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English Pages 864 [904] Year 1937
THE JACKSONS AND THE LEES Two Generations of Massachusetts Merchants 1765-1844
John Jacob Astor: Business Man
L E E , J R . , H E N R Y L E E , AND H E N R Y L E E , J R . ,
Division XII. Joseph Lee, Jr., and Henry Lee, Boston East India Merchants, 1805-11
Division XIII. Henry Lee, Calcutta Supercargo and Agent, Division XIV. Henry Lee, Boston East India Merchant,
Division XVI. A Glance at Henry Lee, Jr., and William Bullard, Boston Commission Merchants and Factors in the Trade with Calcutta and Rio de Janeiro, 1 8 4 0 - 4 4
Division XV. Henry Lee, at the End of his Business Life,
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS VOLUME II Henry Lee (1782-1867), at the time of his retirement from active business, about 1840, from a painting by Gambardella, in the possession of Mr. Henry Lee Shattuck, Boston, Mass. Cf. New Eng. Hist. Gen. Reg., July, 1922, p. 208. A photograph of another, later, painting of Henry Lee appears in Frances Rollins Morse, Henry and Mary Lee: Letters and Journals, Boston, 1926, frontispiece (frontispiece) The brig Caravan, from a post card in the Peabody Museum, taken from a water color painted in 1912 by Murdoch Macpherson, from the description in her register and from contemporary ship portraits of other vessels of the same period and of similar dimensions and rigging. The original water color was destroyed in the Salem fire of 1914. The brig Caravan, the first Calcutta vessel belonging to the firm of Joseph Lee, Jr., and Henry Lee, was designed by their father and built at Salem in 1802. A f t e r passing from Lee ownership she became famous because of the feats performed by her under the command of Augustine Heard. It was on the Caravan that the first American missionaries to India left the United States in 1812 and it was for the centenary of this event that this partially imaginative reconstruction of the Caravan was prepared
Boston, 1810, from an aquatint engraving in colors by Bogueta de Woiseri, in the possession of, and used by courtesy of, Mabel Brady Garvan Institute of American Arts and Crafts, Yale University. This illustration presents a view of Boston as it was when the Calcutta trade of the-Lees and Jacksons was at its height. Observe the winter forest of masts in the background and to the right of the view
Bordeaux, 1804, from a heliogravure by Dujardin after a photograph by Fourie of a painting by Pierre Lacour, in Camille Jullian, Histoire de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, 1895. American merchants during the Revolution began a trade with Bordeaux which had been impossible under British rule. After the Revolution, when
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS war, with resultant embargoes, blockades, etc., did not make it impossible, Bordeaux presented an outlet for West India and Oriental goods, offering wine in return
Calcutta, 1792, from Thomas and William Daniell, Oriental Scenery (London, 1816), 2nd ser., no. 1. The view is thus described: "Part of the Esplanade, Calcutta. The Esplanade lies between Fort William to the south, and the town of Calcutta to the north, which are distant about half a mile; Cheringhee on the east, and on the west the river Hoogley, a branch of the Ganges. . . . Ships of considerable burden come up as high as Calcutta. The Dutch East Indiamen, French and Danes, proceed many miles farther to their respective settlements of Chinsura, Chandemagore, and Serampore." There are a number of other important views of Calcutta, among which may be mentioned "A View of Calcutta, taken from Fort Willliam," in R. A. Hodges, Travels in India during the years 1780 . . . 1783 (London, 1793), p. 14; "General View of Calcutta, taken near the Sluice of Fort William," in "twelve Views of the Town of Calcutta in Bengal. Drawn and Etch'd, in 1794, by Lieut. W. Baillier"; "West View of Calcutta: 1805," ' from a sketch by James Moffat, and "Calcutta from Fort William: 1807," from a water color sketch by Samuel Davis in the Victoria Memorial Hall Collection, Calcutta, both in Bengal: Past and Present, vol. xxix, p. 124; and "Calcutta from [the] Garden [house] Reach," from an engraving by William Daniell in the Victoria Memorial Hall Collection, Calcutta, reproduced in Picturesque Voyages to India (1810), plate 49, in William Daniell and the Rev. Hobart Caunter, The Oriental Annual (London, 1835), P- 254, and in Bengal: Past and Present, vol. xlii, p. 136. The principal trade of the Lees and P. T. Jackson during the nineteenth century was with Calcutta. P. T. Jackson made at least two voyages to Calcutta; Henry Lee traded with Calcutta for about forty years, made at least three voyages thereto, and once lived there continuously for nearly four years The Wharves of Boston, 1829, from a painting by Robert Salmon belonging to the Bostonian Society. This painting gives a "general view . . . of the water front of Boston from India Wharf to Quincy Market," at a time when P. T. Jackson had withdrawn from commerce and Henry Lee, although still actively engaged in trading with Calcutta, had long since ceased to be a shipowner. The identity of the vessel in the foreground is not known; indeed
it is probably "ideal" since the artist in his catalogue, which is in the Boston Public Library, refers to the painting thus: "No. 634. July 6, 1829, in B o s t o n — ; . . . fancy ship's portrait, view of Boston and mafro — dite [sic] brig, nothing twise [sic] over 36 Days." The sunburst on the ship's foretopsail is probably intended as a conventionalized representation of St. Elmo's fires, an electrical phenomenon, named after a saint who has long been the patron of Mediterranean sailors, and supposed o signalize his divine protection. For comments on this painting see Proceedings of the Bostonian Society (1895), pp. 37-42; the painting is reproduced in colors in the volume for 1909
The privateer hermaphrodite brig Abaellino, 1815, from a water color in the Peabody Museum of Salem. The Abaellino was built for Joseph Lee, Jr., by James Ford of Medford, probably in 1814, although the vessel's register in the Boston Custom House says 1813. She was registered under the ownership of Joseph Lee, Jr., Dec. 9, 1814, and the following day under the ownership of Henry and Winslow Lewis, William F. Wyer, master. She was evidently built specifically for a privateer and accordingly sailed upon a privateering voyage, though her second register was issued only a fortnight before the treaty of peace was signed at Ghent; the action portrayed in the painting took place a fortnight after the treaty of peace was ratified by the Senate but doubtless before word even of the signing at Ghent had reached either of the participants. The Abaellino's importance for our purpose lies solely in the probability that she was designed by Joseph Lee, Jr., who is said to have "inherited" his father's talent for naval architecture. James Ford, the builder, constructed only this ship and another, both in 1814 and both privateers, and it may be that Joseph Lee, Jr., entrusted him with the task of carrying out his designs because he felt that Ford would be more amenable to suggestions than a more prominent and experienced shipbuilder. It is a little strange to find such a staunch Federalist and antiwar man in the role of a privateer designer, but he could probably have demonstrated to his own satisfaction the broad distinction between owning and operating a privateer and merely designing a vessel which would have all the qualifications for use as a privateer
Joseph Lee, Jr., (1770-1845), in old age, from a painting by John Pope in 1842, belonging to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Boston, deposited at the Society for the Preservation of New England
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Antiquities. Joseph Lee, Jr., was the oldest child of Joseph Lee, Sr., and was the brother and partner of Henry Lee. He was not, as might appear, blind in one eye, "but as he sometimes closed the right eye and sometimes the left, it is supposed that he was astigmatic and simply made his own adjustment." (Frances Rollins Morse, Henry and Mary Lee: Letters and Journals, Boston, 1926, p. 18.) Mrs. Henry Lee wrote from Waltham, Aug. 14, 1842, to her son Henry in Paris: "Your uncle Jos. is having his likeness taken at the suggestion of Hattie [Harriet Jackson Lee] — & FOR HER. He has selected a new artist — Pope — merits of course uncertain — they say he has a facility in catching likenesses — doubtful as to the finish — I fear it will be hideous — The old gentleman has seemed pleased with the idea." Cf. New Eng. Hist. Gen. Reg., July, 1922, p. 206
Rajkissen Mitter, Calcutta banian (1838), from a photograph of a life-sized clay statue in the Peabody Museum of Salem. It was the custom of Calcutta merchants to present their statues or portraits to their mercantile correspondents in the United States; remarkable life-like representations of Rajkissen Mitter, Rajendra Dutte, and Durgha Prasanna Ghose were delivered in 1838, 1848, and 1850, respectively, and probably represent typical Bengali banians of the early 19th century. We do not know that either P. T. Jackson or Henry Lee ever enjoyed personal business relations with any one of these three banians, who belong to a somewhat later period than that in which Jackson and Lee were Calcutta supercargoes (although it is barely possible that Durgha Prasanna Ghose is the same as "Dugespesand"), but it is certain that Henry Lee was intimately concerned with other (probably older) members of the Mitter family if not with Rajkissen himself, from the frequency with which the names of "Ramchander Mitre" and "Tacoor Doss Mitre" appear in his letters and accounts. A portrait of Rajkissen Mitter, made in 1846, is in the Old State House, Boston, and another (erroneously described as being that of Radha Kissen Mitter) is reproduced in Other Merchants and Sea Captains of Old Boston, Boston, 1919, the original being in the possession of Mr. George H. Mackay in his house in Nantucket. Photographs of the statues of Mitter, Ghose, and Dutte are reproduced in The Marine Room of the Peabody Museum, Salem, 1921, p. 118 and opposite p. 116 . . . .
Calcutta scene, 1792, from Thomas and William Daniell, Oriental Scenery (London, 1816), 2nd ser., no. 2. "View on the Chitpore
Road, Calcutta. In this view on the Chitpore road (taken in the Monsoon season) appears the house of a native Bengal merchant; the style of architecture in its ornamental parts is Mahommedan, except in the turret, which is an unsuccessful attempt at the Grecian, as introduced by the Portuguese. These incongruities very frequently occur in modem Indian buildings whose owners have intercourse with Europeans. Fart of a Bazaar, or market, is seen, and a small Hindoo temple of modern construction." This view, and others like it, must have been familiar to P. T. Jackson and Henry Lee. "A View of the Loll Bazaar, from Opposite the House of John Palmer, Esq.," by James Baillie Fraser, appears in Bengal: Past and Present, vol. v, pp. 233-234
Cadiz, 1792, from an illustration in Antonio Ponz, Viage de Espana, 18 vols., Madrid, 1792, vol. xvii, p. 316. Both before and after the Revolution, Cadiz offered to New England merchants one of the best markets for "merchantable fish" from New England, flour from Philadelphia and Baltimore, and rice from Charleston. This illustration, unfortunately, seems to be concerned with Cadiz from the viewpoint of fortification rather than of commerce; one gets little idea of wharves, warehouses, or even shipping
George Cabot (1752-1823), in youth, from a negative in the Essex Institute, Salem, of a painting by an unknown artist. George Cabot was the brother-in-law and partner of Joseph Lee, Sr.
Henry Lee's house, 4 Bedford PL, Boston, from a photograph in the possession of the Bostonian Society. Henry Lee's door is the middle one on the left-hand side of the street. The house was built for him, under his father's superintendence, during his absence in India, 1821-22, and was occupied by him from the latter date to his death. In 1856 it became 28 Chauncy St. Bedford PI. was a Lee-Jackson stronghold. In 1850 Henry Lee's son-in-law George Higginson occupied 2 Bedford PI. and Dr. J. B. S. Jackson, his wife's nephew, lived in 6 Bedford PI. Judge Charles Jackson, his brother-in-law, lived on the opposite side of the street in No. 7. Other dwellers on Bedford PI. were "Mr. and Mrs. John Amory Lowell, . . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paine (Fanny Jackson), . . . Miss Harriet Jackson with her niece, Miss Sally Gardner, and Mrs. Henry Jackson, almost all with families of active children" (James Jackson Putnam, A Memoir of Dr. James Jackson, Boston and N. Y., 1905, p. 115).
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Henry Lee's Boston house is in marked contrast to those once occupied by his father and his uncle George Cabot in Beverly and by his wife's father and uncle in Newburyport .
The ship Logan off the Cape of Good Hope, 1834, from a pencil drawing by Thomas Handasyd Cabot in "Journal kept on board ship Logan bound to Gibraltar and Canton," Mar. 4, 1834-Aug. 10, 1834, in the Jackson-Lee Papers. This is one of three drawings of the Logan made on the voyage by the gifted young artist, who died in Canton on Apr. 27, 1835, at the age of twenty-one, from smallpox. The Logan on one occasion brought goods from London to Henry Lee, but this picture is included merely for its own intrinsic interest and value which it is believed are sufficient justification for calling it to the reader's attention
Madras, 1792, from Thomas and William Daniell, Oriental Scenery (London, 1816), 2nd ser, no. 7. "South-East View of Fort St. George, Madras. The view is taken on the beach southwest of the Fort of Madras. . . . In the distance is seen part of the Madras roads; and in the foreground the sea breaking in with its usual turbulency on this coast; the only vessels in use for passing through this surge to communicate with the shipping, are called Massoola boats. They are flat bottomed, and built without iron, the planks being sewed together with line made from the outer coat of the cocoa nut." Madras was the only oriental port, other than Calcutta, with which P. T . Jackson and the younger Lees traded in their own vessels
Philadelphia, before 1754, from an engraving by J. Carwitham belonging to the New York Public Library. Philadelphia, the largest city of colonial North America, was important, to the Essex Co. merchants with whom we are concerned, because it was an iron mining, linen manufacturing, and, particularly, a wheat raising and flour milling center. Beverly and Salem vessels returning with specie, from a voyage to the West Indies with fish, could stop at Philadelphia and take on board a cargo of flour for Massachusetts where little wheat was raised. Also, a cargo of northern flaxseed from the Merrimack could be sent to Philadelphia, for the use of the flax raisers and linen manufacturers in her trade area, returning with wheat, flour, and iron; or a general cargo of rum, molasses, sugar, etc., from any Essex County port could be sent to Philadelphia and the proceeds invested in flour for Spain or Portugal. The illustration
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS gives a good view of the harbor, shipping, and wharves. Observe the corn mill, located in the harbor, doubtless for the convenience of both wheat raisers and flour shippers
India Wharf, about i860, from a photograph belonging to the Bostonian Society. India Wharf was built in 1805; Bulfinch was the architect. From 1821 to 1847, inclusive, Henry Lee, Sr., had his office at 39 India Wharf; during this same period Francis Lee, Ozias Goodwin, William S. Bullard, and Henry Lee, Jr., at various times occupied the same number, doubtless as associates of Henry Lee, Sr. From 1844 to 1852, inclusive, No. 39 India Wharf was occupied by Bullard, Lee & Co.; after that date only the Bullards remained, but after 1857 they disappear, although Stephen reappeared for a single year in 1861. Part of India Wharf is shown in the illustration "Central and India Wharves in 1857," Samuel Eliot Morison, The Maritime History of Massachusetts (Boston and N . Y . , 1921), p. 348
Second Generation (with a Glance at a Third): Joseph Lee, Jr., Henry Lee and Henry Lee, Jr. 1805-44 DIVISION X I I JOSEPH LEE, JR., AND HENRY LEE BOSTON EAST INDIA MERCHANTS
1805-II L E T T E R FROM H E N R Y L E E , BOSTON, S E P T . 2 4 , 1 8 0 5 , TO JOHN STILLE &
Henry Lee had been absent from Boston for nearly a year, July, 1804-June, 1805, on a voyage to France. On his return he became associated with his brother Joseph in the East India trade and assumed the major share of the partnership's correspondence. The plan, suggested in the letter below, of making a Calcutta voyage by way of Europe, stopping at Leghorn to get dollars, was not carried out.
Mess John Stille &C°. Boston Septr. 2 4 t h . 1805 Philadelphia Gentlemen your reply to mine of the 13 th . & 14 th . is recd. I stated r M . Olivers acc*. as it appears on his mem". — I was in error in not noticing your remittance on 23rd. Ult°. of $ 1 4 4 5 — i t 1. Jackson-Lee Papers, "Letter Book. Clos'd on 19th. November 1806."
was occasioned by a wrong entry of our Clerks — The Voyage I think of — but have not yet fix'd upon will be from Europe say Leghorn to Calcutta to Sail in April next — Dollars have usually been bot, there at par probably if a large Amount should be Shipp'd they might Cost i per Cent advance — in case I conclude upon the Voyage & you Ship — I will agree to furnish you the Dollars. Charging nothing but what is Actually paid for them I will on my arrival in Calcutta deduct out n per Cent for freight & Commission the remainder invest in such piece Goods as you may direct Subject to your order at the port of Discharge in United States probably Boston — These terms are same we have had in Caravan, Pembroke &c being less by 2 per Cent I imagine than what you have paid in Ships from your port. yours respectfully Henry Lee I mean by piece Goods. Gurrahs, Mamoodies, Sannahs &c. — Gunnys & Sail Cloth must not be Considered as included — LETTER FROM HENRY LEE FOR JOSEPH LEE, JR., BOSTON, N o v . 8, 1805, TO EBENEZER STOCKER, NEWBURYPORT, IN REGARD TO INSURANCE FOR A VOYAGE TO FRANCE 1 This letter does not indicate a departure from the previous practice of Joseph Lee, Jr., of trading only to the East Indies, since a large proportion of goods imported into the United States from Calcutta was later sent to markets in the West Indies and the Continent of Europe. The brig Perseverance, 176 t., was on Oct. 22, 1805, owned by Joseph Lee, Jr., and Henry Lee, and commanded by Ralph I. Linzee. 2
Eben r . Stocker Esq r . Boston Nov'. 8 th . 1805 Sir I wish to know what you [received — stricken through] w«1. take the following risque at — say $22000 — on Cargo 1. Jackson-Lee Papers, "Letter Book. Clos'd on 19th. November 1806." 2. Registers, Boston Custom House, 1805, no. 306.
Perseverance Linzee from Boston for nantes — Cargo Sugar accompany'd with all the necessary documents including the English Consul's Certificate — there are [but — stricken through interlineated: only] 2 Shippers of whole on board & none of the Cargo imported by them except 20 Boxes Gums from Calcutta — The [instruction — stricken through interlineated: intention] of the Shippers is that the Cargo be sold at Nantes & there is scarcely a probability of going to any other port with her Cargo, but I wish the liberty of going to one more port in france & to Holland if necessary — what insurance has been made in Town say 20,000 has been done at Mr Jones's office on the following terms — 4 p r Ct. if Nantes only with addition of 1 % [interlineated: if to a second port in france & 2 p/c] if she goes to Holland M r Welles office offer to take the Nantes Risque at 4 % but object to the additional prem. — if she goes to Holland as not being sufficient, I think it is as the Chance of proceeding to another port than Nantes is not more than 1 to 50 — will you have the goodness to let me know as soon as you can whether your office will take on above terms? — yours &c (Sign'd) Henry Lee for Joseph Lee Junr. The P. is almost new this being her 2n. Walley will write you by mail to invest some funds of his in your hands in Dollars, he is a shipper in our vessel for Calcutta, I hope you will not therefore charge him much, if any thing, for collecting, he was recommended to you by M r . Dudly Pickman I presume. — Th'o he may not a present have much business you may yet I am glad he is in your correspondence — as he is one our most wealthy &respectable merchants, — I wish you could find some house who would put the 100,000$ you mention on board our vessel we can take it on much lower terms than any Vessel has ever done from your port — your shippers of West India Goods are mad — we think peace will be made in this quarter — which will certainly ruin many of your no Capital — dashing Merchts. I should myself not readly trust any one who would give II $ for brown Havanna & 30 Cents for Coffee — such a purchaser in this Town would ruin the Credit of the most wealthy man in it — I congratulate my friend Devereux on his expeditious &favourable Sales & hope he will not fail to charge his Concern'd especially freighters, with a round Commission.— Yours Henry Lee Collect for me as it comes in your way all the information you can for our voyage, H .Lee 2. Briggs, op. cit., vol. ii, pp. 511, 531.
P, S, I would not Credit the person you mention with One or T w o Thousand Dollars without an endorser H. Lee I would have you insert an advertisement to the following effect. — — For Calcutta — " A fast sailing [interlineated: Coppered] Vessel, any person desireous of shipping Specie will please apply to Peter Remsen " — on application you can say that she will sail in all November — goods will be return'd to this place where they shall be sold free of any charge except Commission % [interlineated: to] the Auctioneers — that if 100,000 — is offered they [interlineated: returns] will be deliver'd at N . Y o r k & SuperCargo [interlineated: of their own] may be sent — H. Lee — LETTER FROM JOSEPH L E E , JR., BOSTON, OCT. 22, 1806, TO R U F U S K I N G , JAMAICA, LONG ISLAND, SUGGESTING AN ADVENTURE TO CALCUTTA
The vessel on which Lee suggested a shipment was the brig Gulliver, then building. It is curious that he mentions only the prospective profit but not the terms of shipment. Perhaps those had been mentioned "in May last" when Lee obtained permission to make the proposition below. They were probably 1 1 % on the shipment, payable in Calcutta, for freight, the other usual alternative being one-third profits, payable in Boston. Joseph Lee could not have been accused of grandiose and overpersuasive exposition of the profits to be expected; he rather preferred to err by understatement. We have no record that Rufus King took advantage of this opportunity. Rufus King at the time of this letter was, between two unsuccessful candidacies for the vice-presidency on the Federalist ticket, engaged in farming on Long Island. The Lees, staunch Federalists so long as that party endured, may, in making King this offer, have had the secondary motive of assisting one of the Federalist standard bearers to make a good profit. 1. New York Historical Society, Rufus King Papers, box xi.
Boston, Oct. 22. 1806 Honble Rufus King Dear Sir Supposing it possible from conversation with you while at New York, that you may have funds unapropriated, I take the liberty of informing you that I have a Vessel that will sail for Calcutta early in December, in which you may ship, from five to twenty thousand dollars, with a moral certainty of gaining Six per Cent p Ann with a reasonable expectation of ten p Cent p Ann & a chance for twelve p Cent p Ann with very little hazard — if Calcutta goods are as high next year as this an adventure will give a profit of 15 to 20 p Cent p Ann after paying all charges including insurance — Shoud you have funds that you are willing to adventure & you will cause the money to be placed in the hands of M r Peter Remsen for my Aco* I will take care & make every other arrangement without troubling you & have as much Insurance done as you shall direct — I cannot allow myself this liberty without reminding you that in May last I had your permission — I pray [interlineated: you] will do me the honor to make my respects acceptable to M r s King & accept my best wishes — respectfully your very humb servt Jos Lee jr [Addressed] Honbl Rufus King Jamaica Long Island Care of Mr Peter Remsen [Endorsed] Mr Jos Lee Boston 22 Oct 1806
Andrew Smith, evidently an American merchant resident in Calcutta, was perhaps identical with the New York merchant of that name to whom Joseph Lee had written Jan. 19, 1802, in regard to abortive plans for a correspondence. He had shipped some India goods to Boston by the Rising Sun, Capt. George Lee, to be sold by Joseph Lee, Jr. The latter lays most of the blame for the low prices at which they sold to the poor selection of the goods; in other letters he also mentions the perennial prospects for peace as a depressing influence. The new vessel belonging to the Lees which was "to sail in about a month" for India with Robert Cabot as supercargo was the Gulliver, a brig of 245 tons burthen, commanded by George Lee, for which Henry Lee was trying to make insurance, Dec. 22, 1806. This letter, though about three weeks out of its chronological order, is by position the last in the letter book of Joseph Lee, Jr., and of Joseph Lee, Jr., and Henry Lee, 1793-94, 1797-1806. Although this letter book covers a period of more than ten years, as many pages are required for the entries of 1805 and 1806 as for all the other years preceding, which indicates something of the comparative scope and intensity of the Lees' interest in commerce during this general period. Andrew Smith Esq e . Boston Oct e . 2 7th. 1806 Calcutta Sir your favors of 30 t h . Jany. 28 th . Feby, 25 t h . M a r c h & 24th. M a y , have been rec d . the two former have already been reply'd to — I have now to inform you that the sales of your piece Goods except a Muster Bale is Completed — at bottom you have a note of the prices from which you can make estimation of the proceeds — the Account sales not yet having been rec d . from the Auctioneer cannot be sent till another opportunity — you could not have been more unfortunate in a choice of Goods for this market than in your Invoice p r . Cap 4 . Lee — 1. Jackson-Lee Papers, "Letter Book. Clos'd on 19th. November 1806."
