138 89 138MB
English Pages 85 Year 1965
Remember the ~!d sa yi ng-
til I pO""er ? "Knowl ge S 'f vou\'e got It's espetially tr:u e read\' for 10 ketp Army equlpme ,
, this man's
The smartest guy ID • ~rDIV can't do much mainla,imn g ~ ta~k or a missile or a radIO unles! ht' hl§ the kno",·.ho w., ,. 'lfiere do ~'ou get it. Trammgin Sfhool or on the job-is one way. But, !!Ometiwes questions and pro~ lems ""i11 raise their ugly beads tbat II stump even the best trained man.
So, what else! Your publications, tbat's ",·bat. The Army puts out a Tetbnical Manual on almost rvery piece of rquipment. They tell you bow to maintain )'our equipment. But if you don't have one .•. \I'hallhen? Getting a pub al80 takes a little kno",·how. First, ~'ou find out what manual you need. The best way it 10 Ust
the Index, DA Pamphlet 31().4.
Then order the number of topies of
the TM you nttd on the order blank,
'"fNoWIEDGE Jt 1~
Remember the ~!~ uying"Kno'l"ledge Is p01\'er • It's 6petially true if ~'ou'\'e got to keep Arm~' equipment rtad~' for combat.
The smartest guy in this man s Arrnv caD', do much maintaining on a ta~k or a missile or a radio unlt5~ he has the kno'ol,·how.
Where do yon get it? Trainingin !!Choal or ~n the job-is ODe way. But, sometimtll questions and problems "ill raise their ugly beads that'll stump e\'en the best trained man. So, what else! Your publkations, that's 11'hat. The Army puts out a Technical ~anual on almost every pim of t>qUipment. They tell you how to maintain your equipment. But if you don't hafe ODe ••• what then! Getting a pub al80 takes a little kooll,'.bolli", First, ~'OU find out what manual you need. The best wav is to
us. tb, Ind." DA P.mphlet 3104. Then order the number of copies of
Ihe TM you need on the order blank,
DA Form 17.
you're the operator or user.
~'ou.1I ~etd the TM
lIilh a numllt'r endmg lD .10, Ibr oPfrator's manual. ~r ·12, 'he operator and organita. honal maintrnance maD1laJ. Thr nl ~ding in ·20 is for )"Our unit mftha~. Ie (organit.alionalmainltnlnu). You'll also "'anllht' parts manualit has the samr numhn b Ihr txcept it has a P addffi al Ihl' rnil . .. like th. ·12P or .20P. The TM rna)' nol Ix- Iht' oDI~' pub you'll need. In the fDdtx \ou'lIt1ft' Tethnieal Bulletins, Suppl): Bulletins and Modifitation l'ork Orden (TB. SB, lIWO). Get all that tie-in lIith ~'our equipment. Also, some gear bas Field 1I••••I, (Fll). Find th.m listed in their 0"'0 Index. DA Pam.
phl.t311J.3. Gtt: the pum--and (rom them ~'OU
' •• u. No. ISO 1'65 Serle.
IN THIS ISSUE GEN£_ AND SUPl'lY 1'ub00$tributiolt H DAFoon12-ZI 4-t PSWofks/lett , Of Codes 1
2t M
S/wIy 11,12, .... n,
('an f[el the knoll·ho~' ~ou netd to kt'ep ~'our equipment maintained ... ready to fight. That way rou and your unit ('In
pron tbat Knoll"ledge Is Pow~o win in combat.
..." .... "' ..... .tw. . . . ...... . . .rs,
................ _
. . , . . . .... _ , tl,..,. 1_ ~11
" ' - _ • • ' _ 1104. StJ-·~';;~.Jj:;--"::M.d~. PSM........ qMl ~-... ~'f' 110121
DA Fonn 17.
you're the operator or USfr.
~ou,1I ~etd tbe Tftl kith a Ilumhtr I"ndlll~ ID· 10, tht' oprralor'" manual.
