL 23:29 יבי ִמגִּ ְב ַ ֖ﬠת ְבּ ֵנ֥י ִבנְ יָ ִ ֽמן׃ ס ַ֔ ן־ר ִ תּי ֶבּ ֙ ַ ן־בּ ֲﬠ ָנ֖ה ַהנְּ ט ָֹפ ִ ֑תי ס ִא ַ ֵ ֥ח ֶלב ֶ ֽבּ 23:29
ֵח ֶלב
Unique as name of a person
שם אנש ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma as the name of a person, to distinguish it from its twenty occurrences meaning fat. 23:29
יבי ַ ִר
2 Sam 23:29; 1 Chr 11:31
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in these parallel passages with a paṯaḥ under the ב, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (7x) with a ḥîreq (יבי ִ )ר. ִ
2 SAMUEL 23:30 הוּ ִפּ ְר ָ ֣ﬠת ֔ ִֹני ִה ַ ֖דּי ִמ ַנּ ֲ֥ח ֵלי ָ ֽג ַﬠשׁ׃ ס ֙ ְבּנָ ָ֨י 23:30
ִפּ ְר ָﬠתֹנִ י
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 23:30; 1 Chr 11:31 () ַה ִפּ ְר ָﬠתֹנִ י
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in these parallel passages written defective ו, to distinguish them from its three occurrences written plene )ה ִפּ ְר ָﬠתוֹנִ י( ו. ַ The Mp heading in the parallel passage at 1 Chr 11:31 reads unique for the sole occurrence of its particular form. 23:30
ִה ַדּי
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of חוּרי ַ in the parallel passage of 1 Chr 11:32.
2 SAMUEL 23:32 ֶא ְליַ ְח ָבּ ֙א ַה ַ ֣שּׁ ַﬠ ְלב ֔ ִֹני ְבּ ֵנ֥י יָ ֵ ֖שׁן יְ הוֹנָ ָ ֽתן׃ ס 23:32
ַה ַשּׁ ַﬠ ְלבֹנִ י
2 Sam 23:32; 1 Chr 11:33
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. The Mp heading at 1 Chr 11:33 reads twice and defective ()ו, so by noting that this lemma occurs twice and written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו.
2 SAMUEL 23:33 אר ִ ֽרי׃ ס ָ ן־שׁ ָ ֖רר ָה ָ יאם ֶבּ ֥ ָ ַשׁ ָמּ ֙ה ַ ֽה ֲה ָר ִ ֔רי ֲא ִח 23:33
ַה ֲה ָר ִרי
ַה ֲה ָר ִריthree times
ההררי ̇ג
ַשׁ ָמּהof Samuel (2 Sam 23:33) 1 Chr 11:34 1 Chr 11:35
Mm שמה דשמואל הגזוני אליפל
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma in this form, to distinguish them from the sole occurrence of the form רוֹרי ִ ַה ֲהin the parallel passage at 1 Chr 11:27.
This distinction is implied in the Mm note, where there is an additional notation of Samuel to the 2 Sam 23:33 reference, which distinguishes it from its parallel passage in 1 Chr 11:27, where the lemma occurs as רוֹרי ִ ה ֲה.ַ This lemma occurs in the ms. in folio 183v, but the Mm note appears on the bottom left of the preceding folio 183r. 23:33
ָשׁ ָרר
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the occurrence of ָשׂ ָכרwhich occurs in the parallel passage at 1 Chr 11:35. 23:33
Three times
אר ִרי ָ ָה ̇ג
2 Sam 23:11 (;)ה ָר ִרי ָ 23:33
Com.: The Mp heading of three times is incorrect since there are only two occurrences of this lemma. The Masorah notes the two occurrences, one written plene ( אhere), and one written defective ( א2 Sam 23:11). The Mp heading at 2 Sam 23:11 reads unique for the sole occurrence of its particular form. MC correctly reads here twice, and MA adds one written with א, and one defective א.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 23:34 �ני׃ ס ֽ ִ ִת ֶפל ַהגּ ֹ ֖ ן־א ִחי ֲ יﬠם ֶבּ ֥ ָ ן־ה ַ ֽמּ ֲﬠ ָכ ִ ֑תי ס ֱא ִל ַ ן־א ַח ְס ַ ֖בּי ֶבּ ֲ יפ ֶלט ֶבּ ֥ ֶ ֱא ִל
ֲא ַח ְס ַבּי
2 SAMUEL 23:35 ֶח ְצ ַרו֨ ַ ֽה ַכּ ְר ְמ ֔ ִלי ַפּ ֲﬠ ַ ֖רי ָה ַא ְר ִ ֽבּי׃ ס 23:35
Read ֶח ְצ ַרי
ֶח ְצ ַרו קר ̇ חצרי
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()חצרו, and the qərê ()ח ְצ ַרי ֶ represent variations in proper names; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 156.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that are written with a וat the end but are read as a ;יsee the Mm at Dan 3:19 sub אשׁתנו, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §136, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §120. 23:35
אַר ִבּי ְ ָה
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a ב, to distinguish it from its six occurrences with a אַר ִכּי( כ ְ )ה. ָ
2 SAMUEL 23:37 ן־צ ֻר ָיֽה׃ ס ְ יוֹאב ֶבּ ֥ ָ ֶצ ֶ֖לק ָה ַﬠמּ ִֹנ֑י ס נַ ְח ַ ֙רי ַה ְבּ ֵ ֣אר ִֹ֔תי נ ֵֹ֕שׂאי ְכּ ֵל֖י 23:37
ַה ְבּ ֵאר ִֹתי
[2 Sam 4:2; 4:5: 4:9]; 23:37 ——————————
2 SAMUEL ַה ְבּ ֵאר ִֹתיtwice, and their references
2 Sam 4:2; 4:5: 4:9 2 Sam 23:37
הבארתי ̇ב וסימנהון
387 Mm
>רמון< הבארתי הבארתי נשאי כלי יואב
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma written plene א, to distinguish it from its sole occurrence written defective )ה ֵבּר ִֹתי( א ַ at 1 Chr 11:39. The three occurrences of ַה ְבּ ֵאר ִֹתיwith ִרמּוֹןin 2 Sam 4 are taken as one occurrence; see Dotan/Reich, Masora Thesaurus, ad loc.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of four sets of pairs of words in which one of the pairs has an אthat is pronounced, and the other does not. Thus ַה ְבּ ֵאר ִֹתיhere is contrasted with ַה ֵבּר ִֹתיof 1 Chr 11:39; see at Josh 21:30, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §200, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §154. 23:37
Read נ ֵֹשׂא
נ ֵֹשׂאי
נשא ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ (נשאי, bearers), and the qərê (נ ֵֹשׂא, bearer) represent variants of equal value; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 151.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that have a יat the end of a word that is not read; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §127, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §111. 23:37
ְצ ֻריָ ה
Three times defective
Com.: See 2 Sam 14:1.