THE JACKSONS AND T H E LEES they were all of them of the most unsaleable Kind — The Baftas which on Comparrison with Cap*. Lee's — were said to have been, considerably inferior in quality were Invoiced 5 Rps. pr.Corge higher, the checks were of much too good a quality & did not sell in proportion for as much as the coarse kind — Cossa's have for a long time been out of repute except the coarsest kind that are shipped from Bengal however such as they are, I have made the most of them — these observations are made that you may not be surprised at the low Sale of your goods while other Invoices by same vessel sold at near 90 Cents the Rupee — Cap*. Lee's Cargo Consisting of Gurrahs Mow Sannas — Coarse mamoodies, Blue Gilla hdkfs, Coarse Checks Emerties &c, averaged 8g}4 Cents prRupee — Drugs have been plenty from Mocha & Muscat of better quality & Cheaper than from Calcutta — not having been able to dispose of yours at any price, I have shipp'd them to Philadelphia I wd. not advise shipping any Gums or Drugs unless you can buy them of a very good qu]y. & as low as they Come Charged from Muscat — & even then our market is so small, that exportation must be resorted to for any considerable quantity — perhaps a small quanty. of Copal & good Senna when you have opportunities of sending at a low freight may Answer well — The coarse piece Goods the demand has been great during the season. — Rising Suns sold at 89 Cents — The Endeavours at 87 Cents — the Sally (M r . Goodhues) sold at 81 Cents Ulysses at 85 Cents — since August there has been Imported in this State & at Providence 2500 Bales which being distributed among the retailers the demand has become supply'd, & a Cargo could not now be sold at more than 80 Cents — Sugars in consequence of State of things in Europe have been for several months past low — good Bengal wd. not now bring more 1 1 Dollars & if peace is made will fall below that price — Indigo Continues high, the last sales (Endeavours) which was not good first quality — was at $2.15. — this price cannot be calculated upon — I should say the first quality wd now command from $ 2, to 2.20 — with respect to goods suited to our market it is impossible to anticipate for 3 months what Kind will best answer
— I shd. generally say — Coarse goods, such as Beerboom Gurrahs, Catwah — Manickpore, Gurrahs — Patna Baftas — Coarse Checks, Manickpore Mamoody, Foolpore D°. Mow d°. —Boran & Jugdia Baftas, Coarse Gillas Mow Sannas, Blue Cloths 36 by not Costing more than 70 Rp s — Chintz not s more than 2oRp . 10 by 2 & White Goods 40 by 2 under 75 Rp s . p r C°. — at present all kinds of fine goods are out of repute, yet possibly 12 Months hence they may be wanted particularly if Cotton goods in England should from any cause be higher — I shall remit the proceeds of your sales by a vessel of my own to sail in aboyt a month — Mr Cabot who goes out in her will do himself the pleasure to call on you — & I hope will be able to make some negotiation mutually advantageous, — I pray you to offer M r s . Smith my best regards, & believe me — Sincerely — your friend (Sign'd) Jos, Lee j r . The remittance by my vessel will be insured — the premium will be about 4 ^ % — (Sign'd) Jos, Lee j r . L E T T E R FROM H E N R Y L E E FOR SELF AND JOSEPH L E E , JR., BOSTON, N o v . 1 , 1 8 0 6 , TO SAMUEL W I L L I A M S , LONDON, ON S H I P MENTS TO EUROPE
This letter gives an account of shipments to Europe since the Perseverance, which had gone to Europe the previous year and returned, sailed again for Cherbourg on June 18, 1806, with a cargo of sugar and coffee. Capt. Linzee was master and Francis Lee may have been supercargo.2 The Lees "made a Shipment of $12,000 pr. Helen to Nantes." 3 John B. Greene seems to have been the supercargo. On Sept. 10, hearing rumors of peace, of which, however, they were skeptical, the Lees wrote him advising him that if peace 1. Jackson-Lee Papers, "Letter Book. Clos'd on 19th. November 1806." 2. Ibid., Henry Lee for self and Joseph Lee, Jr., Boston, Aug. 3, 1806, to Thomas & Adrian Cremer, Rotterdam. 3. Ibid., Henry Lee for self and Joseph Lee, Jr., Boston, Aug. 2, 1806, to Samuel Williams, London.
had taken place and "prices [were] so low as to leave Considerable loss" he should keep their adventure on hand but also that "you will do well therefore not to wait if a saving offer is made even tho. the war Continues." They had made a shipment to the value of $15,000 to the Mediterranean by William Oliver in July, so the shipment of $4,000 by the Republican to the same quarter of the world must have been an addition. John Cabot was the supercargo,4 difficult though it may be to imagine a Cabot consenting to be associated with a vessel of such a name. The ashes shipped by the Brutus had been obtained in New York by Peter Remsen. The Pedler was doubtless the brig later famous on the North West Coast as an Astor vessel. The Roxanna was probably a Perkins vessel 5 and John Bromfield was supercargo.6 Samuel Williams E s q r . Boston N o v r . i s t . 1806 — London Sir your several favours down to Sept r . Ist. have been duly d rec . — since our d r a f t in of Mess. Boott & P r a t t the Acceptance of which is acknowledged in yours of 4th. August, we have drawn on y o u as follows. — August 2nd. Septr. 1 6 — Ocf. —15th. 1 Bill 416.1.10 1 d°. 370.16." i d°. 300. " "
£1,000. " — " 60 D a y s 1,500 " — " — D o . 1,500 " — " —
d°. — 23rd.
— 30 t h . Novr. — i
1,500. " — " 1000. " — "
£7,586.17.10.— from your letters & m y Brother Francis's memorandum of advances made b y R i d g w a y & C ° . [& — stricken through] remitted before he l e f t Antwerp — there must still be a balance 4. Ibid,., Henry Lee, Boston, July 14, 1806, to Peter Remsen, N. Y.; ibid., "Letter Book Finished Decr. 1808," Henry Lee, Boston, Apr. 18, 1807, to Samuel Williams, London. 5. Briggs, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 543. 6. Jackson-Lee Papers, "Foreign Sales on acc'. of J. & H. Lee from 1803 to 1810. — "
due us which shall draw for immediately. — we presume before this (from / M r . Greene's letters at N a n t s ) you will have received something for Acco*. of the Helen's Cargo — in July we made a Shipment to M e d n . in the Brig e . Republican of $4000 Cost — in Sept r . a Shipt. of Ashes from N e w Y o r k in Ship Brutus for N a n t s Cost $4000 — Our adventure in Pedler, in Ashes Ivory & Sugar Cost $19,000, we made also a small adventure in the Roxanna, arrived sometime since at Amsterdam, the proceeds of these different shipments are directed to be remitted you except a small amount conditionally ordered in goods to this country — On examination of M r . S Cabot J r s . Accounts of 3 Thomas's Cargo — there appears a balance due you [interlineated: on] Henry Lees prop o n . of said concern — & also in M r . S. Cabots concern purchas'd by us you will charge them to our joint Acco*. W e enclose you mess rs . S & H Higginsons order to transferr two remittances made you b y Mr. Bromfield on their account £1260 .. & £1350, to our account — you will charge our account with one eight part of a Bill of exchange D r a w n b y Cap 4 . James Gilchrist on you of the owners of Brig*. Caravan — we remain — with respect your Ob 1 . S t s . (Sign'd) H e n r y Lee for Self & Joseph Lee J r . L E T T E R FROM H E N R Y L E E FOR SELF AND JOSEPH L E E , JR., B O S TON, N o v .
1 8 0 6 , TO G O L U C K , B A N I A N , C A L C U T T A ,
A banian was a member of a Hindu caste of traders and merchants who frequently acted as bankers and brokers in foreign commerce. About the same time, Henry Lee also wrote letters of a similar tenor to various other Calcutta merchants — Ram Kissen Day & Ramchunder Mitre, and Ram Lochun Bonarjia. The Lees had apparently never before sent a vessel to Madras, their trade with India having been confined to Calcutta. The ship Susan of Boston had sailed from Calcutta, Dec. 3, 1805, 1. Jackson-Lee Papers, "Letter Book. Clos'd on 19th. November 1806."
under the command of D. D. Pulsifer; Francis Lee was probably supercargo. The ship Rising Sun, Captain G. G. Lee, had sailed from Calcutta for Boston, Feb. 6, 1806.2 Goluck Boston Nov r . 13 t h . 1806 — American Banian Calcutta pMinerva Sir The faithfulness with which you transacted the business of my Brother M r . Francis Lee of Ship Susan & my relation Geo. G. Lee. of the rising Sun induce me to address you on this occasion &request that you would write M>. [interlineated: Robert] Cabot Supercargo of a vessel of ours which will sail in few days for Madrass — the following information — Viz 1 , price of Spanish Doll s . Brandy, Rum, Claret wine, Madeira Do. — Cheese, Salmon Hats Mahogany &Gin, also the price of Sugar, Indigo, &piece Goods, — M r . C. will proceed from Madrass to Calcutta — & on his arrival if you will call on him — he probably will purchase your goods direct your letter to the care of your friend at Madrass who will find out M r . C — as soon as he arrives — and a Copy of the same to Mess Lys, Satur & D e Monte. — your friends (Sign'd) Henry Lee for self & Jos. Lee Jr [In margin: (two words illegible) to buy 2000 ps Brown Baftas — 2000 ps Mow sannas — 2000 ps Tookery — ] LETTER FROM H E N R Y LEE, BOSTON, N o v . 1 7 , 1806, TO PETER REMSEN, N E W Y O R K , IN REGARD TO ARRIVAL OF DROMO AT CALCUTTA
Since late in May all the letters from the firm of Joseph & Henry Lee had been signed either by Henry Lee or by a Donald Morrison. 2. Ibid., "Vessels cleared and merchandize shipped from Calcutta, 1800-1812." 1. Jackson-Lee Papers, "Letter Book. Clos'd on 19 th . November 1806."
Apparently the older brother was occupied with travelling, for the purpose of disposing of India goods to merchants in other ports and obtaining freights for the firm's vessels. It would of course be to the advantage of the Lees in seeking freight for the Drotno on another voyage to have the speed of her passage widely known among prospective shippers. The Drotno cleared from Boston, Mar. n and from Calcutta, Nov. 13, 1806.2 M r . Peter Remsen Boston Nov e . 17 th . 1806 Dr.Sir Your Ans r . to my enquiries are very full & satisfactory — should you know of any thing that will be useful to us futher you will mention it in your letters from time to time — I presume ere this my Brother has arrived — if has not or has left Newyork for Phila. open the enclos'd letter to him which contains an order from M r . S. H. Walley on you to deliver what Dollars you have collected for him — Mr Tim 0 . Williams will write by this mail to transferr to our account — due him from ye — to 15 th . Dec e . — $6113.59 — this sum we must request you to be in advance for us in purchasing our Dollars when the sum already remitted has been dispos'd of — We shall not draw on you for Amount of your Draft in favour of Hurd as I mention'd in mine of 5 th . Inst. We hope you have by this time Converted all our paper into specie as we shall want it as soon as it can be brought on — our Vessel will be ready very soon We had the pleasure on Saturday of learning the arrival of the Dromo at Calcutta in 107 days — a very short passage, We have no letters from M r . Cabot but presume he is well as the Cap 1 , who bro*. the information saw a letter at Madrass from him to his friends there — you will be kind enough to have the arrival mentioned in Langs Ship news — it is of some Consequence in establishing a reputation for the Ship to have so remarkable a passage known — Yours (Sign'd) H Lee 2. Ibid.,
"Vessels cleared and merchandize shipped from Calcutta,
1806, TO JOHN
T h e manuscript book in which this is the first letter follows without break the volume "Letter Book. Clos'd on 19 th . November 1 8 0 6 ; " the character of the business revealed is consequently similar in both. John B . Greene had gone as supercargo for the Lees in a vessel to Nantes. From there on Dec. 9, 1806, he shipped Joseph Lee, Jr., and Henry L e e an invoice of 40,000 livres in gloves, handkerchiefs, silk hosiery, umbrellas, taffetas, etc. 2 T h i s letter reveals that, counting the cargo which Greene had accompanied, the Lees were at this time engaged in no less than half a dozen shipments to the Continent.
Boston November 20th. 1806 — Mr. John B, Greene (via New York) Dear Sir We have rec d . your several favours to 26 September,— the last informing of Sales of our adventure came to hand two days since — in reply generally to your letters, we say with pleasure that you managed the Sales of our shipment to our satisfaction — It has been a maxim with us in foreign ports, to sell when a saving price could be obtained, unless there was a moral certainty of doing better by delay — it does not appear to us in this instance that there would have been — & in doing as you have done, you have acted on the spirit of our instructions & tho, upon calculation there is no profit, yet on the whole under existing circumstances we are very glad to come off so well, — We regret that you have determin'd on remaining in France, unless you have some other object in view than what appears in your letters to us, — did we think the prospect encouraging or even prudent we should upon the strength of information sent us make a shipment &Consign it to you — but there is neither, Ashes, Cotton, or Indigo, unless at such 1. Jackson-Lee Papers, "Letter Book Finished Dec r . 1808." 2. Ibid.., "Invoices," 1799-1812.
high prices as forbid any hope of Profit. — As for Sugar it is no lower than the spring prices, & great quantities are going & already gone — besides we have now unsold in Europe (with our Brother T Lee) a cargo at Antwerp, another on the way to Cherbourg — part of Cargo in Rotterdam, and two adventures to Amsterdam under these circumstances & at the present war prices of Colonial produce — we do not see a shadow of hope for profit on the articles you name altho, prices quoted on were even higher — we shall show the information to M r Winslow &M r . Chandler, and endeavour to prevail upon them to make you a Consignment — which however we conceive there is a very small chance of their doing — Ashes are now at 20oDollars and none at market of any Consequence, should they fall to 180 D o l k which we presume must have been the price you calculated upon we will ship 2000, Dollars worth on your account, — We are your friends gave Prices Current in Boston \ Joseph Lee J r , and at foot of letter forwarded — J Henry Lee — by Don d . Morrison (sign'd) LETTER FROM H E N R Y LEE FOR SELF AND JOSEPH LEE, JR., BOSTON, D E C . 22, 1806, TO WILLIAM FARRIS, NEWBURYPORT, IN REGARD TO INSURANCE
The Lees' offer of 8 % premium for the Gulliver's voyage to and from India seems reasonable; at least a little later they made insurance at Newburyport at 4 % 2 for the return voyage of the Dromo, which cleared from Calcutta, Nov. 13, 1806.3 The description of the vessel and equipment and of the experience of her captain, George Lee, is of interest. The Gulliver had already cleared for Calcutta at the date of this letter. 4 1. Jackson-Lee Papers, "Letter Book Finished Decr. 1808." 2. Ibid., Henry Lee for the Owners of Dromo, Boston, Dec. 27, 1806, to Samuel Cutler, Newburyport. 3. Ibid,., "List of Vessels clear'd for America from Calcutta." 4. Independent Chronicle, Dec. 20, 1806.
W m . Farris Esq r . Boston December 22d. 1806 — Sir We wish to know whither your Office will take a risk on specie out & goods home till landed on board Brigt. Gulliver at and from Boston to Calcutta & back to port of discharge in United States at Eight p r Cent to return one if she goes only to Calcutta & arrives without loss — this is rate at which we have an insurance done on vessel &Cargo at Fire &Marine Office in Town & we will give you the same — the only public offices in Town except one which has not written at all — are full — we shall be glad of your reply by return of mail — your Ob4. Serts. Henry Lee for self & P, S, — Gulliver is new-Cop-" Joseph Lee j r . per'd — & well found the master has been 8 times in & out the Bay Bengal — has time piece & Sextant to ascertain Longitude — is order'd not to stop unless through necessity — H, Lee LETTER FROM H E N R Y LEE, BOSTON, D E C . 26 OR 2 7 , 1806, TO HAZARD & CABOT, PHILADELPHIA, WITH FATHERLY ADVICE 1 Peter Remsen, N e w Y o r k , John Stille, Philadelphia, B . & G. Williams, Baltimore, had for several years been the agents of the L e e brothers in their respective cities. T h e relationship had on the whole been friendly, save for a controversy over commissions between Joseph Lee, Jr., and John Stille, which had not, however, resulted in the severance of commercial relations. B u t when in Dec., 1806, Samuel Cabot, Jr. ( 1 7 8 4 - 1 8 6 3 ) , cousin to the Lee brothers, formed a partnership for seven years with Samuel Hazard of Philadelphia, each putting in $6,000,2 family claims m a y have combined with memories of this difference of opinion to lead the Lees to transfer their Philadelphia agency to the firm of Hazard & Cabot. 1. Jackson-Lee Papers, "Letter Book Finished Dec r . 1808." 2. Briggs, op. citvol. i, pp. 281, 283, 325.
That the Lees were not entirely ingenuous in transferring the agency from John Stille & Co. to Hazard & Cabot is revealed in a letter of May 21, 1807, to the former firm, in which they lament that "the Dromo was detain'd in Calcutta 6 weeks ['by an embargo'] — after being ready for Sea which brings us in Competition in the sale of her Cargo with all your most valuable importations — & has prevented us from sending to your place a large amount of piece Goods — which in Month of March & April woud have done well." The effect of this explanation is somewhat weakened in the very next letter, to Hazard & Cabot, which announces a shipment to Philadelphia, even though a small one.3 Henry Lee, out of his four years' greater age, felt qualified gravely to warn his less experienced kinsman against carelessness in making out prices current. Mess rs . Hazard &Cabot Boston. Dec1". 1806. Gentlemen yours of 16 th . & 20 th are recd. the letter enclosing a Draft on S. Cabot for $2862.49 & post note for $2,500 — I had made an arrangement with Mr. S, Cabot to receive of him the Amount of the two Drafts on Wain — presuming that I could inform you of it before you had time to act upon my letter of 13 t h . however it is well as it now stands — I am obliged to you for this service &hope you will not sustain any inconvenience from the transaction — I wish may have an opportunity to reciprocate the obligation — At present I presume there is no certainty of your river being open —if we had any goods to ship — this will not be the case on the arrival of the Dromo — Ihope from her Cargo to send you some valuable shipments if you will Keep the Course of the Market for Bengal goods & inform us from time to time we should be glad — I would remind [interlineated: you] that in yours of 16 th . the quotations of Aloes &c were blank on this occasion it is of no Consequence — to other persons who do not Know you it might have a bad effect. — your friend (Sign'd) Henry Lee 3. Jackson-Lee Papers, "Letter Book Finished Dec r . 1808."
This letter gives some idea of the number and size of the Lees' shipments to the Continent. Both the south and north of Europe — Leghorn, Barcelona, Nantes, Cherbourg, mentioned in this letter, as well as Antwerp, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam, referred to in a letter to a supercargo — received consignments. None of the vessels mentioned, however, seems to have been owned by the Lees. In general their policy was to send goods to Europe as freight or in chartered bottoms but to trade with the East Indies in their own vessels, perhaps because of the greater danger of capture on the former voyage. John Cabot, Jr. (1782-1855), one of the Lees' multitudinous Cabot cousins, had gone as supercargo on the Republican with a consignment for Italy. 2 From Leghorn he shipped silk hats and sewing silks. 3 It was probably Thomas and Francis Lee to whom Joseph and Henry Lee referred as "our brothers" in connection with a proposed shipment of sugar. Andrew Cabot (1780-1816), another cousin of the above, is said to have gone in 1806 "into a mercantile partnership at 65 India Wharf with his cousin Charles George Cabot," son of ex-Senator George Cabot. This association, it is said, "lasted only a short period," which would seem to be borne out by the fact that, late in the year in which the partnership is supposed to have been formed, Andrew was acting as supercargo in Calcutta for his Lee cousins.4
Boston December 29th. 1806 — Sam1. Williams Esq r . (London) Sir. We have received since our last your favor of 8th. October — we have now to advise that since the 1st. of November we have drawn on you as follows. — 1. Jackson-Lee Papers, "Letter Book Finished Decr. 1808." 2. Ibid., Henry Lee for self and Joseph Lee, Jr., Boston, Apr. 18, 1807, to Samuel Williams, London. 3. Ibid., "Invoices," 1799-1812, Jan. 2, 1807. 4. Briggs, op. cit., vol. i, pp. 169-170, 275.
THE THREE November 11 th . — 6oDays — a 12. d°. it 17. — d°. d°. £ 400. — December 12. Cl u do. — 6 0 0 . — a IS- — do. ii 16. — do. it 27. — do. Andrew Cabot p r Caravan Calcutta Sept r 2 2 d 1812 r Dear Sir Dup p Reaper I am still without any advices from you later than what the Caravan brought. The Frigate President arrived last night in 18 days from the Isle of France, by this conveyance letters to the 4 th . & newspapers to the 8 th . April have been rec d by Mess s Alexander &C°, who were obliging en° to send for me this morning &read such part of their letters as related to politicks, under Date 4th. April their correspondents says, "an Embargo was expected immediately &he apprehended a War with GBritain w d follow," I rec d from them at the same time a file of papers from the 5 th March to the 4 t h April which contain'd the debates in Congress upon Navy Bill, New taxes &c &c, the speeches are full of wars, but I see no serious preparations on the part of the Gov ts nor any diminution of the number of clearances or any 1. Jackson-Lee Papers, "H. Lee's Letters from Calcutta from August 1812 to June 1813." 2. Briggs, op. cit., vol. i, p. 170.