~r -12, ,br 0pttalor ah~ organiu. hon~1 maintt'nao(,t malItlal. The nl endmg in ·20 is ror ~'Our unit mttru.n. it (organiutionai maiOltnanrt). You'll also "ant the parts manual: it bas the ~mt humbrr b Ihr nl ntept it b~ a P arldHi al Ihl' tnd
... like Ib, ·12P or .20P. TheTM ma~' not hE' Iht' ohl~ vuh you'll netd. In the lolln \'ou'li ~
Tttbnital Bulletins., Suppl~' Bulletins
and Modification'"ork Orders (TB. S8, MWO). Gti all that tit-in kith ~'our equipment.
Also, &Orne ~ear has
Field M,nual. (Fll). Find them listed in their own Index. DA Pam.
phlet 31().3. Cd. the pub:t-and from them ~'OU '(an get Iht' knoll-·how ~'OU nftd to ktep ~our tquipment maintained •..
rtadv 10 fight. That wav you and your unit ('10 prove that Knoll'ledge Is Pow~o win in combat.
GENERAl AND SUPPlY PubDisllibvtiCIII N I'tIwf'uDlieltiuM II DAformlZ·ZI 4t BomIKAway 14 PSWof..sheet • S&wIJ 11, II, I4.n.
WHEELED TRACKED RadiltGrHows .11 MlogstKowilzer ft.ll MJ5Al IHl MI07 SP GIll! 22·n M38AI l4 MII3ft 24 CircuitTtstef a.1I
You wouldn't wane co miss getting a copy of some order-like one that hit you with a promotion, for example, now would you? There are some other mighty important orders-the Army publications on your equipment ... technical manuals, lube orders, technical bulletins, modification work orders, supply manuals, supply bulletins, pamphlets, circulars, '~.'lOi_;;iOiI field manuals and regulations. You'll notice that they're signed off by the Army Chief of Staff and The Adjutant General. Rea l top level. You wane to make sure you don't miss out on any of these that might be about equipment you operate, maintain or supply. To make sure, just remember that the pubs reach you by two routes-
I You wouldn't want to miss getting a copy of some order-like one chat hit you with a promotion, for example, now would you? There are some other mighty important orders-the Army publications on your equipment ... technical manuals, lube orders, technical bulletins, modification work orders, supply manuals, supply bulletins, pamphlets, circulars, field manuals and regulations. You' ll notice that they ' re signed off by the Army Chief of Staff and The Adjutant General. Real top level. You want to make sure you don't miss out on any of these that might be about equipment you operate, maintain or supply. To make sure, just reo member that the pubs reach you by two roures-
"'I:'i'f~.~ All other publications are distributed by the formula (printed in the pub) from your post or division AG section. To get on this distribution, you have your Post or Division AG send in DA Forms 12 with 12-1, 12-2 or 12-3, or Your outfit will want at least one copy each of the Baltimore and St. Louis Publications Distribution Center Bulletins. They're pur out weekly and list the latest pubs that have been shipped
out. Real handy for keeping up-to-date. Order these from your post or division AG section. You've got to send in your order (the 12-series forms) to get the publications you need for maintenance and supply. And keep on tOP of the latest ones out by reading the Distribution Center Bulletins. P.S.-There's a real handy pamphlet on publications distribution, DA Pamphlet 310-10 (May 64) "Guide for Pub· lications Supply Personnel."
I COME FOB~I1JLA TO YOU VIA ... DISTRIB1JTION ITHRU COMMAND CHANNELS} All other publications are distributed by the formula (printed in the pub) from your post or division AG section. To get on this distribution , you have your Post or Division AG send in DA Forms 12 with 12-1, 12·2 or 12·3, or Your outfit will want at least one copy each of the Baltimore and St. Louis Publications Distribution Center Bulletins. They're put out weekly and list the latest pubs that have been shipped
out. Real handy for keeping up-to-date. Order these from your post or division AG section. You've gO( to send in your order (the 12-series forms) to get the publications you need for maintenance and supply. And keep on tOp of the latest ones out by reading the Distribution Center Bulletins. P.S. -There's a real handy pamphlet on publications distribution, DA Pamph let 310·10 (May 64) " Guide for Pub· lications Supply Personnel."