חס ̇ ̇ג
2 SAMUEL 23:38 ִﬠ ָיר ֙א ַהיִּ ְת ִ ֔רי גָּ ֵ ֖רב ַהיִּ ְת ִ ֽרי׃ ס 23:38 Three times
גָּ ֵרב ̇ג
2 Sam 23:38; Jer 31:39; 1 Chr 11:40
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with a ṣerê under the ר, to distinguish them from its two occurrences with a qameṣ ( )גָּ ָרבat Lev 21:20 and 22:22.
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML 2 SAMUEL 24:1 הוּדה׃ מר ֵל֛� ְמ ֵנ֥ה ֶאת־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל וְ ֶאת־יְ ָ ֽ ת־דִּו֤ד ָבּ ֶה ֙ם ֵלא ֔ ֹ הוה ַל ֲח ֖רוֹת ְבּיִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֑אל וַ ָ֨יּ ֶסת ֶא ָ וַ ֨יּ ֹ ֶס ֙ף ַאף־יְ ָ֔ וַ יּ ֶֹסף אַף־יְ הוָ ה
24:1 Unique
, to distinguish it from theוַ יּ ֶֹסף withאַף־יְ הוָ ה Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ).וַ יִּ ַחר אַף־יְ הוָ ה( וַ יִּ ַחר withאַף־יְ הוָ ה more numerous occurrences (17x) of Mp
ַל ֲחרוֹת ̇ל
2 SAMUEL 24:2 וּפ ְק ֖דוּ ד־בּ ֵ ֣אר ֶ֔שׁ ַבע ִ ל־שׁ ְב ֵ ֤טי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל֙ ִמ ָ ֙דּן וְ ַﬠ ְ וּט־נא ְבּ ָכ ִ ר־א ֗תּוֹ ֽשׁ ֞ ָ ר־ה ַ ֣חיִ ל ֲא ֶשׁ ִ ל־יוֹאב ׀ ַשׂ ַ ָ֣ אמר ַה ֶ֜מּ ֶל� ֶא וַ ֨יּ ֹ ֶ ת־ה ָ ֑ﬠם וְ ָי֣ ַ ד ְﬠ ִ֔תּי ֵ ֖את ִמ ְס ַ ֥פּר ָה ָ ֽﬠם׃ ס ֶא ָ
ר־ה ַחיִ ל ַשׂ ַ ̇ל
24:2 Unique
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in the sg., to distinguish it from ָ ) at v. 4, and 2 Kgs 9:5.שׂ ֵרי ַה ַחיִ לָ /שׂ ֵרי ֶה ָחיִ ל( its two occurrences in the pl. Mp
שׁוּט־נָ א ̇ל
2 SAMUEL 24:3 י־ה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ר ֹ֑אוֹת ל־ה ֜ ָﬠם ָכּ ֵ ֤הם ׀ וְ ָכ ֵה ֙ם ֵמ ָ ֣אה ְפ ָﬠ ִ֔מים וְ ֵﬠ ֵינ֥י ֲאד ִ ֹֽנ ַ �הי� ֶא ָ יוֹסף יְ הוָ ֩ה ֱא ֶ֨ ל־ה ֶ֗מּ ֶל� וְ ֵ ֣ יוֹאב ֶא ַ אמר ָ֜ וַ ֨יּ ֹ ֶ וַ אד ִֹנ֣י ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ָ ֥ל ָמּה ָח ֵ ֖פץ ַבּ ָדּ ָ ֥בר ַה ֶזּֽה׃
יוֹסף וְ ֵ י̇
24:3 Ten times
1–5 Gen 39:1; 41:46; 42:6; 44:4; 46:4 6–10 Exod 1:5; Deut 27:12; 2 Sam 24:3; Ps 77:16; 1 Chr 25:2 ——————————
2 SAMUEL יוֹסף ֵ ְ וten times
1–5 Gen 39:1 Gen 41:46 Gen 42:6 Gen 46:4 Gen 44:4 6–10 Exod 1:5 Deut 27:12 1 Chr 25:2 Ps 77:16 2 Sam 24:3
[ ̇ויוסף )ז̇ ( ]י
הורד מצרימה בן שלשים שנה הוא השליט על הארץ ישית ידו על עיניך אמר לאשר היה במצרים {אלה יעמדו }על [לבני אסף )זכר( ]זכור גאלת בזרוע ויאמר יואב >אל המלך< ויוסף יהוה
Com.: The Masorah notes the ten occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) without a cj.