other indications on the part of the merchants, of an expected war. An Embargo appears to be more probable. I think such men as Emott, Lloyd & Quincy w d not have sent the information they did to the merchants of New York; unless they had good grounds for believing such a measure was in contemplation. I did hope that we should have had the last acts of our Legislature, for now I am as much perplex'd as ever to imagine what will be the final measures of government if an Embargo is imposed, some of the political speculators in the American papers seem to think the N I will be repeal'd, I hope to God their conjectures may turn out right. After an anxious &mature consideration of what is most for your safety &interest &what I conceive you would do in my situation, I have resolved to dispatch the Reaper as soon as the remainder of her Cargo can be collected, &to remain behind myself with three quarters of the owners funds, one half of the funds belonging to the Estate of Sebastian &the whole of your private adventure say £i329„7..o. these several amounts (the whole of which I am not yet in Cash for) will be invested in notes with Company paper as collateral security; at the highest rate of interest that can be obtain'd, at present I am receiving I I @ 1 2 % &hope to be able to continue my loans at that rate, if peice goods should become dull sale, which they will do after the Portuguese sail, I may do a little better by advancing upon Cottons deposited as security, in which case I shall be careful that the value of the goods, if put up at Auction, exceed the amount advanced, I shall enter into no speculations nor make any engagements but such as will enable me at'a days notice to have the command of my funds in case the N I should be repeal'd, or I should have further orders from you relative to the disposal of them. In deciding between this alternative &remitting to Canton, I trust you will believe I cannot have been govern'd by any motive but a regard for your interest &that however it may result, I shall have the satisfaction of having my conduct approved of. Your orders to remit to Canton were recd about the middle
of June, I deviated from them for reasons assign'd in my letter of July 7th. — when I bot. the Bill for Messs Perkins of Messs Palmer &C°. they agreed verbally that in case I shd want 50,000 Rps more within 30 or 40 days I might have it @ 190 R s . since then they have sold @ 193/, &of late have refus'd to draw at any rate, of course as I did not apply within the time agreed upon, I can have no claim for the 50,000 RPS. there is no probability therefore [that — stricken through] at this moment that if I was disposed to remit, I could do it under 200 RPS p r 100 Sp Dolls &perhaps not at all — there is also another reason why I feel reluctant to making this remittance &that is the uncommon pressure (for money) among the best houses; many [interlineated: good] reasons are assign'd &perhaps they are the true ones, but I should be unwilling to Venture so large an amount as I have now at my disposal in the Bills of any house here that wd be likely to draw, the failure of Harrington &C° has alarm'd me &taken very much the confidence I shd otherwise have in five or six houses here. — if MrNewton shd have arrived you can learn from him what impression Harringtons failure produced at Madras, &what the thinks of the credit of India Houses. — that many of them are solid I have no doubts, but just now it is extremely difficult to seperate the secure from the doubtful. How long I shall remain here must depend on circumstances, especially upon the letters I may have from you written after the termination ofthe session of Congress, when I conclude to return I shall remit to Canton to Perkins &C° to whom no doubt you have written on the subject. I have kept in reserve for the owners a selection of ps goods, in case I should have such intelligence as w d induce me to ship all their funds in the Reaper — I shall now distribute them amoiig the shippers, it is with great regret circumstances compel me to do it, certain as I am of their selling at a great advance I shall hardly be able I fear to replace them in the event of my hearing of the repeal of the N I Law. certainly not for several months to come. The amount ship'd on account of the owners will be as near one quarter oftheir funds as circumstances will permit, say Twenty thousand Rp s . the principal part of which
will be in gruff goods as p r mem0 forwarded, I cannot yet ascertain what room will be left after the shippers goods are on board, whatever there is, will be fill'd with such [(goods) — stricken through] drugs as I can get, &in addition Tumerick, Coffee &Gunny bags. I have been disappointed in many gruff articles, the Arabs did not bring large quantities, they hold them high. I shall add to the mem", some Copal &Galls if to behad. The Union is expected to come on to Calcutta, by her I trust I shall receive letters. The Harmony will not get away in less than 4 mos, unless there sh d be a great change in prices of goods for the better. The Portuguese confine themselves for the present to the purchase of Gurrahs &Blue Gillas &Alliabad goods, which has rais'd those articles very high. I think other Kinds are falling, but still prices high except for ordinary Baftas, Old Indigo has become Scarce &for new much higher is demanded, good merchantable quality such as the best we take home will not be less this season than 130 Rp s . say some what inferiour to my 500 m d lot. I think that parcel w d bring 130 RPS just now. I shall ship you a few boxes of Indigo, some of it broken, but the quality good, the remainder say 120 M d s . more or less which I have been collecting for the owners & myself one half each, I shall sell, presuming it will bring a profit. It is very uncertain how long I remain here, but you had better write me by various channels how I am to act under the various circumstances I may find myself in on the receiving of your letters. Sh d a permanent Embargo or War have taken place, what will you have me do? — there is no doubt of my being able to remit to Canton, somewhere about par, what funds I have. Sept r 23d. I have just rec d a packet of letters that came by the Union to Isle france, from thence in the Frigate I mention'd yesterday. I am sorry to find none from you — from the opinions express'd in the several letters, I have some little hopes that the N I Law may on this have been repeal'd &that I shall hear of it in season to ship the Property I retain behind in the Harmony or the Union, either of which vessels no doubt will be glad of freight atthe usual rate. I know the Harmony is
in want of it, but am not certain at what rate they would take, nor w d I put the question, least they should suspect I should want some, — India goods I see had risen, they will fall again before I arrive, but Still the R's Cargo must do well, the peace between Russia &GBritain will reduce Tumerick but still it must answer, in price in London is never less than what we can afford to sell at in Europe. I shall therefore depend principally on that article to fill up the Brig, if there shd be any room left. Septr 24th. 1812. M r Maitland of the house of Palmer &C° sent me word this morning that he had letters from LeRoy Bayard & M c Evers of 4 th . April, they give it as their opinion that an Embargo w d be imposed, but no immediate danger of War. Robert Lenox has written to the same effect, this corresponds with my letters, & gives me hopes, tho' not very strong ones, that the N I may be repeal'd. I cannot hear of it however 'till after the departure of the Reaper. The expectation of an Embargo in U S produces no effect for the present because while ships continue to arrive they give no credit to any intelligence, no doubt when the Portuguese have completed their Cargoes goods will fall but not very low, unless there shd be a cessation of arrivals for some months. Gurrahs, Sooty Romals, Gillas & Alliahabad goods are higher than when I wrote last, other Kinds are on the fall, but not so low as I fear'd, Baftas excepted which are excessive bad. I shall keep myself inform'd of the state of the market to be ready to act as circumstances may require, but this is a place in which one cannot do much in piece goods without being observed, &the moment any news is recd every one is on the alarm. We have no later dates from England than the 10 th . April, at that time there was no appearance of war with U. S. if our Govt make a permanent Embargo, one of the most powerful inducements they have had to keep the peace with us will [be — stricken through] have been done away, yet I do not beelieve they will revenge themselves in that way. I trust not. The Talbot 20 days since was at the Isle of France, from whence she was going to Batavia, the James of Phil* is at Batavia, she does not come this way, the Meridian I suppose is
still at Madras. I hear of no other American Ships in this quater. I have not yet purchased what more of Indigo I want, shall not wait, but make up the investment in Cottons. I have nothing to add to the list of Goods purchased, therefore do not send ¡any. Enclosed is a Mem 0 of Gruff goods, to which some additions will be made. All my merchandize, Rum excepted, sold, that I shall keep on hand, the result will not vary from what I have stated say the cost of charges, sales not yet made up. Spanish Dollars 210/ Bills on London 6 mo s sight 2/6J4 to 2/7a>
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O O » V> O i - l f l O O 00 N O^COH O to H H t 1369- 1381, 1383, 1393. 1427 Bagging, 1402, 1411, 1424, 1426, 1509, 1512; prices, 1457, i5°2> See also Gunny bags Bahia Honda, 905 Bailey, Charles H., 1526, 1532 Balch, Samuel W., & Co., 954 Ballard, 234 Ballast, 1018, 1057, 1261, 1331 Baltic, 954 Baltic Sea, 1392 Baltimore, 48-49, 101-102, 442, 445, 450, 501, 538, 665, 715, 744, 833, 1256, 1260, 1316, 1331, 1340, 1346, 1401, 1426, 1433, 1463, 1492, 1496 Bandannas, 62, 536, 595, 1014, 1067, 1102, 1128, 1181, 1191, 1247, 1349, 1397; prices, 539, 596, 621, 663, 783, 828, 834, 837, 843, 867, 883, 886, 902, 988, 1040, 1046, 1063, 1072, 1082, 1097, 1124, 1129, 1143, 1160, 1270, 1288, 1304, 1432, 1456 Banfield, Joseph, 405
INDEX Bangor Rail Road, 769 Banians, 57—63, 603, 797, 995. See also individuals' relations with Banking, 44, 85, 1261, 1287,1346, 1405, 1410, 1412, 1419, 1432-1434, 1440, 1444. See also Finance Banks, William, 362 Baranov, Gov., 1101 Barbados, 13 Baring Bros. & Co., 1501 Bark, prices, 1352, 1377 Barker, Capt., 1382 Barnagore cloths, 1171, 1182 Barnard, John, 224, 249 Bamard, Sarah, see Jackson, Sarah Barnard Barrel staves and heading, 17, 37, 432; prices, 433. See also Staves Barnwall & Popham, 1208, 1231 Barter, 13, 16, 79. See also Payment in kind Bartlett, William, 8, 90, 393, 631 Batavia, 26, 31-33, 35, 37, 611, 1236, 1244, 1246, 1269, 1281, 1302, 1398, 1491 Beach & Co., 1464 Beale, Thomas S., 867 Beaver skins, 16; price, 231 Beckford, Ebenezer, 525 Beef, 237, 240, 1221, 1453; prices, 241, 477. 480, 509, 682 Beerboom gurrahs, 602, 1258, 1315; prices, 603, 783, 1303, 1383 Beeswax, 30, 354; prices, 273, 461,1354 Bejutipauts, 1363, 1404; prices, 1427 Belknap, A. E., 1283, 1338 Belleisle, 557, 560, 567, 727 Bellingham, 154 Bellona Co., 1136 Bengal, 36, 58-59, 108, 580, 1233; products, 205, 558, 580, 583, 840, 856, 895, 1038, 1126, 1130, 11761178, 1191, 1193, 1242, 1315, 1333, 1343. 1370, 1380, 1387, 1389, 1445, 1482; sugar, 565, 572. See also Calcutta; Piece goods Benjamin Rush, 1213 Bequests, 128-129 Berenberg, John, Gossler & Co., 1366
Betel nuts, 30 Bethell, picture of, 154 Betsy (schr.), 164, 261, 1244 Betsey (brig.), 100, 243, 287, 291, 419, 429, 449, 481, 485; capture of, 492 Bevan & Humphreys, 1459, 1474 Beverages, see specific commodities Beverly, 48, 452, 491; Bank, 21, 118, 122, 468; merchants, 391-465; trade with Spain and W. I., 39146S Bewicks, Timerman & Romero, 264, 402 Bibby, Edmond, & Co., 1449 Biddle, Nicholas, 1440 Bigelow, Rufus, 538 Bilbao, 12-13, 17-18, 22, 79, 200, 259, 261, 288, 311, 325-329. 333, 392, 407, 410, 415, 450; picture of, 288 Bills of exchange, 13, 15, 55-56, 6465, 208, 495, 589, 907, 930, 965, 1005, 1036, 1044, 1085, 1095, 1100, 1164, 1172, 1179, 1186, 1223, 1239, 1291, 1300, 1357, 1364 Bird's-eye maple, 1230 Birkhead & Pearce, 1463 Black Hawk, 1420 Blackler, Capt., 551, 568 Blackwood, 30, 33 Blake, William P., 489 Bland, Col. Theodorick, 351 Blockades, 565, 635 Bloomfield & Tunis, 1290 "Blue goods," 63, 106, 541, 670, 719, 1102, 1150, 1178, 1189, 1247, 1257, 1306, 1390, 1405, 1427, 1458; prices, 813, 968, 1391 Boards, 40, 259, 271, 1047, 1246, 1453; deal, 780; mahogany, 1210 Bockman, John, 501 Boglepours, 883, 1252 Bombay, 30, 32, 37, 941, 1269, 1302, 1449 Bonds, respondentia, 52-54, 858-860. See also individual merchants Books, 339, 489 Booms, spruce, prices, 682 Boott, Kirk, 770 Boott, J. W., 1532
Boott Mills, 124 Borax, 1172, 1182, 1397; prices, 675, 872, 1025, h i s , 1138 Bordeaux, 19, 329, 358, 1242; picture of, 868; wine, 568, 571, 987 Borden, John, Jr., 750 Boston, 14, 24, 29, 32, 77, 97, 154, 157, 166, 169, 17s, 213, 266, 497, 499, 502, 504, 703, 716, 722, 728, 730734, 736, 738, 744 - 745> 748-766, 1220,1265,1314,1413,1492 ; Bank, 122, 380; Exchange, 124; market for W. I. goods, 494-496 ; pictures of, 860, 1064; Port Act, 17, h i , 266-2 72, 282, 39s; Tea Party, 266, 269; trade with East India, 773970 Boston, 636, 670, 701, 710, 747, 752, 943 Boston (Gen. Court of Mass. ship), 343 Boston (packet), 190 Boston Ale and Beer Co., 769 Boston & Lowell Railroad, 767, 769 Boston Exchange, 124 Boston Mfg. Co., 767-771, 1166 Boston Marine Insurance Co., 118,122, 380, 467 Bottles, 36-37, 40, 671, 780, 806, 910, 978, 996, 1012, 1172, 1182, 1210, 1230, 1246; champagne, 1222 Bourbon, 32, 1268, 1302 Boyd, 286 Brady, P., 1484 Bragdon, Capt. J., 668 Braintree, 158, 164 Bran, 251 Brandt, William, & Co., 1470 Brandy, 13, 34, 35, 38, 610, 781, 798, 806, 831, 835, 987, 1025, 1172, 1182, 1210, 1236, 1250, 1265; Cette, 812, 832; Neapolitan, 1354; prices, 474, 480, 486, 491, 503, 593, 630, 813, 832, 843, 911, 973, 1004, 1047, 1084, n o g , 1135,1255,1354; Spanish, 409, 1354 Brazil, 954, 1401, 1416, 1426, 1450 Bread, 399,1453 ; prices, 509
Breck, Capt. Joseph, 781 Breeches, 219 Bremen, 556, 1230 Bribery, 104, 450 Bricks, 16, 259 Bridgen & Waller, 202 Brighton (barque), 1449, 1451, 1467, 1508, 1512 Brimmer, Martin, 264, 331 Brimstone, 40, 1210, 1222, 1230, 1246; prices, 1288, 1354 Bristol, England, 15, 67, 79, 105, 153, 161, 177, 197, 199, 202, 245, 745, 977, 1479 Britannia, 1421, 1424, 1446, 1471, 1518 Britannias, 558 Brittania (sloop), 270, 342 Bromfield, Henry & Thomas, 188, 201, 242, 525 Bromfield, John, 6 - n , 13-19, 216. See also Jackson & Bromfield Bromfield, John, Jr., 627, 773, 775, 779, 830, 847-858, 932-934, 956-958 Brookhouse, Robert, 1481 Brooks, Peter Chardon, 758 Brothers, 1493 Brown, George, 206 Brown, Joseph L., 954 Brown, Capt. Moses, 333, 342 Brown, Nathan, 211 Brown & Thorndike, 418 Brutus, 627 Bryant & Sturgis, 1287 Bucanier, 412 Buckram, 203, 366 Buenos Aires, 27, 449, 1259, 1271 Buffalo, 905 Buffalo horns, 806; robes, 1345 Buffington, Nathan, 750 Bulkley, John; & Co., 346, 365 Bullard, John, 1519-1521 Bullard, Capt. Stephen H., 1449, 1521 Bullard, William S., 43, 101; association with Henry Lee, Sr., 1428, 1452, 1464-1474, 1481-1485, 14901529; with Henry Lee, Jr., 14901535- See also Bullard & Lee
INDEX Bullard & Lee, 4 3 , 8 7 - 8 8 , 9 1 , 9 4 , 1 0 2 ; brokers, 1 5 0 8 ; capital, 1 5 0 2 ; finance, 1515, 1 5 2 1 ; freight rates, 1511; profit and loss, 1 5 1 2 , 1 5 2 1 ; reorganization, 1 5 2 5 ; trade with Calcutta, 1 5 0 0 - 1 5 1 1 , 1 5 2 1 - 1 5 2 9 ; Rio de Janeiro, 1 4 9 0 - 1 5 0 0 , 1 5 1 2 1518, 1521-1529 Burchmore, Capt. Zachariah, 3 9 7 , 3 9 9 , 402, 405, 407, 415 Burke, Capt. John, 1 0 0 , 4 1 9 , 4 2 9 Business conditions, 1 1 8 0 , 1 1 8 4 , 1 1 9 1 1 1 9 5 , 1200, 1 2 5 1 , 1294, 13x4, 1405, 1409-1419, 1475-1478, 1486-1490, 1 5 1 6 . See also Failures Business policy, see individual merchants Butter, 3 3 9 , 1 2 2 0 , 1 2 2 3 Buttons, 1 6 6 , 2 1 9 ; Matthewmans, 2 0 3 , 228 Buxus, definition, 1 1 8 1 Byrampauts, prices, 1 3 7 3
Cabot, Andrew, 1 2 , 3 5 , 3 9 3 , 4 0 9 , 4 1 4 ; ancestry, 6 - 1 1 , 1 8 , 6 0 4 ; association with P. T . Jackson, 6 1 0 - 6 1 2 , 6 2 0 7 6 5 ; with Lees, 391-417. 974-985, 1006-1015, 1017-1035, 1049-1075; supercargo, 7 8 0 , 8 0 4 Cabot, Charles George, 8 0 4 , 9 5 0 Cabot, Frederick, 7 3 4 , 8 4 0 , 8 4 5 - 8 4 6 , 959 Cabot, George, 6 - 1 2 , 1 8 , 7 6 , 8 8 - 8 9 , 3 9 3 - 4 x 7 , 4 5 2 , 1 3 1 8 . See also Lee & Cabot Cabot, J o h n , 1 2 - 1 3 , 92> 3 9 I _ 4 I 7 Cabot, J o h n , Jr., 7 8 6 , 8 0 4 Cabot, J., & A., 1 2 - 1 3 Cabot, Joseph, 5 0 4 , 1 2 1 9 , 1 4 5 9 Cabot, Richard Clarke, 1 2 4 5 , 1 2 6 2 , 1275, 1278, 1301, 1343 Cabot, Robert, 9 0 - 9 2 , 6 5 3 - 6 5 5 , 7 1 0 , 7 7 6 , 780, 786, 806, 809, 838, 862, 995 Cabot, Samuel, 4 4 8 , 4 8 5 Cabot, Samuel, Jr., 5 3 8 , 7 8 6 , 8 0 2 , 9 6 4 , 1219, 1305
Cabot, Sebastian, 1 0 4 9 , 1 0 5 6 Cabot, Stephen, 1 x 2 8 , 1 2 1 9 , 1 2 3 8 Cadiz, 1 3 , 1 7 - 1 8 , 4 1 , 4 8 - 4 9 , 7 9 , 1 0 4 , 154, 189, 259, 261, 392, 407, 429, 457, 461, 463, 473, 481, 485, 49°, 7 4 0 , 9 4 3 , 1 1 8 3 , 1 2 5 9 , 1290; picture of, 1 3 1 6 Cadmus, 1 2 4 6 , 1 3 6 8 Calcutta, 8 , 2 6 , 2 8 , 3 1 - 4 3 , 5 1 - 7 5 , 8 0 , 84-94, 100-101, 105-108, 113-114, 1 1 9 , 1 2 9 , 50.2, 5 3 6 , 6 3 3 , 6 3 6 , 6 5 0 , 677, 6 9 9 , 712, 7i6, 773-1394, 1397, 1408, 1 4 1 3 , 1429, 1 4 3 3 , 1 4 7 5 , 1482, 1 4 9 0 - 1 5 1 1 , 1 5 2 2 , 1 5 2 5 , 1 5 3 2 ; Gazette, 1 2 0 4 ; pictures of, 9 7 0 , 1 2 9 4 Calcutta, 7 2 2 , 7 4 3 , 1 0 7 3 Caledonia, 9 2 2 , 9 3 6 , 9 4 1 Calef, Capt. John, 3 3 3 Calico, 2 0 3 , 4 4 9 , 8 4 7 , 1 4 0 7 ; prices, 1353 Callimancoes, 203 Callipatty, prices, 1 3 8 1 , 1 3 8 3 Calumet & Hecla mines, 1 5 3 3 Cambrics, 8 6 9 , 1 2 1 0 , 1 2 6 8 , 1 3 6 6 Cambridge, 1 5 3 Cameos, 1 5 2 6 Camilla, 5 9 3 Camphor, prices, 8 7 3 , 1 1 3 8 Canada, 1 5 , 1 8 , 4 6 , 7 9 , 2 3 0 , 2 6 4 - 2 6 7 , 282, 1445, 1 4 6 0 Canal Bridge, 7 6 9 Canary Islands, 37 Candles, 3 2 8 , 3 4 2 , 3 6 8 , 1 4 9 3 , 1 5 2 7 ; prices, 5 0 9 , 5 1 2 , 1 3 5 6 ; spermaceti, 18, 257, 271 Cannon, 1 9 , 3 2 8 ; powder, 2 x 9 Canton, China, 9 , X2, 2 3 , 2 6 , 2 8 - 3 7 , 57, 80, 1 2 9 , 8 4 7 , 8 5 2 , 8 5 4 , 8 5 6 , 1 2 3 5 , 1397 Canton Packet, 1 1 , 1 5 3 0 Canvas, 4 8 , 4 4 7 , 5 3 8 Cape Cod, 3 2 2 Cape Finisterre, 1 2 , 1 8 , 1 1 0 Cape Haitien, 4 2 1 , 6 3 9 , 6 5 0 Cape Horn, n o Cape of Good Hope, 2 3 , 2 8 - 2 9 , 3 2 , 3 5 , 66, 8 3 , 1 1 0 , 242, 610, 615, 6 1 8 , 669, x o i 8
