120 29 131MB
English Pages 81 Year 1965
ONE! Stop a minute.
Think. Why do you have to keep your Army equipment maint.ained right? Ask around your outfit and you'll gel lots of answers from different guys. Most will make right good sense, too. Soldiers know that a Modern Army has to have two things before it can fight amI win: l\1en and Equipment. Both must be in good shape ... ready for combat. You and the other men in your unit arc in good shape. You keep physically fit, and you get plenty of training on how to use your weapons and other gear and how to do your part in various tactical operations. So, physically and mentally you're sharp.
14109 SPHowitzer Optiul Equipment .10
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Think. Why do you have to keep your
AIR MOBILITY 20·27 20 Ttfjoo!iose 21 Qtt.23f UH·19 21 TWXliecap 00·13 22 U·IA OH-2J 22 U·Sf 23,21 ~I Tool lilt U8~
Army equipment maintained right? Ask around your outfit and you'll get lots of answers from different guys. Most will make right good sense, too. Soldiers know that a Modern Army has to have two things before it can fight and win: Men and Equipment. Both must be in good shape ... ready for combat. You and the other men in your unit a re in good shape. You keep physically fit, and you gel plenty of training 011 how to use your weapons and other gcar and how to do your part in various tactical operations. So, physically and mentally you're sharp.
Now, your equipment. A winning outfit is one that can shoot, move and communicate. Your weapon won' t be much good with a busted firing pin. You won't move far very fast with only your feet; besides how would you get heavy equipment, fuel, ammo and commo gear where it has to be? And you won't get the word up or down the line if the radios and telephones conk out. So, you see, it takes top-notch men and top-notch equipment to make a fighting outfit. The kind of operation and maintenance you do on your equipment will tell if you win or lose. So, stop a minute. Think. Will the operation and maintenance you do now keep you going in combat?
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Stop a minute.
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Use of hr~1b for Finlint of I/Ij5 pubUca· llDn ftn been a,p~nll lIy Htadlluarteu;, Lkparlmilltof tilt Army. 19 ftilruryl96S.
DISTRIBUTION: In accordance wit~ rt· quiremelrts sabmitted 011 OA Form 12-4:... __ _ _~~ So;I. .JIolJ·M",t, PSM~.
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Mh)9SP Howitzer OptIcal
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GROUND MOBILITY SpllfkPlugs 12,13 Fiflers 14-15 HOI\Truek 15,17 M02 16
cv-z Now, your equipment. A winning outfit is one that can shoot, move and communicate. Your weapon won't be much good with a busted firing pin. You won' t move far very fast with only your feel; besides how would you get heavy equipment, fuel, ammo and commo gear where it has to be? And you won't get the word up or down the line if the radios and telephones conk out. So, you see, it takes top-notch men and top-notch equipment to make a fighting outfit. The kind of operation and maintenance you do on your equipment will tell if you win or lose. So, stop a minute. Think. Will the operation and maintenance you do now keep you going in combat?
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OH-l3f TW~Retap
U-1A U, fed Spec UU,P·313E 18e sure to hove the spec number here, becouse the F5N mso gets you silicone-treated
lIJIS, PAPER iSN 6640·559·1385, lightweight, fed Spec UU·P·313I, Type V, 100 7xl1·i. sheets fSN 6640·5S9·1384, heavyweight, 100 7xl].in sheets fSN 6640·285·4694, heavyweight, wet·
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the Issue, So ... Please Don't Scratch Your Glass
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ceping a camera lens polished and dirt-free so's to get sharp, clear pictures is a must. You know it. The same's true foe a good view in fire-control equipment. The way you do that preventive maintenance chore is real important. The wrong way can put your lens right out of the picture. And maybe you, too. What you never use on the lens of a camera, projector, binoculars, gunsight or what-have-you is a silicone-treated lens tissue. Silicone is an abrasive, but there's moce on that later. The big point here is to stick to the lens tissue. Eyeglass and other tissues can do more harm than good.
Don't settle for less than these: LENS, nSSUE FSN~640-393-2090, lightweight, 100 3x5-in sheen ~N 6540-597-6745, heavyweight, 50 4x6-in sheen FSN 6540-285-4694, light-heavyweight, 100 7xll-in sheen, Feci Spec UU-P-313E 18e sure to have the spe< number here, be