The ten instances include nine occurrences of the name and Joseph, and one instance of a verbal form and may the Lord increase in 2 Sam 24:3. The Mp headings at Gen 39:1, 41:46 and 42:6 read three times at the beginning of a verse since at these references the lemma begins a verse.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words occurring once combined with the Tetragrammaton that begin with a וcj.; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §187, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §152GG. 24:3
וְ ֵﬠינֵ י
Ten times
1–5 Gen 29:17; 45:12; 48:10; 2 Sam 24:3; Isa 5:15 6–10 Prov 17:24; 27:20; Job 11:20; 17:5; 31:16
Com.: The Masorah notes the ten occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (24x) without a cj. The Mp headings at Gen 29:17, 48:10, and Job 11:20 read three times at the beginning of a verse, since at these references the lemma begins a verse. 24:3
ַבּ ָדּ ָבר ַהזֶּ ה
Eight times
Com.: See 1 Sam 28:10.
ת־ה ָ ֖ﬠם ֶאת־ ָ יוֹאב וְ ָשׂ ֵ ֤רי ַה ַ֨חיִ ל֙ ִל ְפ ֵנ֣י ַה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� ִל ְפ ֥קֹד ֶא ָ֜ ל־יוֹאב וְ ַ ֖ﬠל ָשׂ ֵ ֣רי ֶה ָ ֑חיִ ל וַ יֵּ ֵ֨צא ָ֔ ר־ה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� ֶא ַ וַ יֶּ ֱח ַז֤ק ְדּ ַב יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ 24:4
ָשׂ ֵרי ֶה ָחיִ ל
Three times
2 Sam 24:4a; 24:4b ( ;)וְ ָשׂ ֵרי ַה ַחיִ ל2 Kgs 9:5 ()שׂ ֵרי ַה ַחיִ ל ָ
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with the def. article on חיִ ל,ַ to distinguish them from its two occurrences without the def. article ()שׂ ֵרי ַחיִ ל ָ at Neh 2:9 and 2 Chr 33:14. 24:4
ת־ה ָﬠם ֶאת ָ ִל ְפקֹד ֶא
2 SAMUEL 24:5 תוֹ�־ה ַנּ ַ֥חל ַה ָגּ֖ד וְ ֶאל־יַ ְﬠ ֵזֽר׃ ַ רוֹﬠר יְ ִ ֥מין ָה ִ ֛ﬠיר ֲא ֶ ֛שׁר ְבּ ֵ ֗ ת־היַּ ְר ֵ ֑דּן וַ יַּ ֲחנ֣ וּ ַב ֲﬠ ַ וַ יַּ ַﬠ ְב ֖רוּ ֶא 24:5
ַהנַּ ַחל ַהגָּ ד
וְ ֶאל־יַ ְﬠזֵ ר
Com.: The Mp heading of twice is incorrect since there is only one occurrence of this lemma.
MC correctly reads here unique, but MA has no note.
2 SAMUEL 24:6 ל־צ ֽידוֹן׃ ִ אוּ ָ ֣דּנָ ה ַ֔יּ ַﬠן וְ ָס ִ ֖ביב ֶא ֙ ֹל־א ֶרץ ַתּ ְח ִ ֖תּים ָח ְד ִ ֑שׁי וַ יָּ ֨ב ֥ ֶ אוּ ַהגִּ ְל ֔ ָﬠ ָדה וְ ֶא ֙ ֹוַ יָּ ֨ב 24:6
ַהגִּ ְל ָﬠ ָדה
ַהגִּ ְל ָﬠ ָדהthree times in various forms
̇הגלעדה ̇ג בלישנ
2 SAMUEL Num 32:39 2 Sam 24:6 1 Chr 27:21
()גִּ ְל ָﬠ ָדה ()הגִּ ְל ָﬠ ָדה ַ ()גִּ ְל ָﬠ ָדה
וילכו בני מכיר בן מנשה ויבאו הגלעדה לחצי המנשה
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma with the locative ה, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) without this adverbial ending. 24:6
וְ ָס ִביב
Num 1:50; 2 Sam 24:6
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (200+) without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 24:8 רוּשׁ ָ ֽל�׃ ָ ְל־ה ָ ֑א ֶרץ וַ יָּ ֜בֹאוּ ִמ ְק ֵ֨צה ִת ְשׁ ָ ֧ﬠה ֳח ָד ִ ֛שׁים וְ ֶﬠ ְשׂ ִ ֥רים י֖ וֹם י ָ וַ יָּ ֻ ֖שׁטוּ ְבּ ָכ 24:8
וַ יָּ ֻשׁטוּ
Unique and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו.