Capers, 5 7 1 , 1201 Capital, 1 3 , 1 6 , 45, 7 8 , 1 6 2 - 1 6 3 , 1 7 8 , 187, 203, 257, 260, 1502 Caps, 2 1 9 ; wire for, 1 8 1 Captains, 4 , 9 , 8 1 , 1 0 0 , 6 1 8 , 6 7 8 , 1 0 5 6 ; compensation of, 4 6 - 5 0 , 8 2 , 4 2 2 4 2 3 , 4 3 7 , 4 4 5 , 5 0 8 , 7 6 5 , 975, i " 9 , 1 2 1 6 , 1 3 8 1 ; instructions to, 9 7 5 9 7 6 ; licenses, 7 4 1 ; selection of, 93 Capture of vessels, 6 6 7 , 6 6 9 , 7 4 0 Caravan, 3 6 , 5 x 3 , 5 1 7 , 5 3 5 , 5 3 7 , 539, 54i, 543, 546, 548, 648, 662, 776, 782, 788, 863, 1048, 1056, 1073, 1 4 7 9 ; capture of, 7 4 2 , 1 0 4 8 ; picture of, 7 8 2 Cardamons, 1 1 5 2 , 1 1 5 8 , 1 2 1 9 ; prices, 913, 927, 1 1 3 8 Carey, James, 4 5 0 Carey & Tilghman, 4 4 7 Caribbean Sea, 3 6 Carleton, Sir Guy, 3 4 8 Caroline, 4 9 8 , 1 3 6 4 Carpets, 8 8 4 , 1 3 9 7 ; prices, 8 8 5 Carriderries, prices, 8 7 9 , 1 3 1 2 , 1 3 6 1 Carter, J. S., 1 1 8 3 Cary, Capt. Charles S., ix Cascaes, Portugal, 4 0 3 Cash discounts, 1 4 . See also Terms of sale Casks, 1 4 4 5 Cassia, 1 0 5 , 1 0 5 7 , 1 0 9 8 , 1 2 3 6 , 1 3 1 8 ; prices, 8 7 3 , 9 1 2 , 1 1 3 9 , 1 3 5 2 , 1 3 7 6 , 1384 Catlett, Charles J., 1191 Caio (ship), 3 3 8 Caveat emptor, 1 0 3 , 1 0 9 . See also Unfair practices Cereals, 1 7 , 4 8 , 2 6 0 Ceres, 3 3 8 , 3 5 4 , 3 7 1 , 5 8 2 Certificates of damages, 1 4 6 8 ; lading, 775, 7771 landing, 1 1 7 7 , 1 3 6 4 Cette, France, 8 1 2 Champagne, 5 7 5 , 1 0 9 6 , 1 1 6 3 , 1 1 8 7 , 1 2 6 5 ; prices, 1 0 4 7 , I 2 4 9 Chance, 9 6 0 Chance (sloop), 3 3 8 Chandercowahs, prices, 8 7 8 , 1 2 4 8
Chandilly, 1 2 7 9 Charles River, 1 5 4 ; Bridge, 1 2 2 , 4 6 9 Charleston, 1 8 - 1 9 , 2 5 , 4 8 - 4 9 , 79, 8 3 , 289-292, 452, 501, 959, 1238, 1 4 0 1 ; picture of, 4 4 4 Charming Betty, 2 5 9 Charming Sally, 2 5 9 Charon, 3 7 , 6 5 6 , 6 5 8 , 6 6 4 , 6 7 0 , 7 1 0 , 747, 752, 865, 897, 908, 940, 943 Chase, Lemuel, 7 5 0 Chatham, 3 3 7 Chatham, Earl of, 1 9 7 , 3 4 8 Chebacco, 2 7 1 Checked goods, 6 4 0 , 6 4 7 , 7 3 0 , 8 6 9 , 9 1 4 , 1 1 0 2 , 1 1 4 7 , 1154, 1 1 8 2 , 1 1 9 1 , 1 2 8 0 , 1334, 1349, 1378, 1397, 1458; prices, 7 9 4 , 8 9 9 , 1 1 2 8 , 1 1 5 7 , 1 1 6 0 , 1273 Cheese, 1 3 , 3 6 - 3 7 , 798, 9 8 5 , 9 9 6 , 1 0 2 5 , 1 0 4 7 , 1 1 6 3 ; Parmesan, 1 3 5 5 ; prices, 3 4 3 , 5 0 9 , 5 1 2 , 1 3 5 5 Chellun, 1 2 4 7 Chelmsford, 7 7 1 ; Locks and Canal, 380 Chelsea Bridge, 1 2 2 , 4 6 8 Cherbourg, 9 0 - 9 1 , 7 7 6 , 7 8 6 , 8 2 0 Chesapeake, 1 1 2 , 6 2 2 , 7 1 5 , 8 1 4 Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy R. R., 1533 Chile, 1 2 4 4 , 1 2 5 0 , 1 2 7 0 , 1 2 9 4 , 1 4 0 1 Chilloes, 1 4 0 4 ; prices, 1 3 7 3 China, 2 3 - 2 4 , 2 9 , 3 3 - 3 4 , 5 1 - 5 2 , 1 0 6 , 658, 1226, 1 2 3 3 , 1236, 1240, 1249, 1 3 1 5 , 1 3 2 7 ; hong merchants, 5 1 5 2 , 9 3 2 . See also specific ports and products China Packet, 8 0 6 , 8 1 0 Chinaware, 2 9 , 3 3 9 , 3 6 6 , 9 3 4 Chintz, 6 3 , 8 6 9 , 8 8 1 , 1 1 0 2 , 1 1 4 7 , 1 1 5 4 , 1182,1249,1258,1307,1334,1397; prices, 6 0 2 , 7 8 3 , 7 9 5 , 8 0 7 , 8 6 6 , 927, 938, 972, 1098, 1 1 6 0 Chittabilly baftas, 6 6 3 ; prices, 8 8 9 Chittagong, 1 2 0 5 Chittak, definition, 1 0 1 2 Chocolate, 4 1 9 , 4 4 7 Chondogurries, 1 0 9 8 , 1 1 0 2 , 1 1 5 6 ; prices, 1 0 2 0 , 1 0 8 6 , n o g , 1 1 2 7 , 1135, 1280
INDEX Choppas, 1123, 1181, 1247, 1279, 1288, 1311, 1334, 1397; Prices, 810, 887, 988, 1115, I I 2 4 , 1 I 2 8 , 11 S7> i i 6 ° I 1 2 6 1 , 1269, 1304, 1310, 1344, i373> 1456, 1483
Chotah, prices, 1280 Choutars, prices, 884 Chow chow cargo, 1018 Christophe, Henri, 639, 664, 691 Christopher,
Chunam, definition, 870 Church, Capt., 225 Cicero,
Cider, 40, 1047, 1163, 1210, 1249 Cigars, 1400 Cinnamon, 105, 719, 905, 912, 1318; prices, 726, 873, 1352, 1376 Civil
Claims and allowances, 102-103 Clarence, Diego, 506 Claret, 34, 780, 798, 1210; prices, 593 Clarissa,
Clarke, Mrs. John, 504 Cleveland, Capt. Richard J., 32 Cleveland, Stephen & William, 448 Clinton, De Witt, 734 Clinton Co., 124 Clocks, 1282, 1289 Clothing, 2ig,
Cloves, 1323, 1397; prices, 1139, 1311, 1318, 1352 Clyde, 221-223
Coal, 19, 37, 214, 332, 366, 780, 985, 999; sea, 978 Coats, Capt. David, 298 Cocheco Co., 768 Cochineal, 33, 37-3». 75. 154. 5 « ; prices, 725, 953, 1352, 1375, 1384 Cockerell & Co., 1433, 1475 Cocoa, 14, 17, 170, 314, 407, 420, 449, 521; prices, 396, 422, 437, 780, I3S2. I37S Cod, 47, 421, 426, 521; for slave trade, 423; freight rates, 441, 444; lines, 17, 205, 214, 219, 287; oil, 37, 568, 576; prices, 427, 437, 445, 509; salted, 1353 C o f f e e , 1 2 - 1 4 , 1 7 - 1 8 , 25-27, 29, 35, 38,
43. 46, 48. 70, 75-76, 79, 87, 96,
1595 170, 208-210, 279, 314, 414, 430,
447, 450-451. 499. 514. 517. 520, 538, 545. 584. 610, 648, 787, 812, 960, 986, 1083, 1094, 1099, 1 1 2 3 , 1143, 1 1 6 5 , 1 1 7 2 - 1 1 7 3 , 1182, 1199, 1216, 1234, 1236, 1246, 1281, 1293, 1298, 1302, 1 3 1 5 , 1324, 1344, 1368, 1380, 1386, 1401, 1420, 1470, 1476,
1512, 1523; green, 558, 567, 570, 574. 725, 748. 761-762, 953, 1320; organization of trade, 1490-1500; prices, 216, 396, 422, 424, 426, 437, 477. 479, 487, 496, 509, 519, 551, 563, 565, 567, 579, 609, 640, 761, 787, 790, 830, 903, 9 5 3 , 965, 1025, 1037, 1091, 1095, 1102, 1108, 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 6 , 1 1 3 7 , 1140, 1 1 4 4 , 1148, 1255, 1288, 1 3 1 6 , 1352, 1363, 1366, 1374, 1384, 1388, 1491, 1527
Cognac, prices, 1135 Cogswell, Capt., 167 Co-hong, 51 Coins, 170-171. See also Specie Coleman, William, 929 Collins, Capt. James, 502 Colombo root, 538, 541 ; prices, 872, 913 Columbia, Columbus,
32, 1441, 1462 1194, 1244, 1246
Comboies, 968, 1320, 1349 Combs, 219, 1241; ivory, 204 Commerce,
Commission, merchant, 93, 97, xoi, 1 4 9 2 ; o n sales, 49-50, 54, 70, 75. See also Terms of sale; individual merchants C o m m o d i t i e s , see specific commodities
Communication between merchant and agent, 67-68. See also Letters Compensation, 322, 437, 440, 684, 750. See also C a p t a i n s ; individual chants
Competition, 1500
Comprador, 51 Concord,
Concord Mfg. Co., 768 Connecticut River Railroad, 124
INDEX Consignment sales, 74. See also Terms of sale Contencin, Peter, 186 Continental Congress, 17, 277. See also Government regulation Contrabrand, 104-106, 421 Contracts, 1110, 1275 Conway, 260, 320 Conyngham, Capt. Gustavus, 334 Cookelahs, prices, 884 Coolidge, Cornelius, & Co., 740 Copenhagen, 27, 1368, 1399 Copper, 1148, 1167, 1183, 1512, 1527; Japan, 940; pig, 1047, 1163, 1172, 1182, 1206, 1216, 1250, 1271, 1291, 1303, 1316, 1320,1453 ; prices, 700, 1047, 1109, 1124, 1225, 1316, 1320 Corahs, 43, 1171, 1182, 1431; prices, 883 Cordage, 13, 40, 1246; prices, 447, 509. See also Rope Cordelia, 1213 Cordials, 1210 Corduroy, 366 Corge, definition, 596 Cork, Ireland, 46, 235-239 Corks, 36-37, 780, 806, 9 1 0 , 1 0 4 7 , 1 2 6 5 ; prices, 681 C o m , 16-17, 260, 269-270, 399, 1287, 1300, 1430, 1446; Archangel, 522; duty on, 1441, 1446; Indian, 13, 274, 314, 1352; prices, 257, 274, 283, 314. 512. 522, 1352 Cornelius, 667, 963 Coromandel Coast, 1168 Correspondence, see Letters Coruna, 402 Cossas, 715, 794, 1280, 1334, 1 3 5 1 ; prices, 1 2 4 3 , 1 3 5 3 , 1 3 6 9 , 1 3 8 1 , 1 3 9 3 Cossimbazar, 62, 925, 1133, 1182, 1305 Cotting, Uriah, 1166 Cotton, 14, 28, 30, 33, 35, 37-38, 40, 46, 81, 125-128, 242, 419, 447, 538, 546, 610, 627, 966, 1000, 1058, 1094, 1172, 1182-1183, 1186, 1189, 1194, 1199, 1201, 1243, 1259, 1281, 1283, 1302, 1308, 1316, 1324, 1333, 1342, 1370, 1374, 1386, 1411, 1413,
1420, 1425, 1428, 1432, 1434, 1446, 1449, 1476, 1506, 1525; prices, 248, 396, 422, 437, 441, 444, 496, S?6, 580, 751, 831, 856, 858, 906, 953, 1109, 1 1 1 5 , 1201, 1234, 1236, 1246, 1287, 1289, 1293, 1304, 1309, 1315, 1344, 1352, 1371, 1375, 1384, 1450, 1488; statistics, 1411, 1415, 1425, 1450; thread, 546; wool, 1 1 , 170; yarn, 538, 541 Cotton textiles, 35, 38, 40-44, 60, 65, 71, 87, 125-128, 366, 503, 782, 788, 861, 1045, 1066, 1207, 1209, 1213, 1233, 1246, 1285, 1289, 1292, 1299, 1302, 1413, 1 4 5 1 , 1 4 5 4 , 1459, 1503, 1512, 1527; foreign vs. domestic, 40; prices, 497, 558, 600, 833, 869, 871, 1074, 1155, 1293, 1490; tariff on, 1174. See also Piece goods; specific varieties Council for Massachusetts, 318 Countess of London, 1121, 1232 Countinghouse as training school, 7 11 Courier, 1395 Crackers, 17, 274, 1453 Cranberries, 259 Crapes, 204, 1241, 1288, 1327; canton, 1328; Dutch, 835; Italian, 835; prices, 835, 1328 Crash, prices, 841, 903 Crates, 985 Crawford, Colvin & Co., 1445, 1463 Cream of tartar, prices, 1355 Credit, 14, 478. See also Finance Cremer, Thomas & Adrian, 514, 517, 779 Cremer, H., V a n Zeller & Dohrman, 346, 360 Crew, 432, 437, 440, 1006 Crine, 1168, 1197, 1200, 1213, 1328 Crocker & Sale, 1456 Crockery, 37, 1025, 1210 Crouch, Henry, 331 Crouch & Gray, 289, 400 Crowninshield, Benjamin, 106 Crowninshield, Jacob, 481, 488 Cruger, Henry, Jr., 208, 219, 245
INDEX Cruger & Mallard, 3 4 1 Cruttenden, 39- 91» I 2 I 9 . I 2 2 4 . 1245» 1 2 6 2 , 1 3 x 4 , 1316, 1323. 1329. I333> 1343 Cruttenden & Mackillop, 1 0 8 2 , 1 1 1 8 , 1 x 5 8 , 1 x 6 9 , 1 1 9 5 - 1 1 9 6 . I 2 I 0 > I 2 I 4> 1228, 1237, 1239, 1294, 1304, 1 3 1 3 Cuba, 7 3 , 1400» I 4 ° 6 , I 49 I - -See aiso Havana Cullen, James, 1 4 0 8 Cumshaw, 51 Curcuma, 1379 Currants, 34. 8 0 6 ; prices, 1 3 S S Currency, depreciated, I454> r 4 6 3 Curry powder, 1 3 9 7 Curtain cloth, 8 8 5 Curwen, Samuel, 3 4 8 Custers, 869, 1147. " 5 4 . " 8 2 , 1191. 1 2 4 7 , 1 3 3 4 . 1 3 4 9 , 1 3 7 8 ; prices, 640, 879, 1 1 6 0 , 1 2 4 8 , 1 2 7 3 Customs, 462, 551, 565, 574. 832. 9*3, 1 0 1 6 , 1 0 2 6 , 1 1 5 6 . x 2 5 2 , 1 2 9 3 - See also Tariff Cutlery, 2 x 9 Cuttanies, 1 3 6 3 i prices, 883, 938 Cygnet, 963 Cypher button stones, 1 8 9 Cyrus (brig), 6 0 0 Cyrus (ship), 4 1 2 , 503 Dallahs, 5 7 Dalmatia, 1 5 0 1 Daman, 6 3 7 Damariscotta River, 3 9 5 Dammer, definition, 870 Dane, Nathan, 3 7 1 Daniel, 4 1 2 D'Arcy, Dodge & Co., 639, 650 Dartmouth, 2 7 6 Dashara, 1 0 5 6 Davies, Capt., 2 2 7 Davis, Capt. William Heath, 1 1 0 1 Dawks, definition, 1171 DeBerdt, Burkitt & Sayre, 1 9 1 , 2 0 1 DeConinck & Spalding, 1 4 0 5 deFrias, Antonio, & Co., 642, 904, 952, 1319
Degen, Purviance & Co., 576, 5 8 2 Del credere, 75 Delight (brig.), 4 1 1 Delight (schr.), 3 4 2 Delius, Frederick, 5 5 6 Delius, F. & E., 1 3 8 6 Demijohns, 3 6 , 1 3 9 9 Demurrage, 2 2 2 , 568, 1 2 1 5 Denmark, 2 7 , 963, 1 3 6 8 , 1 3 9 9 Dennie, William, 2 1 9 Dennis, Capt. Francis P., 447 Dental supplies, 2 3 5 Derby, 582, 9 6 1 Derby, Elias Hasket, 4 , I O - I I , 24, 2 8 32 Derby, J . Prince, 898 Desertion by crew, 1 0 0 6 Desks, 2 5 9 Devereux, Capt. James, 7 9 0 Devonsheir & Reeve, 1 6 1 Diamond, 3 3 S Diapers, 3 6 8 , 8 4 1 , 1 3 1 3 , i 3 4 2 i I 3 9 9 J prices, 8 2 8 , 1 3 4 4 Dickinson, John, 1 9 7 Didsbury, John, & Son, 254. 355 Diligence, 4 2 0 Discounts, cash, 1 4 Dishes, 29, 3 3 9 . 3 6 6 , 934 Dishonesty, see Unfair practices Dispatch (brig), 1 3 5 3 Dispatch (sloop), 4 1 3 Documentation, 1310, 1 3 8 5 . See also Certificates; Ships' papers Dodge, Pickering, 557, 629, 1 2 1 6 , 1 2 4 6 Dollars, 5 3 , 774. 784; export of, 6 6 , 593, 598, 602, 6 4 1 , 644, 680, 789, 1 2 9 2 . See also Spanish dollars; Specie Dominica, 242 Doubloons, 906 Dover Mfg. Co., 768 Dragon's blood, 2 3 5 Drawback, 1 8 0 , 1 8 9 , 228, 399, 502, 5.16, 590, 600, 1 2 7 2 Drillings, 1 3 4 2 ; prices, 1 4 9 2 Droit d'aubaine, 3 7 2 , 3 7 6 - 3 7 7 Dromo, 36, 9 1 , 1 0 9 , 780, 788, 798, 8 o i , 808, 8x6, 856
Drugs, 3 8 , 4 0 - 4 1 , 60, 6 2 , 7 9 4 , 8 6 2 , 1 0 3 7 , 1040, 1094, 1 1 1 2 , 1 1 5 5 , 1 1 6 5 , 1218, 1234, 1300, 1397, 1409 Dry goods, 1 3 - 1 4 . 79. 219. 339, 342, 1399, 1424, 1438 Dubbs, William J., & Co., 1 4 6 9 Dublin, 26, 4 9 , 1 0 9 , 4 2 9 Duck, 1 7 , 2 1 4 , 2 6 2 ; bazaar, 8 6 6 ; prices, 422, 728, 866, 873, 903, 1 3 4 4 ; ravens, 4 2 2 , 7 2 8 , 1 3 1 3 , 1 3 4 2 , 1 3 8 5 , 1 3 9 9 ; Russia, 1 2 , 1 7 , 2 7 4 , 4 2 2 , 5 0 9 , 964, 1 3 4 2 , 1 3 8 1 Duff, Sir James, 4 7 3 - 4 8 0 , 4 8 5 Duff & Welsh, 4 1 0 Dulany, Daniel, 1 9 7 Du Loll, see Ramduloll Day Dummer Academy, 8 - 9 Dungaree, prices, 8 7 3 Dunnage, goat skins as, 6 7 1 DuPont & Co., 1 2 7 5 , 1 3 3 s Dury romals, prices, 9 8 9 , 1 0 2 3 Dustory, definition of, 1 0 8 0 Dutch West Indies, 1 3 , 2 5 Dutton, Capt. Chauncey, 6 0 1 , 8 6 1 , 9 6 0 Duty, see Customs; Tariff Dyes, 3 8 , 1 3 9 7 , 1 4 2 5 , 1 4 3 2 , 1481, 1 5 0 6 ; prices, 1 3 5 2 , 1 4 6 7 , 15x1 Eagle, 1 2 5 0 , 1 2 5 7 , 1 2 7 3 Earthenware, 2 5 9 East India Co., 3 9 , 4 2 , 5 6 - 5 7 , 6 2 , 1 3 6 1 ; monopoly by, 1 2 , 2 3 , 2 8 , 1 0 3 5 , 1404, 1495 East India trade, 9 , xi, 26, 28, 3 2 , 3 8 44, 8 1 - 8 6 , 103, 129, 5 3 5 - 5 4 8 , 5 9 2 969, 1 1 7 3 - 1 3 9 4 "Eastern Islands," 9 4 0 Egypt, 68, 1 4 0 8 , 1 4 1 6 , 1 4 2 6 , 1 4 5 0 Edmond, William, 1 4 2 4 Education of sedentary merchants, fill Elephants' teeth, prices, 1 3 5 5 El Ferro, 4 0 8 Eliza (brig.), 9 1 Eliza Ann, 1 2 6 4 Eliza Hailey, 1 3 5 1 Eliza of Boston, 609 Elizabeth (brig), 260, 3 1 2 , 3 2 0 Ellen Douglas, 1 2 5 1
Ellingwood, Capt. Joshua, 4 2 0 , 4 2 3 , 442-443, 445 Eliot Manufacturing Co., 1 2 2 , 4 7 0 Ely, T. & H„ 6 3 1 Embargo acts, 6 7 , 1 1 3 , 6 2 5 , 7 2 9 , 7 4 4 , 749, 757, 8 2 7 - 8 6 4 , 9 2 5 , 9 2 9 , 935, 940, 9 5 6 , 1 0 4 9 . See also Nonintercourse Emden, 499, 7 7 8 Emerties, 1 1 5 6 , 1 2 7 9 , 1 3 1 5 , 1 3 6 5 ; prices, 7 9 4 , 1 0 2 0 , 1 0 8 7 , 1 1 0 9 , 1 1 2 7 , " 3 5 , 1353, 1381 Emery, John, 2 8 1 , 2 8 3 Emery, N., Jr., 8 2 4 Emily, 1 1 5 3 , 1 1 5 9 , 1 1 6 1 Empress of China, 28, 3 1 , 3 3 Enforcement Act ( 1 8 0 9 ) , 6 3 5 , 8 6 0 England, 11, 1 5 , 2 3 , 3 2 , 3 6 , 4 5 , 1 0 0 , 153, 157, 357, 763, 1370, 1 4 " . See also Great Britain; cities of Engs, Capt. Madet, 3 3 2 Entrepot, 4 2 1 , 4 4 9 , 1 3 7 3 . See also Warehousing "Enumerated" commodities, 4 2 9 Erskine, David M., 8 4 8 , 8 5 2 Erving, G. W., 9 6 3 Escher, Henry, 5 4 9 Essences, 1 3 5 5 Essex, 4 1 2 Essex Bank, 4 8 2 ; Bridge, 1 1 8 , 1 2 2 , 4 6 6 4 7 0 ; Company, 1 2 3 - 1 2 4 ; County, 78, HI ; "Junto," 1 2 5 5 Essex, Jr., 1 2 7 2 Ethics, 9 8 - 1 x 0 . See also Illegal trade; Unfair practices Etting, Samuel, 1 4 2 6 Eunomus, 1 4 9 6 Euphrates, 862 Europe, 1 2 , 1 8 , 28, 3 0 , 3 3 , 3 7 , 4 1 , 69, 7 3 - 7 5 , 80, 90, 96, n o , 7 8 5 , 804, 8 1 3 , 9 6 3 , 1 3 3 8 . See also cities and countries of Experiment, 4 1 5 Factorage, 1 5 9 . See also Agents Failures, 1 2 0 - 1 2 1 , 789, 8 1 6 , 9 5 9 , 964, 992, 1 0 0 1 , 1 1 9 4 , 1202, 1207, 1 2 2 5 , 1 2 2 9 , 1 3 3 1 . See also individual merchants
INDEX Fairy, 449 .Falmouth, 322 Falmouth, England, 18, 397, 405 Fame (sloop), 259 Fancy, 333 Fanegas, 409 fanny, 420, 427 Fans, 219 Far East, 26-27, 73, 80, 784, 1232, 1351. See also countries of Farm-School, 129 Farris, Capt. William, 89, 762, 801, 812, 1321 Farwell, 1466 Favourite, 1146, 1x54 Favorite (schr.), 418, 423 Fawn, 1248, 1328 Fecamp, 551-572 Federalists, 736; political views of, 689-697 Felicity, 669 Fellowes, Nathaniel, 520 Field, Capt., 604 Field, T. S., & Co., 1455 Figs, prices, 1355 Finance, 12-16, 45-58, 77. See also Credit; individual merchants; R e spondentia; Terms of sale Financier, 594 Firebrand, 342 First Bank of U . S., 118 Fish, 12-13, 17-20, 26, 36, 47-48, 75, 77-80, 242, 259, 293-294, 305, 328, 399. 4I5> 419-420, 450, 568; dried, 244, 1047, 1353; prices, 461, 509, 587, 1353; to West Indies, 418427, 449. See also varieties of Fisher, Miller & Co., 1438 Fitchburg Railroad, 124 Five Brothers, 449 "Flags," 836, 863, 1102; prices, 1040, 1125, 1312 Flaxseed, 14-20, 76, 78, 129, 171-172, 183-184, 191-193, 253, 273, 281283, 330, 370, 399; cleaning, 224226; prices, 195, 208, 214-216, 221, 236, 242, 248, 282; to Ireland, 15, 46, 194-196, 204-208, 214, 220223, 233, 235-243, 248-251, 254
Flems, 1385, 1399; definition, 1313 Fletcher, Alexander & Co., 1232 Flour, 13-19, 24-25, 48, 96, 160, 251, 260-261, 269, 274, 283, 308, 315, 339, 419, 430, 442, 448, 452, 732, 734, 740, 1000, 1316; damaged, 167; prices, 182, 233, 248, 343, 447. 461, 463-464. 477, 480, 512, 716, 834, 1208, 1225, 1234, 1236, 1255, 1287, 1294, 1315-1316, 1353, 1453 Fly, 411 Folger & Starbuck, 160 Folgier, Anna (Mrs. Robert), 382 Folgier, Capt. Robert, 382 Food, 342. See also specific commodities Foolpour cossas, prices, 1017 Foot, Capt. Zacharias, 244 Forbes, Robert Bennet, 10, 89 Forbes & Co., 1448 Foreign exchange, 54-56, 266, 361, 395, 400, 403, 405, 407, 421, 425-426, 43°, 443, 46r, 519, S24-525, 552, 562, 573, 579, 593, 608, 610, 645, 673, 683, 760, 763, 785, 806, 909, 97°, 983, 1004, 1054, 1085, 1100, 1125, 1195, 1357, 1367, 1372, 1379, 1382, 1386 Forrester, Simon, 1264 Foster, Augustus J., 715 Foster, Capt. Samuel, 960 Foster, William H., 1525 Fowler, Capt. Samuel, 235, 243 Fox, 598 France, 8, 20, 32, 38, 75, 101, 110, 329332, 548-59i> 762, 777, 811, 1189, 1242, 1324, 1389, 1414. See also cities of Francis, 68, 742, 898, 922, 1018 Francis, Ebenezer, 582, 996 Franklin (brig.), 411 Franklin (ship), 331, 594 Franklin, Benjamin, 248 Fraser, Simon, 266 Freedom, 642 Freeman, Capt. Edmund, 272, 283, 308 Freight rates, 53-54, 65-66, 268, 358, 426, 974, 977, 1110, 1325
French, V. & P., & Nephew, 358 French West Indies, 25 Friendship, 286, 491 Friendship, 1218 Friendship (brig), 413 Frimel, J o h n R. & James, 494 Frost, P. H., 1472 Fruit, 19, 25, 76, 79, 284, 399, 1037; preserved, 610, 806, 1206, 1210; prices, 464 Funds, raising of, see Finance Furniss, W. P., & Co., 1407 Furs, 4, 33-34, 37. 79. 329-330; buffalo robes, 1345 Fustians, 365 Fustick, 11, 1384; prices, 1376 Gage, Capt. Zachariah, 436 Galatea, 1158, 1378 Galen, 763 Gallapago, definition, 1320 Gallatin, Albert, 692, 736, 743, 1086 Galls, 1025, 1 1 1 2 ; prices, 1115, 1355 Gamecock, 319 Ganges, 690, 852, 921, 923, 935, 940, 967 Gardner, George, 1532 Gardner, J. A., 1305 Gardner, J o h n Lowell, 1501 Gardner, Sarah Jackson, 383 Gardner, S. P., 858, 1305 Gardoqui, José, & Sons, 22, 325, 308, 333. 34°. 410 Garland, 1242, 1342 Gazette of the United States, 496 Gebhard & Co., 1173, 1192, 1379 Genealogy, 6-11, 18 General Arnold, 333 General Court of Massachusetts, 343 General Gage, 286 General Harrison, 1466 General Johnson, 761 General Knox, 740 George, 957, 1159, 1213, 1273, 1339, 1382 Georgia, 397, 1229, 1289, 1293, 1444 Gibraltar, 1183, 1242, 1253, 1258, 1316, 1338, 1378, 1400