Grab that pencil or typewriter and get with it! Opportunity; knocking at your door. You can now tell the pubs people in St. Louis just what Federal and DA Supply Catalogs you need , and you won't have to clutter up your shelves with a bunch of pubs you don't use. The good news comes with DA Circular 310-10 (8 May 64), which tells aboll' DA Form 12.21 (1 64).
DA Form 12-21 , " Requirements Federal and Department of the Army Supply Catalogs," lists the FSC group and commodity identification from FSC 10 (\.V"eapons) to 99 (Miscellaneous).
Yo'u'li note there ore three columns on the 12-21. The fi rst one is the IDENTIFICATION lilT, These IL's furnish identification data, such os FSN, nomencloture, etc.
H urry! Quick! Pronto! Grab that pencil or typewriter and get with it! Opportunity; knocking at your door. You can now tell the pubs people in Sc. louis just what Federal and DA Supply Catalogs you need , and you won't have to clutter up your shelves with a bunch of pubs you don' t use. The good news comes with DA Circular 310-10 (8 May 64), which tells about DA Form 12-21 (1 May 64).
PUBLICATIONS DA Form 12-21, "Requirements for Fed eral and Department of the Army Suppl y Catalogs," lists the FSC group and commodity identification from FSC 10 (\'X'eapons) to 99 (Miscellaneous).
Then there's tlie MGMT DATA LIST (Monogement Doto list or Mrs). The catologs in this category will give you prices, unit of issue, supply status code, ond, of course, the FSN.
The CROll-REF lilT column is crossed out ond SKO COM·
PONENT LIST is written in (DC, cording to Sf. Louis AG Publ icotion Center Letter A6AM-L, 16 July 19641. That IKO is on abbreviation for Sets, Kits, and Outfits. (Most of these will be published os DA lupply Catologs.l You go down the list to make sure you 're ordering what you need but don't get your shelves cluttered with "nice to hove" pubs.
N ow chat you know wh at to expect in the Il's, ML's , and Cl's (thatel is for Sets, Kits, and O u tfi t s Comp o nents), study the list ca r ef ull y befo r e you start p utting down the num ber of copies you' ll need. Once you've decided , you put down the number you need in the appropria te column opposite the group or class. You' ll p robably need more of one type supply catalog t han another. If you do, then pu t the number dow n. Befo re you make a ny has ty decisions, you shou ld keep in mind that you'll get a ll the supply cata logs that apply to t he category you're req uesting. And , many of them ' 11 come in more tha n one volume. For instance, if you request Il's for t he 53 group, you 'll get ten vo lum es of CS30S-Il (screws).
f ,C M.
USE TIlEM All ~ '''M WU
... , ,,,
Yo·u'li note there are three columns on the 12·21. The first one is the IDENTIFICATION LIST. These IL·s furnish identificotion dolo, such as FSN, nomendature, etc.
Then theres t~e MGMT DATA UST (Management Data List or
ML'S), The catalogs in this cotegory will give you prices, ooit of issue, supply status code, and, of (OUrse, the fSN.
The (ROSS·REF LIST (olumn is crossed ouf and SKO COMPONENT LIST is wriHen in {oc-
cording to St. louis AG Publication (enter leHer AGAM-l, 16 July 19641. Thot SKO is an abbreviation for Sets, Kits, and Outfits. fMost of these will be published as DA Supply (ota· logs.) You go down the list to make sure you're ordering what you need but don't get your shelves duttered with "nice to hove" pubs.
Ins ' O R HD€UL """ Dl""R TMUIl 0' TH~ ARMY SU ~ ~ LY C ATALOGS (c"," "vod) ''''' ~ ODITY ID€MT I "CA"ON