2 SAMUEL 24:9 ישׁ־חיִ ל֙ ֣שׁ ֹ ֵ ֽלף ֶ֔ח ֶרב וְ ִ ֣אישׁ ַ֨ ל־ה ֶ ֑מּ ֶל� וַ ְתּ ִ ֣הי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֡אל ְשׁמֹנֶ ֩ה ֵמ ֨אוֹת ֶ ֤א ֶלף ִ ֽא ַ ד־ה ָ ֖ﬠם ֶא ָ ת־מ ְס ַ ֥פּר ִמ ְפ ַק ִ יוֹאב ֶא ֛ ָ וַ יִּ ֵ ֥תּן שׁ־מ ֥אוֹת ֶ ֖א ֶלף ִ ֽאישׁ׃ ֵ הוּדה ֲח ֵמ ֔ ָ ְי 24:9
ד־ה ָﬠם ָ ִמ ְפ ַק
2 Sam 24:9; 1 Chr 21:5
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in the parallel passages of 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. At 1 Chr 21:5 the Mp extends the note to include the preceding word ִמ ְס ַפּרand the heading there reads once in the book (of Chronicles).
392 24:9
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma, to distinguish it from the sole occurrence of the phrase וַ יְ ִהי ָכל־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאלin the parallel passage of 1 Chr 21:5. 24:9
הוּדה ָ ְוְ ִאישׁ י
Six times
Com.: See 1 Sam 11:8.
2 SAMUEL 24:10 הוה ָ֔ ְיתי וְ ַﬠ ָ ֣תּה י ִ אתי ְמא ֹ֙ד ֲא ֶ ֣שׁר ָﬠ ִ֔שׂ ִ הוה ָח ָ ֤ט ָ֗ ְאמר ָדּ ִ֜וד ֶאל־י ֶ ֹ ת־ה ָ ֑ﬠם ס וַ ֨יּ ָ י־כ֖ן ָס ַ ֣פר ֶא ֵ ב־דּוִ ֙ד א ֹ֔תוֹ ַא ֲח ֵר ָ וַ יַּ ֤ � ֵל אד׃ ֹ ֽ ת־ﬠוֹ֣ ן ַﬠ ְב ְדּ ֔� ִ ֥כּי נִ ְס ַ ֖כּ ְל ִתּי ְמ ֲ ַ ֽה ֲﬠ ֶבר־נָ ֙א ֶא 24:10
ָס ַפר
Unique in the holy language (Hebrew)
בלש קדש ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in the Hebrew parts of the Bible, to distinguish it from its two occurrences in the Aramaic section at Ezra 7:12 and 7:21.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur twice, once with a וcj. (Lev 15:13), and once without (here); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §1, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah weOklah, §1.
2 SAMUEL 24:11 מר׃ ֹ ֽ ל־גּ֣ד ַהנָּ ִ֔ביא ח ֵֹז֥ה ָדִ ֖וד ֵלא ָ הוה ָהיָ ֙ה ֶא ָ֗ ְוַ יָּ ָ֥ קם ָדִּ ֖וד ַבּ ֑בֹּ ֶקר פ ְוּד ַבר־י 24:11 Seven times
ְוּד ַבר־יְ הוָ ה ̇ז
Com.: See 1 Sam 3:1.
2 SAMUEL 24:12 ה־לּ�׃ ֽ ָ ת־מ ֶ ֖הם וְ ֶ ֽא ֱﬠ ֶשׂ ֵ ר־ל�֥ ַ ֽא ַח ְ נוֹטל ָﬠ ֶל֑י� ְבּ ַח ֣ ֵ הוה ָשׁ ֕�שׁ ָאנ ִ ֹ֖כי ָ֔ ְל־דּ ִ֗וד ֹ֚כּה ָא ַ ֣מר י ָ ָה ֞לוֹ� וְ ִד ַבּ ְר ָ ֣תּ ֶא 24:12 Unique
וְ ִד ַבּ ְר ָתּ ֶאל ̇ל
1–2 2 Sam 24:12; 1 Chr 21:10
Com.: The Mp heading of unique is inexact since there are two occurrences of this lemma. The note more precisely should have read unique in the book. The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in these parallel passages with the prep. אל, ֶ to distinguish it from its sole occurrence with the prep. )וְ ִד ַבּ ְר ָתּ ַﬠל( ַﬠלat Jer 26:2. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here. 24:12
נוֹטל ֵ
Unique and plene
ומל ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written plene ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written defective ו. 24:12
Fourteen verses
י̇ ̇ד פסו
Fourteen verses that have the sequence �ְל� ָל 1–5
Gen 18:25 Gen 31:32 Gen 33:9 Exod 13:11 Deut 6:3 Deut 16:21 Deut 27:3 Deut 29:12 2 Sam 24:12 And its companion (1 Chr 21:10)
י̇ ̇ד פסוק אית בהון לך לך
[)חלילה( ]חללה[ לך )מעשות( ]מעשת עם אשר תמצא ויאמר עשו יש לי רב והיה כי )יביאך( ]יבאך[ יהוה ושמעת ישראל ושמרת לעשות לא תטע לך אשרה כל עץ וכתבת עליהן למען הקים אתך בחר לך אחת מהם וחבירו
394 11–14
THE MASORAH OF THE FORMER PROPHETS IN ML Amos 4:12 Obad 5 Ps 66:4 Ps 120:3
לכן כה אעשה לך אם גנגים באו לך כל הארץ ישתחוו לך מה יתן לך ומה יסיף
Com.: The Masorah notes the fourteen verses that have the sequence � ְ;ל� ָלsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §19C.
In ML this lemma has no circellus and the Mp note has been placed on the right side of the left column two lines below the lemma.