Gibson, Felix G., 1289 Giddinge, Capt. Nathaniel, 276 Giddings, Capt. Andrew, 333 Gilbert, William G., 1282, 1289 Gilchrist, Capt. James, 782, 785 Gillas, 869, 1052, 1182, 1247; prices, 642, 880, 1136 Gilman, Zadock, 959, 966 Gin, 36-38, 40, S4S, 611, 671, 798, 910, 1025, 1047, 1096, 1172, 1182, 1210, 1218, 1222, 1230, 1236, 1249, 1265; jugs, 806; prices, 477, 489, 681, 830, 911, 1000, 1084, 1109, 1232, 1255 Ginger, 14, 40, 46, 106, 538, 543, 649, 678, 782, 806, 866, 871, 1048, 1099, 1112, 1171, 1175, 1182, 1190, 1201, 1236, 1239, 1243, 1246, 1259, 1264, 1284, 1300, 1305, 1315, 1324, 1343, 1374, 1384, 1389, 1397, 1409, 1425, 1506, 1 5 1 1 ; preserved, 610; prices, 170, 612, 1024, 1059, 1090, 1109, 1115, 1138, 1274, 1304, 1353, 1432 Gingham, 63 ; Manila, 869, 914 Ginseng, 4, 23, 28, 30-31, 37, 351, 354; prices, 856 Gipsy, 36-37, 91, 121, 639, 643, 661, 670, 698-699, 701, 705, 725, 747, 752, 818, 849, 858, 861, 865, 897, 937, 956, 964, 995; sinking of, 720 Glasgow, 15, 169, 206, 222 Glass and glassware, 17, 36-37, 158, 219, 234, 287, 780, 811, 985, 996, 999, 1007, 1025, 1210, 1243; Bristol, 235; prices, 482, 973; t u m blers, 558; window, 973 Gleaner, 951 Glendon Rolling Mills, 124 Glenn, John, 1463 Glide, 1211 Gloucester, 164, 502 Gloves, 219, 800, 1210, 1268 Godowns, 54. See also Warehousing Gold, 427, 441, 763, 987; dust, 28, 546, 1407 Goluck Chunder Day, 797, 1170, 1181, 1266 Gomastahs, 57
INDEX Gonaive Channel, 421 Goodwin, Ozias, 40, 1245, 1396 Gordon, William, 478, 485 Gorham, Nathaniel, 375 Gorham & Lawrence, 698, 868, 952 Gothenburg, 1398 Gouldsboro', 338 Government regulation, 12, 110-117, 196-199, 266-292, 296-297, S4S. 554, 56r, 573, 615, 643, 689-697, 699, 7i7> 732, 736-738. See also Boston Port Act; Great Britain; Non-intercourse; Tariff Governor Carver, 1386 Go wen, William C., 1361 Grades, see product policies of individual merchants Grain, prices, 363. See also specific varieties Granada, B. W. I., 25, 395 Grande Terre, W. I., 17, 259 Grand Turk, 28-30 Grant, Hepburn & Co., 1363 Grant, Patrick, 520 Grant, Pillans & Co., 1175, 1192, 1338, 1348 Grant, Sibbald & Balfour, 512, 518, "75 Grapes, 576 Gray, Harrison, 164 Gray, Vincent, 547 Gray, William, 4, 9, 90, 1 1 3 , 1192 Great Britain, 12, 1 5 - 1 6 , 20, 38-39, 41, 43, 68, 74, 1 1 3 , 129, 198; commercial regulations, 17, 1 1 3 , 155, 175, 601, 635, 688, 825-827, 935, 944, 1064. See also England; possessions of Great Falls Mfg. Co., 123-124, 770 Greene, John B., 79s, 800, 812, 820, 1185 "Gruff" goods, 43, 60, 538, 649, 68s, 866, 871, 936, 968, 1018, 1040, 1052, 1201, 1246, 1276 Guadeloupe, W. I., 17, 259; picture of, 334 Guarantee, price, 1106
Guilder, value of, 525 Guinea Coast, 28, 1350 Guineas, 752, 1349; blue, 647, 869; prices, 647, 1365, 1373, 1380 Gulliver (brig), 106, 661, 670, 677, 704, 706, 713, 752, 787, 793, 801, 806, 819, 827, 832, 836, 849, 861, 865, 896, 924, 937, 967, 99s Gulliver (vessel), 36-37, 91 Gums, 38, 40, 60, 62, 775, 794, 1057, 1074, 1218, 1397, 1409; arabic, 1 1 3 8 ; benzoin, 538, 913, 1 1 3 8 ; copal, 538, 541, 578, 794, 808, 872, 1059, 1109, 1 1 1 3 , 1138, 1 1 5 2 , 1 1 7 1 , 1182, 1267, 1397; gamboge, 913; lac, 538, 543, 808, 1138, 1 2 1 9 ; myrrh, 1 1 3 8 ; olibanum, 1 1 3 8 ; prices, 872, 913, 1 1 1 5 , 1138, 1355; tragacanth, 538, 1138. See also Asafetida Gunny bags, 35, 38, 538, 774, 782, 806, 866, 873, 1040, 1060, 1069, 1397, 1409, 1420; prices, 1025, 1432, 1467. See also Bagging Guns and ammunition, 166, 330, 409, 1363, 1403, 1407, 1424; gunpowder, 204, 315, 328, 1340; prices, 316, 343. See also Cannon Gurrahs, 602, 715, 774, 794, 869, 882, 993, 1001, 1020, 1045, 1048, 1052, 1102, 1147, 1150, 1154, 1182, 1 1 9 1 , 1200, 1258, 1279, 1284, 1292, 1304, 1320, 1334, 1349, 1397; prices, 603, 621, 632, 640, 646, 654, 724, 732, 841, 899, 903, 9 7 2 , 1 0 8 7 , 1 1 1 0 , i n s , 1 1 2 5 , 1 1 3 1 , 1 1 5 7 , 1160, 1243, 1248, 1257, 1273, 1316, 1339, 1350, 1365, 1380, 1383, 1393, 1482. See also Beerboom gurrahs; Patna gurrahs Guzeenahs, 1280, 1381
Haberdashery, 17, 191 Hadfield, Joseph, 351 Haiti, 25-26, 449-45°, 639, 650 Halifax, 16, 19, 77, 323, 1479; picture of, 668
Havana, 7 4 , 9 6 , 1 0 3 , 1 0 5 - 1 0 6 , 1 5 4 , 5 4 7 , 642, 698, 720, 748, 868, 902-903, 950, 1 1 7 7 , 1183, 1218, 1292, 1 3 1 8 1319, 1340, 1346, 1361, 1400, 1405, 1413, 1491 Haven, Joshua, 5 9 7 Haverhill, 2 1 0 , 5 4 3 Havre, 1 9 , 7 3 - 7 4 , 5 6 5 , 5 7 2 , 1 x 8 5 , 1 2 3 5 , 1244, 1253, 1324, 1399 Hawke, 3 1 1 , 3 1 6 , 3 1 9 , 3 2 1 , 3 3 3 , 3 3 7 Hay, 1 6 , 2 2 9 Hayley & Hopkins, 2 1 9 , 2 2 7 Hazard & Cabot, 6 2 1 , 6 3 2 , 8 0 2 , 8 1 2 , 835, 839, 933 Hazen & Jarvis, 1 6 0 Heard, Capt. Augustine, 1 0 , 6 6 2 , 7 4 2 , 758, 806, 824, 1056, 1 1 6 7 , 1 5 1 6 Heard, J. & N., & Co., 742 Hebbart, Capt. Jeremiah, 3 3 3 Hector, 4 1 4 , 4 1 6 , 8 0 6 Handkerchiefs, 1 2 - 1 3 , 1 9 , 4 4 , 1 0 3 , 3 9 3 , Helen, 7 9 7 489» 5 4 1 , 7 5 2 , 8 0 0 , 1 0 0 1 , 1 0 3 5 , Hemp, 1 7 , 2 6 2 - 2 6 3 , 273, 276, 399, 1384, 1147, 1149, 1171, 1178, 1232, 1241, 1397, 1 4 0 9 , 1 4 1 3 , 1 4 2 4 , 1 4 7 6 ; 1248, 1303, 1324, 1349, 1380, 1431, prices, 8 7 4 , 903 1 4 S 3 ; cambric, 1 1 8 7 , 1 2 1 0 ; flag, Henry, 2 9 - 3 0 8 3 6 , 9 7 2 , 1 3 9 7 ; lungee, 6 6 3 , 8 1 1 , 8 8 7 , 1 3 6 2 ; Madras, 6 4 7 , 1 4 5 3 ; Henshaw, Capt., 4 9 1 Herald, 1 2 1 3 prices, 5 4 1 , 6 4 7 , 6 6 3 , 7 9 4 , 8 1 1 , 8 2 6 , Hercules, 1121 8 3 6 . 855» 8 8 0 , 1 1 2 5 , 1 3 6 2 , 1 4 3 8 ; Hero, 3 4 0 ; picture of, 3 2 0 sistersoie, 6 6 3 . See also Bandannas Herring, 9 8 5 Hannah, 3 4 Hibernia, 3 4 2 Hannah (brig.), 2 6 0 , 2 9 8 , 3 0 0 , 3 0 7 , Hides and skins, 3 8 , 4 3 , 1 0 3 , 1 5 4 , 3 9 9 , 3 1 7 , 320, 498 521, 1374, 1401, 1409, 1420, 1425, Hannah (sehr.), 259 1 4 6 6 , 1 5 0 6 , 1 5 1 1 , 1 5 2 8 ; buffalo, Hannah (ship), 3 3 5 , 5 4 6 , 5 9 3 , 5 9 6 - 5 9 8 1 3 9 7 , 1 4 2 9 , 1 4 3 2 ; cow, 3 5 , 1 3 9 7 , Hardware, 1 3 - 1 4 , 1 7 , 7 9 , 1 5 4 , 1 6 6 , 200, 1 4 2 9 ; horse, 1 4 5 9 ; prices, 1 3 5 3 , 219, 339, 342 1 3 7 6 , 1 4 3 2 ; sea-otter, 3 2 . See also Harmony, 4 2 0 , 1 0 6 4 , 1 0 7 3 , 1 0 7 6 , 1 0 8 0 Skins Harriet, 1 3 5 3 Higgins, Capt., 4 8 1 Harrington & Co., 7 0 8 , 7 3 0 , 7 5 2 , 1 0 3 7 Higginson, George, 4 4 , 1 5 0 1 , 1 5 1 1 , 1 5 3 3 Harrod, Charles, 6 3 4 Higginson, Henry, 1 2 0 , 4 0 5 , 6 8 3 , 7 0 3 , Harrod & Ogden, 9 0 5 992, 1001, 1 2 4 0 , 1 3 2 7 Hartford, 1 4 6 4 Higginson, James B., 9 4 , 1 5 0 0 , 1 5 0 7 , Harvard University, 8 , 9 0 , 1 2 1 , 1 2 8 ISI3 1 2 9 ; Lottery, 6 9 7 Higginson, James P., 1 3 1 1 , 1 3 3 3 Hascke, Joachim, 3 6 2 Higginson, John, 4 0 5 , 6 1 5 Hats, 3 4 , 7 8 0 , 7 9 8 , 1 0 0 7 ; chip, 1 8 1 , Higginson, Stephen, 6 - 1 1 , 1 8 , 1 2 1 , 3 7 1 1 3 5 5 ; prices, 5 9 6 , 1 3 5 5 ; straw, 373, 499, 5 i 8 , 6 1 3 - 6 1 6 , 970, 1318. 1 3 5 5 . See also Millinery See also Jackson & Higginson
Hall, Capt., 2 2 7 Hall, Charles H., & Co., 1 2 1 6 Hall & Bainbridge, 1 4 2 2 Hallett, Capt., 3 5 1 Hallett & Cox, 3 5 8 Hallowell, Maine, 7 4 9 Hamans, prices, 1 3 8 1 Hamburg, 2 7 , 4 4 9 , 7 7 8 , 1 2 3 0 , 1 3 6 6 , 1372, 1398 Hamilton, Col. James, 5 9 7 Hamilton Co., 7 6 8 Hamilton Manufacturing Co., 1 2 2 , 1 2 4 , 466-472 Hampden, 1 5 3 0 Hampden (brig.), 4 1 1 Hampshire, 1 6 4 Hampshire, 546 Hams, 37. 985, 996 Hancock, John, 4 7
INDEX Higginson, Stephen, & Co., 613-616, 970 Hill, James, 1429 Hill & Blodget, 1258, 1338 Hillsborough, Lord, 192, 197 Hindu, 96, 758, xi66, 1213, 1224 Hingham, 24Hircarars, 57 Hock, 1163, 1268 Hodgen, William, 510 Hodshon, John, & Son, 499, 517, 545 Holland, 36, 38, 74, 561, 607, 775, 786, 1175,1189,1218 Holland, Capt. Samuel M., 1382 Hollander Bhose, 1482 Holofern, 1225, 1228, 1239 Hong merchants, 51-52, 932 Hood, Capt., 227 Hoops, 409; iron, 36-37, 273, 671, 978, 985, 996, 999, 1008, 1047; prices, 986, i o n , 1025, 1109, 1135 Hope (brig.), 338 Hope (galley), 412 Hope (ship), 106, 699, 1152, 1 1 5 7 1158,1229 Hoppin & Son, 831 Hoppo, 51 Horace, 1320 Horatio, 1247 Horns, 38, 1397, 1409; buffalo, 806 Horses, 231, 237, 240-241, 1037 Horton, Samuel, 335 Hosiery, 219, 255, 800, 1210, 1249; prices, 343; silk, 1165, 1187, 1210, 1223, 1265 Hottinguer & Co., 101, 549, 555, 558, 563. 5 7 i , 574, 1242, 1324 Houqua, 52 Howard, Samuel, 541 Howard, S. & C., 966 Howe, Lord, 324 Hubbard, Capt. James, 1320 Hudson, Capt. James, 235, 240 Huffnagle & Spry, 1431, 1474 Hugli River, 80 Humhums, 542, 877,1033,1227; prices, 1353 Huntress, noi Hyder Ali, 1092
Iberian Peninsula, 13, 17, 27, 45, 79, 399. See also Portugal; Spain Ice, transporting of, 1474 Illegal trade, 421, 573, 924. See also Smuggling Illinois, 611 Imprisonment for debt, 210-213 Imports, restrictions on, see Government regulation Independence, 1296, 1302 Ince, William B., 1215, 1309 India, 12, 27-44, 1 2 9 , 1416, 1445, 1474, 1479; goods, 125, 566. 592-766, 773-969, 1006-1489. See also Bengal; Calcutta; East India trade; Indigo; Piece goods India Wharf, 1505, 1530; picture of, i486 Indigo, 11, 38, 41-43, 60-61, 81, 87, 102, 106, 154, 184, 495, 521, 758, 788, 798, 1014, 1020, 1039, 1069, 1123, 1152, 1158, 1172-1173, 1182, 1186, 1189, 1193, 1196, 1201, 1213, 1233, 1235, 1246, 1259, 1276, 1284, 1288, 1302, 1309, 1315, 1322, 1324, 1328, 1343, 1371, 1379, 1387, 1389, 1397,1408,1412,1425, 1445,14531454, 1457, 1464, 147°, 1478, 1481, 1488, 1503, 1506; prices, 496, 577, 580, 700, 745, 752> 794, 808, 852, 875, 912, 939, 948, 961, 968, 972, 990, 1013, 1021, 1035, 1043, 1048, 1054, 1067, 1074, 1082, 1089, 1097, 1103, 1107, 1113, 1117, 1124, 1132, 1146, 1159, 1164, 1197, 1267, 1279, 1345, 1353, 1374, 1423, 1432, 1446, 1467, i486, 1511 Indus, 1146, 1157 Industry (brig), 604 Inferior goods, see product policies of individual merchants Insurance, 85, 626, 1459-1461; rates, 67, 73-74. See also individual merchants Interest, 72-74, 482, 569, 1115 Ipecacuanha, prices, 1355 Ipswich, h i ; Turnpike Co., 468
1604 Ireland, 1 5 , 2 350, 4 2 9 ; 196,
6 , 46,
to, 15, 1 9 4 -
2 3 3 , 2 3 5 -
2 4 2 ; linen from, 15, 1 5 7 , 195-196, 2 0 3 , 355. 3 5 8 Iris, 4 3 0 , 4 4 9 , 4 5 2 . 4 7 4 Iron, 1 3 - 1 8 , 3 0 , 34. 38, 4 0 , 155, 1 6 0 , 172,
2 5 1 ,2 5 9 ,
314. 339. 4i9. 447.
283, 910,
269, 2 7 1 ,
1 2 4 6 , 1 3 8 5 , 1 3 9 8 , 1424; English, 1 1 0 9 , 1 1 8 2 ; pig, 9 7 8 ; prices, 6 1 2 , 681,
1 0 1 1 ,
1109, 1 1 3 5 ; Russia, 1 1 7 2 ; "Swedes," 3 7 , 6 7 1 , 6 8 1 , 7 3 2 , 1 0 4 7 , X109, 1135, 1172, 1182, 1210. See also Hoops Isle of France, 2 6 , 2 8 - 3 5 , 4 5 ° . 6 1 1 , 1 2 3 9 , 1268,
Italy, 1 2 , 5 1 8 - 5 2 4 , 5 7 6 - 5 7 8 . See also cities 0} Ives, Capt. Benjamin, 4 4 1 Ivory, 2 8 , 7 9 7 , 1 4 0 7 ; prices, 8 2 8 Jackson, Charles, 3 8 2 Jackson, Edward, 7 7 , 1 5 4 , 3 2 5 - 3 2 8 Jackson, Lieut. Col. H. G., 1 4 7 9 Jackson, Hannah, see Lowell, Hannah Jackson Jackson, Hannah Tracy (Mrs. Jonathan), 2 4 5 , 2 5 2 - 2 5 6 Jackson, Harriot, 3 8 3 , 3 8 5 Jackson, Henry, 9 , 3 2 5 , 3 8 2 Jackson, Dr. James, 7 3 , 3 8 2 , 6 5 8 , 1 3 1 8 Jackson, Mary, see Lee, Mary Jackson Jackson, Nathaniel Cabot, 1 0 Jackson, Jonathan, 3 , 1 3 - 1 9 , 1 4 1 3 ; advertising, 6 9 , 3 5 1 ; agents, 3 5 0 3 5 6 ; amateur diplomat, 3 4 8 ; ancestry and training, 6 - 1 1 , 8 9 , 1 5 3 1 5 6 ; autograph letter, 3 4 4 ; barter, 2 1 3 ; British importers, 1 5 3 - 2 5 8 ; business failure, 1 1 7 , 1 2 0 ; capital, 1 3 , 1 6 ; claims and allowances, 1 0 3 ; clothing for personal use,
commission selling, 4 6 , credit policy, 1 3 - 1 4 ; educational interests, 119; expenses, personal, 3 7 8 ; financing, 1 3 - 1 4 , 3 4 4 , 3 6 3 ; freight charges, 3 5 8 ; government positions, 1 2 0 , 3 7 4 - 3 7 5 ; government regulation, 1 6 0 - 1 6 1 ; health, 3 5 9 , 3 7 9 ; in England, 3 4 6 3 7 0 ; insurance, 1 5 7 , 3 4 5 , 3 6 0 ; market analysis, 3 6 5 - 3 7 0 ; marriage, 1 5 6 , 1 7 4 , 2 4 5 , 3 2 S - 3 2 7 ; military service, 3 7 1 ; non-importation, 2 1 3 - 2 1 4 ; picture, frontispiece (Vol. I) ; picture of mansion, 1 7 8 ; political views, 111-112, 2 9 8 , 3 5 3 , 3 7 4 ; privateering, 2 0 - 2 1 , 3 1 8 - 3 2 2 , 3 3 3 - 3 4 6 ; profit and loss, 3 4 7 , 3 7 1 3 7 4 ; public duties, 1 2 0 - 1 2 1 , 3 7 4 3 7 5 ; real estate ventures, 1 1 8 ; religious affiliations, 119; retirement, 3 7 4 ; slave trade, 7 9 ; terms of sale, 4 6 , 1 5 7 ; trade promotion, 3 4 6 - 3 8 0 ; trade with France, 3 2 9 3 3 2 ; trade with Spain and W. I., 259-350; travels, 2 1 8 , 2 7 9 , 3 4 6 3 8 0 ; vessel ownership, 2 6 0 , 2 8 7 , 252-256; 158;
3 1 2 - 3 1 3 , 3 1 8 -
3 2 2 , 3 3 1 , 333-336, 3 4 2 ; will, 3 8 0 3 9 0 ; writings, 1 1 2 , 3 7 4 . See also Jackson & Bromfield; Jackson & Higginson ; Jackson, Tracy & Tracy Jackson, Patrick Tracy, 3 , 5 , 8 3 , 1 2 9 1 3 0 , 3 8 2 , 1 1 6 6 , 1 4 4 0 , 1 4 7 7 ; ancestry and training, 6 - 1 1 , 5 4 6 , 5 9 2 ; association with Henry Lee, 9 9 2 , 1046,
1 1 1 6 - 1 1 1 8 ;
John Tracy, Jr., 6 2 0 - 7 6 5 ; autograph letter, 6 1 4 ; banians, relations with, 5 9 8 , 6 1 8 , 6 3 3 ; barter, 6 3 2 , 6 3 6 , 7 6 1 ; benefactions, 1 2 9 ; business ethics, 1 0 5 , 6 6 6 ; business failure, 1 2 0 ; capture of vessels of, 6 6 7 , 6 6 9 ; claims and allowances, 1 0 8 , 6 0 0 , 6 2 3 , 6 2 6 ; commissions paid and received, 6 1 3 , 6 4 1 , 6 7 4 , 7 4 8 , 7 5 9 , 7 6 2 ; competitors, attitude toward, 6 7 8 ; credits, 6 0 0 ;
INDEX East India merchant, 620-766; employers, list of, 594; financing, 65, 597) 599) 603, 605, 609, 612, 614, 616, 618, 622, 629, 633, 654, 674, 702, 7 1 2 , 723, 730, 734, 7 5 2 -
757) 762, 765> 858; freight charges, 53, 598, 604, 739; government regulation, 601, 609, 611, 618, 625, 643, 667-670, 689-697, 699, 736,
743-746, 757 ; Harvard College Lottery, 697; in Calcutta, 592620; insurance, 67, 604, 609, 614, 623, 626, 6 3 1 , 670, 672, 7OI L _7IO;
investments, 766-772 ; manufacturer, 746-752) 757) 766-772, 1166, 1256, 1290, 1295; market analysis, 639, 676, 715; partnership activities, 620-765 ; picture of, 592 ; political views, 665, 689-697,1460; product policy, 647; profit and loss, 593, 615, 698, 720, 740, 759, 761; real estate, 120; respondentia shipments, 672, 686; sales methods, auction, 593, 596-598, 614,
711, 739; shipowner, 35, 76, 608,
636, 670, 702, 7 1 3 - 7 1 4 ) 734, 747,
758; specie sales, 54; speculation, 599, 617, 629, 634; supercargo, 8, 34~35> 546, 592-620; terms of sale, 66, 7 0 - 7 1 , 598, 625, 630, 685
Jackson, P. T., Jr., 1476 Jackson, Robert, 9 Jackson, Sarah Barnard (Mrs. Jonathan), 156, 174, 325-327 Jackson, Sarah Boott (Mrs, Francis Henry), 1532 Jackson, Thomas, 9 Jackson & Bromfield, 4; agents, relations with, 192, 206-207, 230, 247248; British imports, 161-258; capital, 45, 162-163, 166, 178, 187, 2
°3, 257J claims and allowances,
167, 1 8 1 , 1 9 1 - 1 9 4 , 199-205,
228; credits and collections, 1741 7 8 , 2 1 0 - 2 1 3 , 223, 229, 2 5 2 - 2 5 6 ;
dissolution of partnership, 257258; distilling, 224; financing shipments, 173, 201, 208, 216-217, 219,
239, 246; flaxseed trade, 76, 78, 1 7 1 - 1 7 2 , 1 8 3 - 1 8 4 , 1 9 3 - 1 9 6 , 206208, 2 1 4 - 2 1 6 , 2 3 5 - 2 4 0 ; insurance, 1 8 8 - 1 9 1 , 2 3 3 - 2 3 5 , 237, 242-244;
losses, 252; non-importation, 201205, 2 1 3 - 2 1 4 , 2 1 7 , 2 4 5 - 2 4 7 ; p a y -
ment in kind, 216, 229; political views, 196-199; prices, 195, 208, 210, 214-216, 248, 257; profits,
257; purchasing policy, 170, 173, 186; storage, 232; terms of sale, 46-47, 50, 1 6 5 - 1 6 7 , 1 7 1 - 1 7 2 , 1 7 9 ;
trade activities, 13-16, 178; trade routes, 240-241 ; vessel ownership, 78, 235
Jackson & Higginson, 24-25, 47, 232, .346-380.
Stephen; Jackson, Jonathan Jackson, Tracy & Tracy, as agents, 334; barter, 271-272; capital, 260; capture of vessel by British, 323324; dissolution, 334; domestic t r a d e , 268-283, 293-294, 3 1 4 - 3 1 5 ;
ethics, 109; finance, 265, 271, 277, 288, 295, 302, 306, 3 1 5 , 3 1 8 , 329,
332, 336, 340; government restrictions, 266-308; insurance, 277, 308, 318; political views, 277; privateering, 20-21, 318-322, 3 3 3 -
339; profit and loss, 280, 331, 337; relations with agents, 287, 293,
305-306, 3 0 9 - 3 1 0 , 3 2 2 - 3 3 6 ;
policy, 17-19; scope of trade, 274277; terms of sale, 46, 264; trade
trade with France, 329-332; with Spain and W. I., 259-346; vessel
ownership, 260, 287, 294-301, 306-
308, 3 1 2 - 3 1 3 , 3 1 8 - 3 2 2 , 3 3 1 , 3 3 3 -
336 Jacob Jones, 1092 Jacobson, Capt. Howard, 167 Jalap, 154 Jalapore mamoodies, 640, 1136; prices, 640, 783, 841, 893, 1383
Jamaica, L. I., N. Y., 791 Jamaica, W. I., 17, 170, 429 Jane, 1254
Janvrin, Capt., 276 Japara, Java, 1055 Jarvis, Leonard, 230 Jarvis, Capt. Robert, 188 Java, i o s s , 1233, 1298, 1316, 1495. See also Batavia Java, 37, 898 Jay, 338 Jay's Treaty, 33 Jeans, 366 Jefferson, Thomas, 353, 372 Jenkins, Robert, 305 Jenny, 206 Jesus Maria and Joseph, 154 John (brig.), 260, 287, 294-295, 297298, 301, 320 John (schr.) [g. 83], 259, 484, 49* John (ship), 535 John (sloop), 230, 234 John Adams, 936, 942, 967 Johnson, Capt. William Peirce, 243 Jones, Capt., 182, 234 Jones, Gibson & Ord, 1395 Joseph, 415 Joy, Benjamin, 1228 Jugs, gin, 806 June, 555 Juniper, 1222; berries, 1354; spirits, 1222 Juno, 29 Jute, 1397, 1425, 1521 Kails, 645 Kanahaw, 1407 Keiler, Hans, 85 Kendall cottons, 355 Kennebunk Steam Navigation Co., 769 Kennebunkport, 671 Kensington, 1158, 1164 Kent, 1096 Kentucky, 1425, 1429, 1432 Kermitchees, 1182, 1247 King, James, 215 King, Rufus, 72-73, 766, 791 Kingston, Jamaica, 429, 869 Kinship and business, 88-98, 516 Kip & Ingraham, 1280 Kippen, George, & Son, 169
Kirwahs, prices, 880 Knapp, Mary, 382 Knight, George, 1218 Knives, table, 203 Knowles, Capt. Smith, 1286 Kottahs, 56 Lac, definition of, 926, 1012 Laces, 1210, 1268 Laconia Co., 123-124 Ladrone Islands, 80 LaGuayra, 960, 1401, 1419, 1459, 1491 Lamb, T . & J., 671 Lambert, Capt. H., 1176 Lancaster Mills, 124 Landreth, D., & Munns, D . S., 1474 Lane, Son & Fraser, 262, 274, 284, 287, 308, 337! 353, 358 Langdon, Thomas W., 1392 Langdon & Page, 271 Langley, William C., & Co., 1471 Languedoc, 413 L a Plata, 449 Lark, 235, 240, 243 Larkin & Hurd, 9 Lascar, 40, 89, 121, 1286, 1296, 1301, 1308, 1343 Latin America, 1177, 1361, 1400, 14051408, 1419, 1469, 1490. See also cities and countries of Laura, 613, 618 Lawrence, William, 748 Lawrence & Whitney, 631 Lawrence M f g . Co., 123, 768 Lead, 33, 204, 1183; bar, 214; pig, 1172, 1182; white, 219 Leader, 922 Leaguer, definition of, 611 Lee, Dr. Arthur, 351 Lee, Francis Lowell, 1167, 1530; ancestry and training, 6 - 1 1 ; dealings with Henry Lee, 758, 785, 959, 1042, 1079-1092, 1096-1110, 11221148, 1163-1166, 1173, 1177, 1193, 1207, 1209, 1216, 1224, 1305, 1307, 1327; with BuIIard & Lee, 15301535; military service, 1532; supercargo, 1532
INDEX Lee, George, 123, 677, 758, 798, 801, 827, 922, 1167, 1220, 1224, 1307; sea captain, 490, 504, 517. See also Lee & Hall Lee, George, & Hall, Joseph, Jr., 688,
863, 86s, 870, 92SJ 935, 995 Lee, Henry, 3, 35-44, 55-56, 81, 8385, 92-95, 98, 548-591; advertising, 69, 791, 1310; agent, 793, 9701173; ancestry and training, 6-11, 18; association with P. T. Jackson and John Tracy, Jr., 620-765; auction, 70, 788, 962, 966, 1043, 1152, 1198, 1205, 1328, 1456; autograph letter, 564; barter, 636, 911, 960, 1304; bequest, 129; business policy, 773, 782-820, 839, 846, 865, 944, 952, m o , 1143, 1152, 1165, 1178, 1207, 1218, 1221, 1230, 1245-1255, 1260, 1310, 1316, I 2 3 3t 1343 ; characteristics, 100, 102, 564; claims and allowances, 102-104, 57°. 820, 839, 955, 997, 1025, 1195, 1215, 1229, 1243, 1333, I349> 1367.
1455. 1465-1469, 1473,
1483 ; commissions earned and paid, 1185, 1278, 1286, 1312, 1458, 1462, 1484, i486; compensation of employees, 1216, 1311, 1381; competition, 43, 922, 936, 1040, 1094, 1143, 1149, 1174, 1307, 1370, 1449; credits and collections, 583, 978983, 1212, 1224, 1256, 1285, 1455, 1469; custom duties, 54, 551, 553, 556, 565-566, 568, 575, 832, 998, 1010, 1156, 1174, 1179, 1189, 1199, 1207, 1233, 1286, 1385; death, 1488; distribution channels, 1065, 1141, 1149, 1196, 1247, 1256; domestic trade, 1401, 1455-1458, 1464, 1481 ; East India merchant, 773-970, 1173-1394; economist, 1294, 1409-1419, 1433-1445, 1487; ethics, 100, 102, 105-109, 559, 870, 929, 992, 1151, 1175, 1263, 1318, 1323; expense accounts, 1006, 1065; failure, 120, 699-707, 712, 716, 969, 1318, 1332; family life,
1607 996, 1118, 1173, 1188; finance, 5556, 64, 552, 560, 572, 574, 589,
774, 785, 795-797, 799, 803, 805,
814, 828, 834, 838, 840, 844, 847, 858, 865, 871, 907-919, 928-929, 964, 970, 987, 1008, 1029, 1036, 1050, 1059, 1073, 1081, 1106, 1117, 1125, 1139, 1164, 1169, 1176, 1179, 1185, 1187, 1191-1192, 1195-1196, 1203, 1207, 1223, 1227, 1231, 1235, 1239, 1257, 1278, 1282, 1286, 1301, 1311, 1344, 1347, 1369, 1420, 1428, 1432, 1463; freight charges, 53, 66, 788, 1151, 1202, 1511; government regulation, 561, 573, 777, 814, 825864, 925, 929, 935, 940, 944, 948, 950, 956, 1009, 1013, 1049-1054, 1065, 1214, 1248, 1285, 1326,1329; health, 549, 578, 581, 584, 587, 1097, 1123, 1154; horticulturist, 128, 1487; in England, 977-1005; in France, 548-591; in India, 970976, 1006-1173; insurance, 67, 774, 780, 801, 924, 962, 984, 994, 1008, 1071, 1076, 1144, 1151, 1164, 1169, 1176, 1191, 1197, 1204, 1213, 1308, 1364, 1459-1461; investments, 118, 123-124; joint trading, 815, 832, 933, 1128, 1152, 1158, 1163, 1179, 1216, 1255, 1306; manufacturing interests, 124-128, 1439; market analysis by, 551578, 841, 853, 898-903, 940-948, 955, 1000, 1037, 1047, 1091, 11271143, 1175, 1188, 1216, 1233-1237, 1245-1255, 1284, 1292, 1296-1300, 1315, 1339, 1348-1366, 1377-1394, 1406-1419, 1426-1429, 1431; partnership with Joseph Lee, Jr., 773970; picture of, frontispiece (Vol. I I ) ; picture of house, 1350; political views, 112-117, 579, 784, 791, 829, 917, 927, 951, 1002-1005, 1075-1077, i i i i , 1122, 1255, 1295, 1329, 1439, 1447, 1460, 1487; price policy, 1106, 1176, 1219, 1286, 1366, 1420, 1438; product policy, 42, 566, 851, 866, 870-897, 903-
904, 912, 915, 1031, 1043, 1098, 1112,1163,1248,1266,1313,1341, 1361, 1 3 8 1 , 1 4 2 3 ; profit and loss, 574, 589, 824, 959, 1046, 1056, 1063, 1088, 1 1 2 3 , 1129, 1 1 7 5 , 1179, 1185, 1189, 1198, 1200, 1 2 1 2 , 1333, 1358; provisioning of vessels, 1220; purchasing policy, 966-968, 1143, 1 2 1 3 , 1280; re-exportation, 774, 800, 804, 8 1 1 - 8 2 4 , 1232, 1235, 1260, 1338, 1396; relations with agents, 58-61, 67, 101, 782, 797, 802, 813-824, 827, 845-970, 1 2 6 2 1275, 1 3 0 1 - 1 3 0 7 , 1 5 0 1 ; with banians, 806, 824, 844, 920, 1055, 1061, 1077, 1080, 1 1 7 0 - 1 1 7 3 , 1 1 8 1 , 1252, 1263, 1 4 8 2 - 1 4 8 3 ; religious affiliations, 119; respondentia shipments, 907, 929; retirement, 1 2 3 128, 1465; shipowner, 85, 517, 636, 785, 805, 897, 905, 960, 1 1 6 1 , 1224, 1228, 1316, 1 3 9 5 ; smuggling, 1 0 1 5 ; specie purchases, 779, 789; speculation, 985-992; supercargo, 8-9, 36-37, 42, 87, 120, 535-538, 9 7 0 1 1 7 3 ; terms of sale, 70-74, 85, 791, 1 1 5 2 , 1260, 1276, 1335, 1420, 1 4 2 7 ; trade promotion, 778-780, 788, 806-809, 935-939. 966, 970-1195, 1205, 1 2 0 9 - 1 2 1 5 , 1226, 1 2 3 2 - 1 2 3 7 , 1240-1243, 1258, 1283, 1290, 1314, 1324, 1333, 1348-1360, 1363-1366, 1405, 1 4 5 1 , 1458; trade with Africa, 1382, 1 3 8 9 - 1 3 9 1 , 1 4 5 8 ; Asia, 1 3 9 2 - 1 3 9 4 ; China, 1226, 1232, 1240; Europe, 800, 804, 8 1 1 824, 1 1 7 3 - 1 1 7 6 , 1 1 8 3 - 1 1 8 7 , 1283, 1290, 1 3 1 4 , 1324, 1338, 1348, 1363, 1 3 7 2 - 1 3 8 8 , 1392, 1398-1400, 1 4 0 3 1405, 1 4 5 1 , 1470; India, 773-97 0 , 1 1 7 3 - 1 4 9 0 ; Spanish America, 1 1 7 7 , 1361, 1400, 1405-1408, 1419, 1469, 1490; travels, 549; writings, 1 1 5 , 1 1 7 , 130, 1439, 1487. See also Joseph Lee, Jr.; Lee & Cabot Lee, Henry, Jr., 6-11, 18, 90, 1491, I I2 5 > I 5 3 3 - I 5 3 4 - See also Bullard & Lee Lee, J o h n C., 44
Lee, Joseph, 3, 5 ; ancestry and training, 6-11, 18, 3 9 I - 3 9 2 ; barter, 4 5 3 ; bequests, 128, 4 7 1 ; civil engineer, 466; credit policies, 454; distiller, 393-394; diversified functions, 75-76, 4 7 0 - 4 7 1 ; financing, 4 5 3 ; freight charges, 4 5 1 ; goods in kind, 452; government regulation, 395; investments, 1 1 8 , 122, 466-472; naval architect, 1 2 1 , 5 3 7 ; picture of, 472 ; pictures of house, 38, 392; price policies, 454; privateering, 2 1 - 2 3 ; product policy, 453 ! profit and loss, 418, 429, 4 4 9 - 4 5 1 ; religious views, 4 7 1 ; slave trade, 79; temperament, 471 ; terms of sale, 66, 451 ; trade activities, 1 2 - 1 3 , 25-28, 448; vessel ownership, 392-393, 4 1 0 - 4 1 2 ; 449-450, 452 ; warehousing, 418. See also J. & A. Cabot; Lee & Cabot; Lee, Joseph, & Co. Lee, Joseph, Jr., 3, 35-39, 93, 129, 448, 473-548; advertising, 7 9 1 ; agent, 793; ancestry and training, 6-11, 18, 391-392, 474; auction, 788, 962, 966; barter, 9 1 1 , 960; borrowing, 828; business ethics, 104, 509; business failure, 120, 699-707, 7 1 2 ; business policy, 5 1 4 - 5 1 5 , 773, 782-820, 839, 846, 865, 944, 952; claims and allowances, 484, 820, 839, 855; commissions, 458, 463, 526-535, 543, 788; competitors, 922, 936; customs duties, 832; East India merchant, 535-548, 7 7 3 - 9 7 ° ; finance, 53, 478, 481, 488, 490, 517, 525, 785, 795-799, 803, 805, 814, 834, 838, 844, 847, 858, 871, 907-919, 928, 964; freight charges, 502, 788; goods in kind, 503; government regulation, 777, 814, 825-864, 925, 929, 935, 940, 944, 948, 950, 956; insurance, 774, 780, 801, 924, 962; joint trading, 498, 500, 601-605, 815, 832, 9 3 3 ; market analysis, 488-489, 494, 506-510, 518-524, 841, 853, 898-903, 940-948, 9555
INDEX master and supercargo, 4 5 2 - 4 6 5 ; naval architect, 1 1 6 1 ; partnership with Henry Lee, 7 7 3 - 9 7 0 ; picture of, 1 1 7 6 ; political views, 7 8 4 , 7 9 1 ; price policies, 5 4 2 ; product policy, 486, 506, 8 5 1 , 866, 870-897, 9 0 3 9 0 4 , 9 1 2 , 9 1 5 , 9 3 8 ; profit and loss, 8 2 4 , 9 5 9 ; purchasing policy, 9 6 6 9 6 8 ; re-exportation, 7 7 4 , 8 0 0 , 8 0 4 , 8 1 1 - 8 2 4 ; relations with agents, 7 9 7 , 8 0 2 , 8 1 3 - 8 2 4 , 8 4 5 - 9 7 0 ; with banians, 8 0 6 , 8 2 4 , 8 4 4 , 9 2 0 ; religious affiliations, 119; retirement, 1 2 2 ; shipowner, 8 6 , 1 2 1 , 5 1 3 , 8 0 5 ; specie purchases, 7 7 9 , 7 8 9 ; supercargo, 1 2 1 , 7 2 0 ; terms of sale, 5 3 9 , 7 9 1 ; trade promotion, 7 7 8 780, 788, 806-809, 935-939. 966; trade with Europe, 8 0 0 , 8 0 4 , 8 1 1 8 2 4 ; vessel ownership, 4 5 2 , 4 7 4 , 504, 5 1 7 , 785, 897, 905, 960, 1 3 3 0 . See also Lee & Cabot Lee, Joseph, & Co., agents, relations with, 4 0 0 ; claims and allowances, 4 0 3 ; credits and collections, 3 9 4 ; distilling, 3 9 3 - 3 9 4 ; domestic trade, 3 9 7 » 3 9 9 ; finance, 4 0 1 , 4 0 4 , 4 1 4 ; governmental restrictions, 3 9 5 , 4 0 6 , 4 0 9 ; insurance, 3 9 7 - 3 9 9 , 4 0 9 ; market analysis, 4 0 2 ; payment in kind, 3 9 3 , 3 9 5 ; privateering, 391-417; profit and loss, 3 9 5 , 4 0 1 , 4 0 7 ; terms of sale, 4 7 - 4 8 , 4 0 4 ; trade routes, 3 9 7 , 3 9 9 ; trade with Spain and West Indies, 3 9 1 - 4 1 7 Lee, Mary Jackson (Mrs. Henry), 1 2 7 , 383, 385, 712, 716, 747, 1 3 2 1 , 1 3 3 2 , 1476, 1531 Lee, Nathaniel Cabot, association with Henry Lee, 5 5 1 , 5 5 5 , 5 6 1 , 5 6 4 , 5 6 7 , 571-576, 579-582, 5 8 6 - 5 8 8 ; death, 1 3 0 7 ; education, 5 0 0 ; marriage, 5 0 0 ; supercargo, 4 5 1 Lee, Thomas, 3 9 1 - 3 9 2 Lee, Thomas, Jr., 1 2 3 , 4 5 1 , 6 9 8 , 9 5 0 , 985, 1001-1002, 1035, 1177, 1 3 0 7 ; ancestry, 3 9 1 - 3 9 2 ; bequests, 1 2 8 ; education, 5 2 5
Lee, William Coleman, 7 8 8 Lee & Cabot, 9 ; barter, 4 4 3 , 4 5 3 ; coasting trade, 4 4 7 - 4 5 2 ; credit policy, 4 5 4 , dissolution, 4 1 9 , 4 4 8 ; domestic trade, 4 4 2 , 4 4 5 , 4 4 7 ; finance, 4 2 7 , 4 3 1 , 4 5 3 , 5 1 7 ; freight costs, 4 2 6 , 4 3 4 , 4 4 1 ; goods in kind, 4 6 4 ; governmental restrictions, 4 2 1 , 4 2 9 ; prices, 4 5 4 ; product policy, 4 4 3 , 4 5 3 ; profit and loss, 418, 420, 430, 442, 447, 450, 462; terms of sale, 4 3 8 , 4 4 7 ; trade routes, 4 5 2 ; trade with Spain and West Indies, 4 1 8 - 4 6 5 ; vessel ownership, 4 2 0 , 4 2 9 , 4 3 6 , 4 5 2 ; warehousing and wharfage, 4 x 8 Lee, Higginson & Co., 4 4 , 1 5 3 3 Leech, Capt. William, 4 2 7 , 4 9 1 , 5 5 7 Leeward Islands, 4 2 1 Leghorn, Italy, 3 6 , 3 8 , 7 3 - 7 5 , 5 1 2 , 5 1 8 , 7 7 4 , 8 1 1 , 1 1 7 5 , 1338, 1349, 1363 Leipzig Fair, 1 3 8 8 Lemons, 1 2 , 3 4 9 , 4 2 9 , 4 4 9 - 4 5 0 Leopard, 6 2 2 , 8 1 4 Letters, importance of, 9 1 9 , 9 2 2 , 9 6 0 , 1 0 7 0 , 1 1 1 6 , 1 1 5 3 ; of credit, 1 0 9 0 , 1 1 3 9 , 1 2 7 9 ; of marque, 1 0 9 2 ; transporting of, 6 7 8 , 8 9 7 , 9 0 8 , 9 2 2 , 935, 1089, 1096, 1267, 1 3 1 7 , 1448 Levant, 5 1 9 Lewis, Ponsett & Sons, 3 2 9 Licorice paste, prices, 1 3 5 5 Light Horse, 2 9 - 3 1 Lightning rods, 2 4 8 , 2 5 1 Lignum-vitae, 3 6 , 4 0 , 2 8 3 , 1 0 9 6 , 1 1 6 2 , 1167, 1172, 1222, 1246, 1265; prices, 6 8 2 Lillie, William, 2 9 3 Lincoln, Gen. Benjamin, 3 7 5 Linen, 1 3 9 9 ; Irish, 1 5 , 1 5 7 , 1 9 5 - 1 9 6 , 2 0 3 , 3 5 5 , 3 5 8 ; prices, 1 9 6 Lines, 3 5 Linzee, Capt. Ralph I., 7 7 4 , 8 6 1 Lion, 1 5 2 6 Liquier, Bonhomme & Co., 5 8 9 , 8 1 2 , 817 Liquors, 1 1 4 8 . See also specific varieties
Lisbon, 1 2 , 1 7 , 1 9 , 32, 79, 259, 284, 3 1 1 3 1 2 ; picture of, 7 3 4 ; wine, 2 5 1 , 270, 273, 3 1 1 , 3 1 6 Little Belt, 7 1 0 Lively (schr.), 415 Lively (sloop), 208, 260, 264, 270, 2 7 3 , 280, 287, 296, 298, 303, 3 2 0 Liverpool, 3 7 , 860, 1 1 8 3 , 1 4 0 3 , 1 4 1 3 , 1424 Livingston, Robert R., 5 7 9 Lloyd, James, 7 3 6 Locks and Canals Co., 1 2 1 - 1 2 4 , 1 2 7 Lodges & Tooth, 6 2 9 Logan, picture of, 1402 Logwood, 1 4 , 4 0 , 4 6 , 5 2 1 , 5 8 0 , 8 1 2 , 1 2 1 9 , 1 2 2 2 , 1 2 4 8 , 1 3 5 4 ; prices, 1 7 0 , 1376, 1384 London, 1 4 , 2 4 - 2 5 , 4 1 , 46, 6 7 , 93, 109, 1 6 5 , 1 7 3 , 180, 188, 1 9 1 , 1 9 6 , 202, 2 1 9 , 2 2 7 , 242, 252, 2 5 7 , 560, 627, 733. 7 5 3 , 840, 1 1 9 6 , 1 2 3 2 , 1 2 3 s , 1260, 1 2 9 2 , 1403, 1408, 1 4 1 1 , 1 4 1 3 , 1 4 3 2 , 1 4 4 5 , 1 4 5 2 , 1 4 5 4 , i 4 8 6 ; bills of exchange, 1 2 , 1 5 , 18, 5 5 , 79, 201, 1 1 7 9 , 1 2 1 2 , 1 2 2 3 , 1 2 3 9 , 1 2 9 1 , 1300, 1311, 1342, 1364 Longcloths, 8 6 6 , 8 8 1 ; prices, 1 0 1 8 , I3S3. 1365 Looking-glasses, 1 6 , 257 Loss, 2 0 - 2 3 . See also individual merchants Louisa, 3 9 2 Louisiana, 1 4 4 3 Lowell, Capt., 1 7 2 , 1 8 2 , 1 8 5 , 2 1 8 , 230, 234, 268, 270, 272, 280 Lowell, Francis Cabot, 4 9 7 , 5 9 3 , 6 0 7 , 6 1 3 , 649, 7 6 3 , 949, 9 9 1 , 1 2 9 5 Lowell, Hannah Jackson (Mrs. Francis Cabot), 3 8 3 , 4 9 7 , 1 3 0 1 Lowell, John, 111, 3 7 4 , 5 5 3 , 992 Lowell, John, Jr., 1 3 0 1 Lowell Machine Shop, 1 2 4 Lowell Mfg. Co., 1 2 4 , 768, 1 4 7 6 Lucia, 5 9 4 , 5 9 6 Luckipours, 1 2 8 4 Lucy, 1 8 9 Lumber, 5 , 1 2 , 1 6 - 1 8 , 2 5 , 37-38, 4 7 , 75. 77-79, 242, 259, 263, 330, 3 9 s ,
415, 429, 864, 974, 998, 1 4 9 3 ; prices, 3 9 6 . See also Lignum-vitae, Logwood, Mahogany, Redwood Lungees, 866, 1 0 2 3 , 1 0 6 7 , 1 2 4 7 , 1 3 0 4 ; prices, 8 1 1 , 836, 989, 1 1 7 2 Lunt, Capt., 1 6 7 Lutestrings, prices, 8 2 8 Lyde, Capt., 2 2 7 Lydia (brig), 5 1 4 , 6 0 1 Lyman, Theodore, 8 5 4 Lynn ironworks, 1 8 5 McClenaghan, Blair, 3 6 4 MacGregor, Brownrigg & Co., 1 4 4 8 Mclntyre, Neal, 2 7 8 Mackaighen & Golding, 1 4 1 9 Mackay, R. C., & Coolidge, J. S., 1483 Mackenzie, John, i 4 8 6 Mackey, J., & Co.. 1 4 6 5 Mackillop, James, 1 1 9 9 , 1 2 7 9 , 1 4 1 0 , 1 4 1 2 . See also Cruttenden & Mackillop McLeod, Alexander, 1 4 6 0 McNeill, Hector, 266, 3 4 1 , 3 4 3 , 3 4 7 Macao, 80, 8 5 4 Mace, 1 1 7 2 , 1 1 8 2 , 1 3 2 3 , 1 3 9 7 ; prices, 1329, 1376 Machias, 1 2 Mackerel, 4 2 3 , 1 0 4 7 ; prices, 4 2 7 , 4 3 7 , 681 Macon's Bill No. 2 ( 1 8 1 0 ) , 1 1 3 , 6 4 3 , 688, 8 6 1 , 9 2 5 Madeira, 11, 30, 32, 3 7 , 6 7 ; wine, 3 1 8 , 538, 7 9 8 , 9 1 1 , 1 1 0 9 , 1 1 3 s , 1 1 7 2 , 1187, 1206, 1220, 1238-1239, 1530 Madison, James, 6 8 9 , 8 4 8 , 8 6 1 , 9 2 9 , 95°, " 2 2 Madras, 8, 3 2 - 3 3 , 3 7 - 3 8 , 4 2 , 7 1 , 7 3 , 80, 9 1 - 9 2 , 1 0 7 , 1 2 9 , 645, 656, 664, 6 6 9 6 7 1 , 673, 680, 689, 708, 730, 7 5 2 , 783, 798, 8 9 7 , 9 0 7 , 9 2 9 , 1 4 2 1 , 1 4 5 1 ; exchange on, 6 8 3 ; picture of, 1 4 2 2 Madrid, 5 0 6 Magdalen, 5 9 8 Magnesia, prices, 1 3 5 5 Magoun, Thatcher, 8 9 8
INDEX Mahogany, 36, 40, 154, 521, 780, 798, 806, 844, 899, 1163, 1167, 1x72, 1182, 1210, 1230, 1249, 1281, 1301, 1527; prices, 828, 1109, 1377; Santo Domingo, 1047 Maine, 12, 18, 77, 671; boundary dispute, 1445, 1460 Malabar Coast, 670, 910, 929, 947 Malaga, 429, 456 Malay Archipelago, 35 Malta, 1253, 1259, 1400 Mamoodies, 715, 774, 880, 1020, 1247, 1258, 1278, 1284, 1307, 131 5, 1334, 1339» 1351» 1379- 1388, 1397; narrow, 654; prices, 640, 642, 654, 794, 866, 899, 902, 1072, 1243, i353> 1369, 1381, 1393, 1427, 1482 Manchester, Eng., 43, 1395, 1416 Manila, 32, 1460; ginghams, 869 Manna, prices, 1355 Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Bank, 122, 469 Manufacturing, 124-128, 154, 746-752, 757, 766-772, 1166, 1256, 1290, 1295, 1439 Maracaibo, 1469 Marblehead, 21, 31, 77, 1388, 1401, 1491 Marc banco, value of, 1367 Marcellus, 1194, 1250, 1347 Margaret, 259 Marks on containers, 220, 236, 443, 476, 663, 872, 1149, 1241, 1257, 1265, 1277, 1455, 1458, 1468-1469. See also Packing Marple, A., 665 Marseilles, 41, 776, 817, 1253, 1283, 1338 Martha, 243 Martin, Capt. Jonathan, 234, 243 Martinique, 13, 25, 420, 426, 444, 449, 761 Martins, E. Joseph, & Co., 492 Martins, Francis M., 346 Mary, 177, 200-201 Mary, 1149 Mary and Eliza (brig), 759 Mary and Eliza (ship), 608, 611
Mary & Susan, 1409 Mary Ann, 784 Maryland, 17, 79, 256, 1443 Massachusetts, Act of 1748, 266; Bank, 118, 122, 380, 466, 469; Corporation, 127; Council for, 318; General Court, 343; General Hospital, 128; Govt. Acts of 1774, 196; Mills, 126 Massasoit, 1467 Mason, John H., & Co., 1457 Mass. Hospital Life Insurance Co., 769 Masts, 19, 1096 Matanzas, 1400, 1406, 1491 Mats, 538, 1403, 1413 Maund, definition, 593, 1010 Mauritius, 32 Mayhew, Simeon, 322 Mayhew, Thaddeus, 905, 969 Mayhew, William E., & Co., 1438 Meat, 37, 237, 240, 985, 996, 1221, 1453; prices, 241, 477, 480, 509, 682 Mecklenburghs, 203 Medford, 1330 Mediterranean ports, 74, 91-92, 154, 786, 1392, 1399 Medway, 154 Meergungees, 1033, 1087, 1279, 1315; prices, 841, 892, 1066, 1069, 1109, 1136, 1157, 1266 Mentor, 1250, 1267 Mercantile Marine Insurance Co., 118 Merchants' Exchange, 123 Merchants Insurance Co., 118, 123 Mercury, 333 Mercury, 412 Meridian, 627, 851, 936 Mermaid, 260, 283, 287, 294, 296, 320 Merrimack, 1428; Manufacturing Co., 122, 470, 767-772; River (Locks and Canals), 121-124, 127, 196, 770, 1475; Valley, 14, 78 Merrimack (sehr.), 234, 243 Merrimack (sloop), 172, 182 Mertens, J. L., Mosselman & Co., 1175, 1372 Mexico, 1294
IÓI2 Midas, 1 3 4 5 Middlesex Mills, 1 2 4 Miles, Charles D., 1 0 5 6 , 1 1 8 1 ,
INDEX Mow sannas, 7 9 4 , 1 1 3 6 , 1 2 1 3 , 1 2 4 7 , 1 2 7 9 , 1 3 3 4 , 1 3 8 8 ; prices, 6 0 3 , 6 4 2 , 1210,
1 2 1 4 , 1 2 2 9 , 1 2 4 5 , 1256, 1 2 6 2 , 1 2 7 s , 1 2 7 8 , 1 3 0 1 , 1 3 3 2 , 1343
Miles, George, 1 3 3 1 Miles, Henry, 1 3 1 4 Miles Standish, 1 1 9 4 , 1 3 7 3 Milford, 3 2 3 Millinery, 1 9 1 , 1210, 1 2 6 8 . See also Hats Millpond Wharf, 769 Milton, 1 5 5 . 1 6 4 Minerva, 5 3 8 , 135°, !373 Minerva (brig.), 2 6 0 , 2 6 4 , 2 6 7 , 2 7 4 ,
276, 287, 298, 304, 307, 320, 342
Miralla & Co., 1 2 4 4 , 1 2 9 2 , 1 3 1 6 , 1 3 1 9 ,
1340, 1346, 1 3 6 1
Mirrors, 1 6 , 2 5 7 Miser, 7 3 3 Mittens, 2 1 9 Mobile, 1 4 2 0 , 1 4 2 8 Molasses, 11, 1 3 - 1 4 , 1 6 - 1 8 , 2 0 , 2 5 , 4 6 -
48, 75, 79, 170, 1 8 3 , 209, 230, 237, 243, 257, 259, 2 6 3 - 2 6 4 , 2 7 9 - 2 8 3 , 29S. 297. 299, 3 ° 2 , 304, 309, 3 1 5 ,
654, 783, 866, 890, 903, 1 1 0 9 , 1 1 5 7 , 1160, 1393
Moyo, definition of, 4 0 3 Mudenen Mohun Bhose, 1 4 8 2 Murviedro, 4 0 9 Muslins, 5 2 1 , 1 1 6 8 Myrobalans, 4 5 0
Naiad, 1 2 4 6 Nails, 1 7 , 1 5 7 , 2 0 1 , 2 0 3 , 2 1 3 - 2 1 4 , 2 1 9 , 253, 287 Nancy (schr.), 4 5 0 Nancy, 3 3 3 Nancy, 1 2 7 8 Nancy (sloop), 4 1 9 , 4 2 6 Nankeens, 3 8 , 51, 5!°, S 1 2 , 521, 6 3 0 ,
787, 855, 1 2 3 1 , 1 2 3 3 , 1 2 8 7 , 1 2 9 3 ;
freight rates, 1 2 2 6 ; prices, 6 2 2 , 7 3 5 ,
784, 8 1 3 , 828, 834, 8 5 1 , 853, 8 5 6 857, 934, 9 5 7 , 962, 1 2 4 1 , 1 2 5 5 , 1328, 1353, 1377