2 SAMUEL 24:13 �֨ �שׁה ֠ ֳח ָד ִשׁים נֻ ְס ֣ ָ ם־שׁ ְ אמר ֡לוֹ ֲה ָת ֣בוֹא ְל�֣ ֶ ֽשׁ ַבע ָשׁ ִנ֣ים ׀ ָר ָ ֣ﬠב ׀ ְבּ ַא ְר ֶ֡צ� ִא ֶ ֹ ל־דִּ ֖וד וַ יַּ גֶּ ד־ל֑ וֹ וַ ֣יּ ָ א־ג֥ד ֶא ָ ֹ וַ יָּ ב ה־א ִ ֥שׁיב שׁ ְֹל ִ ֖חי ָדּ ָ ֽבר׃ ס ָ ם־היוֹת ְשׁ ֨� ֶשׁת יָ ִ ֥מים ֶ ֨דּ ֶב ֙ר ְבּ ַא ְר ֶ֔צ� ַﬠ ָתּ ֙ה ַ ֣דּע ְוּר ֵ֔אה ָמ ֱ ֠ ֽי־צ ֶ ֜רי� וְ ֣הוּא ר ְֹד ֗ ֶפ� וְ ִא ָ ִל ְפ ֵנ 24:13
�נֻ ְס
Unique defective
חס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: The Mp heading of unique defective is incorrect since there is no occurrence of this lemma written plene. The note should have read, with MC and MA, unique and defective. 24:13
�ר ְֹד ֶפ
Unique and defective
וחס ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written defective ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written plene ו. 24:13
שׁ ְֹל ִחי
2 Sam 24:13; 1 Chr 21:12
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in these parallel passages with a ḥolem on the שׁ, to distinguish them from its two occurrences with a ḥîreq ()שׁ ְל ִחי ִ at 1 Kgs 22:42 and 2 Chr 20:31.
2 SAMUEL 24:14 ל־א ֽ ֹפּ ָלה׃ ֶ ד־א ָ ֖דם ַא ָ ַוּבי ְ י־ר ִ ֣בּים ַ ֽר ֲח ָ֔מו ַ ה־נּ֤א ְביַ ד־יְ הוָ ֙ה ִ ֽכּ ָ אד נִ ְפּ ָל ֹ ֑ ר־לי ְמ ֣ ִ ל־גּ֖ד ַצ ָ אמר ָדִּו֛ד ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֧יּ 24:14
ר־לי ְמאֹד ִ ַצ
Three times
Com.: See 1 Sam 28:15. 24:14
נִ ְפּ ָלה
ַר ֲח ָמו
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma (1st pers. pl. cohortative), to distinguish it from its occurrence as a 1st pers. sg. cohortative ()א ְפּ ָלה ֶ in the parallel passage of 1 Chr 21:13. Read ַר ֲח ָמיו
רחמיו ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )רחמוwithout the יrepresents the archaic form of the 3rd masc. sg. sfx. to a pl. noun, whereas the qərê ( ַ)ר ֲח ָמיוwith the יrepresents the later form; see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 33. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of hapax legomena in which a יis read though it is not written; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §128, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §112. MC, as ML, has a kəṯîḇ/qərê here, but MA reads here unique defective.
2 SAMUEL 24:15 ד־בּ ֵ ֣אר ֶ֔שׁ ַבע ִשׁ ְב ִ ֥ﬠים ֶ ֖א ֶלף ִ ֽאישׁ׃ ְ ן־ה ֗ ָﬠם ִמ ָ ֙דּן וְ ַﬠ ָ מוֹﬠד וַ יָּ ָ֣מת ִמ ֑ ֵ ד־ﬠ֣ת ֵ הו֥ה ֶ ֨דּ ֶב ֙ר ְבּיִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֔אל ֵמ ַה ֖בֹּ ֶקר וְ ַﬠ ָ ְוַ יִּ ֵ֨תּן י 24:15 Three times
ֵמ ַהבּ ֶֹקר ̇ג
Com.: See 2 Sam 2:27.
ד־ﬠת ֵ וְ ַﬠ
2 Sam 24:15; Dan 11:24
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with a וcj., to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (8x) without a cj.
2 SAMUEL 24:16 אמר ַל ַמּ ְל ָ֞א� ַה ַמּ ְשׁ ִ ֤חית ָבּ ָﬠ ֙ם ַ ֔רב ַﬠ ָ ֖תּה ֶ ֹ ל־ה ָר ֔ ָﬠה ַו֠יּ ֣ ָ הּ וַ יִּ ָנּ ֶ֤חם יְ הוָ ֙ה ֶא ֒ וּשׁ ַל ֮� ְל ַשׁ ֲח ָת ָ וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַל ֩ח יָ ֨דוֹ ַה ַמּ ְל ָ ֥א� ׀ יְ ֽר וּמ ְל ַ ֤א� יְ הוָ ֙ה ָה ָ֔יה ִﬠם־ ֹ֖גּ ֶרן ָה ֲאַו ְ֥ רנָ ה ַהיְ ֻב ִ ֽסי׃ ס ַ �ֶ ֣ה ֶרף יָ ֶ ֑ד 24:16
ל־ה ָר ָﬠה ָ ֶא
Unique and similarly all Jeremiah apart from one
דכות ̇ב ̇מ ̇א ̇ ירמיה ̇ ̇ל וכל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of ָה ָר ָﬠהwith אל, ֶ to distinguish it from its more numerous occurrences (9x) with ל־ה ָר ָﬠה( ַﬠל ָ )ﬠ. ַ The Masorah also notes that this lemma is the norm in Jeremiah (4x) apart from one occurrence of ל־ה ָר ָﬠה ָ ַﬠin Jer 18:8.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur only once in one specific book (here in Samuel), but is found more than once in another book or books (here Jeremiah); see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §271, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §112. 24:16
ֶה ֶרף
Three times
1–5 Deut 9:14; 1 Sam 11:3; 15:16; 2 Sam 24:16; Ps 37:8 6 1 Chr 21:15
Com.: The Mp heading here of three times is inexact since there are six occurrences of this lemma. The note more precisely should have read three times in the book; see 1 Sam 11:3.
Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here. 24:16
ָה ֲאוַ ְרנָ ה
Read ָה ֲא ַרוְ נָ ה
הארונה קרי
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()האורנה, and the qərê ()ה ֲא ַרוְ נָ ה ָ represent variations in proper names; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 157.
This form is featured in a Masoretic list of words in which two letters are written one way but are read transposed; see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §91. 24:16
ַהיְ ֻב ִסי
Five times defective
Com.: See 2 Sam 5:6.
חס ̇ ̇ה
2 SAMUEL 24:17 יתי וְ ֵ ֥א ֶלּה ִ אתי וְ ָאנ ִ ֹ֣כי ֶה ֱﬠ ֵ֔ו ֙ ִ אמ ֙ר ִה ֨ ֵנּה ָאנ ִ ֹ֤כי ָח ָ֨ט ֶ ֹ ת־ה ַמּ ְל ָ ֣א� ׀ ַה ַמּ ֶכּ֣ה ָב ֗ ָﬠם וַ ֨יּ ַ הוה ִבּ ְרא ֹ֣תוֹ ׀ ֶ ֽא ָ֜ ְאמר֩ ָדּ ִ֨וד ֶאל־י ֶ ֹ וַ יּ וּב ֵ ֥בית ָא ִ ֽבי׃ פ ְ ַה ֖צּ ֹאן ֶ ֣מה ָﬠ ֑שׂוּ ְתּ ִ֨הי ָנ֥א יָ ְד�֛ ִ ֖בּי 24:17
ִבּ ְראֹתוֹ
Twice defective
חס ̇ ̇ב
2 Sam 24:17; Isa 29:23
Com.: The Mp heading of twice defective (second )וis inexact since there is no occurrence of this lemma written plene second ו. The note more precisely should have read, as MA does, twice and defective.
The Mp heading at Isa 29:23 reads unique for the sole occurrence of this lemma in the book of Isaiah. MC reads here twice, and adds catchwords ילדיו...יְ ָל ָדיו( כי...)כּי ִ to refer the reader to Isa 29:23.
2 SAMUEL 24:18 אמר ֗לוֹ ֲﬠ ֵל ֙ה ָה ֵ ֤ קם ַ ֽליהוָ ֙ה ִמזְ ֵ֔בּ ַ� ְבּ ֹ֖ג ֶרן ֲא ַ ֥רנְ יָ ה ַהיְ ֻב ִ ֽסי׃ ֶ ֹ ל־דִּ ֖וד ַבּיּ֣ וֹם ַה ֑הוּא וַ ֣יּ ָ א־ג֥ד ֶא ָ ֹ וַ יָּ ב 24:18 Unique
�ַ ַליהוָ ה ִמזְ ֵבּ ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma in this order, to distinguish it from the more numerous occurrences (17x) where ַליהוָ הfollows �ַ מזְ ֵבּ, ִ one of which occurs in v. 21.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that only occur once in this combination (�ַ )ליהוָ ה ִמזְ ֵבּ, ַ whereas elsewhere it occurs as ;מזְ ֵבּ ַ� ַליהוָ ה ִ see Frensdorff, Ochlah, §273, and Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §113 bis. 24:18
ֲא ַרנְ יָ ה
Read ֲא ַרוְ נָ ה
ארונה קרי
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ()ארניה, and the qərê ()א ַרוְ נָ ה ֲ represent variations in proper names; see Gordis, The Biblical Text, 157.
This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that have a יin the middle of word that is read as a ;וsee the Mm at Num 1:16 sub קריאי, Frensdorff, Ochlah, §80, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §71. However, the kəṯîḇ in Ochlah is listed as ארינהwhereas here in ML, and in MC and MA, the kəṯîḇ is ארניה.
2 SAMUEL 24:19 הוה׃ ֽ ָ ְר־גּד ַכּ ֲא ֶ ֖שׁר ִצָוּ֥ה י ָ ֔ וַ יַּ ַ֤ﬠל ָדּוִ ֙ד ִכּ ְד ַב 24:19
ַכּ ֲא ֶשׁר ִצוָּ ה יְ הוָ ה
Three times at the end of a verse Lev 9:7; 10:15; 2 Sam 24:19
בסופ פסוק ̇ ̇ג
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma at the end of a verse, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (57x) at the beginning and middle of a verse.
2 SAMUEL 24:20 ת־ﬠ ָב ָ ֔דיו ע ְֹב ִ ֖רים ָﬠ ָל֑יו וַ יֵּ ֵצ֣א ֲא ַ ֔רוְ נָ ה וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַ ֧תּחוּ ַל ֶ ֛מּ ֶל� ַא ָ ֖פּיו ָ ֽא ְר ָצה׃ ֲ ת־ה ֶ֨מּ ֶל ֙� וְ ֶא ַ וַ יַּ ְשׁ ֵ ֣ קף ֲא ַ ֗רוְ נָ ה וַ יַּ ְ֤ רא ֶא 24:20
ת־ﬠ ָב ָדיו ֲ וְ ֶא
Four times
Com.: See 2 Sam 11:1. 24:20
אַפּיו ָ �וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַתּחוּ ַל ֶמּ ֶל ̇ל
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of � וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַתּחוּ ַל ֶמּ ֶלwith אַפּיו, ָ to distinguish it from its three occurrences with אַפּיו ָ ( ְל2 Sam 18:28), with אַפּיו ָ ( ַﬠל1 Kgs 1:23), or without any form of אַפּיו ָ (1 Kgs 1:53). In ML the circellus has been placed only on � וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַתּחוּ ַל ֶמּ ֶלbut since this form occurs more than once, MC extends the lemma to include אַפּיו ָ (אַפּיו ָ �)וַ יִּ ְשׁ ַתּחוּ ַל ֶמּ ֶל. MA has no note here.