Nantes, 7 4 , 7 7 5 , 8 0 0 , 8 2 0 , 1 2 4 2 Nantucket, 1 8 , 1 6 0 Naples, 1314 318. 393. 419. 449, 1406; prices, Napoleon, 1 0 5 , 9 6 3 , 1 1 4 4 ; abdication, 216, 279, 394, 396, 424, 437, 477, 1 1 1 0 ; decrees, 3 8 , 8 6 1 , 9 0 2 , 9 2 5 ; 830, 1 3 6 3 wars, 4 1 , 7 3 Monopoly, by Chinese co-hong, 51, Nathaniel, 2 6 0 , 2 9 8 , 3 0 1 , 3 2 0 9 3 2 ; by East India Co., 1 2 , 2 3 , Naval stores, 9 1 0 , 1 0 7 3 , 1 0 8 5 , 1 4 9 3 28, 1 0 3 s , 1404, 1 4 9 5 Navigation Acts, 1 2 , 4 2 9 Monroe, James, 5 7 9 , 1 2 5 5 Nayman, Capt., 1 6 4 Monserrat, 1 7 Needham, Capt. Edmund, 4 4 7 , 4 5 1 Monte Christi, 1 3 Needles, 1 6 6 , 2 0 3 Montgomery, 3 2 9 Neganepauts, 1 3 4 9 , 1 4 0 4 ; prices, 1 4 2 7 Montgomery Sealy & Co., 3 4 6 Negro cloth, 3 5 5 Monttcello, 7 4 3 , 1 0 1 8 , 1 0 7 3 Nepal, 1 2 2 8 Montreal, 15, 1 8 Nepean, Evan, 3 4 8 Moodie, Robert, 2 1 4 Neponset River, 1 5 3 Moody, David, 7 4 9 Neptune, 1 2 4 7 , 1 2 7 3 Moore, James, 4 8 9 Neptune (brig), 3 3 7 , 4 8 3 Moores, Capt., 1 7 7 , 2 0 0 Neptune (schr.), 2 3 4 Morris, Robert, 38 Nesbitt, Jonathan, 3 5 9 Morrison, 'Donald, 7 9 8 , 8 0 0 Neutrality, 8 1 2 , 8 1 5 , 8 1 8 Morss, Capt. John, 3 0 3 , 3 1 1 , 3 1 5 Newbury, 1 5 6 - 1 5 7 Mow mamoodies, prices, 7 8 3 Newbury, 2 5 9
INDEX Newburyport, 13-19, i n , 119, 121, 774, 801, 1 3 2 1 ; Marine Insurance Co., 736; picture of, 206; trade with Great Britain, 153-258; with Spain and W. I., 259-346 New Cambridge (Newton), 153 Newell, Capt. Andrew, 547 New England Palladium, 671 New England Worsted Co., 118, 123 Newfoundland, 16, 19, 259, 274, 284, 305 Newhall, Capt. Samuel, 296, 309, 328 New Haven, 1237 Newman, Capt. Nathaniel, 208, 299, 307, 310, 318 New Orleans, 634, 841, 905, 1293, 1333, 1401, 1428 New Packet, 1349 Newport, 270 N e w South Church, 128 Newry, 15, 236-238 Newton, Edward A., 1092; and P. T . Jackson, 628, 645, 656, 664, 669677, 689-696, 710, 722-724, 752757; and Henry Lee, 897-907, 929, 940, 972, 1077, 1213, 1228, 1270, 1322 Newton Chemical Co., 769 N e w York, 1444 N e w York City, 14, 23, 31, 66, 102, 607, 620, 661, 672, 680, 699, 701, 731. 738, 742, 763, 1265, 1314, I40X, I47I, T492 N e w Zealand, 1460 Nicholls, Capt., 1215 Nickannas, 869, 968, 1349, 1366, 1404; prices, 1373 Nimposacky, 1181, 1241 •Nizhni-Novgorod, 1384 Non-Importation Act, 635, 825, 975 Non-intercourse, n - 1 9 , 80, 266-292; Act (1809), 635, 643, 658, 688, 8*5. 925, 92?. 948, 95°) 975- See also Embargo a r t s ; Government regulation N o r t h Carolina, 17, 118, 259, 1238, 1444 N o r t h Sea, 1392
Norton, 699 Norway, 667 Notions, 13-14, 17, 166, 219, 342 Nova Scotia, 77, 79, 668 Nowell, Capt., 261, 296, 299 Nutgalls, 872, 1168, 1172, 1182 Nutmegs, 35, 204, 219, 228, 615, 735, 1072, 1121, 1123, 1172, 1182, 1232, 1286; prices, 620, 851, 857, 873, 1103, 1 1 1 7 , 1119, 1139, 1143, 1288, 1353 Nuts, 30, 34; prices, 596, 1354 Ochterlony, R . P., 1227, 1277, 1304 Ogden Brothers, 1420 Ogden & Schwartz, 576 Ogle, William & J o h n , 195, 220, 236, 240 Ohio, 1380 Oil, 47, 1230; castor, 40, 1263, 1334; cod, 37, 576; Gallipoli, 1 3 5 5 , 1 3 8 4 ; linseed, 40, 1221, 1249, 1397; olive, 780; palm, 1407; prices, 1263, i355i 1384; train, 450; whale, 576 Olive Branch, 787 Oliver Cromwell, 411 Oliver, William, 492, 543, 546, 633, 636, 714, 720, 724, 796, 818, 844-845, 860, 995, 1092, 1239, 1249, 1301, 13191 1343 Oliver & Cabot, 636 Olives, 40, 571, 576, 1201, 1210, 1222 Oncia, value of, 1378 Onions, 13 Opium, 51, 106, 1091, 1172, 1182, 1184, 1312. 1355. 1399. 1472; prices, 1356 Oranges, 420, 443, 445 Orders in Council, British, 38, 113, 688, 825-827, 93s, 944, 1064 Orient, 26-27, 73» 80, 784, 1232, 1351. See also countries of Orient, 1159, 1302 Orr, Capt., 206 Oscar, 1288 Osgood, H . & R. H., 1316, 1337, 1340 Ostend, 565 Ottawa, 1527
INDEX Overcharges, 820-824 Overproduction of indigo, 1196 Ownership of vessels, 78, 85-86; of privateers, 21. See also individual merchants Oxnard, H., 1513, 1524 Oysters, 1206 Oznabrigs, 16, 203, 257; Irish, 355; prices, 1492 Packard & Gowen, 1177, 1217 Packing, 872, 874, 879, 914,1150, 1222, 1250, 1264, 1291, 1422. See also Marks on containers Padang, 546 Padlocks, 166 Paice, Nathaniel, 173 Paimboeuf, 777 Paine, Samuel, 350, 369 Paints, 40, 1246, 1397 Palermo, 1377, 1400 Palladium, 515 Pallas (brig.), 335, 342 Palmer, 42, 121, 1479 Palmer, John, 1188, 1294, 1304, 1475 Palmer & Co., 55 Palmer, Wilson & Co., 1196, 1370, 1475 Paoli, 221 Paolo, value of, 519 Paper, 1268 Paris, 548, iS I 9> 1521, 152s; Treaty of, 23, 25, 27 Parker, C. H., 116 Parkman, Samuel, Jr., 1364 Parlay, Capt. Ebenezer, 595 Parr, Bulkley & Co., 311, 315, 329, 340 Parsons, Capt. Charles, 759 Partnership, 50-51, 94-96. See also specific firms Passumpsic Rail Road, 124 Patna, bafta, 596, 783, 1 1 3 6 ; chintz, 882; gurrah, 596, 783; prices, 882 Patterson, Capt., 358 Payment in kind, 216, 229, 393, 395, 1340. See also Barter Peabody, Joseph, 1501 Peace and Harmony, 334 Peace of Amiens, 5x2 Pearlash, 15, 188-190
Peas, 276 Pedler, 1223, 1349 Peggy (ship), 30 Peggy (sloop), 260, 309, 320 Pemberton Hill, 769 Pembroke, 154 Pembroke, 35, 546, 599, 601, 603 Pembroke, N. H., 746 Peniascoes, 205 Pennsylvania, 36, 79, 483, 1436, 1443 Peons, 57; definition of, 1015 Pepper, 26, 32, 35, 75, 91, 204, 219, 449, 52i> 546, 584, 610, 615, 764, 786, 1094, 1099, 1102, 1 1 7 1 , 1173, 1182, 1199, 1234, 1293, 1298, 1302, 1315, 1324; prices, 510, 566, 570, 577, 58°, 588, 609, 874, 1041, 1083, 1091, 1095, 1103, n o g , 1 1 1 5 , 1137, 1148, 1204, 1225, 1250, 1 3 4 5 , 1 3 5 3 , 1376 Perfumery, 1268 Perit, John W., 1219 Perit & Cabot, 1218, 1221, 1224, 1230, 1238, 1245, 1256, 1286, 1310, 1316, 1330, 1335, 1340 Perkins, James, 576 Perkins, J . & T . H., 671, 790, 1278 Perkins, Samuel G., & Co., 759, 1266, 1303 Perkins Mills, 124 Perkins, Col. Thomas Handasyd, 978 Pernambuco, 742, 1048, 1271 Perry, 37, 1025, 1249 Perseverance (brig), 774-775, 785, 795 Perseverance (ship), 503 Persia, 60 Persia, 12 51 Pewter articles, 219 Pezza, value of, 519 Philadelphia, 13-19, 23, 25, 28, 40, 46, 48, 53, 69-71, 73, 81, 93-94, 103, 160, 167, 171, 182, 185, 205, 217, 231, 247-248, 279, 447, 526, 632, 700, 728-729, 751, 757, 773, 802, 835, 839, 1 2 1 1 , 1218, 1221, 1226, 1260, 1292, 1310, 1330, 1335, 1345, 1401, 1432-1433, 1445-1446, 1455, 1459, 1461,1484, 1491. 1496, 1510; picture of, 1456
INDEX Phillips, William, 202, 216 Phillips Andover Academy, 8 Phips, Thomas & John, 219 Phoebe, 945 Phoenix, 342 Pice, value of, 1011 Pickering, 1159 Pickman, Benjamin, Jr., 475, 498 Pickman, D. L., 582, 843 Piece goods, 43, 71, 102-103, 205, 538, 543, 558, 582, 669, 701, 774, 798, 866, 868, 870-897, 902, 936, 940, 944, 955, 968, 1017-1035, 1094, 1102, 1123, 1x52, 1158, 1168, 1173, 1242, 1258, 129s, 1303, 1308, 1311, 1320,1333, 1338, 1340, 1345, 13481421, 1426-1427, 1431-1432, 1453, I455-I457, 1481-1483 ; prices, 558, 662, 745, 782, 794, 808,1119, 1393 ; tariff on, 1174, 1214, 1233. See also Cotton textiles; specific commodities Pilgrim, 37, 411-412 Pilgrim (brig), 338 Pimento, 14, 46; prices, 170, 437, 476, 1353, 1376 Pins, 219, 287 Pipe-staves, 19, 36 Piscataqua River, 17 Pitch, 354, 1096 Pitt, William, 197, 348 Plaids, 1404, 1458 Plates, tin, 37, 166, 219, 1413 Platillas, 558 Plummer, Octavius, 667, 963 Plums, 571 Pocahontas, 1207 Poey, Widow, & Hernandez, 868, 903, 952 Poles, prices, 682 Politics and business, see Government regulations; individual merchants Polly (brig.), 234, 243, 412 Polly (schr.), 447 Pongees, prices, 1432 Porcelain, 52 Porcher & Co., 752, 1107, 1120 Porcupine's Gazette, 496
Pork, 5, 339, 1221, 1453, 1476; prices, 477, 480, 5°9, 5 " Port au Prince, 370, 1401, 1491 Port Cornwallis, 615 Porto Rico, 1408 Portsea, 1168, 1170, 1173, 1179, 1189, 1193, 1196, 1201, 1207, 1211, 1218, 1224, 1228, 1264, 1304, 1308, 1479 Portsmouth, N. H., 12, 14, 215, 229, 278, 497, 697; picture of, 280 Portugal, 12, 25, 37, 74, 78-79, 403, 480, 943 Port wine, 36 Porter, 37 Posackies, 1181, 1213 Postal system, see Letters Potash, 15-16, 3 7 - 3 8 , 47, 79, 188-190, 222, 570; prices, 370, 565, 576, 662, 703 Potatoes, 13, 1,289 Pote, Capt. Samuel, 426 Potomac, 1446 Pratt, 203, 205 Pratt, William, 713 Preble, Ebenezer, 519 Preble, Capt. Enoch, 481, 498 Preble & Spear, 815, 820 Prescott Mills, 123-124 Preserving of skins, 1421 President, 710, 1049 Pre-Revolutionary commerce, 11-19, 153-289 Price, Rev. Richard, 371 Price, Samuel, 839 Prices, 71, 181, 510, 518-524, 793-795, 807, 856-858,876,1000,1017-1038, 1127-1143, 1352-1360, 1372-1377, 1381-1385, 1393, 1395-1419, 1454, 1492. See also individual merchants; specific commodities Primage, 739 Prince, J., 37 Prince of Orange, 1224 Prince of Wales Island, 35, 613, 615 Prince's Island, 902 Princess Charlotte, 1118, 1123 Privateering, 20-23, Proctor, Capt. John, 551, 568, 571
Product policy, see individual merchants Profits, 20-23, 71-73- See also individual merchants Prohibition on shipping, see Non-intercourse Prosper, 342 Providence, 1457; Rail Road, 769 Provisions, 28-29 Prunes, 576 Puerto Cabello, 1420, 1491 Pulo Penang, 83, 615, 618 Pulsifer, David D., 758, 798, 1166 Purchasing policy, see individual merchants Pycars, 57 Quality, see Product policy "Qualitys," 203 Quarantine, of cities, 1351 ; of vessels, 1364 Quebec, 46, 264-267, 282; picture of, 266 Quicksilver, 33, 40, 1172, 1182-1183; 1206, 1210, 1230, 1249, 1286, 1291, 1296, 1301, 1 3 1 1 ; prices, 1356 Quills, German, 974 Quincy, Edmund, Tertius, 158 Quincy Granite Railway, 769 Rachael, 965 Rags, 1355 ; Tuscan, 1356 Rainbow, 259 Raisins, 19, 312, 349, 393, 429, 447, 456, s o i ; prices, 431, 464, 474, 480, 487.
Rajkissen Mitter, 1203, 1266; picture of, 1262 Rambler (brig), 537, 1092, 1181, 1213 "Rambouillet" Decree (1810), 861 Ramdon Bonarjia, 1077, 1170, 1181, 1264 Ramdon & Tillock, 1170 Ramduloll D a y , 52, 593, 598, 618, 633, 996, 1078, 1267 Ramduloll Day, 1159,1164, 1x68,1187, 1200, 1206, 1213 R a m Kissen D a y , 1089, 1096, 1170, 1182, 1203, 1266
R a m Lochun Bonarjia, 807, 824, 835, 844 Randolph, 762 Ranger, 338 Rangoon, 32, 1205 Rattan, 30, 1397, 1409 Ravens duck, 422, 728, 841 Real, value of, 1316 Real de plata, value of, 458 Real vellon, value of, 458 Reaper, 37, 91, 665, 684, 717, 743, 863, 865, 970, 972, 974-978, 998, 1015, 1071, 1080, 1152, 1479 Recovery, 498 Redwood, prices, 1109, 1139 Reed, Bell, De Yongh & Co., 1349 Reeve, William, 199 Re-export, 576, 637 Regulator, 491 Regulus, 516 Religion, 119. See also individual merchants Remington & Co., 1449 Remsen, Daniel, 1241 Remsen, Peter, & Co., 540, 546, 607; agents of P. T . Jackson, 607, 620624, 641, 661-662, 672, 680, 699, 701-703, 731-736, 763; agents of Henry Lee, 779, 782, 786, 789, 798, 816, 827, 829, 831, 837, 843, 902, 948, 964, 998, 1038, 1152-1160, 1168, 1199, 1200, 1218, 1223, 1226, 1228, 1230, 1232, 1235, 1243, 1255, 1277, 1285, 1289, 1304, 1308, 1312, 1319. 1322, 1327, 1329, 1343, 1346, 1380 Republican, 91, 797, 804 Repulse, 182 Reshipment, 576, 637. See also individual merchants Resolution, 960 Restitution, 1194 Respondentia, 52-54, 672, 686, 859, 907, 929 Restrictions on trade, 11-19, 41. See also Government regulation; Nonintercourse Retailing, 83-84
INDEX Retaliation, 6 3 3 Revenge, 4 1 0 Revenue Act of 1 7 6 4 , 11 Revolution, 3 3 8 Reward, 8 x 1 , 8 1 5 Rhode Island, 7 9 Rhubarb, prices, 1 3 5 6 Rial, see Real Ribbons, 2 0 4 Rice, 1 3 , 1 8 - 1 9 , 2 4 - 2 5 , 4 8 , 7 6 , 7 9 , 1 0 5 , 283, 289-292, 309, 313, 393, 399. 402-406, 414, 430, 453, 1040, 1250, 1300, I343-I344> 1374, 1389; prices, 2 7 1 , 4 0 0 , 4 0 3 , 457, 4 6 1 , 4 9 6 , 1234, 1315, 1353, 1376, 1384 Richmond, 2 5 , 3 5 0 Ridgway, Mertins & Co., 8 1 1 Rienzi, 1 4 7 0 Rigging, 8 7 3 Rio, 6 0 5 , 6 0 7 Rio de Janeiro, 1 0 , 4 3 , 8 7 , 9 1 , 4 4 9 , 9 5 4 , 1316, 1401, 1491, 1512-1521, 1526, IS32 Ripley, Wiss & Co., 9 9 1 , 1 2 0 4 , 1 3 1 2 Rising Sun, 7 9 3 , 7 9 8 Rix-dollar, value of, 6 1 0 , 1 3 6 6 Roberts, Widow Maurice, & Co., 1 2 9 0 Robertson, Capt., 1 7 6 Robin Hood, 3 4 8 Robin Hood (brig), 1513, 1519, 1521 Robinson & Dodge, 5 5 7 , 5 6 0 , 5 6 2 Rogers, Capt. Benjamin, 3 1 7 Rogers, Charles, 4 4 8 Rogers, J. C „ 1 5 1 3 , 1 5 2 1 , 1 5 2 5 Rogers, Nathaniel, 1 7 4 Rogers, Brothers & Co., 1 3 1 4 Rollins, Capt. Eben, 7 4 0 Rollins, William, 1 3 8 9 Romals, 1 3 3 4 , 1 3 4 9 ; prices, 1 3 7 3 Roots, Colombo, 8 7 2 Rope, 3 8 , 4 5 1 , 1 3 0 6 Ropes, Capt. J., 5 3 5 Rose, 1 0 , 1 2 1 Rotch, William, 2 7 1 Rotterdam, 9 , 9 1 , 5 1 4 , 7 7 9 , 7 8 6 , 1 2 3 0 Rouble, 1 4 3 3 Rouen, 5 7 4 Roundy, Capt., 4 9 1
Routes, trade, 1 2 - 1 3 , 17-18, 2 4 0 - 2 4 1 , 393, 39S, 44S, 1266 Rowannah goods, 1 2 7 3 ; definition, 1171 Rowe, Capt. Joseph, 2 9 4 , 3 0 1 , 3 0 7 , 3 3 0 Roxana, 7 5 9 , 7 9 7 , 8 0 5 Ruble, value of, 1 3 8 2 Rugg, James, 1 3 7 8 Ruggo Ram, 1 2 8 0 Rum, 1 2 - 1 4 , 1 6 - 1 8 , 2 0 , 2 5 , 3 7 , 4 0 , 7 5 79, 208-210, 224, 230, 232, 2 4 7 248, 257, '263, 273, 2 7 9 - 2 8 3 , 2 9 1 292, 302, 393, 397, 399, 414, 419, 443, 447, 629, 780, 798, 835, 842, 1 0 2 5 , 1 0 4 7 , 1 2 2 2 , 1 4 0 7 , 1 4 4 5 ; barter, 2 8 - 2 9 ; commission on sale, 4 6 - 4 8 ; Jamaica, 8 5 2 , 1 2 1 0 ; prices, 83, 186, 250, 2 6 6 - 2 6 9 , 279> 3 i 7 , 343 , 394, 400, 4 4 1 , 445 , 739, 852, io73, 1353, 1384 Rupees, 5 9 3 , 6 8 3 , 8 0 6 , 9 8 3 . See also Foreign exchange Rush, William, 1161 Rusks, 1 7 , 2 5 1 , 2 7 4 Russell, James, 7 4 5 , 1 0 0 0 , 1 0 0 6 Russell, Samuel, & Co., 1 0 Russia, 2 7 , 3 8 , 7 3 - 7 5 , 7 5 9 , 1 2 3 5 , 1 2 4 2 , 1313, 1341, 1381, 1470 Sachem, 1 2 6 8 , 1 2 8 1 Saco Water Power, 1 2 3 Saffron, 3 6 ; prices, 1 3 5 6 Sage, 1 3 9 7 Sago, 5 3 8 , 8 0 6 ; prices, 8 7 2 Sail cloth, 4 5 1 , 7 7 4 , 1 3 8 5 , 1 3 9 9 ; Russia, 3 8 , 4 4 7 , 8 4 1 , 1 3 4 2 . See also Canvas; Duck Sailors, 4 3 2 , 4 3 7 , 4 4 0 , 1 0 0 6 St. Andrew, 2 7 6 St. Barbe, Capt. Wyatt, 3 5 4 , 3 7 1 St. Croix, W. I., 2 5 St. Cuthbert, 5 9 3 St. Eustatius, D. W. I., 1 3 , 2 5 , 2 4 2 , 3 0 6 , 4 0 7 , 4 2 2 ; picture of, 4 1 8 St. Helena, 2 8 St. John's Newfoundland, picture of, 5i8 St. John's, P. Q., 4 7 , 2 0 8 , 2 3 0
St. Lucia, B. W. I., 25, 240, 395 St. Martin, W. I., 17, 242, 407, 491 St. Petersburg, 27, 38, 759, 1242, 1313, 1341, 1381, 1470 St. Pierre, Martinique, picture of, 426 St. Thomas, 8, 1407 St. Ubes, 12 Sal ammoniac, 538, 541, S43, 806, 1112, 1152, 1158, 1171, 1182, 1397; prices, 872, 1018, 1109, 111S, 1138 Salaries, see Compensation Salem, 23, 26-32, 37,407,481, 782, 828, 1192, 1481; ironworks, 185; Marine Insurance Co., 118, 122, 467; Turnpike Co., 122, 466-472 Salempores, 676, 869, 968, 993, 1001, 1154, 1191, 1349, 1378, 1397, I 47°i 1489; prices, 647, 1244, 1353, 1373, 1380, 1423, 1427, 1482 Sales methods, see Agents; Auction Sales possibilities, see market analyses by individual merchants Sally, 936, 1302 Sally (brig), 449, 481, 500 Sally (schr.), 234, 243-244, 419, 424, 443 Sally (sloop), 210, 338 Sally Ann, 862, 956 Salmon, 37, 40, 672, 780, 798, 910, 1047,1096,1210,1219,1246,1281; prices, 512, 577, 681, 1353 Salt, 11, 13-14, 17-19. 25> 47. 76, 79, 214, 259, 265, 276, 284, 316, 328, 339. 3SS. 392. 399, 4*9, 447, 449! prices, 271, 349, 406, 431, 461, 491, 852 Saltpetre, 35-36, 38, 40-41, 51, 69, 84, 106, 538, 615, 669, 1095, 1136, 1172, 1175, 1182-1183, r l 9 2 i 1196, 1212, 1219, 1230, 1242, 1246, 1275, 1284, 1300-1301, 1312, 1315, 1326, I33i, 1333, 1335. 1339, 1380, 1388, 1397, 1409, 1425, 1481, 1506, 1509; prices, 484, 620, 622-623, 1164, 1250, 1260, 1263, 1276, 1310, 1337, 1340, 1344, 1374, 1387, 1432, 1467, 1511-1512; restrictions on, 956, 1151, 1239, 1366
Samples, 483, 1226 Sandalwood, 30 Sannas, 774, 914, 1033, 1156, 1258, 1284, 1350, 1397, 1427; prices, 1109, 1127, 1136, 1381 Santa Fe, 5 Santo Domingo, 13, 901, 1495 Saratoga, 415 Sarsaparilla, 154; prices, 726, 1353 Sarsenets, 51, 1241, 1315, 1327 Satins, 1241 Savage, William H., 869 Savannah, 541, 966 Sawns, 715, 1349; prices, 1358, 1365 Saws, 166 Sayre, Stephen, 184, 197 Scales, 166 Scattergood, 1213 Schott, James, & Co., 751, 757, 1211, 1223, 1226, 1286, 1292, 1345 Scotland, 206, 1425, 1429 Sea captains, see Captains Sea Island, 1178 Seamen, see Crew Sea-otter skins, 32 Searle, George, 343 Sears, Isaac, 183 Second Attempt, 411 Second Bank of U. S., 1223 Sedentary merchants, 3-130; ancestry and training, 6-11; Calcutta trade, 51-74; definition, 4; diversification and specialization, 75-88; ethics, 98-110; India trade to 1816, 27-39, after 1816, 39-44; kinship and business, 88-98; miscellaneous activities, 117-130; pre-Revolutionary methods, 1119, post-, 44-50; privateering, 2023; relations with government, 110-117; transition in methods, 23-27. See also individual merchants Seer, definition, 1012 Seersuckers, 63, 636, 701, 866, 869, 877, 969, 1101, 1114, 1128, 1147, 1247, 1263, 1279, 1303, 1311, 1349, 1456; checked, 868; chellum, 1181;
INDEX prices, 642, 868, 952, 1125, 1129, 1157, 1160, 1312, 1316, 1334, 1362, 1438 Seltzer water, 40, 1163, 1268, 1281 Senegal, 1389 Senna, 538, 541, 806, 866, 1168, 1172, 1182,1267, T397 ; prices, 872,1115, 1281, 1356 Serge, 204, 219 Setubal, 12 Sewing silks, 181, 828, 833, 847, 1241, 1299, 1315, 1326, 1328, 1397 Shaker, 412 Shalloons, 203 Shand, Capt., 186 Sharpless, L., & Son, 1461 Shaw, Samuel, 51 Shawls, 962 Sheaffe, James, 497 Sheathing, 157 Sheep raising, 1166 Sheetings, Archangel, 728; brown, 1341; prices, 728, 841, 903, 952, 1343-1344; Russia, 1342 Shellac, 806, 1168, 1172, 1397, 1413, 1426, 1445, 1447, 1506; prices, 1109, 1115, 1138, 1281, 1432, 1467, IS" Sherry, 474, 1187, 1222, 1250; duty on, 480; prices, 852 Shimmin, William, 996 Shingles, 242, 259, 271 Shipowners, 4. See also individuals Ships' papers, 315, 429, 432, 733, 741, 762, 978, 1329. See also Agreements ; Certificates ; Documentation Ships' supplies, 1221 Shoes and findings, 37, 166, 355 ; prices, 254-25S, 355 Shot, 204, 214 Sicca rupee, value of, 1011 Sicily, 1377 Sidmouth, Lord, 733 Sidney, 1213, 1526, 1532 Sickles, 166 Sidney, 1460 Signals, 456, 975-976
Silenus, 607 Silesia, 558 Silk, 35, 38, 41, 60, 62-63, 65, 71-72, 87, 255, 503, 541, 660, 676, 788, 934, 957, 962, 987, 1232, 1236, 1246, 1259, 1268, 1287, 1293, 1302, 1312, 1327, 1347, 1397, 1409, 1413, 1425, 1428, 1438, 1456, 1472, 1475, 1481,1484; Florentine, 1329,1356; freight rates, 1226; handkerchiefs, 1249, 1303, 1380; prices, 181, 357, 828, 833, 855-856, 871, 1004, 1022, 1036, 1068, 1155, 1251, 1267, 1299, 1326, 1328, 1380; raw, 1014, 1035, 1067, 1082, 1105, 1126, 1155, 1273, 1309, 1315, 1326; sewing, 181, 828, 833, 847, 1241, 1299, 1315, 1326, 1328, 1397. See also Taffetas Silsbee, Capt., 519 Simonds, Lewis, & Co., 738 Sin chaws, prices, 1328 Sircars, 58-61; definition, 1015 Sistersoies, 811, 866, 1067, 1247, 1304; prices, 887 Sitka, 1101 Skins, 536, 538, 566, 577, 585, 1057, 1074; as dunnage, 671; goat, 62, 555, 56o, 649, 658, 671, 685, 7i9, 862, 866, 872, 874, 900, 913, 1024, 1040, 1069, 1083, 1109, 1112, 1143, 1168, 1267, 1274, 1305, 1389, 1397, 1421, 1425, 1430, 1451, 1466, 1506; preserving of, 1421; prices, 541, 872, 1025, i r i s , 1143, 1274, 1430, 1451; sheep, 874; tiger, 806. See also Hides and skins Slate, 166 Slave Coast, 38 Slave trade, 17, 41, 900, 902, 1177; clothing for, 903, 925, 1350, 1362; fish for, 423 Smiling Molly, 391, 395 Smith, Andrew, 516, 793 Smith, Capt. Elias, 418 Smith, James, 476 Smith, Capt. John, 333 Smith, Capt. Pelatiah, 234 Smith, Peter, 4
Smith, Samuel & Jonathan, 160, 1 7 1 , 182, 185,
Smuggling, s i . 104, 958, 988 Smyrna, 1394, 1399 Snakeroot, 354 Snow, Capt. Gideon, 485, 1229 Snow Sister, 490 Snuff, 13, 154, 169; boxes, 166 Soap, 1453, 1493; prices, 512, 1356 Soley & Stearns, 9 Sooty romals, 869, 1147, 1182, 1247; prices, 879, 1070, 1136 Sophia, 1466, 1474, 1509, 1522, 1525 Sophia Catkarina, 588 Sophronia, 91, 1532 South America, 78, 104, 1183. See also cities and countries of South Carolina, 13, 397, 1444. See also Charleston South Carolina, 806, 947, 956 Spain, 12, 18, 20, 22, 25, 32, 37, 49, 74, 77-79, 96, ios, n o , 1187; currency, 33, 42, 80, 394, 400, 403, 4 0 7 ; trade with Beverly, 3 9 1 - 4 1 7 ; trade restrictions, 642 ; trade with Newburyport, 259-346; wars, 579, 950; weights and measures, 403 Spanish America, 82, 109, 506, 954, 1294
Spanish dollars, 33, 42, 80, 394, 400, 524,
1137, 1172, 1184, 1241, 1301, 1313,
I3I5 "Spanish Main," 903, 1177, 1183, 1271, 1408
Spanish Packet, 412 Spanish Peninsula, 11, 262, 284, 950, 1316; market for rice, 402-404. See also Spain; Portugal Sparhawk, J o h n & Samuel, 393 Spars, 19, 37, 330, 1015, 1047, 1084, 1096, 1124, 1137, 1148, 1167, 1172,
144s, I4S3; prices, spruce, 682 Spartan, 1350 Spear, Arthur, 820
Specialization, 12, 75-88
Specie, 36, 38, 79, 154, 397, 434, 447,
458, 1037, 1424; export of, 3 3 34, 4 0 , 539, 543, 6 1 8 , 6 6 4 , 6 7 1 , 6 9 0 , 763, 778, 78i, 935, 1299; import of, 399, 420, 426. See also Coins Spectacles, 166 S p e c u l a t i o n , 985-992, 1104
Speedwell, 195 Spices, 30, 38, 41, 60, 79, 940, 1199, 1 3 1 2 , 1 3 2 3 , 1 3 7 4 , 1 3 8 6 , 1 3 9 7 . See also various kinds Spitfire, 412 Sponges, 973; prices, 1356 Spooner, Capt. Nathaniel, 974-975, 1006,
Sprague, A. & W., 1457 Sprague, Isaac, 1330 Springfield & Northampton Rail Road, 123-124
Squirrel, 180 Stack Mills, 124 S t a m p Act, 160-161, 192
Stansbury, Daniel, 961 Stanwood, Capt. Joseph, 249, 270 Star pagodas, 71, 673; value of, 645 Stark, Caleb, 746 State Bank, 122 Staves, 259, 409, 496, 1217, 1316. See also Barrel staves and heading Steiglitz & Co., 1242, 1313, 1341, 1381 Steel, 40, 1222, 1230; German, 214 Stetson & Avery, 1428 Stewart, Thomas, 955 Stick-lac, 35 Stille, John, & Co., 483, 496, 526, 542, 599, 773, 778, 7 8 0 , 7 8 7 Stiver, value of, 608 Stocker, Ebenezer, 774 Stockholm, 1399 Storage charges, 418. See also Warehousing Storrow, S. A., 734 Story, Capt., 160, 167 Story, Augustus, 959 Straits of Sunda, 80 Stripes, 1458 Strobel & Martin, 549 Strong, 1353 Strong, Caleb, 784
INDEX Sturgis, Russell, 671 Sturgis, Capt. William, 854 Success (brig.), 260, 272, 275, 283, 287, 308, 314, 320 Success (schr.), 338 Suffolk, 1240, 1327 Suffolk Mfg. Co., 768 Suffolk Marine Insurance Co., 122, 380, 469 Sugar, 11, 13-14, 17-18, 25, 28-29, 35, 38, 40, 46, 48, 79, 91,154, 242, 259, 329, 393, 4°7, 4*4, 4I9> 424. 443, 447> 520, 536, 543, 584, 610, 775, 780, 782, 787, 797, 805-806, 808, 811-812, 861, 868, 954, 986, 1023, 1039, 1048, 1108, 1168, 1171, 1175, 1182-1183, 1185, 1190, 1199, 1201, 1208, 1215, 1217, 1232, 1236, 1242, 1246, 1257, 1259, 1284, 1298, 1302, 1315, 1324, 1331, 1333, 1343, 1377, 1388, 1405, 1409, 1415, 1481; Batavia, 565, 572; Bengal, 565, 574, 777, 794, 1232, 1244; brown, 209, 420, 551, 568, 643, 725, 828, 830, 852, 1220, 1255, 1261, 1316, 1320; clayed, 563, 565-566, 761; duty on, 105, 55i, 553, 556, 558, 565566, 568; freight charges on, 66; loaf, 16-17, 209, 219, 257, 314, 335; market for, 497; muscovado, 565, 574, 76i ; prices, 75, 396, 424, 444-445, 476-477, 48o, 487, 496, 510, 519, 551, 562, 565-566, 568, 572, 588, 596, 609, 716, 725, 761, 784, 794, 801, 819, 828, 830, 852, 874, 903, 906, 949, 952, 1059, 1103, 1109, 1115, 1126, 1138, 1148, 1225, 1255, 1261, 1273, 1304, 1309, 1316, 1320, 1344,. 1352, 1363, 1366, 1375, 1379, 1384; restrictions on, 198, 1389 Sultana, 30 Sumac, 1397; prices, 1356 Sumatra, 26, 32, 35, 449, 764, 1247, 1269, 1316 Supercargoes, 4, 8-11, 59, 1491, 1500; compensation, 9, 4.7-50, 82, 684, 977; duties, 67, 81, 83; financial
responsibilities, 97, 100; selection, 92 Surat goods, 941, 1315, 1350, 1377 Surinam, 546 Susan, 604, 784, 797 Susannah, 320 Susquehannah Canal, 769 Swasey, Capt. Joseph, Jr., 515 Sweden, 32, 1399 Swett, Capt. Benjamin, 1239 Swett, William B., & Co., 1246, 1266 Switzerland, 577 Swivels, 409 Sydney, Lord, 348 Tablecloths, 921 Tables, 36 Taffetas, 180, 204, 228, 595, 800, 866, 1247, 1304; prices, 663, 729, 807, 836, 885, 967, 972, 1023 Tamaamaah, 1092 Tamarinds, 443, 445, 610 Tammies, 203 Tappan, Charles, 697 Tappan, Capt. Joseph, 234, 243 Tappenden & Co., 257 Tappenden & Hanbey, 166 Tar, 37, 354, 416, 672, 910, 940, 1047, 1084, 1096, 1124, 1148, 1172, 1182, 1210, 1453; prices, 593, 681 Tarbox, Capt. John, 170 Tare, 588 Tariff, 51, 54, 478, 1174, 1441, 1456, 1477, 1509; prohibitive, 11, 39, 1199, 1247, 1286, 1295, 1389, 1409. See also Customs ; Townshend Duties Tartar, 36 Tartar, 1269 Taunton Rail Road, 769 Tea, 12, 14, 16, 24, 28-32, 46, 51, 81, 191, 204, 248, 257, 269, 355, 419, 429, 449, 832, 834, 844, 958, 1136, 1233, 1236, 1241, 1251, 1255, 1262, 1328, 1347, 1374; Bohea, 186, 359, 363, 365, 510, 512, 735, 851, 857; Campoi, 857, 962 ; Congo, 857, 1387; freight rates, 1226; Hyson,
IÓ2 2
187. Sio, S12, 828, 851, 856-857, 934, 962, 1345, 1387; Hysonskin, S12. 735, 851, 857, 1345; prices, 216, 248, 359, 363, 366, 510, 512, 735, 828, 851, 853, 856-857, 934, 962, 1345, 1376, 1387, 1402, 1497; restrictions on, 213, 269-270; Souchong, 512, 851, 857, 962; unit of sale, 84. See also Townshend Duties Teneriffe, 37, 783, 1316 Tennessee, 1238 Terms of sale, 13, 17, 46-51. See also Credit ; Discounts ; individual merchants Thames, 228 Thompson & Gordon, 356, 365 Thorndike, Israel, 4, 449, 490, 588 Thorndike, Capt N., 537 Thornley, Thomas, 1441 Thread, cotton, 546 Three Friends, 172 Three Sisters, 29-31 Three Thomases, 814, 820 Tidmarsh, William, 173 Tigris River, 1234 Tilden, B. P., 513 Tile, 34, 36; marble, 806 Tillock Bonarjia, 1170, 1264 Timber, 1445 ; prices, 749 Tin, 1172; as ballast, 872; block, 1284, 1315; plates, 37, 166, 219, 1413; prices, 700, 872 Tings, Mary, 327 Titcomb, Enoch, 89, 271 Titcomb, Jonathan, 237 Tittle, Capt. John, 450 Tobacco, 11, 19, 25, 34, 154, 330, 406, 415, 1194, 1353, 1401, 1414, 1453; Maryland, 1354; prices, 496, 512, 587, 596, 1354, 1376; Virginia, 353, 369. 416, 1354 Tollbridges, 468 Tomkin, William, 346 Tongue, prices, 682 Toothbrushes, 235 Topaz, 732 Toppan, see Tappan
Touro, A., 680 Touro, Judah, 841 Towels, 921 Towne, Capt., 596 Towne, Solomon, 1377 Townshend Duties, 15, 196, 213, 215, 219 Tracy, Hannah, see Jackson, Hannah Tracy Tracy, Capt. James, 265, 287, 291, 312, 323. 340 Tracy, John, 6-11, 119-121, 259-346 Tracy, John, Jr., 620-765, 837, 1208, 1216-1217, 1334 Tracy, Nathaniel, 119, 130; ancestry and training, 6 - 1 1 ; failure, 339; marriage, 294; picture of, 318; picture of mansion, 370; profit and loss, 338; public activities, 120; retirement, 121; trade with Spain and W. I., 259-346; vessel ownership, 338. See also Jackson, Tracy & Tracy Tracy, Nicholas, 275 Tracy, Patrick, 6, 16, 97, 111, 259260, 274 Tracy, Mrs. Patrick, picture of, 260 Tracy, Robert, 262 Trade promotion, 27-44. See also individual merchants Trade routes, 12-13, 17-18, 240-241, 393, 395, 445, 1266 Traders' Bank, 118 Training of sedentary merchants, 6-11, 88-98. See also ancestry and training of individual merchants Trant, William H., 1015 Trask, Capt. Freeborn, 391 Traveller, 504, 513, 515, 788 Treaties, between Portugal and Algiers, 480; Ghent, 1140, 1144; Jay's, 33; of Amiens, 512; of Paris, 23, 25, 27 Tremont Co., 124 Trett, 186 Trial, 338 Triangular trade, see Trade routes Trieste, 1363 Trimmer, 413
INDEX Trincomali, 1095 Tristram, 186 Triton (brig.), 260, 274, 277, 287, 301, 305-306, 3 1 1 , 3 1 5 , 320, 328, 1 2 7 1 Trotter, William, & Co., 73 True American (schr.), 4 1 1 , 1368 Tryall, 405 Tryton, see Triton Tuck, Capt. John, 761 Tucker, Henry St. George, 919 Tulloh & Co., 1 1 8 7 , 1209, 1249, 1268 Tumblers, prices, 558 Turkey, 1408 Turmeric, 38, 62, 106, 354, 538, 541, 578, 678, 700, 719, 866, 901, 1039, 1053, 1 1 1 2 , 1 1 7 5 , 1 1 8 5 , 1190, 1243, 1284, 1300, 1 3 1 5 , 1 3 4 1 , 1374, 1 3 8 0 1 3 8 1 , 1389, 1 3 9 7 ; prices, 700, 702, 871, 1024, 1060, 1074, 1090, 1 1 0 7 , 1109, H I S , 1 1 3 8 , 1274, 1304 Turnbull, Alexander, & Co., 1438 Turnbull, Capt. William, 1 1 1 5 , 1 1 1 8 Turner, Capt. Robert, 1220, 1222 Turnpikes, 122, 466-472 Turpentine, 17, 37, 269, 672, 867, 910, 940, 1047, 1096, 1 1 7 2 , 1222, 1453; prices, 681, 9 1 1 Tutenague, 1 1 7 2 , 1182, 1284, 1 3 1 5 ; prices, 1109, 1 1 3 9 Twine, 35, 205, 287, 538, 808, 866, 871, _ 1069, 1397 Twist, silk and hair, 203 Two Brothers, 740 Tyng, see Tings, Mary Tyng, Col. William, 158 Tyrrhenian Sea, 1392 Umbrellas, 800 Underwear, 537; prices, 541 Unfair practices, 88-110, 232, 509, 574, 755, 1386. See also Bribery; Ethics; Smuggling Union, 260, 287, 296, 303, 309, 320 Union, 679-680, 899, 935, 940, 1073, 1244, 1254 Union (brig), 393, 399, 405, 408, 413 Union Canal Lottery, 697 Union Safe Deposit Vaults, 1533
U. S. Bank, 1 2 6 1 , 1287, 1346, 1 4 1 2 , 1419, 1432-1434, 1444; second, 1440; stock of, 1 2 8 1 , 1288, 1300, 1341 Upton, B. & H. P., 1458 Valencia, 409 Van Baggen & Parker, 545 Van Buren, Martin, 1404, 1440 Vancouver, 37, 91-92, 670, 680, 683, 690, 706-709, 717, 722, 747, 752, 897, 908, 919, 929, 935, 94° Van Staphorst, N . & I., & Hubbard, 430 Van Zeller & Dohrman, 346 Venetia, 490 Venezuela, 1401 Vengeance, 335 Verdigris, 40, 1 1 6 5 , 1 1 7 2 , 1x82, 1 2 1 0 , 1222, 1230, 1249, 1265 Vinal, Capt., 230 Vinegar, 34, 6 1 1 ; prices, 596, 612 Virginia, 1 3 , 17, 25, 79, 259, 353, 360, 1444; flour, 476; tobacco, 353, 369; wheat, 360, 476 Vises, 166, 1403, 1424 Volant, 419, 445 Waddell, William, 1 4 2 1 , 1 4 5 1 , 1466 Wadleigh, Capt. Joseph, 172 Wages, 1 2 5 - 1 2 6 , 750, 1 4 1 6 Wahabis, 1035 Waine, Capt. T., 605 Waistcoating, silk, 1210, 1268 Walker Tariff Act, 1 1 7 Walley, S. H„ 799 Wain, J. S„ 778, 803 Waltham, 771, 1285, 1289 War, King George's, 20; Napoleonic, 4 1 , 73; of 1 8 1 2 , 38, 68, 74, 1 1 3 1 1 5 , 732, 1070; Peninsular, 950 Warehousing, 54, 418, 1 1 2 1 , 1373 Warren Street Chapel, 129 Watches, 166 Watsoij, Benjamin Marston, 557 Watson, Marston, 90, 448, 557 Watt, Capt., 186 Wave, 1 5 2 1
Washington (brig), 5 5 1 , 557. 561, 5^6, 568, 5 7 1 Washington (ship), 90-91, 776, 7 8 5 786 Wax, 30, 3 5 4 ; prices, 273, 461, 1 3 5 4 Webb & Co., 1 3 5 0 Webster, Daniel, 1434 Webster, Pelatiah, 231, 247 Weed, Capt., 301 Weights and measures, 232, 3 6 1 , 403, 420, 575, 593, 6 1 1 , 645, 8 1 1 , 1010. 1017, 1280, 1378, 1382 Welles, Williams & Greene, 1 1 9 2 , 1292, 1389 Wellington, James, & Co., 358 Wendell, Oliver, 158, 347 Western Rail Road, 124 West Indies, 1 0 - 1 3 , 15, 18, 25, 27-29, 33, 3 7 - 3 8 , 4 1 - 4 2 - 4 5 - 5 T i 67, 69, 73, 77-83, n o , 170, 237, 1 1 1 8 , 1450, 1 4 9 5 ; as entrepôt, 449; restrictions on trade with, 630; specie to, 234; trade with Newburyport,
259-346- See also islands of West Point, 419 Wexford, 333, 338
Whalebone, 47 Whale oil, prices, 576 Wharfage, 418, 789 Wharton, T h o m a s & Isaac, 259, 268269, 270, 282, 294, 296, 298, 301, 306, 3 1 4 , 3 1 7 Wheat, 5, 1 3 , 1 6 - 1 8 , 24-25, 3 7 - 3 8 , 46, 79, 2 3 0 - 2 3 1 , 260-261, 263-267, 1000; duty on, 1 4 4 6 ; Odessa, 1 3 5 4 ; prices, 2 3 1 , 266, 3 6 1 , 461, 716, 1 3 5 4 ; Virginia, 360 Wheeler & Dupont, 1219 Whipple, William & Joseph, 213 Whisky, prices, 681 White, Capt. Henry, 609 White, J o h n , 2 1 0 - 2 1 3 White, J o h n , 490, 506 White, Capt. J o h n , 608 White, Capt. Joseph, 410 White, Leonard, 543 Whiting, 1222, 1250, 1265 Whitney, Eli, 1237 Wholesaling, 83
Wickham, Capt. James, 957 Wigglesworth, Edward, 298 Wigglesworth, Samuel & James, 229 Wigglesworth, Thomas, 641 Willard, Simon, 1282 William, 490, 764, 824, 8 5 5 , 1 1 8 7 William and Henry (brig), 503 William and Henry (ship), 1 3 5 3 Williams, Benjamin & George, 6 2 5 627, 715, 825, 833, 964 Williams, Charles, 1 1 9 2 , 1 2 3 5 Williams, George, 744 Williams, J o h n , 504 Williams, Samuel, 5 1 5 , 525, 560, 627, 667, 733, 785, 795, 804, 8 1 3 , 974, 986, 1 1 1 0 - 1 1 1 5 , 1 1 2 1 , 1 1 4 9 - 1 1 5 2 , 1 1 7 7 , 1 1 7 9 , 1200, 1232, 1289, 1292, 1 3 1 2 - 1 3 1 3 , 1342, 1 3 5 1 , 1364, 1369, 1386 Williams, Thomas, 504 Williams, T i m o t h y , 799, 840, 986, 1291 Williamson, James, 1 2 1 1 , 1276, 1304, 1307 Wills, Capt. J o h n , J r . , 1 2 1 6 Wilmington, Del., 1 2 7 5 Wilmington, N . C., 867
Wilmot, 160
Wilson, Nathaniel, 350, 365 Wilson, Thomas, & Co., 1 3 1 1 Winding-sheets, 1349, 1365 Window glass, 1249, 1 2 6 5 ; prices, 973. See also Glass and glassware Wine, 1 1 - 1 3 , 1 8 - 1 9 , 25, 30, 35, 37~38, 40, 76, 79, 281, 399, 419, 447, 610, 780, 787, 806, 820, 1004, 1047, 1084, 1 1 8 2 , 1 1 8 7 , 1210, 1230, 1265, 1 3 9 7 ; Bordeaux, 568, 5 7 1 , 987; Burgundy, 1 1 6 3 ; duties on, 478; hock, 1 1 6 3 , 1 2 6 8 ; Lisbon, 251, 270, 273, 3 " , 316, 449, S3«; Madeira, 318, 538, 798, 911, " ° 9 , " 3 5 , 1 1 7 2 , 1 1 8 7 , 1206, 1220, 1238, 1239, 1 5 3 0 ; prices, 248, 251, 464, 479, 486, 575, 582, 6 1 1 , 613, 1109, 1 1 3 5 , 1 2 3 1 , 1240, 1 3 5 6 ; profit on, 6 1 5 ; Spanish, 248, 2 5 1 , 464, 479, 486; Teneriffe, 9 1 1 , 1 2 0 6 , 1 2 2 3 ; Vidonia, 1239 Winthrop, Joseph, 501
INDEX Winyah Bay, 400 Wire, cap, 181 Woart, W., 736 Wolcott, Oliver, 808 Wolf, 338 Women employees in mills, 125-127 Woodenware, 259 Woodside, 1483, 1525 Wool, cards, 14, 166, 173, 182, 214; textiles, 196, 366,1000, 1424, 1454, 1459
Worcester Railroad, 769 Wrentham, 154 Wyer, Capt., 168, 218, 231, 248, 314
Wyer, William, & N., 1333 Wyman, William, 478, 485 Yankee Hero, 20, 321-324, 331 Yarmouth, N. S., 77 Yarn, cotton, 538, 558, 566; duties on, S77. 585; prices, 541 York Co., 124 Yorke, Samuel, & Schott, James, 700, 728-730, 95s, 964 Ysnardi & Co., 487 Yucatan, 724 Zinc, 1324