2 SAMUEL 24:21 יהוה ָ֔ ת־ה ֗גּ ֹ ֶרן ִל ְבנ֤ וֹת ִמזְ ֵ֨בּ ַ ֙� ַ ֽל ַ אמר ָדּ ִ֜וד ִל ְקנ֧ וֹת ֵמ ִﬠ ְמּ�֣ ֶא ֶ ֹ ל־ﬠ ְב ֑דּוֹ וַ ֨יּ ַ י־ה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ֶא ַ אמר ֲא ַ ֔רוְ נָ ה ַמ ֛דּ ַוּ� ָ ֥בּא ֲאד ִ ֹֽנ ֶ ֹ וַ ֣יּ וְ ֵת ָﬠ ַ ֥צר ַה ַמּגֵּ ָ ֖פה ֵמ ַ ֥ﬠל ָה ָ ֽﬠם׃ 24:21
וְ ֵת ָﬠ ַצר
2 Sam 24:21; 1 Chr 21:22
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in these parallel passages with a ו cj., to distinguish them from its four occurrences with a וconsec. ()וַ ֵתּ ָﬠ ַצר.
2 SAMUEL 24:22 וּכ ֵ ֥לי ַה ָבּ ָ ֖ קר ְ ל־דּ ִ֔וד יִ ַ ֥קּח וְ ַי ַ֛ﬠל ֲאד ִ ֹ֥ני ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ַה ֣טּוֹב ְבּ ֵﬠ ָינ֑ו ְר ֵא ֙ה ַה ָבּ ָ ֣ קר ָלע ֔ ָֹלה וְ ַהמּ ִֹר ִגּ֛ים ָ אמר ֲא ַ ֨רוְ נָ ֙ה ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֤יּ ָל ֵﬠ ִ ֽצים׃ 24:22 Seven times
וְ יַ ַﬠל ̇ז
1–5 Exod 10:12; 2 Sam 24:22; 1 Kgs 22:20; Ezek 14:7; Ezra 1:3 6–7 2 Chr 18:19; 36:23 ()וְ יָ ַﬠל
Com.: The Masorah notes the seven occurrences of this lemma with a וcj. (jussive), to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (100+) with a וconsec. ( ;)וַ יַּ ַﬠלsee Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §8D.
The Mp and Mm headings at Exod 10:12 read seven times raṕê, that is, without a daḡeš in the י (a jussive), and the Mp heading at Ezra 1:3 similarly reads ְ זalso indicating a jussive and not a וconsec.
The Mp headings at 2 Chr 36:23 reads unique noting the sole occurrence of the pausal form of this lemma ( )וְ יָ ַﬠלat that reference.
400 24:22
Read ְבּ ֵﬠינָ יו
בעיניו ̇ק
Com.: The kəṯîḇ ( )בעינוwithout the second יrepresents the archaic form of the 3rd masc. sg. sfx. to a pl. noun, whereas the qərê ()בּ ֵﬠינָ יו ְ with the second יrepresents the later form; see Cohen, The Kethiḇ and Qeri System, 33; see 1 Sam 3:2. 24:22
ָלע ָֹלה
Five times
1–5 Lev 7:37; Num 7:87; 2 Sam 24:22; Ezek 40:42 (עוֹלה ָ ;)ל ָ 2 Chr 29:35
Com.: The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma with the def. prep. ל,ָ to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (33x) with the indef. prep. עוֹלה( ְל ָ ְל/;) ְל ֹע ָלה see Ognibeni, ’Oklah, §8F. This distinction is implied in the Mp heading at 2 Chr 29:35, which reads five times with qameṣ ()ה, ָ which distinguishes this form from one with a different vowel under the ל, which can only be a šəwâ. 24:22
וְ ַהמּ ִֹרגִּ ים
2 Sam 24:22; 1 Chr 21:23 (מּוֹרגִּ ים ִ )וְ ַה
Com.: The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma in these parallel passages, written once plene ( ו1 Chr 21:23), and once defective ( וhere). Both MC and MA read here more expansively twice, once defective and once plene. This lemma is featured in a Masoretic list of words that occur twice beginning with ;וְ ַהsee Frensdorff, Ochlah, §63, and Díaz-Esteban, Sefer Oklah we-Oklah, §64.
2 SAMUEL 24:23 �הי� יִ ְר ֶ ֽצ�׃ ֖ ֶ הו֥ה ֱא ָ ְל־ה ֶ֔מּ ֶל� י ַ אמר ֲא ַ ֨רוְ נָ ֙ה ֶא ֶ ֹ ַה ֗כֹּל נָ ַ ֛תן ֲא ַ ֥רוְ נָ ה ַה ֶ ֖מּ ֶל� ַל ֶ ֑מּ ֶל� ס וַ ֤יּ 24:23 Unique
�ַה ֶמּ ֶל� ַל ֶמּ ֶל ̇ל
2 SAMUEL 24:23
�יִ ְר ֶצ
Com.: The Masorah notes the sole occurrence of this lemma with a 2nd pers. sfx., possibly to distinguish it from its three occurrences without this sfx. ()יִ ְר ֶצה.
2 SAMUEL 24:24 �הי עֹל֣ וֹת ִח ָנּ֑ם וַ ִ֨יּ ֶקן ָדִּו֤ד ֖ ַ יהו֥ה ֱא ָ וֹת ֙� ִבּ ְמ ִ֔חיר וְ ֧ל ֹא ַא ֲﬠ ֶל֛ה ַל ְ י־קנ֨ וֹ ֶא ְק ֶנ֤ה ֵמ ֽא ָ ל־א ַ ֗רוְ נָ ה ֚ל ֹא ִ ֽכּ ֲ אמר ַה ֶ֜מּ ֶל� ֶא ֶ ֹ וַ ֨יּ ת־ה ָבּ ָ ֔קר ְבּ ֶ ֖כ ֶסף ְשׁ ָק ִ ֥לים ֲח ִמ ִ ֽשּׁים׃ ַ ת־ה ֨גּ ֹ ֶ ֙רן וְ ֶא ַ ֶא 24:24
Three times
Lev 25:14 (;)קנֹה ָ 2 Sam 24:24; 1 Chr 21:24 ()קנֹה ָ ——————————
ָקנוֹthree times, once written with a ו and twice written with a ה Lev 25:14 2 Sam 24:24 1 Chr 21:24
כת ̇ה ̇ [וב ̇ ] (קנו ̇ג חד כת ו̇ )וחד
או )קנו( ]קנה[ מיד עמיתך [כי קנו אקנה )מאתך( ]מאותך לא כי )קנו( ]קנה( אקנה
Com.: The Masorah notes the three occurrences of this lemma, twice written with a ( הLev 25:14 and 1 Chr 21:24), and once written with a ( וhere). 24:24
�אוֹת ְ ֵמ
Unique and plene
ומל ̇ ̇ל
Com.: By noting that this lemma is unique and written plene ו, the Masorah is also implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written defective ו.
This lemma is included in a list of forms of �אוֹת ְ written plene ;וsee the Mm at Exod 25:9.
402 24:24
Eight times
1–5 2 Sam 24:24; 1 Kgs 10:28; Isa 45:13; Jer 15:13; Mic 3:11 6–8 Lam 5:4; Dan 11:39; 2 Chr 1:16 ——————————
ִבּ ְמ ִחירeight times, and plene
1–5 2 Sam 24:24 1 Kgs 10:28 Isa 45:13 Jer 15:13 Mic 3:11 6–8 Dan 11:39 Lam 5:4
ומל ̇ במחיר ̇ח
לא כי קנו אקנה מאותך ומוצא הסוסים [)העירותי( ]העירתהו [חילך )ואוצרתיך( ]ואוצרותיך ראשיה בשחד ישפטו ועשה למבצרי )מימונו( ]מימינו[ בכסף שתינו
Com.: The Masorah notes the eight occurrences of this lemma written plene י. With the addition in the Mm heading of and plene, the Masora is implying (correctly) that this lemma does not occur elsewhere written defective י. 24:24
אַﬠ ֶלה ֲ
Eight times
Com.: See Judg 2:1. 24:24
Four times
וַ יִּ ֶקן ̇ד
Gen 23:19; 47:20; 2 Sam 24:24; 1 Kgs 16:24
Com.: The Masorah notes the four occurrences of this lemma, three times at the beginning of a verse (Gen 33:19, 47:20, and 1 Kgs 16:24), and once in the middle of a verse (here).
The Mp heading at Gen 33:19 reads three times at the beginning of a verse, and the Mp heading at Gen 47:20 reads three times, but more precisely it should have also read at the beginning of a verse.
2 SAMUEL 24:24
ְבּ ֶכ ֶסף
Fifteen times
Com.: See Josh 22:8.
2 SAMUEL 24:25 וּשׁ ָל ִ ֑מים וַ יֵּ ָﬠ ֵ ֤תר יְ הוָ ֙ה ָל ָ֔א ֶרץ וַ ֵתּ ָﬠ ַ ֥צר ַה ַמּגֵּ ָ ֖פה ֵמ ַ ֥ﬠל יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל׃ ְ יהוה וַ יַּ ַ֥ﬠל עֹל֖ וֹת ָ֔ וַ יִּ ֶבן֩ ָ֨שׁם ָדִּו֤ד ִמזְ ֵ֨בּ ַ ֙� ַ ֽל 24:25
וַ יֵּ ָﬠ ֵתר
Eight times
1–5 Gen 25:21; 2 Sam 21:14; 24:25; Ezra 8:23; 2 Chr 33:13
Com.: The Mp heading of eight times is incorrect since there are only five occurrences of this lemma. The error no doubt is a graphic one writing חeight instead of הfive.
The Masorah notes the five occurrences of this lemma in the niphal, to distinguish them from its four occurrences in the qal ()וַ יֶּ ְﬠ ַתּר. MA correctly reads here five times, and MC also correctly reads twice (in Samuel). 24:25
ֵמ ַﬠל יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ̇ל
1–2 1 Sam 17:26; 2 Sam 24:25
Com.: The Mp heading of unique is incorrect since there are two occurrences of this lemma.
The Masorah notes the two occurrences of this lemma with the prep. מ, to distinguish them from its more numerous occurrences (89x) without this preposition. Neither MC nor MA has a note on this lemma here.
The number of the verses in the book סכום הפסוקים של ספר is one thousand, five-hundred and six אלף וחמש מאות וששה